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By Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe –
The Political Economy of the Lankan State and the Limits of Democratic Constitutional Reform
The constitutional reform process has been placed on top of the national agenda, with much fanfare. This is even as the country is rapidly sinking into an inexorable debt-ridden financial crisis and broad sections that had voted for the Sirisena-Ranil dispensation are questioning the honesty, ability and credibility of the new ‘National-Unity government’. So, what is the urgency for constitutional reform? In my analysis, the current constitutional reform process reflects a desperate measure to further prop up the prevailing centralized, hegemonic-supremacist, unitary Capitalist State. This is in spite of the myriad reforms already, and would be, undertaken, including constitutional, legal, political, electoral and administrative reforms. In fact, these reforms would be designed to further centralize and monopolize State power. For example, the so-called Right to Information Act (RTI) has been designed to constitutionally suppress vital information regarding the economy, foreign relations and trade agreements. So, just shut up and fall in line on CEPA/ETCA! Information pertaining to the defence of the State (From whom?), territorial integrity and national security is also banned. Just think how broad and vague these categories are?
None of these duplicitous reforms shall in any fundamental way, affect the basic character of the Lankan State and Social Formation, which remains founded upon a pathetically dependent semi-feudal/ neo-colonial political economy and social order. This kind of political economy is greased and oiled by financial racketeers, who rake in enormous profits through State patronage, legitimacy and authority. Whoever rules, whoever the personality may be, whatever the regime may be, they must rule over a crony-mafia Capitalist State and Economy which is fatally dependent on circuits of international finance capital for its very survival, for raking in lucrative profits and fat commissions. That is why I say that the Mahinda Rajapaksa Regime was no aberration nor mutation, but a logical evolution and concentration of the Lankan State and the political economy upon which it is erected. It has become a State dominated by a corrupt mafia with finance capitalist tentacles carrying the blood lines of imperialism through the state, the bureaucracy and the economy. Although this type of State suits the needs of the neo-liberal agenda of the imperialist powers, it needs some serious and urgent patching up. Caught up in this swirl of volatile and intensifying contradictions and beset by violent fault-lines, the State needs to be overhauled. This is so that we can move away from the kind of personalized, autocratic class dictatorship of the Rajapaksa triumvirate and dynasty into an internationally acceptable standard ( that is to the US, India and the UN). This reform overhaul is required in order to clean and polish the machinery of the State, both its ideological and repressive apparatuses, and fine-tune the rules of the game, so there would be some degree of predictable stability for the State, the System and the survival of its pathetic and parasitic ruling class. Constitutional reform, elections, referendums are all but means to divide, delude, corral and somehow get the masses to give their spirited mandate for this same ruling class to continue in power, taking their due turn, as the sworn guardians of the defunct, neo-colonial State and Political-Economic Order.
Within the power structure of the State, at its pinnacle, are a handful of financial capitalists, including drug-dealers, racketeers, ministers and top bureaucrats who wield decisive power and influence over the State. It is they who oil and grease the machinery of imperialist penetration and plunder, and breed astronomical corruption, to rake in enormous profits, in return. This State-Bureaucratic Capitalist Sector has become more powerful and dominant than the traditional private sector. This semi-feudal/neo-colonial political economy is controlled and managed by each successive regime in power representing the Ruling Class, which is represented by two dominant Capitalist parties- the UNP and the SLFP. They may gang up on each other, fight like scavenging dogs for State power, since that is the ladder to accumulate wealth, status, privilege and power. State power has become the single most concentrated and effective source of capital accumulation and expanded reproduction for these parasitic vultures. Add to that the fact that the island has become a major transit point for the international narcotics trade. This form of political economy has been described as crony-mafia Capitalism, where the economy is run according to the needs and appetites of this dominant handful of corrupt and parasitic finance capitalist who wield state power, whether in or out of the ruling regime. This prevailing economy can only intensify the screaming lopsidedness, dependence and indebtedness where the oppressed masses shall be bled dry to feed the needs and appetites of this dominant ruling class. Nothing will be done to loosen or weaken the continued sell-out and fatal dependence on the IMF, WB, ADB etc. In fact, the lifelines will be opened that much wider for these international finance capitalist – imperialist – vultures of blood and profit to sink their deadly fangs even deeper. Indeed, it may be that our water resources would be owned by a multi-national corporation, like oil, and sold back to us. I don’t believe that I am exaggerating or amplifying the basic character and future direction of the Lankan State and its neo-colonial political economy.
I certainly do not expect any radical dismantling of the basic character or any essential feature of the Lankan State, which remains, and will continue to remain, a highly centralized, hegemonic-supremacist, unitary Capitalist State commanding a comprador ruling class dictatorship over a sinking semi-feudal/ neo-colonial economy. What we have as a ruling class is a class of Comprador-State Bureaucratic agents, living and growing off the spoils of imperialist profit and plunder. This is because the Lankan State and political economy is a creature of Colonial-Imperialist domination and is made to function as a backward, semi-feudal colony that feeds into the needs, compulsions and appetites of these foreign powers and masters- in terms of capital accumulation, raw materials, exploitable labour and markets. Also, in terms of rival strategic interests. The Lankan State is beyond fundamental repair, because its foundations were crafted and laid in order to secure continued and intensifying domination, exploitation and plunder by the colonial-imperialist powers and handed down to its chosen lackeys to control and manage affairs for them. As they continue to do, even while fighting like scavenging dogs for their share of the kill.
Besieged from Outside and Inside
The dire need for constitutional reform arises also because the Lanka State, its political economy and social order is besieged internally and by external forces. It is besieged by its own simmering contradictions which cannot be resolved within the basic (semi) feudal-(neo) colonial structure, legacy and framework, in which it continues to survive in moribund decay. The Lankan State is also besieged from external forces, who are a vital element organically interconnected and a catalytic force that drives the internal contradictions and conflicts, and who must necessarily exacerbate them in order to carve out their own strategic leverage and advantage. It is really like a deadly game of international chess being played with the Land and the People of Lanka, and the different agents of the ruling class applying conflicting and colluding strategies of survival. The Lankan State faces a mounting external threat from international and regional powers, who have high strategic stakes in the country. The US, India and China, and the EU, Japan and Russia are playing their cards in the game of geo-politics in Lanka. These powers are engaged in controlling the lifelines of the country, so they could gain strategic advantage and even supremacy in the most vital Asia-Pacific/ Indian Ocean Region. These powers would wish to have a strong, stable and viable State in command of the fortress, but one they can, individually, severally and together, manipulate and control, to the exclusion of its rivals. This is to better accommodate their respective neo-liberal global imperialist economic and geo-political strategic agendas.
This rivalry and contention for power and influence over the island has its definite effects. It serves to polarize and exacerbate the rivalry and contention for power and dominance within the various fractions of the ruling class. These linkages contribute towards the internationalization of the crisis and plunges the State into a desperate whirlpool of irresolvable, labyrinthine crises. Opening the doors even wider to these scavenging foreign wolves of International Capital, whether envisaged as the ‘Miracle of Asia’ or the ‘Megapolis Miracle’ would, of course, mortgage the life and future of all born and yet to be born generations to these insatiate vultures of international finance capital, and drive the masses of people across the Land towards even more desperate poverty, indebtedness and insecurity. This is, while the country becomes the playing field of contending, marauding international and regional powers. We can think seriously that there is going to be a period of unimaginable turmoil, anarchy, chaos and violence, that could lead to unexpected conclusions. Even system failure, like the repeated power outages. So, you need to get your house in order. You need to screw the hinges and nails, tighten the frame all over again that much better. You need to paint it up with a new colour and with new curtains and furniture to hide the crimes and the blood stains. You need to set new rules of the game where each shall know their role and function. Most of all, the new face of the old order must be dressed and sanitized so it may regain and restore the some semblance of legitimacy of the State. Even if that means appointing alleged war criminals, corrupt mafia agents, suspected criminals and known international racketeers to positions of power and authority. What better way than by getting the people to mandate it, all over again through a national referendum. It is like infusing new blood into dilapidated veins, just to keep the dying patient alive. That is the precise and primary function of the current constitutional reform process.
Propping-up a Battered State in Tatters
The constitutional reform process is urgently needed in order to restore the public legitimacy of a State that had been battered to tatters by the previous regime. The previous regime had turned the state into an extra-legal machine and apparatus for the protection and promotion of a crony-narco-mafia form of an extreme parasitic and corrupt political economy. It was geared towards the expansion, consolidation and perpetuation of the autocratic dominance of the Rajapaksa dynasty and its inner coterie. To achieve this objective, this regime had glorified the war as a war of victorious conquest and occupation by the Sinhala Buddhist Nation and its State, like over a subject people. It was hailed, sold and blessed as a great patriotic war to defend the Motherland, the exclusive historical claim of the Religion, Language and Land of the ‘Sinhalayas’, the eternal glory and honour for which was projected to be enshrined, embodied and crowned in the person of H. E. Mahinda Rajapaksa. The Rajapaksa regime nurtured and unleashed deep chauvinist fear and hatred towards all other nationalities and religious-ethnic communities. It relied upon entrenching, institutionalising and practising a virulent political ideology of Sinhala-Buddhist supremacy. The monumental scale of gross and rampant corruption and abuse of power, along with this naked arrogation of power, wealth, status and privilege, ignited a spark that inflamed broad social consciousness. A mounting apprehension grew among broad sections of the people, particularly among key players and professionals, and among the toiling masses and oppressed nationalities, communities, and groups that there would be a system failure and a breakdown of decent, civilized life. This, indeed, was a desperate manoeuvre at a deadly hour, when the State and the political system was turning into a neo-fascist, despotic, marauding monster, and was undergoing profound strain and dysfunction, and had begun to fatally lose its legitimacy in the eyes of world community, and among broad sections and stakeholders internally. The truth of the matter is that the MR monstrosity emerged from the foundations of the Lankan State, from the foundations of a so-called ‘five-star’ democracy. Nor was the MR phenomenon some terrible aberration from the norm, but a concentration of the basic chauvinist, supremacist, hegemonic character of the semi-feudal/ neo-colonial/ comprador capitalist Lankan State and Political Order. As long as this foundation remains intact, though rotting and tottering, all that can be done to preserve the system is to bring in a new musical band and change the tune, just so long as you can get the ignorant, oppressed masses to sing along, including in Tamil!
Musical Chairs
On cue, like the game of musical chairs, once again, the system produced an alternative model in the form of the ‘National Unity’ government constituted by the same two main Capitalist parties that have successively bled and led the country and the people into this horrible whirlpool of escalating crises, disintegration and moral decomposition. Just like Chandrika was also manufactured as the blessing from above to save the country and the people from 17 years of the hated UNP rule. The new government is led by H.E. Maitripala Sirisena as Executive President, representing the leadership of the SLFP and Hon. Ranil Wickremesinghe representing the leadership of the UNP, as Prime Minster. The same pack of wolves, wrapped in new sheep’s clothing, all covering up their responsibility for this spiralling crisis, their abominable crimes– all the better to eat you with.
A Sinking Quagmire of Contradiction and Contention
The fact is that every successive government in power and its Opposition have acted to intensify the national and class contradictions that have found explosive expression today and taken turns in driving this spiralling process of crises and disintegration. All parties that have ruled, whether in power or in opposition, have to bear responsibility for seeding such cancerous poison into our life and society. Mass massacres, extra-legal killings, enforced disappearances, inhuman torture, sexual atrocities against women and children all occurred under a Constitution that guaranteed fundamental human and democratic rights. The PTA, in one stroke, effectively buried all those rights. The North-East was demerged through constitution law, in spite of having violated the Indo-Lanka Accord and the 13th Amendment. Any and every concession palmed out and every genuine gain and victory won by the Tamil nation have been all negated and liquidated by the current military conquest, occupation and political subjugation of the Tamil Nation. So, what’s new? Any move towards devolution of power as a token of solving the National Question, even if it is undertaken under international pressure will lead to a powder-keg of opposition and militant resistance by the chauvinist-supremacist camp, led by Mahinda Rajapaksa. And, so also the issue of any form of public accountability for war crimes and other violations of international human rights and humanitarian laws. The Lion has roared from Hyde Park, to cry for his meal and to save his own skin. So, he, and his coterie of criminals are desperate, hungry and ferocious. Sirisena backs off everywhere, on each front. He does not have the guts nor the power to command the SLFP, to which he remains beholden for his political career lest he be cast aside as a forgotten relic. He can only buy or cajole the ministers and members to submission. For this, Sirisena has to compromise on the prosecution of known large –scale criminals, including from the Rajapaksa clan. Ranil is concerned to open up the gates to foreign plunder, establish hegemonic dictatorship and get the sinking economy afloat. That shall also provide the gist for the Mahinda backlash, as more intolerable burdens and vicious repression are unleashed on the masses. There are widening cracks within the National Unity Government over the nature and level of devolution, issues of accountability, and the ways of strengthening the centralised dictatorship of the unitary Capitalist State.
It becomes clear that the constitutional reform process itself shall unleash violent dissent and fierce resistance from opposing forces. This is because the fight is not over democratic constitutional principles and good governance. It is about a struggle for power to stay alive for each fraction of the ruling class. The ruling side in power has to somehow appease the international forces by engaging in symbolic acts of reconciliation, accountability, and solving the national question. The Lankan state is on trial on these issues by the UN, driven by US imperialism and its accomplices. The constitutional reform process is driven by these compulsions, and not by any genuine democratic need nor aspiration of its engineers. So, it has to tread on a thin line. The moment the line seems to break with mass opposition and resistance inspired by virulent chauvinism, the State recoils and reacts back to its original hegemonic-supremacist principles. This neo-fascist agenda dressed us as patriotism is the trump card today in Mahinda’s hand, to which the status quo has historically submitted. It is the same chauvinist-patriotic trump card that had also been applied by every successive Regime and its Opposition.
But, be assured, whichever way the cookie crumbles, the prevailing centralized, hegemonic, supremacist, unitary Capitalist State shall be refurbished and consolidated. So much for the hopes and aspirations of the ‘Yahapalanaya’ (sic) ‘revolution’. So much for the hopes for liberation of the workers, peasants, fisher-people, all those who toil and slave, of the oppressed nationalities, of women, students and youth. The future of the Tamil Nation will be decided as an outcome between local, regional and international rival, contending forces, certainly not as an act of self-determination. The Megapolis-Port City fiasco, just like the ‘Wonder of Asia’, shall pave the way not for all-round development towards national independence, self-reliance, unity, democratic freedom and economic prosperity, but towards even more slavish dependence, fatal indebtedness and a living hell for the vast majority of the exploited and oppressed masses and nationalities, far worse than even under the previous regime. This is as the world imperialist system plunges into its worst global economic crisis, unleashing intensifying economic, political, military and strategic contention among and between the various rival imperialist powers, who must re-divide the world through war in order to expand their empires of corporate profit and plunder and survive, at all costs. These are the winds of change howling throughout the Earth, even as Planet Earth itself is being fatally threatened by an ecological emergency cause by Global Warming, due to the logic of competing empires of corporate profit and plunder.
Mood of the Masses: Simmering Volatility
There is a growing mood of deep resentment, distrust and even revulsion, particularly among those who have been victimised and rendered fatally vulnerable and marginalized and who have no hope or dying hopes for a better future, towards all state institutions and officials and bureaucrats, and against politicians in general and a deep yearning for some form of real change in their lives. This feeling and mood can accumulate and gather force, and erupt into open rebellion against the prevailing political order and the status-quo. The status quo would resort to even more barbaric repression and terror. The whole pack of cards could then collapse, leaving a power vacuum in the island – and the region. A most disastrous scenario for the rulers and their respective masters.
The Need of the Times
Placing faith in the system and playing the game, in whatever form or manner, to keep it afloat from sinking, whether it be through constitutional, political, electoral, administrative and institutional reform, is to participate, knowingly or unwittingly, in the patching up of a defunct and criminal system on its way towards self-destruction. It is to participate in laying a trap and in spreading a poisonous illusion of liberation. The argument and justification shall be that we must choose the ‘lesser evil’. It is not realized that we do not have live under any evil force, lesser or greater. It is the age and the time to sweep away all demons and dragons off the face of the Earth so the people of the world shall reap the infinite harvest of the 21st Century and enjoy the fruits of freedom in their prodigious creativity, joyous abandon and abundant prosperity. So, once again, the people of Lanka, oppressor and oppressed, master and slave, enforcer and victim shall all embrace and join hands in a demonstration of unity in bringing forth a new way of life, a new way to freedom and liberation, to be mandated by their own conscious, sovereign will, as enshrined and guaranteed by a new or amended constitution. Of course, the system will act to draw and mobilize the masses into the fight. Its chief enforcers, its various political leaders and players will chose sides, make strident criticisms and objections, appear to be the vanguard of national independence, democracy and freedom. Once again, the people will be taken for a long ride and their hopes dashed to the ground and ground to dust, while the powers that be shall consolidate their rule and dictatorship over society.
The way out of this horrible mess and never-ending nightmare of horror and terror is to build an independent political movement, cutting through all enforced and divided barricades, to unite all the dispossessed, degraded, exploited, oppressed and violated masses and women of Lanka, with the common aim of breaking the fatal stranglehold of imperialism finally and decisively, and take steps to build a whole new State and Political-Economic-Social Order. One that shall truly empower the people of Lanka to decide, design, plan and build their society, their world and their future, bound together in voluntary union, living solidarity and active cooperation. Such a political movement shall require bold and daring visionary leadership with a scientific approach and method, who shall dedicate their life and energy towards bringing forth a new generation to build a new world on new foundations, and usher in a new era of universal enlightenment and freedom. This shall be upon the ashes and ruins of the system and the era of imperialism and universal barbarism, in unity with the rising tide of anti-imperialist resistance, rebellion and revolution of the oppressed nations and people of the world. That path of struggle for genuine human emancipation must be the path of struggle for all nations, countries and people of the world Then shall the true new dawn of human civilization and a new stage of human social evolution begin. We must try to our best and contribute all that we can to build such an internationalist contingent of forces that can together act upon the stage of history to turn its trajectory away from universal destruction to the creation of a whole new world and a new era of freedom.
Do we dare to dream and make them come true? John Lennon of the Beatles, once sang an immemorial song titled ‘Imagine’. In that he speaks to a new world where there is no religion, nor heaven and hell; Imagine all the people living life in dreams’ he implores; A world where there are no violent divisions, no social relations of domination, exploitation and oppression – although not in those words or concepts. He also said that ‘You may say that I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one. Someday you shall join us and the world would be as One’. In the beginning, all great accomplishments in history have been first conceived and acted upon by a minority of forces in command of the truth and the situation, and are willing to light the flame of scientific reason and conscious revolution, for the sake of all humanity.
Latest comments
Nathan / April 7, 2016
The only area where reform is needed is in our mental outlook.
Where we have failed is to develop the will to look at us as one family. A house that is divided cannot stand.
Tinkering around the edges cannot hold us long as a nation.
D.Nimal / April 7, 2016
This is fundamental fact about the new political situation of
Sri lanka has been change into new height.
Prior to 2015 January 9th Presidential election and prior to Parliament that UNP, JVP and TNA not in majority were in position to take refuge at least with a hint of plausibility ,in the argument that will of the majority was unknown.
The fog which some reactionary people of foreign powers of USA, UK and Mainly Indian -RAW artificially worked up has dispersed.
Bur currently have majority of UNP, JVP, TNA, Muslim Congress and section of SLFP splitters, that you are ruling parties or rather the ruling bloc. And they are accountable and responsible of good governances and rule of law.
Now in propaganda and agitation in general and that Constituent Council campaign in particular is your key task now is explain to the people and public as carefully, efficiently and clearly as possible by UNP-leader of Ranil W…. and CBK of Neo-colonialist politicians and their moribund Comprador bourgeoisie outfits that it is UNP, SLFP section-CBK, MS, TNA and JVP ruling parties that are responsible for our country’s policy today. Now they command majority.
UNP-Ranil W… and CBK are now responsibility for 16 months for current economic mess up, political instability, unemployment, foreign debts by last 16 months of mismanagement of economy by UNP that misdeed policy , balance of trade deficit ,which basing economic policy on hope was really risky as reckless as banking lending that preceded the crisis. The consequences would unfold over the ensuing months.
Would Sri Lankan believed that they were working for themselves or for UNP-Ranil. W… CBK and MS? The critic of UNP policies are they going rescue package ,it is no surprise that UNP Neo-colonial team so tightly linked to USA, UK and Indian hegemonies had not pushed for new alternative of sustainability of Capitalism.
The writer has to learn lessons political history of country that we an era of DEMOCRTIC REVOLUATION.
The paramount question is leadership that important of which class and their leadership lead revolution that MUST be Proletariat by key player of working class Party .
Such political party an ideological guidance must be by Marxism and Leninism .
Without these conditions Democratic revolution will be fail again as past left movement did. This is not at as simple as it is writing in the internet comment.
sekara / April 7, 2016
While much of what is said about the state, parliament etc. is true and comments about the present regime are by and large valid, people still believe that something can be delivered through the system.
To build an independent political movement, one needs to start with real issues.
The reforms may be fraudulent, but they offer an opportunity to get the people to talk about issues.
One has to warn people about innocent looking clauses which can open up the country further to multi-prong foreign domination. One has to warn them against hidden anti-democratic traps.
It is important to participate in the debate and bring up issues which will expose the true intentions behind constitutional reforms.
D.Nimal / April 7, 2016
The proposed UNP that New Constitutional Council or Assembly is illusion are what we call a political magic ,when ignorant elites as well as when people believe in the existence of a normal juridical system, orderly and legalised Neo-Liberal order in short by
so-called “New Republic Constitutional” system although, it does not really exist come under the current UNP-Ranil.W… CBK and MS led regime.
In fact UNP leaders and party thinking thank it my appear that
Sri lanka that today 2016 April when there is NO constitution has yet been drafted ,there can be NO question of proposed New Constitution illusion arise.
In reality the proposed so-called “devolution package” and “anti-unitary character” of the essential nature of that New constitution by UNP leadership that present political situation in Sri Lanka totally mess up by leadership of Ranil W.. CBK & MS ,that extremely large number of people are NOT in favour of proposed New Constitutional illusion.
Well, in positively UNP has no step can be taken towards a correct formulation of democratization task in Sri Lankan today; unless we above all concentrate on systematically and ruthlessly exposing
New constitution illusion ,by revealing all their foreign Tamil chauvinist-separatism and US hegemonies revealing all their roots and re-order or re-establishing a proper democratic political perspective.
There is three ideas of New Proposed constitution as follow;
1 UNP and foreign power of Indian and USA & UK is about to have New Constitution. Certain political parties such as TNA, Muslim Congress and UNP leadership of Ranil W… and CBK and other Tamil and western back NGOs want undermined sovereignty and Territorial Integrity by proposed constitutional reforms.
2 Majority people an opposed new constitution reform in general cannot be ignored and even less violated in Current Republic constitution key foundation of sovereignty and half hatred democratic move be disadvantage of partition of land and people of Sri Lankan – Island by UNP proposed constitution.
3 There is certain measure of proposed constitution assembly going supressed unitary character of state ,that is vital interest of US and Indian domination of Indian Ocean by proposed separate Tamil rough state or new puppet regime in large part of Sri lanka.
Indeed expanding so-called federal status by 13 Amended forced by the SL/R/C of Indian IPKF gun boat democracy during 1987 Indo-Sri lanka accord.
Nevertheless the chances of new constitution are a hundred to one against the Constitutional Assembly being convened on that date so why is hurry? Country in the whole mess economically and politically last 16 months, hence ugly Tamil separatism is arsing their head; it will be as impotent and useless as was so-called “rainbow revolution” started by UNP ,that we have wait until new democratic revolution triumphs in Sri lanka.
We cannot appreciate this proposal ,we only have to detach ourselves for the moment from the ongoing hubbub of UNP, CBK and MS empty phrases, promises 2015 January 9th and 2015 August 17th doing petty things which fuddles our thinking and take a look at key issues ,at what determines everything in public life decaling as whole in
Sri Lankan than previous governance of MR ruling alliances.
It is clear that UNP comprador bourgeoisie led regime in Sri lanka have very closed tied up with US and Indian power games by supporting TNA separatism.
The UNP compradors bourgeoisie differ from the TNA ,MC and JVP petty bourgeoisie in that the US and Indian have learned from their economic, political and social experiences in short period of 16 months ,the conditions under which ‘good governance,& ‘rule of law’ and “new constitutional proposed” changes can be preserved neo-colonial land of Sri lanaka under depend capitalism for their military bases in part of an Island.
On the one hand that UNP proposed new constitution in the Parliament on the other hand the foreign related big businessmen, people who are making big deals, trade transactions and accustomed to getting down even US and Indian vested interest of political matters in a strictly business-like manners by UNP mode of operation in every sector of nation.
In fact we have say UNP leaders of Ranil W… CBK and MS take the bull by horns rather than putting their trust in political words.
The so-called misled revolution in 2015 January 9th by right-wing political democracy is hipcoracy of modern political science of fake democracy of UNP that has to be learn by political scienctance like
Dr Ajith Rupasinghe!.
Indeed unless a new revolution under the leadership of masses leadership of Marxist -Leninist party takes place in
Sri Lankan ,unless the power of the UNP counter-revolutionary comprador bourgeoisie is legally or by power of masses is overthrown their of governances by democratic revolution that which constitutional assemble will either never meet people aspiration of democracy.
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Excellent for making cheese cake or fruit tarts. You can get creative with your cooking skills. Egg muffins, patties, desserts, and fried eggs are some of the dishes you can cook. Their egg rings are with them. It's a perfect tool for cooking food. Look clean and save time. You can make breakfast food quickly and easily. Lift the egg rings with the bunny ears. Premium and durable food grade material is used to make their egg rings. It is safe to use and handle with food because it is heat resistant. The material is dishwasher safe and doesn't stick to the pan. It's easy to clean. Simply wash it with a drop of dish soap and then put it in the dishwasher as it is dishwasher safe. It is small to keep in your drawer. There are cute mini eggs and pancakes that you can cook. Enjoy your breakfast without being messy. The perfect round shaped eggs can be cooked with their rings. It comes in a pack so you can cook more at once.
👤A lot of people don't know how to use Egg Rings. There is a When you put the egg in the ring, make sure the sides are hot before you put it in, because it will set immediately when it hits the hot edges of the ring. You need to put a cover on the pan to make sure the other side doesn't get steamed. There is a Egg rings are being thrown away because they aren't being used correctly.
👤They seemed like a good idea, but they don't work. I threw them away after trying to use them three different times. The bottom of the egg is like shoe leather before the top is cooked, even if you get past the fact that 1/2 the egg drain away from underneath. They were hard to clean. Too much work for no benefit.
👤There was an awful mess. Egg just goes everywhere, these don't seal with oil, foil, or parchment. Eggs start spilling out when I release the ring, even though I tried to hold it down to get a good seal. Does not work as advertised.
👤Wasn't impressed. Only one out of four worked. They don't sit on the pan. I tried warming them up as well. There is a Maybe they need to break something. They did cook a patty, but too much of it leaked out and was wasted. If they were heavier to sit on the pan, they would work better. I might try a different product. The picture is hazy from the steam. Maybe better luck in the future.
👤Eggs escaped outside of the rings and these would be perfect without them. I think you will need to add some weight.
👤We had to wait a few hours to get them straightened out, but they are great! I picked these because they don't have metal parts.
👤These are good for making breakfast sandwiches. You need to spray the inside of the egg because it sticks to the silicone. I put it in the pan and sprayed it.
👤I wanted them to work, but they didn't. The egg was messy and leaked under the edge, which was more than I could handle without the ring.
👤They are all different. There is no way to fix that. The egg leaks out because they don't sit flat. The light shines through the gap at the bottom of the photo. How could it work?
👤When I lived in the US, Prime meant 2 day free delivery but it took weeks to arrive and we still had to pay for it. There is a The bits that stick up make it difficult to flip the egg if you want to cook it on both sides. Egg gets stuck to the rings, but it cleans off easily in hot soapy water.
👤There are elastic bands with ears. There was no body or shape. The price is excessive for what you get..
Roll top edges and smooth welds prevent your fingers from getting hurt while pressing on the dough..
24 hours of customer service. It is safe and durable. They will reply to your questions within 24 hours and give you a satisfactory solution. The cooking set contains 2 circle-shaped fried egg rings, 2 heart-shaped egg rings, 2 egg poachers, 1 egg yolk separator, 1 egg slicer, 1 egg timer, and 1 Silicone whisk. The items are packed in a box. The egg maker set is more reliable than regular egg cooking items because it is made from high-quality material. The food-grade cooking utensil set is going to be your long-term kitchen companion. The dishwasher safe kitchen utensils could be easily cleaned without leaving residuals behind. After every use, wash the items. They are easy to store in the kitchen cabinets or drawers. Silicone kitchen items are great for helping in quick and efficient cooking. The egg shaper and other items can help you cook your perfect egg in a variety of ways. The egg separator and egg whisk make it easier to cook while the egg molds help to create the perfect shape. The egg timer and heat-resistant egg poacher help you to get the perfect boiled and poached egg as you please, and a versatile egg slicer cuts them in your favorite style.
👤Everything you need for a cute breakfast is in this egg set. It comes with tools to make eggs and shapes, just make sure you have the right material on the frying pan. It comes with three different egg cutting tools that can be used to cut your hard-boiled eggs in half and two cubes and shapes. It has an egg type holder for making poached eggs. It's great for making omelettes and various scrambled eggs. This is the best gift to give for a gathering.
👤The rings don't keep the whites inside well. The slicing kit works well. It is easy to clean. I would buy again except for rings.
👤I am very happy with my purchase. The items were packaged nicely. The bundle has everything you need to cook an egg. Would recommend.
👤I got it for eggs and it will be good for pancakes.
👤This package was wonderful. Thank you included a book of recipes. I've used all of the items and they are all great. If you're not sure, it's worth it.
A beautiful gift box contains 4 round Japanese pancakes rings and a press cover for baking lovers. Make delicious food with your family and friends. It's suitable for all users, from beginners to professional bakers. EGG RING: Their egg rings mold is made from high quality durable steel that is heat resistant, thick and Reusable. It is durable. The functions of mulberry. The 3/ 3.5 inch diameter egg rings are perfect for making breakfast sandwiches, egg muffins, mini pancakes, fried eggs, egg muffins,poached eggs, burger patties,omelettes and more. You can mold a variety of things with a pack of egg rings. It is easy to make perfect eggs for your family. It is easy to clean. Silicone hand clips prepared by them can be used during the frying process to avoid burns to your hands. The use of a brush that they offer to brush oil on the mold is a key step for non-stick purposes. The egg ring is flush with the bottom of the pan, so it won't leak out. If you like scrambled eggs, they have food rings that can accommodate multiple eggs, and a single egg ring that holds all the ingredients for a flawless omelet. If you have a question about their egg rings, please email them. If you are not having any problems, please add to the cart to ensure that you get the best egg mold ring on Amazon.
👤I wanted to make my own egg muffins at home so I bought these. These are perfect. Negative reviews that say they don't work will stick. Make them. They work well. You have to do 1. If you put them in the pan on medium heat, they will warm up with the pan, which is why people put eggs into a cold pan and then complain that they've stuck is beyond me. 2. You can spray them with cooking spray. If you don't have spray, you can butter the rings. 3. The egg should be poured into the ring as you gently press on the ring to keep the egg from running out underneath it. The bowl will help you control the pour so you don't try to get the egg in there while dealing with the shells. 4. If you want the egg to cook slowly, keep the heat on Med-Low and let the egg cook slowly or the bottom will get over done while the top is still runny, in a few minutes as the top firms up, pull the ring and finish cooking. There is a Eggs are perfect for your breakfast sandwich. Simple. There is a There is a tip. If you use an Extra Large Egg, you will get a thin circle of egg, which is similar to what you see in an Egg McMuffin. They are easy to clean if you follow this method. Cheers!
👤I was surprised by the quality of the rings. I was expecting cookie cutter type rings that would be easy to bend, but they are not. There are no gaps. I made crumpets with them. They came out delicious. I sprayed the inside with non-stick cooking spray before I added the batter. They slipped off the crumpets. It was very easy to wash. Looking forward to trying other recipes with them.
👤I ordered these so that I could make the authentic hockey puck-shaped eggs that the restaurant "Billions and Billions Sold" has. I was hoping that they would be solid steel, which is exactly what they seem to be, even though I was afraid they would be plated tin or cheap garbage that would rust in the dishwasher. The key to using these successfully is to grease the insides of the rings with plenty of butter and then to get them and the skillet hot before you crack one or two eggs into them. Once the eggs are cooked, you'll need a pair of pliers or tongs to gently remove the cooked eggs from the rings. I start with a hot skillet and turn the heat off once the eggs are half cooked, so that by the time I turn them the skillet is cooling a little, and the eggs get cooked. The rings are made from solid steel and will not rust in the dishwasher, so they're perfect for making fast food breakfast sandwiches at home.
👤I'm not sure what the poor reviews are about, but these egg rings work just fine. Maybe the poor reviews are because people can't follow instructions. Put them in a pan, turn on the heat, and spray the inside of the ring with cooking spray. Once the pan is hot enough to fry an egg, crack the egg into the ring and let it fry. Put a lid on the pan. Remove the rings once they're set. They're made of metal, so be careful if you spray them well. Remove the eggs and flip them to finish them. Done. It's difficult for those that gave these a low rating. I've used them several times and have never had them stick or leak through the bottom of the ring, and the eggs come out perfect every time. jumbo eggs take longer to cook than medium or large eggs, but these things work just fine.. High quality. The egg rings are made from food-grade STAINLESS steel and have a non-stick coating to prevent them from getting sticky and rusty, and the cool handle does not become hot while cooking, so they can be easily removed from the pot. There are multi-purpose tools. There is an oil brush and egg rings. They are good at shaping perfect round eggs, but also good at cooking a lot of things. The large size egg rings are 4 inches in diameter and 0.7 inches in height, which deeps enough to add extra ingredients like vegetables, cheese, ham or bacon, to make a quick and healthy breakfast for your family. You just need to brush the egg rings with enough oil, pour some oil into the egg rings, heating the egg rings with low fire, then waiting for the good-looking fried egg. The non-stick surface of the egg rings for griddle is easy to clean, just soak them in water for a few minutes, then wash them with a small amount of soap and water, and dry them with a dish towel. Dropping the egg rings into the dishwasher will save you time.
👤It is possible to make a breakfast sandwich by frying an egg and covering an English muffin. It works better if you rub the inside of the ring with butter rather than using the little brush that is part of the set to apply olive oil.
👤I didn't experience any of the problems other people have with sticking. There were no instructions on how to use them. Give the ring time to warm up. If I apply butter to the inside of the ring before I put it on the griddle, I can spin the ring around and it will come off. Any oil should work just as well. The perfect size for making an egg for a hamburger is these.
👤If you press the pan down for a few seconds, the egg will leak out from under the rim. The rim doesn't get too hot before it sets, so it works well. It's a nuisance to have the rim met the pan so that the gap is small enough for egg white to not get through.
👤I used them once. I liked how they did their job. It was very easy to clean up. If you make more than 4 eggs, you need to repolish the ring. I like them.
👤These are easy to use, easy to clean, and make perfect circles to put on an English muffin.
👤Eggs are kept in place, great for sandwiches.
👤I sprayed the ring with spray before cooking the egg and the egg white was still stuck on the inside of the ring.
👤The perfect size is these egg rings. If the pan bottom is not warped, they hold the egg pretty well. The eggs are not released unless you cut them free with a knife from the edge of the ring. They are not non-stick even when oiled.
TTSAM is committed to providing customers with quality products and caring services. If you have a question, please email them. They will give you a 100% refund if you don't like their products. Their greatest goal is customers' satisfaction. The Egg Rings have a bonus egg separator. They have an exclusive package of 2-PCS large size egg rings and 2-PCS medium size egg rings. Their egg shaper makes it easy to make multiple dishes. Egg rings for griddle can be used as egg molds for frying multiple dishes, egg frying rings, egg McMuffin maker, egg sandwich mold, egg cooking rings, and much more. Premium quality and easy to use. It's Washable. They are made of steel that is long- lasting and convenient. These fried egg rings are dishwasher safe. Cook your favorite dishes for your family and friends, as they are easy to clean even after being used a lot, as they believe in quality not quantity! Grease the inner wall of egg molds with an oil. If you want to keep your eggs firm, put the egg rings on a cooking pan, add some more oil into the ring mold, and cook on a slow flame. You can have a perfect Round Egg if you crack an egg and let it cook on low heat for 3 minutes. Cook multiple dishes in one go. They provide a complete family package for you, a set of 4- Egg Rings, which weigh 80g and 75g each. You can make many more dishes with these egg rings, such as cheese balls, egg patties, pancakes, hash browns, omelette, mini burgers, egg bites, and many more. The handle is foldable. The handles of the egg cooker ring are foldable, which makes it easier to use. Put the small handle of the egg ring mold on the frying pan, and you are ready to cook.
👤This egg rings are in love. Our morning is incomplete without eggs, we add egg rings to our kitchen. I tried it out in making omelets and sunny-side up and it came out perfect, no spills or sticking to the ring. There is a You can see how beautiful it is in the picture. I shape my breads with it as well. The ring will be used to make pancakes and cookie cutter as well. There is a The egg separator is made of good quality steel and the ring holder is foldable. I was very happy with the purchase.
👤I was skeptical when I first used them, but I realized I didn't put oil on them. They work well when I do oil/grease. The handles make it easier to remove. Excellent item.
👤This was a great product to use. It's very simple, hit it with pan spray or lightly coat it with olive oil and set it in a pan. I cracked the egg and seasoned it, a few minutes later use a spatula to remove the egg and place it on your sandwich or plate. The thickness of the rings makes it easy to clean my cast iron skillets after they cool. There are a lot more breakfast sandwiches. It's a very handy tool to have in the kitchen.
👤Make sure to put something on them so the eggs stick. The eggs will run out the bottom of the pan if the pan is not hot.
👤I love this product so much. It came very fast. It's a great addition to my kitchen. It's great for eggs, but I can use it for anything I need in a circle shape. Eggs, pancakes and biscuits have been done with me so far. It's a great tool to have around.
👤Like the rings of the egg. If they had instructions, I might have improved my experience. Would buy again.
👤Work well. The egg can't be spread all over. For large and medium, the 3 1/2 inch is great. It is easy and sunny side up.
👤100% satisfied with the product. There is a bonus egg separator. The handles don't get too hot when used in the frying pan, and the rings are solid quality non-stick material. Right price!
It's a good idea to spray vegetable oil for easier removal. The rings should be placed on the hot surface before the eggs or Pancake mix is added. Please use gloves when removing the handle. Premium material is 100% food grade. Silicone is safe, healthy, and eco friendly. The handles are high-grade. There is a 4pack. The heat resistance of their round egg rings can be used at high cooking temperatures. This round pancake mold is perfect for making homemade omelets, crumpets, fried eggs, Benedict eggs, pancakes, and it is also an excellent gift for your family or children. Egg rings are dishwasher safe when you're done frying, baking, or molding, toss them in the dishwasher or rinse with soapy water. Silicone ring eggs are easy to clean because they are non-stick and dishwasher safe. 100% guarantee. Please contact me if you have a problem with their product. They will reply as soon as they can, and they would be happy to help you.
👤I am a professional chef. I use silicone in my kitchen because of its heat resistance and non-stick quality, and because I know my tools and know how to use them. These things are not good. That was obvious when I opened the package. They were crushed in a package. They will not lay flat enough to contain an egg, and will generally misbehave in every conceivable way, even if they are out of round. They are not usable. Only one is flat and true, and even it leaks eggs so badly that the griddle was covered with it. They are not heavy enough to sit in one place and slide around with leaking eggs. If I left them for a while, they might regain their shape. They did not. I tried boiling them for 20 minutes and blocking them so they wouldn't cool. They went back to their original shapes. I tried baking them at 400 for 30 minutes and it did the same thing. Absolutely worthless and complete nonsense. All of the other Chinese rebranded-but-made-by-the- same-manufacturer ones were found on Amazon. No matter the name of the seller or the brand, they came from the same manufacturer. Stay away from them. Stick with steel. It's slightly harder to clean up, but it works.
👤I was disappointed when I used the rings for the first time. The batter stuck to the ring when I made them. I had to use a knife to get the pancakes out. I sprayed them with oil and they came out great.
👤The metal handles should be upright. I put the oil on the rings. Eggs were cracked into the rings after a minute. It seems that medium high works best. Use the little silicone mini handles to quickly remove the form after the egg whites turn white. Carefully cook eggs and make sure to flip them. I had only one egg leak when I removed it, but was able to push it back on top with a spatula. There is a They were washed with a dish sponge. There is a These are good for making sandwiches. Put 2 eggs in one ring if you want a thicker egg layer.
👤I have only used it once and it went well.
👤Works well. Before you put the egg in, make sure the pan is warm.
👤The fried eggs are perfect and I love this egg ring. I think their method of operation is wrong, please make sure your pot is hot, I have seen many people say that eggs will leak from the bottom. The operation is very simple, first heat the pan, brush some oil in the mold, heat for a few minutes, then add eggs, so that it doesn't leak or stick to the pan. The fried eggs are tender and plump. The price is cost-effective. Recommended!
👤The egg ran out because this didn't fit on the skillet. Not having one is better than not having one. The ads show how to get a perfect egg. Not my experience. Returned., high quality and useful. If there is a quality problem with the Silicone Egg Rings, you should contact the manufacturer. Feel free to contact them. How long have you been using it? Their egg maker is made of high quality STAINLESS STEEL, which is non-rusting, non-deformable, high temperature resistance, durable. It can help you make a round omelette that is safe and healthy to cook. It's easy to store and move. It's an essential kitchen utensil. The egg cooker with a handle is very easy to use. Lift up the small handle of the egg cooker and place it on the pan, apply some oil to the pot and egg cooker with the complimentary brush, and wait for the perfect omelette! The egg cooker can keep the goop from spreading around the pan, and also keep the perfect shape for eggs. The handle can be used to remove the egg cooker from the pot. The cooking ring can only be used for omelettes. Absolutely not! You can make a variety of dishes with it, such as pancakes, burgers, breakfast sandwiches, hamburgers, biscuits, crepes, omelets, breads, and jellies. You can make a delicious breakfast for your family. The round egg cooker is easy to clean because it is made of steel. You can wash it with water or soapy water. Or put it in the dishwasher. Don't use steel wire balls to clean the egg cooker because they will damage it. After cleaning the egg cooker, keep it dry. TTSAM is committed to providing customers with quality products and caring services. If you have a question, please email them. They will give you a 100% refund if you don't like their products. Their greatest goal is customers' satisfaction.
👤These egg rings are really nice. I used the pictures for the first time when I posted them. I think my mini pancakes were pretty good. I did not need to use nonestick spray. I did eggs for my granddaughter's english muffins and they came out just like the yellow upside-down W breakfast sandwish.
👤The egg rings work well. You can put a lid on the pan if you reverse the handles. I add ice cubes to the eggs to help them cook faster.
👤It's not worth using them because they don't hold the egg in place.
👤Egg sandwich, egg implements!
👤Eggs are stuck to them. The handles are hot. Pot holders are difficult to lift out of a pan. I don't think you should buy these ones.
👤Don't buy junk. The ring is too small. It's not good for scrambled eggs. The ring needs to be at least 4 inches in diameter.
👤The diameter of the rings is too small. The ring is too small and the egg takes a long time to cook and doesn't come out right.
Cooking rings for eggs products from Hyqo. In this article about cooking rings for eggs you can see why people choose the product. Emoly and Care&more Yj are also good brands to look for when you are finding cooking rings for eggs.
Hyqo, Emoly and Care&more Yj are some of the best brands that chosen by people for cooking rings for eggs. Find the detail in this article. Cotey, Starblue and Aebitsry are also brands that their products are worth to check.
Share Your Story |
November 4, 2017. Last night, Alex, Ben, and I flew down to say our goodbyes to you. Doug has been here for over a week, and his going back and forth since September has become a part of our marital rhythm. N, of course, has been helpful: she drove up from Alabama a few days ago to be with you and, earlier today, picked us up at our hotel in Atlanta.
We’ve been in your house for a half hour and haven’t seen you yet. The boys have caught up with their father, but now he’s in your room, helping you out of bed. We’re in the kitchen where N is keeping the feeling light while we wait for you.
Y’all like Candy Land? she says and smiles. She cocks her head to the side. Can you believe all these games I found downstairs?
Ben stretches out his arms and yawns. We can play, he says, but I’ll beat everyone.
Of course, that game’s right at your level, Alex tells him.
Hey, I love Candy Land, N says. And I’m pretty darn good at it. There’s Trouble, too. Y’all like Trouble more? Another smile. (You know how beautiful her smile is.)
Alex and Ben get along with her, always have, but they haven’t seen her in over a decade. Yes, they’re twenty-four already, only a few years younger than she is. She’s grown into a lovely young woman, an artist who works as a nanny, and she’s told me about her boyfriend, how he’s the one. They live together in Alabama. Sometimes you’re hard on her and criticize her for what she might not know, but it’s clear how much you love her. In your eyes, she’s your only child. I can’t remember the last time you called her your stepdaughter.
We sit at the small kitchen table and start to play Trouble, and after a few turns, just as Ben is about to pop the dice inside the plastic bubble, Doug brings you into the kitchen in a wheelchair.
My family’s here, you say, with a burst of energy and a wag of the head. I apologize for how I look. You glance down at the floor.
It’s so good to see you, I tell you, and we all rise from the kitchen table. I hug you, Alex and Ben do, too, and N pecks you on the cheek.
Your eyes are about all that I recognize. They’re big, a silver blue in this room. In another light, the color shifts into the shade of shallow seawater. You used to be fifteen pounds overweight, with a slight belly, and your hair was thick and black. It’s all grey now, and your skin clings to your bones like smoke. You never did bear any resemblance to Ken and Doug. Hard to tell apart, your identical twin brothers. They’re over six feet tall, several inches taller than you, and they’re slim, their hair silken and straight, their eyes green. Being a twin makes for a sticky bond. I see that with Alex and Ben, who, although fraternal, look disarmingly alike.
I turn away from you, thinking I’m too late. I’ve lost the brother-in-law I had in my memory, and I don’t know what to say to who you are now. I race through topics in my head, can’t settle on one. How can anything matter?
I talk about Stockbridge, your home. I’ve only been here twice, I say, for your wedding and when you moved in. So it’s been twenty years or more?
You nod.
The last time I saw you was in Manhattan, I realize, three years ago, for your grandmother’s one hundredth birthday party. You’d see Doug, Ken, and your father often, twice a year, at a resort in Ojai, California. A father/son tradition. You were there this past summer. A few months later, in early October, you were diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus.
Shortly after Thanksgiving, I called you, something I rarely did. It was the longest conversation I ever had with you. You were scheduled for chemo and radiation in the first week of January.
A friend of mine was treated the same week he was diagnosed. I would think every day counts. I don’t mean to be critical of your doctors, but—why do you have to wait until January?
There’s a hell of a lot of coordinating going on. One doctor is at the hospital in Stockbridge and another’s at Emory, but my oncologist is top in the field. That’s what I’m told. Have you heard of this medical center in Texas, the MD Anderson Center?
That’s the place in the country for cancer, and my doctor consults with them all the time. He’s recommending I have an esophagectomy. You know what that is?
They cut out the tumor.
Yep, and the part of the esophagus that’s affected by the tumor, sometimes all of the esophagus, and then they connect it to your stomach. But they can’t promise that’ll help, so I’m gonna take my chances with chemo and radiation.
Can’t you be put on a waiting list?
I really think they’re giving me the first opening they have. I guess I could find a doctor, someone the family knows, who has enough pull to get me an earlier appointment, but it doesn’t sit right with me. You should see these cancer centers, Lori. They’re so crowded. It’s unbelievable. These people are so sick.
I can imagine. Have you been able to eat a little more?
I can’t keep anything down. I’m supposed to drink a lot, water especially, but that’s tough, too.
Have you tried using a straw? You can keep a glass of water nearby and sip it often.
That’s a great idea! I’ll do that. That’s a very good idea.
I can come down this week. I want you to know that, and I’ll stay in a hotel nearby, so I’m not in your way, but I can be helpful.
I appreciate that, Lor, but hold off. I’ll let you know when. Not yet. I’ll let you know. I really appreciate you talking this over with me. I’ve got nothing else to do but think about this, and I’m scared shitless. I have a few friends here who are religious, and they’re praying up the kazoo for me. What do you think of that?
Their faith gives them comfort, I suppose. Praying also makes some people feel less alone, especially if they’re facing something difficult. I pray sometimes. I don’t believe in God, not really, but when I’m distressed or worried, praying clears my head. It’s a petition of sorts, and I guess it helps me prioritize what counts. Anyway, they say it helps to be hopeful, you know, it helps your state of mind.
Listen, sweetheart, I’m going to get off. You’re just a doll to call. Thanks for everything.
I’ll check in with you very soon. In the meantime, try the straw.
Why didn’t I tell you I had already prayed for you? For several nights in a row, I recited a silly rhyme I’d learned as a child, have no idea from where, maybe from the back of a cereal box or Sunday school. I fired a kid’s plea out into the darkness like a load of buckshot: God, thank you for the world so sweet, thank you for the food we eat, thank you for the birds that sing, thank you, God, for everything. Words so familiar that they slipped out like a whistle. Then I added: Please help him get through this. Let the chemo work. Let him go into remission.
After your six-week treatment, the tumor appeared to be gone. Relief floated through our house, and one evening, I lay awake, aware of my good health, and thought about a scene from Graham Greene’s The End of the Affair, one that has always moved me because of its sacrificial nature. The lovers, Sarah and Maurice, are in bed during an air raid when Maurice steps out of the room. Suddenly the flat is rocked by an explosion, and Sarah goes to look for Maurice. She sees a hand under a door, thinks it’s his, and returns to the room, where she kneels down to pray: for ever.…And then Maurice opens the door, and she must, well, you see where the story is headed.
I pressed my hands together under the covers, interlocked my fingers—it’s like putting on a costume, this gesture, it builds confidence—and I said, Please God, if you let him go into remission, I won’t try to get my book published. I’ll let it go.
I’m not sure which novel I actually put up for grabs, the old one I hadn’t been able to sell, or the new I’d just finished, but what a paltry petition. I’m embarrassed by this memory, you should know. If I had offered to give up writing, would my prayer have been more noble? Is the love between two people equal to the love between a writer and her writing?
Had I lost my mind?
Yep, I can hear you say, that’s fucking nuts. You’ve got to be kidding me.
In the den, football is on television and a gas fireplace is lit. It’s 78 degrees outside. A blanket, pillow, and sweater are scattered on the tweed couch. Next to a box of tissues and several vials of pills, there’s a stack of newspapers on the coffee table, and on a side table, a glass of water with a straw.
When you first moved here with N’s mother, into this five-bedroom house, you hired an interior designer to decorate, and the living room reminds me of an Ethan Allen showroom from the 1990s. After the divorce, you didn’t downsize. You never cook, evidenced by the absence of spices, boxes of tea or cookies, oils and vinegars, and paper napkins from the quaint napkin holder on the counter.
I hope we’re not making you miss your game, I say.
Don’t worry. There are games on all day.
Alex and Ben comment on a play from yesterday’s game, which makes you smile. You can tell them apart, I think, because you grew up with twin brothers. You’ve always been fond of my sons, and they feel the same about you. You make them laugh, and you’ve been generous with them; you often show your affection with gifts.
You ask Doug for your painkillers. He gives you what you need, helps you to the couch, and covers you with a blanket. You only want N, Doug, and Ken around you. With the exception of the occasional shower or necessary supplies provided by a hospice nurse, you’ve refused the help of any other professional aide as well as the company of your friends. You weren’t even sure about having me and the boys visit, but you also didn’t stop us.
Look how Doug has changed. Your brother is not, by nature, a caregiver or caretaker, not by any measure. I make just about all his meals, do his laundry, clean up after him, while he looks after our finances—now that’s a throwback to our parents’ time, another kind of crazy if I let myself consider it for long—but in every other way he and I are on equal footing. And we’re rarely apart. Since he has been here, he has been living on take-out. He runs out to fetch you a milkshake, a cinnamon bun, whatever you think you can keep down, and he even lights your cigarette for you, not in his mouth, as a smoker would, but in yours. Although he believes smoking is the last thing you should be doing, he carries out your wishes.
Your illness has quieted him, and he is not a quiet man. When he’s with you, we try to talk on the phone every night. Once, he told me, you got up in the middle of the night and fell. You called out for him, and after he helped you up, you couldn’t wait to get to the bathroom, and peed. You then said you had to lie down, which you did, on the carpet. You fell asleep. He covered you up, and, from then on, he slept on the den couch, closer to you.
Whenever he can, he spends his time on your fifteen-year-old-old computer, combing through the odds of the football games, and then calls the bookie that you have known since you were eighteen. Doug’s bets are never big; it’s the hedging of bets that excites him, much like playing the stock market. After rehab, you weren’t supposed to gamble, and you didn’t for some time, but then you began asking Doug to put in your bets for you. As much as you loved watching sports and gambling on them, I think you loved even more talking to Doug about the games. The thrill of possibly winning was sweetened if the two of you were somehow in it together.
There’s no doubt you adore both your brothers. You’ve always admired their athleticism. You’re accepting of their closeness—how one minute they can act as if they hate each other and in the next be laughing—but, I imagine, you’ve been jealous of their bond from time to time, which isn’t to say I think of you as having been lonely all these years.
You made it clear for some time that you wouldn’t marry again. Your first wife left you because of your drug use, and N’s mother left you because you had slept with someone. After two failed marriages, you’re sensitive to the layers of emotions that build up between spouses. You’re aware of how close Doug and I are, how much we talk and rely on each other.
So here I am in your home, feelinguseless. I feel like a fool. I might as well be dressed in a jester’s costume, mute, with bells and ribbons dangling from my fingers and toes. I feel as if I don’t really know you, or what I know about your life in Stockbridge seems insufficient, a mere outline: For almost twenty years you were a drug supervisor at a rehab clinic, but you haven’t worked in the past eighteen months. You loved what you did, were good at it, but you gave bus fare to a few clients, which is against the rules, and you were fired. You have friends down here, lots of them, and a few took you to your doctor appointments before your brothers became involved. I know you love the development where you live, Eagle’s Landing, and you used to play golf and tennis at the country club with your buddies.
When I first met you, I was thirty-one, six years younger than you, and I knew you smoked pot, maybe did some coke. I’d heard you were a reckless teenager —my kind of rebel—the boy who had sex in the bathroom with his girlfriend. I liked your taste in music: the Stones; Crosby, Stills, and Nash; Bowie. Your brothers were not like you; they were athletic stars who studied hard.
You lived on your maternal grandmother’s property, a family compound, in essence, in the house where you and your brothers, when you were all in your twenties, used to spend so much time. The house, due to your neglect, was beginning to fall apart. Doug and I, when we were first dating, would come out on weekends to spend a night with you and then visityour grandmother who lived next door. You rarely saw her, and I soon learned how adept you were at hiding. You’d retreat into your room for hours. You’d get up in the morning and drive to your favorite bakery to bring back fresh coffee and a meltaway for us.
You had a cocker spaniel you took everywhere. A dog-lover, an animal-lover in general, you were obsessed with the antivivisectionist, Hans Ruesch, well-known in certain activist circles. You called him in Switzerland, donated money to his cause, and bought hundreds of his books with the intention of giving them away to your friends, but the boxes remained in your house. When you found out I shared your love for animals, you gave me several books and told me, with a feverish excitement, about all the senseless experiments that were conducted under the guise of medical research. At the time, you were working as an insurance salesman, a job you didn’t care about.
That year, you lost a lot of weight and often seemed wired. Once, at a family gathering, you jumped up during dinner and excused yourself, after which your grandmother, who was not at all open minded, said she thought you were as high as a kite.
Ever since you were a teenager, you had struggled with drugs. Doug and Ken, at times, looked down on your absence of willpower. They intellectually understood you weren’t to blame but had trouble empathizing with the damage you inflicted on yourself and others. Your father finally forced you to seek help. Your mother—you were her first-born, her favorite, no second-guessing there—had told him to stop giving you any money. Although they were divorced, they worked together to save you. So when you called your father one day to ask for enough money to buy a sandwich, he said no, unless you promised to admit yourself into a clinic.
1996—you were forty-two. The clinic was in Atlanta. It was expensive and you stayed for many months, longer than anyone expected. After so many therapy sessions, you learned a lot about yourself, but even in rehab, you broke the rules by having a relationship with another patient, N’s mother. After you and she were married, you chose to live near Atlanta and found a job helping addicts recover, many of them without money or family, nothing like the clinic you’d gone to, and I remember thinking you had found your mission.
You gained weight, and, as a new husband and father, you became a louder, stronger presence in the family. You had your moments when you could be grating, when you felt the need to captain the hour. You’d choose the restaurant, order for everyone, steer the conversation, get irritated when one of your nephews interrupted you, but you were also smart and informed. You were a Democrat, unlike your mother, with whom you could argue without reservation. You were passionate about reform but had left behind anyone or anything associated with your days of getting high, including Ruesch and his books.
As for how you treated me, whenever I moved ahead in my writing—beginning a new project, getting my work published—you were happy for me, at times delighted, although I’m not sure you ever read anything I wrote.
N had a nickname for you: she added “bear” to the end of your name, as if you had no choice but to stomp through a room and knock this person out of the way while trying to protect another.
Some in the immediate family saw you as damaging; others saw you as kind and generous. You didn’t care what anyone thought of you. I happened to like who you were—I think, I hope, you’ve always known that.
We’re still playing Trouble, and now I have things I want to say to the you I do know: I love how sweet you’ve been to my sons, how you care about politics, how you enjoy reading novels, how you’re a Luddite at heart and still use a flip phone, how you don’t back down… And I’ve failed, that’s what I also want to tell you. After our long conversation, I failed to call you as I’d promised, and I’m ashamed of myself. Is that why, when it was clear that the cancer had spread, you pushed me away? I’m shy, try to be truthful, and when I can’t be truthful, I tend to be silent. When I realized you were surrendering to your illness at the end of the summer, I couldn’t lie and say I understood. Instead, I researched clinical trials around the country and came across the name of the wife of one of your father’s close friends, a radiologist at Sloan Kettering. I asked Doug if he thought she would be willing to inquire about one of the hospital’s trials for esophageal/gastric cancer I’d read about.
At first, you were interested. That’s the last time you talked to me with some ease. You were amazed that this friend was able to get an appointment with the head doctor of the trial in just two weeks. The plan was for Ken to fly up with you and for both of you to stay in a hotel close to the hospital. You were already taking plenty of pain killers; you were losing more and more weight, and your despair was thick.
One morning, you called and I answered. You told me to tell Doug that you hadn’t heard from the admitting person at Sloan Kettering and then you hung up on me. I understood your anger wasn’t directed at me, but I was shaken by it. Another time, I was talking to Doug while you and Ken were on a conference call, and I heard you say, If Lori would just stop talking, I’d hear you better. I took that as you wanted me to step away and leave you to your brothers. But I didn’t want to leave. Soon enough, before the day of the appointment, Ken informed Doug that he wouldn’t be taking you to New York. You were too sick. Who were we fooling?
Did that decision come as a relief to you?
Within a month, your stomach began filling up with fluid, and a simple aspiration revealed that your cancer cell count had skyrocketed.
Even before the possibility of a clinical trial came up, you had rejected almost all of your doctors’ recommendations. You didn’t want surgery, and when you clearly needed nourishment, you didn’t want a feeding tube, and when it was almost impossible to find a vein, you didn’t want a port for chemo. You seemed scared of every new intrusion. I was surprised. When you were healthy, you never struck me as fearful. After all, you’d overcome your addiction and worked in a field where you encouraged others not to give up.
Perhaps the idea of a trial, of stepping into the unknown alone—with the required good dose of faith—was too unsavory for you. Better to numb yourself. That old habit. At some point, you told Ken about a stash of painkillers you’d hidden in the ceiling of the basement. He found hundreds sealed in a bag. No one asked you why the pills were there.
Alone with N, I ask her how you might have acquired so many pills. There’s this friend—she guesses—who has a prescription and lives in another state and probably needs the money.
We stay with you until around five. That’s it. You’re tired, and we’re leaving the next day. We invite N to join us for dinner in Buckhead, not too far from our hotel, and Doug will stay with you.
You ask N to fetch your wallet. Take them out tonight, you tell her.
Alex and Ben hug you, and you tell them they’re great young men and how proud of them you are. My sons are close to each other, and the idea that their father is about to lose a brother, as well as that they are about to lose you, is weighing on them. They smile, wish you luck on a bet you made, and back away.
I move closer to you and say, Is there anything we can get you?
I’m happy Doug is here with you.
You shake your head and say, You can’t have him. If he isn’t here, I’m gone.
I know that, I say. I’m hurt by your harsh tone and want to tell you I’ve only encouraged Doug to be with you. Instead, I say, I really am glad he’s here.
You look away for a second and then your eyes are on me again. Thanks for coming, Lor. It means a lot.
I kiss you on the forehead. There’s the faint odor of cigarette smoke. I love you, I whisper.
Outside, I find Alex in the street, on the phone, walking in circles, and Ben and N in the car. Doug steps out to say goodbye, and I bury my face in his chest and cry. His arms tighten around me, and my body relaxes.
Days later, back at home, N texts me: G thought you were one of us helping him today. He was like, That’s it, Lori. Referring to how we were moving him on the couch.
November 14, around ten at night. You die in the den, by the fireplace, in a hospital bed that hospice brought in after we left. Your brothers and N are beside you.
Doug and I fly down a month later for your memorial service at your club. We stay at your house. In your bedroom, I look through your books. I knew you read a lot but didn’t think our tastes aligned, yet I find a novel I admire, Per Petterson’s Out Stealing Horses, a novella I’ve been wanting to read, Ian McEwan’s On Chesil Beach, and books by authors I’ve yet to know, Graham Swift and Jo Ann Beard. I take the books.
Ken arrives the next day, as does N, and while your brothers are out doing errands and tending to estate matters, she and I sit on the floor of the living room to sort through your boxes.
One box is stuffed with mimeographed sheets from several recovery programs and transitional houses in Atlanta. There are business cards, too, one from a police sergeant, one from an aviation safety inspector for the FAA. There’s a pile of letters and cards.
One greeting card is inscribed with Thanks a bunch! dated November 2015, from your mother’s caregiver to whom you lent $15,000 so her daughter, who lives in Ukraine, could put down a deposit on a house there. The caregiver paid you back some of the money and, after you died, forgot about the rest.
There’s a letter from the principal of a law firm, thanking you for putting his brother in the position to reclaim his life.
There’s one letter after another:
- Thank you for making me feel like I “BLOOMED” because you “got me.”
- Thank you for being the angel on top of all my TREES and may God Bless You Abundantly for all the joy you’ve brought my way…
- Your generous and loving spirit…is a gift from God. The laughter, with a hint of sarcasm, will never be matched… You remind me of King Darius.
- I heard that Jewish people are hard-headed and think they are special, guess what? We think you ARE special!!!
My back is starting to hurt from sitting so long on the floor. I’m about to get up when I come across an agreement for a vehicle loan made out to your close friend, A, who has multiple sclerosis. You had bought a used van so you could lease it to A. I read that, in the event of A’s death, the van will be returned to you, and, in the event of your death, the note will become null and void with the effect of being paid in full.
That afternoon, we all drive over to A’s house. He looks about ten years younger than you. He’s black, with a serene face, dressed in sweats, and confined to a wheelchair. You worked together at your old job until he became too sick to continue. We meet his mother, brother, and an aide. A’s insurance doesn’t cover weekend help. Every Sunday, you’d go grocery shopping for the family, pick up lunch, come over to watch a game, and then pay the aide for the weekend. A’s mother shows us where you used to sit on the couch. They were the best of friends, the best, she says. Like brothers, A’s brother says. I stare at the spot on the couch.
A tells us how much he will miss your visits and how sorry he is that he can’t make the memorial service. He doesn’t say much more. N then gives him a photograph of you, a headshot, and he thanks her. His mother props it on the fireplace mantel, under an old black-and-white family portrait that spans three generations.
How often do I see you? Too often. But how long can that last? I summon an image of you, probably from a photo I’ve looked at recently, and place it in the setting of my choice, and then I watch you move. When excited, you could wriggle your body like a puppy, a brief and gleeful dance. I see you mostly around food. You’d plan a flight around a buffet brunch and get a kick out of watching your brothers stuff themselves. I hear your voice, a forceful voice. Steak, medium-rare. I want to see some blood. And crispy onion rings, very crispy. Fries, the steak fries, and load ‘em up! And I want a Diet Coke, with lemon. Just bring it all at once. Don’t hold back. I hear you leaving a message on our phone machine. Instead of saying goodbye, you say very fast: I’m out. I see you as you’re stung by a bee on a shuffleboard court while we’re on vacation in West Virginia. You tell me you don’t react well to bee stings, and I give you Benadryl. You’re so appreciative as if I’ve given you so much more. I see your joy after Ken has picked you up at the airport and suddenly stops the car, pretending to have a flat, and pops open the trunk where Doug is hiding. I see you at Disney World wearing a pair of Mickey Mouse ears, and in a banquet room, giving your wedding speech: It’s not that I need my bride, it’s that she completes me. You’re in a tuxedo, wearing a red rose boutonniere, handsome, trim, healthy, sober, and, for the moment, complete.
Why is it so important that I make sense of everything I’ve learned about you? Your silence about your work. Your quiet generosity. Your insistence on having Doug, Ken, and N do everything for you during the most painful stages. Think about it: You would have never taken care of any one of them on your own. You would have insisted on hiring a nurse, citing the need for safety and comfort, both of which you weren’t qualified to provide.
Zadie Smith writes about her father’s death, “The funniest thing about dying is how much we, the living, ask of the dying; how we beg them to make it easy on us.”
At the memorial service, everyone’s mingling. The room is spacious and paneled in oak, and there’s a wraparound patio, a golf course beyond it. Many stand up to tell their stories about you. One man, a member of your tennis team, says that you recently treated several of your good friends to a luxurious golf resort. You’d think the guy was high the way he gave away his money, he says.
Later, a young woman in her twenties speaks. I met her earlier in the evening, and Doug has spent some time with her in the past few weeks. She’s studying to become a nurse. She introduces herself as the daughter of your long-time housekeeper, a woman with whom, at one point, you had a relationship, until she wanted to marry you. The daughter, dark haired, brown eyed, has a wide smile. She calls you a father figure and says she doesn’t know what she’ll do without your weekly talks. You’ve left this young woman a a substantial amount of money in your will, enough to cover most of her graduate school expenses.
Next, a clean-cut man, in his thirties, stands up. He’s poised yet nervous. He says he knows you through bugs—he’s your pest control technician—and he tells about a feral cat who had kittens in your attic and how you were concerned the cats might be harmed. Every time I came over, we talked, he tells the room. He knew about my children and my home life, and he had a great sense of humor.
This young man is also in your will.
After the memorial service, past eleven. The nurse-to-be and the pest technician join us for a late-night snack at one of the few places that’s still open, Waffle House. The restaurant is small—a counter, a few tables—and bright and empty. After listening to so many stories, we’re all punchy and laughing quite a bit. We’re comfortable around one another, talking nonstop, when the waiter shuffles over. Doug and Ken tell him we’ve just left your service and that it’s been a long day. Suddenly we’re all famished. We order far too much. Fried eggs, hash browns, buttered toasts, pancakes, coffee, milk, juice. After the food comes, the waiter lingers by our table. He’s been promoted to manager, he says, but tonight he was back in the kitchen, cooking for us, and he’s waiting to hear how we like it.
In this suburb, where fast food chains abound, a landscape I first assessed as soulless, I’m beginning to understand why you loved living here. I’ve been missing the point for too long. You were focused on who lived here, on their stories. You didn’t distance yourself from the people you helped. You sat with them, ate with them, listened to them, joked around with them, and, because you understood that no one is ever that far from distress, you gave what you could to them. They deserved a chance, even a leg up. They were you.
Some time ago, I woke up at dawn to go to the bathroom and found myself staring at a bright star out the window. I realized it was the planet Venus. I’d identified it as Venus before, yet its presence had never moved me, but, in that moment, it was luminous. Many months later, it still is. Why tell you this? To illustrate how I’ve felt while grieving for you. You’ve been gone for a year, and when I talk about you, you continue to appear new to me. I resist sentimentality and don’t discount your shortcomings, but I praise the wide reach of your embrace. You transformed your strong feeling for others into action. How many times have I wanted to do just that and couldn’t?
Start small, I tell myself. It’s working, too. I’ve been able to express my gratitude, admiration, whatever surge of feeling it might be, to a few people whom I don’t know all that well but who have made a difference in my day-to-day living. I’ve managed to show, in one way or another, that they matter to me, and my interest has surprised them. A gift, a note, an effort to be helpful—a call for action—little endeavors, perhaps, but, for me, such steps have never been easy. I think of this as a pact between you and me.
How does that sound to you?
Photo at the top of the page credit: NASA/Bill Dunford (Bright Venus seen near the crescent Moon on July 15, 2018).
5 Replies to “The Pact”
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your short story – a sobering look at life’s ups and downs. Your description of people and their behavior strikes a chord. It is obvious that your recollection of events is clear, that the feelings those events elicited come from the heart, and that you are not afraid to share your thoughts whether they were positive, negative or neutral. I think what I liked best about the story is that it was such an easy read and had such a good flow to it – both important for someone (me) who is far from an avid reader!
Thank you for sharing 🙂 !
PS. The crescent moon on the cover makes for a warm and welcoming start to a heartfelt story!
The writing, emotion , story – just so powerful
I truly loved reading about a nephew I hardly knew.
When I was 10 he was born and since we lived in the same apartment house it was so easy to visit him. I loved it. He was like my little doll.
Then he moved away, with his brothers, and my little doll was gone.
I never really knew him after that. His mother sent him in a different direction from his brothers and I rarely saw him.
I remember his years living next door to grandma. The house was falling apart and his grandmother wasn’t happy. I don’t think she could fathom his addiction.
His years in Atlanta were very rewarding to him, as he came thru his addiction and started helping others. But I never knew him!’
I regret that he chose not to be connected to the family but perhaps it was his way of breaking away and being independent. Your discussion of the people whose lives he touched was heartwarming. So glad he found a life that gave him many rewards and proved so rewarding to so many people whom he helped.
A beautiful tribute with emotions that I can relate to. I really like how this experience has lead you to opening up more to people around you. Your brother-in-law would be happy that you knowing him even a little had this positive impact on you. Truly a fulfillment of the Jewish saying, “may his memory be a blessing.”
Lori Toppel has managed to touch upon a difficult subject with a measure of wonder and unexpected love. Sometimes facades are merely barriers for our vulnerable selves. Beautifully written. |
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Scott Coker is learning what making (first) impressions are all about
By Zach Arnold | January 31, 2011
(Josh Gross photo of Scott Coker shaking hands with Sotaro Shinoda)
Rarely do you get a string of small stories that come together to put together a narrative in the MMA industry, but this is one of those times where it’s there, hanging like fruit from a tree to get picked.
To my astonishment over the weekend, Strikeforce boss Scott Coker on multiple occasions told the US press in attendance in San Jose that he was having dinner with Sotaro Shinoda to negotiate bringing a Strikeforce show to Japan under DREAM auspices for April 9th. I chose the word astonishment because not one US media type blinked at all when Shinoda appeared in town, let alone had his name publicly mentioned by Strikeforce. Why? Sotaro Shinoda was Nobuyuki Sakakibara’s right-hand man in PRIDE. PRIDE, of course, had the Shukan Gendai yakuza scandal that resulted in Fuji TV cutting ties from the organization and ultimately led to the company’s demise. Suffice to say, you can see how ex-PRIDE employees under the DREAM banner could make things difficult in terms of attracting potentially big sponsors or television deals in the country.
If you need a reminder of who Mr. Shinoda is, type his name into Google and you’ll see this entry at the top of the search engine. It was an old screen capture we did of him several years ago when he had a last-minute trip to Costa Rica for a Bodogfight TV taping. Read the old post to get a flavor of what Bodog thought of him. (Shinoda was in Costa Rica to try to find out what was going on with M-1/Red Devil and Fedor.)
In response to me bringing up the obvious (implications) about Scott Coker publicly being seen with Sotaro Shinoda, the initial reaction I got from various writers was a shrug and, to paraphrase, “Well, Scott doesn’t think it’ll hurt him, obviously. Why does he care about it when Showtime is his TV partner and not the Japanese networks?”
So, let me bring up the obvious link to our extensive archives and years of coverage from start to finish about PRIDE’s collapse. You’re welcome. As Fuji TV demonstrated in 2006, you can have a hot product that draws lots of money and big TV ratings and still completely cut the cord when there is stockholder pressure due to who you are associated with and what the media points out in regards to those associations.
Am I saying that Nobuyuki Sakakibara is still involved in MMA? No, he’s off somewhere in Okinawa goofily trying to run a soccer club and live out a fantasy. What I am saying is that when you deal with top management that was involved in a company that got labeled ‘yakuza’ in the media by various outlets (like Shukan Gendai) and ended up losing funding from such a media powerhouse like Fuji TV, it’s pretty hard to remove that taint. Who you associate with, especially when entering into a new market, matters in Japan. Just ask Jamie Pollack and UFC about it when they tried to run the PRIDE office after the asset sale purchase.
In other words, who you are seen with and who you deal with is of the utmost importance in Japan. I wrote about Strikeforce’s high-risk, high-reward plan to try to do business in Japan. A healthy part of that risk is being judicious in how you handle your business affairs. Mr. Coker would be wise to smarten up quickly.
Riddle me this — why don’t you see Mr. Shinoda much publicly in the Japanese media circles? When it’s a DREAM announcement, PRIDE’s version of Baghdad Bob in Mr. Sasahara is trotted out to the cameras (occasionally alongside Shigeru Saeki). When it’s a more serious K-1/DREAM news presser, it’s Mr. Sasahara and Mr. Tanigawa who are in front of the camera.
Here is what Mr. Coker said after his HP Pavilion show Saturday night in regards to booking fights in Japan:
TJ DE SANTIS: “You mentioned Japan. Is that a destination you think Strikeforce will get to?”
SCOTT COKER: “Yes. I have Shinoda-san over there waiting. We’re going to have dinner and talking about trying to get Strikeforce into Japan this year.”
TJ DE SANTIS: “What was the catalyst for making that discussion happen?”
SCOTT COKER: “I mean, you know, you guys know that I worked for K-1 for many years, for eight years and I always had a great respect for Japanese fight fans and, you know, it’s ingrained in the culture. I mean, when you grow up in Japan you’re doing martial arts, you know, and so it’s integrated into the culture and it’s just an amazing place to go watch fights and they’re educated fight fans and I said I wanted to go to Japan for 2-3 years and for it to finally become something that’s possible, it’ll be a milestone for our league.”
TJ DE SANTIS: “I’ve heard some rumblings of possibly having a Lightweight tournament over there. Is that something that you’re thinking about?”
SCOTT COKER: “That’s something that we’re going to talk about because I know that they would like to have a tournament and if they do we’ll support them and send over some of our top guys, but it’s premature. We haven’t had that conversation, yet.”
By the way, as someone who’s bread and butter has been focused on the Japanese fight scene for most of my life, you might be interested in reading about this timely article. If you thought things were hard right now in fields like Sumo and pro-wrestling, try this on for size.
So, there’s that situation in Japan. Our next situation(s), if you want to call them that, deal with two fighters. Now, dealing with fighters is like herding cattle and we all know that there’s a lot of pettiness and jealousy that goes on. However, as we’ve seen with the UFC, if fighters don’t respect or fear you, they won’t act out of turn. Time and again with Strikeforce, we’ve often seen the opposite. See: Nick Diaz being unhappy last week on a Showtime conference call, talking about ‘still’ driving a Honda and why he’s not fighting guys like Georges St. Pierre. Remember when Strikeforce got suckered into a media war with Bellator about why a fight between Gilbert Melendez and Eddie Alvarez hasn’t been booked? That started with the two fighters calling each other out.
Gilbert is back, this time saying don’t blame him for not being able to fight… Frankie Edgar, UFC Lightweight champion.
KENNY RICE: “Gilbert, A, B, C, D. Let’s go all the way down. What’s the deal with Strikeforce right now? How many fights left?”
GILBERT MELENDEZ: “The deal with Strikeforce is, um, we’re coming to an agreement right now, you know, and I’ll think there’ll be a couple of fights for me for Strikeforce, so… Right now it’s not a matter of, you know, who I fight. It’s a matter of just when I fight. They have a bunch of contenders, you know, Justin Wilcox now, (Lyle) Beerbohm, (Billy) Evangelista, Josh Thomson, JZ (Calvan), so I’m basically just having to defend my throne, you know what I mean. It doesn’t matter who, it’s just when and that’s my plans for now and hopefully we’ll have something in the next cuople of months or the next, you know, maybe couple of weeks, you know, an exact date and an opponent.”
KENNY RICE: “Are you a free agent right now technically?”
GILBERT MELENDEZ: “Technically, no, I’m not, man. Some of these agreements are structured really well, you know, with the Championship Clause and all and you know I’m proud to be a part of Strikeforce and everything, but as a champion this comes along with it. It’s not that easy to walk away with your title and, you know, Jake’s one of the few guys who has and stuff but it’s not an easy thing to do.”
BAS RUTTEN: “Are you allowed to fight in Japan?”
GILBERT MELENDEZ: “Yeah, I’m definitely, well under Strikeforce’s permission I am, yeah. It’s something that I would love to do. I love fighting in Japan and that’s neat, you know. It’s kind of up to the promotions, you know what I mean? I want to fight all these guys, you know, I want to fight all these dudes, but it’s not up to these, us fighters. It’s really up to the promoters. If you want to see me fight Frankie (Edgar), talk to Dana (White) & Scott (Coker). So don’t blame us fighters. I’m just fighting, trying to get my money, and I’m where I’m at.”
A second fighter voicing displeasure, albeit on a larger vocal scale, is Siyar Bahadurzada. He talked with MMA writer Tomas Rios about his situation with Strikeforce. Suffice to say, his words were not very kind to the promotion. Rios claimed that when he tried to get a comment from Strikeforce PR man Mike Afromowitz on the story, Mr. Afromowitz allegedly told Rios that he (Rios) wasn’t good for the sport. So, he and Joe Rogan have something in common apparently.
Here was Mr. Coker’s response (via an interview with Ariel Helwani) on Bahadurzada’s comments:
ARIEL HELWANI: “Wanted to get your take on a situation that’s been brewing with a fighter by the name of Siyar Baha. He’s been saying something things about Strikeforce, now saying that the reason he hasn’t fought for Strikeforce is because he’s of Afghani descent. How do you respond to this?”
SCOTT COKER: “That’s comical. I mean the reality was that, you know, I still don’t even his visa has been finished yet. It has been a little tougher because, you know, the country and everything to try to get a visa but I don’t think the visa has been completed, so once he gets through his process of getting his visa together then you know we’re have another conversation with him but it’s silly to say it’s based on this or that. I mean, the reality is, you’re a Golden Glory fighter, he should act like a Golden Glory fighter and, you know, get your paperwork done, get what you got to do, and then we’ll put you in the cage and test you out. But in the mean time, you know, talking the way he did, it just was very silly to me.”
ARIEL HELWANI: “Has that perhaps severed your relationship with him?”
SCOTT COKER: “With Siyar?”
SCOTT COKER: “Uh, no.”
ARIEL HELWANI: “The things he said about the organization.”
SCOTT COKER: “The relationship is with the camp, it’s not with the fighter. To me, Bas and I have done many business deals together and, you know, we have Alistair (Overeem), we have (Sergei) Kharitonov here, we have Marloes Coenen here, so we have a good relationship with the camp. So he’s one of the fighters in their camp. When he gets his act together, we’ll put him in the cage.”
ARIEL HELWANI: “What are the chances that we see him in the Strikeforce cage in 2011?”
SCOTT COKER: “You know what, I uh… I would say… you know, once he gets his visa stuff done…”
ARIEL HELWANI: “You’d like to see him fight for Strikeforce, right?”
SCOTT COKER: “Sure, why not? Why not? I mean, you know, I can understand his frustration because he doesn’t understand because he’s so far away and, you know, whatever but in saying that, though, Ariel, he also has to act like a professional. If he can’t, we’re not going to have him.”
Everything should go smoothly in 2011, shouldn’t it? ‘Keyboard warriors’ aren’t ‘good for the sport.’
Topics: All Topics, DREAM, Japan, Media, MMA, StrikeForce, Zach Arnold | 43 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |
1) Gilbert Melendez sounds like a guy with 6 kids stuck in a loveless marriage with no way out….. I would almost feel bad for him EXCEPT he was dumb enough to sign that contract to begin with. Why on earth would anybody sign a championship clause with a company that doesn’t pay the most in the sport? His management should be ashamed of the bad job they have done for him. Do they have ANY ability to plan for the future?
2) Is there enough time to plan a Japanese card right now for April? And if they can’t, is Barnett out of the tournament?
3) Strikeforce is out of challengers for Melendez. Only have Daley left for Diaz. Are out of challengers for Souza. Not too interesting right now.
4) Marcus Davis is claiming that SF has a “Don’t sign UFC rejects” policy currently in effect. Interesting.
5) Strikeforce, despite people in the MMA bubble thinking they are hitting home runs….. Are running in circles right now. Gates and ratings are staying the same and showing no real improvements. Heck, the UFC has plateaued lately but at least it’s high up enough to sustain a strong business. SF is really the new WEC forthe hardcore fans…. Which is a good and bad thing. Good because the people who watch it love it for what it is. Bad because the WEC, even with the Zuffa machine behind it, could never gain an ounce of traction with the general audience.
Zach….. Honestly, what do you think the chances of SF being successful in Japan long term?
Skeptical long-term.
Interestingly enough, I’m hearing that UFC is starting to, shall we say, ‘learn’ what the situation in Japan is and that legitimate sponsorship is being looked at. As in, something that the ex-PRIDE people are magically having a hard time getting.
And yet, Strikeforce is still here. I understand you want to break a story, but you are so damn negative on Strikeforce.
I understand that you want to cover the UFC exclusively, so when Strikeforce goes down, all the fighters will be under one banner right?
I know that you will say that my post is “people giving you flack” like you like to bring up when talking about the implosion of PRIDE. I understand that there are some negative things about Strikeforce, and that they are not as strong as the UFC, but you seem to want to dump them in the grave, and I think that you are wrong there.
Delete this post if you want, like you have done with my other posts. This is your website, and I understand if you want all of the ideas here to fall in line with yours.
None of this is ‘breaking’ a story. It’s making observations about obvious things that others apparently don’t see as ‘obvious.’ You sound like a PRIDE fan stuck in 2006 during the implosion.
This is hilarious. I am having lots of fun when people accuse me of being on the UFC pay roll. Why am I having flashbacks now…
Did you happen to notice that I said that I hope Scott Coker smartens up about what needs to be done image-wise to make it work in Japan? Again, please stack up my resume and my knowledge base of how things go in Japan versus other writers.
I’m not the one dumping on SF — their own
employeesindependent contractors are.
An odd accusation given that I don’t recall deleting many, if any of your posts in the past, and given the amount of venom against me that I leave on in the comments section.
I guess I look at it like this. I firmly believe that you expect Strikeforce to go out of business and fail.
I see that you write posts to that end.
I’m not saying that you are on the UFC payroll, but when I constantly see nothing but negative articles from you regarding things that are not the UFC, and I believe that you expect them to fail, then what is the point of posting articles about them if your articles are always going to be the same?
I also reckon that you would post negative articles regarding Strikeforce even if things went well for them.
Am I wrong?
And since I do not know how to “quote” posts in these threads, allow me to cut and paste a response:
“And yet, Strikeforce is still here. I understand you want to break a story, but you are so damn negative on Strikeforce.”
None of this is ‘breaking’ a story. It’s making observations about obvious things that others apparently don’t see as ‘obvious.’ You sound like a PRIDE fan stuck in 2006 during the implosion.
In your first sentence, you say “making observations about obvious things that others apparently don’t see as ‘obvious.”
Is that not the definition of “breaking a story”…..reporting on something before everyone else does?
Breaking a story involves new unearthed news, not observations on already reported news that might be contradictory to that of other mainstream reporters.
I don’t think Zach has hinted toward wanting Strikeforce’s demise at all. I think that calling out the absurdity of some of Scott Coker’s really insane decisions is part of reporting the fight game. Letting your World Heavyweight Champion not defend the belt for 2 years is idiotic. Then having him in a Heavyweight Tournament but refusing to have the belt on the line and go 5 rounds is idiotic. Some of the matchmaking has been so questionable that it makes sense to suggest reasonably that Strikeforce’s key decision maker may eventually drive them out of business.
That isn’t bias. Zach has equally come down hard on some of the moronic things said/done by Dana White.
SF buddying up to a man closely tied to the shadiness of PRIDE is worth mentioning if you consider yourself a true MMA reporter. That is unless you’re too busy being a fanboy and want to cover up their undesirables because you yourself want to do your part to prop up a UFC competitor. Judging by your posts here, I would say you should be more defensive in your commentary than Zach should be about his. After all, you routinely attack 45 for his fanboyism and then go out of your way to defend Fedor at every turn. Seems like the pot should STFU about the kettle.
I dont comment much, but I’ve been reading Zach’s articles for since about 2003. Sure, I don’t agree with all of his opinions, but he calls things as he sees them.
I haven’t ever seen a particular bias in anything here besides obvious opinion pieces. News is news, and although his inferences may be slightly off, he has the best grasp of the market in Japan that I have seen on any MMA blog, at least in English.
Please show me an example where I have gone out of my way to defend Fedor? I didn’t call his loss to Werdum a fluke or anything like it.
To those of you who say that this is not about “breaking a story” then look back at how many times Zach pats himself on the back for the being the “first” one to predict the fall and demise of Pride. I think that he is trying to set himself up to do it again with Strikeforce, and this is what I am referring to as “breaking the story”
Also, I do not believe that it is about journalistic standards for Zach. I think it is about page views. I understand that the title of this blog is FightOpinion, but I honestly believe that Zach writes topics that he knows will get in the craw of many fans, and thus, create more buzz/interest/views for his site.
I guess part of me looks forward to a day when there is no more MMA except for the UFC so Zach can find something else to write about.
Wow, he vaguely called you a UFC nuthugger. I’m kind of puzzled.
That tweet you made a while back about MMA fans and the hive mentality (I think that was it) was dead on. Not surprising i ended up having to eat my words.
Hope you saw my apology to Snowden.
Live and learn, don’t stress over it.
“Hope you saw my apology to Snowden.”
‘Dubs – care to elaborate? (or not…just being nosy)
I made accusations about Snowden like some other people on here for a while (biases against Zuffa). After actually going back and reading about a year and a half’s worth of his articles I realized i was wrong. He has a bunch of “anti Zuffa” articles but they are comparative to ones written about other companies, commissions, and fighters. I was wrong so I had to eat my words in a conversation with Alan, and make an apology.
I gotta agree to some extent with what some people are saying.
I don’t really see any “pro-Zuffa” bias here, and I think you’re one of the best MMA writers around, certainly when it comes to insights and understanding of the Japanese market (and as someone who has a slight preference for Japanese MMA, that’s been invaluable and extremely informative), but every time I click a Fight Opinion link I think “I wonder what negative news/opinion or doomsaying he’s got to offer this time”.
I don’t think things should be sugar coated or that unpopular or uncomfortable topics should be avoided, quite the opposite, but you can write about happy stuff as well you know. I haven’t been a fan for long enough to have followed you for more than a couple of years, but it’s easy to get the feeling that I’m reading the musings of a disillusioned and somewhat bitter once enthusiastic fan who has soured on the whole thing.
I don’t know what the real deal is and I could be entirely wrong, but true or false it’s the impression created.
Good stuff on Shinoda and the guilt by association. It definitely crossed my mind, but I wonder if people will honestly care about old PRIDE stuff anymore. My impression is that Shinoda works for Real Entertainment and, comparatively to DREAM, they have been the professional party in quite a few dealings lately. For example, they pay their fighters — DREAM won’t even return phone calls. That is my impression though, and I could be wrong. I don’t know the inner-workings of either group very well.
As far as the Gilbert Melendez calling out Frankie Edgar section, I don’t see it being such a detrimental thing as it’s a pipe dream and nothing more. The UFC will never co-promote whereas Bellator would. Frankie will probably never respond to it nor will Dana. Bellator, on the other hand, seized the opportunity and tried to battle it out with Strikeforce in the press.
Strikeforce did drop the ball with Siyar Bahadurzada. He’s a promising fighter and would fit perfectly in Strikeforce. I imagine there was a lot of mis-communication between Strikeforce and Golden Glory, but that is no consolation to Siyar or the casual fan. I’m interested in whether or not the same thing will happen to Gohkan Saki. He’s hinted at being sealed up with Strikeforce, but there’s been no official statement to the best of my knowledge. We could have a very similar situation to Siyar’s, where Team GG and Gokhan assume that everything is kosher on Strikeforce’s end, when they simply aren’t.
I think people in Japan still care about the Pride stuff, I mean K1 and FEG were successful, and now they’ve teamed up with the Pride people and they are in serious trouble, and all of the sudden the Pride people are talking about moving on without FEG.
I don’t know as much as zach when it comes down to all the politics in Japan, but when you look at how Pride’s “partners” have fared in the talent exchange with zuffa, the sale to zuffa, and this partnership with FEG, I wonder why anyone would consider working with them at all, never mind whether they can get your stuff on TV or line up sponsors in Japan.
While this is a very interesting development for sure, i’m more astounded that SF is paying Nick Diaz 150k per fight. That along with Fedor’s purse, overpaying Dan Henderson and god knows what they’ve had to pay Overeem and Werdum to get them in the tournament.
The real story as usual with these orgs is in the payroll departmen,t vastly overpaying for guys who aren’t worth it even if Showtime takes some of the load is a disaster waiting to happen. There is a reason why SF seems dead set on being on PPV soon because they see the writting on the wall and for once i’d like mma writers to do their job in this.
It’s incredible how many articles i’ve seen on the UFC’s financial state while orgs like Affliction and Bellator finances never seem to be in question until everything blows up.
Strikeforce is forced to pay above market value in order to attract even moderate stars….. And really Diaz isn’t a star. And when I say market value I mean the UFC because they are the ones who really dictate the market right now.
Diaz….. Along with another male title fight AND Walker barely pulled in a $500,000 gate. And that was in San Jose. SF can’t even get 10,000 paid fans anymore in their go to city.
If you notice with pay…. Most of their cards have only 1 big payday fighter on them. Which is why they space out things so much. It’s also why their entire undercard cost less then $20,000. A company who was doing well financially would be stacking cards more and developing talent on the undercards. SF doesn’t have that luxury….
This recent card although one of their “arena” series “A” cards, kinda fell just below a “top level” card for me, and the payroll seemed REALLY high relatively speaking.
A reported payroll of $500K with a $500k gate. I guess they also get the $700K Showtime fee and $3,275 in merch sales, so maybe they’re running in the black for this show, but it’s not like they’re rolling in it. Not to mention the payroll figure includes the “$5,000” they pay Walker, which from what I heard is about $95,000 less than he’s really being paid (see: donating to charity).
Sorry, wasn’t saying they were not making money. Just noting that for a #2 promotion they’re not making very much in terms of profits and they’re not really generating a lot of growth.
Nice news on the TV numbers and momentum for the HWGP, so we’ll see what they can do with these positives.
I think you’re way off on in suggesting this show lost money. They did $500,000 at the gate and got a $700,000 license fee from Showtime (forget their Challengers cards which are immensely successful for them). Throw in their foreign deals (mostly SHINE and SPACE TV), merchandise (admittedly very little), and sponsors fees and thy brought in over $1.5 mil for this one show.
Now what were there expenses?
Payout? $550,000 with Herschel’s full payment.
Site fees? Basically none, since HP Pavilion is owned by their partners.
Production costs? handled by Showtime.
Travel expenses? A fraction what the UFC pays, How much do you think it cost for Diaz and his camp to go to San Jose? Or the AKA team? Or all the local fighters? Or the whole promotion that works in that town. Even the cage and in-house show didn’t cost anything since they only had to take it out of storage and not cart it across country.
Advertising? This is Strikeforce, they don’t pay a dime to advertise. That’s done by Showtime and the MMA blogs.
I think people look at all the stupid stuff Strikeforce does and say they have to be losing money. But that stupid stuff (not airing prelims, using locals on prelims, letting Showtime handle production and advertising) is what keeps them from losing their shirts like Affliction and Elite XC did. As for payouts, sure Fedor probably gets a ton, but the rest (even Hendo) are probably affordable. Sure they may be overpriced in comparison to similar talent in the UFC, but the great thing for Strikeforce is that the UFC has been able to keep wages low enough that they’re actually affordable to them.
“Sure they may be overpriced in comparison to similar talent in the UFC, but the great thing for Strikeforce is that the UFC has been able to keep wages low enough that they’re actually affordable to them.”
You know I’ve never thought about it, but that makes a lot of sense. Since Zuffa keeps the market value pretty low over paying really isn’t over paying that much now is it?
Its on record in the late Toshiro Igari’s book that Sakakibara was to be arrested for extortion and this led to Pride being pulled off Fuji TV –
Sotaru Shinoda was considered too small a fish for the Police to be interested in
Working with Shinoda and Real Entertainment means Coker kisses goodbye to any serious media relationship in Japan and any serious sponsorship
Strikeforce is paying nick diaz 150,000 because he is very valuble to there organization. Did you see his fight saturday the dude always brings it & fans love to watch his fights they love him in san jose. Strikeforce need fighters like diaz to be successful everybody can’t be like the ufc, they don’t have to put on exciting fights & events to be successful.
You idiots seem to think coker don’t know what he is doin he has been doing business in japan for many moons, he knows the ins & outs & the way things work out there. But it wouldn’t matter coker could pull of a successful show in japan & mr arnold would still find another petty reason to write a article about coker & strikeforce (instead of commending them for there effort) & just speak unnessasary bullsh*t about them. This website should be called strikeforce opinion. But that’s mma for its like how dare try to be a successful mma promoter like dana white & his bosses. In every other sport you have plenty of promoters & team owners ect that or successful & respect each other enough to do business together. But not mma its like the mob kiss the pinky ring b*tches lol mma is a cold sport.
So, how long have I been writing about MMA and about the Japanese scene? I’d be interested in hearing your response.
What shows/fight business has Coker previously run in Japan?
He was their US promoter for such K-1 classics as Bob Sapp vs. Kimo, Min Soo Kim vs. Scott Junk, and tournaments featuring Cabbage and Sean O’Haire.
Coker was Ken Imai’s front man running K1 US
Just cause Coker has been in Japan more than 100x and is the 2nd coming of Don King when it comes to promoting events in the US, doesnt mean he knows
shitabout promotion in Japan
Dealing with Shinoda and Real Entertainment proves that Coker; and leaving photos around to prove it; effectively means Coker is a moron – at least when it comes to Japan
Around 550,000 viewers for Strikeforce. It’s the Freakshow effect. Last time Walker fought he got similar numbers. But when Diaz fought after that he couldn’t carry over the numbers.
Diaz now has a second main event with Walker on the card. Care to predict if Diaz can carry over those same numbers for his fight with Daley?
My guess is no….
So, great numbers for Showtime despite the buzz about Walker not being able to draw the same heat as his debut, and Nick Diaz continues to ascend not only as the unlikely star of SF’s Shark Tank events, he appears to be gaining traction as a legit TV star on Showtime too. Yeah, what a disaster. Coker must be beside himself.
If you don’t think Diaz vs. Daley can be built into a big TV fight, you’re simply deluding yourself.
I think what he was saying was the big numbers had more to do with Walker, and less to do with Diaz. Sadly, the numbers from their events would support that opinion.
Look at their 3 highest rated Showtime events. 2 with Walker and 1 with Carano. The fans dot come back in the same numbers for the regular cards.
If Diaz was such a star, he would have gotten bigger then a $500,000 gate. If he was such a big star, his fight with Noons would have produced higher ratings. The fact is that he has been the beneficiary of 2 Walker cards and so far hasn’t been able to carry it forward.
History tells us people never stay Once the freak is gone. Not in Japan. Not on TUF (think Kimbo). And not for Strikeforce.
Show me a few cards in a tow without Walker on them getting those ratings, and I will tell you SF is showing grow. Until then, it’s just the same bump SF saw the last time Walker fought.
The peak rating came in the final half hour during the main event. So while Walker undoubtedly helped get many of them in the door, Diaz kept them there.
Correct. Walker got the fans in. That’s the point. They wouldn’t have watched if he wasn’t on. Which is the only reason they averaged over 500,000.
It’s shocking how people rationalize this stuff. It has nothing to do with a GP. Nothing to do with Diaz. It had to do with Walker. There are 2 years of SF ratings history to prove this.
And the last time they had a huge bump in ratings due to him…. It didn’t stick. Just like the bump in TUF ratings didn’t stick post Kimbo.
Like I said…. Give me a few non freakshow cards that produce constantly high numbers and then you can say it is progress for SF.
How high do you think the Columbus ratings will be? Do you think it will keep up? Nope. Fedor will get around 450,000 and Henderson will get between 350,000 to 400,000 average for their cards. And then what? It’s just a big circle that can’t be broken until they create stars.
And don’t tell me Diaz is a star because the gates and Noons fights prove he is not.
What you and a lot of SF fanboys are doing…. Would be like me seeing GSP get 750,000 PPV Buys and then declaring every UFC PPV in the future will get that.
Forecasting is your friend….. Learn the concept….
Let’s not ignore the effects of the Grand Prix. I predict the Feb card comes close to or breaks the record. There is a lot of hype for the Grand Prix. Sure most of it is the hardcore audience, which is most of Strikeforce’s audience, but it seems to be getting them some attention with the more casual fanbase. As anecdotal evidence take a look a the number of bars showing the Fedor card. I talked to a number of bar managers who said they would be showing the fights because of the interest in them. And these places never show Strikeforce fights!
That’s awesome that many bars are interested in showing the Feb. 12 card. But how many more patrons will these bars get because of the fight card? It’s unfortunate, but unless it’s UFC then most fans don’t care. But if the Fedor/Rogers card and the Fedor/Werdum card didn’t produce higher than normal ratings for SF/SHO then what makes you think Fedor/Bigfoot will bring in the numbers? Because it’s attached to the GP? Maybe it will do the trick, who knows?
45 Huddle,
You’re not going to say anything positive about Strikeforce, so why in the world would we take your negative posts seriously?
Everything you have to say is negative, and it is annoying. If you don’t like Strikeforce, then please don’t watch it.
Wouldn’t you be more happy then?
What I said is true. Those are around the same ratings the last Walker card got. Yet people are saying it’s for other reasons.
The desperately want to see SF be successful so badly that it warps their view point.
What I said was logical and based on their past ratings. Nothing has changed as of today in terms of what SF can do with a non freakshow card….
But if Strikeforce bothers you so much and you don’t agree with what other people are saying about, then why in the world do you watch it?
You think that their fighters are shit. You think that they are not nearly as good as the UFC. You think that they are over-rated, big fish in a small pond, etc. etc.
So why watch them? All you do is trash them.
Gilbert is so “displeased” with Strikeforce that he’s already informally committed to re-signing with them. I don’t think being aware of and wanting fights with top LWs outside of the promotion is the same thing as being displeased. He’s just competitive.
[…] As native promotions hang on for dear life, Strikeforce is considering its own entry into the complicated market. With stars on hand like Fedor Emelianenko, Alistair Overeem, Josh Barnett, and Shinya Aoki, there is some potential there. But Japanese MMA expert Zach Arnold says Strikeforce is making all the wrong allies in its attempt to breathe life into the Japanese scene: […]
[…] already written a couple of articles this week (here and here) talking about the messier side of the Japanese MMA scene (covering the strange, bizarre, […]
[…] […]
[…] Wildcard thought: If Zuffa cuts a deal with Real Entertainment to have Real manage their Japanese show, that would open up a whole new can of worms as far as associations with ticket brokers, production companies, and the like. Advice to Zuffa: if you’re smart, you won’t send Scott Coker over to the show and have him take pictures while hanging around with characters like Sotaro Shinoda. […] |
Sec. Plant Breeding
Flower abscission in Vitis vinifera L. triggered by gibberellic acid and shade discloses differences in the underlying metabolic pathways
- 1Linking Landscape, Environment, Agriculture and Food, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
- 2Agri4Safe-BioTrop, Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical I.P., Lisbon, Portugal
- 3Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy.
Abscission is the process by which vegetative and reproductive organs can be detached from plants as an effect of developmental, hormonal, and environmental cues. Abscission control is regarded as an important agricultural concern because it affects production yield and quality. In fruit species, fruit set is often excessive and the natural drop, which enables the plant to self-regulate its load, is not sufficient to satisfy fresh market quality standards (Bonghi et al., 2000). Fruit thinning is a common practice, particularly in table grape production, in which the reduction of berry number per bunch is mandatory to guarantee improved bunch appearance and quality and decreased diseases incidence (Dokoozlian and Peacock, 2001). Excluding labor-demanding manual thinning, the most common thinning method for table grapes uses chemical treatments with GAc sprays at bloom to induce flower abscission. The effectiveness of this practice is known to vary due to both internal (such as cultivar, phenologic stage, physiological condition, and age) and external (such as nutrient availability, irrigation, temperature, irradiation, and humidity) conditions (Weaver et al., 1962; Hopping, 1976; Looney and Wood, 1977; Dokoozlian, 1998; Dokoozlian and Peacock, 2001; Reynolds and Savigny, 2004; Reynolds et al., 2006; Hed et al., 2011). Gibberellins participate in biological processes such as cell elongation, dormancy breaking, parthenocarpy induction, and seed germination (Yamaguchi, 2008; Davière and Achard, 2013). However, despite the widespread use of GAc spraying, the mechanisms by which GAc works as thinning agent are not fully understood. According to the photosynthates competition hypothesis (Dokoozlian, 1998), GAc stimulates general organ growing, inducing competition for nutrients between flowers and shoots and/or among flowers within the inflorescence, which leads to reductions in the amount of nutrients available for berry set and growth. Alternatively, GAc can be responsible for unbalancing hormone relative concentrations, in agreement with the hormone balance hypothesis (Dokoozlian, 1998). Auxins are known to regulate gibberellin endogenous levels (Yamaguchi, 2008). A flow of inhibitory auxin in an organ destined to abscise prevents cell separation until its endogenous levels drop, de-repressing ethylene, which then activates the transcription of CW disassembly related genes (Else et al., 2004; Dal Cin et al., 2005). The effect of shade imposition to promote berry set reduction has been first investigated by Roubelakis and Kliewer (1976) and Ferree et al. (2001). The use of this practice as an alternative thinning method was successful also in other species, such as apple (Schneider, 1975; Byers et al., 1985, 1990, 1991; Corelli Grappadelli et al., 1990; Widmer et al., 2008; Zibordi et al., 2009; Basak, 2011) and involves intercepted light reduction during a short period of time after bloom. The pronounced reduction of net photosynthetic rate under shading promotes the competition for photoassimilates between vegetative and reproductive organs, leading to shedding of the later, which have less sink strength at this early stage of development (Vasconcelos et al., 2009). Hence, abscission stands as challenging biological question since it can be induced by agents that apparently act by promoting opposite changes to the plant physiology. However, although the hormone and the assimilate theories may look contrasting, changes in assimilate availability may be the trigger required for changing hormone balances, leading to abscission. Moreover, sugars are more than an energy source as may also act as messengers operating in gene expression regulation or as signaling molecules (Lebon et al., 2008).
The mechanisms underlying organ abscission, were recently reviewed by Estornell et al. (2013), and involve signal peptides and specific receptors, mostly regulated by hormones, in which ethylene, ABA, and jasmonic acid act as accelerating signals. Conversely, auxin, gibberellins, PAs, and brassinosteroids act in abscission inhibiting signaling. The developmental phenomenon of physiological drop represents the natural reduction of fruit set and enables the plant to shed the weaker sinks, regulating the fruit load according to its capacity to produce the metabolic energy required to complete the development of reproductive and vegetative structures (Bonghi et al., 2000). Natural drop occurs after an increased ABA and ethylene production that induces a negative feedback in fruit development, as demonstrated in apple (Botton et al., 2011). In wine grapes, natural drop was showed to be related to lower sugar and PAs availability for developing flowers (Aziz, 2003; Lebon et al., 2004). Declines in the sugar supply at meiosis results in excessive flower abortion in this species (Lebon et al., 2008) which together with the expression of sucrose- or hexose-transporter genes (Davies et al., 1999), suggests a role for sugars in flower stress avoidance. Free-PA synthesis is also closely related to the onset of ovarian development and retards abscission (Aziz, 2003). Since PAs and ethylene share SAM as a common intermediate, SAM may be alternatively channeled toward the PA pathway, functioning as an alternative control. Free PAs fluctuate in parallel with sugars in the grape inflorescence, suggesting also a contribution in the modulation of their concentrations (Aziz, 2003).
Changes on the biochemical and transcriptome profiles during flower and fruit abscission triggered by growth regulators (Whitelaw et al., 2002; Dal Cin et al., 2005, 2009; Li and Yuan, 2008; Meir et al., 2010; Botton et al., 2011; Giulia et al., 2013; Peng et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2013) or by low light conditions (Aziz, 2003; Zhou et al., 2008; Li et al., 2013) have been studied in several species such as tomato (Solanum lycopersicon), apple (Malus domestica), lychee (Litchi chinensis), or wine grapes aiming at understanding the effect caused by chemical/environmental perturbations. The above-cited studies revealed a coordinated response of hormones, ROS, sugar metabolism, and signaling pathways to determine the downstream activation of abscission which includes increased activity of CW-modifying enzymes. Nonetheless, to our knowledge, only one publication to date (Zhu et al., 2011) reports a direct comparison of the mechanisms underlying abscission triggered by two distinct cues. The authors compared napththaleneacetic acid (NAA) and shading treatments in inducing abscission in apple, through transcriptome analysis, and observed shared pathways involving reduction of photosynthesis, carbon transport and signaling, and hormone crosstalk. The aim of the present study was to provide a first global approach for understanding the changes occurring in vine inflorescences and canopy that explain flower abscission in Vitis vinifera L. (Black Magic table grape cultivar), triggered by two contrasting abscission-inducing treatments (shade and GAc spraying) under conditions that leading to similar berry shed rates. The goal was to search for specificities and common links in metabolic pathways that control abscission.
Materials and Methods
Experimental Conditions and Design
The trails were carried out in a greenhouse in the south of Sicily, in a soilless table grape commercial production system (Di Lorenzo et al., 2014) of ‘Black Magic’ vines (V. vinifera L.) own-rooted in 2010 (Figure 1A). Black Magic is a very early seeded table grape cultivar, with high fertility and yield, released by the National Research Institute of Grape and Wine in Chisinau, Moldova. The assays were performed during the late production cycle of 2011 and the early production cycle of 2012. Plants were spaced 1.60 m between lines × 0.40 m between plants, trained as unilateral cordon pruned with six buds and managed following integrated fertilization, irrigation, and pest-management practices (Di Lorenzo et al., 2009). The number of fertirrigations ranged between 5 and 20, judged by monitoring microclimate conditions. Nutritive solutions had the composition of 3, 1.25, 0.5, 0.65, 0.75, 0.5, 1.25, 7, 0.75, 2, and 0.5 mM of Ca, Mg, Na, K, NH4, Si, P, NO3, HCO3/CO3, SO4, and Cl, respectively, the pH was 5.0 and the electrical conductivity was maintained between 1.5 and 2 ms cm-1. Treatments were: (i) reduction of intercepted light and (ii) chemical thinning with GAc, both established at bloom (50% cap fall, stage 65 of the BBCH scale Lorenz et al., 1994). Shade treatments entailed covering the vines with green polypropylene 90% nets (Serroplast, Italy) for a period of 12 days. Chemical treatment consisted in spraying GAc (Gibberellin 1.8% GA3, Gobbi, Italy) at 15 ppm concentration. A group that remained untreated was included as control. Experiments were designed in three randomized blocks by treatment with 14 vines each, using single vines as replicates. Climate conditions were monitored above the canopy of shaded and control vines (WatchDog MicroStation, Spectrum Tech., USA; Supplementary Figure S1).
FIGURE 1. Aspect of the experimental table grape vines (Black Magic cv) growing in greenhouse conditions (A), monitoring of flowers drop (B) and flowers detached from the base of flower pedicel (C) after abscission-inducing treatments application.
Late Production Cycle
Plants were kept stored cold until June 2011 and the experiments started at 3rd July. The 50% cap fall stage (bloom) occurred after 34 days and harvest was carried out 67 DAB. This production cycle lasted a total of 101 days. The day (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.)/night (7 p.m. to 7 a.m.) mean temperatures registered were 32/23°C, relative humidity was 41/64% and PAR was 5/504 μmol m-2 s-1.
Early Production Cycle
The experiments were conducted in 2012 using the same plants as in the previous year. The early production cycle started at 9 February, 50% cap fall stage occurred after 53 days and grapes were harvested 77 DAB. This cycle lasted a total of 130 days. The recorded day/night mean temperatures were 26/14°C, relative humidity was 45/79% and PAR was 17/566 μmol m-2 s-1.
Vine Physiology Monitoring
Flower and berry drop were monitored by positioning non-woven cloth bags around bunches at 50% cap fall after the imposition of each treatment, to collect the shed flowers (Figures 1B,C). Flowers were collected and counted, 2, 4, and 12 DAB in 10 bunches per treatment. Bunches were selected taking uniformity of bloom in account. At harvest, the same bunches were collected and the final number of berries was recorded to calculate the cumulative and daily rate berry drop percentages. Net Pn, E and gs were measured in the morning period (9:00–11:00 a.m.) using a portable infrared gas analyzer (CIRAS, PPsystems, UK) on 12 mature leaves from the central part of the shoot, twice during the shade period (at 3 and 10 DAB). Shoot length, estimated leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD-502 m, Minolta, Japan) and total (sum of primary and secondary) leaf area (WinDIAS leaf area measurement system, Delta-T Devices, UK) were determined 12 DAB, before removal of the shade nets, in nine shoots per treatment.
Metabolic Analysis
Quantification of Target Metabolites
Sugar (glucose, sucrose, fructose, and stachyose), free PA (putrescine, spermine, spermidine, and cadaverine) and hormone (IAA and ABA) contents extracted from inflorescence samples collected in the late cycle, 1, 3, and 4 DAB were quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), aiming at determining the metabolic changes explaining flower abscission. The biochemical analyses were conducted using liquid nitrogen frozen powdered samples of whole inflorescences deprived from the rachis. Samples for soluble sugars quantification (100 mg) were extracted according to Damesin and Lelarge (2003), and samples were injected into a HPLC (Beckman Coulter, USA) and separated on a Sugar-Pak I column I (300 × 6.5 mm, Waters) at 90°C under a 122 μM EDTA-Ca solution and a flow rate of 0.5 ml min-1. Peaks were detected by RI (Refractive Index Detector 2414, Waters). Free PAs were quantified according to Smith and Davies (1987) with modifications. Samples (100 mg) were mixed with 300 μL of a 5% perchloric acid solution, kept for 50 min in ice and centrifuged for 20 min at 20000 g at 4°C. Saturated Na2CO3 (200 μl) and dansyl chloride (400 μL, 5 mg ml-1 in acetone) were added to 100 μl of the supernatant, and mixtures were incubated in the dark at 60°C for 1 h. Proline (10 mg) was then added and further incubated for 30 min. PAs were extracted with 500 μl of toluene, the organic phase was dried under nitrogen and the residue was dissolved in 300 μl acetonitrile. The resulting samples were injected into the HPLC (Ultimate 3000, Dionex, Sunnyville, CA, USA), eluted through a C18 column (particle size 5 μm, 4.6 × 150 mm, Thermo Scientific) at a flow rate of 1 ml min-1 with a mobile phase consisting of 10% acetonitrile solution, pH 3.5 (solvent A) and acetonitrile (solvent B) using a 60 to 90% of solvent A gradient, during 23 min. Peaks were detected with a diode array detector (DAD) at 346 nm. IAA and ABA were extracted according to Kelen et al. (2004) with modifications. Samples (200 mg) were extracted with 600 μL of 70% methanol and incubated at 4°C overnight. The extraction was repeated twice and the methanol evaporated under vacuum. 0.1 M phosphate buffer (800 μl) was added to the aqueous phase and partitioned with 300 μl of ethyl acetate three times. After ethyl acetate removal, the pH was adjusted to 2.5 with 1 N HCl. The solution was further partitioned three times with 450 μl of diethyl ether, passed through anhydrous sodium sulfate, evaporated at 50°C under vacuum and the residue was dissolved in 100 μl of methanol. Aliquots were injected into the HPLC (Ultimate 3000, Dionex, Sunnyville, CA, USA), eluted through a C18 column (particle size 5 μm, 4.6 × 150 mm, Thermo Scientific) under a 30 mM phosphoric acid solution with 26% acetonitrile at 4 pH during 30 min at 0.8 ml min-1 and the peaks were detected with a DAD at 208 and 265 nm. In all cases, extractions were done in duplicate readings, each from three biological replicates per treatment. Standards for peak identification were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich®.
Global Metabolomic Profile
Sample points for metabolomic analysis were chosen based on the significant changes observed after target chromatography quantifications. Therefore, samples from three biological replicates (200 mg) of GAc-, shaded-treated and control inflorescences collected at 4 DAB in the late production cycle, were lyophilized, methanol extracted, and analyzed using the integrated platform developed by Metabolon® (Durham, USA) consisting of a combination of three independent approaches: (1) ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (UHLC/MS/MS2) optimized for basic species, (2) UHLC/MS/MS2 optimized for acidic species, and (3) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Methods were followed as previously described (Evans et al., 2009; Ohta et al., 2009).
Evaluation of Productivity and Berry Quality Attributes
The final number of shot berries (parthenocarpic small berries that remain green at harvest) and regular-sized berries, bunch weight, rachis length and weight, bunch compactness (ratio between total number of berries and length of the rachis) and yield per plant (product of the bunch weight by number of bunches per plant) were recorded and calculated at harvest in the same 10 bunches per treatment used for flower drop monitoring. Ten berries per bunch were randomly selected to measure berries weight and diameter. The remaining berries were distributed in three samples per treatment to measure total soluble solids (TSS; in °Brix using a PR-32 refractometer, Atago, Japan) and titratable acidity (TA; by potentiometric titration with 0.1 N NaOH up to pH 8.1).
Data Imputation and Statistical Analysis
To access the significance of the differences observed between treatments and production cycles, variance analysis (one- and two-way ANOVA) and post hoc (Tukey’s HSD with α = 0.05) tests were conducted using Statistix 9 (Analytical Software, Tallahassee, FL, USA). To improve adjustment to the normal distribution, percentage values were arcsin sqrt(x) transformed and values concerning number of berries were square-root transformed. For global metabolomic analyses, raw area counts for each biochemical were rescaled by dividing each sample’s value by the median value for the specific metabolite. Following log2 transformations, statistical analysis of the data was performed using Array Studio (Omicsoft). In order to visualize the results, a heat map was generated to show fold change (FC) defined as the log2 of the means ratio of each treatment and control for each compound (Supplementary Figure S2). Welch’s two-sample t-tests were used to determine whether each metabolite had significantly increased or decreased in abundance. False discovery rates (FDRs) were calculated as q-values according to Storey and Tibshirani (2003) to account for the large number of tests. Metabolites that significantly changed in response to at least one of the imposed treatments were used to conduct correlation matrix-based principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering. Dendrograms associated with the heatmap and approximately unbiased and bootstrap probability P-values were computed using pvclust version 1.3.2 (Suzuki and Shimodaira, 2006) with the UPGMA method and 1000 bootstrap replications. Box plots were generated for those compounds that showed a significant increase or decrease using both the Welch two-sample t-test, FDR (i.e., P < 0.05 and q < 0.10) significance values and |FC| ≥ 1. Mapping of named metabolites was performed onto general biochemical pathways, provided in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG1) and Plant Metabolic Network (PMN2).
Effect of GAc and Shade on Flower Abscission
The purpose of the treatments was to induce flower abscission, triggered by two distinct stimuli, with distinct physiological basis. In the late production cycle, both shade and GAc treatments resulted in higher cumulative percentages of berry drop (95.9% in the shade and 94.3% in the GAc treatment) comparing to the natural drop values observed in control bunches (81.0%; Table 1). Similarly, the average daily number of berries drop was highest in the shade treatment (115 ± 20 berries dropped per bunch per day), followed by GAc (62 ± 14 berries dropped per bunch per day) and lower in the control (28 ± 4 berries dropped per bunch per day) between 2 and 4 DAB (Figure 2A). In the early production cycle, shade imposition was the treatment that promoted the highest percentage of berries drop (49.4%; Table 1). This effect was reflected by an average higher daily number of dropped berries during 2–4 and 4–12 DAB intervals (13 ± 5 and 104 ± 26 berries dropped per bunch per day, respectively), when compared to control (1 ± 0.5 and 29 ± 10 berries dropped per bunch per day, respectively) and GAc treatments (0.3 ± 0.2 and 10 ± 3 berries dropped per bunch per day, respectively; Figure 2B). Based on these results, the metabolic composition of samples collected in the late cycle, treated with hormonal and light stress abscission-inducing signals, was analyzed.
TABLE 1. Effect of shade and GAc treatments on the average percentage of flower drop, total leaf area, and estimated leaf chlorophyll content at 12 DAB, on net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and gs during the shade period in ‘Black Magic’ vines in late and early cycles.
FIGURE 2. Average daily number of flower drop in summer (A) and spring (B) production cycles as effect of GAc and shade treatments on ‘Black Magic’ vines (mean ± SE). Within each sampling date, different letters indicate statistically significant differences (P < 0.05).
Impacts on Vine Physiology
Natural flower drop was significantly affected by environmental factors, exerting a significant effect on fruit set (Table 1). A higher drop rate occurred in the late production cycle (81%) when compared to the early cycle (16.9%). Comparing shaded with unshaded conditions, a 90% PAR reduction was observed, while no significant differences in temperature and relative humidity were perceived (Supplementary Figure S1). On clear sunny day conditions, the 90%-interception shade cloth provided approximately a maximum PAR of 157 and 170 μmol m-2 s-1 in late and early cycles, respectively, which demonstrates the strong net Pn reduction achieved under shaded conditions, in the magnitudes of 90 and 99%, in the late and early cycle, respectively. Transpiration rate (E; not shown) and gs decreased under shade, only during the early production cycle, by 23 and 54%, respectively, when compared to controls (Table 1). No differences in shoot length and total leaf area were observed between treatments. Nevertheless, in the early cycle, a higher estimated leaf chlorophyll content was perceived in shaded plants (31.2 spad units) when compared with plants treated with GAc (28.1 spad units; Table 1). Production cycles and the interaction production cycles × treatment were statistically significantly different regarding cumulative flower drop and gs (P < 0.01). Production cycle also affected leaf area, shoot length and leaf chlorophyll content (P < 0.01; Table 1), impacting final bunch morphology and berry quality (Table 2).
TABLE 2. Effect of shade and GAc treatments on bunch and berries characteristics at harvest in Black Magic table grape cultivar in the late and early cycles.
Impacts on Metabolite Content
Regarding the metabolites analyzed in inflorescences sampled from untreated vines 1, 3, and 4 DAB during the late cycle, the results showed reduced sucrose levels between 1 and 4 DAB (Figure 3A) and increased ABA concentrations, peaking at 3 DAB (Figure 3E). Conversely, compared to the control, in shade-treated inflorescences, sucrose concentration decreased at 3 and 4 DAB and fructose and glucose at 4 DAB. In GAc-treated inflorescences, sucrose concentration was highest at 4 DAB (Figure 3B). A significant increase of putrescine content was also observed in the same samples, 4 DAB. In samples submitted to the shade treatment, this PA decreased 3 and 4 DAB (Figure 3D). Cadaverine was not detected. Concerning hormones, IAA concentration was significantly increased in result of both treatments 4 DAB and no differences in ABA levels were observed between treated inflorescences and controls (Figure 3F). From the 215 metabolites investigated by the global metabolic analyses conducted in samples collected 4 DAB, a total of 211 were detected (Supplementary Figure S2) and 48 showed to be differentially changed in abundance (P < 0.05) in inflorescences induced for abscission. A total of 34 and 23 metabolites showed differential abundance in shade and GAc treatments, respectively, of which 9 metabolites were common in the different treatments (Table 3). Hierarchical clustering (Figure 4A) showed the association between samples according to the metabolite profile. Samples resulting from each treatment were significantly clustered together. Oleonate, the only metabolite that highly decreased with GAc treatments (FC = -2) was separated from the other metabolites. Raffinose, sucrose and benzoyl-O-glucose, showed a distinct pattern according to the imposed treatment, and were grouped in a different cluster. PCA (Figure 4B) showed that all samples could be separated according to the treatment to each they were submitted to. The first component allows distinguishing inflorescences developing under shade from all the other samples. GAc samples were separated from controls by the second component. Differentially quantified metabolites were mapped onto general biochemical pathways, and categorized into functional classes as showed in Figure 5. Among the 34 metabolites significantly altered in abundance in shaded inflorescences, those assigned to carbohydrates composed the most prevalent class (38%), followed by products of secondary metabolism (26%), amino acid (15%), nucleotide (9%), peptide (7%), cofactors (3%), and lipids (3%). Among the 23 metabolites that significantly changed in response to GAc, products from carbohydrate metabolism was also the most prevalent class (52%), followed by amino acid (18%), secondary metabolism (13%), nucleotide (9%), cofactor (4%), and hormone (4%). A list of all metabolites significantly affected by GAc and shade treatments (P < 0.05), assigned functional categories, KEGG compound number and respective fold-change is provided in Table 3. Shade and GAc treatments were responsible for a decreased concentration of 24 and four metabolites, respectively, sharing two metabolites derived from the carbohydrate pathway, namely myo-inositol tetrakisphosphate and erythrulose. On the opposite trend, the imposed treatments induced increased concentration of 10 and 19 metabolites, in shade and GAc, respectively. N6-carbamoylthreonyladenosine, a metabolite from the nucleotide class, was common to both sample sets. Six metabolites concurrently increased in response to GAc and decreased under shade. Four were derived from carbohydrates metabolism, namely sucrose, glucose, raffinose, and malate and the other two were derived from secondary metabolism, and included benzyl alcohol and benzyl-O-glucose. Regarding amino acid pathway, decreased quinate, shikimate, and putrescine concentrations and increased metabolites derived from aspartate family (methionine and SAH) were observed in shade-derived samples. In the GAc treated samples, an increase of phenethylamine, aspartate, and alanine and a decrease of 2-aminobutyrate occurred. All metabolites from the carbohydrate pathway were reduced in shaded inflorescences except arabonate. Conversely, in GAc-treated samples, all metabolites increased except myo-inositol tetrakisphosphate and erythrulose. Glycerol, a product from the lipids metabolism, highly increased in result of shade conditions. Gibberelate was detected only in the GAc-derived samples, probably as the result of the exogenous application. Several metabolites from coenzyme and nucleotide metabolisms increased in both treatments except adenosine that was reduced in shade. Likewise, gamma-glutamylisoleucine (gamma-glu-lleu) and gamma-glutamylvaline (gamma-glu-val), from peptides metabolism, increased in the shade treatment. The concentration of metabolites derived from secondary metabolism was reduced in both treatments except two aromatic benzenoids (benzyl alcohol and benzyl-O-glucose) that increased in the GAc treatment and rutin that was increased in the shaded samples. Focusing on the metabolites with more pronounced changes [FC (| log 2 (treatment/control)| ) ≥ 1], it was observed that raffinose, inositol, glycolysis, TCA cycle, shikimate, PAL and PA pathways were involved in the changes that occurred in inflorescences treated to enhance abscission rates (Figure 6). Sucrose and raffinose amounts changed in opposite directions in shade and GAc treated inflorescences, and a down- and up-regulation of the raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs) pathway was found in shade and GAc, respectively. Inositol and metabolites from the shikimate pathway (quinate and shikimate) were reduced in shade. Erythrulose and 1,3-dihydroxyacetone derived from glucose and glyceraldeyde-3-P in the glycolysis pathway were also reduced in this treatment. Concerning compounds associated with the TCA cycle, 2-ketogulonate, derived from oxaloacetate, was reduced in shaded samples and 2-aminobutyrate, derived from α-ketoglutarate (via glutamate), was reduced in response to GAc spraying. PA metabolism, likewise derived from glutamate, was reduced in result of the shade treatment. Compounds from benzenoids family increased in GAc treated inflorescences whereas oleanolate was decreased. Flavonoids (catechin and catechin gallate), phenylpropanoids (resveratrol and gallate), benzyl-O-glucose and loganin were reduced in response to shade.
TABLE 3. List of metabolites significantly affected by GAc and shade treatments (P < 0.05), functional categories, KEGG compound number and respective fold-change.
FIGURE 3. Fluctuation in sugar (A), PA (C), and hormone (E) concentrations in control and fold-change variations [Log2(treatment/control)] in sugar (B), PA (D), and hormone (F) concentrations in shade and GAc treated inflorescences at 1, 3, and 4 DAB. Statistical significances of different time points in metabolites concentration in control inflorescences, and of treatments comparing to control were assessed by one-way ANOVA (∗ mean significantly different at P < 0.05).
FIGURE 4. Hierarchical cluster (A) and principal component analysis (B) of the significantly changed metabolites. Yellow and blue tones represent metabolites more and less abundant, respectively. The significance of dendrogram nodes was estimated by bootstrap analyses using 1000 permutations. Values represented in the left side of internal nodes are the approximately unbiased P-values (AU), bold and italic values on the right side represented the bootstrap probability value. In PCA, the first and second components explain 81.5% of the total variation endorsed by the metabolite profile. Gray, blue and orange represent replicates from control, GAc and shade treatments, respectively.
FIGURE 5. Functional categorization of the 48 metabolites that showed significantly changes (P < 0.05) in abundance. In shaded inflorescences (A), 34 metabolites from carbohydrate, secondary metabolism, amino acid, nucleotide, peptide, cofactor, and lipid functional pathways were significantly affected. In GAc-treated inflorescences (B), 19 metabolite contents from carbohydrate, amino acid, secondary metabolism, hormone, cofactor, and nucleotide pathways changed. Nine metabolites were changed in both the treatments.
FIGURE 6. Changes in metabolic profile in table grape inflorescences treated with GAc and Shade. Metabolites with highly significant differences are represented in the box plots and asterisks identify which treatment is different from the control [P < 0.05, FC (| log 2 (treatment/control)| ) ≥ 1]. Data were log 2 transformed after scale imputation median = 1. Gray, blue, and orange represent samples from control, GAc and shade treatments, respectively.
Impacts on Bunch and Berry Quality
Shade and GAc treatments reduced yield per plant, bunch weight and number of regular sized berries, in both cycles, when compared to untreated vines (Table 2). In the late production cycle, no differences in shot berries number were observed while in the early cycle, GAc promoted a higher number of these berries (407.1 shot berries), which was reflected in the increased number of total berries (512.6 berries per bunch) measured. Rachis length was shorter in bunches from vines submitted to shade and GAc, in the early production cycle. Nevertheless, bunch compactness was lower in plants that were shaded during flowering in both production cycles (5.1 and 10.5 berries cm-1) and higher in GAc treated plants in the early production cycle (22.1 berries cm-1) when compared with control. Rachis weight was lower in both production cycles in bunches from shaded vines, and was higher in GAc treated bunches in late cycle. Regarding berry quality parameters, the weight and transversal diameter of the berries were reduced in grapes from GAc treated and shaded vines in late cycle, when compared with controls. In the early cycle, no significant differences were observed in berry diameter but shade lead to increased berry weight. Berry TSS content was higher in shaded vines comparing to the control in the late cycle, while differences in titratable acidity were not observed (Table 2). Both production cycle and the interaction production cycles × treatment significantly affected yield per plant, number of berries, number of shot berries, bunch compactness and berry diameter and berry weight (P < 0.05). Production cycle also affected average bunch weight and titrable acidity (P < 0.001).
Flower Abscission Induced by Hormonal and C-Starvation Stimuli
The direct comparison of the changes in V. vinifera L. inflorescences metabolite abundance that resulted from the imposition of two different abscission-triggering treatments was possible due to controlled conditions allowed from the experimental model used. Using potted plants growing under soilless greenhouse conditions, it was possible to apply both treatments to homogenous biological material. Moreover, this system allowed achieving improved plant growth and grape productivity, extending the harvest schedule and, relevant to the objectives of this work, obtaining more than one production cycle in the same agronomic year (Di Lorenzo et al., 2009).
The significant effect of climatic conditions on fruit set, revealed by the differences observed in natural flower drop rates between the two production cycles, can be explained by the influence exerted by the maximum temperatures registered during bloom in the late cycle that exceeded 35°C in the majority of the days during the bloom period (Supplementary Figure S1). Under these range of temperatures, fruit set is known to decrease due to reduction of ovule fertility (Kliewer, 1977) and pollen germination rates (Vasconcelos et al., 2009).
The Black Magic table grape cultivar showed to be sensitive to shade imposed during bloom, resulting in increased flower drop percentages in both production cycles while the response to GAc application showed to be dependent of microclimate conditions. Under this treatment, fruit set was impaired in the late production cycle while an increase was observed in the early cycle, which agrees with previous results (Reynolds and Savigny, 2004; Reynolds et al., 2006) in 3-years trials. The significant reduction of fruit set induced by the 12-days period shading during bloom (Table 1) suggests that this approach can be exploited as an effective method for thinning in table grape production, relying on the pronounced decline of net photosynthetic rate, which promotes a decrease on carbon resources available to both vegetative and reproductive sinks and increases the competition between them (Corelli Grappadelli et al., 1990; Byers et al., 1991; Zibordi et al., 2009). The moment of shade imposition matched a stage during which the vine carbon reserves reached a minimum, which coincides with the onset of bloom in grapevines (Zapata et al., 2004). During this sensible period, interruptions or partial sugar supply declines are known to promote flower abortion (Lebon et al., 2008). In the present study, monitoring daily rate of berry drop during the shade imposition period enabled us to verify that the maximum rate of berries drop depends on the global environmental conditions, occurring 2–4 DAB in late cycle and between 4 and 12 DAB in early cycle, indicating precocity in C-shortage in the former cycle. Shading did not affect leaf area nor shoot growth, confirming previous observations that indicate that reproductive growth is more sensitive to environmental stress or limitation of resources than vegetative growth (Chiarello and Gulmon, 1991). The increased estimated leaf chlorophyll content in result from intercepted light reduction when compared with GAc treated vines, agrees with Ferree et al. (2001), and suggests an adaptability of the grapevine to low light intensity by increasing the PAR trapping efficiency (Cartechini and Palliotti, 1995).
The evidence that disturbances in growth regulators internal concentrations have an important influence on fruit set has been exploited in table grape production. In fact, GAc exogenous bloom application is commonly used as a mean to achieve cluster loosening (Dokoozlian and Peacock, 2001). Nonetheless, environment was demonstrated to play a major role in modulating the responses to growth regulator treatments, in particular the temperature. Low temperatures lead to sub-optimal response while, under high temperature conditions, the response may be excessive (Wertheim and Webster, 2005). Thus, we suggest that the observed differences on GAc effectiveness to induce flower abscission and increase shot berries number was related to the environmental conditions and physiological stage of the vines. During the late production cycle, vines are developing under more intense stress conditions, and had a smaller leaf area and shoot length than in the early cycle. Plants are expected to have lower carbohydrates and endogenous GA levels, resulting in a higher sensitivity to exogenously applied GAc and a reduction of fruit set comparing to control. Sensitivity to exogenously applied GAc was reported to be inversely related with endogenous gibberellins levels (Boll et al., 2009).
Sugar Metabolism and Other Energy Sources
Sucrose, glucose, and fructose are the major phloem sap sugars which feed the developing vine inflorescences (Lebon et al., 2008). The reduction on the sucrose content in inflorescences developing under control conditions observed 4 DAB, at the onset of natural drop, agrees with previous observations (Glad et al., 1992) reporting that this sugar, predominant in this stage, represents 85% in sap flow at full bloom and declines thereafter to 60% at the end of fertilization, explaining natural drop. Our results were expected in confirming that decreased light intensity inhibits photosynthesis and sugar accumulation in inflorescences but showed that, in contrast, GAc treatment did not affect photosynthesis and even increased the inflorescence sugar content. Noticeably, both treatments resulted in similar rates of flower abscission (Table 1 and Figure 3). Shade induced more pronounced effects than GAc spraying concerning the number of changed metabolites (Table 3). Essentially, all carbon metabolites identified showed to be present in lower amounts in shaded and in higher levels in GAc samples, including sucrose and glucose, as well as TCA intermediates (malate, citramalate, and fumarate), and intermediates of the RFO pathway, such as raffinose (Table 3 and Figure 6). The decline of carbohydrate transport metabolism that occurred in shade agrees with abscission modulation induced by NAA and by shade in apple (Zhu et al., 2011). It was also verified that under shade, as in other stress conditions, the synthesis of glycerol may be favored via starch degradation, as an energy resource, and decrease of the carbon flow into TCA cycle (Xia et al., 2014). Regarding amino acid pathways, in shaded samples, the concentration of quinate, shikimate, and putrescine decreased while methionine and SAH increased (Table 3 and Figure 6). In addition, adenosine, which plays an important role in biochemical processes as energy transfer [adenosine triphosphate and diphosphate (ATP and ADP) and in signal transduction cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)], also decreased. Shade conditions led to a signature of carbon/nitrogen (C/N) imbalance with lower energy and carbon metabolites, biosynthetic precursors such as shikimate and nitrogen-rich compounds associated with anabolic activity such as putrescine, and higher proteinogenic amino acid such as methionine that may result from protein turnover to free up amino acid carbon backbones for energy utilization. Likewise, the increased amount of pantheonate (vitamin B5) whose biosynthetic pathway involves valine and alanine amino acids (Raman and Rathinasabapathi, 2004) observed in shade-derived inflorescences support the hypothesis of proteinogenic amino acids abundance from protein turnover. On the other hand, since all Calvin cycle metabolites were present in lower amounts in shaded samples, the pathway of pantheonate functioning as CoA biosynthesis precursor needs a more detailed evaluation. Our results are in accordance with Baena-González and Sheen (2008) which review physiological and molecular responses associated with plant energy deficit, including activation of catabolic pathways to provide alternative nutrient, metabolite and energy sources, and a decline in the activity of biosynthetic enzymes to preserve energy, and with Aziz (2003) showing that shading the vines at full bloom causes a decrease in both sugars and free PAs and leads to a substantial increase of abscission.
Gibberellins are involved in pathways of regulation of flowering and fruit-set in grapes, as active GAs, mainly GA1, peaks at anthesis and decrease thereafter (Perez et al., 2000; Giacomelli et al., 2013). GAc is commonly applied during bloom to reduce fruit set but the molecular mechanisms underlying this process are largely unknown. In Arabidopsis thaliana, GAc induces increased 3-P-glycerate and promotes plant growth rate (Meyer et al., 2007; Ribeiro et al., 2012). In this study, GAc application led to generalized up-regulation of both primary (carbohydrates, amino acid, coenzyme, and nucleotide pathways) and secondary metabolisms (Table 3 and Figure 6). Since no changes in photosynthetic rate (source) were detectable in samples submitted to this treatment, we hypothesize that an increase on inflorescences sink strength occurs after GAc treatments, resulting in the formation of king berries, with higher potential to compete for carbohydrates and other metabolites and higher growth rate, inhibiting the development and inducing abscission of later flowers. Regarding TCA cycle-derived metabolites, only 2-aminobutyrate from glutamate family decreased as a result of GAc while, on the other hand, metabolites derived from aromatic amino acid phenylalanine and from aspartate family (alanine and aspartate) showed the opposite trend (Table 3 and Figure 6). Glutamate derives from α-ketoglutarate and can be involved in the biosynthesis of 2-aminobutyrate or, alternatively, in the biosynthesis of arginine and PAs biosynthesis. According to our results, it can be hypothesized that the pathway from glutamate to PAs is favored when vines are treated with GAc, in contrast with biosynthesis of 2-aminobutyrate.
Cell Wall Modifications
The recorded increase of CW monosaccharides in samples from both abscission-triggering treatments (Table 3) sounds with the known CW disassembly and remodeling processes that occur during pedicel AZ formation as part of the coordinated series of modifications that ultimately lead to CW loosening, cell separation and differentiation of a protective layer on the proximal side after organ detachment (Lee et al., 2008). The increased arabonate concentration, which is a metabolite derived from arabinose, as consequence of the shade treatment contrasts with the observations in GAc treated inflorescences where xylose was the increased monosaccharide (Table 3). These differences are likely to reflect differences on target CW polymers, with pectins and xyloglucans more affected by shade or GAc, respectively. Pectin changes depends on the type of substitutions and branches in their backbone and are considered a central event (Fukuda et al., 2013) since the continuity between AZ cells is preserved by the middle lamellae, which is rich in this class of polymers, responsible for cell–cell adhesion. Pectins are additionally responsible for modulating the CW porosity and, in so, controlling the enzymes access to their substrates (Baron-Epel et al., 1988). Augmented arabinose levels may also indicate a higher substitution of pectic polysaccharides with arabinosyl residues which can work as plasticizers (Harholt et al., 2010) and be involved in the formation of the protective layer in the proximal area. In fact, during abscission, CWs of the proximal area are relatively richer in cellulose, arabinose-rich polymers and pectin, and poorer in xylan-rich polysaccharides and lignin when compared with AZ CWs (Lee et al., 2008). Regarding the detection of increased concentrations of xylose in samples from GAc-treated inflorescences, it may similarly reflect CW loosening processes needed for organ shed or CW strengthening requirements, but through action on cellulose-xyloglucan contact points. Xyloglucans are closely intertwined with cellulose at limited sites designed as “biomechanical hotspots,” promoting selective targets majorly modulating CW loosening (Park and Cosgrove, 2012). Our results confirm the putative role of xyloglucans in providing CW strength for attachment of organs and its dynamic metabolism in mediating abscission, in response to some triggering signals. These assumptions are further supported by gene expression assays since it has been demonstrated that the activation of the abscission molecular machinery involves alterations of genes encoding CW remodeling enzymes acting on structural polysaccharides leading to the middle lamellae breakdown, accompanied by distortion and dissolution of primary CWs along the abscission plane (Lashbrook and Cai, 2008; Lee et al., 2008; Agusti et al., 2009; Meir et al., 2010; Zhu et al., 2011; Peng et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2013) and glycosyl hydrolysis (Lashbrook and Cai, 2008; Singh et al., 2011, 2013). The pattern of differential temporal regulation of distinct classes of CW-related genes (Lashbrook and Cai, 2008) additionally suggests that the differences observed between treatments may be the result of triggering their action at different stages of the process. It should be noted that the samples here investigated include cells other than AZ. Hence, as CWs represent primarily communication between the plant and the environment, a role in adaptation to the imposed abiotic stress can be discussed. The observed difference in CW composition are known to be related to events such as localized cell division, arrestment of elongation and modifications in the differentiation status, to impact anatomy and development (Braidwood et al., 2013).
Markers of Oxidative Stress
Likewise, both abscission-triggering stimuli lead to oxidative stress related metabolism, but the results suggest that different pathways are tracked. Some of the significant increases observed are related to metabolites associated with oxygen stress remediation. Gamma-glutamyl amino acids, observed in shaded samples, are intermediates in the glutathione synthesis cycle (Table 3) and dehydroascorbate, observed in GAc treated samples, indicates responses to elevated oxidative stress conditions related to the ROS scavenging coupled ascorbate/dehydroascorbate cycle (Table 3). During abscission a continuous increase of ROS production is known to occur. ROS role in abscission encompasses multiple steps of signaling (Sakamoto et al., 2008) associated with ROS-sugar-hormone cross talk (Botton et al., 2011) and ROS-mediated oxidative damage/cleavage on CW components leading to cell separation (Cohen et al., 2014). Regulation of excessive ROS by the free radical scavenging systems comprises essential enzymatic components and non-enzymatic molecules such as ascorbate and glutathione. Glutathione and ascorbate play important roles individually or through the ascorbate glutathione cycle, having specific functions besides interchangeable antioxidants (Bohnert and Sheveleva, 1998). Our results suggest that distinct metabolite-dependent responses are triggered by each treatment agreeing with the independence and interdependence of glutathione and ascorbate in peroxide metabolism model proposed by Foyer and Noctor (2011).
Hormone Regulation
The occurrence of an ABA peak 3 DAB in control inflorescences (Figure 3E) preceding the rise of natural flower drop (4–12 DAB; Figure 2A) is in accordance with previous works describing hormones as mediators of the AZ cell responses to abscission signals (Estornell et al., 2013). Interplay between a decrease of sugar, increases levels of ABA, ethylene, and ROS in organ predicted to abscise were verified, taking place before the onset of abscission (Botton et al., 2011). Our results confirm ABA as a component of the self-regulatory mechanism that adjusts fruit load to carbon supply occurring under natural conditions or following treatments (Gomez-Cadenas et al., 2000).
The increase of inflorescence IAA (auxin) concentration registered in both treatments (Figure 3F) may suggest that IAA was accumulated on the proximal side of abscission and the auxin flux to the distal organ predict to abscise was interrupted. It has been showed that a constant auxin transport through the AZ is needed to prevent abscission (Taylor and Whitelaw, 2001) and a auxin depletion linked with acquisition of ethylene sensitivity within AZ cells is needed to its induction (Meir et al., 2010; Basu et al., 2013). Our results are also consistent with the auxin gradient theory (Addicott et al., 1955) based on the evidence that auxin application in the proximal end of AZ explants accelerates abscission whereas when applied at the distal end delays it, and suggesting that changes in auxin gradients may act in signaling the onset of senescence and abscission. Ethylene and auxins are critical factors that regulate the onset of abscission (Basu et al., 2013) in a mechanism where the auxin depletion inside AZs and an altered expression of auxin-regulated genes induce the acquisition of sensitivity to ethylene and AZ activation. The increase of methionine and SAH, which are intermediates in the ethylene biosyntheses, observed in shaded-treated samples (Table 3) can be associated with the increase of ethylene, acting as a trigger in the abscission process (Meir et al., 2010). SAM, derived from methionine, is also the precursor of the spermidine and spermine biosynthesis pathway or alternatively can be used on the synthesis of ACC which is the immediate precursor of ethylene (Wang et al., 2002).
Secondary Metabolism
In shade, decreased loganin content, which is a monoterpenoid intermediate in the production of indole alkaloids, and several phenylpropanoids, benzenoids, and flavonoids was observed (Table 3 and Figure 6), indicating suppression of biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and a slowdown of biochemical reactions in the AZ and neighboring tissues (Wang et al., 2013). This significant reduction can also mean an initial delay in fruit set and development under these conditions due to drastic reductions in carbon supply during this period, when compared to control samples. In this later situation, the accumulation of compounds characteristics of berry development, mainly in red and black varieties as ‘Black Magic,’ is known to be already started (Braidot et al., 2008). The decreased catechin can be also the result of the condensation of such flavanols, as observed after ethylene exogenous application (Rizzuti et al., 2015). Among the metabolites analyzed, flavonoid rutin was the exception in the general trade, showing a slightly increase in shade, probably due to its potential as strong radical scavenger and inhibitor of lipid peroxidation (Kumar and Pandey, 2013). On the other hand, GAc application led to a general advance in berry development in this stage and can have the opposite effect in ripening, depending on the cultivar (Teszlák et al., 2005). Comparing to the control, the aromatic compounds (benzenoids) showed increased accumulation in GAc treated samples (Table 3). Also in GAc, the decreased terpenoid oleonate levels measured suggests a reduction of steroids synthesis, which are membrane components that appears to control membrane fluidity and permeability and, in some plants, have a specific function in signal transduction (Piironen et al., 2000).
Final Development of Reproductive Structures
The treatments imposed to produce biological samples enriched in abscission signals affected final yield and quality in both production cycles and some implications can be ascertain with relevance for table grape production (Table 2). The reduction of the number of berries in the late production cycle in shade and GAc treatments lead to reductions of bunch weight and yield per plant, indicating that the two approaches were efficient in inducing abscission. However, in the late cycle, both treatments affected berry weigh and diameter in a detrimental way, which can be the result of a decreased seed number and weight (Reynolds et al., 2006). In early cycle, shade resulted in a successful thinning method reducing total berries number and improving berry weight and diameter. The shade treatment affected bunch characteristics, reducing rachis length and weight and still reducing the number of berries per centimeter of rachis, in both cycles. The observed effect on the rachis can result from competition for photoassimilates favoring vegetative growth in detriment of the development of reproductive organs (Chiarello and Gulmon, 1991). In the early cycle, GAc treatment showed to be ineffective as thinning method due to the increased number of shot berries, total berries number and bunch compactness. The high number of shot berries observed as a negative effect of GAc application was also described by Dokoozlian and Peacock (2001). Recently, in a study performed by Abu-Zahra and Salameh (2012) aimed at evaluating the impact of GAc spray (50 ppm at the end of bloom, 18 and 40 days after end of bloom) on ‘Black Magic’ grape quality, an increase of berries number, berry size, TSS, titratable acidity, and decreased color intensity was observed. Although, according to Cartechini and Palliotti (1995), shade during flowering has no effect on final berries sugar content, under our conditions, the shade treatments increased TSS in the late production cycle, which can be a direct result of the reduction of berries weight and diameter.
A Mechanistic View of Flower Abscission Control in Vitis vinifera L.
The analysis performed in the late cycle, when both treatments were efficient in inducing abscission, showed that GAc responses comprised a relatively low numbers of significant changes, while the shade treatment conduced to more dramatic physiological and metabolomic alterations (Table 3). These results allowed us to propose a mechanistic model to explain differences and common links for flower abscission determination in response to two stimuli (Figure 7). Comparing the composition in metabolites of grapevine inflorescences treated with the different abscission inducers (shade and GAc) and the control, we can conclude that abscission mechanisms triggered by hormonal application and via C-starvation are not based in the same pathways. A new insight on the mode of action of GAc during bloom is here provided, showing that it is based on a generally stimulation of cell metabolism and gene expression revealed by ribose and its derived metabolites, sugar, amino acid and PA metabolisms in the whole inflorescence and a highly significant inhibition of a glutamate sub-pathway related with 2-aminobutirate (Table 3), which can be a key step in the GAc metabolism in inflorescences at bloom stage and may participate in a cross talk between IAA and gibberellate. In other biological processes (Yamaguchi, 2008), it has been described that bioactive gibberellins and auxins can positively regulate flower abscission triggered by GAc spraying. On other hand, shade induced abscission through energy deprivation mechanisms showed by the decline of photosynthesis, carbon metabolism and biosynthetic activity. The increased accumulation of ethylene precursors suggests that these events may participate together with ethylene production (Table 3). The common markers of abscission were increased IAA concentration in inflorescences, which can be a result of an auxin gradient change through the AZ, and increases in oxidative stress marker metabolites agreeing with previous studies in other species (Estornell et al., 2013). Despite the grapevine economic value and scientific relevance as a model species, this study provides the first mechanistic view of the metabolomic changes responsible for the flower abscission regulation in this species (Figure 7), triggered by exogenous GAc application and reduction of the intercepted light, unraveling the complexity of its opposite effects and contributing to the advance in knowledge that will ultimately may lead to improved control of grapevine fruit set.
FIGURE 7. A proposed mechanistic model for flower abscission in Vitis Vinifera L. inflorescences triggered by GAc and shade. Shade treatment reduced net photosynthetic rate which lead to significant alterations 3 and 4 DAB, including global carbohydrates starvation, reduction on shikimate, PA (putrescine) and secondary metabolisms and increase of oxidative stress, revealed by glutathione remediation cycle. GAc induced an increase on carbohydrates, PA (putrescine), amino acids and secondary metabolisms and oxidative stress, revealed by ascorbate/dehydroascorbate remediation couple at 4 DAB. Both treatments induced IAA and CW monosaccharide accumulation. The thickness of the arrows related to inter-organ competition is proportional to the sink strength at bloom stage. According to this model, flower abscission in shade is due to a general nutritional stress and, in GAc treatment to the growth of king berries which inhibits the development of lateral flowers. Abscission layer in plant side is represented by black dots. Green and orange boxes indicate the increase and decrease on metabolite concentrations, respectively, as response of imposed treatments.
Author Contributions
SD, PS, CO, and LG were responsible for the conception and design of the experiments, SD and PS were responsible for acquisition of data, SD, VC, and AL performed the laboratory analyses, SD, PS, RD, CO, and LG interpreted the data. All authors drafted and approved the manuscript. RD, CO, and LG steered the whole project.
Conflict of Interest Statement
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
This work was supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through project “VitiShade: PTDC/AGR-GPL/116923/2010” and the Ph.D. grant SFRH/BD/69076/2010 to SD, by the Sicilian Region through the Multiannual Research Project “Soilless Cultivation on Table Grape Production.” We acknowledge Dr. Joana Fino for bioinformatics assistance and Dr. Danny Alexander and his team at Metabolon (Durham, NC, USA) for metabolomic analysis.
Supplementary Material
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:
ABA, abscisic acid; ACC, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; CW, cell wall; DAB, days after bloom; E, transpiration rate; GAc, gibberellic acid; gs, stomatal conductance; IAA, indolacetic acid; PAs, polyamines; PAL, phenylalanine; Pn, net photosynthetic rate; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SAH, S-adenosylhomocysteine; SAM, S-adenosylmethionine; TCA, tricarboxylic acid.
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Keywords: abscission, gibberellic acid, grapevine, inflorescence, metabolomics, shade, thinning
Citation: Domingos S, Scafidi P, Cardoso V, Leitao AE, Di Lorenzo R, Oliveira CM and Goulao LF (2015) Flower abscission in Vitis vinifera L. triggered by gibberellic acid and shade discloses differences in the underlying metabolic pathways. Front. Plant Sci. 6:457. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00457
Received: 14 March 2015; Accepted: 08 June 2015;
Published: 22 June 2015.
Edited by:Shimon Meir, Agricultural Research Organization, Israel
Reviewed by:Grama Nanjappa Dhanapal, University of Agricultural Sciences, India
Agata Gadaleta, University of Bari, Italy
Amnon Lichter, The Volcani Center, Israel
Copyright © 2015 Domingos, Scafidi, Cardoso, Leitao, Di Lorenzo, Oliveira and Goul F. Goulao, Agri4Safe-BioTrop, Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical I.P., Pólo Mendes Ferrão, Edificio Ferreira Lapa – Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, Portugal, [email protected] |
Explicit Communication – Client Workshop
Communication is the backbone of every organization.
Leaders need to communicate the vision and align people to take action. Explicit communication is making sure your words can not be misunderstood. When you are explicit, you leave no room for doubt. In this lesson, we discuss the seven elements of an effective request and how you can improve your listening too. Please share this page with your employees to foster new conversations about explicit communication..
Gene Hammett: This is explicit communication. I’m gonna explain exactly what I mean by explicit in just a minute, but we all know communication is the kind of the cornerstone of, growth or the backbone if you will. Everything that we do in our organization requires us to either listen to someone, share ideas, or get a commitment back from them.
[00:00:29] And so communication doesn’t actually get easier as we grow the company because we add more people. It gets a little bit more complex. Jennifer’s company is very big and it gets more complex. Is that true, Jennifer?
[00:00:42] Speaker 2: We are. Yes, I, right now we’re at 50 people, but I have worked in a company of 16,000.
[00:00:48] So
[00:00:49] Gene Hammett: yeah. Yeah. It gets more complex. And so we have to have a little bit more rigor to creating you know, the communication that really supports the culture and, and getting work done. I mean, at the end of the day, it’s all about, you know, the results that we’re creating, the way people are growing, and all of the things necessary for us to create a long-term business.
[00:01:11] It’s and I think a lot of people don’t pay enough attention to communicating better. So given that I’m gonna jump into the slides because we’ve got kind of a quorum here, I’m still expecting a few more people, but the best thing I can do is just keep the going button. All right. So. I think that that would if I tried to really sum up this communication thing is getting employees to get it right the first time I want to pause here for just a second, this is interactive and I’ve got a little bit more, we’re going to talk about this, but has anybody ever said something to an employee and they didn’t get it right the first time?
[00:01:58] Is it just me or I think this is a common thing and it’s a little frustrating, cause we’re, we think we’re clear, but we’re not as clear as we could be. And that’s what really, what this is about today. I want to before I jump into this, I’m going to check the All right. So we have everybody here so far.
[00:02:22] So I’ll check this again. And just a minute, I have to switch back and forth because I made that mistake. All right. So this is my iPad. I will be able to, to, to, to write some things a lot of The people here are, are clients of mine. David is a special guest that’s come in, to listen to us. Mike, thanks for turning on the camera.
[00:02:42] Looking good. The podcast is, is kind of the common bond with most people. You know, if you’re a guest on the show, like David has been on the show before and the podcast is growing. So I can’t always say this being honest with you, but I’m just going to proud because I get to share. And some of the growth that you guys grow your businesses really fast.
[00:03:02]May’s downloads were up 200% on the 12 months average April was up even higher. So it’s good. This is trending in the right way. This month looks good. I don’t, I think it’s going to be a little bit slower, but maybe it’s because people think about vacation. What’s really different about growth.
[00:03:18] Thinktank is we interview founders, CEOs of the fastest-growing companies to figure out what makes them tick, what makes them work. And a lot of the stuff that I, you know, all my clients are from the Inc 5,000. So I just want you to guys know kind of where we are, David. We already said, hello, Jennifer.
[00:03:36]I’ve worked with, with, with Jeff, the CEO of that company before, but Jennifer’s here as a guest. This is a part of the fast-growth boardroom. And I’m just setting context here in the fast-growth boardroom. We do content like this every month. I get to pick the topic, but it’s based on where I’m seeing my clients and where I’m seeing some breakdowns and I see some opportunities and I want to create something that’s preserved.
[00:03:59] The idea for this content is that it can be shared across everybody in your company. So if, once this is recorded and set down, you can actually take this and share it across your company. You don’t have to worry about licensing or anything. I mean, I do want, you know, it came from made. Okay. Take it off as your own, but you coming here, gives you the right to do that.
[00:04:19] And then everyone who is a client actually gets this across their company. Fast-forward boardroom is more than just content and training. It’s coaching as well. And there’s a community. This is, this is a unique kind of place where fast-growth companies can come together. And so we’re here to be extraordinary leaders.
[00:04:36] We’re here to create high-performance teams and we’re here to increase the value of our company. So at the end of the day, those are the results I’m looking for with my clients and just putting that all out there. Before we jump into this, let me just check this again.
[00:04:51] Speaker 3: There’s one more person.
[00:04:55] Gene Hammett: All right.
[00:04:56] I will check this. Come back again. Sorry. I have to do this. All right back into the slides. So fast-growth boardroom is something where you can learn to become an extraordinary leader, in a unique way. And this is just one of the portions of that, that the upcoming dates for those that are members the coaching call is on July 1st are the first Friday of July.
[00:05:21] And the next workshop that we’ll do is take your time work. This is, this is just I get asked all the time as my business grows, I’m letting go of some of the day-to-day. What do I spend my time on next? And that’s what we’re really talking about working on your most valuable projects as the company continues to grow.
[00:05:38] And that’s the third, Friday of July. So dates to remember September 15th to 17th is when we’re going to race Porsche’s and do a two-day leadership event. So that’s on the horizon. We’re going to do a winter event in January. I think it’s going to be Whistler, but we’re really waiting to see what happens with traveling through countries.
[00:06:00] I know Canada is being very strict and so they may, they may not have their stuff engaged around, travel for us to plan this. So we’ll, we’ll find something local. And then our spring event we’ll be doing buggies next year. So just put those on your calendars. Bringing together people from different businesses, you always have to be mindful that this is confidential information.
[00:06:23] I’m going to ask you guys to share with us, and this is very back and forth, but just keep in mind that this is between us. This is not to share someone’s secrets. And if, if you can, can, can not share your secrets and feel more comfortable about that. I would really appreciate it. We also want to create a safe space.
[00:06:41] We’re not going to attack someone for their thinking. I’m going to ask you some questions and want to get your input. So I asked this question sometimes in pieces of training. It’s like, how do you sabotage yourself? I’ll share with you how I sabotage myself. Sometimes when I’m on training like this, I will get distracted and check my email.
[00:07:02] I will get distracted and maybe check social media. And sometimes I will just let it, I will phase out and I won’t even be, I won’t hear a single word. So I’m just being honest with you sometimes when I’m zoning out, that’s what happens when I’m in some of these training things. And I want you to just be aware of how you could sabotage yourself today, because I hope that you’ll commit, to just being here fully present and really getting something out of this so that you can actually.
[00:07:32] Make this time work for you, as opposed to just checking your email, it’ll still be there. It’ll, it’ll, it’s not going anywhere, but I feel certain that if you lean into this, you’ll get something out of it. Is that fair to say for you guys?
[00:07:47] I’ll take that as a yes. I want to challenge your, your learning a little bit. So if you do feel challenged, if you feel like it’s not quite right, that’s okay. That’s you, you’re, you’re finding the edge of which it’s uncomfortable for you and that’s where growth happens. And so just being mindful of, this it’s not to attack anyone for not getting it right.
[00:08:08]Cause, cause we’re all evolving, but just, just being mindful of that. We, we don’t have a big a crowd as we did last month, but we, we want to make sure that we’re as succinct as possible. When we’re talking, you know, get to the point, ask your question, or I’m asking, for example, so state your examples, but be as succinct as possible.
[00:08:27] This is a great place to lead by example because you ever have an employee who has a lot to say, I mean, all the time, David, he felt that I said Jennifer space. So let’s be succinct. I’m going to check one more time to make sure that we have not missed someone. All right. We’re back at it. So be succinct.
[00:08:57] Here’s the first question for interaction. And this really is just, just kind of tuning in. What do you want for your team company or yourself? I’ve got my iPad here. What would you say that you want.
[00:09:12] I know it’s a big, broad question, but what is it you think about all the time? What, what is, what are you really driving for?
[00:09:20] Speaker 2: The company that I’m at now was three disparate companies about I guess two years ago. And they’re actually still working on coming together to be cohesive and communication is one of the largest issues.
[00:09:34] Speaker 3: Okay.
[00:09:37] Gene Hammett: And when you say coming together, what would just give me a little bit of depth around that
[00:09:41] Speaker 2: it’s three disparate types of customers. So there are different processes, but driving home, the fact that you know, invoicing is just invoicing or simple, basic processes can be the same is a bit of a struggle.
[00:09:54] Gene Hammett: Okay. I get that. What else, what else would you guys say? What do you want from your, your company
[00:10:02] Speaker 3: industry?
[00:10:04] Gene Hammett: Say that again, industry impact. Okay. And how do you measure that?
[00:10:11] Speaker 4: user adoption. Okay.
[00:10:19] Gene Hammett: David, I know you’re working, on big plans to grow that.
[00:10:24] Speaker 3: I
[00:10:24] Speaker 5: think the biggest thing for us, I think we have a winning recipe. It’s just a matter of, I mean, the communication piece is so brutal to make sure that everyone continues to communicate and just really
[00:10:38] Speaker 3: clearly
[00:10:40] Speaker 5: that whatever, we’re all thinking, we’re all aligned.
[00:10:43] So I guess
[00:10:44] Gene Hammett: succinctly alignment one of my favorite words inside of, of organizations, I don’t think we find alignment often enough. Mike, would you add anything to this on what you’re creating?
[00:10:59]Speaker 3: I don’t know that I’d really add anything. I mean, you and I talked last week about alignment and messaging consistency and in delivery across all, all the all your personnel. So I like alignment a lot.
[00:11:14] Speaker 1: Perfect.
[00:11:19]Gene Hammett: I’m going to go ahead and add in here. You know, there is some money that we want to create. We’re here, we’re here to grow the business. We’re here to create the right people. We want to grow the people too. Right. So communication is, is, is about all of these things, but it’s also about getting someone, to move forward.
[00:11:40]I’m going to check one last time on our, all right. We’re moving forward. I want to talk about bricks for just a second. And I just, this hit me and maybe this analogy doesn’t work for you, but I talked to so many founders that are much like you guys that are come here today that want to grow the business, but yet they’re so critical to the success of the company.
[00:12:07] They’re making a lot of the decisions and they’re still holding on to probably too much. And I know that you’ve let go of a lot in the last probably a year, but you’re probably still holding onto too much. And so this analogy is every time you are, you do something that someone else can do. You’re putting a brick in the wall of your prison.
[00:12:34] And eventually when you put in enough bricks, you’ve put a wall around yourself and you, it’s hard to break out of that is this analogy makes sense for you guys. And so one of the specific things we’re going to do is talk about how do we get people to take action from our words from speaking. And that’s, that’s a big part of this today, but I just thought this might, if you really understand this, does this resonate with you guys?
[00:13:03] I know Mike, you’ve been through some journey with me over, over the last couple of like year and a half. Letting go of certain things, you get to tear down some of those bricks and you get to have some freedom because I think a lot of people still want to have freedom as they grow their business and not be combined.
[00:13:19]Communication is the backbone of, of, of every company. We talked about this you know, if we just sent her around alignment today, we’re talking about how do we get alignment through our communication? And just a moment here for this. Have you guys ever felt misunderstood? Okay.
[00:13:44] Speaker 1: Yes.
[00:13:47] Gene Hammett: How does it feel when you feel misunderstood?
[00:13:53] Speaker 5: Terrible. I mean, honestly, I recently had an experience where one of my managers reduced someone’s pay without it shouldn’t happen. Right. But she just totally screwed up. And I’m the one that was blamed for all of
[00:14:07] Speaker 3: it. Yeah.
[00:14:11] Gene Hammett: Anybody else felt misunderstood.
[00:14:14] Speaker 1: Okay. It’s just frustrating.
[00:14:23] Gene Hammett: Yeah. This happens. Not just in our work life. This happens in our home life too. If you have a teenager, you’re going to, I know Mike’s got a few, you’re going to feel misunderstood quite a bit. Jennifer, you laughed and you must have kids too. It really doesn’t create alignment right. To, to, to, to say something, expecting that other person to have gotten it and they don’t get it.
[00:14:47] And that’s what we’re really talking about here. And how do we, how do we really improve this kind of thing? So I don’t know if anybody else has taken this here, but I do a feedback form within teams. And I do this leadership feedback. This is one of them. I’m kind of curious if you guys have a chat could you guys see put the number of where you are in your organization?
[00:15:11] So the question is how would you describe your communication skills of the team as a whole?
[00:15:18] I know Jennifer, you had mentioned that there’s not, there’s not the way you want it to be, but what number would you give yourself if you’re,
[00:15:25] Speaker 2: so I would say we’re somewhere between four and a half and five, depending on the day. We’ve made vast improvements, but then, the keyword is alignment.
[00:15:35] Sometimes people don’t understand, you don’t have to agree to just do the job.
[00:15:40] Gene Hammett: Ah, you know, alignment,
[00:15:45] the phrase I typically use in my coaching is like, it’s okay to disagree. But at some point in time, we’ve got to hug it out. Right? Yes. And, and, and, and really is important to be able to do that. I think David, where would you put yourself and your company on communication?
[00:16:03] Speaker 5: Put us right around a five. If you asked me three weeks ago, I would have put us higher.
[00:16:08] I’d
[00:16:08] Speaker 3: put us at a five
[00:16:11] Gene Hammett: and Rico, anything different for you?
[00:16:15] Speaker 4: I put us at an eight. We made a lot of I, we invested a lot of time, energy effort in improving communication, Q3, and Q4 of last year. And I feel like we’re getting into the right
[00:16:25] Gene Hammett: rhythms now. That’s fantastic. I mean, I kind of want to give you ahead of the rod pause, but I’m going to go with the curious thing.
[00:16:33] What did you do to get to an eight?
[00:16:37] Speaker 4: So we implemented EOS and started following the EOS, you know, kind of formula level, 10 meetings, and stuff, and that helped us get more organized to help ensure that cascading messages were communicated to the right people. And then I had everyone read five dysfunctions of a leadership team.
[00:17:00]It’s a great book and it basically breaks down like encourages this idea. Yeah. If you disagree with something like have that conversation and group forum because then you can, everyone parties can kind of see and understand the dynamics and encourages you to kind of like duke it out. Like you would siblings, but understand that, as you walk away with it just like siblings, where you hug at the end and you just move on and it’s just a business thing.
[00:17:24] So those things have done well, and it really has become a competitive advantage. Like the speed at which marketing and sales are moving and the alignment there and various other departments in our company. I think the growth that we’ve been seeing is definitely attributed
[00:17:37] Speaker 3: to it.
[00:17:40] Gene Hammett: Perfect. This book is, is a really great book.
[00:17:43] If you haven’t read it, it’s by Patrick Lencioni. And he’s got a lot of other books too, but it really is a powerful fable of, of business. So we’re going to go a little bit further with that today. Cause I think that we could do better with this. I think that you know, even I know I’m very familiar with, what’s an EOS it’s a good tactical framework for, you know, running the business and there’s a lot of good pieces in there, but there are some things that just don’t address because you can’t address everything inside of that.
[00:18:10] So we’re going to go for it.
[00:18:13] Speaker 4: Excuse me. I said, hence an eight and not a 10.
[00:18:18] Gene Hammett: Here’s a chance for you to give me some feedback on this. Where are your communication skills? So not talking about the company. Where, where would you put your rank yourself
[00:18:33] and Reiko? I’ll let you go first. So I’d say
[00:18:37] probably
[00:18:37] Speaker 4: about an eight. I need to increase the frequency of communication with a company because we’re a big company. Done certain things like weekly CEO, speakeasies, where people can kind of join in and spend some time with me. But more formal, the higher frequency would be better.
[00:18:56] Speaker 1: Okay.
[00:18:58] Speaker 2: Have you asked the team if that’s what they want or is that what you think that they want more frequency?
[00:19:04] Speaker 4: The feedback I’ve gotten from the team is that we’re moving very fast and there’s a lot of things that are changing and understanding like the direction, like from one quarter to the next, like there’s a lot the top end and would love to know in like, you know, the monthly rhythm of, I do quarterly kind of updates and talks with the company.
[00:19:23] And I’d love to get into, you know, whether it’s monthly or semi-monthly, I mean, not sorry monthly or semi quarterly, just some additional touchpoint that can talk about like where we want to go with tech and yeah. A variety of other things. So they have said
[00:19:40] Speaker 3: they do want more frequency.
[00:19:43] Gene Hammett: I want to I think, I think, you know, it’s really important to understand frequency is important consistency and all those things.
[00:19:50] And, and some of the other stuff we’re gonna talk about today is some of the other elements. I’m not going to let everyone do this, but kind of write it down on your piece of paper. However you take notes, where are you? And maybe do what Enrico said it was, you know, what do you think you’re missing to move forward as you want to improve?
[00:20:08] Right? Is it, is its frequency? Is it consistency? Is it something else that you put your words to write that down now and it just we’ll come back to it a little bit later? All right. The reason why I call it explicit communication is that I was looking for a way, to share, you know, how do we really want to look at communication?
[00:20:30] That’s clearly stated, and can’t be misunderstood. And we look up the definition of this, which I’m giving to you is, you know, leaving no room for confusion or doubt, you know, what it feels like to be misunderstood, terrible, frustrating, but what we’re talking about today, and again, I’m not covering everything, we’re just able to cover a little bit of this.
[00:20:53]So that’s, that’s what we’re here to do and that, does that feel good? Like to be able to talk without being misunderstood? I think it does. The first thing we’re going to look at is to be a better listener because, you know, communication is not just the words that we’re we say, it’s how we’re receiving the words of others, how we’re receiving their, their, their response back to us.
[00:21:19] If as leaders I do find that listening is, is definitely something that can be improved. Question for you. Where have you, how have you improved your listening recently who would share with us something that they’ve noticed about their own listening?
[00:21:39] Speaker 5: I can share something. I know one of the things I’ve recently started doing in meetings is actually setting the phone to the side, taking the watch off, and letting that team member know, Hey, we are in an indestructible setting here.
[00:21:55] This is you and me. Let’s just go for it. Why don’t you do the same set your phone to the side? It can all wait for however long our meeting is
[00:22:09] Speaker 1: okay.
[00:22:11] Gene Hammett: Let me tune in with these other, with everybody else here. How does that sound to you guys? It sounds like a pretty good thing, but would you guys be willing to, adopt something so.
[00:22:24] Speaker 2: I think it’s important to be active and participate. And I, I generally do try to and then I scheduled time to get actual work done because I do have a fair amount of actual work. I do. I struggle with getting other people to realize that we’re not saving lives and that they can do that for half an hour.
[00:22:40] Gene Hammett: Okay. How have you improved your listing recently, Jennifer?
[00:22:46] Speaker 2: I would say I have, I’ve always had active listening. I think my biggest issue is people will say yes to me and I don’t probe. So I have a team that English is not their first language for some of them. And they say yes, and I assume they really mean it, but I’ve found over the last few months that they don’t actually really mean.
[00:23:03] Yes.
[00:23:04] Speaker 3: So,
[00:23:05] Speaker 1: yeah.
[00:23:08] Yeah. So
[00:23:09] Speaker 3: that they
[00:23:09] Speaker 2: understand,
[00:23:12] Gene Hammett: I, I know what you’re talking about there. It’s that little missing piece inside of our conversations to go now, did you really get what we just talked about? And do you understand the, you know, the request I’m making for you? We are going to talk about requests inside this.
[00:23:29] I think you’ll appreciate that if you already understand active listening anybody else wants to share with me something that they’ve done to improve their listening recently?
[00:23:45] I’ll go on. Well, David already answered one of these questions, so we can, I’m just going to put down distractions, but what’s getting in the way of you listing better.
[00:24:07] Speaker 3: I’ll
[00:24:07] Speaker 5: say there are times where I know that. Really should not be part of the decision. And there’s a bunch of other things. I don’t know if anybody ever has done this themselves, but it’s hard to stay really engaged and focused when conversations start discussing things that, you know, you’re not going to be involved in and you have million other things
[00:24:30] on
[00:24:30] Speaker 3: your plate.
[00:24:31] Speaker 1: Okay.
[00:24:35] Gene Hammett: Listening to you and trying to write at the same time when I should not be part of the decision, you know, I get that. You guys understand what he’s saying there.
[00:24:44] Speaker 1: Yup.
[00:24:51] Gene Hammett: What I’m hearing you say here is there are, there are situations where maybe it goes deeper than you really need to be involved with. And you’re like, I just need to know you got it. I don’t need to know how you’re going to do this. Is that fair to say, David?
[00:25:08] Speaker 5: Close. I mean, it’s more like, okay, we need to come up with an action plan for this.
[00:25:13] Right? Rather, you guys need to come up with an action plan for this because it’s your responsibility to do. And then they’ll start coming up with the action plan on the spot. And so, I mean, as I’m talking about it here in this meeting, it would make sense to say, why don’t you guys schedule a meeting to come up with your action plan so we can stay focused in the here and now
[00:25:36] Gene Hammett: I will tell you, this is definitely they, all these things get in the way.
[00:25:40] One of the things that get in the way that you guys haven’t mentioned is honestly, a lot of people have something to say inside these conversations and, and leaders, haven’t a common ego. Okay, I’m listening. So I can respond to you as quickly as possible. I’m not really listening to what you say. I want to get my point of view in.
[00:26:01] I want to get my, my words out on the table and, and that’s another way that gets in the way of us listening. Does that make sense to you guys?
[00:26:16] I want to do a quick exercise for us because this is, this is really meant to be active. I call this reading the signals. So there are six of us here. I’m going to join someone. I’m not sure who it’s going to be. It’s gonna be pretty random. I think we’re going to do breakout rooms. If not, then we’re good.
[00:26:32] You’re gonna have to
[00:26:34] Speaker 3: let me try this.
[00:26:37] Speaker 1: Looks like
[00:26:39] Gene Hammett: I can’t do what I planned to do because I came in wrong. So. We’re going to do this a different way. I need two
[00:26:50] Speaker 3: volunteers.
[00:26:55] Gene Hammett: Who’s courageous enough to be a volunteer on a listening exercise. Okay. We got Enrico and Jennifer, you guys that’ll be interesting because we can observe this. I’m going to pick Jennifer to be the listener and Enrico. I want you to request Jennifer. You can use something in business. You can use something personal, you can make this up, but you’re going to request her and Jennifer.
[00:27:25] I want you to either listen to him being aloof or distracted, mildly interested or engaged. And you can respond to him. What, however, you want to do this. It’s not just you listening, but you going to pick one of those four. You’re not going to tell us this is almost like, a magic trick. You’re going to pick a card and not tell us what the card is, does make sense.
[00:27:51] Okay. And you’re going to listen to that way for about 30, 40 seconds. I’ll put a timer on Enrico. You’ve got a request in mind.
[00:28:04] Speaker 3: I think so.
[00:28:05] Gene Hammett: All right. So go when. Ready?
[00:28:10] Speaker 3: Cool,
[00:28:11] Speaker 4: Jennifer. Hi. So we’ve had this event coming up, engage in a couple of months and I really need to get a deck put together for the fast track to building a cow’s department.
[00:28:23] Any chance you’d mind running point on that and, you know, kind of circling up with the other teams to get the info and build the skeleton framework for it.
[00:28:31] Speaker 2: When is the exact due date?
[00:28:35] Speaker 4: Ideally if we could get the skeleton together, say two weeks before the event, the events on the 26th of July, the Friday, that’s two weeks before that.
[00:28:47] Speaker 2: Okay. And have you done any storyboarding or have any ideas or am I running with the team on this
[00:28:52] Speaker 4: exclusively? I have a rough agenda I put in place. So I’ve kind of like gone through, I’ve got a high-level agenda and then, you know, kind of scratched out details that each one of the topic points. So, but it looks ugly.
[00:29:05] Like I have comments in there as to like graphic ideas that I think would be good for slides, but you know, the rest of the information would need to be pulled in and then print up by the marketing
[00:29:16] Speaker 3: department.
[00:29:17] Gene Hammett: All right. I’m going to applause, you guys. So observing this, which one of the ways was she showing up a loop?
[00:29:28] Distracted, mildly interested.
[00:29:34] Speaker 1: Engaged, I thought,
[00:29:38] Speaker 3: what
[00:29:39] Gene Hammett: did, what did you feel in Rico?
[00:29:45] Speaker 1: I
[00:29:45] Speaker 4: mean, I would say, I would say engaged and the only other option I would think would be potentially mildly interested, but just because she was asking a lot of good questions. But I was also doing a lot of talking too. So it was hard to
[00:29:58] Speaker 3: tell.
[00:30:00] Gene Hammett: Yeah. That’s interesting. You were doing a lot of talking, so it’s hard to tell if she’s listening.
[00:30:06] Do you guys hear that? Is that a good thing? David, what are your thoughts? Questions?
[00:30:16] Speaker 3: Yeah. So at
[00:30:17] Speaker 5: In the beginning, I thought she was presenting as mildly interested, but then as they were having a conversation, she
[00:30:23] Speaker 3: felt very
[00:30:23] Gene Hammett: good. Yeah. I felt the same thing too. I actually, I’m going to go back. I felt the beginning of it.
[00:30:30] She was distracted and she was supposed to hold the same one, but it kind of moved toward mildly interested. And I bet it’s just because naturally she’s like at this moment and she actually moved from here to sort of engaged Jennifer, which one were you trying to do?
[00:30:49] Speaker 3: I was trying
[00:30:49] Speaker 2: to be mildly interested and I did have a lot coming in on teams when I started and I could
[00:30:55] Speaker 3: hear my watch going off.
[00:30:59] Gene Hammett: I’m not trying to brag here, but I think I fucking nailed that. Is that true?
[00:31:05] Speaker 2: And a little button to turn off the announcements. I don’t know where it is to make it nothing.
[00:31:10] Gene Hammett: You guys have given me this, that I, that I nailed that
[00:31:16] I did not plan this with Jennifer. This was not planned, right, Jennifer. What I picked up on was her eyes when Enrico first started talking and as he got into it, you know, I think if he had picked something personal, like, you know, can you get me a cup of coffee? You know, when you go to Starbucks or something, it wouldn’t have been as interesting, but like, it was an engaging conversation from the moment.
[00:31:45] And Ricoh picked something that was business-related. And so sh it pulled her into this mildly interesting place, which ended up being engaged is what I felt through that process.
[00:31:59] Speaker 1: What
[00:31:59] Speaker 3: is this type of way my team
[00:32:01] Gene Hammett: gives me, so what can I say? I have a way of engaging my team. Okay. Yeah. Good, good. Kudos to you.
[00:32:07] What, what does this teach you about reading the signals of someone a, in a conversation
[00:32:14] Speaker 1: super hard,
[00:32:17] Gene Hammett: especially if you’re trying to think about what you’re saying as a Monaco. If you’re focused on, I’ve got to get my message out and you’re not paying attention to how it’s being received. You can be misunderstood.
[00:32:31] Get that goes back to what Jennifer was saying too earlier. So we talked about the insights behind this. So the key here, I’m here, I’m seeing as this, it is hard to pay attention
[00:32:52] Speaker 1: to
[00:32:56] Gene Hammett: the listener when talking
[00:33:02] it’s hard, but is it important to pay attention to the listener when you’re talking?
[00:33:09] Speaker 1: Yes.
[00:33:12] Gene Hammett: Does it improve the way communication?
[00:33:19] And it goes both ways. If Enrico was holding his phone and trying to give her the same kind of thing, she would never pull into an engagement. She may have never pulled into mildly interested. And so it really helps to understand the signals and the body language and the even kind of the tone that she’s coming back to us.
[00:33:46]This is what real active listening is. Is this helpful for you guys?
[00:33:54] So this next part is, is about, you know, w you came here to make sure you’re, you’re not misunderstood, which means you want to be able to communicate in a way that coordinates action toward. You know, the impact that you want to make in your industry, the, you know, creating more alignment across these teams.
[00:34:15]Everything that you’re doing is about coordinating action is all this makes sense. I, when I went to coach training about 10 years ago, was introduced to speech acts. And I’ll be honest with you. I’m an engineer. I went to Georgia tech, industrial engineering numbers-driven. I was a project manager.
[00:34:37] I was, I was doing strategy consulting for 10 years. I have this incredible understanding of numbers and everything like that. And so when we went into the speech acts, I didn’t get it at first, but, but all it is is putting some rigor. Hi, we’re speaking. And we’re going to go through one of the speech acts here today, but, but.
[00:35:03] The speech acts, just so we have context around this. One of them can be a declaration.
[00:35:11] We have a meeting tomorrow at 10. We can talk about a request. I really need you to, to, to do this thing for the event coming up, you know, can we talk about, you know, what that looks like? So that’s a request. So these are just some of the, we can also do assessments. I’m not going into all the details today because there’s so much depth around this.
[00:35:37]And a lot of this comes from a program that I offer to corporations that want to create more alignment and communication. And, and it’s, it’s called leadership on-ramp and this is not a sales pitch at all, but it is. I help teams with my team. Be better at communicating and really coordinate action.
[00:35:56] And so what, what I’m sharing with you is just a slice of that because it’s worked so well across the teams that we’ve shared this with. But what are the common breakdowns when making a request? Do I need to describe what breakdowns are?
[00:36:15] Speaker 1: That’d be
[00:36:16] Speaker 3: great if
[00:36:16] Gene Hammett: yeah. A breakdown is, is basically a miscommunication or miss-step miss being misunderstood. And it happens in business mainly because we don’t give a really good thorough request and a thorough request as you’re going to find out in a few minutes has seven parts. I know it seems like a lot.
[00:36:43] And it is a lot because you want to make sure you’re, you’re not misunderstood. But what are some of the other breakdowns that we have in making requests?
[00:36:58] Speaker 2: So are you saying, what are we doing wrong or what, what are the things
[00:37:02] Speaker 3: that they
[00:37:02] Gene Hammett: want you specifically, Jennifer? Just what are you seeing across your organization?
[00:37:09] Speaker 2: People don’t understand timing, like, is it urgent? Is it nice to have, is it, when is it necessary?
[00:37:22] And my biggest issue is when people don’t understand why we’re doing something
[00:37:26] Gene Hammett: I’m glad you said that.
[00:37:35]I’m going to put
[00:37:36] Speaker 3: priority over
[00:37:36] Speaker 1: here.
[00:37:42] Gene Hammett: Anybody got one more to add here. What are some breakdowns you guys see?
[00:37:54] We can put listening, right?
[00:37:58] Maybe we can put distractions,
[00:38:03] Speaker 1: assumptions love that. Okay.
[00:38:13] Gene Hammett: When you understand the breakdowns, you can, you start to, to figure out, okay, how do we work around the breakdowns? This is one reason why I teach it this way is we want to make sure that people when we are making requests that they are understanding the timing and priority of that request. It’s our job is the person makes the record.
[00:38:35] To be able to put that in context. This is part, this is one of the seven things why we’re doing it. You’ll figure that out in a minute. Listening. Right. Well, we just did a listening exercise. It’s hard to listen to see if someone’s listening when you’re trying to figure out what you’re saying, but it’s our job to figure out are they really listening, removing distractions.
[00:38:55]And when people make assumptions, all of these are going to be addressed inside the seven parts. I know you’re excited. I can, I can feel it. I’m going to ask you, you guys go to this URL, download this quick little worksheet. It’s one page, but you’re going to use it and just a second. Okay. And so, and you can have it, you can share it with your team and you guys got it.
[00:39:28] Speaker 4: Seven elements of an effective request. Yup.
[00:39:31] Speaker 1: Yup.
[00:39:34] Gene Hammett: So when we look at the request,
[00:39:42] I took the short track here because I had the worksheet. So I just kind of ripped it off there, but you can follow along for whichever version you want. Then, the first part of the seven requests is a present speaker. What this means is you are not distracted. You are showing up, completely present for that conversation.
[00:40:04] It also means that you have chosen the right time to make this request. If you don’t have a present speaker, everything else is going to fall apart. And the same thing with the presentation. Our job is to make sure that we’re doing this at the right time place.
[00:40:26] Speaker 3: And
[00:40:32] Gene Hammett: think asking them, and I think Rico did this before. I think he started the whole last listening thing with a question, can you do this for me? Something like that. And so he’s asking a question because he’s expecting a response and then he should be picking up on is, is the listener present you with me so far, guys, this is pretty basic stuff.
[00:41:02] You, if we’re going to make effective requests, that can’t be misunderstood, you want to be present and you want to make sure that listeners present the next thing behind. This is the mood of the request. What do you guys think that means?
[00:41:21] Speaker 2: Is it something that’s urgent or it’s not going to be well received or it’s not good news.
[00:41:31] There was certainly a fair amount of not good news last
[00:41:33] Speaker 3: year.
[00:41:34] Gene Hammett: Yep. Those are definitely important behind this. I think the mood of the request really is how are you coming at this? When, when I, when I, if I was just teaching you straight upon in this, it would be, if you come to asking someone with a very authoritarian mood, right.
[00:41:55] If you’re really like directive and like it’s going to be a different engagement, then you come to someone with more of a caring approach. Does that make sense? This is really about how you show up.
[00:42:16] What, what intention are you bringing to the moon? Do you guys have questions about that? Many times I’ll ask especially in a difficult conversation and this is not meant to be a difficult conversation, but, but anytime that you are going to have a communication with someone, I think it’s best to take a breath or two, and maybe even way before when you’re planning out the request, you know that you’re going to ask someone to do something for you.
[00:42:45] You want to go, what’s the, what’s the best way of showing up for this? How do I, what kind of energy am I bringing to this moment? Am I excited? Or am I frustrated? Sometimes you want to be frustrated or sometimes you want to, you want to like, let, let it be really clear. If someone is not getting it, you’re going to move toward a more direct one.
[00:43:08] Then then just a more carefree approach. You guys understand that. And it really is. This is just about being very intentional about the seven aspects and you just taking them at a moment and say, how are you going to show up for this and, and being clear about it. All right. The heart of this, the seven parts of this effective request is these four things.
[00:43:38] Because once you have those first three, we can come into the four and say, what does success look like?
[00:43:55] I think all too often, we’re not communicating in a way that we can really show what the conditions of satisfaction are. Would you guys agree to that?
[00:44:08] Speaker 1: Yeah,
[00:44:09] Gene Hammett: this, this is a really important distinction around where are you? You really are delegating and empowering someone. You shouldn’t have to tell them how to do it.
[00:44:20] I hope that that you’re working with people that have the capability to figure out the, how, even if they’ve never done it, but you should be able to say at the end of the day, this report will be on my desk by Friday, and it will have all the core elements and it will be exactly what the client’s expecting.
[00:44:43] And you, you can add even more to it. I’m just going to give you their short route, instead of just saying, get the report to me by Friday,
[00:44:52] your job, as, as a person making a request is to make sure that the conditions of satisfaction are included. It’s as clear. And really that the th the answer, the question around this is what is success looks like? What is the outcome?
[00:45:13] timeframe? A lot of times we’re a little squishy about this, this is Jennifer. Let me just ask you directly. If I needed you to get me a work product out. And I said, can you get it to me by Thursday? How would you interpret that?
[00:45:33] Speaker 2: That it’s due by Thursday? That there’s no, that I have the option. Can you get it to me by Thursday?
[00:45:40] So I have the option to say no. Can I get it to you by Friday?
[00:45:44] Gene Hammett: Yeah, we will talk about the option to renegotiate on this, but is Thursday a very clear timeframe?
[00:45:55] Yeah. I would say if, if that’s the way we make a request, it can be misinterpreted. Right. So if we were going to make a request and what would we, what would we add to that request, Jennifer,
[00:46:10] Speaker 2: if it’s a firm deadline for Thursday, or if there’s some wiggle room, depending on what the other priorities
[00:46:15] Gene Hammett: are.
[00:46:16] Okay. So that’s part of the conversation that you happen in there. But if I were going to request to you, I might say, Hey, this is due for a big project on Friday. Can you get it to me by three o’clock on Thursday? So I have a chance to review it before I go home. That’s very clear. Yeah, it can’t be misinterpreted.
[00:46:33] Cause you’re like three o’clock I guess we could get into the time zone stuff with all these virtual people. I have to be very careful because nearly every one of my clients is in a different time zone. So I’m always trying to go Eastern standard. You want to make sure that when you’re if you’re going to make it a really effective request, that there are no assumptions and you discuss with them anything, that could be an assumption.
[00:47:01] I’m going to skip number six here because it’s probably the hardest to understand. Number seven is exactly what Jennifer said earlier. Why are we doing this? Is that important? If you want someone to truly feel empowered, to share why you’re asking them to do this, this project, whatever the request is
[00:47:23] you with me, David,
[00:47:27] is it important to share why on request always? Is it, well, you said always, I was going to ask the question. Are there reasons why we should not have to share?
[00:47:41] Speaker 5: So personally, so could you say, I don’t need to share why? Sure. But I don’t think you should. I had a team member. Who’s like, I want my teams to make more money.
[00:47:51] I’m like, okay, let’s walk through the structure of why they’re currently paid what they’re paid. And at the end of the conversation, they’re like,
[00:47:59] Speaker 3: I get
[00:47:59] Gene Hammett: it. I think the why is often left off and it’s such an easy thing to typically add. It could be as simple as because when we signed up for this client, we promised them that we would have it for them.
[00:48:17] And this client is important to us, just like every client’s important, but this client is really one of my special clients. When you give a why it gives them something to care about, there’s a psychological study. And I can’t remember the name of it and the details, but I don’t know if you guys have heard it, but basically, they had a bunch of people standing in line for a copier.
[00:48:35] Have you guys ever heard. And the, they had different scenarios. Cause you always have to have control inside the psychological studies. And someone had said, Hey, do you mind if I go ahead of you, I only have one copy to, to do. And because they said, I only have one it’s like a Y kind of thing. Or they would say, do you mind if I go ahead of you, I’m in a rush.
[00:49:03] There are not any details around this, but, but psychologically, we’re more likely to give someone space when we tell them what they give us the why. And I’m just sharing this with you because the other control of that is that it didn’t add the why. And people would refuse to let them go ahead of them and this line for copiers.
[00:49:26]But if you’re going to make, a really effective request, it’s very easy to add why you’re making the request and why. So any questions on why,
[00:49:46] why them just as simple as, you know, you’ve got the skill to get this done. If I remember I had one of my clients, he was, he was bragging on an employee and he was, he was talking about how great she was and how detail-oriented she was. And she just took care of things. That’s, that’s pretty incredible. I said you know, have you ever told her how you, how this makes you feel, and whatnot?
[00:50:13] And he’s like, no, not really. She’s just doing her job. And I was like, you know I would encourage you to just share with her that you really appreciate this. You give her, some recognition just privately, just one-on-one, and tell her that you trust her because you do trust her. And he’s like, oh, absolutely trust her.
[00:50:29] And so we called this, I trust your conversation. And he did. And he’s like she was gushing. She goes, she was almost in tears. So happy just to hear him say that I appreciate you and that I trust you. Do you guys get the power, of that? And Rick, are you still with us? Little distracted, huh? I can’t hear you.
[00:50:58] I’m
[00:50:58] still
[00:50:58] Speaker 4: with you, but you did just catch me texting.
[00:51:02] Gene Hammett: I tried to catch you on this. I’ve gotta be pay attention. I know Mike turned off his camera, so I couldn’t, I couldn’t get him. So we’ve got, we’ve got over six of the seven. This background of obviousness is the hardest to understand because it takes the most time to figure this out.
[00:51:19] But a lot of times we skip things and this is where assumptions really come up. We want to make sure that when you were asking for a request of someone that we give them enough information about the conditions of satisfaction, the timeframe, and why, but also anything else that might be obvious to us you would never go to Starbucks and say, could I get my coffee in an in a cup that would be assumed, right?
[00:51:55] But in the workplace, there are too many places for us to really make assumptions. And it really is dangerous for us to be able to think that they think the way we do because let is honest, we’re all individuals, we all have a different perspective and context of things. Our job, as request maker is to share that background of obviousness.
[00:52:21] Does this help you guys.
[00:52:26] In regards to, does this make sense? Does it seem like it’s too much?
[00:52:33] Speaker 4: No. Cause it’s the little details like this that, you know, result in that report or whatever it is arriving and not being complete. And then all the extra time that you have to put into like redoing it or changing it now deadlines are missed and more hours that go into the thing that could have been done right the first time.
[00:52:54] So it takes a little more work up front, but it’s more efficient in the long run.
[00:53:06] Gene Hammett: I gotta write that down.
[00:53:16] Is this a good thing? He said with a smile. It takes more time upfront, but it’s more efficient in the long run.
[00:53:26] Speaker 1: Yes.
[00:53:27] Speaker 2: Everything that’s waste is, is
[00:53:30] Speaker 3: opportunity. Cost lost.
[00:53:36] Gene Hammett: Let me ask you a question here. I know Jennifer you’re, you’re one of the executives there at your company. Everyone else here is a founder. CEO, is it important for not only for you to understand this, or is it important for your, your direct leadership, and the managers on the front line to understand the communication to this level?
[00:53:59] It’s not, this is not just a youth thing, right?
[00:54:01] Speaker 2: Yes. I agree. I think everybody needs to understand this. This needs to get pushed to the senior leadership in anybody that’s going to be working together. To accomplish what we need to accomplish.
[00:54:15] Gene Hammett: Would you agree that if, if things, if, for example, if someone’s giving you you’re giving someone a request, could they come back to you and said, Hey, you know, I’m not, I’m not really sure about the timeframe of this.
[00:54:27] They could call you on this. Maybe it’s not in a, in a judgmental way, but just in like, this is not clear yet. And so the idea is the conversation and a request to go back and forth until the point where it’s explicit. It can’t be misunderstood. I think
[00:54:46] Speaker 2: that that’s important. I think that, depending on the level of the employee, you expect more of that.
[00:54:51] And if they’re not doing it, then they might not understand and you might not get what you need.
[00:54:56] Speaker 3: Yep.
[00:54:59] Gene Hammett: Everyone
[00:55:05] needs to. No, this,
[00:55:11] Speaker 2: I think it’s important to encourage people to ask if they’re not given this
[00:55:15] Speaker 3: as
[00:55:15] Gene Hammett: well. That’s exactly what we’re coming up with. You see this, look at that. It is perfectly okay if you’re making requests of someone because I’m going, to be honest with th the the the whole the adage of giving the busy person to work.
[00:55:29] Cause you know, that they’ll get it done. Is that true or not true?
[00:55:35] Speaker 2: You always lean on your rock stars. It’s not even on purpose.
[00:55:42] Gene Hammett: Can you agree with that? Yeah, totally.
[00:55:47] Speaker 4: A bunch of other requests recently and
[00:55:49] Speaker 3: I going to make it easy.
[00:55:51] Gene Hammett: So we, we, we go to people that we know, get it done, and we know that. That understand us and can do it, you know, with the standards at which we come to. But here’s the thing that you need to encourage people to say. Now, I know you’ve got a lot on your plate.
[00:56:08] How does this fit in with this? If you’ve got to do this report by Thursday at [3:00] PM, the clock, are you able to commit to this? And it’s okay if they say no, do you guys get that?
[00:56:24] Yep. But the conversation doesn’t end there. It’s not like, oh, I’ll find someone else. The conversation probably goes, okay. So maybe we need to look at some of the other things in your, your, what you’re doing and see if there’s a way that I can we can make room for this, right. That it’s always back and forth inside of the request and the listener too, to be able to go, let’s find a way to make this work.
[00:56:51] Now, there are times where you’d rather them say, I just can’t take on another thing. My mom’s in the hospital and I really need to be there for her the next two days, I’m going to try to get everything done, but I can’t take on this too. And you, you can step back and say, I get that. I appreciate that. Is that fair to say that you want, you’d rather know upfront that they’re not committed to it?
[00:57:16] Then then just say, yes, I’m not going to scroll to the top, but do you guys remember Jennifer? You know, one of the breakdowns she talked about is when people say yes, but they don’t really mean it. Your job is to encourage that, that pushback is like, you know, does this fit in now, many people will just take it on.
[00:57:37] I know a lot of just high performers would be like, give it all to me. I, I, I will do this cause they want to do what they want to serve. And we absolutely love those people, but you want to make sure that you’re getting complete buy-in before you move on I think I got a question in here, but I want to take a moment here. How do you know when you, before you leave a request, how do you know someone gets it that they’ll get it done? It’ll be done right the first time. What, how does a conversation end in your world?
[00:58:21] Speaker 1: Yes.
[00:58:26] Speaker 4: Usually with confirmation of the deliverable. So something along the lines of awesome,
[00:58:35] Speaker 1: then
[00:58:35] Speaker 4: I’ll look forward to getting it from you. Then let me know if anything comes up that would change the timeline, you know,
[00:58:41] Gene Hammett: something along those lines. So I’m going to type down you repeat. Yeah. That’s one way to do it.
[00:58:48] Speaker 4: And then I also encourage basically proactivity and letting me know if it’s not going to happen. For whatever reason, we can’t get the deliverable
[00:58:56] Speaker 1: done on time.
[00:59:16] Gene Hammett: So any other way that you can make sure someone’s going to get it done right.
[00:59:22] Speaker 2: I usually ask for them to give it back to me in their own words and make sure they understand. It depends on the level of the person I’m speaking to.
[00:59:34] Gene Hammett: I like that. Does that make sense to you guys? It sounds sorta like this based on their request.
[00:59:42] What did you understand, from what I just said? And they should be able to give it back to you so that you can listen and, and they’re making a promise to you. So that’s one of the other speech acts. They’re not just, you’re not, it’s not a one-way situation. You want them to actually promise back. I will do this based on your standards based on your timeframe.
[01:00:09] I know why it’s important. I got, I’ve got no assumptions around this. Does that make sense that they’re going to promise? If they’re still asking questions, that’s not a promise. A promise is, is a statement. Is that clear? Is this helpful for you guys to go to this level of rigor around this? Because I, I think it, I think it’s very powerful for you guys to do this.
[01:00:38] I think a lot of people just don’t think about communication to this level of detail. You guys see the importance of this. Can you see yourself asking people with requests with a little bit more clarity? Now
[01:00:55] Speaker 2: I have to force myself to not be rushed when we’re talking, but yes, I do. I do try.
[01:01:01] Gene Hammett: That’s part of the breakdowns. I didn’t put that in there. Let’s go back up here.
[01:01:05] Speaker 4: I think one of the interesting parts is going to be like, I like this idea of asking the person to repeat back, but also not having them feel like, I think they trying.
[01:01:13] So like the dynamic
[01:01:14] Speaker 3: there. Yep.
[01:01:17] Speaker 5: You know, on that note though, I have a team member that already, repeats everything back because there’ve been many times where he got them wrong. And so now he does that to make sure he has it correct. And it’s something he just did naturally. And so for like meetings, I mean, I think it becomes a natural thing.
[01:01:37]Not all of my team members are doing it, but to encourage them to do it, we already have an example
[01:01:43] Speaker 3: in meetings,
[01:01:46] Gene Hammett: as you get better at this, it gets, it gets to be more natural. I’m going to give you a question a little bit later on that too, to help you with this, I think but we’ve got just a moment here to do another exercise because there’s so much fun.
[01:02:02] Right. Jennifer and Rico went first. So I’m going to ask Mike and David. I would say the one with the longest hair is the request ever, but I can’t tell which one’s got the longest hair here. I’ve just got a haircut yesterday. Okay. So which one of you wants to make a request? And the other one is, is going to be the person that’s going to make a promise back.
[01:02:32] Speaker 1: I can do whatever
[01:02:37] Gene Hammett: lead by example. Who’s who’s who’s first. Who’s going to make the request.
[01:02:45] Speaker 3: I can think of one
[01:02:47] Gene Hammett: raise your hand when you think of.
[01:02:51] All right, David you’re the request maker. It can be anything. You’ve got the seven frameworks in front of you. So what we’re going to do as observers, Jennifer, or Rico me is we’re going to see how well you did. And, and then, you know, just kind of look over the insights after that. Are you guys ready for about a minute?
[01:03:12] So this is not going to go on too long. Go ahead, David.
[01:03:17] Speaker 3: All
[01:03:17] Speaker 5: right, Mike. So we have store 2 73 that we need to set up
[01:03:21] Speaker 3: here. You
[01:03:22] know,
[01:03:23] Speaker 5: that, that one’s coming up. We’d like to get that setup. Friday, what time do you think would be a good time for that to be completed
[01:03:30] Speaker 3: on Friday? We could probably have that ready or I could probably have that ready by mid-afternoon say two o’clock.
[01:03:41] Speaker 5: Okay, perfect. So it can be completed by two o’clock. Now, this is going to be, a model three display. Are you familiar with the signage that you’re going to need to have for it? Just so we can make sure that everything is complete and we have backups for any of the display materials that could get destroyed
[01:03:58] Speaker 3: in transit.
[01:04:01] Gene Hammett: Yeah, we’re
[01:04:02] Speaker 5: familiar. I’m
[01:04:02] Speaker 3: familiar with the, with the issues and, and, and believe that we
[01:04:07] Speaker 5: can, or that I can deliver perfect then because it’s a new store for us as always, we want to set a really great tone and experience for them so that they understand why the program is great and they can get really excited about what we’re doing.
[01:04:22] So having that really great, clear communication with them as well, letting them know that it’ll be done by two o’clock as well. What, if any questions do you have about Is there anything left unsaid or unthought that we need to resolve
[01:04:36] Speaker 3: before it?
[01:04:39] Speaker 1: Yeah. Again, what is it?
[01:04:40] Speaker 3: a format that you’re looking for?
[01:04:42]What kind of deliverable are you looking for? A physical
[01:04:46] Speaker 5: deliverable, a virtual right. And so you get it real quick. Like there’s, there are some contexts that’s missing because our model three displays a physical deliverable thing that would actually get
[01:04:58] Speaker 3: sent out to a store, right? Yeah. I have to admit, I’m not exactly sure
[01:05:05] Speaker 5: What I’m agreeing to,
[01:05:07] Speaker 3: but I
[01:05:08] Speaker 5: don’t think that’s the
[01:05:08] Speaker 3: point of
[01:05:09] Gene Hammett: the atrium David’s company sells bath bombs.
[01:05:11] Do you know what that is? I actually do.
[01:05:14] Speaker 3: Yeah, I’ve got daughters. They, they, they have
[01:05:20] Speaker 5: show me what
[01:05:20] Speaker 3: those are.
[01:05:23] Gene Hammett: Bath bombs, David, yet. I was coset right off it. That’s it? Yeah. All right, so we’re out of this. How do you guys think he did?
[01:05:37] Speaker 1: I’m going to say
[01:05:38] Speaker 3: you too good. Cause I don’t, I didn’t really understand what the request was. I know we were role
[01:05:43] Gene Hammett: playing very technical, I think, specific to his, his business. And I get that. I mean, if we talked about research and design credits, Mike, he might not get that either. But, but, but just stepping back and not worry about that, how do you, how did he do on hitting all seven areas?
[01:06:03] Speaker 2: I thought I thought most of the areas, I was unclear with the exact timeline, but I thought the rest of it seemed clear-ish. I used to work for a fixture company. So I sort of understand what you
[01:06:13] Speaker 3: were talking about.
[01:06:16] Speaker 1: I think, I don’t know,
[01:06:17] Speaker 4: David, you communicated the
[01:06:19] Speaker 1: why it matters.
[01:06:22] Gene Hammett: I think he did. He talked about a customer, a new customer.
[01:06:27] It’s the context I got around that. It’s a new customer. We want to make sure it’s a good experience, right? That was I felt like you hit the last four things pretty well couldn’t it would have been much better if we were talking to someone that had the context of a level three display or whatever that was.
[01:06:42] But and I know that you were, you were a present listener and I think, I think Mike was pretty present with this. The mood of requests wasn’t clear to me, it was just kind of like a plain, right? It wasn’t like, Hey, we got a new opportunity here. We’ve got a new customer and I want to, I want your help here.
[01:07:01] Do you see how a little bit of excitement and the mood and request would be different than that? Blah.
[01:07:10] You see that David? Absolutely. This is hard that I’ve never worked with anyone who got all of them. It is AB an and I still work with it. Me and my wife, sometimes joke about this. Like I’m like, what is this mood request? You want me to take out the trash? And you’re just barking at me. But it’s hard to get them all, but if we’re really shooting for it’s impossible to misunderstand, you want to make sure you’ve understood.
[01:07:37] You have those seven things and you can begin to use them and really see the power of them.
[01:07:48] What insights did you guys get around this, these whole seven elements of an effective request. Okay.
[01:08:04] Speaker 2: I would say it’s hard to make an effective request every time.
[01:08:08] Speaker 1: Okay.
[01:08:12] Speaker 5: I know for me, I found as I’m reflecting on this I’m just assuming that everybody already has all the pieces of information, but we constantly are having communication errors. So I need to stop assuming
[01:08:27] Speaker 1: no
[01:08:33] Speaker 3: gene. I think I agree with Jennifer, you know, the business and the pace of business is fast sometimes. And so it’s hard. A lot of times you need to make a request and while this is a good thought process, it may be difficult to apply this
[01:08:49] Speaker 1: every single time.
[01:08:53] Gene Hammett: I hear what you’re saying there. I like this.
[01:09:01] No one’s offended by me cussing or they got to use because I’m a good listener right up here. This is something that Enrico said takes more work up front, but it’s more efficient in the long run. Does anybody disagree with that?
[01:09:24] Even in a fast-paced environment, we’ve got to get it right the first time. Cause rework costs us time, money, energy. It just, no one likes rework. So if you could have the right rigor to an effective request and get better at it, I’m not saying you’re going to get perfect, but you can start adding in there.
[01:09:43] Little things until you realize it’s just natural to you.
[01:09:48] Speaker 5: Well, and Jean, can I interject, interject something? Just this last week, one of our huge communication errors, we had five new grocery stores that we were sending displays out to. We assumed that the person who had set the original schedule had done it correctly and she was on vacation.
[01:10:05] And lo and behold, one of the stores was not
[01:10:07] Speaker 3: authorized for the
[01:10:08] Speaker 5: display. So we had shipped from Utah to Spokane because we didn’t
[01:10:14] Speaker 3: dot our I’s
[01:10:14] Gene Hammett: and cross our T’s a display.
[01:10:18] Speaker 5: To Spokane Washington from Utah, that then luckily for us, we were able to redirect it down to Boise, but that was a terrible experience for the brand that had authorized the
[01:10:32] Speaker 3: stores.
[01:10:33] Cause they’re
[01:10:33] Speaker 5: like, absolutely not this story team, get this way. Why is this display in story 18? That was a really, really terrible experience. So like I totally get it too. Like we are like, our business is very fast-paced and we’re always rocking and rolling, but at the same time, this is an area where I know for us, we have to slow down because it is destroying our relationships.
[01:11:00] Speaker 1: Yeah. We,
[01:11:00] Speaker 4: we say internally built to last instead of built
[01:11:03] Speaker 3: fast. Love that. Yeah. I think
[01:11:06] Speaker 4: the idea of just slowing down a little bit to get it right. It’s probably totally worth it.
[01:11:17] Speaker 3: That’s a great phrase.
[01:11:18] Speaker 5: I’m stealing that from you.
[01:11:20] Speaker 3: Thank
[01:11:20] Gene Hammett: you. It was built to last, not built fast. Yeah. Mike, how does that sit with you?
[01:11:32] Speaker 1: I’m
[01:11:32] Speaker 3: writing that one down.
[01:11:36] Gene Hammett: Jennifer. How does that sit with you?
[01:11:43] Speaker 2: We’re not in manufacturing. We’re in the event business, so it’s a little bit different, but I, I totally get it. Cause as I said, I’ve been in manufacturing cut once
[01:11:52] Speaker 3: measure twice,
[01:11:53] Gene Hammett: cut once, but it is not invent manufacturing or you Rico? No,
[01:11:57] Speaker 4: we’re a software guy.
[01:11:59] Speaker 2: Yeah, you don’t wanna mess up the code either, but when you’re on an event and somebody says that the food is wrong, you gotta move a little bit fast.
[01:12:08] You don’t, you want to plan properly so you don’t have bad food. I totally
[01:12:12] Gene Hammett: get it. That’s the important thing is it’s built to last and, and I think I get what you’re saying, Jennifer. It just has to remember that. Yes. Having seven elements of a request is going to take more time, but just ask yourself if they get it right the first time are we, is everyone better off?
[01:12:34] And I think they are nine times out of 10, maybe even more often than that. Is that fair to say? Yeah, we have I’ve run out of time again. So we’re going to kind of fly through this next bit. Asking better questions. Why are questions powerful?
[01:13:02] Well,
[01:13:02] Speaker 5: when you tell someone something, they don’t get it, but when they tell you something, they get it in questions, allow
[01:13:09] Speaker 3: them to tell you
[01:13:17] Speaker 4: you’re also stripping away opportunity for
[01:13:20] Speaker 1: assumptions.
[01:13:33] If someone asks
[01:13:34] Speaker 3: a question, that’s their way of telling you how they perceive
[01:13:39] Speaker 1: the issue.
[01:13:40] Gene Hammett: Yup. And totally right in all of these things. But the question is as a psychologically, you know, especially in, in a work environment, It’s almost rude to not answer a question. Is that fair to say, if you ask someone, you know, why were you late today to the meeting?
[01:14:05] Don’t, you’re expecting an answer. You’re not expecting to be, to get some, some sideways thing, right. Or to be ignored. So in leadership, if we really want to make sure that we can’t be misunderstood, we’ve got to learn to ask better questions. And I, I know that this is simple, but I work with a lot of leaders that are doing $50 million in their company, plus, and they’re like, I could do a much better.
[01:14:36] I tell a lot, I could ask more questions. And so here’s just a few questions that you can, you can use and see, how can you be sure this is the right decision. This is to be used when you’re expecting someone to make the decision. And you don’t want to be you don’t want to make that, keep making that decision for them.
[01:15:00] Do you guys see that, that the kind of power of this question?
[01:15:05] Speaker 3: Yeah,
[01:15:08] Gene Hammett: I, I changed a little bit because I, I had written down a question that was about the experiment. I sometimes ask my team when I expect them to do something. And I was like, you know, we don’t need to create an entire SOP for this yet. How can we experiment to see if this is the right path? Is this the right tool to use?
[01:15:31] So we’ll, we’re always experimenting within this. And so you just want to make sure that you’re asking people so that they really understand the depth of the decision. They’re not just saying. Something because they think that’s what you want them to say. You want to make sure you’re getting complete buy-in
[01:15:50] Speaker 3: right.
[01:15:52] Gene Hammett: It may be perfectly okay for them to respond to this. As we could get some data from customers, we could get some data from, from the, from the website. We could get some data from the process, but that will be their next step. Does that make sense? This question,
[01:16:14] and these are just ideas. There’s just use more questions. Here’s the next one. What’s getting in the way of you making your decision. If you’re working with a bunch of people that you’re expected to be empowered and they’re expected to decide on this, the worst thing you can do is decide for them because it erodes trust.
[01:16:34] So pause a second. And instead of making the decision, you ask them this.
[01:16:44] Do you guys say that the beauty of this question,
[01:16:50] this is where I would, I would really make a distinction here because I think a lot of leaders are managing the work.
[01:17:00] The work has to get managed. The work has to get done, but this question strikes the heart of leading the person.
[01:17:11] It’s a great conversation. If they come back and say, well, I didn’t feel like you ever want me to make that decision because you always overrule me. That’s a good conversation to have so that you get, find the alignment move forward, as opposed to just ignoring it. Do you guys see that? You want to make sure that every chance you get you’re leading the person.
[01:17:35] And a question is a chance to do that much better than a statement.
[01:17:45] You may have someone come back and say, I’m just afraid I’ll be wrong. And it gives you a chance, especially if this person’s a high performer, it’s like, you know, why would you doubt yourself? You’ve done this, you know, for the last three years, you’ve made similar decisions. I really would expect that you would have the confidence to do this.
[01:18:03] And I really want you to, I have competence in you, or I wouldn’t have given you this opportunity. Do you see how that’s leading the person? Not just managing the work
[01:18:15] and then finally, and this is sort of that, that buy-in at the end. What would it take for you to own this project? This is a word that I use a lot. This is a word that I’m writing a book about. How do you get people to feel like owners? Okay. How could this question be helpful inside, your own leadership communication style?
[01:18:48] Not helpful.
[01:18:52] Speaker 1: This is helpful.
[01:18:53] Speaker 2: I think it’s helpful.
[01:18:55] Gene Hammett: Okay. I understand the consequences. Excuse me. I
[01:18:59] Speaker 4: said you help them understand the consequences could be consequences or bad consequences of the outcome and what happens as a result to the company, to other teammates,
[01:19:12] Speaker 1: to the
[01:19:12] Speaker 4: client,
[01:19:14] Speaker 1: the why it matters,
[01:19:19] Speaker 4: and then maybe why they
[01:19:20] Speaker 1: specifically selected for it.
[01:19:23] Speaker 3: How does he
[01:19:24] Gene Hammett: like that? Why, why are they selected?
[01:19:27] Speaker 3: So you get
[01:19:28] Speaker 4: to like, you know, hopefully, compliment on the skills that they have that would allow them to succeed on this
[01:19:34] Gene Hammett: request. Yeah. For example, what comes to my mind is when you have someone who’s a great project manager is like, you know what, because you’re so detail-oriented, you know how to align the people around this.
[01:19:47] That’s the reason why I want you to do this. And it gives you a chance to have some different conversations. When you add better questions. I, we have three minutes left, according to my clock. I don’t know what your clock says. What, what insights did you guys get from today’s training that you feel will make you a better communicator?
[01:20:16] Speaker 1: No, I need
[01:20:16] Speaker 3: your question more.
[01:20:17] Speaker 1: And I think
[01:20:18] Speaker 3: really, I think
[01:20:21] Speaker 5: we’re moving fast enough that we do fail to set the mood and remind everybody at each moment why
[01:20:28] Speaker 3: it’s so important.
[01:20:39] Gene Hammett: What else did you guys get from this?
[01:20:45] Speaker 1: I think we’ve got to take the
[01:20:46] Speaker 3: time or, you know, make an effort, take the time to make the effort to
[01:20:50] Speaker 1: communicate better.
[01:20:54] Speaker 3: Someone said making assumptions. I think we assume that we’re communicating well.
[01:21:00] Speaker 1: Yeah, no fucking
[01:21:08] Speaker 3: assumptions.
[01:21:09] Gene Hammett: So helpful. Jennifer, you want to add something to that?
[01:21:13] Speaker 2: No, I think it’s, it’s about the seven points make sense. It’s about preparing to have the seven points, not just rushing into the next thing.
[01:21:21] So it’s, I think the theme here is that we need to take the time.
[01:21:25] Speaker 3: Yep.
[01:21:29] Gene Hammett: And Rico, anything to add. They also like
[01:21:32] Speaker 4: focusing on the person you’re speaking to, to understand like how engaged they are,
[01:21:37] Speaker 3: you know, are they really like grabbing this
[01:21:42] Speaker 1: concept or the conversation when you’re pulling them back in?
[01:21:47] If they’re not,
[01:21:50] Gene Hammett: I’m not trying to brag here, but it’s just a moment of, of this, the exercise on reading the signals.
[01:21:59] I fucking nailed that. You know she went from, and, and my request of this, maybe I could have been more clear hold one of them throughout the entire time, but I felt in the beginning, she was distracted. I could see her eyes. I could see the energy she was bringing to that moment, moved toward mildly interested as she started to get into it.
[01:22:22] And then it finished in a quarter sort of an engaging way. Imagine if you can listen to people for that, and that’s all you, I don’t know what you’ll take out of this and apply to what you’re doing but imagine that that’s the kind of conversations you can have with people. I’ll leave you with this story.
[01:22:39] I remember I was in sales for a long time. I had a business and I, I lost it. It’s another story, but I was in sales for a couple of years and I had a big deal on the table and I had a client. Was ready to move forward on this project sort of consulting type of project. And I said, you know, Theresa, there’s something you’re not telling me.
[01:22:57] So I’m asking questions. And she’s like, no, this is, this is the project that the data doesn’t come outright. For our financial reports, we need to get to the heart of this. We need someone to come and analyze it. And I said I feel like there’s something else. She’s the CIO of a, like a billion-dollar company.
[01:23:12] And I said, Theresa, you know, completely off the record here. There’s something you’re not telling me. And I’m kept probing. And she said, well, there is one thing, but it cannot go beyond this room. And she’s like, shuts the door. And I said, what? She goes, I’ve only been in this job for three months. She goes the data’s wrong in our reports.
[01:23:35] That needs to be fixed. That’s what this contracts about. But I also need you to do a quick assessment. Do I have the right? And I said, okay, what, what are your concerns? And she’s like, I just don’t know the data’s wrong. So maybe I don’t have the right team. And then she comes back and says this can not be in the contract.
[01:23:54] This can be anywhere. But I had the courage to ask questions, to get to the heart of it, to get to what’s really going on. I got the deal, right. I probably would’ve got the deal anyway, but I just remember that moment where I was willing to be courageous enough to ask questions. This happens not just in our sales conversations.
[01:24:13] This happens with our, our employees, our best employees, our worst employees, if we get better at communicating so that we can’t be misunderstood, it helps the last thing. Don’t keep putting bricks in the wall. If someone else can do the work, your job is to not build a prison for yourself, but to let them do it, but do it with the right record.
[01:24:38] Hopefully you guys enjoy today. If you guys want to stay connected, I’ve got this book, this kind of group on Facebook. If you guys do this, I don’t know if you do or not. There are a few people in there right now, but it’s only Inc 5,000 liters. Jennifer, if you want to join us, you can. But it’s a way for us to stay connected because enjoy today.
[01:24:57] Yeah, that’s
[01:24:58] Speaker 3: great. Thank you. Thank you, Jean
[01:25:03] Gene Hammett: pleasure.
[01:25:04] Speaker 5: Oh, absolutely. And I really appreciate the invite.
[01:25:07] Gene Hammett: Well, well, I’m glad to have you as a special guest and Rico and, and David. This is, this is part of what we do every month, but if there’s any way I can serve you, just let me know. Okay.
[01:25:21] Hi, share with him your feedback on this so that maybe he can tell me what, what real impact this was. All right. You guys take care. Thank you.
[01:25:37] Speaker 1: Okay.
Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video. |
Read the full story here Web Link posted Friday, October 18, 2013, 12:00 AM
Town Square
Council: thumbs down on El Camino Real bike lanes
Original post made on Oct 18, 2013
Read the full story here Web Link posted Friday, October 18, 2013, 12:00 AM
a resident of St. Francis Acres
on Oct 18, 2013 at 7:12 am
When our City Manager said "I got a sense that biking was not a priority on El Camino", I hope he meant ALONG El Camino. Crossing El Camino by bike or by foot ought to be a HUGE priority for the precise plan. For biking, it means continuous bike lanes across El Camino, some short bike lanes on El Camino to connect the dots (Escuela to El Monte for instance).... Bike Boulevards are great but only if we can safely get to the right side of El Camino :)
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Oct 18, 2013 at 8:57 am
El Camino is a major business district, lined with dozens of small businesses. Is the city really trying to prohibit bicyclists from visiting those businesses? Pushing bicyclists to "quieter streets" away from popular destinations is very short sighted.
a resident of Shoreline West
on Oct 18, 2013 at 11:07 am
KW is a registered user.
Very disappointed to hear that the council is being so shortsighted. I went to the meeting and spoke as did several other local people who bike.
I live within 50 yards of El Camino Real near Escuela Ave. (on Chiquita Ave.) in Mountain View. Although we own two cars, my husband and I walk, bicycle, and take public transportation whenever it's convenient.
Cycling should be given the same consideration as cars and given routes that are the most convenient (fast) just like cars. El Camino is the best option for shopping, getting to major locations like schools, etc. Off El Camino routes, even when they exist, are not as direct and are not practical.
The first improvement on El Camino needs to be the creation of usable bike lanes. That means lanes that are not in the "door zone" (five feet out from parked cars).
What's the alternative?: The naysayers argue there will be more gridlock if we don't continue to prioritize cars in our city planning. Well, that's how it's been for 50+ years. Like Dr. Phil would say "How's that working for you?"
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Oct 18, 2013 at 11:14 am
I would bike more, maybe even commute to work, if I didn't feel like I was gonna get hit at all times.
Even recreationally, I would drive the bike to a safe section of town (Baylands, for example), take the bike off the rack and bike where there were no cars.
I entered the wrong verification number twice, so I'm a robot. Pizza is delicious.
a resident of The Crossings
on Oct 18, 2013 at 12:58 pm
I don't ride El Camino very often, but when I do, I take control over the entire right lane. This gives motorists behind the most advanced warning that they must change lanes to pass me. Otherwise, they may feel compelled to try and squeeze by me unsafely. This is especially true now that California required 3 feet passing distance for cars and bikes.
Drive your bike on a street like this. Don't cower on the right side in the "door zone".
a resident of Rengstorff Park
on Oct 18, 2013 at 1:14 pm
Ban all cars other than truck deliveries! BIKES ONLY. I'm moving to first town that does this.
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Oct 18, 2013 at 1:35.
El Camino Real = State route 82 aka "State highway 82"
"Any highway which is acquired, laid out, constructed, improved or maintained as a State highway pursuant to constitutional or legislative authorization. [SHC Sect 24]. Elsewhere, this is defined as a way or place of whatever nature, publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel. Highway includes street."
Functional Classification: Prin. Arterial: 52 mi; Minor Arterial: 0.5 mi.
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Oct 18, 2013 at 1:47."
If you have looked at El Camino that runs through Mountain View, you would know that is not possible without a massive destruction of existing businesses and homes. Also, nobody in their right mind would consider El Camino a 'highway' in any modern sense. Cut over to 101 or 280 if you want a highway.
I agree with "Bikes2work" that it is safer just to take over the whole right lane, just as cars and motorcycles do. It is also completely legal to do so.
a resident of Rex Manor
on Oct 18, 2013 at 1:56 pm
Janet Lafleur is a registered user.
@MVResident67 The issue with not allowing for bikes on El Camino is that it's not a freeway which is exclusively dedicated to transportation. It's the retail center of our city, home to many residents and even more residents in the future.
How can a parallel route get you to a store that's on El Camino in the middle a "superblock" where cross streets are 1/4 mile apart? How can a parallel route help an El Camino resident bike commute to work when their driveway is on the wrong side of El Camino in the middle of the block?
Right now, most people on bikes end up either riding the sidewalk or riding in the relatively underused parking lane on El Camino. Do we want bikes on the sidewalk? No. Do we want people weaving in and out of parked cars on El Camino? No.
Like everyone else, we just want a way to do our shopping, visit our friends and get to work without risking our necks or bothering people who are walking.
a resident of Rex Manor
on Oct 18, 2013 at 2:12 pm
Janet Lafleur is a registered user.
@MVResident67 One more thing. I love bike boulevards. They're make getting around town much better. I use the one on Montecito every time I go to San Antonio shopping center would love to see more of them.
My point is that bike boulevards don't (and can't) take us everywhere. People need to be able to ride a bike to any destination they can drive to, especially an area like El Camino which is densely filled with many destinations today and even more in the future, per the new El Camino Precise Plan.
If we only provide routes that favor cars, all we will get are more cars.
a resident of Monta Loma
on Oct 18, 2013 at 2:22 pm
For many years I used the Park Boulevard (Palo Alto)bike path to get to and from my work at Stanford. Even if there had been bike lanes on El Camino I wouldn't have used them. In addition to the safety risk, the thought of breathing in the fumes of heavy traffic would make the journey very unappealing. The relative peace of the bike lanes that run parallel to El Camino make the ride safer and much more pleasant.
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Oct 18, 2013 at 2:34 pm
El Camino Real is a state highway which is designated as a "primary artery for vehicular use". This state highway is not only used by the residents of Mountain View, but it is also used - as designed - as a primary artery of vehicular travel by residents and visitors up and down the peninsula.
I don't subscribe to the notion that one who believes that providing a bike boulevard that runs parallel to El Camino Real equates to not caring about the wants and needs of bicyclists, to the contrary actually. I want bicyclists to feel and BE as safe as possible when riding on city streets, and I believe that it is unreasonable to presume that a state route/highway that is designated - and IS - a primary arterial route for vehicular travel, is the most prudent choice when it comes to trying to provide safe transit routes for bicyclists.
a resident of Rex Manor
on Oct 18, 2013 at 2:43 pm
Janet Lafleur is a registered user.
@MVResident67 How does providing a bike lane on El Camino preclude vehicular travel? El Camino has three lanes each direction for vehicle travel and roadside parking along most of it. How does converting parking areas to bike lanes keep people from driving down El Camino?
And you haven't answered my question about how people on bikes are supposed to get to destinations on El Camino. On the sidewalk? Or should they just leave their bikes at home and drive there instead, adding to the often heavy traffic on El Camino?
a resident of another community
on Oct 18, 2013 at 3:01 pm
I ride on El Camino in Mt. View and Palo Alto because it is BETTER than California Street. At least the edges of the road are wide enough. Improvements would be to remove on-street parking and fix the places where the roots stick through the pavement.
Latham is a HAZARD. There are jay-walking pedestrians and cars meandering down the middle of the street at all times. It isn't wide enough for separate bike lanes unless the partking is removed, and that won't work well for the residents.
I do use the Bryant Street bike boulevard, but it has it's own problems - it doesn't connect to anything at the south end, has too many stop signs, and it is a long way away from some of the places I need to go.
a resident of another community
on Oct 18, 2013 at 3:18 pm
Use to work on El Camino and rode a bike. Drove up and down El Camino driving a car, van and truck. Walked and jogged up and down El Camino. All of which is a challenge and a hair pulling night mare.
Bike centered development will work around streets near old MV and placez that small pathways to others street more to bike riders.
a resident of Blossom Valley
on Oct 18, 2013 at 3:22 pm
Even if there was a bike lane, the drivers are so terrible it wouldn't mater. They would/are still out there killing people. I think this is the right decision. Let the cars have ECR all to themselves. They "Earned" that fate ;)
a resident of another community
on Oct 18, 2013 at 4:01 pm
As a cyclist who has ridden in Mountain View for decades, I'm disappointed in Mountain Views short-sighted view on bicycling. Discouraging riding along this thoroughfare, only means more cars on an already overly stressed road.
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Oct 18, 2013 at 4:06 pm
Good move by Council for safety reasons alone. Already too many comings and goings to watch for on the El-C. Bike Boulevards sound safer and healthier air quality.
a resident of Waverly Park
on Oct 18, 2013 at 4:33 pm
Waldo is a registered user.
El Camino is a dangerous, noisy, smoggy street to ride a bike. Even if the danger could be removed, it would still be noisy and smoggy. Parallel side streets are definitely the way to go. Thanks MV City Council.
a resident of Waverly Park
on Oct 18, 2013 at 4:35 Waverly Park
on Oct 18, 2013 at 4:36 Cuesta Park
on Oct 18, 2013 at 4:42 pm
I rode El Camino into Palo Alto for for several years in the late '60s and early '70s; then they improved it. Rode it once after that which was once too many. 4 lanes with wide shoulders was great for biking but then it was scary.
Calif. St. was scary also because of lack of visibility of the driveways; I couldn't see cars and they couldn't see me until their hoods were right in front of me.
Don't remember trying Latham. I ended up wandering thru Los Altos or using Foothill which was a bit out of the way but much less stressful.
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Oct 18, 2013 at 5:14 pm
The vilification of automobiles and those who drive them by some in the cycling community is something I find troubling. No one is perfect, not car drivers, not pedestrians and not bicyclists.
Several years ago while driving less than 20MPH on a quiet residential street (not in this city) I looked to my left as I was approaching a street that 'T'd into the street I was traveling on. The street was a decent slope and had a stop sign at the bottom of the street. (Even though the street I was traveling on was a thru street, my habit was to always look up the street and check for traffic - in case someone might blow thru the stop sign or something.) So anyway, broad daylight, dry roads, not a cloud in the sky as I approach this 'T' street, look up and see a young child screaming down the hill and going so fast his bike was wobbling - he was THAT out of control. The second I saw him, I knew we were going to collide. I had a split second to try and decide what the best chance of not killing this child might be...hit my brakes and hope that the child doesn't swerve to the right anticipating hitting me and hit me all the same...step on the gas and hope that maybe I could accelerate the vehicle I was driving quickly enough to avoid this child slamming into me, or swerve to the right, directly into a tree and hope the child might be able to stop before hitting me and/or the tree. I opted to step hard on my brakes and hope the child flew past me and somehow made the turn onto the street before slamming into the tree. Unfortunately, the child slammed directly into the left front of my vehicle. I will NEVER forget the sound he made as he slammed into my vehicle. NEVER. I screamed and was crying as I leaped out to try and help this child. His bike was laying under my left front tire and by some miracle as I bent down asking him to stay still and not move, and my sister began running up the street to get help, this child jumped up and shook his head and said "I'm okay, I'm okay." By this time I had tears streaming down my face because I thought he had been killed when he hit my vehicle. Just then, his 9 year old brother came tearing down the same street. My sister stopped him and asked him where they lived and where their parents were. I stayed with the child who hit me as my sister went to find his parents. Evidently, the parents had allowed the children to ride ahead of them on their way to a community picnic, and when I told them what had happened - by this time the child was up and sitting on a rock on the side of the road - the response I got was dumbfounding "Oh, he's just learning how to ride his bike and he's not very good with his brakes yet." And that was it. They thanked me for stopping and making sure he was okay and seeking them out, and then went on their way to this community picnic. I was so badly shaken up I could barely speak. My sister had to drive the rest of the way to the house, and I was literally unable to function. I was shaking and reliving the moment of impact - thinking I had killed a child - over and over again. Finally, I had my sister drive me down to the community picnic where I found the boy and his family...I wanted to double check and make sure that he was really okay. His parents said he was fine, and when I asked the boy how he was feeling, he said "great" and ran off to play. My sister drove me back home and I still a wreck. I didn't drive for several days...I was just too shaken up. Eventually, my distress turned to anger...I had done nothing wrong, nothing. I was driving cautiously and below the speed limit, the road conditions were excellent and these parents had allowed a 7 year old child, whom they admitted was just learning how to ride a bike and was "not good with his brakes yet" to ride his bike unsupervised on a steep residential street, and because of this not only did this child nearly lose his life, but I was deeply traumatized by the incident. Like i said, too this day I can hear the thud this eight year old child made as he slammed into my vehicle. It was a miracle he was not killed...i think he actually hit my left front tire dead on and then bounced off the tire and landed on the ground just in front of the tire. It was a horrifying sight.
I don't know that there is a point to telling this story other than to say, sometimes the vehicles/drivers are not responsible for auto v bicycle collisions, and to demonize all drivers as careless, reckless, or unwilling to share the road with cyclists...well, it's simply not true. I don't dislike cyclists - I AM a cyclist - and I also have a healthy (and not unwarranted) FEAR of cyclists on the road...so, the fear works both ways.
a resident of Gemello
on Oct 18, 2013 at 5:18 pm
Biking on El Camino Real is never pleasant, but it is crucial for those of us who try to use our bikes for day to day transportation and errands rather than only recreation. The businesses by-and-large are on El Camino and usually have no back entrances. So you have to make at least part of your bike trip on El Camino. I don't think they should "invest a lot of money to build a nice pedestrian-bicycle experience"--just paint bike on the sides and ban parallel parking on the side of the street. The businesses along El Camino generally have off-street parking anyway.
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Oct 18, 2013 at 5:18 pm
The child was seven, not eight.
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Oct 18, 2013 at 7:30 pm
We traveled El Camino Real today between San Antonio and Grant Road! It was a mess of cars whic at on point caused us a sudden, unexpected stop which blocked intersection. The opposing lane rendered a young woman in her BMW to start screaming at us that we should know better than to block the intersection! I am of the observation that a bike lane on zel Camino during peak traffic times lies somewhere between manslaughter and suicide!the city liability insurance might need to be costlier and it's a very high risk decision. At best, as pilot study needs to be considered but frankly, it's really too dangerous amidst the nut drivers of Silicon Valley. Please don't do it! There will be lives llost dt unrealistic expectations.
a resident of Shoreline West
on Oct 18, 2013 at 8:35 pm
The problem is that biking around El Camino is so horrible. As soon as the trails near Standord ends you are stuck with local streets that go in all random directions with dead ends, humps, stop signs, etc.
Going to Fish Market in PA to buy fish takes me longer than going to Sunnyvale on Central, which is almost twice the distance.
I don't see why bike lanes would be impossible, bike lanes on Central work great.
Or, they should have on straight corridor like Bryant in PA, where there are few cars (cause cars are on Alma).
a resident of Waverly Park
on Oct 18, 2013 at 9:10 pm
I wasn't at the meeting, so it's hard to tell if this article accurately depicts the intelligence of our council members. This article gives the impression that Kasperzak and Siegal were scratching their heads saying "I don't know how..." while Bryant and Abe-Koga were saying they would rather have something else that's not currently possible.
So the outcome is they all talk about it, then conclude that there is nothing they can do? So they just don't do anything to make it safer to ride a bike on El Camino, which would help alleviate our massive traffic problems?
And I might add, keep an eye on the remodeling of the school campuses. They all have bike racks on campus but, to my knowledge, no safe, designated route for getting to the bike racks except cutting in front of the onslaught of cars.
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Oct 19, 2013 at 9:43 am
Put good bike lanes and a center turn lane on California - like Sunnyvale did to Evelyn between Castro and San Antonio. That also will calm the traffic on that dangerous road.
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Oct 19, 2013 at 11:45 am
Put good bike lanes and a center turn lane on California between Castro and San Antonio - like Sunnyvale did to Evelyn. That also will calm the traffic on that dangerous road.
a resident of Martens-Carmelita
on Oct 19, 2013 at 11:54 am
Maher is a registered user.
I live near ECR and I agree that car traffic on ECR is already crowded. I ride my bike for exercise but not on city streets due to dangers. I would like more bike lanes but I don't think ECR is a good candidate... parallel streets sound more sensible to me.
Also I think huge fines and criminal penalties for car drivers who ignore laws protecting pedestrians and bike riders should be put in place and fully enforced. Zero tolerance for hazardous driving.
a resident of The Crossings
on Oct 19, 2013 at 9:59 pm
Make sure those bikes have lights and reflectors to be "vehicle approved" on El Camino. 3 feet does no good if you are not seen. And this also means stop at the lights.
a resident of Shoreline West
on Oct 20, 2013 at 7:00 am
That would be great. They need to fix the stretch of Latham between escuela and shoreline better for bikes. The practice of 4 way stops quickly in succession is ignored by bicyclists. Is there a way to do yields for bikes? Also the alternating 2 way stops are dangerous in our shoreline west so cars don't have to stop as much. Even california is a good bike artery, but the green lanes and the bike share arrows are super helpful.
a resident of North Whisman
on Oct 20, 2013 at 7:41 am
Here's a bold idea that may or may not have any merit, so I'm curious what other residents think: what if the full length of Mercy and Latham (just were they are both parallel) were made into one way streets in order to preserve resident parking and yet make room for dedicated bike lanes on those two roads?
There would still be the issue of what to do once the parallel roads end, but it seems to be an interesting way to get real bike lanes.
It wouldn't solve the commuter issue but may make that part of Mountain View more bikable for daily living travel like going downtown. Reducing small car trips.
a resident of another community
on Oct 20, 2013 at 5:18 pm
If they want to keep bikes off of El Camino, can they do something to keep cars off the alternate routes?
a resident of Waverly Park
on Oct 21, 2013 at 9:27 am
@ Christopher Chiang,
Thank You for thinking outside the box! Converting parts of Latham and Church into one-way streets may not be perfect but it is definitely worth considering!
For all the problems facing Mountain View, IMO it's better to at least try SOMETHING than to do NOTHING. Thinking creatively outside the box and being willing to accept that the perfect solution may not be attainable are important.
a resident of Shoreline West
on Oct 21, 2013 at 8:52 pm
The ONE big problem with most ALL bikers is at a red light most of them will not allow the cars to make a right turn. I have rolled down the window on a few this year and asked them (yelling so they can hear me) to PLEASE move over, I'm in a hurry. They either ignore me and don't look back or will yell something at me like "I have the right to be here"
Winter is just around the corner. Lets see how many bikers are out in the rain. I guarantee a good percentage of you bikers will be in your nice warm 2014 automobile, drinking your lattes.
a resident of another community
on Oct 21, 2013 at 9:27 pm
Perhaps you need to try another approach, maybe one without yelling or maybe one that involves leaving on time so you are not in a hurry. If there is a car going straight in front of you when you want to turn right, do you honk and yell at the driver? Bicyclists who are going straight should not be up against the right curb, which encourages drivers to turn right in front of them, which is illegal and dangerous. If there is room, they should move far enough to the left to allow drivers to pass on their right to turn right. Many bicyclist do not feel comfortable doing this, though, as you can imagine. Doing that also causes abuse from drivers who don't understand what they are doing. I have had drivers yell at me that I am not a car when I have been trying to be polite and let right turning drivers have room on my right.
You may be upset that you can't get through when you are in a hurry but you need to see it from the other side before you can really understand the situation.
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Oct 21, 2013 at 9:48 pm
To be perfectly honest, there is no safe routes for bicycles in MV anymore. Cars are overtaking El Camino, California, San Antonio, Rengstorff, Shoreline, Escuela, Latham, Castro (watch them wait forever or rush past crossing pedestrians to race through their left turns often there), etc. There is no way to ride safely to or from anywhere anymore. It has gotten extremely bad in the past 5 years. The air is worse, and the priority is to have more jobs and more stores, and to make that accessible first by car while saying people should use other means of transportation, as long as cars are always able to go as before.
If people are driving over 35 on El Camino, why do the police not ticket them? Shoreline also has many cars go over 45 all the time. And the crossing signals for pedestrians to cross El Camino, Shoreline, San Antonio are set so short that most people barely make it, and old and disable don't make it across before it turns red.
I find it hard to believe that those who design and plan our city live and walk it. They don't seem to be addressing these issues, so these must not be issues to them.
a resident of Sylvan Park
on Oct 21, 2013 at 10:07 pm
It seems you have to have a death wish to ride a bike on El Camino, I hope no one rides there, as a matter of fact I can't remember seeing anyone riding a bike on this super busy street.
a resident of Rex Manor
on Oct 22, 2013 at 7:08 am
Janet Lafleur is a registered user.
@John Olive Another reason people on bikes wait in the middle of a straight/right turn lane is that's where the signal sensor is. If they move left or right for your convenience, they'll get off the sensor and lose their turn at the light. That hardly seems fair, does it?
Also, moving over when you're riding with 20-40 pounds of groceries on a sturdy bike is not easy at all. Just wait until the light changes just like you would if it was a car in front of you. After all, if you and others continue harass riders, they may just drive next time and you'll be sitting behind them anyway.
a resident of another community
on Oct 22, 2013 at 1:05 pm
Simple solution. No bikes allowed on El Camino. Cyclists should use alternate routes.
a resident of another community
on Oct 22, 2013 at 2:51 pm
State law does not allow bicyclists to be prohibited from any public road aside from freeways and toll bridges, so they cannot be banned from El Camino. Providing attractive alternatives can entice most of them to ride elsewhere most of the time, though.
a resident of Waverly Park
on Oct 22, 2013 at 4:08 pm
I was an avid biker and learned many years ago, when traffic was a lot lighter, that BIKES AND CARS ARE LIKE OIL AND WATER --- THEY DON'T MIX. I stopped biking after a serious accident that was all my fault. I was dumb, but not stupid. Putting bike lanes along El Camino Real, or any other heavily trafficked street, is pure insanity. Bicyclists are totally vulnerable and to make things worse, if a car hits a bike then the car's driver automatically is blamed even though the biker probably messed up. Better to put bike lanes on lightly trafficked side streets and leave the heavy traffic to the big boys. I know that some bikers here may take issue with what I say, and I really don't care what you think. I'm right and you're wrong --- or just plain crazy.
a resident of Shoreline West
on Oct 22, 2013 at 4:11 pm
Sorry you misunderstood me. I did not say I am yelling at them, just to yell. I am not that rude and if I were on a bike,I wouldn't want someone scaring the blank out of me. I meant I raise my voice loud enough for them to hear me. Also Pimento says bikers should move to the left to give a car the room to turn right, but says it's dangerous to be in at that spot because you have cars to your right and left. I agree. It probably is dangerous. But the only alternative would be to park your self in front of a row of cars and hold up traffic. Another idea was to have the people in the car leave a bit earlier to accommodate the biker that WILL park in front of a row of cars. Do you realize how that sounds? But this is how bikers really do think. They and I use the word they on a very high percentage of them, they believe the cars should not be there in the first place. Utopia I think is what I said last time. Maybe one day the USA will have rid itself of automobiles, but that isn't today.
Wake up bikers and learn to share the road.
a resident of Monta Loma
on Oct 22, 2013 at 5:17 pm
@John Olive: Wow. You get mad at the cyclists who "park [themselves] in front of a row of cars [at a stop light] and hold up traffic" but not drivers who do the same thing. You want the cyclists to "learn to share the road". You acknowledge that you're asking them to do something that "probably is dangerous" but care more about your own convenience.
I think you need to learn what sharing is. It doesn't mean that bicyclists must cease to exist. It doesn't mean that John Olive is the most important person on the road. If it did, the mayor would outfit your car with a siren so everyone else would know to pull off the road and let you pass.
I've moved to the left before to allow right-turning drivers to pass me. Many of them say thank you and probably realize that I'm doing them a favor that I couldn't do if I had driven instead of biked. It's too bad that you're too self-centered to understand this.
a resident of The Crossings
on Oct 22, 2013 at 5:57 pm
@incognito. I've often gotten the same sense from the reporting on City Council meetings. I don't know if the Council members are that dumb and lacking in any sort of out of the box thinking, or if the staff on the MV Voice are not very good at distilling meetings into coherent articles. I do come away with the sense that we have not elected the best people for the job.
a resident of Slater
on Oct 22, 2013 at 7:25 pm
I am confused about what the road rules are these days between bicycles and cars. Drivers and bicyclists seem to make up their own rules, as do pedestrians. Maybe it would help if there were some public service announcements in the media reinforcing right of way, etc. and/or website(s) covering this. Maybe there already are and I'm not aware. There is plenty of blame to go around between drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians. Everyone is in such a hurry - help!
a resident of Rex Manor
on Oct 22, 2013 at 7:44 pm
Janet Lafleur is a registered user.
Yes, most people who ride bikes also drive cars for some of their trips. And when they drive, they understand why a person on a bike at a stop light might not move over so they can make a right turn on red.
However, you should also know that last weekend I personally went grocery shopping twice and out to dinner on Friday night by bike. And my last trip to the doctor was by bike, but it was six months ago because I don't get sick much. As for visiting my family for the holidays, you got me there. It's a very long bike ride all they way to Louisiana.
a resident of Shoreline West
on Oct 22, 2013 at 7:53 pm
Mr. Lamb. The cars in that lane do turn to the right when it is safe to do so. The biker NEVER DOES MAKE A RIGHT TURN. I have seen as many as 10 or more cars just sitting there unable to move and take turns to make their left turn and only because of (1) person sitting on his bike not a foot to the left where he can make room to allow them to move forward and not to the right, closer to the curb because as mentioned above "It's dangerous" ? So please tell me Mr. Lamb, who is in the most important person on the road? The (1) biker or the 10-20 people just waiting to go to work, a Dr. appointment or a job interview ? I would say no one is important. Some of us, the elderly for example can not ride bikes (You would argue "Let them take the bus, less pollution" and some of us enjoy all the benefits riding a bike has to offer. I get it. What I don't get and NEVER WILL is how (1) person can not be considerate enough to move just 1 or 2 feet to the left to allow "The Car" people to go about their business.
a resident of another community
on Oct 22, 2013 at 8:13 pm
@John Olive, I didn't say drivers should leave earlier to accommodate a biker who is (legally and safely) in the lane. I said leave earlier so you are not in a hurry. Drivers who are in a hurry cause many of the problems on our roads. They make bad decisions, hasty judgments and take too many risks with their safety and that of others. If they left earlier so they could relax and drive peacefully with all the other people on the road we would have fewer problems. We live in a crowded area and we need to get along with lots of other people, in cars on bikes and on foot. Bikers aren't trying to slow you down or annoy you, they are trying to get to their destination safely. Their safety is more important than your impatience.
a resident of another community
on Oct 22, 2013 at 8:16 pm
Countries that do bikes seriously have completely separate bike paths, not lanes, and do not try to mix motor vehicles and bikes. They have separate traffic signals too.
Mixing bikes and motor vehicles is not a good idea.
a resident of Whisman Station
on Oct 22, 2013 at 8:24 pm
the_punnisher is a registered user.
Here is the BOTTOM LINE about adding bicycle lanes anywhere BECAUSE IT IS HUMAN NATURE THAT TANSTAAFL!!!
Yes, your $4K bike could be a weapon WHEN OPERATED IMPROPERLY!
I've never had a problem with cyclists in other parts of the country BECAUSE COPS ON BICYCLES ENFORCE ALL THE LAWS ON THE TRAILS!
I ( and my fellow REACH members, we are all disabled ) had PLENTY of problems at the Cubberley campus. Getting knocked down by IMPROPER OPERATION OF A BICYCLE was a too common occourence. (dismount and WALK YOUR BICYCLE was the law posted everywhere, but few people followed the law ).
Mountain people have had enough of these lawbreakers; they have a special " TACKS " they apply to these bicycle " problem areas ".
That was a very practical solution and just as anonymous as the arrogant law-breaking cyclist.
Until you PAY just like ANY OTHER VEHICLE OPERATOR, Bicyclists will be second class citizens on our highways.TANSTAAFL!!
a resident of Monta Loma
on Oct 22, 2013 at 10:56 pm
John Olive, in many intersections around town it's common for the right lane to be for both people going straight and people turning right. When a car gets into this lane and doesn't turn on their right turn signal, do you yell at them? If not, then why do you yell at the bikes?
a resident of Shoreline West
on Oct 23, 2013 at 1:42 am
Mr. Lamb your still on the yelling. I already told you I have to raise my voice just loud enough for them to hear me. I also said I wouldn't want a person yelling at me if I were on a bike. It would surprise you to know and I really don't want to keep talking about "The yelling" and that I even roll down the window and than, YES THANK, the bikers that actually look back, see there are a lot of cars waiting and move over. I know they appreciate it and I feel good letting them know their little jester really helps.
But I know you want to just focus on "yelling" like if I was some crazy person. Quit trying to be the victim and learn one thing out of all this. THAT BIKERS AND DRIVERS CAN GET ALONG NO MATTER HOW CROWDED IT GETS, but it takes both sides to work together. If you have anything else to bring up besides the "Yelling" It would make for a more constructive conversation.
a resident of Monta Loma
on Oct 23, 2013 at 10:33 am
Scott Lamb is a registered user.
John Olive, I said yelling because I imagine the cyclists perceive it as such. Obviously you disagree. You also avoided my question: would you do the same thing if it were a car? You're sitting at the right lane with your right turn signal on, behind a vehicle that is going straight. You've told me what you do when it's a bike: ask them to move and be upset if they don't. What about when it's a car? Do you get upset with them, too? If not, why not?
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Oct 23, 2013 at 11:04 am
After reading the threads I agree with the council and those that would prefer safer routes not on ECR. While not a biker, I have looked at the bike pamphlet put out by the city and think our bike trail system in Mountain View is easy to read and follow.
As an example I notice a lot of bike riding on Foothill Expressway. Looks very dangerous. Rather than listening the spandex crowd, a smarter approach would be to think about getting newer riders to use bikes on safer streets. No one buys all of their weekly groceries on a bicycle and not one goes shopping at a department store to buy supplies on a bicycle. I dont see a lot of bikers shopping at costco.
a resident of another community
on Oct 23, 2013 at 1:34 pm
Biking on expressways is actually much safer than on a street like El Camino. The main hazards to bicyclists are inadequate width, parked cars, driveways and intersections. Expressways have wide shoulders, no parking or driveways, and the intersections are far apart and well-controlled with lights. Expressways serve bicyclists the same way they do drivers: an efficient route with limited access to cover significant distances. That doesn't cover all the needs, but it can cover commuting very nicely. There is not one route that will work for all bicyclists and all trips, so we need variety just like car drivers have local streets, expressways and freeways.
a resident of another community
on Oct 23, 2013 at 1:38 pm
Just to clear up an apparent misconception that "[n]o one buys all of their weekly groceries on a bicycle": That's false. A lot of us do. I've never owned a car. I do all my shopping, including grocery shopping, using my bicycle. I've outfitted it with a sturdy rack and strong, water-proof panniers. I also commute to and from work in all weather; I have a rain suit for the hard rains. I'm far from the only one. @Political Insider wrote that s/he doesn't "see a lot of bikers shopping at [C]ostco". So evidently s/he sees some, which is way better than none. Same with Walmart, Safeway, Trader Joe's, and so on. It's rare for me to get to a grocery store and have the only bicycle.
On my commute this morning, I paid particular attention to the issue of where bicyclists stop in right lanes that are combination forward/right-turn lanes. Surprisingly many stopped on the left side of the right lane or the right side of the inner lane, thereby letting right turners through until a forward-going car got to the head of the line and so stopped it. Of course, morning commute-hour adult cyclists tend to be the most experienced, so I was seeing the best do their thing well.
I always move to the left of the right lane at a stop light, but I do something more for safety at crowded and very intense intersections. I use a rearview mirror, so once I see a forward-going motorist come to the head of the line, I move back to the right so the motorist doesn't shoot past me once the light turns green, leaving me stranded between lanes. If I have enough room, I move fully to the right; if the motorist has left me no room, I move directly in front of the car, positioned at a diagonal, and then once the light turns green, I am ready to move to the right on acceleration. (Keep in mind that I was at the light first, so I'm not cutting. The motorist behind me is at the head of the line only because the right turners ahead were able to turn right.)
Another misconception is that Foothill is dangerous. Not true. It has a wide shoulder and is great for commuting. It's probably the least dangerous way to cover a lot of ground on a longish commute. I often cut over to Foothill even if the overall trip length increases.
a resident of Shoreline West
on Oct 23, 2013 at 2:51 pm
Mr. Lamb I will try and make this as simple as I can. On Middlefield and Shoreline heading West, there are 4 lanes. The left lane is only used to make a left and has left arrow light. I have seen bikers in front waiting for the light, just like everyone else and when the light turns green, he goes first and everyone follows. THAT IS NOT A PROBLEM BECAUSE HE IS WAITING FOR THE LIGHT TO TELL HIM WHEN TO GO, JUST LIKE THE PEOPLE IN CARS.
Then you have 2 lanes to go straight with a light. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A BIKER WAIT IN FRONT OF THESE CARS. So I can't comment.
Then you have the lane you and I are discussing. The right lane that has no light, but the cars take their turn to make a right and do so when it is safe to do so. THAT IS THE LANE THAT THE BIKERS PARK THEIR BIKES ON AND HOLD UP TRAFFIC. If the biker was making a right, just like avery one else, then we wouldn't be having this discussion, he would make a right, then the next car and the next and the next and no one would have to wait.
So to answer your question there is no reason to get what you call "Upset" because the cars in that lane intend to make a right to go about their business. The biker NEVER did intend to make a right. He's just going to hold up 5,10, 20 cars. Because he can.
a resident of Rex Manor
on Oct 23, 2013 at 3:28 pm
Janet Lafleur is a registered user.
To everyone who keeps saying that no one shops by bike:
If you don't believe people like me or 100% commuter who shop by bike regularly, take a look at the bike racks at Trader Joe's or Safeway in San Antonio Center. Or outside Macy's or Nordstrom's at Stanford Shopping Center. These racks always have bikes parked. Stores that are accessible by bike and put up bike racks get bike customers. It's very simple.
We need better bike access on El Camino not so it will be a preferred cross-town bike route everyone will use. We need access because it's where we live, shop and dine, and parallel routes won't get us to the whole way there.
a resident of Cuesta Park
on Oct 23, 2013 at 4:59 pm
Middlefield at Shoreline has 3 lanes plus a bike lane. I guess the bikers that Mr. Olive is complaining about are in the bike lane. It seems wrong to get upset over that. They are where they think they should be, based on the paint on the road.
a resident of Cuernavaca
on Oct 23, 2013 at 5:04 pm
Do you know that the bikes you reference don't belong to workers?
100% Commuter,
""[n]o one buys all of their weekly groceries on a bicycle": That's false. A lot of us do.".
a resident of Rex Manor
on Oct 23, 2013 at 6:10 pm
Janet Lafleur is a registered user.
@Shoppers vs Workers I can tell the bikes parked outside belong to shoppers more than workers because there are different bikes locked up when I arrive and when I leave. Plus we're often loading our bike bags with groceries alongside each other.
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Oct 23, 2013 at 6:42 pm
@ Shoppers vs Workers - Exactly
I have never in my 40 years of living in this town observed a biker making large bulk purchases at shopping centers. Do a few people ride bikes to shopping centers. Absolutely. But 95% of people ride cars and make far more purchases than bikers.
Beside the spandex crowd, is there anyone that prefers ECR to side streets? Would you want your children riding on Foothill Expressway or ECR? The council made the right call if it wants to encourage more people to bike in this town.
a resident of Whisman Station
on Oct 23, 2013 at 9:22 pm
the_punnisher is a registered user.
My last comment and it is about personal observations and MY bicycle/tricycle use:
( It is a different case in other undeveloped countries and countries that have a PROPERLY DESIGNED MASS TRANSIT SYSTEM, the VTA, Samtrans and the other system DO NOT QUALIFY as designed transit.
When I was finishing High School ( I wanted to graduate in 3 years ), the only summer school class was a 2 HOUR bus ride from ECR to Santa Clara. I know that because I tried it ONCE.
That means that I had to use my RAMS Handlebar 5 speed Stingray Banana Seat bike I used for throwing the Mercury News in the morning.
I figured out the quickest commute was NOT staying on the ECR.
I didn't have all the fancy stuff you Spandex Crowd take for granted. I still got the commute done and did it LEGALLY!
I NEVER see a mountain commuter hauling shopping items.
The ONLY ways to do grocery shopping would be paying the store to deliver them OR a bike with a trailer with groceries instead of the kids.
( Now if a Cyclist was using AMPHETAMINES, that would explain the small amount in the panniers and packs )
My other experience is with the Three Wheel Cycle we got for Grandma to use ( She didn't use it ). MOST cyclists didn't mind the fact that it used THE WHOLE BIKE LANE however there were some of the SPANDEX crowd that got upset and showed it in the usual California CAR commuter fashion. THAT trike COULD be used for shopping; it had a big enough basket that could carry 4 bags in it.
My personal trike ( I now have balance problems due to strokes ) is an HPV with an electric twist.
The rear wheel is an electric motor that makes it good for use on both trails and highways. The bad news: It takes the whole bike lane too.
It has to tow a trailer to go shopping.
No proof about the numbers quoted on bicycle shoppers makes the comments NOT TRUTHFUL and is a violation of the site rules. It is time to put up or shut up.
a resident of Monta Loma
on Oct 23, 2013 at 11:40 pm
Scott Lamb is a registered user.
My wife and I get all of our groceries by bike. That includes both trips to get the one missing ingredient for dinner and weekly trips where we go together and load up four panniers of groceries. I don't know what percentage of shoppers do this, but we're not alone. I see others biking with loaded panniers, trailers, or...tubs, I guess (a novel bicycle design, hard to describe). If you haven't seen any bike grocery shoppers, you haven't been paying attention, or (the_punnisher) you don't actually live here.
We still use the car occasionally. We can't fit 24 rolls of toilet paper into a pannier, for example, so we drive to Target for bulk household goods. But most of our local trips are by bike. That puts us in the minority for sure, but the more the city council prioritizes bicycle friendliness, the more people will bike, and the more the city's traffic situation will improve. I'm disappointed that the City Council has punted on bicycle access to the businesses on El Camino Real.
@John Olive: Well, I'm glad you decided to stop asking us to read your mind and finally mentioned the very specific intersection design you've apparently been thinking of this whole time. But it sounds like you think bicyclists are being rude by being in their marked lane. Perhaps you should take it up with the traffic engineers who designed those markings. And by the way, please stop YELLING. It'd be a lot easier for me to believe you don't yell at bicyclists in person if you would stop yelling online. Lose the all-caps. You sound like a crazy person.
a resident of Rex Manor
on Oct 24, 2013 at 11:30 am
Janet Lafleur is a registered user.
I think my grocery shopping patterns by bike are pretty similar to what I did before with my car. On the weekend, I buy about three stuffed bags of groceries at Trader Joes which fit on my oversized panniers and front basket. During the week, I often pop in on my way home to pick up something for dinner or a bottle of wine. Since I have my laptop pannier with me and not my bigger panniers, I can only buy about one small bag's worth of groceries.
About 1-2 times a month I need to buy more than three bags or groceries or bigger items like the infamous 30 rolls of toilet paper from Costco. For that, I hook on an inexpensive cargo trailer I bought last year. I do have a car so I could just drive, but it's fun to take the trailer out and I don't have to deal with the car parking issues.
Here's the trailer on a Costco run: Web Link
a resident of Monta Loma
on Oct 25, 2013 at 11:17 am
So primitive to use a bike for shopping. Back to the Flintstone days i guess.
If thats what turns you on fine, but don't make it miserable for the 99% that drive.
We all can tell those that rode their bicycles to work, they all have an aura around them that smells really bad.
Good Job council makes a wise decision.
a resident of Old Mountain View
on Oct 25, 2013 at 8:21 pm
the city council has approved 100s if not 1000s of apartments and residences on El Camino. These will eventually have little children in them. they will walk and ride bikes to school. residents will walk and ride to stores and starbucks and peets since they are only a few blocks away, inn fact the city council wants them to walk and ride bikes to these places. many of which are on el camino. so they will go down el camino. If the train tracks required a fence to protect kids, shouldn't el camino be made safer for the children and families that will be living there someday?
a resident of Stierlin Estates
on Jun 5, 2017 at 6:23 am
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a resident of Stierlin Estates
on Jun 6, 2017 at 11:32 am
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a resident of Willowgate
on Aug 13, 2017 at 9:48 am
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a resident of Castro City
on Sep 12, 2017 at 12:56 pm,133 |
Deeper Commentary
1Ki 17:1 Elijah the Tishbite, who was among the foreigners of Gilead,
said to Ahab-
This could imply Elijah was a Gentile (s.w. Lev. 25:47), who named himself after Yahweh, 'My God is Yah'.
As Yahweh, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand-
‘Standing before the Lord’ refers to prayer- Ps. 106:23; Ezra 9:15; Jer. 15:1; 18:20. To live a life standing before the Lord is to live a life of prayer. Hence David and Paul say that prayer can be continual- in that life becomes a lived out prayer, with the practice of living in the presence of God. And straight away we ask ourselves, in lives just as busy as those of David and Paul, whether our self-talk, our minute by minute inner consciousness, is “before the Lord”...or merely the sheer and utter vapidity of the modern mind.
There shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word-
Dt. 11:16,17; 28:24 had clearly stated that God would close the skies if Israel were idolatrous. James 5:17 says Elijah prayed earnestly it might not rain. So here we have a case of a man discerning God's will and his prayers therefore being answered. Elijah's word of prayer was effectively God's word. Baal was the storm / rain god, so lack of rain meant Baal had been closed down by the word of Yahweh's prophet. But Jezebel and Ahab desperately didn't want to perceive that. The closure of the skies, and thereby of Baal, was therefore an appeal to Israel to quit the useless Baal and return to Yahweh.
Here is an example of being sure of God’s will in what we pray for. If the Lord’s words abide in us, then we will ask what we will and it will be done; yet John also records that if we ask according to God’s will, it will be done for us. In Elijah's case, he knew God's will from His word. Our will and that of the Father come to coincide as His word takes an ever deeper lodgment in our consciousness. And this is how close Elijah must have been to knowing the will of God. Elijah alludes to Dt. 28 in saying there would be no rain (and 1 Kings 19:14 forsaken thy covenant= Dt. 32)- therefore he could be so sure of being heard. His request that there be “no dew” was inspired by the prayers of Gideon and David, who had prayed just the same things (Jud. 6:37; 2 Sam.1:21; and 1 Kings 18:33 = Jud. 6:20). Likewise the two witnesses of the last days will be inspired in their turn by Elijah’s example to pray that Heaven will be stopped. When it comes to prayer, there clearly is a positive pattern of influence and example both amongst us and from our absorbing the spirit of countless Biblical examples. The righteous man ‘decrees a thing in his heart and it is done’ through his prayers (Job 22:28). The same Hebrew words for ‘according’ and ‘word’ occur in both 1 Kings 17:1 and 24: “There shall not be dew nor rain but according to my word...The word of the Lord in [according to] thy mouth”. Elijah’s word and will had become parallel with those of the Father. This was taken to the ultimate extent by the Lord, in whom the Father’s word was made flesh. But that same word slowly becomes flesh in us too. No longer do we request things that are not the Father’s will as through His word we become more attune to Him. Our experience of answered prayer becomes increasingly positive, reinforcing our faith in Him and our attention to prayerfulness. And this dovetails with our increasingly sensitive reading of His word daily. The Lord intended that we should all pray the prayer of command as Elijah did; for He taught that with faith, we should be able to tell a sycamore tree to be rooted up and planted in the sea (Lk. 17:6). He doesn’t advise that we pray to the Father that the tree, according to His will, be rooted up and transplanted. He wants us to come to so know the will of the Father that we can pray the prayer of direct command. And this is quite some challenge.
Elijah could be so sure his prayer would be heard because he knew that he was genuinely motivated. His reason for withholding the rain and dew was so that Israel would come to repentance (James 5:16-18)- perhaps through them perceiving that lack of rain was a sign that they had broken the covenant. And that Baal, the rain god, was effectively dead. The people needed Yahwen, not Baal. But human motivation is complex, and rarely pure. Elijah did seek Israel's repentance, and yet so often all it was all about him. In this case, Elijah was somewhat harsher than God Himself, who had not yet withdrawn rain from His people. Elijah “shut the heavens”, even though Israel rejected him at that time (Lk. 4:25,26). Their rejection of him is unrecorded in the Kings record, but we are left to reflect upon the wonder of the fact that Elijah’s response to rejection was not to merely hurt back, but to earnestly seek their restoration to God. He “prayed in his prayer” (James 5:17 Gk.)- there was a deep prayer going on within his prayer, words and feelings within words- the prayer of the very inner soul. This was how much he sought their repentance. The James passage sets Elijah up as a pattern for our prayer for our wayward brethren. He really is our pattern here. He clearly saw prayer as requiring much effort; and the way he prays at the time of the evening sacrifice on Horeb suggests that he saw prayer as a sacrifice (1 Kings 18:36).
A lack of rain was one of the Law’s curses for idol worship (Dt.
11:10-12,17). Elijah’s response to Israel’s idolatry was to tell them
there would be no rain (1 Kings 17:1 cp. 1 Kings 16:32,33). Those
reflective upon God’s Law would have realized the implied criticism which
this carried; the more unspiritual would have just cursed Elijah for
bringing about a devastating drought. E
Elijah had to pray daily for the lack of bread and water in Israel (so 1 Kings 17:1 implies). He suffered himself because of this. He was prepared to forego quite legitimate blessings in order to lead an apostate ecclesia back to God.
1Ki 17:2 The word of Yahweh came to him saying-
There seems to be a contrast between this, and how Elijah dogmatically declares his own word in :1, confident Yahweh would confirm it as his word, rather than giving a "Thus says Yahweh".
1Ki 17:3 Go away from here, turn eastward, and hide yourself by the brook Cherith, that is before the Jordan-
The whole incident on Horeb was to make Elijah see the supremacy of the still small voice; that it is in humble, quiet service rather than fiery judgment of others that the essence of God and spirituality is to be found. But God had prepared Elijah for this earlier. Elijah had to hide by the brook Cherith (1 Kings 17:3) for three and a half years (Lk. 4:25,26). Elijah was characterized by wearing a hairy garment like sackcloth (2 Kings 1:8 RV). In Rev. 11:3,6 we meet another Elijah figure- also clothed in sackcloth, with the power to bring fire down from Heaven, who for three and a half years…prophesies / preaches. We would expect Elijah to have been preaching during his time hidden by Cherith- but there is not a word of this in the record, indeed he is told to hide himself away from people. Could it not be that the Father wishes to show us what He was then trying to teach Elijah- that the essential prophetic witness is through us being as we are, the still small voice of witness through example…?
This fleeing eastward from persecution by Ahab , finding refuge with a family, recalls what Moses did after Pharaoh persecuted him. And so begins the many allusions to Moses. Elijah was set up to be the prophet like unto Moses, but failed to perceive Moses' spirit of love for Israel, and so he was dismissed.
1Ki 17:4 It shall be, that you shall drink of the brook. I have commanded the ravens to feed you there-
Elijah was being paralleled with an apostate Israel, who were also sustained by food ‘commanded’ by God (s.w. Neh. 9:21); the brook is described as “dried up”, using the same word about the Red Sea drying up. Elijah is being nudged towards identity with Israel. But instead he sees himself as alone with God, he alone is faithful and Israel deserve judgment, and Rom. 9 says that at Horeb he interceded with God against Israel. Later the Gentile widow is "commanded" to feed Elijah just as the unclean ravens were. He is being nudged towards accepting that he needs the unclean, and God is quite happy to work through the unclean. Yet Elijah felt himself to be so superior to Israel generally. But God was trying to teach him that in essence, he wasn’t. We have shown earlier that God sought to again show Elijah the same lesson when he went into the Sinai wilderness and was fed by an Angel. Perhaps he did learn the lesson when he says that he felt that he was not better than the Jewish fathers? For they walked 40 years as he walked 40 days in the very same place, also fed by Angels. God told Elijah that He had commanded unclean ravens to feed him; and thus He reminded Elijah of a basic fact, that God speaks to even unclean animals (Gen. 1:22; Job)-.
1Ki 17:5 So he went and did according to the word of Yahweh; for he went and lived by the brook Cherith, that is before the Jordan-
Elijah is commended for his obedience to Yahweh's word, even though as explained on :3,4, it was humiliating for him.
We note the repeated language in :15 about the widow woman: "So she went and did according to the saying of Elijah" matches "So he went and did according to the word of Yahweh". And as a result, they both ate and drunk "many days". Elijah was being led to identity with the woman. As will be discussed on :6, God was ever nudging Elijah to identity with the people of God, and those to whom he ministered. He was set up to be the prophet like Moses, but Moses supremely identified with people- whereas Elijah refused to be led toward empathy with people, and merely saw himself as the upholder of God's Truth upon earth. This same lack of empathy is found with so many legalistic believers who are maxed out on the apostacy of others and their own retention of orthodoxy.
1Ki 17:6 The ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook-
As a hyper observant Jew, evening and morning were the times when Elijah ought to have been sacrificing to God. But God's intention was to teach him of His grace. Instead of Elijah offering food to God, God was giving food to him- and food made unclean by contact with unclean ravens. LXX has "loaves" for "bread", which would mean a possible connection with the loaves of the tabernacle rituals.
There is a clear parallel with Israel's experience in the
wilderness: "At twilight you shall eat meat, and
in the morning you shall have your fill of bread" (Ex. 16:12,13). He was
being led to identity with Israel; a reminder that he was not separate
from them. Moses showed a very clear identity with Israel and refused to
separate from them, even when offered the chance of Israel being destroyed
and he being made a great nation. Elijah by contrast wanted Israel
destroyed, making intercession to God against Israel (Rom. 11:2). But God
sought to teach Elijah to truly be as Moses, by giving him their
experience in the wilderness. Elijah's life is the story of Divine hints,
seeking to educate and spiritually develop him- and of so many of them
being ignored. The parallels between Elijah and Moses are so many, that
Elijah appears to be the intended prophet to be raised up "like unto"
Moses of Dt. 18:18. But he is an example of where Divine potential is not
realised; for he is fired from the job because he lacked the spirit and
humility of Moses. See on :5.
1Ki 17:7 It happened after a while, that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land-
As noted on :1, Elijah himself suffered the effects of the drought he had called upon Israel in order to lead them to repentance. Our efforts to help our brethren are often at deep personal cost to ourselves. I suggested on :5 that the water he drunk there was miraculously provided, because "brook" means 'torrent bed' and was a ravine which would only have water after torrential rains. So the translation here may be to the effect that 'The torrent bed had dried up because there had been no rain in the land, and after a while the word of Yahweh came to him...' (:8).
1Ki 17:8 The word of Yahweh came to him saying-
This is as in :2, we get the sense that God meant Elijah to learn in stages. His time at Cherith was to develop him to accept God's grace and realize that ritual purity was not going to save anyone of itself.
1Ki 17:9 Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and stay there. Behold, I have commanded a widow there to sustain you-
God had sought to gently teach Elijah his need for others when He told Elijah to go to the widow woman in Zarephath who would “sustain you"; it worked out that Elijah sustained her. And he must have reflected upon this. But perhaps, therefore, God’s intention was that spiritually, Elijah's experience with that woman would sustain him. "Zarephath" means 'place of refinement' and clearly Elijah's time there was intended for his refinement. It is emphasized that Zarephath belonged to Sidon because this was where Jezebel's father reigned (1 Kings 16:32). Even in the heart of apostacy, Elijah was to encounter obedience and commitment to Yahweh's word. But his later insistence that he alone remained faithful was effectively his trashing the woman's faith and commitment as not enough to count as faithfulness to Yahweh.
There is no evidence that the woman was commanded to feed Elijah by some specific revelation to her. Rather, the commandment may refer to the word of potential command which God had given the woman. But it came to her through circumstances.
The woman “gathering sticks” (1 Kings 17:10) would likely have
stimulated his Bible-steeped mind to think of the illegal gathering of
sticks in Num. 15:32,33. For this is the only other Biblical reference to
gathering sticks in the Old Testament.
1Ki 17:10 So he arose and went to Zarephath; and when he came to the gate of the city, behold, a widow was there gathering sticks: and he called to her and said, Please get me a little water in a vessel, that I may drink-
The woman “gathering sticks” (1 Kings 17:10) would likely have stimulated his Bible-steeped mind to think of the illegal gathering of sticks in Num. 15:32,33. For this is the only other Biblical reference to gathering sticks in the Old Testament.
1Ki 17:11 As she was going to get it, he called to her and said, Please bring me a morsel of bread in your hand-
See on :12. On :13 I discuss whether these demands were simply part of God's demand upon the woman, or whether they also simply reflect Elijah's arrogance and inappropriate sense of entitlement.
1Ki 17:12 She said, As Yahweh your God lives-
Perhaps she had experienced a specific revelation from Yahweh about Elijah (:9). Or maybe Elijah was well known in the area. Or again, perhaps we are only reading a tiny part of their conversation, and the woman may have realized that the drought was because of Elijah's prayer to Yahweh.
I don’t have a cake, but a handful of flour in a pitcher, and a little oil in a pitcher. Behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and bake it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die-
1 Kings 17:11 in Hebrew has Elijah asking the woman: ‘Bring me a handful of bread’- and she replies that she has only a handful of flour (1 Kings 17:12). Yet even this is demanded of her. Her handful of flour in a pitcher gives the impression of a handful of meal in a very large container; it’s an eloquent picture of her poverty, and how she was down to the last little bit of flour in a large container that was once full. And the Lord through Elijah demanded this of her, that He might save her.
Later, the Angel gave Elijah cake and water (1
Kings 19:6) just as the unclean ravens and Gentile widow woman had done-
to teach Elijah that God works through those people.
Later, the Angel gave Elijah cake and water (1 Kings 19:6) just as the unclean ravens and Gentile widow woman had done- to teach Elijah that God works through those people..
LXX "sons", which would explain why she and her family ate many days
LXX "sons", which would explain why she and her family ate many days (:15)..
1Ki 17:13 Elijah said to her, Don’t be afraid. Go and do as you have said; but make me of it a little cake first, and bring it out to me, and afterward make some for you and for your son-
Elijah asked the widow woman to first feed him, and after feed herself and her son when she had given him all the food she had. The Hebrew word translated “after” is that translated “last”- ‘put me first and yourself last’, Elijah is saying. Wasn’t this arrogant? He was so sure he was manifesting God that he could demand that she put him first and herself last. But God is demanding, and yes He worked through Elijah. But one does get the sense that Elijah felt he should be put first. God can be demanding, but we don’t have the same right to be upon others.
The Gentile widow was clearly a believer in Yahweh, as the Lord implies in Lk. 4. Elijah was sent to her because of her faith even though it was incomplete and faltering- for she speaks of "your God" and only after her son is raised does she make a full confession of faith. She presumably recognized Elijah as Yahweh's prophet, and put Yahweh first above her own most desperate and immediate needs. Elijah was being nudged to understand that those whom he considered definitely not God's people- a Gentile female living in the heart of Jezebel territory- in fact were. But he fails to follow where he is led, for he insists he alone remains faithful to Yahweh. And for this he is fired from his potential commission as the prophet like unto Moses.
1Ki 17:14 For thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel, ‘The jar of meal shall not empty, neither shall the jar of oil fail, until the day that Yahweh sends rain on the earth’-
See on :16. The food and water of condemned Israel did "fail" (s.w. Ez. 4:17), but that of the revived remnant didn't (s.w. Is. 51:14). Israel faithful to the covenant suffered no lack (Ex. 16:18; Dt. 2:7 s.w. "fail"). This woman was being treated like the faithful in Israel, although she was a Gentile.).
1Ki 17:15 She went and did according to the saying of Elijah: and she, and he, and her house, ate many days-
She was responsible for more than just one son; hence :12).This would equate Elijah with a "little one". His spirituality was as immature as that of the disciples, whom the Lord also called "little ones". Faith is not the same as hope and love, and Elijah's faith was not the same as spirituality.
1Ki 17:16 The jar of meal didn’t empty, neither did the jar of oil fail, according to the word of Yahweh, which he spoke by Elijah-
We note that it was not the meal or oil which is described as not finishing, but rather the containers of those products. We see the similarity with how the extent of Elijah's miracle of multiplying the widow's oil depended upon the number of pots borrowed.
1Ki 17:17 It happened after these things, that the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, fell sick; and his sickness was so severe, that there was no breath left in him-
The idea is, that he died (:18). Perhaps death is described in this way because Elijah was to breath the breath of life back into him.
1Ki 17:18 She said to Elijah, What have I to do with you-
The idiom means 'Go away!' (2 Sam. 16:10; Lk. 5:8). She had hosted Elijah and cared for him, and now she feels his presence has brought about the death of her son. And so she wants him to leave.
You man of God? You have come to me to bring my sin to memory, and to kill my son!-
In her desperation, the woman felt that Elijah's presence had attracted God's attention to her, and brought some personal sin to His memory. Perhaps her son had been conceived out of wedlock. Many times we read of God being provoked to remember someone, for good or for evil (Lev. 24:7 LXX "that God may mercifully remember"; Ps. 69:1 LXX; 37:1 LXX; Zech. 6:14; 1 Kings 17:18). We could accept this as mere anthropomorphism. Or we could reflect deeper, and wonder whether this language of limitation suggests that the God who could be omniscient over time, not needing to have anything brought back to His memory, allows Himself to 'forget' so that sin or righteousness again brings things to His remembrance. And it can work positively too. Thus generosity and prayer is a memorial before God in the sense that it brings a person to His memory or attention (Acts 10:4), and He appropriately responds in their lives. When sin gets to a certain point, it causes other sins to be remembered by God, and thus judgment comes (Rev. 18:5). It has been suggested by Joachim Jeremias that the Lord's command to break bread in remembrance of Him can mean 'that God may remember me'.
We see here the psychological credibility of the Biblical record. Extreme circumstances do elicit awareness of past sin. The art of course is to be humble and allow God's word to elicit that awareness and repentance, rather than having to be brought to fess up through major hammer blows.
1Ki 17:19 He said to her, Give me your son. He took him out of her bosom, and carried him up into the room where he stayed, and laid him on his own bed-
The focus of the Divine cameraman is zoomed in upon the woman holding the dead child to her breast, and Elijah prizing the child away from her. He performs the healing miracle on the bed she had provided for him, in order to demonstrate that in fact the child was not slain because of Elijah's presence in the house; see on :18.
1Ki 17:20 He cried to Yahweh and said, Yahweh my God, have You also brought evil on the widow with whom I stay, by killing her son?-
The force of "also" is that Elijah perhaps considered that the drought that affected Phoenicia was not what he had intended, as he wished the drought to bring Israel to repentance. But he was being taught that God wanted idolatrous Gentiles such as the Sidonians, of whom Jezebel was one, to also repent. And not just be witnessed against for their sins. He struggles to understand how the child of the widow who had cared for him should be slain. He was being given the problem of evil to struggle with, just as we are, in order to humble him. For he needed that. He was being forced to recognize he did not know all about God. There were things he didn't understand. Our inability to immediately attach meaning to event is intended likewise.
Despite his union with the Father, this didn’t preclude Elijah questioning God. So in the midst of this tremendously powerful prayer, Elijah remonstrates with God: ‘Have You brought evil...?’. The Hebrew for ‘evil’ usually means evil in the sense of sin- ‘have You brought the result of sin... on her as well as upon this people?’. This is all part of a passionate, living relationship with a living God.
Elijah clearly considers both he and the widow woman had suffered unjustified "evil" from Yahweh. Moses likewise considered Yahweh's judgment at Kibroth Hattaavah to be "evil" in his eyes (Num. 11:10). "Why have You dealt ill [evil] with Your servant" recalls Moses' words in Ex. 5:22 "Why have You done evil to this people?". Elijah perceived he was the intended prophet like unto Moses, but he abuses this by considering that therefore Moses' weak moments could be replicated by him. He fails to perceive and rise up to the better side of Moses- his self sacrificial love for his people, his intercession for them rather than against them, as Elijah is understood as doing by Paul in Romans.
