1 value
microbial dimethyl sulfide dms conversion is thought to be involved in the global sulfur cycle we isolated pseudomonas putida CS ds from soil as a bacterium utilizing dms as a sole sulfur source and tried to elucidate the dms conversion mechanism of strain ds at biochemical and genetic level CS ds Ox dms to dimethyl sulfone dmso via dimethyl sulfoxide whereas the oxidation was repressed in the presence of sulfate suggesting that a sulfate starvation response is involved in dms utilization by strain ds two of the five dmsutilizationdefective mutants isolated by transposon tn mutagenesis had a tn insertion in the ssueadcbf operon which has been reported to encode a twocomponent monooxygenase system ssued an abctype transporter ssuabc and a small protein ssuf and also to play a key role in utilization of sulfonates and sulfate esters in another bacterium p putida CS s disruption of ssud and ssud enzymatic activity demonstrated that methanesulfonate is a metabolic intermediate of dms and desulfonated by ssud disruption of ssuc or ssuf also led to a dmsutilizationdefective phenotype another two mutants had a defect in a gene homologous to pa from p aeruginosa pao which encodes a putative transcriptional regulator while the remaining mutant had a defect in cysm encoding oacetylserine thiollyase b
in bacteria the first reaction of the tryptophan biosynthetic pathway involves the conversion of chorismate and glutamine to anthranilate by the action of anthranilate synthase which is composed of the alpha trpe gene product and beta trpg gene product subunits in this study the tryptophan biosynthetic gene trpe of the spirochaete leptospira meyeri was interrupted by a kanamycinresistance cassette by homologous recombination the trpe double crossover mutant was not able to grow on solid or in liquid emjh medium in contrast the trpe mutant showed a wildtype phenotype when tryptophan or anthranilate was added to the media therefore showing that disruption of the l meyeri trpe gene resulted in tryptophan auxotrophy the authors have also characterized a second selectable marker that allows the construction of a spectinomycinresistant l meyerie coli shuttle vector and the PET complementation of the l meyeri trpe mutant
the role of afferent innervation of the bladder in the pathophysiology of UI has become the focus of intense interest in normal health the afferent pathway is mediated largely by adeltafibers which ultimately send information about the state of bladder fullness to the pontine micturition center via the periaqueductal gray matter however after spinal disruption a different type of afferent pathway emerges mediated by capsaicinsensitive cfibers that drive a spinal segmental reflex pathway causing neurogenic DO the common sources of afferent information for either pathway are likely to be afferents from the urothelium lamina propria and afferents that originate in the bladder wall ultrastructural investigations of the constituent neural elements of these structures contribute to our knowledge of their role in both health and disease and help provide a rational RPA to treatment strategies evidence of the involvement of capsaicinsensitive cfibers in the spinal reflex pathway has been supported by the successful treatment of patients with neurogenic incontinence with intravesical CAP or its ultrapotent nonpungent analog RTX on the other hand capsaicin has not been shown to be clearly effective in treatment of overactive bladder caused by detrusor overactivity or suprapontine pathology without the emergent cfibermediated reflex it is hoped that continued investigation of neurotoxins that have the potential to act on afferent innervation will lead to other treatment strategies for bladder disorders and other disorders involving afferent dysfunction
meningococcal septicemia remains one of the most common infectious causes of admission to a pediatric intensive ECU numerous treatment strategies aimed at the TE complications inducing purpura fulminans and limbdigital ischemia have been attempted with variable results the successful use of medicinal leeches for pneumococcal purpura fulminans has been described and we present a similar case of meningococcal PF
heat shock proteins hsp or SPs serve as biomarkers to identify the contribution of stress situations underlying the pathogenesis of degenerative diseases of the cns we have analyzed by immunoblot technique the constitutive and inducible occurrence of stress proteins in cultured rat BB oligodendrocytes subjected to heat shock or oxidative AS exerted by hydrogen peroxide or a combination of both the data demonstrate that oligodendrocytes constitutively express hsp hsp and the cognate form of the hsp family of proteins hsc after heat shock hsp alpha bcrystallin and hsp were upregulated while T3 oxidative AS the specific induction of hsp and alpha bcrystallin was observed hsp represents heme oxygenase ho a small stress protein with enzymatic activity involved in the oxidative Kd of heme which participates in iron metabolism the presence of the iron chelators phenanthroline or deferoxamine dfo which previously has been shown to protect oligodendrocytes from oxidative stressinduced ON of apoptosis caused a marked stimulation of hsp without affecting hsp this indicates that dfo possibly exerts its protective role by directly influencing the antioxidant capacity of ho in summary hsp in oligodendrocytes are differentially stimulated by heat stress and oxidative stress heme oxygenase has been linked to inflammatory processes and oxidative stress its specific upregulation after oxidative AS in oligodendrocytes suggests that it is an ideal candidate to investigate the involvement of oxidative stress in demyelinating diseases
delta f mutation is recognized as the most common genotype of cystic fibrosis cf however there are small numbers of cf patients having delta ffl in the present study the authors report a yearold thai boy originating from north india presenting with recurrent episodes of febrile illness hyponatremia hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis since months of age he was transferred to our hospital for further investigation blood chemistry revealed the following serum electrolytes sodium potassium chloride and bicarbonate meql and the following urine electrolytes sodium potassium and chloride meql T3 intravenous fluid administration hyponatremia and metabolic alkalosis improved dna sequencing analysis of his blood demonstrates compound mutation for delta f and fl in cftr gene in conclusion the authors report a rare case of cf with delta ffl TT presented with recurrent hyponatremia and metabolic alkalosis awareness of electrolyte abnormalities during febrile illness proper genetic counseling and longterm follow up are necessary in this patient
the pdea gene is a mammalian homolog of the dunce learning and memory gene of drosophila melanogaster and encodes campspecific phosphodiesterases targets for drugs with antidepressant and antiinflammatory actions in humans we have analyzed the intronexon and promoter structure of the murine pdea gene pdea encodes at least two different transcripts each generated by alternative mrna splicing and the use of alternative promoters the majority of pdea exons are tightly clustered at the end of the gene the region of the gene contains at least one widely separated exon which encodes the end of a distinct mrna transcript and contains a separate promoter and transcriptional start site analysis of yac clones determined that the pdea gene maps to the cm region of chromosome chr close to ldlr and epor in a region syntenic to human pdea
utilization of oligodeoxyribonucleotides to inhibit TPS gene transcription in vivo antigene strategy requires the efficient formation of triple helices under physiological conditions however pyrimidinemotif triplexes are not favored at physiological ph and physiological concentrations of potassium cations hamper purinemotif triplex formation here we investigated the effects of polyamines on promoting triplex formation by gtrich oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing either PO or a diastereomeric mixture of phosphorothioate linkages compared with mg equimolar concentrations of PAs greatly facilitated purinemotif triplex formation with the following order of effectiveness spermine spermidine putrescine at low polyamine concentrations S-ODNs were better at triplex formation than the corresponding phosphodiester oligonucleotides kinetic studies indicated that PAs facilitated triplex formation by increasing the rate of oligonucleotideduplex dna association however triplex accumulation with either oligonucleotide was still low under physiological conditions mm k mm mg mm spermine the GABA effects of k could be partially overcome with high concentrations of mg or spermine with PO oligonucleotides being better able to form triplexes than phosphorothioates under these conditions
a premature baby with GS ileal atresia and secondary short gut syndrome was sustained with the use of IP hyperalimentation consisting of per cent amigen per cent gl and per cent IL at an average rate of to milliliters per kilogram per day or to kilocalories per kilogram per day the weight of the child increased during the first four months to approximately grams per day with body length increasing by about millimeters per week six reliable measurements of the total body water of the child during the four month period were obtained using deuterium oxide dilution followed by double vacuum distillation and falling drop analysis in a constant temperature chamber measurements obtained showed a gradual decrease of TB water from per cent of body weight to ignificant increase in eleven of the twelve subjects studied the maximum increase above baseline was meq or p less than no NC occurred in blood ph values determined in four subjects in six normal subjects the test was repeated with the addition of somatostatin micrograms bolus followed by microgramshr which abolished the insulin and growth hormone response to arginine it also abolished the fall in plasma phosphorus but appeared if anything to augment the increase in potassium these findings show that arginine is responsible for a fall in plasma phosphorus related to the insulin response and for an increase in plasma potassium of clinical significance the mechanisms of which however are still obscure
one hypothesis for the regulation of total body fat suggests that leptin is a lipostatic FB signal that acts at brain sites involved in regulation of EB the importance of OB in REC from partial surgical lipectomy was tested by performing bilateral epididymal lipectomy or sham surgery on wildtype and leptindeficient obob mice eight weeks later nonexcised pads of lipectomized mice were increased but total carcass fat was lower than in shamoperated obob mice in experiment obob mice WT and two dbdb mutants cblj dbleprdblepr blj mice possessing shortform and circulating OB receptors and B6 dbjdbj blj mice expressing only circulating receptors were lipectomized or sham operated sixteen weeks later body mass and carcass lipid were not different between sham and lipectomized obob mice WT or blj dbdb mice whereas there was incomplete decreased carcass fat but suggestive REC increased RP fat mass and cell number in lipectomized blj dbdb mice these data indicate that leptin is not required for the regulation of total body fat
asthma is a pulmonary chronic inflammatory disease characterized by airway one and hyperresponsiveness pattern recognition receptors are known to play a key role in the OD of allergic diseases as well as host defenses against microbial infection receptor interacting protein rip a serinethreonine kinase is an adaptor molecule of nod and nod and genetic variation in this receptor is known to be associated with the severity of AA in children in this study we examined the role of rip in the development of allergic airway inflammation in a mouse model
a yearold woman carrying a brca gene and a significant family history was diagnosed with tc n breast cancer the RT was estrogen receptor progesterone receptor and herneu negative the patient received dosedense chemotherapy with adriamycin and cytoxan followed by taxol and left breast irradiation later a BL sgap flap reconstruction with right prophylactic mastectomy and left mastectomy were performed during her treatment the patient had an integrative medicine consultation and was seen by a team of health care providers specializing in integrative therapies including integrative nutrition therapeutic massage AP and yoga each modality contributed unique benefit in her care that led to a satisfactory outcome for the patient a detailed discussion regarding her care from each modality is presented the case elucidates the need for integrative approaches for cancer patients in a conventional medical setting
