{ -brand-name-nightly } is an unstable testing and development platform. By default, { -brand-name-nightly } sends data to { -brand-name-mozilla } — and sometimes our partners — to help us handle problems and try ideas. <a href="{ $link }">Learn what is shared</a>.
{ -brand-name-nightly } d anagraw n usekyed akked d tneflit ur yerkiden ara. Di tazwara, { -brand-name-nightly } yettazen isefka i { -brand-name-mozilla } — Tikwal i yimendiden-nneɣ — akken ad ɣ-d-yefk afus ad nefru uguren neɣ ad neɛreḍ tiktiwin-nniḍen, <a href="{ $link }"> Issin ayen yettwabḍan</a>.
{ -brand-name-opera }’s privacy policy lacks some specificity in its explanation of which types of information it collects and how, in certain sections, it says they collect names of account holders, IP addresses and search terms. What seems confusing and troubling is the section about International data transfers; when, how often and why they need to transfer your data internationally is not explained.
Tasertit n tbaḍnit n { -brand-name-opera } ur tesɛi ara tulmisin n usegzi n wanaw n talɣut i d-ileqqeḍ d wamek, di kra n tgezmin, yenna-d ilqeḍ-d ula d ismawen n bab n yimiḍanen, tansiwin n IP d tewtilin n unadi. Ayen yessewhamen yerna yessexleɛ, d tagzemt yeɛnan tuzzna tagreɣlant n yisefka; melmi, acḥal n tikkal daɣen ayɣer i sran ad aznen isefka-inek s wudem agreɣlan ur d-tetettwasegza ara.
{ -brand-name-opera }’s privacy policy lacks some specificity in its explanation of which types of information it collects and how. In certain sections, it says they collect names of account holders, IP addresses and search terms. What seems confusing and troubling is the section about international data transfers; when, how often and why they need to transfer your data internationally is not explained.
'Tasertit n tbaḍnit n { -brand-name-opera } ur tesɛi ara tulmisin n usegzi n wanaw n talɣut i d-ileqqeḍ d wamek, di kra n tgezmin, yenna-d ilqeḍ-d ula d ismawen n bab n yimiḍanen, tansiwin n IP d tewtilin n unadi. Ayen yessewhamen yerna yessexleɛ, d tagzemt yeɛnan tuzzna tagreɣlant n yisefka; melmi, acḥal n tikkal daɣen ayɣer i sran ad aznen isefka-inek s wudem agreɣlan ur d-tetettwasegza ara.
{ -brand-name-pocket } - Save news, videos, stories and more
{ -brand-name-pocket } - Sekles isallen, tividyutin, tiqessiḍin d wayen-nniḍen
{ -brand-name-pocket } is built right into { -brand-name-firefox }, so you can easily save stories as you find them, then read them later on any device.
{ -brand-name-pocket } yettusileɣ daxel { -brand-name-firefox }, daɣ netta ishel-ak·am ad teskelseḍ tiqessiḍin akken ara tent-tafeḍ, syen ad tent-teɣreḍ mbeεd deg yal ibenk.
{ -brand-name-pocket } recommends high-quality, human-curated articles without collecting your browsing history or sharing your personal information with advertisers.
{ -brand-name-pocket } iwelleh ɣer imagraden n tɣara wlayen, i ṣeggmen yimdanen war ma leqqḍen amazray-inek·inem n tunigin, d war beṭṭu n talɣut-inek·inem tudmawant d yimberrḥen.
{ -brand-name-pocket } shows recommended stories every time you open a new tab. Save the ones that interest you.
{ -brand-name-pocket } yeskan tiqessiḍin yettwafernen yal tikkelt mi ara teldiḍ iccer amaynut. Sekles tid i ak·am-iεeǧben.
{ -brand-name-safari } is the pre-installed browser on { -brand-name-mac } and { -brand-name-iphone }. Compare { -brand-name-safari } to the { -brand-name-firefox-browser } to find out which is the better browser for you.
{ -brand-name-safari } d iminig yettwasbedden s wudem amezwer ɣef { -brand-name-mac } d { -brand-name-iphone }. Serwes gar { -brand-name-safari } d { -brand-name-firefox-browser } akken ad d-twaliḍ anwa iminig ifazen ɣur-k·m.
