pipe, water pipe
Tuilawng (n)
a flood, to be a flood
Tuilet (n)
the final means of settling (case or dispute between two individuals) in a traditional pre-Christian era justice system (two persons who have the dispute are taken to a nearby river or water body after performing a certain rite at the chief’s house and then moved out along with the chief and his ministers. On the bank of the river, the priest sprinkles the blood of fowl on the top of their head and if the blood flow down the nose line of either of them, the onlookers would straight away think that he is the innocent of the two. After the priest chanted few words both will sink themselves in the water - the innocent of the two will always manage to sank himself deep into the water and came out with a handful of sand from the floor of the water but the guilty person miraculously can never survive inside the water for long no matter how good a diver he is)
Tuililut (n)
hot water
Tuilum (n)
boiled water (for drinking)
Tuilumthat (n)
a water canal
Tuiluongkor (n)
a Hmar Faihriem sub clan
Tuimuol (n)
Tuipar (n)
a large expanse of water, the sea
Tuipui (n)
the sea cost, sea shore, beach
Tuipui kam (n)
name of a species of ‘lailên’ bird
Tuipui lênchîm (n)
the gull bird
Tuipuipeleu (n)
a water snake
Tuirul (n)
the Barak (the biggest and most important river that flows through Hmarland of the present generation)
Tuiruong (n)
seal, sea lion
Tuisakei (n)
a seahorse
Tuisakor (n)
a small water source
Tuisam pût (n)
the hippopotamus
Tuisamak (n)
the name of a water turtle
Tuisatel (n)
pure and clean water
Tuisik (n)
a well, a ring well
Tuisunsuo (n)
the sea, the ocean
Tuisuoriet (n)
a dragon fly
Tuiteng (n)
a skin disease
Tuithak (n)
a water scoop
Tuithalna (n)
a bamboo made water container
Tuithei (n)
one who is skilled in swimming
Tuithiem (n)
to outcast, to cast off (a relative, etc)
Tuithlar (v)
name of cockroach like black insect living in water
Tuithu (n)
to dam up water
Tuiting (v)
to be received with approbation, to be liked
Tuitla (adj)
to drown in water, drowning
Tuitla (v)
to make tasty, to give a flavour, to flavour, to season
Tuituo (v)
flavouring, seasoning, anything to make food tasty
Tuituona (n)
a dry bitter gourd water container
Tuium (n)
a particular Hmar woman shawl
Tuiûmpuon (n)
name of a water bird
Tuivaarngo (n)
cormorant bird
Tuivakawl (n)
the name of several species of water birds
Tuivalawng (n)
a small pool of water in a jungle not far from stream
Tuivamit (n)
a spirit or ghost believe to guard ‘tuivamit’. Hunters and travellers who came across the water took a very delicate and careful process of not rushing to the water with bare hand but with a leaf made like a cup and thereby not displeasing the spirit
Tuivamit huoi (n)
a wild duck
Tuivarak (n)
the white owl
Tuivatawk (n)
the current of a river
Tuizang (n)
strong or swift river water current
Tuizang khauh (n)
diversion of river or stream waters using improvised bamboo in jhum lands
Tuizawn (n)
to cut anything out of wood, to cut (a beehive) out of a tree, to cut or chop (bough) off a tree; to command, to promise, to order, to ask a contribution
Tuk (v)
the morning
Tûk (n)
morning and evening, always, continuously
Tûk le zan (adv)
every morning
Tûk tin (adv)
to subdue, to defeat, to overcome
Tukdawl (v)
a component of a woman’s handloom
Tukdet (n)
the nape of the neck
Tukhnungkhur (n)
anyone, whoever, nobody
Tukhom (prn)
by none, by nobody
Tukhomin (prn)
the back of the head, the nape of the neck
Tukkhum (n)
name of a small bird with protrude feathers on the top of the head, a species of bulbul
Tukkhumvilik (n)
the name of a species of woodpecker
Tuklo (n)
one who sought refuge in the house of the chief or a rich man to be his slave during famine or being pursuance by a stronger tribe in pre-Christian era tribal war (he/she may be freed after the famine or when the war is over)
Tuklut Suok (n)
large bamboos notched and bent over the ridgepole to support the thatch of a Hmar traditional village house
Tukrop (n)
every morning
Tuktin (adj)
a variety of flower, the lily
Tuktin par (n)
a caterpillar
Tuktulung (n)
the poisonous hairs of certain caterpillars
Tuktulung hmul (n)
an ordinary muzzle-loading gun, used with a percussion cap
Tukuli (n)
this year
Tukum (n)
a window
Tukver (v)
a skewer, a kind of two-pronged fork
Tûl (n)
these days
Tulai (n)
a swing
Tulteneng (n)
the name of an evil spirit believes to sometimes take possession of a dead body and cause it to speak and move
Tulum (n)
a block of stone, wood
Tum (n)
to wish, to want, to intend, to attempt, to try; to play (a musical instrument)
Tum (v)
palm tree (see also ‘intûm’)
Tûm (n)
to sulk, to be sulky, to pout, to look cross
Tûm (v)
Tum hram (adj)
the palm tree twigs
Tûm kau (n)
palm sunday
Tûm kau ni (n)
by sheer determination
Tum lui (n)
a slight intention
Tum lungril (adv)
to be determined
Tum tlat (v)
the sago palm
Tumbu (n)
the edible plantain flower bud
Tumbung (n)
an edible wild plant
Tumkûk (n)
determination, intention
Tumna (n)
the biggest and most ferocious of the wild male mithun
Tumpang (n)
to strive, to try hard, to be determined, to be resolved
Tumru (n)
to have a high aim or target
Tumsang (v)
the name of a plant with edible leaves and blossoms
Tumthang (n)
upwards, uphill, ascend
Tung (n)
to prick up (as ears), to stand on end or upright
Tung (v)
expect anxiously, anticipate eagerly
Tûng (v)
gentle uphill, gradual uphill
Tung awn (adj)
gentle or gradual uphill path
Tung zal (adj)
a bed post
Tungchaw (n)
a hole in a traditional Hmar bedpost to serve as a receptacle of small articles
Tungchawkuo (n)
to establish, to build, to reform, uphold
Tungding (v)
to restore, to reinstate, rebuild
Tungding nawk (v)
very steep upwards
Tungmitlik (n)
a four-cornered mat made from split bamboo and used for drying edible items of bigger particles in the sun or above hearth
Tuntieng (n)