LOANS Negotiated,
LOANS Negotiated.
a cineála, duḃairt sé, "Ní 'l fios agam
a cineála, duḃairt sé, "Ní 'l fios agam
ther. He took her by the hand to the presence o'
ther. He took her by the hand to the presence of
along very nicely in a short time, and your val-
along very nicely in a short time, and your val-
Third Irish Book
Third Irish Book
Teaṁra, agus do ċuir siad fáilte ṁór
Ṫeaṁra, agus do ċuir siad fáilte ṁór
lauguage and literature of their country
lauguage and literature of their country.
Am fad ó mar do ḃí cuingir ḋáṁ a
Am fad ó mar do ḃí cuingir ḋáṁ a
no ainḟios iad a ṫarċuisniuġaḋ ; leig
no ainḟios iad a ṫarċuisniuġaḋ; leig
Do fuair me d' aiṫris leis an!
Do fuair me d' aiṫris leis an
In this the pedigrees of the noble families, the
In this the pedigrees of the noble families, the
The following extract of a letter from Charles
The following extract of a letter from Charles
And I’m overburdened with sad misery;
And I’m overburdened with sad misery;
ar m-béaṫa a ṡáorṫúġaḋ, águs anns an
ar m-beaṫa a ṡaorṫúġaḋ, agus anns an
Gan dul go faoisdin Nodlag no Cásga,
Gan dul go faoisdin Nodlag no Cásga,
habit of mailing it as an advertisement to those
habit of mailing it as an advertisement to those
nois, afus air uair ar m-báis. Amén. .
nois, afus air uair ar m-báis. Amén.
J. Early Quincy Ill—Is well pleased with the
J. Early Quincy Ill — Is well pleased with the
Let us ask of God light and grace, &c., &c.
Let us ask of God light and grace, &c., &c.
off its supplies for the future. The Hand-
off its supplies for the future. The Hands
a, an, cá, naċ; also, after go, muna, iar
a, an, cá, naċ; also, after go, muna, iar
O'CONNELL. Alderman Daniel O'Connell of
O'CONNELL. Alderman Daniel O'Connell of
this journal.
A deir an t-uġdar ceudna: O aim-
A deir an t-uġdar ceudna: "O aim-
respecting Irishman and woman—and it is only
respecting Irishman and woman — and it is only
Fionn. tá imreas agus eas-aontaċt
Fionn. "tá imreas agus eas-aontaċt
sake of his country, his land, his friends, his kins-
sake of his country, his land, his friends, his kins-
mission to use the above rooms which are central
mission to use the above rooms which are central
government, according to the custom of Ireland
government, according to the custom of Ireland,
The Tuamt Ncus containg a loné etai hon
The Tuam News contains a long letter from
ject of the discourse into two points :
ject of the discourse into two points:
'S mé airioṁ dá m-féidir liom sgríoḃ
'S mé airioṁ dá m-féidir liom sgríoḃ'
et ee.
the country they want to set free.
Dár 'nisios duit ċeana a ṫárluiġ Éire;
Dár 'nisios duit ċeana a ṫárluiġ Éire;
“This volume is a well-merited tribute to the unswerving
“This volume is a well-merited tribute to the unswerving
racais agus 'g a fáiltiuġaḋ ; ní ḃiḋeann!
racais agus 'g a fáiltiuġaḋ; ní ḃiḋeann
Maiseaḋ, a ċríostaiḋe, iomcaraḋ an
Maiseaḋ, a ċríostaiḋe, iomcaraḋ an
le ráḋ cia ,n fáḋ go m-buḋ ċóir mo
le ráḋ cia,n fáḋ go m-buḋ ċóir mo
was called to the chair. Among the members pre
was called to the chair. Among the members pre
The census returns are particularly interesting
The census returns are particularly interesting
never misses a meeting of the society,
never misses a meeting of the society,
Tis next my heart I wear you,
'Tis next my heart I wear you,
Ṫhe Áeaul.
Ṫhe Ġael.
you were the first in the field to organ-
you were the first in the field to organ-
taken Lis sword from him, and having presentec
taken his sword from him, and having presented
the “Book of the Dun Cow,"” and the “Speckled
the “Book of the Dun Cow,” and the “Speckled
Cuireadar buainiġe anns gaċ teaċ aig
Ċuireadar buainiġe anns gaċ teaċ aig
(To be continued.)
