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"OMG! Mom!" By Twrch_Twryth(@yahoo.com) Jane Adamini was lost in her music, singing “Indian Reservation” to herself as she carried the basket of laundry upstairs. Her MP3 player on her hip, she was in the productive housewife zone, a nearly mindless state where she cleaned through her regular routine. Without thinking much about it, she pushed the door to her daughter’s room open. What she saw froze her in her tracks. The basket of laundry dropped from limp hands. Mark Lindsay inappropriately continued to sing in her ears. Jane’s daughter, Hannah, looked back at her with surprise, embarrassment, and a little fear. Hannah was reclining on her bed, naked but for a few rings on her fingers, a silver chain around her neck, and a black studded anklet. The eighteen-year-old’s stomach was immensely distended and seemed to be wriggling. Her spread legs, a pair of dark-skinned feet protruded from her bald vulva. Astonishment froze Jane in place as Hannah’s surprise gave way to surly teenage indignation. “OH MY GOD! Mom, what are you doing here!?” Hannah shrieked. She paused and with subtly visible effort pulled the feet the rest of the way into her. She folded her legs under her immense belly, Indian style. “What” was all that Jane could manage. Hannah folded her arms over her chest, resting them on the writhing stomach, and a cross look darkened her face. “Oh my god, Mom, you’re not going to freak out about this, are you?” Jane managed to stammer out intelligible words. “Do‘nother person in
you?” “God, yes!” Hannah groaned and rolled her diamond blue eyes almost hard enough that they squeaked in their sockets. Jane finally pulled the headphones off of her head. She tried to speak again, but could not. Hannah shook her head in frustration. “You need the exposition? I unbirthed Ruchira. She’s in my pussy.” Ruchira was one of Jane’s friends, a cute, petite Indian girl. A second-generation American, her family did not seem as strict traditional as Hindi families were usually portrayed in the media. “Is she alright?” Jane stammered. “Duh,” Hannah shot back. “I’m not going to digest one of my friends. ‘Sides, I can’t even absorb anyone with my pussy.” “So you’ve done this before?” “Guh.” Jane knew that Hannah was going through her list of pejorative expressions of disbelief at her mother’s ignorance. They were becoming more pejorative. “Have you not even heard of unbirthing before?” “No
” Jane slowly shook her head. “Ohmigod. Please tell me you at least know about vore.” Jane kept shaking her head. “You are so lame, Mom, even by old people standards.” “What is
” Hannah groaned, a long, low sound of derision. Just when Jane was about to interrupt her, Hannah took a breath and started speaking. “Vore. Like, y’know, carnivore, herbivore, de” Hannah flicked a stray lock of hair away from her face. “Everyone’s doing it now. At least, everyone who can is doing it.” “But you put Ruchira
uh, between your legs. You didn’t eat her.” “Tche. Same difference. You’re still taking somebody and swallowing them up into your body. ‘Sides, that’s the only way some people can do it.” “Then there are people who actually eat other people?” “Yep,” Hannah leered. “Just swallow ‘em up whole.” “Can you do that?” Hannah’s face darkened and she frowned a little. “No
no, I’ve just got this hungry pussy.” “You’ve done it before?” “Yeah, lotsa times. Even a bunch here. This is the first time you caught me.” A gear clicked near the back of Jane’s mind. “Hey, that’s right,” she said, putting her hands on her hips, “aren’t you supposed to be in school right now? It’s what, 2?” They both checked the digital clock by Hannah’s bed “Yeah, well, aren’t you supposed to be at spinning?” Hannah shot back. Jane shook her head sternly. “This isn’t about me, Hannah. You’re the one who’s skipping school and
” Jane paused, uncomfortable with where she was going, “
shoving people, uh, up your, uh, lady bits.” “Lady bits?” Hannah laughed. “Oh my God, Mom, you can say it. Pussy, vagina, whatever. God, I bet you call these things ‘dirty pillows.’” She cupped her jiggling double-D cup breasts for effect. Besides, it’s not like Ruchira didn’t want in. She wants in my pussy like crazy. This is, like, the fifth time in two weeks.” “Have you skipped school every time?” “No. A lot of times it’s just when I go over to my friend’s or something or they come here.” “I thought you’d been having a lot of sleepovers for a teenager
” Jane mumbled out loud. “Duh.” “So wait, does that mean that you’re ever the one getting eaten or, uh, unbirthed?” “Of course!” Hannah exclaimed. “It wouldn’t be fair to eat and eat and never be eaten. Ruchira here had me in her belly for almost an hour last night.” She patted her stomach, which seemed to wriggle in response.” “I thought you were at Madison’s house last night?” “I was. Madison was eating Kaytlyn at the same time.” Jane was still stunned, but her mind was beginning to come up with more questions. “Aren’t you ever scared that they’re going to digest you?” Hannah shook her head, but smiled at the same time. “You have to be either really bad at vore and do it by accident or sadistic and do it on purpose. At least I’m told. Like I said, I can’t actually swallow people and really, I’m not one of the super small number of people who can digest somebody via unbirth.” Jane took a hesitant step forward, her eyes locked on her daughter’s uneven stomach. She looked up quickly. “Can I touch it?” “Oh my god. Whatever. Go ahead.” Jane reached out and pressed her hand on Hannah’s stomach, a bit above her navel. She marveled at the feel of what was distinctly a human form under her hand, covered with a thin, soft layer of skin and flesh. She rubbed gently and Hannah giggled tremulously. She quickly recovered her scowl from behind the involuntary grin. “It tickled.” “Honey, so far all you’ve mentioned are girls’ names
” Jane started, not sure where to end. “Yeah, guys suck at vore. There’s, like, only one guy at my high school that can do it. And they taste bad. I mean, Ruchira will swallow whoever, but I’m pretty sure that her taste buds were destroyed by her mom’s biryani. I swear, that stuff tastes like it came out the wrong end of a dog.” “But, if
I mean, if they’re in your, uh, vagina
” “What are you asking, Mom?” Jane blurted it out. “Are you gay?!” She almost clapped her hands to her mouth. It sounded so much more accusing than she intended it. She had always told herself that if one of her daughters had come out of the closet, she would be supportive. No crazy reactions. But now she was feeling nervous. “Spluh!” Hannah nearly spat, violently shoving that lock of hair out of her face. “Nuh-uh. I just like kissing girls, unbirthing them, and having sex with them. It’s not like I want to date or marry them.” Jane’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Hannah seemed surprised at her own admission, but then she was running with it, standing up and getting indignant. “That’s right, Mom. I fuck girls. I’m not a lesbian, it’s just something I like to do. Don’t try to box me in with your labels and cookie-cutter compartments! I am who I am and I’m not going to let you change that!” Jane was aware that her daughter was playing a type and fighting a straw man. She was also stunned at this sudden dump of so much of her daughter’s private life. (But if she disclosed it so readily, to her mother, how much was private?) She gawked at Hannah, who stood defiantly on her bed, looking more than pregnant with her bulging belly, her fists on her hips. “Now, Mother, I think I’ve shared enough with you today. You should leave Ruchira and I alone now.” Hannah pointed at her door. “If you need to talk about anything else later, we’ll see about it sometime when I’m not naked with a chick in my pussy, but for now
” Almost mechanically, Jane turned and walked out the door. She looked over her shoulder to see Hannah flopping back onto her bed. When Hannah saw her mother looking at her, she returned an acrid glare and shot out a command to “Remember to close the door!” Jane made her way downstairs to the den, where the family kept its computer. She fired up slow desktop and after a few minutes was chasing down the terms “vore” and “unbirth” in Wheee!, her search engine of choice. Soon she had found pictures and videos (definitely adult content!) of people eating and being eaten or being placed in various orifices It was there. Jane didn’t know how she missed it. Apparently it was becoming more and more popular, especially among teen and college age girls, after a video of two particularly busty young women engaging in the practice hit the Internet about eight months earlier and went viral. A lot of groups were pissed off about vore, perceiving it as degenerate or a corruption of what should be normal for a human body. Law enforcement, the courts, and parent groups were all stunned with how to deal with vore. Here was an activity that not only made it so easy for somebody to kill another (and completely dispose of the evidence), it was also closely linked with sexual encounters and particularly popular with teenagers and college students, two groups not known for their ability to think well in the long term and controlled by hormones. Jane had been sifting through the Internet for nearly thirty minutes when she heard Ruchira gently call her name from behind. Jane swiveled in the desk chair to see the dark-skinned girl standing unabashedly naked in the doorway. She was shorter than Jane’s statuesque daughter and curvier. Under her full breasts, Hannah was narrow and angular. Ruchira was agonic, with pleasant thighs and a wasp waist nearly lost between her round hips and heavy breasts topped with small, chocolate chip nipples. Her face narrowed from big brown eyes to a pointed chin under soft lips and a button nose. She wore her straight hair in a short bob. Jane noticed that, like her daughter, Ruchira’s groin was completely denuded. “Ru
” Jane trailed off in surprise. She was not expecting to see Hannah’s friend so quickly. Ruchira smiled at her. “Hey Mrs. Adamini,” Ruchira responded. “So you found out about, uh, a lot, huh? Vore and your daughter’s
” Jane cut off the girl in the middle of the awkward pause. “Is it true? Can you really eat people whole?” Ruchira nodded slowly, nervously. “Yeah, I can swallow people whole.” “Do you digest them?” Ruchira shrugged. “I dunno. Probably. I mean, I once digested a whole turkey, but I’ve never tried it with a person.” Jane’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “You ate a turkey!?” “Yeah
” “How did you keep it from struggling? Weren’t the feathers disgusting? Did you get pecked or scratched up?” Ruchira blinked. After a brief pause, she spoke. “It was a frozen turkey. Butterball.” “Oh.” Jane laughed nervously. “I guess I’m still a little stunned from all
this and my brain
” she sighed deeply, “it’s just not keeping up.” Ruchira took another step forward. Jane realized how strange it was that her daughter’s friend was acting so normal while completely nude, but she also realized that this was not the strangest thing to happen today. She still jerked slightly when Ruchira put a hand on her shoulder. Looking at Ruchira’s naked body, knowing that she had so recently been in Hannah’s sex, Jane was a little surprised to see that she was not nearly as slimy with vaginal fluid as she had expected. “No, Mrs. Adamini, it makes sense. I mean, it’s a pretty surprising thing. I was all weirded out when I first saw it and you would not believe how freaked out Ravi was when I ate her the first time to see if I could.” Jane’s head shot up to meet Ruchira’s eyes. Ravi’s youngest sister, only nine years old. “That sounds like a story
” Jane was a little unsettled at the idea that Ruchira had devoured someone so young. “Don’t worry about Ravi. I had been practicing for a long time before that. Remember, Butterball?” Jane nodded slowly, hesitantly. Ruchira continued, “It was safe. I knew what I was doing. I was responsible
at least on my end. I probably could have warned Ravi first that I was going to do it.” Jane put her hand on Ruchira’s and their eyes met. “Ru, is Hannah being responsible? I mean, is she safe? Should I worry about her?” “Mrs. Adamini, Hannah’s careful about who she vores around with. She’s not going to let herself get digested.” “What about her
other activities?” Ruchira now seemed a little nervous. She looked away. “Please don’t tell my parents. I mean, they know that I can swallow other people. They caught me with Ravi in my stomach a couple weeks ago. Don’t tell them about what Hannah and I are doing.” Jane started to say something, but Ruchira kept speaking, her cadence sharply increasing, as though she had practiced what she was about to say but was still uncomfortable with it. “We’re not’s not sleeping around with guys. What we’re doing with girls is safe. No one’s going to get pregnant or a disease from this. It’s fun, y’know?” Ruchira shifted her weight. Jane was mulling it all over when Ruchira spoke again. “I’ve got pretty cool parents, y’know? It’s pretty bad for some of my cousins, with arranged marriages and strict expectations. But I don’t know if they’d be okay with the stuff that we do with other girls.” Jane nodded, wondering all the while what she should have done differently to get a daughter this polite and calm around adults, rather than one full of invective and sarcasm. “Don’t worry, Ru. I won’t tell them anything.” “Thanks, Mrs. Adamini.” Ruchira breathed a sigh of relief, then perked up. “Oh, yeah, I came down here because I wanted to show you something.” Before Jane could process what was happening, Ruchira’s mouth opened incredibly wide as she leaned forward. The world went briefly red, then dark as Ruchira took the entirety of Jane’s head in her mouth. Jane gasped and froze at the suddenness of the attack. Ruchira seemed to pause, as if to see what Jane’s reaction would be. Jane remained still, seated in the chair. With conscious effort she relaxed and Ruchira began to move down her neck. Jane marveled at the bizarre feelings. It was warm and damp in Ruchira’s mouth and she could feel Ruchira’s tongue sliding under her face. She could not feel Ruchira’s teeth. She was pleasantly surprised to discover that she could continue to breathe. She wasn’t getting as much oxygen flow, but it was unexpectedly adequate. Ruchira’s hands were reaching down around Jane’s shoulders. Jane was wearing a spaghetti strap top, the only thing comfortable for chores in the oppressive heat of south Texas, but Ruchira was doing her best to rid Jane of the garment. She pulled the straps down Jane’s shoulders and shoved the shirt down her torso. Jane found herself not resisting, perhaps even helping even helping, practically shimmying her arms through the straps as Ruchira undid her bra. Jane’s large breasts, the envy of many of the other mothers on the block, jiggled free. Then Ruchira’s hands were squeezing Jane’s shoulders and the mouth took another bite, taking in those shoulders. Jane’s arms were pinned to her side. Jane’s head was now well into Ruchira’s throat, which she could feel swell around her cranium. After pausing to push Jane’s shirt further down her torso, Ruchira pushed forward again, this time taking Jane in further down near her elbows. Ruchira leaned first one way, then the other in order to devour Jane’s breasts one at a time. Jane, her head in Ruchira’s chest cavity now, shivered at the sensation. She was worried about just how aroused she was becoming from Ruchira’s actions. Desire was creeping into her heart and passionate fire into her loins. She couldn’t believe that she was feeling this way about being eaten alive, but the caress of Ruchira’s esophagus was like electric velvet, exciting every nerve in her skin. If it always felt like this, she was beginning to understand why people liked it so much. Past her elbows, at her navel, Ruchira had reached as far as she could. Just as Jane’s head was pushing through the lower esophageal sphincter and entering the opening of Ruchira’s stomach, she felt Ruchira lean back. As best as she could But she could do nothing now. As Ruchira settled, Jane found herself suspended in air, her head in Ruchira’s stomach, her body bent at the waist with her pelvis and below hanging outside of Ruchira’s mouth, and her feet not touching the ground. The blood was beginning to rush to her head as Ruchira finished pulling her top, shorts, and panties off. She could feel Ruchira tense, then all of a sudden throw her head back. Jane was doing a headstand, her legs now above her. Gravity aided Ruchira immensely. The girl quickly sucked Jane’s legs down. As her vulva passed through Ruchira’s lips, Jane thought she felt her tongue linger across it. Jane kicked involuntarily at the incredible feeling and the tongue shot away. Jane was actually disappointed by how quickly Ruchira engulfed her legs. She wasn’t able to savor the experience. She was pleased, however, to find that the motion pushed her up in the damp, squishy hammock of Ruchira’s stomach into a fetal position. She settled into a warm ball, curled up in the comforting darkness as her feet slid in to join her. “Oh my God, honey
” Jane moaned. She could feel Ruchira breathing. She paused to try to listen for Ruchira’s heartbeat. She thought of how Ruchira’s ribcage must be above her, maybe around her head, and her pelvis supporting her. “Sorry, Mrs. Adamini, I can’t hear what you’re saying,” Ruchira said. It sounded distorted and distant. “You should be able to understand me, but you just sound like vague mumbling. I feel it more than I hear it.” Jane found her hand drawn between her legs. Slowly, softly, trying to not call attention to her movements, Jane began to manipulate her pussy, alternating between rubbing her clitoris and inserting a finger. It had been a long time since she had masturbated The next thing she knew she was jostling about slightly, swaying a bit side to side. She realized that Ruchira must be walking. The jostling became more severe after a few seconds and Jane theorized that Ruchira was going up the stairs, probably back to Hannah’s room. A little anxiety infiltrated Jane’s stomach Jane’s suspicions were confirmed when she heard a conversation’s half of the conversation. The stomach walls served to completely dampen any other outside noise. “Your mom.” “Because I wanted her to know that it was okay. It’s not like you were doing much to settle her down.” “Vore’s a lot less scary once you’ve been through it a few times. Being a dick to your mom isn’t going to make her accept it.” There was a longer pause. “You dropped a lot on her today and you did it like a spoiled little kid. You didn’t want to have an honest dialogue with your mom, you wanted to taunt and harass her. She was looking vore up on Wheee! You know that’s a pretty awful place to try to get information on anything.” “Don’t give me that. You were being a twerp. Lot more like an eight-year-old than an eighteen-year-old.” Jane felt a slight sway. She imagined that Ruchira was standing with legs askance and hands disapprovingly on her hips. “What was that? Oh, that does it!” Jane’s world shook violently as Ruchira lunged forward. Jane was bounced about within her confinement. Weight’s and not’s skin and diaphragm. There was a scrambling around the belly and then a mass was pressed against her. Jane heard muffled grunts and shrieks throughout until the turmoil suddenly died down. The mass began to slowly move up and a weight began to push increasingly from above. Jane was amazed when she felt Ruchira’s lower esophageal sphincter open above her head and a tangle of hair fell through. Jane tried to push the straight locks out of her face and heard a sharp squeal. “Ow! You’re pulling my hair!” It was Hannah, the rest of her head following the hair. “I’m sorry dear,” Jane responded. She wasn’t surprised’t quite touching her daughter’s but their noses did brush more than once as Hannah was introduced into the stomach. Ruchira was swallowing Hannah a bit faster than she had Jane. It seemed like no time at all until Hannah’s perky breasts popped through the opening and buffeted her mother’s face, just as Hannah’s face was pressed into her mother’s chest. The women spit out protestations, rising as Hannah continued to descend and their bodies continued to be pressed up against each other. Hannah squealed as she passed her mother’s navel. Jane was trying to maneuver them into a better position, but they were just so tightly compacted. Hannah nearly screamed when her mother’s pubic hair began to tickle her face. Jane gasped as she was jarringly assaulted by the smell of another woman’s sex so suddenly pressed against her face. Mother and daughter struggled in distressing sixty-nine for three or five seconds, which seemed like an incredibly uncomfortable eternity, until Jane was finally able to get her hands under Hannah’s head and pull it up between her legs. As Hannah’s legs were brought into Ruchira’s belly, Hannah finally began to curl up the same way Jane had. At last her feet popped into the stomach and the esophageal sphincter closed above them, leaving mother and daughter in tight, damp spooning. “Oh. My. God.” Hannah sputtered. “That was traumatizing! Mom, get your hand off my boob!” “I wish I could,” Jane responded, making an exaggerated attempt to pull