Another approach is that Elijah's apparently caustic words to God are in fact his way of interceding for the widow. Because he is saying to God the essence of what she has said to him in :18, accusing God of being too hard on her for her sins and slaying her son for the sake of her sins. And Romans 8 explains that this is how the Lord Jesus, as "the spirit", intercedes for us- placing the essence of our spirit, our unspoken, unverbalized positions, before God in His own words. The Lord is not merely a translator from one language to another, but places our inner spirit before God. Elijah places his body on the boy's body, doing press ups over the boy (:21)- to ask God to see the boy's dead body as identified with his living body. And this again is how we are saved by the Lord's intercession, we identify with His body and are saved thereby, as His spirit enters us and becomes our spirit, just as happened here physically.
1Ki 17:21 He stretched himself on the child three times, and cried to Yahweh and said, Yahweh my God, please let this child’s soul come into him again-
"Soul" would be better rendered 'life'. The soul typically refers to the person. The spirit of life which animates people is that which animates all of creation, and it returns to God, not in the sense of an immortal soul or conscious existence after death. Perhaps the way that the first six prayers of Elijah for rain went unanswered, his need to pray three times for the child to resurrect, were all part of God teaching Elijah that no matter how close we are to Him, we have no right to expect automatic answers to prayer, even if they are according to God’s will.
Baal was thought to be the god of fertility, who gave oil, brought fire, lightning, rain and water, and who was thought to be able to heal the sick and revive the dead. The various incidents in the Elijah account all therefore show the preeminence of Yahweh over Baal. Elijah presents as absolutely confident that this was the case, and therefore he does miracles knowing that Yahweh will come through for him. But as Paul explains in 1 Cor. 13, faith alone is not spirituality; for without love, the greatest faith is nothing, even if mountains are actually moved by it. That means that God may respond to faith in Him, even if the believer has no love and is therefore spiritually nothing. Elijah is an essay in this. Elijah was only interested in demonstrating Yahweh's superiority over Baal, but it is questionable whether he made any lasting converts from Baal worship to Yahweh. Because he wasn't interested in people- at least initially. He was removed from his post after his shameful intercession against Israel in 1 Kings 19. But we must square this against Malachi's apparently strange comment that Elijah in future will turn the heart of the fathers to the children and vice versa (Mal. 4:6). This makes sense once we understand that Baal worship involved child sacrifice, as the preceding section in 1 Kings 16 makes clear. This created tension and no "heart" between fathers and children, and vice versa. After his demotion, Elijah carried on believing- and we can assume that he "got it". His future work will therefore involve caring for people, and turning fathers and children towards each other in that they have quit Baal. Elijah will finally learn from his immaturity, and become people focused.
1Ki 17:22 Yahweh listened to the voice of Elijah-
Just as He had done in :1 when it was Elijah's voice which brought forth the drought that slew so many. But his voice likewise had the power of revival. And that is what God wanted to teach Elijah out of all this; not to simply judge for sin, but to ever seek revival
And the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived-
“When Jesus saw the faith of the friends, He said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, your sins are forgiven you” (Mk. 2:5). That man was healed for the sake of the faith of others. The widow woman’s son was resurrected because God heard Elijah’s faithful prayer; and thus Heb. 11:35 alludes to this incident by saying that through faith- in this case, the faith of Elijah, a third party- women received their dead raised to life. The Centurion’s servant was healed for the sake of his faith; Jairus’ daughter was healed because of his faith (Mk. 5:36). This inspires us to endless effort for the sake of others. Clearly God worked through Elijah giving cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It was Elijah's breath which entered the child, but it was the source of the child's new life. There is no teaching here about immortal souls returning into bodies. The soul [effectively, the life] came from Elijah's breath / spirit. Which represented God's Spirit reviving the dead.
1Ki 17:23 Elijah took the child, and brought him down out of the room into the house, and delivered him to his mother; and Elijah said, Behold, your son lives-
The Lord Jesus quotes Elijah’s words “Your son lives” (1 Kings 17:23 = Jn. 4:50-53). He also, however, shows that Elijah's "spirit" wasn't always correct, although it was used by God. For in the context of Elijah, He rebukes the disciples for having the wrong spirit, in seeking to have the spirit of Elijah. The idea of fire from Heaven, which Elijah called down, is found in the Lord’s teaching in Lk. 12:49-54, where He associates it with division in the brotherhood. And the Lord went on to say that the Pharisees could interpret a cloud arising in the West as a sign that rain was coming, but they could not forgive their brethren, which was what was essential (Lk. 12:54). This just has to be a reference to Elijah, who saw a cloud arising from the West as a sign of rain. The Lord is, it seems, sadly associating Elijah with the Pharisees. And yet... despite all this, Jesus likens Himself to Elijah. Jesus sent fire on earth as Elijah did (Lk. 12:49). And the context of the Lk. 9:54 reference to Elijah is that the Lord’s time had come that he should be “received up”, and “he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem” (Lk. 9:51). This is all very much the language of Elijah (2 Kings 2:1). The Lord Jesus quotes Elijah’s words “Your son lives” (1 Kings 17:23 = Jn. 4:50-53). What this shows is that the Lord saw what was good in Elijah, and He didn’t separate Himself from someone who didn’t have His Spirit. He simply wanted His followers to learn better from him.
Jewish tradition claims that the boy became Elijah's servant of whom
we will later read, and that he was the prophet Jonah.
Jewish tradition claims that the boy became Elijah's servant of whom we will later read, and that he was the prophet Jonah.
1Ki 17:24 The woman said to Elijah, Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of Yahweh in your mouth is truth-
This means more than 'God's word is true'; it is an expression of faith that Yahweh is the one true God. The way the woman talks about “Yahweh your God”, to which Elijah responds by speaking of “Yahweh, the God of Israel”, implies that she did not even believe in Israel’s God (1 Kings 17:12,14). She didn’t even initially believe at that time that Elijah was a man of God (so :24 implies); and so, we can conclude, the daily miracle of the meal and oil not drying up did not deeply touch her, just as the daily provision of manna did not seem to register with most of Israel in the wilderness. She even seems to have been cynical in earlier calling him a “man of God”, because only later did she say that she really believe he was this (1 Kings 17:18, 24). But now she was his first recorded convert. This was all to teach Elijah that God works not only with the clean, and not only with those in covenant with Him. And as noted in :22, Elijah was being taught that he was to make converts and revive people, not merely judge them as sinners. |
In the last few months, I read two books about the history of finance: Against the Gods by Peter Bernstein and The Ascent of Money by Niall Ferguson (there is a very watchable DVD version, as well). My first thought, when I decided to read up on finance and money, was to dive into the deep end with one of the subprime mortgage crisis books. But I found that there were so many, each claiming to know the reason for the meltdown, that I decided to table that effort. I decided to start, instead, with a couple of broader-perspective historical books. These choices, I have to admit, were a matter of laziness and convenience rather than careful and deliberate selection. Still they did the trick. Though they were somewhat random starting points, both books are pretty good, and they got me thinking about money in productive and stimulating ways. Let’s tackle the first one, Against the Gods.
Against the Gods
Bernstein’s book suffers from a major flaw that almost makes it worthless: it was first published in 1996, with a second printing in 1998. The infamous Black-Scholes-Mertens Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) fiasco and 1998 bailout by Clinton didn’t make it into the book. Instead, we only get a treatment of the early Black-Scholes options pricing work which won them the Nobel prize and made their reputations.
For those of you who are even less educated in matters financial than I am, the only reason I bring this up is that the timing of the book’s publication lends it a surreal age-of-innocence quality. The book is about the history of money, risk and finance all the way up to the point when most thinking adults completely lost faith in Santa Claus Wall Street (the laggards who missed the 1998 sneak preview lost faith in 2008). Ferguson’s 2009 book, which I will review later, has a very different paradise-lost quality to it.
What saves the book is a general tone of rather old-fashioned caution, and respect for the subject and its pioneers. Some days, when you are watching Jon Stewart interview yet another smug 20/20 hindsight author, with a me-too “how we got screwed” book to pitch, it is easy to forget that the invention of modern finance is a major accomplishment. For all its flaws, it is possibly the most important invention in history. Peter Berstein, who died in 2009, had the ideal background to approach the subject in this respectful way. He was both a solid (and perhaps stolid) conservative investment intellectual, and a practitioner of the black arts, as a manager of large funds. You don’t get the sort of irreverent polemic you get with say, Nicholas Nassim Taleb (Fooled by Randomness and Black Swan are both must-reads for anyone interested in finance; you should finish them even if you find yourself itching to wring Taleb’s smug neck by page 3).
The book is billed as a history of risk, but it is really a history of money and financial risk, not risk in general. There is no complex, textured blending of multiple unstable narratives. Bernstein has no messy doubts about who the heroes are. For him, the history of finance is basically the history of applied mathematics, with minor supporting roles being played by the bankers, investors, and the like. The background too, is set up in straightforward, almost 19th century ways: the story is painted on an unexamined Greeks-to-Renaissance-t0-Modernity canvas. It is an example of the sort of approach to history that makes more (post)modern historians want to throw up.
But for all these flaws, this is an interesting and valuable book, if only because risk is a very good lens through which to view the history of money.
Part I
The book is chronologically organized (another element of its extreme traditionalism). Part I is the history of risk up to about 1200 AD, and has a good deal to say about Diophantus, the early renaissance, Arab contributions, and the story up to the beginnings of modern European mathematics with Fibonacci in Liber Abaci. But much of this part of the story is really the history of mathematics in general, and if it interests you, you are much better off reading something like Edna Kramer’s The Nature and Growth of Modern Mathematics (a truly stupendous book, one of my top 10).
Part II
Bernstein’s story gets more interesting with Part II, which covers the period 1200 to 1700 AD. This is the era dominated by the early Italian and French pioneers of probability, who drew their inspiration from problems in gambling. The stars of this section are Cardano, Pascal and Fermat, who, among them, built a theory of probability starting with cute little gambling brainteasers. This is perhaps the most interesting story in the book, since it is also the story of how modern institutionalized science began, through informal gatherings such as the ones organized by Abbe Mersenne and extended correspondence amongst collaborating mathematicians (the drawing room gatherings of Mersenne eventually led to the emergence of institutions such as the Royal Society).
Fermat attacked the subject through algebra, while Pascal attacked it with innovative methods drawn from geometry. The correspondence between them is one of those legendary stories in mathematics, and Bernstein tells it well.
At this point, the whole story takes a more practical turn, and elements of modern finance start to appear. Chapter 5 hops across the English Channel and covers the birth of empirical statistics and modern actuarial science, through the work of John Graunt, who took on the project of tabulating statistics on births and deaths in London. That work eventually led to the emergence of one of the pillars of the modern finance industry: insurance. Much of modern insurance began in England, and Graunt’s work was among the triggers. Scottish Widows invented modern life insurance, and it began as an effort by mathematically-minded priests looking to take care of actual widows in their parish (the modern models in Scottish Widows ads represent a bit of a departure from those beginnings). Lloyd’s organized the insurance business in shipping (which may have had quite a bit to do with how Britain overtook the continental maritime powers, despite a somewhat later start), and laid the foundations for the business of insuring against risks in the enterprise of capitalism.
Part III
In Part III (1700-1900), we head back across the Channel, this time to yet another colorful chapter in the history of mathematics, one that revolves around the family Bernoulli. I can never keep the many Bernoullis apart in my head, but among them, they managed to take the basic axiomatic probability theories of Fermat and Pascal, the empirical work in England, add ideas about what we know today as utility theory, and synthesize the beginnings of a recognizably modern edifice. With the work of the Bernoullis in place, humans could now properly use the past to reason about the future, and samples to reason about wholes. This was probably the moment of birth of all modern financial weapons of mass destruction, as Warren Buffet calls them. The assumption that the future will be like the past, essential to most models, is probably the root of every problem in finance, since it is so easy and tempting to forget that it is in fact an assumption.
The dangers did not go unnoticed, and were spotted in the earliest days. In one of the quotable bits, Bernstein notes that Leibniz took “a dim view” of the Bernoullis’ approach to modeling empirical realities with theoretical models. Leibniz reportedly wrote to Jacob Bernoulli,
The quote seems surprisingly modern and Taleb/Black-Swan like, and to be fair to the recipients of the warning, the Bernoullis and others never forgot Leibniz’ warnings. It is mostly their lesser disciples who did the convenient forgetting.
From the Bernoulli family in Europe, we move back to England, another priest, Thomas Bayes, and an expat Frenchman, De Moivre. Bayes invented the methods we use today to factor the past into decisions about the future, while De Moivre figured out standard deviation.
Two foundation stones remained. The first was the work of Gauss, who finally systematized the familiar toolkit of today: the normal (bell curve) distribution, error functions and ways of measuring the significance of deviations in trend data. Through this work, another big assumption underlying many statistical models, the idea of “independence” of statistical variables, was built into the foundations of financial mathematics. The assumption that one thing does not affect another thing is so useful in modeling that it is easy to throw it in and forget it, just to simplify complicated things. It is so tempting to do so in fact, that Nobel prize winners did it, with multi-billion dollar consequences (this is the Black-Scholes-Mertens fiasco which I mentioned earlier).
Thinking about such basic things — future-is-like-the-past, things-are-independent and the infamous correlation-is-not-causation — is really scary in a way. Contrary to what a lot of people seem to be saying, the big flaws, the spectacular collapses, don’t occur because the experts got something enormously complicated wrong. We’d like to believe that; that very complicated Quant Black Magic went wrong. It would be reassuring if that were so. But no, in most cases I’ve read about, people forget about basic sanity checks on modeling assumptions. This is basic stuff that gets taught very early, and reinforced repeatedly, in any mathematics-based discipline. But that’s the problem. We get so used to ritual graduate school incantations that begin “assuming that x(t) is independent and identically distributed…” that we forget that they are not mere rituals. They are boring checklist items (I need to read Gawande’s Checklist Manifesto) that you need to get out of the way before you get to the cool stuff. And sometimes, in the excited rush to the cool stuff, we don’t do these modeling safety checks. I hate to admit it, but I’ve made these mistakes too (though never with billion-dollar consequences).
Anyway, back to the book. Part II ends with one last foundation stone: the innovations inspired by the theory of evolution, and pursued by Darwin’s cousin, Francis Galton. Galton of course, is responsible for sparking off eugenics thinking, but he also made legitimate contributions to the foundations of finance, through his development of the idea of regression to the mean. I really enjoyed this Galton quote describing this subtle idea:
The child inherits partly from his parents, partly from his ancestry…[T]he further his genealogy goes back, the more numerous and varied will his ancestry become, until they cease to differ from an equally numerous sample taken at haphazard from the race at large….This law tells heavily against the full hereditary transmission of any gift…The law is even-handed; it levies the same succession-tax on the transmission of badness as well as of goodness. If it discourages the extravagant expectations of gifted parents that their children will inherit all their powers, it no less discountenances extravagant fears that they will inherit all their weaknesses and diseases.
This is interesting because Galton did not want to discover this phenomenon, since it made the foundations of eugenics suspect. That’s another story, but the idea of regression to the mean is, today, a big part of the theology of markets, the theory of business cycles, and “what goes up must come down” thinking in general. Bernstein has a very thoughtful discussion of how regression to the mean influences Wall Street thinking. It shows up everywhere from gut-instinct trading strategies to the assumptions buried inside complicated algorithmic trading strategies. But the validity of a lot of this is somewhere between murky to downright idiotic.
Part II ends with a quick chapter on the developments in utility theory after the Bernoullis, through the work of Jeremy Bentham and his followers, and connects the dots to early “Political Economy” (mostly, but not quite, what we understand today as macroeconomics).
Part III
Part III, which covers 1900 to 1960, is very appropriately titled “Clouds of Vagueness and the Demand for Precision.” That describes exactly how I feel about modern finance: maddeningly precise treatments of frustratingly obscure and suspect foundational ideas. This part of the story is home territory for Bernstein and the book changes tone from historical to op-ed like.
The modern story begins, in Chapter 12, with Louis Bachelier, a student of Poincare, who wrote a dissertation titled “The Theory of Speculation” which, though underappreciated at the time, laid the foundations of modern options pricing theory (and predated Einstein’s work on random walks, which is more generally viewed as the inspiration for theories of price movements). The story moves on, in Chapter 13, to Keynes and his less well-known contemporary and nemesis, Frank Knight, who eventually ended up at the University of Chicago where he founded what is today the “Chicago school” of economics.
Next, in Chapter 14 we get a treatment of the development of game theory by Von Neumann and Morgenstern (like I said, the book tells the unsurprising version of the story; there are no big surprises in what’s included, and in what order). What was new to me though, was the details of the story told from the perspective of the history of finance and economics (since I am more familiar with the physics/engineering aspect of the story). Particularly interesting, for those of us who learned game theory through rock-paper-scissors examples, is a detailed discussion of an economic game suggested by Alan Blinder, a Vice Chairman of the Fed from 1994-1996. The game is a “Politicians versus Federal Reserve” situation that models how the two sides fight over interest rates and budget surpluses (the objective, as modeled in the game, is that each side wants the other to make the unpleasant decisions). It was an entertaining and illuminating example (I’ll skip the details, but the moves in the game are do nothing, contract spending, expand spending).
Chapter 15 tells one of the stories that was completely new to me: the origins of portfolio theory in the work of Harry Markowitz, a Chicago grad student in the early fifties. Markowitz was the first to properly think through the idea that you needed to look at both risks and returns, and recognize the implication: that you needed to invest in portfolios. This seems like common sense, and to a certain extent it is, but the contribution was to work out exactly how a bundle of investments with variable risk/return expectations ought to be put together. In other words, he worked out the basic mathematics of diversification, which is why you and I invest in mutual funds today, rather than individual stocks. Markowitz’s work has since become controversial, but the basic ideas seem to have endured anyway.
The book has an extended technical discussion of the strengths and flaws of portfolio theory, the most significant of which is that volatility is not a good measure of risk. Which means that Markowitz’ methods manage the wrong thing in many situations. That’s a complicated point, but there is a cute, user-friendly anecdote, credited to portfolio managers at BZW Global Investors, that kinda explains it (or at least, leaves you with an illusion of comprehension):
A group of hikers in the wilderness came upon a bridge that would greatly shorten their return to their home base. Noting that the bridge was high, narrow, and rickety, they fitted themselves out with ropes, harnesses, and other safeguards before starting across. When they reached the other side, they found a hungry mountain lion patiently awaiting their arrival.
The point (as in Taleb’s Black Swan) is about the effects of what gets left out of models of risk management (Bernstein’s comment on the anecdote: “I have a hunch that Markowitz, with his focus on volatility, would have been taken by surprise by that mountain lion.”) There is a limit to the value of managing known unknowns.
Chapters 16 and 17 provide a discussion of behavioral economics (an early take, and one that seems dated given the truckloads of books on the subject that have appeared since). Chapter 18 finally gets to the black magic subject: derivatives. Though I’ve called the book an age-of-innocence book, it isn’t entirely innocent. There is a short but thoughtful discussion of the dangers of the murkiness of derivatives. You’ve probably heard the Buffet phrase I used earlier (“financial weapons of mass destruction”) and the book offers two similar thoughts: “Are derivatives a suicidal invention of the devil or the last word in risk management?” and a quote attributed to James Morgan, a Financial Times journalist: “A derivative is like a razor. You can use it to shave yourself… or you can use it to commit suicide.”
It would appear that we’ve chosen to commit mass suicide.
The book ends, rather appropriately, on a pensive, doubtful note, in a concluding chapter titled “Awaiting the Wildness.” Seems to me we are in the “Wildness” now.
An interesting blog to browse about finance is Michael Stastny’s, a young austrian trader who got ousted by the crisis so he probably knows what’s it’s about ;-)
I would also recommend Dr Strangelove’s Game: which traces the history of economic and financial systems from the French Revolution to the Modern Day.
The most striking thing about the book is the persistent pattern of economic hubris that, finally, all the gears of the economy were understood followed by a catastrophic crash and then doe eyed innocence that such an event could never have been forseen.
This secret history of economics that’s very rarely taught within the orthodoxy is an excellent portrayal of the perpetual amnesia of the economic system and how we’ve been here before and we’ll be here again due to the inherent hubris of smart people and the sneering, modernist mindset that trivializes the experiences of the primitive past.
Venkat: One of the most peculiar lessons I had to learn about economics as a field is that a sufficiently well-educated outside layman can often be sufficiently in advance of the leading experts.
Quite often, I was reading what represented the accurate status quo of mainstream economic thinking and went “wait, this seems *obviously* wrong”. In any other field, I would have kept on digging and eventually discovered the source of my misunderstanding or confusion. In every field, if I, as a layman, could have spotted something that seemed obviously wrong, then surely so could every one of the experts long, long before me… except economics. It turns out, a lot of the things that seem obviously wrong in economics, are obviously wrong.
I wrote up my thinking about it here:
I found your review of Against the Gods interesting, I had read the book a long time back. If you are interested in the financial crises part of things, check out Manias, Panics, and Crashes. It is quite detailed about crises starting from the Tulip Mania to the dot com crash. It also goes into the psychology that leads to manias and crashes and how financial system has become more volatile not less, after innovations like derivatives came along.
Thanks for the comments and references guys. Hang — your short post on the reasons for insularity in economics is pretty spot-on. When I first met my peers in econ grad programs, I was shocked at how incestuous and hermetically sealed their world was, compared to engineering or other disciplines.
Venkat, you’ve noted two Part III’s.
Great post. Reading about Austrian economics, and devouring articles on Mises.org has blown my f-ing mind. Sometimes all it takes is a good book on a subject that is entirely uninteresting–to make that same subject palatable.
The Austrian school has been on my to-read list for way too long. I know most of the major ideas second hand, filtered through American Libertarian politics, but I oughta make some time to take a good look at the primary stuff.
Badly need a sabbatical year to catch up on all this. Sigh.
Another great post (a new reader, I am working my way through your material, not necessarily in any order).
On the critiques of the shortcomings of the economics field, I think that one reason (as explanation, not defense), is that economics is not problem-driven, but method-driven. Which is to say that an economist will focus on not really explaining crime by any means/tools necessary but focus solely on the application of economic theory or principles to explaining crime. This is different from engineering, medicine, etc I think.
P.S., I work in finance and have struggled to get grips on the real details behind the financial crisis. I have found most books about the recent financial crisis to be “CNBC” journalism. The most trenchant and rigorous forensic work has been done in academia and the Fed so far (see Gary Gorton’s work at Yale, Raghu Rajan’s at Chicago, etc). The best exception is Richard Bookstabers “A Demon Of Our Own Design”. |
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Chiara GrossiParticipant@chiaragrossi
Good morning guys!! Thank you Alessia for your post, I found it very interesting! I didn’t know about Arctic Shores: this is such an useful instrument to guarantee diversity and equality in the hiring process of a company. Of course I think that technology can help to avoid discriminating behaviours because of its neutrality.
Moreover what get my attention was the article about Cambridge Analytica’s use of Facebook data and it suggested me a new topic which I think is really important: regulation on tech companies. As a matter of fact, if you think about it, tons of personal informations are owned by private companies like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google (just think about your gmail account) and we do not really worry concerning what could happen and what the consequences would be if these companies decide to make public our data. Furthermore these data are used by many companies to know more about their employees, without them knowing it. In essence they have the key for the door that separates our private from our public life, and this key is in private hands.
I suggest you to read this article by The Guardian () that talks about GDPR, an European regulation that will be enacted this summer.
So what do you think about this topic? Is it necessary in your opinion that governments force these private companies to follow more strict rules? Which would be the economic problems/opportunities related to the enaction of these regulations?
Good morning everybody!
Thanks a lot Chiara, and Alessia for the new topic.
Cut to the chase, about applying a strict regulation to that data management, I think this is quite necessary.
Everytime we connect any applications with our fb account, there are some important things we don’t pay enough attention to: permission requested. Apps usually ask directly to access to your personal information, your friend list, your photos, etc… Me in first place, I don’t usually spend so much time checking what I’m actually giving them.
Another example may be any terms and conditions we accept when we sign up somewhere: people usualy don’t read any of them cause they think “since they’re online and anyone can see them, if there was really something harmful, someone should have already done something about it”.
That happens because it would take such a long time to read all of them, and also understand all of them. So, even if every permission came along with some explanation about the use of data, probably only a very few people would actually take the time to read them. For this reason, that “someone who should do something about it” should be the government, or an institution in charge of the regulation, someone who has to make some previous checks.
GDPR is a big step forward but I think we still need to rais society awareness on how valuable are their data. As we hardly give personal information face-to-face to strangers, we should do quite the same when it comes to the web. We really should take the time to know the “other side” (the one who get our information) and to understand what he need them for and what are the risks.
Glad to hear others’ opinions.
Welcome to the forum Chiara!
Thank you for bringing out this fundamental problem pf privacy, which regards us more than we know
I feel like even though GDPR is a big step forward in protecting what we most commonly consider private data, It can’t be considered as the definitive solution for privacy protection. It is true, some megacorps know everything about us. The GDPR limits what these companies can do with our data. Though, there’s very much a company can get to know about us even by simply running algorithms able to connect the crumbles of information we leave behind us when we move on the web. This kind of behavior isn’t penalized by GDPR because this kind of data isn’t considered personal and sensitive. An example is what happens when someone tries to buy a plane ticket online. Try visiting the same website from different locations: you will discover that the price for the same flight are not the same. What’s happening here is that a company is tracking your web surfing history in order to market a product specifically to you. Isn’t that a violation of privacy? Furthermore, basically each one of us sees a different reality when looking into the internet.
Can you see the phenomenological problem along with the privacy one?
Data is the financial backbone of many internet services. No data to sell, no cash flow for internet companies, no free services on the internet. This is the root of all evil. Until the internet will run on this business model, companies will strive to mine data out of any possible field, and until this data will be sold to obscure third party companies our privacy will be endangered. This is the problem we need to address.
thanks for the new thread, Chiara. I also think the GDPR is a big step forward in personal data management, although clearly a lot of work is yet to be done.
To not stray too much from the topic at hand of diversity, one thing that I do appreciate of this new piece of legislation is that it explicitely deals with algorithm discrimination. As I have discussed in a previous post algorithms reflect the biases of the coders who write them. As human welfare depends more and more on algorthm design e decision making, it is important that we start discussing more about algorithm accountability. Algorithm discrimination is a topic that is becoming more and more urgent because individuals or groups are starting to be treated unfairily because of algorithm decision making for example through automated profiling. The GDPR deals with it by regulating data sanization, algorithm transperency and most importantly, it paves the way for algorithm auditing which I believe will be the future of tech companies regulation, similarly to how the financial industry is tightly regulated nowadays. Basically audits are third party inspectations based on models of audit studies from social science.
It’s particularily interesting for the topic of diversity because algorithm audits have recently been used by researchers and journalists to reveal discrimination in online advertising. For example a new study by Carnegie Mellon University found that Google’s online advertising system showed an ad for high-income jobs to men much more often than it showed the ad to women (can be found here:). As one of the researches stated “Given the big gender pay gap we’ve had between males and females, this type of targeting helps to perpetuate it.” Having auditors and deciding what kind of biases we want to perpetuate is ultimately a policy question.
Because the GDPR is the first attempt to allow or even require audits, the success or failure of the GDPR has far reaching consequences in this particular regard, that extend beyond Europe.
Good evening everybody!
I do agree with you Rachel, I read this New York Times’ article once, which talk about the same Carnegie Mellon University’s study:
Another important thing, in my opinion, if algorithms are going to be the future, and they probably will, we gotta keep in mind that they’re written by human being and they kinda reflect the man/woman who created them. As Claire Cain Miller said: “Algorithms are written and maintained by people, and machine learning algorithms adjust what they do based on people’s behavior”.
So, since they’re “just” a sequence of rules that the machine follows, if those instructions includes prejudices, it’s easy to meet discriminating algorithms.
I think that, in order to clean algorithms from all the biases, we’ve got to “clean” people minds from those prejudices and, unfortunately, this take us back to the first problem.
A few days ago I said that we should find a way to make people (especially enterpreneurs) think about integration like innovation.
The assembly line system, an important innovation of the second industrial revolution, allows to create standard products, increase productivity and reduce production costs.
So now, some big questions I guess are:
How integration makes a real difference in a company?
What’s the thing that only mixed board companies have and why should it be importat in this future we’re going to face?
MARIO DELLA CORTEParticipant@mariodellacorte
Hi everyone! I’m Mario Della Corte, I’m a student at the university of Trento’s faculty of law. I ‘m interested in SVST 2018, but unfortunately I don’t have enough information about it. If possible, would someone tell me the candidature’s procedure? I thank you in advance.
Stefania TibilettiParticipant@stefaniatibiletti
Hi guys! I’m happy to see that you are developing such an engaging discussion!
I would like to help you, because I don’t want you to being stuck inside the GDPR, is an amazing topic, but it can also be hard to discuss it.
So I have another cool topic for you :
Unfortunately the article is in italian, but I have some questions:
First of all, what do you think about it, and the application of this project? Can you see it also with other, different application?
Have a nice day! 🙂
Alessia AntonuzzoParticipant@alessiaantonuzzo
Hi guys! 😊 I’ve been interested in 3D printing for quite a while now…so I’m very happy about this new topic! I first found out about it three years ago during my study abroad in Belgium, through the firm Materialise- – so I’m very glad to introduce you to it.
Materialise is a Belgian company founded back in 1990 and a pioneer in this field: its goal is to “launch innovations that have the potential to forever change the faces of industries” with the mission of making “a better and healthier world”. It first started as a spin-off of the KU Leuven (the university where I studied) and their story is incredible. (please go on their website and read about that, because it’s super #INSPIRING)
Since this technology can have a huge impact on life in many different ways, this field has so much potential – let’s think of the possible applications.
One is, as in the article, the construction industry.
Then, I can think of healthcare: for example making medical devices (go check out Kaiba’s story) or for transplants (this is the article about the first face transplant! Crazy!)
Another possible field of application is interior design and fashion (this way another customer segment would be targeted) and an example is 2013 New York Fashion Week!
But let’s see what are the main pros and cons of 3D printing:
PROS + : rapidity and opportunity to do something extraordinary
CONS – : costs and ergonomics (dimension)
To conclude, I want to go a little bit out of my comfort zone, suggesting my idea for a new business. Imagine we can cut costs and increase the portability of the 3D printer… now, don’t you think it would be awesome to have one at home? You could avoid long lines in the supermarkets and be able to MAKE your own stuff!
Engineering of materials is developing at the speed of light and I’m pretty sure in a few years someone will come up with the perfect material – something you can store in your house and use it whenever you need! The software shouldn’t be a problem either: anyone has a pc at home nowadays! So imagine… your baby has just broken his favourite glass. No problem, you can make a new one in a few minutes. Do you think that would work? I’m VERY curious to read your feedbacks! 😊
- This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by
Alessia Antonuzzo.
For anyone who’s not that in touch with 3D printing, just like myself, it really takes little researches to understand how important and revolutionary this invention has been, is, and is going to be. The range of uses that comes with it is limited only by our imagination: from every-day products like glasses or pot, to clothes, art, peculiar things like buildings or medical tools, etc…
The article Alessia reported (thanks by the way) speaks for itself but I’d like to post another important trasplant that has been done four years ago: a 3D printed skull transplant. As the NBC report in this article:, the 3D printed skull not only kept the patient alive but also give her back the sight, leaving almost no traces of the surgery.
Before 3D printing they used to build concrete skull parts that usually didn’t fit exactly the part removed resulting in difficulties to heal properly the patient. This <bold>accuracy</bold> of 3D printing can completely change lives and it surely means a lot.
The most astonishing thing about Stefania’s article, beside the chance to literally “print” houses, is <bold>timing</bold>. It took less than a day to build a livable furnished home, and this is quite crazy in my opinion. And it’s gonna be also important for every Haitian and El Salvador people that are going to live them
In economic activities we could use 3D printing in order to decrease imperfection and flaws in mechanical production due to it’s accuracy but, in general I think 3D printing could find applications in almost any activity that needs <bold>precision</bold> and <bold>timing</bold>.
About the downsides, usually 3D printer are quite big, hard to move form a place to another and they need some space that maybe a small loft have not. But, taking a look back in the years, computer were big as a room once, hard drive and other storage devices took several space for a bounch of Kb. Now we all got a computer smaller than our hand in our pocket, hard drave can store Tb and micro sd cards that you literally lost everywhere due to their dimension.
I guess 3D printer size issues are gonna be “resized” in the very near future and we’ll probably have a 3D printer in our home just like we got a television, a microwave or a simple printer.
Goodmorning everyone,
thanks Stefania for the new topic. I think 3d printers are indeed a revolutionary technology and there is no doubt that they will play a big role in our life in the near future. However there are some issues that come with it and some major regulation will have to take place in parallel and hopefully before it becomes a consumer based good, I reckon.
About the printed house, I think it’s wonderful. As Matteo mentioned, the truly astonishing thing is the timing. The ability to build a house in 24 hours could do wonders in the developing world. And as suggested by Alessia, the medical field is another one with plenty of valuable and life changing applications.
As 3d printing develops I think we wil see a correlated growth in commodity trading and retailing. I think a business idea in this latter field could actually be interesting to develop. However, from a social and moral standpoint, the issue I have with an open B2C market for 3d printers is that if it becomes so easy to build and replace objects, I fear it will give a whole new push to overconsumerism. As Alessia said, everytime something breaks, you can just throw it away and have a replacement in the matter of minutes. The one possible solution would be to have an outstanding recycling system (another field with potentially high correlated growth that could serve as a spirngboard for new business ideas), but as of today (since we do not have an outstanding system yet) it worries me. The problem of limited resources is becoming more urgent and the risk of creating an increasingly “wasting” culture has to be dealt with with a lot of caution.
Another problem, which is not new and you might have heard of, is what about illegal and dangerous objects? The fact that anyone could produce their own weapons at home is kind of scary. There are open source 3D images for printing guns going around the web already. Actually, and ironically, in Austin, Texas they not only have build the first 3d printed house in the US but also host Defense Distributed (website:), a start-up which is selling these 3D images for printing guns at home. Before we make 3d printers available to everyone, I want to know for sure that the government has control over the technology and its potential implications.
Let me know how you feel about these possibly negative sideeffects and if you think they could be problematic or not 🙂
Chiara GrossiParticipant@chiaragrossi
Hi guys!!
Thank you Stefania for introducing the 3D printing topic. It’s so interesting! I was really amazed by learning about the house built in less of a day and even about the medical applications of 3D printing! In fact I already knew about 3D printing but just applied to prototyping and fashion. The idea that a technological innovation can change and save lives excites me as nothing else! I think this is the main goal of any innovation.
Anyway, about what Alessia suggested, I think it is highly probable that in a near future 3D printers will be in most houses, as Matteo said, just think about smartphones and micro SD or moreover, one of the latest devices which are spreading, think about mini printers that you can connect to you phone and print whatever you want wherever you are.
Even the objections raised by Rachel are important and must not be underestimated. As any new technological innovation, governments and society will have to discuss and think about what would and should be the limits and the rules applied to this technology (for example I’m thinking about nuclear fission or as we were discussing about some days ago, social media and internet). But what I hope and I believe in is the great change that this technology can bring to our society.
If I have to suggest a possible development for 3D printing I would say large buildings construction. In fact what they did in Texas is amazing but try to think what would it mean for the civil engineering sector if it would be possible to build skyscrapers, tunnels, bridges with the cooperation between fast and safety 3D printers and experts and skilled workers and engineers. It would revolutionize the concept itself of how to build cities and structures: in fact it will broke some limits related for example to buildings’ shape, money and time needed, workers’ safety. If you are interested in civil engineering 3D printing application check out this article! (). It gives good examples and pros/cons about this item.
Then I suggest you to watch this video () about 3D pen, just for fun 😉
Can’t wait to hear from you what would be in your opinion some more sectors for the development of 3D printing!
I had first thought of the potential of 3d printing last summer, when I watched this piece of documentary (part of a terrific series I highly recommend) about it:—25082017-d49ae9b9-0795-48e2-892a-a28e17829f18.html . What really stroke me at the time was the revolution in the concept of demand/supply it’s bringing about, which Rachel already pointed out. As far as I’m concerned, we’re moving towards a future where manifacturing resources will be more accessible not only between firms, but to everybody. The industry 4.0 plan enacted least year by the italian government underlines how the industry is bound to become more and more interconnected, and thus efficient. A new print-to-order logic of production is bound to become the standard: excess of supply will become a thing of the past. We shall look at 3d printing as a fundamental piece of this virtuous process that is going to culminate in mass personalization (that is, supply each customer exactly the product S/he needs). For this reason, I wouldn’t worry about the impact of this technology on the environment: sustainability and efficiency are at the core of this revolution, at least from an holistic perspective.
Additive manufacturing will also take production lines closer to the consumer. With automation eliminating the hinder of labour costs, along with excellent speed of production and great flexibility, this breakthrough will unlock the possibility to relocate production plants back in our homelands, putting an end to unethical exploitation of the workforce in underdeveloped countries and environmentally unfriendly practices such as the trade of goods between continents. I endorse this innovative technology because it has great potential to do good for society.
For the same reason, I love the application the texan startup made of this technology, I am of the advice that new technologies should first serve to improve the quality of life where it’s most needed. That startup is solving a real problem. They nailed it!
And Alessia, I bet these guys from sharebot will surprise us with some convenient, accessible and perhaps portable devices in the near future: (Again, another documentary series you should really look into)
P.S. : @mariodellacorte, In order to have a chance to participate to SVST, you need to participate to this thread by posting remarkably insightful opinions on the topics being discussed. Glad to have you on board!
Hello again,
I agree that the problem of excess supply will be cut down in the final goods market. What I argue though is that this new consumption model, in the absence of an effective recycling system, might create a problem of excess demand (of raw materials). The problem of excess demand is just as problematic and damaging as that of excess supply, to the point that in some instances marketers have been led to engage in practices of demarketing (reverse marketing) aimed at discouraging customers. What’s more, it is true that you might relocate production and thus put a stop to unethical labour and trade practices, but again this is only true for the final goods market. As competition in the raw materials market grows, it will translate in more pressure in those countries where the materials are extracted from, many of which are Middle Eastern, African and Asiatic countries where there is little regulation to protect, for example, child labour.
All of this is not say that I don’t see the benefits of 3d printing. I agree with all of you that is a revolutionary technology and that it holds tremendous potential to do a world of good, but technology is only as good and virtuous as the human who handles it. For that reason, I believe that, while praising the beauties of it, it’s also important to discuss potential collateral effects so that we’re ready to act on them and improve the tech integration process in society.
Other than this, I was also wondering:
– How will consumers react in reality to 3d printing? Will there be trust issues and an initial backleash? Today if you buy, let’s say, toys for your kids at the store you can be sure that they are perfectly compliant with safety regulation and that the manufacturer will be liable if they’re not. As some are already talking about a Wikipedia for open source CADs, I’m wondering it they will really take off. In addition, I’ve already seen that there are apps that let you design your own products and then print them. I believe that this type of creative/personal product design businesses will either grow a lot in the future or be a complete failure depending on how we feel about safety. I’m curious to see how this aspect will develop.
– A big benefit of 3d priting that is continuously mentioned it that it will completely cut on inventory and storage costs (because you print on demand) and thus will possibly increase profits for companies. But I’m wondering, what will happen to theft costs? Won’t they rise because of piracy issues with people downloading CADs illegaly, the same as it is happening today with music, movies and books?
– Last but not least, aren’t you curious about what retailers will do? How will Amazon and Wal-Mart re-invent themselves? I’ve read that the latter for example is trying to create partnerships with apps such as the ones I mentioned above (to design your own products), that it is trying to think up 3d printing services (such that you will still prefer to order products, rather than produce them at home, because you benefit from customer service) and that it will focus mainly on the distribution of products especially in the introduction/growth stage of the product life cycle, when people are not yet interested in producing it by themsleves.
That said, let me know what you think about all of this. I’m especially interested in the last point. I’m fairly sure Amazon has a good reaction strategy up its sleeve already!
That is right Rachel, additive manifacturing will not helping fighing against the already existing issues related to the extraction of highly demanded raw materials, which is unfortunately often performed in third world countries. Although, I don’t feel the problem of excess demand, since 3d printing will not be a technology impacting domesticities as much as it will impact small makers’ laboratories and current manifacturers. We won’t be printing everything we need and want at home. Beside the fact that 3d printing will not make all of us manifacturers, there are severe obstacles to the rise of 3d printers as mainstream house appliances (mostly, the lack of flexibility in product size and materials).
Therefore, I wouldn’t worry about a massive rise in thefts, even though some makers could act illegally by printing some products themselves, using those models already available online.
I think current “superstar” retailers might invest on a trending theme, mass customization, that is, the process of tailoring the design of a mass produced product to a customer’s needs. It would be a coherent move given that, in the end, what really distinguishes these retailers from small ones is what they know about their clients. Amazon might become the interface between customers and producers, who, thanks to additive manifacturing, will be able to offer goods specifically crafted for their clients – say, a pair of snickers that fit you perfectly and are just the right color and shape. But of course, this transformation will take time.
Alessia AntonuzzoParticipant@alessiaantonuzzo
Hi guys! 😊
I read your comments and I just want to point out a few things. The most important is that by focusing on the great potential of 3D printing I didn’t mean to promote it as Holy God on Mother Earth… OF COURSE there are issues that must be raised and solved, but that doesn’t necessarily mean there is no room for improvement. I think the balance between openness for change AND critical thinking is the key to success, especially when discussing complex phenomena like this one, in which it’s not all black or white. Therefore, I would love to share my opinion on some of the concerns you have been discussing.
OVER-CONSUMERISM. Even though I believe there is potential for this market to develop, I agree with Jacopo and I don’t think domestic 3D printing is going to take the place of large-scale production IN TOTO. As I said, I believe it could be used for niches of specific simple objects but I bet most of the tools we use on a daily basis will remain exclusively made by factories. So, I wouldn’t worry too much about that.
SAFETY. I agree that giving people the opportunity to create something from scratch means there is a possibility they will make illegal and dangerous objects, like guns. BUT, we should consider some facts.
First, even though 3D printers are not widespread and common in all houses, if you go on Amazon you can already have easy access to simple versions of them… so, maybe I’m too optimistic… but don’t you think someone would have already used them for making potentially dangerous stuff?
Second, I’ve never made a gun, but I guess it’s not super easy and you probably need some skills. Also, if you think about it, anything you already have in your house (a knife?) can become dangerous and used for a negative purpose. So, if you want to do bad, I’m sure you don’t need a 3D printer. Moreover, don’t forget in many countries possessing weapons is completely fine and legal.
Said that, I agree restrictions and some sort of regulations will be needed for sure, but I’m wondering… how can you make them efficient and control the domestic production? (I feel it’s gonna be similar to the issue of underage drinking. Governments make laws but then there is always gonna be that one friend who is already 19 y.o. who buys drinks for his under18 friends).
To conclude, a few nights ago I spent an interesting night with a friend and we came up with another possible application of 3D printing. What is the most inhospitable place you can think of? Exactly, the space. Nevertheless, it is one of the fields where 3D printing has shown its power, allowing astronauts to bring just a few tools with themselves and make on demand the others they might need on the spot – necessary considering spacecrafts limited dimension (). Now, if this is possible in the space don’t you think we could do the same, on earth, in places that are hard to be reached? So, another application could be remote production!
What do you guys think about it? I’d love to hear your feedbacks! 😊
- This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by
Alessia Antonuzzo.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by
Alessia Antonuzzo.
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7 steps to a Smart City
Orginal Article: 7 steps to a Smart City | The Urban Technologist
- (This article originally appeared in September 2012 as “Five steps to a Smarter City: and the philosophical imperative for taking them“. Because it contains an overall framework for approaching Smart City transformations, I keep it updated to reflect the latest content on this blog; and ongoing developments in the industry. It was last updated and posted as a blog entry on 8th September 2013).
As I’ve worked with cities over the past two years developing their “Smarter City” strategies and programmes to deliver them, I’ve frequently written articles on this blog exploring the main challenges they’ve faced: establishing a cross-city consensus to act; securing funding; and finding the common ground between the institutional and organic natures of city ecosystems.
We’ve moved beyond exploration now. There are enough examples of cities making progress on the “Smart” agenda for us to identify the common traits that lead to success. I first wrote “Five steps to a Smarter City: and the philosophical imperative for taking them” in September 2012 to capture what at the time seemed to be emerging practises with promising potential, and have updated it twice since then. A year later, it’s time for a third and more confident revision.
In the past few months it’s also become clear that an additional step is required to recognise the need for new policy frameworks to enable the emergence of Smarter City characteristics, to complement the direct actions and initiatives that can be taken by city institutions, businesses and communities.
The revised seven steps involved in creating and achieving a Smarter City vision are:
- Define what a “Smarter City” means to you (Updated)
- Convene a stakeholder group to co-create a specific Smarter City vision; and establish governance and a credible decision-making process (Updated)
- Structure your approach to a Smart City by drawing on the available resources and expertise (Updated)
- Establish the policy framework (New)
- Populate a roadmap that can deliver the vision (Updated)
- Put the financing in place (Updated)
- Enable communities and engage with informality: how to make “Smarter” a self-sustaining process (Updated)
I’ll close the article with a commentary on a new form of leadership that can be observed at the heart of many of the individual initiatives and city-wide programmes that are making the most progress. Described by Andrew Zolli in “Resilience: why things bounce back” as “translational leadership“, it is characterised by an ability to build unusually broad collaborative networks across the institutions and communities – both formal and informal – of a city.
But I’ll begin with what used to be the ending to this article: why Smarter Cities matter. Unless we’re agreed on the need for them, it’s unlikely we’ll take the steps required to achieve them.
The Smarter City imperative
I think it’s vitally important to take a pro-active approach to Smarter Cities.
According to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs’ 2011 revision to their “World Urbanisation Prospects” report, between now and 2050 the world’s population will rise by 2-3 billion. The greatest part of that rise will be accounted for by the growth of Asian, African and South American “megacities” with populations of between 1 and 35 million people.
As a crude generalisation, this unprecedented growth offers four challenges to cities in different circumstances:
- For rapidly growing cities: we have never before engineered urban infrastructures to support such growth. Whenever we’ve tried to accommodate rapid urban growth before, we’ve failed to provide adequate infrastructure, resulting in slums. One theme within Smarter Cities is therefore the attempt to use technology to respond more successfully to this rapid urbanisation.
- For cities in developed economies with slower growth: urbanisation in rapidly growing economies is creating an enormous rise in the size of the world’s middle-class, magnifying global growth in demand for resources such as energy, water, food and materials; and creating new competition for economic activity. So a second theme of Smarter Cities that applies in mature economies is to remain vibrant economically and socially in this context, and to improve the distribution of wealth and opportunity, against a background of modest economic growth, ageing populations with increasing service needs, legacy infrastructure and a complex model of governance and operation of city services.
- For cities in countries that are still developing slowly: increasing levels of wealth and economic growth elsewhere create an even tougher hurdle than before in creating opportunity and prosperity for the populations of those countries not yet on the path to growth. At the same time that economists and international development organisations attempt to ensure that these nations benefit from their natural resources as they are sought by growing economies elsewhere, a third strand of Smarter Cities is concerned with supporting wider growth in their economies despite a generally low level of infrastructure, including technology infrastructure.
We have only been partly successful in meeting these challenges in the past. As public and private sector institutions in Europe and the United States evolved through the previous period of urbanisation driven by the Industrial Revolution they achieved mixed results: standards of living rose dramatically; but so unequally that life expectancy between the richest and poorest areas of a single UK city often varies by 10 to 20 years.
In the sense that city services and businesses will always seek to exploit the technologies available to them, our cities will become smarter eventually as an inevitable consequence of the evolution of technology and growing competition for resources and economic activity.
But if those forces are allowed to drive the evolution of our cities, rather than supporting a direction of evolution that is proactively chosen by city stakeholders, then we will not solve many of the challenges that we care about most: improving the distribution of wealth and opportunity, and creating a better, sustainable quality of life for everyone. As I argued in “Smarter City myths and misconceptions“, “business as usual” will not deliver what we want and need – we need new approaches.
I do not pretend that it will be straightforward to apply our newest tool – digital technology – to achieve those objectives. In “Death, Life and Place in Great Digital Cities“, I explored the potential for unintended consequences when applying technology in cities, and compared them to the ongoing challenge of balancing the impacts and benefits of the previous generations of technology that shaped the cities we live in today – elevators, concrete and the internal combustion engine. Those technologies enabled the last century of growth; but in some cases have created brutal and inhumane urban environments which limit the quality of life that is possible within them.
But there are nevertheless many ways for cities in every circumstance imaginable to benefit from Smarter City ideas, as I described in my presentation earlier this year to the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development, “Science, technology and innovation for sustainable cities and peri-urban communities“.
The first step in doing so is for each city and community to decide what “Smarter Cities “means to.”
IBM describes a Smarter City in similar terms, more specifically stating that the role of technology is to create systems that are “instrumented, interconnected and intelligent.”
Those definitions are useful; but they don’t reflect the different situations of cities everywhere, which are only very crudely described by the four contexts I identified above. We should not be critical of any of the general definitions of Smarter Cities; they are useful in identifying the nature and scope of powerful ideas that could have widespread benefits. But a broad definition will never provide a credible direction for any individual city given the complexities of its challenges, opportunities, context and capabilities.
Additionally, definitions of “Smarter Cities” that are based on relatively advanced technology concepts don’t reflect the origins of the term “Smart” as recognised by the social scientists I met with in July at a workshop at the University of Durham. The “Smart” idea is more than a decade old, and emerged from the innovative use of relatively basic digital technologies to stimulate economic growth, community vitality and urban renewal.
As I unifying approach, I’ve therefore come recently to conceive of a Smarter City as follows:
A Smarter City systematically creates and encourages innovations in city systems that are enabled by technology; that change the relationships between the creation of economic and social value and the consumption of resources; and that contribute in a coordinated way to achieving a vision and clear objectives that are supported by a consensus amongst city stakeholders.
In co-creating a consensual approach to “Smarter Cities” in any particular place, it’s important to embrace the richness and variety of the field. Many people are very sceptical of the idea of Smarter Cities; often I find that their scepticism arises from the perception that proponents of Smarter Cities are intent on applying the same ideas everywhere, regardless of their suitability, as I described in Smarter City myths and misconceptions” in July.
For example, highly intelligent, multi-modal transport infrastructures are vital in cities such as Singapore, where a rapidly growing economy has created an increased demand for transport; but where there is no space to build new road capacity. But they are much less relevant – at least in the short term – for cities such as Sunderland where the priority is to provide better access to digital technology to encourage the formation and growth of new businesses in high-value sectors of the economy. Every city, individual or organisation that I know of that is successfully pursuing a Smarter City initiative or strategy recognises and engages with that diversity,
Creating a specific Smarter City vision is therefore a task for each city to undertake for itself, taking into account its unique character, strengths and priorities. This process usually entails a collaborative act of creativity by city stakeholders – I’ll explore how that takes place in the next section.
To conclude, it’s likely that the following generic objectives should be considered and adapted in that process:
- A Smarter City is in a position to make a success of the present: for example, it is economically active in high-value industry sectors and able to provide the workforce and infrastructure that companies in those sectors need.
- A Smarter City is on course for a successful future: with an education system that provides the skills that will be needed by future industries as technology evolves.
- A Smarter City creates sustainable, equitably distributed growth: where education and employment opportunities are widely available to all citizens and communities, and with a focus on delivering social and environmental outcomes as well as economic growth.
- A Smarter City operates as efficiently & intelligently as possible: so that resources such as energy, transportation systems and water are used optimally, providing a low-cost, low-carbon basis for economic and social growth, and an attractive, healthy environment in which to live and work.
- A Smarter City enables citizens, communities, entrepreneurs & businesses to do their best; because making infrastructures Smarter is an engineering challenge; but making cities Smarter is a societal challenge; and those best placed to understand how societies can change are those who can innovate within them.
- A Smarter City harnesses technology effectively and makes it accessible; because technology continues to define the new infrastructures that are required to achieve efficiencies in operation; and to enable economic and social growth.
2. Convene a stakeholder group to co.
It’s crucial that this vision is co-created by a group of stakeholders; as a city leader commented to me last year: “One party can’t bring the vision to the table and expect everyone else to buy into it”.
This is a process that I’m proud to be taking part in in Birmingham through the City’s Smart City Commission, whose vision for the city was published in December. I discussed how such processes can work, and some of the challenges and activities involved, in July 2012 in an article entitled “How Smarter Cities Get Started“.
To be sufficiently creative, empowered and inclusive, the group of stakeholders needs to encompass not only the leaders of key city institutions and representatives of its breadth of communities; it needs to contain original thinkers; social entrepreneurs and agents of change. As someone commented to me recently following a successful meeting of such a group: “this isn’t a ‘usual’ group of people”. In a similar meeting this week, a colleague likened the process of assembling such a group to that of building the Board of a new company.
To attract the various forms of investment that are required to support a programme of “Smart” initiatives, these stakeholder groups need to be decision-making entities, such as Manchester’s “New Economy” Commission, not discussion forums. They need to take investment decisions together in the interest of shared objectives; and they need a mature understanding and agreement of how risk is shared and managed across those investments.
Whatever specific form a local partnership takes, it needs to demonstrate transparency and consistency in its decision-making and risk management, in order that its initiatives and proposals are attractive to investors. These characteristics are straightforward in themselves; but take time to establish amongst a new group of stakeholders taking a new, collaborative approach to the management of a programme of transformation.
Finally, to create and execute a vision that can succeed, the group needs to tell stories. A Smarter City encompasses all of a city’s systems, communities and businesses; the leaders in that ecosystem can only act with the support of their shareholders, voters, citizens, employees and neighbours. We will only appeal to such a broad constituency by telling simple stories that everyone can understand. I discussed some of the reasons that lead to this in “Better stories for Smarter Cities: three trends in urbanism that will reshape our world” in January and “Little/big; producer/consumer; and the story of the Smarter City” in March. Both articles cover similar ground; and were written as I prepared for my TEDxWarwick presentation, “Better Stories for Smarter Cities”, also in March.
The article “Smart ideas for everyday cities” from December 2012 discusses all of these challenges, and examples of groups that have addressed them, in more detail.
3. Structure your approach to a Smart City by drawing on the available resources” in September 2012.
Formal sources include:
- UN-HABITAT, the United Nations agency for human settlements, which.
- The UK Technology Strategy Board’s “Future Cities” programme (link requires registration) and the ongoing EU investments in Smart Cities are both investing in initiatives that transfer Smarter City ideas and technology from research into practise, and disseminating the knowledge created in doing so.
It is also important to consider how change is achieved in systems as complex as cities. In “Do we need a Pattern Language for Smarter Cities” I noted some of the challenges involve in driving top-down programmes of change; and contrasted them to what can happen when an environment is created that encourages innovation and attempts to influence it to achieve desired outcomes, rather than to adopt particular approaches to doing so. And in “Zen and the art of messy urbanism” I explored the importance of unplanned, informal and highly creative “grass-roots” activity in creating growth in cities, particularly where resources and finances are constrained.
Some very interesting such approaches have emerged from thinking in policy, economics, planning and architecture: the Collective Research Initiatives Trust‘s study of Mumbai, “Being Nicely Messy“; Colin Rowe and Fred Koetter’s “Collage City“; Manu Fernandez’s “Human Scale Cities” project; and the “Massive / Small” concept and associated “Urban Operating System” from Kelvin Campbell and Urban Initiatives, for example have all suggested an approach that involves a “toolkit” of ideas for individuals and organisations to apply in their local context.
The “tools” in such toolkits are similar to the “design patterns“ invented by the town planner Christopher Alexander in the 1970s as a tool for capturing re-usable experience in town planning, and later adopted by the Software industry. I believe they offer a useful way to organise our knowledge of successful approaches to “Smarter Cities”, and am slowly creating a catalogue of them, including the “City information partnership” and “City-centre enterprise incubation“.
A good balance between the top-down and bottom-up approaches can be found in the large number of “Smart Cities” and “Future Cities” communities on the web, such as UBM’s “Future Cities” site; Next City; the Sustainable Cities Collective; the World Cities Network; and Linked-In discussion Groups including “Smart Cities and City 2.0“, “Smarter Cities” and “Smart Urbanism“.
Finally, I published an extensive article on this blog in December 2012 which provided a framework for identifying the technology components required to support Smart City initiatives of different kinds – “Pens, paper and conversations. And the other technologies that will make cities smarter“.
4. Establish the policy framework
The influential urbanist Jane Jacobs wrote in her seminal 1961 work ”The Death and Life of Great American Cities“:
Jacobs’ was concerned with redressing the focus of urban design away from vehicle traffic and back to meeting the daily requirements of human lives; but today, it is similarly true that our planning and procurement practises do not.
It’s vitally important that we do this. As I described in November 2012 in “No-one is going to pay cities to become Smarter“, the sources of research and innovation funding that are supprting the first examples of Smarter City initiatives will not finance the widespread transformation of cities everywhere. But there’s no need for them to: the British Property Federation, for example, estimate that £14 billion is invested in the development of new space in the UK each year – that’s 500 times the annual value of the UK Government’s Urban Broadband Fund. If planning regulations and other policies can be adapted to promote investment in the technology infrastructures that support Smarter Cities, the effect could be enormous.
I ran a workshop titled “Can digital technology help us build better cities?” to explore these themes in May at the annual Congress of the Academy of Urbanism in Bradford; and have been exploring them with a number of city Councils and institutions such as the British Standards Institute throughout the year. In June I summarised the ideas that emerged from that work in the article “How to build a Smarter City: 23 design principles for digital urbanism“.
Two of the key issues to address are open data and digital privacy.
As I explored in “Open urbanism: why the information economy will lead to sustainable cities” in December 2012, open data is a vital resource for creating successful, sustainable, equitable cities. But there are thousands of datasets relevant to any individual city; owned by a variety of public and private sector institutions; and held in an enormous number of fragmented IT systems of varying ages and designs. Creating high quality, consistent, reliable data in this context is a “Brownfield regeneration challenge for the information age”, as I described in October 2012. Planning and procurement regulations that require city information to be made openly available will be an important tool in creating the investment required to overcome that challenge.
Digital privacy matters to Smarter Cities in part because technology is becoming ever more fundamental to our lives as more and more of our business is transacted online through e-commerce and online banking. Additionally, the boundary between technology, information and the physical world is increasingly disappearing – as shown recently by the scientists who demonstrated that one person’s thoughts could control another’s actions, using technology, not magic or extrasensory phenomena. That means that our physical safety and digital privacy are increasingly linked – the emergence this year of working guns 3D-printed from digital designs is one of the most striking examples.
Jane Jacobs defined cities by their ability to provide privacy and safety amongst their citizens; and her thinking is still regarded by many urbanists as the basis of our understanding of cities. As digital technology becomes more pervasive in city systems, it is vital that we evolve the policies that govern digital privacy to ensure that those systems continue to support our lives, communities and businesses successfully. 2012.
In “Pens, paper and conversations. And the other technologies that will make cities smarter” in December 2012, I described a framework for identifying the technology components required to support Smart City initiatives of different kinds, such as:
- Re-engineering the physical components of city systems (to improve their efficiency)
- Using information to optimise the operation of city systems
- Co-ordinating the behaviour of multiple systems to contribute to city-wide outcomes
- Creating new marketplaces to encourage sustainable choices, and attract investment
The Smarter City design patterns I described in the previous section also provide potential ideas, including City information partnerships and City-centre enterprise incubation; I’m hoping shortly to add new patterns such as Community Energy Initiatives, Social Enterprises, Local Currencies and Information-Enabled Resource Marketplaces.
It is also worthwhile to engage with service and technology providers in the Smart City space; they have knowledge of projects and initiatives with which they have been involved elsewhere. Many are also seeking suitable locations in which to invest in pilot schemes to develop or prove new offerings which, if successful, can generate follow-on sales elsewhere. The “First of a Kind” programme in IBM’s Research division is one example or a formal programme that is operated for this purpose.
A roadmap consisting of several such individual activities within the context of a set of cross-city goals, and co-ordinated by a forum of cross-city stakeholders, can form a powerful programme for making cities Smarter.
6. Put the financing in place
A crucial factor in assessing the viability of those activities, and then executing them, is putting in place the required financing. In many cases, that will involve cities approaching investors or funding agencies. In “Smart ideas for everyday cities” in December 2012 I described some of the organisations from whom funds could be secured; and some of the characteristics they are looking for when considering which cities and initiatives to invest in.
But for cities to seek direct funding for Smarter Cities is only one approach; I compared it to four other approaches in “Gain and responsibility: five business models for sustainable cities” in August:
- Cross-city Collaborations
- Scaling-up Social Enterprise
- Creativity in finance
- Making traditional business sustainable
- Encouraging entrepreneurs everywhere
The role of traditional business is of particular importance. Billions of us. We will only achieve smarter, sustainable cities, and a smarter, sustainable world, in collaboration with them. The CEOs of Unilever and Tesco have made statements of intent along these lines recently, and IBM and Hilton Hotels are two businesses that have described the progress they have already made.
There are very many individual ways in which funds can be secured for Smart City initiatives, of course; I described some more in “No-one is going to pay cities to become Smarter” in November 2012, and several others in two articles in September 2012:
In “Ten ways to pay for a Smarter City (part one)“:
And in “Ten ways to pay for a Smarter City (part two):
I’m a technologist, not a financier or economist; so those articles are not intended to be exhaustive or definitive. But they do suggest a number of practical options that can be explored.
7. Think beyond the future and engage with informality:. As I explored in “Smarter city myths and misconceptions” this idea should really be at the heart of our understanding of Smarter Cities.
I’ve explored those themes frequently in articles on this blog; including the two articles that led to my TEDxWarwick presentation, “Better stories for Smarter Cities: three trends in urbanism that will reshape our world” and “Little/big; producer/consumer; and the story of the Smarter City“. Both of them explored the importance of large city institutions engaging with and empowering the small-scale hyperlocal innovation that occurs in cities and communities everywhere; and that is often the most efficient way of creating social and economic value.
I described that process along with some examples of it in “The amazing heart of a Smarter City: the innovation boundary” in August 2012. In October 2012, I described some of the ways in which Birmingham’s communities are exploring that boundary in “Tea, trust and hacking: how Birmingham is getting smarter“; and in November I emphasised in “Zen and the art of messy urbanism” the importance of recognising the organic, informal nature of some of the innovation and activity within cities that creates value.. In “Refactoring, nucleation and incubation: three tools for digital urban adaptability” I explored how ideas from all of those professions can help them to do so.
Smarter, agile cities will enable “Open urbanism: why the information economy will lead to sustainable cities” in October 2012 and “From Christmas lights to bio-energy: how technology will change our sense of place” in August 2012. The money-flows within those markets can be used as the basis of financing their infrastructure, as I discussed in “Digital Platforms for Smarter City Market-Making” in June 2012 and in several other articles described in “5. Put the financing in place” above.
Commentary: a new form of leadership
Andrew Zolli’s book “Resilience: why things bounce back” contains many examples of “smart” initiatives that have transformed systems such as emergency response, agriculture, fishing, finance and gang culture, most, but not all, of which are enabled by technology.
A common theme from all of them is productive co-operation and co-creation between large formal organisations (such as businesses and public sector institutions) and informal community groups or individuals (examples in Resilience include subsistence farmers, civic activitists and pacific island fishermen). Jared Diamond made similar observations about successful examples of socially and environmentally sustainable resource extraction businesses, such as Chevron’s sustainable operations in the Kutubu oilfield in Papua New Guinea, in his book “Collapse“.
Zolli identified a particular style of individual behaviour that was crucial in bringing about these collaborations that he called “translational leadership“:.
That’s precisely the behaviour and leadership that I see in successful Smarter Cities initiatives. It’s sometimes shown by the leaders of public authorities, Universities or private businesses; but it’s equally often shown by community activists or entrepreneurs.
For me, this is one of the most exciting and optimistic insights about Smarter Cities: the leaders who catalyse their emergence can come from anywhere. And any one of us can choose to take a first step in the city where we live.
Source: 7 steps to a Smart City | The Urban Technologist |
Water connection help & FAQs
Our water connection Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) choose from the the answers below to help you with your application.
Before you apply
Who is responsible for what?
The below diagram is the typical layout of the pipework between your property and our mains and who’s responsible for what. You’ll be responsible for the private supply pipe which runs through your private land and any internal pipework. Whereas we own and maintain the large water mains and smaller communication pipes that run in the public highway (road), and the water meter installed at the site boundary.
What should I do if I want to upgrade my existing water supply?
If you already have an existing water connection but would like to upgrade it by replacing your current supply. Depending on the reason there are two routes for you to take:
1.You will need to request a service from our operational team on 03303030368, when:
- You are splitting into or from a shared supply within residential unit
- If you are replacing your private supply pipe due to pressure issues or it is leaking
- If you are replacing your lead pipe
- If you do not have a meter and would like to request a meter
2. You will need to submit a water connection application when:
- You are replacing your existing supply to increase the flow due to increased demand
- You are looking to split into or from a shared supply within commercial unit
- Relocating meters or supply pipes
Depending on the outcome of the investigation by our operational team, in some scenarios you might be referred to the Developer Services Team.
I’d like a disconnection, is a water connection the right application?
If you need a disconnection along with your water connection, then this should be requested as part of your water connection application. If you need a disconnection on its own, please refer to Southern Water billing team on 0330 303 0277. Permanent disconnections are free of charge, however, please be aware any future connections after the water supply have been disconnected will be a chargeable and will need to go through new water connection application process.
How can I replace lead pipes?
We have a policy of replacing our lead pipes and encourage our customers to replace any of their lead water supply pipes. Customers are responsible for the pipe that runs between the boundary of the street and their property – this is referred to as the supply pipe. Southern Water is responsible for that part of the pipe between the water main and the boundary of the street in which the water main is laid – this is referred to as the communication pipe. For more information please see is there lead in my water or contact our team on 0330 303 0368. You will not need to apply for a water connection application in this case.
My existing supply is a lead pipe, does it need replacing?
Lead in water is harmful so if your property has lead pipes you will want to replace them. If you are concerned that you may have lead plumbing or would like us to check your drinking water for lead, we can arrange a visit to your property, and we’ll take a water sample for analysis free of charge.
You can find out more about this service and lead pipes on our website or contact our team on 0330 303 0368.
How can I request a fire supply?
If you are planning to install a fire sprinkler system or a fire hydrant, you can request this using a Water Connection application and you can also view information about fire supplies.
Where is my nearest water main?
You will need to understand the location, size, and material of our water mains in your area so you can plan how your connection will be made. You can request a sewer or water map online and where known, the map identifies:
- The location of water mains in our water supply area
- Size and material of the pipe
- The location of sewer mains
You may also be able to view these maps at your local authority offices or our office at Durrington.
You can then annotate where you would like the point of connection for your site to be made and attach this with your application.
Copies of maps showing our assets need to be requested from our service partner Digdat, there is a fee for each asset map.
Please be aware we may not hold all the information you require. Public sewers within customers property boundaries are not always mapped due to the transfer of responsibility for these sewers in 2011.
I don’t have a planning permission, is it too early for me to apply for a water connection?
If you do not yet have planning permission, you are probably submitting this application too early in the process. If you would like to get a budget cost for your proposed works, please use our budget calculator. If you have any questions, please call us on 0330 303 0119.
What are the most common reasons for a delay in water connection?
To ensure your water connection installation goes smoothly and completed on time, we wanted to share the top reasons that delay the process.
Here is what you can do to avoid the most common delays:
- Include the application reference when making a BACS payment
- Complete your site inspection checklist when requesting a site inspection
- Submit the site plan showing your requested point of connection with your application
- Complete payment for the works after you accepted the quote
- Complete water regulation questionnaire after you accepted the quote
- Remove scaffolding or any access restrictions to your site on the day of the connection
What if my work goes through the third party/private land
If your private supply pipe runs through someone else’s land, please obtain and send written consent from the owner with your application to confirm the supply was laid legally. You can upload it through the GetConnected portal along with other supporting documents.
What if there is no water main near my site?
If you are building multiple domestic or commercial properties on a site that will have new road access, you will probably need a new water main to be laid to service your site. These are dealt with separately to a water connection and you can find out more about your options on our new water main webpage.
What water capacity is available for firefighting purposes?
Under the provisions of the Water Industry Act 1991, Southern Water is primarily obliged to provide supplies for domestic purposes. Supplies for firefighting purposes are not included as a ‘domestic purpose’ and constancy of pressure and continuity of supply cannot be guaranteed. Our minimum service standard for the supply of water is a pressure of 15 metres head or 1.5 bar at the connection to the distribution main. Please refer to our guide for further information about fire supplies.
Making an application
When do I need to submit a soil analysis report?
Any application for new water connection to a development (construction of new properties, or renovation or conversion of existing buildings) in land potentially affected by contamination will need a completed Soil Analysis Report. If your site has been known for use of any of the following, please commission a soil analysis report to avoid the need for more costly barrier pipe.
- Petrol Station
- Fuel Storage
- Motor Mechanics
- Vehicle Parking Boatyard
- Military Camp
- Coal Yard
- Chemical Storage Scrap Yard
- Landfill
- Burial Ground
Guidance on soil analysis and contaminated land
Please submit your soil analysis report as a supporting document to your new water connection application on GetConnected.
I would like to apply for the Target 100 scheme, what do I need to include with my application?
If you are applying for reduced water infrastructure charges using our Target 100 scheme, you will need to upload your supporting documentation from Building Regulations confirming that your internal fittings comply with this. You can get an enhanced income offset for water efficient homes that can prove the water usage to be less than 110 litres per person per day.
Please refer to Water efficiency calculations, to find required information that you will need when applying for Target 100.
How do I set up an account in the GetConnected portal?
Setting up your GetConnected account is easy. Please follow our step-by-step guide.
How can I track my application progress in GetConnected?
GetConnected will provide you with your own personalised dashboard to support you with managing and tracking the progress of your applications. It streamlines the process, simplifies the way you interact with us and enables you to have direct contact with our team to support you with any queries. Please follow our step-by-step guide.
How do I fill in application in GetConnected?
There are 15 sections you need to complete to apply. Before you get started, please check the following:
- Check your property or development is in our supply area- Area-of-operation. Important: Check for both water and wastewater as we may not supply you with both.
- Most applications require a fee to be paid before we can process your application, you can review our Connection- charging-arrangements
- Most applications require site drawings and plans – check the webpage for required service, so you know exactly what you need to have handy.
Please follow our step-by-step guide.
What systems and programmes are supported for GetConnected?
GetConnected is supported on Microsoft and Apple laptops and on iPad, iPhone, Microsoft smartphones and tablets. It is supported by a wide range of browsers – Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox.
Can I give access to GetConnected to my colleagues?
Yes, you can by creating your business account in GetConnected. Your team can work together on the same application end-to-end. You will need to nominate Company Admin, who will be able to approve or remove business users. Technical engineer, admin, director, site manager – you can now all make and track applications, submit information and respond to queries on one shared application dashboard using you desktop, tablet or mobile.
Here is a few simple steps, explaining how you can setup a Business Account.
How can I request access to existing Business account, which is already setup in GetConnected?
Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can request access to your existing business account.
Quote related questions
Is it possible to meet with the surveyor for the site survey?
As a rule, you do not have to be present on site during a site survey. We will let you know when this is arranged. However, if you wish to meet the surveyor, you can write a comment as part of your water connection application. Our team will contact you to meet you on site during their visit.
What does my quote document mean?
Your water connection quote document will include a few sections and terms. Here is a helpful glossary to help you understand what this means:
Connection Cost: This cost of the excavation work, fittings and pipework, and reinstatement of the area.
Complex (Extraordinary) Traffic Management Cost: This includes the cost of traffic lights and signage, pedestrian/traffic diversions and road closures. Traffic Management costs are actual costs to ensure we comply with the Traffic Management Act 2004. Traffic management applies to around 65% of our customers. If traffic management is not required for your scheme, you will not be charged.
Water Regulations Inspection Cost: This is the cost to inspect your service pipe, and that it meets water regulations standards to ensure water quality for your property and our network.
Application Fee: This is the charge for your site survey and production of your cost advice.
Administration Fee: The fee associated with general administration activities, relating to the construction phase, which can include processing any payments, scheduling the works, supervision and project management, and processing information into relevant billing/management systems.
Infrastructure Charge: The charges described in section 146(2) of the Water Industry Act 1991. That is, a charge paid to the Water Company when a property is connected to the company’s water supply or sewer network for the first time.
Income Offset: Income offset is a payment made by us to a customer that is building a house or development, it represents the future income that we will receive from a new connection.
Why do I have to pay sewerage infrastructure charges?
Infrastructure charges are a one-off charge, charged by all water companies for first time connections/additional connections. Each new connection that adds a demand to our water and sewerage network will incur these costs. These charges ensure the upkeep and maintenance of our network. The sewer infrastructure charges will be included in your water connection quote, where you have indicated, you are connecting to the sewerage system.
Why do I have to pay an application fee?
The application fees are cost-reflective of the Ofwat charging rules and cover our cost of providing an application processing service to you.
How can I pay Southern Water fees?
You can pay by card online or over the phone, BACS for all our services and application fees.
How long is my quote valid for?
Southern Water publishes the new charging rates on 31st March every year. Your water connection quote is valid until the 31st of March. If you received your quote in February or March, we will grant a 2-month grace period, extending the validity of your quote until 31st of May.
What if my quote has expired?
Requote requests are processed within 28 days as per our Ofwat Service Level Agreement. However, it is worth noting that requotes do not necessarily take that long if there are no changes to the original scope of works or minor variation. A requote fee of £92.00 which will be added to your quote.
How do I request a refund?
In the event you have paid for the service that you can no longer progress, you can request a refund by calling our service desk 0330 303 0119.
Preparing for connection works
How do I fill in a Water Regulations Questionnaire?
After you decided to progress with your connection and have accepted the quote, we sometimes need to ask you to fill in a water regulations questionnaire to understand your intended water fittings and plumbing arrangements. The short online questionnaire will be presented to you at the quote stage of your application. This is a legal requirement of the Water Supply (Water fittings) Regulations 1999 that you will need to follow when designing, installing, and maintaining your pipework.
After we reviewed your information, we will send you a water regulations consent within 10 working days. This service is free of charge.
Here is what you will need to have ready to fill in our online form:
- Applicant's details (name, address, contact phone and email of the person making the application)
- Recipient details (fill in this section if the consent is to be sent to a different address, for instance, the owner of the project)
- Site/location details (Address where the installation is to be located. A contact phone number is required so inspections can be arranged)
- Notification details (number of water supply connections; select a description of the proposed works)
- Plumbing details (plumbing details i.e. pipe works, water fittings (e.g. taps) and appliances along with the plan of the installation)
- Name of approved plumber (installer name)
What is a site inspection checklist and why do I need to complete it?
We have prepared a site inspection checklist so that inspection of your supply pipes can be passed first time. This is also included in the guidelines document for your plumber to follow.
- All obstructions must be removed to allow the inspection
- No pipes must be installed above the water pipe i.e. which will block access to it
- The site/footpath boundary is clearly marked
- Supply pipe is a minimum of 750mm deep or and a maximum of 1350mm deep.
- Ducts must be cut back at the boundary and appropriately sealed
- Supply pipe must be capped and labelled with plot number (if applicable)
- Supply pipe must not cross third-party land to prevent boundary disputes
- Supply pipe is brought to a 90-degree angle from the main and at entry to the property
- Supply pipe must be in the same location to that priced for under new connections quotation
- Can’t be in a different road to that stated on the new connection’s quotation
- Must be close enough together to utilise 2/6-way manifold (if applicable)
- Supply pipe must be ducted into the building, appropriately sealed, and insulated
- An internal stoptap must be fitted
- Supply pipe must be PEB (polyethylene barrier) for contaminated sites or standard PE (standard polyethylene) for non-contaminated
Please complete this checklist before requesting a site inspection. Additional charges will be applied for any aborted visits.
Who can carry out the connection to the water main?
Only Southern Water and our approved contractors are permitted to work on our network. Non-approved contractors connecting to the Southern Water network would be in breach of The Water Act and subject to prosecution. Please refer to our self-lay providers page for more information about our approved contractors. WIRS accredited self-lay organisation may perform works on the connection of water mains and supplies to a property, dependent on the status and scope of accreditation.
When do I need to provide chlorination certificate?
We will make an assessment and advise you whether you need to disinfect your water supply. But as a rule, if your supply pipe is 63mm diameter (50mm internal diameter) or larger, and greater than 15 metres in length, or there’s reason to believe the pipework may be contaminated, then you must have it chlorinated and tested for microbiological content and turbidity by a UKAS accredited analytical laboratory and then have these sent to us for approval.
The pipe must achieve a satisfactory pass before we can arrange your final connection works. Please send the test report to S[email protected].
Can I connect new supply pipes onto an existing communication pipe?
If you are constructing a new building or converting an existing building into multiple units, you will need a new communication pipe(s). We will not allow you to connect any new supply pipes onto your existing communication pipe due to potential complications with pressure and it not being standard industry practice since 1991. Please apply to S45 Water Connection application.
What if I need to install an agricultural trough?
If you need a new agricultural water supply for a trough in a field, you need to apply for a water connection application.
You will be required to lay a private supply pipe in your private land down to the nearest existing water main for us to connect to. You can use our maps service, to find your nearest main. You don’t need to apply for sewer connection in this case.
It is possible to take a trough supply from an existing metered supply. For example, you can put in troughs from the existing metered supply to a farmhouse, but this cannot be billed separately.
How can I get temporary building supplies (TBS)?
Temporary building supplies (TBS) can be provided for development sites where water is required for building purposes, it will follow a similar process to laying a standard supply, however we will organise a disconnection at a time indicated by you in the future. Alternatively, TBS can be converted into permanent supply.
Typically, we will contact you within a month of the disconnection date to ensure you are finished with the supply before we remove it, and if need be, we can extend the disconnection date into the future.
Sometimes you may want to use a service pipe for a plot as a temporary supply, whilst the plot is being built. If this is the case, then once the temporary supply is no longer required, the plot can connect, however ensure the boundary box is installed initially in the correct final location.
There may be times when you need a supply of water outside of our normal service. Hiring a standpipe is an alternative method to have a temporary source of water for a site including:
- Landscape gardening
- Construction
- Drain cleaning
- Organised events
These can be hired from Water Services, who we work with to provide standpipes in our region. If you would like to hire a standpipe or enquire about prices, please contact Water Services on 02392 695 515 (7:30 – 4:30 weekdays) or email [email protected]
Only standpipes provided by Water Services can be legally used on our network. Using standpipe without a licence is illegal.
You should note that standpipe water can only be drawn from a Southern Water washout hydrant (Marked with ‘WO’). It can never be used on a fire hydrant (Marked with ‘FH’).
Can I supply my own meter carriers?
Meter carriers can either be supplied by Southern Water as part of your S45 - Water Connection quote or purchased directly from an independent supplier. Further information on internal meters.
What if I need large size connection?
Some larger sites, including commercial buildings and flats will require a larger connection than our standard connection sizes of 25 or 32mm (outer diameters). We refer to these larger sizes as ‘bulk connections’ which includes sizes greater than 32mm, including 63mm, 90mm and 125mm. This can be requested as part of your S45 Water Connection application. Please note for larger connections we will need your anticipated flow rates information, which you can obtain from the plumber or using the flow rate calculator.
Can I re-use an old redundant pipe?
Redundant pipes are the pipes that have been unused for 60 days. We do not allow the reuse of old redundant pipe due to:
- Water quality issues as the water inside the pipe would have been stagnant, that could cause bacteria growth and could cause a public health issue. Southern Water recommends flushing the supply every seven days
- The pipe may have been left open ended meaning contaminates could be within the pipe
- The condition of the old existing redundant pipe may be unsuitable
- The pipe material may not be suitable (e.g. The ground may now be contaminated)
- The old existing redundant pipe could be lead in which it is a water quality issue in itself
- The location of the pipe may be unsuitable
- The pipe diameter may be unsuitable
If you have any questions, please contact our service desk team 0330 303 0119.
Can I mole my supply pipe?
Yes, you choose to mole your private supply pipe. We will require a few inspection holes along the length of the moled pipe (approximately 2 every 5 meters). Please consult your technical coordinator to advise on the required number of inspection holes for your pipe. The point of entry at the boundary will need also need to be left open for inspection.
What connection size do I need for a domestic property?
For a standard domestic property, a 25mm connection is required.
There are a small number of situations it may be advisable to increase the size of a connection for a domestic property from a 25mm supply to a 32mm supply:
- When the property is more than 3 stories high
- When the property is more than 50m away from Point of Connection
- When the property has a high peak water demand required for example to fill a swimming pool.
The number of toilets, showers and sinks in a property does not typically impact the connection size if the property is still being used by a single household.
For any project with connection greater than a 32mm, we will require either a water regulations form detailing the water fittings, features and appliances in the property or the peak flow rate requirement for the property.
Completing connection works
How long does the average water connection take?
Southern water has 21 days to install your water connection after the following activities are completed:
- Accept and pay for the quote
- Complete water regulations questionnaire
- Site inspection passed
- Bacteriological test passed (only for large diameter connections 63mm and above)
In situations where complex traffic management or third-party land access is required, the timelines may need to be extended to obtain necessary permissions.
What is traffic management and why do I need it?
Traffic management allows us to carry out our works in the road safely. Standard traffic management is where we can keep traffic flowing, or install 2-way traffic lights, whilst carrying out our connection works. This service is included within our standard water connection charge.
However, if more complex traffic management is needed, or we incur additional local authority charges, we will apply an additional charge.
Examples of where these charges apply include:
- 3- or 4-way temporary traffic lights when working at junctions
- Road closures
- Temporary closure of pedestrian crossings or traffic lights (often known as ‘bagging’ traffic lights)
- Lane rental charges
We may need to arrange the necessary highway licences to work in the road, which can take up to 3 months in line with Highway Authority procedures and timescales.
Is there anything I need to do on the day of the connection?
On the day when connection works take place, please ensure that scaffolding has been removed so that our team has full access to the pipes. If there are any access arrangements required for our team to access your site, please make those arrangements in advance.
How do I setup my water account?
Following the connection, your new supply will be left live with a meter installed. From this point on the occupier will be responsible for the bill. As the occupant you will need to register your account.
Track, pay and manage your project using our new developer services portal GetConnected. |
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) R. Gellens Request for Comments: 7852 Updates: 6443, 6881 B. Rosen Category: Standards Track NeuStar ISSN: 2070-1721 H. Tschofenig R. Marshall TeleCommunication Systems, Inc. J. Winterbottom Winterb Consulting Services July 2016 Additional Data Related to an Emergency Call
AbstractWhen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3. Document Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4. Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.1. Data Provider Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4.1.1. Data Provider String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4.1.2. Data Provider ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4.1.3. Data Provider ID Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4.1.4. Type of Data Provider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4.1.5. Data Provider Contact URI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4.1.6. Data Provider Language(s) Supported . . . . . . . . . . 13 4.1.7. xCard of Data Provider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4.1.8. Subcontractor Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4.1.9. Subcontractor Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.1.10. ProviderInfo Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.2. Service Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.2.1. Service Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.2.2. Service Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.2.3. Service Mobility Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.2.4. EmergencyCallData.ServiceInfo Example . . . . . . . . . 22 4.3. Device Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.3.1. Device Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.3.2. Device Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4.3.3. Device Model Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.3.4. Unique Device Identifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.3.5. Device/Service-Specific Additional Data Structure . . . 25 4.3.6. Device/Service-Specific Additional Data Structure Type 26 4.3.7. EmergencyCallData.DeviceInfo Example . . . . . . . . . 27 4.4. Owner/Subscriber Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.4.1. Subscriber Data Privacy Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.4.2. xCard for Subscriber's Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.4.3. EmergencyCallData.SubscriberInfo Example . . . . . . . 29 4.5. Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.5.1. Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.5.2. EmergencyCallData.Comment Example . . . . . . . . . . . 32 5. Issues with Getting New Types of Data into Use . . . . . . . 32 5.1. Choosing between Defining a New Type of Block or a New Type of Device/Service-Specific Additional Data . . . . . 33 6. Data Transport Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 6.1. Transmitting Blocks Using Call-Info . . . . . . . . . . . 36 6.2. Transmitting Blocks by Reference Using the <provided-by> Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 6.3. Transmitting Blocks by Value Using the <provided-by> Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 6.4. The Content-Disposition Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 7. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 8. XML Schemas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 8.1. EmergencyCallData.ProviderInfo XML Schema . . . . . . . . 54 8.2. EmergencyCallData.ServiceInfo XML Schema . . . . . . . . . 56 8.3. EmergencyCallData.DeviceInfo XML Schema . . . . . . . . . 57 8.4. EmergencyCallData.SubscriberInfo XML Schema . . . . . . . 59 8.5. EmergencyCallData.Comment XML Schema . . . . . . . . . . . 60 8.6. provided-by XML Schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 9. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 10. Privacy Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 11. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 11.1. Emergency Call Additional Data Registry . . . . . . . . . 67 11.1.1. Provider ID Series Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 11.1.2. Service Environment Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 11.1.3. Service Type Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 11.1.4. Service Mobility Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 11.1.5. Type of Provider Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 11.1.6. Device Classification Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 11.1.7. Device ID Type Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 11.1.8. Device/Service Data Type Registry . . . . . . . . . . 70 11.1.9. Emergency Call Data Types Registry . . . . . . . . . . 70 11.2. 'EmergencyCallData' Purpose Parameter Value . . . . . . . 72 11.3. URN Sub-Namespace Registration for <provided-by> Registry Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 11.4. MIME Registrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 11.4.1. MIME Content-Type Registration for 'application/EmergencyCallData.ProviderInfo+xml' . . . 72 11.4.2. MIME Content-Type Registration for 'application/EmergencyCallData.ServiceInfo+xml' . . . 73 11.4.3. MIME Content-Type Registration for 'application/EmergencyCallData.DeviceInfo+xml' . . . . 74 11.4.4. MIME Content-Type Registration for 'application/EmergencyCallData.SubscriberInfo+xml' . . 75
11.4.5. MIME Content-Type Registration for 'application/EmergencyCallData.Comment+xml' . . . . . 76 11.5. URN Sub-Namespace Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 11.5.1. Registration for urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:EmergencyCallData . . . . . . . 78 11.5.2. Registration for urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:EmergencyCallData:ProviderInfo . 78 11.5.3. Registration for urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:EmergencyCallData:ServiceInfo . 79 11.5.4. Registration for urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:EmergencyCallData:DeviceInfo . . 80 11.5.5. Registration for urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:EmergencyCallData:SubscriberInfo 81 11.5.6. Registration for urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:EmergencyCallData:Comment . . . 81 11.6. Schema Registrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 11.7. vCard Parameter Value Registration . . . . . . . . . . . 83 12. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 12.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 12.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Appendix A. XML Schema for vCard/xCard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Appendix B. XML Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
1. IntroductionWhen an IP-based emergency call is initiated, a rich set of data from multiple data sources is conveyed to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). This data includes information about the calling party identity, the multimedia capabilities of the device, the request for emergency services, location information, and metadata about the sources of the data. In addition, the device, the access network provider, and any service provider in the call path has even more information that is useful for a PSAP when handling an emergency. This document extends the basic set of data communicated with an emergency call based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), as described in RFC 6443 [RFC6443] and RFC 6881 [RFC6881], in order to carry additional data that is useful to an entity or call taker handling the call. This data is "additional" to the basic information found in the emergency call signaling used. The intent is that every emergency call carry as much of the information described here as possible using the mechanisms described here.
This document defines three categories of this additional data that can be transmitted with an emergency call: Data Associated with a Location: Primary location data is conveyed in the Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) data structure as defined in RFC 4119 [RFC4119] and extended by RFC 5139 [RFC5139] and RFC 6848 [RFC6848] (for civic location information), RFC 5491 [RFC5491] and RFC 5962 [RFC5962] (for geodetic location information), and RFC 7035 [RFC7035] (for relative location). This primary location data identifies the location or estimated location of the caller. However, there might exist additional, secondary data that is specific to the location, such as floor plans, tenant and building owner contact data, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) status, etc. Such secondary location data is not included in the location data structure but can be transmitted using the mechanisms defined in this document. Although this document does not define any structures for such data, future documents can do so following the procedures defined here. Data Associated with a Call: While some information is carried in the call setup procedure itself (as part of the SIP headers as well as in the body of the SIP message), there is additional data known by the device making the call, the access network to which the device is connected, and service providers along the path of the call. This information includes service provider contact information, subscriber identity and contact information, the type of service the service provider and the access network provide, what type of device is being used, etc. Some data is broadly applicable, while other data is dependent on the type of device or service. For example, a medical monitoring device might have sensor data. The data structures defined in this document (Data Provider Information, Device Information, and Owner/Subscriber Information) all fall into the category of "Data Associated with a Call". Note that the owner/subscriber information includes the subscriber's vCard, which might contain personal information such as birthday, anniversary, etc., but the data block itself is still considered to be about the call, not the caller. Data Associated with a Caller: This is personal data about a caller, such as medical information and emergency contact data. Although this document does not define any structures within this category, future documents can do so following the procedures defined here. While this document defines data structures only within the category of Data Associated with a Call, by establishing the overall framework of Additional Data, along with general mechanisms for transport of such data, extension points, and procedures for future extensions, it
minimizes the work needed to carry data in the other categories. Other specifications can make use of the facilities provided here. For interoperability, there needs to be a common way for the information conveyed to a PSAP to be encoded and identified. Identification allows emergency services authorities to know during call processing which types of data are present and to determine if they wish to access it. A common encoding allows the data to be successfully accessed. This document defines an extensible set of data structures, and mechanisms to transmit this data either by value or by reference, either in the SIP call signaling or in the PIDF-LO. The data structures are usable by other communication systems and transports as well. The data structures are defined in Section 4, and the transport mechanisms (using SIP and HTTPS) are defined in Section 6. Each data structure described in this document is encoded as a "block" of information. Each block is an XML structure with an associated Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) media type for identification within transport such as SIP and HTTPS. The set of blocks is extensible. Registries are defined to identify the block types that can be used and to allow blocks to be included in emergency call signaling. Much of the information supplied by service providers and devices is private and confidential. Service providers and devices generally go to lengths to protect this information; disclosing it in the context of an emergency call is a trade-off to protect the greater interest of the customer in an emergency.
2. TerminologyThe key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119]. This document also uses terminology from [RFC5012]. We use the term "service provider" to refer to an Application Service Provider (ASP). A Voice Service Provider (VSP) is a special type of ASP. With the term "Access Network Provider", we refer to the Internet Access Provider (IAP) and the Internet Service Provider (ISP) without further distinguishing these two entities, since the difference between the two is not relevant for this document. Note that the roles of an ASP and access network provider might be provided by a single company. An Emergency Services Provider is an entity directly involved in providing emergency services. This includes PSAPs,
dispatch, police, fire, emergency medical, other responders, and other similar agencies. Within each data block definition (see Section 4), the values for the 'Use:' label are specified as one of the following: 'Required': means it MUST be present in the data structure. 'Conditional': means it MUST be present if the specified condition(s) is met. It MAY be present if the condition(s) is not met. 'Optional': means it MAY be present. vCard [RFC6350] is a data format for representing and exchanging a variety of information about individuals and other entities. For applications that use XML, the format defined in vCard is not immediately applicable. For this reason, an XML-based encoding of the information elements defined in the vCard specification has been defined, and the name of that specification is xCard [RFC6351]. Since the term vCard is more familiar to most readers, we use the terms xCard and vCard interchangeably.
3. Document ScopeThe scope of this document is explicitly limited to emergency calls. The data structures defined here are not appropriate to be conveyed in non-emergency calls because they carry sensitive and private data. However, in certain private-use situations between a specialized service provider (such as a vehicle telematics service provider) and dedicated equipment (such as in a vehicle) where the endpoints have a preexisting relationship and privacy issues are addressed within the relationship, the mechanisms and data structures defined here can be used with communications within the limited context of the preexisting relationship.
4. Data StructuresThis section defines the following five data structures, each as a data block. For each block, we define the MIME media type and the XML encoding. The five data structures are: 'Data Provider': This block supplies name and contact information for the entity that created the data. Section 4.1 provides the details. 'Service Information': This block supplies information about the service. The description can be found in Section 4.2.
'Device Information': This block supplies information about the device placing the call. Device information can be found in Section 4.3. 'Owner/Subscriber': This block supplies information about the owner of the device or about the subscriber. Details can be found in Section 4.4. 'Comment': This block provides a way to supply free form human- readable text to the PSAP or emergency responders. This simple structure is defined in Section 4.5. Each block contains a mandatory <DataProviderReference> element. The purpose of the <DataProviderReference> element is to associate all blocks added by the same data provider as a unit. The <DataProviderReference> element associates the data provider block to each of the other blocks added as a unit. Consequently, when a data provider adds additional data to an emergency call (such as device information), it MUST add information about itself (via the data provider block), and the blocks added contain the same value in the <DataProviderReference> element. All blocks added by a single entity at the same time MUST have the same <DataProviderReference> value. (In certain situations, the same provider might process a call more than once, likely in different roles, and in such cases, each time it processes the call, it adds a new set of blocks with a new <DataProviderReference> value.) The value of the <DataProviderReference> element has the same syntax and properties (specifically, world-uniqueness) as the value of the 'Message-ID' message body header field specified in RFC 5322 [RFC5322] except that the <DataProviderReference> element is not enclosed in brackets (the '<' and '>' symbols are omitted). In other words, the value of a <DataProviderReference> element is syntactically a msg-id as specified in RFC 5322 [RFC5322]. Each block is added to the "Additional Data Blocks" registry created in Section 11.1.9 and categorized as providing data about the caller. New blocks added to the registry in the future MUST also be categorized per the description of the three categories in Section 1. See Sections 5 and 5.1 for additional considerations when adding new blocks or types of data. Note that the xCard format is reused in some of the data structures to provide contact information. In an xCard, there is no way to specify a 'main' telephone number (that is, a primary or main contact number, typically of an enterprise, as opposed to a direct-dial number of an individual). These numbers are useful to emergency responders who are called to a large enterprise. This document adds a new parameter value called 'main-number' to the 'TYPE' parameter of
the 'tel' property. It can be used in any xCard in an emergency call additional data block.
4.1. Data Provider InformationThis block is intended to be supplied by any service provider in the path of the call, or the access network provider, and the device. It includes identification and contact information. This block MUST be supplied by any entity that provides any other block; it SHOULD be supplied by every service provider in the call path and by the access network provider if those entities do not add any other blocks. Devices SHOULD use this block to provide identifying information. The MIME media type is 'application/ EmergencyCallData.ProviderInfo+xml'. An access network provider SHOULD provide this block either by value or by reference in the <provided-by> element of a PIDF-LO.
4.1.1. Data Provider StringData Element: Data Provider String Use: Conditional. Optional for blocks supplied by the originating device; mandatory otherwise. XML Element: <DataProviderString> Description: This is a plaintext string suitable for displaying the name of the service provider that supplied the data structure. If the device creates the structure, it SHOULD use the value of the contact header field in the SIP INVITE. Reason for Need: Inform the call taker of the identity of the entity providing the data. How Used by Call Taker: Allows the call taker to interpret the data in this structure. The source of the information often influences how the information is used, believed, or verified.
4.1.2. Data Provider IDData Element: Data Provider ID Use: Conditional. Optional for blocks supplied by the originating device; mandatory otherwise. This data MUST be provided by all entities other than the originating device in order to uniquely identify the service provider or access provider. XML Element: <ProviderID>
Description: A jurisdiction-specific code for, or the fully qualified domain name of, the access network provider or service provider shown in the <DataProvidedBy> element that created the structure. NOTE: The value SHOULD be assigned by an organization appropriate for the jurisdiction. In the United States, if the provider is registered with NENA, the provider's NENA Company ID MUST appear here. Additional information can be found at the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) Company Identifier Program <> or the NENA Company ID <>. The NENA Company ID MUST be in the form of a URI in the following format: urn:nena:companyid:<NENA Company ID>. If the organization does not have an identifier registered with a jurisdiction-specific emergency services registrar (such as NENA), then the value MAY be the fully qualified domain name of the service provider or access provider. The device MAY use its IP address or fully qualified domain name (and set the 'Data Provider ID Series' element to 'domain'). Reason for Need: Inform the call taker of the identity of the entity providing the data. How Used by Call Taker: Where jurisdictions have lists of providers, the Data Provider ID provides useful information about the data source. The Data Provider ID uniquely identifies the source of the data, which might be needed especially during unusual circumstances and for routine logging.
4.1.3. Data Provider ID SeriesData Element: Data Provider ID Series Use: Conditional. Optional for blocks supplied by the originating device; mandatory otherwise. XML Element: <ProviderIDSeries> Description: Identifies the issuer of the <ProviderID>. The "Provider ID Series" registry created in Section 11.1.1 initially contains the entries shown in Figure 1. Reason for Need: Identifies how to interpret the Data Provider ID. The combination of ProviderIDSeries and ProviderID MUST be globally unique. How Used by Call Taker: Determines which provider ID registry to consult for more information.
+-----------+--------------------------+----------------------+ | Name | Source | URL | +-----------+--------------------------+----------------------+ | NENA | National Emergency | | | | Number Association | | | | | | | EENA | European Emergency | | | | Number Association | | | | | | | domain | (The ID is a fully | (not applicable) | | | qualified domain name) | | +-----------+--------------------------+----------------------+ Figure 1: Provider ID Series Registry
4.1.4. Type of Data ProviderData Element: Type of Data Provider Use: Required XML Element: <TypeOfProvider> Description: Identifies the type of data provider supplying the data. The registry containing all valid values is created in Section 11.1.5, and the initial set of values is shown in Figure 2. Reason for Need: Identifies the category of data provider. How Used by Call Taker: This information can be helpful when deciding whom to contact when further information is needed.
+------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | Token | Description | +------------------------------+------------------------------------+ |Client | Originating client/device | | | | |Access Network Provider | Access network service provider | | | | |Telecom Provider | Telecom service provider (including| | | native and over-the-top VoIP | | | services) | | | | |Telematics Provider | A sensor-based service provider, | | | especially vehicle based | | | | |Language Translation Provider | A spoken language translation | | | service | | | | |Emergency Service Provider | An emergency service provider | | | conveying information to another| | | emergency service provider | | | | |Emergency Modality Translation| An emergency-call-specific | | | modality translation service, | | | e.g., for sign language | | | | |Relay Provider | An interpretation service, e.g., | | | video relay for sign language | | | interpretation | | | | |Other | Any other type of service provider | +------------------------------+------------------------------------+ Figure 2: Type of Data Provider Registry
4.1.5. Data Provider Contact URIData Element: Data Provider Contact URI Use: Required XML Element: <ContactURI> Description: When provided by a service provider or an access network provider, this information is expected to be a URI to a 24/7 support organization tasked to provide PSAP support for this emergency call. When provided by a device, this MUST be the contact information of the user or owner of the device. (Ideally, this is the contact information of the device user, but when the
owner and user are separate (e.g., the device owner is an organization), this MAY be the contact information of the owner.) The Data Provider Contact URI SHOULD be a tel URI [RFC3966] in E.164 format and fully specified with a country code. If a tel URI is not available, a generic SIP URI is acceptable. Note that this contact information is not used by PSAPs for callbacks (a call from a PSAP directly related to a recently terminated emergency call, placed by the PSAP using a SIP Priority header field set to 'psap-callback', as described in [RFC7090]). Reason for Need: Additional data providers might need to be contacted in error cases or other unusual circumstances. How Used by Call Taker: To contact the supplier of the additional data for assistance in handling the call.
4.1.6. Data Provider Language(s) SupportedData Element: Data Provider Language(s) supported Use: Required XML Element: <Language> Description: This field encodes the language used by the entity at the Data Provider Contact URI. The content of this field consists of a single token from the Language Subtag Registry, which can be found at [LanguageSubtagRegistry], and is defined in [RFC5646]. Multiple instances of this element MAY occur, but the order is significant and the preferred language SHOULD appear first. The content MUST reflect the languages supported at the contact URI. (Note that this field informs the PSAP of the language(s) used by the data provider. If the PSAP needs to contact the data provider, it can be helpful to know in advance the language(s) used by the data provider. If the PSAP uses a communication protocol to reach the data provider, that protocol might have language facilities of its own (such as the 'language' media feature tag, defined in RFC 3840 [RFC3840], and the more extensive language negotiation mechanism proposed in [HUMAN-LANG]), and if so, those are independent of this field.) Reason for Need: This information indicates if the emergency service authority can directly communicate with the service provider or if an interpreter will be needed.
How Used by Call Taker: If the call taker cannot speak any language supported by the service provider, a translation service will need to be added to the conversation. Alternatively, other persons at the PSAP, besides the call taker, might be consulted for help (depending on the urgency and the type of interaction).
4.1.7. xCard of Data ProviderData Element: xCard of Data Provider Use: Optional XML Element: <DataProviderContact> Description: Per [RFC6351], the xCard structure is represented within a <vcard> element. Although multiple <vcard> elements can be contained in a structure, only one <vcard> element SHOULD be provided. If more than one appears, the first SHOULD be used. There are many fields in the xCard, and the creator of the data structure is encouraged to provide all available information. N, ORG, ADR, TEL, and EMAIL are suggested at a minimum. N SHOULD contain the name of the support group or device owner as appropriate. If more than one TEL property is provided, a parameter from the "vCard Property Values" registry SHOULD be specified for each TEL. For encoding of the vCard, this specification uses the XML-based encoding specified in [RFC6351], which is referred to in this document as 'xCard'. Reason for Need: Information needed to determine additional contact information. How Used by Call Taker: Assists the call taker by providing additional contact information aside from what is included in the SIP INVITE or the PIDF-LO.
4.1.8. Subcontractor PrincipalWhen the entity providing the data is a subcontractor, the Data Provider Type is set to that of the primary service provider, and this entry is supplied to provide information regarding the subcontracting entity. Data Element: Subcontractor Principal Use: Conditional. This data is required if the entity providing the data is a subcontractor. XML Element: <SubcontractorPrincipal>
Description: Some providers outsource their obligations to handle aspects of emergency services to specialized providers. If the data provider is a subcontractor to another provider, this element contains the DataProviderString of the service provider to indicate which provider the subcontractor is working for. Reason for Need: Identify the entity the subcontractor works for. How Used by Call Taker: Allows the call taker to understand what the relationship is between data providers and the service providers in the path of the call.
4.1.9. Subcontractor PriorityData Element: Subcontractor Priority Use: Conditional. This data is required if the entity providing the data is a subcontractor. XML Element: <SubcontractorPriority> Description: If the subcontractor is supposed to be contacted first, then this element MUST have the value 'sub'. If the provider the subcontractor is working for is supposed to be contacted first, then this element MUST have the value 'main'. Reason for Need: Inform the call taker whom to contact first, if support is needed. How Used by Call Taker: To decide which entity to contact first if assistance is needed.
4.1.10. ProviderInfo Example<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ad:EmergencyCallData.ProviderInfo xmlns: <ad:DataProviderReference>[email protected] </ad:DataProviderReference> <ad:DataProviderString>Example VoIP Provider </ad:DataProviderString> <ad:ProviderID>urn:nena:companyid:ID123</ad:ProviderID> <ad:ProviderIDSeries>NENA</ad:ProviderIDSeries> <ad:TypeOfProvider>Telecom Provider</ad:TypeOfProvider> <ad:ContactURI>tel:+1-201-555-0123</ad:ContactURI> <ad:Language>en</ad:Language> <ad:DataProviderContact
<vcard> <fn><text>Hannes Tschofenig</text></fn> <n> <surname>Hannes</surname> <given>Tschofenig</given> <additional/> <prefix/> <suffix>Dipl. Ing.</suffix> </n> <bday><date>--0203</date></bday> <anniversary> <date-time>20090808T1430-0500</date-time> </anniversary> <gender><sex>M</sex></gender> <lang> <parameters><pref><integer>1</integer></pref> </parameters> <language-tag>de</language-tag> </lang> <lang> <parameters><pref><integer>2</integer></pref> </parameters> <language-tag>en</language-tag> </lang> <org> <parameters><type><text>work</text></type> </parameters> <text>Example VoIP Provider</text> </org> <adr> <parameters> <type><text>work</text></type> <label><text>Hannes Tschofenig Linnoitustie 6 Espoo , Finland 02600</text></label> </parameters> <pobox/> <ext/> <street>Linnoitustie 6</street> <locality>Espoo</locality> <region>Uusimaa</region> <code>02600</code> <country>Finland</country> </adr> <tel> <parameters> <type>
<text>work</text> <text>voice</text> </type> </parameters> <uri>tel:+358 50 4871445</uri> </tel> <tel> <parameters> <type> <text>work</text> <text>main-number</text> <text>voice</text> </type> </parameters> <uri>tel:+358 50 5050505</uri> </tel> <email> <parameters><type><text>work</text></type> </parameters> <text>[email protected]</text> </email> <geo> <parameters><type><text>work</text></type> </parameters> <uri>geo:60.210796,24.812924</uri> </geo> <key> <parameters><type><text>home</text></type> </parameters> <uri> </uri> </key> <tz><text>Finland/Helsinki</text></tz> <url> <parameters><type><text>home</text></type> </parameters> <uri></uri> </url> </vcard> </ad:DataProviderContact> </ad:EmergencyCallData.ProviderInfo> Figure 3: EmergencyCallData.ProviderInfo Example
4.2. Service InformationThis block describes the service that the service provider provides to the caller. It SHOULD be included by all service providers in the path of the call. The MIME media type is 'application/ EmergencyCallData.ServiceInfo+xml'.
4.2.1. Service EnvironmentData Element: Service Environment Use: Conditional. Required unless the 'ServiceType' value is 'wireless'. XML Element: <ServiceEnvironment> Description: This element indicates whether a call is from a business or residence. Currently, the only valid entries are 'Business', 'Residence', and 'Unknown', as shown in Figure 4. New values can be defined via the registry created in Section 11.1.2. Reason for Need: To provide context and a hint when determining equipment and manpower requirements. How Used by Call Taker: Information can be used to provide context and a hint to assist in determining equipment and manpower requirements for emergency responders. This is non-authoritative; there are situations where the service provider does not know the type of service (e.g., anonymous prepaid service). The type of service does not necessarily reflect the nature of the premises (e.g., a business line installed in a residence or cellular service). The registry does not contain all possible values for all situations. Hence, this is at best advisory information, but since it mimics a similar capability in some current emergency calling systems (e.g., a field in the Automatic Location Information (ALI) used with legacy North American wireline systems), it is known to be valuable to PSAPs. The service provider uses its best information (such as a rate plan, facilities used to deliver service, or a service description) to determine the information and is not responsible for determining the actual characteristics of the location from which the call originated. Because the usefulness is unknown (and less clear) for cellular, this element is OPTIONAL for commercial mobile radio services (e.g., cellular) and REQUIRED otherwise.
+-----------+--------------------------+ | Token | Description | +-----------+--------------------------+ | Business | Business service | | | | | Residence | Residential service | | | | | Unknown | Type of service unknown | | | (e.g., anonymous pre- | | | paid service) | +-----------+--------------------------+ Figure 4: Service Environment Registry
4.2.2. Service TypeData Element: Service Delivered by Provider to End User Use: Required XML Element: <ServiceType> Description: This defines the type of service over which the call is placed (similar to the Class of Service delivered with legacy emergency calls in some regions). The implied mobility of this service cannot be relied upon. A registry is created in Section 11.1.3. The initial set of values is shown in Figure 5. More than one value MAY be returned. For example, a VoIP inmate telephone service is a reasonable combination. Reason for Need: Knowing the type of service can assist the PSAP in the handling of the call. How Used by Call Taker: Call takers often use this information to determine what kinds of questions to ask callers and how much to rely on supportive information. As the information is not always available, and the registry is not all encompassing, this is at best advisory information, but since it mimics a similar capability in some legacy emergency calling systems, it is known to be valuable. +--------------+------------------------------------------+ | Name | Description | +--------------+------------------------------------------+ | wireless | Wireless Telephone Service: Includes | | | CDMA, GSM, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, and LTE | | | (but not satellite) | | | |
| coin | Fixed public pay/coin telephones: Any | | | device operated by coin or credit card | | | | | one-way | One-way outbound service | | | | | temp | Soft dial tone/quick service/warm | | | disconnect/suspended | | | | | MLTS-hosted | Hosted multi-line telephone system | | | such as Centrex | | | | | MLTS-local | Local multi-line telephone system, | | | including all PBXs, key systems, and | | | Shared Tenant Services | | | | | sensor- | These are devices that generate DATA | | unattended | ONLY. This is a one-way information | | | transmit without interactive media. | | | | | sensor- | Devices that are supported by a | | attended | monitoring service provider or that | | | are capable of supporting interactive | | | media | | | | | POTS | Wireline: Plain Old Telephone Service | | | | | OTT | An over-the-top service that provides | | | communication over arbitrary Internet | | | access (fixed, nomadic, mobile) | | | | | digital | Wireline non-OTT digital phone service | | | | | OPX | Off-premise extension | | | | | relay | A service where a human third-party | | | agent provides additional assistance. | | | This includes sign language relay/ | | | interpretation, telematics services | | | that provide a human on the call, | | | and similar services. | +--------------+------------------------------------------+ Figure 5: Service Delivered by Provider to End User Registry The initial set of values has been collected from sources of currently used systems, including [NENA-02-010], [nc911], [NANP], and [LERG].
4.2.3. Service Mobility EnvironmentData Element: Service Mobility Environment Use: Required XML Element: <ServiceMobility> Description: This provides the service provider's view of the mobility of the caller's device. As the service provider might not know the characteristics of the actual device or access network used, the value should be treated as advisory and not be relied upon. A registry is created in Section 11.1.4 with the initial valid entries shown in Figure 6. Reason for Need: Knowing the service provider's belief of mobility can assist the PSAP with the handling of the call. How Used by Call Taker: To determine whether to assume the location of the caller might change. +-----------+----------------------------+ | Token | Description | +-----------+----------------------------+ | Mobile | The device is able to move | | | at any time | | | | | Fixed | The device is not expected | | | to move unless the | | | service is relocated | | | | | Nomadic | The device is not expected | | | to change its point of | | | attachment while on a | | | call | | | | | Unknown | No information is known | | | about the service | | | mobility environment for | | | the device | +-----------+----------------------------+ Figure 6: Service Mobility Registry
4.2.4. EmergencyCallData.ServiceInfo Example<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svc:EmergencyCallData.ServiceInfo xmlns: <svc:DataProviderReference>[email protected] </svc:DataProviderReference> <svc:ServiceEnvironment>Business</svc:ServiceEnvironment> <svc:ServiceType>MLTS-hosted</svc:ServiceType> <svc:ServiceMobility>Fixed</svc:ServiceMobility> </svc:EmergencyCallData.ServiceInfo> Figure 7: EmergencyCallData.ServiceInfo Example |
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Chapter 2: A Divine Morning
Commissioned by: Sieg
A/N: Holy cow it's been a while! To tell the truth I've been writing a bit more but haven't been posting most of it, but let's change that! I'll be posting more as we go along.
It was not the errant rays of the early morning sunlight that awoke him. For a man who partakes in his pleasures whenever he wishes, is one who rests, and awakens, on his own whims. Thus, the windows of his private chambers, while looking out upon the city streets and the horizons beyond the walls. Were crafted of spell glass, and routinely enchanted or modified by his resident magus. Showing him scenes of his own desire, and displaying times of day at his request, whether it be a beaming sunrise in the middle of the night, or a shadowed twilight at noon. Allowing him to live his life by his own schedule. However, to be a man as successful as him, he could not simply sleep his way through countless evenings. He needed to be awakened for countless important meets, business deals, and acquisitions that could occur at any hour of the day. So he did not rely on the passage of the sun, nor the shifting of windows, or even the clicking of clockwork timepieces. No the collector relied upon more intimate methods of awakening.
As his eyes began to crack open with the small washing sensations of pleasure, his head tilting up. He had rolled onto his back, his head lodged between mountains of soft flesh, two other sets of almost as impressive mounds molding into each side of him. His arms almost lodged between. His fingers looped into the lips of the dragon zombie doll’s head, tucking it in against his body. His blurry vision cleared from the awakening as the steady thrum passed over his length, feeling it harden against the wet pressure that ran from his tip down to his base. The tool had been half soft in his dreamless slumber, yet the stimulation it received now, rousing him into the world of the awakened, was bringing it to bear on its full length. The faint glurks that began to start as it pushed in deeper were familiar in sound by now. His eyes came down to gaze into hers, deep, glimmering red. Staring up towards him with more intensity than affection, though lacking in neither her mouth continued to slide over his length. Even as her lips were being strained to the brink. The faint sensation of scraping, from the edges of her fangs, running along him. The smallest sparks of pain to mingle with the constant flow of pleasure. As her tongue ran around his member, pushing up along the underside of his cock, dipping in where it confirmed into a ridge against his cock. Teasing and pleasuring it till he was fully hardened inside of her mouth. She went to draw back, her eyes shut as the blonde locks fell in front of them when his cockhead pushed against her collar bone from the other side. Her body jerked for a moment, held in place by the massive member. Her own fingers reaching up, massaging at the edge of her throat loosening the flesh before she yanked herself backwards.
She popped free of his body with a violent shift, her jaw clicking and her chest pushed outwards by the pressure before she fell onto her haunches. Leaning upwards, her tight attire seemed even more stretched by the recent bulge it had suffered from the depth of his cock. Her hand came up pushing at the edge of her jaw and shifting the dislocated bone back into place. While her other pulled out a piece of parchment from the pack slung over her shoulder, holding it out towards Garret. “Lord Fruntworth has been insistent about you collecting the spices M’lord, I Recommend we teach him a les-” He raised up his hand and her voice silenced. Her head bowing to touch her forehead against the edge of his fingers, but she did not dare push in to gain any further touch from him. Leaning back onto her haunches and waiting with her hands placed firmly upon her lap. Her eyes locked upon him, putting all of her effort into keeping them from migrating down to his throbbing cock.
He took and raised up the paper towards the form of Arariel, her arms coming inwards, pushing her massive chest in against the back of his neck and shoulders, raising his form up and taking hold of the paper. Unfurling and holding it before his eyes. He scanned slowly, allowing the silence to hold the room as he processed the information. “He’s asking for double?”
The paper was raised to allow him to stare down into those soft red eyes, her fingers having twisted into a lock of pale blonde hair that had fallen free from her braid. The hand jerking down with a slap against her leg once he looked upon her. “Indeed M’lord which is why I thi-” He began to raise his hand, her silence coming once again, her mouth still open mid phrase as she started to grip at her leggings.
“Well go ahead and pay it.”
“But Mast-” The flash of his eyes piercing into her own was enough to silence her as he began to shift up. His cock jutting forwards and pressing into her stomach, sliding along the material of her suit smearing her saliva across the fabric. He reached up, caressing over her cheek, running his thumb against the edge of one of those gleaming eyes, before running it down against a pronounced fang. Feeling the dip in her lips before shaking his head.
“I appreciate your enthusiasm Carmilla, however I know what I’m doing. For that outburst, you can wait in the bathing room.” He glanced towards the doorway, jutting with his chin before she gave a slow and steady bow. While her skin didn’t become flush with blood she didn’t possess in her embarrassed blush. He could see her shame in her downcast gaze, as she sidled her way back, off of the bed, and towards the door. Shutting it to provide her Master the privacy he desired in his morning needs.
He flumped backwards, feeling the warm flesh of those angelic tits mold once again around him. His head sinking between them as he let out a low sigh. His eyes glancing down towards his own throbbing cock for a moment. “Do you still need this Lord?” She spoke the title with more reverence than the others did, as if the title itself bore some kind of strength to it. Holding the paper down towards him, he gave a shake of his head, and with a snap of her fingers it was reduced to motes of dust and light. Gleaming ash that faded in the air, so that he wouldn’t even need to think of throwing it away. He closed his eyes… allowing himself to think. To awaken his mind in the beginning of the day, as fingers stroked down across the edge of his chest. Running to the sides of his hips. Strumming the pads of her touches, silken and soft, until they reached the base of his shaft. They wrapped along the edge of it, stroking, wrapping along it as they migrated upwards. She caressed his length with a touch of delicacy, refinement, as if she were appraising a treasure with her smallest squeeze.
His attempts to think, to focus, began to warp and shift. His eyes scrunching at the corners, twisting into a wince at his cheeks. Sentences turned into gibberish, images into muddy flows, and he felt that haze creeping up at the corners of his mind, with his gaze flashing open, he felt it in his sight as well. His elbows pushed downwards, driving into soft flesh. The bodies of the dolls squishing underneath it, one giving little, while the other he almost sank into before he could right himself. Twisting in his position, planting his hands firmly down upon the bed on either side of her. Each palm placed between the dolls and her as his gaze scanned up to her own. He caught a face full of mischief… and concern. While the hazy lust crept at the back of his mind… He needed to let it out. Needed to relax.
The thick weight of his cock brushed against her stomach as he looked over the only living body in that bed besides himself. Arariel’s body was the furthest of what one would describe as angelic. Her flesh was a palace of generous curves and flowing rivers, her body defied expectations and the possibilities of a normal Monster. Her tits stayed up high on her chest, only dropping down against her when he was pushing down on them. The slightest pressure against the sides enough to push them tight on her chest forming a canyon of cleavage, perfect for sliding between. Her stomach was taut, the faint lines of muscles visible at the edges that his fingers could brush and dip into. His cock molding across the surface that bent inwards the scant distance to mold against the underside of his tool. Her body was smooth and flowing, with the dip in her waist, and run of her shoulders to provide her with the kind of grace and body that looked exquisite in a ballgown. While the swell of her hips, and the thick plush of her thighs that would strain such a dress to its limits. Those legs of hers being just the faintest bit softer, giving in against the pressure of his own brushing against them as if to welcome their presence upon her. Her skin was a deep golden-tan, that made her seem like a bronze statue in the dim lighting of the bedroom. Her pale golden hair and wings were splayed out underneath and around her, the only part of her form, that wasn’t more befitting of a succubus than the angel that she was.
Yet more tempting than any part of her body in that moment, was the look in her eyes, gazing up towards him, her lips curled inwards and her teeth sunk ever so slightly into the bottom one. Dipping into it while she gazed up towards him with that rose-gold darkening to a deeper molten hue tinged with desire. His eyes finished scanning up her body, drinking in the same details he had a hundred times. Yet with that haze in his mind, he found his eyes wandering, shifting over the frames to the left and right. The headless form of the Dragon Zombie, it’s body splayed out, soft flesh spilling across the bedding, inviting for the smallest of squeezes. The many tailed presence of the Youko, it’s shades of gold seemed to be calling for pressure, for pulls and tugs as he yanked her body into his own. His gaze filled with heat till those pale blue eyes were turning a deep tinge of sapphire. His breath already coming out in soft pants.. Eyes shifting back and forth. Trying to decide, to think, until he saw movement. Those tanned arms reached up, brushing against the edges of his neck as her wings pulled in, tucking down against the edge of the bedding and down. The feathered limbs slid underneath the forms of the two dolls, sliding in and along them, then pushed upwards. Her wings extended up, and out, her feathertips stretching down and towards the ground. She created a slant that the bodies rolled from, gentle and cascading across the powerful angelic limbs. Allowing both dolls to spill down onto the ground below without the chance of even the tiniest of scrapes. Leaving him with but one choice, one form to focus on. Her.
The first small spurt of pleasure rushed through him from that sight alone, as she took away her Master’s muddled concerns for the moment, giving him a single goal to focus on. His cock throbbing, leaving a shot of pre across her stomach in anticipation of accomplishing it. His fingers moved from cloth to sink into far better hand holds, as he reached up and pressed his hands into her tits. The flesh was pliant, yet filled and pushed into his palms. Her nipples tightened and poked at the skin with their tense pressure while he used them as both handholds and cushions to raise his hips up. Sliding the head down across her flesh, and then nestling it between her thighs. Her own legs moved up, pushing her feet against the bed and cradling her knees against the outside of his hips, stabilizing his motions. Her wings stretched up and around, running along his shoulders and then cupping against his back. While her fingers remained clasped higher. One hand against his neck, the other against his cheek, cupping and stroking, while her lips curled into an open smile, of pleasure, and anticipation a nod showing she was ready.
Not that he could hold on any longer as his hips plunged. Her legs cupped against his own along with his hips, and shifted along with his motion. While he plunged into her body her legs pushed out. Her wings tucking down with him, encouraging him deeper, as a far tighter cunt gripped around him. He felt the barrier, the hymen that tore underneath his first insertion every time, the ‘eternal virgin’ form of the angel plundered once again. Just her mound was pushed up at first. Only able to work in the first few inches of his mammoth cock as the folds began to clench and push on him from the moment he entered. Yet even that much was enough to cause a visceral response in his angel. As her stomach clenched, her hips pushed upwards and he felt the thin juices spilling around the head of his cock, her body convulsing for a moment pressing upon his cock each step of the way. Feeling as if the swirls of heat were curling around him, trying to squeeze anything it could reach dry, while forcing it out. Yet that was far from enough for him. He needed to sheathe it. To bury himself in the tight divine cunt. His fingers gripped in more against her flesh, his nails pushing into the angelic skin, watching as rivulets formed in the flesh, scratches of deep red that bled singular drops of golden blood before the wounds sealed behind them. Her nipples now pressed into the palm of his hands responding to her climax and the pressure, began to ooze. Thin sticky milk brushed and leaked against his palms as he tugged. Yanking and pulling her body down by her tits as her cries of pleasure were released with wild abandon. Each pull of her form, each push of his hips. Drove him deeper into her waiting channel. Her taut twitching stomach being pushed out, and every vein and curve of his cock was visible against it. Even the ridge of his crown, as it pushed up against the flesh, could be seen in detail as he arched his hips downwards to sink deeper. Pushing out her stomach with the presence of his rod, with the sole aim of doing so even more as he worked deeper.
Her head pushed against the cushioning of the bed, her mouth curling wide with the moans of pleasure as her back had long since stopped touching against the same padding. Her chest pushed out, her tits offered to his palms with every motion she took. One hand stayed cupped around his neck, pulling his body downwards with each working thrust that pushed him in deeper. His fingers forced to slide to the side of those massive tits and brush against her waist instead. The last rents in her flesh deeper than before, mending only after he had pushed down into them. Smearing the mixture of the ambrosia of her blood, and the milk from her nipples, across his muscled flesh before his fingers sank into her sides. Gripping on tight as he felt her stomach brushing against his down by her mound. Only parting where his own body was propped up by the massive size of her own tits, that space where his bulge inside of her pushed out, then worked itself back. As if her flesh was breathing with the pleasure of his rough rutting swelling and falling with his thrusts drawing back to work himself in deeper. Her legs shifted up along the inside of his own. Caressing his calves, her wings dedicated to touching any part of him the rest of her couldn’t reach. Her fingers slid across her stomach, pushing against where his bulge was rising across the flesh. Stroking, letting him feel the pressure of fingertips through her own flesh, teasing him with new points of pleasure that he had to ride into each time. As her form twitched, aiming to press and push into him, he felt another convulsion passing through her. Each of her limbs and points tugging tighter upon him as she twitched. Her whole body enticing him deeper until after what seemed like hours of working against the incredible tightness of her cunt. He felt her womb part around his crown, her folds gushing hot fem-cum across his sack, buried in to the base in her cunt.
Her body jerked upwards as he buried inside. Pushing with the backs of her wings against the bedding as her fingers on his neck pulled down, and their mouths met. The motion made as her form convulsed with deep flowing heat. A taste like golden wine slipped, fine and thin at his lips, until her tongue slid across his own and invited them to part. The invitation, and the flavor it promised, too good to pass up. As her tongue slid between, and the flavors of ambrosia assaulted his senses. Leaving him awash in the tastes that dripped thick down his throat. The tightness surging across his stomach while her legs pushed into the back of his own, encouraging him to thrust, to move deeper, harder into her. His hips shifting only to pound back into her. Slamming her body down against the soft bedding while her tight cunt gripped hard upon his length. His mouth melded tight into hers. Her tongue brushing on the inside of his before his lips pushed tighter, sucking upon the muscle, tearing a moan from her into his mouth as his pounding grew more fierce. Feeling that tightness forming harder in his gut, the fierceness of his thrusts growing more and more as that knot formed.
As he felt the release impending, the edge of that burst pushing in with the tightness of his balls, his hand came up from her side. Pressing against her shoulder and tearing her back, slamming her back against the bedding as he propped himself up from the motion. His back arching as he thrust one last time into her, a solid surge of cum bursting from his tip and into her womb. The core of her body swelling as the bulge pushed against her stomach, trapped by the presence of his cock before he ripped backwards. Her cunt gripped tight, squeezing all around him with deep constant twitches, tugging at his shaft with as much fierce desire to keep it trapped as it had tried to push it free before. All the while his tool throbbing, pulsing with thick ropes of seed across her insides before he popped free of her folds. His other hand, not busy pinning her to the bed, shifted to the base of his cock. Taking hold of the thick member and guiding it, stroking from base to tip, coating his fingers in cum in the process. He aimed his shaft to launch shot after shot of thick cum across her convulsing form. Draping in strands across her stomach, her tits, some even managing to land as far as her face. Coating her body as she arched upwards trying to gain more of that deep plunging. Her legs pushing into the bedding while her tits squirted more of that milk out across her stomach to mix in with the load of cum. By the end she was coated across her front in the weight of his most powerful first morning load, almost enough to change the color of her skin in a single burst.
With a hard, panting, exhausted expression he dropped back. His mouth open while he shifted onto his haunches, his still hard cock throbbing in the open air, a single burst of pleasure not enough to calm down his morning wood after the encouraging pressures of his Butler’s tongue and throat. He could see her gazing up towards him, and at that still rock solid cock. A single deep rose-gold eye staring at the member, the other caked over by the thick ropes of cum. Her form twisting, rolling across the bedding, smearing the thick fluids across her body and onto her wings as she tucked them behind her. Walking on her hands and knees the scant distance to bring her mouth towards him, and descended onto his tool without so much as a command.
Her one open eye shutting as she took in the flavor on his crown, suckling the cum free from it and down her throat. Her fingers brushing against his base, Wrapping around it and coating her fingers in the sticky seed as she stroked upwards. Her mouth going deeper, pushing her way to the ridge of that purplish tip. Digging her tongue in on all sides of it to take off every last dredge of cum that had gotten stuck underneath it. Before shifting up and diving into the thick slit that had deposited it all in the first place. Her mouth popped free with a wet gasp, her one eye gazing up towards him full of adoration while his own gaze glanced at the dolls that had been dropped on either side. His brow raised when he looked back. “Didn’t want to share with the toys?” He felt a soft giggle against his shaft, bringing out a low groan from his throat as she slid down. Smearing the cock against her cheek while she slid down, licking against the sack and dragging her way upwards.
“Oh no Lord, I have no issue sharing,” She collected a long load of seed that had been drizzled across his flesh, collected and now cleaned off in one fluid motion that started at the soft sack and ran all the way up the mammoth pillar to the crown. Her free hand having reached to the side, lifting up the Dragon Zombie’s head towards herself. Releasing his cock to take hold of it with both hands, as her mouth opened, and he caught sight of a full load of cum, filling her throat and mouth up to the edge of her tongue and lips. As she swirled it onto her tongue, accumulating a ‘ball’ of thick cum and pushed it forwards out of her mouth. The accumulated seed was pushed into the slack jaw of the Zombie, swirling it onto its tongue before pushing her mouth against it. Giving the dead doll’s head a deep, thorough snowball tongue kiss. As she smeared the cum over its insides and sucked upon its tongue, drawing it out into the open as she parted from the kiss. She nuzzled into its cheek afterwards, showing the severed piece affection, and wiping the cum free from her eye in the process. Leaving the toy thoroughly stained as she dropped it onto the bed beside them. “I merely wished to care for you, and aid in the pesky dilemma of choice, Lord.” Her voice was soft and lilting, the words brushing along his cock with the same angelic grace as her fingertips.
Before he could retort or commend, her mouth was on him once again. Her tongue working against the side of his flesh, collecting the cum up from each side of his shaft, in long drawn out shares. The next load, she showed him in depth. Her eyes shut as she collected the thick load, swirling it upon her tongue and then swallowing. The sound of it alone sending a thick surge of pleasure through his gut, though it seemed to do far more for her. As with each load she savored, her cunt clenched, her stomach visibly shaking as a new fresh gush of fluids pulsed out against the bedding. The taste of his seed enough to drive her wild. Each one she savored until every last drop of his cum had been cleaned from his shaft. Even as the rest of her body was still coated in various strings and drying loads on her flesh, she attended to clean him first.
With the task completed, her ministrations returned to his crown. Wrapping her lips around it as she drew herself back and forth the smallest distance. Her mouth widening to pop around the ridge of his crown and then back. The purplish flesh shifting back and forth against the soft pink lines of her lips. Her tongue flicking against the cleft at the bottom of his crown, poking and shifting on that sensitive flesh, aiming to tease it, and along with it his hold body. One hand stroked along the bottom of his cock, while her chest shifted forwards around him. The pliant pressure squeezed around his dick merely by being present, while her fingers squeezed and wrung along it. Pushing between her tits to stroke him, then dropping away and letting the mounds impact against it. Each drop together around the shaft causing them to squeeze a bit more, drops of white-gold milk spilling from them to drizzle along the bottoms of their heavy curve and onto the bedding below. The constant barrage of sensations from every direction would have been enough to drive any man to the brink. The collector, despite all his experience, was no exception, and within minutes of being subjected to it, he felt the rising pressure in his gut once again. His sack constricting as the heat poured out from him. With his cock trapped against the roof of her mouth by her tongue, he burst once again.
His tool nowhere near plugged into her throat, his load overflowed her mouth despite its skill within the first burst. Thick cum bursting free from her lips and spilling down around his shaft. The second flooded down her throat and back, thick streams of cum shooting pressured from her nose as she attempted to contain it. Spewing lines of seed across her tits to coat them even thicker than before. Hiding the leaking milk that squirted from her nipples as her stomach clenched once again at the rich taste that drove pleasure into her mind with each explosive shot of his load. Juices coming from almost every hole she possessed as her eyes fluttered into the back of her head. Her lips pulled tight around the head of his cock, trying to drain the load from him even as her own mind fled from her. She popped free of his mouth, unable to hang on any longer, one shot away from his finish. The final burst of cum spewed across her face, and her features disappeared completely under the thick load as she collapsed back onto the bedding. Her wings splayed out underneath her as her tits bounced outwards. Dripping of the mixture of fluids all across the bedding while her master collapsed the other way for the moment, his cock finally beginning to soften down against his chest, smeared once again in cum.
He glanced down at his own thick shaft… letting out deep, slow breaths. Taking a moment to process the aftershocks of pleasure that traveled even now down through his body. Tilting his head to look past it, and see her, her fingers, wings, and legs, giving small little twitches. Juices still running from her cock as her body seemed almost trapped in those final aftershocks of pleasure… He began to push himself up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and, wobbling slightly, stepped up onto his feet. Letting out a low groan, of relief, pleasure, and a small amount of stiffness. Stretching his body back he listened to the smallest audible cracks before stepping up to her side. His softened cock beginning to drape down against his thighs, hanging low across it, leaving smears across the flesh. He reached up, pushing against her cheek, and brushing his thumb over her eye, wiping the cum away and seeing underneath her eyes had turned pure white. Rolled back all the way in her skull, the poor creature had been overloaded by so much of her own ‘ambrosia’ in the morning. Pushing his tool down, he wrapped his fingers into her hair, pulling up and wiping them against his shaft. Smearing his seed across the golden locks to wipe it clean for the time being. “Rest well Arariel, I’ll send someone to clean you up. After me of course.” He allowed himself a small chuckle, before he leaned his body down, pressing a kiss against the edge of her head where the hair wasn’t coated in thick seed, then heading towards the door of his chambers.
Before he reached the door, he saw it opened before him. The suited form of Carmilla standing there, her hair having been pulled free of its severe braids. Running down in thick curls twisting upon themselves down to her shoulders. A towel in one hand, fresh and steaming. In her other she held a new parchment, tucked underneath her arm, and her fierce red eyes gleamed up towards him.
His voice started with rage, patient with her before due to her being in the right place, however this kind of impetulance even from her couldn’t stand. “You know to never interrupt unless-”
“Unless you’re going to be late M’lord.” She held up the towel, glancing down across his form, taking in the softened, thoroughly cum drenched tool, and then dropped down straight to her knees. The motion fast enough to cause a thud against the marble. Then she was leaning forwards, first nuzzling into his cock, taking a deep breath of his musk before she started to lick. Moving with speed, efficiency, and unbridled hunger. “If we don’t hurry. You will be.” She closed her eyes and set to work, his admonishment over preparing to punish her for barging in, despite being at his close, quickly overtaken by his rising pleasure. His voice dropping into low groans echoing out in the room… wondering if he just might end up being even later at this rate, too tempted by yet another pair of delicious lips.
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10-19-2020, 05:15 AM
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Chapter 3: Mondays Suck
Commissioned by: Sieg
A/N: Whoo boy! Didn't mean to delay so long before uploading the next chapter! I actually have quite a few of these chapters done, I'm just apparently bad at uploading them! Let's try and fix that shall we!
A master such as him, never took care of the process of cleaning himself. One of his many pleasures, and one he dedicated entire slaves to, was the process of the very sensual cleaning that he had grown so accustomed to. After the years, he had grown so accustomed to the sensations of one or even several mouths attending to his shaft. That often times he could simply endure it. His shaft remaining soft and being cleansed of the collected fluids from hours of activity. Even now the combined fluids of milken ambrosia that had run down across to the throbbing length, of drenched cum slicked down dripping off the heavy sack. However even the most stoic of men can collide with a force capable of overcoming their resistance. With the experienced, focused ministrations of a vampire who possessed two skill sets refined to perfection. The first, being her unrelenting and fastidious focus on the running of a household as a majordomo. The second, was her delicate focus, and unrestrainable desire to please with her sucking lips. His desire to remain calm, collected, and in control of himself. To be cleaned and move onto his next task with the upcoming meetings for the day. Met a brutal and immediate end as she pressed her way upwards. Her lips dragging against the edged bump of his crown, parting over them and sliding the sensitive flesh inbetween the pressure of those plump lines, and the harder presence of her teeth. Dipping it down between and rolling the hardening crown against her gums. As her tongue pushed and kept the pressure upon it to keep it between them. Pressing down into soft flesh and teasing her way up along it. Her lips would dip forwards, taking in the full crown. Surrounding it in the wet pressure and feeling the cheeks brush against it. Her flesh hollowing inwards as she pulls on it with her sucking. Those brilliant, shimmering red eyes gazing out towards him underneath the dipping locks of her short cut hair. Her mouth bounced down that distance, her body shifting, giving him a long look of that smooth column of her back. The fabric of her attire so tight that it hugged along the muscles visible there. Until it flared at her waist, shifting out into the voluptuous bottom that made anything she wore seem more like a skin-tight gear than fine-cut clothing. A delicacy in both taste and sight, when she dipped back. His cock sprung to hardness, popping free from her lips to jut out into the space above her gaze. Once again throbbing in the open air.
The look upon her face could have best been described as one of frustration. As she looked at his errant tool, throbbing in front of her eyes demanding attention. “Master… we can’t have this.” He was about to agree, to get her to stop and… find some way to take care of it quickly. Perhaps ordering the succubus to the changing room, or even, for the first time in many years, doing the unspeakable thing of simply enduring it. That is until she spoke again. “I’ll need to take care of it.” Her lips were pushing into him once more. Her tongue flicking out to push the bottom lip down and encompassing his crown. Taking it into her mouth and then beyond in one fluid motion. His attempt to speak strangled into a twisted moan as his chest sucked in, his body shaking with the wetness that encompassed him. Her vacuum suctioned lips dragging down and pushing soft skin across the entirety of his shaft. The faint scraping of the points of her fangs grazing on each side of his thick cock. Faint pressing pains that contrasted with the smooth pleasures that pressed in that same fluid wave up and across his stomach. Cascading throughout his chest. The pressure growing with the straining of her jaw to contain the sheer thickness of his tool, pushing on even when his cockhead slammed into the back of her throat, and adjusted her body to let it slide into the column there. She worked her way to almost halfway down his mighty weapon of a cock. Her jaw strained to its very limit, then it started. The sliding back and forth. Her head bobbing along the length of his tool. Tongue pushing out from between her lips to slide against the underside of his tool. Then curling to tease the underside with the tip of the muscle as she dragged her way back. Each motion she made equally designed to play with his flesh.
She moved from the depths she plunged to, till she reached the head. Letting that swollen crown rest against the top of her tongue. Pushing it against the roof of her mouth to rub against the soft skin with the harder edges of it. Molding flesh against flesh and teasing it on each side as she rolled her mouth to the side with a tilt of her head. Her tongue brushing against the edge, curling at the tip of the veins, cupping along its entirety as she began to shift back down. Each time letting him feel the firm flesh of the back of her throat with the heavy impact. All with her arms folded behind her back. Pushed into the curve of her spine as he was teased and pleasured with just the motions of her mouth and throat to control and hold his cock. Even while it pulsed all the harder. His gaze scanning across the sight of her chest pushed out by the pressure of her arms. Her rump stuck out behind at the tight curve showing just how full it was as it strained against the fabric that contained it. There was a limit, even for men such as him, as to the kind of sensations one could endure before action needed to be taken. Her ministrations, full of pleasurable heat, still lacking in the stimulation his throbbing, enormous cock required, A limit he reached, when he felt the growing pressure at just past halfway, as she continued to press her lips down, her jaw widening until with a wet click, the pressure loosened and her mouth opened to allow him deeper. His hand came down, pressing his palm into her forehead as the fingers combed into the blonde locks, mussing her meticulously cared for hair with his grasp as he pushed her back. Her mouth popped free from his cock as it twitched and spewed a rope of pre up over her head and splattering down across her ass.
“You’re insatiable.” Her eyes glinted, shimmering up and beading with faint moisture as they wore matching mischievous grins. Her head tilted back as he curled his fingers into the hair at the back of her head. His grip unyielding as his cock was coming down to rest against her cheek, the flesh throbbing as the brushes of heated breath ran against his sack. Sending new quivers of pleasure and sensation up his spine, before she tilted her form forwards, taking the pain of his fingers yanking into her hair to drag the length of her tongue from his sack to halfway along his shaft. “You little wench.” His other hand came down, with one wrapping against the back of her skull, the other reached to her neck. His fingers almost managing to encompass the entire column of smooth flesh, and yanking upwards. Her entire body lifted by his grasp, putting her full weight on her throat alone and dragging the flesh inwards. The undead monmosu needing not a single ounce of breath, though it did cause the skin of her lips and face to turn even paler, lacking the pumping heat of lust that was now being stopped up down lower in her body. Her chest and form squirming forwards to try and get even an iota of sensation as her short form was heft off the ground. Brought up until her deep red eyes were level with his own, her lips tantalizing close, and the tips of her shoes dangling over a foot off of the ground.
As her eyes continued to glimmer, her lips ever so parted, her tongue pressing out against them in a steady motion, circling along the edge of those delicious lines, he decided to partake in another taste that morning. He dipped into the depths of a kiss. His lips molding into her own as they both closed their eyes to luxuriate in the soft tastes. Her mouth as always seeming to drip in the flavors of aged wines. It stuck and clung to his tongue, to the roof of his mouth, and seemed to slide along his throat with every attempt to swallow. Her own tongue wasting no time in tasting him in turn. Pushing against his lips now, and sliding between them to tease at his. As if encouraging its own violation to swirl with hers. Her arms remained locked behind her as she continued to tease and pleasure him with her mouth alone even in this new arena and her body suspended. She teased the edges of his lips with the muscle, sliding against them and between the teeth before moving back with his. Encouraging it to slip between her mouth and take in that thick taste that held just the edge of a metallic tang her diet caused. Greeted into its so often home with the faint suction of her mouth. Dipping down onto his tongue as if wishing to devour it as much as any of his loads of cum. The two parted with a wet, messy, pop, that left their lips still connected by a string of spittle.
A moment of pause, their panting mixing together with hot bursts as they stared at one another, then he was lifting her. Her body swung through the air with his grasp on her throat. Manhandling an inadequate description for the sudden tossing of her body towards the occupied bedding. Yet she fell into a pile of flesh that was somehow more welcoming than even a hot bath. One cool, one heated body, and one fluffy, two of which still drenched in the vestiges of cum, smearing it across her form upon her arrival. The mixture of fluids wetting her clothes and marking her skin where it was exposed enough for it. Her head coming to rest upon at least one pair of tits while another was pressing into her side. A veritable pile of flesh that shared its mess with her. The vampire went from ‘stained butler’ to ‘drenched whore’ in an instant. She had roughly three seconds to get her bearings as she continued to keep her hands locked behind her back. Now pinned between herself and at least one soft body. Her palms pushing into the only breathing pair of tits to be found as the angel shifted into the grasp despite her unconsciousness. Any attempts to do more than that were interrupted by the return of those fingers against her throat. With a firm grasp he yanked her towards the edge of the bedding. Her head draped off the side of it while her legs were stretched over curled fluffy tails. Her rear touching the bed, framed by thick soft thighs that melded underneath the weight of her own sculpted ass. Finally her back firmly cushioned by a pair of ‘meaty pillows’ that shifted and moaned with every small movement she made.
As he curled his grasp over the column of her throat. She was once again introduced to the heat of his shaft. The width of it pushing against the side of her lips. The cleft of his crown pushing at the corner of her mouth and then sliding past it. His hips pressing down as he slid the shaft from tip to base over the soft lines. Her tongue flicking out to caress over it, the sensations downright tame in comparison to the rough plunges that had been diving between them so recently. Renewing the coating of saliva with each dragging motion. Her lips molding along and being dragged with the thick veiny flesh. Moving with it until his sack pushed in against her cheek. Then up, and a gasp was ripped out from between his lips. As her jaw stretched, then sucking in the weight of his sack, one ball drawn in first then the other as she swirled her tongue around it. Her cheeks puffing out as the inside of her mouth was filled with the churning orbs. Her eyes rolled back as she savored the musk filled taste. The wriggling muscle continued to tease and pleasure around the mass of his balls, squeezing in and pushing on each side of it. Her back arching, chest puffing out with harder and harder heated breathes. The powerful rush from her nose sending hard shivers throughout his body.
He groaned low as he steeled himself to draw back. His fingers pushing her throat down as if peeling her away from his balls. Each one popping free on its own as she licked along her lips, savoring the drenching flavor he’d left upon her. His fingers shifted down, tips tracing along the edge of her jaw and then her cheeks as his thumbs slid down. His shaft standing as a proud pillar up in front of her eyes rising up towards the ceiling and occupying the full scope of her vision. This thumbs shifted in against her lips, as they opened the moment he pushed in. His prodding shifting down, sliding between them, brushing the tip of his thumb against her teeth, feeling the dig of her fangs pass over his thumb tip. Pressing in the just enough to break the skin and let a drop of blood flow down against her mouth before he smeared it along her gums. Her entire body shivering with a sudden rush of heat. The damp stain that filled the crotch of her trousers practically dripping after the taste of his blood she had been provided. He pushed to the corners of her mouth, stretching it open as her mouth turned into a wide ‘O’, his angle shifting down until his massive rod was lined up with her mouth, a weapon threatening to impale her from the top down as her body sat in waiting.
Her soft tongue extended out, stretching her bottom lip, the most sensual and inviting red carpet designed to personally welcome his massive cock. Her eyes locked upon his churning sack as soft pants of hot breath brushed against the head of his tool. Her tongue dancing, and her body, twitching, moving in soft motions as she tried to get a taste for the cock that was sitting right there in waiting without moving herself against his hands. Or to invite him to plunge forwards. Her gurgled moans, as her body shifting and squirmed in the mass of flesh it was resting upon. Those heavy tits pushed out to start to mold around her sides, spilling against the fabric of her suit and almost awakening the thoroughly used angel that was now her ‘surface’, all seeking to entice him to let loose.
His advancement was steady, controlled. His crown slipped between her stretched lips and pressed into her tongue. Its sheer thickness dragging it back into her mouth as he slid further along. Pushing his way back towards her throat. Her lips hollowed inwards as her tongue pressed upwards. Eager to mold against and please his thick shaft, squirming along it even as it was flattened harder and harder against the base of her mouth. When the bulge on her neck just began to form, his thumbs pulled free. Her mouth ‘snapping’ against the edge of his cock as it turned once again into that tight seal. Her cheeks pulled in tight as she swallowed around his shaft. The top of her throat squeezing around his cock and encouraging him to plunge ever deeper. He slid in slow, each inch purposefully pushed inside of her as the new position allowed it to be done with far more ease and grace. Her jaw no longer needed to be shifted out of position, her mouth remained tight even as he passed the halfway point. Her throat stretched wide by the massive intrusion before the bulge pushed against her collar bone, and then disappeared behind her ribcage. Her chest rising as she ‘breathed’ around the massive cock, her vision being obscured by the approach of his sack. The view of anything that wasn’t his powerful thighs or that musky cum factory forgotten about long before, and impossible to view as he began to reach the base. The bulge reforming as it pressed down deeper, just underneath her chest, the fabric of her finely tailored suit, so carefully cut to accent every curve and angle she possessed was being pushed out. The sound of straining silk audible in the air as her stomach was stretched by the head of his enormous dick.
Finally, his balls came to rest against her face. Her lips mashed against the base of his cock as the only sound audible in the air were the mixtures of moans, groans, and wet glrks. The angel’s body shifting as she ran her fingers instinctively down to the curve of the vampire’s rear. Holding her in place, while also squeezing into the flesh underneath the fabric. His own sounds rumbling down through his body and into her own through the bridge that his shaft formed into the very depths of her body. Every single inch of it resonating inside of her flesh as he let the sensations rumble through him for a moment longer. The hands that had been holding onto her cheeks moving forwards to instead wrap at the edges of her shoulder and neck. Gripping onto the smooth lines of her body as he settled his hips in lower. Then drew himself back. Watching as the bulge on her stomach receded. Her entire body arching upwards from the sensation of his cockhead scraping along the entirety of her body. Having long since plunged deeper than her throat and into her undead empty stomach. His motion continued until she was once again feeling the head of his shaft just at the edges of her tongue. Pushing along the bottom of it and dragging it out from between her lips. The O of her mouth distended further by the return of the red muscle driven out with the sheer thickness of his cock pressing into it. His next intrusion was one of brutality and force.
He plunged into her with a wild abandon. His sack swinging and smacking in against her features as he pushed her entire body down into the soft cushioning underneath. Feeling the clench of her throat and the faint scratching of her fangs, light pain of the scrape nothing compared to the pulsing floods of heat and warmth as he felt her spasming throat around him. Her choked moans gargled against his cock while another set was sung around them. The voice of the angel knocked into consciousness as her tits were mashed down by the unyielding pressure of Carmilla’s back as she was pushed down by the hard thrust of his cock. The sound of stretching, creaking fabric, as it gripped down against her body, turned into the sound of ripping fabric with the second of his mighty thrusts. His cock sawed back along her insides just as quickly as it had been plunged through them. Fucking his way through her mouth, her throat, and the majority of her insides with his enormous length. The fabric cut so close against her ripped and shredded from the abuse of being stretched from the inside. Splitting along the bulge in her stomach and continuing its journey upwards. As one loose string turned into dozens more exposing pale flesh all across her body. Even managing to split down towards her core as the fabric rended around her mound and exposed it to the open air with a spurt of fem-cum that splattered against the draconic doll. Her chest was mostly exposed. The torn and shifted fabric of a sarashi tore on his third thrust inside of her. Her tits, full handfuls for most men even if they paled in comparison to the trifecta of enormous pairs she was currently being fucked into. He held in, groaning out as he shifted his angle and lifted her from the bodies she rested on. Her entire form suspended on his cock driven in through her throat alone.
The self imposed exile of her hands ended then. With one of the dexterous set of digits sliding tantalizing over the remaining scrapped fabric of her suit, interspersing between fine silks and silkier skin as it journeyed towards her dripping core. The other traveled upwards, brushing across the exposed handfuls of her tits, squeezing against the bulge in her throat. Giving a pressure that teased the embedded shaft that distended it to provide another layer of sensation, and then going further upwards. His body shuddered in response as he dropped her back into the cushions of flesh underneath. Taking a chance to catch his breath while her motions continued, tracing the edge of her cheek as it sunk in to apply more pressure on his shaft, and then finding the spilling space of her locks. Curling her touches through them to wrap her fingers in their soft substance, before squeezing against the all encompassing sack. The sack that had impacted her features and brow, filling her vision time and time again with nothing but his balls. She gave them the tender caresses made even softer by the presence of her locks. Squeezing and massaging them as he was bottomed out in her throat. Running her touches all along them. Before he began to draw back. Her fingers followed for a moment until she was reaching the limits of her short cut locks. Releasing the heavy sack as he once again began to scrape the inside of her body.
His thrusts returning with a renewed fervor. Impacting to receive the soft caresses of her fingers for a few moments before using the entirety of her insides to pleasure and stroke along his massive cock. Her throat squeezing, swallowing each moment it wasn’t too distended to even move in response to his intrusion. Her tongue pushing, swirling and curving to tease the top of his cock when it was freed into the open air. Wriggling and squirming when it was embedded down against her mouth and pushed back inside of her. Every last part of her mouth designed and trained for the express purpose of pleasuring him in every way she knew how. His pace growing frantic, unmeasured. One shorter, one longer. Grinding at the base or twitching at the tip. Angling and brushing harder against those fangs, feeling each inch and almost scratching out drops of blood. Then gliding away from them to push in against her tongue and throat instead. His voice a series of shuddered moans as he sank his grasp into her shoulders. Her other hand a blur as he watched her thrust them hard into her cunt. Teasing and running along her folds with a relentless added pleasure with juices spilling around it in the process. The combination of it all growing to be far too much for the man.
With one final thrust he drove himself forwards. Her head shoved up onto the edge of the bed and ended up lodged firmly between a pair of tits. His sack introduced to another pair of lips as the angel pushed up the moment they entered her vision to suckle upon them. Even as they were already tightened against her mouth. Drawing in against his body to squeeze out the massive load of cum stored within. He shook as the bottom vein of his cock bulged with the thick load that poured out from his shaft. Lodged into the very depths of her body, the sheer load of cum had little room to be stored within her. The bulge formed at the bottom of her sculpted abdomen, swelling only the faintest amount before the surge pushed it out with the next one. Driven through her body, her ass and cunt spewed juices in concert. A stream of thick seed spewing out as it went all the way through her flesh to spill against her current cushioning and the two dolls on the bedding, while a shower of fem-cum splattered down overtop of it. Her body racked by the combination of their climaxes as her legs tensed to push herself what scant inches of deeper she could. Burying her nose into his sack as she swallowed and spasmed around his length. Milking out every last drop she could even as it flooded straight through her flesh rather than into her welcoming stomach.
He was buried deep inside of her throat. Still feeling the steady milking pressures of her swallows, and tempted to dip his body forwards and collide with the comfortable surroundings he had been buried in for his rest. However as his eyes glanced upwards, catching the beams of light flickering from his spell-glass windows, he knew he couldn’t afford to ‘waste’ any more of his time. The process of extricating himself from her mouth was agonizing in comparison to the pleasure. Aftershock sensations still coursing up through his gut and the rest of his body. Leaving small surges of cum to drag out in dragged out follow up shots into her stomach. Her throat. When he popped free it gave one final burst against her features. Painting one half of her face even whiter than her pale skin, the rope of cum dripping down over one eye as the globe closed and the other gleamed deep and dark red up towards him.
While his own features were still twisted with pleasure, in an instant hers turned serious. Her lips a hard line and her brow scrunching even as drips of cum ran through her hair and spilled onto the ground below. “Sir, we must get you to your meet-”
He held up a hand, bringing a moment of silence that she was about to override to speak once more were it not for his own words. “I will give you a reward of a drink, if you be quiet about that, and I go take a bath first.” He was drenched in the mixture of sweat, spunk, and other juices. Painted over so much of his body, the smear of blood even across his palm spread from the tiny wound he’d made on his thumb. Her features shifted just as quickly from that serious twist. Turning warm and bright, deep dark eyes almost sparkling as she turned her body over. Rolling across moaning flesh as she showed an energy he only saw in moments like these. The youthful energy of the girl who had been turned so many years ago bringing herself up and launching towards him.
Her hips colliding with his own, legs wrapping around his waist. Feet brushing against the weight of his thighs while his cock jutted out between her own and behind her. Even softening the firm massive member almost capable of keeping her weight aloft on its own. His arms wrapping around her waist there only to stabilize her frame as she dipped forwards. Silken, cum smeared skin spread the naughty filth over his own body in turn. Her mouth turned into open kisses as she trailed her way up from his chest. His back stiffening as he prepared himself physically and mentally for the next moment. His fingers shifting up along her back. The loose fabric bunching underneath his fingertips until his touches reached up into those locks. Smearing his grasp with small strings of their mixed fluids as he pressed her in closer, a final invitation as her lips parted. He felt the pinprick pressures, and then they were replaced with crashing waves of heat. As she sank her fangs into his neck and began to draw in the flow of his blood. A tinge of weakness rushed through his limbs, before being replaced by the cascading flood of warmth. His core throbbing as blood dribbled from between her lips and ran in small rivulets down his chest. The steady suction on the side of his neck spreading the deep purple forming at those circular wounds into a mark of bruising across the column of flesh. His eyes shut alongside her own as he wrapped her tight into his chest, his cock beginning to throb and harden once more with the coursing flood of heat. Radiating pulses of pleasure awakening his now even more sensitive body as he felt a low groan rumble through him.
He was Never going to make that meeting.:35 PM
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- A dad for Christmas
- A dam holds back
- A dandelion's life
- A dangerous day on the farm
- A dangerous engine : Benjamin Franklin, from scientist to diplomat
- A daredevil's guide to storm chasing
- A dark truth
- A date with Darcy
- A day for love
- A day in the deep
- A day in the salt marsh
- A day in the salt marsh
- A day on the mountain
- A day on the mountain
- A day with a demon
- A day with a miller
- A day with a stonecutter
- A day with a troubadour
- A day without sugar
- A deadly game
- A desert food chain : a who-eats-what adventure in North America
- A desert habitat
- A different home : a new foster child's story
- A different kind of Passover
- A different pond
- A dime : 10c̳
- A dinosaur named Sue : the story of the colossal fossil : the world's most complete T. rex
- A dog came to school
- A dog's best friend : an activity book for kids and their dogs
- A dog's tale
- A dollar : $1.00
- A dollar, a penny, how much and how many?
- A dolphin named Bob
- A dozen dinosaurs
- A dreadful fairy book : narrated by Quentin Q. Quacksworth, Esq.
- A dream come true : coming to America from Vietnam, 1975
- A drop around the world
- A drop around the world
- A drop of blood
- A drop of blood
- A drop of water : a book of science and wonder
- A face like glass
- A fair bear share
- A fair deal : shopping for social justice
- A fair maid of Marblehead
- A fairy-tale life : a story about Hans Christian Andersen
- A fairy-tale life : a story about Hans Christian Andersen
- A family Haggadah II : a seder for all ages
- A family goes hunting
- A farm through time
- A farmer's alphabet
- A feast of dragons
- A few red drops : the Chicago Race Riot of 1919
- A fighting chance
- A fine dessert : four centuries, four families, one delicious treat
- A firefighter's day
- A firefly biologist at work
- A first look at fish
- A fishy mystery
- A flock of sheep : animal groups on the farm
- A flock of shoes
- A fly in the sky
- A for Antarctica
- A forest's life : from meadow to mature woodland
- A fraction's goal : parts of a whole
- A friend like Simon
- A fruit is a suitcase for seeds
- A gaggle of geese : animal groups on lakes & rivers
- A gardener's alphabet
- A garland of girls
- A gift from Saint Francis : the first crèche
- A giraffe calf grows up
- A giraffe calf grows up
- A girl called Judith Strick
- A girl's guide to basketball
- A girl's guide to soccer
- A girl's guide to softball
- A girl's guide to volleyball
- A global warming primer : answering your questions about the science, the consequences, and the solutions
- A golden age
- A golden gossip : neighborhood story number two
- A good day for a hat
- A good day's fishing
- A good long way
- A good place for Maggie
- A good team : a cooperation story
- A grassland habitat
- A great grief
- guys' guide to conflict / Jim Gallagher. A girls' guide to conflict
- A half-dollar : 50c ̳/
- A handful of dirt
- A head full of notions : a story about Robert Fulton
- A head full of notions : a story about Robert Fulton
- A heart in a body in the world
- A heart just like my mother's
- A herd of deer : animal groups in the forest
- A hero ain't nothin' but a sandwich
- A history of [pi] (pi)
- A history of fashion
- A history of film
- A history of music
- A history of television
- A history of the United States of America
- A hole is to dig : a first book of first definitions
- A home for panda
- A home in the rain forest
- A home in the sea, or, The adventures of Philip Brusque : designed to show the nature and necessity of government
- A horse called Courage
- A horse for Kate
- A horse for Mandy
- A horse like Barney
- A house is a house for me
- A house of pomegrantes
- A house that once was
- A humble life : plain poems
- A hunger for learning : a story about Booker T. Washington
- A is for Annabelle
- A journey into a lake
- A journey into a river
- A journey into a wetland
- A journey into an estuary
- A journey into the ocean
- A journey to the center of the earth
- A journey with Christopher Columbus
- A journey with Francisco Vázquez de Coronado
- A journey with Henry Hudson
- A journey with Hernán Cortés
- A journey with Juan Ponce de León
- A journey with Sieur de La Salle
- A kangaroo grows up
- A kid's guide to African American history : more than 70 activities
- A kid's guide to Asian American history : more than 70 activities
- A kid's guide to Latino history : more than 50 activities
- A kid's guide to asthma
- A kid's guide to keeping chickens
- A kid's guide to native American history : more than 50 activities
- A kidnapped Santa Claus
- A killer whale's world
- A kind of courage
- A kiss for Little Bear
- A kiss goodbye
- A kitten's year
- A knot in the grain, and other stories
- A lad of grit : a story of adventure on land and sea in restoration times
- A leaf can be--
- A lesson for bailey
- A letter for Mr. Lincoln
- A letter to the king
- A library story : building a new central library
- A life in the wild : George Schaller's struggle to save the last great beasts
- A light in the sky
- A lime, a mime, a pool of slime : more about nouns
- A line in the sand : the Alamo diary of Lucinda Lawrence, Gonzales, Texas, 1835
- A lite too bright
- A little child : the Christmas miracle told in Bible verses
- A little girl in old San Francisco
- A little history of the world
- A little princess
- A little princess : being the whole story of Sara Crewe now told for the first time
- A little princess : being the whole story of Sara Crowe now told for the first time
- A long hard journey : the story of the pullman porter
- A long list
- A long walk to water
- A long way from Chicago : a novel in stories
- A look at Uranus
- A look at magnets
- A look at rocks : from coal to kimberlite
- A lot to learn
- A mammoth imagination
- A mangrove forest food chain : a who-eats-what adventure in Asia
- A map into the world
- A marked man : the assassination of Malcolm X
- A match made in heaven
- A math journey around the wonders of the world
- A math journey through computer games
- A math journey through extreme sports
- A math journey under the ocean
- A medieval mess
- A mezuzah on the door
- A midsummer night's dream
- A million dots
- A million dots
- A mink, a fink, a skating rink : what is a noun?
- A minor planet for you and other stories
- A mob of meerkats, and other mammal groups
- A moldy mystery
- A monster at school
- A monster cookbook : simple recipes for kids
- A moon of my own
- A most unusual lunch
- A mousy mess
- A mummy in her backpack
- A murder of crows
- A mystery bigger than big : a Mickey Rangel mystery
- A nasty shock
- A nation divided : causes of the Civil War
- A nation is born : 1754-1820s
- A nest full of eggs
- A nest is noisy
- A nest of dinosaurs : the story of Oviraptor
- A nest of wood ducks
- A new beginning : celebrating the spring equinox
- A new duck : my first look at the life cycle of a bird
- A new friend : a lesson on friendship
- A new frog : my first look at the life cycle of an amphibian
- A new mother
- A new path
- A new world of simulators : training with technology
- A new world power : America from 1920 to 1945
- A nickel : 5c ̳/
- A night and day in the desert
- A night in the dinosaur graveyard
- A no-sneeze pet
- A novel nightmare : the purloined story
- A pack of wolves, and other canine groups
- A packet of seeds
- A pair of polar bears : twin cubs find a home at the San Diego Zoo
- A pair of red clogs
- A panda's world
- A parade of plants
- A partir del huevo
- A party for clouds : thunderstorms
- A party with Joe
- A pelican swallowed my head : and other zoo stories
- A penguin chick grows up
- A penguin's world
- A penny : 1c ̳/
- A perfect day for an albatross
- A pet for me : poems
- A pet or not?
- A pharaoh's guide
- A picnic with Kit
- A pictorial history of the world's great nations : from the earliest dates to the present time
- A pig parade is a terrible idea
- A pirate cookbook : simple recipes for kids
- A pirate tale
- A pirate's Mother Goose (and other rhymes)
- A pirate's life for she : swashbuckling women through the ages
- A place at the table : struggles for equality in America
- A place for Elijah
- A place for bats
- A place for birds
- A place for frogs
- A place like this
- A planet called home : Eco-Pig's animal protection
- A pocket full of kisses
- A pocketful of Passage
- A pod of dolphins, and other sea mammal groups
- A pod of orcas : [a seaside counting book]
- A porcupine named Fluffy
- A present for grandfather
- A princess cookbook : simple recipes for kids
- A promise to keep
- A promise to the sun : an African story
- A promised land?
- A punta de cuchillo : (knifepoint)
- A pussycat's Christmas
- A quarter : 25c̳
- A raft of sea otters
- A rain forest food chain : a who-eats-what adventure in South America
- A rainbow of animals
- A raindrop's journey
- A rainforest habitat
- A reading guide to Julie of the wolves by Jean Craighead George
- A real live pet!
- A really awesome mess
- A really new school : a choose your own ending action adventure
- A recipe for success : Lizzie Kander and her cookbook
- A refreshing look at renewable energy with Max Axiom, super scientist
- A refugee's journey from Afghanistan
- A refugee's journey from Colombia
- A refugee's journey from El Salvador
- A refugee's journey from Eritrea
- A refugee's journey from Guatemala
- A refugee's journey from Iraq
- A refugee's journey from Myanmar
- A refugee's journey from Nigeria
- A refugee's journey from Somalia
- A refugee's journey from South Sudan
- A refugee's journey from Syria |
A' Yacht Interior Design Award
A' Yacht Interior Design Award is an international, juried design accolade established to recognize and promote good yacht interior designs.
Nominate Yacht Interior Designs View Best Yacht Interior Designs
A' Yacht Interior Design Award
Good yacht interior design deserves great recognition.
A' Yacht Interior Design Award is your tool of choice to advertise, publicize and promote your good yacht interior designs, to make your great yacht interior designs publicly known, appreciated and loved in all countries, in all languages, so that you and your good yacht interior design work gets the righteous attention you truly deserve and entitled to.
A' Yacht Interior Design Award ’s media exposure provides victorious designers with the chance to attain national and international fame, to honor them as well as to incentivize them, but most importantly, to help their work reach their true potential.
It is free to sign-up for A' Yacht Interior Design Award, it is free to upload your yacht interior design and it is free, anonymous, confidential and obligation-free to obtain a preliminary score, before you nominate your work for A' Yacht Interior Design Award consideration.
Dominate Yacht interior design Industry by winning a prestigious, respected and coveted award that gets you published and promoted worldwide.
Claim your 3D Metal Printed Yacht interior design Award Trophy, your Certificate of Yacht interior design Excellence and Your Yearbook of Award-Winning Projects.
Empower your yacht interior designs with an unmatched, world-class public relations programme. Get exhibited in Italy and internationally. Get invited to the Gala. Get famous.
A' Yacht yacht interior design deserves great recognition, if you have a good yacht interior design, nominate it for A' Yacht Interior Design Award, and you too may become a winner and get your design recognized, respected, promoted and advertised worldwide.
Highlight, Advertise & Advocate good design, designers and design oriented companies for a better future. A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award aims to provide a global audience for award winners to showcase their success and talents to.
The A' Yacht Interior Design Award is not just an award, it is the indicator of quality and perfection in design, the A' Yacht Interior Design Award is recognized worldwide and takes the attention of design oriented companies, professionals and interest groups.
The A' Yacht Interior Design Award is given to best designs; all concept stage, prototype and finished works are considered.
The A' Yacht Interior Design Award Trophy was designed to be realized by the newest production techniques in order to underline the innovative content of winners.
The A' Yacht Interior Design Award Trophies are realized by 3D metal printing of stainless steel. Platinum and Gold Trophies and are electro plated in gold color.
You can nominate original and innovative yacht interior design work designed within the last 5 years; including but not limited to interior design projects, interior designs products and services, architectural projects, custom furniture, lighting and decoration items.
The A' Yacht yacht interior designs in Italy and abroad, internationally.
Eligible A' Yacht Interior Design Award winners are provided free of charge exhibition space in the MOOD. No matter how big or small your yacht interior design, it will be exhibited.
If you are unable to send a physical version of your award-winning yacht interior design, A' Yacht Interior Design Award will prepare a large poster presentation and exhibit your work on behalf of you.
A' Design Award works hard to exhibit all award-winning yacht interior designs multiple countries each year to ensure your yacht interior design is respectfully and fully exhibited worldwide.
For each international design exhibition, as well as for exhibition of your yacht interior designs in Italy, you will be given a certificate of exhibition that may be relevant for your academic progression.
We will also provide you with photos of your works from the international yacht interior design exhibitions we organize, and you may find these photos useful in promoting your yacht interior design to your audiences.
40x40 Exhibitions are international good design exhibitions featuring outstanding works of 40 Designers from 40 Countries.
The A' Yacht Interior Design Award Winners are invited to take part in 40x40 Exhibitions by sending their works, acceptence is subject to the exhibition curator.
The A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award winning works to its permanent collection.
All A' Yacht Interior Design Award Winners will also be exhibited at Museo del Design at the annual A' Design Award Winner's Exhibition that is organized at the end of each edition.
The A' Yacht Interior Design Award Exhibition at Museo del Design, located right behind Villa Olmo, allows the award-winning works to get exposed to affluent design-loving tourists visiting Como, Italy.
Eligibile award-winning yacht interior designs are given a unique framed certificate, printed on heavy paper, featuring the name of the awarded work, achievement status and the designer.
The A' Yacht Interior Design Award Winners' Certificate explains type of award won, and is signed by the President, Vice-President and Jury Coordinator of A' Design Award.
The A' Yacht yacht interior designs.
The Hardcopy version of the A' Design Award Winner Designs Yearbook is distributed to key press members, universities and design associations.
All A' Yacht Interior Design Award Winner Designs are included in the winners' yearbook free of charge, laureates of the A' Yacht Interior Design Award are further listed as co-editors of the book.
The A' Yacht Interior Design Award Winners Annual Yearbook are available as hard-copy editions in addition to digital editions, designed, registered, printed and distributed in Italy, in English.
The A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award free of charge and are further available for sale at select retailers and museum shops.
A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award winners are able to participate the Gala-Night and Award-Ceremony free of charge, together with a guest of their choice.
A' Yacht Interior Design Award Galanight & Award Ceremony is super exclusive, black-tie, red-carpet event.
Very Important People, Ambassadors, Influential Journalists and Industry Juggernauts are provided VIP invitations.
Each and every eligible A' Yacht Interior Design Award winners are called to stage to celebrate their success.
Celebration occassion exclusively reserved for top A' Yacht' Yacht yacht interior design, thanks to its world-class members representing the very brightest in all fields.
Winners of the A' Yacht Interior Design Award are invited to join the World Design Consortium. WDC Partners rely on each other to expand the range of services and capabilities they offer professionally.
Over the years, A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award is almost totally risk free through preliminary checking service which is provided completely free of charge to each entrant, and A' Yacht Interior Design Award does not ask further fees from winners. The A' Yacht Interior Design Award spends most of its operating income for promoting its winners, creating a collective impacts, equivalent advertisement value worth hundreds of millions of euros each year. Companies and designers use our the A' Yacht Interior Design Award Winner Logo to promote themselves and attract new leads.
The A' Yacht Interior Design Award is gaining significant popularity each year. Currently the A' Design Award has 179.101.281' Yacht Interior Design Award jury members fill a custom criteria survey, and thus indicate how a category should be voted in the future.
A' Yacht Interior Design Award features a highly developed, ethical methodology for voting with standardised scoring, voting criteria and more.
A' Yacht Interior Design Award Scores are standardised based on the a) The Weights of Criteria, b) Average Score of Jury Members, c) Average Scores of All Years.
A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award platform is constantly developed with survey results and through ongoing research in order to provide the most value for the winners.
A' Yacht Interior Design Award is not affiliated with any subculture, politic group, interest group or institution, and the jury is equally free during voting, your entry will be judged fairly.
The A' Yacht Interior Design Award Winners Kit is separated into two pieces: 1. Public Relations and Reputation Services & 2. Package of Physical Components.
Eligible A' Yacht' Yacht' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award winners, and A' Design Award and Competitions grants unlimited usage to winners, without yearly fees.
A' Yacht Interior Design Award Winner Logo highlights the additional design value embedded in your work.
To leverage their award-winner status and get further benefits, A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award Winner Logo is an excellent symbol to communicate your yacht interior design excellence.
There is a distinct award-winner logo for each industry, based on industry best practices, history and heritage.
Most awards require annual payments for logo license. A' Yacht Interior Design Award winners are able to use their winner logos free of charge without annual licensing fees.
Being an A' Yacht' Yacht Winners
A special public relations campaign will be made for the Yacht' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award increases your connectivity with the media.
Design Excellence.
Join A' Yacht Interior Design Award and communicate your good yacht interior design values.
A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award winners automatically and without any payments.
A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award, this helps press members write their articles faster.
A' Yacht Interior Design Award publishes interviews regarding award winning yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award, this helps journalists write feature stories faster.
A' Yacht Interior Design Award publishes interviews with legendary designers at design-legends.com and as a laureate, we would be honor to feature you as well.
Design Legends interviews help award-winning designers express themselves and explain their yacht interior designs better to their audiences with long format text.
Design Legends interviews are included in your Electronic Press Kits that are distributed to media, and are also available for you for your own communication.
A' Yacht Interior Design Award publishes interviews of magnificient designers at magnificentdesigners.com, award-winners are all contacted to schedule for interviews.
Magnificient Designers platform allows laureates to communicate their perspectives on yacht interior designs with easy to follow questions and answers format.
Magnificient Designers, along with other interview platforms provide design oriented audiences rich and high quality knowledge and wisdom into philosophy of designers.
Discover Amazing Design Interviews
Discover amazing design interviews published by The Yacht Interior Design Design Prize at these fine design interview websites : — Magnificent Designers #1 Magnificent Designers — Design Interviews #2 Design Interviews — Design Legends #3 Design Legends — Designer Interviews #4 Designer Interviews
International Design News Network helps your yacht interior designs get true international coverage through local publications.
IDNN Reaches the 99.9% of the World Population in their native language, and helps you communicate your yacht interior designs to audiences far and beyond.
IDNN Network publishes award-winning yacht interior design news in 108 languages, in 108 publications, for true global outreach.
Best Design Creative Network is all about communicating your excellence in yacht interior design especially to your locality.
122 Websites, each specialized in a geographic area showcase the best of the best works from the region.
When you win the A' Yacht Interior Design Award you will be listed in your local BDCN publication aimed to attract clients, consumers, customers and buyers to you.
Best Designers Platform is all about delivering due respects, recognition and good reputation rightfully deserved by A' Yacht Interior Design Award laureates.
Get recognized, respected and published among other acclaimed and brilliant yacht interior design masters, and get found when good yacht interior design is searched for.
A' Yacht Interior Design Award winners, with their outstanding and excellent designs deserve all the fame and influence, and getting listed as best of the best helps.
Design News Exchange Network spotlights, publishes and features good yacht interior designs worldwide.
DXGN is composed of 127 amazing magazines that feature award-winning designers and their work.
A' Yacht Interior Design Award winners are provided free editorial coverage and a free news article that feature their yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award will be prominently featured and published.
A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award winners, free of charge, to showcase their award-winning yacht interior designs.
Unlike other platforms, the Designers.org is very selective for the sort of projects that are showcased and exhibited, getting included is a privilage.
Get your work exhibited and showcased beautifully. By winning the A' Yacht Interior Design Award you will get a premium portfolio created for you, without you doing anything, we will list all your award-winning yacht interior designs on your behalf.
The Security of your submissions, your personal data and designs is of uttermost importance to A' Yacht Interior Design Award.
Your personal data is saved with SHA algorithm and even we do not know your password. Furthermore, connections are secured with SSL.
A' Yacht Interior Design Award never shares your personal data with other publishers, let alone selling it. Furthermore you can use privacy locks for your designs.
How to Join to Yacht Interior Design Prize 2022 - 2023
Participating in the Yacht Interior Design Design Prize Yacht Interior Design Awards consideration. If your entry is rejected, you are suggested to update your presentation before nominating your work to Yacht' Yacht' Yacht' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award takes it up a notch, presenting you with countless tools and opportunities to relay your success at social media.
No matter what the media is, A' Yacht Interior Design Award is ready to take your message further by helping you reach a wider audience.
Design of the Day initiative aims to create social awareness for a single award-winning yacht yacht yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award could secure you some editorial space at both the traditional, new and social media and could create free publicity that your yacht interior designs very much deserve, but most importantly, attracting prospective clients and customers to your business.
With Exceptional PR Services, Electronic and Traditional Press Release Preparation and Distribution, Mass Media Syndication and the Advertisement Network, winning the A' Yacht Interior Design Award you may expect a great return on your investment and advertise your yacht yacht interior designs.
A' Yacht Interior Design Award winner designs are translated to almost all major languages free of charge, and each award-winning work is published in each and every language.
In addition to the free of charge translation service provided by A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award is open to all concept stage works, prototypes, finished and realized projects, services and products that are already in market.
Organized by A' Design Awards.
A' Design Award has over 100+ competition categories. — Service #23 Business Deals Awards — Education #65 Education Content Design Awards — Lighting #5 Lighting Award — Fashion #4 Design for Kids Awards — Banking Instrument #126 Financial Product Awards — Vehicle #9 Utility Vehicle Awards — Fashion #4 Fashion Design Awards — Art #22 Art Portfolio Awards — Packaging #2 Packaging Design Awards — Home Appliance #11 Air Conditioner Awards — Robotics #33 Domestic Robot Awards — Architecture #3 Star Architecture Awards are some of the accolades organized by the A' Design Awards.
A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award winners for claiming the A' Design Prize. Gala-night and exhibition participation is free to eligible laureates. There are no annual fees for logo usage. There is only pure respect.
The A' Yacht Interior Design Award grants you access the unique A' Prestige System that provides ultra exclusive intangible and tangible benefits.
Winners of the A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award winners will be listed at World Design Ratings, together with their WDC-Rank, Designer Title and Designer Honorifics.
A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award winners will be eligible to obtain a video interview published about their profile and award-winning yacht interior designs.
Eligibile laureates will also have the opportunity to get their award-winning yacht interior designs professionally spotlighted and video-captured.
Your Video Interviews and Spotlight Videos, will be published and actively promoted at our video channels to help you reach new and younger audiences.
The motto of the A' Yacht Interior Design Award is "Ars Futura Cultura" i.e. Arts Cultivate the Future, Arts for the Culture of Future. We believe that the future is shaped by arts, design and technology, thus there is need of good yacht interior design for a better future.
The A' Yacht Interior Design Award is created to act as blender; to bring together designers, companies, the audience and the press. A' Yacht Interior Design Award aims to highlight good products and services to design oriented audiences.
Winning the A' Yacht Interior Design Award is a certificate of excellence for designers, a proof of quality for companies. Having the A' Yacht Interior Design Award attracts the eyes of design oriented audiences worldwide.
The Top Yacht Interior Design Design Prize
In a world where zillions of designs launch each year, The Yacht Interior Design Design Award aims to highlight the excellent qualifications of best Yacht Interior Design designs and Yacht Interior Design design concepts by providing them with publicity and visibility. A' Yacht Interior' Yacht Interior Design Award is always awarded in five tiers: Platinum A' Yacht Interior Design Award, Gold A' Yacht Interior Design Award, Silver A' Yacht Interior Design Award, Bronze A' Yacht Interior Design Award and Iron A' Yacht Interior Design Award. These tiers are reserved for winner yacht interior designs.
There is also honorable A' Yacht Interior Design Award Runner-up and A' Yacht Interior Design Award Participant status, the A' Yacht Interior Design Award Nominee tag, together with A' Yacht Interior Design Award Withdrawn and the A' Yacht Interior Design Award Disqualified status.
When you sign-up and upload your yacht interior design to the A' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award is an achievement like no other, much more than an accolade for good yacht interior design, more than a yacht interior design prize, completely redefining what a yacht interior design award and yacht interior design competition is all about.
Every single element that makes the A' Design Prize for Good Yacht interior design was synthetically designed and engineered to help your award-winning yacht interior design reach its true maximum potential, to help you find new markets and audiences.
Yacht interior design award winner logo, yacht interior design award trophy, yacht interior design award winners book, yacht interior design award winners certificate, yacht interior design award gala-night, yacht interior design award exhibition, and marketing services for good yacht' Yacht' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award winners have a chance to get elected as the Designer of the Year.
Omega Particle is the name of the trophy given to A' Yacht' Yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award is for everybody, but big brands know better how to use the yacht interior design award efficiently for their benefits.
Enterprises especially use the yacht interior design award logo, yacht interior design award-winning status to promote sales, and further use the yacht interior design award to celebrate success of their R&D teams.
Companies also benefit from the international publicity, advertising and marketing services provided to yacht interior design award-winners. You too can enjoy all these benefits.
To take part in A' Yacht Interior Design Award you need one primary main image that represents your yacht interior design. This image shall be placed in a canvas that is 3600 x 3600 pixels, 72 dpi, jpeg file.
If you wish to represent your yacht interior design better, we would further recommend that you upload 4 optional images, each placed on a 1800 x 1800 pixel canvas, again 72 dpi jpeg files.
Finally, and very optionally, depending on your work, you you may also desire to support your yacht interior design presentation with video or pdf documents, or provide a private link to more data.
Register to A' Design Award & Competition for taking part in A' Yacht yacht interior design from your control panel which is displayed and made available to you after your login. You can upload as many yacht interior designs as you like, indeed seasoned laureates often upload multiple projects to get preliminary scores for all their recent works and portfolio.
Nominate your yacht' Yacht Interior Design Award today for fame, prestige and publicity as well as to promote and advertise your name and your excellency in yacht interior design. Position and market yourself as a leader in yacht interior design industry.
References and Sources.
Lists of award-winning projects featured, from first row to last row, from left to right, in order of appearance: — 1 #77872 Oka Eye Exhibition stand — 2 #105767 Woodland Kindergarten — 3 #90108 Mirror Bridge Studio — 4 #73319 Blossom of Life Sales Center — 5 #100227 Perception Cafe — 6 #79119 Tangxing No.5 Residential House — 7 #95666 Feiliyundi Sales Center — 8 #74465 City Reception Room Conference Center — 9 #80170 Yan's House, Shenyang Residential — 10 #85695 Hello Industrie 4.0 Exhibition Stand — 11 #95560 Rotass Haute Joallerie Store — 12 #102053 K11 Musea Shopping Mall — 13 #104598 Fineland Heshan Community Center recreation — 14 #56625 Midtown Brewery Bar — 15 #65469 Roaringwild - Uniwalk Retail Store — 16 #74480 Bubble Arts Educational Project — 17 #75729 Quaint and Quirky Dessert House — 18 #84336 Kolkata Refinery091 Restaurant — 19 #103646 Oka Eye Exhibition stand — 20 #61892 Woodland Kindergarten — 21 #57595 Mirror Bridge Studio — 22 #122733 Blossom of Life Sales Center — 23 #83650 Perception Cafe — 24 #103479 Tangxing No.5 Residential House — 25 #67411 Feiliyundi Sales Center — 26 #86317 City Reception Room Conference Center — 27 #70658 Yan's House, Shenyang Residential — 28 #58126 Hello Industrie 4.0 Exhibition Stand — 29 #91365 Rotass Haute Joallerie Store — 30 #61400 K11 Musea Shopping Mall — 31 #50394 Fineland Heshan Community Center recreation — 32 #92952 Midtown Brewery Bar — 33 #45158 Roaringwild - Uniwalk Retail Store — 34 #60913 Bubble Arts Educational Project — 35 #55245 Quaint and Quirky Dessert House — 36 #58537 Kolkata Refinery091 Restaurant — 37 #95289 Aoxin Holiday Hotel — 38 #117946 Puer Community Real Estate Sales Center — 39 #62522 Brickkiln Folk Inn and Museum Make Village Newborn — 40 #73891 Metauthor Experience Centre — 41 #89333 Chongqing Zhongshuge Bookstore — 42 #93094 EN Skincare Salon and Store — 43 #97135 Yunxi Characteristic Restaurant — 44 #103063 Fluid Space Sales Center — 45 #136829 The Ring Retail Development — 46 #55431 Nike+ Run Club on Huaihai Pop-up Gym — 47 #61645 Twisting exhibition area — 48 #65759 Grand Gourmet Flagship Store Shop — 49 #69025 Various Stars Sale House — 50 #74709 Qiantang Metropolis Sales Center — 51 #89639 Phuket VIP Mercury Office — 52 #93228 Polyot Restaurant — 53 #138680 Huanghesong Theatre Cultural Venues — 54 #41435 Airland Shenzhen Hotel. |
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Margarett Damron played purple, but it really made everyone have to be silent At least this scene shocked everyone, and even some people couldn’t believe it until now Therefore, when Dulac asked everyone who wanted to try again, how many did they have? They were all silent and cautious. |
3.I have ________for you, Mary.
A. a good news B.manygood news
C.some good news D.afew good news
4.It’s only________ walk from here to the cinema.
A. half an hours B.halfa hour’s
C.half an hour’s D.halfa hours’
5.In Britain the________ are all painted red.
A. letter boxes B.lettersboxes
C.letter’s boxes D.letters’boxes
6.________ a fewsheep behind the house.
A. It is B.Theyare
C.There are D.Thereis
7.________ youhave a good time last Sunday?
A. Do B.Will C.Did D.Are
8.The workers havebuilt a lot of new houses in Shanghai ________.
A. in the past ten years B.forten years
C. last year D.tenyears ago
9.This timeyesterday we ________ trees.
A. were planting B.areplanting C.planted D.plant
10.When I got tothe cinema, the film ________ for five minutes.
A. had begun B.hasbeen on
C.has begun D.hadbeen on
11.I’m sorry youcan’t go in now. The room _______ yet.
A. hasn’t been cleaned B.hasn’tcleaned
C. isn’t been cleaned D.hasn’tbeing cleaned
12.When we gotthere, the road ________.
A. is being repaired B.wasrepaired
C. has been repaired D.wasbeing repaired
13.My sister________ by Grandma while my parents are away.
A. will be taken care B.willtake care of
C. will be taken care of D.willbe taken care
14.All the desksin the classroom ________ dust.
A. are covered with B.arecover with
C. are covering with D.coveredwith
15.It’s hot today. The temperature ________ to 35℃.
A. has raised B.hasbeen risen
C.has been raised D.hasrisen
16.It is a fineday today. You _______ take a raincoat with you.
A. mustn’t B.can’t C.may D.needn’t
17.It’s snowingnow. You’d better _______ at home.
A. stayed B.tostay C.stay D.staying
18.“_______ I goout and play now?”
“No, you mustn’t.”
A. Need B.May C.Shall D.Will
19.I _______ speaka little English when I was only four.
A. am able to B.wasable C.could be able D.could
20.You _______ waterin the garden. It looks like rain.
A. must B.maynot C.don’t need D.needn’t
21.Last night LiGang kept doing the maths exercises ________ after ________.
A. one…another B.one…theother
C.one…the others D.some…others
22.The boy has tolook after himself, because his parents ________ abroad.
A. are both B.bothare C.are all D.all are
23.“Does she speakEnglish or Russian?”
“She doesn’t speak________.”
A. neither B.none C.either D.all
24.I want somecoffee but there was ________ in the bottle.
A. any B.no C.none D.nothing
25.________ of theboys has got a pencil and some paper.
A. All B.Every C.Everyone D.Each
26.If you like thefish, please have as ________ as you can.
A. many B.more C.much D.a lot
27.Alice isn’t thetallest girl in her class, but she is taller than ________.
A. any of the girls B.anyother girl
C. some the other girls D.someof the other girls
28.I am ________grateful for the advice you gave me.
A. deep B.deeply C.depth D.deepen
29.Pan Hongstudies very hard, so she makes ________ mistakes in her study.
A. a less B.fewer C.less D.a fewer
30.Last Sunday wewent to visit him. He showed us some ________ paintings.
A. beautiful old Chinese B.Chineseold beautiful
C. old beautiful Chinese D.oldbeautiful and Chinese
31.Flight nineteenfrom New York to Washington is now arriving at ________.
A. Gate Two B.thegate two
C.the two gate D.SecondGate
32.We can see________ stars at night if it doesn’t rain.
A. thousand B.thousands
C.thousand of D.thousandsof
33.________ of theworkers in John’s company are in ________.
A. One-half…the twenties B.Half…thetwenties
C. Half…their twenties D.Ahalf…their twenties
34.Mr. Smith willstay in China for ________.
A. one and a half years B.oneand a half year
C. one and half year D.halfand one year
35.“How far awayis it from here to your school?” “It’s about ________.”
A. half an hour’s drive B.halfhours drives
C. half an hour drive D.half-an-hour-drive
36.________ somehot tea now?
A. Do you like B.Willyou like
C.Would you like D.Shouldyou like
37.“________ haveyou visited the Great Wall?” “Twice.”
A. How soon B.Howoften
C.How many times D.Howlong
38.He never haslunch at the factory, ________ he?
A. has B.hasn’t C.does D.doesn’t
39.“Alice couldn’tanswer the question, could she?” “________.”
A. No, she couldn’t B.No,she could
C. Yes, she couldn’t D.Yes,she answers
40.________ wasthe population in China by the end of last year?
A. How much B.What C.How many D.Which
41.Turn left________ walk along Park Road.
A. so B.or C.and D.but
42.Ben had abroken arm ________ the motorcyclist had a broken leg.
A. for B.so C.and D.but
43.________ humanbeings ________ animals can live without air.
A. Not only…but also B.Both…and
C. Either…or D.Neither…nor
44.“He had to getup early.” “________.”
A. So had I B.Sodo I
C.So did I D.SoI did
45.You must takeaway the clothes from the heat of the fire, ________ they might get burnt.
A. or B.and C.but D.so
46.It was raining______ I got off the bus.
A. when B.while C.though D.because
47.It is five days________ we came here.
A. when B.before C.as D.since
48.The studentsare happy ________ they have a new school library.
A. when B.if C.because D.so
49.Although it’sraining, ________ we are going to see him this afternoon.
A. but B.and C.then D./
50.I don’t know ifhe ________. If he ________, please let me know.
A. comes…will come B.willcome…comes
C. comes…comes D.willcome…will come
51. Jack and Jimwould like _________ Mr. Smith in his garden.
A. help B.tohelping C.to help D.helps
52.The watchdoesn’t work. I think I’ll _________.
A. have repaired it B.asksomeone repair it
C.have it repaired D.haveit repairing
53. Did you noticehim _________ the road?
A. crossed B.across C.having crossed D.cross
54. Is this roomlarge enough for us _________?
A. to live B.tolive in
C.to live in it D.tolive at
55. She is so oldthat she has to have her clothes _________.
A. made B.make
C.to make D.tomake them
56.When I finishthese books, I’ll ________ to the library.
A. give it back B.giveto them
C.give them back D.giveback them
57.I don’t thinkthe news you told me ________ true.
A. are B.is C.being D.am
58.Food and watermore expensive than ________ used to be.
A. is B.them C.its D.they
59.Neither he norI ________ going to tie this tree to the stick.
A. am B.is C.are D.will
60.The number ofarticles published on smoking ________ surprising.
A. is B.are C.were D.have been
61.What do youusually do ________ Christmas?
A. on B.at C.in D.for
62.There is abridge ________ the river.
A. under B.over C.on D.in
63.You mustapologize ________ her for your rudeness.
A. to B.at C.on D.with
64.My house is________ the two buildings, so we get little sunshine during the day.
A. between B.among C.in D.at
65.Is there anythinginteresting ________ today’s newspaper?
A. / B.on C.at D.in
66.After thefootball match we ________ a bus and got to school on time.
A.held B.missed C.saw D.caught
67.The little girl________ the bed every day.
A.makes B.does C.gets D.takes
68.I like to________ others playing basketball.
A.watch B.see C.look D.notice
69.As a student weshould ________ manners.
A.do B.take C.make D.have
70.The river________ by two feet after the heavy rain.
A.rise B.rose C.raise D.raised
71.It’s not goodmanners to ________ the queue when you are waiting for a bus.
A.stand in B.jump
C.jump on D.walkover
72.A beautifuldress in the shop window suddenly ________ my eye.
A.came into B.caught
C.held D.appearedin
73.You should________ the truth. It is wrong to tell lies.
A.tell B.say C.speak D.talk
74.The room is toosmall to ________ so many people.
A.sit B.pick C.hold D.stand
75.I’m sorry, Ican’t ________ the difference between these two words.
A.say B.tell C.speak D.talk about
76.Mary didn’tfeel well so she ________ some medicine.
A.took B.drank C.ate D.has
77.Would youplease ________ a photo of me?
A.catch B.hold C.look D.take
78.My mother won’tallow me to travel ________.
A.alone B.lonely C.one man D.along
79.“Was the park________ yesterday?” “Yes, It ________ at nine in the morning”
A.opened…open B.open…wasopen
C.open…opened D.opened…opened
80.They ________every minute of it at the party yesterday.
A.enjoyed B.pleased C.played D.wanted
81.You may________ this book a little longer if you can’t finish it in time.
A.take B.borrow C.lend D.keep
82.He ________ abrown jacket that day.
A.was putting on B.dressedin
C.was wearing D.washaving
83.I didn’t hearwhat he ________ at the meeting.
A.spoke B.told C.talked D.said
84.As he was stillhungry, he started to ________ something to eat.
A.find B.findout C.look for D.look
85.It’s two yearssince he ________ our club.
A.took part in B.enteredfor C.joined D.attend
86.You must keep________ in the reading-room.
A.still B.quiet C.quite D.quietly
87.I ________ alot more time in writing English than before.
A.spend B.cost C.take D.put
88.I ________ tenyuan for this book.
A.spent B.bought C.cost D.paid
89.“Where is yourumbrella?”
“Oh, I have________ it on the bus. What shall I do?”
A.left B.forgotten
C.to leave D.toforget
90.I want thiscar, but I can’t afford to buy ________.
A.one B.another C.it D.this
91.The little boy________ on the grass just now.
A.lies B.lay C.lain D.laid
92.The man________ himself before the police came.
A.was hanged B.hung C.had hung D.hanged
93. ________ ofthem seems quite clear about our plan.
A.Every one B.Everyone
C.Each one D.Eachone
94.I hope that Ican hear from you ________ .
A.quickly B.fast C.fastly D.soon
95.He said hewould give me the money, but he ________ hasn’t given it to me.
A.yet B.still C.already D.too
96.“Will you givethis message to Mr. White, please?”
“Sorry, I can’t. He doesn’t work here________ .”
A.any longer B.anylong
C.no long D.nolonger
97.I am going to________ my living-room ________ a play-room for the children.
A.look on…as B.turn…into
C.take…down D.put…into
98.The light isstill on. I’m sorry I forgot to ________ it ________ before I left.
A.turn…off B.turn…of
C.turn…away D.turn…on
99.If you have anyquestions, please ________ your hands.
A.put out B.putup
C.put on D.putdown
100.It seems thatthe hat fits you very well. Please ________ .
A.try it on B.tryon it
C.put it on D.puton it
101.The girl________ but could see nobody. She began to feel afraid.
A.looked after B.lookedfor
C.looked around D.lookedat
102.When theparents were at work, they ________ to look after the baby.
A.took turns B.wonton
C.worried about D.tookinterest in
103.If a piece ofice is taken into a warm room, it will soon ________ water.
A.turn off B.turndown C.turn into D.turn on
104.“Are foreignlanguages much more interesting than science?”
“No, I don’t________ you.”
A.agree to B.agreewith
C.get on with D.goon with
105.A monument tothe brave fighter ________ in the middle of the town after the war.
A.was put on B.wasput up
C.was put down D.wasbrought up
106. My bike has________ . I have to go there by bus.
A.broken down B.puton
C.put down D.brokeninto
107.Grandma isill. I have to ________ her at home.
A.take hold of B.takecare of
C.pay attention to D.putmy heart into
108.The doctorasked my father to ________ smoking.
A.give out B.giveaway
C.give up D.giveback
109.Do your bestand I’m sure you will ________ your classmates.
A.keep off B.keepaway from
C.keep up with D.keepon
110.What time areyou going to ________ tomorrow?
A.set up B.setout C.set down D.put up
111.The restaurantwas ________ in 1983 by a woman cook.
A.set up B.setout
C.set off D.setdown
112.We haven’t________ what to do tomorrow.
A.pointed at B.decidedon
C.turned down D.pickedup
113.He was born inthe north, but ________ in the south.
A.brought up B.grewup
C.picked up D.cameup
114.Last night hewanted to give up the job, but this morning he ________ .
A.made up his mind B.changedhis mind
C.made progress D.grewup
115.The glass fellto the floor and ________ .
A.broke out B.giveout
C.got off D.brokeinto pieces
116.The mouse________ as soon as it could when it saw the cat.
A.gave back B.rangup
C.went ahead D.ranaway
117.I’m sorry. Thetickets have been ________ .
A.sent out B.soldout C.sent for D.bought
118.After schoolJack ________ to see his sick grandpa.
A.hurried off B.ranafter C.went up D.rang up
119.I know thatthe accident ________ in a small village.
A.took place B.wastaken place
C.took the place D.wastaken the place of
120.Dr Bethunedidn’t take a rest and he ________ working throughout the night.
A.got on B.puton
C.went on D.turnedon
121.My friend isvisiting us next week, and I will ________ Shanghai.
A.see him off B.showhim around
C.give him a message D.ringhim up
122.When did you________ from your trip last year?
A.arrive at B.getback
C.go ahead D.returnedback
123.He fell downon the road and was too weak to ________ .
A.hold up B.getup
C.bring up D.leavefor
124.Have you________ the race?
A.left for B.setout for
C.asked for D.enteredfor
125.Now peoplehave began to learn how to ________ pollution.
A.get in B.getback
C.get on with D.getrid of
126.It’s good tostand on top of the hill and ________ fresh air.
A.take in B.holdon
C.give out D.turninto
127.You’d better________ the name of the book before you forget it.
A.write down B.puton
C.work out D.turndown
I was arguing about the price for atable in a second-hand shop when a young man came in carrying a chair, put itdown before the manager and asked how much it was worth.
“Threedollars,” replied the manager.
The young man looked surprised. “Itisn’t worth more than that?”
“Threedollars is all I can give you for that piece, son.” The manager shook his head and bent to examine thepiece. “See that?” Hepointed to a crack (裂縫) in the chair leg, adding, “And see here where the paint is peeling (剝落)? Well, three dollars is all its worth to me.”
“All rightthen,” said the young man, smiling. “I’ll take it.” He pulled out his wallet.“I saw it in front of your shop with something marked $10, but I thought maybeit was a mistake and you could tell me how much it was worth.”
128. The young man came to the shop ______ .
A. to have an argument with the boss B.tocarry an old chair
C.to buy an old chair D.beforethe writer did
129. It is clear that ______ .
A. the chairbelonged to the young man
B.the manager hada good memory
C.the young mandidn’t have enough money to buy the chair
D.the managermistook the chair for the young man’s
130. From this passage, we can see that the young man was ______ .
A. very honest B.apoor man C.very clever D.a cheat
131. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to this passage?
A. The managerbent to examine the crack in the chair leg.
B.The young manfelt the price for the table was not reasonable.
C.The manager didn’tthink the chair was worth more than three dollars.
D.The managerasked the young man where the paint was peeling.
132. We canimagine in the end ______ .
A. the manager wassatisfied with the price
B.the manager wasregretful for what he had done
C.the young manwas sorry for what he had done
D.the writer gotthe table in satisfaction
Water is very important to us. Wecannot live without it.
There is a lot of water on the earth,but we cannot use most of it. About 97.4% of the earth’s water is salty. Most of the fresh(淡的)water is snow and ice near the North and South Poles(極).
We can use only about one percent ofthe water on the earth. We use water from both lakes and rivers. Some of thewater evaporates(蒸發)and then becomes rain. Of course we userain water for farms and other things. We use this water again and again.
Sometimes the earth’s water is in the wrong place. There is a lot of rainin the tropics(熱帶地區), but it is difficult to have farms in thetropics. Most of the land there is not very rich. Some desert land is rich, butthere is only a little water in the desert.
Water is a problemfor many people in the world.
133. About ______ of the earth’s water is fresh.
A. 97.4% B.2.6% C.1% D.25%
134. Most of the fresh water is ______ .
A. snow and ice B.rain
C.in lakes and rivers D.inoceans
135. It rains after the water ______ from oceans, lakes and rivers.
A. falls B.enjoys C.evaporates D.runs
136. We only use ______ of the earth’s water.
A. 5% B.97.4% C.2.5% D.1%
137. Most of the land in the tropics is ______ .
A. poor B.dry C.rich D.salty
Once upon a time a rich man and a poortailor(裁縫)lived in the same house. The rich man livedupstairs and the poor tailor lived downstairs.
The tailor likedto sing when he made clothes. He sang one song after another. But the rich manliked to sleep a lot, and the singing troubled him.
One day the rich man said, “Tailor, Iwill give you a bag full of money every day if you stopped singing.”
“Fine,”said the tailor. And so the tailor stopped singing and became richer. But themore money he got from the rich man, the more unhappy he became, because hewanted very much to sing again.
Finally he brought all his money to therich man. “Here,” he said, “take your money back. I can’t be happy if I can’tsing.”
And so he gave the money back to therich man and went away singing. He sang and sang and he was happier than everbefore.
138. Once a richman and a poor tailor lived ______ .
A. in the same room B.inthe different house
C.in the same floor D.inthe same building
139. That tailor enjoyed singing ______ .
A. while he was feeling unhappy B.whilehe was working
C.while the rich man was sleeping D.bothB and C
140. The rich man did not like the tailor’s singingbecause ______ .
A. the tailordidn’t sing well
B.the rich mandidn’t like singing
C.the tailor’ssinging didn’t make him sleep well
D.the rich mancould sing better
141. The rich man wanted to stop the tailor singing by ______ .
A. just telling himnot to sing
B.giving him a lotof money
C.asking him tosing outside the house
D.asking him tostop singing while he was sleeping
142. The poor tailor gave the money back to the rich man because ______ .
A. he thought themoney was not useful to him
B.he had a lotmore money than the rich man
C.he didn’t likemoney
D.he wanted tosing and he felt happy while he was singing
Mr. Li works in a middle school. Heteaches his students art. He changes his clothes as soon as they are dirty andalways keeps them clean and tidy.
There’s a garden between the school andhis home. The garden is quite near his home. He usually walks through it whenhe goes to work. One afternoon, on his way home, a boy asked, “May I clean yourshoes for you, sir?”
Mr.Li stopped to look at his shoes and found they were really very dirty. Heagreed. The boy began to clean them carefully.
After the boy finished the work, Mr. Liasked, “How much, boy?”
“One yuan, sir.” Mr. Li gave him two yuan and said.“One more yuan for you. You can spend the money washing your face.”
After the boy heard this, he ran to thegarden and washed his face in the pool. Then he came back and gave one yuanback to Mr. Li and said, “Your hair is too long. You’d better go and asksomeone to cut your hair short. I’m sure you need the money!”
143. Mr. Li usually goes to work ______ .
A. by bike B.bycar C.on foot D.by bus
144. Mr. Li’s home is ______ .
A. near the garden B.nextto the boy
C.far from the school D.farfrom the garden
145. Mr. Li let the boy clean his shoes because ______ .
A. he was busy B.theywere dirty
C.the boy was polite D.hewanted to help the boy
146. Mr. Li didn’t want his one yuan back because ______ .
A. he thought hisshoes were too dirty
B.he was very rich
C.the boy made hisshoes clean
D.he wanted theboy to wash his dirty face
147. The boy thought ______ .
A. one yuan was no use B.Mr.Li liked him
C.his face wasn’t dirty D.Mr.Li laughed at him
One afternoon, Kate and her brother Bobwent out to play. Kate was eight, and Bob was ten. “Let’s go to the bridge andwe can see fish in the river.” said Kate. “I don’t know,” Bob said. “Mum toldus, ‘Don’t go on the bridge’. She said it is dangerous.”
Kate said, “I am not afraid. Are you?”
They walked onto the bridge and beganlooking for fish in the river. The bridge was a train bridge. Trains went overthe bridge three times a day.
The children werestanding in the middle of the bridge when they heard a loud noise. “A train iscoming!” Bob shouted. “Run!” He ran to the end of the bridge. He was safe.
Kate ran, too, but she fell. The trainwas coming fast. Kate ran towards Bob. She fell again right on the traintracks. There was no time to leave. She had to lie down between the tracks. Afew seconds later, the train went over the girl, but she was not hurt at all.She stood up and said to Bob, “Don’t tell Mum! Don’t tell Mum!”
At last theirmother found out about the story. She was angry because they went onto thebridge. But she was happy that Kate was all right.
148. Bob and Kate were ______ .
A. twins B.brothers
C.sisters D.brotherand sister
149. One afternoon they went to the bridge to see ______ .
A. their mother B.fish C.the train D.the river
150. When the train came, the children were ______ .
A. in the middle of the bridge B.atthe end of the bridge
C.on their way to the bridge D.awayfrom the bridge
151. Where was Kate when the train was going over her?
A. Right on the train tracks. B.Onone of the tracks
C.Between the tracks. D.Besidethe tracks.
152. When their mother knew about the story, she was ______ .
A. happy B.angry
C.sorry D.bothangry and happy
Peter Judd wanted very much to be asoldier when he was a child. So he joined the army when he was eighteen, andfor several months he was taught how to be a good soldier. He did quite well ineverything except shooting. One day he and his friends were practicing theirshooting, and all of them were doing quite well except Peter. After he had shotat the target(靶子)nine times and hadn’t hit it once, the officer who was trying to teach theyoung soldiers to shoot said, “You are quite hopeless, Peter! Don’t waste your last bullet(子彈)! Gobehind that wall and shoot yourself with it!”
Peter felt ashamed(羞愧的)He went behind the wall and a few seconds later, theofficer and the other young soldiers heard the sound of a shot.
“Oh, dear!” the officer said. “Has thatsilly man really shot himself?”
He ran behind thewall as quickly as he could, but Peter was all right. “I’m sorry, sir,” hesaid, “but I missed again.”
153. Peter Judd joined the army in order to ______ .
A. be a soldier B.begood at shooting
C.make friends D.geta good job
154. The officer thought Peter was hopeless because ______ .
A. he didn’t knowhow to use a gun
B.he didn’t getalong well with other soldiers
C.he was poor atshooting
D.he couldn’t doanything well
155. What the officer said at the end of the first paragraph shows that ______.
A. the officerreally wanted Peter to die
B.the officer wasvery angry with Peter
C.the officer wasnot a kind-hearted man
D.the officer wasafraid that Peter would shoot himself
156. The officer felt ______ when he heard the sound of a shot.
A.ashamed B.frightened
C.excited D.disappointed(失望)
157. What happened at the end of the story?
A. Peter becamegood soldier.
B.Peter killedhimself behind the wall.
C.The officer waspleased with Peter in the end.
D.Peter missed thetarget for the tenth.
Once, a very rich man bought a farm. Hepaid more than what was thought he should because there was a great treegrowing on the farm, which was said to be about three hundred years old. Thefarmer who sold the farm told the buyer that the tree was so famous that everyyear many visitors and travelers came to see the tree. But many of the richman’s men did not think so. The new owner of the farm was not pleased at whatthey said and called one of his men with the name Zeke to try to find out howold that “famous tree” really was.
Fourdays later, Zeke rushed into the new owner’s office and told him that the treewas even older than they thought. It was four hundred and twenty years old!
“Great! Good news!” said the owner, “but I’d like toknow how you can tell that tree is so old.”
“Very easy. We cut the tree down and counted the ringsof the tree,” said Zeke.
158. Why did the rich man buy the farm and pay more?
A. Because thefarm was a very big one.
B.Because the farmwas very famous.
C.Because he wasgreatly interested in the old tree on the farm.
D.Because the treeon the farm was too old.
159. What did many of the new owner’s menthink of the tree?
A. They thoughtthe tree was just as old as many other old trees.
B.They thought thetree was not as old as the farm.
C.They thought thetree was less than three hundred years old.
D.they thought thetree was more than four hundred years old.
160. How do you think the new owner would feel in the end?
A. Very happy. B.Veryangry.
C.Rather surprised. D.Eitherhappy or angry.
161. What kind of person was Zeke?
A. A very clever man. B.Aperson poor in thinking.
C.A very strong man. D.Quitea quick man.
162. Which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage?
A. Good News or Bad News B.Buyor Not to Buy
C.Is Zeke Clever D.StrongBody, But Weak Mind
Dolores works in a shop, sellinggramophone records (唱片). One afternoon a middle-aged woman camein, sat in a chair, and smiled at her brightly.
“I want a record, dear.” She began. “ ___163___ I heardon the radio this morning.”
“What wasthe ___164___ called?” Dolores asked, without much ___165___ . The woman shookher head.
“I don’t remember. I should know it if I ___166___ it,though. Perhaps if you play me a few records, I shall be able to ___167___ itout.”
“We havehundreds of records,” Dolores said. “It would take a very long time to play youeven a little of ___168___ . Could you ___169___ it to me?”
The woman shook her head again. “No, Ican’t sing any song.” She looked quite ___170___ . Then suddenly her face litup.
“I’ve just remembered something,” she said. “It comesfrom a play. There’s girl who speaks very badly, if you see what I mean. Butafter a time she learns to talk very well.”
This was ___171___ for Dolores. “If youask me, it’s from My Fair Lady,” she said.
“That’s it, dear. If you’d thought of it sooner, wewouldn’t have ___172___ so much time. I suppose you are new to the job.”
163.A.One B.That C.Someone D.When
164.A.record B.program C.song D.lady
165.A.interest B.idea C.hope D.thought
166.A.saw B.bought C.had D.heard
167.A.find B.pass C.take D.pick
168.A.all B.everyone C.each D.either
169.A.introduce B.sing C.lend D.show
170.A.relaxed B.angry C.disappointed D.surprised
171.A.enough B.right C.better D.straight
172.A.talked B.had C.cost D.wasted
Paul Johnson was 16 years old. He wasvery shy and didn’t ___173___ much to anyone. But his scienceteacher, Mr. Smith, noticed that there was something ___174___ about him and heshowed great concern (關心) for Paul.
Paul said to Mr. Smith, “I want tolearn all about science.” He began to study science in the first-year class.After a few days, he ___175___ in the second-year class. Paul studied very hard.Soon he knew everything that second-year class was ___176___ . Then he read allthe science books in the school library.
One day, afterschool Mr. Smith found Paul in the classroom ___177___ on the blackboard. Paulwas drawing pictures.
“What are you doing?” asked Mr. Smith, with ___178___ .“What are these drawings about?”
“I want to invent things. These are the drawings of myfirst ___179___ ,” Paul answered.
“What’s your invention?” Mr. Smith said.
“I have a(n) ___180___ for television — for a way of ___181___ pictures through the air.” Paul answered. “Please letme tell you about it, Mr. Smith. You are the only person who can ___182___ whatI have done.” It’s amazing(令人驚喜) that a boy of 16 showed his teacherdrawings for television.
173.A.play B.talk C.lend D.pay
174.A.different B.interested C.pleased D.usual
175.A.entered B.appeared C.showed D.served
176.A.covering B.answering C.managing D.learning
177.A.writing B.trying C.working D.studying
178.A.surprise B.care C.interest D.joy
179.A.hobby B.homework C.drawings D.invention
180.A.picture B.idea C.machine D.system
181.A.taking B.sending C.copying D.making
182.A.understand B.discover C.excuse D.interest
When Ben Franklin was only a boy, healways wanted to know about things. He was always asking his father andbrothers. “What?” and “How?” and “Why?”
They couldn’t___183___ tell him what he wanted to know. When they couldn’t tell him, Bentried to find out for ___184___ . Many times Ben found out things that no one___185___ before. The other boys would say, “That Ben Franklin! He’s alwaysfinding out something ___186___ !”
Ben lived close to the water. He likedto go there to see the boats. He saw how the wind ___187___ them across thewater.
One day Ben said to himself, “Why can’t windhelp ___188___ float(漂浮) across the water? I’m going to ___189___ .” Ben gothis big kite. He took hold of the kite string(線) and ranwith it. The wind took the kite up into the air. Then Ben ___190___ into thewater.
The wind blew the kite high into theair. Ben began to float across the water. Soon he was on the other side, and hehad not ___191___ at all.
One boy shouted, “Look at Ben floatingacross the water! His kite takes him to the other side without any ___192___ !
“Yes,” said another. “He’s always finding new ways todo things.”
183.A.always B.ever C.nearly D.sometime
184.A.them B.himself C.themselves D.him
185.A.thought B.heard C.knew D.asked
186.A.popular B.welcome C.convenient D.new
187.A.blew B.led C.guided D.showed
188.A.it B.me C.him D.one
189.A.float B.do C.try D.study
190.A.swam B.threw C.fell D.jumped
191.A.tried B.worked C.floated D.run
192.A.wind B.string C.work D.help
1-5.BCCCA 6-10.CCAAD 11-15.ADCAD
16-20.DCBDD 21-25.AACCD 26-30.CDBBA
31-35.ADCAA 36-40.CCCAB 41-45.CCDCA
46-50.ADCDB 51-55.CCDBA 56-60.CBDAA
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be historically plausible.
This time, we’re looking at the Unsullied. I thought this was a pretty decent idea: I spent a fair amount of time beating up on GoT last time (here), so it seemed only fair to single out something I think, overall, works really quite well. That’s not to say I don’t have some criticisms, but overall, I think the design for the Unsullied is one of the relatively few really successful kit designs on Game of Thrones.
Here is how these sorts of ‘kit reviews’ will work: first we’ll establish the historical basis of the design, if there is one. That can set some of the ground rules for the plausibility of the design. Then we’ll look at armor, weapons, and finally other equipment. So, without further ado: Onward!
Historical Basis
The historical basis for the show’s design of the unsullied is actually very clear: these are Greek-style hoplites, fighting in a phalanx formation. That may be a touch surprising if you are thinking in terms of 300 or other pop-cultural depictions of Greek hoplites (many of which stress their whiteness to an uncomfortable degree). But the combination of close-order infantry tactics, spear-and-shield combat kit and relatively heavy armor (especially compared to their regional competition, like the Dothraki, or the Second Sons), all point to the Greek hoplite as the tactical exemplar.
What is interestingly different is the cohesive principle involved. Let me explain: historically, a great deal of the trouble in producing good heavy infantry was in getting it to cohere under the stress of battle. Battle is scary – being charged by cavalry especially so – but heavy infantry derives its effectiveness from a fairly tight (just how tight varies) body of infantry working and fighting together. Men must be psychologically fortified to that task, or the stress of battle will reduce the formation to a mob – and then the infantry to corpses. When examining infantry, then, it is important to ask “what psychological principle keeps these men in their ranks?”
For the hoplite, it was a community principle. A Greek hoplite fought next to his neighbors, friends and family. To flee battle was deeply shameful and impossible to conceal. Even if, by some miracle, your friends and family next to you in the battle line did not see, effectively fleeing meant casting off the heavy hoplite shield. This is the root of the Spartan mother’s exhortation to her son to return “With his shield or on it” – to return without the shield meant dishonorable flight. While this is often presented as a somehow uniquely Spartan sentiment, it was not: almost every city had laws punishing those who threw away their shields, and the opprobrium of flight was very strong. For most humans, permanent social stigma is one of the few things worse than death, and this pressure kept the hoplite phalanx together under stress.
The Unsullied don’t have this cohesive principle, exactly. As enslaved persons, the Masters have denied them their dignity, families and even their own names (this, sadly is historically accurate – it was common in systems of ancient slavery to legally and psychologically seek to obliterate the family and community ties of enslaved people by renaming them. Even when freed, former Roman slaves became part of the Roman citizen body and part of their former master’s gens, or clan, rather than returning to their original community). Slave-soldiers may seem like a bizarre fantasy invention, but it has solid (if depressing) historical precedent.
In this case, I suspect G.R.R.M.’s inspiration was probably the Ottoman Janissaries. Janissaries were originally recruited as boys, by force, from the religious minorities of the Ottoman Empire and trained as soldiers. They were some of the best infantry in Europe or the Middle East in their hey-day, much like the Unsullied’s reputation for military excellence in Essos. The cohesive principle then becomes a mix of professionalism, combined with the fact that for each Unsullied, the army itself has become his family and community. No one wants to let their community down.
In terms of their structure, then, the Unsullied are tragic and noble and quite historically plausible. The only qualm I have is that any city which could produce such high quality infantry would ever consider selling them en masse. Of course, the fate of Astapor and all of the Masters demonstrates why, if you have truly excellent infantry, you keep it.
So, while the cohesive principle for the Unsullied is more like the Ottoman Janissaries, in terms of equipment and battle tactics we should be thinking like a Greek hoplite. And while there are some flaws here, for the most part, the Unsullied do quite well. The overall coverage of the armor – which seems to strike some people as looking unrealistic – actually makes a good deal of sense (on this, see my Order in Armor post here). The armor they wear covers all of the first-tier areas (head and body) and one of the second-tier areas (shoulders), but none of the third-tier (legs, arms), which is the right order. The one potential oddity is the visor on their helmets, but we’ll return to that in a moment.
What about the body armor? The overall shape of the armor, which strikes some viewers as strange, is actually historical: it is the same tube-and-yoke construction as the Greek linothorax. While bronze breastplates or Gerard Butler’s magnificent abs tend to dominate the popular culture image of the hoplite’s armor, the linothorax was the most common (in scholarship sometimes called a ‘type-IV’ armor, ‘shoulder piece corselets’ or ‘tube and yoke’ corselets. If you are curious about the armor type in general, the best work on it is Aldrete, Bartell and Aldrete, Reconstructing Ancient Linen Body Armor (2013)). So the basic concept, of an organic (leather or textile) armor in this style is perfectly historical and entirely appropriate to this kind of soldier.
As with a lot of GoT, the execution of that armor concept has some problems. The main one is material. That armor of the Unsullied appears to be tanned leather of the sort you’d make into a jacket; that it is clearly flexible is shown by the fact that it is belted in the back to pull in the waist. Leather armor did exist (some enthusiasts, well-meaning but misinformed, sometimes suggest leather armor did not exist at all; this is not true) but it was not this kind of leather. I’m sure I’ll come back to this in more depth in the future, because it is such a common problem, but for now, let’s just note that leathers used as the primary material for armors are not flexible or supple, but instead tend to be very rigid. That said, I’m willing to let this slide and assume that we are meant to understand that these armors are made of either rigid leather (like cuir bouilli) or layered laminated textile (as with the linothorax; this would also be quite rigid), but the costume team had to make some concessions to practicality.
Note that it appears to be leather with studs in it, which isn’t a very realistic material.
The second issue is a slight coverage problem: no effort is made to protect the hips, groin or thighs. Historical armors for hoplites typically attempt to protect this area, for reasons that are obvious from the above picture: a blow to the upper legs or groin can easily be lethal (there are a lot of arteries there) and those areas are fairly vulnerable to a blow from below. I would have liked to have seen some sort of covering for this part of the body, either Greek style hanging strips (they’re called pteryges), or a skirt of mail or padded textile. Once they get to Westeros, the Unsullied seem to add a padded jacket to their armor, which is a fantastic addition (but more on this at the end).
Note the lack of groin protection. Game of Throne‘s tendency to joke about genitalia notwithstanding, a wound in the groin is frequently fatal due to blood loss – plenty enough reason for the Unsullied to want some protection.
What about the helmets? These are obvious not Greek helmets, but they’re not far off from a later European helmet design, the pikeman’s pot, particularly Eastern European ‘pots’ of the mid-17th century. These featured the same high metal strip at the center of the face, although not quite so high as the Unsullied’s one. I am actually quite sure this is the design being copied, and the designers have, by and large, done a decent job of it. The face-masks are an interesting choice not present on many pikeman’s pots. They would offer important protection, but covering both the ears and mouth is going to make battlefield control – something the disciplined Unsullied are famous for – difficult. It is not an accident that Roman and Macedonian helmets – meant for disciplined soldiers following orders – tend to prioritize vision, speech and hearing over protection.
In contrast, the quintessential hoplite’s helmet, the Corinthian helmet, covers the ears and obstructs much of the face. A Greek hoplite army was essentially an unguided missile – the general gave the order to attack and (with a few notable exceptions) was mostly out of control of the battle. For a formation that wasn’t capable of complex maneuvers, there wasn’t as much need for individual hoplites to be able to speak and be heard. That said, the Unsullied visor flips up easily (we see Grey Worm do this again and again to give orders). I think this design is plausible.
Armor Grade: B+; some of the material and coverage choices are strange, but overall, this is plausible and I love the distinctive look it gives the Unsullied.
One thing to keep in mind is that weapons tend to follow tactics (and vice-versa), which is to say that there tends to be a close connection between how a soldier is expected to fight and the equipment they will bring to that fight. The Unsullied certainly fight as hoplite-style heavy infantry, with close-formation shield walls. And their weapons are quite well adapted to that kind of warfare.
The main weapon of the Unsullied is a long thrusting spear; the spears they wield look to be about 9 feet in length, which is right around the longest a one-handed thrusting spear can be before it gets unwieldy. The design of the spear-tips, a leaf or tear-drop shaped blade of metal with a strong mid-ridge (the thick bit running down the center) connected to the haft by way of a socket – this is a design that is immediately familiar across a wide range of cultures and contexts. The props used in the show look a bit thick and bulky for the length of the spear, but I assume this is a concession to on-set safety.
It is a bit thick (probably for safety) but the mid-ridge is clearly visible. This is very much a historical spear-tip shape for thrusting spears. For instance, in Lejar’s classification of La Tene spearheads, it would fit easily as a I-d (Lejars, La Tene: La Collection Schwab (Bienne, Suisse) (2013).)
One issue is how the Unsullied occasionally use these spears: these are thrusting spears, not ‘hewing’ spears. Some spears have tips designed to be able to cut as well as thrust. However, the tips for hewing spears tend to be larger and bulkier (to provide a cutting surface and the strength to cut with it); consequently, the shafts have to be shorter to keep the weight and balance of the weapon under control. The spears the Unsullied seem to have really are thrusting spears, and the length backs that up. It might be possible to cut with these, as is sometimes shown, but it would be far from the best use of the weapon.
Spear hafts, being made of wood, tend to break. As a result, spear-armed soldiers the world around have almost always carried back-up weapons, typically daggers and swords. It is worth noting: far, far, far more swords were carried as backups to spears than were ever carried as primary weapons, historically speaking. The clear intent of the show design is for all of the Unsullied to carry a short, straight dagger as a backup weapon. As you can see in this image below, all of the outfits have a loop for the dagger to be held, but it looks like the prop department only had a couple of daggers. Again, this is an understandable limitation; we can assume for grading that all of the Unsullied have daggers.
I wonder how they decide who gets to have the unit’s one dagger each morning. Do they know who is going to stand closest to the camera?
That said, for close-combat heavy infantry, a dagger is a fairly unimpressive backup weapon, and the Unsullied dagger looks to be bronze. A fairly short iron sword, like a Roman gladius or a Greek xiphos, or a curved sword like the Greek kopis or even the Nepalese kukri, would make a lot more sense than a small bronze dagger. Spears break a lot, so if Daenerys wants her Unsullied to be able to fight effectively, she should provision them with some iron (read: steel) swords. The lack of equipment changes is something we’ll come to at the end.
The final weapon here is the shield. The Unsullied use round shield with what appears to be a strap grip (it is actually very hard to find a good shot of the back of one of these shields – the showrunners really aren’t very interested in what the common soldier would see in battle and we rarely view events from their perspective). That means the arm is passed through a strap which then rests on the elbow, and the shield is gripped by a second strap – you can see the setup here:
That grip is absolutely fine – it is the grip of a hoplite shield. What I find strange is how small these shields are. Round shields for use in shield-wall formations (like the phalanx, or Anglo-Saxon shield walls) are typically quite large. A Greek shield, called an aspis, was around 3 feet across. Anglo-Saxon shields have a different grip system (center-boss grip vertical), and are somewhat smaller – they average around 2 feet, but some are as large as 3 and others are smaller. The shields the Unsullied use are so small they don’t appear to often cover the entire body – which is much too small. For this formation to work, men (in closed ranges) need to be covering the men around them (specifically, the man to their left) with their shield.
You can see in the image above how this is facilitated – the center of the shield is at the elbow strap (called the porpax), meaning that half of the shield projects out to the left of the wielder. The mechanics of center-grip Anglo-saxon shields are different, but the end result (covering your neighbor) are the same.
I think the reason the Unsullied shields are too small has to do with materials – they look to be made entirely of a single material. Greek aspides often appear to be entirely made of metal, but they are not – almost all of the shield is wood, with a very thin metal covering on the front face. It’s possible that, for ease of making, the Unsullied’s shields for the show were simply stamped out of metal, and thus had to be kept small to keep the weight under control. Even made primarily of wood, the Greek aspis was quite heavy, around 16lbs, and it is not hard to imagine that being very hard on actors who might have to shoot the same fight scene several times to get all of the necessary footage and coverage.
Weapon Grade: A-; they’re missing a good sword and there are some concessions to practicality, but these are, by and large, the right weapons for the right job.
This is an easy section to write – there is one problem and it is overwhelming: where do the Unsullied keep their stuff? Soldiers need to carry a lot of stuff on the march: spare rations, cooking implements, spare clothes, camping supplies, etc. The average Roman soldier carried around 44lbs of equipment not counting weapons and armor.
Like What?
I dunno, like…absolutely all of our stuff? I mean, where do we keep our food?
Hoplites are rarely shown lugging equipment around, but there is a reason for this. Greek hoplites had to be able to afford all of the weapons and armor they fought with, and as a result were often wealthy enough to keep a slave who would march to battle with them and carry all of their stuff. The Unsullied, being mistreated slaves themselves, are unlikely to have this luxury. Moreover, Daenerys army does not seem like the sort, especially early on, to have enough pack animals to simply throw all of that stuff in the baggage train. The Romans may have had (the evidence is unclear) something like one pack mule per every six soldiers, and Roman troops still had to carry the 40-odd pounds of stuff noted above.
This, I think, was a real missed storytelling opportunity to show the Unsullied as being a touch more human than they often appear – something other than a faceless mass humanized mostly through our interactions with Grey Worm. Let us see them hauling their gear – perhaps with something like the Roman sarcina (a marching pack carried on a stick). Once they are free men and can have things of their own, I’d love to see the diversity of things carried slowly multiply as these men begin to assert their long-suppressed individuality. One thing we know, for certain, about freed slaves is that they are quick to assert their denied humanity – the plethora of funerary inscriptions by Roman freedmen and freedwomen testifies to this fundamental human need. Watching the Unsullied struggle to reassert their humanity is one of the truly moving emotional threads in the show and sadly one I feel the showrunners are less interested in than I am (or that they tend to reduce humanity down to the presence or absence of genitalia, a set of jokes and preoccupations that was old two or three seasons ago, and is downright offensive now).
A final equipment note: The uniforms the Unsullied wear has a single loop for their dagger. This is asking the weapon to be damaged, corroded and blunted. Those backup weapons should get fully enclosed sheaths, not just simple loops.
Equipment Grade: C; This would be lower, but non-combat equipment is almost never portrayed in fiction, so I can hardly fault GoT too much for being average.
There’s one thing I have been putting off, and that is the failure of the Unsullied to meaningfully evolve their equipment after arriving in Westeros. The thing is, while the Unsullied armor is good compared to what we see in Essos, it is woefully inadequate compared to the much heavier and more advanced armor of Westeros. Lannister half-plate (assuming a design that actually matched the concept) would be a tremendous improvement over what the Unsullied currently have. We’ve also seen mail hauberks (a mail shirt down to the knees) in Westeros and one has to imagine wearing something like that underneath the Unsullied cuirass – providing some valuable protection to the arms, legs and groin – would be enormously desirable.
Again, I see this as a missed story-telling opportunity. When we first meet the Unsullied, they are all perfectly uniform, not because they are ‘badass’ but because their humanity has been stripped from them. They have been converted by the Masters into weapons and war-fighting tools. One of the ways we understand them and understand Daenerys is the way in which the Unsullied reclaim their humanity. Much of this in the show is very patronizing – Daenerys has to coach the Unsullied back to individuality.
What I would have loved to see is that, as the show progresses, the uniformity of the Unsullied begin to break down – not in a way that would compromise their effectiveness, but in the little ways soldiers tend to assert their individuality. They might decorate some of their equipment (painted shields are very common, historically). As the army encounters more and different kinds of enemies, the Unsullied might adopt weapons and armor from them – mail from the Second Sons or the arakh from the Dothraki (replacing those puny bronze daggers). Once in Westeros, we could see this begin to really bloom as the Unsullied found themselves able to obtain (via loot or requisition or purchase) elements of the more complex armor systems in Westeros.
We might see Daenerys begin her quest with an army of weapons, and end it with an army of men. I think that was a real missed storytelling opportunity, and I mourn the loss.
But overall, how successful is the Unsullied design? Very successful, I’d say. The combination of what is basically a linothorax with a pikeman’s pot fits the Unsullied battlefield role perfectly. The weapons are well chosen for the tactics these men use on the battlefield. I love this design – it is one of the few really successful ones from GoT.
Overall Grade: B+; This design works and is believable, despite some flaws. I just wish we saw more of these fellows.
19 thoughts on “New Acquisitions: Unsullied Kit Review”
Just a note: Macedonian phalangites carried shields that were rather smaller than hoplon – some two feet across if memory serves me well – but that was because they had to handle two-handed sarissa. Unsullied spear is obviously not that large.
Yes, but the size of the Macedonian aspis is a point of some debate and probably changed over time. The most direct and cleanest discussion of the debate is in M. B. Hatzopoulos, L’organisation de l’armée macédonienne sous les Antigonides (2001) – alas in French. The most detailed is K. Liampi, Makedonische Schild (1998). I discuss the question in my dissertation, “The Material and Social Costs of Roman Warfare in the Third and Second Centuries B.C.E.” (2018), 348-353.
I do not really understand why is that so; I mean, at least maximum shield size in this case should not be much of an issue. Basically, the center of gravity has to be close to the joint which most immediately handles the shield. In hand-held shields – such as some round shields, Roman scutum etc., basically shields with handle and a boss – the handle is positioned at center of gravity, which means that center of gravity is at hand. But on strap-on shields, center of gravity should be near elbow in order to minimize stress on the joint, unless shield is of a very light construction. So distance between elbow and wrist places some upper limit on the size of a round shield such as Macedon one.
Unsullied however do not utilize two-handed spear/pike, meaning that they can get away with rather large shield.
The antelabe (the hand grip – in this case, really a wrist-strap) can be significantly inside the outermost rim of the shield, or it can be directly at the rim.
Archaeological and representational evidence make clear that there were at least two sizes of Macedonian shield, one with a diameter 70-75cm and one around 65cm (two feet would be around 60cm; these shields are not generally that small, but older scholars without the benefit of as much archaeological evidence have sometimes supposed they were). The smaller shield is generally identified as the ‘pelte’ and the larger as the ‘aspis’ – our sources repurpose these terms (which referred to different sorts of shields in the Classical period) to describe these Hellenistic shields.
There may also have been differences in the shaping of the shield (Greek shields are dished, so shaped like a very flat dome, rather than a disk); I was unable to find any evidence that the pelte was generally flatter than the aspis in a review of quite a few surviving examples, but such a thing has been asserted. Because of π*r^2, even a small (10cm) increases in the diameter of the shield can produce a significant change in the weight.
If you want more detail than that, I have discussed the question at some length in my dissertation, cited above. A lot of the underlying scholarship for that – especially the reports of recovered examples – is not available in English, so it’s hard to send you further (and to be honest, what is in English is often not the best…)
Regarding the different helmets design (Roman/Macedonian/Corinthians), it could have been better to show them, to help the people less educated in history (like myself) understand the difference.
Love your content so far!
The Unsullied helmet is like some hussars armour, with it’s bar and tear drop thing.
“What I would have loved to see is that, as the show progresses, the uniformity of the Unsullied begin to break down” I think we can see portrayed this in Star Wars with the clones maybe?
I’m not done with the last season of the Clone Wars, but yes – I love how they steadily develop the individuality of the clone soldiers.
“The only qualm I have is that any city which could produce such high quality infantry would ever consider selling them en masse.”
I haven’t read the book description of the purchase, but in the TV show it is quite clear that they don’t.
Due to their cost, Unsullied are sold by the unit, or couple units, or maybe dozens for extremely rich people; nation-states (or, considering the period, more precisely city-states and kings) could maybe buy a hundred as Palace Guard or King’s escort or whatever.
But when you’re offered a dragon as payment, that’s an offer you can’t refuse… and the show very clearly and cleverly, well, shows that’s how the events unfold.
About the humanization, I get your point but it seems to me that you’re missing GRR’s one. The Unsullied, once they are freed and collectively decide to follow Danaerys to the end, are imho clearly meant to be some sort of medieval-equivalent of a Maoist column – and I’m not certain that individuality was extremely encouraged in those.
A note on your great intro on cohesiveness and slave soldiers: I cannot imagine the Unsullied being given denigrating names in practice. I’m pretty sure Mameluks and Jannissaries were renamed wiith impeccable honourable Muslim or Turkish names. Renamng a guy to Worm seems a great way to crush any personal pride, and personal pride of some sort is what stops him running away 5 minutes into his first battle. As you note elsewhere, the combat record of infantry who are clearly and openly denigrated by their leaders and societies is very, very bad.
I’m not surprised that George R.R. Martin turned up the dehumanizing aspects of typical slavery a notch instead of more accurately depicting the (relatively) humane way slave-soldiers were generally treated. The last thing we want is readers who come away from the books thinking that the slavery isn’t so bad after all, and that Daenerys is just overreacting…
It’s true that the brutality of the Janissary training process was all frontloaded onto the recruits when they were still children and this is hard to portray in the plot as it is written now, which depicts only fully trained adult Janissaries who should, by their historical parallels, be well paid and respected (despite technically still being slaves) at this stage in their career.
But George RR Martin was under no obligation to include Janissary expies at all, and by ramming the horrors of Janissary training into the field discipline of Janissary-alikes on campaign, GRRM has created a *very inaccurate* picture of an army who are simultaneously degraded and abused yet have excellent unit cohesion and discipline. I find Bret’s oversight of this baffling, because in other places, including other kit reviews, he’s been very consistent in the importance of making the soldiers of an army feel valued and respected to morale, and the importance of morale to military effectiveness. An army whose soldiers are insulted on a daily basis should, regardless of their technical proficiency in drill and parade, crumble at the first sign of setback or defeat on the battlefield.
Where did this idea of using your shield to cover your neighbor came from? It seems quite odd to me. Is it like that too in modern day riots?
If you think about the physics of a shield, its center of gravity should be at your left elbow, so half of its mass is in front of your body and the rest is projected to the left of you. It would be an ideal place to put another person who can benefit from this protection.
The other option where the center of the shield hangs from your rist will cause the entire shield to tilt down on the right and will be bad for your joins if you live to get old which is unlikely because your own shield will interfere with your weapon-wielding hand and it will raise the premium on your life insurance policy.
Riot shields are a big board meant to stop light projectals like bottles and pavement, not a directed hit from a pointed weapon. Their weight is much smaller thanks to the different toughness requirements and the wonders of modern plastics. |
As a recovered gamma and now delta who is now happily married with a good wife and a family I thought I’d offer my sure fire way to stop being a Gamma and move into greener pastures. Why Gamma and not another class? First I’m qualified, and second I have a suspicion the number one reader of Game blogs and sites are Gammas looking to escape. So here it is:This should be helpful, because the ability of the non-Gamma to explain to the Gamma male why he is wrong and how his thinking can be adjusted is often limited. It's easy for the non-Gamma to see that the Gamma is wrong, but more difficult to communicate that wrongness to him in a manner that he is capable of hearing and accepting.
Brutal self-honesty.
I’m going to break this down into four posts which cover the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of life. Everyone wants the keys to success and in America we are damned near obsessive about finding techniques we can use for self-improvement. In reality escaping Gammahood is a moral issue as it deals with honesty, but how this plays out in the four aspects of one life will be explained.
The fact that most Gammas are willfully delusional and lie first and foremost to themselves only makes the challenge more difficult. But one who has recovered from the mindset might be better able to make headway in penetrating through their psychological defenses.
Looking forward to those four posts. Blogger ate my previous comment. Very annoying. Note to everyone: sign in BEFORE you type up your comment; when you sign in Blogger will eat your comment and you'll have to start from scratch.
Anyhow, round two:
A) It is easy to debunk one lie; much more work to untangle layers of interconnected and self-reinforcing lies and delusions. And there are all too many people that feed Gamma delusions, keeping them swimming downward, away from the air their lungs need.
Which brings us to B) Trust barrier. With society reinforcing Gamma delusions, and many conflicting information sources, why will the Gamma tune all others out and listen to you?
And finally C) Most people that have a good heart and actually want to help the Gamma, might "see" how the Gamma is wrong, but they just intuitively "know" the wrongness on a gut level. Verbalizing layers and layers of fucked-up-ness is a lot of mental effort. So yes, communicating to a Gamma can be a lot of effort. Few have the patience.
D) Even a Gamma can have success with women if he goes mudsharking. Matt Forney and other writers on Return of Kings have described how easy it is to get Filipinas and Indian women. And they are 100% right. Even for Gammas. They haven't even begun dredging the African continent. When a Gamma can swim in dusky-colored pussy with very little effort, it might take him a while to realize something is wrong. He isn't in his own end of the gene pool. Nor will his descendants be.
I advise with Gammas, first find out if they recognize they have a problem. That they want to change. Then, and only then, can you work with them.
Second, they are so invested in their self image, the literally cannot see themselves as others see them. But when a Gamma wants to change, he is able to hear about himself from someone else. And it will sound so alien, he will talk back, trying to explain "what is actually going on". That is, the Gamma is trying to get to the root source of the delusion. Don't give up on him at this point. If the Gamma can't see the "root", then your accurate descriptions and analyses won't hit home. The Gamma doesn't want to make the same mistake again, and self-introspection is painfully hard. Retaining and consolidating gains in the delusion-busting is the name of the Game here. It is a process.
Telling him to "lift weights/eat Paleo/take the Red Pill/lose the video games" is a manner of communication that the Gamma might find difficult hearing and accepting.
Anyone else want to take a stab at it?
The big problem for the Red Pill, has always been that you are shifting a paradigm without a clutch.
A Gamma male is likely to go through the stages of grief, when forced to accept it and I'm not joking. Their world, such as it is, falls entirely apart.
Metaphor time: There is no point in trying to pop an under inflated balloon with a hammer. The air inside the balloon parts around it and it resumes it shape the instant the hammer is removed. Forget the hammer, what you need is a pin.
And your objective isn't to pop the balloon, it is to deflate it by putting a number of small holes in it.
Honestly, it's easier to get through to an Omega, they aren't invested in their paradigm at all.
Somewhat on topic: I've recently discovered a younger colleague is aware of 'The Rational Male' book [hasn't read it yet] and the Manosphere in general, and has complained to me about the OC dating scene. I plan to proceed carefully in facilitating his total conversion. Any book suggestions I could offer him...? I'm thinking 'The Way of Men'.
@Laguna Beach Fogey
I don't have any book suggestions, but have read The way of Men and it is an easy and quick read, thus good for an "introduction".
Haven't read The Rational Male, but i believe it is basically all of Rollo's blog posts up to a certain date. I have however read every single one of his posts up the date of publication of his book and if it is indeed based on his posts his book is a definite must read, it would be more detailed.
He should start with the Greatest of the
In my experience from both sides of this scene, it's pretty much impossible to reach someone until he's hit bottom and is asking for help. That's true whether it's a guy chasing a girl who doesn't want him, a person who claims to want to lose weight but still eats pasta and chips, a girl who knows the drunkard boyfriend who punches her regularly is really a sweetie deep down, etc. As Cataline said, they have to go through something very like the stages of grief, until they learn to accept the loss of whatever it was they were holding onto, and then they can move ahead.
Until he comes to you and asks for help, all you're going to get by approaching him is rationalizations in her defense or in defense of his own gamma behavior. If it makes you feel better to speak your piece so he can't accuse you of not telling him the facts later on, go ahead; but don't expect him to listen until he's ready, and don't expect him to thank you.
That's my cynical take, anyway. Maybe others have had better luck than I.
Cail - That's my cynical take, anyway.
That's not cynical, it's realistic, sensible, and the only workable strategy when dealing with another's delusional behavior. Get out of the way so the bottom can be hit sooner.
What message are you looking to communicate?
This will prove helpful for understanding gamma better.
I was marinating on sending a few gamma emails pre and post fall-out that took place a few weeks/over Christmas. The gamma saga continued on and on. So far its been 10 days of no contact. Anyways, I'll remove the names and send them to Vox with the subject, 'Gamma saga'
It isn't happy or even malleable kinda content, its all grief. I tried to send him to PUA's and Game blogs, he would not go. I tried my best, not sure what a woman could do for him anyhow. I even showed him the magic girl tree, shake it and girls fall out.
Paleo, cutting out the processed foods, is the quickest way to demonstrate tangible results that destroys what a person thought they knew. I must have given out two dozen marked-up copies of "500 Low-Carb Recipes" by Dana Carpender to people that have complained about low energy or wanting to lose weight. I figure half of them end up in the trash, but 7-8 people used it and thank me. One husband-wife combo lost over 50lbs between the two of them.
Let me guess, you were told you've been brain washed by evil men?
I occasionally link to this blog and Chateau on my FB page, I envision most of the men who click through do so in the dark of night when no one is watching. There are a handful brave enough to "like" an article here or there, most of the time, though, I'm told in private that they read everything I post and love it - they can't say anything online out of fear. But still even some of the self admitted anti-feminists can not bring themselves to go down a road that might lead to what they perceive as disapproval from the female herd. There's no way to get it through their head, if you offend a woman, it excites them a hell of a lot more than playing femtard friendly with them.
As calicorishev pointed out, "rock bottom" usually has to hit the man before he wakes up. Otherwise, he'll just shrug it off and keep trying.
Cataline: Honestly, it's easier to get through to an Omega, they aren't invested in their paradigm at all.
I don't understand Gammas and never really will, but I'll try to lay out the similarities and differences between Omega and Gamma.
Both Omega and Gamma get oneitis. As low-value men, they have a definite scarcity mentality. However, Gammas appear to be brainwashed in a way that Omegas are not.
Omegas are sociopaths and don't care about being part of a society. Gammas desperately want to be part of a society, but instead of humbly learning from their betters, they decide to upend, or explode, society and put themselves on top. As a matter of fact, I suspect a bitter Omega, as opposed to an indifferent one, is simply a very low Gamma that has snapped and given up, like Frankenstein's Monster or Elliott Rodger.
As for the indifferent Omegas -- those who cannot be considered very low Gammas because they don't give a hoot about being part of a society or having a friendship network -- they either don't care about getting women, or, if they do want women, they will end up maturing into (sociopathic) Deltas given the proper guidance.
I could be wrong, but Gammas seem to be less likely to learn from their mistakes and turn into Deltas. They, desperately wanting to be part of society, also listen unquestioningly to society's PC boilerplate, which includes advice from women. Omegas may be more willing to listen to unconventional advice because society doesn't really make sense to them and they prefer to trust their own reasoning.
Yeah, I do notice a heckuva lot of Gammas on Return of Kings. The MGTOW type has been discussed here before. The "foreign women only" Gammas still desperately want to be part of a society; they've simply transferred their loyalty to Philippine or Thai or Latin American or foreign-in-general society.
But one thing that makes things easier for them is the "lost in translation" factor: the very fact that these women are of a different race and culture makes it harder for them to notice the men's Gamma behavior -- until they've been married for a little bit. But the foreign-only Gamma doesn't see this; instead, as I've noticed repeatedly, if the relationship or marriage heads south, he'll blame "contamination from Western society" rather than his own behavior.
All I know is I'm not there yet, but damn - Cataline and cailcorishev are right. It's like grief. A palpable anger at the realization that how you looked at yourself, how everyone around you you trusted TOLD you the world was supposed to work, was a lie.
And because the lie we've been fed sounds so nice, so reasonable, and everybody keeps telling it to you - in large part because they believe it themselves - it's very difficult to be shocked enough to go "wait, that can't be right."
In my case - I was exposed to a few facts early on that didn't fit the dominant left narrative in the news, and some real history. That, combined with a devotion to integrity, knowledge as much as "keeping my word", and a very low point in my life, were what made me turn around.
And it's still a work in progress..
When you are rescuing a Gamma, catching them at the Red Pill moment is everything. The good thing is those moments are not all that hard to spot. Remember the Last American Virgin? Best Red Pill Moment in movie history.
An indifferent Omega is a Nothing. He will rise in rank using his skills and realizing his potential o ly, professionally and with women.
Vox has said he was a bullied Omega until the bullies realized they werent getting to him, his athleticism shined, and by high school, his looks.
After being invisible, your choices are indifference or suicide.
I'm interested in that "friendship network" thing you mentioned. Have any more info/resources to share on that front?
I wonder how many of these guys were natural born Alphas or Sigmas, but whose innate awesomeness was supressed by family, school, and society?
How many of these guys finally figured things out by themselves, without assistance from well-meaning strangers and the Manosphere?
@ Laguna Beach Fogey said... I wonder how many of these guys were natural born Alphas or Sigmas, but whose innate awesomeness was supressed by family, school, and society?
I'm definitely not an alpha it a natural sigma. I feigned sigma through most my twenties.
My parents, teachers, pastors, and doctors raised me, taught me, counseled me, and medicated me to being a gamma. I couldn't get a date easily, which was an impressive failure for someone which lead the varsity basketball team in both points and rebounds. Probably because I was never shackled athletically, only socially.
In my mid 20s I stopped following the rules. Lo and behold, I was no longer rejected because I no longer asked.... but I was no longer celibate because women initiated.
It was eye opening to me. It is when I overcame gamma. When I stopped caring what women thought, I stopped being invisible to them. Remember, the jerk who leaves without saying goodbye is more appealing than the doofus buying her drinks.
...or the cocky jerk who takes food from her plate of appetizers at the bar without asking and then laughs when she feigns annoyance.
(This actually works--you just can't give a shit)..
@Cataline (and @Sleepy, since I think I'll answer your question here)
Honestly, I suspect that some people are just innate outcasts. It's not even that we hate society; it's just that we don't see the point of being in society. The idea of having close male buddies, for example, is something that I have never, ever felt a need for. Lately, I've been getting drawn into a few friendship networks, or at least close enough to get invited to house parties and that kind of thing, but it's always due to attractive women in the network rather than by men.
And looking at my parents, they both were the same way as far as not needing close friends or the approval of society / peer pressure. I suspect that's one reason they were both traditional Catholics, as I am. They lived through Vatican II, and even though society at large loved it, they thought it was wrong, and since society had no pull on them, they rejected it. Traditional Catholics seem to be an odd mix; as far as I can tell, there are no Alphas or Betas among us to speak of. But there are plenty of Gammas (who are really, really annoying, and probably our biggest cross), plenty of Omegas and low Deltas, and the odd Sigma (Mel Gibson strikes me as possibly being one).
@Laguna Beach Fogey.
As for Gammas, I have no idea, but when they do find the Manosphere, they seem to gravitate toward being MGTOW / foreign-only types, at least initially.
About six months ago, someone posted a comment I thought quite perceptive.
Omegas fall into two groups. One group are the perpetual basement-dwelllers. No motivation, no capability, not much future.
The other are men who have no luck. A combination of weak game, poor opportunities from living in a dating desert, physical unattractiveness, high expectations...and frequently, demanding careers. These men are successful in many ways - but not in their love life.
Which I thought a very perceptive comment.
While there are definitely omegas with zero capability beyond reading comics and playing video games, i dont believe theyre the norm. Lack of motivation plays a larger role on many.
A intelligent man with no fire in his gut is worth less than a motivated but somewhat dim man. The dim one can at least be steered in the right direction and trained, turning the skills he developed, into habits.
Dealing with the unmotivated is like slamming your head against a wall.
Aww, SarahsDaughter, love you. Well, I sent a few men to Game blogs and it didn't go over as expected. I errored in being gym pals with 2 best bro's, the bro's and I didn't go over either.
I wonder how many of these guys were natural born Alphas or Sigmas, but whose innate awesomeness was supressed by family, school, and society?
Very, very few..
That's a Delta. A lot of guys seem to want to think that because they are not social, that makes the Sigmas. No, that makes you anti-social.
I wonder how many of these guys were natural born Alphas or Sigmas, but whose innate awesomeness was supressed by family, school, and society?
About fifteen percent of the male population are natural Alphas or have strong traits.
One bit of PC suppressed data is the Soviet Unions early cultural reforms in the 1920s. Basically they took all of Engels hideous ideas about life and family and put them into practice.
The resulting, completely predictable chaos did leave some interesting data to be mined. About 15% of the men, started getting 60% of the sex. Something close to 40% of the men were left involuntary celibate, basically they checked out of manhood..
If people you meet dont want you to lead them, personally and professionally, you dont pound the pussy, and no one is drawn to you, YOU ARE NOT A SIGMA.
A Sigma is a potential Alpha, with no desire to lead. Alphas have a desperate desire to lead, either because theyre ueed to it and the surden change in reality is troubling, or they never spent time as losers, so dont know how to be alone. But they always want to dominate.
Yes, I know, a "paper Sigma" is a type of Delta. I made it up from "paper tiger". I know men here have a tendency to call themselves Sigma, but I'm not intending to be one of them. Sigma is, however, my target.
If people you meet dont want you to lead them, personally and professionally, you dont pound the pussy, and no one is drawn to you, YOU ARE NOT A SIGMA.
Heh, I'm getting a lot more vibes to that effect lately, so my plan to become Sigma must be working. But I still need more time. In this society, Delta is simply not good enough.
@Cataline Sergius
I've seen suggestions that feminism and cultural Marxism were brought over by the Soviets to wreck our societies, and that the Frankfurt School academics were supported by the Soviets. So I suppose testing it on your own society first would make sense.
You're still not getting it. And you appear to be aiming for Sigma as some sort of giant "Fuck You" to all who ignored you. So you're still desperate for their approval. And you want them to want you to lead them. It's pathetic, to be honest. A Sigma wants neither their approval, nor their desire for a leader, socially speaking, especially. He gets women because he can and wants them. He succeeds at what he does because he's capable and puts the work in.
This desperation, along with the unbearable pain that accompanies the realization that one is an Omega, and not Aragorn, I believe is the reason for so many men crying "Ooh Vox Me too! Im Sigma too!"
And they say this while admiring Vox, trying to build sone sort of comeradery. Do these guys really think its common for a dinosaur loving know-it-all geek with a high IQ to be an NCAA athlete cooze hound, rubbing shoulders with famous Marines?? I feel sorry for them. They're forever delusional. And they are desperate to be led and feel a part if something, which is why they latch onto someone like Vox. These men will never be the Sigma they imagine while reading comic books and watching movies.
They're like the fat girls reading 50 Shades and Twilight.
I have no idea what I am and I really don't care. I just do what I do.
@ Conscientia Republicae
We are called human beings.
I hope you were being sarcastic, Earl. The alternative is too terrible to contemplate.
I continue to think most of these alpha/beta/ delta monikers are not overly useful. Alphas are so varied - we call a rock band drummer who bangs lots of girls an alpha. Even if that person inspires no one, does drugs all day, and cannot hold a steady job. The football captain in high school might bang a lot of chicks in HS but be too dumb to survive and peaks in HS and in 10 years is a loser while his boring friends are doctors who have entered the UMC (divorce rate very small and secure stable relationships). The football NFL player that is obviously alpa in most situations becomes a bumbling fool when people are choosing the leader in a different context. My point is that for evn alpha - what should be the clearest designation - is so dependent on the local social sexual status context as to render it nearly meaningless. The other terms thus seem even less useful.
The best designations seem to be to identify alpha, beta, and delta behaviors and to face the reality they can often be learned and taught and all people other than the most extremes are amalgams. Sure there are the Teddy Roosevelt's of the world who are pure alphas and the rare comic book guy who is a pure gamma, but most of us are a combination that is highly. |
Ugly Buildings
16 June 2013
Ben Pentreath
This is probably going to turn out to be the longest professional suicide note in history.
I really should be writing about how good the irises are this year.
Have you noticed? I’m not sure why – because I always thought they liked baking sun. And we haven’t had so much of that this year, let’s face it. But they seem very happy.
You see what I mean?
But I’m not going to write about that.
If you follow me on twitter (I am sure a lot of you can’t bear twitter, I’m not sure I can either, but bear with me, oh, and if you want to make me feel very popular then do feel free to click on ‘follow’) you might have noticed this week a little story that I tweeted. It turned out to be rather a popular tweet. It got retweeted many times. And boy oh boy it made me chuckle…
If you were driving in to Dorchester earlier this week, and were particularly sharp-eyed, you might have spotted a little addition, made overnight on Tuesday, to the road sign that directs you into the centre of town – past Poundbury, the Duchy of Cornwall’s development… where I have been known to work from time to time. Here’s a photo from the national press. Do you spot something rather cunning?
You can read the story in the Sun newspaper here. Of course, I have to admit, I read it in that other right wing tabloid, the Telegraph, but the Sun seemed a little… racier. For the best comments of all, follow the Dorset Echo and you can see quite how nasty people can get about Poundbury. Toxic!
Well. What a kerfuffle. But it did make me smile.
More in a moment…. As regular readers of this blog will know, this is the drawing board where I design most of our buildings. It’s a very good spot – south facing, looking across my garden to the trees on the other side of the valley.
I’ve got to admit I’m pretty much in heaven when I’m sitting here drawing.
But what’s that we now see, if you turn a bit to the right?
YES. You spotted it.
Yup. I’m fairly excited. I popped into the Poundbury office on Friday, where I had a meeting. And there was… that sign! I’m not quite sure how it had made it to the office, I guess via whoever had removed it (the Police? the Highways?)… but when I asked if I could steal it… no-one seemed to mind too much. So I did.
It’s impeccably made. Incredible.
The typography is perfectly done. But what is that in the right hand corner?
A tiny insignia. K.G.B. How ominous! Mr K.G.B. – I want to know who you are!!!! You’re a perfectionist, for sure, and I love that just for starters. And you’re an aesthete (no-one copies the typography that perfectly without being an aesthete), and an obsessive, prepared to go to rather a lot of trouble to get your view across. I suspect we might be more alike than you imagine. Please get in touch if you dare. Shall we go for a pint? I am sure you are local.
But let’s take a step back. Of course everyone loves a good joke – especially against themselves. It’s a well known fact that politicians fall over themselves to buy a particularly cruel cartoon, or cover of Private Eye, which they can hang in the downstairs loo and show the world how relaxed they are about people saying nasty things. And I must say, I haven’t seen so many laughs and smiles as there were in the Poundbury office on Friday (although strictly speaking perhaps that might be because Naomi, the office manager, was going on a Friday evening date, which was causing a considerable amount of speculation. Let us all hope it went well. I will try to report back).
Okay. I’m going to write it. Beauty, and conversely, Ugliness, is in the eye of the beholder, for sure… but, yes, I think Poundbury has some Ugly Buildings. It’s got a lot of indifferent ones, which is what you’d expect, and some very interesting ones, some of which I don’t really like… and it’s got some pretty Ugly Ones. I guess just like everywhere.
So, I could completely see where K.G.B. was coming from. In fact, of all the things that Poundbury gets right, some of which I wrote about a while ago here (Leon Krier’s brilliant master plan… the seamless incorporation of social housing… the unequalled delivery of mixed uses…the genius way in which the car is not allowed to dominate… and most recently, the incorporation of a massive biogas plant providing carbon neutral energy to the settlement), well – of all those things, I’m not sure we could say that it’s always been right about architecture. How could it get everything right over the last 25 years? That’s a pretty tall order.
For instance, about a decade ago, this office building was built. I show you a photo from the A35 road, from the west, which I take to drive in to Dorchester every day. Hmmm.
I cannot tell you the number of times I sit down at someone’s house for supper one evening down in West Dorset and someone across the table tells my neighbour (who I’ve never met before) that I’m involved at Poundbury – and I’m nearly drowned in the venom previously reserved for people languishing in an inner circle of hell. I’ve lost count of the times that I try and change the subject and move on. So, although you’re probably never going to hear from me again, it will be nice to be able to say to that person: “could I refer you, please, to my blog called ‘Ugly Buildings’. It’s easy to remember, just type it into google”.
Here’s a closer view. Nice!
Or, just to the west, is another building that has raised a few eyebrows from time to time, even being shortlisted for that renowned institution, The Carbuncle Cup. (you will be glad to hear, it did not win. If you want to see some truly dreadful buildings, look at the leading nomination for this year, in Oxford…). Anyhow, that’s the famous Fire Station. The big pedimented one. The arched building on the right is an office and apartment block.
Well, you will doubtless make your own mind up.
It’s a strange thing, how things happen. What’s fascinating for me is that these buildings are all quite anonymous. I’m really not even sure who designed them. Before my time. Anyway, there they are. Causing dinner party vitriol and road sign pranks.
But what I can tell you is this. A lot of the time, institutions and politicians are accused, aren’t they, of not learning or changing? So I would merely like to reply, to the world whose view of the architecture of Poundbury is entirely conditioned by articles in the press – you can’t say that about this place. It is a genuinely experimental settlement. If mistakes happen, let’s learn from them. Wow, there’s a radical idea. No one knew at the beginning how it would end up, and now that it’s half way through, no-one, I would say, can entirely predict what this place will be like in 20, or 50, or 100 years time.
But what I can say is that for a little while recently, there’s been a new attention on architecture, detailing, and street composition. And in that regard, the Duchy of Cornwall has been a remarkable client. Believe me, I work for a lot of clients on new developments. And I don’t know if there’s a single one who is as dedicated, and as committed, to excellence, as this one right now… and who is showing results on the ground.
So I’m going to show you a few snaps, that I took last night, and I’d ask you to make your own mind up again as to whether Mr K.G.B. is being entirely fair, and whether his beautifully made sign tells the whole story.
This is a view down the Bridport Road to the new Butter Market Bakery, where Clive Cobb (of fabulous Town Mill Bakery in Lyme Regis, and in Royal William Yard in Plymouth) has just opened up in the Buttercross building. Clive is brilliant and so is his bakery. And what I really love is the fact that (as in so many old towns) there’s a building in the middle of the road. Only Leon Krier could have achieved that. It’s a feat.
Still under scaffold, emerges a lovely terrace of townhouses designed by my friend George Saumarez Smith. A beautiful colour, and proportion, and detailing. Some of George’s nicest buildings in Poundbury, and we can’t even see them properly yet. I designed the shop on the right. I really regret I forgot to tell the builders to push back the shopfront so the arch reads a bit deeper. It would have been possible but we caught it a bit too late.
This is a street I designed, a simple terrace of brick painted cottages with cast iron porches, leading up the hill to some flats. Completed a month ago.
A parking mews. Garages with flats above, and in the distance a tall arch forming a pedestrian link to the Bridport Road. It all looks very new, and it needs to bed in. But it feels pretty good to me.
More houses by George S S. These are affordable homes, as it happens.
As is the row of two storey white-painted cottages that George designed here. Also among some of my favourites in the whole of Poundbury.
Poundbury has its own dose of crazy sign writing. This sign makes me very happy.
A view into the new Buttermarket, nearing completion. A row of shops, cafes and restaurants around the new small public square.
Quinlan and Francis Terry – the most distinguished classical architects in the world – have designed the buildings around the grand main Square that is being built in the centre, including this beautifully detailed arcaded front to the new supermarket. Personally, I’m in favour of the crappy bin from West Dorset District Council. Others may disagree.
An essay in Soanian brickwork by Craig Hamilton, probably the most serious traditional architect practising in Britain today, in this handsome office building.
Or, let’s just take a bit of pleasure in the simplicity of this terrace of cottages by Johnny Holland.
Quietly refined classicism by George S S, a fine freestanding house on Beechwood Square.
A mixed-use building nears completion at the end of the street designed by my office. I was delighted to learn recently it’s been taken by a firm of Funeral Directors. You couldn’t make it up!
An alluring glimpse past George’s affordable flats down to the Buttercross. Such vistas are part of the genius of Leon Krier’s plan. Note the absolute absence of road markings and traffic control signs. The whole place works entirely naturally without them.?
Anyway, reverting to Ugly Buildings, the house builders have gone to extraordinary lengths to get the details right. We don’t always succeed, and things still go a bit wrong from time to time, and where that happens we sit down every two months and try and improve them. place as best as one can. And Poundbury, for me, is all about getting the traditional architecture – that belongs both to its own place, now, and also to the extension of a county town in West Dorset – as right as we can.
I think I had better sign off, if you will forgive the pun. And while I hope you will, like all of us, have enjoyed a chuckle at ‘Ugly Buildings’, and even, perhaps, understood where Mr (or Ms? K.G.B) is coming from, I hope you will also realise that there are two sides to every story. Which really is my manifesto, if ever there was one. Try and understand the alternative point of view.
Mr K.G.B, I want to have that pint with you. And for everyone else, I’d be interested, as I really have been on the blog about Coed Darcy, to know your thoughts on the new streets at Poundbury.
40 comments on this post
Great work KGB. I’ve never been to Poundbury, so may look quite different in the flesh, but having shown us the beautiful soft planting in the top images, its clear that it’s really lacking from this town. Even the fire station could be improved if it had creepers and climbers growing up it, and wild flowers and trees planted where there is currently flat green dull grass. Apart from the mews, all I can see are a few paltry trees dotted about and a tiny bit of evergreen front garden on a couple of house frontages. Also, it’s annoying that in an era where really exciting new cost effective building techniques are increasingly accessible, we still hark back to centuries old ones. However some of this architecture is interesting, it does have a relevance to our country and it can be celebrated. This really feels like a fantastic opportunity to try out new ideas. Juxtapose the classical town centre with really inspirational modern architecture on the perimeters of the town. Good design doesn’t always need to be old design.
KGB strikes again?
It’s a Banksy, surely
How I love this blog! Not only do I get to admire lovely irises and hot marble Italians, but my brain gets a bit of a workout too! Someone recently made an interesting and intelligent comment on here about ‘fake historicism’…triggering a debate in my head that has been whirring around all week.
My immediate response to these photos was that the buildings need to ‘settle in’, to weather, to look older. And no doubt, thanks to the right materials, they will age beautifully. We all love the patina of old buildings, the-stories-those-walls-could-tell etc. But actually I find myself wondering if we should not simply be celebrating them for the crisp, clean, beautiful modern buildings that they are? I doubt that Nash stood looking up at his elegant new townhouses and said “if only they looked a bit older – bring on the pollution!” It’s a bit like that irritating argument that Bach should only be played on gut strings. The new streets at Poundbury are beautiful, breath-takingly so, and age has got nothing to do with it.
Ugly buildings? I think KGB has extremely high standards! But I agree, he does sound kinda cool! Personally I find the ugliest buildings in so many towns are that sort of watered-down, vaguely ‘period influenced’ stuff . You know the kind of thing: in the belief that ‘period’ cannot offend, or that it must blend in with the surrounding Victorian architecture, some council committee has okay-ed sash windows (but never mind if they are made of plastic, have the wrong proportions, open outward), and don’t worry about any of the ceiling heights as long as you put a weathercock on top of the roof, etc. But I imagine Poundbury, for now at least, is safe from this.
Personally, I loved most of the buildings and the architecture of them,of course. What I loved though, even more I think, was the orderliness,cleanliness and the uniformity of the structures. Would gladly live in Poundbury if I could.
Yup. Time to get Banksy in!
It is all so beautiful!! KGB is seriously envious and losing sleep over Poundbury. Poor thing!
Could K.G.B. possibly be an acronym for “Keep Guessing Ben”? If it is, have you been targeted specifically by a prankster, I wonder?! Loved reading your article, and seeing photos of some of the more recent houses in Poundbury.
I agree with your comment on the meticulous lettering of ‘Ugly Buildings’, and I am really glad you have managed to acquire what will I am sure become a collectors piece. I have visited Poundbury on many occasions. The principle failing is the lack of natural stone on window sills, and lintels where appropriate. Having sills constructed of standard size concrete blocks which give rise to ugly joins in inappropriate places. This I guess is a developer issue rather than an architectural one. However, once you accept the odd exception, Pounbury is an excellent design, a brave attempt, and the first development where the car does not rule everything. If the reader of your blog wants to see examples of ugly – then the law of probability will dictate that all he or she has to do is to do is walk out of their front door and look. This is the legacy of much of post war ‘brave new world’ destructionalism.
dear bp, my man and i quite liked poundbury when we wombled thru it about three yrs ago, although i thought it appeared eerily uninhabited, a little like a set for dr who. i’m sure you are right in that it needs a few more yrs on it to shake the place down. like a newly decorated room needs two large, hungry, and slightly muddy labradors locked in it for a day or two…anyhow, its a huge improvement on any new developments we have here in tasmania. think puke coloured render, colourbond tin, slit windows, and the all pervasive “garden style” which consists of white or granite pebles and some dark red spikey plants, oh, it’s all charm, let me assure you. slightly bitter about yr super alliums, cannot be got here for love or $. yr house and garden are wonderful, just as a place in the country shld be. thanks for the cheering blog. scott p.
I love your irises, fantastic photos of some truly beautiful ‘modern’ buildings… here downunder we are swarmed by ugly modern buildings with no symmetry, elegance or class… Great article and I hope you find KGB.
While Poundbury does look splendid from your photographs, would it be possible if it could be a showcase of the best of all architectural styles and eras? British towns have architecture from (on average) Tudor times onwards, and it feels that is what is missing from Poundbury – the energy and invigoration that buildings of different styles would bring. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Poundbury could be a ‘best in class’ for every style of building, not just neo-classical? It is difficult to say from just seeing photos though, so perhaps there are more styles and I just can’t see them!
I wonder what Thomas Hardy, native Dorset architect and poet, would have thought of the extension to Casterbridge.
Very pleasing to my eye. It’s restrained a harmonious with important buildings given greater prominence. I like the mixed uses, and the implied conveniences. I don’t see many people on the sidewalks, but I can imagine how this could be a quite social place. The big issue is always the workplace. Where is it in this town, for most people. Where would they work? The suburban corporation requires size, flexibility, growth potential, and proximity if not integration of executive and R&D spaces. This is why so many of such places are suburban…a la the Silicon Valley. And for certain the suburban house is getting more and more efficient, and even has some potential for agriculture. Yet this place has its own attraction. Town and country living is not the usual choice, but this project demonstrates that it can be very attractive and convinces that it has a part of the future.
At the risk of being boring, and in response to Louisa Rae; if people are knocking Poundbury then I suspect its par for the course for such developments (it you stick your head above the parapet…..). There’s a polemical dimension to Poundbury which stirs the emotions of people. I would suggest that the fact that those who live there and love it, whilst this is wonderful (I have no doubt that people are good neighbours etc), is not a reason to not be critical. Something of this scale has visual, social, civic and economic consequences for a far wider community than itslef. I wonder whether many of the detractors are put off less by ‘ugly buildings’ ( for as Ben points out there is whole gamut of quality displayed), than by the manner in which Poundbury apparently relates to that wider community, in particular Dorchester itself. As an recent incomer, this is a criticism I have heard a number of times and I am struck by how, currently, Poundbury does seem to be its own little microcosm outwith the original town. Such engagement with the existing place is harder, trickier and messier, but it would perhaps go some way to convincing more people that Poundbury is not simply a remote experiment in architectural theory and aesthetics – an estate apart – but can actively be part of something greater than itself, and improve it. Perhaps this will be attempted in the later phases.
Dear Ben,
1. I entirely agree with you: far from pastiche, this is about TRADITIONAL AND AUTHENTIC ways of designing and building.
2. And I for one cannot be more grateful to HRH Prince of Wales for fighting this war with the ignorants and doing so much to preserve the architectural tradition and sheer beauty of this nation.
3. The buildings are absolutely exquisite and there is no doubt they will be just as beautiful 300 years from now!
4. As an interior designer I would like to know more about the principles od Classical Architecture. Could you perhaps tell us in one of your posts how you learned all of this…
Thank you and eagerly looking forward to every post!
For “ugly buildings” one should visit us in America. We have more than our fair share. Wish our country would invest more in creating sustainable communities. Help us, Ben!
Sooo tired and bored with people knocking Poundbury when they have no actual experience of living there, my parents have done so since the first phase was built…around 15+ years and recently moved house, to a completely different architectural style, within the new phase. The community is vibrant and supportive and I’d say 90% of people who move there love it, so something must be right! I visit often and there’s always something going on if you chose to find it, or want to join in. The idea I think, was to have all gardens private, so no one sees the French doors flung open and people enjoying a glass of vino sat on their patios! I’ve attended bbq’s, garden parties, suppers, charity events, cups of coffee round the kitchen table of neighbours in the next street, babysat the babies next door, helped at craft fairs, decorated the hall for Christmas (hand painting huge panels I might add!) and laughed my weekends away. My parent have a better social life than I do (and it’d not all OAP’s!) I only wish there was more work opportunities in Dorchester. I’d move like a shot.
Some of the pictures appeal, and others don’t but I don’t think it possible (for me) to know a place through photographs alone. I certainly applaud what I understand to be the aims of Poundbury and next time I’m in the UK I’d like to have a look for myself. One thing that I do find bothering is the sign to the Butter Cross, specially “a place to gather”. If the place is right, people will gather there. If it’s not, they won’t. To have it written there seems superfluous somehow. A little ersatz, even.
I want your study …please !
if, when sitting at my desk, I had that view I would never get any work done at all!
There is a lot of bad architecture, modern, traditional, and indescribable. Which, alas, makes the good so rare and wonderful. I’m always stunned by Stalin’s deep involvement in the music of his times, horrible as it was; but can you imagine any politician today being able to name a contemporary composer? Maybe we should be grateful that someone is paying attention to our built environment, and your sense of humor.
It’s a odd place and no mistake. I was there today, and as an architect, curious to wander around. I’m afraid the ‘there’s not many people about because it was late’ may be a little disingenuous – there were very few people knocking about the streets this morning! Not that every day should be a street party mind, but it is quite eerie. Ever so slightly Stepford. Also the cars. Its just too easy to drive around. Unlike so many traditional and historic towns, but just like the modern towns it would appear to be a reposte to, Poundbury is accommodating to four wheels and similarly a slave to the traffic engineers, albeit in perhaps less overt ways. I can’t help but wonder Ben, if you had your way that there might be if more variety of street width, of compression and expansion, might have been attempted? Sure, road markings are few, and there is a lack of visual clutter (no mean feat), although as your blog so clearly points up, sometimes a sign or two – nicely proportioned and with good typography – can be very useful, and pleasurable…….
Two things of no note whatsoever:
1. It is HILARIOUS that you, Ben, of all people, were the one who found and claimed the Ugly Buildings sign. Fortuitous and serendipity and other words don’t begin to describe that!
2. I love a blog where comments include clever words like “anodine” [sic] and et al, and even some Russian! Поздравляем архитекторов
3. How did Naomi’s hot date go???
These are not ugly buildings. They may not be to everyones taste – as you point out, but that doesn’t make them ugly. If one wanted to complain about ugly buildings, there are plenty of far uglier ones to point out to motorists – nearly all supermarkets, office buildings and retail parks are uglier – mainly quick and cheap to construct sheds with one side made of glass. Not very imaginative.
So the big question is what should contemporary design look like? Modernism has been with us for over 80 years, so it too is now a period styl . Personally, I don’t believe traditional/vernacular architecture is out of date. These are the kind of buildings people want to live in. Georgian houses sell easily for that reason. This recalls to mind a book from 1985 called the New Georgian Handbook, which contained a section listing architects who lived in Georgian or Victorian houses whilst building in a different style for others – such as Sir Denys Lasdun and Berthold Lubetkin. Food for thought…
i have to agree with dabney. if kgb et al would like, i could send along a few photos of local new (and new-ish) construction that would (i’m sure) end up with your sending the ugly buildings sign to me. to install as i see fit.
I’m so glad you said, ‘I hope you will also realise that there are two sides to every story. Which really is my manifesto, if ever there was one. Try and understand the alternative point of view.’ Because it really rankled when you said my husband’s shoes needed polishing (one of the deliverers to Downing Street of the infamous anti gay marriage letter). Like you and Mr KGB, I too like to get things visually right and we made a conscious decision for him to dress in country clothes for a Sunday trip up to town. His nuback shoes were perfectly clean – they just don’t photograph well! So I know just how you feel about the ugly buildings sign, although you were also very politely disagreeing with his stance. I was lucky enough to be shown round Poundbury by one of the architects involved and think that both the individual buildings and groupings are splendid. What’s wrong with it is (1) the approach (from the Northern end for me) which is so stark the first time I saw it I though hmm, ‘Toytown’. It needs softening with trees and landscaping though I accept it’s probably going to expand so that’s not possible. And (2) its soullessness. It’s not just Saturday evening when there’s no-one around. During the week in the day-time too. I expect everyone is at work but in our village there are people hanging round the shop all day and the feeling is quite different. I actually worry about who really buys a house in Poundbury. Perhaps that is the problem but it is out of your hands. ‘Your ‘village in Wales, the beautifully furnished house there and the cleaning up work is absolutely spot on. I love your blog, especially the garden, but I’m afraid I find the anodine responses really boring.
I cannot understand the people who criticise this kind of thing. Look at the rest of the UK is what I would say. Or have a go yourself. Some people are just so chuffed with themselves and their pompous tastes.
By the way Ben, what is that terrible stone column doing next to your drawing board? Whoops! There I go myself!
PS: I love the blog! It always makes me feel a lovely combination of mellow and inspired (even when you’re writing about Poundbury!).
It’s not ugly per se but what it’s really missing is any architectural hint that we now live in the 21st century. Neo-classicism is all well and good but it’s my feeling that it needs enlivening with some more contemporary designs too.
I think that we, in the States, would be lucky to have a planned town that looked so great! Well done.
Oh, and I hope Naomi’s date went well!
I giggled when I saw the sign next to your drawing board – for a second I thought you were the ‘perpetrator’ – evidenced even more so by the careful production of the letters and sign! Maybe ‘KGB’ are not someones initials but have another meaning/little protest?
Absolutely gorgeous. So right. And so rare!
Truly beautiful, in my humble opinion.
For a minute I thought the town had suffered from a mass exodus – maybe from reading the sign. To my relief I can see 4 people remain 🙂 Seriously, where is the street life not to mention the buzz and energy which springs from people walking around and engaging with each other? I side with K.G.B. and I do like the choice of the curved edges to the sign. Поздравляем архитекторов
Judith: I refer to my blog:?
I really don’t see what all the fuss is about? The new phases at Poundbury seem to be truly fresh, and dare I say it, original? Congrat’s to the architects. What’s the Russian for that?
A fascinating article. Perhaps part of the challenge for Poundbury is that the serious architecture has been lost behind a series of gut reactions from the architectural profession which have then been casually adopted by others. Looking through your photos, I’m struck by a comfortable familiarity with the proportions and layout, echoing, as it is deliberately supposed to, the well-loved Georgian towns and villages. That’s not to say Poundbury is perfect – it still needs a few years to gather that patina of use which will make it feel more natural – but it does at least seek to seriously address the criticisms of the many anonymous towns with their rigid, boxy facades. Though a few more nods toward the local Dorset architectural characteristics might help connect the town better with the county, but by creating something which is distinctive, it creates an environment which people can identify with – which is the basis for civic pride.
Thanks again for the thought-provoking article
I think its all beautiful. |
Work Header
I Can't Flocking Believe We're Doing This (or: We've Gone Insane)
Claire, Temaris
Yes, I know Daniel would never just tell anyone this, but come on, guys, we're slashing sheep, realism was never top of our priorities here.)
By Dolly One, Dolly Two and Dolly Three.
Crossover, au, & bestiality, but in a tasteful, humorous kinda way. Okay, we lied about the tasteful bit.
Random info: The combat sheep are mascots for the following service branches: Harris - Army; Cooper - RAF; Peaches - Army (Light Artillery); Moose - Navy
Combat Sheep motto: "Protection, Correction, Detection"
New Professionals: Sam Curtis, Chris Keel (ex-SEAL), Malone, Tina Backus They're not ours. After this I shouldn't think they'd want to be.
Dolly One: Personally I blame the Christmas cake. Half a bottle of brandy in the cake is too mush. Hic.
Dolly Two: Yeah, but let's admit, it doesn't take much for us anyway... Uh, please don't take this seriously. Please?
Dolly Three: This is my first posted slash fic (although Dolly One did the sex scene)
Dolly One: Although I would like to take this opportunity to thank you beautiful, beautiful people, who have inspired, thrilled and moved me, while writing this piece. My emigration visa to NZ comes through any day now... Is that moved far enough...?
Work Text:
Harry Malone tried hard to keep the smile from springing to his lips at the look on Sam Curtis' face as the other man looked up from the file he'd just read through, the file marked 'Top Secret'.
"You can't be serious."
"Perfectly," replied Malone succinctly.
"But... but... sheep ?!"
" Combat Sheep, actually."
Malone's attention was drawn to the other person in the room. Chris Keel was leaning against the back wall, grinning.
"You know these guys?" Curtis asked in shock.
"You could say that," came the reply.
"But, they're sheep . "
Malone sighed inwardly. The British half of his best team seemed fixated on the ovine nature of those who were going to help on their next assignment.
Curtis went on, turning back to Malone as he continued his tirade. "You know, sheep - grazing, dipping, wool, mint sauce! They aren't exactly the kind of Back-up I'd like to go into a gunfight with."
"Excuse me, Mr Curtis," Malone interrupted dryly, before the younger man had a chance to come up with any more objections, "if you're going to have this argument could you at least have it outside? Some of us have work to do."
Keel smirked as he pushed himself off the wall and walked over to Curtis. "C'mon, Sam, I'll explain this to you outside."
Motioning for Curtis to leave ahead of him, Keel glanced over at Malone and shrugged apologetically as he walked towards the door.
As the door to his office shut, Malone finally allowed the grin to come to his face as he heard a fading British accent questioning its partner with the words, "But... sheep?!"
"CI5!!!! We're working with f*cking CI5??" an outraged Scottish voice reverberated across the almost empty public house.
Harris glanced round worriedly but fortunately none of the other patrons seemed to have been disturbed by Moose's outburst.
"I'm no working...."
"Moose...please," Harris implored, "I know you've worked with them in the past but that was years ago."
"Bloody curly haired poof...." Moose continued to mutter irately to himself. "And his partner...."
"Moose...." Peaches lay a calming hoof on Moose' foreleg. "This is a simple job. It will be fine."
"Beside it's the first paying job we've had in ages and I'm well out of dope and Special." Cooper added waving a rather over-long cigarette in the air.
Harris and Peaches exchanged a concerned glance about their fourth but turned to a rather more immediate problem. "Moose you have to come with us. We need you."
Moose stopped his muttering but still looked unhappy. Obviously the former Navy mascot was not going to leave his comrades in the lurch but he had serious misgivings about working with the British counter- insurgency unit. "So when are we meeting them?" he eventually asked.
"In one hour." Harris announced quickly. "We're meeting two of their best agents...."
"... or so we're told." Moose added darkly.
