dict |
"translation": {
"en": "They need to change their attitude.",
"lg": "Beetaaga okukyusa endowooza yaabwe."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Kaggwa also served as a representative of Uganda in the East Africa Legislative Assembly.",
"lg": "Kaggwa era yaweereza nga omubaka wa Uganda mu paalamenti yobuvanjuba."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The demand for coffee has decreased.",
"lg": "Obwetaavu bw'emwaanyi bukendedde."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Being an active member of the ruling party in Uganda guarantees a ministerial promotion.",
"lg": "Okubeera omukozi ennyo mu kibiina ekifuga mu Uganda kikukakasa okusuumuusibwa ku bwa Minisita"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Her father has been in prison for six months awaiting his trial.",
"lg": "Kitaawe abadde mu kkomera okumala emyezi mukaaga ng'alindirira okuwozesebwa."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "This is what is happening now.",
"lg": "Kino kye kigenda mu maaso kati."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "My little nephew likes playing with toy cars.",
"lg": "Omujjwa wange ayagala okuzannyisa obumotoka."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Health workers will be equipped with skills to fight off the Ebola virus.",
"lg": "Abasawo bajja kuweebwa obukugu okulwanyisa ekirwadde ky'akawuka ka ebola."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Uganda exports a lot of coffee these days.",
"lg": "Ennaku zino Uganda etunda emmwanyi nnyingi ebweru w'eggwanga."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The war fights were intense.",
"lg": "Okulwanagana kw'olutalo kwali kwa maanyi."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The current protocol on the free movement of vehicles will change next month.",
"lg": "Enkola kati eriwo ekkiriza emmotoka okutambula kyere ejja kukyuka omwezi ogujja."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "I bought a new notebook.",
"lg": "Nnagula akatabo akapya omw'okuwandiika ebintu byange."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The players will be able to play in the Uganda Cup.",
"lg": "Abazannyi bajja kusobola okuzannya mu Uganda Cup."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "That bank is wholly owned by the government.",
"lg": "Bbanka eyo ya gavumenti bwa nnamunigina."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world.",
"lg": "nan"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "When a case is settled at mediation it's different from a normal court case.",
"lg": "Omusango bwe guggwera mu kuteesaganya gwawukana ku musango kkooti ogwa bulijjo.."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "What was written in the papers about the group is not true.",
"lg": "Ebyawandiikibwa mu mpapula ku kibinja si bituufu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "That dog will bite you if you do not stop disturbing it.",
"lg": "nan"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The government donates animals and rice to Moslems across the country.",
"lg": "Gavumenti egaba ebisolo n'omuceere eri abasiraamu okwetooloola eggwanga."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Why does Uganda People's Defense Force send troops to Somalia?",
"lg": "Lwaki eggye lya Uganda lisindika abajaasi e Somalia?"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Parents should work hard to provide basic needs for their girl children.",
"lg": "Abazadde bateekeddwa okukola ennyo okuwa abaana baabwe ab'obuwala ebyetaago ebikulu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The friends opened up the coffin and the bride was happy and posing.",
"lg": "Emikwano gyaggula essanduuko ng'omugole omukyala mwali musanyufu ateredde."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He had heard all this over the radio and looked for leaders to register him.",
"lg": "Bino byonna yabiwulirira ku leediyo era n'alindirira abakulembeze okumuwandiisa."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He decided to open up a new church.",
"lg": "Yasazeewo okuggulawo ekkanisa empya"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Over thirty seven people were victims of the shooting.",
"lg": "Abantu abasukka mu amakumi asatu mu musanvu be baakubibwa amasasi."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Boda Bodas is a faster means of transport compared to vehicles.",
"lg": "Entambula ya bodaboda eyanguya okusinga ey'e mmotokka."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "It was the grand opening of the new taxi park.",
"lg": "Kwe kwali okuggulawo ppaaka ya ttakisi empya mu butongole."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Some things are not what they seem to be.",
"lg": "Ebintu ebimu tebiri nga bwe birabika kuba."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The detective spent twelve hours interrogating the suspects about the stolen car.",
"lg": "Mbega yamala essaawa kkumi na bbiri ng'asoya abateeberezebwa ebibuuzo ku mmotoka enzibe."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The troops were often forced to communicate by hand gestures.",
"lg": "Amagye ebiseera ebisinga kyabakakanga okukozesa obubonero bw'emikono."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Don’t lose hope, everything will be fine.\"",
"lg": "\"Toggwaamu ssuumi, ebintu bijja kutereera.\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Almost every guest at the dinner party had a car.",
"lg": "Kumpi buli mugenyi eyabadde ku kabaga yabadde alina emmotoka."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The minister ordered the arrest of the journalist who captured the story.",