(To be continued.)
the grandest discovery ever made to man ; besides
the grandest discovery ever made to man; besides
$500 up. Thirteen of these will be exchanged for
$500 up. Thirteen of these will be exchanged for
ġráḋ is tú. 4. a ċéile m' anama is tú,
ġráḋ is tú. 4. a ċéile m' anama is tú,
expressing his regret at not being able to be pres-
expressing his regret at not being able to be pres-
taid sa m-béarla Sacsain. Glaoiġtear
taid sa m-béarla Sacsain. Glaoiġtear
Án Dara Lá de Ċeud Ṁí an
Án Dara Lá de Ċeud Ṁí an
vertised in the United Irishman and wants to
vertised in the United Irishman and wants to
clais-ġaine, a sand-pit.
clais-ġaine, a sand-pit,
a Muire, go n-deárnaiḋ tú mo ṫoil-se
a Ṁuire, go n-deárnaiḋ tú mo ṫoil-se
ific st. Brooklyn, N. Y.
ific st. Brooklyn, N. Y.
ta buaiḋ air ċloċaiḃ agus air ċarraigiḃ
ta buaiḋ air ċloċaiḃ agus air ċarraigiḃ
are full of interest.—
are full of interest. —
had them built of solid masonry; all on the east
had them built of solid masonry; all on the east
Oo ṫus an uair sin marḃuġaḋ, feall, 's
Do ṫus an uair sin marḃuġaḋ, feall, 's
Though spoil'd by time, their mould’ring walls
Though spoil'd by time, their mould’ring walls
J. Finneran, T. Maxey, P. Kelly, J. MacInerney,
J. Finneran, T. Maxey, P. Kelly, J. MacInerney,
Barrett, E. O'Brien, Cavanagh, Fallen, Anglin,
Barrett, E. O'Brien, Cavanagh, Fallen, Anglin,
Address the Secretary, M. J. Logan, at 814 NaOḊ
Address the Secretary, M. J. Logan, at 814 Pacific
leitre aċt ċoṁarluiġ Éireannaċ sinn ḃ-
leitre aċt ċoṁarluiġ Éireannaċ sinn ḃ-
particularly clergymen, do not want their sentim-
particularly clergymen, do not want their sentim-
A, e, i, o,u, are Vowels, the remain.
A, e, i, o,u, are Vowels, the remain-
dressed him in IRisH thus:
dressed him in IRISH thus:
to their Patriotic countrymen to buy shares of
to their Patriotic countrymen to buy shares of
the occasion. The Irish Language only as far as
the occasion. The Irish Language only as far as
cúitiġṫe go maiṫ,
cúitiġṫe go maiṫ,
Lann aṫar fáisṫge air go teann,
Lann aṫar fáisṫge air go teann,
this was of no avail to him, because there was no
this was of no avail to him, because there was not
sé baint an anma do 'n ḃriaṫar, do 'n
sé baint an anma do 'n ḃriaṫar, do 'n
The ringleted hair of the dame;
The ringleted hair of the dame;
Do b' ait liomsa ceolta 'na d-tiompán,
Do b' ait liomsa ceolta 'na d-tiompán,
(per. General M. B. Patrick )10E 5s 4d ; do. (per.
(per. General M. B. Patrick )10£ 5s 4d; do. (per.
ċeud ḃean,
ċeud ḃean,
beagán focla eile lé ráṫ. Táim aig im-
beagán focla eile lé ráṫ. Táim aig im-
dify the meaning of the verbythe ad
dify the meaning of the verb, the ad
Tug olla a's baiste do ṡagairt ,s ċléire.
Ṫug olla a's baiste do ṡagairt,s ċléire.
beir, agus cuireann sí geir a g-caora;
beir, agus cuireann sí geir a g-caora;
le mo ṫeastas a ṫarċuisniuġaḋ, óir
le mo ṫeastas a ṫarċuisniuġaḋ, óir
from time untilit is finished-
from time until it is finished-
Na raḃ ċum pósa le mnaoi nó céile,
Na raḃ ċum pósa le mnaoi nó céile,
gríoḃaḋ uġdair go coitċionn gur ḃronn
sgríoḃaḋ uġdair go coitċionn gur ḃronn