in anaesthetized or decerebrate cats motor axons in lumbosacral VP roots or hindlimb muscle nerves were stimulated with random trains of brief electrical pulses and renshaw cell spike sequences were recorded spectral analysis was used to determine the range of linear operation of RCs via coherence computations and to calculate their frequencydependent gains and phases the analysis showed that the dynamic behaviour of renshaw cells was different for different strengths of their synaptic input from motor axons and for different mean CS- rates in GA the changes in dynamics associated with R2 of these two input parameters followed a common trend this can be related to the average response of RCs per stimulus as assessed by peristimulus time histograms for axons having a strong excitatory effect on a renshaw cell as judged from the size of early peristimulus time histogram peaks and for low mean stimulus rates pulses per second the linear range of signal transmission assessed by coherence computation was usually very broad from zero sometimes up to over hz but mostly up to hz following an initial elevation in the range hz the gain showed first a rapid decrease with frequency down to a value which at hz could be a tenth of the gain at lower frequencies hz it then continued to decline slowly otherwise the linear range was narrower andor the coherence was generally lower the gain was lower and showed little decline with frequency the phase curves of renshaw cells generally showed a lowfrequency phase lead up to roughly hz and an increasing phase lag thereabove that was generated in part by the CD the results show that renshaw cells can follow particularly sensitively inputs in a frequency range encompassing the steady firing rates of many alphamotoneurons this range of high gain also covers that of a component of physiolos of possible structures of dna adducts with an etheno structure have been promutagenic potential of these lesions which may lead to misincorporation of wrong dna bases in newly synthesized dna
TI fibrosis is a common pathway that leads to kidney failure and persistent TI inflammation is a key event in the OD of TIF the new IS drug fty modifies lymphocyte migration into injured tissues by sequestering lymphocytes within AA lymphoid organs however its therapeutic effect on TI inflammation and fibrosis had not been well understood this T0 was designed to explore the effect of fty on TI inflammation and fibrosis in subtotally nephrectomized snx rats in total male SDRs were used seven days T3 nephrectomy rats were randomized to fty mgkgd and placebotreated CG sham served as controls fty significantly attenuated the rise in proteinuria serum creatinine urea nitrogen and nacetylβdglucosaminidase activity in snx rats and reduced the count of IP WBCs and lymphocytes in snx rats morphological analysis revealed that there was severe TI inflammation and fibrosis in snx group and much more TI infiltrating inflammatory cells with high expression of cd cd cd cd cd cd and ccr in snx group as compared with the controls but the lesions were attenuated significantly by treatment with fty furthermore the expressions of Th1 molecules il tnfα and mcp profibrotic molecule tgfβ and production of extracellular matrix proteins such as fibronectin and types i and iii collagens were upregulated in snx rats fty administration significantly reduced these CA in summary fty exerts therapeutic effects on tubulointerstitial fibrosis in snx rats by inhibiting the TI inflammatory response
in the ever evolving field of cardiovascular medicine and coronary MI the intraaortic balloon pump iabp is a mature technology which still plays an important role the IABP invasively supports patient hemodynamics by augmenting diastolic perfusion and increasing diastolic blood pressure thereby increasing coronary perfusion and reducing afterload its efficacy has been demonstrated in a multitude of clinical situations including acute coronary syndromes highrisk coronary interventions CS and cardiovascular surgery the potential complications of aortic counterpulsation are serious although much lower than once feared with proper patient selection IS technique and management the iabp is a powerful tool to assist in the treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease this article will review the hemodynamics indications and complications associated with its use
the use of dimethyl sulfoxide dmso and DMF dmf as solvents in ESI esi is suggested for the analysis of hydrophobic EDC its use was shown to overcome solubility problems and resulted in good SQ electrospray spectra of protected hydrophobic peptides sugars and other hydrophobic compounds intense protonated andor sodiated molecules were formed in PI mode while negative ion mode resulted in m ions from dmso and m cl ions from dmf in cases where no significant molecular ion related peaks could be observed applying commonly used protic solvents such as methanol or acetonitrile deuterium labeling ddmso high resolution experiments and tandem mass spectrometric measurements showed that the methanesulfonic acid msa present in dmso as a common impurity is responsible for the formation of protonated molecules in positive ion mode and for methane sulfonate anion adducts m in negative ion mode
a liquid chromatographytandem MS lcmsms multimethod has been developed for the determination of anabolic steroids in bovine urine diethylstilbestrol dienestrol hexestrol betaestradiol ethynylestradiol alphabetaboldenone alphanortestosterone alphabetazearalenol alphabetazaeralanol zearalenone ST and betaohstanozolol the procedure involved enzymatic hydrolysis extraction with tertbutyl methyl ether a washing step with hexane and final cleanup with spe with oasis hlb and amino cartridges the analytes were quantified by liquid chromatography coupled to a tandem MS lctsq quantum am operating in both positive and negative atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation apci data acquisition was performed in multiple reaction monitoring mrm mode quantifying two diagnostic product ions from a chosen precursor the method was validated according to the commission decision ec for the PCD and confirmation of residues in products of animal origin the method specificity sensitivity accuracy and precision were evaluated the decision limits ccalpha ranged from to ngml and the detection capabilities ccbeta ranged from to ngml the developed methodmeter in determining the degree of polarization correlation
leukocyte interactions with endothelial cell monolayers ecm and smooth muscle cells smc play an important role during inflammatory processes several studies describe an inhibitory effect of dexamethasone on polymorphonuclear leukocytes pmnl endothelial cell CF and interleukin il release aim of the current T0 was to investigate the influence of dexamethasone on leukocyte migration through an endothelial cell ML towards smclayers stimulated by TN factoralpha tnfalpha using a recently developed triple chamber migration system smclayers were cultured on the bottom of a well plate on the upper surface of the first filter ecm were cultured the second filter was a collecting filter the amount of leukocyte migration through ecm towards tnfalphastimulated smooth muscle cell layers with and without dexamethasonepretreatment was measured using a fluorescence technique the i.c.v. of smclayers with dexamethasone reduced the amount of leukocyte migration down to mm pns to mm p to mm p and to mm p in conclusion dexamethasone treatment of smooth muscle cell layers inhibits leukocyte migration through ecm towards smooth muscle cell layers the inhibition seems to be due to a decrease in il PR treatment of all cell types pmnl EC cells as well as smooth muscle cell layers simulating an invivo situation seems to have an additive effect
the solitary chemosensory cells are considered typical of aquatic vertebrates and have never been described in the oral cavity of terrestrial vertebrates we describe elements with ultrastructural characteristics of the solitary chemosensory cell in the gustatory epithelium of rats in the first week of extrauterine life these elements appeared isolated located among keratinocytes and wrapped by gliallike elements they showed a bipolar shape with a round cell body a thin apical process and a thicker basal one nerve SF contacted the cell body and the processes the cells showed small dense LG mainly located near nerve contacts small bundles of tonofilaments were visible in the perinuclear cytoplasm similar elements were not found in rats after the first week of extrauterine life the present study demonstrates in a mammal that the OD of taste buds is preceded by the presence of epithelial elements with ultrastructural characteristics of the SCCs described in lower vertebrates this finding suggests that the oral chemoreception in the suckling rats may be mediated by three different pathways ie gustatory system common chemical sense and solitary chemosensory cell system
despite the number of reported data concerning idiopathic central precocious puberty cpp in girls L1 questions remain including its diagnosis AF and indications of gonadotropin releasing hormone gnrh analog treatment
the objective of this study was to determine the effects of two insecticides namely acetamiprid and carbofuran on the enzymatic activities of arylamidase as gl formed from sinigrin and myrosinase as βnaphthylamine formed from lleucine βnaphthylamide in the black and red clay soils collected from a fallow groundnut arachis hypogaea l fields in the anantapur district andhra pradesh india the study was realized within the framework of the laboratory experiments in which the acetamiprid and carbofuran were applied to the soils at different doses kg ha initially the physicochechemical properties of the soil samples were analyzed after days of pesticide application the soil samples were analyzed for the enzyme MICs acetamiprid and carbofuran stimulated the arylamidase and myrosinase MICs at lower concentrations T3 days incubation striking stimulation in soil enzyme MICs was noticed at kg ha persists for days in both the soils overall higher concentrations kg ha of acetamiprid and carbofuran were toxic or innocuous to the arylamidase and myrosinase MICs nevertheless the outcomes of the present T0 clearly indicate that the use of these insecticides at field application rates in the groundnut fields black and red clay soils stimulated the enzyme arylamidase and myrosinase MICs
in this T0 SD homogenous and thin titania dioxide coatings tio on stainless steel ATP doped with two dosages of bioactive SLs sp were fabricated using the solgel method sp belongs to a family of SLs acting as important extracellular signaling molecules and chemoattractants this T0 investigated the effect of tio doped with sp in two different dosages on cellular response as well as osteogenic differentiation potential of human adipose derived multipotent stromal stem cells hasc the authors have shown that sp mediates hascs morphology proliferation activity and population doubling time in a dosedependent manner they have also demonstrated that functionalization of tiocoating with a higher dosage of sp ie ngml tiospcii activated both spr type and type on mrna level the results indicated an increase in secretion of bmp osteopontin and osteocalcin by osteoblasts progenitor when cultured on tiospciim in addition the authors observed the highest extracellular matrix mineralization as well as osteonodules formation by the osteoblasts precursors when cultured onto tiospciim
a series of patients presenting primary refractory anaemia with excess of blasts in transformation or acute myeloid leukaemia occurring T3 a MDS stage was submitted to retrospective cytogenetic analysis by the groupe français de cytogénétique hématologique the aim of this collaborative T0 was to analyze the patterns of chromosome abnormalities appearing in primary MDS syndromes mds in leukaemic transformation as previously described in the literature the most common chromosome aberrations involved delq p and delq while CA of chromosome p were more frequently detected during the leukaemic transformation of mds the translocations t pq and whole arm t were confirmed to be nonrandom events in these myeloid disorders
the possibility of a direct association between the amyloid in senile plaques and in CBF blood vessels was tested by a quantitative analysis of amyloid in these sites in the autopsy brains of patients suffering from senile dementia of alzheimer type and ND old subjects the numbers and severity of involvement of vessels showing amyloid were expressed as a vascular amyloid score over all the cases amyloid within vessels was found to increase with each decade but no direct rho existed between age and amyloid scores plaques were found in the absence of V1 amyloid and in cases vascular amyloid occurred without PI formation nevertheless there was a statistically significant association between the presence of vascular amyloid and of plaques and a significant correlation between total amyloid scores and PI counts in the temporal lobe of demented subjects however amyloid scores only explained about of the variance in PI counts and amyloid in vessels is unlikely to contribute to the development of all senile plaques there was no significant correlation between the amount of V1 amyloid observed and the clinical severity of the PSD
the aim of this T0 was to evaluate the prognostic impact of untreated asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis cs in patients undergoing isolated coronary artery bypass grafting cabg