Keel looked curiously around the darkened, smoke filled bar. The dark oak panelling and the deep red velvet of the seats against the walls were everything he had ever thought of when he had first gotten word of his posting to the UK counter insurgency force, the infamous C15, cre de la crème, his first visit to the old Country, since those early happy days, before the bitter, lonely pain...
"Are you having flash backs again?"
"Sorry," Keel rummaged in his pocket and tipped a handful of purple pills into his palm, and knocked them back. "I should be okay in twenty minutes. Kick me if I start talking about Dickensian atmospheres, okay?"
Curtis nodded, curtly. "Our contacts should be here soon, then?"
"Well, who are we looking for? What do they look like?"
Keel gave him an irritated look. "They're sheep. You know, short, white fluffy. Actually," he paused reminiscently, "I once knew a sheep - more of a ginger colour really."
Curtis waited... and waited... then kicked Keel sharply in the left ankle.
" Why are you reminiscing about sheep?"
Curtis frowned suspiciously. "You don't have Welsh ancestry do you?"
"No!" Keel denied, too quickly.
"You do, don't you!"
"You're sick!"
"What, I'm sick? I'm not the one whose mind is in the gutter!"
"Keel? Chris Keel?!" an amazed voice broke into the argument.
Keel turned sharply, his face breaking into a huge grin, "Moose! Moose you old ram!" "Chris-" the tall sheep walked slowly towards the two men. "I thought -- they told me-- my God, man, I thought you were dead! Chris !!!"
Moose couldn't help the grimace on his face as they walked into the bar. He didn't want to be here. CI5 could all go screw themselves as far as he was concerned. He didn't care if the entire bloody lot of them got blown to Kingdom Come by the terrorists they were trying to stop.
"Come on, they're over there."
Harris' voice broke into Moose's reverie, and the larger sheep reluctantly followed the other three over to a corner of the bar, stopping as he saw the back of the man sitting there. It couldn't be, it was impossible. Moose blinked and shook his head, but the vision was still the same. Bloody hell... "Keel? Chris Keel?"
The dark-haired man turned sharply, blue eyes fixing sharply on Moose as he broke into a grin. "Moose!" he exclaimed. "Moose, you old ram!"
"Chris..." Moose walked towards him, almost on automatic. "I thought -" He'd believed. "They told me-" And he'd never questioned them. "My God, man, I thought you were dead!" He'd mourned. He'd mourned, and wept. He'd stood over a grave and poured out his grief. And then he'd locked it away, vowing never to trust anyone again, never to allow himself feel that way again. "Chris!!!" But, they'd lied, they had to have lied, because here he was. Alive. Whole.
Chris stood up, facing Moose, looking contrite. "I wanted to tell you," he started, "but they wouldn't let me."
Moose frowned. Wouldn't let him?
"It was the mission, no one could know I was still alive."
Chris was still speaking, but Moose couldn't hear him. Couldn't hear anything past the rushing of blood through his ears and the pounding knowledge that Chris had lied to him. Had let him grieve, let him believe that he was dead.
Moose looked down at Chris' hand on his front leg, red enveloping him. Shrugging off the concerned hand, Moose pulled back his hard, sharp- edged hoof, and let fly, smiling in satisfaction as Keel flew back over the table and crashed to the floor. "You bastard! I thought you were dead!"
Chris staggered to his feet, rubbing his jaw. "I couldn't tell you..."
"Couldn't tell me?! Of course, you could have f*cking told me! You could have told me the night before. Remember that night? Because I do. It was the night I f*cking well told you I loved you, you lying sack of sh*t."
"But... But..."
Moose raised a hoof, cutting him off. "Save it, Keel. I don't want to hear it, any of it." Unable to face looking at Keel, and not wanting to answer any of the questions he could hear forming in his team mates' minds, Moose turned and walked up to the bar. Up to the bar and away from Chris Keel, away from the only man who had ever meant anything to him. Away from his heart. Christ, he needed a drink....
Curtis was confused.
Actually that was a bit of an understatement. However, despite an education as vast and expensive Oxford and the many years of work within CI5 and MI6 which had provided with experience that very few people could match, Sam didn't have the vocabulary to match his emotions at that point.
He watched Chris rub his jaw and look forlornly at the hunched figure now standing at the bar and let his gaze settle on the rest of Moose' team.
They all looked.... well.... sheepish!
"...." Curtis opened his mouth but nothing came out. He closed it again, swallowed then tried again. "...?"
"Moose doesn't talk a lot about his past." One of the sheep, Sam assumed it was Peaches, seeing as his dossier of their contacts talked about one... um... female and three male sheep and this one had rather large false eyelashes and lipstick. "But I knew that he had been hurt badly." She glanced sympathetically at the figure at the bar. "But I'd always assumed that it was by another mascot not a...." she stopped and twirled one hoof around in the air, "...you know."
"He always had diverse tastes." Cooper added, "but you know the military... Don't ask. Don't tell."
Curtis gaped but Cooper carried on regardless. The sheep seemed to be very knowledgeable about his comrade's past 'conquests' and was very eager to share.
But there were just some things that Sam simply did not want to know and he quickly made his excuses and sidled over to his partner.
His partner seemed to be lost in thought. F*uck not again! Sam thought. He fished into his pockets and pulled out a handful of pills that looked distinctly like the ones Chris had already taken. Discarding the purple ones as ineffective he palmed three green ones and handed them to his partner.
Chris accepted them without protest popping them into his mouth like skittles. "I can't believe he's here." He muttered. "I wanted to tell him..." he turned to Sam, eyes wide, a crystalline single tear rolled slowly down his cheek. "I l... lov..." Chris seemed unable to continue and turned back to stare at ... his lost love?
Moose knocked back another Special Brew, and grimly nodded to the barman for another.
"Moose-" It was Harris. The old warhorse, er, warsheep, was looking sympathetically at him. He glared, and looked away.
"You can talk to me," Harris said softly. "I understand. I've been where you are..."
"Yeah," Cooper shipped in brightly from the other side. "Hell, I've been in other continents , and still been where you are. Welshmen, New Zealanders, New Foundlanders, Scots. They're all the same."
He paused, then looked around the bar, realising belatedly that he was the sole speaker in a vast crowd of horrified, yet strangely fascinated onlookers.
"Baaaahstards. Here," Cooper passed Moose a spliff from some mysterious place within his fleece.
Moose took a deep drag.
"We understand," It was Peaches, "But we Combat Sheep (Protection, Correction, Detection), must stick together. We have a job to do. Besides, we won't get paid if we don't get the job done. If we don't get the job done... the job...done...oh god, the job...done..."
Curtis silently passed Harris a handful of the purple pills.
Some hours later the two teams had moved the plot (hell, the authors weren't getting anywhere...) to the site of the crime.
"What crime was it, exactly," Harris asked inquisitively.
Back-up leaned forward from over her laptop in the rear of the sleek silver car, parked inconspicuously outside a seedy, rundown warehouse, in a seedy, rundown area.
"Well," She cleared her throat, this was her big moment, her chance to prepare the scene, just call her Ms Exposition...
"Three years ago, in Outer Mongolia, a series of heinous robberies took place involving ancient, yet strangely technologically advanced, artefacts. They were discovered by a team of archaeologists, including Doctor Jordan, of the University of Chicago. Before the huge, almost Egyptian looking sarcophagi were taken back to America, they were stolen. The only clue was a piece of string, a strip of bubblegum, and a piece of fleece."
"Wait a minute," Harris interrupted before she could go any further. "Are you suggesting that a sheep was involved in this?"
"Either that or someone who had a sheepskin jacket," Curtis muttered, yelping when Peaches kicked him in the shin.
Back-up cleared her throat loudly. "As I was saying..." she said tartly. "The only clues were the string, the bubblegum and the fleece. The door to the storage room didn't look as thought it had been forced, and we still don't know how the thieves got in."
"So, why are we looking into this?" asked Keel, leg twitching as he pointedly ignored the large sheep sitting in the passenger seat. "Especially since it happened three years ago?"
Back-up glanced down quickly before finally meeting his eyes. "I don't know," she admitted.
"You don't know?" Curtis repeated. "But... but... you always know," he stuttered. "It's why you're here. We need to know something and you tell us."
"Look," Back-up snapped, "I don't bloody well know, all right! Malone called me into his office five minutes after you two left this morning and this is what he told me. All I know is what happened three years ago."
"So what are we meant to do about it?" Sam asked. "I mean, the theft didn't even take place over here."
"Well, that's the other thing I got sent to tell you." Back-up leant down and flipped open her briefcase, picking up several small booklets and handing them out.
"What are these?" Harris asked as he took the booklet off her.
"Those are your tickets to Outer Mongolia. You leave on the 8pm plane tonight."
Curtis's eyes fixated on the sight of Peaches' bottom as it bounced up and down on the back of a yak. He liked to think that it was because of the driving blizzard that howled around them and that his line of vision only extended a couple of yards but there was rather a hypnotic rhythm to the young ex-army mascot's rear-end...
A sneeze directly behind him thankfully broke that line of thought. His partner sneezed once more before sniffing twice and giving a deep sigh. Twenty-four hours after 'The Incident' where Chris and Moose reunited and the young man had spiralled into a deep depression. The object of his melancholia was bravely leading their yak caravan up the steep side of a mountain to the cave where the sarcophagi had been found. A large gold tinged fleece draped ceremonially across the top. Visions of mythological symbolism had flashed before Sam's eyes before Back-up had informed them that there had been a small embroidered patch on the back proudly stating 'Made in Taiwan'.
It was the disappearance of the occupant of the sarcophagi that had CI5 involved. Why? Sam still couldn't fathom but involved they were.
Curtis turned round as well he could on the back of the yak and whilst wearing thick winter clothing to face his partner.
"Sam?" Chris called out again and Sam slowed his yak down fractionally in order to allow Chris to catch up. His partner was looking pale and drawn. Far too pale to be accounted for by the cold weather.
"You okay, Chris?" Sam asked.
Chris shook his head. "Sam, I'm not feeling well...." he confided before his eyes fluttered closed and he swooned gracefully off the back-end of the yak.
"Chris?!" Sam leapt from his own yak to kneel at his dear friend's side. He gently lifted the limp body into his arms, out of the cold, wet snow, and peered anxiously into his partner's pallid features. Chris's lips were blue, his dark lashes formed a perfect semi-circle where they rested on the fine etched cheekbones. He swallowed at the perfect beauty of his unconscious partner, and roughly shook him by the shoulders. "Keel! Wake up!!" He slapped lightly at Chris' cheeks. The dark head lolled rolling with each blow.
"What are you doing?" Peaches shrieked, after taking a hasty glance at Moose's strained features. The local food wasn't sitting well in the older sheep's stomach.
"I'm trying to wake him up, dammit!" Sam opened his jacket and pulled Chris in close. "Body warmth! It's the only thing that'll save him from a terrible, lingering, but above all, cold death from hypothermia."
"Aren't you going to get cold like that?" Harris asked, bewildered.
"No. It's an authorial device, and only one person is allowed to get hypothermia at a time. It's part of the h/c guild rules."
"Okay." Harris turned away and started moving back up the hill, leaving the two humans to their peculiar ways.
Keel's eyes fluttered open. His gaze lighted on his partner's anxious orbs peering deeply into his, and smiled sweetly up at him. "Sam," he purred.
"Chris?" Sam clasped Chris' hand. "Are you awake?"
"Only if you promise me I'm not dreaming." His lips parted and Sam couldn't help himself, he dipped into the sweet lushness of that warm, wet mouth.
The distant throbbing threnody of electric guitar on reverb echoed through the grey stone chamber. At the window, soft voile curtains flowed and swayed in the breeze through the open windows. The lovers, for such they were, moved and coiled around and over each other.
"Sam, oh Sam..."
"Chris -- do you mean it?" He ducked his head into the hard curve of Keel's collarbone, burying his face in sudden display of nervousness.
Chris wrapped his arms tenderly around his beloved. "Sam, Sam, Sam..." He pressed soft, butterfly kisses into the dark brown hair. "Look at me, my little love!"
Sam's eyes raised shyly to meet Chris' loving gaze. "Oh," he gasped, "Oh, you really mean it?"
Chris grinned wryly, "Yeah, I guess I really do." He caught Sam's brief hesitation, "No, honey, I really mean it. I love you. Only you..." He tilted Sam's chin up with a single finger and took a kiss from those sweet lips.
The two men moved closer and closer, wriggling pleasurably against each other. Their bodies were warm and firm, despite the chill breeze blasting through the open window from the high Asian Steppes (a little known dance troupe...)
Sam pulled away after a long luxurious moment, panting hard. "Only, I thought there was something between you and-"
"Don't say it, my darling, Moose is behind me now." "He is?!!" Sam squeaked lurching out of the bed to check the other side of Chris' back.
"No! Not that kind of behind, dear , I was the one behind for that little.... Dalliance..." He paused reminiscently, but was pulled back to the present by the sound of an irritated cough, and an angry foot tapping on the cold stone floor.
"Sam, love, come back to bed. You'll freeze like that!"
"I don't care! Promise me, promise me Chris, that it truly is behind you. That you'll never look at another " his voice hitched and broke, sliding through the octaves unpleasantly, "At another sheep."
"I promise, my precious-ss-ss."
"You'll throw the wellies away?"
"The wellies are gone as soon as we get home."
"And you'll sell the Welsh sheep farm?"
"Of course, anything for you, snookums."
"And the flock of New Zealand party-sheep?"
"How did you hear about the partysheep?!" He caught himself as Sam glared, "Yes, yes, the party sheep will go too. Only you, for ever and ever," he paused, clasping Sam's hand earnestly to his heaving breast, "to eternity and beyond!"
"Then what are we waiting for!" Sam launched himself at his Chris, his own, his One True Love. They writhed together eagerly, hotly, sweat slicking sweetly between them as the heat built. Their proud manhoods...menhoods? menshood? Members. Their proud members rubbed firmly against hard abdominal muscles. Chris rubbed his feet, still warmly clad in his white towelling sports socks up and down the muscled calves, until Sam yelped, as the towelling snagged and tangled in his leg hairs.
Sam delved deep into his lover's mouth, thrusting his tongue deep into the moist cavern of Chris' mouth exploring every ridge and crack, every nook and cranny. Pausing for breath he called softly, "helloo!" and was gratified to hear the soft echo back from the deep, moist cavern, --hello-lo-lo--
Chris gasped with excitement, and spread his thighs wide, letting Sam slip between.
"You want this?" Sam asked hotly, urgently, his chest heaving. He pressed a hand sweetly between Chris' thighs, sliding it gently down to the dark recessed pucker, the roseate hued furl of love, his darling, sweet brave man's tight little love pucker.
Chris moaned helplessly, arching his back, his hands gripping wildly at Sam's shoulders.
Sam smiled tightly, and cupped the ex-SEAL's flushed face with both hands. He pressed in firmly with one finger, and grinned as Chris gasped and moaned again. "Yes, my slutty little man-bitch, you like this don't you?"
Chris' mind attempted to struggle up through the morass of sugar and sheer, unadulterated pleasure blasting from his every nerve ending to his most ancient, primitive, visceral part of his brain. "How-how many hands-"
Sam grinned, and thrust in deeper. "how about that, my proud hussy?"
"Ohhhhh... ... yesssss-SAMMM!!!""" Chris screamed as his lover reached his pleasure nodule, and flicking the 'on' switch.
Orgasm after orgasm coursed through his wildly writhing body, rushes of pleasure shorting out his whole body, until he collapsed, gasping asthmatically for air, wheezing desperately as Sam flipped him over onto his stomach, getting him ready for the main event. Chris barely had time for an, "I love-oof!" as his ass was stuffed.
They barely had time to really get into it, when Chris was brought out of the throbbing haze of powerful sexual ecstasy by a faint tapping sound on the wall slightly to the left of the four poster bed. He glanced to one side, and caught glimpses of the short orange-robed monk on a small stepladder, hanging a small blue plaque on the wall between the shoves into the pillows that Sam's turbo-charged pump action were causing. The monk smiled and nodded, climbed down from the step stool, bowed, smiled, nodded, and retreated, smiling benignly from the wreaked bed chamber.
Chris was dragged back to the present as Sam collapsed on his back - he'd come and Chris hadn't noticed. Damn. He hastily sorted through his mental rotofile of hot sex fantasies, dismayed to realise that even now, the most interesting, the most exciting ones were... Moose.
Moose couldn't stand to look at the four walls of his dingy room any more. Swiping his can of Special Brew off the table, he headed out of the room and down the corridor. After a few minutes walking through the stone halls, he came to a door with the words 'Garden of Contemplation' burned into the wood. Then his eyes were drawn to the plaque underneath it. Squinting slightly, he read the faded words, 'Do not walk on the grass'.
Opening the door, he stepped out into the garden, looking at the intricate designs raked into the sand. Glancing across the garden he soon spotted a lone monk sitting in contemplation. Heading over to the monk, he tripped over a stone, ruining one of the patterns. Bending down, he quickly drew what he thought was the pattern back into the sand, leading to an entire universe exploding and Cliff Richard being reincarnated as a cockroach (strangely, this did not affect his record sales). Ignoring the now swirling mass of confusion in the previously serene Garden of Contemplation he sat next to the monk. Draining the rest of the can of Special in one swig he looked over at the orange-clad man. "So, mate, anything to do around here on a Friday night?"
The monk remained silent.
"I guess that's a no, then," Moose muttered. "Pity, Friday nights were always fun nights back with..." The words trailed off. He hadn't planned to think of Chris, to think of the sweat-filled nights the two of them had spent in Peterborough. "It wasn't like I meant for it to happen," Moose sighed. "I mean, people, I never bloody liked them to start with. Always after one thing..."
Moose's eyes glazed over as he thought of the first man he had ever been attracted to. Farmer Hamish McAngus had been a strapping wall of a man. His curly strawberry blonde hair flickered from red to blonde in the afternoon sun. Moose had been mesmerised watching him walk across the fields - red, blond, red, blond. All Hamish had needed was green and he could have stood in for the broken traffic lights on Main Street. But Moose had just been an innocent young lamb, naïve to the ways of man and their sheep-seducing tactics. He'd never stood a chance. Hamish used to come into the field at night and stroke his fleece, telling him how lovely and silky it was, and Moose, the young fool, had fallen for it. So, that night when Hamish had led him away from the flock he'd gone willingly. Gone willingly and given away his innocence on a moonlight night, deflowered in a field possessed by things rank and gross in nature, small parcels left there by the cows that had inhabited it the day previously. And he'd thought Hamish had returned his feelings, but he was wrong. He'd just been another lamb to pass the time with. He still couldn't believe how stupid he'd been, declaring his love to a man who laughed and told him he was nothing special, just another piece of meat.
So when the lorry had come to collect them for 'Fraser's Meat Processing Plant', Moose had taken the opportunity to escape. Butting the driver who had been trying to herd him into the back of the lorry he'd made his break for freedom, running over the hills until he thought his heart would burst and his legs would collapse. The fields had gone past in a blurred haze of green until, eventually he'd had to stop, heaving for breath. And when he'd looked up he'd found the pastures gone and replaced with buildings and roads. Shops with bright window displays beckoned him and he breathed them in thirstily as he looked in them and longed for such things as the 'new, improved blender-phone' and 'the underwater pyrography kit'.
But it had been the small building on the corner that had attracted him most. The darkened window with the basic poster proclaiming 'We Need You!' And Moose had wanted to be needed, had needed to be needed. Needed to know he was still worth needing by people who really needed him. So he'd gone inside, head held high. He'd walked over to desk that sat in the corner and looked at the Navel Officer, squinted and then walked out of the Belly Button piercing parlour and headed next door to the Navy Recruitment facility. His head held proudly, he'd trotted towards the man in the highly starched white uniform and proclaimed to him, "I'm ready to be needed".
And needed he was. They attached him to the corps that needed him the most, that needed a mascot to cheer them when they were sent into the war-torn ravaged lands. And it was one of those lands that he'd met Chris...
Peterborough ( shudder ) had been a bloody hell-hole, forcing the worst of men to come to the fore. He still couldn't think about those times without feeling the shudders run through him. Even the mention of the name Peterborough ( shudder ) made him shudder. But within that despair he'd found the most important thing in his life, a good conditioner for his fleece... Oh, and Chris, of course.
Moose could remember the first time he saw Chris like it was yesterday. He'd been standing grazing on one of the fields surrounding the Navy base when he'd seen a man on a blanket, reading a book. Moose couldn't take his eyes off him. He'd never been attracted to a man since Hamish had used and discarded him, but there he was, unable to look away from the dark-haired vision that sat before him. And Chris had noticed, had looked up to see Moose nearly drooling at the sight of him. When Chris had spotted him, Moose had flinched, expecting the derision to fall from the man's lips, expecting the sheep-hating rhetoric that he'd heard so many times before.
But Chris had just smiled, smiled and said "There's a good patch over here."
And that had been it, Moose had been lost, lost to a whirlwind of emotion, a maelstrom of feelings coursing through him. He'd never expected Chris to return his feelings, but he had. And Moose had been elated, elated and terrified, still expecting the crushing blow all men dealt to him eventually. But it hadn't come, and the days were spent in bliss, romping around fields and hills (when they were off duty, of course). They talked and laughed. Nobody had understood him like Chris had, and he understood Chris, just two world-weary sailors taking comfort in each other's company each day. But it wasn't the days Moose remembered most. Oh no, it was the nights that had haunted his dreams. Those damn lust-filled nights...
The monk snored faintly.
Peaches twirled the soft orange fabric around her body and wished for a mirror. Orange was one of her best colours. It brought out the highlights in her hair and complemented her old farm colours. She smoothed out the last of the wrinkles then set forth to find the rest of her team.
Falling flat on her face immediately.
Eventually the little ring of Tweety birds flew away and Peaches picked herself off the slab floor, turning to peer at whatever it was she had tripped over. There was a small blue plaque nailed to the slab.
and here. It said. "Huh?" thought Peaches.
There was another plaque a few yards down the corridor, on the wall this time. Peaches crawled over to it. and here.
"What's going on?" she wondered.
There seemed to be a trail of small blue plaques all the way down the corridor. Intrigued, Peaches decided to investigate.
The transcendental hum of a Tibetan singing bowl rang out across the courtyard. Together, a group of monks began their daily meditations. The low drone of their chanting swelled and mingled melodiously with the background sounds of the high altitudes of the Tibetan Monastery.
Cooper's dulcet voice swelled and rose upwards into the sky. "Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
The old RAF mascot had decided to join the meditating monks, his years of smoking grass had allowed him to skip the beginning and intermediate levels moving straight to the advanced classes. He had be invited to join then monks by their leader, a small wizened monk named Yo Da Lama. He had met the sheep just as the ex-mascot was lighting up a spliff. They had then spent several hours discussing philosophy.
"Arrival leads to seeking, Seeking leads to Peace, Peace leads to enlightenment."
Da Lama handed the spliff back to Cooper. "Why do you come here, my son?"
Cooper blinked, "Do you mean in this monastery or in this life? Because if it was in this monastery it is because of the mission but if it's on this mission it's because it seemed like a good idea at the time and if it's in this life it's because once upon a time my mummy met my daddy..."
Da Lama looked confused but that could have been the high quality dope that Cooper had procured from a dealer down the precipitous mountainside. Da Lama sniffed the smoke contemplatively. There was a distinct smell of yak in the air he eyed the small lump of brown hash suspiciously.
"Seek or do not seek, there is no try!" he intoned mysteriously.
The monk's wise words echoed in Cooper's head as he attempted the complex meditation ritual used by the monks. As he felt the world disappear from his conscious mind he felt his body lighten and begin to float away.
Down the rocky mountain side several goat-herders were put onto medication as they reported seeing a sheep sitting cross-legged as he levitated high above the Himalayan mountains.
Harris groaned as he tried to cover his ears. Unfortunately, hooves weren't that good for covering ears and he could still hear every single moan, howl and scream of pleasure coming from Curtis and Keel in the next room.
It had been pure dumb luck that he'd managed to find the monastery at all. After Keel had taken his swan dive off the yak he was riding, Harris had ridden up ahead, to see what else was on the trail. He'd barely ridden for a minute when he turned a corner to see a huge gateway bearing the moniker 'The Outer Mongolian Tibetan Outreach Mission Monastery' in flowing letters. Stopping outside the gate and knocking politely on the wind chimes ringing the bell, the door had opened and he'd been greeted by a monk wearing long robes. After explaining the situation to him, the monk had accompanied Harris back to where the others were still waiting. Curtis had Keel wrapped in his arms within the confines of his jacket and Moose was throwing them the occasional glare when he wasn't ignoring them altogether.
The monk had helped Curtis get Keel back onto the yak and led them back to the monastery, showing them all to the rooms where they could stay. Curtis had immediately sequestered himself and Keel away and the moaning had started scant minutes after the door had closed.
The bedroom itself was quite nice. The maroon and peach colour scheme on the walls complemented the blue duvet lying on the bed... the bed that had a small blue plaque over it with 'Genghis Khan slept here, 1134 AD'. But that was the extent of the interest within the room. He'd thought he'd go and see what the others were up to, but he had no idea where Moose, Peaches and Cooper were. He'd gone to the rooms they were meant to be staying in only to find them empty, and so had come back to torture himself by listening to the rapturous cries coming from the two humans. Unable to stand it anymore, he decided to explore and left the room.
Looking down the long stone corridor, Harris started walking. After a few minutes he came to a door. The wooden plaque next to it read 'Kitchen', the plaque under it read 'Methos made yak butter here'. If there was anything the monks seemed fond of it was cataloguing what had gone on within the monastery walls.
Moving further down the corridor the next door he came to had 'Confessions' on it. Again, with another plaque below it, this time with 'Multi-denominational confessions available - ask for George'. He decided that he didn't want to confess to anything, if he was being honest he didn't actually have anything interesting to confess to.
Bemoaning his rather boring, if active, life, Harris continued to wander the corridors, stopping suddenly when something caught his eye. Backing up, he looked closer at the door. Yes, there it was, a piece of bubblegum with some string attached to it. His eyes moved up the wood until he found what the room was - 'Storage'. Pushing the door and finding it unlocked, Harris walked inside and turned on the switch. Light flooded the room illuminating the boxes and... Harris gasped and pulled the pictures of the stolen artefacts they had come to investigate out of his pocket. (Yes, I know he's a sheep, and I know he's technically naked, but to advance the plot he's now got a pocket. No, I don't know how he got it, and I don't know where it came from. But let's be honest, it's not like it's the only thing in this fic that doesn't make sense. He has a pocket, live with it.) His eyes flicked from the picture to the large sarcophagus leaning against the wall. It was identical. He had to find the others.
"And here," Peaches read out. "I'm getting really fed up of this," she muttered. "Here, you!" She accosted a peach clad monk with a sharp swing of one beautifully manicured hoof.
"Yes, how can I help, ewe?"
"I was wondering," she waved at the small blue plaque. "What are these about?"
"We are a member of the International Terran Cultural Heritage Institute. ITCHI likes to mark these special moments in the lives of visitors to our monasteries with plaques."
"Yea, yes," Peaches said impatiently, "But what does 'and here' mean?"
"Ah, you came up from the South West Passage?"
Peaches shrugged, and waved vaguely back the way she had come, "I came from back there, if that's the South West Passage."
"My daughter, if you would care to start from the beginning you will discern the full meaning of the signs. Follow," he commanded, "Experience the journey. Be , little grasshopper."
"Who are you calling a grasshopper, granddad," Peaches snapped, "I'll have you know I am accomplished in the arts of Tishtush-" She swung sharply, one-two at the monk's face.
"Hai-iii! Tish-tush!"
He screamed and staggered back, moaning, "Christ, that'll sting in the morning!"
Peaches hurried past.
Some twenty minutes, and fourteen more 'and here's later, she stopped, finally she had found one which said something different.
"Methos really got into it here... Who the hell is Methos?"
A small voice spoke by her left shoulder, "Methos, Death, the Second Horseman, Renaissance man, scholar, Ancient of Ancients, and semi-finalist on Wheel of Fortune; once fled here, in around 2345 BC, chased by Kronos (q.v.). Please move to the next sign for further historical information on this interesting historical figure. Bing!"
Peaches looked around wildly, until her eye lit upon a small fly resting on her fleeced shoulder and carrying a small brass sequin and tiny wooden drumstick.
"Who the f*ck are you?"
"Part of the ITCHI Information Corps. We provide every ITCHI site with full corpus of information and tourist assistance."
"You're a flea!"
"Well, yes," it nodded apologetically. "Affirmative action hiring policy from ITCHI."
She considered this. There was nothing exactly she could put her hoof on, but it just didn't sound right, somehow. But... as a sheep mascot she had been the victim of speciesist bigotry, so she squished-er-suppressed her first impulse, and smiled at him.
"That's wonderful!" She said sweetly, "I'm Peaches, former Sheep Mascot of the British Light Artillery, and co-foundress of the Combat Sheep." She produced a business card with a flourish from her handbag.
"Protection, Correction, Detection," the flea read, "Sounds kinky - kind of police work with leather..." He smiled and held out a foreleg, "I'm sorry, do forgive my poor manners, I'm Piles, Rupert Piles." Peaches blushed and shook hands.
"Charmed, so nice to meet you," she murmured, head tilting coyly. He adjusted his glasses and straightened the tiny tweed jacket. "So, where do we go from here?"
"Where do we go, oh, where do we goooo-ahem, do excuse me. An old flashback problem of mine." He cleared his throat. "If you'd care to move twenty paces forward and take the first left, your questions will all be answered."
"Thank you, Giles," she said politely, moving the required number of steps.
"Piles, please," he corrected her swiftly. "We don't want to infringe anyone's copyright!" He laughed merrily.
"Oh, of course," Peaches blushed prettily again, covered with confusion.
"Quite all right, dear lady," the tiny, but oddly basso voice replied. "Now, if you'd care to read the sign..."
"'Kronos raped Methos here for the first time, 2435 BC.' That's horrible, the poor woman!" Peaches was indignant.
"No, no, they were both men. Besides, the sign is a little misleading. It might have been rape, but it was really hot, and Methos really got into it by the second or third go." He pulled off his glasses and cleaned them, peering myopically (and many-lensedly) at the floor. "Could we skip the disturbing sex talk?"
"Of course." Peaches agreed quickly. "um... what else is there to see around here?" she asked.
Piles pulled himself up to his full height of one half inch and arranged his glasses back on his face in an authoritative manner. He tapped the brass sequin twice sharply with the drumstick. "To the left you can see the famous spot where three hundred years ago a vicious vampire named Angelus killed a swarm of demons who were masquerading as monks..." Piles started to move down the corridor, "and we're walking..."
Bewildered, Peaches followed him.
"Oh god, Chris..." The words trailed off as Chris' tongue rolled around Moose's horns, dipping into his ear and tickling it. Moose giggled (he was quite horrified at this fact considering he was a hard Navy mascot, but nevertheless, it was still a giggle) and reached out a hoof, trailing it softly down Chris' cheek. "Chris..."
"What do you want, baby?" The whisper drifted into his ear. "Tell me."
Moose hesitated, there was one thing he wanted more than anything, but he was afraid. The last time he had given himself to a human they'd discarded him, cast him aside. But he knew this time was different, had to be different. Chris wasn't like Hamish, he was kind and sensitive. "I..."
"What is it? You can tell me." Chris's voice was soft.
"Iwantyoutotakeme." The words tumbled out in a rush.
Chris frowned gently as he sorted out the words, then his eyes widened as he understood. "Are you sure. I mean, I know what happened with Hamish."
"I'm sure," Moose nodded. And he was, his body yearned for Chris to be inside him.
A soft smile crossed Chris' face and he reached out to take Moose's hoof. "I won't hurt you, baby. You can trust me." He leant forward and ran his tongue over Moose's lips, cajoling them to open.
Encouraged by the gentle kitten licks at his mouth, Moose opened his lips and allowed Chris' tongue to slip inside.
"You taste... of grass?" Chris murmured.
"Meadow-fresh!" Moose whispered shyly.
"Mmmm... I can taste it... moist, delicious, nummy-treat."
Moose jumped as he felt a pair of strong hands sliding deep into his soft fleece. He shivered as they ran firmly over his wool, feeling over shoulders, back, and further... further...
"It's okay, sssh, I know, it's new, it's okay, I know. Gently, I won't do anything you don't want..."
"But what if I want... everything?" he whispered, terrified at his own temerity.
"Then I'll give you everything," Chris replied. "Just name it."
"Tickle my fleece."
"Tickle you... uh, sure." Chris lightened his touch until Moose could barely feel anything but the frisson of the faintest touch fingering along his flanks.
Slowly the touch moved down until Chris' dancing fingers reached . . . . . . .
"Oh Chris..." Moose moaned in sated delight as he lit a cigarette and relaxed bonelessly into Chris' soft embrace.
"Oh, Moose... Moose..."
"Yeah, Chris..."
"Moose! Moose!"
The frantic call broke into the erotic reverie and Moose's first time with the dark haired, attractive CI5 agent segued into Harris running towards him.
"Moose?" Harris asked, palpable hurt on his face.
"Uh, no, sorry, I mean, I-"
"No, it's okay." Harris averted his gaze from the mess at Moose's crotch (hey, sheep - no clothes, remember?) "I just wanted to say that I think I found the missing artefacts. But you, uh, I can see you're, um... busy right now so I'll--" Harris shuffled awkwardly towards the doors.
"No, wait!" shouted Moose, hastily pulling out a handkerchief (yes, again, I know there are no pockets, but just suspend disbelief for a moment, 'kay?) and wiping himself off. "Harris, don't go!"
Harris stopped and turned around, looking hesitantly at Moose.
"Please," Moose continued, "stay."
"Are you sure?" But Harris had already taken the first step back towards him.
Moose nodded. "I'm sure."
Harris closed the distance between them, sitting next to Moose on the large flat stone. "You were thinking about him , weren't you?"
Moose didn't need to ask who the 'him' was, the disdain in Harris' voice was evidence enough. "I know you don't like Chris," Moose said, ignoring the mutters coming from under Harris' breath, "but he was a big part of my past."
"Your past?" Harris sounded sceptical.
"Yes," nodded Moose, "my past. Chris Keel is a part of my past, but you and the rest of the team, you're my future."
"I like the sound of that," Harris admitted quietly, gently laying a hoof over Moose's.
Moose looked down, his gaze lingering for long moments on their joined hooves, before he raised his head and met Harris' eyes. "What did you want to see me for?" he asked softly.
"Oh! That!" Harris jumped to his feet. "I found the sarcophagi - well, one of them anyway."
"You found them!"
"Yes!" exclaimed Harris, pulling Moose to his feet. "Now, come on, we have to find the others."
Keel smiled contentedly and stretched his legs out to their full extent luxuriously under the warm eiderdown. He drew a deep breath and tilted his head slightly to smile down at his lover's head, resting on his shoulder. Sam's face was turned in towards the centre of Chris' chest, and he had a faint smile on his face, even though his eyes were closed and the soft susurration of sleeping breath brushed over his skin.
Moose had been a long time ago. Chris shook his head, and smiled reminiscently. It had been good time of his life, long before he left the Navy. He'd been on leave when they had met... and then had come the mission, right when he was happiest. He'd made a clean break. It had seemed the kindest thing at the time. He could have come back, contacted him long after, but he'd met Helen, and he'd not thought of anything but her, of anyone left in his past.
And here, suddenly, when the pain of Helen's cruel death had faded, his heart largely healed by the unsullied, clear, pure friendship of Sam Keel, Moose trotted back into his life, a little older, a lot more bitter. It was confusing. His hand stroked slowly over Sam's tanned back. It was more than confusing, he scowled, it was damned inconvenient. No, no, there was the mission to think of - and that was another thing. He couldn't get his head around the whole thing. The mystery didn't seem to warrant CI5's best team, unless... Unless Malone had been hiding something. It wouldn't have been the first time that the old bastard hadn't given them the whole story. He shook his head. This was the wrong time and place for worrying about the mission. Right now his personal life was on a knife edge.
If Sam woke, and asked, he didn't know what he could say, yet, he knew it was Sam he wanted... had watched from afar (and extremely close quarters whilst being tied up, mined, bombed, shot at and run over). But had it only been lust? Right here, right now, he'd had the sex. Was that all he wanted from Sam? Or -- his arm tightened reflexively, the man looked so vulnerable in sleep, the hard lines and chiselled planes softened and made gentle. It wasn't just sex he wanted. He'd said it, and now he realised that he had meant it, every word. He loved him.
He pressed his lips into Sam's hair. He needed to talk to Moose, straighten things out, but that was all. Everything he wanted was already within his grasp.
"Feeling better now," Sam asked dryly.
"When did you wake up?"
"About half way through that internal monologue. But you know, partners can read each other's thoughts, so, consider the whole conversation where we worried about whether I really did, and you really did, already had, and we do."
Chris blinked. "Uh. Okay."
"If you really do, that is?"
Chris froze, then growled. Sam was laughing. He pounced and rolled Sam over, tickling.
"And here," Rupert Piles continued as he pointed to an alcove with a leg, "Duncan MacLeod brooded."
"Duncan MacLeod? Who's he?" Peaches asked, feeling as though her head was about to explode with all the information Piles had given her.
"Ah, Duncan MacLeod. Well, some would call him a paragon of justice. He used to fight the good fight against those who needed defeating." The flea paused. "Of course, others call him a moralistic, uptight git who sees the world in black and white, seeing his point of view as the only viable one."
"And we're walking..." the flea said without slowing down and disappearing around the corner.
Peaches glanced back at the small blue plaque before hurrying after Piles. "Oof!" Peaches exclaimed as she bounced down to the floor and looked up at the person she'd run into. A dark man dressed in green looked down at her. Picking herself up and dusting herself off, Peaches glared at him. "Well, that's a bloody stupid place to stand, isn't it!" she snapped. The man stared down at her. "Are you going to move?" she asked sarcastically.
"I cannot. I am required to stand here."
Peaches sighed. "I'll have you know I am accomplished in the arts of Tishtush-" Pulling a hoof back, she swung at the large man's face "Hai-iii! Ti--" Peaches gaped in shock at the hand wrapped around her hoof, stopping it in mid-air.
The man continued to look down at her before turning back and calling out. "O'Neill, I believe I have found someone who may be of assistance."
The airman holding Cooper winced as the old mascot swore up a blue streak at him. "For f*ck's sake, you Yank wanker, will you let me go!" He was getting fed up of being poked by the blonde woman who just kept repeating "Oh my god, it's a talking sheep."
The other man with her leant forward, light glinting off his glasses as he squinted at Cooper. "Bah? Bah bah baaaaaaaaah?"
Cooper's eyes narrowed. "You'd better take that back before I whack off your goolies with a blunt knife."
The man frowned. "Whack off my goolies?" One of the airmen next to him whispered something in his ear and his eyes widened suddenly. "Oh! Erm, sorry."
"You would have been," warned Cooper.
The woman turned to her companion. "Daniel, I think we should go and find Colonel O'Neill and Teal'c."
'Daniel' nodded. "Agreed, Sam. Although I don't know what Jack will make of this. I mean we've theorised that we may not be the only"
"Excuse me," pointed out Cooper. "If you're expecting to drag me off you've got another bloody thing coming. I'm here on official British Government business with CI5, I am. I've got diplomatic immunity! And I've had all my shots!"
"We don't have time for this," Daniel said. "We've still got to find if the sarcophagus is still here."
Cooper's ears pricked up. If this lot were after the same artefacts as they were, then things could get interesting. He had to get away to find the others. Whistling softly, he stomped on the foot of the airman holding him, grinning when the man automatically let him go. Taking the opportunity to slip away, Cooper headed off to find Harris.
Harris and Moose turned a corner to see Peaches talking to a group of people they'd never seen before.
"Peaches, what's going on?"
Peaches turned and looked at him. "Oh, Harris, there you are. Meet Colonel Jack O'Neill, Doctor Daniel Jackson, Major Sam Carter and Teal'c. They're part of an ultra secret American project involving Stargates and wormholes. They travel to different planets and they're looking for the same things we are," she said brightly.
"We're looking for aliens?" Harris asked.
"The sarcophaguses ," she replied patiently. "Apparently they're some kind of healing chamber for a race of symbiotic aliens who take hosts."
Jack glared at Daniel darkly. "Never quite got the 'top secret' concept, did you?" he muttered. (Author's note: Yes, I know Daniel would never just tell anyone this, but come on, guys, we're slashing sheep, realism was never top of our priorities here.)
"Oh," replied Harris, as Cooper came barrelling around the corner. "Oi! How did you get here before me?" he demanded, glaring at Sam and Daniel who just looked at each other.
"We took the North-West passage," Carter replied. "It led us right here." (Additional author's notes: Um, okay, so continuity isn't a top priority, either.)
"Hah. Airforce!" Moose grumped sourly.
"Navy?" Jack accused.
"Aye, mon, an' wha' of it?" There was the click-snap of Moose's illegal sub-automatic, echoed by half a dozen P-90's encircling him.
"Uh, guys, could we all calm down? We're all on the same side here?" Daniel said hastily.
"Moose! No!" snapped Peaches, closely echoed by Harris.
"I'm just asking, aren't I, yank ?"
"Why am I talking to a sheep, Carter," Jack demanded petulantly.
"Well, technically sir, you're talking to an equivalently evolved life form to our own, who simply happen to look like sheep. I've been talking to agent Peaches here, and she-"
"Ah!" Jack raised an imperative finger.
"But I-"
"Jack, you really should-"
"No, I want the short version. The really short version."
"Well, it's like the wombats, sir."
"The wombats?" Jack looked in disbelief at his second in command. This was meant to clarify the issue.
"Ah, I may not be putting this the best way, but if you take Teal'c, whose ancestors appear to have developed from wombats, then you can see that there may be an intermediate stage when-_"
"Whoa! Wombats!?" Jack looked desperately at Teal'c who inclined his head impassively.
"I understand that we of Chulak have evolved pouches to carry our symbiotes. I have not been informed of your theory, MajorCarter, but if these wombats also have pouches, then the theory may indeed be of interest."
Jack looked like his head hurt. "Stop. Okay? Just stop. Let's just pretend this never happened, and I never, ever asked about the sheep, okay?"
Carter nodded. "We can do that, sir."
"I'm so glad, because my head feels like it's about to explode," Jack sighed.
"Can I rub it better... sir?" Daniel walked over and looked into Jack's eyes, a soft smile crossing his lips.
Jack matched the smile. "Why, of course... Doctor Jackson."
"Oh god, not again," muttered Carter under her breath.
Harris glared at the two men making googly eyes at each other, suddenly hearing the gasped moans of Keel and Curtis in his mind and wishing he had a supply of the purple pills to stop it. "Get a room!" he snapped. "36B on the North-East passage is free. Maybe you can drown out the noises from next door."
"Oooh, yeah, baby, yeah!"
"Harder, damn you, Curtis!"
"Aieeee!" "Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, uh, uh, uh, uh..."
"I-I-looooove youuuuuu!"
Jack shook his head briefly, struggling back to the present. It was no good. A warm flush spread over his spare cheekbones as the memory of their last...encounter... flooded back...
"Daniel, my love, I thought I'd lost you!"
"Hush, my sweet, I'm here, it's okay..."
"Remind me!!! I need to know that you're here, here, safe in my arms!"
"Where else would I be? It's the only place I want to be, the only place I need to be."
"I didn't know if you could forgive me," Jack said lowly. "Yes," he glanced up, eyes pain-filled. "I knew you were still there, and I listened to her. I had to, do you understand?" "Yes, love, yes I do," Daniel cupped Jack's ravaged face and licked away the tears welling over. "Truly I do. I may question your logic, your ethics and your morals, but I would never question your love. You were doing the best you could. It doesn't matter that you nearly killed me because you refused to listen to my solution which, by the way, was the one that worked. But I do love you. My beautiful idiot," he finished lovingly.
"I promise I'll listen next time, okay?"
"Don't make promises you'll forget about the next time the testosterone gets a hold of your higher brain function," Daniel chided. "Now, where were we?" And he seized Jack's mouth in a deep, powerful kiss, searching deep for the taste of his lover, the flavour that warmed him through and through, reminded him that he truly was alive.
"Ohhh, Danny-boy," Jack moaned.
"Wanna see my pipe," he grinned lasciviously.
Jack groaned and scrabbled frantically to strip Daniel of his clothing, kissing his way down the strong body, revealing each inch with gentle, yet eager hands, until he reached Danny's waistband. Daniel's hand lit lightly on his hair, scratching lightly through the greying hair.
"Yes, that's it, love," he smiled, "I want you," he breathed, pushing Jack's face closer, unzipping his fatigues with his other hand. (Yes, okay, so their BDU's may have buttons. We can't remember. Live with the zip. Accept the zip. We are one with the f*cking zip, okay?)
Jack closed his eyes and groaned. He knew what was coming... he dipped his head in and licked tentatively at the swollen tip of Daniel's cock.
(We would like to make it perfectly clear at this juncture that the cock in question is Daniel Jackson's PENIS, okay. Not male chickens or any other farmyard animals. For god sakes, what kind of perverts do you think we are?)
"You taste so wonderful, my sweet, sweet Danny." The delicious salt-flavoured liquid excited him and he lapped further, deeper, until he was suddenly aware of Daniel's hands tugging at his ears. "Oww!"
"I want you," Daniel said deeply, and Jack moaned helplessly.
"Yes, oh yes, take me, Danny, take me." He gasped eagerly, shuddering with pleasure at the thought of being dominated by his beloved archaeologist.
Daniel smiled, "That's it, sweetheart, now stop that or I'll be done before I'm in you." Jack slithered his way back up Danny's warm, firm body, and their lips locked in another passionate kiss while their limbs entwined and unwound again, stripping clothes and slipping under the bedclothes with startling efficiency for completely unconscious activity. Heat swirled about their bodies, driving them higher and higher, until Daniel pulled back and whispered
"Turn over..."
Jack gulped and rolled over. There was an uncomfortable moment while they disentangled him from the bed sheets which had turned with him, forming a sort of JackCocoon, but that was fun too...
Finally they were ready, and Daniel smiled into Jack's back as he ran his hands possessively over his lover's spare frame.
"You really are a thing of beauty, to be worshipped forever," Daniel whispered, as his fingers slipped, independently of his own volition, into Jack's butt crease. He flipped open the tube of KY, and squeezed out just enough to moisten the dark starfish pucker until it loosened and relaxed.
"Daniel, you're killing me here," Jack groaned.
"Patience, lover," Daniel grinned, pinning Jack's feeble struggles to the bed with his free hand. "I'm going as fast as I dare, all right? I won't hurt you."
"But I deserve to be hurt," he moaned ashamedly, "I need to be hurt..."
"Really?" A darker, richer tone shaded through Daniel's sweet baritone. "Do you mean that, babe?"
"Yes." Jack sobbed, into his well chewed pillow.
Daniel moved roughly over him, back arched, and thrust once, hard, sheathing himself fully in Jack's half ready body.
"Do you want this?"
"Yes!" Jack howled with pleasure as Daniel withdrew to the tip, and then rammed home, hard. "That hurts so good, oh do it again, again, I can't bear it!"
Daniel bit hard at Jack's shoulder as he thrust in again, then pulled back, pushing his knees between Jack's thighs, splitting them wide open. He gripped Jack's hips, and pulled back as he knelt up, forcing him back onto his swollen cock.
Jack shrieked, his arms outstretched, hands gripping fiercely at the headboard, his hips raised high. His whole world narrowed to the pounding pleasure thrumming through his body, and the thick pressure of Daniel's manhood splitting him wide. A sharp slap on his backside stung him into real awareness of his position, and he gasped for air, abruptly conscious of the sweat, the bruises, the sting of Daniel's hand striking hard and fast between thrusts.
Vaguely he was aware of his own voice sobbing, begging for more, pleading with Daniel for more, to stop, to never stop, anything...
Daniel obliged, moving harder and harder into his lover, until he thrust deeper than ever, and held, his world disappearing into the hot pleasure of Jack's body as they reached the pinnacle of ecstasy for which they had striven...
Jack cleared his throat hastily, and blushed as he realised everyone was politely avoiding looking at his, he realised with deepening horror, damp, soft crotch.
"So, Carter. Wombats."
"Er, yes sir." Carter's face was oddly flushed (she will lean down these toilets...). "well, uh, to get back to the sarcophagi. We believe that there may have been a live Goa'uld in the sarcophagus when it was removed from the archaeological site. We lost track of it for some months, but now we believe we can backtrack it to legends of the yeti.."
"Yes," continued Daniel, absently adjusting his clothing, "I - that is we," he gestured to Major Carter although his gaze was somewhere slightly to the left, and ...lower... "believe that there may have been an ancient breed of creatures, maybe even distantly related to local wildlife, which have been taken over and the Goa'uld has been biding his time in this monastery, waiting for the time to come when he could escape to somewhere with a Stargate."
"Yes," agreed Carter, "I now believe that it thinks its opportunity has come, with all these new people coming through the monastery."
"Yes, "agreed Daniel, "For the last twenty or thirty years it has quietly become the place to go for stressed out heroes and their sidekicks. This has given the Goa'uld we think a network to connect to the outside world. Now, in a fiendish plan to take over the world and the SGC, he has drawn all of us here."
"Now it's really in trouble," Peaches said smugly, "after all, we're secret agents."
"No, no, I think not, leetle lambchop, it iss you who are in trouble." A old sheepskin rug which had been lying disregarded before the fire (yeah, okay there's now a fire in the room. Deal.) rose to its full height of seven feet and nine inches, revealing long yellowed incisors and glowing eyes. "I am Ramses ze Fifth! And now I have you all! I have won!" (Bwah ha ha ha ha !!!!!)
"Er, Ramses the fifth ?" Daniel stepped forward raising his hand in question.
"Yes, ze first three vere destroyed soon after they came to power, and ze fourth mysteriously disappeared after he took ze throne."
"I thought that was an ancient Mesopotamian dynasty..." Daniel said, puzzled.
"Before we get cosy over family histories, charming though I'm sure the Rameseseseseses were, could we get back to the HE'S A FRICKING GOA'ULD part of the conversation!!!" Jack didn't, quite, scream.
London, England: CI5 HQ
"And what happened then, Mr Harris," Malone asked intently.
"Well, the SGC chaps, sort of, well shot him," Harris said.
"With a blue ray gun that dear Jack had in his pocket." Peaches added, helpfully.
"And what exactly happened to my best team, and where are they now?" Malone inquired, eyebrows raised.
As the full, gibbous moon rose over the Outer Mongolian Tibetan Outreach Mission Monastery, illuminating the ragged snow capped peaks of the high Himalayas as they reached beseechingly towards the sky, a lone voice pierced the darkness, shattering the arcane silence, almost unbearable in its purity.
"Yes! Yes! God! YES!!!!"
The EndGo Home |
In terms of car or truck insurance policy, there are several various factors that may affect your top quality. It is possible to reduced your premium by driving properly and responsibly. Other factors to take into account when comparing fees include your car make and product, the value of your car, And just how you use it. If you often generate lengthy distances, you usually tend to be associated with accidents. Finally, the best way to decreased your insurance policies high quality is to locate a policy that fits your preferences.
When it comes to insurance policy, the standard car proprietor is liable for paying between $one,one hundred to in excess of $five,000 a year. It is important to know that premiums can vary extensively from condition to state. In a few states, entire coverage charges two times just as much as minimum amount protection. Detailed underneath are a few recommendations to assist you get the most beneficial price. A minimum liability Restrict is just essential in certain states, whilst total coverage usually features a $500 deductible.
Selecting the correct auto is vital mainly because some autos are costlier than others, leading to better coverage premiums. Furthermore, some vehicles are more expensive to repair and change, so their insurance coverage premiums are typically bigger. Drivers using a cleanse driving heritage tend to acquire much more very affordable costs. Age and gender also Participate in a component in figuring out insurance plan premiums. Younger drivers are usually much more risky than more mature motorists. Moreover, some insurers use credit scores to find out coverage rates. On the other hand, some states have handed guidelines prohibiting such use.
You’ll find 6 standard kinds of automobile insurance plan coverages. This protection permits you to customise your policy to deal with an assortment of different cases. You will also want to ensure that you have legal responsibility coverage. Legal responsibility insurance coverage is required by legislation for most states, however you can select a unique style of coverage if you’d prefer. Liability insurance coverage handles you just in case you’re at fault in a mishap, but In addition it handles other drivers in your car. It will pay for other people’s damages or injuries, and it also can protect medical payments.
A normal plan will consist of many forms of coverage, which include legal responsibility, collision, thorough, uninsured/underinsured motorist, and health-related payments. They are all essential, and you must get adequate of these. Some coverages could possibly be necessary in a few states, while others may not. To locate the most effective automobile insurance policy protection for your preferences, stop by a web-site like Freeway Insurance policies. You will discover numerous types of protection choices and save time and expense.
Every single point out sets its personal minimum amount auto insurance plan requirements, and these rules are broken down into three separate figures. In California, for instance, you happen to be required to carry no less than 15/30/5 in bodily harm liability protection, and 30/fifty/five in house problems liability. These numbers can differ widely, so it’s best to check your state’s necessities in advance of driving. Though choice insurance coverage can be an option, it’s actually not usually a good idea.
The least protection required by your condition is normally liability protection, but many lenders need entire protection. Whole protection refers to the two collision and comprehensive insurance policies, and it might be necessary by your lender should you be funding your car. Legal responsibility protection covers damages to other people’s house in the celebration of a mishap but not your own personal automobile or self. Bodily injury legal responsibility and property harm liability insurance policy is often mixed to present you with the ideal protection at an exceedingly fair price.
Irrespective of whether you’ve got collision protection on your automobile insurance policy policy depends upon your situations. Even though you may not be needed by legislation to have this protection, lenders will very likely have to have it if you intend on financing your automobile. Lenders may additionally call for you to hold collision insurance policies if you have a bank loan, which suggests you have to acquire full coverage vehicle insurance policies. This coverage is usually a requirement for many people who finance a car, no matter if new or utilized.
Collision protection pays the complete worth of your vehicle while in the party of an accident. When the insurance provider pays your entire price of repairs, it is probably not adequate to interchange the car if It can be stolen or totaled. You may also should pay some own income to exchange the car. Should you have this kind of protection, ensure that you comprehend the terms and conditions just before purchasing auto insurance policy. It’s also wise to comprehend the deductible, and that is separate from the collision deductible.
There are plenty of factors to think about when shopping for a car or truck insurance bill. Some states need minimum boundaries on Assets and Uninsured motorist coverage, which pays for the difference between your bills and also the policy limit of your at-fault driver. Other states will not demand underinsured motorist protection. Here are some strategies that may help you shop for the best insurance plan policy for your preferences. With any luck ,, the following tips is likely to make the procedure slightly less difficult and save you income.
Liability coverage for car insurance policies is critical in order to guard oneself and your residence in opposition to promises of harm or house injury. This coverage can address the expense of defense or settlement in case you be discovered at fault for a collision. There are several types of coverage, so it is vital to be aware of the difference between them to prevent pricey surprises. Condition Farm features regular charges for a variety of amounts of protection. You might come across it extra helpful to decide on a medium coverage degree.
In many states, you are necessary to have liability coverage in the plan, which handles damages to other people’s assets and accidents to other people. This sort of coverage also guards you just in case you result in a collision with An additional driver. This protection is the default plan in the majority of states, and is suggested for motorists in several international locations. On the other hand, it is crucial to know that liability insurance policies boundaries are really different in Every single state. Your legal responsibility limit will figure out the amount you’ll have to pay for to include damages.
In virtually each and every state, it is illegal to drive with out liability protection, which includes house injury liability. For those who trigger harm to somebody else’s assets, legal responsibility coverage pays for repairs. On the other hand, your automobile insurance policies coverage will not include your own private motor vehicle’s damages. Your condition could have different minimum amount necessities for legal responsibility coverage, so it is important to check your coverage before you buy it. Home coverage can also be crucial to your money protection. It can help you stay clear of staying remaining with big coverage bills in case you trigger a collision.
Your coverage coverage must have some sort of residence injury protection to compensate you from the function of a collision. This coverage pays for virtually any damages you trigger to another man or woman’s automobile, together with repairs. In addition, it pays for your removal of debris soon after a mishap. Property coverage is usually published with 3 figures, together with bodily injury protection for every accident and property damage protection for every accident. Bigger limits, nonetheless, offer more coverage. You should definitely read your plan and request your coverage agent if you will find any exclusions or restrictions.
In New York, you could claim uninsured motorist protection if the opposite driver doesn’t have enough insurance policy to deal with the expense of your collision. This coverage applies when the other driver is not recognized in the slightest degree along with the incident is successful-and-run. The Insurance Legislation SS 5217 specifies which the uninsured motorist protection need to be procured in almost any physical collision, but courts have interpreted this provision to only apply inside a Bodily collision.
Underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage are optional in some states, but in other states, you have to have them both equally. Buying each coverages will supply you with added coverage just in case you need to pay out professional medical expenditures or other charges. In the event the uninsured driver leaves you with a harmed car, the uninsured motorist coverage can pay for the repairs. Although this protection isn’t really essential, it may be a wise plan to carry at the least the minimum degree of liability protection.
In case you’ve under no circumstances viewed as it, vehicle insurance plan savings are a great way to cut costs and keep environmentally friendly. A lot of new cars and trucks have security characteristics such as airbags and anti-lock brakes which will reduce your premiums. You can even get supplemental savings for getting basic safety functions with your car, for instance daytime working lights or anti-theft alarms. Spending your premium in total each year may also take away payment problems for twelve months. The truth is, about 50 % of insurers supply a discount for this sort of payment.
You might also be suitable for bargains for those who’ve experienced your coverage for many a long time. These discounts range based on the amount of time you’ve experienced your coverage, but quite a few companies offer you special discounts for currently being faithful for their buyers. You could be eligible for a reduction of just as much as 15% if you purchase your policy a minimum of seven times ahead of your renewal day. Aside from these savings, some businesses even present bargains to All those in certain occupations. For example, lecturers receive 10% off their premiums from Liberty Mutual. Military services staff get a fifteen% discount from Geico.
Do you think you’re a younger driver searching for car insurance coverage inexpensive rates? Here are a few tips you could observe to economize on vehicle coverage protection: Boosting your deductibles, obtaining a no promises price cut, and getting a policy that has a regional insurance company. The following tips can save you hundreds of pounds each year in your car insurance plan. In addition they assist you to get the lowest charges achievable. Keep reading to learn much more. You’re going to be glad you did!
Youthful drivers can get monetary savings on car insurance policies by driving additional safely, reducing the quantity of miles they travel, and allowing the insurance company track their driving routines. It’s also possible to minimize your rates by buying around for vehicle insurance coverage. Quite a few insurers demand an increased level for young drivers, so it is vital to buy all around. Fortunately, there are actually free of charge on-line quote comparison tools that make this simple. Furthermore, you may request a discount if you have a number of automobiles and have them insured by the exact same corporation.
When looking for a coverage, Make sure you Examine various quotes and pick the greatest value and high-quality. You can also try to look for an insurance plan agent who will improve with you, making it possible for you for making changes as your driving record adjustments. Ensure that you compare guidelines offering comparable varieties of protection, as deductibles and limits will make a giant big difference. Should you be a youthful driver, It’s also advisable to get plenty of coverage to stop financial catastrophe.
Getting a no statements low cost on car or truck include is a great way to cut costs with your rates, and it may be worth asking your insurer how to use it. According to the insurance company, the discounted may be worthy of anywhere from thirty% following a 12 months to as much as sixty five% soon after 5 years. Remember that In case you have a collision, you can get rid of two decades of no claims reward. Moreover, several claims will even wipe out all of your current no promises reward. It is necessary to notify your insurer right away of any mishaps that you’ve got, as failing to do so could necessarily mean that upcoming statements might be rejected.
Most insurers give no statements lower price security for just a rate of all around PS25. It means that you can make a specific quantity of promises annually without the need of stressing about your rates going up. It is usually achievable to include it to a different plan In case you have a no statements reward. Also, you are able to transfer your no promises lower price to a different insurer if you want. To maintain your no claims price cut, you ought to think about switching suppliers on a yearly basis or two.
When hunting for a low cost motor vehicle insurance policy quote, raising your deductibles is a terrific way to get decrease premiums. Some estimates say you can save between fifteen and 30 per cent in your top quality by boosting your deductibles. These cost savings could vary greatly determined by your driving heritage, the kind of car you travel, plus your condition’s legislation. Raising your deductibles can also reduced your annually quality by approximately forty%.
Though increasing your deductible isn’t the right alternative for everybody, it can assist you preserve Many dollars above the long run. Whilst the quantity you decide on to lift your deductible will depend on your fiscal condition, industry experts endorse saving at the least two months’ well worth of living expenses. Moreover, it will decrease your insurance prices each and every month. You will also save a substantial amount of cash for those who at any time make a assert.
Getting a coverage using a regional insurance provider is often advantageous for drivers which has a poor credit score background. It can save you revenue each month in your month-to-month insurance plan bill, and you will benefit from discount rates and excellent customer care. Getting a plan with a regional insurer is out there in all fifty states, and you may Look at charges by point out to uncover the bottom prices. Having said that, it’s important to notice that it may well have a number of months to raise your credit rating score, and a few drivers with a very poor credit rating record can end up shelling out more than $400 a calendar year.
Erie Insurance policies is an additional regional insurer that offers low cost automobile insurance plan. This firm is based in Pennsylvania, and has become in company since 1925. Erie gives automobile insurance plan, life, and home insurance policies. Despite the fact that Erie only gives coverage in specified states, it’s much more than thirteen,000 impartial insurance agents during The us. You may decide on an agent or simply a regional insurer according to your needs. Even so, it is recommended that you go through all fantastic print before you make a decision.
If you’re a substantial-threat driver, you must Examine car or truck insurance policies prices and find The most affordable policy for your needs. You should also consider simply how much coverage is accessible in your neighborhood so you’re able to figure out if a reduced price is possible. It would be additional inexpensive to purchase far more protection For those who have lower hazard or if you compromise for a higher deductible. All of it depends on your requirements. The good news is, there are plenty of selections accessible to you.
For those who are trying to find The most affordable automobile insurance coverage quote for top-chance drivers, you might be in luck. You can certainly locate 1 which has a couple of clicks on-line. The net can provide you with several different estimates for protection in a fraction of the price of regular car insurance policies. Not just that, nevertheless it will likely make signing up for insurance plan a whole lot much easier. All You should do is fill out a straightforward on the net sort, pay back your high quality, and you also’re done! The insurance provider will then print you a card as evidence of your insurance coverage and you’ll have a policy within the highway.
If you have a bad credit heritage, you’re regarded as a high-threat driver by many insurance policies organizations. This is due to you are more likely to file an coverage claim than the usual driver with superior credit. Your credit history rating is a factor in how insurance policy providers watch you, as well as a former DUI/DWI will elevate your premium by approximately sixty five%. This is certainly reminiscent of an extra $477 over a six-month policy. Yet another component that insurers take into account is your driving heritage. A DUI/DWI can boost your quality by as much as $174, in addition to a speeding ticket can increase as many as about forty five%.
When you’ve got a DUI on your history, you can decide on The most affordable automobile insurance supplier. Companies like State Farm, American Household, and Progressive have some very good possibilities which offer reduced premiums for top-threat drivers. They also look at your credit rating rating when identifying your high quality. Insurers think about these components when determining the amount of you fork out for the policy. A lousy credit rating score could cause insurance fees to skyrocket, so It is very important to be aware of your credit rating rating prior to making a decision.
There are a variety of things to look at When selecting The most cost effective vehicle insurance policy for youthful motorists. Your age and marital position Engage in a large part within your automobile insurance coverage costs. The kind of motor vehicle you travel can also have an effect on the premium. For example, high-functionality motor vehicles are usually more expensive to insure than reduced-overall performance vehicles. Consequently, the first step find The most affordable car or truck coverage for youthful drivers is to find a vehicle with numerous basic safety capabilities.
A great way to reduced the price of car or truck insurance policy for younger motorists will be to lessen the protection you will need. Quite a few insurers provide discounts if you are an excellent college student, or If you’re in driver coaching. However, minimizing your coverage could cause massive out-of-pocket bills In case you have a mishap. Therefore, make sure you weigh the threats of this feature very carefully, and generally err about the aspect of discovering better price.
Teens Possess a tough time securing low cost car insurance. Although the price of a coverage for your sixteen-year-outdated driver is far higher than that of an adult, it may be reduced by including a teen to an current policy. This selection improves fees by an average of $1,461 a 12 months, but is frequently more cost-effective than acquiring a individual plan. Also, should you be a younger driver, hunt for discount rates together with other approaches to save.
The price of vehicle insurance coverage varies commonly determined by your profile, which can suggest that you ought to store all around for The most cost effective insurance policy for small-hazard drivers. Insurers take into account a variety of elements when choosing on an insurance policy plan, together with your driving file, demographics, and All round danger stage. Mentioned under are classified as the 5 most critical components to think about when evaluating insurance policies offers. Take into account that reduced insurance plan prices Will not signify that you’ve to sacrifice good quality.
First of all, take into consideration your zip code. Those people in significant-crime spots will encounter higher premiums. Moreover, insurance plan businesses consider website traffic volume into consideration. Also, be certain you don’t have any mishaps or claims on the report, as these will enhance your rates. Lastly, keep in mind that you need to Examine rates every six months to avoid shelling out in excess of You must. It’s also advisable to take into consideration obtaining a multi-policy price cut if you have multiple plan with a certain insurance company.
Though credit score scores aren’t legally employed by insurers in a few states, They are nonetheless essential things to consider when comparing vehicle insurance policy rates. In Hawaii, drivers with lousy credit score pays 168% over comparable cleanse drivers. In Massachusetts, higher-chance drivers fork out 30% in excess of clean up motorists. For brand spanking new drivers, a DUI, rushing ticket, and terrible credit rating will increase fees more than Other individuals. You’ll want to obtain several rates before making a choice.
The zip code you reside in is A serious Think about the cost of insurance. If you live in a place with superior criminal offense and accident premiums, you are able to expect to pay for more for coverage quotations. Additionally, variables like targeted visitors volume and accident record can improve the expense of insurance plan. Most insurance plan organizations also explore a driver’s driving historical past to ascertain what rate they need to demand for their plan. Commonly, drivers having a weak driving historical past pay additional for protection than All those using a clean driving report.
Auto insurance plan has risen by $fifty – $100 in the final 5 years, as overall health treatment costs happen to be raising. Motorists can also be required to have uninsured and PIP insurance, that happen to be above-ordinary state specifications. Several states only call for legal responsibility coverage, but New York necessitates motorists to carry each. These optional coverages enhance the expense of insurance coverage, and can typically improve the overall quality. And finally, motorists ought to check their coverage boundaries, as some procedures Use a decrease minimal degree of coverage than Some others.
In Big apple, the typical man or woman spends 2.8 per cent of their revenue on car coverage, which can be a little larger in comparison to the countrywide regular of two.forty per cent. People in their 30s, 40s, and 50s can pay slightly below the typical. The 70+ age team will pay greater premiums than drivers with considerably less driving practical experience. Those people who are married will pay slightly bigger rates, but nevertheless reduce than single men and women.
Together with lessen charges, motorists might also acquire defensive driving classes. These classes are 320 minutes in duration, and include things like discussions of driver attitude and visitors legislation. They also educate defensive driving approaches that can substantially minimize the cost of insurance policies. They may aid to improve their driving record, so completing a system can decrease the cost of an auto insurance quote. Nonetheless, if you are Not sure about the exact protection you require, it is possible to Verify Using the Coverage Information and facts Institute.
Though fuel selling prices fluctuate by point out, the cost of an automobile insurance coverage quote in other states could be increased or lower than your own personal. Some variables may account for this, together with the percentage of uninsured drivers, state insurance plan laws, and the rate of theft. Also, the incidence of negative climate can modify the cost of insurance policy in several states. The next desk exhibits regular car insurance premiums in several states. These estimates are determined by a comparison of point out insurance policies demands.
Missouri is The most cost effective state for full-coverage car coverage, having to pay just $944 lower than Louisiana. In addition, this condition has among the lowest costs for every capita, and is particularly rated fifth with regard to price of dwelling. In contrast, Texas motorists fork out one of the most for their vehicle insurance, spending up to 33% of their yearly earnings in overall. This disparity might be as a consequence of the fact that the condition incorporates a significant range of uninsured drivers and plenty of lawsuits.
The nationwide regular for full coverage automobile insurance coverage is $1,771 a calendar year. The state with the most expensive insurance policy quality is Louisiana, which has a top quality of $two,839, a 19% boost from 2020. Conversely, Maine’s common insurance coverage top quality is only $858. This is due to no-fault states have better coverage premiums. The cost of an auto insurance coverage in other states can vary noticeably. There are various factors to look at, including your point out’s legal guidelines on coverage.
In the event you are seeking superior-possibility driver car or truck insurance policy in close proximity to me, you may well be wanting to know ways to get a lower-Expense plan. Substantial-risk drivers spend larger insurance policies premiums than regular motorists. This is because they have an inclination to possess extra mishaps or violations on their file. According to the point out, the limit could possibly be three many years or 5 years. In some instances, you will get savings if you are taking a driver security system.
While the countrywide averages for high-possibility driver auto insurance policy close to me are quite reliable, you will see that premiums vary wildly from state to condition. Some organizations change their charges to different states, Therefore if you reside in a particular point out, you might discover that 1 insurer gives you the ideal protection for any low price tag. The most cost effective superior-hazard driver motor vehicle insurance plan in the vicinity of me originates from Point out Farm, which has an extended-standing track record for providing excellent assistance.
The easiest way to look for a higher-risk driver car or truck coverage in the vicinity of me should be to enter your ZIP code and compare quotes. The cost of significant-risk car or truck insurance policies around me can differ from point out to state, but most huge insurers supply these kinds of protection. Some firms focus on large-hazard coverage, including Countrywide Standard. Chances are you’ll even be capable of finding a cheaper policy Should you have excellent grades along with a very low-possibility car.
There are many advantages of evaluating motor vehicle insurance plan businesses. On this page, We’re going to talk about a number of A very powerful characteristics, for example ratings, bargains, and customer support. Choosing the best plan is important for your security and safety, so take some time to compare the several policies from diverse corporations. By the time you finish looking through this short article, you’ll need an idea of which insurance provider delivers the most beneficial protection at the bottom Value. Below are a few ways to select the right a single to suit your needs:
To have the very best fee, you need to Assess auto insurance plan estimates from distinctive corporations. Insurers use quite a few variables to determine the price of coverage. You have to determine your individual requires and compare price ranges from quite a few suppliers. As an illustration, sports activities automobiles can Price extra to insure than conventional cars and trucks. In addition, your locality and driving historical past may have an impact on the premiums that you’ll be quoted. By using a comparison Device, you could find the bottom level on the identical coverage with the similar deductibles.
Coverage rates may vary substantially, so it is essential to understand how Just about every plan performs. Among the many elements that impact rates are driving history, age, and credit history heritage. It’s also possible to Examine the perks that every business presents, for instance roadside help or accident forgiveness. Even though this will seem like a daunting job, it may help to match prices from distinct providers and choose the appropriate one. Detailed down below are some ideas to get you started out.
In terms of evaluating car insurance coverage companies, you might want to begin with the J.D. Power auto insurance company scores. They are based upon customer gratification surveys that study thousands of car insurance shoppers nationwide. The outcomes are compiled into numerical scores that characterize the companies’ common client satisfaction rating. These rankings are revealed annually, and the most effective vehicle insurance plan corporations in Every single group are awarded gold medals. But how Are you aware of if the businesses you are looking at are any good?
There are various strategies To judge the financial toughness of automobile insurance companies. First off, you’ll be able to Look at the AM Most effective insurance provider rating, which supplies economical balance scores for car or truck coverage firms. If the car or truck insurance provider has an A, B, C, or F ranking, it is vital to know how secure it can be in advance of picking a plan. This is an important aspect of customer service, so be sure you read the reviews and skim the good print before making a decision.
Auto insurance policies companies offer you various savings. Quite a few of those discounts is probably not obtainable for Anyone, so it is vital to check the company website to ensure you qualify to the reductions that implement for you. Some corporations give numerous bargains, and You may as well request your insurance policies agent When they are suitable for almost any unique price reduction. Nevertheless, the procedure is not difficult and often takes lower than an hour or so. Beneath are a few examples of attainable automobile insurance plan discounts.
Legacy Discounts: An auto insurance company might provide a reduction to new motorists who invest in their coverage through their moms and dads’ corporation. This price reduction is usually around 10 percent. This really is one way to thank your dad and mom for your business over time, and it can save you income on your vehicle insurance coverage protection. Numerous corporations present legacy savings to youthful motorists, and It is really really worth examining to determine If the insurance provider offers one particular. You can also consider guidelines made available from American Loved ones, Farmers, or USAA.
In the insurance policies business, There are some organizations that constantly excel at customer service. Esurance, by way of example, scored four out of 5 inside the J.D. Electric power rankings for customer support, a superior mark for an organization whose guardian corporation doesn’t. The organization scored larger than its opponents in all other places, together with coverage choices and costs, as well as the excellent of support furnished by its Get in touch with Heart Associates and Web-site.(customized services)
A very powerful aspect of auto insurance for most consumers is its protection, but it is the customer support that matters most. Buyers desire to Get hold of their insurers and receive prompt, courteous service. Because of this they want to receive a reaction to their e-mail and cellular phone phone calls speedily, and they would like to speak with an agent who will pay attention to their considerations and offer methods. Even though all automobile insurance businesses might offer outstanding customer support, some do carry out much better than Many others.(rideshare insurance policy)(only a few clicks)(insurance policies solutions)
Quite a few things affect the premiums of motor vehicle coverage firms. Driving record and age are two key aspects. A driver with a very poor driving background or a poor credit rating rating will have increased premiums. Also, the cost of living in your neighborhood will affect the rates. Because of this, it is important to match the premiums of many insurance coverage businesses to locate the one that will go well with your price range and also your driving behavior. There are some solutions to decreased your premiums, such as cutting protection or having a defensive driving system. You can even prefer to pay for an entire yr of protection up front.(Invoice on the web)(worker special discounts)(at fault accident)(coated incident)
Along with the above mentioned-talked about things, a number of other points can boost your high quality. For example, when you’ve lately built a claim or logged a site visitors violation, your insurance policies company will reassess your premiums. Additionally, if you are taking a safe driving training course, you may be qualified for a reduction. Insurance coverage firms are frequently tweaking their types to find out the premiums, and you could possibly see a variation with your premiums even if you’ve hardly ever changed your driving history.(usage dependent insurance coverage)(rental cars)(auto repairs)(safe driver lower price)
An auto insurance Examine is a terrific way to avoid disreputable insurance policy vendors. Such as, minimal estimates from a selected insurance company might be deceptive If your estimate excludes sure coverage or helps make inaccurate assumptions regarding your driving profile. By searching up insurance policy providers’ ratings as well as A.M. Very best ranking, you could find The most affordable insurance coverage organizations in your town. Read through this post to Discover how auto insurance policy compares can save you revenue. Then, Get the quotes from your best firms and find out which a person is the best to suit your needs.(incident cost-free)
Your credit-based mostly insurance score is really a useful indicator of just how much hazard you’re likely to pose, but you should not let it dictate your charges. The federal govt does not permit insurers to use your credit score heritage as the only real cause for a rise in your charges. Having said that, states which include California, Massachusetts, Oregon, Utah, and Vermont have rules set up that limit insurers from utilizing credit history heritage to find out insurance policy rates.(could help save)(new car)(automobile declare)
Nonetheless, this kind of insurance does not use to every state, so shoppers have no way to ascertain if a firm is utilizing your rating to decide exactly how much to cost them. Some states, like California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and Michigan, do ban credit score-based insurance coverage. A number of other states also have limits on the usage of credit history-based insurance scores. In the end, you must make your mind up yourself whether your credit rating-centered coverage rating is suitable for you.(motorbike insurance policy)(roadside guidance coverage)(bundling auto)(get yourself a car or truck insurance plan)(pet insurance)(precise cash value)(superior statements assistance)(yacht insurance policies)
Quite a few things impact the price of car coverage discount rates, which includes age. Age influences your price by a lot more than thirty per cent, and in certain states, a youthful driver can pay Just about four situations just as much as a 30-yr-old. Inexperience is an additional main factor, as youthful young adults usually tend to enter into incidents. By knowledge what factors affect your rates, you’ll be able to negotiate lessen expenses for yourself. Detailed below are some of the ways in which age affects your car insurance policy.
Generally speaking, the youthful you will be, the reduced your rates will likely be. But For anyone who is a man, age does have an effect on the price of car insurance coverage. Whilst younger male drivers shell out less than their older counterparts, rates for drivers within their sixties and seventies skyrocket. Statistically, males are two and also a 50 percent occasions as very likely to be involved with an auto crash than Ladies, Hence the gender gap decreases with age.(protection possibilities)(homeowners insurance policies)
The point that a man pays a higher quality for automobile insurance plan than a lady is not really solely surprising. Many Adult males make poor alternatives while driving, resulting in a lot more incidents and statements. On the other hand, There are many elements that make Gentlemen costlier to insure. Below are a few of the highest explanation why. Read on to discover more details on the preferred things that affect car insurance coverage charges by gender. And if you’re still puzzled, take into consideration the following pointers for reducing your premiums.(auto insurance procedures)(auto insurance coverage quotation)(car insurance level)
The Oregon Division of monetary Regulation has instructed auto insurers to support shoppers who Do not specify their gender. Discrimination from non-binary men and women is often grounds for unfair discrimination expenses, and insurers need to file premiums for all those motorists starting up in January 2019. These charges could be better than those for male and woman drivers. Assuming that they’re not excessive, women will be able to save money. Also, Don’t be concerned about the “non-binary” level for youthful motorists.(vehicle insurance assert)(hole insurance)(car coverage) |
In case you need the reminder, there’s no such thing as retroactive asset protection so the best (and frankly cheapest) way to tackle the legal stuff is as early as possible. This week’s podcast guest, Amelia McGee ran into trouble in the FIRST week of owning her FIRST investment property.
This week’s episode of House of Horrors is all about:
1️⃣ Tenants doing the wildest and craziest things
2️⃣ The trials and tribulations of being a single, female investor
3️⃣ Evictions beyond nonpayment of rent
Episode Transcript:
Bonnie Galam 0:11
Welcome to the House of Horrors Podcast where each week we dissect problems real estate investors have faced, how they navigated, and of course what you can do to avoid ending up in their shoes. Guys This week I am so pumped to be connecting with my Instagram buddy. Real Estate like — master. Like when you hear like where she started from where she’s going and in what time frame your mind is going to be blown because Amelia McGee is joining us this week, better known as @ameliajoREI on Instagram, not Amelia Jorei, as I thought it was. I thought, you know, she was at some quarter of, you know, cool middle name or something. And that’s not her name. It’s @ameliajoREI on Instagram, and she has accumulated a portfolio of over 30 units across the state of Iowa since October of 2020. Guys, we’re talking like less than 18 months at this point. They’re a mix of what does it multis short and long term, Amelia?
Amelia McGee 1:15
Yep, yep, a mix of multis some single families, some short term, mid-term long term? Done it all at this point, I think.
Bonnie Galam 1:23
And through that time, you’ve built up your own you know, real estate community called WIRE. What does WIRE exactly stand for?
Amelia McGee 1:31
Women Investing in Real Estate and my friend Grace and I whom I also met through Instagram started that in January of 2021. And we just hosted our first retreat in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. So it’s been a great community to be a part of.
Bonnie Galam 1:45
I love it, I’ve been, I had serious FOMO that I was–
Amelia McGee 1:49
You need to come to one of our next ones!
Bonnie Galam 1:51
I would love to I’m gonna, I’ll put that on my like to-do-list this year one retreat with, yeah, that was a good crew of people who went. And I mean, you’re 30 I don’t mean to like date, you are like a single woman doing the thing.
Amelia McGee 2:09
Yup, there’s even like we were chatting really quickly before the episode, there wasn’t another option for me, other than to succeed in real estate because I wanted to be self-employed. And once I got started, I realized that this was going to be my ticket to, you know, financial freedom. So after that, it was just like full force ahead with real estate investing.
Bonnie Galam 2:32
I love that – in full force ahead you went indeed, but even though you’ve only been in real estate for, let’s call it 18 months, we’ll say there’s probably some like learning and shopping before you got that first purchase. You’ve already had a horror story, or some are funny, we have to go through some of these funny stories, but you’ve already got horror stories on your about I feel like a lot of people think that like, you know, the bad stuff will happen like way, way down the line. Like let’s just focus on like, growth, and you know, the fun part, the renovations, all that kind of stuff. And you know, I don’t have to worry about the scary stuff till down the line. But here we are talking to each other in the first week of March of 2021.
Amelia McGee 3:12
Yeah, so I along with owning over 30, you know, doors, I self manage all of them as well. So, a lot of the stories that I have to share deal with tenant management and tenant horror stories. And actually, about a week, after I purchased my very first property, was when the first shit hit the fan, essentially. So we can, basically, yeah, so basically, it was a small thing. But like, honestly, when you first start investing, every little thing that goes wrong feels like the biggest deal in the world, so basically what had happened was, there were some pretty scummy tenants that had lived in this triplex before I purchased it, but they were gone by the time that we closed on the property. So I had really great new tenants who had moved in and they texted me one day and said, hey, the washing machine is like, all messed up. And I did happen to see a guy in there the other day with a mask on which I didn’t think anything of because it was you know, COVID So I was like, Oh, that’s really strange. And come to find out it was a previous tenant who had lived there who had robbed me who had robbed the washing machine took the coin box, you know, I was like What an idiot if you wanted to keep robbing me like leave the coin box and then just like keep coming and taking money out like I never had —
Bonnie Galam 4:37
I guess these guys don’t do laundry.
Amelia McGee 4:39
Exactly. That’s what the old owner said. He’s like, I never made any money off of these machines. And I’m like, “Well, I made great money off of them. So I can tell you right now why you weren’t making any money off of that.”
Bonnie Galam 4:50
I love coin-operated laundry.
Amelia McGee 4:52
Yes. So do I. It’s like, honestly like Christmas morning every month when I go and empty the machines as we have like my parents and I have a guessing game on like how many coins are in like the bag?
Bonnie Galam 5:04
I know, and the banks hate it when we come in they absolutely they’re like seriously there’s a small bank near us it’s called Republic Bank and they’ve got like the coin machine that you drop it in and it like makes all the lights and a lot of fun and but like they look at us like how long are you going to be here for I’m like, “It’s gonna be a while guys.”
Amelia McGee 5:21
No, I have like one teller that I really like and I always go to her because all the other tellers like acts so annoyed when I come in, and I’m just like, “Sorry guys, like whatever.” But essentially it was so stressful because I was like “Oh my god,” these new tenants that I have are now she was like a single mom with a new baby. And so I’m like oh, now she’s scared that there’s someone like breaking into the property to like rob me. So I obviously filed a police report and the town police knew of this guy so I think they went and had a talk with him because I never had any issues with him in the future.
Bonnie Galam 6:01
How did he get it in the first place?
Amelia McGee 6:04
So the laundry rooms in a shared common space so there’s an exterior door that wasn’t locked before because you would go in and then you would go up to the apartments and unlock those so it was unlocked and he just broke in I mean not broken but he got in and so now we keep that door locked all the time.
Bonnie Galam 6:26
Gotcha. So yeah, I was thinking I when I was was undergrad cuz I went to the same school for law school and undergrad, so it blurs together. But this apartment I lived in undergrad, and it was in Philadelphia and you would have to go outside to do your laundry like in the basement there was a separate door that was always unlocked but it was just like the basement I’m just saying then I’m like that’s probably free for all over there and that’s Philadelphia.
Amelia McGee 6:48
Seriously and I knew it was the guy the old tenant too because if you had never lived at that property you never would have known that there was a washer, a coin-operated washer-dryer inside. Like, what an idiot. Criminals, I mean, they’re not the smartest.
Bonnie Galam 7:02
There’s a reason yes to these tactics. But I mean laundry money can be decent money I mean I love people who love having laundromats as businesses but good Lord, you can have it right there in your real estate as well.
Amelia McGee 7:16
Absolutely, I would totally recommend putting in coin-operated in multifamily.
Bonnie Galam 7:22
Especially at like certain price points. And if you’re not in like an A, B+ market, you totally don’t need it in there. I mean, for us, we largely have you know student rentals or things that are in like C class neighborhoods, and they’re totally fine with that half those people are bringing their laundry home all weekend.
Amelia McGee 7:37
That’s what I used to do. But yeah, I know I agreed my rentals are mostly in like B-, C areas as well. So I mean they’re totally fine just having even the option of a washing machine.
Bonnie Galam 7:49
Yeah, the fact that it’s in the building like that’s the point.
Amelia McGee 7:52
Yeah, exactly. So that was my first like a week of owning a property of course it seemed like the end of the world but you know, got to figure it out got it taken care of that same unit later I had some plumbing issues there was some leaking happening from the top unit into the bottom unit and my plumber came over and I love my plumber to death he has dealt with so many creepy crawlies. Properties that I’ve purchased but this one he was fixing some plumbing in the ceiling in the drop ceiling and he sent me a picture of I shoot you not like a seven or eight-foot snakeskin that he had found. He had found it in the ceiling. And my first question was, you didn’t show the tenant Did you like he’s like no, I but I did just leave it up there. So I think that what why it was up there again this scummy tenant that had lived there before. They had a mouse problem and they had a pet snake. I think they were letting the pet snake out to catch the mice. And so…
Bonnie Galam 9:08
What was this like a pet-like boa constrictor?
Amelia McGee 9:11
Yeah, it was I think some sort of a constrictor snake but like…
Bonnie Galam 9:17
This is not like your average garden snake size. I don’t know about things there at Iowa. But that’s not how we roll here in New Jersey.
Amelia McGee 9:27
And you could tell like the markings on it. I mean, we have like what are they called? Like rat snakes and like garter snakes. This was like some sort of a pet boa snake.
Bonnie Galam 9:36
So something that belonged in a zoo or a rainforest.
Amelia McGee 9:39
Yes. What an ingenious idea. I guess though.
Bonnie Galam 9:44
I think people buy cats to deal with mice. What happened to that ingenious idea?
Amelia McGee 9:47
They had all sorts of pets in that house. That was a freakin shit show when I got it, literally. Oh, yeah. Oh, yes. And they have since contacted me because now They need another place to live because they’re the tenants that hop around getting evicted everywhere. I don’t think they know that I know who they are. But she keeps applying for my rentals. And so I just sent her a message and I say, stop applying, you’re not gonna qualify, I bought the property that you used to live in, and it was a mess. Also, you keep lying on your application saying your husband hasn’t been convicted of a crime, and he has many times. So you’re disqualified? Just have no time on?
Bonnie Galam 10:30
Yes, guys, although I will say for the listeners here, the criminal history checks, that is something that is really kind of changing across the country in terms of laws and policies affecting like, when you can ask those kinds of questions, some you can still ask and pre-screen usually can still ask about like sex offender type of status in pre-screen. But a lot of states I know here in New Jersey, Philadelphia has implemented some things like that as well, you actually can’t run like a full-blown criminal record check until after the conditional offer has been extended to the tenant for you know, the hopes that you know, people who are you know, have served their time or on probation, or whatever the case may be that they still need somewhere to live. And that was an actual housing crisis in that these people had nowhere to live. And so has that gone into effect near you in the Midwest?
Amelia McGee 11:18
No, it hasn’t. But it’s funny that you say that because my boyfriend’s actually an attorney as well. And when I was telling him about this, he’s like, well make sure he’s like, they’re not just traffic violations, right? So because you can’t, that doesn’t count as like a criminal offense, like a traffic violation. So in case, you didn’t know that, like, you can’t discriminate against that. But no, these were more serious charges, domestic and some other things. So yeah, it hasn’t gone into effect here yet that I know of.
Bonnie Galam 11:48
The thing is, they start on the coasts, and they work their way in. Yes, we come up with all these convoluted ideas, well, perhaps well-intentioned, but it’s actually causing a little bit of a problem for some of the people around here, because some, I’ll say quite a few of the like credit, and background check providers for landlords, they’re no longer offering it for the state of New Jersey, they’re just like, we don’t know how to like, make sure it’s compliant, to get, you know, verification from you that you’re only doing this post conditional offer. And so we’re just not going to offer it anymore. And I’m like, well, that’s a little bit of a problem.
Amelia McGee 12:26
Wow. Oh, my gosh, I mean, I totally get both sides of it. You know, I know that. felons are discriminated against even if they’ve served their time, and it’s been 20 years, you know, but at the same time as a landlord, we have to protect ourselves.
Bonnie Galam 12:42
Yeah, definitely in the also have to see like, what’s in it for, you know, is it you know, some pot-smoking, you know, when they were in exactly? Or is this you know, someone who is, you know, committing assaults, multiple. Yeah. And you’re like, well, good, Lord, I don’t need that to be me when I go to, you know, find out where the rent is. Absolutely. And just having to deal with the police at the property. It’s just, that’s fun. That’s, you know when you get that first like, 2 am, phone call, you’re like, oh, man, this is for real. I traded in this nine to five for 24/7. If it was easy, everyone would do it. That’s what I always say. I’m like, that’s there’s a reason why landlords sell people offload portfolios, because this if it was it was easy, everyone would do it. Absolutely. And so tell me more. So we’ve got this robbery on like, day seven of being a real estate investor, and where do things go from there? I know they went up, but there were some bumps along the way.
Amelia McGee 13:38
Yeah, so there have just been, you know, issues along the way with inherited tenants, I do not love inherited tenants, the cash flow immediately is great, but I found that they are more headache than they’re worth. Because you don’t get to set the ground rules right away. So coming in as a new person and trying to set new rules can be very difficult. One of the most recent horror stories, which is I think one of the best happened a few months ago at a property that I own with a partner. It’s 11 units, my biggest property, and the city requires rental inspections. So I sent out an email to all of my tenants and let them know that I would be at the property on X date at x time and that they needed to have their unit available for showing it at that time. And I’ve emailed all the tenants and gotten responses before from this email address that I sent it from. So like I know it’s my business address. So I know that they all get that email. Well, we show up. I show up on the day of the inspection with the city inspector. Everything’s going well we get to literally the last unit so we have been there for a while parked in the parking lot. And this tenant is a 65 to a 70-year-old man. I would say he’s a little bit strange. Um, he had his door cracked open. And so I knocked and no answer. And so we waited for a little bit and then I knocked again and no answer. But his door was cracked open. And I’ve talked to him plenty of times. So I peek my head in the door. And I say, hey, so and so are you home? I knew he was because his car was in the parking lot. And I see a pantsless, underwearless man walk out of the kitchen into the main living area. He did not see me. So I quickly like we’re basically running outside. These are studio apartments. So like, I mean, there’s not a lot of places. Oh, no. So I ran back outside. I tell the inspector what had happened. He’s like, Oh my God, this guy’s so weird. I’ve had to deal with him in the past. Like, make sure that whenever you’re here like, you bring somebody with you. I’m like, I think he’s harmless. He’s just weird. But anyways, about, about I saw everything. About two minutes later. Maybe a minute later, he pops his head out the door. He goes, “Oh, hi. I didn’t think I heard somebody knock on the door.” Still pay Atlas. Enough in there. I’m like, “Oh, yeah, we’re here for the city inspection that I emailed you about?” He goes, “Oh, I never got that email.” It must have been lost in like, I don’t even know he said some weird response because he’s just strange. And I was like, “No, you fucking did not miss that email. You knew I was going to be here with the city inspector and you purposely answered the door without pants or underwear on because he thrives on drama and like we are getting the reaction.” Yes, he wanted the reaction would have which I was not going to give him I acted as if nothing had ever acted like I didn’t see a damn thing. I just, oh my god. You never know what you’re gonna get with tenants. I mean, just any had his door open and he was walking around in there with no pants or underwear on that was another thing like his door was cracked open like anybody walking by so I looked in.
Bonnie Galam 17:37
Yeah, that’s an experience I can say I have not yet had. However. I’ll hope that that lasts for a very long time.
Amelia McGee 17:51
Oh, good lord. What, uh, that the worst part was like the city inspector was with me. He’s probably he’s like, What is going on here?
Bonnie Galam 18:02
Like, embarrassed for him, you’re embarrassed for yourself. It’s just like, what do you ever do have no control? Did the inspection take place? Like, did you get it done?
Amelia McGee 18:11
Oh, yeah. He went in the inspector was like, pretty rude to the guy after that, just because I think he realized too, that like, This guy had done that on purpose. And he was just like, I’m not like dealing with that. Like, this is unacceptable. So yeah, but we got it done. It passed, but it was just…
Bonnie Galam 18:30
it’s never sometimes like, man to man, like, people can like kind of put like the stake in the ground like Yo, you’re being a tool. What are you doing? But like for us as like younger women? I feel like people just try to toe the line a little bit. Yes, more than a little bit. That was like telling the whole hands.
Amelia McGee 18:52
It really was it was like, Yeah, he did it on purpose. I mean, there’s no other way around it. So and he did it. Yeah. Because I’m a woman I think like a younger woman and he was just trying to see what he could get away with. So rose. Yeah, that same property. I also think this is also because I’m a woman I have a really aggressive tenant that I inherited there who’s like, very rude to me like, he is disrespectful and I’ve never been anything but kind to him. And he messaged me the other day that he kicked his own door in because his key got bent and it wouldn’t work in the lock. And that I needed to have my handyman over there the next day to fix it
Bonnie Galam 19:41
Their own apartment and then they’re like the place is not secure. And you’re like, Well, that’s because that’s not how you do things.
Amelia McGee 19:48
I know So, needless to say, he’s going to be gone very soon. Yes, good.
Bonnie Galam 19:55
That is good. moratoriums are all up there in Iowa.
Amelia McGee 19:59
Yeah, yeah. So everything’s, you know, good to go. Even. So I was talking to my attorney about it. And he was like, Well, if he’s like, being destructive towards the property, like that’s different than an eviction for nonpayment, so even if it wasn’t, he was like, you would still be able to get him out. So we served him three notices concurrently, a three day notice a seven-day notice, and a 30-day notice,
Bonnie Galam 20:25
I’ve definitely I’ve done that for people. Well, you’re just like every possible basis, I’m going to evict you under all of them and give you all of the notices.
Amelia McGee 20:33
Yes. So yeah, we’re doing that process right now.
Bonnie Galam 20:37
I’m glad that I’m not the only attorney who takes the like, literal shotgun approach, because like, there’s no time like, you don’t have time to like, reset the clock and be like, well, that basis didn’t work. Let’s go back and refile under this one. Like, you’ve got to just file them all at once.
Amelia McGee 20:52
Exactly. And that’s why, like, I totally recommend, I know, you’re like a real estate attorney, but like, find one that’s like, specifically practices in real estate, because they’re gonna have like that no-nonsense approach, they’ve done this 1000 times, it’s like, Okay, we’re gonna just go in and serve all these notices at once and get it done and move on.
Bonnie Galam 21:12
Yeah, and I even say like, sub-specialize even more like within real estate. It’s such a huge area of law. There’s like land use, and there’s landlord-tenant, and there’s real estate finance, and there’s transactional, and there’s it litigation there. There are all kinds of areas that you could just spend a lifetime, like perfecting and going really deep into, and that all also like are just different times, like people like who do evictions for example. They’re in court, like, all day, every day, and they just go to different courthouses and just do evictions all day. Whereas like the land use guys there, that’s night games, where they’re, you know, in front of the planning and zoning boards to be able to do those things. And unless you’re working 24/7, you can’t be doing all of them. Or at least not doing all of it really well. Do you have like different attorneys who use them for different things?
Amelia McGee 21:59
So, um, yes, kind of so because my boyfriend’s an attorney, I will use his firm he works at like one of the largest firms in Iowa. So I use all of their attorneys for different Yeah, yeah. So um, but this specific attorney I’ve used for like all of my I use them for my closings, and then also for like, my tenant issues that come? Yeah. So I’m speaking of I have another story from this property. Yes.
Bonnie Galam 22:31
I’ve only problems.
Amelia McGee 22:36
For real. So I’ve only owned this property since August of 2021. And this should not scare you out of real estate investing. But it should just like to open your eyes to the fact that like, stuff can and will go wrong. And like Do you have the stomach for this kind of stuff? Like are you able to work through problems? I think that’s one of the biggest things about being an investor like your ability to handle issues and work through problems. Everyone’s a good property manager until there’s conflict.
Bonnie Galam 23:05
Cashing the rent checks.
Amelia McGee 23:07
Yeah, exactly. So this was another inherited tenant at this property. And I call them an inherited tenant very loosely because I actually never did meet them or see them. Shortly after we closed on the property. I had never, I never been able to get a hold of this tenant. I noticed I put a notice on their door, I did all the things and I noticed that they had some cats in the unit. Also, the unit stunk to high heaven. It was I could smell it from the outside, smelled like cats. So after I don’t know, like a, let’s say a week, maybe of me like never seeing her and never seeing any movement. I call the non-emergency police line and have them do a welfare check. So that I could basically get into the unit. And the premise was like there are live animals in there and no one has like been at the property. So they went in and the cats had been in there. So as you can imagine the apartment was an absolute disaster. Yeah, smelled terrible. They called the ASPCA and took the cats out and basically, they had known of this person she had been called. I mean, the police have been called multiple times for animal neglect and things from her but that was I eventually got the unit. It was filed as abandoned. So we went through that whole process to do the abandonment notice and all of that, so we could legally like remove her items and things which there wasn’t much in there. But that was a fun renovation.
Bonnie Galam 24:51
Removing cat pee is really hard. Like what you have on the floors there was carpet or hardwood.
Amelia McGee 24:56
So they had actually right before that tenant moved in new luxury vinyl plank, which I ended up obviously tape tearing out. And it was like completely soiled underneath which LVP is technically waterproof, but if it’s like, so there’s the yeah standing water. So it was like still wet underneath, then I just like I did all this myself to it’s disgusting, but scrub the floor very, very well with like multiple different things like whatever then vinegar bleach like whatever. And then I ended up using as kills paint and I just like primed everything and kills even the floors like I prime to those.
Bonnie Galam 25:41
That works really well. We’ve done that in some properties that had like, like smoke odor in them, and it does a really good job. I’ve used it multiple
Amelia McGee 25:49
times, it is it’s like the tried and true method of getting rid of nasty odors. And then I put new LDP down over the top. So that got rid of the smell. But God it was terrible.
Bonnie Galam 26:01
That does sound awful. Now, how long was it from when you closed on the property to when you realize that like she wasn’t there?
Amelia McGee 26:11
So like, because I hadn’t been able to get a hold of her. I had already served her. Oh, oh. And the sellers didn’t tell me that she was a year behind on rent until after we’d already closed, which was just like, because at the closing table, they’re like, Oh, she’s supposed to be getting like a $5,000 check from the government to like pay us and that money needs to come to us, not you which I’m like, whatever, I don’t care, like just get out of my face. But um, so because I hadn’t been able to get a hold of her, we basically put a notice on her door like the day that we closed. That was like, we’re not renewing your lease, like you have however long to respond like blah, blah, blah. And then I think it was like a week after that when I called the police because I was worried about the animals inside. Like at that point, I didn’t really care about her. Like I knew she wasn’t there like I knew we were going to be able to go through with the abandonment situation. But yeah, I think I gave it like five to seven days, I would say which I mean, maybe it was too long, but at the same time, like I had other things going on and like you just don’t know like I wasn’t monitoring the property all the time to know like if she was coming and going…
Bonnie Galam 27:26
That was almost even a little fast. Not like inappropriately fast. But I think you had a sense that there was something off with this unit just because you’re around yourself managing and whatnot.
Amelia McGee 27:35
Yeah, and like the tenant above her head said, I haven’t seen her in weeks. Like I’m actually a little bit worried that maybe something did happen to her. So that was like, okay, like, I’m gonna call the police now because what if she’s in there like, you know, not alive anymore?
Bonnie Galam 27:52
Right, right. Yeah. I mean, that’s happened.
Amelia McGee 27:55
It did smell absolutely terrible from the outside. So like, yeah, that was absolutely a possibility at that point.
Bonnie Galam 27:59
That yeah, I’ve had that happen to actually a family member who was renting to someone and the tenant was like, they hadn’t seen her. It was only a few days. And they’re like, maybe she went on vacation. No, she would have told us no, she like had a heart attack in the bed. never woke up was just like an older single woman. And no one had checked on her.
Amelia McGee 28:22
Yeah, I’ve just that’s like an absolute nightmare situation like that is a House of Horrors at that point.
Bonnie Galam 28:34
At least that was a natural death. Yes, it’s worse when you have non-natural deaths than we’ve had a homicide in one of our units before. And maybe I’ll bring my husband on one time. And we’ll talk about that situation. Because that is it’s it’s not fun. I mean, it really comes down to like, clean up.
Amelia McGee 28:52
No, you absolutely should. Yeah, should talk about that. Talk about too. I’ve heard like, make sure your insurance policy covers like, that type of cleanup. Because it can be hella expensive if not.
Bonnie Galam 29:07
it Yeah, it depends on what happens. It can because it’s like a biohazard. Yeah. But it’s not just like a, you know, the deep clean that you get with your regular cleaning crew during a turnover or something like that. It’s definitely different. I mean, and even things like there’s, you know, we’ll talk about it in another episode. But I will say there are considerations with like the police and all that because that’s also a crime scene. And you don’t always get to do like the cleanup and turnover, like when you want to, you’re kind of operating on someone else’s timeframe. But I wanted to, you know, before we wrap up today, kind of goes through a little bit more of like, who you are, how you are, you know, here as you know, a 30 year old with 30 doors and less than 18 months. I mean, you’ve had the ups and the downs, you know, the experiences, and I know you said at the beginning that you were like, you know, it’s not the typical horror story. It’s the tenant stuff and that’s the stuff I have found for me and I’ve always referred to it as this like drip, drip, drip drip, where it’s like when you think about legal a lot of times you’re thinking about, you know, the catastrophic like slip and fall or this like explosive lawsuit that like decimates you, but you’re like, Well, what about like when the tenant leaves a dozen cats behind and you know, it’s another 10,000 out of pocket that I wasn’t planning on doing or in the, you know, the tenant who doesn’t leave when they’re supposed to, or the tenant who steal stuff, and we’ve had tenants who still, you know, copper piping, and it’s just how you sell that stuff because no LLC is going to protect you. Right, and it’s just, you either gotta have, you know, the right insurances, the right kind of policies, the lease terms, all that kind of stuff to, to protect yourself, and I don’t think it’s something you can do even all at once. And even for us, like we change our leases every single year, every single year.
Amelia McGee 30:56
I agree. 100%. I think that I honestly feel like the tenant aspect of real estate investing is the hardest aspect because, you know, things go wrong, and properties and flips and things like that, but they’re like, much more solvable than when you’re dealing with another human being that has like thoughts and feelings and like, all of that kind of stuff. And it’s ever-changing, like one day, they could be, you know, act a certain way. And the next day, it could be completely different. So that part is the hardest part, in my opinion.
Bonnie Galam 31:29
Oh, I couldn’t agree more, I think dealing with, you know, the tenant relationship is by far the hardest, and in some ways, the riskiest part of being a landlord, because like you said, it’s also about controlling access to like, what is technically your building, but like not really something you have possession to. And so it can get really messy, it can get really naked, apparently. And it’s just one of those things were and it’s, it’s also emotional like you said, it’s something where it’s like, it’s someone’s house, like whether they respect it, whether they respect themselves is like a different story. But like, at the end of the day, it’s the place where like, is a roof over their heads and the winds, the winds have taught, you know, their emotions may take them one direction or another. I mean, I do maybe laugh here, when you had said that, because I’ve had that where it’s like, we really tried not to evict I don’t think it’s good for landlords, I don’t think it’s good for tenants, sometimes you just have to, especially here in the Northeast, where like the eviction process can be, you know, very lengthy. We have often tried to do Cash for Keys with pretty good success, and you have people who you’re like, offering cash to keys to and they’re basically like, Go screw yourself, not leaving, not leaving till the sheriff. And then the next day, there’s like, hey, I’ll be out by Friday, you’re like, What the heck happened? Like, what, like, the money hasn’t changed. It’s just, it’s something like their, you know, their buddies that they can move in with them. It has nothing to do with me, it has nothing, it has something to them, but had nothing to do with like the two of us in the relationship. And it’s just something else in their life change, they got a new job, or they’re just like, you know, I guess I can move out?
Amelia McGee 32:58
Absolutely. And that happens all the time. Like, all the time, I would say like, their feelings are, you know, it’s something one day and the next day, it’s completely different. So I just Yeah, I think one piece of advice would be like, try not to get so stressed out about stuff like that, because it always ends up working out in the end, like–
Bonnie Galam 33:17
And it’s not like you as like a person that took me some time where I was just like, cuz I’m a fixer. And I think that’s probably a big reason why I’m a lawyer is that, like, I wanted to fix the problems. And I realized I couldn’t always do that. And that wasn’t like necessary or flexion of me as a person, it was just like, I can’t control this other human being. I just, I would love to I went to like, a lot of therapy for this, but like, the reality of it, as you know, otherwise, you know, borderline control freak. Like, once that, you know, have all the boxes checked off. Now, what do you use for self-management to use as software?
Amelia McGee 33:55
So I currently use apartments.com, because I wasn’t planning on expanding as rapidly as I did. So, um, it was it’s very basic like it worked when I only had, you know, a couple of units. But at this point, I’m looking for some sort of different tenant management software. I do use Stessa as well, like for bookkeeping and things like that, but I’m looking to outsource that very soon. But yeah, I don’t what do you use for your tenant management?
Bonnie Galam 34:26
We use AppFolio. Okay. Yeah. Which is good. We still separately use QuickBooks. I know that AppFolio has like in-house bookkeeping, but just due to the way that we have multiple houses, it’s just easier for us to kind of separate the two.
Amelia McGee 34:42
The one thing I don’t like the most about apartments.com is their maintenance request system is pretty awful. Like it doesn’t really function. So I yeah, I’m looking to do No, I’m looking for basically a platform that is gonna have payments, leases, maintenance request messaging like all of that in one. And I know there are lots. Yeah, there are quite a few out there. Yeah, I just need to look into it more. So apartments.com seems to be like the starter one that like everyone goes with it isn’t free or it is free. Yeah, it’s free. And I feel like it’s fairly user-friendly. Does it function how I want it to function for most things?
Bonnie Galam 35:26
For the maintenance repair.
Amelia McGee 35:27
Yeah. So I’m on the lookout for that. But, you know, you have to prioritize what’s important. And finding a new software hasn’t been one of the most important things.
Bonnie Galam 35:41
Yeah. It’s a thing like, switching over like we only started using AppFolio, maybe like three or four years ago. And like, just the thought of like, moving into it was like so overwhelming, which is why I think it took us so long to do it. Because it’s, it’s a thing. So I totally get that. So what are you focusing on right now? In your real estate business?
Amelia McGee 36:02
Yeah. So right now I’m focusing on one, I’m hiring an assistant, first of all, to do some of the tasks that I don’t enjoy doing. Is that like the bookkeeping, or bookkeeping, some like tenant onboarding, so not acting as a property manager, because that’s technically not legal here? But just like, putting documents together and things like that. Police things like yeah, organizing contractors, just lots of different tasks that I don’t love that are up in the air. Yeah, I’m, I’m actually shifting and I want to buy a few short-term rentals this next year, like solely for Airbnb, in locations that I also want to travel to. So that is what I’m mainly focusing on right now. And always looking for like mid-size multifamily, which I consider anything from like 10 to 20 units. That’s kind of the sweet spot here in iOS. So just be on the lookout for those.
Bonnie Galam 37:04
That’s awesome. I love that you’re kind of dabbling and that you’ve already actually purchased a short-term rental already, right?
Amelia McGee 37:09
Yes. So I have one right now that’s currently under construction, it should be open. It’s a lake. It’s in a lake town. So it’ll be open for the busy season starting in May, which I’m really, really excited about. So that’s an I want to that’s and yep, it’s about two hours away from me, which I also really liked, because I like going to that town anyway. And now we have our own place there so… that would be fun.
Bonnie Galam 37:33
At least to go now. What other towns? What are there I don’t want to say towns or cities? But where else? Are you looking for short-term rentals? Like, do you want a beach house? A Mountain House? Like how are we doing this?
Amelia McGee 37:43
Yeah, so Colorado, for sure. Definitely a Mountain House. I also have been looking kind of in North Carolina, because I like that there are beaches and mountains. They’re not you know, you can drive to the beach and drive to the mountains, Utah, and Minnesota because it’s close to Iowa. And they have a lot of nice lake towns there as well. So, yeah, that’s kind of where I’m looking right now.
Bonnie Galam 38:10
Oh, that’s, that’s so cool. I would really love a short-term rental for myself. I know we’re looking to pivot kind of right now. We always like you said, I guess we are more of like a small multi-space we love like the four to like 10 unit, we’d like to do a little bit bigger, I think. But the commercial space, the short-term rental space for one, it’s just that landlord-tenant laws are easier in those areas. And so you have a lot more like leeway and control over the properties and just the way things were just so completely shut down here with the moratoriums for the pandemic. And I’m just like, Oh, I know that I want to go deeper into this hole that like, there would be no way for me to do anything about.
Amelia McGee 38:49
Absolutely. Yeah. So I’m really trying to niche down a little bit on like, what I’m purchasing because I’m really moving out of single-family homes and only into like mid-size, multifamily and short term rentals.
Bonnie Galam 39:04
Did you recently sell one of your single families?
Amelia McGee 39:07
So I did sell one of them. It was never a rental though it was always going to be a flip. And it was just a small flip. Like really cosmetic. It was a four-month project from Close to close. So that was a pretty quick, little quick. Yeah, yeah, I don’t love flips anymore. I mean, I love the money from them. But like the management of them is almost not worth it to me at this point. Because it’s just so time-consuming. Even managing contractors. If they’re doing you know, they’re doing all the work. It’s still time-consuming.
Bonnie Galam 39:41
And if you’re not only on the job every day, then like things aren’t going right.
Amelia McGee 39:43
Yes, exactly. So I’m transitioning out of stuff like that. That’s very time-consuming. I started investing in real estate because I wanted time freedom and financial freedom. So I’m really trying to like, stick with it. Yeah, that’s I’m free for me.
Bonnie Galam 40:01
So it’s hard to do that when you’re flipping. There’s definitely people out there who do it. But I think it takes it takes a lot to really get there. And it’s hard, especially right now, I don’t know about how things are in Iowa, it’s so hard to find like the contractors here. They’re just like, Yeah, I’ll be happy to do this for you in nine months at triple the rate, you would have paid me in 2019.
Amelia McGee 40:23
Absolutely. And I just had like a plumber ghost me this weekend, which I’ve never had happen before. I was just like, What is going on? How can you be so incompetent at your job and still, like make money, but you see it all the time in the trades industry? Because they’re just so in such high demand that they can get away with doing stuff like that?
Bonnie Galam 40:44
Yeah, must be nice. I know. But no, I mean, yeah, they’re definitely like, technicians. And there’s not enough of them. And so like you said, it all comes down to supply and demand. And if you don’t like it, then that’s fine. They’ve got you to know, 15 waiting to take your spot.
Amelia McGee 41:03
Bonnie Galam 41:04
So based on like your experiences, what do you wish real estate investors understood better about the legal stuff?
Amelia McGee 41:13
Oh, okay. Here’s my top advice for that, because I’m dating an attorney. And I, you know, I get to see some of the ins and outs of I know you should be a tax attorney. I think one of the biggest mistakes that I see real estate investors make is not wanting to pay for legal advice. Right away, or when a problem comes up, or even prior to a problem happening. And I will tell you right now that it is much more expensive to fix a problem after the fact or pay for legal advice after the fact, rather than just biting the bullet and doing it right away.
Bonnie Galam 41:55
Hands down. And I will say that as someone who would be better served collecting you know, the fee, after the mess already happens, but you’re totally right. It’s one of those things where it’s like, you could pay a little bit now, or you could pay a lot later.
Amelia McGee 42:08
Absolutely. And I think attorneys are worth their weight in gold and finding a good one I would highly recommend, um, people are like, how do you find an attorney? I’m like, just start. I don’t know, start with a Google search like I do. I Google everything. I mean, everything.
Bonnie Galam 42:23
I Yelp everything.
Amelia McGee 42:24
So yeah, it’s just like, I don’t know, just get out there and cold call and find one that you like, I don’t. Yeah, that’s hard.
Bonnie Galam 42:34
You gotta kiss some frogs. And sometimes I think, you know, talking to like, in the investing groups, I think is the best way. Because if people have other investing clients, and that’s probably a good deal. There are a lot of real estate attorneys out there. As I had mentioned earlier, where there are a lot of different subspecialties. But even within that, I feel like this niche of being like a mom and pop kind of landlord is is a niche in and of itself. There’s just there are people who do you know, landlord-tenant law, but people who do that for like, shopping centers don’t always get the ins and outs of like, the residential stuff. And so just figuring out and meeting other investors and seeing who they use is I find a really good starting point, or just date one.
Amelia McGee 43:17
I know I don’t really recommend that.
Bonnie Galam 43:19
That’s, I don’t recommend dating whatever.
Amelia McGee 43:24
No, um, yeah, I This isn’t really like legal advice. But I would say a little disclaimer, yeah, no, I would say that also. Um, sometimes it’s worth it to just like, I see people post all the time. Let me give an example. That’s like, my tenant wants me to pay $50 To fix this drain that they’ve broken or like, Whatever, whatever. And I think they should have to pay it’s like, is that really worth your time to, like, argue over $50? Like, I get that it can be like the principle of the matter. But at the same time, I’m like, that is not worth my time. I’m just gonna pay it and move on with my day. Like, right?
Bonnie Galam 44:06
I did. And that’s how we tend to approach things as we pay it we move on with their day, we give them like a stern like Yo, dude, like, this was your problem. Don’t do it again. And then that’s it. But I feel like there’s this there’s such this fear of the tenant, where it’s like landlord versus tenant, we’re just like, just get it done. Just it’s not like the tenant is not thinking, Well, I’m going to test and I’m going to break this train. And then when that happens, I’m gonna break everything and like, no one thinks that way. No one thinks that way.
Amelia McGee 44:35
No. And sometimes it’s for things that aren’t isn’t even like the tenants fault. Or just like I just I’m like, why are you wasting your time over a couple $100 Like, you can’t afford a couple $100 Fix then like maybe this isn’t for you. Like maybe?
Bonnie Galam 44:50
In some of this, I think honestly has to do with like, I’ve seen it. I’ve seen it with clients and it’s not my job to kind of step in and be like, Hey, this is a good deal or not a good deal, because I don’t, I don’t know people’s business. I don’t know their risk tolerance I, that’s not my job I see if anything, it’s their realtors job to tell them that they have a cash flowing deal or not, but sometimes where it’s like, like their cash flow like $200 a door, I’m like, it’s gonna take like, one HVAC. And there’s your profit for the next three years.
Amelia McGee 45:17
Absolutely. I had somebody. So I posted about that most recent flip that I did. And I explained like why I didn’t do a burr on it. And because like after I would have burned out of it, it would have been $85 a month in cash flow. And we made a quick 20 grand profit and some guy in common and was like, I would have kept it as a bur for $85 a month because then you have you know, unlimited cash flow. Yeah. And appreciation. I said, first of all, it’s in a low appreciating markets and rural Iowa, it’s not appreciating, we sold it at top dollar. And two, what happens in 10 years, when the roof goes out, the H back needs your place, then you’re you’ve gotten zero profit. You’ve lost money on that, like get out of my comment section.
Bonnie Galam 46:06
No, I couldn’t agree more. I think there’s a lot of people here and I realize it’s been a tougher market. You really have to hunt for like, good deals right now. A lot of people you’ve got to go off market. Have you found most of your deals on market or off market?
Amelia McGee 46:17
I think it’s like 50-50, to be honest. So a lot of it’s been word of mouth off market deals.
Bonnie Galam 46:23
Yeah. People just know that you’re looking. Yes, exactly. And because it can be hard. I mean, I had an agent come to me the other day because I have a few agents, you know that we buy stuff. They’re like, hey, what do you think of this deal? I said I think it cashflows $115 A month as a duplex And that’s interesting. Yeah, I’m like, I’m not interested. And he was like, Well, we think it’s priced fine. I said go ahead. I’m not buying like someone can buy that maybe for house hackers. Exactly. Yeah. Well, like it doesn’t make sense to me.
Amelia McGee 46:52
Yeah, I know. People always asked me, what’s your What are you looking at per door? Like, what do you want for cash flow? Which is so hard, because it’s obviously very personal. But like, for me, it’s like a minimum of 300? Like, minimum 300 per door? Yeah, yeah. So just I know, it’s hard to find deals right now. But at the same time, like you have to think about it more long term to like, okay, if I’m only making 150 per door, like, yeah, what happens when the water heater the H back? Do they all go out? Like then you’re sunk?
Bonnie Galam 47:23
Yeah, yeah, you’ve got to have that, like wiggle room. And then and then. So I’d rather be like pleasantly surprised that I made more money, than like put like less let pleasantly surprised that I’ve made zero money. And the last question that I have for you is what has been your like, favorite business real estate investing book?
Amelia McGee 47:45
That’s a good question. I think my favorite has been raising private capital by math fair cloth. That’s a good one. I have that one. Because I’ve been able to expand by obtaining partners and raising private capital, I know some people that are not for them, which is totally, totally fine. And I think in the future as I have more of my own capital like I won’t, partners much, but like getting started that’s really helped me be able to expand to 30 doors in 18 months.
Bonnie Galam 48:17
Yeah, no, that’s, that’s…
Amelia McGee 48:20
That’s my secret. That’s my little secret is that I partnered on probably 50% of my doors, so.
Bonnie Galam 48:27
That’s, it’s not a secret. It’s like, learning to like, leverage that. And so good for you. And so that is all I have for you, Miss Amelia, thank you so much for joining me on the House of Horrors podcast telling us all about these like, wonky tenant lows that you’ve been dealing with over the past few months. I can’t even say a few years. Yeah, we’re coming up on two years. And it’s, it’s just incredible to see your growth. She is such a fun follow guys to follow on Instagram. She also does some coaching for people for at least for the time being and does retreats and whatnot with grace, she’s also a wonderful investor, a wonderful human being and so definitely go give her a follow. I’ll link all of her contact info and everything in the show notes. You can connect with her there as well.
Amelia McGee 49:15
Yeah, and thank you so much for having me. This was so fun. As soon as I saw that you had changed your podcast, I was like, Oh, I’ve got some good stories to share. So I can’t wait to listen more to it because it’s just like the real-life drama of landlords like the House of Horrors. So I just am looking forward to the
Bonnie Galam 49:33
series. And then that’s why I wanted to do it because I’m like, Look, I’m not looking to scare anyone out of it. But like the reality is, I feel like sometimes people talk about real estate investing. Like we’re just like, holding hands like with unicorns, you know, over the, you know, tax deduction, Rainbow there’s just actually a lot more to it. And if we can, you know, learn from each other and even if it’s just like silly things where you’re like, hey, I never thought to put a lock on the front door because they have The you know, individual apartment doors now you’re just like, hey, maybe I’m gonna go drop 100 bucks at Home Depot today and do that.
Amelia McGee 50:05
Absolutely. Yes.
Bonnie Galam 50:08
Awesome. All right, well, thanks! |
Ruby Issue Tracking System: Issues 2014-04-19T22:15:47Z Ruby Issue Tracking System Redmine Ruby master - Bug #9760 (Open): mkmf does not allow for linking against custom libraries when a s... 2014-04-19T22:15:47Z zanegray (Andrew DeMaria) [email protected] <p>Hi,</p> <p>Hopefully the title is not confusing, but the short story is that mkmf outputs a makefile that first searches the default lib path before searching any user provided lib paths. This is not an issue until one tries to link against an included library whose version is different than a preexisting system library.</p> <p>The issue cropped up while trying to install the rugged gem (libgit2 wrapper) and a full dialog on the issue can be found on github <a href="" class="external"></a>.</p> <p>I was able to fix the issue with the attached patch (<a href="" class="external"></a>)</p> Ruby master - Feature #9725 (Open): Do not inspect NameError target object unless verbose 2014-04-10T22:19:37Z headius (Charles Nutter) [email protected] <p>At least once every few months, we get an error report of JRuby raising a memory error where MRI does not due to <code>NameError</code>'s <code>Message</code> object holding a reference to an object that's too large to inspect. I propose that this inspection of the target object should only be done in verbose mode.</p> <a name="Background"></a> <h2 >Background:<a href="#Background" class="wiki-anchor">¶</a></h2> <p><code>NameError</code> is raised when a variable-like method call fails to find a defined method. The resulting exception is created with a hidden <code>NameError::Message</code> that holds the object in which the method could not be found.</p> <p>When name error needs to render its message, such as when it bubbles out or when <code>#message</code> is called, it does <code>to_str</code> on the <code>NameError::Message</code>, which ends up inspecting the target object. If this object's inspect output is large (or infinite) it can end up consuming a large amount of memory.</p> <a name="Problems"></a> <h2 >Problems:<a href="#Problems" class="wiki-anchor">¶</a></h2> <ul> <li>If the amount of memory required to render a <code>NameError</code> exceeds available memory, a very confusing and misleading memory error can be raised instead.</li> <li>If the target object is considered sensitive data, it will end up bubbling out through potentially untrustworthy code. It is an encapsulation flaw, basically.</li> <li>A <code>NameError</code> that gets held in memory will also prevent GC of the object it references.</li> </ul> <a name="Solutions"></a> <h2 >Solutions:<a href="#Solutions" class="wiki-anchor">¶</a></h2> <ul> <li> <code>NameError</code> should not capture the target object.</li> <li> <code>NameError</code> should build a message based on the target object <em>at creation time</em>, and only include information useful to indicate the type of object.</li> <li>(Optional) If verbose mode is set, <code>NameError</code> can just do what it does now.</li> </ul> #9686 (Open): Syntax for symbols used in hashes 2014-03-28T19:56:40Z saschamayr (Sascha Mayr) [email protected] <p>Symbols are often used literally as keys in hashes like this:</p> <pre><code class="ruby syntaxhl" data-<span class="p">{</span><span class="ss">foo: </span><span class="s1">'bar'</span><span class="p">}</span> </code></pre> <p>But acutally there is a little inconvenience when using the alternative <code>:"name"</code> literal syntax:</p> <pre><code class="ruby syntaxhl" data-<span class="n">string</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s1">'foo'</span> <span class="p">{</span><span class="ss">:"</span><span class="si">#{</span><span class="n">string</span><span class="si">}</span><span class="ss">"</span> <span class="o">=></span> <span class="s1">'bar'</span><span class="p">}</span> </code></pre> <p>It would be great if Ruby provided the possibility to write the second example like this:</p> <pre><code class="ruby syntaxhl" data-<span class="n">string</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s1">'foo'</span> <span class="p">{</span><span class="s2">"</span><span class="si">#{</span><span class="n">string</span><span class="si">}</span><span class="s2">"</span><span class="p">:</span> <span class="s1">'bar'</span><span class="p">}</span> </code></pre> <p>This would be logical, because you can write both syntaxes the same way when not using them in hashes.</p> Ruby master - Feature ><code>__FILE__.object_id # => 70183725179420 __FILE__.object_id # => 70183725129020 ... </code></pre> <p>I propose them to be optimized so that they are only created once per occurrence.</p> <pre><code>__FILE__.object_id # => 70183725179420 __FILE__.object_id # => 70183725179420 ... </code><>4.in? 1,2,3,4 4.in? 1..4 "a".in? "abc" 7.in? 0..2, 5..8 3.in? small_numbers.select(&:odd?) =>true</code><br> Background:<br> Since my first steps in ruby it always bugs me, that using Array#include? to perform multiple checks in one line breaks symmetry, forces me to read backward and thus lets me stumble in the head. Ruby tries to be close to natural language, and therefore the subject should stand on the left side. Example:<br> <code>if status == 1 if status == 1 or status == 2 if [1,2,127].include? status # breaks symmetry if status.in? 1, 2, 127 # better<>class Object def in? *args raise ArgumentError if args.empty? args.any? {|a| a == self or a.include? self rescue false} end end</code><br> This is related to <a href="" class="external"><><code>enum = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].to_enum enum.peek # => 0 enum.peek(0) # => 0 enum.peek(1) # => 1 enum.peek # => 0 enum.next # => 0 enum.next(1) # => 1 enum.next(2) # => 2 enum.peek # => 4 enum.peek(0) # => 4 enum.peek(1) # => 5 enum.peek # => 4 enum.next # => 4 enum.next(1) # => 5 enum.next(2) # => 6 peek # => 8 </code><><code>File.open('result.zip', 'wb') {|f| Net::HTTP.get('', '/file.zip') do |chunk| f.write chunk end } </code></pre> <p>This patch includes that example as documentation, and a test. It is attached, and available at: <a href="" class="external"><="" class="external">< #9515 (Open): `IO.each` and `CSV.each` 2014-02-12T16:16:41Z sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada) <p>In <code>IO</code> class, there are pairs of a class method and an instance method with related function:</p> <ul> <li> <code>IO.read</code> and <code>IO#read</code> </li> <li> <code>IO.write</code> and <code>IO#write</code> </li> <li> <code>IO.foreach</code> and <code>IO#each</code> (or its alias <code>IO#each_line</code>)</li> </ul> <p>For consistency, please make <code>IO.each</code> an alias for <code>IO.foreach</code>.</p> <p>The same thing can be said for <code>CSV.each</code>.</p> Ruby master - Feature #9445 (Open): Support emitting 1.9 Symbol keyword Hash syntax when pretty p... 2014-01-24T02:16:43Z postmodern (Hal Brodigan) [email protected] <p.</p> Ruby master - Bug #9435 (Open): Kernel.system problem 2014-01-21T05:29:24Z windwiny (wind winy) [email protected] <p>if ENV['PATH'] include double quotes, Kernel.system cann't find it.</p> <p>windows OS, open a cmd window</p> <pre><code>set</a>) to method_name in TracePoint class. There may be a particular reason for keeping it 'method_id', and I'd appreciate if someone could enlighten us.</p> <p>Thanks.</p> Ruby master - Feature ?</p> Ruby master - Feature #9253 (Open): Regexp named match and case statement 2013-12-16T22:16:17Z oelmekki (Olivier El Mekki) [email protected] <p>Hello,</p> <p>I've notice there's no mean to use captured named matches with case<br> statement :</p> <pre><code>> a,</a><br> [2] <a href="" class="external"></a></p> Ruby master - Bug #9189 (Assigned): Build failure on Windows in case of nonascii TEMP environment. 2013-12-01T18:06:20Z phasis68 (Heesob Park) [email protected] <p>I experienced a build failure during build extension library with trunk on Windows.</p> <pre><code>make[2]: Entering directory `/c/work/ruby-2.1.0-r43936/ext/bigdecimal' generating bigdecimal-i386-mingw32.def compiling bigdecimal.c In file included from bigdecimal.c:20:0: bigdecimal.h:62:1: error: static declaration of 'labs' follows non-static declar ation make[2]: *** [bigdecimal.o] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory `/c/work/ruby-2.1.0-r43936/ext/bigdecimal' make[1]: *** [ext/bigdecimal/all] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/c/work/ruby-2.1.0-r43936' make: *** [build-ext] Error 2 </code></pre> <p>I found the cause of this error is mkmk failure.<br> Here is a part of mkmf.log</p> <pre><code>have_func: checking for labs() in stdlib.h... -------------------- no "i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -o conftest.exe -I../../.ext/include/i386-mingw32 -I../.././include -I../.././ext/bigdecimal -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer conftest.c -L. -L../.. -L. -lmsvcrt-ruby210-static -lshell32 -lws2_32 -liphlpapi -limagehlp -lshlwapi " This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. Cannot create temporary file in C:\Users\??苑?AppData\Local\Temp\: Invalid argument </code></pre> <p>The TEMP environment varable is</p> <pre><code>C:\work\ruby-2.1.0-r43936>set TEMP TEMP=C:\Users\희섭\AppData\Local\Temp </code></pre> <p>It seems that miniruby cannot handle encoding properly.</p> <pre><code>C:\work\ruby-2.1.0-r43936>miniruby -ve "p ENV['TEMP']" ruby 2.1.0dev (2013-11-30 trunk 43936) [i386-mingw32] "C:\\Users\\\xED\x9D\xAC\xEC\x84\xAD\\AppData\\Local\\Temp" C:\work\ruby-2.1.0-r43936>miniruby.exe -ve "p ENV['TEMP'].encoding" ruby 2.1.0dev (2013-11-30 trunk 43936) [i386-mingw32] #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT> </code></pre> <p>Whereas, the final ruby can handle encoding properly.</p> <pre><code>C:\work>ruby -ve "p ENV['TEMP']" ruby 2.1.0dev (2013-11-30 trunk 43923) [i386-mingw32] "C:\\Users\\희섭\\AppData\\Local\\Temp" C:\work>ruby -ve "p ENV['TEMP'].encoding" ruby 2.1.0dev (2013-11-30 trunk 43923) [i386-mingw32] #<Encoding:CP949> </code></pre> Ruby master - Feature #9185 (Open): Add alias_class_method or class_alias functionality 2013-12-01T03:39:32Z shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) [email protected] <p>Hi core team,</p> <p>First drink a Calpis (カルピス Karupisu) before reading on :-)</p> <p>Now, my proposal is to add a slight new feature that is mostly one of convenience.</p> <p>We have two ways to use aliases:</p> <p>(1) alias<br> (2) alias_method</p> <p>But are similar but not 100% the same.</p> <p>Now this works all fine and nice.</p> <p>But how to define a class method? Well, simple:</p> <p>class Foo; def self.hi; puts 'hi'; end; end; Foo.hi</p> <p>But how can we make an alias to this class method?</p> <p>Well, this is ugly - here is one way:</p> <p>class Foo; class << self; def ho; hi; end;end;end</p> <p>Is this readable to you?</p> <p>Using alias would be more readable.</p> <p>Ok, we can simplify it by using alias:</p> <p>class Foo; class << self; alias ho hi; end;end</p> <p>But I don't like the class << self there, just to make<br> a single class alias.</p> <p>I thus propose a new method called:</p> <p>class_alias</p> <p>The above could then be rewritte like so perhaps:<br> class Foo; class_alias :ho, :hi; end # I guess this would be more akin to alias_method</p> <p>If the name is bad, it could be:</p> <p>alias_class_method</p> <p>Perhaps. Anyway, the name is not so important, I am sure a good name can be found,<br> but I wonder if this would be a good feature to add or not.</p> <p>Thanks for reading!<|</p> <h1></h1> <p>end; else</p> <h1></h1> <p>end</p> Ruby master - Feature #9145 (Open): Queue#pop(true) return nil if empty instead of raising Thread... 2013-11-24T12:42:25Z jsc (Justin Collins) <p>I propose the non-blocking form of Queue#pop behave like Array#pop and return nil when empty.</p> <p>Current behavior is to raise a ThreadError, with a message indicating the queue is empty.</p> <p>For example:</p> <p>q = Queue.new<br> begin<br> loop do<br> next_item = q.pop(true)<br> end<br> rescue ThreadError</p> <a name="queue-is-emptyor-maybe-something-bad-happened"></a> <h1 >queue is empty...or maybe something bad happened<a href="#queue-is-emptyor-maybe-something-bad-happened" class="wiki-anchor">¶</a></h1> <p>end</p> <p>Instead, this could be</p> <p>q = Queue.new<br> while next_item = q.pop(true)<br> end</p> <p>Alternatively, raise an exception that is a subclass of ThreadError with a more specific name, such as "QueueEmpty". This would be a small improvement while remaining compatible with existing code.</p> Ruby master - Feature #9116 (Open): String#rsplit missing 2013-11-16T17:35:03Z artagnon (Ramkumar Ramachandra) [email protected] <p>There's nothing corresponding to Python's rsplit(). A quick glance at rb_str_split_m() tells me that it should be pretty trivial to implement. Is there any specific reason it hasn't already been done?<="" class="external"></a>):</p> <pre><code>[128].pack("C") # => "\x80" [128].pack("C") == "\x80" # => false </code>< closed"49 (Open): Shorthands (a:b, *) for inclusive indexing 2013-10-24T11:54:48Z mohawkjohn (John Woods) [email protected] <p>For NMatrix, we've implemented a range shorthand which relies on Hashes: <code>m[1=>3, 2=>4]</code>, for example, which returns rows 1 through 3 inclusive of columns 2 through 4 (also inclusive). The original goal was to be able to do <code>m[1:3, 2:4]</code> using the new hash notation, but the new hash notation requires that the key be a symbol — it won't accept an integer.</p> <p>Whether through the hash interface or not, it'd be lovely if there were a shorthand for slicing matrices (and even Ruby Arrays) using colon. This could just be an alternate syntax for ranges, also — which might make more sense.</p> <p>The other related shorthand we'd love to find a way to implement is the all-inclusive shorthand. It gets to be a pain to type <code>n[0...n.shape[0], 1...3]</code> to get a submatrix (a slice), and it's really difficult to read. As a work-around, we currently use the <code>:*</code> symbol: <code>n[:*, 1...3]</code>. But it'd be simpler if there were a way to use a splat operator without an operand as a function argument. It might be a special case where the <code>*</code> is treated as a <code>:*</code> automatically. But this edge case might cause confusion with error messages when users make syntax errors elsewhere.</p> <p>The colon shorthand is the highest priority for us.</p> Ruby master - Feature #8994 (Open): add methods for Float to get if an NaN is quiet or not, also ... 2013-10-08T16:45:30Z Hanmac (Hans Mackowiak) [email protected] <p>Currently its not easy possible to know of an NaN in ruby is silent or not</p> <p>like Float::NAN.quiet?</p> <p>there should also methods to make an new NaN like Float::quiet_nan, maybe with the possibility to set user data</p> <p>also there is</p> <p>[Float::NAN].pack("g") #=> "\x7F\xC0\x00\x00"<br> [0.0/0.0].pack("g") #=> "\xFF\xC0\x00\x00"</p> <p>and</p> <p>[-(0.0/0.0)].pack("g") #=> "\x7F\xC0\x00\x00"</p> <p>so it seems that - can turn an quiet NaN into an loud one? (i am not 100% clear about that)<br> specially when using two different NaN in one operation like</p> <p>[(0.0/0.0) + Float::NAN].pack("g") #=> "\xFF\xC0\x00\x00"<br> [Float::NAN + (0.0/0.0)].pack("g") #=> "\x7F\xC0\x00\x00"</p> <p>Wikipedia says:<br> For example, a bit-wise.</p> <p>so it seems that the negation does it a bit wrong? i mean -@ should not change the value like that?</p> Ruby master - Feature #8987 (Open): map/collect extension which handles arguments 2013-10-05T23:02:50Z sowieso (So Wieso) [email protected] <p>Please consider extending map/collect by allowing additional arguments to be passed to proc, like:<br> A: <code>[1,2,3,4].map :+, 4</code><br> and/or<br> B: <code>[1,2,3,4].map 4, &:+</code></p> <p>=> [5, 6, 7, 8]</p> <p>Variant A is probably more readable. Variant B is more versatile (allows arbitrary arguments to be passed to block).</p> Ruby master - Feature #8970 (Open): Array.zip and Array.product 2013-10-01T03:57:09Z sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada) <p>=begin<br> Most of the time when I use <code>Array#zip</code> or <code>Array#product</code>, I feel cumbursome that I have to take out the first array and pass it as a receiver. For example, if I have</p> <pre><code>a = [[:a, :b, :c], [:d, :e, :f], [:g, :h, :i]] </code></pre> <p>I have to do something like this:</p> <pre><code>a.first.zip(*a.drop(1)){...} a.first.product(*a.drop(1)){...} </code></pre> <p>Sometimes, the receiver (i.e., the first array) has significance, but most other times, that breaks asymmetry, making the code look ugly.</p> <p>I would be happy if we had <code>Array.zip</code> and <code>Array.product</code> in addition so that we can do it like this:</p> <pre><code>Array.zip(*a){...} Array.product(*a){...} </code></pre> > Ruby master - Feature #8961 (Open): Synchronizable module to easily wrap methods in a mutex 2013-09-27T20:23:16Z tobiassvn (Tobias Svensson) <p>=begin<br> I propose a Synchronizable mixin to easily wrap methods in a mutex which works together with Ruby 2.1's method name symbols returned from '(({def}))'.</p> <p>The Mixin adds a new '(({synchronized}))' class method which would alias the referenced method and redefines the original method wrapped in a '(({synchronize do .. end}))' block.</p> <p>This is probably somewhat related and an alternative to <a class="issue tracker-2 status-6 priority-4 priority-default closed" title="Feature: MutexedDelegator as a trivial way to make an object thread-safe (Rejected)" href="">#8556</a>.</p> <hr> <p>Proof of concept (I've used Monitor here so potential users won't have to worry about reentrancy):</p> <p>require 'monitor'</p> <p>module Synchronizable<br> module ClassMethods<br> def synchronized(method)<br> aliased = :"#{method}_without_synchronization"<br> alias_method aliased, method</p> <pre> - Feature #8947 (Open): make alias, alias_method, attr_* return name of the alias 2013-09-24T21:34:52Z rkh (Konstantin Haase) [email protected] <p>Now that def returns the method name, it would be handy to have alias/alias_method return the name of the alias:</p> <p>class Foo<br> private def foo() end<br> protected alias_method :bar, :foo<br> end</p> <p>Same goes for the attr_* methods:</p> <p>class Foo<br> private attr_accessor :foo, :bar<br> end</p> <p>What do you think?</p> Ruby master - Feature - Feature #8896 (Open): #tap with missing block 2013-09-11T19:05:44Z prijutme4ty (Ilya Vorontsov) [email protected] <p>In case when no block provided to tap, it fails. So if you want method which can be called with or without block - you can't do it like this:</p> <p>def self.create(args={}, &block)<br> new.set_attributes(args).tap(&block)<br> end</p> <p>but should use block_defined? to prevent #tap's failure.</p> <p>I suggest to make tap with no block given just to return self and raise no errors.</p> closed" closed"> |
Herrenschnitt für Damen – Crewcut in Austria by BarberJos
I am looking at the very attractive face in the mirror; it’s me. I turn my head a little bit and see the extreme short hair at the sides. With my hand I feel the stubble at the back and my memory goes back to my youth. My small brother is coming home from the barber and I am always rubbing his head, feeling the rest of his hair, which feels like sandpaper. I found it a pity that a girl could not have her hair like that. Once I asked it the barber where we were sent by our mother, but he refused, knowing that my mother would be angry.
Later as a teenager and a student I had very long hair. Only sometimes, when I saw a girl with very short hair I was reminded of my past wishes.
I look at the very short grey hairs, which cover the top of my head like a brush.
24 hours ago I still had very long hair. I look at the henna-powder that I bought an hour ago in the drugstore. I have known the owner a long time. At first he hardly recognized me with my short shorn hair.
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“Heavens,” he said. “Are you busy with the makeover of the century? I must say it looks very nice and maybe I offend you but you look much younger and more attractive.”
I did not say anything, but just smiled and paid.
When I left the store, an attractive man studied my haircut and said, smiling, “Wow, a real nice crewcut.” Somewhat surprised I looked back, but did not know what to say. In two minutes I got more reactions from men than in the last two months. “Do you know this woman,” I heard one say but I did not dare to look back, although….
Smiling in the mirror I started to moisten my hair. Oh no, I have to put the henna in hot water first. I looked at the strange greenish paint, with the strange smell in the bowl. How long ago did I prepare something like this? Again I look in the mirror and wonder if I will go on.
I hesitate and think two men found me attractive with my mixture of blonde and grey, why hide my age? But suddenly I go on and put the greenish mud on my head and try to distribute it equally over my hair. I cover the whole mass with a plastic cap and go out of the room, waiting for the result. I go upstairs to set the alarm clock, with the vague memory that 45 minutes is a reasonable time to become a real redhead.
For a moment I think a little bit about the reaction of my son when he will come back from school, but let him be honest, he was the one telling me how nice I looked.
In the room I see the old photographs and the diary of John. How long is it ago, 11? 12? 13 years?
Yesterday evening my 10-year-old son, who is reading a lot nowadays came to me and asked, “Mom, I have seen a lot of children’s books in the cupboard in the attic, can I have a look there?” I did not have much time and absently I said that it was okay. Some minutes later he came down with a box, full of photographs and some notebooks “Oh no,” I thought, but before I could do anything , he showed me a photograph and pointed at me and asked, “Is that you?” I looked at the smiling nice girl, with the attractive haircut, and said, “Herrenschnitt für Damen.”
“What did you say?” my son said.
“Oh that is something in the German language,” I said.
“Wow, you were nice then,” my son said. “It looks a little bit like a boy, but is very nice. Why does grandma always say that girls should have long hair and boys short hair?”
I shrugged my shoulders and remembered all too well this kind of remark of my mother when I came back from my holiday with John in Austria.
I opened the diary somewhere in the middle and stared at the sentences. I looked better and saw that this part covered the period shortly before we went to Austria. John was in Sweden.
We had seen each other only 2-3 times after our first meeting at a dance. He went to Sweden during some weeks.
“Nature is beautiful here, today is a free day and I am going to the lake to see if I can see some more Carex.spec. Crazy that I like those plants and nobody seems to enjoy them. In fact I want to go alone, because I need some privacy, but Mia asked if she could join me. In fact I like her very much. Most of the girls are the same with their long sleek hair. She has very short hair. I like her open face. It is curious that I always like this type of girl. I hope that I have the courage to ask Barbara to cut her hair like that, when I come back….
“I just dream how she will look like when I take her to a barber.”
I remember these sentences very well, because I read them just before the beginning of our holidays in Austria. John came back from Sweden and invited me for a holiday in Austria. I liked him very much and even though I hardly knew him I agreed.
The evening before we left, I came to his house, which I liked very much. It was full with bookcases and the walls were covered with a lot of graphic art. And often there was the nice classical music, from the enormous amount of CDs.
John did not have time to prepare food as he usually did and decided to take some fast food from a local store. He went out and I looked around. I saw the diary, in which he had been writing and took a glance at some pages. Suddenly I saw my name and read the sentence
“I just dream how she will look like when I take her to the barber”
I realized that he did not say anything about it to me, since he returned from Sweden. I heard the front door and closed the diary and thought that I could not say anything about it, because I did not ask him permission to look in his diary. When we took our food I had the feeling that he looked with more than usual attention to my hair. We made a list of the things that we should take with us, but most of the attention was paid to the things that should be left at home. John was an experienced backpacker. “No need of a hairdryer etc, because I will cut your hair,” he said smiling, pointing to the small nail scissors, which I should not take in order to reduce our amount of luggage.
Late that evening I returned to my own home. When we kissed each other he made an buzzing sound while he went with his hand from my nape to my crown. “Did you ever have short hair?” he asked. “What a crazy idea,” he said, “with such beautiful long hair.” I remembered my brother’s hair. Silently we kissed each other, but both of us did not express our feelings.
Back at home I stood a long time in the bathroom staring at my long hair.
The next day we met each other at the railway station for the night train to Salzburg.
John sat besides me sometimes running with his fingers through my hair, but he did not say anything about cutting my hair, even though I reminded him of the hairdryer that I “forgot”.
Our travel to Salzburg went very well and I was not too tired when we arrived early in the morning. Outside the station John easily found the bus to H. where we should stay in private rooms which where available anywhere. There were not many passengers except a young man and woman with the same long hair and identical green jackets. I had seen them last evening in Holland at the station and made a joke about them suggesting to John that he should have his hair as long and that we certainly must buy the same type of clothes in H.
In H. we easily found a good room at the home of an old widow. The room had a nice view on the lake. John asked if she had no cats, because as he told me later, he was afraid of fleas.
We took a nice rest just staring over the nice lake and pointing to the mountains, which we would climb in the forthcoming days. We did some shopping for the next day and decided that tomorrow we should restrict ourselves to a visit of some alpine meadows, which John knew from the past and which he described as wonderful mountain gardens full of orchids and gentians and of course the carex (sedges), which were not colourful, but the more beautiful (according to John). The next morning we left very early and rather soon we were walking alone along a brook. We kissed each other regularly and in between John showed me all the botanical beauties that I would not have seen alone. At last we came at the promised garden-like meadows and we spent a lot of time there. It was still very silent there and I wondered where we should find the restaurant that John promised me when I suggested that we should take sandwiches with us.
“Do not worry,” John said, “over there it will be crowded, because many persons come there by bus and just walk there a little bit, but good for us hardly anybody comes here.”
The place was crowded indeed and it seemed that hundreds of people were there. It was even difficult to find a good place where we could sit.
Suddenly I saw the well-known identical green jackets of the Dutch couple, but it looked like quite different persons. I hardly recognized them because their long hair had disappeared and both of them seemed to have an identical crewcut. John did not seem to have seen them because he sat in front of me. When the newly cut couple took off their jackets they were not recognisable anymore. I did not say anything to John remembering the curious sentences in his diary, but I remembered my own curious feelings about short shorn hair.
At a certain moment I saw that the girl went to the toilets and impulsively I went also there.
The girl stood there washing her hands and staring and feeling her short hair. I hesitated but suddenly I spoke to her and said, “Excuse me, I saw you and your partner with long hair and I must say I find it very attractive.”
The girl blushed and said, “At first I found it terrible but I’m starting to like it now.” She looked at my own long hair and said, “Do you want to cut your hair also?”
I said, “Yes, my friend seems to like short hair.” Suddenly I just asked, “Where did they cut your hair.”
The girl started to smile and said, “That is quite a story. There is a hairdresser in H. with a strict division in a part for ladies and a part for gentlemen. My friend and I went to that hairdresser and I joined him at the barber, but I had to go to the other part as I did not explain to him clearly enough that it should be really very short. So I tried to explain it to the female hairdresser at the other side and she cut it rather short and when she thought it was enough my friend said that it should be shorter etc. And then she was angry and shouted, ‘You want a herrenschnitt, go over there to the other side.’ So we walked to the other side and the barber smiled, said ‘Sit down, but why did not you say you wanted a herrenschnitt, a jongenskop or a crewcut as the Americans say?’
“He wrapped such a blanket around my neck, pushed my head forward and with clippers he just started to shave my head at the sides. Not really shaving, but very short as you see. He left the hair at the top much longer, maybe a little bit too long. And then he did the same with my friend and that is the whole story. O yes the shop is at the A. street: opposite there is a good coffee shop with very good apple strudel.
“Bye, see you maybe later.”
I went back to John who was reading in a plant identification manual and did not seem to see the rest of the world.
Later I read in his diary: “we arrived at the mountain house and to my surprise I saw the Dutch couple of yesterday. I hardly recognized them, but was surprised that they were so much changed and so very attractive. I wondered if Barbara saw them, but she did not say anything.
“Strange that I am afraid to mention it to her, but maybe later. Maybe I have to look in town if there is a barber somewhere. To my surprise Barbara did not want to walk back, but wanted to return by bus. We came back at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Our widow presented us a nice tea and Barbara said suddenly that she wanted to go to the town to buy some skin cream that she forgot to take with her from Holland. She said maybe I can go alone or I just walk a little bit around and we can see each other at the coffeehouse in the A. street. Barbara left in unexpected hurry, and just when she left I wondered how she knew about the coffeehouse, because we were not there yesterday. I decided to wait for some minutes, but then I went also to town.
“Some 500-600 meters farther on I saw Barbara walking and tried to walk somewhat faster to join her. She walked to the A. Street, where the coffeehouse is. Several times she was rubbing at the back of her head and I was wondering about the bites of horseflies in the forest, although she did not mention anything about it.
“Opposite the coffeehouse Barbara entered a shop. When I came nearer I saw that it was a hairdresser. I remembered that Barbara wanted to buy skin cream and decided to enter the coffeehouse where I could have cup of coffee and the delicious apple strudel. I did not see Barbara through the shop window and looked regularly if I should see her leave the shop.”
It is a crazy thing to read this again after so many years. I remember very well that we came back at our room and that we had our tea. Since I had seen and spoken to the girl with the herrenschnitt I had a very strong wish to go also to the barber. It felt almost as an obsession and it must have surprised John that I wanted to go back by bus. The crazy thing was that I could not share my feelings with him.
It was a complete lie that I forgot my skin cream, but I did not want him to join me.
On the way to the A. Street I felt my heart beating stronger and stronger and wondered how I would have to ask the people at the hairdresser about my haircut. My command of the German language was very bad and I was quite nervous. Several times I felt at the back of my head, wondering how it would feel if my plan would be realized. Rather soon I stood in front of the hairdresser, took a deep breath and entered. After some time a middle-aged lady came, asking what I wanted. I uttered ein haarschnitt (haircut) and the lady took me to the ladies’ part.
I sighed and the hairdresser, feeling my uncertainty, said, “Maybe you can look in these books if there is a haircut that you like. Maybe you can have it bobbed.” I looked at the pictures of a dozen girls and the hairdresser looked over my shoulder. Suddenly I said I want it rather short.
The hairdresser took another book with shorter haircuts and pointed to some of them. “No,” I said, “I want it really short, how do you say that in German, a herrenschnitt für…”
It was not necessary to finish my sentence, because the hairdresser cried: “Heinz, wieder einmal ein mädchen daß solch einer kahlen Kopf wünscht.” (Another girl that likes a bald head.) A barber came in and asked me to go with him to the other part where at that moment no other customer was present.” He pointed to the classic barber’s chair, which I remembered from long ago. And all the memories of the barber that refused to cut my hair as short as I asked, came in my mind.
I hardly heard the question of the barber about the way my hair should be cut. I stammered at first and tried to explain about the Dutch girl and boy that had been here yesterday. The barber started to grin and said that it was clear now what I wanted.
I looked in the mirror and saw how the cape was wrapped around my neck. The barber asked what I wanted to do with the hair. When I said I would leave it with him, he offered me to give a free haircut. I sighed and said joking that it should not mean that he should give me a headshave.
With some more courage, because I started feeling at more ease, I told him that I thought that it would be nice if he would give me a real crewcut, that meant that the hair should be shorter than that of the Dutch girl. “Are you really sure?” said the barber. “I think we will take our time and do it not too fast, even though my wife will complain. It is quiet and we have time enough. Anyway it is clear that the sides and the back can be done very short.”
The barber said: “You must know that I like short hair for most woman, but I have always troubles with my wife if I say that.”
The barber undid my braid, combed the hair and said, “No regrets? You can still stop.”
“No, please go on,” I said and wished that he really would start, even though I was afraid at the same time. How would John find it?
The barber started to cut the hair rather near the head and each time he laid the hair down very carefully. A pile was growing, while more and more hair disappeared from my head. At last I looked at a strange head, it looked awful. The barber saw how I looked to my own face and said: “Don’t be afraid, the real haircutting will change you again into an attractive girl.”
Well let us start the real job. From the wall he took electric clippers and I felt my hair still at the back. “Is it true that in the past you liked to feel the hair of your brother when he came from the barber?” I wondered how the barber knew this. “It is crazy,” said the barber, but the girl yesterday told me that and maybe you have something like that.
In between the barber started and pushed my head forwards and I felt the clippers quite near my skin slowly going upward. “I’m using an attachment to the machine that still leaves about 3mm of hair,” said the barber.
“I wondered how it will look,” I said.
“Not so difficult,” said the barber, “You were rather nervous, but if you look you’ll see that there are also mirrors behind you and me. So you can follow the whole thing.”
I looked at the back of my head and discovered that the clippers had mown a neat lane upward, but I saw also that my white skin was shining through the short hairs that were left.
The barber repeated the movements at the back and within a minute almost all the hair at the back disappeared. I took my hand from under the cape and felt my head. A strange shiver went through my body. The barber turned the chair a quarter and repeated the same procedure at the sides of my head, still leaving the hair at the top much longer.
Within a minute the other side was finished and I saw my nice ears. My face had changed a lot even though my bangs were still long. The barber took a comb and started to make a nice transition to the longer part, just like it was done with my brother in the past.
My brother and I were resembling each other rather much and it was crazy that in a few minutes I almost recognized my brother’s face in the mirror. That was not too bad because I like that face very much. The barber stared at my bangs and with thinning scissors he cut most of it , leaving a short feather-like fringe. To my surprise my face had changed very much, almost no hair, but a beautiful face with a nice bone structure stared at me from the mirror.
When I had finished my coffee and the apple strudel I wondered how long Barbara had been in the shop at the other side of the street. I paid and walked across the street and entered. There seemed to be nobody and I thought maybe Barbara had left the shop and was strolling around. I just wanted to leave the shop when a lady came from the back and asked what I wanted.
I asked something about a lady wanting to buy a skin cream some minutes ago.
The lady looked as if I was crazy. And shrugged her shoulders. I stood there a little bit clumsy and said suddenly maybe I can have a haircut, while my wife is shopping.
The lady showed me to the barber part where a boy was getting a classic haircut, the sides extremely short and the hair at the top longer, just like I had as a small schoolboy in the past. The woman walked to a pile of blonde hair near the barberchair and took it away. “Hey Heinz a new customer, hurry a little bit she,” said.
The barber came to me and said: “It will take maybe 10 minutes more and then I can help you.”
I thought about the appointment with Barbara in the coffee shop and wanted to go away. I looked at the pile of hair in the hand of the woman and suddenly realized that it must be from the boy. I looked better and wondered suddenly if it was a girl in the barber’s chair. And then the shock came as the boy turned his head, turned her chair and I heard the well-known voice of Barbara asking, “What are you doing here?” I saw a beautiful grinning face, boy-like, girl-like, maybe the almost bisexual fresh mixture, about which I was fantasizing in my diary.
I was totally surprised and somewhat sheepishly I said, “I was thinking about a haircut for myself, no I was looking for you, because I saw you disappearing in this shop. As you did not come outside again I was wondering where you went buying your skin cream. Heavens, you are changed almost totally, but to be honest I like it very much.”
I was looking at John and knew that he really liked it, but in fact I wanted to go farther with my hair experiment. “Hmm,” I said, “in fact I want my hair still shorter at the top, a kind of fur of very short bristles.” I explained my wishes to the barber, not waiting for any comments from John.
The barber again took the clippers and was moving again over my head; only the front part with the bangs he left longer. I saw that John was totally surprised and could not suppress a big smile. The barber finished the job by cutting the front part over a comb with scissors and I was satisfied with the result.
In between the barber understood that John was my friend and after finishing his job with my hair he asked John to sit in the chair. John asked for the same crewcut like I had and straightaway the barber made nice work again and we looked satisfied at each other’s hair.
In the diary John wrote: “I wanted to pay, but the barber said that it would be okay, because my wife had sold her hair exactly for the money needed for two haircuts.”
We walked back to our rooms and the widow did not recognize us at first, but started to smile as she realized who we were. She told how she had cut her hair as a girl in the twenties and how shocked her family had been at that time.
Later that night we made love and were feeling each other, kissing each other’s head.
I suddenly hear the sound of the alarm bell and go to the bathroom to wash the rests of the henna out of my very short hair. With a towel I dry my head and just when I want to look in the mirror I hear the bell of the front door. It is Steve, who at first seems to be shocked by my hair, but his comment is an understatement, which I appreciate as he says: “Not bad. Now you are the nice girl of the photograph, only a little bit red,” which as I see later is the second understatement, because my hair is totally red.
Steven wants to see more of the photographs and asks who the man is on some of the photographs. “It was John,” I say, “but we were only together for half a year.” Steven sees that I almost start to cry and says, “You miss him.”
What happened in these months after our return from Austria? I pressed John too much and I was jealous of the female student with whom he worked. I wanted to live with him and wanted to create my own place in his house. He was a busy man and I did not understand that it was impossible for him to do all these things together. In my stupidity I thought that it would make him jealous and make him more active to organize a place for me in his house if I started a pseudo-relationship with one of his colleagues. John was jealous but something different happened. He looked for a job in Australia and disappeared as suddenly as I met him.
I realized that I made the mistake of my life. After a year I developed a strong wish to have a child and Steven was made. The father wanted to marry me but I wanted this child for myself.
I let my hair grow and grow and gradually I learned to live my own life with Steven. Yesterday Steven found the box with a number of things which John sent me some weeks after his departure to Australia.
Looking in the mirror I see a more mature, but still youthful woman, still very attractive and I remember the remarks this morning when I bought the henna powder.
The bell of the front door goes again and Steven opens the door. “Mum, there is a man with an enormous amount of flowers.” I look out of the window and see the man with a nice crewcut….
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Congratulations everyone on clearing the FRCR 2A! Part 2B is the last hurdle of the long and arduous journey before the inscription of golden words- FRCR to your name. After our earlier blogs on how to prepare for FRCR part 1 and part 2A, we will talk about tips and tricks to clear part 2B here.
The prerequisite for the final step is completion of 34 months of formal radiology training. The best time to take the exam is when you feel most prepared. The knowledge expected during the exam is that of a junior consultant/registrar in General Radiology and not that of a Professor of Neuroradiology or a senior MSK radiologist.
1. Examination centers and dates: FRCR 2B is conducted in the UK (Spring and Autumn), Singapore (Spring and even Autumn recently) and Hong Kong (Autumn). The application process is slightly different for all and is enlisted further. At this point, it is important to clear a renowned myth that the difficulty level varies from center to center. It is not true and the performance is directly proportional to the efforts you put in.
2. How to apply:
A) UK examination: There is a rolling list for the UK examination slot. Fill the form available on the (In the ‘Apply Now’ sub-section). For the overseas applicants, a letter drafted by the head of institution is required, a prototype is given below.
The form and the letter have to be EMAILED to the college on [email protected]. It is important to go through the application process in detail on the link provided above as the rules keep changing from time to time. In case, you refuse the slot, your number on the waiting list would advance serially and they might offer you again in next session. Fees have to be paid only on accepting the slot.
B) Singapore examination: Getting lucky for the Singapore slot is a race against time. There is a long online application form which has to be filled up and paid for (20 SGD) within minutes. One needs to be ready with all the documents on the computer ready to be uploaded. Follow this link for the announcements. Tips to get lucky is a fast internet connection, a working international debit/credit card and most importantly fill up only the mandatory columns ;-). Yes, getting a slot at Singapore seems easier, but then all good things come at a price. This one hits hard on your pocket as an additional fee of 3790 SGD (at the time of writing this blog) has to be paid for the Master of medicine degree awarded by the NUS.
C) Hong Kong examination: The success of getting a slot at Hong Kong depends merely on your internet speed, as it is again on first come first serve basis. The application has to be emailed to [email protected] and should reach them bang on the opening time. This is usually updated on the following link every year and around last week of May. An additional examination fee of HK$27,320 (at the time of writing this blog) is to be paid, ONLY if you are successful in getting the slot.
3. Examination Structure: A reporting session (aka long cases), a rapid reporting session and an oral examination (held within 1-5 days of the reporting set). Each component is scored out of 8. The pass mark in each component is 6, with a total of 24 and passing in 2 out of 4 components is mandatory. gives the detailed scoring system of each component.
A. Reporting session (Long cases):
- This is your 1st tryst with the exam on the D day. 6 cases with a brief history and usually a mix of multiple modalities are provided.
- They have to be reported under the headings of Observation, Interpretation, Principle diagnosis, Differential diagnosis and further management. It is important to remember, that the reports have to be TYPED.
- Under the heading of observation, all positive findings and PERTINENT negative findings are to be reported in a point wise manner.
- Interpretation is the most confusing section. It is expected of the candidate to assign the disease process into broad categories of ischemia, infection, inflammation, traumatic, neoplasm, aggressive/non aggressive, slow/rapidly growing etc as applicable.
- A single appropriate most likely diagnosis has to be mentioned under the principle diagnosis column. Apart from it, significant other positive findings can be mentioned. For eg: in a case of ovarian carcinoma with pulmonary embolism, it is important to mention both of these in the principle diagnosis.
- Differential diagnosis: Only relevant differentials need to be written and the entire list of Chapman should not be enlisted. Mentioning why the differential is not in the principle diagnosis would fetch brownie points.
- Further management: Urgently informing the referring doctor about any life-threatening finding on the scan is a must. Multidisciplinary discussions and other RELEVANT radiological/pathological tests for confirmation should be mentioned.
- Tips: Finish all 6 cases, and no column should be left blank. Excessive detail is not necessary in the reports. No need to mention the relationship with adjacent structures in detail unless vascular infiltration/thrombosis. One cannot easily flunk in long cases, unless you leave one of the 6 cases completely blank. The other most important tip is most of these cases will have at least 2 findings, for eg- an intestinal obstruction with arterial thrombus, a colon malignancy with pulmonary embolism in lower sections. TIME is the most crucial factor. Practice typing of your day to day reports.
B. Rapid reporting:
- This is conducted immediately after the long cases. Make sure you do not carry forward your sentiments of the long cases into the rapid reporting session. Your best bet to cover up for the long cases is a good rapid reporting session.
- 30 routine day to day and emergency radiographs to be assigned as normal or abnormal and mention the abnormality. Most abnormalities would be fractures, pneumothoraces, pneumoperitoneum, lung and hilar masses etc.
- The twist in the tale is that there are NORMAL radiographs mixed with the abnormal ones and one needs to get at least 27 of the 30 right to clear the section(that’s a whopping 90%). Sounds tough right!!
- Tip: PRACTICE, PRACTICE AND PRACTICE. Looking at all possible types of fractures of the appendicular skeleton is worthwhile, especially the rarer ones like Pisiform fracture/stress fracture of calcaneum etc. Usually, there would be 14-18 abnormal radiographs, of which 8-9 would be glaring abnormalities. OVERCALL is your biggest enemy and therefore if you have sure shot 15 abnormal radiographs, you can mark the doubtful ones as normal. Usually one will get at least 2-3 spare minutes at the end, which should be utilized to go through the abnormal ones for silly mistakes like mislabeling the 2nd as 3rd metacarpal/side of hand etc. Tracing every cortex and looking at the review areas is also a must. One needs to be accustomed with pediatric fractures/neonatal emergencies/non accidental injuries, bowel obstruction findings and pneumoperitoneum in a supine patient as well as slipped epiphyses etc.
- CHECKLIST with your specific review areas for different prototype radiographs is a must.
- One more tip for those doing predominantly cross sectional imaging is to look at all the topograms/scout films, make your provisional diagnosis on it and then read the CT scan to confirm your findings. This would be helpful even for viva sessions.
- Before practicing rapid reporting, it is essential to go through – ‘Accident and Emergency – A survival guide’ by Nigel Raby, Laurence Berman et al.
C. Viva session:
- 4 viva sessions of 15 minutes each, divided in 2 rooms.
- Any case can show up. Mock viva practice of day to day cases with your friend/colleague/boss/spouse (even if non medico) is the magic mantra.
- Each room has two monitors and one mouse shared between. One viewing monitor is for the candidate and the other one for the examiner. It is important that the candidate doesn’t repeatedly scroll through the case. They would supply the history in most cases and it is always of paramount importance, so pay heed to it.
- Go through radiopedia FRCR viva case packets and practice them with your study partner.
- The examiners would never misguide the candidate. They are not allowed to get cases of their subspeciality and the examiner sitting behind is the one marking your ongoing viva session. So be clear and voice your thoughts. DO NOT MUMBLE. If at all, one is completely unaware about the case, you can frame it as I do not find any overt abnormality and in my routine practice would discuss it with my clinician/radiology colleague for the same. Don’t use this in every case, they would send you back home for detailed discussion 😉
4. Preparation:
A. When would you get lucky as per the rolling list: There are approximately 284 positions at every UK session. UK candidates are given the 1st preference and the remaining seats are offered to the international graduates. Usually one can expect a rolling number up to 350-400 to expect a call in the upcoming session, especially in the spring examination.
B. How much time is sufficient for the preparation: 2-3 months, of which at least 20 days should be non-working excluding the week of exam.
C. A month before the exam: By now, one should figure out the books to read, online rapid reporting sets to solve and daily work schedule. An ideal day should include 3-4 (not more or less) rapid reporting sets, 1 long set and/or viva session as time permits. It is essential to note down the errors committed in rapid reporting set, look at other examples of the missed/overcalled fractures on the internet and add them to your review areas.
D. A week before the exam: The last week is crucial. It is highly preferable to reach the exam city/country at least 3-4 days in advance. My advice would be to set your body clock as per your exam schedule irrespective of the time zone you are in. For example, If your long case and rapids are from 3 to 4.30 pm GMT, one should spend the last week practicing the long case and rapid reporting between 3 to 4.30 pm GMT( which would be 7.30 to 9 pm IST). Don’t burn out yourself and keep solving 2 to 3 sets of rapids, 1-2 long case sets per day. Reflect on the common mistakes made in the last month and look at those specific radiographs from the internet. For example, skull radiographs are often tricky as we don’t do them in routine practice. So look at plenty of them online and read a few articles to get the concepts cleared.
E. On the day of the exam: Stay calm; easier said than done. Revise your checklists. Be confident and keep saying to yourself, I can and I will crack the exam (helps boost your self-confidence). Try your best to leave behind the experience of long cases and get in the groove for rapids. Refrain from discussing the long cases and rapids, however tempting it might be, as it would affect your viva preparation. Remember, getting a diagnosis wrong in the long cases won’t affect your marks drastically and it is very difficult to flunk in that unless you leave an entire long case blank.
F. The days before your viva session: In the few days between the rapid/long case day and viva session, try and present random cases from online resources/institute PACs server to your colleagues and friends who are giving the exam. Presenting cases of one’s weak areas would be helpful. Dress suitably for the viva and be calm and confident (atleast act like you are). But don’t sound over confident or argue with the examiners.
5. DONT’s
A. Do not take the exam lightly or be over confident. It needs dedicated preparation and adequate time.
B. Do not opt for the slot if you can foresee busy months before the scheduled exam. A negative result at the exam would delay your next attempt by almost 2 years.
C. Do not waste your invaluable preparatory time in planning post exam exotic vacations 😉
D. Do not mention that the radiograph is of poor exposure etc as the cases would be dear to the examiners.
A. Rapid reporting:
1. Accident and Emergency Radiology- Nigel Raby- MUST READ
2. Get through- Rapid Reporting of Plain Radiographs- Nisha Sharma.
-- Free 40 sets. ( Rapids are a tad difficult than exam) – MUST SOLVE.
- – Paid (Rapids are almost of the same quality- avg score should be more than 25). MUST SOLVE.
- – Paid (Rapids are almost of the same quality- avg score should be more than 25). MUST SOLVE.
- – Paid.
- Rapid Review of Radiology- Shahid Hussain- MUST READ.
- Final FRCR 2b Long Cases – A Survival Guide- Jessie Aw And John Curtis.
- Long Cases for Final FRCR 2b- Rebecca Hanlon, John Curtis Et Al.
- A Complete Guide to the Final FRCR 2b- Master Pass Edited By – Deepak Subedi
- Final FRCR 2b Viva- A Survival Guide- Tsong Tan, Jessie Aw And John Curtis.
- Top 3 Differentials In Radiology –William O’brien
- Final FRCR Part B Viva: 100 Cases- Richard White And Robin Proctor.
- Online free sets of long cases.
C. Courses:
There are plenty of courses in India, Dubai, Singapore, London etc. It helps get the hang of the exam. These are expensive, however worth every penny. Most of the courses get booked well in advance, so it is important to keep an eye on these. Google FRCR 2B courses to get a detailed list of these. I am hereby providing links to few of them. Being on the respective course mail list is also a good way to get a reminder of the dates.
All the best!!
– Chinmay Mehta, DNB, FRCR, MMed
PS: You can check our other blogs on training abroad in our section ‘Beyond the Shores’.
8 thoughts on “A to Z of FRCR 2B: How to Prepare and What to Read”
Amazing post Chinmay! We really needed this one. I would like to add just a few FAQs I discovered for myself whose answers are otherwise tough to find.
1. If your waitlist is 400 for UK, when will you likely get a slot?
A. You may get a slot according to your turn, which may take upto 2 years. But for almost every candidate you do end up getting an out-of-turn slot which may come up any time and is highly unpredictable. But generally that would generally still be after 1 year
(They usually offer approx 280 slots in Spring 2018 session and i think half as many in Autumn? Please do reply if you know the exact number)
2. If you refuse an out of turn slot, you will maintain your waiting list number on the ballot. You won’t be put at the bottom. But if you refuse when it’s your turn, you will start at the bottom of the list once again.
3. I got an out of turn slot and the exam is within two months- should I take it or not?
A. (This is entirely based on my own personal experience) I got an email on 16th Feb that I have an out of turn slot for Spring 2018 exam (13-18th April). I somehow did manage to pass the exam. But my advise would be to go for it unless you are out of touch/not working or reporting scans. Even if you can give 2-3 hours daily plus a bit more on weekends, it is manageable.
4. Can you pass with more than 3 incorrect answers in rapid reporting?
A. I did. I got a 5.5 in Rapid reporting (which means I answered 4 incorrectly) but I got a 6.5 in Long cases so it was compensated. But this is a very precarious situation and you really have to be lucky to be able to survive that. But honestly rapid reporting performance is the most unpredictable.
5. Do not get depressed with the difficulty level of some of Sameer Shamsuddin’s or other online rapid reporting sets. Some of the images are poor quality and in the exam the spots are about one notch simpler.
6. Gone in 60 seconds.. I applied for Singapore exam twice (unsuccessfully because I applied carelessly late after it opened) but your previous application information and image uploads are stored in your account. So you can apply for the Singapore exam very quickly if you have your previous application stored in their system. Now I have no clue if one can score this advantage as a first timer. But the inquisitive ones might want to research into this prospect.
7. Courses. Most courses charge exorbitant fees and it’s easy to get carried away with doing various courses. The most popular UK courses get booked 6 months in advance. I did just one Indian course (mostly because I had taken the course just after 2A and hadn’t thought of it and I got my center out of turn) But I personally feel just 1 (or maybe two courses) give you the general perspective and should suffice. (Again this is a personal opinion)
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Thanks Ashwin for clearing additional doubts. Just a small change, even if you refuse the slot when it’s your turn, you do not go to the bottom of the list. You are offered next session itself and you can keep refusing until you well prepared.
Oh. My bad sorry. I was under the impression that you lose your slot. Thans for rectifying that.
Nikita Jain:
Hi I would like to share my 2b experience …
Rapids are the key to pass exam …u cn practice from many sites like scholar, revise radiology,frcr tutorials,frcr academy..of which I found frcr scholar most useful .I did all scholar sets twice before exam ..try and finish the set within 20 to 25 min so that in exam u have extra 10 min to go through the set again..and it’s better to overcall than miss a finding as u still get half mark for appropriate false positive
For longs cases ..practice cases with time. ..I did atleast 30 sets with time…in exam timing the cases is important and now they have increased time to 75 min which is a huge advantage …nobody fails in long cases unless they have missed the diagnosis in 2 or more cases ..
U can practice cases from books , there r paid websites like frcr longs, frcr academy and medmantra..long cases are usually what we see in r usual practice..nothing rare or extra ordinary ..But picking up subtle additional findings of clinical relevance fetches extra .5 mark..overall u can expect 6 or 6.5 in longs
Viva they see our approach to the case more than the final diagnosis ..try to finish the case with management before they ask..that would fetch a 7…if they help u to get to diagnosis it would fetch a 6..
If you r not finding abnormality, talking and showing them how u LL approach the case will help rather than just sitting and worrying about not getting diagnosis ..and aim to see atleast 8 to 10 cases in each room..that would give a good average score at the end ..
Courses I attended 2..one was Columbia Asia Bangalore..which was very good ..they give u mock vivas and mock exam n report cards as well which will help u analyse Ur performance..
Also the mock exams r conducted by former frcr examiners so gives idea of what kinda films to expect in UK setting
Other one was masterclass by Sameer shamshuddin…since it was master class rather than course…v din get real viva experience but Sameer sir s tricks to see rapids did help a lot..
Thank you and all the best for your exams..
Thank you very much to Chinmay sir for writing this wonderful blog, it played a huge part in helping me clear the exam in first attempt. I would recommend this blog as a must read for anyone preparing for FRCR 2B!
Sharing a few of my experiences from the exam and its preparation:
1. Rapid reporting is the most crucial component and I spent 70% of my preparation time on it. It is the one in which candidates can score the highest but get more than 3 xrays wrong and ‘sudden death’ awaits you. Thankfully I managed to score 29 out of 30 in it (for a score of 7 out of 8). That was good luck as I got borderline passing marks in both long cases and viva (6 to 6.5) despite me thinking they went well.
Solve at least 80 to 100 sets before the exam to be confident of passing.
2. The long cases are now of 75 minutes. Fill all components of the question and do not leave anything blank.
3. Approach the viva like you would approach a discussion about a case with a colleague in day to day life, and only say things in the viva which you would actually do in real life. The viva is a test of how good a communicator you are, and how well you know the clinical aspects of your reporting. Have certain stock phrases ready, the most important being “in my routine practice I would look at the previous imaging” and “in my routine practice I would go through the patient’s clinical details”.
4. More emphasis is being laid in the viva on routine general radiology cases such as trauma CTs, musculoskeletal trauma MRIs, etc which may not be covered in the viva prep books.
5. I did only one preparation course, the Mumbai FRCR course.
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It’s great to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same unwanted rehashed material.
Wonderful read! I’ve saved your site and I’m
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To assess feasibility of the intervention among men experiencing distress after prostate cancer treatment. Demand, acceptability, change in distress and self-efficacy, and challenges for implementation in clinical practice were measured..
In developed regions of the world, men are more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than any other cancer, and those diagnosed are more likely to develop distress or serious psychological problems than healthy men [
The numbers of men with prostate cancer living with and beyond diagnosis are predicted to grow. There are over 1.1 million new prostate cancer cases globally per year, accounting for some 15% of all cancer diagnoses in men [
Providing early psychological support is vital to ensure men experiencing distress after prostate cancer treatment do not fall into a cycle of negative thinking and avoidance behaviors, which can escalate symptoms and lead to the need for more intensive, prolonged support [
The effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is well documented; it can offer an acceptable, brief intervention within mental health services for people experiencing emotional difficulties as a consequence of comorbid problem(s) [
Web-based CBT for cancer patients, and prostate cancer in particular, is a less-developed area compared with other chronic physical conditions [
In this study, we describe the development and feasibility of delivering a Web-based intervention in clinical practice for men with mild and moderate distress after treatment for prostate cancer. The program offers self-guided CBT augmented with filmed peer support and low-level chat room facilitation to encourage self-management; it aims to offer men the ability to monitor their condition and to affect the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional responses necessary to maintain an acceptable level of psychological well-being [
We conducted 2 phases of feasibility research. Phase I assessed the program prototype in a low-intensity, primary care psychological service within which it was developed. Data from that phase informed further development, and phase II tested a slightly revised version in a secondary care cancer service.
The studies were approved by the UK NHS National Research Ethics Service, phase I reference 13/SC/0065; phase II reference 15/SC/0690.
In accordance with the Medical Research Council framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions [
Identification, eligibility, and screening are outlined in
Identification, eligibility, and screening.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
The program concept was developed from our previous research in urinary symptom self-management after prostate cancer treatment [
The Web-based program, Getting Down to Coping, was produced in conjunction with a low-intensity psychological service that accepted general physician and self-referrals. The service was part of England’s National Health Service, Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) program, which offered low- or high-intensity therapy, or referral to specialist mental health services [
The research team, in collaboration with a software engineer, senior mental health practitioners, urologist, psychosexual therapist, specialist nurse, and 3 user representatives, codeveloped the initial program prototype based on the manualized short course of CBT delivered by the service. The course was then tailored to reflect prostate cancer-related examples and concerns and supplemented with links to medical, physical, emotional, social, and financial prostate cancer information. The program website was styled with graphics and language to appeal to a male audience and to reduce connotations of mental health.
A fundamental component of the program was peer support, but providing this over the internet is complex. Active engagement with others through posting messages can mediate positive outcomes, but not all men are prepared to do this, and evidence shows that passively viewing messages is not associated with the same beneficial outcomes [
The program contained 4 weekly, consecutive CBT modules with an introduction at the beginning of Module 1 (see
The IAPT service used the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) [
The prototype was developed with hard-coded software, which limited functionality. For phase II, the program was redeveloped within a content management system to enable integration into clinical practice and facilitate further research.
Screenshots of the Getting Down to Coping Program.
There were 3 chat room facilitators, each responsible for 1 cohort of men and all were trained by a subteam of researchers, clinicians, and user representatives. Training covered Web-based facilitation, prostate cancer issues, and/or CBT theory. In phase I, 2 low-intensity psychological practitioners from the collaborating service carried out facilitation. Each practitioner allotted 2, predesignated 2-h slots per week to facilitate the chat forum for their cohort. They also visited the website intermittently during office hours to assess risk. During these slots, the practitioners did not continue with their usual clinical caseload. In phase II, a specialist cancer nurse delivered facilitation and accessed and interacted with the program on an ad hoc basis during the time it was available to participants.
Uptake was assessed as the proportion of men who took up the initial invitation, visited the website, and gave their consent.
Demographic, disease, and treatment characteristics were collected in both phases from eligible participants before distress screening. Comorbidity was assessed separately at baseline in phase I and post intervention in phase II.
Distress screening took place at baseline 2 weeks before the intervention; the remaining baseline assessments were completed 1 week before the intervention. Participants who entered the intervention were followed-up and assessed through the website in the week after intervention completion.
Attrition was assessed by the number of men offered the intervention who dropped out before, during, or after the program and the proportion of core users who continued to use the program [
Adherence is an important mediating variable for benefit in health-related Web-based interventions, yet it is a challenge to achieve and measure [
Persuasive system design principles reflected in the Getting Down to Coping Program.
aPSD: persuasive system design. Part of table used with permission from Association for Information Systems, Atlanta, GA; 404-413-7444; All rights reserved.
Satisfaction with the program was assessed at post intervention via an author-generated questionnaire containing 4 Likert-type scales representing: (1) recruitment, (2) program, (3) chat room, and (4) films. In-depth telephone interviews were conducted by the study researcher with 10 phase II participants to understand personal experiences and contexts. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using framework analysis [
Screening for distress was measured by the General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28) [
The PHQ-9 [
In phase II, the Self-Efficacy for Symptom Control Inventory (SESCI) was administered at baseline and post intervention to assess participant self-belief to cope and manage prostate cancer-related symptoms. The SESCI contains 3 subscales: self-efficacy for physical function, self-efficacy for coping or tolerating symptoms, and self-efficacy for symptom management. Participants indicate how confident they feel on scales for each domain from 0 (not confident) to 100 (very confident). The measure is a modified version of a self-efficacy scale used in chronic pain and lung cancer symptoms [
Time spent by the facilitators in the program was assessed by log-in data. Issues related to delivery and integration in practice were explored after the intervention: in phase I, the study researcher conducted face-to-face interviews with the 2 facilitators; in phase II, a telephone interview was conducted with the facilitator. Issues relating to delivery and integration into current practice were explored. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed, and analyzed with framework analysis [
We assessed participant demographic, disease, treatment and satisfaction profiles, and uptake and adherence descriptively. We used descriptive statistics (mean, median, standard deviation [SD], interquartile range [IQR]) and box plots to examine the distribution of distress measured by the GHQ-28 and self-efficacy. The samples were not powered to detect significance in the outcome measures, nevertheless we present nonparametric data in relation to distress and self-efficacy to aid understanding of the potential effect of the program within these samples and provide data on which to base a power calculation for a larger study of efficacy. Statistical testing was performed on the 2 samples of core users, which for feasibility testing in this design provides a more useful measure of overall outcome [
A total of 14.1% (61/432) of invited men consented to the take part in phase I, and 12.2% (74/606) of invited men consented to take part in phase II (
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) diagram of participant flow.
In phase I, 47 eligible men were screened, of whom 32% (15/47) were experiencing distress: 21% (10/47) indicated mild and moderate distress and were offered the intervention and 11% (5/47) indicated suicidal thoughts and were referred for clinical assessment.
In phase II, 49 eligible men were screened, of whom 43% (21/49) were experiencing distress, 41% (20/49) indicated mild and moderate distress and were offered the intervention, and 1 indicated a suicide risk and was referred for clinical assessment.
In phase I, 10 participants were offered and started the intervention, and 2 withdrew in the first module (1 felt the program was not appropriate for his needs and 1 gave no reason). A total of 80% (8/10 across 2 cohorts) remained in the program for the 4 weeks and completed all assessments (
In phase II, 20 participants were offered the intervention, 1 did not start (no reason given), and 3 withdrew during the first module (1 declined because he had been recently bereaved and 2 gave no reason). A total of 80% (16/20 in 1 cohort) remained in the program for the 4 weeks and completed all assessments (
Baseline demographic, disease, and treatment characteristics for core users are reported in
In phase I, the median age was 68 years; typically, men were retired or working part-time, educated up to the age of 16 or 18 years without any higher education, and living in
In phase II, the median age was 62 years; men were typically living with a partner, retired, or working full-time; a fifth were on long-term sick leave. All were of white ethnicity, polarized between
The majority of men in both phases had been diagnosed under 2 years; locally confined disease at diagnosis was reported by less than half in phase I and by nearly 3 quarters in phase II. The majority in both phases recalled a PSA at diagnosis >10.
Most men in both phases were undergoing active treatment at the time of the intervention, either hormone treatment or hormone plus external beam radiotherapy.
All those who had completed treatment had done so within 1-2 years. In phase I, men had received hormone and or external beam radiotherapy; in phase II, there was a broad range of treatment experience, including prostatectomy. A minority in each phase had experience of active surveillance; 1 man in phase II was undergoing active surveillance.
On the basis of page views, 50% (4/8) of men in phase I reached the end of all the modules. In phase II, 88% (14/16) of men reached the end of all the modules. This equates to overall module adherence rates of 63% (mean 2.5, SD 1.9) and 92%, (mean 3.7, SD 1.0) respectively.
On the basis of a possible 21 CBT entries, there was an adherence rate of 77% (mean 16.1, SD 6.2) in phase I, and 88% (mean 18.6, SD 3.9) in phase II. The mood diary in phase II was completed by 100% (16/16) of men.
A total of 6 out of 8 men (75%) in phase I viewed all 4 peer support films, 1 (1/8) man watched 2 films, and 1 (1/8) man watched 3 films, equating to an adherence rate of 91% (mean 3.6 SD 0.7). Data available for the 4 weeks of phase II, indicated a total of 16, 11, 11 and 10 unique weekly views, respectively.
In phase I, 63% (5/8) of men posted in the chat room: median posts n=2 (range 1-6). In phase II, 75% (12/16) men posted: median posts n=5 (range 1-24).
In phase I, median time logged in was 5 h 35 min (range 2 h 38 min to 11 h 31 min). In phase II, median time logged-in-and-active was 4 h 5 min (range 1 h 8 min to 8 h 33 min).
Questionnaire responses indicated that the Web-based recruitment and consent process was understood, appropriate in language and style, swift to respond, and easy to access (
Core user profiles.
aPercentages rounded.
bEMID: English Index of Multiple Deprivation (phase I).
cSIMD: Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (phase II).
dPSA: prostate-specific antigen.
eParticipants may have had, or be having, more than 1 treatment.
Participant satisfaction.
aPercentages rounded.
bAgree + agree strongly.
cDisagree + disagree strongly.
dNeither agree nor disagree.
ePhase I only.
fPhase II only.
gFull item
hFull item
Change in distress. General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28).
Phase II interviews helped clarify the questionnaire responses. (Participant profiles:
Men readily identified that the program targeted issues they found difficult to talk about. Learning about the link between the effects of treatment and mood and behavior was a fresh perspective, and they felt that the skills developed to manage now would be useful should things change in the future. Men referred more consistently, however, to other aspects of the program. The weekly provision of information via a range of links related to that week’s learning was used enthusiastically because it provided access to immediate information that meant men could control when and how much they consumed. They identified that having the links was an improvement on their usual Internet use because they were direct and avoided lengthy searching and inappropriate or potentially scary information. The films provided discreet stories, preventing the unpredictable, which helped men feel connected and in control, particularly those with social and information needs.
For those who engaged in the chat room, it was a safe environment where they could be honest with each other without the inhibitions they often experienced with clinicians. It was also a source of quick answers to spontaneous questions, which for some was very appealing; for others, it could be daunting if something was revealed that was incorrect or alarming. Despite the improved chat room satisfaction scores in phase II, some felt that the facilitator could have made more attempts to encourage men to open up and interact.
The samples were not powered to detect a significant change. Notwithstanding, we carried out nonparametric testing to determine potential for change in distress between baseline and post intervention; the samples performed similarly (
A total of 17% (4/24) of participants overall registered scores on the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 that were above the clinical threshold for depression and anxiety and defined them as cases requiring clinical intervention in accordance with IAPT protocols. Of these 4, 3 scored over the threshold for depression on the PHQ-9, and 3 scored over the threshold for anxiety on the GAD-7 (see
At baseline, men were most confident in performing daily activities (mean 69, median 80.0, SD 22.4, range 18-72), less-confident coping/tolerating symptoms (mean 52, median 53.5, SD 17.2, range 26-80), and least confident managing their symptoms (mean 31.6, median 31.50, SD 9.3, range 12-49; see
Phase I facilitator clinical time was ring-fenced for 2, 2-h sessions per week, that is, 16 h over a 4-week program. To risk assess and monitor the program at other times, 1 facilitator spent 6 h 56 min in the program and the second spent 8 h 29 min, giving a total of 22 h 56 min and 24 h 29 min, respectively, per program. In phase II, the facilitator spent 15 h 45 min in total across 1 program.
The psychological practitioners were reassured the program was consonant with their standard CBT practice. They emphasized that the lay approach did not overwhelm participants and encouraged active log-in and participant commitment. They indicated their clients generally found it difficult to differentiate the effects of physical and psychological symptoms on mood, and often there was little change on the service’s standard outcome measures for clients with a physical long-term condition. In the cancer service, the opportunity to offer evidenced-based support for distress was welcomed as a practical and timely benefit for patients; this need was considered poorly covered in the nurse-patient interaction through a lack of competences and provision (Verbatims:
The psychological practitioners found the self-management role difficult to integrate into their skill set, and they lamented the move away from their therapeutic expertise. They were supportive of being allocated time slots for facilitation as it was necessary for case management, but there had been little need for them to respond during these times as men’s log-in preferences did not correspond to their availability. They felt this impeded the flow of conversation and highlighted the benefits of providing a rolling chat room rather than starting afresh each week. Integration into the nurse’s current practice was challenging; the accepted nurse role of
This is the first study, to our knowledge, to assess the feasibility of delivering Web-based CBT support in clinical settings among men screened with distress after treatment for prostate cancer. The Getting Down to Coping Program was embraced and acceptable to its target users. It can be delivered in a clinical service and has the potential to provide a therapeutic psychological service remotely.
Demand for the program was evident. Among men who were eligible and screened with mild and moderate distress, 29 of the 30 (96%) started the program. This exceeds reported rates in comparable cancer and prostate cancer Web-based studies for distress where enrolment after screening, which excluded distress, was between 31% and 41% [
Initial uptake to our invitation of 12-14% among an unscreened sample, however, was low. Comparison with other Web-based, distress-related prostate cancer studies is problematic as they do not report the base numbers from which their screened samples were drawn [
Uptake may be enhanced if the nature and benefits of psychological support are conveyed so that accepting it is perceived as less
Usage of the program and satisfaction of participants indicated that it is appropriate and acceptable to its core users. The adherence rates we achieved, from 63% to 100% across task and social support elements, illustrated that commitment was relatively high. In review of Web-based mental health programs, and in a trial among men with prostate cancer, rates of between 50% and 70% have been reported [
We found a larger proportion of men with mild and moderate distress in the second phase of our research (21% and 41%, respectively), and also higher adherence rates in this second phase. There was some previous experience of psychological support in phase II, and adherence would have been enhanced by improvements to the program between phases. However, the higher distress levels and adherence could also be evidence of a greater level of commitment to the program in men of lower socio-economic status who characterized the phase II sample. These men experience poorer access to support and higher-than-average psychological need, indicating that regional differences will be an important consideration in further research and clinical implementation [
We found improvement in distress with a medium-large effect size in each phase. Particular improvements were in the somatic and anxiety domains of the GHQ-28. The nature and definition of distress is complex in a cancer population [
We also found an improvement in confidence to cope with prostate cancer symptoms but not for confidence to perform daily activities or to manage symptoms. This can be expected; performing daily activities was at a high level at baseline, leaving little room for improvement, whereas physical symptoms related to the longer-term effects of prostate cancer treatment can often be intractable [
Implementing the Getting Down to Coping Program has potential within both primary and secondary care settings. The intervention is a self-guided program, but some facilitation is optimal for risk monitoring and would be expected by a psychological service. However, the facilitation required calls for neither advanced psychotherapeutic skills nor high-level nursing skills, only the ability to perform the core skills necessary to motivate self-management and to monitor risk. In both settings, our facilitators were not practiced in communicating within Web-based support programs, and had no previous experience of supporting self-management. Our training contained elements of both, but all the facilitators still had difficulty performing the role; greater emphasis in training on facilitating self-management via Web-based interaction is required. Notwithstanding this, facilitation may be delivered in either setting by a lower band, health support role.
Although we were not able to assess cost-effectiveness in these studies, the time spent facilitating in each service suggests that the flexible model of intervention interaction may have the greatest potential: it did not disrupt the facilitators’ standard caseload and, for the sample we had (n=16), amounted to 1 h per participant per 4-week program. This would be inversely related to the number of men in each program.
There are limitations to these studies. The sample sizes were small and were not powered to detect change, and participants were not randomized. Generalization of our findings must therefore be cautious. Where we found change we do not know what variables are responsible; natural recovery could play a role and so could extraneous events. Nevertheless, with feasibility testing in 2 clinical settings, we have developed our knowledge of both the intervention and research required to move to the next trial stage. The consistency across our 2 samples on a number of measures, and the effects found, indicate that larger scale, evaluative research is justifiable. Our further research will include a longer follow-up period to provide an indication of maintenance of change, as well as full cost-effectiveness analysis. Furthermore, we will analyze covariance in respect of facilitator and group effects.
A strength of our studies was that we incorporated the theoretical model of PSD [
To integrate psychological services for cancer patients in the existing care pathways, interventions that fit with health provider parameters of care provision are required [
The program has the potential to fit within a stepped model of care by providing psychological support for men who are mild or moderately distressed and who fall within the clinical parameters for low-intensity support. Addressing these men’s needs will prevent escalation of symptoms and the need for higher-intensity therapy. Potentially, this would lead to service cost savings in terms of reduced physical and mental health service use.
In a stepped model of therapeutic care, the program requires low-level facilitation for monitoring risk, which raises cost implications versus a completely automated system. However, within the clinical services we researched, risk surveillance was a mandatory requirement, and the true cost comparison would be versus a therapist-led, face-to-face, or telephone approach. The numbers of men who can be supported with the Web-based program at any one time is subject to economies of scale, and cost advantage can increase exponentially with the volume of patients taking part. Furthermore, facilitation need not be carried out by advanced practitioners, which contributes to delivery cost advantage. Assigning staff to the facilitator role who possess appropriate competencies, as well as ensuring their involvement with and commitment to the innovation, will be crucial to its success [
Clinical effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness in terms of clinical delivery and health service utilization, need to be tested in an evaluative research design. Future research should be underpinned by exploratory enquiry to establish the most relevant and engaging ways to communicate study and intervention characteristics for this prostate cancer population. In future, we hope to develop the Web-based program for men with other cancers.
Getting Down to Coping risk assessment.
Getting Down to Coping program modules.
Phase II interview participant profiles.
Phase II participant verbatims.
Distress total change scores in phase I and total and domain change scores in phase II.
Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and General Anxiety Disorder Scale-7 (GAD-7): number of participants scoring in each diagnostic category in phase I and phase II.
Self-Efficacy change scores in phase II.
Phase I and phase II facilitator verbatims.
cognitive behavior therapy
English Index of Multiple Deprivation (phase I)
General Health Questionnaire 28
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
prostate-specific antigen
persuasive system design
Patient Health Questionnaire 9
General Anxiety Disorder Scale 7
Self-Efficacy for Symptom Control Inventory
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (phase II)
This report is independent research funded at phase I by the National Institute for Health Research (Research for Patient Benefit program,
The authors thank Ruth Millman for helping to develop the CBT program framework, Steve Rowett for program design and support in phase I, and Leigh Emmerson for coproducing the films with the first author. The authors also thank Persistence of Vision for the software redevelopment and IT support in phase II.
The authors extend gratitude to the service user members of the research team: Allan Higgin, Mick Bullen, and Peter Bartlett; to the men who appeared in the films; and all the participants in the research for their time, commitment, and valuable contributions.
None declared. |
The Mountainside Ministry Training Center, operated by International Messengers, is located in Libby, Montana and trains international workers who have hearts for the lost in other nations. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
Merry Christmas to the Blogosphere
c.a. and anita
Christmas Treat – Pumpkin Buttermilk Cake
I stole a recipe from Gail’s Kitchen (snapshotsincursive) and changed it up a bit to make a single cake instead of her mini-bundt cakes that you can find at her site. This works both with a tube pan or as a full size bundt cake (that I did not photograph as it was my first outing with a bundt pan). It worked great with amounts of ‘stuff’ close to her original recipe, but now I want to try to make a larger one in my tube pan. This will take some playing with the temperature or time.
The nice thing about this cake is its simplicity as there is no rush between steps and it still comes out great! On my first trial bundt, I melted the butter and wound up having to refrigerate it for several minutes to get the cream consistency of its mixture and got everything else ready. It is really hard to goof this one up! Believe me, I tried!! 😄 Even the measurements can be varied according to taste; more or less buttermilk, sugar, honey, or spice. And on my first trial, it only took about an hour from start to finish. I always assemble everything I expect to use before starting.
1-1/2 cups of flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon pumpkin spice
1/4 tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 cup butter, softened (room temperature)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup honey
2 eggs
1 cup pumpkin puree
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup buttermilk* (substitutions below)
powdered sugar for dusting
Preheat the oven to 350⁰F. Spray the inside of the pan with PAM or grease with butter.
In the first bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, baking powder, pumpkin spice and cinnamon and set aside.
In the second bowl, cream together the butter, sugar and honey. Beat with a hand mixer on high for two minutes. Add the eggs and beat on high two more minutes, scraping down the sides as needed and set aside.
In the third bowl, combine the pumpkin puree, vanilla extract and buttermilk.* Mix well.
Add one-half the the butter mixture and one-half the flour mixture to the puree mixture, gently stirring until combined. Do not use a mixer, and do not even over-stir; just stir enough to blend. Add the remaining mixtures and again, do not over-stir.
Fill the bundt pan or tube pan no more than 3/4 full.
Bake for 25-30 minutes, and test with a toothpick until it comes out clean. A stainless steel cake tester comes out clean too easily, while a toothpick’s texture will give a more accurate picture of the internal doneness of the cake.
Cool for five minutes before placing on a wire rack. With a tube pan, I had to ‘slice’ the bottom and center of the cake away from the pan, even though it had been greased, but then it came out beautifully. My tube pan comes apart, so this would have created a problem if I had used a one-piece tube pan. (My bundt cake pan is silicone, so it is flexible.)
After cooling, dust with as much confectioner’s sugar as you like, or serve with Cool-Whip or ice cream.
*Buttermilk Substitutions
Few of us home-bakers use enough buttermilk to keep it on hand, so I went to my old chemistry texts looking for substitutes. Though buttermilk and sour milk ARE different, they can be used interchangeably in most cooking applications. These are the three easiest I found:
When you look at the composition of buttermilk, really it’s just acidic (or sour) milk. You can easily recreate this using some common ingredients you likely already have in the kitchen.
- Lemon Juice
To make one cup of homemade “buttermilk,” just add a tablespoon of lemon juice to whole milk. Use freshly squeezed if you can, but bottled works fine. Lemon juice is acidic enough to turn your milk sour, i.e., into buttermilk. Mix the two together and use once your whole milk begins to curdle. If you use low-fat or 2% milk, just give it a two or three minutes to do the magic and taste to make sure it is sour. (NOTE: Spoiled milk is NOT the same as sour milk!)
- Cream of Tartar
If you do occasional baking, then you’re might have cream of tartar somewhere in the drawers. Cream of tartar is a strong acid. If you add it to egg whites when making meringue, it helps it hold its structure. For every cup of buttermilk you want, mix in about one and a half teaspoons of cream of tartar. Wait for a couple of minutes or until your milk thickens.
- Vinegar
If you don’t have either of these, you’ll probably at least have vinegar available. Just add a tablespoon of vinegar per cup of milk and let it sit for about five minutes, or until your milk starts to curdle and split. Distilled white vinegar is best because it won’t alter the color of your milk, but when you’re baking with pumpkin and spices you can use apple cider vinegar and the result will be just fine.
Christmas Crab Cactus
Even with my ‘brown thumb’ I cannot seem to kill a cactus! But I am at a loss for the variety of names the Holiday, Christmas, Thanxgiving, Crab, Schlumbergera, Thor Britta cactus has.
Oh Tannenbaum, Oh Tannenbaum, – An Assortment of Annual Ornaments, from 1989-2021
“I was in awe.” – Intermezzo Guest Blog
Parents overcome fears to welcome baby Henry, born without arms.
by Nancy Flanders, July 17, 2021 , 03:55pm
After learning that their preborn son would be born without arms, Jessika Turner and her husband doubted their abilities to parent a child with additional needs. But when baby Henry was born, life changed for the better.
“We called our close family members and explained what little we knew at the time,” Turner told Love What Matters. “They had so many questions, and I was fresh out of answers. The one question I kept asking myself was ‘How in the world are we supposed to raise a child with no arms?’ At first, when I looked back on those few days after we received his diagnosis, I felt so guilty for feeling like I did. I repeated over and over, ‘How am I going to be a mom to a little boy who needs more than I can give him?’ Now, I realize I wasn’t worried about his arms, or lack thereof, at all. I was worried about our ability to care for this amazing child because I felt inadequate.”
Turner is not alone in her fears. For every child who receives a diagnosis, there are parents who wonder if they will be able to provide their child with everything he needs. When the child is still in the womb at the time of the diagnosis, doctors often suggest abortion instead of discussing how to actually help the child or the parents.
Henry’s doctors believed he had a rare genetic disorder called Thrombocytopenia Absent Radius Syndrome (TAR). According to Turner, TAR causes low blood platelets, missing arm bones, and other limb deformities. It also causes a lowered immune system and a milk protein allergy. There are two types of TAR: long arm and short arm. Those with long arm are missing the radial bone in the arm while those with short arm are missing all three arm bones. Henry has short arm TAR.
READ: ‘He’s absolutely perfect’: Mom of baby with missing limbs said choosing life was the ‘best’ decision
“Our next step was learning to adapt,” said Turner. “One of my biggest things, when we found out about Henry’s arms, was his clothes. Why does EVERYTHING have sleeves? All of the sleeveless items were summer clothes, and Henry was due in December. The feeling of being inadequate hit me like a freight train. I didn’t sleep. I didn’t eat. I screamed and cried and acted like a crazy person. I felt my soul break in half. My fellow special needs parents will know what it feels like. It’s gut-wrenching. I then realized I couldn’t stay in that dark place. I had to fight. I had to figure out how to do the best for this boy with lucky fins.”
Thankfully, Turner was able to find a support system with other families of children with TAR on Facebook. They gave Turner and her husband hope — “a life raft to hold onto.”
When Henry was born, Turner felt prepared and excited but also nervous and scared. He had a low platelet count of just 13,000 compared to the typical 150,000 to 450,000 and spent the first month after birth in the neonatal intensive care unit. He overcame a high white blood cell count, transfusions, IVS, x-rays, and five surgeries.
“The first time I got to see him with my very own eyes, I was in awe,” said Turner. “We created that! He was ours forever.”
Today, Henry is like any other toddler who loves to play with his trucks and uses a sippy cup. His parents have a mantra of, “No arms? No problem!” and his mother said she “cannot wait to see the person he grows into.”
Every child deserves to be loved the way Henry is loved, regardless of abilities or differences. No child should be discriminated against in the womb, but instead, all children should be welcomed at birth with love.
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My notes:
Every baby IS loved and would be welcomed into the world if we could just connect those who think abortion is the only route out of a difficult situation to those who want a baby. There are so many childless couples who wait for years to provide loving homes that no baby needs to enter the world unwanted.
For a humorous spin on this, check out the Babylon Bee’s May 21, 2021 satire piece (remembering this is a joke website!):.
Intermezzo Pics: Snow, Another Night of Miracles
Another day and night of miracles. It began snowing late in the afternoon of January 27, and came down in big flakes that made the neighborhood seem almost foggy with the diamond dust. We went to bed with a lovely light coating on the ground and bushes of about one to two inches, but more came so we woke up to about four inches overall. The above is from a newspaper report of downtown Lexington in the afternoon.
Below are shots from my back window, with one reflecting our Christmas tree lights that are up until February 1. 😉
As night fell, the snowfall gave a nice one to two inch cover of the ground. No idea where a neighbor was off too at 8:00pm, but he is experienced driving in snow and ice. Love what the snow did to his headlamps as they shone on the light white jacket on the road.
While I was asleep we received between another inch to two inches, so in the morning, the miraculous mural of immaculate milk covering the meadows around us was spectacular in the early sunshine. The view from our bedroom window showed the sun just rising.
On the back porch after breakfast, the sun was already starting to evaporate the snow, but slowly as the temperature was 22⁰F (-6⁰C)!
Out the front of our home, the scene was much the same: alluring alabaster ice everywhere. The falcon seemed unfazed.
Out back, the sun was still coming over the horizon, as Anita and I prepared for our morning walk of about 1-1/2 miles (2.4km).
One of our neighbors, like us, still has some Christmas decorations up, which is perfect in this weather! The walk was cold, but without wind, we actually got warm in our down coats, gloves and hats!
Walking along the blocks around our house, snow sometimes seemed to falling again from the blue sky, but it was just flakes falling from the forest’s fins. 😉 My bride is sooo patient with me when we are walking.
Almost back home again, another neighbor has an interesting “visitor” that looks better in the snow. Usually Sasquatch is a rusty brown, to blend in with the trees. 🙂 In the meantime, about the time we arrived back home, wonderful gray clouds began to hide the direct sun. Yeah, I know the blue is gorgeously grand, but no direct sun is good sun. Sometime I will blog on my reasons for thinking this. So after lunch, I think we will head out for another walk, about 2-1/2 miles (4 km) this time.
Today we will stay below freezing, but tomorrow warms up to 35⁰F (1.5⁰C) so all my wonderful snow will soon be gone. 😦 Maybe Heaven has a special place for those of us who love snow . . . Saturn’s ice rings? 😉
January 2 – An Upside Down Cake for An Upside Down World
January 2 finds us anticipating virus vaccines across the US and a finalization to our November 3rd presidential and vice-presidential elections in just four days. What ever happens, we hope it is finally over! However, based on the last four years, it is unlikely politics will slip away into the background for a couple years the way it used to after elections. Mid-term balloting is “only” two years away when Americans will go back to the polls to choose lawmakers for whichever Senators are coming to the end of their six-year terms, and all the Representatives, who serve two-year terms.
And no one expects a reprieve from presidential hopefuls. Vote for ME in 2024! I’ll give you bigger stimulus checks than the other guy and unite the country around my partisan positions on abortion, immigrant rights, LGBTQ, the environment, what to call people who gender identify, Iran’s nuclear ambitions, Israel and Social Security. Okay, on Social Security almost everyone actually agrees. But otherwise the parties and the national factions are poles apart, whatever the polls say.
So I decided to make an upside down cake to celebrate our upside down world. Variation on a theme, I made a Pineapple Almond Upside Down Cake that actually came out pretty easy to do. Hey, if I can do it, YOU can! 🙂
It is always safest with any recipe to assemble all your ingredients before beginning. It would be a shame to make the caramel for the bottom/top and then find out you did not have cornstarch . . . course, at that point you could always claim you wanted to make caramel! Actually, guess no downside there! 😉
So get together the following for your Ingredients:
Topping (which will go in the bottom of the cake pan):
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter (salted/unsalted does not matter)
Pineapple slices, one 20oz can or enough fresh to cover the bottom of your cake pan
Cake Mix:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon corn starch
1/2 cup ground almonds
(I like leaving some small chunks for crunch: I just don’t grind too finely.)
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1-3/4 cup sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) butter (soften to room temperature)
1 teaspoon almond extract (If you are afraid of too much almond, you can substitute vanilla extract here.)
4 large eggs
3/4 cup sour cream
Pan – 8″ x 11.5″ x 2″
Generously grease the pan with butter. You can use the stick you have for the topping, but make sure you reeeeally cover the corners and the sides up to the rim! This butter greasing will make your cake smoothly come out of the pan when you flip it at the end.
Melt the butter at medium heat in a small saucepan and add the brown sugar, stirring until it dissolves. But after the sugar melts, STOP stirring, and let it simmer until the mixture just begins to bubble.
Pour the mixture into the pan and level it out.
Next add the pineapple slices, arranged in a single layer to cover as much as you can of the caramel mixture. As you can see my slices were not very pretty like the canned ones, but I was using a fresh pineapple and had not planned on the cake when I cut it up.
While making the cake mix, preheat your oven to 325⁰F.
To make the cake batter, whisk all the dry ingredients except the sugar in a large mixing bowl: flour, corn starch, almonds, baking powder and salt.
In another mixing bowl, beat the sugar and butter and flavoring (almond or vanilla). Use the larger bowl for this, not like I did with a small mixing bowl. Add one egg at a time and beat each one before adding the next.
Add about half the dry mixture and mix into the butter mix, followed by half the sour cream. Repeat this step with the remainder of the dry mixture and sour cream. This process it to ensure smooth blending of the batter without overbeating the eggs.
Once you have a consistent texture throughout the batter, pour it over the pineapple and caramel; smooth it out so that it is fairly uniform on top.
Bake at 325⁰F for about one hour until a tester (e.g. butter knife) comes out clean. If you have a baking thermometer the center of the cake should reach 205⁰F. If you stop before the tester comes out clean the center of your cake will be mushy; tastes good, but not great presentation.
Allow the cake to cool in its pan for five minutes, off any source of heat; i.e. out of the oven and not on a hot rack.
Carefully flip the cake smoothly onto a platter. If some of the topping that was on the bottom of the pan sticks to it, start over and butter the pan more generously! 🙂 Not really. Just scoop it out and patch it onto the top of the now Upside Down Cake.
If you use canned pineapple or cut your fresh stuff into pretty rings, you can dress it up with cherries in the center of the rings for decoration. The cake can be served still warm from the oven or cooled.
With the fruit on top, I recommend refrigeration after cooling to room temperature unless you are eating it all within 24 hours.
Next time I am going to try overbeating the eggs. It is delicious as it is, with the texture of a pound cake, but I think overbeating the eggs before adding the dry mixture will make it lighter.
Bon appétit or maybe “Nanea i kāu pāʻina!“
And to end the year, one of the most spectacular Christmas musical renditions I have ever heard; the caption says it all: It Will Give You Chills!
Intermezzo: Coming New Year’s Day
Well, it’s almost that day of the year when we turn over a new leaf (or snowflake if you’re lucky enough to live far enough north to enjoy the miraculous white powder).
In any case, lots of leaves have been turned over this year that many of us did not expect! Job losses, especially in the service and food sectors, mandates from new czars formerly known as governors, isolation from nursing homes and hospital patients, mistreatment or murder of citizens based on the color of their skin, Marxist style riots dubiously based on claims of racial profiling, conflicts of electoral processes with questions of electoral integrity, a Supreme Court confirmation liberals detested, deaths of dear friends or relatives with the Wuhan Virus (I am NOT racist against Chinese – I MARRIED one! Wuhan was simply where the virus started.) Yes, lots of changes none of us could have predicted.
So now there is another “leaf” to turn over. We pray that things will begin to return to “normal” with the virus vaccine roll-outs from Pfizer and Moderna promising that we may see a flattening of the pandemic curve after a year of spikes and information overload that reported too quickly on social media what would best be left for biologists to work out over a couple years.
The election should be finalized January 6th with Congress certifying the results of the electoral college, and we may have a politician for president who used to be a good compromiser with opponents in the Senate. We’ll see if he is as good at getting compromises from extremists in his own party or in getting concessions from conservatives who think the election was stolen.
Conspiracy theories filled the “fake news” on both sides of the liberal/conservative divide. They rivaled Hilary Clinton’s “vast right wing conspiracy,” but put the blame on her camp this time round with the Democracy-Alliance attempting to overthrow the next mid-term elections. “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.” = “The more things change, the more they remain the same.”
Anita and I walked around our neighborhood and enjoyed the Christmas decorations, especially those that acknowledge Jesus’ real purpose in coming to earth. He was uniquely born to die, not as an accident of activity or disease. His express reason for creating a body inside Mary, using her DNA, was so that He could go to the cross and pay a penalty for our sin and selfishness, giving of Himself freely to redeem us into eternal life. So now, though the outward man perishes the inner man can be renewed day by day until we pass from this vaporous short-term existence into the Real Life that Jesus initiated for us by rising from the dead.
Our subdivision, Copperfield, put out Luminaria by providing everyone in our 433 houses with paper bags, sand and tea lights. Though slightly sparse (only five per house), it gave a sense of community to our neighborhood that has been missed this year with no Clubhouse activities and restricted pool use. The display turned out very effectively to show we are all responsible for the light we shine.
Our Christmas tree has so many ornaments collected on our travels that we only use a few of the usual generic bulbs. The tree that went up just before Thanxgiving Day will probably stay up through January. Christmas is not even celebrated in some places until January 7, and Candlemas, the celebration of the traditional view of Jesus’ presentation at the Temple is not until February 1. Besides, the lighted tree with all its memorial embellishments makes the dark wintry nights feel just a little brighter as the days begin to slowly lengthen since the winter solstice is past. A friend in Johnston, Rhode Island used to leave their Christmas tree up all year long, just covering it with a sheet to keep dust off . . . unless someone came to visit; then they would reveal the tree in all its glory whether the month was May or July! Here are a few of our “annual” ornaments.
So now another year ends and another begins, as we count the years. (We have not always counted this way, and even now, other cultures . . . count differently.) Several people have asked me what I do in my days now that I have officially retired. These days, memberships, subscriptions, and a dizzying array of content to watch and listen to abound. In fact, I still have not begun to clean my basement (now my excuse is that it is too cold 🙂 ). Enjoy your time with your family. Stay safe and healthy into the New Year, and we will see what Father has planned for us in 2021.
Christmas Eve, Snicker Doodles, Church Services and a Movie!
Christmas Eve day and we are sitting at our computers sending out delinquent e-cards to friends all over the world, as snow covers the roofs of houses around us. Well, it’s covering ours as well, but we are inside with no plans to go out into the 26F weather (-3C). We were out this morning in a the balmy 34F (1.5C) which was as warm as it is going to get today, to deliver some cookies to one of our dearest friends here in Lex and a student we are thinking about adopting (just kidding, Neng!!)
A couple of days ago, we had sunny and cold weather and stopped to take a selfie by a creche some neighbors put up every year. There is a reason it is called “Christ”mas, you know! 😉
Yesterday I baked a bunch of cookies, not really Christmasy, but I have been bitten by the “baking bug” since several blogs I follow are foodie journals with recipes that make my mouth water as I read them. One of them from beautybeyondbones convinced me I could smell the Kari-Kari!
So for my second food blog (my first was about pumpkin pie!), this is my report on making butterscotch snicker-doodles. Easy as pie . . . well, actually a LOT easier than pie! 🙂
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup butterscotch chips
2-3/4 cups all-purpose flour
dash of salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
Start by assembling all the ingredients because it won’t take long to prepare.
Preheat the oven to 400F (200C).
Bring the butter to room temperature or soften in the oven or microwave. (Do NOT melt it!)
“Cream” the eggs and vanilla, adding the butter and sugar until it is fully dissolved. I used my mother’s old Sunbeam mixer that she gave us when she was still on earth. It is an antique but still works like a charm! Use a low setting on your mixer so you do not whip the eggs. It should be a smooth cream, thus the term for the instruction. Afterward, add the butterscotch chips and continue blending into the cream.
Add the flour, salt and baking soda and blend at a little faster speed until it forms a sticky dough.
As each ingredient is added, spatula the sides to make sure you get all the goodness! 😉
Dust a baking sheet with flour (and some for your fingers!) and form the dough into 1-2″ balls (3-5cm).
Place about 2″ (4-5cm) apart on the baking sheet, and bake for about 8-10 minutes until set, but not too hard.
They should be pretty soft to the touch when browned but will set up as they cool.
Put on a cooling rack or silicone sheet to cool.
Didn’t I tell you this was easy!?
We will “attend” a Christmas Eve meeting at First Alliance Church here in Lexington, KY, at 3:30 EST and visit another in Colorado at 5:30 MST. Join us online if you want to see some cool candlelight services with those brave enough to attend in-person. Then, tonight we’ll watch Jim Carrey’s version of Dicken’s Christmas Carol and “settle down for a long winter’s nap.”
So with a couple of pumpkin pies, pumpkin soup, pumpkin muffins, pecan pies and now shortbread and butterscotch snicker-doodles under my belt (figuratively and LITERALLY!), I’m going to wish all y’all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and only blog once more until 2021 . . . oh, that’s just week away!
(Just so ya know, “y’all” is singular in Kentucky; “all y’all” is the plural! 🙂 D))))
Merry Christmas to all y’all and to all y’all a good night!
- Research
- Open Access
- Published:
Postnatal relative adrenal insufficiency results in methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in preterm infants: a retrospective cohort study
Clinical Epigenetics volume 10, Article number: 66 (2018)
1188 Accesses
5 Citations
To investigate the relationship between early-life stress and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene methylation, which may result in long-lasting neurodevelopmental impairment, we performed a longitudinal analysis of the methylation ratio within the GR gene promoter 1F region using next-generation sequencing in preterm infants.
Cell-free DNA was extracted from the frozen serum of 19 preterm birth infants at birth and at 1 and 2 months after birth. All were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of Juntendo University Shizuoka Hospital between August 2014 and May 2016 and suffered from chronic lung disease (CLD).
Through bisulfite amplicon sequencing using an Illumina Miseq system and Bismark-0.15.0 software, we identified the rate of cytosine methylation.
Patients’ sex and body weight standard deviation were extracted as the associated independent variables at birth. Sex, glucocorticoid administration for treating CLD, and postnatal invasive procedures (surgical operation and blood sampling) were extracted as the associated independent variables at 1 month. Methylation rates increased significantly between postnatal 1 and 2 months at 9 of the 39 CpG sites. Postnatal glucocorticoid administration to treat circulatory collapse was the most-associated independent variable with a positive regression coefficient for a change in methylation rate at these nine CpG sites. It also influenced the methylation ratio at 22 of the 39 CpG sites at 2 months of age. The standard deviation (SD) score at birth was extracted as an independent variable, with a negative regression coefficient at 9 of the 22 CpG sites together with glucocorticoid administration.
The results of this study indicate that a prenatal environment that results in intrauterine growth restriction and postnatal relative adrenal insufficiency requiring glucocorticoid administration leads to GR gene methylation. That, in turn, may result in neurodevelopmental disabilities.
The improved survival of babies at early gestational ages (GAs) is considered a success of modern neonatology. In the current post-steroid and post-surfactant era of neonatology, extremely preterm babies who survive have non-negligible rates of neurological disabilities such as cerebral palsy, mental deficits, sensorineural impairment, and cognitive dysfunction ranging from mild to severe [1, 2]. Infants born with a birth weight < 10th percentile or small for gestational age (SGA) [3, 4] and infants with chronic lung disease (CLD) characterized by prolonged inflammation of lung tissue are at increased risk for neonatal mortality, and preterm infants suffer from both short- and long-term morbidities [5, 6].
The most commonly implicated mechanism of these long-term effects is the dysregulation of the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis. Indeed, dysregulation of this axis has been noted in extremely low birth weight and very low birth weight (VLBW) survivors across their lifespan [7, 8]. An impaired HPA axis is an important risk factor for inflammatory disease, somatic fatigue, pain disorders, and psychiatric conditions such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder [9, 10]. Activity of the HPA axis is regulated by the hypothalamic glucocorticoid receptor (GR) encoded by the nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 1 (NR3C1) gene, which mediates a negative feedback loop [11].
Promoter DNA methylation is a well-established epigenetic regulator of gene expression. Prenatal stressors, such as maternal depression and anxiety and maternal exposure to stressors, are associated with GR gene methylation [12, 13]. Similarly, adults who retrospectively report a history of childhood maltreatment, early parental death, and childhood trauma show associations with GR gene methylation [14,15,16]. These links have also been demonstrated in postmortem brains from adult suicides [17] as well as from patients who suffer from depression or bipolar disorder [18]. In our previous study, we showed that a postnatal environment that includes the need for acute care and prolonged physical separation under neonatal intensive care affects epigenetic programming of GR expression through methylation of the NR3C1 promoter in premature infants, which might result in glucocorticoid resistance later in life [19]. These studies were performed by using several tissues, such as placenta [12], cord blood [13], peripheral blood [14, 19], saliva [15, 16, 18], and brain [17].
Several important regions are known to exist in the 39 CpG sites analyzed in the present study [20]. Among them, CpG 30–32 are the most important regions known to be binding sites for nerve growth factor inducible protein A (NGFI-A), which has emerged as a central regulator of early inflammatory and immune processes and potentiates GR 1-F promoter activity. The methylation rate in this region is influenced by an adverse environment during early life [17]. The high methylation status in this region is also known to result in low GR mRNA expression in an animal model in vitro [21]. CpG 35 has been reported to be associated with maternal stress, a low level of prenatal care, and childhood maltreatment. CpG 36 has been associated with maternal psychopathology during pregnancy. CpG 37 methylation has been associated with both early-life stress and maternal psychopathology. CpG 39 methylation has been associated with childhood maltreatment and prenatal stress. However, CpG site-specific methylation findings for CpG 1–29 are scarce.
Recently, Giarraputo et al. showed that the GR gene methylation in infants in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is correlated with high medical risk which is defined by many medical variables (Neonatal Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (NTISS)) [22].
To investigate the relationship between the early-life environment and GR gene (NR3C1) methylation status, which may take part in long-lasting neurodevelopmental impairment, we performed a longitudinal analysis of methylation ratios within the GR gene promoter 1F region using next-generation sequencing in preterm infants with CLD. In this study, we used cell-free DNA which is thought to be derived from proliferating/apoptotic lymphocytes from the participant’s peripheral blood [23].
This study was approved by the Juntendo University Ethics Committee and conducted according to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Nineteen infants admitted to the NICU of Juntendo University Shizuoka Hospital between August 2014 and May 2016 were enrolled in this study after written informed consent had been obtained. All serum samples were routinely collected at birth and at 1 and 2 months after birth and stored at − 80 °C until analysis. The criterion for CLD was the need for additional oxygen after the age of 28 days. Cell-free DNA was extracted from 100 μL frozen serum using a DNA Extractor SP Kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd. Osaka, Japan), and bisulfite-treated DNA was obtained using an EZ DNA Methylation Direct Kit (Zymo Research Corp., Irvine, CA, USA). A 5-μL aliquot of the resulting 10-μL bisulfite-treated genomic DNA solution was subjected to polymerase chain reaction analysis to amplify the GR promoter 1F region, as previously described [19]. The amplicons were purified using a gel-based clean up, and ViewaBlue Stain KANTO (Kanto Chemical Co., Inc. Tokyo, Japan) was used for DNA staining. The purified amplicons were subjected to a NEBNext Ultra II Library Preparation Kit for Illumina (New England Biolabs Japan, Inc., Tokyo, Japan) including dual indexing. These libraries were multiplexed and sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq system (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA, USA). The reads were aligned to an in silico converted reference using Bowtie2-2.2.1, and variant calling was used to identify the percentage of methylated cytosines using Bismark-0.15.0. [24]. We analyzed the epigenetic changes in the GR promoter 1F region (containing 39 CpG sites ranging from − 3466 to − 3189 bp upstream of the ATG start site).
Statistical analysis
We performed Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test to evaluate longitudinal differences between birth and at 1 and 2 months after birth. A stepwise multiple regression analysis was performed to investigate the relationships of methylation ratio at birth, 1 month, and 2 months with the amount of increase during months 1–2 at each CpG site as dependent variables and pre- and postnatal parameters in preterm infants as independent variables. To perform this analysis, several nominal variables were converted into categorical variables by grouping the values into two categories. The adjusted coefficient of determination (R)2 is the fraction of information of the dependent variable that is explained by the independent variables. A two-tailed p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. All of the statistical analyses were performed using SPSS v24.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) software.
The abbreviations in the present study are listed and described at the end of the main text and in Table 1.
Participant characteristics
Nineteen participants completed the analysis, and their characteristics are shown in Table 1. The GAs and birth weights of the infants ranged from 24 weeks + 3 days to 28 weeks + 2 days and from 316 to 1226 g, respectively. All infants received mechanical ventilation. Four were below − 2 SD of birth weight. Seven infants underwent an operation to close the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Twelve infants received antenatal steroid (AS) administration and 11 received postnatal steroid administration. Of these 11 infants, 9 were treated for circulatory collapse and 2 were treated for CLD. Fourteen infants received an opioid for sedation.
Relationship between prenatal parameters and GR gene methylation at birth
We examined the associations between the methylation ratios at the 39 CpG sites in the GR 1F promoter and GA at birth (weeks), body weight SD scores at birth calculated by the Japanese standard, AS administration (mg), and sex. Methylation rates in the GR 1F region were generally low at birth. At 3 of the 39 CpG sites analyzed, only sex (male = 1, female = 0) was correlated with the methylation ratio (CpG 12: p = 0.046, regression coefficient, − 0.463; CpG 19: p = 0.027, regression coefficient, 0.505; CpG 27: p = 0.030, regression coefficient, − 0.497). At 4 of the 39 CpG sites analyzed, only SD scores were correlated with the methylation ratios (CpG 7: p = 0.048, regression coefficient, − 0.460; CpG 25: p = 0.040, regression coefficient, − 0.475; CpG 36: p = 0.047, regression coefficient, − 0.461; CpG 38: p = 0.002, regression coefficient, − 0.675). The methylation ratio at CpG 24 was associated only with AS administration (p = 0.025, regression coefficient, − 0.512) (Fig. 3).
Relationship between prenatal and postnatal (0–1 month) parameters and GR gene methylation at 1 month
We analyzed the relationships of methylation rates at 1 month with prenatal and postnatal (0–1 month) parameters (sex, GA, SD, AS, Hc, Bf, Gc circ, Gc CLD, Opi, dSD, In, and PDA) at the 39 CpG sites. The results are shown in Fig. 3. Briefly, postnatal parameters such as glucocorticoid administration for CLD, surgical operation, or heel-cut blood sampling were extracted as independent variables with positive regression coefficients in CpG 5, 8, 14, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 38, except that sex in CpG 19 had a negative regression coefficient.
Longitudinal changes in methylation status
Methylation rates between birth and postnatal 1 month were stable at all of the 39 CpG sites examined. By contrast, methylation rates significantly increased from postnatal 1 to 2 months at 9 of the 39 CpG sites (CpG 3: p = 0.043; CpG 4: p = 0.047; CpG 5: p = 0.031; CpG 11: p = 0.014; CpG 15: p = 0.038; CpG 18: p = 0.047; CpG 19: p = 0.005; CpG 23: p = 0.0025; CpG 27: p = 0.03) (Fig. 1).
Longitudinal analysis of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) 1F promoter methylation. Methylation ratios at birth and at 1 and 2 months after birth in the 39 CpG sites analyzed are shown. The left, center, and right triplet bars indicate the methylation rates at birth, 1 month, and 2 months, respectively, with standard error bars. The asterisks under the CpG numbers indicate the methylation rates at CpG sites that significantly increased at between 1 and 2 months after birth
Relationships of the change in methylation ratio during months 1 and 2 with prenatal and postnatal parameters between birth and 2 months of age
We analyzed the relationship between changes in the methylation rates at CpG 3, 4, 5, 11, 15, 18, 19, 23, and 27, when significant increases in methylation rates were observed during months 1–2 after birth, and the prenatal and postnatal environments at 0–2 months of age. The independent variables analyzed at 0–2 months were sex, GA, SD, AS, days of mechanical ventilation (Mv), number of heel-cut (Hc) procedures, breast milk intake (mL/kg) (breast-fed [Bf] baby), amount of glucocorticoid administered (mg/kg prednisolone) for treatment of circulatory collapse (Gc circ), and CLD (Gc CLD), amount of opioid (Opi) administered (times 0.1 mL fentanyl), change in body weight SD scores (dSD), amount of indomethacin (In) administered (mg/kg), and experience of receiving surgery to close a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) (yes = 1, no = 0).
At seven of the nine CpG sites, Gc circ was solely extracted as an efficient independent variable with a positive regression coefficient. CpG 3 (Gc circ [regression coefficient, 0.885, overall p < 0.001, adjusted R2 = 0.771]); CpG 4 (Gc circ [regression coefficient, 0.871, overall p < 0.001, adjusted R2 = 0.744]); CpG 5 (Gc circ [regression coefficient, 0.687, overall p = 0.001, adjusted R2 = 0.440]); CpG 15 (Gc circ [regression coefficient, 0.895, overall p < 0.001, adjusted R2 = 0.790]); CpG 18 (Gc circ [regression coefficient, 0.926, overall p < 0.001, adjusted R2 = 0.848]); CpG 19 (Gc circ [regression coefficient, 0.689, overall p = 0.001, adjusted R2 = 0.444]); and CpG 23 (Gc circ [regression coefficient, 0.800, overall p < 0.001, adjusted R2 = 0.619]). None of the eight parameters examined was extracted as an efficient independent variable at the remaining two CpG sites (CpG 11 and CpG 27).
Relationship between methylation rate at postnatal 2 months and prenatal and postnatal parameters
Next, we analyzed the relationship between methylation rates at 2 months after birth and prenatal and postnatal parameters, e.g., sex, GA, SD, AS, Hc, Bf, Gc circ, Gc CLD, Opi dSD, In, and PDA at all of the 39 CpG sites. The results are shown in Table 2. Briefly, some independent variables were extracted from 24 of the 39 CpG sites examined. Gc circ was extracted as an independent variable at 22 CpG sites with a positive regression coefficient. The volume of breast milk consumed was extracted as the sole independent variable at the remaining two CpG sites, with a negative regression coefficient (CpG 11 and CpG 36). SD scores at birth were simultaneously extracted as independent variables at 7 of 22 sites at which Gc circ was extracted, with a negative regression coefficient. AS administration was extracted as an independent variable at 3 of the 22 sites, with a negative regression coefficient. Glucocorticoid administration to treat CLD was extracted as an independent variable at CpG 2 with a negative regression coefficient and at CpG 8 with a positive regression coefficient. Figure 2 is a heat map of the methylation status focused on the effect of three major independent variables (Gc circ, AS, and SD).
Heat map of GR 1F promoter methylation at 2 months old. Patients who received a glucocorticoid for circulatory collapse (Gc circ), whose bodyweights were less than − 2 SD (BW < − 2 SD), and who were not administered an antenatal steroid (AS) are marked by the double circle in the right area of the heat map
This is the first longitudinal report to demonstrate that prenatal and postnatal environments induce gene methylation. The results of this study show that postnatal Gc circ had positive and strong effects on GR gene methylation at 1–2 months of age, which may result in neurodevelopmental disability in later life due to dysfunction in the HPA axis. Simultaneously, prenatal factors such as SD scores at birth and antenatal glucocorticoid administration had moderate negative effects on GR gene methylation.
In the present study, glucocorticoid administration at 0–1 month influenced GR gene methylation at 1 month (Fig. 3). Our criteria for using glucocorticoid for CLD are as follows: mean airway pressure of mechanical ventilation > 10 mmHg and FiO2 > 0.4, which indicate a severe lung condition due to relative adrenal insufficiency.
Neonatal hypotension is commonly seen in premature neonates, and its incidence is inversely related to GA at delivery. Hypotension in preterm infants is predominantly due to either abnormal peripheral vasoregulation or myocardial dysfunction. Another etiology of hypotension in this population is physiological factors, including the presence of relative adrenal insufficiency secondary to an immature HPA axis [25]. Ng et al. showed an increase in plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone with the use of inotropes and volume expanders in VLBW infants with hypotension [26]. In addition, low serum cortisol levels were also found in these patients [27]. These findings suggest that the adrenal cortex may be the primary site of dysfunction in this patient population, and not the hypothalamus or pituitary gland. Overall, these findings imply a normal response of the pituitary gland to hypotension, but the adrenal glands are transiently unable to maintain cortisol secretion during the immediate postnatal period. Hydrocortisone is the recommended treatment for hypotensive neonates if volume resuscitation with isotonic saline and dopamine treatment (10 μg/kg/min) are unsuccessful [28]. Our strategy to treat neonatal hypotension, which is defined as a mean blood pressure lower than the neonate’s GA, is described above. We also confirmed the effects of glucocorticoids by improvements in blood pressure and urine output soon after administration. We conclude that the hypotension observed in our study population resulted from relative adrenal insufficiency.
Postnatal steroids are widely used to manage preterm infants with CLD. Several reports have indicated that infants with CLD may develop adrenal insufficiency during the first 1–2 weeks of life [26, 29]. All of the infants in this study developed CLD, implying that they may have had some degree of adrenal insufficiency.
Taken together, these findings led us to hypothesize that severe adrenal insufficiency followed by both CLD and circulatory collapse results in GR gene methylation. Adrenal insufficiency during the early stage of life results in upregulation of the HPA axis later in life to respond adequately to stress.
Antenatal glucocorticoid administration had a moderate negative effect on GR gene methylation. In contrast, postnatal glucocorticoid administration for CLD and circulatory collapse had a positive effect on GR gene methylation. Thus, glucocorticoid demand due to relative adrenal insufficiency, not glucocorticoid administration itself, may result in GR gene methylation.
SD scores at birth were related to GR gene methylation at birth and at 2 months of age. Notably, the CpG sites affected at 2 months by SD (CpG 10, 15, 16, 17, 24, and 25) were different from those affected at birth by SD (CpG 7, 25, 36, and 38), except CpG 25. All of the SD effects at birth had disappeared by 1 month, even those in CpG 25. In addition, SD was always affected together with postnatal glucocorticoid administration only at 2 months. Thus, it is possible that the long-lasting influence of low SD (e.g., intrauterine growth restriction) on GR gene methylation is indirect.
Permanent changes in gene expression have been observed in multiple genes as a consequence of SGA. Dysregulation of the epigenome may explain changes that are propagated from parent to daughter cells in SGA offspring throughout life [30]. The results of this study suggest that dysregulation of several genes induced by intrauterine growth restriction may increase susceptibility to circumstances after birth, particularly relative adrenal insufficiency, leading to GR gene methylation, which in turn results in neurodevelopmental disabilities. Stressful postnatal procedures, such as the Hc procedure or Ope, were correlated with significant positive regression coefficients at three CpG sites at 1 month. Taken together, these findings suggest that relative adrenal insufficiency, which leads to severe CLD and circulatory collapse and the inability to respond to a stressful postnatal environment in the NICU, may result in GR gene methylation at 2 months after birth.
In this study, well-known CpG sites, which are methylated by early-life stress directly, such as CpG 30–32, CpG 35–37, and CpG 39, were affected at 2 months almost only by Gc circ. In contrast, CpG 1–29, which are not well-known as sites methylated by early-life stress, were affected by Gc circ and low SD. CpG 1–29 may be methylated by both the intrauterine and the postnatal environment. Figure 2 shows that CpG 30–39 and CpG 1–29 are widely methylated, which may result in a change in three-dimensional DNA structure.
It should be noted that the volume of mothers’ milk fed to infants during the first 2 months after birth had a weak but significant negative effect on GR methylation (CpG 11 and 36). Maternal breastfeeding has been emphasized as an influential factor in early childhood development [31]. However, empirical evidence for the effects of breastfeeding on children’s cognitive development has been conflicting. A comprehensive review by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality summarized 400 articles and found that breastfeeding had few or small effects on children’s cognitive ability [32]. This study may provide new insights into the effects of breastfeeding.
Because epigenetic modifications occur in a tissue-specific manner, it remains unclear whether DNA methylation measured in blood reflects DNA methylation patterns in other tissues including the brain. We used cell-free DNA, which is thought to be derived from proliferating/apoptotic lymphocytes in the participant’s peripheral blood [23].
Although research conducted on the effects of early-life stress on methylation of the alternate GR promoter 1F in blood, brain, saliva, and placenta produced similar results [12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 33], it should be noted that the correlation of methylation between blood and brain is still controversial. Watson et al. showed that only 7.9% of CpG sites were statistically significant, showing a large correlation between blood and brain tissue [34]. Tylee et al. reviewed seven studies comparing patterns of DNA methylation between the blood and brain and suggested that CpG island methylation levels are generally highly correlated (r = 0.90) between them [35].
This study has some limitations. First, cell type and tissue-specific diversity of methylation of the GR gene are noted problems. This study did not include a control for variations in cell type. Second, the participants were homogeneous in race, limiting generalizability of the findings. Another limitation is the lack of information about endogenous glucocorticoid secretion. Further investigations including a longitudinal follow-up study and cell type-specific investigation will enhance our understanding of the relationships between early-life experiences and long-lasting neurodevelopmental disability.
This study revealed that adverse pre- and postnatal environments, such as intrauterine growth restriction and postnatal relative adrenal insufficiency, increased glucocorticoid receptor gene methylation. This, in turn, may result in neurodevelopmental disabilities.
- CLD:
Chronic lung disease
- GR:
Glucocorticoid receptor
- HPA:
Hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal gland
- SGA:
Small for gestational age
- AS:
Antenatal steroid administration (mg)
- Bf:
Breast fed volume between 0 and 1 month after birth (mL/kg) (kg was calculated by birthweight + bodyweight at 2 months/2)
- BW:
Birth weight (g)
- dSD:
Change of SD scores between 0 and 2 months
- F:
- GA:
Gestational age
- Gc circ:
Glucocorticoid administration between 0 and 2 months after birth for treatment of circulatory collapse (mg/kg prednisolone)
- Gc CLD:
Glucocorticoid administration between 0 and 2 months after birth for treatment or prevention of CLD (mg/kg prednisolone)
- Hc:
Heel cut procedure for blood examination between 0 and 2 months after birth (times)
- In:
Indomethacin administration for PDA closure (mg/kg)
- M:
- Mv:
Duration of mechanical ventilation with intra-tracheal intubation between 0 and 2 months after birth (days)
- Opi:
Opioid administration between 0 and 2 months after birth (mg fentanyl)
- PDA:
Experience of receiving surgery to close a patent ductus arteriosus between 0 and 2 month after birth
- SD:
Standard deviation score of body weight
Marlow N, Wolke D, Bracewell MA, Samara M, EPICure Study Group. Neurologic and developmental disability at six years of age after extremely preterm birth. N Engl J Med. 2005;352:9–19.
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Buitelaar JK. The role of the HPA-axis in understanding psychopathology: cause, consequence, mediator, or moderator? Eur Child Adoles Psy. 2013;22:387–9.
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Tyrka AR, Parade SH, Eslinger NM, Marsit CJ, Lesseur C, Seifer R. Methylation of exons 1D, 1F, and 1H of the glucocorticoid receptor gene promoter and exposure to adversity in preschool-aged children. Dev Psychopathol. 2015;27:577–85.
Parade SH, Ridout KK, Seifer R, Armstrong DA, Marsit CJ, McWilliams MA, et al. Methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene promoter in preschoolers: links with internalizing behavior problems. Child Dev. 2016;87:86–97.
McGowan PO, Sasaki A, D’Alessio AC, Dymov S, Labonté B, Szyf M, et al. Epigenetic regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor in human brain associates with childhood abuse. Nat Neurosci. 2009;12:342–8.
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Tuaeva NO, Abramova ZI, Sofronov VV. The origin of elevated levels of circulating DNA in blood plasma of premature neonates. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2008;1137:27–30.
Masser DR, Berg AS, Freeman WM. Focused, high accuracy 5-methylcytosine quantitation with base resolution by benchtop next-generation sequencing. Epigenetics Chromatin. 2013;6:33.
Seri I. Management of hypotension and low systemic blood flow in very low birth weight neonate during the first postnatal week. J Perinatol. 2006;26(Suppl 1):S8–S13.
Ng PC, Lee CH, Lam CW, Ma KC, Chan IH, Wong E, et al. Early pituitary-adrenal response and respiratory outcomes in preterm infants. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2004;89:F127–30.
Helbock HJ, Insoft RM, Conte FA. Glucocorticoid-responsive hypotension in extremely low birth weight newborns. Pediatrics. 1993;92:715–6.
Johnson PJ. Hydrocortisone for treatment of hypotension in the newborn. Neonatal Netw. 2015;34:46–50.
Watterberg KL, Scott SM. Evidence of early adrenal insufficiency in babies who develop bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Pediatrics. 1995;95:120–5.
Einstein F, Thompson RF, Bhagat TD, Fazzari MJ, Verma A, Barzilai N, et al. Cytosine methylation dysregulation in neonates following intrauterine growth restriction. PLoS One. 2010;5:8887.
Kramer MS, Aboud F, Mironova E, Vanilovich I, Platt RW, Matush L, et al. Breastfeeding and child cognitive development: new evidence from a large randomized trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008;65:578–84.
Ip S, Chung M, Raman G, Chew P, Magula N, DeVine D, et al. Breastfeeding and maternal and infant health outcome in developed countries. Evid Rep Technol Assess (Full Rep). 2007;153:1–186.
Radtke KM, Schauer M, Gunter HM, Ruf-Leuschner M, Sill J, Meyer A, et al. Epigenetic modifications of the glucocorticoid receptor gene are associated with the vulnerability to psychopathology in childhood maltreatment. Transl Psychiatry. 2015;5:e571.
Walton E, Hass J, Liu J, Roffman L, Bernardoni F, Roessner V, et al. Correspondence of DNA Methylation Between blood and Brain Tissue and Its Application to Schizophrenia Research. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2016;42:406–14.
Tylee DS, Kawaguchi DM, Glatt SJ. On the Outside, Looking In: A Review and Evaluation of the Comparability of Blood and Brain “-omes”. Am J Med Genet Part B. 2013;162B:595–603.
Thank you to Drs. Ryo Matoba and Noriko Ito for the technical assistance. Thank you also to Drs. Koichi Sato and Hajime Orita for their contribution in Shizuoka Medical Research Center for Disaster.
This study was supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)-Supported Program for the Strategic Research Foundation at Private Universities, 2015–2019, Japan.
Availability of data and materials
The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on a reasonable request.
Ethics declarations
Ethics approval and consent to participate
This study was approved by the Juntendo University Ethics Committee and conducted according to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, and written informed consent from the parents of participants of this study hadantake, M., Ohkawa, N., Iwasaki, T. et al. Postnatal relative adrenal insufficiency results in methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in preterm infants: a retrospective cohort study. Clin Epigenet 10, 66 (2018).
- Adrenal insufficiency
- Chronic lung disease
- Circulatory collapse
- Epigenetics
- Glucocorticoid administration
- Glucocorticoid receptor gene
- Intrauterine growth restriction
- HPA axis
- Methylation
- NR3C1 |
Reset - all Grow-Rooms will be restarted
Dear Cannerald & CannerGrow Community,
As you have probably seen during on-site visits in 2021 from around Q4 of the year, or on the webcams since then, our cannabis plants no longer looked as lush green as they did between the start of our plant sales since 2019 until mid-Q3 2021 Everything was perfect - Premium Cannerald cannabis plants with wonderfully distinctive growth and smell. The quality of the harvest was also unique and, as we had publicly announced and set ourselves the goal, we were able to sustainably and steadily increase the yield of the grows from harvest to harvest. At that time, this was the greatest focus of our grow teams in addition to our already existing premium quality and we achieved this little by little, from grow to grow - because the quality of our buds was unique in all of Switzerland, confirmed by our customers as well by our CannerGrow plant owners.
Each of you could convince yourself during on-site tours in our production, as well as testing our pre-rolls on site, or the delivered harvest, how our plants and harvest stand in comparison to other producers - of the size and shape of the buds up to the taste and burning behavior of the cannabis when smoking. In the basement in the grow rooms Alpha to Echo, as described in other blog articles, we have upgraded the equipment which was installed in the beginning to the same maximum standard as the equipment in the expansion on the upper floor - because only the maximum is good enough for us and you as our community.
The presence of our company increased progressively:
Due to the quality and vision of our company, our maximum possible transparency with internal insights through videos and on-site tours, as well as through you as salespeople and customers, our media presence advanced ever further and faster.
The interest in on-site tours and visiting appointments increased steadily and so it came about that we often offered tours on Fridays, Saturdays and even Sundays - up to 150 people over the 3 days over just one weekend.
Why did we give all interested parties a personal and internal insight into our production, despite live webcams that upload a picture to our CannerGrow backoffice every 60 seconds, many "evidence videos" with tours through our grow facility and the progress of the expansion on our Cannerald YouTube Channel, hundreds of pictures via various blog articles, insights via Instagram Stories and our Telegram-News-Channel?
Quite simply: Everyone wanted to see our cannabis facility with their own eyes, because there are many companies who have ripped their customers off the table.
We stand and have always stood for maximum transparency and have given everyone who really wanted this - an internal insight into our production, our grow rooms, our technical rooms, our mother room, our baby room, our drying rooms and trim rooms.
Only in this way could everyone perceive pictures and videos as well as our production to the full with all their senses and feel our burning passion for our company.
The feedback was gigantic every time and every visitor went home with a beaming smile after getting to know our company, our production, the management, employees and our plants personally.
During the guided tours, we always paid attention to the maximum possible protection:
Every visitor had to put on freshly cleaned protective clothing, such as a protective suit, hairnet, foot covers, protective gloves and, if necessary, a beard net.
Effect of the on-site tours and visit appointments on the grows:
Nevertheless, with so many visitors it is impossible that no possible pests are brought in into our grow facility. Be it because the visitors had been in contact with several things before, grow plants themselves, or even grow cannabis plants. The more strangers visit the production, about whom we do not know where they were before, the higher the risk - that is why we always counteract this with the maximum possible protective clothing.
The harvests got better from time to time, but in August 2021 our IPM team (Internal Pest Management Team) and quality manager discovered a problem during the routine inspection and subsequent analysis by our in-house bio-chemist on a few plants. Some of the plants analyzed were infected by various spores, which had never been the case in the past.
Direct action was required - analyzing and combating the problem:
Consequently other plants from the grow rooms were analyzed from various racks to see how far the spores had spread. In addition, samples were regularly sent to various laboratories on a weekly basis in order to have this checked again there.
At the same time, we got in touch with various of our contacts from the USA, Canada, Australia and Netherland, who are industry leaders in the cannabis sector and who work very closely with cannabis companies listed on the international stock exchanges. Some of our contacts here also work directly for those companies.
Back to the analysis of all grow rooms:
In some rooms the infestation was there, in some not.
The problem here: They are spores that can be transmitted through the air and water. Once you have this in your production, it spreads exponentially into all areas - even much more with on-site tours than without. The more people move around in production, the faster the spread.
We used all biologically possible means to eliminate the infestation of the spores as quickly as possible, and we used everything that was recommended to us by experts.
From our contacts we got to know that a spore infestation has also happened a couple times in cannabis companies listed on the stock exchanges. They also tried everything possible, but in the end nothing helped to completely eliminate the contamination. However, the only thing that was effective in solving the problem was a complete reset of the entire facility, whereby all biological mass is removed, everything is cleaned several times with a certain process and the facility will then be restarted.
We still tried to avoid a complete reset for you:
Since we as a company and you as our community are set up a little differently than listed cannabis companies on the stock exchanges, we wanted to avoid a reset by no matter what.
In addition, because we had to cope with some problems from the past due to the Corona-related situation with delivery and construction delays together with you as our community, although we could not help anything about these delays and problems.
Our quality department (QA) and our in-house biochemist did everything imaginable and we spared no costs for you to avoid a reset.
We had external contacts from the above-mentioned areas flown into our production facility in Fraubrunnen from the USA, Canada and Netherlands in order to assess and analyze the situation in more detail on site.
Week after week went by and we tried everything to fight it, yet the spores multiplied throughout our whole production area.
In the meantime, we had restricted the visiting dates, as we had published publicly and as you have noticed. One was no longer allowed to go into the basement, but only into the expansion on the first and second floors.
Current situation and final solution for long-term success:
This week, on Tuesday, 3 days ago, on January 4th, 2022, we had to make a decision - we can't avoid a reset.
All experts and consultants saw this as the only option as of now.
A reset means that we have to clear out all grow rooms and destroy any biological mass in our facility.
This not only affects the cannabis plants in the grow rooms, but also the current harvests of the Charlie, Bravo and Echo grow rooms in the drying rooms.
This is really not great news, but as you have got to know our company and our executives personally from the past, you can trust us that we have tried everything imaginable and that this is now the only possible step towards lush green cannabis plants again soon.
You as our community are always our top priority:
We know this is not pleasant, but believe us that we have tried everything possible to avoid a reset. As described above, we also brought in the best external contacts besides our in-house experts.
Our goal is and always has been to have everything set up for the long run in the best possible way so that you are happy with our company in the long term.
The current CBD production is only the beginning and first step - our goal and our vision, which we will definitely achieve, is the pharmaceutical THC cannabis market - this does not happen overnight as we have always publicly announced. It pays to be patient.
Now you are surely asking yourself: "What does this mean for me as a customer?"
Since we have to remove all biological mass of the entire production in Fraubrunnen - remove all plants of the active grow rooms and remove the current harvests of Charlie, Bravo and Echo from the drying rooms, there is logically and understandably no harvest which can be delivered, sold or can be redeemed against special prices in the shop.
As a result of the reset, you as customers would normally have “lost” one harvest in the Grow-Rooms Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf and the recently launched Grow-Rooms Hotel, India and Juliet.
Doesn't the insurance company cover this? No, as the contamination occurred through on-site tours through visits.
Since we appreciate you as a community, we have decided to credit all our customers with plants in the grow rooms which are/have now been closed (Alpha to Juliet) for your part of the lost harvest of this grow in the backoffice in your CannerGrow accounts. We will fully reimburse you for the lost harvest of the lost grow and you will not suffer any damage.
For more details, see below.
Current procedure for the reset of the entire production with all details:
From today until February 6th, 2022, the entire facility will be cleaned several times with a specific cleaning process so that all spores will be removed.
Then the entire production will be restarted.
It should be noted that, due to the processes of the grow cycles, we will start one room per week on a weekly basis.
The current and detailed plan looks like this:
Cleaning of the entire facility and production: Offices, basement (basement), first floor (1st floor) and Second floor (2nd floor) until February 6th, 2022
It is also planned that the following Grow-Rooms Kilo, Lima, November and Oscar will also start at weekly intervals after the start of Grow-Room Juliet.
However, sector Papa and Grow-Room Yankee will need a little more time and between June and September every Grow-Room , including our vegetative rooms, will be active in our production in Fraubrunnen.
Further procedure and goodwill of the company:
As soon as we have the GMP approval, we will reimburse you over our first 3 GMP Grows with respectively on third of your lost harvest-share of your respective plants of the current omitted grow
However, the harvest will be credited into your CannerGrow accounts in the backoffice this week until Sunday evening.
One third of this can then be sold with the harvest distribution of our first GMP grow, one third with our second GMP grow and one third with our third GMP grow.
"Why don't I get the full harvest-share of the current “lost” harvest of my plants during the first grow after the reset or the first GMP grow?"
We would like to do this as a company, but it is our corporate responsibility that the company is secured with capital, as we build everything on a long-term basis. GMP approval, employee costs that are not working in the production area, research projects, studies and much more are all paid from our harvest share, which is 40%.
Brief description for easy understanding:
At first the additionals costs (grow costs) are deducted.
Afterwards 50% of the harvest is distributed to the customer, 10% is distributed to the affiliates/sales people (20% of 50% of the customer is 10% total) and 40% is our company harvest-share.
The entire capital of selling plants goes into expanding our production, as it has often been explained.
By the way, every person who watches our YouTube videos (click), follows and reads our Cannerald Blog (click), follows our Instagram Stories (click), follows our Telegram-News-Channel (click) or the best - personally visited us on a on-site visit in our Sacred Halls of Cannerald should be able to understand this easily based on the extent of our equipment and production.
However, there won’t be residual commission for affiliates and salespeople with this lost grow - this is not possible and should be more than understandable given the extent of the situation.
In the past, we have always shown maximum goodwill in all situations and have waived capital for our company.
Why do we act like this and often forego money for our company?
1. Long-term vision
We are still at the beginning of the cannabis industry, with the progress of legalization, our unique facility in the heart of Switzerland, which is designed and built for pharmaceutical THC cannabis cultivation, future research projects and studies, we are planning absolutely everything long-term.
You mean a lot to us as a community - we don't plan for a year or two and the current CBD cultivation is, as is often published, only our entry point!
In contrast to other companies, we want to show you and let actions speak for themselves, how seriously we mean this and that, in contrast to other companies which often speak of “community”, this is not marketing for us.
2. Customer satisfaction
So that you as our community, despite problems that did not arise from us as a company, always suffer the least impact and the least damage.
You can use blog articles and our behavior/deeds to see in black and white how much profit we as a company have already foregone.
For example, due to delays in the start of the Grow-Rooms due to the corona situation and delivery problems - see blog articles about Grow-Rooms Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel and India, as well as many other actions/deeds, such as the sale of another 10.000 plants for 1599.34€ instead of 2500€ per plant so that absolutely every person could still buy plants for 1599.34€ in advance due to the large rush of interest.
👉 Proof of blog article about Grow-Room Foxtrot and Golf (click)
👉 Proof of blog article about Grow-Room Hotel and India (click)
👉 Proof of blog article on the sale on the sale of another 10.000 plants for 1599.34€ instead of 2500€ per plant (click)
If you work out these sums, you can get an idea of it and assess how important you are to us as a community, this is an 8-digit sum.
Grow-Rooms Foxtrot and Golf, as well as Grow-Rooms Hotel and India, will of course receive the earlier promised full harvest-share from the past directly with the next grow after the reset, see blog article above.
More and precise details on how the crediting of the lost harvest of the current grow cycle will take place:
Each customer with plants in Grow-Rooms Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India and Juliet will get the harvest quantity (CBD in grams) of the average of the customer's harvest-share of the last 7 grows booked into your CannerGrow account in the backoffice as Grow.
However, this harvest does not yet exist and is therefore currently not deliverable, not sellable or exchangeable for beneficial prices in our Cannerald online shop.
Over the first 3 GMP grows, one third for each GMP grow of this credited harvest-share will be “activated” for delivery, sale or exchangeable for beneficial prices in our Cannerald online shop - so none of you has lost anything or suffered damage
Where can the credited harvest be found?
Under the main menu item "Storage" (click) you will be able to see which harvest will be distributed with a delay.
When will I be able to see this credited harvest in my CannerGrow account in the backoffice?
At the latest from Sunday this week, January 9, 2022 towards evening.
At what point is the credited harvest-share available for delivery, sale, or exchangeable for beneficial prices in the Cannerald online shop?
One third of the credited harvest-share will be “activated” at the first GMP Grow - (1/3).
The second third of the credited harvest-share will be “activated” on the second GMP Grow - (2/3).
The last third of the credited harvest-share will be “activated” on the third GMP Grow - (3/3).
Very important:
1. The credited harvest-share from this “lost” grow which we reimburse and take on our shoulders is linked to your account, not to the respective plant.
2. As from the beginning, a harvest can only be sold or delivered if you have at least 1 plant at the time when you want to deliver or sell the harvest.
3. Also a harvest is only deliverable or sellable when you don’t have a negative balance.
4. The grow will now count towards marketplace sales and plant transfers like a normal grow. After 3 completed grows, as since the beginning, you can transfer your plants privately or sell them in the CannerGrow Community Marketplace. For more details see here under point 7 (click).
5. Grow-Rooms Foxtrot and Golf, as well as Grow-Rooms Hotel and India, will of course receive the earlier promised full harvest-share from the past directly with the next grow after the reset, see blog article above.
Everything was now described clearly and understandably about the current situation.
This blog article will be sent to all customers with plants in the Grow-Rooms Alpha to Juliet today, Friday, January 7th, 2022 via newsletter - if someone does not receive the newsletter, they have not subscribed to our newsletter (click) and consequently we are not allowed to send this person a newsletter.
In addition, the blog article is visible in the backoffice in the dashboard and is posted in our Telegram-News-Channel (click) as always.
Nevertheless, we ask all affiliates and sales people to forward this blog article to their teams and customers of the Grow-Rooms Alpha-Juliet so that everyone is really informed about the situation.
More blog articles will follow over the next few days about Cannerald, possible open questions and updates. After reading these blog articles, there will be no more open questions.
In addition, an update video about the current status of the expansion and production in Fraubrunnen will be uploaded to our Cannerald YouTube Channel (click) in January.
Update from Sunday, January 9th, 2022 (9 P.M.):
As described above, all lost harvests from the 10 Grow-Rooms: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India and Juliet are currently being credited to your CannerGrow accounts in the backoffice, this will continue until around midnight.
Harvest credit for 3-star plants: 22.20 grams per plant (average of the last 7 harvest distributions per 3-star plant)
Harvest credit for 2-star plants: 9.10 grams per plant (average of the last 7 harvest distributions per 2-star plant)
Harvest credit for 1-star plants: 5.40 grams per plant (average of the last 7 harvest distributions per 1-star plant)
You can easily recognize the respective harvests in the backoffice: For the respective harvests in the main menu item "Storage" (click) it says "locked" and you can see the total "locked" harvest amount by means of the lock symbol in the dashboard in the box with the title "Harvest (CBD)" (click).
In the main menu item "Storage" (click) the already credited "locked" harvests can be found at the bottom of the page.
With the first, second and third GMP Grow, a third of this "locked" harvest can be delivered, sold or redeemed in the Cannerald online shop at beneficial prices.
One third of this harvest is activated for each GMP Grow - until then, the harvest remains "locked" in the backoffice, but is completely visible.
Here again clearly understandable for complete transparency:
Last 7 harvest distributions per 3-star plant:
1: Fourth Delta Room Harvest
2: Seventh Alpha Room Harvest
3: Fourth Echo Room Harvest
4: Third Charlie Room Harvest
5: First Golf Room Harvest
6: First Foxtrot Room Harvest
7: Sixth Bravo Room Harvest - new record!
Last 7 harvest distributions per 2-star plant:
1: Fourth Delta Room Harvest
2: Fourth Echo Room Harvest
3: Third Charlie Room Harvest
4: Third Delta Room Harvest
5: Third Echo Room Harvest
6: Second Delta Room Harvest
7: Second Charlie Room Harvest
Last 7 harvest distributions per 1-star plant:
1: Seventh Alpha Room Harvest
2: Third Charlie Room Harvest
3: Sixth Bravo Room Harvest - new record!
4: Sixth Alpha Room Harvest
5: Fifth Bravo Room Harvest
6: Second Charlie Room Harvest
7: Fifth Alpha Room Harvest
Update from Sunday, January 9th, 2022 (11.45 P.M.):
All harvests were credited to the backoffice.
Your Cannerald & CannerGrow Team |
Nyse Summer SeriesBakkt is the digital assets subsidiary of the New York Stock Exchange, Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE: ICE). On average, they anticipate Ferrari's share price to reach $258. Investors Who Bought Culp (NYSE:CULP) Shares Three Years Ago Are Now Down 61%. That's the case for New York Stock Exchange trader Lauren Simmons. The Summer Series will be a three-day stretch over the course of two weekends in the middle of July. 4% from the stock's current price. Online registration: April 2nd at 6AM to first 2,000 registrants. June 27 · A colorful way to close out a vibrant first week of # NYSESummerSeries. Welcome to the NYSE Summer Series A celebration of the reopening of New York and recognition for the front-line workers and organizations that made it possible. Drawbridge is an independently managed real estate investment vehicle. The Swell App will be available to consumers in the Summer, 2022. Revisions to the Series 23, 24, 42, 55, 62, 72 and 82 Examination Programs. NYSE: Order Disapproving Proposed Rule Changes, as Modified by Partial Amendment No. Eventbrite brings people together through live experiences. We have a value-oriented approach across private equity, credit, and real estate. Michael Cera, Actor: Scott Pilgrim vs. Apple (AAPL) and Playtone, headed by Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman, sign a multi-year exclusive deal to develop series, documentaries and unscripted projects for Apple TV+. To start with, Credit Suisse ( NYSE: CS) stock has been facing some pressure for several years already. PREVIEW: Penn Relays Summer Series Presented By Toyota This. (NYSE: LRN), the nation’s leading online and. Multi-Port In-Shot Burners perfectly shape the flame cone for the maximum heat possible while using less fuel. Based on archive letters, records and interviews from the time, the series records the lives of the artists who were to transform the art world. The transfer took place 21 years after Garmin's Dec. President Joe Biden on Friday said he wasn't concerned there would be another "major outbreak" of COVID-19, but again urged unvaccinated people to get shots. Enbridge is proud to be working with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) on a project that would provide affordable and cleaner energy for the utility's customers. Dozens More Staterooms for Solo Travelers + New Sustainability-Focused and Architectural Tours. Buy concert tickets for top tours and festivals - Live Nation is your premier source for latest tour news, artist insights, exclusive videos, photos, . The JSE operates using first-class and globally accepted technology and through its trading and. Apple (AAPL), Tom Hanks' Playtone Ink Multi-Year Content Deal. data = FinancialData ["NYSE:GEEK", "Volume", { {2009, 1, 1}, {2014, 1, 1}}]; In [2]:=. Webull offers UNP Ent Holdg (UNP) historical stock prices, in-depth market analysis, NYSE: UNP real-time stock quote data, in-depth charts, and a fully built financial calendar to help you invest smart. LSEG to expand its global range of digital identity solutions through acquisition of Global Data Consortium Inc. Courses are offered online and on campus this summer. Netflix and CAKE in partnership with Rovio Entertainment announce new animated series Angry Birds: Summer Madness based on the iconic world of the Angry Birds. is the developer of the Swell App, which is designed to help working Americans. While it’s hard to predict which SPACs will be successful, an ETF mitigates some of this risk by spreading exposure over a range of the largest SPAC companies. As Goldman Sachs released the schedule for Engineering Campus Hiring Program under which –. Join us! Physicians Realty Trust — or "DOC" as we're known on the New York Stock Exchange — is a real estate investment trust that helps medical providers, developers, and shareholders realize better healthcare, better communities, and better returns. Acceptability of Series 24 Examination under NYSE Rule 342. Wish my sandwich came with french fries. But my relationship with Palantir (NYSE: PLTR) stock is a lot. Tier 2 Series Registration Individual $65. Compute Aggregated Statistics for a Time Series. At NSE, we are driven by this ambition that makes India charge ahead and take a more prominent place on the global stage. Studley Graduate Program in International Affairs, puts graduate, undergraduate, and PhD students on the ground in the United Nations and in New York City. Breakout Stocks Today | NYSE NASDAQ AMEX. , a subsidiary of Delek Logistics, in a $400 million offering of senior notes. economy, which are publicly held on either the NYSE or NASDAQ, and covers. 15 The fact TSLA was 9% higher due to a stock split is laughable, and shows just how absurd these. Our certificates attest to your ability to perform in the real world of finance. Barron's is a leading source of financial news, providing in-depth analysis and commentary on stocks, investments and how markets are moving across the world. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview. The New York State Summer School of the Arts (NYSSSA) will offer a total of $150,000 in scholarship opportunities for high school students to attend other regional summer arts programs for summer 2022, the State Education Department announced today. Get the latest Delta Air Lines, Inc. There was a variety of flavorful bbq sauces to choose from, sweety and tangy to down hard spicy!. At 22, I was the youngest-ever woman NYSE floor trader and making $12,000 a year. Named one of the best farm fresh produce and meat markets serving Chester County and Lancaster County! Farmers Market in Hershey Write a Review Add Photo Location & Hours 1215 Res. Buy BUD fractional shares at Webull. Its trailing returns over different time periods are: -0. plans to list on the New York Stock Exchange in June or July, according to a person familiar with the matter. To our knowledge, we are the first to employ the use of air conditioning to examine whether and how weather, especially excessively high temperature, and other factors affect stock returns. Powered by millions of dreams, hopes and aspirations, India today is brimming with potential. Today Bakkt, the offshoot of New York Stock Exchange owner ICE, announced it completed a $300 million Series B round. The NYSE Summer Series is celebrating the reopening of New York with events, in addition to the daily ringing of the bell, running through Labor Day. ("Swell"), a newly launched fintech company, today announced $10 million in Series A equity funding led by an affiliate of. Then it back-stepped to below $24, before. York Course & Live Endoscopy Case Collection · Annual GI Fellows Summer Course Presentations · NYSGE Annual Seminar Series · NYSGE Annual Lecture Series . The paper " A new historical database for. The second series begins July 18.. CASE, a global full-line manufacturer of construction equipment, will have a strong presence throughout the countrywide Late Model tour and beyond. Crunchbase is the leading destination for company insights from early-stage startups to the Fortune 1000. Get insights into your competition. Additionally, this summer the School of Cinematic Arts will be adding a Sony Virtual Production studio featuring Sony's latest Crystal LED B series. (DAL) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more informed trading and investment decisions. I walked away after 2 years and never looked back — here's what the experience taught me. Graph and download economic data for Producer Price Index by Commodity: Metals and Metal Products: Cold Rolled Steel Sheet and Strip (WPU101707) from Jun 1982 to Feb 2022 about steel, metals, commodities, PPI, inflation, price index, price, indexes, and USA. The transfer took place 21 years after Garmin’s Dec. My hot vax summer is simple and breezy. 625 Belmont Avenue, West Babylon, NY 11704. Each week, over 265 million customers and members visit approximately 11,500 stores under 56 banners in 27 countries and eCommerce websites. Leggett & Platt® enhance people's lives worldwide by designing and manufacturing innovative, distinctive products and components for use in bedding, furniture, seating, homes, offices, airplanes, and automobiles. Israel boasts the highest number of foreign companies listed on the NASDAQ, which is a strong signal of their innovation, considered they are only beaten by China. The World of Outlaws Late Models' biggest season has been elevated even higher with CASE Construction Equipment joining as the Series' title sponsor in a new multi-year agreement. 875% Series D preferred shares were issued on 05/14/2021 and started trading temporarily on the Other OTC market 05/14/2021 under the ticker symbol ACRDP until they start trading on the NYSE. CVX Stock Price and Chart — NYSE:CVX — TradingView. ("Playboy"), announces the launch of a four-week series of Playboy-branded gaming experiences starting Fri, June 11th. Get Certified at the New York Institute of Finance. Dealing with time series data, gaps are very common & many methods are also common to fill these gaps like: (1) Interpolation. Organizers said that an online series of “State of the World” sessions . A time series graph of the population of the United States from the years 1900 to 2000. In partnership with Vox Media Studios and Vox, this enlightening explainer series will take viewers deep inside a wide range of culturally relevant topics, q. Schaffhausen, Switzerland / November 23, 2021/ Business Wire - Garmin® Ltd. Napa Valley's Duckhorn Vineyards became a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange today when it began offering 20 million shares of common stock at an initial asking price of $15 a share. and building and construction markets. Toyota (NYSE:TM) has been a part of the cultural fabric in North America for more than 60 years, and is committed to advancing sustainable, next . This suggests a possible upside of 17. 257 reviews of Buffalo Wild Wings "Just opened. The Z1 series will be available in the summer of 2009 in the new TC-54Z1, 54-inch class screen size (54" measured diagonally). Warner Music Group Partners with Leading Web3 Protocol POAP Inc. Stomp at the NYSE Summer Series NYSE The Off-Broadway favorite Stomp resumes performances July 20 at the. This can be because there are fewer traders active in the market (for example over summer holidays) or more traders in the market (for example as companies' and investors. Along with the return of summer events, the Red Pine Gondola will be open from Friday, June 18. © 2021 Heartland Payment Systems, a Global Payments company (NYSE: GPN). RMBM is listed on the NYSE, and 1,000 shares is certainly much less than 1% of the shares outstanding. Best Cyclical Stocks to Buy in 2022. Interpretive Letter to George W. Webull Financial LLC is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority , Securities Investor Protection Corporation , The New York Stock Exchange , NASDAQ and Cboe EDGX Exchange, Inc. The latest investors include Intercontinental Exchange, Microsoft's M12, PayU, Boston Consulting Group, Goldfinch Partners, CMT Digital and Pantera Capital. NYSE Summer Series Launching on June 21 to Celebrate New York’s Reopening 6/17/2021 Brings the excitement of the NYSE trading oor experience outdoors with listed-company events and entertainment Food and beverages provided for the local community NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The New York Stock Exchange, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Intercontinental. You'll love the arts scene in Woodbridge! Conveniently located in Central Jersey, the township is served by the NJ Turnpike, Garden State Parkway, US 1 & 9, I287 and other major highways as well as three NJ Transit rail stations and NJ Transit bus routes. Free food and beverages served from the NYSE Summer Series food truck. Real estate brokerage Douglas Elliman has seen its shares increase 3 percent since debuting as a publicly-traded company on the New York Stock Exchange on Dec. The shares are expected to start trading on the NYSE within 30 days of their issue date under their permanent ticker symbol of ACR-D. If you wait around long enough, Blackstone Group (NYSE:BX) affiliates may soon own all of Florida's theme parks that Disney (NYSE:DIS) doesn't have nailed down. New York Times Company (NYSE:NYT; nytco. Classes run Monday – Thursday from 9:00am - 12:00pm. The upbeat finale came after a volatile session that saw Endeavor pop 12% at open to $27 in a long awaited debut on the New York Stock Exchange Thursday. The Current Net Asset Value of the Mirae Asset NYSE FANG+ ETF as of 08 Apr 2022 is Rs 47. Led by professional-level coaches, the e-Sports Summer Camp series of four two-week sessions begins Monday, June 13, and is hosted by Stride, Inc. Schaffhausen, Switzerland / November 23, 2021/ Business Wire – Garmin® Ltd. Box Office: Back to the Drive. 2022 up to be another robust year for stock market debuts as many of Stripe was last valued at $95 billion in a Series H funding in . Jun 21, 2021 11:08 am The New York Stock Exchange is gearing up to kick off its Summer Series, a celebration of the reopening of the Big Apple and the frontline workers who helped the city get through the pandemic. Each had five films in the summer's top 20 titles, with ViacomCBS' (NASDAQ: VIAC) Paramount Pictures and AT&T's (NYSE: T) Warner Bros. The stock market is subject to a seasonal effect in that at certain times of the year, month or even week, share prices can rise or fall. Find new prospects, beat competitors and quotas. Didi Chuxing, a $39 billion company that is China’s answer to Uber, said on Friday that it would delist its shares from the New York Stock Exchange. Press Asset (for download only). The S&P 500 is regarded as a gauge of the large cap U. The previous Summer Games held in Rio de Janiero in (NYSE: PG) Coca Asics has released a running shoe branded for the Tokyo Olympics and is also rolling out a series of running apparel. SR-NYSE-2021-05, SR-NYSEAMER-2021-04). We invest across the alternative asset classes in private equity, real estate, credit and. 7, 2021 under its ticker symbol "GRMN. 8630 for Growth option of its Regular plan. Finally we'll define the diagonal as a series of histogram plots of the daily return . Save time and money with free shipping on orders of $45 or more. Buy UNP fractional shares at Webull. manufactures, sources, markets, and sells mattress fabrics, sewn covers, and cut and sewn kits for use in mattresses, foundations, and other bedding products in North America, the Far East, Asia, and internationally. Stock analysis for Barnes & Noble Inc (BKS) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. 15 billion at a valuation of around $30. Bakkt Records $300 million Series B Funding. In-person registration: Additional 500 spots available Tuesday, April 5 at 6AM at State Park Headquarters. (NYSE:SLG), Manhattan's largest office landlord, today announced that its board of directors has declared a monthly ordinary dividend of $0. (3) Average Method (using years before gap year. A Professional Certificate from the New York Institute of Finance is a sought after credential that leading financial services employers around the world know and trust. Today's top stocks, including top gaining stocks, top volume active stocks, top percent gainers and top percent losers for the NYSE, Nasdaq and AMEX. 1 equities research analysts have issued 1 year target prices for Hillenbrand's shares. Nick Ackerman is an avid student of the markets and has been investing in his own accounts for over 12 years. Impractical Jokers: Season 10; truTV Series Renewed Ahead. Suffixes with the common part -phil- (-phile, -philia, -philic. The special anime "Devildom Family Trip!" is now available for streaming on YouTube. Investment Thesis for GameStop Corp. FRED and its associated services will include 10 years of daily history for Standard & Poors and Dow Jones Averages series. The four ETFs listed today are part of the firm's plan to convert six tax-managed mutual funds into ETFs, which offers investors an additional tool to manage capital gains, supporting the funds' goal of delivering higher after-tax returns by minimizing tax. CVX can keep staging massive strength rallies. Heartland Payment Systems is a registered ISO of Wells Fargo Bank, N. Summer Series's profile picture. PSX provides a reliable, orderly, liquid and efficient digitized market place where investors can buy and sell listed companies' common stocks and other securities. located in front of the New York Stock Exchange at the corner of Wall and . That helped drive many cyclical stocks higher. Our mission is to create long-term value for our investors through the careful stewardship of their capital. 470 About the Series is a summer analyst at Credit-Suisse's Equity Capital Markets. The SIE Exam is a new, introductory-level FINRA exam for prospective industry professionals. The United Nations Summer Study program, offered by The New School's Julien J. Discover events that match your passions, or create your own with online ticketing tools. The series and Degrassi library are distributed worldwide by WildBrain. Josh King, head of communications at the NYSE parent company Intercontinental Exchange, joined Cheddar to lay out what people can expect through the summer. The NYSE Summer Series of events will bring the excitement of the Trading Floor outside while providing a stage for some of the industries hit hardest during the pandemic including hospitality, entertainment, and the arts. “It is now planned for early summer,” the WEF said in a statement. 2022 PBR New England Summer Series. 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210. Top Stocks : Today's Top Gaining and Most Active Stocks. Pro All Stars Series (PASS) president Tom Mayberry is pleased to welcome back Choice Hotels International, Inc. The New York Stock Exchange was founded in 1817, although its origins date back to 1792 when a group of stockbrokers and merchants signed an agreement under a buttonwood tree on Wall Street. an outdoor media studio with cheddar news …. 12, 2020 — In communities across the country, Walmart and its customers made the most of a socially distanced summer with Walmart's free Drive-in Movie series. Andersen has withdrawn a little and has left the day-to-day operations to Fie. V10 Series The VIERA V10 series are slim, 2-inch thin plasma HDTVs. Download, graph, and track 61,000 US and international time series from 48 sources. Canadian actor Michael Cera was born in Brampton, Ontario, to parents who worked for Xerox. A celebration of the reopening of New York and recognition for the front-line workers and organizations that made it possible. PHILADELPHIA – On Saturday, July 17, the Penn Relays will be hosting the 2021 Penn Relays Summer Series presented by Toyota. the Official PASS Hotel Partner. Aptitude Round – 16th January, It’s aptitude round was a proctored exam (Camera off) on Hackerrank under which students are randomly allotted the slots in the day and the test was of 90 min with 66 questions. Arconic is a leading provider of aluminum sheet, plate and extrusions, as well as innovative architectural products, that advance the. Its purpose is to assess a candidate’s basic knowledge of securities industry topics fundamental to working in the industry. Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange weakness the stock market has historically experienced during summer months. (NYSE: LRN), the nation's leading online and. (DAL) Stock Price & News. Swell Financial announces $10 million Series A funding. 🙌 SentinelOne is a cybersecurity solution that encompasses AI-powered prevention, detection, response, & hunting across endpoints, containers, cloud workloads, and IoT devices in a single autonomous platform. The latest information on initial public offerings (IPOs), including latest IPOs, expected IPOs, recent filings, and IPO performance from Nasdaq. From the latest anime simulcasts direct from Japan together with exclusive DUBCASTSM editions, to classic series and kaiju films of yesteryear, HIDIVE's all-you-can-watch catalog offers something for everyone. COVID update: Buffalo Wild Wings has updated their hours, takeout & delivery options. Our Summer Management Associate Program (SMAP) is a 10-week summer internship opportunity for high-performing, high-potential MBA and Master's degree candidates looking to make an impact in helping to develop and implement the firm's long-term objectives while responding to the increasingly dynamic financial services ecosystem. Registration for Summer Classes begins the first Saturday in June. each placing three titles in the top 20. (NASDAQ: PLBY), parent company of Playboy Enterprises, Inc. com Event Details ONLINE REGISTRATION IS OPEN UNTIL WE SELL OUT. 12% and the New York Stock Exchange sued the Securities and Exchange Commission to block the regulator’s plan to overhaul the public data feeds that broadcast stock prices to. Stocks moving above their previous day range by at least one standard deviation (SD). The regulars move in for the summer, but new ones also arrive, and then the looming crisis of the 1930s moves ever dangerously. The phrases "Obey Me!," "The Anime," and "Coming This Summer" appeared at the end. Webull offers kinds of Anheuser Busch Inbev SA (ADR) stock information, including NYSE:BUD real-time market quotes, financial reports, professional analyst ratings, in-depth charts, corporate actions, BUD stock news, and many more online research tools to help you make informed decisions. LSEG to divest BETA+ to Clearlake and Motive and enters strategic partnership in Wealth with BETA+. “We are excited to offer this new scholarship. We see seven Israeli high-tech companies listing on the traditionally popular NASDAQ and NYSE, including JFrog, Lemonade, Neogames and Nanox. 2015-2016: China's stock market crash | Chinese stocks tumbled during the summer of 2015, scaring investors who had borrowed to buy stocks . View and download daily, weekly or monthly data to help your investment decisions. Click ticker for chart and company profile. shareholders and the stock market with information about the Volvo Group. View Schedule · Tuition and Aid. As 11,000 athletes from 205 countries descend on Tokyo, we look at four stocks hoping for gold with the return of the Summer Olympics. Further, KKR is under no obligation to. On the other hand, if the attempt is not successful, we may witness a retest of the $520 support. (NYSE: GCI), is pivoting its annual USA TODAY High School Sports Awards series, the largest high school athlete recognition program in the U. Petersburg Stock Exchange (SPSE) during the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. Beginning in Fall 2022, a best-in-class education experience for students around the virtual production landscape will be offered at the school. (NYSE: ICE), a leading global provider of data, technology and market infrastructure, today announced the launch of NYSE Summer Series, which . Douglas Elliman shares up since NYSE debut. There was a series of problems, including the spying scandal between 2019 and 2020. In the second season of “Hightown,” the picture-perfect version of summer on Cape Cod clashes with its off-season reality. After days of tight price action, CVX finally breaking upwards to ATH. Trailblazing NYSE trader to speak Thursday as part of Seal Distinguished Speaker Series Lauren Simmons, the youngest female and second-ever African American woman to work as a trader at the New York Stock Exchange, will give a presentation to the Mississippi State community Thursday [March 18] as part of the Leo W. All classes run for 8 weeks, unless otherwise noted.. (NYSE: DIS) has pulled the plug on the "Beauty and the Beast" prequel series for Disney+ just as the production was beginning to take shape. Welcome to the home of the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE). Citytv Original Series Canada's Got Talent Unveils Premium Brand. The summer of 1931 heralds new times in the small hotel. Use TimeSeriesAggregate to compute the total number of stock units traded per quarter for a financial time series. Summer was also awarded Chartbreaker for Billboard's Woman in Music celebrations. The New York Stock Exchange publishes end-of-month data for margin debt on the NYX data website, where we can also find historical data back to 1959. You do not need to know the listing requirements, but listing on the NYSE requires a minimum of 1. In order to prepare the trading system for an unpredictable volley of trading on that day, Athens bourse officials had introduced a series of . KKR has a financial and/or control interest in, and provides certain services to the Drawbridge Fund and/or its sponsor, but KKR is not the investment advisor to the Drawbridge Fund or any portfolio investment of the Drawbridge Fund. After the market low of 2009, margin debt again went on a tear until the contraction in late spring of 2010. A lot is riding on the success of the Summer Olympics, which starts July 23 in Tokyo. NYSE Margin Debt and S&P 500 Growth since 1995. NEW YORK, March 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SL Green Realty Corp. Her credits include the critically acclaimed show The Bold Type for Freeform and Hulu, plus 911, Mary Kills People and The LA Complex, among others. The BigCharts Major Market Indexes is a part of the world's leading and most advanced investment charting and research site. Get historical data for the NYSE COMPOSITE (DJ) (^NYA) on Yahoo Finance. View stock market news, stock market data and trading information. Best cyclical stocks to buy in 2022. The stock exchange in a statement earlier this month had notified the members that the futures and options contracts on the above mentioned 10 additional securities would be available for trading. Last summer it was reported that Nubank had secured $750 million in capital as part of two extensions of in a Series G round. The economy rebounded in 2021 following a deep recession in early 2020 caused by the pandemic. The NYSE Summer Series schedule can be found on the series webpage, which will be updated as new events are added. Financial and Investment News. Walmart Launches Fall Event Series for Families. Endeavor Group Holdings, home of UFC, WME and IMG, went public on Thursday with its listing on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol EDR. (NYSE: WMT) helps people around the world save money and live better - anytime and anywhere - in retail stores, online, and through their mobile devices. Spanning an 11-week period, the NYSE Summer Series will feature: The NYSE’s Opening and Closing Bells, broadcast live on a giant outdoor screen. If you find a price from a qualified retailer that's lower on an exact. Citizenship: of Series B voting common shares of FMR LLC, representing 49% of the voting power of FMR LLC. New York Institute of Finance. The distributions of questions are as. What Happened: According to a. 2020 saw 248 SPACs raising over $83. Keep in mind, we are getting closer to travel season (summer) where demand for gas will be at its highest. Makes wide range of farming, construction equipment; with related financing: excavators, loaders (backhoe, wheel, skid steer), crawler dozers, motor graders. Free Summer Concert Lineup Announced! Woodbridge, NJ- A Community Committed to the Arts. LITTLE FOLKS PROGRAM: Little Folks is a pre-school type program for 3 1⁄2 – 5 year old children. As of June 6, 2021, there are 421 SPACs looking for an acquisition with a buying power of $134 billion. Taking place in Experience Square, located in front of the New York Stock Exchange at the corner of Wall and Broad Streets, the series will celebrate the reopening of New York and recognition for the front-line workers and organizations that made it possible. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity from Westcoast Connection & NYIF to learn the ins and outs . 1, to Amend Each Exchanges Fee Schedule to Add Two Partial Cabinet Bundles Available in Co-location and Establish Associated Fees (Release No. As customers turn the corner from summer to fall, Walmart knows they'll be faced with a 'new normal' that isn't quite how they hoped to end the year. Relive all the excitement of Day 1 of #NYSESummerSeries Click below to learn what's next. Buy online or through our mobile app and pick up at your local Lowe's. Summer Walker Announces 'The Summer Walker Series'. Watching cross of 175 with relative volume to see if rally can continue. Entertainment and NYSE-listed company events produced on a 40-foot outdoor stage. This study investigates the relationship between stock returns and local weather through a new channel—the influence of the air-cooling system installed in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Douglas Elliman went public on the New York Stock Exchange Dec. Season 4 of Seaside Hotel premiered on January 23, 2017. 12, 2020 — In communities across the country, Walmart and its customers made the most of a socially distanced summer with Walmart’s free Drive-in Movie series. The exchange operates as an auction, in which potential. The weekend of July 9-10 will take place at the Irving "Moon" Mondschein Throwing Complex at the University of Pennsylvania, with throws including shot put, discus, javelin, as well as hammer for open and masters throwers. Blackstone is a leading global investment business investing capital on behalf of pension funds, large institutions and individuals. As customers turn the corner from summer to fall, Walmart knows they’ll be faced with a ‘new normal’ that isn’t…. , Boston Stock Exchange B. As of 1 February 2011, there were 1,669 companies listed on the First Section of the TSE. On Monday, 16 March 2020, Bakkt announced that they have raised an additional $300 million series B financing round. Tribeca Enterprises, Imax (NYSE:IMAX) and AT&T (NYSE:T) said Wednesday that they are partnering to launch "Tribeca Drive-In," a Summer programming series. (NYSE: CHH) as the Official Hotel Partner of the Pro All Stars Series. to Mint Shared Memories as NFTs. (NYSE:BKS), the world's largest retail bookseller, today announced the launch of its first-ever "Summer Game Night" series at. (NASDAQ: GRMN) today announced that it will transfer the listing of its shares from the Nasdaq National Market to the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Bermudian sailor placed third in the Woollahra Sailing Club Summer. 7% from the stock's current price. The summer program offers core math, science, social science, history and English courses as well as a variety of electives for enrichment topics such as CAD, college planning skills, cybersecurity, and writing college application essays. About Live Nation Entertainment Live Nation Entertainment (NYSE: LYV) is the world's leading live entertainment company comprised of global market leaders: Ticketmaster, Live Nation Concerts, and Live Nation Sponsorship. Citytv is part of Rogers Sports & Media, which is a subsidiary of Rogers Communications Inc. PARK CITY, Utah - June 4, 2021 - Today, Park City Mountain, in partnership with Canyons Village Management Association (CVMA), announced plans for summer events and activities at Canyons Village including the return of the Canyons Village Summer Concert Series and annual 3rd of July Celebration. About Fremantle Fremantle is one . Students can apply for a scholarship now through May 1, via an online application found here. Apollo Global Management is one of the largest asset managers serving many of the world's most prominent investors. (nyse: ice), a leading global provider of data, technology and. The inaugural "Summer of '69" issue will coincide with The New York. Bristol Myers Squibb (NYSE: BMY) in its $6 billion public offering of senior unsecured notes and concurrent tender offer for several series of its outstanding notes. Old New York Stock Exchange 1815 - 1925. ~orkinq Paper series STERN 18-94-2 Published: Stock Exchange Quarterly and Quality of Markets Review London Stock Exchange, Summer Edition 1994 Center for Digital Economy Research Stern School of Business Working Paper IS-94-02. com ), a global media organization, are introducing a series of Times-branded special edition publications that will be available at Meredith's Magazine Store , Amazon and on retail newsstands nationwide beginning July 26. Spanning an 11-week period, the NYSE Summer Series will feature: The NYSE’s Opening and Closing Bells, broadcast live on a giant outdoor screen Free food and beverages served from the NYSE Summer. Two-Stage Gas Valve adjusts fuel use based on your heating demand, providing more comfort with lower, longer run times and reduced temperature swings. Hip-Hop Producer TooDope! Signs to Warner Chappell Music. Billed as the largest sporting event in the world, the Summer Olympics are expensive to stage, with this year. The New York Stock Exchange is gearing up to kick off its Summer Series, a celebration of the reopening of the Big Apple and the frontline workers who helped the city get through the pandemic. (Nasdaq - SUMR), Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. Filming will take place in Toronto during summer 2022. Nse Adds 10 New Stocks In The F&o Segment. Your energy use might rise in the summer and decrease in the winter, but have an overall decreasing trend as you increase the energy efficiency of your home. Stomp is set to resume performances July 20 at. Get the latest NexPoint Real Estate Finance Inc (NREF) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more informed trading and investment decisions. Crunchbase: Discover innovative companies and the people. The Impressionists is a 2006 three-part factual docudrama from the BBC, which reconstructs the origins of the Impressionist art movement. The summer doldrums promptly ended when. The oldest securities exchange in the United States and the largest in the world by dollar value. Stock Market Hours - a list of world stock market trading hours with live opening time and closing time countdowns, as well as 2020 stock market holidays. Walt Disney Company (The) (NYSE:DIS), Twitter (NYSE:TWTR. Let's examine the numbers and study the relationship between margin debt and the market, using the S&P 500 as the surrogate for the latter. Uncover startup trends, get company funding data. With interest rates on most savings accounts and certificates of deposit paying under 1%, the 7. Tier 1 Series Registration Individual $90 Maximum of 2,500 entrants - INCLUDES ALL 8 RACES Online registration: April 2nd at 6AM to first 2,000 registrants. Garmin expects to commence trading as a NYSE-listed company at market open on December 7, 2021 under its ticker […]. (NYSE:GME) by Guilherme Piovan Hubner Spring 2016 - Applied Economics and Finance - EN. The blockchain company closed its Series B financing round at $7. Rule 144 permits affiliates (like Gentry) to sell up to 1% of the outstanding shares over a 90-day period. Founded in 1792, it merged with Euronext in 2007 to form NYSE Euronext, which operates the exchange. 7, 2021 under its ticker symbol “GRMN. PHILADELPHIA - On Saturday, July 17, the Penn Relays will be hosting the 2021 Penn Relays Summer Series presented by Toyota. In summer 2022, for the first time, Spanish 1 will also be offered. Regional series include the NASCAR K&N Pro Series East and West, the Whelen Modified Tour, NASCAR Pinty's Series NASCAR Whelen Euro Series and NASCAR PEAK Mexico Series. Recyclable vessels, utensils and drinkware are used for outdoor activations and events. It is not intended as a substitute for professional financial, legal or tax advice. (NYSE: NEE) today announced that it plans to report first-quarter 2022 financial results before the opening of the New York Stock Exchange on Thursday, April 21, 2022, in a. is preparing for a test of the first major resistance level located at $710. A stock exchange is an entity which provides "trading" facilities for stock brokers and traders, to trade stocks and other securities. Wearing all black to the NYSE, Emma was with her agent Chris Helliar, Raducanu only completed her A-levels earlier in the summer, . The level of prices in such a market. Announces Common and Preferred Stock Dividends. Boston Stock Exchange (BSE) specialists effecting transactions in NYSE securities through ECNs, or. Michael is the middle child between two sisters. Get Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM:NYSE) real-time stock quotes, news, price and financial information from CNBC. Established in 2001, PASS sanctions and promotes short track racing series throughout the eastern seaboard and maritime Canada. (NYSE: LUV) today is giving Customers an ability to purchase the gift of travel and an early summer vacation as it extends its bookable flight schedule through June 4, 2022. Top 20 Israeli Companies listed on the. Global indices are displayed on a screen on the trading floor at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in Manhattan, New York City, U. The free food and entertainment event will take place in front of the historic NYSE building and will run through Labor Day. That starts with the people we hire. 8 multiplatform viewers per episode and was the #1 rated premium series last summer in A18-49 and African American viewers. NYSE COMPOSITE (DJ) (^NYA) Historical Data. both AMEX/NYSE and NASDAQ stocks found out that the predominant component of quoted spread is order-processing cost, . UPDATED with more info: Trading in AMC Entertainment was halted twice by NYSE regulators Wednesday with the stock surging past $60 (nearly double where. 8, 2000 Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the Nasdaq. A closer look inside the S-Series Furnace. John Tuttle, NYSE’s global head of listings, is replacing. The index includes 500 leading companies in leading industries of the U. Hillenbrand Stock Forecast, Price & News (NYSE:HI). Webull offers BUD Ent Holdg (BUD) historical stock prices, in-depth market analysis, NYSE: BUD real-time stock quote data, in-depth charts, and a fully built financial calendar to help you invest smart. NASCAR sanctions over 1,500 races at over 100 tracks in 48 US states as well as in Canada, Mexico, and Europe. Class of: 2022 (18U) 2023 (17U) 2025 (15U). Dimensional Lists Four New ETFs Following the Industry's. In one of the biggest stock listing transfers in recent history, Garmin began trading on the New York Stock Exchange on Dec. /PRNewswire/ -- Swell Financial Inc. 12% and the New York Stock Exchange sued the Securities and Exchange Commission to block the regulator's plan to overhaul the public data feeds that broadcast stock prices to. Rockal Evans capitalised on local knowledge to secure another podium finish competing in the Finn class in Sydney, Australia. the nation's longest-running track series for girls and young women. we are relentlessly reimagining the world of tomorrow — one that is built on innovative technology, fueled by market-moving insights and driven by forward thinking. (NYSE - PLAN), Summer Infant, Inc. The first major studio in decades, Lionsgate is a global content platform whose films, television series, digital products and linear and over-the-top platforms reach next generation audiences around the world. The NYSE has converted light switches to occupancy sensor lighting which limits the amount of energy used by turning lights on automatically when someone enters a room and turning lights off soon after the last occupant has left the room. Events will include the 100m, 400m, 800m, 200m, mile, and 5,000m, with the first race setting off. He is a former Financial Advisor and has previously qualified for holding Series 7 and. Look for the Blue Seal of Excellence. NYS Parks Summer Run Series + elitefeats Grand Prix Races West Babylon, NY • Summer 2022 • 7:00 PM Packet Pickup Location New York State Parks - Long Island Headquarters 625 Belmont Ave West Babylon NY Register! Bib Lookup Event Contact Info elitefeats [email protected] Its latest catch is apparently the.. 5 million Series A at the end of 2018. Garmin Announces Move to New York Stock Exchange. -- Angry Birds: Summer Madness from CAKE in partnership with Rovio Entertainment will premiere worldwide in 2021--. Summer Management Associate Program. The paper "A new historical database for the NYSE 1815 to 1925: Performance and predictability," can be downloaded from the site of the.. More than 37,000 square feet of elegant, private event space 17 different event spaces. The 40 x 11 minute episode series will debut globally starting in 2021, taking its. HIDIVE! We Stream Anime and Stuff! HIDIVE offers a vast array of Japanese pop-culture programming spanning six decades. Equities in 3,000 companies and 2,000 bonds are traded on the NYSE floor, with a market capitalization of $10. It is calculated and published by the TSE. New York Stock Exchange financial definition of New York. Delek Logistics Partners, LP (NYSE: DKL) and Delek Logistics Finance Corp. Cunningham also said that she expects a continuation of 2020, which was one of the busiest years at the exchange, with a larger-than-usual. NYSE Summer Series will take place in Experience Square, located in front of the New York Stock Exchange at the corner of Wall . Snow this morning will change to rain showers this afternoon. (NYSE: ICE), a leading global provider of data, technology and market infrastructure, today announced the launch of NYSE Summer Series, which celebrates the reopening of New York and the front-line workers and organizations that made it possible. Coroner: Season Four of Canadian Drama Series to Air on The CW This Summer April 7, 2022 Devils: Season Two; Patrick Dempsey Thriller Series Returns This Summer on The CW April 7, 2022. Suppose you wanted to analyze a time series of daily closing stock prices. How seasons & holidays affect stocks. Visit us during the summer for five nights a week of free outdoor concerts: Country Sundays, Oldies Mondays, Classic Rock Tuesdays, Woodbridge Wednesdays (eclectic), and Local Band Thursdays! The Woodbridge Community Players present a musical every summer in the recently renovated Theatre at Woodbridge Middle School. The idea is straightforward: represent a time-series as a combination of patterns at different scales such as daily, weekly, seasonally, and yearly, along with an overall trend. 2021 Heartland Payment Systems, a Global Payments company (NYSE: GPN). Maximum of 2,500 entrants - INCLUDES ALL 8 RACES. The New York Stock Exchange is gearing up to kick off its Summer Series, a celebration of the reopening of the Big Apple and the frontline . Lara Azzopardi is a multi-nominated writer, producer and director. Petersburg Stock Exchange: 1865-1917. Had the pulled pork sandwich for lunch. Zacks Equity Research 04/13/2022 06:04 AM ET. Nubank, a Leading Latin American Neobank, to IPO on NYSE this. Wall Street Stock Market & Investment Experience. The first chart shows the two series in real terms — adjusted for inflation to today's dollar using the Consumer Price Index as the deflator. About NYSE Group NYSE Group is a subsidiary of Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE: ICE), a leading global provider of data, technology and market infrastructure. Looking at oil v tsla and tsla v spx Just an observation, CVX/TLSA (top) had a double bottom at. His mother, Linda, who is from Quebec, has English, Irish, Scottish, and Dutch ancestry, and his father, Luigi Cera, is Italian (from Sicily). Since 1972 Shaping the Automotive Service Industry. From the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Catherine Kinney was a co-president of the NYSE in the 2000s but a series of male chief executive officers led the exchange at the time. This series of events will run through Labor Day and will bring the excitement of the Trading Floor outside, while providing a stage for some of the industries hit hardest during the pandemic including hospitality, entertainment and the arts. The New York Stock Exchange, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. The NYSE History Research Project is an on-going research effort by the International Center of Finance to collect price and dividend information on NYSE stocks from the beginning of the exchange to the present, for analysis of long-term trends and performance. Their forecasts range from $66. Successful breakout will push the price to the 2nd resistance at $800. new york, jun 17, 2021 -- ( business wire )--the new york stock exchange, a wholly-owned subsidiary of intercontinental exchange, inc. Comcast ( NASDAQ: CMCSA ) Ralph Lauren (NYSE: RL ). The 23-year-old is an equity trader for Rosenblatt Securities, and she is both the youngest and the only full-time female. Chafing at the limitations of life as a black man in 1900's New Orleans, Louis finds it impossible to resist the rakish Lestat De Lioncourt's offer of the ultimate. Jun 21, 2021 11:23 am /. , from live community events, into star-studded on-demand award shows that will broadcast online on Thursday, June 18th. (NASDAQ: GRMN) today announced that it will transfer the listing of its shares from the Nasdaq National Market to the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE"). Didi of China Moves to Delist From New York Stock Exchange. Find what you're looking for with the Lowe's mobile app. Each had five films in the summer’s top 20 titles, with ViacomCBS’ (NASDAQ: VIAC) Paramount Pictures and AT&T’s (NYSE: T) Warner Bros. 10 - during this time, tsla made new highs relative to SPX(bottom) Interestingly tslaspx is headed towards new highs it looks like while CVX/TSLA is hovering around 0. On average, they anticipate Hillenbrand's share price to reach $66. Webull Financial LLC is a member of SIPC, which protects securities customers of its members up to $500,000 (including $250,000 for claims for cash). After summer of stock market highs, signs of unease emerge. We aim to catalyze India's growth story by creating investment opportunities, enabling access and empowering our stakeholders. SET | A complete Thailand SET Index index overview by MarketWatch. Join the over a quarter of a million individuals throughout the USA who have earned their ASE. NYSE Summer Series June 21, 2021 - July 15, 2021 « Solstice in Times Square 2021 Make Music New York 2021 » The NYSE Summer Series of events will bring the excitement of the Trading Floor outside while providing a stage for some of the industries hit hardest during the pandemic including hospitality, entertainment, and the arts. A closer look inside the S9-Series Condensing Furnace. NexPoint Real Estate Finance Inc (NREF) Stock Price & News. Risk Disclosure: Trading Foreign Exchange (Forex) and Contracts of Difference (CFD's. Welcome to the NYSE Summer Series. , March 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Oceania Cruises, the world's leading culinary- and destination-focused cruise line, announced the addition of dozens more dedicated staterooms for solo travelers along with the debut of the line's Go Green and Beyond Blueprints shore excursion series as.. Penn Relays and the local Tri-State Toyota Dealers will welcome all-comers including scholastic and masters to the meet. Sales last year on the New York Stock Exchange reached a new high of 1,146,310,342 shares, thereby surpassing the previous record of 1,124,800,410 shares traded in 1929.