her arm away. “There’s just no room.” “Ru! Come on, Ru, let us out!” Hannah nearly screamed. “Hannah!” Jane snapped. “Keep your voice down! I’m right here!” Hannah audibly glowered. “Did you know that she could do that?” “What, eat two people? No fuckin’ clue.” “Hannah! Watch your mouth!” “Tche.” Hannah let out an aggravated sigh. Before she could say anything, the women were momentarily discombobulated as Ruchira, with great effort, lay down into Hannah’s bed. Hannah grumbled for several minutes and Jane let her daughter stew. When Hannah’s anger seemed to subside slightly (and the heartbeat Jane could feel through her breast was slowing), Jane spoke again. “Does Kaylee know about this?” Kaylee was Jane’s second daughter, Hannah’s younger sister. At fifteen, she was shorter than Hannah was at the same age but was developing in a curvier shape. Hannah was tall and thin like their father Kaylee was more voluptuous like their mother. Jane was already beginning to worry about the way boys were looking at her, especially since she was better natured than Hannah and had a pronounced gullibility (naïveté, to say it nicely). "Hell if I know," Hannah snorted. "She probably knows about it. I mean, everybody knows about it. But it's not like we'd talk about it or anything." Jane was never sure if her daughters didn't get along all the time, or just when she was around. From the sound of things, it was all the time. "Well..." Jane found herself mumbling "...could you talk with her about it? I don't know, warn her? Try to get her to not vore or be vored?" "She's not going to want to hear it from me, Mom. She's a teenager. You should know after raising both of us that we teenagers don't like having older family members tell us what to do." Jane sighed. "Yes, dear, I'm aware. I just worry about her. She's just...I worry about her getting taken advantage of." "What, and you don't worry about me?" Hannah scoffed. "Thanks Mom. Way to show who you love more." "Oh, get off it, Hannah." Jane tried to make her eye roll evident. "You seem better able to take care of yourself, get it? You're a bit more mature than she is. I mean this as a compliment, so just take it as such." Before Hannah could come up with a contemptuous reply, their small world convulsed. Mother and daughter were squeezed together even more closely, both grunting in slight pain as they were forced head-first up Ruchira's esophagus. "Whaaaaa-" Jane couldn't quite finish the word as Ruchira opened her mouth, letting in a blinding flood of light through her teeth. It wasn't really that bright, of course, but Jane and Hannah had adjusted to the darkness of Ruchira's stomach. Then the two were sliding out onto Hannah's bed, damp with saliva and stomach juices. Room temperature--which had been comfortable a few minutes earlier--now seemed cold and the two women shivered slightly as they lay on the bed. "Mom, mom!" Hannah snapped. "What?" "We're out now! You can stop squeezing my boob!" Jane released her daughter with a start. "Oops, sorry babe." The two looked over to see Ruchira slumping over in Hannah's computer chair, panting, rubbing her throat and jaw. "Owwwww...." she groaned. "It wasn't so bad getting you two down, but getting you out was BAD!" "You could have given us some warning," Hannah glowered. "No, I'm pretty sure that if I had moved or talked or anything but throw you up, I would have started digesting you two." Ruchira panted. "Oh." Jane said. "Thank you for not digesting us, Ru dear." "It's just that having two of you--I mean, two adults--made it harder to keep off my stomach than one person or two kids." Ruchira did not admit how much she had considered digesting them both, nor how much the thought of digesting mother and daughter together had aroused her. The three women were silent for a bit, Ruchira regaining her composure, Jane sitting up and covering herself as modestly as she could, and Hannah languidly laying herself across her bed and looking bored. Finally, Ruchira spoke. "So, Mrs. Adamini, how'd you like your first experience with vore?" Jane digested the question for a moment before answering. "I...I think I liked it. It was a bit cramped, so I think that next time I'd prefer to be in there alone." "So you want me to swallow you again sometime?" "I don't know, maybe. I do think I want to get some more experience with it." "Well you live with a pretty accomplished voreaphile. I'm sure that Hannah could accommodate you pretty easily." Both Adamini women reacted with immediate revulsion at the suggestion. "God!" Hannah gasped. "I don't want my mom anywhere near my pussy!" Jane couldn't help herself. She started laughing. Ruchira grinned, confused, while Hannah looked mortified. "Oh my God, Mom, what are you spazzing about now?" Jane managed to calm herself, but couldn't get the smile off her face. "I just realized what's seemed so strange about this. I mean, I remember back when you were a bb and I'd have to change your diapers. I saw your little vajayjay and I always knew that someday you would...y'know, you'd get fucked, that you wouldn't stay my little girl forever, but I never could have imagined that this little thing would someday have an entire person shoved up inside it. That's just--it's just so weird!" "Mom, can we stop this conversation now? I never want to hear you say vajayjay ever again." Ruchira chuckled to herself. "Oh crap!" Jane saw the time and jumped to her feet. "Kaylee's going to be home soon! I have to shower and get my clothes out of the den..." "Go ahead," Ruchira said. "We'll take the shower after you. Kaylee never bothers us on Hannah's room anyway." "Thanks," Jane said as she hurried out the door. Hannah looked at Ruchira and was about to give the Hindi girl a piece of her mind when Jane poked her head back into the room. "So, uh, to sum up, I guess, uh, you two can keep doing vore. I just want you to be safe, Hannah. I don't want you to be digested. And stop skipping school!" "Okay, Mom..." Hannah said, though there was little commitment in her voice. Jane wasn't worried that Hannah wouldn't be safe, but she had a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time that her daughter skipped school for vore. *** Epilogue Later that evening, Hannah and Kaylee were in bed. Marcus, Jane's husband and the father of the girls, was watching Sports Center in their bedroom. Jane hadn't talked with him about what had happened with Hannah and Ruchira earlier. She didn't know if she ever would. Jane herself was in the kitchen, finishing making her daughters' lunches for the next day. PB&J with banana slices, nothing too fancy, but doing it was easy to lose the time to do it in the morning. She couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. She had really enjoyed it in Ruchira's stomach, at least before Hannah had been added. Even with Hannah in there, it wasn't too bad. There was something comforting about the warm, dark, damp surroundings, like a sauna, massage, and hot towel wrap all together. She wanted to do it again. Maybe not get unbirthed (and definitely not by Hannah!), but she understood how being in a belly was so addicting. Jane realized she was spacing out. When she snapped herself out of it and made herself come to, she realized that she'd been staring at a cantaloupe. She still had to cut it up to pack chunks in the girls' lunches. But now she had a different idea. Remembering something she had read online earlier, she picked up the melon and examined it. A lot of vores got their starts on large pieces of fruit. If her daughter was vore capable, could she be as well? Jane knew that she wasn't capable of unbirth. Even after giving birth to her daughters, Marcus was never able to fit more than three fingers comfortably into her. But she had never really done anything that made her think that plain old oral vore was completely out of the question. After Kaylee got home and before Marcus did, Jane had done some more research. She had found a guide for people to find out if they were vore capable. There was a way of massaging your jaw muscles the first few times to get your mouth ready. Jane tried to rub the side of her jaw the way she had seen demonstrated online. After a minute of massage, she held up the cantaloupe and tried to open her mouth wide. Nothing. At least not any more so than normal. Jane sighed. Her trip into Ruchira's digestive system had awakened in her a new desire for vore. She wanted to take another living person into her body her desire to be devoured again was secondary. But maybe it was not to be. After all, her daughter couldn't do it. Maybe this inability was inherited from her. It's not like everyone could vore. Jane resolutely set down the cantaloupe. Looked like she'd have to cut it up after all. She had finished the sandwiches and was about two-thirds through the cantaloupe when she heard a commotion coming from upstairs. One of the girls' rooms. She rolled her eyes to think that cleaning up after her daughters was going to be one more thing she'd have to do before bed. As she started to climb the stairs, she heard Marcus come out of their room. "What was that?" he asked. "I don't know. I'm going to find out," Jane replied. There was still some rustling, but nothing like the crashing she had heard a minute before. What noise there was seemed to be coming from Hannah's room. She opened the door again and had her second great shock of the day. She recovered a little faster this time, however. "Kaylee! Spit out your sister!" |
DP By Twrch_Twryth(@yahoo.com) Five naked young adults stood in a living room, trying to figure out the logistics of the task they had decided on. "I think we should put a mattress down," TJ said, gesturing vaguely at the floor with one hand while the other was wrapped around Collette, playing with her breasts. "Wait, have we even decided who's on top and who's on bottom?" Ron asked. "Yeah, babe, Collette and TJ are on the bottom and you and me are on the top," Pepper said. "I think the mattress is a good idea," Faye said. "Would you guys mind getting the one from the guest room?" Collette asked. Grumbling, the two guys stole out of the room. After a few minutes, they came back carrying the mattress. The girls were preoccupied Faye had one arm around Collette and was using the other to play with her pussy, why Collette was similarly wrapped around Pepper. "Hey," Ron chided them, "no fair starting without us!" The guys dropped the mattress and retrieved their respective women. Faye was left on her own to pleasure herself as she watched the two couples embrace, kiss each other, and run eager hands over aroused bodies. Pepper and Ron looked like they were hewn from the same mahogany perfection. They were both of medium height, very dark skinned, and exceptionally well-toned from many hours in the gym. Pepper's breasts were small, but her legs seemed much longer than realistic given her height. Ron had faint hint of a goatee, but he kept his head shorn clean. Like Pepper and Ron, TJ had an athletic build, but his was a different variety. He was broad and muscular, though without the same sort of definition that characterized Ron's tight six-pack. Like Ron, TJ went bald, but he had noticeably more body hair, which was a dirty blond color. Collette was more voluptuous, with a larger rear and breasts that would have been large in most situations (just not compared to Faye's). She wore her fine, light blond hair in a pixie cut that framed her ruddy cheeks and light blue eyes. Faye herself had been described as looking like a mop with two basketballs taped to it. That was more than a bit of an exaggeration, but she was still slender throughout all of her body except for her chest, from which two proud mountains stood, exceptionally firm and capped with puffy pink nipples. Faye's light red hair was long and free, her eyes a dark brown that almost seemed a twinkling black in some light. Like many redheads, her skin was very fair and her face and chest were spattered with light freckles. "Okay, you four," Faye interrupted, "I don't want any of you blowing your loads early. Let's get this started." It played out like a game of human Tetris, lowering one piece at a time and trying to properly interlock and balance them. First TJ lay on his back on the mattress. Next, Collette mounted him, leaning up and back as his malehood entered her. That was the easy part. Next, Faye stood with her feet straddling TJ, facing in the same direction as Collette and standing inches from her face. Faye bent forward and Collette had a quick taste of Faye's honeypot before the redhead sat back. Collette's head was completely engulfed in Faye's vagina, with the rest of her torso very quickly following as Faye allowed gravity to help out. Faye was able to easily slide down easily until her hips met Collette's, a bulge forming in her lower abdomen as she took in more of the other woman. With Collette’s legs splayed around TJ, Faye would have had to pull her off in order to continue inserting her into the tight pussy. Instead, with the help of TJ's hands, Faye was able to maneuver it so that she too was straddling TJ's torso, her legs wrapped around Collette's, with Collette still outside of her from her ass down and TJ still penetrating Collette. Faye's breasts dangled down into TJ's face and TJ enjoyed they're every swaying motion. It goes without saying that there was quite a bit of moaning and enjoyment from all three participants. Pepper and Ron stroked each other lewdly as they watched. "You ready?" Pepper asked when the three seemed settled in. "Do it, baby," Faye moaned as she ground her hips against Collette. Pepper gave Ron a long kiss on the lips. "I love you," she said, a sentiment that he returned. Without further aplomb, Pepper lowered herself onto the pile, just behind Collette. She had to be careful with her feet, given how easily she could trip over or get tangled in the other girls' legs. When she was suitably stable, she reached over Collette's exposed bottom and grabbed a hold of Faye's own butt. Faye gasped in pleasure as Pepper deftly pressed a finger into her anus. Seeing how easily this slid in, Pepper withdrew this finger and fed in all four with no trouble. She paused as her entire hand disappeared into Faye's ass. Faye moaned with arousal. "What are you waiting for?" Pepper withdrew her hand with a pop and examined it. "You were right you're squeaky clean down there." "Told you--gah!" Faye groaned as Pepper suddenly darted both hands into her tight bud. They slid in, essentially without resistance, up to her elbows. "Okay, let me just--hey!" Pepper, who had been trying to carefully balance her weight, felt a powerful contraction that sucked more of her into Faye, pulling her face between Faye's pale cheeks. Before Pepper could speak, a second contraction pulled her head and shoulders into Faye. A third popped in her bountiful breasts and a fourth slurped down her waist until, like Collette, only her pelvis and legs remained outside of Faye. It was all that Pepper could do during this quick, forced insertion to try to crawl forward without disrupting the other three. Once they were adjusted, Faye looked back at Ron. "Okay, Ron, time for the last piece." With an eager smile, Ron came forward. Carefully choosing his position, he crouched behind Collette, lined his eager erection up with Pepper's damp sex and thrust in. Still crouching, Ron began to move back and forth with slow, short thrusts. The motion caused Faye to rock forward, revealing a little more of the two women stuffing her, then back again, essentially fucking herself with their bodies. TJ was the last to begin his own pelvic thrusts into Collette, though he had little range of motion. The mass of bodies writhed briefly in sexual congress. However, difficulties soon arose. Each time Ron thrust into Pepper, it had the effect of pushing her pelvis over Collette's hips and pushing Faye off of Collette. While it initially was not much of a problem, as their rutting continued it served to drive Pepper into an uncomfortable wedge between Collette and Fay. Realizing the difficulties (tipped off in part from Fay's grunts of displeasure), Ron tried to move and reposition himself. However, his shuffling feet was caught in the tangle of legs and he found himself falling sideways. "I don't think this is working out well," Ron said as he stood back up. "Yeah, I think we need to rethink this," Faye said. TJ, his face deep in Faye's cleavage, expressed no sentiment. Faye tried to stand up. With both Collette and Pepper sticking out of her, it was not an easy proposition. "A little help here?" she asked the guys. "Unless you want me to suck up these chicks entirely, I can't really get up..." "I think I have it!" Ron said. He leaned down, took hold of Pepper's hips, and pulled. Faye yelped at the sudden pressure and relinquished her occupant. Ron was able to extract Pepper, who gasped in the fresh air and blinked. "What happened?" She asked. Faye was getting her legs under her and standing up, stepping away from Collette. "It wasn't working out," Ron said. "Yeah, it didn't feel quite right," Pepper said with a shrug. "So what's the plan?" "I was about to ask the same thing," Faye said. "I think we can make this work," Ron. He saw Collette stand up off of TJ's member and waved at her. "No, you stay there." Collette shrugged and re-mounted TJ. She began to rock her hips slowly as she watched. "Okay, Pepper, you sit on the Ottoman. Cross-legged, facing inward." Pepper gave him a quizzical look, but complied. Ron turned his attention to Faye. "Okay, Faye, now you...uh...sit on her. Back-to-back style." Faye had to stand on her tip-toes, but she was at last able to position her anus on the top of Pepper's head. With a quick push and a dreamy expression, she took Pepper's head back into her rectum. "Want a hand?" Ron stood in front of her. Faye looked at him and nodded. He put his hands on her shoulders (at the same time she put her hands around his waving erection), and pushed down (as she rapidly stroked his staff). The shove pushed Faye all the way down Pepper's body, until once more only Pepper's hips and legs remained outside of Faye's puckered hole. Faye's eyes were closed tight as she relished the feeling of another person so completely filling her. She kept her eyes closed, the goofy smile on her face, as she asked Ron “Now what?" Ron pulled away from soft, skillful hands and stepped around behind her as best as possible. "Now we stand up," he told Faye as he hooked his arms under Pepper's knees. Faye clenched her sphincter and stood up. Her clenching would not have been enough to simply hold Pepper there, especially since Pepper's feet would have dragged on the ground, but with Ron holding Pepper's legs they were able to walk, even if it was a more than bit awkward. "Oh my God, this feels so weird!" Faye moaned. "It looks pretty weird too." Collette couldn't help but laugh. "You're going in next," Ron said. Collette squealed in delight and mock horror as Ron and Fay managed to position Faye in front of Collette. "Collette, you duck, Faye, on your tip toes and bend over." Ron lifted Pepper's legs as the other women complied. Lining them up was awkward and difficult, but at last Collette, who had the best view, told Faye they were ready. Once more, Faye speared herself with Collette's head. It was a tighter squeeze this time, since Faye's pelvis was already partially occupied. Ron also had to keep Pepper's legs angled up and outward to prevent running them from getting in the way of Collette penetrating Faye. Faye moved more carefully and slowly this time to also minimize difficulty. It took longer, but Faye once more had both Pepper and Collette half inside her, with TJ in Collette and Ron angling to get between Pepper's thighs. This time, Pepper's legs were up in there air, her rear pressed against Collette's. "How's that feel?" Ron asked Faye. "A bit sturdier," came the response between pants of pleasure. "Collette's not inside me as much, but I don’t think I'm in danger of sliding off." With one fewer pair of legs to get around, Ron was able to crouch more easily behind Pepper and enter her. As soon as he began thrusting, TJ began to rocking his hips forward and back as well, though he still did not have much range of motion. As the five settled into a comfortable rhythm, the orgasms began coming quickly. Though the actual sex was not as remarkable as in other circumstances (except for Faye), the whole situation was incredibly arousing, especially for the two women in Faye. Both of their hips bucked quickly and often, their internal muscles contracting hard around their lovers' malehoods. Pepper's legs, wrapped around Ron's waste, squeezed him deeper into her. The air was filled with a cacophony of groans, moans, and outright screams of pleasure and ecstasy. Those of Collette and Pepper could not be heard between Faye's body dampening and the others' own cries overwhelming their noises. For Faye, the entire experience felt like hours of pleasure from her greatest erogenous zones. In addition to the stimulation provided by the women penetrating her rear holes, TJ also spent a lot of time playing with or sucking on her sensitive breasts. When he was away from them, Ron usually reached forward to cup them. It was actually only a few minutes, less time than any of the participants' average