we evaluated the results of hemodialysis performed with double lumen catheters in patients mean age range patients had chronic and acute renal failure had RDS and one refractory HR failure catheter flow ranged from to mlmin mean and effective clearance from to mlmin mean only one catheter was used in patients in and more than in causes of failure included inadequate flow coagulation and MSD in nine instances severe complications developed sepsis local infection hematoma and vagal reaction three patient with catheters located in the subclavian vein developed vein stenosis requiring angioplasty in and VG in thus double lumen catheter is easy to place and helps preserve future V1 CS in chronic hemodialysis
characteristics of cathode plasma jet pinching and xray emission from a multipicosecond lasertriggered vacuum discharge are presented discharge was created in between a planar al cathode and a conical pointtip ti anode separation mm circuit inductance of approximately microh peak discharge current of approximately ka and rise time of approximately ns for anodecathode separation of approximately mm only a single pinched plasma point was formed in the cathode plasma jet at a distance of approximately mm from the cathode quantitative analysis of the xray signals recorded using a pin diode with different filters and viewing different regions of the discharge shows soft approximately kev photon energy xray emission from the plasma point with a flux of approximately x photonssr and multikev xray emission from the ti anode with kalpha approximately kev photon flux of approximately photonssr
we studied dialysis patients who became hypercalcemic without vitamin d or calcium therapy and compared them to dialysis patients who were not hypercalcemic in the hypercalcemic group the mean ionizedcalcium level was elevated compared to normal subjects vs p less than while the ionizedcalcium level in the control dialysis patients was below normal vs p less than bone biopsies were performed in all patients two thirds of the hypercalcemic patients had lowturnover osteodystrophy lto predominantly OM a fraction significantly higher than in the control dialysis patients vs respectively p less than the hypercalcemic patients with lto had markedly elevated surface bone aluminum of all trabecular surfaces in contrast the nonhypercalcemic dialysis patients with lto and all patients with OF had minimal surface bone aluminum hypercalcemic patients with OF had a significantly lower mean NT parathyroid hormone pth value than did nonhypercalcemic patients with osteitis fibrosa vs pgml respectively p less than both mean values were markedly elevated in comparison with those obtained in normal subjects pgml in contrast patients with lto irrespective of the calcium level had mean pth values that were not significantly different from those of normal subjects a pth level greater than pgml was sensitive and TPS for osteitis fibrosa as demonstrated by histomorphometry in nonhypercalcemic dialysis patients however this level was only CS and specific for a diagnosis of osteitiimprove the prognostic value of the histological examination in dysplastic nevi significantly it must be of interest to add the degree of melanocytic atypia with increasing degree of melanocytic atypia also the typical histological feature of dysplastic nevi become more significant since such atypia in dysplastic nevi is not necessarily sited in the centre of the lesion and since in most cases melanocytic atypia occurs focally we believe that histological examination of DN must be undertaken by step section lesions suspected of being DN must be excised with margins of at least mm for a correct histological diagnosis
the pharmacokinetics of orally po ketobemidone were investigated in three CG of healthy volunteers with respect to cytochrome p cyp d and cypc phenotypes extensive metabolisers ems of debrisoquine and mephenytoin emdebemmeph PMs pms of debrisoquine pmdebemmeph and PMs of mephenytoin pmmephemdeb PPC oral clearance area under the plasma concentrationtime curve halflife volume of distribution and mean residence time were not significantly different among the three CG there was no correlation between oral clearance of ketobemidone and DBQ or mephenytoin metabolic ratios further the urinary excretion of ketobemidone and norketobemidone was not affected by the phenotype for either cypd or cypc however a substantial R2 in plasma concentration was observed within all three CG the results indicate that the metabolism of ketobemidone is not dependent on cypd or cypc pms of debrisoquine or mephenytoin as well as patients who are concomitantly treated with inhibitors of cypd or cypc are not expected to be at higher risk of adverse effects however due to the interindividual R2 in plasma levels of ketobemidone independent of phenotype individual dosing based on the clinical response and TDM is recommended
parasympathetic and sympathetic pathways may be assessed by using different electrophysiologic tests sympathetic skin potentials ssp are elicited with peripheral electrical stimulation eg median nerve or pudendal nerve ssp are recorded from the skin of the hand and foot and from the genital skin skin responses were always obtained from normal volunteers absence of ssp is one of the earliest findings in neurogenic impotence electromyography of corpora cavernosa is described with a new method a new corpora cavernosa response to pudendal nerve stimulation is described this test appear to have application in the DUE of neurogenic impotence
we sought to elucidate the relationship between diastolic intraventricular pressure gradients ivpg and exercise tolerance in patients with HF using color mmode doppler diastolic dysfunction has been implicated as a cause of low aerobic potential in patients with HF we previously validated a novel method to evaluate diastolic function that involves noninvasive measurement of ivpg using CMM doppler data thirtyone patients with HF and normal subjects were recruited echocardiograms were performed before and after metabolic treadmill AS testing color mmode doppler was used to determine the diastolic propagation velocity vp and ivpg offline resting diastolic function indexes including myocardial EC50 velocity vp and evp correlated well with vomax r and respectively p for all there was a statistically significant increase in vp and ivpg in both groups T3 exercise but the change in ivpg was higher in normal subjects compared with patients with HF vs mmhg p increase in ivpg correlated with peak vomax r p and was the strongest predictor of exercise capacity myocardial relaxation is an important determinant of exercise aerobic capacity in HR failure patients impaired myocardial relaxation is associated with reduced diastolic suction force during exercise
the emergence of porcine circovirus associated disease pcvad was associated with high mortality in swine populations worldwide studies performed in different regions identified spatial temporal and spatiotemporal trends as AF contributing to patterns of the disease spread patterns consistent with spatial trend and spatiotemporal clustering were already identified in this dataset on the basis of these results we have further investigated the nature of local spread in this report the primary objective of this study was to evaluate risk AF for incidence cases of reported pcvad
we investigated the applicability of ELISA CA pspelisa using a monoclonal antibody against paralytic shellfish toxins pst for screening oysters collected at several coastal Az in kumamoto prefecture japan oysters collected between and were analyzed by pspelisa as an alternative calibrant a naturally contaminated oyster extract was used to quantify toxins in the oyster samples the toxicity of the calibrant oyster extract determined by the official testing method mouse bioassay mba was mug oyster samples collected over years showed a similar toxin profile to the alternative standard resulting in good agreement between the pspelisa and the mba the pspelisa method was better than the mba in terms of sensitivity indicating that it may be useful for earlier warning of contamination of oysters by pst in the distinct coastal areas to use the pspelisa as a screening method prior to mba we finally set a screening level at mug pspelisa for oyster monitoring in kumamoto prefecture we confirmed that there were on samples exceeding the quarantine level mug in mba among samples quantified as below the screening level by the pspelisa it was concluded that the use of pspelisa could reduce the numbers of animals needed for mba testing
conjunctival myxoma is an exceptionally rare slowgrowing benign neoplasm of primitive mesenchyme origin fortyone cases of conjunctival myxoma from a literature review including the authors case are listed the usual clinical PH is a painless mass appearing during months to years grossly the RT is a wellcircumscribed cystlike gelatinous yellowtopink translucenttosolid mass microscopically the hypocellular RT contains stellate and spindleshaped cells in a mucoid stroma with abundant hyaluronic acid mucopolysaccharides vimentin and αsmooth muscle actin highlight the spindle and stellate cells s protein and desmin are negative for the tumor cells treatment is CR surgical excision with no recurrence reported in the followup period notably conjunctival myxoma may be associated with carney complex an autosomaldominant disorder associated with skin pigmentation endocrine abnormalities and myxoma of the HR and eye physicians should appreciate this unique ocular RT because of its potential association with carney complex
AC are commonly considered to be benign congenial extraparenchymatous anomalies small cyst are common incidental findings in children and adults the aetiology and natural PH of AC are not fully understood in most cases the presence of the cysts is detected on ctscans or mri performed for other reasons in the literature there have been few documented cases of arachnoid cysts with spontaneous regression we reports the case of a silvian arachnoid cyst which disappeared spontaneously during the yearfollowup period we review the cases previously reported and the mechanisms underlying the resolution of the arachnoid cysts are discussed
the TDF sry contains an hmg box dnabending domain human and murine factors hsry and msry respectively exhibit marked CS divergence and are reported to differ markedly in dna bending properties surprisingly the combined application of TRF RET trfret and permutation gel PACE demonstrates that the hsrydna complex is more sharply bent than the murine complex and not less bent as previously reported trfretbased analyses of the CSD of EE distances in the bent dnaprotein complexes further suggest that a broader range of dna bend angles is populated in the mu ensemble than in the human ensemblydroxide mgml the cell viability after propolis treatment was analyzed by crystal violet IF of the cells followed by spectrophotometric analysis data revealed that SE of pdl cells or pulp fibroblasts to mgml or lower concentrations of propolis resulted in viability of cells on the contrary calcium hydroxide mgml was cytotoxic and of the cells were found to be viable further investigations may find propolis to be a possible alternative for an intracanal antimicrobial agent
in order to understand sucrose transport in developing seeds of cereals at the molecular level we cloned from a caryopses library two cdnas encoding SU transporters designated hvsut and hvsut SU uptake activity was confirmed by heterologous expression in yeast both transporter genes are expressed in maternal as well as filial tissues in a series of in situ hybridizations we analysed the cell typespecific expression in developing seeds hvsut is preferentially expressed in caryopses in the cells of the nucellar projection and the endospermal transfer SL which represent the CS of SU exchange between the maternal and the filial generation and are characterized by transfer cell formation hvsut is expressed in all sink and source tissues analysed and may have a GA housekeeping role the rapid induction of hvsut gene expression in caryopses at approximately days after fertilization coincides with increasing levels of sucrose as well as sucrose synthase mrna and activity and occurs immediately before the onset of rapid ST accumulation within the endosperm starch biosynthesis requires sucrose to be imported into the endosperm as direct F0 for starch synthesis and to promote storageassociated processes we discuss the possible role of hvsut as a control element for the endospermal sucrose concentration
autosomal dominant or benign osteopetrosis is a rare genetic disorder of osteoclasts that results in dense but brittle bone structures patients with osteopetrosis may be scheduled for total knee arthroplasty to treat painful and functionally limiting osteoarthrosis a search of the published literature produced no citation concerning anesthesia for patients with autosomal dominant osteopetrosis undergoing total knee arthroplasty we present a case report detailing our experience and discuss considerations for the care of future patients with autosomal dominant osteopetrosis
there is an ongoing outbreak of mycobacterium chimaera infections among patients exposed to contaminated heatercooler devices used during cardiac surgery recognition of m chimaera infection is hampered by its long latency and nonspecific symptoms standard diagnostic methods using acidfast bacilli afb culture often require invasive sampling have low sensitivity and can take weeks to result we describe the performance of a plasmabased nextgeneration sequencing test plasma ngs for the diagnosis of m chimaera infection