{ -brand-name-send } { -brand-name-firefox } to your phone<br> and unleash your Internet.
Azen { -brand-name-firefox } ar tiliɣri-ik <br> sakin serreḥ i Internet-ik.
{ -brand-name-thunderbird }: About Your Rights
{ -brand-name-thunderbird }: Γef yizerfan-ik·im
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit kan)
{ -brand-name-windows } 32-bit
{ -brand-name-windows } 32-ibiten
{ -brand-name-windows } 64-bit
{ -brand-name-windows } 64-ibiten
{ -brand-name-windows } 64-bit
{ -brand-name-windows }64-ibiten
{ -brand-name-wireguard } is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld
{ -brand-name-wireguard } d tacreḍt yettwagen i Jason A. Donenfeld
{ -brand-product-name } 100 User-Agent String
Azrir n User-Agent { -brand-product-name } 100
{ -brand-product-name } Browser for <a data-l10n-name="android-mobile-inline-link">Android</a> and <a data-l10n-name="ios-mobile-inline-link">iOS</a>
Iminig { -brand-product-name } i <a data-l10n-name="android-mobile-inline-link">Android</a> akked <a data-l10n-name="ios-mobile-inline-link">iOS</a>
{ -brand-product-name } Help
Tallalt n { -brand-product-name }
{ -brand-product-name } Mobile
{ -brand-product-name } aziraz
{ -brand-product-name } Shopping
Tiɣin seg { -brand-product-name }
{ -brand-product-name } only recommends extensions that meet our standards for security and performance
{ -brand-product-name } ur ittwelleh ala isiɣzaf yemṣadan d yilugan-nneɣ icudden ɣer tɣellist akked timellit.
{ -brand-product-name } recommendations
{ -brand-product-name } iwellihen
{ -brand-product-name } securely stores your passwords in your browser.
{ -brand-product-name } iseklas awalen uffiren-ik deg iminig-ik s wudem aɣelsan.
{ -brand-product-name } treats your data with respect by taking less of it, protecting it, and being clear about how we use it.
{ -brand-product-name } isesfar isefka-ik s uqadeṛ imi yettawi drus seg-sen,immestan-iten, daɣen isegzay-d amek iten-yesseqdac.
{ -brand-product-name } will automatically search for a working and recommended server configuration.
{ -brand-product-name } ad inadi s wudem awurman ɣef twila tiddin d uwelleh n uqeddac.
{ -brand-product-name } will disconnect from your account but won’t delete any of your browsing data on this device.
{ -brand-product-name } ad isuffeɣ amiḍan-ik, maca ur itekkes ula d asefku n tunigin ɣef yibenk-a.
{ -brand-product-name } will stop syncing your account but won’t delete any of your browsing data on this device.
{ -brand-product-name } ur yettuɣal ara ad yemtawi d umiḍan-ik, maca ur itekkes ula d asefku n tunigin seg yibenk-ik.