sexual encounter. Despite his lack of range of motion, TJ came before Ron. As he thrust upward and unloaded his seed into Collette, he also squeezed Faye's breasts around his face and groaned out a string of profanity. It was one of the largest orgasms of his life and seemed to go on much longer than usual. Hearing his buddy cumming, Ron picked up the pace of his strokes into Pepper. Though he was in fairly good shape, this thrusting while crouching was beginning to wear on his legs. He managed to shut that out of his mind and concentrated on Pepper's velvety womanhood embracing his shaft and how he was not only fucking her, he was also using her to fuck Faye. To sodomize her, really. It was this thought, of using his girlfriend as a sex toy, as an object, to pleasure another woman, which got Ron off. He slammed home and with more of a howl than any intelligible words he shot the largest load of his life into Pepper's eager love canal. Ron let himself fall back away from the tangle of limbs. He rolled with the impact (his high school football days paid off) and was sitting up almost immediately to watch, panting with the exertion from his huge orgasm. Faye and TJ were also panting, Faye from the incredible stimulation and TJ because the weight of the three women mostly on top of him was beginning to get to him. Faye began to notice his grimaces. "You ready for me to deal with them?" she asked. Ron and TJ both expressed their agreement. Faye took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She gritted her teeth--it would require concentration to do this next part right. She relaxed her vaginal muscles as best as she was able to, but began to pull with her sphincter. Pepper's legs, still held up and open, moved with a jolt as more of Pepper was sucked into Faye. Pepper's legs were forced to straighten over Collette's rear and TJ's own legs as her hips popped inside Faye's anus. Another pull brought in her thighs (and gave Faye another orgasm). Then only Pepper's feet were still outside of Faye...then, with another shuddering, eye rolling orgasm, Pepper was completely inside Faye. "Wow..." Ron wondered from his vantage. "Your asshole's back to normal already! I mean, there's not even any gaping or anything." As her orgasm subsided, Faye looked back at him with a sly smile. "What can I say, I'm a professional. Collette's turn now." Faye positioned her legs under herself and got into a bent over crouching position. On her hands and feet, she moved forward, keeping a tight hold of Collette with her powerful PC muscles. Because of the way Collette's legs were folded under them both, Faye would not have been able to draw her in without changing positions. With her hips suspended over TJ's neck and head, still on all fours, Faye contracted her pelvic muscles and sucked Collette off of TJ. With her hips partway inside Faye now, TJ was in a semi-standing, if bent over, position. The next pull brought her to her tip toes, and a third, stronger contraction lifted her legs off the ground, so that they were sticking straight out into the air from Faye's sex, held in around mid-thigh. Each contraction had been accompanied with a shuddering orgasm on Faye's part and TJ thought that she would lose her footing at any point and fall. "Wanna see something neat?" Faye asked the guys with a smile. They acquiesced. Concentrating, Faye began a cascade in her PC muscles. She was well-practiced and rather than drawing Collette in with stops and starts of discrete contractions, she was able to effect smaller, much closer contractions so that to the others it appeared that she was pulling Collette in with one single, continuous sucking force. In this manner the rest of Collette was inexorably drawn into Faye. As the last of Collette disappeared, the orgasm that was building tore through Faye and the redhead collapsed onto TJ as the overwhelming energy overrode her ability to stand. TJ did not seem to mind. After several seconds of panting recovery, Faye rolled off of TJ and into a sitting position. TJ also sat up for the first time in quite a while. Faye rubbed her belly. With the two women inside her, she still barely showed a bulge. "Okay," she murmured at last. "If you two want to join them before I start digesting, you're going to have to do it soon." Ron was beside her almost immediately, his penis hard again. "Could you do me feet first?" he asked. "Sure," Fay said as she stood up. "Lay down on your back, but your feet together and put 'em in the air." Ron complied and Fay moved so that it looked like she was going to sit on his outstretched feet. Then, spreading her cheeks, she guided them into her bud. Ron laughed at the tickling feeling. When she was confident that she had him, Faye pulled him in hard. Faye only took men bodily into her in two situations--when there were couples, or during mass vorgies when was also taking in lots of women. But even in a situation like this, she did not enjoy it as much as she enjoyed sucking in women, so she took Ron in quickly. She did not linger on the feeling the way she had with Pepper. Instead it was only a few seconds until Ron was lifted bodily off the ground and into her. Then only his head remained, then there was nothing. "My turn," TJ called out, still sitting on the floor. "I got you," Faye said. She walked behind him, the bulge in her belly slightly large, and put one leg over his shoulders, her hungry sex rubbing against his smooth head. From her vantage, she saw that he too was erect again. "Hey, you're going to want to hold your dick." "What?" TJ asked. "So it doesn't get stuck pointing out." "Oh, got it." As soon as he had complied, Faye lowered herself on TJ's head, completely engulfing it in her birth canal. Faye's muscles were strong enough to pull TJ, a large, burly man, straight off the floor his shoulders, barrel chest, and most of his tight stomach disappeared with a single contraction. Faye wanted to time on a second, which got in down to his legs. A third, and he completely disappeared into her womb to join Collette. Faye collapsed onto the mattress. Feeling the two couples rejoin and start trying to fuck again inside was incredibly arousing. Just touching her clit was enough to give her a fast orgasm more intense stimulation caused a series of climaxes that lasted well beyond the life of her occupants. By the time the last aftershock had died off and Faye lay panting on the mattress, finally satiated, the four people inside her had stopped moving. She knew her body was processing them, digesting or absorbing them. Tomorrow their remains would emerge the same way that Pepper and Ron had entered her. For now, though, it was time to digest in peaceful slumber. |
V-Day: Control Calizona University (located in sunny Los Hermanos, Calizona) has one of the most robust Predator-Prey Alliances (PPA for short) in the country. With 9836 of the campus's 45,000 students counted among the members, the vore club is the school's most popular club. Twice a year, the PPA holds a wild bacchanalia of vore and sex, a free-for-all where students come to fuck, eat, and be eaten. V-Day, as it is officially known, or the Vorgy, as most people call it, is an event full of wild experiences. This is the story of one of those experiences... --- Spring 2008 Surrounded by hundreds--perhaps thousands--of her fellow students fucking each other and eating each other, Makayla found her attention drawn to two in particular. It was a man and a woman and he was just about half-way inside her. They were both on the ground and the woman was half-sitting, half-reclining with her legs spread, the man's hips and legs emerging from her vagina. His upper-body made a bulge in her abdomen. Makayla watched as the woman, a petite Asian beauty with hip green streaks through her light black hair, attempted to reach around her distended torso and her legs to grab the man's turgid erection. When she could get her hands on it, she would work on masturbating him, but the angle and the obstacles seemed to be getting too much for her and she seemed dejected. Not dejected enough to release her captured paramour, of course, but still sad. Makayla was fascinated. Not only was the unbirthing erotic enough, but she had a thing for restrained men. She had a dominant streak in her and this was an incredible combination of her interests. Throwing in a beautiful, petite damsel in distress (the easier to impose herself on) made it all the better. She just had to get in on this. Breaking away from the crowd, Makayla strode up to the interlocked lovers. "Would you like a hand with that?" When the Asian woman looked up, she saw a naked Irish Amazon standing over. Makayla was only a few inches shy of six feet tall and, as a volleyball player, most of her body was that of an athlete. The one exception were her D-cup breasts, which set her apart from the other, mostly flat-chested female athletes and she often wondered how big they would be if she did not exercise so much. Her skin was pale, which contrasted with her light green eyes, naturally red lips, and radiantly black hair. "It's kind of hard to reach..." the woman replied. Makayla smiled at her and knelt beside the two. She placed one hand on the woman's stomach and wrapped the other around the anonymous man's shaft. "I'm happy to help out." Her right hand--around the trapped cock--began to move up and down. "My name's Makayla, by the way." "I'm Nicki," the unbirther responded. "What's his name?" Nicki shrugged as best as she could. "Umm, anonymous sex guy? I never met him before today." "That's dirty!" Makayla giggled in a tone that made it clear that, dirty or not, she approved. She moved around until she was lying on her stomach between the two pairs of legs, her hands around the dick and her face near it. She appraised the cock. It was circumcised, with a head that was slightly thinner than the shaft. It was about average length, as Makayla understood male genitalia, though maybe slightly thicker than normal. The balls and area around it had shortly trimmed pubic hair, through the odd long strand showed that it was an amateur job. The guy probably did it with a pair of scissors, maybe in front of a mirror. None of this turned Makayla off; she simply observed. "Do you think he'd like a blowjob?" Makayla asked sweetly. Nicki nodded and the expression on her face showed that the she wanted to see Makayla suck this anonymous guy's cock. Makayla wasn't surprised--she knew several women who were aroused by seeing a cock in another girl's mouth, even if they didn't like sucking dick themselves. Makayla liked performing fellatio. No matter what other people said about it denigrating women, it made her feel incredibly powerful, that she could completely control a man by sticking a little bit of him in her mouth. With Nicki silently rooting her on and her instincts telling her to go for it, Makayla slowly, purposefully licked a straight line up the bottom of the shaft, never taking her eyes off of Nicki's face, before she took the head into her mouth. After swirling her tongue around the head, she stopped and pulled her head up. "Whoa, his dick tastes like pussy!" she exclaimed. Nicki shrugged again. "Like I said, anonymous sex guy. He was fucking me before he ended up down there. Is that a problem?" "No," Makayla said. "I was just surprised." Without further conversation, Makayla returned the phallus to her mouth. Giving Nicki her best porn star doe eyes, she began to bob up and down, taking the dick in and out of her mouth, teasing her tonsils with the head at times and at other times teasing the head with her tongue. She varied her tempo, sometimes working quickly, sometimes going agonizingly slow. Time seemed meaningless as she sucked the anonymous prick. All through this, her hands were still at play. Makayla's left hand was busy propping up the dick so she could fellate it, but her right hand wandered. Sometimes she played with the balls, rolling them around or squeezing them, which usually earned her a shiver through the man's legs. Sometimes her hand wandered south stimulated her own pleasure center. At last she was ready to move on. Her right hand once again wandered up from where it had been simulating her own clit and snaked between the interlocked lovers' legs. She traced Nicki's stretched pussy around the man's waist until she came to Nicki's clit and hood. The girl was already shuddering in cascades of pleasure as Makayla just pressed slightly on her clit. Actually manipulating with her fingers caused loud orgasmic howls and pelvic quaking so powerful that t shot the trapped prick in and out of Makayla's mouth. As Nicki seemed to be coming down from her ecstatic high and her eyes seemed to regain their focus, Makayla did it again, playing with Nicki's clitoris for only a few seconds before another wave of powerful orgasms wracked Nicki's body. Nicki tried to pull Makayla's hand away, but Makayla was stronger and she wasn't done yet. She drove Nicki over the edge a third and a fourth time with the cock still between her lips, reveling vicariously in Nicki's powerful orgasms and in the power she felt over both Nicki and the anonymous man. Makayla finally relinquished her hold as Nicki was coming to after her fourth tidal wave of climaxes. Keeping her eyes trained on Nicki's face, she released the cock from her mouth and inched forward, until her breasts slapped against it. On her elbows, she pressed the soft flesh of her breasts around the rigid member and began to pump her torso up and down. "I think I can spare him a titfuck," she said to Nicki. Nicki, still panting in the afterglow, looked at her own chest, which was dotted with small but perky breasts. She managed to quip "It's not like I could do that." Makayla noted the fiery interest that appeared in Nicki's eyes. Every girl can give a blowjob, but it takes a certain cup size and above to actually perform an adequate titfuck. Those who did not have enough adipose tissue, Makayla had found, were often simultaneously jealous, curious, contemptuous, and aroused by the idea of getting a woman getting a cock off with her chest. Nicki certainly seemed to be in the curious and aroused phases as Makayla continued to slide the cock, lubed up with her spit and an earlier layer of Nicki's pussy juice, between her tits. She alternated between actually moving her torso up and down and simply bouncing her breasts along in with her hands. The man tried to help out with thrusting; he seemed to enjoy it. Unfortunately, it was not the best angle, having to compete with two pairs of legs. Makayla knew that it was not going to last long, so she stopped moving her torso, leaved forward, and found Nicki's clit again, this time with her tongue. Nicki came even faster and louder and this time her convulsions smacked Makayla in the face. Makayla took her cue and rose to her knees as Nicki rode the aftershocks before hazy afterglow once again crept over her. Now Makayla was going to properly get her fuck on. She pushed up Nicki's legs and squatted between them, over the prone man's cock. Holding Nicki's legs back with her left arm, she used her right hand to guide the erection into her eager pussy. She was incredibly aroused, possibly wetter than she had ever been in her life, and she nearly came just from feeling six inches of cock penetrate her primed pussy. When she was comfortable in her position, on her knees straddling the anonymous cock donor, she let Nicki's legs come down and wrap around her waist. The trapped man thrust as best as he was able to, but he had a limited range of movement and it was up to Makayla to do most of the riding. Fortunately, she was energetic, strong, and flexible enough to get into a rhythm of rocking and bouncing her hips on the erection that moved all three of them. The motion was enough to move the anonymous man in Nicki's womb and further stimulate her, which Makayla could discern as Nicki began moaning and her eyes fluttered again. Hungrily, in full control of the situation, Makayla leaned forward as far as she could and grabbed the back of Nicki's head. She pulled Nicki's face forward to her lips and kissed the other girl deeply, wetly, and fiercely as Nicki squealed in surprise before giving in. Makayla's tongue invaded Nicki's mouth and she hoped that Nicki could still taste her own pussy and the anonymous cock. As Nicki surrendered to Makayla's direction and let herself be manipulated, the power that Makayla felt in the situation heightened her arousal and combined with the physical stimulation of the prick in her snatch to drive her over the edge. She experienced her first orgasm of the session, arching her head back to cry in pleasure as she pressed Nicki's head into her chest. Nicki's muffled grunts and flailing arms gave Makayla at least one aftershock cum. At last she released Nicki, but Makayla kept up the rhythm as she worked through her bleary-eyed afterglow. She wanted another orgasm, which she knew she could get in a few more minutes. Much to her disappointment, however, she realized that the once rock-hard cock inside her was slowly becoming soft and shrinking. Pausing, she reached down between her legs and pulled away a smattering of semen. "Fuck," she said in annoyance. "He fucking came already." She was glad that she took her birth control religiously. She inspected the semen on her hand, then pulled Nicki's head back up with the other. Makayla licked the slimy cum from her fingers, rolled it about in her mouth, then pulled Nicki's face to hers again and forced some of the cum into Nicki's mouth with her tongue. Nicki didn't try to fight. When their kiss was over, Makayla extricated herself from the pile of legs and stood up. "I'm done with him," she said, pointing to the lower half of the man and his now limp cock, "you can let him out or--" Before Makayla could finish her thought, Nicki was back in a reclining position and working her vaginal muscles to draw more of the man inside her. He disappeared by slow inches at first, the bulge in Nicki's abdomen gradually expanding, but soon momentum was with her and his legs were taken in quickly. Makayla found herself masturbating as she watched and she came as her unknown lover's feet disappeared into Nicki's womb. It was a small orgasm, but a pleasant one nonetheless. Nicki also came several times throughout the process, though with her intense concentration her orgasms were smaller and quieter than they had been earlier. Makayla crawled up on top of Nicki's distended abdomen, spreading a trail of leaking cum on Nicki's stomach. She pulled up Nicki's head again and squeezed the other girl's head between her hands. She held her face close to Nicki's. "Now it's time for the real fun, bitch." The word had no contempt, only dominance. Makayla was primed for round two and she was going to take the little Asian girl along for the ride, whether she wanted to or not. Makayla licked her lips in anticipation, and then the world went dark. It took Makayla a minute to realize what had happened, during which time she was pulled into a tight, warm, and wet passage. Obvious as it was, it still took time for the belated realization to seize Makayla's mind. She was being eaten alive. Nicki had her lips around Makayla's shoulders. She didn't struggle; by the time she realized what was going on, she also knew that struggle would have been useless at best, and would have hurt herself at worse. Besides, she knew that this was a possibility when she had come to the Vorgy. Nicki paused to rub her tongue over Makayla's breasts. It was exciting and humiliating--she was really being eaten. That was exciting. But the power was gone. Nicki was toying with her, playing with her because she was nothing more than an object. Her personhood and her autonomy were no more, completely subsumed by the control Nicki exerted over her. Nicki had finished her detour and began to swallow Makayla again. Makayla felt the tightness of the esophagus around her head and face give way as she was being dumped into Nicki's stomach. She also felt Nicki's lips roll down her toned stomach, her tongue in the dimple of her navel before it traveled further south. Makayla wiggled, trying to get more clearance for her arms. It actually helped Nicki, but Nicki slowed her down in order to slide a velvety tongue between her legs. Makayla was so aroused by the experience that the mere touch of Nicki's tongue on her sensitive clit was enough to send her shaking and screaming. She wondered if it was audible outside of Nicki's torso. Her orgasm was intensified as she imagined the cum in her pussy squirting out onto Nicki's lips and chin. Nicki did not let her enjoy the afterglow long, as she quickly resumed swallowing her victim. Makayla was now curling up in Nicki's stomach and she could feel the firmness of the anonymous man below her, separated by organs and tissue between them. Makayla was disappointed as Nicki was downing her quickly rather than enjoying her. Her feet would be gone shortly. She realized that she was fortunate that Nicki had gotten her off, since she was now only Nicki's meal, but she had wanted to last longer. In a minute her feet were in Nicki's mouth and shortly thereafter in Nicki's stomach. Makayla was trapped in the strong gut, curled in a tight ball. She managed to get her hand to her pussy and worked on getting herself off. If she was going to die, she wanted to go out cumming. * * * Nicki rubbed her two-tiered, bulging abdomen. The sounds and sights of thousands of college students fucking and eating each other began to fade back in. She would just sit back and enjoy it while she digested her playmates. |