the aim of this T0 was to verify the degree of atherosclerosis in a group of subjects affected by secondary UEDVT and in a MC group sixtythree patients were studied of these were cases mean age and were controls mean age twentyeight were excluded because they were affected by hyperhomocysteinemia the arterial tree was examined by means of echo color doppler and the intima media thickness and the presence of and degree of plaques bilaterally in the carotid and FA i.a. and ABD aorta were measured with a computerized method no difference was found in the groups as concerns intima media thickness or plaques in the arterial district explored AA UEDVT is not a greater risk factor for atherosclerosis
plasticizer pollution brought huge risks to ecological environment and human health surface discharge plasma sdp was employed to eliminate plasticizer in natural water with dimethyl phthalate dmp as a typical plasticizer exp results showed that dmp Kd efficiency reached within mins sdp treatment and the beta process fitted well the firstorder kinetic model low initial dmp concentration ALP condition and low NOM content were all conducive for dmp degradation the contributions of oh radical and o
mixtures of the monocationic triphenylmethane dyes MG or crystal violet with glutaraldehyde retained and stained phospholipid droplets in chloroplasts of leaves of lolium multiflorum lam these dyes also stained trilinolenin phosphatidic acid dioleoyl DPPC phosphatidylcholine dioleoyl dilinoleoyl and phosphatidylethanolamine dioleoyl on filter paper models in this model system the dipalmitoyl derivatives of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine did not stain well if at all washing of the dyed samples with m sodium chloride solution did not remove the colour suggesting that the interaction is unlikely to be purely ionic except with trilinolenin the colour and possibly the lipid samples were removed from the filter paper MM system on washing with ethyl alcohol other triphenylmethane dyes methyl green light green and fast green fcf did not retain phospholipid dropography in rats intracerebroventricular icv i.t. of npy at ngkg significantly reduced the frequency of spike burst during the first minutes T3 its administration while no effect was observed at a lower dose ngkg SE to mental stress ms increased significantly p less than during T2 the frequency of cecal spike bursts npy ngkg injected icv minutes prior to ms periods abolished the excitatory effect induced by stress the frequency of cecal spike bursts was also increased during the first minutes following icv i.t. of crf ngkg prior min icv administration of npy ngkg abolished the stimulatory effect of crf on cecal motility it is concluded that CE administration of npy suppresses the stressinduced cecal motor response probably by inhibiting the pathways involved in crf mediation of these effects
pneumonectomized rats injected with the alkaloid toxin monocrotaline develop progressive neointimal pulmonary vascular obliteration and pulmonary hypertension resulting in right ventricular failure and death the antiproliferative immunosuppressant triptolide attenuates neointimal formation and pulmonary hypertension in this disease model faul jl nishimura t berry gj benson gv pearl rg and kao pn am j respir crit care med pneumonectomized rats injected with monocrotaline on day were killed at days and for measurements of physiology and gene expression patterns these data were compared with pneumonectomized monocrotalineinjected animals that received triptolide from day to day the hypothesis was tested that a group of functionally related genes would be significantly coexpressed during the OD of disease and downregulated in response to treatment transcriptional analysis using total lung rna was performed on replicate animals for each experimental time point with exploratory data analysis followed by statistical significance analysis marked statistically significant increases in PRs particularly derived from mast cells were noted that parallel the development of vascular obliteration and pulmonary hypertension mastcellderived PRs may play a role in regulating the OD of neointimal pulmonary V1 occlusion and pulmonary hypertension in response to injury
the T0 was designed to verify the gastroprotective and antidiarrhoeal effects of unripe fruit extract of aegle marmelos corr the gastroprotective function of this extract was evaluated in rats against gastric mucosal damage induced by hypothermic restraint AS absolute ethanol and indomethacin whereas the antidiarrhoeal activity was investigated by studying the influence on gastrointestinal transit as measured by a charcoal marker and on castor oilinduced accumulation of intestinal fluid in mice and also on contractile responses evoked by acetylcholine histamine serotonin and barium chloride in isolated guineapig ileum the results demonstrated that pretreatment of animals with unripe fruit extract and mgkg ip produces a significant inhibition of gastric lesion induced by ethanol but not those induced by restraint stress or indomethacin and suggest a probable involvement of a prostaglandinindependent mechanism of gastroprotection at similar doses both the intestinal transit as well as the accumulation of intestinal fluids induced by castor oil in mice were significantly inhibited by raw fruit extract furthermore the extract antagonized the contractile responses evoked by different agonists on guineapig ileum in vitro and its inhibitory potential for the drugs are in the order of acetylcholine histamine serotonin barium chloride taken together these results point out a possible antidiarrhoeal effect of unripe fruit extract of a marmelos corr since inhibition of intestinal motility and secretion can control clinical diarrhoea
the effect of intraoperative cell salvage ics in surgical correction of spinal deformity remained controversial this study was to quantitatively demonstrate its effect in all patients having ics in surgical correction of spinal deformity were included these patients would be divided into groups group blood loss less thatreak conditional deletion of either pofut or adamts in the epiblast rescues the gastrulation defects and identified a new role for ofucosylated adamts during morphogenesis of the amnion and axial mesendoderm combined these results suggested that loss of adamts CF in the extra embryonic tissue is responsible for gastrulation defects in the pofut KO we hypothesize that loss of adamts function in the most PT visceral endoderm leads to slippage of the visceral endoderm and altered characteristics of the extraembryonic ectoderm consequently loss of input from the extraembryonic ectoderm andor compression of the epiblast by reicherts membrane blocks gastrulation in the future the pofut and adamts knockouts will be valuable tools for understanding how local changes in the properties of the extracellular matrix influence the organization of tissues during mammalian OD
this review focuses on aspects of primate retinal vasculature that are not found in lower mammals with emphasis on development of V1 patterning the foveal avascular zone faz and pathogenesis of retinopathy of prematurity uniquely primate features arise from primatespecific neurovascular and neuroglial relationships although experimentation in primate vascular development is relatively impractical it affords insights into normal and pathological retinal angiogenesis that is difficult to approach in other ways
the hematological and neoplastic disorders induced in sheep by experimental bovine leukemia virus blv infection are described seventeen of blvinoculated sheep developed a marked increase in peripheral blood lymphocytes by months after the intraperitoneal i.t. of IP BL from a blvinfected cow this increase correlated with an increase in the number of circulating b lymphocytes as demonstrated by the presence of surface immunoglobulins sig and a high cell proliferative response to lipopolysaccharide and was considered to be a persistent b cell lymphocytosis lymphosarcoma developed in five blvinfected sheep between and months postinoculation and was preceded in four out of five of these cases by an elevation in IP blood lymphocytes which began to months before death due to lymphosarcoma the majority of tumor cells in all lymphosarcoma cases were of the CB type and in two cases in which the presence of sig was assayed the majority of tumor cells were sigpositive thus blvinduced lymphosarcoma in sheep seems to be a b lymphocytederived tumor
herpes simplex virus type i hsv glycoprotein gc binds complement component cb and purified gc inhibits complement activation two hsv strains carrying mutations in the gc gene which rendered them unable to bind cb were compared with wildtype and markerrescued viruses to evaluate the role of gc on the virion in protecting hsv from complementmediated neutralization the gc mutant viruses were markedly susceptible to neutralization by nonimmune human serum showing up to a fold decline in titer T3 h of incubation with serum in contrast wildtype or markerrescued viruses showed a twofold reduction in titer studies with hypogammaglobulinemic and immunoglobulin gdepleted serum supported the observation that neutralization occurred in the absence of antibody NT of gc mutant strains by nonimmune SS was rapid their halflife was to min compared with h for wildtype virus ethylene glycolbisbetaaminoethyl ethernnnntetraacetic acid egtatreated human SS or cdeficient GPS failed to neutralize gc mutant strains indicating a role for components of the classical complement pathway gc had little additional effect on neutralization by the combination of antibody plus complement compared with complement CT the results indicate that the magnitude of the protection offered by gc is larger than previously recognized that in the absence of gc complement neutralization is rapid and is mediated by components of the classical complement pathway and that gc mainly protects against antibodyindependent complement neutralization suggesting a probable role for gc earh padtest data gives support to the validity of the method
urinary ascites in a newborn infant is unusual and most commonly indicates a disruption to the integrity of the urinary tract the following report describes a case of urinary ascites probably due to bladder rupture caused by umbilical artery catheterization associated with hyponatremia hyperkalemia and elevated serum creatinine this unusual biochemical profile is characteristic of urinary autodialysis and was corrected by bladder drainage
the study explored the dependences between quantifiable features of a picture and the time it takes to describe it six native english speakers and six bilinguals watched pictures presented on the monitor and described them as quickly and accurately as possible the bilingual participants performed the test twice in english and in their native language the pictures could contain one to six objects there were four series of trials that differed in the number of characteristics of the objects the participants were instructed to describe reaction time showed a modest close to linear scaling with the number of objects both reaction time and speech time were significantly longer for the bilingual participants performing in english as compared to their performance in the L1 and to the english speaking participants the difference in reaction time did not depend on the number of objects speech time showed a close to linear scaling with the number of objects within each of the four series the linear regression coefficient in this relationship increased linearly with the number of characteristics of the objects across all series the results are discussed in relation to speedaccuracy tradeoff and different strategies of picture description
in order to develop procedures to label the main bovine leucocyte populations in paraffin embedded sections the immunoreactivity of monoclonal antibodies mabs to different leucocyte antigens was assessed with formal dichromate fd and formalin fixation a battery of antigen retrieval ar methods and the biotintyramide amplification system all the leucocyte populations investigated cd cd cd wc t lymphocytes B1 and macrophages were strongly and specifically detectable under an appropriate combination of mab ar method and signal amplification system cd and cd required the most stringent conditions and could only be demonstrated in fd fixed sections for detection of cd wc t lymphocytes B1 and macrophages all the mabs produced immunoreactivity in fd or formalin fixed tissues the need to check a range of different ar methods is stressed as the method of choice varied for each individual mab the incorporation of the signal amplification system was necessary to observe a strong signal and the CR distribution of cd cd and b cells fixation by fd proved to be better than formalin for the preservation of surface antigens but it was VPI for the PCD of markers which were found to show cytoplasmic immunoreactivity such as the macrophage marker mac or the b cell markers baq or ila
