$500 up. Thirteen of these will be exchanged for
$500 up. Thirteen of these will be exchanged for
A ċuisle," duḃairt sé, "tá mo ċroiḋe
"A ċuisle," duḃairt sé, "tá mo ċroiḋe
Riġ Luġaiḋ a ṡrian---
Riġ Luġaiḋ a ṡrian —
creideaṁ, iad féin agus a rab aca cur
ċreideaṁ, iad féin agus a rab aca cur
northern property. The most of them are orange
northern property. The most of them are orange
a communication from the Dublin Society saying
a communication from the Dublin Society saying
buail síos an Ṡ 4 Ó-
buail síos an Ṡasanaċ!"
Na díbreaċa cia buḋ gnáṫaċ a ḃeiḋ ċo
Na díbreaċa cia buḋ gnáṫaċ a ḃeiḋ ċo
100 acres, price, 3.000 ; Amelia Conrthouse, Va.
100 acres, price, 3.000; Amelia Conrthouse, Va.
to do so, because if they do, as already stated, its
to do so, because if they do, as already stated, its
court. It is of solid masonry and arehed, and
court. It is of solid masonry and arehed, and
doub's were soon removed by the lady perform-
doubts were soon removed by the lady perform-
1. J. Lacun, Ruhur and Puuliadcy, 94 Paafe N., Buálin, N. Y.
M. J. Logan, Editor and Publisher, 814 Pacific st., Brooklyn, N. Y.
ad lag-ḃríṫeaċ láṁaċ
ad lag-ḃríṫeaċ aláṁaċ,
corp glórṁar seo a g-cóiste ór-buiḋe,
corp glórṁar seo a g-cóiste ór-ḃuiḋe,
na h-Éireann do riogaċt, gan cead do
na h-Éireann do riogaċt, gan cead do
power iu heaven and on earth. He promised that
power iu heaven and on earth. He promised that
No Teamhore's halls shall vibrate to its thrilling
No Teamhore's halls shall vibrate to its thrilling
ed with the Lamb, by showing them that He has dis-
ed with the Lamb, by showing them that He has dis-
siad liom go ḃ-fuil timċeall trí agus
siad liom go ḃ-fuil timċeall trí agus
REAL ESTATE.— Being in communication with
REAL ESTATE. — Being in communication with
san m-Baile seo. Tá a saiṫ aca le iṫe
san m-Baile seo. Tá a saiṫ aca le iṫe
my friend, right, loving, art thou not? 5. I am
my friend, right, loving, art thou not? 5. I am
milleán aig gaċ ceann aca go coitċean-
milleán aig gaċ ceann aca go coitċean-
The Brooklyn Philo Celtic Soceety's Annual re-
The Brooklyn Philo Celtic Soceety's Annual re-
Teas, Coffees, Spices, Butter, Lard, Eggs &c,
Teas, Coffees, Spices, Butter, Lard, Eggs &c,
language will assist by urging the young to pa-
language will assist by urging the young to pa-
predisposes to idiocy and that if such confinement
predisposes to idiocy and that if such confinement
ṡon cuir ċugam "An Ġaoḋal" air feaḋ
ṡon cuir ċugam "An Gaoḋal" air feaḋ
fás 's a g-cóṁnuiḋe leaṫanuġ'ḋ;
fás 's a g-cóṁnuiḋe leaṫanuġ'ḋ;
ṡalaiġṫé le anáil ṁurċaiġ na reiṁ
ṡalaiġṫé le anáil ṁurċaiġ na reiṁ-
ionnas go d-tugṫá an iarraiḋ dóiḃcoiṁ-
ionnas go d-tugṫá an iarraiḋ dóiḃcoiṁ-
God is good. 11. Who is God? 12. Wnat is hea-
God is good. 11. Who is God? 12. Wnat is hea-
from the postmortem pur ishment which is sure, that
from the postmortem punishment which is sure, that
a's ár!
a's ár!
Ḃí 'n oiḋċe fuar, geiṁreaċ 's na gaeṫe
Ḃí 'n oiḋċe fuar, geiṁreaċ 's na gaeṫe
O do cuireaḋ ċum ḃáis í, go ro náire'
Ó do cuireaḋ ċum ḃáis í, go ro náirea
i believe ill stay at home and ne’er go
I believe I'll stay at home and ne’er go
Dia air neaṁ agus air trlaṁ. Tá an
Dia air neaṁ agus air trlaṁ. Tá an
took to copy the three books of which we have
took to copy the three books of which we have
among others are, Father Brown, Hon. M. J. Breen
among others are, Father Brown, Hon. M. J. Breen
proud of it. This pride however must have a large
men. He will try to get all his friends to sub-
men. He will try to get all his friends to sub-
having been complied from old manuscripts some
having been complied from old manuscripts some
Dul síos air m' aistir le solus mo
Dul síos air m' aistir le solus mo
So much for the enlightenment of the nobility
So much for the enlightenment of the nobility
Turaer, there were executed 72,000 gceatand petty
Turner, there were executed 72,000 greatand petty
Mar do ċóir no ceart ní ṫaḃarfaiḋ
Mar do ċóir no ceart ní ṫaḃarfaiḋ
án do ráḋ timċioll 'ranga na Gaeḋilg-
án do ráḋ timċioll 'ranga na Gaeḋilge
Resi ience, 233 Hoyt St-
Resi ience, 233 Hoyt St.