Lost Story #7My Mom is a Cockvore Diva(Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Genital Vore) Sunny Coleman has a complicated relationship with her family. Of course, most 18-year-olds do, but Sunny's is a bit weirder. You see, her semi-twin sister is a robustly horny futa with a poor sense of personal space, her mother skipped out on the family soon after she was born, and her father is a world-famous futa porn star, semi-retired, who is only one of two people in the industry capable of cock vore. It goes back nineteen years, when the only two futanari in small-town West Virginia impregnated each other in their last year of high school. Whitney, a tall, buxom beauty with raven-black hair, was left caring for both the children when Bobbi, a tiny redhead, abandoned them shortly after their daughters were born. Sunny was born to Bobbi, and has Whitney's height and bust but Bobbi's ginger hair and complexion. Sam was born to Whitney and is the reverse, short like her mother but dark like her father. Whitney got into porn as a desperation move to support her family once she was done breast feeding the girls. Her looks and woodsmanship quickly brought success, but when word got of her unusual talent got out, things went to the next level. Her dick's ability to eat someone made her an international name (even if that was Dani Anaconda, her groan-worthy stage name) and, despite the permanent and fatal result, she was never at a loss for willing costars. Nor has she ever been at a loss to find neighbors, babysitters, casual acquaintances, or (eventually) classmates of her daughters who were willing to challenge her mighty male member. The fact that these encounters nearly always end with a one way trip down Whitney's shaft does little to dissuade them. It wasn't long after Whitney relocated her family to a suburb of Atlanta, GA, that the area's schools see a persistent and noticeable decline in the female portion of their graduating classes. Eventually, Whitney is able to go into semi-retirement, only shooting a few times per year. She has managed to train herself into competency as a minor investment expert, so now she spends most days tending to her daughters, watching the markets, and doing a lot of nude working out. This last part gives futa Sam a very relaxed attitude toward her own nakedness, but does unsettle female Sunny. Sunny's resentment grows as she starts becoming aware of her mother's casual depredations throughout the neighborhood. Sunny is 18 now, looking forward to heading out of state for college in a few more months, but also wrestling either burgeoning sexuality. Specifically, her increasingly difficult to ignore attraction to other women. She's had two or three boyfriends, but never let them get that intimate, though she wasn't always honest with herself about why. When Deann, a confident semi-Goth classmate with a rumored same-sex bent, starts making subtle advances, Sunny is receptive and a relationship soon blossoms. They are a fantastic fit, both personally and sexually. They have similar tastes in music and relish introducing each other to new artists. They both love raunchy comedies. It doesn't take long before Sunny lets Deann seduce her and the two find another thing that they love doing together. It's a perfect match, and they are head-over-heels smitten with each other. But they aren't necessarily public. Sam has figured it out, as have a few friends, but they are keeping quiet, worried about how the rest of the high school will accept their relationship. Unfortunately, that silence makes what happens next possible. Sunny comes home from her waitressing job one night, expecting Deann to meet her. Dean is nowhere to be seen. Her mother is sitting out by the pool, but Sunny doesn't think much of it. She takes a quick picture of her breasts and texts it to Deann with a teasing message before getting in the shower. When Sunny gets out of the shower, Whitney is waiting for her, ashen pale, mortified, and with a her enormous, recently-fed member uncovered. She wordlessly holds up a phone that Sunny immediately recognizes as Deann's. The confessions come quickly; a chagrined Whitney admits to cockvoring Deann an hour ago and a devastated, furious Sunny unloads her anger and pain and years of frustration on her mother. Sam walks in and doesn't help things. Sunny kicks them both out. She finally cries herself to sleep as the sun begins to rise. Sunny barely talks to her mother for the next five weeks. She is despondent and tries to isolate herself from the rest of the world. It's actually Sam who finally starts to make some headway, eventually dragging the reluctant Sunny to a house party. At that party, lightning seems to strike twice, as Sunny fortuitously strikes up a conversation with a little perky blonde named Alice. There's little physically similar between Alice and Deeann, but their sense of humor, music taste, and interest in Sunny certainly are similar. Alice even volunteers to help Sunny escort a tremendously drunk Sam home. In her state of inebriation, Sam makes some very bawdy comments and slurred advances, but the two young women laugh it off until they can finally get her in her bed. That gives Alice the opportunity to make a serious move on Sunny. The two end up in Sunny's room and, after some awkward entendres, Alice kisses the redhead and within moments the two are undressed, intensely going at it. But when Alice goes down on Sunny, the redhead gets another unwelcome surprise. Without realizing it, Sunny presses too hard on the back of Alice's head and before she realizes what's going on, the blonde is up to her shoulders in Sunny's vagina. It feels too good and Sunny gives in, allowing her pussy to suck in Alice's body. The blonde barely resists, seeming instead surprised and excited as she is devoured by Sunny's womb. The experience is orgasmic for Sunny and she has no will to make it stop until Alice's small body is fully within her. By then it's too late. Sunny attempts to push Alice back out of her, but nothing happens. By the next morning, the bulge in Sunny's lower abdomen is still prominent, but is noticeably reduced. Sunny hasn't slept a wink, instead fretting over what happened. She feels horrible that she has snuffed out a person with her genitals, and guilty that she enjoyed every second of it. She's so lost in her tortured introspection that she doesn't notice Whitney standing in the doorway. When Whitney does clear her throat, Sunny breaks down crying and Whitney comforts her. The last five weeks of alienation and recrimination are, if not forgiven, at least put aside as Sunny needs her parent's support and guidance. Eventually, a very hungover Sam stumbles in and finds out what happened. She is fascinated, but this time is smart (or incapacitated) enough to mostly keep her mouth shut. Whitney is uniquely able to talk Sunny through what just happened . She tells Sunny about the first time she cockvored anyone, and how scared and embarrassed it made her feel. It was like going through puberty all over again. She was only beginning to learn to cope with her phallus's appetite when she got involved in porn, which accelerated her acceptance of her ability. Learning about Whitney's struggles and eventual acceptance does a lot to calm Sunny and build her resolution. In the coming weeks, Sam lets it slip at school that her sister can vaginally vore people. This skill is only slightly more common than cockvore, as there have been 11 cases confirmed by modern medical science. All of a sudden, Sunny finds herself the subject of a great number of sexual advances from all three genders. Just like with her father, the allure of human-eating sex organs elicits huge interest, drawing them in like moths to the flame. Sunny tries to resist, but eventually her ego, frustration at their persistence, and hormones win out and she accepts the advances of Chanelle, a cute but confusing black valley girl type. The next morning, as Chanelle digests, Sunny has a conversation with Whitney on the ethics of eating people with one's sex organs. Whitney lays out her own code; she never initiates, she always warns, and she never does anything with people who are inebriated. As Sunny knows too well, it is a largely involuntary physical reaction, so the key is to make sure that sexual partners know the risk they are assuming. With her father's advice in her ears, Sunny sees out the last month of school and goes through the summer averaging a meal for her vagina every six days. Along the way, she has to register with the Department of Health and learn how to file the necessary paperwork, but it doesn't slow her down. She even experiments with her sexuality, trying out (before devouring) two boys and three futas. She decides that she's comfortable with dicks, but needs to be in the right mood. The wildest night comes the weekend before Sam and Sunny are set to leave for separate colleges (Sunny will be going out of state, while Sam is going to a prestigious engineering school in the city). They have two friends over for a swim in the pool. These are Oakley and Emory, a pair of futas. Whitney is tanning and reading as the four play some pool volleyball. Eventually, Oakley excuses herself to go get something to drink, but stops to talk to Whitney. Emory, meanwhile, manages to start snuggling with both of the sisters on the pool steps. Soon, Emory is rubbing Sunny's sex under her bikini bottoms with one hand and giving Sam an underwater handjob with the other. Oakley, meanwhile, has managed to coax the suit off of Whitney and starts off with a blowjob for the older futa. When the sisters realize what's going on, they decide to go with it, but insist that they go inside, where the orgy begins in earnest. The four futas fuck and get fucked, while Oakley and Emory also both get their chances to fuck Sunny. At one point, Sunny is on her hands and knees, Emory's dick in her mouth, Oakley's in her pussy, while Oakley eats Whitney out and Emory sucks Sam's cock. At another, Sunny is on her back, Oakley penetrating her missionary style, while Sam takes Oakley from behind and drives the action, essentially ducking her sister by proxy. Things end predictably, just as Oakley and Emory wanted. Eventually, Oakley's head ends up in Whitney's cock and Emory's in Sunny's slit. Sam goes back and forth as the two guests are devoured, fucking their prone hips, but also getting them off with vigorous reach around handjobs. She does Emory second and ends up climaxing herself, both in and on the trapped futa moments before Emory's hips disappear into Sunny's pussy. With Emory and Oakley now digesting, Sunny expressed disgust at her sister's cum ending up inside her. Fortunately, she is on the pill, so it's just a matter of personal comfort. A chagrined Sam is sent to get pizza. While she's gone, Whitney casually asks if Sunny has ever thought of following in her father's footsteps and trying out adult videos. She thinks Sunny certainly has the looks and body, and that there would be s huge market for her talent. Sunny politely declines, but in her head begins to mull over the suggestion. She doesn't say anything out loud, but does let the idea settle in. She is in a much better place with her vaginal vore ability than she ever would have imagined, and it has made her so much closer with her family. Maybe it makes sense to keep doing it professionally. There'd probably even be some opportunities to do some work with Whitney ... |
On the Tubes: Flexi-Twin Unbirth Challenge By TwrchTwryth I turned the TV off. I was disgusted. After hoping for a fumble or an interception or a shank or…something, I don’t know, I had just watched my team rollover and die. They gave up the with barely a whimper and the ball sailed through the uprights. God dammit. So I needed an anger wank. I had already vibed earlier in the day to some cock transformation stuff, but didn’t really feel like that again. I took my laptop to bed and fired up the tubes. After click through for a while, I found something that caught my attention. I’d watched the video a few times before, but it was always worth a revisit. It was from Sundar Pushp Studios. I enjoy Sundar Pushp — they’re one of the very few studios producing any kind of porn in the Indian subcontinent. They do a lot of great work, and have been expanding into explicit sex after a decade of artistic (if graphic) nudes. They’ve been in the vore game for a while, and that’s what I was looking for here. This particular move starred a pair of twins. Their names were Parvati and Patala. They were very pretty, on the short end of medium, slender, lithe, and extremely fit and flexible. I’ll talk more about that in a minute. They had fine, straight hair that went down a little past their shoulders. Their eyes, even with makeup, were a little small, but this made them look approachable instead of being too perfect. Since we usually saw them naked, I can tell you that they had pert B-cups with small nipples and areoles that were barely visible against their caramel skin. They were always immaculately hairless all over their bodies. And when I say they were fit and flexible, I mean wow. They were, allegedly, professional dancers and circus performers. They could contort, they could do ballet, they could belly dance, and they could do the most complex yoga positions with ease. And they did, in the Sundar Pushp videos, all while synchronized and naked. What they could do was an incredible, unbelievable testament to finely-honed acrobatic perfection of human form. Sundar Pushp had published seven videos of the sisters already, at least that I’d seen. Abut half were just dance routines, but there were also two of them eating each other — oral vore and unbirth — and one of them eating two other models. The video I found today was called “Flexi-Twin Unbirthing Challenge.” Yes, please. The video starts in a studio. The backdrop is uniform in color, a slightly off-white. It’s well-lit, with some faint shadows in the background to keep it from look too sterile. There’s some music, just gentle background muzak. After a few moments, the camera pans back to a wide shot and nine people file into the frame. They walk with dignity and poise, though they are each utterly nude. There are six women and two men, and they smartly align in order of height, with the shortest on the left and the tallest on the right. The twins are in the middle. Words appear under them and identify the eight people as they stand calmly, looking at the camera. Riya — Chitra — Parvati — Patala — Saanvi — Diya — Advik — Hassan After giving us a little bit to process the names, five step away. This leaves the twins and Riya, the shortest of them. Riya is diminutive compared to the twins, who themselves are not particularly tall. She steps forward and the camera runs up her body length. She’s darker than the twins, and also a little bustier. More text appears on the screen, reading: Riya 147 cm/ 4’ 10” 41.7 kilograms / 92 pounds After showing us all of Riya’s pretty, petite form, the text goes to the top-left corner. Over top of it, a little bit more text appears. It reads: Parvati 0:0 Patala Parvati steps forward and her name starts to flash in yellow. She strolls up to Riya and put her hand on the shorter girl’s shoulder. Riya kneels, then Parvati steps over her, so that she is straddling the shorter woman’s shoulders. Parvati cradles Riya’s head in her hands, then starts to squat down. Riya’s head presses against Parvati’s bare vulva, then quickly disappears into her vagina. That’s about the time my vibrator clicks on. Parvati doesn’t take much time with the smaller woman. She squats with her hips and sucks with her pussy and it makes Riya disappear pretty quickly. It helps that Riya is placidly going along with it, helping to stand up at the same time. Parvati’s vagina devours her in about a minute, and once she’s completely enveloped she makes a cute little bulge in Parvati’s lower abdomen. Not much of one, and certainly not what you’d expect from a full-grown human, but it’s there. Parvati 1:0 Patala Parvati smiles to the camera and takes a bow, then starts leaning to one side. I don’t know position names, so you’ll have to bear with me. She ends up standing on her left leg, her torso parallel to the ground and her right leg curved back behind her head. Holy shit, if that isn’t impressive enough without a woman inside you. The camera lingers as she holds the position, and we get a real good look at her pussy. It doesn’t look stretched at all. There’s still a lot of ground to cover, though, so Parvati soon enough unwraps her right foot from behind her head and squats again. You can see her push, and Riya emerges again. The petite beauty slithers out of Parvati’s bald sex, landing on her hands and then rolling forward to a sitting position. She smiles at the camera and waves. The camera looks up to Parvati, who blows a kiss and walks confidently to the background. Now Patala, who has been watching in the background, comes forward. She gently pats Riya on the head, then repeats what her sister just did. She steps over the diminutive model and then drops down. Riya’s head disappears again. If anything, Patala’s pussy slurps Riya up even faster than Parvati’s had. I haven’t timed it, but I’d guess it was a full five seconds shorter. Either way, I came here. I wasn’t done watching; I was getting hooked on this video again. I just slowed my vibrator to a happy speed that wouldn’t finish me off. Parvati 1:1 Patala Once Riya is firmly inside her, Patala does the same stretch as Parvati had done, but she does it standing on her right foot and wrapping her left foot behind her head. I love that they’re also showing off how flexible they are as they go through the unbirthing. Soon enough, Riya is out again. She stands up this time, waves to the camera one last time, and then skips offscreen. Parvati joins her sister. The two put arms around the other’s waist and then they step back so that another model can join them. This one’s a little taller. She has lighter skin, with some great blue-brown eyes and hair that I’d describe as strawberry-brown and that she wears straight and long. I think she’s mixed race, and she looks incredible. I mean, they all do, but she’s probably the most classically beautiful of them. She has a medium build, with curvier hips and bigger breasts. Unlike almost everyone else, she does have a whisper of pubic hair. Her identifying caption reads: Chitra 155 cm / 5’ 1” 47 kg / 105 lbs After we enjoy looking at Chitra for a few moments, Parvati once more steps forward and Chitra’s information goes to the top left corner to replace Riya’s. Parvati places her hand on Chitra’s shoulder, the two make eye contact, and nod. Parvati sits on the studio floor and Chitra kneels beside her. Parvati leans back and raises her legs. She grabs her heels and is able to hold her legs straight up and spread. It may not sound impressive in writing, but it is in real life, since she’s able to keep them completely straight. She’s rocked back a little and her pussy is completely splayed. Chitra crawls forward on her hands and knees. She is aimed straight at that adorable open pussy. After looking up at Parvati to double check that they’re good to go. Chitra extends her hands and gently presses them into Parvati’s slit. They go in with no problem and Chitra keeps pushing. I can’t believe that Parvati is able to hold the position, but hold it she does, even when Chitra’s head pops into her pussy. Chitra keeps crawling into Parvati, and Parvati manages to hold the position. She does occasionally wobble and she moans sometimes. I don’t know how she’s not summing like crazy. I know I just about am. I guess she must be concentrating too hard to climax. I get a little climax as Chitra wiggles her shapely hips to get her wait in. She has to lean forward on her knees to press her hips up into Parvati’s vagina, but from there she didn’t have the leverage to help out. The unbirthing slowed, but Parvati was still consistently slurping her in. The pace was fairly constant, it just wasn’t as fast. All in all, it was about three minutes before Chitra was completely drawn up into Parvati’s snatch, though more than half of that was just on her legs. As Parvati dropped her leg, the text at the top of the screen read: Parvati 2:1 Patala Parvati grinned as she stood up. She looked a little flushed, and very pleased with herself. The bulge in her lower abdomen wasn’t appreciably larger than the one with Riya had been. As Patala walked up from the background to inspect her sister, Parvati bowed to the camera. With a quick movement, she stood back up and kicked her right leg up. She caught her foot and held her leg straight up, balancing on her left leg. Goddamn, I’m pretty sure these positions have names. I’m not Googling that to write a porny story. Parvati holds her leg above her head for a few moments, then drops it and bows again. She now spends her legs and squats. Chitra’s only been inside her for two minutes or so, but it’s already time to move out. There’s a bunch more unbirthing