{ -brand-short-name } (process { $pid })
{ -brand-short-name } (akala { $pid })
{ -brand-short-name } - Choose User Profile
{ -brand-short-name } -Fren amaɣnu n useqdac
{ -brand-short-name } - Sharing Indicator
{ -brand-short-name } - Bḍu anamal
{ -brand-short-name } <strong>will save</strong> your:
{ -brand-short-name } <strong>ad issekles</strong> sɣur-k:
{ -brand-short-name } Application ID { $appId } - InBrowserElement { $isInIsolatedElement }
{ -brand-short-name } Asulay n usnas { $appId } - InBrowserElement { $isInIsolatedElement }
{ -brand-short-name } Can’t Open This Page
{ -brand-short-name } ur yezmir ara ad yeldi asebter-a
{ -brand-short-name } Data Collection and Use
Alqqaḍ d useqdec n isefka { -brand-short-name }
{ -brand-short-name } Data Collection and Use
Alqqaḍ d useqdec n yisefka { -brand-short-name }
{ -brand-short-name } Detected a Potential Security Issue
{ -brand-short-name } Yufa-d yezmer ad yili wugur n tɣellist
{ -brand-short-name } Experiments
{ -brand-short-name } Tirma
{ -brand-short-name } Experiments: Proceed with Caution
{ -brand-short-name } Tirma: ddu kan s leεqel
{ -brand-short-name } Features
{ -brand-short-name } Timahilin
{ -brand-short-name } Language Settings
Iɣewwaṛen n tutlayt n { -brand-short-name }
{ -brand-short-name } Language Settings
{ -brand-short-name } Iɣewwaṛen n Tutlayt
{ -brand-short-name } Preferences
Ismenyifen n { -brand-short-name }
{ -brand-short-name } Private Browsing
{ -brand-short-name } tunigin tusligt
{ -brand-short-name } Safe Mode
Askar aɣelsan n { -brand-short-name }
{ -brand-short-name } Settings
Iɣewwaren n { -brand-short-name }
{ -brand-short-name } Start Page
Asebter agejdan n { -brand-short-name }
{ -brand-short-name } Support
{ -brand-short-name } Tallelt
{ -brand-short-name } Troubleshoot Mode
Askar n usellek { -brand-short-name }
{ -brand-short-name } Updates
Ileqman n { -brand-short-name }
{ -brand-short-name } automatically sends some data to { -vendor-short-name } so that we can improve your experience.
{ -brand-short-name } yettazen s wudem awurman talɣut i { -vendor-short-name } akken ad nwenneɛ tunigin-inek.
{ -brand-short-name } automatically stops companies from secretly following you around the web.
{ -brand-short-name } yessewḥal s wudem awurman tikebbaniyin ara ak-iḍefren deg web.
{ -brand-short-name } automatically tries to reject cookie requests on cookie banners on supported sites.
{ -brand-short-name } yettaɛraḍ s wudem awurman ad yagi issutar n trusi n yinagan n tuqqna n yiɣarracen n yinagan n tuqqna ɣef yismal i ten-yessefraken.
{ -brand-short-name } blocked a cryptominer on this page
{ -brand-short-name } yessewḥel akriptuminer ɣef usebter-a.
{ -brand-short-name } blocked a fingerprinter on this page
{ -brand-short-name } yessewḥel aneḍfaṛ n udsil umḍin ɣef usebter-a.
{ -brand-short-name } blocked over <b>{ $blockedCount }</b> trackers since { $date }!
{ -brand-short-name } issewḥel u<b>{ $blockedCount }</b> yineḍfaren seg { $date }!
{ -brand-short-name } blocked over <b>{ $blockedCount }</b> trackers since { DATETIME($date, month: "long", year: "numeric") }!
{ -brand-short-name } ttusweḥlen ugar n <b>{ $blockedCount }</b> yineḍfaren seg { DATETIME($date, month: "long", year: "numeric") }!
{ -brand-short-name } blocked over { $trackerCount } trackers since { DATETIME($date, year: "numeric", month: "long") }
{ -brand-short-name } isewḥel ugar n { $trackerCount } n yineḍfaṛen seg { DATETIME($date, year: "numeric", month: "long") }
{ -brand-short-name } blocked this page because it may trick you into doing something dangerous like installing software or revealing personal information like passwords or credit cards.
{ -brand-short-name } isewḥel asebter-agi acku izmer ad yexdem ayen n ddir am usebded n iseɣẓan n ddir neɣ ad yaker isefra am wawalen uffiren neɣ tikaṛḍiwin n udrim.
{ -brand-short-name } blocked this page because it might attempt to install malicious software that may steal or delete personal information on your computer.
{ -brand-short-name } isewḥel asebter-agi acku izmer ad isebded iseɣẓan n ddiri izemren ad akren neɣ ad kksen isefka-inek deg uselkim.
{ -brand-short-name } blocked this page because it might try to install dangerous apps that steal or delete your information (for example, photos, passwords, messages and credit cards).
{ -brand-short-name } isewḥel asebter-agi acku yezmer ad isbedd iseɣẓan imihawen yettakren neɣ yetteksen talɣut (amedya, tugniwin, awalen uffiren, izenan akked tkarḍiwin n usmad).
{ -brand-short-name } blocked this page because it might try to trick you into installing programs that harm your browsing experience (for example, by changing your homepage or showing extra ads on sites you visit).