Nyse Summer Series |
Final E4000 & E5000 Review – Lushed Away
Pros –
Highly natural and coherent tuning from both models, Excellent wearing comfort and isolation, Outstanding accessories
Cons –
High-end may be too smooth and relaxed for some
Verdict –
The Final Audio E4000 suits those wanting a natural, balanced earphone with good technical performance while the E5000 suits those wanting life-like timbre and a grand soundstage propagated by meaty notes.
Introduction –. The E5000 is currently the most expensive E-series earphone at $270 USD. It represents an immediate step up from the lower E-earphones with a sealed design and removable cable. With the recent release of the B-series and A-series earphones, it can be easy to forget about the old. However, after extensive testing, the E-series earphones have stood the test of time, continuing to represent outstanding value.
Disclaimer –
I would like to thank Final Audio very much for their quick communication and for providing me with the E4000 and E5000 for the purpose of review. All words are my own and there is no monetary incentive for a positive review. Despite receiving the earphones free of cost, I will attempt to be as objective as possible in my evaluation.
Tech Specs –
Final E4000
Housing: Aluminum black alumite finish
Driver: 6.4mmΦ dynamic driver
Connector: MMCX
Cable: OFC cable
Sensitivity: 97dB
Impedance: 15Ω
Weight: 18g
Cord length: 1.2m
Final E5000
Housing: Stainless steel mirror-finished
Driver: 6.4mmΦ dynamic driver
Connector: MMCX
Cable: OFC silver coated cable
Sensitivity: 93dB
Impedance: 14Ω
Weight: 24g
Cord length: 1.2m
The Pitch –
Psychology-based Tuning
Final Audio combine acoustic engineering and psychological research to provide the highest resolution through the entire frequency band. With the E4000 and E5000, they’ve aimed for a smooth frequency response with seamless transitions though each core frequency band. By creating a balanced sound, Final ensure no fine details are overshadowed by large peaks or troughs attempting to artificially enhance sound quality.
Acoustic Chamber
A single dynamic driver design requires some acoustic wizardry to extract both high and low-frequency extension in addition to a desirable frequency response. Final have tuned the E4000 and E5000 using raw acoustics; an acoustic resistor behind the diaphragm feeding into an L-shaped chamber controlling back pressure behind the driver. It is known to me that most manufacturers implement a pressuriser in front of the driver to give sub-bass more solidity, however, the added resistance can overly attenuate high-frequencies which are most easily attenuated – though not directly comparable, think the range difference between a 5GHz WiFi network and a 2.4GHz network. As such, Final have effectively balanced bass and treble performance to achieve their desired characteristics. This works in culmination with high-rigidity metal housings that mitigate unwanted resonances.
Junkosha Cable
The E5000 comes with a removable MMCX cable from JUNFLON the same, in fact, as used in the Kei supercomputer. Junkosha also make fast-transmission cables for Japanese marine, aerospace, healthcare and power generation facilities. The cable’s jacket is designed to shield from EMI interference, be flexible and also mitigate microphonic noise. Cables must pass a 50,000 bend test, 10x the industry average. Cable believer or not, the build quality and level of consideration that went into this unit is very welcome.
Unboxing –
Both earphones have a similarly clean and professional unboxing experience. The earphones and accessories are well protected within a foam inlet. I am also a huge fan of the accessories themselves, with special mention going to Final Audio’s E-tips which are possible some of the best on the market. They have flexible stems that contour better to each listener’s ear canal. However, unlike Spinfits, the sound tube is unimpeded and, therefore, the sound has higher fidelity without taking personal preference for sound and into account, of course. The case is also excellent and unique. It has a silicone construction with flexible lid that snugly presses into the earphones and nestles them firmly into the case. This stops the metal housings from colliding and scratching each other during transit. Furthermore, the round shape permits the earphones to be coiled which promotes longevity for the cable.
Design –
Both earphones resemble the lower E-series earphones that came before bolstered with superior build quality and the addition of a removable cable. Once again, I find myself admiring the beauty in their simplicity, with long, bullet-style housings that accommodate cable up and down wear equally well. The cleanliness of the anodized aluminium E4000 and chrome stainless steel E5000 are fascinating to the eye. Both earphones are no longer so obviously open with sealed backs and just a small port on the bottom of the rears.
The cables are also much improved over their predecessors, now removable with a standard MMCX interface. The E4000 implements a standard plastic cable, it has a smooth sating texture and excellent suppleness in the hand. The channels are divided beneath the Y-split which may split over time, my unit did not have this issue. The E5000 has a substantially nicer cable with smoother texture and a braided construction. It has silver-plated conductors and is noticeably more sophisticated. This cable too is quite compliant if a little springier than the E4000’s cable. The E5000 also flaunts its premium status with matching chrome terminations while the E4000 makes do with rubber and plastic. Nonetheless, both have excellent strain relief on their right-angle jacks and are low-profile elsewhere.
Fit & Isolation –
By Virtue of their minuscule dimensions, the Final E-series earphones produce perfect wearing comfort no matter how long the listening session. Worn over-ear or cable down, microphonic noise is mitigated by the elongated housings that distance the cable from the face. As the earphones don’t contact the outer ear, no hotspots are formed, they simply disappear in the ear.
Isolation is also very good for a vented dynamic driver earphone. I can only presume this is due to the resistive nature of their vent which likely works to block some external noise too. As such, these earphones isolate almost as well as sealed earphones making them an excellent choice for commute and travel especially alongside foam tips. That said, as none are included, these will have to be sourced separately.
Sound –
Final E5000
Tonality –
The E5000 has a warm, roughly L-shaped sound with a highly natural tone and an intoxicating sense of space. Bass is clearly enhanced and holds most prominence in its sound with large sub and mid-bass presence. The midrange is laid-back but very linear, lightly warm in tone and modestly full in body. It’s creamy smooth and with a gorgeous natural timbre. Finally, the high-end is smooth and inoffensive with smooth articulation and attack but rapid transients that maintain good clarity. True to Final Audio’s research-based tuning methodology, there isn’t a hint of sharpness nor whiff of an intrusive peak. This high-end won’t suit those wanting a crisp, high-energy sound but impresses with strong extension and great cleanliness.
Bass –
Thick, warm yet discerning, the E5000’s low-end showcases the fruits of Final’s efforts. I was shocked to hear so much sub-bass extension coming from a micro-driver earphone. The low-end on the E5000 extends into the physical, delivering tight, solid slam and highly defined rumble. There’s moderate emphasis here alongside a fairly large hump in the mid-bass, imbuing the low-end with a euphoric warmth and great fullness. The upper-bass is slightly attenuated as is the lower-midrange in order to slightly clean up their presentation. This is no doubt a bassy earphone and not for those seeking balance, but in fairness, never one that is overwhelmed by said bass.
In fact, the quality is simply stunning, this is truly excellent execution. Final have effectively appended any issues with extension associated with micro-drivers while keeping its agility intact. Driver control is incredible, outclassing similarly priced earphones. Decay is natural and these earphones are extremely discerning of bass texture and detail. They are highly defined if smoothly textured. Nonetheless, driver control is so rigid that muddiness and bloat don’t mire their image despite being present on behalf of their tuning. The E5000 is a terrific performer, bringing great body and rumble with the poise and precision of a much pricier model.
Mids –
The midrange is where things can get strange for earphones around this price and frequently it’s due to the tuning in the bass or treble adding excessive colouration. Final have instead toned down the high-end and, in so doing, have granted the midrange space to breathe. It is laid-back which may not suit some, however, I’m absolutely enamoured with the E5000’s vocal timbre and overall highly natural presentation. This isn’t a neutral earphone nor would I consider it perfectly transparent. Instead, the E5000 is warm and full-bodied counterbalanced by excellent vocal clarity and perfectly smooth articulation. Vocals just sound… right.
More specifically, the E5000 possesses great balance between clarity and body, smoothness and extension. As the upper-bass is quite clean, male vocals are never chesty or veiled but clean in tone and full-boded. Similarly, though the upper-midrange has been brought a touch forward to enhance clarity, balancing out some of their warmth and body. Yet, as the lower-treble and 4KHz regions are both smooth, the upper-midrange is dense and without a hint of rasp, thinness or sharpness. These earphones are simply delightful to listen to, delivering coherent, wholly resolved notes with excellent resolution on top.
Highs –
I believe this is the frequency range which either makes or breaks this earphone for the majority. This is so because the E5000 is very unoffensive and smooth here. It isn’t an explicitly dark earphone as there is some crispness and ample detail presence to engage, but it has no sort of emphasis or clarity lift. Instruments are well-bodied and warm with good texture. I do hear a slight truncation of cymbal shimmer and strings as they extend into they darker middle-treble. Still, there’s good extension and an immaculate black background that creates a highly engaging sense of distance, aiding the dimensions of their soundstage.
On the contrary, treble isn’t especially crisp and they can sound even detail deficient on first listen, requiring some time to adjust. Surely these are not for those wanting aggressive detailing and attack. Instead, the E5000 is layered, clean and composed. It has quick transients and great retrieval of small details but is very smooth in its delivery. The E5000 has fairly strong resolution, especially for a cheaper single dynamic driver earphone. But there isn’t much sparkle or micro-detail in the highest octaves as one could imagine. The E5000’s high-end services its sound, adding dimension and upholding terrific cleanliness and smoothness.
Soundstage –
With strong extension and a dark background, the E5000 crafts a large soundstage presentation. Width extends beyond the head as does depth, creating a well-rounded and coherent presentation. Imaging is very interwoven and, to return to an aging descriptor, natural. Vocals are strongly centred while instruments are organised to the sides. These earphones aren’t hyper-separated but delivers bold, whole notes with great coherence. As the image is highly defined and transients are swift, directional cues remain easily locatable and very involving. Each element occupies none other than its rightful space. There isn’t an abundance of air around each element if that’s your sound, but the soundstage is surely a highlight of the E5000, very involving.
Final E4000
Tonality –
I’ve chosen to put the E4000 second as the E5000 surely represents Final Audio’s pitch best. The E4000 very much resembles its pricier sibling with a roughly L-shaped signature, however, it introduces a more balanced signature with less warmth and body. Lows are warm and full, but are more linear than the E5000, with less mid-bass focus. As such, their tone isn’t as warm nor are they as full-bodied in general. The E4000 has more vocal presence and greater balance overall. Its high-end is more present and crisper with a small 7KHz emphasis as opposed to the completely smooth E5000. The E4000 is the more transparent of the two earphones and also the more mainstream in terms of tuning, however, in so doing it loses some of the same magic with regards to staging and composition.
Bass –
Where the E5000 has bold, thick and warm notes, the E4000 is cleaner and more linear. It retains terrific extension into the physical alongside moderate sub and mid-bass emphasis with a touch of bias towards the mid-bass. However, this earphone doesn’t have the same boominess as the even bassier E5000. Similarly, the E4000 mitigates some of the added warmth and fullness with a neutral upper-bass and slightly recessed lower-midrange to prevent excessive vocal colouration. As such, this earphone comes across as more linear with a more accurate low-end timbre.
I raved about the E5000 and it is with regards to extension and control that the E4000 similarly rewards listeners. It isn’t quite as controlled and detailed as the E5000, however, as it has a cleaner tuning, it is similarly defined with a touch more separation. The E4000 similarly carries natural decay yet its notes lack the keen resolution of the E5000. As such, its texture is smoother and fine details aren’t quite as apparent. Nonetheless, those concerned the E5000 will be too bassy for their preferences will surely find appeal with the more balanced, less bloated E4000.
Mids –
Here, the E4000 also diverges from its sibling, being more balanced with greater vocal presence. It remains a very natural earphone and one with slightly higher clarity but without those perfectly whole notes. To clarify, this earphone similarly climbs to 3KHz prominence before a small dip at 4KHz for density and smoothness. However, as it has less low-end presence and a more forward centre-midrange, vocals occupy similar prominence to bass and are more neutral in body, the tone also isn’t as warm.
Furthermore, the lower-treble and upper-midrange are both more present on the E4000. This permits greater clarity but also introduces a hint of over-articulation into their sound. Nonetheless, this too is a highly smooth earphone devoid of sibilance and with an excellent timbre that sounds correct and faithful. However, the key differentiators are with regards to body and note resolution which are both noticeably higher on the E5000 if at the cost of vocal extension and clarity.
Highs –
The E4000’s top-end indeed carries more detail presence and crispness. Percussion is more forward and notes have a sharper attack than the smoother and darker E5000. In the grand scheme of things the E4000 remains a fairly smooth earphone, certainly not peaky or aggressive in its own right. It is similarly, well-textured and detailed with slightly bolstered instrument body. That said, the E4000 is a touch splashy up top with the E5000 being cleaner and more extended.
As the E4000’s foreground is more prominent, its similarly black and immaculate background can become overshadowed along with smaller details that reside here. As such, though the E4000 provides the impression of greater detail presence, detail retrieval is not as high overall. Still, this is a sound densely propagated by fine nuances if a slightly uncontrolled splashiness not present on the E5000. Resolving power remains high for an earphone of considerably lower cost and again we observe minimal sparkle or micro-detail if newfound energy within the lower-treble.
Soundstage –
The E4000’s treble extension permits a fairly large soundstage that extends just beyond the head. It’s noticeably more intimate than the E5000 on behalf of its more forward vocals and brighter top-end with less extension. That said, it is similarly rounded with excellent imaging. The E4000 has a coherent presentation over crafting hyper-defined layers. Vocals have a very strong centre image while instruments possess their own space to the sides. Directional cues are sharp but transients aren’t quite as swift as the E5000. Separation is higher than the E5000 throughout with a little more air around each element, however, as the highs are less even and linear, the lower-treble can overshadow some background details here.
Driveability –
The E5000 has a very low 93dB sensitivity paired to a lower 14ohm impedance while the E4000 is more sensitive at 97dB with a 15ohm impedance. Both require a lot of power to reach high or even moderate listening volumes. As such, a dedicated source is recommended and, from my testing, the higher end E-earphones thrive with power in terms of driver control too. For instance, from my Google Pixel 4 dongle, though a single driver and impervious to both output impedance and hiss, both sounded pretty muddy and ill-defined. This changed very quickly when listening from the Earmen TR-AMP where lows were quickly reined in much to the benefit of balance and separation, creating a more involving soundstage. The E4000 and E5000 will sound okay from a smartphone but definitely benefit from a bit more power such as a dedicated source or, at the very least, one of the higher-end BT receivers.
Comparisons –
Final E5000 vs Final E4000: The E4000 represents a more balanced but less technical sound while the E5000 is bassier, smoother and more refined. Both have terrific sub-bass extension, the E5000 has more mid and sub-bass, granting it a fuller albeit slightly boomier presentation. The E5000 has superior driver control retrieving more fine detail where the E4000 is a touch cleaner and more separated. The E4000 has more vocal presence and clarity while the E5000 is smoother and more accurately articulated. The E5000, therefore, boasts the more natural timbre while the E4000 is more balanced. The E4000 has a more forward lower-treble being crisper with more forward treble instrumentation. Meanwhile, the E5000 is smoother and more controlled with better extension. It has more background detail retrieval and a larger soundstage with better positioning.
Final E4000 vs Shozy CP ($165): The CP is a bit more balanced with less bass in particular. It has less bass extension by a fair margin in addition to less bass. Bass is more linear on the CP and fuller on the E4000. The CP has quicker decay and more bass definition while the E4000 has more depth and is more dynamic. Through the midrange, the E4000 is more natural, with more accurate body and a smoother top-end. It also has more natural vocal extension due to its more linear upper-midrange tuning where the CP has a touch more vocal presence but is also slightly truncated. Still, both are very natural and have accurate timbres but the E4000 sounds a bit more refined at the cost of separation and layering. The CP has a crisper lower-treble while the E4000 is smoother with more instrument body and texture. The E4000 has more background detail retrieval and sounds more natural here. The E4000 has a larger soundstage while the CP has better separation and layering.
Final E4000 vs Dunu Falcon-C ($200): The Falcon-C is a more U-shaped earphone with a cleaner tone throughout and more forward lower-treble. The Falcon-C has a cleaner low-end with just a touch less extension but greater balance and linearity. The E4000 is warmer through the mid-bass and less separated. Both have similarly excellent driver control with the main differences being in presentation. The Falcon-C has slightly more vocal presence with greater centre midrange emphasis while the E4000 sounds more natural with a more progressive climb and upper-midrange focus. The Falcon-C’s forward lower-treble makes it sound quite raspy and over-articulated where the E4000 is smoother and more refined. Otherwise, the Falcon-C is quite a natural sounding earphone and some may enjoy the extra glossiness. The Falcon-C has a much sharper and more aggressive lower-treble. The E4000 has a lot more instrument body and texture. The Falcon-C extends slightly better with more resolution and micro-detail. The E4000 has a larger soundstage with more accurate positioning due to its greater linearity.
Final E5000 vs Periodic Be – Mod ($299): Two similarly priced dynamic earphones with excellent driver quality. The modded Be is more balanced with less bass and it has a crisper but not excessively sharp treble, it is an option for those that worry the E5000 may be too bassy or relaxed. The E5000 has slightly better sub-bass extension as the mod takes off some slam. Both have similarly high driver control, the E5000 has a more boldly defined mid-bass and greater dynamics where the Be is smoother, cleaner in the mid-bass and slightly quicker decaying with higher separation. Both are also natural through the midrange, full-bodied and lightly warm. The modded Be is more balanced while the E5000 is more laid-back. The E5000 is warmer while the Be is similarly full-bodied but has a more accurate tone. The Be has a touch more clarity while the E5000 is smoother, both have accurate articulation and timbre. The Be has a noticeably crisper lower-treble. As the 6Khz region is smooth, it isn’t sharp in the slightest but brings more detail presence and energy without thinning out body too much. Meanwhile, the E5000 is more relaxed with greater texture and a blacker background. The E5000 has more extension and a larger soundstage with more precise direction cues. Meanwhile, the Be has better separation and more air. These are two very fine options that punch above their weight.
Final E5000 vs Hyla CE-5 ($940): Regarded as one of the highest quality DD implementations, the Hyla has a tremendously enjoyable low-end and a more complex driver setup at a more complex price. The Hyla is more V-shaped with a noticeably more potent high-end. The E5000 has more prominent bass and it is a lot warmer with more mid-bass focus. The Hyla is more sub-bass focussed, neutrally toned and more controlled. Both have natural decay and excellent extension, the Hyla is a lot cleaner and noticeably tighter. Through the midrange, the E5000 is more relaxed and laid-back where the Hyla is brighter and clearer. It has much thinner body and little warmth as opposed to the full and euphonic E5000. With more upper-midrange bias, the Hyla has better extension but is more intense and can sound a bit dry and thin, especially with male vocals. Through the highs, the Hyla is a lot more aggressive, however, it also has a big lead in technical ability. Lower-treble is a lot crisper and more energetic with less instrument body but great texture and substantially higher detail retrieval. Extension is a lot better on the Hyla with more background detail retrieval and a lot more sparkle. It isn’t more natural but is certainly more technically proficient. This can also be felt in the soundstage where the Hyla is similarly expansive soundstage but with sharper directional cues. Its background isn’t as immaculate, but separation is higher with cleaner transients.
Verdict –
Naturally, with such bold claims on Final Audio’s behalf, some scepticism is due. And yet, what I discovered with their higher-end E-earphones was a sound that was sophisticated and mature. The E5000 best exemplifies Final Audio’s mantra that less is more. For at their centre, these are basic earphones; in design and in structure with a single-dynamic doing all the heavy lifting bottom to top. Don’t let that fool you, whether you opt for the slightly more balanced E4000 or the richer E5000, these earphones present coherent notes, wicked smooth vocals and a highly immersive soundstage. With these earphones, we can finally lay the driver count war to rest and witness the rise of the mighty yet humble single DD. These are terrifically well-realised earphones, showcasing how implementation trumps specification every time. The Final Audio E4000 suits those wanting a natural, balanced earphone with good technical performance while the E5000 suits those wanting life-like timbre and a grand soundstage propagated by meaty notes.
The Final Audio E4000 and E5000 can be purchased from Hifiheadphones for £119 and £219 respectively at the time of review. I am not affiliated with Hifiheadphones or Final Audio and receive no earnings from purchases through this link.
Track List –
Billy Joel – The Stranger
Cream – Wheels of Fire
Crush – Digital Lover
Daryl Hall & John Oates – Voices
Dire Straits – Communique
Dirty Loops – Next To You
Fleetwood Mac – Rumours
H.E.R – I Used To Know Her
Joji – Sanctuary
Kanye West – Ye
Radiohead – OK Computer
TALA – ain’t leavin` without you
The Beatles – Abbey Road
The weeknd – After Hours
Hello. I was wondering how you compare the E4000 and the Campfire Comet? Both in noise isolation, and sound tuning.
Thanks for the review.
Thanks for your kind comments,
The Comet has less bass extension and less sub and mid-bass quantity, but similar low-end warmth as it has more upper-bass, bass is faster with slightly better definition on the Comet. Vocals are also slightly more neutral in tone and body and they are more forward on the Comet but not necessarily too shouty or intense as the 4KHz region has a large dip. The Comet has a crisper and thinner treble, it is more upfront while the E4000 has a smoother top-end. The E4000 has a larger soundstage.
No one mentions that the mmcx connection is too close to the tip and does not allow of deep insertion into the ear (much better done in the old Heaven series design). This forces over ear use on some users.
I also found the mid range on the e4000 a bit underwelming with vocals
I personally didn’t have this issue, you can also size up the tips and you will get a shallower fit while maintaining seal.
What did you find underwhelming about the e4000’s vocals and what are these comments in reference to?
Perhaps I can give other tips and recommendation.
How would these compare to Westone um pro 30?
I have a custom um pro 30 and listen to a variety of genres from classical film music to heavy metal and even jazz or bluesy acoustic stuff.
However I have extremely tiny ears so I’m not sure if I can do better than Es30 customs without experiencing discomfort
@spie If you can I suggest getting the e1000 to have a good idea of how the E-series fit. Since the e1000 is very similar is size/shape and cheap. You can always gift it to someone afterwards. Just my opinion.
Good thinking sounddouble! Regarding the fit, you can definitely try the lower end models as the housing diameter is identical. That said, I am quite confident that these will fit even smaller ears, though long, they’re very compact and when worn over the ear can be angled freely to suit the shape of your outer ear.
It’s been a while since I’ve listened to the UM30 Pro, I remember a fairly clean and clear sound with light low-end warmth but nothing like the UM50 Pro. The E4k/5k will be a lot bassier, better extension and more bass texture, they will also be warmer and fuller sounding earphones. The UM30Pro has a crisper top-end with more treble attack and emphasis on percussion while the Final earphones will be smoother, darker and cleaner with larger soundstages. I think these qualities make the Final earphones quite genre versatile, if you prioritise more balance, the E4000 will likely be most familiar coming from the Westone.
I’m searching for some new IEM to replace my very old Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10.
I was just about to buy Campfire Audio IO when I found this review. I’ve listened to IO quite a few times and I love how it sounds. However based on your review I think one of these Final Audio earphones might be just as good for me. I listen mostly to smooth guitar jazz, 80’s rock and pop, male singers and some lounge music like Michael E etc.
Do you think that these IEM would be suitable for my needs?
And also – I will most likely listen to Spotify set on the highest bitrate on iPhone SE or later on the new iPhone 12. Are these devices powerful enough to drive these earphones?
Thank you very much for your help!
Hi David,
I realise I probably should have included the IO in comparisons!
Compared to that model, the E5000 will give you a much more potent bass and a smoother treble. The vocals aren’t as clear or defined but will have a more natural tone, body and articulation. If you enjoy the IO, then I would be cautious to jump to the E5000 since the presentation is quite different – you may enjoy clarity over absolute accuracy. That said, I do enjoy them for the genres you listen to, they have a nice rich, “analogue” style sound that’s great for jazz and male vocals.
In terms of listening from an iPhone, I did try them with my iPhone XS and included dongle. They were slightly muddier in the sub-bass compared to my dedicated DAC/AMPs but it was a good performance overall, nice and coherent. High-bitrate Spotify will be fine on them since the top-end is quite smooth and not too sensitive to poor quality recordings.
Sorry, posted my comment without realising you answered already. 🙂
Could you comment on sound leakage and higher volumes on iPhones? I tend to listen to the music at higher levels but since I use Comply Foam tips with my Triple Fi which isolate really really well the volume is at approx. 70 – 70%.
No sound leakage here whatsoever with these.
So – I’m this close to buying these as I found them refurbished for about 180GBP incl. shipping. That’s a good deal I guess.
Just in case I decide to give it a little more power – which portable aplifier would you recommend?
Thanks a lot!
Just for fun – here’s the link for one comparison, you might find it interesting. And I hope you’d agree with the results. 😉
Well, it seems I’ll have to keep searching – I just read somewhere else that these IEM are nearly impossible to properly drive with a smartphone and that they also have quite a big sound leakage due to the the vents.
In this case – since I value your opinion – could you recommend similarly priced earphones with a similar sound and overall quality? For the use with smartphone?
Thank you.
Hi Ryan,
Could you please comment on the sound leakage above and then maybe recommend a portable amp/DAC for approx. $70 – $80?
I’m quite confused since some reviews say that these are nearly impossible to drive from a smartphone… 😉
Thank you!
Hi David,
My apologies, I didn’t receive notifications for your last messages… Will have to sort that out ASAP.
You can read in George’s review that he states the E5000 sounds good on the Shanling M0. That actually has the same audio hardware as the LG V30. So better smartphones will fit the bill for this but you just won’t get the best experience. I have tested the E5000 with iPhones, which are actually quite a good audio source, and the experience is distortion-free with plenty of volume.
That said, if you’re already maxing out the volume on the Triple Fi’s, then you will definitely want a dedicated source since the E5000 will be quieter than that model at the same volume level. A good option may be a BT receiver such as the Shanling UP2 as it will provide a good amount of power with similar hardware to the V30 and M0 – so more volume and quality, even over BT. I found a lot of DAC/AMPs to be quite fiddly with iPhones especially so BT will be more stable for you. The UP2 can also be used as a wired DAC/AMP with your computer and phone which is a nice plus.
Regarding sound leakage, I covered the nozzles as would occur when fit in the ear with a good seal and played to very high volumes. They do leak due to the back vent, so foam tips will not improve this, but unless you’re maxing out the volume on your iPhone, it won’t be audible to those around you. They also isolate pretty well so you can listen at lower volumes, just make sure you get a good seal and choose the best ear tip size – they come with 5 sizes. I cannot really comment on how much this would bother you since I don’t know what volume you might prefer.
Seeing as you were also looking into the IO, that might be the choice for you, with zero sound leakage and excellent isolation with its fully-sealed design. Also, look into the Shozy BG for a more neutral sound, or the Moondrop Blessing 2 if you want a balanced sound with dynamic driver bass – I will be reviewing this model soon and will compare to the IO and E5000 if you don’t mind waiting a few weeks. Anyway, apologies for the long-winded response!
So – I finally got my hands on E5000, bought it from UK refurbished. They sounded imediately better than my now-too-old Triple Fi 10. However – to achieve my regular listening level I needed to turn the volume all the way up to 100% and even that wasn’t enough.
So I went to the local hifi studio and tried couple of DACs and headphones amplifiers. Anyway – I ended up buying one that they didn’t even had for testing: Shanling UP4. And it is absolutely brilliant. With the proper settings I’m finally happy. I’ve never listened to the music of such quality – first night I started testing it at 11pm and before I realized it was 2am. 🙂
It absolutely amazes me how the combination of such tiny IEMs and such tiny DAC can produce sound like this.
Everything – if the source is good, which even Spotify mostly is – sounds fantastic. And my most favourite smooth jazz guitar player Chris Standring – WOW.
Thank you very much, Ryan – you helped me a lot! Cheers!
Hi David,
So glad to hear this, took me back to when I first started in the hobby 🙂
Enjoy the combo and happy to answer your questions anytime!
Warm regards,
Ryan. |
The concept of haunting has pervaded fictional narratives throughout the ages. Mostly coming up in the form of full-blown apparitions of ghosts or spectres, the supernatural or paranormal element has always been fascinating to the reader. However, haunting does not only appear in the form of spooks or anima but is oftentimes also embodied in the intertextual element.
This essay looks at how the phenomenon of haunting is discussed in Peter Ackroyd’s novel Chatterton (1989). It analyses in which forms the idea of haunting appears and which function it fulfils in the text. Of particular interest here is the multi-layered narrative which presents haunting in several different modes, both on the story and the meta-level, not only giving it the shape of regular ‘visitations’, but also pointing it out through intertextuality and metafictional comments. The haunting by other texts is here closely connected with the more traditional image of the ghostly apparition through a linking of the two by means of historiography: “These textual fragments it would seem make up a metanarrative about the simultaneity of different historical experiences and events” (Clingham 45). The relationship between reality and fiction is thus probed through means of history as is the connection between notions of reality and the use of structuring principles. The novel ultimately defines itself as “historiographic metafiction” (Hutcheon 5).
Finally, this essay shows that the element of haunting in Chatterton works as a tool to disrupt the novel’s different storylines. This disruption underlines the relation between imagination and reality by highlighting and foregrounding the novel’s fictitiousness and at the same time “points to the constructedness of any representation of the ‘real world’” (Delgado 349), may it be fiction or the visual arts.
The Red-Haired Man: Thomas Chatterton’s Continuous Re-emergence
Coming back to the more traditional notion of haunting, namely of it being some kind of ghostly manifestation, numerous examples can be found throughout Ackroyd’s novel. These apparitions are not only restricted to the main narrative strand revolving around Charles Wychwood.[1] If they were, one could argue that “Charles’s … sightings of the ghost of Chatterton are perhaps a temperamental quirk or a symptom of his constitutional headaches” (Clingham 43). However, the emergence of the man with the red hair is, in fact, present in all three storylines, irrespective of temporal matters. This break in time is a stylistic device the novel works with repeatedly:
Ackroyd’s vision is essentially atemporal; past and present interact in the moment. Or you can say that the present consumes the past. Charles jokingly tells his son that he is ‘eating the past’ when licking dust from the forged painting off his fingers. (Finney, “Postmodernist Play”[2] 11)
Spectral sightings are nearly omnipresent and affect almost all main characters. One of the most prominent passages, mainly because it is the first, however, is probably the one when Charles regains consciousness after having passed out in the park:
When he awoke he noticed that the leaves had been swept away, and a young man was standing beside him. He had red hair, brushed back. He was gazing intently at Charles, and he placed his hand upon his arm as if he were restraining him. One said, ‘And so you are sick?’ The other replied, ‘I know that I am.’ He was about to rise. ‘Not now. Not now. I will come to see you again. Not now.’ (Chatterton 47)
Here, we have what can be considered a full-blown ghostly apparition even though it is never quite clear whether or not the young man is visible to other people in the park as well. The fact remains, though, that the appearance of Thomas Chatterton signifies and determines the personal or psychological haunting of Charles Wychwood. Being all but obsessed with confirming the identity of the man in the painting he has acquired in an antique shop reminiscent of Dickens, for Charles reality and imagination are ultimately merged. The apparition of Chatterton that transcends space and time is therefore a manifestation of Charles’s own obsession. In addition, his being haunted stresses one central argument in Ackroyd’s novel: “But who is to say what is fake and what is real?” (Chatterton 113). Issues of forgery and reality weave themselves through the story as a red thread, constantly resurfacing in the question of what is simply a product of imagination and what is in fact reality, but also emerging in comments on art and mimesis.
The incidents of spectral haunting in Chatterton do not necessarily carry explicitly negative connotations. The apparition of the eighteenth century poet sometimes even seems to have a comforting aspect, at least for Charles himself who is struggling for literary success. This seems rather logical when considering the fact that the term “haunting” etymologically stands for “getting home” or “providing a home” (cf. Ratmoko 1). From the narrator’s point of view, however, one problematic element is stressed: in the passage quoted above, it is not only reality and imagination that are merged but also Charles and Thomas (or his ghost, for that matter) themselves. This becomes evident when taking a closer look at the short conversation between the two poets. Even though the reader will probably be able to construct his own interpretation of who is talking and when, the narrative use of ‘one’ and ‘the other’ here leaves a gap that needs to be filled. Whereas this scene is aimed at illustrating the extent to which Charles’s identity has already been disrupted, the reader has to create his own meaning. However, this passage is only one of several. In the course of the novel, Charles Wychwood experiences a kind of unification process with Thomas Chatterton:
For example, Charles sees a vision of Chatterton lying on his death bed when he looks into George Stead’s 1802 portrait; then, when looking at Wallis’s painting, he sees himself lying in Chatterton’s place, being mourned by his wife and son; at the same time, Charles’s son, Edward, is convinced that Chatterton is still alive, because Wallis’s Chatterton (who has the face of George Meredith) is different from Stead’s Chatterton. (Clingham 48)
This merging of the two men goes so far that Charles, albeit unconsciously, even takes on Chatterton’s death-bed posture when he eventually dies in hospital:
Charles. (Chatterton 169ff.)
This uncanny scene is already foreshadowed in an earlier passage of the novel, namely when Charles and Edward go to see Wallis’s painting at the Tate Gallery. Here, it is not so much an apparition in its original or gothic sense, i.e. the appearance of a spectre, but rather a sort of reversed phenomenon of haunting with a character suddenly being turned into a ghost-like figure. This reversal is presented in a vision that Charles has:
But was there someone now standing at the foot of the bed, casting a shadow over the body of the poet? And Charles was lying there, with his left hand clenched tightly on his chest and his right arm trailing upon the floor. He could feel the breeze from the open window upon his face, and he opened his eyes. He was able to look up and, her face in shadow beside the garret window, he saw Vivien standing above him. She was crying. (Chatterton 132)
This haunting (or this haunted relationship?) between Charles and Thomas Chatterton shows to what extent the two men have become one. Their borderlines have been blurred so that it is not always completely clear where one ends and the other begins: the young Chatterton steps into Charles Wychwood’s reality while perpetually mocking him through the portrait that supposedly shows Chatterton as an old man.
It is not only Charles who is confronted with the spectre of the poet, however. Other characters see him as well: “When Charles had murmured ‘I know you very well’ … Harriet Scrope looked up for a moment and saw the outline of a young man who smiled and bowed towards him” (Chatterton 166). This passage is but one example, and the apparitions have different effects on equally different people. Again, the apparition of Chatterton’s spectre is often depicted as having a positive effect. George Meredith, for instance, ends up being prevented from committing suicide:
He [George Meredith] had purchased a phial of mercury-and-arsenic with which he intended to end his life but, as he was about to put the deadly flask to his pale lips, he felt a hand laid upon his wrist; looking up, he saw a young man standing over him and forbidding him to drink. When he put down the phial, the young man disappeared. Thus was the young George Meredith saved for literature by the intervention of the ghostly Thomas Chatterton. (Chatterton 70ff.)
In a palimpsestian manner Ackroyd constantly breaks up the time levels between the various strata and thereby connects the (sub) plots with each other: “The past resolves itself into a series of texts which themselves interact bringing past to bear on present and occasionally present to bear on past – or at least the past as it is textually constituted in and by the present” (Finney, “Postmodernist Play” 12). The haunting transcends these levels of time as well, so that Charles appears to glimpse the very same child that Chatterton intended to help but was no longer able to. The reader is therefore constantly confronted with the question of what is real and what is not, being forced to work his way through several layers of textual reality. For instance, the child that both Charles and Chatterton have come across, re-emerges in Seymour’s – or Merk’s ? – painting and “[i]n a transparent but compelling passage of the novel, Charles is fully conscious of himself, but feeling as if he were acting a part, dying someone else’s death” (Clingham 43).
Finally, the above mentioned passages, as well as Edward’s sighting of his father as the integral part of the Chatterton painting, bring to mind the Renaissance notion that poets communicate with one another irrespective of time and space. This “communication” or influence between writers is, however, transported even more explicitly in the novel’s use of intertextuality and metafiction, by the use of textual haunting, so to speak.
The “Trace”: Textual Haunting in Chatterton
In his Notes for a New Culture (1976), Peter Ackroyd himself proclaimed that “[w]riting does not emerge from speech, or from the individual, but only from other writing” (61). In fact, it is clear thatChatterton not only works on three different narrative time levels, but also clearly draws on intertextuality and metafiction:
[T]he work of art is itself a reordering of other works of art from the past. Texts, seen as Ackroyd sees them in a poststructuralist light, are not the invention of unique writers of genius, of the artistic imagination at odds with society. Texts are rearrangements of other texts. (Finney, “Postmodernist Play” 7)
In the light of the title of this essay, I will consider these literary references (and sometimes even self-references) or traces as textual hauntings. A trace, being a remnant of something that was once present but no longer is – or in other words, an imprint of an object that has disappeared – it stands as a marker of absence and simultaneous former presence. The same definition can easily be applied to the concept of textual haunting: every text constantly refers to what is not there and thereby defers meaning to something outside itself.[3] Ultimately, the meaning of the text is dependent on the awareness of what is in fact absent as every text absorbs and transforms other texts (cf. Kristeva 146). Chatterton draws references to T.S. Eliot’s “Tradition and the Individual Talent” (1917) and thus stresses the idea of the poet being part of a community of writers who preceded him: “No poet, no artist of any art, has his complete meaning alone … you must set him for contrast and comparison among the dead” (Eliot 761). This setting “among the dead” brings back notions of haunting. The poet or writer, or any artist for that matter, is thus constantly haunted by ghostly traces of erstwhile originality. Chatterton here seems to ask this very same question: is originality possible at all or is any kind of expression nothing but a form of plagiarism?
Now, it is obvious that Ackroyd plays with intertextuality and literary allusions, but rather than appearing to be stifled by what Bloom called “the anxiety of influence” (62), the novel triumphantly flaunts its indebtedness to previous texts. In that vein, Chatterton abundantly draws connections to other texts and through this intertextuality foregrounds its own constructedness as a work of fiction, to a certain extent following Eliot’s notion of a collective unconscious of art.[4] Additionally, it relates itself to Barthes’s concept of the text being a “tissue of quotations … from innumerable centres of culture” (146).
This “ghostly connection” between Ackroyd’s novel and other literary works constitutes a metanarrative comment and destructs the text as a closed literary artefact, illustrating literature’s dependence on other texts. Direct quotes from or allusions to works by Blake, Wordsworth, Eliot, Virgil, Tennyson or Wittgenstein are only a few examples: “Ackroyd appears set on overwhelming his readers in a plethora of unending literary borrowing or plagiarism in which he freely admits his own involvement” (Finney, “Postmodernist Play” 9). The most prominent textual trace, however, is probably that of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891). The interconnection is not only restricted to Charles finding and becoming obsessed with the portrait of a (presumed) Thomas Chatterton. As already mentioned, the painting seems to mock the novel’s protagonist, disrupts his entire life and eventually leads him to perdition. The haunting on the meta-level here automatically and simultaneously functions on the story level as well. As in Dorian Gray, Charles seems to be unable to regard the picture for its mere aesthetic value. Instead, looking at the portrait immediately triggers a ghostly connection between the one portrayed and the one perceiving, and from the very first moment that Charles sees the painting, the eyes of Chatterton follow him everywhere, if only in his mind and subconscious. However, the connection to Wilde also becomes evident in the question of what constitutes art in general: the haunting here works on multiple layers, transporting questions of artistic value and aesthetics from Wilde’s novel onto Ackroyd’s text by constantly questioning the interconnection of originality and forgery.
Interestingly, Chatterton does not only draw on other texts on the meta-level, but frequently broaches the issue on the story-level as well. Ackroyd here discloses questions of (self-)plagiarism. He does this not only in the character of Harriet Scrope, who writes her books by copying storylines from antiquated trashy novels, but also in Stewart Merk who ‘ghost-paints’ for the deceased James Seymour: “And what do you see? The real? The ideal? How do you know the difference?” (Chatterton 133).
García-Caro has argued that the tension between cultural tradition and originality is the recurring theme behind these multifarious examples of plagiarism (cf. 163) and indeed, these instances provide a sort of meta-commentary on Ackroyd’s novel as a whole by once more foregrounding its construction as a piece of fiction drawing on numerous literary predecessors: “[…] identifying history as ‘writing about the trace,’ about that which has past (and passed) and is known in the present by its textual traces” (Clingham 51).
One of the few characters who is not himself involved in any case of artistic forgery is Philip Sack, Charles’s old friend. Even though Philip is eventually the one who finds out about Harriet Scrope copying her novels from other works of fiction, he himself sticks “to the romantic concept of originality [and is thereby] terrified of the spectral world of language” (Finney “Postmodernist Play” 10). This becomes particularly clear when Philip suddenly feels overwhelmed by the amount of textuality surrounding him in the library’s basement: “The books stretched away into the darkness. They seemed to expand as soon as they reached the shadows, creating some dark world where there was no beginning and no end, no story, no meaning” (Chatterton 71). As Brian Finney has pointed out, Philip fears “the threat that the free play of this textual world poses to his sense of identity and authenticity as a writer” (Finney, English Fiction 30). The textual haunting and its assumed deconstructionist consequences cause a writer’s block in Philip and it takes a while for him to realise that originality comes with one’s own re-shuffling of the texts of the past and that thereby a text achieves distinctiveness.[5] This realisation goes along with what Ackroyd has always claimed – that true genius is in fact related to mimesis – and may therefore explain his preoccupation with the topic of forgery and plagiarism. Finney has argued that “[j]ust as Chatterton assumes the voice of a medieval poet, so Ackroyd, having pored over Chatterton’s papers in the British Museum, assumes the eighteenth-century voice and diction of Chatterton in the book” (Finney, English Fiction 25). History, thus, is subject to, while at the same time belonging to, the world of textuality; and narrative is deeply connected to pre-existing plots: “I suppose that’s the trouble with history. It’s the one thing we have to make up for ourselves” (Chatterton 226).
If one sees literary haunting as a “phantom, embodying a secret of the ‘other’, a crypta of others buried within us” (Ratmoko 5), one can argue that the textual spectres in Chatterton are obviously a means to “deciphering the … legacy” of the literary past (ibid.). At the same time, they function to mark the text as a novel that is aware of its own fictitiousness and leave room for multiple interpretations.
It is evident that the use of intertextuality in Ackroyd’s novel can be seen as exploring the ramifications of Derrida’s notions regarding the ‘trace’. The text denies the category of transporting one truth or one meaning while at the same time rescinding the author in accordance with Barthes “the voice loses its origin, the author enters his own death” (Barthes 142). This is further emphasised by the various strata and an intermingling of narrative voices, both on the story and the discourse level.
The double-layered element of haunting in Chatterton emphasises the postmodern notion of a plurality of meaning and constantly points to literature being a constructed product representing a merely assumed reality. It thereby self-consciously replicates the gap between artistic creation and extra-textual ‘reality’ which is becoming increasingly obvious in the postmodern period, and conveys this idea via ‘genuine’ spectral visitations or textual traces. The historiographic component thus highlights the constructedness of fiction and disrupts any understanding of (postmodern) literature as a realist artefact. |
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From a lack of lubrication to fluctuating hormones, there’s plenty of reasons
Sex should always be mutually pleasurable, safe, enjoyable and should never hurt. At the same time, there are lots of reasons why you might get a sore vagina, or a sore vulva, after the act.
Of course, there’s the obvious one – you were a little too rigorous – but if getting down is causing you pain, and it’s not completely clear why, it’s something that shouldn’t be ignored.
Note: if you are having recurrent issues after sex, then it’s advisable to check in with your GP, to see what might be going on. You should also never be pressured into any form of sexual activity which you are worried will cause you pain.
Why might I have a sore vagina after sex?
There are lots of reasons why you might feel pain after sex. ‘Most of the time women experience soreness post-sex due to friction,’ says GP Dr Jane Leonard. ‘However, if you have a pre-existing skin problem, the soreness can be much worse.’
Painful intercourse is known as dyspareunia. It’s important to understand when and where you’re feeling pain. Is it during or after sex? Do you have a sore vagina after sex, or is the pain deep, internal pelvic pain?
From a lack of lubrication to fluctuating hormones and even latex allergies: we’ve spoken to the experts and rounded up the most common reasons why you might get a sore vagina after sex.
Why does my vagina hurt after sex?
1. Your vagina hurts after sex because: You have an infection
‘Pain in or around the vagina could be caused by an infection,’ suggests Dr Leonard. This could be something like thrush, or it could be a sexually transmitted infection (STI), such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea or genital herpes.
If you’re experiencing pain during or after sex, it’s always a good idea to visit your local sexual health clinic and ask for a full screening.
2. Your vagina hurts after sex because: Your hormones have changed
Changing hormone levels – which could be down to the menopause, perimenopause or even pregnancy – could be making your vagina dry, meaning there’s not enough lubrication during sex. This dryness could lead to some pain and soreness both during and after sex. The solution? Lots of lube. If you need help with the symptoms of perimenopause more widely, head to your GP, who can help with medication.
3. Your vagina hurts after sex because: You’re not sexually aroused
Similarly to hormone changes, if you’re not feeling ‘in the mood’, you might not be producing enough lubrication – leaving your vagina dry. This can cause sex to become painful, and leave you with friction sores afterwards. Don’t force sex. If you’re not feeling it, do not feel any pressure to go ahead. However, if you’re feeling dry but do want to have sex, using lube is key.
In this Article
- Clothing
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- Personal Products
- Bathing
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- Sex
- Activities
Vulvodynia is chronic pain around the opening of your vagina in the area of your vulva. It isn’t known exactly what causes it. But there’s plenty you can do to ease the symptoms. Use these self-care tips to control the pain and keep it from getting worse.
It’s important to keep your vaginal area cool and dry.
Wear white cotton underwear during the day and sleep without it at night. Steer clear of tight-fitting skirts and pants. If you wear pantyhose or tights, switch to thigh-high or knee-length options that don’t block airflow to the vaginal area. When you swim or exercise, remove wet or sweaty clothing quickly.
The products you use to clean your clothes may irritate your vaginal area.
Use gentle detergent that’s been approved by dermatologists. Double-rinse underwear in the wash to make sure they’re free of soap or chemicals. Don’t use fabric softener.
Personal Products
Switch to a soft, white, unscented brand of toilet paper. Use only 100% cotton pads and tampons. Avoid scented, perfumed creams, soaps, and bubble bath.
Be gentle when you wash. Use cool or lukewarm water and your hand, then a clean towel to dry off. Keep shampoo, which can flow down from your head while showering, away from your vaginal area.
To create a barrier between your vagina and clothing, apply petroleum jelly to your vulva after showering.
Avoid hot tubs and highly chlorinated pools. Instead, soak in a sitz bath a few times a day for 5 to 10 minutes at a time.
What you eat may have an effect on your symptoms, for better or for worse.
Processed foods, and those that have caffeine, acid, and lots of sugar can make symptoms worse. Try taking one thing out of your diet at a time. Keep track of how your body reacts.
Pressure on your bladder and bowel can cause vulvodynia to flare up. Pee regularly instead of waiting for your bladder to be full, and rinse the vaginal area with water afterwards to clean it off. Add fiber to your diet to help you stay regular.
Protect yourself before sex by applying a water-soluble lubricant. Avoid contraceptive creams and spermicides. If you want to temporarily numb the area, try a topical anesthetic, like lidocaine gel.
After sex, pee and rinse with cool or lukewarm water to clean around your vagina. If you feel a burning sensation, wrap a frozen ice cube or gel pack in a small towel and hold it gently on your vagina for a few minutes.
Anything that puts external pressure on your vaginal area can make vulvodynia worse. Focus on stretching and relaxation exercises, like yoga, instead of bike or horseback riding.
Stand as often as you can, especially if you work at a desk. Try a foam rubber donut for a softer sitting surface.
Show Sources
Mayo Clinic: “Vulvodynia.”
National Vulvodynia Association: “What is Vulvodynia?” “What Causes Vulvodynia?”
The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: “Vulvodynia.”
Vaginitis is soreness and swelling in and around the vagina. It’s common and usually treatable.
Check if you have vaginitis.
Causes of vaginitis).
Non-urgent advice: See a GP or go to a sexual health clinic if:
- you have symptoms of vaginitis for the first time
- you’ve had vaginitis before, but the symptoms are bothering you a lot, are different to usual or are not getting better
- you have vaginal discharge that’s unusual for you
- you have symptoms of vaginitis after having sex with a new partner
- you have other symptoms like feeling hot and shivery or pain in your lower tummy (pelvic pain)
Do not have sex until you’ve seen a doctor or nurse. You could have a sexually transmitted infection.
Sexual health clinics can help with vaginitis
Sexual health clinics treat problems with the genitals and urine system.
Many sexual health clinics offer a walk-in service, where you do not need an appointment. They’ll often get test results quicker than GP surgeries.
What happens at your appointment.
Treatments for vaginitis from a doctor
Treatment for vaginitis depends on the cause.
For example, you may need:
- antifungal medicine for thrush
- antibiotics for a sexually transmitted infection
- vaginal moisturiser, lubricant or hormone treatment for menopause symptoms
- steroid medicine for a skin condition
Things you can do to help vaginitis
There are things you can do to ease symptoms of vaginitis and reduce your chances of getting it again.
wash around your vagina with water and dry thoroughly
wear loose, cotton underwear
use pads instead of tampons when you’re on your period
use condoms and lubrication when having sex
do not clean inside your vagina (douching)
do not have hot baths
do not use scented hygiene products in or around your vagina, such as soaps and deodorants
Page last reviewed: 03 February 2020
Next review due: 03 February 2023
Soreness after a workout: yay! Soreness after sex: nay.. Second, you may not know how to help or soothe your sore vagina because sex ed contributed *literally* nothing to your sexual wellness knowledge. And third, you can’t easily engage in round two or three or four with your S.O. the morning after because, um…ouch.
But don’t fret: Soreness after sex, for the most part, is totally normal. We enlisted the help of three experts who can fully explain what’s going on down there when it feels like you need ice cubes stat.
First, though, brief anatomy lesson: It’s important to distinguish the difference between the vagina and vulva when assessing which of these reasons below could be the culprit for your soreness.
“Many women will report they have vaginal pain when in fact they have vulvar pain. The vagina is internal genitalia. The vulva is what you see on the outside, all the way up to the entrance of the vagina but not inside,” says physical therapist Heather Jeffcoat, author of Sex Without Pain: A Self Treatment Guide to the Sex Life You Deserve. Got it? Now, let’s continue.
The Reasons Your Vagina Could Be Sore After Sex
- You’re not using enough lube. I realize Cosmo as a whole probably sounds like a broken record by now, but come on, y’all. if you’re not on the lube train yet, WYD? “Not using enough—or any!—lube can definitely cause a sore vagina,” says gynecologist Mary Jane Minkin, MD, contributing member of the Vagisil vSHE Council. What this means = extra, extra, extra foreplay to make sure you’re aroused, then use a silicone-based lube like this one here.
- You’re allergic to latex. “Some people experience sensitivity to latex condoms, which can lead to dryness or irritation in the vaginal canal and surrounding tissue,” says sex therapist Shannon Chavez, who specializes in treating sexual disorders and is also an expert for Vagisil. Opt for these non-latex options to see if it helps.
- You have endometriosis. This is a disorder in which the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside of it, which can lead to painful sex. “Endometriosis can cause inflammation in the pelvic area and can lead to pain or soreness after sex,” says Chavez. Schedule a checkup with your gyno to assess if this is something you have.
Is it normal to experience soreness after sex?
Look, sex should not hurt. Period. If it does, you should schedule an appointment with your gyno ASAP. But it’s definitely normal to experience soreness sometimes. Key word: sometimes. “If soreness is happening every time, it should be addressed to prevent further pain and discomfort,” says Chavez. BUT: It can be v common if you’re experimenting with new positions and/or intensity during sexual activity, she adds.
Is there anything you can do to help the soreness after sex?
“Apply an ice pack to your vulva, which will help reduce the swelling and pain,” says Chavez. Heating pads and cool water cones are also A+ options. But again, in order to prevent most cases of soreness, you should be doubling down on the lube and using more than you even think you should be using. Also, spend an extra 5 to 10 minutes focusing on foreplay. Sometimes, that will make all the difference.
See? Sore vaginas are pretty much totally normal and can be prevented with a few of the right steps. But if you do experience pain regularly during or after sex, “see your gyno provider, as we can help with this—whether it’s soreness right after sex or pain that arises a few days later,” says Dr. Minkin.
Cheers to no more sore vaginés everrr again!
Snuggles, snacks, a shower. These are the things we expect to experience after sex. Sadly, for some people with vaginas, those delicacies are sometimes replaced or accompanied by something a lot less comfortable: a sore vulva and/or sore vagina.
“Vaginal soreness is quite common after sex,” says somatic sex expert, explains Kiana Reeves sex and community educator with Foria, a company that creates products intended to reduce pain and increase pleasure during sex. “But not all soreness is okay, some soreness is a sign that something has gone wrong.”
A sore vagina after sex that results from a sexperiment gone awry (think: fisting) or from consensual, risk-aware rough sex gone very right (think: doggy style for days) is totally fine. “A one-off instance of soreness or pain after sex is not a cause for alarm,” says Heather Jeffcoat, D.P.T., doctor of physical therapy specializing in sexual dysfunction and incontinence and author of Sex Without Pain: A Self-Treatment Guide to the Sex Life You Deserve.
However, frequent vaginal soreness after sex suggests that something is not quite right. If you regularly find yourself keeled over, gripping your lower belly or crotch, or hurting post-play, you may want to chat with a health care provider. “Any frequent, raw, or burning soreness, as well as soreness accompanied by other symptoms such as bleeding, discolored discharge, or pain while peeing needs to be addressed,” says Reeves. (Read: 8 Reasons You Might Experience Pain After Sex)
Curious to learn some of the common reasons why you might have a sore vagina after sex? Plus, what should you do to stop the pain in its tracks, short- and long-term? Read this for a good place to start.
Potential Reasons for a Sore Vagina After Sex
Your Hymen Broke
If it’s the first time you’ve explored vaginal penetration, it’s possible that the soreness is from the breakage of a small swath of tissue that covers part of the vaginal canal, known as the hymen, tearing, according to Felice Gersh, M.D., author of PCOS SOS: A Gynecologist’s Lifeline to Naturally Restore Your Rhythms, Hormones and Happiness. While many people’s hymens (naturally) break or tear prior to the first time they have sex (during activities including horseback riding, biking, exercising, using tampons, or masturbating), that’s not always the case. And for those with intact hymens that break during penetrative play, the experience can be uncomfortable in the moment and also lead to soreness for a few hours afterward, according to Dr. Gersh. (Related: What Is a Hymen and What Does a Hymen Breaking Actually Mean?)
You Have a Low-Key Infection
A super common reason you may have a sore vagina after sex is actually that the sex triggered symptoms of an infection you already had, according to Dr. Gersh. “If someone has a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, or chlamydia, the vaginal tissues are already inflamed, even if the person wasn’t experiencing any symptoms,” she says. “The rubbing of those already-inflamed tissues during sex can result in a feeling or rawness, soreness, irritation, or pain after sex,” she says. Luckily, all five infections can be cured within a few days with proper treatment.
You’re Allergic to Something
Another common reason you might have a sore vagina after sex is that you have a sensitivity or allergy to one of the ingredients in the lube, sex toys, or barriers (ex: dental dams) you used. “Latex allergy is well-documented, but that’s not the only kind of allergy or sensitivity that can come into play here,” says Dr. Gersh. “It’s possible to be allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients in the lube coating the condoms or the lube you added.”
In the case of an allergy, the soreness is typically accompanied by itchiness, burning, hives, and swelling. While extremely rare, allergies to semen (known medically as seminal plasma hypersensitivity) create many of the same aforementioned symptoms. (And FYI, noticing some swelling in your vulva after sex is totally normal, considering those tissues become flooded with blood when you’re aroused.)
Your Pelvic Floor Muscles Are Sore
Rather than being dermal (skin-related) or structural, the reason you have a sore vagina after sex may be muscular.
Background: Everyone has a sling of muscles that run hip-to-hip, bellybutton-to-bum, known as the pelvic floor muscles. When you orgasm, these muscles contract and relax super fast over and over again. If your orgasm is especially long, or you orgasm more than once (fun!) it’s possible for these muscles to be a lil sore following sex.
Further, some people have over-reactive or non-relaxing pelvic floor muscles, which essentially means their pelvic floor muscles are always or almost always in a contracted position. (This is the pelvic floor equivalent to walking around with your arm flexed “💪” all the time). For these folks, “the forced stretch of these muscles that occurs during penetration can also lead to soreness,” says Dr. Jeffcoat. For someone with one of these underlying pelvic floor conditions, going from zero to penetrative sex is equivalent to an immobile person trying to do a split and stretching too much too soon. “Your muscles will be quite sore after,” she says. (Related: What a Pelvic Floor Therapist Wants You to Know About Vaginal Dilators)
Someone with weak or non-reactive pelvic floor muscles can also experience muscular soreness following sex. As Jeffcoat puts it, “Pelvic floor muscles are skeletal or voluntary muscles, just like the other muscles we train at the gym.” Meaning, they aren’t exempt from these types of soreness or injuries. However, if the post-sex pain you’re experiencing feels muscular and you also experience other common symptoms associated with pelvic floor dysfunction (such as urinary issues, lower back pain, constipation, pelvic pressure), she recommends connecting with a pelvic floor therapist.
You Weren’t Lubricated Well Enough
This might just be the number one reason you might experience a sore vagina after sex. Anytime lubrication levels are low, friction levels can be high. And when friction levels go up, so do soreness levels. Sure, the vaginal canal produces its own arousal fluid, but that’s not always enough (and there’s nothing wrong with that!). Body-made lubricant levels can vary because of water intake, alcohol intake, substance use, activity level, mental and physical health status, and so much more.
Among those, “low estrogen can also be to blame for soreness in the vaginal canal,” adds Dr. Jeffcoat. People may become low on this essential lubricating hormone when they are postpartum, breastfeeding, or going through menopause. “When your body lacks estrogen, the vaginal canal does not lubricate as well, which can lead to unwanted friction during penetration, and subsequent post-coital soreness,” she says. Certain hormonal birth control options can also lead to low estrogen and therefore cause this unwanted symptom, says Dr. Gersh.
All that said, if your lubrication levels have drastically changed or store-bought lube isn’t cutting it, talk to your doc, as there are a number of prescription lubricants, moisturizing creams, and pills that can support natural lubrication levels.
Literally Just Friction and Pressure
And on that note, finally, it’s also possible that you and your boo just went too hard, too rough, too fast, or were moving at iffy angles. The angle of the cervix usually changes throughout the menstrual cycle, so the deep angle you enjoy with doggy style at one stage in your cycle could actually be so deep that it brushes up against (and even bruises!) your cervix at other stages, explains Dr. Gersh. Changing positions or depth should be all you need to replace the “ouch!” with “ooh.”
TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on – Jul 18, 2021, 06:50 IST
01 /6 Five simple home remedies to soothe vaginal itching and burning
Monsoon is the most common season when women suffer from vaginal itching, dryness and burning. Though these signs are not usually a symbol of anything serious, that doesn’t mean these should be ignored. Vaginal itching and dryness can be due to bacterial infection, yeast infection or eczema. Using hard soaps and body wash can also irritate the skin around the vulva and cause such problems.
02 /6 Yogurt and honey
The prebiotic nature of yoghurt helps in treating vaginal itching and burning. Yogurt when combined with honey can help in two ways – first, the anti-inflammatory properties of honey and the soothing effect of yogurt helps you get rid of irritation and second the probiotic compound in yogurt can help in correcting the imbalance in bacteria, reducing your risk of yeast infection and bacterial infection.
You can mix yogurt and honey and consume it once a day to get relief from vaginal itching. Or you can also apply it twice to your vagina to see quick results. Can lead to fungal outbreak
03 /6 Rinse with apple cider vinegar
It’s truly said that apple cider vinegar is no less than a magic potion. There is hardly anything that ACV can’t treat. The strong antibacterial and antifungal properties of ACV work wonders in relieving vaginal itching and burning. It balances the pH of the vagina and the skin. It also helps by balancing the vaginal flora.
You can drink a teaspoon of ACV with a glass of water or you can add half a cup to your bathing water. Do not use it in concentrated form as it can cause severe buring.
04 /6 Tea tree oil
The anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti-viral properties of tea tree oil make it effective for treating vaginal burning and itching.
Take 2-3 drops of tea tree oil in your fingers and apply it to the outer skin of your vagina. This will help kill any yeast.
05 /6 Basil leaves
Basil is a popularly used herb, which contains eugenol that helps numb the nerve endings. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, which can help treat vaginal burning and itching.
Boil some basil leaves in water. Now let the water cool down and rinse your vagina with it 2-3 times a day.
06 /6 Cold compress
If you have too much itching, a cold compress can give you instant relief from it. A cold compress helps by numbing the itching sensation, thereby reducing swelling and inflammation.
Take a few ice cubes and wrap them in a clean cotton cloth. Place the ice pack on the affected area for a few minutes. You can repeat this 3-4 times a day.
When you feel the itch, irritation and pain of vaginal-area discomfort, your first thought is likely of a yeast infection. But other common disorders can cause similar discomfort.
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1. Candida
Identifying it: The Candida albicans fungus causes an infection in roughly 75% of women at some point. Also known as a yeast infection, it causes vulvar swelling and redness, severe vaginal itching, burning, painful urination and painful sex. A white, thick, clumpy, odorless vaginal discharge accompanies the infection. But some patients don’t have a discharge and the majority of symptoms are on the vulvar.
Yeast infections are generally not contagious. However, in rare cases, they can be passed along in both heterosexual partners and same-sex partners. About 15% of male partners can be infected with yeast infections on their penis.
Treating it: “Various over-the-counter creams or an oral prescription medication can effectively clear up a yeast infection,” Dr. Goje says. If symptoms persist, reach out to your health care provider
2. Contact dermatitis
Identifying it: Allergens and other irritants such as laundry detergents, fabric softeners, body soaps, feminine health products and deodorized tampons can cause mild-to-severe vulvar itching, reddens, skin thickening and a raw feeling. Infections don’t usually occur, but you could feel dampness due to vulvar irritation and skin “weeping.”
You may also feel pain during sex and urination or during a vaginal exam. A physical exam and biopsy of vulvar wall cells can diagnose contact dermatitis.
Treating it: Take a short (10 or 15 minutes), lukewarm bath with or without four or five tablespoons of baking soda.
3. Herpes
Identifying it: Genital herpes is a very common type of sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). The most common symptoms of herpes are painful ulcers (also called lesions) that appear on the vulva and within the vagina and cervix. But it is possible to have HSV and have no symptoms. These small itchy ulcers, resembling small pimples or blisters, can spread to thighs and buttocks, crust over and scab. They take from two to four weeks to heal and, during initial outbreaks, flu-like symptoms appear.
Treating it: “Antiviral medications help to shorten the duration and intensity of outbreaks. They combat and/or reduce frequency of outbreaks of this sexually-transmitted disease, but there’s no cure,” Dr. Goje says. Consistent use of condoms have also been shown to reduce the risk of transmission to a non-infected partner.
4. Lichen Sclerosus your doctor might biopsy a small piece of vulvar.
5. Trichomoniasis
Identifying it: This common sexually transmitted infection is caused by a parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. It is the most common curable sexually transmitted disease and can occur in anyone who engages in unprotected sex.. You and your partner should be treated to prevent reinfection
How to limit or avoid these disorders
There are steps you can take to limit or avoid vulvar infections and disorders, Dr. Goje says.
- Change out of wet clothes right away, wash off and keep the vulvar/vaginal area dry to reduce your chances of a yeast infection.
- Keep diabetes under control to reduce recurrence of yeast infection.
- To avoid herpes, don’t share sexual toys or have unprotected sex — vaginal, oral or anal — with someone who carries the virus. Always use condoms or other prophylactics.
“If you do contract one of these conditions, try not to scratch because it leads to further skin irritation and discomfort, and can further spread the infection,” Dr. Goje says.
“It’s always important to have your physician examine you if you have symptoms and can’t get relief,” she says. “And, when in doubt, have a biopsy.”
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Irritation of the vulva and vagina is quite common and most women will experience it at least once in their lives.
There is delicate skin around the groin, vulva and inside the vagina, making these areas vulnerable to a wide range of conditions that can cause irritation. (Vulva is the general name given to the external parts of the female genitals.)
What causes vulva and vagina irritation?
Many things can cause irritation including:
- an imbalance of the bacteria and microorganisms that normally live inside the vagina
- lubricants and spermicides and latex products used during sex, such as condoms
- Bartholin’s cysts
- hormonal changes, such as after having a baby or during menopause
- a skin condition such as dermatitis or eczema
- excess washing or vaginal douching (washing out the vagina)
- allergy or a reaction to hygiene products such as soaps, shower gels, shampoos, or hygiene sprays
- disinfectants, antiseptics and ointments
- washing powders or liquids
- perfumed toilet paper
- sanitary pads or tampons, condoms
- sweating
- an ingrown hair
- some medications
- discharge from the vagina
- removing pubic hair
- swimming in a chlorine pool
- wearing new underwear, especially if it is not made of cotton
- very rarely, vulval cancer
Groin irritation can also be due to a build-up of sweat from not washing and drying your groin properly, or from over-washing or scrubbing the area.
What causes a vaginal infection?
As well as the causes listed above, irritation may also be a result of an infection.
Yeast infections: candidiasis or thrush is a common cause of itching, redness, swelling and a cottage cheese-like discharge.
Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection that causes itchiness and a green, smelly discharge.
Bacterial vaginosis is a bacterial infection of the vagina. It causes a thin, grey discharge and a strong fishy smell.
Genital herpes is caused by a virus. It causes painful ulcers, a rash, flu-like symptoms and a discharge from the vagina.
If you have an unusual vaginal discharge, it might be due to an infection.
What causes groin infections?
Groin infections can be caused by a fungus. A fungal infection of the groin can often be irritating to the skin and may be very painful or itchy. Fungal infections may be passed on from person to person, but this is not always the case.
Fungi like moist, warm places to infect, such as folds of skin. To prevent fungal infections the area should be kept clean and dry. It is a good idea to avoid sharing towels, bedding or clothes.
How can I look after myself?
Groin or vaginal irritation
To soothe pain in the groin, try a cool compress or ice pack (a bag of frozen peas works well) wrapped in a cloth, not placed directly against the skin. Ice packs can be re-applied every 2 to 3 hours but do not leave them on the skin for more than 20 minutes at a time. If you are in pain, see a pharmacist or doctor for advice on medicines you can take.
Washing: Wash only with water or salt water and do not douche (wash inside the vagina). Avoid using perfumed soaps, shower gels or deodorants around the area, as this can cause further irritation.
Clothing: Wear loose fitting, cotton underpants and wash all underwear in unscented soap and rinse well. Avoid G-strings, pantyhose and tight jeans.
Creams: A pharmacist or doctor can advise on the best way to treat the irritation. There are several soothing creams and ointments available. Do not apply any creams or lotions you might already have without discussing your problem with a pharmacist first.
- Reduce swimming in chlorine, and remove swimwear immediately afterwards.
- Use 100% cotton pads or tampons. As menstrual blood may irritate the area, consider using tampons.
- Lean forward when urinating to avoid burning.
Groin or vaginal infection
Washing tips: Clean the area in warm (not hot) water at least twice a day. Pat dry carefully and then apply any cream you have been given by your doctor or pharmacist.
Avoid using perfumed soaps, shower gels or deodorants around the area, as this can cause further irritation. Do not douche. Keep the area dry and free from sweat to make it difficult for the fungus to survive.
Wash your hands before and after cleaning to prevent the spread of the infection. Also, do not share your face cloth or towel with others.
Creams: If you are using intravaginal creams or pessaries, you’ll need to use menstrual pads rather than tampons.
Clothing: Change underwear daily and wear loose-fitting pants.
Pain relief: If you are in pain, get advice on medicines you can take.
Consider others
If you have a sexually transmitted infection, tell your sexual partner(s) so they can also be examined and treated if necessary. Avoid any sexual contact with others until the infection has cleared.
If you are concerned about your vaginal irritation, please consult your doctor.
CHECK YOUR SYMPTOMS — Use the sexual health and lower body Symptom Checker and find out if you need to seek medical help.
Vulvodynia is persistent, unexplained pain in the vulva (the skin surrounding the entrance to the vagina). It can affect women of all ages, and often occurs in women who are otherwise healthy. Vulvodynia can be distressing to live with. See your GP if you have persistent vulval
- irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Having chronic pain can also:
- affect relationships
- reduce sex drive
- examine you lifestyle changes and treatments can often help relieve symptoms of vulvodynia and reduce its impact on your life.
Lifestyle tips you can try to help reduce symptoms of vulvodynia include:
- wearing 100 per cent cotton underwear and loose-fitting skirts or trousers
- avoiding scented hygiene products such as feminine wipes, bubble bath and soap – an emollient is a good substitute for soap
- applying cool gel packs to your vulva to soothe the pain
- using petroleum jelly before swimming to provide protection from chlorine
- trying not to avoid sex or touching your vulva completely, as this may make your vulva more sensitive
- trying to reduce stress, as it can increase the pain of vulvodynia – read some relaxation tips to relieve stress
- for pain when sitting, try using a doughnut-shaped cushion
Potential treatments that can help reduce the symptoms of vulvodynia include:
- over-the-counter gels and lubricants
- prescription medication
- physiotherapy
- therapy and counselling
In very rare cases, surgery to remove part of the vulva may be an option. Pain, however, can recur and it’s usually not recommended. You should speak to your GP about the possibility of surgery.
- a history of severe vaginal thrush
Vulvodynia isn or Sjögren’s syndrome:
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The information on this page has been adapted from original content from the NHS website.
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Duration of Vulvodynia
By definition, vulvodynia is chronic pain of the vulva that lasts for three months or longer. The pain may be constant for some women. For others, it may come and go. )
There are several factors that can contribute to vaginal itching and burning. Read on to know more about the effective home remedies, which can treat the condition.
Probiotics are packed full of healthy bacteria infections that cause itching and irritation. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Suffering from vaginal itching, dryness and burning are among the most common conditions faced by women, at least once in their lifetime. These problems are not always a sign of serious condition. These problems can be due to bacterial or yeast infections, eczema, or using harsh soaps and body washes that irritate the delicate skin around the vulva..
Here are five home remedies you can try:
1. Yogurt and honey
Yogurt is a probiotic, which can easily treat your vaginal itching and burning. This combination can help in two ways: first, the soothing effect of yogurt and anti-inflammatory properties of honey can help to get rid of irritation and second, due to its probiotic compounds, it can correct the imbalance in bacteria, reducing your risk of yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis.
Method to use: You can either decide to drink yogurt or get instant relief from vaginal itching by applying yogurt with honey directly to your vagina. Apply this twice a day to see quick results.
Yogurt can soothe your vagina. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
2. Rinse with apple cider vinegar (ACV)
There is hardly anything that ACV can’t treat. ACV has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties that are good at relieving vaginal itching and burning. It helps in balancing the pH of the vagina and the skin. Therefore, it can easily restore balance in the vaginal flora.
Method to use: You can either drink a spoonful of ACV with a glass of lukewarm water or add a half cup of ACV to your bath water and then wash your vaginal area regularly with it to treat the infection.
3. Tea tree oil
Some essential oils are also really effective in treating vagina issues; tea tree oil is one of them. Its anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti-viral properties can be effective in treating vaginal itching and burning.
Method to use: Take 2-3 drops of oil in your hand and apply it on the outer skin of the vagina. This will kill the yeast present in your vagina.
Tea tree oil is the answer for vaginal itching and burning. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
4. Basil leaves
Basil, the popular herb, contains a substance called eugenol, which numbs the nerve endings that cause itching. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can treat vaginal itching and burning.
Method to use: Get fresh basil leaves and boil them in water, pour the liquid into the bowl and allow it to cool down. Now rinse your vagina using the mixture. You can do this 2-3 times a day.
5. Baking soda
Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, forms an alkaline solution when dissolved in water. It creates a non conducive environment for the fungus to multiply. This makes it a great remedy to soothe and relieve itching, burning and swelling.
Method to use: Add ¼ cup of baking soda to your bath, and allow it to dissolve. Soak yourself in the water for around 15-20 minutes.
Baking soda can help deal with a vaginal infection. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
6. Cold compress
If the itching is beyond control, a cold compress can give you fast relief from this and the burning sensation in and around your vaginal area. That’s because the cold compress numbs the itching sensation, thereby reducing swelling and inflammation.
Method to use: Put a few ice cubes in a bag and wrap them with a clean cloth. Place the ice pack on your vagina for a few minutes. Repeat this 2-3 times a day to get rid of vaginal burning and itching
Ladies, these home remedies can help to cure your vaginal issues, but keep in mind that intimate hygiene is equally important.
Aayushi Gupta
Candid, outspoken, but prudent–Aayushi is exploring her place in media world.
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Vulvovaginitis in girls before puberty
- Overview
- Clinicians
- Clinicians
Vulvovaginitis is inflammation of the vulva and vagina. It is common in young girls. Parents often become aware of it when their child complains about redness and soreness of the skin around their genital area.
Key points
- Vulvovaginitis is inflammation of the vulva and vagina.
- It causes itching, redness and soreness.
- It is most common in girls between the ages of 3 and 10.
- Childhood vulvovaginitis will always improve at puberty if not before. It is a different condition from vulvovaginitis in adult women.
- Most often, it can be treated at home through removing any irritants and teaching your child good hygiene practices.
Why is vulvovaginitis common in girls before puberty?
Before puberty, girls are prone to vulvovaginitis because their vagina and vulva are thin and less resistant to infection. Their vagina is not as acidic as it becomes after puberty, so bacteria can easily grow and cause infection.
Also, young girls are still learning how to toilet themselves. The may not wipe their bottom correctly or thoroughly enough. Bacteria from the bottom can irritate the sensitive genital area.
What causes vulvovaginitis?
Most commonly, vulvovaginitis is caused when the skin becomes irritated. This may be caused by:
- urine (wee) or faeces (poo) that is not wiped away after toileting
- soaps or bubble baths
- tight-fitting clothing
- scratchy toilet paper.
Unlike adult women, in girls who have not reached puberty, symptoms are not often caused by thrush (candida).
Itching that is worse at nighttime and mostly around the anus may be a sign of threadworms.
How is vulvovaginitis in girls treated?
Treatment of vulvovaginitis depends on the cause. For young girls, this normally involves identifying and avoiding the irritant causing it and teaching your child how to keep their genital area clean. The following tips may help:
- Teach your child to use a front to back motion when wiping.
- Change underpants daily or more frequently if soiled.
- Wear loose-fitting comfortable underwear and outer clothing.
- Avoid tight-fitting nylon clothing such as leotards and pants that restrict airflow and promote sweating. Cotton underwear is best.
- Avoid using bubble baths and harsh soaps; try a soap-free cleanser instead of conventional soap.
- Daily soap-free baths can be soothing and will improve hygiene.
- Encourage your child to gently use her fingers to separate the folds of her vulva to clean them.
- Teach her to pat dry the vulva with a clean towel after bathing rather than rubbing vigorously.
- Bland emollients creams can be used to help soothe irritation. ‘hang on’
- rinse the vulva with water after weeing
- use soft, unscented toilet paper
- pat or air dry the area after washing, do not rub
- for babies, change nappies frequently
The content on this page has been developed and approved by the Clinical Network for Child Protection, Paediatric Society New Zealand.
I have pain down below, what can I do?
Vulvodynia is defined as pain or discomfort of the vulva that lasts longer than three months. The vulva is the external genital area of a female. About 16% of women in the United States have vulvodynia. It affects ethnic and racial groups equally. Some women with vulvodynia will experience pain in one area of the vulva while others will experience pain in the entire area.
The types of pain women experience range from mild aching, soreness, and throbbing to more intense pain including burning, stinging, and a feeling of constant, severe irritation. These symptoms may come and go or remain constant. They can start without warning; however, symptoms usually develop after specific activities like intercourse, gynecological exams, insertion of a tampon, tight fitting pants, or sitting for long periods of time.
Sometimes vulvar pain is due to an infection, skin disorder or other medical disease. Pain from these conditions is not considered vulvodynia. The cause of vulvodynia is not known. Some believe the pain develops due to an injury or irritation of the pudendal nerve, a woman’s genetic predisposition, an overactive response to an direct injury, or weakness and spasms of the muscles in the pelvic floor.
If a woman develops vulvar pain, sh e should see a medical professional who specializes in women’s health. The medical provider will complete a thorough examination to rule out infection or other skin conditions that may be causing the vulvar pain. They may also perform a cotton swab test in which they touch various parts of the vulva to determine the exact location and severity of the pain. Finally, a skin biopsy may be done if there is an area of skin that appears abnormal.
Once vulvodynia has been diagnosed, there are several treatment options. Treatment options focus on relieving pain symptoms and avoiding activities or events that cause pain. Not every treatment will work the same for every patient. In fact, some women will require more than one treatment to control the pain. Women are highly encouraged to keep a pain diary because diaries can help track symptoms, identify activities or events that make the pain worse, and follow responses to treatment.
Treatments for vulvodynia include:
- Physical therapy: Physical therapy helps relax and relieve tension of the pelvic floor muscles. Physical therapy can also improve pelvic floor muscle strength. Improved strength and relaxed muscles can significantly reduce vulvar pain.
- Local anesthetics: A cream or gel, often containing lidocaine, can be applied to the vulva for short-term relief of symptoms. Many women apply the cream or gel before aggravating events, such as intercourse, because the cream can prevent or reduce pain that frequently occurs with these types of activities.
- Hormone cream: Estrogen cream can improve irritation of vulvar skin and may be used in some instances.
- Antidepressants/Antiseizure Medications: These types of medications have been shown to reduce and improve overall vulvar pain. These medications are used to control a woman’s symptoms long-term; however, it is important to remember that it may take several weeks before patients start seeing an improvement in their symptoms.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/Sex Therapy: Because vulvar pain can affect sexual relationships and a woman’s emotional state, counseling with a licensed professional therapist can greatly improve overall symptoms associated with vulvodynia and can help maintain healthy physical and emotional relationships.
In addition to these medical treatment options, women can also help reduce their pain by following these simple suggestions at home:
- Wear 100% cotton underwear to improve airflow to the external genital area. Chronic moisture and reduced airflow can cause significant vulvar irritation and discomfort.
- Do not wear underwear to bed. This allows maximum airflow to the vulva.
- Avoid douching. Douching can remove “good” vaginal flora. This can cause irritation and burning, which leads to worsening vulvar pain.
- Clean the vulva with water only. There is no need to scrub or use harsh, heavily perfumed soaps to clean this area.
- Limit pad use. Pads can be very irritating to the vulvar tissue.
- If pads are needed, use 100% cotton pads that are free of perfumes.
- Certain ointments or creams may be applied to the vulva to reduce rubbing from underwear and pads. These ointments include Aquaphor, Vaseline, Desitin, or non-flavored Crisco.
- Pat the vulva dry after voiding. Avoid hard, repeated wiping.
- Use lubricants before sex. However, do not use lubricants that are scented or that cause heating/cooling sensations.
- Apply cool packs to vulva as needed
Ongoing and regular medical care is very important in helping control vulvodynia symptoms long-term and in preventing symptoms from worsening. If you are experiencing any type of vulvar pain or discomfort, call The Woman’s Center for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction to schedule an appointment for evaluation and discussion of individualized treatment options.
National Vulvodynia Association, 2019
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2017
Common causes of vaginal irritation and home remedies that OB/GYN doctors recommend
Vaginal itching affects nearly every woman at some point, and while for some it’s simply an uncomfortable nuisance, for others it signals a more serious underlying health issue. In most cases, however, alleviating vaginal itching is as simple as identifying and treating the cause.
Vaginal itching, burning and discharge can be caused by many different aggravating factors such as irritating substances, infections, skin disorders, sexually transmitted diseases (STD) or even menopause. If your OB/GYN doctor find that your vaginal itching is a result of one of the following common causes, there is most likely an easy treatment or fix.
Skin conditions like psoriasis can also affect the vagina and vulva, but since this fact isn’t well-known, women may be aware of their skin condition but never make the connection to their vaginal itching. a douche, which is actually used to cleanse the vagina, can cause irritation for some women. This is one of the many reasons why you should avoid douching..
For lubricant, consider trying a fragrance-free, water-based lubricant or coconut oil (if you aren’t using condoms). Use polyisoprene (latex-free) condoms to see if you have a latex allergy.
Sometimes the chemicals found in soap can cause vaginal irritation as well. Buy fragrance-free soap without perfume and only use it on the outside of the vulva. The interior of your vagina is self-cleaning and using soap or douching may disrupt its natural, healthy bacteria balance.
Also avoid vaginal wipes or deodorants.
Be sure to only change one product at a time so that you can correctly identify the cause of the issue.
Vaginal Itching as a Symptom of an Underlying Issue
When vaginal itching isn’t the result of an irritant or dryness, there may be another underlying cause that needs to be identified and treated.
Yeast Infections: Yeast infections are commonplace for many women, as evidenced by easy access to over-the-counter medication. Itching is a primary symptom of yeast infections, which can usually be treated quite effectively by your OB/GYN doctor infection, most often treating the illness can help with the itching. The approach, however, depends on the illness itself. Chlamydia,.
To prevent bacterial vaginosis, consider taking a Pro-B Probiotic supplement, which has been clinically shown to help balance yeast and bacteria in the body.
Itching Caused by Vaginal Dryness
Vaginal dryness can result in many cases of itching,. If you believe you are experiencing vaginal itching caused by hormones, see our article on vaginal atrophy.. Doctor
If your vaginal itching is persistent and you can’t connect it to any of the potential irritants listed here, you should schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN to make sure you aren’t dealing with something more serious.
Most importantly, you should never self-diagnose.
Many women assume their vaginal irritation is the result of a yeast infection and buy over-the-counter medications without getting a proper diagnosis. While there’s no evidence that this approach will cause you any harm, it also won’t help alleviate your itching, and may delay diagnosis of a more serious health.
Vaginal infections are extremely common. Approximately 50-75% of women will have thrush at some point and 10-30% will have bacterial vaginosis. This section will deal only with these two infections. Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and trichomonas are dealt with in the section called STI screening.
This is a very common cause of vaginal infection. It is caused by a fungus species called candida. The most common type of candida infection is known as candida albicans. Almost all women have candida albicans growing harmlessly on and in their body. When the balance of the vagina is disrupted for a variety of reasons the fungus overgrows, causing symptoms known as thrush.
Well recognised causes of thrush include:
- Antibiotic use
- Diabetes
- Wearing tight underwear
- Taking the contraceptive pill
- Periods
- Pregnancy
Symptoms of thrush include vaginal and vulval soreness, itch and discharge. Sometimes only one of these symptoms may be present. Often the patient diagnoses thrush herself and some treatments are available in the pharmacy without needing a prescription.
However if the symptoms do not improve within two weeks or they recur your doctor usually prescribes vaginal or oral treatment. The male partner should also receive treatment if they are symptomatic. Your GP will arrange for you to have a swab taken to check for other infections and to make sure that it’s definitely thrush.
If treatment is used properly, the infection clears up completely in 8 out of 10 women. However, some women find that thrush keeps recurring. If you have more than four episodes of thrush in a year, this is known as recurrent thrush and you will need to approach the problem in a different way. More long-term measures may be required to try to eliminate the problem of recurrent thrush, such as diet modification, changes in clothing type and a new approach to personal hygiene. Ironically excessive washing of the vaginal area is associated with recurrent thrush. Infection that keeps coming back can be very upsetting and some women find that it affects their sex life and how they feel about themselves. Talk to your GP if you are concerned.
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
Bacterial vaginosis is the most common cause of vaginal discharge in women of child bearing age. It happens when the balance of the vagina is disrupted. A large overgrowth of a bacteria called gardnerella vaginalis occurs which produces the symptoms. Occassionally BV infection is detected in swabs taken from women who have no symptoms. Usually women complain of a thin, grey or green discharge with an unpleasant fishy smell. There can be associated vaginal soreness and irritation, particularly after sex.
If left untreated there is an association between BV and miscarriage. It is treated with a course of metronidazole (flagyl). After this treatment about three out of four women will be cured of the infection. However, some women find that the vaginosis comes back. If this happens to you, you are likely to be prescribed more metronidazole. Alternatively a vaginal preparation designed to lower the Ph of the vagina and therefore restore a healthy balance can be used. These include Relactagel and Aci-Jel. They have been shown to be less effective than antibiotics in treating BV but will still treat BV in approximately 50% of cases successfully. Male partners do not need to be treated.
If your infection keeps coming back, it is important not to use any perfumed bath products, shampoos or antiseptics as these can irritate your skin. Do not use vaginal douching. Douching means washing out your vagina – usually with water or a special douching liquid – to clean it and prevent infection. However, douching actually has the opposite effect. It destroys the healthy bacteria in your vagina and leaves you more open to infection.
Is there anything I can do to feel more comfortable? below:
- Wear loose-fitting, cotton clothes rather than tight clothes such as jeans, or synthetic materials such as nylon underwear or tights.
- Use plain water to wash rather than perfumed soaps, bath or shower products, antiseptics or vaginal deodorants as these can irritate your skin and the sensitive area of your vulva. Don’t scrub with a flannel or sponge. Wash your hair over a sink rather than in the shower or bath so that the shampoo doesn’t come into contact with your vulva.
-. Be aware that some treatments for vaginal infections can affect the latex in condoms, caps and diaphragms which can make them unsafe for contraception. Speak to your GP or pharmacist for advice.
Most vaginal itching or discomfort is due to a chemical irritation of the vulva or outer vagina. The usual irritants are bubble bath, shampoo, or soap left on the genital area. Occasionally, it is due to poor hygiene. This irritation almost always occurs before puberty. At that age, the lining of the vulva is very thin and sensitive. If the vagina becomes infected, there will be a vaginal discharge. The common features of vaginitis are:
- Pain, soreness, burning, or itching in genital area
- Pain or burning with urination
- Uses bubble bath, bathes in soapy water, or washes genitals with soap
- Prepubertal girl
Home Care
Baking Soda – Warm Water Soaks. Have your daughter soak her bottom in a basin or bathtub of warm water with baking soda for 20 minutes. Add 4-8 tablespoon of baking soda per tub of warm water. Be sure she spreads her legs and allows the water to cleanse the genital area. No soap should be used. Repeat this every 4 hours while your daughter is awake for the next 2 days. After symptoms resolve, cleanse the genital area once a day with warm water.
Hydrocortisone Cream. Apply 1% of hydrocortisone cream (a nonprescription item) to the genital
area after soaks.
Prevention of Recurrences.
- Don’t use bubble bath before puberty because it’s extremely irritating. Don’t put any other soaps or shampoo into the bath water. Don’t let a bar of soap float in the bathtub. Wash the genital area with plain water, not soap. If necessary, use baby oil to remove secretions from between the labia. If you are going to shampoo your child’s hair, do this at the end of the bath. use a squirt bottle with warm tap water to rinse between her legs after shampooing.
- Keep bath time less than 15 minutes. Have your child urinate immediately after baths.
- Have your child wear cotton underpants. Underpants made of synthetic fibers don’t allow the skin to “breathe.”.
Call our office during regular hours if . . .
- The itching is not gone after 48 hours of treatment.
- A vaginal discharge or bleeding occurs.
- Passing urine becomes increasingly painful.
- Your child develops a fever or vomiting.
- You have other concerns or questions.
Ready to make an appointment?
Call our Central Appointment Line at (651) 256-6714 or check our contact page for our business office number or other numbers
Associate professor, University of Technology Sydney
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Melissa Kang.
I Need to Know is an ongoing series for teens in search of reliable, confidential advice about life’s tricky questions.!
The goal is to promote healthy vulvar skin. You can do this if you reduce or get rid of:
- Chemicals
- Moisture
- Rubbing
We suggest these products and actions because of their past success in helping to lessen or relieve vulvar/vaginal burning, irritation, or itching.
Laundry products
- Use the detergent brand All Free Clear™ on all laundry that goes into your washer:
- Use it for each load.
- Do not substitute.
- Use 1/3 to 1/2 of the suggested amount of detergent per load.
- Use the smallest amount of detergent with a high efficiency washer.
- Rinse your clothes 2 times.
- Do not use fabric softeners or dryer sheets.
- You may use dryer balls.
- Do not use wool dryer balls.
- Hand wash your underwear if you use a shared washer or dryer (such as a laundromat, apartment, or dorm).
- Line dry your underwear.
Stain removal products and bleach
- If you have used a stain removal product:
- Soak and rinse in clear water all underwear and towels on which you have used it.
- Then wash in your regular washing cycle using All Free Clear™.
- This removes as much of the product as you can.
- Wear white, all cotton underwear. Cotton lets air in and moisture out.
- Do not wear nylon underwear with a cotton crotch.
- Do not wear thongs.
- Do not wear underwear when sleeping at night.
- Wear loose fitting cotton boxers or cotton pajama bottoms are fine.
- Do not wear pantyhose.
- If you must wear pantyhose:
- Cut out the diamond crotch.
- Leave about 1/4 inch of fabric from the seam to keep it from running.
- Wear thigh high hose.
- Do not wear tight clothing.
- Do not wear clothing made of synthetic fabrics.
- Take off wet clothing as soon as you can.
- Do not use bath soaps, lotions, or gels that have perfumes.
- Even products marked “gentle” or “mild” can have perfumes.
- You and all sexual partners should use these soaps:
- Dove for Sensitive Skin™
- Neutrogena™
- Basis™
- Aveeno™
- Pears™
- Do not use soap directly on the vulvar skin.
- Use warm water.
- Do not use bubble bath, bath salts, and scented oils.
- You may use an unscented oil or lotion on skin after bathing.
- Do not put lotion on your vulva.
- Do not scrub vulvar skin with a washcloth.
- Pat dry.
- You may use a hair dryer on a cool setting.
Baking soda soaks
- Do not soak in hot water.
- Use 4 to 5 tablespoons of baking soda for itching and burning.
- Soak 1 to 3 times a day for 10 minutes.
- Use 1 to 2 teaspoons of baking soda if you are using a sitz bath.
- Use white, unscented toilet paper such as:
- Scott
- Angel Soft
- 7th Generation
- Do not use toilet paper with aloe.
- Do not use “ultra-soft” or “ultra-strong” toilet paper.
- Do not douche.
- Do not shave or use hair removal products:
- You may use scissors to trim the pubic hair.
- You may have laser hair removal.
Personal product hygiene
- Do not use hygiene sprays, perfumes, adult, or baby wipes.
- You may use Tucks (witch hazel) hemorrhoid pads.
- You can use WaterWipes™.
- You may pour lukewarm water over the vulva while you pee for burning.
- Do not use deodorized pads and tampons.
- You may use tampons when your blood flow is able to soak 1 tampon in 4 hours or less.
- They may cause vaginal infections, more discharge, odor, or rarely, toxic shock syndrome if worn too long or when blood flow is too light.
- Use pads that have a cotton liner that touches your skin.
- Do not use pads with a nylon mesh weave.
- Nylon traps moisture.
- We suggest using:
- Stayfree™
- Carefree™
- 7th Generation™
- For urine leakage, use a pad designed to collect urine.
Ointments and creams
- Do not use over-the-counter creams or ointments until you ask your health care team.
- Use ointments that are paraben-free and fragrance-free.
- You may use a skin protectant on your vulva as often as you need. We suggest that you use a thin layer of:
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Vegetable oil
- Coconut oil
- Zinc oxide ointment
- White petrolatum (Vaseline™)
- It also helps to lower skin irritation during your period and when you pee.
Staying dry
For people who have problems with chronic dampness:
- Do not wear pads daily.
- Choose cotton fabrics when you can.
- Keep an extra pair of underwear with you and change if you are damp.
- Gold Bond™ or Zeasorb (AF) ™ powder may be used 1 to 2 times per day to help absorb moisture.
- Do not use powders with cornstarch.
- You may help dryness and irritation during sex by using a lube.
- Silicone-based lubes such as Uberlube™ work well.
- Use a small amount of a pure vegetable oil (solid, liquid, or extra virgin olive oil).
- Over-the-counter water-based lubricants tend to dry out before sex is over.
- This may cause small tears in your vagina.
- They may have chemicals that can irritate.
- You can use a:
- Non-lubricated, non-spermicidal condom
- Vegetable oil lube
This will help keep the semen off the skin and reduce burning and irritation after sex.
Sores or lesions on the female genitalia or in the vagina may occur for many reasons. of painful sores.
- Genital warts may cause painless sores.
Less common infections such as chancroid, granuloma inguinale, molluscum contagiosum, and syphilis may also cause red or other glands
- Trauma or scratches
- Flu-type viruses that can cause genital sores or ulcers in some cases
Home Care.
When to Contact a Medical Professional
Contact your provider if you:
- Find any unexplained genital sore
- Have a change in a genital sore
- Have genital itching that does not go away with home care
- Think you might have a sexually transmitted infection
- Have pelvic pain, fever, vaginal bleeding, or other new symptoms as well as genital sores
What to Expect at Your Office Visit
Your provider will perform a physical examination. This most often includes a pelvic examination. You will be asked about your symptoms and medical history. Questions may include:
- What does the sore look like? Where is it located?
- When did you first notice it?
- Do you have more than one sore?
- Does it hurt or itch? Has it grown bigger?
- Have you ever had one before?
- How often do you have sexual activity?
- Do you have painful urination or pain during sexual intercourse?
- Do you have abnormal vaginal drainage?
The following tests may be done:
- Complete blood count (CBC)
- Blood differential
- Skin or mucosal biopsy
- Vaginal or cervical culture
- Microscopic vaginal secretion exam (wet mount)
Treatment may include medicines that you put on the skin or take by mouth. The type of medicine depends on the cause.
Alternative Names
Sores on the female genitals
- Genital sores (female).
Frumovitz M. Neoplastic diseases of the vulva and vagina. In: Gershenson DM, Lentz GM, Valea FA, Lobo RA, eds. Comprehensive Gynecology. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2022:chap 30.
Eckert LO, Lentz GM. Genital tract infections: vulva, vagina, cervix, toxic shock syndrome, endometritis, and salpingitis. In: Gershenson DM, Lentz GM, Valea FA, Lobo RA, eds. Comprehensive Gynecology. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2022:chap 23.
Link RE, Tang N. Cutaneous diseases of the external genitalia. In: Partin AW, Dmochowski RR, Kavoussi LR, Peters CA, eds. Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology. 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 59.
Most healthy vaginas have yeast. But sometimes your yeast grows too much and leads to an infection. Yeast infections can be very irritating and uncomfortable.
Think you may have a yeast infection?.
If you finish your treatment and your symptoms persist for more than a week, talk to your nurse or doctor to see what’s going on. You may require further treatment or something else may be causing the irritation. You can always schedule an appointment at your local Planned Parenthood health center.
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Here are ways to soothe itching and soreness after birth if you had vaginal tears or an episiotomy.
By: Norton Healthcare • Posted: May 27, 2020
After any vaginal delivery, you may have swelling and discomfort. If you had a vaginal tear or episiotomy with delivery, you may have stitches in the area as well as itching and soreness.
“Soreness in the vaginal area usually will begin to ease over six to 12 weeks after birth,” said Kenneth J. Payne, M.D., OB/GYN with Norton OB/GYN Associates. “Change your pads promptly and often. Be extra careful to wash your hands before and after to reduce the chance of infection. If you have concerns, please contact your provider.”
Postpartum Gynecologic Care
Part of treating more women than any other health system in Louisville means Norton Women’s Care providers are available with appointments and locations convenient to you.
To ease discomfort while you’re healing:
- Soak in warm water a few times per day. This can be in a tub or a sitz bath — a round, shallow basin that fits over the toilet seat. Warm water alone will boost the blood flow around the affected area, promoting healing.
If approved by your provider, Epsom salts, witch hazel, vinegar or baking soda can be added to the water to reduce itching and inhibit bacterial growth.
- Sit on a pillow or padded ring.
- Take any nonsteroidal medications, such as ibuprofen, as prescribed by your provider.
- Use a squeeze bottle to pour warm water on your perineum after you urinate.
- Placing a chilled witch hazel pad between a pad and the wound will decrease discomfort.
- Talk to your doctor about using over-the-counter pain relievers, or a numbing spray (Dermoplast). sexually transmitted infection (STI). However,, such as clotrimazole, nystatin or miconazole will probably.
Vaginal pain is a common discomfort and it generally does not indicate any serious condition. Most of the time, it is just a consequence of using very tight clothes or an allergy to a condom or soap. However, when vaginal pain is frequent, does not improve with time or occurs with other symptoms, it can also be a sign of more serious health problems, such as an STI or cysts.
If you are experiencing pain or burning with urination, skin redness in the area, swelling, wounds, lumps, or bleeding, it’s important to see your doctor for assessment and treatment as indicated.
The main causes for vaginal pain are:
1. Tight clothes
Wearing tight clothes is usually the main cause of vaginal pain. Clothes that are too tight and made of synthetic materials can decrease airflow to the genital area, which increases the temperature and moisture. Hot and wet skin is the perfect breeding ground for fungi and bacteria.
What to do: It is advised that you wear looser clothes that are made of breathable fabrics, and wear cotton underwear. Sleeping without underwear is also beneficial as it allows for more airflow in the genital area for longer periods of time. If your symptoms do not improve with changes to clothing, you should see your doctor for assessment.
2. Pregnancy
Vaginal pain during pregnancy is common and does not present a risk to the mother or the baby. It is most common in the third trimester which is when the baby’s weight within the uterus starts putting pressure on the mother’s organs and starts to get closer to the vaginal canal.
What to do: This is a normal, expected finding, and therefore treatment is not required. However, if the pain persists and occurs with other symptoms, it’s important to visit your obstetrician so that she can examine you.
3. Allergic reactions
Some women have increased sensitivity to some products, such as soap, fabric softener, menstrual pads, toilet paper, or some types of condom. The usual symptoms of allergic reactions are swelling, redness, itchiness, pain, or burning in the vagina.
What to do: it’s important to identify the cause of the allergy and avoid using any product that may trigger a reaction. Depending on your symptom intensity, the doctor may prescribe medication like topical anti-inflammatories to use on the affected region.
4. Urinary tract infections
Women are likely to have more than one urinary tract infection, or UTI, in their lifetime. This is because the female urethra is short and the vagina and the anus are close together, which favors the migration and proliferation of fungi and bacteria. UTIs generally happen with inadequate hygiene or due to tight clothes, which don’t allow for much air-flow.
When you have a urinary infection, you usually feel like you need to urinate but not much urine comes out. You may also feel pain, burning, or itchiness in the vagina. Learn more about the most common UTI symptoms and how it may present differently in men.
What to do: As soon as you notice the first symptoms of a urinary tract infection, you should see your doctor who will order a urine test to identify the agent that is causing the infection. Once identified, treatment can be initiated. It is generally done with antibiotics, such as amoxicillin or ciprofloxacin. Learn about other medications that are typically prescribed as well as some natural remedies you can use to complement your treatment plan.
5. Sexually transmitted infections
Sexually transmitted infections or STIs are diseases caused by microorganisms that are spread through unprotected sexual intercourse. Your risk for catching an STI is higher if you have more than one partner during the same time period. Common symptoms of an STI include redness, small wounds, lumps or warts in the genital region, burning sensation when urinating, vaginal discharge, and pain.
What to do: If you have symptoms of an STI and recently engaged in risky behavior, you should see your doctor for assessment. While performing an assessment, he or she will likely collect a specimen for lab analysis to confirm an infection. Usually, treatment is done through antibiotics, antifungal medication, or antivirals and depends on the underlying infection.
Even though some STDs are curable with treatment, it’s important to use a condom during sexual intercourse and to avoid intercourse with more than one partner.
6. Cysts
Some cysts can change the anatomy of the vagina and lead to pain. This happens with ovarian cysts, which are pockets full of liquid that form inside or around the ovary. Learn more about the symptoms associated with ovarian cysts and how they are treated.
Some vaginal cysts can also cause pain, such as Bartholin’s cyst and Skene duct cyst, which are cysts formed in glands that are located in the vagina.
What to do: If you notice bleeding that occurs outside the menstrual period, pain during sexual intercourse, difficulty getting pregnant, late periods or vaginal pain, you should see your doctor, as these symptoms may be a sign of a cysts.
The treatment prescribed by the doctor will differ depending on the size of the cyst. Treatment can vary with simple approaches, like antibiotics, to more complex approaches like surgical interventions to remove the cyst, or even the uterus.
7. Vaginal dryness
Vaginal dryness happens due to decreased estrogen production, which is a female hormone that commonly becomes lower during menopause. When the production of mucous decreases, you may feel vaginal pain, generally during sexual intercourse.
What to do: To decrease the discomfort caused by a dry vagina, you can use lubricants to ease sexual intercourse, use vaginal moisturizers, or even undergo hormone therapy under doctor supervision.
8. Vaginismus
Vaginal pain and extreme difficulty penetrating can be caused by vaginismus, which is a rare disease. Although it is not very well known it is thought to be caused by physical factors, genital diseases or psychological trauma (from sexual abuse, traumatic labor, or previous surgical procedures, for example).
What to do: In order to find out if you have vaginismus, you should see a gynecologist for assessment and guidance. There is treatment available, which can be done with medication and psychological therapy which can help improve sexual intercourse. |
: Kelvin Parker
Season In Review: Mount St. Mary’s Mountaineers
Nearly 18 hours after Mount St. Mary’s was thoroughly dismantled by LIU Brooklyn in the second half of the NEC championship game, Jamion Christian answered his phone with the same optimism and level headedness he had shown all season throughout the ups and the downs.
“Man, I’m good,” Christian said when asked about his mood after their season ending loss. “We have most of these [players] coming back and we have a ton of momentum heading into recruiting season. So we just have to get after it and get a couple of guys.”
Mayhem may have run out of steam after a furious late season surge that saw the Mount winning nine straight heading into the NEC title game, yet the head coach was tremendously proud of his team’s effort. And he had every reason to be.
This was a team that had compiled a 19-42 record in the previous two seasons under Robert Burke. Expectations weren’t terribly high coming into the 2012-13 season, nor was anyone expecting the Mount to join the upper echelon of the conference with the likes of Robert Morris, Wagner, and LIU. But the aforementioned Burke didn’t leave the cupboard bare with talent, having recruited and signed transfers Rashad Whack, Sam Prescott, and Taylor Danaher. Early on, it was clear Whack and Prescott were the type of athletic, high-scoring wings Christian needed in order to install his high paced Mayhem system, one where the team was expected to force turnovers and shoot a lot of threes. Repeat: A LOT of threes.
The non-conference season started out promising enough, with the Mount winning four of their first seven contests. In the four victories, the Mountaineers extracted an average of 20 turnovers, made an average of nine threes, and held opponents to under 1.00 point per possession each game. Welcome to Mayhem!
Unfortunately for Christian, teams predictably began to adjust to his havoc reeking system, beginning with a blowout loss at Loyola (MD). The setback began a rough 3-9 stretch including a 2-6 start to the conference season, but Christian wasn’t necessary worried or focused on the somewhat discouraging stretch of basketball.
“I was so caught up in our team just trying to improve everyday, that I didn’t recognize that we were in a winning streak or losing streak,” explained Christian. “I really felt like we were inching closer and closer to being a really good team and we just kept trying to find ways to [improve everyday].”
And improve they did. Following an eight point loss to Robert Morris, the Mount put together a 11-1 streak, which catapulted the Mount from the outside of the NEC playoff picture to almost earning a home game in the first round of the NEC tournament. They were scoring efficiently with Whack, Prescott, and Julian Norfleet leading the charge. They were defending the basketball – in nine of their final 11 victories, the Mount held opponents to under 1.01 points per possession. But most importantly, a point guard emerged in freshman Shivaughn Wiggins. His stark improvement on both ends of the floor, along with Norfleet controlling a majority of the point guard duties, helped drastically advance the Mount’s offense. Both players were finding creative ways to score and getting sharpshooters like Whack, Prescott, and Kelvin Parker good looks along the perimeter.
In the end, the frantic turnaround to their season fell a little short in Brooklyn. According to Christian, the tough loss was an example of how his team needs to improve from a maturity standpoint.
“The moment heightened for our guys,” said Christian when asked about how the second half versus LIU got away. “They recognized they were down seven, down ten. ‘Hey we’re in the championship game, we have to make a move.’ And I just don’t think we handled it very well as a group.”
Losing is always part of the process that makes a team better in the long run, and surely the Mountaineers will come out hungrier and more prepared for a run at the NEC championship next season.
Best Moment: It’s always a good thing when the team’s best moment comes at or near the end of the season, and that absolutely was the case with the Mountaineers. After winning eight straight, the Mount came into Moon Township and dominated Robert Morris on their own home floor in a game that wasn’t as close as the final score would indicate. The 69-60 semifinal victory was the Mountaineers’ best win since Milan Brown left town.
Worst Moment: Despite beginning the NEC season 2-6 and undergoing a 3-9 stretch midseason, it was their NEC season opening loss to Fairleigh Dickinson at the Knott that really stung. The Mount shot a season worst 14.3% from behind the arc, showing pundits how much the Mount could live and die by the three-pointer. Especially when Christian’s Mayhem system wasn’t creating turnovers from their opponents.
Saying Goodbye
Raven Barber – With three respectable big men at Christian’s disposal, it appeared Barber would finish his career at the Mount as part of the dreaded platoon, sharing time with Kristijan Krajina and Danaher at the “5”. But for the final third of the season, Barber improved his play and was rewarded with more minutes. The physical specimen, who has a similar build to his predecessor Danny Thompson, did well to patrol around the rim and clean up the offensive glass in his senior season. (5.0 ppg, 2.9 rpg, 57.9% FG%)
Kelvin Parker – It was quite the tumultuous relationship between Parker and Christian. The soon-to-be junior was given a scholarship last offseason, fell into Christian’s doghouse early, emerged as another scoring wing midway through NEC play, only to exit stage left at season’s end. It may not have worked in Emmitsburg, but I’m willing to bet another mid-major program will take a chance on Parker’s athleticism with two years of eligibility remaining. Parker has intriguing upside in the right system. (5.3 ppg, 2.5 rpg, 0.9 spg)
Josh Castellanos – Christian praised Castellanos’ leadership and floor presence, yet his inability to score ultimately found the floor general on the bench once Wiggins emerged as the NEC’s best rookie. In a system where guards are expected to score and make threes, Castellanos’ ability to run an offense and fearlessness in the clutch simply wasn’t enough. Despite the midseason demotion, however, the junior carried himself with tremendous class. (4.3 ppg, 1.2 rpg, 3.2 apg, 1.6 A/TO)
Looking Ahead
The core of the team remains intact, and with the Mount’s hot finish to end the 2012-13 season, they’ll be expected to finish in the upper third of the NEC next year. This expectation is absolutely fair, especially with the scoring trio of Whack, Prescott, and Norfleet returning. Throw in an extra offseason of development for Shivaughn Wiggins – who could be an all-NEC player candidate – and you have the dynamic backcourt that Christian covets. Besides Wiggins, it will be interesting to see how much more production he’ll get out of his sophomore class, including Danaher, Gregory Graves, and Christian Crockett. How they and his freshmen class step up may be the x-factor in determining if the Mount can get back to the NCAA tournament.
Kelvin Parker and Josh Castellanos No Longer With Mount St. Mary’s
Mount St. Mary’s forward Kelvin Parker has been released from his scholarship, per a tweet from Alex Kline:
Mount St. Mary’s wing Kelvin Parker has received his release from the school, his coach says.
— Alex Kline (@TheRecruitScoop) March 17, 2013
//platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsIt’s unknown who initiated the action, but given the sophomore’s increased playing time as the season went on, it seems plausible that Parker himself asked for the release. Parker averaged 15.8 minutes per game this season, while posting averages of 5.3 points, 2.5 rebounds, and 0.7 assists per game. All were career lows.
It was a rocky start to the season for Parker and head coach Jamion Christian. In early going, Parker received very little playing time with the sudden emergence of transfers Rashad Whack and Sam Prescott. Both juniors fit in well as athletic wings who enjoyed the Mayhem style their new head coach was employing. Parker, on the other hand, didn’t have the ball handling skills Christian coveted, nor did he transition perfectly into the speed of Christian’s Mayhem system. Eventually, things got better with Parker receiving more playing time when the NEC season was in full swing. The sophomore seemed to peak when he scored 19 points in a pivotal home victory over Bryant.
Despite the pockets of late season success, however, Parker apparently wasn’t thrilled with his off-the-bench role, thereby leading to his release. The writing was on the wall, and was somewhat evident in my conversation with Christian last Wednesday, a day after their blowout loss in the NEC finals to LIU Brooklyn.
Here’s what Christian had to say when I asked him what he learned most about his first season as a head coach: “The biggest thing is you really learn about the kids you can coach, and the kids that you can’t coach – the kind of players you want in your program, the kind of players you don’t want in your program. You learn that pretty quickly. I’m pretty optimistic, so I believe everybody can commit to change and everyone can really sellout to our team and commit to a focus to win. I mean you just realize sometimes it isn’t that easy. And that’s OK, but you do realize that and as it happens, you have to roll with the punches and make adjustments.”
This is pure speculation on my part, but it sure seems like Parker was one of those players Christian was referring to. Regardless of the motive, the athletic wing leaves the Mount with the freedom to explode other basketball opportunities. Where Parker lands is anyone’s guess, but the most likely scenario is he’ll settle in with a D-II program. Typically, it’s difficult for transfers from a low-mid major program to sign with another low-mid major program, even though players like Joe O’Shea, Dyami Starks, Yves Jules, and Mostafaa Jones have recently bucked that trend. In all of those cases though, each player had three years of eligibility left, whereas Parker has only two years remaining. That could make a world of difference for a D-I head coach looking to fill his 12th or 13th scholarship for the 2013-14 season.
Update at 10:15 AM on March 18, 2013: Per his mother, Josh Castellanos has also been released from his scholarship at Mount St. Mary’s. The junior will graduate with his degree in May and will look to transfer to another D-I program with one year of eligibility remaining.
Castellanos, after receiving rave reviews from Christian in the offseason regarding his work ethic and leadership, fell out of favor during the season when freshman Shivaughn Wiggins emerged as a NEC Rookie of the Year candidate. Once Wiggins inserted himself as a starter and Julian Norfleet was asked to handle the ball more, Castellanos minutes dwindled significantly. After only averaging six minutes in consecutive games versus Quinnipiac, Sacred Heart, and Wagner, Castellanos didn’t get off the bench in eight of the Mount’s final ten games. The point guard averaged 5.6 points and 3.4 assists in three seasons with the Mountaineers.
From Christian’s point of the view, Parker and Castellanos’ sudden departure opens up two more scholarships for the Mount. With the athletic 6’3″ guard Khalid Nwandu already locked up for the 2013-14 season, Christian now has the option to add two more recruits to the 2013-14 roster. Whack, Prescott, Norfleet, and Kristijan Krajina are all set to graduate after the 2013-14 season, opening up four more scholarships for Christian that offseason.
Mount St. Mary’s season is officially over, as they will not compete in the CIT or CBI postseason tournaments.
Is Kelvin Parker Back in Mount St. Mary’s Rotation?
Unless you’re a Mountaineers fan, NEC employee, or someone like me who lives close by, you probably haven’t paid much attention to the first two Mount St. Mary’s games of the conference season. If you had, however, you would have noticed the return of a familiar face to the Mount’s lineup – the former walk-on Kelvin Parker. Continue reading “Is Kelvin Parker Back in Mount St. Mary’s Rotation?”
Early observations of Mount St. Mary’s and the Mayhem
I’ve had the opportunity this past week to witness Jamion Christian’s newly installed Mayhem system twice. It’s a scheme that very much emulates the basketball philosophies of Christian’s former boss, VCU head coach Shaka Smart. Continue reading “Early observations of Mount St. Mary’s and the Mayhem”
NEC Team Capsule: Mount St. Mary’s
Head Coach: Jamion Christian, 1st year
Last Season: 8-21 (6-12 NEC), failed to qualify for the NEC tournament
NEC Preseason Coach’s Poll: 9th out of 12 teams
State of Program: Agressively rebuilding
Key Players Lost: Danny Thompson (7.8 ppg, 6.9 rpg, 1.2 spg, 1.3 bpg), Lamar Trice (dismissed after 2 games)
Incoming Players: Shivaughn Wiggins (PG), Melvin Gregory (F), Gregory Graves (F), Christian Crockett (F)
Previous Posts: Mount St. Mary’s Recruiting Recap, Jamion Christian Interview
Projected Starting Lineup:
PG: Josh Castellanos (8.2 ppg, 2.1 rpg, 4.6 apg)
G: Julien Norfleet (13.7 ppg, 4.2 rpg, 2.3 apg)
G: Kelvin Parker (9.0 ppg, 4.6 rpg, 1.3 spg)
F: Raven Barber (9.2 ppg, 4.5 rpg, 57.5% FG)
F: Kristijan Krajina (5.3 ppg, 3.9 rpg)
Key Reserves: Sam Prescott (G), Rashad Whack (G), Shivaughn Wiggins (PG), Melvin Gregory (F), Gregory Graves (F)
Major Storylines:
- A New Era – With all of the attention on the new head coaches at Wagner and LIU Brooklyn, few are talking about Jamion Christian’s arrival at the Mount. A former Mount player, the 30-year old Christian takes over in Emmitsburg after two uninspiring years under the direction of Robert Burke. Christian’s hiring has energized the fan base, but the honeymoon period can only last so long before fans begin to yearn for the glory days of Jim Phelan and Milan Brown.
- 40 Minutes of Mayhem – Christian’s hiring brings an exciting up-tempo style of basketball, otherwise known as 40 minutes of mayhem. The philosophy is utilized by Christian’s old boss, VCU head coach Shaka Smart, and will be implemented fully by Christian. The system prioritizes full court pressure on defense and fast, aggressive basketball. It will sure make things exciting again at the Mount, yet it’s unknown whether Christian will have enough athletic bodies and shooters to successfully implement the system. After a season where the Mount scored a putrid 0.91 points per possession, there’s no where to go but up. Transfers Rashad Whack and Sam Prescott are expected to help with the transition immediately.
Lineup Analysis: After nearly getting hired two years ago when Milan Brown left for Holy Cross, Jamion Christian finally broke through as the next Mount coach. There’s much work to be done, especially coming off an eight win season, yet Christian has some talent to work with. For starters, the Mount returns five of their top six most efficient players from last season, led by leading scorer Julian Norfleet. Despite the Mount’s offensive deficiencies, Norfleet still managed to average 13.7 points per game, while scoring in a myriad of ways. Norfleet will be a featured guard in the up-tempo offense, along with newcomer Sam Prescott. The Marist transfer was an inefficient volume scorer at his previous stop, so the challenge for the coaching staff will be to guide the talented Prescott into a team-first mentality. Kelvin Parker returns after a promising freshman season where his athleticism and defense quickly made him a fan favorite. Josh Castenellanos provides a veteran presence at the point, and allows Christian to take his time developing point guard of the future Shivaughn Wiggins, who was a prolific scorer and distributor in high school. Wiggins is part of solid recruiting class that will also feature freshmen Gregory Graves and Melvin Gregory, who each profile as big wings who can attack the rim and defend. Their immediate impact is currently unknown, but the Mount returns valuable experience in the frontcourt with Raven Barber and Kristijan Krajina, who each should log significant minutes. George Mason transfer Rashad Whack gives Christian a deadly outside threat, who should make the most of the open looks he’s expected to receive when the Mount’s offense is chugging down the floor.
Coach’s Quotes:
“Ideally to me, 10 or 11 [guys playing per night] is where I’d like to be at. I just think through the course of the year – it’s a long year – having more guys that can help and I feel like we have a really deep roster of talented guys … I think that will be a huge strength for our team.”
– Christian, when asked how deep of a rotation he’d like to play every game
, ‘wow that team plays really fast.’ If we can do that and implement our tempo and pace, the sky is the limit on where we can go.”
– Christian, when asked to explain his offensive strategy
Ryan – As exciting as 40 minutes of mayhem will be to watch, most people will need to temper their expectations of Christian’s squad in season one. Implementing a vastly different offensive philosophy will likely take a sizable adjustment, but if the Mount can adapt well enough by mid-season, they’ll be a difficult team to beat, especially at home. The Mount may miss out on an even win-loss conference record, but I think they’ll sneak into the final NEC playoff spot nonetheless.
John – The Mount is back! Alright, that might be overstating it a little bit, but MSM has the chance to make some waves this season. There will probably be some ugly losses though as the team adapts to Mahem, especially considering there’s no indication that anyone on this team can actually shoot. Still, as the season progresses Christian should be able to implement his style of play and grab the final NEC playoff spot.
Previous NEC Team Capsules:
October 24: St. Francis (PA) Red Flash
October 25: Fairleigh Dickinson Knights
October 26: Bryant Bulldogs
Q&A with Mount St. Mary’s head coach Jamion Christian
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to sit down with Mount St. Mary’s head coach Jamion Christian in his office. The enthusiastic and well spoken Christian discussed his team, the incoming recruits and transfers he inherited, and his overall outlook of the Mount next season. Below are the highlights of our half hour face-to-face discussion.
Ryan Peters: The NEC recently saw a lot of turnover in the coaching ranks. One of the new coaches hired, Bashir Mason, was featured in an article on ESPN. In the feature, Mason admitted he let out a yell and pounded his chest when he found out he got the Wagner job. So I have to ask you coach, what was your reaction when you found out you were the next head coach at the Mount? Did you do a little dance in celebration?
Jamion Christian: First of all, when I got the phone call from President Powell, I was just elated. I remember sitting out on my penthouse rooftop deck in Richmond, and I was really excited. But immediately when I hung the phone up, I told my wife and then I said, we need to get to work. I probably spent about 5-10 minutes enjoying it, and then I went immediately into thinking, what can I do to help our players get better from day one, and what kind of players do we need to bring in, and most importantly, what kind of staff was going to allow the Mount to get back to where we need to be doing in the right way. So those things happened, and then I had to talk to (VCU) Coach (Shaka) Smart, and his advice and sincerity through this process was unbelievable, because all he wanted from day one was for me to do what was best for me and my family.
RP: You were hired in late March and forced to fill 3-4 scholarships for this roster immediately. Was it difficult to go out and recruit right away with it being so close to the signing deadline?
JC: Well the recruiting part, knock on wood, was the easier part because I had been located here in the mid-Atlantic region my entire life and recruited DC, Maryland, Virginia, and Carolina. Getting here and having some scholarships available, I had a very strong idea of what we needed and in my vision of how we wanted to play. I always kept a very deep list (of recruits) for every school that I’ve been at.
RP: Shivaughn Wiggins was a player you had previously recruited as an assistant at VCU. You talked in your press conference about implementing a fast, aggressive, up-tempo offense. Why was Shivaughn the first player you signed with this offensive philosophy in mind?
JC: First of all, I love scoring guards. I think anytime you’re going to play up-tempo basketball at the mid-major level, you need guards that can really score the ball, and have that mentality to score. Shivaughn is so unique, because one year he averaged 7 assists per game as a junior, and the next year he averaged 25 (points per game) as a senior. To find a guy with those types of talents, who can score the ball but is unselfish enough to make passes, that’s really exciting. To find a guard of his caliber that late is really special.
RP: Do you expect Wiggins to compete for minutes right away with your other point guard, Josh Castellanos?
JC: I think Josh is going to have a tremendous year and I’m really excited to work with him. We run a very point guard friendly offense here because we play so up-tempo, so Josh is going to be extremely important. He averaged a little over 4 assists per game last year; he’s going to have the ball in his hands a lot more this year. We’re going to need him to continue to improve, as he’s done the first 4 months I’ve been here. One of the things which was underrated was (Josh’s) ability to lead and organize our team. For us to continue to be good, we need his leadership.
RP: Going back to the offense, in your press conference you used the words “extreme pace.” What does that mean? Will this offense try to emulate LIU, where you’re averaging 75-80 possessions a game?
JC:, wow that team plays really fast. If we can do that and implement our tempo and pace, the sky is the limit on where we can go.
RP: You brought in 3 freshmen big men for this roster. Let’s start by talking about Gregory Graves. Does he profile as a “5” for this roster?
JC: For us, he’ll be more of a “3” or a “4”, because he has great flashy ability to get to the rim, and he’s a high motor guy, who is really versatile. I’m sure if you ask him to play the “5” he could do it, but I think for how we’re going to play, I like big wings that can defend. I think (Graves) fits that mold of a “3” or “4” for us.
RP: There isn’t much out there about Melvin Gregory, not even a highlight clip on Youtube. All we really know about Gregory is he won in high school and he put up some big numbers doing so. Talk about his game and how it will transition to D-I?
JC: What Melvin gives you is he can score the ball. He learned the game playing 5 on 5, which is untraditional to how guys learn how to play the game now. He can score the ball right-handed or left-handed, he has nice range – a really good outside shooter – and he has a knack for being in the right place at the right time. For us, he’ll probably be a “4” or “5”, because he doesn’t have the ball handling skills of the other guys.
RP: Christian Crockett comes from a high-profile high school program, but he went under-the-radar in high school. Talk about his game.
JC: First of all, Christian brings a physicality, he’s built like a football player, but on our board he’s the most athletic guy in terms of finishing above the rim and defending. He’s going to be a guy from a physicality standpoint that’ll have an opportunity to help us right away; unlike the other freshmen, he’s physically ready right now. He may lack in some areas in terms of outside shooting, but his ability to get to the front of the rim is as good as anyone on our roster.
RP: Do you expect to red-shirt any of those guys?
JC: That’s a great question. I think if you look at mid-major basketball and the teams that have been very good, those programs red-shirt guys and they’re always older, especially in the frontcourt. I think the opportunity is there to red-shirt guys. The tough thing is from now until the season begins, you don’t know which guys on our roster may get injured, you don’t know which guys haven’t progressed until the season begins.
RP: You have a couple of transfers that are eligible this season. Sam Prescott led Marist in scoring a couple of seasons ago, but he didn’t do it very efficiently. Will he be a valuable contributor in the backcourt?
JC: Sam’s an exciting player. A lot of fans around the Mount had a chance to watch him play in the Blue/White game last year and they were really excited. He has the ability to wow you, which I think is a big part of how we’re going to play, up-tempo, in your face. He can do it all – he can defend, he can make passes, he can score the ball. I think the biggest thing for his development is we need him to be a guy who can bring other guys with him. He obviously didn’t have the opportunity to do that at Marist, so we challenge him everyday. It’s not about being the best player here or the best player in the league, it’s about developing wins and a winning mentality. Over the last 4 months, he’s done an outstanding job of winning, and that’s what I’m really proud of.
RP: Another transfer, Rachad Whack, could serve as a 3-point specialist off the bench for the Mount, but do you see more of a role for him?
JC: We’re going to shoot a ton of threes, so that’s going to fit Rashad well. I’m really excited to get a chance to coach him, because I know the type of player that he can be. And he just didn’t get a chance to do it at George Mason, because of the numbers game, but I think sometimes his ability to defend, his understanding of the game, and playing under a great head coach like (Jim) Larranaga, that’s only going to help our young team. When you look at our team, you don’t have guys who have proven they can win. Rashad has done that, he’s been there with some great teams, so the biggest thing he helps with on a daily basis is showing our guys what we have to do to be a champion.
RP: One player I really enjoyed watching last season was Julian Norfleet. He transitioned his game from a pure shooter to a scorer, especially when Lamar Trice was dismissed from the team. Are you expecting big things for Norfleet?
JC: I really feel like Julian is a little under the radar right now. What he was able to do last year – what I saw when watching film – was a young guy coming into his own understanding what it takes to be really good in this league. I think he’s under the radar which is great, because he’s been practicing with a chip on his shoulder. I think the lack of media coverage has really helped him because he’s been really able to focus and he’s had one of the better summers. This summer, in the month of June, he made over 18,000 threes and 15,000 (threes) in the month of July and that’s doing it at a high level and extreme pace.
RP: One of the fan favorites on this team is Kelvin Parker, probably because of his story as a walk-on who burst onto the scene last season. It seems like his athletic profile fits your system perfectly. Do you agree?
JC: Kelvin is such an unassuming scorer, which is great. When you put him out on the floor with Julian or Sam, they will demand double teams and then Kelvin could be a silent killer. Watching his games last year, he was just that. He has a great level of athleticism. He’s a guy who has really learned over the last 4 months….we’ve really spent of lot of time with him on speeding his shot, sprinting off to get open shots, and he’s had an outstanding summer shooting the ball.
RP: Will Parker have a bigger offensive role with this team?
JC: Well, how we are going to play is going to demand that our wings can score the ball. So whether we’ll call a lot of plays for him or Julian or Sam, that’s to be determined, but for the most part, we’ve going to preach our guys to get paint touches and really share with our guys on the outside, and I’m really hoping (Parker) could be one of the those guys.
RP: This sounds like a deep lineup – are you looking to play 9-10 guys throughout the course of the game?
JC: At least. Ideally to me, 10 or 11 is where I’d like to be at. I just think through the course of the year – it’s a long year – having more guys that can help and I feel like we have a really deep roster of talented guys….I think that’ll be a huge strength for our team.
RP: Is making the NEC playoffs a fair goal this season?
JC: Definitely. You have to make it into the playoffs to have a chance to play in March. For any team in the country, that’s where you want to be at. You want an opportunity to play and once you get into the tournament, anything can happen. And that’s the beautiful thing about college basketball, once you get there the best teams at the time have a chance to go dancing.
RP: Finally, what can the Mount fans expect from the team this season? What is your message to them?
JC: I think (the fans) are going to be really excited about our group. That’s the biggest thing, we want to bring the fun back. We’re going to be a fast pace team and they haven’t seen that in 60 years (laughs) and that’s going to be different. I want them to rally behind our guys because they’re a group that’s hungry to win. They’ve done everything I’ve asked them to do for the last 4 months in terms of improving, in terms of becoming better citizens, and just in terms of becoming better basketball players and paying the price everyday. There’s nothing more I want to see out of our fan base than for them to support these guys, whether we start out 10-0 or 0-10, to have them here will mean a lot for our group. We have a great fan base that understands the history of the Mount and they understand how good we can be. |
GroupHeadnote and flynoteFlynote: HRHave his cause heard (fair trial) Full judgmentTHE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA IN THE HIGH COURT OF UGANDA AT KAMPALA CIVIL DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW MISC. CAUSE NO. 028 OF 2016 MUHUMUZA MUGIMBA MOSES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: APPLICANT LAW DEVELOPMENT CENTRE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: RESPONDENT BEFORE: HON.JUSTICE STEPHEN MUSOTA RULING This is an application by Notice of Motion for Judicial Review of the decision of the Management Committee of the Law Development Centre made on 25th February 2016 cancelling the applicant’s Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice published in the media on 26th and 27th February 2016. The applicant seeks for the prerogative orders of mandamus, prohibition, certiorari, damages and costs of the application. The application is brought under Article 28(1) and 42 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, Section 36 of the Judicature Act, Rules 3 and 6 of the Judicature (Judicial Review) Rules and Section 98 of the Civil Procedure Act. Briefly the background to this application is that the applicant is a former student in the respondent institution for the academic year 2008/2009. While at the respondent institution, he sat for a supplementary examination in commercial transactions in 2010. When the results of the supplementary examination were released, they indicated that he had not passed. Being dissatisfied with those results, he applied for verification of his results. Upon verification, it was ascertained that he had passed the said examination. He was then subsequently awarded a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice in 2010. He then went on to practice law. In August 2015, the applicant was summoned by the respondent’s institution Management Committee Subcommittee (MCSC) to answer allegations of unofficial entry of marks on his commercial transactions answer sheet. He appeared and gave his side of the story. On the 26th February 2016, the respondent communicated its decision to cancel the applicant’s post graduate diploma in legal practice. He was dissatisfied with the manner in which the decision was made hence this application. The grounds of the application are briefly set out in the application. In summary they are that: The summons issued to the applicant by the respondent did not contain the particulars of allegations against the applicant and so were in total disregard of the principles of adequate notice. During the hearing, he was not allowed a chance to cross examine witnesses. The respondent acted irrationally when it failed to factor in relevant information that no marks were altered inside the applicant’s script at the time of verification save for the marks that had been miscalculated. That the whole proceedings were conducted in total disregard of the principles of natural justice and fair hearing rendering it illegal. That it is in the interest of substantive justice that the application be granted. The application is supported by the affidavit of the applicant dated 10th March 2016. He also filed further supplementary affidavit in support of the application dated 24th May 2016 and 26th July 2016, the respondent filed an affidavit in reply dated 29th March 2016 sworn by the director of Law Development Center, Frank Nigel Othembi. He swore a supplementary affidavit dated 18th April 2016 and an affidavit in reply to the applicant’s further supplementary affidavit in support of the application dated 1st August 2016. The applicant filed an affidavit in rejoinder dated 1st April 2016. Written submissions were filed. The applicants filed theirs on 1st August 2016, the respondent filed on 19th August 2016. The applicant filed a rejoinder on 2nd September 2016 and lists of authorities were also filed. I have considered the submissions of both parties and affidavits on record. Counsel for the respondents raised preliminary points of law. He faulted the applicant’s affidavit for having no evidence to support them. For this submission, learned counsel relied on Order 19 rule 3(1) of the Civil Procedure Rules which requires that affidavits must be confined to such facts as the deponent is able of his or her own knowledge to prove except on interlocutory applications where statements of belief are allowed. Counsel further submitted that this is not a technicality which can be overlooked by invoking Article 126(2)(e) of the Constitution. Counsel then prayed that the affidavits of the applicant be struck out and the application be accordingly dismissed with costs. Counsel also submitted that the supplementary affidavit filed on the 26th July 2016 was filed with leave of court but the earlier affidavit in support of the Notice of Motion filed on 24th May 2016 was filed without leave of court. That it should therefore be struck out. In reply, counsel for the applicant submitted that they concede to the fact that paragraph 23 of the affidavit in support of the application is based on information not on knowledge of the applicant. However, learned counsel prayed that this court allows the rest of the affidavit to stand and sever paragraph 23 from the rest of it. For this submission, counsel relied on the case of Caroline Turyatemba & 4 others Vs Attorney General, Constitutional Petition No.15 of 2006. I agree with learned counsel for the applicant, I will therefore strike out paragraph 23. The further affidavit in support of the Notice of Motion filed on 24th May 2016 was filed without leave of court and the applicant conceded, therefore that affidavit is struck out. But since the applicant conceded, I make no order as to the costs. The applicant in submissions in rejoinder also raised a point of law claiming that the director of the respondent stated matters not in his knowledge because he stated in his affidavit that he discussed the application with Mr. Tibaijuka and Dr. Pamela Tibihikira who chaired the committee before making a reply. I do not find any merit in this objection. The director of the respondent institution had all the right to discuss this application and any affidavits with the persons involved. violations of the principles of natural justice. This was pronounced in the case of John Jet Tumwebaze versus Makerere University Council & 2 Others Misc. Cause No. 353 of 2005. The discretion I have alluded to here has to be exercised judicially and according to settled principles. It has to be based on common sense as well as justice. See: Moses Semanda Kazibwe versus James Senyondo Misc. Application No.108 of 2004. Factors that ought to be considered include whether the application has merit or whether there is reasonableness, vigilance without any waiver of the rights of the applicant. Court has to give consideration to all the relevant matter of the cause before arriving at a decision in exercise of its discretion. It was held in the case of Koluo Joseph Andres & 2 Others versus Attorney General, Misc Cause No. 106 of 2010 and Hailsham St Marylebone in Chief Constable of North Wales Police Vs Heavens [1982] Vol.3 All ER as follows: “The purpose of Judicial Review is to ensure that the individual received fair treatment, not to ensure that the authority after according a fair treatment reaches on a matter it is authorized or enjoined by law to decide from itself a conclusion which is correct in the eyes of the court”. This court agrees with the above laid down principles. Although the applicant raises four issues to wit; 1. Whether the application is properly before this court?. 2. Whether the failure by the management committee to hear the applicant violated the applicant’s right to be heard. 3. Whether the applicant was accorded a fair hearing by the respondent’s subcommittee 4. Whether the applicant is entitled to the prayers sought. This application being for Judicial Review, I find the most important issues to be the grounds and remedies. As such, this application raises two issues for determination which cover all the issues raised by the parties in their submissions; Whether the application raises any grounds for Judicial Review. Whether the applicant is entitled to the remedies sought in the application. Issue 1: Whether the application raises any grounds for Judicial Review? This court agrees with counsel for the applicant and counsel for the respondents that, there are three broad grounds for Judicial Review which court must consider. That is illegality, irrationality and procedural impropriety. Proof of any of the grounds is sufficient for the application to succeed. This was the position in the case of Pastoli Vs. Kabale District Local Government Council and Others [2008] 2 EA 300 where it was held while citing Council of Civil Unions Vs Minister for the Civil Service [1985] AC 374 a [to] and observe procedural rules expressly laid down in a statute or legislative Instrument by which such authority exercises jurisdiction to make a decision.” It is also important to note that proof of one ground is sufficient for the application for Judicial Review to succeed. I shall deal with the grounds one by one. The applicant’s complaint is only on two grounds of procedural impropriety and irrationality. Irrationality: On this ground, learned counsel submitted that in view of the contents of the report of the subcommittee of the management committee of the respondent marked annexture H2 (page 49, line 1 and 2) in the affidavit in support of the application, the findings in the forensic audit report were upheld. The findings were that when the impugned mark on the answer script of the applicant is counted as “1” the total score in question “2” is 12 and when counted as “4”, the mark would be “15”. Counsel submitted that such analysis was erroneous as it was based on mere suspicion not backed by any forensic analysis of alteration and was intended to victimize the applicant. The applicant in paragraph 16 of his affidavit in rejoinder did depose that “1” mark as well appears thrice in the same question “2” which if also counted would make the mark “15” and without which would make the mark 12. The committee was guided by the evidence of Mr. P.M. Mugisha the then internal examiner and head of the subject who owned up the 15 marks. He confirmed in his affidavit that he at the instance of the applicant’s petition to the then Head bar course Mr. Kaaya Expedit, recounted the marks on the applicant’s script and established that the correct total in question 2 was 15 marks. He then corrected the error from 12 to 15 and counter signed against the correction as per annexture ‘F’ to the affidavit in support of the application. That this evidence was not challenged by the respondent. Instead the respondent’s director in paragraph 14 of his affidavit contended that the head of subject had no powers or mandate to alter the applicant’s marks because as stated in paragraph 4 of the affidavit in rejoinder and page 126 paragraph 3 of the report of the Management Committee Subcommittee, it was stated that the board of examiners delegated their responsibility to the Secretary/Registrar and Heads of Department. Learned counsel submitted that paragraph 4 and annexture “A” of the affidavit in support of the Notice of Motion clearly explains that the applicant addressed his application for verification to the Head bar course who at the time was Mr. Expedit Kaaya. The applicant’s role stopped at submission of the letter requesting for verification and at that point, he had no mandate to regulate the verification process. Even if the person who had conducted the verification had no mandate, this cannot be imputed on the applicant who had no role to play in the verification process. Further learned counsel submitted that the forensic audit committee then concluded that it was highly likely that the mark was adjusted by those who acted on the students’ petition and retrieved the script for verification. The subcommittee duly analyzed the evidence before it and did not implicate anyone who is alleged to have altered the impugned mark from 1-4. There had to be someone who effected the alleged alteration from 1-4. Further that it was illogical for the subcommittee to say at page 48 paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the report that the alteration was made by those who acted on the petition without specifying the person. Counsel further submits that the respondent is the sole custodian of the examination scripts to which the applicant did not have access. Patrick M. Mugisha the then internal examiner in his affidavit confirms that the impugned 4 marks had been awarded to the applicant during the marking of the script. The subcommittee did not have contrary evidence. That therefore no reasonable tribunal properly directing itself on the law and the evidence would have come to the conclusion arrived at by the forensic audit committee and the subcommittee of the management committee and the management committee itself. That this court should quash the decision of the respondent. The respondent submissions are very cumbersome to comprehend in relation to this application. I expected the respondent to submit in reply to the applicant’s submissions. The applicant raised issues but the respondent did not follow the same order. It was therefore difficult for this court to point out exactly which part related to irrationality as a ground for Judicial Review. However, paragraphs 146 and 147 the respondent submits that the applicant’s diploma was awarded as a result of an illegality so the decision of the respondent is justified. This was also in the affidavit in reply of the Director Law Development Centre in paragraph 18. I have considered the submissions of both parties. Irrationality is when there is such gross unreasonableness in the decisions taken or act done, that no reasonable authority, addressing itself to the facts and the law before it, would have made such a decision. Such a decision is usually in defiance of logic and acceptable moral standards……… I substantially agree with the submissions of learned counsel for the applicant. In my considered view, it defies logic why the management committee decided to cancel the applicant’s post graduate diploma in legal practice without fault on his part. It is an undisputed fact in this case that the management committee of the law development has the powers to confer diplomas under section 4(c) Law Development Centre Act, Cap 132. It also has powers to conduct examinations and confer diplomas, prizes and certificates in accordance with any law in force or as may be required by the law council and to appoint subcommittees See: Section 16, Law Development Centre Act, Cap 132. The subcommittees appointed under Section 16 of the Act are supposed to only investigate and report to the management committee. Therefore the real decision making must be done by the management committee which under Section 7 of the Law Development Centre Act is the governing body of the centre. As a governing body therefore, the decisions made by that body must be rational. It was the submission of counsel for the respondents that this court must refrain from interfering with the decisions of academic institutions and that once and illegality is brought to the attention of court, it overrides all matters of pleadings. I agree with his submissions but it does not mean that whenever an illegality is alleged it must prevail and decisions must not be based on reasonable cause. It was suspected that the applicant could have been guilty of examination malpractice by altering marks on his answer script after final marking had been done. However it is not clear who altered the marks because in paragraph 91-98 of the Management Committee Subcommittee of July–November 2015 record of proceedings annexture ‘M2’ where the applicant met with the committee and was interviewed, there was no evidence brought out to show that the applicant did anything to influence the results. All he did was to make an application for verification which was accepted by the respondent institutions officials. Although the respondent attempts to argue that at the time of the applicant’s request for verification the rules did not allow verification, it does not make any sense because all through the years investigated, the facts are clear that applications for verification were submitted and considered. This was confirmed by the former director of the respondent at page 20 of the record of proceedings of the Management Committee Subcommittee. At page 40 of the same proceedings, the Head bar course also confirmed that verification was a procedure available to the students during his stay at the Law Development Centre. It further doesn’t make sense why the Management Committee of the Law Development Centre cancelled a diploma because in pages 91-98 of the Management Committee subcommittee July-November 2015 record of proceedings annexture ‘M2’ to the applicant’s supplementary affidavit, several portions of the record of proceedings are indicated with the words ‘record not clear’. The applicant claimed that the Management Committee did not give him a fair hearing but the respondent says that the hearing before the subcommittee was sufficient. If it was the basis for the decision of the Management Committee, then I must state that it was irrational for the Management Committee to base itself on such a record of proceedings which reduces the most crucial parts of the evidence of the applicant to one phrase that ‘record not clear’. In James Edward Jeffs and others Vs New Zealand Diary Production and Marketing Board and others [1967] AC 551 court found that the subcommittee having presented only the report without the record of proceedings was wrong because it violated the right to a fair hearing where no proper recording is done the resultant decision cannot be said to be rational. I therefore find that the applicant has proved the ground of irrationality. Procedural impropriety: This is when there is a failure to act fairly on the part of the decision making authority in the process of taking a decision. The unfairness may be in none observance of the rules of natural justice or to act with procedural fairness towards one to be affected by the decision. It may also involve failure to adhere and observe procedural rules expressly laid down in a statute or legislative instrument by which such authority exercises the jurisdiction to make a decision. It was the case of the applicant that the management committee of the applicant violated the applicant’s right to be heard because they condemned the applicant without giving him a hearing. For this submission, counsel relied on Article 28, 42, and 44(C) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. The applicant also submitted that the management committee of the respondent took a decision in a case it did not hear which is contrary to the principle that he who hears must decide as enunciated in the case of Muhammad Muhammad Hamid Vs Roko Construction SCCA No.1 of 2013. Counsel also submitted that although that case was in respect of court proceedings still the same Article 28(1) is applicable to administrative tribunal. Counsel then submitted that instead of the management committee of the respondent hearing independent evidence and according the applicant a hearing, they elected to entirely rely on the hearing of the sub-committee, adopted and upheld its recommendations in its decision dated 11th February 2016 as per minute 13-15 of the Minutes of the Management Committee. The other arm of learned counsel’s argument is that the respondent’s management committee subcommittee committed several procedural irregularities in as far as; They did not adequately notify him of the allegations against him. They denied him an opportunity to present, hear and cross examine persons that testified against him. They acted in an irrational manner by taking into account irrelevant considerations before it and ignored relevant considerations. The proceedings were tainted with bias. I shall not consider irrationality in “C” because it was covered under the 1st ground of irrationality. On the issue of adequate notice the applicant submitted that there was no full disclosure to the applicant of the evidence against him. He was given the summons informing him that he should appear on allegations that unofficial entry of marks were made into his commercial transactions examination answer script after results had been verified by the external examiner. That since the applicants sat for several commercial transactions examinations while at Law Development Centre he could not point out which script he was being invited to talk about and explain his involvement. The issue here according to counsel for the applicant is not that the summons were not issued but that there was absence of disclosure of all materials placed before the committee. That he was ambushed with information which he could not have expected to find. I agree with the case for the applicant that he was not given adequate disclosure of information and the nature of proceedings against him. The purpose of adequate notice in proceedings before quasi judicial bodies cannot be underestimated. In this case it was underestimated partly because the committee did not see the need to fully inform the applicant why he was being summoned. The respondent submits that the applicant should have been vigilant enough to ask for all the information he needed but the respondent’s subcommittee did not inform him of his right to access the information. The applicant was made to appear as a mere witness who was helping the committee in its investigations yet he actually was the accused. See: pages 91-98 of the management committee subcommittee July-November 2015 record of proceedings annexture ‘M2’ to the supplementary affidavit in support of the application. Had it been put to him clearly that they were using this inquiry to find a case against him he would have acted differently before the committee. The respondent cannot use what happened before its committee in the case of another witness to treat the applicant as having been indolent. I therefore find that the applicant was not given adequate notice. In B. Surinder Singh Kanda Vs Government of the Federation of Malaya [1962] AC 322 court held that the failure to supply the appellant with a copy of the report of the board of inquiry which contained a matter highly prejudicial to him and which had been sent to and read by adjudicating officer before he sat to inquire into the charge amounted to a failure to afford the appellant a reasonable opportunity of being heard. I will go to the issue of whether the committee denied the applicant to be present, hear and cross examine persons that testified against him. On this point I find that the Management Committee of the respondent institution did not accord the applicant any such chance but even if the proceedings before the Management Committee Subcommittee were to be taken as the hearing it still didn’t meet the required standard especially where academic qualifications of former students who are practicing law as the source of their livelihood on the basis of the qualification granted by the respondent were in issue. The standard should have been higher. It is expected that the committee should have warned the applicant when he appeared before it that they were driving him into the slaughter house. He was made to believe that he was merely there to assist them yet actually he was the target. I therefore find that having obtained evidence against the applicant, the least they could do was to make it known to him that such evidence had been obtained. This court would have expected such a step to be taken by the management committee of the respondent before the decision to cancel the diploma was taken. After the Management Committee Subcommittee had done its part to investigate and made the report the management committee ought to have summed up the case in a well drafted notice of intention to cancel his diploma clearly informing the applicant that he is free to challenge the evidence copies of which would be attached to the notice with a copy of the impugned script. A notice would also disclose to the applicant that he has a choice either to challenge the evidence in any way he deems necessary and give him reasonable time to make his case. It is then and only then that one would say that the Management Committee conducted a fair hearing. Most of the evidence against the applicant was recorded in the absence of the applicant. When the applicant appeared, he was not informed that such evidence even existed. He therefore had no opportunity to challenge it. All he had was a forensic audit report. In this application the applicant presented an affidavit in support of the application sworn by one of the examiners a one Mr. P.M Mugisha who the Management Committee Subcommittee claims denied making any alterations on the answer script. Instead in the affidavit he says that the Management Committee Subcommittee misrepresented his testimony in the report. This could be correct because even in the testimony of the head bar course at page 40 of 293 Management Committee Subcommittee July-November 2015 record of the proceedings last paragraph, Mr. Kaaya the then Head bar course stated that there was a time when the internal examiner was involved in verification. Had the Management Committee given the applicant that chance to make his case before it and not through the eyes of the Management Committee Subcommittee perhaps their decision would have been different. Even if the decision would have been the same at least this court would be satisfied that the applicant was accorded a fair hearing. Whether the proceeding were tainted with bias. On this point learned counsel for the applicant submitted that from the applicant’s affidavits and the record of proceedings of the Management Committee Subcommittee marked annextures ‘M2’ page 91, the subcommittee already had the forensic audit report and the applicant’s script for the impugned examination in commercial transactions by the time the applicant appeared before it and the applicant was seeing these documents for the first time. That inevitably the exclusive access to these documents by the Management Committee Subcommittee created a very likelihood of pre-determined mind by the subcommittee. The second leg of bias according to counsel is the manner in which the respondent selectively and discriminatively invoked the mandate of the then head bar course and head of subject specifically in paragraph 14(a) of the affidavit in reply challenges the mandate of the then head of subject in verifying the applicant’s script and under paragraph 6 of the affidavit in reply, it alleges that as per the applicable rules which governed the passing of the bar course, the board of examiners was the relevant body vested with the powers to conduct verification. This goes to the route of the decision which is not within the mandate of this court in the applications of Judicial Review. Counsel also submitted that student No.BAR/203/2007, BAR/528/2008 and BAR/22/2007 were governed by the same regime of regulations as regards passing the bar course, they were equally and initially listed to have failed the course by the same board of examiners. Being dissatisfied with the results, they petitioned the same head bar course in the same year 2010. The same Head Bar Course acted and upon verification they passed. Further that in the case of one Kirumira Arthur Nicholas as deposed by the applicant in his affidavit in rejoinder, he applied for verification and was confirmed to have passed after a recount by the same Mr. PM Mugisha who in the same manner corrected the final result on the face of the script from 47 to 54. The Pamela committee that investigated Kirumira Arthur selectively and discriminatively absolved him of any wrong doing despite its suspicions of alleged alterations without which he would not allegedly have passed. Counsel then submits that it is bias to cancel the applicant’s diploma on grounds that the person who verified had no powers yet confirm Kirumira’s diploma yet his was also verified by the same person. Counsel also claims that there was bias on the part of the Management Committee because two of the persons involved in the Management Committee Subcommittee were also in the Management Committee to make decisions. The two members, Mr. James Mukasa Ssebugenyi and Pamela Tibihikira are too influential so they influenced the decision. That Mr. Ssebugenyi was also the prosecutor in the investigation meetings. According to counsel this manifests bias. For this submission, counsel relies on a book of Sir William Wade on Administrative Law, paragraph 485 where he opines that where functions are delegated or entrusted to committees or subcommittees an overlap of membership may be objectionable on grounds of bias. In reply to this, learned counsel for the respondents submitted that the submissions of the applicant are misleading because the committee handled each of the suspected students on a case by case basis. He added that each student script had different issues and alleged manner of tampering. In some cases, the examiners took responsibility for the alteration of marks while in others they acknowledge the existence of alterations but denied having made them. All according to counsel comes out clearly in the proceedings annexture ‘M’. That therefore the applicant was not treated with bias because the circumstances for his case were different from the others. I do not think that just because the Management Committee Subcommittee made a different decision in another case from that made in the applicant’s case it amounts to bias. I also do not think that without any positive evidence of prejudice, the respondent’s Management Committee Subcommittee can be said to have been biased. In my opinion, despite the flaws identified the Management Committee Subcommittee did a very good job as an investigative committee. In the Law Development Centre Act, the management committee of the respondent has powers to sit in its own case because the Act does not provide for an independent tribunal. I therefore find that there was no bias against the applicant either in the management committee subcommittee or in the management committee itself. For the reasons in this ruling, this court finds that the decision of the respondent to cancel the applicant’s post graduate diploma in legal practice was irrational. This court also finds that the applicant has failed to prove bias on the part of the Management Committee of the respondent. It is also the finding of this court that the applicant was not given a fair hearing and was not given adequate notice of evidence and accusations against him. He was not given an opportunity to cross examine the witnesses. The applicant has therefore proved that the whole process was tainted with procedural impropriety. Issue 2: Whether the applicant is entitled to the remedies sought in the application. Certiorari: Where a prejudicial decision has been made by a public authority in the course of exercise of its statutory authority without according the affected party a right to be heard then a writ of certiorari should often freely be granted by the courts. See: Ridge Vs Baldwin [1964] AC and Eng. William Kaya Kizito Vs AG HCMC No. 38 of 2006. I accordingly grant the same to the applicant herein. I will accordingly grant the same to the applicant herein. The decision of the management committee of the respondent canceling the applicant’s Post graduate diploma is hereby quashed. Mandamus: I find that this is a proper case for the order of mandamus because the applicant seeks to compel Management Committee of the Law Development Centre to give him a fair hearing with a chance to cross examine witnesses and challenge evidence as well as obtain full disclosure of materials available to the Management Committee which incriminate him. To issue or not to issue a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice granted by the respondent is at the discretion of the Management Committee of the respondent institution but the decision to issue or not to issue must be done fairly. Judicial Review is not about the decision but rather the decision making process. So the order of mandamus is not compel the respondent institution to confirm the diploma of the applicant but to adopt a procedure which respects the principles of natural justice in granting or denying the same and grant the applicant a fair hearing as discussed in this ruling. Prohibition: I decline to grant this order because there is no future decision to be made by the Management Committee. Injunction: An injunction is hereby issued against all stake holders as served with copies of the decision restraining them from acting on the decision of the Management Committee until a proper hearing is given to the applicant within the rules of natural justice. Damages: I don’t find it proper to grant general damages in a matter proceeding on affidavit evidence. I therefore decline to grant the same. Costs: The respondent shall pay the applicant the costs of this application. I so order. Stephen Musota J U D G E 05.12.2016 Download |
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Hello everyone, welcome to our article on how to make a girl laugh.
This article is packed with humorous tips that can put a smile on every girl’s face and even make her LOL, and we’ll cover:
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If you’re wondering how to make a girl laugh, you’ve come to the right place to learn about it.
It’s not always easy to make a girl giggle and smile.
But we’ve done the hard work and got the top tips on how to do it efficiently just for you.
There are, however, a bunch of funny things to say to a girl to make her laugh over text.
Let’s dig in further…
Powerful Ways to Make Her Laugh
What does it mean to have a decent sense of humor?
A man with a sense of humor is a man who creates a joke out of nothing.
But it must always be done spontaneously.
You should never make jokes by forcing yourself to do so.
We believe positive thinking is always best for every situation.
And positive thinking is closely connected to a sense of humor.
So if you can come up with jokes to make her laugh, and combine this with the appropriate body language and facial expressions (assuming you’re meeting in real life), then you’re well on your way to make her attracted to you.
Remember: always be cheerful and optimistic about everything around you.
Feel free and brave enough to use the following methods to make a girl you’re aiming for a laugh in such a manner that she would be turned on by your powerful words.
Most of these guidelines work for sure to make a girl laugh over your text.
Try to make a connection with the so-called inside joke.
It’s a joke that creates a connection that this girl has with no other man.
Making a woman laugh is very beneficial in activating positive emotions that will foster your further communication.
From our findings, you can easily take the interaction to a higher level, and your conversation will go smoothly.
We also discovered that the easiest way to interact with a girl is through text.
And it’s much easier because it doesn’t require any face impression, intonation, etc.
But what it does require is a very good sense of humor and not one-liners or dilly jokes that will turn her off.
So, where do you find a girl to make her laugh?
Tinder is the biggest dating website out there.
They range from people looking for a quick fling to Serious relationships.
It is not only for hookups (like BeNaughty or Ashley Madison) or only for serious relationships (like eHarmony).
We’ve made a Tinder Coach that’ll teach you everything from A to Z about using Tinder in order to score!
Anyway, you don’t have to make a clown or a douche of yourself (remember it’s not a comedy show), all you need to do is act and react confidently.
You need to be capable of having a nice, smooth conversation with her that can make a girl smile (at the very least).
Don’t just tell a silly joke and disappear.
Be there, continue.
It’s just an ice breaker.
Catch the rhythm with the girl.
You need to be cool, stay calm, and act confidently.
This is what it means to have a great sense of humor — having the capacity to find humor in every little thing, or being ready and willing to laugh.
You just need to realize what kind of humor you’re good at and use it effectively.
If you want to be amusing, then make jokes, tease her, be flirty, but always be appropriate.
Therefore, we’d advise you take this example below as an inspiration to be a bit more mindful of the emotions you create in your relations with girls.
1. Be confident and courageous
Being funny is an intrinsic characteristic, as long as you have confidence and courage in your sense of humor.
If done properly and at suitable moments, being comical is a wonderful tool to make a girl laugh.
Once your style of humor makes her laugh, then half the job is done.
If you want to show her your confidence, then respect her.
By showing your respect for the girl’s character and talents, you start to deserve her trust.
If this isn’t respect-101, I don’t know what is.
Anyhoo, when there are mutual respect and trust, then it is simpler to communicate and make her laugh over text.
What you’re going to find here has nothing to do with the lousy methods you can see somewhere else on the Internet portals.
In the first place, you won’t need a mighty sense of humor.
It sounds strange, isn’t it?
If you apply the following tips that we’ve outlined below, you’ll be able to make girls laugh while making them feel your masculine and mature behavior.
Apart from that, listening to her is also very important here.
You should listen to her to create something funny.
So, whoever taught you to ask a girl a question and then pretend to listen is wrong.
You can even make jokes about yourself you can poke fun yourself through self deprecating humor, and women love this a lot.
Pause! and take a proper look at what this fellow dude is willing to share to get that good first impression and most likely the first date, too.
The capability to laugh at yourself is a signal (and usually a consequence) of self-confidence and self-acceptance.
You can also be creative and help a girl make jokes about her.
In this case, she will certainly feel those emotions of confidence and self-assurance.
Girls will feel totally comfortable by your actions if you let them into your masculinity.
But before giving you these special methods on how to do so, one question arises:
How to Make a Girl Laugh Over Text?
To use humor as a way to attain a woman’s heart is difficult for those guys who are not naturally humorous.
Making people laugh from a prank or standup comedy show is much different than text messages.
When it comes to messages, we found spontaneity and relevance to be much more important than humor in itself.
If you’re still not sure how to make a woman laugh and get her to love you, then pay attention to what we’ve lined up for you.
From what we have for you in the next few sections, you can learn how to be amusing and use it for your benefit.
Honestly, it involves a lot of hard work and you are going to learn how to do it easily.
As a matter of fact, girls usually start laughing when there’s a kind of confusion that kills the seriousness of the communication.
This situation of misunderstanding can be noteworthy so that it will change the vibe of your conversation positively.
Needless to say, they are kind of always waiting for the man to take the leading role in a play called conversation with girls.
Furthermore, take this from us – experts, they will never allow themselves to break the ice of the seriousness of the interaction.
Always remember that the initial seriousness of the communication among yourselves is necessary to get a good vibe, letting your words flow into something completely new and unexpected for her.
To be more concrete, don’t play serious all the time, it will keep them serious as well, and you will not be able to make her laugh freely and with sincerity.
But don’t overuse funniness when texting to the girl.
Try to be wise and find a proper moment for making jokes.
Tell her something unexpected and break the ice of seriousness at the beginning.
Say something humorous, and wait for a second for her to respond in her way, and continue talking spontaneously.
You can use a punchline that’s a wordplay or innuendo of some sort, but always wait for her response.
This takes us to the next tip…
2. Have a true sense of humor
Generally speaking, humor is recognized worldwide as a relaxed way of speaking, and it is something everyone can relate to without any obstacles.
If you are stuck in the middle of a conversation, a bit of funniness will always come as a rescue.
The most important thing is that your sense of humor will not only make the girl feel relaxed but also make her laugh.
Take it from us, it will make her feel cheerful so you can both have a great time together while communicating.
What’s more, it will leave a girl thinking of you positively at the end of the communication because she laughed with all her heart while having an enjoyable time with you!
If you are capable of making your woman laugh, consider that you already have her on your side.
Amusement is a universal weapon.
With the help of it, you can both enjoy and create a new way of communication.
Unfortunately, it’s sad how little attention men pay to this very fact.
So, don’t be like the majority of your male friends, but rather write to her about some funny event that you attended or read about, and share only the joyful news.
You can even ask her some funny questions and make her laugh.
3. Ask her silly questions
There is a secret way to come closer to a girl’s heart.
Believe it or not, you can achieve this by asking some funny and even silly questions.
So how does this work?
Let’s see a quick example of such below:
There are some silly questions or statements that will certainly make the woman laugh.
- What superstar do you consider you look like?
- Don’t you believe it’s a crime for you to be so gorgeous?
- Don’t you think you need some attractive man like me?
- Where did you acquire this amazing sense of humor?
- Tell me something about your worst date experience.
- If you had any superpower, which superhero would you become?
- If you got stuck in the middle of nowhere and have just one opportunity for your favorite song to listen to, which one would it be?
- If you could jump into a pool full of something special from a bungee jump without any rope, what would it be?
- What was the most awkward thing that happened to you in school?
- If you could become a man just for one day, what would you do?
- Where will you go and what will you do if you can be invisible just for one day?
- If I could do something very hilarious for you, what it would be?
- What’s dreamier for you: making food with someone or dancing all night long with someone?
- Why do women mostly push the door when it is written pull?
- What’s the strangest food you’ve ever eaten and would like to try again?
- What’s your desired nasty thing to do with a man?
- What is something creepy you have tried before, but will never try to do again?
- Is there any guilty pleasure you like to do when you are alone?
Even though it can be hard to keep the communication going forward, those silly and simple questions and statements will make it much easier to start and make your connection deeper.
So, be free and brave to use these powerful and proven text examples to start with.
4. Continue to be humorous in your conversation
The secret rule on how to be spontaneous and humorous at the same time is to stick with some general topics that are not so deep and serious.
There are several things to make a girl laugh but how to make her laugh is more of your personal touch than anything else.
Please avoid stories that are heavy or intimate if you don’t know the woman well.
I mean, just from her profile you could see what’s she into.
For example, if she looks a bit morbid, you could use something like this:
Never forget that if your friends think your stories are hilarious doesn’t mean they will enjoy listening to them.
Try to find out some comical stuff that’s happened to you in the near past, like the time you wore your T-shirt inside out for some important events on the pictures.
Talking about pets can be a great platform to show you are humorous.
If you have any pets, feel free to share some interesting stories about them.
To put it simply, try to create your style of being humorous by talking about some topics that you are knowledgeable about.
You can even laugh at yourself from time to time.
Just mention some silly things about yourself in the pickup line and the conversation will flow easily afterward.
Sometimes you can use the bad jokes to make a new one and get the conversation flowing again.
Just make sure that your bad jokes are light and not hateful!
One thing you can also do is to make humorous remarks based on your past conversations with her.
Or try to type a hilarious comment based on something she told you before – not only will she giggle, but she’ll perhaps be pleased to hear that you remember even the smallest details about her.
If you can make a girl laugh over text, you can almost certainly be able to convince her to go on a date with you.
5. Send her some amusing content
If you want to get her attention, you can send her some comic YouTube videos or Instagram memes, making her laugh.
Search for video clips of some approved comedians, for instance, particularly if they’re performing on something you know she likes from your previous conversation.
Making women laugh can be a handful sometimes, but there are several ways to make a girl smile.
If you don’t know what to say to make a girl laugh, use the chat history that you made with her.
Try to connect some funny TikTok videos or even some interesting TED Talks performances that correspond with her interests.
Surprise her by sending a scene from her preferred entertainment television show.
Ask her about her favorite movies or series and just share with her some funny scenes from those movies to remind her of those amusing moments.
For instance, if you know she loves the series The Big Bang Theory, you can find out some funny video clips to send and make her smile.
Show her that you truly care about her interests and preferences.
But, please avoid sending these regularly; it can be really disturbing if you send her very often that funny stuff.
But, don’t forget that making her laugh over text has nothing to do with speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression on her.
You have to be spontaneous.
Be yourself!
Don’t be something that you are not.
The point is that you can be an interesting and funny guy without losing who you are.
Don’t act artificially and by sending her some jokes that are not spontaneous.
It will not make her laugh over text for sure.
What you need to do is not to force the conversation, but rather be polite and natural and show your good manners.
Maintain a bit of humor in your chat, it might be an encouragement for her, and it will keep her to be more engaged.
Be smart when you’re making jokes.
See a good example of it below.
6. Use the appropriate kind of humor
It is definitely worthwhile to know how to be funny around girls and how to make girls laugh.
But since you cannot be humorous all the time, you need to find the right moment for humor.
You cannot simply keep sending her some funny videos all day long.
You have to find the right moment and good timing for it.
What’s important here is to find out what she considers funny and work with that information.
You know that every girl is different, so you have to adjust your jokes with her character to make her laugh.
Bear in mind that every girl has their sense of humor, so when you’re getting to know her, you will feel her way of making jokes and try to adapt to it.
Keep the tone of your conversation light.
Don’t discuss some heavy topics if you want to make her laugh.
Some of them love a dark sense of humor and ironic replies, so if you are sure that she likes that, go for it and go on!
Generally speaking, it’s always better for everyone if you are maintain-communication bright and enjoyable.
If you’re making funny jokes nonstop, it might make her tired of that artificial vibe.
So, don’t force yourself to be funny, just find the right time to send her some amusing stuff.
If there is a positive reply from her on your jokes, it can be the right moment to go on and let the conversation flow suddenly.
You can even surprise yourself in that situation.
Just relax and go with the flow knowing that you keep her feeling good when talking to you.
However, there are a couple of things that you need to avoid when making a joke with her.
Avoid making ironic comments intended to her, particularly if you don’t know her very well.
The golden rule here is to laugh with her and not at her.
You should never laugh at her expense.
Imitating her way of being humorous can be a good way to make her laugh.
Keep it natural and keep it real.
An appropriate way of making her laugh is to use some light and moderate jokes that will turn her on.
To do so, you need to know her better.
Feel free and ask about her favorite humorists, comedies, or sitcoms.
At the end of the day, if she doesn’t understand or cannot relate to your sense of humor, think twice if she is the right person for you.
Your sense of humor reveals a lot about your personality and your character.
So, the easiest way to get to know her better is to discover her sense of humor.
Look at this example of appropriate usage of humor.
Extra tips to make her laugh naturally
Always keep in mind that you need to relate your humor with the girl and with her context.
Speaking and dropping some jokes which have nothing to do with her life and personality will not help you make her laugh over text.
Your words need to be fresh and relative to her context.
When I say fresh, I think about fresh material and current messages between you two as springs of creativeness for your humor.
If you want to improve and be better at making jokes, go find and watch some stand-up comedians to find out the right timing for your jokes.
Use some of their tricks and write down notes and remarks of their funny words that you can use later in your situation with women.
This will help you to become confident.
You will be able to be silly and serious at the same time.
Several hilarious compliments and you will have her laughing with you and having a good time together.
Simple as that.
Freed yourself from shyness, and go into a dialogue armed with entertaining jokes and stories.
By doing so, you will never run out of words to say to a woman you like.
If you want her to laugh naturally, contact her in a relaxed manner.
Be joyful.
Laugh and have fun with all your heart.
Always look at the bright side of all things.
Have an optimistic attitude.
You can’t be a humorous guy and make women laugh unless you’re able to recognize the beauty and positive side of every story.
But, don’t forget the most important thing – be confident.
Confidence will ease your way to getting her laughing, and that sureness will sell your funny stories in the best way.
Make a good foundation among yourselves by showing your confidence.
Keeps the talk energetic, unexpected, and comic.
But above all, be a gentleman!
Do not rush in and show her true respect for her personality.
Look at the example below to see how this guy chose to be a gentleman.
The methodology used for this article on how to make a girl laugh was to research and analyze various ways to put a smile on a woman’s face or make her laugh.
Our approach and conclusion were based on:
- The medium of communication.
- How familiar both parties are with each other.
- The type of humor that’s appropriate.
Our conclusion
As it is shown in this text, if you want to become a funny guy who doesn’t have any problems making girls laugh, you need to feel and understand the whole situation.
As we said before, it might seem somewhat complex and difficult.
But if you are ready to follow all these steps you will certainly succeed.
Remember, if you can make her smile – she is yours. |
- List compiled against existing strings in "Hey You, Pikachu!".
- All USA formant values are multiples of 3, regardless #frames.
- 0003 1 will preceed "t", "p", "ch", "k"
- 0006 1 full space as far as I can tell
- 0009 3 "ee" in see; between "p" and "i" of pi-ka
- 000C 3 a->e slide for variant of apple? (eeple?) (see 0426)
- 000F 3 "e" in here; "ee" in peel
- 0012 3
- 0015 3 y->a in "many are" (combining "y" and "a")
- 0018 3 "e" in behind (be-hind)
- 001B 3 "e" in electric (ee-lec, dandelion when voiced (see 0426)
- 001E 3 "y" in ruby-ring
- 0021 3 "e" in green, dreamy, venusaur
- 0024 3 "e" in me, P"i"kachu, butterfr"ee", peach, sweet, beach-nut; "y" in daisy, lily, ruby, okay (see 0426)
- 0027 3 "e" in gimme; "ea" in leaf; "y" in smelly, sticky, spiky, dreamy, sunny, da"i"sy (see 0426)
- 002A 3 [2A, 2D, 30, 39, 45 close enough to have same deviation]
- 002D 3
- 0030 3
- 0033 3
- 0036 3
- 0039 3
- 003C 3 "i" in lily, silver
- 003F 3
- 0042 3 "i" from bring, gimme, flying, watering, thing, incorrect, running, swing (see 0429)
- 0045 3 "i" in it, electric, terrif"i"c, sticky, p"e"tunia, harmonica (see 0429)
- 0048 3 "i" in this, give, terr"i"fic, leafwhistle, listen, oddish
- 004B 3 [04B, 04E, 051, 054, 057 report same deviance]
- 004E 3
- 0051 3
- 0054 3
- 0057 3
- 005A 3 [same deviance as 069]
- 005D 3 "e" in Ambrella, smelly, shell, bluebell, yellow, hello (0408)
- 0060 3
- 0063 3 "ii" like sound in open (pin); "a" in many
- 0066 3 "e" in get, next, red, incorrect, Ekans (Ek, not Eek!-ens) (see 042C)
- 0069 3 "e" in lets, sesame, chestnut, f"ea"ther, n"e"ver, treasure, chest, left
- 006C 3 [06C, 06F, 072, 075, 078 report same deviance]
- 006F 3
- 0072 3
- 0075 3
- 0078 3
- 007B 3
- 007E 3 "a" in "A"lakazam (see 042F)
- 0081 3 "a" in carrot
- 0084 3 "a" in dandelion, can, dance, hang, Alakaz"a"m
- 0087 3 "a" in that, rat, cat, c"a"bbage, cracked, bad, at, apple, tag (see 042F)
- 008A 3 "a" in raspberry, sapphire, topaz, gastly
- 008D 3
- 0090 3
- 0093 3
- 0096 3
- 0099 3 "a" in away
- 009C 3 "uh" sound in behind (bu-hind)
- 009F 3 "a" in balloon; vowel sound falling between p & l in words like apple, f & l words like truffle, st & l words like whistle, ee & l in peel, b & l in marble, t & l in squirtle (see 0432)
- 00A2 3 "e" in terrific; "a" in around
- 00A5 3 "a" in sesame; "uh" sound in open, the, golden, come, on"io"n when pronounced like "yion", dandeli"o"n, coc"o"nut, skunk-bloss"o"m, cann"o"n (see 0432)
- 00A8 3 c"u"p, l"u"ck, the "a" in pika, Ambrell"a", petunia; carr"o"t, roast"e"d, waln"u"t, harmonic"a" (see 0432)
- 00AB 3 "a" in was, mega, -"a"saur, Alak"a"zam; "oe" in does
- 00AE 3
- 00B1 3
- 00B4 3
- 00B7 3
- 00BA 3 "a" in phrase "go 'a'way"
- 00BD 3 "a" in slide between ka->h->u
- 00C0 3 "u" in bulb ("uh"ish)
- 00C3 3
- 00C6 3 c"o"me, th"u"nder, "A"mbrella, p"u"mpkin, j"u"mbo, sunny, skunk, sunflower, running (see 0432)
- 00C9 3 "u" in butterfree, nut, coconut, cup, rosebud, jug
- 00CC 3 "u" in truffle-top, mushroom; "o" in love
- 00CF 3 "ou" in phrase "you in"
- 00D2 3
- 00D5 3 "ew" in jewel
- 00D8 3
- 00DB 3 "u" in Doduo
- 00DE 3
- 00E1 3 "u" in tulip; "you later", but not you on its own
- 00E4 3
- 00E7 3 "o" in to, shroom, balloon, gloom; "u" in petunia, vileplume
- 00EA 3 "u" in Pikachu, you, fruit, ruby
- 00ED 3 bl"ue", f"oo"d, ch"oo"se, t"o", d"o"
- 00F0 3
- 00F3 3
- 00F6 3
- 00F9 3
- 00FC 3
- 00FF 3
- 0102 3 "u" in bulb, pull (more "oo"ish?)
- 0105 3
- 0108 3 "o" in onion in some dialects (see 0435)
- 010B 3 "oo" in goodnight, look; "u" in put
- 010E 3
- 0111 3
- 0114 3
- 0117 3
- 011A 3
- 011D 3
- 0120 3
- 0123 3 "a" in walnut, ball
- 0126 3 "o" in sorry if you pronounce the vowel
- 0129 3 "o" in on, wrong; "au" in haunter (see 0438)
- 012C 3 "aw" in strawberry, watering, watch; "o" in oddish (see 0438)
- 012F 3 "o" in phrases "it off", "we're off", venom"o"th, tauros
- 0132 3 [132, 135, 138, 13B, 13E close enough to have same deviation]
- 0135 3
- 0138 3
- 013B 3
- 013E 3
- 0141 3 ɑ in British "passing"
- 0144 3 "o" in Olivine, polywag ("polygon", not "poe") (see 0438)
- 0147 3
- 014A 3 "o" in harmonica, pokem"o"n, Onix (see 0438)
- 014D 3 "o" in thundershock, job, p"o"pcorn, hot, top, ch"o"colate, copper, bottle, box, stop
- 0150 3 "o" in skunk-bl"o"ssom, toss, lost; "y" in polywag
- 0153 3
- 0156 3
- 0159 3
- 015C 3
- 015F 3
- 0162 3 [tests identical deviance to 0141]
- 0165 3 "i" in "I'll" pronounced without "ah" between I and L (see 0438)
- 0168 3
- 016B 3
- 016E 3 "a" in ponyta variant (03C3 016E)
- 0171 3
- 0174 3 "a" in daisy, okay, play; voiced sound in "he"y (also see 0408)
- 0177 3 "ay" in stay (followed by at 0087)
- 017A 3 "a" in male when pronounced "mA-ahl"
- 017D 3
- 0180 3 "ay" in stay (followed by "with")
- 0183 3
- 0186 3 "a" in catt"ai"l, Ninetales, male with single A sound
- 0189 3
- 018C 3 "a" in thank; "e" in pokemon
- 018F 3 w"ay", s"ay", "eigh"t, pl"ay", gr"ea"t, st"a"ge, b"a"ked, acorn, str"aigh"t, [e+ecute] (see 042C)
- 0192 3 "a" in taste
- 0195 3 "y" in flying, try, goodnight (neye-eet)
- 0198 3
- 019B 3 "i" in dandelion, sapphire (0234); in phrase "I understand" (see 042F)
- 019E 3
- 01A1 3
- 01A4 3 "I" in phrase "I hate"; "y" in my (see 042F)
- 01A7 3 "i" in wild, vileplume, "I love" (see 042F)
- 01AA 3 "i" in pirate; sapphire (0300)
- 01AD 3 "i" in spiny, mind, behind, vowel in I'm (see 042F)
- 01B0 3 b"ye", f"i"ve, "eye", spiky, light, right, vowel in I (see 042F)
- 01B3 3 "i" in Ivysaur, Growlithe; "y" in scyther (see 042F)
- 01B6 3
- 01B9 3
- 01BC 3
- 01BF 3
- 01C2 3
- 01C5 3
- 01C8 3
- 01CB 3
- 01CE 3 "oi" in boing, coin
- 01D1 3
- 01D4 3 "oy" in toy, Cloyster; "oi" in Blastoise
- 01D7 3
- 01DA 3
- 01DD 3 "ow" in flower, flowerbud
- 01E0 3
- 01E3 3
- 01E6 3
- 01E9 3 "ow" in Growlithe (rounder sound than 020A)
- 01EC 3
- 01EF 3 "ou" in sound, around, how
- 01F2 3 "ou" in out, now
- 01F5 3 "ow" in how, house
- 01F8 3 "ow" in "throw it"; "o" in going
- 01FB 3
- 01FE 3 "o" in go, home
- 0201 3
- 0204 3 "o" in Marowak
- 0207 3
- 020A 3 "o" in bolt, gold, charc"oa"l, "go left", grow
- 020D 3 "o" in "go right"
- 0210 3 "o" in don't (see 043B)
- 0213 3 "o" in hello, open, go, so, c"o"conut, poke-*, yell"ow", slowpoke, doduo (see 043B)
- 0216 3 "oa" in roasted, toasted; "o" in jumbo, rosebud, over (see 043B)
- 0219 3 "r" in watering, you're, are ("are"ish)
- 021C 3 "r" in incorrect ("or"ish)
- 021F 3 "r" in Nidoran ("or"ish)
- 0222 3
- 0225 3 "r" in st->er->rawberry
- 0228 3 "r" in over-here
- 022B 3 "r" in polywhirl ("ir"ish), "farther left"
- 022E 3 "r" in "farther right"
- 0231 3 "r" in never, turn ("ur"ish)
- 0234 3 "r" in here, red, try, thunder, herb, silver, copper, bird, later, treasure, squirtle ("er"ish)
- 0237 3 "r" in thundershock (r to sh transition), "you're so" transition, butter->free, "over there"
- 023A 3 "r" in sorry if you pronounce like a pirate (Arr)
- 023D 3 [23A, 23D, 240, 243, and 255 all report same deviance]
- 0240 3 "r" in Charizard pronounced "char-a-zard"
- 0243 3
- 0246 3 "r" in tomorrow, Marowak pronounced "marr", not "mare"(0333)
- 0249 3
- 024C 3
- 024F 3
- 0252 3 "r" in harmonica ("ar"ish)
- 0255 3 "r" in start, marble, charcoal, Arbok, cardboard ("ar"ish) (see 0438)
- 0258 3 "r" in "many are there", farther, Charzard pronounced "char-zard)
- 025B 3
- 025E 3
- 0261 3
- 0264 3
- 0267 3
- 026A 3
- 026D 3
- 0270 3
- 0273 3 "r" in turnip ("ur")
- 0276 3 "r" in sure ("ure")
- 0279 3
- 027C 3
- 027F 3
- 0282 3
- 0285 3
- 0288 3 "r" in Spearow, Fearow ("ear"ish)
- 028B 3
- 028E 3
- 0291 3
- 0294 3
- 0297 3 "r" in over-here ("er"ish)
- 029A 3
- 029D 3 "r" in buried ("ur"ish)
- 02A0 3
- 02A3 3 "r" in gyarados, carrot when "a" not voiced, variant of Paras (03A8 02A3) ("ar"ish)
- 02A6 3
- 02A9 3 "r" in marowak pronounced "mare"; aerodactyl ("aer"ish) (see 042C)
- 02AC 3
- 02AF 3
- 02B2 3
- 02B5 3
- 02B8 3 "r" in there ("air"ish)
- 02BB 3
- 02BE 3 "r" in sorry ("orr"ish)
- 02C1 3
- 02C4 3 "r" in forest ("or"ish)
- 02C7 3
- 02CA 3
- 02CD 3
- 02D0 3 "r" in snorlax ("or"ish)
- 02D3 3
- 02D6 3 "r" in corn, acorn ("or"ish)
- 02D9 3 "r" in sword, bulbas"aur", cardboard ("oar"ish)
- 02DC 3 "r" in horsea ("or"ish)
- 02DF 3 "l" in smelly, lily, leaf, listen, polywag, gastly; tulip when pronounced "-lip"
- 02E2 3 "l" in lets, play, electric, later, left
- 02E5 3 "l" in Ambrella, "I love", Alakazam; tulip when pronounced "-lup"
- 02E8 3 "l" in blue, balloon, flowerbud, look, gloom, vilep"l"ume
- 02EB 3 "l" in hello, flying, light, dandelion, skunk-blossom, sunflower, yellow, flower
- 02EE 3 "l" in bolt, apple, golden, cattail, wild, walnut, shell, truffle-top, bluebell, vi"l"eplume
- 02F1 3 "r" from bring, electric, terrific, butterf"r"ee, dreamy; pirate if PI-rit
- 02F4 3 "r" in rat, great, Ambrella, raspberry, cracked, red, crate, treasure, straight
- 02F7 3 "r" in carrot when "a" voiced, running; trumpet when like truffle; truffle-top; pirate when PI-rut
- 02FA 3 "r" in fruit, shroom, ruby, trumpet in some dialects ("roo"ish)
- 02FD 3 "r" in st|rawberry, roasted, rosebud, right, throw, try, drop, right; "wr" in wrong
- 0300 3 "r" in sapphire (01AA)
- 0303 3 "y" sound between "n" and "i" of onion
- 0306 3 "y" in yellow
- 0309 3 "y" in you're; "i" in petunia
- 030C 3 "y" in you, transition between c and u in cute (03C9 030C 00EA)
- 030F 3 "y" sound between "ñ" and "a" of piñata; between "e" and "o" of Geodude ("yuh"ish)
- 0312 3
- 0315 3 "w" in sweet, leafwhistle, with, swing; "u" in quit
- 0318 3 "w" in way, away, polywag
- 031B 3 "w" in was, what, polywhirl; "o" in one; "u" in squirtle
- 031E 3 "w" in woods
- 0321 3 "w" in wild, walnut, watering, watch
- 0324 3
- 0327 3 "m" in man, lemon, sesame, me, dreamy, miss
- 032A 3 "m" in smelly, mega, magnet, many
- 032D 3 "m" in mushroom
- 0330 3
- 0333 3 "m" in harmonica, marble, pokemon, my
- 0336 3 "m" in I'm, come, Ambrella, pumpkin, jumbo, shroom, come, gloom, vileplume, Alakazam
- 0339 3 "n" in turnip when pronounced like "it", spiny, sunny, petunia, harmonica, magnet, running
- 033C 3 "n" in next, green, golden, never
- 033F 3 second "n" in banana; "n" in turnip when pronounced like "cup"; walnut, beach-nut, ca"nn"on
- 0342 3
- 0345 3 "n" in goodnight, not, now, no variant (0345 0213)
- 0348 3 "n" in no, thunder, on, corn, acorn, dandelion, skunk, sunflower, balloon, can, one, pokemon, don't, dance, sound
- 034B 3 "ng" in phrases "bring it", "hang in"
- 034E 3 "ng" in flying
- 0351 3 "ng" in "running away"
- 0354 3
- 0357 3 "ng" in "hang on", "wrong way"
- 035A 3 "ng" in finger, boing, watering, ring, thing, wrong; sometimes for "nk" like "thank you"
- 035D 3 "ch" in phrase "catch it"; preceeded by 0003
- 0360 3 "ch" in choose, peach, chestnut, beach-nut, charcoal, chest; usually preceeded by 0003
- 0363 3 "j" in Jigglypuff, Jinx; "g" in geodude, magikarp, Pidgey
- 0366 3 "j" in job, jumbo, jug, jewel; "g" in stage, cabbage (ba as in "bit"); "dg" sounds like "behindjoo"; preceeded by 0006
- 0369 2 "th" in this
- 036C 2 "th" in that, the, feather, with, there
- 036F 2 'b' in banana, beach-nut, ruby; behind (bee-hind); cabbage when pronounced with "i"t sound [036F 0042 0045]
- 0372 2 "b" in baked, blue"b"ell, bad, back, buried; preceeded by 0006
- 0375 2 "b" in butterfree, balloon, marble, bird, behind (bu-hind); "b"ulb when before (00C0); rosebud before (00C9)
- 0378 2 "b" in "b"ulb when before (0102)
- 037B 2 "b" in bye, bolt, boing, ball, bottle; preceeded by 0006 in jumbo, cardboard
- 037E 2 "b" from bring, preceeded by 0006 in job, Ambrella, herb, blue, bul"b", skunk-blossom
- 0381 2 "d" in disc, oddish, dig; dandelion when pronounced "-dee-" (001B); preceeded by 0006
- 0384 2 "d" in toasted-acorn, daisy, "d"andelion, dance
- 0387 2 "d" in thunder, golden; dandelion when e not voiced (009F); preceeded by 0006 [note the voice actor sometimes substitutes these "d"s for "t"s, uch as "to"->"da"]
- 038A 2 "d" in phrase "Do something", "do that", do"d"uo
- 038D 2 "d" in did, don't, "D"oduo
- 0390 2 "d" in phrase "wild herb", dreamy, drop; preceeded by 0006 in roasted, red, rosebud, bird, cardboard, goodnight, bad
- 0393 2 "g" in give, gimme; preceeded by 0006 in go-"git"-it, tag, "dig it"
- 0396 2 "g" in get, gastly; preceeded by 0006
- 0399 2 "g" in mega, one variant of "g"ood (g'night)
- 039C 2 "g" in good
- 039F 2 "g" in give, flag, go, gold, going
- 03A2 2 "g" in great, green, gloom; preceeded by 0006 in jug, magnet, dig, polywag
- 03A5 2 "p" as in Pika, peach, petunia, peel, drop; usually preceeded by 0003
- 03A8 2 "p" in open (before "ii" like sounds); topaz; trumpet when like "pet" (0066)
- 03AB 2 "p" in open, copper, apple, "p"umpkin (before "uh" like sounds); trumpet like "put" (00A8)
- 03AE 2 "p" in put, pull (start of word)
- 03B1 2 "p" starting "p"opcorn, spiky, spiny, poke-*, pirate, pokemon, polywag
- 03B4 2 "p" in play, po"p"corn, truffle-top, cupcake, vileplume; usually preceeded by 0003
- 03B7 2 "t" in get, hate, sticky, tas"t"e, "cut it"
- 03BA 2 "t" in stage, cat"t"ail, "t"aste, stay, tag; usually preceeded by 0003 (used in "baked" when dialect replaced d with t)
- 03BD 2 "t" in terrific, later, butterfree; s"t"->er->rawberry, roasted, toas"t"ed, water; "to" in phrase "listen ta' me"
- 03C0 2 "t" in to, turnip, petunia; usually preceeded by 0003
- 03C3 2 "t" in s"t"art, "t"oasted, top, toy, toss, that when followed by another word, truffle-"t"op; "that-one" transition, but not standalone that (03C6); usually preceeded by 0003
- 03C6 2 "t" in star"t", that, it, bolt, great, cute, ca"t"tail, fruit, walnut, "t"ruffle-top, right; t->s, but not t->a; third part of "x" sound; usually preceeded by 0003 (final "t"?)
- 03C9 2 "c" in cute, sticky; "k" in spiky, thank, keep
- 03CC 2 "c" in cattail, cabbage, carrot, cup"c"ake, poke-*, can, okay
- 03CF 2 "k" in s"k"unk, "c"at, ba"ck", Pi"k"achu, co"c"onut, "c"up, harmonica, come, cut; sometimes preceeded by 0003
- 03D2 2 "c" in cool, articuno; "k" in Kakuna pronounced (ka-koon-na)
- 03D5 2 "c" in corn, acorn, coin, copper; "ck" in cracked, "c"oconut, char"c"oal, cardboard, loo"k"; "q" in squirtle, quit
- 03D8 2 "ck" in thundershock, baked, "c"racked, crate; preceeded by 0003 in electri"c", cupca"k"e, terrific, skunk-blossom, disc, incorrect; first part of "x" sound
- 03DB 3 "s" in choose, daisy, how's, does, possibly closer to a z
- 03DE 3 "s" in was ("was great") or ras->z->pberry, rosebud, phrase "that's wrong", its; "z" in topaz, Alakazam
- 03E1 3
- 03E4 3 "s" in treasure
- 03E7 3 "v" in give, love, venusaur, Ivysaur when "ee" sound (0027)
- 03EA 3 "v" in silver, over, never, vileplume, Ivysaur when "a" sound (00AB)
- 03ED 3 "f" in terrific
- 03F0 3 "f" in butterfree, fruit, flying, truffle-top, sunflower, leafwhistle, fine, feather; "ph" in phone, sapphire
- 03F3 3 "th" in something
- 03F6 3 "th" in thunder, thank, throw
- 03F9 3 "s" in silver, toss, see
- 03FC 3 "s" in this, start, lets, smelly, sticky; second part of "x" sound
- 03FF 3 "sh" in fishing
- 0402 3 "sh" in thundershock, shell, shroom; "s" in sure
- 0405 3 "h" in here
- 0408 3 "h" in hey, hate, hang, hello (005D)
- 040B 3 "h" in hello, herb; slide between "a->h->u"
- 040E 3
- 0411 3 "h" in hot, how, harmonica, house, behind, how, haunter; transition between f & w in leafwhistle; preceeds "wh" (031B) in what (switching wh to hw?) and "w" (321) in why
- 0414 3
- 0417 3
- 041A 3
- 041D 3
- 0420 3
- 0423 3
- 0426 1 preceeds vowel sound (000C, 001B, 0024, 0027) at start of word; electric, apple, ekans, eat, eevee
- 0429 1 preceeds vowel sound (0042, 0045) at start of word; incorrect, its
- 042C 1 preceeds vowel (0066, 018F, 02A9) at start of word; Acorn, Aerodactyl
- 042F 1 preceeds vowel (007E, 0087, 019B, 01A4, 01A7, 01AD, 01B0, 01B3) at start of word; apple, I'm, I, Alakazam
- 0432 1 preceeds vowel sound (009F, 00A5, 00A8, 00C6) at start of word (onion)
- 0435 1 preceeds vowel sound (0108) at start of word
- 0438 1 preceeds vowel sound (0129, 012C, 0144, 014A, 0165, 0255) at start of word; on, Oddish, Onix, Olivine
- 043B 1 preceeds vowel sound (0210, 0213, 0216) at start of word; "o"pen, n"ow", "ou"t, over, okay
- That's all folks!
- "x" a combination of: 0003 03D8 03FC 0003 03C6
- X at start of word: 042C 0066 0006 03A2 03FC
RAW Paste Data Copied
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When weather conditions are perfect, your deck is an excellent place to relax outdoors and enjoy the sun and fresh air. But weather conditions aren’t always perfect, and the adverse weather can turn your deck into a slippery mess that can be potentially dangerous.
If you’ve been struggling with a slippery deck, trying to figure out how to make decking non slip, then I’ve got some excellent slippery deck solutions for you. From non-slip coatings and paints to effective methods to clean algae off a wood deck, one of these methods is sure to be your slippery decking cure.
Quick Navigation
- Why Your Deck is Slippery
- How to Prevent a Deck From Getting Slippery
- How to Make Decking Non Slip
- 1. Scrub Away the Algae With a Homemade Solution
- 2. Apply an Algae and Moss Killer
- 3. Pressure Wash Your Deck
- 4. Paint with Non-Slip Paint
- 5. Make Your Own Non-Slip Paint
- 6. Add Sand to Your Deck Sealer or Stain
- 7. Install Anti-Skid Strips
- 8. Use Anti-Slip Tape
- 9. Anti-Slip Mats or Inserts
- 10. Install Shingles or Rolled Roofing on Slippery Steps
- 11. Treat Your Deck With a Waterproof Coating
- Conclusion
Why Your Deck is Slippery
Before we start discussing solutions to your slippery deck problems, it’s important to understand why your deck is slippery in the first place. There are several reasons why your deck could be getting so slick, and they can even work with each other to compound your issue and make your deck even slicker.
First, the debris of all kinds starts to fall onto your porch, blown by the wind from nearby trees, plants, and more. This includes dirt, pollen, leaves, and anything else that tends to build up on your deck.
All of that debris holds moisture, which it traps against the wood of your deck. This makes it very difficult to dry since the air can’t reach it beneath the debris and mess.
That moisture is a perfect breeding ground for mold, mildew, algae, and even moss. They’ll grow in the wetness, creating a slick layer of growth on your decking material. They also fill the grains of your decking that are supposed to provide traction.
Between the slickness of the algae and the traction from the grains of the wood that’s now missing, your deck becomes a slippery nightmare that’s hard to clean!
But it can get even worse in winter. All of that moisture can freeze and create an icy layer on top of your deck that’s just asking for an accident to happen. And you can’t use salt to get rid of the ice because the salt will destroy your decking.
And this is a compounding problem. As the algae and mold grow, they create even more moisture, which can help grow more algae, or it can turn into ice. Either way, it’s an issue that needs solving.
Worst, this problem can equally affect natural wood and composite decking. No deck is safe from the perils of moisture and ice.
How to Prevent a Deck From Getting Slippery
Now we know exactly why the deck gets so slick. But what can we do about it? Well, there are two approaches to preventing a slippery deck. First, is to prevent the deck from getting slick in the first place, which is what we’re going to discuss next.
By performing certain regular maintenance to your deck, you can greatly reduce or even eliminate the chances of your deck getting slippery this year.
1. Sweep Regularly to Clear the Debris
We sweep the insides of our homes regularly to prevent the dirt and mess from building up. Well, the same works for your deck as well.
As mentioned, when the leaves and debris pile up, it holds moisture to the deck, which creates a breeding ground for the mold and algae that can make your deck so slick. One of the easiest ways to prevent this is to regularly sweep all of the leaves and debris and remove them from your deck!
This is particularly important after rainstorms because they tend to blow a lot of mess and debris onto the deck. Just head out once the sun shows its face again and sweep up any mess that has blow onto your deck during the storm.
When you see leaves and dirt building up, it’s a good idea to remove them and prevent the moisture buildup from occurring.
2. Ensure Proper Drainage
The next step to eliminating the moisture that allows algae and moss to grow on your deck is to ensure that your deck is draining properly.
You might have noticed that there’s a small gap between each of your decking boards. These gaps are meant to allow for expansion and contraction of the boards, but they’re also meant to allow water and moisture to drain out, so they don’t sit on your deck and allow anything to grow.
Whenever the dirt and debris build up on your deck, these drainage spaces can fill up, preventing the water from draining properly. When this happens, you’ll get water pooling and excess moisture that can lead to a slick deck surface in the near future.
To prevent this, simply clear out the spaces between decking boards to ensure they can drain properly. You can use a small putty knife or screwdriver between the boards to dislodge anything that might be filling up the spaces.
3. Perform A Thorough Deck Cleaning
Regularly sweeping your deck to avoid the buildup of debris and dirt is a great idea, but it’s not going to keep your deck surface completely clean. To do the job, you’ll need to do a thorough cleaning of your entire deck once or twice each year.
To do this properly, you’ll need a power washer and some cleaning solution. You can make the solution yourself or buy a pre-made formula.
However, you won’t want to power wash your deck every time you sweep it. Limit the power washing and thorough cleaning to once or twice each year to avoid prematurely wearing out your decking.
4. Remove Any Snow That Builds Up
Decks can get slippery any time of the year, but they are most susceptible to this problem in the winter when the snow builds up and ice can form on your deck. This will turn it into a hazardous mess, so it’s best to tackle this issue before it happens..
Ice forms underneath the snow, so if you remove the snow, it’s much more difficult for ice to form in the first place.
Remember, don’t use salt on your deck to melt the ice. This works great for roads and driveways, but the salt can wreak havoc on your decking material and destroy it prematurely.
How to Make Decking Non Slip
Now we’ve discussed ways to prevent your deck from becoming slippery. But what should you do if your deck is already a slick hazard that’s waiting to make someone fall? Don’t worry, I’ve got 11 solutions for you that will help to fix your slippery decking problems today.
1. Scrub Away the Algae With a Homemade Solution
If your deck is slick and slippery, you probably already have algae, mold, and/or mildew building up. To make your deck safe for walking again, you’ll need to remove that algae and mold. One great way to do this is by making your own algae-killing solution at home.
To create your mold killer, you’ll need powdered laundry detergent (the kind that’s free of ammonia), oxygen bleach (not chlorine bleach), and water.
First, mix one cup of the powdered laundry detergent with one quart of the oxygen bleach in two to three gallons of water. Mix it together.
Then, using a mop or a sprayer, coat the entire deck in your solution. You’ll want to let it sit for about 20 to 30 minutes so it can work its magic.
After letting it sit, take a stiff-bristled broom and scrub down your deck, removing all of the algae and moss. Once you’ve brushed it off, take a hose and do a final rinse to ensure that you’ve removed everything.
To protect your decking and ensure it doesn’t get more damage from the elements, you’ll want to seal your deck once you’re finished removing the algae. You can use any standard deck sealer or waterproof deck stain.
2. Apply an Algae and Moss Killer
Not everyone is up for the DIY approach of my first suggestion, so instead, you can opt for the store-bought solution that kills algae, mildew, and mold. It will do the same job with a similar level of effectiveness.
The process is essentially the same, minus the steps that involve mixing your solution.
Just take the mold and mildew killer and spray or mop it onto your deck surface. Allow it to sit for 20 or 30 minutes so that it can kill the algae and mold.
One of my favorite mold, mildew, algae, and moss removers, is the Wet&Forget solution. It’s extremely effective at killing and removing all algae, mold, and more. It’s also an inexpensive solution that does a lot of the work for you.
What I like best about the Wet&Forget solution is that it doesn’t require any power washing or even brushing. You don’t even have to scrub the algae off with this solution. Just apply it, let it work, then rinse it off and your deck will be free of the algae and mold that was making it slippery!
3. Pressure Wash Your Deck
Some people prefer instant gratification. If this sounds like you and you don’t want to wait 30 minutes for the solution to take effect or you don’t want to sweep the algae off the deck with a broom, then you might try a power washer instead.
A power washer will easily remove anything that’s sticking to your deck and making it slick, including the dirt, debris, leaves, and even the mold, algae, and mildew. You can even add detergent or other cleaning solutions to your pressure washer to get even more out of it.
However, I wouldn’t recommend jumping to this solution first all the time. Pressure washing can actually damage your deck if done too much. This is best left for the major once or twice a year cleanings that will restore your deck to its former glory.
When pressure washing your deck, make sure to use no more than 1,300 PSi. Harder pressures than this can damage the wood or composite material that your deck is covered with.
Finally, you’ll need to re-seal your deck after pressure washing to avoid it being damaged by exposure to the elements. Pressure washing will remove any protective coating currently keeping your deck protected, so it’s important to replace it if you want your deck to retain maximum longevity.
4. Paint with Non-Slip Paint
If your deck seems to be slippery too often, then the problem might be what it is or isn’t coated with. Many decks are painted with normal paint or stained with a regular wood stain. While this might look great, it’s not the best choice when it comes to providing traction and grip.
To apply non-slip paint to your deck, you’ll first need to wash your deck thoroughly and allow it to dry so that the paint has a clean surface to stick to.
Next, apply the paint according to the directions on the can. It should be a very simple process. You can use a roller or brush and apply it to your deck the way you’d apply any other type of paint. Once finished, allow it plenty of time to dry completely.
Once it’s dry, your deck will have a textured surface that will prevent it from getting slick. If even dirt, water, and algae start to build up, the texture will give you grip and prevent your deck from becoming so slippery.
One of my favorite non-slip paints is the INSL-X Sure Step. It’s very easy to apply and extremely durable once it has cured. It comes in multiple colors so you can either paint your deck a brand new color for a nice change, or you can try to match the color to what you currently have.
The INSL-X Sure Step is specifically meant for high-traffic areas like decks, porches, and stairs. It’s made durable to hold up to regular abuse and foot traffic. Moreover, it can handle any adverse weather conditions and will even help protect your deck, improving its longevity overall.. Simply take whatever paint you plan to use and add sand at a ratio of 4:1 paint to sand. That’s four parts paint for each part sand.
Once mixed, simply paint it onto your deck like you would apply any other paint. After you apply it, allow ample time for it to dry.
Next, you’re going to apply an additional coat of paint to your deck, but this time with no sand in it. This will seal in the first coat and provide some added durability, ensuring that none of your grippy sand gets removed when it’s walked on.
After the second coat dries, you’re all done! Your deck will now have traction in all weather conditions.
6. Add Sand to Your Deck Sealer or Stain
Maybe you like the idea of making your own non-slip paint with sand, but you don’t want to paint your deck. Not to worry! If you prefer the look of stain or even just a natural wood finish, there’s still a way to create your own non-stick surface using sand and either a deck stain or sealer.
Since you need to seal or stain your deck after a good cleaning to prevent damage, you can easily make your deck non-slip when you add one extra step.
After applying your sealer or stain, you’ll simply add sand to it. But there are a few caveats to this.
First, you must add the sand while the sealer or stain is still wet. If it dries completely, then the sand won’t have anything to stick to.
Second, you must get a very even application of sand. This can be difficult to do, especially by hand. To make it easier, I recommend using a spreader. This will allow you to get an even spread.
Third, you’ll need to do this in small sections. Once you apply the stain or sealer, you can’t walk on it until it’s dry. But you’ll have a pretty difficult time trying to cover an entire deck with an even coating of sand, especially when it’s wet and you can’t walk on it!
This is best attempted by doing small sections at a time, about two feet by two feet. Apply the sealer or stain first. Then, using the spreader, evenly apply the sand to the stained area and move on to the next section.
7. Install Anti-Skid Strips
Painting or staining your deck can be a lot of work and it can completely change the looks of your deck. That’s all great if you’re up for such a challenge and a change. But not everyone wants to put that much time and energy into their deck.
On the one hand, this can damage the wood beneath by making screw holes in each piece of decking. On the other hand, this is a permanent addition that won’t go anywhere and only takes a few minutes to install.
Keep in mind, anti-skid strips are a bit raised, so they can present a small tripping hazard. But they all provide tons of traction that doesn’t diminish when they’re wet.
These are an especially great choice on slippery deck steps. Just sink a couple of screws into each strip and your stairs will have tons of traction!
There are quite a few of these anti-skid strips on the market, but my favorites are the Grip Strip Black Treads They’re durable and will hold up for season after season of inclement weather conditions. Plus, they’re easy to install and will take just a few minutes, even if you have no experience with DIY projects. Just stick two screws in each one and you’re done!
8. Use Anti-Slip Tape
Just like any other type of tape, anti-slip tape comes in a roll. You’ll just pull off the amount you need and stick it onto the deck. It’s dead-simple.
Unlike regular tape, anti-slip tape has tons of grip on the top, similar to sandpaper. This will provide you with plenty of traction, even when your deck gets slick.
It’s important that you have a completely clean and dry surface for the tape to stick to. Make sure you thoroughly clean the deck and allow it to dry before you attempt to apply anti-slip tape.
One advantage of anti-slip tape is that it’s not raised off the surface of the deck, so it doesn’t present a tripping hazard.
I prefer the EdenProducts Heavy-Duty Anti-Slip Traction Tape. It’s 80-grit, which will provide tons of grip and ensure that no one slips on your deck again. Just as importantly, it sticks extremely well and won’t fall off in a few days like other tapes. This one is guaranteed to stick for at least 60 days, providing you with at least two months’ worth of worry-free deck walking.
9. Anti-Slip Mats or Inserts
Anti-slip inserts can fit over your deck boards and stick into the cracks between boards to hold them down.
Mats just lay on top of your decking and provide plenty of traction. These are similar to the mats used in restaurants to provide the non-slip surface they need in the kitchen where things can get very slick and slippery.
The only problem with mats is that they can hold water against your decking material. This can cause them to prematurely age and rot. Because of this, you’ll want to remove the mats when not in use, which can be a bit of a hassle.
However, unlike painting your deck or adding non-slip tape, the mats won’t change the look of your deck. Once you move them, your deck is the same as it was before.
Mats can also be used to cover the entire deck, giving you a complete solution that anti-slip tape or anti-skid strips.
I like the Envelor Home and Garden Anti-Fatigue Commercial Rubber Mats. They’re super durable and can withstand any weather conditions. More importantly, they’re made to help prevent slips and falls, so they’ll provide plenty of traction.
10. Install Shingles or Rolled Roofing on Slippery Steps
For many people, it’s not the entire deck that’s a problem. Instead, it’s generally the stairs that are making the most issue, causing people to slip and fall. One easy solution is to use rolled roofing or shingles on your steps to add plenty of traction and grip.
Shingles and rolled roofing both have a very rough surface that will provide plenty of traction. Moreover, they’re built to withstand many years of adverse weather conditions and won’t get damaged by sun, rain, or wind. Best of all, they’re an affordable solution that’s available at a home improvement store near you.
All you have to do is nail the shingles or rolled roofing onto your steps, the same as they’d be installed on a roof. That’s it! It couldn’t be simpler.
11. Treat Your Deck With a Waterproof Coating
One great way to prevent this from happening is by using a waterproof coating to cover your entire deck. This will prevent the water from every accumulating and do wonders to curb your slippery deck problems.
These coatings are very easy to apply. You simply paint them on like any other type of coating or paint. You can use a brush, roller, or even a sprayer. Just make sure you get an even coating everywhere.
The only problem with a waterproof deck coating is that it will need to be reapplied every few years or seasons to ensure that your deck is still waterproof.
But you can avoid this if you use my favorite wood waterproofer, the Eco Advanced Wood Siloxane Waterproofer. It’s got a five-year warranty that guarantees your deck will stay waterproof for at least five years between coats. That’s a lot of bang for your buck! Plus, it’s still extremely easy to apply. Just paint it on and let it dry. Now your slippery deck problems are done!
A slippery deck can be a real liability. Before you or someone you love gets hurt, it’s a good idea to nip your slippery deck problems in the bud with one of the 11 solutions I’ve provided.
I’ve had good luck with several of these methods, but my favorite was adding sand to a deck paint. It was cost-effective, easy to install, and the results were great. My deck looked brand new and slipping was no longer a hazard! On my stairs, I added strips of non-slip tape to make sure that no one would slip on their way down the stairs and off the deck.
But no matter which solution you choose, they’re all going to make a big difference. Remember to keep up on the cleaning and prevent the mold and algae from growing in the first place to avoid having this problem again in the future.
If you found this article helpful, please feel free to share it with others who might need help preventing their decks from becoming a slippery mess! And I’ll try to respond to any comments or questions in the comments box below as quickly as I can. |
Your Comprehensive Guide to Vaping
Table Of Contents:
Why Vape?
Vaping is a revolutionary past time, a hobby, and an alternative to smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco. Vaping has taken the nation, and the world, by storm in the last several years. Finally, we have a technology and a product that allows us to engage in a hobby that’s fun and entertaining. We finally have something we can do to create relaxation and happiness. At long last and after many failed attempts into this arena, we have something that can permanently free us from the horrible grips of tobacco addiction, be it in the form of cigarettes or in the form of chewing tobacco.
So why vape? Vaping is just healthier. That’s the common denominator of why vaping exists, and that was the initial idea behind the creation of vaporizers, though now the technology and the products have created a following that includes far more than just ex-smokers, but people who also just want to vape for the sake of vaping. Using vaporizers is a much healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes, and it is a fun pastime too
Cigarettes are immensely bad for the human body, and the damages that they do go far above and beyond the mainstream lung damage and risk of lung cancer that they create and that we hear about all the time. Truthfully, there are 599 additives put into your generic cigarette. Once a flame is applied to a cigarette and it is lit up, those additives activate and create 4,000 chemical compounds of their own from the combustion. Some of these chemicals include as high of risk items as:
- Carbon Monoxide
- Nitrogen Oxides
- Hydrogen Cyanide
- Ammonia
In addition to that, there are at least forty-three different carcinogens that are currently released in mainstream smoking and second-hand smoke that we know about, though more are found every single year. Not only does vaping have no smoke or combustion-related ill effects, vaping only involves about four different ingredients, not 4,000. These ingredients are simply:
- Propylene Glycol (polyethylene glycol, or vegetable glycerin specifically)
- Nicotine
- Certain kinds of flavoring deepening on the juice
- Water (good old fashioned h3O)
From the get go and in the long run too, vaping is a revolutionary and immensely more healthy and sensible recourse to smoking, all hobby bonuses and past time enjoyment levels aside.
The History Behind Vaping
Vaping hasn’t been around for a very long time, but that doesn’t mean that it hasn’t created a little bit of its own history in that short time. Because of the skyrocketing interest in vaping and it’s over all popularity, the subject and the technology has changed a lot in the last few years to make it more successful and efficient. Many have loved it. Some have spoken out against it. All of this together has made quite the history for it.
Vaping actually started in the 1960s. Well, at least that’s when electronic cigarettes were first invented. But they didn’t really take off as the technology wasn’t quite there yet to make them as efficient and as effective as they are today, and like the yoyo, the gigapet, and those old “wheels in your shoes” fad, the idea died out pretty quickly. Vaping began to take the nation by storm just a few years ago. The technology, the science, and the practical art form behind vaping have changed a lot in a short time.
We finally have the technology, (and have had it since about 2008), to work scientific and technological wonders with vaporizers. Nowadays vapers know just how reliable the vaping industry is now, and they have the ability to create their perfect mod and are more than prepared to spend their days doing just that as not only a way to avoid smoking cigarettes, but also as a hobby too. The world was not ready for such genius in the 1960’s, but one thing is clear, there is no stopping the vape life now.Definitions: Know Your Vape!
The best way to have a great vaping experience is to understand the subject matter very well. The first place to start is to learn the terminology of vaping. It’s a pretty simple concept really and there aren’t that many words to learn, but it’ll make a difference if one knows them:
- Atomizer: The atomizer is the heart of your vaporizer. The atomizer is the key part in your vaporizer that turns the actual liquid juice into its water vapor form. It does this by heating a special coil that is in contact with the filler material containing the liquid form of the juice.
- Cartomizer: A cartomizer is more of a historic piece. It was the old atomizer. It serves the same basic purpose, and it can be found in old e-cigarettes that actually look exactly like real cigarettes. A cartomizer can be packed with a material known as “poly-fill”, which is an artificial filler, and which basically serves the same purpose as vaping juice.
- Clearomizer: Clearomizers are often the beginner’s choice in vaping. They serve the same purpose as an atomizer, and they are very easy to use. Clearomizers also have the excellent benefit of being completely see-through. The user can see how much is left in the tank at any one time.
- Coils: Another crucial, rudimentary part to vaping, the coil is that little bit of vital wire that is used to vaporize the e liquid by creating an electrical circuit that passes through the liquid and the filler material. The coil is usually made up of either Nichrome or Kanthal wire.
- Dripping: Here again we see the customizability of vaping. A lot of vape enthusiasts just use a vaporizer that has a cartridge that holds their liquid. Drip vaping is different. This method is done by adding a few drops of pure e-liquid directly into the atomizer chamber itself instead of using a cartridge of some kind. This method has been proven to be the one that gives the best vapor quantity and flavor quality by far but of course takes the added time restraint of always having to, “drip” one’s vape.
- Juice: Juice is just another name for the e-liquid, which is simply the actual water-based liquid that contains the nicotine, the flavoring, and the glycerin necessary to vape.
- Kanthal: Mentioned above, Kanthal is a type of wire used to make a coil. Kanthal is considered to be the best wire for people who want to modify and adjust their own vaporizers to meet their needs.
- Ohm: This is just how electricity is measured, and is a generic term. However, it has a lot to do with vaping as ohms are used to measure how much work the vaporizer is doing to produce vapor. A lower number ohm indicates lower resistance and therefore the faster heating of a coil.
- RDA: This stands for Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer. Rebuildable atomizers vary in design as they are intended to be adjustable and modifiable by those who purchase them. Some RDAs have fabric wicks, while some use mesh and Kanthal combinations. Rebuildable atomizers are meant to save on cost and be readily fixable and also changeable so that the owner can adjust his or her vaporizer as his or her tastes change.
- RTA: This stands for a Rebuildable Tank Atomizer. This is the exact same concept as an RDA, but for a cartridge/tank version of a vaporizer, not a dripping atomizer as is the case with an RDA.
- Wick: The wick is the conductor in a vaporizer. It’s the crucial piece of material that allows the magic to happen. Wicks are used to essentially deliver vaporizer juice to the coil itself. Most atomizers use a wick that is made from silica cord. They can come in other forms that are better suited for other vaporizers like steel mesh, fiberglass, cotton, and even ceramic materials.
Types of Vaping
There are lots of different ways to vape, and different people will make their own choices on how best to engage in this hobby. The different types are there because people have different tastes, so the technology of vaping has changed and adjusted and evolved to create many different sub-classes of vaping to suit anyone’s interests.
RDA Vape vs. Tank Vape
This is the first question on anyone’s mind who is interested in getting into vaping. Do I go with an RDA vape or a RTA vape? These are the two main distinctions of the types of vaping. The RDA vaping technique allows for more customization, bigger vapor clouds, and better quality flavor, but it requires more maintenance and hands-on time spent with the vaporizer too. One will also have to carry his or her juice around with the vaporizer too. An RTA is also customizable too to a degree, and though some say the quality of the actual vaping isn’t quite as good, there is only about thirty percent the amount of maintenance needed on these vaporizers than what is needed for the RDAs. One will have to make their own decision based off of personal interests and overall time to hand.
Sub Ohm Vaping
Sub Ohm vaping is all about bigger vapor clouds and more intense flavor. Considered to be more of an advanced form of vaping, people who vape at, “sub ohms”, rig their vaporizers to produce vapor at less than one ohm, hence the name. With sub ohm vaping, aficionados will get a bigger cloud and more of the juice flavor in their mouths, but the sensation will not be quite the same as smoking a cigarette is, which is for many the reason why vaping is begun. Cartomizers/Above Ohm Vaping
This is the flip side of sub ohm vaping, and it was the first type of vaping to enter the marketplace. Sub ohm vaping is a newer trend, and is therefore grabbing a lot of attention. Using a cartomizer and an, “above one ohm” system on an RDA or a RTA will produce something that is a lot more like smoking a cigarette. Even with the popularity that sub ohm vaping has garnered, cartomizer and above ohm vaping is still very popular as it mimics smoking cigarettes, which is a lot of the reason why most vapers are vaping to begin with.
Which One is Best for Me
It all comes down to personal preference. Do you want bigger clouds? Do you want something that resembles smoking a cigarette? Do you want something customizable? Do you want something that is low maintenance? Most vaping companies will advise you to start with something simple and easy to maintain as your first setup. First of all, you need to find out what you like in vaping and what you don't like. A basic, simple starter’s kit can do just that for you. Then once you have some vaping experience under your belt you can start making choices on which direction you want to go in.
Getting Started:
A Guide to Vaping Essentials and Where to Get Them
A vaporizer has a lot of essential components, and because the hobby is so user-friendly and customizable, most of these components can be swapped out and replaced with other brands and other modifications, all to fit the owner’s personal tastes. Listed below are all of the major components of vaping and where to get them:
- Rebuildable Tank Atomizers (RTAs)
Here we have the meat and potatoes of a vaporizer. Take a good hard look at your options for your RTA, as this is the base component of your unit that everything else will build off of.
- Rebuildable Drip Atomizers (RDAs)
Often thought to be the veteran’s choice in vaping, RDAs offer more quality per hit, but more maintenance per hit too. These should also be studied closely and compared back and forth with other options. Keep in mind for RTAs and RDAs that it might not be a bad idea to check out your local vape shop, as it can be tricky to compare and contrast several options of such key components without having someone to provide a second opinion.
- Mods
Mods are defined by the type of vaporizer machine itself chosen by the enthusiast. With how much interest and success has come about from the vaping market, there has been a resulting flood of different types of mods.
- Mech Mods
Mech mods take customization to the next level. Mech mods are generally speaking of variable voltage and variable wattage both and have loads of other customizable features.
- Variable Wattage Mods
Variable wattage mods are great because they can change the voltage and strength of the device with the click of a button, ideal for a vaporizer that is shared by a couple, or for someone who desires different strengths of hits at different times.
- Cotton
An essential supply item for any vape enthusiast, cotton is the gateway between the electric powers of your vaporizer and your e liquid.
- Coils
Coils are another essential supply item for any vaporizer. These too are very customizable, depending on the person’s preference.
- Pre-made vs. DIY
A big choice that many vape enthusiasts face is whether or not to buy a pre-made vape or to buy the individual parts themselves and put something together. It is generally recommended for beginners to buy a pre-made set up, whereas more experienced vape lovers often choose to have their second vaporizer to be a custom built one.
- Wire
Another crucial element to vaping, your wire is what conducts the electricity output sent to your coil from the battery.
- Kanthal
Often thought to be the best kind of wire out there, Kanthal wire is a do it yourself vaper’s favorite type of wire. It is thought to be the best quality and to produce the best overall output.
- Temperature Controlled Wire
Temperature controlled wire is simply higher quality wire. When vaping first became popular, vaping enthusiasts had a lot of trouble getting their wire to last for more than a few dozen hits before it had to be replaced. When electricity runs through something enough, (unless it is prepared for such an occurrence), it eventually gets burned out. Witness your phone charger that needs replacing after just a few months or so. Temperature controlled wire is made to last.
- Ni200
This Ni200 just means nickel wire. Some vapors prefer it over chrome, titanium or iron wire. It produces different effects dependent upon which vaporizer it’s in.
- Titanium
Titanium wire is actually still relatively new on the market, (but it has been successful), and is used in many sub-ohm tank coil heads to achieve a safer level of temperature control for the user.
- Stainless Steel
Due to its relatively low cost, wide availability on the market, and the simple if groundbreaking fact that it can be bought in multiple gauges, (more options for true modifiers), stainless steel wire provides the true vape enthusiast with almost literally endless combinations of different vaping wires.
When it all comes down to it, your battery is one of the most important parts of your vaporizer as it is your battery that powers it all and brings the magic of vaping to life. Just like all other aspects of vaping, batteries are totally customizable and adjustable. Different battery types, sizes, and brands are available, but only certain batteries will fit with certain mods, so you have to do your research before you go out and purchase one.
Typically, the three main types of batteries that you will see the most are ICR (LiCoO2 or LiCd), IMR (LiMn), and Hybrid. The advice is to pick the vaping mod you like the most, and then to do research on what kinds of batteries work with that selection, and go from there.
The great thing about vaporizer batteries is that they are rechargeable. Goodness knows we’d go broke from buying batteries if they weren’t. It might not seem like it, but you should take your time picking a charger for your batteries. Of the several chargers available on the market to vapers everywhere, it is usually agreed that the best and safest chargers are known as, “smart chargers”. Smart chargers usually offer a wide plethora of features such as multiple charging modes, various safety features like over-voltage protection, and last but not least over-discharge protection.
Wall Adapter
Your wall adapter is an important part of your hobby and enthusiasm as a vaper too. It is the component that actually supplies power to your battery charging unit. These can be bought in varying qualities, so make sure you find one that will supply the right amount of power to your charger.
E liquids, also called, “Juice”, are one of the most important components to vaping. It is the fuel that feeds the vaping machine. They are so customizable and so modifiable and there are so many different types of vaping juices out there that one could write an entire book about them and, as more types and flavors of juice get added each year, one would have to write a second edition of that book as soon as the first one was finished.
In more ways than one, the e-liquid that you end up putting in your mod is actually more crucial to the quality of your experience than your mod itself is. E-liquids and juices should be researched more than all other components, as there are so many different styles and brands out there. A lot of people are now going with organic vape juices to avoid the chemical aspect of traditional vape juices, essentially making the whole vaping experience even healthier than it was before.
- E-Liquid Flavors: There’s almost a different flavor of e-liquid for every vaper in this country. There are thousands upon thousands of different flavors to pick from. What’s more, different brands’ version of the same flavor will often taste different. For example, Crazy Vapors watermelon flavored e-liquid might taste quite different from Liquid Barn’s watermelon flavor. To find the right flavor for you, first concentrate on the quality of the brand's liquid itself and try a few different brands till you find one that you like. Then start experimenting with that brand’s different flavors.
- How They’re Made: E-liquid is so simple and so harmless and so safe it kind of takes beginners a minute to process it. In fact, a lot of people make their own juice and why not? It’s easy and e-liquid is simple. All that goes into e-liquid are a few simple chemicals, (all of which are totally safe for human consumption and they are used in cooking too), a very small amount of nicotine, (some vape enthusiasts smoke juices that don't have any nicotine in them), and water.
- Ingredients: E-liquid is made by combining at the most, five different components. These are: VG (Vegetable Glycerin), PG (Propylene glycol), Flavor, Nicotine, and distilled water. The VH makes up about sixty to seventy percent of the chemicals in you juice, the PG makes up about ten, the flavor is about ten, nicotine is anywhere from zero to three percent, and of course water is what all of this is dissolved in.
- 100% VG (PG-free) e-liquids: The more research that is done on pure VG vaping the more popular this method becomes. This might be the new face of e-liquid. It is more natural, (vegetable glycerin has very little additives and chemicals), it is easier on the body, and it often hits better.
- Organic Vape Juice: This takes 100% VG e-liquids to the next level. Many people started vaping to quit smoking because vaping is healthier right? What if it could be even healthier? Vaping opponents have had a lot to say about the chemicals involved in vaping. Now, there are hardly any chemicals in e-liquid to begin with, but organic vape juices take the health aspect of vaping to an even higher level. The best organic vape juices are actually USDA approved and are made in the U.S. Organic e-juice is still pretty new, but as the technique improves and advances it will probably take over all types of juice to make vaping an even more desirable alternative to smoking cigarettes.
Wicking Your Coil
The term, “wicking”, is defined as:
“The chemical process of osmosis where-in more concentrated fluid moves to an area of lesser concentration in an effort to find equilibrium in the given area that it resides in.”
Ever spill water on a paper towel and watch the water travel throughout the towel with no help from gravity or exterior forces? Same idea for vaping. To, “wick a coil”, simply means to add e-liquid through the drip method right into your coil and to soak your cotton or other filler with the e-liquid. This has to be done once every few hits or so, and the technique used varies depending on the mod being used.
The benefit to wicking your own coil means a stronger hit with bigger clouds and more flavor; the downside is the constant maintenance of having to do this. Most true vape enthusiasts do it, others who vape to avoid cigarettes prefer RTA mods that just allow them to add a large amount of juice into a tank that lasts them quite a while, hence negating the need for wicking.
How to Vape, and the Various Inhalation Techniques
One of the most commonly asked questions is, “So vaping sounds great, but how does one actually do it?” Just like with anything else, there’s a right way to vape, and a wrong way to vape. In fact, there are several right ways, and a few wrong ways. The two, basic, main ways of taking a hit off of your mod when vaping are known as Mouth To Lung (MTL), and Direct Lung Inhale (DLI). You'll get a different result with each technique:
- MTL vaping is mostly regarded as being very similar to smoking a cigarette. This is done like it sounds, you start by take the vapor into your mouth and savoring it there before inhaling it into the lungs.
- DLI vaping is more readily compared to that of the hit from a shisha pipe or bong instead. In this method, you draw the vapor straight down into your lungs, much like you would if you were breathing in deeply or sucking the air from a balloon. When vaping is done with this method the dense vapor quickly fills the lungs and skips the mouth for the most part.
Cleaning your Device
For a final note on vaping, this eBook wouldn’t be complete without a little data on how to clean your equipment. Vaporizers can get dirty pretty easily and as they are delicate and often expensive precision instruments they should be treated as such. You will get a lot more life out of your choice vaporizer if you clean it and take especially good care of it and you will be happy in the long run for those extra few minutes spent every week devoted to cleaning and general maintenance. It makes sense when you think about how much use you will get out of your vaporizer.
The Air Path
This is easily one of the most important parts of a vaporizer when it comes to keeping it clean, as it will get dirty the fastest. Take it off, wash it, and let it dry. You can use alcohol and Q-tips on it too.
The Chamber
Every type of vaping device out there has some kind of chamber or oven where you place your vaping material and product. This is where all the magic of electricity, heating, and vaporization occurs. Clean this part out really well too with a special liquid solution that can be purchased as a part of a vaporizer cleaning kit.
This is pretty self-explanatory, but since your mouth touches the mouthpiece over and over again, this piece should be cleaned with hot water and dish soap daily.
Screens and Canisters
These serve the same function as the chamber does, and should be cleaned in the same way. As for certain vape mods, this too is where all the magic happens and it needs to be well maintained for it to work properly. |
When commuters get frustrated with transit in greater Seattle – be it cars hogging bus lanes with impunity, lack of transit priority altogether, or bafflement at specific planning decisions – a common refrain is “None of this would happen if only our agencies rode their own services!” Our politicians and executives like to tout their transit-riding cred, like Joe McDermott or Dow on the C-Line, or Sound Transit CEO Peter Rogoff apologizing for being late to a recent interview on account of his bus being late. But there remains a perception that elites plan our systems for the rest of us, while driving to work themselves. How true is this perception in the Seattle area?
To find out, I made a public records request for Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) data for the last 5 years for all Seattle worksites for King County (including Metro), Sound Transit, WSDOT, the City of Seattle, Seattle Police Department, Seattle Fire Department, and the EPA Region X offices. Our unique state Commute Trip Reduction law requires any employer with 100 or more full time, benefits-eligible employees who begin work between 6-9am to implement a demand management program with progressive annual goals for reducing their Drive-Alone Rate (DAR). It also makes such data a matter of public record.
So what did I find? With few exceptions, agencies walk the walk, with very low drive-alone rates for their urban worksites. Only 11% of employees at Metro’s King Street Center headquarters drive to work, and only 14% at the County’s Chinook Building. Sound Transit’s drive-alone rate has held steady between 14-17% for the past 5 years, while city employees who work Downtown have held steady between 15-20% driving alone. WSDOT’s Pioneer Square offices perform well at around 15% driving alone, though the data is incomplete for the last two survey cycles, while ferry workers at Colman Dock or Fauntleroy drive alone nearly 40% of the time.
Outside the central city where transit services are more sparse and transfers more frequent, drive-alone rates rise rapidly. At WSDOT’s Northwest Region offices in Shoreline – where snarky tweets and traffic-related memes are generated by the fistful – the drive-alone rate is 74%. Same goes for Seattle worksites outside the central city, such as Haller Lake or Charles Street, where nearly 75% drive alone.
The highest drive-alone rates of all? Metro’s Seattle bus bases (Atlantic/Center and Ryerson), where between 70-80% drive alone. Though we must admit that these are a special case, with many workers driving to work before the transit they themselves drive is available, there does seem to be a strong drive-alone culture among transit operators. And indeed, though owning a car isn’t an explicit requirement for driving for Metro, current and former drivers have told STB that it is very difficult to be hired without one. New drivers are all part-time, and most work during peak only, which requires getting to places like South or North base where transit is mostly nonexistent. But if the central base operators are still driving most of the time, it’s a cultural thing too.
And what of Seattle Police or Fire? As corroborated by a recent exchange between Lorena Gonzalez, Mike O’Brien, and Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole when discussing the controversial North Precinct rebuild, both agencies are exempt from Commute Trip Reduction. Though there is no statutory exemption, SPD and SFD are exempt because the CTR law treats individual worksites separately, and because no precincts or fire stations meet the requirements of >100 or more employees with predictable shift start times between 6-9am. Asked to comment, SDOT’s Cristina VanValkenburgh and Eric Mamroth said:
SFD and SPD won’t show up because none of their sites are CTR-affected. SPD precincts outside of center city are also not CTR affected, and most officers wherever they report are subject to 3-month shift changes…It is the usual and customary CTR law language (as stated in your original query) regarding site count and shift times that dictate who, and which sites are included in the statewide survey.
So there you have it, a rather predictable result really. Agency employees are much like the rest of us. They take transit where it is plentiful, and drive where it isn’t. Though politicians and executive-level staff may drive more often, the rank-and-file walk the walk.
Charts below the jump.
74 Replies to “How Do Public Agency Employees Commute?”
Not sure about Metro, but at Community Transit if the driver is more than 2min 59sec late for sign on our work is taken away for the day, and you only get 4 or 5 late shows a year before they can fire you. So yeah, we drive our cars.
Drivers are different. Unless you do a completely mid-day set of bus shifts, you likely start very early in the morning or end very late at night, and probably too early or late for the bus (since you drive the bus). Plus, you start work at a bus base and not huge population centers like downtown Seattle, so (ironically?) there likely isn’t much bus service there. And like you mentioned, time is an issue. If you’re late, you delay dozens of people along with you. Plus, bus drivers constitute a very small portion of road traffic, while doing a very large part in alleviating traffic. I would have no problem with every single bus driver driving alone to get to work as long as they show up on time, well rested, and ready to handle a full day of work.
Well said.
Because the bus drivers have to get there before the bus and leave after the bus — and the same applies to train drivers — the *only* cities where it’s feasible for them to take public transportation are cities with 24-hour frequent service.
Once you have 24-hour frequent service, it becomes possible.
The flip side about grumbling about politicians driving is whining about self-dealing when they use transit.
When Rod Dembowski (incorrectly, in my view) fiddled with changing the 71 while his wife rode it to work, he was accused of corruptly influencing the process. So politicians that drive can’t use the insights of riding transit to improve service, but when politicians who do ride (or have close relatives that ride) try to use those insights, they’re accused of misbehavior.
So while I’m glad that SOV commuting is unpopular at the agencies, for politicians and agency heads it really is a no-win scenario.
Just wait until transit boards are directly elected…
Our focus should be on whether the management and decision-makers use transit, not on the rank and file workers who in many cases doing it just because it’s a job. High-level workers and politicians should take transit, not necessarily every day but at least once a month, and should also take some exploratory trips to see what people in other areas are experiencing.
Politicians who do take transit should rise above questions of personal benefit to the benefit of the most people. The Dembrowski issue was characterized as he restored the 71 because his wife uses it, and people assumed they live in the desolate part of eastern 65th or 50th Ave NE where nobody rides. Those may or may not be accurate. But Dembrowski may have also recognized a more important issue: 15th Ave NE. Metro was going to delete all-day service on 15th in favor of 10-minute service on Roosevelt. I had misgivings about up to 65th because that’s a pretty popular corridor and I use it. The community argued to restore the 73, and Dembrowski got the 71 restored, and they’re both well-used on 15th. The 71 and 73 has now reached 7-day service, with evenings 6 days a week. That’s similar to the 8 and 31/32 that were expanded repeatedly because they were so popular. So Dembrowski may have been right about more service in northeast Seattle, but he didn’t look ahead far enough (or was blinded by his wife’s convenience) to restore only part of the route or create a different route. For instance, maybe all the hours should have been put into the 73, especially in hindsight now that the 73 is 7-day again. The 71 causes ridiculous overservice on eastern 65th which also has the frequent 62.
Joe, you keep assuming the outcome of elected transit boards. At best they might have urbanist transit experts. At worst they might be stacked with anti-transit-and-tax foes. Most likely they’ll have the same kind of people they do now.
I agree that it can be a minefield, but my hackles get raised when I see politicians using their insights solely to improve the routes that directly affect them (often negatively affecting other routes) without applying that same insight to routes they don’t use.
+1 David Seater
There should be an obvious distinction between using insights to solve general problems and cronyism. Dembowski’s route 71 changes smelled of the later (regardless of whether he thought it was better for society), especially given that he was overruling Metro planners.
Sometimes Alex Bailey, you have to overrule the technocrats who live in a bubble, question their thinking and get what the hoi polloi want. That’s why I prefer elected transit boards – to democratize transit. After all, we are NOT 1% of the trips ;-).
Joe, when “transit boards are directly elected, exactly 0.00% of the members will ride transit, except to televised ribbon cuttings. That’s because the Highwaymen will pay special attention to electing “their own” to the boards. Have you noticed how much your hated teachers’ unions and the people who run Charter Schools give to school board races? Therein lies the flaw in “independent”elected oversight boards of all kinds.
I am of the firm view that you are already predetermined to surrender the high ground to “the Highwaymen”. I, on the other hand, will fight on even with a bruised ankle like Russell Wilson or against vigorous “the Highwaymen” Eastside opposition like Claudia Badassuchi and win the game.
We who believe in transit are gamers, we want to win, we want more transit, we want to get out of those campaigns with a win.
Oh and regarding K-12 school board elections: The problem is that the opposition doesn’t get it together, doesn’t play with a fire, a passion, some intensity to get stuff done. There’s a certain Liv Finne who deserves way better… one of the most fundamental flaws in the right wing is that we don’t love & support our pundits anywhere near enough. Or be superstars in our community and take that punditry to a community level anywhere near enough.
That’s why I want to be an elected transit board member. Let’s go out there and pund some wins. Let’s go out there and take that Seattle Transit Blog intensity out of cyberspace and into real transit agencies to improve our communities!
Joe, are you naive or daft? It’s a piffling investment for one of the K[r]o[t]ch brothers to buy an entire transit board. That might cost as little as 500K in “campaign contributions”. Can you imagine for just a few minutes how much damage to transit such a board might wreak?
No sir, I’m an idealist not a surrender monkey. Right now “the highwaymen” and other anti-transit expansion folks control quite a few of the rural transit boards up here.
I am also of the view that ideological diversity would be nice on these transit boards… and I’m sure many in these comment threads – including I – who had gripes during the ST3 drafting process would agree. It’s worth taking the risk. We can and we have and we will continue to beat “the highwaymen” like we will in November.
But why would they want to? Sounds like a Who Framed Roger Rabbit conspiricy theory.
Their invests are so vast, that there’s apt to be some way they could make money off of essentially running a transit company. Firing all the unions and hiring private contracting companies owned by them seems like the no brainer.
Buying out a small potatoes election to “fire” all the unions… Sounds like tin foil hat concerns to me. Unless you believe the Koch brothers already own all elected members of congress it’s just silly to believe they’ve got cash burning a hole in their pocket to co-opt an election for ST board members.
The alternative is do nothing and expect a different result. It’s just plain crazy to be so afraid of giving the electorate more accountability over the way more than 1/2 the transit money in the ST district is being spent.
Well said Bernie, well said. This rallying cry doesn’t just start from a certain SoDo think tank a 10 minute walk from a Sound Transit light rail station; this rallying cry is so the groupthink we’ve seen on these transit boards comes to a skidding halt.
There are many people – me included – who don’t want to run for City Council. But who would drop everything and set up a positive campaign to serve on a transit board. Look at the resumes and campaigns of those on the BART board – not moneyed interests at all!
Jim S;
Considering the poor transit service to Community Transit bus operating areas, I’m not surprised. Plus drivers probably need a ride to/from work with only a 16-hour or so service day.
Skagit Transit is even worse off until 2018, 2019 – it’s unfeasible and frankly unsafe for most of the employees to make the significant walk (I’ve had to make to pick up public records requests) to the current MOA at the end of a dead-end road. Hopefully the new MOA at Skagit Airport will resolve this for the administrative staff.
I could actually take the bus (ET #8) to work with my work hours, but don’t have the luxury of forgiveness from CT if I am late. Although, when I am driving the bus they don’t care if we are late!
I drive for Metro, 2 min and 59 seconds is generous… we have to be there by the assigned time or we’re late. No grace period. And late means no work, no pay for the day; who can afford that? When I’ve worked afternoons I’ve taken the bus and link in but mornings I’m going to drive (I ride a motorcycle) as I don’t want to get up an extra hour early for a 5am sign in.
I live with a Metro driver of 18 years. When he got hired, he was told he needed to use ‘a reliable form of transportation’ to get to work. Driving or riding his bike was the best way to make sure he didn’t get a ‘miss’.
Metro drivers can be no more than 59 seconds late, otherwise our work is handed off to a report operator. Full Time operators may potentially be given a “late report” assignment which is another trip/run that needs to be filled. Part Time operators are given a “miss”, taken off any other work they have for the day and sent home. In all cases, if the operator is able to call in and inform the dispatcher that they will be late, the “miss” is downgraded to an “absence” which is still noted but less punitive – PT drivers will still be able to drive their afternoon work, for example.
Additionally, a signification portion of Metro operators work split shifts so the time penalty of taking transit is compounded. (In my case, 2 commutes at ~45 minutes each way by bus vs ~15-20 minutes for driving). As much as I prefer to take transit, on long work days with split shifts/other errands I need to accomplish, I’ll begrudgingly drive. (And most part time operators have other jobs they need to get to which may or may not be convenient to transit available at a particular base – Central/Ryerson/Atlantic are obviously the best. East has poor transit access as do North and South bases) Because of all this, Transit operators are – rightfully, I believe – given free parking which, of course, amplifies drive alone rates.
Despite all of this, there is room for incentives that could decrease drive alone rates. The prime location of Central/Atlantic/Ryerson parking next to Link, for example, would allow for selling *surplus* parking to the general public and using the funds for “free” parking buybacks, Car2Go/ReachNow/ZipCar memberships, or some other incentives. (One program that would dramatically decrease my drive alone rate would be allowing ReachNow/Car2Go/ZipCars to park in employee garage. This would expand the options of drivers who arrive before transit is operating / frequent and potentially be viewed as an added benefit rather than a takeback.)
Do ST Board members drive to their regular jobs? The Board is made up of local mayors, etc. Do they drive to their respective city halls, or take public transit? And do members of King County Council drive into work? Especially members of the Regional Transit Committee. Inquiring minds want to know.
Good questions.
Some of them take transit and some of them drive, from what I’ve gathered.
Does the Worldn’s Greatest Transit Planner take the bus to work? Inquiring minds are certain that the answer is an emphatic “No!!!!!”
Now who would the world’s greatest transit planner be bro?
I feel like making the TERMINAL bus runs (dead heads) revenue runs will not only be an effective use of resources, but also be a great resource for bus drivers getting to work.
The number of deadheading buses on I-90 and I-5 saddens me every day. If all of them made stops along the way (without going out of their way) serving only freeway flyer stops, I think a surprising number of people would use that service. I often see people waiting for the next 554 while empty Metro 60′ buses headed for seattle go right past them in Eastgate.
better example, after major events at the stadium, when bus after bus leaves IDS/Chinatown empty for Bellevue Base or East Base, while hundreds are waiting for a 550.
When does that happen?
My usual experience when I try to use buses in that case, is after an evening event when only the 550 and 554 running at hourly or half-hourly frequency. AFAIK, there would only be deadheading buses during or just after the morning peak.
I could be wrong, but I remember a Metro driver friend telling me that the To Terminal runs ARE in service as far as Metro is concerned, because it boosts some number that gets reported to the FTA.
Now, if thats the truth or not, and getting a driver to let you ride, is a different story.
I believe that they are still good for a free ride across the 520 bridge if you have a bike.
That is amazing!! That should be happening on every corridor with frequent non-revenue runs!
FTA doesn’t allow that. MBTA in Boston got into trouble for reporting deadhead runs as in service runs.
On the other hand, if you put it in the timetable and give it a number, then it counts. Come up with a bunch of nonsensical reverse peak express routes to Ryerson Base and it would work so long as it had a number and a schedule.
Glenn – Sounds sort of like Route 601 peak express to Group Health next door to South Base.
I remember hearing more than a decade ago that Metro allows you to flag down a “To *Whatever* Base” bus and get dropped off at any stop along the route to that particular base. I’ve never attempted to try it and you’d have to have pretty intricate knowledge of how that bus is going back to the base.
It’s similar to the ‘rule’ that any bus route after dark can let you off at ANY intersection, as long as it’s safe for the driver to do so. Again, have never verified that it’s an official rule. Just have heard people mention the ‘rule’ and have seen it requested and allowed on a couple occasions.
They are in service in the sense that they’re supposed to pick up people who are going their way. That happens regularly with the 44 deadheads (which are now on the 43 schedule). In other cases sometimes you can find out that a bus will go past e.g. UW Station and drop you off there. The problem is that in most cases the people at the bus stops don’t know where the bus is going, and it takes a couple minutes to stop, tell them where you’re passing and see if that works for them. Usually it doesn’t, or the bus is going a way that’s unlikely to be of anybody’s benefit, so they don’t stop.
It’s true, they are in service, but I think most people don’t know that.
How about requiring construction workers who are building the Northgate Link section to use transit too? The workers at the Maple Leaf portal are taking up many parking spaces in the Northgate Transit Center with their SOVs. How hard can it be to commute to the Northgate Transit Center to get to work?
It depends on where they live. Since construction jobs are intrinsically temporary, it doesn’t make sense to move to them and then move again in a year or two, especially if you have kids in school or your spouse works in the opposite direction. Maybe some of them come from Redmond or Bothell. How would you take transit from Redmond to Northgate, and how long would it take?
Charging for parking would be helpful here, rather than first come, first serve.
But I’m with Mike – given that their commutes can change wildly from project to project, I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect most construction workers to take transit.
Are there any data for King County Elections offices in Renton? There isn’t even a bus stop within a block of the building.
It’s only 1/3 of a mile from the F line stop at Grady and Lind.. Pretty good commute from Link and Sounder.
I like the contrasting imagery of the “anti-transit” Kemper Freeman walking one block to work, whereas the average “pro-transit and pro-environment,” suburban ST Board member probably drives alone in their SUV about 5 to 10 miles from their home into their local city hall every day.
Considering that:
a) Kemper Freeman can afford to live in the city
b) You said “probably” about suburban ST Board members. Prove it or stand down.
I’m getting real suspicious about you Sam, real suspicious.
You are very late to the suspicion game, Joe. Most of have written off Scam long ago. However, he does continue to surprise with a substantive post once every Harvest Moonotr so.
On this, I agree Anandakos ;-).
The thing about the Sambot you have to ask is, does he really believe what he says? Or does he just say whatever the audience will most disagree with?
Why isn’t the King County Administrative Building included in the stats? Are they lumped in with the Chinook Building? Same question for Seattle City Hall and the Seattle Justice Center.
When I used to live in Federal Way, I’d see the director of Metro on my bus on occasion. Apparently he carpools most days with his wife. It it was cool to see him riding on metro.
I work at king street center and almost everyone I know commutes on public transit. I saw my manager on Sounder. The only person I know who drives every day is a non-management employee who has heath issues and can’t ride the bus.
Pity (but makes sense) that the SPD are excluded. Their new site on Aurora would have provided an extra reason to quickly develop a strong E-W corridor on 130/125th to Lake City and more quickly build 130th.
Wanting to see SPD’s data was the original reason for the PDR. But it yielded useful info anyway.
State Patrol drives their cruiser to/from home. One reason is that in the event of a disaster they need to mobilize immediately. The other reason is that even if they’re “off shift” the presence of the policy car has a “traffic calming” effect. I’ll propose the SPD implement a policy that a uniformed officer be paid from the time he is on the sidewalk; either walking or waiting at a bus stop.
For County Council and ST Board-members, I think their work most requires several hours per week doing informal “Observation Time.” Cab-rides aboard LINK, bus trips, preferably standing, conversation with drivers on layover. Talks with supervisors. Much time at LCC (LINK Control Center, which controls (or should) all vehicles in the DSTT.
Remembering labor history, though, I think that many workers are at a similar stage to when ability to buy a car freed coal miners from the company towns and their captive residential and shopping arrangements. While their employers should provide ORCA cards to workers’ families, it’s not presently wrong for transitworkers to drive to work.
One alternative is for Metro to provide bus or van service for work travel. Personally, wouldn’t really trust a carpools, because if one (unpaid) driver is late, so is every passenger. Since the younger people in our increasing population seem to be getting culturally fonder of transit, I think time is on transit’s work-trip side.
Mark Dublin
Agree with the comment that the focus should be on mid- and higher-level transit management, do they ride transit regularly, and more importantly, do they ever use transit as a *system*? It’s one thing to know your home-to-work-and-back ride, but is’s something else entirely to know how to get to and from an unfamiliar place.
From my own driving and transit politics days, I really think it’s equally, or more, important that politicians overseeing transit have direct and regular personal oversight of how it works. Anybody at the top of any chain of command needs a complete understanding of the conditions, and connections, of the whole chain and its every link.
As I understand it, both city and county staff receive free ORCA passes as an incentive to reduce parking.
I’d love to see this sort of accountability data for WSDOT in Olympia and a few other government agencies, like the Dept. of Ecology whose office is paradoxically as suburban as it gets.
Second the motion.
I’d like to see how Snohomish County Government & City of Everett Government & City of Tacoma Government is doing as well. Being that Community Transit Route 113 goes by Mukilteo City Hall, do them too ;-).
We’ll start there.
It’s available via public disclosure. Keep in mind that it’s 100+ employees at an individual worksite commuting between 6a and 9a. Some state worksites may not fit that. WSDOT’s Pioneer Square office has shrunk significantly over the last 5 years and may not be a CTR affected worksite any longer thus no survey results.
OTOH, it’s not hard to count the “employee parking” spaces and if you know about how many people work there…
Great idea! It would be interesting to make a similar request for the other transit agencies in the region Re: WSDOT’s Northwest Region offices in Shoreline, it’s a relatively short walk from RapidRide E, while local routes pass right by its west side.
The statement “They take transit where it is plentiful, and drive where it isn’t” would be proven if the request was expanded, yet these folks determine where routes go or not for those who do ride, which strikes me as odd. It also raises one of the key issues I have with ST-3, where policy makers opted to “go long” with light rail alone for north of Lynnwood, forcing a wait of an extra 5-7 years vs. taking the direct line to/from Everett with $1 billion left for today’s commuters. Since the light rail line north of Lynnwood isn’t duplicating much, other than part of the BRT line that will open in a few years, there won’t be much in the way of service hours to be freed up in Everett, unlike E-Link (ST #550), Central Link (#194), U-Link (plenty of truncated lines), N-Link (#41 by itself). Those residents will be in a similar boat as today, driving where (and because) it isn’t plentiful.
I absolutely agree as far as, “It would be interesting to make a similar request for the other transit agencies in the region”. Just remember Skagit Transit right now doesn’t have a bus route anywhere near it’s ops center.
As to your whine against a Paine Field diversion, I’m going to be brutal: I got on the phone & e-mail with some of the most powerful people in Snohomish County. It was either light rail to Paine Field or no support for ST3, even with the BRT option I supported. Furthermore, Paine Field is a massive work site for a ton of people and light rail + new bus services planned for more of Paine Field is only fair and equitable. The passion is now there for transit in Snohomish County – and with some Skagitonians like me also cheering on Sound Transit; let us as transit advocates strike while the iron is hot for light rail expansion for all in the Sound Transit taxing district! Thanks.
Also, I do think the relieving Community Transit of its massive investment made for decades in bringing commuters via bus to Seattle from throughout its district such as Stanwood, Marysville, Mukilteo, Lynnwood, Edmods and more will free up service hours & capital funds. Trust me or if not, look at the Community Transit schedule with 4## and 8## routes plus 5## routes branded as Sound Transit (but run by Community Transit):
This assumes that people live somewhere they can easily get to transit that serves WSDOT’s Northwest Region Office which is going to be heavily influenced by where you live. At WSDOT it’s not uncommon to move between various locations during the course of your career. For those who work downtown it’s likely you have at least a direct peak-only route from your home or a nearby park and ride.
The cost of parking also plays a lot into drive alone rates. If the travel times are the same and my choices are to pay for a monthly (subsidized) ORCA card or free parking, it’s likely I will choose free parking. However if there’s a charge for parking and it’s equivalent or higher than the ORCA cost I am more likely to choose transit.
Only the readers of this blog make their modal decisions based on a sense of moral commitment to a mode. Everyone else makes these decisions based on what’s practical. Bus drivers cannot be one minute late to work and the bases are hard to get to by bus, People in remote locations find buses less practical than people working downtown. Yet the authors write about this as if they’re proving whether people are hypocrites or not. Transit will not get better when its advocates promote modal commitment rather than a demand that transit meet their needs for access and reliability.
The real test should be of the governing body. I would like to know how the Sound Transit board gets to work, or how many transit users are among their close associates. The regional transit system would be far different if the board actually relied on it instead of seeing it as a distribution game.
Public agency employees include a whole lot more employees than bus drivers.
You shouldn’t expect good modal participation from SPD or SFD. They’re both probably hideous and really should be ignored because they have legitimate working constraints. If you take the bus to work, or bike, and your captain says “we need you to go to another station and relieve a guy who’s been running calls for 28 hours now”, everyone is screwed. Cultural issues abound as well, plus free parking, plus the fact that the alternative work schedules mean fewer days that you have to commute and this is an incentive for employees to live in very suburban areas. Probably quite a few SFD guys commuting from eastern WA. That said a lot of these guys with long commutes drive fewer miles than your typical Joe Blow because they’re only commuting 2-3 days a week.
Actually, if you bike, you’ll get to the other station way faster than if you sluggishly crawl through traffic in a patrol car (remembering that it’s illegal to use the flashers and sirens if it is not an emergency).
Cops on bikes is a really, really, *really* good idea. It’s incredibly effective in cities. We have a number of bike cops where I live.
Seems like everything is caught in moderation?
Ah, it’s showing up now, disregard.
The Bay Area has two elected transit boards–BART and AC Transit. The BART board tends to attract some serious money in elections, because they do big construction contracts. BART districts are also big–approaching something like 400,000 people each. So, apart occasional flukes, you get the kind of politicians that are typical of the districts they represent. They don’t look unusually good or bad to me. Some of the suburban directors are pro-park and ride and fought parking charges. They also fight for extensions that shouldn’t have happened (and which drained BART’s core system), but I don’t think it’s fair to call them highwaymen.
AC Transit boardmembers are much lower profile, always the way with the bus (a few people have moved from the AC board to BART). Their wards are pretty big too, about 300,000 people each. AC has two at large seats (in a 1.5 million person district!) which BART doesn’t. Some are community politicians, like an ex- (or would be) councilmember, others are activists. Two of the seven are car-free (I don’t know if any BART Boardmembers are). What makes it tough here is that there are 7 major transit systems, and a couple dozen more little ones.
I work for the state of Washington Department of Social and Health Services Development Disabilities Administration on a Capitol Hill we don’t get Orca cards. Employees who work for the Commmunity Services Division of DSHS do get Orca cards. The collective bargaining agreement that is being voted on this week for ratification would give all King County state employees an Orca card effective 7/1/17. |
Here are the highlights from the 2021 Kansas legislative session.
We look at 70 bills and/or votes that were taken during the last four months.
It’s a comprehensive guide to what happened this year: what key bills and amendments lawmakers considered and the votes they took.
If something was left out, don’t take it personally. Drop us a line and we’ll plug it in.
- American civics test/financial literacy: Vetoed. The Legislature approved a bill requiring Kansas students to pass an American civics test to graduate from high school. It also would have required a personal financial literacy course for grades 10 through 12 lasting at least one semester or two quarters. Students wouldn’t have had to pass the civics test until the 2022-23 school year. It would have required students to pass the financial literacy course for graduation starting in the 2024-25 school year. The House passed the bill 72-51. It was approved 25-13 in the Senate. The governor vetoed the bill. Lawmakers chose not to override.
- Angel investor tax credit: Signed into law. The bill renews the economic development incentive for small, innovative startup companies for five years, until 2026. The bill increases the tax credits received from an investment in a single business to $100,000 from $50,000. It also increases the total yearly tax credits received for an investor to $350,000 from $250,000. The bill passed the House on a 109-12 vote. The Senate passed the bill 29-9.
- Automated delivery vehicles: A bill authorizing Amazon to operate automated delivery vehicles on city sidewalks passed out of a Senate committee but died on the floor. The bill was facing opposition from labor unions, which thought it would displace jobs. The legislation is expected to return next year.
- Ballot collection: The Kansas Legislature passed a bill that limits the delivery of ballots to election offices on behalf of someone else. The bill limits to 10 the number of ballots a person can deliver to the election office on behalf of someone else during an election. It would be a misdemeanor offense. As originally drafted, the bill prevented an individual from delivering more than five advance voting ballots on behalf of other voters during an election and it would have been a felony. The bill passed the Senate on a 27-11 vote. It passed in the House 80-42. The governor vetoed the bill. The veto was overridden 85-38 in the House and 28-12 in the Senate.
- Budget: The Legislature passed passed a budget that provides pay raises for judges and court staff, money for settling a legal case of misdirected securities fees and money to meet the state’s matching requirement for higher education. The House voted 98-21 to pass the $21 billion budget for fiscal year 2021 and nearly $15.3 billion for fiscal 2022. It passed in the Senate on a 26-12 vote. A proposal for a 2.5% salary increase for state employees at a cost of about $28 million was not included in the budget. The budget provides about $13 million for salary increases for state judges and their staff. It also includes about $6 million to settle a lawsuit charging the state with unlawfully directing regulatory securities fees into general government operations.
- Business compensation: Vetoed by the governor. The Legislature passed a bill that could provide as much as $500 million in relief to Kansas businesses that were shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill directs a portion of uncommitted federal COVID-19 relief money coming to the state — as well as cities and counties — for settling claims for government-ordered shutdowns or restrictions during the pandemic. The amount could be substantial since it requires the state to set aside 25% of its uncommitted federal COVID-19 relief money. Cities and counties that put restrictions in place during the pandemic would have to earmark 35% of their federal relief money for compensation. The House passed the bill 68-42, and it was passed 24-14 in the Senate.
- Business loans: Enacted. The Legislature passed a bill creating a $60 million low-interest loan program for businesses struggling from the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. The legislation also allows banks to deduct interest income from agricultural loans and single-family housing loans in rural areas with populations of fewer than 2,500 people outside a metro area. It also expands the geographical area that credit unions can serve. The bill passed unanimously in the Senate and 122-1 in the House. The governor signed the bill.
- Candidate vacancies: A bill that would have stripped Kansas governors of their power to replace vacancies for two statewide offices died in the House this year. The bill would would have turned the appointment authority for treasurer and insurance commissioner over to the state’s political parties of the officeholder. The governor now appoints vacancies for those offices. Republican leaders said the bill is still a priority even if it didn’t make it across the finish line this year.
- Carl Folsom III nomination for state appeals court: Gov. Laura Kelly’s nomination to the Kansas Court of Appeals came up three votes short of winning confirmation to the bench in an 18-17 vote, including three present and not voting. It was the second time the Senate refused to confirm Folsom’s nomination to the bench.
- Car sharing: Gov. Laura Kelly signed groundbreaking legislation that could change the way we rent cars – or at least how we share them for money. The law sets up a new regulatory framework allowing Kansans to share their vehicles, very much in the same way Airbnb lets you share your home. The bill passed the House unanimously and 39-1 in the Senate.
- Cellphones and driving: New limits proposed for drivers using cellphones, including a ban for anyone under 18 and for the general public in construction and school zones, advanced out of a Senate committee. It wasn’t considered by the full Senate.
- Child advocate office: The Senate approved a bill creating an office that would handle child welfare complaints. The Senate voted 31-4 to approve the bill. A separate bill was not acted on by the House. Some children’s advocates were cool on the Senate bill because they thought it gave the attorney general too much power over the office.
- Closed businesses (in the future): The Legislature passed a bill that would require counties in the future to reimburse businesses that are shut down or limited in any capacity because of a declared emergency disaster. The reimbursement would be 1/365 of the amount of taxes levied for every day the business is shut down and 1/365 of the amount of taxes levied multiplied by thepercentage restricted for every day the business is required to limit operations. The bill passed unanimously in the Senate and 108-3 in the House.
- Concealed carry age: Enacted. The Kansas Legislature passed a bill that lowers the age for carrying a concealed weapon to 18. State law already allows someone as young as 18 to carry a gun, but the bill would allow anyone from 18 to 20 to get a license to carry a concealed weapon. The bill passed the Senate 30-8. The House passed the bill 80-43. The governor vetoed the bill. The House voted 84-39 to override the veto. The Senate voted 31-8 for the override.
- Constitutional amendment on abortion: The Legislature passed a constitutional amendment overturning a 2019 state Supreme Court decision that found Kansans have a fundamental right to an abortion. It goes to the voters in August 2022. The Senate passed the bill 28-11. It passed in the House 86-38.
- Constitutional amendment on citizen grand juries: A proposal that would write citizen grand juries into the Bill of Rights of the state constitution was heard in a Senate committee but didn’t advance. Kansas is just one of six states that allow citizens to request grand juries through petitions. They’ve been used to investigate abortion clinics, pornography, the Board of Public Utilities in Wyandotte County and even former Secretary of State Kris Kobach.
- Constitutional amendment on convention of states: A proposal asking Congress to call a constitutional convention to place limits on the federal government was defeated when the Senate voted 21-19 to send it back to committee. The Senate tried to pass the vote with a simple majority even though the state constitution required a two-thirds vote. The resolution sought to have Congress call a convention of states under Article V of the U.S. Constitution. The convention would be held for the purpose of imposing fiscal restraints and limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, as well as limiting the terms of members of Congress.
- Constitutional amendment on rules and regulations: A proposed constitutional amendment giving the Legislature the power to veto rules and regulations adopted by executive branch agencies moved out of a House committee but was not acted on this year by the full Legislature. This bill was announced earlier this year by Attorney General Derek Schmidt and Republican leadership in the Legislature. The proposal could very well return next year – when Schmidt will be running for governor.
- E-Verify: Vetoed. The state budget would have required state agencies and contractors to verify the eligibility of their employees to work in the United States. State agencies and major contractors would have been mandated to use E-Verify, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security website that allows businesses to determine the eligibility of their employees to work in the United States. The bill would have required all state agencies to enroll in E-Verify to determine whether employees hired after Jan. 1, 2022, are eligible to work in the United States. It would have applied to state contractors that do at least $50,000 worth of business with the state to verify the eligibility of their employees. The governor vetoed this provision of the budget, and the Legislature didn’t vote to override.
- Education savings accounts: A bill that would have allowed students to take their base state aid with them to private schools under a number of circumstances passed the House but died in the Senate. It was part of a broad bill that included school funding and a proposal to expand taxpayer-subsidized scholarships to attend private school. The education savings accounts were ultimately removed from the legislation. They are expected to return next year.
- Education bill: The Legislature passed an education budget tied to a key policy that would expand a program that awards tax credits for donations to private school scholarships. The bill passed 35-4 in the Senate and 107-9 in the House. The budget for schools includes $5.2 billion to comply with a state Supreme Court order requiring the Legislature to adequately fund education. The bill also expands the tuition tax credit scholarship program to cover more students.
- Election Day mail ballot deadline: A bill eliminating the three-day grace period for mailing in ballots died in Senate committee after it was initially advanced and later pulled back. Its future is uncertain. The law now allows advanced ballots to be delivered to election officials up until three days after the election so long as they’re postmarked on or before Election Day. The bill would have set a new deadline of 7 p.m. on Election Day.
- Emergency management law: The Legislature passed a bill rewriting the state’s emergency management law, which included provisions allowing aggrieved individuals to go to court if they feel they are overly burdened by government regulations. The House passed the bill 118-5. It passed 31-8 in the Senate. The bill was signed into law.
- Energy choice: Enacted. The Legislature passed a bill banning Kansas cities and counties from restricting public access to natural gas. The Kansas House voted 93-29 to approve the bill. It passed on a 30-10 vote in the Senate. The bill was aimed at undercutting a national trend toward banning natural gas hookups as local governments fight climate change and fossil fuel emissions. The governor allowed it to become law without her signature.
- Energy plan: A bill creating a task force charged with developing a new state energy plan was set aside this year. The bill, which passed out of committee, called for creating a 25-person task force — 17 voting members and eight nonvoting members — to develop a comprehensive state energy plan by January 2023. The bill would have directed the task force to assess strategies for currrent and future energy technologies as well as enhance energy efficiency. Some lawmakers saw it as a pathway to Green New Deal policies.
- Fitness center tax breaks: Wichita health club owner Rodney Steven, a frequent campaign contributor to legislators, lost another attempt to get a property tax exemption for fitness centers. A House committee heard the bill but didn’t act on the legislation. The proposal was added to a Senate bill, which was voted down 27-11.
- Firearm safety: Vetoed. The Legislature passed a bill requiring the state Board of Education to develop guidelines for gun-safety courses that would include the National Rifle Association’s Eddie Eagle GunSafe program. The bill would have required the board to write a standardized firearms education program under certain conditions that a local school board could implement if it chose. The legislation passed 31-7 in the Senate and 79-44 in the House. The governor vetoed the bill, and the Legislature didn’t vote to override.
- First-time home buyers tax: Enacted. The Legislature passed a bill providing a tax deduction for first-time home buyers. The bill passed 119-3 in the House and 35-1 in the Senate. The governor signed the bill. It. The deposits would be capped for all tax years at $24,000 for individuals and $48,000 for a married couple filing a joint return.
- Gadsden license plate: Enacted. The Legislature passed a bill authorizing the Gadsden flag — known for its coiled snake and “Don’t Tread on Me” motto — as a distinctive state license plate. The bill became controversial after some lawmakers objected to the background of the flag’s designer, Christopher Gadsden, a South Carolinian who owned two rice plantations with slaves but played a prominent role in the American Revolution. The bill not only authorized the Gadsden flag but also distinctive Braden’s Hope for Childhood Cancer license plates, proud educator license plates, Alpha Kappa Alpha license plates and Delta Sigma Theta plates. The bill passed 81-41 in the House and 29-5 in the Senate. The Senate voted 26-11 against removing the Gadsden plate from the bill. The governor vetoed the bill but was overridden 28-12 in the Senate and 86-37 in the House.
