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:: Dutch oven apple- raspberry crumble >> filling + 5 apples + 1 pack of fresh raspberries + ¼ cup of organic cane sugar + some lime juice + spices : cinnamon, nutmeg, star anise and vanilla extract >> crust + 1.5 cups raw walnuts + 2 cups rolled oats + small handful flaxseeds + ½ – ¾ cup of butter ( or coconut oil for the vegans) + ¼ cup of organic cane sugar + some cinnamon + some salt We baked this crumble outside on hot coals, so first we had to make a beautiful fire. It took about 1.5 hours for the wood to turn into good hot coals and we used a whole bundle of dry wood. If you don’t want to wait for the wood to turn into coals, you could also buy coal and use it for cooking this delicious dish. And if you don’t want to cook outdoors, you can of course bake the crumble in the oven. But I can tell you it’s less fun. 1. Peel the apples and chop them in slices 2. Combine in a big bowl all the ingredients and mix well so that the spices and sugar are touching every single apple slice and raspberry. 3. For the spice mix I used a mortar and pestle to grind all of it. 1. Place the walnuts, 1.5 cups of oats and the flaxseeds in a blender and blend it until you have flour. 2. In a big bowl combine all the dry ingredients and mix well. 3. Chop the butter in small squares and mix it with the dry ingredients. Best to do this with your hands and make a tiny mess  1. Before all the wood turns into coal, it might be handy to heat up your Dutch oven in or near the fire. Just in case your coals are not hot or good enough, your pot is at least bake ready. 2. When your Dutch oven is hot and your coals are ready, you can prep the crumble. First butter the Dutch oven with a fair amount of butter. Better too greasy than too dry. Place your apple mix on the bottom and top it with your butter crust mix. Sprinkle ½ cup of rolled oats on top to make it extra crunchy. Close the pot with the lid to create a real oven with heat on all sides. 3. Put some coals on a flat area, place the Dutch oven on these coals, and surround the pot with coals on the side and on top of the lid. In that way the whole Dutch oven will stay hot. 4. Wait for about 45-50 minutes and check once in a while if the coals are still burning and the crumble is still cooking. You can smell it when the crumble is ready. *eat the crumble as dessert with some ice cream or as breakfast with some yoghurt. Yummy yummy. Actually you can just eat it all day long. 1 Comment Leave a Reply
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Read more I'm the kid who did dumb-ass things growing up. I stuck fingers in light sockets, turned the gas on the stove just to smell it , crawled under porches looking for snakes. Folks said it wasn't fittin' behavior for a girl. Guess I should have played under a shade tree with a dollhouse and tea set. When my fingers got too big for the sockets, I poked at 'em with a fork. The jolt knocked me silly. I believe that's why there's a streak of white hair on my head like a lightning strike. Mama said it was a mark from the Devil, a reminder not to claim me when I die, 'cause I was even too much for Hell. That's how I got my name. Sparky. My birth certificate says I'm Luanne Reese, but nobody calls me Luanne. Not even when I'm in trouble. Speakin' of trouble, I guess it was no surprise I got knocked up at the drive-in movie by Lester Johnson. I had a pregnancy test six weeks later, and could hardly believe a baby was on the way. After staring at the results for a while, I poured myself a whisky from Daddy's stash. Helped myself to another. Then I got in my beat up old Ford and high-tailed to Lester's house. He lived across the river, on the other side of town. Cedar Mill is named after the mill, and the wood that rides through the saws every day. Here it is, 1962, and there's still no imagination in this damned town. Even the stop light on Main Street doesn't have enough gumption to do anything but blink yellow on and off all day, afraid to try something exciting like red or green. I swear, if folks around here had to think to breathe, dead bodies would be scattered everywhere. I laughed like crazy at the notion. Kept it up all the way through the light until reality set in, and I remembered what was going on. When I got to Lester's, I woke him from a dead sleep. Boy, the fur flew then. Lester got a crafty look on his face and suggested that the baby might not be his. I clocked him under the right eye with a metal ashtray from Barney's Bar and Grill. "What do you want me to do about it, Sparky?" Lester dabbed at his eyebrow with the sheet, stared at the blood. He lit a cigarette and leaned back on the bed, regained his composure, lookin' like a judge instead of the one who committed the crime. "Hell, Les, I dunno," I said. "I can barely think right now." I sniffled, wrapped an arm around my stomach, cradled the cells growing there. Lester glanced over at the clock. "I gotta be at work in three hours. Why don't we talk about this tomorrow after we've both had time to think." He stubbed out the cigarette, scratched under an armpit, drew an old army blanket up against his chest and gazed at the door. I guess that was his way of telling me to go home. I looked hard at him. He was tall and skinny, a guy who folds into a chair like a jackknife. His gray eyes were so light they looked silver. I guess that's what I found most attractive about him. Sure wasn't his personality, or the way he treated me. But there was something about those eyes when