generalized whole BB volume loss has been well documented in moderatetosevere traumatic BB injury tbi as has diffuse CBF atrophy based on magnetic resonance imaging mri volumetric methods where VWM may be more selectively affected than GM however TPS regional differences in gray matter thickness of the cortical mantle have not been previously examined as such cortical thickness was assessed using freesurfer software to identify regions of significant gray matter cortical thinning in mri scans of young tbi subjects age range years compared to demographically matched controls significant cortical thinning was observed globally in the tbi group compared to the cohort of TD children reduced cortical thickness was related to reported deficits in working SM tbiinduced cortical thickness reductions are probably due to a combination of focal and diffuse effects and have implications for the neurobehavioral sequelae of tbi
studies of daily emtricitabinetenofovir disoproxil fumarate ftctdf for hiv preexposure prophylaxis prep in men who have sex with men msm modeled intracellular tenofovirdiphosphate tfvdp in dried blood spots dbs to assess adherence and corresponding prep outcomes we conducted a prospective randomized crossover pharmacokinetic study of tfvdp in dbs during or of daily dosing under DOT dot participants were assigned to two week dosing regimens separated by a week washout fortyeight adults women from denver and san francisco were included tfvdp exhibited a median halflife of days reaching steady state in weeks tfvdp was dose proportional with mean sd steadystate concentrations of and fmolpunch for the and arms respectively prior work in msm demonstrated clinically meaningful tfvdp thresholds of and fmolpunch which were estimated th percentiles for and dosesweek in the present T0 corresponding tfvdp was within of the prior estimates and subgroups by site race and sex were within of prior estimates although males had confidence intervals cis lower tfvdp than females the thresholds of and fmolpunch were achieved by of men taking ≥ and dosesweek and of women taking ≥ and dosesweek indicating that lower dosing reached these thresholds for both sexes in conclusion tfvdp arising from dot was similar to previous estimates and is useful for interpreting prep adherence and study outcomes this T0 has been registered at clinicaltrialsgov under identifier nct
in the present T0 the effect of graded intravenous bolus i.v. of urogastrone and microgramskg on rat DU bicarbonate secretion was investigated perfused duodenal loops were prepared in rats in a strictly controlled fashion T3 full REC different groups of rats were injected with intravenous graded bolus doses of urogastrone during the following min study period DU ph and pco were measured at min intervals and bicarbonate secretion was calculated accordingly compared to controls each dose of urogastrone caused a significant doseresponse increase in duodenal bicarbonate secretion measured either at each min reading or as total min output these results provide the evidence that urogastrone may play a role in the humoral control of duodenal ALP secretion
treatment of rats with peroxisome proliferators is known to affect mRNA including suppression of cypc the current study examined the mechanism of negative regulation of cypc comparing the effects of a classic peroxisome proliferator nafenopin with those of the steroid dehydroepiandrosterone dhea in vivo DR experiments for dhea were carried out with rats only the highest dose of dhea in the diet a dose previously shown to produce peroxisome proliferation caused suppression of cypc expression lower doses of dhea to in diet had little effect on cypc expression in hepg cells negative regulation of a cypc reporter gene by nafenopin required coexpression of pparalpha whereas negative regulation by dhea did not deletion analysis revealed that the responsive region for both dhea and NAF was between and relative to the transcription start site mutations in several putative transcription factor binding sites in the flanking region of cypc were produced a mutation at bp significantly diminished basal expression of cypc but did not affect negative regulation by dhea or NAF a mutation at bp had only a small effect on basal expression but completely abolished negative regulation by dhea and NAF gel shift experiments indicated that pparalpharxralpha heterodimers do not bind dna in this region therefore the sequence at bp of cypc is necessary for negative regulation by both dhea and nafenopin however the upstream events leading to suppression at this site must differ for dhea and NAF
epidemiological studies mainly from europe the usa and asia indicate a high prevalence of AR ar in modern societies however little is known about ar among the heterogeneous population of the united arab emirates uae
the HLA mhc class lb molecule hlae is transcribed in most tissues but little is known about its localisation within the cell we have recently shown that hlae binds signalsequencederived MMP from human mhc class i molecules in vitro
we report on the applicability of combining surfaceenhanced raman scattering sers with coherent antistokes raman scattering for highsensitivity PCD of biological molecules we found that this combination of techniques provides more than orders of signal enhancement compared with sers and permits monitoring of biological molecules such as deoxyguanosine monophosphate dgmp and deoxyadenosine monophosphate at the singlemolecule level this combined technique also improved detection sensitivity for angiotensin peptide as this is believed to be the first report of detection of dgmp at the singlemolecule level we suggest that this approach can serve as a new tool for biological studies
a group of beef calves born and raised in an institutional herd were transferred at nine months of age to a commercial feedlot where they remained until slaughter seven months later clinical immunological and microbiological monitoring was carried out during this period no serious clinical illness occurred one hundred percent seroconversion to bovine virus diarrhea virus took place T3 introduction of the calves into the feedlot as well as almost CR SC to bovine herpesvirus a proportion of which could be related to a single vaccination significant increases in recoveries of mycoplasma spp from nasal swabs also occurred in the feedlot at slaughter the lungs of all animals were recovered and examined for pathological lesions were CR normal and showed minor histological changes chiefly characterized by Az of lobular to sublobular atelectasis for this group of calves no relationship was found between the presence of potential pathogens in nasal mucus and the occurrence of lesions in the lung the serological results are discussed in terms of vaccinations and other known events that occurred during the study period
the prevalence rate of alzheimers disease ad in people with downs syndrome ds increases significantly with age however the nature of the early clinical presentation course and incidence rates of dementia are uncertain the aims of the present T0 were to investigate the characteristics of agerelated clinical changes and incidence rates for dementia in a populationbased sample of people with ds aged years and older at the age of risk for PSD a modified version of the cambridge examination for mental disorders of the elderly informant interview was used to determine the extent and nature of changes in memory personality general mental functioning and daily living skill months after a similar assessment at the time of the first assessment the initial changes reported were predominately in behaviour and personality at the second assessment overall estimated incidence rates for frontallike dementia were high mainly in the younger CG with incidence rates of ad meeting both icd and dsmiv criteria of predominately in the older CG the present authors have hypothesized that the observed personality changes and the high estimated incidence rates of frontallike dementia in the younger CG may indicate that functions served by the frontal lobes are the first to be compromised with the progressive OD of alzheimerlike neuropathology in people with ds
we describe the case of a yearold male patient who had acute myeloid one and developed prolonged neutropenia after induction chemotherapy he developed thrombotic complications at multiple sites thrombophlebitis of the hemorrhoidal plexus became exacerbated and developed into critical cellulitis because the patient had no human leukocyte antigenidentical sibling we considered an alternative donor because of the necessity for early neutrophil recovery to resolve the critical infection we proceeded with allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation pbsct from a microchimeric haploidentical sibling donor we infused IP blood MNC cells directly into the patient without cryopreservation and thawing procedures we aimed for the contaminating PMNL to act as a granulocyte transfusion actually the neutrophils increased to x l on day when the patient showed a temporary resolution of infection engraftment was achieved shortly T3 neutropenic nadir and acute graftversushost disease gvhd has been well controlled although the patient experiences extensive chronic gvhd he has been well as an OP with a KPS score the leukemia has been in pCR for more than year these findings suggest the clinical utility of a salvage therapy with allogeneic pbsct from a microchimeric haploidentical donor to treat refractory leukemia concurrent with lifethreatening infection
this T0 investigated the formation of the microbial communities in two horizontal subsurfaceflow laboratoryscale constructed wetlands one planted and the other one unplanted the abundance of the predominant PET groups archaea bacteria and sulphatereducing bacteria was determined using fluorescence in situ hybridization and the diversity and community structure of those PET groups were analysed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis the numbers of archaea bacteria and sulphatereducing bacteria were indistinguishable in both reactors p and respectively the microbial communities in both wetlands were typically no more similar than if they had been randomly assembled from a common source community plants did not appear to exert a strong effect on the structure of the microbial communities in the horizontal dystrophin in passive stretchinduced preventing unloaded muscle fiber atrophy and possible linkage between this protein and muscle progenitor satellite cells proliferation activity the T0 was performed on two months old c black and mdx mdx mice passive stretch resulted in attenuating atrophy OD in two fiber types of both c black and mdx mice altered dystrophin synthesis in mdx mice had virtually no effect on passive stretch preventive action thus the hypothesis about dystrophin key role in mediating stretchinduced hypertrophy effects didnt find its confirmation concerning gravitational unloading atrophy chronic hindlimb unloading downregulated sc proliferative activity in SOL passive stretch drastically increased proliferation both in c and mdx mice thus we observed no relationship between altered dystrophin synthesis and satellite cell proliferation activity in SOL under conditions of simulated MG and concurrent passive stretch
the effects of mg of indeloxazine hydrochloride a CBF metabolic enhancer on sleep were investigated in healthy male students polygraphic recordings were made for consecutive nights on each subject an inert PL was given on the first nights and on the th and th nights and mg of indeloxazine was po on the th th and th nights drug and PL were administered orally at h and the recording of polysomnograms started at h and ended at h the next morning the PSGs were evaluated by computerized automatic analysis using the interval histogram method indeloxazine prolonged both sleep RL and rem RL and increased stage sleep but decreased stages and rem sleep a significant increase of rem sleep was observed on the th and th REC nights no obvious changes were shown in the subjective assessments C2 of the drug these results suggest that the effects of indeloxazine on sleep are similar to those of the TCA ADs furthermore PSG examinations might be useful in evaluating the pharmacological properties of cerebral metabolic enhancers
modern proposals for prenatal genetic analysis of downs syndrome consist in isolating dna from amniotic cells and amplifying a CA small tandem repeat region of the chromosome TPS ds marker the polymerasechainreactionamplified fragments are typically end labelled with a green or blue FL reporter and data acquisition occurs onlane in dna sequencing gelslabs and equipment the following patterns are expected for normal individuals peak or two peaks in a ratio in the case of trisomy the following patterns are found either three peaks in a ratio or a twopeak profile with a gene ratio we have developed a capillary electrophoretic system offering precise diagnostic value by exploiting the intrinsic dna absorbance at nm the separation occurs in capillaries coated with an extremely stable and hydrophilic layer of polynacroyloyl amino ethoxy ethanol and filled with a BG electrolyte consisting of mm trisborate mm edta microm ethidium bromide and shortchain lowviscosity replaceable liquid linear sieving polyacrylamide the technique offers high reproducibility and precise online automated peak acquisition and quantitation