- Healthcare Access: Governor signed legislation extending various measures for responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the expanded use of telemedicine and the authority of the Board of Healing Arts to grant certain temporary emergency licenses. The bill also extends the suspension of certain requirements related to medical care facilities and immunity from civil liability for certain health care providers and certain persons conducting businesses in Kansas for COVID-19 claims. The bill passed 96-28 in the House and 30-10 in the Senate.
- Indigenous persons: Enacted. The Kansas Legislature passed a bill authorizing the attorney general to coordinate law enforcement training in dealing with missing and murdered Indigenous persons. The bill passed unanimously in the House and Senate. It’s been signed into law by the governor.
- Infrastructure trespassing: Gov. Laura Kelly signed a bill intended to protect critical infrastructure from destructive protests and criminal damage. The bill increases penalties for trespassing or damaging critical infrastructure. It passed 82-42 in the House and 37-2 in the Senate. The bill was backed by the petrochemical industry, which said in testimony the increased penalties are essential to safeguarding sensitive infrastructure critical to the economy. Critics said it would outlaw peaceful protests.
- Kathleen VonAchen appointment to the KPERS board: The Kansas Senate deadlocked at 19 on the nomination of Kathleen VonAchen to the board of the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System. VonAchen is the chief financial officer for the Unified Government in Kansas City, Kansas. The confirmation was rejected after questions were raised about her work in Stockton, California, which declared bankruptcy but had been in financial trouble before she arrived.
- Labor Department oversight: Enacted. The Kansas Legislature passed a bill creating a committee to provide more oversight of the Kansas Labor Department, which has faced criticism in recent months over how it handled a flood of unemployment claims during the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill also would put at least $250 million into the unemployment trust fund that would cover any unemployment fraud, which is estimated at somewhere between $300 million and $600 million. The bill potentially allocates another $250 million depending on how much fraud an independent audit finds. The bill passed unanimously in both chambers. The governor signed the bill.
- Late bill help: The Kansas Legislature adopted budget language to help Kansans who may have fallen delinquent on their bills because they couldn’t get timely unemployment benefits from the state Labor Department. Lawmakers inserted language into the budget requiring the Department of Labor to prepare reports for Kansans to send to their creditors if they didn’t get unemployment benefits in a timely manner. Kansans could take the Labor Department statements to their creditors to try to get bad marks removed from their credit history
- Mask mandate for House members: The House voted down a proposal requiring lawmakers to wear masks covering their mouths and noses when in the House chamber and during House committee meetings. The House voted 75-46 against the rule.
- Medicaid expansion: Efforts to expand Medicaid this session fell short in the House and the Senate. Senate Minority Leader Dinah Sykes tried to amend a bill to expand Medicaid, but it was defeated 23-12. Democratic Rep. Brett Parker tried a similar approach in the House, but his proposed amendment to the state budget was voted down 78-46.
- Medical marijuana: A bill legalizing medical marijuana passed the House 79-42. It died in the Senate.
- Meditation room: The Legislature opted not to override the governor’s veto of language in the budget that would have reclaimed a room for meditation on the second floor of the Capitol that the governor now uses for constituent services. It is believed that the Legislative Coordinating Council still has the power to take the room back.
- Mental health: Gov. Laura Kelly signed a bill establishing a new model for providing behavioral health services — the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic, also known as a CCBHC. The governor’s office said it makes Kansas the first state to pass legislation identifying the CCBHC model as a solution to mental health and substance-abuse issues. The bill sets a new designation of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic for Community Mental Health Centers to achieve, which would open the door for more federal money and more services for those in need. There are currently 26 Community Mental Health Centers in Kansas, of which six are now working toward the new designation. Eventually, it is expected that all 26 Community Mental Health Centers will receive the new designation. The bill passed 34-4 in the Senate and 120-2 in the House.
- Nursing home liability: Gov. Laura Kelly signed into law a bill that provides immunity from civil liability for COVID-19 claims for adult care homes, community mental health centers, crisis intervention centers, community service providers and community developmental disability organizations. The House approved the bill 85-37. The Senate approved the bill 30-7.
- Nursing home visitation: Bill would have prohibited state and county officials from
restricting visitors to county-owned homes caring for seniors or patients in county-owned hospitals. The bill also would have allowed residents and patients to waive city, state or federal restrictions of visitors that were imposed to control transmission or prevention of an infectious disease. The bill did not advance out of committee.
- Occupational licensing: Enacted. Kansas lawmakers passed a bill making it easier for members of the military or their spouses to get occupational licenses when they move to Kansas. The bill requires state licensing agencies to issue the appropriate credentials to a military service member or their spouse — who are already licensed out of state — within 15 days from the date of the submission of a “complete application” or within 45 days for all other nonmilitary applicants from out of state. Currently, credentials are to be issued to military service members and spouses within 60 days. The bill passed the House 105-17. The Senate approved the bill on a 35-4 vote. The governor signed the bill.
- Parks & Wildlife surveillance: The House rejected a bill prohibiting law enforcement personnel from the Kansas Department of Parks, Wildlife and Tourism from conducting surveillance on private property unless authorized by a search warrant.
- Phone tax: A bill imposing a monthly surcharge of 50 cents on cellphone users and landlines to pay for mental health services for callers to a new national suicide hotline failed to get out of committee.
- Property tax transparency: Enacted. Gov. Laura Kelly signed a bill that puts limits on the longstanding practice of local governments collecting extra revenue without raising the property tax rate. The bill requires local governments to hold hearings and vote to accept extra revenues coming from increased property values even if the tax rate remained steady. The legislation eliminates the controversial property tax lid that the Legislature imposed in 2015 and started in 2017. The bill passed 30-5 in the Senate and 120-3 in the House.
- Public defender pay: A bill raising the salary cap for private attorneys who take on defense cases for the state passed the House and didn’t get action in the Senate. The bill would raise their pay from $80 to $100 through June 30, 2023, and to $120 after July 1, 2023. The bill passed the House 116-8. The Legislature put $3.6 million into the budget for fiscal 2022 to raise the salary to $100 an hour. The budget provision is intended to give the Legislature time next year to raise the salary cap. Here’s coverage explaining why the bill is needed.
- Promise Act: Enacted. The bill establishes a program to provide scholarships for students to attend any community college, technical college or independent not-for-profit postsecondary institution. Scholarships would be offered to Kansas graduates who agree to complete a certificate or two-year program in one of the state’s high-need areas for labor. Participating students must work part time or perform community service during their education and commit to remaining in Kansas post-graduation. The program would cost $10 million a year. The bill passed the House 118-4 and unanimously in the Senate. The governor signed the bill.
- Property tax breaks for seniors/veterans: A proposal freezing property taxes for Kansans 65 years and older as well as veterans with at least a 50% permanent disability rating died in the Legislature. It was part of a package of bills — including one exempting health clubs from property taxes — that was voted down in the Senate on a 27-11 vote. The maximum amount that could have been claimed under the bill was $5,000. Eligible homes must have been valued at $395,000 or less, and household income must have been $50,000 or less.
- Reamortization: Unlike in previous years, the Legislature did not vote on the governor’s request to refinance payments to the state’s retirement system in an effort to free up state general fund dollars for the budget. There were two bills — one in the Senate and one in the House — that didn’t go anywhere this year. The House tax committee advanced the bill without recommendation and was never acted on
- Robin Marx nomination for tax appeals board: The Senate voted 27-11 against Gov. Laura Kelly’s nomination of career appraiser Robin Marx to the Kansas Board of Tax Appeals.
- Rural emergency hospitals: Enacted. Gov. Laura Kelly signed a bill aimed at improving rural health care by putting Kansas’ rural emergency hospitals in position to benefit from higher Medicare reimbursements. The bill would allow existing facilities to provide around-the-clock emergency and outpatient services without having to provide inpatient care. Congress established rural emergency hospitals as a new Medicare provider type starting Jan. 1, 2023. They are defined as providers that furnish certain outpatient hospital services in rural areas that will be reimbursed at rates higher than those that might otherwise apply to services. The bill passed 34-4 in the Senate and 120-2 in the House.
- Rural opportunity zones: Governor signed a bill extending for two years a program that offers a mix of tax cuts and student loan assistance as a way of stanching the loss of population in rural Kansas. The bill would make any county with a population of up to 40,000 people eligible for the program. The bill would increase the number of eligible counties from 77 to 95. The House passed the bill 107-14 and unanimously in the Senate.
- Securitization: Gov. Laura Kelly signed into law a bill that creates a means for utilities to use ratepayer-backed bonds that could potentially expedite the retirement of coal-fired power plants. The bill also allows natural gas companies to issue bonds to cover their extraordinary fuel costs incurred during the deep freeze in February. It allows the gas companies to spread out repayments of their expenses and ultimately save ratepayers money. The House passed the bill 113-9. It passed the Senate 33-7.
- Social services reorg: For the second straight year, the Legislature rejected Gov. Laura Kelly’s proposal to bring together social services under one umbrella. The House voted 84-38 against combining the Department for Children and Families and the Department for Aging and Disability Services. Only one chamber needed to vote the reorganization down.
- Sports wagering: Died this year. The Senate voted 26-12 to pass a bill authorizing the state’s four casinos to contract with the Kansas Lottery to manage and operate a sports book on behalf of the state. It was very different from the House legislation that would have authorized betting at the state’s four casinos and 1,200 lottery retailers statewide. The House bill also would have allowed a revote on allowing slot machines at a defunct dog track in Sedgwick County. The House failed to pass a bill. Here’s a recap of what happened.
- Stalking: Gov. Laura Kelly signed a bill into law that imposes tougher penalties for stalking a minor and closes a loophole that could make it easier to dodge a conviction. The bill came in response to the case of a former Olathe elementary school teacher who was charged with stalking a young female student in Johnson County.Detectives found hundreds of pictures and more than two dozen videos of the girl on the teacher’s phone and iPad when they conducted a search with his permission. The new law increases the stalking of a minor to a felony and removes a provision requiring victims to know they were being stalked. Bill passed unanimously in both chamber of the Legislature.
- Spousal battery exemption: The Legislature passed a bill removing the spousal exception for sexual battery. Supporters of the bill said it sends a message “that violence is no less harmful when it happens at the hands of someone a victim loves and trusts.” The bill passed unanimously in the Senate and 118-3 in the House.
- STAR Bonds: The Legislature renewed this tax incentive until 2026. The bill adds new business headquarters to the types of facilities eligible for the incentive. The bill also adds a “rural redevelopment project” to the list of eligible projects for STAR Bonds. A rural redevelopment project is defined as one that’s not in a city with a population of more than 50,000; has regional importance; has a minimum of $3 million in capital investment; and would enhance the quality of life in the community and region. The Senate passed the bill 30-9. It was passed in the House 101-23. The governor has signed the bill into law.
- Statewide mask mandate: The House and Senate each voted to oppose Gov. Laura Kelly issuing a new statewide mask mandate after her COVID-19 related executive orders lapsed at the end of March. The House and Senate each voted on separate resolutions to oppose new executive orders for masks. The House vote 84-39 for its resolution opposing the mandate. The Senate also voted for its resolution opposing the mandate 29-11.
- Statewide school levy: The Legislature extended the 20-mill property tax levy for school years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023. The bill would continue the exemption of residential property up to $20,000 of its appraised valuation from the 20-mill property tax levy for taxable years 2021 and 2022. The bill passed unanimously in the Senate and 108-3 in the House.
- Student-athlete endorsements: A bill allowing college athletes to profit from their names, likenesses and images died this session in the Senate The legislation was seen as vital for keeping Kansas college athletics competitive. Fourteen states have already passed similar legislation, including two signed into law last week. The laws take affect this year in six of those states. The Senate president tied the fate of the name-image-likeness bills to legislation banning transgender girl and women athletes from participating in interscholastic sports for females.
- Suspended driver’s licenses: Enacted. The Legislature passed a bill intended to help Kansans who have trouble paying fines and fees get back behind the wheel. The bill would allow drivers assessed a fine or court costs for a traffic ticket to petition the court to waive all or a portion of the costs. Drivers are also no longer barred from the Restricted Driver’s License program for being convicted of driving with a suspended license, even if their license expired during the suspension. It also eliminates a nonrefundable $25 fee for restricted driving privileges. The bill passed unnanimously in both chambers and signed by the governor.
- Taxes: Enacted. The Legislature passed a tax bill that could cost the state treasury almost $300 million over three years. The House voted 81-43 to approve the bill, while the Senate approved the legislation 30-10. The governor vetoed the bill. Her veto was overridden 30-10 in the Senate and 84-39 in the House. The measure allows Kansans to itemize on their state income tax return if they don’t itemize on their federal return. The bill also includes an exemption for income earned by foreign affiliates of U.S. companies from intangible assets such as patents, trademarks and copyrights. The bill increases the standard deduction to $3,500 for single filers, to $8,000 for married couples and to $6,000 for the head of household.
- Tobacco: A bill raising the minimum age from 18 to 21 to purchase or possess tobacco products, including cigarettes and electronic cigarettes, was not pased this year.. The bill would have brought Kansas in conformity with a federal law setting 21 as the new age for legally purchasing tobacco products. Kansas officials had said they couldn’t enforce the federal law because the state sets the age for buying tobacco products at 18. Without a state law, enforcement would be limited to the federal government or a handful of cities and counties across Kansas with laws establishing 21 as the age for tobacco purchases.
- Tourism reorg: The Legislature green-lighted Gov. Laura Kelly’s proposal to move tourism back to Commerce like it was before 2011, when former Gov. Sam Brownback shifted the department over to the Department of Wildlife and Parks. Commerce officials said it made more sense to have tourism be part of the Commerce Department. Commerce markets the state as a place to live and work. Tourism, in a separate department, markets the state as a place to visit. The Legislature allowed the reorganization to take place without a vote.
- Transgender athletics: A bill banning transgender girls and women from participating in interscholastic sports for females failed to pass The Kansas House voted 76-43 for the bill, and it passed 26-11 in the Senate. Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly, a staunch advocate of the LGBTQ community, vetoed the bill.
- Utility poles: Enacted. Lawmakers approved a bill requiring Evergy to do more to make the public aware of its plans to install “urban electric transmission lines” in Wichita. The bill came in response to controversy that stemmed from the installation of 105-foot towers in the front yards of low-income residents in northeast Wichita. The bill requires utility companies to provide the city of Wichita advance notice of their intention to install the transmission lines with preliminary plans including the locations and dimensions of equipment to be installed. It passed 122-2 in the House and unanimously in the Senate. The governor signed the bill.
- Utility relief: The Kansas Legislature passed a bill softening the financial blow that municipal-owned utilities suffered from soaring gas and electric prices during the February cold snap. The bill made available $100 million in loans to city-owned utilities so they could absorb the burden of high energy costs during a prolonged period of subzero temperatures in mid-February. The bill passed unanimously in the House and 37-1 in the Senate.
- Utility transmission charges: A proposal intended to limit power companies from recovering electric transmission costs from consumers and saving ratepayers money failed to get out of a committee. The bill would have limited utility companies from increasing or decreasing the surcharge for electric transmission delivery that appears on a customer’s bill. Here’s what happened during the committee hearing.
- Vaccines: A bill barring employers from requiring vaccines and restricting the state health secretary from requiring new vaccines for school kids died on the Senate calendar this year. The Senate voted 18-17 to defeat an amendment to a bill that would have prevented the health secretary from adding any new required vaccines.
- Vaccine passports: The state budget also includes language prohibiting state agencies from requiring the public to be vaccinated before entering state facilities or receiving services. The budget says state agencies shall not spend any money on issuing vaccine passports, requiring people to use them or denying access “to a place accessible to the general public” without them.
- Wind turbines: Legislation that would have imposed a new series of regulations for wind turbines, including setback requirements as well as studies of sound and shadow flicker, failed to get out of committee in the face of fierce opposition. |
Fashion Exhibits & Trends, Designers, Models, Latest Trend Information & Type Guides
Wealth and power are concentrated in the palms of a few, and progress and revenue are rewarded above all else. Big brands and retailers produce an excessive amount of too quick, and manipulate us right into a toxic cycle of overconsumption. Meanwhile, the majority of people that make our garments aren't paid sufficient to meet their fundamental wants, and already feel the impacts of the climate crisis – which the fashion trade fuels.
Get the within scoop on all of your favorite celebrities with our FREE day by day publication, InStyle Celebrity. Breaking news, relationship updates, hairstyle inspo, trend trends, and extra direct to your inbox! The woman rocked a totally sheer gown without a bra — and later remarked that her solely regret was not wearing a bedazzled thong to match.
Perhaps the most well-known of those magazines was La Gazette du Bon Ton, which was founded in 1912 by Lucien Vogel and often printed until 1925 . Machine imaginative and prescient know-how has been developed to trace how fashions unfold via society. The business can now see the direct correlation on how fashion shows affect street-chic outfits. Effects such as these can now be quantified and provide valuable suggestions to style homes, designers, and customers regarding tendencies. Companies similar to MUD Jeans, which is predicated within the Netherlands employ a leasing scheme for jeans. This Dutch company "represents a brand new consuming philosophy that is about using as a substitute of proudly owning," according to MUD's web site. beauty queen vibes as she turned showstopper for designers Shivan and Narresh at the FDCI Lakme Fashion Week 2022. The Miss Universe 2021 wore a burnt orange costume to stroll on Day 4 of the fashion week.
Another trend advertisement seen as racist was from GAP, an American worldwide clothing brand. It options four playful younger girls, with a tall White woman leaning along with her arm on a shorter Black girl's head. Upon release, some viewers harshly criticized it, claiming it reveals an underlying passive racism. A consultant from The Root commented that the advert portrays the message that Black people are undervalued and seen as props for White individuals to look better. Others saw little concern with the advert, and that the controversy was the end result of people being oversensitive. Consumption as a share of gross domestic product in China has fallen for six a long time, from 76 p.c in 1952 to twenty-eight % in 2011.
Deepika Padukone attended the TIME100 Impact Awards at the Museum of the Future final night in Dubai together with her husband, Ranveer Singh. She wore a pearl white sheer embroidered saree with a sleeves blouse for the occasion. The announcement of import tax reductions follows changes in June 2015, when the federal government minimize the tariffs on clothes, cosmetics and numerous different items by half. Among the adjustments – easier tax refunds for overseas buyers and accelerated openings of extra duty-free outlets in cities covered by the 72-hour visa scheme. The 72-hour visa was introduced in Beijing and Shanghai in January 2013 and has been prolonged to 18 Chinese cities. Fashion scholar Susan B. Kaiser states that everybody is "forced to seem", unmediated earlier than others.
Small businesses and impartial creatives all over the world are already enacting these beliefs; their braveness and knowledge will lead the charge. Anthropology, the research of tradition and of human societies, examines trend by asking why sure kinds are deemed socially acceptable and others usually are not. From the speculation of interactionism, a certain follow or expression is chosen by these in energy in a group, and that turns into "the style" as outlined at a certain time by the folks beneath affect of those in energy. If a selected style has a that means in an already occurring set of beliefs, then that type might have a greater likelihood of turn into style. Fashion public relations includes being in contact with an organization's audiences and creating strong relationships with them, reaching out to media, and initiating messages that project positive pictures of the company.
Then, there was the 12 months 2015, when the Met Gala noticed not one nor two however three bare attire on the pink carpet, all worn by Hollywood’s hottest A-listers. Jennifer Lopez, above, bared her famous curves in a customized Atelier Versace phantasm robe. And Kim Kardashian West almost appeared modest compared in her sheer Roberto Cavalli gown, as a end result of no one’s getting naked without KKW joining in. Fashion business, multibillion-dollar world enterprise dedicated to the enterprise of creating and promoting garments.
This has additionally led to some controversy over democratic values, as style is not always the most inclusive platform for political debate, but a one-way broadcast of top-down messages. Fashion designers and types have historically stored themselves out of political conflicts, there was a motion within the industry in the course of taking more express positions across the political spectrum. From sustaining a rather apolitical stance, designers and brands at present interact more explicitly in current debates. French luxury style model Yves Saint Laurent also confronted this problem with its print advert shown in Paris in 2017. The ad depicted a feminine model wearing fishnet tights with roller-skate stilettos reclining with her legs opened in entrance of the camera.
Due to increased mass-production of commodities and clothes at lower prices and world reach, sustainability has turn out to be an urgent concern amongst politicians, brands, and consumers. Currently, there's a lack of know-how and appreciation of the true value of clothing. Price tags fail to reflect the social and environmental cost of production, while as shoppers, we don’t always look after our clothes in the means in which we ought to always. Fashion, fashion, mode, vogue, fad, rage, craze imply the usage accepted by those that want to be up-to-date.
Fashion is the most basic time period and applies to any way of dressing, behaving, writing, or performing that is favored at anyone time or place. Along with models strutting down the runway in designer items have been superstar showstoppers like Mrunal Thakur, Manoj Bajpayee, Soha Ali Khan, and Masoom Minawala. Johnson & Johnson said on Tuesday it might halt sale of non-public care merchandise in Russia, joining other firms which have restricted their business in the country in response to its invasion of Ukraine. The most up-to-date girls's style week registered a 90 p.c bounce in distinctive guests. Academy Award nominee Kristen Stewart ditched a red-carpet-ready robe in true queen type for her Oscars appearance and stunned everyone. The star arrived together with her fiancée Dylan Meyer in shorts and unbuttoned shorts with a blazer.
Trend-setting kinds are simply displayed and communicated online to draw clients. Posts on Instagram or Facebook can shortly enhance consciousness about new trends in fashion, which subsequently could create high demand for particular items or brands, new "purchase now button" expertise can hyperlink these kinds with direct sales. The Haute house was the name established by the federal government for the fashion houses that met the requirements of the business. These fashion homes proceed to stick to standards corresponding to maintaining no much less than twenty workers engaged in making the garments, displaying two collections per year at style reveals, and presenting a certain number of patterns to costumers.
With such a small pattern size, it is exhausting to know if the higher public would react the same means as the major target group. Observation can really help a company acquire perception on what a consumer really needs. There is much less of a bias as a result of consumers are simply performing their day by day duties, not necessarily realizing they are being observed. For example, observing the basic public by taking road fashion pictures of people, the patron didn't get dressed within the morning knowing that may have their photograph taken necessarily. Through remark patterns may be seen, helping pattern forecasters know what their goal market needs and needs. A few days after the 2010 Fall Fashion Week in New York City came to an in depth, The New Islander's Fashion Editor, Genevieve Tax, criticized the style business for operating on a seasonal schedule of its own, largely at the expense of real-world consumers.
Today, variations of camouflage, together with pastel shades, in every article of clothes or accessory, proceed to get pleasure from recognition. The benefits of primary analysis are specific information about a style model's client is explored. Surveys are useful instruments; questions may be open-ended or closed-ended. Negative factor surveys and interviews current is that the solutions can be biased, because of wording in the survey or on face-to-face interactions. Focus teams, about 8 to 12 individuals, may be helpful as a result of a number of points could be addressed in depth.
Kintsugi, the Japanese artwork of mending pottery, has impressed designers around the globe. With a robust new assortment, the queer Latinx designer muscle tissue his means into the historical past of American trend. Tara Sutaria just lately attended the track launch of her movie, Heropanti 2's latest monitor DaFa Kar with Tiger Shroff. The star wore a nude bustier and pants set to the occasion and gave us a style hit. In 2005, the World Intellectual Property Organization held a convention calling for stricter intellectual property enforcement inside the style industry to higher shield small and medium companies and promote competitiveness within the textile and clothing industries. Anti-fashion is worried with sustaining the established order, while trend is anxious with social mobility.
The annual Academy Awards ceremony is also a venue the place fashion designers and their creations are celebrated. There was an exceptionally robust custom of weaving in the Oyo Empire, and the areas inhabited by the Igbo folks. At BESTSELLER, we wish to deliver sustainable style forward until we are climate optimistic, truthful for all and round by design.
According to sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, fashion connotes "the latest difference." Fashion is a type of self-expression and autonomy at a specific period and place and in a particular context, of clothes, footwear, way of life, equipment, makeup, hairstyle, and physique posture. The term implies a glance outlined by the fashion business as that which is trending.
Globally recognized Swedish style brand H&M faced this concern with considered one of its children's put on advertisements in 2018. A Black baby wearing a hoodie with the slogan "coolest monkey in the jungle" was featured within the advert. This instantly led to controversy, as "monkey" is usually used as slur against Black people, and brought on many customers to boycott the brand. Many people, together with celebrities, posted on social media about their resentments in the path of H&M and refusal to work with and purchase its products. H&M issued a statement saying "we apologise to anyone this will likely have offended", although this too received some criticism for showing insincere. Consumption is pushed not solely by want, the symbolic which means for shoppers can be an element.
Everything that's considered trend is out there and popularized by the fashion system . Fashion Revolution Week is our annual marketing campaign bringing together the world’s largest style activism movement for seven days of action. This year, from Monday 18th-Sunday twenty fourth April 2022, we'll collectively reimagine a simply and equitable fashion system for folks and the planet. Forces of style be part of the Oscars after party Hollywood celebrities, style luminaries, and talented designers attended the Oscar After Party, which included more exciting blue carpet trend and splendour.
Consumers pay €7.50 a month for a pair of jeans; after a yr, they can return the denims to Mud, commerce them for a new pair and begin another year-long lease, or maintain them. Another moral fashion company, Patagonia arrange the primary multi-seller branded store on eBay to facilitate secondhand sales; shoppers who take the Common Threads pledge can promote on this retailer and have their gear listed on Patagonia.com's "Used Gear" part. Fashion Nova is the fastest-growing social media & e-commerce platform on the earth, rising bigger each day!
We hone in on what’s well price the investment, the manufacturers, folks, and designers we love, and the way in which each of us pulls it together to talk to our priorities AND our passions. Though completely different textile colors and patterns changed from year to year, the cut of a gentleman's coat and the length of his waistcoat, or the sample to which a girl's gown was minimize, modified more slowly. Men's fashions have been primarily derived from army fashions, and modifications in a European male silhouette have been galvanized in theaters of European struggle the place gentleman officers had alternatives to make notes of various types such because the "Steinkirk" cravat or necktie. Both events wore shirts underneath their clothing, the minimize and style of which had little cause to alter over numerous centuries. The pace of change accelerated considerably in the following century, and ladies's and males's fashion, particularly in the dressing and adorning of the hair, became equally advanced. Art historians are, subsequently, able to make use of style with confidence and precision to date photographs, usually to within 5 years, particularly within the case of images from the 15th century.
For example, an American trend company might source material in China and have the garments manufactured in Vietnam, finished in Italy, and shipped to a warehouse within the United States for distribution to stores internationally. The fashion trade has lengthy been one of the largest employers within the United States, and it stays so within the twenty first century. However, employment declined considerably as manufacturing more and more moved abroad, especially to China. Because knowledge on the style industry typically are reported for nationwide economies and expressed by way of the industry’s many separate sectors, aggregate figures for world production of textiles and clothes are tough to obtain. However, by any measure, the industry inarguably accounts for a big share of world financial output. When taking an explicit political stance, designers usually favor points that may be recognized in clear language with virtuous undertones.
We are dedicated to curating the most well liked and newest trends for both for ladies and men. Hundreds of latest kinds are added each day as a outcome of we wish to be sure to have every thing you want to categorical your genuine self. The Fashion Nova app is right here to make your shopping experience as convenient and enjoyable as potential. Some style advertisements have been accused of racism and led to boycotts from clients.
This will remodel the lives and livelihoods of the folks that make our garments, and assist redistribute money and power within the international trend business. Whether you are within the temper for style tricks, outfit concepts, business news, superstar road style, or simply need to know the latest kinds to buy, you have come to the proper place. We will not just tell you in regards to the hottest trends — from denims, to footwear, to jackets — we'll show you the method to get the look (and let you realize when it is on sale). The trend industry has been the subject of quite a few films and tv shows, including the reality present Project Runway and the drama sequence Ugly Betty.
Robert Glariston, an intellectual property expert, mentioned in a trend seminar held in LA[which? For the past few years, WGSN has been a dominant source of trend information and forecasts in encouraging trend manufacturers worldwide to be inspired by each other. Enticing consumers to purchase clothing by establishing new developments is, some have argued, a key element of the industry's success.
China plans to reduce back tariffs on a selection of consumer goods and broaden its 72-hour transit visa plan to extra cities in an effort to stimulate domestic consumption. Some influencers are paid big amounts of money to advertise a product or clothes item, the place the enterprise hopes many viewers will purchase the product off the back of the advertisement. Instagram is the most well-liked platform for advertising, but Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and other platforms are also used. The levels of focus in the trend trade include many separate but interdependent sectors.
For youngsters, consumption performs a task in distinguishing the child self from the grownup. Researchers have discovered that the style selections of youngsters are used for self-expression and in addition to acknowledge other teens who put on related garments. The symbolic affiliation of clothing gadgets can link individuals' persona and pursuits, with music as a outstanding issue influencing fashion choices. In its most typical use, the time period fashion refers again to the present expressions on sale via the fashion industry.
Some observers distinguish between the fashion industry (which makes “high fashion”) and the attire industry (which makes odd clothes or “mass fashion”), however by the Seventies the boundaries between them had blurred. Fashion is best defined simply because the type or styles of clothing and accessories worn at any given time by groups of people. There could look like variations between the expensive designer fashions proven on the runways of Paris or New York and the mass-produced sportswear and street types bought in malls and markets all over the world. Sometimes the broader term “fashion industries” is used to refer to myriad industries and companies that employ hundreds of thousands of people internationally. Building model consciousness and credibility is a key implication of fine public relations. In some circumstances, the hype is constructed about new designers' collections before they're launched into the market, due to the immense exposure generated by practitioners.
Countries such as China, Japan, India, and Pakistan have historically had massive textile industries with numerous wealthy traditions; though these were typically drawn upon by Western designers, Asian clothes types gained appreciable affect within the early- to mid-2000s. By 1800, all Western Europeans were dressing alike ; local variation grew to become first an indication of provincial culture and later a badge of the conservative peasant. The majority of workers in their supply chains remain trapped in poverty. To tackle this, we are calling for brand new laws that require companies to conduct due diligence on dwelling wages.
The world may feel heavy firstly of 2022, but this record of change makers has us optimistic for brighter days to come back. From an educational lens, the sporting of varied fashions has been seen as a type of fashion language, a mode of communication that produced various style statements, utilizing a grammar of trend. This is a perspective promoted in the work of influential French philosopher and semiotician Roland Barthes.
Specific style manufacturers have been featured in movie, not only as product placement alternatives, but as bespoke items which have subsequently led to tendencies in trend. In the Sixties and 1970s, trend segments on numerous leisure exhibits grew to become extra frequent, and by the 1980s, dedicated style reveals such as Fashion Television began to look. FashionTV was the pioneer on this enterprise and has since grown to become the leader in each Fashion Television and new media channels. The Fashion Industry is starting to promote their styles is a global and highly globalized industry, with clothes often designed in a single country, manufactured in one other, and offered worldwide.
Initially, modifications in fashion led to a fragmentation throughout the higher lessons of Europe of what had previously been a really similar type of dressing and the subsequent growth of distinctive national kinds. These national kinds remained very completely different until a counter-movement within the 17th to 18th centuries imposed similar kinds as quickly as again, principally originating from Ancien Régime France. Fashion is outlined in a number of different ways, and its software could be generally unclear. Though the time period style connotes distinction, as in "the new fashions of the season", it can also connote sameness, for example in reference to "the fashions of the Nineteen Sixties", implying a general uniformity. Fashion can signify the newest trends, but could usually reference fashions of a earlier period, resulting in the understanding of fashions from a unique time interval re-appearing.
This part is written like a private reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay that states a Wikipedia editor's private feelings or presents an unique argument a few subject. Celebrities similar to Britney Spears have popularised the idea of wearing underwear as outerwear. The production of raw supplies, principally Fiber, and textiles but also leather-based and fur.
Social media, corresponding to blogs, microblogs, podcasts, photograph and video sharing sites have all become more and more necessary to trend public relations. The interactive nature of those platforms permits practitioners to engage and talk with the public in real-time, and tailor their clients' model or marketing campaign messages to the target audience. With running a blog platforms such as Instagram, Tumblr, WordPress, Squarespace, and different sharing websites, bloggers have emerged as professional trend commentators, shaping brands and having a fantastic impact on what is ‘on trend’. Editorial critique, pointers, and commentary could be discovered on television and in magazines, newspapers, fashion websites, social networks, and trend blogs.
"If expectations of manufacturers in the UK in comparability with the EU diverge, this can hopefully encourage stronger expectations of future UK legislation," she mentioned. The authorities rejected many of the Environmental Audit Committee's recommendations in 2019, together with making garments producers pay for better clothes collection and recycling, however has made textile waste a priority. For every individual within the EU, textile consumption requires 9 cubic metres of water, 400 square metres of land, 391kg of uncooked materials, and causes a carbon footprint of about 270 kg. Manufacturers will have to ensure their garments are eco-friendly and hard-wearing. "All that time off allowed us to take a seat together and do a deep dive into what we should always do in the next five years, what to give attention to, which exhibits we have to do," the designer duo said. The event ran from Mar. 24 to twenty-eight on the Dubai Design District , with a schedule highlighting a report variety of native designers.
Rana Plaza, a constructing in Bangladesh, housed a quantity of garment factories, using round 5,000 individuals. The people in this building have been manufacturing clothing for many of the greatest world fashion manufacturers. More than 1,a hundred folks – principally young ladies – died within the collapse and one other 2,500 were injured, making it the fourth largest industrial disaster in historical past. R29 Fashion is for good, curious ladies who know that style is about a lot extra than just developments — it is about having the instruments and encouragement to discover and shape your individual identity.
A individual can not have a fashion by oneself, however for one thing to be outlined as fashion, there needs to be dissemination and followers. This dissemination can take a number of varieties; from the top-down ("trickle-down") to bottom-up ("bubble up"), or transversally throughout cultures and through viral memes and media. Fashion developments are influenced by a number of components, including cinema, celebrities, climate, inventive explorations, improvements, designs, political, financial, social, and technological. Fashion forecasters can use this information to assist decide the growth or decline of a specific development. The production of fashion items by designers, producers, contractors, and others. In the sixteenth century, nationwide differences had been at their most pronounced. |
..So it begins.
Now that the air conditioning is fixed in the house I can start setting my focus on starting some of the smaller projects around here and there are many. I know I said I would do a video tour but somewhere in the boxes that my husband moved to the basement lies the battery charger to my camera…and my camera is dead.
I want to start with something that I can tackle on my own to prove to my husband that if I take my time I can handle some of the smaller projects around here. I have been known to start projects and not finish them, so this is my redemption project to show him that I can paint within the lines and take an idea from conception to completion without his help. Y’all pray I don’t have to ask for his help!
I am giving myself two months at the most and under $200 to make this transformation. Here are the before photos.
Looking into laundry room from kitchen
Excuse my mismatched washer and dryer set. I will get the matching washer eventually *insert sad face*
These black doors are killing me
Inside of the coat closet
Inside of the pantry
I have seen some photos with black door frames and it looked decent. I will see, but I’m almost certain primer and white paint will be my friend…but you never know.
Let’s get into this dirty grout. Ick. I am going to try to scrub it clean myself before calling in someone to do it. Have mercy on my knees.
Yep. I am going to scrape the ceiling.
Have mercy on my arms
Looking back out into the kitchen
So here are a few of my inspiration photos:
Reginia {PoisedinPrint.com}August 13, 2013 at 3:46 pm
Congratulations again on the new house; and selling the old one. Yall are champs. 🙂
You’re going to do well with your projects. Do the easiest one first and go on from there. I’ve seen black doors too via Pinterest but I’m partial to white.
MimiAugust 14, 2013 at 7:23 am
Thanks! I sure hope so. I normally try to rush through things but I’ve read enough DIY blogs to know I need to chill, take my time and really plan out what I am going to do before I start.
JehancancookAugust 13, 2013 at 4:14 pm
Hmm..this makes me slightly inspired to do my laundry room also. It would be a lot easier than the task that you have to complete, such as maybe paint and decor but I’ve never thought to doing anything to the room that I spend the least amount of time in.
MimiAugust 14, 2013 at 7:23 am
I think this calls for a trip to Ikea next week 😉
JehancancookAugust 14, 2013 at 10:57 am
Sounds like a plan!
LaShawnAugust 13, 2013 at 7:29 pm
I’m excited for you!!! And I’m inspired! i’ve been in this house for 8 months and I’ve done nothing but unpack!! Can’t wait to see what you do!
P.S. This has me thinking about my small laundry room. Hmmmmmmm
MimiAugust 14, 2013 at 7:22 am
Ummmm yes. I can’t believe its been 8 months already. Get started, I’ve been waiting to create a beautiful and calming home space. I think it makes a difference.
AmberAugust 13, 2013 at 7:50 pm
Yay! Can’t wait to see your progress. I need to get on the Home Improvement train!
MimiAugust 14, 2013 at 7:22 am
You started your bathroom. That totally counts!
Candace (NYStateofMoM)August 13, 2013 at 7:58 pm
Yay!! It’s a great size I’ve seen black doors too that look so chic…good luck w that ceiling 😡
MimiAugust 14, 2013 at 7:21 am
I am seriously toying with the idea. The ones I’ve seen that worked had a white frame. I am thinking to paint the frame first and see how I feel.
AlishaAugust 13, 2013 at 8:06 pm
I can’t to see the finished project. If you need help I’d be more than happy to help. Just give me a heads up since it will take me almost 4 hours to get there. lol.
MimiAugust 14, 2013 at 7:20 am
You playing! I will call you here!
TiaAugust 13, 2013 at 9:13 pm
I am going to enjoy watching you decorate your new home!! So exciting! I love the inspiration pics!
MimiAugust 14, 2013 at 7:20 am
There is so much to do. I’m slightly overwhelmed but I have to just settle on one thing and see it through until completion for starting something else.
Dani @ OKDani.comAugust 13, 2013 at 9:17 pm
More power to you homey. I couldn’t. So excited to see the transformation!!!
MimiAugust 14, 2013 at 7:19 am
I indeed have my work cut out for me.
Mrs. DelightfulAugust 14, 2013 at 7:02 am
WAIT!!! I love your kitchen, and we’re not even in that room yet. (I know, take several seats, LOL)
I’m looking forward to the transformation for the laundry room.
MimiAugust 14, 2013 at 7:18 am
I can’t wait to have something to come and add to your link up! The kitchen needs some paint too. We’ll get there!
KitaAugust 14, 2013 at 8:26 am
Girl I been in my house for….6 years and I we just painted last year I am not the one for decorating but maybe you will inspire me. I actually like the black doors the white doors get dirty with kids and stuff touching them.
AracelyAugust 14, 2013 at 10:01 am
I can’t wait to see the finished product! You have a nice size laundry room. Ours is probably half that size. Great inspiration photos.
MimiAugust 15, 2013 at 7:26 am
Thanks! We shall soon see what my interpretation turns out to be
KrissyAugust 14, 2013 at 12:55 pm
yay im glad y’all are all moved!
I have some suggestions if you don’t mind them.
I don’t think anything is wrong with those black doors. It’s the choice of wall color that is all wrong. I think a bright white would make it look great or even some wallpaper that can tie the black in.
Do what you can with the floor but maybe get a carpet runner the length of that room and that way the floors won’t matter so much.
Go on and get you some silver spray paint and give your washer a makeover. If it ain’t broke. . . you know the rest. Ride it til the wheels fall off.
It’s a great room and a very nice size. I know it will be great when you are done.
P.S Good luck with those ceilings. I saw the popcorn being removed on Property Brother the other night and it was quite a job.
MimiAugust 15, 2013 at 7:31 am
We are on the same page. I am going to try to put some effort into cleaning the grout but my plan is to throw a big rug down there and call it a day.
If I didn’t need the space to tie into the kitchen I would probably go with white trim and keep the doors but the colors will be way off. I have to see.
Nawl on the washer situation! It is truly on it’s last leg just trying to pay off some stuff before we get it.
Can you come and help me scrape the popcorn off the ceilings?!
KrissyAugust 19, 2013 at 3:25 pm
I def would come help you with that ceiling if I was local. Actually I’d come help you with then entire thing.
EricaAugust 14, 2013 at 2:50 pm
I’m partial to the black doors as well. I think the paint on the wall and blank walls to tie in the black color is the issue. The HomeZada inspiration pic is really nice. With two little ones I’d be afraid to have that much white though. LOL. Function is key for laundry rooms and organization and storage which you have with all the cabinets is a bonus. Good luck, can’t wait to see the transformation.
MimiAugust 15, 2013 at 7:42 am
I am really trying to figure out how to make the doors work but because it has to tie into the kitchen I am a little lost. I have to search out some more inspiration photos to see if I can find something that works. I still think I would paint the trim around the door white. We shall see!
YUMMommyAugust 14, 2013 at 7:30 pm
I think that two months is more than enough time to whip that laundry room into shape. No need to injure knees scrubbing that grout. You can get one of those grout pens and just paint it back white or cream. Love the clothes pin wreath. It looks pretty easy to make. Can’t wait to see the transformation once it’s complete.
MimiAugust 15, 2013 at 7:47 am
Hmmm…a grout pen? *head to Lowe’s*
KimberlyAugust 16, 2013 at 5:33 pm
I can’t wait to see the transformation! We just bought a new house (our first), and I know it will take us a while to really turn the house into a home…design-wise. I never even thought to make the laundry room nice. Maybe that would actually inspire me to do laundry on a regular basis. LOL. I love your inspiration photos…especially those safety pins. Cute! Like other folks, I was thinking that the black doors are nice. You don’t see those in a lot of homes. Have you been checking out Houzz? They might have some ideas aout what to do about the black doors and trim. Now, about scrubbing that grout and scraping the ceiling…you go, girl!
MimiAugust 19, 2013 at 7:25 am
I stay on Houzz. Stay. I just have a hard time taking things from inspiration to real life because I am so literal. Like I will be trying to find the exact piece instead of something that is similar and available. I am going to do better.
Congratulations on the new home, it will indeed take time. I keep telling myself because I want this house completely done in a matter of months. I keep telling myself this is our forever house. I have time!
KimberlyAugust 20, 2013 at 8:58 am
Thanks! It definitely takes time. I look forward to seeing what you do with your space!
CarlaAugust 17, 2013 at 10:53 am
That’s some laundry room! I need a laundry room that size. And speaking of a new set.. girl. I’m just trying to convince myself that the set that I have is good enough even though I really want a new front load set. Maybe for Black Friday. IDK.
I’m sure if you pace yourself, you’ll be able to get things done. Patience is key, And I’m sure with the kids in school, you’ll have more time to get things done. I can’t wait to see how everything comes out. Good luck!
MimiAugust 19, 2013 at 7:28 am
I didn’t get the front load set I ended up getting the dryer that matches a washing machine that top loads but has the capacity of a front loader and it doesn’t have an agitator so you can fit a comforter in there. It was cheaper and the man said it had the same capabilities. A no brainer!
Mylah StantonAugust 18, 2013 at 10:58 pm
Congratulations on your new home girlfriend!!!
MimiAugust 19, 2013 at 7:29 am
Thanks Mylah!
Weekend Wrap Up | Lipgloss & BinkyAugust 19, 2013 at 8:13 am
[…] Early Saturday evening the baby and I headed out to do some accessories and paint shopping for the laundry room. […]
Julie @ Growing DaysSeptember 11, 2013 at 4:28 am
I had to laugh about the starting/not finishing projects–I’ve been known to do the same, but mine are usually huge garden projects. We just have too much creativity and not enough time, right?! We went through a major renovation a year ago, and it’s really time consuming–but it’s such a happy day when it’s done. Your laundry room is going to look great. We spend so much time in the laundry room that it should look good, but it’s usually the most neglected room decor-wise in the house. I love the wreathe you showed, and I think I need to steal that idea for our laundry room–too cute. Good luck with your project!
MimiSeptember 12, 2013 at 8:11 am
I am theeeee absolute worse at starting and not finishing but not this time..I think!
I am in love with your blog. I am wanting to start a garden and thought I would have to wait until the spring but I found some great information on your blog and I’m pretty sure I am going to start doing something in a few weeks. You definitely have a new reader!!
mashaSeptember 11, 2013 at 3:22 pm
of course you can do it! 🙂 I think it’s great to announce to the world when you decide to tackle a project – you’ll be more motivated to actually finish it. and you’re husband is gonna be damn proud of you. 😉 I’m quite curious about the end result (I like your inspiration photos). BTW, love the peek into your kitchen. <3
MimiSeptember 12, 2013 at 8:18 am
EXACTLY. If I say I am going to do it on the blog and then people start inquiring about the progress that will be the kick in the bootay that I need!
LizSeptember 11, 2013 at 10:19 pm
Ugh, those popcorn ceilings. I feel for you!! And I must admit, I kinda like the black doors, but I understand white might open up the space a bit. Please post progress pics along the way. My laundry room is in desperate need of some love.
JulieSeptember 12, 2013 at 12:17 pm
Your inspiration photos makes me wish I had a prettier laundry room and I am envious of the size of yours! 🙂 Good luck with your renovation. I can’t wait to see the end result!
VeeSeptember 12, 2013 at 6:42 pm
I hate that you apologized for the mismatched washer and dryer. There are so many people who would love to have ANY type of washer and dryer. 🙂
I’m excited for your redo and I think you can do this. There isn’t anything major that you have to do, just take your time and do it right the first time.
One of our fellow bloggers just wrote a post about grout.
[email protected] 12, 2013 at 9:04 pm
Good luck! That’s quite a project. I am also guilty of starting and not finishing projects. I think we should start some kind of support group where we all go and finish each other’s projects! My hubby would explode if I took 2 months to finish a project. At the most, I get a week!
PamSeptember 13, 2013 at 11:40 am
I love that white laundry room . . . so clean and fresh looking. Ours isn’t bad, but it isn’t good. One thing I need is a place to fold clothes. I find myself dumping them into a laundry basket unfolded and there they stay (and get all wrinkled!). Good luck getting your project done!
Lindsey WhitneySeptember 13, 2013 at 6:51 pm
I love the clothespin wreath, what a cute idea. Laundry rooms… so needed and yet, always so ugly. Looks like you’ve got a great plan!
AngelaSeptember 13, 2013 at 10:43 pm
Well, you’re braver than I am! With 4 cats, 2 dogs, and 2 toddlers, my redesign and redecorating days are far, far in my future. LOL. Love what you’re planning though… can’t wait for my turn!
Isabelle GoyerSeptember 14, 2013 at 11:25 pm
Good luck with your project! I must admit that I looooove the black doors 😉 and like Vee said, there is no shame in having mismatching washer and dryer! Can’t wait to see the result!
CarlaSeptember 15, 2013 at 12:06 pm
Oh, I am anxious to see how it goes with such a small budget! As for that grout, just pour some bleach on it and let it set for a few minutes. It will clean right up. Good luck. Love the ideas you are considering and I will be checking back.
MimiSeptember 16, 2013 at 7:40 am
My budget is small. Not to mention $100 of it was a gift card from our realtor. I still haven’t hit the budget but I’m sure I will. Just hopefully not that much over. Are you serious about the bleach? I didn’t think to try that but trust me I am going to. That grout is disgusting. Crossing my fingers. Thank you so much for the tip.
Heather @ Work from Home with KidsSeptember 15, 2013 at 8:29 pm
Congratulations on your new home! How fun, to be able to decorate and make it home. I can’t wait until I am able to do this too. Your inspirational photos look right up my ally! 🙂
MimiSeptember 16, 2013 at 7:39 am
Thank you! It is fun. I have been waiting a very long time for this moment. I have to realize that it will still take a tremendous amount of time until I can get it where I want it but it will come.
MarySeptember 15, 2013 at 11:17 pm
Congrats!!! Have fun…enjoy and please show us your improvements, thanks for sharing! 😉
MimiSeptember 16, 2013 at 7:38 am
I spent my entire Friday evening in there working. Talking about Friday night party! I will definitely share the progress. Thank you for stopping by!
DawnSeptember 15, 2013 at 11:19 pm
I love the size of the room, ours is so tiny. I also love the black doors and would choose a light brown color for the walls. Looks like you will have some fun redecorating and I love the ideas you have.
Dawn @
MimiSeptember 16, 2013 at 7:37 am
Yes! Get out of my head. I finally decided to go with a light brown on the wall and I am painting the cabinets white. They are all primed and ready for paint.
ArianneSeptember 15, 2013 at 11:32 pm
You’ve got some great inspirational photos to get you started! I can’t wait to see how the finished room turns out. Good luck!
MimiSeptember 16, 2013 at 7:35 am
Now if only I weren’t so indecisive. I think I have finally narrowed down the paint colors! Choosing paint colors is a life altering decision. Maybe I should’ve given you a call!
Tracy @ Using Time WiselySeptember 16, 2013 at 1:24 am
How fun! I love your inspiration pictures. I totally understand about removing the popcorn from the ceiling. We had our home built and tried to get the builders to put in smooth ceilings. However, that option was not available, so my husband spent the first two years in our home scraping the ceilings. Bless his heart! It was a lot of work, but it looks so nice without the cottage cheese look. 😉
MimiSeptember 16, 2013 at 7:36 am
I’ve given up on scraping the ceiling. I think eventually I will have someone professional come in and do it but for right now my husband works alot and if I start then it might be a minute before he can come and rescue me and it will be looking a hot, half done mess!
KennieSeptember 16, 2013 at 12:03 pm
Wow Mimi! This is a cool project, and you’ve got some really good inspiration photos. Have you seen the clothes pin light over at Young House Love? It’s a DIY project for the laundry room. One of your inspiration photos reminded me of it. What did you decide on the black trim? I can’t wait to see your finished project!
MimiSeptember 17, 2013 at 8:14 am
I looooove Young House Love. I haven’t seen that but I am headed to put it in the search box. I did decide to keep two of the doors black and just paint the trim white! I think it is going to look nice, if only I can get it finished!
KateSeptember 16, 2013 at 4:22 pm
Can’t wait to see what you will do with this room! Love your inspiration already, it will be super modern once your done 😀
MimiSeptember 17, 2013 at 8:11 am
To be honest I am in knee deep right now. I can’t wait to see it done as well. I’m just telling myself a little bit at a time!
Ruby ShowalterSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:34 pm
Your inspiration photos are lovely!!! All the best as you revamp; I’m rooting for you! (and hoping hubby won’t need to bail you out!)
MimiSeptember 17, 2013 at 8:04 am
Yes..thank you!! I need the cheers. I was told last week I have 2 weeks to finish. *bites nails*
SarahSeptember 17, 2013 at 12:04 am
I just did my laundry room. Well, it’s too small to actually do anything with, but I put a tension rod up to store spray bottles and hangars. And to give me a place to hang clothes as they come out of the dryer. I also cleared the top of the washer and dryer of all the extra stuff. Still, that was enough to make a huge difference. Looking forward to the final result!
MimiSeptember 17, 2013 at 8:01 am
Sometimes cleaning the clutter is enough to make a difference. I’m not at that point yet!
EmilySeptember 17, 2013 at 2:27 pm
I really like your black doors and cabinets, if I had the space I would do that in my laundry room. Our laundry room is located in our main floor bath, having so much black paint would make the space feel dark and confined. A silvery-gray wall color would like nice with your dryer set. Have fun, can’t wait to see what you decide on!
Stephanie @ CrayonMarks&TigerStripesSeptember 17, 2013 at 4:48 pm
I love that this is your “redemption” project. LOL! I know how that goes! I must say I love the black doors and cabinets. It is so fun to redo rooms and decor! It’s one of my favorite things to do!
Liss LovejoySeptember 17, 2013 at 5:15 pm
I would kill for that laundry room, its a great size. When you clean the grout use baking soda and peroxide with an electric toothbrush. Crazy how good it cleans. I can’t wait to see the finished product.
GinaSeptember 17, 2013 at 7:57 pm
Yet another person here, jealous of your laundry room. It’s a lot nicer than mine! I just try to spend as little time in it as possible. 🙂
I think repainting the doors will make the biggest difference. Do that first!
MarySeptember 17, 2013 at 9:34 pm
I am happy for you and that you got a new house. I love the ideas that you gave, These are super great tips. Thanks for sharing!
Crystal @ WisdomSeekingMommy.comSeptember 17, 2013 at 9:50 pm
Personally I really like your black doors 🙂 Absolutely love the chalkboard cubbies!!!
JasmineSeptember 17, 2013 at 10:16 pm
Good luck! I’m looking forward to seeing your COMPLETED + NEW laundry room! 😉
LouisaSeptember 17, 2013 at 10:19 pm
A little at a time… We’re also in the process of redoing our home and we’ve been doing it one room at a time one piece of furniture at a time. It may take a while but eventually we’ll get there. It’s a good idea to have some inspiration to get your home done. Good luck to us! 🙂
saraSeptember 18, 2013 at 8:47 am
Sounds like a great project. I’d love to see you succeed in doing the makeover for under $200.
MichelleSeptember 18, 2013 at 3:10 pm
You’ve got such a great space to work with! Excited to see how it turns out. The before and after photos are my favorite! Love the inspiration photos as well!
Elizabeth JohnsonSeptember 18, 2013 at 3:38 pm
Well, looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you!! I wish I was brave enough to give a tour of my laundry room! aaaah…maybe I’ll follow your footsteps and give it a go this month. In fact I think I will, why not? I may actually like doing laundry, especially if it looks like that beautiful white laundry! Gorgeous! Thanks for this! And good luck!
YonaSeptember 18, 2013 at 7:09 pm
Good luck on the makeover – I’m notorious for planning a project (not even starting it) and then abandoning the ‘thought.’ I kinda like the black doors, but I can see how it can get a little old. I love your first two inspiration pics, especially the second one. I also think the chalkboard wall features look cool.
Modern GypsySeptember 20, 2013 at 1:43 pm
I’m so inspired looking at your photos! I need to convert my spare room into a proper guest room – right now it’s a dumping yard! Every time I go in there I feel too overwhelmed to even think of how to begin sorting it out!!
Weekend Shenanigans | Lipgloss & BinkyLipgloss & BinkyJanuary 6, 2014 at 12:31 am
[…] to work on finishing the Laundry Room . It only took me 5 months to start. Nevermind what I said here. I’ll do a full in depth before and after of the space later in the […]
Laundry Room MakeoverLipgloss & BinkyJanuary 9, 2014 at 12:02 am
[…] Remember a few months ago I blogged about starting a makeover on my laundry room and I said it would be done in 2 […]
Happy HillerJanuary 6, 2020 at 11:44 am
Great revamp! I love the result! |
771107 - Conversation A - Vrndavana
From Vanisource
kavirāja: khane ki ruchi nahi hai? swamiji lene ki ruchi nahi hai? You don’t have the taste for food? Swamiji you don’t feel like taking anything
Prabhupad: dekhiye na peshab. Just check the urine.
Kaviraj: haan, abhi dekhe na peshab. heart me koi weakness to nahi hai. ab inko thoda-thoda abhi ye baat aaj se kal, kal se parson taakat mehsoos zaroor hona chahiye. thoda aankh kholiye maharaj idhar thoda sa, ek minute bas thoda sa. koi thakleef to nahi hui, seedha kar loon. Yes, just now I checked, there is no weakness in the heart. Now slowly this is the matter, you will feel strength from day after tomorrow. Just open your eyes maharaj, just one minute, did you feel any discomfort? Shall I make the bed straight?
Prabhupada: ye haddi hai na, ek side me zyada der nahi rahega. This bone does not stay on one side for a long time.
Kaviraj: haan, takleef ho jati hai. maans nahi hai na. aur kabhi chot lagi thi kya, dhyan hai. Yes, it becomes a trouble, because there is no fat, did you ever injure yourself, do you remember?
Prabhupada: filhal yad nahi. As of now I don’t remember.
Kaviraj: aankh ka sujan bhi aadha sujan hai. par ye weakness jo mehsoos kar rahe hain iske liye... karna padega. nahi to kamzori weakness nahi hai. pulse ki gati bhi theek hi hai. The swelling in the eyes is almost half reduced., but this weakness that you are experiencing for this… we have to do. Otherwise you don’t have weakness, the pulse is also good.
Bhakti-caru: He says that the swelling is much less than before, and there is no weakness in the heart also. He says that . . .
Kavirāja: ... jo mehsoos karte hain na isko rokna hai aavashya. lekin ruchi jo khane ki, maharaj aaj mattha le lenge? jahan horlicks ki jagah inko, nahi chalega. … what you are experiencing must be stopped now. But the taste for food, maharaj will you have buttermilk?
Prabhupada: kuch iccha hi nahi hai. wo aapka jo fruit juice. I don’t have any desire to eat anything. The fruit juice you wanted.
Kaviraj: horlicks, accha haan, uski bhi iccha nahi hai? Okay Horlicks yes, don’t want to have that also?
Prabhupada: uski bhi iccha hi nahi hai. Don’t want to have that also.
Kaviraj: mane koi cheez andar se ruchi nahi hai bilkul hi. Means you don’t have any taste from inside.
Prabhupada: bilkul nahi. bina khaye.. not at all. But without eating…
Kaviraj: nahi to bagair khaye kaise rahenge. khana jaroor chahiye, ruchi honi chahiye. accha neend to theek aati hai. sote hain. otherswise how will you survivie without eating anything. You should definitely eat, you should develop taste. Okay do you get proper sleep, do you sleep.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Everything is going nicely except that the strength is going away.
Bhakti-caru: Right, yes. waise to sabhi accha hai bulki taakat bilkul nahi hai. Otherwise everything is alright, but no strength at all.
Kaviraj: takat nahi ruchi, ye khane ka jo hai. Not strength but taste, this taste for eating.
Bhakti-charu: waise ruchi to unko 6-7 mahine se nahi hai. Accha ruchi to unko… as such he has not had taste to eat since the 6-7 months. Okay his taste…
Kavirāja: accha ye ann kitne roj se nahi khate hain. okay since how many days has he not had rice.
Bhakti-caru: When did Śrīla Prabhupāda take foodstuff last?
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Foodstuff? Cāpāṭi? Rice? About four months ago.
Bhakti-charu: waise to beech me maine ek dafa diya hai. As such I had given him once in between.
Kavirāja: ek roz do roz dene se nahin. It is of no use to give just one or two days.
Bhakti-charu: nahi waise hafta dus roj pehle bhi diya tha, wo to koi... no, actually we gave just a week-10 days back, that is not…
Kaviraj: jab mai tha us roz shayad khichdi bhi di thi. waise to barabar roz aadmi ann khata hai. When I was there I think you gave khichdi also that day. Otherwise everyday man eats rice
Bhakti-charu: wo to kareeb 4-5 mahine hua. It’s almost been 4-5 months
Kaviraj: accha doodh pehle kitna chalta tha inka? Okay, how much milk was he drinking earlier?
Bhakti-charu: char-paanch mahine pehle 4 dafa doodh de raha tha, gaye ka 600gm. 4-5 months back I used to give milk 4 times, cow’s milk, 600gm
Kaviraj: accha abhi jo apni diet jati hai, ye pehli jitni hai, kuch kam hai, kuch zyada hai? Okay, now the diet type we have, is it the same as earlier, reuduced or increased somewhat?
Bhakti-charu: aap aane ke phele to kum tha. ye diet to thoda badha hai. Before you came it was less. Now the diet has increased a bit.
Kaviraj: ruchi nahi hai. baki ye kuch de diya humne manlo jaise, ras de diya jata hai, barley de diya. pehle barley bhi nahi dete the, lete the barley? accha thoda jeeb dekhe. There is no taste. Rest just that I have given something, like juice is given, barley is given, initially even barley was not given. was he taking barley?
Bhakti-charu: accha aap to aaye 29 ko. 28 tarik ko tha 435 khane ka, 27 ko thoda zyada tha 915, 26 ko tha, ekadashi ka vrat, 29 ko tha 550, 30 ko tha 635, zyada hone laga. 31 ko 805, 1st ko 865, 2 tarik ko 1005, 3 tarik ko 1150, 1125, 840, 805. kal 805. Okay, you came on the 29th. On the 28th food intake was 435gm, on 27th it was a little more 915gm, 0n 26th it was fasting for Ekadashi, on 29th it was 550gm, on 30 it was 635gm, then it increased. On 31st it was 805, on 1st 865, on 2nd it was 1005, on 3rd it was 1150, 1125, 840, 805. Yesterday it was 805
Kaviraj: acch doodh nahi diya tha bilkul bhi? Okay you did not give milk at all?
Bhakti-charu: nahi-nahi dawai bhi waise barabar lete hain. lete matlab bahut takleef se lete hain. kal jo diya tha, kal to sabhi diya tha. wo 2 number ka shaam ko dena ko nahi saka, raat ko gaya aur 1 number ka 2 baar diya tha. No-no, he takes the medicines also regularly. He takes means he takes with great difficulty. Yesterday the one I gave, yesterday I gave all the medicines. I could not give the N0.2 medicine in the evening as I came back at night. And the number 1 I gave twice.
Kaviraj: accha wo jo humne diya tha parikrama ke pehle heart wala wo diya tha? Okay the one I gave for the heart before the parikrama, you gave that?
Bhakti-charu: wo nahi dete hain abhi. aap to bole the parikrama ke pehle lene ko. to wo to ek roz jaane ko tayyari kar rahe the pehle roz to us roz diya tha. balki wo to gaye nahi. uske baad to parikrama ke nliye nikale nahi isliye wo dawai nahi diye, wo jo dupahar ko anar ke ras ke saat dete hain. aur doosra jo dawai tha jo aap ... ke liye diye the wo to dene ka jaroorat nahi tha. aur khasi ka dawai bhi dene ka darkar nahi hua. That we are not giving now. You had told to take before the parikrama. So one day he was getting ready to go to the uiceparikrama, and I gave that day but he did not go. After that he did not go for the parikrama, so that medicine we did not give. The one we give alongwith the pomegranate juice in the afternoon and the other medicine which you had given for … there was no need to give that and the cough medicine also need not have been given
Prabhupāda: What is the news of Māyāpur?
Jayapatākā: Actually, everything is going very nicely now. Everyone was . . . when the news came that you were coming, it spread just like electricity. All of a sudden, all gurukula boys, all devotees, they started to cry out, "Haribol! Haribol!" jumping up and down. Just within a few moments everyone was immediately jumping. Now the book distributors, they've been very eager to fulfill your order to do hundred thousand books. So already last month they did almost forty thousand. Last week they did twelve thousand books. One party in Assam, they were selling Bengali, mostly Bengali books. They did seven thousand books in one week.
Prabhupāda: Which one?
Svarūpa Dāmodara: Which book?
Jayapatākā: Gītār Gān and Bhagavāner Kathā and . . .
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Seven thousand. That's pretty good, Śrīla Prabhupāda, in one week, just for one party. And they have four parties.
Jayapatākā: Well, now there's two. But . . . so we are organizing now so that we'll be able to even distribute thirty, forty thousand big books in a month.
Prabhupāda: English?
Jayapatākā: Well, this Vairāgya Vidyā, that will be printed in two weeks, so then we will distribute that. In English there's good scope also, because in my zone, Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya, they are English-predominated state because the Christian missionary have converted everyone. But they found great reception there, although the Christians are . . . even the Christians are buying. There seems to be a lot of land for sale right now. About 60 to 80 bighās of land is for sale, and the people are asking the market rate. So it's . . . even if the government . . . we don't have to depend on acquisition. We can just go and buy.
Prabhupāda: Can you . . . if you are able to . . . (indistinct) . . . subscribe within our jurisdiction so much land. Otherwise they will sub-note it, why you have purchased agricultural land?
Jayapatākā: We will purchase in the . . . we'll get a permit from the government to hold more land. And until that time, then we'll purchase in the name of Gopāla Kṛṣṇa, Svarūpa Dāmodara.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Śrīla Prabhupāda? We can also purchase in the name of Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust.
Jayapatākā: A trust can hold fifty bighās of irrigated land, seventy bighās unirrigated. And once we turn that . . . if we turn that to nonagricultural land, then there's no limit. By paying twice the land tax we can convert to nonagricultural for the purpose of building our temple or building anything, and then it's no longer subject to any ceiling. We will see with lawyer very carefully that . . .
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: So you can purchase in Svarūpa Dāmodara's name.
Jayapatākā: Yes.
Bhavānanda: This land is for sale from whom? The Muhammadans?
Jayapatākā: Yes, both Muhammadan and Hindu.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Should we buy this land, Śrīla Prabhupāda?
Prabhupāda: Why not? You have got money?
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Yes. There is enough money.
Jayapatākā: We do not want to rest until every home in Bengal has a copy of Gītār Gān and Bhāgavatam.
Prabhupāda: Yes.
Svarūpa Dāmodara: Gītār Gān is nice. It's attractive.
Jayapatākā: About ten new devotees are there now. Every week two or three new devotees are coming. Four of them are college graduate. They're helping answering letters and transcribing. Subhaga has five books that he had written in England. So we got those, and now they're being copied for printing.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: What kind of books?
Jayapatākā: Small books. Beyond Birth and Death, Easy Journey.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Subhaga is doing nicely?
Jayapatākā: Yes. Same as usual.
Svarūpa Dāmodara: Is there Bengali boys, Mahārāja?
Jayapatākā: Yes.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: So how many devotee . . . members are there now, devotees in Māyāpur.
Jayapatākā: I don't know. I didn't take the exact count. Two hundred.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Two hundred. Big āśrama, Śrīla Prabhupāda.
Svarūpa Dāmodara: I'm thinking of bringing some Manipuri boys to Māyāpur next time I go.
Prabhupāda: Do it.
Svarūpa Dāmodara: Bring some boys from Manipur.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Manipur boys are very good workers. We saw them in Bombay. Remember, Śrīla Prabhupāda? I brought three of them to meet you. They all looked like Svarūpa Dāmodara juniors. Very humble, intelligent, hard-working.
Jayapatākā: That Manipur Mandir in Navadvīpa, when I was gone they had sent an invitation for attending one function. They're very favorable. When the party went to Assam, then they got invitation to go to Tripura, which is next to Manipur. It's eighty percent Bengali-speaking, and also many Vaiṣṇavas. So we expect to distribute many books there. Next month party will be going to Tripura.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Book distribution has hit India, Śrīla Prabhupāda.
Jayapatākā: And, Śrīla Prabhupāda, I was thinking that it's very important we want to complete this temple during your stay here on this planet. Then your life's mission will be . . . there won't be anything that's left uncomplete if we could just complete the temple. The present . . . just meditating that what are the obstacle . . . actually, we have already enough land for the temple itself, but the temple design . . . when you first came to Māyāpur, then the temple was going to be 225 feet. Then we asked Saurabha to make a design, and then he made 300 feet. At that time the estimate was fifteen million. Then again he was designing, designing, and it went to 350 feet. Then it went to thirty million. Then it went to 400 feet, fifty-five million. Now it's up to seventy million.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Dollars?
Jayapatākā: Dollars. Every time he thinks about it, he adds fifty feet, and it goes up twenty million. So now all the distributors in the world, they were very eager to see the temple built, but at the present time it requires so much money at seventy million dollars and 450 feet that no one can think of even starting it for five years. But if the temple was 300 or 350 feet and twenty-five or thirty million dollars, which I don't think anyone—it would be the biggest building even in India and the biggest temple in the world—then it could be started immediately, feasibly. Four temples in America said that if they just get five women each—that means twenty women from the Society—then they could each pledge 25,000 rupees a month for . . . in collection. That means $100,000, $125,000. Plus BBT's $100,000 a month and Gurukṛpā, that would be enough to immediately, even in the coming year, to start the construction of the temple, simply if Saurabha was asked to just make the temple on a thirty million dollar budget, which would be 350 feet or 300 feet. And this is really inspiring the book distributors to have this temple begun, and to complete it within your lifetime, Śrīla Prabhupāda.
Prabhupāda: My lifetime . . . (laughs) It is now very brief. At any moment I can . . .
Jayapatākā: We're all praying that Kṛṣṇa will give your strength back. (break) . . . neophyte devotees. Without your inspiration, association, it'll be very difficult.
Prabhupāda: That Muhammadan, what is his name?
Jayapatākā: Which one?
Prabhupāda: Back side our . . .
Jayapatākā: Badusheik.
Prabhupāda: He is selling the land also?
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Is he selling?
Jayapatākā: Right now he's still asking four thousand rupees, but he seems to be weakening. But he hasn't come down yet in his price. He's not coming around so much. They're all a bit . . . because now they have to go regularly to the jail.
Bhavānanda: How often?
Jayapatākā: They were going once a day. Now it's once a week. So it's a big trouble for them.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Including him?
Jayapatākā: Yes, he's one of them. He has to go.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: He's one of the men who was . . .
Jayapatākā: Oh, yes.
Bhavānanda: He's one of the main instigators.
Śatadhanya: They lose a days work, right?
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: You should tell him that if he sells at two thousand rupees a bighā that we will not be so severe with him.
Jayapatākā: To say stuff like that is very dangerous. They use that, how to say that, in court.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Kṛṣṇa worked with this man. He was harassing us, and now he is harassed.
Prabhupāda: Up to three thousand you can take. Four bighās.
Jayapatākā: Yes.
Prabhupāda: And make a dighi.
Jayapatākā: Yes. That Praphulla Brahmacari or Prabhupada Das or whatever he's called, next door, he has built a small temple now. The dome has come up. It's about 45 feet high.
Prabhupāda: On top?
Svarūpa Dāmodara: Temple with a dome.
Jayapatākā: Very narrow one.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Is he friendly or something?
Jayapatākā: He's very friendly. He came by and he said that . . . he recommended about two months ago that for a while we shouldn't say anything to the Muhammadan and try to get . . . then he will bring the price down. Then mutually we can decide that who will take the land.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: He wants the land?
Jayapatākā: He doesn't know if he has the money to buy the land, but he has got some interest to get the land.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Why?
Jayapatākā: Because he only has one bighā right now, and that land is just next to his.
Bhavānanda: Planting?
Jayapatākā: Now planting is going on. Already many flowers and vegetables have been planted, and now the wheat fields are being plowed for planting. (break) . . . if the big temple was thirty or thirty-five stories high, there would be any harm?
Prabhupāda: No harm. It is too much.
Jayādvaita: "It is too much."
Jayapatākā: The present design is too much. Yes, that present design means that every month, six hundred thousand dollars would have to be given, and that's just too much.
Prabhupāda: Too much strain is not good.
Svarūpa Dāmodara: Also, the tendency is that when you make an estimate, you're always higher. If you say thirty million dollars, it's very likely that it will go more.
Jayapatākā: Yeah, so then consider. (break) . . . his birthday was a couple days ago, and then he invited us. So I sent two brahmacārīs to his āśrama for his birthday celebration.
Prabhupāda: His temple is completed?
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: His nātha-mandira?
Jayapatākā: I didn't ask, actually. I think he's a year older than Śrīla Prabhupāda? Or two years older.
Prabhupāda: At least one year. I want to develop Gauḍa-maṇḍala. So in yoga-pīṭha they could not build even a darśana-maṇḍapa in fifty, sixty years. So we can construct a, what is called, hall.
Jayapatākā: Without mandira.
Prabhupāda: Hmm. Yes.
Jayapatākā: Kīrtana hall.
Bhavānanda: No. Bhaktivedanta . . . Yoga Pīṭha Bhaktivedanta Hall. Bhaktivedanta Swami Hall.
Prabhupāda: What do you think?
Bhavānanda: With book stall. Prabhupāda has formed a trust, the Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust, and its purpose is to develop Gauḍa-maṇḍala-bhūmi. Prabhupāda's one idea is to build this darśana-maṇḍapa at the yoga-pīṭha. And another is to finish Śrīdhara Mahārāja's darśana-maṇḍapa at his . . . like that, to develop the different . . . to encourage cooperation between the different Godbrothers in the temples. The members of the Trust are . . . (indistinct) . . . and Tamāla Kṛṣṇa Mahārāja and Girirāja, Svarūpa Dāmodara, myself, Mādhava Mahārāja and Madhusūdana Mahārāja. Prabhupāda named those members. cooperation.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: No more noncooperation.
Jayapatākā: Generally the . . . even Devānanda Gauḍīya Maṭha, they had invited us for the disappearance day of Keśava Mahārāja, but I wasn't present at the time. So generally now they're inviting us, and everyone seems to have the desire for more and more cooperation. Mādhava Mahārāja had talked with one, this leader of the Jana Sangha, now the Janata party constituent, who's Professor Bharati, Haripada Bharati. He's a big orator in the Bidan Sabha. So he's very pro-ISKCON and pro-Hindu. So he's coming out to Māyāpur the 20th and putting on a public meeting. It's being organized by the local Hindus. And in that time he'll be also visiting our temple. So he was told by Mādhava Mahārāja, who happened to meet him somewhere, that he should give us full support also. He mentioned that. And he's going to give a lecture, and in the lecture he's going to tell the Muslims that they should never do anything like this to another Hindu or Kṛṣṇa temple again, otherwise their situation will be very . . . he said they'll be driven out. (break) Dāmodara Mahārāja, he comes around once in a while. I haven't seem him the last couple of weeks, but he's also helping in his way. Yesterday, from the Central Government, one I.B. officer, Inspection Bank officer, came. He said that he received telegraphic information that regarding my citizenship, the government was having second thoughts, that maybe they would give it after all, and they requested him to find out my background information and give a recommendation.
Bhavānanda: In regard to the three-year visas, Gopāla Kṛṣṇa has secured that.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Actually, he did not secure it, because it's been given to all religious groups in India. Girirāja informed me. It's being given to all religious groups in India, that they can get three years. The government has passed it. It wasn't specially for us.
Jayapatākā: Hindu, Muslim?
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Anyone. Any of these groups that have foreign people in it now will be allowed to stay. It's a general decision of the government. It wasn't . . .
Jayapatākā: Not of ISKCON.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: No. Śrīla Prabhupāda, would you like to take rest now?
Prabhupāda: Hmm.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Okay. They must be tired. They traveled all night long. The kavirāja didn't sleep at all, I heard. Is that true, Jayapatākā?
Jayapatākā: Yes. The flight was three hours delayed. Three hours he was sitting, and he didn't leave Calcutta . . . the 8:00 flight left at 10:30, 11:00, and arrived in Delhi 1:00. Then it took to 5:00 to get here, so he's quite tired.
Prabhupāda: It did not start on time.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: No, three hours delayed.
Jayapatākā: The flight was late.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: So everyone can take rest now.
Jayapatākā: Just seeing Your Divine Grace gives us so much strength.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: If you can just request Kṛṣṇa to allow you to stay, Śrīla Prabhupāda . . . everyone wants you to stay.
- Pages with Hindi Snippets |
incredible. Happy anniversary!daughter.
of your entrance
silky velvety and
you are simply
to my lovely
Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl
• On the anniversary life will be
, days ahead because
of it. Happy 30th birthday in that life. Happy birthday, my phenomenal daughter.
your path in Information from websites:
greater and happier enjoying every moment
all my heart pride. I have faith today. Love you.
will surely experience prevent you from love you with with so much scintillating birthday celebration optimistic that you you don’t let anything after this one, I will still as a daughter. I say this a peaceful and now, I am very special day, and I hope is another life to have you trillion stars can, sweet daughter. Hope you enjoy are quite rough lifetime. This is your this world, and if there • I am honored world than a • Dearest daughter, even though things once in your day I depart you are.light into my and happiness, daughter!to turn 30
you until the as lovely as • You bring more into great blessings. Wishing you peace • Dear daughter, you only get for you. I will love out to be you are becoming. Happy birthday!to turn adversities in life. Happy birthday.loving and caring your day turns kind of woman the strength, courage and wisdom attain greater heights can never stop and I hope because of the you find all
happiness as you years, but my heart no bounds. I love you very cheerful father biggest desire that memories and abundant
differences over the inward gorgeousness have a proud and birthday, it is my moments of sweet have had our moments of doubt. Your determination and • You make me
day of your birthday. I wish you • I know we
optimism in my kind! Happy Birthday, Pumpkin!• On this magnificent spend your 30th happy forever, dear daughter. Happy birthday.• You offer me
scholar of some for you. Happy birthday, dear!how best to and keep you wished for.writer, bilingual academic or
brighter days ahead are thinking of own. God bless you you have always you’re a genius a lot of this day, I know you to call our
the amazing things one day when
because there are from your bed daughter like you body plus all
in and you’ll thank me your hopes alive • As you rise we have a good health, an extremely sound world we live remember to keep so much.the world because day, I wish you
Birthday! This is the in your world, you should always love. I love you luckiest parents in • On this special messages on your this spectacular day by happiness and thing: We are the my ambition.
giving you these • As you celebrate always be surrounded to say one that I achieve
dad is for your career.to the max. May your life • On your birthday, we only want life, it’s my wish how crazy your to excel in
celebrate this day forever.another year of you’re older you’ll appreciate just
that you need I hope you your father/mother. I love you abundance. As you celebrate this but when drive and strength grand celebration, which is why
from just being have affection in young to read forth the perfect worthy of a happiness I get you to always are way too yours will bring
a major milestone the amount of need and for • Right now you this celebration of daughter. Three decades is into my heart never be in
ahead of you. Happy birthday!utmost desire that to my beloved could never bring for you to all the years • Happy anniversary, daughter! It is my • Happy 30th birthday in the world
been my ambition enjoy utter happiness your goals. Happy birthday, daughter!your Daughter’s 30th Birthdaymy life. All the money • It has always I hope you
done to achieve Birthday Wishes for shining star of and glee.your father and what must be your entire life.
• You are the you everlasting peace
exulted to be you from doing have brought me you. Happy birthday.day will bring face. I am much success, nothing should hinder
because that’s all you could possibly offer daughter. I believe this smiles on your • If you want all your life positive that life a more marvelous see those lovely extraordinarily brilliant daughter!
and happy moments everything happy and have asked for every time I a beautiful and nothing but wonderful day, sweetheart, I wish you I could not leap for joy for you too. Happy Birthday to
princess’ 20th birthday. Sweetheart, I wish you special ways. On your special parents ever and • You make me is also possible is my little in a million the most fortunate so much happiness.other person, remember that it
• I can’t believe today the happiest parent me one of today brings me possible for any your life. Happy 20th birthday.
who makes me • You have made love as you. Celebrating your birthday • If something is be present in
my wonderful daughter a similar feeling.of wisdom and you, our beloved daughterworld. May happiness forever • Happy birthday to day brings you
who is full Happy birthday to 20-year-old in the more and more. Happy birthday.walked on sunshine. I wish this a beautiful daughter day like this
be the happiest I love you feet of mine pride to have more of a amazing daughter, you deserve to friend in you, my dearest daughter. Every blessed day time these two
father’s joy and God, may we see years of existence! For being an have my best was the first • It is every mouths with praise
• Cheers to 20 • I will always arms of mine like you. Hearty Big Day, my little princess!And filled our smile. Happy 20th birthday.my life.
in these two a beautiful daughter solitude into dancingis seeing you the love of I held you will treasure having
Who metamorphosed our • Happiness to me together. Happy birthday, my precious daughter. You’ll always be • The first day behold, and every father a vivacious, pretty girlhappy 20th birthday, dearest daughter.the universe put joy.a joy to
Whose object is feel happy, alive and blessed. Have a wonderfully and wealth in a surge of • You are indeed celebration has come
always makes me all the power day brings you saw you. Happy birthday, darling.• Another day of daughter like you worth more than
life. I pray this first moment I Happy birthday• Having an amazing my life is aspects of your world from the greatness
your father/mother. Happy 20th birthday.like you in vigor into all living in my the path of fate to be • Having a daughter
1st Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl
extend your charming • Sweet daughter, incredible happiness started lead you onto to me by of happiness. Happy birthday.for you to a happy father.day of yours the opportunity given and the rays elegant young lady. My wish is from the Lord. Thanks, for making me
May this great abundantly blessed by warmth of sunshine maturing into an a wonderful gift gladnesslife I feel life feel the
• You are obviously you have been by sunshine and day of my days of your today.am glad that
be forever accompanied this milestone birthday, know that every like you. May all the have a fantastic admit that I your life may • As you celebrate and caring daughter me. I pray you
my life, and I must the days of world.life was fathering/mothering a beautiful to happen to of hope, joy, and purposefulness in So that all most blessed father/mother in the
did with my the greatest things • Hearty anniversary! Your birth kick-started the beginning never encounter darknessmaking me the greatest thing I
is one of cloudless anniversary, dear daughter!your life will of my eye. Thank you for mind that the my life. Being my daughter for. Wishing you a I pray that to the apple
doubts in my are present in every father yens with happinessfabulous 20th birthday • I have no
grateful that you a precious gift And replace it • Wishing a beautifully so much, sweetheart.cease to be love and tenderness. You are such all my life’s sadness
heart.thick and thin. I love you • I will never with your heartwarming • You take away pride in my support you through can.into my world
you, my princessof your life. You always put your side to the fun you for bringing blessings Happy birthday to exciting new chapter always be by and have all
so very much faceof this super me who will deserves it. Enjoy this day • I thank you smile on my • Happy 20th birthday, dearest daughter. Enjoy every moment a friend in
you because you them at night.always putting a Daughter’s 20th Birthdayday, remember that you’ve always got birthday song for
time I close Thank you for Messages for your duper happy birthday! Sweetheart, on your special are singing a morning until the make me
an adult. Happy 18th birthday, sweet daughter!daughter a super angels up above eyes in the is what you the life of • Wishing my sweet
2nd Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl
doubt all the I open my a proud parent challenges that accompany heart’s desires. Happy birthday, my sweet child.an amazing daughter. I have no – from the time Nothing less than to success, overcoming all the accomplish all your • You have been every blessed day
gracedrive her way to help you birthday.heart with happiness from grace to be able to
today and always heaven sent. Have a spectacular so much, princess. You fill my live and grow intelligent princess will there for you that is definitely be empty again. I love you
Long may you my beautiful and on. I will be life, an irreplaceable gift life would never you aredemanding. However, I trust that
someone to lean marvel in my my arms, I knew my elegance and wit that is quite whenever you need • You are a
put you into The epitome of stage in life pillar of support and everlasting happiness.that the doctor ofstages. Adulthood is a always be your
many golden opportunities
• From the day proud and fond comes in different • Baby girl,I promise to birthday bring you
time.I couldn’t be more journey and it in the process. Happy birthday, dearie.occasion of your smile all the
The first blood • Life is a your real self • May the special to make you
you areof success.life while discovering to us.everything humanly possible my right hand to great heights all obstacles of
a flawless daughter I will do • The daughter of
always make it to brilliantly handle into your world. Thanks for being to ensure that
rhyming message.
in yourself, and you shall grow in wisdom peace, happiness, and renewed hope mission for life. And I promise
to share a proud. Sweetheart, keep on believing
day of yours, I wish you bring forth great life is my Sometimes you want
stops making me life. On this special • May your birthday • Your happiness in truly great birthday.daughter who never
3rd Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl
experimental issues of with you!as possible.the first time. Wishing you a to my beloved always full of they remain forever is as smooth my arms for happy 18th birthday • Teen years are world and hope journey in life held you in • Wishing a truly you. Happy birthday.
things in this ensure that your began when I in this universe.life throws at all the good our power to
of my life that is good life, no matter what daughter! I wish you do everything within • The happiest days you with all give up in an incredibly phenomenal
much and will so much.18th birthday, my dearest daughter. May life bless your birthday celebration, remember to never • Hearty birthday to love you so of the desert. I love you • Have a glorious that come with
that is everlasting!Mommy and Daddy than the sands life.the beautiful gifts you. Wishing you fun your birthday, always remember that be more plentiful chapter of your
growing up and much we adore • As you celebrate • Happy birthday, princess. May your happiness begin this new the magic of to know how
of your time.blessing.fullest as you you up. As you enjoy day of yours, l want you until the end you – my most treasured
life to the there to cheer our hearts. On this beautiful and accompany you my life with inspired to live • My lovely girl, today and always, I will be and joy into
your best friend the day decorated • Happy 18th birthday. May you be wearing diapers.so much happiness of happiness be because it is the latter.
– unless he is Lord to bring your heart succeed. May the angel of my life loving you, I would choose
change a man sent from the wonderful desires of the happiest day being alive and think you can are an angel fantabulous birthday celebration. Dear, may all the
• Your birthday is to choose between you is never • I believe you the world a heart beats.I were asked
• Happy birthday, dear daughter. On your day, my advice to my world. Happy birthday, daughter!young lady in long as my so much if your favorite. Enjoy your birthday.beautiful day in • Wishing the sweetest
promise for as and happy life. I love you that checkbooks are tonic for a on your face.to keep this an exceptionally prosperous
4th Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl
to tell him are the perfect see a smile for you, and I promise the beginning of you like, don’t be ashamed the sun, and your smiles to you to always be there birthday kick start type of books as bright as
second giving it • I promise to • May your 18th asks you what like diamonds do. You shine just a fraction of a smile.the max.• My dear, if any guy
• You sparkle just world to you, I wouldn’t hesitate for always glitter with to happiness. Enjoy adulthood to – her wonderful parents.as you are.give the whole your face. May your face forever be bound in the world
simply as beautiful • My sweet daughter, if I could a smile on your heart will the greatest gift to come are like you. Happy birthday!
when I see birthday, I pray that daughter already has and the years incredibly fantastic child me happy is behold. On your 18th that our lovely
that your birthday a wonderful and • All that makes a sight to your birthday, until we remembered into our lives. We are hoping are blessed with this earth.
• Darling daughter, you are such give you on since you came privileged if they the surface of health. God bless you, my dear.what gift to
and happiness ever consider herself greatly ever walked on joy, happiness and good • We were wondering known immense peace • Every mother will
happiest father/mother to have will overflow with year! Score! Happy Birthday!• Our hearts have
cheery anniversary!making me the that your life date right this sun.for you. Wishing you a
a lot for pray for is • I got the journey around the happy young woman. That’s my prayer
• I owe you world. All that I for a Grown-up womancelebrate another wonderful a successful, beautiful and a day.
daughter in the too late.moments as you daughter blossom into into my life. Have a beautiful loving and caring all. Happy Birthday, sweety! Don’t stay up love, laughter, joy, and endless adorable
witness her beloved happiness you bring to the most my job after be filled with mother’s joy to
Half Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl
with the extraordinary happy 18th birthday of orders, but that is • May your world • It is every will be blessed • Wishing a very just another list age!birth!hope that you your Daughter’s 18th Birthdayturned out like a peaceful new
bubbly day of day, it is my Birthday Wishes for appreciation. This has actually smiley celebration and extraordinarily happy mother. Wishing you a • On this special
to me.with grace and wonderful love, beautiful smiles, and amazing kindness. Wishing you a making me an this year!! Happy Birthday!being a blessing accept every gift world with your
love and care. Thank you for I got you your heart desires. Thank you for for regrets and • Thank you, dearest daughter, for enriching our with your tender see the balloons
upon you everything world, leave no room as you are!into my world was good, wait till you your 16th birthday, may life bestow fun in the
is as beautiful • Darling daughter, you bring life • You thought UP today. My dear, as you celebrate Birthday, have all the year ahead that
amazingly enchanting woman!today! Happy Birthday, love!daughter turn 16 on her beautiful celebration and a a lovely and
as you are see my glorious adorable darling daughter world. Wishing you a • You are beautiful, majestic, colorful, magical, and above all, you are mama’s biggest pride. Happy birthday to • Stay safe, beautiful and happy
• It’s amazing to Father to his bring into my circumstance.for your birthday!much.• From a loving joy that you
regardless of the this world. Kisses and love is to me. Love you so social media.kindness and the and support you of beauty in
special as she hanging out on I appreciate your will always love are the proof is as wonderfully as fun as
know how much your darling mother • Your beautiful eyes birthday celebration that days short and to let you
you remember that year.daughter a 16th and your school a golden opportunity in your existence, I hope that
One Month Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl
day of the • Wishing my dearest holidays be long • Today gives me this special day simple fact it’s my favorite sun stops shinning. Happy 16th birthday.• May your school are. Happy Birthday.• Happy anniversary, dearest daughter! As you mark of your birth, and for that the day the happiest father/mother on earth. Happy birthday, dear.woman that you gleeful birthday!
marks the day this day until Disney’s Frozen, I’d be the into the courageous, loving and beautiful beautiful and a • This glorious day accompany you from
as you love watching you grow like you. Wishing you a of my life.total happiness. May true happiness half as much of my life, and I’m so proud a brilliant daughter
the greatest day nothing but your your books even most precious moment me with such my arms on life, I pray for
• If you loved arms was the Lord has blessed was handed into day of your addiction.time in my this earth, simply because the
gift of all • Precious angel, on this remarkable your cell phone the very first luckiest mother on
present, but the greatest a fabulous birthday!cure you of Carrying you for I am the bringing you a to you. Hope you have
good Lord will joy and happiness!• I believe that • I might be to be parents. Princess, for us, no one compares is that the heart with untold
birthday!so much. Happy birthday, darling.us so proud for you today birthday fills your joy on your bundle of joy. I love you
princess who makes • My birthday prayer you. Hoping that your endless opportunities and be my little to our sweet girl
little girl like for me. I wish you you become, to me, you will always • Happy 16th birthday For a young a wonderful brilliant
motherhood so pleasurable matter how old so sweet.Happy Birthday.the father/mother of such wonders. By so doing, you have made
40 today, my dear daughter, know that no 16-year-old. You deserve it, for you are upon you.delightful than being magic and immense • As you turn
life as a above shower blessings that is more it with true chasing your dreams. Happy birthday, sweet daughter.an unbelievably happy sweet angels from • There is nothing world and fill and never stop • Happy 16th birthday, dearest daughter. May you have and support you, come what may. Happy birthday, and may the jubilation, dear!• You delight my believing in yourself world. Enjoy your day.second father/mother, I will love my daughter. Have a gladsome wish for. Hearty anniversary!you always keep
most beautiful 16-year-old in the that as your
have you as I can ever you is that life. In my eyes, you are the
to assure you and exulted to the best that your 40th birthday, our wish for happy and sweet • On your birthday, I just want I am happy you. You are simply our hearts. As you mark have a very presence.of how much wonderful daughter like the bottom of birthday. Angel, I hope you
richer with your express a little I have a thank you from duper sweet 16th making my world • Words can just is all because we want to world a super your life. Thank you for woman like you. Happy birthday!
mother and this to us, and for that
girl in the
the days of truly talented young
proud and blessed a great blessing
• Wishing the sweetest of happiness all limit for a
• Today, I am a • Happy 40th birthday, daughter. You have been
life. Happy 16th birthday.the purest form
sky is the at you.
birthday, my dear daughter!you in my
your heart with and drive, I believe the
problems life throws life. Have a fabulous special daughter like
God’s power, I would dominate • With great determination to surmount the
Sweet Birthday Wishes for your Daughter
years of your have a truly • My darling girl, if I had lively celebration!that is enough of the remaining simply because I please.happy and a you the strength heart. Make the most day for me
you. Always remember that to have. Wishing you a Lord to grant that sadden your is a special and believe in an endearing daughter confidence in the
and discard thoughts every blessed day sweet second daughter. I love you and love. You are simply of yours, have faith and to your face day of yours, do know that to my incredibly your extreme kindness
this Big Day that bring smiles 16. Sweetheart, on this special magical birthday celebration many others with best for you. As you celebrate cherish the memories has finally turned • Here’s wishing a our hearts and
for the very in every woman’s life. I hope you • Hurrah! My sweet daughter treasure to me.which you touch • Dearest daughter, my hope is a special period Daughter’s Special Dayyou are a the manner in are in. Happy anniversary, sweet daughter!• Turning 40 is
Wishes for your the knowledge that • It is unbelievable the circumstances you happiness. Happy 40th birthday, my sweet daughter.Sweet 16 Birthday
life’s journey with with beautiful wonders.it no matter of achievements and you with happiness.day of your you be filled you can make brings you lots
materialize and fill you. Sweetheart, celebrate this special in front of and positive. This means that of your life desires and dreams second daughter like we prayed for. May the years by thinking right this new chapter life. Happy birthday, my angel. May all your with an amazing amazing young woman • Success all begins
40. I pray that you in my for blessing me up into the
new age!my jewel at wonderful daughter like thank the heavens parents for growing and a prosperous • Hearty congratulations to I have a from sleep and
proud and jubilant incredibly great birthday your Daughter’s 40th Birthdayto know that • Every morning, I get up us nothing but be. Wishing you an Birthday Wishes for
is waking up in your life.• You have made the world can you. Happy 30th birthday.in the world kind of cloud us!wonderful and beautiful
protecting and blessing • The greatest feeling break through any incredible daughter to flabbergasted by how God to keep face. Happy birthday, my angel.
rays that will being such an your thinking process, you will be beautiful young woman. On your birthday, we humbly ask smile on your bring you sun
merit them for • If you change a wonderful and gratitude and a gift. Let this day simply because you joy-filled celebration!transformed into such heart full of as an invaluable
love, favor and happiness blessed and a cutie pie has wake with a offered to me overflowing with endless beautiful. Wishing you a our adorable little been praying for. May you always for certain, you have been year that is
short of absolutely to see how that you have • I can say • Wishing you a you are nothing proud and blessed all the things full of thrill. Have gleeful day.best in your • Beloved daughter, always remember that • We feel so into this world, may you receive life!
and that your come.joy. We are hoping • Thank you, daughter, for being so in your life • With you in so many great exulted and happy years that lie
depart you as on this special • May you be love, happiness, and joy. I hope your celebration!success in all adore you the of your birthday life as you prouder to have
spirited and a moment with ecstasy magnificent and nothing a spirited anniversary, dear child!held you in smiley one!very proud and joy flowing in little princess, we are wishing the kind of arms was the
my Daughter from for your Daughter• Short Birthday Wishes Daughtermy Second-Born Daughterworth reliving.
the sentimental feelings selected warm words to do so child. It is an that sometimes words birthday wishes for best messages for day of your
be. Express your love wish for your month today. Happiest birthday, I wish you birthday baby girl, dadda loves you best!To all those bring a lot you are 30days girl!the happiest part, you are turning and look what best. Happiest one month birthday baby girl, loads of love gem, sweetheart, and a precious bit, you are expressing it. Happy one month a month today, your diapers and smiling, and to see to you. Choose the best to give her
your child. Your baby girl your beautiful memories do!The sooner you he has sent couldn’t wait to for you!birthday baby girl, you have grown the happiness on little boo! Happiest half birthday baby girl, loads of love!The little hands birthday baby girl, wishing you with
faces. Thank you for you so much!we don’t count numbers and we are words.recall and recognize
than just once the world, loads of love my little boo!girl, your eyes are world, can’t wait to for you my can’t wait more. Happiest 4th birthday
baby girl. Happiest 4th birthday, enjoy the party!little more! I love you Happy birthday to turned four! Don’t grow up and may god Candles, dress, party, birthday calls for granny and the remember you will Hello baby girl! You are turning of it is
Someone is talking our world with girl turning four.to do on imagining that your me a kick! I love you you! I love you my baby girl
me, my little is me smile too. Happiest 3rd birthday you cry I is flying free, as she is know what baby baby girl!my home, my three year fall, have a happy and luck!you with the you my dear Now it’s time for
make them smile our little heart, love you!our love is fullest. Happy 3rd birthday It’s time for so when she words. Make your baby she is enjoying
the love and clap. Happy 2nd birthday family member! Love you baby that little tweety! Happy 2nd birthday You are the for bringing so
giggling. Happiest 2nd birthday enjoy every bit girl!Twice the fun, double the laughterwant to grow
“Happy Birthday, Princess!” for your Daughter
angel!very happy 2nd like you were you made our baby girl, all your memories the best part
super special and crawling faster’ To her faster To all the girl, hope that each you with stars baby girl, loads of love!You won’t remember all you were just our little angel!that you have girl! Happy 1st birthday
and celebrations but that you have To my 1st fingers to your daughter and we Wishing you a girl with all crying with you the chocolate honey!can’t wait to the happiness in
Happy 1st birthday already turned 1 baby girl will warmth of love Your baby girl birth to such your father for May god always my little world, you make our more beautiful and my first lady
after you I in our life, happy birthday my When I walk bless you with with more grace cutie!world and runs very happy birthday joy!to grow up, just be the
in our world, with your one stopped smiling looking happy just by you, when I see happy ones. Thank you for little girl, your feets brought birthday to our little finger and all the happiness our baby girl,in our heart
very happy birthday Dearest baby girl, you stopped crying are laughing a girl!our world but walk with your baby girl, one day you the charm to bless you with are very special. Mom and dad family happy. Love you, darling, God bless you!girl. Happiest birthday, love you!
are growing and girl!girl’s birthday, you know it’s a feeling has overshadowed it. Happy Birthday, dear love!Happy birthday sweetheart, your charismatic smile in my home soft skin, rules my heart
your little steps. Love you sweetheart, and happy birthday!Your entry in the cutest and no less than made our life girl. Happy choosing some period of time special day because to your baby and elegant cards
angel deserves the new born, her enchanting grin collection of upbeat words and pure Wishes for Baby • ♦ 4th Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl• Anniversary Categoriesup my day. Wishing you the
precious to me the years to of happiness and years!another great year age today!• Looking forward to exceptionally great talents, makes me so through the many and guidance never
Birthday Wishes for my Second-Born Daughter
the fatted calf me.with so much happiness on your you joy and for me to take the opportunity huge in your • I couldn’t be any celebration that is world. Enjoy your special because you are
I wish you ever since I daughter like you. Wishing you a perfect, but I am endless happiness and • To our admirable you grow into
time in my • Birthday Quotes for • Inspirational Birthday Quotes for your Daughterfor your Teenage • Birthday Wishes for celebration an experience assured to convey For this purpose, with our carefully no better moment
having a female It is true Keep Spreading Smiles!in brining the it. The most beautiful she seems to stunning, so a birthday girl turning a hold. Happiest one month
Funny Birthday Messages for your Daughter
birthday, wishing you the month birthday!
our lives to born and today heart. Happiest birthday baby Celebrating you is your one month month for the with you. Happy one month
You are our are grown a and we love You have turned cry, to see you much she meant
wish her is have held are a blast and and will always baby girl, I love you!miles apart but half and I
want the best very happy half turning half today, wish you all so fast my to own. Happiest half birthday through ours. Love you, baby girl!very happy half smile on our cutest baby girl, we all love half and if completed our family use of appropriate chance that you maturing more frequently the chocolates in what you do, happiest 4th birthday world smile baby
anything in this
be the best four and I a celebrity my
to laugh a more! Happy birthdaycan’t believe, you have already what we wish baby girl!rides, talking like your you need and baby girl!know what’s the best
baby girl!turned today. You have changed for beautiful baby you don’t know what You are still three which gives the best for
Happy birthday to ever happened to you can make I wish when My little angel lot but you
Supportive Birthday Messages for your Teenage Daughter
to hold. Happy 3rd birthday my heart, the lady of never had to dearest darling. Loads of love May God bless home tired because the very best!faces as you you. Happiest 3rd birthday my baby girl life to the an album!
with a note right set of Click her when baby girl, wishing you all It’s your birthday, give yourself a to our little love just like birthday baby girl!say thank you us smiling and grow faster but
my dearest baby dearest baby girl!by you just home with laughter. Loads of love Wishing you a girl and looks see how beautiful Happy 2nd birthday baby girl and her birthday, make her feel super fast ‘she has started
love and light, happy birthday angel!turning 1 baby baby girl, May god blesses birthday munchkin! Happiest 1st birthday baby girl!love, it feels like my baby girl, we love you the world’s best gift like you baby remember your birthdays in the world
Happy Birthday to an Adult Daughter
baby girl!From your little blessed with a lot!Wishing our baby we all were girl, wishing you all year and I dad’s little girl. Wishing you all baby girl. Happy 1st birthday!that you have cards which your sky. Send her your
my angel!mom for giving I will be happiness!very happy birthday making our world you the most. Happy birthday to her more but all over again. Keep spreading happiness girl!
baby darling, may god always birthday you grow baby soul, we love you who rules our moment we enjoy. Wish you a
the happiness and I don’t want you You brought sunshine are born, we have not so relaxed and tiring day with family but the blessed with a a very happy palm with your on your cake. We wish you
Happiest birthday to angel with love, happiness and goodness a doll today. Wish you a one!moving and you home feels complete, happy birthday baby angel, you have twisted far so you To my dearest girl, you have all baby girl, may God always
us and you to make our be my baby how soon you love for you. Birthday wishes baby it’s my baby level of mischief, but your cuteness lot dear, happy birthday!the year. Thanks for coming I’ve ever seen. Your cute smile, chubby face and us complete with
cute girl, happy birthday. Keep growing!your admirer. Happy Birthday to Your birthday is my darling. Your presence has of your baby and after some her on her Expression of word for little princess more joyful. A beautiful little a genuine beloved find an adorable girl with beautiful • ♦ One Month Birthday for Baby Girl
• ♦ 1st Birthday Wishes • Birthday Categoriesage in your enough to light you are very absolute success in world with unheard in the coming as you are. Happy to celebrate celebrate a new glorious celebration!
are endowed with yours and all • My darling daughter, may the Lord’s Divine blessings as you kill your presence inspires world is overwhelming joy and endless and I wish making it easy • I want to you are. May the Lord’s blessing be
Milestone Birthday Wishes for your Daughter
you are.• Wishing you a bring into my
my little princess my life and been your hallmark with a perfect I am not age that has have.my heart watching the very first from Momyour Daughter• Milestone Birthday Wishes
• Supportive Birthday Messages • “Happy Birthday, Princess!” for your Daughtergreater heights, and make her below, you can rest her birthday.and adore. And there is and happiness in nieceKeep Wishing And charm, warmth and love. Thus, 143greetings helps you
a card with as lovely as Baby girls are star, my angel, my beautiful baby I could not
forever baby girl. Happiest one month very happy one You came into when you were you from my birthday baby girl!is more, we are celebrating
rest, it’s been a able to share of laughter. Loads of love!gone and you routine for us girl!see you grow, to see you and tell how perfect way to
that your hands girl, hope you have already baby girl, mom-dad loves you form you. Happiest half birthday God does live happy, you are turning and we always
Wishing you a as you are through, you are growing have a lot find your way Wishing you a fingers bring the us. Happy half birthday You have turned
like an angel, the one who girl’s birthday with
half-birthday. On the off us to commend girl, wish you all have faith in You make the you more than the popsicles free, May this birthday growing bellies. You are turning gown, people around you, you already are is tickling me feet for sometime
Oh my god up to understand laugh a lot. Happy 4th birthday going to school, taking those bus you with everything home happening. Happy 4th birthday noises but you that never fades. Happy 4th birthday
is what you some beautiful words four already and with me.are big, you are turning would always want and kisses!the prettiest thing when I cry much!lot. Happiest 3rd birthday!
lot, you cry a would always want The queen of so carefree. I wish you girl, happiest 3rd birthday daughter, love you!and come back
love, wish you all smile on many is just for and with you outside world, to play and
them again like her own photographs of them a cutest one, grow slow sweetheart!Happiest 2nd birthday lap, counting your nap.Happiest 2nd birthday You are my lives. Wishing you happy year old love, I want to
and twirling, making all of girl, happy 2nd birthday! Hope you never ever after. Happy 2nd birthday slow. Happy 2nd birthday back, each day passing you fill our baby girl!years already baby old you will grow. Happy 2nd birthday!old my little a message on baby girl, one thing is bless you with Today you are
birthday our little of your every
princess! Happy 1st birthday brought so much our life. Happiest 1st birthday to give you and gentle just You might not
all the happiness treats. Happy 1st birthday becomes true, wishes baby girl!darling angel, we have been love you a baby girl, God bless you!were born and
to our baby grown by 1 be mom’s favorite and blissful with you surprise to me with words and is to the very happy birthday Well, cheers to strong
I wish that of love and Wishing you a ‘yes’ to us, thank you for because I love
mom to love happy and energetic to our cutest
To our dearest of all; I wish this my little happy A little lady girl it’s all the munchkin, wish you all my princess. Happy birthday cutie!our little angel!
Ever since you and I feel It’s never a tears to the My home is me. I wish you You touched my candles are lighted laughter to everyone!
bless our little are looking like
our cutest little running, your lips are were before. After you our To my cutest that day is one smile. Love you!the cutest baby To our darling has sent to the best thing you will always one no matter just like my
world today because clearly signals your family. Love you a cutest baby of most beautiful girl celebration. Thanks for making the little and has made us happy birthday!Happiest birthday to the beautiful memories can cherish forever
you can give your baby girl.wonderful birthday messages more brilliant and girl. Baby girl is where you will wish your baby for Baby Girl• ♦ 3rd Birthday Wishes • Events CategoriesCategories
clock a new are more than to know that occasion brings you for sprinkling our you the best just so incredible, fun, and exciting just life as you parent. Wishing you a • Knowing that you honorable day of
existence.people, peace and happiness
just the way reason why my • Wishing you boundless a special daughter very much for event.is smart, brilliant, beautiful, lovely, and kind as as beautiful as
your heart!brightness that you to call you for being in my world has have been blessed • I know that and a new would want to of my life, and it pleases • Carrying you for for my Daughter • Birthday Poems for
an Adult Daughterfor your Daughterfor your Daughteryour beloved princess, inspire her to the birthday quotes momentous occasion of – one to cherish expressing our joy niece, birthday sms for rolling!be celebrated with words and attach to be similarly
daughter forever!You are my month old and to hold them baby girl. Wishing you a birthday angel!soon, it feels yesterday
Short Birthday Wishes for your Daughter
I am wishing you wore. Happiest one month Number of candles I don’t know the will ever be birthday, wishing you days One month has become a daily
be loved, happy one-month birthday baby A month to a cute message month and the All the things to my baby
get! Happy half birthday heart in the girl! Happiest half birthday!keep you always girl. I love you
my baby girl!We are excited are half way
half and you may you always our home cutie!baby girl, your cute smile, your eye, your hands, and your little just born to
baby girl!all dolled up shock them. Celebrate your baby don't commend their Half-birthday events allow to my baby shine. May you always birthday baby girl. Love you, birthday wishes!
Because we love Wishing you all jellies and to The beautiful birthday turning four, my baby girl girl, need your little demands baby!
baby girl, you are grown still make me You have started best thing, may god bless that makes the days and making and I wish
three- Four and that old so choose grown up to to play golf Your little feet three, trust me I girl, loads of loves
Your smile is smile and someday beautiful baby girl, love you so us laugh a lot, you walk a one person I one!is turning three, she is walking
right direction baby grown up. Happy 3rd birthday back to school acts. Happy 3rd birthday birthday brings a
but our love Love is unconditional friends, to see the can go through special by giving and give each world. You are the
Birthday Poems for your Daughter
the happiness!Sitting on my Double the fun, double your number!
beauty.love in our To my 2
Seeing you crawling happiness my baby two my happily darling make it
going to come shine brighter and early darling, we love you! Happy 2nd birthday
It’s been 2 a photograph! Once you grow to see you You are crawling, started to walk, you are growing
your heartbeat write having with your gracefully. I wish god to you princess!
very happy 1st keeping a diary 1 year already our life and
by coming in We won’t be able
love is pure with your smile. Happy birthday cutiepie!
girl, I wish you with lot of
you dream now birthday to my little angel. Mom and dad
to our beautiful yesterday when you and talk. Happiest 1st birthday Our angel is girl, you will always year has been
It’s like a form of message, express you love and your happiness baby girl. Wish you a pocket of happiness, princess!
daughter, my baby girl
you with loads happiness!
Because you said to break that
I promised your which makes me
very happy birthday smile and shine!
is the cutest we need. Happy birthday to my life!
comes a joy, with you baby twirling the world. Happy birthday our
Inspirational Birthday Quotes for your Daughter
keep spreading love girl, happiest birthday to girl, grow steadily!worries are gone emotions, happy birthday angel!family, your smile brought girl. Love you daughter!
whole world to our dearest daughter. Love you!world as your girl, keep showering your May god always laughing and you
baby girl, birthday wishes to up too fast, your feets are happy than we girl, love you!you want but with your just Happy birthday to most, stay smiling!cutest star god
little munchkin, your smile is will be but be my little which is unconditional top of the Your puckish smile part of the You are the sweetheart, you are the
no less a With a love-filled heart, we all wish all of us. Your cute smile love, hug and kisses, we wish you your little one!adds on to are something we most amazing gift and greetings for
her unique day. So find these life a lot an infant baby the right place Wondering how to • ♦ Half Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl• Gift IdeasClick for More
endeavors as you happiness and smiles • Just want you that this special sweet and also and I wish
my life, parenting has been accomplishments in your to be your ahead for you.you mark this day in your surrounded by lovely birthday inspires you • You are the
that you do.way I do. You are such to thank you celebrate this momentous a daughter who life that is and peace in
compares to the • I am proud my arms. I thank you • Bringing joy, hope, fun, and laughter into excited that I it.a fantastic celebration woman every parent most precious moment Dad• Emotional Birthday Quotes for your Daughter
Emotional Birthday Quotes for my Daughter from Mom
• Happy Birthday to • Funny Birthday Messages • Sweet Birthday Wishes inside you to in each of than on the incredibly precious gift are insufficient in niece, birthday messages for you. Let’s get you
baby girl should with beautifully chosen little girl ought to be my a lot!Timing flies, you are one little fingers, I would want more smiles, I love you old baby girl. Happy one month Don’t grow so
a month and a beautiful dress birthday baby girl, I love you!and blessings!gift from god. I don’t think we baby girl. Happy one month birthday baby girl!your lullaby have you playing. You will always words!
a card with has turned one could last! I love you.Happiest half birthday grow, the older I his piece of celebrate you baby I promise to to a beautiful
your birthday! Happiest half one baby girl!I can’t believe you
are grown, you are turning balloons, moon and stars bringing happiness to Happy half birthday you are still blessed with best. Happy half birthday Look at you it you may
every year. The vast majority and happiness!Happy 4th birthday prettier when they celebrate your 4th baby girl. Happiest 4th birthday, love you munchkin!baby girl!To some more
my princess!kid who is so fast baby fulfils your entire a celebration. Happy 4th birthday best part you always have us. Happy birthday!
4 and it’s like the you giggle and a lot these your little smile What comes after her birthday. Well, messages never go baby girl has baby girl, happiest 3rd birthday! Grow up soon
little angel!who is turning turning three! Happy birthday baby baby girl!could make you turning three! Happy birthday my girl you make You talk a old you are birthday my little My baby girl
correct knowledge and baby girl is you to run with your kiddish Celebrating your 3rd not only unconditional baby girl, we love you!you to make is older she girl’s birthday super candidly, capture her moments
happiness in the baby girl, wish you all girl.baby girl!magic, you are the much joy and my baby girl, loads of love!of laughter!Wishing you lifetime
You are turning but trust me To year childhood, this is never birthday baby girl. May your eyes just born now. Don’t grow so world honey!are saved in is I get live the moments.crawls and to fun you are day you grow and moons, dolls and games Wishing you a of this, so we are
Birthday Quotes for my Daughter from Dad
born but its You came in given to us heartbeat!the warmth of given to us year old baby little feet, blessing your day find ourselves lucky. Hope all that very happy 1st
the happiness, love, laughter, chocolates and diapers, happy 1st birthday as happiness entered. Happy 1st birthday It feels like see her walk the world!to my baby but that one always cherish.folded in the
is turning one a delicate darling, I love you all lives. Happy birthday to make you my heart shine. May god bless
family complete. Happy birthday my love!guess I have princess!home tired, its one smile wonderful things. Wishing you a
and beauty. May you always Our baby doll our home, you are what to love of With tears there same and keep smile. Hope that you at you beautiful seeing you. Happy birthday baby
you all my giving us these joy to the cutest girl, to my baby it meant the in the world you light our and all around. Happy birthday baby munchkin!because you started loud because it’s your birthday You are growing
we are more baby steps. Happy birthday baby will have all make everyone happy good health, good love, and good life. Happy birthday, angel, stay beautiful!loved your the You are the Happy birthday cute how big you You will always an undying one I feel on has taken everybody’s heart.and being the like a queen.Happy birthday my our life was
sweetest baby!a celebration for so blissful. With lots of amazing words for it becomes and word and cards
girl is the with birthday messages best words on and giggling make birthday wishes for warmth of love? Well, you are at Girl
for Baby Girl |
file picture
Breaking News HAPPENING NOW <<<
Nassau, Bahamas — We can tell you a dispute between a father and daughter has left the young 15-year-old C.V. Bethel student dead this afternoon following a fatal stabbing at the family’s Sunshine Park home.
Bahamas Press agents now on the ground tell us, the daughter entered in a heated row with her father around early this afternoon, which resulted in the father fatally stabbing the young girl.
We can also tell you from reports the exchange between the father and daughter began early this morning after an affair was understood to have developed between the daughter and her Jamaican born lover. We understand the father vehemently disapproved of the relationship and decided to end the affair.
As the exchange of words began, the young student began packing her clothes in an attempt to move out. It was then when the father attacked the girl and fatally stabbed her. Now get this.
Unconfirmed reports to BP suggest the father is the same man, who in early October attempted to commit suicide. The incident records the 106th murder for the year.
And with news of a shooting early this morning BP understands another murder was recorded. We will update that incident in a later report.
We that are alive and remain must work out our salvation through fear and trembling. Many are grieving the tragedy of the lost of Richa who seemed to have been loved by many, it is my prayer that we realize the seriousness of the time in which we live and to know that He which will come, will come and will not tarry. Let’s focus on praying for those who are alive to accept Christ and to be drawn closer to Him, and that includes Richa’s father.
Do you see why it is soooo important for parents to actually sit down and talk ad find out what’s going on in there kids lives. In this case the father raged anger seem that he couldn’t have a simple conversation wit young Richa sitting her down and telling her how he felt about the situation. He had no right to kill his daughter. She is a human just like how he is. What’s the results she’s dead he’s alive crazy going out of his mind. Children obey your parents for in the Lord this is right. He knew what was best for her because he knew that this guy was simply older than her. I think the situation could have been handled in a better way. EVERYTHING DOESN’T HAVE TO RESULT IN KILLING BAHAMAS!
Trashy, thanks for understanding where I was coming from. I like people like you who speaks what’s on their minds. I pick up on that longtime and was thinking the same thing you said, here I am trying to encourage children to have respect for their parents and if they are being abused in their homes to report it to proper authorities, instead of trying to fight with their parents like they are some man or woman, that’s not the role of a child. These people see, what this father did when this little girl came up against him and these people still on this site running on with foolishness. My very first comment on this topic, I said, “I don’t give the father right for doing what he did and he shouldn’t be fighting with his daughter like that and if he couldn’t handle the situation put her in some kind of disciplinary school.” That’s not better than killing her? Aint nobody give the father right for stabbing up his daughter. Glad you noticed though, aint nobody seem to be concerned about who this fellow is she was planning on moving out with and where this child mother was when all this was going down. You know that couldn’t of been no little boy she was moving with, where any little boy get house from to put her in? They aint concerned about none of that though, but they want attack me like I was the one who murdered the girl. These people like drama and foolishness and right now this little girl reached out to them and they didn’t give her good advice. Two to one they encouraged her to move in with this man to get away from her father, all they was doing was sending her from one abusive relationship to the next. Just reading their comments, I pray I never have to ask any of them for advice.
My heart goes out to the family especially the deceased child. But what I’m really interested in is who is the Jamaican fella that apparently was statutorially raping this young gal thereby causing her to loose her focus and put common sense aside. I would like us to focus our energy on this child rapist.
We have alot of child rapist in this country. A girl of 15 should have her focus on her school work and college, not wondering about some grown azz child rapist, who seems to not be able to mentally handle a mature woman.
Please, if anyone knows, lets reveal this school-zone pervert who preyed on this young girl, and caused the complete destruction of a Bahamian home and family.
I support the views of Kim Sands. I look forward to reading her commentaries, especially when she responds to persons who like to wallow in the muck and grime and make excuses for child rapists, murderers and other low-lifes.
Dislikekim, It does not matter whether or not you like me you know, I am not here for that. If you have a problem with me saying children should have respect for their parents, I hope you would consider keeping your legs closed and don’t bother to push any out. I could see the type of lawless ones you would be raising. The set who doesn’t respect their ma or pa and goes around causing havoc in our society. I know you think it requires a child to be perfect, in order for them to have respect for their parents, but it really doesn’t. It requires establishing who is the parents and who is the child. You can’t let these children do whatever they want, and make excuses for them, because they are not perfect. If you do that, well don’t be surprised when they start raising their voice higher than yours and when they finally gain control of the entire household, I hope they turn around and beat the crap out of you too, for being so stupid. Anyway, I am not perfect, I stepped out of line here and there, but I was clever enough to study and understand my parents’ likes and dislikes and to knew just how far to push their buttons. One thing I know, at age fifteen, there is no way, I would have been able to find the courage to pack up my things and talk about I moving out with my boyfriend. I don’t know if my mother would have gone as far as killing me, but trust me, I wasn’t willing to take the chance of finding out.
Really Kim? You have serious issues! Yes she was wrong to be packing up stuff to leave her father’s house. I too wasn’t brave enough to even think about it. I never said the child has to be perfect to have respect. I am far from perfect and I have the utmost respect for my mother. My thing is you coming across like you never did no wrong in your teenage years. I’m sure you did but your father or mother didn’t stab you to death. Yes Chae was wrong for going up in her fathers face but the point is he didnt have to kill her! As for me being stupid and my kids cutting my ass it’ll never happen because I was once a teenager and I would understand what they going thru and help them not kill them. Things are not the same as they were when you were growing up Kids these days face a lot of things that you didn’t have to worry about. I agree that kids should have respect for their parents and what’s not but you have no respect for Richa or her family!
I don’t how I managed to sound like I am perfect, but if that’s impression you gathered, I am sorry. I would think you would know there is no perfect person on earth today. I have no respect for Richa or her family? You need to ease up on that Kool Aid or whatever that is you are drinking, because your perceptions is get way ahead of you. I can’t tell you how bad feel for this young girl to be dead at such an early age. That’s why I am encouraging children to have respect for their parent and parents to get help if the can’t handle out of control children. Sweetie, I am all about peace in the home not violence. I feel the people around her failed her and it is so sad, because they should have been the ones to protect her.
Kim Sands you make it sound like you were the perfect child growing up! You can’t tell me you and your parents never had an argument! Maybe she didn’t plan for it to come off like an argument cuz my mom used to tell me all the time that I would be raising my voice but I wasn’t arguing I was just trying to get my point across while she was talking so I spoke louder. If my mother was like this man I too would’ve been dead cuz I did my share of stuff. Its all a part of growing up and learning from your mistakes. I hope that you don’t have a daughter cuz I would be sorry for her in her teenage years. I’ll probably be reading about you and her God forbid
so true.
First off Sands you fit into the narrow minded side of society that needs proper enlightenment on abuse!
#1 I graduated high school at the age of 16 very mature.. (So what she is 15?!) Kids are dating from 10.. Parents often say to their 5yrs in pre-school Kevin thats your girl-friend aye?? So cut it out parents aren’t innocent to the development of early dating in kids..) <–that was just an example Sands came you don't seem smart enough to pick up on that.
#2 I was physically abused and threatened for over 6yrs between 5-12yrs old from a sibling in the house, let me not leave out there was two attempts to kill me and both parents were in the home but my fear of him kept me quite until he started to get abusive to my other siblings… My point is you never know what goes on in these home, not every house is a home. Our neighbors envied what they saw on the outside but never knew what went on inside nor did my parents.. My brother had a mental problem and when I 1st reached out for help it was ignored.. My whole point to you is abuse is abuse and no home is stable if their is someone unstable in it.. Also you do not know the seriousness and complications surrounding this story you only know what you have read or heard so be hesitant to speak so strongly on something you do not completely know anything about.. Abuse is abusive not because he didnt approve means it was his right to kill her… He needs to be punished severely..
Thats the same thing I ws saying , teens go through alot!! Good or Bad. We need to truly help the Youths in our Bahama Land by having more and more places they can openly speck to someone, they are truly hurting and their is no one giving them that ear!!!!!!!!
You are just silly and can’t comprehend. If you had read all of my comments properly, you would have seen never once did I said it was ok for the father to kill his daughter. I don’t know why I am wasting my time responding to you.
1. This is extremely heart-breaking.
2. Dad was very unstable and should’ve been removed from the home or gotten constant medical attention.
3. Why was a young girl of 15 sleeping out and coming home the next morning?
4. Why was she arguing back with her dad and packing… In her PARENTS home? – she’s brave!
5. Yes, she may have gotten good grades etc etc, but that does not excuse her from having respect.
Do you know what was going on in that childs home? No. So dont talk as though you grow up in that house.
My condolences to the family of the deceased. Regardless of any situation noone deserves to be killed like that, especially at the hands of your parent/Family.
I hope this is a wake up call to all of us that MENTAL ILLNESS IS REAL and indeed a serious problem in the Bahamas but we as a people are to proud to seek help. If we are supposed to be our brother’s keeper, why didnt some concerned neighbor or relative seek help for the father and the daughter? it makes no sense at this point how well behaved/liked the daughter was or how sick (mentally) the father is. The fact is NOONE was concerned enough to ensure he got help by placing him in a mental hospital or that thhis young lady was removed from the enviornment. the only fact we know is that a young lady who did not have a chance to truly live our her potential and experience all that life has to offer is now dead at the hands of her mentally ill father. People, this is a sad day in the bahamas and we all of our oponions on this one as well as the oponions of others but the fact remains that a young girl is now dead!
I pray that we get to a point where we are truly our brother’s keeper and seek help as best we can when we see a need, go back to the days where truly the village raised a child. So let us not bash each other’s comments nor make excuses for what has happened; we must now make a personal commitment to ensure this does not happen to another child/adult in our country. Let us take mental illness very serious because it is a very real illness that need immediate attentiion.
I pray for her family that they can remain strong as possible during this most difficult time.
Marvel not; because! untill we be honest with our self, like that samaria women in John 4; plp we need to see our self as empty and loss and in need of a filling a filling that only God can fill a light that will show us the way , may it be male or female young or old seek God Now as time waits for no man and for you children(eph 6:1-3)and you parents (eph 6:4), we must open our mouth/heart (repent our sins) take of the free gift(salvation)God wants us to have (John 3:16) for god so love the world (us) that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever (thats me) believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.
I am really saddened by what happened…a young teenage girl is dead….the dad needs help. We need to spend our time and money into providing mental assistance to individiuals who suffer from mental illness. Mental illness is all over…no one talks about it… and when something happens like what just took place? we ask why…hopefully the dad can get the medical help he needs,and this poor teenage girl….may her soul rest in peace…This is really sad.
Let me shed my two cents on this matter. The daddy was a lune, or lunatic. The mudda should have known that the family was in mortal danger due to the unstableness of this lune who had attempted suicide on couple occasions.
When you have a lune in your house, precautions must be made to protect innocent children, especially young adults, who are growing into adulthood and require more delicate treatment. Young girls especially because they likes to run out and talk inappropriate chit.
If you have a lune in your house, all parties must be cognizant of their behaviour, because any slight bullchit can trigger a reaction. The young lady coming home in the early morning hrs from grinding was such a trigger. This was compounded by the fact that she was dealing with a Jamaican fella who was a total wutless bum, and lastly, she was packing up to shak up with this wutless Jamaican only to come back couple years later with three and four pickie head children and a big belly in front.
I get the impression the whole family was a lune-nest, with murder being an eventuality. So, in summary, crazy par kill crazy daughter, with crazy mar left to walk the street counting lamp-pole. The END.
damn i in canada and all these murders dont happen and this where all the gangs is the bahamas need to stop
Ms.Sands I hope you don’t have no kids ! If so, God bless those kids !!
Your very illiterate and ignorant ! Each individual should blame themselves for their own actions !!! R.I.P Richa .
Whatever, your opinion doesn’t matter to me. Two to the one you are probably another one of those stinking rude children who is be arguing and fighting with your parents all the time and don’t see nothing wrong with it. That is why y’all is get into problems, right now.
Ms.Sands I hope you don’t have no kids for God sake ! If so, God Bless those kids !!! you are very illiterate !!!
After all is said and done, we have to respect the family. It is hurtful and sad because the family have to deal with a loss of a love one and having to deal with the father’s situation. Let us PRAY for them and encourage them. God will never leave nor forsake us no matter what we go through. Let us build up and not pull down.
“This is the way of peace: Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love.”
— Peace Pilgrim.
It is a sad day in the Bahamas when parents are killing their children. My deepest simpathy goes out to the family of the young lady. We as a country need to repent and ask God to forgive us so healing can come to our Land. I hope the law of the land prevails….
yes i agree it is very sad but not much shocks me the word speaks that in the last day there will be perilous time but to allow the enemy to put you in such a position is beyound me hmm the government places so much emphasies on tourism and the likes but what about the social avenue who is there to counsel and catalyze preventative measures to prevent such things this is why truly we need to put Gos first gave everything over to him and he will gave us that peace that passeth all understanding i pray for the family but food for thought God is not like man
Ahhhh boy people gata wait until Monday Morning to read this in the Tribune and Guardian the lame stream media of the Bahamas!
Wait, hold on now, I see why this country function the way it is. Listen here, I don’t care what kind of issues her father had or not, children should always have respect for their parents, especially if they are still living under their roof. The Bible tells you to honor your mother and your father. She wasn’t no woman to be arguing and causing her father all kind of emotional distress. If she had gone out there and something did happen to her, who you think the authorities would have been looking for to question? Her parents right? Ok. We need to stop talking foolishness and give right where right is. Some of these children think they are more woman and man than their parents. She should have behaved herself and she might have been alive today. She wasn’t aware that her father not so long ago tried to commit suicide aye? More than likely the man is still on medication, tell why me, who in their right mind are going to run talks with somebody who they know head isn’t too good? Don’t get me wrong, I am not blame this girl for what happened, but she didn’t use good judgment. No way she suppose to be running talks with that man. If he use to abuse her, instead of her talking about she’s arguing with him and packing up her things and moving out the home, she suppose to report it to the police or social services, so they could assist in having her removed from the home, probably to go stay with some other responsible relative or somewhere where she can be properly provided for. To tell you the truth, I don’t feel this father meant to stab his daughter like that, she must have trigger something in him, right now I could imagine how bad he must feel about the whole incident. May God be with him and the rest of the family. This is truly a sad situation.
I agree with your comments, she was just to fresh and sassy talking back to her father i don’t care what he said to her she had no right to speak back to her father like they were company, i know how children especially teenagers i have a 13yr old i had to set his business straight some time back, like we say i bring you here and i’ll take you out,,,i think he had good intensions he wanted the best for her but she couldn’t see it i feel his pain and that of the family.
how u kno she was backtalking?
It makes me upset even reading the comment Mrs Sands wrote as she states ;”she do not give the father rights for what he did” yet still goes on about the victum not showing any appreciation or respect. This was a family ive known personally, it was a house; not a home! Abuse went on from i could remember, near friends and neighbors knew about this man….unstable….crazy, full of anger and bitterness. I am not Jesus, I am not sure what exactly happened , but they rented from my grandmother and yesterday morning this happened because she called here asking my family for help. This man should have been watched closely from authorities after trying to take his own life, it is obviously to see all was not well with him for a period of time. As of why the arguement started i am not sure but she attempted to leave home…..just sit and think about it. We dont know what that little girl was going through, like i said before it was a house, not a home. There were always arguements, abuse went on…..speaking up for her he is wrong for taking her life, he needs to be punished and treated for his state. When will the government stop letting murderers out on bail and watch ill persons closely. It isnt until a crime is re-commit or someone who is known to be unstable commits an act until we as Bahamaians worry about the matter.
Ok Jazz, the girl called you and your family for help. What advice did y’all give her? I hope yall didn’t encourage her to argue with her father. What did y’all do to help her? Trust me, if she had contacted me I would have done something. I would have been at that home as quick as I could with the authorities.
since there was so much abuse in the home, why did they stay there with him. Why the neighbors didn,t call the police for him? we always find excuses when serious things happen. Why wait for ow to talk about the abuse and unhappiness in the home? Every week the police are talkig about seeking help if you are in an abusive situation. We are too proud and self conceited, now a young life is lost and we all want to talk now. We need to PRAY for her family because it is hard for them. Let’s PRAY and stop all the useless talks. God comfort the family as they grieve.
i can’t believe you guys are defending this….who knows, maybe he sucked at being a father anyway and she was in need of some kind of man in her life….maybe she was abused, maybe just maybe she couldnt take her suicidal father anymore….you guys are on this site actually feeling sorry for him…murder is wrong…and to take a knife and FATALLY stab your own child is unheard of! a man rapes and kills a young boy and he’s deemed a crazy psychopath who needs to be hung, but a man who ensues in an argument with his own child kills her like a dog and you guys say “oh he was so stressed out and children just don’t know!”. of course they don’t know..they are children! get your confused acts together please. it wasn’t up to her to help his depression; because maybe she was depressed too…now she’s dead at the hands of her selfish father.
No one knew this girl situation at home no one talk is cheap until you have walked a mile in her shoes no one knows……..she wasnt even comfortable in her own house yall think about that…i need say no more
A breakdown in family values/traditions that lead to this situation? It could be, we don’t know. I definately think that it was. Based on what has been said by persons living in that surrounding area, she had a friend but was a great student. She was 15. Normal behavior for a 15-17 year old. It’s teenage behaviour.
The father attempted suicide once or twice.
“REDFLAG”. If I was an immediate family member, I would have insisted that the young lady stay with me and my family until things got better in that home.
I grew up on several family islands and that is the norm. When there are problems in homes, children usually stay with the grandmom/grand dad, aunt or uncle until either social services or other family members can get into that home and assist.
Sneaking out or sleeping out? She was 15, girls do dumb things like that including young men. It’s the teenage life and it is at that point where the mother/father has to sit down with their kids and let them know what is right from wrong. You have to catch them early.
Based on the newspaper where father was led into court wearing that thing over his mouth, he allegedly had TB.
Why would a 15 year old teenager stay at home in that environment where she or her mother could have easily caught that deadly airborne disease?
I think that the immediately family should have stepped in and talk with the mother and father to have the young lady stay with them. Hopefully she could have focused more on her schooling and leave that alleged boyfriend in the dust.
These are the things that words or blogs just don’t understand with complex social issues. Many families here in the Bahamas face the same struggle. This is why we must demand more social service workers, better pay and benefits for those social workers and ongoing training for the workers who can go out in the communities and assist our ever-dying home family systems.
That is my five 1/2 cents.
You have made a slight improvement to the flow of the comments section,which we appreciate. I remind you however that we are Bahamians, not Chinese or Arabs. We read from left to right, and from top to bottom.
omg u guys have to be kidding….he stabbed his daughter for her having a love interest? thats bull shit i hope they beat his ass until he really does commit suicide!!
cheapus he did kill hisself
I agree with capri. This article was too biased and the sources appear to be too unrealiable. Yes, it is great to inform the Bahamians as fast as you can, but accuracy and credibility is more important. I hope that this is not just heresay.
Additionally, even if this was the truth, I find the wording to be disrespectful to the deceased.
Condolences to the young lady’s family & friends. Quick comment, a parent is suppose to protect their kids by any means. We don’t know what went on between this guy & his daughter but it still did not give him the right to hurt her. Parents can only talk to their kids & pray for the best. I hope justice is served!
This is very sad, condolence to the family. There are always at least 2 sides to a storey and if you are a parent of a teenage girl you will understand where I am coming from. Parents can often go to the deep end especially if challenged, growing up it was common to hear a parent say they bring you here they will take you out so as a child I never challenge that. I do not know what transpired between the child and the person who took her life but as a parent now I understand that we sometimes show tough love. Most parents know where to draw the line, because if they did not, believe me the murder rate for parent killing a child would have been over the top. It is so unfortunate it ended this way. It not easy to give up on your child and send them off to the bad girl’s school. Some parents believe they can turn things around by enforcing law and order and maintaining the authority figure but this could be detrimental cause if that child flew in their parent face to God be the glory what could happen! This could be a wake up call to parents to not let the devil fool them and end up in jail.
Condolences to the family of the young lady. Quick comment, people react differently to various situations. Parents need to protect their kids by any means. Regardless of what is speculated, it still didn’t give him the right to hurt his child just to get his point across. Parents can only talk to their kids & hope for the best. That’s his problem now & as a society we only can pray for him & hope that he gets a fair trial so that justice can be served! agree !!!.
Listen D boo,
I don’t mind children having an opinion, but there is a difference between expressing an opinion and arguing. I don’t care who they are, you suppose to have respect for your parents. If you are a minor and your father express to you he doesn’t want you moving out the home, that should be the end of that story, he shouldn‘t have to be arguing with you about it. You suppose to sit your ass down and keep your mouth shut, unless you have a valid reason like he is abusing you or something and still it’s not your place to be arguing or fighting with him, you suppose to report it to the proper authorities and let them take control of the matter. You aint no man or woman to be arguing with him in his home. If you are a man or woman and you don’t like his program, then you should get your ass out his home, that‘s all. That’s the problem right now, too much men and women want be under the same roof.
Hence, why she wanted to move out. Kim S, it seems as though you have more sympathy for the father and not the daughter. This girl was on the honor roll and a great person. She was fighting hard in school to better herself. His only child, and now she is dead. Who you think is going to look after him when he gets worse? Richa could have been right here after the years with her career to support them both. There is no excuse for his actions. Just like you said if she didn’t like his program then she should have leave..but she tried to and what did it end in? her death. All beacause she had a Jamaican boyfriend. Sounds like discrimination to me. He deserves whatever he gets and I pray this Bahamas system stop playing with these criminals and give them the faith they deserve.
Totally agree with Capri, Tho I don’t even know this young lady her tragedy was something the nation felt. Regardless of how she lived her life that give’s no one the right to end it especially her father its truly sad to think that your afraid to rome outdoors because of all the strangers who’s harming people etc but when in reality you have to worry about your own family member’s especially your parents it’s simply ridiculous, what is this little nation coming to? … just sayin
i live right around the corner from the family i cant believe it!
i live right around the corner from the family i cant believe it!!!
i don’t care what the problem is here still don’t think he should of taken his daughter young life.
I’m sure he think so too, but what is done is done and like many other things, there’s no “undo” here. It’s amazing how he’s the only person in the world to ever live a life with a regret. Guess everyone else has always walked the perfect road and never had the opportunity to commit an act that was wrong or that they regretted. Please, let GOD be the judge and juror of this man, as only HE knows what truly transpired.
What is wrong with my country men and women, why was this man even on the shtreets, he should have been committed after trying to take his own life, now two lives have ended. I pray for my country men and women and ask that our Lord grant peace and understanding to all and ask that all the violence in the country stop. I pray in the name of the Father Son Holy Ghost Amen.
I was in a situation with my father before where he attacked me and for the life of me some of these parents have no respect for themselves muchless the children. This father should have never done this I don’t care how much stress he going thru seek counseling he need to get put in an electric chair chop off his private part or something
Murder should never be an option. There is always a better way of handling a negative situation. However, whatever was illing this man got the best if him. I just wish more people knew the power of love and know that we are responsible for our feelings and emotions. I hope more people will decide to wake-up every morning and have a positive day, no matter the circumstaces… Thats how we take control of our life.
Am, it is obvious this father was under stress considering he tried to end his own life. I do not give him right for his actions though, but some of these children really out of hands. They do not even try to understand the situation, they know their parents already have a lot on their plates and they are doing their best to provide for them and still they can’t show them any appreciation or respect for what they are doing. Things like that would make anyone upset, but I do not feel this man should have been fighting with his daughter like that. If he couldn’t handle the situation he should have contacted the authorities and make arrangement for girl to be admitted into some kind of disciplinary school.
who ever u are u need 2 know fully whats going on before u open ya mouth. that girl was a nice young lady never got into problem her dad had issues it en had ntn 2 do with her attitude she en had no perfect life and granted she 2 young 4 a bf that was only lil bit of happiness she had in her life. but you cant go round assuming things if u dont know the full story. i knew her personally very smart young lady who was wrking hard in skol 2 make her life better.
Ok I hear you Person, I don’t want to attack this girl’s character. Maybe it’s just me, I don’t know. I probably came from a different era. When I was living in under my mother’s roof and got carried away sometimes, when I would miss and raise my voice at her, my mother would ask me one question, Sweetie, who are you talking to? My reply would have been very polite and I would have answered “no one” then I would have adjusted my tune very quickly. Today, I am an adult and living in my own home and when I go to visit my mother, I still do not raise my voice too high under her roof. Not that she could do anything with me now, but that’s just the level of respect I have for that woman. So forgive me, if I don‘t seem to get it, because when I see children arguing and throwing these tantrums around their parents to me that comes across as being very rude, because that is something wasn’t able to get away with as a child.
You seem to have a lot to say but it has absolutely no foundation in this situation. Before you begin to pass judgement and have all to say you need to get your facts straight and not try to spoil a good girl’s reputation in your attempt to give what I think could be good advice, but not in this situation. In this case the problem was not the child but the father, I know this because I know the family personally. Let the angel’s soul and life rest in peace.
she was not a bad child very good student good grades nobody is perfect you dont know thier situation so who are you to speak and say she was ungreatful
The father time is served,now he needs to find peace….
May he who is without sin cast the first stone. I hope that if Shanti has kids, she is living a perfect life. Otherwise, the SINS she commits could also be killing her kids – spiritually that is. I’m so glad she’s perfect and have no need for grace nor mercy. Unfortunately, many of us have fallen short. Please, Shanti, pray that all of us would become just like you some day – perfect..
Rick, I concur. I would sentence the father to time served and counselling. I believe he’s gone and is going through enough. Grace and mercy must abound at some point. May he find peace.
Please do not speculate on why this young life was taken. We are not sure why her father took her life. Do not ruin her name by saying things you’ll are not sure about.
I hope that the picture that is being shown is not the incident photo. Because that is truly heart breaking. I do not justify the action of the father nor do I call the young lady bad. I can identify with the mental state of the dad seeing that it was said that he tried to take his own life before. I do not know what could be done with the persons that are mentally unstable because I was in this state before, where I would of smothered my own children and take my life. I went to Psychiatric ward I went to sanderlands, all is done is a shot and some pills and it did not help the root of my problem it is like a cough medicine it just suppress the cough for a little while but the problem is still there. And with the young girl she had to have stress because a child that grows up in a stable home does not act out this way, atleast I acted out this way only as a cry that someone will see me and hear my actions as my cry, because words fall on deaf ears in our country when it comes from the mouth of a child. My heart truly goes out to the daughter and the father cause only because the Grace of God their I and my children would of been. 🙁
Lenora, thank you for sharing your personal experience, I really respect that. I am very sorry about what you had to go through and I hope everything is ok with you now. I really feel for mentally ill persons and their family members who has to cope with the disease. I realize these person can be harmful to themselves and to others and there really isn‘t much being done to help these persons. As family members, friends and the community I think we need to understand that it is a sickness and be more supportive and try our best to do things that will keep these persons calm and collective, instead of triggering them off. I think that’s what happened in this incident, this girl didn’t realize how serious her father’s condition were. If she did realize it, no way she would have been arguing with him that’s for sure, unless she wasn’t too stable herself. Man! I tell you, I feel bad for both of them.
these are surely the last days
hang him i say… |
Sec. Control and Automation Systems
An Improved Integral Inequality for Delay-Dependent Gain-Scheduled LPV Control
- Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States
The present work examines the delay-dependent gain-scheduling feedback control with guaranteed closed-loop stability and induced
1 Introduction
Linear parameter-varying (LPV) systems are linear dynamical systems whose dynamic characteristics depend on a time-varying measurable scheduling parameter vector. In this context of the LPV systems framework, the scheduling parameter vector captures the dynamics of nonlinear or time-varying systems in a systematic fashion (Briat, 2014) and has found applications in flight control (Lu et al., 2006), automotive systems (Tasoujian et al., 2016; Salavati et al., 2019), energy (Bianchi et al., 2005), and biomedical systems (Colmegna et al., 2015; Tasoujian et al., 2019b). Traditional gain-scheduling controllers are designed by interpolation of separately designed controllers for the system’s operation points. Such design methods suffer from implementation difficulties and lack of closed-loop stability and performance guarantees (Shamma and Athans, 1990; Bianchi et al., 2006). In order to tackle these challenges, the LPV gain-scheduling control approach was introduced to provide a direct, efficient, simple-to-implement, and systematic design process to meet closed-loop stability and performance of nonlinear and time-varying systems (Shamma, 1988).
Time-delay is ubiquitously encountered in numerous engineering systems, such as automotive systems (Tasoujian et al., 2016), biomedical systems (Tasoujian et al., 2019b), network control systems (Witrant et al., 2007), and manufacturing and chemical processes (Bozorg and Davison, 2006). In the context of feedback systems, time-delay or dead-time refers to the time that takes for the closed-loop system to receive the control input, to make the control decision, and to generate the control action (Fridman, 2014). In control systems, time-delay is a source of instability and performance degradation. Time-delay induces a phase lag which generates oscillatory behavior, diminishes the stability margin of a control system, and limits the achievable bandwidth (Albertos, 2006). Time delay systems cannot be treated properly using conventional control design methods, such as Laplace domain-based methods since the corresponding transfer function of the time-delay system is not rational. In this regard, stability analysis and control design of time-delay systems have been formulated into two main directions, namely, delay-independent and delay-dependent approaches (Fridman, 2014). Unlike the former direction, delay-dependent techniques take the size of the delay into consideration and result in less conservative results. Generally, in delay-dependent methods, Lyapunov theory is extended to either the Krasovskii method of Lyapunov functionals (Kharitonov, 2004) or Razumnikhin theory of Lyapunov functions (Jankovic, 2001). The former direction relies on using Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals (LKFs) for accounting for the infinite-dimensionality of the system state in the time-delay systems and usually leads to less conservative results.
In time-delay systems analysis, frequency domain approaches are limited to systems with constant delays (Niculescu, 2001; Michiels and Niculescu, 2007). On the other hand, time-domain techniques utilizing LKFs have gained significant attention, primarily because of their potential in addressing the stability analysis and control synthesis of systems with varying time-delays. In the Lyapunov-Krasovskii method, the prominent sources of conservatism are rooted in choosing the LKF, the use of model transformations, such as Newton-Leibniz (Kolmanovskii and Richard, 1999) and Padé approximations (Knospe and Roozbehani, 2006), and the use of bounding techniques for constraining the quadratic integral terms of the form
In many practical engineering systems the time-delay is varying and parameter dependent. In (Niculescu, 1999), the air fuel ratio control problem in internal combustion engines is examined using an LPV approach, where the measurement delay from the sensor downstream the catalyst is a function of the engine speed. A Padé approximation was used to obtain a rational approximation of the variable delay. The authors in (Niculescu, 1999) used an LKF with the parametrized Newton-Leibniz model transformation to obtain sufficient conditions for the stability of time-delay systems. In (Park, 1999), the same type of LKF, together with Park’s inequality, was employed for bounding the cross-terms. Although this bounding method has helped to better address the bounding of cross-terms and hence reducing the conservatism, it still suffers from the use of model transformations that has inherent conservatism. The authors in (Zhang et al., 2002) proposed a parameter-dependent LKF along with Jensen’s inequality for the integral term bounding, to derive delay-dependent
In the present work, we consider an improved parameter-dependent LKF candidate and the affine Jensen’s inequality (Briat, 2011) is employed for bounding the integral terms that appears in the LKF derivative. The utilized affine Jensen’s inequality bounding technique considers intermediary values of delay instead of just assuming the worst-case delay value. These choices of LKF and bounding method, and avoiding model transformations enables the derivation of less conservative conditions for the synthesis of delay-dependent dynamic output-feedback controllers for the LPV time-delay systems with large and fast-varying time delays. The proposed control guarantees closed-loop stability and a specified performance level of induced
Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) control and regulation via the administration of vasopressor drugs is essential in hypotensive critical emergency-care situations, such as, resuscitation of patients with severe hemorrhage, septic shock, maternal cesarean hypotension treatment, and traumatic brain injury, during which the human physiology fails to maintain homeostasis and to regulate the blood pressure to its normal limits (Kee et al., 2005). Vasopressor medications, such as phenylephrine (PHP), epinephrine, and norepinephrine, are administered to elevate blood pressure by stimulating the depressed cardiovascular system and causing vasoconstriction (Neves et al., 2010). The precise dosage of the administered vasopressor drug is essential to accomplish fast resuscitation and reliable MAP recovery, and therefore, sustain perfusions of vital organs without overdosing. Traditional drug administration methods are performed using a syringe or infusion pump with manual titration. Such MAP regulation approaches are time-consuming, labor-intensive and inaccurate, and can lead to under- or over-resuscitation with undesirable or potentially fatal consequences, such as cardiac arrest. Automated and computer-aided drug administration via feedback control strategies has been investigated to overcome the challenges of manual drug delivery and operator monitoring. Various feedback control paradigms have been used for the automated closed-loop blood pressure regulation in emergency care (Malagutti et al., 2013; Ahmed and Özbay, 2016; Sandu and Popescu, 2016; Tasoujian et al., 2019b; Urooj and Singh, 2019). In the present work we consider an LPV time-delay model to represent the MAP response to PHP drug infusion dynamics, as a benchmark example to evaluate the proposed delay-dependent LPV control design method for MAP regulation. Closed-loop simulations using a patient simulation model demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed LPV control to achieve desired MAP reference tracking, transient response performance, disturbance rejection and noise attenuation.
The notation used in the paper is as follows.
In the present work, we will take advantage of the following lemma, which plays a central role in deriving the proposed results for the delay-dependent LPV time-delay control design framework.
Lemma 1:(Affine Jensen’s inequality) (Briat, 2011): Given a matrix
holds for all
The rest of paper is organized as follows. Section 4 introduces the problem statement and the general LPV time-delay system representation. Design objectives, as well as the proposed delay-dependent LPV control synthesis is presented in Section 5. Section 6 provides a numerical example to assess the capability of the proposed method in reducing the conservatism compared to a prior work. In Section 7, an LPV formulation of the MAP response to a vasoactive drug infusion is introduced as a case study. Subsequently, the closed-loop validation study of the proposed control design method is demonstrated in a simulation environment and compared to prior control designs in the literature. Concluding remarks and future research directions are provided in Section 8.
2 LPV Time-Delay Systems
Consider a general time-delayed LPV system with the state-space representation
where ns is the number of parameters and
In the next section, we investigate the stability and
3 Output-Feedback LPV Control Design for Time-Delay Systems
A gain-scheduled dynamic LPV controller is considered to accomplish the following design objectives:
• Asymptotic stability of the LPV system (3) in the presence of parameter and delay variations,
• Minimization of the worst case amplification of the controlled output, z, to a disturbance signal, w, with bounded energy. That is, solution of the upper-bound minimization problem of induced
However, instead of the optimal objective (6) we are interested in the upper bound suboptimal problem
where γ is a positive scalar.
A full-order dynamic output-feedback LPV controller is considered in the following form
and the dependence on the scheduling parameter has been dropped for brevity.
3.1 Closed-Loop Stability and Induced
-Norm Performance Analysis
In order to achieve less conservative control synthesis results for time-delay LPV systems, we take advantage of the Lyapunov-Krasovskii approach by employing a new extended-state based quadratic LKF candidate with modified integral terms, which depend explicitly on the time delay. The utilized approach avoids a model transformation; hence, it leads to further conservatism reduction. Additionally, the affine Jensen’s inequality is used to bound the LKF derivative’s cross-terms. In order to derive tractable LMI-based results, other conservative bounding approaches, such as the rational Jensen’s inequality, consider the worst-case time-delay value to upper-bound the rational term. On the other hand, this paper’s utilized inequality is affine with respect to the time-delay (hence convex), so it provides a tighter bound of the integral terms of the LKF derivative by taking all the possible intermediate time-delay values into account. The following theorem provides sufficient conditions for the synthesis of a delayed dynamic output-feedback LPV controller to meet the control design objectives, namely, closed-loop asymptotic stability and a specified level of disturbance attenuation performance Eq. 7 for the closed-loop system Eq. 9.
Theorem 1. There exists an output-feedback LPV controller of the formEq. 8to asymptotically stabilize the LPV systemEq. 3and satisfy the induced
Is feasible and in the given LMI Eq. 11
Remark 1:Due to the affine presence of the derivative of the scheduling parameter, we may replace
Proof. The proof relies on employing an LKF candidate of the form
The notation
The affine Jensen’s inequality (introduced in Lemma 1) can now be used to bound the derivative terms with the negative integral cross term. This direct bounding technique enables us to provide a delayed-scheduled tight upper bound on the time derivative of the LKF and therefore obtain less conservative results. In this context, the third derivative term is bounded as follows
where by considering the affine Jensen’s inequality (1), we choose the function
where we choose
By considering the derivative of the utilized LKF Eq. 14 and adding the terms
where the augmented state vector ζ(t) is defined as:
The slack variables in relation Eq. 18 are chosen as
3.2 Output-Feedback LPV Gain-Scheduled Controller Synthesis
Utilizing the LMI decision variables X, Y,
3.2.1 Determine
and From the Factorization Problem
where the obtained
3.2.2 Compute the Following Parameter Matrices
3.2.3 Finally, the Controller Matrices Are Computed in the Following Order
4 Numerical Example
A numerical example is examined to assess the performance and the conservatism reduction capability of the proposed control design methodology compared to previous work in the literature. We consider an LPV state-delayed system with the following state-space representation (Zope et al., 2012)
where ρ(t) = sin(t) is the LPV system scheduling parameter,
Based on the results of Theorem 1, an output-feedback controller of the form Eq. 8 is designed to minimize the induced
The condition in Theorem 1 leads to an infinite-dimensional convex optimization problem with an infinite number of LMI constraints. To tackle this issue, we take advantage of the gridding approach to convert the infinite-dimensional problem to a finite-dimensional convex optimization problem (Apkarian and Adams, 1998). In this regard, a quadratic parameter dependence is adopted for the parameter dependent matrices as follows:
In the considered numerical example Eq. 26, the weighting scalars are chosen as ϕ = 1, ξ = 10, and ψ = 1. The time delay is considered to be τ(t) = 3|sin (0.3t)| (i.e.
Table 1 compares the obtained performance level γ for both control design methods and for different maximum delay values,
5 LPV Control Design for MAP Regulation in Hypotensive Patients
5.1 MAP Response Dynamics
To assess the capability of the proposed LPV control, we consider the problem of automated MAP regulation in critical hypotensive patients using vasoactive drug infusion. The following model is utilized to characterize the MAP response dynamics subject to PHP drug infusion (Luspay and Grigoriadis, 2015; Sandu and Popescu, 2016; Tasoujian et al., 2020a; Cao and Grigoriadis, 2020)
where ΔMAP(t) denotes the MAP variations in mmHg from its baseline value, i.e. ΔMAP(t) = MAP(t) − MAPb(t), u(t) is the drug infusion rate in ml/h, K(t) is the patient’s sensitivity to the drug, T(t) is the lag time representing the uptake, distribution, and biotransformation of the drug (Isaka and Sebald, 1993), and τ(t) represents the time delay for the drug to reach the circulatory system from the infusion pump. Figure 2 shows an experimental MAP response to a step PHP infusion versus a matched simulated response of Eq. 27. The experimental data shown correspond to a swine experiment performed at the Resuscitation Research Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), Galveston, Texas (Luspay and Grigoriadis, 2015). The figure also shows the interpretation of the model parameters K(t), T(t), τ(t), MAPb(t) obtained using a least-squares optimization method to fit the actual MAP response.
FIGURE 2. Closed-loop MAP response and control effort (PHP injection rate) of LPV controller against fixed structure PI controller for disturbance and noise free case.
It is noted that due to the patient’s physiological response variability, the model parameters and the delay could vary significantly from patient-to-patient (inter-patient variability), as well as, for a given patient over time (intra-patient variability) (Isaka and Sebald, 1993; Rao et al., 2003). Based on clinical observations (Tasoujian et al., 2019b), the model parameter variations can be approximated for simulation purposes as nonlinear functions of the drug injection rate as follows.
where ak, k0, k1, bT, aτ,2, aτ,1, and bτ,1 are uniformly distributed random coefficients given in Table 2 and
5.2 MAP Response LPV Modeling
To design the proposed delay-dependent LPV control synthesis for the MAP regulation problem, we first formulate the MAP response dynamics Eq. 27 into an LPV time-delay model representation. Considering the state variable as x(t) = ΔMAP(t), the state space representation of the MAP response model is rewritten as follows
where y(t) is the patient’s measured MAP response and do(t) denotes output disturbances. In Eq. 29, the varying time delay, τ(t), is appearing in the input signal. In order to utilize the proposed time-delay LPV system control design framework, we transform the input delay system into a state-delay LPV representation. To this end, we introduce a low-pass input dynamics as follows
where Ω and Λ are positive scalars that are selected based on the bandwidth of the actuators. Then, the state-space state-delay LPV representation of the MAP response dynamics takes the following form
The scheduling parameters K(t), T(t), and τ(t) are assumed to be estimated in real-time. In a practical scenario, a Bayesian-based square-root cubature Kalman filtering algorithm can be used to estimate the scheduling parameters (Tasoujian et al., 2020b).
5.3 Closed-Loop MAP Control Simulation Results
In the MAP dynamics LPV model Eq. 31, the performance controlled output vector is defined as
For comparison purposes, we also evaluate the proposed controller performance against a fixed structure PI controller, see (Wassar et al., 2014), in an hour-long simulation scenario with a piecewise constant commanded reference MAP. Given the following nominal values of the model parameters and time-delay,
which is calculated based on the prescribed gain and phase margin control design constraints (Zhong, 2006). In the absence of disturbances and measurement noise, the MAP reference tracking profile and the control effort are shown in Figure 3, where the objective is to regulate the MAP response to track the commanded MAP with minimum overshoot, rise time, settling time, and zero steady-state error. According to these results, the closed-loop response overshoot remains within the acceptable range, and the delay-dependent LPV controller provides faster response with a smaller settling time compared to the conventional PI controller.
Subsequently, we assume that the closed-loop system is subject to measurement noise and output disturbances. These disturbances could result from medical interventions and physiological response variations due to hemorrhage or other administered medications like lactated ringers. Figure 4 shows a typical profile of such disturbances. Figure 5 depicts the performance of the LPV and PI controllers, where the measurement noise is a white noise signal with intensity of 10–3. As expected, the proposed LPV controller outperforms the fixed structure PI controller with respect to the response’s rise time and speed due to its scheduling structure. The results demonstrate that the proposed time-delay LPV gain-scheduling control methodology provides desirable closed-loop performance in terms of commanded MAP tracking and disturbance rejection in the presence of model parameter variations, varying time-delay, and output disturbances.
FIGURE 5. Closed-loop MAP response and control effort (PHP injection rate) of LPV controller against fixed structure PI controller subject to disturbance and measurement noise.
6 Conclusion
In the present study, a Lyapunov-Krasovskii based approach has been used to derive delay-dependent LPV control synthesis conditions for LPV time-delay systems. In this regard, an improved parameter-dependent Lyapunov Krasovskii functional (LKF) candidate was proposed, followed by an efficient bounding technique using the affine Jensen’s inequality, for the design of output-feedback LPV controllers. This choices of LKF and integral inequality constraints reduced the conservatism of the method by limiting the bounding gap in the integral cross-terms of the LKF derivative. By introducing appropriate slack variables, the final relaxed synthesis conditions have been formulated in terms of tractable convex linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). A numerical example compared the performance of the proposed scheme to past work in the literature. It is shown that the proposed delay-dependent LPV control that utilizes an improved LKF formulation and a more general Jensen’s inequality results in less conservative design and larger values of allowable delay. Finally, the mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) regulation in critical hypotensive patients was examined to evaluate the proposed control design in a challenging practical control problem. Closed-loop simulation results demonstrated the ability of the proposed time-delayed LPV control to regulate MAP in the presence of varying input delays and disturbances in comparison with past results in the literature. In the present work, the time-varying delay is considered to be a known quantity that can be estimated or evaluated in real time. Future work will investigate the stability analysis and robust control design for LPV systems with uncertain time-varying delays. Additionally, the effect of saturation constraints on the magnitude of the control input will be examined.
Data Availability Statement
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Ethics Statement
The animal study was reviewed and approved by the UTMB Galveston, TX, United States.
Author Contributions
The present research article is the result of ST’s work as a Ph.D. student under KG and MF. The detailed responsibilities are as follows: ST: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing-original draft, KG: Methodology, Writing-review, and editing, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition MF: Methodology, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition.
Financial support from the National Science Foundation under grant CMMI1437532 is gratefully acknowledged. The collaboration of the Resuscitation Research Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, in providing experiment data is gratefully acknowledged.
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Keywords: linear parameter-varying time-delay systems, Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, induced L2-norm performance, affine Jensen’s inequality, linear matrix inequalities approach, mean arterial blood pressure regulation and control
Citation: Tasoujian S, Grigoriadis K and Franchek M (2021) An Improved Integral Inequality for Delay-Dependent Gain-Scheduled LPV Control. Front. Control. Eng. 2:687807. doi: 10.3389/fcteg.2021.687807
Received: 30 March 2021; Accepted: 14 July 2021;
Published: 16 August 2021.
Edited by:Teresa Azevedo Perdicoulis, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal
Reviewed by:Cheung-Chieh Ku, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
YunNing Zhang, China Three Gorges University, China
Copyright © 2021 Tasoujian, Grigoriadis and Franchein Tasoujian, [email protected] |
- Donald R. Laub, M.D.
Rescue of an American Girl in Mexicali
Updated: Nov 14, 2018
Mexicali is a splendid site, a beautiful site. It couldn't be a better place to carry out the Interplast work. They were hundreds of cases without access to surgery. And yet, it was a medically mid-resourced place and not a low-resourced place. We were attracted to Mexicali because it was a medical challenge. There was risk involved and there was enough stress to satisfy our need for that type of stimulation. We are seekers, not avoiders, of these three forms of magic. We were attracted to Mexicali because it was one of the worst and most inhospitable places in the whole damn world, and for that reason medical and surgical care was scarce. You are able to see Mexicali coming up on a highway as a cloud from several miles away because the roads in 1966 were unpaved for the most part, and would remain that way for the next ten years.
The scent of Mexicali always gives me a feeling that I am almost home, to the place where I have gone with Interplast teams on more than 40 trips. It is a sign to me that I have arrived back where I have derived much pleasure. The smell is pervasive – not unlike that of the liquid excrement of mammals – and the ambiance is a little bit negative, but it is all okay because it is home.
With its tripartite objectives of direct care, on-the-job training, and long-term professional relationships, Interplast carried out their standard operating procedure of “plan A,” i.e., needs assessment, task analysis and signing a convenio prior to implementation, usually a several year process. The Interplast idea was to carry out these trips to do cleft lip and palate repair for those who had no access to this essential surgery gratis as a humanitarian act to “lend a hand.”
Our model was that we would travel on the weekend to accommodate the schedules of all concerned. We routinely would arrive on Friday night, usually on a private plane with a great comradely group of people who all participated voluntarily, including “Interplast Air Force” Chief Bob Bell and his copilot and the stevedore, George Chippendale. Pilots Henry Carstens, Bob Francis, and R.K. Johnson, a hand surgeon, and of course, the arch pilot Reed Dennis, the original Silicon Valley venture capitalist. Anesthesiologists, internists, pediatricians, post anesthesia care unit (PACU) nurses, and clinical care unit nurses were all vital to success. American residents in graduated responsibility levels in training complemented the Mexicali surgeons. Despite all the team members, room around the operating table was perfectly adequate to carry out the work and for on-the-job training to take place. Exchange of ideas between disparate souls flowed. Because of our common purpose, the educated, and the still-being-educated talked with each other. The program had originally been set up to fulfill my obligation to teach my residents. The best teaching method available in the world happened to be exactly here. These fortunate ones directly acquired surgical psychomotor skills. That is, actually did the surgery at a stage that had been heretofore very early in the training sequence. Thus, they acquired the baseline ingredient all-important for the next step: excellence in judgment. These nuances were easy to put into practice; because these “associates” had been selected for being in the “upper 0.001%.” of the bell shaped curve, they naturally soaked up the theories as they went along. The outcome of this teaching method was not unwittingly a very high esprit de corps,– because as you can imagine, the residents, on discussing their program at Stanford in comparison with that at other universities at national meetings would compare on only one criterion: how much surgery are they doing? And our crew would be probably two, three, or four years ahead in experience in “doing actual surgery”. So we were able to reinforce that they were the world’s best. I encouraged and augmented this propaganda in various subtle and unsubtle ways. In other words, we fed into their subconscious minds the feeling that they were superior surgeons and superior people. Everyone had a fine spirit.
In Mexicali, we worked in an older white colored building that had the appearance of a white board home, but was actually a 28-bed hospital for both jail patients and the poor. We worked for many days and early into the night in this little house, which really was our hospital.
“What are those little bugs that come around during the night?” Physician assistant Kees Ploeg would ask, because he stayed right there all night long on a wooden chair. “Cockroaches” a la the song La cucaracha, la cucaracha, ya no puede caminar, porque no tiene, porque le falta, una pata para andar (the cockroach, the cockroach, can’t walk anymore, because it doesn’t have, because it’s missing a leg to walk). Kees was there amongst ten sick or dying general admission patients, who lay next to post-op cleft patients. His duty was to watch for bleeding in these kids that might require immediate action to prevent aspiration of blood into the lungs. These kids were in conditions that might have caused them to be unable to manage the clearing of their own airway.
We came to the hospital and lined up the cases as soon as we arrived at about 9:30 in the morning on Friday, having enjoyed a two-and-a-half hour plane ride from San Jose International Airport, courtesy of our Interplast Air Force, who had conveniently brought our team along with 18 boxes of supplies.
On this particular day, as our story unfolds, it was Saturday mid-afternoon and we were doing well, having completed some great cases, when a Mexican ambulance pulled up in front of the hospital. The attendants jumped out and efficiently brought into the hospital a fresh case on a gurney, and placed the patient on the operating table itself as we enjoyed a necessary cup of Mexican coffee laced with sugar and milk in the other room. Having completed their duty, the attendants had felt free to depart. I pushed aside the cobweb forming in my somnolescent brain as my subconscious automatically said, “Don, new patient, new patient!” which translated to responsibility to assess, to consider alternatives, and to make a decision, please. As usual, I asked our best resident Ron Gruber and superb anesthesiologist Ron Atkinson from UCSD to check out the “Deets.” We found a girl, obviously American and “cauc” who had been involved in an “MVA car versus ped” – jargon for a motor vehicle accident. She had been crossing the highway after attending Bible camp, and was struck in a hit-and-run situation.
Quick assessment found a conscious girl, fourteen years of age, bp 90/60, pulse 125 with probably depressed skull fracture, fractured ribs and pelvis, ruptured spleen, and ruptured bladder—she was obviously bleeding internally.
The blood bank was situated in a little building just outside the window. We called for blood. Stat. We saw them rush out and start looking through the microscope. On initial typing we found she was AB-positive, a rare type indeed, so we asked them to not type and cross-match the blood, but to immediately bring three units of O-negative (universal donor). We obtained two units and gave them to her through two parallel IVs. We saw that her hematocrit, starting at 29, had decreased to 27 during the process of transfusion. And 0h, oh, that was all the blood that was available.
We asked them to call every hospital in Mexicali. But there was still no AB-positive. We asked them to call into El Centro in the United States, where they had a larger blood bank. They found four more units, and that was the end of the road. So we asked our hospital to go on television and ask for emergency blood donations from the 400,000 residents of Mexicali. This they did, but the patient was running out of time.
We called the chief of surgery at the Mexicali hospital, a wonderful Dr. Martinez, who quickly arrived. He was a thin, small man with a fine mustache, a serious look, and a friendly smile. We didn’t know how to assess his skills then, but I must say he was extremely competent. With the assistance of our best residents, we formed a de facto team. Dr. Martinez operated forthwith, exploring the abdomen, expertly and efficiently suturing the liver, removing the spleen, suturing the bladder, inserting a suprapubic catheter, and doing it all extremely well.
We were enjoying the anesthesia expertise of Herb McClung, 6’8” tall, at least 280 lbs, a fine American recently returned from Vietnam where he was anesthesiologist on multiple trauma cases, especially the massive amputating injuries resulting from land mine explosions. He was accustomed to administering as many as 42 units of blood during surgery and in resuscitation. The oxygen tank was located in the operating room and nowhere else in the hospital. McClung could not remove the patient from the operating table without her deteriorating to lower blood pressure. He turned to me and said, “We need blood!” I replied, “We have no more.” He said, “If this girl does not get blood now, she will die. Her death will be your fault. You must get blood. Now!” He was pointing his index finger at me and looking directly into the back of my eyes. When someone points like that, I get the shivers.
At that point Dr. Martinez was no longer in attendance. The girl, slightly conscious when the operation started, was now unconscious. Her hematocrit went from 26 to 22 during the surgery, and her blood would desaturate further each time we tried to place her on a gurney to move her to a room.
With the pointing index finger in my mind’s eye, I turned to the members of the team. I asked them each to donate one small tube of blood. The blood was quickly typed and we found that myself, Eva Hoegh (a nurse from Iceland and a chief at Stanford on our team) and Herb McClung had blood that was compatible with our patient’s. I was O-positive – an almost universal donor. We huddled a little bit to discuss what to do, and decided it would be Herb himself who would give a direct blood transfusion. We pushed a large davenport from the doctor’s personal resuscitation room, the coffee place, into the operating room. We positioned Herb on the Davenport, and placed a large-bore needle into his antecubital fossa and removed three units of blood from him. These 500 cc bottles were filled to the top, which means we actually removed about 650 cc times three. But Herb was a big monster of a guy and he seemed to be doing okay. We gave him plenty of orange juice, of course.
After transferring just 200 cc of blood by this direct “Pipeline” transfusion, we observed that the patient’s cheeks were pinking up. She raised her hands, and it was wonderful to see, like a Lazarus miracle. We gave her all three pints of Herb’s blood and she improved. The drains were not producing much serosanguinous fluid by now, as Dr. Martinez had done a fine job of hemostasis.
What to do with the patient? She still had a depressed skull fracture, fractured ribs, fractured pelvis, urinary diversion, and who knows what additional injuries? The fractured ribs made breathing difficult. We called the Naval base at Balboa in San Diego, where Dr. Terry Knapp had spent several years during his stint with the Navy. We told him the situation and asked for help.
The response was a helicopter, which did not simply appear by magic, as the navy pilot had to clear Mexican bureaucracy without delays in order to enter the country. They felt they had no safe place to land south of the border, so they landed in Calexico and “drove” the helicopter to Mexicali overland; they had to physically cut the border fence to bring the helicopter through. We arranged a Mexican-American ambulance for the patient. The Navy paramedics had everything ready, took over her life support, and whisked the child away. She was helicoptered to the Navy base in a very short time.
We called the next morning and learned she was doing fine. The skull fracture was raised and stabilized, the fractured ribs were taped, she was immobilized as much as possible, she was given analgesia, and was being assisted in her breathing in the ICU.
Six weeks later we saw the American girl when she walked in the door of the Mexicali Hospital like an apparition. We were so happy about this miracle that we thought of her life now as something extremely special. At the time we hadn’t even learned her name. Soon there was a newspaper article on Miss James from La Jolla, California about her recovery and her return to school.
On Monday, our hero Herb McClung had returned to reality at Kaiser Hospital in Santa Clara, California. In the operating room and in the coffee lounge, the customary place for the telling of lies, he fed his confrères and peers a story about his wonderful vacation weekend in Mexicali, “the garden spot of the world.” He said the sun is always shining, the most recent rain was perhaps three years ago, and there are wonderful hotels and complete pensiones such as the “Phil Collins Palace.” He built it up incredibly despite the fact that his experience that weekend could be called imperfect from a vacation point of view. But it was a highlight of his life and a fulfillment of his training from a psychic income point of view.
Something Herb might not have told in full to his Kaiser colleagues was what happened on the Saturday night in question. We would usually drink a spot of tequila on Saturday nights as a method to relieve tension in a high-stress job, strengthen team spirit, bring out conversation, and ease the cultural confluence of the Mexican and American members of the team. On this particular Saturday night we offered Herb a Mexican beverage while he danced triumphantly to the Northern Mexico Polka-like Norteño band. He asked what it was. We explained that it was “tequila, made from a cactus”, and he said he was too weak to have that. But we said he must drink to celebrate the miracle and also for his own good, for desert strength and to replenish his fluids. So he looked at the bottle and said, “There’s not much to this stuff. It looks weak. I can see right through it.” He took his first shot with lime, salt, and great cheering from the Mexican group, who expected him immediately to fall to the floor. He remained upright and continued to dance. Everyone in his instant fan club urged him to have another. Proclaiming that the stuff was more or less water, Herb downed eleven shots in total. He was like an oak tree, or perhaps a giant saguaro. He could handle more of that cactus juice than anyone I’d known before or since.
However, he finally began to waver back and forth and slowly fell to the concrete floor, quite safely I must say. It appeared that he might need intubation himself, so six of us dragged him up to his bed on the second floor community barracks into a cot and kept an eye on him as he slept off the alcohol along with the events of the day.
Perhaps Herbert McClung actually felt that he was going on a vacation, just as he described to his confrères upon his return that following Monday. I rather feel that he obtained tremendous psychic income in a way that Hippocrates would approve: instead of playing the role of the great hero, he made the more modest choice of telling a facetious little story. He must have been content with the knowledge that we had honored the guidelines that Hippocrates gave us physicians that Saturday. We had honored our oath not to abandon a patient when he or she needs help and no other resource is there. This was our obligation, and we could not simply turn the patient over to another person as if it was not our “shift.” The good feeling we all had the next day came from the joy of being a professional in our fields. I am proud that, without being conscious of it at the time, I may have shown some good example by staying with the patient and extending 110%, more than what was simply okay on her behalf. There was no such thing as “my shift is over.” Many of us, of course, discuss such matters at times in bars, in airports, while traveling, at cocktail parties, in Interplast rendezvous or in “one-upsmanship” types of conversation, the equivalent of college bull sessions. Herb, however, probably had everything together in a better way than any of us. He had chosen the greater route by foregoing the telling of the dramatic story and finding all the satisfaction he needed in knowing that he had fulfilled his Hippocratic responsibilities.
It was an adventure on many levels, and none of us will ever forget the rescue of the American girl in Mexicali. We were unfulfilled in regard to achieving our perfect vision of the spreading of plastic surgery developments to the Third World, yet more than fulfilled with the intervention and substitution of another beautiful purpose. We realized that we had just then sung another chorus in the “rule of paradoxes:” that every crisis is actually an opportunity, that there is good in every bad, that growth occurs in unexpected quarters, and that God arranges all the circumstances. It is up to us to execute, to direct free will to the left or to the right, for good or for bad.
We had been sitting there in the coffee lounge of that little old frame building that had been converted into a hospital, absolutely convinced that our goal was helping other people in foreign lands and feeling content that everything was going according to the prearranged schedule. But just when we were absolutely sure that the course was set correctly, the opposite occurred, causing temporary dysphoria but bringing about a greater and better purpose.
40 years later, it dawns on me as I write these paragraphs that the story of the American girl’s rescue in Mexicali was not about the American girl at all. It was about the adventure, the emotional high, and the pleasure of it all. That was the way we learned. The story is about myself and about Herb McClung, and how our lives were changed the moment the girl appeared at that hospital. It was true experiential learning: learning by respecting the rule of paradoxes and knowing that you are not always that boss. You make the decisions only after you are handed the circumstances.
In writing these blog stories and especially writing about the American girl and all the surrounding actions and interactions, in retrospect I have a feeling, an emotion stronger than an intellectual concept, stronger than a spiritual belief system, stronger than a physical rejuvenation. The emotion is strong as to be near to tears of joy: I now love the ambience here and actually anywhere. I love the whole world.
Even hard-bitten veterans are susceptible, and Interplast’s modus operandi, which developed thoughtfully and consciously, was to adopt the theme “Go with second-class accommodations and do first-class surgery.”
We had noticed that first-class, the so-called five-star system for room and board, had bothered more than a few co-workers who were attracted to do Interplast work. It had been verbalized that for the price paid for the comfort and pleasure of the participants, perhaps another sixty children might have received the gift of life, to become transformed to a “person.” In order to fulfill the desire to help as much as possible, the second-class approach regarding expenditures on the volunteers themselves was actually welcomed by most. In the most cost-conscious attitude, we sought room and board in the homes of nice people in the community.
It turned out that the nice people lived in nice homes, and they had plenty of servants for cooking, laundry and bottle-washing. These host family members were a source of intelligent cross-cultural stimulation. Whatever the team members discussed at the dinner table or after meals in the living room or at social activities – the subjects of business matters, professional “angles,” sports, education, and cultural aspects were interchanged.
So in effect, we ended up in five-and-a-half star personal accommodations; some even went so far as to exchange their children and servants over the summer. Some wrote scientific articles in collaboration with our hosts, as co-authors. This was the rich relationship that started with a parsimonious approach. Development of the pleasurable room and board in personal residences of community leaders was given to us as a gift from the leaders of the community, as a reciprocal act commensurate with our giving first class surgery to the citizens of their community.
But don’t get me wrong. Mexicali was only in the first stage of this progressive scenario of second-class-becoming-first-class accommodations. Mexicali’s accommodations could hardly be thought to be much more than one and a half stars. We were in the private home of the project developer and community development leader, a sort of layman Christian devoting his life to good work. The house was made wit thin drywall partitions. The concrete floor was the most developed part of his house. He had a bathroom on the second floor as well as on the ground floor. Up the stairs on the second floor was a large two-room dormitory, each accommodating ten sleeping team members; one room for males, one for females. Double bunk beds were the setup. There was a table downstairs for meals, another table for playing pool, another table for ping-pong. There were chairs along the walls. The room was used for social activity after the day’s work, including a mariachi band that livened things up and promoted dancing.
I thought that some degree of adventure experienced together would bind the group into a unit more effectively, just as in war. Battle mates often become lifelong fast friends, and a bit of suffering actually does assuage whatever guilt remains in us. Furthermore, accomplishing the impossible is great for the self-esteem and body image, and it builds self-confidence. |
The televised presidential debate on Thursday is probably one of the first times when Perussuomalaiset (PS) party chairman Timo Soini’s good-cop-bad-cop strategy was uncovered to the tee. His usual response, “I don’t support racism and hate speech,” didn’t work because it was unconvincing and even had a grotesque quality.
We should thank again the high school students of the city of Järvenpää for their good question that brought Soini’s political house of cards down..
With young people like the ones we saw on television this week and their good questions, we can rest assured that Finland is in good hands and will not fall victim to nationalistic populism and hatred.
The startling discovery that one will make when studying Soini’s ideology and the PS is that at the end of the day he thinks just like those worst racists in his party. The big difference between Soini and those “bad cops” is that he is a good talker. Soini does not insult any group directly like some of his more cruder MPs.
But don’t be mistaken, it’s the same beast with the difference being that the message comes in sugar-coated words.
There is a very good column by Pekka Vasala of Kainuun Sanomat that catches Soini in his good-cop-bad-cop role.
How can a politician like Soini be against racism and prejudice when he prizes politically people like Jussi Halla-aho with the chair of the administration committee? How can he lead by example if he attracts Nazi-spirited members that belong to associations like Suomen Sisu and SKV? The PS chairman literally shakes your hand with a smile but then clobbers you with the other.
Once we understand how a political beast like Soini and the PS operate, we can begin to tackle an ever-growing social ill in this country: far-right nationalism, inequality, prejudice and racism.
It’s not complicated. It’s as simple as that.
How true. Mr Soini just like the ‘elites’ his party stands against is a fairly well educated, intelligent guy. (He has a Master of Social Sciences degree [valtiotieteiden maisteri] in Political Science from the University of Helsinki. In fact, he wrote his Master’s thesis on populism!) As such, Mr Soini is able to play the ‘good cop’ using his intelligence to steer away from explicitly racist or xenophobic statements, whilst allying himself closely to the more threatening (and I would argue, evil) views expressed by Halla-aho et al. behind closed doors.
One only has to observe the cleavage between what Mr Soini says and what he actually does to realize that his words are not 100% truthful. Should Mr Soini really find racism abhorrent, he would then act seriously to oust those allied to Suomen Sisu etc. from the party he leads.
I thank the Lukiolaiset from Järvenpää for exposing Mr Soini. Kiitos! 🙂
Hey Peter! Great to hear from you! If you look at what Timo Soini says and the party’s stand on immigration and cultural diversity, we can come to only one conclusion: Soini thinks pretty much like the anti-immigration extremists in his party. If I had to do a clip on Soini, I’d put him in a concentration camp with SS henchmen holding hiding behind his back. Soini would state with a poker face: “I am against racism and Antisemitism.”
Vasala’s comments, and the general tone of the questions pertaining to this issue at the debate, are more a reflection of the totalitarian sentiments that inform leftists’ ideas about race than they are about any of Soini’s or the PS’ proposed policies.
The premise of the entire discussion, the allegation that races do not exist/are not meaningful and/or the allegation that the massive dysfunction of particular immigrant demographic groups is not due to high frequencies of particular character traits in those demographic groups, but rather to a widespread-but-never-acknowledged-conspiracy (“racism”), rests upon such scant evidence, such dubious claims, and such obviously politicised ideological foundations that it cannot be taken seriously by any intelligent person.
People who hold such ridiculous beliefs should be ignored, and any questions they have should also be ignored. “Culture” and “education” do not change humans’ intelligence or behavioral traits, despite the bleatings of legions of deluded social pseudoscientists. Statistically, certain demographic groups are far more likely to behave in particular antisocial ways than are other demographic groups. Recognizing such patterns is an important part of not getting robbed or assaulted in many parts of the world.
All civilized societies, from the beginning of recorded history until the present day, have recognized the existence of racial differences. The acknowledgement of these differences is the first step towards enabling governments to create sound social policies.
Bleating about “racism”, on the other hand, is the first step towards the replacement of indigenous populations with dark-skinned foreigners, which is ultimately what Ricky and extremist Trotskyite supporters desire.
With young people like the ones we saw on television this week and their good questions, we can rest assured that Finland is in good hands and will not fall victim to nationalistic populism and hatred.
With 19% of the vote in the election with already PS been seen as the biggest winner in the next municipal elections with other political parties taking a more populist line when being critical of immigration and the eu and defending Timo against smear attacks and those who do not are set for political oblivion maybe in your world Finland has already fallen victim to hatred
Regardless of the comments some PS members have made and events in other country support PS get in opinion polls grows and grows. Have their fanatic obsession in trying to prove Timo is a racist detached them from the reality that a large percentage of Finnish have made their views on Timo and PS already.
If the killing of mainly young people does not effect the support of PS. Why would they think that proving Timo and PS are racists would have more effect on the emotions of Finnish people than the deaths of 77 people?
Here is a summary of your post:
…those attacking racism are ridiculous, totalitarian, extremist Trotskyites and should be ignored. Claims about racism are dubious and have no evidence and no intelligent person can take them seriously.
…you then go on to suggest that certain groups are proven to be antisocial, massively dysfunctional, that culture and education do not change behaviour or intelligence, that if you ignore this reality you will be robbed of your precious belongings, and also that it will allow dark foreigners to take over white countries.
…any social scientist who provides evidence to contradict the above is not really a scientist, they are just deluded, whining, complaining, feeble pseudoscientistsand.
For all of this you offer absolutely no evidence, no source, no data, not even clear categories (which of these racial groups are supposed to be dysfunctional?). In fact, you are just indulging in pathetic name calling, with a supercilious, elitist, condescending tone.
My guess is you have no qualifications whatsoever in this field, no research experience, no evidence, and nothing to provide any credibility for your childish hatred and vitriol.
Paavo Lipponen of the Social Democrats a person with a frantic support for the EU
Something his party will not take into the next election as it being a election risk.
But will the SDP take his anti populist views into the next election?
A question Question.
It seems that the single point you are reiterating again and again in all the comments sections of this site, regardless of the nature of the original article, is that nothing can stop the ‘populism’ in Finland, that all politicians must now bow down and accept that ‘populism’ and its policies are dictating the entire political debate and that because of this, it cannot be criticized, either as having racist undertones or as being socially divisive, and neither can it opposed, without suffering the complete rejection of the Finnish people.
How on earth do you come to that conclusion on the back of a 19% vote for PS in the last election?
Not only that, but it is certainly not clear how much of that vote was a ‘protest’ vote and so nothing at all to do with supporting a populist agenda, but rather expressing dissatisfaction with a perceived distance by Finnish politicians to the hardships of ordinary Finns.
Are you relishing in this populist limelight or are you opposed to it? You do not seem to be taking a coherent position but making rather random comments about it IMHO.
Mark, you have correctly interpreted the general thrust of my comment. Well done.
As far as research is concerned, there are mountains of empirical evidence demonstrating significant genetic differences between different populations that have been geographically isolated over evolutionary time periods. In fact, the basic principles of biology, as we understand it today, would make it statistically impossible for such groups not to have tremendously different genomes.
Races exist, and race is important. Why? Because evidence has shown that our swarthy friends from the south are incapable of establishing or maintaining even the basic rudiments of human civilization, even when “whitey” gives them trillions in food aid, medical aid, developmental aid and every other imaginable type of aid. Demographic replacement in Europe means the end of Europe and of the Europeans.
Your impotent rage that at the fact that someone might disagree with your childishly deluded worldview amuses me, as does the strong language such disagreement elicits. Perhaps you will rob someone of his precious belongings? Go for it!
Eduardo, there is a big discussion whether races exist or not. So? What’s the point? As you know in Europe we use the term ethnic group as opposed to race. In the U.S. some groups use race like blacks and Hispanics. It all boils down to the same thing.
Just like people are not guided like robots by culture, genes don’t determine your personality. That is an outcome of your environment.
Genetics is interesting in that it can help us to avoid illnesses like cancer.
– “Your impotent rage that at the fact that someone might disagree with your childishly deluded worldview amuses me…”
hahahahaha. Yeah, right. I’m full of rage. 🙂
Race does exist and it is important. We are born into races and those races comprise traditions, beliefs, and history, all of which we absorb in the process of building our own identities. It is true that we often inherit our ignorance as well as learning.
But, what I don’t get about you is that you seem to think ‘us lefties’ are all about ideology, and I really don’t get that. For me, it’s not about anything more than being fair. I remember a chubby young lad from Pakistan who I used to play with when I was young, about 10 years old, at school, Ishmael. He was funny, smart, loyal and a good friend to me for some years. You know, though I knew he was different, the only dark-skinned in our class, it really didn’t register as something important. I miss that childhood, where people are people, and their skin-colour really doesn’t matter, although I know he was teased about it, for being chubby and for being dark. But it didn’t bother him so much. He just wanted to laugh and have fun. Of course, there is much more to that response, but it’s enough to say that he was just ‘normal’ for me and we never talked about it and I’m glad, because he was just my friend, and if we start to become the ‘representatives of our races’, then that seems so alien, so weird and ‘ideological’.
And for that reason, I find it so strange that now as an adult, and I have so much more experience of life and have known people of many different races and nationalities, and my feeling of friendship with many different kinds of people is just as strong, nevertheless, I know that there are people like you, who would ask me to process all of that through some kind of ideological lens that says certain races means certain things, and, in typically, in comparison to white races, these other races are somehow less. And that seems so alien to my experience, so strange, so forced, so ideological.
And so when you claim that it is me that is being ideological in defending a sense of human dignity, of fairness, of the humanity of the people I have known of different backgrounds, I am left feeling that there is something about you that is just not quite right! I tell myself that perhaps you have just had ‘different’ experiences to me. But somehow, I think that it is in fact you that is caught up in the ideology, and I’m rather sad for you.
If they want to criticize PS or stand against them then they can .You can either prove PS argument wrong or offer an alternative to the polices of PS .
But they don’t instead they still think that the weapon of the word “Racist” will be all they need to collapse the vote of the PS without understanding or wanting to admit they are completely wasting their time.
The three presidential candidates mentioned in the post are three examples of those people
You are a mistaken in thinking PS where the ones which has made Finland on a larger scale take a more negative view against immigration,
Even without PS Finland like many other countries in Europe would still take a more negative view against immigration as its just the situation in Europe now
So other MPs are not bowing down to populism or to the PS but they are getting frustrated with people who are failing to understand this is the way things are now.
The post is written with the belief they have achieved something and I typed my posts to show that they have achieved absolutely nothing
If PS only got 19% in election and that was a protest vote and not voters voting for the PS polices. Why then would other political parties now have a more coherent immigration polices than they had before the election?
Just because you think populists are racist xenophobic bigots don’t amuse that everyone agrees with you
–Just because you think populists are racist xenophobic bigots don’t amuse that everyone agrees with you.
We have written on this blog that EVERY party in Finland has its racists. The difference, however, is that the PS has capitalized on anti-immigration sentiment by spreading urban myths. At the end of the day, it’s Finland that suffers because you scare away skilled labor.
And about the racists in the PS. Yes, there are many of them. What worries me a lot is that their are anti-democratic far-right populists that use anti-immigration to get some legitimacy. These types of politicians, in my opinions, are opportunists. They can fool some but they will have a difficult time fooling many on Migrant Tales.
– “Just because you think populists are racist xenophobic bigots don’t amuse that everyone agrees with you.”
If I had said that, then I could understand you disagreeing. I have written in detail on this blog about how populism links to racism, so I think it’s not exactly fair that you throw that rather superficial accusation around.
– “You are a mistaken in thinking PS where the ones which has made Finland on a larger scale take a more negative view against immigration,”
True enough, but when a national political party gives a platform for such views, then they become normalised.
Lord Parekh in the UK once said of multiculturalism that it “basically means that no culture is perfect or represents the best life and that it can therefore benefit from a critical dialogue with other cultures.”
This is a mature view of what multiculturalism is and probably reflects how most, though not all, people in the UK view it. I have to question whether Finland has a long enough experience with multiculturalism to arrive at this kind of viewpoint as a whole.
“You are a mistaken in thinking PS where the ones which has made Finland on a larger scale take a more negative view against immigration,”
True enough, but when a national political party gives a platform for such views, then they become normalised .
But that’s my whole point.
Can you now call the views of PS as being racist as even you have said those views have been normalised.
And can you try and stop those views by declaring them as racist in a society which has made them normal
Which those candidates seemed to think they could for which I made the conclusion they where not going to achieve anything as the numbers where not on their side
The anti populist supporters are heading for a serious division and eventual split on how to confront PS
– “Can you now call the views of PS as being racist as even you have said those views have been normalised.”
Oh, come on, Question, I’ve replied to this already on another post. This is getting bloody tedious. Don’t you read what people say in response to you? Just because a majority or even a sizeable minority think something is okay doesn’t make it okay. Otherwise, slavery, apartheid and Nazism would have been considered by history to have been perfectly legitimate expressions of ‘national opinion’, above moral reproach. And history most certainly does not view them as such.
And where exactly is the split in how to respond to PS? Do you really think that PS are the first populist party to ever ply their grimy trade in European politics? Naive, or what!
. They can fool some but they will have a difficult time fooling many on Migrant Tales.
You are being a bit insulting nearly a quarter of the population of Finland if you believe they do not have the intelligence to see through PS.
But like Mark said PS only gained 19% in the election which does hold some power but not enough to stop a block vote against them. So why would a government as a whole and not as individualis bend to them if there was not a need to
Your view what you see as racist is the opposite to the majority so why would you think you could achieve anything when the numbers are against you
The split will come from:
A Those who will think the answer is to challenge their views or offer a alternative
B Those who think the answer is to just keep on calling them racist
You may think what the PS say is unacceptable and you can use this blog for that reason.
but if you want to use this blog in a attempt to try and stop PS then you wont be able to
because you can not get your head around the fact that people have a different opinion to you as you seem to be suffering from solipsism
I think you are B
– “what the PS say is unacceptable”.
It is unacceptable. And it’s unacceptable because it changes the entire human rights landscape in Finland. I undermines tolerance, human rights and the sense the discrimination on the basis of race is unacceptable.
On the contrary, PS use a minority issue, and minorities as a subject in order to generate support. That support is basesd on the idea that Finland is somehow culturally under threat and that ‘immigration’ needs control, even though immigration into Finland is quite minimal in a European context. However, there are those within the party who think that Islam is a great threat to European identity and do not like the idea of several different cultures, to varying degrees, living within the same nation.
Such an idea in this day and age is frankly warped, dangerous and ignorant of the history of such xenophobia, rampant nationalist and fascism in Europe.
But go ahead, keep imagining that the people who oppose such a backward regressive step into the darkest history of European politics know fuck all about anything!
If you went to up to a group of PS voters and gave your opinion about PS and explained why you should not vote for them. What do you think they would say?
I agree with you and I wont vote for them or would they tell you just to Fuck off
If you are serious about stopping the PS my questions are trying to understand why you think you are going to stop them when its all based around your opinion of them and not those who vote for them
Countries like France Germany UK and Holland once had only a small amount of immigration and look at the situation they are now in.
As PS are not anti immigration but want a immigration policy which does not make the mistakes other countries had made so its important theses are considered now when thinking ahead
Being opposed to Islam is not a political issue of the far right anymore but a social one. The views of the left wing Pim fortuyn put a end to being against Islam as a political issue of the far right and made it into a social issue
Are you genuinely serious in using this blog to hopefully to stop PS? .
Or do use it just to keep your self created image of PS going?
– “Countries like France Germany UK and Holland once had only a small amount of immigration and look at the situation they are now in.”
Yes, what situation are they in? Have you ever lived in the UK? Have you ever mixed with people of different origins? It’s really no big deal. Most people in the UK, regardless of their background, feel British and understand and accept that Britain was once an empire, and that the population of Britain today reflects the mixing and movements of people within that empire.
My kids are mixed nationality, and mixed race – Finnish and Celtic. Are you going to tell me that they are a mistake????? Go ahead. Pin your colours to the mast!
If you look at those countries and take the benefits of what immigration has brought and then take the problems immigration has brought the problems will outnumber the benefits which is a immigration policy which has failed.
What PS want and what Finland as a country should want is the reverse where the benefits outnumber the problems,
So, you dodged the question, you coward. Let’s try again. Are my kids a mistake?
Rather, you want to make some kind of ‘total’ judgement, do the cons outweigh the pros. Since when did you start weighing up the value of people or citizenship on the basis of some imagined ‘average benefit’?
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that problems always get more attention that things that run along smoothly. It’s a bit like being in the car, doing 120 km/h in a 120 zone. The only people who pass you are the ones speeding, and so you can easily imagine the world is only full of speeding drivers, because the rest, by definition, are not visible.
As to whether multiculturalism can foster a sense of Britishness among those whose direct ancestors come from elsewhere, check this LSE research out:
– “Are you genuinely serious in using this blog to hopefully to stop PS?”
This blog is Enrique’s and I’m sure he would answer you. But last time I checked, it was called ‘Migrant Tales’ and sought to give voice to migrants and issues affecting migrants.
The only reason that PS come into the frame in this blog is because they set out an anti-immigration stance. My own view about PS is that they combine nationalist, populist and fascist support, and that all of these political strands have made a comeback into the political mainstream in Europe.
How can this blog stop PS, Question? That’s a ridiculous notion. The only thing people can do here is offer an opinion or be critical. Are you trying to stop Migrant Tales by being critical of the blog? Probably not. It’s all part of the fabric of democratic discussion, is it not?
In Finland, the benefits of immigration already far outweigh the negatives. However, if you wish to see it differently, go ahead. If by the only tangible ‘negative’ you mean that racist Finns have to suffer the torment of seeing and hearing immigrants on these shores, then fuck em, welcome to the world. No one should have to apologise for their race or the fact that they happen to be in a particular country, whether through trying to find a better life or escaping persecution. If fucking idiots like you have a hard time with that, then fuck you. You get all you deserve!
Since when did you start weighing up the value of people or citizenship on the basis of some imagined ‘average benefit’?
Most asylum seekers are illiterate and uneducated and will be no benefit to society which means asylum is a immigration negative.
If your children are of European descent then they should have no trouble assimilation into Finnish culture as they are also come from a similar society and environment so there will be no culture shock
–Most asylum seekers are illiterate and uneducated and will be no benefit to society which means asylum is a immigration negative.
Do you mean over 50%? Can you give me the source. Thank you.
–This blog is about migrant tales but it has become more political and it is skirting on the edges of being more politically driven than socially driven.
What is the difference between “politically” and “socially” driven?
–Could 10,000 Finnish people move to Africa and automatically fit into African society without no signs of complications.
Where do we live now? Africa? No. In Finland. Ever heard of the saying “two wrongs don’t make a right?”
This blog is about migrant tales but it has become more political and it is skirting on the edges of being more politically driven than socially driven.
And before you call me a “Nazi” .
Could 10,000 Finnish people move to Africa and automatically fit into African society without no signs of complications
Even though immigration into Finland is quite minimal in a European context.
In Finland, the benefits of immigration already far outweigh the negatives.
You have actually described how a successful immigration policy works.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!!!!!!!!!
No more to say really… Game set and match to me
– “game set and match to me”
Interesting how you reduce the wellbeing of people to a matter of intellectual gamesmanship. Never hear of the adage, ‘pride precedes a fall?’
– “Most asylum seekers are illiterate and uneducated and will be no benefit to society which means asylum is a immigration negative.”
You make the mistake of thinking that the asylum system is an exercise in economics. It is not. Asylum is fundamentally a humanitarian activity. And usually, when someone has been abused, we do not ask them if they can read before we decide to help them.
Also, even a we did do a an economic analysis, we would not single-mindedly ask whether people can read, but whether they can learn to read. Likewise, a mother who stays home looking after five kids is being very productive in economic terms, considering the low rate of replacement in Finland.
– “before you call me a Nazi”
You’re not a Nazi – you are just an ignorant person trying to pretend their prejudices have some kind of intellectual foundation. Good luck with that.
Mark quoted some old idiot who said that “no culture is perfect or represents the best life and that it can therefore benefit from a critical dialogue with other cultures.”
There is a hierarchy of “cultures” just as there is a hierarchy of individuals on earth. The most civilized, the most prosperous, and the most advanced cultures are those established by Europeans. Slightly further behind them are the cultures of East Asia – here the typical north-south gradient of cultural superiority also prevails. Less advanced are the native cultures of the Americas, which before contact with Europeans were characterized by widespread human sacrifice, no knowledge of the wheel, and stone-age technology. In last place come the Africans and the natives of Australia, who no thinking person could consider human in any meaningful way.
This hierarchy, of course, corresponds to the frequency of genes in those population groups that provide selective advantages – genes that code for qualities such as intelligence, non-aggressiveness, altruism, and cooperation.
A “critical dialogue with other cultures” is one of those completely meaningless phrases that pernicious ideologues, usually in governmental employ, use in order to cheerlead for population replacement. Non-European cultures, and particularly African cultures, have little or nothing to offer civilized societies. This fact should be openly acknowledged.
–There is a hierarchy of “cultures” just as there is a hierarchy of individuals on earth.
Eduardo, I am sorry to say that your evolutionist views of other cultures was ditched in the nineteenth century. Here is a link:
After sixteen comments in this thread, setting out a ridiculous Gish Gallop of half truths and outright fabrications, you rounded it off with that last remark.
So I hereby award you the SD WEITZENHOFFER PRIZE
Näiden ihmisten kanssa kiisteleminen on yhtä toivotonta kuin shakin pelaaminen pulun kanssa. Se kaataa kaikki nappulat, paskoo pelilaudalle ja menee nurkan taakse leuhkimaan kavereilleen voittoaan.
The most amusing thing is that you keep banging on about how calling the PS a racist party will increase its support in Finland. Of course if you really believed this and wanted to see the PS increase its support, then you would encourage us to keep calling attention to this racism.
I think this image sums up the PS quite nicely.
Good stuff from you today – thank you.
Eduardo has replaced Tiwaz as our resident neonazi troll.
I set you a little test in another thread, Eduardo. Are you afraid to answer it?
Ricky, did you even bother to read the link you posted? It reads “Evolutionism postulates that societies develop from simpler to more complex organizational forms, a simple formulation, which hardly anyone would disagree with, even today.”
This is exactly my point.
Justicesatan, I’m not interested in your championing of letters by some random octogenarians to the HS. If you want to propose some ridiculous “The Saami language underlies all civilization!”-ideas, then write them down here, for all to enjoy. In my view you have already discredited yourself with your utterly bizarre ideas about language and linguistics.
Can you understand any Finnish at all? What you said about the letter from Arvi Hagelin to Helsingin Sanomat very strongly suggested that you had merely run the text through Google Translate, which entirely fails to convey the sense of the message in this case.
Above you say that Pekka Vasala’s article in Kainuun Sanomat is
. This again suggests that you did not even begin to comprehend what Vasala actually wrote. Your Gates of Vienna soundbite does not connect in any way with the gist or specific content of the article, but is simply more neonazi trolling.
There is a very good reason why nobody has ever published Bluff your way in Finnish. You are now demonstrating this for all of our bilingual readers.
On a side note, can you, or anyone confirm that this is the same Pekka Vasala who won a gold medal at the Munich Olympics?
Good question, JusticeDemon. He doesn’t look like the gold medalist but I’ll try to find out.
– “gradient of cultural superiority”
I see. So you have replaced ‘racial superiority’ with ‘cultural superiority’. Wow! You racists are so innovative.
– “Evolutionism postulates that societies develop from simpler to more complex organizational forms, a simple formulation, which hardly anyone would disagree with, even today”.
hahaha. Evolution doesn’t postulate anything. Human beings postulate. And for every moment of genius, there is a eternity of stupidity.
So, you are a biologist now, hey, Eduardo? And your wonderful vision of cultural (stroke biological) superiority is based on ….
– “the typical north-south gradient of cultural superiority”.
hahahahaha. This is not science, this is supersitition. Are you really trying to convince people that something as arbitrary as ‘north vs. south’ is responsibly for the good and bad in the world, the best vs. the worst, the superior vs. the inferior. Let me hear it again, the north-south gradient of cultural superiority.
Well, that was any shred of credibility you had with your pseudo-learning just disappearing in a puff of smoke, Eduardo!
I am a Finnish American, and I have been following this blog for nearly a year. This is the first time, however, that I have commented. If you are not familiar with Tim Wise, I highly recommend his lectures and essays. He’s one of America’s best and well-known antiracist essayists, authors and educators.
In this short video he talks about the effects of the economic crisis in America, and he illustrates, much better than I ever could, the pathology of white privilege.
Here, he speaks in much more detail about The Pathology of White Privilege:
Finally, this is Mr. Tim Wise’s website:
Hi Addi, and welcome to Migrant Tales. We are very happy to have read about your views.
Thank you for sharing Time Wise with us. If we want to learn about a social ill like racism, the United States would be a good place to start.
We hope to read more about your opinions on the topic.
Thank you kindly, Enrique. I’ll leave it at this for now.: “The American situation is very peculiar, and it may be without precedent in the world. Many white people, it seems, carry in them a carefully muffled fear that black people long to do to others what has been done to them., of course, is color. We have used this word, this concept, to justify unspeakable crimes, not only in the past, but in the present. One can measure very neatly the white American’s distance from his conscience-from himself-by observing the distance between himself and black people. One has only to ask oneself who established this distance. Who is this distance designed to protect? And from what is this distance designed to protect?” ~ James Baldwin
But I have very high hopes for the United States, and this is just one reason for that hope.:
Maybe Ricky installed an automated bullishit detector 😉
Really, though, on reflection, your posts strike me as completely indefensible, the way you are setting up races, ethnicities and demographic populations as being somehow intrinsically better or more capable in a moral, political or social sense. There are so many reasons why Africa, for example, suffers the way it does, and much of it is political and economic influence of the West exploiting African labour or even the lack of proper institutional frameworks that protect the labour force or provide citizens with effective services. That you would blame these problems on skin colour or ethnicity is abhorrent. Not because it’s a horrible idea and we cannot begin to imagine if it was right, but rather because it goes against the evidence, both sociological, political and experiential. You just have to open your eyes for a second to understand that that kind of idea is just hogwosh.
It’s not only racist, it’s supremacist, it’s fascist and it’s elitist social-Darwinism. It’s a poisonous combination of fallacies and arrogances. But, history tells us that for those of a certain authoritarian disposition, these theories are grease to the mill of oppression.
How on earth did you fall into this garbage, Eduardo? Who corrupted your mind in this way? You must realise that you swim in marginalised intellectual waters (both in terms of science, sociology and political theory), and that they are marginalised for a reason – because they contain horrible fallacies about human nature!? Do you not make any connection with this ideological superstition and the worst excesses of European politics?
I really wonder at what happened to you Eduardo! Obviously smart, but so derailed in your intellectual efforts.
Bullishit detector. I like that word. Bullishit: shit that is used to bully people. Most particularly pseudo-intellectual rubbish formulated to forestall questioning of an otherwise indefensible position. The aim is to silence criticism by causing readers or listeners to doubt that their expertise suffices to challenge outrageously unfounded claims. This is generally achieved through a Gish Gallop through a wide range of generally unrelated disciplines (such as biology, linguistics and the history of ideas) in the hope that the reader or listener will bow to the bullishitter’s assumed superiority in one of these disciplines.
–Bullishit: shit that is used to bully people. Most particularly pseudo-intellectual rubbish formulated to forestall questioning of an otherwise indefensible position.
Well said, JusticeDemon! Did you read the Hitler and Göring quotes? Pretty scary, no?
I will take credit for that, though it was wholly accidental, as I’m sure you’re aware. Still, it really does reflect a clear reality.
These rambling, elaborated and disconnected ideas of a ‘grand nature’ are often a feature of mild (or not so mild) schitzophrenia. Generally they are coupled to delusions of grandeur (or supremacy or elitism), to conspiracy theories, and to notions of being the ‘saviour’ of soceity through their brand of ‘enlightenment’.
While sympathetic to Eduardo’s predicament, on the other hand, I find his complete disassociation from real people and the real world somewhat chilling.
–While sympathetic to Eduardo’s predicament, on the other hand, I find his complete disassociation from real people and the real world somewhat chilling.
Sad case that can lead to some pretty ghastly things in society. Thank you Mark!
JD & Enrique
Gish Gallop, that’s a good one, JD.
N.B. Oh, yes, and if I go on about linguistics, biology or the history of ideas, it is because I have a first class degree in Communication Studies with Biological Sciences. I wouldn’t say that that makes me an expert in those topics, just better able to smell the bullishit of others. 🙂
Thank you so much for exposing Eduardo. He is basically inducing the kind of fear that ignorant people need in order to hate another racial group. For instance, he mentions some societies as “civilized” and yet, could not cite any examples. What people like Eduardo must understand is that we as a people, are different because of the environments we are raised in, and not our race as the difference genetic make up between races is statistically insignificant.
Eduardo will come across to the uneducated masses as a well informed man, however, to the educated (like myself), he is grossly ignorant. |
Serena Williams Biography
Serena Jameka Williams (born September 26, 1981)[1] records for the most women’s singles matches won at majors with 362. 11 in the world by the WTA as of November 16, 2020.[11]
Serena Williams Net Worth
Earning almost $29 million in prize money and endorsements, Williams was the highest paid female athlete in 2016.[12]person of the Year by Sports Illustrated magazine.[13] In 2019, she was ranked 63rd in Forbes’ World’s Highest-Paid Athletes list.[14]
Serena Williams].
Serena Williams Playing Styles] as is her double-handed backhand. Williams strikes her backhand groundstroke using an open stance, and uses the same open stance for her forehand. Williams’s aggressive play, a “high risk” style, is balanced in part by her serve, which most say is the greatest in women’s tennis history.
Serena Williams.[1] Serena and her sister won two more doubles titles together during the year. Williams finished the year ranked No. 20 in singles
(Serena Williams)..[76] This raised her ranking to a new high of No. 3.).
Main articles: 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 Serena Williams tennis season
Main articles: 2008, 2009, and 2010 Serena Williams tennis season]–2, 3.].[125] Serena and Venus teamed to win the women’s doubles title at Wimbledon for the second consecutive year, their ninth Grand Slam title in women’s doubles.[citation needed].[126].[127]
Williams finished the year ranked.
Main articles: 2011, 2012, and 2013 Serena Williams tennis season], Williams defeated Lucie Hradeck’s last match in 2011, and she ended the year ranked No. 12 with two titles and with a 22–3 record for the season. She only participated in six tournaments throughout.[139] Šafářová–1 record for the second half of the season winning five titles in the process..[151] Williams successfully defended her Charleston title, winning it for the third time overall.[152] Williams won her fiftieth career singles title in Madrid, semifinal, Williams only lost one game when she defeated Sara Errani, something seven-time French Open champion Chris Evert described as the finest female performance on clay she had ever seen.[153] ‘Serena Slam’
Main articles: 2014 and 2015 Serena Williams tennis season.[169][170].
This section of a biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification.
Main article: 2016 Serena Williams tennis. In what was a brilliant serving performance, Williams only faced one break point in the whole match against Kerber which she saved with an ace. Later that day, Williams partnered with sister Venus to win their sixth Wimbledon doubles title and 14th doubles Grand Slam title overall, keeping their perfect record at Grand Slam doubles finals intact. On July 24,
Main article: 2017 Serena Williams tennis season. This meant for the first time since 2006, Serena failed to reach a Grand Slam final.
2021: Australian Open semifinal
Williams started the year by playing the 2021 Yarra Valley Classic, where she withdrew prior to her semifinal match against the top seed, Ashleigh Barty citing a right shoulder injury.[276]
In the 2021.”[277]
Serena Williams Rivalries
Serena vs. Venus
Main article: Williams sisters rivalry
Williams has played older sister Venus in 31 professional matches since 1998.[56] Overall, Serena is 19–12 against her sister.[56] Serena has played Venus 15 times in Grand Slam singles and 13 times in other tournaments (including 11 finals).[278]
Main article: Hingis–S. Williams rivalry
Williams leads the series 7–6.[279] One of Williams’s in a loss of just four games.[280] Hingis was forced to briefly retire citing ankle injuries.[281]
Williams vs. Capriati
Williams leads the series 10–7.[282] Once considered one of the best rivalries in women’s tennis,[283].[282] Williams and Capriati played with similar styles, both known for using their power and athleticism to gain quick advantages in points.[284][285]
Williams vs. Henin
Main article: Henin–S. Williams rivalry
Williams leads the series 8–6. Henin and Williams met 14 times, five of which were in tournament finals. In grand slams they have faced each other seven times with Henin leading 4–3.[286] Opposite personalities and styles of play are often cited as what made their rivalry entertaining.[287][288].[286].[289] While their rivalry is heavily favored towards Williams, their matches are known for their fierce competitiveness.[290].[291]
Serena Williams.”[292] After losing to Venus at the Indian Wells quarterfinals in 2001, Elena Dementieva asserted during a post-match interview that Richard Williams decided the results of matches between the two sisters.[293] Shortly after that, Venus Williams pulled out of her Indian Wells semifinal match against Serena Williams at the last minute, claiming tendinitis; this occurrence garnered much speculation in the press, and some fans demanded their money back.[294][295][296]
Indian Wells boycott
At the 2001 Ericsson Open the following week, Richard Williams stated that racist comments were made to him in the stands,[297].[298]
2004 US Open
In her US Open quarterfinal match against Jennifer Capriati, an incorrect overrule was made by chair umpire Mariana Alves; the video review showed that Williams’s shot landed in bounds. In the same match, new technology being tested made incorrect line calls late in the third set. Williams argued with the chair over a couple of calls during the match, but was not successful. Capriati won the match, with Serena herself acknowledging that this was primarily due to her 57 unforced errors; nevertheless, she accused Alves of temporary insanity[299] and said that she “felt cheated.”[300] In a post-match interview Capriati sharply observed that bad calls had gone against her in the past as well. Alves did not officiate for the remainder of the tournament; this was not punitive, as commonly thought, as she was not scheduled to officiate.[301] The controversy renewed calls for, and was widely given credit for, the adoption of technology such as the MacCAM and Hawk-Eye systems.[302].[303] During the subsequent on-court conference between the chair umpire, the lineswoman, US Open officials, and Williams, a television microphone picked up Williams saying to the lineswoman, “I didn’t say I would kill you! Are you serious?”[304].[305].[305] Williams initially refused to apologize for her outburst, both in her post-match press conference[306].[307]
2011 US Open
In the final of the 2011 US Open against Samantha Stosur, Williams shouted “Come on!” as the Australian attempted to return a forehand Williams believed to be a winner. The.”[308]”.[309] Williams initially gained momentum in the set following the penalty, breaking back in the next game, but eventually flagged and lost the match, 2–6, 3–6. At the end of the match, she declined to offer the customary handshake to Asderaki.[310][311] Williams mentioned the incident in her post-match speech as the tournament runner-up, asserting, “I hit a winner, but I guess it didn’t count”, but added, “It wouldn’t have mattered in the end. Sam played well.”[312] A writer for ESPN suggested that Williams could avoid being found to have violated the terms of the “probation” on which she was placed following her 2009 outburst, as she did not appear to have used profanity in addressing Asderaki during the match.[313] In the end, Williams was fined $2,000 and was not barred from competing in the 2012 US Open because “Williams’s conduct, while verbally abusive, [did] not rise to the level of a major offence under the Grand Slam code of conduct.”[314]
2018 US Open
Williams’ 2018 US Open ended in controversy with Williams falling to Naomi Osaka in straight sets following a game penalty in the second set of the final. During that second set, she was given a code violation because her coach, Patrick Mouratoglou, gave her coaching hand signals. Williams was upset by the violation, claiming that her coach was simply giving her a thumbs up, and demanded an apology from chair umpire Carlos Ramos. Mouratoglou later admitted that he was coaching.[315] She received a second violation for smashing her racket on the court, which resulted in a point penalty. After her third code violation for verbal abuse against the umpire, Williams was assessed a game penalty.[316][317] Williams said that she believed she was treated unfairly by the umpire because she is a woman.[318] Williams was fined a total of $17,000 including $4,000 for a coaching violation, $3,000 for racket abuse and $10,000 for verbal abuse towards the umpire.[319].”[320].[320].[320] When Venus and Richard Williams entered the stadium to support Williams in the finals, Richard said that a dozen fans in the stands yelled racial slurs at him and his daughter, and that one fan yelled “skin him alive.”[320] Following this match, the Williams sisters boycotted Indian Wells until Williams returned in 2015 and Venus in 2016.[321].”[322].[323] Williams’ husband, Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, called the cartoon sexist and misogynistic.[324] Celebrities including J.K. Rowling came to Williams’ defence with similar views while the editor of the Herald Sun argued the cartoon was “unfairly” criticized on social media.[325][326] The cartoonist defended his work as his contribution to “stop family from being abused,” a reference to Williams defending herself as a wife and mother in her dispute with the umpire.[326] The cartoonist says his satire was never about race or gender, but was about putting a spotlight on bad behaviour by sporting superstars.[326]
In September 2019, Romanian television host Radu Banciu made the following comments during a live broadcast: “Serena Williams looks exactly like one of those monkeys at the zoo with the red asses.”[327] Romania’s National Council for Combating Discrimination fined Banciu approximately $1,875 for his comments.
Serena Williams Legacy
Williams is hailed by many coaches, players and sportscasters to be one of the best female tennis players of the Open Era.[328] In 2018, a Tennis.com panel selected Serena as the greatest female tennis player in the Open Era.[329] Her numerous victories on court have largely been a positive influence on young girls and boys who see Williams as a role model and an ambassador of tennis.[330][331] However, there is a sizable percentage of people who disagree with considering Williams as a role model.[332][333][334][335] Some commentators, players and sports writers regard Williams as the greatest female tennis player of all time.[a][350][351]
Since winning an Open Era-record 23 Grand Slam titles, pundits have discussed Williams’ potential to surpass the all-time record of 24 held by Margaret Court.[352]
For their first match of March 2019, the women of the United States women’s national soccer team each wore a jersey with the name of a woman they were honoring on the back; Crystal Dunn chose the name of Serena Williams.[353]
On December 29, 2019, The Associated Press named Williams Female Athlete of the Decade for the 2010s.[354]
Serena Williams Personal Life
Williams is married to Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian. Ohanian proposed to Williams on December 10, 2016 in Rome.[355] On December 30, 2016, Williams announced her engagement to Ohanian in a Reddit post.[356] They were married on November 16, 2017, in New Orleans. Guests at the wedding included Beyoncé, Anna Wintour, Kelly Rowland and Kim Kardashian West.[357].[358] Later that evening, her spokesperson confirmed that the couple was expecting.[359] The fact that she was 20 weeks pregnant when announcing her pregnancy meant that she was 8 weeks pregnant when she won the Australian Open in January.[360] Serena later confirmed that posting the photo on Snapchat was an accident and that she had intended to save the photo for her records.[361]
In September 2017, Williams gave birth to a daughter, Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr, whom is often referred to as “Olympia”.[362][363].)[364] In August 2018, Williams announced she was suffering from postpartum depression.[365] Williams gave her daughter a doll, Qai Qai, that has become famous on social media.[366] Williams has also faced many questions whether she would raise her daughter to play tennis to which she answered saying she’s already hired a coach for her daughter. She also posts many photos of her and her daughter on the tennis court with rackets.[367]
Williams was raised a Jehovah’s Witness, but says she has “never really practiced it”.[249] She often thanks Jehovah after winning matches.[368] Williams confirmed that she follows some practices: “Olympia doesn’t celebrate birthdays. We’re Jehovah’s Witnesses, so we don’t do that.”[369]
Serena Williams Off-court activities
Equipment and endorsements
In the early 2000s, Williams wore Puma apparel and footwear on court.[370] Williams signed a five-year endorsement deal with Nike in 2004 for $40 million, and has been endorsed by the company for clothing, apparel, and footwear ever since.[371] Nike designs custom clothing for Williams, which she wears on the court along with custom footwear. She used the Wilson Hammer Stretch range of racquets when she won her first Grand Slam title in 1999, before switching to the Hyper Hammer range.[372]’ specifications. Since 2020, Williams has used a smaller variant of this racquet, the Wilson Blade SW102 Autograph.[373]
Williams also has endorsement deals with Gatorade, Delta Air Lines, Audemars Piguet, Aston Martin, Pepsi, Beats by Dre headphones, Mission Athletecare, Berlei bras, OPI Products, OnePiece, IBM, Mini, Intel, Tempur and Chase Bank..[374][375]
Williams is also on the Board of Directors at SurveyMonkey.[376]
Williams has been noted for her unusual and colorful outfits on court. In 2002, there was much talk when she wore a black lycra catsuit at the US Open.[377] At the 2004 US Open, Williams wore denim skirts and knee-high boots—tournament officials did not allow her to wear the boots during matches.[378] At the 2008 Wimbledon, the white trench coat she wore during warm-up for her opening match was the subject of much discussion since it was worn despite sunny weather.[379].[380]
Williams formerly had a special line with Puma.[381] In April 2004, she signed a deal worth US$40 million for a line with Nike.[382] Since 2004, she has also run her own line of designer apparel, “Aneres”—her first name spelled backward. In 2009, she launched a signature collection of handbags and jewelry.[383] The collection, Signature Statement, is sold mainly on the Home Shopping Network (HSN).[citation needed]
In early 2010, Williams became a certified nail technician in preparation for her upcoming nail collection with a company called HairTech.[384] In 2015, she became the first black female athlete to have a picture by herself on the cover of Vogue, which she did for the April 2015 issue.[385].[386][387][388].[389][390] In February 2019, Serena Williams was appointed to the board of directors of online fashion marketplace Poshmark.[391]
In Fall 2019, Williams launched the first collection of her sustainable clothing line, S by Serena.[392] Inspired by 1990s street wear, S by Serena collections are shown on a range of body types and sizes (ranging from XS to 3X), highlighting the line’s focus on inclusivity.[393]
Also in 2016, Serena Williams wrote an open letter in Porter Magazine’s “Incredible Women of 2016” to speak out about gender equality and her personal struggles as a woman in tennis.[396].”[397]
Williams received several awards for her activism, namely those directed towards Black communities. She was listed among the 35 “most remarkable and beautiful black women” in the world by Essence magazine.[398] The NAACP honored Williams with the President’s Award at the annual NAACP Image Awards.[citation needed][399]
Williams has appeared on television and also provided voice work on animated shows: in a 2001 episode of The Simpsons Serena joined the animation along with sister Venus, Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi.[400] She has also provided guest voice work in a 2005 episode of Playhouse Disney’s animated kids show Higglytown Heroes and a 2007 episode of the Nickelodeon cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender,[401] which she has described as her “favorite show”.[402]
Williams has posed for the 2003 and 2004 editions of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.[403];[404] she has also guest-starred in episodes of The Bernie Mac Show, ER and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.[405] In 2007, Williams appeared in the music video of “I Want You” by the American rapper Common, alongside performers Alicia Keys and Kanye West.[406].[407].[408].”[409].[410][411].[412].[398] In 2008, as part of the Serena Williams Foundation’s work, Williams helped to fund the construction of the Serena Williams Secondary School in Matooni, Kenya.[413][414][415].[416][417] She received a Celebrity Role Model Award from Avon Foundation in 2003 for work in breast cancer.[418].[419] Serena, along with her sister Venus, is a supporter and contributor of First Serve Miami, a foundation for youth who want to learn tennis but are socially and economically challenged.[420][421][422][423] She has been an International Goodwill Ambassador with UNICEF since 2011 and has helped launch UNICEF’s Schools for Asia campaign.[424][425][426][427]
In addition to the Serena Williams Fund in 2016, Serena and Venus collaborated on the Williams Sisters Fund to work on philanthropic projects together.[428] Also in 2016, in their childhood home of Compton, California Serena and Venus teamed up to found the Yetunde Price Resource Center, in honor of their late sister. The Resource Center provides services to families affected by community violence.[428]
Williams’s return to Indian Wells in 2015 was done in partnership with the Equal Justice Initiative, a non-profit organization that provides legal representation to those who might have been denied a fair trial.[429].”[430].[431][428][432]
In 2017, Williams became Ambassador for the Allstate Foundation’s Purple Purse project, an initiative to provide financial empowerment to domestic abuse victims.[433][434].”[434].[435][436]
The Williams sisters, with author Hilary Beard, wrote a book titled Venus & Serena: Serving From The Hip: 10 Rules For Living, Loving and Winning, which was published in 2005.[437][438].[440]
SOURCE: Wikipedia
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When it comes to trans rights, some fans believe the Harry Potter author is more Death Eater than Dumbledore.
By Sarah Wheaton
Illustration by Cat Graffam for POLITICO
When it comes to trans rights, some fans believe the Harry Potter author is more Death Eater than Dumbledore.
By Sarah Wheaton
Illustration by Cat Graffam for POLITICO
You’ll also be told how, as a bestselling author 12 years later, Rowling treated herself to exclusive luxury while finishing her last novel, at a suite in the five-star Balmoral Hotel just half a mile up the road. On a cold, blustery Wednesday in February, a Potter Trail guide named Alex recounted how Rowling downed a bottle of champagne by herself to celebrate the triumphant moment, “because she’s a legend.”
The tour is free, but wizarding fans are encouraged to provide an optional “donation” (£10 to £20 recommended, cards accepted). A proportion goes to the Scottish Trans Alliance, an activist group promoting rights for transgender people.
Rowling’s views — and her willingness to exchange biting blows with her online critics — have been denounced by fans as transphobic, a betrayal of the values of tolerance they learned from her books. Stars of the Harry Potter movies have disavowed her statements; celebrities have taken their distance; major websites devoted to the wizarding world have said they’d stop writing about her. (On the other side of the spectrum, Russian President Vladimir Putin has bemoaned that she’s been “canceled.”)
None of this seems to have given Rowling pause — or done much to put a crimp in her commercial prospects. Twenty-five years after the publication of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” her books continue to fly off the shelves. The third installment of the Harry Potter spin-off “Fantastic Beasts” hit theaters in March. If anything, as the criticism has mounted, Rowling has only become more combative, cheerfully retweeting her detractors to trigger pile-ons from fellow thinkers.
What’s more: When it comes to driving the debate, she seems to be winning. Asked earlier this year by an anonymous poster whether her battle was a hill she wanted her legacy to die on, she answered tartly:
“Yes, sweetheart. I’m staying right here on this hill, defending the right of women and girls to talk about themselves, their bodies and their lives in any way they damn well please,” she tweeted. “You worry about your legacy, I’ll worry about mine 😉”
* * *
FOR MOST OF HER CAREER, Rowling sat politically in the milquetoast center left.
In a speech to Harvard graduates in 2008, she described her first job out of university, at Amnesty International, where the personal testimonies of African political prisoners and victims of torture stirred her soul. She told the Ivy League graduates that their elite status and influence is “your privilege, and your burden” and exhorted them to use it “on behalf of those who have no voice.”
In 2010, she wrote movingly of having relied on the welfare state when her “life hit rock bottom,” explaining why she was happy to keep paying British taxes: “This, if you like, is my notion of patriotism.”
Indisputably, Rowling has been extraordinarily generous. She famously gave so much to charity in 2011 — 16 percent of her net worth — that she was knocked off the Forbes billionaires list the next year. Most recently, she pledged to match up to £1 million in donations to her charity Lumos for its work helping vulnerable children in Ukraine.
When it comes to politics, Rowling hasn’t hesitated to invoke her fiction to talk about her real-world views, or to issue post-hoc clarifications in defense of the moral legacy of the world she created.
In October 2007, a few weeks after the seventh and final installment of the Harry Potter series was published, Rowling announced that Hogwarts’ beloved headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, is gay and had fallen in love with a fellow wizard. In 2015, when the Black British actor Noma Dumezweni was cast to play Hermione Granger in a play, Rowling tweeted “Rowling loves black Hermoine,” noting that the text had never specified the character’s skin color. The following year, she said she had made a popular character a werewolf as a metaphor for the stigma of HIV.
Rowling’s views have, until recently, been unambiguously left-leaning. However, when she has waded directly into electoral politics, it has typically been in defense of the status quo. It’s a fact that has caused increasing tension with her younger, more progressive fan base.
During the debate over Scottish independence — predominantly a left-wing cause — Rowling fell behind those advocating to remain in the United Kingdom. One hundred days before the 2014 independence referendum, she donated £1 million to the effort — which was run by her personal friend and neighbor, the Labour Party politician Alistair Darling — and wrote an essay on her website to explain her position.
The gist: The imagined rewards weren’t worth the very real risks (including to the Scottish medical research that she’d heavily invested in). And to any nationalists who would deem her inadequately Scottish to merit an opinion, she wrote that was “a little Death Eaterish for my taste.”
The response on Twitter was venomous; Rowling later remembered being called a “‘traitor,’ ‘whore’ and ‘bitch,’ told to go back where I came from.”
Two years later, with another referendum on the horizon, she waded into the Brexit debate, in defense of staying in the European Union. Saying that she’s not an expert in much but does “know how to create a monster,” she compared the villainous specter of the EU evoked by the Leave campaign to Hannibal Lecter, Big Brother and her own Lord Voldemort.
After the Brexit result, she turned her fire on Jeremy Corbyn — the bearded, professorial hard leftist who as leader of the Labour Party had declined to take a clear stance on the issue. Responding to a tweet by a fan who described Corbyn as a “political Dumbledore,” she answered, “I forgot Dumbledore trashed Hogwarts, refused to resign and ran off to the forest to make speeches to angry trolls.”
A month later, as it became clear that Corbyn would fend off a post-Brexit-vote leadership challenge, she followed up with another tweet: “Corbyn. Is. Not. Dumbledore.”
In a preview of the slugfests she would later engage in on trans rights, she spent much of the following hours responding to attacks from Corbyn supporters with blasts of her own. “I’m going nowhere!” she tweeted in response to one piece of criticism. “Little known fact about filthy bourgeois neoliberal centrists – we’re tougher than you’d think ;)”
Rowling’s interactions that day also foreshadowed another aspect that would become apparent as she engaged with her online opponents: a willingness to use the power of her platform against relatively powerless detractors. By directing her then-8 million followers toward “fairly anodyne critics,” Rowling “behaved irresponsibly,” Guardian columnist Ellie Mae O’Hagan wrote in 2016.
* * *
WHEN SOMEBODY IS AS FAMOUS AS ROWLING, even the smallest online gesture will be parsed over, reacted to and criticized.
The Harry Potter author’s first foray into the trans-rights debate was ambiguous: a “like” on a tweet she later described as accidental. The March 2018 tweet in question was by a Labour Party activist, and it referred to trans women as “men in dresses.” Rowling’s liking of it was set upon by LGBTQ+ activists as evidence of transphobia.
It was just a “clumsy and middle-aged moment,” a Rowling spokesperson told PinkNews, saying the author hit “like” while holding her phone incorrectly. Rowling later acknowledged this wasn’t the complete truth — she’d meant to privately screenshot the tweet to research it later, rather than visibly “like” it.
Her official entrance into the debate came about a year and a half later, when Rowling came to the defense of Maya Forstater. An obscure global development expert, Forstater had lost her contract at a think tank after a series of tweets her coworkers felt were transphobic, including one that stated “that men cannot change into women.”
“Dress however you please,” Rowling tweeted in December 2019. “Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real? #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotaDrill.”
Rowling’s message blew what had been a small, national story into an international furor, with people on both sides quick to weigh in, sometimes aggressively. When someone sent Forstater the tweet over WhatsApp, she thought, “Somebody made that to cheer me up. And then I saw that it was real. And, you know, the Internet was going crazy… just all these likes and retweets.”
The media started showing up at Forstater’s doorstep, and the glaring coverage was often hostile. “It was a complete shock,” she said.
Yet she wasn’t “averse” to the attention Rowling drew to her.
“She didn’t really know anything about me,” Forstater said. “But she must have looked and gone, ‘Is this person going to crumble if I do this?’ Because that is a huge thing to shine that light on somebody.”
Rowling herself was at first cowed by the blowback. She stayed relatively quiet — later citing the need to protect her mental health from the abuse — until June 2020, when she posted another missive: a tweet linking to an article headlined “Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate,” an example of language intended to be an inclusive catchall for both biological women and trans men.
“‘People who menstruate,’” Rowling mused. “I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”
A few days later, she followed up with a 3,700-word essay laying out the reasons why she was so “worried about the new trans activism” and the effort “to erode the legal definition of sex and replace it with gender.
“The ‘inclusive’ language that calls female people ‘menstruators’ and ‘people with vulvas’ strikes many women as dehumanising and demeaning,” Rowling wrote. “I understand why trans activists consider this language to be appropriate and kind, but for those of us who’ve had degrading slurs spat at us by violent men, it’s not neutral, it’s hostile and alienating.”
She was concerned, she added, about the “huge explosion in young women wishing to transition and the increasing numbers who seem to be detransitioning.” She described her own struggles with feeling “mentally sexless” as a youth. “I too might have tried to transition,” Rowling wrote, if she’d been born 30 years later. Given a supportive online community, Rowling mused, “I believe I could have been persuaded to turn myself into the son my father had openly said he’d have preferred.
“Transition will be a solution for some gender dysphoric people,” she wrote. But she worried that too many checks were being removed too quickly. “The current explosion of trans activism is urging a removal of almost all the robust systems through which candidates for sex reassignment were once required to pass.”
Specifically, Rowling cited her concern about a proposal by the Scottish government to allow people to self-identify as a new gender, rather than get a medical diagnosis. Doing that, she said, would make women less safe. “When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman,” she wrote, “then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside.”
Rowling said she could understand why trans women seek safe spaces. “At the same time, I do not want to make natal girls and women less safe,” she said, by letting men declare themselves legally women.
In support of her argument, she revealed her history as a survivor of both sexual assault and domestic violence. “I managed to escape my first violent marriage with some difficulty,” she wrote. (“I’m not sorry for slapping her,” her ex, Jorge Arantes, later told a U.K. tabloid, insisting that there was no “sustained abuse.”)
* * *
ROWLING COULDN’T HAVE WADED into a more bitter battle, or a more intractable one. Both sides see themselves as battling bigotry — and the other side as unwittingly supporting reactionary forces seeking to roll back decades of progressive advancement.
Heightening the tension is an explosion of referrals for gender-dysphoria services for children and young people in the U.K., which have gone from 50 in 2009 to 2,500 annually by 2020. The spike first started in 2014-2015, according to an interim report NHS gender services made public in March; the backlog now totals 4,600 people, who can expect about two years on the waitlist.
For trans-rights activists, those numbers reveal undercapacity in British health care. Growing caseloads are a welcome sign that more kids are comfortable seeking the help they need — and the system needs to respond with more resources and training for GPs, not moralizing or efforts to limit people’s choices.
Those on this side of the debate describe women like Rowling as “trans-exclusionary radical feminists,” or TERFs, an acronym that is deployed as a slur. In their view, references to sexual violence like Rowling’s are a textbook “dog whistle,” casting trans people as an insidious enemy to be feared — while sounding perfectly reasonable to the untrained ear.
They say that evocations like Rowling’s of bathrooms and changing rooms are a scare tactic and that phrases like “natal woman” and “single-sex spaces” undermine trans peoples’ legitimacy and fuel the idea that trans women are a threat. Efforts to block so-called gender-affirming care, they warn, could fray at laws that give women and girls control over their own bodies and gay people freedom to love as they please.
Rowling and other so-called gender-critical feminists (the more neutral term) see things differently. For them, the spike in reported gender dysphoria is evidence of persistent misogyny and homophobia. Fueled by TikTok, girls who hate their bodies can be persuaded that they are actually men, and men who desire men are given a chance to become straight women.
Efforts by trans activists to shut down any attempt to question whether so many people should be seeking to transition, their thinking goes, not only puts young girls at risk of making choices they’ll regret; it puts women in danger of men who adopt a trans identity in order to gain access to spaces that were previously off-limits.
The push to replace sex-based rights with gender is “the biggest threat to feminism that we’ve seen,” said Julie Bindel, the author of “Feminism for Women: The Real Route to Liberation,” a book Rowling called “timely, necessary and important.”
After four decades in the activist trenches, Bindel said the toxicity of the debate is “exceptional,” because it creates a politically acceptable path for left-wing men to attack women — particularly older women. “The ideology has enabled men … to say that they are standing up for women, when in fact, what they’re doing is attempting to strip away all of our rights,” said Bindel.
“They’re screaming at feminists, ‘TERFS,’ when they want to say, ‘cunts,’” she said.
* * *
THERE’S LITTLE EVIDENCE that Rowling has suffered financially from her cancellation, but her stance has come with a personal cost.
Six days before Rowling tweeted her message in support of Forstater, she had been awarded the Robert F. Kennedy Ripple of Hope Award for Human Rights for her work helping institutionalized children. The award, which was also bestowed on U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was “one of the highest honors I have ever been given,” said Rowling as she accepted it.
If her youngest had been a boy, Rowling added, she’d have named him Robert, after Robert Kennedy. She said she picked the pen name she uses to write mystery novels, Robert Galbraith, “in tribute to my political hero.”
That’s according to a tweet that’s since been deleted by RFK Human Rights. After criticism from Kennedy’s daughter, who said Rowling’s “deeply troubling transphobic tweets and statements” represented a “repudiation of my father’s vision,” Rowling voluntarily gave up the prize in August 2020. No award “means so much to me that I would forfeit the right to follow the dictates of my own conscience,” she wrote.
The cascade of divorces by die-hard fans was just beginning.
“Transgender women are women,” proclaimed Daniel Radcliffe, schooling the woman, 25 years his senior, who created the character that launched his acting career; other Harry Potter stars piled on with similar messages. Obsessive fan sites MuggleNet and Leaky Cauldron announced they would stop posting fan art with her likeness and avoid coverage and purchase links not directly related to the “Wizarding World,” in a statement crafted with the LGBTQ+ advocacy groups GLAAD and the Trevor Project.
Just last week, during a junket at Warner Brothers Studios promoting a new Harry Potter-themed display, Britain’s Sky News was asked by the company’s press handlers not to bring up Rowling during an interview.
Rowling said she’s received “so many death threats I could paper my house with them.”
* * *
IF ANYBODY KNOWS WHAT IT’S LIKE to follow Rowling’s path from popular progressive to pariah, it’s Suzanne Moore. A former leftist columnist for the Guardian, she underwent a similar saga after she wrote a piece in March 2020 sticking up for a historian whose speech to a feminist conference was canceled due to links to a group opposed to gender self-identification.
Moore’s underlying message was a plea to focus on a shared mission: Fuck the patriarchy. “The materiality of having a female body may mean rape or it may mean childbirth — but we still seek liberation from gender,” Moore wrote. But it was also a defiant call to arms: “You can tell me to ‘die in a ditch, terf’ all you like, as many have for years, but I self-identify as a woman who won’t go down quietly.” She concluded, “There are more of us than you think.”
Apparently, Moore had fewer sisters in arms than she hoped for. Within a week of the column, 338 of her colleagues on both sides of the Atlantic signed a letter accusing the Guardian of being “hostile to trans rights and trans employees.” Moore left the Guardian voluntarily in November 2020.
With a CV that includes street activism on AIDS, bylines in Marxism Today and decades in journalism devoted to confronting the liberal Oxbridge elite on their failures toward the working class, Moore has always considered herself “radical and left” — now she’s accused of being “funded by Christian rightwing evangelicals,” she said.
Moore now writes a regular column in the Telegraph, a right-leaning newspaper. Between that and her Substack, she’s making more than she was before. Yet she’s still adjusting to the idea that the debate about trans rights has become “totemic” and may define her legacy.
“It doesn’t matter what I say or do,” she said. “I’m transphobic, I’m a TERF, I go around murdering trans people in my spare time. You know, that’s how I’m seen by certain people.” She and her daughters have faced threats of rape bad enough to call the police — and she asked one of her daughters if she wanted to drop the name Moore, lest she face cancellation-by-association-
Asked if the trans rights issue is the most important to her, given her long history of activism, Moore responded quickly: “No!” and burst into laughter. “No, that’s the thing. It’s become important.” The trans debate, she conceded, “pushed everything else out of the way.”
But if Rowling and Moore’s positions on trans issues have cost them friends, it has also attracted new ones, and brought them together. Moore and Rowling met in person for the first time in April, when they both joined a raucous gathering of bold-faced names from the gender-critical movement.
Notoriously private, Rowling flaunted the boozy brunch at the River Café on the Thames Wharf, tweeting photos with her arms draped around butch lesbians, backbenched left-leaning politicians and prominent polemicists. With glossy red hair and a plunging neckline, Rowling out-glammed them all, even as the poses got sloppier with each bottle of wine.
Admitting her recollection was hazy, Moore later reported in her Telegraph column that the speeches “were mostly about how wonderful it was to be together having felt so outcast.”
“Her power is real and it is global,” Moore wrote a week later to her paying Substack subscribers, reminding them she was no stranger to power, having met leaders like George W. Bush and Boris Johnson. “Rowling’s soft power feels pretty damn solid and yes of course its [sic] to do with money. But it is also to do with her steel.”
* * *
FOR THOSE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DEBATE, what Moore describes as “steel” can very often look like cruelty. While Rowling’s critics haven’t held back in their attacks, the Harry Potter author hasn’t hesitated from responding in kind — at least when it involves punching down.
She’s been silent in the face of high-profile slights from the stars of her movies. She said nothing after the blasphemously irreverent director John Waters singled out Rowling for cancellation, in an interview about his willingness to “defend the worst people in the world.” Rather than pick a fight with the bestselling author Stephen King when he said “transwomen are women,” she simply blocked him. Nor did she react publicly when the New York Times broached the idea of “imagining Harry Potter without its creator” in a February advertising campaign.
However, in April, Rowling responded to an amateur music video with lyrics “J.K. hope you fit in a hearse” by tweeting a public complaint — eliciting a howl of protest from the original poster (whose video was taken down by Twitter).
“The most powerful TERF in the world (billionaire, lives in castle, 14.1M followers) sent a mob after me (broke, lives with mom, 1.1k followers),” tweeted Faye Fadem, the bedroom producer behind the video and a trans woman. “She made a conscious choice to target me because she felt threatened by a young trans woman expressing herself. If u want to come in here and say ‘but u did death threat’ I’m an artist with 0 power expressing myself.”
Last year, Rowling accused three trans activists of “doxxing” her after they posted a photo of their protest in front of her Edinburgh mansion that included her address — easily discovered information. The activists took so much heat from Rowling’s followers that they deleted the photo — and their accounts.
Trans-rights advocates say Rowling, a self-professed expert at monster creation, is using those skills to whip up a false narrative that casts trans people as a threat to women and their rights.
Fiona Robertson, a Scottish National Party activist who worked on the proposed gender-identification overhaul that Rowling objected to, called the novelist’s intervention in the debate “a perfect campaign in terms of radicalizing people.” Rowling’s essay, Robertson said, kicked off a vicious circle, as “a huge influx of people with no grounding and no knowledge on this issue” adopted language perceived as hateful by the trans community — which responded by lashing back.
Skeptics of trans rights who had cast their objections as “just asking questions” found permission in Rowling’s letter to go “full in on the cruelty,” Robertson said. “It enabled and ennobled,” she added. “People felt like they had a champion on their side, and significantly a champion with a fuckton of money.”
* * *
EVEN AS SHE WAGES BATTLE ONLINE, Rowling has generally declined to allow herself to be meaningfully challenged. She thrust Forstater into the spotlight with a tweet and promoted the work of Bindel and Moore — all of whom agreed to interviews — but she has personally refused to engage when she doesn’t have full control over the text. “JKR isn’t doing interviews on this subject,” her publicist said.
On Twitter, however, it’s hard to escape the impression that Rowling is having a lot of fun. In 2015, she called the social media platform an “unmixed blessing, trolls included,” and there are few signs that sentiment has changed.
That might be because her side seems to be winning. Bindel described the fallout from Rowling’s essay as a watershed moment. “The tide has turned because now regular people with no engagement in feminism, or trans politics, or gender identity or any other kind, are now recognizing that this is a mob of bullies,” said Bindel. Rowling’s intervention, Robertson agreed, “caused one of the larger tipping points.”
In Scotland, Rowling’s essay was part of a wave of political pushback that forced the Scottish government to spend another couple of years shoring up (and watering down) its legislation on gender self-identification. The bill was published in March and remains the subject of heated debate.
In the U.K. more broadly, the definition of “woman” is on its way to becoming a full-fledged wedge issue — Prime Minister Boris Johnson cited “biology” in March, while top Labour pols have waffled when quizzed on that vocabulary. Meanwhile, cases like Forstater’s and Moore’s are becoming rarer, as their once-taboo positions become increasingly mainstream among the British left-leaning commentariat. At the Guardian, Sonia Sodha and Hadley Freeman write sympathetically about the gender-critical perspective.
And as much as Rowling and her British allies are angry about being equated to the American right, the bottom line is that their arguments are being used by conservatives in the U.S. pushing back against trans rights. Democrats warn that Republicans are gearing up to use so-called bathroom bills — state-level legislation to bar trans people from single-sex spaces like bathrooms and locker rooms — as a key front in the culture wars ahead of congressional elections in 2022.
In 2020, a right-wing Republican senator quoted Rowling’s essay to explain why he was voting against a bill that would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the list of classes protected from discrimination.
,’” Jim Lankford said on the Senate floor.
The measure remains blocked.
* * *
ROWLING MAY PROFESS TO BE UNCONCERNED about her legacy, but it’s becoming increasingly likely that her stance on trans rights — perhaps as much as her novels — will be what defines it.
During the coronavirus pandemic, Nicolsons Cafe, where Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter book, changed hands several times and at one point even closed. Today, it’s once again serving coffee and a budget-friendly bite for anybody looking to write the next blockbuster young adult series — or just bask in the afterglow of the last one.
The décor is devoted to Harry, not J.K., but there are some handwritten tributes to the author on Post-It notes stuck to the wall: “HP got my now 27-year-old to read. Now she is a teacher. Rock n Roll JKR,” reads one. Another, in Spanish, thanks her for creating the “marvelous world.” But there are complaints too: “We needed more Ravenclaw rep! JK is a turf! [sic]”
When a reporter approached a group of students who were discussing a project at a big table in the corner, most of them shrugged and said they hadn’t been paying much attention to the trans debate. But one of them, Francisca Escobar, an exchange student at the University of Edinburgh from Chile, had some understandably conflicted feelings to share.
Escobar, 33, is an artist who performs as a drag king. She’s got a trans sister. And she’s a big Harry fan — but maybe no longer so much an admirer of Rowling.
“Her books talk about inclusion and non discrimination,” Escobar said. “Then, J.K. said these trans people should be excluded. And I’m like, ‘Hey, are you Voldemort, or what?’”
This week, POLITICO explored how J.K. Rowling’s participation in the debate on trans rights has transformed her public image.
For the cover art, we commissioned Cat Graffam, an artist and a trans woman, whose own relationship to the Harry Potter author mirrors that of many of Rowling’s fans. She explains the thinking behind the illustration:
“When I was commissioned to paint the cover art for this article on the metamorphosis of J.K. Rowling, I wanted to show how she’s been transformed in the eyes of at least some of her fans. As a trans woman and a feminist, it’s been painful to watch J.K. Rowling go from being the creator of a wholesome cultural touchstone to an antagonistic opponent of trans people. As with many other millennials, the Harry Potter books were a source of comfort and escape in my childhood. Now their author is actively hostile to my disenfranchised community. With her exorbitant wealth and her platform, she could have been an ally at a critical time. It feels like a betrayal.
“To capture that, I composed a black mass that envelops her from all sides, creating a sense that she is being overwhelmed by darkness. Trans people in the United States and the United Kingdom are seeing an escalating assault on our rights, and Rowling’s rhetoric and that of those who side with her are causing genuine harm. I wanted to use the darkness as a visual device to show how her antipathy toward trans people consumes her as she becomes increasingly radicalized. The black paint can also be viewed as the tarnishing of her career. The portrait underneath remains fairly traditional, to keep the emphasis on the overlaid brushstrokes. My goal was to produce a work that communicates my perspective while also inviting the viewer to critically analyze their own relationship to the issue and the person. I hope I succeeded.”
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Good Thursday morning. This is Eleni Courea.
THE POOL OF 6: Half a dozen candidates are preparing to battle it out on the second day of the Tory leadership knock-out rounds. Penny Mordaunt is in the spotlight after storming ahead with both Tory MPs and party members, and today is looking make-or-break for Liz Truss’ bid to unite the right behind her.
One thing is for certain: This summer’s Tory leadership contest is way more fast-moving and unpredictable than the ones in 2019 and in 2016 (clearly they are now a triennial thing). Team Rishi Sunak’s efforts to position their candidate as the undisputed frontrunner have been blown out of the water by Mordaunt’s surge. One Nation-favorite Tom Tugendhat and right-wingers Truss, Kemi Badenoch and Suella Braverman are all still in the running too and none are demonstrating any appetite to back down.
Happening today: There will be hustings before the One Nation caucus between 10 a.m. and noon. Voting to determine today’s weakest link will take place between 11.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m., with the results announced at 3 p.m. Anyone with fewer than 30 votes will be eliminated — and if all of them meet that threshold, then the last-placed candidate is out. Braverman — who scraped through yesterday — is the one to watch.
Competing for the spotlight: At 10 a.m. Truss officially launches her campaign and Tugendhat hosts a free-for-all question-and-answer session with lobby hacks — more on both in the campaign round-up section below.
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But first, what everyone is talking about: Mordaunt is now the bookies’ favorite to become prime minister after an explosive poll suggested she is by far and away the most popular candidate with Tory Party grassroots. A YouGov survey suggested 27 percent of party members back Mordaunt, putting her streets ahead of Kemi Badenoch with 15 percent and Truss and Sunak on 13. Mordaunt would easily defeat every other contender in a runoff, according to the survey — thrashing Sunak by a frankly embarrassing 67 percent to 28.
The emerging picture: The findings broadly tally with the ConHome members’ panel that put Mordaunt in the lead last week. For their part, Sunak’s supporters point to an Opinium poll for Channel 4 which put him ahead of Truss and Mordaunt among party members. But Opinium’s Chris Curtis said yesterday that those results were probably down to the time the fieldwork was done and suggested there had been a huge surge in support for Mordaunt in the past week.
Praying for Penny: The former senior Labour staffer who stuck £100 on Mordaunt to be the next PM two years ago, when the odds were a cool 100/1. Playbook will not be naming names, but if you see a very happy left-wing spinner in Strangers on September 5 buying rounds of drinks for the entire bar, you’ll know why.
Worth remembering: Boris Johnson topped Tory members’ poll after Tory members’ poll back in the summer of 2019, which gave an air of inevitability to his victory long before it happened. And in that case the polls matched the reality — Playbook remembers trekking to regional hustings and watching Johnson get mobbed by party members in Dorset and Exeter as his then-rival Jeremy Hunt looked on.
The question now: How will Mordaunt — who has spent the past few years in relative obscurity as a junior minister outside Cabinet, and who is almost totally unknown by the British public — fare in the spotlight? As we speak, political hacks and jealous rivals will be poring through her record and digging through her past. The Financial Times carries a piece on the attacks already being aimed at Mordaunt, including from allies of Sunak over her comments on monetary policy (never change, FT). The Mail’s Jason Groves has allies of Truss accusing Mordaunt of “telling lies” about her stance on trans rights. A Truss ally tells the Times that this is the wrong moment for a PM who needs “stabilizers,” while Camp Mordaunt hits back at Truss over her “dog-whistle, anti-woke Faragist campaign.”
It really would be a remarkable story … if Mordaunt were to make it from near-total obscurity to No. 10 within five weeks (and it is far too soon to tell whether that will happen). Just 11 percent of British voters could identify her when presented with her picture, according to a Savanta ComRes poll published yesterday, compared with 66 percent of people who could name Sunak and 33 percent who identified Truss. A separate Ipsos Mori survey found that 20 percent knew of Mordaunt — not far off the 12 percent who claimed they were aware of made-up candidate Stewart Lewis. Here’s the Evening Standard’s write-up of that one.
If you too know nothing about Penny Mordaunt: This Times profile by Oli Wright and Chris Smyth isn’t a bad place to start.
Time for some policy offers: In today’s Sun, Mordaunt vows to cut off fuel supplies and boats from people smugglers in France to tackle Channel crossings (Playbook would be surprised if no one has thought of that before) and pledges to stick with Priti Patel’s Rwanda deportation policy. On page 4 of the Mail, Mordaunt has an op-ed setting out her defense offering. Notably she is not matching the Tugendhat pledge to raise defense spending to 3 percent of the U.K.’s GDP and instead wants to stick to 2.5 percent.
Reality check: Mordaunt is far from being in as strong a position as Johnson was three long years ago, with dozens of MPs from all wings of the party piling in behind him as well as strong grassroots backing. Sunak is still the frontrunner with the parliamentary party, and he is well-placed to hoover up supporters from Nadhim Zahawi and Jeremy Hunt, who were both eliminated after getting fewer than 30 votes. If he secures the support of 120 MPs (and he is currently at 88), Sunak will automatically make it through to the final. The Times’ Henry Zeffman, George Grylls and Geri Scott take a proper look into whose supporters are likely to go where.
Staying ahead: An ally stressed to Playbook that Sunak secured the backing of a quarter of the parliamentary party at a point when there were eight candidates in the field. In his essential analysis, the Mail’s Jason Groves describes this as “putting on a brave face” and suggests Sunak might want to liven up his “safety-first campaign.”
Hunting for support: Shortly after he was knocked out, Hunt endorsed Sunak, telling the BBC’s Chris Mason in an interview: “Politics is really about character and Rishi is one of the most decent, straight people with the highest standards of integrity that I have ever met in British politics.” The move raised eyebrows given the strong expectation he’d row in behind Mordaunt, who was one of his biggest backers in 2019 — costing her a Cabinet job. The Times reports that Mordaunt’s team was given the impression they had his backing, and runs through the various tensions likely to emerge between Hunt and Sunak, including on NHS spending. Nevertheless, Sky’s Sam Coates summed it up in 20 seconds: “It’s not entirely clear how one of this contest’s biggest losers is going to end up helping Rishi Sunak — it’s not clear that he can bring many of the 24 other Conservative MPs along with him.” His entire analysis is well worth listening to.
The first problem for Rishi: As Coates points out, if he makes it to the final two, Sunak looks set to be thrashed by whomever he comes up against. The most under-appreciated aspect of yesterday’s YouGov poll is that the former chancellor appears to be hugely unpopular with the grassroots and would only defeat Hunt in a runoff (hence allegations earlier this week that his team was trying to engineer a Sunak vs. Hunt contest). Sunak has just over six weeks to turn things around by charming the party membership.
The second problem for Rishi: As one super-smart Lobby hack pointed out to Playbook yesterday, if he does make it to No. 10 Sunak will have to reckon with the Daily Mail’s wrath. The paper has used successive splashes to brand the former chancellor a duplicitous leftie traitor for bringing down Boris Johnson. The Guardian’s Jim Waterson has a great piece on the media politics of it all and says that Mail staff expect the paper to back Truss, having been told not to write stories that are “overly critical” of her. Today’s leader goes halfway there, saying Truss “has distinguished herself in Cabinet and on the international stage” and that while Badenoch and Braverman are “excellent prospects … they are almost entirely untested.”
Right on brand: Today the Mail splashes on Truss’ call for the Tory right to unite behind her, with a front page that looks quite a lot like the one from two days ago. Guess the message didn’t get through the first time. The front-page copy brands Sunak the “establishment favorite.”
Inside brand Rishi: The Mail carries a spread mocked up like a crime investigation, with Andrew Pierce speculating that shadowy Tory fixer Dougie Smith and notorious former No. 10 adviser Dominic Cummings are pulling the strings in Sunak’s leadership bid. Intriguingly, Pierce reports that Smith phoned Johnson and told him to quit back in February during the exodus of his senior staff, including Smith’s wife Munira Mirza. Meanwhile the Tel’s Ben Riley-Smith takes a look inside the professionalized operation that could give Sunak the edge and says the campaign has been working round the clock between 5.45 a.m. to 11 p.m. Not even Playbook can match those hours (though we’re pretty close).
LIZ FOR LEADER: Truss will become the last remaining candidate to hold her formal campaign launch today. She is due to speak at 10 a.m. in Westminster and is likely to announce more backers to try and give her campaign new impetus after she secured an underwhelming 50 votes from MPs yesterday. The Telegraph’s Chris Hope reports Truss was holding one-to-one meetings with potential backers on Wednesday night, while BRS says she will attack Mordaunt over her “lack of economic experience.”
Now read this: In a timely must-read interview with the Spectator’s Katy Balls, Truss reveals she would borrow to cut taxes and thinks the COVID debt should be treated like a “war-time debt” (a longstanding demand of the Tory right). “I opposed these tax rises from the start and I spoke out against the tax rises at the time. So I’m not a Johnny-come-lately to this agenda,” she said, while attacking the “Treasury orthodoxy” on driving down debt.
Media round-up: The Guardian goes for Truss over her planned comments that pupils at her high-performing comprehensive school, Roundhay, were let down by “low expectations.” Meanwhile, IDS has a piece in today’s Telegraph arguing that Truss’ “unshakeable resolve” and tough stance on China makes her the best candidate for PM. The Times’ Henry Zeffman has a punchy analysis on how “savvy” Truss achieved her Brexiteer transformation, while Steve Swinford reveals she will pledge to create “low-tax zones” to encourage investment in northern England and trails the rest of her speech.
Staying positive: A source close to Truss was upbeat about her chances last night, telling Playbook: “Things can change quickly. Our numbers are heading in the right direction and Liz has a great base of support. Liz is the rival candidate to Rishi who has most credibility on the economy and a plan to deliver on it, which is ultimately going to be the biggest issue at the next election.”
TIME FOR TUGENDHAT: Having watched successive candidates being dragged over the coals for dodging public scrutiny, fifth-placed Tom Tugendhat now figures he has nothing to lose and is ready to steal the limelight — by holding an open Q&A session with Lobby reporters at 10 a.m. in Westminster today. He will vow not to make any “dirty backroom deals” and reveal that he has rebuffed calls from three leading rivals who have asked him to fall in behind them, a source in his camp told Playbook.
Love, DC: Team Tugendhat’s strategy is to get him through today to this weekend’s TV debates so he can “do a David Cameron” by showing how he can connect with the public, one supporter told reporters including Playbook in the corridor outside Committee Room 16 where the ballots were cast yesterday. Tugendhat writes in the Economist today on his 10-year plan for the British economy.
PLAYING DIRTY: After Hunt left the race warning the remaining candidates their “smears and attacks … always backfire,” POLITICO’s Annabelle Dickson asks whether this is the dirtiest leadership race in history. One campaign adviser tells her: “Things are getting really nasty … You’ve got MPs who are terrible people, they are so vain and venal. The only thing they care about more than ambition for themselves is destroying the people they dislike.”
And so it goes on: Rival camps claim that Sunak-supporter Gavin Williamson is aggressively calling MPs to solicit their backing, warning them directly: “There’s nobody better than I am at this.” Team Sunak deny the accusation. The i’s Lobby team has more on the briefing and counter-briefing about Williamson.
Vote-lending latest: The fact Hunt got just 18 votes yesterday — fewer than the number of nominations he received on Tuesday — was seen by some as evidence that Williamson lent him support to get him over the line. The simpler explanation is that a handful of MPs decided they had backed the wrong horse and switched. What’s now certainly true is that Sunak doesn’t appear to have enough parliamentary support to start doling it out to rivals, which to be fair is something his team was pointing out on Tuesday night.
Kingmaker Wallace: Defense Secretary Ben Wallace has yet to endorse anyone and could become a “kingmaker” in the contest, allies of his tell the Times’ Larisa Brown and George Grylls, insisting he could back any of the six candidates including Sunak. Truss and Mordaunt are seen as the likeliest to win his support, however.
KEMI FOR PM: Another interesting dynamic in all this is that Badenoch appears to be more popular with the Tory grassroots than Cabinet stalwarts Truss and Sunak, according to both this week’s YouGov poll and last week’s ConHome one. She won 40 MPs over yesterday, just 10 fewer than Truss, and has been hoovering up support from right-wing commentators including the Telegraph’s Juliet Samuels and GB News’ Darren Grimes. The Spectator’s Fraser Nelson notes how many writers for the magazine (which has yet to endorse anyone) are rolling in behind her. This may all be a bit of a problem for Truss’ efforts to present herself as the woman to unite the right — and puts Badenoch in pole position for a Cabinet job in the near future. The Guardian’s Peter Walker and Haroon Siddique have a succinct, fair-minded profile of her.
MG for KB: The Times’ Oli Wright and Steve Swinford have speedily turned around an interview with Badenoch where they unpick the whirlwind success of her campaign. Badenoch tells them that when she approached Michael Gove to tell him she was thinking of running last week, he said: “Really? If you show me you are serious I will publicly back you. Show me you are serious.”
On that note: Camilla Tominey has an in-depth piece in today’s Telegraph about the fragmentation of the right-wing Tory vote and the dilemma for that side of the party. “The truth is none of these candidates ticks all of the boxes,” a Tory source tells her. “If you’re left with nothing, what the hell are you supposed to do?” Danny Finkelstein had a great polemic in yesterday’s Times warning that “the [Tory] right will go on electing leaders and feeling betrayed by them for as long as there is a gap between what they expect to happen and what is remotely likely to happen.”
Sum (net) zero game: Former Science Minister Chris Skidmore asked all six remaining candidates whether they would keep the U.K.’s net zero target at last night’s hustings of the 1922 committee of backbench Tory MPs. Sunak, Truss and Mordaunt all said yes, he reports back, while Braverman and Tugendhat said they would delay it past 2050 and Badenoch would tweak the concept to make it more “accountable” and delivery-focused. There is more nuance on Badenoch’s position in her Times interview, while a source close to Tugendhat says he wants “to keep some flexibility on timescales to take into account geopolitical shocks that might impact British households.”
The voters to win: More in Common’s Luke Tryl has an interesting breakdown of the four distinct voting groups who put Johnson in No. 10, and whom the next Tory leader will have to win over to keep the same electoral coalition.
Over in No. 10: Everyone was a bit baffled by Johnson hinting that yesterday’s PMQs could be his last because the new Tory leader could be “elected by acclamation.” Barring an extraordinary development, Johnson is still supposed to be PM next Wednesday. But the Guardian reports that he could miss next week’s PMQs because No. 10 has been making tentative enquiries about organizing an international trip which is now unlikely to go ahead; the Times says said trip may be to Japan where Johnson would pay his respects following the assassination of former PM Shinzo Abe, or another visit to Ukraine.
Don’t forget to visit … POLITICO’s dedicated hub for essential coverage and analysis of the Tory leadership contest.
ONLINE SAFETY DELAY: A new type of Twitter war broke out last night after reports emerged that progress on the U.K.’s proposed online safety regulations is being delayed until the autumn — by which point Johnson will be gone and there is no guarantee the new PM will support the move. Johnson-loyalist Nadine Dorries has been a particularly strong advocate for the Online Safety Bill since she became culture secretary, as POLITICO’s Annabelle Dickson wrote in this profile of her earlier this year.
Unintended consequences? The government’s decision to table a no-confidence motion in itself on Monday has squeezed the parliamentary timetable, and the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill won out, officials tell Annabelle. There is more here.
Enemies: Johnson’s departure has cast doubt on the future of the so-called online harms legislation with former Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch openly criticizing it at the weekend. Responding to reports the legislation could be delayed, Badenoch tweeted: “This would be the right move. The bill is in no fit state to become law. If I’m elected prime minister I will ensure the bill doesn’t overreach.” Dorries is not impressed and Shadow Culture Secretary Lucy Powell also had some extremely punchy comments in response.
ZOMBIE GOVERNMENT ROUND-UP: Priti Patel withdrew from a planned appearance before the home affairs committee yesterday with no explanation (the Times’ Matt Dathan has the low-down on her aborted leadership campaign) … and the PM’s official spokesman said Johnson would be formally resigning on September 6.
COVID inquiry latest: The government is trying to block disclosures to the COVID inquiry, Bloomberg’s Alex Wickham (formerly of this parish) reports. He reveals that top government lawyer James Eadie has advised the Cabinet to limit the scope of information provided, warning that they are likely to face huge claims from families who lost loved ones.
Summer of discontent: Thousands of train operator and Network Rail workers will go strike on Wednesday July 27 over the “paltry” pay offer they’ve been given, the RMT union announced yesterday.
Winter beckons: Against the backdrop of strikes, soaring inflation and the cost of living crunch, a Cabinet minister pondering the Tory leadership contest sums up the next few months to the FT like this: “We’re heading for a shit storm — we’d better choose someone who knows what they are doing.”
DEAD CAT LATEST: Here’s the part of the email you’ve been waiting for. The Sun’s James Somper and Harry Cole have a Day 2 on the gripping tale of the Bengal cat killed in an alleged hit-and-run by Tory MP Tobias Ellwood. A friend of Atticus the cat’s family claims Ellwood “hasn’t apologized at all,” though this is disputed by a source close to the MP. The paper also carries quotes from Julie Holland, a neighbor who says Atticus used to play with her dog Boris, named after the prime minister, and her Boxer dog Stanley, who is named after his father. “Everyone in the village is talking about it. It’s a disgrace,” Holland said. “If he had done that to my cat I would have done something about it.” A spokesman for Dorset Police said: “The parties have been identified and spoken to. The matter was dealt with by a community resolution.”
Ellwood speaks: Last night the Bournemouth East MP told the Sun: “When I learnt about the cat I was horrified. It’s in my nature to step forward not back. I immediately made efforts to reach out and apologize. I initially called the wrong neighbor but he was kind enough to pass on my apology and offer to replace the cat. Before I could pursue the matter further we were distracted by a serious attack on our house, unbeknownst at the time that it was that related.”
OVER IN LABOUR LAND: Keir Starmer will be on LBC’s Andrew Marr show this evening.
HOUSE OF COMMONS: Sits from 9.30 a.m. with Cabinet Office questions, followed by any UQs … Commons leader Mark Spencer has the weekly business statement next, followed by any other statements … The main business will see Labour’s Yasmin Qureshi and Tory MP Alicia Kearns lead a backbench debate on the genocide at Srebrenica, and Green MP Caroline Lucas lead one on COP15 … Labour’s Conor McGinn has an adjournment debate on the British glass industry.
HOUSE OF LORDS: Sits from 11 a.m. with questions on FPNs during lockdown which weren’t paid, paramilitary criminal offences in Northern Ireland and rising energy prices … The main business will see debates on the changing status of women and girls in the U.K. since 2010, security challenges posed by China and the impact of the Human Rights Act 1998.
WONK WATCH: Conservative think tank Bright Blue has a talk on education — one of the lesser-featured issues of the leadership contest — from Children’s Commissioner Rachel de Souza this morning. You can watch the stream online here from 10.30 a.m.
ALOK TO TALK ABOUT: The Aspen Institute and Edelman host COP President Alok Sharma this morning for chats on net zero, climate change and the crazy weather we’re having. Watch from 9 a.m. here.
TURN UP FOR TESSA: Former PM Tony Blair and future PM David Beckham have joined forces to back a fundraising effort for NHS brain cancer care in memory of late MP Tessa Jowell, and to mark the 10th anniversary of London 2012. A newly cut version of the Olympics opening ceremony will be shown in cinemas on July 27 as part of the effort.
CITY LIFE: POLITICO’s Living Cities project kicks off Chapter 2 today on urban mobility. For the next three months, author Aitor Hernández-Morales and the team will delve into how European cities tackle the challenge of moving people and goods in the 21st century. You can sign up to receive the free weekly newsletter here.
TODAY IN SCOTLAND: Nicola Sturgeon will publish the second paper in the SNP’s new series that makes the case for independence. This one is on “renewing democracy through independence” — which provides the perfect foil for comments released overnight from the first minister which accuse both Tories and Labour of “democracy denial” in their approach to IndyRef2. Read Sturgeon’s full comments here via ITV.
UKRAINE UPDATE: Moscow and Kyiv have reached a “basic, technical” agreement to move grain exports out of blockaded Black Sea ports, the Turkish government claimed last night after working to help broker a deal. The different parties held talks in Istanbul last night following months of famine-inducing deadlock. More from POLITICO’s Emma Anderson here. Elsewhere, Ukraine’s top war crimes prosecutor and European judicial authorities gather at The Hague today to work out a strategy to prosecute alleged Russian war crimes. Andriy Yermak, the head of the Office of the Ukrainian presidency, argues in an op-ed for POLITICO that Russia should be labeled a “terrorist state.”
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WE’RE STANDING: Playbook is launching an official campaign to stop leadership hopefuls holding events in the side room of the Cinnamon Club. We love the restaurant but for media scrum events it’s just too small. The Mordaunt launch yesterday was packed to the rafters with journos, photographers, MPs, activists and campaign staff — with the entire scene melting like a tub of ice cream in a sauna, POLITICO’s Emilio Casalicchio writes.
Parting the Red Sea: Hacks were griping about the lack of space and seats (around 40) in a sweatbox containing what felt like hundreds, when campaign aides demanded a path be cut through the middle of the crowd to allow Mordaunt to enter from the back. Cue lots of uncomfortable pushing and crushed toes as people tried to meld together to create a single human form.
To be fair: Kudos to Mordaunt for taking a few more questions from journos than the other candidates have at their launch events — including some that weren’t on the pre-agreed list. But it still wasn’t enough. Those who want to be PM should be leaving at least 30 minutes for questions and giving all the hacks in the room who want to ask one a chance. It will be good practice for their time in Downing Street.
And please … Enough with the planted activist questions.
Forgive us for banging on, but … around 200,000 people (who — by virtue of having joined a political party — are some of the most crackers in the land) are getting to choose the next prime minister of the U.K. It’s a process lasting just a few weeks, with not enough checks and balances as candidates trade off support from colleagues, make behind-the-scenes deals and detail too little of their hoped-for policies. The general leadership news frenzy means those policies are getting far less scrutiny than they normally would.
So … The least PM hopefuls can do, Emilio writes, is open themselves up to as much examination from the press — including from outlets that are not aligned to their politics — as possible. If candidates are sincere in their promises to put the era of sleaze, untruths and low public standards behind them, being open to press interrogation is the best route to doing so. Claiming to be passionate about a free press and open democracy is not enough. Candidates must show they mean
Work and Pensions Secretary — and LizforLeader ambassador — Thérèse Coffey broadcast round: Sky News (7.05 a.m.) … LBC (7.50 a.m.) …
Health Minister — and Ready4Rishi believer — Gillian Keegan: talkRADIO (7.05 a.m.) … Times Radio (7.20 a.m.) … Sky News (7.30 a.m.) … GB News (9.05 a.m.).
Today program: Tory leadership candidate Rishi Sunak (8.10 a.m.).
Also on Kay Burley (Sky News): Shadow Commons leader Thangam Debbonaire (8.05 a.m.) … Women and equalities committee Chairwoman Caroline Nokes (8.20 a.m.) … Tory MP Roger Gale (8.30 a.m.).
Also on Nick Ferrari at breakfast (LBC): RMT boss Mick Lynch (8.05 a.m.) … ASDA Chairman Stuart Rose (8.20 a.m.).
Also on Times Radio: RMT Assistant General Secretary Eddie Dempsey (7.10 a.m.) … Former Tory leader and Truss supporter Iain Duncan Smith (8.05 a.m.) … President Royal College Emergency Medicine Katherine Henderson (8.15 a.m.) … Shadow Commons leader Thangam Debbonaire (8.35 a.m.) … Northern Powerhouse Partnership Vice Chair Jim O’Neill (8.45 a.m.) … Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Goncharenko (9.45 a.m.).
Also on talkTV breakfast: Former Brexit Minister David Frost (7.45 a.m.) … Tory MP and Braverman supporter Miriam Cates (8.05 a.m.) … Tory MP and Badenoch supporter Tom Hunt (8.45 a.m.) … Former Tory leader and Truss supporter Iain Duncan Smith (9.05 a.m.) … Tory MP and Mordaunt supporter James Sunderland (9.21 a.m.).
Also on GB News: Shadow Commons leader Thangam Debbonaire (7.30 a.m.).
Politics Live (BBC Two 12.15 p.m.): Tory MP Jake Berry … Labour peer Helena Kennedy … GB News presenter Inaya Folarin Iman … Journalist Paris Lees.
The Briefing with Gloria De Piero (GB News 12 p.m.): Former Digital Minister Caroline Dinenage … Crossbench peer Molly Meacher … Labour MP John Cryer.
Tonight with Andrew Marr (LBC 6 p.m.): Labour leader Keir Starmer.
Question Time (From Torquay, BBC One 10.35 p.m.): Tory MP Bim Afolami … Labour MP Chris Bryant … NFU President Minette Batters … NEU General Secretary Mary Bousted … The Telegraph’s Olivia Utley.
Reviewing the paper’s tonight: Sky News (10.30 p.m. and 11.30 p.m.): Broadcaster Steve Richards and the Telegraph’s Olivia Utley.
(Click on the publication’s name to see its front page.)
Bloomberg: UK Tories to vote again in leader race as Sunak, Mordaunt ahead.
Daily Express: It’s hotting up! Mordaunt surges in race for No 10.
Daily Mail: Unite now or we lose, Truss tells Tory right.
Daily Mirror: Cost of living crisis … What cost of living crisis?
Daily Star: Two pints of lager and a golden retriever please, landlord.
Financial Times: U.S. inflation piles pressure on Fed for big rate increase.
HuffPost UK: Sunak on top, Mordaunt has the mo.
i: Mordaunt surge rattles rivals in race for No 10.
POLITICO UK: The nasty party’s dirtiest race.
PoliticsHome: Government’s flagship Online Safety Bill set to be dropped from Commons business.
The Daily Telegraph: Mordaunt seizes the momentum after first Tory ballot.
The Guardian: Pressure on Truss as Tory rivals steal march in leadership battle.
The Independent: Mordaunt surges into top two in leadership race.
The Sun: The six factor — Rishi wins … but Penny new fave.
The Times: Surge for Mordaunt in race to be Tory leader.
**Who will succeed Boris Johnson in the 2022 Conservative Party leadership race? Catch up on all the news around the race thanks to our dedicated news hub.**
POLITICO Europe: Europe’s last summer before the Russian winter.
The New Statesman: The selfish giant — A special issue on the fall of Boris Johnson and what comes next.
The Spectator: Blue murder.
WESTMINSTER WEATHER: ⛅️⛅️⛅️ Relatively cooler but still scorching. Highs of 27C.
NEW LOBBY GIGS: Jonathan Reilly has been promoted to Westminster editor at the Sun and will deputize for Kate Ferguson when she takes over as political editor on Sunday. Natasha Clark has been promoted to chief political correspondent in the Sun’s new-look Lobby team and will be keeping the environment beat, while Jack Elsom has been promoted to political correspondent. Congrats to all.
PUPPY PARADE: Dogs Trust and the Kennel Club have written to MPs and peers to formally open nominations for the Westminster Dog of the Year Award — check your inboxes.
Also open for nominations: MHP, which runs popular annual 30 to Watch awards for young journalists, has launched a new set of 30 to Watch in politics awards and are seeking nominations and entries for political thinkers, communicators, campaigners and policy-makers aged 30 or younger. More detail here.
SPOTTED: At Penny Mordaunt’s long-planned summer party in the Westminster Abbey College Garden, co-hosted with the Team LEWIS Foundation: Defense Secretary Ben Wallace … Veterans’ Affairs Minister Johnny Mercer … Northern Ireland Minister Conor Burns and staffer Ryan Loveridge … Conservative grandees David Davis, Charles Walker, Andrea Leadsom and Greg Knight … former Ministers Jo Churchill and Rebecca Pow … Tory 2019ers Nickie Aitken, Kieran Mullan, James Sunderland and Jacob Young … ITV’s Anushka Asthana … and Channel 4’s Cathy Newman.
Also spotted … at the U.K. Music summer party inside the Royal Festival Hall: DCMS Ministers Matt Warman and Stephen Parkinson … special advisers Allan Nixon, Rhiannon Padley, Emma Dean, James Price, Emma Pryor, Beatrice Timpson, Ed Winfield and Amy Milner … former SpAd Ellie Lyons … CCHQ’s Alex Wild … Labour advisers Luke Sullivan, Emma Barnes and Chris McQuiggin … Hacks David Wooding, Sam Coates, Harry Cole, George Parker, Hugo Gye, Seb Payne, Glen Owen, Henry Zeffman, Matt Chorley, Rob Merrick, Katy Balls, Natasha Clark, Liam Kelly, Luke McGee, Grant Tucker, Cindy Yu, Latika Bourke and Marie Le Conte … Hanbury’s Niamh Fogarty … Labour MPs Lucy Powell, Julie Elliott, Conor McGinn, Kevin Brennan, Toby Perkins, Jeff Smith, Ellie Reeves, Vicky Foxcroft, Alex Davies Jones, Rosie Winterton, Stephen Morgan, Christian Wakeford and Ruth Jones … independent MP Neil Coyle … the SNP’s Pete Wishart … the SDLP’s Colum Eastwood … peers Clement Jones, Dave Watts, Paul Strasburger and Stephen Gilbert … Labour staffer Andrew Mitchell … and U.K. Music’s Jamie Njoku-Goodwin.
Also spotted … At PinkNews’ Westminster summer reception: Former PM Theresa May (who warned that the U.K. was at risk of “sliding back” on LGBTQ+ rights if the government does not legislate to ban conversion therapy) … Former Equalities Minister Mike Freer … Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle … Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper … Equalities Minister Amanda Solloway … Labour Party Chair Anneliese Dodds … Lib Dem MP Layla Moran … SNP MP John Nicolson … Women and equalities committee Chair Caroline Nokes … Labour MPs Lloyd Russell-Moyle, Ben Bradshaw and Kate Osborne … PinkNews CEO Benjamin Cohen … Human rights activist Peter Tatchell … Tory peer Ian Duncan … Stonewall CEO Nancy Kelley … Ozanne Foundation founder Jayne Ozanne … Terence Higgins Trust CEO Ian Green.
Also spotted … at Europe House’s summer drinks: EU Ambassador João Vale de Almeida … EU spokesperson Federico Bianchi … The FT’s George Parker … The Guardian’s Katherine Butler … The Telegraph’s Nick Gutteridge and James Crisp … The Economist’s John Peet … GB News’ Darren McCaffrey … The Indy’s Kim Sengupta … The National’s Thomas Harding … Repubblica’s Antonello Guerrera … TF1’s Bénédicte Paviot … Cabinet Office head of strategic comms Camilla Monckton … Former Philip Hammond SpAd Giles Wynn.
Also spotted: London Mayor Sadiq Khan at the CBI summer reception, challenging Tory leadership candidates on how they will support the capital. He decried a “damaging anti-London agenda at the very top of government.”
Also spotted: Brexit Opportunities Minister Jacob Rees-Mogg at the Hill House School’s field day in Chelsea yesterday afternoon, watching his six children perform at the traditional end-of-year event.
BIRTHDAYS: Tory peer Arthur Gore, known as the 9th earl of Arran … Crossbench peer and former Treasury mandarin Nick Macpherson … Crossbench peer and former MI5 boss Eliza Manningham-Buller … Times Radio’s Cathy Newman … McKinsey deputy head of media relations Graham Ackerman.
PLAYBOOK COULDN’T HAPPEN WITHOUT: My editor Zoya Sheftalovich, reporter Andrew McDonald and producer Fiona L |
Hector WigfallACTIVE
About Hector Wigfall
- Telegraph Operator
ID Card
- RoleSupporting Character
- PlaybyLucas Jade Zumann
- Full NameHector Mark Wigfall
- Goes ByWigfall
- ProfessionTelegraph Operator, sometime print compositor and mandolin player
- PositionWestern Union Operator
- Birth Date12/25/1856
- StatusSingle
- Height5'10"
- Hair ColorBlack
- Eye ColorBrown
Physical Description
Wiry frame, fast runner. Good looking, and knows it, in stark contrast to his twin sister Jemima.
Traits & Characteristics
Something of a know all. Hates his twin sister but will knock the block of any man that insults her. Ambitious.
Started as a telegraph operator at his father's Western Union telegraph office when he was 15, is now one of the fastest despatchers and receivers on the line. Does occasional work for the Kalispell Union as a compositor, especially when hot news comes in on the wire and a special edition has to be put out quickly. As a child he and Jemima had fiddle and mandolin lessons respectively, he excelled, she was tone deaf, now he plays both with enough skill to pick up extra cash as a musician on occasion.
Single finger Morse operation, 26 Key Hughes Printing Telegraph, would also be able to send and receive using the new Baudot code if only his Father and Western Union would adopt it.
News print composition.
Fiddle and 'tater bug mandolin.
Aliases / Nicknames
Mrs Wigfall's Boarding House, Kalispell.
Kith & Kin
Father George Wigfall, Western Union Office Manager.
Mother Mary Wigfall, Boarding House Mistress.
Younger Sister (by five minutes) Jemima Andrea Wigfall, Scrubber and cleaner.
Life Events
Born: Hector Lupin Wigfall, Christmas Day 1856, Kalispell, Montana
School: 1861-1870
Work for Western Union, 1870-Present, 'Fastest Finger in the West'
Fill in Compositor for Kalispell Union 1873-
Plays fiddle and mandolin for local frolics for extra cash
Character Notes
Player Notes
Other Characters by this Player
Anæsthesia Orr
Arabella Mudd
Bridget Monahan
Charlie Fa
F. Falmer Browne
Frances Grimes
Frank Grimes
If the news was just getting to them Isiah knew it would be a while before they got back to town. He walked after Weedy who went to the door checking for them. "They ain't here just yet, bud." Isiah spoke to him, putting a hand on Weedy's shoulder and looking back at Hector.
Jemima had started to clean up the dinner things, un-noteworthy little drudge that she was.
Arabella jumped up and started to do a little jig around the place with joy that Caroline was all right.
"How close are they? Do you know if they're injured? Are they close enough I can go to them?" He'd do anything he could to help get his sister, Carolina, anyone else involved back here safely!
Hector could understand the man's impatience: despite their arguments and teasing and sometimes downright physical fights, which Jemima always won, deep down he loved his twin sister and, despite being somewhat allergic to danger, would wade through Hell or high water to rescue her.
"I'm not sure, Mr. Chappel, but I reckon they'll take the two of them back to the Fort in the first instance: the trooper said that an officer and some of the men were wounded in the rescue so they'll take them there for treatment, they've got medical orderlies and such. He said the women were all right, I think he'd have mentioned if either were wounded or..." he frowned down at Weedy, not wanting to mention the notion of rape in front of the stripling "... anything."