{ -brand-short-name } isewḥel asebter-agi acku izmer ad isebded iseɣẓan ad d-yawin ugur i iminig-inek ( amedya, abeddel n usebter agejdan neɣ taskant n izegrar deg ismal i ɣer terziḍ).
{ -brand-short-name } blocked { $count } trackers over the past week
{ -brand-short-name } yessewḥel { $count } n yineḍfaṛen smana yezrin
{ -brand-short-name } blocks many common social and cross-site trackers that follow what you do online.
{ -brand-short-name } yessewḥal ddeqs n yineḍfaren inmettiyen akked igrismal yettwassnen i yeṭṭafaṛen ayen i txeddmeḍ srid.
{ -brand-short-name } blocks the following:
{ -brand-short-name } issewḥal aya:
{ -brand-short-name } builds a fence around cookies, limiting them to the site you’re on so trackers can’t use them to follow you. With early access, you’ll help optimize this feature so we can keep building a better web for everyone.
{ -brand-short-name } itegg zzeṛb i yinagan n tuqqna, it eǧǧ-asen talast deg usmel ideg telliḍ i wakken ur ten-sseqdacen ara ineḍfaren. S unekcum zik, ad ak•akem-iɛawen deg usesfer n tmahilt-a, akka ad nessiweḍ ad nebnu web igerrzen i yal yiwen.
{ -brand-short-name } can allow you to get to your mail using the provided configurations. However, you should contact your administrator or email provider regarding these improper connections. See the <a data-l10n-name="thunderbird-faq-link">Thunderbird FAQ</a> for more information.
{ -brand-short-name } yezmer ak-isireg akken ad tawiḍ imayl inek s useqdec n twila d-ittunefken. Acu kan, yessefk ad tenermseḍ anebdal-inek neɣ win i k-d-imudden imayl inek s tuqqniwin ur nwata yara. Wali <a data-l10n-name="thunderbird-faq-link">Isteqsiyen FAQ</a> i wugar n telɣut.
{ -brand-short-name } can analyze messages for suspected email scams by looking for common techniques used to deceive you.
{ -brand-short-name } yezmer ad yesleḍ iznan igebren imaylen n ukellex s unadi n tetikniyin yettwasnen i yettuseqdacen akken ak-kelxen.
{ -brand-short-name } can automatically reject many cookie banner requests.
{ -brand-short-name } yezmer ad yagi aṭas yissutar n yiɣarracen n yinagan n tuqqna s wudem awurman.
{ -brand-short-name } can make it easy for antivirus software to analyze incoming mail messages for viruses before they are stored locally.
{ -brand-short-name } yezmer ad t-yessifusu i umgal avirus akken ad yesleḍ iznan n tirawt ukcimen ɣef ivirusen send ad ttwakelsen.
{ -brand-short-name } can not allow permanent access to your screen.
{ -brand-short-name } ur izmir ara ad isireg anekcum izgan ɣer ugdil-inek.
{ -brand-short-name } can not allow permanent access to your tab’s audio without asking which tab to share.
{ -brand-short-name } ur yizmir ara ad isireg anekcum izgan ɣer yiccer-inek amesalw war ma isuter anwa iccer ara yebḍu.
{ -brand-short-name } can protect your privacy behind the scenes while you browse. This is a personalized summary of those protections, including tools to take control of your online security.
{ -brand-short-name } yezmer ad yeḥrez tabaḍnit-ik ɣef wayen yeffren mi ara tettinigeḍ. D agzul udmawan n tigra-nni, daɣen akked yifecka akken ad yezg usenqed n tɣellist-inek srid.
{ -brand-short-name } can remember passwords for all of your accounts.
{ -brand-short-name } yezmer ad yecfu ɣef awalen uffiren n imiḍan-inek imeṛṛa.
{ -brand-short-name } can't update your languages right now. Check that you are connected to the internet or try again.
{ -brand-short-name } ur izmir ara ad ileqqem tutlayin-ik/im tura. Wali ma teqqneḍ ɣer internet neɣ ɛreḍ tikkelt-nniḍen.
{ -brand-short-name } can’t load this page for some reason.