to go today. So Chitra slides out of Parvati’s pussy. She makes sure to smile at the camera as Patala sits down beside her. Up and open go Patala’s legs, and after a quick breather Chitra once again heads into cunt valley. Patala does seem to shake a little bit more as Chitra goes in than her sister had, but I don’t know if this position is harder for her than it was for Parvati, or if she is having a harder time controlling her enjoyment. Soon enough, though, we get an update to the score: Parvati 2:2 Patala Patala stands up with her little abdominal bulge and instead of bowing she pats Patala through her belly. Then she repeats the acrobatic feat form earlier, raising her left leg straight up while balancing on her right. Now that Chitra is entirely in her, she is just as poised as her sister had been. I guess it must be that she was having more difficulty keeping a stiff upper lip through the pleasure. Anyway, like Parvati, Patala doesn’t keep Chitra inside her for very long before she squats and out slides Chitra. Chitra waves and it’s time to move on. You might think that Saanvi’s going to be next, since she was the next tallest, but this time the sisters stand directly next to each other, smiling, their arms around each other’s waists. The graphic now comes up under Patala, who is standing to the left. Patala 162 cm / 5’ 4” 52 kg / 115 lbs That’s right. The sisters not only do the unbirthing, but they’re also going to unbirth each other. Saanvi is only the next tallest if you disregard the twins themselves, and Sundar Pushp isn’t going to disregard the twins themselves. There are a couple subtle edits through what happens next. It gets complicated, so I’m not surprised if they needed some time and help to get it set up correctly. But what happens at the end is that Parvati does a back bridge, with her legs spread as wide as possible. Patala, meanwhile, does a handstand about two feet from Parvati’s lower end. Slowly, she lowers her legs, arching her back and maintaining her balance. She sticks her left leg as straight behind her as she can, while her right leg is curled in front. Her left foot goes directly between her sister’s legs. We get a couple different camera angles to see it land on Parvati’s mons first. She adjusts, and in a moment Patala’s left foot slides seamlessly into Parvati’s pussy. They make it look so unbelievably easy. I wonder how often they have practiced. Parvati starts to pull. Patala, incredibly, manages to walk forward on her hands to keep up with the pulling. Once her left leg is in her sister’s cunt up to the knee, Patala then curls harder and extends her right leg backwards. Following her left leg, her right foot soon presses easily into Parvati’s pussy. It takes a little bit, but soon enough Patala has pushed until her legs are even. I can’t imagine the kind of concentration and strength this pose requires. Parvati is still bent over backwards on her hands and feet, which is a position that’s hard enough to hold when you’re not slurping someone up into your vagina at the same time. Cause that’s just what Parvati is doing. She’s sucking up her sister into her her slit. In goes Patala’s legs and Patala has to keep walking forward a bit on her hands. Patala is actually bridging herself now, since Parvati’s hips in a bridge are lower than hers doing a hand stand. She gets to a certain point and then drops to her forearms so that her sister has an easier time unbirthing her. After this adjustment, Parvati is able to take in Patala’s hips and her waist. As she works on Patala’s ribs, Patala starts to be lifted off the ground. After a few seconds on her elbows, she’s back to her hands. Once Parvati’s pussy is just about to get her breasts, she’s on her fingertips, and then she’s pulled off them at her shoulders. Parvati makes short work of her sister’s shoulders and head, but Patala still gives a coy wave as her arms and hands slid inside. Once Patala is secure, Parvati pushes off with her feet. She brings her legs (and the slight bulge in her abdomen) over her head and lands on her feet, then stands up. She gives her belly a quick pat, then bowed as the corner text reads: Parvati 3:2 Patala Parvati smiles at the camera and gives it a thumbs up as she continues to rub her abdomen a little. After a few moments of posing, she gives her belly two sharp pats and squats. With a visible grimace, she starts pushing Patala out. Patala slides forth our of her sister’s pussy much faster than Riya or Chitra. I guess it’s all practice. Patala comes out hands first and does a somersault, rolling all the way to her feet and bowing, with the bright studio lights catching the sheen of her sister’s fluids on her skin. Turning, Patala and Parvati high five and embrace. The sisters are laughing and talking, but whatever they are saying is not audible over the music. Like I said, Sundar Pushp stays silent so as to increase its international appeal. But even so, it’s clear that they’re having fun. Patala stretches a bit, as does Parvati, then it’s time to reenact the bridge with the roles reversed. Patala stretches back and Parvati curves forward, but there is one difference. Where Parvati was doing a handstand, Patala is braced on her forearms. It means that her back is curved more, immediately, and it goes faster, since the angle lines up better, but I can’t help but feel that it also shoes that she may not have quite as much upper body strength as her sister. Either way, feet go into vagina, legs go into vagina, hips go into vagina, torso goes into vagina, shoulders go into vagina, head goes into vagina, and then arms go into vagina. Patala flips back, just as Parvati had done, and strikes another pose. Parvati 3:3 Patala And with just as much ease, out comes Parvati, also slicked up with her sister’s cunt spunk. Both of them are breathing a little heavily now and they embrace again. There’s a cut. I guess they took a break or something? They’re now standing side by side, looking a little more composed and a little more dry, as a third woman steps into the frame and takes up a position between them. She is a few inches taller than the twins and the darkest woman in the lineup earlier. Her hair is so immaculately straight that I wonder if she straightened it. She also is built the most like a classic fashion model, with sharp features and an extremely slender, waif-like build. She had tiny breasts and her ribs were clearly visible. She was, quite frankly, right on the border of where I find them too skinny to be attractive, maybe a little bit over. She was identified as: Saanvi 170 cm / 5’7” 50 kg / 110 lbs So she was three inches taller than the twins and a good five pounds or so lighter, despite neither of the twins being large to begin with. I’m not really familiar with Saanvi’s work. I guess in my perusal of Sundar Pushp, I’ve seen her before, but like I said, she’s not really my type. Patala gives Saanvi a quick squeeze and then steps downstage, leaving the model with Parvati. They exchange some brief, unheard words, and Patala takes a step or two forward. She then leans down until her hands are on the floor. She walks her hands forward, but keeps her ass in the air. I actually know this one! This is downward dog! I’ve done this one before. I mean, Parvati looks sooooo much more comfortable than I do and so much more graceful and..she’s trained and practiced this a lot more than I have, is what I’m trying to say. The camera traces her taut form as she holds the pose effortlessly, including viewing her spread pussy. That’s going to be important in a minute. Back to the full shot, Saanvi puts her hands together as though she were praying, palms together and fingers straight. She bends over and presses her fingertips up against Parvati’s pussy. With the slightest push, Saanvi’s hands easily pass into Parvati. I’ve heard this called arrow fisting before, but it looks for all the world like Saanvi was diving into the predator. Saanvi extended her long, skinny arms to her elbows, then had to duck down. She pushed forward and in went her head. God, she was so skinny that this was no challenge for Parvati at all. She really was just diving into the predator’s pussy. I watched her shoulders and tiny breasts immediately vanish. The angle just managed to catch Parvati looking up in closed-eyed bliss, which made me realize that sure, this may be the fourth person she is unbirthing today, but she is still enjoying the hell out of it. That’s fucking awesome for her. Saanvi continued her fast trip into Parvati’s snatch with her tiny torso quickly following. For a few brief moments, after Saanvi’s waist was inside, they were ass to ass — I mean, the bottom of Parvati’s cheeks touched the top of Saanvi’s — but then Saanvi lurched in, her hips popping past Parvati’s labia. I think she pushed off the floor a little, but Parvati was definitely pulling as well. You could especially tell because now Parvati lifted Saanvi’s feet off the ground. They had reached the end of Saanvi’s leverage, and so Parvati had to do all the work. Okay, maybe not all the work. After a few moments, Saanvi’s legs rose straight out and back. She was holding them up to make it easier on the predator. Things slowed down a little, but in time enough those long, slender legs were fully slurped up into Parvati’s talented pussy. Parvati 4:3 Patala Once Saanvi is completely gone, Parvati bounced back up to standing and does a little twirl before bowing. Once again, she has a slight bulge in her stomach, but it’s really not much. Patala steps forward again form the background and the twins high five again. I know this is getting a little repetitive, but they seem to be happy with their routine. Now it’s Saanvi’s turn to slide out and here she comes quicker than any one other than the sisters themselves. I’m guessing the twins are really well lubricated at this point and then I wonder if they’re starting to get sore at all. I don’t end up thinking about that too long and just turn my vibrator on a little higher. Parvati and Patala now switch. It’s Parvati’s turn to take a break and Patala’s turn to t take Saanvi. Patala stretches, a little theatrically, then assumes the position. Saanvi also stretches a bit, swinging her arms and loosening up her shoulders. Finally, with a visible deep breath, she arrow dives right into the downward dogging Patala. If I’m not mistaken, Patala actually takes Saanvi into her snatch faster than Parvati had. Maybe Saanvi was comfortable pushing harder and faster, maybe it was Patala pulling more, but either way, the super model was gone real fast. Parvati 4:4 Patala Patala seems to be feeling really good. I guess she decided to show off, because she does a half somersault, half flip forward and lands on her feet. You can see Parvati in the background rolling her eyes and chuckling a little. All too soon, after her normal show, Patala starts to squeeze Saanvi out. The skinny girl once more glides effortlessly out of a pussy and lands gracefully on the floor. Now she’s back up and standing to give each of the twins a final embrace and then wave to the camera. Four down, three to go from that original lineup. Now it’s time for the largest woman in the group. A tall, almost Amazonian, and very curvy woman steps forward from off-screen. She is the heaviest end of the Sundar Pushp spectrum and she sports some of the site’s biggest breasts, which immediately call attention. She is very pretty (I guess they all are, or they wouldn’t be there) and her hair is very curly, down to the middle of her back. The screen says: Dina 179 cm / 5’10” 63 kg / 139 lbs Six inches means that she dwarfs the twins as she embraces them. Dina has a big grin on her face and seems to be genuinely excited about what’s going to come next. Everything about her is large and inviting and friendly and I just want to snuggle up with her after exchanging some cheerful cunnilingus. I can’t wait to see how they get her inside the twins’ pussies. Breaking the normal pattern, Patala doesn’t step back so that Parvati can take her turn with Dina. I mean, she steps back a little, but not to the back of the studio. Parvati leans over, puts her hands on the ground, and then goes into a handstand. She points her feet straight up at first, but then lowers and spreads her legs until her feet are down around her head. That’s about as wide open as she can get. Dina immediately steps up and raises a foot as high as she can. She holds Patala’s hand to help steady herself as she then lowers that foot down into Parvati. In it goes easily and Dina just steps into her. The only thing I can think is that Dina is putting Parvati on like a boot. In goes her foot and leg, smoothly. Once Dina has stepped in up to her low thigh, Patala moves behind her and squats a little, bracing her arms on her knees as she slightly leans forward. Dina leans back, putting herself against Patala’s back at an angle, and now she can lift her other foot off the floor. With Patala holding her up, she now steps her second foot into Parvati’s pussy. That gets me off again. This isn’t the first time that the twins have worked together to unbirth or vore someone in an athletic way and I love it every time I see it. While I’m cumming, Dina’s right leg catches up with her left and now her entire body starts to slide in thanks to gravity and Parvati drawing her in. Patala also starts to gradually ratchet her back up straight, so that Dina is not going in at an angle, she’s descending straight down into Parvati’s snatch. Dina continues to grin and laugh and I continue to love her effervescence. She works her hands down by her sides and into Parvati’s pussy to go in with her hips. I’m focused now on those three really attractive features outside — her lovely, gregarious face and her incredible, big and firm tits. Her nipples are dark, large, and happily completely firm. Dina is clearly my favorite and I think it’s great that they pause the action in order to show her boobs resting heavily on Parvati’s ass cheeks, framing her pretty puckered asshole. Just a great visual. Once they let Parvati start pulling her back in, those tits come back into play. They get pushed up and under Dina’s chin, so she can practically rest her head on them. It’s a little struggle, working in her jugs and her head, but Parvati’s cunt is up to it and eventually in they go. It helps that Patala is pushing down on Dina’s head. Parvati practically collapses as soon as Dina is fully enveloped. This is probably the most physically demanding unbirthing that they’ve undertaken, since not only ddid she have to hold the handstand for a few minutes, she also had to deal with the weight more than doubling as Dina entered here. Even though she can’t make the landing look graceful, it’s still really fucking impressive. Parvati 5:4 Patala There’s a noticeable cut and now Parvati looks a bit more composed, reclining on the floor with her legs spread. Without further to do, Dina comes racing out of her. Out come her hands first, and from there she pulls herself out. Head (and still grinning face), shoulders, tits, waist, and then her legs come out quickly. The twins are definitely beginning to reach their limits. Maybe not with how big someone can be, but at least with how fast they can unbirth and re-birth people in a short time frame and maintain acrobatic poses while doing so. But now it’s time for Patala’s turn. She and Dina — whose hair is noticeably matted from Parvati’s fluids — share a quick hug, then she assumes the handstand position. Parvati gamely squats behind Dina, and the larger woman once more steps down into a twin pussy. So lucky. But it’s all clearly beginning to take its toll, since they very nearly fall over . It’s real touch-and-go for a little bit there and Parvati does some real yeoman’s work steadying the threesome, but eventually they get straightened out and gravity pulls Dina down into Patala’s snatch. Parvati 5:5 Patala Patala’s dismount isn’t quite as clumsy as Parvati’s had been, but it’s not exactly graceful either. She just falls down onto her knees. She quickly stands up, but she is panting hard and looks a little flushed. This seems to be getting hard on them, and they have the largest two to go with the men coming next. The camera doesn’t cut this time, lingering as Patala catches her breath. She then leans against Parvati, who helps support her sister, and with legs spread she passes Dina back out. Dina’s still grinning as she emerges again. She is able to land the dismount pretty wetland quickly slides out. She stands and hugs both of the twins, playfully mashing their faces into her big breasts and kissing them each on the head as they laugh. God, I love Dina. Unfortunately, that’s it for our cheerful, vivacious amazon. She waves goodbye to the camera and steps out of the frame, leaving the visibly tired twins leaning against each other, smiling, happy, but clearly exhausted. They look off camera the other way and we get the return of the phallus. The man who walks on is a few inches taller than Dina had been. He has a medium build that loos skinnier than he actually is. He is handsome in a boyish, almost mischievous way, with a little bit of stubble. His dark hair is a few inches long and stands up, though I’d be hard-pressed to tell if that’s product or if it does that naturally. He’s well-defined, though not exactly ripped. He’s clearly a professional; as he stands between the twins, his cock is thick and flaccid. The ID box says: Advik 185 cm / 6’ 1” 84 kg / 185 lbs After pausing for the camera to identify him and to let the view absorb this information, Advik gamely shakes hands with each of the twins in turn. Introductions done, Patala steps to the background and Advik sits on the floor. He leans back on his elbows and looks back at Parvati, reclining just so that his head, shoulders, and a bit of his upper back are off the floor. Parvati turns away from him and nearly drops to the floor a splits. On her hands and the balls of her feet, she holds her hips maybe a foot, foot-and-a-half off the ground. She begins to back up — I’m not actually sure, how, but she does it — and her pussy soon presses against the top of Advik’s head. Advik seems to shout some encouragement, but again, there is no dialogue, and Parvati pushes backward. Her pussy easily envelops Advik’s head and that first push brings her hips all the way down to his shoulders. It takes a little bit more effort to get over those shoulders, but the process still does not take very long. From there, it seems like easy going down to his hips. I have no idea how Advik stays limp the whole time, unless he’s completely 100% gay. I know that if I switched places with any of these models and was getting sucked up into one of the twins’ hot pussies, you’d be able o take a look at me and see how hot I was. Doesn’t matter than I’m a chick. Parvati stays in a splits the whole time, but once she gets to Advik’s hips, she has her belly and hips fully on the ground. It’s almost pure pelvic muscles at this point, no gravity, and only al little help from Advik pushing with his legs. Still, Parvati is making this look easy as the camera revolves around her, revealing everything. Eventually, she’s at his knees and Advik’s legs can’t help any more, which slows these down a little bit but she just keeps going. While impressive, I guess it’s ultimately one of the less visually arresting positions. Nothing’s going to top the twins doing each other, but this position, though difficult, is not super interesting. Well, I guess it is a little neat to watch her rise off the ground as her abdomen stretches downward with Advik occupying it. Once Advik’s feet are gone, Parvati snaps her legs closed. She kicks them a little playfully, then pushes up to her feet. This is the largest I’ve seen her abdomen yet, with Advik tucked inside, but it does not seem to be affecting her that much. She’s still breathing harder and she still has a sheen of sweat, but she seems a little better composed none-the-less. Parvati 6:5 Patala Patala comes striding up from the background for a closer vantage as her sisters crouches and starts to eject Advik. It’s a bit surprising how fast he comes out, but I suppose that Parvati’s probably about as stretched out as ever by this point. Rather than getting up, he just resumes the position, lying and leaning back. He does extend an arm first, though, and exchange a fist bump with Parvati, which is a neat little touch. Now it’s Patala’s turn and she is ready. She smoothly drops into the splits and more quickly shuffle back to put Advik’s head in her snatch. She definitely seems less tired that her sister had when Parvati had started on Advik, though she’s also not as chipper as when they began on Riya. So in goes Advik one more time, head, shoulders, abs (mmmmmmm…) and hips. Still no boner, I’m still impressed by that. Still the least visually interesting unbirth, so, uh… Parvati 6:6 Patala Patala gets Advik in quicker and keeps him in a little longer. I’d guess that she’s got a little more stamina or resilience or whatever than Parvati. I wonder if they expected this when they set up the shoot. This time, Advik pops back to standing and shakes both sisters’ hands. Consummate professional, yo. He then exits, and that allows the last model, the man-mountain Hassan, to come on. Hassan 196 cm / 6 ’5” 105 kg / 232 lbs He dwarfs the