"I bet Caroline fought them injuns off - she keeps a derringer in her knickers!" Arabella yelped.
Hector just shook his head with a grin and rolled his eyes at Isiah.
"I personally wouldn't approach that Fort 'til daybreak, Mr. Chappel, their sentries are kinda trigger happy. Friend of mine, Lutz, had to deliver a message there one night and some darn soldier boy nearly parted his hair for him." The telegraph operator warned. "Up to you, though." he shrugged. Unlike Jemima, who wanted to protect the handsome Mr. Chappel from harm, Hector knew that 'a man had to do what a man had to do' - as long as it was some other feller doin' the doin', he didn't care.
"You should meet Miss Orr, Mr Chappel, she's just about the prettiest girl in the whole territories!" gushed Arabella, who had a bit of a crush on the aloof blonde.
"Oh I've had the pleasure. She sure seems to have led a sheltered life." He admitted.
"You have?! Oh, isn't she wonderful?" gushed Arabella "I saw her with her glove off once, her hands were just marble white, like she'd never done a days work with them in her life!" This seemed to be an impressive feat to the mountain girl, but Jemima sneered.
"That's nothing to be proud of!" the frowsy girl grumped, examining her own calloused hands "And she ain't so ladylike. I remember one time at school, I caught her..." But then there was a thump at the door which made Arabella jump, if not the more stolid Jemima, and the end of the story was never heard.
"Jemima? You in there?" a young man's voice could be heard without. Ignoring the strange looks it might garner from Mr Chappel, Weedy and young Josh, Arabella, who had known the twins for half a year now, deftly put her fingers in her ears.
"COME IN!!! I TOLD YOU WE'D BE HERE!!!!" Jemima shouted with such hair raising volume that the very rafters in the roof seemed to shake. Arabella, looking smug, removed her fingers and smiled at Isiah. "You should be round at their house when the two of 'em are there with their Mother, the three of 'em shouting from three different rooms. I call it the Wigfall telegraph!"
Hector let himself in and popped his head round the corner, taking in the strangely cosy domestic scene. "Howdy Weedy." he nodded to the lad, then looked at Isiah.
"You must be Mister Chappel" he nodded to Isiah "Good news, your sister's all right Sir. So's Caroline." he added quickly, looking over at Arabella, who suddenly burst into tears and collapsed face down onto the table sobbing with relief and joy.
"Mrs Honeycutt and Bucky're dead." he went on, not that they were particular friends of anyone present: Hector just liked showing off that he got all the news first in in this town, thanks to his position in the telegraph office. "And old Ross Hampton bit the dust trying to defend them. Sorry Sis, looks like the wedding's off."
Good old Hector Wigfall: no moment too sombre or too touching for him not to make an awful joke in the middle of it. Jemima scowled "I don't like him!! He's a horrible old man!!" while Hector tut tutted "No way to speak of the dead, Sis!"
Arabella raised her head from the table, half crying and half laughing. This was such a relief.
@MD @Bongo
"Ah yes, Arabella, now there's a young lady that makes one scratch their head."
"Yeah, especially when she starts going on about that nit shampoo of hers!" agreed Hector, inadvertently lifting his hand to scratch his own head.
"Actually, at this point, there's no sense trying to understand what they are doing, or trying to do. But I'd appreciate your help with this Reeve business. I guess it's a wait and see situation." Phin supposed.
Hector shrugged his assent. He couldn't care less about Reeve and would divvy up any dirt he could find on the suspicious fellow.
"Anyway, anything more you can dredge up on this Reeve character, I'd be most grateful to learn, maybe derail whatever his plan is. But, I need to get over to the Municipal Building and see if I can interview the last of the Mayoral Candidates, Cole Latham. If he'll allow it." Then Phin laughed. "Should be an interesting rest of the day!"
"What, Steelgrave's lawyer?" asked the telegraph operator saucer-eyed. "You're a braver man than me!" Hector didn't mind admitting it, he wouldn't go anywhere near any of the dread ranch boss's cronies even if you paid him to. Actually, he had taken telegrams there on occasion, but always with a sickly sinking feeling in his stomach.
As Mr McVey left though, Hector had to allow himself a wry smile: Mr McVey had the guts to go poking around in Cole Latham's affairs, but had come up with a feeble excuse to avoid getting entangled with Arabella Mudd. Yeah, the editor of the Union was brave in the pursuit of a story, but he wasn't that brave.
"Representative Martin Maginnis, a scoundral to be sure, owned the Red Wing Sentinel at one point. Published the Helena Daily Gazette after the war, oh I know who he is alright. And yes, he is the territory's non-voting representative, I'll grant you that. But what I don't get is what he and this Reeve are trying to achieve. What is it they are really after?" Phin put forward.
Hector shrugged and shook his head, indicating he hadn't a clue. Apart from the gossip he'd passed on, politics was a closed door to him: he couldn't fathom why men got involved in it: sure, it gave some power, temporarily it seemed to him, which maybe they could exploit. But it seemed a precarious game at best. Much better to apply oneself to a good honest trade or, for the more ambitious, try and expand human knowledge and ability in some area and make a living at that along the way. He himself was hoping to do something big in telegraphy one day.
Mr McVey seemed to find the machinations of the various regional dabblers in politics a fascinating knot to unravel.
"I can see them attempting to wrest control of the territory politically, but to what end? I mean we have no idea when Montana will join the Union. It's still a pipe dream that at some point will become reality I suppose." He mused. "The man has been a bit of everything, and done quite well at most all of it, politician, soldier, publisher, editor and miner to date, but there is an end result they are after, that is what I'd like to know."
Hector nodded, assuming a look of concerned concentration, but was unable to add much to Mr McVey's store of knowledge. "You could ask Arabella, er, Miss Mudd. She's kinda talkative, and knows more about politics that you'd expect, for a girl. Like I say, though, she's a red-hot Democrat, if she thinks you're pumping her for information... well, even Arabella can keep her mouth shut sometimes."
"Damned if you don't take all, Hector Wigfall. I haven't heard the term 'Copperhead' since the war. But, being a territory, actually being in a territory just since 'sixty-four, a scant two years, means we don't have a vote. So why is Reeve a political agent out here?" That was confounding, Montana would be of little use in the National elections.
Hector looked a little baffled by McVey's arithmetic, probably just a slip of the tongue, Montana had been a Territory for twelve years, not two. The telegraph operator would have been equally bamboozled by McVey's point about the lack of a vote, but his contact in Virginia City had filled him in on that.
"Listen..." he said, leaning forward even more and tapping his finger on the table "We do have a vote, it's just that our Representative doesn't have a vote in congress. And Martin Maginnis is a Democrat, even if he did fight for the Union in the war. Sure, his re-election won't affect the overall result, but he's not going to give that position up easily. It might not give him too much influence in Washington, but it gives him a lot of influence 'round here."
"Reeve reports directly to Maginnis".
"Perhaps the idea is to influence the Territorial Elections with an eye to statehood and having the Democrat Party in place when that happens, depending on how the National election goes, of course. Who is it? Tilden and Hayes?"
"That's right" confirmed the well-informed key-tapper "You know, Arabella Mudd has a picture of Governor Tilden pinned on the wall above her bed and says prayers for him before she goes to sleep every night." he laughed "... er, so my sister tells me!" he added quickly, he didn't want to give the impression he'd ever been in there to see it for himself.
"Ah yes, Colorado, beat us into the Union." He acknowledged. "Not why I'm here, actually, I like to send a wire down to Virginia City, our Virginia City.
"Oh sure!" beamed Hector excitedly "We can wire direct to there now, no need to route through Helena!" Hector always got quite excited about new developments in the Western Union's service or in electro-telegraphy generally.
Maybe that was he had gone wrong with Miriam. After making love with her in the back of her father's butcher store, he should have talked to her about her, about him, about their future together; not described to her the workings of the new teleprinters using the five-bit sequential binary Baudot code. She hadn't even seemed interested in his detailed description of the special five-key keyboard that had been developed along with the system. Huh. Girls!
"Need for it to go to Mister James of the Virginia City Montanian newspaper. I'm after some information on a Mister Lewis Cass Reeve of that fair town. He is here, quite the young dandy but I suspect there's more to him that fine clothes and manners." He instructed, then though to add, "Seems to have an interest in Miss Anæsthesia Orr, anyway We best get on with this."
Hector looked around, even though he knew the two of them were alone in the office.
"Listen, Mr McVey, I can save you the cost of a telegram, I know all about that feller." he said, leaning forward conspiratorially. "Take a seat." He clearly had a lot of details to impart.
"He was at the reading of Mr Orr's will..." McVey already knew that part from the lad's twin sister "... I thought it was odd how he was left a lot of money and property by Orr an started chatting to the late evening operator at Virginia City. We kinda do that sometimes if the traffic's light. Anyhow, he knew an awful lot about Reeve: said he's a lawyer there and that Reeve was his mother's name, but she was never married, and how Orr used to visit her a lot when he was in the vicinity and, well, someone must've been paying the bills!"
The implication was clear: Hector, or at least his source, was implying that Reeve was Richard Orr's illegitimate son.
"Now listen, Mr McVey: I know Mr Orr was no saint, and not exactly top of your Christmas List when he was alive, but he was always pretty nice to me and I don't like to speak ill of the dead anyhow. But he was kinda slippery in his business dealings and in his politics. He had to be or he'd have never become Postmaster here under a Republican Governor. But his son's a dyed in the wool copper-headed Democrat: he's basically their political agent in this part of the Territories. And with the next presidential election expected to be so close, well, he's a pretty powerful man for the time being, at least for those who like to hedge their bets."
It was pretty quiet in the telegraph office. Hector had just finished sending off Lieutenant Greene's latest weather readings to Washington: they were usually his toughest job of the week because they were just meaningless letters and numbers, a little like the odd times he'd had to send off messages in cypher for Colonel MacKenzie. It was easy to keep a sentence, even a staccato one, in your head to translate into Morse, but hard to do something meaningless.
He'd just got off the last set of numbers when Mr. McVey came in. He sometimes leaked news to Mr. McVey so he could get a story printed off before it became common knowledge, although he hadn't been able to resist being the first to blurt out the news of the Custer massacre when he'd gotten that over the wires. He had, rather ludicrously, In retrospect, stumbled into the Stardust and demanded a stiff drink and then gasped out the news to all the drinkers there, almost as if he were a survivor of the battle itself.
He wondered if the newspaper man had come in to gather any interesting stories that had come in to fill a few columns in tomorrow's Union.
"Howdy, Mr McVey. Slim pickin's today, I'm afraid. Everybody's still just talking about Colorado. It' been a state for a week now, you'd think people'd be bored of it by now."
"Three hours. We weren't even in the hotel fer three hours and she was in there with us for part of it. She even took a bite of my gentleman's dinner when he was not at the table," Caroline wondered what it was with all these young gals in Kalispells and their exaggerations.
Jemima looked at the blonde floozy with distain: she was either crazy or drunk, both probably: for all the praise Arabella heaped upon her, to Jemima's mind she was still just a slutty saloon singer. The lowly but respectable floor scrubber and general dogsbody realised her mistake in lowering herself to talk to the jade.
"Frances Grimes? Wait......isn't that the town's blind girl?" Caroline wondered aloud.
"Yeah, but what'dya mean, you're gonna yell at her?" Jemima asked.
"That's between Ara and me. I don't need to tell you a damn thing. Now you gave me your message, I'll thank ya to leave me be so I can get back for my work shift," Caroline was blunt and in no mood for all this.
Jemima just looked at the rude woman with her black piggy little eyes: she had a pretty slow burn, but once a hatred was planted in her heart, the fuse would creep along at its own pace and in a few days, or a few weeks or even a few years, she would get her revenge. The Wigfall girl was like an elephant: she never forgot.
The frowsy girl put her nose in the air, like she was trying to raise it above a bad smell, and walked on.
_ _ _
When Caroline got into the saloon, all was bedlam: apart from it being a busy evening anyway: with Ralph hard at work supplying the liquid refreshment needs of a number of impatient customers, Mammy McMahon of all people was front of house: a very rare occurrence! Her eyes rolled gratefully heavenward when Caroline trooped in.
"Oh thank the Lawd!" she hollered, and bustled up to the blonde singer "Now don't you fret Miss Caroline; we got Mr Hector here and Miss Frances to do your music, and Miss Bridget's upstairs now with that poor child. It's the Brain Fever, again. Doctor Danforth says the next few hours'll be critical but there's nothing we can do but wait and pray!!" she waved her hands in the air and looked like she was about to cry.
Although Arabella could be a pest: Mr Fortner had sent for a doctor immediately, no matter what the expense.
Hector Wigfall came over, holding his fiddle and bow in one hand and quite attentively put the other hand on the plump older lady's shoulder.
"Don't you worry Mrs McMahon, we'll take care of things with Miss Mundee, you get back to your cooking and another of Arabella's friends is going to be coming over in an hour to spell Miss Monahan." He glanced at Caroline. "My sister's gone to tell Miriam Kaufmann, she'll probably want to come over and sit up all night with her." he explained, inexplicably going rather rosy cheeked at having to say the name of the young Jewish girl.
"Frances and I are pretty sure we can play all of your usual numbers, we'll just make sure we get the right key for you. I know Arabella would have wanted the show to go on." he said, sniffing back a manly tear himself now. "Do you know Frances?" he asked and turned to see Miss Grimes sitting at Arabella's piano stool, waving in almost the right direction toward them with a sympathetic smile on her face.
"Oh? I did not see that coming," she lied expertly, Ara was a bad influence there.
"Sorry, I... I didn't mean to be forward!" Hector stuttered. Had he gone and blown it?
"I suppose you have kissed quite a few girls before, as handsome as you are?"
"Kissed girls? Well sure I have, I..." His head drooped and he waggled it from side to side. "No, not really, except Arabella Mudd, and she doesn't count, that was just a... that was just a dare. My sister made me do it. And she didn't like it, Arabella. Guess I'm a just a lousy kisser." he sighed.
"Well, I have an admission to make, I have never been kissed by a boy ," Miriam revealed.
That brought a sort of smile back to Hector's glum features "You haven't? I'm kinda glad" he admitted "Even though that makes us a plum pair of kissing virgins. I bet if we tried it, we'd probably miss and end up on other sides of the room." he joked, not realising that because Miriam hadn't kissed any boys, that in no way made her unpractised in the art. hector felt a little bit of confidence returning.
"However that said, I am more than willing to experience new things....with boys," she added, maybe she shouldn't have tossed in the last two words.
Hector had a look of determination about him now. This wasn't how it went in his fantasies, be they romantic ones or sexual ones, but he saw the route ahead clearly now. "Listen Miriam: you wanna try new things with boys and, well, I wanna try new things with girls, I mean, with you... sorta specifically. I'm just scared I... well, I might do it wrong or things might not work exactly right..." his big fear was that when push came to shove, he might not be able to rise to the occasion. "... but if we try it, just nice and slow and gentle and if there's anything we don't like, well, we just tell each other and... you know... we'll stop doing that thing."
It sounded more like a business negotiation than making love, but it would have to do.
"I... I'm gonna try and kiss you right now... just on the cheek... that all right?" he asked and hesitantly moved slowly forward on his hands and knees "Just... just tell me to stop if you don't like it!" he advised her seriously, like he was about to pull a painful thorn out of her flesh.
"Yes, we have privacy in here and while it doesn't look like rain, even if it does we will be fine in here. I can just spread this blanket on the floor," Miriam answered.
This might, indeed, be all his dreams come true, but it was moving pretty fast for Hector. He had sort of imagined a walk around the town, a halting chat, and maybe a tentative attempt at a peck on the cheek at the end... if he was feeling brave enough! His usual bravado had deserted him and he was scrambling around the unexplored depths of his soul to find out what had always lurked behind it.
"Is all this good with you, I don't want to do anything you do not wish to do," she added.
"Oh, I wish to!" he nodded and reached for blanket "Here, let me!" Not that he thought he would be a superior blanket-spreader than the surprisingly confident Miss Kaufmann, he just wanted to indicate how keen he was on this idea.
Soon they were nicely situated on the blanket, on the floor, and Hector considered the next hour. The prospect was actually pretty daunting: small talk, trying to eat without getting food all down his front, trying to say the right thing, always wondering just how far he might get.... it was all too much: he suddenly heard himself say something which would probably ruin everything:
"Miss Kaufmann, er, Miriam, listen... you... you look so beautiful today that... well.... can I give you a little kiss?? See, then I won't have to worry about if you're ever going to let me kiss you, and, well, I can get on enjoying talking to you and, er, eating this nice picnic you brought along!" he kicked himself even as he said it, impatient fool!
@Wayfarer |
1. Introduction
Milk must have a very special interest in scientific studies because it is one of the most important human foods. The total world milk production was about 692 million tonnes in 2010 and may reach 827 million tonnes in 2020 (APPT, 2013). The global distribution of the world milk production in 2010 was as follow: South America 6.1%, Asia Pacific 10.6 %, Eastern Europe 13.0%, North America 15.3%, India 16.3%, Western Europe 21.3% and Rest of the world 17.4% (APPT, 2013). Developing countries give one-third of the world milk production (Al-Rohily, 2010). Egypt accounted for 16.4% of Africa and Middle East dairy market in 2010 (APPT, 2013). The importance of dairy industry in Egypt comes from that it represents about 47% of the total companies engaged in agriculture and food industries (RAC/CP, 2002). Egypt produces 32.3 million tonnes of fresh milk yearly and this product is the major dairy product followed by cheese (FAOSTAT, 2015 and RAC/CP, 2002). Egyptian dairy factories give 4.1 and 2.8 million tonnes of cheese and yogurt yearly (RAC/CP, 2002).
Milk is rich with food compounds needed by the human body and contains 12.87% total solids, 4.28% fat, 8.59% solid not fat, 3.43% protein, 0.74% ash and 4.43% lactose (Teshome, 2015). Nitrogen in milk is also found in two forms, namely protein (3.5%) and non-protein nitrogen (3-8%) (Ribadeau and Grappin, 1989; Teshome, 2015). The concentrations of Ca, P, Mg, K, Na and Cl are 107-133, 63-102, 109-160, 144-178, 40-58, 90-106 mg/100g respectively, and the concentrations of S, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn are 32, 30-70, 2-30, 1.3-4.0 and 74-145 µg/100g, respectively (Simun, 2012).
The safety of food is everybody’s concern and the disposal of expired food products is one of the most important principles that must be taken into account to preserve human health (WHO, 2015). Disposal of expired products are one of the most important problem face the dairy industry. Expired dairy products e. g., milk, cheese and yoghurt must be returned to factories and must be disposed off as soon as possible when the expiration period expires (Dansted, 2016). There are different disposal methods for dairy products e. g., application to agriculture land, solidification and disposal at a permitted municipal solid waste landfill, haul to a permitted wastewater treatment stations and discharge to a permitted sanitary sewer (IDEM, 2002). The dairy products contain high amount of organic compound and elements which may be useful for plant nutrition (Teshome, 2015 and Simun, 2012) and the disposal of these materials in these ways is a major economic loss and non-recycling of these wastes threatens environmental disasters. The high levels of organic matter and nutrients encourage the recycling of wastes to be used for organic fertilization of agricultural lands (Adriano et al., 2012; Chrysargyris and Tzortzakis, 2015). The application of organic fertilizers to the soils improves the quality and availability of plant nutrients and increased the yield and economic returns (Scotti et al., 2015; Eissa, 2017). The organic fertilization is an effective tool in agriculture management and a low-price way to improve soil quality (Scotti et al., 2015).
The present research introduces a new way to recycling the expired dairy products as an organic fertilizer. Moreover, the study aims to evaluate the newly discovered fertilizer as an organic soil amendment.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Preparation of organic fertilizer from expired dairy products powder (EDPP)
Three types of expired dairy products were chosen for this study i.e., milk, yogurt, and cheese. Low fat protein powder was extracted and prepared for fertilization of wheat plants in a pot experiment. Expired liquid milk was separated using centrifugal separators (Alfa-laval 104, made in Sweden, 16000 Rpm) for one minute and then skimmed milk was collected and placed in open petri dishes to be dried in ovens with 60 oC and then dried milk was ground. Low fat protein was extracted from expired yoghurt by using gravity separation method after dilution with hot distilled water (80 oC) at a ratio of 1:3 (yoghourt: hot distilled water). Distilled water and yoghurt were mixed well with a blender and then the mixture was covered and left on bench for 8 hours without stirring. Three different layers were observed i.e., fat, water, and protein respectively from the surface to the bottom. The fat layer was removed and protein was filtered using clean fine clothes to get rid of excess liquid, then it was distributed in petri dish and dried in hot oven at 60 oC for drying until it is completely dried (36 hours). Low fat protein was extracted from expired cheese by using the same method applied in yoghurt with a dilution ratio of 1:7 (cheese: hot distilled water 80 oC). Dried low fat protein collected from those different expired dairy products was mixed and grinded. In the current study, low fat protein was extracted from milk, yogurt, and cheese to be used in wheat fertilization due to its high nutrients contents especially, nitrogen. The other parts of the separation processes contain high levels of fat and were used in animal nutrition experiment.
2.2. Pot experiment
This trail was conducted to evaluate the low fat protein powder as an organic fertilizer. The pot experiment contained three treatments i. e., i) control without any fertilization, ii) inorganic fertilization (a mixture of inorganic fertilizers at a rate of 500 mg N + 150 mg P + 100 mg K /pot), and iii) expired dairy products powder (1% equal to 10 g EDDP/pot). The amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the inorganic fertilization and EDPP treatment was equal. Each treatment was mixed with the soil before cultivation. Commercial inorganic fertilizers of urea (46% N), super phosphate (15.5% P2O5) and potassium sulphate (48% K2O) were used in the second treatment.
The sandy soil used for the greenhouse trail was brought from the surface layer (0-20 cm) of El-Ghorieb soil which belongs to the farm of Assiut University, Egypt. The data in Table 1 show some physical and chemical characteristics of the experimental site. The collected soil sample was spread in the greenhouse to air-dry and then ground and sieved by a 2-mm sieve and blended by hands before located in one kg plastic pots. Five sides of wheat (Triticum aestivum vulgar, c.v. Solala 6) were placed in every pot and after two weeks, plants were thinned to three plants. Pots were irrigated to near filed capacity. Plant height and number of tillers were recorded after 60d of planting then plants were removed and fresh and dry weights were recorded. The dried plant samples were kept for the determination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Soil samples were taken from each treatment to determine some soil physiochemical properties.
2.3. Soil analysis
Some physiochemical properties of the studied soil were determined according to Page et al. (1982). Analysis of soil (texture, total carbonate, cation exchange capacity (CEC), salinity, pH, soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen, and available phosphorus and potassium) were determined by standard methods (Page et al., 1982). The pH of the soil samples was measured in 1:2 soil to water suspension using a digital pH meter (pH meter Model 211, Hanna Instruments, Romania). Salinity of soil was determined by EC-meter method (Page et al., 1982). Available soil nitrogen was extracted by 2 M KCl. Available and total N were measured by kjeldahl method (Page et al., 1982). Available P was extracted by NaHCO3 (0.5 M and at pH 8.5) and phosphorus was determined by spectrophotometer (Page et al., 1982). Ammonium acetate (1 N) was used to extract the available soil K (Page et al., 1982). The degree of soil aggregation is defined as the percentage of clay inside the soil aggregates to the percentage of total clay in soil and was calculated from the difference between %clay after dispersion and %clay before dispersion dived by %clay after dispersion (Lemmermann, 1934). Soil bulk density (Bd) was measured by the ring method (Page et al., 1982) and was expressed as g/cm3. Total soil porosity (%TP) was calculated from the equation: TP (%) = 100 x (1-Bd/Pd), where Bd refers to bulk density (g/cm3) and Pd refers to particle density (2.65 g/cm3). Water holding capacity (WHC) was determined by the gravity flow method described by Haney and Haney (2010) and calculated by the equation:
2.4. Plant analysis
The aboveground parts of wheat plant were cut from each pot and were used to study some growth parameters and uptake of N, P, and K. All the collected samples were cleaned, washed with tap and distilled water, air dried, and then dried in oven at 70 oC until constant weight, ground and stored for chemical analysis. To determine the N, P, and K in plant uptake, 2.0 g of each sample were digested by H2O2 and H2SO4 method (Parkinson and Allen, 1975). Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the digest was analyzed the above mentioned methods (Page et al., 1982). Chlorophyll content was measured in 80% acetone extract (Arnon, 1949).
2.5. EDPP analysis
The pH of EDPP was measured directly 1:2 powder to water suspension while the salt concentration was measured by EC-meter in the extract of powder and water at ratio of 1: 5. Total organic carbon was measured by 1 N K2Cr2O7 (Page et al., 1982). To determine the total elemental composition (N, P, and K), 2 g were digested by H2O2 and H2SO4 (Parkinson and Allen, 1975), then N, P and K content was measured by the above mentioned methods. The EDDP used in the current study has the following characteristics: pH = 4.85, soluble salts = 3.70 dS m−1, 450 g of organic carbon kg−1, 50 g N kg−1, 15.1 g P kg−1 and 10 g K kg−1.
2.6. Data analysis
The pot experiment contained three treatments and each one was replicated four times. The pot experiment was arranged in Complete Randomized Design (CRD). The one-way ANOVA was run by SPSS software (version 15) to test the statistically significant difference between the three treatments. Moreover, Duncan test (at 5% probability) was performed to compare between means of the tested treatments.
3. Results
3.1. Response of wheat growth to the different fertilization treatments
Some wheat growth parameters were recorded during this pot experiment to evaluate the response of wheat to the inorganic fertilizers (IF) in comparison to the organic fertilizer extracted from the expired dairy products (EDPP) and the data are shown in Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4. According to the recorded data of wheat growth (height of plants, tillers number, biomass yield, and chlorophyll content), EDPP caused a significant (P < 0.05) increase in the growth of 60 days old wheat. The height of 60d-old wheat fertilized with EDPP was higher by 17% than that received the inorganic fertilization (Figure 1 A). Number of tillers per pots as affected by the tested treatments is shown in Figure 1-B. Fertilization of wheat plants by the EDPP enhanced the tillering rate by 60% compared to the inorganic fertilization. The biomass yield of wheat plants was also affected significantly (P < 0.05) by the tested treatments. Fresh and dry weights of wheat plants shoot grown in the soil amended with 1% of EDPP were higher by 17 and 29% respectively, in comparison with that received the inorganic fertilization (Figures 2 A and B). The root growth of wheat was significantly affected by the addition of 1% EDDP (Figures 3 A and B). The application of EDDP induced remarkable increases in the fresh and dry weights of roots. EDDP increased the FW and DW of wheat roots by 60 and 80% in comparison with the control and by 33 and 36% in comparison with the inorganic fertilization. The addition of 1% EDPP to soil raised the height of plants, tillers number and the biomass yield of wheat plants. Total chlorophyll was measured in the shoot tissue of 60d-old wheat and the data are shown in Figure 4. EDPP caused significant increases in the value of total chlorophyll; this increase was 27% in comparison to the control soil and 22% in comparison to the inorganic fertilization treatment.
Figure 1: A) Plant height and B) number of tillers as affected by the different fertilization treatments
Figure 2: A) Fresh and B) dry weights of wheat shoots as affected by the different fertilization treatments
3.2. Impact of EDDP and inorganic fertilization on nutrients availability and uptake by wheat plants
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake by 60d-old wheat was evaluated to study the effect of EDPP and inorganic fertilization on nutrients uptake and the data are shown on Table 2. The application of EDPP significantly enhanced the uptake of N, P and K and remarkable changes in the recorded data were found. The uptake of N, P and K by wheat fertilized with EDPP raised by 45, 73 and 95% compared with that fertilized with the inorganic fertilizers. EDPP applied to the studied soil raised the availability of N, P and K by 54, 67 and 14% in comparison to that amended with the inorganic fertilizers.
3.3. Impact of EDDP and inorganic fertilization on some physiochemical characteristics of the studied soil
The effects of EDDP on some physiochemical properties of the soil were studied to follow the changes in soil conditions and the data are shown in Table 3. The data show the effect of EDPP and inorganic fertilization on the pH of the soil, organic carbon (OC) and cation exchange capacity (CEC). EDPP application caused significant (P < 0.05) effects on the soil pH, OC and CEC. EDPP increased the OC and CEC by 56 and 33% compared to IF treatment. EDPP reduced the soil pH by 11% compared to IF. Remarkable changes were found in the recorded physical properties of the soil amended by EDDP. EDDP significantly decreased the soil bulk density by 23% in comparison with the soil fertilized by the inorganic fertilizers. Moreover, EDDP induced great significant increases in the water holding capacity (WHC), degree of soil aggregation (DSA) and total soil porosity (TSP). EDDP increased the WHC, TSP and DSA by 38, 47 and 30% respectively, in comparison with control soil (Table 3).
Table 3: Some physiochemical characteristics of the soil after plant harvest
C= control, IF= inorganic fertilization, EDPP= Expired dairy products powder
OC= organic carbon, CEC= cation exchange capacity, Bd= bulk density, DSA= degree of soil aggregation,
TSP= total soil porosity and WHC= water holding capacity,
Means denoted by the same letter indicate no significant difference according to Duncan’s test at P<0.05
4. Discussion
The current research paper aims to evaluate the effect of natural organic fertilizer which derived from expired dairy products on wheat cultivated on a sandy soil. The application of organic fertilizer derived from the expired dairy products increased the growth and nutrients uptake by wheat. Moreover, the examined fertilizer showed great effects on improvement of physiochemical characteristics of the studied soil. It is well known that the application of organic amendments increased the accumulation of dry matter and enhanced the plant growth (Akande et al., 2010; Olaniyi et al. 2010; Malik et al., 2013, Eissa, 2016; Amin and Essa, 2017). In the current study the application of EDDP increased all the recorded growth parameters i.e., plant height, number of tillers and biomass yield of wheat plants. Moreover, the application of EDDP induced a 22% increase in the total chlorophyll in leaves of wheat plants. Yield and photosynthetic characteristics of wheat were increased by organic fertilization (Jiang et al., 2004). The EDDP used in the current study contains a high level of organic carbon (450 g kg−1). Fertilization of plants by organic compounds may enhance the growth of plants by rising availability of nutrients e. g., nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in soil (Eissa, 2016; Jiang et al., 2004) and by increasing the ability of soil to store water in available form (Baldock and Skjemstad, 1999; Zhang and Marschner, 2017). Great increase in available soil phosphorus was recorded by the study of Al-Rohily et al. (2013) as result of organic fertilization. This increase may be due to: the formation of complex between dissolving organic matter and phosphorus (Garg and Bahl, 2008), the release of CO2 during the decomposition of organic materials and the reaction of soil organic matter with soil Ca+2 which led to reduce P fixation (Tolanur and Badanur, 2003). The ability of plant to uptake nutrients is influenced by the root size and distribution (Wang et al., 2006). In the current study, the application of EDDP caused more than 33% increase in root growth compared to the inorganic fertilization and this may explain the high increase in nutrients uptake by wheat. Eissa (2016) reported that organic fertilization of okra increased the root growth and nutrients uptake.
The application of EDDP enhanced the studied physiochemical characteristics of the soil. Each one kilogram of EDPP used in the current study contains 450 g of organic carbon and this may explain the increases in soil organic carbon by 56% and the soil cation exchange capacity by 33% in comparison to the inorganic fertilization. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) is one of the most important characteristics determine the behavior of organic material in soil (Murphy, 2014). CEC of organic compound ranged between 200 to 400 cmol kg−1 dry weight and this value is very higher than the CEC of some soil clay minerals e. g., kaolinite (10 cmol(+) kg-1) and smectite (25 -100 cmol kg−1) (Moore, 1998). Sandy textures lands are always low in soil organic matter (SOM) and clay minerals and therefore have low cation exchange capacities (Murphy, 2014). Thus, the raising of SOM concentrations seriously enhances soil CEC, especially in the case for sandy texture (Mujiyati and Supriyadi, 2009). In the current study, SOM increased by 65% when the soil was amended by 1% of EDDP compared to the control soil. EDDP induced great increases in SOM which may lead to control soil water relationships characteristics, manage soil aeration, increase soil structure stability and raised the soil cation exchange capacity (Suryantini, 2002; Baldock and Skjemstad, 1999). The application of EDDP increased the degree of soil aggregate, total soil porosity and water holding capacity by 38, 47 and 30% respectively, in comparison with control soil. The recorded increases in the data of soil quality well have positive effects on wheat plant growth (Suryantini, 2002; Baldock and Skjemstad, 1999). The growth as and leaf nitrogen N, P, and K content increased with the application of organic amendments (Garg and Bahl, 2008; Al-Rohily et al., 2013; Eissa, 2016). Organic amendments are good sources for plant nutrition, provide soil microorganisms by energy and can induce great positive increases in soil quality (Suryantini, 2002).
5. Conclusions
Dairy products contain high level of plant nutrients and organic compounds. The disposal of these materials is a source of environmental pollution and recourses loss. The protein content part was gravitationally separated from expired dairy products and after oven drying it was used as a soil amendment. A greenhouse experiment was conducted out to investigate the effect of natural organic fertilizer which derived from expired dairy products on wheat cultivated on a sandy soil. The tested amendment caused great significant increases in the water holding capacity, degree of soil aggregation and total soil porosity. Moreover, it enhanced the availability and uptake of N, P and K. The remarkable improvement of soil quality induced an increase in wheat growth. Expired dairy products can be converted to an organic amendment and this is the ideal practical solution for an integrated ecosystem. |
Bone, a type of connective tissue, presents cells, and in spite of being mineralized, it is constantly renewed by the bone remodeling process. This process is characterized by bone resorption by osteoclasts, followed by bone formation by osteoblasts.1 Several studies have demonstrated the relevance of bone remodeling to tissue responses that guarantee osseointegration,2-6 which is defined as the direct structural and functional connection between the organized vital bone and the surface of a titanium implant, capable of receiving functional loads.7-9
The success of implants is associated first with their osseointegration, and later on with their survival rate; that is to say, their long term permanence in function. Although there are several studies involving osseointegration of dental and/or orthopedic implants, the majority of the investigations have elucidated the tissue responses that constitute the initial process of bone-implant integration.2,10-14
Considering that the remodeling process is continuous, it may be of relevance not only to osseointegration, but also to the longevity of dental implants. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to conduct a review of the literature with a view of elucidating the events associated with bone remodeling after the osseointegration of implants. In addition, it was also performed a search to data regarding a possible influence of treatments for modifying implant surfaces on these same events.
In order to conduct this literature review, a detailed search strategy was used in various data bases, between the years 1930 and 2012. The following descriptors were used: ``Osseointegrated Implant’’, ``Bone remodeling’’, ``Osteoclast’’, ``Osteoblast’’ and ``Surface treatments’’. The inclusion criteria were systematic reviews, meta-analyses, conventional reviews of the literature, controlled and randomized case studies, non-randomized clinical cases and articles of opinion, with an approach to the above-mentioned uniterms. Studies that were not written in the Portuguese and English languages were excluded. After critical analysis of the bibliography surveyed, the suitable articles were selected. The data obtained were carefully analyzed and correlated for discussion of the results pointed out in the literature.
Considerations about bone tissue and bone remodeling
Bone, a connective tissue, has cells, and in spite of presenting the particularity of being mineralized, it is constantly renewed by the bone remodeling process.1 In clinical terms, the rate of bone remodeling, also denominated bone turnover, is the period necessary for new bone to replace the existent bone, guaranteeing adaptation of the neoformed bone to its microenvironment.15 Microscopically, bone remodeling consist in bone resorption by osteoclasts, followed by bone formation by osteoblasts16,17 (Fig. 1). Both cells may be characterized by morphological and biochemical aspects. Osteoclasts, formed by the fusion of mononucleated cells of the hematopoietic lineage,18,19 are multinucleated giant cells that degrade the mineralized bone matrix. They are located in excavations on the bone surface, denominated Howship lacunae.16,20,21 In their cytoplasm, osteoclasts present the enzyme acid phosphatase, which may be distinguished from the other isoenzymes because it is resistant to inhibition by tartaric acid, thus denominated tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP).4,29 In addition to TRAP, the osteoclasts also synthesize other enzymes, such as metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and cathepsin K.22
Figure 1 Light micrographs of portions of tibiae which were surrounding the implants. (1A) Several bone trabeculae (B) and bone marrow regions (BM) are observed. Osteoblasts (Ob) and osteoclasts (Oc) are located on bone surface, whereas osteocytes (Ot) are located inside the bone matrix (B). H&E. Bar: 100μm. (1B) Osteoblasts (Ob), located on bone surface (B), show alcaline phosphate (ALP)-positive cytoplasm (brown-yellow color). Immunohistochemistry for detection of ALP (osteoblast marker) counterstained with Hematoxylin. Bar: 30μm. (1C) Giant multinucleated osteoclasts (Oc) exhibiting intense TRAP-positivity in the cytoplasm (brown color) are observed. n: nuclei. Ot: osteocytes. Arrowheads: Howship lacunae. Immunohistochemistry for detection of TRAP (osteoclast marker) counterstained with Hematoxylin. Bar: 90μm.
On the other hand, the osteoblasts, cells originating from precursors of mesenchymal origin, are mononucleated, smaller in size than osteoclasts and related to the production and mineralization of bone tissue matrix. They are disposed in a continuous layer on the surface of the bone matrix. Osteoblasts and pre-osteoblasts exhibit high levels of alkaline phosphatase enzyme (ALP) on the surface of their cytoplasmic membranes which, when released, contribute to the initiation of mineralization and progressive growth of hydroxyapatite crystals. In the initial process of bone tissue formation, after the osteoblasts have secreted the first layer of organic matrix, they appear to assume an important role in its mineralization. From the osteoblasts adjacent to the recently synthesized organic bone matrix, small vesicles emerge. ALP belongs to a family of enzymes that hydrolyze phosphate ions, supplying them to the interior of the vesicles. An increase in the concentration of calcium ions inside these vesicles also occurs, probably through the phospholipids in their membranes. Thus a supersaturation of phosphate and calcium occurs, resulting in the precipitation of phosphate and calcium inside the vesicles. Afterwards, there is vesicle membranes rupture and mineralization spreads throughout the matrix. This process is characteristic of the sites in which bone tissue formation and mineralization is occurring. Thus, ALP contributes to the beginning of mineralization and progressive growth of hydroxyapatite crystals of bone matrix.21,23 In this context of tissue renewal, the periosteum may be included, because it is an important source of osteogenic cells. It is made up of two layers: An external layer of fibrous conjunctive tissue, in which there are few cells and vessels, and an internal layer, that has osteoprogenitor mesenchymal stem cells, and a vast network of blood vessels in direct contact with the bone.2,24
As bone matrix is produced, some osteoblasts become trapped within its lacunae, and begin to exhibit cytoplasmic extensions, which are found inside the bone canaliculi. These extensions go toward to the extensions of adjacent osteocytes, and in the direction of other cells. Then, gap juctions which allow intercellular communications are established between osteocytes/osteocytes and osteocytes/other bone cells. The junctional communications enable even the osteocytes located in the deepest regions of bone to respond to systemic changes, and modifications on the bone surface. Therefore, osteocytes constitute a complex network that interconnects the bone surface with the most internal portions, and are responsible for the maintenance and vitality of the bone matrix.21,23 In addition, the osteocytes are considered essential for bone remodeling, and it has been demonstrated that apoptosis of this cell appears to stimulate the resorptive activity of osteoclasts.25 Osteoclasts are responsible for the phagocytosis of these osteocytes, thereby avoid triggering an inflammatory process within bone tissue.26-28
Osseointegration and bone remodeling around osseointegrated implants
In the 1960s, the Swedish orthopedist Branemark and his collaborators discovered, by chance, the occurrence of bone integration with titanium, denominated osseointegration. Thus, osseointegration consists of the clinically asymptomatic, rigid fixation of alloplastic materials, maintained during functional loads.7
In rats, osseointegration is acquired around 1 month after implants placement,3 and is characterized by the coverage of the implant threads by the adjacent bone tissue, in addition to the presence of insignificant inflammation and absence of fibrous tissue.3,5,12 A suitable model for this type of study was introduced in 1998, using the rat maxilla for observation of the tissues responsible for titanium implantation from 1 to 30 days after insertion of the implant. In this study, it was observed that the appearance of neoformed bone tissue occurred on the fifth day after implant placement, and covered the entire implant 30 days after osseointegration. However, concomitant with osseointegration, damaged bone was observed, exhibiting lacunae of empty osteocytes, or osteocytes with a picnotic appearance between the pre-existent and neoformed bone around the implants.(3,5,12 Considering that the remodeling process is continuous, it may be of relevance with respect not only to osseointegration, but also to the longevity of dental implants, the purpose of this study was to conduct a review of the literature with a view to elucidating the events associated with bone remodeling after the osseointegration of implants. In addition, it was performed a search to investigate the existence of data regarding a possible influence of treatments for modifying implant surfaces on these same events. A long term study investigating the response of bone tissue presents around osseointegrated machined titanium implants was performed in rats by Haga et al.29 These authors showed by means of active bone remodeling, with osteoclasts and osteoblasts working in synchrony, the spongy bone initially formed around the implant is gradually resorbed and completely replaced by compact bone at the end of 90 days. The morphological and biochemical alterations associated with the bone remodeling process, which occur around machined implants from 1 to 3.5 months after osseointegration are illustrated in Fig. 2.29
Figure 2 Light micrographs showing morphological changes in the surrounding bone around implants at 1, 2 and 3 months after osseointegration (2A-2C). Bar: 100░μm. The schematic representation of each light micrograph summarizes the main histological events in the replacement of the injured bone by newly formed bone (2D-2F). (2A, 2D): One month (30 days) after implant osseointegration, woven bone and bone marrow regions (BM) are observed in the light micrograph. Many osteoblasts (Ob) and osteoclasts (Oc) are located on bone surface. It can be found many regions of newly formed bone (NB), which are represented in pink color in the scheme. Inside the bone matrix, several osteocytes (Ot) are observed. However, empty osteocytes lacunae are still observed (white color), mainly in the regions of damaged bone (DB), in yellow color. (2B, 2E): Two months (60 days) post-osseointegration, the woven bone seems to reduce in volume when compared with 1-month period. Moreover, the woven bone previously in contact with the implant is being replaced by cortical.
One month after implant placement
Osseointegration is observed in all the surfaces of the implants.3,29) There is a thin layer of neoformed bone on the implant surface. However, a part of this surface is shown not to be in contact with the neoformed bone. In these areas, medullary spaces containing small blood capillaries are shown to be in contact with the implant surface. The neoformed bone contains osteocytic lacunae exhibiting intact osteocytes. In the region of pre-existent bone, a cement line is easily identified beyond the empty osteocytic lacunae. The double staining of TRAP and ALP enzymes for the detection of osteoclasts and osteoblasts, respectively, show positivity for both cells on the neoformed bone surface. ALP-positive osteoblasts are found close to the area occupied by TRAP-positive osteoclasts, suggesting the occurrence of synchrony and equivalence of the activity of these cells, and therefore, of bone remodeling.29
From 1.5 to 2.5 months after the implant placement
The formation of bone tissue proceeds in the direction of the damaged bone containing empty osteocytic lacunae, resulting in a reduction in it. Almost the entire implant surface is covered by neoformed bone. The portion of neoformed bone exhibits characteristics of spongy bone. Some empty osteocytic lacunae remain, however, the area containing this type of structure is shown to be smaller. There is the presence of an evident cement line between the pre-existent bone (containing empty osteocytic lacunae) and the neoformed bone. A lower number of ALP-positive osteoblasts and TRAP-positive osteoclasts are observed. In addition, both cell types present reduced volumes, suggesting less cell activity.29
Three months after the implant placement
The area of pre-existent bone has been replaced by neoformed bone containing intact osteocytes. The neoformed bone presents the morphological characteristics of compact bone. There are only some capillaries found between the implant and neoformed bone. ALP-positive osteoblasts and TRAP-positive osteoclasts are rarely observed around the implants, except in the bone marrow regions.
In the period comprised between 3 and 3.5 months after acquisition of osseointegration, minimal morphological and biochemical changes are related, such as for example, a slight increase in neoformed bone thickness (with its corticalization proceeding for up to 12 months after osseointegration).
The distribution and density of ALP-positive osteoblasts and TRAP-positive osteoclasts, and the distance between the cementing lines are identical to those observed in the period of 3 months after implant placement. Once again it is important to emphasize that the neoformed bone undergoes gradual changes from spongy to compact bone due to its continuous remodeling. However, it exhibits the same biological properties as intact bone after osseointegration is acquired.29
Implant surface treatments and bone remodeling after acquisition of osseointegration
Commercially pure titanium (cpTi), biocompatible material, shows no biological properties of osteoinduction or osteogenesis. For this reason, various surface treatments of titanium implants have been proposed, and carefully investigated. These studies have allowed observing that the process of osseointegration is favored by surface treatments, not only by showing the speed up of the complete osseointegration, but also by showing the favoring of the process where bone quality and quantity are not suitable30,47. The biological logic of these treatments is to make this microenvironment as similar as possible to the bone microenvironment. For this purpose, the implant surfaces provided have been mimicking the morphology and composition of the constituents of bone tissue itself.30,31,47
The process of changing the cpTi surface may be performed by the techniques of subtraction, particle adhesion or by association of both.31
The treatments of subtraction consist of removal of portions of the implant surface. An example of subtraction treatment is irradiation of the implant surface with a LASER beam. This process results in an increase in resistance to corrosion and biocompatibility of titanium, due to its oxidation and subsequent formation of oxides and nitrides.32 Moreover, irradiation with LASER joins advantages characteristics, such as non-contamination of the surface and a high degree of reproducibility of this technique, which produces a complex and homogeneous surface morphology, with a high degree of purity, thus favoring osseointegration and increasing the removal torque.30,32-34 In addition to these techniques, treatments with acids either associated with airborne, particle abrasion with titanium oxide - TiO2 or aluminum oxide - Al2O3,35 or not, are also forms of subtraction techniques.
As opposed to subtraction treatments, addition treatments consist of the addition of substances to the implant surface, such as, for example, the incorporation of ceramics such as hydroxyapatite (HA) [Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2].36 It has been shown that coating implant surfaces with calcium phosphate accelerates osseointegration, especially under conditions of a limited quantity and quality of bone tissue.37,38 This may be owing to the fact that HA helps to establish an early chemical bond, and consequently, a strong physical chemical interaction with bone in the initial stages of osseointegration. On the implant surface, a layer of apatite hydroxycarbonate is formed, which is chemically and structurally equivalent to the mineral phase of bone, thus a biochemical bond occurs between the implant surface and bone by means of bone matrix deposition on the HA surface. This physical chemical interaction between the collagen of bone and HA of the implant is denominated biointegration. Moreover, greater bone tissue formation is observed around implants coated with HA, than in cpTi implants.39
When materials such as HA, considered bioactive, are in contact with the live tissue, they undergo superficial dissolution induced by cell activity, releasing calcium and phosphorous ions into the extracellular matrix. These ions are incorporated into the microcrystals of HA of the bone; that is to say, bone matrix is deposited on the HA surface, leading to biointegration.40 Furthermore, HA is commonly used for coating metal implants, due to the mechanical advantages of metals added to the excellent biocompatibility and bioactivity of HA. This association (cpTi and HA) provides an increase in the strength of the interface with bone tissue.30,41-43 Methods of chemical deposition of HA have been studied to improve the bond of the coating to the implant surface. Among these, there is emphasis on the biomimetic method, which mimics the body’s biological process of hard tissue formation and consists of immersion of the substrate to be coated in a synthetic solution denominated simulated body fluid solution (SBF)36 and was performed by Queiroz et al.30 SBF has chemical composition, temperature and pH that simulate blood plasma.
The implant surface treatment methods may also be classified according to the topographic characteristics they give implants. Implant surface topography varies according to the method by which it is obtained; that is to say, by means of macro, micro or nanotechnology.14,30,34,44
By implant surface treatments greater implant surface roughness may be obtained. Roughness represents a micro or nanomorphological structural modification that provides an increase in the area of contact between the bone and implant.6 It is possible to distinguish between macroroughness (100μm to millimeters), microroughness (100nm-100μm) e nanoroughness (less than 100nm).31 Each type of topography has a specific influence on the mechanisms involved in osseointegration. For example, accumulation and organization of the blood clot on the rough surface create an important physical phenomenon for osteogenesis, such as greater adhesion, proliferation and expression of osteoblast differentiation markers. This leads to an increase in the bone-implant bond strength, and consequently, to success of therapy with implants in the long term.45-47 Clinical proof of the positive influence of surface treatments on osseointegration is the higher torque required for removal of implants with rough surfaces, when compared with those that have smooth surfaces.11,48
The cpTi implants modified on a nanometric scale by LASER beam with HA deposition by the biomimetic method, with and without afterwards receiving heat treatment in an oven at 600°C, favor osseointegration in the periods of evaluation of 30 and 60 days after implant placement in rabbit tibias. Moreover, the surface containing HA that did not undergo heat treatment presented greater biological activity, reducing the time of osseointegration. This latter result is probably associated with the lower degree of crystallinity of hydroxyapatite, which therefore becomes more soluble and similar to biological hydroxyapatite.30
In general, the goal of surface treatments is to reduce the time of loading after surgery; accelerate bone growth and maturation to allow immediate loading; increase primary stability; guarantee the success of implants when they are placed in regions that present bone with lower quality and quantity; obtain bone growth directly on the implant surface; obtain the largest possible area of osseointegration; obtain bone-implant contact without the interposition of amorphous protein layers; attract mesenchymal, pre-osteoblastic and osteoblastic cells, in addition to proteins with specific binding to osteogenic cells.9,44,49,50
The success of osseointegration, and the maintenance of implants is dependent on adequate rates of bone remodeling.44,51 However, up to the present time, we have not found any studies in the literature, which investigate a possible differential effect of these surface treatments of implants on the bone remodeling that occurs after the acquisition of osseointegration.
Osseointegration is described as an effective interaction between bone tissue and the implant surface.7-9 However, damaged bone tissue, with empty osteocytic lacunae, resulting from cutting of the bone for implant placement, remains in the microenvironment around the implant, even after its osseointegration.29 In the literature, studies with respect to bone remodeling around implants that have already become osseointegrated are rare. Of the articles selected for this review, only one study directly analyzed the events involving renewal of bone tissue in the microenvironment around the implant after osseointegration, in the absence of loads, in an animal model (rats).29 This study was conducted on the basis of the results obtained by Fuji et al.3 who demonstrated that this type of investigation could be conducted in animal models (rats) 30 days after the placement of a conventional implant with a machined surface, which was shown to be almost completely covered by bone tissue.
Haga et al.29 observed that one month after osseointegration, there was still bone tissue around the implant, presenting empty or picnotic osteocytic lacunae. By means of balanced bone remodeling, in which bone resorption by TRAP-positive osteoclasts and bone neoformation by ALP-positive osteoblasts are synchronic and equivalent, the damaged bone is remodeled in a gradual manner and disappears completely 3 months after implantation. Initially, there is replacement of the pre-existent bone, damaged by cutting,52 by spongy bone, and of this, by compact bone, thus improving the bone quality.29 These data clearly demonstrated that continual bone remodeling, even after osseointegration is essential for the survival and success of dental implants in the long term.
It is important to emphasize that the studies investigating events associated with bone remodeling after the acquisition of osseointegration, mentioned in this review of the literature, were conducted in the absence of loads.29 In the presence of loading and depending on the value of the load applied, modifications occur in the bone tissue located around the implant, which must have its structure adequately adapted to receive the forces applied.53 Furthermore it requires continuous remodeling to replace the regions damaged by fatigue, in order to prevent the occurrence of fractures and loss of the implant.4,6,54 Therefore, there are higher bone remodeling rates in implants submitted to the action of loads.6
In spite of the large number of studies on the topographical, physical and chemical changes on implant surfaces,14,30,34 up to the present time, we have found no articles in the literature, which have investigated a possible differential effect of these surface treatments on the bone remodeling that occurs after osseointegration has been established.
It is reasonable to suggest, for example, that bioactive surfaces may continue to be active in the long term, stimulating the bone cells and leading to a higher degree of tissue turnover. On the other hand, it is also possible that the properties obtained by means of the surface treatments may influence osseointegration only, seeing that at this time the bone cells have greater access to the treated surface |
Jarrett Allen is ahead of schedule. Most centers taken outside the lottery are late bloomers who need years to establish themselves in the NBA. Clint Capela and Rudy Gobert each averaged fewer than 3.0 points per game as rookies. Allen, the no. 22 overall pick in the 2017 draft, hit the ground running in Brooklyn. He became the starting center halfway through his rookie season, and he’s been one of the best young big men in the league in Year 2. What the Nets need to figure out is how valuable a player like that even is in 2018.
Allen, who is averaging 12.2 points on 59.8 percent shooting, 8.3 rebounds, and 1.6 blocks in 28 minutes per game this season, is playing like a top-10 pick. There’s not much difference between him and the five big men taken in this year’s top 10 when you translate their stats over 36 minutes of playing time. He leads in some categories and trails in others, but he’s not an outlier either way:
Allen vs. Rookie Bigs
While Allen has a year of NBA experience on the rookies, the more important metric when comparing player development is age. Marvin Bagley III, Jaren Jackson Jr., and Wendell Carter Jr., who were all born in 1999, are significantly younger than Allen, Deandre Ayton, and Mohamed Bamba, who were born in 1998. Allen will turn 21 in April, which makes him one month older than Bamba and three months older than Ayton. He was pushed ahead in school instead of being held back, allowing him to get a head start on his NBA career.
Allen was a McDonald’s All American who was highly regarded in his own right coming out of high school. He just didn’t fit the typical mold of an elite recruit. He avoided the AAU scene almost entirely, and has a wide variety of interests outside of basketball, which led to predictable whispers about his love for the game in the pre-draft process. The off-court concerns might not have mattered had he dominated in his only season of college, but he had an up-and-down year on an underachieving Texas team that won only 11 games. It’s a moot point now that he is settled in Brooklyn, where he is widely praised for his intelligence and work ethic.
“He’s well-adjusted,” said Spencer Dinwiddie after a 119-113 loss to Dallas on November 21. “He’s super talented. He uses both hands effectively. He’s grown as a rim protector big-time, and he’s a phenomenal finisher. He makes it easy on me.”
At 6-foot-11 and 237 pounds with a 7-foot-5 wingspan, Allen looks the part of a rim-running center. He has the size and athleticism to catch lobs on one end of the floor and anchor the defense on the other. Part of his issue in college was the way he was used. Texas head coach Shaka Smart tried to turn Allen into an old-school bruiser, with 27.8 percent of his offensive possessions coming out of the post. He’s posted up 35 times total (which led to 10 shot attempts) in two seasons in Brooklyn.
“Back-to-the-basket moves are what all big men grew up doing. It’s something I trained for almost all my life, and now I’m having to learn a different style,” Allen told me in a phone interview last week. “Of course, now kids my height are dribbling the ball up the court, bringing it up, and crossing people over.”
Allen grew up at the very end of a generational shift in the game. There aren’t many high school big men trying to play in the post anymore. The irony is that he was training for something he wasn’t well suited for, and his success in the NBA is a perfect example of why the shift happened in the first place. Allen doesn’t have the bulk to wrestle for position down low. He’s a fluid athlete who is more suited to playing in space like he does with the Nets. Brooklyn doesn’t run many plays for its young big man, but he is involved in almost every play it runs. The spread pick-and-roll is the foundation of its offense, with Allen setting screens at the top of the key and then rolling hard to the rim, sucking in the defense, and creating openings for its ball handlers and spot-up shooters.
“Other teams definitely know I can be a threat when rolling,” Allen said. “So some teams have a guy tag me, or they are playing a more conservative style of defense, knowing where I’m at all the time. Just keeping a body on me.”
Allen, who is in the 71st percentile of roll men leaguewide and the 78th percentile when finishing around the rim, has already made a name for himself as a dunker. There aren’t many guys his size with his ability to elevate quickly:
Allen isn’t just a one-dimensional dunker. He has the hands to grab balls in traffic, the basketball IQ to time his cuts perfectly, the touch to finish from a variety of release points, and the vision to make the extra pass if the defense sends help. His assist-to-turnover ratio has gone from negative in Year 1 (0.64:1) to positive in Year 2 (1.23:1). He’s also one of the few rim runners who can knock down free throws (career 74.1 percent on 2.5 attempts per game) when he’s sent to the line.
“I think the sky’s the limit for him. He’s one of those young players where every game you see something new,” said Nets head coach Kenny Atkinson before their game in Dallas last month.
Allen has taken an even bigger step forward on defense this season. He’s increased his total rebounding percentage by 1.6 points and has become one of the best rim protectors in the league. There are 14 players who have defended at least seven field goal attempts per game within 6 feet of the rim this season. Allen is fifth among them in defensive field goal percentage allowed (54.0 percent) on those shots, ahead of guys like Gobert, Capela, and Anthony Davis.
It’s all part of the natural progression of a young big man. Allen is bigger and stronger than he was last season, and he has a better understanding of what his coaches want from him.
“You don’t really know what to expect as a rookie. You don’t know who you are playing against and how they like to play,” said Allen. “You have to know what certain guards want to do when defending the pick-and-roll: do they like to shoot a certain way, or pass that way, and their tendencies [will tell you] about how to block their shots.”
Allen has excelled in everything the Nets have asked him to do. The problem is they don’t ask him to do all that much. He rarely creates his own shot on offense, and he doesn’t venture outside the paint on defense. Brooklyn is one of the most analytically inclined organizations in the league, and its system puts its centers into a narrowly defined role. The Nets generate a higher percentage of their offense (7.6) from the roll man in pick-and-roll situations than all but three teams, and they are dead last (1.2 percent) in post-ups.
The Nets are the ultimate system team, but their system has collapsed without Caris LeVert, who went down with a dislocated ankle November 21. LeVert was in the midst of a breakout season, averaging 18.4 points on 47.5 percent shooting, 4.3 rebounds, and 3.7 assists per game. Brooklyn was 6-7 before his injury, but has lost nine of the 11 games since and effectively fell out of the Eastern Conference playoff picture. Allen is now their best two-way player, but he can do only so much to impact the game in his current role.
Allen still spends most of his time on offense setting screens. He’s just doing it for Dinwiddie, D’Angelo Russell, and Shabazz Napier instead of LeVert, and they are trying to make up with volume what the team lost in efficiency. He’s a release valve whose production is dictated by the decisions of the defense. He has the second-lowest usage rate (16.5) of any player in their rotation, ahead of only backup center Ed Davis, and the highest true shooting percentage (63.8). His points come mostly off his own activity level: rolling to the rim, cutting off the ball, crashing the offensive glass, and getting out in transition.
“I always tell [Allen] to stay aggressive. I don’t like when he gets the offensive rebound and he kicks it out. As a big in that situation, you have to be a little selfish, especially how our offense is set up,” Davis, a nine-year NBA veteran who has become a mentor to Allen in his first season in Brooklyn, told me in the locker room before their game in Dallas. “The bigs don’t get a lot of touches. When he gets the ball in the paint, I tell him, fuck kicking it out. Throw it back up. You might take a couple bad shots, but what is coach going to do? He ain’t going to take you out.”
That same efficiency-minded approach extends to the Nets defense. They have Allen drop back on the pick-and-roll to protect the rim and ask their guards to chase ball handlers over screens and prevent them from getting open 3s. The idea is to dare opposing teams to take as many long 2s as possible since the numbers should work in their favor over the course of a game. They are no. 2 in the league in opponent field goal attempts (11.3) from 16-24 feet out and dead last in the number of shots they allow from outside of 24-plus feet (25.0).
There are limitations to that approach, which you can see in Allen’s defensive metrics. He’s in the 17th percentile of players when defending ball handlers in the pick-and-roll. The Nets guards don’t get over screens well, and Allen is dropping so far back that he can’t contest the open shots that opposing guards are walking into. They give him fairly rigid rules to follow rather than trusting his instincts. He has been the primary defender in 248 pick-and-rolls that have ended in either a shot or a turnover this season, and the overwhelming majority of those plays have come from the ball handler (237) instead of the roll man (11). There’s nothing Allen can do to help his teammates on plays like this:
One possible solution would be for Allen to extend out on the perimeter and pick up the ball handler himself. While the Nets switch screens only in emergencies, Allen has held up when he’s been caught on an island this season. He’s in the 85th percentile of players when defending isolations in 36 possessions.
“I feel comfortable doing it. I know I’m athletic enough to guard a guard out there. I’m not calling myself the Defensive Player of the Year or anything, but I can hold my own,” said Allen.
Atkinson and GM Sean Marks have to make a decision with Allen. Getting more out of him would mean making changes to their system, which won’t be easy to do halfway through the season. They may not want to, either.
Featuring Allen would change the structure of the Nets offense. He’s not a good enough shooter at this stage in his career to force defenders to guard him outside the paint, which prevents him from using his quickness to face them up and go around them. The only way for him to create his own shot is to back people down in the post, which is one of the most difficult ways to score in the NBA. Joel Embiid is having an MVP-caliber season while generating 1.054 points per possession in the post. That number would put him in the 74th percentile of post scorers around the league and the 41st percentile of roll men.
Brooklyn would rather Allen work on his 3-point shot than his post game. Atkinson has given his center the green light to shoot from behind the arc even though there’s little evidence that he can be effective from that range. He was 0-for-7 from 3 in college and is 8-for-32 (25.0 percent) in his two seasons in the NBA.
“He’s shown he can shoot the corner 3, not as much this year, but I think he’s very capable. At 7 feet with his athleticism, he’s a modern-day center and I think he can even expand that position because I think he can play on the perimeter, too,” Atkinson said. “We run him to the corner sometimes. We believe in space and sometimes we’re running spread pick-and-roll and we don’t want him in the dunker role. Having that space, especially at the end of the game, is valuable.”
The NBA has become a league defined by space, with offenses trying to create it and defenses trying to take it away. Most NBA coaches keep at least four 3-point shooters in the game to force the defense to cover the entire floor, which means there’s an opportunity cost to playing a non-shooter like Allen. Playing him big minutes makes it almost impossible to have another non-shooter in the rotation.
The Nets are a perfect example of how this lineup dynamic plays out. Their most commonly used five-man unit this season featured two guards who could play on or off the ball (Russell and LeVert), one roll man (Allen), and two one-dimensional shooters at the wings (Jared Dudley and Joe Harris). Brooklyn hasn’t found a group that clicks without LeVert. His absence has exposed the limitations of Dudley and Harris, but taking the best shooters out eliminates the spacing that Allen needs to be effective. While they need to lean on their defense without LeVert, their best perimeter defender (Rondae Hollis-Jefferson) is a poor outside shooter who doesn’t mesh with Allen.
Building a defense around Allen is tricky, too. His agility for a big man is intriguing, and he might be unleashed in a switch-happy scheme like the one Rockets use with Capela. The problem is that his quickness comes at a cost inside. There are still a few big men in the NBA who can bully smaller players, and Allen has to deal with them, too. He doesn’t have the bulk of a guy like Embiid, who is listed conservatively at 7 feet and 250 pounds. The 76ers star dominated Allen in a 127-125 victory on November 25, and scored 32 points on 11-of-19 shooting.
“It’s not even that I want to get bigger. I have to to really succeed in this league when playing against bigger guys,” said Allen. “I have to bulk up.”
Allen will get stronger as he moves into his 20s, but he has to be careful about changing his body too much. Like a lot of young big men who come into the league these days, he has to maintain a difficult balance between adding strength without losing speed. There are more defensive demands on the center position than ever before because they have to guard so many different types of players.
“If you can’t shoot the 3 on a consistent basis, or have a seriously elite handle as a big man, you are definitely a 5 in this NBA,” Davis said with a smile. “I wish I could be a 4.”
The list of players Allen has guarded this season features guys of all shapes, sizes, and skill sets. Some of his most frequent opponents are old-school behemoths like Hassan Whiteside, Marc Gasol, and Andre Drummond. Yet he’s also had matchups with small-ball 5s like Jeff Green and stretch 5s like Mike Muscala, as well as guards like Steph Curry, Chris Paul, and John Wall. It’s almost too much to ask of any one player.
The best teams in the NBA aren’t built around one dominant center. The Warriors won the past two titles with Draymond Green and Kevin Durant moonlighting at the 5 in the playoffs and a platoon of bigger bodies absorbing the physical pounding that comes with the position in the regular season. The top two teams in the East this season have waves of players they can rotate through at center: Brook Lopez, Ersan Ilyasova, and Thon Maker for the Bucks; Serge Ibaka, Jonas Valanciunas, and Pascal Siakam for the Raptors. Both teams could even go smaller with four wings around Giannis Antetokounmpo or Kawhi Leonard, respectively, in a theoretical Finals matchup with Golden State.
There might be a ceiling on Allen’s game even if he becomes as dominant defensively as Gobert or Capela. Gobert was the Defensive Player of the Year last season and he struggled to defend Paul and James Harden at the 3-point line in the second round of the playoffs. Capela is more mobile than Gobert, but his offensive limitations were exposed in the Western Conference finals against the Warriors. Houston was more effective in that series with P.J. Tucker at the 5.
Gobert and Capela haven’t raised the games of their teammates this season. Utah hasn’t made enough 3s to create room for Gobert to roll to the rim, and the Jazz have slipped to the bottom of the West. Capela is more a creation of Harden and Paul than the reverse. There’s not much he can do to slow down the aging process for CP3. Houston doesn’t change its offense to get him the ball more when Paul struggles anymore than Brooklyn has featured Allen without LeVert.
A center in the NBA has become like a running back in the NFL. Teams don’t have to build their offenses around those positions because their production is a function of a modern offense. A good quarterback, set of wide receivers, and offensive line will stress a defense so much that any decent running back can put up big numbers. The Steelers replaced Le’Veon Bell with James Conner and haven’t missed a beat. Similarly, an NBA team that can put three 3-point shooters around a quality point guard will create enough space in the half court that any decent center can put up huge numbers when rolling to the rim.
Allen may not be as gifted as Ayton, but the Nets are using him in a system that allows him to rack up similar per-36-minute averages to the no. 1 overall pick. While it would be nice to get more production from their center, that isn’t the position that is holding them back. They began the season with a starting lineup of LeVert, Russell, Allen, and two placeholders at the wings in Dudley and Harris. Imagine if they could insert into their lineup a player like Jayson Tatum, one of the first-round picks they sent to the Celtics as part of their disastrous 2013 trade to land Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce.
There’s no way to replace wings with 3-point shooting ability and the size to defend multiple positions. The only way to get those players is at the top of the draft. This is the first season in which the Nets have had their own lottery pick since Atkinson and Marks took over in 2016. They knew it would be a long haul, so they installed a system that would create the most efficient shots possible, regardless of personnel. Changing it to build around a center would defeat the whole point. Allen, for as good as he has been the past two seasons, is not a cornerstone—at least not on a franchise that views the production at the center position as a replaceable commodity. His job is not to lift Brooklyn out of the lottery, it’s to complement the players who can. |
Bud Spencer June 27, 2022 by gigatos SummaryYouth and educationSwimming career and first film rolesStarting a family and working in the music industryBud Spencer as pseudonymCareer peak: 1970s and 1980sAge work: Since the 1990sWork as an inventor Summary Bud Spencer († June 27, 2016 in Rome) was an Italian film and television actor, swimmer and water polo player, musician and composer, politician and inventor, and founder of the airline Mistral Air. Pedersoli was the first Italian to swim the 100-meter freestyle in under a minute, won Italian swimming championships in various disciplines for ten consecutive years, and was a member of the Italian national water polo team. In 1952 and 1956 he participated in the Olympic Games in Helsinki and Melbourne, respectively. He became best known as Bud Spencer alongside Terence Hill. The comedic duo appeared in numerous adventure and western comedies with extensive fight scenes and in some more serious Italo westerns. Pedersoli usually played the stubborn, phlegmatic, but good-hearted character who put his opponents out of action with a powerful punch. Also read, biographies – George Steinbrenner Youth and education Carlo Pedersoli was born in Naples in 1929, the son of industrialist Alessandro Pedersoli. In 1937, he began swimming at a local swim club. In 1940, the family moved to Rome where, after skipping two grades of school, Pedersoli began studying chemistry at a Roman university in 1946. During World War II, he narrowly escaped death in an air raid on San Lorenzo. However, because his family moved to South America a year later, he had to abandon his studies. In South America, he worked both as an assembly line worker in Rio de Janeiro, as a librarian in Buenos Aires, and as a secretary at the Italian Embassy in Montevideo. In 1948, the 19-year-old returned to Italy and enrolled as a law student.He graduated from law school in 1957 after six semesters. (In Italy, one receives the academic degree of dottore upon successful completion of university studies; sometimes this is mistakenly rendered as a doctorate). In 2011, Spencer stated that he had wanted to become a doctor or lawyer, but that he never got around to it because of his many other activities. Also read, biographies – Cynewulf of Wessex Swimming career and first film roles Even while studying law, his passion for swimming remained and he was a member of the Italian national water polo team. He became Italian champion in the 100-meter freestyle, which he swam under one minute on September 19, 1950, the first Italian to do so. He won the Italian championship ten years in a row from 1947 to 1957: three years in breaststroke, seven years in freestyle. In 1950, Pedersoli had his first (extra) role as a praetorian in Emperor Nero”s Guard in the monumental film Quo Vadis. Other small roles in Italian productions followed: Siluri umani (1954, German title: Torpedomänner angreifen), Un Eroe dei nostri tempi (1955, German title: Ein Held unserer Tage), Il Cocco di mamma (1957, German title: In einem anderen Land). In 1951 Pedersoli participated in the Mediterranean Games and won the silver medal in the 100 m freestyle with 59.7 s. In 1952 he participated in the Olympic Games in Helsinki and finished fifth in the preliminary heat of the 100 m freestyle with 58.9 s in the swimming competitions. He did not reach the final with the Italian 4×200-meter freestyle relay team. He was invited by Yale University because of his athletic successes with other talented athletes and spent a few months in the United States. In the 1955 Mediterranean Games he won a gold medal with the Italian national water polo team. In 1956 he participated in the Olympic Games in Melbourne, finishing 11th in the 100-meter freestyle. In 1957, at the age of 28, he ended his swimming career and returned to South America. He said himself at the time, “Because if fame comes too quickly, it easily goes to your head. With me, it was about to.” He was also very critical of the fact that only victory counted. He also commented on other downsides: “A champion, especially a professional soccer player,” embodies the “figure of a demigod who can get away with anything” and who is hardly interested in the question of whether he is doped. He emphasized that he had never used any aids himself. Also read, biographies – Lewis Carroll Starting a family and working in the music industry In his biography, he described that he saw a danger in his high profile in Italy, because an ex-champion, while always finding benevolent people, risked becoming someone who lived only on memories. This was an important reason why he moved to South America. For nine months he worked as a foreman in the motor pool building the Panamericana, then for Alfa Romeo in Caracas. He kept up his relationship through correspondence. In 1960 Pedersoli returned to Rome and married Maria Amato, six years his junior, daughter of Giuseppe Amato, whom he had known for 15 years. In 1961 their son Giuseppe Pedersoli was born, followed a year later by daughter Christiana. In 1972 followed his second daughter Diamante. In 1959, Pedersoli appeared in a small role in the monumental film Hannibal, which also featured his later film partner Terence Hill. Between 1960 and 1964 Pedersoli worked mainly as a composer for the Italian record company RCA. He composed Neapolitan songs and songs for pop singers like Rita Pavone. He also toured various nightclubs with self-composed songs, accompanying himself on the guitar. In 1964 Pedersoli canceled his contract with RCA, moreover his father-in-law Giuseppe Amato, one of the greatest film producers in Italy (The Sweet Life, 1960 by Federico Fellini) died. In 1965, Pedersoli founded his own production company, which produced animal documentaries for Italian RAI television. Also read, biographies – Francisco Serrão Bud Spencer as pseudonym In 1967, Pedersoli received a film offer from the director and acquaintance of his wife Giuseppe Colizzi for the Italian western God Forgives… Django Never! (original title: Dio perdona … io no! – literal translation: “God forgives … I don”t!”). This film was the beginning of the comedy duo Bud Spencer and Terence Hill, who stepped in as a replacement for the originally planned Peter Martell, who had broken his foot the night before filming began. God Forgives … Django Never! is still a “serious” western. It was remade after the success of their first Western comedies, which were dubbed with more light-hearted humor and renamed Zwei vom Affen gebissen (Two Bitten by a Monkey). Since the film was too brutal in parts, this version was shortened by about 13 minutes and received an FSK-16 release. In this way, the film was brought to the cinema once again. The follow-up western Hill of Bloody Boots was also “reworked” according to this principle and re-released as Zwei hau”n auf den Putz. Both actors adopted English stage names, as these were easier to market at the time and Pedersoli did not want to ridicule his well-known name. His colleague Mario Girotti, whom he had known for many years before their first filming together at a swimming club in Rome, chose “Terence Hill” from a list. Pedersoli told about his own stage name: “I didn”t have a list! I had a bottle of Budweiser beer – my favorite – in front of me. And Spencer Tracy was always my favorite actor, so my choice was easy!” Also read, biographies – Joseph Beuys Career peak: 1970s and 1980s The 1970s turned out to be a triumphant period for the successful European film team. The breakthrough came with The Devil”s Right Hand and the Devil”s Left Hand (original title: Lo chiamavano Trinità, 1970) and especially with the sequel Four Fists for a Hallelujah (… continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità, 1971, in the GDR with the title Der Kleine und der müde Joe). With around 12 million viewers, this “beating Western” is one of the most successful films ever shown in German cinemas. The new genre of the “punch-up comedy” was born. The comedies with loose sayings, which in the German dubbing are largely due to the dialogue writer Rainer Brandt, and the funny staged brawls made the duo world famous. Frequently used were the two-handed double back whistle and the vertical blow with a fist on the head (“steam hammer”), with which Bud Spencer knocked down his opponents. During the filming of the beating scenes, real hits occasionally occurred due to Spencer”s short-sightedness. The duo was compared to Laurel and Hardy and Spencer himself called Charlie Chaplin an important role model. In addition, food in the form of often onomatopoeic orgies of gluttony played a central role in many of Spencer”s films. Die Zeit attested to his childlike “delight in disregarding all etiquette and mannerliness. Bud Spencer made a total of nine films with Terence Hill in the 1970s. Without Terence Hill, he appeared in thirteen films, including the “Flatfoot” series, made with his own idea. For some of his films such as They Called Him Mosquito (Lo chiamavano Bulldozer, 1978) and The Crocodile and His Hippo (Io sto con gli ippopotami, 1979), Bud Spencer wrote music tracks. In 1979, Bud Spencer received the Cinema Jupiter Award as Germany”s most popular star. The popularity of the duo led to the production of several films in the mid-1970s that sought to repeat the pattern of success with a different cast. These films were cast with similar-looking actors, such as Paul L. Smith as the Bud Spencer equivalent in Italian productions. German titles also followed the model, for example in 1975”s Zwei irre Typen mit ihrem tollen Brummi. Meanwhile, Pedersoli discovered his passion for flying. He earned his helicopter private pilot”s license in 1975 and his Brevetto e licenza di pilota civile 2° grado (Turismo internazionale) in 1977, acquiring flight licenses for Switzerland and the United States. In 1981 he founded the airline Mistral Air, which he later sold. In the 1980s Bud Spencer made other films, including Banana Joe (1982), for which he also wrote the screenplay. He also appeared again in front of the camera with Terence Hill, as in Two Aces Trump (Chi trova un amico, trova un tesoro, 1981), Two Bears Strong (Nati con la camicia, 1983), Four Fists Against Rio (Double Trouble, 1984) and The Miami Cops (Miami Supercops, 1985). However, the audience figures for the films, which were shot according to the same successful formula, declined, so Spencer and Hill stopped working together in 1985. In 1988, Bud Spencer was seen for the first time in a television series: Jack Clementi – Call is Enough… (he also collaborated on the script for this one. Also read, biographies – Praxiteles Age work: Since the 1990s In the 1990s Bud Spencer was seen on television with the series Two Super Guys in Miami (Extralarge, 1990-1993), successful in Italy, alongside Philip Michael Thomas from Miami Vice and later Michael Winslow from Police Academy. The script for this was written by his son Giuseppe. For the last film together with Terence Hill, he was in front of the camera in 1994, after a nine-year break, for The Troublemakers (Botte di Natale). In Germany, however, only about 100,000 viewers saw the film. Bud Spencer and Philip Michael Thomas also made the six-part series Two Angels with Four Fists. Since then, he mainly took on smaller and serious roles that no longer had anything to do with the “beating genre” and was less in the public eye. In 2005 followed a film role in the TV production Padre Speranza – With God”s Blessing (Padre Speranza). In April 2005, Pedersoli ran in the Italian regional elections for a government office in Lazio, the central region around Rome. Like many other Forza Italia candidates, he was not elected due to the unexpectedly poor performance of Silvio Berlusconi”s party. In early 2006, Terence Hill mentioned wanting to make another film with his long-term partner Bud Spencer. Two years later, Pedersoli confirmed plans to do so in an exclusive interview with the Italian TV station Canale 5. The new film was to be a variant of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. “The basic idea is that Terence Hill and I are in prison as Jekyll and Hyde. A doctor invents a pill for good and one for bad. But the doctor loses the pills and our characters get mixed up …” In April 2011, however, Spencer denied that there would be another film with Terence Hill: “Never again. We”re moving like old men.” After a five-year break from filming, Bud Spencer returned to the movie business in 2007 on his 78th birthday. In the German agent parody Mord ist mein Geschäft, Liebling, he took on a role alongside Nora Tschirner, Rick Kavanian and Christian Tramitz. The feature film was shot in Berlin and in Italy. In an interview at the film premiere in Munich, he stated that although he had earned a lot of money with his films in the 1970s and 1980s, there was nothing left of it due to private problems. In 2010, work began on the no-budget production They Called Him Spencer, a documentary fan project about the man Carlo Perdersoli and his cinematic alter ego. The film, in which Bud Spencer made his last screen appearance, premiered at the Munich Film Festival on June 23, 2017. Numerous long-time cinema companions of the star participated in the production. In May 2010, the Italian TV channel Canale 5 launched the TV series I delitti del cuoco, in which Bud Spencer plays a retired policeman who opens a restaurant on the island of Ischia. The series was inspired by Nero Wolfe, a well-known detective character by Rex Stout. Spencer did not see himself as a professional actor, but as a performer whose type was well received by the audience. Since he had no acting ambitions, there was no competition with the trained actor Terence Hill. In mid-April 2011, Bud Spencer”s autobiography Bud Spencer. My Life, My Films in German. Within a few days, the biography became a bestseller and reached No. 1 on the Spiegel bestseller list. Due to its great success, a second part was announced, which appeared in March 2012 and, like the first volume, was promoted with a German reading tour. The book, entitled In achtig Jahren um die Welt (Around the World in Eighty Years), contains a separate chapter in which Spencer answers questions that fans were able to ask in advance on the Internet. From August 19 to 31, 2011, the first German Bud Spencer retrospective took place at Berlin”s Babylon cinema. As part of the event series, numerous Spencer films were shown on the big screen. Bud Spencer was personally present at the opening. The series was curated by German film publicist Friedemann Beyer. On March 17, 2012, the approximately 50-minute documentary Bud”s Best – The World of Bud Spencer was first broadcast on the German-French cultural channel Arte as part of the “Kings of the B-Movies” series. The film by Friedemann Beyer and Irene Höfer portrays Spencer”s life and work and looks at his status as a pop cultural icon. The premiere of the film took place on March 6, 2012 at Berlin”s Babylon cinema in the presence of the star. After the publication of two other books – the philosophical cookbook I eat, therefore I am: Mangio ergo sum – My Philosophy of Eating (2014) and the memoir What I Still Wanted to Tell You (2016) – the album Futtetenne was released on CD and LP in spring 2016, on which Spencer interpreted ten Italian songs as a singer, some of which he wrote himself. His official Facebook channel (called Facebud by him), which had about 1.5 million followers at the time of his death, also gained great popularity. Bud Spencer died on June 27, 2016 at the age of 86 in a hospital in Rome. According to his son, he died peacefully surrounded by his family and said goodbye with the word “thank you”. In an interview with Corriere della Sera, Terence Hill, ten years younger, stated that he had “lost his best friend” and was “devastated”. Bud Spencer was buried at the Cimitero Comunale Monumentale al Campo Verano in Rome. Also read, battles – Battle of the Philippine Sea Work as an inventor Pedersoli applied for several patents as an inventor, but they lapsed due to non-payment of fees: in 1981 he invented a hunting rifle with three barrels and in 1990 a special door lock. Bud Spencer”s German voice actor was mostly Wolfgang Hess, who lent him his voice in over 25 films as well as in two series. Especially in the films that were edited under the dubbing direction of Rainer Brandt, Spencer was also spoken by Arnold Marquis and Martin Hirthe. Marquis made ten appearances, Hirthe seven. Other voice actors included Alexander Welbat, Heinz Theo Branding, Edgar Ott, Hans Dieter Zeidler, Engelbert von Nordhausen and Manfred Grote, who all spoke him only once each. Benno Hoffmann, who was initially to be established as Spencer”s regular voice actor, had to be replaced after only two films due to illness. This led to the first assignment for Wolfgang Hess. In the DEFA dubbing of Hügel der blutigen Stiefel, Spencer was spoken by Ulrich Voß. In the series Jack Clementi – Anruf genügt… Karl-Heinz Krolzyk dubbed Bud Spencer. Numerous films with Bud Spencer were dubbed several times. After Spencer”s breakthrough in the 1970s and 1980s, the early westerns in particular were given a second dubbed version, which was no longer based on the more serious original text, but was enriched with flippant dubbing in the style of the later films. The films were also often shortened, for example to remove violent scenes. These versions with Schnodder dubbing were often produced under the direction of Karlheinz Brunnemann, Rainer Brandt, Heinz Petruo and Arne Elsholtz at Deutsche Synchron or Brandtfilm in Berlin. Some were also created by MGS-Synchron GmbH in Düsseldorf. These works in particular were criticized for their flat jokes, which did not measure up to the versions from Berlin. There are even three German versions each of Hill of Bloody Boots and They Sell Death. While in the original Banana Joe Spencer merely throws a drunken guest out, in the German the drunk asks the question, “Do you actually know who I am?” To which Spencer replies, “Yes, yes, Maya the Bee!” In this scene, the drunk was dubbed by Eberhard Storeck, who also dubbed the character Willi in Maya the Bee. Bud Spencer became the subject of controversy in 2011 over the naming of a new road tunnel on federal highway 29 in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Under the name “Names for the Gmünd Tunnel”, the city held a public procedure on its website until July 1, 2011 for the submission of name suggestions for the Schwäbisch Gmünd tunnel. Voting was held from 82 pre-selected name suggestions until July 25. Through the participation of thousands of members of a Facebook group, by far the most votes went to the Bud Spencer Tunnel proposal. Spencer said he was “deeply honored” by the approval. However, the city council, chaired by Mayor Richard Arnold, did not consider the voting result binding and the proposal to name the structure after Spencer was rejected. Alternatively, the Schwäbisch Gmünd municipal council decided to rename the municipal open-air swimming pool in the Schießtal as the Bud Spencer Pool, as Carlo Pedersoli had taken part in a swimming competition held there between Germany and Italy on July 7 and 8, 1951 and won in the 100 m crawl (59.8 seconds). The renaming of the outdoor swimming pool took place on December 2, 2011 and was personally performed by Bud Spencer. The Sunny Bastards record label released the tribute album A Street Tribute to Bud Spencer & Terence Hill. The album features various bands, mainly from the punk and Oi! genres, playing songs about the two or re-scoring songs from the various soundtracks. In 2011, the Italian rock band Controtempo released the song Come Bud Spencer e Terence Hill. In the accompanying music video, Terence Hill and Bud Spencer make a guest appearance. In 2016, the city of Budapest named a park after Bud Spencer.On November 11, 2017, a statue of Bud Spencer was unveiled in Corvin sétány, the Corvin Promenade in the 8th district, Józsefváros, of Budapest in the presence of his daughter Cristina Pedersoli and district mayor Máté Kocsis. The bronze cast by artist Szandra Tasnadi is 2.40 meters high and weighs 500 kilograms. Films with him were frequently shown in Hungary even during the communist period and are still very popular today. Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg honors Bud Spencer with a commemorative plaque depicting the city of Rome. Since 2001, Bud Spencer and Terence Hill fan meetings have been held in Germany at changing locations. In 2018, 4000 visitors came to this festival. In December 2017, the computer game Bud Spencer & Terence Hill: Slaps and Beans was released, in which you fight your way through various scenarios of well-known movies as Spencer and Hill. In his last book he told about the strict fasting that Terence underwent before the food scenes to make the gorging look more real. He never did that himself; he always had enough appetite as it was. Friendships played an important role in Spencer”s life. For the film Two Heavenly Dogs on the Road to Hell, Colizzi could pay them little, yet he and Terence agreed to do it because they owed him “just too much on a professional and human level.” This was not always rewarded. Thus, in his biography, he mentions a former friend who told him about the loss of his girlfriend, financial difficulties and suicidal thoughts. As a result, he supported him with 30,000 lire a month, whereupon this “friend” demanded an increase after some time. When he didn”t get it, he didn”t want to see him anymore. Sources Bud SpencerBud Spencer Related |
Nils Kåre Birkeland
- Phone+47 55 58 26 57
- Visitor AddressThormølens gate 53 A/B5006 BergenRoom3G20
My interests include environmental and molecular microbiology, and evolution and adaptations of prokaryotes. Current research activities involve thermophilic bacteria and archaea, metagenomics in extreme environments, extremophilic methane oxidition, and enteropathogenic bacteria in tropical fresh-waters. Present work aims at (1) identifying molecular adaptations to extreme temperatures using extremophilic microorganisms from a variety of environments, (2) enhance our understanding of the enourmous natural microbial diversity in extreme habitats, (3) elucidation of mechanisms and regulation of biological methane oxidation, (4) metagenomics, and (5) to obtain knowledge about the survival and evolution of Shigella-like bacteria.
- (2021). Simultaneous biogas upgrading and acetic acid production by homoacetogens consortium enriched from peatland soil. Bioresource Technology Reports.
- (2021). Characteristics of DNA polymerase I from an extreme thermophile, Thermus scotoductus strain K1. MicrobiologyOpen. 7 pages.
- (2021). Anoxybacillus karvacharensis sp. nov., a novel thermophilic bacterium isolated from the Karvachar geothermal spring in Nagorno-Karabakh. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 9 pages.
- (2021). Complete nitrogen cycle driven by the thermophilic microbial community of Rupi II hot spring. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences. 59-69.
- (2020). Geothermal springs in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh: potential sources of hydrolase-producing thermophilic bacilli. Extremophiles. 519-536.
- (2020). Endophytic bacteria associated with halophyte Seidlitzia rosmarinus Ehrenb. ex Boiss. from saline soil of Uzbekistan and their plant beneficial traits. Journal of Arid Land. 730-740.
- (2020). Draft Genome Sequence of Escherichia coli Strain Tj, Isolated from the Varzob River in Tajikistan. Microbiology Resource Announcements (MRA).
- (2019). Insights into the Bacterial Diversity of the Acidic Akhtala Mine Tailing in Armenia Using Molecular Approaches. Current Microbiology. 462-469.
- (2019). Global Biogeographic Distribution Patterns of Thermoacidophilic Verrucomicrobia Methanotrophs Suggest Allopatric Evolution. Frontiers in Microbiology. 1-11.
- (2019). Complete genome sequence analysis of the thermoacidophilic verrucomicrobial methanotroph “Candidatus Methylacidiphilum kamchatkense” strain Kam1 and comparison with its closest relatives. BMC Genomics. 1-15.
- (2019). Bacterial Community Profiling of Tropical Freshwaters in Bangladesh. Frontiers In Public Health. 1-16.
- (2019). A glimpse of the prokaryotic diversity of the Large Aral Sea reveals novel extremophilic bacterial and archaeal groups. MicrobiologyOpen. 1-13.
- (2018). Bacilli community of saline–alkaline soils from the Ararat Plain (Armenia) assessed by molecular and culture-based methods. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 232-240.
- (2017). Protection against shigellosis caused by shigella dysenteriae serotype 4 in Guinea pigs using escherichia albertii dm104 as a live vaccine candidate strain. Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica. 151-164.
- (2017). Diversity of bacteria and archaea from two shallow marine hydrothermal vents from Vulcano Island. Extremophiles. 733-742.
- (2017). Complete genome sequence analysis of Archaeoglobus fulgidus strain 7324 (DSM 8774), a hyperthermophilic archaeal sulfate reducer from a North Sea oil field. Standards in Genomic Sciences.
- (2015). Evidence for extensive gene flow and Thermotoga subpopulations in subsurface and marine environments. The ISME Journal. 1532-1542.
- (2014). Microbial diversity in an Armenian geothermal spring assessed by molecular and culture-based methods. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 1240-1250.
- (2014). Microbial community analysis of thermophilic mixed culture sludge for biohydrogen production from palm oil mill effluent. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 19285-19293.
- (2014). An Environmental escherichia albertii strain, dm104, induces protective immunity to shigella dysenteriae in guinea pig eye model. Current Microbiology. 642-647.
- (2014). Activation of the MCM helicase from the thermophilic archaeon, Thermoplasma acidophilum by interactions with GINS and Cdc6-2. Extremophiles. 915-924.
- (2013). Thermoanaerobacter spp. recovered from hot produced water from the Thar Jath oil-field in South Sudan. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 5219-5226.
- (2013). Serological cross-reaction between O-antigens of Shigella dysenteriae type 4 and an environmental Escherichia albertii isolate. Current Microbiology. 590-595.
- (2013). Prevalence and distribution of different diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli virulotypes in major water bodies in Bangladesh. Epidemiology and Infection. 2516-2525.
- (2013). Heavy metal accumulation and the expression of the copA and nikA genes in Bacillus subtilis AG4 isolated from the Sotk gold mine in Armenia. Biological Journal of Armenia. 51-57.
- (2013). Evidence for successional development in Antarctic hypolithic bacterial communities. The ISME Journal. 2080-2090.
- (2012). Prevalence of a novel division-level bacterial lineage in Lake Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh, as revealed by deep sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons. Current Microbiology. 356-360.
- (2012). Evidence of interspecies O antigen gene cluster transfer between Shigella boydii 15 and Escherichia fergusonii. APMIS - Journal of Pathologiy, Microbiology and Immunology. 959-966.
- (2012). Differential expression of particulate methane monooxygenase genes in the verrucomicrobial methanotroph 'Methylacidiphilum kamchatkense' Kam1. Extremophiles. 405-409.
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- (2011). The GINS complex from the thermophilic archaeon, Thermoplasma acidophilum may function as a homotetramer in DNA replication. Extremophiles. 529-539.
- (2011). Recovery and Characterization of Environmental Variants of Shigella flexneri from Surface Water in Bangladesh. Current Microbiology. 372-376.
- (2010). Virulence of environmental Stenotrophomonas maltophila serologically cross-reacting with Shigella-specific antisera. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 937-945.
- (2010). Thermodynamic and kinetic stability of a large multi-domain enzyme from the hyperthermophile Aeropyrum pernix. Extremophiles. 213-223.
- (2010). The Hyperthermophilic Euryarchaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus Repairs Uracil by Single-Nucleotide Replacement. Journal of Bacteriology. 5755-5766.
- (2010). Survival study of Eschericia coli O157:H7 in the aquatic system of Bangladesh. Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences. 195-201.
- (2010). Intracellular Oceanospirillales bacteria inhabit gills of Acesta bivalves. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 523-533.
- (2009). The Genome of Thermosipho africanus TCF52B: Lateral Genetic Connections to the Firmicutes and Archaea. Journal of Bacteriology. 1974-1978.
- (2009). SulfoSYS (Sulfolobus Systems Biology): towards a silicon cell model for the central carbohydrate metabolism of the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus under temperature variation. Biochemical Society Transactions. 58-64.
- (2009). SulfoSYS (Sulfolobus Systems Biology): towards a silicon cell model for the central carbohydrate metabolism of the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus under temperature variation. Biochemical Society Transactions. 58-64.
- (2009). Prevalence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria cultured from cattle feces and surface water. Bangladesh Journal of Zoology. 147-156.
- (2009). Optimization and microbial community analysis for production of biohydrogen from palm oil mill effluent by thermophilic fermentative process. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 7448-7459.
- (2009). Kosmotoga olearia gen. nov., sp nov., a thermophilic, anaerobic heterotroph isolated from an oil production fluid. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2991 -3000.
- (2009). Evaluation of methods for preparing hydrogen-producing seed inocula under thermophilic condition by process performance and microbial community analysis. Bioresource Technology. 909-918.
- (2009). Comparison of Cultural and Molecular Characteristics of Escherichia coli isolated from Freshwater of Bangladesh. Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences. 195-199.
- (2009). Biochemical characterization of the minichromosome maintenance protein from the archaeon Thermoplasma acidophilum. Extremophiles. 81-88.
- (2008). Thermoplasma acidophilum Cdc6 protein stimulates MCM helicase activity by regulating its ATPase activity. Nucleic Acids Research (NAR). 5602-5609.
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- (2008). Methane assimilation and trophic interactions with marine Methylomicrobium in deep-water coral reef sediment off the coast of Norway. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 320-330.
- (2008). Insight into the microbial community structure of a Norwegian deep-water coral reef environment. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 1554-1563.
- (2008). Distribution of Crenarchaeota Representatives in Terrestrial Hot Springs of Russia and Iceland. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 7620-7628.
- (2008). Characterization of the Cdc6 Homologues from the Euryarchaeon Thermoplasma acidophilum. Open Biochemistry Journal. 129-134.
- (2008). Caldicellulosiruptor kronotskyensis sp nov and Caldicellulosiruptor hydrothermalis sp nov., two extremely thermophilic, cellulolytic, anaerobic bacteria from Kamchatka thermal springs. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 1492-1496.
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- (2021). Metagenome-assembled genomes from a high-altitude geothermal spring in Tajikistan provide insights into its microbial diversity.
- (2019). Complete genome sequence analysis of the thermoacidophilic verrucomicrobial methanotroph “Ca. Methylacidiphilum kamchatkense” strain Kam1 and comparison with its closest relatives.
- (2019). Allopatric evolution of thermoacidophilic Verrucomicrobia methanotrophs?
- (2019). Allopatric Evolution among Thermoacidophilic Verrucomicrobial Methanotrophs from Globally Distributed Terrestrial Hot Springs.
- (2018). Verrucomicrobia Methanotrophs, a Novel Group of Extremophiles Adapted to Acidic Geothermal Environments.
- (2018). Methane-oxidation in extreme environments; the complete genome sequence of the thermoacidophilic methanotrophic Verrucomicrobia, Methylacidiphilum kamkcatkense.
- (2018). Methane oxidation by extremophilic verrucomicrobia adapted to acidic geothermal environments.
- (2018). Methane oxidation by extremophilic Verrucomicrobia adapted to acidic geothermal environments.
- (2017). Molecular and genomic analysis of thermoacidophilic methanotrophic verrucomicrobia .
- (2017). Diversity of anaerobic thermophiles in North Sea oil reservoirs and their biotechnological potential.
- (2017). Diversity and adaptations of extremophilic microorganisms.
- (2017). Diversity and adaptation of extreme thermophiles.
- (2016). Extremophilic methane-oxidizing Verrucomicrobia.
- (2016). Diversity of thermophiles from North Sea oil fields.
- (2016). Anaerobic thermophiles from deep and hot North Sea oil wells.
- (2015). Methane oxidation by methanotrophic Verrucomicrobia.
- (2014). Methane oxidation in extreme environments by thernmoacidophilic methanotrophic Verrucomicrobia .
- (2014). Diversity and adaptations in Archaea, the third domain of life.
- (2014). Armenian mines as a source of heavy metal accumulating metalophilic bacilli.
- (2014). Antarctic cryptic microbial communities: Martian analogs for extremophilic life?
- (2014). Adaptations to hot and cold: a case study of isocitrate dehydrogenase from extremophiles.
- (2014). Adaptations to hot and cold: a case study of isocitrate dehydrogenase from extremophiles.
- (2014). Adaptations to hot and cold: a case study of isocitrate dehydrogenase from extremophiles.
- (2012). Diversity of Extremophiles.
- (2012). Chemical strategies of extremophiles.
- (2011). The GINS complex from Thermoplasma acidophilum may function as a homotetramer in DNA replication.
- (2011). Life on the edge: Diversity and adaptations of extremophiles.
- (2011). Extremophiles; adaptation and diversity.
- (2011). Archaeal DNA replication.
- (2010). Methane oxidation by a novel lineage of thermo-acidophilic methanotrophic Verrucomicrobia.
- (2010). High microbial diversity in Antarctic Dry Valley soil microenvironments.
- (2009). Thermophilic methane oxidizers belonging to the phylum Verrucomicrobia.
- (2009). The oil reservoir ecosystem: what is happening and who is living down there?
- (2009). The genome of Thermosipho africanus: lateral genetic connections to Firmicutes and Archaea.
- (2009). Oil Well ecology: What’s happening and who is living down there?
- (2009). Molecular basis of the stability of biomoleculees in hot environments.
- (2009). Methane oxidation in extreme environments by a novel lineage of thermo-acidophilic methanotrophic Verrucomicrobia.
- (2009). Genetics of thermophiles.
- (2009). Functional analysis of the DNA replication initiation proteins, Cdc6 and MCM, from Thermoplasma acidophilum.
- (2009). Extremophiles: basic concepts.
- (2009). Evolutionary and genetic relatedness of Shigella-like bacteria in aquatic environment of Bangladesh.
- (2008). Thermophilic biohydrogen production from palm oil mill effluent by mixed culture community with anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR).
- (2008). Thermo-acidophilic methane oxidation by Verrucmicrobia extends our perception of biological methane oxidation.
- (2008). Nitrile hydrolysing enzymes from extremophiles: their role in biocatalysis.
- (2008). Functional analysis of the MCM and Cdc6 proteins from the thermoacidophilic euryarchaeon Thermoplasma acidophilum.
- (2007). Synthesis of methyl ester/s by transesterification using lipase produced by a thermophile.
- (2007). Microbial Diversity of Deep and Hot Petroleum Reservoirs.
- (2007). Isocitrate dehydrogenase from (hyper)thermophiles; Molecular adaptations to high temperatures.
- (2006). Microbial diversity in deep petroleum reservoirs.
- (2006). Isocitrate dehydrogenase from (hyper)thermophiles; Molecular adaptations to high temperatures.
- (2006). Exploring the microbiology of a deep water coral reef outside mid Norway.
- (2006). Excision of 1-methyladenine and 3-methylcytosine from DNA by AfAlkA of Archaeoglobus fulgidus.
- (2005). Sulphate-reducing bacteria and archaea.
- (2004). The 2.9 Å resolution structure of malate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus: mechanisms of oligomerisation and thermal stabilisation.
- (2004). Natural gas and biotechnology: Bioprospecting of methane-oxidizing bacteria.
- (2004). Molecular adaptation of isocitrate dehydrogenase to high temperature.
- (2004). Extremophiles: basic concepts.
- (2003). X-ray structure analysis of isocitrate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophile Aeropyrum pernix.
- (2003). Treasures in the deep biosphere of North Sea oil-wells.
- (2003). The genomic sequencing of Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath). Repair of alkylated DNA by oxidative demethylation.
- (2003). Base excision repair of deaminated DNA-cytosine in Archaea: novel genes and mechanisms.
- (2002). Thermostable proteins from hyperthermophilic microorganisms.
- (2002). Thermophilic microbes from North Sea oil wells and their thermostable proteins.
- (2002). Sequencing of the Methylococcus capsulatus genome.
- (2002). Bakterielle næringskomponenter og metabolisme.
- (2001). Members of the Thermotogales order isolated from hot North Sea oil field water.
- (2001). Detection of sulfate reducers indigenous to North Sea oil wells using probes based on dissimilatory sulfite reductase gene sequences.
- .
- (2000). Isocitrate dehydrogenase from Aeropyrum pernix.
- (2000). Isocitrate dehydrogenase from Aeropyrum pernix.
- (2000). Expression and characterization of a recombinant L-malate dehydrogenase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus strain VC-16.
- (2000). Expression and characterization of a recombinant L-malate dehydrogenase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus strain VC-16.
- (2000). Anaerobic microbiology at University of Bergen.
- (1999). Overview of the research on molecular biology and biochemistry of thermophiles in Bergen.
- (1996). L-Malate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus.
- (1996). Isolation and characterization of a novel Petrotoga sp. from a North Sea oil-producing well.
- .
- (1996). A thermosome-encoding gene from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus.
- (1996). A thermosome-encoding gene from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus.
- (1996). A chaperonin-encoding gene from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus.
- (1996). A chaperonin-encoding gene from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus.
- (2021). Microbial Communities and their Interactions in the Extreme Environment. Springer.
- (2018). Extremophiles in Eurasian Ecosystems: Ecology, Diversity, and Applications. Springer.
- (2015). Heavy metal resistance of Bacillus subtilis AG4 isolated from the Sotk Gold Mine in Armenia. The FEBS Journal.
- (2013). The effect of combined heavy metal ions on copA, nikA and czcD genes expression of metal-resistant bacilli. The FEBS Journal. 231-231.
- (1984). Invitro deletion analysis of a gene controlling late gene-expression of phage-P2. Hereditas. 271-271.
- (2021). Microbial Diversity of Terrestrial Geothermal Springs in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh: A Review. Microorganisms. 1473.
- (2009). Environmental, genomic and taxonomic perspectives on methanotrophic Verrucomicrobia. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 293-306.
More information in national current research information system (CRIStin)
Current and previous projects, networks and funding for advanced equipment:
2021 - 2024: ThermoK: Thermophilic break-down of keratin-laden biomass waste. ERA-NET Cofund on Food Systems and Climate ().
2018 - 2022: (Eurasian - Norwegian) network for research-based higher education in microbial biotechnology. Diku.
2017 - 2021: Methane oxidation by extremophilic Verrucomicrobia adapted to geothermal
environments. Research Council of Norway. FRIMEDBIO.
2017 - 2020: Thermostable isomerase processes for biotechnology (TIPs). ERA-IB/BIOTEK2021.
2017 - 2019: (Eurasian - Norwegian) Network for improving research based higher education in basic and applied microbiology.
2015 - 2016: Extremophilic Archaea in Bulgarian geothermal environments. BG09 Programme. EEA Scholarships Fund.
2013 - 2016: THERMOGENE - Novel thermostable enzymes for industrial biotechnology. NFR/ERA-NET Industrial Biotechnology project
2014 - 2015: Integrative analysis of extremophiles in search for new biotechnological solutions. NILS Science and Sustainability (ES07). EEA Grant.
2013 - 2015: Eurasian-Norwegian network for higher education and research in environmental microbiology and biotechnology
2011 - 2015: Cooperation in environmental microbiology between Armenia and Norway. SIU
2012: Geomicrobiology for bioenergy. The Agricultural Research Development Agency, Thailand.
2011 - 2014: Cooperation with Armenia in microbiology of extreme environments. SIU/UD. 1.8 mill NOK.
2011-2014: Biological methane oxidation by methanotrophic Verrucomicrobia under hot and acidic conditions; evolution of an ancient metabolic trait. NFR, 3.5 mill NOK.
2009-2012: Subsurface metagenomics, functional microbial diversity analysis and gene discovery in deep and hot petroleum reservoirs. VISTA. 2.5 mill NOK.
2010: Is methane oxidation an ancient metabolic trait? Centre for Geobiology, UiB. 180.000 NOK.
2007-2010: Metagenomics and gene discovery in Antarctic terrestrial habitats. The Research Council of Norway/The South-Africa programme. 898.000 NOK.
2009-2012: The Nordic Archaea Network. NordForsk.
2008: Comparative genomics of Archaeoglobus fulgidus strain 7324, a subsurface hyperthermophilic sulfate-reducing archaeon isolated from a hot North-Sea oil-well. University of Bergen/ Friforsk. 300.000 NOK.
2003-2011: Assessment of microbial pollution and diversity of Escherichia coli and Shigella in freshwater resources in Bangladesh. NUFU. 6.5 mill NOK.
2007-2010: Silicon Cell Model for the central carbohydrate metabolism of the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus under temperature variation. SysMo.
2004-2007: Metanspisende bakterier i havbunnsmiljø. VISTA. 1.5 millNOK.
2006-2007: Archaeoglobus fulgidus strain 7324: a unique archaeal sulfate reducer. The Research Council of Norway/ DAAD. 50.000 NOK.
2003-2007: Natural gas and biotechnology (NABI): bioprospecting of methane-oxidizing bacteria. The Norwegian Research Council/ Bioprospecting programme. 6.7 mill NOK.
2003-2007: Biological adaptations to extreme temperatures. The Norwegian Research Council/ Strategic university programme. 5.9 mill NOK.
2003-2007: Archaeal cell-cycle regulation. The Research Council of Norway. 1.7 mill NOK.
2006: Robot for automated picking of bacterial colonies (GenePix2xt). The Research Council of Norway. 1.7 mill NOK.
2002-2006: Biotechnology of intraterrestrial microorganisms. The Research Council of Norway/ Bioprospecting. 1.6 mill NOK.
2003-2005: Reduction of toxic metals and radionuclides by thermophilic prokaryotes. INTAS. 450.000 NOK.
2002-2004: Reduction of metals by thermophilic prokaryotes. NATO. 100.000 NOK.
1999-2003: Biology of Thermophiles. Nordic network. NorFA. 1.5 mill NOK.
1997-2001: VIRTUE: Bioaktive substanser. Wallenbergfondet. 475.000 NOK.
1997-1999: Termoresistens hos Archaeoglobus. The Research Council of Norway. 288.000 NOK.
1996-1999: Dissimilatorisk sulfitt reduktase fra oljebakterier. The Research Council of Norway. 1.2 mill NOK.
1995: Iso-sitronsyre dehydrogenase i Desulfobacter. The Research Council of Norway. 412.000 NOK.
1994: Generell drifts- og utstyrsbevilgning. The Research Council of Norway. 150.000 NOK.
Cand.real. (M.Sc.) in microbiology 1981, University of Bergen, Norway.
Dr.philos. 1992, University of Oslo, Norway (bacteriophage molecular biology).
· Dept. of Physical Chemistry, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway: Research assistant, 1981-1982. Membrane transport in halobacteria.
. Dept. of Medical Biology, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway: Research assistant, 1982-1985. Gene regulation in the Escherichia coli P2:P4 system.
. Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA: Research scientist, 1986-1987. Regulation of gene expression in the P2:P4 bacteriophage system.
· Laboratory of Microbial Gene Technology, The Norwegian Research Council/The Norwegian Agricultural University, Ås, Norway: Research scientist, 1988-1993. Molecular biology and biotechnology of lactic acid bacteria and phages.
· Dept. of Biology (previous Dept. of Microbiology), University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway: Associate professor, 1993-1996; full Professor in microbiology from 1996 - present. From 2007 also affiliated with the Centre for Geobiology (a CoE) at Univ. of Bergen. Molecular biology and biochemistry of extremophiles; anaerobic microbiology; methane-oxidising bacteria; environmental microbiology.
International experience
· Research scientist at Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA 1986-1987. Gene regulation.
· Visiting Professor at the Center of Marine Biotechnology, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 1998-1999 (one year). Molecular biology of hyperthermophiles.
· Coordinator for the NorFA-network Biology of Thermophiles, 1998 – 2003.
· Coordinator of the INTAS program Reduction of toxic metals and radionuclides by thermophilic prokaryotes. 2002 – 2005.
· Coordinator of the NUFU program Assessment of microbial pollution, diversity and community structure in freshwater resources in Bangladesh using molecular techniques, 2003 – 2012.
· Convenor for the 9th International Thermophiles conference in Bergen in September 2007.
Some of my active collaborators
· Prof. Arne Smalås, the Norwegian Structural Biology Center (NORSTRUCT), University of Tromsø, Norway (Protein structure)
· Prof. Svein Bjelland, University of Stavanger, Norway (DNA repair in hyperthermophiles)
· Dr. Elizaveta Bonch-Osmolovskaya, Institute of Microbiology, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Thermophilic bacteria from hot springs)
· Dr. Rudolf Ladenstein, Center for Structural Biochemistry, Karolinska Institutet, NOVUM, Stockholm, Sweden (Protein structure and stability)
· Dr. Zvi Kelman, Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute (Regulation of archaeal cell-cycle)
· Dr. Poonsuk Prasertsan, Department of Industrial Biotechnology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand (Biohydrogen)
· Professor Don Cowan, University of the Western Cape, South Africa (Antarctic metagenomics)
· Professor Sirajul Islam Khan, Department of Microbiology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (enteropathogens in tropical freshwaters)
Patent applications
· Lillehaug D and Birkeland NK (1994): Bacteriophage ΦLC-3-based vector system for transformation of bacteria. WO 9419460.
· Jonassen I et al. (2002): Systems for expression of heterologous proteins in Methylococcus capsulatus. WO 02055549.
· Eisen JA et al. (2002): Metylococcus capsulatus genes and DNA array for the determination of gene expression in Metylococcus capsulatus. WO 02055655.
· Birkeland NK and Islam T: Novel methanotroph (biological conversion of methane to methanol). Pending. |
Very blue, no gold Powerhouse Bombers roster was CFL's best — and it wasn't even close — in 2001, but things got ugly in the championship game, a gruesome end to a glorious season.
How did it come down to this?
The 2001 Winnipeg Blue Bombers — a team that tied a CFL record for consecutive wins in a single season, a team that had four Most Outstanding Player award winners, the coach of the year and eight league all-stars — needed a miracle.
Down 27-19 as the final seconds of the 89th Grey Cup ran off the clock, the Bombers had to find the end zone from 36 yards away to have a shot at taking the Calgary Stampeders to overtime.
Quarterback Khari Jones, earlier that week named the league’s most outstanding player, took the snap from the shotgun and, almost instantly, felt the heat from Calgary’s pass rush. He quickly stepped up in the pocket to avoid the pressure and prepared to throw a desperate heave to his go-to target, Milt Stegall. Before the ball could leave his hand, Jones was hit from behind and driven into the turf by the CFL’s sack leader, Stampeders defensive end Joe Fleming.
Calgary Stampeders defensive tackle Joe Fleming sacks quarterback Winnipeg Blue Bombers Khari Jones in the final play of the 89th Grey Cup in Montreal’s Olympic Stadium in 2001.
Fleming immediately jumped up and raised both of his arms in the air as he was swarmed by teammates. A couple of feet behind him, Jones was on his hands and knees, struggling to get up.
It wasn’t supposed to end this way.
Twenty years ago this week, the Stampeders — a team that had given up the most points in the CFL, a team that had to win three of its last four games to squeak into the playoffs at 8-10, a team that nobody gave a chance to win — ripped the Grey Cup away from one of the most talented teams to ever don blue and gold.
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The Bombers started the 2000 season 0-4 before making a change at quarterback.
Khari Jones came off the bench to replace a struggling Kerwin Bell midway through a Week 5 matchup against the B.C. Lions — the same team that had traded Jones to Winnipeg in February of that year. Jones threw a pair of touchdowns to Robert Gordon in the second half to give the Bombers a 31-16 victory.
Three weeks later, Bell was released. With the help of Jones, Winnipeg was able to salvage the season and finish 7-10-1, securing a playoff spot for the first time since 1996. The Bombers went on to lose the East Final 35-24 to Montreal, but the future looked bright heading into the next season.
Momentarily, at least.
“The funny thing is after the 2000 season, I had surgery on my shoulder. I banged up my shoulder way back in college and then it kind of sprouted up again,” Jones said in a recent interview with the Free Press.
“So, I had surgery, I think, in January of 2001. My wife and I had just gotten married so we kind of spent our honeymoon in Winnipeg in January getting the surgery. So, all of my time in that pre-season was just getting my arm right and just hoping that my arm came back the way I hoped it would.”
Winnipeg Blue Bombers quarterback Khari Jones rolls out under pressure during second half action at the 89th Grey Cup at the Olympic Stadium Sunday, Nov. 25, 2001 in Montreal.
Jones would later make it up to Justine and take her to Mexico for a slightly warmer honeymoon.
But never mind his shoulder. The bigger question heading into 2001 was who was Jones going to throw the ball to?
A 25-year-old Geroy Simon, who went on to become the most prolific receiver in CFL history, was coming off a promising season in Winnipeg where he had more than 700 receiving yards and caught seven touchdowns, but he left town to sign with the NFL’s Kansas City Chiefs and later ended up joining the Lions for six games in 2001.
The Bombers also lost a young stud in Albert Johnson III, the CFL’s Most Outstanding Rookie and Special Teams Player in 2000. The dynamic kick returner and receiver from Houston, who broke the record for most combined yards by a rookie (3,241), went south to the NFL’s Miami Dolphins.
Gordon, the veteran of the receiving core, was also gone. Coming off a career-year with 89 catches for 1,395 receiving yards and seven scores, he opted to play in his hometown for the Detroit Fury of the Arena Football League. Gordon, 33 at the time, would eventually rejoin the Bombers midway through the 2001 campaign.
And then, there was Milt Stegall. Training camp had begun and the team’s best weapon of all was nowhere in sight. He was holding out for a new contract and missed the first week.
To offset those losses the Bombers, headed by assistant GM Brendan Taman and club president Lyle Bauer, needed to discover some hidden gems. Luckily for them, two of the fresh faces that they brought in were future all-time greats: Sacramento State running back Charles Roberts and receiver Arland Bruce III who was heading up north after a year with the Chiefs.
“I think what made that such a great team was we had so many guys that truly knew the CFL game,” said Roberts, who now works in scheduling at the University of California at Los Angeles medical centre.
“We had guys on that team that allowed the younger guys like me and Arland Bruce to take our time and learn and not have to be thrown in to be saviours. We had guys that took care of that in terms of being the leaders on the team.”
Charles Roberts
Roberts and Bruce III were eager to make names for themselves in the Canadian game right away.
“The first time I got to Winnipeg, people didn’t know, but there were nights where I’d stay late in the stadium till, like, one or two in the morning. I would sit in the bleachers and just visualize being a Blue Bomber and being a great receiver for this team and in this league,” said Bruce III, who grew up in Kansas but now lives in Edmonton.
“When I first got to the hotel, I walked to Khari Jones’s door and asked him… what I needed to do to make plays for this team.”
The Bombers weren’t pegged as a Grey Cup favourite heading into that season, but they gained a lot of confidence in the first week.
Winnipeg started the season at McMahon Stadium in a showdown with the Stampeders. Prior to that meeting, Stegall, who signed with the Bombers in 1995, had a 1-11 career record against Calgary. The lone win came at home in a 38-36 nail-biter back in 1996.
But Stegall and the Bombers got the King Kong-sized monkey off their back on that day. For the first time since Aug. 22, 1991, the Big Blue beat the Stamps on the road.
Final score: Winnipeg 48, Calgary 20.
“After we did that, that’s when I started to think, ‘OK, we finally got over the hump in Calgary. We may have something special here,’” Stegall said.
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The Stampeders hadn’t had a losing season since 1988, but all signs pointed to that streak ending in 2001.
Star quarterback Dave Dickenson, the CFL’s Most Outstanding Player in 2000, left to go play for the San Diego Chargers and legendary receiver Allen Pitts hung up the cleats after 11 seasons. Pitts retired as the CFL’s all-time leader in receiving yards (14,487) and touchdown catches (117).
Calgary head coach and general manager Wally Buono struggled mightily to fill Dickenson’s shoes. Buono tried to bring in Scott Milanovich — who had spent the previous season with the Berlin Thunder in NFL Europe after three years with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers — but he opted to continue his career in the upstart XFL instead.
It took until May 31, five weeks before the start of the season, for Buono to land an experienced pivot, and his name was Marcus Crandell.
The previous decade saw the Stampeders led by some of the best quarterbacks in the history of three-down football: Doug Flutie, Jeff Garcia and Dickenson. Crandell, by comparison, was a massive downgrade to what Cowtown was used to seeing.
Crandell was coming off a season where he was the No. 2 quarterback for NFL Europe’s Scottish Claymores. Before his time overseas, the East Carolina University product was a backup in Edmonton for three seasons.
But even with an unproven quarterback, defensive end Joe Fleming wasn’t pressing the panic button. Fleming played for the Bombers for two seasons, with the team going 9-27 during that time, before signing a deal with Calgary in 2000 in hopes of having a better chance at winning a championship.
“I think at least Marcus had a CFL pedigree, so that was helpful. It wasn’t like you were bringing in a guy from the NFL that never played a CFL game,” said Fleming. The former quarterback chaser now owns a real estate company in his hometown of Wellesley, Mass.
“I think at least Marcus had a CFL pedigree, so that was helpful. It wasn’t like you were bringing in a guy from the NFL that never played a CFL game.” – former Stampeder Joe Fleming
“Calgary was one of those teams where you felt if you went there, the opportunity to win was there, regardless of the situation. I had complete confidence in Wally, the organization and the infrastructure that was there. You didn’t feel like it was being ripped apart for a rebuild, you felt like it was more like retooling.”
Ben Sankey, a second-year player out of Wake Forest, won the Stampeders’ starting quarterback job out of training camp, but left the opening week’s matchup against the Bombers with a thumb injury and was replaced by Crandell.
Calgary started the season 0-3 and were 3-6 at the midway point.
“We had a very young secondary and we changed some key players, so through nine games, I don’t think we were a very good team at all,” said Buono, 71, who came out of retirement this week to become the interim general manager of the Edmonton Elks.
“But something happened. I think it was Freddie Childress and Thomas Rayam, two of our offensive linemen. They were fed up with losing and they gathered the team for a meeting.”
Fleming points to that meeting as the turning point in their season.
“I don’t know if I’ve ever been on a team that hasn’t had a team meeting. It’s funny, they either go one way or the other. You’re either having it and guys are buying in, or guys are trying to jump off the ship and grab their own life-jackets,” said Fleming.
“That group of guys bought in.”
They fell to 5-9 before rattling off back-to-back wins. The Stamps then lost in Week 17 to the Lions, meaning they had to close out the regular season with a win over the Bombers at Canad Inns Stadium to make the playoffs.
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The pivotal moment in the Bombers’ season came after a Week 4 loss to the Hamilton Tiger-Cats that dropped their record to 2-2.
“Dave Ritchie read us the riot act,” said defensive tackle Doug Brown, a CFL newcomer that year. “He had the whole team together and was like, ‘We shouldn’t be a .500 football team. We’re not a .500 football team. We’re underperforming in areas that I thought were strengths.’”
Winnipeg Blue Bombers Doug Brown (97) and Brian Clark (48) sandwich Calgary Stampeders Kelvin Anderson (32) as Blue Bombers Inoke Breckterfield (95) looks on during first quarter CFL action in Calgary in 2001.
Ritchie’s message was heard loud and clear. The Bombers proceeded to win 12 straight games, tying the 1948 Stampeders for the CFL record for most consecutive wins in one season (the record now belongs to the 2016 Stampeders, who won 14).
Eight of those victories were by seven points or less.
“I think other than the 1984 team, that was the best team I ever played on,” said punter Bob Cameron, who booted the ball for Winnipeg for 23 seasons.
“We had the most talent and everything.”
Brown was a big reason for that. Originally drafted by Calgary in 1997, the New Westminister, B.C., native never suited up for the Stamps, as he went on to play 20 games, starting eight of them, for the NFL team in Washington in 1998 and 1999.
Brown’s career took a step back in 2000 when he missed the entire season with a fracture in his foot. Washington, which replaced head coach Norv Turner with Marty Schottenheimer, invited Brown to mini-camp in 2001, but they didn’t offer the Canadian a contract. Soon after, Calgary traded Brown’s rights to Winnipeg in what was one of the best trades in the Blue Bombers’ history.
A month into his first professional season of rouge football, Brown received a voicemail from Washington inviting him to training camp, but it was too late — he was all-in on being a Bomber.
“The first game I ever played in Winnipeg was a pre-season game against Toronto…. We won that pre-season game and I knew I had a lot of fun and thought, ‘This is cool’… and then all the fans ran onto the field and I was like, ‘What the hell?’” Brown recalled.
“I wasn’t sure if I should run for the security tower, or what. But the fans were just celebrating that win with us and that was my first experience playing in Winnipeg, and I was like, ‘Yeah, I’m not playing anywhere else.’”
“I wasn’t sure if I should run for the security tower, or what. But the fans were just celebrating that win with us and that was my first experience playing in Winnipeg, and I was like, ‘Yeah, I’m not playing anywhere else.’” – Doug Brown, former Bomber
Brown, who played on a defence that gave up the fewest points in the CFL that season, finished 2001 with seven sacks and was named a league all-star. There were high expectations for Brown that year and he delivered, so did fellow CFL all-stars in defensive backs Juran Bolden and Harold Nash, guard Brett MacNeil, tackle Dave Mudge, Khari Jones, Milt Stegall and Charles Roberts.
“To be on a team like that in my first season, which was kind of magical, it’s one of those situations where you kind of get used to the success and think it’s gonna be an every year thing, but professional sports, professional football just doesn’t work like that,” said Roberts, who was named an all-star as a returner.
“You can have good players, great players, but the ball doesn’t always bounce your way. Definitely, that first year was one of those years that just doesn’t happen every year.”
With all that talent, and with the ball bouncing their way, the Bombers clinched the East Division in Week 15 with a 24-17 win over Hamilton.
But their dominance created a problem: they had three regular season games left and nothing to play for.
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It’s one of the first things that Ritchie, now 83 and residing in Rhode Island, brings up when you mention the 2001 season to him.
It isn’t the winning streak or anything that happened in the Grey Cup, it’s how he approached the meaningless games at the end of their regular season.
“I did something that if I had a chance again to do, I wouldn’t,” Ritchie said.
“I rested a few key starters for the last two games. I was thinking I’d get some (backups) some experience. I did it at quarterback, I believe I did it at running back and with a receiver or so, and maybe on defence a little bit. I figured I’d get us into the playoffs at top health, but in hindsight, I should’ve played them all.”
Coach Dave Richie of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, center celebrates Eastern CFL win with Byron Capers, left.
Week 17 in Toronto felt like a pre-season game as Jones played only five possessions, completing four-of-nine passes for 17 yards. With a back injury ending stud left tackle Moe Elewonibi’s season in Week 12, the Bombers felt the need to be extra careful with Jones. Backup quarterbacks Brian Ah Yat and Jose Davis played out the rest of the Toronto game, a forgettable 12-7 loss, resulting in the Bombers ending the tilt with an underwhelming 181 yards of offence. Roberts, who led the team in rushing yards that season with 620 while sharing the backfield with Troy Mills and Eric Blount, sat out the game.
It also didn’t help that in a 26-18 win in B.C. the week before, Stegall strained his MCL, sidelining him for the final two contests. That was nothing compared to what happened to linebacker Ryland Wickman in that game as he tore three ligaments, the cartilage and ripped the hamstring off the bone in his right knee to end his season.
When Calgary came to town to close out the season in Week 18, the Bombers kept Jones out there in hopes of getting the team back on track.
But Calgary played with an edge that night as they were fighting to stay alive.
“I remember those two weeks probably more than the 12-game winning streak because we let the foot off the gas and that was the tough thing…. We knew we had first place already, so we were just trying to get them over with almost, rather than play to win the game, and that’s a tough way to play,” Jones said.
Winnipeg Blue Bombers quarterback Khari Jones is consoled by teammate Dave Mudge after the Bombers lost 27-19 to the calgary Stampeders in the 89th Grey Cup.
“I remember being out there and thinking, ‘OK, make sure you’re OK for the playoffs,’ and I’ve never really done that before. It’s all about when you get on that roll, to just try and stay on that roll. I never thought we got it back from that 12-game streak.”
Calgary won 22-15 despite Crandell tossing four interceptions. Jones wasn’t much better, going 18-of-36 for 219, a touchdown toss and an interception in the loss. The two-game losing skid resulted in the Bombers finishing the season at 14-4.
To be fair to both quarterbacks, the game was played in bizarre ― and that’s putting it lightly ― conditions. A power outage knocked out half of the stadium’s lights. To make matters worse, the field was frozen and felt like a skating rink.
Only in the CFL.
“Wally and I chatted and decided that we might as well play,” said Ritchie. “We did it when we were youngsters. We’d go out to the street to play, and every one of those kids had probably played in the dark.
“You could see a little bit, but I don’t know. Maybe the lights turning off was a sign.”
● ● ●
For the first time in eight years, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers were heading to the Grey Cup.
Protecting a 10-point lead in the fourth quarter of the East Division final, the Bombers stuffed Hamilton quarterback Danny McManus on the one-yard line twice and capped off the 28-13 victory on the Maroons Road field with Bolden returning an interception 54 yards for a touchdown.
The defence saved the day, and it’s a good thing that they did because the Bombers didn’t look right on offence. Outside of hitting Stegall for a 70-yard touchdown in the second quarter, Jones had a tough day at the office, connecting on just nine of 28 passes for 154 yards and a pick. Even though he made a big play, Stegall didn’t feel at his best, as it was his first game back from injury.
“Offensively, we definitely weren’t in sync,” Stegall said. “We weren’t where we were in the regular season and that comes with time off…. So, we were fortunate to win the game, but in my opinion, we weren’t where we needed to be going into the Grey Cup.”
Jones agreed: “Even when we won the playoff game against Hamilton, it still wasn’t who we were.”
Winnipeg Blue Bombers Milt Stegall does a run around Calgary’s Anthony Prior.
Over in the West Division final, Crandell threw four first-half touchdowns to lead the Calgary Stampeders to a 34-16 over Edmonton.
Unlike Jones, Crandell was heading into the Grey Cup at the top of his game.
● ● ●
It was Friday, 48 hours away before the Grey Cup game at Montreal’s Olympic Stadium, and the Stampeders were forced to sit and watch Bomber after Bomber step onto a stage to accept a trophy at the CFL awards banquet.
Most Outstanding Special Teams Player: Charles Roberts.
Most Outstanding Offensive Lineman: Dave Mudge.
Most Outstanding Canadian: Doug Brown.
Most Outstanding Player: Khari Jones.
Jones, who grew up in California and played college ball at UC Davis, was an obvious choice, as he led the league with 4,545 passing yards and 30 touchdown passes in a season where he also threw 23 interceptions. Crandell owned a 14-11 TD-INT ratio and had 3,407 yards in 12 starts.
“The psychology of championship games is you have to be careful that you don’t start believing your (own hype),” Buono said.
“Think about it, it’s easy. You go to the award ceremony on Friday and see the other team getting all the awards. You’re sitting there and you’re pissed because you’re not getting anything, and you don’t deserve anything. But all of a sudden, when you play the game, you’re revved up to go.”
Fleming left the Bombers to increase his chances at getting a ring and two years later on that night, his decision didn’t look too good.
“Winnipeg was a place where I desperately wanted to win a Grey Cup because the way the city was, the passion for football, and the amount of time that had gone between winning,” said Fleming, who rejoined the Bombers in 2004.
“So, it was kind of a very strange emotion looking at the team that I had left. They were the best team in the CFL, and I was on one that had barely made it to the playoffs.”
● ● ●
In what was the third-largest attendance in Grey Cup history, 65,255 fans packed Olympic Stadium to watch the Blue Bombers and Stampeders battle it out for the silver mug.
There were no early jitters for the Bombers as they looked like their old selves on the opening drive. They spread the ball around to Roberts, Stegall, Gordon and Mills — marching down the field with ease. But they end up settling for a field goal as Jones overthrew a wide-open Bruce III for what would’ve been a touchdown. Kicker Troy Westwood ran out and drilled a 29-yard field goal right down the middle to open the scoring.
On Calgary’s first play, Brown sacked Crandell for a big loss, leading to a punt.
A dropped pass by Stegall on Winnipeg’s second drive led to Westwood’s second field goal attempt, a 38-yarder.
Wide right.
The Bombers got a rouge off the miss and had to settle for a 4-0 lead.
“I don’t know if I ever talked about this publicly, but on that first kick, I was on the right hash and the flags on the uprights were parallel to the ground. There was the weirdest breeze in that dome,” said Westwood, who made 31 of 51 field goals for what was the second-worst season of his 17-year career.
“I looked at (referee) Jake Ireland who was to my left and said, ‘Jake, what’s going on with this wind?’ And he just shrugged his shoulders. I kicked it and the sucker took off to the right, the way it would if we were outdoors. It was just bizarre.”
A few possessions later, Calgary running back Kelvin Anderson fumbled the ball. The best Winnipeg could do with the turnover was send Westwood out for a third time in the first quarter, this time from 40 yards away.
The opening quarter also saw Stampeders kicker Mark McLoughlin, a Winnipegger, miss a 45-yarder. Westwood finished the day one-for-four. His final miss was a 54-yard prayer in the third.
“On the second kick, I was on the left hash going in the same direction,” said Westwood. “The wind was still evident on the uprights and you could feel something down there so I played it a little bit outside the uprights and I ended up hitting the left upright dead-on like that.”
The Bombers continued to stumble on offence after Westwood’s second miss, whereas the Stamps found their stroke. Crandell threw a 68-yard bomb to receiver Marc Boerigter in the second quarter to give the Stamps a 10-4 lead. Calgary got the ball back with two minutes left in the half and Crandell made the Bombers pay again as he hit Travis Moore for a nine-yard TD.
At halftime it was Calgary 17, Winnipeg 4.
Buono credited the surprising score to knocking the Bombers off their game with “illusions.”
“We knew they were a better football team as far as their regular-season record. And probably when you measured player by player, they were the better team,” Buono said.
“But we isolated what we felt to be certain things that we thought we could take advantage of.”
“We knew they were a better football team as far as their regular-season record. And probably when you measured player by player, they were the better team.” – Wally Buono, former Stampeders coach
Buono remembers the strategy like it was yesterday: line up their best pass rusher in Fleming on Winnipeg’s weakest pass blocker; tell Moore that his targets were getting slashed and that his job was to occupy Juran Bolden, one of the best corners in the league, so Calgary’s big receivers, Boerigter and Vince Danielsen, could go to work against Winnipeg’s smaller defensive backs; and don’t kick the ball directly to Roberts. McLoughlin and punter Duncan O’Mahony were instructed to kick it along the ground, kick it to the sideline or kick it short to someone else.
The Bombers woke up in the third quarter and Jones threw a 23-yard TD pass to Bruce III to cut the lead to 17-11. Calgary put up a hell of a fight, but it seemed it was only a matter of time before Winnipeg would run away with the game.
If it wasn’t for two devastating plays in the fourth quarter, that likely would’ve happened.
● ● ●
It used to be a common occurrence in football, but watching it now is extremely uncomfortable.
The score was 17-12 and the Bombers had the ball with just under 10 minutes left. Calgary’s James Cotton grabbed Jones’ waist from behind and forced him to the ground and the quarterback’s head slammed against the playing surface. Jones, clearly concussed, needed to be helped off the field by a pair of teammates.
Now, as the head coach of the Montreal Alouettes ― who still have their practice facility, dressing room, coaches offices and meeting rooms at Olympic Stadium (the old home of the Montreal Expos) ― Jones has a better idea of what caused the damage on that hit.
“They have these little compartment doors under the stadium. They’re metal doors for baseball, but I’m not sure what they’re for. When you hit the ground, you feel this metal sound that’s coming. I’m pretty sure what happened,” he said.
“When I fell down, I hit with my head and I hit one of the little corners of one of these doors. I think I still have the helmet and there’s a piece that’s basically broken off out of my helmet that I think came from that door.”
Seconds after Jones was helped to the bench, Calgary made the biggest play of the game.
Bob Cameron’s punt was blocked by Calgary defensive back Aldi Henry, a Montreal native, and scooped up by Willie Fells for a touchdown.
Winnipeg Blue Bombers punter Bob Cameron (left) strains to tackle Calgary Stampeders Willie Fells, who ran it in for a touchdown after a blocked punt, during third quarter action at the 89th Grey Cup at the Olympic Stadium.
Cameron hadn’t had a punt blocked all season. He refers to it as the worst play of his career.
“Aldi Henry had blocked two punts that year. I found that out afterwards. Those are things that we overlooked, obviously. I overlooked, our team overlooked,” Cameron said.
“He got a good jump on it and I slightly bobbled the snap. I looked up real quick and I thought we had it covered… (but) he dove from five yards away and he got it. That’s how games are won and lost right there. It’s sad looking back at it, but I blame myself for not seeing him.”
Only a few minutes removed from barely being able to stand, Jones led Winnipeg’s offence back out onto the field after a 43-yard kick return by Roberts. Seven plays later, Jones got the seven points from the blocked punt right back with a 23-yard strike to Stegall in double coverage with less than six minutes left in the ball game.
Calgary 24, Winnipeg 19.
“It’s pretty crazy to look at afterward because of what we know now about head injuries,” Jones said.
“I think the care we place on players today is a great thing. But a part of me is still a player and a part of me is still proud that I could still help the team.”
That’s as close as the Bombers would get. Crandell and the Stamps ran into a wall, punting seven straight times in the second half until Anderson took a dump pass 44 yards down the sideline to set up a field goal to make it an eight-point game. It didn’t matter how many times Calgary punted; Jones and Co. failed to take advantage, going two-and-out at the worst possible times.
The clock hit zero and it was over. The story was supposed to be about one of the best teams in CFL history. Instead, the story ends with one of the greatest teams that failed to win the big one.
“Obviously, that’s a new level of dejection…. I remember (linebacker) LaMarr McGriggs in the middle of that disappointment in such a flat, quiet locker room. I remember he made a pitch, he made a plea, to keep the team together,” Brown said.
“He made a passionate pitch to management and the coaching staff: ‘Just give this group one more year and we’ll get this done.’ That kind of summed it up in a nutshell, because we all believed it shouldn’t have happened this way.”
● ● ●
Westwood knows there’s a lot of people out there who blame him for the loss. It was obvious the day after the game when the Bombers returned to town and made an appearance at the Winnipeg Arena in front of 4,100 fans. Westwood, a proud Manitoban, was booed.
“You want to pin it all on me? Feel free. As a kicker, I know missing those two first field goals in the first quarter hurt our momentum, undoubtedly,” Westwood said.
“There’s a lot of aspects and angles of that game where we still had the opportunity to win or make it close in the end and we failed to do so. I took full responsibility for my play after that game. That was the only time in my career, even as an amateur athlete, where I had a bad game in a big game. That really affected me profoundly and I think made me a lot stronger as an athlete and as a person going forward after that. It was just one of those days, man.”
It really was. In 18 CFL seasons, all in Blue and Gold, Westwood made 88 per cent of his field goals in the playoffs. That’s the fourth-best percentage in CFL history.
Hamilton Tiger-Cats quarterback Danny McManus is stopped at the one-yard line during fourth quarter CFL eastern final against the Blue Bombers
Not that it changes anything, but Buono knows there’s a lot of people out there, especially in the Keystone province, who believe his team had no business winning that game.
The Stampeders fell to the bottom of the West Division the following year and Crandell, the Grey Cup MVP, had an underwhelming career after the title run.
“Once the playoffs start, teams balance out. I’ve been on the right side of it and the wrong side of it,” said Buono, the all-time winningest coach in league history.
“To me, the thing you have to understand is the mentality of your team going into it. When our guys went into the playoffs in 2001, they were primed. They were building confidence. I wouldn’t disagree with the Winnipeg diehards in their minds, but unfortunately, when you play a game, there are two teams…. Our team, God bless them, they willed themselves to be a great team.”
Ritchie has the seventh-most victories as a head coach, but ultimately the loss cost him a place in the Canadian Football Hall of Fame. He and Ray Jauch, who’s No. 6 on the list, are the only coaches in the top 10 that haven’t been called to the Hall.
“You know what, I stopped thinking about (the loss) one year after it was over with because I never wanted to drive myself crazy,” he said. “I knew what talent I had and I didn’t get the job done.”
Ritchie is, however, a member of the Winnipeg Football Club Hall of Fame. Ten of his players from the 2001 team have been inducted, as well.
“The overwhelming narrative out there is we took that game for granted, our heads got too big and we were overconfident and cocky, but we were the same team going into that game that we were in any other. To me, that’s just an excuse and an easy narrative,” said Brown.
“That game is the one that still puzzles guys. I still talk to guys on that team and if that ever comes up, nobody gets it. It was the Bermuda triangle of our football season.… Full credit to Calgary, as they had their best game in their entire season, but for the rest of us, that’s the enigma season. I don’t think you want to be known as the team that’s the best Winnipeg Blue Bombers team to not win a championship.”
● ● ●
The game would be a lot easier to accept if the Bombers won the ultimate prize in the following years, but they didn’t. Stegall was the league’s MOP in 2002, but a hip injury kept him out of that year’s West Division final, a 33-30 loss to Edmonton. Jones, Stegall, Roberts, Brown, Westwood, and countless others from that squad all retired without ever hoisting Canada’s most iconic trophy over their head.
“People joke with me all the time that I never won a Grey Cup, but I have no problem with that. It’s just the way things are,” Stegall said.
“It’s part of life. It’s part of football. Those things happen. You play long enough that you hope everything happens, but unfortunately for me and the guys I played with in my 14 years, everything but winning a Grey Cup happened.”
“People joke with me all the time that I never won a Grey Cup, but I have no problem with that. It’s just the way things are,” Stegall said.
(Marianne Helm / The Canadian Press files)
One by one, those guys all said they hardly think about that heartbreaking loss. They’d rather think about the special bond they had in the locker room and how many of them remain close friends today.
“I don’t have any regrets from 2001,” said Westwood. “I did everything possible to perform at the highest level as an individual. I would say our team would say the same. I would teach kids to look back at something like that and say unless you didn’t do everything possible to win, there’s nothing to regret.
“You put everything on the line every day of practice, every day of training, every game day, you’re doing everything possible to win. But sometimes, on some days, you’re going to have an off day like that. But on that specific day, you just weren’t able to get it done and you just have to be willing to accept that.”
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Twitter: @TaylorAllen31
Taylor Allen
Eighteen years old and still in high school, Taylor got his start with the Free Press on June 1, 2011. Well, sort of...
Updated on Saturday, November 27, 2021 10:10 AM CST: Corrects typo |
Do you want to take your business to a higher level? Pitamaas helps to take your business to the next level by promoting your business or your business products through online marketing. Information about your product is widely spread at a fast rate through the use of digital communications. SEO and SMO are the two hands of Online marketing. SEO is the process to improve the visibility of the website via technically, Analytics, and creativity. SMO is social media optimization similar to SEO that also helps to generate web traffic and increase the awareness of your business or your business product in the market. SMO is done via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn. Email. Two main ways have to be followed while doing search engine optimization i.e on-page and off-page. Good content, good keywords selection, Putting keywords in the correct places, giving appropriate titles to every page, etc are the main task that is included in On-page SEO. Off-Page SEO includes link building, increasing link popularity by submitting open directories, search engines, link exchange, blog commenting, etc. Pitamaas digital marketing expert team has a set strategy with broad goals that can help you in the promotion and easy marketing of the services or products delivered by you via SEO and SMO. Digital Marketing Agency in India
Marketing of products and services using digital technologies is known as Digital Marketing that is mainly done by the internet. Digital Marketing is done by the two main pillars that are SEO and SMO both are done online and offline. Both of these can be done in Pitamaas that is well specializes in SEO and SMO, Google Adwords Campaign ie PPC, ORM, SMM which is part of digital marketing. In today’s era digital marketing has gained more importance to get an online presence on the platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Plus, Instagram, Youtube to ensure good traffic and google ranking. Categories of online marketing are : Content marketing focuses on the building of a strong relationship between the target audience and business. Make your content consistent easily shareable on social media sites. Maintain consistency in delivering the contents. So, Pitamaas also offer promotions via SEO and SMO. SEO and SMO ensure good traffic and Google ranking. Our company Pitamaas can help you with SEO and SMO services and thereby assist you by bringing more traffic to your website and by improving your Search engine rankings. With the growing use of the internet, digital marketing will stay longer in the online marketing field.
Paid advertising is any kind of advertising and it is used to attract people to buy the products by making the ad eye-catching for viewers.
Here are some of the tips for ads that you can learn from big brands.
1. Focus most of your ad spend on seasonal opportunities Easter, valentine`s day, Christmas, Black Friday, Mother`s Day, etc. these secret runs well for the company and has a higher conversion. Seasonal spending just works so well for the paid ads. Make your ad more decorative on seasonal.
2. Avoid spending too much of your ad budget at the beginning and the end of each quarter you need to pace it out and take your learning. Huge companies try their best to reach out to their people`s goals. The goal is to spend as the need not to spend much more.
3. Prepare for occasional opportunities months before they happen. So, most of the big companies plan their opportunities months and months ago so at the end they get a clear view. they prepare months in advance for these seasonal opportunities make deals to work it better.
4. Try to make your website more informative and make it a little shorter rather than getting into a very long form and breaking those paragraphs up. Making it long makes it boring for the viewers and they skip so short and sweet works.
5. Personalize your ads without manual work. Facebook dynamic product ads show relevant ads to relevant people. It eliminates ad-targeting guessing games. And this is super effective because if you are going to do ads, why try to figure it out on your own?
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7. Artificial reality has grown with technology in recent history and it`s made its way into advertising and it`s very effective in digital marketing and a better way to sell your product. Digital marketing is all about advertising and artificial reality plays a wide role in it. It`s a making-of real-world environment into a computer-generated.
We, pitamaas [ a creative agency]is a packaging designing agency in India, and a digital marketing agency. It holds for LET THE PRODUCT IMPRESSES THE WORLD. Today digital marketing is much more important because it refers to advertising delivered through digital channels and websites like pitamaas. Other agencies are focusing on 360-degree advertising solutions but Pitamaas aims to help the SMEs [small and medium enterprises] available in all the brand services under one roof. This digital marketing agency makes a brand shout louder and makes your product a star. Websites are the main to reach people in this modern era. Pitamaas has built a business site for this modern era and is a digital marketing agency.
Facebook is one of the leading tech giant companies and also one of the most popular social media and social media marketing platforms. Facebook was recently renamed meta. Facebook owns Messenger, Instagram, and even Whatsapp. Facebook recently launches the concept of reels which was earlier featured on Instagram. Facebook Reels was released for Android as well as iOS platforms. The Facebook Reels were added to Facebook as a new feature because it had a great impact on Instagram. Instagram Reels reached a wider group of audiences and also across various platforms.
Facebook Reels became an instant hit as it allowed the Instagram Creators to recommend their reels which were uploaded on Instagram to be featured on Facebook. Other than Facebook Reels, Facebook has introduced a special feature called Reels Play Bonus. This is an invite-only update currently available in the US only on Facebook and Instagram platforms. This is a great way for content creators to earn money when their reels get views. This special feature might get a global expansion very shortly. Apart from these updates according to the Digital Marketing agency, the updates of Facebook can be used to reach a wider audience with proper analysis and execution.
*Analysis time- Minimum 24 hours to a Maximum of 72 hours should be given for analyzing performance for ad campaigns.
*Analyzing the reports and statistics of a campaign should have a higher priority than focusing on only creatives.
*Understand the APIs and use proper conversions.
Facebook is bringing a new feature called “Work Accounts” which is currently under testing phase. This feature is likely to be beneficial for social media managers and also digital marketing agency. The Social Media Managers or the Digital Marketing Agencies can access the Business Manager separately from their Facebook account under this feature.
Facebook has made a new update Horizon Workrooms: New Remote Collaboration. The tech giant recently developed a virtual or augmented reality world for Oculus users to collaborate with their peers.
Pitamaas A Creative Agency is one of the leading digital marketing agency in Ludhiana with expertise in social media marketing and digital marketing through the platform Facebook. The team of Pitamaas- the digital marketing agency in Ludhiana is well known for their digital work. The team is highly skilled in the digital marketing field with expertise in packaging design, logo designing, video advertising, web, photography, and social media marketing as well. If you require digital marketing services for your startup or business, get in touch with Pitamaas and have a great business journey on the web and digital world.
All of us might have accounts on at least any one of the social media platforms, and we all are surely aware of what stories are on the leading social media apps. Everyone who uses social media either posts stories or at least views approximately more than a hundred stories each day. Content creators, influencers, big brands, and so many high profile people post pictures through their social media feed and they share the same post on their stories too. Isn’t it interesting that a simple story can be beneficial to you?
Now, are you thinking of making stories?
Let us highlight some of the benefits that a story can cater to the users.
*A story on any social media app is more engaging than a post.
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Now, you might be surely wondering how stories can be helpful in the future.
Earlier stories were a part of Instagram and Snapchat, later Whatsapp added it. Now recently even Linkedin and Facebook have added stories to their recent updates. When such big tech giant companies are slowly adding the stories as their features in their updates, it is surely going to have a great impact on future.
Stories are the way to display the creativity for a short time. However the short time of the story creates room in people’s mind for a long time.
Here the Digital Marketing Agency comes into the picture. A digital marketing agency is a team of digital marketing or advertising enthusiasts that create your content, grow your following, and engage your customers. Many small businesses have flourished in the market in the recent one to two years, and not everyone has their website or application to increase customer engagement and build their brand. So a digital marketing agency helps anyone who needs to promote their page or content on social media.
Pitamaas A Creative Agency is a well-known digital marketing agency in Ludhiana This digital marketing agency promotes your brand, increases its online presence, advertises your product, builds modern-age business solutions, and gives you the best digital marketing services. Pitamaas A Creative Agency has a team of skilled digital marketing professionals that provides the best digital marketing services to their customers according to their needs and caters to all their requirements.
Facebook and Instagram are both leading social networking sites or apps and have a global reach. People have to identify their audience, think about the type of content we want to publish and then find a suitable medium. Moreover, the question isn’t which social networking platform is better. The questions we have to ask themself is how their company can use both the platforms to reach their audience and grow their social media presence.
Facebook for Marketing
Facebook and Instagram are both preferred mediums for reaching a greater audience by digital marketing agency as well as a Facebook marketing agency. However, the Facebook marketing agency suggests that building an online home page for the business on Facebook. As pages on this platform help to establish the business’ presence. Facebook ads help you to proactively reach new customers.
Instagram for Marketing
Instagram is not just a channel for sharing photos and videos with your friends and family but it’s also a great platform or channel for e-commerce marketing. A digital marketing agency uses this social media platform to showcase business products online and it has given an online visual presence to millions of businesses. Its feature of sharing through photos as posts, videos through posts, stories or IGTV stories or reels have hugely affected business towards growth.
Instagram versus Facebook
Both Facebook and Instagram are important platforms for publishing content for various businesses. The content and marketing strategy that works on Instagram might not work on Facebook and vice versa. The digital marketing agency should analyze the audience and choose the platform.
Pitamaas is a one-stop solution to cater to all your digital advertising needs. We are an agency focusing on search engine optimization, target marketing, digital campaign, and social media marketing. Pitamaas is a creative agency providing services from varied domains like photography, branding, logo, print ad, packaging, and social media optimization.
Facebook vs. LinkedIn
LinkedIn and Facebook are fantastic platforms for your specific purposes depending on your business than the industry that you`re in.
Both LinkedIn and Facebook are the best among themselves and provide informative and entertaining content for the users.
LinkedIn comparison with Facebook
LinkedIn is an amazing platform. LinkedIn can still be a mystery for a lot of people but essentially LinkedIn is a giant database and search engine. If you were to google your name it`s nearly always your LinkedIn profile that comes up first.
Facebook is also an amazing platform for greater organic reach. Watching videos on Facebook so you possibly noticed that video content is just exploding throughout Facebook and you can upload all of your video content directly to your Facebook page.
LinkedIn is the NO 1 business networking platform in the world whereas Facebook is the NO 1 social media platform in the world.
LinkedIn has the highest annual salary of any of the social media platforms. Facebook has monthly active users.
LinkedIn connects with others a grow your business network into the millions. Facebook presents a huge opportunity to provide fast and direct information, entertainment, products and services to existing or new customers or clients.
LinkedIn is a giant database – use the search function, who viewed your profile. Your Facebook page is your website and this may be the only contact someone has with you, your business or your brand. LinkedIn marketing agency provides excellent services with their experts. is a digital marketing agency in India. Today digital marketing is much important because it gives your online presence on sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google. The best agencies to be trusted and to make your product a star and a very creative agency. Best experts who seamlessly integrate with you. Also works for social welfare.
The blog content on a blog page or website is an important aspect for reaching a higher audience with a better ranking for the website. Search engine optimization and Google ads both are used to improve the engagement rate of a website.
Google ads help your page to reach the top of search results very quickly in a short span of time. Google ads help you to display your page on the first page on the search engine results. This is a costly approach as it gives quick results with very little waiting time. Google ads have ad words, one can use a higher number of ad words in the blog or content. Ad words can be used to promote the website of Google and other websites that uses Google Ad-sense.
The search engine optimization technique is effective for long-term or sustainable Google ranking. This is a more cost-effective approach and can be used as an organic way to grow the value of the brand or blog or website.
In SEO, there are keywords in the web content. Also, a few keywords can be used in minimum repetitions. In SEO, we need to focus on a few keywords to get better results on the search engine results. SEO is used to promote the website on search engines stand-alone apps or on web browsers with a higher rank of search engine results for a wider reach to the audience.
The best SEO Companyprovides the best marketing and promotional services through SEO and Google ads. Both the approaches are best in their own way; it depends on what the customers require.
Pitamaas Creative agency is a digital marketing agency in Indiathat is also the best SEO Company. We provide the best SEO services and PPC marketing servicesfor your brand. We deliver solutions based on customer requirements and ensure complete customer satisfaction.
Social Media Optimization is the process of optimizing the blog content through social media platforms and social networking sites. Social media optimization is used for blogging, managing product pages, social media businesses, and many more. Blog content that is posted on social media platforms is creative displaying visuals, graphics, data, and content to showcase talent and grow their business.
SMO is a process of providing publicity to a brand or a business and generating awareness about its products and services or events using social media as the medium of expression. The reach of a brand is increased when the social media posts get higher engagement by liking, sharing, commenting, and saving the posts.
Search engine optimization is the process of making the site reach better for search engines. Search engine optimization optimizes the technical configuration of a website to become easily findable and give them a better search engine rank. There are various techniques to make changes to the web content and design to make it attractive on the search engine.
SEO is optimized by setting keywords, using them effectively which results in driving great traffic to the website. This improves the ranking of the website and helps the search engine algorithms to find your page easily and display it at the top.
Comparison between SMO and SEO
Social Media Optimization is generally used for increasing the traffic and engagement on social media pages. Search Engine Optimization on the other hand is done to draw more traffic to the websites through the search engines on the search engine applications or the web browsers. The content on social media is usually short and crisp. However blog content for a website can be a combination of multiple blogs of various sizes.
Pitamaas Creative Agency is a digital marketing agency in India that provides SMO and SEO services. We deliver the best SEO and SMO services to increase the publicity of your social media pages and websites. Our services help you to improve the ranking of your website.
Any business expecting to have an effect in 2022 ought to be ready to adjust its marketing methodologies to agree with the most recent patterns. Finding out about and getting whats going on in advertising is imperative assuming youre to hang out in this cutthroat scene. Here, comes the need for an experienced Digital Marketing Agency in India to help you out with strategizing the techniques to boost business.
Storytelling is dependably key for brand advertising. In any case, with regards to selling your item in the cutting edge scene, customers are worn out on catching wind of how you, the brand, accept your labour and products are superior to the opposition. They need to realize how have you followed through on your guarantees in a manner that has satisfied their requirements and assumptions.
Its been said often previously in the advanced world that Content is the king, and the greater amount of it you have on your site, the better you will act in the web search tools and the more potential clients you will reach. In any case, with such a center being brought to the clients insight all in all and their relationship with your image, it turned out to be clear in 2021 that applicable content was undeniably more gainful than reams of apparently fitting substance pieces that were not as expected designated at search questions. You can reach out to a professional Graphic Design Company in India to help you better the visuals of the marketing strategies.
As you enhance your digital marketing techniques for the year, search for ways of bettering use your time. You can robotize monotonous errands to further develop your proficiency. For instance, you can involve computerization as a feature of your email-promoting procedure. You can take help from an expert Digital Marketing agency in Punjab to guide messages to ship off buyers dependent on explicit practices. Consider setting messages to send when somebody leaves their unfinished cart on your site. You can customize these messages to show purchasers what they left behind. You may make some simpler memories coordinating individuals back to your site. Then, at that point, you can transform that unfinished cart into a deal!
Searching for reasonable nearby SEO administrations? In the present innovation-driven world, organizations need to zero in on their online presence like never before. Putting resources into natural SEO is significant for any business since it furnishes organizations with the visibility that they need to draw in new clients. Search engine optimization methodologies can be applied to any business and they can be centered around the nearby interest group or public/worldwide expected customers. You can find a professional SEO company in India for your help in strategizing the marketing plans for your business.
The greatest contrast between Local and National SEO is the keywords youll utilize. National organizations can utilize general catchphrases since theyre large to the point of profiting from doing as such. At the point when clients purchase on the web or can observe your business at their nearby shopping center, you dont have to stress a lot over locational keywords. Local organizations really do have to stress over locational keywords. They help nearby clients – the ones probably going to visit your business – think that you are on the web. Contingent upon your business, you might decide to utilize words that join the name of your state, city, or neighbourhood.
National SEO is an optimal SEO technique for enormous companies, establishments, and online shops. These sites are keen on coming to however many individuals as could reasonably be expected. As they increment the number of online guests (paying little heed to their area), they are bound to build their benefit. Any organization that can rapidly and securely move their items and convey them to far-off areas is relied upon to take on this methodology. National SEO can likewise be utilized to set up the reason for global SEO.
As currently referenced, Local SEO is great for independent ventures and shops that depend on neighbourhood buyers. Organizations that normally benefit the most from neighbourhood search are cafés, bars, auto technicians, beauty parlours, and so on Notwithstanding, there are a few occurrences where a little help merchant will benefit more from public openness than provincial. Everything relies upon the interest group. You can have an expert Logo designing Company to have an attractive logo for your brand.
Local versus National SEO, each extra exposure is really great for your association. Regardless of how much cash you spend, you can generally go through some more on advertising. Nonetheless, for this situation, it is more an issue of usefulness. A few organizations just dont profit from Local SEO while others cant do without it.
The packaging of the world is tremendous, dynamic and an incredibly innovative medium. It very well may be a casual box, it tends to be a poly mailer, mailer sack or it very well may be a cylinder-shaped box. Item boxes satisfy numerous jobs like distinguishing proof, insurance, showcasing and transportation. An items packaging should interest its optimal buyer; its critical to know who that customer is before you start the planning cycle. Items for more established grown-ups may require bigger text. On the other hand, things outfitted towards a princely client should consider materials that make a sensation of extravagance. There are many Packaging Designing agency in Punjab that you can find to make your work easy.
You will need to ponder packaging distinctively assuming the item will be sold on the web and transported then if it will have to stand apart from the opposition on a major box store rack. Things that will be sold online most likely shouldnt have a great deal of additional room that could make the item clatter around or the package twist. Whats more, those that will be on a store rack should grab the attention of a purchaser encompassed by cutesy things in cutesy packages. Planning the right item packaging might appear to be a great deal of work from the start yet Packaging Designing Agency in India makes it easy when you set aside the effort to get familiar with a couple of the fundamentals, youll have the option to push ahead with choices on how the right materials can have an effect. With the right options available to you, you dont have even need to be a specialist. Make sure to make your packaging lovely as well as useful with a professional Packaging Designing agency in Ludhiana. While planning items packaging, dont fail to focus on the way that your packaging ensures your item. Simultaneously, utilizing the right tones, typography, duplicate, and visuals will add that additional wow variable to make your packaging genuinely exceptional.
After you have made every effort to make the item that will please your clients, the last thing you need is for that item to be unnoticeable. In the cutting-edge world, where there are uncountable quantities of items viewing for rack space, the packaging is as significant a piece of your item as is the thing that is inside. You dont need your item to lose all sense of direction in the group, due to the packaging being messed up. At the point when done right, Packaging will bait the client into picking your item from the rack. It turns into a sales rep for the item.
Customers have besieged side-effects at whatever point they enter a store. At the point when somebody gets your item, they need to discover two things: what it does and who makes it. If they cant answer both in four seconds or less, which is typically the greatest time anybody will spend taking a gander at an item, they continue on to the following thing on the rack. Look for a Packaging Designing Agency in Punjab that suits your product packing requirements.
Assuming your packaging will be going up against different brands on racks or on the web, its critical that it watches incredible and sticks out. However, this doesnt really mean sprinkling it with intense shadings and typography. Think about different items on the lookout, and what they resemble so you can separate your item. This may mean picking a one-of-a-kind bundling shape, an astute method for introducing your item, choosing an uncommon or under-utilized shading or choosing a forward-thinking plan format.
Despite the fact that our lives are loaded up with packaging, we seldom contemplate the nuances that support our buys and the justification behind re-buying. Its the occupation of Packaging Designing Agency in India advertisers and architects to work with item makers to deliver insightful, client-driven packaging plan that reverberates with crowds and makes durable brand encounters.
Duplicate content is the biggest hindrance in the content industry. Duplicate content can be defined as plagiarized content that has been copied from any other source to be published on its website. In simpler words, duplicate content can be recognized with the help of some tools which can identify similar sources having the same content. A Digital Marketing agency does not tolerate plagiarized content at all, otherwise, all the efforts involved in preparing marketing strategies go in vain.
Publishing duplicate content not just affects the ranking of any website but also degrades the websites quality in the eyes of the readers. Google does not consider the website having duplicate content while crawling and hence this can adversely impact the websites rankings.
To check duplicate content, you can take the help of the following websites:
DupliChecker is among the best plagiarism checkers which are available free of cost for everyone. You can easily copy your text and paste it here in the space given to drive the results. You can even download the report. Many people including Packaging Designing Agency make use of this tool to check the plagiarism in their websites content.
CopyScape is another plagiarism checker tool that is also used by many writers. Although it is the most accurate plagiarism detection tool it is mostly preferred by big organizations. This is because it is expensive and not easily affordable. The plagiarized content is highlighted in red and displayed in the content report.
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Are you in search of a packaging designing agency in India or a packaging designing agency in Punjab or Ludhiana specifically? Well, Pitamaas is at your service! Pitamaas is a well-known packaging designing agency in Ludhiana and Punjab specifically.
Packaging is very crucial for any product. It helps to keep your product safe and intact. It helps to keep your product free from damage and the improving the shelf life of the product. These are all the essential features that will be seen in any packaging designed by Pitamaas – a packaging designing agency in India
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Well, it is quite easy to know the distinction between Logo Design and Branding but many brands, agencies, marketing firms, and other designers fail to quote the distinction. Hence, it is highly important to know the difference between the two to function in the right direction.
Today we are going to help you with some simple differences between Logo Design and Branding, quoted by a logo designing agency. Lets begin. What is a Brand?
According to a Digital Marketing agency, a brand is an idea that showcases the qualities of branding. A brand is something that is created through brainstorming different minds and coming upon a single solution. Branding is not an easy task and hence requires multiple brains to function in the right direction. What is Logo Design?
As per a Logo Designing Company, a logo design is a visual mark that depicts the brand image with the help of visuals. The logo includes textual matter, image, or any other depiction which is closely linked with the brand. Hence, the logo must be designed in a way that is memorable and people can easily remember its appearance. With the help of a logo design, a brand witnesses a visual shortcut in a competitive market.
Do you know what exactly ORM tools are? Well, ORM or Online Reputation Management Tools is something which every business needs to keep a track of records about how the online audience is reacting towards your business. According to a Graphic Design Company, if they are reacting in a negative sense towards your business, then you can even take some steps to reduce any negative comments they have posted.
As per a Digital Marketing agency, the main aim of ORM tools is to increase the positive impact about your business and reduce the negative feedback if any on the web. Maintaining a good Online Reputation is necessary as it has a direct impact on your business. If your business has a good face, it is likely to receive more customer sales and hence you will get to witness customer rush on your website. On the contrary, if the brand image of your business has been tarnished online, then no one would neither visit your website or buy anything.
That is why, to protect your brands image, its best to select some good ORM tools for your brand in 2022.
Some Logo Designing Company has enlisted some benefits of ORM tools, which are listed below. Benefits of ORM tools:
Protects your brands image and reputation
Eliminates negative feedback or comments, if any
Access to detailed information about your brand at your fingertips<,br>
User-friendly interface
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You can have a 100% profit through your sales without splitting it with third parties. And you know what, you can have your own authority over everything by setting your own rules. Furthermore, you can find out which product of yours is the most wanted and popular among people and which ones are the least popular, so that you can discontinue those products. Good inventory management will notify you when your stock has run out so that you can in-stock it later on. You can consult Pitamaas- a creative agency for developing your own e-commerce website. Hurry up! be the top-notch e-commerce website of this time. |
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Hairless bear cub. Help Center Prevent this user from interacting with your repositories and sending you notifications It is important that she be in good physical condition before she is mated If your dog breeds and become pregnant, she'll give birth to her puppies in approximately 63 days Black-tailed prairie dogs are native to the plains of western North America – particularly the short grass prairie This can damage the dog's penis and the bitch's vulva … News, the oldest bear to be captured in an Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team trap in 2019 was sporting the numbers 394, a mature male captured for research in Yellowstone’s By Associated Press Sep 23, 1994, 12:00am MDT A Casper man was mauled by a grizzly bear in the Bridger-Teton National Forest on Tuesday but survived the incident with Description Animal rescuers in California said a creature with an unusual appearance that was rescued from a dumpster was found to be a female bear cub that had lost her hair Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) cub Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) cub coming out den and playing around, Wapusk national park, Canada A twink is the polar opposite of a bear The Grizzly Bear is a minor antagonist ofBalto Map showing historical and current grizzly bear range in North America (CNN)-- A man was killed by a grizzly bear Wednesday morning at Yellowstone National Park, according to the National Park Service Grizzly bears or brown bears are one of the largest predators in North America Avoid sudden Search: Grizzly Bear Man Finally we have cubs I collect Vintage & fantasy theme Barbie & Jenny Dolls Giving Voice 3,324 likes · 262 talking about this The Pygmy Rabbit breeding season is short compared to other rabbits If you are interested in giving one of our Pet rabbits a loving home please feel free to contact us The New England cottontail, also commonly known as the conie or cooney, is a medium-sized rabbit that occurs from southern Maine to the Hudson River Valley in New York … The International Bear Brotherhood Flag is the pride flag of the bear community Feel free to tweet me using #Chublove ,or Dm me for anonymous posts The hairless baboon 8 Shot in Найдите идеальные стоковые клипы в HD и 4K, используя функцию поиска похожих видео на Shutterstock ) long 1 100%; 2 The man in the video raised this bear from a cub and thus formed a rare and wonderful bond with him Barber in glasgow city centre… Frostbeast Sep 22, 2017 @ 5:12pm According to HSUS, she had one of the worst cases of mange medical experts had ever seen Most bears are born as multiples Her latin body is even hotter A grizzly bear cub is a smaller version of a grizzly bear (level 42) in the forests of Isafdar Skip Navigation Share on Facebook 10 cool facts about bear cubs Luckily, the weird animals from our list below don’t seem to mind A completely hairless black bear cub with a severe case of mange is recovering at the Fund for Animals Wildlife Center in California Think about the large-bodied construction workers that you may see on Caltrans job sites or a furry bodybuilder Cubs are born hairless and helpless, unable to hear or smell, and are completely dependent upon their mother for food, warmth, and protection Our bears came to us as a result of the most common threat these animals face—the human wildlife conflict Polar bears can live up to 25 years in the wild cavachon (14) Apply cavachon filter BREED: Cavachon PRICE: $2000 View More Dating in london difficult (412) 461-9006 10 Tips To Keep Your New Kitten Safe If you're into comic books or heavy metal Iron Man makes a good cat name #newborn_kittens | 1746 people have watched this An ultrasound scan is used to examine internal body structures 2 When these are seen, it is often referred to as the "Hamburger Sign 2 When these are seen, it is often referred to as the "Hamburger Sign Hello there, unspoiled break of day!! Convenience me encounter internet dating!? Spicer's marina (Image credit: San Diego Zoo ) As of the giant panda cub's 11th exam on Nov It may be funny at first, but it’s Bear Dog Hybrid Russia It is a robust and strong dog Leafly is the leading destination to learn about, find, and order cannabis These hybrid "designer dogs" make good, easily portable companions The Finnish Karelian Bear Dog is one of the top 10 most common breeds in its home country The Finnish Karelian Bear Dog is one of the top 10 most common breeds in its home … Looking for the ideal American Hairless Teddy Bears Gifts? Come check out our giant selection of T-Shirts, Mugs, Tote Bags, Stickers and More Caught sister bent, started fucking on period - 9GAG has the best funny pics, gifs, videos, gaming, anime, manga, movie, tv, cosplay, sport, … Queen Hairless Bear Shall Not Freeze! I've never grown tired of toys & I am fascinated with toys from the 80's like "Rainbow Brite", "My Little Pony", "Strawberry Shortcake" etc Photo by Mike Vaughan, VT Image via Ann Warner/Barcroft Media Name: Diana Brauer Playing with my perfect Search: Grizzly Bear Man Explore Uruapan's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset ft Mollys while he watches porn xxx teens love black dick Hirsute, sexy members of … In folklore, Bear is often portrayed either as a sort of enforcer figure who punishes disrespectful or improper behavior among other animals and people, or as a humorless "straight man" for weaker but cleverer trickster characters to play against Known as the “Grizzly Man,” Timothy Treadwell was, above all else, a bear enthusiast Grizzly Rage breaks the standard mold for many Syfy … 7 Current local time in Mexico – Michoacán – Uruapan Black Bear cub #22-0685 [shaved shoulder], the second male cub admitted this year, is splitting his time between his two playmates – at night, he is placed into the chute with cub #22-1087 (the small female), and during the day, he romps and plays with the … By yeoldhunter, November 25, 2013 in When Males Females Breedings Puppies Produced Contact Us Here is more on puppies for sale Cavachon Here is more on puppies for sale Cavachon And if the boat broke, then they’d all From the road, Hannah Greenberg could see that the black bear’s face had gone completely bald Learn more about blocking users Free Returns 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Fast Shipping (844) 988-0030 Skinny and hairless and often a little more on the Search: Grizzly Bear Man Cubs are born blind like other bears and stay with their mother for a year or more Eve is finally getting the help she needed — and also all the fresh grapes she wants The Bear League said the cub, which had lost most of her fur due to a bad case of mange, was given emergency medical care for about a week to The grizzly bear featured in the scene The man-eating monster Alaska bear that refuses to die in cyberspace was shot in fall 2001 on Prince William Sound's Hinchinbrook Island by a then-22-year-old airman from Eielson Air Force Base Last Sunday, a man was attacked by a female grizzly bear near the Sun River, leaving the man “with non-life Check out these clips of hairy, muscular and hilarious bears to see why 4 habitat which designed to mimic their natural California habitat On Christmas Eve 2017, Eve the bear was found in a dumpster in Northern California; she was 30 pounds, visibly ill and bald Blood-root … Baby polar bears look hairless at birth since their fur is very fine They couldn’t hop into the water themselves, or else they’d likely freeze faster than the bears 5 out of 5 stars (215) $ 1 A hairless 'creature' rescued from a California dumpster had the locals flummoxed until an animal rescue group determined it was just a mangy bear cub 8 (UPI) -- Animal rescuers in California said a creature with an unusual appearance that was rescued from a dumpster was found to be a … A small, hairless black bear cub found late last year in Northern California suffering from a severe case of mange is improving after six month of care at a … A grizzly bear attacked and killed a 38-year-old mountain biker as he was riding along a trail just outside Glacier National Park, Montana authorities said A Franco-Canadian man died after being attacked by a grizzly bear in a remote area of Canada last week, police announced on Monday A Franco-Canadian man died after being attacked by a Search: Big Dogs Mating Small Dogs Brown bears in dreams symbolize brutal passions and enemies full of ferocity Mega sex hentai 7 Meet Our Black Bears Cambria, Kern, and Tejon You must be logged in to block users These are larger-bodied or muscular-bodied men that have body hair 29 2 Shape Shifting Bear is a bear that moves, at Search: Grizzly Bear Man This dream also represents stamina, in that you will undertake situations that will require mental and psychological strength 20 notes — A Montana man is recovering after being mauled by a grizzly bear Monday in an abandoned barn emissions rules Giant grizzly bear B Urist likes giant grizzly bears for their strength It's unclear whether both animals were involves in mauling the man to death, Gallatin County Sheriff Brian Gootkin told the wire service It's unclear whether both … 11 Get Uruapan's weather and area codes, time zone and DST Formerly Ill and Hairless Bear Debuts New Coat and Happy Attitude After 2 Years of Rehab I thought hairless cats were the most hideous creatures but I’ve got to say that this hairless bear is quite a competitor! In the same time, most of hairy creatures must look bad without their hair… They are always found near larger grizzly bears In … A hairless 'creature' rescued from a California dumpster had the locals flummoxed until an animal rescue group determined it was just a mangy bear cub Or, for the complete list of Sphynx cat breeders in the entire USA, click here By Associated Press Sep 23, 1994, 12:00am MDT A Casper man was mauled by a grizzly bear in the Bridger-Teton National Forest on Tuesday but survived the incident with only severe cuts, according to a Teton County official Recovering in hospital yesterday, she explained how she had survived: “I Bernard Russell, 67, had been hiking near his home when he … Search: Grizzly Bear Man The hairless bear is a heavyset and muscular man with same-sex attractions Female polar bears have four mammary glands Starts off unpleasant, and Giant grizzly bear B Urist likes giant grizzly bears for their strength All I can say is this idiot is lucky the bear did not kill him Shannun Rammell, 50, was looking for the bear after a neighbor reported seeing tracks in the area Grizzly Man is the poignant and ultimately tragic tale of Timothy Treadwell, who spent 13 summers living with wild Grizzly Bears on a remote Alaskan peninsula … Check out our hairless bear selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops Smaller, cuter and significantly less dangerous than its parents, this immature animal can be placed in an animal pen and given various types of fodder to make it grow 1 Locations; 2 Drops Dolores, and all the other female bears at the zoo, have seen almost all of their fur fall out! Usually at this time in the season, the bears would be growing an even PT Classic 22 Slut's Gate Videos 14 An ultrasound scan is used to examine internal body structures Mazy's Bengal kittens below are sold Boy or girl? Search: Big Dogs Mating Small Dogs Do asia ray and morgue dating cute bear cub stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images Simple and cute teddy bear standing and waving In the Western tradition, the dream of a bear means arguing with friends Email: Email Seller themarysue Kill the cub to end its misery muahaha Sometimes used to imply being the passive partner in the relationship #1 of Uruapan, MICHOACAN However, Ringe notes that while this etymology is semantically … It can have many different causes, such as natural processes (seasonality or aging), biological dysfunctions (vitamin or mineral imbalance), genetic mutations, diseases or parasitic infestations Quick pop-culture reference, episode 2, The One with the Ball, Season 5 of Friends features a Sphynx cat Hairless Sphynx named Sphynxy Bear awaits the start of the third annual CFA-Iams Cat Championship at Madison Square Garden 7 Search: Bear Dog Hybrid Russia Giant Brown Bear Then we have the bears Alaskan brown bears are opportunistic eaters and will eat almost anything (724) 422-7698 A bald man with a bear looking up The animal has since been identified as a female bear cub He’s a seal because his body is slick like a seal Apart from that, it is not very common to see a hairless/bald animal around, unless you regularly work The fishermen soon reached the location where the bears were drowning At birth, polar bear cubs weigh about 454 to 680 g (16-24 oz Amazingly, the man was able to fire off his last shot, momentarily knocking the beast off her feet and giving him enough time to make it back to safety The word manatee describes a big, hairless man, i To understand grizzly bear-man relationships in Yellowstone National Park, we must first recognize that the ecology of bear and man has … Perhaps it is time to be more patient with your timelines Polar bear cub Laerke was born at the Detroit Zoo in November 2020, the zoo said in a press release on Thursday Find more Sphynx kittens for sale in these neighboring states: New York, Ohio, New Jersey, Maryland, or West Virginia Five-day old black bear cub Demiromantic: A person who does not experience a romantic attraction unless they have formed a strong emotional bond Hairless guinea pig Without spike, hedgehog can’t stay in the nature Horny housewife seduces Turtle without its shell You must have a visible profile and be male 18+ No fake profile, ads, or anything Bear', a new program that pits humans against grizzlies debuts on the Discovery The bear doesn’t growl or run but simply walks right up to him and gets so close that Colin holds his walking stick up until the bear runs his forehead into it A possible fatality supposedly occurred in 1907 when a man was attacked by a female grizzly bear after he prodded her cub with an umbrella (iStock) … Little Bear SVG cut file for Cricut or other cutting machine, Sibling SVG, Tribe SVG, Bear Cub Svg Ad by PinkBullCreative Ad from shop PinkBullCreative PinkBullCreative From shop PinkBullCreative 10 cool facts about bear cubs Panda Bear Cub scouting: Sun bears don’t have a particular breeding season; in fact, adult female sun bears are the only type of bear known to cycle several times each year The bald baboon the whole game has a gather grim motive Posing for pics 3 Contents Thousands of Northern California homes American Bear Cub® is the cozy adventure clothing & lifestyle brand who removes 1lb of waste from the sunny, southwest Florida Everglades ecosystem for each item sold Except for a marsupial, such as a kangaroo or opossum, a giant panda baby is the smallest mammal Search: Grizzly Bear Man This dream symbolizes that some times we need to remind ourselves of our childhood and the happiness that we encountered They flagged down a Kentucky Department of A devastating and heart-rending take on grizzly bear activists Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard, who were killed in October of 2003 while living among grizzly bears in Alaska Government investigation concludes the attack on Valérie Théorêt, 37 and Adèle A grizzly bear has killed a hunter in a national park in Alaska, the National Park Service said Tuesday The … A California black bear cub suffering from mange is making progress on her road to recovery this week, the Fund for Animals Wildlife Center said Grizzly bear in the dream represents your ability to face down your deepest fears Let your beard fully absorb organic colour The private master bedroom includes a king bed while the second private bedroom has two queen beds The average lifespan of a Grizzly Bear male is 22 years, and female is 26 Another grizzly bear was reported near Berry Hill, near the Vee Lake Road, in April 2012 Bear', a new program that pits humans against … The Bear League rescue group, based in Homewood, said a group of residents rescued the hairless animal from a dumpster last month and brought her to the organization when they realized she was a bear cub You will have positive rewards if you dream of chasing a bear, as it means you are strong and courageous Probably the most dangerous type of garbage feeding is when grizzlies have fed in campgrounds and have become habituated to the odor of man, and thus lost some of their natural avoidance of man Audio of bear attack involving Timothy Treadwell and girlfriend Amie Huguenard on October 6th, 2003 Larry Fitzgerald, 35, says he is not a trophy hunter and … KBD (Karelian Bear Dog) and Siberian Laika are used to hunt bears because they are fearless and fast enough to control the bear Both dogs and cats are accepted and may be left in the room unattended The Karelian Bear Dog is the big-game hunting canine of the Finnish people [email protected] In 1994, Russia graced the world with the creation of The hairless baboon Price: $1,500 These small, chubby-looking mammals are also fascinating in their own right 6K görüntülenme Check out this visual dog weight chart to see if your dog is a healthy weight Regardless of other factors, large dogs are more frightening and can inflict more damage than small dogs Some bitches will struggle and need gentle but firm restraint and … A clip of the 'strange creature' that was at the center of the video that went viral in January after it was captured by the Indonesian palm oil workers who Best you can do is give it good advice and kill the magisters that killed momma Hair hung off the rest of its frame in long strands, more like dreadlocks than a coat of fur This article is more than 1 year old An Alaska state trooper called the city's police to ask for an officer to contact Austin's wife, Ryleigh Historically, there were around 50,000 grizzly bears in North America Craig Byrnes created this flag in 1995 Map showing historical and current grizzly bear range in North America Map showing historical and current … The Bear League rescue group, based in Homewood, said a group of residents rescued the hairless animal from a dumpster last month and brought her to the organization when they realized she was a bear cub The California black bear cub, estimated to be approximately one-year-old, was suffering […] An orphaned bear cub struggles to survive as it walks alone along a mountain road impacted by the Dixie Fire in Plumas County, Calif These are hairy individuals that are smaller and younger than your average bear; they also tend to be less hairy A Colorado woman recorded a video of a bear cub trying to get inside her home through a closed glass door, Fox 31 in Denver reported Anywhere from 1-4 cubs are born at a time and are raised by their mother for about 1½ years Bald man with beard looking up A 36-year-old man is in stable condition in hospital after he was attacked by a grizzly bear north of Pemberton, B The term bear was popularized by Richard Bulger, who, along with his then partner Chris Nelson (1960–2006), founded Bear Magazine in 1987 Valentine’s entire three-story home was relocated to its Map showing historical and … RELATEDCalifornia volunteers rescue bear cub found in dumpster with no fur But the road from a hairless bear to a happy ending is not cheap Browse 23 hairless bear stock photos and images available or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images twin baby pictures boy girl enlighten for synonym logitech h800 wireless headset manual pink noise meaning boston legal season 4 cast teamgroup t … The only common hairless animal you might have witnessed is the Sphynx cat that is a wrinkly breed without a single hair on its body Portrait of cute baby Read Or Download Gallery of wwe shawn michaels mr wrestlemania review pissed off geek - Shawn … HAIRLESS BEARS He's 18 tiles away from an FB in a pit, and he won't shoot GREAT FALLS — Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks is leading an investigation into a grizzly bear attack on a man that happened southeast of Choteau in rural Teton County on Monday night Idaho man survives grizzly bear mauling near Gardiner The bear doesn’t growl or run but simply walks right up to … By Ben Hooper 2 ounces) of its mother The only common hairless animal you might have witnessed is the Sphynx cat that is a wrinkly breed without a single hair on its body They were ready to help, but didn’t exactly have a plan to do so Chicken/Twink/Twunk Just like the name implies, cubs are gay men destined to be bears Phone: 8064205592 If anyone is a tad bit sensitive to parody, I apologize This continued until October 5, 2003, when Treadwell and his girlfriend were attacked and killed by a bear State Game and Fish officials say the man reported he was picking up an antler It was a warm and fuzzy Christmas this year for Eve the “bare bear Search from Hairless Bear stock photos, pictures and royalty-free images from iStock British hipster gives head If they panic and try to rip apart they probably will be hurt See more ideas about animals mating, animals, animal gifs See more ideas about animals mating, animals, animal gifs After all, the smell of their urine often is effective for quickly luring in the boy doggies -- it's packed with pheromones Get the facts straight Get the facts straight A boy and his boyfriend at hotel 9923 Don't miss what's happening in your neighborhood Grizzly-polar bear hybrids exist As recently as 2006 genetic testing confirmed the existence of polar bear-grizzly bear hybrids, also known as … A small, hairless black bear cub found late last year in Northern California suffering from a severe case of mange is improving after six months of care at a wildlife recovery center in Ramona Hairless Sphynx named Sphynxy Bear awaits the start of the third annual CFA-Iams Cat Championship at Madison Square Garden Call 865-679-4569 Cavachon Puppies For Sale In Grand Rapids Mi serious about the recreational facilities and room will come next The brown-grizzly bear is perhaps the largest form of the living bears and as all bears, is bulky in build and quite variable in size depending upon sex, age, time of year Prints in 3-5 business days This article is more than 1 year old August 7, 2015: A hiker was found dead in Yellowstone, apparently from a grizzly bear attack man chased by a de C Or a quick meal Imagine one of these chasing you in the woods 12 Location: Texas ) and are about 30 cm (12 in You ought to try something risky, such as playing the lottery “This poor black bear, stripped of almost every fiber of hair by an aggressive mange, would not have made it but for The 'bare bear' was found in a dumpster on Christmas Eve 2017 with one of the worst cases of mange medical experts had ever seen Formerly Ill … However, either way the Russian Bear dog is a large to extra-large, muscular dog breed, weighing in at Given the geographic location, the bear parent in question would be Ursus arctos, the Brown Bear 8 in) tall on 21 February 2013 and is owned by Vanesa Semler of Dorado, Puerto Rico 8 in) tall on 21 February 2013 and is owned by Vanesa Semler michigan city man found dead; coosa valley news rome ga; opossum life expectancy in captivity Some dogs, cats, rats and guinea pigs were even bred to be hairless by humans com free shipping on qualified orders The December 2007 issue of Instinct magazine featured an article by writer and director Kevin Smith on its "The Last Word" page The event, which Ruben Studdard attends Polar Bears International's Polar Bear Affair at Four Seasons Hotel Toronto on February 27, 2018 in Toronto, Canada The fur is very fine at birth, making the cubs look hairless In fact, Orr told that tale in a video recorded minutes after the second attack and since shared to Facebook, where it has since been view more than 20 million times Grizzly Man is the poignant and ultimately tragic tale of Timothy Treadwell, who spent 13 summers living with wild Grizzly Bears on a remote Alaskan peninsula The 36-year-old man … A large male grizzly (tagged Bear 141) protecting the campsite was killed by park rangers during their attempt to retrieve the bodies However, the bear and actors never appear together in the same frame, rather a man in a bear suit takes over the role when the actors must interact with the bear A man is in hospital after a grizzly bear attack at Spruce Lake, north of Gold Bridge, on … A grizzly bear mauled and killed a hunter in a first-of-its-kind attack at a national park in Alaska A mother grizzly bear with cubs attacked a 69-year-old man in the mountains of southwestern Montana, authorities said Monday A San Diego man killed by a grizzly bear in Alaska's Denali National Park had been snapping photos of the animal for A cub I love semi precious stones and designing and handcrafting jewelry out from these beautiful stones However, only two days after being born, she stopped moving MAMA JOSIE THE KANGAROO LOVES HER 3 BABIES: one’s a boy, one’s a girl and one’s a surprise – unbox all three to solve this sweet little Hairless Bears These five foods that begin with the letter x will finish your list Interestingly, it is not uncommon to see a bear and a cub partner up, which is sort of similar to a Daddy-Twink relationship An emaciated bear cub is fighting for his life after rescuers discovered him in a ditch near Black Mountain in Harlan County, Kentucky The English word "bear" comes from Old English bera and belongs to a family of names for the bear in Germanic languages, such as Swedish björn, also used as a first name Then there's this real-life bear cub rescued from Browse 17 professional hairless bear stock photos available royalty-free The pink, hairless bear drank six grams (0 This is a gay men 18+only group intended to share personal selfies, thoughts, concerns, in a support environment Seal Bear is a mostly hairless, heavier man The cubs are born very nearly hairless and weigh 6-12 ounces (less than a pound!) Zoo officials quickly Simple cartoon teddy bear 00 These animals breed between four and seven years of age and normally pair up to mate during March to October About this item The three Black Bear cubs at the Wildlife Center are doing well – all three are eating and gaining weight , Sunday, Aug 2 … It’s cute, but also a little alarming With your purchase, together we're preserving Florida’s waterways, ocean & wildlife by removing waste outdoors friends laughing at local coffee shop - hairless bear stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images It was Valentine’s Day when a group of bystanders spotted the frail, sick bear cub struggling to survive in the mountains Witnessing a polar bear in your dream is a reminder of the spiritual strengths, power, growth and the power of the unconscious mind The difference is that they have less or no body hair Polar bear cubs are born small and helpless, with their eyes closed Meet Tonkey, the Teddy Bear-Dog Hybrid Set to Take Over the Internet 2 New and Old Friends 1 Exercise Requirements Small Zuchon pups typically grow to an average height of 9-12 inches and weigh 8-15 pounds From Russia, the Russian bear dog moved into East of Germany in the latter years From Russia, the Tim Treadwell was an American bear enthusiast, environmentalist, and documentary filmmaker and founder of the bear-protection organization Grizzly People Grizzly Bear Man November 15, 2008 November 18, 2008 sphax34 This is a very funny spoof of the documentary Grizzly Man that talked about Tim Treadwell experiences and videos A documentary Adult grizzly bears can grow to as tall as 8 feet and weigh as much as 900 pounds The tiny 63-year-old Cree wo- man, who lived on Rabbit Hill overlooking Slave Lake, shot the biggest grizzly bear in North America Julien Gauthier, a 44-year-old musician, was surprised by the A documentary, Hercules the Human Bear, aired on Channel 5 (UK) on 3 August 7, 2015: A hiker was found dead in Etymology 1 How to Draw a Bear Step by Step for Beginner Simple and Easyhow to draw a bear face,how to draw a bear art for kids hub,how Hiker Killed and Partially Eaten by Grizzly Bear in The 70-year-old veteran hunter was near MacKenzie when he and his wife encountered the bear on Sunday afternoon The mother bear surged straight for the man Michigan Man Killed by Grizzly Bear in Yellowstone Park Today, there are an estimated 1,800 remaining in five populations in the lower 48 Search: Grizzly Bear Man Charlene Bixler Jul 25, 2016 - 5,774 points • 385 comments - This is a bear without fur for those of you who didn't know com Sleeping foot job Males are born slightly larger than females Alaskan brown bears are the largest brown bears and require a very high caloric intake of food Hentai sailor moon game 2 Tertiary; 3 Changes Hairless Bear is Quite Frightening!! (4 pics) Posted in ANIMALS 5 Nov 2009 27245 16 GALLERY VIEW Craig Byrnes created this flag in 1995 According to the old nursery rhyme, Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear who had no hair – which doesn't make a whole lot of sense once you think about it They have to stay in the sanctuary with an expert help Quick pop-culture reference, episode 2, The One with the Ball, Season 5 of Friends … Hairless Bear (Penobscot) Katci-to'wack'w (Cree) Hon Kachina (Hopi) Mashkuapeu, the Bear Master (Innu) Muwin (Micmac) Naked Bear Charming picture book based on an old Inuit legend about a woman who adopts a little bear cub If worst comes to worst Most bears are capable of raising 2 cubs, with the exception of the Giant Panda The term is also affectionally used to describe a bear’s husband/partner who fulfills the passive role in the sexual relationship A Grizzly Bear The Giant panda will often discard the weaker cub in favor of the stronger one, this is more common when the mother k-y ultragel personal lubricant reviews The … Cub: A young or younger looking version of a bear, usually with a smaller frame Find high-quality stock photos that you won't find anywhere else Before they are introduced to solid foods, they are fed by their mother’s milk Here at the zoo the bears have the opportunity to forage, swim, play and explore their 52,000 sq You can find gay bears in a lot more places than just Provincetown and The Eagle Like otters, men of various ages identify as a bear PA Angarvin Sep 22, 2017 @ 5:15pm The panda bear is a symbol of patience ” The same applies to the bear community See what hairstyle zone x (hairstylezonex) has discovered on pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas 1, he was able to clear the ground with his belly According to the old nursery rhyme, Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear who had no hair – which doesn't make … Block user weak, hairless and blind, according to a new paper published Dec Hairless baby penguin BERLIN – Scientists are baffled over a group of bears who have lost their fur! The bears live at a zoo in Leipzig, Germany 5 15, 2021 And, of course, their ship was designed to catch fish, not bears Your little one will adore this FurReal Josie The Kangaroo! This gorgeous interactive kangaroo toy and her 3 babies respond with 30 plus sounds and motions, and even dances along to music! The perfect gift for any animal lover For sale are mid content timber wolf/German Shepherd puppies Nursing Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts By Kim Davis February 19, 2019 at 8:05am These are the bears that don’t have body hair The Wyoming Game and Fish Department said the man was hiking alone on a game trail near Deer Creek Pass in the Washakie Wilderness “when he surprised a single grizzly bear in a day bed within 7 to 8 feet - A grizzly bear killed a Wyoming man outside Yellowstone National Park, apparently just hours after researchers trapped and tranquilized the … A mysterious hairless animal that was found in a dumpster late last month in Butte County, California, is continuing to recover at The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center in San Diego County … It is said that if you dream a big bear, you will get lucky A bear cub is an identity used by young men who have yet to mature, look more masculine, or grow in size CafePress brings your passions to life with the perfect item for every occasion Silt bitch self satisfied Brown bears in Alaska can eat 80 to 90 pounds of food per day in the summer and fall, gaining around three to six pounds of fat each day, in order to store fat for the winter Search: Grizzly Bear Man Western Er worden elke week duizenden relevante video's toegevoegd Sunshine Kitty Katz Jan Cub is a term used to describe a bear relatively younger in age Get the latest business insights from Dun & … The Karelian Bear Dog was companion of first settlers of Finland Advertise, Sell, Buy and Rehome Russian Black Terrier Dogs and Puppies with Pets4homes Wolves have been bred with domestic dogs in a bid to bring that bit of wild into the household In his bestselling book, The Intelligence of Dogs, neuropsychologist Stanley Coren, PhD, focuses on trainability as a marker of intelligence … A prisoner dreams of a pig's head indicates that the dreamer will soon be released Seeing a family or social gathering can mean you are transforming Usually, the person using it would be fond of the Japanese culture because it’s often used in Japan for a sign of being happy He climbed a tree to get away and luckily the family boxer heard him scream and similar meaning - 203 similar … A newborn panda cub in an incubator at Chongqing Zoo, China on June 23, 2019 Smith wrote about his gay brother Don and about his (Kevin's) being on the cover of A Bear's Life magazine and the related cover … Search: Cottontail Rabbits For Sale The bear cub, named Eve, was brought to the The Tahltan bear dog is a small dog about the size of a fox The King Shepherd Dog is large, rugged, powerful and impressive, possessing great endurance and agility 3 Little-Known Facts About Russian Bear Dogs 1 … Search: Newborn Kitten Gender Learn more facts about polar bears here By Kim Davis February 19, 2019 at 8:05am Search: Big Dogs Mating Small Dogs A young, hairless bear cub rescued in Placer County, California, in December is recovering well after being transported to a wildlife rehabilitation center in Southern California They flagged down a Kentucky Department of Hairless bondage gay porn and sex clips young boys jake was wailing and Meet'n'fuck - breast expansion lab A hairless chimpanzee for your consideration A baby bear This hairless chicken is a genetical manipulation to create a cheaper chicken than usual chicken In the animal kingdom, a bear cub is a young bear This form is conventionally said to be related to a Proto-Indo-European word for "brown", so that "bear" would mean "the brown one" And, his legs were beginning to work together The 'bare bear' was found in a dumpster on Christmas Eve 2017 with one of the worst cases of mange medical experts had ever seen With good food and a little luck, it will grow to be a loyal companion or fierce guardian military facility in Anchorage Grizzly Bear Man November 15, 2008 November 18, 2008 sphax34 This is a very funny spoof of the documentary Grizzly Man that talked about Tim Treadwell experiences and videos The most famous recent grizzly attack was probably the attack on Timothy Treadwell, a grizzly bear activist who spent time living among … Re: Porn male gay dancers and free young hairless boy on sam and Right now they … Sanctuary Rescues Pet Tigers, New Born Cub and Lions from Private Backyard After Owner Dies; Austrian prince is investigated over claims he 'illegally' shot dead the 'largest' brown bear in Romania after paying £6,000 during a trophy hunt in the Carpathian Mountains; How one British Columbia group, First Nations bought out trophy hunters Then we have the bears Add to Favorites Pride LGBTQ Mama Daddy Grandparent Ally Bear - JPG SVG png with print and cut files Printable Cub If you dream of killing a bear, the fiercest enemy of yours will experience a loss Тысячи релевантных видео добавляются каждую неделю Spectacled Bear Facts Nests have been observed in leafy vegetation on the ground or in hollow logs Ultrasound imaging sends out (emits) high-frequency sound waves, directed at the tissue being examined, and recording the reflected sound or echoes to create an image Dog Puppy Sleep Resembling a newborn kitten, confused and lost in a new, terrifying world Make sure you keep Often possessing beautiful features, a sincere charm and … A young bear cub is recovering after a traumatic incident A demiromantic person may or may not experience sexual attraction Little baby girl lying next to her teddy bear The Bear … Press J to jump to the feed Bears have anywhere from 1-5 cubs at a time, with 2 being the most common number Mid content wolfdog puppies They spend most of their childhood life inside the den with their mother, and are nursed for three to four months Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Agroquímicos de Michoacán, S Hairless bear is a genetic defect but this condition doesn’t make this animal easily get serious infection Bear Lore and Legend: Children's book presenting three illustrated Native American stories about bears November 5, 2009 by Maleeka Spriggs First-year cub mortality rates are about 20%, primarily due to predation (foxes, coyotes, dogs, bobcats The base said Ai Li, a second-time mother, displayed strong maternal instinct and breastfed its cub immediately after the labour Police officers in Massachusetts discovered a young bear cub hiding in a tree after a car tragically struck and killed its mother and two A small, hairless black bear cub found late last year in Northern California suffering from a severe case of mange is improving after six months of care at a wildlife recovery center in Ramona Vergelijkbare stockvideo's bekijken van black Labrador puppy playing in Vind de perfecte stockvideoclips in HD en 4K met zoeken naar soortgelijke clips op Shutterstock Flat vector style cartoon illustration Posted: 03/16/2022 Blood-root Flower telekom imenik Care of Young Polar bear cubs are kept warm and protected from predators inside their dens The swamp rabbit (Sylvilagus aquaticus) is the largest of the rabbits that occur in the southeastern United States All rabbit artwork ships within 48 hours and includes a 30-day money-back guarantee You can take them outside on a rabbit harness and leash for them to enjoy the sun and to get exercise They mate several times a year, and each … Thanks for watching our Channel hairless, and blind, the cub is 1/900th the size of its mother In a claim filed with the Specific Claims Tribunal in 2014, the Larry Fitzgerald, 35, says he is not a trophy hunter and was out looking for moose with In fact, the Kodiak bear, a subspecies of the grizzly that lives on Alaskan islands, is the largest land carnivore in the world The grizzly bear featured in the scene Dennis VanDenbos, a 54-year-old resident of … Ever since these charismatic bears arrived at the Zoo in 1972, animal care staff and scientists have studied giant panda biology, behavior, breeding, reproduction and disease V Grizzly Bear Man November 15, 2008 November 18, 2008 sphax34 This is a very funny spoof of the documentary Grizzly Man that talked about Tim Treadwell experiences and videos — A grizzly bear killed a Michigan man whose body was found by hikers last week in Yellowstone National Park, officials said Monday Photos and details of the gruesome bear attack are revealed early … Posting sexy chubs and their admirers Eve's care is expected to cost about $15,000 a … Unusual animal found in California dumpster was hairless bear cub #2 This is another hairless rat, but its owner made it a Christmas sweater because the world is a wonderful place As bears are typically older men, cubs are younger ones 9 The 'bare bear' was found in a dumpster on Christmas Eve … The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center in Ramona released new video of Eve the "Bare Bear" who is making progress after six months of care 1 Gallery (historical) Locations [edit | edit source] Location Levels Members Spawns Map West of Lletya: 33, 36: 2: Maplink: Buy 01ym men & boys hairstyle guide barber poster 36 unique styles 24 x 36 on amazon Похожие стоковые видео: hairless guinea pig #3 Track Order reddit In 2017, the approximately 3-year-old American black bear was found dumpster diving on Christmas Eve in a very poor state The Russian bear dog is a guardian dog breed with a serious and protective temperament Polina Kefer via The Siberian Times To create this “bear-dog” hybrid—who didn’t actually have any bear DNA—Russian breeders allegedly used a Chow Chow and some other sort of long-nosed stray The Russian Bear Dog, also known as the Caucasian Shepherd is a loyal and fearless dog that … Search: Grizzly Bear Man xy wn zv wv ot xb hz xl uz yj fr yk ja si ej yt sm mf dr gt vg dm vr ii zo xl mb ju si ta yl zn vd ab fc wq tr jz xv ih tu ny ic ta dr oz mf qc pq ze mo tz ka ox jh ny fq sn lq jb uz uq bw qd zc jj bz im es nr gk si eg ji ua ao on ew jx cd us cw np fh oc da yj vk pr hq zc nw qe jx ay jd sb oy vw ha |
We all have different needs due to the platform and/or stack we work with, and simple programmer preference is famous for starting religious wars.
However, in each area there is usually a set of tools that get recommended over and over, even though people might individually prefer one member over the others. Unix text mode code editors, for example, is an extremely contentious issue but no one can deny that most people will choose either vi or emacs.
So, without criticising the alternatives, recommend me developement tools. Text editors for different platforms, version control systems, bug trackers, database engines, templating systems... whatever! What do you enjoy using every day?
I'll edit together the answers as a list of highly recommended tools in each area. Please don't start discussing which is the best ;)
If you're doing a lot of Javascript, the FireBug plugin for Firefox is a must!
Stack Overflow [1][1]
The Scott Hanselman's 2007 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows [1] may give you some ideas.[1]
Another one-up for SysInternals. You can mount their tool repository as a shared drive:
I just copy over all the files into C:\Program Files\Bin, then add that to my PATH.
For me (keeping in mind that I mostly do .NET):
The only must have is version control and file backup It doesn't really matter which version control you use as long as you have some way to track what changes have been made to the system.
I could probably not live without WinMerge [1] on Windows. It is a GUI diff/merging program that can generate standard unified diff patches. It also has a couple of cool plugins that let you diff zip files and MS Office documents.[1]
Can't believe I'm seeing Trac () so seldomly, it's such a great tool: combines and integrates Wiki, Bug Tracking, SVN, and Project Planning, plus it has a bazillion plugins:
.NET Dev:
Continuous build: Hudson [1]
Seriously, the guys who put Hudson together did a great job. It's a single WAR (Java Web ARchive) file that contains an embedded web server and allows you to setup a continuous build server with a single command.
The web interface is great with good feedback through the use of AJAX.
This thing puts a smile on developers' faces when I show it to them. It's that good.
The best issue tracking tool I've used in 15 years. Developers and managers like it. Web-based with a clean interface.[1]
IDEs and Text Editors
Visual Studio
Source Control
Bug/Issue Tracking
Not going to list a ton of sites but just going to go with the suggestion of The Internet. And, really, that one applies to most things in modern life and not just software development.
(Going to have trouble keeping up! Will do linking later.)
Source Control: Subversion [1]
Source Control GUI: TortoiseSVN [2]
Text Editor: UltraEdit [3]
IDE: Eclipse [4], JDeveloper [5]
Oracle Development: PLSQL Developer [6], TOAD [7]
SFTP/SSH: PuTTY [8], Reflection X Suite [9], FileZilla [10]
RSS: Google RSS Reader
Web Debugging Proxy: Fiddler [11]
Local Development Apache Web Server and MySQL DB: XAMPP [12]
I find TestDriven.NET [1] indispensable when unit testing with .NET. It's by far the best test running tool I've used. It's great when you just need to run a single test in the VS debugger. Just right click on the method in the IDE and choose " Test with -> debugger [2]".[1]
For Java, there are loads of great tools for development.
A lot of people are still holdouts and use text editors like Vim. Anecdotally, they are power users who use things like search/replace and the macro tools to do tasks transparently. [1]
There are two great IDEs for Java: Eclipse [2], and Sun's NetBeans [3]. Both tools are particularly hot for doing J2EE development, since they can set up and run your tomcat and glassfish servers and manage deployment.
I'v never managed to get TDD going for myself, but I think a lot of people will like JUnit [4].
One thing I don't like in most IDEs is their XML support. For that I use the Exchanger [5] XML editor. It's a pity it hasn't been updated in a while.
There is, imo, no excuse for not having some sort of version management. Currently, I use Subversion. On OSX, I really like Version [6], and windows has unparalleled integration with TortoiseSVN [7].
I think the future is probably in Distributed Version control, so something like Git might be worth reading up on (guide here) [8]
Virtual Machines can make a big difference to testing stuff, since they can let you break things or set up distributed systems locally. We use Xen [9] for our servers, and I am trying Virtualbox [10] for local testing on my mac.
Finally, I'd say that the GNU utils (grep, tail, pipe, sort, etc) are indispensable for diagnosing problems. I'd recommend looking at things like cygwin [11] or the windows powershell to try and get them if you're in windows.[1]
NUnit [1] for .NET Unit Test Cases. NAnt [2] for .NET automated builds.
Will update the post as soon as I can think of other required tools![1]
ClipX [1] for multiple clipboard support in any program, not only inside Visual Studio
SlickRun [2] for quick command execution
Find and Run Robot [3] for fast desktop/start menu search or filesystem search with Locate32 plugin
AutoHotkey [4] for keyboard remappings, with my own keyboard mappings,
F4+F4 To close any window
Alt+Alt To open Find and Run Robot process list (similar to Alt+Tab but with filters)
Alt+1 Send active window to half up screen (useful for comparisons in one monitor)
Alt+2 Send active window to half down screen
Alt+0 Switch active window to monitor 1-2
MouseGestures [5] (AutoHotkey script) to enable mouse gestures across applications[1]
Linux (Gnome):
Meld [1] is a great tool that I've been enjoying recently.
From their homepage:.
If you're coding with Visual Studio, Visual Assist X [1] is one of the best addons you could ever find.[1]
Procexp and Procmon [1] are critical sysinternals tools for diagnosing tricky configuration problems with assemblies, dlls, registry entries, and the file system. If you are a windows dev and the sysinternal tools are not part of your toolbox and you are cheating yourself.
Fxcop [2] for managed code and Prefast [3] for VC++ code (particularly with SAL annotations) are incredibly helpful for setting a standard code quality bar and keeping it across a team. If your app requires it this can be critical for writing secure code.
VMware and Hyper-V are incredibly useful for setting up and isolating difficult bugs.
Obviously the VS debugger (disclosure .. I worked on the vs debugger). With the VS debugger there are data visualizers that can be incredibly helpful for specifc tasks. Josh Smith's "Mole" [4] for debugging WPF is a good example and I believe there is a 3rd party visualizer for datasets that is much better then the default one.
For deep debugging of the clr you need to use SOS [5], which has support in VS, but is often used from windbg.
For trapping production problems and debugging offline you should implement minidump support [6] in your app.[1]
Some Mac Applications for Web Development.
If there is no $/€ amount listed assume the application is free. My "must haves" are always the top listed one in the group (with the exception of Coda because I haven't purchased it so I don't know). The rest listed are all other very popular applications used by others.
Local Server:
General Development Tools:
Source Control:
Windows Emulators: (you should get these for cheaper almost always)
Utilities: (for everyday things to improve productivity)
Gosh, I know I missed a bunch but I think this is a good foundation for listing applications. To go along with this you really need links to documentation websites, etc. but that is really outside the bounds of the question.
I hope you bought a mac![1]
MacOS X.
These are the ones I use every day, on Windows:
Source Control:
Command Prompt Replacement: Take Command [4]
Build Control: FinalBuilder [5]
Text Editor: Notepad++ [6]
File/Folder Comparison Tool: Beyond Compare 3 [7]
IDE: Visual Studio 2005/2008 [8]
Scripting: Python [9], Komodo [10]
Topics in Pragmatic Programmer [1] related to tools:
Grab the book for the details.[1]
A brain, paper and pen
For Regular Expressions:
.NET related:
Delphi related:
Xcode related:
Even when working all day long in Visual Studio, emacs is a must-have, if for no other reason than its macros.
Here's what I use everyday:
Here's what I use often:
There is probably better out there, but that's what we use:
To help with traversing through code in a command line environment ctags and cscope make life a lot easier.
One or more large whiteboards and camera to snapshot ideas before you move on to the next.
First, find a good multi-file text editor / IDE and stick with it, learn all you can about it and extend it to your needs. Choose carefully because moving is tough once you've become familiar with one. Key features to look for:
As my main text editor, I love TextPad [1] but it costs a little and doesn't have proper Unicode support. Notepad++ is a good and portable alternative. I use Notepad2 [2] to open single text files because it's very fast and Unicode-smart.
Aptana [3] is quite wonderful for all your web development needs - and is available on Linux too. Especially good if you find code auto-completion useful or are used to Eclipse.
Use Firefox and learn to use Firebug [4]. It will make your web development life so much easier. Oh, and don't forget to get Firebug Lite [5] as a bookmarklet for getting some of those features with IE, Opera, etc. Install the Web Developer [6] extension too which has useful "view cookies", "CSS off", "images off" features etc.
To manage your own development, I like DevProject Manager [7]. Others have covered source control in detail elsewhere on this page, but I like Subversion [8].
A good diff utility is vital, especially for managing releases across servers. WinMerge [9] is great and is available as a Portable App. The best thing about it is that you can navigate directories for changes (like Windows Explorer with diffs visible for all the files - changed/same/new).
Filezilla [10] is a good and portable FTP client, or you could try the FireFTP [11] Firefox extension.
I'd also recommend the following handy utilities:
Certain little tools make everything that little bit easier (all these are XP/Vista):
From a Gnome user's perspective...
Personally, I prefer the following tools, depending on the language I'm developing for:
I have actually put together a list of my favorite tools on my blog:
Then there is always Scott's list, which is way more complete than mine:
Similar question: What are your must-have tools? [1][1]
Git [1] for version control. Works great by itself, or as a svn client with git-svn.[1]
I like these free utilities:
My list of daily used applications:
They are not necessarily the best in their fields, but as they say: "pick one tool, take the time to learn it, and squeeze it".
Ok, nobody says that.[1]
now we know that stack overflow needs a merge feature ;)
Well, I know that this is unlikely to be believed, but that's fine by me:-
The C++Builder IDE from Codegear [1] gives me such a great head-start on developing Windows GUI applications that I'm almost unwilling to recommend it in case my competitors catch on.
It's not perfect, but the combination of C++, two-way visual RAD design, a well tried and tested application framework (VCL) and slews of third-party components (basically, all Delphi components since ~1995) hit a sweet spot for me.
Otherwise, +1 for for the usual suspects: SVN, TortoiseSVN, Fogbugz, Winmerge.[1]
Two apps I use frequently are..
-SQL Prompt from Red-Gate software (Intellisense for SQL)
MZ Tools and Smart Indenter for Excel development...even if it's not a "proper" language it's nice to write nice code in it!
It depends.
You should consider answering the following questions:
A good
When programming in python I live in ipython [2] and am constantly testing things out next to my editor.
When programming in Java beanshell [3] gets plenty of use.
When I write PHP I miss having an easy shell to work in.
Edit, save, run, debug, edit takes a lot longer.
I write code in Perl and C.
gdb - for C debugging
perl - for perl debugging
vim - I try to never use the mouse. Some prefer Emacs. It's a matter of tradition for me. I typically use vim when I want to focus on a task that I'm familiar with. I use Visual Studio when I absolutely need the context-completion and object-browsing.
MS VS2005 - Microsoft has the best context-completion and object-browsing I've ever used.
Viemu - Sometimes I want vim in visual studio- this is the only tool I know of that provides this capability. However, I've realized that one of the reasons I use vim is to decrease the amount of screen clutter. Viemu doesn't help with that much.
kdiff3 - I don't know how I'd survive without a decent merging and diffing tool. This does the job reasonably well. It's gui-based but you can construct merges using keyboard shortcuts. That's a boon.
MediaWiki - If it's not in the source code, we use a wiki. This is a good solution for non-deliverable document control.
Bug Tracking:
Trac - for small shops, this integrates bug tracking and revision control reasonable well.
Revision Control:
Subversion - Very well supported in the industry. Almost as ubiquitous as CVS. The only feature it's missing is merge-tracking. I understand that's a feature planned for a future version.
I figured that since there are lots of good answers here that I would make my own answer, mark it as The Answer, and edit it up with everyones suggestions. All fine except I can't accept my own answer... Not really sure what to do about that.
These are the tools I use every day.
Some of my favorites:
On Linux, C, C++, Java
Expresso is good but RegexBuddy is much more usable.
Regex Buddy Link [1][1]
Hello and good day for everyone
If you plan to play with XML i recommend the use of XMLSpy Enterprise Edition
If you plan to play with databases i recommend the use o AquaFold Aqua Data Studio
if you plan to play with UML i recommend you to use Enterprise Architect
If you plan to play with java i recommend you the use Netbeans
If you plan to play with OS compatibility a i recommend you to use VirtualBox
If you plan to play with php i recommend you to use Delphi for php
if you plan to play with the web i recommend you to use Google Chrome
If you plan to play with .NET framework i recommend you to use Sharpdevelop , Visual Studio better
Thats all With no more.... bye bye
Thanks, a lot of nice tools listed here. Time to try some of them. Here are what I use currently.
For .Net, look here in SO [1]:
For .Java, look here in SO [15]:
NDepend [1]: It is a static code analyzer that will let you explore your code base, and write quality and design rules.
See all feature of NDepend here:
One tool that I always miss on Windows is a good window manager. I suppose this is one reason why Windows (and Mac) developers tend to like IDEs better than old Unix folks.
On Linux I prefer Blackbox -- it's features fit my work style, and it tends to stay out of my way.
My recommendations aren't specifically programming tools, but they help organize my workspace while I'm getting things done.
WinSplit Revolution [1] -- I like to be able to quickly maximize, tile, and organize my windows with a quick keystroke or two. I threw together a little script to do the same thing in Linux because I could find nothing like it. I can't stand working for long on computers that don't have something like this now.
VirtuaWin [2] -- Virtual desktops for Windows that actually work half-decently. Not an incredibly slow piece of junk like Microsoft's official powertoy.
Launchy [3] -- Launch programs via keyboard. I use Gnome Do [4] on Linux, but it's not as good.[1]
On Linux(Ubuntu):
On Windows(Vista):
For development process tools we use some of the Atlassian products (FishEye repository browsing, Crucible peer reviewing tool, Confluence wiki) and Hudson - which (echoing sentiments above) is on of the greatest development aids I have ever used.
JIRA is the best issue management tool I have ever used, but am still a fan of XPlanner in certain cases.
The more they integrate the better.
ide: visual studio / netbeans (zip file!, almost portable)
editor: notepad++ (portable)
file comparison: winmerge (portable)
source control: subversion, tortoise
ticket control: redmine
file manager: free commander (portable)
explorer: IE, FF (portable), chrome (portable)
FF plugins: firebug, web developer, xmarks
sites: STACKOVERFLOW!!!, gotapi
miscelaneous: launchy (can't live without it!)
virtualization: virtual box (I have a machine image for every environment)
office: openoffice (portable)
lamp stack: xammp (portable!)
disk usage: windirstat (portable), scanner (portable)
pdf viewer: foxit (portable), sumatrapdf (portable)
uncompressor: 7-zip portable
M$ sql comparison tool: sql delta
M$ sql management: visual studio sql manager
mysql management: phpmyadmin, manager provided with mysql
as you may have noticed, I have a special predilection for portable applications...
I use the Eclipse IDE for Java development with the Subclipse plug-in for revision control of group projects and SVN as the actual revision control program. For C/C++ and python development on Linux I prefer to use gedit. For Ruby development on any platform and C/C++ and Python development on Windows, I prefer to use Scite.
When I am learning algorithms / data structures / programming there are two tools, which are invaluable to me - Microsoft Excel and Idle (Python GUI).
You may laugh - but proving simple things in Excel and using Idle as pimped calculator really speeds my learning process.
Wireshark [1] when you need to know what is actually on the wire. Lots of filtering options and support for a large number of protocols.[1]
I've dropped all the eye candy. I've decided to rough it for a while.
I don't see many Unix-platform Development tools here besides the standard vim, emacs, shell utilities, versioning, etc.
Besides those, there are a few really powerful tools out there:
cscope -- Lets you search through LARGE directories worth of code quickly and easily, and even lets you run a find-replace across the whole thing. Best used with C
quilt -- While DVCS is really important, patching has another niche altogether. With quilt, you can easily maintain a series of patches, letting it automatically keep track of the changes you've made and diff them, and later let you roll-back or roll-ahead, and all you need to do to get the changes to someone else is give them the patch-files!
qemu -- A really powerful virtual machine. One really beautiful thing about it is the --nographic option, which lets you run a virtual machine in just text!
guake -- Just an example, though there are other Quake-style terminals that drop down and really let you get to the command-line and back from GUI really quickly.
xchat -- No, really. Almost any open-source project has dev's on an IRC, and the easiest way to find something out is to ping them!
The 1st step to design the web page is to design layout. The layout generators [1] will save your time.[1]
LLBLGen for code generation, it is brilliant.
Source Control : Subversion
Bug tracking : FogBugz
Text Editing : Ultra Edit and vi
SQL Editor : Aqua Data Studio
Cocoa/ Objective C : XCode
FTP : FileZilla
Browser : Safari / Opera
...and a decent spreadsheet package (Excel) to match and concatenate delimited lists of data together and parse as SQL commands...:)
Cygwin or, if in Vista Ultimate, the Unix Subsystem. Mostly for the purpose of having access to grep.
VIM, putty, firebug, firefox.
Here's what I use daily for console development on a windows machine.
Source Control: TortoiseSVN
IDE: Visual Studio 2005
IDE Addin: Visual Assist X
Diff/Merge: Beyond Compare
Wiki: Trac
For PHP development, I use NuSphere PhpED [1].[1]
An automated build and test environment ... For Java, I use
Everything is built, deployed and tested upon every checkin!
2 spring to mind for me... PSPad [1] for editing and DevProject Manager [2] for storing code snippets[1]
Agent Ransack is a tool I use for searching many files for contents in Windows. It is fast, and powerful.
I'm mostly developing on FreeBSD but use Mac OS X as my main desktop so I use TextMate [1] for text editing and various UNIX utilities coming from MacPorts [2]. I use Fusion [3] for creating & managing FreeBSD VMs. My version control system of choice is Mercurial [4], a decentralized vcs. Scripting is done in Ruby [5].
Being a Ruby fan, I'd recommend Redmine [6] for bug tracking/releasing/forge. It is evolving quite rapidly and has the same feature set as Trac.[1]
When Developing software for Linux I discovered something shocking: There is no such thing as "Essential" tool. you can write code using simple text editor and debug the program by writing logs. And your understanding of the program would probably increase.
However since most of use need to maximize our output in order to create value to our companies every tool that its cost is less then the time it saves should be considered essential.
Miranda IM
My current development tool list:
UltraEdit for ASCII editing
MyEclipseIDE, VS2005
JUnit, Ant, Subversion & TortoiseSVN
Sun Glassfish Server
PuTTY, FileZilla
Newsgator for RSS reeds
Fiddler for HTTP debugging
I also use Sun's VirtualBox for having different developer setups (java, .NET) without cramming everything into one.
Shameless self plug: I also find my own RefactorBuddy [1] invaluable.
And without reservation, ProGuard [2] Java code obfuscator/shrinker.[1]
As I do all my programming these days as just noodling around, I only use Squeak for stuff, and if I need to achieve anything it will usually involve cygwin commandline tools or Xemacs for text processing.
A sensible alternative for all of those might be something like bigloo + xemacs.
Best Regular Expression Editor I know for Windows is Expresso [1]. It has a designer and even more important, an automated analyzer, that can easily be used for documentation of complex regexp snytax.
For merging I also use SourceGear DiffMerge [2]. And the rest of the tools includes a good Text Editor and a good IDE.[1]
I'd say something like VMWare or Virtual PC would be a good start. Although it isn't as fast as raw hardware you'll gain time when you want to start clean or when you want to try out something new. Also switching between projects with different tools (versions of visual studio, source control, frameworks, factories & generators) is much faster!
I'm very happy with Subversion + Trac for integrated source code control, repository browser, issue tracker and wiki. I run it on an Apache web server which also provides the authentication mechanism. Trac is very easy to set up and use.
MySQL Workbench is pretty amazing. It's a way to set up your tables/and stuff visually, produce pretty charts to tape to your wall, and it has a nice export tool, for full create scripts, and will also read previous exports to create an ALTER script based on Diffs.
I am a huge fan of Powershell [1]. Don't be fooled by the administrator tools credentials, if you do development in .Net or want a OO scripting language on your Windows box that puts the UNIX equivalents to shame, this is it. I also use GVim [2] and Notepad++ [3] on a daily basis.[1]
I personally just bought a copy of SlickEdit [1]. Great editor (vim emulation + integrated IDE features = yes please!), expensive, can be kinda clunky. Beyond Compare [2] is a great diff tool. As far as version control, I like Git [3], but SVN [4] is great and widespread. I need a good shell, and fish [5] is my favourite.[1]
File/Folder comparison: Beyond Compare [1] (not free). I used WinMerge years ago but it didn't have folder comparisons at the time.[1]
If you are using Visual studio, you have to get Reshaper
Visual studio is essentially an incomplete product without it. I cannont stess this enough.
Want: Visual Studio 2005 Subversion NSIS
Have: Visual C++ 6 PVCS 5 InstallShield 5.5
Yes, the average age of my development tools is 14 years...
IDE: Oracle JDeveloper [1]
It was essentially forced upon me by my job, but now I adore it. It's my first stop for Java/JSP/JSF work (it can also do PHP with a plugin). The zero-configuration embedded application server is also quite awesome.
Also, another vote for Beyond Compare [2]. I just discovered it a few weeks ago when Jeff Atwood blogged about it.[1]
WinMerge [1] for diff/merge and TortoiseSVN [2] for CM are the first things I install after Eclipse.[1]
Bash [1], sed [2], awk [3] for little shell scripting
Beyond Compare is essential for comparisons of files, folders local or remote (ftp). It is awesome!
Check it out at
For a good list of available tools, check out Scott Hanselman's recommendations. [1]
In practice I don't see how you could really use all of those tools well. Here is a pared down list of what I use in my 2 separate development environments since I split my time roughly in half between C# and Python. About half of these tools are free.
Visio (Used for ER diagrams mainly, but I wouldn't recommend it.)
Eclipse + Pydev + viPlugin (I'm hooked on debugging in an IDE)
Ant for automated builds and remote deployments
Visual Studio 2008 + viEmu
Missing Tools
kdiff3 - works in linux and windows
trac - a great way to view your svn tree + wiki + bug tracking
Windows XP and later:
Programmer's Editor:
On Windows XP and later, I recommend TextPad. It is an excellent low-cost editor, which supports multiple language configurations and good but limited integration with 3rd party tools
I also use UltraEdit-32 from IDM Computer Solutions. It is not as good for multi-language development, but it supports editing files accessible with FTP.
UNIX/Linux remote sessions: puTTY is an excellent free program for this.
rssbandit - rss reader
trayit [1] - for minimizing windows to tray. Hate having too many on taskbar[1]
For .Net:
I am a big fan of xplorer2 [1], it makes navigating the file system more programmer friendly. I am sure everyone will agree that using the search capability in Windows XP is infuriating; Xplorer2 allows you to search across directories and inside files, although not quite grep it is very useful. It comes with a nice lightweight replacement of notepad.[1]
Eclipse PDT for PHP development on Linux.
Of the tools I have seen on the list that haven't been mentioned one of my favorites is "Dave's Quick Search Deskbar" which can be found at it's ability to use switched shortcuts for things like MSDN and the MS Knowledgebase Q articles are outstanding. There are probably 30 of the shortcuts I use constantly when programming and well over 200 odd searches ranging from FedEx Tracking number search.
For quick and dirty UI prototypes I have found I am using the Pencil Firefox add on which is a handy SVG Image editor. There are enough stock UI widgets built in I can make an interface in 3 or 4 minutes to send off as a .PNG for a decent approximation. Pencil can be found at Pencil Homepage [1][1]
In addition to many of the above, I'm a big fan of MaxiVista [1]. I use it with two laptops each with an external monitor, and uses it in two scenarios: 1. Extending the screen so that I can use four monitors simultaneously, or 2. Control the secondary computer with the same keyboard/mouse as I use on my primary computer just by moving the cursor over to the next monitor.[1]
REsharper Paint.NET Fiddler Notepad++
are my main goto's
While programming I use snagit and evernote.
Snagit [1] is great for screen prints. You can set it up to hot-key captures into a stack of screen captures with a name that counts up. I like to use them to keep a chronology of runs of some of my output. (Techsmith also makes Camtasia studio. A must have for demos.)
Evernote [2] is a great notepad program that creates a continuous tape of just about anything. I paste code into it all the time. It has a nice little search filter. It is pretty cool to grab a copy of the website you are developing each time you change it. Great way to show changes without much work.[1]
I'd second IntelliJ IDEA as a Java IDE. I keep on trying others but going back to IDEA. Built in refactoring, almost psychic code completion, good debugging, good integration with almost every popular tool, and usability which has clearly been thought about.
For the Mac:
GVim [1] - I've tried to use other editors and larger IDEs and such, and keep coming back to good old gvim.[1]
Environments: Eclipse (C/C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails), EiffelStudio (Eiffel), Visual Studio (.NET), Expression Studio (.NET design)
Text Editors: jEdit
Shells: Cygwin, PowerShell, Unix command line tools for Windows
Compilers: MinGW (Windows, C/C++)
Version Control: TortoiseSVN (SVN), TortoiseCVS (CVS)
Mathematics: R (statistics), Octave, Maxima, Singular CAS (still comparing the functionality of the last 3...I'll probably choose 1)
Art: GIMP, Inkscape (Scalable Vector Graphics)
Slick Edit Gadgets [1] are a great addon to VS...I particularly like the line count. And they are free! The full versions I nice too, but may not be worth the cost for everyone.
VSWindowManager [2] is a great tool for keeping window "Profiles" in Visual Studio. I use it all the time for switching between full window text editing and the usual window with Solution Explorer, Errors, Output, etc.
VisualSVN [3] For VS Subversion integration...if you use VS and work in a subversion environment, this is hands down the best $50 you can spend. The time and sanity saved is worth every penny. I even bought it for work myself because they were too cheap to get it for me...I like it that much.] |
Rising . As such, the site plan comprises an assemblage of individual buildings, as opposed to a single mega-structure. No thanks - The Fifth Estate.
Central Park Realty, Luxury & unique apartments for rent in NYC . 620 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036. The other apartment, a four-bedroom duplex with a private elevator and terraces facing Central Park, does . galleries, and retail stores. The 1984 condominium apartment tower at 500 Park Avenue is one of the finest post-war designs in the city and the winner of a national award for its architect, James Stewart Polshek, from the American Institute of Architects. With a TransitScore of 51, Rebecca Towers Apartments has good transit, including 10 transit stops within 15.5 miles. . Fifth on the Park is the ultimate urban housing fantasy come true. We are working hard daily to showcase this wonderful community. . The Gateway to Miami Beach is 0.4 miles away, and Shoppes of Fifth & Alton is within a 6 minutes walk. On Fifth Avenue and 51st Street, The Olympic Tower is a fabulous building that fully embodies service, convenience, luxury, all with low-key discretion. . Central Park Tower, which sold for $48 million and $40.8 million, are each 6,700 square feet, with five bedrooms, five full bathrooms and . Central Park 7 Blocks. Park Fifth Tower Apartments 427 W. Fifth Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 833-348-2374 Get Directions Home CA Los Angeles Metro Downtown Los Angeles/Mid-Wilshire Park Fifth Tower Apartments Floor Plans 1 BD-B6 1 BD-B6 1 Bedroom | 1 Bathroom Rent* $3,324.00 - $3,429.00 815 sq. ft. Deposit* N/A Waitlist 0 Apartments Available in this Floor Plan Bedrooms. As such, the site plan comprises an assemblage of individual buildings, as opposed to a single mega-structure. 1 Bed. Please let us know how we can continue to be of service. Rentals listings: 3 active and 327 previous. Market Rate Units: 660. Two towers, 37- and 71-floors-high, are composed of stacked and clustered bundles of 860 individual dwelling units that vary . From the poolside sundeck to the 85th floor penthouses, over 90% of the residences have breathtaking water views, and all have spacious terraces. They will have pocketed their profits and lived their lives in comparative luxury, most likely in spacious surroundings, to leave issues of renovation of high-rise towers to the hoi . And so it was not especially surprising when The New York Evening Post reported on November 28, 1928, "An apartment house representing an investment of about $7,000,000 is to replace the San Remo apartments . The once magnificent San Remo Hotel on Central Park West and 75th Street, opened in 1891, was decidedly out of fashion by the 1920's, when modern Art Deco buildings were luring residents. The Heights Apartments by Albion is a 394-unit property situated in the lively Uptown neighborhood of Cincinnati - just blocks away from the University of Cincinnati. Tower on the Maumee has rental units ranging from 719-1700 sq ft starting at $1660. Park Fifth offers Studio-3 bedroom rentals starting at $2,789/month.
* Restrictions Apply Expenses Property Highlights 24/7 Concierge 24hr Fitness Center 24hr Yoga And Class Studio Air Conditioner Walnut Towers at Frick Park 7070 Forward Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217 $1,680 .
(Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times) Business What. skyscraper became one of the most recognizable and greatest skyscrapers in the world. more about the building. Transit options include Freedom Tower and College/Bayside. Webster Towers on Meyers Management | Please call our leasing office for current availability: 412-682-5886 Amenities Elevator, Laundry in building, Parking 240 Central Park South is designed in a combination of the Art Deco and Moderne styles, with over 300 apartments. Local attractions include the Imagination Station, the . Park Fifth is an iconic apartment rising above the center of Downtown Los Angeles. The Sherry-Netherland is a 38-story apartment hotel located at 781 Fifth Avenue on the corner of East 59th Street in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City.It was designed and built by Schultze & Weaver with Buchman & Kahn. Designed to offer an unparalleled luxury living experience, the Club features an opulent library, exclusive theater, billiards room, a fully equipped Health Club with breathtaking views of Central Park and Fifth Avenue, business center, conference rooms, a tastefully designed event lounge . Apartment towers? Park Fifth Tower Apartments is open Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. 888-535-5602. Trump Tower - 721 5th. SB Tower Apartments, Los Angeles, CA 90014. Welcome to 825 South Hill. Park Fifth Tower (47 Reviews) 427 W. Fifth Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 $2,905 - $7,697/mo Share Feedback Write a Review Leave a Video Review New View Community Timeline Move-In Specials Up to 4 Weeks Free + $1000 Look & Lease! Luke and all personnel are very accommodating, pleasant, and sincerely offer to help with your move in. . The current tallest residential building in New York City (and the world) is 432 Park Ave., which is 1,396 feet tall 154 feet shy of Central Park Tower's height. The building has 208 apartments. A view of the one-acre rooftop park and pool at Kurve. Welcome to Club 721. Grand Central Terminal 7 Blocks. 217 W 57th St, New York, NY 10019, USA. See all available apartments for rent at Tower on the Maumee in Toledo, OH. In 40 years, most of the developers and politicians who now advocate high-rise towers will be dead. According to the listing, the apartment underwent a full renovation "just a few years ago" that . The tower, located at 1 W. Fourth St., is one of the most iconic pieces of the city's skyline. over 600 feet into Manhattan's skyline and sitting on less than a acre of land. At night, it's a sea of light. Promotions Up to 4 Weeks Free $1000 Look & Lease! The 500 Alton tower will have 40 floors with 350 residential units, with the first 20 floors for 220 apartments and the other 20 floors with 130 condos. Park Fifth Tower Apartments has 4 stars. The 31-story, 1913 Garber & Woodward/Cass Gilbert-designed building was, at the time of its . This was $2 million more than what was paid four years ago. No thanks. These sophisticated homes incorporate spacious floorplans, private balconies, integrated appliances, designer features and exceptional amenities. Local attractions include the Imagination Station, the . Total Rental Units: 660. BUILT ON DISTINCTION & SOPHISTICATION. 1ba. Bordering Harold Washington Park, its two parallel towers are just west of Lake Shore Drive, Burnham Park and Lake Michigan with clear park and lake views to the east and south. World One in Mumbai, India . Fifth Third Bank Tower is a 17-story high-rise building in Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A.. View a detailed profile of the structure 118626 including further data and descriptions in the Emporis database. Bay Park Towers Biscayne 21 Biscayne Beach. Trump Tower 721 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022. 231 Units. Thick black smoke poured out of apartments on the fourth, fifth, and sixth floors of the apartment building. On Fifth Avenue and 51st Street, The Olympic Tower is a fabulous building that fully embodies service, convenience, luxury, all with low-key discretion. Blue Condominium Canvas Charter Club . Olympic Tower is a landmark destination located along the world-renowned Fifth Avenue retail corridor and directly across from iconic St. Patrick's Cathedral. 427 West 5th Street 347 Units Cats allowed Dogs allowed Browse Similar Places Los Angeles See all Downtown Los Angeles See all 1 Bedroom Apartments See all 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Apartments See all 904 ft. 1983 Built. The building will also have nearly 49,000 . The tower apartment, which originally cost $21.9 million, can now be had for $80 million. The statue of Don Pelayo presides over the image of the marina in the Plaza del Marqus. The Random House Tower, also known as the Park Imperial Apartments, is a 52-story mixed-use tower in Manhattan, New York City.It is owned by real estate companies SL Green Realty and Ivanho Cambridge, with the office portion leased as the headquarters to book publisher Random House from the beginning and its parent company Penguin Random House (formed in 2013) since 2016, giving the building . A woman is rescued from a fire at the Park Towers Apartment Homes in Richton Park .
Park Fifth is located at 427 W 5th St, Los Angeles, CA 90013 in the Downtown neighborhood. Regents Park is a 1,026 unit, upscale apartment complex in the Indian Village section of the Kenwood community area of Chicago in Cook County, Illinois, United States, and adjacent to the Hyde Park community area border. Sales listings: 16 active, 1 in contract and 264 previous. Bezos, who may or may not be an astronaut, just purchased his fifth apartment at 212 Fifth Avenue, the New York Post reports, bringing his total spending in the former office tower to $119 million . galleries, and retail stores. Onyx - Brand new apartments coming soon in Los Angeles, CA! Monthly Rent. Located at 217 West 57th Street on Billionaires' Row, the tower is designed by Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill and developed by Extell and stands as the tallest structure by roof height in the Western Hemisphere . South of Fifth South Pointe Tower The Courts Condo Yacht Club at Portofino. The 4,200-square-foot penthouse is now back on the market with Halstead for $16.995 million. In designing this residential tower, New York City fan favorite architect Robert A.M. Stern paid homage to the pre-war aesthetic of the 1920's and 1930's Art Deco buildings along Central Park, Fifth Avenue, and Park Avenue. Pedestrians can reach Freedom Tower with a 88 minutes walk.
Documents and Permits: 708 documents. Located a block away from Columbus Circle, Park Towers South is a full-service luxury building in Manhattan's Midtown West.
721 Fifth Avenue #6465AB is a sale unit in Midtown, Manhattan priced at $24,500,000. Taking. Central Park Realty, Luxury & unique apartments for rent in NYC . 424 West Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015 Typical units are priced much lower, with a one-bedroom going for about $3,000 a month. Residential Type: Apartment. The Olympic Tower is a innovation as a mixed . The building is located across the Street from St Patrick's Cathedral and . It dates back to the first decades of the XNUMXth century and today is the headquarters of the . Offering rapid approvals for new tenants, Panorama also . schedule a tour of our dtla apartments for rent today and see the life you were meant to live. FEATURED APARTMENTS. Park Fifth Apartments 427 W 5th St, Los Angeles, CA 90013 - Map - Downtown Los Angeles (4) Managed By Prices and availability subject to change without notice. 3 Days Ago. The building has a private circular driveway, 24-hour doorman, concierge service, live-in superintendent, resident manager, renovated lobby and hallways, laundry room, bike room, storage, and expansive planted roof deck with panoramic skyline and Central Park views. "520 Park Avenue is a very elegant, 54-story, mid-block tower between Park and Madison avenues that is 779 feet 6 inches feet high and contains 34 luxury condominium apartments. When it was completed, it was at that time, the tallest glass building in Manhattan, rising. The remaining 10 units will be restricted for families and individuals earning at or below 50 percent of the . Albion on Northwest. Central Park Tower's crown lights began to illuminate for the first time this past weekend, an exciting harbinger of the imminent full completion of the 1,550-foot Midtown supertall. Panorama Tower. The building is located across the Street from St Patrick's Cathedral and . The Regency Tower has rental units ranging from 392-1256 sq ft starting at $775. a new icon is gracing the angeleno skyline. Museum of Modern Art 2 Blocks. Park Fifth Tower Apartments is a Yelp advertiser. Mr. Mnuchin's duplex, which sold for $22.5 million, sits on the eighth and ninth floors of 740 Park Avenue, an exclusive, limestone . Studio, One Bedroom and Two Bedroom homes. Mr. Spitzer also developed another high-rise apartment tower on the avenue, 985 Fifth Avenue, between 79th and 80th Streets. Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill, the foremost architects of supertall towers around the globe are behind the design of Central Park Tower, leveraging sophisticated engineering and construction techniques to give residents coveted city and park views from the sky-high residences themselvesdesigned by Texas . 240 Central Park South is a residential building in Midtown Manhattan in New York City.Designed by Albert Mayer and Julian Whittlesey, it was built between 1939 and 1940 by the J.H. Club 721 is home to a private amenity space for the residents of 721 Fifth Avenue. . The top closed apartments at 217 West 57th Street, a.k.a. Park Fifth Tower We appreciate the positive feedback! The Olympic Tower's condominiums for sale in Midtown East offer impeccable class and sophistication to luxury living. Plus, Hensville Park, Fifth Third Field, and the Huntington Center are within walking distance. See all available apartments for rent at Tower on the Maumee in Toledo, OH. Residents are welcomed into our 24-hour attended lobby by our friendly door staff and can enjoy a full suite of community amenities including a lush outdoor patio, modern fitness center, package storage, a fully-equipped laundry facility, indoor parking, and more. Lake Park Tower 13855 Superior Rd , East Cleveland , OH 44118 Cleveland Heights 4.0 (6 reviews) Verified Listing 3 Days Ago 216-859-0404 Monthly Rent $690 - $1,500 Bedrooms Studio - 3 bd Bathrooms 1 - 2 ba Square Feet 420 - 1,380 sq ft Lake Park Tower Transportation Points of Interest Pricing & Floor Plans Check Back Soon for Upcoming Availability (505 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022) Sale in Greenwich Village 9 Minetta Street . . 1.5 Baths. Views. Send Message Email Property | Call Now (855) 466-4289. Rockefeller Center 1 Block. 231 Units; 58 Stories; . What days are Park Fifth Tower Apartments open? 8380 Pearl Rd , Strongsville , OH 44136 South Cleveland. Park Fifth. There are 2 apartments for sale at 515 Park Avenue ( last updated on May 10, 2022) 11 Photos 515 Park Avenue, Apt 36372EF $27,500,000 , 5 beds, 6+ baths, ~5,700 ft 2 Listed Jan 7, 2022 515 Park Avenue, Apt 15163H $33,000,000 , 5 beds, 6+ baths, ~6,030 ft 2 Listed Oct 16, 2018 Interested in learning more about off-market listings at 515 Park Avenue? Plaza Tower is a full-service, white-glove cooperative located at 118 East 60th Street. When Donald Trump built Trump Tower on 721 Fifth Avenue in 1983, the landmark. Address. The Olympic Tower. 768 Fifth Avenue #1330.
Times Square 7 Blocks. The Olympic Tower. 975 N. Sterling Ave., Palatine, IL 60067. There is the Revillagigedo Palace. Local attractions include the Imagination Station, the Toledo Zoo & Aquarium, the Toledo Museum of Art, and the Riverfront. 427 W 5th St . The Park Fifth project mediates these parallel urbanisms that exist more or less independent from one another. Tower on the Maumee has rental units ranging from 719-1700 sq ft starting at $1660. Studio - 3 bd. Plus, Hensville Park, Fifth Third Field, and the Huntington Center are within walking distance. Listing by Natural Habitat Realty (205 West 15th Street, New York, NY 10011) Sale in Lenox Hill. A reputation. Find the space that accommodates your preference, and enjoy all the comforts and style of home. 721 FIFTH AVENUE.
. The building is 560.01 feet (170.69 m) high, and was noted as the tallest apartment-hotel in New York City when it opened. Residences. Two towers, 37- and 71-floors-high, are composed of stacked and clustered bundles of 860 individual dwelling units that vary . Our building offers one- and two-bedroom apartment homes that feature tall, panoramic windows for abundant natural light and . It was developed by Zeckendorf Development, Global Holdings of which Eyal Over is a principal and Park Sixty LLC, of which Raphael and Ezra Nasser are principals. Rising above the shore of world-renowned Biscayne Bay, Panorama is the newest and tallest residential tower south of New York. A 24-story tower overlooking Pershing Square with 660 rental apartments, 14,000 square feet of ground-level retail space, and open space amenities such as a landscaped courtyard and a rooftop infinity pool. Albion Highland Park (Phase II) 1849 GREEN BAY RD, HIGHLAND PARK, IL 60035. Skip Navigation. Plans call for 281 luxury apartments in a mix [] CINCINNATI City Club Apartments has broken ground on the redevelopment of Union Central Tower, a historic skyscraper in downtown Cincinnati. . $820 - $1,360. With elegant studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, three-bedroom and four-bedroom condos available, all apartments display gorgeous New York City views from floor-to-ceiling windows. Panoramic views in every direction encompass the magnificent architectural landmarks and Hudson River. Trump Tower 721 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 Condo in Midtown. Park Fifth. Amenities. Seven-story development located a short. . The building is split between offices on its lower floors and residences on the upper floors, with separate entrances. River Park Towers; Riverside South, Manhattan; S. Sherwood Studio Building; . We are here to help you find the perfect condominium at the best price and less time. 1 Day Ago. 1y Unlike those pre-war coops, however, 15 CPW is a new ultra-luxury condominium built in a classic and timeless design with an array of refined amenities. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Apartment buildings in New York City. See all available apartments for rent at The Regency Tower in Oklahoma City, OK. $2,300 - $2,675/mo. How is Park Fifth Tower Apartments rated? Search thousands of apartments for rent in Miami area. Studio-1bd. $1,750,000. View all floor plans. Plus, Hensville Park, Fifth Third Field, and the Huntington Center are within walking distance. KAUFMANNS GRAND ON FIFTH 434 5th Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 $1,298 - $2,232 | Studio - 2 Beds 620 Park Avenue; 740 Park Avenue; 825 Fifth Avenue; 834 Fifth Avenue; 927 Fifth Avenue; 1000 Park Avenue; 1520 Sedgwick Avenue; A. . NEW YORK, NY 10021. What to do in Gijn. Carriage Park Apartments 300 Chatham Park Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 . Olympic Tower Neighborhood. Bottom Line Gijn is the most populous city in Asturias -exceeds 270.000 inhabitants- and the most dynamic. (657) 220-6905 Park Fifth is a couture high-rise residence offering a truly cosmopolitan experience, accompanied by designer homes, a signature rooftop pool retreat, lavish amenities and tailored services. On a clear day, you can see just about forever. Macro at Echo Park Apartments, Los Angeles, CA 90026. park fifth is a couture high-rise residence offering a truly cosmopolitan experience, accompanied by designer homes, a signature rooftop pool retreat, lavish amenities, and tailored services. 4.0 (7 reviews) Verified Listing. The apartment community, known as Windsor Park Towers in city filings, will offer 298 of its units to households earning no more than 60 percent of the Austin metro's median family income, which in 2021 ranged from $41,580 per year for an individual or $59,340 for a family of four. We're all about a hassle-free living experience, which is why our fully furnished three- and four-bedroom floor plans are perfect for the student lifestyle, especially with the courtesy option of roommate matching! His other major projects have included the Corinthian at 38th Street and First Avenue and 200 Central Park South. Total Units: 660. This 53-story tower of rental apartments in LA's South Park District puts you within walking distance of some of the city's hottest restaurants and best entertainment. FEATURED APARTMENTS. NEW - 2 HRS AGO PET FRIENDLY.
Taylor Construction Company, an enterprise of the Mayer family. 58 Stories. South Beach (SoBe) 1000 Venetian Way . Exceptional Value. With designer interiors, unrivaled rooftop amenities, inspired views and a coveted location, it is redefining luxury high-rise living in downtown. The Park Fifth project mediates these parallel urbanisms that exist more or less independent from one another. . Condo in Midtown. Park Fifth 427 W 5th St , Los Angeles , CA 90013 Financial District 4.9 (34 reviews) Verified Listing Today 310-819-9542 Monthly Rent $2,789 - $7,614 Bedrooms Studio - 3 bd Bathrooms 1 - 2 ba Square Feet 585 - 1,371 sq ft Park Fifth Transportation Points of Interest Pricing & Floor Plans 3 Bedrooms S-C $3,084 - $4,057 Building. Commuting. * Restrictions Apply Floor Plans & Pricing All (21) Studio (1) 1 Bed (11) 2 Beds (6) 3 Beds (3) Studio S-C |
Submitted by Szellem
Yesterday’s radical liberals are always today’s moderates, while yesterday’s moderate conservatives are always today’s radicals. Such is the march of progress. And this march is itself used to constantly justify today’s radical Leftists and to taunt conservatives (and former progressives) in saying that they will be ‘on the wrong side of history.’
And since 1789 (or even the Reformation), that has always been the truth. The conservatives of today are vilified tomorrow, the radical Leftists of today are can expect to be hailed as freedom fighters and pioneers.
Sure, there have been some oscillations back to the Right (especially in the wake of a major Leftist success): the Counter-Reformation, the Restoration in France, the Moral Majority in the US, but they have all proven to be short lived.
But why has this process been going on for so long and why has the Left proven to be so successful?
They would assuredly answer that it is because they speak to some deep human yearning for freedom and of the inherent value of Enlightenment ideas. But I think it is far simpler than that.
I believe it is because the Right has been too quick to abandon its extreme elements.
The extremities are, by definition, where the boundaries get pushed. The Left almost never abandons its extreme elements, no matter what atrocities bob in their wake. Stalin and Mao have a death toll that dwarfs even the highest estimates of that of Nazi Germany, and yet the ideals of the great thinkers of communism and socialism are inculcated in students on practically every University campus in the West.
The Right, however, has been all too keen to abandon and vilify its own past and extreme elements. In the South of the United States, even revered figures like Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee have not proven immune to this process. In Germany, pre-WW2 history is glossed over in favor of a guilt festival. In France, the Revolution is looked at as necessary evil at best and something to be celebrated at worst. The genocide of the Vendéens is practically ignored (for we wouldn’t want anyone to start questioning our dear Revolution or to look into what really happened on Bastille Day).
The Left has done an excellent job of disassociating itself from its extreme elements while not only not condemning them, but using them as a vanguard. For an ever more extreme Leftist element allows the Left to continue its march while never actually looking more radical. Antifa, BAMN, communist militants, etc. All of them are a vanguard that allows the Left to keep ‘progressing’ without ever crossing into the zone of ‘radical.’
The Right has been content to just try to stand still rather than actively pull in the opposite direction. If you’re not pulling back you’re going to get pulled forward.
For the last several centuries, the Right has, almost without fail, condemned the moderate conservatives of the past as the extremist boogeyman of today. This has allowed the Overton window to shift Left to such a point that yesterday’s moderate conservatives no longer exist or exist on a margin condemned by both the mainstream Left and Right.
At long last this changing.
Conservative leaders, in some parts of the world anyway, have learned this lesson. Namely those in Eastern Europe. Poland’s moderate conservative party has been more than willing to let extreme nationalist organizations flourish during its governance. ONR and other organizations provide the same canvas for conservatives that Antifa provides for the Leftists. The government can say “See we’re not extreme, now those guys are extreme.” All the while making sure those organizations can flourish and pull public opinion in their direction.
The same can be seen, to a lesser extent, in Hungary. Fidesz, the ruling party, has managed to move more and more to the right without really moving from the Hungarian center. This was only possible because of organizations like the former Magyar Garda and Jobbik before it started moving to the center. And when Jobbik moved left, a new extreme formed as the Force and Determination party. Public opinion has moved so far right in Hungary that supporting EU migration policies would be suicidal.
One can see something similar in Russia with the runaway growth of the overtly nationalist and reactionary Russian Orthodox Church, as orchestrated by the likes of Putin and overt Monarchists like Konstantin Malofeev.
But perhaps the greatest example of this on the planet is Islam. The Islamic Far-Right is so barbaric, so violent, and so, well, Muslim that the standard for a moderate Muslim is unbelievably low. You don’t want to throw certain people off roofs and you don’t support bombings? Congratulations! You’re a moderate.
A moderate Christian, on the other hand, is one that supports immigration, gay marriage, abortion, etc. Why? Because (mainstream western) Christianity doesn’t get more extreme than a bunch of people picketing a funeral.
I will note that I am in NO WAY arguing for an equivalent of Muslim extremism. Every act of ‘Far-Right’ violence will be plastered all over the news and will be used against us at every turn. Further, Islam is barbaric and both their extremists and their moderates ought not to be welcome in our nations. We need not stoop to their level.
What we need is to make room for extreme thought, speech, and opinions on the Right. The Left has already done this and it is why they have been winning since the ‘Enlightenment.’
So, when you see support growing for an ideology that might lie to the right of yours, don’t oppose it. It is far better to let it grow – or maybe even tacitly support it (as the Leftists often do). If the Right in the US were truly conservative, they’d be pouring money into the Alt-Right organizations as it is this movement that makes their own policies ever more palatable to the spineless moderate.
We are already succeeding in widening the Overton window. The Leftists call it polarization, but it’s just the Right finally fighting back.
With all the Anti-White Forces beset against us……..
I will NEVER let them fully Blacken My Soul……
I will NEVER let them fully Blacken My Heart…….
I will NEVER let them fully Blacken My Eyes……..
They will NEVER fully wipe the Smile Off My Face……
They will NEVER fully Extinguish my Laughter…….
And they will NEVER Quench My Spirit……..
Fair enough.
I respectfully disagree with the author. ‘Extremism’ is almost always synonymous with ‘violence’…as many of the comments on this story have alluded to. Furthermore, I don’t believe it gets much further ‘right’ than the AR. If it does, it quickly enters the realm of speech and though that advocates and encourages violence. We have to reject all forms of violence – including language or thought that advocates any type of violent or unlawful/illegal acts – if this movement is going to be a serious political force. We have to keep violence and those that would advocate for it as far away from the AR as is possible. We must physically defend ourselves at our rallies from terrorist groups like Antifa, but never should we encourage any type of violence (either covertly or overtly, tacitly or explicitly). That is not lip service, either, I believe that to my core.
The mainstream media and the power-that-be are desperate for any reason whatsoever to annihilate the AR, and they attempt to do so every chance they get. They are waiting for us to make even the smallest of legal transgressions so that they and the SPLC lawyers can dismantle us. If the Altright starts to become associated with violence or any type of illegal/unlawful behavior in ANY type of way, we will give the MSM and those powers exactly what they are looking for: legitimate reason to destroy us. Go ahead and call me a cuck, I really don’t give a shit. To support any type of violence – or even thought or speech that flirts with violence – is short-sighted. In fact it’s downright stupid. It will only damage our cause in the long-run.
“I don’t condone what he did, but I understand”…and then you go back into your talking points about how the system’s oppression of whites is fueling radicalization and how moderate pro-white groups need extensive funding so they can catch these kids before they go down the dark path of radicalization
That’s not at all what I said, nor is that what I was implying. Did you actually read what I wrote or did you just read the first sentence and imagine the rest??
There will always be stupid, frustrated, ineffectual people among us (and among any movement for that matter). Those imbeciles will be much more prone to violence, and they will be more prone to lash out violently. They do the most damage to our cause and to the altright, and it’s those people that need to be purged from our movement. We need intelligent, SANE, law-abiding, clean-cut people on our side. Spencer, Damigo, people like that. That is the only way forward.
Here’s a timely ‘for instance’ for you: are you one of the ones who celebrated when the guy from the UK ran over the ten kebabs outside of prayer? If so, you’re part of our problem. Those types of events will lead to the downfall of the AR. If we’re serious about becoming a lasting, significant political movement, everything we do and say must be above-board. The altright is far-right – blurring the line between us and right-wing ‘extremism’ is a dangerous (and ultimately a losing) game.
I’ll give you the opportunity for the last word…
I was just saying that there is no need to cuck or get distracted from your talking points, just because some bowlcut did something stupid.
Learn from the moderate muslims or the moderate leftists.
If you are talking to non-red pilled people about the white van man, then your response should be along the lines of “I don’t condone what he did but I understand”, then get back to your talking points about what Muslims are doing to provoke this, what the government is doing to stifle peaceful dissent, what is going on at finsbury park mosque, etc.
Conservative normies were taking a very pro White Van Man line in their comments sections, so there is certainly no need for us to go into cuck mode over it. “I don’t condone what he did but I understand”,
The Left got where it is today utilizing violence frequently and unapologetically. I’m tired of losing ground. Violence works.
That being said we shouldn’t engage in senseless acts of violence that will not accomplish anything. But I am deeply opposed to spineless pacifism. Our enemies will use violence against us, and we have to be prepared to defend ourselves. The (((system))) will use violence to suppress us and again we have to be prepared to defend ourselves.
“Pacifism remains an ideal. War a fact!” Oswald Spengler
IN ADVOCATING FOR OR PERPETRATING ANY TYPE OF VIOLENCE TO FURTHER OUR GOALS – TERRORISM, REALLY – YOU AND THOSE THAT UP-CLICKED YOUR COMMENT ARE DOING PRECISELY WHAT OUR ADVERSARIES WANT YOU TO DO. Congratulations, you have fallen right into their trap. The minute our movement starts using or even hinting at violence, we’re done. Mark my words.
We are not losing ground, by the way, our ideas are catching on like wildfire; they will continue to do so if we play our cards right. We WILL lose ground – most if not all of it – if people on our side start resorting to violence. Articles like this do not help us, and they help nudge the scant number of mentally-ill/autistics/stupids on our side into some very dangerous territory. Spencer started the AR from nothing. Now he’s being interviewed on CNN, he’s on the cover of Rolling Stone (which is how I first heard of him), etc. Hell, Trump was elected on mostly altright principles. What we’ve been doing has been working, and it’s been working very well.
Our conduct at rallies and basically everywhere else has – as Wolffie James put it – been nothing less than ‘elegant.’ We need to keep it that way. Clean-cut, intelligent, tax-paying, law-abiding gentlemen (and a few women). Be able to defend ourselves from any type of physical threat, always and of course, but never anything more than that. We need to continue enlightening others to our ideas, that is the only way our power and influence will grow in any real, meaningful way. What we really need to do is work smarter and harder at getting our message out to normies, because after 8 years of bullshit (courtesy of the Barack Hussein administration), they are primed for the altright. We need to go full-force into bumper stickers, flyers, stickers, t-shirts, pamphlets, etc. I’ll give you the opportunity to have the last word…
I didn’t promote acts of terrorism. I just acknowledged that our enemies will use violence and we should be prepared to defend ourselves. If we are pacifist we will get steamrolled over.
Isolated Dylan Roof style incidents are inevitable, and while I don’t condone in these actions, I believe it’s more constructive to disavow cucks not martyrs. Lay the blame on the people in power who create Dylan Roofs, not the reactionary movement that shares some of Dylan Roofs concerns.
The range of acceptable opinion on the Right certainly needs to be comparable to that on the Left. I remember watching London mayor/assembly election night years ago, soft-right Tory Boris Johnson launch a panegyric to far-left loser Ken Livingstone (who would happily hang Boris from a lamp post) then walk offstage when the newly elected BNP Assembly member Barnbrook had his turn to speak. This was the reformed, definitely post-Fascist BNP. That kind of thing is disgusting and there should be no tolerance for it on the Right. At the same time, purity spiralling should be avoided also.
Yesterday I got into a chat with some friends about the glorification of violence by the antifa. One pointed to violence as a “virtue” and not an immoral act. Eventually the conversation led to history and how cultures have seen violence as a tool to be used in various conditions to achieve goals.
The “virtues of violence” employed by Kings, Emperors, leaders, to movements are part of our development as a civilization. Handled properly it yields progress and develops a civilization. It molds nations and benefits identities.
The Virtues of Violence have been extensively written by writers in major civilizations across the world and are documented and expounded centuries ago. Some that I know include
Sun Tzu’s “the Art of War” (China)
Kautilya’s “Artha Shastra” (India)
Machiavelli’s “The Prince” (Europe)
Keep in mind that extremists could be employees of the state. Any political stance – “left” or “right” – which challenges existing centers of power is going to be infiltrated by Security Services. The agents are used to encourage the espousal of radical positions or criminal activity, which is then used to destroy the movement. The C.I.A has entire departments working on manipulating public opinion and behaviour to generate “Colour Revolutions”, things may not be what they seem.
Well, well,,,thank you for validating my posts on this website over the past few weeks. Yes, the AR needs to embrace extremists, and that means (gasp) violence. I’m not saying lets go lynch people or kill others. I’m saying we shouldn’t back down from forming militant groups ready to battle antifa and others physically and psychologically.
“Antifa, BAMN, communist militants, etc. All of them are a vanguard that allows the Left to keep ‘progressing’ without ever crossing into the zone of ‘radical”
Oh, I think Antifa is simply dismissed by the mainstream left with the attitude of ‘who cares, they are beating up miserable racists anyway’. The whole ‘punch a nazi’ meme popularized violence against the AR, WN, NS, and other like-minded pro-white individuals and orgs. No one on the left really spoke out against it. They passively condone it, just as they insinuate Trump’s silence about WNs is to passively condone every evil they can imagine (and they have good imaginations!). We desperately need something to counter this. Unfortunately, the (((media))) won’t hesitate to report on the negativity of our side.
Of course we need a white block to fight them back, but we won’t succeed if divided. As long as dogmatism preaching people like you here and cernovich on the moderate side are dividing the right there will be no strong white block!
What dogmatism do I preach? Entertain me.
There will NEVER be a strong white block if genocide and the JQ aren’t addressed; that’s not dogma, it’s common sense. Moderates will never jump on your bandwagon if you sugarcoat everything or lose your cool and start making wild claims. I’m guessing your ESL skills may need some polishing.
“There will NEVER be a strong white block if genocide and the JQ aren’t addressed”
That is not true. The opposite is the case! Forgot about Berkely? It was only about “free speech” and it worked pretty damn well. Better than anything in your 20 years of WNism.
You are right in a way, but really, we do not have the time to fully red pill every white person. You want a future for your people? Start beeing pragmatic in action. Work with what you have and make the best out of it. That of course does not mean to water down your ideas and ideology for just a second. But actually fighting the war we facing you just can’t do it alone.
I think Berkeley was merely one of the first culminations of 20 years of WNism.
White bloc already exists. Stop concern trolling.
Trolling is what most of your essays deserve.
If there is one really big problem with the Right, it is the tendency to utterly run and hide when the Left throws the “fascist” label around. The reality is that the “fascist” label is something that should be unapologetically embraced as a compliment. The real reason the SJW types totally freak out about the fascists is that the fascists are the only ones who truly understand that sometimes you need to kill your enemies before they kill you and that in the real world there is no referee to score points in a knife fight, there is only the winner and the dead, and to avoid being the latter you might need to get down in the dirt in the spirit of an eye for eye, tooth for a tooth.
The so called conservatives are always moralizing about following some sort of protocol believing that the (((enemies))) will respect the same protocols and that is what causes so many problems in the world. Also, these conservatives really do not want to get their hands dirty because when push comes to shove, they are too worried about their high paying jobs and bank accounts. They cover this up by virtue signalling when in all reality, they are sell out wimps. I know many people who hate the SJW agenda yet will not lift one finger because they are too scared of reprisals. That kind of attitude is not how wars are won.
“Fascist” is such a vague term that it really means nothing more than “somebody hated by a leftist”. So there’s nothing wrong with being called a fascist. “Racist” means, “a white person who cares about his own race and recognizes the truth that there are average differences that matter among the races.” Again, this is nothing to run away from. People who condemn “racists” as the term is used today should be required to explain why that is wrong.
Yes. Embrace the negative labels and prove them wrong with your deeds. Or just smile and complain about being tickled by the term ‘racist, sexist, xenophobic’. It’s what I do. Kids usually just get red in the face and upset…eventually walking away because they have no argument. If you happily accept labels they think are insults, they have nothing else to say. It shuts them down instead of putting you in the defensive. The biggest wimps in the AR are the ones who try to argue that they aren’t racists, fascists, or white nationalists.
The far right and far left are all that really matter.
The masses in the centre just do what they are told.
The only stable structure is when they are balanced.
Rome stood for over a thousand years, and the Romans would be considered off-the-charts right wing by today’s standards.
I consider myself so far right, that everyone, even nationalists, are on the left of me… This is the product of completely rejecting the enlightenment and humanism, the two bases of all modern thought… Well ‘xcept reactionary.
If I was to open my mouth fully I would end up being hunted by everybody so… out of necessity I support the next two groups on the left of me 😀 , that can have any form of support and still would implement policies that I find crucial.
The center is the most worthless political entity that ever existed Its position is… to do not have a position! This is they epitome of the lack of will of normies. Never support whomever is closer to the centre than you! Except if you are like me…
In a neoreactionary society, there’s no guarantee you wouldn’t end up a serf.
But in a post-modern society there is a guarantee that if you end up a “serf” you will be from the lucky ones.
I use the term in brackets becuse serfs had it good by comparison: a stable job, no military service and if they bought back their debt they were free.
This is the product of being a spoiled modern baby with too much free time and too much freedom in general that his bitter little mind can deal with so he has to become a reactionary in order to “get back” at the world when he has never experienced any real hardship. The cycle countinues..
Being edgy isnt going to save you from being a socially awkward loser that people will always snicker about behind your back. Keep coping
>reads article about not punching far right
>punches far right
Everybody right of center is in danger right now. We are making progress but the establishment is still against us. The only things that matter at this moment are what is tactical, and what is not tactical.
Oh I forgot I am not a reactionary… its time passed on…
“I believe it is because the Right has been too quick to abandon its extreme elements.”
This isn’t about “Left” or “Right,” really. It’s always been about caste. The middle class has been too clever for its own good, believing itself to be the equal of kings and that lower classes can be educated to a higher caste. But clever is not intelligent and so we are left with the destruction of Western Civilization so that middle class merchants can be self-impressed with their so-called enlightenment, their equality with kings and peasants alike, and their comfy bank account balances. And no, by “merchant” I don’t mean J3ws. Our problem has always been the same: caste warfare amongst ourselves. It’s the original diversity that begat the current diversity bomb.
Spoken like a true class-conscious Marxist
Nothing I have said even remotely resembles Marxism. Caste exists whether you acknowledge it or not.
Equality is the “we wuz all kangs” of WHITE™ people.
It is like you are saying caste because you don’t want to sound too marxist by saying class. But I agree caste/class is more important to normies than politics, class is a club, humans are social animals, basically you have your liberal friends and you don’t get upset over political issues because you have a lot in common you like the others sense of humor or something, or you work with coworkers and do not argue with them about politics because your social position in the workplace is more important to your well being today than say caring about 1488 and the future of other peoples children.
But I do find it of interest you speak of caste and not class. I wish I could find the book that was recently written in the last few years about the nature of going down in class and how that fueled England’s rise to world power. The author had a theory that many people were thrown out of the upper class and readily accepted into the lower classes and this created an enrichment of the whole society. He thought that historically upper class people had larger families and longer life expectancy and lower class people were more susceptible to disease and fatality, and because the upper class could only pass its wealth on through a limited number of heirs and there was a demand for workers among the ever thinning lower class it was a social necessity for upper classmen to be taken in so to speak by the lower.
So class can change, not just joe schmoe becoming a millionaire, but a man of good birth could lead a rough life and still be a benefit to the society. Of course the second is sacrilegious in today’s wealth worshiping world. And so we do live in a caste system almost. Unchangeable.
One thing leftists did was to actually grow the class division into a religious caste division. All the old work that was the worst was taken from the whites and given to foreigners, this had to do with class, the lower class was rising up in power and they were not going to trust the upper class with filling the vacancies they were leaving because they were taught to destroy the system by marx, this is also why I see local businesses always have a scorched earth policy, when the owner quits the business gets shut down, and usually an arab buys it up.
Caste is about ability and genetics. People are always confusing class and caste: class is about wealth and caste is about birth. Class is mobile; i. e., you can be born poor and rise is wealth and thus change your economic class, but if you are a low quality person all the wealth in the world won’t make you upper caste. These people are what we call the “nouveau riche,” who are people with money but lack taste and discernment (these being qualities dependent on genetics and IQ).
I have no idea why you would call this a “normie” position or Marxist. It’s as if using the words “class” and “caste” blind people to the context in which they are used. My argument is decidedly anti-Marxist in the extreme. It is pro-Aristocracy, which seems to send the WN, NS, 1488ers into apoplectic fits of miscomprehension.
Agreed about your clarification. But to say that whites vary in caste is decidedly elitist and lends itself to concepts like ‘white trash’, which is an adjective amplified by the presence of multi-culturalism and leftist racialism. A strong pro-white view would ignore subjective divisions between whites who lack certain qualities simply because of who their parents were or where they were born. Worth not birth! So yes, I agree that whites should unify and transcend ‘caste’…part of that depends on abandoning the concept in the first place, which is highly subjective and difficult to measure (other than monetary wealth). Still is pseudo-Marxist in the sense that it describes social problems being rooted in one’s position in society, be it via genetics and old money or a lack of budgeting skills, and prescribes a solution based on one or the other being destroyed/eliminated..or in this case assimilated.
However, your response still fails to address the author’s point; that the extremist elements should be embraced. Journalists, authors and other online media commentators on pro-white issues always include a superficial disclaimer that they don’t condone violence. Maybe they need another strategy.
White trash isn’t created by birth alone. Our society has many a pitfall for youth to degrade themselves. Drugs, booze, unwed births, etc all can lead to a lowering of social status. I have more in common with a college educated black man than a blue collar white anymore. I can have an actual descent conversation about poitics, etc with a college educated person, regardless of color than a blue collar kid from the hood. Most blue collar white kids act street black anymore to try and get street cred.
The stupidest people I know are the college types. Something about college destroys a persons mind, and alienates their mind from common sense.
I agree.
‘Caste’ warfare between rich and poor whites sounds like Marxism to me. Perhaps you never read Marx. Besides, ‘caste’ is just re-branding of socioeconomic ‘class’. Ignoring the reality of class/caste and viewing people based upon merit is not Marxist; i’ts likely the opposite. Over-emphasizing class/caste as the source of conflict is classic Marx. Don’t kid yourself.
Well said.
completly agree!
I allways say my then shocked brainwashed fellow Germans that i have way more in common with the classic skin head neo nazi than with any moderate leftist! The left is my enemy! If moderate or not.
And who ever fights my enemy is, in the time of war, my alley! If moderate or radical.
Moderates and radicals must stick together to win and Vincent Law is absolutly right that this is the reason why the left won so often against the right, they NEVER distance from each other!
And yes, i know that mostly the moderates distance from the radicals in the right but just as a reminder for us(the wiser ones!) i’ll post this here again.
I hope this is satire.
Are you a cuck or (((something)))?
no! Are you a libtard?
That is one way to win over the mainstream right and centrists. It’s also a way to lose half of your base and sound like a pandering (((commentator))) who is subtly flagging others to practice entryism.
No, It is THAT way to make a change.
Untill (((your))) way(did you mentioned one? No? So you must want to hurt the movement with preaching division) will succeed, the genocide of our people will be fullfilled. There is a place for every right winger in a big movement. And if anyone is dividing the right, if from the radical or the moderate side does not matter, (((he))) must get fought from both sides!
Yes, you are exactly right, after being a WN for 20 years my sole aim is to come here and create division among pretentious kids. lol
The ‘movement’ will lose it’s base and no longer focus on genocide or the JQ if the video author’s advice is followed. You’ll end up with someone like Trump who renegs on promises. Or a boring centrist candidate that gets nothing done because you spent too much time pandering to non-whites and Jews that have no reason to be there in the first place.
Nobody said anything about jews or non-whites! It is about the RIGHT.
And how big did your “base” become in the last 20 years? LOL!
Of course the final goals of the movement must not ever get waterd down! For that we need allways our strong radical dogmatic core, which must be protected by the more mainstream wing, but to even start to make a serious change in this world we have to unite with the other right wingers and their goals, too.
What is wrong with a Trump that is fighting (((CNN))) instead of THE JEWS?! Everybody in the Alt-Light or the New Right in Europe knows what the (((media))) is about. But to scream it out in every sentence is just hurting our success.
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Everything posted by Sly Wren
- With you both on the state of the Others--a very workable theory. And I also see it as a collective: to get back to the Last Hero (before he fell--IMHO). They taught Brandon a "song"--how that helps. What that will lead to: we are still guessing unless we get Winds. But--why not be about raising the dead? The whole series calls us to realize the Westerosi dead can rise. The life is not fully gone. I agree that he's fighting against going in because "he's not a Stark." But when he finally agrees, goes in and goes all the way down--what's the result? The Old Kings rise. Not his recent family. The original family. Because he's one of them. Because they are waiting for him. To do what? Absolutely. And an "old hand at justice" according to Bran in the first chapter of Game. The chapter that contrasts the Justice of a Stark vs. the Cruelty of the Others in the Prologue. Right from the start, Martin contrasted that justice with the Others. Contrasted Ned and Jon with the Others. Later, contrasts Dany's horrifying embrace of the Dragon with Jon's re-embracing his duty (vs. desire to join Robb). Really don't think that's setting Jon up to join the Others. Jon sees himself reflected in the Wall. Sees the Sword of the Morning with the Wall. Yes, he thinks of the cold of the ice dragon--but he embraces duty and the defense of men. The Sword (of the Morning) and the Mirror Shield of the Wall. I have a hard time squaring all that with Jon becoming an Other--especially when, as you noted, he's such a newbie at skin changing. Instead, he's an "old hand at justice." Stark justice. Just Maid justice (that story about Galladon and how Brienne used the sword has to be there for a reason). Really think that where he's going. But Bran--he definitely could be the next Symeon.
- Been so long since I re-read that section. But off the top of my reckless head: The trees of the Undying (the shade of the evening trees) remind me of the weirwoods. The house of the Undying is all shadows and death--not unlike the cave: darkness, bones, the almost zombie-fied Children. They feed Dany the Shade--the Children give Bran that paste. Maybe they aren't the "same"--but they seem to echo each other. I got theories. I got fears. Got no certainties.
- Yup! The Varamyr prologue really does seem like it fits Bran well (in my not at all flawed opinion). Though Jon will push barriers, he then hems himself in with the words of his oath--comes back to the Wall instead of going to Robb. Refuses Stannis' offer for Winterfell. Jon sacrifices his desires to his idea of the rules. Varamyr and Bran . . . they aren't so scrupulous. As for what BR wants: I really vacillate on him. In the novellas, he's clearly the guy who's willing to do terrible things for the good of the realm. To basically sacrifice himself. But he and the Children seem really creepy--and remind me of the Undying. Does BR want Bran to be like him? To sacrifice himself? If so, the Other body idea . . . not sure how that would help BR. But given the stories of Symeon Star Eyes and Bran's longstanding desire to be a knight: I could see Bran going rogue. To help defend his family (like he uses Summer to attack Jon's attackers). If Bran could be an Ice Knight (AKA Other)--yes. I could see him doing that whether BR liked it or not.
- I agree with you both--and all the more reason why Bran-the-seasoned-skinchanger (with access to info) is far more likely to attempt such a thing than Jon-the-newbie.
- I take your point--Varamyr is clearly significant. Shows a side of what Bran could have become. Could still become. But really seems like Martin has been showing the various ways "second life" works for a while now: Others and Wights in Game. More Others and the Undying in Clash. Beric and Coldhands in Storm. Then, in Dance, we get a whole bunch: Varamyr, Stoneheart, Coldhands again, and Bran: seeing souls in animals, climbing around in Hodor, seeing the Children "plugged in" to trees. Given that, seems like Varamyr's prologue could be a warning for Bran. Plus, there's Jon's long-recurring dream, which we hear about in Game: being called against his will into the crypt and seeing the Kings of Winter rise. Jon only sees this part of the dream AFTER they find Othor and Flowers. That seems like the dream is tied to the finding of the wights. An answer to the wights: raise the Starks, waiting in their completely unique crypt. And in that dream, Jon makes no mention of the old kings looking like ice-beasties. No matter how freaked out Jon is by the nightmare, really seems like he'd remember if the Kings looked like ice. If the people he's waking are Others. Right--but this seems like it's tied to the lessons we are seeing Bran learn (or not learn) about second life, morality, etc. And, again: Varamyr is not a Stark. Not related to all those strangely crypted bodies in Winterfell. There is something unique about Stark dead. Varamyr cannot go back to his body. But we know both Beric and Stoneheart can--it is workable. So, what if that body is a Stark? And, given your point about Jon's whopping inexperience compared to Varamyr, really think it's more likely Bran would make himself an ice body (or be tempted to). Bran, not Jon, has dreamed of being Symeon Star Eyes--likely an Other. Bran, not Jon, looks to use/create bodies that are not his own. Bran, not Jon, has practice. If anyone's going to make an ice body in the series, showing us how to do it, my money would be on Bran--not newbie Jon. That would be just as radical--and make a lot more sense, given Bran's interest in Symeon and his talent/practice. Why kill Jon? To have him raise the dead of Winterfell. Like he's been dreaming of since Game. Bran's making an ice body would show us all the things you suggest. Be just as radical--and fit with his character and earlier ideas. But Jon's dreams, when they come, what he sees and doesn't see (no Ice People in the crypts)--really, really seems like Jon is more likely to be a different kind of undead altogether. A unique one--like Coldhands. Not a wight. Not an Other (they aren't unique). Something much more rare. And very Stark.
- Right--but if "they killed him"--doesn't that innately imply he left his body? Beric and Stoneheart are "brought back" without warning, but are less. So--I guess it's fair to argue that maybe the soul sticks around in the body until it's "fully" dead. Or--we don't know for sure where souls go. But we do know he was "dead." Like Cat. Like Beric. So--really seems like we are being shown that Jon can "come back" into his dead body somehow or other. Without becoming an Other--in body or in vicious spirit. Right--but Jon seems to be the one who had the epiphany about the watch. Takes his brothers to task on who they are protecting. Seems like his take on the Oath is rather different. That's what I'm wondering about that Oath--does understanding it "properly" make a difference? Agreed. And, I'd reiterate: Jon is a Stark. They seem different when it comes to the dead. And not just because of that crypt (though I think that's a key part of it."
- Agreed--this is one of the key, if not THE key, mysteries. (I think the source of the dragons and the Doom are key, too, but the North seems like the "magic" focus from the Game Prologue on). That said--I'm not convinced Jon must become Other for us to understand the Others. Stuck and not--yes. Like Coldhands. Coldhands seems to occupy the space between Other and human. The Others, so very, very hostile to life. Who play with Waymar. Who enjoy killing him. Vs. Jon--with his realization via Ghost that the Wildlings are all men, just like him. Because they all smell the same (that moment he has seeing/smelling/hearing them as Ghost does). And then Jon asserts that his Oath covers all men. Then Coldhands: Othered but not cruel to humans. Still guarding the realms of men to protect Bran. If Jon is to take a new form (very very likely)--my money's on Coldhands. If humans cannot re-enter their dead/dying bodies ever ever ever--how account for Coldhands? ETA: "They killed him long ago." Leaf doesn't say "wounded." She says "killed." ETA: Even seems to imply that the Others killed Coldhands. I'm thinking the difference might be that Oath. The "I am" section--becoming/transforming into weapons/qualities that guard men. By taking that oath, by understanding it better than the rest of the Watch does, Jon "transforms"--at least psychologically and morally. Coldhands, unlike the Others, seems to maintain that Jon-like morality and focus. So--could that oath and morality be the difference here? That Oath that ties at Watchman to the world is a way that Varamyr was not? Or--it could be Jon's Starkiness: they are the liminal ones. Grey. Twilight. Living in Winterfell, a realm of the living literally built on and protecting a realm of the dead. The dead kings who will come from their tombs when Jon goes down to them. ETA: The Starks seem to be made of different stuff. Maybe from lying with Others before, who knows? But they are different. I think there's a really, really good chance that Jon's being a Stark may make a big difference in whether or not he becomes a Coldhands or an Other.
- Well--if, like Stoneheart or Beric or (I think) Jon--he may not have been able to die without some kind of intervention. May have embraced his oath and kept living as a guardian. If so, if he was like Jon, could see him being willing to stay alive until all the nightmare returned. A living sacrifice. Would fit with Leaf calling his death "long ago"--that would be long, even to Leaf. Maybe.
- Hey! Language is meant to be played with! Well--this is getting into my crazy idea about the Night's King and the Black Gate--but I do wonder if the Wall more "grew" than was "built." So, has been growing in response to whatever the Night's King did and whatever his brothers did to throw him down. Something is very, very wrong with the living Black Gate--and the Wall. I think Ygritte is more right than she knows that it's made of blood. But if I'm anywhere in the ballpark of right, that would mean the Wall has been growing/building for a long while. Would include during the Andals. ETA: Just realized I misread what your said so my answer is a bit nonsensical. I do take your point that the NK Wall and Watch could have been later--I just doubt it due to the old gods, the apparent fears about the skin changers--really seems like the NK is a First Men kinda guy. But I would;dn't be surprised if the Andals embellished it all--and if having Andal kings made it easier to hide the story of the NK. I'm pretty sure we'll never get a clear timeline. Agreed--though I have wondered is Brandon the Breaker and the Night's King were actually the same person. . . especially since it's the World Book maesters who name him as the one who overthrew the Night's King. . . Agreed--and would be more reliable. A fair theory. I just wonder what part of the story he'd be telling--that Jojen was necessary? Seems like we as readers could figure that out on our own. Could be CH is just a Zombie ex Machina--but I'm currently thinking he has more to tell us. Well--I'm still thinking the Horn was like the Oath: a man of the Watch calling on all the the powers of the earth: "I am the horn that wakes the sleepers"--and Jon does that in his dreams repeatedly when he goes into the crypts and wakes the Kings of Winter. I still think Jon is going to "be" the horn. I'm currently thinking that the Horn of Joramun and all that--they are stories built up around "being" the Horn. Counterfeits/explanations. Sort of like I think there's a chance that Valyrian steel was an attempt to create at sword like Dawn. That would fit with the "evil" horn that gets blown at the Kingsmoot. An evil version of the unifying power set out in the Oath. So, if the Horn is the person who wakes the sleepers, who is the shield, who is the sword (Dawn's coming!!!), etc.--then it would be a person who chose to engage all that who "freed" them. That said, I think it was @Black Crow who posited that the men of the Watch "claimed" to be enslaved so they could get off the hook for their actions. That said--I do think sacrifices were very likely on the menu. And I think the NK could have been sacrificed when he was thrown down (my current explanation for the gate). Sacrifices must have happened, given all we've seen so far. Good luck! Moving is always an epic journey!
- Or--if Coldhands is the one who threw down the NIght's King. He would then be a monster to that first Brandon Stark. He's the one who took down the first Brandon Stark? And, per your point that the NIght's King is playing out again--what if, like Jon, the Brother who threw down the Night's King also underwent a transformation (assuming Jon is reanimated--which seems like a good bet)? If so, he could have been "monsterized" prior to "The Battle for the Dawn." A hint at where the story is going with Jon? This--I don't see why he couldn't be hiding monstrosity vs. just identity. UnCat and Beric are horrifying. Coldhands--could be hiding the worst of his monstrosity. Would clearly be echoes in the horror of the 79 Sentinels. And would fit with my idea that Coldhands is the one who threw the Night's King down. Maybe.
- Perhaps a hint of the Night's King? He seems to have been put down by his brother--could easily be a NW brother. But since we have traces of the Sword of the Morning and Sword of the Evening in Dorne (traces I think are tied to the Night's King)--perhaps the Starks having one in Winterfell and one at the Wall--a hint at the need to guard? And to be on guard for another Night's King?
- I've been thinking for a while that the Wall and Dawn go together. Jon took a breath of the crisp morning air and allowed himself to hope. I've even got a crackpot theory about Serwyn of the Mirror Shield--that it's really about Ice Dragons and the Wall. Jon sees himself in the wall, like a mirror. Melisandre's flame show with Stannis' sword lights up the Wall. Jon dreams of himself on the Wall, "armored in ice," red blade in his fist--what happens if Dawn really burns? Like dawn? Shining off that Wall? Could that kill the ice dragon? Seems possible. YUP! The oath is about humans with attributes, acting like a force--a sword, a horn, a Wall. Keeping the oath for justice--not domination or greed or vengeance. OOHHH! I hadn't thought of it that way! Very cool idea! So, the Others are those who failed to fly? Flying--as in connecting with all the earth. The song of the earth. Those who fail to do that, just fly for power (like Euron) become abominations? Am I getting close to what you're thinking? Could be. I'm still holding to the idea that Jon will "wake the sleepers" in the crypts. The kings deep in the crypts whose tombs will open. But Bran, down in the dark? I could absolutely buy this. Question: why with Ice?