"lg": "Minisita yalagira okukwatibwa kwa munnamawulire eyakola eggulire."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The community leaders called for a peace talk to solve the ongoing conflict.",
"lg": "Abakulembeze b'ekitundu baasaba wabeewo okuteseeganya okusobola okugonjoola okulwanagana okugenda mu maaso."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She is a very creative person.",
"lg": "Muntu muyiiya nnyo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Do you have access to the hospital?",
"lg": "Olina obusobozi obutuuka ku ddwaliro?"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She started going to school at the age of three years.",
"lg": "Yatandika okusoma ku myaka esatu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He was arrested for his crimes.",
"lg": "Yakwatibwa olw'emisango gye."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "A few people still live in houses built out of the mud.",
"lg": "Abantu batono abakyabeera mu mayumba ag'obudongo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Police stressed the need to discourage the use of military attire by people.",
"lg": "Poliisi yalaga obwetaavu bw'obutakkiriza bantu kukozeza byambalo by'amaggye."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Many people working for the government have left and joined the private sector.",
"lg": "Abantu bangi abakolera gavumenti balekulidde ne beegatta ku bitongole by'obwannannyini."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Individualism is not good.",
"lg": "Obwannamunigina si bulungi."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The public has been challenged to stay calm.",
"lg": "Abantu bakubiriziddwa okusigala nga bakkakkamu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Paying the bride price in some cultures is believed to connect families for a lifetime.",
"lg": "nan"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "We are almost getting done with breakfast.",
"lg": "Tunaatera okumaliriza okunywa caayi."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "More anti-United Nations protests in the Democratic Republic of Congo.",
"lg": "Obwegugungo obuwakanya amawanga amagatte bweyongera mu Democratic Republic of Congo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "My eldest son loves listening to music.",
"lg": "Mutabani wange omukulu ayagala nnyo okuwuliriza ennyimba."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "That company has very few workers.",
"lg": "Kkampuni eyo erina abakozi batono nnyo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Churches have been reopened after a long time under lockdown.",
"lg": "Kkanisa zigguddwawo oluvannyuma lw'ebbanga eddene nga ziri ku muggalo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She allowed me and my parents to stay in her house.",
"lg": "Nze ne bazadde bange yatukkiriza okubeera mu nnyumba ye."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Mobile money service is the most convenient fund transfer system among people.",
"lg": "Obuweereza bw'okuweerereza ssente ku ssimu bwe bukyasinze okwanguyiza abantu okutambuza ssente."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "His death was sudden and unexpected.",
"lg": "Okufa kwe kwajja mbagirawo nga tekusuubirwa."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Her house was the center of activity on nomination day.",
"lg": "Kaali keetalo mu makaage ku lunaku lw'okusunsulamu abeesimbyewo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The matter has been resolved.",
"lg": "Ensonga egonjoddwa."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Most Ugandans are asking whether Besigye will again challenge Museveni for the fifth time.",
"lg": "Bannayuganda abasinga babuuza oba Besigye ajja kuvuganya Museveni omulundi ogwokutaano."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "It is estimated that Uganda had approximately seventy-three million heads of cattle.",
"lg": "Kiteeberezebwa nti Uganda yalina ente obukadde nsanvu mu busatu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Trees provide food and homes for many birds.",
"lg": "Emiti giwa ebinyonyi bingi emmere n'awokusula."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "What are the benefits of eating papaya?",
"lg": "Birungi ki ebiri mu kulya amapaapaali?"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The leaders wanted to know why they were suspended.",
"lg": "Abakulembeze baali baagala kumanya lwaki baayimirizibwa."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He disagreed with his wife.",
"lg": "nan"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The minister called upon us to unite and live harmoniously.",
"lg": "Minisita yatusabye okukwatagana tubeere mu mirembe."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Bribes cannot buy votes in politics.",
"lg": "Enguzi tesobola kugula bululu mu byobufuzi."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Whenever health workers go on strike, it is mainly the patients who suffer.\"",
"lg": "\"Buli abasawo lwe beediima, abalwadde be basinga okukosebwa.\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The class teacher read out the register.",
"lg": "Omusomesa akulira ekibiina yasoma amannya g'abayizi."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The community should learn to welcome projects being introduced/",
"lg": "Abantu mu bitundu balina okuyiga okwaniriza puloojekiti ezireeteddwa."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "It takes a long time for the court cases to be resolved.",
"lg": "Emisango gitwala ebbanga ddene nga teginnakolwako."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Where are you coming from?",