two twins as he takes up a stoic position between them. He has a full beard and mustache that obscures his mouth and reaches his broad chest, but he’s got some beautiful eyes that I just want to contemplate for a while. Anyhow, he’s a bit meatier than Advik, though less defined. Still a good looking man. He’s also a little more hirsute, and his dick isn’t quite as prominent at Advik’s, which I guess is a surprise. He’s also soft, because this is erotic art, it’s not actually porn. Parvati and Patala are both looking up at him, really measuring the task ahead of their pussies. He’s more than a foot taller than they are and better than twice as heavy. This is going to be a real challenge. You can actually see Patala talking herself through it before saying something to Parvati with a laugh and quickly stepping back. She seems to be teasing her sister and I know that if I had to fit this mini-giant into my snatch, I’d be pretty damned intimidated myself. The camera pulls back as Parvati steps back away from Hassan. She gets back a good three, four meters and gets a running start. Hassan crouches to catch her as she does a front-flip. Her legs land on her shoulders, wrapped around his head, and he snaps up to standing. They’ve timed it right — his head’s now in her pussy and she’s sitting on his shoulders, legs out sideways in a splits. Yes, she’s also striking a pose with her arms. Hassan is still holding on to Parvati’s thighs and gives her some help. Even with gravity and her clearly powerful pelvic muscles, his shoulders are still broad enough that she’s going to have a hard time stretching, so he helps out by pulling her down. The eye of the camera focuses on watching her cunt spread out and her pelvis distort to take in Hassan’s upper-body and the going gets real slow, real fast, even with Hassan pulling her down. I actually wish we could see her face right now; I wonder what she’s going through. Finally, she gets down over his shoulders, but she’s already panting very hard. She continues to move, just so fucking slowly. Inch by inch. She tries twisting back and forth, which makes it go just a little bit faster. But around his elbows, she gives out. She stops sliding, she shakes her head, and she gestures off camera. Patala comes back into the shot immediately. She pats Hassan on the ass and grabs his hand with hers. With her help guiding him, he kneels and Parvati’s feet can touch the ground. Once there’s enough slack, she stands up off of him. He pulls out of her at the same time, his facial hair damp He immediately pops to his feet and checks on Parvati. She nods and gives the camera a thumbs up, even as she looks disappointed. She’s alright, she just reached her limit. The camera cuts as she’s catching her breath. The scene resumes with Patala standing back away from Hassan, readying for her own attempt. The 6 besides Parvati’s name in the corner has gone from white to red. Parvati, meanwhile, is giving words of encouragement to her sister and slaps her on the ass. With a grin, Patala makes her bid to summit Mount Hassan. She runs, flips, and sticks the mount with ease. Hassan stands up and once again we watch a caramel-bodied gymnast try to slide pussy first down a very large man. I’m going to spoil the suspense for you now, but Parvati somehow does it. It’s not quite as slow as with Parvati, but she does still take it slower than any other. She starts twisting a lot sooner, basically as soon as she clears his shoulders, and with a lot bigger motions. That lets gravity help out a lot more and lets her build momentum as she slides down his body. It takes about five minutes of real time, but Parvati’s pussy proves potent to conquer Hassan. She picks up a little speed going down his waist and she’s midway down his thighs when she can put her legs down and touch the ground. From there she repeats what they did with Riya, slurping him up with her strong internal musculature. She is panting and straining as his feet disappear, but by god, she does it. The text flashes as it updates in green: Parvati 6:7 Patala !!Patala wins!! The other five models that they unbirthed come back out, all still naked, though apparently having showered, to congratulate Patala as she stands, triumphant, suddenly exhausted looking, her abdomen bulging hugely. She has more than tripled her weight by taking Hassan in and her legs look a little wobbly. Parvati is there to hug her sister as well. Good sportsmanship all around. The video actually cuts out here. I’m still surprised that we don’t get to see Hassan get re-birthed, but it’s already about ninety-eight minutes long, so I guess I don’t blame them. Fucking hot is what it is, and did you know there’s a sequel? Seems that Parvati and Patala had a bet riding on this competition and the loser had to…we’ll just say spend some serious time inside the winner. I’m still trying to track down the full video for that one. I’ll report back when I find it. Until then, happy tubing, and happy vibing. |
V-Day Vignettes: Opportunists By TwrchTwryth Calizona University--located in sunny Los Hermanos, Calizona--has one of the most robust Predator-Prey Alliances (PPA for short) in the country. With 9836 of the campus's 45,000 students counted among the members, the vore club is the school's most popular club. Twice a year, the PPA holds a wild bacchanalia of vore and sex, a free-for-all where students come to fuck, eat, and be eaten. V-Day, as it is officially known, or the Vorgy, as most people call it, is a wild event where stories abound. These are some of those stories... * * * Fall 2004 It felt like it was Sanjay Bhat’s luck had turned all the way until it hadn’t. It was his third V-Day and, for the first time, he was actually getting some action. As a freshman, he had been a little overweight, painfully shy, and ended up just watching the cavalcade of naked bodies fucking and devouring each other with growing resentment and shame that he could not bring himself to participate. As a sophomore, he had gotten closer; he came in with a girlfriend, Tamika, who had circumvented his shyness by seducing another black girl for him, only to end up on a one-way trip to the second girl’s stomach mid-menage. Sanjay had considered not coming to V-Day at all, but last week Tara, his cute lab partner in Dr. Huron’s Organic Chemistry class, talked about how excited she was and asked if he were going, he couldn’t help but agree then and there. He let it slip that he could cock vore, and Tara excitedly made it a date. She wanted to get vored but not digested, and when he promised not to juice her she trusted him. That’s how, only an hour or so after festivities had begun, Sanjay was sitting on the arena floor with half of a slender redhead sticking out of his cock and more of her disappearing with every moment. His head was thrown back in ecstatic reverie and he was lost to the rest of the world. At least he was until he felt his hips move. His eyes popped open and Sanjay looked down. What he saw elicited a squawk of surprise and indignation. Tara was still traveling into his dick, but she could not be seen any more. She had been completely engulfed — as had Sanjay’s legs — in the mouth, throat, and stomach of another woman. It took Sanjay a moment to recognize her, but as soon as he did he cried out, “Liz!?” Liz Clearfield was on of Tara’s friends that they had come with. She had disappeared into the crowd when Sanjay’s dick had started to eat Tara, but apparently she had circled back. Now she was eating her friend and Sanjay all at the same time. When she heard her name, she winked at Sanjay. “I—uh—I didn’t know you—oh!” With a jerk, Tara gulped down Sanjay’s hips. He fell to his back, and immediately propped himself up on his elbows. “I didn’t know you were a vore!” Liz could not reply, of course, what with her mouth full. She continued to swallow Sanjay quickly, however, as the pressure of her belly forced the last of Tara into his member. Sanjay gasped loudly, throwing his head back as he climaxed around the final part of Tara’s feet. His haze was cut short, however, as Liz’s teeth grazing a nipple brought him back to reality. “You’re not going to digest us, right?” he managed to ask as Liz’s lips overcame his shoulders and forced his arms above his head. “Tara didn’t want me to digest her and I wasn’t going to, so please — oh crap!” A massive gulp sent Sanjay into Liz’s belly. He curled up around his greatly enlarged, Tara-occupied sack and hoped. Liz forced herself to standing, burped a little, and giggled out a mischievous “Nope.” * * * Spring 1991 “Come again?” Stephanie Pruitt shook her head and looked over at Tiffany McNeal. The blonde shrugged. “Okay, get this,” Stephanie started again. “Every year we come to the Vorgy and I eat Tiffany and some jerk wads come up and start fucking us without asking.” “Yeah, it’s an orgy, isn’t random fucking what you should expect?” Mark Denninger shrugged. His friend, Tony Margolis, nodded. “Listen, we know, we get that,” Stephanie continued. “We figure that this is the one day of the year we’re going to experiment with dick, even if it just reminds us how much we prefer pussy.” She sped along to make sure that the two men didn’t latch on to this. “But we want some control over our own bodies, you know? How would you like it if you were there, screwing some girl, and a dude comes up behind you and starts pumping your ass or forcing his dick in your mouth?” “That’s not cool. I’m not a fag.” Tony interjected. “And even though we’re okay with a little dick sometime,” Stephanie rounded toward her conclusion, “we want to control who it is. If I’m on my hands and knees and have Tiffany’s head in my mouth and some guy comes up and starts fucking me from behind, I don’t have much choice or control. Does that make sense?” “So you two want us to fuck you while you vore out?” Mark asked. “Don’t make us regret this,” Tiffany groaned. “Hey, yeah, I don’t mean to sound ungrateful or anything,” Tony quickly changed his tone, “and I’m sure Mark agrees, we’re just a little surprised.” “Yeah, that,” Mark said. “No, we’d be totally happy to be your dates.” Stephanie and Tiffany looked at each other again and nodded. Stephanie resumed the speaking role. “Okay, so then we’ll meet at the west bleachers around 2:15. Tiffany and I will spend a little bit of time getting in the mood together — and you guys can watch, of course — then we’ll let you know when to join in. We do have a few conditions.” Now it was time for Mark and Tony to exchange looks. “Yeah?” Mark raised an eyebrow. “Vaginal only. Don’t try for our butts and don’t expect any head,” Stephanie said firmly. “And wear condoms.” “Oh, come on, we’re clean,” Tony protested. “Even so, neither of us want to end up inseminated,” Stephanie retorted with a sour look. “Aren’t you on the pill?” Tiffany groaned. “We’re lesbians. We only get dick, like, two, three times a year. There’s no reason for us to be on the pill when you can just wear a rubber. Listen, do you guys want to fuck us or not?” Tony and Mark each nodded. Stephanie grinned, “Cool. We’ll see you both at the Vorgy!” Two days later, Mark got a taste for V-Day surprises. While Stephanie was swallowing Tiffany head first, he was pounding Tiffany from behind and Tony was similarly dogging Stephanie. As Stephanie had swallowed up to Tiffany’s hips, Mark suddenly felt a warm, pliant pressure against the top of his head. Before he could look up, tight, damp darkness encased his head and face. It took him a minute to realize that he was being unbirthed. He kept slamming his hips into Tiffany’s as the stranger’s vagina descended down his shoulders. He came as his arms were pinned to his side and the slit engulfed his abs. The devouring sex lifted him out of Tiffany’s pussy, then off his knees. He curled up in the warm, welcoming womb as his legs were smoothly slurped up between the soft lips. Stephanie finished with Tiffany a little after Tony had finished with Stephanie. She leaned back against Tony, both rubbing her swollen body, as they watched the last of Mark disappear into the busty black girl that had snuck up behind him. She didn’t seem to care about them, though; she just caressed her stomach while fervently rubbing her sex. The unknown predator moaned and then screamed as she worked herself into a state of transcendent sexual euphoria. Her hand was a blur on her folds as he leaned back and reached under Mark’s body. Finally, her screaming broke and her entire body shook with a violent climax that immediately began to expel her prey. With a thump, Mark ungracefully, wetly fell out of the ambush predator. He blinked and gasped and looked around. The woman stayed just long enough to say, “Oh, you were great in there, honey,” before turning and walking quickly away. “See?” Stephanie chuckled. “You don’t always get a choice, do you?” Tony laughed as well as Mark sat bemusedly sat up. “Yeah, bro, least she didn’t digest you.” * * * Fall 2014 Maizie Johnston had been walking through the V-Day festivities for a little bit now. She was something of a natural voyeur, getting a kick out of watching the thousands of people fucking and hundreds of people devouring each other. She was so turned on, but she was more interested in watching the vore than getting eaten, so she was carefully trying to elect where to join in. The cute, petite brunette had elicited a few longing looks and advances and catcalls, but so far she had kept moving. She came to a stop when she saw a friend of a friend, Jessie Craft, sticking halfway out of a Latina’s mouth. Jessie, a tall blonde with a long mane of curly hair, was on her stomach, her legs and hips already in the predator. The Latina was crawling forward on hands and knees as she devoured the blonde. Maizie quickly made up her mind and just as quickly sat down in front of the half-ingested woman. “Hi Jessie,” she said as she opened her legs and splayed out her freshly-waxed sex, “want a last meal?” Jessie looked up at her, blue-green eyes burning and her cheeks flushed. She seemed to think a moment and then smiled. “Sure thing, Maizie. Get that pussy over here.” Maizie wiggled forward on the gym floor. When she got close enough, Jessie grabbed her upper thighs and pulled the tiny brunette forward, keeping her legs spread until Jessie could plunge tongue first between her legs. Maizie giggled and gasped and murmured in pleasure at Jessie’s immediate and direct ministrations. The Latina predator continued to swallow Jessie and in a few seconds she came to the foot of the blonde’s sizable breasts. Though Maizie didn’t know it yet, this caused a change in Jessie’s plan. Suddenly, Maizie felt Jessie lift her hips slightly off the ground and a warm, wet sensation immediately engulfed them. She yelped as she realized that Jessie was now swallowing her, ass-first. “Wait—Jessie—!” Maize found herself exclaiming as she Jessie’s lips wrapped around her mid-thighs and navel. Her voice caught as she saw two pairs of eyes at once. Jessie was looking at her hungrily and yet gave her a mercurial wink, while the other predator’s eyes bugged at the sudden challenge that Jessie, her prey, was about to inflict on her. “I just wanted to watch,” Maizie mewled as Jessie continued to devour her diminutive body more quickly than the Latina was devouring her. There was nearly a foot difference in height between Maizie and Jessie and even without it Maizie had a very slender, slight build. This made her very easy to swallow, even with the widest part of her body going in first. Jessie’s throat was tight, wet, and warm. It was uncomfortable getting swallowed this way, forcing her legs behind her head, but Maizie still found herself enjoying it a lot more than she had expected. Her rational mind was panicking, but her body loved it. She soon stopped complaining as Jessie’s mouth was around her knees and over her small breasts. This was the risk she had assumed coming to the Vorgy. Anyone could be devoured at any time, and there was no guarantee that you would be regurgitated. It was extra tight in the part of Jessie that was inside the Latina. The other predator had stopped swallowing at Jessie’s armpits now and was just waiting out the devouring of Maizie. The last thing Maizie saw before Jessie’s jaws closed over her head was the Latina giving her a look that was slightly annoyed, yet very turned on. Maizie suddenly remembered to ask out a final, whimpering “Please don’t digest me!” but at that point her voice was lost in the closing of Jessie’s mouth. Another few gulps took in her calves, ankles, and feet. Immediately after her feet entered Jessie’s mouth, the Latina resumed swallowing and it was only seconds later that Jessie’s head had disappeared as well. Renata, the Latina predator, sat up with a groan, patting her huge belly. She sucked down Jessie’s arms in a continuous motion, then sighed. “God dammit, Jessie,” she muttered. “What were you thinking?” She tried to stand up. It took a few attempts, given the extreme weight in her immensely distended belly. “Ugh. This is uncomfortable. I’ve got half a mind to digest you to teach you a lesson.” Renata stretched and repeated herself. “Ugh, but all those calories? God dammit.” With that, Renata strode back into the festivities, looking either for a not-hungry playmate or else a fun scene to watch. |
On the Tubes: Twin Series By TwrchTwryth First You ever have that little moment of joy when you find that there’s more to something that you like than you realized? Like, maybe a band you like releases an album you weren’t expecting, or you find out there was a sequel to a good movie you didn’t know about. It’s really exciting and pleasantly surprising. That’s how I felt when I recently discovered two new (or at least unknown) videos of the Džejla and Džana, the Bosnian twins. At least, I’m assuming that whoever pirated their videos onto the tube sites has their names and origins right, I dunno. [As far as I can tell, that would be pronounced like Jay-la and Jah-na] The Bosnian twins were two pretty young women, I’d guess early-mid-twenties. Since they were twins, they looked pretty identical, with large, brown eyes, rich, dark brown hair, and rich, olive skin. I had found one video two years ago, and I assumed it was the only one they had ever made. Fortunately, I was proven wrong. Let’s talk about that first video. It’s one of the tamest things I’ve ever fapped to. It’s eight minutes long and is just a fairly close-up shot of their heads and faces. The two sisters are facing each other, close, with not-great soft lighting, They have makeup that’s a little heavier than I’d like, but not too much that’s distracting except maybe the bright-red lipstick. They have bare shoulders, when we see them, but since we never see anything below that I have no idea how their bodies are and whether they are covered or not. There’s no dialogue, just some gently ambient music, as the twins gaze into each other’s eyes. I have no idea which one is Džejla and which one is Džana, but I don’t think it matters. Their faces are nearly touching. The one on the left, who the camera is angled slightly more toward, looks down, shy, embarrassed as the murmur to each other wordlessly. The one on the right leans in to nuzzle her. Their noses touch gently and the one of the left smiles a little. Their foreheads rub together affectionately before they pull away to look at each other again, adjusting their hair out of the way. The one on the left (I’m going to call her Džejla) smiles a little and the other (I’ll say Džana) starts to go in for a kiss. It’s too fast and Džejla pulls away with a teasing grin. There’s a little edit and once again they’re adjusting their hair, shifting adorably, and occasionally nuzzling. Džejla seems so bemused and amused by the whole thing, but Džana is ready. This actually continues for almost three minutes. Nothing really happens, but they are so incredibly tender, sweet, and authentic that I have to watch each time. They sometimes nuzzle, sometimes attempt for a kiss but seem to get in their own way, sometimes adjust their own (or each other’s) hair. One time they even get in a cute hair-adjusting scuffle They’re really adorable, especially when Džana makes a few exaggerated biting motions and Džejla almost bursts out laughing. This little foreplay is what makes it so endearing. Finally, it happens. Three times, in quick, brief succession. Džejla’s grin drops and she leans in. Džana darts forward for a quick kiss. The two part almost as soon as they touch lips, but they don’t go far and after tilting their heads a little differently each time, their lips meet again and again. And then — that’s actually it for a little bit, as Džejla seems to take a breather to think about what their doing. Džana goes back to adjusting her hair and they resume their eskimo kissing. Džejla is laughing and the two twins touch foreheads. I think that Džana says something and they kiss again, still briefly. The video has an edit and the two kiss again, this time for the longest time yet. Džejla is warming up, but Džana is clearly the instigator still. They begin kissing more and more, but for now it’s all solid, lips-on-lips contact, and often times Džana is re-routed to kissing the space just above or below Džejla’s lips. There are a couple more awkward edits. Then, around five minutes in, the twins get their tongues