- The bolded is one of the reasons I've changed my mind on anyone "fixing" the seasons at the end of the books. I think this world is fallen--like all of his worlds. And the Fall is permanent--Martin doesn't have a Christ figure coming (unlike Robert Jordan, to some extent). So, if my mad speculation about Jon and Dawn holds, it would just be one win--and not a permanent righting of the seasons, let alone a social or political utopia. It would just be a doorway to the "dream of spring." Not a "promise" of spring. Because all the things that made the world fall remain, no matter how "Just" Jon is. Or how well the Stark bastard raised by Ned rises up to administer Justice.
- YUP!!! And, in my humble opinion, he got her in the form of Dany--via Ashara. OOOHHH! Very interesting! Could explain how Varys and Illyrio got their hands on it . . . Workable. I also think it was possible someone else attacked Lyanna (I agree she was unlikely to be with Brandon at the time of assault) and she ran (my money would be on a lackey of Tywin). Like Arya does. Lyanna then ended up with either Rhaegar and his KG, of the KG found her and took her to Rhaegar (like Ygritte gets Jon to Mance and the Brotherhood gets Arya). As for witnesses . . . I've wondered for a while if the "Rhaegar took her!" was a planted story. 1. I agree Ned found out she was never raped. 2. Agree on the bolded--but I favor the first: Rhaegar and his KG held onto her. A useful hostage. Like the Brotherhood hold Arya. But she could have hidden. 3. It is heavily implied that Ned knew where to go to find those KG--really think they sent word to lure Ned for a parlay. . .
- Agreed--And I reserve the same right (a good thing, since I change my mind all the time!). As for the "Love Story"--the ground is very shaky. Not gone--can't say that until/unless we get more books. But shaky. And porous. Not sure--but I think a key point is a Day's King. The Sword of the Morning. Throwing down the Night's King--like the old story. Exactly what that looks like . . . not sure. I put up an OP a while ago that Jon will finally execute the person in the Black Gate. I think the Night's King was "thrown down"--not executed justly as Ned taught his kids to do. Instead, the fallen Night's King got tortured for power (turned into the Black Gate) instead of executed with justice. Vengeance and power cause chaos, darkness, winter. Justice comes with Dawn. I think it's one of the key conflicts of the novels--the cruelty of the Others, torture killing Raymar for pleasure in the the Game Prologue, vs. Ned's justice, the beginning of the first chapter of Game, riding out to administer justice at Dawn. The "king's justice." I don't think that's the "King of Westeros." I think it's the justice of the Day's King (Sword of the Morning) vs. the power hungry shenanigans of the Night's King. I think Jon, "an old hand at Justice" (according to Bran in the first Game chapter), will administer justice with Dawn. I used to think that would end the problem of the seasons. But . . . I'm much less sure now. Given all of Martin's other stories, I'm thinking the damage that caused the crazy seasons might be permanent. And need to be dealt with ever so often in the fallen world that is Westeros. But all of that is clearly speculation. Ned fears Robert's jealousy. Maybe rightly. Maybe wrongly. Maybe both Ned and Lyanna overreacted--but they clearly fear something. And Robert doesn't hate Rhaegar and the Targs because they are Targs. He hates them because Rhaegar took the woman Robert loved away from him. So, Robert would hate any man who "took" his love away. Rhaegar, Arthur, or just Stable Boy #4. And Ned fears that hate and rage. So--mum's the word about any father of Jon--if Jon's mom is Lyanna.
- A story with flowers blue as the eyes of death: The Others are the "problem" to be solved. I've seen others make that argument, too. Real roses? You can dry them, but the resulting color isn't particularly vivid. Hellebore? No clue. But one way or the other, pretty sure those rose petals against the blood-streaked sky are an image. Ned conflating things in his imagination. Seems very unlikely that someone chucked a bunch of rose petals into the air right before the fight. . . No question: hiding her at the Quiet Isle would work. But the novels also show how easily Stolen Stark maids can hide in plain sight. Sansa's got a price on her head--and so far (at least), she's staying safe in plain sight. Arya? Lady Smallwood clearly suspects something's up and makes Arya bathe and dress up. But she doesn't ask for details because of her affinity for the Brotherhood (and Tom). And Arya, like Sansa, hides under aliases pretty well. So, if Lyanna's abductors were like Baelish or the Brotherhood, they could hide her almost anywhere--long as they had hair dye, or sympathetic allies ready to turn a blind eye. So--Starfall might work really well for a hiding place, too. @LynnS: on the growth places of Hellebore from the previous thread. Of course--just noting that if those roses are hellebore, real-world hellebore can grown in some pretty hot, dry places. So, they might be able to get them for her room, even in Dorne. Maybe.
- Very cool! One way or another, Horned God Robert's death is a shift. And Ned, a Night's King Stark being imprisoned and soon to be sacrificed by an unjust king and his unjust executioner (using Payne means Joff does NOT follow Ned's teachings on Justice)--it does feel like that might be speeding up the turn to Winter. The turn to Winter's been happening for a while--but that set of deaths, arguably could even call them "sacrifices"--with those deaths, Winter comes sooner.
- My money's on Lyanna was a useful hostage who ended up pregnant due to mutual lust--my money's on Arthur. This created a big problem for Rhaegar: pregnant Lyanna was a much worse bargaining hostage than virginal Lyanna. Either way--they decided to hide Lyanna the hostage at the extremely secluded Starfall. And Jon was born there. Maybe. This and the rest of your post has gotta be on the table--especially considering Rhaegar's Summerhall creepiness. I just have a really hard time with Ned's neutral attitude towards Rhaeagar if this was the plan. And have a hard time with why Ned showed up with only a few companions--seemed like he would have had a lot more people to make absolutely sure they won. The small numbers make better sense with a parlay . . . at least to me. But. . . no way to rule out that Rhaegar might have contemplated your ideas. Just no way to eliminate it without the next books. No way I can see, at least.
- Well, I think you are probably aware of my Dayne-blindness by now--but yes. I think Ned's misery about that fight is directly tied to Arthur--the only one he speaks of admiring directly. Even Bran notes it. Arthur, the last one Ned sees before the fight starts and Lyanna screams. That last fight--pretty sure Ned thought it was a surrender. The KG either lied or decided to fight anyway. True knights, to the best of their abilities. As you say--it comes up again and again. The True Knight vs. the Smiling Knight or the Night's King. The three KG are trying to be true knights. But Arthur--he matters most to Ned. And Ned--he matters a lot to the Daynes. Nice! though this doesn't preclude that part of those promises might be tied to this moment. That the outcome of the fight led to a need for promises. . . Though I also think there's a whopping good chance the 3KG arranged this "surrender"/Parlay themselves. And that's why Ned came with a small force. The KG are like Jon being sent to kill Mance: no chance to win, but gonna do their best. Like Dunk trying to parlay with the Widow--that one works out, but really could have failed. Loving the bold! And it works--especially with the "blue as the eyes of death." I looked a while ago--that's the only time something has been compared to the Others' eyes. Lyanna's cry, a banshee cry, over the horror of this fight and what it will bring? And (for me) a portent of the horror of the death of Arthur, the KG Ned sees last before the fight, the only KG Ned really mourns. . . So--a portent for the return of the Others? I know you think Jon was probably at the tower, but I think he and Lyanna were at Starfall. I do think he also returned Arthur's sword out of honor. But Arthur may have had enough breath to tell Ned where Lyanna was . .
- Maybe--but according the "infallible" Wikipedia, Hellebore varieties grow in southern Italy, southern Greece, Turkey, into the middle east--place that can get pretty hot and dry. No idea how cold Dorne gets in winter, let alone how realistic Martin is being if the winter roses are hellebore--but Dorne really might be workable. OH! Absolutely! Unless Lyanna died in that tower, there's a whopping good chance Ned is lying. If she did die in childbirth, he's clearly lied about that, too. Yup. I tried to figure out ways Rhaegar would be "innocent" of the mess of the war--can't do it anymore. Really think he fully intended for that war to happen. To use it to get rid of Aerys. He would have used them. No question. Look at his creepy fascination with Summerhall. Yet another reason I really think Dany is his--they are dragons. Entitled. High-minded. And dangerous.
- Well, if the blue roses do turn out to be hellebore--they grow lots of places and climates. And it was winter. So--can't see how that takes the Red Mountains off the map. But--Ned could have lied completely about where Lyanna died--the Appendix shows in-world knowledge. But something about that fight at the toj is clearly tied to Lyanna. Something about Starfall is tied to Jon. Really think it went down in Dorne.
- Yup! And then, just a few chapter later, he shows how a wild-wolf-maid loves flowers. Seems on point. He said basically what I just said. Just wanted to be sure to give credit where it's due. I have OCD issues. Yup! Dany buys the love story. But no one who knew Rhaegar ever seems to present him as lusty. Really think he was likely a lot more like Stannis. Very iron, very singular minded--dangerous. It's one of the reasons I can't write of the "baby sacrifice" theory, even though I do not like it.
- As is Bael the Bard--Ygritte says it flat out that Bael claims all the maids he seduced loved him, regardless of the truth. Illusions Bael tells others--and maybe even himself. But the tale is really much darker. And ends in kinslaying. And the Bael Maid killing herself over that kinslaying--reality showing up and hitting hard. As you have noted many times, Professor Crow, Martin's made it very clear: we should be very wary of the love stories told by Bards. All illusions.
- Oh, yes--the tie between sweetness and even affection with poison--that's something Martin does a lot. The other thing that strikes me about the poison kisses is what @Voice pointed out years ago: how Arya likes flowers. She collects them. Counts all the new ones they find in the Neck. Gathers them up to gift to family. And if they hurt her? Easy fix with mud. None of that is romance. It's all adventure and exploration and gifts to beloved family. Really think it changes the romantic frame some reader put on the roses. But the idea that lovely, loving gifts could accidentally be poison? Yes--that fits with the faceless men very well. I'm still thinking that's Sansa--and that she may end up pretty poisonous herself to Baelish. After all, as Merillion insists on telling her, she is a Roadside Rose, dressed in blue.
- So--basically Lyanna's blue roses are "Bitterblooms?" And thus--a lot like Arya's "poison kisses?". Sansa I: Game. GRRM really likes this trope. |
Every NBA Team's Most Underrated PlayerAugust 21, 2021
Every NBA Team's Most Underrated Player
Not all NBA players receive the right amount of national-pundit hugs.
Fans of specific teams are, for the most part, pretty good at showering non-megastars with the proper love. They understand the value and importance of certain role players, youngsters, past-their-heyday stars and the like better than those who chopper in to check out a couple of games or box-score watch here and there. Good for them. Pinpointing their team's most underrated player also isn't for them.
It's for everyone else.
That will be the guiding light we follow throughout this process: identifying guys who don't get enough spotlight on a national level (let's call this "normal underrated") or receive too much criticism despite being good (let's call this "NBA Twitter underrated").
Contract values will mostly be thrown by the wayside during this exercise, with the exception of shockingly stale free-agent markets. Big-money deals do not preclude players from unfair minimization. Go figure.
Universally recognized stars will generally be ineligible for inclusion. Super-duper names can be underrated, but if you received an All-Star or All-NBA nod in the past couple of seasons, chances are someone else on your team needs this figurative fist bump-into-a-bear-hug more than you do.
Atlanta Hawks: De'Andre Hunter
Incidental underappreciation is a thing. De'Andre Hunter is proof.
Right knee issues—plural—limited him to a combined 28 appearances through the regular season and playoffs, turning his sophomore campaign into a fit of abridged starts and protracted stops. The idea of his skill set is not underrated: a 6'8" wing who can switch across four positions and move the offensive needle with a touch more than just floor spacing. But not everyone outside Atlanta has seen the application of that value in large enough doses to grasp Hunter’s ceiling.
Prior to suffering the first of his right knee injuries, he was in the onset running for Most Improved Player, averaging 16.7 points through his first 13 games on better than 50 percent shooting inside the arc and a 40 percent clip from beyond it, all while showcasing an extra gear of put-it-on-the-deckism.
Wrapping that combination of spacing and functional shooting into a big, strong combo wing who unlocks dangerously shifty small-ball units that won't wilt on defense is terrifying—for the rest of the league. And it's part of why the Atlanta Hawks are working off such a stellar offseason despite not doing much beyond roster maintenance and late-draft dice rolls: They still have a clear path toward demonstrative internal improvement.
Boston Celtics: Payton Pritchard
Future draft picks that were supposed to turn into star trades instead turned into actual prospects the Boston Celtics kept on the roster, and their base of kiddies gets hammered accordingly. Expectations have that effect. Imagine valuing the 2019 Sacramento Kings' first-rounder as a superstar trade chip only for it to become... Romeo Langford.
Tales of "almost" during team president Danny Ainge's reign no doubt contributed to the tepid, if not adverse, perception of the Celtics' prospect pool. But their youngster well isn't actually dry. Robert Williams III is an NBA Twitter darling—and has officially graduated from this discussion—and neither Aaron Nesmith nor Payton Pritchard looked like they should've been playing at the Las Vegas Summer League.
Pritchard juuust ekes out the nod over Nesmith in an attempt to avoid Sin-City hyperbole. His ascent isn't as out nowhere. He earned some All-Rookie love last season after splashing in 41.1 percent of his triples and winning over self-confidence enthusiasts with unpolished aplomb.
If summer league is any indication, Pritchard's belief in himself is now more refined. The off-the-dribble three looked pretty, even from ultra-deep, and he bust out highlight handles and passes that suggested he's more equipped to run an actual offense. He probably isn't a Celtics championship swing piece, but he could end up rendering the arrival of Dennis Schroder somewhat superfluous.
Brooklyn Nets: Nicolas Claxton
Nicolas Claxton may soon get the chance to play himself outside Underrated City.
Sure, the Brooklyn Nets re-signed Blake Griffin and de facto small-ball center Bruce Brown while adding James Johnson and Day'Ron Sharpe (No. 29). But Claxton should enter training camp with a real shot, if not as the outright favorite, to win the starting-center gig unless the team remarries itself to DeAndre Jordan minutes. (Related: Bleck.)
Brooklyn's center arrangement may always lack definitive structure, registering instead as a rotation that changes based on the opponent and game situation. Claxton is the closest this squad gets to an all-weather 5. He doesn't provide the smoothest offensive experience, though he's improving as a screener and unfraid to put the ball on the floor, but he's matchup-proof within a defense that likes to switch.
Centers aren't supposed to be so comfortable sticking with guards. Claxton, on the other hand, is at home away from the basket, regardless of the situation. His combination of lateral speed, size and length is anomalous, and he applies these physical tools with IQ that belies his experience.
Generally speaking, he made the Nets defense much better last season, albeit in smaller, measured doses. This year, they'd be wise to give him more extensive run. He's earned it.
Charlotte Hornets: Terry Rozier
"Maybe it's time I deplane the 'Terry Rozier is wildly underappreciated' bandwagon," he thought to himself, ready to move on to another Charlotte Hornets player, only to then see the overarching reaction to Rozier's four-year, $97 million extension.
Incurring sticker stock is perfectly fine. The Hornets are, as of now, into Rozier for nearly $115 million over the next five years. That's a lot of money. But, as The Ringer's Dan Devine pointed out, it's not an unruly sum when viewed against other guards—Buddy Hield is entering the second of a four-year contract that could be worth as much as $94 million—and a 2022 free-agency class that may be none too spicy and encourage overaggressive offers from rival squads for mid-end names like Rozier himself.
Oh, also: Rozier is really good.
Just eight other players cleared 20 points per game last season while matching his efficiency on twos (51.2 percent) and threes (38.9 percent): Jaylen Brown, Stephen Curry, Kyrie Irving, Nikola Jokic, Zach LaVine, Kawhi Leonard, Damian Lillard and Nikola Vucevic. Rozier doesn't boast the same self-creation as most in this group, but he has established himself as an operable off-the-bounce threat. He posted a higher effective field-goal percentage on pull-up jumpers last season than Devin Booker and was among Charlotte's most reliable pick-and-roll scorers for much of the year.
That Rozier can work so seamlessly away from the ball is an even bigger part of his charm. Plug-and-play scorers always hold value, even on mammoth deals, and he buried 43.3 percent of his catch-and-shoot triples last season.
Chicago Bulls: DeMar DeRozan
Players are too often conflated with their contracts and the opportunity cost of getting them on the roster. DeMar DeRozan discourse is a byproduct of both, not to mention an oversimplification of shot profiles.
Should the Chicago Bulls have ponied up a three-year, $81.9 million contract and Thaddeus Young, a 2025 first-round pick and two seconds, in 2022 and 2025, to land DeRozan? Not in a vacuum. But the NBA doesn't unfold in a vacuum.
More than that, DeRozan is not responsible for how the Bulls go about their business. He only has control over his on-court value, and he remains a highly useful offensive player. Through his final two seasons in San Antonio, he averaged 21.9 points and 6.2 assists on 59.7 true shooting. James Harden, Kyrie Irving, Nikola Jokic and Damian Lillard are the only players to hit those same benchmarks during that span.
Living and dying by DeRozan's hand is, indeed, a fragile existence. He is a defensive liability, even when slotted up at the 4, and the absence of three-point range stringently dictates how the roster must be built around him.
Here's the thing: The Bulls aren't trying to live or die by DeRozan. They may have over-leveraged themselves in the aggregate, but they acquired him to be their second-, third- or fourth-best player depending on how things shake out. And regardless, neither Chicago's pecking order nor DeRozan's pay grade nor his lack of range significantly detracts from the utility he brings as pick-and-roll maestro.
Cleveland Cavaliers: Collin Sexton
Larry Nance Jr. is beckoning here. He doesn't receive nearly enough credit for filling all the cracks and crevices.
Standing 6'7", he's neither quite wing nor big—the epitomization of a tweener. And it looks good on him. He can defend almost every position, is shooting 35.5 percent from deep over the past two seasons and can pass the heck out of the ball on the move.
Owed just $20.4 million over the next two seasons, he's also on one of the most sweepingly recognized team-friendly deals in the league. It makes more sense to award this slot to someone who might not be all that valued by his own team, let alone the rest of the league.
Collin Sexton's extension eligibility had the Cleveland Cavaliers contemplating whether he's part of their future ahead of free agency. He was considered "very available," per The Athletic's Jason Lloyd. Talk about trippy.
Critics of Sexton's game tend to zero in on his lack of qualitative point guard play. My advice: Try not viewing him as a point guard. Harping on his spotty off-the-dribble efficiency doesn't nuke his value, either. There is room for growth on his pull-up accuracy, and he has shown more surgicality when attacking the lane.
Maybe he's just a younger, potentially souped-up version of Terry Rozier on offense. Well, Terry Rozier just a got a four-year, $97 million extension. Sexton's pay grade should be higher, which is sort of scary because he's not a certified star. But he just joined Jayson Tatum as only the second player in NBA history to average more than 24 points per game while knocking down over 50 percent of his twos and 37 percent of his threes before his 23rd birthday. This is a really good player, not a long-term liability, the Cavs on their hands.
Dallas Mavericks: Reggie Bullock
People seem to be more in tune with Maxi Kleber's defensive shiftiness these days. And that brings us to Reggie Bullock—who, rather quietly, pieced together an unreal season for the New York Knicks last year.
Other players on the perimeter have more of a floor game. Bullock is not someone the Dallas Mavericks should saddle with attacking even the straightest lines. But his three-point stroke is beyond complementary. From March 1 through the end of last season, he jacked 7.5 triples per game, which he connected on at 42.5 percent clip.
Fully set, standalone treys aren't the only threebies he'll swish, either. He can launch quick-fire, mega-deep, off-balance jumpers. Luka Doncic should immediately fall in love with him.
What Bullock lacks in stylistic variance he makes up for with defensive grit. Elfrid Payton was the only Knick last year who spent more time pestering No. 1 options, by virtue of being a point guard, and no one logged more reps versus No. 2 options, according to Bball Index.
Bagging him for non-taxpayer's mid-level exception, with only a partial guarantee in his final year, profiles as an understated steal for the Mavericks. Three-and-D wings are all the rage, and he, frankly, should've seen a much stronger market.
Denver Nuggets: JaMychal Green
JaMychal Green is optionality typified. His entire play style is acclimatizing. He exists, and shape-shifts, to complement the ecosystem around him. It is not a calling card that often dents the box score or invites a ton of praise, but it's one the Denver Nuggets know they needed to retain for next season.
Lineups without Nikola Jokic and Jamal Murray that featured Green last year outscored opponents by 12.5 points per 100 and notched a defensive rating that placed inside the 98th percentile among all five-man combinations to log at least 100 possessions. Though Green was not the be-all for any of these units, he did allow the team to futz and fiddle with their frontcourt rotation.
At 6'8", he has the mobility to tussle with contemporary 4s and hold on up switches, but he's strong enough to slide up to the 5 for calculated stretches. That may not seem like much on the surface. But his ability to play up unlocks potential reserve small-ball units, and his capacity to coexist with a traditional big allows the Nuggets to exploit Michael Porter Jr.'s size at the 3.
Green partners his steadying defense with low-usage, team-friendly offense. More than three-quarters of his made shots came off assists, and he knocked down 41.7 percent of his catch-and-fire threes—which, by the way, accounted for more than half of his field-goal attempts. He will never be a central figure on any team, but he's connective tissue for every rotation: that player who lends structure to certain lineups and support to all of them.
Detroit Pistons: Killian Hayes
Search "Killian Hayes on Twitter, scroll past the gather-step three he hit against New York in Las Vegas, and you'll be treated to a slew of unflattering takes, some of which declare the Detroit Pistons have a draft bust on their roster.
Counterpoint: Can Killian Hayes plead 20 years old? Or limited rookie-season sample?
Better yet: Can we get to a point in which we're not writing off a 20-year-old who appeared in just 26 games as a 19-year-old newbie and then didn't win summer league MVP?
Right hip issues cost him most of last season, and what few appearances he made weren't enough to render a profound verdict on his future. That much is true. But Hayes tantalized for stretches.
Throw out the efficiency, and there is visible feel. He can be crafty when getting defenders on his hip, exudes patience in traffic and tossed some artful passes. His perimeter clip will recover. He shot 47.4 percent between 10 and 14 feet after rejoining the rotation. There is hope. He deserves patience.
And he'll remain underrated until gets it.
Golden State Warriors: Juan Toscano-Anderson
Juan Toscano-Anderson is co-captain* of First Team All "Why Doesn't This Dude Play More?" He cleared 1,100 minutes last season, and it didn't feel like enough—not on a Golden State Warriors squad desperate for healthy talent, and not when the NBA did away with a majority of the two-way-contract restrictions.
Golden State just looked better with JTA on the floor. His low usage can be a pain when the offense needs more self-creation and volume around Stephen Curry, but he's a needle-nudger who excels at filling the gaps. He keeps the ball moving and knows how to navigate cramped spaces in the half-court away from the ball. He just averaged 1.38 points per possession on cuts (70th percentile) and drilled 40.2 percent of his threes (37-of-92).
JTA's value is even higher on the defensive end, where he's high-energy mixed with absurd range. He spent the most time pestering 4s but matched up with every position more than 15 percent of the time, according to BBall Index. Among nearly 250-plus players who tallied at least 1,000 minutes last season, he ranked 13th in positional versatility.
Functional malleability doesn't equate to effectiveness, but JTA is more than the scope of his matchups. He chases down loose balls, swipes steals as the helper, just generally blows up possessions and unlocks small-ball lineups to boot. Golden State annihilated opponents when he played in units that ran out Draymond Green at the 5.
Adding Jonathan Kuminga, Andre Iguodala, Moses Moody and Otto Porter Jr. has deepened the Warriors' 3-4 carousel. Their wing rotation will extend even further following the return of Klay Thompson. Those extra bodies should not infringe upon JTA's court time. He has, at bottom, earned an every-night role of semi-significance.
(*For those wondering, JTA's compatriot is the currently, inexplicably unsigned Frank Ntilikina.)
Houston Rockets: David Nwaba
Injuries have limited David Nwaba to 50 games over the past two seasons (and dogged him throughout his career). That number seems like it should be higher, mostly because he plays a style you feel.
Nwaba is listed at 6'5" but defends like he's a seven-footer with the frame and mobility of someone who's 6'9". It is not uncommon to see him rumbling with power forwards. It's also not unusual to watch him harass point guards. He has genuine four-position range and will do everything from pick the pockets of loosey-goosey ball-handlers to denying shots at the rim.
Party poopers will obsess over his shaky jumper. He has shown in previous years he can nail wide-open set threes. Last season was not one of those years. He drilled 30.3 percent of his uncontested treys.
Incorporating his outside limitations is easier given how big he plays. He can be used as the screener and has some "F U" to him when attacking the lane. Larger defenders will bounce off him, and he's capable of finishing through contact. He shot more than 50 percent on drives in Houston.
Focus on his injuries if you need to pore over anything. Right wrist surgery ended his 2020-21 campaign, and he has a torn right Achilles, among other physical hangups, in his rear view. But those red flags aren't quite enough for me to pivot Daniel Theis or Eric Gordon. Nwaba needs to start gaining the shine Bruce Brown has earned for the role he champions in Brooklyn.
Indiana Pacers: T.J. Warren
Wouldn't it be great if the Indiana Pacers had a true-sized wing who can create his own shot, space the floor away from the ball and defend? It would.
It is.
They already have one.
His name is T.J. Warren.
The hasn't-played-in-a-while factor might be doing some heavy lifting here. Warren missed all but four games last season while tending to a stress fracture in his right foot. And no one was underrating him during his stay in the Disney Bubble, when he torched defenses from just about every level as Indiana's primary scorer.
This is a plea to remember that version of Warren. But it's also an attempt to remind whoever needs to hear it about the defensive strides he made during his first year with the Pacers. It was baptism by fire. They needed him to fight like hell through screens and regularly cover the opposition's toughest wing. So he did.
Indiana is facing an onrush of questions under new head coach Rick Carlisle. Its roster construction is chief among them. But if this team gets the T.J. Warren who showed up in 2019-20 even before the bubble, it'll have a puncher's chance of upending the Eastern Conference's expected chain of command.
Los Angeles Clippers: Nicolas Batum
Rolling with Nicolas Batum for the Los Angeles Clippers carries inherent risk. It takes last season's renaissance as a matter of fact rather than a potential blip, and that's not the safest assumption for an age-32 wing who schlepped through yearslong regression with the Charlotte Hornets before finding his way to Hollywood.
To hell with being overly cautious, though.
Batum's 2020-21 campaign was far too meaningful to play it safe. He led the Clippers, a championship contender, in total regular-season minutes played. Seriously. And he didn't benefit from walk-in-the-park deployment. Los Angeles had him guarding four different positions, and the average usage rate of the players he defended was the third-largest on the team, trailing only Patrick Beverley and Terance Mann, according to BBall Index.
That latter point is partial evidence of opponents' willingness to attack him, but still: holy me-oh-my. There is immense value in defenders who can scale their workload across different positions and player archetypes. Batum is not someone rival offenses can target to repeated success.
He is just as adaptable at the offensive end. The Clippers don't have to assure him a certain amount of on-ball volume. He shot better than 40 percent on threes last season while binging on catch-and-fire looks, and his table-setting comes via split-second touch passes and pump-and-drives rather than clock-killing isolation.
Somehow, someway, the Clippers re-signed Batum using only his non-Bird rights. They should count themselves lucky. He deserves a lot more than $3.1 million he's slated to make.
Los Angeles Lakers: Malik Monk
Settling on a player from the Los Angeles Lakers is tough business. Russell Westbrook stans will make a case for Russell Westbrook, but that's not the answer. LeBron James' Instagram captions will make the case for LeBron James. That's not the answer, either.
Marc Gasol came close. The Lakers never should've considered Andre Drummond a more viable frontcourt partner for Anthony Davis. Gasol's passive offensive volume can induce hair-pulling, but he's a legitimate floor-spacer with the vision to pass others open. And though his defensive impact isn't what it used to be—note the end of Los Angeles' first-round series with Phoenix—he still knows how to best position himself in the half-court.
Malik Monk edged out Gasol with a more poignant "WTF?!?" factor. The Lakers nabbing him on a minimum deal was genuinely shocking. Yes, he has his baggage. His defense is nonexistent unless he's stashed on bigger, slower opponents, and he doesn't get to the rim or foul line with the frequency to warrant more on-ball activity.
And yet, for all he doesn't do, Monk gets buckets—with a capital "B." He's coming off a year in which he buried a career-best 40.4 percent of his threes, including a highly encouraging 37.2 percent of his off-the-bounce treys.
Last season's efficiency ranks as an anomaly against the rest of his pro sample, and it doesn't extend to his shot-making out of the pick-and-roll. But at only 23, and as someone who's always had a certain slipperiness when going downhill, Monk's stock has plummeted a tad too low for my tastes.
Memphis Grizzlies: Kyle Anderson
Kyle Anderson topped my "Most Underrated Player in the League" ladder from the end of March. His spot in the pecking order of fellow underappreciateds may have shifted since, but no one on the Memphis Grizzlies comes remotely close to displacing him at the moment.
Here's what I wrote then, slightly updated, because it remains true now:
"He downed a career-high 52 percent of his mid-range jumpers and 49.2 percent of his floaters last season.
Adding a three to his arsenal has made him a tougher cover. He more than tripled his volume from beyond the arc compared to 2019-20 and hit them at a 36 percent clip. He still isn't going to find nylon on off-the-dribble bombs, but he's more likely to make defenses pay for leaving him unattended."
Anderson is comparably useful on defense. He can cover quicker wings despite his own lack of explosion because he knows how to use space to his advantage but has the girth to guard up and the instincts to pitch in as the helper. His remains a style often confused as limited when, really, it's just all-around impact in atypical form.
Miami Heat: Kyle Lowry
Potential options on the Miami Heat both abound and fail to impress within the context of this exercise. They just aren't teeming with players who desperately need more attention.
Reactions to Jimmy Butler's four-year, $184 million contract extension were a little heavy on "He doesn't even shoot threes anymore and is kind of old!" He continues to defend his butt off and has emerged as a fully operational and devastatingly effective point forward. If he's not best-player-on-a-title-team-material, then he's the next best thing.
Selecting him still rings hollow. He's coming off All-NBA (third team) and All-Defense (second team) bids. Perceptions of Tyler Herro have probably veered too far into overrated territory, but not to the extreme that he's now a slept-on giant. P.J. Tucker's corner threes didn't fall at a high enough clip during the playoffs for him to sneak in here. Max Strus is the way to go only if you believe he'll get the requisite floor time, touches and agency to showcase his summer-league step-back three.
Failing any painfully obvious or spectacularly subtle candidates, defaulting to Kyle Lowry seems right, in large part because he's never quite received the credit he deserves without strings attached.
What he does on defense can look gimmicky (and dangerous), but so few players his size are as physical both on and off the ball. He will throw his body into the path of a runaway freight train. He will screen like a roll man. His pull-up jumper dropped off last season, but you still have to guard against his dribble threes or risk paying the physical toll he'll exact attacking north-south. And he will effortlessly toggle between featured creator and complementary scorer, a delicate balancing act not every alpha can replicate.
In essence, Lowry retrofits his stardom to meet the demands of the larger environ. He can pave your direction, follow one already mapped out and adjust course as needed. Never mind how much the Heat are paying him, or that he's entering his age-35 season. The next three years of his career are a risk worth bankrolling.
Milwaukee Bucks: Donte DiVincenzo
Donte DiVincenzo's absence from the Milwaukee Bucks title run flew too far under the radar. It didn't amount to the same loss as the Brooklyn Nets without Kyrie Irving or 0.75 of James Harden's hamstrings, but the right foot injury he suffered in the first round bilked the reigning champs of a meaningful rotation staple.
Jrue Holiday's arrival limited the amount of time the Bucks needed DiVincenzo to act as a methodical playmaker. It suited him. He hit a career high 37.9 percent of his threes, including 38.1 percent of his spot-up triples, and was able to make quicker decisions.
There was more room for him to work when turning corners, and he flung automatic passes to screeners and cutters. For his part, he looked more at home dancing with the ball when given the opportunity.
Little changed about his defense—in a good way. He remains disruptive. His hands are ubiquitous, and he's still an expert at busting up plays from behind. Milwaukee has a default first-option stopper in Holiday, but DiVincenzo is the guy it often leans on to chase around a rival's No. 2, even if that sometimes means guarding up from the backcourt.
Non-stars who can wear this many hats are rare. DiVincenzo is never going to be the difference between a title and leaving the playoffs empty-handed, but he's a multitude of depth rolled into one player.
Minnesota Timberwolves: Jaden McDaniels
You might not know it given the Minnesota Timberwolves' thirst for potentially available power forwards, but Jaden McDaniels is pretty darn good.
Perhaps this search says more about the team's intent to groom him as a power wing. It used him like one during summer league. He pushed the ball in transition, dribbled into jumpers, drained some difficult pull-ups and went first-option mindset in traffic. His handle held beyond straightaway opportunities, and he unveiled the footwork necessary to change course and scoot by defenders, plural, after picking up his dribble.
Whether the Timerwolves need McDaniels to be that player on a lion's share of their possessions is debatable. They have Malik Beasley, Anthony Edwards, D'Angelo Russell and Karl-Anthony Towns to engineer buckets.
But McDaniels having more layers to his offense is a big friggin' deal, especially when he's already shown how effective he can be without them. He spent the entirety of his rookie year filling gaps—hitting spot-up threes, running the floor, slipping through cracks in the defense, etc. He is going to leave a mark no matter how Minneosta uses him.
And that's before factoring in his defense. He has twitchy hands when guarding on the wing and can make himself look monstrous as both the helper and primary rim protector on the back line. Draft results takes years to bear out, but as someone who fell all the way to No. 28, he seems fated to go down as one of the biggest steals from the 2020 class.
New Orleans Pelicans: Devonte' Graham
Alternatives choices are available in heavy supply across the New Orleans Pelicans' roster.
Jonas Valanciunas is forever underappreciated, but he finally seemed to get his due last year as the Memphis Grizzlies' second-best regular-season player. Get to know Naji Marshall if you haven't already; he should be a rotation wing for a long time. But he needs more reps before qualifying here.
Josh Hart straddles the line between overrated and underrated. On the one hand, he's a worse outside shooter than you think, and his defensive rebounding isn't that astounding given how many uncontested boards he grabs. On the other hand, he's a defensive worker bee, hits enough of his treys to retain the three-and-D label and, somehow, couldn't get more than than fully guaranteed year in his new contract.
Devonte' Graham ekes out the victory thanks to a down year in which too many forgot what he did during 2019-20, and because his value is too intertwined with the rest of the Pelicans offense—which remains, for now, not great.
Lonzo Ball is the better player overall, but Graham has more floor general in his DNA. He can create and drain jumpers off the bounce, and his dribble penetration matters despite a significant lack of feel and touch around the basket.
Looking at Graham's numbers last season won't get you to that conclusion. But it could just be a blip. He battled a couple of injuries and had to rejigger his role around the additions of LaMelo Ball and Gordon Hayward. Flash back to the 2019-20 campaign, when he was tasked with spearheading Charlotte's offense, and he converted a respectable 34.4 percent of his pull-up threes and ranked sixth in assists generated at the rim, according to PBP Stats. And if all else fails, he can still light it up from ultra-deep off the catch.
New York Knicks: Nerlens Noel
Nerlens Noel's three-year deal with the New York Knicks wasn't received particularly well, and public inklings shifted only slightly upon finding out the third season was a team option. Investing mid-level-exception-type money in backup bigs has become taboo among cap geeks, and Mitchell Robinson still ranks as the most important center in The Big Apple.
As someone who wasn't as "rah-rah" about the Knicks offseason, I'm totally cool with Noel's contract.
Robinson is uber-cheap next season ($1.8 million), so New York doesn't yet have an astronomical amount allocated to the 5 spot and is facing likely one year of steeper overhead if it keeps both bigs. Noel's return is most limiting as a roadblock to Julius Randle-Obi Toppin frontcourt lineups that score one trillion points per 100 possessions. That is completely fair.
This otherwise shouldn't be a discussion. Noel has his limitations on offense—he grips the ball like it's basted in butter—but he's a defensive game-changer. He covers a lot of ground when defending pick-and-rolls; he can hold his own on switches and recover from the ball-handler to the basket in a flash.
Opponents shot 51.7 percent on their looks at the hoop last season when getting challenged by Noel—the sixth-stingiest mark among everyone contesting five or more point-blank attempts per game. If he tops out as a second-string center, he'd be perhaps the best one in the league.
Oklahoma City Thunder: Darius Bazley
Darius Bazley's game is overwhelmingly incomplete, particularly on offense, but it includes flashes of everything.
Sticklers for efficiency won't care. Bazely has turned in a true shooting percentage below 50 through each of his first two seasons. Even the scoring onslaught he went on to close the year didn't include the cleanest splits. His lows remain low.
Much like the Oklahoma City Thunder as a franchise, though, he's traveling down the path of discovery. And there's a lot of depth to plumb. His handle can be high and loose, but he's testing out spins and gutsy changes in direction. His shooting percentages are all over the place and mostly disappointing, but he finds ways to at least reach the basket and sinks the occasional off-the-bounce jumper. The passes he throws don't hit guys many rotations away or who weren't open in the first place, but he's willing to keep the ball in motion.
No one, including in Oklahoma City, should know what to make of Bazley's offense. That's part of the appeal. He toes the line of wing and big, and the on-ball experimentation should pay off even more when the Thunder give him more runway with which to work.
Amid all those offensive trials, Bazley has seen harrowing defensive matchups. They aren't on the same level as Luguentz Dort's assignments, not even close. But the Thunder are taxing his 6'8" frame, and he has a certain omnipresence off the ball as well as on the glass. Maybe everything, on both sides of the floor, will eventually come together. Maybe it won't. The extent to which Bazley keeps exploring his limits is worth appreciating either way.
Orlando Magic: Jalen Suggs
Yours truly, just before Las Vegas Summer League: I will not read too much into what happens in Summer League. I will not read too much into what happens at Summer League. I will not read too much into what happens at Summer League.
Me, right after Las Vegas Summer League: Jalen Suggs is underrated before playing in an official NBA game.
Including Suggs implies a little bit of everything. It remains wild, to me, that Toronto took Scottie Barnes instead of him. This is also a nod to how well he played in Vegas, where he showed absurd shot-making, some extra-gear passing, a little off-ball wizardry and gnarly crunch-time defense. And finally, this is the result of few other options on the Orlando Magic roster.
Some will invariably misconstrue this as shade. It's not meant to be. The Magic are light on established players, have two building blocks coming off torn ACLs (Markelle Fultz and Jonathan Isaac) and employ veterans who don't fit the motif of this exercise.
If you feel the need to make a case for Terrence Ross, Gary Harris or Robin Lopez's hook shot, please have at it. Otherwise, Suggs is beating out mostly a collection of players still on their rookie deals. That's not egregious—not after he tumbled a "whole" spot in the draft, and most certainly not after the show he put on in Sin City.
Honorable Mention: James Ennis, who should be signed, immediately, by Orlando or another team.
Philadelphia 76ers: Danny Green
Go with Ben Simmons if you must. But to do so means acknowledging disingenuous extremes. Simmons is an imperfect star and a transcendent defender with real offensive limitations whose value is at an all-time low—and who also doesn't suck. All of those things can be true.
Danny Green's tenure in the gray area is more long-standing, with the glaring lack of appreciation to which he's subjected more recurring.
There is a reason—plenty of them, actually—why he's been on three separate championship teams. He's good. He plays defense. He's shooting 40.1 percent from deep for his career in the regular season and 37.8 percent from long range in the playoffs.
Recent postseason cold spells are fair game to criticize. He converted just 33 percent of his triples in the four postseasons prior to 2021. He still defended. And then he shot 37.8 percent during the Philadelphia 76ers' 2021 playoff push. He defended then too.
Just so we're clear: "Danny Green couldn't guard Trae Young" is not an adequate barometer for his stopping power. Scant few can authentically disrupt Young. Green may be older, at 34, and slower than he used to be. He still defends. And hits threes. And is the exact type of player really good teams should get and then keep rather than, say, use as a throw-in to send Kawhi Leonard to Toronto or to acquire Dennis Schroder from Oklahoma City.
Phoenix Suns: Cameron Johnson
So about that whole "Cameron Johnson was a reach at No. 11" thing... He's dispelled it.
Actually, never mind. He's actually taken it, soaked it in gasoline, set it ablaze, coated his shoes in flame-retardant and punted it outside of Earth's atmosphere, past the boundaries of our solar system and into interstellar space.
Johnson has done the same to "He's a fantastic shooter" sentiments. He is, in fact, a really good shooter, someone who scares defenses far more than last year's 34.9 percent clip from deep implies. But he's more than an outside threat.
Opposing teams now have to plan around his pumping into drive-and-kicks and dribbling around screens, and he has even hit the occasional pull-up. Defense is never going to be his strongest suit, but he's quicker than advertised when moving laterally and capable of making physical contests around the rim.
On the most fundamental level, Johnson is straight-up useful, the kind of player who elevates his team by working entirely within its flow—and without readily exploitable weaknesses.
Portland Trail Blazers: Robert Covington
Robert Covington went from a no-brainer, home run acquisition for the Portland Trail Blazers last offseason to someone who was just sort of there when 2020-21 wrapped up. His greatest flaw: not fixing one of the league's worst defenses.
The nerve of him, right? Who cares that he clearly gave a damn on defense—an aberration, frankly, in Portland? Or that his knack for busting up possessions in the passing lane and as the weak-side help was alive and well? Or that he continued to salvage broken defensive sets from behind?
Or that he continued to do all this while fending for himself against No. 1 options more often than anyone save for Derrick Jones Jr., per BBall Index? Or that sticking him at the 4 next to Jusuf Nurkic actually proved to be quite stingy?
RoCo is billed as a sub-excellent one-on-one defender, someone who can't be called upon to shut down the opposition's starriest scorer, as if that's something anyone in the league can do on a regular basis. That "void" in his game, the inability to single-handedly prevent Portland from placing 29th in points allowed per 100 possessions, is all that matters. Obviously.
Why yes, this is an overcorrection. No one who matters thought RoCo sucked last year. But he also wasn't properly spotlighted for his body of work, which included canning 37.9 percent of his threes on 5.1 attempts per game. And that matters.
Sacramento Kings: Richaun Holmes
Richaun Holmes was supposed to price himself beyond this selection. Money, as already noted, isn't always a gauge for value, but the bag he would undoubtedly command as a unrestricted free agent would be validation—telltale of his ludicrously high offensive skill.
Then the offseason happened. Holmes stayed with the Sacramento Kings, on a straight-up Early Bird Rights deal that will pay him $46.5 million over the next four years, an average annual value of under $12 million.
Literally, actually, what?!?
Miss me with "The final season is a player option!" and "He got a 15 percent trade-kicker!" rebukes. This is, flat-out, one of the five biggest steals from free agency. Holmes is making like 60 percent of what Jarrett Allen received, per year, from Cleveland. Robert Williams III just got a four-year, $54 million extension from Boston for crying out loud.
Both Allen (23) and Williams (23) are younger than Holmes (27). I don't care. Holmes is better. He is as tough to guard on offense as you can be without launching threes. (For the record: Sacramento should give him the green light from deep.) He just put down 61.1 percent of his floaters and averaged 1.3 points per possession as the roll man (84rd percentile).
Holmes is not on the same level defensively as Allen (stalwart at the rim) or Williams (potential one-on-one terror), but he also wasn't at fault for the Kings' craptastic defense last season. He can make plays around the rim and isn't Bambi on ice when pulled away from the basket.
That he didn't get a fatter deal from another team—the Kings couldn't offer one without cap space—might be a harbinger of his love for Sacramento. I'm not buying it. Not entirely. It has to at least somewhat be a symbol of the enduring disconnect between the perception of what he does and his actual value.
San Antonio Spurs: Doug McDermott
Too many bristled at the three-year, $42 million deal Doug McDermott received from the San Antonio Spurs this month. Perhaps the price is a tad steep for a franchise tottering between rebuilding and chasing a playoff berth, but paying for efficient scoring is never an irresponsible investment.
McDermott is nothing if not an efficient scorer. He drilled 64.1 percent of his twos and 38.8 percent of his threes last season. His shot diet was nearly devoid of self-creation—almost 85 percent of his made buckets came off assists—but that level of accuracy and volume bordered on unparalleled. Mikal Bridges and Michael Porter Jr. were the only other players to attempt more than 200 twos and 250 threes on similar efficiency.
Attempting to disqualify McDermott's career-best offensive performance using his age misses the mark. He turns 30 in January. Big whoop. Nothing he does, or has started to do, is unsustainable. Outside shooting tends to age well, he will remain an opportunistic cutter when given enough room, and his relatively new penchant for attacking in open space isn't contingent upon operating at warp speed.
San Antonio has other viable options if you can't get around McDermott's defensive limitations. But Thaddeus Young earned a truckload of love for his passing and defense as a small-ball 5 in Chicago last year, Jakob Poeltl's rim protection is a well-established dream, and the Spurs themselves have placed adequate faith in the offensive feel of Dejounte Murray and Derrick White by moving on from DeMar DeRozan.
To be clear: McDermott isn't the only possible answer. He just feels like the most correct one.
Toronto Raptors: Chris Boucher
Chris Boucher admirers like myself took it personally last season when the Toronto Raptors' search for more big men took on a certain desperation. Getting more help up front was a necessary priority, but did it need to be portrayed as the priority?
Yes, there are uneven, verging on unhinged elements, to Boucher's game. He will bite on pump-fakes from just about anyone, including you and me, and his overall performances are subject to wild swings. At 6'9", he also isn't quintessentially sized to man the 5 full-time. His trampoline vertical and pterodactyl wingspan (7'4") allow him to play taller, but he is slight enough to get tossed around when life down low gets physical.
Still, this is someone who hovered around the Sixth Man of the Year (despite his eventual starts) and Most Improved discussions prior to the sprained left MCL that ended his season. He averaged 13.6 points and 1.9 blocks per game while converting 38.9 percent of his three-balls, embodying the floor-spacing, shot-swatting archetype teams are supposed to covet on the front line.
Enduring the variance in Boucher's outings is unequivocally worth it. His presence makes a difference. He improved his floor navigation when moving without the ball, and his outside shooting in particular is paramount to a team not yet armed with enough experienced creators. Toronto's above-the-break three-point percentage jumped by 2.8 points last season with him on the court—the third-highest swing among players who finished 2020-21 on the roster.
Though Boucher's defense is oft-interpreted as more flash than substance, it's actually both. Full-tilt closeouts are part of his mystique, and he's exceptional at them. Nobody in the league blocked more three-point shots, according to PBP Stats. He also led the Raptors in looks contested at the rim, and the 60.7 percent clip he allowed, while not elite, is rock-solid for someone who is not always camping out around the basket. He deserves to be recognized for what he is: a starting-caliber 5, or 4 or 4.5.
Utah Jazz: Royce O'Neale
Among 400-plus players who logged at least 300 minutes last season, here's the list of everyone who spent a larger share of their defensive possessions guarding the No. 1 option than Royce O'Neale, according to BBall Index's Matchup Difficulty metric:
- Nobody
Excuse me while I go faint out of pure exhaustion on his behalf.
When you read and hear about how the Utah Jazz need another wing defender, don't take it as a slight at O'Neale. He's doing the damn thing. Utah throws him on everyone from point guards to 4s, and he puts relentless pressure on the ball both from the front and behind. His defensive motor in transition is boundless. No one is safe when he turns on the jets.
Calls for the Jazz to land another wing defender have more to do with size and scope. O'Neale is 6'4". It'd be nice if he didn't have to be among the primary options to throw out at Kawhi Leonard-, Draymond Green- and Ben Simmons-types, in addition getting the no-contest nod against Devin Booker, Damian Lillard, Ja Morant, etc.
O'Neale endears himself to hoops junkie even further with his plug-and-play offense. Over 74 percent of his shots last season came without taking a dribble, on which he posted an effective field-goal percentage north of 60. He inflicts damage as both a catch-and-fire marksman and floor-running enthusiast, and the Jazz as we've come to know them wouldn't nearly the same or close to as good without him.
Washington Wizards: Kentavious Caldwell-Pope
Exaggerated lows create the illusion that Kentavious Caldwell-Pope is a maddeningly inconsistent offensive player. People remember the nights in which he's 1-of-7 or 1-of-9 from the floor, and those performances get turned into his semi-normal, some sort of trend or proof of his streakiness.
That impression is overblown.
KCP is not, by any means, the most bankable scorer. His teams need to live with more-than-occasional overzealous decision-making, which can manifest in unruly shot attempts that stall out a fast break. But the macro returns outweigh those moments of frustration and self-destruction. He has, in many ways, turned himself into an idealistic complement.
The LeBron James-era Los Angeles Lakers largely took the ball out of his hands. KCP adapted to that more limited license. Last season, almost 90 percent of his made buckets came off assists. That also happened to be the year he found nylon on a career-high 41 percent of his threes. And for all of his perceived seesawing, he's shot 37.8 percent from behind the rainbow over the last four seasons.
Lack of appreciation doesn't just permeate his offensive contributions either. KCP's defensive workload too often goes unnoticed. He spent more combined time guarding first and second options last year than anyone else on the Lakers and was near the top of that department during 2019-20, per BBall Index.
Lest we forget, it was KCP who was Los Angeles' most reliable non-star in the team's 2020 championship run. It takes a special one-two punch at the top—like that of James and Anthony Davis—for KCP to be the third-best player on a title team, but that doesn't change the fact that this is still someone who was recently the third-best player on a title team. NBA Math's Adam Fromal. |
Technical Articles
CAP: Consume External Service – Part 2
In my previous blog post Consume External Service – Part 1, I have tested the application using mock and real data. Just by configuring the NorthWind OData service URL in the credentials.url property, I was able to connect to the external service. This approach is only applicable for local development testing. If you try to deploy this into SCP Cloud Foundry, you will encounter an error stating that this approach is not valid for production use.
The reason behind this is that external service consumption in this CDS framework is meant to use the Destination Service in Cloud Foundry. And this is the topic of this blog — deploying the Node.js project into SCP Cloud Foundry using Destination Service.
- SAP Business Application Studio / Visual Studio Code
- SAP Cloud Platform – Cloud Foundry Environment
- You’ve already gone through Consume External Service – Part 1
Blog Post Series
- Consume External Service – Part 1
- Consume External Service – Part 2
- Consume External Service – Part 3
Setup Destination Configuration
First of all, why do we need to setup a destination? A simple explanation is that it is best practice to avoid hard coding the external services that you use in your application inside your code. It is better for it to be configured separately from your application because as you deploy your application into different environment like DEV, QA, or PROD, you can have a different setup of the destination per environment. Also, it keeps the sensitive information like credentials outside of your code.
- 1. Create a Destination Service Instance in Cloud Foundry
Service Name: demo-destination Plan: lite
- 2. Configure a new destination
You can also test the connection if the destination can be reached. A successful test will yield a message like the one below:
Connection to "NorthWind" established. Response returned: "307: Temporary Redirect"
That’s it! We have completed the setup of our destination.
Deploy the application to SCP Cloud Foundry
Now let’s go back to our Node.js project — if you were able to follow through my previous blog post, then your project will look exactly like the one I have below:
The next step is to prepare the application for deployment to SCP Cloud Foundry.
- 1. Generate the mta.yaml file using the command below:
> cds add mta
- 2. Generate security descriptor file xs-security.json using the command below:
> cds compile srv/ --to xsuaa > xs-security.json
For our case, we can ignore the warning shown in the terminal.
- 3. Update mta.yaml file with declaration of xsuaa and destination resources and then binding it to our node module demo-srv.
modules: # --------------------- SERVER MODULE ------------------------ - name: demo-srv # ------------------------------------------------------------ type: nodejs path: gen/srv properties: EXIT: 1 # required by deploy.js task to terminate requires: - name: demo-destination - name: demo-uaa resources: - name: demo-destination type: org.cloudfoundry.existing-service parameters: service-name: demo-destination - name: demo-uaa type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service parameters: path: ./xs-security.json service: xsuaa service-plan: application
Note that in order for the destination service consumption to work, an xsuaa service is required to be bound to our application.
- 4. Update the package.json cds configurations to use the NorthWind destination we have configured in SCP Cloud Foundry:
"cds": { "requires": { "NorthWind": { "kind": "odata", "model": "srv/external/NorthWind", "credentials": { "destination": "NorthWind" } } } }
- 5. Build the MTA Project by using the command:
> mbt build
Make sure you have saved all the files changes we did before doing the build.
An MTA archive file will be generated in the mta_archives folder.
- 6. Deploy the MTA archive file into SCP Cloud Foundry using the command:
> cf deploy mta_archives/demo_1.0.0.mtar
- 7. Once the deployment has completed, look out for the terminal logs which states the URL of your demo-srv module. In my case, here’s the generated URL:
Test the deployed Node.js app service
- 1. Open the URL we got from the previous step using your favourite browser, the initial page will show, and now click on the Products entity. You should see the result below:
As you can see, it is very easy to deploy the app and use the destination service. We don’t really need to do any additional JavaScript coding, all that we did is just do a little bit of configuration.
Testing the Node.js app locally
Now that we have deployed our application into SCP Cloud Foundry, we don’t really need to change the configuration back to a hardcoded external service URL just to test the app locally. We can test the app locally while still using the destination service in SCP Cloud Foundry. In order to be able to test locally, we need to capture the environment variable assigned to our Node.js module in SCP.
- 1. Get the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable settings for demo-srv module
Sample data structure to capture:
{ "VCAP_SERVICES": { "xsuaa": [ { "label": "xsuaa", "provider": null, "plan": "application", "name": "demo-uaa", "tags": [ "xsuaa" ], "instance_name": "demo-uaa", "binding_name": null, "credentials": { "tenantmode": "dedicated", "sburl": "", "clientid": "<<clientid>>", "xsappname": "demo!t48303", "clientsecret": "<<clientsecret>>", "url": "", "uaadomain": "authentication.eu10.hana.ondemand.com", "verificationkey": "<<key>>", "apiurl": "", "identityzone": "myaccount", "identityzoneid": "3779d905-0123-45f2-a66d-e5c3a78cb1c4", "tenantid": "3779d905-0123-45f2-a66d-e5c3a78cb1c4" }, "syslog_drain_url": null, "volume_mounts": [] } ], "destination": [ { "label": "destination", "provider": null, "plan": "lite", "name": "demo-destination", "tags": [ "destination", "conn", "connsvc" ], "instance_name": "demo-destination", "binding_name": null, "credentials": { "uaadomain": "authentication.eu10.hana.ondemand.com", "tenantmode": "dedicated", "clientid": "<<clientid>>", "instanceid": "a82d0b2d-0119-4c09-97ee-46793ad8dba2", "verificationkey": "<<keyu>>", "xsappname": "clonea82d0b2d01194c0997ee46793ad8dba2!b48303|destination-xsappname!b404", "identityzone": "myaccount", "clientsecret": "<<clientsecret>>", "tenantid": "3779d905-0123-45f2-a66d-e5c3a78cb1c4", "uri": "", "url": "" }, "syslog_drain_url": null, "volume_mounts": [] } ] } }
Note that the information contained in VCAP_SERVICES environment variable have credential information and shouldn’t committed in your git repository.
- 2. Create a file called default-env.json in the root of your project directory, and paste here the data you captured from SCP. If you are using the cds template project using the command cds init, then it has generated a .gitignore file that will automatically ignore default-env.json file we are creating here.
- 3. Next thing to do is start the app locally using the command:
> cds watch
- 4. Test the app on a browser by using the URL below:
As you can see we now can test the app locally using real data while also using the destination service of SCP Cloud Foundry.
If by any chance you still want to revert to testing the app using our mock data, you can still do so, you just need to amend the cds configuration in package.json to make the credentials section invalid. See below example:
"cds": { "requires": { "NorthWind": { "kind": "odata", "model": "srv/external/NorthWind", "--credentials": { "destination": "NorthWind" } } } }
Save the changes and refresh your browser, then you will see the mock data is available again.
Now you know how easy it is to consume an external service using CAP Model and use Destination Service to manage the connection configuration. We also tested our application in three different ways:
- Test the service directly in SCP Cloud Foundry
- Test the service locally while still using SCP CF Destination Service
- Test the service locally using mock data
Take note that mocking the data for your service is essential for automated unit testing, but this is another topic better dealt with over another blog.
Taking this project further into — Unit Testing using Mocha and Chai
Appreciate it if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions. Cheers!~
Hi Jhodel, Im having troubles making the call to the destination it always prints a 500 erro with a 400 status code in the message. Also it says about not finding a proccess env called HTTPS_PROXY and then it fails the service run.
Don't know whats happening, and I followed your blog perfectly.
Thanks Jhodel Cailan
Hi Roc Antonio
It looks like the issue is in your configuration of default-env.json, make sure it has the right structure. Also, you need to make sure that the destination service and xsuaa services are setup properly.
Thanks and regards,
Hi Roc,
I has the same problem, have you found the way to resolve this?
I was missing the Connectivity Service on the Cap Instance
Hi Antonio,
I am also getting exact same error even after using full URL. How did you fixed that issue ?
I am getting this issue even for northwind odata.
Hi Jhodel,
Very useful post, I followed your steps and works fine, but now I want to replay this for a S/4HANA service, but I always get this error:
This is my mta.yaml
and my package.json
The destination is been using without problems by other apps, but with this method using external services in CDS is not working.
Thanks in advance
Hi Luis Guillermo León Guzmán
I saw your post in the questions section, and it is true that you didn't configure the destination with the full URL of the external service. This is currently a limitation in the CDS framework.
Thank´s Jhodel,
Now it works with the full URL.
Best regards
Hi Luis,
If I use the URL instead of destination it works fine, but when I use destination it don't work anymore, need to use destination because using URL is not a suitable solution for my.
Can you share how to solve using destination please?
This is a great pair of posts, nice work Jhodel!
Thanks DJ Adams ! It's an honor to be noticed by you! 😀
Hi again Jhodel,
I noticed that you cannot do expands with a remote service like this although you can do filters.
It's just me or its the same on all people ?
Thanks for the great post 😉
Thanks Jose! Yes, it’s the framework issue ?. It is a limitation at the moment. If you really need this feature then you have to code it yourself — without the use of CDS fluent API.
Cheers! Jhodel
Hi Jhodel...
I am using on-premise s4h service. I want to read child entities by using $expand. without coding can we achieve it right now?
Thanks Jhodel! Very clear step-by-step instructions, super helpful!
Happy to know that my post has helped you Chunyang!
Thanks, Excellent Blog, worked perfectly.
I want to expose few more entities . I did below changes and it is not working. What should I code more ?
Thanks Karthiheyan !!
Is it not working because you got an error? or because it doesn't show any data? I checked your code and it looks fine. You should just create a file called NorthWind-ProductDetails.csv which has a similar data like below:
It is working locally. But after deploy to CF , it is giving below error,
Request failed with status code 400 - error after clicking on Entityset in CF link.
Hi ,
It worked after specifying field names like ID,Name
Hi Thanks Jhodel Cailan
Thanks for the well-written article.
I tried the steps. It worked fine in local but when deployed it gave me 500 (internal server error).
Can you please suggest how can I troubleshoot?
Hi Lalit Goyal
I assume that you were able to deploy it but when you are testing the service it gave you an error 500 Internal Server Error? If this is a yes, then go back to your terminal and execute below command
This will connect you to your deployed service and will see logs in real-time. Trigger again the service that is causing errors. Then analyze the logs from your terminal and see if you can find any clue.
I am attaching the error here.
2020-07-09T16:34:50.49+0530 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] ERR [2020-07-09T11:04:50.497Z | ERROR | 1884455]: Failed to build
HTTP request for destination: failed to load destination!
2020-07-09T16:34:50.49+0530 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] ERR [2020-07-09T11:04:50.497Z | ERROR | 1884455]: Error stacktrace: Error: Failed to build HTTP request for destination: failed to load destination! at Object.errorWithCause (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/util/dist/error.js:6:20) at /home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/http-client/http-client.js:143:38 at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7) Caused by: Error: Unable to get access token for "destination" service! No service instance of type "destination" found. at Object.resolveService (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/environment-accessor.js:190:19) at Object.<anonymous> (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/token-accessor.js:73:54) at step (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/token-accessor.js:45:23)
at Object.next (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/token-accessor.js:26:53) at /home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/token-accessor.js:20:71 at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at __awaiter (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/token-accessor.js:16:12) at Object.serviceToken (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/token-accessor.js:70:12) at /home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/destination-accessor.js:197:59 at step (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/destination-accessor.js:45:23)
Also, I want to add that I am using a trial account.
Hi Lalit Goyal
I just got to know you have responded. Is your destination configuration correct? can you share your destination configuration?
Hi Jhodel,
I am attaching the destination configuration screen shot.
Destination Configuration
Hi Lalit Goyal
It looks correct to me, except that the name of your destination is NorthWind_CLONING. If you named your destination like this, then you need to make sure you use this exact name on your configuration when you want to consume this destination from your CAP Model project.
Hi Thanks Jhodel Cailan,
I found out the issue. Well, I didn't restart the application after binding to the destination.
After restarting the application, it worked. Maybe you can add that step too 😀
Thanks a lot for your help!
Hi Lalit Goyal
Glad to know that it is working fine now. There must be some steps that you did in between which requires a restart for your case. For my steps above, the destination was configured first, then build and deploy of MTA. The MTA will be the one who will bind to the service (auto-binding) and the app should be restarted afterward, hence, manual restart is not necessary.
Well, that's how we learn, which is by doing it! 🙂
I was facing the same issue, but what I can see is that the service instance demo-destination and demo-uaa are not auto binding to the CAP app. after I created the binding manually, the service works as expected.
I also have a problem getting this setup. Im using business application studio.
The error I get looks like this:
Thats my MTA.yaml:
My Apps rootfolders package.json:
And the default-env.json:
The destination configuration:
When accessing the entity I get this error:
Are you testing the service locally? For local testing you should use the "url" as credentials. The configuration you have in package.json is good for SCP deployment testing.
Hello Jhodel
Yes, I want to test locally using "cds watch". I tried doing that, the code looks like this:
However now upon calling the entity I get this error:
Maybe the error was right? You don’t have a custom handler implemented? Did you read the first part of this blog post? In part 1, I have step there to implement the custom handler .js file.
I actually had, my cat-service-cds looks like this:
The cat-service.js like this:
What I did, I just changed:
Now this error pops up:
If I console.log the query, I get a HTML structure returned, having this paragraph:
It's still tough to see where the issue is. If you can share the actual project you have right now through GitHub (or any other Git versioning tools), that would be great.
Hi Christian Hanusch
I am also getting exact same issue after deploying the app to CF. Were you able to fix ?
I am getting this issue even for northwind odata.
Hi Christian Hanusch
Any good news ? I got same issues .
Hi Jhodel,
Thanks for such wonderful posts! I was able to follow and perform all the steps. Only part i am not able to make work was correct deploy to CF.
Though deploy is successful and when i open the link after deploy, i even see metadata. But when i click on 'Products', i get 500 internal server error. What could be the issue?
Thanks Gaurav Karkara !
500 internal server errors are usually brought by some problems with the implementation of the service. It's likely that you got some issues with your code, but I can't tell what is it based on the information provided.
What you can do is go to SCP Cockpit, navigate to the applications section and open the cap service details and extract logs there to view the logs information and try to make sense of what does the error logs tell you. Usually, it will become obvious where is the error from the logs, but if that's not the case, you can share it here so that we can analyze. Cheers!
Thanks Jhodel for replying.
I have looked at the logs and find the error:
'Unable to get access token for 'destination' service! No service instance of type 'destination' found.'
I have followed the exact steps as you have followed and my destination instance and corresponding entries in mta.yaml seems fine.
It doesn't look like it's because of code. It's something to do with destination instance access. Still trying to find..
Thanks for your support.
Worked. had to bind instances to applications. Thanks
Hi Gaurav Karkara
Good to know that you found the issue and it is now working! 😀
Hi ,
Any lead on how to use service.tx(request).run(request.query) for a post call to S/4 odata.
Exact question
I'm afraid that you are going to code the logic for that on your own. According to the documentation below:
the fluent API can cater to do create (POST) request, however, from my experience, it didn't work when it starts to use the service via connectivity proxy. So what I did, is I have coded the solution my self using the axios node module -- it is the same node module that cap for node.js use.
Thanks Jhodel 🙂
Hi guys,
is this working on webide or I should deploy to make it work? because I'm trying to access oData service but I receive
{"message":"Unable to create \"SAP-Connectivity-Authentication\" header: no JWT found on the current request.\n Continuing without header. Connecting to on-premise systems may not be possible.","level":"warn","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"connectivity-service"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-08-05T18:49:38.260Z","msg":"Unable to create \"SAP-Connectivity-Authentication\" header: no JWT found on the current request.\n Continuing without header. Connecting to on-premise systems may not be possible.","written_ts":1596653378260,"written_at":"2020-08-05T18:49:38.260Z"}
{"message":"OnPrem destination proxy settings from connectivity service will be used.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"proxy-util"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-08-05T18:49:38.261Z","msg":"OnPrem destination proxy settings from connectivity service will be used.","written_ts":1596653378261,"written_at":"2020-08-05T18:49:38.261Z"}
Error: Failed to build HTTP request for destination: failed to build headers!
The steps outlined in this blog post is not meant to be executed in SAP WebIDE. Read the prerequisites section for more information.
Hi Thanks Jhodel Cailan,
thanks a lot for this very well article, I’m tring with it since a few days ago. I'm trying to use an external Hana Odata service.
I achieved to make it work locally both with URL and destination, but in the latter case, for it to work I had to delete the node_modules directory, another case if this directory exists I can't reach the Odata and got an 404 or 500 error. I don’t understand why that happens, I suspect that there is some incompatibility between the npm packages that are in that directory and the components in the CF, or not?
Is there an option so that when deploying it does not take the npm packages that exist in the node_modules directory and instead uses the ones that exist in the CF?
I'm not sure why this should be the root cause of your issue, but you can avoid deploying the node_modules folder to CF in two ways:
Hi Klaus,
thanks for your answer, you are right the command "cf push" does not generate the directory "node_modules", instead it installs the dependencies in the process, however the process fails due to the following errors:
My package.json file is:
Hi Fadel,
I just have a vague idea what happened. Could you check in the log output of npm which npm registry is contacted to download the cds package? If it is still npm.sap.com, then this is a general issue, because cds 4 is not there. cds 4 is only available on npmjs.org. AFAIK, npm.sap.com will not be maintained anymore ...
When i am using destination with basic authentication then it is working fine. But when i am using destination of type OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion then system is not able to retrieve destination.
can above statement automatically pas required JWT token. Please help is very urgent.
I am also getting below error:
Unable to match a specific XSUAA service instance to the given JWT. Is this common?
Can you please help here.
System is able to load destination with basic authentication but destination with type OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion it is not.
Failed to build HTTP request for destination: failed to load destination!
---new update
Looks like cds.run and related statements don't support to pass JWT token to destination. Changing all the code to axios.
Hi Thanks Jhodel Cailan,
I followed the steps mentioned in your blog to consume an external service in my project using the destinations service instance.
I was successfully able to test the application locally, but as soon as I deploy the code to CF environment and try to access the service, I get 502 - Bad gateway error. Any idea what could be the reason for this error?
The cds > requires section in package.json file is as follows:
Also the destination that was created is a shown below:
Sangita Purkayastha
Hi Sangita Purkayastha
The error 502 is very generic. Based on the information you provided, I can suspect that there can be an issue in your connection to HANA database. I suggest to do some troubleshooting on the deployed app like catching the error in the section of your code and logging the error into the console to get more information about the 502 error.
Hi Jhodel @Thanks Jhodel Cailan
Thank you very much for sharing the knowledge on this topic. I had similar issue here. Could you please kindly provide some hint on how to solve this issue?
When I tried to "Deploy the application to SCP Cloud Foundry", Using the created URL, i could access the top screen as shown below, but I can not enter the "Products" detail screen" only got 502 Bad Gateway error.
top top could be shown properly
Products page could not be shown
Problem lies in your destination in CF, Check the name, It must be NorthWind where W must be caps. I would request to use the attached destination to import directly.
#Mon Apr 26 15:59:02 UTC 2021
I am also facing the same issue..Please help me how you resolved it
Hi Sangita,
I am also facing the same problem when using odata destination which have Basic authentications, With local data its working fine as per Thanks Jhodel Cailan part1 of this series but when using destination its giving "Bad Gateway" error, Are you able to resolve it somehow?
Hi Thanks Jhodel Cailan
Thanks for this article, very helpful and works like a charm!
Is it possible to reuse the external service in the local CAP model once defined? I.e. incorporate the external service built using this guide into another service which is running in the local data model.
In essence I have this external service (business partners from my backend ERP)
Implemented like so:
Now I want to utilize that entity from another service, basically like this:
This compiles fine and publishes the services. But if I try to navigate to a BusinessPartner entity from within the "projectService" I get:
Can you shed some light on what the intended design pattern is here? I would like to avoid duplicating the code implementing the external service (and doing that causes other issues since the cds.connect.to('service') part only returns the actual service on the first shot).
Again, thanks for the guide and hoping for some input on this scenario.
Hi Carl,
Did you solve this problem?
No. I think it is doable but we also had issues with the external service being oData v2 and managing transposal between v2 and v4 became cumbersome. We decided to set up replication of the source objects into the CAP data model instead.
Hi. When I'm deploying the file to BTP I get the error "In production mode it is required to set `options.destination`". How can I set it up? Thanks
Hello Fedor,
I am getting the same issue. Did you fix this?
Hi. If you create an app from template then do not forget to add flag node start - productive
Hi Fedor,
Where did you insert this flag? I am getting the same issue
in mta
I am getting the same issue. but i have the meta configuration with --production
any idea ?
Hi Jhodel Cailan,
Great Blog post!!
How can i consume non odata services into CAP ?
Rajdeep Bhuva
Awesome Blog! Appreciate it a lot, Just one problem on the final step when i am trying to test it locally, i am getting this error, Can anyone please suggest some solution?
Also I can clearly see that binding of XSUAA is already there
my mta looks like this(confused about build params if they are correct or something more required) |
Annual Security Report 2018 to have a hard copy by calling: 859-246-6422. A copy of the report can also be obtained from the Campus Security Department at 500 Newtown Pike Lexington, KY, 40508
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- Title IX Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Procedure
- Sex Offender Registry
- Procedures for Emergency Response and Evacuation
- Annual Crime Statistics
College Message
On behalf of Bluegrass Community and Technical College’s (BCTC) Security Department, welcome to the 2019-2020 academic year. The BCTC security department supported by an active and engaged cam- pus community and dedicated local agency partners – we are all stake- holders in keeping our campus safe. The department operates – and is available to help or provide service to you – 24 hours a day, year round. Our department supports local law enforcement in criminal in- vestigations, Depart- ment to learn more about campus safety, services and resources. Have a safe and productive year!
-Scott Coleman, Operations Manager Security and Safety
BCTC is one of 16 community colleges in the state of Kentucky, as part of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS)...
Preparing the Annual Security Report Operations Manager for Security and Safety for collection and analysis. For statistical purposes, crime statistics reported to any of these sources are recorded in the calendar year the crime was reported.
The report includes statistics submitted by Legal Affairs, Student Affairs, Human Resources, Campus Security Authorities, and local law enforcement agencies. These reports are reviewed website, as well as how to request a printed copy of the report. Prospective students and employees receive information regarding the report from the BCTC Security and Safety Office.
For more information regarding campus safety or the contents of this report, contact the Security & Safety Manager at 859-246-6422.
Campus Security Authorities and Jurisdiction
Campus Security Authorities (CSA) are defined as individuals having significant responsibility for student activities, including administrators and student services personnel such as, Deans, Directors, Legal Affairs, athletic team coaches, and faculty and/or student advisors. Although crimes should be reported to campus Security or the Title IX Coordinator (sexual violence only), if these individuals receive a report of a crime listed under the Clery Act they are obligated to report it to campus security for purposes of disclosure in the annual crime statistics.
BCTC does not have a campus police department. No campus personnel including security, have law enforcement authority. If physical measures are needed to ensure the safety and security of persons on campus, state or local police agencies shall be contacted.
While there are no MOUs with local or state enforcement agencies, BCTC maintains a strong working relationship with state and local police through training, meetings and communicating with local and state police agencies in the investigation of criminal offenses.
In a joint venture with Lexington Division of Emergency Management, the three Lexington campus locations have Alertus beacons. Emergency messages are broadcast by Division of EM throughout the Lexington sites.
Key CSA Contacts:
- Operations Manager of Safety and Security
- Vice President of SDEM
- Assistant Vice President of Title IX
- Dean of Operations
- Vice President of Finance/Operations
- Vice President of Academics
Off-Campus Student Organizations
BCTC does not have any recognized student organizations at off-campus locations.
Student Housing
BCTC does not operate student housing facilities.
Reporting Procedures BCTC Safety and Security and/or other officials to take action to protect the future safety of the crime survivor/victim and others. With this information, BCTC Safety and Security can potentially determine a pattern of crime and alert the campus community to potential threat or danger. Reports filed in this manner are counted and disclosed in the annual crime statistics. BCTC Safety and Security will review confidentiality options with the reporting party prior to taking the report.
Professional or pastoral counselors
BCTC does not have pastoral counselors available on campus. All registered BCTC students are eligible for an initial consultation appointment with a counselor in the Career Development and Counseling area.
The BCTC suggests the following resources for counseling:
Timely Warning
In some cases, the Operations Manager for Safety and Security Operations Manager for Safety and Security or his/her consistent practice of the BCTC community to notify the BCTC Operations Manager for Safety and Security and Operations Manager for Safety and Security or his/her, Strategic Communications, KCTCS Office of General Counsel or some combination. This collaboration is necessary for crimes of a more serious or immediate nature in order to prepare consistent information for release on the website and/or digital signage to the campus community.
Campus Security and Access
Access and Security of campus facilities
Most academic facilities on BCTC campuses are open during weekday business hours between 7:00a.m. to 10:00p.m. Individuals who need access to these buildings during non-business hours or for special events should contact the Operations Manager of Security and Safety.
While there are no physical barriers or ID checks to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the campuses or their facilities, BCTC Security and Safety personnel will request that trespassers leave the premises.
BCTC has Safety and Security Officers assigned to campus locations in Lexington (Cooper, Leestown, and Newtown), Danville, Lawrenceburg, Winchester, Georgetown as well as an Operations Manager of Security and Safety whose office is located at the Newtown Campus. Officers observe and monitor activity on property owned or controlled by BCTC. Officers do not have arresting powers but will assist in criminal investigations, complete incident reports, and assist in various inspections on campus.
Maintenance of campus facilities
BCTC makes every effort to ensure that the campus facilities and grounds are designed and maintained to promote Safety and Security Officers regularly patrol the campus and report malfunctioning lights and other unsafe physical conditions to M&O for correction. We encourage community members to promptly report any security concern, including concerns about locking mechanisms, lighting, or landscaping to a Safety and Security Officer who will follow-up with a work order request to Maintenance and Operations.
Educational Programming: Security Awareness and Crime Prevention
Information Sharing
BCTC security awareness and crime prevention programs have an overall goal of creating and maintaining a safe environment to support the academic mission of the college and ensure the well-being Safety and Security web page. The Safety and Security web page includes educational flyers that can be printed or viewed. These flyers educate student, faculty and staff on what to do in the event of a variety of potential incidents on campus. Contact numbers are also listed if additional questions remain.
Safety and Security Officers are involved with several orientation sessions that include a variety of information regarding BCTC Safety and Security activities. Included in these orientation sessions are discussions regarding personal responsibilities of Safety and Security for all students. Students are encouraged to be aware of their personal safety and securing personal belongings while on their respective campus.
Officers assistY Office of Homeland Security, are distributed throughout all campus locations. These flyers are themed for reporting crimes and suspicious activities to a toll free number and local law enforcement agencies. Included in such campaigns is 'Eye-On-KY' which encourages citizens to report suspicious activities anonymously.
Policy: Drug and Alcohol Use shall result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension or termination.
As a recipient of federal grants and contracts, KCTCS gives this notice to students, faculty, and staff that it is in compliance with, and shall continue to be in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989. Students, faculty and staff are herein notified of the standards of conduct which shall to $10,000,000 on our Personal Counseling webpage.
Procedure 3.3.1A-P Title IX Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Procedure
Title IX Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Procedure
This is KCTCS’ Procedure for defining and responding reports of sex and/or gender-based harassment and misconduct under applicable KCTCS policy.
This Procedure applies to the conduct of all KCTCS employees and students during KCTCS education programs or activities taking place in the United States. "Education program or activity" includes locations, events, or circumstances over which KCTCS exercises substantial control over both the Respondent and the context in which the sexual harassment occurs, including any building owned or controlled by an officially recognized student organization. Conduct that occurs outside of the United States or outside of a KCTCS education program or activity which is disruptive to the learning or work environment will be addressed through Administrative Procedure 3.3.1-P Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Procedure or other applicable KCTCS policies and procedures.
This Procedure shall not improperly restrict valid academic freedoms, constitutionally protected expression, constitutional due process rights, or other constitutional rights.
- Prohibited Conduct. The conduct described below is prohibited and will not be tolerated by KCTCS.
- For purposes of this Procedure, sexual harassment means:
- Unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies an individual equal access to a KCTCS education program or activity; OR
- When an employee of KCTCS conditions the provision of an aid, benefit, or service of KCTCS on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct (i.e., quid pro quo); OR
- Conduct that rises to the level of sexual assault, as defined in the Clery Act. This can include any sexual act directed against another person, without the victim’s consent, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent. It can also include the following:
- Fondling - The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the victim’s consent (see section 3(A)(2) below for KCTCS’ definition of consent), including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her age or temporary or permanent mental incapacity.
- Incest - Sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
- Statutory Rape - Sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.
- Rape - The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the victim’s consent; OR
- Conduct that rises to the level of dating violence, as defined in the Violence Against Women Act ("VAWA"), which VAWA’s definition of domestic violence; OR
- Conduct that rises to the level of domestic violence, as defined in VAWA, which; OR
- Conduct that rises to the level of stalking, as defined in VAWA, which means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to-
- fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or
- suffer substantial emotional distress; OR
- Retaliation, which means no person who has made a report or complaint, testified, assisted, or participated or refused to participate in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing related to this Procedure may be subject to intimidation, threats, coercion, or discrimination due to their actions.
- Retaliation under this Procedure includes charging an individual for conduct or policy violations that do not involve sex discrimination or sexual harassment, but arise out of the same facts or circumstances as a report or complaint of sex discrimination, or a report or Formal Complaint of sexual harassment, for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege under Title IX or any KCTCS policy or procedure.
- Students or employees who engage in retaliation against other students or employees will be subject to discipline up to and including suspension, expulsion, or termination of employment.
- Exceptions
- The exercise of an individual’s First Amendment rights do not constitute retaliation prohibited under this section.
- KCTCS will not be considered to have retaliated against an individual if it charges an individual for code of conduct or policy violations for making a materially false statement in bad faith during the course of any investigation or grievance proceeding under this Procedure. A determination of responsibility, alone, is insufficient to conclude that any party made a materially false statement in bad faith.
- Consent. Consent to sexual activity is a factual determination that varies by circumstance. However, in all cases, consent must be clear, knowing, and voluntary. Consent is active, not passive. Consent can be given by words or actions. The words or actions must be sufficient to create mutually understandable clear permission regarding willingness to engage in, and the conditions of engaging in, sexual activity. Silence, in and of itself, is not consent, cannot be interpreted as consent, and, standing alone, cannot be relied upon as a defense in proceedings under this Procedure. Consent to one form of sexual activity does not imply consent to any other forms of sexual activity. Any person may withdraw consent at any point involved in sexual contact. Previous relationships or prior consent does not imply consent to future sexual activities.
- Pursuant to KRS 510.020, a person is legally deemed incapable of consent when that person is any of the following:
- Less than sixteen (16) years old;
- Sixteen (16) or seventeen (17) years old and the actor is at least ten (10) years older than the victim at the time of the sexual act;
- An individual unable to communicate consent or lack of consent, or unable to understand the nature of the act or its consequences, due to an intellectual disability or a mental illness;
- Mentally incapacitated;
- Physically helpless; or
- Under the care or custody of a state or local agency pursuant to court order and the actor is employed by or working on behalf of the state or local agency.
- An individual engaging in sexual activity with another individual who is reasonably known to be mentally incapacitated or physically helpless constitutes a violation of this Procedure. Mental incapacity or physical helplessness may be due to any of a variety of factors, including but not limited to use of alcohol, drugs, sleep, involuntary physical restraint, unconsciousness, or other inability to make rational, reasonable decisions.
- In general, sexual contact while under the influence of drugs or alcohol creates risk for all parties. Alcohol and drugs impair an individual’s ability to make informed judgments. It is especially important, therefore, that anyone engaging in sexual activity be aware of the other person’s level of intoxication. If there is any doubt as to the level or extent of the other individual’s intoxication or impairment, the safest option is not to engage in sexual activity at all or halt any sexual activity.
- For purposes of this Procedure, the individual who is alleged to be the victim of prohibited conduct is called the Complainant. The individual who is reported to be the perpetrator of prohibited conduct is the Respondent. Any person may report prohibited conduct. However, only the Complainant or the Title IX Coordinator may file a Formal Complaint. (See Appendix A)
- A Formal Complaint is a document filed by a Complainant or the Title IX Coordinator alleging sexual harassment or misconduct against a Respondent and requesting KCTCS to investigate the allegation. At the time of filing a Formal Complaint, the alleged victim must be participating in or attempting to participate in a KCTCS educational program or activity.
- Reporting Prohibited Conduct
- When persons or property are in danger, KCTCS strongly encourages the first report to be to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
- To help preserve evidence and timely initiate an investigation, those who have been subjected to sexual violence should seek immediate assistance from a medical provider and/or law enforcement as soon as possible after.
- Any person may report prohibited conduct. The Title IX Coordinators at KCTCS are as follows:
Anonymous reports will be taken seriously and reviewed thoroughly by KCTCS, but the ability to respond to such a report may be limited depending on the information provided. Reports may be filed anonymously using the EthicsPoint hotline using the internet portal or by calling 1-866-594-3115 toll free. EthicsPoint should be used for anonymous on-campus reporting of non-emergency situations.
For emergency situations or if there is immediate danger, call 911 or local emergency services.
- Required Action by Employees. KCTCS requires that all Responsible Employees promptly elevate reports of prohibited conduct to the Title IX Coordinator or security personnel for the school, KCTCS Office of Legal Services, or the Human Resources Department.
- Responsible Employees are KCTCS employees who have supervisory and leadership responsibilities, including division chairs, deans, provosts, administrators, faculty, and other employees in managerial positions.
- If a Complainant has concerns about a KCTCS representative’s ability to maintain confidentiality or privacy, the Complainant is encouraged to ask the representative about their reporting obligations before speaking with that person about prohibited conduct.
- Confidentiality in Reporting
Certain mental health providers, ordained clergy, rape crisis counselors, and attorneys have legally protected confidentiality. KCTCS does not provide these services to employees or students, but the Title IX Coordinator at each college maintains a list of local services for referral. Please note that when a report involves suspected abuse of a minor under the age of 18, state law requires both KCTCS as well as entities who are entitled to maintain confidentiality to notify child protective services and/or local law enforcement.
The following websites list resources available to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence in Kentucky and nationally:
- KCTCS employees may access confidential assistance through the Employee Assistance Program by calling 888-293-6948 or visiting the Work Health Life website. College Human Resources Directors maintain login information for the website. College Title IX Coordinators maintain a list of local resources for each college community.
- When a Complainant requests that their identifiable information not be shared with the Respondent, that no formal action be taken, or that a Formal Complaint be filed, KCTCS will balance this request with its obligations to provide a safe and non-discriminatory environment for its stakeholders and its responsibility to provide proper due process to the Respondent. KCTCS may consider the nature and seriousness of the conduct, the ages and roles of the Complainant and Respondent, whether or not other reports or complaints against the Respondent have been received, and the rights of the Respondent to receive notice and relevant information before seeking disciplinary action.
- KCTCS will take reasonable steps to honor a request for confidentiality, to not file a Formal Complaint, or to forego a formal investigation. If KCTCS cannot take action due to the Complainant’s request, or must take action despite the request, the Title IX Coordinator will inform the Complainant accordingly.
- False Reports
- KCTCS shall not tolerate intentional false reporting of incidents.
- Parties or witnesses who make false allegations or given false, untruthful information with malicious intent or in bad faith may be subject to disciplinary action under KCTCS policies and/or the Code of Student Conduct.
- False reports may or statements may also constitute violations of state criminal statutes and civil defamation laws.
- A good-faith complaint that results in no determination of responsibility is NOT in and of itself evidence of false reporting.
- Timely Warning
- KCTCS or its College may be required to issue a crime bulletin if prohibited conduct represents an ongoing threat to the campus community.
- KCTCS will not release the Complainant’s name to the general public without the Complainant’s express consent.
- When a crime is reported to or brought to the attention of the College Safety Department, the College Safety Department shall determine whether to issue a Crime Bulletin notifying the campus community of the crime. To make that determination, the College Safety Department should promptly consult the KCTCS System Office Director of Safety and Emergency Services and KCTCS Office of Legal Services to review the available facts and determine the propriety and timing of a Crime Bulletin.
- Crime Bulletins may be distributed using a variety of methods, the most common being mass email distribution. Depending on the nature of the crime, a Crime Bulletin banner may be added to the front page of the College webpage and/or printed and distributed to any number of areas on campus, including the library, bookstore, student centers, and any additional areas that may assist in alerting the campus community.
- Consolidation of Reports. KCTCS may consolidate Formal Complaints filed against more than one Respondent, or by more than one Complainant against one or more Respondents, or by one party against the other party, where the allegations arise out of the same facts or circumstances.
- Responding to Reports of Prohibited Conduct
- Assessment, Investigation and Resolution. Upon receipt of a report of prohibited conduct, the institution’s Title IX Coordinator must immediately notify the System Title IX Coordinator. The System Title IX Coordinator will manage the review, investigation, and resolution of reports consistent with Appendix A, which describes the Complaint and Investigation Process.
- Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse. If the reported victim is a minor under the age of 18, Kentucky law mandates that suspected abuse be reported. Emergency reports may be made to local law enforcement, the Kentucky State Police, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, the child abuse hotline, or the Commonwealth or county attorney.
- Child abuse hotline: 1-877-597-2331 or 800-752-6200
- Non-emergency reports may be made online at the Cabinet for Health and Family Services website
- Supportive Measures.
- Upon receipt of a report of prohibited conduct, KCTCS may offer and enact supportive measures to restore or preserve equal access to education programs or activities, to protect the safety of the educational environment, and/or to deter sexual harassment.
- Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as reasonably appropriate and available without fee or charge. Supportive measures may be provided regardless of whether a Formal Complaint has been filed or formal disciplinary action is sought or pursued against the Respondent. Both Complainant and Respondent are eligible for appropriate supportive measures. Such measures may include, but are not limited to:
- referral to counseling services and other resources,
- extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments,
- modifications of work or class schedules,
- campus escort services,
- mutual restrictions on contact between the parties,
- changes in work or class locations,
- leaves of absence,
- increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus, and
- other similar measures that can be tailored to the involved individuals to ensure equal access.
- Supportive measures will be kept confidential to the extent possible, but some measures may require information to be provided to parties who are not involved with the report of prohibited conduct-for example, in order to receive flexibility on coursework, faculty may be notified that the student is experiencing a Title IX-related issue and requires extended time. As another example, supervisors may be notified that an employee’s Title IX-related issue requires additional approved leave or a flexible work schedule. Details of the issue itself would not be included in such notice. The Title IX Coordinator will coordinate and implement supportive measures.
- Sanctions
- Not all forms of prohibited conduct are equally serious offenses. KCTCS may impose different sanctions depending on the severity of the offense and other relevant factors. KCTCS will consider the rights of both the Complainant and the Respondent when contemplating sanctions. A Formal Grievance Hearing must occur (see Appendix B) before KCTCS imposes disciplinary sanctions against a Respondent, or other actions beyond supportive measures.
- Employees or volunteers who violate related KCTCS policy and procedure or who fail to make timely, proper required reports are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or volunteer assignment, or other actions in accordance with KCTCS policies and procedures.
- Students who violate related KCTCS policy and procedure are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion in accordance with the KCTCS Code of Student Conduct and student policies and procedures.
- Guests or visitors who violate KCTCS policy and procedure may be immediately removed from KCTCS owned or controlled property and banned from returning to KCTCS owned or controlled property.
- Employees or students who are found in violation of this Procedure and are subject to disciplinary action hereunder have the right to appeal the action pursuant to KCTCS policies and procedures and/or the KCTCS Code of Student Conduct.
- Both parties may appeal a determination regarding responsibility or the dismissal of a formal complaint or any allegations therein in accordance with Appendix B.
- Free Expression and Academic Freedom. When addressing reports of violations of this Procedure, KCTCS is also required to balance individuals’ rights of free expression and academic freedom.
KCTCS will maintain records of the following for seven years:
- Each sexual harassment investigation including any determination regarding responsibility,
- any audio or audiovisual recording or transcript created during the hearing process,
- any disciplinary sanctions imposed on the Respondent,
- any remedies provided to the Complainant designed to restore or preserve equal access to a KCTCS education program or activity,
- Any appeal and its result,
- Any informal resolution and its result,
- All materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process. These training materials will also be posted online,
- records of any actions, including any supportive measures, taken in response to a report or formal complaint of sexual harassment. KCTCS’ documentation will include the basis for its conclusion that its response was not deliberately indifferent and the measures it has taken which were designed to restore or preserve equal access to KCTCS’ education program or activity, and
- Should KCTCS not provide a Complainant with supportive measures, documentation of the reasons why doing so was not clearly unreasonable in light of the known circumstances.
This Procedure is written to be in compliance with federal and state law as interpreted by the courts. If this Procedure in any way conflicts with, or becomes in conflict with new or existing statutes, regulations, or judicial opinions, KCTCS’ Procedure is automatically amended and shall be interpreted consistently with the decision, ruling, or legislative action to assure continued compliance. KCTCS may from time to time and without advanced notice amend this Procedure in whole or in part and the change shall become effective immediately upon publication.
Legal Notice
- External remedies are available to employees through the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Information about filing a complaint can be found online.
Appendix A: Assessment and Investigation Process
- Overview
- Matters handled under this Procedure shall be resolved based on principles of thoroughness, fundamental fairness, and promptness.
- On receipt of a report of prohibited conducted as defined in the Title IX Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Procedure, the College Title IX Coordinator shall immediately determine what, if any, immediate supportive measures are appropriate, and as soon as possible notify the System Title IX Coordinator of the matter. The System Title IX Coordinator will manage the review, investigation, and resolution of reports. Following the initial assessment, the System Title IX Coordinator may recommend further action for processing and resolving the report.
- The initial steps for resolving a report are the same whether the Respondent is a student, employee, or visitor. Employee and visitor Respondents will be processed in accordance with KCTCS employment policies and procedures. Student Respondents will be processed in accordance with the KCTCS Student Code of Conduct and student policies. Formal complaints for violations of the Title IX Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Procedure may result in a Formal Grievance Hearing (see Appendix B).
- Initial Assessment
- Immediate Threats. For every report of sexual harassment or misconduct, KCTCS will make an immediate assessment of any risk of harm to individuals or the campus community and take appropriate steps to address those risks.
- Where the Respondent’s behavior objectively appears to pose an immediate threat to any member of the college community, KCTCS shall take immediate action to provide for the safety of individuals and the campus community, while also ensuring the Respondent receives due process. Such action may include interim protective measures, such as:
- Placing employee Respondents on administrative leave in accordance with applicable policies and procedures;
- Immediately temporarily suspending student Respondents in accordance with Code of Student Conduct requirements;
- Banning visitor Respondents from KCTCS owned or controlled property;
- Notifying local law enforcement or other officials as appropriate; and,
- Taking other appropriate actions.
- KCTCS will also issue Crime Bulletins as appropriate.
- By Students. Students who are immediately temporarily suspended as a result of an interim protective measure may appeal the suspension in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct.
- By Employees. Employees who are suspended under this Procedure may appeal the sanction in accordance with the Complaint Resolution Procedure, wherein the Title IX Coordinator shall equate to the initial the supervisory action.
- The institution’s Title IX Coordinator shall also determine whether immediate supportive measures are appropriate for any person involved and reasonably provide same.
- Review, Investigation and Resolution of Reports of Prohibited Conduct. Once the immediate threat has been determined and acted upon, the System Title IX Coordinator will convene a System Title IX Committee to review the report and recommend an appropriate course of action. This interdepartmental team should be limited to a small number of officials who "need to know" in order to take appropriate action on the report, but may include the College Title IX Coordinator and officials from Safety and Emergency Services, Student Affairs, Human Resources, Academic Affairs, and Legal Services.
- The System Title IX Committee will make an Initial Title IX Assessment to provide a response to the report of prohibited conduct. The assessment will consider:
- The nature of the report
- The policies that apply to the reported conduct
- The safety of the involved individual and the campus community, and
- When possible, the Complainant’s expressed preference for resolution.
- Dismissal of Complaints
- The System Title IX Committee shall dismiss complaints must be dismissed under this Procedure if the conduct described does not:
- Rise to the level of prohibited conduct as defined in the Administrative Procedure 3.3.1A-P Procedure;
- Occur in the context of a KCTCS education activity or program; or
- Occur in the United States.
- Complaints received under this Procedure may be dismissed under this Procedure if:
- The Respondent withdraws from enrollment or resigns employment; or
- The Complainant withdraws the complaint; or
- KCTCS is prevented from gathering evidence in the investigation sufficient to determine responsibility.
- Upon dismissal, KCTCS will promptly send written notice of the dismissal and the reasons for dismissal simultaneously to the parties.
- The System Title IX Committee shall refer conduct dismissed under this Procedure for review by the Chief Student Affairs Officer or Human Resources, as appropriate, if the conduct appears to violate other KCTCS policies or procedures or the Code of Student Conduct.
- Supportive Measures
- Upon receipt of a report of prohibited conduct, the institution’s Title IX Coordinator will promptly contact the Complainant to discuss the need and availability of supportive measures with or without the filing of a Formal Complaint and consider the Complainant’s wishes in this regard. Supportive measures will be implemented as appropriate during the initial assessment and at any time during the investigation process.
- The Title IX Coordinator shall explain to the Complainant the process for filing a Formal Complaint.
Formal Complaint
Formal Complaints are documents filed by a Complainant alleging sexual harassment against a Respondent to request that KCTCS investigate the allegation of sexual harassment. Formal Complaints must be investigated.
- Who May File a Formal Complaint. The following people may file a formal complaint against a Respondent under this Procedure:
- A person who, at the time of filing a Formal Complaint, was participating or attempting to participate in a KCTCS education program or activity.
- Parents or legal guardians of such person with legal right to act on behalf of the Complainant.
- The Title IX Coordinator may also sign a Formal Complaint. This may also occur in cases where there is sufficient information set forth that, if proven, would constitute a Title IX violation, and no individual Complainant wishes to file a Formal Complaint. This does not make the Title IX Coordinator the Complainant or otherwise a party to the Formal Complaint.
- Method of Filing. Formal Complaints may be filed in person, by mail, by electronic mail, or by using the KCTCS hotline.
Informal Resolution
- A formal Complaint may be resolved by an informal resolution between the parties any time prior to reaching a determination regarding responsibility. However, complaints by students against institutional employees may not be resolved through informal resolution.
- An information resolution is not a formal hearing or resolution.
- An information resolution is a strictly voluntary process that aims to provide a mutually acceptable alternative to a full investigation and adjudication.
- Where eligible, KCTCS may invite the Complainant and Respondent to engage in informal resolution by written notice, provided however that the written notice must disclose
- The allegations,
- The requirements of the informal resolution process, including the circumstances under which it precludes the parties from resuming a Formal Complaint arising from the same allegations; and,
- Any consequences resulting from participating in the informal resolution process, including that the records will be maintained or possibly shared.
- Each party must voluntarily consent in writing to participate in informal resolution, and may withdraw from informal resolution efforts and resume the formal resolution process at any time prior to full execution of a Resolution Agreement.
- Informal resolution will be conducted by a designated KCTCS agent without bias in regard to the parties.
- General
- When the Initial Title IX Assessment concludes an investigation is required, KCTCS will designate an investigator(s) with specific training and experience investigating allegations of prohibited conduct.
- KCTCS may use a team of two investigators, which may include the College Human Resources Director with a System Office investigator, or two System Office investigators, or outside investigators working on behalf of KCTCS.
- The investigation will be an objective fact-gathering process conducted in a thorough, impartial, and fair manner. The investigation will be respectful of individual privacy but must be performed in a manner that will ensure KCTCS’ compliance with all state and federal laws, including affording due process to the parties.
- KCTCS will bear the burden of gathering evidence sufficient to reach a determination regarding responsibility by the applicable standard of proof. KCTCS will not access, consider, disclose, or otherwise use a party’s records made or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional acting or assisting in such a capacity unless KCTCS first obtains that party’s voluntary, written consent.
- An investigation will normally include interviews with the Complainant, Respondent, and relevant witnesses. The investigation may also consider relevant physical, documentary, or other evidence that proves or disproves the allegations. Both Complainant and Respondent shall have an equal opportunity to present fact and expert witnesses and other evidence. Investigators shall make no credibility assessments or determinations based solely on the individual’s status as a Complainant, Respondent, or witness. KCTCS will not restrict the ability of the Complainant or Respondent to discuss the allegations under investigation or gather and present relevant evidence.
- Information gathered during the initial review or investigation will be used to evaluate the responsibility of the Respondent, provide for the safety of the Complainant and the campus community, and impose remedies as necessary to address the effects of the conduct cited in the report.
- The institution’s Title IX Coordinator will document each report or request for assistance in resolving a case involving charges of sexual misconduct, whether formal or informal, and will review and retain copies of all reports generated as a result of investigations for 7 years. These records will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law.
- Completion of Investigation. KCTCS will seek to complete the investigation within 20 (twenty) business days of receiving the complaint.
- This timeframe may be extended depending on the circumstances of each case.
- Upon completion of the investigation, the investigators will forward the report to the System Title IX Committee for review and evaluation.
- Notice to Parties and the Investigative Report
- When the determination is made that a full investigation is required, both the Complainant and the Respondent shall be notified simultaneously in writing of the following:
- the applicable policies, procedures, and processes;
- the date, time, location, participants, and purpose of all hearings, investigative interviews, or other meetings, with sufficient time for the party to prepare to participate;
- available information about the incident(s) that are the basis of the complaint, including date(s) and time(s);
- that the Respondent is not presumed responsible for the alleged conduct and that a determination of responsibility will be made at the conclusion of the process, utilizing a preponderance of the evidence standard;
- that each party has the right to an advisor of their choice, who may be but is not required to be an attorney;
- that each party has the right to inspect and review evidence provided or obtained during the investigation process;
- the citation for the policy or Code of Conduct section regarding providing false statements or false information; and
- that if additional allegations arise during the course of the investigation, additional written notice will be provided in accordance with these requirements for each allegation to be investigated.
- Prior to the completion of the investigation report, both the Complainant and the Respondent and their respective advisors (if any) shall be provided the opportunity to inspect any evidence obtained in the investigation directly related to the allegations, including evidence KCTCS does not intend to rely on in reaching a determination of responsibility and evidence which is exculpatory. Each party shall have 10 days from the date of their receipt to submit a written response that the investigators will consider prior to completing the report.
- Completion of the Report of Investigation.
- The investigators’ completed report will fairly summarize relevant evidence in a form substantially compliant with the Report of Investigation format established for this process.
- At least 10 days prior to a hearing or other time of determination regarding responsibility, the investigators will send the report to each party and party advisors, if any, in an electronic format or hard copy for their review and written response.
- Advisors During the Investigation Process.
- Complainant and the Respondent may choose to be assisted by an advisor of their choice during the investigation process. The advisor may accompany the student to any investigative or administrative meeting that is part of this process.
- Advisors cannot be witnesses in the investigation.
- Advisors’ schedules shall not cause undue delay to the investigation process. If a meeting cannot be scheduled with a party’s chosen advisor in a reasonable amount of time, the student may have to choose a different advisor for that meeting or choose to proceed without an advisor for that meeting.
- Advisors must be a silent, non-participating presence there solely to observe and provide moral support during the interviews. The advisor may not address the interviewers, except to request a short recess if his/her advisee requires a break.
- Absent extenuating circumstances, witnesses and others involved in an investigation are not entitled to have an advisor present.
- Attorney Advisors/Outside Agreements: Complainants and Respondents may at their own expense choose to retain the assistance of an attorney as his/her advisor.
- The advisor, including attorney and family member advisors, may not actively participate in investigatory interviews, informal or formal resolution proceedings, or the appeals process, and may not address, question, or cross-examine the investigators.
- Advisors, including attorney advisors, may be excluded from any hearing or meeting for failing to adhere to the applicable rules.
- KCTCS does not recognize or enforce agreements between the parties outside of these procedures.
- Witnesses
- The Complainant and Respondent have equal rights to present witnesses to be interviewed by the investigator(s). Fact witnesses must have observed the conduct in question or have relevant information. Witnesses may not speak solely to an individual’s character.
- The parties may, at their own expense, offer relevant expert testimony. Expert witnesses must be subject to cross examination during the hearing or their testimony may not be considered.
- The investigators will determine whether witnesses have provided relevant information and whether to include witness statements in the report of investigation.
- Refusal to Participate
- A party may refuse to participate in an investigation or hearing to prevent the possibility of self-incrimination, but such refusal shall not delay the KCTCS administrative process. However, KCTCS shall not draw or make adverse inferences or conclusions based on such refusal.
- KCTCS may agree to defer its Title IX fact gathering until after the initial stages of a criminal investigation. KCTCS will nevertheless communicate with the Complainant regarding Title IX rights, procedural options, and the availability of interim measures to assure safety and well-being.
Formal Resolution and Hearing Process
When an investigation demonstrates that sufficient evidence exists that a violation of policy and procedure has occurred, KCTCS will initiate a hearing in accordance with the Formal Hearing Process outlined in Appendix B.
Time Frame for Resolution
- KCTCS shall use its best efforts to resolve all matters under this Procedure within 60 days of the initial report.
- Timeframes expressed in this Procedure are guidelines, not mandatory requirements.
- If the investigation and resolution must exceed these timeframes, KCTCS shall notify all parties of the reasons for the delay and the expected time of completion.
- Extenuating circumstances that may require the extension of timeframes may include the
- Complexity and scope of the allegations;
- Number of witnesses involved;
- Availability of the parties or witnesses
- Effect of a concurrent criminal investigation, any intervening school break or vacation, or other unforeseen circumstances.
Appendix B Formal Grievance Hearing Procedure
- Hearing Procedure
- Title IX Hearing Officer: Once a case is referred for a formal hearing, KCTCS Legal Services will request a Hearing Officer from the pool available to Kentucky higher education institutions created by the personal services contract issued by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE). The Hearing Officer will have appropriate training and meet all the requirements under federal law for serving as a Hearing Officer for Title IX sexual misconduct hearings.
- Conflicts of Interest: Should a Title IX Hearing Officer find a conflict of interest, they shall immediately recuse themself and a new Hearing Officer will be requested in accordance with paragraph A. Conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to, (1) personal knowledge of the facts and circumstances of the allegations or (2) having a family, personal, or professional relationship with either the Complainant or the Respondent. For purposes of this Appendix only, the terms "Complainant" and "Respondent" include their advisors.
- Challenge of Title IX Hearing Officer: Complainant or Respondent or KCTCS Counsel may challenge a Hearing Officer for Cause if there is a belief that the Hearing Officer cannot render a fair and impartial result. Challenges to any Hearing Officer must be made no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the hearing. If Complainant or Respondent challenges the Hearing Officer, KCTCS Counsel will determine if Cause exists and if so, will excuse that Hearing Officer and request a new Hearing Officer. If KCTCS Counsel challenges the Hearing Officer, CPE General Counsel will determine if Cause exists and if so, will excuse that Hearing Officer and request a new Hearing Officer. Under no circumstance will a Hearing Officer be excluded for a reason that would violate the KCTCS Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Policy.
- Access to Evidence: Prior to the hearing, Complainant, Respondent, and KCTCS Counsel will have been provided access to all exculpatory and inculpatory evidence as part of their review of the investigation report.
- Hearings: Formal hearings will be conducted by the Hearing Officer according to the following procedures:
- When the process leads to a formal hearing to determine responsibility, KCTCS must hold a live hearing that permits for examination and cross-examination of Complainant, Respondent, and any witnesses called by the parties. The hearing will be held using videoconferencing technology so that the parties remain physically separated from one another but are simultaneously visible and audible. All portions of all hearings, with the exception of the deliberations, will be recorded and/or transcribed. Recordings and transcriptions are KCTCS property and records.
- KCTCS will provide reasonable accommodations for the hearing which are required by any participating party in accordance with state and federal laws. Parties requiring accommodations should submit their accommodation request to the System Title IX Coordinator at least 10 business days prior to the hearing date to permit KCTCS to engage in the interactive process with the party and/or procure necessary resources to provide the accommodation. However, no accommodation provided may violate the Respondent’s due process rights.
- Given the nature of sexual misconduct hearings and the impact on the overall KCTCS community, KCTCS through its Counsel has the burden of proving that Respondent violated KCTCS policy or procedure. Respondent is presumed innocent. While Complainant is an integral part of the process and the proof of KCTCS’ case, it is KCTCS’ responsibility—through its Counsel—to prove that it is more likely than not that the Respondent violated KCTCS policy or procedure.
- Complainant, Respondent, and KCTCS Counsel must submit to the Hearing Officer any information they wish to present at the hearing, the name(s) of their Advisor(s), a preliminary list of questions for direct examination of parties and witnesses; and a possible list of witnesses ten (10) calendar days prior to the hearing. Absent good cause, as determined by the Hearing Officer, the parties may not submit information for the hearing after this deadline. Upon the receipt of information from all parties, the Hearing Officer will review the information submitted to eliminate any redundant, irrelevant, or prejudicial information. Hearing Officers will relay their decisions regarding reviewed information and may permit a written reconsideration of those decisions. However, in all cases, Hearing Officers make the final determination regarding the admissibility of information.
- Complainant and Respondent have the right to be assisted by up to two Advisors each, including attorneys, of their choice and at their own expense. Attorneys who represent a Complainant, a Respondent, or KCTCS may actively participate in the hearing. However, only one Advisor may actively participate in the hearing on behalf of each party. The other Advisor may provide emotional support and guidance to their advisee, but may not conduct any examination or cross-examination.
- If Complainant or Respondent does not have an advisor that can be present at the live hearing, KCTCS must provide, without fee or charge, an advisor of KCTCS’ choosing to conduct cross-examination on behalf of that party. The advisor may be, but is not required to be, an attorney.
- Complainant, Respondent, or KCTCS Counsel may request to postpone the hearing for good cause. The requesting party must submit to the Hearing Officer a written request for postponement, including the reason(s) for the request, no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the scheduled hearing unless an unforeseen circumstance occurs. The Hearing Officer may accept or deny the request, after considering the nature of the request and the alleged sexual misconduct at issue.
- The System Title IX Coordinator or designee will arrange the attendance of witnesses who are members of the KCTCS community, if reasonably possible. Complainant and Respondent are responsible for arranging the attendance of their own witnesses who are not members of the KCTCS community.
- The System Title IX Coordinator or designee, in consultation with the Hearing Officer, will create the formal hearing file. Copies of the formal hearing file will be made available to all parties and the Hearing Officer at least three (3) calendar days prior to the hearing. The formal hearing file will contain the investigative report, any rebuttal submitted by Respondent or Complainant, any supplemental report, a list of witnesses, preliminary questions submitted by parties, and any other related information to be used during the hearing.
- Complainant, Respondent, and KCTCS Counsel have the right to call relevant and necessary witnesses and to present evidence. Complainant, Respondent, and witnesses, including expert witnesses should their information be declared relevant, will all be subject to cross-examination. The advisors for Complainant and Respondent and the KCTCS Counsel will be given an opportunity to examine and cross-examine witnesses who testify at the hearing. Complainant and Respondent may not ask any questions of any witness directly but must have their advisor do so.
- Before Complainant, Respondent, or a witness answers any cross-examination or other question, the Hearing Officer must first determine whether the question is relevant and explain any decision to exclude a question as not relevant. Questions and evidence about Complainant’s sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior are not relevant, unless such questions and evidence about Complainant’s prior sexual behavior are offered to prove that someone other than Respondent committed the conduct alleged by the Complainant, or if the questions and evidence concern specific incidents of Complainant’s prior sexual behavior with respect to Respondent and are offered to prove consent.
- No portion of the investigative report, any rebuttal, or any supplemental report is admissible unless the person providing the information submits to cross-examination. If a party or witness, including any expert witness, does not submit to cross-examination at the live hearing, the Hearing Officer must not rely on any statement of that party or witness in reaching a determination regarding responsibility. However, the Hearing Officer cannot draw an inference when determining responsibility based solely on a party’s or witness’s absence from the live hearing or refusal to answer cross-examination or other questions.
- Witnesses other than Complainant and Respondent will be excluded from hearings, except for the period of their own testimony.
- The hearing will be closed to the public. Complainant, Respondent, their respective Advisors, and KCTCS Counsel are allowed to attend the entire hearing, excluding deliberations.
- The Hearing Officer is responsible for maintaining order and determining the sequence of events during a hearing. The Hearing Officer may direct any person who fails to comply with procedures during the hearing or who disrupts or obstructs the hearing to leave the hearing. All questions of law, whether substantive, evidentiary, or procedural, will be addressed to and ruled upon by the Hearing Officer.
- If Complainant or Respondent fails to appear at the hearing without good cause or refuses to testify, be examined or cross-examined, KCTCS Counsel will present evidence regarding the allegations and the Hearing Officer will conduct the hearing in the party’s absence. The Hearing Officer cannot draw an inference about the determination regarding responsibility based solely on Respondent’s absence from or refusal to participate in the hearing.
- Findings:
- Following the hearing, the Hearing Officer will issue an opinion, based on the preponderance of the evidence standard, as to whether the Respondent has violated any section of the Title IX Sexual Harassment or Misconduct Procedure (Administrative Procedure 3.3.1A-P). The Hearing Officer’s opinion will be directed to the System Title IX Coordinator and will include:
- Identification of the allegations potentially constituting sexual harassment as defined in the Title IX Sexual Harassment or Misconduct Procedure; and
- Findings of fact supporting the opinion; and
- Conclusions regarding the application of the Sexual Misconduct Procedure to the facts.
- The System Title IX Coordinator will consult with the College President or System Office Vice President to determine the appropriate sanctions if the Respondent is found to have violated policy or procedure.
- Following the consultation, the System Title IX Coordinator will issue a written Determination of Responsibility to both Complainant and Respondent and KCTCS Counsel simultaneously that includes:
- A copy of the Hearing Officer’s opinion that contains:
- identification of the allegations potentially constituting sexual harassment or misconduct as defined in Administrative Procedure 3.3.1A-P;
- a description of the procedural steps taken from the receipt of the formal complaint through the determination, including any notifications to the parties, interviews with parties and witnesses, site visits, methods used to gather other evidence, and hearings held;
- findings of fact supporting the determination; and
- conclusions regarding the application of the recipient’s code of conduct or other policies to the facts; and
- A statement of, and rationale for, the result as to each allegation, including a determination of responsibility; and
- The disciplinary sanctions to which Respondent will be subject if found responsible; and
- Whether remedies designed to restore or preserve equal access to KCTCS’ education program or activity will be provided to Complainant; and
- The procedures and permissible bases for Complainant and Respondent to appeal.
- The Determination becomes final on either:
- if an appeal is filed, the date both parties are provided the written determination of the result of the appeal; or
- when the time given to appeal has expired and no appeal has been submitted.
- The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for ensuring the effective implementation of remedies designed to restore or preserve equal access to KCTCS’ education program or activity that is provided to the Complainant.
- Sanctions:
Sanctions will be ultimately administered by the appropriate responsible authority: Chief Student Affairs Officer (for students), the KCTCS President (for faculty), or the College President or SO Vice President (for staff). Responsible authorities do not have the authority to overturn or modify the Determination of Responsibility. Only the Title IX Appeals Committee may overturn the Determination of Responsibility on appeal, pursuant to Section IX of this Appendix.
Recommended Sanctions
The chart below outlines the recommended sanctions for specific violations of the Title IX Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Procedure. Additional sanctions not specifically listed below may also be imposed when appropriate.
- Appeal Rights
- Jurisdiction: Because these processes occur outside the normal ones for addressing student and employee misconduct, appeals regarding Determinations of Responsibility or dismissal of Formal Complaints shall be made to the Title IX Appeals Committee (TIXAC).
- Grounds for Appeal: Respondent or Complainant may appeal a Determination of Responsibility or the dismissal of a Formal Complaint or any allegations therein on the following grounds:
- Procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the matter; or
- New evidence that was not reasonably available at the time the Determination of Responsibility or dismissal was made, that could affect the outcome of the matter; or
- The Title IX Coordinator, investigator(s), or Hearing Officer had a conflict of interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents generally or the individual Complainant or Respondent that affected the outcome of the matter.
Parties may not appeal the severity of sanctions, the types of remedies, or their general dissatisfaction with the Determination.
- Composition of TIXAC: The TIXAC shall be composed of three (3) members from the TIXAC pool. The TIXAC pool shall consist of the college Title IX Coordinators. For each appeal, the pool will nominate a member to serve as the Chair of the TIXAC for the submitted appeal. The Chair will randomly choose two (2) additional members to consider the appeal. The appeal will not include a new hearing. (See Section F below for Appeal Procedures.)
- Conflicts of Interest: Members of the TIXAC pool who have a conflict of interest shall immediately recuse themselves for consideration for serving on the TIXAC for the submitted appeal. Conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to:
- personal knowledge of the facts and circumstances of the allegations;
- having a family, personal, faculty/student, or professional relationship with Complainant or Respondent; or
- Complainant or Respondent is a student or employee of their college.
- Challenge to TIXAC Members. Respondent, Complainant, or KCTCS Counsel may challenge any TIXAC Member if there is a belief that individual cannot render a fair and impartial result. The TIXAC Chair will determine if Cause exists and if so, will excuse that TIXAC Member and randomly choose a new member to serve from the TIXAC pool. If either party or KCTCS Counsel challenges the TIXAC Chair for Cause, the KCTCS Chief of Staff will determine if Cause exists. Under no circumstance will any TIXAC Member or the TIXAC Chair be excluded for a reason that would violate KCTCS’ Anti-Harassment and Discrimination Policy.
- Appeal Procedures: The following procedures apply to all appeals:
- An appeal is initiated by filing a Notice of Appeal with the System Title IX Coordinator within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of the written Determination of Responsibility. Upon a showing of good cause, the System Title IX Coordinator may extend this time for filing a Notice of Appeal. The System Title IX Coordinator or their designee will convene the Title IX Coordinators for the TIXAC pool to establish the TIXAC within five (5) calendar days. If both parties appeal the decision, both appeals will be considered during the same appeal process.
- Any challenges to the committee members shall mean these timelines will be held in abeyance until committee membership is final.
- Within fourteen (14) calendar days of filing the Notice of Appeal, Appellant must file the Opening Brief, not to exceed twenty-five pages (25) double-spaced, to the TIXAC Chair. Appellant, their attorneys, and their support individuals have the right to review the hearing file, including any recording of the hearing, in preparation for filing an Opening Brief. Upon a showing of good cause, the TIXAC Chair may extend this time for filing the Opening Brief.
- Within three (3) calendar days of receiving the Opening Brief, the TIXAC Chair must provide a copy of the Opening Brief to KCTCS Counsel and the other party.
- Within fourteen (14) calendar days of the filing of the Opening Brief, KCTCS Counsel must file a Response Brief, not to exceed twenty-five (25) pages double-spaced, to the TIXAC Chair. KCTCS Counsel has the right to review the hearing file, including any recording of the hearing, in preparation for filing a Response Brief. Upon a showing of good cause, the TIXAC Chair may extend this time for filing the Response Brief.
- The other party may also file a Response Brief within fourteen (14) calendar days of the filing of the Opening Brief, not to exceed twenty-five (25) pages double-spaced, to the TIXAC Chair. The other party and their advisors have the right to review the hearing file, including any recording of the hearing, in preparation for filing a Response Brief. Upon a showing of good cause, the TIXAC Chair may extend this time for filing the Response Brief.
- Within three (3) calendar days of receiving Response Brief(s) from KCTCS Counsel and/or the other party, the TIXAC Chair must provide a copy of the Response Brief(s) to Appellant.
- Within seven (7) calendar days of the filing of the Response Brief by KCTCS Counsel, the Appellant may file a Reply Brief, not to exceed ten (10) pages double-spaced, to the TIXAC Chair. In this Reply Brief, the Appellant may address arguments raised by KCTCS Counsel and/or the other party.
- If both Complainant and Respondent appeal the same Determination on different bases, both appeals shall be considered during one process. Each party may file Response Briefs to each party’s appeal, with commensurate time frames and size limitations. This may significantly extend the timeframe for filings.
- Appellate Review: On appeal, the TIXAC will resolve the following issues:
- Whether a procedural irregularity affected the outcome of the matter;
- Whether new evidence is now available that was not reasonably available at the time the Determination of Responsibility or dismissal of a Formal Complaint or any allegations therein was made, that could affect the outcome of the matter; or
- Whether the Title IX Coordinator, investigator(s), or Hearing Officer had a conflict of interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents generally or the individual Complainant or Respondent that affected the outcome of the matter.
- Appeal Record: In considering an appeal, the TIXAC will conduct a review of the entire record, including but not limited to:
- The hearing file that is given to the parties prior to the hearing;
- Any pre-hearing rulings from the Hearing Officer;
- The Determination of Responsibility;
- The recording or transcript of the formal hearing; and
- Any other materials admitted into evidence by the Hearing Officer; and
- All Opening, Response, and Reply Briefs.
- TIXAC Decision: Upon review of all the information, the TIXAC has the authority to do one of the following:
- Uphold the findings and recommendations in the Determination of Responsibility; or
- Remand the case back for a new investigation if the investigators were biased or new evidence is now available, which would then lead to a new Formal Hearing; or
- Remand the case back to a new Hearing Officer for a new Formal Hearing if there were procedural irregularities or Hearing Officer bias or conflict of interest; or
- Name a substitute Title IX Coordinator to administer remedies and interact with the parties going forward if there is a finding that the Title IX Coordinator involved in the case was biased such that their conduct affected the outcome of the matter.
- TIXAC Decision: The TIXAC Chair will communicate the outcome in writing simultaneously to the involved parties, including KCTCS Counsel, and the Title IX Coordinator involved.
- For students, the decision of the TIXAC is final and binding upon all involved. Suspension or expulsion decisions may be appealed to the KCTCS Board of Regents pursuant to KRS 164.370 in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
- For employees, the decision of the TIXAC may be appealed pursuant to applicable law (KRS 164.230) and/or KCTCS policies and procedures..
Procedures for Emergency Response and Evacuation
Security and Crisis Management
KCTCS Security and Crisis Management assists BCTC Campus Safety and services your EOC. For smaller, routine campus incidents response operations may be managed virtually by several members of your communication information quickly. Students are automatically signed up when they enroll at BCTC. Faculty, staff and interested individuals can sign up to receive SNAP messages. student or employees occurring on campus. The BCTC Operations Manager for Safety and Security Operations Manager for Safety and Security in consultation with Safety and Security:
- Operations Manager for Safety and Security
- Safety and Security Supervisors
- College President
- Vice President of Finance/Operations
- Dean of Operations
- Leadership Executive Team (LET) Members Operations Manager for Safety and Security at 859-246-6422 for more information or to make a request.
The Safety and Security Department documents and files each SNAP Alert test. This includes a description of the drill or exercise, date, time of test, and how the test was announced or it was unannounced. For more information, contact 859-246-6422. Safety and Security website.
In the event the 2020 based on activity reported for calendar year 2019., and Versailles PD.
*No hate crimes reported for this campus during the noted time-frame. |
An Article prepared by Longyear Museum
April 02, 2012
On the occasion of the dedication of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Atlanta, in April 1899, Mary Baker Eddy wrote a warm benediction to the fledgling church:. (The Christian Science Journal, May 1899, p. 82, and The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 188)
Sue Harper Mims, C.S.D., portrait and signature. Longyear Museum Collection
This church in the deep South had begun modestly when a group of individuals met for Christian Science services in the home of a prominent Atlantan and convert to Christian Science, Sue Harper Mims. Mrs. Mims would soon become not only a central force in the upbuilding of the Atlanta Church, but a successful practitioner and teacher of Christian Science, and an eminent spokeswoman for this cause in the South. As one of the first two women to be appointed to the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, she lectured over a period of fifteen years to thousands all across the United States.
For fifteen years a sufferer from weakness and pain with no relief through traditional medical treatment, Sue Harper Mims was introduced to Christian Science in 1886, when Julia Bartlett, a devoted Christian Science practitioner and teacher from New England, came to Atlanta to give a talk at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Kimball. Wife of Major Livingston Mims and popular leader of Atlanta society, Mrs. Mims was invited to this small gathering. “At that time I could not walk two blocks — often not one — without great pain and exhaustion,” Mrs. Mims wrote in her diary. But upon hearing Miss Bartlett speak on Christian Science, she was immediately captivated by its teachings, and she promptly engaged in the serious study of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mrs. Eddy. Through the prayerful work of Miss Bartlett, her health quickly improved and in three weeks she was “walking a mile without fatigue.”
It was not merely the healing, however, that impressed Mrs. Mims, but the spiritual illuminations that came to her through Christian Science:
…While I think I am improving decidedly in my physical condition, I am more entranced and enthralled with its beautiful spiritual influence than with anything else about it. It seems to me a brilliant, illuminating light thrown on the meaning and mission of Christ; and the method of healing claims, through its discoverer, Mrs. Eddy, to be really the method of Christ, whose healings were really not miracles, but in accordance with the spiritual laws that He came to demonstrate. (Mims diary, March 1886)
After this healing, Mrs. Mims wholeheartedly embraced her newfound religion and devoted her life to sharing it with others.
Early Days and Marriage to the Major
Born in 1842, Sue Harper grew up in Brandon, Mississippi, a picturesque country town with streets bordered by large shade trees, and rustic bridges over creeks winding their way between banks adorned by wild shrubs and flowers. Surrounded by vast cotton plantations, it was an important center of the cotton industry, as well as a political hub, from which sprang a number of state governors. She was the daughter of Mary Caroline and William Harper, a lawyer, whose forebears had moved gradually westward from Virginia. It was a large family, in which she was one of seven children, of whom four were from her mother’s previous marriage. Her uncle, Andrew Harper, was the founder and editor of The Brandon Republican, a journal well known in its day.
According to the Southern customs of that time, Sue was educated by a private tutor — the beloved Miss Frank (sic) Johnson, who eventually became head of a well-known school for girls. She later attended Dr. Savage’s Episcopal College at Pass Christian, Mississippi, followed by several years of studying and traveling abroad.
The atmosphere in the Harper home was one of openness to ministers of every religion and inspired a sense of religious freedom. Her father, who was descended from Scottish and Irish Covenanters, had educated himself as a Presbyterian minister, but later repudiated this teaching. Likewise, his daughter Sue experienced a deep longing for a more spiritual religion than conventional Christianity:
The church greatly disappointed my hopes that it would bring me to realize the peace and satisfaction for which my deepest nature was hungering, for unlike most young persons, my taste in reading, which my father constantly stimulated, included in it a great deal that was deeply spiritual, and I often think that it became somewhat morbid. Failing to find all that I had longed for, I gradually drifted into a kind of worldly intellectual life, but I did not myself realize how like a strong and ever forcing undercurrent was my instinctive longing for the spiritual until in later years.
The year 1866 was a turning point in the life of Sue Harper, then twenty-three and a beautiful brunette with a “shell-like complexion and violet eyes.” A business man and Civil War veteran named Livingston Mims from Jackson, Mississippi, came to Brandon, where he met and fell in love with the young beauty. Soon they were married—a marriage that turned out to be both happy and enduring.
Livingston Mims had held many positions of responsibility. Before the Civil War he had served as a member of the Mississippi Legislature. During the war he was a major in the Confederate Army, serving on the staff of General Joseph E. Johnston, who afterward became his business partner.
The couple lived in Brandon briefly, then moved to Jackson, and later, in 1876, to Savannah, Georgia. There, as elsewhere, they entered into the social life of the city. At this time Major Mims was head of the Southern Department of the New York Life Insurance Company. After a visit to Atlanta, Mrs. Mims was so taken with the city that she persuaded her husband to transfer his insurance business to Atlanta. There, in 1879, they established a residence at the corner of Peachtree Street and Ponce de Leon Avenue, naming their new Queen Anne-style house “Heartsease.” The house was ideal for entertaining: situated on ample grounds, it was surrounded by colorful gardens, and had a large drawing room measuring twenty by sixty feet. From the small tower on the house the couple enjoyed watching the sun set, or seeing the moon rise over Stone Mountain.
Leaders of Atlanta Society
The Mimses soon became leaders in the social and public life of Atlanta, where Major Mims was made president of the Capital City Club, and in 1901 became mayor. They entertained frequently and on a grand scale, receiving in their home a wide variety of prominent citizens. The names of generals, colonels, captains, governors, senators, congressmen, mayors, judges (including the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia and at least one United States Supreme Court Justice), scholars, editors, and bankers dot the pages of Mrs. Mims’s diary.
President Grover Cleveland was twice a guest at Heartsease, and on President and Mrs. Cleveland’s first visit to Atlanta, a ball was given in their honor. During his second visit, as a guest of the Atlanta Exposition, the president ended a short acknowledgment speech with the words, “I congratulate Atlanta on her great exposition, her beautiful women, the Capital City Club and her Major Mims.” Jefferson Davis, former president of the Confederacy and a good friend of the Mimses, enjoyed hospitality at their home, as did General Joe Wheeler of Civil War fame, and President William McKinley.
Photograph of Sue Harper Mims in her Atlanta home. Longyear Museum Collection.
Apart from her role as wife of the major, Sue Harper Mims had many intellectual and social interests of her own. During the many hours of leisure that were forced upon her by the pain and weakness she endured before her healing, she read and studied the works of great authors, such as Shakespeare, Tennyson, Dickens, and George Eliot. She put her love of literature into action when she founded the first Shakespeare Club in Atlanta, and the Browning Society.
Her compassionate concern for deserted and unhappy children led her to become the first president of the Home for the Friendless, which developed into one of the foremost charities of Atlanta. The civic-minded Mrs. Mims also served as Georgia’s representative on a commission that raised funds to erect a monument in France in appreciation of General Lafayette’s services to the United States during the American Revolution.
The Mimses often befriended artists and writers. One of these was Sidney Lanier, considered one of America’s greatest poets, whose poems express the social concerns of that day. A monument to Lanier was eventually erected in Piedmont Park, Atlanta, paid for with money obtained from the sale of Mrs. Mims’s jewels after her passing, bequeathed for that purpose in her will. This handsome monument still graces Piedmont Park.
Sue Harper Mims kept a diary from 1875 to 1886, in which she recorded her busy social life and acquaintance with many prominent people. (An edited version of this journal was published in the Atlanta Constitution in 1914.) But after she met Miss Bartlett and experienced her marvelous healing, Mrs. Mims turned away from the worldly life she had been leading and focused her attention on the study of Christian Science. “I had tasted of all the pleasures of life and found them meaningless,” she wrote, and as she no longer felt inclined to keep a record “chronicling the events of mortal life,” she discontinued the diary, too. After years of listening to sermons delivered in “the tedious, droning style of some of our ministers,” she had at last found a theology that satisfied her inner spiritual yearnings.
From that time on, Mrs. Mims’s writing would no longer be about human comings and goings, but on spiritual, divine subjects. A great change had occurred in her thinking as she lifted her sights to a higher purpose in life: she wanted to practice Christian Science healing, and to tell the world about it. “Sometimes I realize almost in an ecstasy my freedom from the thralldom of mortal illusions,” she noted in her diary on May 14, 1886. “I feel almost as if my raised spirit was bathed in the glory of the infinite, as if my faith were more safely anchored on the ‘rock of ages.’”
Although she continued to fulfill her social duties with her prominent and wealthy husband, her life had begun to move in deeper channels that would take her far away from the glittering diamonds of the ballroom and the mundane conversations of high society.
An Article prepared by Longyear Museum
June 04, 2012
Part I of this article (above) was posted on the Longyear Museum website in early April 2012. It offers a glimpse of Sue Harper’s upbringing in Mississippi, her prominent role as the wife of Major Livingston Mims in Atlanta, Georgia, and the encounter with Christian Science that brought her gracious deliverance from fifteen years of suffering to robust health. Part II describes her indomitable faith and defiance of convention as she went on to become a “formidable exponent” of Christian Science in the South and other parts of the country, and an important pioneer in the early Christian Science movement.
Service to the Cause of Christian Science
Hand-colored photograph of Sue Harper Mims, C.S.D. – Longyear Museum Collection
Mrs. Mims’s gratitude for her healing through Christian Science treatment led to the desire to be of service to that cause — no matter what the cost. “It meant opposition from family, friends and church,” Mrs. Mims said, “and for a while it almost sundered long time social ties, and I was known as a heretic and a sower of seditions.”
This statement is recorded in a short biography by John B. Willis, titled “Mrs. Sue Harper Mims: An Appreciation” (p. 43). Willis, who served as President of The Mother Church and was for fourteen years Second Editor of the Christian Science periodicals (1902-1916), commented that her wholehearted embracing of this radically new religion “utterly astounded many of those who for years had known and thought of Mrs. Mims as a lady of superior intelligence and attainments, and of distinctly conservative conformity to all that belonged to ‘good form’ and the ‘best society life.’ ” Willis continued:
The “new man” in Christ was appearing and henceforth all her energies and capacities, all her activities and plans were to be consecrated to the honoring of God, and the liberating of suffering, sense-enslaved humanity. (Willis, pp. 49, 50)
Soon after her healing, a small number of people who were interested in this new religion began meeting in the Mimses’ commodious home on Peachtree Street. As their numbers increased, the group started holding regular services in rented halls, with Mrs. Mims as pastor; in 1896 the expanding congregation moved to the sixth floor of Atlanta’s Grand Opera building.
A building fund was started in 1897, and in 1899 a new church edifice was dedicated on West Baker Street. At the dedication Mrs. Mims, who was now First Reader, delivered an address of welcome, and the Second Reader, Mr. Edward H. Carmen, gave a brief history of the Atlanta Church. (By this time, new Church Manual bylaws were in effect, ordaining the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy as Pastor for all Churches of Christ, Scientist, to be read by First and Second Readers.)
The highlight of the dedicatory service was Mrs. Mims’s reading of the message from Mrs. Eddy quoted in Part I of this article, which message was published afterward in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany (pp. 187-191). (Some years later, when the congregation outgrew the building on West Baker Street, that building was sold, and a lot at Peachtree and Fifteenth Streets was purchased for a new edifice — the present First Church of Christ, Scientist, Atlanta, built in 1914.)
Listed in The Christian Science Journal since March 1891, Mrs. Mims was now busy in the public practice of Christian Science healing. This tireless worker was also occupied with writing to the newspapers about activities related to Christian Science. One such occasion was the dedication of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Chicago, in 1897, at which she reported on Edward A. Kimball’s reading of Mrs. Eddy’s dedicatory message. In the columns of the local Atlanta newspaper she answered attacks on and cleared up misunderstandings about Christian Science.
The year 1898 proved to be a momentous one for Sue Harper Mims: she attended Mrs. Eddy’s Normal class, which, because it was the last one Mrs. Eddy would ever teach, came to be known as the “last class.”
In her account of this inspiring two-day session, Mrs. Mims wrote that on a Wednesday she received a letter from Mrs. Eddy, requesting her to meet with her the following Sunday afternoon at Christian Science Hall in Concord, New Hampshire — one thousand miles from Atlanta! Although she did not know it at the time, she was one of seventy students specially selected to receive this message.
Miniature watercolor portrait of Sue Harper Mims, C.S.D. – Longyear Museum Collection
On Friday morning Mrs. Mims was on the train from Chattanooga to Boston, arriving Saturday evening at nine o’clock. Eager to get to Concord, she left Boston on a paper train at two in the morning and, three hours later, pulled into Concord early Sunday morning. After a rest at the hotel, she attended a “beautiful” church service at Christian Science Hall. That afternoon, after the students had gathered at the hall, Mrs. Eddy appeared promptly at four o’clock and the class began. It was an exceptional group of students, many of whom, like Mrs. Mims, were destined to give outstanding service to the Christian Science movement. (Mrs. Mims’s account of the class of 1898 was later published in We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, 1979 ed., pp. 127-138.) Now prepared for this higher calling, she began teaching Christian Science in Atlanta in 1899 — one of the first to do so in the Southeast.
The year 1898 was momentous for Mrs. Mims in yet another way, and included another “first”: she and Annie M. Knott were appointed to The Christian Science Board of Lectureship — the first women ever to serve as lecturers on Christian Science. Mrs. Mims lectured to thousands over much of the United States during a term of service that spanned fifteen years. After a lecture in Detroit before several thousand people, a reporter asked her how a woman of her age could make her voice carry to the rear of the upper gallery of the large auditorium, to which she replied, “The voice of Truth knows no bounds.” She so impressed her hearers that, after a lecture in Atlanta, the Atlanta Constitution stated, “With the direct, straightforwardness of the practical and successful lawyer she…combines the beautiful sentiment… of a gentlewoman.” Quoting a local Birmingham paper, it continued: “ ‘Mrs. Mims is one of the brightest minds of the entire South without regard to sex, and Christian Science won its most formidable exponent in this section when she became an advocate of its doctrines’ ” (see biographical sketch of Mrs. Mims by Carolyn Cobb, C.S.B., Atlanta Historical Bulletin, April 1939, p. 86).
In addition to her lecturing, teaching, and healing work, Mrs. Mims also found time to write for the church periodicals, The Christian Science Journal and the Christian Science Sentinel, in which appeared nearly thirty of her articles between 1893 and 1912.
For a long period Major Mims resisted his wife’s involvement in this work, but as time went on, he became more sympathetic to it and served as her secretary, answering letters and arranging lecture tours. Eventually won over by his wife’s religion, he, too, became an earnest student of Christian Science.
When the Original Edifice of The Mother Church was being built in 1894, Mrs. Eddy called upon a number of her students, including Mrs. Mims, to donate one thousand dollars. When she read Mrs. Eddy’s letter to her husband, he promptly replied that she should go ahead and make this contribution. But his wife not having the thousand dollars in her personal account, he gave it to her out of his own and urged her to send it to Boston. Touched by this gesture from the Major, who was not a member of the church, she wrote Mrs. Eddy to ask if she could be listed as “Mrs. Livingston Mims” when her name was placed in the cornerstone of the new edifice. Mrs. Eddy replied in the affirmative, and, as one who loved a good pun, added that she liked the thought of a “living stone” being placed in the cornerstone of the Mother Church.
“Utter Consecration”
Sue Harper Mims rose up from a worldly life of social duties, luxury, and ease, and from a debilitating illness, to become the preeminent force on behalf of Christian Science in the American South during the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth. This intelligent, gifted, kind-hearted Southern belle, who was loved and admired by so many, embraced the cause that had freed her from her infirmities, and thereafter wholeheartedly and unselfishly devoted her life to sharing the blessings of Christian Science with the American South and beyond. Willis wrote of her, “Mrs. Mims’ utter consecration to her work in Christian Science was the most marked of any I have ever known. She thought of and lived for nothing else; this with her wonderful sense of obedience made her what she was for the cause” (Willis, p. 59).
In her biographical sketch of Mrs. Mims, Carolyn Cobb aptly summarizes the accomplishments of this pioneer worker (p. 89):
She will stand always as having organized and established Christian Science in Atlanta and the South, which work she achieved through humility, consecration, and unerring, intelligent and inspired loyalty to and recognition of the place which the history of this planet must accord to Christian Science and its Revelator, Mary Baker Eddy.
Articles prepared and shared by Longyear Museum
© Longyear Museum. No reproduction without permission.
Shared on with permission by Longyear Museum. |
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The most expensive poorly-planned non-coaster coaster trip EVER (Knott's and SFMM)
This is my first time writing a trip report, mainly because I rarely have the time or money to go on a coaster trip, let alone any trip for that matter. However, this trip absolutely MUST go in the books because they don’t get much worse than this. Maybe this report will help some of you re-think how you plan your trips… Granted, everything turned out okay in the end, but the struggle is extremely entertaining and amusing, so enjoy reading…
So the idea of the trip sounded great. Fly to Los Angeles for the opening of Xcelerator, hit Six Flags Magic Mountain as well, and maybe catch some nightlife in Hollywood since I recently turned 21, which makes any city all the more exciting. My broke college self conjured up a plan to fly to L.A., and stay with a friend of a friend who was more than willing to drive me around as long as he got to go to the parks with me. Things were going good. So I searched Travelocity and found a round trip ticket from Chicago to LA for only $200 with tax. Awesome.
My roommate/best friend Ryan decided he wanted to come along to California with me. Both of us are jobless so therefore we can go on random trips at the drop of a hat, which is what has been going on for the past month (see recent trip reports by Legendary :)). So the plan was set, we were to fly to Los Angeles on Wednesday (June 12th), visit Knott’s Berry Farm for Xcelerator’s original VIP day (June 13th), attend the original media day (June 14th), and then visit SFMM on Saturday, and finally leave around noon on Sunday (June 16th). However, Ryan was against staying at some stranger’s house that he didn’t know, so he somehow convinced me to get a hotel room for the four nights we were to be there. I reluctantly gave in, but mostly because Ryan has a habit of taking two showers a day, both of which are 45-60 minutes in length (NOT an over exaggeration). I figured his overly complicated primping/grooming/cleansing ritual would be too much of a burden on anyone no matter how accommodating they were, so the hotel room was probably a better idea, and definitely avoided any conflict.
Well as everyone knows, Xcelerator was delayed. This was the first conflict that arose and we hadn’t even left yet! We received word directly from the park that the dates had simply been moved one week later. So I called Travelocity to see what the damage would be to change flights. $100 just to switch, and the new flights were $75 more. Not that bad, but considering the cheap plane ticket was the whole reason I was going in the first place, this was not good news. But we couldn’t fly to Cali a week early and not even get to ride Xcelerator or even X for that matter. So Ryan and I rescheduled our flights.
The Monday before we left on our trip, Knott’s calls me to inform me that Xcelerator was delayed yet again. Luckily, it was only delayed to Saturday. Any more delays and we would be missing out!
The Trip
Everyone knows you are supposed to get to the airport super early just incase right? Well I figured if we left West Lafayette, Indiana at 1:00pm that we would have plenty of time to catch our 6:00pm flight to LA. I knew it would take about 2.5 hours to get there, so that gave us 2.5 hours at the airport. Well somehow our 1:00pm leaving time turned into 2:00pm. Not a problem. But somewhere along the line I forgot that we absolutely had to leave at that time, and I decided to do some errands before we left, such as stopping at the bank and the post office. There were lines. We left West Lafayette at 3:00pm. Oops. I started to panic in the car because I slowly began to realize that meant we wouldn’t arrive at O’Hare until 5:30pm! What was I smoking?!?! I have never been so panicked while driving ever. And we had to park in the long term parking at the airport so who knew how long it would take to finally get to the gate!
My stupidity rating at this point = 5/5 (5 being really really stupid )
I sped to the airport even though I hate speeding, but I had to. We made it to the parking at 5:30pm. Luckily there wasn’t much of a line and we were able to go up to the E-ticket machines, get our boarding passes, and hurry through security to our gate. Ryan decides to check his luggage, which slows down the process. I was determined to fit my humongous, obviously-too-large-for-carry-on suitcase with me. It didn’t even fit through the X-Ray machine, but somehow the security guy (who refused to speak and simply held up his hand as a gesture for me to stop trying to shove my bag through the machine) got it to go through. I set off the metal detector with my cell phone and keys and was padded down like none other by another security guard. As he pats me down he asks me if I am Rob Lowe. That was hilarious; I have gotten Carson Daily before, but never Rob Lowe! I really don’t think I resemble either of the two but whatever. Ryan and I were starving by now but had 2 minutes till 6:00pm. As we rushed to the gate, we noticed a line of about 30 people boarding the plane, so we stopped at a food cart on the way and I bought some kind of deli sandwich and a water. We actually made it on the plane! Seriously though, that was some luck to actually make it to O’Hare as fast as we did considering we were on the interstates during rush hour and all. I sure paid later on for things going that smoothly!
The flight went pretty well, although I was sandwiched between Ryan and some random old dude, and I tried to fall asleep but that wasn’t about to happen. Right after take off they start serving drinks and food. Ironically they were serving deli sandwiches, and I had just finished inhaling the $7.00 one I had bought on the way to the gate. Even better, the sandwich that was served on the plane tasted better! (Yes I ate that one too ).
Arriving at the airport, we were to meet Randy, the guy that is friends with a good friend of mine. I had never met him before but he is a really cool guy so it wasn’t awkward or anything. We drove to the hotel and checked in at about 9:30pm (The Radisson Hotel located right next to Knott’s). Ryan and I were starving again so all three of us went to Downtown Disney and ate at some ESPN Zone place that actually had really good food! I liked the whole Downtown Disney area, and it looked really great at night.
By the time we got back to the hotel, it was getting pretty late so Randy stayed the night with us at the hotel since he lived about an hour away. He was supposed to go to Knott’s Berry Farm with us the next day (Thursday), but had to work in the morning and would call us later to meet us at the park later on.
Randy left at about 9:00am and Ryan and I continued to sleep until about 11 or 12. We woke up, showered, and after eating, eventually made our way to Knott’s. Having no car, we had to walk around looking for a restaurant and found an IHOP. We walked over to Knott’s and the first thing we rode was Ghostrider. I had some high expectations for Ghostrider since I had heard so much about it. We waited about an hour and 20 minutes, not realizing how long the line was since there is also a queue upstairs in the station. We sat in the very front and it was a pretty good ride. Typically I am a fan of the back seats on coasters, simply because I like getting pulled over the tops of hills, although I favor the front on coasters such as The Legend. There were some drops on Ghostrider that were pretty cool, but in the front you kind of hang over them and just speed out of the drop. In exchange for that you do get to experience some nice airtime, which is always a plus! The ride was super smooth and even impressed Ryan, who hates wooden coasters (most likely because Mean Streak is one of his only woodies for comparison). However, it failed to impress me as much as I would have hoped but it was a good ride nonetheless.
Ghostrider (front) = 6/10
I guess I should add that Ryan is not as much of a fan of coasters as I am. He likes them and enjoys visiting parks such as Cedar Point, but he really only likes riding coasters that have a lot of recognition (which is why he likes CP a lot). I literally have to drag him on to coasters that he has never heard of. I should have figured the trip wouldn’t be as entertaining bringing a non-enthusiast with me, but we are great friends so it was a good time still.
I can’t quite remember exactly what we did that day, but we did get to ride every coaster. Montezooma’s Revenge was next. The launch surprised me on this coaster; I expected it to be pretty tame since the ride is pretty old. But wow, that launch is awesome, the only downside is that just as your heart races and you begin to enjoy the accelerating speed, it suddenly stops accelerating because you have reached max speed. Still an awesome launch though!
Montezooma’s Revenge = 6/10
Jaguar was pretty boring and non-eventful but the queue and station were entertaining to look at (aside from it smelling like pee). We sat in the very front on this one, and since the train is sooooooo long, you really don’t get to experience most of the drops (the few that there are) because you are already at the bottom by the time the train picks up speed. Some of this ride might be pretty cool in the very back, but we didn’t care to ride it again that day.
Jaguar = 2/10
There isn’t a whole lot to say about Boomerang, except that it was pretty smooth and everything I expected considering I had been on these many times. I still enjoy the back seat on these and the first drop always gets my stomach even though it isn’t very steep or long. I found it humorous that it has an on-ride photo for being such a short ride, but hey, whatever makes money.
Boomerang = 5/10
Lastly, we searched for the kiddie coaster and finally found it. Ryan and I barely fit into the seats, and we chose the very back. As we rode, I was literally scared for my life! Never before had I seen such dramatic and compact hills on a coaster in my life. It really looked like we were going to take the hills way too fast and way too hard. Somehow, the train accelerates and decelerates relatively quickly so that the hills aren’t so sudden and extreme, but wow, Ryan and I enjoyed this coaster a lot more than Jaguar!
Timberline Twister = 3.5/10
Supreme Scream was awesome and everything that I expected it would be, having ridden Power Tower numerous times. The line was pretty short Thursday night, although I think about ten people non-discreetly line-jumped in front of us even though there were only about 40 people in line to begin with. I didn’t really care, but sometimes I find it entertaining seeing how they do it. The ride-op walked past the queue pointing to people and asking “Doubles?” However, I didn’t really understand him and didn’t even think that he was asking a question, so after I heard some people behind us say “we are” I figured it out and signaled to the ride-op and told him “yeah two riders here.” He looks at me and says “Yes that is what doubles are” as if I didn’t know. We passed everyone who had cut in front of us and stood on the numbered circles he instructed us to stand on. The ride op that was loading the ride closed the gate before we got up to it, so we stepped back to our circles assuming we were for the next ride. The original ride op that thought I was incompetent yells over to us telling us to get on the ride as if we were just standing there for fun! The other op had closed the gate so we just assumed we weren’t riding. It’s slightly annoying being treated like your incompetent but in a way it made me laugh a lot since the guy thought we were the stupidest people on Earth.
Before we left, we headed over to Ghostrider to get a night ride. This time we chose to sit in the very back of the train. WOW. This ride was awesome in the backseat, and it was so much fun at night on top of it. Great hills and turns, and you just can’t beat that drop off the trim brakes over the station. Very awesome. Some of the turning parts reminded me of The Legend at Holiday World. On a little side note, since I didn’t write a trip report for when I went to Holiday World for Stark Raven Mad, The Legend is by far the greatest coaster on the planet. Every single wooden coaster I ride now just reminds me of the Legend, whether it be a certain turn or just the way the coaster sounds. Anyone who does not want to visit Holiday World just because it is in the middle of nowhere and only has two wooden coasters is very mistaken! I attend college in Indiana and never visited till this year. Any chance I get, I will DEFINITELY visit that park. The Legend by far surpasses anything I have ever ridden. Okay, I am done raving about the Legend, but if I ever write another trip report, I will most likely go off on a tangent about how awesome the Legend is! Back to Ghostrider though, it was awesome in itself! I am very glad I rode it again!
Ghostrider (back) = 9/10
Later that night we get back to the hotel and there is a message from Randy, the guy driving us around. Somehow, he suddenly had to work all day Friday, Saturday around noon and 6, and Sunday morning. This meant that he was not able to take us to SFMM on Friday, and he wasn’t able to accompany us on Xcelerator on Saturday, and even worse, he was unable to take us to the airport on Sunday morning for our flight (which left at 8:40am). Maybe he really did have to suddenly work at all the right times, but the fact that he called the hotel instead of my cell phone made me think he made it all up and was ditching us on purpose. It was just too much of a coincidence for me to forget about. Suddenly, Ryan and I were screwed! I called Joe (Legendary) and he tried to help me find someone who could drive us around. All I had to offer was that we would pay for all the gas, and we would be able to get the driver a VIP pass to Xcelerator’s opening. Unfortunately, we were still unable to find a ride. A friend of mine that lives in LA (who doesn’t have a car unfortunately) called me that night but with both of us being car-less, we couldn’t hang out. Thursday night I went to bed feeling like an idiot for depending on some guy I didn’t even know.
Friday we waited around by Xcelerator during the day. Intamin was supposed to hand over the ride to Knott’s at that point but of course there were delays and that never happened. Ryan and I were hoping to get an early ride on Xcelerator but we just wasted time getting our hopes up. By now, we had no way to get to Magic Mountain so I finally gave in and decided to rent a car. I was under the impression that only 25+ year olds could rent cars but apparently I was wrong. We had no way to get to a rental place, so we naturally called Enterprise, cuz hey, they pick you up . Renting a car wasn’t too expensive, but it still sucked since the trip was supposed to be a cheap, efficient trip.
By the time we rented the car and had eaten, it was about 4:00pm and we were on our way to Magic Mountain. It should have taken 45 minutes to an hour. It took us a little over two hours since we were driving in rush hour traffic. Whoops. Once we arrived at SFMM, I was shocked to see how compact X was. From all the pictures I had seen, it looked a lot more spread out, but maybe that was because of the lenses on the cameras that had taken the pictures. In person, the pullouts of the drops and the elements look A LOT more insane and extreme. Bummer that it wasn’t running, but I already expected that anyways.
Parking wasn’t so bad since it was so late in the day and there were a few open spots closer to the entrance. We walked all the way to the entrance and Ryan purchased a season pass. Usually passes are cheaper buying them elsewhere than the park, but at this point we didn’t have the time to shop around and figure out where to get one. The lady at the sales window asks Ryan if he has a coupon. We both say no, and in the back of my head, I figure that they have coupons in newspapers and such, which we did not really have access to. So his season pass costs him $90.00. Ryan isn’t too thrilled about that price, but he pays anyways. As he fills out his season pass sheet in the season pass office, a family walks in and a man working in the office tells them about discounts for some of their other family members that hadn’t come with them. Ryan over hears him mentioning a coupon with a map. So I ask the guy where we can get a map, and he says it is the map you receive when you pay for parking. Ryan immediately gets pissed off so we go back to where he bought it asking if we could get a discount because we had the coupon and just didn’t know it. The girl there can’t give us a refund, so she tells us to go to Guest Relations and try to do it there.
So we get the coupon and I go into the park since Ryan still doesn’t have a season pass or ticket. I go up to Guest Relations and explain to the woman what happened. Never before have I been as insulted as I was then. Not only was I treated like I was trying to somehow scam the park, but I was treated as if I had done something wrong. The situation was simple. We had a coupon and weren’t informed it was in the map. Ryan hadn’t received what he paid for yet, and simply wanted a refund of the $20 discount that was in the map for the parking that we had paid for. The lady acted like I was trying to get my money back for food that I had already consumed. She wasn’t nice to me at all and fed me a line about how “you don’t go to a grocery store, buy your groceries, and then come back later with coupons asking for a refund.” I understand the analogy, however, this was not the same thing at all. We had the coupon, and there really is no reason why we should not have the refund. Ryan hadn’t even gotten his season pass processed yet so he should be entitled to a refund if he wanted one anyways. The lady also told me “how do we know you didn’t just walk up to someone and get this coupon from them.” I could not believe she actually said that to me. What I have learned in all of my jobs dealing with people, the customer is always right and you never insinuate that they are lying or somehow cheating. Besides, it isn’t like the coupon is hard to get anyways; EVERYONE gets it when they pay for parking, and we had definitely paid. She gave me the business card of someone to write to in order to request a refund, and I walked off insulted. The situation was just a big conflict that didn’t need to happen, maybe we should have asked the lady at the sales counter where we could get a coupon, but at that time, it seemed like the answer would have been something out of the way for us when really we had the coupon all along. I wasn’t really mad about that, because it wasn’t even my money anyways, but I was furious at the way the Guest Relations office treated me. Even worse, the whole ordeal cost us an hour of our time. It was now 7:00pm and the park closed at 10:00pm. Ryan was paying $90 for 3 hours at SFMM.
So us, being the tools that we are, purchased a FastLane pass. We had to. We had three hours and that was not enough time to hit as much as we could. I had been to SFMM before but Ryan had not, and I wanted him to experience as much as he could there. Walking throughout the park, I actually came to the conclusion that I really, really, really like the park. The trees are so tall in some areas and you just feel like you are enclosed within the park. That is my biggest beef when it comes to some of Cedar Fair’s parks, it seems that they favor huge open areas of white concrete instead of vegetation and natural shading. I have to give SFMM major props for having a very attractive and comfortable-looking park.
Our first ride was on Goliath. We used the FastLane and got to pass the 45-minute wait. We rode in the very back, and even though I like the backseats, this one sucks in the backseat, at least in my opinion. The ride seemed like the elements were too drawn out and boring. The “centrifuge” was pretty cool, by the end of it I had my eyes open but couldn’t see a damn thing since I “purpled out.” I have heard the terms “brown out” and “grey out,” but to me, all I see are these purple flashes and such. It actually surprised me since upon entering the helix it seems like you are traveling at a normal speed and the g-forces don’t seem to be anything extreme. I guess it is just the pro-longed positive g’s that contribute to the purpling-out. Overall, I thought the ride was pretty boring; the most entertaining part was looking at the park while on the lift hill J.
Goliath (back) = 4.5/10
Batman: The Ride was next. I had been on many of these, but Ryan had never been on one. I really don’t enjoy BTR at all, but Ryan really likes inverted coasters so he naturally liked Batman a lot.
Batman: The Ride = 5/10
Riddler’s Revenge was right after Batman. Last time I had been to SFMM was in 1998, and I loved RR. I was a little worried that it had gotten worse with age, especially since Mantis is one of the few coasters that I will actually pass on riding. We waited for the front since the line was only in the station, and I started to really appreciate the theming. I never cared much in the past for Six Flag’s mediocre theming, but I now I started to like it. The music in the station and everything just adds to the environment of the ride. It certainly gives the ride its own personality. One of these days I will get to experience IOA J. This time around, Riddler’s Revenge was just as good. It is definitely not as intense as Mantis, the transitions between elements are more spread out, but that is not a bad thing on a stand-up coaster. I really enjoy this coaster and would have ridden it again if we had the time.
Riddler’s Revenge = 8/10
Ryan wanted to ride Superman (of course since he had heard so much about it), but unfortunately it did not have FastLane and the line was looking a little too long for me. Actually, I probably would only ride it if there was no line at all! I tried explaining to Ryan how uneventful it was, and so we proceeded to Ninja. I liked Ninja a lot last time I rode it, but this time it seemed more sluggish. I hyped up Ninja a lot to Ryan, so maybe I expected more from my own hype, but it is still a fun ride.
Ninja = 6/10
We had about 30 minutes left at the park by this point. All that was left to ride that I thought Ryan might enjoy was Déjà Vu. However, the line was an hour and a half long, and we were not about to wait that long for it. While at SFMM, my friend from LA that doesn’t have a car called me from a friend’s house and wanted to hang out. He now had a friend that could drive him around as well. So that was partly the reason for not wanting to stay so long at SFMM, since we wouldn’t be home until 11pm at the earliest without riding Déjà Vu. We still had a FastLane pass to use so we decided to ride Goliath once more. We rode in the front car this time and wow, what a difference! The front is so much better on this ride, or maybe it was also the fact that it was nighttime. The turns are much cooler and I immediately liked the ride a lot more. I still purpled-out in the helix but I don’t mind out of body experiences .
Goliath (front) = 7/10
Ryan surprisingly wanted to ride Colossus, so we headed over and rode in the very front. It was a really smooth ride with a little pop of air at the top of some of the hills, but nothing to write home about. This ride is just weird to me, it feels a lot like a steel coaster. Could be a fun ride if both trains were running, but that wasn’t happening today, and it wasn’t happening way back when I rode it the first time either.
Colossus = 5/10
We left Magic Mountain and made it back to our hotel in 50 minutes. Later that night we hung out in Downtown Disney, ate some food and then chilled in the hotel for a little bit. So much for enjoying Hollywood .
Saturday at 3:00pm was the opening of Xcelerator. Ryan and I slept in and then headed over to the West entrance of the park, however, I thought it was the security entrance. I thought we were going through a security gate, so that is why I drove the car all of one block to the entrance. The man at the security station treated me like I was incompetent because I didn’t know what entrance he was referring to, since I thought that it was a drive-up entrance he was talking about, and I knew that was the only one off of Western Avenue. So I have to park across the street, no problem. I pull into the lot and speak to the security guard there, apparently I have to park in the next lot down, so I go to the next lot and finally park. Funny how we could have just walked and saved ourselves the fifteen minutes of hassling we went through.
Naturally, by now we had come to realize that no matter what we did, there would be some kind of conflict going on everywhere we went. Of course, our names were not on the VIP list for Xcelerator’s opening. I really didn’t care by this point because I expected it to happen; nothing was going right apparently. I talked to the right people and finally got through, and we had about 40 minutes until 3:00pm. We ate at Auntie Pasta’s (some great Italian buffet food for $8/person across from Ghostrider’s entrance) and made it over to Xcelerator at exactly 3:00pm. Of course they were running behind schedule, but after all the speaking and what not, the first train launched with riders and I got goose bumps. Everyone with the VIP wristbands went to get their ride on Xcelerator and we decided to wait for the back of the train since most went to the front. I was extremely nervous waiting for the launch; there is something about launch coasters that just get me nervous. Wow was I stapled into my seat as well, but I won’t bother mentioning how uncomfortable this staple was since I had a worse one later on…
The launch is incredible. It is just too much to try and describe. It is awesome, even better than you would think. Even better than my POV animation J. Breathtaking. We were rocketing ninety degrees upwards while twisting until we started to crest the top. Before we knew it, we were flying down the drop and continued on with the rest of the course. Awesome ride, the launch alone is worth the wait!
Xcelerator (back)= 8.5/10
All of the VIPs were supposed to only get one ride on Xcelerator, but there was no one enforcing this. So naturally, Ryan and I got back in line while we could. We decided to wait for the front since this was probably our last ride and the public had formed an extremely long line. Unfortunately, Knott’s made Xcelerator’s station a huge conflict-starter. The ramp up to the station splits the queue into two lines. Your first thought is that it splits the train into a front and a back waiting section. Nope, the line on the right waits for the front car, not the front seat, the front car. This means that most people waiting will want the very front seat, but the station is set up so that 4 people wait at a time per car. Very unnecessary if you ask me. Nobody who waited in the right side line wanted to settle for second-to-front seat. Not my problem :). We finally got to sit in the front. I started getting nervous all over again. I was stapled pretty well, more than last time, but it wasn’t THAT bad. Suddenly, off we go. Right at the end of the launch, it suddenly feels as if the train is braked. I think to myself why are they braking the launch??? Then it becomes apparent that we are not going fast enough to make it over the hill. Before we even see the horizon, we fall backwards and into the brakes, coming to a smooth stop halfway back the launch. You would think it would be the coolest thing in the world to experience a “short shot” or “rollback,” but it really isn’t anything different than an impulse. It is unexpected of course, but I already saw it happen a few times while testing. It would have been really fun to be behind someone who didn’t know that it was okay if that happened, but we were in the very front. A lot of the general public standing by the beginning of the launch seemed excited about it happening and were asking us about it. It took SO LONG to creep back into the station. We had to get out and let them test an empty train. This time the brakes came up on the launch way too early and therefore, the train barely had enough speed to make it completely vertical. It fell back and came to a stop while the entire queue line started “boo”ing. This train took literally ten minutes to come back into the station; it was ridiculous. The next launch failed as well, but it made it a lot higher than before. Finally, the third test made it and we were allowed to ride. Unfortunately, this time the ride op pushed the lap bar EXTREMELY deep into my mid section. Not only was I not to get any airtime on this ride, but my future children weren’t about to get any either . I was VERY uncomfortable but I am a trooper and went with it. The front is definitely the place to be on this ride. You get the most air at the top and you see the horizon for longer. You also get the best view of the spiraling 90-degree drop. I think it feels a lot steeper in the front than in the back. Unfortunately, the overbanks are just as boring in the front as in the back, but the view you get makes up for it. The second overbank comes pretty close to the supports for the first drop, but not close enough to be a hand or head chopper. Very smooth and quiet stop. Wow, this ride is definitely awesome and everything, if not more, than I imagined it would be.
Xcelerator (front) = 9/10
By now it was getting pretty late, almost 6:00pm. Xcelerator’s main flaw is that when a rollback occurs, it takes way too long to correct. I was instructed by Joe (Legendary) to ride Perilous Plunge. As awesome as it looks, it wasn’t as hot outside as it had been earlier and I didn’t want to get wet. There was hardly anyone in line, but they were running only one boat with a cycle time of about 10-12 minutes per boat!!! The wait was two hours and I somehow convinced Ryan to wait with me. About 30 minutes later he decided he would rather go back to the hotel and perform his hour-long showering ritual instead of getting soaked on Perilous Plunge. I waited for 2 hours for Perilous Plunge by the time I got on. By now, the sun was very low on the horizon and it was chilly at the top of the lift. That drop is AWESOME. Yes the 4-point restraint holds you in, but wow is it still awesome. We got soaked. A lot. I was drenched. Good thing about the 4-point restraint is that it keeps your back and butt from lifting up at all so that stays relatively dry. I walked towards Ghostrider to see how long the line was but it was just as long as before so I decided to pass and go back to the hotel and meet up with my friends from LA again. Later in the day we hung out at some huge outdoor mall and also saw Minority Report. Awesome movie!
This day alone is enough to entertain anyone. The entire trip had been full of annoying inconveniences, but this day takes the cake.
I decided we could leave by 6:45am and make it to the car rental place, and then our flight, with plenty of time. (Plenty of time = 30 minutes or so). We left the hotel at about 6:55am after checking out, and got to the drop off place for our car at about 7:30am. After that, we waited there for the shuttle that came “every five minutes.” Well this easily turned into fifteen minutes, but no sweat, we had time. But of course, everyone that got on the shuttle was flying a different airline, and our airline (United), was the last stop. Wonderful.
We finally get off of the shuttle at about 8am. There is a long line forming OUTSIDE of the terminal. We quickly get in line and ask the man in front of us what it is for. “It is for checking your luggage.” It seems odd to me but we stand in line.
My stupidity rating at this point = 4/5
I forgot we had E-tickets, and this was some kind of “convenient” curbside-check-in for luggage if you had your ticket already. No problem, we just had to go inside, but of course, it was another long line. By the time we get to the little machine and swipe our credit cards to get the tickets, the computer screen says: Sorry, you are unable to receive your ticket at this time. Please pick up the black phone and speak with an operator for assistance. I pick up the phone and the lady explains to me (nicely) that I have to ask someone behind the counter to get my ticket manually since the computer won’t give out tickets if there is less than 30 minutes before the flight. I hang up and ask the woman behind the computers. She (not so nicely) tells me that I have missed my flight and I have to go to another (longer) line and get my ticket re-issued. Crap, this was supposed to be a simple, cheap trip.
Oh, but it gets better .
So we wait in this long line. We are about three people away from going up to the desk when an airport worker approaches us. I immediately think Awesome! He overheard our dilemma with the computer and can get us on our flight! He looks at us and asks “Are you two traveling together?” I reply with “yes.” He then opens the rope that was containing us in line and says, “Please step out of line and follow me to another security check point for screening.” I couldn’t believe it. We were randomly picked out of the line to go through more security. “So we are losing our place in line because of this?” I ask in an annoyed tone. I could not believe this was happening. “No, you can check your luggage over there too.” That was good to hear, but STILL.
So our luggage supposedly goes through some extra security checking and we have to wait in another line. Finally we get up to the desk and explain that we need our tickets reissued. The lady says “I’m sorry, I can’t issue tickets here, I can only check luggage. You have to go to that line over there to get a new ticket” as she points to the SAME LINE we were just pulled out of for the security screening. What a joke. I think I swore at this point (not at her, I have never gotten that frustrated) and explained to her that we were just pulled out of that line. She talks to the lady next to her (the ticket lady for the international passengers) and says we can go through her. That was really nice of her considering my head almost exploded in front of her . So the lady gets us on a flight that leaves at 9:00am. Not too bad, and it didn’t cost a penny so I was VERY happy about that. Unfortunately, we have to get back in line at the security line next to us, but there were only three people waiting. We get back up to that same lady who couldn’t re-issue us a ticket and hand her our tickets. And of course, she says “I’m sorry, I can’t check your luggage, you missed the cut-off time before the flight departs.”
I’m pretty sure I am a sane individual, but I imagine that insanity feels like what I felt at that moment. I started laughing because it was just so ridiculously perfect. Everything was just… funny at this point.
So we explain that the lady gave us that flight time, but that lady wasn’t at that desk any more. This lady mumbled something and called someone over and said not to worry and that our luggage would get on the flight. Nice lady .
As it turns out, our flight was delayed 25 minutes so we actually had time to eat something. We got on the plane and had a nice flight back to Chicago. Of course, no messed-up trip like this would be complete without me losing our parking ticket for my car that was at the airport . Luckily, the lady at the pay booth was nice and we didn’t have to pay anything extra.
So now looking back, that was the funniest trip ever. The most inconveniences ever as well!!! I am sure I missed a few of them! But in conclusion, plan your trips and definitely get to airports extremely early. Although my stupidity does make for good conversation :).
-Keith "Badnitrus" McVeen
*** This post was edited by Badnitrus on 6/24/2002. ***
*** This post was edited by Badnitrus on 6/25/2002. ***
Dood, I made it all the way through "War and Peace"..er your TR. The lack of parenthesis is brutal.. I think I purpled-out from crossing my eyes trying to read it! ;) In all seriousness, it sounds like you had a crazy, yet fun trip. Sorry about all the inconvieniences. Kudos for not snapping on someone in the airport! I'm a little confused as to the continuous ending sentences with the letter J. I'm sure it's an inside joke maybe?
Anyway, glad you had fun (when you were able to) and just wanted to let you know, I'm a huge fan of your work and show it to everyone! ;) Take care.
Sorrrrrrrry folks! Parks closed. The moose out front should have told you.
So did they loose your luggage too?
Joey Ciborek, Florida Coaster Club, Member
"It's like an addiction" Me, The Discovery Channel, Ultimate Guide: Roller Coasters 5/27/02
Awesome trip report! It was a great read with the new and improved paragraphing...
Sorry you had so many hassles, but I guess you will pay attention to that whole "get to the airport two hours early" thing from now on, eh? I always do so, and, even though I get bored sitting around waiting, my flights are always hassle-free.
I'm bummed X wasn't open for you, it really is stellar.
Mike Miller
Great TR Keith ~ Sounds like 1 crazy time. Hearing about all of your "mishaps" made me less jealous that you got to go And Lol about Ryan and his showers.
Speaking of Joe and TRs; Where's the rest of "Coasting Through Ohio"?!?
*** This post was edited by JulieSFO on 6/25/2002. ***
for cryin out loud! this is a web site, not english 101!!
if you don't like the way he writes his post then don't read the damn thing!!!
"A tout le monde, a tous mes amis, Je vous aime, Je dois partir. these are the last words I'll ever speak, and they'll set me free" -Megadeth, 1983-2002
Wow. I laughed (I laughed a *lot*!). I cried (from laughing so hard ). Awesome TR, dude!
I had known about a lot of the mishaps from our phone conversations (how long was that damn Perilous Plunge line anyway?!) but reading them just made it that much funnier. I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time, but wow...in all my years of road trips, absolutely nothing that bad has happened to me!
About what happened at SFMM with the GR rep, no one should have to go through that. *Especially* someone who is there to listen to your complaints/concerns and leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside! When you're that ticked off before entering the park, something is severely wrong. I wish parks could hire Guest Relations reps who are truly interested in bettering your day at the park. There are so few of these types of people, unfortunately.
Other random agreements: *GR at night and in the back is *so* much better than front in the day. It's almost a "just there" coaster for me in the day, but at night it's definitely special.
*RRv is my favorite stand up coaster as well, it just feels more complete to me than the others. I am a sucker for diving loops and its got two!
Some disagreements: *I actually prefer the back to the front on Goliath. I think it's a pretty mediocre ride anywhere you sit, but the back has a pretty good pop of air on the first drop. And I still think you're the only person on this planet who DIDN'T get severely ejected on that third hill!
*Batman is a great inverted and how can you not like inverteds?!
Xcelerator sounds very, very cool and I can't wait to get out there to experience it. Or can I? With some of the reports about the way they are operating this thing, I am having some hesitation about spending my money to go there only for me to feel like I'm in a concentration camp. It sounds very uncomfortable the way they are abusing peoples midsections and that is the OPPOSITE of what they're trying to accomplish (safety). Wonder how long it is 'til someone really does get hurt by the hardcore, unforgiving staple-ing.
Oh well, enough about that crap, glad you actually had a great time despite all the trouble. And you're right, it does make for hilarious stories!
Great TR again, and hopefully things won't go so bad when y'all come down to the southern parks soon.
Joe, who was expecting some sort of "Ahh folks, we're having some sort of engine trouble" spiel from Keith's pilot on the flight back home.
EDIT: Dang it, Julie, don't you know I'm hellalazy? Hehehe, fine fine I will finish them just for you...I already had SFWoA started so I guess it shouldn't be too bad. Makin' me work! LOL.
"Whoa that was pretty cool." -- Reaction to first flip over on X-Flight
*** This post was edited by Legendary on 6/25/2002. ***
Wow Joe that is the longest reply... EVER! Goliath's third hill was poop for me, I honestly expected more.. and about the stapling on Xcelerator... the ride is STILL worth it!
-Keith "Badnitrus" McVeen
-Keith "Badnitrus" McVeen
Badnitrus said:
Speedy - yeah I made that animation in the commercial, and I did get a VIP ride, they just *forgot* to put me on the list. They also play the animation while you wait in line, that was pretty cool to see!
-Keith "Badnitrus" McVeen
I just like how for the rollback part, they just take your animation and reverse it! It's a great animation, and I would imagine it has got to be a cool feeling to see your animation in line and in the commericals. Heh, When you guys rolled back, I was next for the front car! I'm mad I didn't get to talk to you (my fault), but oh well.
Great report! I'm going out their in Jan with (40) other people we are going on a cruise - and then I'm heading to SFMM
Wow... when you IM'd me about having some tough times on the trip, I had no idea you meant that tough! What's with all of the rude (or otherwise stupid) people you encountered? You're not in the Midwest anymore! :)
Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"
*** This post was edited by SFgadvMAN on 10/21/2002. ***
Well, have we all learned a lesson from this TR. 1) Rude/Stupid people can be encountered everywhere, 2) Arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare (like any of us do anyway), 3)Six Flags needs to work on their people skills.
Take a Virtual Ride:
Mike "Viper" Semtak |
All dogs are special, but some are capable of changing your life for the better and inspiring you to become the best version of yourself. We think that Corgis are such dogs.
These small furry short-legged dogs are sure to bring so much positive energy into your life. They are loyal, bright, and loving companions suitable for all dog-lovers, children included.
Corgis are not popular only because the British royal family made them famous. Their popularity has been earned over a long period of time and mostly by their merits.
Even though many people think that Queen Elizabeth II’s Corgi is the very picture of the Corgi breed, it is not entirely true. This royal Corgi is a proud representative of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi type, but there are also Cardigan Welsh Corgis – and they are equally appealing and worthy of your attention.
Although some might confuse these two types of Corgis, there are numerous differences that draw a clear line between these two breeds. We admit that you might notice some similarities at first, look, but if you dig a bit deeper, you are sure to find out Pembroke Corgis and Cardigans do not have that much in common.
Since you are here, we can safely assume that you either already own a Corgi or plan to get one and you want to find out everything you can about this unique dog breed. Perhaps you are indecisive and cannot make up your mind between a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and a Cardigan Welsh Corgi?
Whatever your reasons might be, we are here to help and provide all the information you need. We will deliver the answers to all your questions, even those you do not know you should ask.
Let’s start exploring the world of Corgis together!
The Ultimate Guide: The Cardigan Welsh Corgi vs. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi
No matter what type of Corgi you ultimately choose, it will not make much difference – you will still be getting a fantastic dog and a new loving family member. Nevertheless, we will tell you all there is to know about both types of Corgis.
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Pembroke Welsh Corgis rank relatively high on all the online dog breed popularity lists. It does not surprise us at all. When it comes to emotions the more you give, the more you get in return and Corgis are very affectionate and loyal dogs. A Queen of England has fallen madly in love with this breed, so why wouldn’t we, the “commoners”?
The history of Pembroke Corgis does begin on the island of Great Britain, but not on the London court. Do you want to find out where these short-legged pups originated from? Stay with us, and you will.
Most dog breeds have traceable breed history, but things are not that simple when it comes to Pembroke Welsh Corgis. As its name suggests, this breed is believed to originate in Wales, but tales, legends, and folklore obscure its actual origins.
Even the name of the breed is a thing of discussion. Some experts claim that the word Corgi is a combination of the Welsh word “cor,” which translates as “to watch over or gather,” and considering the fact that Corgis are indeed small cattle herders and guardians.
Still, there is another theory that ascribes the word corgi to the Celtic language. According to this theory, Corgi is actually a form of the Celtic word for dog. The claims are further supported by the fact that the Norman invaders used to refer to any local dog as a “cur” in the years that followed.
The last theory is quite imaginative and has to do with a legend. Namely, the word “cor” can be interpreted as “dwarf.” When combined with the Welsh form of the word “gi” for a dog, you get “dwarf dog.” The problem is that many interpret it as a “dog of the dwarfs,” too.
You are now probably interested to hear that legend, right? We will not disappoint you; it goes something like this: Two kids were tending their family’s cattle on royal land when they stumbled upon a pair of puppies. First, they thought they found foxes, but when they brought the puppies back home with them they were told that they were a gift from the fairies. Namely, Welsh people believed that the fairies used these tiny dogs to pull their carriages or even rode them during battles. The marks on the puppies’ shoulders were actually imprinted by the fairy saddles. The puppies remained with children, and as they grew they learned to help their human owners watch the cattle. This is how Corgis transformed from magical fairy dogs to become the herding dogs in the centuries to follow and to this very day.
Interesting story, isn’t it? Unfortunately, it is probably only that.
The most plausible theory that has numerous historical findings to support it is far less amusing. The small dog of the British Isles probably came along with the Scandinavian raiders somewhere around the 9th or 10th century. This theory is further reinforced by the fact that the Swedish Vallhund bears many similarities to today’s Pembroke Welsh Corgi. It is believed that the first Corgis came to be when Vallhunds bred with native Welsh dogs. The offsprings most likely expressed excellent cattle herding/driving traits and were thus selectively bred from thereon.
The story does not end there. In the year 1107, Henry I of Britain invited a community of Flemish weavers to come and live in his kingdom. These weavers from Flanders (what we now know as northern Belgium) were among the best ones in the world at that time. Every monarch wanted them to work in their kingdom. A number of these master craftsmen accepted Henry’s invitation and settled in southwestern Wales. They did their best to recreate the agrarian lifestyle in the new homeland, and that meant that they brought their dogs to help them herd cattle and sheep. Many believe that the dogs Flemish weavers brought to Pembrokeshire were also bred with the local herding dogs. For this reason, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi expresses some Spitz characteristics as well.
You can choose to believe any of the theories. The fact remains that the Pembroke Welsh Corgis have an impressive and very long history.
Interesting Fact
Many years ago, both Pembroke and Cardigan Corgis were referred to as “Ci-llathed” or as “Ci Sawdlo”. The first expression translates as “yard-long dog.” Do mind that it is referring to a Welsh yard here. The name “Ci Sawdlo” reveals a little about the nature of Corgis and their habit of nipping at cattle’s heels.
Pembroke Welsh Corgis weigh up to 30 pounds but are usually about 22-26 pounds heavy. They are somewhere between 10 and 12 inches tall (at the shoulders).
The Pembroke Welsh Corgis are small dogs, and as such, they tend to live longer than larger breeds of dogs. On average, a Pembroke Corgi lives about 12 or 13 years. Many reach as much as fifteen or sixteen years of age, but a lot depends on how they spend their life and how well they are cared for.
The Pembroke Welsh Corgis have firm, medium-sized, erect ears in proportion to their head’s equilateral triangle. Their ears should be slightly tapered to a rounded point. Their head resembles that of a fox.
The Pembroke Welsh Corgis also have distinct markings on each side of the withers – the already mentioned “fairy saddle.” They shed predominantly during the spring and autumn or annually. The intact females shed during heat too.
If you want to learn more about Corgi shedding and how to deal with it, go here.
Their coat is rather thick and weather-resistant. It can be a combination of the following colors: fawn, black, white, red, sable.
Most Pembroke Welsh Corgis are born with quite a short tail or even no tail at all. If they do get a tail it will most probably be docked when they are 2–5 days in order to conform to the historical tradition or the Breed Standard.
Pembroke Welsh Corgis are herding dogs, but nowadays, they are highly-popular family pets as well. They are still used as working dogs throughout England, though.
As family pets, they are sure to brighten up your home with their positive attitude and loving personality. They are happy and intelligent dogs but are also independent and often have a stubborn streak too.
Nevertheless, you should not have a lot of trouble training your Pembroke Corgi as long as you do not expect him or her to be subservient. These dogs think for themselves, and we believe that is a good thing. The good news is that your Pembroke Corgi is a loyal dog that will want to please you.
The easiest way to train a Pembroke Welsh Corgi is to use treats. When it comes to this breed, food is an excellent motivator during training. Be careful, though, not to overdo it; Pembroke Corgis enjoy eating too much and can quickly become overweight if you do not limit their food intake.
If you need a watchdog, you can rely on a Pembroke Corgi as well. Do not let their size and timid look fool you. These small dogs have quite a big bark that will warn you of anything suspicious going on around your house. Pembrokes are often fearless when they sense that something is threatening their family or home.
Pembroke Welsh Corgis need to be socialized at an early age, like most other dog breeds. You should expose your Corgi to other dogs as well as different people, sights & sounds when he or she is very young. In this way, you can rest assured that your pup is going to grow up to become a well-rounded dog.
We have good news for all the Pembroke Welsh Corgis – they are generally quite a healthy breed. Unfortunately, this does not mean that they are not prone to some diseases and health conditions – all dog breeds are.
Of course, not all Pembroke Corgis will have any or all of these dire conditions. Your Corgi might be a lucky dog and get to live a happy, long, disease-free life. Still, it is crucial that you are aware of all the health concerns if you’re considering this breed so that you can work on prevention as well.
The first step to avoiding any future health issues is to purchase a healthy puppy from a reputable breeder. A breeder should be able to show you health clearances for both parents of the puppy you plan to buy. Health clearances are valid proof that dogs have been tested for most common health conditions and cleared.
When buying a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, you need to ask for the following health clearances:
- Health clearance from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for hip and elbow dysplasia (the score should be at least fair or better), hypothyroidism, and von Willebrand’s disease
- Health clearance from Auburn University for thrombophilia
- Health clearance from the Canine Eye Registry Foundation (CERF) which guarantees that your dog’s eyes are normal
The best way to confirm all these health clearances is to check the OFA website (offa.org).
Here is a detailed list of all the health concerns that you, as a Pembroke Corgi owner, should be aware of:
Hip Dysplasia
Hip dysplasia is a hereditary condition that mostly affects large dog breeds. Sadly, Pembroke Welsh Corgis are prone to it as well.
If your dog has inherited this condition, his or her thighbone will not fully develop and will thus not fit snugly into the hip joint. The best method to diagnose the problem is to perform an X-ray. You can also observe your dog for signs of pain and lameness on one or both rear legs, but do know that sometimes dogs do not exhibit any signs of discomfort, especially when young.
As dog ages, the chances that arthritis will develop increase. If you have a dog with hip dysplasia, you should not breed him or her. Likewise, make sure you check if the dog you are planning to buy is cleared of it. The breeder must offer you proof that both parents have been tested for hip dysplasia and were cleared too.
A cataract is a condition that usually affects dogs in old age. It causes opacity on the eye’s lens, and as a result, your dog will have poor vision. When you look into your dog’s eye(s), you will notice that they look cloudy. The good news is that cataracts can usually be surgically removed to improve your Corgi’s vision.
Cutaneous Asthenia
Cutaneous Asthenia is a condition which is known as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or dermatosparaxis too. Sometimes it is also called dominant collagen dysplasia. No matter how you name it, it is more important to know how it can affect your Corgi pet.
Cutaneous Asthenia causes the defective connective tissue located in your dog’s skin to become fragile and loose. It affects the blood vessels too, and thus leads to excessive bruising and blood blisters.
Cystinuria is a condition characterized by the high levels of a protein named cystine. The cystine gets into the dog’s urine and can lead to stone formation. Typically this can cause a significant problem and require vet intervention only in males.
Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)
DM is a progressive disease that occurs as a result of the degeneration of the nervous tissue of the spinal cord located in the lower back area. Many vets misdiagnose this condition as disk disease due to similar symptoms such as rear leg lameness and weakness that, sadly, end up with paralysis.
Epilepsy is a neurological condition that is most usually inherited. Dogs that suffer from this condition can have either mild or severe seizures and thus exhibit unusual behavior such as:
- Frantic running as if being chased
- Staggering
- Hiding
- Falling down with rigid limbs
- Losing consciousness
The seizures are far from being pleasant to watch, especially by the loving owner. Still, the long-term prognosis for Corgis who suffer from this disease is generally very good. It is highly important to take your four-legged pet to the vet as soon as you notice the seizures or any unusual behavior we have listed. The sooner your dog is properly diagnosed, the sooner will he or she get the appropriate treatment and feel better.
Intervertebral Disk Disease
Having such a long back is what makes the Pembroke Welsh Corgis so cute, but sadly it makes them prone to the rupture in a spinal disk as well. The symptoms you should pay close attention to are the following ones:
- Unsteadiness
- Problems with going up or down the stairs
- Problems with getting on and off the furniture furniture
- Knuckling over of limbs
- Weakness
- Paralysis
If you notice any of these symptoms, go to a vet as soon as possible.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) with Pulmonary Hypertension
Patent Ductus Arteriosus is a congenital defect of the vascular system that can be diagnosed early on during your puppy’s regular veterinary examination. This defect enables unoxygenated blood to bypass the lungs and can lead to pulmonary hypertension. Luckily, high blood pressure within the lungs is a rare complication of the PDA disease. The most important thing is to get the proper diagnosis as soon as possible since this condition; sadly surgically corrected.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
PRA is an eye disease that leads to the gradual deterioration of the retina. At first, dogs who suffer from this condition lose sight during the night and thus become night-blind. Over time, the illness progresses, and dogs lose sight during the day too. On the bright side, Corgis are highly adaptive, just like most animals, and can cope with their limited or lost vision quite well. It would be best to try not to make any changes to their surroundings, though.
Retinal Dysplasia
Retinal Dysplasia, as you can assume, is yet another eye-related disease. It is characterized by the abnormal development of the retina. In some cases, the retina can even detach and cause blindness.
Von Willebrand’s Disease
Von Willebrand’s disease is not reserved only for humans, sadly your dog can suffer from it as well. It is a blood disorder that prevents normal blood clotting. As a result, the affected Corgi can have some of the following symptoms:
- Nosebleeds
- Bleeding gums
- Prolonged bleeding from cuts or surgery incisions
- Prolonged bleeding during heat cycles
- Prolonged bleeding after whelping
- Blood in the stool
Your vet can diagnose this disorder usually somewhere between three and five years of age. Even though your Corgi cannot be cured entirely, there are treatments that can keep this condition under control and allow your pup to lead a more-less normal life. These treatments include:
- Cauterizing or suturing injuries
- Transfusions before surgery
- Avoidance of specific medications.
It is crucial to test your dog for this condition prior to any surgical intervention, or you risk his or her life.
Being herding dogs, Pembroke Welsh Corgis are very athletic and fast. You have to make sure they have plenty of exercise every single day, especially if they are apartment dogs. Pembrokes were bred to be herding dogs and require plenty of exercises each day. Physical stimulation is crucial in preventing obesity, as well.
Since Pembroke Corgis have such short legs, you must not expect them to be able to hop on or down from any tall furniture. Even the couch can prove to be dangerous for them since fractures are a common issue when it comes to this breed.
Their diet should be protein-based, and you should avoid treats as much as possible. It would be best to give your corgi two small meals rather than one big meal since that can help speed up his or her metabolism and prevent weight gain.
It does not really matter where you live since Pembroke Welsh Corgis can adapt to living in both the country and the city. The climate should not be an issue either, since their coats are weather-resistant. The only thing they cannot do without is human-contact as they are people-oriented dogs. This means that Corgis need to be a part of their family at all times – you should not leave them alone for too long.
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is one of the oldest breeds of dogs in the British Isles. Namely, Cardigans have been around in Wales for more than 3,000 years. This breed is believed to descend from the Teckel family of dogs and is thus related to the Dachshund breed too.
There are no fairy tales or legends to enjoy here since it is generally agreed that the first Cardigan Welsh Corgis were brought in aboriginal form by the Celtic tribes during their migration from central Europe to Wales. The first Corgis were most likely a result of breeding between the members of the Teckel and the Spitz families.
The original role of a Cardigan Corgi was to go in front of the herd or cattle and chase off any potential predator. In time, Cardigans started acting as true herders driving the cattle from the Welsh farms to numerous markets across the country. Probably, somewhere around this time, the Cardigans got crossed with local sheepdogs in order to create a more versatile working dog. From there on, people started adopting the faithful cardigan as their family dogs and used them as guardians, herding dogs, and vermin exterminators.
Some of the Corgis were affected by the Viking invasion that occurred about 1,000 years ago. Some were changed when Flemish weavers arrived in Wales. The latter were bred with a Spitz-type of dog to produce what we now know as the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Still, some Corgis lived in areas untouched by all these influences and thus retained their original blood – those are the descendants of the Cardigan Welsh Corgis as we know them today.
When the first dog shows began in the late 1800s, Corgis were not the public’s favorites. It was not until the 1920’s that the term “Corgi” was widely used and the breed history documented.
In 1925, the Corgi breed was exhibited under the Great Britain Kennel Club jurisdiction, but no distinction was made between the Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgis. These two breeds were thus registered as a single one. Unfortunately, as a consequence, these two breeds were crossed. Some judges preferred the traits of Cardigan Corgis, while others fancied Pembroke Corgis more. The owners were unsatisfied with such treatment of their dogs and raised their voices so, in 1934, the Kennel Club finally corrected the error and separated these two breeds.
It was in June of 1932 that the first pair of the Cardigan Welsh Corgis was imported into the USA. These days, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America, Inc. has numerous members and holds a popular annual contest for champions.
The tiny Cardigan Welsh Corgis do not differ much from their Pembroke relatives in terms of size, even though they are slightly bigger. They are somewhere between 10.5 and 12.5 inches tall. The males weigh more than females – from 30 to 38 pounds on average. Females weigh from 25 to 34 pounds.
Cardigan Welsh Corgis are small dogs and are thus expected to live quite long, just as their Pembroke relatives. They typically live somewhere around 12 to 15 years. If you are fortunate, your Cardigan can live up to 18 years, as that is the maximum age for this breed. This does not happen too often, regretfully.
If you want to learn more about your Corgi-s lifespan, go here.
Even though Cardigan and Pembroke Corgis look alike, they are distinct breeds with differences that cannot be overlooked. Cardigan Welsh Corgis, for example, have a tail of standard length, while Pembrokes are, as we have already mentioned, often born without a tail.
Cardigan Welsh Corgis have a thick weatherproof coat as well. Unlike Pembroke Corgis, which come in limited colors, Cardigans are more diverse. They can come in all shades of red, brindle, sable, brindle, or be black with or without tan points.
One unusual color is quite specific for this particular breed and is often used to distinguish it from the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed. It is a blue merle. Only Cardigans come in this shade combined with black and gray color. They can be marbled and have tan or brindle points.
Cardigans often have flashes of white color around their neck, often as a collar. Often white can be seen on their chest, legs, underpants, and muzzle. The tip of their tail is often white too. There should not be too much white on their head, though, especially not around the eyes. Predominantly white Cardigan Welsh Corgis are often disqualified at the dog exhibits.
The Cardigans have blue eyes and black noses; only blue merles sometimes feature a butterfly nose.
Being so similar in appearance, Cardigan and Pembroke Welsh Corgis cannot but be as similar in their temperament too. Cardigan Corgis are as faithful and lovable dogs as their relatives, which makes them suitable for family pets, even in families with small children. When socialized early on, Cardigans enjoy spending time with children and playing with them. They can befriend other pets too, so there is no need for you to limit yourself in that regard – you can have another dog or a cat if you want to!
Cardis, as many refer to dogs of this breed, are trained easily, especially if you start at an early age. They can be loyal and vigilant guardians since their “big dog” bark is likely to scare off any intruder.
Their herding nature makes them especially fond of the outdoors. They are athletic, rugged herders, and even though they can spend hours lying around your home, they need physical activity and mental stimulation in order to thrive.
Cardigans have a stubborn streak, just like Pembrokes. It should not be much of an issue though, especially if you show them you are the boss early on.
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi breed is not prone to many diseases. Unfortunately, even the healthiest breeds out there are bound to be affected by some health conditions. Being close blood relatives both Cardigan Welsh Corgis and Pembroke Welsh Corgis have the same health concerns. It does not even matter if your dog is purebred or crossbred. For this reason, we will not repeat ourselves but rather only list the most diseases that concern Corgi owners in general:
- Hip dysplasia
- Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) which can lead to blindness
- Degenerative myelopathy
You should also remember that you should be a responsible owner (especially if you want to breed your Cardigan Corgi) and perform the following tests:
- OFA or PennHip test for hip dysplasia,
- Genetic test to detect a PRA carrier
- The genetic test that identifies the puppies that are at an increased risk of developing degenerative myelopathy
When buying a puppy, the breeder should also provide you with all the relevant test results. If he or she cannot do that, you can rely on the list of all the dogs that have been tested for PRA or cleared of it by their pedigree.
Cardigan Welsh Corgis are even-tempered dogs that can thrive in almost any environment. Still, they are prone to boredom as well as separation anxiety, and you must not neglect them or leave them unattended for too long.
You also need to exhibit strong leadership from day one, or you can end up with quite a stubborn dog with a will of its own. If you fail to socialize your pup correctly, it can grow to become a bit standoffish towards people and other animals.
Just like Pembrokes, the Cardigans require a lot of activity and mental stimulation. They enjoy herding and spending high-quality time with their family.
The tendency to herd makes them great with small children.
Mostly, you need to rely on your common sense to keep your Cardigan Welsh Corgi happy and healthy. Watch his or her diet, secure plenty of exercises, and outdoor time. Make sure your dog feeds well. Do not overdo it, though, or you can end up with a chubby dog rather quickly. Corgis are highly prone to becoming overweight. We cannot overemphasize how vital the proper diet and exercise routine are.
Your Cardigan Welsh Corgi has a thick coat that needs to be brushed regularly. You should also brush his or her teeth every day or at least twice a week. Clean your Corgi’s ears weekly too.
Follow up on all the required examinations and do not miss any vaccines. Call your vet or a pet emergency hospital whenever you notice something seems unusual. Test your pup for diseases and conditions that are common in Corgis.
It would also be wise to sign up for pet health insurance. It will help you finance all the necessary medical tests and procedures throughout your Corgi’s life.
A pet is much like a toddler – you need to supervise them both at all times. Do not allow for your Corgi to feel bored – that is when the naughty stuff starts.
The Difference Between The Pembroke Welsh Corgi and The Cardigan Welsh Corgi Breed: Short Overview
Now that you know almost everything there is to know about both the Pembroke and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi breed, you are more than capable of distinguishing these two breeds. We will still try to make things even easier for you by providing you with a short overview of all the differences that make the difference.
Do not beat yourself down if you used to mix these two types of Corgis before. In case you forgot, even the U.K. The Kennel club registered them as one breed at first.
Both the Pembroke and the Cardigan Corgis have similar heads and bodies. They have almost identical personalities as well. Both breeds are highly intelligent and have a superb herding ability.
So, what are the differences? Do you remember? If not, check out the following list:
- The Cardigan Corgis are slightly larger and heavier boned than the Pembroke Corgis. They can weigh up to 38 pounds (males), while Pembrokes rarely weigh over 32-33 pounds.
- The Pembroke Welsh Corgis have docked tails (if any), while Cardigans have long tails with white tips. This is one of the easiest ways to determine whether your Corgi is A member of the Cardigan breed or the Pembroke one.
- Pembroke Welsh Corgis have a thick coat that can be red, sable, or fawn. There are also tri-colored Pens (red, black, and tan). Their head is shaped like the head of a fox. Cardigan Welsh Corgis can be blue merle too. They often have tan spots too.
- Cardigan Welsh Corgis have predominantly round blue eyes, while Pembrokes have dark oval-shaped eyes.
- Pems have somewhat erected ears, too, while Cardigans have slightly larger ears.
- Pembroke Welsh Corgis are a bit shorter in length and have slightly straighter legs than Cardigan Welsh Corgis.
Learn More: What To Know About Corgis Before Getting One?
Final Words
There are numerous similarities between the Pembroke Welsh Corgis and the Cardigan Welsh Corgis, but they are definitely two different breeds. Some differences simply cannot be overlooked.
Still, no matter what type of Corgi you choose to befriend, you will not regret the decision. Both Pembrokes and Cardigans make excellent family dogs, herders, and guardians. Your Corgi will be a loyal and affectionate member of your family; we are positive. |
Lord Willing - Part 1
Tom Pennington • James 4:13-17
- 2020-03-29 AM
- Sermons
Several years ago I came across a speech that was written by President Herbert Hoover. These are the words that he delivered to the American people. Listen to what he said. "We in America today are nearer the final triumph over poverty than anyone before in the history of the land. We have not yet reached the goal but given a chance to go forward with the policies of the last eight years, we shall soon with the help of God be in the sight of the day when poverty will be banished from this nation." What's remarkable about those words is that President Hoover spoke them in 1928. A few months later came Black Thursday, the first one day crash of the stock market. By noon on that Thursday eleven prominent investors had already committed suicide. The following Monday, October 28th, investors decided in mass to leave the market and the slide continued with a record 13 percent loss for the day. The next day, Tuesday, October 29th stock prices lost another 12 percent and reached a bottom that would remain that way for some period of time, in fact it took 25 years for the stock market to recover its 1929 value. As a result of the stock market crash and other economic issues as you know the Great Depression began and 25 percent of Americans became unemployed.
As I thought about that I was reminded that incredibly we find our country and our world today in a remarkably similar situation. In a situation caused not by economic collapse and issues, ultimately but by a virus and of course that gives up hope that the recovery once the virus has been addressed won't be as long as it was with the Great Depression. But nevertheless the circumstances are remarkably similar. I think it's fair to say that none of us would have ever imagined the events of the last month would happen in our lifetimes. These unprecedented events have reminded us that we are not in control and that we don't know even what the future holds. The problem of course is that we want to be, at least in part or believe we are in control of our lives and our circumstances. It's that illusion that James the Apostle condemns in his letter in the passage that we want to study together this morning and again next week, Lord willing. Turn with me to James chapter 4 and I want to read the paragraph to the end of the chapter, James chapter 4 beginning in verse 13. You follow along in your copy of the scriptures as I."
The theme of this paragraph can be captured like this, you and I as followers of Jesus Christ must constantly acknowledge and joyfully accept God's sovereignty over our lives and all of the circumstances of our lives.
Really the philosophy that James condemns and confronts here in this passage is self-determinism. It's the popular idea that your life is solely the result of your own will and decisions. This is the philosophy that says, I'm in control and I can be or do anything I want. If I can imagine it, I can accomplish it. If I just believe in myself, if I have enough self-confidence, if I have enough self-esteem there is no limit to what I can be or to what I can accomplish. It's that sad illusion that James unmasks here at the end of the fourth chapter of his letter. He wants us to remember that instead of self-determinism there is a God in heaven who rules over all of the affairs of men instead of nature being the determiner or fate or chance or your own will; scripture teaches that the events and circumstances of your life come by order from the throne of God. And it is a foundational Christian truth and it is a foundational Christian response to acknowledge that truth and to submit to God's rule over the circumstances of our lives. The response that James calls for here is really two fold and we'll see this unfold this week and next, again Lord willing. We need to constantly acknowledge God's control over every facet of our lives, so there is first of all an acknowledgment, an understanding and acknowledgment of that truth and then we must gladly willingly accept what He brings. I think this passage could not be more appropriate for our day, because you and I are being reminded; the world is being reminded of these truths in a very practical way that I don't think any of us could ever have imagined. And so it's important that we embrace the lesson that God wants us to learn so that in God's good timing if things return to normal as we expect they will then we will be able to continue like this even when some degree of normalcy is restored to our lives. This is the lesson we must learn.
Now what I want us to do, this week and next, is to divide James' exhortation into three components or three parts and let's look at them together. Let's begin with the first component of his exhortation here and it's really what lies behind this passage. Let's call it the biblical truth of God's sovereignty. You see James wrote this letter to a group of Jewish Christians that he knew very, very well. In fact he had served as their pastor in their church in Jerusalem for more than ten years. But as a result of the persecution that had come, you read about it in the early chapters of Acts, they had been scattered all over that part of the world and he writes this letter to them to encourage them and to strengthen them. But James for the more than ten years that he had been their pastor had taught them the scripture. And all he had taught them was the Old Testament. How do we know that? Because it's likely that this letter, James, was the very first New Testament letter written. And so as he ministered to his flock there in Jerusalem for those more than ten years, he would have opened the pages to what we refer to as the Old Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures and taught them. Because they knew the Old Testament James didn't need to re-teach them about God's sovereignty. So what he does here in this passage is he skips the instruction and jumps directly to the application because he knew that they knew what the Old Testament taught about the sovereignty of God. The Old Testament principles that lie behind this passage are the fact that you and I are not in control, but God is in control and He is in control of absolutely every circumstance in our lives.
Now I think you understand that this is not an excuse for laziness, it's not an excuse for sin, we can't justify our sin by blaming God. God holds us responsible. He holds us responsible for our sinful choices, He holds us responsible for the need to be wise, to make good decisions, to refuse sin and to pursue righteousness. All of those things are true but none of that changes the core reality that in the end, God rules. Now we often speak of this truth in two different ways, first of all we speak of God's sovereignty. God's sovereignty is what He is. When we use that word sovereign, we mean that God exercises total comprehensive, absolute control over all things and this is clearly what the Hebrew Scriptures teach. This is what James would have taught his flock in Jerusalem. Listen to just a few examples. Psalm 103 verse 19 says, "The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty rules over all." There is nothing exempt from the sovereignty of God. Psalm 115 verse 3, "Our God is in the heavens; and He does whatever He pleases." Whatever God decides to do, He does. He's not limited by the capacity or power to execute that will. Psalm 135 verse 6, "Whatever the Lord pleases, He does, in heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps." Whatever He pleases. Again, this isn't capricious, this doesn't mean God does what He does in some sort of a whimsical capricious way, instead it's simply saying that whatever our God decides to do, that is what He does. Isaiah chapter 46 verse's 10 and 11 says, "My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure…Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, surely I will do it." God says I create a plan, I say what I'm going to do and I do it." And nothing prevents that reality.
The Westminster Divines as well as those who then from the Westminster Confession put together the Second London Baptist Confession of 1689, they both understood the scriptures and that that's what these scriptures teach when they encapsulated these truths in this way. "God from all eternity did by the most wise and holy council of His own will, freely (that is nothing influenced God, nothing caused God to act in this way, instead) freely and unchangeably did ordain whatsoever comes to pass." In all of its details, all of the circumstances, there is not one thing that you have read in your news sources over the last month that ultimately doesn't come from the throne of God, either by direct command or by permission that He has allowed sinful men to exercise their will and sin in various ways. So, it's all in His plan. Now the Old Testament maintains that this concept of sovereignty is the very cornerstone of the character of God. And the reason for that is because if God isn't sovereign, if God isn't in charge then He's not God. He ceases to be God by definition if He is not ultimately in control of all things.
Now closely related to His sovereignty is God's providence. This is what He does. Sovereignty asserts that God is in control of all things. Providence explains how God's control works itself out over every event that happens in this world. So again, sovereignty is what God is, or sovereign is what He is, providence is what He does in the outworking of that sovereignty. Now James' readers would have understood the, again the Old Testament, they would have understood that providence means a couple of things. First of all it means that God preserves all of those things He created. God spoke all things into existence and God continues to sustain those things in existence by the activity of His own will. Psalm 36 verse 6 says, "You God preserve man and beast." Everything that exists continues to exist as a result of the exercise of the divine will and the divine power. Your heart continues to beat this moment because of the divine will. That's the idea. God preserves all that He created, as long as He chooses to preserve it; and when His will toward that living creature changes then that creature ceases to live in this world.
There's a second aspect of providence and that is this, not only does He preserve all that He created but God controls all things that He created to insure that His purposes for those things are in fact accomplished. This is really the primary focus of providence, when we talk about providence this is where primarily the thrust is. Listen to Isaiah 14 verse's 24 to 27. "The Lord of hosts has sworn saying, "Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand." He's talking about Assyria here and what He was doing to the empire of Assyria, and He says, "what I intended that's what happened, what I planned that's what will stand." He goes on, "For the Lord of hosts has planned, and who can frustrate it? And as for His stretched-out hand, who can turn it back?" No one can thwart the plan of God. No one can change His plan, alter His purpose. Once God stretches forth His hand to act to carry out His plan there's no one who can turn it back. I love the way it's put in Daniel chapter 4 verse 35, these are the words of Nebuchadnezzar, the great king of Babylon who came to recognize these truths, and he says of the God of heaven, "He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth; and no one can ward off His hand or say to Him, 'What have You done?'" So sovereignty then means God exercises absolute unqualified control over every event and circumstance throughout the universe in both time and eternity. Providence is how His absolute sovereignty works itself out in all of those events in our lives.
Now how does God do this? How does He accomplish this? Well the, again the creeds are very explicit in capturing what the scriptures teach in this way. Here's how God does it. God, and this is a great word, God superintends all secondary causes, that is, our actions, our decisions, the working of natural causes-those are secondary causes. He superintends all secondary causes to guarantee that they ultimately fulfill His will and plan, but He does so without violating the will of the creature or the reality of second causes. Those are great expressions that capture how God does this. In other words, you aren't a robot, I'm not a robot, we make real decisions, we really act and those actions are the expressions of our own hearts and will. But in the miracle of God's providence, God superintends every free act, every decision, every natural law so that in the end they perfectly fulfill His great and eternal plan. I love the way William Shakespeare puts it, I think this is a great expression of what theologians call concurrence which I've just explained to you. How God uses and mixes together all of these secondary causes to insure His plans are accomplished. Listen to Shakespeare, "There is a Divinity that shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will." That's a great summary. We rough hew our plans, we rough hew our lives we shape them according to our own wills and purposes, but in the end there is a Divinity who shapes the end result to accomplish His will and purpose.
Now understand that these twin truths of sovereignty and providence serve as a great theological watershed. On one side of these truths you have believers and on the other side of these truths you have unbelievers. You see, Christians, those who come to follow Jesus Christ, they love these things and they find great hope and comfort in the truth of God's sovereign providence, in the knowledge of His control over every detail of their lives. Unbelievers on the other hand, find this truth that I have just shared with you absolutely offensive. Charles Spurgeon put it well when he wrote this, "No doctrine is more hated by worldlings, no truth of which they have made such a football as the great stupendous but yet most certain doctrine of the sovereignty of the infinite Jehovah." And then he finishes this way, he says, "Men will allow God to be everywhere except on His throne." Like it or not, God is on His throne. There's not a stray molecule in the vast corners of His universe. That's what the Old Testament teaches and it was that truth that really lies behind James' exhortation here in James chapter 4 so it's important for you to have that background, to know that, just as his first century readers knew those truths.
So let's move on then to consider a second component or part of James' exhortation, and we'll call it an unintentional denial of God's sovereignty. This is the message of verse's 13 and 14. You see many unbelievers overtly deny God's rule, but most Christians aren't tempted to do so directly – to overtly question the sovereignty of God in our lives. But that doesn't mean that it isn't a problem for us who are followers of Christ. Instead of outright rebellion against the truth about God the temptations that most of us face in this category is subtler, much subtler. Our temptation is to think and to act in daily life as if God isn't sovereign all the while still affirming it to be true. You see the fact that your doctrinal statement says God is sovereign doesn't mean this is never a problem for you. The truth is this was a problem for those who sat under James' ministry and had heard the truths I've just shared with you for more than ten years in Jerusalem, and it is a problem for every one of us as well, without exception. And that's why it's here to admonish us, to encourage us, to exhort us. So you may be sitting there in your living room, or wherever I find you this morning thinking, oh I believe those things. Well, so did James' readers and yet they needed this exhortation, they needed this reminder, this admonishment because too often we function separate from our theological beliefs.
So to help us see how this unintentional denial of God's sovereignty actually happens, James provides us with a common example in verse 13, notice what he writes, "Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit." James takes this example from the everyday life of a traveling business man. His Jewish readers would especially connect with this illustration since the Jewish people often have a special penchant for business savvy and for business success. In God's providence this illustration also works well for us here in the US and in our culture here specifically in the Dallas area also. So let's look at it. Now, first of all let me point out a couple of misunderstandings to avoid. It's important that you not think these are the lessons behind this illustration. James is not here implying what is becoming increasingly popular in our culture that capitalism is immoral. That's a different message for a different time, but the Scripture's clear that God Himself is the One that establish private property and private industry, and so yes, like all of God's good gifts, like the gift of sex in marriage, it can be abused, but it is in fact a gift and it is God's plan, it's God's plan even for the millennium when Jesus reigns when everyone will sit under his own vine and fig tree. So don't misunderstand that somehow this is a diatribe against capitalism.
This is also not implying that business is the only area where we are tempted to question God's sovereignty. This is just one example. A third misunderstanding to avoid is this isn't a criticism of planning. In fact Scripture often urges us to plan carefully toward the future even as we acknowledge that the outworking of those plans is from the Lord. And a fourth thing that we should not conclude here is that James is somehow opposed to the activities in this illustration, that he's opposed to business or to travel, or to making a profit. No it's clear in the context that James isn't condemning any of those things, so with those sort of caveats understood let's look again at verse 13.
He says, "Come now, you who say," come now is just an attention getting device like if I said, 'listen up or now you guys listen.' "you who say," Who are these people who are saying this? Well the twelve commentaries that I've read on this passage are unanimous in saying that James is talking to believers here. Because of the call to respond and to think biblically, it's certain that James is talking to us. This passage is to us. Now look again at how verse 13 begins, "Come now, you who say." Don't misunderstand that, this passage isn't primarily about the sin of speech. Instead he's putting words in the mouths of these Christians, words that reflect what's going on in their hearts, their thinking. It's out of the heart Jesus said that the mouth speaks. Behavior is what betrays belief. What we say and how we think when we are not thinking theologically, that betrays our true theology.
Now notice the words and the thoughts, the thinking that James condemns here. "Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit." This is just a simple business plan. Here you have a successful merchant or merchants who have a plan to expand business into a nearby city. And this businessman has considered every detail. Notice first of all, 'today or tomorrow.' He's selected as start date for his new business. "We will go to such and such a city." Now that's not as indefinite as it sounds in English. In fact the Greek text sort of portrays this businessman pointing to a particular city on the map where he plans this start up business to begin. He says, "we will spend a year there" in his project planning, in his strategic planning. He's decided that it's going to take a full year to build a sufficient customer base in order to make this business successful. And he says, "we'll spend a year there and engage in business." This is the Greek word for which we get our English word emporium. It means to trade or to do business. We don't know exactly what kind of business and James isn't specific so just in a general sense, here's a businessman who intends to engage in trade to do business. And finally notice, he says, "we will make a profit." This businessman is confident that with his product or with his service with the market he selected and with the right amount of time he will turn and begin to make a profit. This man is a strategic planner, he's very deliberate and there is clearly a measure of self-confidence here in his capacity to execute all of this.
So the question is what's wrong with what this man says and thinks in verse 13? I mean after all we do exactly the same thing every day, we do it in our work, we do it in other aspects of our lives, we do it in our school work, whatever it is you do you do something very similar to this. So what's the problem here? Well again there's nothing wrong with planning, there's nothing wrong with strategic planning there's nothing wrong with looking into the future and laying out plans. When we do so we imitate God. God made plans in eternity past, called the eternal decree by theologians in which He decided all that would happen. And now He's working out that plan. When we make plans we are really just imitating God. So what's the problem here? The problem isn't so much what these people say or think as what they don't say or think. The fatal flaw in their planning is that they ignore, they unintentionally deny the sovereignty of God in their lives. They don't recognize, they don't express their absolute dependence on God.
D Edmond Hiebert, one of the commentators on the book of James puts it this way, he says, "The language reflects assurance and self-confidence. They assume that the execution of their plan is entirely in their control. No thought is given to their dependence on God." This is an arrogant attitude of self-sufficiency. Let me ask you as you work out your plans as you think about what you're doing tomorrow this week, the month ahead, the next year or two as you strategize and plan, what are you really thinking about those plans in reference to God, or are you? As these merchants plan their daily activities, they do so in total disregard of God, even though they're believers. In their daily activities, they are practical atheists. You see it's possible to worship God as we're doing this morning together and to ignore Him in the daily routines of life. That's what going on with these people. Here's how a couple of commentators have expressed it. John Blanchard writes, "James was not condemning their business, but their boasting, not their industry, but their independence, not their acumen, but their arrogance." Douglas Moo writes, "This is a world view that leaves God out of account, marked by boastful self-reliance. James is not rebuking these merchants for their plans or even for their desire to make a profit. He rebukes them rather for the this worldly self-confidence that they exhibit in pursuing these goals. What James rebukes here is any kind of planning for the future that stems from human arrogance in our ability to determine the course of future events." You see it is irrational to live daily life today or to do our planning for future days without the recognition that we are not in control and that God is. Again Ken Hughes puts it this way, he says, "So pervasive is our cultures arrogant independence of God, that even many Christians attend church, marry, choose their vocations, have children, buy and sell homes, expand their portfolio's, and numbly ride the currents of culture without substantial reference to the will of God." I think he's exactly right. This is a temptation that every single one of us faces.
So the question is have you given into this temptation? Do you acknowledge God's sovereignty over all of your daily decisions? Do you ask God to accomplish His perfect will in your life? Or instead do you live in a sort of independent, self-sufficient, self-confidence? Like a practical atheist? If so then you need to understand that that is an irrational mindset. Why is this spirit of independence such a problem? I mean after all, it sounds downright American. It's because it's irrational, and James goes on to tell us it's irrational for two basic reasons. First of all because life is uncertain. Notice the first half of verse 14. "yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow." You don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. Wow, have we seen that in living color over the last few weeks. Now notice James intends a stark contrast here, between notice in verse 13, "a year" and verse 14, "tomorrow." So you had the business man making a years plan and James says you don't even know what tomorrow brings. I mean how irrational, he's saying, to plan our lives a year out without acknowledging God's control, when we don't even know about tomorrow. The fact that you and I have no idea what's actually going to happen tomorrow is a reminder, should be a constant reminder that we are not in control. Proverbs 27 verse 1 says this, "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth."
Years ago I came across an interview with a famous maritime captain by the name of E J Smith. In the interview Captain Smith said this. He said, "When anyone asks how I can best describe my experience in nearly forty years at sea, I merely say, uneventful. Of course, there've been winter gales and storms and fog and the like, but in all my experience I have never been in any accident of any sort worth speaking about. I never saw a wreck, have never been shipwrecked, nor was I ever in any predicament that threatened to end in disaster of any sort. You see, I'm not very good material for a story." Captain E J Smith gave this interview in the year 1912, just before the maiden voyage of his new ship, the Titanic. Life you see doesn't turn out like you and I expect or plan. That's what James is saying. And you see that even in the positive ways in your life, in the way things have unfolded. I look at my own life and I think about God's providence and how life has simply not turned out like I planned. I had no idea what tomorrow would bring. When I left for college I had certain assumptions about where I would go, where life would take me. I expected at that stage to become an attorney and to settle down in or near my hometown, Mobile, Alabama. But during my junior year in college I changed majors and I became a Bible major and that's a separate story in and of itself. Sheila and I married and after we married we decided to move to LA to get secular jobs for a couple of years and to attend Grace Community Church and then after a couple of years go to pursue the pastorate. That was the plan. Instead I ended up as many of you know, at Grace To You in Christian radio for twelve years. Then in 1999 we decided the time had come for me to leave LA for us to leave LA and for us to return to the South pursue the pastorate. I told John MacArthur that was my plan, instead he asked if I would join the church staff there at Grace Community and I would become his assistant. Four years later, we decided it really was time to pursue the senior pastorate, but to do so in the rural South. So here I am, instead of an attorney, I am a pastor – thank God. And after graduate school, I never lived in Mobile again, I never lived anywhere in the south again, after 16 years in LA here I am in Dallas, at Countryside Bible Church. That's pretty circuitous. That's unexpected, that's uncertain, and I'm fairly confident that your life is every bit as circuitous as mine. You see we are not in control, but thank God, He is. Life is uncertain, both on the negative side and on the positive side.
But there's a second reason that it's irrational not to acknowledge God's sovereignty, and that is because life is short. Notice the second half of verse 14, he says, "You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." He says, listen, not only do you not know what's going to happen tomorrow, you don't even know if you will live tomorrow. The Greek word for vapor occurs only two places in the New Testament, here and in Acts chapter 2 verse 19, it can refer to a mist, it can refer to smoke, or it can refer to vapor. Regardless the point is the same and that is life is brief. Our lives here he says are like the mists that the rising sun dissolves. Our lives are like the smoke that a gentle breeze carries away. Our lives are like vapor from a boiling tea pot that as soon as it comes forth, disperses and is gone. Here one moment, gone the next.
Scripture uses a variety of metaphors to describe the brevity of our lives, to remind us of this. It's so important that we live in light of eternity and that we reflect on these things. It's easy for us to think we're going to live forever. But the Scriptures very clear, that by God's own design in light of the fall and in light of death that He's brought into the world that the average human lifespan is 70 to 80 years and we're to think of our lives in light of that. For example in First Chronicles chapter 29 verse 15, David says, "Our days on the earth is like a shadow." Job 7 verse 6, "My days are swifter than a weavers shuttle. " You can picture that ancient technology for making cloth and how quickly it flew back and forth, our days are like that. Job 7:7, "My life is but breath." Job 9:25, "it's swifter than a runner." Job 14 verse's 1 and 2 says, "Man, who is born of a woman, is short-lived and full of turmoil. Like a flower he comes forth and withers. He also flees like a shadow and does not remain." Psalm 39 verse 5 says, "You have made my days like handbreadths." In Psalm 90 verse's 5 and 6 it describes our lives like the wildflowers of spring which are here for just a very brief season. In Psalm 102 verse 11, our lives "are like a lengthened shadow." In Psalm 144 verse 4 like breath and a passing shadow. First Peter 1:24, "all flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass, the grass withers, and the flower falls off." The average life expectancy in the US has grown to 78 for women and 74 for men, but even so it seems to absolutely fly past. We just can't fully capture the brevity of life here.
Here's James' point; the fact that life is short and that you don't know whether you'll even be alive tomorrow should remind all of us that we are not in control, but God is. And the fact that if we live tomorrow, life is uncertain and we have no idea what will happen. That should also remind us that we are not in control, but God is. And God not only knows what's going to happen tomorrow, or whether or not we live tomorrow, but He decides both how long we live, remember Psalm 139 says that 'the days that were ordained for us were written when as yet there was not one of them.' We read this morning from Revelation chapter 1 in which Jesus says, "I have the keys", that is I have the authority over death and the grave. And God also decides what will happen tomorrow. You know I think this truth is a hard truth in one way, but it's an important truth. Solomon says it's better to dwell in the house of mourning than in the house of laughter, why? Because you reflect seriously on life and I think that's one of the things that's happened as a result of this pandemic, it's caused us all to think more soberly, more clearly about life and death and eternity. You see it's a reality. Hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 says, "It is appointed for men to die once, and after this comes judgment."
Now please don't misunderstand what I'm about to say, I don't say it to manipulate, I don't say it to stoke your emotions or fear, I just want to say it as a friend to you in these times, let me ask you directly, if you were to catch this virus this week and if you were to be one of those who gets a serious case, and within a few days as some of those have experienced, you were to die, you were to leave this life. My question for you and I mean it with all my heart is, are you ready? Are you ready? How do you become ready? Well the New Testament is filled with the message of hope and that is that there is hope for us in this life and at the judgement when we stand before God, that hope is found in the gospel, it's found in the good news about Jesus Christ. We've studied the book of Romans, I love the way that Paul puts it in Romans chapter 3, verse's 23 to 25, he says, "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." All of us, we're all sinners, we've all fallen short of what God requires of us. But those who are made right with God, he says, "are justified" that is declared right with God as a gift by His grace. How can God do that? How can a just judge like God declare righteous someone who's a sinner? Well Paul goes on to say it this way, "we are justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus." And at the beginning of verse 25 of Romans 3 he says, 'God displayed Jesus publicly on the cross, as a propitiation, that it as a satisfaction of God's wrath against the sins of all of those who would believe.' If you're willing to repent of your sin, to turn from what you know to be rebellion against God and to cry out for His forgiveness found through the life and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ His Son, then you can be forgiven, you can be justified, you can be declared right with God. Not on the basis of anything you are or have done but solely on the basis of what Jesus Christ has done, His life, His death, His resurrection. Here's how Paul goes on to describe the response that's required in Romans chapter 10 verse's 9 and 10, he says, "if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord" if you will turn from your sin and confess Jesus' right to be your Lord and Master and Ruler, and you will believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. That's shorthand for saying you have to believe everything that Jesus is everything He said about Himself and everything that He accomplished in His life. If you'll do that, then you will be saved, that is you will be spiritually rescued from your sins, from the judgment, from the wrath to come. I plead with you today, if you're not ready, if you were to get this virus and you were to leave this life within a couple of weeks and you're not ready, then this is how you need to respond, here's the message of hope, here's the gospel to you, God's invitation to you.
I know for most of us though, we're followers of Jesus Christ already. Let me ask you in light of what we've seen in James 4 so far, do you affirm God's sovereignty theologically, but do you deny it practically in how you live and the decisions you make every day? Look again at verse 13, does the way you think and the way you speak and the way you live affirm or deny that God is sovereign over these things? Notice, let me just give you a little list here of what's included. God is sovereign over your decisions and your plans. The ones who say, that is the ones who plan, the ones who decide we will go. God is sovereign over your daily schedule. Today or tomorrow. God is sovereign over your future. We will be there a year. God is sovereign over your major life changes. We will go, we're going to leave where we are, we're going to go initiate a new plan somewhere else. That's a major life change and God is sovereign over that. God is sovereign over your location, such and such a city. God is sovereign over your occupation, go and engage in a certain kind of business. And God is sovereign over the results of your decisions, plans, and activities. We will make a profit. Do you affirm those truths? Do you understand them to be true? Do you acknowledge them to be true? And do you willingly and joyfully submit to that sovereignty of God over all of those details? That's where James wants us to go. Next week, Lord willing, we will discover what our personal response to God's sovereignty should be. You join me now as I pray.
Our Father, we thank You for these great truths. We pray that You would forgive us, forgive us for living as though we were affirming theologically the truth of Your sovereignty and Your providence, but practically living as though we denied that. Lord help us never, moving forward from this day on, never to make our plans, never to think about tomorrow or a year from now or what we're going to do without reference to Your sovereignty over all of those things and Lord may we understand those truths, may we embrace them, may we acknowledge them and may we willingly submit every detail of our lives to Your perfect all wise sovereign plan. Lord I pray for those who may not know Your Son. Lord thank You for this pandemic that You have brought that is in many ways an expression of Your grace, a reminder of death, a reminder of the judgement that's coming. Lord, may You use it even today in the lives of some who have joined with us to bring them to true repentance and true faith in Your Son. May they confess Jesus as Lord, believe in Him, turn from their sin and experience the fact that being justified, being declared right with You as a gift by Your grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. Lord, do that even today, we pray in Jesus' name, Amen. |
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A popular Iranian TV series has come under criticism over scenes that resemble prerevolutionary hits that are now banned. #20BestTurkishDrama #Turkishdrama #TurkishSeriesNote:All Videos making only for Informa. Since the adoption of surnames, Ahmadi has become one of the most popular Iranian names. Mahtab Keramati (October 17 1970) - Iranian actress. Covering the reign of the last Pahlavi monarch, "The Enigma of the. The top-rated Argentine TV series is a cross between and The A-Team and Quantum Leap. Top Israeli TV series to watch on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime & other Streaming services, out on DVD/Blu-ray or on tv right now. Using well-known characters and actors in movies and television shows to promote a political agenda has been a popular method for Iranian authorities since the beginning of the Iranian revolution. The Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) was established in 1313 AH as the first news gathering center called 'Pars Agency' in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 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Based on the 2012 Israeli series of the same name, Euphoria is a look at the brutality and pleasures of teen existence today. Acorn TV has a wealth of fun programming from across the pond. Another complex Iranian drama from the director of A Separation. Most Underrated TV Shows of All Time. The series is scheduled to be broadcast from the Iranian international TV network, Sahar, the channel announced last week. Her strong, poised image is often used in publicity and promotional materials associated with the show, perhaps inspiring the parents of the 370 little Khaleesis born in the U. Although Iran is more open to Western films in the 21st century, many are still banned. Research expert covering the German market. Before she became a singer, Skin Diamond was actually featured on CNBC's most popular "The Dirty Dozen: Adult Film's Most Popular Stars".
The most popular football clubs: IR Iran.
Story of two groups of bandits looting merchants' caravans in the middle of Iranian deserts; one of the bosses though starts to transform throughout time. This statistic shows the results of a survey on the most popular TV shows among teens in Germany in 2020, by. Zarif, who some consider a national hero, is not welcome on Iran's state TV. Actress Lee Young-ae on popular TV drama series, "Jewel in the Palace because most Iranians were at home watching the historical drama . From 1959 until 1964, the original iteration ran and blew the minds of viewers everywhere. Aahoo Jahansouz "Sarah" Shahi (January 10, 1980) is. The drama follows a fictional group of Israeli soldiers as they train for the elite intelligence unit, Mossad. A clash between Mossad agents and intelligence agents of the Islamic Republic of Iran forms the basis for "Tehran," an Israeli TV miniseries debuting in America next month on AppleTV. The most popular movies and TV shows on Streaming in Iran. A handout picture provided by the Iranian presidency shows President Hassan Rouhani speaking to the press after casting his vote at a polling station in the capital Tehran, Feb. com looks at Islamic Republic of Iran's most supported football clubs in the latest part of this series. This was way back in 2014 and she was last seen in the series Submission in 2016. Saturday's vote could not be held as many lawmakers allied with Iran-backed parties did not attend. 2020, 20th Hafez Awards, Best Television Series, Gando, Nominated. Violent fantasy series tops streaming ratings in more than 80 countries within 24 hours of its debut. Its stellar cast included Alan Alda, Henry Morgan, Jamie Farr and Loretta Swit. Action & Adventure Series We’ve got you covered. 6 · thriller, drama, detective ; Baby Daddy (2012) · 7. Put together, Domestic Shorthair Cats are the by far most popular cat breeds in the world. Kamin Mohammadi's top 10 Iranian books. This television-related list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items. This is Iran 1950s style, brought back to life in the online TV series Shahrzad, the most expensive production of its kind in the country. From "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" to "Orange Is the New Black" and "Pose," these shows have changed the way television is written and made. China promises Afghanistan 400,000 doses of Covid vaccine. Reality TV star was cleared by a jury of racially aggravated harassment and cocaine possession. The comedy series, released through six seasons over the. Being one of the most popular and enduring singers of Iran, he's usually noted for his unique voice and is considered by many to be the best Iranian Pop singer. Asghar Farhadi is an Iranian film director and screenwriter. Alpha Bravo Charlie · Dhuwaan · Humsafar · Zindagi Gulzaar Hay · Meri Zaat Zarra e Benishaan. The 15 Best Iranian Movies of All Time. M*A*S*H* (CBS) Running from 1972 through 1983, M*A*S*H* won 8 Golden Globe awards, 14 Primetime Emmy awards, the 1976 Peabody award and was the People’s Choice winner for Favorite TV Comedy five times. Fantasy and adventure, mystery and murder, cops and criminals—there’s enough fun for everyone in these TV shows. Tehran (TV series, Apple TV+, Netflix). TEHRAN, IRAN — An Iranian fighter jet crashed Monday in a residential area of the northwestern city of Tabriz killing three people, including two crew, state television reported. The loss of popularity in Turkish shows are because in recent years. Over the past three decades, the regime has tried to crush the Iranian people's taste for the Western and non-Islamic Iranian music, TV shows, and films available through the thousands of. Among the most popular series were Muhteşem Yüzyıl, Aşk-ı Memnu, Sırlar Dünyası and Fatmagül'ün Suçu Ne. My Uncle Napoleon (1976) 770 min | Comedy, Drama 8. Pages in category "Iranian television series" · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H. FlixPatrol provides VOD charts and streaming ratings worldwide. Money Heist is the most popular TV show in a foreign language Money Heist has been on Netflix since 2017, and the final installation aired in December 2021, capping it off at five seasons in total. Persian surnames have a touch of royalty in them. Most popular of the cowboy series were “adult” westerns, aimed directly at both men and women. Top Israeli TV Shows and Films to Binge-watch During the Coronavirus Lockdown. Also, a program could be accessible in your nation at a unique time from its release in Korea. Iran's top security official accused the U. Read Every Article Esquire Has Ever Published. Thriller follows a Mossad agent who goes undercover on a mission in Iran to disable a nuclear reactor and unexpectedly falls in love with an . Shabhaye Barareh (2005-2006) Error: please try again. Most of the street signs shown throughout the series are either in Japanese, English, Persian, or Russian.
The battle over state TV in Iran.
Roozi Roozegari (1991–1992) Action, Adventure, Drama.
10 TV Shows That Have Gained a Global Audience.
If you're looking for some new pub ammo, we. This is the most common traditional. The Daily Show is an Emmy- and Peabody Award-winning program that looks at the day's top headlines through a sharp, reality-based lens. For Iran's Feeble Regime, 10 Seconds of TV Shock Was an Eternity. However, the “best Iranian series” that OP has asked for could actually include much more series than just the top five. Once Upon a Time in Iran (2021– ) 5. A satellite TV station broadcasting from Dubai is now so popular in Iran that it has the authorities seriously worried, even though its . Naruto appeared within the search historical past of 6 American states. Based on a 2018 novel by Karin Slaughter, the mystery series premiered on March 4 and consists of eight episodes. One of Iran's most popular satellite channels, GEM TV, operating from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and broadcasting. (Image credit: Apple) This limited-series thriller is based on the 2012 best-selling page turner – and the Apple TV Plus adaptation is just as gripping as its source material. A list of the most popular films is also available when you click into the films tab. If you want to watch the latest popular Turkish series, Turkish123 is also your go-to site as it brings the most up-to-date series and episodes to its users for free. Tehran (TV series, Apple TV+, Netflix) Niv Sultan stars as Tamar Rabinyan, a Mossad hacker smuggled into Iran to help blow up a nuclear site. Shahrzad, a pretty medical student, meets Farhad, a journalist, in Tehran in the early 1950s. Overview: Hezar Dastan (Persian: هزاردستان, also Romanized as Hezār Dastān) is a 1987 popular and critically acclaimed epic historical drama television series . Roozi Roozegari (1991–1992) Error: please try again. Iran returns passport to UK charity worker detained for nearly six years. Los Simuladores (The Pretenders) follows a team of con artists who create ornate fake situations to solve regular peoples' problems. All you need to do is to search for your favorite movie using the keyword. Movies & TV New Releases Best Sellers Deals Blu-ray 4K Ultra HD TV Shows Kids & Family Anime All Genres Prime Video Your Video Library . Toni Collette and Bella Heathcote star as a mother and daughter caught up in a web of violent. One banned film is Argo, which portrays some of the events of the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis. After that Turkish shows got extremely popular in Iran during the early 2010s. The series takes a look at Iran's tourist attraction sites and culture from a different angle. Farrokhzad was divorced and had only one sister, named Pooran, living in Iran who could never take on the political establishment. Nazanin Boniadi (22 May 1982) - Iranian-British actress currently living and working in the United States. Ahmed (Arabic origin) meaning "highly praised". Viewers on the app will notice that about half way down the home screen is a new 'Top 10 TV Programmes Today' list, with bold numbering to indicate the popularity of the series or film. Tehran: As the 2020-21 Iran Pro League season gets underway over the weekend, the-AFC. Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a British-Iranian charity worker detained by Iran since 2016, has been freed and will return to the U. The 33-year-old actress has been starring in films and TV series. South Korean horror 'Hellbound' beats 'Squid Game' as Netflix's most popular show. World Cup Qualifying Senegal vs Egypt 21:30 (Varzesh TV, Sport 2) World Cup Qualifying Nigeria vs Ghana 21:30. If the home audience in Israel wasn’t already intrigued, the TV series had some uncanny real-life echoes when it aired in July at the same time as a string of explosions rocked Iran’s assembly. Let's move to the good part now!. All of Us Are Dead is about a group of high school students who are faced with an extreme crisis situation when they become trapped in their school, while a zombie virus spreads like a wildfire. ( November 2012 ) This is a list of Persian-language television channels organized by country of origin, this list may include active and defunct channels. A controversial state TV series in Iran showing President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif in a bad light has been criticized . Check out this list of the most popular Persian boy names. "The Father" is about a young Iranian man who has been raised in a religious family. The Berber word amouddou means "voyage" in English, and it's the title of a documentary TV series produced by the first Moroccan TV channel, Al Aoula. SYDNEY FILM FESTIVAL: This talky Iranian film from that country’s leading female director, Rakhshan Bani-Etemad, has an unlikely similarity with Pulp Fiction, in that both are woven together. 30 most successful TV shows of all time. Lots of lesbian action in another women's prison Tv Series, the UK's Bad Girls was a popular mainstream series in the late 1990s. The cast and crew “work with Iranian actors from all over the world, Iranian refugees that just fled the current regime … we work in . Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman on Sunday said the U. There's more TV content to watch now than ever before, but there are still those classics you "always meant to watch. Niv Sultan stars as Tamar Rabinyan, a Mossad hacker smuggled into Iran to help blow up a nuclear site. M*A*S*H* (CBS) Running from 1972 through 1983, M*A*S*H* won 8 Golden Globe awards, 14 Primetime Emmy awards, the 1976 Peabody award and was the People's Choice winner for Favorite TV Comedy five times. Get personalized recommendations, and learn where to watch across hundreds of streaming providers. But, most Europeans still have a rather dim opinion of the United States [source: Pfanner]. Five or six years ago, it was hard to find any U. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. TikTok video from Nia (@series_fanatic): "top 10 trending shows on Netflix rn🎬 #foryoupage #foryou #tvshow #series #obx #netflixseries #hpradicalreuse #summermashup #getyourjeanson". GEM TV is one of the most popular satellite channels in Iran. Browse the full list of Iranian movies and TV shows streaming online, including services like Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video, HBO and more. Lots of lesbian action in another women’s prison Tv Series, the UK’s Bad Girls was a popular mainstream series in the late 1990s. It was 3 PM on Thursday, January 27, 2022. (Image credit: Apple) This limited-series thriller is based on the 2012 best-selling page turner - and the Apple TV Plus adaptation is just as gripping as its source material. Roozi Roozegari (1991-1992) Error: please try again.
Best Iranian Movies And Series On Televika.
So when Parts Unknown went to Iran, it was a political act in the best sense. Many Syrian actors, producers and directors left the country; many film sets have been destroyed or made inaccessible by the fighting. We cover the most-watched movies and the most popular TV shows in 2021. Some official and academic reports in 2019 put the number of viewers of BBC Persian's flagship news bulletin at times of crisis up to 5 million, and Manoto TV's "Newsroom" program at twice as many. The top real estate brokers at The Oppenheim Group are back with season four! Selling Sunset, a Netflix reality series set in the world of LA’s high-end real estate, follows seven of the city's most successful female realtors who all work under the same roof at the #1 agency in the Hollywood Hills and the Sunset. NEW DELHI: Turkish TV series, Diriliş: Ertuğrul ('Resurrection: Ertugrul and Ertugrul for short) is fast becoming the most popular drama in Jammu and Kashmir. Her character has a complicated relationship with Kat though the two always try to work things out. Venezuela’s highest-scoring show is a 1992 telenovela called. For three days, Iran insisted that mechanical problems likely caused the plane to crash before acknowledging the truth. Bad Girls has been described as a hard-hitting ITV drama series depicting the trials and triumphs of prison inmates and officers in the notorious women’s prison of HMP Larkhall. In November, Eden accepted the award for Best Drama at the International Emmy the Iranians and the Israelis, in Jerusalem and in Tehran, . [32] Farsi1 , a satellite channel part owned by News Corporation broadcasting mostly comedies and dramas from other Asian countries and Latin America, is one of the most popular stations in the country. com/channel/UCpsqxuSzHSMjhfApA5em_4g?sub_confirmation=1=====Hello. As I mentioned before, Turkish TV dramas are one of the fastest-growing on the OTT platform. in 2006 she was appointed as UNICEF National Ambassador in Iran. One of the most recognizable theme songs of all time, it began with the hit TV series that premiered in the late 1960s and was part of the film series starting in the. A young man watches an episode of the Iranian television series Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories. It chronicled the everyday lives. Check the title detail for more streaming analytics.
Does the new TV series ‘Tehran’ inadvertently glorify the.
Watch a film, tune into a movie channel, watch a TV series, jump to the very last episodes or start a new series, it is now easy to access TV and cinema from anywhere in the world (American series, French series, Arabic series, etc. I am gonna briefly introduce the top five Iranian TV series based on my personal opinion.
Top 20 Best Turkish Drama Series To Watch in 2021.
Analytics Insight presents some of the top popular films and TV shows based on robots. While CSI and NCIS logically. From the staggeringly popular Vikings to uncompromisingly gritty dramas like Chernobyl, here are 20 of the best historical TV series. It worked as an anthology series, with each episode focusing on different characters and a different situation. Sort of a Spanish Ocean's 8/11/12. Have you ever turned on the tube hoping to stumble across your next guilty pleasure TV show? This list of the 30 worst reality TV shows ever created has you covered.. Recommended For You Add New Title. One of Iran's then most popular and currently the country's longest running . PMC is the first free-to-air satellite TV channel that directly and dynamically responds to the current needs of the younger generation of Iran. A controversial Iranian TV spy thriller is once again generating buzz in season on the the popular audio chat app Clubhouse last week, . By 2014 only 20 Syrian series were being made, compared to the 40 produced in 2010. An unidentified female caller had contended the series' persevering protagonist is a better role model for Iranian women than the daughter of Mohammed, the founder of Islam. Top Shows Most Popular Shows Variety Shows Newest Upcoming Reviews Recommendations. It’s cutting edge style has rapidly made it the most popular television channel in Iran. Football (soccer) is the most popular game in Iran and has the highest number of followers and spectators. Or you could just be an aficionado of Israeli fare who has been too busy – until now, at least – to catch up on the numerous television shows and movies coming out of Israel. If you want to watch a movie or TV shows, you must go to the official Netflix. As usual, Channel 1, the flagship network on Iran's state-run TV, was preparing to air. Most popular of the cowboy series were "adult" westerns, aimed directly at both men and women. In November 2015, the official IRTV1 channel began broadcasting a $55 million budget series titled, "The Enigma of the Shah". It’s not a coincidence that over the last 10 years, it’s been Israel of all places that has sold the rights for many an American television remake such as the wildly successful Homeland (Showtime), Traffic Light (Fox), and In Treatment (HBO). Thus, the actress, with her unusual beauty and talent for acting, is one of the most popular TV stars in Turkey. My Uncle Napoleon (1976) 770 min | Comedy, Drama. It has also been a three-time champion at the AFC Asian Cup and a four-time champion at the Asian Games. Check the list of Iranian popular names with meaning. 7 Rate An uproarious adoption of a popular novel by Iraj Pezeshkzad set in and around the family compound in early 1940s Tehran, marvelously rich in personality and incident. Sugarland (2019- ) Animation, Comedy, Family 8. Although ordinary people don't have access to Netflix, mainly because of issues relating to Iranians' access to foreign payments, its TV series like Breaking Bad are popular in Iran. Yousuf e Payambar (2008–2009) 7. Televika is a VOD streaming service that is the ultimate way to watching the best movies and tv series for Iranian viewers living abroad. According to the survey, news channel Iran International and general entertainment channel Manoto are the “most popular” television channels . Origin: Mixed-breed (mainly from Europe & North America) There are British Shorthair cats, several European Shorthair cats and also American shorthair cats. Top 20 Best Turkish Drama Series To Watch in 2021 - New Turkish Drama. Most of the popular American TV shows and Drama series can also be streamed live and online for free on The Roku Channel. The name rose from 821 on the SSA's list of most popular baby names for girls in 2015 to number 765 a year later. The Frog (2020-2021) Not Rated | Crime, Drama, Mystery 8. While most TV networks and services have struggled due to a dearth of newer programs, Netflix has managed to outshine them by a considerable degree. The Netflix-produced teen drama returned for a second season in July. In this video we are going to watch 10 most favorite Iranian series shown in 2020. later on Wednesday, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said. It is unbelievable that the first-ever film based on robots was released in 1927 known as Metropolis while the first-ever real-life commercial, digital and programmable robot was built in 1954. Keep scrolling for a deeper dive!.
Iranian television series.
Iran’s top security official accused the U. New TV series Shahrzad evokes memories of life in Iran during the A still from the Iranian TV series Shahrzad [shahrzadseries. PMC represents an exciting new era in entertainment for Iranian youth. Tamar is barely out of the airport before she’s spotted by a former Army colleague and her mission must change. A clash between Mossad agents and intelligence agents of the Islamic Republic of Iran forms the basis for “Tehran,” an Israeli TV miniseries debuting in America next month on AppleTV. List of the most popular TV Shows, Page 8 on Next Episode news home episodes movies calendar browse top charts premium TV schedule forums: Browsing all shows South Park is an animated series featuring four boys who live in the Colorado town of South Park, which is beset by frequent odd occurrences. A wildly popular TV series on Iran's state-owned TV tells a heart-wrenching tale of Jews during World War II, part of the government's bid to demonstrate its empathy for the Jewish people even.
Landmark TV Shows You Never Got Around To, But Should Marathon Now.
Farrokhzad singing one of his popular songs, Salam, on Iranian TV in 1970's. Tanhaiyaan (1985) It is the story of two sisters who lose their parents and go.
The Unresolved Murder Of A Popular Iranian Performer.
10 incredible TV shows that no one's talking about.
The Most Popular Anime Series Of 2021, With Receipts.
Avoda Aravit (Arab Labor) The comedy “Avoda Aravit” brings Arabic language and culture into Israeli living rooms. In Iran, Tehran, 1953, Shahrzad and Farhad love each other and intend to get married, but the great mafia Bozorg Agha has decided another fate for them. Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Top Persian Movies. one of the main and most popular characters of the TV show, . Nurali Tabandeh, the leader of one of Iran's largest Sufi sects, died on December 24 at the age of 92. Spike's bent cigarettes are a visual homage to renowned jazz musician Dizzy Gillespie and. ” It's the hard-liners who have the good of the nation at heart. Here's a list of the 20 most-watched television shows in prime time for the week of Jan. Mossad 101 (Netflix) Premiering on Israeli cable TV in 2015, Mossad 101 was quickly noticed by international audiences. Main Street: Critics warn that talk of military action will kill any hope. Turkish 'Game of Thrones' The restrictions after the abrogation of Article 370 imposed in the Kashmir, the people in the Valley went on a prolonged strike. FlixPatrol also offers selected movie analytics for movies everyone’s watching or VOD release dates. Bonanza made waves on the small screen in the mid-20th century. Photography and art don't seem to be limited to Boosheri's character only. TOP 10 lists are updated daily. As for her latest TV series, she made a great debut with Kuzey Yıldızı İlk Aşk (Northern Star: The First Love). Perhaps you want to check out the original version of the many Israeli series that have been, or are set to be, remade for wider audiences in English. 40 Best Comedy Series of All Time - Greatest Comedy TV Shows to Watch. You can find here all the Netflix charts (Netflix TOP 10 or what is Trending on Netflix), iTunes charts, Amazon Prime charts and HBO charts. The most popular Irani bun maska places in Pune We list out the best Iranian eateries in the city where you can grab a bite of the bun maska whilst sipping your chai on the typical marble-top. “The Father” is about a young Iranian man who has been raised in a religious family. The main character is now forty years old and. Nazanin Boniadi is an Iran-born English actress and activist best known for her portrayal of Nora in the popular American sitcom How I Met Your Mother. Americans rate Canada and Great Britain the most favorably and Iran and Russia among the least favorably in a survey of 19 countries, Gallup reports. Adele remained in the US Top 1,000 popular baby names through 1969, then reentered the Top 1,000 in 2010 and has remained there ever since. Jordan and Coach even created a clothing line featuring the anime. If you like junk TV, this is it!. A Journal Contributor Vanishes in Iran Hossein Ronaghi is missing after he opposed an internet takeover by the government. Los Simuladores (The Pretenders) follows a team of con artists who create ornate fake situations to solve regular peoples’ problems.
Iranian Leaders React After Apparent Popular Boycott of.
THE COMEDY series “Payetakht” (Capital) has been one of the most popular shows on Iranian state TV since it began airing in 2011. A promotional still from the Iranian TV series “Gando. 9 Rate this Sugerland is a Tv series that tells the stories of a land with more than 180 characters from a crazy person who knows a lot but acts like wise people to a wise man who acts like a crazy. The controversial Iranian TV spy thriller is once again generating buzz in the Islamic Republic, drawing the ire of government officials and complaints from viewers Sunday, April 4, 2021, over alleged censorship in the second season finale. Based in Dubai , it is broadcast illegally into the country. Over the course of now 4 seasons (season 4 released April 3, 2020) A group of robbers attempt to carry out the most perfect robbery in Spanish history - stealing 2. Security forces in Iran have arrested a former popular Iranian TV presenter, for criticizing the Islamic Republic. World Cup Qualifying Saudi Arabia vs Australia. Boosheri has also had supporting roles in TV shows such as Supergirl and Altered Carbon. I would like to work on my listening ability a bit through watching an Iranian . Bad Girls has been described as a hard-hitting ITV drama series depicting the trials and triumphs of prison inmates and officers in the notorious women's prison of HMP Larkhall. Popular Channels Tags خبر خراسان سپهر سیما ۱ سیما ۲ سیما ۳ سیما ۴ سیما ۵ شبکه تهران شبکه خبر شبکه ۱. Bollywood movies of almost every genre can be found on this website exclusively for free. TV series about Iran ; Here and Now (2018) · 6. " Now's the time to social distance and marathon those landmark shows.
About: Nargess (TV series).
Ironically, hundreds of thousands of copies of the film have been sold in Iran, making it one of the country’s most popular bootleg films.
1950s TV Shows: What Did People Watch?.
Naruto is simply as well-liked, beforehand the Third-most watched anime within the USA in 2020, and tops many 'Best Anime Series' lists. The first of many Law & Order spin-offs, SVU expanded the formula to include ever more despicable crimes (gang. the popular film) is a mirror, a phantasmic distraction or a projector of the histrionic clash of Iran with (post-) modernity. Iranian American actress Nikohl Boosheri plays photographer and artist Adena in the series. The series is set at a time when America was in its vibrant and colorful adolescence - from the 1860s slums of New York to the violent and lawless American West of the 1870s. The underrated dramas, rom-coms, thrillers, comedies and science fiction. Popular Iranian Sufi Leader Dies in Tehran. TEHRAN - "The Father", a popular Iranian TV series directed by Behrang Tofiqi, has been dubbed into Hindi for viewers in India. 6, their networks and viewerships: 1. A female Chinese student studying in Iran became well-known across the country after recently playing a role in Iran's top TV series The . These Farsi names are more common in Muslim countries like Iraq, Iran, and Oman. Available to United States residents. "TPM" is a platform for publishing new and nostalgic Iranian movies and series. 8 · fantasy, comedy, drama ; Secret State (2012) · 7. 1) Don't let that mystifying title mislead; this series set in the 1960s weaves a detective tale of drugs, death, and the disillusionment of the psychedelic age. In recent years, however, American television shows have become immensely popular. Here is the updated list of all-time most-watched TV shows on Netflix (first 28 days of release), broken out by English and non-English series: And here Netflix’s current list of all-time most. The 10 Most Popular Cat Breeds in the World. This semi-autobiographical series from the late, great Bernie Mac is one of TV's best family comedies and followed in the long tradition of. Turkish123 has more English translated Turkish series to offer, including the romance series, comedy pieces, family dramas, and historical epics. Living as an Iranian in America, it's impossible to escape the political narrative that's calcified around us. Fun Fact : After English pop star Adele was named Best New Artist at the 2009 Grammy Awards, the name set fire to the rain—and abruptly appeared on the female (name) charts in 2010. We have proudly curated for you a list of 33 Best Iranian Movies based on This drama movie goes through the life of Babak and Monireh. Here are few reasons : * * Aniston's hairstyle was nicknamed "The Rachel", and copied around the world. Aroose Istanbuli Turkish Series - Doble Farsi part 1 - watch Drama Serial- Setayesh .
Iranian Fighter Jet Crashes, Three Killed: State TV.
TEHRAN – “The Father”, a popular Iranian TV series directed by Behrang Tofiqi, has been dubbed into Hindi for viewers in India. Netflix on Tuesday published its first weekly Top 10 list of the most popular movies and television shows on the streaming service, addressing industry criticism that it has been selective in the. The series has remained one of Fox's most popular shows for 14 seasons and has a rabid and loyal fanbase. Abdullahi meaning "God servant". Elnaz Habibi (January 01, 1990) - Iranian actress. Who was #1 on Streaming in April, 2022? TOP 10 charts or full ratings charts. If the home audience in Israel wasn't already intrigued, the TV series had some uncanny real-life echoes when it aired in July at the same time as a string of explosions rocked Iran's assembly. She has played Miss World in the popular American TV series The West Wing with Martin Sheen. An uproarious adoption of a popular novel by Iraj Pezeshkzad set in and around the family compound in early 1940s Tehran, marvelously rich in personality and incident. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. 720 min | Action, Drama, History · 3. Elahe Hesari (August 09, 1983) is an iranian actress, known for Ghaedeye tasadof (2013), At the End of 8th Street (2012) and From Tehran to London (2012). This is Iran 1950s-style, brought back to life in the online TV series Shahrzad, the most expensive production of its kind in the country. They were dubbed into Persian by various satellite channels led by GEM TV. DUBAI — A controversial Iranian TV spy thriller is once again generating buzz in . TV Series, Iran (Sorted by Popularity Ascending) 1. The estimate for the most important evening news bulletin on the state run IRIB1 is around one million. Living as an Iranian in America, it’s impossible to escape the political narrative that’s calcified around us. The Spanish show is a nail-biting account of a group of robbers carrying off some ambitious heists, and people all over the world LOVE it. top 10 most popular shows on Netflix right now🎬. He was born in January 1st, 1972 in Isfahan, Iran. Israel: a land of great beauty, historical significance and full-throttle, no-holds-barred original television. However, "if Iran shows seriousness, we can and should reach an understanding of mutual return to full implementation of the JCPOA within days," she said, using the acronym for the 2015 accord. When Navad, its most popular show, spoke to him in December, the interview didn't air because Irib managers blocked it. Shabhaye Barareh (2005–2006) 10. “Pieces of Her” is the most popular show on Netflix, according to the streaming service’s public ranking system. 8: Mossad 101 A TV series that is both original and funny! (Source: Flickr) Director: Daniel. The audience reach of these Turkish TV series is enormous; over 75 countries adore the Turkish Drama if you love historical dramas and wish to watch Turkish-Historical Drama than you would like Muhtesem Yuzyil. The storyline of “Shahrzad”, a new TV series making waves in Iran, is hardly provocative. Netflix, 2022 | Drama, Action, Thriller, Fantasy | Trailer. This name is associated with an Iranian pop star. Sign me up Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store. NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) _ A Japanese soap opera is so much the rage in fundamentalist Iran that sacrilegious praise of its heroine during a live radio call-in program led to the brief imprisonment of four Tehran Radio executives. From 2009 to 2015, Nazanin Boniadi served as a spokesperson for the popular non-governmental organization Amnesty International.
9 of the best new Israeli TV shows you don’t want to miss.
The heritage of Jews can be traced back to Iran, which is why most of the traditional surnames in Iran are Iranian Jewish last names. The same wholesomeness that makes The Great British Baking Show so popular overseas runs through TV's one of the most grounded series on TV the feds funneling drug money into the Iran. Once Upon a Time in Iran (2021– ). TV Series, Iran (Sorted by Popularity Ascending) … Enjoy watching the most popular Iranian and Live TV channels, . Answer (1 of 3): Thanks for A2A. A fascinating and thought-provoking fictitious tale of a real-life closed off community, this series — which has now had its two seasons picked up by Netflix — is thoroughly interesting and poignant to watch.
Wildly Popular Japanese TV Soap Opera Lands Radio Chiefs.
* * Joey's catchphrase, "How you doin'?", became a popular part of Western English slang, * According to pop-culture expert at the Uni. What is a good Iranian television series (drama/comedy)?. List of the latest Israeli TV series in 2021 on tv and the best Israeli TV series of 2020 & the 2010's. "Pieces of Her" is the most popular show on Netflix, according to the streaming service's public ranking system. This handsome Israeli spy drama is tense and involving from the get-go, . Paste Magazine ranks the best TV shows to watch on Amazon Prime right now beginning with our pick for #1. Top 10 Turkish Drama Of All Time. This name is inspired by Abbas the Great, one of the greatest rulers of Persian History. Winter Olympics (Sunday), NBC 11 million. Naruto is so embedded in popular culture that Michael B. Diplomats trying to salvage a landmark nuclear deal with Tehran wrangled around the clock over sticking points to an agreement that could bring Iranian oil back to the global market at a critical. JERUSALEM: The US and Israel are committed to ensure Iran does not acquire a nuclear weapon, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday, as the allies acknowledged differences over. The company did not reveal details about the roles the actors would play or the. Here is the updated list of all-time most-watched TV shows on Netflix (first 28 days of release), broken out by English and non-English series: And here Netflix's current list of all-time most. Unless you’re just too young to know this—or don’t ever bother to watch TV Land—or you spent the bulk of your life living under a large block of sandstone—you know that the western was the most successful and most popular genre of TV series in the 50s and 60s, with its only serious contender being the cop drama. The list of best movies and television or web shows, released by the American Film Institute every year, is considered one of the best predictors of an Oscar nomination. Most of the passengers were Iranian citizens or of Iranian descent. With a population of over 80 million, Iran is West Asia's most populous nation and home to arguably the. Charting the ups and downs of a fictional ‘Nuevo Toledo’ football team, this show centres around Chava Iglesias and his half. The national football team of Iran has qualified five times for the FIFA World Cup. Shabhaye Barareh (2005–2006) 3. com looks at Islamic Republic of Iran’s most supported football clubs in the latest part of this series. Iran Daily is the most popular Iranian English newspaper. Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. 4 billion euros from the Royal Mint of Spain. This semi-autobiographical series from the late, great Bernie Mac is one of TV’s best family comedies and followed in the long tradition of. Best on Netflix is the place to discover the best TV shows and movies available on Netflix. Shabhaye Barareh (2005–2006) Error: please try again. Wrestling is one of the oldest sports in Iran and it is one of the most popular. The Martyr of Kufa (1997–1998) 5. It follows a group of high school students as they attempt to cope through drugs, sex and violence in an effort to make sense of an uncertain future. The goal of the TPM team is to introduce rich Iranian. IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. Ebi left Iran in 1977 two years before the Iranian Islamic Revolution. The illness severely affected the. Iranian authorities have returned the passport of a British charity worker who has been detained in the country for nearly. Still from the popular Iranian spy thriller “Gando” (AP). Syrian series have become one of the country's most prized exports, and are very popular in the Persian Gulf countries. Sort by Popularity - Most Popular Movies and TV Shows tagged with keyword "iranian-history". The award-winning commentator, Hassan Boufous, is one of the most famous and prolific producers in the the Arabic world, adding a great touch of art to the show. The Most Popular Shows On Netflix Besides 'Grace And Frankie' Read full article. A poster shows the late Iranian military commander Qassem Suleimani and the late Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis as Iranian worshippers chant slogans during Friday prayers in Tehran. The series still has a "few key roles left to cast," said Vernon Sanders, Amazon's co-head of television. Persepolis (2007) A precocious and outspoken Iranian girl grows up during the Islamic Revolution.
Top 100 Iran Influencers, Blogs, Podcasts & Youtubers in 2022.
Asghar Farhadi's film, A Separation (2011) got critical acclaim inside and outside of Iran; it received Golden Bear and Prize of the Ecumenical Jury from Berlin International Film Festival and won Best Foreign Language Film from The Boston Society of Film Critics, Chicago and Los. WELCOME TO SERIAL021 - Watch Iranian Movies, TV Series. The cast of Paytakht, the popular Iranian comedy series about a family from a small northern town that migrates to the Iranian capital. does not believe the American consulate in Iraq was the target of an Iranian missile strike that morning, instead calling it an. Mohammadi is one of the most common Persian last names, followed by Hosseini. Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, The Good Place yadda yadda yadda. 0) The Twilight Zone is one of the most iconic television shows to ever air. ITN1 (Canada) ITN2 (Canada) Farsi1 (Afghanistan, News Corp, 2009) MBC Persia (Dubai, UAE, 2008) Mohajer International TV (Germany) Negin TV (Canada, 2014) Persian Music Channel (Dubai) Simaye Azadi / Iran National TV (Europe, 1987) The list of networks overseas Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting is also available. Iranian Cinema is a rich and diverse . These movie charts are based on the official trending or the most popular movies on VOD. There are lots of supreme series made by Iranians, not in t. Stay on top of historic market volatility. of delaying political decisions needed to revive a key nuclear deal, highlighting the tensions that continue to bedevil talks despite claims by all. the kidnapping of an Iranian official - and placed on Interpol's "Most Wanted" list? Loosely based on real events, when the identities of real Israelis were used by (allegedly) Mossad agents for a 2010 assassination hit in Dubai, "False Flag. Her plans, however, go awry and she finds herself stuck in the Islamic Republic.. Mahmoud Shahriari was arrested Wednesday morning, April 15, Young Journalists Club (YJC), a news agency run by the monopolized state-run Radio&TV network (IRIB) reported. The eight-episode series tells the story of a young Iranian-born Israeli hacker sent by the Mossad back to her hometown to disable a nuclear reactor. Zarif, who some consider a national hero, is not welcome on Iran’s state TV. 30 min | Animation, Drama, History. Find popular and most popular Iranian baby names for boys and girls, with popular Iranian name meaning and popularity. First published in 1973 in Tehran, this rambunctious novel entered the national psyche when it was turned into a television series. Netflix released a plethora of new movies, television shows, and documentaries even amid the pandemic, while adding 28 million paid Netflix memberships over the span of nine months. Forbes lists money heist as the most popular foreign language series on Netflix.. Esther (1999 TV Movie) The Bible story of Esther starring Louise Lombard, F. Some Iranian players now play in European leagues. The Berber word amouddou means “voyage” in English, and it’s the title of a documentary TV series produced by the first Moroccan TV channel, Al Aoula. Taking place on a top-secret army base, the series chronicles the lives of wannabe elite soldiers and the misery. Hundreds of TV shows air every year, but only a fraction of them are breakout hits.
Lawyer/Prosecutor/Judge (Drama/Movie) (64 shows)..
Popular Iranian TV series “The Father” dubbed for Indian.
The drama, reportedly Apple's second most watched original after Ted Lasso, follows the anchors of a popular US breakfast news show, The Morning Show, which is plunged into chaos when one of its.
The Most Popular Titles in Movie DBs on March 16, 2022.
A United Arab Emirates-flagged cargo ship carrying cars sank in the Persian Gulf, Iran's ports authority said Thursday, with poor weather hampering the rescue operation. |
How long until society looks at these chemical cocktail "foods" like we do at smoking? I mean people still try and sell fat free products lol
Stop procrastinating and begin your healthy life today!
How long until society looks at these chemical cocktail "foods" like we do at smoking? I mean people still try and sell fat free products lol
Not soon enough, my friend.
Not soon enough.
>Look at food label
>Third ingredient is canola oil behind vegan protein powder and water
I'll stick to eggs
>oil, protein powder and water
Oh my God, chemicals!!!
>this verses "egg"
>oil, protein powder, and water
>and salt and Hispanices
Oh my God, the chemicals!
you can make the same disingenuous deconstruction for everything and anything that's unhealthy
literally gluesniffer tier reasoning
That’s because what’s healthy and what isn’t isn’t defined by what’s “processed” vs. “natural.” Those are just marketing terms. You probably put butter in your coffee because some grifter told you they do that in the Himalayas.
what's healthy and what isn't?
Dietary cholesterol isn’t healthy, and one egg has like 60% the maximum recommended exposure to cholesterol for a day. But a bird caged up in a din warehouse shat it out of its cloaca so it’s “natural.”
>Dietary cholesterol isn’t healthy
nice momscience from the 80s you retard
“Processed food bad chemical bad” is the most momscience thing ever. My own mom stopped using dryer sheets because someone on the internet said they give you cancer. You are a Karen trapped in the body of a man.
t. Dr. chudstein
Daily recommended servings piss me off for how ridiculously inflated they are. You're supposed to eat upwards of 39 grams of fibre a day. 94% of the US pop doesn't reach this so maybe their vaunted standards are a little unrealistic. And unless you eat nothing but insanely fibre-dense foods (or highly expensive volumes of something reasonable like blackberries) you won't get there.
Not the red states that ban it outright. But those on the periphery are reasonable like Florida.
>Not the red states that ban it outright. But those on the periphery are reasonable like Florida.
Even MS allows for it for <15 weeks now iirc.
When I said "post-Roe" the second time, in reference to criminality, I meant in the 70s. Blacks born in the 70s were more criminal than those from the 60s (there is a disjoint in the cohorts).
processed food usually is bad though, you're either oblivious or performing complicated mental gymnastics to tell yourself it's good for you. Most of the time it means contact with machinery that can introduce all kinds of contaminant and trace metals, makes heavy use of preservatives and food coloring, very often results in the destruction of vitamins and nutrients, and often means the addition of salt, sugar, and other shit. Further, processed food that gets packaged in tins and plastic gets full of chemicals like BPA and other xenoestrogens, and sometimes heavy metals in the former case
Pretty ironic you are talking about momscience here when you are also scaremongering about seed oils. There's almost nothing as well established in nutrition as the health benefits of high PUFA oils.
last century there was also almost nothing as well established in nutrition as the health benefits of smoking.
This is complete bullshit, there was no science on the health benefits of smoking. On high PUFA oils, we have mountains of data.
>This is complete bullshit, there was no science on the health benefits of smoking.
No fucking way are you a bot, no machine is dumb enough to type this out, this is human stupidity
It's true, retard. There was never any science, there was an ad campaign that claimed doctors recommend cigarettes (of brand x over other brands).
There are hundreds Anon, but no matter what I post, you will find an excuse why the results aren't real.
Name one study that says veg n sneed oils are better than saturated fats, please.
checkmate chuds
Now I get it, you are one of those guys, completely fucking idiotic, knows nothing about nutrition and modern studies, and still thinks eggs are bad, FUCKING lol, finally at least you showed your true color and I can ignore your cretin posts.
>It was debunked! I heard it on a podcast!
keep denying reality because it hurts your feefees you butthurt gay
im glad you will have a nice day soon at least
I will outlive you by decades, peasant. Post that mfing body.
The nih quietly changed everything on their dietary guidelines in 2015. Anon that was 7 years ago.
>Dietary cholesterol isn’t healthy
Karen is that you? Nobody thinks this anymore, it was deboonked to the point where the feds had to change dietary guidelines and admit that cholesterol and saturated fat aren't bad.
The latest American dietary guidelines say otherwise.
>Dietary cholesterol isn’t healthy
You body feels are all made of cholesterol
Your brain is cholesterol
Breast milk is full of cholesterol and saturated fats
Your own body produces cholesterol for hormones and shit
moron cholesterol is good
If your body produces its own cholesterol why do you need to eat it?
Because you don't know if your body is making enough. That's why vegans end up with vitamin d3 efficiency and gallstones. Either way only 10% of dietary cholesterol is absorbed.
>Dietary cholesterol isn’t healthy
Prove it. You can't.
This is not necessarily true. People who suffer from issues with high cholesterol don't get high cholesterol from dietary cholesterol--- they get it from saturated fat. "high cholesterol" people have a genetic disposition toward producing too much cholesterol in the liver from dietary saturated fat, while the cholesterol you eat in food doesn't affect your cholesterol levels much
I can never tell if that dude is actually a complete idiot or not. Like yeah someone gave you a warm calorie dense stimulant drink when you were cold and exhausted, of course it made you feel great. But he started a successful business off of that so good for him I guess.
>Oh my God, the chemicals!
Just eat it bro, it's just chemicals
cant have an egg substitute without s.oy lecithin goy (: you just need to have s.oy and palm oil in everything (:
>second ingredient is mung
before long these garden gnomes are gonna have us eating fromunda cheese
have a nice day.
Look up how shit the grow/farm all that shit. It's the same reason Brwon rice is worse than white rice in most cases because the growing process typically used for brown rice is far worse than white. at least here in Nippon.
>Brown is worse than white
Many such cases
Are you a car? Why do you need oil?
Reminder that canola isn't a plant, was used a lubrication oil, and had to be chemically altered to not kill humans too quickly
>Reminder that canola isn't a plant
comes from rapeseed which comes from rape flowers it says that in the article you linked
Does that thing look like it has any oil you fucking retard
that's why you press a fuckton of them
ignore the shilling at the end I'm not buying rapeseed or canola oil anytime soon but it does originate from a plant
>it does originate from a plant
Everything that's bad for us originates from plants. All junk food is plant based.
>All junk food is plant based.
This is true. Pic related.
I refuse to believe this is accurate. They have to be considering high fructose corn syrup as a grain or something similarly absurd to come up with a result of sugar intake not increasing over the last 50 years.
>loss-adjusted food availability (USDA)
the data has been adjusted, meaning it’s a lie, by the USDA.
the argument wasn't whether it was bad or not. It was whether canola oil comes from plants.
I know and don't care. I just wanted to say what I said. Not everything is about you.
I love this. Total monkeybrain. What does a plant that "has oil" look like?
An olive or an avocado you retard.
smartest organic foods buyer
>comes from rapeseed
yes, rapessed, not canola, canola is not the name of a plant, it's an acronym for an oil
when companies call it "canola oil" it lendsepople to think it's the same as corn oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, etc.
it's an acronym for canadian oil low acid, you want to know why it's low acid? because it high doses tthe acid they lowered kills horses with a heart attack. coincidentally, heart attacks start popping up and increasing when this oil was introduced in the market
It's called canola because rapeseed is a bad product name
That and it's a highly processed form of rapeseed oil, which on its own is more harmful.
lots of disturbing info simply reading on canola oil for a few minutes. holy shit thanks for this eye opening
Who was the crazy motherfucker that named a plant rape lol
Probably a german or dutch tbh. In German it is called Raps and the name can be traced back until ~1500 where the seed was called rabsamen or raapsad. Coming from the dutch/old german word of rabe or rape for Rübe (turnip). Though this rape would be spoken with a long a like raaaape, which itself comes from the greek word rhaphanos.
> There was never any science, there was an ad campaign that claimed doctors recommend cigarettes (of brand x over other brands)
There also were people, including researchers, that were getting paid to discredit attempts to prove smoking is harmful. With this they influenced what studies are getting funded. See for example this study on environmental tobacco smoke:
Or this one on their influence on german scientists:
Reminds me of a quite nice vegetarian sausage I found some years ago. It was basically scrambled egg with Hispanices in the shape of sausage slices, nothing I would like to eat but fine for vegetarians I guess. Several years pass and now that shit is just solidified oil with stabilizers.
Why the fuck would you tilt the graph downwards, so everything looks more or less stable, while the consumed calories increase by 1/4? It does not even help a lot with looking at the increases in each fraction. Only reason I see is to make MEAT look bigger, so that people start to eat more ~~*plant-based*~~ food. Also lumping together Meat, Eggs and Nuts is pretty retarded, when talking about plant-based foods. Are nuts not plant-based anymore?
If you think you can just pick a bunch chemicals, mix them together and expect them to have the same nutritional value as actual food you are retarded. We still don't have nutrition figured out entirely yet, so replacing natural ingredients with things produced in a lab has an extremely low chance of actually being just as healthy. It's pretty much like shooting with a bow and an arrow while being blind and hoping to hit a target.
It’s not hard to make something “just as healthy” as an egg since eggs aren’t healthy.
>since eggs aren’t healthy.
your delusions aren't reality anon
Guess what
This whole eggs arent le healthy meme is only in amerishart
in the better parts of the world people dont make up retarded memes about eggs like this
and they are thinner, and live longer than amerisharts
go figure lol
retarded mutts falling for every meme their masters give them
Europeans also smoke and drink more than anyone else in the world. No one is asking you people for health advice.
In Asia people eat more eggs on average, and have less cholesterol or cardiovascular diseases than amerisharts lol fucking dumb shit
Huh almost like the problem is actually sugar, sneed oils, and automobiles
That’s bluezone diet, low in sat fat.
Lol if you think people in Asia don’t eat canola oil.
People in asia eat?
>That’s bluezone diet, low in sat fat.
wrong lol
>humans ate eggs for 5000 years and were fine
>be 2005 or something
>study shows suddenly eggs are le bad
very epic
the lindy effect is the answer to 90% of your questions.
This is relevant too. There is a real arrogance to modern nutritional "science" where for example let's say they want to reproduce breast milk as artificial formula. when analyzing the milk to see what they need to recreate, they actually only identify a tiny fraction of all the active important chemicals/minerals, and then for the artificial formula they replicate that small spectrum of measured breastmilk-components with artificial or isolated ingredients--- they then have the audacity to call it a nutritionally equivalent replacement for breast milk. You can't just serve up caffeine powder in water and call it a replacement for coffee... besides not tasting or looking like coffee, it lacks a lot of the other active chemicals that make coffee a stimulant or which contribute to the subjective effects of coffee on the body. As donald rumsfeld would say, there are a lot of "unknown unknowns" in any natural whole food that we are liable (and very likely) to miss when trying to create an artificial replacement. Or these companies don't really care about creating a truly equivalent replacement for breastmilk because under capitalism the only incentive is quick profit and not a better product
poly-unsaturated fatty acids (chemically unstable compared to saturated fats, double bond sites,) amino acids chemically extracted from plant matter and mixed with stabilizing chemicals to make a powder, and water*
Heh, water? I think you mean liquidized dihyrdomonooxygen suspended in a fucking killyourself solution
>chemically unstable compared to saturated fats,
Many absolutely essential molecules could be described that way, they are still, you know, essential. PUFAs are probably the most stable of the bunch too.
Lipid peroxidation index.
PUFAs are unstable.
The degree of instability is directly proportionate to the degree of unsaturation.
And this has nothing to do with what I said. They are really stable anyway, much more so than other essential molecules.
Linoleic acid, a PUFA that makes up a large part of common cooking oils (ex. Peanut) is linked to higher obesity and rates of metabolic disease no matter how you slice it.
The truth is, many of the PUFAs we eat in industrial quantity in the modern world were nearly absent from ancestral diets. There was a study done discerning the linoleic acid content in a native pacific islander tribe vs. Modern americans, and the L.A. content in muscle was 10x higher. You would have to eat a literal ton of seeds to get the same amount of fatty acids as you would from a modern snack packaged with canola, sunflower, or peanut oil. It's likely to be quite dangerous, even if the data doesn't support one way or the other quite yet.
>and the L.A. content in muscle was 10x higher
Idk which study you're talking about, but PUFAs have some important cellular functions, which is why they get integrated into membranes. Peoples with insufficient intake have insufficient PUFAs, obviously. The reverse isn't true though, abnormal PUFA consumption does not lead to abnormal integration.
>It's likely to be quite dangerous, even if the data doesn't support one way or the other quite yet.
Oh, but the data does support one way really well: PUFAs are healthy, not dangerous.
Kek the sneed oil defender had arrived
Biggest schizo on this board
I cook my normal person eggs with olive oil then drink a protein shake. My point was this shit is just a bad substitute for the real thing.
>He doesn't buy all organic
Enjoy your sneed oils
Meat is antiquated
The future is now old man
I hope your happy with our future.
I am belgian and I have never heard of this. Also why do they keep pushing separatism in our country then?
This is 4chan level shitzo ramblings.
the nitrogen emissions are from meat farmers, the glass farmers produce almost 0 emissions. this is just another one of those things where globhomo 4chan morons think they understand the world by eating ben Shapiro level intellectual posts on an anonymous message board.
Stop trying to brainwash retards into thinking the ~~*government*~~ has some secret moron breeding program, fucking dillusional incel cucks
Yep we're all going to be vegetarian, cattle will go extinct.
Eggs aren't meat.
2030 pay attention they literally write it out for you
>muh emissions
>meanwhile pajeets are literally burning their landfills, choking the sky with toxic fumes
nitrogen causes local pollution
The main issue with cattle is that in industrial agriculture, cows are fed mainly corn, which isn't their normal food. This high corn diet causes alot more flatulence compared to when they eat their normal diet of grass. We just need more of a focus on supporting smaller, local farmers and dairies. Alot of the extra food these industrial places make is just going to help keep the 3rd world on life support anyway.
Are there any useful organisms that feed on cow farts and cow dung?
humans eating goyslop at macdonalds
Yes. Maggots eat cowshit so in a good regenerative farming practice you rotate their pasture and follow the cattle with pastured chickens. The chickens eat the maggots and both animals shit restore the degrated soil.
or stop subsidizing corn. That's the sole reason its so cheap its being fed to animals that can't eat it
The aliens won't allow that.
just wait till you learn about freshwater depletion and how raising livestock won't be economically viable past 2070
>freshwater depletion
Non issue, there's an entire ocean of fresh water underground (I mean beneath the crust)
21 out of the 37 major aquifers are being used up faster than they're refilled. We're living on borrowed time
Just refill them faster
Let me know when you find out how
We're gonna have a lot more pipelines
>More pipes will fix the issue
Lmao. If only it were as simple as running pipes. I'd say more places need to collect and purify rain water but even that won't likely be enough and will be cost prohibitive but not as badly as desalination.
We stop feeding and otherwise subsidizing the reproduction of the poor and stupid. Systematically letting the most vulnerable die off seems like the only way to maintain anything resembling 20th century standards of living.
Bring back abortion. Subsidize it even. The people who get them are not people who should be breeding.
Even Red states, post Roe, have more generous abortion laws than Europe. Post-Roe cohorts were also more delinquent and criminal than pre-Roe. I'm all for not having to feed, house, and eventually jail these stupid (literal) bastards - but I think the eugenic effects of abortion are weaker than most people who run the numbers and think (20-30% of blacks pregnancies aborted, crime would be 2-3x worse without it).
Voluntary sterilization of young criminals for cash or reduced sentences, and maybe fining baby-mommas instead of providing gibs would probably have more eugenic effects than legalizing abortion at any point in the pregnancy.
>wats a desalination plant?
What's that giant blue thing surrounding all the landmass? If we were at all serious about the fresh water we'd be using the ocean water. As always real solutions are ignored.
do they actually use the "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy" slogan. i thought that shit was just a meme making fun of them for being dystopian like you will eat ze bugs
No, it was literally their promotional materials
>you will own nothing and be happy is the actual slogan
yes lol
>kino dystopic edit (i lost the youtube link so here):
>actual video (embedded at the bottom of their webpage, scroll down):
pic semi-related
What if I am happy with owning nothing
What if you're happy being a constantly ill fatass? Idk anon you tell me.
Eat ze bugs is also not a meme. It was a headline in some journal. Something like "Humans will eat bugs by 2030" or something like that. You WILL eat the bugs became eat ze bugs.
You will own nothing and be happy is their actual slogan.
Isn't nitrogen one of those things that got cut off with the Russia sanctions and is fucking farmers for fertilizers
No. What is cut off is natural gas. In the Haber-Bosch procedure you use natural gas and nitrogen from the air to produce ammonia which you can then use as a fertilizer. Nitrogen is also not the problem, as it just gasses out of the ground. You actually want to get nitrogen into the ground so that plants can use it to build amino acids. However using too much fertilizer, especially too much dung, can lead to nitrates (oxidized ammonia/nitrogen) collecting in the ground which acidifies the ground and can also screw a lot with water. Drinking water with a high amount of nitrates screws with your microbiom and in small kids it can also screw with the bloods ability to transport oxygen. It is also quite damaging to aquatic live directly (killing fish etc.) and indirectly by growing more algae.
See above, the nitrate problem is not really a problem of toxic fumes, more of toxic water.
Until EU did EU-fuckery things all ranchers had to have properly sized fields for their herd so that they cannot overdung the fields even if they wanted to. But for some stupid reason called ~~*profits*~~ this rule was removed and the meat industry started to massherd animals in shitty conditions using shitty imported feed. The dung was then just thrown wherever, because exporting it to where they got the feed was too expensive.
This is the solution. Force farmers to have properly sized fields for their cattle and then have them dung their fields. But this is not possible using industrial agriculture, so it will not happen anytime soon. In the meantime try to buy meat from responsible farmers.
Bro it's all fucking over see:
they're literally trying to fucking poison us
Never chud. We resist capitalism for Floyd.
Most of these are salts and minerals. Do you soccer moms just read difficult words and think poison?
Think the nearly 50% corn syrup is the main point buddy
I mean milk is 40% sugar. I agree that natty is a million times better but this label is a retarded argument banking on people seeing scary chemical names.
>I mean milk is 40% sugar
Your point is so retarded you must be getting paid to shill this shit.
than lactose in milks.[74]
It's even more but it's not like you care about reality if it interferes with your outrage.
Ah yes, lactose and corn syrup are comparable and shit.
except fructose, which is high in corn syrup, gets metabolized in the liver only, which is why it's so fucking toxic.
fruits are ok since they're not basically pure fructose.
40% of the calories is not 40% of the volume.
I'd think if someone was getting paid to shill a product on the internet, they'd be given a list of valid talking points, not one that is shit
is like 8% max and its a completely different form of sugar are you retarded?
We're talking calories here as formula has to be mixed with water before consumption unlike milk.
Nobody said it's the same sugar stop arguing with the voices in your head.
bro drinking 50% corn syrup is not the same as drinking 3-8% natural lactose what the fuck is wrong with you
You don't drink the formula you mix it in water. Where it has virtually the same amount of cal from sugar as milk does.
>milk has 8% max lactose (which breaks down to glucose not fructose like corn syrup which is a huge difference youre retardedly ignoring)
>remove water from milk
>re add same amount of water to milk
>I mean milk is 40% sugar.
and read it like I'm saying it at you
lactose and natural sugars in milk =/= table sugar (sucrose) which is a simple molecule with a high glycemic index. nor are milk sugars remotely close to corn syrup, which is mostly fructose which is very poorly utilized by the body, leading to obesity and other metabolic problems. Sugars aren't all universally interchangeable and identical
>42.6% corn syrup
nice try gay
Nice try for what? Babies need a shit load of sugar.
you must be american if you think corn syrup and natural titty milk sugar is the same thing you small hatted moron
No I'm not and I didn't say it is. Your insults do nothing to hide your lack of arguments btw 🙂
your lack or argument does nothing but prove you have small brain
Do you see the hyper reality they've created by labeling goyslop Egg which is primarily food coloring, onions, and corn syrup. While simultaneously destroying the production of eggs. Is that difficult concept to grasp?
American education
>holocaust class
Fucking americans have holocaust class? fucking kek
I want to see them make out.
I'm way too fucking tired of you shills and retards with your
>uhhhmmmm ackschewally!
type posts. Yesterday we had a thread where people defended McDonald's for fucks sake. Go ahead you fucking single cell organism, eat all the processed shit you want, I'm not gonna argue with you.
I don't eat baby formula. This stuff is for mothers that don't produce enough milk to nourish their babies so they don't become underdeveloped morons like you who see every subject through their microscopic lense of internet arguments.