D'Fear-eagair an Ġaoḋail.
D'Ḟear-eagair an Ġaoḋail.
truaġ, pity
truaġ, pity,
make all classes welcome: It is quite different
make all classes welcome: It is quite different
the money down,
the money down,
York and Brookly will receive thorough instruc-
York and Brookly will receive thorough instruc-
Ceud míle fáilte roiṁ an Ġaoḋal
Ceud míle fáilte roiṁ an Ġaoḋal
rious sects, yet, two years ago when the present
rious sects, yet, two years ago when the present
ṫaḃairt faoi ḋearḃ an cineál daoineaḋ
ṫaḃairt faoi ḋearḃ an cineál daoineaḋ
rebuild a nationality without the language is as
rebuild a nationality without the language is as
showed their manliness and elected their cheice.
showed their manliness and elected their choice.
For my part I don’t care who does the work so
For my part I don’t care who does the work so
ṫimċiolluġaḋ. Saorċúrsaiġeann sí go
ṫimċiolluġaḋ. Saorċúrsaiġeann sí go
translations are valuable because they
translations are valuable because they
entertained sentiments inimical to cherisheċ
entertained sentiments inimical to cherished
D' ḟan triúr na n-ḋiaiġ aig bailiuġaḋ
D' ḟan triúr na n-ḋiaiġ aig bailiuġaḋ
and take an active part in the cultivation of the
and take an active part in the cultivation of the
'eiṫ, hot; flee thou,
teiṫ, hot; flee thou,
sor Egan on the Irish bagpipes, and the large drops
sor Egan on the Irish bagpipes, and the large drops
iie ó tenean ton gaots to peuim the taat-
Mr. O'Longna ten years to perform the task.
no go d-tainiceadar go grianán na m-
no go d-tainiceadar go grianán na m-
ṫe"Talaṁ agus Teanga. Ní raḃ duine
ṫe "Talaṁ agus Teanga." Ní raḃ duine
27 Conti St,
27 Conti St,
The Catholic populition of New York City is
The Catholic population of New York City is
cord it.
to the Irish Members of Parliament, requesting them
to the Irish Members of Parliament, requesting them
beán mé dá 'r g-cuideaċd é agus ċeann
beán mé dá 'r g-cuideaċd é agus ċeann-
A n-diaḋaċd ba ṫrom, a meaḃair 'sa
A n-diaḋaċd ba ṫrom, a meaḃair 'sa
Agus ḃeiḋeaḋ Ḟontenoġ, Ḟontnoġ ċlúṫ-
Agus ḃeiḋeaḋ Ḟontenoġ, Ḟontnoġ ċlúṫ-
Losgan a n-guaiḋe 'n-aġaiḋ a's a d-taoḃ
Losgan a n-guaiḋe 'n-aġaiḋ a's a d-taoḃ,
Toe ḃuitered at the Brooklyn P. O. as second-clas mal matter.
Entered at the Brooklyn P. O. as second-class mail matter.
glún, a knee, knot, joint,
glún, a knee, knot, joint
to the ship. He was welcomed by Mac Sweeney
to the ship. He was welcomed by Mac Sweeney
this change is called Aspiration. b c d
this change is called Aspiration. b c d
La.—Mr. J. A. O’Neill expresses the sentiments
La. — Mr. J. A. O’Neill expresses the sentiments
ċionn sin, tá 'n Ġaoḋal saor ó ṡalaċas,
ċionn sin, tá 'n Gaoḋal saor ó ṡalaċas,
ail aig teaċt air éis.----
ail aig teaċt air éis. —
the neighbouring hill of Donore, and was the firs
the neighbouring hill of Donore, and was the first
ṫe a h-Aibidil.
ṫe a h-Aibidil.
leases did not die out until a few years ago. He
leases did not die out until a few years ago. He
placed, by the Grand Marshall, on his head. So
placed, by the Grand Marshall, on his head. So
of any one we know ; and we are sure this con-
of any one we know; and we are sure this con-