involved for the first time. At first it’s quick — just a little dart and the two moist appendages run along each other — but Džana becomes more aggressive. She uses her tongue to lash at her sister’s lips with little swipes. It’s small, but it’s enough to visibly smear Džejla’s lipstick. It makes Džejla laugh. In between tongue lashings and laughter, they continue to exchange short, lip-deep kisses. At last, Džejla’s tongue extends and the two begin brief, probing explorations of each other’s tongues. It’s a little bit too much like those bits in lesbian for where two straight girls don’t actually want to kiss, so they wiggle their tongues together. I mean, I think that’s the explanation. But since they go back to their kissing shortly — with occasional laps breaking it up — I’ll abide by it. Why is it that tongue-on-tongue in mouth is cool, but tongue-on-tongue outside the mouth seems goofy to me.? And oh my God, it’s worth it, because thirty seconds later, right around the seven minute mark, Džejla’ lets go a little bit and there’s the open mouthed, tongue-to-tongue kissing that my vibrator was waiting for. This is where I came the first time I saw this video, as the reticent sister turns a corner and, rising a little above Džana, goes forward, mouth open, eyes lidded, and the twins meet for an actual, honest to God french kiss. It’s real and awesome and holy shit, she even bites Džana’s lip. There’s a little cut and they’re back to playing with their tongues until Džejla gets Džana’s lip again. They kiss hard, tongues together, but then they’re back to dueling outside the mouths. There’s some legitimate passion, but there’s also some clear attempts at showmanship with the tongue play. Still, I absolutely love Džejla’s smile as she gets in close to Džana without kissing, and I love the way she keeps biting her sister’s lip. The area around their mouths is getting smudged with the red lipstick. The last minute is spent with more licking and some more cuts, until finally Džejla grabs Džana’s head and pushes their lips together in a hot, forceful embrace. And then the video is over. No nudity, just two women kissing tentatively. And yet…it works. I can watch hardcore porn and be less turned on than watching a few minutes of these two. God, I’m wet just typing about it, and I haven’t even talked about the two videos I just found. I’m pretty sure I know where my interest in sisters comes from. It was one particular house party back in my senior year of high school. Sure, later that night I got cocked by Bastian Chavez and went in Wendy Bell’s ass, but the thing I really remember from that party was the longest game of spin-the-bottle ever. There were eleven of us, and though I’ve forgotten a lot of the guys who were there, I remember Jenni and Jessie Csupo. Jenni was a junior and Jessie a senior. They were sisters and the entire reason that the game lasted so long was that the guys were going to play until Jenni and Jessie had to kiss each other. I thought it was a little gross at the time, but it meant I got to kiss just about everyone (including Jenni and Jessie individually, which seemed pretty hot). The sisters teased everyone and threatened to walk away, but when it landed on them, they were actually cool about it. I wouldn’t say that they were legitimately into it, but they were into the attention, and seeing them lock lips and tongues just set off a bomb of arousal in my panties. I couldn’t believe how sexy it was. Ever since I came to terms with it, but sisters fetish has been a semi-routine part of my porn consumption. I’ve seen real sisters do some real hardcore stuff to each other online. That’s probably illegal, but I don’t care. That’s on them, not me, right? Second Speaking of more hardcore, let’s talk about those next two videos that I found. I found a playlist, actually, one one of the more laissez-faire tube sites. It was called Bosnian Twins - Džana and Džejla, so that’s where I got the names. I don’t know how they knew, because they never say it. Anyhow, video number two starts out the same way. It almost looks like it could have been recorded immediately after the first one, except that one of the twins has cut her hair. Now one has back-length hair and the other has slightly longer than shoulder-length. I’m…not sure which one is which. I nearby dub the one with shorter hair Džejla and the one with longer hair Džana. This time the two are more comfortable, more confident. They start off with a little nuzzling and the sister with the longer hair does a little licking, which is why I think it’s the one I called Džana. Anyhow, this gentle nuzzling soon turns to more quick, gentle kissing. Lips only, and the two — particularly Džejla — are playful. The twins get more intense more quickly. Like I said, they’re more confident and more comfortable with what they’re doing. By two minutes into the nine minute run time, their kisses have grown intense, open-mouthed, with tongues intertwining visibly and hidden between lips. The short-haired one — again, I’m assuming this is Džejla — does go back to biting and tugging on the long-haired one’s lip. This goes on for two more minutes and I am loving every second of it, but the title also has me impatient for what’s going to come next. I haven’t told you the title on purpose, because I want you to be surprised, but the surprise was ruined for me. So around 3:07, the two take a pause in kissing and exchange some smiling words that aren’t included in the audio track. Džejla nods, eyes closed, and Džana stands up. We get a flash of her naked body, which is good looking, before she steps off camera. Džejla watches her do something off screen before the image zoomed back. We can see now that the twins are sitting on a plain gray couch in a rather plain white room. We can also see that Džejla is naked. While she’s sitting with her legs in the way of her most private parts, her body is still revealed to be pretty nice. She has a medium build, with long legs and firm breasts. They look to be a little smaller than my own double-Ds, so I’d say either a full C-cup or small D-cup. Nice handful either way. Her nipples are dark and prominent. I could suck on them for a while. Džana quickly returns. She is also naked and physically looks the same, as you’d expect for twins, except that her hair is longer. From what we see as she walks across the room and sits down, it looks like she has shaved or waxed pretty thoroughly. Džana sat across from Džejla and the twins resumed kissing. Now their bodies are pressed up against each other, their arms wrapping themselves together. This is the next step from the arm’s length kissing they’d been doing before. The passion was ramping up and the whole thing becoming much more physical. I fucking loved it and I actually had to turn off my vibrator to keep from coming. Their tits were pressed against each other and their hands squeezed at the other’s bodies as their heads pushed back and forth, their lips meeting and separating with tongues intertwined and the occasional nibble of a lip. Their eyes are closed and they’re not taking or giggling the way they had in the previous video. This is serious. Džana makes it more serious by openly starting to masturbate. She slides a hand between her thighs and starts rubbing away. She’s not cheating out to the camera, so we don’t really see it explicitly, but it’s clear what she’s doing. Džejla is unbothered and continues making out with her sister, using her arms to squeeze Džana close to her. With only about two minutes left in the video, Džana uses her free hand to pull Džejla’s face away from her own. The resolution isn’t great, but as they press their heads together to pow-wow, I think Džejla’s eyes are mostly closed and she’s smiling a little, while Džana is staring at her intently. They’re talking, but there’s still no actual audio. Finally, Džejla nods. That’s all Džana needs. She quickly leans back while pulling her sister’s head down. Her legs open as wide as possible and she immediately jams Džejla’s head down to her groin. She reels forward and she cries out silently in pleasure as she shoves Džejla’s head completely up her pussy. I gotta admit, I wish this were a professional production so that we got a better view instead of the static single shot. With this angle, we can’t actually see Džana’s cunt, her thigh and ass-cheek, with a bulge growing in her lower belly as Džejla’s body disappears into her sister’s hips. But then we wouldn’t have the amateur allure and…my vibrator and I are just going to enjoy what we have. The unbirthing takes the entirety of the last two minutes, a hundred and eighteen seconds of watching Džana suck her sister’s beautiful body into her own. As Džejla’s shoulders and tits entered her, Džana’s own body was overtaken with ver visible and obvious contractions and spasms. They continue, the brunette’s head pitched backward as she shakes, for the rest of the unbirthing process as well. It’s an incredibly pure, authentic climax, and it’s prolonged for as long as Džejla’s torso, hips, and legs continue to drive into Džana’s pussy. Inch after gorgeous inch of Džejla’s body descends into Džana’s vag, and every time I watch this scene I cum so quickly. It’s like I’m easily suggestible and pick up on Džana’s obvious ecstasy. It’s one of my favorites. But it ends so soon. The very moment that Džejla’s feet vanish behind Džana’s thigh, as Džana sits there with a hugely distended belly, the video ends. Y’know how old kung-fu movies usually end the minute that the bad guy is defeated, even if there’s more story to tell? That’s a really good comparison to what happens here. I want there to be more — I want to see Džana in repose, I want to see Džejla settle in her belly, I want to know what happens next! But it’s not there in this movie. Third The only bright side, like I said, is that there’s a third video. I’m assuming that this one is the last one and that Džana didn’t digest her sister, but I guess I don’t know for sure. Either way, for the third video, they’re both back and Džejla’s hair is still shorter. It starts off with the two sitting on the same couch we saw last time, back in the act of making out. It seems so familiar, so pleasant by this point, it’s hard to believe that they are the same twins that took several minutes to work up to it in the first video. Now they are comfortably in medias res. It last for a little over a minute out of what is going to be their longest video at eleven minutes. At that point, a man walks in from the left. He’s naked, with a mostly-hard cock, equally shaven as Džana had been. He has lighter skin, with short, dark, curly hair and dark eyes. He’s in okay shape, not well-defined but also not distractingly flabby. The twins say something — still, no sound — to greet him and part, allowing him to sit on the couch between them. They immediately both snuggle up next to him and he wraps his arms around them. First Džejla, then Džana kiss him. It’s clear that Džejla puts more into it — her kiss is romantic, but her sister’s is more friendly than anything. They kiss each other again, then Džejla leans down to start sucking on his cock while he continues to kiss her sister, the two gradually becoming more comfortable with each other. I don’t know this dude’s name, so I’m going to Google “top Bosnian names.” Just a sec. Okay, I’m going to call him Amar. So, Džana is going back to fingering herself as she kisses Amar. Both of them are holding Džejla’s head as she bobs up and down on his shaft. After a little bit, the three switch. Džejla rises, releasing Amar’s dick. She kisses him, then reclines, leg spread. We finally get to see some pink. She has a little tuft of dark hair, but it’s still very well kept. Amar gives Džana one more peck, then lays on his side so he can lick Džejla’s spread sex. At the same time, Džana gets on her hands and knees to take her own turn blowing him. That doesn’t last for long — Džana doesn’t seem nearly as interested in this as Džejla had been. As Amar keeps licking away, Džana crawls carefully up to lay beside him on the couch. There’s not a lot of room for what they’re doing now, but just enough. She lays on her side, using her sister’s lower thigh as a pillow, her head blocking the view of Amar continue to eat out Džejla. Džana raises a leg, then she Amar take a little bit adjusting their hips. Eventually, Amar is able to thrust and his uncut cock enters the long-haired twin. Džana writhes against Amar as he fucks her while eating out her sister, obscuring them until the change starts to occur. You usually see this shot with a lot of drama and closeup, so it’s a little odd to see it with just that same static camera eye. Džana begins to shudder as her limbs are quickly pulled into her body. Her joints and her features lose their definition as she collapses and shrinks. Her hair vanishes and her head rounds out. As her head is withdrawn to her shoulders, it takes on the flared, bell-shape of a huge glans. Her breasts seem to pop into her torso as her body takes on a cylindrical rigidity. Within thirty seconds, she has been fully transformed into Amar’s dick. She’s added a few inches in length and an inch in girth, but he’s still not unbelievably large. Amar sits up, both him and Džejla looking at his enhanced prick. She starts to reach for it, but he stands up and walks over to the camera, his enlarged rod wobbling side-to-side. I’m putting myself in Džana’s mind, thinking back to how amazing it feels to be cocked. I know that Džana is probably going crazy in the limited band of consciousness that she still possesses, the need to be stimulated overwhelming her. Amar picks up the camera and the world spins for a moment before he turns around and gets it straight on Džejla. The brunette smiles mischievously before she slithers off the couch, eyes locked into the camera. That is a hell of an expression on her face, both sexually ravenous and aware and naughty and plotting. That’s another one of those little touches I love and it’s so fucking authentic. Džejla — the shy one, remember! — crawls on her hands and knees up to Amar. She sits back on her knees when she gets to his legs and brings her pretty face up just below his enhanced cock, a Cheshire grin splitting her face. She lets the enlarged dick sit on her face for a minute and it almost seems like Amar is shaking in anticipation. I bet some of that is Džana as well. He practically jerks when Džejla reaches up and takes a hold of his Džana-cock. She slowly starts to pump it as she rises, rubbing it tantalizingly on her pretty face. The anticipation is crazy — what’s she going to do that with the cock that is also her sister? She teases it out for long seconds, gently tugging on Amar’s member. We can’t hear it, but having been in that situation before I’m sure that he’s practically panting and begging for something more. I can tell from the mirth in Džejla’s eyes. She’s loving it, seeing him squirm, controlling his and Džana’s pleasure and teasing them. Finally, Džejla raises the Džana-cock against Amar’s belly and slowly traces the underside of his shaft with her tongue. You can see him shiver. When she gets to the tip, she stops to tickle it with her tongue, then a long kiss. Finally, she parts her lips, and slides the head into her mouth. And holy shit, she keeps going, all the way down until her lips hit his groin, never losing eye contact. She holds there for a second or two, then pulls slowly all the way back. It’s smooth enough and long enough that I can’t help but wonder if she’s a vore or something. And so confident…shit, this chick knows it’s sexy as fuck and she is relishing it. Once she pulls all the way back, Džejla starts swirling her tongue around the glans. I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on watching a blowjob, but this is the perfect combination of teasing and giving, and Džejla’s confidence is almost as sexy as knowing that it’s her sister that she’s servicing. I mean, I don’t have a dick and giving a blowjob is pretty meh itself, so porn BJs are usually filler for me. But here, with Džejla so incredibly confident and in control of what she’s doing — and the extenuating circumstances of Džana’s condition — I’m captive. Džejla is using her mouth and tongue to fuck Amar in the way she wants to and she’s bringing him (and Džana) along for the ride. Džejla tears off a minute of frenetic cock sucking, bobbing fast up and down the shaft. Amar starts thrusting, but as fast as she started this round she suddenly stops, with half of Džana in her mouth. She just holds the cock there, looking up, so totally, comfortably in control over Amar and Džana’s pleasure. God, she is magnificent right now. She starts sucking them again, slowly, never breaking eye contact with the camera. This goes one for a while and I’m actually thankful that there’s no sound, because it’d kill my mood completely if she’s making those awful slurping sounds that you hear all the time in porn. I know I don’t do that when I give a blowjob. Eventually, she leans back, dick out of her mouth, and takes a hold of the Džana-cock. Using it like a lead, she guides Amar over to the couch and sits him down. The camera wobbles and shakes, but eventually focuses from Amar’s point of view, looking down over his stomach and between his legs. Džejla, on her knees on the floor, sets herself up between his thighs, one hand around the quivering Džana-cock. Džejla leans in, her tits pressing against Amar’s dick (not enough to titfuck, still enough to feel good), and they’re talking. Still no audio, but I’m guessing that I wouldn’t understand it anyway. Probably why they took the sound out and replaced it with music. All the while her hand is slowly tugging on Džana. What a glorious tease. Whatever they say seems to satisfy her and she bends down, taking the engorged cockhead into her mouth. She has to toss her hair back out of the way so that we can still see her face as she slides easily all the way down to the bottom of the shaft. She looks up, winks, and then slides back. From here, she wraps one hand around the base to start working the bottom, while her mouth caresses the tip. Džejla really starts working her sister-cock in earnest now. She’s giving up eye contact to focus on fucking the long shaft with her mouth and she’s moving at a serious speed. Every now and then she’ll stop to trace the dick with her lips or to swirl her tongue around the head and let us see those pretty, sexy, mischievous eyes again, but this is getting further and further between bouts of intense fellatio (in the classic sense). It’s all building up. The endgame comes. In the last minute, she has one hand holding back her hair and one hand pumping the Džana-cock, leaning over head in her mouth. Her right arm is a blur of movement, her head bobbing in short strokes. Amar is visibly trembling as a huge climax wells up in him and in Džana. He reaches down to grab a handful of Džejla’s hair, both helping her to keep it out of her face as well as giving him a handhold. His hips buck hard and he thrusts deep into Džejla’s mouth. She lets go with her right hand and buries her face in his groin, all of Džana completely in her mouth and throat. She presses him down with her body as he cums, doing as much to keep the Džana-cock in her mouth as Amar does. She wants to feel every moment of the final fulfillment of the pleasure she just gave him. She was clearly getting no small amount of vicarious thrill from it and I can’t blame her — with the help of my vibrator, she’d made me vicariously cum a few times too. I’m just thinking about the incredible, transcendent amount of pleasure that Džana must be feeling as Amar’s cock. There’s not much thinking that goes on when you’re cocked, but when you cum...Jesus, there’s nothing like it. Just thinking about it makes me so hot and wet. Time to fire up my plastic friend again. ... Finally, Amar’s body calms and Džejla sits up. She makes a big show of wiping off a bit of stray cum from her chin and licking it off her finger (the camera is too low-quality to actually see the cum), then she sits back with her broad, pleased grin and waits. There’s only a minute-and-a-half left in the video, and fully sixty-seven seconds is the reformation of Džana. The softening cock slowly expands and regains a feminine form while Džejla watches. Limbs reappear, as does her hair, until at last Džana separates, fully formed, from Amar’s lap, stumbling and falling forward into Džejla’s arms. She coughs a little, but almost immediately the twins lock lips and tongues, even though Džana still probably has some cum in her mouth. Amar adjusts the camera to get a better view for the last thirteen seconds of tender twin-on-twin kissing, then—that’s it. Video cuts off. So, uh, I’ve watched these videos a few times. I love that there were more than just the first one, but now I can’t help but want more and more and more. DM me if you have any other leads on Džejla and Džana, or any other sweet twin vore/cocking/kissing videos. |
YWATA: Gretchen’s Gynosome By TwrchTwryth
Located in the sunny Arkady Mountains in the southern United States, right on the shores of Lake Haxentanz, stands the Young Witches of America Transformation Academy (YWATA, for short). This venerable institution trains young women possessing magical gifts, teaching them how to harness their abilities.