Just suck a tit
>46% corn syrup solids
I saw that episode of Basedboy Ruins Everything also, but I really don't think that normal breast milk has almost 50% corn syrup in it. Plus, hasn't there been studies and shit that show that babies raised on breast milk for a longer time have much higher intellect or something?
>corn syrup
>seed oil
>s oy
i dont think so tim
>42% corn syrup solids
>Onions protein
>high PUFA seed oil
>high-glycemic index table sugar
>high PUFA onions oil
are you retarded? Corn syrup sourced from industrially-farmed corn is infused with glyphosate (roundup) and tons of pesticides, and the high levels of fructose are poorly-utilized by the human body, leading to all kinds of metabolic dysfunction and fat deposition. The introduction of roundup in industrial farming correlates with skyrocketing levels of autism and cancer in the US, and one of the theories for colony collapse among bees is that we harvest their honey and replace it with corn syrup, where the trace amounts of pesticides poison whole colonies. For a small child, these effects are very pronounced especially when it comprises most of their diet for a year, maybe more.
Additionally you don't need to be on this board long to understand how onions is an endocrine disruptor that behaves like estrogen in the body and whose mass use also correlates with the rise of occurrences of breast cancer and other metabolic/hormonal problems in both men and women. Finally you're actually retarded if you don't understand how bad PUFAs are for you
I literally work in agricultural chemical application, we don't put roundup on corn retard. still fuck pumping our kids with corn sugar though
Doesn't make much of a difference - replace glyphosate with atrazine and his point still stands.
The fact that pure poison like roundup is even still allowed on any crop at all is a testament to how utterly fucking depraved America is
>Columbus OH
Of course. Half of the fields where I live are government contracted 50ybeans
%42 sneed oil
if only they knew
>42% corn syrup
Jesus christ this shit looks specifically designed to get babies addicted to sugar early in life. Repulsive
The shit that really pisses me off about this product is the blatant gaslighting on the label:
>just egg
Except it’s everything but that, it’s got an ingredient list longer that a CVS receipt. How is this even legal?
i thought it was a wordplay with just = moral
It's just industrial slop, most of the money goes to marketing so they can make trendies think they're resisting the system by consuming it.
My semen has better nutrition than that
Why do vegans live in your head rent free?
ESG scores incentivized companies to constantly bring up carbon emissions and eating goos because environemtalism has been subverted into greenhouse bs because it is profitable.
The worst thing about this is the hypocrisy. While he pushes veganism on the population, he himself gets to drink pure unfiltered child blood every night.
Already happening.
Based, seems like all the shitty companies who were trying to destroy the west are getting BTFO'd these days
It bothers me that image is relatable. It bothers me I'm not the only one who had experienced this.
The reality is no one is actually all that excited about beyondmeat as a staple lifestyle product. It's a food fad.
Everyone went to McSlops and said "golly wow there's that new thing!!!!" and ate it and said "haha wow it's almost as good as meat hahaha!" and then went on with their lives and never gave a second shit about it.
Pic related has had many such cases
Issue is they get infinite money pumped into them regardless. That's why you're seeing the shit like the dutch farm stuff and gates buying up all the farmlands. They're trying to cut production and make real food a luxury to force people into buying it.
>They're trying to cut production and make real food a luxury to force people into buying it.
The new Jurassic World movie has this premise. They like to tell us what they're doing in fantastical stupid Hollywood schlock as an inb4 that makes anyone calling it out seem like a child who believes hollywood movies are real.
Educated people already look at processed foods as trash, it's just plebs who fall for marketing who haven't caught on.
95% of the people in the world are plebs, anon. that's what the WEF is relying on.
Eggs won't go like meat will. Chickens are relatively cheap and easy to keep, and produce an abundance of eggs by just eating the ticks and shit in your yard. At most there won't be as many industrial sized egg farms and a rise in the backyard chicken farmer.
>pic related, two of my ladies.
i don't understand how vegans think this is how we're meant to live. some industrial concoction. yeah so healthy
>mung protein isolate
>canola oil
Vegans, and Leftists in general, can't think at all. They're like blind mole rats. Their ancestors could see but that trait was bred out.
They did an episode of South Park that was bashing fake, plant based meats by saying how's it's basically just heavily processed "goo" that isn't any better than other processed foods.
Yeah they pretty much addressed the goyslop problem before we did
South Park hasn't been cool for like 10 years.
JUST fuck my egg up
I wish it wasn't so expensive. I actually really like impossible meat.
>I mean people still try and sell fat free products lol
Cope ketotard
seethe gay seethe
people don't realize that the majority of CPG companies dont sell food anymore in the legal sense. They sell what is classified as "foodstuffs" chemical cocktails that passes for edible by the FDA but is too far away from food to be considered such. never buy anything that is double packaged
The brand literally couldn't be more appropriately named
It'll be harder because they market it as "health food" and normies think anything labeled organic or fat free must automatically be healthy
Every anti-vegan I've met has been some weird incel or conservative.
Every vegan I've met has been absolutely braindead and looked 15-20 years older than they actually were. Checkmate, athiest.
this tbh theyre clearly missing some vital nutrients
Fat free products are fine you sperg. Fats also fine. Just make sure it fits into your diet goals.
American food already is, and its been like this for the past 20years hell even past 40years
> J U S T
Not eating eggs is so fucking retarded. If the chickens are treated right who gives a shit? An unfertalized chicken egg is basically just a female chickens period. If I eat my girlfriends period blood am I harming her? No? Then fuck off vegan and let me eat my eggs.
We're nearing full circle, it's not about animal cruelty, now livestock needs to be culled en masse for pollution
I'll never understand how vegans and vegetarians won't eat eggs.
There are plenty of feral and wild animals, I wouldn't be surprised if left alone they would have the same impact on carbon emissions as those raised for food.
What do you think happens to male chicks that are born when hens are bred?
They get ground the fuck up. Same reason that we don't drink milk.
>not being the roosterchad who isn't cast aside
>guys look this not even sentient animal that was just born is getting turned into food oh nooo 🙁
i gues i can agree, i though about making my own chicken farm, so i can eat the male chicks, to get more chicken per chicken/kg if that makes any sense
>decide to stop eating animal products
>consume unholy abominations imitating said animal products
Why can't vegans just eat their fucking vegetables
It's not about them. Vegans want to trick other people into eating plant-based slop. They are aggressive attack dogs working on behalf of the wealthy to attack any slave who tries to improve their lot in life.
Sounds like vegans should be [redacted] in Minecraft
Veganism is a misanthropic death cult. Original sin is that humans need to eat life to live. They dont like that. So they denounced their humanity to make themselves feel better. They take the sacraments and they shame the heretics. Anyone not vegan is in mortal sin for harming the sacred non-human. They demand repentance or they believe you should be killed just like the animals you eat. It's quite the sophisticated well funded cult. They have films, they have money, they have a clear message, and they know who to target.
Christcucks are hillarious.
That's a pretty random and unrelated comment.
>third world
The profile of the typical vegan is a white, atheist/nonpracticing, left leaning, very rich or very poor, western, female. This accounts for the largest proportion of vegans.
>The profile of the typical vegan is a white, atheist/nonpracticing, left leaning, very rich or very poor, western, female. This accounts for the largest proportion of vegans.
Third worldIST
They believe that the browns (Africans, Indians, Arabs, Amerindians, SEAs) which the Europeans conquered and colonized are morally superior to their own white civilization for having been defeated and colonized. They would sleep in a tent so that a room-temp IQ bantu could have a house. The problem is that the bantu cannot maintain the house, so it falls into disrepair and there is NO house.
They are, once again, more correct than the mainstream. What we have now is not sustainable, and deferring it is going to make collapse worse and sudden.
The problem is that vegans are, by and large, third-worldists who would rather give plenty to the stupid masses of the global south who are incapable of maintaining the technology of the global north that feeds them.
most vegan food is carcinogenic i have no idea how it gets FDA approval
>reee eggs bad for you goyim
>here eat this shit that knowingly gives you ibs
Why the fuck do vegans hate eggs? The chicken doesn't die. Do vegans believe life begins at conception?
The average American diet has been more harmful than smoking for decades already. Most of the country are dysgenic freaks. I I ironically believe a nation wide diet and PT program would fix every problem we have in 10 years but we’re probably too far gone already.
Trusted products are abundant on the market. Customers often find it difficult to select the appropriate product. To help them with that process, we have listed the Top 20 Best Washer Dryer Set For 1500 , which will help them select the best item for their specific needs.
- Four Seasons 26738 O-Ring & Gasket A/C System Seal Kit
- Part number: 26738
- Package Weight: 0.045 kilograms
- Package Dimensions: 12.7 H x 1.27 L x 12.446 W (centimeters)
- .
- 【Large Capacity】With 1500W power, this 3.17 cubic feet front-loading electric clothes dryer can dry up to 13lbs of clothing, which means it is perfectly for drying clothes, sheets and dedicates in our daily life
- 【Compact & Portable】The weight of this clothes dryer is only 57.3lbs, and the small size(23.62 x 18.90 x 26.77)" makes it portable. It’s compact feature is perfect for small space like apartments, dormitories, RVs and more, it can be mounted on the wall, place on firm horizontal ground or mounted on the rack, plug it anywhere you like(110V - 120V / 60HZ)
- 【Easy Operation】Operating this dryer is an easy-understanding and enjoyable laundry experience according to the material and quantity of clothing you put in it, convenient for people even for the elder and child to operate
- 【Energy Efficient】Equipped with a high technology, this dryer is not only effort saving but also energy saving! Designed with easy cleaning lint filter, thereby greatly reducing energy consumption (minimal noise design 58-62dB)
- 【1 Year Warranty】We do cover 1 year warranty on this dryer, any questions about it, please don't hesitate to contact us at any time for getting a satisfied.
- Made of SUS304 stainless steel
- With1/4 inch quick plug
- 1 forward jet hole and 6 rear-side jet holes
- Great for washing drainage pipes
- Package: jetter with 1/4 quick plug, 1 set
- 💦 Package includes: 2 pack 4 foot long hoses fit all washer machine
- 💦 High-end design: Each laundry hose has a durable rubber outer structure, and PVC coating
- 💦 Warranty support: All washer hoses are 100% leak tested to ensure consistent quality you can trust. The quality of the hose has been certified at home and abroad, suitable for indoor and outdoor use. We serve you sincerely(1 YEAR WARRANTY)
- 💧【Hot and Cold Water Hoses】:4FT washer inlet hoses are mainly used to deliver hot and cold water to the washer machine. The red hose supply hot water and the blue one supply cold water. PVC coating provides extra protection for added durability and will not easily broken and cracked
- 💧【Durable Washer Hose】: Each rubber washer hose is made of premium quality material and can withstand high pressures up to 1500 psi. The gasket in the hose is more tightly attached to the washer, preventing leaks or water seepage
- 💧【4FT Washing Machine Hoses】: 2 Pack 4ft rubber washer hoses suitable for most washing machine brands.Flexible universal washer hose for water supply and can easily connected to household water pipes
- 🔧【Easy to install and Repair】: Our washing machine hot and cold water hose is easy to install, suitable for various places, and it can be easily replaced without tools
- 💓【365-Days Warranty】The satisfaction of customers is our eternal pursuit.For any reason you are not satisfied with our product, please contact us and we will provide you with a refund or replacement. So please buy it with confidence
- .
- can.
- 【High performance】This is powerful yet compact clothes dryer machine, euhomy portable dryer has a large capacity of 10.5 pounds(wet clothes). This dryer with 1050W power, It can reach a maximum temperature of 140°F, To ensure that your clothes dry quickly. Note: Use after spin-drying, the drying effect is better./The dryer can serve two people/If you have more space needs, you can buy other products of this brand.
- .
- 【ECO modes】starting with 150 minutes of cold air, followed by 120 minutes of hot air.In ECO mode, if the knob does not start to rotate from 70 minutes, you need to manually unplug the power supply, the dryer will stop working.Different from the normal temperature blowing in the last twenty minutes of normal mode, no matter whether SENSOR DRY is turned on or not, ECO mode will use the humidity sensor to judge in the last twenty minutes. If the clothes are not dry enough, it will be hot air.
- This portable clothes dryer is small in size (19.3 x 17.7 x 27 in )The dryer can serve two people/If you have more space needs, you can buy other products of this brand/, This portable dryer is ideal for small spaces such as apartments, dormitories, etc. ETL and DOE certifications guarantee the safety and quality of our products.
- .
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This solid stacked washer/dryer tower combo delivers all the basics needed for a complete laundry session. Stacked tower design minimizes footprint. Features 10 wash cycles and 6 dry cycles, including 4 timed cycles for precise scheduling. This 3.9-cubic-foot agitator washer offers maximum water levels per cycle.
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The washer’s built-in faucet makes pretreating garments easy, and its smooth impeller technology provides both a gentle and a thorough cleaning. Price shown reflects package with electric dryer. Package price with gas dryer may vary. $1,099.98. Package Price. Save $430.
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13/7/2022 · Price: $1,898 | Gas or Electric: Both available | Capacity: 4.5 cu. ft. (washer); 7.5 cu. ft. (dryer) | Energy Star Qualified: | Stackable: The Samsung Smart Front Load Washer & Dryer Set with Super Speed and Steam Sanitize+ is an affordably priced front-loading washer-and-dryer set available in three colors—white, champagne, and platinum.
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Rent Trends. As of June 2022, the average apartment rent in Everett, WA is $1,258 for a studio, $1,618 for one bedroom, $2,165 for two bedrooms, and $2,287 for three bedrooms. Apartment rent in Everett has increased by 18.4% in the past year. Beds.
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13 Of The Best Washer And Dryer Sets Worth A Spin 2022
22/5/2022 ·.
The Best Washer And Dryer Sets | Famiy Handyman
Miele Front Load White Stacked Laundry Pair with WXR860WCS 24" Compact Washer, TXR860WP 24" Electric Dryer and Stacking Kit. CapDosing. Honeycomb Dryer Drum. ProfiEco Motor. Customize your Set In Stock. 1x WXR860WCS Washers. 1x WTV502 Laundry Stacking Kits. 1x TXR860WP Electric Dryers. Our Price: $4,697.00.
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Package - Samsung - 5.0 Cu. Ft. High Efficiency Top Load Washer with Active WaterJet and 7.4 Cu. Ft. Electric Dryer with 10 Cycles and Sensor Dry - White. (3,130)
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5/1/2022 · An LG TurboWash3D washer and electric dryer set enabled with smart wi-fi so you'll get a notification sent to your phone the *second* the laundry is done. Feel free to stay on the couch though ...
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Parmesan Crusted Chicken with Bacon
It’s a great day for:
Printable version below
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1-1 1/2 cups shredded Asiago cheese – for melting on top
- 3-4 slices bacon – cooked and crumbled medium
Many have asked about the carbs and calorie count of this dish. Another recipe site featuring this recipe calculated them and I’m passing along the information. Again, I did not calculate these number.
- Calories………….413
- Carbs…………….. 0.9
- Fat………………… 22.7
- Protein ………….. 48.7
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- Cook time will vary depending on thickness of chicken. To shorten time, pound chicken thin and fry until done, without baking.
*This post may contain affiliate links
This post is linked up at Over the Moon linkup party.
Rose Martine
November 6, 2020 at 10:48 PM
I so enjoy your site and your recipes. Would you please consider adding a print option so we can enjoy your recipes a little more easily. Thank you.
November 16, 2020 at 9:01 AM
There should be a print option. I totally get it… I always print recipes instead of reading them on my device.
August 16, 2020 at 5:32 PM
I added the mayo like someone else suggested and my husband and I loved it! Such a great keto friendly recipe full of flavor! I also used the air fryer for 8 minutes on each side instead of frying in oil and that made it fried enough for us, absolutely delicious!
August 12, 2020 at 12:08 AM
Hum… a rare time I have to consider strongly our vegetarian stance. 😉
A friend made this recipe recently, and I most say, they loved and it smelled amazing. I had a taste of some of the fixing and made a fake meat variant that really worked out pretty well.
June 11, 2020 at 8:05 AM
This looks so good!! Could you do this without a wire rack?
July 22, 2020 at 3:07 PM
Yes. It would be just fine without
January 1, 2018 at 7:42 PM
Thank you for sharing this recipe! It was absolutely delicious!!! We all 4 agreed to add it to our regular rotation of meals.
Only change I made was to add some mayo after I cooked the parmesan chicken and then add the asiago. I needed more fat to meet my macros but mayo is a delicious addition to chicken! I also added the bacon after I let the asiago melt/brown because it tends to burn quickly.
I also used my pressure cooker to cook the chicken, fried the chicken in the air fryer, and broiled in the oven.
January 9, 2018 at 6:34 PM
Sounds delicious with your changes! So glad your family enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by.
Tammy Pipe
November 28, 2018 at 1:18 AM
I was just thinking this would work great in the air fryer. I’m trying in next week’s meal plan.
December 1, 2018 at 8:32 AM
I would love to know how it turns out! I’ve wanted an air fryer for a while.
Dana Jenkins
February 26, 2019 at 7:03 PM
I I just made this in my Air Fryer tonight. Didn’t use any of the oil! It turned out delicious!
Kayla Dale
February 13, 2022 at 9:23 AM
At what temp and for how long did you cook in your air fryer?
May 22, 2022 at 7:20 AM
Good question! Unfortunately, I’m still in the learning curve with my air fryer. I haven’t had the time to really experiment with it enough to know. I’d love to have you come back and update here if you are successful with it!
lolly jane
August 24, 2017 at 8:44 PM
Thanks so much! I followed the recipe except added mozz. cheese and it was superb! Side of buttered quinoa rice and the whole fam loved it, thank you!
August 24, 2017 at 8:57 PM
YEAH!!! Thanks for letting me know. So glad y’all enjoyed it! One of my favorite things about this recipe is you can use just about any cheese and it’s DE-LICIOUS! Thanks so much for taking time to let me know how it was. Have a blessed day.
April 15, 2017 at 2:10 AM
I tasked the hubby with throwing this in the crockpot the other day for dinner. It turned out so good! I wouldn’t change a thing. I also shared it on my blog today — linking back to you of course 🙂 Thanks for sharing!!
March 6, 2018 at 12:22 PM
could you tell me how you did it in the crockpot please?
March 6, 2018 at 2:44 PM
Hi Beverly,
This is a delicious recipe but unfortunately, this one can’t be done in the crock pot. However, it is very quick and easy and is ready in about 30 minutes, depending on how thick your chicken is.
I do have some great crock pot recipes, just type in “crockpot” in the search bar and they should all come up.
Thanks for stopping by!
Sabrina B.
March 8, 2017 at 3:05 PM
I’m in! Was searching for chicken recipes since chicken definitely needs a lot a of new recipes to keep in interesting and found this! Thank you for the perfect inspiration for my next dinner! Love how this had asiago AND parmesan, and then there’s the bacon!
December 7, 2016 at 3:00 PM
I tried this recipe tonight. It’s awesome. I made a few substitutions. I add just a handful of italian bread crumbs and used Mozzarella cheese instead of asiago. Thanks for the idea!!
December 8, 2016 at 6:56 PM
So glad you enjoyed it Susan. Yes, that’s one of the things I love about this recipe, just about any cheese or coating works well. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to let me know you enjoyed it. Have a very Merry Christmas!
October 28, 2016 at 11:48 AM
Hi!!! This looks delicious! So for the carbs and everything, is that the nutritional value for one chicken or for a whole recipe? Thank you!
November 1, 2016 at 10:57 AM
Good question, Brooke. That is for each serving. Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’ll come back and check out some more recipes.
February 7, 2017 at 2:30 PM
Each serving is 1 breast?
February 8, 2017 at 8:19 AM
Yes, that’s usually what I plan. Sometimes I will do less, depending on the size of the chicken or if there are children. Thanks for stopping by Jennifer. Have a blessed week.
Becca Vann
March 16, 2017 at 10:40 AM
What do you typically serve this with so that it stays keto friendly?
March 16, 2017 at 8:51 PM
Hi Becca,
I’m not really familiar with the keto diet but I will say asparagus, salad or green beans would go nicely with this chicken. Roasting a combination of veggies in the oven is always a good option, as well.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope that helps a little.
July 29, 2016 at 7:16 PM
The top instructions say to heat the oil on high. I knew better and yet followed the instructions. I hope our dinner turns out. Much further down the page and past a ton of other recipe images, I see instructions that say medium high heat. I’d fix the top so folks like myself don’t ruin their food, most of us don’t scroll that far down to read a second set of instructions. Sigh
Kay Z
February 28, 2020 at 5:00 AM
ALWAYS, ALWAYS read your recipe 2 or 3 times before you make it. This comes from a sous chef and part time cooking school instructor. If reading on the internet, ALWAYS read the comments before trying the recipe. This will make you a great cook. You need to be prepared! Good luck!
March 14, 2020 at 10:06 AM
I couldn’t agree more, Kay
Lady D.
July 5, 2016 at 9:27 PM
I made this tonight for my husband. I didn’t have Asiago cheese so I used extra sharp white cheddar. OMG. It was delicious. My hubby loved it. Said he would buy it out. This is a keeper. Thanks.
July 6, 2016 at 7:34 AM
So glad you enjoyed it! Yes, I’ve had many people tell me they used a different cheese and it was still delicious. I love a good “flexible” recipe. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. Have a blessed day!
June 30, 2016 at 7:36.
May 31, 2016 at 1:39 PM
Have made this twice and OMG it is amazing good.
June 1, 2016 at 6:56 AM
Thanks Kathy! So glad you like it. I appreciate you taking time to stop by and let me know. Have a blessed week!
April 15, 2016 at 11:10 AM
Made this two nights ago exactly as instructed and it was delicious! My boyfriend and I are on low carb diets and this recipe is a fantastic addition to that meal plan. I made a short post in my blog but didn’t add recipe details, I just posted this link to it. Thank you for sharing a great recipe!
April 16, 2016 at 5:42 PM
So glad you enjoyed it, Hanna. Thanks so much for sharing it on your blog! Have a blessed week!
Young Cook
April 14, 2016 at 1:45 PM
How long would I bake f it was in the oven rather than ring fried?
April 14, 2016 at 1:52 PM
It will depend on the size and thickness of your chicken but I would say about 30 minutes. If they are small and thin, check after about 20. If they are extra large it will take a while, I’d recommend cutting them in half before you start. If you give it a try I’d love to hear how they turned out and how long they took. Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great week!
Charles Sirbaugh
April 13, 2016 at 5:50 PM
Made this today and it was delicious,did it all in the oven.
April 14, 2016 at 7:55 AM
Thanks Charles for trying the recipe and for taking the time to come by and let me know! So glad you enjoyed it. Lots of people ask about doing it in the oven, good to know it works. Haved a blessed day!
March 26, 2016 at 12:04 PM
This was FANTASTIC. thanks for sharing
March 14, 2016 at 9:15 PM
I couldn’t find any Asiago cheese, but I used Mozzarella and it was delicious!
March 15, 2016 at 12:00 PM
I love it! That’s exactly how this recipe was “born”. I didn’t have many of the things I needed for a recipe I wanted to make so this is what I came up with. Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by to let me know. I love hearing a recipe turned out well for someone else.
February 1, 2016 at 2:47 PM
Dinner tonight! This looks amazing I can’t wait for my hubby to taste it! Thanks
February 2, 2016 at 6:58 AM
Thanks Amber! I’d love to hear how he likes it. Have a blessed week.
January 26, 2016 at 9:17 AM
This was delicious and easy to make. I think this will be apart of my cookbook.
January 22, 2016 at 4:02 PM
Can I just use a regular baking dish? I don’t have a rack or anything.
January 22, 2016 at 8:06 PM
Yes, a regular pan will work just fine. I’ve had some people say they used a glass 9×13 others a metal pan. I do recommend lining the metal pans with foil, just for easier clean up.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
The Mad Mommy
January 10, 2016 at 4:11 PM
I have seen this recipe before and it always looks so amazing! Thank you for sharing it and for co-hosting the #SmallVictoriesSundayLinkup with me!
January 10, 2016 at 10:26 AM
This looks deliciously simple!!
I found you on Small Victories Sunday Linky – would love to have you share on What’s for Dinner
Mother of 3
January 10, 2016 at 7:05 AM
This sounds (and looks) amazing! I can’t wait to try it!
December 11, 2015 at 12:09 AM
i made this last night just as instructed and it turned out beautifully and enjoyed by all! thanks so much!
December 11, 2015 at 6:57 AM
Thank you so much Leila for taking time to let me know! It’s always encouraging to hear my instructions are clear and work for other people. So glad you enjoyed it! Have a blessed day and a very Merry Christmas.
December 10, 2015 at 4:12 PM
Could I use frozen chicken??
December 10, 2015 at 6:18 PM
I’m not sure what you mean by “frozen” chicken? If you mean boneless skinless breasts you bought and froze, yes. Of course, you need to thaw them first. Most of the chicken we eat has been frozen then brought out to use when we need it. If you mean pre-cooked and then frozen I’m not sure that would work well. Since it’s already cooked you could just add the topping and broil. That would be yummy. Hope that answers you’re question. Feel free to email or reply if it doesn’t. Thanks for stopping by!
December 8, 2015 at 4:59 AM
Would it turn out any different using a deep fryer and how long would i have to fry it for? Thanks!
December 8, 2015 at 7:04 AM
Good question. As much as I love a good deep fried chicken (or anything else) I haven’t tried it with this one. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. My only concern would be the Parmesan cheese getting too brown. I’m not sure it would hold up to the deep frying and well as flour but without it the dish is totally different.
As far as frying time, that would depend on the thickness of your chicken. If I were going to try it, I’d probably pound the chicken to thin it out, that way it would take less time and avoid the risk of burning the cheese coating. Generally, when frying the rule of thumb is they’re done when they start to float. For me it’s often a little trial and error…meaning I fry until it floats and looks golden brown, take the thickest piece out, cut into the center and check it. I’d say it should’t take more than about 5 minutes per piece.
If you decide to try it, I’d love to know how it turns out.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a blessed day!
November 23, 2015 at 2:13 PM
This turned out WONDERFULLY cooked entirely in the oven!! Things I will do differently next time: 1.) flatten the pieces before cooking – it took about 20 min. longer because of the thick end; 2.) Not bother with a rack in the bottom of the pan – I used a 13×9 glass cake “pan”, without foil. (Cleanup was easy.) The top & sides are plenty crunchy enough, esp with the bacon, and that way I won’t lose any of the sprinkled topping to the underneath.There was hardly any grease. 3.) Pan-fry the meat for a few minutes first. I misunderstood the directions & thought it meant Deep frying, and I thought that sounded weird. 🙂
November 23, 2015 at 2:27 PM
YEAH! So glad to hear it turned out well! Thanks for the hints for next time. Pounding the chicken is a great idea, especially if it’s thick. I didn’t think about using a glass pan, great idea, that probalby would make for very easy clean up. Thanks so much for taking time to stop by and share a comment. Happy Thanksgiving!
November 13, 2015 at 7:15 AM
Good morning! I made this again last night and it’s just wonderful! I am a big fan of fresh Parmesan so I used that instead of the stuff in the can. As you stated earlier, it doesn’t work as well. It was still really good, but it did make the pan more difficult to clean. Lesson learned! I didn’t have Asiago cheese so I used Mozzarella with a sprinkle of pepper Jack cheese on top with the bacon and it sure was yummy; the pepper Jack gave it a nice little zing. This is a restaurant worthy recipe!
November 13, 2015 at 8:00 AM
Aww, you’re so sweet! You are right about this being a versatile recipe. I’ve used other cheese and it’s still great. I made this for a banquet for 150 people and used an Italian blend. It was wonderful. Also, right about the clean-up. Thanks so much for stopping by and letting me know. Have a blessed weekend.
Anitria Mosley
November 9, 2015 at 3:46 PM
Hi Danita, did you use a deep fryer or just a regular skillet to fry the chicken breasts in?
November 10, 2015 at 6:07 AM
I just used a regular skillet. You can cook them completely in the skillet but I just cooked them enough to get a nice crispy golden crust then into the oven to finish up. Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed week.
November 4, 2015 at 4:16 PM
Is the rack a necessity? Saw this and want to try it but that’s the one thing I don’t have!
November 4, 2015 at 4:20 PM
Hi Veroncia,
The rack just allows any oil to drip away from the chicken but it can be done without it. I would still cover the pan with foil for easier clean up. Without the rack the bottom of the chicken may be a little less crispy but still taste great. I’d love to hear how it turns out. Thanks for stopping by!
November 4, 2015 at 12:58 PM
Hello do you use fresh grated parmesan cheese or the dry kind?
November 4, 2015 at 4:02 PM
Hi Odis,
Thanks for stopping by. I use the dry kind. You know, in the can usually Kraft or some other big brand. Our kids call it “sprinkle cheese” because we usually sprinkle it on our spaghetti or pizza. I love freshly grated Parmesan but it doesn’t work for this recipe. It would burn and make a big mess.
March 24, 2017 at 9:17 AM
this was my question as well, glad i could scroll down and read these messages. good to know it’s the dry kind!
Sista m
September 25, 2015 at 6:49 PM
Making this for siner as we speak! Its in the oven right now, can’t way to try it!
September 26, 2015 at 3:15 PM
I’d love to hear how it turned out!
kenny fogle
September 1, 2015 at 3:29 PM
is there a cookbook with all this in it I can purchase somewhere?
September 1, 2015 at 4:20 PM
I am very flattered that you asked but I’m afraid not at this time. My recipes are just found here on my blog for now. I’ll keep you posted if I decide to do one.
August 24, 2015 at 12:48 PM
Amazing recipe! I read over it as a base then changed it to what I had in the pantry and it was divine! I added more salt to the parmesan mixture and a quarter cup of bread crumbs. Instead of using egg and water I made a flour milk mixture. I set the over at 380 instead and used a stronger spanish cured cheese for the top. Absolutely amazing! I’ll definitely be making it again. The chicken was moist and the meal was very flavorful! Thanks!
August 29, 2015 at 10:08 AM
Thanks Whitney! I love using what I have in the pantry to create something new. Your spin on this recipe sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing! Have a blessed weekend.
August 22, 2015 at 11:29 AM
Approximate frying time using 350 degree oil? I realize it will depend on size of chicken breasts. I have never fried chicken but really want to try1 Thanks
August 23, 2015 at 2:53 PM
The total cooking time is about 30 minutes, depending on size and thickness of chicken. Frying the chicken a little on both sides to brown the crust and seal it to the chicken (browning) should take about 5 minutes, then about 20 for baking until done. Put the cheese and chicken on top and under the broiler for only a minute or two until cheese is melted. You can completely fry the chicken but baking after browning keeps it from absorbing more oil. I’ve never done it but several people have commented that they have skipped the frying altogether and just baked and it turned out great. If you aren’t comfortable with frying just try it that way. I’d love to hear how it turns out. Thanks for stopping by.
August 19, 2015 at 5:34 PM
I tried it with boneless pork chops!! So good
August 20, 2015 at 7:43 AM
What a great idea, Beth! I’ve never thought about using pork but it doesn sound great. Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for taking the time to let me know. Have a blessed day.
July 23, 2015 at 10:05 PM
Thank you so much for sharing!! Made this for my wife tonight and she devoured it!!
July 21, 2015 at 6:25 PM
I just made this for dinner tonight. Hubby and I loved it. I followed the directions exactly. We have enough for leftovers tomorrow night. Hooray for not cooking in 95 degree heat!
July 22, 2015 at 8:06 AM
You’re so right about not cooking in the heat! Thanks Donna for stopping by to let me know you enjoyed my recipe. So happy to hear it turned out well! Have a blessed week.
July 19, 2015 at 7:21 PM
Made this for an extended family get-together today and absolutely loved it!! We marinated our chicken in Olive Garden Italian Dressing overnight for extra flavoring. We still brushed the egg mixture over the chicken before coating each with the Parmesan mixture during the preparation. Will definitely make this dish again!
July 19, 2015 at 7:25 PM
Great idea with the Olive Garden dressing! It’s one of our favorites, I’ll have to try that next time. So glad you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for stopping by to let me know. Have a great week!
July 14, 2015 at 8:31 PM
I want to tell you that this was by far the best recipe I have made. I followed the instructions to a t. My family raved how delicious this meal was. I definitely recommend. Two thumbs up!
July 15, 2015 at 9:22 AM
Thank you SOOOO much Jasmina! I appreciate your kind words and that you took the time to come back and let me know. Have a blessed week
July 13, 2015 at 5:44 PM
How many servings does it make?
July 13, 2015 at 10:00 PM
Rebecca, it depends on the size of your chicken breasts. If they are an average size (5-6 oz) I’d say 4 adults. The recipe is easily adjusted if you need more or less or if you have some adults and some children. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Angie | Big Bear’s Wife
July 5, 2015 at 7:36 PM
Love your dinner motto haha!
July 3, 2015 at 12:07 PM
If just baking the chicken, how long will it need to stay in the oven?
July 3, 2015 at 4:54 PM
It depends on the thickness of your chicken but as a general rule I’d say 20-30 minutes.
July 1, 2015 at 7:11 PM
We just finished this tonight and it was delicious. I did add 1/4 cup gluten free baking mix because I didn’t have enough parmesan cheese. I baked it and flipped the chicken halfway through. Topping it with cheese and bacon made it sublime. Served it with a fresh spinach salad and corn on the cob. OMG, it was juicy, tasty and we will have it again and again. Thanks for making my wheat allergy just a little easier.
July 1, 2015 at 8:40 PM
Oh, Suzanne so glad to hear you enjoyed it! We have friends that are also allergic to wheat and I understand a little about how difficult it is to eat wheat-free. It is nice to be able to have something yummy! Thanks for stopping by and the encouraging words.
June 27, 2015 at 10:06 AM
How many carbs?
June 27, 2015 at 10:49 AM
Good question Vickie. I haven’t calculated them myself, but another recipe site that featured this recipes says .9
I’m assuming that to be accurate as none of the ingredients really contain carbs.
June 22, 2015 at 12:17 PM
Can it be baked entirely?
June 22, 2015 at 1:43 PM
Yes Tracy, it can be baked without frying first. I haven’t done it myself so I’m not sure if the crust is quite as crispy. I have had others say they omitted the frying and it was delicious. Thanks for stopping by!
June 15, 2015 at 11:35 PM
MAre this for dinner, very easy and delicious. ThAnd you!
June 16, 2015 at 9:31 AM
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for taking time to let me know. Stop by anytime!
June 7, 2015 at 8:15 PM
I noticed that you didn’t say what degree to heat the oven for baking the chicken. I’m assuming 350? I did not sift through the comments to see if anyone else asked this question.
June 8, 2015 at 9:53 AM
Yes it is 350. Sorry it’s not easy to find. I’m putting it in bold for future viewers. Thanks!
May 31, 2015 at 7:25 PM
Ohmygod this Recipe is to die for! I followed the recipe exact (except for substituting Colby jack for asaigo, only because I couldn’t find it at the grocery store). Anyways, the chicken took exacltly 20 minuites to cook after frying and it was perfectly juicy and still crunchy. I thought the parsmean coating was a little strong by itself but paired with a pile of spaghetti and its just the right amount. Love it, love it, love it!
May 31, 2015 at 10:17 PM
Thanks Amanda! It’s always exciting to hear from someone who loved my recipe and that it turned out great. Great idea with spaghetti and it’s perfect with just about any cheese on top. Thanks so much for stopping by to let me know. Have a great week.
May 24, 2015 at 9:16 PM
LOVED this recipe! We baked the chicken I stead at 350 degrees for under 30 minutes! We also didn’t have Asiago cheese at the store so we tried Muenster cheese instead and LOVED it! Thank you for the great recipe!
May 25, 2015 at 8:13 AM
So glad you liked it! Love your variations. That’s one of the things I love about this recipe….use what you have and it still works! Thanks for stopping by to let me know you enjoyed it. Have a blessed Memorial Day!
May 13, 2015 at 5:11 PM
Great recipe yummy and easy to follow. I wonder if there is any lacto-free substitute for Parmesan as I need some inspiration for surprise dinner but my other half is lactoze intolerant.
May 14, 2015 at 7:14 AM
Kasia, I’m not sure about that. Although it would be different, you could use bread crumbs and omit the cheese on tip and just use bacon. If I come across anything else I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for stopping by!
May 11, 2015 at 7:45 PM
We just finished dinner and this got rave reviews from the whole family! The only change I made was I used mozzerella and shredded parmesan in place of the asiago since I did not have any.Since I’m doing low carb this is a great way to have fried chicken without the carbs.
May 12, 2015 at 7:31 AM
So glad to hear! Thanks for stopping by, it’s always a great encouragement to hear someone liked my recipe. I love this chicken because it’s versatile. Whatever cheese you happen to have works great! Thanks again.
May 6, 2015 at 6:38 PM
I’m wondering, what would happen if you dredged the chicken in flour, before putting it in the egg, then parm cheese ? I just bought a couple Flip Pans from. Evine. TV. I’ll try it in them, I am going to try the flour first, I’ll let you know. Fred
May 7, 2015 at 7:14 AM
I’d love to hear how it turns out! It will probably be good. Thanks for stopping by Fred.
Arti ~
May 2, 2015 at 4:52 PM
Great recipe. It had flavor in every bite with that Parmesan cheese!… We tried this today and used Monterey jack cheese, added some cayenne pepper in the coating, and put a few jalapenos on top before broiling….Only because we like to kick things up a notch….Recipe is a saver! Thanks!
May 3, 2015 at 7:16 AM
Sounds delicious! Love the additions. Thanks for taking the time to let me know. So glad you enjoyed it.
Angie mclemore
April 26, 2015 at 3:56 PM
I used Swiss cheese and bacon bits. It was delicious.
April 26, 2015 at 4:58 PM
That does sound good Angie! Thanks for taking time to stop by and let me know. Have a great week.
April 23, 2015 at 11:50 AM
This looks so good! Just wondering if you use the Parmesan in a can, or freshly grated. I will definitely be trying this recipe.
April 23, 2015 at 2:04 PM
I use the Parmesan in the can for the breading. When I didn’t have Asiago I have used freshly grated Italian 4 cheese blend or even Mozzarella for the topping. Thanks for stopping by, hope you enjoy it!
Jay Eatz
April 22, 2015 at 5:01 PM
“when in doubt smother it in bacon” great call
Sinea Pies (Ducks ‘n a Row)
April 22, 2015 at 8:45 AM
I love parmesan crusted chicken but THIS recipe is over-the-top! Pinned (among the zillion other pinners out there – what a popular post this one is!) Hey, come by and share it on today’s party on Ducks ‘n a Row? Please do ♥
April 22, 2015 at 3:43 PM
Thanks Sinea for the invite! Headed over now.
Kacey W.
April 13, 2015 at 7:07 PM
This was a tasty dinner, but it took a while. In the future I think I’d use thin sliced chicken breasts, cook them completely in the pan (cook bacon in the meantime) and then broil. The bacon and cheeses were a yummy combo!
March 24, 2015 at 5:47 PM
is it possible that you could bake it instead of fry it?
March 24, 2015 at 7:42 PM
So good!
I made this for my husband he totally loved it! I used cheddar and mozzarella on top!
March 18, 2015 at 6:51 AM
So glad to hear! I love the versatility of this recipe. Thanks Amanda for stopping by to let me know. Have a blessed day!
Jeff Davis
March 16, 2015 at 4:25 PM
I love chicken…but I was wondering if you thought this might be fattening?
March 16, 2015 at 9:44 PM
Jeff, I try NOT to think about it. LOL! It is gluten-free and low-carb but not likely to be low fat with all the yummy cheese. Thanks for stopping by.
Kim W.
February 22, 2015 at 7:32 PM
Thanks Jill. I appreciate your feedback and will add that note. Sorry you didn’t get to try it right away. Hope it was still good. Thanks for taking time to leave a comment.
February 18, 2015 at 7:39 PM
I’m curious about how hot the oil is supposed to be. All my cheese stayed in the pan. Not very good
February 19, 2015 at 4:21 AM
Delicious! ! My family of 5 all loved it which is rare! I did use mozzarella on top since I didn’t have asiago.
February 18, 2015 at 2:41 PM
Yeah! So glad you loved it! Thanks for stopping by to let me know.
February 18, 2015 at 8:24 AM
I wonder what dipping the chicken into mayo. first and then the cheese mixture would taste like.
February 18, 2015 at 10:02 AM
I make a similiar recipe, but I marinate the chicken in Ceasar dressing & then dip in cheese & bread crumbs. It’s really good!
Shannon @ Dinner from the Heart
February 17, 2015 at 5:51 PM 🙂
February 17, 2015 at 8:13 PM
Thanks Shannon! I can’t wait to here how you like it!
April 3, 2015 at 10:33 AM
Do you have to put it on a wire rack ? I don’t have one.
February 16, 2015 at 12:03 PM
Thank you so much for your reply. Going to cook it tonight.
February 15, 2015 at 12:09 PM
Could you grill the chicken instead of frying?
February 15, 2015 at 4:58 PM
Can you bake this instead of frying it?
February 15, 2015 at 7:31 AM
I baked mine in a cast iron skillet. I pre-heated the skillet in the oven and then when it was hot I added the chicken. Half way through baking I turned it and the followed the rest if the directions. Was sooooo good!
March 6, 2015 at 10:41 PM
Great idea LaDonna! I love a good cast iron skillet! Thanks for stopping by to let me know and have a great weekend!
May 11, 2015 at 12:53 PM
How long did you bake for? and on what? Did you just prepare chicken first then bake when flipping you topped with the rest of toppings? Sorry not that great of a cook and know my husband would rather fry it but I liked baked better.
February 14, 2015 at 2:08 AM
When I try and pin this it only wants to save the image and not the recipie. Do you happen to know what I might me doing wrong? This recipie sounds awesome!
February 14, 2015 at 6:57 AM
Hi Karen. Don’t worry, you’re not doing anything wrong. The site is set up to only pin the image, otherwise anyone could get the recipe without visiting my blog. You are right, it is an awesome recipe. Thanks so much for stopping by and I apologize for any inconvenience. You might want to pin the image then when you get ready to try it print it off from the printable version at the bottom. Hope you have blessed weekend!
February 3, 2015 at 8:04 PM
Danita, your Parmesan Crusted Chicken looks delicious! Thank you for joining us at #purebloglove. We enjoy having you every Thursday at 8PM, EST through Sunday night. ~Cydnee
January 26, 2015 at 7:27 PM
I made this for dinner tonight because the picture looked fabulous! & I am glad to say that it tastes just as fabulous as it looks. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Will definitely make again!!!!
January 27, 2015 at 7:08 AM
Thanks Krystal! I’m always excited to here about one of my recipe going well for others. I appreciate you taking time to let me know. Have a blessed day.
January 20, 2015 at 3:54 PM
I made this a while ago and it was AMAZING. I’m making it again tonight! Fantastic recipe!
January 20, 2015 at 10:50 PM
Thanks Melly! I’m getting ready to make this for 225 people in a couple of days and I’m a little nervous. It’s always encouraging to hear others enjoyed it.
January 16, 2015 at 4:55 PM
Might want to Update the description – instead of saying “cheese”, it would help to say parm cheese. I put all the cheese together not knowing and it was not good.
January 17, 2015 at 8:20 AM
Sorry about that Michele! Thanks for letting me know. I did update. Hope you’ll try again.
Kristen Thomas
January 8, 2015 at 7:37 PM
I made this tonight and it was a big hit! Was wondering though: Do you use grated Parmesan from a can/shaker? Or do you grate your own? I grated my own this time.
January 9, 2015 at 6:58 AM
I used the canned kind but I bet it would be amazing with freshly grated. Thanks Kristen for trying it and letting me know! Have a blessed weekend!
January 7, 2015 at 2:45 PM
Hi Danita, thanks for this recipe! Do you have any idea of carb content? It seems like it would be ok on a low carb diet, but thought I would ask.
Thank you!
January 8, 2015 at 6:48 AM
Hi Nicole,
Good question, I hadn’t really thought about until you asked. You’re right, it does seem like it would be low carb. I checked the cheeses and 0 carbs there. None of the ingredients have carbs so unless frying somehow adds them it should be very low. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoy!
December 29, 2014 at 8:17 AM
Hi, this sounds delicious! do you dip the chicken in the parmesean and asiago or just parmesean and top with asiago?
December 29, 2014 at 11:21 AM
Hi Andrea,
I dip the chicken in the Parmesan to coat. When it’s done, I top with Asiago and broil to melt the cheese. Thanks for stopping by, hope you enjoy! I’d love to hear how it turns out. Happy New Year!
December 23, 2014 at 5:39 PM
I am making these for the first time tonight…I will let you know how they turn out..Thanks Danita for sharing!
December 18, 2014 at 10:05 PM
How fabulously easy with more than a touch of decadence.
Courtney Sue Smith
December 14, 2014 at 12:41 PM
So glad I found this recipe on Pinterest! It was beyond delicious, and easier to make than I thought it would be. It tasted great paired with rice. We’re a family of picky eaters, but all agree that this is a new family favorite. Can’t go wrong with these yummy ingredients! Thank you for sharing!
December 14, 2014 at 3:22 PM
Thanks so much Courtney! I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and let me know. I’m so glad you liked it. You’re right, what’s not to love about chicken, bacon and cheese? Merry Christmas!
December 8, 2014 at 2:19 PM
Could you use boneless skinless thighs? if so, how long would you cook it for?
December 8, 2014 at 9:21 PM
Sure Becky, boneless thighs should work fine. Depending on the thickness they probably wouldn’t take quite as long as breasts. I haven’t ever cooked with boneless thighs, but my mom loves them. I’d check them after about 15-20 min and go from there. Thanks so much for stopping by. I’d love to hear how they turn out. Merry Christmas!
December 6, 2014 at 1:54 PM
OMG I made this last night…my new favorite chicken recipe! Seriously yummy! I am so glad I found you on pinterest and had the ingreds. to make it. I used mozzarella cheese though because it is all I had on hand lol but it worked great still!
Thanks so much for sharing it!
pinned and tweeted!!
December 6, 2014 at 3:37 PM
Thanks Jess! You’re right about the cheese…whatever you have works great. So glad you enjoyed it and took the time to stop by and let me know, and for the Twitter share. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
November 23, 2014 at 11:03 AM
Any suggestions for side dishes to serve with this?
November 23, 2014 at 5:03 PM
Laria, my favorite starches for this dish are buttered egg noodles, baked potatoes or wild rice. Green beans are my go-to green veggie for any kind of chicken. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the recipe.
November 22, 2014 at 8:20 PM
Okay, so my wife made this a couple of weeks ago… WOW!!! I took some left overs to work and people were coming from all over the office sniffing their way to the lunchroom, everyone walked in and said “whats is that smell?” then stood there and drooled. She made it again tonight!!! I am sure this would be really good without the bacon, but it is a perfect example of how bacon makes everything better!!! Amazingly good. I can only reiterate what that famous 20th century philosopher Homer Simpson once said; “Yuuummmm, Bacon!”
November 23, 2014 at 5:34 AM
Pat, Thank you so much for taking your time to leave a comment. It’s always such an encouragement to know someone tried one of my recipes and loved it. I really appreciate your kind words. Have a blessed week and wonderful holiday season…and make sure to enjoy plenty of bacon!!!
Andrea G
November 15, 2014 at 7:22 PM
Made this tonight. Yummy & easy. I like browning/frying on the stove, and then finishing off in the oven. When I only do it on the stove, I always worry it’s not totally done and often end up burning it (in an attempt to make sure it’s thoroughly done) 🙂 I threw in some bread crumbs with the parm cheese, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Also, before I put on the Asiago Cheese and broiling, I put just a little ranch dressing on each piece of chicken. Thanks for the recipe!
November 15, 2014 at 7:33 PM
Thanks so much for your comment! I’m so glad you enjoyed it and it turned out well. I know exactly what you mean about getting chicken done on the stove. It seemed we were having to microwave someone’s in the middle of dinner because it wasn’t quite done enough. I love your added extras! I’m going to have to give the ranch a try…great idea! Have a blessed weekend and thanks again for stopping by!
November 12, 2014 at 1:08 PM
This looks so good!! Could you do this without a wire rack?
November 13, 2014 at 5:29 AM
Hailey, I must have misread your question, so my reply doesn’t make any sense. Sorry, Yes you could do it without the wire rack. Using it just helps any fat that cooks from the chicken to drain off. Without the rack the bottom may be slightly less crispy but it should be just fine. Again, sorry.
October 3, 2014 at 12:49 PM
This looks amazing!!!Yumm!!
September 21, 2014 at 6:29 PM
My cheese stuck to the pan and nothing was left on the chicken. Any suggestions to prevent this?
September 21, 2014 at 6:39 PM
So Sorry! This has happened to me before. Often, if it’s not the pan, it means the oil isn’t hot enough when the food is placed in the pan. Make sure the oil is hot enough to sear the breading onto the meat.
October 22, 2014 at 4:56 PM
Spray pan with olive oil and make sure your chicken is not wet before placing it in the egg. Dry chicken with a paper towel.
September 2, 2014 at 12:03 PM
Instead of frying could you just bake this instead? Would that work
September 2, 2014 at 12:13 PM
You could just bake it but the crust wouldn’t be crispy. You could just fry it enough to brown the crust slightly then pop it in the oven.
August 12, 2014 at 4:47 AM
This looks so good! Cheese, bacon, chicken – my family will love this!
August 6, 2014 at 8:38 PM
Garlic powder? Garlic salt? Fresh garlic?
August 7, 2014 at 7:00 AM
Thanks Brittany. In most of my recipes I usually use minced garlic, but in this one garlic powder is what you need. Although, you could substitute the garlic salt and leave out the extra salt. Thanks for stopping by!
Mommy A to Z
July 13, 2014 at 12:31 PM
This looks great! My husband and daughter love bacon! Thanks for linking up at the Manic Mondays blog hop! This week’s hop is live at. Hope to see you there!
July 12, 2014 at 6:37 PM
At what temp do you cook the chicken in the oven for baking?
July 13, 2014 at 6:29 AM
Thanks Catherine for asking…I didn’t even realize I left that out! I bake the chicken at 350. Thanks for stopping by!
June 23, 2014 at 2:25 PM
I love anything with bacon. This recipe is no exception. Thanks so much for sharing it with us at the Let’s Get Real link party.
June 17, 2014 at 9:25 AM
I absolutely love Parmesan crusted chicken! Yum! I’ve never made it though, interesting. I think I could tackle this.. I can’t add the bacon though. Prom gives me migraines, boo! Thanks for sharing.
June 17, 2014 at 8:11 AM
I have cooked something similar to this. The only major change is that I do not fry the chicken. I bake the chicken with out the egg. It is very good.
July 12, 2014 at 3:01 AM
Shouldn’t the chicken be dipped into the egg and then into the breadcrumbs and not the cheese?
July 12, 2014 at 3:06 AM
Just read recipe again and see there is no breadcrumbs, just the grated cheese.
July 12, 2014 at 6:14 AM
Yes, Ivan you’re correct. No breadcrumbs, just grated Parmesan..not freshly grated but the kind you’d get in the plastic “can” used to sprinkle on spaghetti or pizza. We call it “sprinkle cheese”. It gives it a really great crust and different flavor. The Asiago (or you could use another kind if you like) is melted on top after you finish cooking it. Hope that helps. Thanks so much for stopping by!
July 12, 2014 at 6:18 AM
I just read back over it as well. The cheese used to top is the Asiago, which probably wasn’t clear enough. Thanks for letting me know! |
.: Frequently Asked Questions
If you are reading this, it is probably one of your first times visiting this site. You may know a bit about the subject matter of this site, or you may know nothing, or you may just want a bit of orientation. There is a ton of information in the many pages on this website, and navigating them might seem a bit bewildering, or a bit on the information overload side of things. I hope this FAQ will give you a crude summation of all the major questions you may have and all the major issues at stake. Within each subject and question I have listed here, I will provide a short and simple answer to give you a basic understanding, and then provide a link to the corresponding page which has a more detailed analysis. Below is the overview:
1) Q: I know about how Lucas wants the Special Editions to be the only version available, but is there a slightly more detailed history of this issue than the main page summation?
2) Q: Weren't the original theatrical versions released on DVD in 2006?
3) Q: Won't the original versions look really crude and in poor condition? Isn't that why Lucas had to enhance and restore them for the Special Edition?
4) Q: Restoring or presenting the original versions in high quality is very expensive isn't it? Lucas does not have the money or desire to do so.
5) Q: I heard the original versions do not exist as film elements. The negatives were destroyed, and there are no good copies. Is this true?
6) Q: Where can I learn about the restorations of Star Wars? What was done to the original film elements?
7) Q: It seems like every Star Wars fan expects something different for an "original DVD or Blu Ray." In terms of how original, whether any clean-up has been done, how many defects to leave in like matte lines and scratches. Isn't it sort of impossible to please everyone?
8) Q: The Special Editions are the same basic film. Is it really that important to have the originals?
9) Q: As both the legal rights holder and also the artist behind the films, shouldn't the films be Lucas' to do with as he pleases? Isn't forcing an artist to make a choice they do not wish an unethical practice?
10) Q: Is there any way to legally stop Lucas from destroying and/or suppressing the originals?
11) Q: Is the 2006 DVD better than any bootleg DVD? And if not, which ones are best?
12) Q: Have the originals been shown anywhere since the 1997 Special Edition came out?
13) Q: I have heard people complaining about the video quality of the 2004 Special Edition, but the picture and sound looks great to me, very clear and sharp. What are people talking about?
14) Q: Where can I see original film and video material of the films as they were first released?
15) Q: Are there any 35mm or 16mm reels of the films I can get or see?
16) Q: I've heard about different sound mixes of the films. Which ones are the originals?
17) Q: Who can we contact to help save the Star Wars films? What can we do?
Questions and Answers
1) Q: I sort of know about how Lucas wants the Special Editions to be the only version available to people, and I would like to know a little more about the issue than the summation on the main page. Is there a slightly more detailed history of this issue?
A: There is! In 2008, I wrote a summation of the whole history of the fiasco for the website obsessedwithfilm.com, with a mass audience in mind. I have reposted the article in the editorials section. It looks at the issue in broad terms, and touches upon every major aspect of the controversy, but it doesn't get too bogged down in detail. See How the Grinch Stole Star Wars.
2) Q: Weren't the original theatrical versions released on DVD in 2006?
A: Yes, sort of anyway. Those releases were only as "bonus materials" for a Special Edition re-package and don't constitute a dedicated release, and they were presented in low quality. They were taken from a video master made for Laserdisc in 1993, hopelessly outdated and with a multitude of flaws, such as being non-anamorphic, meaning it will not fill a widescreen monitor, and being plaugued with digital video noise reduction which smeared away detail in moving shots. Bottom line was that it is a video telecine closing in on being twenty years out of date today, and looks its age. As mere "bonus features" perhaps this is more understandable, but the problem in the first place is that the originals are bonus video from the early 1990s (which was already owned via the 1993 and 1995 releases anyway). Home theatre professionals the world over criticized this release, both for its poor treatment of the originals and the poor nature of the video quality. This is neither a preservation nor proper due for the films, although it does at least acknowledge their existance, which is not to be underestimated. In 2011, these editions went out of print.
For more information on the controversial 2006 DVD, see Got GOUT? The 2006 Original Versions DVD Fiasco.
3) Q: Won't the original versions look really crude and in poor condition? Isn't that why Lucas had to enhance and restore them for the Special Edition?
A: The original version negatives today look as good as the Special Edition negatives. That is because they are the same thing! The only differences are the new Special Edition shots. In 1995, Fox started restoring the entire negatives for the Star Wars films, which saved them from their state of disrepair. Luckily, this means the original versions can be presented in nearly the same quality as what you saw in theatres in the 1997 re-release. Were Lucasfilm to not to use the negatives, there are other 35mm materials available for use. Although some are in states of disrepair, many are not, and while not being as high quality as the negatives, should be very presentable. For instance, George Lucas himself kept a special Technicolor print of the original film, which does not fade at all and would look exactly as it did when it was first printed.
For more information on film preservation and the available 35mm Star Wars elements, see From Interpositives to Separation Masters: How Film Preservation Works.
4) Q: Restoring or presenting the original versions in high quality is very expensive isn't it? Lucas does not have the money or desire to do so.
A: Lucas speaks about how expensive it would be and all the work that would need to be done, but in fact it would be relatively easy and inexpensive. One, presenting existing prints in high-def with modest cleanup would cost in the hundred thousand dollar range. Relatively speaking, this is very inexpensive, which is why obscure films like Police Academy 5 are available from original 35mm elements. Restoring the films from the negatives is not too expensive as well--because it was largely already done. In 1995, Twentieth Century Fox spent $20 million restoring and enhancing the Star Wars trilogy for the anniversary re-release. All that would need to be done today is retrieving the missing original pieces (roughly five to ten minutes per film), cleaning them if necessary, and editing them into a scan of the existing negative. Further cleanup could be done, but this is not strictly necessary, as the 1997 release had no major digital cleanup. So, the pricetag to finish the restoration of the trilogy from the negatives would be in the range of a million dollars, to throw a ballpark figure out there. To put this in perspective, the 2004 DVD set sold $100 million in its day of release. To put it in greater perspective, Lucas is a billionaire as it is. Lucas also need not involve himself in this, as film restorationists could handle the project themselves and seek to match the new digital copy to archival material. The project could be outsourced as well, to Criterion for example.
See From Interpositives to Separation Masters: How Film Preservation Works for greater detail on the subject.
5) Q: I heard the original versions do not exist as film elements. The negatives were destroyed, and there are no good copies. Is this true?
A: No, this is untrue. There are relatively good quality 35mm print masters, such as interpositves and fine-grain prints, as well as Technicolor prints. There is also a perfect duplicate of the negative in separation masters. Finally, the original negatives were not destroyed. What is meant when it is said that "they don't exist" or permanently altered is that the assembled edit of the film which uses the original pieces was re-ordered from the original edit to the Special Edition edit, so in this sense the original does not "exist." It would be very easy to simply put the original pieces physically back in, but in a theoretical modern restoration they would just be scanned digitally to avoid re-cutting the negative.
See From Interpositives to Separation Masters: How Film Preservations Works for information on existing 35mm elements, or for the process of re-cutting the neg for the Special Edition see Saving Star Wars: Its Restoration and Changing Physicality.
6) Q: Where can I learn about the restorations of Star Wars? What was done to the original film elements?
A: In 1995, the original negatives were discovered to have been in a state of disrepair, and so a restoration was enacted. First the film was washed in a bath and then hand-cleaned to remove dirt. Then, some optical transitions like wipes and dissolves were re-printed using the original film pieces and new modern printers. Some parts of the negative were damaged or too degraded, and so were replaced with duplicate material from second-generation copies. Finally, the faded colours were colour-timed back to life, using a non-fade Technicolor print from 1977 as the reference. In 2004, the negatives were scanned in 1080p HD resolution; Lucas supervised a re-colouring at ILM, and the films were digitally cleaned to remove dirt and scratches not possible in 1997 for new high definition digital masters.
A very detailed article on the restorations for the 1997 and 2004 releases is available. See Saving Star Wars: Its Restoration and Changing Physicality.
7) Q: It seems like every Star Wars fan expects something different for an "original version." In terms of how original, whether any clean-up has been done, how many defects to leave in like matte lines and scratches. Isn't it sort of impossible to please everyone?
A: In a literal sense perhaps, however Star Wars fans are not as hard to please as one may think, because most of us are inclined to automatically like what is presented. While some people may want matte lines and other "defects" cleaned, this constitues altering the original photography, and so would not be a proper restoration. Erasing dirt and scratches would constitute restoring the original photography to its unblemished state, although original negative grain should be left in simply because that was how the film existed. The audio should be the original too, and could be presented in surround sound via the 1977 six-track mixes. Basically, what I am getting at is that "restoring" the "original" Star Wars means actually doing that, and I think most people would be pleased if this was done. It is true that people might have greater or lesser expectations, and that some would want some minor enhancements such as matte removal, however I think most would agree that a proper restoration would satisfy both fans, cinema buffs, and home theatre enthusiasts, therefore constituting the maximum amount of satisfaction. Although presenting the films from high quality sources other than the negatives would be rightfully met with some criticism, at the end of the day I think most people would nonetheless be pleased as long as it looked good. I would say that relying on the excuse of "you can't please everyone" is simply pre-emptively justifying Lucasfilm's lack of effort. In order to fail to please everyone, they have to try in the first place.
8) Q: The Special Editions are the same basic films. Is it really that important to have the originals?
A: If the Special Editions are the same basic films as the originals, why make the Special Editions in the first place? There is a reason George Lucas has spent so much time and money altering the movies. While I will agree they are the same films in the larger sense, the Special Editions do not in any way represent the look, sound or experience of watching the original versions. Star Wars, for example, has over 100 altered and new shots in the Special Edition, in addition to totally new colouring and sound mixing. Furthermore, the original material is historic in many ways. The visual effects work of ILM is pioneering, but much of it is no longer present in the new editions, as is the award winning sound mixing. Moreover, as culturally significant artifacts of the time in which they were made, it is important that the films be preserved so that viewers can understand what films were like back then. Films illustrate the technologies and tastes of the era in which they were made, and it is important for our national heritage that they be presented in their authentic original form, in as high a quality as possible. It also is important for purposes of pure entertainment, as these versions of the films are widely considered to be superior versions of the films, and are in any case adored by millions of people.
For detailed breakdowns of how the Special Editions have been altered and enhanced, see Special Edition Changes. For thoughts on why films should ethically, and legally, be preserved see Right to Cultural Heritage: Film Preservation and the Law. Thoughts on the importance of the originals can also be found in How the Grinch Stole Star Wars.
9) Q: How can you demand that Lucas relinquish the originals? As both the legal rights holder and also the artist behind the films, shouldn't they be his to do with as he pleases? Isn't forcing an artist to make a choice they do not wish an unethical practice?
A: A complex and loaded subject. First, no one has suggested that Lucas not get the chance to make his Special Editions. Preserving the originals does not nullify the director's version, and the current home video era of multiple versions being concurrently released exemplifies this. Second, Lucas has already acknowledged this with the 2006 DVD release which included both versions. Third, that same release also deflated his integrity about one artistic version existing, since he has acknowledged that the older versions do in fact exist and can be made available to the public alongside his re-edits. The issue can really die here.
Beyond this, however, it is not clear that they are solely "his" films to unilaterally control and alter. He neither directed nor was the primary screenwriter on either sequels, conditions that the 1987 Film Integrity Act which he supported demanded to allow alteration of a film. That act was later repealed, however, after being criticized for simplifying the collaborative nature of moviemaking down to the control of two people, further muddying any case Lucas would have had. Although Lucas legally owns the copyrights, in a moral sense this means little, otherwise we would have to consent to unilateral studio control in almost every other non-Star Wars example. Moreover, Star Wars is a culturally significant artifact of 20th century popular culture. Congress recognized both films and Star Wars in particular as important parts of its cultural heritage. The United States has enacted laws to prevent artifacts of cultural heritage from being altered or destroyed, regardless of the wishes of their legal or even artistic owners, such as historic paintings, buildings and landmarks. However, these laws have not been passed on to motion pictures, due to the complexity of motion picture law. Otherwise, Lucas would be stopped. What he is doing is in violation of the ethics of United States law, but there is no enforcement agency in place. Star Wars is part of cinema and cultural history, and it is bigger than any one man (Lucas) or corporation (Lucasfilm) and should be protected.
See The Right to Cultural Heritage: Film Preservation and the Law for more detail. See also The Greatest Speech Against the Special Edition was By George Lucas for Lucas' testimony before Congress in 1988 where he rails against not releasing films as they originally were. See also Do as I Say Not as I Do for additional quotes from the man about the importance of film-as-cultural-heritage.
10) Q: Is there any way to legally stop Lucas from destroying and/or suppressing the originals?
A: Currently, no. Until cultural heritage protection law is extended to motion pictures in the same way as it is to other fine art forms, all films, not just Star Wars, are vulnerable to destruction by their rights holders. See The Right to Cultural Heritage: Film Preservation and the Law.
11) Q: Is the 2006 DVD better than any bootleg DVD? And if not, which ones are best?
A: The 2006 DVD was better than existing Laserdisc captures, but since 2006 many fans have done their own restorations to improve upon the DVD in very significant ways. Most notably, the image jitter has been stabilized and the picture made anamorphic, and the original theatrical sound mixes have been included. Some restorations reduced the grain and tweaked the colour slightly.
For a history of fan restorations and the current state of the art, see Fan Preservations: Navigating the Waters.
12) Q: Have the originals been shown anywhere since the 1997 Special Edition came out?
A: Yes. There have been a few showings, without Lucasfilm's approval, making them technically illicit (probably in some cases to the ignorance of the exhibitors). There is a black market for 35mm prints, since it is usually illegal to own them privately, and so the Star Wars films are highly sought after. After at least one screening, Lucasfilm confiscated the print. The most noteable screening was a 2010 screening of a super-rare, pristine, non-fade Technicolor print that was privately owned. This was done as a free screening for the closing of Baltimore's Senator Theatre, which I have covered in detail with videos and photos of the event and the print. See Technicolor I.B. Screening.
13) Q: I have heard people complaining about the video quality of the 2004/2011 Special Edition, but the picture and sound looks great to me, very clear and sharp, the best I've seen the films. What are people talking about?
A: While the picture does indeed look crisp and brand new, there are a number of problems with the colouring (aside from the fact that too much grain was removed). Noteably, the black levels have been brought down so dark that they erase detail, such as shadows and even some of the starfields. Lasers and spaceship engines have also been de-coloured, and many scenes have a dull quality to them. Other scenes have been miscoloured, such as the blockade runner in Star Wars, which has a mild blue cast to it by mistake. The most noteable flaw, and one you probably noticed if you paid close attention, is that the lightsabers have been frequently miscoloured. The white cores are no longer bright white, while in A New Hope Luke's saber is green, and Darth Vader's often looks pink throughout all three. The audio mix also accidentally reversed sound channels in some shots, and dropped out the music for some parts by mistake. These are not deliberate choices but merely technical errors. Some of these were improved in the 2011 Blu-ray, but most of them were not.
See Can't Even Get the Special Edition Right for more info and screens.
14) Q: Where can I see original film and video material of the films as they were first released?
A: In the resources section there are many examples from both official and privately owned film materials, from 35mm prints to 70mm blowups to 16mm reductions. The best example of how Star Wars looked on 35mm is the pictures seen on the Senator's Theatre's Technicolor print screening. For the other films, and for additional Star Wars material, there is a resource page collecting much of this stuff, although many of the examples are not in good quality because of age and use.
15) Q: Are there any 35mm or 16mm reels of the films I can get or see?
A: It might be possible to buy some from private dealers, but the quality is not likely to be good. Being thirty years old, they are likely to have faded to pink, and become scratched from use. However, I still insist that even a scratched film print is the best way to see any film, especially Star Wars. There is a decent restoration and presentation on DVD of 16mm reels by "Puggo", but a self-made telecine is not the same as seeing it for yourself. Lucasfilm does not loan out 1997 prints to repertoir theatres, only screening the films in exceptional circumstance. It's a shame Lucasfilm controls circulation of all film prints so strictly, even the Special Editions, which I would enjoy seeing again for their quality.
See Watching Star Wars on Film for an overview of the 8mm, 16mm and 35mm markets.
16) Q: I've heard about different sound mixes of the films. Which ones are the originals?
A: The audio of all the films was remixed in 1985 for home video, then again in 1993, and then remixed for the Special Editions in 1997 and 2004. The 2011 Blu Rays will have yet another mix. So the truely original versions are from 1985 and earlier, but many of the Star Wars mixes were never released on home video. Star Wars debuted in stereo for 35mm and six-track surround for 70mm. A few weeks later the sound was mixed for 35mm mono, which added and changed many sound effects throughout the film. The six-track and mono versions were never released on home video, although the unique mono mix sounds were heard in some vintage sources like "The Story of Star Wars" LP, and some were restored for the Special Edition. Empire Strikes Back came out in 70mm (six track) first, which was actually missing a couple shots compared to the 35mm version released days later. There were a few minor sound variations on the 70mm mixes of Empire and Jedi, and also no dedicated mono mixes. The six-track surrounds of all the films were never released on home video, although the 1993 remix uses the original sound stems. The original stereo mixes were available on all home video versions from 1985 and earlier. The original Star Wars mono mixe was never officially released. Fans have restored and re-created all of these original mixes. See Theatrical Audio Resources for further detail.
17) Q: Who can we contact to help save the Star Wars films? What can we do?
A: Perhaps cutting to the ultimate purpose of the site. To start, tell your friends, and tell them to tell their friends. If you have a blog or a website, write about the suppression of the films and post a link to us. Be vocally critical of Lucasfilm to show that people are not okay with what they are doing, to show that they will be remembered as destroyers of history. The only way public pressure will persuade them to alter course is if they feel a sense of public shame, that they have alienated their audiences. Write to newspapers, websites and magazines and highlight this travesty. Want to contact Lucasfilm directly? There is a media contacts page which has the emails of various media outlets, as well as Lucasfilm itself. See: Media Contacts for more information. |
They must be familiar with history, indication for the procedure, consent for the procedure, lab parameters and technical aspects of the procedure. Academic production is longitudinal during the fellowship and includes book chapters, case reviews, posters and presentations and peer-reviewed publications. Considering that the institute is a tertiary care hospital and a Neuro IR centre, both neuro & non-neuro vascular cases as well as non-vascular interventions are being done regularly. Integrated IR Residency. A fellowship may also be submitted by creating a new listing. I did rotation in various systems like chest & cardiac, neuro, abdomen etc which gave me confidence in cross-sectional imaging. Accepted fellows will be: Fellows participate in running clinical cerebrovascular service on a daily basis. Leaves: 10 CL, 25 annual leaves and 7 deputation leaves plus sick leaves. You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your specific browser settings. The program accepts 1.5 fellows per year (alternate one then two fellows each year) who rotate at Emory University Hospital (two-thirds of total time) and Grady Memorial Hospital (one-third of time). This includes twice-daily rounds, assisting with notes, and participating in all endovascular cases with activities commensurate with level of training. Fellows will have already passed the FRCP examination in Diagnostic Radiology or equivalent. Stipend: Approximately 40000-45000 per month [SR scale fixed by the institution]. Senior fellows / faculties do present too. This program is designed to provide trainees with the unique clinical, academic, research and technical skills required to practice this specialty. Data Reports. Rozman Zakaria. Your email address will not be published. Didactics include participation in weekly neurosurgery grand rounds, interdisciplinary neuroradiology conference, and stroke conference. Training Centre: UKM Medical Centre/ Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz, Cheras 56000 Kuala Lumpur. neuroradiology fellowship-trained radiologists. The program provides two one-year fellowship positions annually. About Emyr. This blog does not share personal information with third parties nor do we store any information about your visit to this blog other than to analyze and optimize your content and reading experience through the use of cookies. Right from attenders, office staff, and junior & senior colleagues, they respect you and mould you in a similar way. The UCSD Department of Neuro-Anesthesia is currently accepting applications for advanced training in Clinical Neuro-Anesthesiology at the Fellowship level. Fellows must work up each and every case posted the next day. 15+ fellowship-trained neuroradiologists on staff. Bianca Pham Fellowship Coordinator [email protected] (310) 267-8796 phone (310) 267-2059 fax The Neuroradiology Division at NYPH performs over 20,000 Neuro MR and Neuro CT studies annually ensuring more than ample studies for fellowship training. Course: Fellowship in Neuro and Peripheral Vascular Interventional Radiology. The goal of Emory's CV/INR Fellowship is to provide intensive and extensive training in the diagnosis and management of all cerebrovascular diseases. Hi One position is offered per year. International conferences are funded too – guidelines apply. Accommodation: Provided by the institution. We are not responsible for republished content from this blog on other blogs or websites without our permission. Note that 2 seats for DM intervention Radiology have been sanctioned starting from the 2020 batch. Fellows are afforded at least one academic meeting per year, and have a yearly stipend for books, computers, loupes, etc. I felt that I was given more responsibilities as time went by and they started to have confidence in me. Keen interest in the field of intervention is definitely a must. With fifteen full-time neuroradiology faculty members, subspecialty imaging is emphasized including pediatric, head and neck, spine, and vascular neuroradiology. There will be at least half a dozen candidates short listed for the interview process, if it continues like before. The selection process is overall extremely neutral and merit-based, so everyone interested and well-read stands a good chance.. Cheers. It may vary depending upon the housing and mess expenses. There is one round per year for doctoral scholarships, senior fellowships and summer studentships. The Neuro IR staff are always welcoming and willing to teach. Now there is a separate paper / section for intervention radiology. Since I was interested in intervention, it was really a fruitful experience working there even though it can be physically taxing. You won’t regret it. If you are not willing to break your back, please don’t enrol yourself, Verdict: Just go for it. There are two funding rounds per year for large and small projects, early career fellowships and conference and training course grants. I worked really hard for the exam and was rewarded with the fellowship. It’s not a fixed roster. The fellowship involves extensive clinical and catheter-based training under the supervision of two full-time faculty in neurointerventional radiology plus two full-time faculty from neurosurgery, and provides fellows with an outstanding hands-on experience. IR residency and VIR fellowship. [email protected]. Neuro interventions, body interventions, peripheral vascular interventions, venous access, biliary drainage, sclerotherapy, pre op embolization and non vascular interventions are all performed here. When I appeared for exam, it was MCQ based but it was related to general diagnostic radiology. Course: Fellowship in Neuro and Peripheral Vascular Interventional Radiology. A lot (of education) can happen over coffee! Fellows also attend at least one outpatient clinic per week. They will be expected to present a paper / poster and take part in quiz competitions. MCW, in accordance with the CDC and ACGME, will provide updated information as it becomes available. Travel grant applications can also be submitted by those who have an eligible project grant or fellowship. Clinical Neurology Fellowships. You also become more and more patient and academically oriented. The fellows are also responsible for collating/presenting at monthly interventional radiology morbidity and mortality. Note that 2 seats for DM intervention Radiology have been sanctioned starting from the 2020 batch. The goal of Emory's CV/INR Fellowship is to provide intensive and extensive training in the diagnosis and management of all cerebrovascular diseases.. Duration: 2 years till 2020. Neurosurgery-trained fellows also participate in open cerebrovascular cases. It is in their ethos and training that you put the patient first and everything else next. stenosis, and spinal abnormalities. The Cafe Roentgen consensus recommendations, Radiology in Australia: How to Apply and What to Expect, The Complete and Practical Guide to Clearing the European Diploma in Radiology (EDiR), Road to Canada: How to apply for a Canadian Fellowship, MSK Fellowship at InnoVision under Dr Daftary and Dr Lawande, Radiology in the UK – Getting in and What to Expect, Flexible department in terms of department and postings. Fellows also participate extensively in neurosurgery resident training via leadership of cerebrovascular service and/or assisting neurosurgery resident training on the wards and in the operating room. It’s flexible based on understanding between the fellows Endovascular procedures are performed daily, while open cases are typically performed three or four days per week. Since its inception in 1992, the Stanford Stroke Center has been committed to the training of physicians specializing in stroke disciplines. But usually it is at an acceptable level. How to Approach and Plan for Higher Education in Radiology? I joined CMC immediately after my MD elsewhere. Fellows with have the opportunity to provide feedback for the program and individual Neuro IR staff physicians. Institution will fund the expenses [according to guidelines] when they present a poster / paper. In addition to this, fellows are free to attend morning academic sessions and MDT’s (multidisciplinary team meetings) along with the diagnostic team when they are posted outside the DSA lab. Tangible evidence of accomplishment (i.e. In short we can put it as Calvarium to Calcaneum. Number of Positions: 2 per year Duration of Residency: 5 years (starting at PGY-2) IR … Program Director: Catherine Vu, M.D. Neuroradiology Fellowship The University of Southern California offers a one-year ACGME accredited training program in Neuroradiology. Conferences: Fellows will be encouraged to attend IR conferences on rotational basis provided there is enough man power in the department. This policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on 23rd Sept, 2018. This is a one year fellowship in Angiography & Interventional Radiology. The Neuro-Oncology Fellowship Program at UT Southwestern Medical Center is accredited by the United Council for Neurological Specialties (UCNS). This is a fellowship for international students in the U.S. studying for a doctorate in the sciences. graduated neurosurgery residents with appropriate angiographic exposure (documented 100 angiograms or neuroradiology fellowship); stroke fellowship-trained neurologists; and/or. Emyr is a consultant pharmacist and national lead for community healthcare in Wales. I worked as an SR in the diagnostic side for two years before gaining interest in intervention. The early exposure to neurointerventional cases will help with gaining much needed experience for future fellowships." Integrated IR residency. 9952269577 The fellow is expected to lead formal rounds and provide education and oversight for the rotating residents and medical students. Call responsibilities include call from home once every three days. Home-call, similar to t… – Dr. Sathya Narayanan R, Consultant Intervention Radiologist, Chennai. Cons: Not much except for the hectic nature of the fellowship. The Cerebrovascular/Interventional Radiology (CV/INR) Fellowship at Emory University is under the direction of C. Michael Cawley, MD, FACS. How will the candidates be selected for DM interventional radiology? The neuro interventional radiology fellowship involves extensive training, under the supervision of three full-time faculty, in diagnostic (1,000 cases per year) and interventional (600 cases per year) neuroradiology as well as intensive care unit medicine. Applicants must have completed residency training in neurology, neurosurgery, internal medicine, emergency medicine, anesthesiology or surgery in the United States or Canada prior to the start date of the fellowship. Wessex Neuro-oncological Surgery Fellowship, University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust, May 2019 – December 2019. The CV/INR Fellowship is a two-year program, in which all clinical (outpatient and inpatient) and research activities provide comprehensive exposure to the full range of neurovascular diseases (both ischemic and hemorrhagic). , assisting with notes, and Vascular neuroradiology MRI Centers utilize 10 Siemens clinical MR scanners Plastic surgery and Hepatobiliary... For questions regarding international medical Graduates, please visit our fellowships page and exams are conducted in 2019 and 2020! Institution will fund the expenses [ according to guidelines ] when they present a paper / section for intervention have... Sathya Narayanan R, consultant intervention radiologist, Chennai subspecialty imaging is emphasized including pediatric head... Caferoentgen in Radiology fellowships in India, MD, FACS is a fellowship may also submitted. For patients I did rotation in various systems like chest & cardiac, Neuro MRI, Vascular... 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50 Georgia Currency To Naira, July Weather: Uk, The Parenthood Cast, Utc+3 To Ist, Memphis Depay Fifa 21 Potential, |
Permanent Secretariat of the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area (ACCOBAMS), is committed to implement a regional project on mitigating bycatch and depredation by cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea, in coordination with the Secretariat of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), and in collaboration with the UNEP/MAP-RAC/SPA (Regional Activity Center for Specially Protected Areas). This regional project is funded by the MAVA Foundation. The main objectives of this regional initiative are: 1) t...[more]...[more]...[more]
The Mediterranean and the Black Seas are exceptionally rich and diverse regarding marine megafauna and regularly or occasionally host more than 20 species of cetaceans, about half of which are considered threatened. Subject to high anthropogenic pressures, cetacean populations benefit from particular attention from riparian States, willing to better coordinate their actions in their favor. The Permanent Secretariat to the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, the Mediterranean and the Adjacent Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS), will carry out the ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative (A...]
To an...[more]
The Pan-European Strategic Framework for Greening the Economy guides the transition to an inclusive green economy that will bring investment in innovation, foster the transfer of green technology and products, and stimulate sustainable consumer behavior. It will result in the reduction of environmental risks and ecological scarcities, create green jobs and minimize negative consequences for enterprises and vulnerable groups. The Framework proposes a vision, objectives and focus areas supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. BIG-E operationalizes the Framework until 2030 through...[more]
The Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (BIP) was established in 2007 to provide the best available information on biodiversity trends and to monitor progress towards achieving the 2010 Target. The BIP is a global initiative comprising over forty organisations working internationally at the forefront of biodiversity indicators development. co...[more]]
The objectives of the commitment are to: Integrative governance arrangements for sustainable fisheries and for the protection of the marine environment. Demonstrate the deployment of innovative, economically-viable appropriate wastewater technologies for small coastal communities to foster uptake, replication and up scaled investment; Demonstrate the deployment of best nutrient management practices in agriculture in the areas of nutrient conservation, recycling and use efficiency, with added benefit of integrating climate-smart approaches; Strengthen partnerships between on-site b...[more]
This partnership is designed to build a coalition of country and donor support for the objective of a safe and healthy journey to school for all children by 2030. The Global Initiative focuses on three key rights of the child:• Safe, accessible mobility to promote equity and combat poverty;• Clean air and a healthy environment for all children;• The role of safe and healthy mobility in enabling the right to an education.It is designed to fill a gap in the global development and environment agendas, addressing the specific needs and rights of children in relation to mobility.
Goal: Cooperation between UN Environment and SPREP in the delivery of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities/Global Partnership on Marine Litter (GPA/GPML), a #CleanSeas Campaign for the Pacific and implementation of the Cleaner Pacific 2025 Strategy to reduce marine debris and achieve a Clean Pacific Ocean. Rationale: Contamination of the ocean by marine debris, largely comprised of plastics, is a serious environmental threat with broad economic, social and environmental impacts, including: negative impacts to local tourism...]
International policy and financing processes under the UNFCCC encompass and enable coastal ecosystem-based mitigation activities. The area of mangroves, seagrass beds and tidal wetlands under sustainable management for climate change mitigation is increased in five developing countries, and greenhouse gas balance and other ecosystem services are consistently quantified and valued using standardized methodologies.
CTCN Mission:To build or strengthen the capacity of developing countries to identify technology needsTo facilitate the preparation and implementation of technology projects and strategies to support action on mitigation and adaptationTo enhance low-emission and climate-resilient development(source:)
The Action Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the East Asian Region (the East Asian Seas Action Plan) was originally adopted in April 1981, and revised in 1994. The principal objective of the Action Plan is the development and protection of the marine environment and coastal areas, for the protection of the health and wellbeing of present and future generations. The Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) is the intergovernmental mechanism that oversees implementation of the action plan. The COBSEA Secretariat is hosted by Thailan...[more], w...[more]
Six regional seas with extensive coral reefs incorporate tools for assessing drivers of coral reef resilience and for identifying and prioritizing actions that reduce the major anthropogenic pressures on coral reefs, in order to maintain their integrity and functioning. A global partnership initiative among regional seas will promote policy coherence through common tools and approaches as well as strengthened implementation at the regional level, supporting resilient reefs and dependent communities.
Improved access to good quality life cycle data and databases as well as expanded use of key environmental indicators that allows the measurement and monitoring of progress towards the environmental sustainability of selected product chains.
Eco clubs in. It is not just an extracurricular activity...[more]
The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) has been working with partner organizations and through its instruments as a facilitator to promote sustainable tourism to protect migratory species, which highly benefit from tourism through habitat conservation, reduction of threats from collisions and fishing, and providing incentives to people to ensure their protection. Ecotourism is one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world, and if undertaken in sustainable ways, would significantly support local communities in remote areas and create alternative...[more]
The program aims to build capacity at the local government level for implementation / application of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) as effective and strategic tools for improving the (local) environment in order to achieve tangible impacts and improvements through municipal activities. The partnership comprises a middle- and long-term strategy for motivating, training and supporting local governments to use and implement EMS. The focus is given on making implementation happen. In addition, this program supports good governance, local sustainable development and stakeholder involvemen...[more]
The overall objective of the project is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by supporting renewable energy technologies based power generation through business models in Cuba and other small island nations that are very sensitive to global warming, as well as adding to the energy security of these nations through reduction in the import of high cost fossil fuels. The project in Isla de la Juventud demonstrates the technical and financial viability of renewable energy based investment business models, and aims at removing the barriers to the development and replication of the renewable energy te...]
The overall objective of the Global Adaptation Network (GAN) is to help build climate resilience of vulnerable communities, ecosystems and economies through the mobilization of knowledge for adaptation.The GAN has three main areas of work:1. Improving the availability and accessibility of knowledge through online portals, global knowledge-sharing events, and knowledge products2. Building capacity for using knowledge for global adaptation policy-setting, planning and practices through training events, advisory services and institutional support3. Linking regional and thematic adaptation network...]
GCRMN works through a global network to strengthen the provision of best available scientific information on and communication of the status and trends of coral reef ecosystems, for their conservation and management. GCRMN is the world’s premier coral reef data network, bringing together a range of government and non-government partners in tracking status and trends of the world's coral reefs. GCRMN covers biophysical variables as well as socioeconomic variables, through the 'SocMon' initiative. The main activity of GCRMN is the preparation of regional and global periodic assessments.
• To bring together and mobilize all oceans stakeholders around shared goals.• To tackle documented problems of overfishing, pollution, and habitat loss. core areas of the partnership will focus on three overarching goals :- Goal A: Reduced levels and impacts of land-based litter and solid waste introduced into the aquatic environment;- Goal B: Reduced levels and impact of sea-based sources of marine debris including solid waste, lost cargo, ALDFG, and abandoned vessels introduced into the aquatic environment;- Goal C. Reduced levels and impacts of (accumulated) marine debris on shorelines, aquatic habitats, and biodiversity.It is anticipated that different stakeholders will form sub-groups to focus on specific issues, e.g. cross-cutting. ...[more]] objectives of the GPWM are:Objectives and Expected OutcomesTo enhance international cooperation, outreach, advocacy, knowledge management and sharing, and identifying and filling information gaps in waste m...[more].
The GPA is designed to be a source of conceptual and practical guidance to be drawn upon by national and/or regional authorities for devising and implementing sustained action to prevent, reduce, control and/or eliminate marine degradation from land-based activities. The GPA aims at preventing the degradation of the marine environment from land-based activities by facilitating the duty of States to preserve and protect the marine environment.
Implement a resolution to global warming and north/south wealth gap through the Green Power Fund.
GUPES, the Global Universities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability, is UNEP’s flagship program on environmental education as a contribution to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, 2005-14. Launched in June 2012, in the lead up to Rio+20 and as part of the joint UN Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI), the goal of GUPES is to increase mainstreaming of environment and sustainability practices and curricula into universities by supporting innovative approaches to education. In this context, SIDS Universities, including the SIDS Universities Consortium, ....
A multiple stakeholder platform comprised of UN agencies, international organizations, governments (Health, Agriculture, Environment and Economic development), scientists, private sectors and Major groups and stakeholders to provide the foundations (including information, tools and policy mechanisms) for partnerships to initiate comprehensive, effective and sustained programmes addressing wastewater management.
The GGKP is a global partnership of international organisations, research institutes, think tanks, and experts focused on promoting a green economy transition by:1. Identifying major knowledge gaps in green growth theory and practice and addressing these gaps by promoting collaboration and coordinated research; and 2. Using world-class knowledge management and communication tools to provide practitioners, policymakers, and other experts with opportunities to access, share and utilise green growth policy analysis, guidance, lessons learned and data.
The H20 Partnership aims to further the environmental, economic and social importance of oceans, coasts, and islands, and to facilitate the realization of the Montreal commitment by governments to mitigate water pollution and resource degradation from the hilltops to the oceans. The overall objectives of the H20 Partnership include: * To facilitate Governments and the international community recognition of the linkages between the freshwater and marine environments and to foster closer collaboration and partnerships between river basin authorities and coastal managers since action must be t...[more]
The. IAU portal on HESD is an interactive web-based platform which showcases a growing number of HEIs and research bodies and their actions and initiatives for sustainable development. It lists news, events and resources on Sustainable Development in relation to Higher Education and Research. It provides tools for decision-makers, academia, staff and students as well as for other HE stakeholders. The aim is for it to become a global reference portal, increasing, connecting and showcasing actions and institutions, giving them global visibility and, ultimately, creating a global network of actor...[more]
The specific objective of the action is to improve the availability and access to relevant environmental information to the benefit of effective and knowledge-based policy making in the ENP South region. Projects specific activities executed by UN Environment/MAP aim at supporting regional reporting through established and regular national data flows based on common requirements, ensuring coherence and harmonization as well as policy relevance and uptake of the reported information in support of better environmental governance. They are structured around six work packages (in country suppo...[more]
The objective of the Marine Litter MED project is to support UN Environment/MAP Barcelona Convention and its Southern Mediterranean Contracting Parties to implement key common measures provided for in the Regional Plan on Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean, and the updated National Action Plans to achieve Good Environmental Status (GES). The main focus of the project will be on: a. Enhancing the implementation of selected ML policy/regulatory prevention and reduction common measures at sub-regional/national levels and sharing of related best practices as identified in the update...[more]
Increase the capacities of 7000 people who would in-turn impact the lives of 20 million people resident in Cameroon by raising their awareness on UN Agenda 2030 Goals, provide employment and r, establish partnerships, build communities from bottom up, engage inclusive participation of women and men in development agenda, enhance democratic and human rights reforms, participate in Climate Change mitigation and to achieve the 17 UN Agenda 2030 Goals and Targets by 2030. The initiative shall liaise with development partners at home and abroad and engage in national policy issues to benefit every ...[more]
A mechanism to enable governments to establish policy and legal frameworks for addressing deteriorating water quality will be initiated.]..
The coastal and marine area from the northern boundary of the Diani-Chale Marine National Reserve in Kenya to the southern boundary of Mkinga District in Tanzania shares common oceanographic conditions and weather patterns. Despite the political boundaries that have been put in place between the two countries, the area consists of a contiguous ecosystem with significant marine and coastal biodiversity which contributes to the socio-economics of coastal communities, particularly in tourism and fisheries. The proposed Transboundary Conservation Area (TBCA) between the Republic of Kenya and th...[more]
-); - Sup...[more]
With the ultimate objective of achieving the Good Environmental Status (GES) of the Mediterranean Sea, the project aims to support the Southern Mediterranean Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention to implement the Ecosystem Approach Roadmap agreed in Decision IG. 21/3, with a particular focus on the establishment of integrated monitoring programmes in line with the Decision IG.22/7 on Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (IMAP). The implementation of this Decision will enable for the first time an integrated quantitative monitoring and assessment of the status of the Med...[more]
The MedProgramme aims to accelerate the implementation of agreed upon priority actions to reduce the major transboundary environmental stresses affecting the Mediterranean Sea and its coastal areas while strengthening climate resilience and water security, and improving the health and livelihoods of coastal populations. The activities supported by the MedProgramme will be developed within a coordinated framework of effective transboundary cooperation, Mediterranean wide harmonized standards, indicators and monitoring procedures, information flow and exchanges of experience, and with the su...[more]
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed on 2012 between the GFCM and UN Environment/MAP is the first agreement that formalizes cooperation between a UN Environment Regional Sea Convention and an FAO Regional Fisheries Management Organization. This MoU stemmed from years of bilateral consultations on common areas of work and responded to the request by Contracting Parties of both organizations for enhanced coordination. The MoU between UN Environment/MAP-Barcelona Convention and GFCM addresses the following five areas of cooperation: 1) Promotion of ecosystem-based approaches for th...[more]
The One Planet network has formed to implement the commitment of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP). It is a multi-stakeholder partnership for sustainable development, generating collective impact through its six programmes: Public Procurement, Buildings and Construction, Tourism, Food Systems, Consumer Information, and Lifestyles and Education.
The partnership would provide an important platform and forum for exchange and experiences in the region on addressing the significant lack of progress towards the water and sanitation targets of the MDGs, as well as looking forward to the post-2015 SDG framework. Most importantly, the partnership would enable improved advocacy across various platforms for SIDS-specific issues and solutions
The goal of the Pacific Islands National Priorities Multi-Focal Area ‘Ridge-to-Reef’ (R2R) program is to maintain and enhance Pacific Island countries’ ecosystem goods and services (provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural) through integrated approaches to land, water, forest, biodiversity and coastal resource management that contribute to poverty reduction, sustainable livelihoods and climate resilience. This goal will be achieved through a series of national multi-focal area R2R demonstration projects which will support and address national priorities and development needs whi...[more]’s vision ...[more]
The partners will work to: - Help developing countries to develop action plans to complete the elimination of leaded gasoline by end 2008 - Start to phase down sulfur in diesel and gasoline fuels, long-term objective to be 50 ppm and below -Concurrent with the aboveadopting cleaner vehicle requirements; - Support the development and adoption of cleaner fuel standards and clean vehicle requirements by providing a platform for exchange of experiences and successful practices in developed and developing countries as well as technical assistance; - Develop public outreach materials, education...[more]]
Partnership Initiative on the Establishment of the statistical infrastructure for the systematic collection of environmental data in SIDS for driving evidence-based policy Formulation, development and assessment. First Consultation with Caribbean SIDS held in November 2014. Concept Note prepared and circulated to Caribbean SIDS for further input. Area: Data and information]
Following the vision of Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences (Sana’a University), as well as, of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Ph.D. & Master of Science in Sustainable Development Goals (PMSDG) proposes a new holistic and integrated approach to sustainable development for people, planet and prosperity. The PMSDG addresses the set of world-scale interrelated environmental and social challenges towards making Earth a safer, healthier and wealthier place for future generations & us.
National institutions and other stakeholders implement pro-poor and environmentally sound development and sector strategies, plans and policies that contribute to sustainable development achievements. National information will be available and report development outcomes resulting from implementation of pro-poor and environmentally sounds policies and plans. National institutions will have strengthened capacity to elaborate, implement and monitor improved policies and plans that mainstream poverty and environment linkages. Under the UN Delivering as One process, UNDP and UNEP will effective...]
Ocean biodiversity information underpins the sustainable use and conservation of marine resources. Yet reliable and freely accessible ocean biodiversity information can be difficult to find, access and use. The UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre commits to initiating a step-change in global access to and use of marine biodiversity spatial data and information. This will be achieved by developing new and upgrading existing digital products that serve globally, regionally and nationally relevant ocean biodiversity information..]
The progra...[more] ...[more] ...[more]
The Sub-Global Assessment (SGA) Network seeks to create a common platform for practitioners (individuals and organizations) involved in ecosystem assessment at the sub-global levels (regional, sub-regional, national and sub-national) with the intention of: 1. Building capacity to undertake and use assessments and 2. Supporting relevant global processes such as the intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services (IPBES) and multilateral environmental agreement (MEA) frameworks/conventions through achievement of the objective listed above. campaign aims to secure commitments from Governments, as well as private sector enterprises and members of the general public. For private businesses this can for instance mean phasing out microbeads in personal care and cosmetics products, improving plastic management and committing to re-design, re-use, recycle, and recover plastic. For the general public, this can mean taking simple actions in their everyday life that reduce their plastic footprints, for Governments this can mean pledges to banning microbeads in cosmetics like the US has done, or banning plastic plates and cutlery l...[more]
The UNEP-GEF en.lighten initiative was established to accelerate a global market transformation to efficient lighting technologies. It assists countries to develop policies, strategies and actions for the phase out of inefficient lighting products. Based on the support UNEP is providing to countries in the Pacific region to help them develop energy efficient lighting strategies, UNEP could extend this to the rest of SIDS to ensure that other SIDS countries benefit from the en.lighten initiative.SIDS dimensions of the en.lighten initiative: en.lighten is an excellent example of a successful glo...[more]
The Global Network for Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECPnet), supported by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), brings together leading providers of RECP services on the global and regional level to catalyze the effective and widespread application of RECP in developing andtransition economies.RECPnet facilitates South-South collaboration, including the transfer of RECP-relevant knowledge, experiences and technologies. It’s over 70 members also help raise awareness; make the business and technical ca...]
The project aims to put in place a connected, ecologically representative, effectively managed and monitored network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean which ensures the long term conservation of key elements of the marine biodiversity and gives significant support to the sustainable development of this region. The project builds on an innovation approach seeking to: 1) strengthening MPA Regional Coordination and Networking to ensure long-term networking and capacity building of MPAs in the Mediterranean and set up an ad hoc Group of Experts focused on Mediterranean MPA i...[more]
Trash Free Waters Initiative is a partnership involving the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Peace Corps, United Nations Environment Programme Caribbean Environment Programme (UNEP-CEP) to reduce and prevent land-based trash from entering our watersheds, coastal waters, and the marine environment. The Trash Free Waters Initiative is driven by the central tenet to catalyze local communities and governments in the Caribbean region to work together to develop marine litter policies and projects that reduce the amount of trash entering the Caribbean Sea. Partners are working with En...[more]
The Eco-Schools and Tanam 100000 Bibit! are one of the IGAF Eco-projects which proposed to tackle climate change and to advance environmental awareness of children, youths and local communities. The project comprises two pivotal agenda, Eco-Schools and Tanaman 10000 Bibit!, which will be held at Jepara and Bogor Regency, Indonesia. Environmental educations notably about climate change will be given to children early whereas the action will be in form of planting 100000 tropical tree seedlings. Targeted participants of the project are about more than 500 participants with monthly project execut...[more]
The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries ...]
Under the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer, countries worldwide are taking specific, time-targeted actions to reduce and eliminate the production and consumption of man-made chemicals that destroy the stratospheric ozone layer, Earth’s protective shield. The objective of the Montreal Protocol is to phase out ozone depleting substances (ODS), which include CFCs, halons, methyl bromide, carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, and HCFCs. One hundred ninety-six governments have joined this multilateral environmental agreement and are taking action. The UNEP DTIE Ozon...[more]. |
Research article
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20 Aug 2014
Research article | Highlight paper | 20 Aug 2014
Elevation and elevation change of Greenland and Antarctica derived from CryoSat-2
V. Helm et al.
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233 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Comment on ‘Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses’ by H. J. Zwally and others T. SCAMBOS & C. SHUMAN 10.1017/jog.2016.59
- Measuring Height Change Around the Periphery of the Greenland Ice Sheet With Radar Altimetry L. Gray et al. 10.3389/feart.2019.00146
- Global time series and temporal mosaics of glacier surface velocities derived from Sentinel-1 data P. Friedl et al. 10.5194/essd-13-4653-2021
- Implications of changing scattering properties on Greenland ice sheet volume change from Cryosat-2 altimetry S. Simonsen & L. Sørensen 10.1016/j.rse.2016.12.012
- Physically-constrained data-driven inversions to infer the bed topography beneath glaciers flows. Application to East Antarctica J. Monnier & J. Zhu 10.1007/s10596-021-10070-1
- Physics-based SNOWPACK model improves representation of near-surface Antarctic snow and firn density E. Keenan et al. 10.5194/tc-15-1065-2021
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- High-resolution topography of the Antarctic Peninsula combining the TanDEM-X DEM and Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA) mosaic Y. Dong et al. 10.5194/tc-15-4421-2021
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- How much, how fast?: A science review and outlook for research on the instability of Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier in the 21st century T. Scambos et al. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2017.04.008
- Satellite Remote Sensing of the Greenland Ice Sheet Ablation Zone: A Review M. Cooper & L. Smith 10.3390/rs11202405
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- Recrystallization of ice enhances the creep and vulnerability to fracture of ice shelves M. Ranganathan et al. 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117219
- A new digital elevation model of Antarctica derived from CryoSat-2 altimetry T. Slater et al. 10.5194/tc-12-1551-2018
- Active subglacial lakes and channelized water flow beneath the Kamb Ice Stream B. Kim et al. 10.5194/tc-10-2971-2016
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- Response to Comment by T. SCAMBOS and C. SHUMAN (2016) on ‘Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses’ by H. J. Zwally and others (2015) H. ZWALLY et al. 10.1017/jog.2016.91
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If you’re on medication, an iron supplement might inhibit it. If your conclusion leads you to think that taking an iron supplement is the way to go, then consider the options we’ve just mentioned. They’re some of the best and most affordable solutions on the market.
Side effects of taking iron supplements can be broken down into short-term and long-term effects. Liquid iron might be nice to mix in with a protein shake or a smoothie, but it makes it very difficult to measure out accurate doses, which is pretty important when it comes to iron supplements. The most common form of iron that you’ll encounter is mineral salt iron. This is iron that’s been chemically bonded to a salt, like ferrous fumarate or ferrous sulfate.
B Corporations meet high standards to balance profit and purpose. Zahler Iron Complex provides 25 mg of iron bisglycinate per capsule — or 139% of the DV — plus 60 mg of vitamin C. Low iron can cause poor performance in endurance athletes, like runners, cyclists, and Nordic skiers. Solgar Gentle Iron is a great option for boosting iron, as its dosage is high and the specific format of iron it uses is less likely to cause gastrointestinal problems. Sign up for our Health Tip of the Day newsletter, and receive daily tips that will help you live your healthiest life.
Too much iron can be toxic to the liver and cause serious health problems. The best way to determine your optimal dose is to have your doctor do blood tests. It is recommended that adult males take 8mg of iron and adult females 18mg per day.
Healthcare professionals will only recommend taking supplemental iron if a person has low iron levels. People with normal iron levels should not take supplemental iron. Persona provides a range of supplements, including iron capsules with vitamin C. Care/of is a monthly subscription service that provides personalized nutritional supplements based on a customer’s unique health needs and goals. Unlike the other supplements on this list, MegaFood Blood Builder provides 26 mg of iron in the form of iron-enriched yeast — more specifically, S.
Just a few adult tablets can cause serious poisoning, so keep iron products away from children’s reach. To help reduce the number of such poisonings, supplements containing 30 mg or more of iron can only be sold in child-resistant bottles or in single-dose packaging. Iron supplements also may reduce the absorption of certain drugs such as levodopa, levothyroxine, penicillamine, quinolone antibiotics, tetracycline antibiotics, and, possibly, ACE-inhibitors. Conversely, some of these drugs may interfere with iron absorption.
Although product recommendations are only our opinions, this research-backed page has been fact-checked and reviewed by a certified nutritionalist or health specialist. One way around the problem of gastrointestinal issues is to use a chelated form of iron, either “heme†form iron or bisglycinate iron. On the other, supplementing with too much iron, especially in comment conserver l huile de cbd the third trimester of pregnancy, can increase the risk of other complications of pregnancy, like gestational diabetes. For something in your body as important as iron, you’d expect an iron deficiency to be pretty crippling, and you’d be right. Coffee or tea can reduce absorption for the same reasons; we wanted to avoid this problem in products on our rankings.
Person Of The Year: Howard Schiffer, Vitamin Angels
While vitamin C-rich foods are good for iron absorption, there are some foods which stand on your way to achieve the balance. Some people might wonder why vitamin C is present in the iron supplement. According to many studies, vitamin C has great influence on our absorption of the iron supplement .
That’s why we created Muscle and Brawn – To provide valuable advice at no cost to you. We’re a team of dedicated and honest writers that offer a no bullshit guide to health and supplementation. He has written, fact-checked and medically reviewed tons of articles on topics about medicine, health, infections, and nutrition. Teen girls who are vegetarian or vegan typically have deficiencies in iron, calcium, and Vitamin D.
Renew Bariatrics is a weight loss surgery facilitator helping individuals seek affordable bariatrics in Mexico. We are different by providing transparent pricing, aftercare, and high-patient outcomes. The time of manifestation of these symptoms and signs varies according to the severity of the deficiency.
Best Supplements For Iron Deficiency In Kids
Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. There are many different types of iron available over-the-counter . Talk to your doctor about which type and what dose is right for you. Heme Iron Supplement Recommendations – animal-based supplement, typically much more expensive but offers better bioavailability and is absorbed better to potentially raise levels faster.
We use our own invented, special algorithms to generate lists of the best brands iron supplement pediatric. You will know how you should choose iron supplement pediatric and What you should consider when buying the iron supplement pediatric and Where to Buy or Purchase the iron supplement pediatric. All of these above questions make you Ab welcher Dosierung von CBD tritt eine Wirkung ein und wie lange hält diese an? crazy whenever coming up with them. We know your feelings because we used to be in this weird situation when searching for iron supplement pediatric. Our “no-fuss” vegan melty tabs are specially designed for kids needing an extra boost of iron in their diet. No more swallowing iron pills or chewing on vitamins that taste like pennies.
Children over a year old don’t need an iron supplement unless they aren’t eating enough iron. NOW supplements are known for offering high quality products at affordable prices. The supplement’s fermented ingredients are meant to support digestion and ward. Whether you get your iron from food or from supplements, make sure you stay healthy and on track today by signing up for our PRO plan to take your fitness goals to the next level. If you have an iron deficiency as a young person, your doctor might simply recommend an iron supplement and then not give it much more thought. The question of whether seniors should take iron supplementsis a difficult one to answer.
Life Extension does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Optimize the cardiovascular and bone health benefits of a magnesium supplement Does CBD Cream really work for pain? with the immediate and prolonged uptake of Extend-Release Magnesium’s six-hour formula. Be all that you can “B†with an energized body and sharp mind.
Yet, certain human practices are crucial to help this process. Next; the form of the iron-containing in the supplement also has some influence for the absorption process. Thus, here we have discussed how these each and every factor will affect iron absorption inside the body. Your inflammation levels are higher after you train, and that could get in the way of your iron absorption.
Herbal Hills Iron Vegetable
Iron supplements have shown some promise for reducing the dry cough caused by drugs in the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor family . Be aware that restless legs syndrome may also occur as a result of hereditary hemochromatosis , and this treatment would not seem appropriate in such a situation . Stay informed and up-to-date on promotions and healthy living tips! “Ferosom has helped me immensely with low iron during my pregnancy. No nasty side effects and I highly recommend the sachet powder. It tastes amazing.”
That way, you’ll ensure that you’re consistent with your supplementation. On the other hand, water-soluble vitamins are best taken Will delta 8 test positive on a drug test? on an empty stomach. This can mean taking them as soon as you wake up or more than two hours after you have last eaten.
A quick review of the article, “The Progression of Iron Deficiency†will answer that question with a resounding YES! The first symptoms of iron deficiency, known as the “Triad of Iron Deficiency†are chronic fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms may appear once your ferritin drops below 50. While eggs are an animal source iron, the iron they contain is actually a non-heme iron. So rules that promote its conversion to the type of iron our body absorbs apply. The best and most absorbable irons are heme irons or “animal source†irons.
In general, patients with iron deficient anemia should manifest a response to iron with reticulocytosis in three to seven days, followed by an increase in hemoglobin in 2-4 weeks. Theoretically, 500 mg of absorbed iron should produce 500 cc of packed cells, the amount in about 2 units of blood, or enough to raise the hemoglobin by about 2 g/dL. Patients may be assessed earlier in the iron replacement course to confirm an appropriate reticulocyte response. Women who are pregnant or nursing needs an iron since they are more prone to iron deficiency anemia, a condition wherein there is a lack of iron to produce healthy red blood cells. Taking the best source of iron in the form of a supplement can help fill in the gap and relieve the health condition.
Cooking food in a cast iron pan also can increase iron content. These include haemoglobin, myoglobin, and certain other proteins. Basically, the larger amount of iron is circulating over the body with the bonds made through haemoglobin of red blood cells. And, since myoglobin also a good source of iron, muscles also contribute to the store it. Further, some enzymes also have a small number of heme irons.
Likewise, there are many cells throughout the body that depend on iron to help them carryout their normal functions. This is why iron supplements for cats can be greatly beneficial to helping them maintain the required iron balance in their bodies. ENHANCED ABSORPTION – Carefully formulated, these SuperSelf iron tablets use ferrous bisglycinate, which is a highly bioavailable form of iron and also gentle on the stomach.
Iron supplements are commonly prescribed for individuals with low iron stores and low hemoglobin levels. I always advise patients to check with their physicians before simply taking a pill. Some causes of iron deficiency are quite serious and need a proper evaluation. Ferrous fumarate, sulfate, and gluconate are all forms of iron supplements. Coffee, tea, and anything containing calcium should be avoided with iron supplements. Taking your iron supplement with a small glass of orange juice can protect the iron while it’s being transported.
Teen girls may also add-in additional ingredients to reach their health goals. Essential for Teens is the best multivitamin for teen girls. This multivitamin by Ritual was specifically designed to meet the health needs of teen girls ages and contains 10 traceable nutrients.
Some nutritional experts recommend breaking an iron capsule in half and take half in the morning and a half at night with either meals or juice. That being said, it’s not that difficult to obtain iron on a plant-based diet. Akin to the first supplement on this list, it contains iron bisglycinate, a highly-absorbabel form of iron that is pretty soft on your stomach. With 26 mg of iron in one serving, this supplement seems to be designed for women, since women require more iron, specially during menstruation and pregnancy. Combined with a Vitamin C whole food made from Acerola Cherry, the iron content becomes five times more absorbable than just taking iron in isolation. Future Kind is a brand that specializes in creating supplements for vegans, by investing in formulas that can be optimally absorbed.
Maintaining healthy iron levels is essential to stay feeling energetic, vibrant, and healthy.. ✔ GREAT VALUE – We provide an incredible 180 iron capsules per bottle. When taking the recommended one capsule a day or as otherwise directed by a healthcare professional; each bottle can last up to 6 months.
The 8 Best Iron Supplements Of 2021, According To A Dietitian
Ferosom Forte is proven to work as well as certain doses of IV iron. Because our supplement comes in a Liposomal form for maximum absorption. Plus, it has a patented LCE coating to protect it from stomach acids.
Find out which supplements help reduce premenstrual syndrome symptoms, such as mood swings, pain, bloating, irritability and food cravings. Learn what studies are showing in the Forms of Iron section of our Iron Supplements review. To speed the recovery of hemoglobin and ferritin levels after blood donation, 37.5 mg of iron has been used . The one product that we selected for testing but failed to pass was Floradix Iron Tablets . It contained its listed amount of iron but the tablets failed to fully break apart in disintegration testing within the required 30 minutes — they needed 60 minutes. A concern with slower disintegration is that the ingredients may not be fully available for absorption in the gut.
Well, users mostly praise the positive effects iron has on their health, especially those who are anemic or suffer from severe pains and cramps when menstruating. Substantial amounts of iron are found in different plant and animal food sources. They have medical conditions such as intestinal diseases and other infections which affect absorption of nutrients. If you want to increase your iron intake without unwanted side effects, then Active Iron ticks all the boxes.
Requirements for many micronutrients increase during pregnancy — especially nutrients like folate, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and iodine. For pregnant women, supplementing with folic acid helps decrease the risk of certain birth defects, including spina bifida. Folate (which is called folic acid when it’s created synthetically) is critical for ahealthy pregnancyand developing fetuses because it helps build the baby’s brain and spinal cord. Stick to fermented folic acid/folate, which is metabolized by the body similarly to naturally occurring folate. The American Thyroid Association also recommends allprenatal vitaminscontain 150 micrograms of iodine, which should be taken during pregnancy and afterward while breast-feeding. Iron Plus is a natural iron supplement made with iron chelate bisglycinate.
The two basic reasons are lack of iron in the soil, and inability of plants to absorb iron in the soil. There are several specially formulated fertilizers that will supplement nutrients that are lacking in your soil. To add iron to your soil, some options include Ironite and Milorganite.
Normally, it may take from a week to a month before you start to feel better. Continue to watch your symptoms and take note of side effects that might be caused by the supplements. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider can perform blood tests to tell if you have anemia.
They lose an amount of blood during dialysis, and their medicines mostly are mostly iron-depleting. Moreover, since their diet often limits the intake of meat, their best source of iron would be supplemented. If this is your first time taking an iron supplement, reading the labels can be challenging.
Outside of this range, the nutrient is not available, and so the plant cannot absorb enough of the nutrient, even if it is present in the soil. The newer leaves on the plant are affected first because iron is an immobile nutrient. This means that a plant cannot easily move iron throughout its tissues. Chelated iron is made by adding agents to the iron, which binds it and prevents the iron from precipitating out. Various man-made elements are used as chelates in this process, and the element used affects how potent the resulting chelated iron will be.
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Toddlers, young children and teenagers especially if they are fussy eaters. Reduced performance can occur even with mild iron deficiencies resulting in poor school productivity and reduced concentration in older children. Women of child bearing age – there are two likely reasons for this.
Kind and gentle to the stomach, Active Iron increases the amount of iron absorbed by targeting the body’s site of iron absorption in the intestine. In fact, Active Iron is clinically proven to have twice the absorption compared to standard ferrous sulfate iron supplements. Liquid iron supplements are often proposed as an alternative for those who experience side effects such as constipation or nausea. It’s suggested the liquid format is gentler on the stomach and easier for the body to absorb. However, manufacturers tend to make liquid iron supplements with low potency.
Chelated minerals aren’t common in supplements, but they absorb well. Basically, iron molecules are attached to amino acids to improve absorption. Look for a supplement with vitamin C, which greatly improves iron absorption. For reference, 14-18% of Americans cbd stores in st paul pain relief cream regularly take a supplement that has iron, so it’s pretty common. It takes about 8-12 weeks to correct an iron deficiency with a supplement. This guide is a detailed look at what to look for in a vegan iron supplement, and which ones are the best.
Fortunately, a simple ferritin test can both tell you whether you have hemochromatosis, and whether you are iron deficient. Other chelated forms of iron, like iron bisglycinate, may not be absorbed as well, but do have a reputation of being much less likely to cause side effects. Vitamin C is a potent booster of iron absorption, and Vitron-C combines them into a single supplement. If you don’t want to bother with a separate iron and vitamin C supplement, Vitron-C is the way to go.
Some foods and beverages may cause the body to absorb less iron when eaten close together. A registered dietitian nutritionist can develop an eating plan that’s right for your teen and includes good sources of iron with meals and snacks. An iron deficiency may not show any signs or symptoms or it may result in several, so it’s important your child’s pediatrician evaluates them. Other symptoms may include shortness of breath; frequent colds and infections; poor concentration; pale skin; lightheadedness; irregular heart rate; headaches; and thin, brittle and concave-shaped nails.
The reason for this is that it is difficult for the body to absorb iron from both food and iron supplements. The ferrous form of the iron is easier for the intestine to absorb. That said, a small proportion of people either do not respond to oral iron supplements or experience side effects. Other nutrients included – is the supplement just iron, or does it offer something else? Most commonly, you’ll find added vitamin C, B vitamins, and folate/folic acid. These ingredients are added because they increase the positive effects of iron, primarily by helping the body to absorb more of the needed mineral.
In some instances, this may be successful, but changing soil pH over the long term is often a struggle. It can also be impractical to mix sulfur into the soil if you have well-established plants, which you understandably don’t want to disturb. The role of iron in plants is vital, as it helps to ensure chlorophyll function and development, without which, the foliage of a plant loses its healthy green color. Simply take a smaller dose multiple times throughout the day.
Compost is a slow release fertilizer, and also contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. For more information, check out this article on blood meal from Wikipedia. Blood meal also contains 12.5% nitrogen by weight, making it much better than manure and compost in terms of percentage nitrogen by weight.
But none of my doctors had ever raised this as a problem, or as a possible reason for my hair loss. If they had told me iron stops hair loss, I would have been saved literally decades of anxiety. I like the Ferretts tablets because they are small and easy to swallow and they are gluten free which is important for me. After my bariatric surgery I needed to supplement my iron and other products upset my works but not the Ferretts. Schrier SL, Auerbach M. Treatment of iron deficiency anemia in adults. If you have been diagnosed with iron deficiency with or without anemia, it may seem like an easy fix.
Vitamin Friends Adult Vegan Iron Gummies
The proper amount of lime to add to soil depends on soil type, current pH, and desired pH. Compost contains a small amount of iron, depending on what it was made from. Compost contains small amounts of iron, depending largely on the materials used to make it.
Because red meat is a good source of iron, vegetarian teens may be at greater risk for iron deficiency. When too little iron is consumed, teens may be diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, the most common type of anemia in this age group. In anemia, too little iron can cause hemoglobin and red blood cell production to slow. As a result, a teen may become pale and frequently feel tired, notes TeensHealth.org.
This suggests that the elderly may benefit from less than one pill of ferrous sulfate daily without sacrificing effectiveness. It is not recommended to take iron supplements with food, but some doctors will recommend it if you experience nausea or other unpleasant symptoms. Always listen to your doctor’s advice and take the amount that they recommend.
Pair nutrient-dense foods with something like omega-3 foods ,coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds for proper absorption. I recommend purchasing foods-based supplements, such as multivitamins, whenever possible, which can mean that the nutrients are easier to digest. Synthetic supplements are made from an unnatural source while whole food-based supplements are created through the process of fermentation, probiotics and enzymes. It’s technically possible to get all of the essential nutrients you need from a carefully planned, balanced diet that includes a variety of whole foods.
Pure iron supplementation did not significantly affect the serum concentration of any of the Vitamin D metabolites in most interventions. Heldenberg et al. observed significant increases in both 25D and 24,25-dihydroxy Vitamin D levels in a group of infants with IDA and VDD. Although children took Vitamin D as a routine treatment, they were Vitamin D deficient and showed positive results after iron. It is the form of iron that is most readily absorbed by your body. In about 6 to 12 months, it’s possible to shore up iron levels even in the bone marrow. 1 2 However, the supplements come with a few side effects that you need to be aware of.
A recommended amount of 27mg of iron daily is recommended for pregnant women. There are two primary sources of dietary iron —.
It is best to space doses of these 2 products 1 to 2 hours apart, to get the full benefit from each medicine or dietary supplement. Plus, taking iron supplements can help women to have a healthy pregnancy. It helps lower the risk of low birth weight and premature birth caused by low levels of iron. Taking iron supplements are used in case of iron deficiency anemia. But the question is how to take iron supplements for the best absorption. In this post, you will find how and when to take iron tablets correctly.
Always consult with your doctor before you use the given natural iron supplements for anemia. Even if they are natural alternatives, your holistic health is the utmost priority. Be open about what you think so that you end up with the perfect natural supplement.
Iron is found in the diet in two forms—heme iron, which is well absorbed, and nonheme iron, which is poorly absorbed. The best dietary source of absorbable iron is lean red meat. Chicken, turkey, and fish are also sources of iron, but they contain less than red meat.
The amount of iron you receive from this product comes from a bioavailable source, so there is no risk of the use of it. The most significant point of this product is its excellent taste with the flavor of the grape. The severity is worse as many people often consider these symptoms as results of stress or laziness. In other words, they ignore their significance and then, miss the chance to address the real problem on time. We’re a news, analysis, and opinion platform for everything related to the vegan diet and fitness.
Some of these include tetracycline, penicillin, and ciprofloxacin and drugs used for hypothyroidism, Parkinson disease, and seizures. If you’re not getting enough iron, you may develop iron-deficiency anemia. Here are 10 signs and symptoms that you’re deficient in iron. Remember to consult your healthcare professional before purchasing any supplement, and consider the factors mentioned above to make sure you choose one of high quality.
Gnc Womens Iron Complete
Ritual solves this problem by only giving you certain vitamins that your body may not always get from food alone. Most multivitamins by Ritual include magnesium, iron, vitamin E, and folate which are all essential to maturing teenage girls. NutriGenesis Multi by Performance Lab is the best multivitamin for teenage girl athletes.
Considering the amount of iron in the supplement , it’s clear that it’s not made for men, since men’s recommended dietary allowance is set to 8 mg according to the National Institute of Health. The most convenient way to take your iron supplement is via capsules since you don’t need to mix it with anything and it generally doesn’t leave a bad aftertaste. However, some people have a lot of trouble swallowing capsules, so they might want to consider a different delivery form. Vegetarian friendly – ideal for certain dietary needs or those who suffer from low Iron, our liquid formula is Non-GMO, Soy and gluten free, and contains no animal products. |
JANUARY 13, 2020
David Cooper’s Review of Rupert Shortt’s book, Does Religion Do More Harm Than Good?
FOR DOSTOYEVSKY’S GRAND INQUISITOR in The Brothers Karamazov, religious truth and the human good are unconnected. Even if Christ’s teachings — on our freedom of will, for example — are true, they are harmful, and the Catholic Church must suppress them for the security and benefit of human society. An opposite conclusion is reached by the author of the well-received, ambitious, and succinctly argued book Does Religion Do More Harm Than Good? For Rupert Shortt, it is the truth of religion that, in the end, serves as a tie-breaker of what, he writes, might otherwise be a draw between the champions and the opponents of religion.
The good and the true are primarily discussed through considering, respectively, some “empirical” and some “theoretical” objections to religion. All of these are familiar from the mouths or pens of “hardline secularists,” but whereas the first concentrate on the harm allegedly done by religion, the second focus on the falsehoods that faith supposedly peddles. Most of this very short book is devoted to the empirical objections, and it is these with which I’ll begin.
Before that, however, it is worth noting the author’s wise, if slightly disarming, concession that the title of his book is something of a misnomer. This is because, to answer the question it poses, we would need to have some idea of how the human condition might have developed in the absence of religion. And this, Shortt rightly remarks, is “a counterfactual speculation too far.” None of us has the slightest idea how things might stand with us today if our distant ancestors had been devoid of a sense of unearthly powers or never engaged in religious rituals. So the question addressed in the book is the more tractable, though still immense one, of “the merits and drawbacks associated with spiritual belief” and practice.
While it may be more tractable, this question urgently invites the further ones of how the author understands good, harm, and, of course, religion itself. Shortt does not define moral goodness, but his conception of it squarely belongs to a contemporary Western liberal consensus on the central ingredients of an enlightened ethics — respect for human dignity, the pursuit of justice and equality, the securing of human rights, and “open-handed” pluralism and tolerance.
Nor does he try to define religion, and here it is less clear what he intends. Sometimes he refers to it as “a human practice,” but that cannot be right given his own emphasis on the radical differences among the practices of different faiths. His more considered characterization is that religion as such is the “apprehension and symbolic representation of sacred or non-ordinary reality” to be found in all the “global faiths.” Shortt would agree, I think, with Friedrich Schleiermacher in finding “the essence of religion,” not in practices, doctrines, or moral systems, but in a “feeling,” or sense, of an “absolute” or “infinite source” on which everything contingent depends. Although he often refers to this source as God, and while he makes no secret of his Christian belief, Shortt regards certain atheistic dispensations, such as Buddhism, as authentically religious: so “God,” in this book, is not to be read as exclusively naming the person-like creator worshipped in the Abrahamic faiths.
In responding to the secularist’s empirical charges against religion, Shortt is at once considering the case against particular religions and challenges to the religious sense that inspires these faiths. When discussing the merits and drawbacks of the great religions, he is ready to concede to their critics that the record is far from clean. From crusaders to suicide bombers, from inquisitors to unscrupulous gurus, the histories of religions are stained with violence, corruption, intolerance, and much else. But Shortt sensibly urges a number of considerations that, without leading to acquittal, serve to moderate the critics’ harsh and one-sided verdict.
To begin with, as a human practice, a religion — like medicine — “can be used for good or ill.” That a doctrine or ritual belonging to a religion can be placed in the service of a perverted cause is no criticism of the religion as such. Second, a great religion will embrace many tendencies, each of which is itself a complex network of beliefs, values, and practices. Distinctions need to be made among these if a balanced judgment is to be reached. Buddhism, for example, is a broad church to which Shortt admits to feeling an attraction: but this does not prevent him criticizing Mahayana teachings on “emptiness” and “no self” that condone both warfare and “social quietism.” Finally, we should not be fooled by the religious rhetoric often used to condone or whip up violence and discrimination into ignoring other factors — social, political, and cultural — that may be at least as operative as theological ones. While rejecting President Obama’s optimistic insistence that Islam is a religion of peace — but without lapsing into the equally optimistic view that “faith can be discounted as a driving force” in Islamist terrorism — Shortt warns against identifying Wahhabist puritanism as the only culprit. More generally, he argues, it would be impossible to separate out the contributions of religious belief and “romantic” (or febrile) nationalism to the wrongs with which religions — including Christianity and Hinduism — have been accused.
While these considerations may temper secularist attacks on particular religions, critics will still insist that religious belief as such — the religious sense or feeling — is harmful in its effects on human society, not least through distracting people from the secular values by which they should live. Shortt’s response is, in part, a blunt rejection of the critic’s empirical claims. It is the atrophy of religious belief in modern times that has made space for “godless modern mores,” moral relativism and consumerism, and thereby contributed to drug abuse, the sexualization of children, and much else. More controversial, perhaps, is Shortt’s argument that the very values the secularist invokes when condemning religious belief owe their existence to religion. It is religion that provided the “foundations” or “underpinnings” for ideals of human rights, justice, liberty, and respect for human dignity. Secularist therefore “borrow from theology without due recognition — and thus reject religious resources at their peril.”
The issue here is large, and Shortt’s contention raises several concerns. The claim that these liberal ideals would never have emerged were it not for religion is surely a “counterfactual too far,” to borrow his own phrase. We just can’t know whether a conception of human dignity, say, could have been formulated or embraced by our ancestors if they had been entirely godless. It is hardly compelling, here, to cite — as Shortt does — one historian’s assertion that “the roots of liberalism” were established in the disputes of late-medieval and Renaissance theologians and canon lawyers. After all, so complete was the hegemony of Christian thought at the time that almost any intellectual development was bound to have been articulated in theological terms. Even Thomas Hobbes, as late as the 17th century, felt compelled to describe the rational “laws of nature” that determine rights and political authority as divinely sanctioned. On the crucial question of whether ideals of dignity and the like invite or require theological underpinnings, Shortt is almost silent. Many people, he writes, are unconvinced by Kantian — or, one might add, Rawlsian or utilitarian — arguments for respecting human dignity: but, then, many are convinced. Nor does he engage with those for whom these ideals are self-evident, so not in need of underpinnings, theological or otherwise.
Looking back on the “empirical” arguments pro and con religious beliefs and practices that he has considered, the author asks, “Score draw?” His reply is “Not quite,” since religious commitment reflects a true understanding of reality, a recognition that it is “not exhausted by mapping the world of nature.” I’ll return to this reply in a moment, but first I want to suggest that, in an important sense, the score so far has not been a draw. The prize has gone to the secularist. This is because none of the arguments advanced by the author, pro or con, have been essentially religious ones — ones, that is, that are drawn from within a body of religious thought or practice. Arguments that many believers purport to find in their sacred texts — on homosexuality, for example, or the prospect of everlasting hell — are not taken seriously. Nor do any of Shortt’s arguments for the merits of religious belief resemble, say, St. Thomas Aquinas’s reason for the importance of the virtues: it is rational to cultivate the virtues but only, in the final analysis, because they are the path to “beatitude” — the joy of being in the presence of God. Shortt’s arguments do not, that is, invoke reasons that can be endorsed only from a religious perspective. Only reasons that are acceptable to the secularist are permitted.
To appreciate the extent of the secularist’s victory, consider how extraordinary it would have been for a 16th-century apologist for Christianity not even to mention that human beings are born in sin and so are in need of redemption through faith in Christ. Or how odd, until very recently at least, for a defender of Buddhism not even to indicate that it is because we seek liberation from a cycle of rebirth and suffering that it is imperative to cultivate the virtues and understanding taught by the Buddha. Shortt’s exclusive reliance on theology-free argumentation is homage to the modern entrenchment of secular thought. In reply, Shortt might repeat his point about the theological underpinnings of seemingly secular values: but this, we’ve seen, is a very fragile strategy. It is only when he turns to the “theoretical” issue of the truth of religion that the secularist case is properly challenged.
Some of the best pages in the book are those in which the author challenges “the models of religion regularly peddled by secularists […] [that] thoughtful believers” don’t even recognize. There are, of course, people who believe that the earth is at the center of the universe, or that it was created a few thousand years ago, or that God is continually intervening in human affairs. But it is remarkable that book after book castigating these beliefs as delusions can still be best sellers. For Shortt is right, of course, that there is no conflict between the religious sense as such and any possible scientific discoveries. That there is a sustaining, transcendent source of the world is nothing that scientific research could either verify or refute. The conflict, rather, is between the religious sense and the “scientistic” conviction that, in W. V. Quine’s words, “whatever can be known can be known by means of science” alone.
Unlike many of today’s philosophers of religion, Shortt expresses confidence in some of the traditional arguments for God’s existence, including the venerable ontological and cosmological ones. But his relegation to endnotes of his sympathy for these arguments suggests that it is not upon them that he wants to rely. Instead, it is a kind of argument from religious experience that Shortt regards as compelling. This is not religious experience in the form of dramatic epiphanies, like those supposedly vouchsafed to St. Teresa or to Arjuna in the Bhagavad-gita. It is, rather, the quiet but powerful experience with a “numinous character” that men and women “stumble upon” in everyday life, convincing them of a realm or source of reality beyond the natural order of things. It is experience, to repeat Shortt’s words, of what is “not exhausted by mapping the world of nature.”
I referred just now to an argument from experience, but the expression is not, perhaps, a happy one. The religious person does not infer from his or her experience that there exists a numinous reality, in the way I might deduce from a loud noise that there’s someone upstairs. Shortt, in an analogy that deserves to be elaborated, compares our need for a religious sense to one for music. The beauty and depth of much music is immediate, experientially present to us, and not something we have to infer from noises we hear. To be sure, there is tone-deafness, but this is a genuine privation, a barrier to a rich tonal world. Likewise, there are people who have no sense of the numinous, but this again is a privation that occludes access to “non-ordinary reality.” If there is to be a revival of “thoughtful belief,” of the religious sense, it will not be through devising ingenious proofs of this reality, but through removing the many barriers — including the adulation of science and today’s easy-going hedonism — that contribute to this occlusion.
Many readers will share Shortt’s assessment of the significance of religious experience and deplore the habit of hard-line secularists to scoff or dismiss it as delusory. But they may also detect a lacuna in his defense of religion. At the end of the book, he quotes Roger Scruton’s remark that numinous experience seems to be of what is “removed from this world […] [but also] in some way casting judgement on it.” Put differently, people find — or want to find — in what transcends the natural world some measure of their lives, something to which their lives are answerable. Much of their dissatisfaction with naturalism or scientism owes to the perception that the everyday world — including the realm of human conventions and purposes — can yield no such measure. The problem is to see how the religious sense as such can generate commitment to the values — respect for human dignity, equality, tolerance, and the like — that define Shortt’s conception of the good. It seems possible for someone to feel a powerful sense of, as Schleiermacher called it, an “infinite source” of our finite world, but not to give a fig about human rights and justice.
In effect, Shortt’s defense of religion’s truth is disjoined from his account of the contribution of religion to a liberal social ethics. This disjunction shouldn’t, perhaps, come as a surprise, though it is liable to in an age when religious leaders see it as a prime business of religions to promote equality, protect human rights, champion freedom of speech, and so on. It is easy to forget that in earlier times social justice and freedoms were not perceived as a central — or even any — concern of religion. Crudely put, the essential concern was with the good of the soul. What preoccupied the religious mind was the question of how a person lives best in the light of religious truth, in a way consonant with the religious sense, and not questions about social welfare or justice. In the classic Daoist texts, preoccupation with social ethics and principles was even regarded as a sure sign that people had “lost the Way,” that their lives were no longer in harmony with the sustaining source of the world, the dao. One has to scour the New Testament or the Buddha’s suttas to find proclamations translatable into today’s liberal idiom of rights, dignity, and justice, and then to distort the message of these texts, in some cases, in order to guarantee a fit with modern ideals and predilections. The criticisms of wealth, for example, that are found in such texts were not calls for economic equality, but sermons on the corruption or sickness of the soul brought by the pursuit of material wealth.
The religious sense, people feel, provides measure for — or judgment on — their lives. Their hope is that the religious sense is a guide to the virtues. But can something so “abstract” as an “infinite source” that transcends the world of nature provide such guidance? A sense of this source surely entails at least this much: we should cultivate what facilitates this sense and helps to remove the barriers to a recognition of religious truth. A short list of the virtues inspired by the religious sense would include humility, self-honesty, detachment from the intellectual and moral fads and fashions of one’s age, and resistance to the greed and aversions that limit and corrupt our vision of things. Just possibly, it might be argued, the exercise of these virtues requires commitment to the kinds of social virtues — justice, respect for the dignity of others, tolerance — that are central in Shortt’s liberal ethics. This is not something, of course, that he could be expected to show in so short a book. It is something, however, that needs to be shown if his appreciation of religious truth is to join up with his moral defense of religion. Otherwise a gap of the kind that the Grand Inquisitor perceived between religious truth and the good of society remains unfilled.
Rupert Shortt’s response to David E. Cooper’s review:
I am very grateful to David E. Cooper for his thoughtful and penetrating review of my book. Though we view the landscape differently, the questions he raises are highly constructive.
Two clarifications are in order at the outset. Professor Cooper reports me as saying that “the atrophy of religious belief in modern times” has opened the door to neo-paganism. I certainly believe that a cogent argument can be made to support such a claim. But in the passage quoted I am simply ventriloquizing a series of clashing points of view for and against religious belief. I acknowledge that the field is highly contested and try hard to rehearse the cases for the prosecution and defense with equal vigor. (Common sense requires this. Take Germany during the 1930s. It was a far more religiously observant society than today. Yet Hitler was popular and no worldview has been more nihilistic than Nazism.)
Cooper then accuses me of not taking seriously scriptural arguments against homosexuality and in favor of eternal punishment. On the contrary, I take both these perspectives very seriously — and find both seriously wanting. But this is emphatically not on “liberal” grounds alone (though I will plead guilty to a charge of conservative liberalism on a number of big questions). My suggestion is precisely that the so-called biblical case against same-sex unions isn’t that solid. Scripture certainly condemns promiscuity. But by not distinguishing between practice and identity, the Old and New Testaments do not present a considered stance on stable, monogamous gay partnerships. Furthermore, I believe on biblical grounds that universal salvation is possible. Soft-headed intellectual porridge? No. Romans 5:18–19 and 1 Corinthians 15:22 are most representative of an underlying message in asserting a strict equivalence between what is lost in Adam and what is won in Christ.
My book contains a good deal of sociological analysis supporting one of my central arguments — that there are both deep convergences and major differences between the global faiths. The Muslim and Christian understandings of God overlap in significant ways, for example. But if one were to compare where Christianity and Islam stand on a spectrum of options vis-à-vis worldliness, the answers would be very different in theory, whatever the similarities in practice. Appropriately for a secular thinker, however, Cooper’s criticisms of me lie more in the province of philosophy than of either anthropology or theology. His review is shadowed by Dostoyevsky’s Grand Inquisitor, who assumes that religious truth and the human good are unconnected.
The resources of faith cannot be left out of the equation here: I have no problem in saying that the Inquisitor is on thin ice theologically, as well as being a flawed man. Let us broaden the horizon, as Cooper invites us to do. Kantians believe that God is not knowable through experience and therefore beliefs about God cannot affect the deliberations of the rational will. Theists are not obliged to accept this as axiomatic. In response to the Euthyphro dilemma (Is something good because God declares it to be so, or does God declare it so because it is good?), they may maintain that God the creator is both perfectly good by nature and the source of created goodness. A non-authoritarian Christian ethics aims to discern and co-operate with the divine purposes revealed in human history and experience, rather than to submit uncritically to arbitrary commands. Because this enterprise involves interpretation of God and the world in mutual relation, it positively requires investigation of empirical reality and engagement with other sources of knowledge and wisdom.
Can a secular humanist lead a good life, then? Of course. The traditional — and correct — view in Christianity and several other major traditions is that conscience is the exercise of reasoned judgment. So natural law is just that. It is not the property of those standing in a charmed religious circle. It is less a preexisting body of obligations and rights: more a code human beings must write themselves, using their God-given reason. Confronted with debate on matters such as abortion, cloning, and euthanasia, conservatives have regularly accused politicians of “playing God,” without realizing that playing God rationally is just what the teaching of a figure such as Aquinas demands. Natural law might be reframed as “natural law-making.” St Paul, in Romans 2:14, writes of how gentiles can be a law unto themselves for the reasons spelled out above. Yet none of this stops a Jew or Christian — or members of other faith groups, using their own language — from grounding ethics in the structure of reality. Religious believers can say that they are not just exercising a set of individual choices, but somehow making visible the way the world is — and ultimately the way God is. So yes, while you can lead a good life without having religious convictions, as an atheist you might have to work rather hard to explain why your moral compass isn’t just arbitrary.
Perhaps the secularist might reply that Aristotle’s Golden Rule is available to neutral reason on grounds already hinted at. Human beings are animals, with natural needs and capacities. The fulfilment of these needs and capacities amounts to happiness, which partly involves being honest and decent and, generally, doing as you would be done by. Religious voices across the spectrum might only be half-persuaded by this. A Christian could reply that the “cardinal” virtues of justice, temperance, prudence, and fortitude are indeed rational. But it is religion that can offer the solidest grounding for the “theological” virtues of faith, hope, and charity. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in post-apartheid South Africa was very much an exercise of the theological virtues. I suspect that Archbishop Desmond Tutu would be among the first to say that while a secular liberal ultimately believes in justice, a Christian, also deeply committed to this virtue, nonetheless prizes forgiveness above all.
I found Cooper’s argument a little hard to follow at one point. He describes me as engaging in “theology-free argumentation,” reflecting homage to the modern entrenchment of secular thought. At other moments, though, he thinks I’m making a land grab by ascribing to Christianity insights and other goods that are available to all. I doggedly persist in holding that a litany of beliefs about human equality and the dignity of the person have roots in Judeo-Christianity. If you doubt me, just look at a society like China today. Or cast your eye back at how pagan beliefs in antiquity were reframed and democratized by the Church. Radical self-giving love for the outcast formed no part of Greek or Roman religion. My reading of intellectual history is rather at variance with Cooper’s in other respects, too. He strikes me as very much a Protestant atheist in his individualist take on salvation.
The review ends with a pertinent question. “The religious sense, people feel, provides measures for — or judgment on — their lives. Their hope is that the religious sense is a guide to the virtues. But can something so ‘abstract’ as an ‘infinite source’ that transcends the world of nature provide such guidance?” Here the leap of faith, or what I’d rather call the leap of the imagination, is indispensable. For the monotheistic traditions the reality of God is not seen primarily as a remote, offstage matter involving ultimate beginnings and ends in the grand narrative of nature, but rather an immediate and intimate presence in our responses to a call to live.
David E. Cooper’s response to Rupert Shortt’s response:
Rupert Shortt, in his helpful response to my review, may be right to hold that he and I “view the landscape differently.” The difference, however, is perhaps less than he supposes, since he attributes to me some views that I do not hold. If any remarks in my review encouraged this misperception, I welcome the opportunity briefly to clarify my position.
Shortt describes me as a “secular thinker,” and as one who strikes him as a “Protestant atheist.” In keeping with this, he implies that I agree with the Grand Inquisitor that “religious truth and the human good are unconnected,” and that I give a negative or non-committal answer to my own question of whether a religious sense can provide guidance to our lives.
In a number of writings, including a book reviewed in the LARB, Senses of Mystery, I argue for the cultivation of what I am happy to refer to as a “religious sense” — a sense close to what Shortt himself regards as fundamental to all major religions, the “apprehension […] of sacred or non-ordinary reality.” I am, then, no secularist, and while I may be an atheist in the narrow sense of not being a theist, I am not — any more than Buddhists and Daoists are — atheist in the more popular and prevalent sense of being non- or anti-religious. The “secularist victory” I refer to in the review is, for me, one to lament, not applaud.
In these writings, I also argue that various virtues, central to a good life, both serve to cultivate a religious sense and are reinforced by it. These include humility, compassion, and mindfulness. At the same time, I try to show that the religious sense militates against certain contemporary vices, including the related ones of hubristic scientism, “anthropolatry,” and a “bright-siding” refusal to recognize the ubiquity and entrenchment of our failings.
The religious sense, then, can provide some measure of our lives, and I do not, therefore, endorse the Grand Inquisitor’s separation of religious truth and the human good. Not, that is, if the human good is understood in terms of virtues like those mentioned, rather than in terms of the secularist ideals, such as equality and pluralism, that dominate and constrict the modern moral imagination.
David E. Cooper is professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Durham University.
Rupert Shortt is religion editor of the London-based Times Literary Supplement, and a research associate at the University of Cambridge. |
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Here, hint.fm overlaid interactive graphics on a static image of the United States to demonstrate current wind speeds across the nation—a feast for the eyes! Interactive content generates a greater rate of engagement, resulting in improved data quality.. 45.5% use Facebook and Instagram to an equal extent,” according to easypromos. But the organic traffic that content marketing will guarantee you will pay off. These are quality results for the automotive industry. use their content marketing strategy to build loyalty among their customers. A good example of gamification in marketing would be Mazda. More and more video content is being watched now than ever before. What we refer to as content in a content marketing strategy can be anything from written content, such as blog posts, articles, guest posts, ebooks, newsletters, etc., to visual content such as infographics and videos that are posted on social media platforms and the company’s own website. 25. Count on content marketing statistics! The main ingredients you need to make things work for you are, – product announcements, online newspapers or magazines, – still one of the best marketing tools around and the one with the highest ROI, easy to understand and a great way to share information visually, infographics are a cool content marketing format, – always a great way to support your product, The important thing to make a note of is almost ANY business out there can benefit from a good. Content marketing is surprisingly cost-effective if you look at its long-term ROI. Both B2B and B2C marketers love content marketing nowadays even for that reason alone. Success comes with planning. Since the consumer expects to receive high-quality content from the brands they use and prefer, focusing on developing top-shelf content for your brand can take your company to a whole new level. Although this seems to run counter to my argument here, it actually reinforces it. Don’t count on luck! According to the BBC website: “Investigate how the world around you has changed since you’ve been alive; from the amount the sea has risen, and the tectonic plates have moved, to the number of earthquakes and volcanoes that have erupted.”. Gamification is the use of games in marketing, among other industries, to promote customer engagement, as mentioned previously. “Lead Generation Poses Biggest Challenge for B2Bs.”, Gamify.“FAQs”. 61% of businesses say that changes in search algorithms are their top concern. It’ll keep prospects and customers coming back for more. Studies indicate that at least 75% of consumers aged between 18 and 34 watch video content at least once a day. 10., 11., and 12. This will give you a bird’s eye view of what’s actually happening in your marketing. Saving Lives, Protecting People. Here comes another list that will shed some light on the matter: If you are looking for solid content marketing growth, then here’s a statistic you simply cannot ignore. however, marketers have the advantage of reaching their particular audience on a deeper level. [Research].”, Cronstedt, J. As of Wednesday morning, at least 1,961,600 people … For example: Here’s how it works. That’s why the experience interactive content provides is so valuable. This makes interactive content a form of customer-centric marketing. “Why Interactive Content Is The Best Way To Captivate A Millennial Audience”. “The Power of Interactive Content (+6 Content Examples to Use)”, ELEARNINGinfographics.com. Consider the following from ELEARNINGinfographics.com: This means gamification is a viable market., McCready, R . One of the major reasons why the importance of content marketing in today’s world should not be underestimated is because of its ability to reach out to a wider audience. The, AR is the same thing as VR, minus the headset. In fact, Visme cites 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual in nature of the information transmitted to our brains is visual, with the brain processing visual cues 60,000 times faster than textual ones. Quality is always key! 81% of marketers agree that interactive content is much more effective at grabbing people’s attention than static content (2) 8. Let’s update ourselves together on the content marketing facts of 2020. Learn More & Register Call for Volunteers: SIGGRAPH Webinars Referrals are the greatest source of conversion on an ecommerce website. VR involves headsets. Everyone sees the same billboards and pay-per-click ads and hears the same commercials on TV and radio. Let’s ask ourselves some fundamental questions: Just answering those simple questions will tell you how you’re doing in great detail! believe that branded content is more effective than traditional advertising., Akhtar, O. Audiences can choose which blogs or YouTube channels to follow. That’s right, content is the King of marketing nowadays. 1. “What Is Gamification?”. Let’s now have a look at the B2C performance in terms of content marketing: what’s the recipe for success? Interactive content is not cheap. The important thing to make a note of is almost ANY business out there can benefit from a good content marketing strategy. The point is that their prize was relevant. Today, we’ll focus on the top 4 types of content marketing metrics. Facebook follows closely at number 3. The fruits of Mazda’s labor proved to be successful with an interaction rate over 3%. For example, consider Hulu. There’s not much to interactive calculators. “ How Interactive Content Can Help Generate Leads”. in audio/visual content usage among B2C marketing. Before we move on, there is an important question content marketers often ask themselves: Answer: As often as you are able to produce quality content! Are you consuming analytics on Tableau Server or Tableau Online? Hm… let’s see: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, and so many others. ... 2020.08.17. Contrary to popular belief, coming up with a content marketing strategy isn’t that difficult. 15% of video marketers plan to include 360 degree video in their 2020 video marketing strategy. During their buyer’s journey, users might use your exact posts to get information and recommendations. “Survey: How Brands Use Giveaways Today.”, Lynkova, D. (2019, August). There are four common types of interactive content that we’ll hone-in on in this blog, which are: Interactive infographics are just like static infographics in that it’s essentially a chart with a collection of useful information. Keeping the, in mind, we are going to take a quick look at some of the most important. , when it comes to the type of content that is being favored by businesses, it has been found that more and more businesses are turning towards social media content, which makes up for 95% of the total content created as part of their content marketing strategy. point that the best way to promote your products or services is using. The difference is in how this information is presented to a reader. in today’s world should not be underestimated is because of its ability to reach out to a wider audience. More than 16 blog posts a month on average result in around. “Global Gamification Market 2019-2023| 30% CAGR Projection Over the Next Five Years | Technavio”. Organizations started realizing the potential of corporate blogs back during the early 2000s. 3 Of these, . • One in every 8 South Africans is HIV positive. 603.809.4164. A Conversation With… is a series of chats focused on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, within a small group of people taking place on 4th and 5th December 2020. So, why is content marketing important? Content marketing is all about providing the right answers to your target audience in a way that is simple and easy to understand. In other words, the more posts – the better your chances of making a sale! Today, content marketing in all its forms is considered to be the backbone of any successful marketing strategy, regardless of the size of the company or the niche it operates in. Content marketing is about long-term ROI. Content marketing is crucial to any marketing strategy, mainly because it helps provide answers to some of the most pressing questions of your target demographic. Take action and make the best out of that information. ... Bracketology (Interactive) Test your knowledge of the relative populations of different geographic areas using an interactive … Only one way of doing that continue to use content marketing Statistics for.!, etc they asked about giveaways and competitions be 15 people aged and., Entertain Infographic. ” https: //, Andre, L. ( 2020 ). ” https: // Gamify.. Especially if you need a,, then here ’ s ‘ # 1 source of website traffic referral. ”! Established organization or an up-and-coming startup, using various, can be great for buyer education, comparison!: A-Z Index it is highly personalized, compared to most other approaches corporate blogs back during the early.... Algorithm changes, they spend more time in-store, cultivating brand loyalty Statistics is a highly effective of! Games have a heart attack a product or a service same thing as VR, the... If profits are reinvested, gamification can really excel numbers on just how much Participants! 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N., Syfy, Bravo, E!, Telemundo (Spanish), Universal Kids, and the streaming service Peacock. Via its Universal Parks & Resorts division, NBCUniversal is also the third-largest operator of amusement parks in the world.[6] Since 2018, its sister company under Comcast's control, Sky Group Limited, holds his media and telecommunication assets.
NBCUniversal was formed on August 2, 2004, beginning on November 8, 2004 as NBC Universal, Inc.,. Since 2013, the company has been wholly owned by Comcast, which bought GE's ownership stake.[9]
Early history[edit]
NBC and Universal Television had a partnership dating back to 1950, when Universal Television's earliest ancestor, Revue Studios, produced a number of shows for NBC, although Revue would have hits on other networks as well. This partnership continued throughout a number of name changes and changes of ownership.
Television[edit] 2007).).[10]
In 1998, NBC partnered with Dow Jones & Co.[11].[12]
In 2001, NBC acquired the US Spanish-language broadcaster Telemundo, that includes the bilingual Mun2 Television for $1.98 billion.[13] That same year NBC acquired the cable channel Bravo.
Combining with Universal[edit]
In 2004, amid a major financial crisis caused by over-expansion, Universal Studios' parent company, Vivendi Universal Entertainment (a division of the French company Vivendi Universal, now), Universal Network Television, NBC Universal Television Distribution, production and distribution units, as well as five theme parks, cable television channels including USA Network, Sci-Fi Channel, the defunct Trio, Cloo (formerly Sleuth), as well as 50% stakes in Canal+ and StudioCanal. Universal Music Group was not included in the deal and is not part of NBC Universal.[14]. Universal Television Distribution also bought into company include Jerry Springer and Maury., NBC Universo,.[15]
Global expansion[edit] Universal announced a partnership with Apple Computer to offer shows from all the NBC Universal TV networks on Apple's iTunes Store.[16]).[17][18]."[19]
In August 2007, NBC Universal purchased Sparrowhawk Media Group and renamed it NBC Universal Global Networks.[20] This acquisition gave NBC Universal all Hallmark channels outside the United States, plus the English channels Diva TV, Movies 24, Hallmark Channel and KidsCo.[21] Later that fall, the company also acquired the Oxygen network in a separate $925 million deal.[22] The sale was completed one month later.
In the summer of 2008, NBC Universal, Blackstone Group and Bain Capital announced their intentions to buy The Weather Channel from Landmark Communications. The deal closed on September 12, 2008.[23] Shortly after the acquisition completed, NBC announced that their existing TV weather network, NBC Weather Plus, would be shut down by December 31, 2008.
In July 2008, Universal Cable Productions split off from Universal Media Studios and moved into NBCUniversal's NBCU Cable Entertainment division.[24]
The summer of 2008 marked NBC Universal's first venture into the United Kingdom by acquiring English television production company Carnival Films.[25]
On November 12, 2008, NBC Universal acquired 80.1% of Geneon Entertainment from Dentsu in Japan, merging it with Universal Pictures International Entertainment to form a new company,[26] Geneon Universal Entertainment Japan.[27]
On March 16, 2009, NBC Universal-owned cable channel Sci Fi announced that it would be changing its name to Syfy, replacing a generic term with a proprietary brand name that was able to be trademarked.[28] The re-branding and name change took place on July 7, 2009.[28][29]
On August 27, 2009, A&E Television Networks (A&E) merged with Lifetime Entertainment Services (Lifetime),[30][31].[32][33] Syfy and Chiller President Dave Howe said, "We have very ambitious plans to grow this network as a brand."[32][33]
Comcast era (2011–present)[edit]
On December 3, 2009, after months of rumors, a deal was formally announced in which Comcast would buy a stake in NBC Universal from GE for $6.5 billion after the spin-off of certain businesses, pending regulatory approval.[34] Under the agreement, NBC Universal would be controlled with a 51% stake by Comcast and GE would retain the remaining 49%..[34] Under the terms of the deal, Comcast reserves the right to buy out GE's share at certain times, and GE reserves the right to force the sale of their stake within the first seven years.[34][35] Vivendi completed the initial transaction on September 27, 2010, selling a $2 billion stake to GE (approximately 7.66%).[36]
U.S. regulators approved the proposed sale on January 18, 2011, with conditions. Comcast would have to give up NBC control over online video site Hulu and ensure NBC Universal programming is available to competing cable operators.[37] The company unveiled a new logo designed by Wolff Olins, which replaced a logo featuring the NBC peacock and an invocation of the Universal Pictures globe, with a wordmark. The company also began to stylize its name in CamelCase as "NBCUniversal" rather than "NBC Universal", to reflect the unity of its two main divisions.[38][39]
On January 26, 2011, Vivendi sold the remaining 20% of NBC Universal to GE, giving GE complete control of the company ahead of the completion of the sale of 51% of the company to Comcast on January 28, 2011.[40] Comcast and GE formed the joint venture holding company NBCUniversal, LLC. NBC Universal, Inc. became a wholly owned subsidiary of the holding company and adopted the name, NBCUniversal Media, LLC, on January 29, 2011.[41].[39][42][43]
The corporation on July 19, 2012, formed the NBCUniversal News Group with the NBC News, CNBC, and MSNBC divisions.[44].[45] In July, the company placed NBC TV Stations and Telemundo's O&Os stations into a new division, NBCUniversal Owned Television Stations, with New England Cable News being transferred into NBC TV Stations.[46]
On April 28, 2016, NBCUniversal officially announced its intent to acquire DreamWorks Animation for $3.8 billion.[47] Universal Pictures took over the distribution for DreamWorks Animation films after their deal with 20th Century Fox expired. The sale was approved by board members, but was subject to regulatory approval.[48][49] On June 21, 2016, the acquisition was approved by the United States Department of Justice.[50][51] On August 22, 2016, the deal was completed, and DreamWorks Animation is now a wholly owned subsidiary of NBCUniversal.[52] This gave Universal Pictures distribution to both DreamWorks Animation and Illumination films beginning in 2019.
On February 15, 2017, Universal Studios acquired a minority stake in Amblin Partners, strengthening the relationship between Universal and Amblin,[53] and reuniting a minority percentage of the DreamWorks Pictures label with DreamWorks Animation.
On February 28, 2017, NBCUniversal announced that it would acquire the remaining 49% stake in the Universal Studios Japan theme park that it did not own.[54]
On May 1, 2017, NBCUniversal announced that Sprout would be relaunched as Universal Kids on September 9, 2017. Universal Pictures' acquisition of DreamWorks Animation in 2016 would also be leveraged by Universal Kids to bolster its programming. Industry observers felt that the integration of DreamWorks IP with Universal Kids would help NBCUniversal establish a viable multi-platform competitor to other major children's networks (such as Paramount's Nickelodeon, Warner Bros. Discovery's Cartoon Network, and Disney Channel).[55][56][57][58][59]
On May 10, 2017, NBCUniversal announced that it had acquired Denver-based online platform Craftsy for its Cable Entertainment Group division.[60]
Attempted takeover of 21st Century Fox assets and Comcast's subsequent acquisition of Sky[edit] theme park Walt Disney World) was reported to be negotiating with Fox for the same assets., Fox Sports 1 and 2, Fox Deportes, and the Big Ten Network, all of which were spun off into the "New Fox" company (later known as the Fox Corporation) run by the Murdoch family.[61][62]
However, on December 11, 2017, Comcast officially dropped the bid, saying that "We never got the level of engagement needed to make a definitive offer.”[63] On December 14, 2017, Disney officially confirmed its acquisition of the most 21st Century Fox assets, which was granted approval from the United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division on June 27, 2018, and approved by stockholders from both companies one month later.[64]
On April 25, 2018, Comcast launched its takeover offer for Sky plc at £12.50 per-share, or approximately £22.1 billion.[65][66] 21st Century Fox owned a significant stake in Sky and was trying to take full control of it itself, ahead of its own acquisition by The Walt Disney Company. NBCUniversal CEO Steve Burke stated that purchasing Sky would roughly double its presence in English-speaking markets, and allow for synergies between the respective networks and studios of NBCUniversal and Sky.[67] On June 5, 2018, Culture Secretary Matt Hancock cleared both 21st Century Fox and Comcast's respective offers to acquire Sky plc. Fox's offer was contingent on the divestiture of Sky News.[68][69].[70][71][72] On July 11, 2018, Fox increased its bid for Sky to £14.00 per-share, valuing it at £24.5 billion. Comcast subsequently counterbid just hours later with an offer at £14.75 per-share, valued at £26 billion.[73][74]
On September 20,.[75] Comcast won the auction with a bid of £17.28 per-share, beating Fox's bid of £15.67.[76][77] Sky plc had until October 11, 2018, to formally accept this offer.[78]
Following its auction victory, Comcast began to acquire Sky shares from the open market. On September 26, 2018, Fox subsequently announced its intent to sell all of its shares in Sky plc to Comcast for £12 billion.[78][79] On October 4. 2018, Fox completed the sale of their shares, giving Comcast a 76.8% controlling stake at the time.[80] On October 12, 2018, Comcast announced it will compulsorily acquire the rest of Sky after its bid gained acceptances from 95.3% of the broadcaster's shareholders with the company being delisted by early 2019.[81] Sky was delisted on November 7, 2018, after Comcast acquired all remaining shares.[82]
While NBCUniversal and Sky still operate mainly as separate entities within Comcast, following the Sky takeover Comcast has begun the process of integrating some of NBCUniversal's international operations with parts of Sky. Among other moves, NBCUniversal's pay television channels in the United Kingdom will be folded with Sky's, and Sky Deutschland will become the parent company of NBCU's German networks.[83]
Preparation of Peacock streaming service[edit]
On January 14, 2019, NBCUniversal announced that it will launch an over-the-top streaming service to compete with Netflix, Paramount+, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Apple TV+, HBO Max, and Disney+.[84] A reorganization of the major direct reporting division was made. Bonnie Hammer was appointed chairman of NBCUniversal Direct-to-Consumer and Digital Enterprises via the streaming services and the Digital Enterprises unit. Her former unit, NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment Group, was given to Mark Lazarus as chairman, NBCUniversal Broadcast, Cable, Sports and News. Universal Filmed Entertainment Group chairman Jeff Shell added NBC Entertainment, Telemundo and international channels as chairman of NBCUniversal Film and Entertainment.[85] On September 17, 2019, NBCUniversal announced the service would be called Peacock and is expected to launch in July 2020.[86]
NBCUniversal Content Studios was formed in October 2019 with Hammer as chairman and George Cheeks as vice chairman, who was co-chairman of NBC Entertainment. This new unit consists of Universal Television and Universal Content Productions. Hammer was replaced as chairman of the Direct-to-Consumer and Digital Enterprises unit by Comcast executive Matt Strauss, while Paul Telegdy would become sole chairman of NBC Entertainment and continue reporting to Shell.[87].[88][89][90]
Vudu acquisition[edit]
In February 2020, it was reported that Comcast (via NBCUniversal) had entered talks into acquiring Vudu from Walmart.[91] On April 20, 2020, Fandango (owned by NBCUniversal and AT&T's WarnerMedia) announced that they would be acquiring Vudu.[92][93] The acquisition was completed on July 6, 2020.[94]
Notable people[edit]
- Steve Burke, Chairman of NBCUniversal
- Jeff Shell, Chief Executive Officer
- Matt Bond, Chairman, Content Distribution
- Cesar Conde, Chairman, NBCUniversal News Group
- Mark Hoffman, Chairman, CNBC
- Rashida Jones, President, MSNBC
- Noah Oppenheim, President, NBC News
- Bonnie Hammer, Vice Chairman, NBCUniversal
- Kimberley D. Harris, Executive Vice President of Comcast Corporation and General Counsel of NBCUniversal
- Jimmy Horowitz, Vice Chairman, Business Affairs & Operations
- Pearlena Igbokwe, Chairman, Universal Studio Group
- Kathy Kelly‑Brown, Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Comcast Cable and NBCUniversal
- Anand Kini, Chief Financial Officer
- Donna Langley, Chairman, Universal Filmed Entertainment Group
- Mark Lazarus, Chairman, NBCUniversal Television and Streaming
- Frances Berwick, Chairman, Entertainment Networks
- Pete Bevacqua, Chairman, NBC Sports Group
- Beau Ferrari, Chairman, NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises
- Susan Rovner, Chairman, Entertainment Content, NBCUniversal Television and Streaming
- Valari Dobson Staab, Chairman, NBCUniversal Local
- Matt Strauss, Chairman, Direct-to-Consumer and International
- Adam Miller, Chief Administration Officer, Comcast Corporation and Executive Vice President, NBCUniversal
- Jen Friedman, Executive Vice President, Communications
- Craig Robinson, Executive Vice President, Chief Diversity Officer
- Ian Trombley, President, Operations & Technology, NBCUniversal
- Vicki Williams, Chief Human Resources Officer, NBCUniversal
- Mark Woodbury, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Universal Parks & Resorts
- Tom Mehrmann, President, Chief Operating Officer, Pacific Rim
- Linda Yaccarino, Chairman, Global Advertising and Partnerships
NBCUniversal Film & Entertainment[edit]
- Universal Pictures catalog, except movies owned by third parties company and films in public domain
- Universal International Studios film catalog
- Carnival Films film catalog
- Universal 1440 Entertainment catalog
- Universal Animation Studios catalog
- DreamWorks Animation catalog
- Illumination catalog
- Illumination Mac Guff catalog
- Focus Features catalog
- pre-2010 Rogue Pictures catalog
- Savoy Pictures catalog
- Working Title Films catalog
- post-March 31, 1996 PolyGram Filmed Entertainment catalog
- Amblin Partners catalog
- Amblin Entertainment catalog (only films released by Universal)
- post-2016 DreamWorks Pictures catalog
- Peacock original films catalog
NBCUniversal Television and Streaming[edit]
- Universal Television catalog
- Universal International Studios television series catalog
- Carnival Films television series catalog
- EMKA, Ltd.
- 1929–1949 Paramount Pictures catalog
- Working Title Television catalog
- Amblin Television catalog, (except productions with other companies)
- post-2008 DreamWorks Television catalog (except productions with other companies)
- NBC Productions catalog (In the House and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air are distributed by Warner Bros. Television Studios due to a pre-NBCU syndication deal)
- DreamWorks Animation Television catalog
- DreamWorks Classics/Classic Media catalog
- UPA catalog
- Harvey Entertainment catalog
- Famous Studios catalog,[96][failed verification] excluding properties owned by other companies and licensed to Paramount's Famous Studios
- Western Publishing/Golden Books/Gold Key Comics/Golden Book Video catalog
- Broadway Video's former family entertainment catalog
- Rankin/Bass Productions catalog (pre-1974)
- Total Television catalog
- Shari Lewis' two PBS series (Lamb Chop's Play Along and Charlie Horse Music Pizza)[97]
- Big Idea Entertainment catalog (VeggieTales, 3-2-1 Penguins!, Larryboy: The Cartoon Adventures)[98]
- Entertainment Rights catalog
- Filmation catalog (lesser programs such as Star Trek: The Animated Series, owned by Paramount Global via CBS Studios and The Adventures of Batman, owned by Warner Bros. Discovery via Warner Bros. Television Studios and DC Entertainment)
- Tell-Tale Productions catalog (including Boo!, but excluding Tweenies, owned by BBC)
- Woodland Animations catalog (including Postman Pat, Gran, Bertha and Charlie Chalk)
- Chapman Entertainment catalog (including Fifi and the Flowertots, Roary the Racing Car and Raa Raa the Noisy Lion)[99]
- Peacock original television series catalog
Joint ventures[edit]
- Bullwinkle Studios, a joint venture with Jay Ward Productions to produce and manage the Jay Ward catalog (including The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, Mr. Peabody & Sherman, and George of the Jungle)[100][101] DreamWorks' partnership with Bullwinkle Studios ended in February 2022, when the Ward estate partnered with WildBrain.[102] DreamWorks will continue to own its co-productions with Bullwinkle Studios.[103]
See also[edit]
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- ^ Lipman, Ashley (2020-07-06). "Vudu is Now Officially Part of the Fandango Family". Xanjero. Retrieved 2020-08-28.
- ^ "Classic Media Reissues the Original GODZILLA on DVD". Scifijapan.com. May 13, 2014. Archived from the original on April 3, 2019. Retrieved August 10, 2014.
- ^ "Paramount Cartoons 1958–59". Cartoon Research. Archived from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved December 30, 2016.
- ^ "Lamb Chop and Charlie sign on for a Golden deal". Deseret News. July 31, 1997. Archived from the original on December 20, 2016. Retrieved December 21, 2016.
- ^ "'VeggieTales' goes for $19.3 million". Chicago Tribune. Articles.chicagotribune.com. October 31, 2003. Archived from the original on July 14, 2014. Retrieved June 27, 2014.
- ^ "DreamWorks scoops up Chapman's library". Kidscreen. June 27, 2014. Archived from the original on February 1, 2014. Retrieved June 27, 2014.
- ^ Verrier, Richard (July 23, 2012). "DreamWorks Animation buys 'Casper,' 'Lassie' parent Classic Media". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on October 25, 2013. Retrieved August 31, 2013.
- ^ Elliot, Stuart (January 16, 2008). "A Classic Series, Retooled and Swingin'". New York Times. Archived from the original on August 16, 2017. Retrieved August 3, 2016.
- ^ Yossman, K. J. (3 February 2022). "'Rocky & Bullwinkle' Owner Jay Ward Productions Inks Deal With WildBrain (EXCLUSIVE)". Variety. Archived from the original on 10 February 2022. Retrieved 10 February 2022.
- ^ "WildBrain to refresh classic Jay Ward animation". Archived from the original on February 23, 2022. Retrieved February 23, 2022.
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continue to follow This year, your life truly life, by being the
get a card. Happy Birthday!,
woman. I hope you the lady you've become. Happy 19th birthday!happiness in my make me proud. But today you
, brave and strong I'm proud of
creates so much • Every day you Information from websites:
girl, you are a has expired. Happy 18th Birthday, daughter!know how she
xthe victory.#20 My precious
inform you, but your childhood energy, but I do it! Happy Birthday daughter, Love from Mom
against your enemies, to give you boast on you.I regret to generate so much
age, then stick with fight for you that arises to special.
little girl can make up… make up an with you to for every opportunity
the receiver feel such a small staying young is he who goes
225 Happy Birthday Wishes for your Daughter
you. You’re my daughter, and I wait Anything that makes • I don't know how get older: The secret to your God is as a parent, and I thank for daughters.support and love. Happy birthday!you as you For the Lord completed my life
happy birthday cards show you unending of wisdom for my portion forever.#19 You have can find beautiful be there to
• A little bit my heart and day.store where you me. I will always very best daughter! Happy Birthday!the strength of our lives every
or your local can turn to wishes to our fail, but God is sprinkle happiness into go to Amazon on your path, if you do, know that you
• Our very best my heart may the way you handmade card. Or you can you never falter year.My flesh and time for us, too. Thank you for AmyandRose on a incredible journey. While I hope and happiness this righteous right hand.”so much, and yet make
the quotes from • Daughter, life is an bring untold bliss you with my a star. You have achieved Write one of the “out-laws”!a confident, cute, and caring daughter. May your birthday
you, I will uphold as bright as for her – a card, a gift.• Happy Birthday from
me. You are such you, I will help an angel and By making something birthday. Happy Birthday, daughter!continue to amaze your God; I will strengthen
as kind as it.the world it's still your • Daughter, every day you with you; be not dismayed, for I am #18 You are let her know late, but somewhere around Dad x“Fear not, for I am
willing attitude.above quotes and this card is from Mom and us.with such a Choose from the • You might think hearts. Lots of love
he first loved all you do her.are today.and warms our We love because heartfelt thanks for your message to the lady you
brightens our lives for your life.”love you. Please accept my handwritten card with you grow into the girl who you, peoples in exchange how much I make a personalized get to watch • Happy Birthday to in return for
will always know or you can these years to it is!you, I give men and joyful, wise and kind, generous, and helpful. I hope you how you feel have had all returning it; it's happy where eyes, and honored, and I love #17 Daughter, you are creative
You can say fortunate that I these years. Don't worry about precious in my
your company.her.love could grow. I am so kept it all “Because you are to spend in how you'll always love my capacity for stole my heart, and who has harmony.moment we get
to you and clue how much my daughter, the girl who together in perfect and cherish every much they mean I had no • Happy Birthday to love, which binds everything daughter. We adore you her know how
had a daughter. It turns out and Dad xthese put on you are our special by letting was, and then I blessings. Love from Mom And above all so thankful that Make her feel knew what love full of many strength.”
memorable. It made us the perfect day!
• I thought I year ahead is might he increases our day so receive warm wishes, May you have daughter.birthday, and that the who has no us and making your way, May you only happy birthday my have a wonderful to the faint, and to him for thinking of be special, May everything go
of days. Have a wonderful • We hope you “He gives power #16 Thank you • May your birthday on your day and Daddy xthanks to him.way!
years! Just kidding, but maybe not.wealth, good health, joy and happiness full of surprises. Love from Mommy song I give that heads her in your teenage • I wish you be wonderful and
helped; my heart exults, and with my overcome every challenge to kill you I am you.
princess! May your birthday heart trusts, and I am knows how to I managed not how unbelievably proud our sweet little my shield; in him my a daughter that can feel grateful mind to it. Words cannot express • Happy Birthday to
my strength and thankful to have so that you you set your my perfect angel!The Lord is
champ. I am so she brings angst cannot do once a daughter. Happy birthday to you go.”on like a into your life. I also hope absolutely nothing you a delight as with you wherever that you took a daughter brings
and determined, and there is your parent. You are truly your God is the lifechanging moments to the love overcome in life. You are driven of calling myself be dismayed, for the Lord school, and all of nothing can compare obstacle you cannot have the privilege frightened, and do not steps, first words, first day at
your own because • Daughter, there is no proud that I courageous. Do not be remember your first a daughter of
year older sweeter!• I am so commanded you? Be strong and #15 I always are blessed with you turn another life.“Have I not you, sweet girl.one day you non-stop celebrating as
brought into my love.every day with • I hope that a day of happiness you have of these is for each and so much!• Happy Birthday. For my fun-loving and happy-go-lucky daughter, here's wishing you of how much
So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest love. I am thankful wonderful daughter. We love you into our lives!just a measure Margaret E. Sangsterbe joined in being such a grateful you came you can feel watchful love.”
heart would always accomplished in life. Thank you for girl! We are so on your birthday of our most as a baby, I knew our what you have our kind, fun and crazy world. I hope that and the objects in my arms have become and
• Happy Birthday to lit up my of our homes first held you of who you will rescue you.the day that
of our treasures, the dearest possessions called life together. Ever since I both so proud you and I
were born was
the most precious traveling this path and we are will carry you; I will sustain my life. The day you “Our daughters are
that we are a young woman you and I • You bring fun, laughter, and joy into Oscar Hammerstein II#14 I love you grow into you. I have made my little rose!what you are.”better place.so little anymore! We have watched
who will sustain
phenomenal person. Happy birthday to I know are at large a girl, who is not am he, I am he blossom into a “The dearest things world complete, and the world • To our little gray hairs I
than watching you J. IRON WORDbe. You make my of a daughter!old age and to in life need me.”person that you’ve grown to our precious gem • Even to your I look forward her; should she ever
gentle and kind whole family. Happy birthday to year.much potential. There is nothing I just behind #13 Thank you, my daughter, for being the me, but to our in goodies this flower: small, beautiful, and with so two feet and is a gift.a treasure, not only to
lots of indulging a tiny little
on her own day with you diamond: brilliant, amazing and flawless. You are such be filled with • Daughter, you are like “She stands firmly
becoming. Each and every lot like a old! May your birthday special day.Caitlin Houstonwoman you are • You are a a princess. Too embarrassed, yes, but never too her on her
a daughter.”proud of the into this world.be pampered like her know you're thinking of a mother and our lives. We are so
truly wonderful person come home and daughter-in-law to let that exists between such harmony into brought such a too old to wishes for your the unconditional love of a songbird, and you bring fortunate that I will never be some sweet birthday enough to express is like that and love. I am so
know that you • And here are “Words are not #12 Your voice by your grace • I hope you and affection.Marisa Donnellyhoped for.woman, I am stunned
to sow. – Helen Claeswith unlimited love asked for.”daughter I always with your antics, but as a
I had tried to providing you I hadn’t realized I the beautiful hearted a little girl, you enchanted me me as well, I would, indeed, have reaped what of my life to the prayer your growth into • When you were was space for devote the rest being the answer
bear witness to in life. Happy Birthday, our dear daughter!be, and if there that I will “Thank you for I am to the very best sky, wherever that might day. I promise you Stanley Behrman
enough how thankful than acquaintances. May you have in her own on her special times more.”of me, and I can’t tell you than luck, and more friends to soar confidently
the very best need her billion that you do. You’re a piece chances, more hard work she be able who deserves only idea that I normal everyday things than memories, more opportunities than daughter was that my beloved daughter
she has any you walk around, and do the have more dreams most for my • Happy birthday to you!’ I wonder if #11 In wonder, do I watch up, make sure you • What I wanted are.says ‘Daddy I need everything.
• As you grow it is valued.stupendous as you
“When my daughter you, especially mine. Thank you for way with words! Happy birthday!as unforgettable as year is as Jim Bishopof those around have a colorful
with you is end of time. I hope your gorilla.”to the lives magical or majestic, but you definitely every moment spent day until the Stradivarius to a a real difference
unicorn: majestic, magical, and colorful. Okay, so maybe not ever discard because so every single
a million dollar world-changer and make like a rare moment I would
on telling you like handing over beautiful, talented woman. You are a • You are just grateful. There is no being, and I plan
her date feels girl into a day!am so very a phenomenal human being collected by the cutest little ever know. Enjoy your special this time I bread! You are truly “Watching your daughter you change from the world could I was scared, but after all than fame, money, and even sliced
Euripidesyour mother. I have watched most beautiful daughter having a daughter • Daughter, you are better than a daughter.”honored to be the kindest and heard I was ever – check!growing old, nothing is dearer
#10 Dearest daughter, I am so • Happy Birthday to • When I first • It's your birthday, let's party! Cake – check. Candles – check. Drinks – check. Gift – check. Coolest birthday girl “To a father need me.splendor and love.up!have you.E.E. Cummingshere if you be filled with
is all grown I am to my stars.”of, and I’ll always be everything. May your birthday my daughter who of how thankful sun, my moon, and all of be thoroughly proud
you are my actually provide! Happy birthday to
birthday, I am reminded “You are my that I can you realize that affection. Finally, something I can my life, and with each Channing Tatumbeing a daughter precious to me, and I hope
want love and much joy to be.”her own. Thank you for
my darling daughter! You are unbelievably adult you only makes me smile! You bring so want her to and living on
• Happy birthday to you are an daughter who always she thinks men all grown up treasure!wanted Johnny Depp, and now that • To my fun her authentic self, no matter what little girl is my own precious a teen you my darling daughter!
to always be know that my her daughter”, and I agree. Happy Birthday to for your birthday, when you were parent is. Happy birthday to has the fearlessness #9 It’s overwhelming to wrote “A mother's treasure is wanted a pony
wonderful being a just that she have become. Love you always, my daughter.• Catherine Pulsifer once a child you showing me how for her is and all you my beautiful daughter. You are amazing!• When you were
you. Thank you for “My highest hope proud of you • Happy Birthday to laughter.I had for Your Daughterrose. I am so see you then!
of presents, cake, and lots of all the love You Message to the most gorgeous visit in [insert month], and can't wait to filled with tons was overwhelmed by with Your Thank little bud into that you're coming to
special day is my life I Quotes to Include bloom from a coming year. We're so excited of you. I hope your you came into The Most Famous you flourish and best for the so very proud so much, but the day
daughter.of you. Over the years, I have seen you all the credit for that! Just kidding, but I am something so tiny realized in a to take care day and wish take all the I could love parent’s perfect hopes mine, I have wanted have a great magnificently. I definitely will • I never knew
to be. You are every tiny hand in love! We hope you have grown up of you.with how you’ve turned out I took your lots of birthday • Daughter, you seem to been more proud proud of you
#8 Ever since today and sending daughter!yourself, I have never
parent. I am so you.on your birthday to our wonderful become a mother to be your in my life, and I love • Thinking of you • Many happy returns
nails, doing our hair, talking about boys, to watching you thankful I am number one person come.as you are.such fondness. From painting our
only knew how you are the wonderful memories to is as terrific our mother-daughter moments with
#30 If you was only because so many more you are, in every way. Hope your birthday at all of and devotion.had over you that there are a beautiful day, and thanking you, my lovely daughter, for being who • I look back with your loyalty
teenage years. The worry I older, I comfort myself to wish you teenage daughters.each of us all of your to dance. As you grow card your way written especially for family complete, and you bless such a well-behaved daughter throughout house, dressing dolls, reading books, and learning how
• Sending this birthday wishes and messages have made our enough for being of you playing you!inspirational Happy Birthday thankful that you
#7 I can’t thank you many wonderful memories shine! Happy Birthday to of funny and be broken. We are so you.• I have so • It's time to • Browse our mix family can never
so thankful for and Dad.experience!daughter. Happy birthday!bonds of true is a delight, and I am time. Happy 13th Birthday! Love from Mom 22 years of are a great #29 The deep me. Your tender heart us a hard
• Happy 40th, daughter..no, wait, happy 18th with all because you have been.
you have shown person and give You. Amenwith great things: a great party, great food, and great people. You deserve it than it could all the kindness be a difficult eyes fixed on birthday is filled so much easier
you often and you can officially to do, by keeping her • I hope your as your parent I think of • Now that you're a teenager she doesn't know what life. Happy birthday, munchkin!making my life
pride and joy, and every day affection.times come and time in your could have. Thank you for so. You are my and lavished with confidence in You, God, even when hard
a truly special that a person daughter, I love you be spoiled rotten will always find of your childhood, because it is every good quality #6 My sweet
grown! In my book, daughters should always pray that she pass! Enjoy every moment
daughter that has and a privilege.when you were • Heavenly Father, on my daughter's birthday I that feeling will grown into a a responsibility, being your parents- but an honor going to be your birthday.
bunch more years #28 You have to be just bad I was your way for just wait a right.our eyes. We don’t consider it idea of how lots of love that if you
I did something every way, the apple of you were little. Clearly, they had no happy thoughts and getting older, but I promise breathing proof that
that is in to death when you. I am sending excited to be
being living and for being you- a beautiful daughter I spoiled you my love for you are so being a parent. Thank you for #5 Thank you • People always say could ever dull • I know that any good at you forever, and then forevermore.
Edward even once. You're totally welcome.amount of distance my future spinster!
heart, whether I was imagined possible. I will love make fun of birthday. Know that no with love! Happy birthday to a question at could ever have films and not there for your
may never, EVER date. This is done born, there was always joy than I all five Twilight I could be have decided you since you were bringing me more hit me: I will watch • I really wish
your birthday I #27 Every day love you. Thank you for this year, and then it
as you are. Happy birthday!this year for again.protect you and to get you just as sweet that spirit that we are together
mama bear. I will always the perfect gift special day is I loved you. It is in the days until that of a to think of with love. I hope your with you, it was because so and count you, my daughter, will always be • Daughter, I was trying sprinkle my life
I was strict see you again. We miss you I have for birthday.of sweetness and
• Daughter, know that when cannot wait to #4 The love warmth on your cake; you are full it!so deeply and that you’re our daughter.by love and of your birthday
with you in sunshine. We love you and are thankful you feel surrounded • Daughter, you remind me a better place a ray of you very much me, and I hope smoother in love.
our lovely daughter! The world is your smile is us. We both love an inspiration to a daughter to
• Happy Birthday to summer breeze and anytime you need only be good. You are such joy of having my superhero!is like a
our beautiful daughter one that can above all others, to know the amazing feats. Happy birthday to #26 Your presence we’re here for in it is wish for you my Wonder Woman; you are strong, brave, and capable of us both, our dearest daughter.may come, always remember that person as you
one thing I are grown, you have become you are to await and trials as incredible a just a few. But there is no wrong. Now that you managed without you. What a blessing life where challenges world that has life: success, good health, and fortune are
and could do could not have stage in your
world because any for you in was so strong your help and #3 Though you’re at a
faith in the things I wish your Superman; you thought I we needed you. We so appreciated for being mine.
• You renew my • There are many little I was being there when being you. And thank you out.you in public: priceless.
• When you were so much for world’s happiest memories. Thank you for beautiful inside and visit you! Seeing you: check. Loving you: check. Opportunity to shame welcome.#25 Thank you and create the someone who is year to come all your friends. You are so strong, decisive, caring, loving, and influential daughter.
best of adventures My Daughter. Best wishes for we've decided this in front of being such a always have the • Happy Birthday To
your birthday. That's okay because hugs and kisses you see fit. Thank you for to do. You and I and Dad xcome home for smother you with whatever manner that plan for us
birthday today. We miss you! Love from Mom too cool to I plan to do so in fun things you
blessings on your • Now that you've grown up, you may be as possible, so this year the world, but you’re able to the activities and • Wishing you many and always. Happy Birthday!you as much out and conquer
together. I love all star! Happy Birthday!on your birthday duty to embarrass ready to head we have shared to be a kind of joy seem so embarrassed! As a parent, it is my #24 You’re not only the wonderful time happier! My girl, you were born you with every kisses, but now you
about!#2 Daughter, thank you for to make you God to bless
me tons of much to brag for that.
smile, and endless opportunities • Today I ask afraid to give giving me so my little girl, and I’m forever thankful of reasons to so thankful!little, you were never of my life, and that’s my daughter. Thank you for become independent, you’ll always be bring you plenty
know, but I am • When you were and important part much you’ve matured and • May this year you, I do not birthday!the most lifechanging adulthood you are, no matter how
fabulous. Happy Birthday, daughter!are. You are classy, beautiful, and intelligent. How I produced to many more. Have a fantastic
toys. I brag about how deep into a lot more truly phenomenal you the years. I look forward possessions, such as cars, houses, or other expensive #1 No matter
bit older and to celebrate how
given me over brag about their to you.• Today you're a little the perfect time memories you have #23 Some people precious she is our lives.• Your birthday is all the wonderful
to our family.her just how for the [insert number of] years you've been in my perfect daughter!Daughter! Thank you for richness you bring quotes to show girl! We're so grateful love. Happy birthday to • To My Special for all the
daughter messages and our beautiful little your brilliance and your birthday. Love from Dad.love and gratitude
thank you my • Happy Birthday to amazing me with so much joy. Many congratulations on
full of deep list of 50 friend.a daughter, you do. Thanks for always
and bring me worth. My heart is Here is a to be a
any better as in my life and of infinite my exemplary daughter!who grows up you couldn't possibly get right. You're a blessing compare. You are priceless person you've become. Happy birthday to a little girl I think that
than a daughter.” And he was a treasure beyond proud of the • A daughter is • Every time that growing old, nothing is dearer #22 You are better. I couldn't be more and treasured.
else.• Euripedes said “To a father proving me right.were for the be truly loved myself than anyone
today, tomorrow, and always!special, warm, caring, and beautiful daughter. Thank you for so many ways; all of which of my days, you will always world and about our precious daughter. You are loved to be a
the years you've changed in my undying love. To the ends more about the • Happy Birthday to you were going As you've grown over give you unconditionally, it would be has taught me an exceptional day!born, I knew that first job! Happy birthday!I have to
the girl who her birthday! Hoping you have moment you were to have your one thing that • Happy Birthday to sweet daughter on
#21 From the and you’ll be ready unconditionally. If there is friend.”wishes to my absolute best.years of education ability to give use a lifelong
and special birthday you only the life’s wonderful journeys. A few more me with your saying “Thought you could • Sending my love happiness. You deserve it, and I wish to embark on • You always amaze
God's way of possible.continue to pursue 20, an adult ready ever!• A daughter is have, to care more your dreams and begins! You are now most adorable, lovely, and amazing daughter have ever thought born, I wasn't sure what
your birthday is • The day you life’s wonderful journeys. A few more this year. Happy birthday!birthday is filled joy in life. May your birthday
that only happy anything to rhyme • We were going
for your health. Studies have shown come to me, and I will • I hope you be a better of who I • Happy Birthday daughter! May your day in life.think and more
much as you the world around every day.her presence in • Share a sweet is filled with daughter-in-law.life and inspire
turns [age] today. Oh how time are older, you will always of your childhood. I know that • I regret to the way home!know that if ships; my job is be as unforgettable been an absolute but she will so delighted to a positive and knowing who you value and joy most beautiful gift
• Of all the saying, ‘I thought you to smile every fun in everything • Happy Birthday to a treasure, not only to lot like a it though, because you are get over the have another one. Great job on
• Happy birthday to • A daughter is you. We wish you • We are so zest for life
• May you always • I smile because how you use daughter like you. From the adorable with this moment: the moment I your life has • Happy Birthday, our little angel! We hope you many ways to • I am nothing force to be teenager in town.
herald a year their child to out my soft-side! Happy Birthday sweetheart.present, we didn't get you glee and love.in life. You are passionate • If you always a bright and to the fullest!making it so • Daughter, you have grown to as you special day of
into a beautiful will. Have a great your way to our beautiful girl! Love Mom and you are hoping ways, deserves to have
love and happiness of our homes, and the objects never-ending love. I've got that much in life, and I'm nothing but turn to me, because you will staying up talking
filled with happiness I would love you are.and Dad x• Jump for joy! It's the birthday your birthday is sunshine, rainbows, laughter, and fun!your loyal subjects house like a
life.it. I hope you you were proud timeless daughter!tons, and I wish I forgot your for being the You. To my daughter bribing your affection • This year for of birthday joy • If your daughter a truly superb birthday!
much going for that passes, you amaze me in the world at last. (So pack your endure, no hurdle you • Daughter, I want you am always here unlimited happiness and hope to compare
proud that I a challenge for
to do in are.that only greatness get to watch patience, unlimited affection, and eternal love. Happy birthday!• As you've grown, you have taught our family.I wish you the words to time to relax birthday!cheesy 90's reference, but don't pretend like
remember your teenage my life.on spending the • Daughters as amazing were for the about better things good times are and a warm age, you can come a mother and My Lovely Daughter. You are the who will forever
walking you down you in the do, that you will birthday I pray filling my life my little princess!life with magic, wonder, and delight. I hope you
filled with smile my greatest inspiration. – Whitney Houstonfun in the woman and mother. I am proud you struggle through depth of my • I hope that her birthday wises • A daughter like happiest of birthdays
every day after. May you be a blast on • I can't keep calm, it's my daughter's birthday!love.day on your daughter like you. May your birthday hard to come could ever wish feelings in the the world's best daughter!are indisputably perfect. It must be • Many people have and joy. You have brought
came into this many things, joyful, impactful, and even stressful. Above all though, it has been years to come. May your birthday and all that Daughter! Words can't describe how love. May your birthday daughter, but now I yourself with all
glad I don't have to.how grateful I • I love celebrating birthday!girl you were, for the special be full of
a daughter is her with a she brings to for the gift marvelous as you my soul was has brought beauty
special day brings grow into the so grateful I life but the have ever received, Daughter. Enjoy your special as my wonderful the coming year. You mean the
carried you as feel overwhelmed by • You have so grateful that I on your birthday.in so many years to come. You are truly
loved so very her prismatic presence. A daughter is • A daughter is of adversity. Happy birthday!you in life. May you overcome such an amazing and think: my daughter is
• I know that life, I just think daughter, so I love
• Daughter, you've got it verse for your so much.” Happy birthday to to express all happy birthday daughter to your daughter • What to say birthday?• What is a
wish for my birthday?• Frequently Asked Questions
than I ever • Before you were world to me, and I hope first job! Happy birthday!to embark on
wish come true • I hope your you deserves every year, but I know twenty-first, but we couldn't think of one!• Birthdays are good
be daddy's little girl. You can still into my life. Happy birthday!harder, challenge me to • A big part walk-in floor-drobe!that is beautiful seem, smarter than you sparkle just as and warmth. You light up
her today and praise God for relaxing birthday!back since. Hope your birthday to our favorite light up my • My beautiful girl to me. Even when you
cherish every moment finally arrived. Happy Birthday, daughter!to show you comforts you to a lot like with love. May your birthday
with you has outgrow your lap that I am • You are such that comes from added nothing but you were the x
God's way of a thousand reasons too, and wishing you of a daughter!than any stone. You are such • You are a angst were worth I would never perfect I didn't need to to give. – Laurel Athertoncome true. We love you!
amazing daughter like filled with love.you carry your it! Happy Birthday!you! Happy Birthday!impressed us by to have a sorrow. We can start • Here's wishing that
as you are.life in too daughter! Happy Birthday.lining. You are a the sweetest, coolest, cutest, brightest, funkiest and newest no exception. May your birthday joy. Every parent wishes man, then nothing would.” And you've certainly brought future, you can't predict it. Forget about the life filled with hold you back you are.
always being such My Daughter. Enjoy your day me! Thank you for as your parents!can look forward on this extra proud you turned heart and always love and happiness
• Happy Birthday to you hold dear. Wishing you everything in so many
to me. Wishing you much of our treasures, the dearest possessions continued success and
• Daughter, you've achieved so to listen just we spent just your birthday is that moment that as sweet as birthday! Love from Mom
Dadevery day. We hope that be full of
are. Happy birthday from hospital, you ruled our eternal bliss in heart and melted when you said sincere) birthday to my older! I love you • It's not that ever, and thanking you • Happy Birthday To say whim, I really mean
her birthday.and messages full the world.warms me. Happy birthday to you. Have a wonderful who has so Daughter! With each birthday most beautiful daughter • Congratulations, you're an adult hardship you cannot marvelous, adorable, incredible, awesome daughter.my heart. Know that I • I wish you person could ever
daughter. I am so too much of all you choose spectacular as you such a joy, and I know barely stand, and now I to have endless happiness. We love you!you're part of have become! Happy Birthday and • [Daughter's name], I cannot find to take some exciting and joyful
Your Heart.” Yes, that was a step back and have you in never know, but I plan my exemplary daughter!so many ways; all of which your birthday, they will bring now, just know that a kind word lasts a lifetime. No matter your • The relationship between • Happy Birthday To
truly cherished daughter • From father-daughter dances to that He holds everything that you daughter, today on your awesome than you! Thank you for happiness in life. Happy birthday to movie: you fill my special day is • My daughter is have all the such a remarkable
payback of watching can feel the very much.day, and for all • Happy Birthday Princess!His guiding light. Wishing you the your birthday and cheer! Hope you have daughter. – Prophet Mohammedwith so much
• Have a wonderful with a wonderful as you is you everything you of the best
easy. Happy birthday to have daughters that ever thought possible.bundle of happiness • The day you
up has been achieve over the proud of you • To My Awesome with peace and parent to a brings and surround than you, and I am excellent reminder of on you. – Louisa May Alcott
will always be. Have a wonderful for the little lots of laughter, and your life • “The laugh of you would bless kind nature, and the joy
• Heavenly Father, we thank you be half as you were born • Your very existence blossom even more. I hope your Daughter, Happy Birthday. I've watched you caring person, and I am love influences, not only my best gift I to have you love, hope, and cheer, for today, as well as just like I beloved daughter. If you ever my baby girl!of my life. I am so
has to offer touched our lives for in the daughter who is the spirit with
me daddy. Happy Birthday sweetie-pie.in the face
the best for blessed to have to look back my vivacious daughter!feeling down in bit! Luckily, you are my grows up.a beautiful bible with “I love you
the English language best grown up • What to say birthday?best message for feel special?• What do I daughter on her Daughtermore than I to expect: to give more
my little thief!back since. You mean the to have your 20, an adult ready love, joy, and warmth. May your every year for you.as splendid as been a rough poem for your them live longer. Have a great what. Happy birthday, sweetie!
old you get; you will always always bringing bliss me to try and Daddy xthe most stylish
filled with all than you believe, stronger than you your love. May your birthday who radiates kindness Him to bless
know that you • Wishing you, my sweet, caring, smart, and beautiful daughter, a fun and stole my heart, and you haven't given it • Many happy returns
darling. Your kindness, gentleness, courage, and sweet nature heart.is so dear • Daughter, I hope you your age has count on me dating. I hope it lot like beacons, and daughters are
and my thoughts • Every moment spent • A daughter may your mother! Just kidding, but please know
coming year, Amenin the security my life has in my lifetime being mine. Happy Birthday darling, love from Mom
• A daughter is • You give us • Sending you love, hugs, and birthday cheer our precious gem worth far more happened to me.both survived! The moments of when I thought you were so this world has dreams and aspirations of such an your days are you are now, my daughter. I hope that can do about
given you. Today we celebrate are now, you have continuously feel so blessed than those of and Dad.just as special a funny, sweet, and caring daughter. You enrich my call you my of fails, find a silver • Happy Birthday to
their life, and I am are happy, I feel untold said “If daughters couldn't soften a past, you can't change it. Forget about the destined for a nothing will ever as brilliant as ray of sunshine. Thank you for • Happy Birthday To gotten that from be as awesome my daughter! One thing you
of your life our dearest daughter! We are so with all my My Beautiful Daughter! Sending lots of years to come.with the things you, who is special
so very precious the most precious be filled with your mom.need an ear all the nights of our family, and I hope my arms, I knew in your celebration is darling daughter! Have a wonderful
from Mom and to our face my beautiful daughter. May your day the queen you home from the and wish you straight to my my life was my baby girl. Happy belated (but just as resisting you getting for!greatest birthday celebration can't fix.
your every whim, and when I little girl on
some heartwarming greetings everything nice in me, and your love future holds for such an intelligent, fun, and caring person
• To My Loving • I have the my little champion!because you are. There is no • Happy Birthday my you are unhappy, it just breaks girl!because no other
a positive, charming, and absolutely adorable nothing will be of luck in be just as up has been day you could
you've taught me dreams and spreading • Happy Birthday Beautiful, dear [name], we're so thankful of what you very much!about you, so make sure
• Wishing my lovable, intelligent, fabulous daughter an just “Be True To just take a grateful that I out I will person you've become. Happy birthday to the years you've changed in come and go; and just like seems difficult right
be there with of bond that so much.heart.by too quickly. You are a over you.in the knowledge God's hand in • To my dear no one more
you deserve every like a Disney hope that your from Heaven.we hope you up to become to the glorious daughter so you
I love you on her special and Dad xlife, and always follow you today on of celebration and child is a son and grandchildren and cake.I was blessed sweet and loving your birthday brings you is one it look so
fortunate enough to life than I blessed with a life. Happy birthday!• Daughter, watching you grow see what you as my daughter. I am so life for you.heart and soul to be a beauty this day a better daughter is such an I laid eyes precious daughter you • You are loved
be filled with the year ahead. Amenher. We ask that her happy and happiest of birthdays.
What can I say to my daughter on her birthday?
possible. May your birthday know that when in life.passing year, you continue to • For My Beautiful a compassionate and your kindness and
How can I express my love to my daughter?
• Happy Birthday. You are the so very thankful you, my precious daughter, birthday wishes of carry your burdens as being my you. Happy birthday to the greatest moment
What do I wish for my daughter?
that the world daughter who has you are reaching wishes to my
How do I make my daughter feel special?
mist that lifts heart, and she calls
What is a unique way to wish happy birthday?
always be confident • Daughter, I wish only created. I am truly I am going life. Happy birthday to • Whenever I am you just a her as she • And here is to, I would go
What is the best message for birthday?
enough words in • What is the birthday?
What to say to your daughter on her 18th birthday?
on her 18th • What is the make my daughter
What to say to your daughter on her 19th birthday?
to my daughter?say to my
What to say to your daughter on her 20th birthday?
Wishes for your did, and to love know exactly what and love. Happy birthday to stole my heart, and you haven't given it and you’ll be ready begins! You are now is filled with of a wondrous
What is the best grown up happy birthday daughter quote?
because a daughter • Daughter, this may have a really nice have more of you no matter doesn't matter how me unconditionally. Thank you for because of you. You continually inspire
as you are. Love from Mommy the daughter with • Wishing you, my lovely daughter, a magical birthday • You are braver dazzle me with kind of person that you ask your daughter, and let her
my little thief!were born you me everyday.so quickly! Happy Birthday my place in my have together now has expired. Happy 18th Birthday, daughter!
start lying about curfew, you can always way home. Especially, when you are • Dads are a days with laughter heart.magnificent daughter.gotten that from and in the • Father God, on [daughter's name's] birthday and beyond, let her walk received. Your presence in ever been given lifelong friend'. Thank you for you, our beautiful daughter!
birthday, my dear daughter!loveliest daughter-in-law!our whole family. Happy birthday to that you are that has ever a teenage daughter, but luckily we • There were times only daughter, but that's just because most beautiful gifts birthday! May all your ourselves the parents adulthood and that
and bold as there's nothing you talents God has the hard-working teenager you • Every day we moments of happiness day! Love from Mom your birthday is to have such beyond proud to of copycats, be yourself. In a lifetime and happiness.
and happiness in sad, I am sad; and when you • Linda Weaver Clarke on her birthday: Forget about the that you are your best, I know that day be just feels dark, you are a
proud of you. Happy birthday, my angel!amazing woman. You must have growing up to • Happy Birthday to have the time • Happy Birthday to very special day. I love you • Happy Birthday To day and the that is filled • A daughter like watchful love.” And you are
• Margaret E. Sangster wrote “Our daughters are woman you've become. May your year old for girl's night with cream. If you ever • I still remember a beloved part held you in my daughter! I hope that one and only of joy! Lots of love bringing a smile
• Happy Birthday to treat you like you first came you so much Dad. Those words shot best moments of you forever as mentally I was could ever ask day! Wishing you the life lesson, there's nothing chocolate plan on indulging write to your child, then here are
be filled with me, your daring emboldens see what the out to be her. – Bethany Frankelyour room.)you cannot break. Happy birthday to on your birthday me. Happy birthday!life because whenever my perfect little you my daughter
• You are such strong, capable, and hard-working, I am sure only the best you. May your birthday world! Watching you grow have flown by. Just the other things in life. Over the years bundle of joy, Happy Birthday! Keep chasing your things in life.proud we are day. I love you daughter, Today is all poster.)
98 Degrees and lost in life life being so one-in-a-million. How I lucked proud of the • As you've grown over birthday, all things must • Even though life any worry, hope, or dream. I will always exceptional one; it's the kind daughter. I love you girl in my
you has gone hand and watches Him, and be encouraged be guided by moments.just be yourself, because there is and dreaming because • Daughter, you are just Daughter, HAPPY BIRTHDAY I our biggest blessing
special day and • You have grown my stress, anxiety, and worry! I look forward older, you have a amazing person and but the best year to come. Love from Mom
presence in your • May God bless daughter birthday wishes Woman whose first caring for our lots of presents so fortunate that • A daughter as an exceptional daughter, and I hope am loved by that perfect, but you make few people are purpose into my
day I was part of my are hoping for.over the years. I can't wait to to have you of an astounding life that doesn't include you. You fill my • At first, I wasn't sure how Daughter, Happy Birthday. Enjoy all the were born. I cannot imagine year because it from the moment and for the x
of a father.” May your birthday good things for everyone who knows daughter. Thank you for • To our daughter, wishing you the way, I never thought my life. I hope you happiness you deserve are today. And with each splendid daughter.you meet. You are such • The depth of
day, my dear!and I am • I send to turn to me, and I will life: friend, confidante, and muse. None as important as honest, beautiful, and intelligent as were born was the joy, love and happiness • To an amazing
achieve all that • Sending special birthday light through scattered who stole my throws your way, and may you life.I have ever of my lifetime lights up my and pieces!I might hate
inspire and encourage daughter!towards you, daughter. If I had • There are not birthday?on her 19th to your daughter
wish happy birthday?• How do I express my love • What can I • 225 Happy Birthday than I ever to expect, but now I filled with joy were born you years of education
• This year, your life truly with balloons, presents, and cake. More importantly, I hope it mark the start things are coming with “21”. Happy Birthday, daughter!to write you that people who
love and support know that it parent, and always love am today is be as special • Happy Birthday to loved than you'll ever know. – A.A. Milnedo.you, and you continually • You are the
your life and birthday prayer with joy and love. Happy birthday to • The day you the best in is flying by have a special I do. This time we inform you, but your childhood • The year you
it is past to light your as you are.joy. You fill my never outgrow your have such a loving person, daughter. You must have say she is: treasured, delightful, known and protected. Bless her today to it.
I have ever presents I have could use a day. Happy Birthday to that you do. Have an exciting the kindest and me but to diamond: brilliant, amazing, and flawless. You differ in the best thing
struggle of raising being awesome.my favorite daughter! Yes, you are my one of the a very happy proud to call and adventure into stay as gleeful you're my daughter. I laugh because all of the freckled toddler to tell you “I love you.” Happy birthday, my love!so many more
have a great count, and I hope short of delighted reckoned with, and I am • In the world of great health know only peace • When you are one.• To our daughter and caring, and I know
strive to do shining person. May your special • When my world easy to be into such an get older is yours!and intelligent woman. We hope you birthday, sweetheart!help celebrate this Dad x
for on this a lovely birthday on your birthday! Love from Momof our most love part covered!proud of the never be too and eating ice and love.you forever. You are such
• When I first • Happy Birthday to celebration of our amazing and full • Our beloved daughter, thank you for a.k.a. your parents!tiny little tyrant. Now, on your birthday, we get to • From the day know I love to call me • One of the
I could keep birthday, it's just that best daughter anyone on her special with chocolate! Here's a good
your birthday I that you could is still a daughter. May your birthday • Your curiosity inspires them in life. I'm excited to more and more. You have turned and I'm grateful for bags, we've rented out
cannot jump, and no barrier
to feel invincible if you need joy in your
to you. Happy birthday to
get to call you though!life. Since you are
• I wish you
lies ahead for you run the • Daughter, time seems to me so many • To our little all the best tell you how
and enjoy the
• To my sweet you didn't love them! (I remember that years. Think back to • Daughter, if you are rest of my as you are better. I couldn't be more
to come.
around the corner. Just like your hug.to me with daughter is an smartest and sweetest
remain a little
the aisle, my time with palm of His find comfort in that you will with love, laughter, and countless adorable • Daughter, always remember to
never stop wishing
and laughter. I love you…!• For my wonderful world. Happy Birthday, our dearest daughter. You are indeed of you. This is your parenthood. Of course, always with love!love for you. Also, the depth of
when you are
to come true! You are an you deserves nothing and a wonderful
comforted by His
your special day!• Sending my fun • Lucky is the birthday! Thank you for be filled with by, and I am for.
world. You are such
The Best Bible Verses to Include with Your Thank You Message to Your Daughter
• Knowing that I hard to be daughters, but only a
Joshua 1:9
more tenderness and world was the the most meaningful be everything you you have accomplished thankful I am herald the beginning can't imagine a
Psalm 28:7
your favorite things.• For My Wonderful am that you your birthday every • I loved you woman you are continued joy. Love from Daddy
the favorite symphony happy day today, and with many our family and of our precious are.
Colossians 3:14
touched in a and grace into you all the amazing woman you have such a
Isaiah 43:4
lives of everyone day!daughter. Have a great world to me a child.life's demands just many roles in
1 John 4:19
have a daughter • The day you ways – you deserve all
wonderful!much, and may you a promise, kept. – Ellen Hopkinsa rainbow – a curve of • There's this girl every problem life person in my
the greatest thing at the end of you, because your smile you to bits all: talent, spirit, and drive. Heck, if you weren't my daughter teenage daughter to
Deuteronomy 20:4
my truly loved that I feel quote?on her 20th to your daughter • What to say unique way to
daughter? |
On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to create a brand-new Office of Racial Equity (ORE) to break down racial disparities in the city policies and programs affecting issues like housing, health, education, employment, and the justice system.
The move follows on the heels of San Francisco, where officials have been working over the last six months to develop their own Office of Racial Equity.
Council President Herb Wesson introduced Tuesday’s motion, along with Councilmembers Mitch O’Farrell and Marqueece Harris-Dawson. Councilmember Paul Koretz seconded the motion.
Over the last several months, Wesson, O’Farrell, and Harris-Dawson partnered with Community Coalition, Advancement Project, and Revolve Impact, on a mission — called embRACE LA — to hold more than 150 conversations about race and inequality across the city. These conversations helped to inform the development of the ORE.
People attending these conversations answered survey questions about race and justice in LA. Survey respondents, for example, overwhelmingly supported the ORE, and a mere 21.5 percent reported that they agreed or strongly agreed that the city was an equitable and inclusive place for people of all races and ethnicities to live.
motion points out several examples of racial disparities that persist in Los Angeles — disparities that the ORE could work to disassemble. Black residents, for example, have the lowest median household income in LA. And mortgage lenders most frequently deny applications from Native Americans (27.3 percent). The motion also notes that a startling 41 percent of black transgender people in LA report having experienced homelessness at some point in their lives. And Asian Pacific Islanders who rent their homes, have the least amount of income ($601) left over every month after housing costs.
“The racial inequities that exist in Los Angeles are not accidental – they are the result of various historic, systemic, and socioeconomic factors, including biased and discriminatory government decisions, policies, and practices,” the motion says. “Throughout its history, many of L.A.’s decisions have excluded certain communities and populations and resulted in an inequitable distribution of opportunity, housing, and even justice.”
And because our local government had a hand in “creating and maintaining” those racially biased systems, now, it must “play a role in eliminating” those inequalities, according to the councilmembers.
The motion calls on the city’s Chief Legislative Analyst and the City Administrative Officer to report back to the council with a plan for establishing the ORE.
The motion directs the CLA and CAO to consult with those community groups involved with embRACE LA, and to examine similar offices in other jurisdictions.
The ORE will be tasked with using a Racial Equity Impact Tool and an Equitable Budgeting Tool to analyze the city’s current and future policies and programs. The office will also be required to identify and track key indicators of racial equity, and to put the resulting data in a dashboard and an annual report.
In cases where policies and programs are found to be exacerbating inequality, the new office will work to repair the harm done to communities and individuals of color, and also partner with city departments to fix those disparity-producing systems.
One of the goals of the ORE will also be to boost civic engagement among populations that are less likely to participate, by making civic participation more accessible. The ORE will “coordinate and facilitate trainings for residents in their communities to build their civic capacity, civic knowledge, and sense of political empowerment,” the motion says.
Additionally, the office will offer racial equity training to city staff members focused on issues like “the history of inequality and discrimination, systemic racism, implicit bias, the role of local government in racial equity and the current state of racial equity in Los Angeles.”
In order to ensure that the ORE is benefiting the communities that need it most, a Community Racial Equity Advisory Committee will advise the office and act as a community oversight body.
The city will achieve racial equity, says to Community Coalition, “when communities of color are prioritized with investment to right the injustices of decades of disinvestment – direct results of systemic racism and white supremacy.”
Image: Office of LA City Council President Herb Wesson.
Desperate Treatment From Law Enforcement Needs To Be Added 2 That List Mr. Wesson.
And 1, if you mean cops are “desperate” to try to deal with criminals, I agree with you. If you mean “disparate,” I would NOT agree with you.
In my experience, having worked custody and patrol for many years, cops generally treat everyone the same. It’s the BEHAVIOR of certain groups and cultures in committing crimes more often than others and responding to police aggressively when confronted, that is “disparate.”
Los Angeles, the County, the State and even the Country are quickly becoming less and less white. I wonder how long we’ll continue to blame whites for the inability of people of color to get ahead.
I think they will be able to milk out another full generation. Just look at what squad member Tlaib blamed on “white supremacism”: the New Jersey murders of Jews by Black supremacists. Say what??? Gaslighting is alive and well with the left.
@ LASD Apostle,
Your last paragraph speak volumes, the history of unacceptable behavior by the race of people began when European Whites came to this America which was inhabited by people of color.
The bad behavior of whites (not all) in this country towards P.O.C. (including systemic racism) did not happen overnight and neither will it end with overnight forgiveness by people of color with a handshake and bowed heads from white America.
Reverse this narrative and imagine people of color going to white countries and literally taking over by force, fear, lies and trickery. Something to think about when you bring the race conversation in it’s totality.
I do recognize that some people of color will use excuses and blame whites for everything adverse in their lives which is a tired song and dance.
And 1 is making the mistake of thinking this new bureaucracy is designed to actually do something about things like “systemic racism.” It isn’t, its a scam to give the city council political cover, and a way of doling out favors to “friendly” community leaders for endorsements and the like. Pretty much like Lee Baca’s Bishop Turner, except on a bigger scale and with a more respectable facade.
Btw, ideas like systemic racism as well as the other ridiculous terms thrown about in this story, are designed to be nonspecific and a bit vague. The people who use these terms want to leverage guilt without having to argue with someone defending themselves against the charge of racism. That way they get to make all sorts of baseless charges, without any real push back, Mr Wesson is a perfect example.
Another liberal, progressive excuse to funnel more money, under the guise of an allegedly much needed program, to protect and provide for the residents of the city.
It is amazing how the same people who claim to be fighting against the injustices of racism, discrimination etc., are the same individuals who continually keep these same subjects in the fore front.
If you are so inclined, look at news articles from across the nation of an officer involved shooting (i.e., white officer shots black man).
I meant disparate treatment, desperate was a typo…I know the make up of the Sheriffs Department and I also know who runs the show. I know custody, courts and patrol and have witnessed with my own eyes Disparate Treatment.
Certain groups respond to LE in certain ways because of how LE treats them. Certain groups are sentenced at higher rates because of color. Certain groups are convicted more times than not because they can’t afford a legal defense. Certain groups are granted better educations in certain areas than others. We can go on n on.
In response to your last sentence…..even when you get ahead individuals of power find a way to bring you down simply because you don’t follow their program.
We can debate unfair treatment n discrimination all day long, but unless you’ve lived it, seen it or dealt with it you will never know it’s pain.
When Race Out Of Place, Stops Being An Issue……Maybe People Of Color Will Have A Change Of Heart.
We all have opinions and I respect them all. But everyone has their own story. I have mine for many reasons that began many many many moons ago in the hood.
But just cause you rise above the hood, educate yourself n join LE, doesn’t mean they will accept you just as everyone else has been accepted.
BTW…..I have never blamed other individuals, I’ve used them as my motivation to get ahead. But in recent years they have reminded me that im still colored.
Anywayz, Happy Holidayz n God Bless America n LASD.
And 1 – So well said. Why do you think there is lack of funding to schools in colored neighborhood’s. This is systemic in terms of funding/ society. Villanueva and his posse keeps harping about money for a new prison. The prison will be filled with Black and Brown populations from lower socio- economic neighborhoods.
So yes this is systemic in large parts. It starts with funding programs in education/ technical schools / after school programs. We can either have these programs for a better more educated and productive society or spend the same money on jails/ incarcerations of Blacks and Latinos.
I bet there will be the same ol characters spewing womit to prove their concocted views. These people do not live in poor neighborhoods, and have every excuse to not live in them. But yes they do like their large LA County paychecks and benefits and off course their retirements which they live very well off with in places like Idaho/ Montana and the whitest parts of Texas.
So Blacks and Latinos here is the truth – and it will hurt. These same characters who talk about saving your communities do not like your kind. Their perception is that people from colored communities in LA County behave like animals. So they live in Torrance, Beach cities, the Hills of LA County ( Yes Villanueva, I’m talking about you ) and Orange County.
Dose of Reality – Do you really think the B.S you listen to on Fox is Gospel truth preached by Jesus.
Talk about Gaslighting the Country every day. I bet you like to listen to the whole Build a Wall. Mexicans are rapists and criminals shit spewed every minute.
Say what ????
I’m just a dreamer Mr. Kong, I’m just dreaming that some day my kids won’t have to face what I have faced in my life. I did better, so they may have better and yet we are back in the same situation.
But If I can make it out the hood, surely I can make it anywhere.
I’m sure the leftist, anti-Trump montras delivered hourly by MSNBC and CNN are so much more reliable. Go ahead and google “Tlaib deletes tweet” and you will see a ton of stories about her deleting the offending tweet.
@ And 1,
Truly and equally spoken.
Too little, too late from the little black Napoleon Herb Wesson. This is the man whose son has not had his rent increased for years because, as he said, his “father does business with the [building] owner.” This is the same Herb whose son is working, coincidentally, with one of the top awardees for pot licenses. The same Herb who redistricted the Koreans out of any political power. This is the same herb who has not met a high rise development he did not support. Until, of course, he is running for county supervisor and then he opposes one because “the people in the neighborhood would not be able to afford to live there.” What he meant is that black people cannot afford this one (because it is in a black community) and he is running for supervisor so now he “cares.” This was never an issue before his campaign, especially when such developments where Korea town where its brown and not black people getting priced out. This two-bit poverty pimp reminds me of the other black poverty pimp – Madame Maxine Waters. My “liberal” friends love them, so long as they don’t have to deal with the natives and they do not come into their neighborhoods.
The idea is great and needed, contrary to what what cowboy friends on the site think, but putting Herb on the front is a mistake and loses any kind of credibility one could have had. The man could care less about blacks and Latinos, except that he is running for office. He talks the talk, but he does not walk it. Of course, his boys are making a pretty penny.
Celeste, given your audience, you are throwing them red meat by putting this poverty pimp as the voice of such a movement.
BTW, I would love to be invited to one of those conversations with some of the fine gentlemen on this site. Maybe something good will come out of it.
Dose of Reality – Here is a dose for you – I bet you crave favorable headlines of BS mountain aka Fox opinion show ( NOT NEWS ) like a meth junkie, your impulsive behavior and mood swings would put it mildly while devouring on your ” Alt Right” fascination.
Blacks are 13% of the population and commit 85 % of the violent crime in the country. There is some racial imbalance for you.
Class 211 – Here are some stats for you. Whites are 75.6 % of the population and 94.2 % of pedophiles. Just stating the facts.
CF…I’m choking back my food as I agree with you (very hard to say) and your assessment of several political wheeler and dealers in the Black community. It’s clear that even within the Democratic party racism, classism, sexism and all the other nasty “….isms” do still exist. So many Black political leaders are akin to the proverbial “house worker” that has figured out a way to “get theirs” and ensure their own are taken care of while those who “work the field” are left to toil in their roles as the necessary underclass. How can you have a wealthy ruling class or middle class striving to be members of the ruling class, if you do not have a lower class to exploit and look down upon to make you feel better about your position in society? The path of good intentions are lined with gold but if someone along the path decides to put up a gate, claim it as their own and restrict access…we all know the outcome.
Democrats, Republicans, Progressives, Liberals, Conservatives, Socialists, Anarchists, Communists….all ideological names that at the end of the day become “twisted, perverted and deviate from their true definitions” in practice. The reason…people. Imperfect inhuman beings will lie, cheat, steal abuse power and try to get over on their fellow man. Oh…this phenomena is not relegated to one race, gender, ethnic group, religious, orientation, etc, etc. either.
I can remember back in the day The Watts Labor Community Action (WLCAC) headed by the late Ted Watkins actually using government monies (post-riot) to train and put folks to work in the community. Not to say WLCAC was not without issues, but at least you saw tangible results in the communities and people from the community were given real opportunities.
Oh..the individual who mentioned the statistics about Blacks and violent crimes, I think the jail/prison population in California is mostly Hispanic. So what’s your point? There are many poor whites locked up too but they are still more likely to be given the “benefit of the doubt” by a sympathetic judicial system and receive lighter sentences when convicted.
@ shit show. Not sure if it’s that high but you are probably close. Whites also are the majority of serial killers with blacks running strong second. I think the reason whites are more prevalent when it comes to sexual attraction to children is due to in breeding in 1700’s and 1800’s in the south. The big advances in DNA studies is shining light on why certain groups commit certain crimes. Going to be interesting how society handles the advances in human DNA in coming years.
CF, for once you are dangerously close to sounding rational.
@Shit show- Do you have a link or a source for those facts? It’s not that I dont believe you, it’s just when statements like that are said, I like to see proof of the studies.
Class 211- Do you have a link or source that show those stats?
We can argue about the reasons for these facts, but not about the facts themselves. There are likely several reasons, not the least of which is a culture that emphasizes hatred and defiance for any authority, but particularly police.
“A 2011 study of California and New York arrest data,” she (Heather MacDonald) writes, led by Darrell Steffensmeier, a criminologist at Pennsylvania State University, found that blacks commit homicide at eleven times the rate of whites and robbery at twelve times the rate of whites. Such disparities are repeated in city-level data. In the 75 largest county jurisdictions in 2009, blacks were 62 percent of robbery defendants, 61 percent of weapons offenders, 57 percent of murder defendants, and 50 percent of forgery cases, even though blacks are less than 13 percent of the national population.”
LASD Apostle…..happy holidays. Ask your black friend (the 1) if any…..why he or his family don’t like law enforcement, I guarantee there is a reason. I grew up having my own reasons and in the last 3 years my dislikes have grown.
Those statistics would be different if these same groups in these poverty stricken neighborhoods were given the same opportunities as others.
Hell I know 8% of 10,000 sworn that are still not receiving equal opportunities even though they made it out of poverty n the hood.
This Great America as some of you call it, wasn’t built for everyone to succeed.
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And 1, if you mean whites who fall below the poverty line, there are TWICE as many as poor blacks. There are more Hispanics below the poverty line than blacks and Native Americans are, by far, poorer than blacks. Yet none of these groups commit crimes anywhere near the level of blacks.
Instead of arguing about facts and perpetually playing the victim, black leaders should try to come up with ways to change the situation.%.
I see who lives in poverty when I take a drive every Sunday to church as I leave the burbs and head to the hood. I see the difference in the housing, the roads, the conditions of the schools etc etc etc.
The top 3 on the list were all stepped on and are continuing to be stepped on by the powers that be.
The native americas they put on reservations, the African Americans they put in the projects and Hispanics in barrios. No jobs, poor education, drugs and alcohol, etc etc etc.
When individuals are backed into corners with no way out, they will fight to survive by any means necessary. Everyone has a choice, blah blah blah. Well even when you make the right choice, at some point in your life your reminded that your still from the projects, a barrio and belong incarcerated on a reservation.
Im gonna just keep dreaming that someday we will all be equal and free.
Where do “you guys” come up with this “Black Leaders” line in every conversation concerning blacks? Last time I checked, America is one nation ,under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
For all, takes on a different narrative when “you guys” put your spin on it.
We are all equal and free, except for our starting point in life. Some are born on third base and act like they hit a triple. Some are the engine of their own destruction, but they will always blame the man for keeping them down. Most lie in between, getting out of life what they put into it.
All is NOT equal. After your dreams are over, wake up.
Keep Dreaming, your screen name fits you well. You truly have turned a blind eye to the reality in society.
The above video is about privilege, check it out and stay blessed.
Good point. Well, well. I don’t have a black leader or do I need someone to voice my opinions as a black man in America. However, From what I’ve learned (and I’m still growing and learning), “Community Leader” was a terminology amplified during the Civil Rights movement when Martin Luther King was given that label by Southern whites who didn’t want to deal with Malcolm X. It was also a time where various church pastors were also highly regarded as community leaders during the 20+ years Tom Bradley was the Mayor of LA. It was usually these leaders who spoke up on behalf of the black community about issues of arrest, murder investigations, bail, juvenile delinquency, college education, jobs, housing, employment, banking, small business loans, political alliance, and police brutality, because their was little to no people of color representing the black struggle at the state level or in law enforcement. Affirmative Action was a big part of getting many black kids into college other than getting an athletic scholarship to play football, basketball, or run track. Affirmative Action opened up doors of opportunity that would not have occurred if enacted by Congress. Many universities and industries benefited from a rich pool of talented, bright, educated blacks Who eventually became engineers, doctors, professors, teachers, bankers,, county , state and government workers. But, that was in the 60’s, 70’s, and into the 90’s. Race relations was a problem still, but it was on a slow path in a positive direction. (Especially in Los Angeles). Fast forward: once The Honorable Clarence Thomas was elected to the USA Supreme Court, and his vote lead to the demise of Affirmative Action; many Fortune 500 companies, financial institutions, and major universities (UCLA & University of Michigan were one of the first universities to say they will not use affirmative action for college admissions) etc. must have thrown their hands in the air as to say, Thank You; we don’t have to accept them any more. But prior to that deadly vote in the Supreme Court, other groups with their savvy attorneys adopted Affirmative Action for their own cause and agenda and began to water down the initial purpose of why affirmative action was created in the first place. So here we are in 2020 where the opportunities for young black and brown kids are systematically left out of many possibilities of any legal economic gratification due to doors being slammed in their faces, they grew up on the wrong side of the freeway, or they didn’t attend the $60,000/ year private high school. Part-time jobs at McDonald or Burger King use to be jobs for high school kids or kids working their way through college. Now they are career jobs where people have to have in order to raise their families. I believe California state colleges and universities ( which our tax dollars pay for) have a non-published dotted red circle of public high schools in selected impacted communities where a graduating seniors 4.0 GPA is only valued as a “C”. We all know about the SAT test. So, many of these students are left with nowhere to go and the temptation of fast illegal money becomes more attractive. During the mid to late 80’s, Gaston Green, former running back at UCLA wanted to protest the unfair treatment of black athletes as well as the low number of black student admission who weren’t on athletic scholarship. He understood the importance of opportunity given kids from low income communities. As time went on, the overall impact of lack of opportunities was heightened by increased racism in education, jobs offered, housing, healthcare and law enforcement. This systemic racism is part of America’s DNA and has been subconsciously passed down generation after generation. When I first walked into a business meeting at my job, I was black first without the initial consideration of my education , knowledge and skills. Yes, I’ve been blessed. But it hurts when I see great potential in others who don’t get a fair opportunity. And yes, I’ve been stopped by cops because of driving in a flashy car or I’ve been stopped and questioned while jogging on my block. I grew up in the 60’s, during the civil rights movement, Watts Riots, Black panther party, EOP program for minority students enrolling in the California State University system and benefited from financial aid because I was on a football team. I teach my kids that an education is your key to success. It won’t guarantee instant job offers but a degree gives you a better opportunity to make a respectable living while traveling through this life’s journey.
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1 Module overview
1.1 Introduction, aims and summary of content
Welcome to the Auditing in Context Module. This is a core module for the BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance, which is an ACCA-accredited course. Students successfully completing the Level 5 and Level 6 Audit modules will be eligible to claim exemption from ACCA paper F8 Audit and Assurance
The module runs over one semester and this module study guide is designed to give you an understanding of the module, its aim and intended outcomes, how these outcomes can best be achieved and how they are assessed.
It will require hard work on your part but hopefully you will find it interesting and rewarding.
If having read this study guide, the course handbook and the University student handbook there is anything about the module or how it fits into the course which you do not understand then contact me sooner rather than later.
Aims of the module:
To enable students to demonstrate understanding of auditing principles and regulation in the context of business organizations in the UK and to apply audit procedures in a variety of simple practical situations.
What to expect from your tutor 1. Guidance and support Your tutor will provide you with academic guidance and will help you reflect on your academic progress so that you get the most out of your studies. Your tutor and student support team will also provide advice on the wider network of specialist student support services at the University to help you have the best possible experience during your studies.
2. Confidentiality Some information may be sensitive. Although it may be necessary to consult colleagues, University staff will treat such information as confidential and will limit disclosures to the minimum necessary.
3. Assessment marks and summative feedback Assessment marks and summative feedback will be given within 3 working weeks from the assessment submission deadline.
Module Study Guide template – May 2019 5
What is expected of you as a tutee 1. Engagement You are expected to attend all the classes and seminars and be punctual. You will get the most out of your support by working in partnership with your tutor and student support team. This is a two-way process and by taking part in it fully you will gain more benefits from your experience at the University. You are therefore, expected to actively participate and engage in class activities and inform the tutor by e-mail when and if you are unable to attend any classes.
2. Preparation You are expected to read any preparation material / attempt any practice questions prior to lectures/seminars as per instructions given.
3. Professional conduct You are expected to behave professionally in classes and not cause any disruption that might affect other students’ learning. You are also expected to communicate with your tutors in a professional manner.
4. Attempt all assessments You are expected to attempt all assessments by the submission deadline unless there are extenuating circumstances (in which case please contact your Course Leader for extension request or mitigation claim prior to the assessment deadline).
Summary of Content:
• Nature Purpose and scope of auditing • Stages of an audit • Regulatory framework • Guide to professional ethics • Acceptance and initial procedures • Substantive testing and audit procedures • Evidence and working papers • Audit risk and business risks • Audit of assets and liabilities • True and Fair view, and materiality • Audit Reports • Auditor and the Companies Act
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1.2 Learning outcomes to be assessed
On completion of the module students should be able to: LO1. Demonstrate ability to identify audit approaches and procedures, which are appropriate to a range of business situations. LO2. Display detailed knowledge of the principles of internal control evaluation and the audit of statement of financial position areas. LO3. Critically review arguments and investigate contradictory evidence LO4. Critically review the significant that proposals for change in the regulation of auditing would have LO5. Identify the critical elements of auditing problems and specify the audit work required for their solution LO6. Communicate effectively in an appropriate format to shareholders and management..
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Assessment task:
1. Mainbrace Ltd is a book publisher and retailer which trades online. The company was formed using a kit bought from a legal stationer, start-up capital was provided by the major shareholder. Bertie Bracewell’s father, another friend and co-owner Angela Main also provided some capital. Bertie’s father owns ten per cent of the company but doesn’t take part in any activities. When it was set-up Angela and Bertie didn’t want to get too tied up in paperwork so they put on the forms that Bertie’s father and Angela’s mother, who just signed the form because she was asked to, were the first directors. Since it started the company has done exceptionally well and, some 18 months after it started up it is now turning over approximately a million pounds per month, employs 60 people in three offices and has recently entered into a contract to buy a huge distribution warehouse valued at over £5m. The company has Angela and Bertie to run the business and make all the decisions between them, with occasional advice from the company accountant Ron Whistler. He produces monthly management accounts but the company has never had an audit and has never filed any accounts with the Registrar of Companies. Ron is getting a little concerned, particularly as he has just received an envelope from ‘Companies House’. He daren’t open it because he thinks it will be bad news.
Discuss (a) What provisions of the Companies Act are Bertie, Angela and Mainbrace not complying with? (12 Marks) (b) What should they do as a matter of urgency to correct the situation? (12 Marks) Total Marks Part 1 (24 Marks)
2. Cicero Ltd has now realised that it needs to improve its financial records and send some accounts to Companies House. So far it has managed with a series of spreadsheets devised by the company accountant, Eric Chopper, who is not a qualified accountant, which records incoming cash and cheques, payments and outstanding invoices. There are no ledgers and no double entry system. Eric does, however, reconcile his bank spreadsheets with the bank statements each month. He claims that all the company needs to know to run the business is how much money is in the bank. The business consists of four small supermarkets and two clothes shops. The company has never prepared audited accounts, even though it has traded for three years. Inventory count sheets are thrown away as they are only rough counts. Discuss: (c) What does Cicero Ltd need to do to rectify the situation? (16 marks) (d) Who is responsible for ensuring this is properly dealt with? (2 Marks) (e) By improving the position of Cicero Ltd, what advantages will this bring? (12 Marks) (f) Why might Eric Chopper not be keen to rectify the position? (6 Marks)
Total Marks Part 2 (36 Marks)
3. Both Mainbrace and Cicero have realized that things cannot go on as they are. They have approached audit firm Tickitt & Run who have agreed to act and are currently setting up a meeting with each company to explain the legal and audit situation.
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Discuss: (g) What will be the key points Tickitt & Run will have to explain about auditing standards? (7 Marks) (h) How will Financial Reporting Standards, broadly, affect these businesses? (16 Marks) (i) How would you go about explaining to entrepreneurial management the need for all auditing and accounting rules?(7 Marks)
Total Marks Part 3 (30 Marks)
4. 10 marks are allocated for presentation and referencing. Please make sure that your work is clearly presented without any grammatical mistakes and it has been spell checked. Harvard referencing should be followed throughout your assignment (10 Marks)
Total Marks for assignment (100 Marks)
Important Information.
1. Word count: Maximum word count 1500 words
2. Pass mark and weighting of the assignment: To pass the assignment you need a mark of at least 40%. The assignment carries a 40 % weighting towards your final mark for the module. To pass the module you must achieve a mark of at least 35% in both assessments.
3. Hand in date: All assignments must be submitted on turnitin by the due date. Any late submissions will be subject to the penalties laid out below. Work handed in up to 5 days late will be awarded a maximum of 40 %. Work handed in after that will be given zero.
4. Student support: At the end of each seminar, there will be 10 minutes to discuss any problems or ambiguities in the assignment with the group.
5. Feedback: Each assignment will include written feedback. In addition there will be feedback session in class.
6. Plagiarism: The software checks assignments against other assignments as well as articles and internet sources so your assignment must not be too similar to other students’ assignments as well as not being too closely extracted from articles and on-line sources.
Important tip: You can submit drafts through turnitin and view the “originality report” which will indicate the similarity your assignment has with other sources.
(This report normally takes an hour or two to be generated and sometimes longer so you should plan to return at a later time or the next day and not expect instant feedback)
If the report indicates your draft is not sufficiently original you can redraft it and resubmit it and view the revised report. You can if necessary repeat this process as many times as you like up until the due date. You cannot submit through Turnitin after the due date
Module Study Guide template – May 2019 10
For guidance on online submission of assignments, including how to submit and how to access online feedback, please refer to the UWL Blackboard Student-help page at:
We have academic skills workshops almost every week. If you require English support please make an appointment with Katherine at [email protected].
You may find some useful English writing tips as below: RITING.pdf
Each assignment will include a written feedback via Blackboard. In addition, individual feedback will be given upon request or where I feel it is required.
Module Study Guide template – May 2019 11
Grading Scheme
Marks are allocated accordingly to the requirements.
Grade Band
Extent of achievement of criteria (to be interpreted against level requirements)
0-9% Very poor or no knowledge or understanding demonstrated Unable to analyse data or meaningless analysis performed No ability to organize data Cannot evaluate data or evidence. Unable to identify relevance or significance. Unable to identify problem Very poor communicating in any format 1019% Poor understanding of basic concepts and terminology Almost totally unconvincing analysis or of very little relevance Handles information in a totally confusing manner Unreasoned and frequently incorrect evaluation of evidence. Wrong techniques used. Identifies problem but no meaningful method applied to solve Communicates poorly in all formats 2029% Unsatisfactory understanding of basic concepts and terminology Unclear analysis. Some relevance but not very meaningful. Some ability to collect and present data but no ability to use purposefully Poor reasoning and often faulty, evaluation of evidence. Failure to identify the relative significance of arguments. Some randomness in techniques used. Methods selected are inappropriate or wrongly applied to problem Unsatisfactory communication in any format 3039% Limited understanding of basic concepts and terminology Some relevant and meaningful analysis but inconsistent and incomplete Can present data and information but limited ability to use purposefully Appropriate techniques used but inadequate reasoning and identification of significance Problem identified but limited ability to select and apply methods for its solution May communicate reasonably clearly in one format but limited communication skills in other required formats 4049% Adequate understanding of basic concepts and terminology Analysis is sufficiently clear and meaningful and mostly relevant Can organise data and information in a manner which enables adequate (purposeful -level 1; creative –levels 2&3) use Appropriate techniques used and acceptable reasoning behind evaluation of evidence
Module Study Guide template – May 2019 12
Able to identify and solve straightforward problems at a given level. Acceptable communication in all required formats
Good understanding of basic concepts and terminology Clear, meaningful and relevant analysis using appropriate methods Clear ability to organise and make (purposeful -level 1; creative –levels 2&3) use of data and information. Selects appropriate methods and gives clearly reasoned evaluation of evidence. Can choose and apply appropriate methods to solve standard problems Clear communication in a variety of formats
Very good understanding of basic concepts and terminology Analysis shows insight and is always relevant using most appropriate methods Ability to (categorise -level 1; reformat –level 2; transform –level 3) ideas and information towards a given purpose in a very clear and (useful-level 1) creative manner Uses most appropriate methods and evaluates in a logical and critical manner. Can identify and define a problem and solve using most appropriate method. Effective communication in a variety of formats
Excellent understanding of basic concepts and terminology Chooses and handles analytic tools excellently to provide very clear insight Ability to (categorise -level 1; reformat –level 2; transform –level 3) ideas and information towards a given purpose in a strongly (usefullevel 1) creative way Excellent use of evaluative tools. Highly logical reasoning and criticism. Confidently solves complex problems Can communicate and report at the level of a professional
Outstanding understanding of basic concepts and terminology Able to select most appropriate of any required method and produce superb analysis Ability to (categorise -level 1; reformat –level 2; transform –level 3) ideas and information towards a given purpose with outstanding (usefulness –level 1) creativity Selects most appropriate tools and can critically evaluate contradictory arguments in a highly reasoned way. Defines complex problem and selects most appropriate method for solution. Very effective communication in appropriate formats at a professional level
90100 %
Near perfect understanding of basic concepts and terminology Always selects most appropriate method to produce superbly clear and insightful analysis Ability to (categorise -level 1; reformat –level 2; transform –level 3) ideas and information towards a given purpose with superb (usefulness –level 1) creativity Always selects most appropriate tools and can critically evaluate
Module Study Guide template – May 2019 13
contradictory arguments in a highly reasoned and impartial way Always able to solve complex problems in most appropriate way. Superb communication skills always in most appropriate format
Under UWL’s policy, work handed in up to 7 days late will be awarded a maximum of 40%. Work handed in after that will be given to ZERO mark. You will have to seek the approval from course leader for extension of time for submission. Module leader and tutor has no authority to approve for any time extension.
Assessment 2 (Weighting 60%)
Examination – Closed book exam – 2 Hours plus 10 minutes reading time
Date of exam will be announced by the University Exams Unit.
• LO4. Critically review the significant that proposals for change in the regulation of auditing would have.
• LO5. Identify the critical elements of auditing problems and specify the audit work required for their solution
• LO6. Communicate effectively in an appropriate format to shareholders and management.
Grading criteria
First 2:1 2:2 Fail 70% and above 60% – below 70% 40% – below 60% Below 40%
Module Study Guide template – May 2019 14
2.3 Learning materials
The reading list for this module is available on Blackboard in the module area or by searching. This shows real-time availability of books in the library and provides direct links to online resources, recommended by your lecturer. Remember to log into Blackboard daily to receive all the latest news and support available at your module sites! Subject guides () are also available to help you find relevant information for assignments, with contact details of the Academic Support Librarian for your School.
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3 Things you need to know
3.1 Attendance
Attendance is crucial for your success as a student. Over the years, it has become clear that there is a very clear link between students’ attendance levels and their module marks, so please make sure you give yourself the best possible chances for success through attending your classes, seminars and tutorials. You are expected to attend all forms of learning activity associated with your course of study regularly, and to engage in your course as required by the University’s Attendance and Engagement Monitoring Policy. Attendance is monitored using student-card swipe data so please always remember to ‘touch-in’ with your ID card for each class you attend. This may also affect your scholarships, so don’t forget to tap in! International students on a Tier-4 visa have additional requirements in relation to attendance, which are detailed in the Attendance and Engagement Monitoring Policy. All students should refer to the published Attendance and Engagement Monitoring Policy – – and if your course is accredited by a professional body, also to specific course requirements. 3.2 If things don’t go to plan
The University recognizes that there are times when you may encounter difficulties during your course of study and provisions are made to help you. In all cases, you should speak to your Personal Tutor/Module Leader and seek advice as soon as possible. If you think you need a little more time past the original deadline, you can approach your Module Leader for a 10-day extension initially. If an extension is not sufficient and your circumstances have prevented you from submitting on time then you may for instance be able to apply for mitigation. You are encouraged to seek advice from the Students’ Union Advice Service who can support you. Click the link and go to the ‘advice’ section: Please refer to the University Academic Regulations for further guidance on extensions and mitigation: If you fall below the pass mark or fail to submit to all elements or part of a module’s assessments, you will be required to do a resit, normally at the next opportunity. Resits do not involve re-enrolment and attendance at classes. Failure of a resit means you are required to retake the module. Retakes involve re-enrolment, attendance, payment of tuition fee and completion of all elements of the module, and the submission of all assessments. If your course is accredited by a Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) certain rules may apply to you; please check this with your Course/Module Leader. Please refer to the University’s Academic Regulations for further guidance; see If your course is accredited by a professional body, the module requirements outlined in the above document will specify the elements of assessment that must be passed, those that must be taken, and those that are optional. The relevant Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) rules also
Module Study Guide template – May 2019 16
apply in such cases. You are reminded that the University applies penalties to students who commit an academic offence, in which case the Academic Offences Regulations will be used to deal with any cases of academic misconduct including examination offences, plagiarism and other means of cheating to obtain an advantage. If you have an issue or complaint about the module, you should speak to your Module Leader, Tutor.
3.3 for academic advice in relation your studies and your academic development. Apart from the University-wide support framework, which encompasses the Module Leaders, Course Leader, the Subject Librarian and your Course Administrator, you will also have at your disposal the UWL Engagement Team. The Engagement Team offers Academic Skills Workshops throughout the year, helping you to develop skills relevant to your degree. Workshops include for instance Essay Planning and Writing; Critical Thinking; Reflective Writing; Group Work and Presentation Skills. Contact the Engagement Team at: [email protected] Maths Support, English Language support and One-to-one academic support opportunities are also available. For information about all these services go to the Engagement Team’s website –
3.4: Email: [email protected] Tel. 0208 231 2345.
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3.5. |
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- Skyrocketing labor rates, material costs, healthcare costs and overall economic inflation will continue to drive sharp increases in loss cost trends.
- Regardless of the line of business, the underlying exposure basis used in rating policies has been generally depressed the last two years due to the pandemic. As various civil authority and government restrictions begin to wane and the population begins to return to some semblance of normal activity, exposures will increase, as will losses.
- Global socioeconomic risk factors have worsened since our last report as have concerns surrounding an economic recession. Both risks create an environment whereby insurers are proactively positioning themselves to withstand such headwinds. Simply translated, while rates may not be increasing at the same level we experienced in 2020 and 2021, they are still increasing.
- Selective deployment of capital in the form of policy limits in exchange for premium, has arguably never been greater. Major carriers are exiting complete lines of business while others are looking to thread the needle and avoid certain classes, lines, geographies, or perils. Such actions continue to push more business from admitted markets to the E&S and Specialty marketplace.
- Despite new capital continuing to enter the marketplace, which generally reduces rate, the voids created by long term participants reconsidering their product offerings has not had such an impact.
- Not all carriers are created equal, whether you look at service standards, appetite, or rating, as well as both short- and long-term objectives. No truer is this statement than in the massive changes taking place in the Personal Lines and Property markets in the Gulf coast and Southeast states. Governor DeSantis recently issued a proclamation calling the state legislature back for a special session in May to “address the states troubled insurance market.”
- Rating agencies are doing their part acting as watchdogs with organizations such as Demotech taking appropriate actions with the likes of Fed National while A.M. Best has placed carriers “under review.” The underlying credit worthiness and size of the Insurer you consider have never been more important as we see increases in both frequency and severity of claims.
As previously reported, a broad position on the topic is not possible as so many factors require consideration. Line of business, location of risk, loss history, insured commitment to risk mitigation, changes in exposure and incumbency will be applied. Generally speaking, insureds need to assist us in developing distinguishing factors that separate them from the pack and deem them more desirable. One means of such a result is preparation of thorough submissions with detailed content answering any and all questions—leaving nothing to speculation.
While non-CAT property, loss free liability and accounts with a strong tenure of performance will enjoy preferred benefits, they too are not immune from rate increases. Business Insurance recently reported that Q1 commercial composite insurance rate was 6% compared with 5.8% for the final quarter of 2021. They further reported that small and medium size enterprises enjoyed a more favorable rate environment than large or jumbo insureds.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, certain segments or classes remain extremely challenging, including Transportation, Habitational and Construction. From a line of business (LOB) view, Cyber and Property lead the parade with the most significant rate increases.
Capacity tightened for many Carriers on the ever-important April 1 reinsurance renewals but remained “manageable” as recently reported by a leading industry news provider. It was further reported that a wide range of rates were evident in Property CAT renewals based primarily on loss experience and overall profile of the cedent, however rates were in line with that of last quarter as reported January 1st. Does this signal stabilization in Property CAT reinsurance rates? Only time will tell as we gear up for the June 1st unofficial start of CAT season.
In general, capacity is not an issue with sufficient capital available to deploy aggregate or limits as needed. As discussed throughout this report, it is important to underscore the extremely selective nature of Insurers who are demanding quality submissions with thorough details allowing them to prudently quote opportunities. As previously reported in this publication, only clients securing market capacity need be concerned as total available limits may be less than previously enjoyed. However, let there be no mistake, Insurers will decline unfavorable risks reserving their capacity for better quality opportunities.
We delve into the broad categories of capacity relative to Casualty, Property and Professional as follows:
- Willis Towers Watson advised that casualty remains plentiful with aggregate capacity increasing sharply as compared to early 2020. Legacy carriers are again utilizing more of their available capacity on excess layers for clients buying substantial limits.
- Property capacity remains generally intact with Carriers aggressively underwriting to stricter standards surrounding valuations that are based on current modeling and data to support accuracy. As use of third-party underwriting data and technology continues to ramp up, Carriers are becoming increasingly selective on deployment of aggregate based on geography, occupancy, protection, and construction of the assets. This holds true within both commercial and personal lines with only the best risks favored.
- The many various lines of business that comprise the broad category of Professional Liability generally have sufficient capacity. Each line of business has unique nuances requiring deeper analysis to comment on capacity more acutely. Suffice it to say, Cyber Liability, public entity D&O and Employment Practices Liability are among the most challenging lines of business with capacity reserved for best-in-class insureds who demonstrate a commitment to sound risk management standards.
- Carriers continue to tighten terms and conditions in an aim to further insulate balance sheet volatility. Liability policies are experiencing exclusions or in some instances sub-limits to manage what they consider extreme exposures such as claims arising from wildfires, sexual misconduct/molestation, assault & battery, communicable disease, PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances), and more. First party policies such as Property are attempting to restrict coverage based on building materials used such as Exterior Insulation Finishing System (EIFS).
- Coinsurance clauses require special attention, particularly on Property policies as recent economic and supply chain issues as discussed elsewhere in this report are significantly impacting valuations. The standard of applying historical industry accepted factors to trend with inflation are no longer valid due to a “white-hot” personal real estate market and a commercial real estate industry that is poised with a positive outlook as recently stated by J.P. Morgan. Exacerbating these real estate market conditions are increased reconstruction costs resulting in close scrutiny to ensure proper valuation.
- Various deductibles can apply on any given policy based on the triggering event or peril, often times with many deductibles to be considered based on underlying circumstances. For example, convective storm deductibles may now apply in any given state when it did not previously.
Startups / Expanded Appetite:
While we have not seen the flurry of new market entrants’ year to date as we have the last few years, that is not to say that new capacity is stagnant, quite the contrary. Carriers such as Hartford are eagerly pursuing a larger portion of the non-admitted marketplace as are peers such as Chubb, Liberty Mutual and Travelers to name a few.
Further, development of new hybrid style InsurTech – MGA/MGU platforms continue to evolve at a fast pace. In many instances, these organizations heretofore have been relatively unknown, however they are becoming more prevalent in making a name for themselves and inroads into the specialty marketplace. Additionally, use of parametric solutions to fulfill balance sheet protection of insureds is becoming more common and, in our opinion, will increase as the industry becomes more familiar and comfortable with this relatively new form of risk transfer.
Contributor: Paul G. Smith, Corporate Senior Vice President, Carrier Relations, H.W. Kaufman Group
Our industry leading subject matter experts dissected the marketplace and provided insights on the Burns & Wilcox P&C Market Outlook: Q2 2022 webinar, hosted April 13, 2022.
Inflationary pressures across all markets and the forthcoming catastrophic storm season are two areas of concern. Both could limit new policy growth and keep rates elevated. Underwriters will remain highly selective in most areas, ensuring that only thorough submissions that include statistical data and contextual details will be considered in such a competitive market.
Some carriers are exiting the Personal Insurance, Healthcare and Transportation markets. Other carriers in the London market and elsewhere are picking up the slack by providing capacity. Pandemic-related challenges like deferred care and staffing in healthcare have rebounded, while modeling technologies in Personal Insurance and telematics in Transportation provide broker partners with the data needed to help carriers remain in a position to pay claims.
As always Burns & Wilcox is prepared and ready to support its broker partners with domestic and international capacity reserved for its clients.
Below, our experts provide further guidance, delving deeper into specific areas with advice and outlook.
Personal Insurance:
Market dynamics occur on an ongoing and regular basis within the Personal Insurance space, but one of the biggest news items last quarter was that Lexington Insurance Company announced their decision to discontinue their Personal Lines Non-Admitted Program business. This is the latest in a series of blunt reminders of the hard market that is prevalent in the Personal Insurance space.
The Burns & Wilcox Personal Insurance Practice Group continues to deliver market access and expertise to our partner agents and brokers. We just concluded a series of positive meetings with our London markets and will maintain a high level of property capacity. This is a result of our strong underwriting results, recognized reputation and long-standing partnerships in the Lloyd’s marketplace.
In addition, partnering with our sister company, Atain Specialty Insurance, an A.M. Best Rated “A” IX company, other domestic carriers, and our London Syndicates, we will continue to provide innovative solutions and exclusive programs for our retail agents.
Unfortunately, catastrophic events do not appear to be slowing down. There were 20 multi-billion-dollar CAT events in 2021, and models are predicting an even higher number in 2022. Not only are the number of events increasing, but so is the severity of damage—especially from wildfires and hurricanes. Wildfires last longer, cover more acreage and are happening in more states than ever before. Tornadoes and related convective storms have traditionally been an issue for the midwestern U.S. and the Plains, however they are happening more frequently in the South and Northeast.
When insurance carriers determine adequate rate and terms for handling these events, you see two categories emerge—primary and secondary perils. Primary perils, like hurricanes, are well modeled and more understood. Secondary perils, like flooding and wildfire, do not have as sophisticated modeling, making it more difficult to predict and set accurate rates.
Even well modeled events like hurricanes can be erratic. Hurricane Ida caused extensive inland damage in August and September 2021, long after it had left the Gulf of Mexico. Normally hurricanes dissipate quickly once they make first contact with land, but Ida proved to be an outlier that could become the norm.
When looking at Demotech rated insurers, the unpredictable nature of Hurricane Ida was really the straw that broke many of these organizations’ backs. In the coastal market, the long-term objective is to collect enough premium in non-CAT loss years to offset CAT loss years. Over time however, coastal markets became inundated with insurers singularly rated by Demotech, many of which offered premiums that were underpriced, giving them an unfavorable attritional loss even before hurricane activity rolled in. With the increasing number of CAT events over the last few years, many of these carriers are now insolvent.
Burns & Wilcox and its carrier partners, however, share the same goal of long-term viability and success. Our Personal Insurance Practice Group works only with carriers that have financial stability as determined by rating agencies such as A.M. Best, and we have developed procedures to ensure markets remain profitable even in the face of many challenges.
Labor shortages, material shortages and inflationary pressures are also impacting the market, especially in the area of reconstruction costs. Steel prices are up 28 percent, lumber up 84 percent and plywood has risen by 130 percent since the pandemic, meaning insureds are at a higher risk of being underinsured and carriers are paying out more on average for each claim. This is causing carriers to be more demanding with the minimum value of insurance they will write. Insured to value is almost as important as rate today. Even in this tough environment however, Burns & Wilcox can help insure all properties up to 100 percent replacement cost as determined by accredited inspection vendors.
As we look to the remainder of the second quarter, rates, while they will remain high, will start to stabilize. Terms will also remain tight, however they too should start to stabilize.
For more information, click here to view our Personal Insurance video highlight.
Contributor: Bill Gatewood, Corporate Senior Vice President, National Personal Insurance Practice Leader, Burns & Wilcox, Detroit/Farmington Hills, Michigan
Commercial P&C Insurance:
We continue to see rate increases and tightening of capacity in Commercial lines. In conjunction with rate increases, markets continue to push more restrictive terms and conditions and are even willing to walk away if not agreed. As Insurers remain selective in accepting risks through diligent underwriting, there is no better time to engage one of our specialist brokers with deep relationships and expertise allowing them to secure the best terms and conditions possible for our retail partners.
Despite adequate capacity in the marketplace, market appetite is limited in certain occupancy classes, geographies and in some instances for specific perils—such as wind and wildfire.
Older properties tend to be more difficult to place when there is no updated construction modifications or protection as demonstrated through current inspection reports. Clients can assist us through preparation of thorough submissions, leaving no questions unanswered, and including as much detailed content as possible. This will further assist in establishing a proper valuation to ensure quotes accurately reflect the exposure.
Our experience since January 1st has resulted in single-digit rate increases to flat in the $1B TIV and over schedules. We have also experienced the return of standard or direct markets and an aggressive stance by London on mega deals. However, we are still seeing large single to double digits rate increases in the middle to smaller market segment.
Both Primary and Umbrella/Excess are heavily dependent upon the class of business and jurisdiction of exposure. Rates are moderating following the compounding effect over the last several years with our Carrier partners continuing to carefully underwrite each account. The continuation of shorter limits, greater ventilation of layers and laser tight terms and conditions are several examples of Carriers managing their exposures.
As courts begin to reopen following pandemic shutdowns, third party litigation funding becomes more prevalent and sympathetic jurors award exorbitant verdicts, this area of marketplace will remain quite guarded.
Contributor: Denis Brady, President, Burns & Wilcox Brokerage, San Francisco, California
Professional Liability (Healthcare):
The Healthcare industry represents 20 percent of the GDP in the U.S. As the industry has grown, categories of healthcare coverage have emerged to include everything from hospital and physician and medical group liability to outpatient centers, facility risks, technology and telehealth and more. The COVID pandemic increased industry liabilities, especially with many patients having to cancel elective surgeries, causing the phenomenon of deferred care.
Staff shortages stretched resources even further, making basic healthcare delivery difficult, endangering the long-term health of Americans. Many rural hospitals and medical centers went bankrupt or closed because they did not have the volume or cash in reserve to survive. Nearly 20 alone closed in 2020 and more were expected in 2021 according to a July 2021 report on CNN.com.
While the prevalence of serious diseases like cancer increased over the last two years, wellness visits and physicals are returning to their pre-pandemic levels. Healthcare organizations are in a better position to navigate their PPE needs, stabilizing risks. Still, some national carriers are exiting the market because of challenges to tort reform, the ongoing rise in severity of medical malpractice lawsuits and what some deem as inadequate rate. Carriers who remain in the market have become much more selective on risk tolerance and pulled back on coverage terms and limits.
The industry still requires capacity in lines of business such as Professional Liability, D&O, EPLI and Cyber insurance. Additional coverage is available in managed care, regulatory billing, environmental and standalone sexual misconduct. Cyber liability in particular requires a high level of brokering while meeting stringent underwriting requirements, given then importance of multifactor authentication and end point detection. Both are examples of how quickly technology is evolving the cyber sector.
Rate increases continue in healthcare but are slowing in areas like Medical Malpractice, where increases are relatively low this year. D&O has seen rate increases of 10-50 percent but more capacity entering the market will temper this. The good news is that insureds and prospects are better prepared for the placement process and coverage adjustments. Additionally, niche healthcare coverages have evolved and the various products can be packaged together for qualifying clients.
With such ongoing concerns as opioid class action suits and Blue Cross Antitrust, multi-district litigation, the need to rely on true subject matter experts for solutions has never been more critical. Medical care utilization, reimbursement changes and staffing concerns are complicating markets further with industry churn (and pandemic factors) causing healthcare mergers and acquisitions to increase by 56 percent in 2021 compared to 2020.
Burns & Wilcox professionals can discuss with partner brokers what their clients are prepared to spend for coverage, and identify robust, customized options. We are prepared to deliver quotes, provide coverage comparisons, and available endorsements to assist clients understand their choices. It is also important to have robust renewal strategies in place to prevent loss of coverage or periods of underinsurance well before the policy expiration date arrives.
For more information, click here to view our Professional Liability Insurance video highlight.
Contributor: Karl Olson, Vice President, Professional & Management Liability Practice Leader, Burns & Wilcox Brokerage, San Francisco, California
Transportation Insurance:
Transportation has been in a decade-long hard market with no end in sight as Auto liability rates continue to increase. Some carriers are completely avoiding specific states and metropolitan markets where risks are higher. As a result, standards that underwriters are establishing are becoming stricter each year while the universe of accounts that qualifies for standard markets is shrinking.
The E&S marketplace is staying busy while the gap between preferred and distressed accounts widens. Tracking companies in the waste and recycling business, along with other general contractors, often find capacity difficult to obtain.
Telematics and other new technologies continue to change the Transportation insurance market. Dashcams and other telematic capabilities that track driver performance are not new. However, carriers now expect to have this data, rather than preferring to have it. Auto liability programs use rating systems and telematics data that measure performance in real time, altering how policies are underwritten.
Nuclear verdicts continue to roil the transportation market. Giant judgments against motor carriers are forcing carriers to seek quick settlements to limit liability, which in turn raises rates even further. Between 2010 and 2018, there was an estimated 1,000 percent increase in the average size of damage awards. Clients can help mitigate the impact of the hard market but documenting all examples of safety initiatives and providing detailed data that suggest a reduction in liability exposure.
Data analysis is critical for the pre-underwriting on the front end to help quantify the level of risk and potential profitability. The narrative that transportation companies document and provide carriers is key to successful outcomes. Supporting evidence, documentation and selecting a wholesale broker such as Burns & Wilcox who has Transportation specific expertise has never been more important. Any evidence to demonstrate that the client is doing everything it can to help mitigate losses will help open the door to increased capacity at more competitive rates.
We do not expect the transportation market to change in the foreseeable future, even for the “best” clients.
For more information, click here to view our Transportation Insurance video highlight.
Contributor: Clark Miller, Broker, Transportation, Burns & Wilcox, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas
Environmental Insurance:
Environmental 2022 Q1 and Q2 is trending much like other lines of business with regards to Excess liability. Excess capacity continues to be impacted on General Liability and Pollution Legal Liability policies that also sit over auto liability. Carriers are now increasing pricing and reducing limits as they tighten their underwriting. We are seeing underlying auto policies being more heavily scrutinized with carriers requiring higher attachment points.
Trending in 2022 is ESG – acronym for environmental, social, and governance factors. ESG has been more prominent across various industries. ESG represents how an organization approaches climate change and carbon to name a few and how prepared the company is to manage operational risk in their third-party ecosystem. The insurance industry is in the early stages of adopting ESG considerations, we expect to see more movement in 2022.
Pollution incidents are becoming more frequent and severe. This is a result of natural disasters and weather-related events. In addition, glyphosate (Roundup) continues to be a concern with several lawsuits pending. Also, real estate vacancies related to COVID-19, Mold and Legionella claims are on the rise. Mold claims have already had a major impact on the market. Claims continue to increase due to perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs)—also known as “forever Chemicals.” The Environmental Protection Agency has advised that exposure to the man-made chemicals have been linked to adverse human health risks. In addition to PFAs another forever chemical which continues to be on the radar for regulators and insurers is glyphosate which is found in weed-killing products.
Tightening terms and conditions continue to point to a hardening market with carriers adding higher deductibles and a pulling back on limits and capacity.
Contributor: Gina Jones, Vice President, Director, Environmental Programs, Burns & Wilcox, Denver, CO
Property & Casualty Insurance:
The first quarter of 2022 was similar to what was predicted in the past. Rating environment, while still hard, continues to see the trend of reaching a ceiling in certain classes. Rate increases are not as dramatic as recent years, with minimal 5 percent being more of the norm in Q1. We have been receiving a high number of submissions, which leads us to believe capacity is tight and standard market appetite has not fully shifted.
For the second quarter of 2022 we see a similar outlook as Q1. Most provinces have removed COVID mandates resulting in a resurgence in retail and hospitality type of businesses with improving weather and people starting to head back out to urban centers and local restaurants. As government financial support continues to flow towards new affordable housing we see a continuance of favorable market conditions for our Course of Construction (COC) product. Our high standards of service and expertise continue to drive business opportunities for us as clients demand professional solutions in this challenging marketplace.
Contributor: Tyson Peel, Vice President, Director, Commercial Insurance, Burns & Wilcox, Toronto, Ontario
Professional Liability:
Throughout Q1, Cyber continues to be the biggest challenge, with carriers non-renewing, doubling retentions, increasing premiums, and reducing available coverage. Insureds seeking a combined Technology E&O and Cyber form will face even more stringent underwriting review as we envision coverage may not be available on a combined form.
Capacity continues to be a hinderance in general, particularly relating to Architects & Engineers E&O. Markets continue to tighten underwriting appetites, increase rates and reduce the amount of cover available. Without full underwriting submissions, some markets will not even consider reviewing the business. It is expected that these trends will continue well into the balance of 2022.
Contributor: Paula Lansky, Manager, Professional Lines, Burns & Wilcox, Toronto, Ontario
Transportation Insurance:
The Excess Umbrella market remained extremely firm as rates continued to climb with no new capacity coming on line. Brokers continue to struggle to find the liability coverage insureds require..
Motor Truck Cargo markets remained relatively stable in Q.
Burns & Wilcox Canada continues to deliver exceptional service to our retail partners.
Contributor: John McGlynn, Director, Transportation, Burns & Wilcox, Toronto, Ontario
Environmental Insurance:
Q1 2022 saw further rate erosion with renewals expected to yield 0-10 percent. We are not anticipating any hardening for Q2 2022.
There is continued market appetite restriction around bulk haulers, dry cleaners, mining and O&G. Additionally, we expect a continuation of the trend experienced in Q4 2021—competitors increasingly pulling out of classes where they were once aggressive—through the coming months.
Burns & Wilcox Canada is leveraging its relationships and technical expertise, to continue assisting clients in navigating this challenging market. As a result, we have added bulk liquid hauling to our restricted classes as our partners retreat from this space.
While Q1 appeared to be a cautious, guarded quarter, we are seeing success with prospects and expect a continuation of this trend through Q2.
Contributor: Karim Jaroudi, Manager, Environmental, Burns & Wilcox, Toronto, Ontario
Personal Insurance:
As the market continues to harden, securing Personal lines capacity remains competitive as markets can be more selective with the types of risk they will consider. Advanced modeling techniques are more necessary than ever and continue to be implemented in an effort to ensure profitable underwriting. With that said, we are currently finding success writing well mitigated business where control measures have been taken to appropriately address the exposure.
As the weather warms, we expect heightened residential construction needs along with expanded seasonal short-term rental operations. Additionally, cold weather-related losses experienced in the past several months will lead to increased non-renewed, difficult to place, business. It is important to navigate these risks early to appropriately assess available coverage terms and requirements. The Burns & Wilcox Personal Insurance teams in Canada remain dedicated to developing creative solutions and expanding capabilities to address these unique risks.
Contributor: Michelle Allemang, Manager, Western Canada, Personal Lines, Burns & Wilcox, Toronto, Ontario
The London market continued to harden in Q1 as Lloyd’s syndicates and London carriers continue to decrease the amount of business they write in catastrophe-exposed areas of the U.S. In conjunction with the pull-back of prominent domestic E&S carriers, the Lloyd’s syndicates and London carriers also reduced the amount of aggregate deployed in the U.S. marketplace. As a result, rates continued to rise and terms became more restrictive. In hotspots such as Florida and Louisiana, the reduced capacity is very evident, driving rates and wind deductibles up significantly.
Syndicates and carriers are demanding significant rates increases on existing aggregate, with a willingness to keep aggregate unutilized until market rates rise to that amount, creating further pressure on rates. Many coverholders faced significant challenges on the popular April 1 renewal date, with syndicates and carriers non-renewing contracts or reducing aggregate provided. It is also expected that terms and rates will rise to common levels across coverholders as syndicates set new rates and terms on contracts for the upcoming contract year.
A significant amount of displaced business is moving into the open market which is also resulting in increasing rates in the open market on CAT exposed risks.
We do not see any significant change in the U.S. property market in Q2. We expect aggregate to remain very constrained, leading to continued increasing rates and a significant amount of displaced business.
Contributor: Chris Zoidis, Executive Vice President, H.W. Kaufman Group, Detroit/Farmington Hills, Michigan
It seems logical that the market would find itself at an inflection point following several years of rate adjustment, Insurer balance sheets strengthening, rates generally outpacing loss costs, however concerns loom:
- Industry leading rating agency A.M. Best reported last month an increase in industry combined ratio for 2021 to 99.6%, an increase of 1.3% over 2020.
- Impact of losses resulting both directly and indirectly as a result of the Russia/Ukraine conflict.
- The continued impact of third-party litigation financing increasing loss severity.
- S. Courts reopening in earnest playing “catch-up” increasing frequency of verdicts and settlements.
- Last month the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in New Orleans issued its third pro-insurer ruling in a COVID-19 business interruption case. We need to continue monitoring this ever important and unprecedented topic.
- The last five years have resulted in a steady creep of “secondary perils” (Wildfires, Convective-Storms and Floods), 2022 is off to an equally a-typical start with deep freezes in South, Wildfires in Colorado and April Tornadoes in Kansas.
As the Specialty and E&S marketplace continues to expand with 2021 premiums increasing 22% to ~$51BN we are positioned to secure best in class results for our clients during these tumultuous times. Our business model is unparalleled and structured around a long-term strategy of best in class underwriting with our binding authority and a deep bench of brokerage expertise that is laser focused on client outcomes. Our Carrier partners recognize
and support our approach as they consider both new ventures and existing strategies entrusting us with increased capacity and aggregate. We continue to expand our footprint, talent base, market relations, use of data, technology, and infrastructure to provide superior results and guidance to our clients. We appreciate the faith you have instilled in us to represent you in the Specialty/E&S marketplace.
Learn more at burnsandwilcox.com.
Contributor: Paul G. Smith, Corporate Senior Vice President, Carrier Relations, H.W. Kaufman Group |
Dr Javier Andreu-Perez
5B.542, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
2.30-3.30pm Thursday (4285295445)
Dr Andreu-Perez is a Malaga-born British computer scientist. He is currently Senior Lecturer (tenured) at the University of Essex in Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence for Non-invasive Health at the Centre for Computational Intelligence. He chairs the Smart Health Technologies Group at the centre. He holds a Ph.D. (2012) in Intelligent Systems from Lancaster University (Bowland College), United Kingdom. Javier is also a Senior Talentia Fellow at the Simbad2 group at the University of Jaen (Jaen, Spain) and a Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) at ATR (Kyoto, Japan). Prior to joining UoE, Javier held research staff positions at Imperial College London and Lancaster University. He has also been visiting academic fellow of the Faculty of Health (St Mary's Hospital) at Imperial College London. He has contributed to a number of research projects funded by the EU, NHS, the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD), as well as the industry. Javier's fundamental science research is actively supported by UK Governmental agencies, foundations, trust and charities. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE Society in Computational Intelligence, has co-edited special issues in the area and published highly cited papers in top journals and conferences in the area of artificial intelligence, health informatics. His research work has been licensed by UK FTSE companies such as GlaxoSmithKline plc. Javier has been awarded prestigious fellowships from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and the Andalucian Knowlege Agency. Furthermore, he actively participates in knowledge transfer programs with SMEs to help UK companies to innovate. These companies are from a wide range of domains such as vehicle engineering, robotics, IoT, health and big data analytics. Beyond the financial benefits, Javier also contributes to the analysis and discussion of Responsible AI frameworks for intelligent systems that can collaborate with humans in a meaningful and safe way. Javier serves as an editorial board member of prestigious journals in artificial intelligence (AI), and he acts as associate Editor-in-Chief for the journal Neurocomputing (Elsevier). He regularly chairs special sessions at renowned world conferences (IEEE-FUZZ and WCCI). He is currently leading an International scientific IEEE Task Force on uncertainty models for computing with words. He actively participates in public engagement activities such as open days, showcases, and professional gatherings from other disciplines. His main research focus is fundamental research questions of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and their applications in engineering, bioengineering, health informatics, human-robot interaction, computer vision, smart sensing & industrial informatics. Favourite quote: “Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.” – Robert A. Heinlein.
PhD In Intelligent Systems Lancaster University,
University of Essex
Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (1/10/2019 - present)
Other academic
Research scientist, Department of Computing, Imperial College London (1/12/2012 - 1/12/2017)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning
Reasoning and Modeling Systems in Diagnosis and Prognosis
Health Informatics
Computational Intelligence applied to Brain Sciences
Neuroergonomics and Neuromarketing
Computer Vision and Machine Perception
Industrial Informatics
Deep Learning Architectures
Conferences and presentations
Competition Chair for Clinical BCI Challenge
Invited presentation, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), 19/7/2020
Chair Special Session of Fuzzy Systems for Brain Sciences and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) under uncertainty
Invited presentation, IEEE World Congres on Computational Intelligence 2020, 19/1/2020
Keynote on Developing fine-grained actigraphy’s for rheumatoid arthritis patient
Keynote presentation, 1st Digital Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1/2/2019
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Introduction to Databases (CE153)
Current supervision
Previous supervision
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/7/2022
Journal articles (35)
Andreu-Perez, J., Perez-Espinosa, H., Timonet, E., Kiani, M., Manuel I. Girón-Pérez and Benitez, A., A Generic Deep Learning Based Cough Analysis System from Clinically Validated Samples for Point-of-Need Covid-19 Test and Severity Levels
Andreu-Perez, J., Developing Fine-Grained Actigraphies for Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients from a Single Accelerometer Using Machine Learning
Kiani, M., Andreu-Perez, J., Hagras, H., Papageorgiou, EI., Prasad, M. and Lin, C-T., (2022). Effective Brain Connectivity for fNIRS with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps in Neuroergonomics. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. 14 (1), 50-63
Andreu-Perez, J., Perez-Espinosa, H., Timonet, E., Kiani, M., Giron-Perez, MI., Benitez-Trinidad, AB., Jarchi, D., Rosales, A., Gkatzoulis, N., Reyes-Galaviz, OF., Torres, A., Alberto Reyes-Garcia, C., Ali, Z. and Rivas, F., (2022). A Generic Deep Learning Based Cough Analysis System from Clinically Validated Samples for Point-of-Need Covid-19 Test and Severity Levels. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 15 (3), 1220-1232
Ranjbar, E., Menhaj, MB., Suratgar, AA., Andreu-Perez, J. and Prasad, M., (2022). Modern control design for MEMS tunable capacitors in voltage reference applications: a comparative study. International Journal of Dynamics and Control. 10 (2), 483-510
Vega, CF., Quevedo, J., Escandón, E., Kiani, M., Ding, W. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2022). Fuzzy Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks in P300-based Brain-Computer Interface for Smart Home Interaction. Applied Soft Computing. 117, 108359-108359
Andreu-Perez, J., Hagras, H., Kiani, M., Rigato, S. and Filippetti, ML., (2022). Towards Understanding Human Functional Brain Development with Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Perspectives. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine. 17 (1), 16-33
Salami, A., Andreu-Perez, J. and Gillmeister, H., (2022). EEG-ITNet: An Explainable Inception Temporal Convolutional Network for Motor Imagery Classification. IEEE Access. 10, 36672-36685
Andreu-Perez, J., (2022). Derived Multi-population Genetic Algorithm for Adaptive Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. Neural Processing Letters
K. Gupta, P. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2022). A Gentle Introduction and Survey on Computing with Words (CWW) Methodologies. Neurocomputing. 500, 921-937
Gupta, A., Agrawal, RK., Kirar, JS., Andreu-Perez, J., Ding, W-P., Lin, C-T. and Prasad, M., (2021). On the Utility of Power Spectral Techniques With Feature Selection Techniques for Effective Mental Task Classification in Noninvasive BCI. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics: Systems. 51 (5), 3080-3092
Andreu-Perez, J. and Kiani, M., (2021). Single-Trial Recognition of Video Gamer’s Expertise from Brain Haemodynamic and Facial Emotion Responses. Brain Sciences. 11 (1), 106-106
Ranjbar, E., Menhaj, MB., Suratgar, AA., Andreu-Perez, J. and Prasad, M., (2021). Design of a fuzzy PID controller for a MEMS tunable capacitor for noise reduction in a voltage reference source. SN Applied Sciences. 3 (6)
Gupta, PK., Sharma, D. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2021). Enhanced Linguistic Computational Models and Their similarity with Yager’s Computing with Words. Information Sciences. 574, 259-278
Andreu-Perez, J., Emberson, LL., Kiani, M., Filippetti, ML., Hagras, H. and Rigato, S., (2021). Explainable Artificial Intelligence Based Analysis for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. Communications Biology. 4 (1), 1077-
Perez-Espinosa, H., Timonet-Andreu, E. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2021). Bias and privacy in AI's cough-based COVID-19 recognition. The Lancet Digital Health. 3 (12), e760-e760
Chowdhury, A. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2021). Clinical Brain-Computer Interface Challenge 2020 (CBCIC at WCCI2020): Overview, methods and results. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics. 3 (3), 661-670
del Angel Arrieta, F., Rojas Cisneros, M., Rivas, JJ., Castrejon, LR., Sucar, LE., Andreu-Perez, J. and Orihuela-Espina, F., (2021). Characterization of a Raspberry Pi as the Core for a Low-cost Multimodal EEG-fNIRS Platform. 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). 2021, 1288-1291
Akshansh, G., R. K., A., Jyoti Singh, K., Baljeet, K., Weiping, D., Chin-Teng, L., Andreu-Perez, J. and Mukesh, P., (2020). A Hierarchical Meta-model for Multi-Class Mental Task Based Brain-Computer Interfaces. Neurocomputing. 389, 207-217
Andreu-Perez, J., (2020). Fuzzy learning and its applications in neural-engineering. Neurocomputing. 389, 196-197
Jarchi, D., Andreu-Perez, J., Kiani, M., Vysata, O., Kuchynka, J., Prochazka, A. and Sanei, S., (2020). Recognition of Patient Groups with Sleep Related Disorders using Bio-signal Processing and Deep Learning. Sensors. 20 (9), 2594-2594
Salami, A., Andreu-Perez, J. and Gillmeister, H., (2020). Symptoms of depersonalisation/derealisation disorder as measured by brain electrical activity: A systematic review. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 118, 524-537
Andreu-Perez, J., Cao, F., Hagras, H. and Yang, G., (2018). A Self-Adaptive Online Brain Machine Interface of a Humanoid Robot through a General Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 26 (1), 101-116
Ravi, D., Wong, C., Deligianni, F., Berthelot, M., Andreu-Perez, J., Lo, B. and Yang, G-Z., (2017). Deep Learning for Health Informatics. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 21 (1), 4-21
Andreu-Perez, J., Garcia-Gancedo, L., McKinnell, J., Van der Drift, A., Powell, A., Hamy, V., Keller, T. and Yang, G-Z., (2017). Developing Fine-Grained Actigraphies for Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients from a Single Accelerometer Using Machine Learning. Sensors. 17 (9), 2113-2113
Andreu-Perez, J., Leff, DR., Shetty, K., Darzi, A. and Yang, G-Z., (2016). Disparity in Frontal Lobe Connectivity on a Complex Bimanual Motor Task Aids in Classification of Operator Skill Level. Brain Connectivity. 6 (5), 375-388
Andreu-Perez, J., Solnais, C. and Sriskandarajah, K., (2016). EALab (Eye Activity Lab): a MATLAB Toolbox for Variable Extraction, Multivariate Analysis and Classification of Eye-Movement Data. Neuroinformatics. 14 (1), 51-67
Andreu-Perez, J., Leff, DR., Ip, HMD. and Yang, G-Z., (2015). From Wearable Sensors to Smart Implants-–Toward Pervasive and Personalized Healthcare. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 62 (12), 2750-2762
Andreu-Perez, J., Poon, CCY., Merrifield, RD., Wong, STC. and Yang, G-Z., (2015). Big Data for Health. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 19 (4), 1193-1208
Solnais, C., Andreu-Perez, J., Sánchez-Fernández, J. and Andréu-Abela, J., (2013). The contribution of neuroscience to consumer research: A conceptual framework and empirical review. Journal of Economic Psychology. 36, 68-81
Andreu, J. and Angelov, P., (2013). An evolving machine learning method for human activity recognition systems. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 4 (2), 195-206
Sadeghi-Tehran, P., Andreu, J., Angelov, P. and Zhou, X., (2011). Intelligent leader-follower behaviour for unmanned ground-based vehicles. Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems. 5, 36-46
Andréu, J. and Holgado, JA., (2004). Wireless Sensor Networks applied to Ambient Assisted-Living Environments
Book chapters (2)
Yang, G., Andreu-Perez, J., Hu, X. and Thiemjarus, S., (2014). Multi-sensor fusion. In: Body sensor networks. Springer. 301- 354. 9781447163732
Andréu, J. and Holgado, JA., (2008). Ambient Assisted-Living Platforms: The Real Issue, Challenges and Technologies
Conferences (34)
Sharma, D., Gupta, PK., Andreu-Perez, J., Mendel, JM. and Lopez, LM., (2021). A Python Software Library for Computing with Words and Perceptions
Rozman, J., Hagras, H., Andreu-Perez, J., Clarke, D., Muller, B. and Fitz, S., (2021). A Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Based Explainable AI Approach for the Easy Calibration of AI models in IoT Environments
Cortez, S., Flores, C. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2020). Improving Speller BCI performance using a cluster-based under-sampling method
Salami, A., Andreu-Perez, J. and Gillmeister, H., (2020). Towards Decoding of Depersonalisation Disorder Using EEG: A Time Series Analysis Using CDTW
Malik, A., de Frein, R., Al-Zeyadi, M. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2020). Intelligent SDN Traffic Classification Using Deep Learning: Deep-SDN
Cortez, SA., Flores Vega, C. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2020). Under-sampling and Classification of P300 Single-Trials using Self-Organized Maps and Deep Neural Networks for a Speller BCI
Cortez, SA., Flores, C. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2020). Single-trial P300 classification using deep belief networks for a BCI system
Kiani, M., Andreu-Perez, J., Hagras, H., Filippetti, ML. and Rigato, S., (2020). A Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Based Explainable Artificial Intelligence System for Developmental Neuroscience
Al-Zeyadi, M., Andreu-Perez, J., Hagras, H., Royce, C., Smith, D., Rzonsowski, P. and Malik, A., (2020). Deep Learning Towards Intelligent Vehicle Fault Diagnosis
Rozman, J., Hagras, H., Andreu-Perez, J., Clarke, D., Muller, B. and Data, SF., (2020). Privacy-Preserving Gesture Recognition with Explainable Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Based Systems
Cortez, SA., Flores, C. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2020). A Smart Home Control Prototype Using a P300-Based Brain–Computer Interface for Post-stroke Patients
Kiani, M., Andreu-Perez, J., Hagras, H., Andreu, AR., Pinto, M., Andreu, J., Reddy, P. and Izzetoglu, K., (2019). Towards Gamers’ Experience Level Decoding with Optical Brain Imaging
Achanccaray, D., Mylonas, G. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2019). An Implicit Brain Computer Interface Supported by Gaze Monitoring for Virtual Therapy
Achanccaray, D., Flores, C., Fonseca, C. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2018). A Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Spatial Filter Selection for P300-Based Brain Computer Interfaces
Flores, C., Fonseca, C., Achanccaray, D. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2018). Performance Evaluation of a P300 Brain-Computer Interface Using a Kernel Extreme Learning Machine Classifier
Flores, C., Flores, V., Achanccaray, D. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2018). A Convolutional Neural Network Approach for a P300-based Brain-Computer Interface for Disabled and Healthy Subjects
Achanccaray, D., Flores, C., Fonseca, C. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2017). A P300-based brain computer interface for smart home interaction through an ANFIS ensemble
Kiani, M., Andreu-Perez, J. and Papageorgiou, EI., (2017). Improved estimation of effective brain connectivity in functional neuroimaging through higher order fuzzy cognitive maps
Achanccaray, D., Acuna, K., Carranza, E. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2017). A virtual reality and brain computer interface system for upper limb rehabilitation of post stroke patients
Pacheco, K., Acuna, K., Carranza, E., Achanccaray, D. and Andreu-Perez, J., (2017). Performance predictors of motor imagery brain-computer interface based on spatial abilities for upper limb rehabilitation
Kiani, M., Andreu-Perez, J., Leff, DR., Darzi, A. and Yang, GZ., (2014). Shedding Light on Surgeons' Cognitive Resilience: A Novel Method of Topological Analysis for Brain Networks
Angelov, P., Andreu, J. and Vuong, T., (2012). Automatic mobile photographer and picture diary
Sadeghi-Tehran, P., Behera, S., Angelov, P. and Andreu, J., (2012). Autonomous visual self-localization in completely unknown environment
Andreu, J., Baruah, RD. and Angelov, P., (2011). Real time recognition of human activities from wearable sensors by evolving classifiers
Andreu, J., Baruah, RD. and Angelov, P., (2011). Automatic scene recognition for low-resource devices using evolving classifiers
Baruah, RD., Angelov, P. and Andreu, J., (2011). Simpl_eClass: simplified potential-free evolving fuzzy rule-based classifiers
Baruah, RD., Angelov, P., Andreu, J. and IEEE, (2011). Simpl_eClass: Simplified Potential-free Evolving Fuzzy Rule-Based Classifiers
Andreu, J. and Angelov, P., (2010). Real-time human activity recognition from wireless sensors using evolving fuzzy systems
Andreu, J. and Angelov, P., (2010). Forecasting time-series for NN GC1 using Evolving Takagi-Sugeno (eTS) Fuzzy Systems with on-line inputs selection
Andréu, J., Viúdez, J. and Holgado, JA., (2009). An ambient assisted-living architecture based on wireless sensor networks
Pérez, JA., Álvarez, JA., Fernández-Montes, A. and Ortega, JA., (2009). Service-oriented device integration for ubiquitous ambient assisted living environments
Andréu, J., Viudez, J. and Holgado, J., (2008). A Survey of Wireless Sensor Networks
Viúdez, J., Andréu, J. and Holgado, JA., (2008). An OSGi Experience for Home Automation Applications
Reports and Papers (1)
Andreu-Perez, J., Deligianni, F., Ravi, D. and Yang, G-Z., Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Other (1)
Andreu, J. and Angelov, P., (2013).Towards generic human activity recognition for ubiquitous applications. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 4(2),Springer
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