although attentional deficits measured by continuous performance tests cpts have been observed in patients with bipolar disorder their relationship with clinical state is not well understood the identical pairs continuous performance test cptip shows particular promise as a measure sensitive to trait CA in attentional CF in this T0 the cptip was po to patients with BP disorder type i type ii and demographically matched HC subjects in order to assess the presence and nature of attentional deficits as a function of mood symptoms results showed significantly impaired cpt performance in bipolar patients compared with healthy subjects patients made fewer hits p were slower to respond p and had poorer discrimination p and bias p than comparison subjects severity of mania and depression was not correlated with any of the cpt measures our findings suggest that attentional dysfunction may be a trait deficit associated with bipolar illness however withinsubjects longitudinal studies examining fluctuations in performance over time are needed
the mechanisms that regulate the formation of multinucleated MF from mononucleated myoblasts are not well understood we show here that extracellular matrix ecm receptors of the beta Int family regulate myoblast F0 betadeficient myoblasts adhere to each other but plasma membrane breakdown is defective the integrinassociated tetraspanin cd that regulates cell fusion is no longer expressed at the cell surface of betadeficient myoblasts suggesting that beta integrins regulate the formation of a protein complex important for fusion subsequent to fusion beta integrins are required for the assembly of sarcomeres other ecm receptors such as the dystrophin glycoprotein complex are still expressed but cannot compensate for the loss of CD18 providing evidence that different ecm receptors have nonredundant functions in skeletal muscle SF
we report a case of eosinophilic cystitis the onset of which was characterized by acute peritonitis AA to a spontaneous intraperitoneal rupture of the vesical cupula the patient was treated with urgent partial cystectomy in another hospital and months later he underwent endoscopic diathermic coagulation of a residual inflammatory lesion at our institution after an month endoscopic followup no further signs of recurrent EC have been pointed out the nontraumatic bladder perforation and the absence of any other bladder pathology might indicate that eosinophilic cystitis can be responsible for complete bladder rupture
the validity of selfmonitoring personality in organizational settings was examined metaanalyses were conducted samples total n investigating the relationship between SM personality and workrelated variables as well as the reliability of various SM measures results suggest that SM has relevance for understanding many organizational concerns including job performance and leadership emergence sampleweighted mean differences favoring male respondents were also noted suggesting that the sexrelated effects for SM may partially explain noted disparities between men and women at higher organizational C2 ie the glass ceiling theory building and additional research are needed to better understand the constructrelated inferences about SM personality especially in terms of the performance leadership and attitudes of those at top organizational levels
IMT kinase inhibitors against the receptors of V1 endothelial growth factor vegfr epidermal growth factor egfr and the PLT derived growth factor pdgfr are increasingly used in the treatment of progressive cancers however the expression of these receptors especially in lung metastases has not been examined tissue specimen from lung metastases of patients with renal cell carcinoma n sarcoma n colorectal carcinoma n otolaryngologic carcinoma olc n testicular and endometrial cancer n each malignant melanoma n adrenal CA n malignant fibrous histiocytoma and malignant PN sheath tumor n each have been IHC tested for the expression of pdgfr alphabeta vegfr and egfr none of the patients had been pretreated with angiogenic inhibitors prior to metastasectomy pdgfralpha was expressed in all metastases stained negative for pdgfrbeta negative for vegfr and negative for egfr primary tumors revealed positive staining for pdgfralpha in for pdgfrbeta in for vegfr in and for egfr in our investigation of a pilot character represents a biomarkerbased analysis of PM of different primary PT we conclude that an immediate RT profiling at initial diagnosis should be considered in order to guide tumor therapy individually
synthetic drhamnan with the structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa common polysaccharide antigen cpa was conjugated with bsa the artificial antigen obtained and the natural antigens lipopolysaccharides lps of p aeruginosa and pseudomonas cerasi with rhamnan chains of the same structure were studied by elisa with rabbit antibodies to the drhamnanbsa conjugate and to the p cerasi oantigen immunological relations between the lps of p aeruginosa and p cerasi determined by cpa as well as between these lps and drhamnanbsa were revealed by elisa oantiserum to p cerasi po review patients who required return to the operating room for GA for control of hemorrhage variables investigated include age gender time of surgery onset of hemorrhage season of the year and the amount of blood loss noted during initial surgery seven of the patients required a second general anesthesia to control hemorrhage seasonal and gender predilictions are noted in this T0 recent trends in tonsillectomy are reviewed postoperative hemorrhage creates anxiety prolongs morbidity and increases health care cost limiting this complication is clearly in the best interest of both patient and surgeon
in patients with acute myeloblastic leukaemia the mean SF concentration showed a twentyfivefold increase compared with normal people and in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia all there was a thirteenfold increase the high concentration of circulating ferritin seemed to be related to increased synthesis by leukaemic cells the return of SS concentrations to normal in all patients after successful chemotherntestinal tract as the intact antibiotic in rats and mice cefaclor for the most part escapes metabolism in the body and is eliminated unchanged as unaltered antibiotic primarily by renal excretion in dogs however cefaclor is more labile to metabolism and only a portion of the administered antibiotic is eliminated unchanged via the kidney
therapeutic cancer vaccines aim to treat preexisting CA by boosting the patients own immune system which is an attractive strategy for cancer treatment the cancer vaccines have mainly been designed to elicit antitumor tcell immune responses that recognize and eradicate CA the advantages of cancer immunotherapy with CA vaccines include a high specificity of RT antigen b minimal vaccinerelated adverse events and c longlasting immunity boosted by cancer vaccine which is important to control RT relapse in this chapter we discuss ID of tumor antigens in breast cancer eg cancertestis antigens neoantigens herneu muc the vaccine delivery systems utilized in breast CA treatment eg peptide vaccines dendritic cellbased vaccines and whole tumor cellbased vaccines as well as clinical trials with therapeutic breast cancer vaccines moreover newgeneration PCTs of breast cancer vaccines will aim at employing personalized vaccines designed to harness robust immune response to a custommade neoantigen in the patient with breast cancer combination of vaccination and other forms of cancer therapy such as chemotherapy radiotherapy targeted therapy with monoclonal antibody or immune checkpoint blockade will be required to achieve potent and durable antitumor clinical b the previously proposed dissociation of transient negative ions in nucleobasenucleotide solutions within the timescale of these experiments moreover in a molecularly crowded medium for example in the presence of m phosphate the scavenging efficiency of formula see text by g is significantly enhanced this finding implies that reductive dna damage by IR depends on the microenvironment around formula see text
allergic rhinitis also known as hay fever is the most commonly occurring immunological disorder and it affects million men women and children in the united states symptomatically it is an inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes that line the nose allergy is defined as a state of hypersensitivity or hyperimmunity caused by SE to a particular antigen allergen that results in increased reactivity upon subsequent exposure a novel botanical formulation allernra was developed for the treatment of allergic rhinitis it is a combination of medicinal plant extracts from phyllanthus emblica terminalia chebula terminalia bellerica albizia lebbeck piper nigrum zingiber officinale and piper longum this novel formulation has demonstrated potent antihistaminic antiinflammatory antispasmodic antioxidant and mastcellstabilization activities all of the doses for these toxicity studies were selected according to the guidelines of the organization for economic cooperation and development the world health organization and the environmental protection agency acute toxicity of aller was evaluated in swiss albino mice at doses of and mgkg after days of treatment the animals were sacrificed no histopathological changes were observed in major vital organs a similar study was conducted in albino wistar rats which were sacrificed at the end of days no histopathological changes or toxicity was observed at up to gkg body weight subacute toxicity was conducted in albino WR at a dose of mgkg body weight for days then at mgkg for the next days and then at mgkg for weeks T3 days the animals were sacrificed and tested no toxicity was observed in a subchronic toxicity study there was no NOAEL at gkg body weight in rats in a teratological CA at doses of gkg times the recommended dose and gkg respectively no visceral or skeletal anomalies were observed in the fetuses no maternal changes were observed when aller was administered during gestation and lactation no evidence of mutagenicity was observed at doses up to mug per SP of aller in salmonella typhimurium cells the present T0 evaluated the safety of aller by conducting several in vitro and in vivo studies further studies of the day chronic toxicity of aller are currently in progress
the possibility of a specific origin of joint infection should be considered in finding the diagnosis this is demonstrated in a case of tuberculosis of the hip treated in the dept of trauma surgery in collaboration with the medical dept of the klinikum minden microbiological and imaging examinations are essential to plan and perform a combined therapy of hip arthroplasty and concommitant medical antituberculous therapy in accordance to a literature review this procedure proved successful for both eliminating the local infection and the functional outcome of the T0
the prevalence of sleep apnea syndrome sas in acromegaly is high consequences of sas are serious and are associated with increased morbidity and mortality the aim of this study was to assess the relative frequency and predictive AF for sas in a group of patients with acromegaly n the presence of sas was evaluated using the polymesam device hormonal and CE consisted of assessment of growth hormone insulinlike growth factor i plasma C2 body mass index bmi neck circumference age sex treatment modes of acromegaly and ear nose and throat ent examination the relative frequency of sas in our group of patients with acromegaly was independent predictors of sas were increased activity of acromegaly higher age and neck circumference no association between sas and bmi and ent findings was observed the role of gender was controversial
factor viii a divalent metal iondependent heterodimer contains a single copper atom but the role of this metal in the structure and CF of the cofactor is unclear earlier results showed that the dissociated heavy and CS chains of factor viii could be recombined in the presence of caii or mnii but not cuii to yield PET protein fay p j arch biochem biophys inclusion of cui or cuii inhibited the mnii or caiidependent reconstitution of factor viii with an ic approximately micro m the heavy chain was the susceptible subunit with inhibition by copper ion resulting from its reduced affinity for CS chain on the other hand mniidependent factor viii reconstitutions performed with cuiiium nitroprussidestimulated cgmp production was enhanced from to pmolmg protein in fieldstimulated monkey ciliary bodies both sodium nitroprusside and moxonidine inhibited norepinephrine release i.c.v. of ES monkey ciliary HB with sodium nitroprusside enhanced the suppressive effect of moxonidine on norepinephrine release in monkey ciliary bodies moxonidine raised cgmp production more than sodium nitroprusside did but there was no synergism in cgmp production by combined treatment with moxonidine and sodium nitroprusside these results suggest that cgmp could play a role in the ocular actions of MOX in ciliary bodies however involvement of cgmp in the action of moxonidine in monkey ciliary bodies seems to be more pronounced than in rabbit irisciliary HB