{ -brand-short-name } ur izmir ara ad d-yessali asebter-a.
{ -brand-short-name } can’t protect your request for this site’s address through our trusted DNS resolver. Here’s why:
{ -brand-short-name } ur yezmir ara ad yemmesten asuter-ik•im ɣef tansa n usmel-a s umefru-nneɣ DNS aɣellsan. Da ara tafeḍ iwacu:
{ -brand-short-name } can’t reach the service right now. Try again in a few moments.
{ -brand-short-name } mazal ur issaweḍ ara ɣɣer umeẓlu. Ɛreḍ tikkelt-nniḍen deg kra n tesdatin.
{ -brand-short-name } can’t reach the syncing service right now. Try again in a few moments.
{ -brand-short-name } mazal ur issaweḍ ara ɣer umeẓlu n umtawi. Ɛreḍ tikkelt-nniḍen deg kra n tesdatin.
{ -brand-short-name } can’t update your languages right now. Check that you are connected to the internet or try again.
{ -brand-short-name } ur izmir ara ad isnifel tutlayin-ik/im tura. Wali ma teqqneḍ ɣer internet neɣ ɛreḍ tikkelt-nniḍen.
{ -brand-short-name } clears your search and browsing history when you close all private windows, but this doesn’t make you anonymous.
{ -brand-short-name } iseffeḍ anadi-inek·inem d uzray n tunigin mi ara tmedleḍ akk isfuyla usligen, maca aya ur ak·akem-yettarra ara d t·udrig·t.
{ -brand-short-name } clears your search and browsing history when you quit the app or close all Private Browsing tabs and windows. While this doesn’t make you anonymous to websites or your internet service provider, it makes it easier to keep what you do online private from anyone else who uses this computer.
{ -brand-short-name } iseffeḍ azray n unadi d tunigin mi ara teffɣeḍ seg usnas neɣ ad tmedleḍ iccaren n ifuyla n tunigin tusligin. aya ad ak-ikkes udem uslig mi ara tinigeḍ.
{ -brand-short-name } closed unexpectedly while starting. This might be caused by add-ons or other problems. You can try to resolve the problem by troubleshooting in Safe Mode.
{ -brand-short-name } yeḥbes s wudem ur netturaju. Aya yezmer ad yili s sebba n izegrar neɣ n wuguren-nniḍen. Tzemreḍ ad tefruḍ ugur-a s useggem deg uskar aɣelsan.
{ -brand-short-name } continues to block trackers in Private Windows, but does not keep a record of what was blocked.
{ -brand-short-name } ad ikemmel ad isewḥel ineḍfaṛen deg yisfuyla n tunigin tusligt, maca ur iḥerrez ara lǧeṛṛa n wayen iweḥlen.
{ -brand-short-name } could not download the search plugin from: { $location-url }
{ -brand-short-name } ur yezmir ara ad yezdem azegrir si: { $location-url }
{ -brand-short-name } could not install the search engine from: { $location-url }
{ -brand-short-name } ur izmir ara ad isbed amsaɣ seg: { $location-url }
{ -brand-short-name } could not install the search plugin from “{ $location-url }” because an engine with the same name already exists.
{ -brand-short-name } ur yezmir ara ad isebded azegrir n unadi si «{ $location-url }» acku yella umsadday s yisem-agi yakan.
{ -brand-short-name } couldn’t find any programs that contain bookmark, history or password data.
{ -brand-short-name } ur issaweḍ ara ad yaf kra n wahi ideg llant tecraḍ n yisebtar, azray neɣ isefka n wawalen uffiren.
{ -brand-short-name } crashed in code from this module
{ -brand-short-name } yerreẓ deg tengalt n uzegrir-a
{ -brand-short-name } deletes your cookies, history, and site data when you close all your private windows.
{ -brand-short-name } itekkes inagan n tuqqna, azray, akked yisefka n yismal web mi ara tmedleḍ akk isfuyla usligen.
{ -brand-short-name } detected a potential security threat and did not continue to <b>{ $hostname }</b> because this website requires a secure connection.