"lg": "Ova wa?"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "All year out watering of the crop is one technique that will be adopted.",
"lg": "Okufukirira ebirime okumala emyaka gyonna ke kamu ku bukodyo obujja okuteekebwa mu nkola."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "That chair is weak.",
"lg": "Entebe eyo nnafu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "I woke up when it was already broad daylight.",
"lg": "nan"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The number of pregnancies has risen greatly.",
"lg": "Omuwendo g'embuto gulinnye nnyo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He followed up a diploma in legal practice at the Law Development Centre.",
"lg": "Yagoberezaako dipulooma mu by'amateeka ku Law Development Centre."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The activists want sexual abuse and violence against women and girls to stop.",
"lg": "Abalwanirizi b'enkyukakyuka okukabasanya n'okutulugunya abakyala n'abawala bikome."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Many people do not comfortably pay taxes.",
"lg": "Abantu bangi tebasasula misolo mu mirembe."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "We need to be united in christ so we can live holy lives",
"lg": "Twetaaga okuba obumu mu Krisito tusobole okubeera mu bulamu obutukuvu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "There are some concerning issues with our law system",
"lg": "Waliwo ensonga ezimu ezeekuusa ku nkola y'amateeka gaffe."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "We went through all the security checkpoints.",
"lg": "Twayita mu bifo byonna ab'ebyokwerinda we bateeka okukebera."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The exam was very hard.",
"lg": "Ekibuuzo kyali kikakali."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The donations are not sufficient to cater for the high number of refugees.",
"lg": "Obuyambi tebumala kuyimirizaawo omuwendo gw'abanoonyiboobubudamu omunene."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "These clubs employ many other people apart from players.",
"lg": "Ttiimu ziwa abantu abalala abangi emirimu ng'oggyeko abazannyi."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "We received over one hundred applications for the same job.",
"lg": "Twafuna abantu abasukka mu kikumi abaawaayo okusaba kwabwe ku mulimu gwe gumu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Peace and stability are important in every country.",
"lg": "Eddembe n'obutebenkevu bya mugaso mu buli ggwanga."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Players shouldn't be used as tools of work.",
"lg": "Abazannyi tebateekedwa kukozesebwa nga byuma."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "We should embark on informing people and encouraging them to vaccinate",
"lg": "Tulina okwenyigira ku ky'okutegeeza abantu n'okubakubiriza okugema"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Obey the law, and you shall have no issues with the police.\"",
"lg": "Gondera amateeka oleme kubeera na nsonga na poliisi."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Please make sure that the bride and groom arrive early at church this Saturday.",
"lg": "Bambi kakasa nti omugole omusajja n'omukazi batuuka mangu ku kkanisa olwomukaaga luno."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "I want to look very beautiful on my wedding day.",
"lg": "Njagala ndabike bulungi nnyo ku mbaga yange."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Someone stole food from our garden.",
"lg": "Waliwo eyabbye emmere okuva mu nnimiro yaffe."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "That supermarket is open twenty-four hours a day.",
"lg": "Ssemaduuka eyo ebeera nzigule essaawa abiri mu nnya olunaku."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The government allocated more funds for the health sector during the pandemic.",
"lg": "Gavumenti yateeka ssente endala mu kitongole ky'ebyobulamu mu biseera by'ekirwadde ky'ekikungo."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "There should be a way to check if the deadlines have been met.",
"lg": "Walina okubaawo engeri y'okukakasaamu obanga emirimu gimaliriziddwa mu budde."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Is it true that no one is above the law?",
"lg": "Kituufu nti teri n'omu ali waggulu w'amateeka?"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She knert down as a way of expressing her gratitude.",
"lg": "Yakufukamidde ng'engeri y'okulagamu okusiima kwe."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Nation resources are rightfully accessed by nationals.",
"lg": "Bannansi bafuna ebyetaago mu ngeri entuufu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The water standards were approved by the National bureau of Standards.",
"lg": "Omutindo gw'amazzi gwa kakasibwa ekitongole kya National bureau of Standards."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Our pharmacists will inform the public about how hardened some diseases are to drugs.",
"lg": "Abakugu mu by'eddagala bajja kutegeeza abantu engeri eddagala gye litasobola kukola ku ndwadde ezimu."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He planted oranges and pawpaw trees at the side of his plantation.",
"lg": "Yasimba amapaapaali n'emicungwa ku mmabali g'olusuku lwe."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "My grandmother died at ninety-nine years.",
"lg": "Jjajjange omukazi yafiira ku myaka kyenda."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "A new medical kit has been launched in Uganda",
"lg": "Akasanduuko k'ekisawo akapya katongozeddwa mu Uganda"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "His children are all successful.",
"lg": "nan"
} |
Subsets and Splits