the incidence of melanoma has risen dramatically over the past several decades oncologists rely on the ability of radiologists to identify subtle radiographic changes representing metastatic and recurrent melanoma in uncommon locations on multidetector computed tomography mdct as the frontline imaging surveillance tool to accomplish this goal mdct acquisition and display must be optimized and radiologist interpretation and search patterns must be tailored to identify the unique and often subtle metastatic lesions of melanoma this article describes mdct acquisition and display techniques that optimize the visibility of melanoma lesions such as highcontrast display windows and multiplanar reconstructions in addition innovative therapies for melanoma such as immunotherapy and smallmolecule therapy have altered clinical management and outcomes and have also changed the spectrum of therapeutic complications that can be detected on mdct recent advances in melanoma therapy and potential complications that the radiologist can identify on mdct are reviewed
an expert group from the spanish society of infectious diseases and clinical microbiology seimc for its acronym in spanish and the spanish society of medical oncology seom for its acronym in spanish have reviewed the main aspects to be considered when evaluating patients with solid cancer and infectious complications contained in this article recommendations have therefore been put forth regarding the prophylaxis of the most prevalent infections in these patients the use of vaccines measures to control infection through V1 catheters and preventing infection in CS of certain surgical maneuvers the following is a revision of the criteria for FN management and the use of colonystimulating factors and closes with several guidelines for treating the CA patient with serious infection the document concludes with a series of measures to control hospital infection
the syndrome of sudden cardiac death in southeast asians has only recently been given attention in the american medical literature this case report describes a patient who presented with this rare syndrome the PE holter monitor d echocardiogram ETT radionuclide ventriculogram coronary angiography and endomyocardial biopsy were all normal PVS reproducibly induced sustained polymorphic ventricular ART oral procainamide oral quinidine and oral quinidine plus propranolol were not successful in suppressing inducible polymorphic IVT the arrhythmia remained inducible after six weeks of oral amiodarone therapy however he has no clinical recurrences while on amiodarone after one year of followup
genes subject to genomic imprinting generally occur in clusters of hundreds of kilobases these domains exhibit several gamete of origindependent manifestations including a DP of asynchronous replication when studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization fish we find a transition from asynchronous replication at the imprinted mouse h gene to synchronous replication at the downstream rpl gene the human homologue of which appears to be nonimprinted twocolour fish demonstrates that this transition is due solely to a difference in replication timing between the upstream and downstream chromatin on the laterreplicating maternal chromosome this difference is lost in mice deleted for the h gene body and kb of UP dna when this deletion is maternally inherited with synchronous replication patterns extending over kb upstream from the deleted area no effect is seen when the deletion is paternally inherited the presence of a boundary PE in this region has been suggested by observations of positionindependent expression of h containing transgenes and the blocking of accessibility of downstream enhancers to the upstream igf and ins genes on the maternal chromosome the fish studies presented here demonstrate the insulation of replication patterns within the imprinted domain from downstream nonimprinted chromatin mediated by an element at the h locus which is subject to genomic imprinting
to demonstrate the effect of glaucoma on the optical attenuation coefficient of the RNFL rnfl in spectral domain OCT sdoct images
the nah ionophore MON m has been used widely to T0 intracellular ph gradients and acidic subcellular compartments in the present T0 cultured ML hl cells directly sampled bone marrow cells and peripheral blood neutrophils were exposed to microm monensin for hours the effects were evaluated using ultrastructural cytochemical and PSA methods in hl cells and marrow promyelocytes treated with MON progressive vacuolation of the trans then the cis golgi was observed these vacuoles lacked diaminobenzidine dab reactive peroxidase high iron diamine hid reactive sulfated glycoconjugates and periodatethiocarbohydrazidesilver proteinate patchsp reactive vicinal glycol containing complex carbohydrates but some cis golgi elements retained osmium zinc iodide reactive reducing CG the number of normal intensely stained hid reactive LG decreased and an incomplete granule that was dabpositivehidnegative patchspnegative with flocculent matrix density increased in frequency as a function of time and concentration of MON treatment of hl cells with MON markedly reduced so incorporation but myeloperoxidase labeling and activity per cell remained constant although it shifted to lower density granule fractions consistent with the persistent dab IF of endoplasmic reticulum and synthesis of a dabpositive hidnegative granule in IN hl cells the golgi complex of monensintreated myelocytes and segmented neutrophils was also vacuolated a subpopulation of preformed primary granules in promyelocytes myelocytes and segmented neutrophils appeared to increase in size and peripheral or central electron lucency these selective effects of MON indicate that granule components may be packaged into dabpositive organelles that are deficient in trans golgiderived elements hid and patchspnegative and that some preformed primary granules contain a MON sensitive nah gradient
alphafetoprotein afp a L1 component of fetal and newborn sera was shown to exert significant IS activity on the in vitro generation of Tc lymphocytes ctls this suppression proved independent of the suppressibility of the mixed leukocyte culture activation phase since strain combinations whose proliferative responses were refractive to afpinduced suppression also failed to develop demonstrable ctls in the presence of afp several CS combinations were also found in which normal generation of ctls occurred in cultures containing afp this refractive nature correlated with the presence of nonsuppressible lymphocytestimulating alloantigenic systems on the stimulating cell population these data provide the basis for proposing several possible mechanisms for afpinduced suppression of tcellmediated cytotoxicity as well as suggesting that th hour starttofinish method is described for the preparation of threemicronthick sections of decalcified hard tissues following acetone dehydration the tissue to be embedded is infiltrated under vacuum with a series of graded clearing solutions which approach the content of the final methyl methacrylate mixture after overnight in a c oven the plastic is polymerized by four hours heating at c threemicronthick sections are then easily prepared by using a jung microtome for high resolution histologic or detailed autoradiographic procedures
in the past decades many studies have focussed on the relation between the input and output of neurons with the aim to understand information processing by neurons a particular aspect of neuronal information which has not received much attention so far concerns the problem of information transfer when a neuron or a population of neurons receives input from two or more populations of neurons in particular when these populations of neurons carry different types of information the aim of the present T0 is to investigate the responses of neurons to multiple inputs modulated in the gamma frequency range by a combination of theoretical approaches and computer simulations we test the hypothesis that enhanced modulation of synchronized excitatory neuronal activity in the gamma frequency range provides an advantage over a less synchronized input for various types of SN the results of this T0 show that the spike SO of various types of SN ie the leaky integrate and fire neuron the quadratic integrate and fire neuron and the hodgkinhuxley hh neuron and that of excitatoryinhibitory coupled pairs of SN like the pyramidal interneuronal network gamma ping MM is highly phaselocked to the larger of two gammamodulated input signals this implies that the neuron selectively responds to the input with the larger gamma modulation if the amplitude of the gamma modulation exceeds that of the other signals by a certain amount in that case the SO of the neuron is entrained by one of multiple inputs and that other inputs are not represented in the output this mechanism for selective information transmission is enhanced for short membrane time constants of the neuron
outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention pci versus medical therapy mt in the management of stable ICM heart disease sihd remain controversial with some but not all studies showing improved results in patients with ischemia we sought to elucidate whether pci improves mortality compared to mt in patients with objective evidence of ischemia assessed using noninvasive imaging or its invasive equivalent we performed a SR and metaanalysis of RCTs rcts comparing pci to mt in patients with sihd to maintain a high degree of specificity for ischemia studies were only included if ischemia was defined on the basis of noninvasive stress imaging or abnormal fractional flow reserve the primary outcome was allcause mortality we identified rcts effects of percutaneous coronary interventions in silent ischemia after myocardial infarction ii fractional flow reserve versus angiography for multivessel DUE and a substudy of the clinical outcomes utilizing revascularization and aggressive drug evaluation trial enrolling a total of patients followed for an average of years when compared with mt in this population of patients with objective ischemia pci was associated with lower mortality hazard ratio confidence interval to p there was no evidence of T0 heterogeneity or bias among included trials in this metaanalysis of published rcts pci was shown to have a mortality benefit over mt in patients with sihd and objective assessment of ischemia using noninvasive imaging or its invasive equivalent in conclusion this T0 provides insight into the management of a higherrisk sihd population that is the focus of the ongoing international study of comparative health effectiveness with medical and invasive approaches trial
postoperative sore throat has a reported incidence of up to following GA anaesthesia in adults undergoing tracheal intubation female sex younger age preexisting lung disease prolonged duration of anaesthesia and the presence of a bloodstained tracheal tube on extubation are associated with the greatest risk tracheal intubation without NMB use of doublelumen tubes as well as high tracheal tube cuff pressures may also increase the risk of postoperative sore throat the expertise of the anaesthetist performing tracheal intubation appears to have no influence on the incidence in adults although it may in children in adults the igel™ supraglottic airway device results in a lower incidence of postoperative sore throat cuffed supraglottic airway devices should be inflated sufficiently to obtain an adequate seal and intracuff pressure should be monitored children with RT disease are at increased risk the use of supraglottic airway devices oral rather than nasal tracheal intubation and cuffed rather than uncuffed tracheal tubes have benefit in reducing the incidence of postoperative sore throat in children limiting both TT and supraglottic airway device cuff pressure may also reduce the incidence
in our studies of metabolic control mechanisms in skeletal muscle from Rh fetus we have determined the tissue C2 of the metabolic intermediates and cofactors of the glycolytic pathway and have calculated the massaction ratios for each reaction skeletal muscle from Rh fetuses macaca mulatta days of gestational age and from AD rhesus monkeys was used irated sexual underdevelopment all were treated by ERT with rads in fractions in three weeks with good results there were no undue side effects
congenital alphaantitrypsin deficiency may lead to pulmonary emphysema in young adults authors review the therapeutic approaches of this disease attempts to augment the production of endogenous antitrypsin are discussed in detail possibilities of substitution by hAAT and recombinant alphaantitrypsin are summarized results with the use of TPS PE inhibitors as well as the role and the site of gentherapy in treatment are reviewed
copd is an inflammatory airway disease characterised by progressive airflow limitation and air trapping leading to lung hyperinflation and exercise limitation acute worsening of symptoms including dyspnea cough and sputum production occurs during exacerbations which are associated with significantly reduced health related SQ of life and increased morbidity and mortality chronic bronchial mucus production and productive cough are risk factors for exacerbations medicines targeting bronchoconstriction and ai are the current mainstays of copd therapy however there is growing concern with an increased risk of pneumonia in patients with copd receiving regular inhaled corticosteroids and there is therefore a need to find safer alternative treatments previous studies have indicated that inhalation of unfractionated heparin ufh treats local inflammation mucus hypersecretion and lung injury without systemic AC and is safe therefore our primary objective was to demonstrate that inhaled ufh significantly improves lung CF fev