{ -brand-short-name } yufa-d dakken izmer ad yili ugur n teɣlist u ur ikemmel ara ɣer <b>{ $hostname }</b> acku asmel-agi isra tuqqna tɣelsant.
{ -brand-short-name } detected a potential security threat and did not continue to <b>{ $hostname }</b>. If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information like your passwords, emails, or credit card details.
{ -brand-short-name } yufa-d dakken izmer ad yili ugur n teɣlist u ur ikemmel ara ɣer <b>{ $hostname }</b>. Ma terziḍ ɣer usmel, Imakwaren zemren ad ɛerḍen ad akren talɣut yecban awalen uffiren, imaylen, neɣ talqayt n tkerḍa n usmad.
{ -brand-short-name } detected an issue and did not continue to <b>{ $hostname }</b>. The website is either misconfigured or your computer clock is set to the wrong time.
{ -brand-short-name } Yufa-d ugur u ur ikemmel ara ɣer <b>{ $hostname }</b>. Asmel web atan ur ittwasbadu ara neɣ tamrilt n uselkim-ik/im ur tettwasbadu ara ɣer wakud iwatan.
{ -brand-short-name } detected other services linked to your email account.
{ -brand-short-name } yufa-d imeɣla-nniḍen yeqqnen ɣer umiḍan-ik·im n yimayl.
{ -brand-short-name } does not have permission to read the file. Try changing the file permissions.
{ -brand-short-name } ur yesεi ara tasiregt ad iɣer afaylu. Ɛreḍ ad tbeddleḍ tisirag n ufaylu.
{ -brand-short-name } doesn’t have a personal OpenPGP key for <b>{ $identity }</b>
{ -brand-short-name } ur yesεi ara tasarut tudmawant OpenPGP i <b>{ $identity }</b>
{ -brand-short-name } encountered an error and didn’t save this change. Note that changing this update setting requires permission to write to the file below. You or a system administrator may be able resolve the error by granting the Users group full control to this file. Could not write to file: { $path }
{ -brand-short-name } yemmuger-d tuccḍa ihi ur izmir ara ad isekles abeddel-a. Ẓer belli abeddel n uɣewwar-a n uleqqem, yesra tasiregt n tira deg ufaylu ddaw-a. Kečč neɣ andbal n unagraw, tzemreḍ ahat ad tesseɣtiḍ tuccḍa s umuddun n tisrag ummid ɣer ufaylu-a i ugraw Users. Ur yezmir ad yaru deg ufaylu: { $path }
{ -brand-short-name } encountered an error and didn’t save this change. Note that setting this update preference requires permission to write to the file below. You or a system administrator may be able resolve the error by granting the Users group full control to this file. Could not write to file: { $path }
{ -brand-short-name } yemmuger-d tuccḍa ihi ur izmir ara ad isekles abeddel-a. Ẓer dakken abeddel n usmenyif-a n uleqqem, yesra tasiregt n tira deg ufaylu seddaw. Kečč neɣ anedbal n unagraw, tzemrem ahat ad tesseɣtim tuccḍa s umuddu n usenqed ummid n ufaylu-a i ugraw yiseqdacen. Ur yezmir ad yaru deg ufaylu: { $path }
{ -brand-short-name } encountered an error and didn’t save this change. Note that setting this update preference requires permission to write to the file below. You or a system administrator may be able resolve the error by granting the Users group full control to this file. Could not write to file: { $path }
{ -brand-short-name } yemmuger-d tuccḍa ihi ur izmir ara ad isekles abeddel-a. Ẓeṛ d akken abeddel n usmenyif-a n uleqqem, yesra tasiregt n tira deg ufaylu ddaw-a. Kečč neɣ andbal n unagraw, tzemreḍ ahat ad tesseɣtiḍ tuccḍa s umuddun n tisrag ummid ɣer ufaylu-a i ugraw Users. Ur yezmir ad yaru deg ufaylu: { $path }
{ -brand-short-name } failed to find the settings for your email account
{ -brand-short-name } ur yessaweḍ ara ad d-yaf iɣewwaṛen i umiḍan-inek n tirawt.
{ -brand-short-name } failed to install but will continue to run.
{ -brand-short-name } yegguma ad yebded maca ad ikemmel ad yeddu.