he walked into the bar on a Saturday night that got me all worked up. I knew he had nowhere to go, so he wouldn't skip town. He was too stupid for that. So I slunk out the door like I had toilet paper trailin' off my shoe, got back in the Ford and cranked it up as dawn poked through the cracked windshield. On the way home, I pulled over at a picnic area by the river, got out and walked around. The water was flowin' easy that morning, leaves spinning in lazy circles, following each other downstream. By late spring the river rushes along, icy and bold from higher up. That's when local kids drown, carried away by the current until they give up and get pulled under, trapped by logs that escaped the mill. The wood forms arches under the surface, just waiting for some dumb-ass to get tangled in 'em. Then God shakes his head, fishes the sorry soul out of the drink, and dumps it on the shore of eternity. I lit a Camel cigarette. Still tasted Daddy's whisky in my mouth and wondered if the baby was likin' what I was already putting it through. It was shameful, but not enough to stop that very moment. I figured there'd be no keepin' this little baby, anyway. At least that was the reasoning at six o'clock on a Thursday morning. I never did anything right. Barely made it through high school, then worked at the Bar and Grill ever since, waitin' tables. College, or working in an office, didn't sit well with me. Mama and Daddy let me live in the back bedroom after I graduated. I frittered away every penny I earned, so it looks like there's no way I'd ever afford my own place. There was a rustling nearby, and a robin poked its head into the bushes with a worm in its mouth. Her babies set up squallin' for their breakfast, and the mama robin pushed it down their open beaks. That's when I put my sorry head in my hands and cried until the cigarette burned down and scorched my finger. I hopped around and cussed, climbed down to the riverbank, stuck my finger in the water. Then I dragged myself back to the car and headed home. I pulled into our driveway and squinted my eyes, wonderin' what the baby might think of my home. It needed a coat of paint. Most of the siding was worn down to the wood, as if the house cried itself silly and left smudges of mascara here and there. I put a hole through a window about three years ago. Daddy plugged it up with cardboard, duct tape, and a hunk of tar paper. So now the window looks like it has a permanent black eye. When I climbed out of the car, the scent of coffee and bacon rode through an open window. Everything looked the same, but it wasn't. Things had changed forever. I skulked into the kitchen. The screen door sighed on its hinges like it knew my secrets. Mama and Daddy were sitting at the kitchen table. I figured this was as good a time as any to make my big announcement. So I flopped down and started talkin'. Did you enjoy our content and want more? Don't forget to like and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, TikTok, Audiobooks, Podcast, IMDB, Metacritic, Reddit, and Twitter for more contents like this. Did you know
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Since it is yours, I will give it to you. How about an arm instead. Feng di licked his lips and spoke slowly.Seeing this scene, wang baole immediately laughed, and he smiled very happily, ignoring the mummy thrown over, but the more he looked at the di feng in front of him, the more delighted he became. Has been destroyed for at least hundreds of thousands of years or more. Wang baole narrowed his eyes, thinking in his eyes. Illusion probably not. Looking at it this way, there is only one possibility.Due to some special introductions, the time and space were messed up, and I was here to see what happened before . How To Dramatically Lose Body Fat ? the long years. This made many sect families feel the power of the federation.Then, during wang baole is retreat for more than half a year, the weiyang tribe and the ming sect fought frequently, and the war roared and spread more and more. 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An atmosphere.So, let is give a little warning and let it go li siwen thought sympathetically. You can see that my light armor has formed an interception dam of five million kilometers, in fact, this is a drop in the ocean for the sixth sequence, and it is not worth mentioning, so we take this guangming dam as the center and start construction in all directions. They will not take a step easily. They . 4.How To Make Diastolic Blood Pressure Go Down delimit their own boundaries in this area. You build your pure land, and I build mine. 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But at this time, the acquired demon lord is cursed corps had already started a tragic battle with the innate demon lord is army the only thing the west sea fleet can do is watch the battle a thousand miles ahead, there is . 5.What Is The Course Of High Blood Pressure a huge black red vortex, rolling and roaring like a dragon, and the radiated curse force field spreads and sprays endlessly like a shock wave. Li siwen kind of guessed what interesting things would happen next.I saw that the inertia of his movement gradually decreased until he could not move, and mushroom heads began to appear one after another in all directions, even above his head, all of which were special fish. When he opened it, he could not help but stare, red palms high blood pressure and then clicked on the voice message. 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