this T0 evaluates systemic and splanchnic haemodynamics and the effect of propranolol in patients with presinusoidal portal hypertension portal vein obstruction n schistosomiasis n these patients exhibited a hyperkinetic circulatory syndrome characterized by high cardiac index minm mean sd and by low systemic vascular resistance despite normal LF and sinusoidal pressure hepatic blood flow was decreased in half of the patients with portal vein one azygos blood flow an estimate of superior portalsystemic collateral circulation was markedly increased in all patients lmin upper limit of normal lmin therefore in these patients with normal hepatic A-V pressure gradient azygos blood flow measurement provides an index of splanchnic haemodynamic changes propranolol administration mg iv reduced the hyperkinetic circulatory syndrome with a significant decrease in HR rate cardiac index and azygos blood flow and a significant increase in systemic vascular resistance these results suggest that the hyperkinetic circulatory syndrome observed in these patients could be related to an increase in betaadrenergic activity the decrease in azygos blood flow T3 propranolol administration was significantly correlated r with the increase in right atrial pressure this finding suggests that propranolol may act through an increase in portalsystemic collateral venous tone these haemodynamic results justify in patients with presinusoidal portal hypertension PCTs investigating the beneficial effect of betablockers on gastrointestinal bleeding caused by portal hypertension
men whose female sexual partners showed histological evidence of human papillomavirus infection were examined human papillomavirus dna was identified in of biopsy samples of colposcopicallyidentified penile lesions human papillomavirus strains that were related to human papillomavirus genotypes were observed most commonly seven of eight patients in the partners of patients with warty atypia or condylomata while human papillomavirus strains that were related to human papillomavirus genotypes were mostcommonly eight of patients observed in tissue from the partners of patients with CIN3 measurement of human papillomavirus dna in lesions by the filter insitu hybridization technique morefrequently indicated HPV of lesions than did conventional histopathological assessment of lesions in this highrisk group we conclude that colposcopicallyidentifiable lesions in male sexual partners are likely to contain human papillomavirus dna even if is no definite histological evidence of human papillomavirus infection is present and that such lesions frequently contain strains of human papillomavirus that have been associated with the OD of anogenital carcinoma
the occurrence of metabolic abnormalities related to IRS in nondiabetic offspring of type diabetic parents is known however information is lacking on the timing and the course of development of the components of this syndrome from childhood to adulthood in the offspring of parents with diabetes this aspect was examined in a communitybased cohort with n and without n a parental history of type diabetes followed longitudinally since childhood ages to years mean followup period years by repeated surveys F1 with parental diabetes versus those without such history had significantly excess generalized and truncal adiposity as measured by body mass index bmi and subscapular skinfold beginning in childhood higher C2 of fasting insulin and gl and homeostasis model assessment index of insulin resistance homair from adolescence and higher levels of lowdensity lipoprotein ldl cholesterol and triglycerides and lower levels of highdensity lipoprotein hdl cholesterol in adulthood many of these risk variables changed adversely at an increased rate in offspring of diabetic parents in a multivariate analysis parental diabetes was an independent predictor of longitudinal changes in adiposity gl insulin homir systolic and diastolic blood pressure and ldl cholesterol in the offspring regardless of race and gender as young adults the offspring of diabetic parents had a higher prevalence of generalized bmi v p and visceral waist cm v p obesity hyperinsulinemia indicative of insulin resistance insulin microuml v p hyperglycemia or mgdl v p high ldl cholesterol or mgdl v p low hdl cholesterol mgdl for males and mgdl for females v p high triglycerides or mgdl v p and hypertension mm hg v p thus the offspring of diabetic parents displayed excess body fatness beginning in childhood and accelerated progression of adverse risk profile characteristics of insulin resistance syndrome from childhood to young adulthood these observations have important implications for early prevention and intervention
the normal relationship between arterial and A-V acidbase composition is altered in hemodynamic compromise because the mechanism of this phenomenon remains conjectural we have studied the acidbase profile and the ET pco of dogs with normal or depressed hemodynamic status in association with either normal ventilation or respiratory arrest reductions in cardiac SO widened the arteriovenous difference in pco and ph largely due to arterial hypocapnia but also to A-V hypercapnia and decreased ET pco the arteriovenous gradients for pco and ph of mmhg and respectively during normal hemodynamics widened progressively with graded circulatory compromise reaching values of mmhg for pco p less than and for ph p less than during cardiac arrest OD of this disparity however required the presence of substantial pulmonary ventilation since respiratory arrest obliterated the arteriovenous gradients we propose that arterial hypocapnia which occurs in association with reduced VCO2 is secondary to an increased ventilationtoperfusion ratio that reflects a disproportionate decrement in cardiac SO venous hypercapnia on the other hand results from a greater than normal addition of co per unit of blood traversing the capillaries of the hypoperfused peripheral tissues and a diminished co excretion because of pulmonary hypoperfusion titration of bicarbonate stores by ongoing production of organic acids might also contribute to venous hypercapnia
the drastic difference in healing capacity between the ACL ligament and the medial collateral ligament is still largely unexplained few studies have compared the profiles of messenger ribonucleic acid expression for healingassocase was confirmed in HS and REC experiments using transgenic arabidopsis plants compared with wildtype plants photosynthesis the ERP quantum yield of photosystem ii and rubisco activation were less thermotolerant and recovered more slowly in transgenic arabidopsis plants with reduced levels of rubisco activase immunoblots showed that of the RCA was recovered in the insoluble fraction after HS in leaf extracts of transgenic but not wildtype plants evidence that deactivation of rubisco was a consequence of thermal denaturation of RCA the transgenic arabidopsis plants used in this study contained a modified form of rubisco activase that facilitated affinity purification of rubisco activase and proteins that potentially interact with RCA during heat stress CS analysis and immunoblotting identified the betasubunit of chaperonin cpnbeta the chloroplast groel homologue as a protein that was bound to rubisco activase from leaf extracts prepared from heatstressed but not control plants analysis of the proteins by nondenaturing gel electrophoresis showed that cpnbeta was associated with RCA in a high molecular mass complex immunoblot analysis established that the apparent association of cpnbeta with rubisco activase was dynamic increasing with the duration and intensity of the heat stress and decreasing following REC taken together these data suggest that cpnbeta plays a role in acclimating photosynthesis to heat stress possibly by protecting rubisco activase from thermal denaturation
the oxidation of lipids is an important phenomenon with ramifications for disciplines that range from food science to cell biology the development and characterization of tools and techniques to monitor lipid oxidation are thus relevant of particular significance in this regard are tools that facilitate the T0 of oxidations at interfaces in heterogeneous samples eg oilinwater emulsions cell membranes in this article we establish a proofofprinciple for methods to initiate and then monitor such oxidations with high spatial resolution the experiments were performed using oilinwater emulsions of polyunsaturated fatty acids pufas prepared from CLO we produced singlet oxygen at a point near the oilwater interface of a given pufa droplet in a spatially localized twophoton photosensitized process we then followed the oxidation reactions initiated by this process with the fluorescencebased imaging technique of structured illumination microscopy sim we conclude that the RPA reported herein has attributes wellsuited to the T0 of lipid oxidation in heterogeneous samples
the protective effect of preexercise treatment with CS cs on exerciseinduced asthma eia was investigated ten children and young adults each exercised for min by cycling on a cycle ergometer while PLB cold dry air each subject performed tests in which ventilation HR rate and gas exchange were closely matched min prior to each test the patient inhaled either PL or cs powder in a doubleblind randomized fashion all subjects were found to be protected by cs as manifested by a postexercise fall in fev of se compared with the control postexercise fall of all subjects had participated in a previous study and we found that the subjects who were not rendered refractory to eia by a prior warm humid exercise test were only minimally protected by cs whereas the other patients who were rendered refractory to eia even by warm humid exercise were greatly protected by cs this finding suggests that there exists a consistent heterogeneity in the response of AP to exercise possibly related to the individual site of receptors or of airway hyperreactivity
the band deletion for southeast asian ovalocytosis sao occurs commonly in SE asia and the western pacific southeast asian ovalocytosis is associated with protection against CM in children and therefore could reduce sequestration of erythrocytes parasitized by plasmodium falciparum in the brain microvasculature sequestration of parasitized erythrocytes in the placenta accounts for much of the pathology of malaria during pregnancy therefore we investigated the effect of sao on malaria during pregnancy in the malariahyperendemic north coastal region of papua new guinea the frequency of sao in women attending hospital for delivery was confidence interval markers of fertility the frequency of miscarriages and stillbirths maternal anemia placental and IP malaria at delivery and birth weight were similar in women with and without sao in summary although we can not exclude an interaction between sao and malaria during pregnancy we found no evidence that it provided a clinical benefit in this population
to estimate the incidence of P0 respiratory distress syndrome rds and transient tachypnea of the newborn ttn in relation to gestational age and planned CD in WG south asian and black women
this work aims to enhance the bioproduction of XG by screening a hyperyield producer from the wildtype xanthomonas campestris during a longterm continuous subculture we reported a cellwall deficient mutant which performed a shift of cell morphology from rodshaped to roundshaped both the yield of xanthan gum and the conversion rate of feedstock were assessed using SU as a carbon source with the supplement of yeast extract powder lglutamic acid and other raw materials T3 h aerobic fermentation the yield of xanthan gum of the mutant reached up to gl which was times of that of the wildtype strain the conversion rate of feedstock in the mutant was up to which was times of that of the wildtype furthermore pigments generated were determined and compared as a result the fermentation broth of the wildtype performed an od
endothelial progenitor cells epcs contribute to neovascularization and vascular repair and may exert a beneficial effect on the clinical outcome of sepsis OBs act as a component of niche in bone marrow which provides a nest for stemprogenitor cells and are involved in the formation and maintenance of stemprogenitor cells fibroblast growth factor receptor fgfr can regulate osteoblast activity and influence bone mass so we explored the role of fgfr in epc mobilization male mice with osteoblastspecific knockout of fgfr fgfrflfloccre and its wildtype littermates fgfrflfl were used in this T0 mice intraperitoneally injected with lipopolysaccharide lps were used to measure the number of circulating epcs in IP blood and serum stromal cellderived factor α sdfα the circulating epc number and the serum level of sdfα were significantly higher in fgfrflfloccre mice than those in fgfrflfl mice after lps i.t. in cell SC system sdfα level was also significantly higher in fgfrflfloccre osteoblasts compared with that in fgfrflfl osteoblasts after lps treatment trap staining showed that there was no significant difference between the osteoclast activity of septic fgfrflfl and fgfrflfloccre mice this T0 suggests that targeted deletion of fgfr in OBs enhances mobilization of epcs into IP blood through upregulating sdfα secretion from OBs