Of course, watching them in class would be boring for those mundane among us with no magical inclination. Here are some stories of what they do in their spare time...
*** 2016 “Wait, a what?” Gretchen smiled patiently. “A gynosome.” “Okay…” Kirstin didn’t want to repeat herself, but she still didn’t understand. “That, uh, that doesn’t help me. What is a—a gynosome?” The upperclassmen smiled at the perplexed freshman. She had been explaining this for the past two-and-a-half years, and she had gotten good about it. “So, back in 2014, I found this article about these weird little cave bugs in South America,” Gretchen started. “The females — all species in the Neotrogla family — they have this weird, one-of-a-kind sexual organ called the gynosome. When it’s time to have freaky bug sex, they climb on top of the males and penetrate them.” “So…” Kirstin started, awkwardly, “it’s a girl dick?” “No, not quite.” Gretchen was used to that question. “It’s something different, because even though it penetrates the male, it’s actually extracting sperm from him. It’s like a vacuum, I guess, or maybe a syringe. It goes into the male’s phallosome and pulls out the sperm to impregnate the female.” Gretchen paused for a few moments and watched as Kirstin tried to process everything. The small brunette’s eyes were wide, her brown furrowed, and her jaw slightly agape. “What the fuck.” Kirstin’s expression was not even a question. “Nature,” Gretchen said sagely, “in addition to being scary, can also be profoundly weird.” “No shit.” Kirstin gulped. “Uh, can I…can I see it?” Gretchen knew that this was where they were going. As a freshman, barely a two weeks on campus, Kirstin had to interview at least ten upperclassmen to learn about their areas of study, including what (if any) major transformations they had made of their bodies. Gretchen had already done three of these interviews this week and with a matriculating class of 220, she knew that there were more coming. “I had a feeling you’d ask,” Gretchen replied. “Let me just finish my tea and pack up my books, then we can head up to my room.” The freshman had approached her as she had ben studying in the campus coffee shop. While there was certainly nothing against walking around the commons in the buff — and about half of the coffee shop’s patrons were in some form of undress — Gretchen was more circumspect when allowing someone to examine her treasured addition. Gretchen started to ask a question, then interrupted herself as she picked up her phone. “Oh, and let me make sure my roommate’s going to be there. She can help me demonstrate.” Kirstin said something expressing her interest, but Gretchen was only half listening as she typed out a text to Alexis, her roommate. *Hey, you wanna help me demonstrate the gynosome for another freshman?* Almost immediately, a text came back. *yeah I’m in our room lmk when ur coming” “Okay,” Gretchen said after taking another sip of her tea, “Alexis should be able to help us out. We’ll head up in a few minutes.” “Cool!” Kirstin was definitely nervous and excited. “So,” Gretchen took another sip of her tea, “you asked me about me, how about you tell me a little about you?” “Okay, um, what do you want to know?” “Well, what kind of TFs have you done so far?” Kirstin beamed. “Back home, in high school, I managed to teach myself some really basic things. I made my boobs bigger, my waist smaller, changed my hair color and some of the other girls’. I haven’t gotten to do anything really extreme yet, though.” “That sounds pretty normal so far,” Gretchen nodded. “What are you really interested in?” “I think it’d be object transformation,” Kirstin quickly replied. “I don’t know any of the spells yet, but that’s really what I think I want to learn.” “Changing yourself into things or others?” Kirstin blushed a little. “Other people into things, I think. I really like that idea of kind of power and control.” Her expression immediately changed as she realized how that sounded. “Oh, but, y’know, like consensual and all that, or just for fun, not, like, mean or anything.” Gretchen nodded. “I think I understand. Freshman have conjoinment week next week, right?” “Yeah,” Kirstin nodded. Early in the school year, freshman would spend one week with their bodies merged to a classmate. Some students really enjoyed this and later made it their specialization, but either way it was a valuable learning experience to get another’s constant perspective and to let go of any idea of one’s body being inviolable or constant while at school. “Do you already have someone in mind you’re going to conjoin with?” Gretchen asked. “Well, I was talking with my roommate, Cui, and she wants to do a queen, but tire’s another girl from Minnesota, like me, that I’m getting pretty close with and we were thinking about going three-legged together.” Kirstin shrugged. “I’ve got a few more days to figure it out, but I don’t want to hurt any one’s feelings.” “Hmm, that could be a sticky one,” Gretchen nodded, finishing off her tea. “You’re going to have navigate that one carefully.” Changing the subject, she stood up. “Well, ready to take a look at my weird new sex organ?” Kirstin couldn’t help but giggle. “Well, when you put it like that, I mean, I kinda gotta right?” “C’mon.” * * * The two of them found Alexis lounging on her bunk bed, topless, wearing a pair of tight yoga pants that showed that she had her own bulge between her legs. She was near the beginning of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, but one only noticed that after noticing the way that her soft, heavy breasts fell away to either side of her ribcage. She had vivid, unnaturally red-orange hair and sat up on her elbows when Kirstin stepped into the room behind Gretchen. “Hey, tell me you’re coming to save me from this boring-ass book,” she groaned. “Joyce is one of the masters of Western literature, you shut your whore mouth,” Gretchen quickly replied. “But I’m a millennial,” Alexis whined. “I don’t have things like, y’know, an attention span.” Gretchen groaned. “Kirstin, this is my philistine roommate Alexis. Alexis, this is Kirstin, a freshman who picked me to interview and wants to see my gynosome.” Kirstin waved. Alexis nodded at her with a grin, then fixed her eyes on her roommate. “You still need to come up with a one syllable nickname. ‘Gy-no-some’ is just way too technical and takes too long to say. ‘Cock,’ ‘dick,’ ‘cunt,’ nice, easy.” In perfect deadpan, Gretchen responded, “I am not calling it ‘the zome.’” The ‘z’ was audible in her voice. “I don’t care how rad you think it sounds.” “Bummer.” Alexis sat up and leaned forward. “So, you gonna whip it out, or what?” “I was getting there. Kirstin, you want to have a seat?” The freshman sat down on Gretchen’s bed as the senior kicked off her shoes. Socks went next, then she quickly pulled down her skirt and stood, feet at shoulder width, allowing her transformation to unfurl. At first, Kirstin thought it looked like a penis. There was a soft, long tube of flesh hanging down from Gretchen’s groin, nearly to her knees. But it was much more cylindrical and smooth than a penis, and it did not end in a glans. “What the…” Kirstin started to ask, but she didn’t know where to go from there. Gretchen chuckled and pulled the tube up to show off the end. At the terminus of this fleshy appendage was a mound that was ever-so-slightly bigger than the rest of the shaft. That mound was capped by a vulva, with slick, pink vaginal lips unfurled. “Wow…” Kirstin knelt in close to look at the telescoping organ. “So, it’s like you put your pussy on the end of a dick?” Gretchen shrugged with a slight grimace. “It’s a little more complicated than that, but I guess that’s what you could start off with.” “Hey, we gonna show her how this works, or what?” Alexis called. Kirstin and Gretchen looked over to see her rubbing the bulge in her pant leg. “Come on, let me get ready first,” Gretchen responded. She turned back to Kirstin and took off her shirt, revealing two firm, full breasts. “You okay if we get explicit?” “Uh, yeah,” Kirstin quickly replied. “I wouldn’t last long here if I weren’t.” “Cool.” Gretchen took the opportunity to sit back on her bed and lean against the wall, holding her shaft in her hand. She rolled the soft tube in her hands, showing its flexibility and sometimes teasing her folds. “See, the first nice thing about my gynosome is that it makes self-service really easy.” To demonstrate, Gretchen raised her sex up to her face. The length of the shaft made it easy for her to lean forward a bit and quickly flicker her tongue across her own sex. Kirstin could not stifle her gasp. She had seen a couple hermaphrodite witches sucking their own cocks, but this was the firs time she had ever seen autocunnilingus. Gretchen looked up from tonguing her own pussy. “Oh, yeah, you never had to worry again about your lover not being willing to go do down on you again.” She leaned back into licking herself in an increasingly energetic pass, before pulling back after a bit. “I’ll admit, sometimes it’s hard getting out of my room, when I could just stay in and eat out my own pussy all day.” “Oh my God,” Kirstin mumbled. She followed that up with a non-verbal exclamation as a very naked Alexis brushed past her. The redhead plopped disruptively down on the bed next to Gretchen and Kirstin was able to see that she was a fairly straightforward hermaphrodite, with an uncircumcised cock (and no balls, oddly enough) stiffly extending from between her legs. “It’s also more convenient for anyone else,” Alexis said as she took gentle hold of the fleshy protuberance. Gretchen released her sex to Alexis, who also leaned in to start lapping at it. Gretchen responded with a low moan and lidded eyes. Shortly, Alexis looked up. “Gretchen made herself taste really, really good. You should try it.” “Oh, uh, maybe later,” Kirstin nervously replied. Alexis shrugged and went back to tonguing Gretchen. “Oh, Jesus, Lex…” Gretchen groaned. This just made Alexis work harder, rubbing her face into the fragrant sex. It stretched a bit more than Kristin expected, but Alexis pulled away as it started to engulf her face. “Not quite yet,” she purred, locking eyes with Gretchen. Her roommate mewled as the redhead looked back at Kirstin. “Hey, if you want to join in at any time, feel free.” “I’m — um — I’m cool watching for now.” Alexis shrugged again. This time, she rearranged herself on the bed, still holding Gretchen’s gynosome, until she had her legs splayed graphically wide. She looked up at Kirstin. “Okay, so, I can think of at least five neat ways to use this thing, and you’ve already seen the ‘eat-yourself-out’ option,” Alexis said as she lightly fingered Gretchen’s sex. “C’mon, I though…nnnhhh…that I was giving the talk,” Gretchen murmured, her eyes half closed. “Don’t worry, I got this,” Alexis reassured her. “So, next one, it makes for some real easy tripping.” As she spoke, Alexis moved the gynosome until she was pressing it against her feminine slit, then generally began rubbing the two together by stroking her wrist and shuttling her hips. “Mmmm, feels good, doesn’t it Gretchen?” “Yeah…” “See, scissoring is hard work,” Alexis continued in her best saleswoman voice. “You have to really work your muscles, and if you and your partner are different sizes, it can be impossible to line up. This — ooohhh — allows you much easier access and much more flexibility for simpler clit-on-clit stimulation. Aaahhh.” Kirstin was enthralled watching Alexis’s hard cock waggle as she pressed Gretchen’s protruding sex against her vulva and rub them together. For her part, Kirstin had never tried scissoring — she wasn’t even sure it was a real thing — but the two seniors in front of her were clearly enjoying themselves. Alexis carried on for a nearly three minutes of increasingly flushed, tense breathing before she pulled the gynosome away. Breathing heavily, she leered at Kirstin. “We’ve still got some more to go.” With that, she sat up. “Of course, since Gretchen’s gynosome basically combines the sexes, you can use its vaginal parts as God intended.” Now she pressed the soft orifice up against her turgid male member and with a little pressure slid in. Both seniors groaned, and Alexis exclaimed, “God, it’s like the world’s best flashlight.” The redheaded hermaphrodite started to pump the fleshy tube up and down her cock. Simultaneously, she began to thrust with her hips and the room filled with the sounds of the two roommates wordlessly exclaiming their sexual pleasures. Kirstin would have felt awkward being there watching if she weren’t so fascinated by what she was seeing. Alexis sped up and was soon twisting her wrist a little as she fucked Gretchen's appendage. It only took a few minutes before she bellowed a loud “FUUUUUUUCCCKKKK!!” and thrust a final time into the pussy-tube. When she pulled out her cock, she was flushed and panting. She still held the gynosome in her hand as she looked up at Kirstin. “Don’t worry,” she said, “I can last a lot longer than that if I want, and I’ll be ready to go again in a minute, but I figured you didn’t want to just watch us fuck for a half hour. That can get boring if you’re not joining in.” Kirstin blushed bright red with embarrassment and fumbled for a response, but none came. Alexis laughed as she got up on her knees and pulled Gretchen to a kneeling position as well. “Trust me, this here gynosome allows for a lot of interesting possibilities. And an underrated feature is that it never drips. I’ve cum in it, like, six times in an an hour before and there was no mess to clean up.” Gretchen groaned. “Well, a gynosome is all about collecting reproductive fluid, so…” “A gynosome’s also all about penetration, so let’s show her use number four!” Alexis declared while turning around and getting down on her hands and knees. She propped up her hips and slapped her own ass. “C’mon, let’s do this!” Gretchen looked up at Kirstin. “We don’t actually have these labeled or anything. My roommate is a bit of a salesperson deep down.” “And you better get deep down in your roommate!” Alexis retorted. “Ugh. Give me a minute, I have to concentrate.” Gretchen took up a position kneeling behind Alexis. Cradling the limp gynosome in one palm, she closed her eyes and exhaled calmly. After a few moments, the tube grew more rigid in her hand. The long appendage did not actually grow, it simply became tumescent. Now fully stiff, Gretchen held the end, just below the vulva, and rubbed her slit up against Alexis’s female sex. “Ready?” she asked. “Always,” the redhead replied. Needing no more encouragement, Gretchen thrust forward. The thick shaft of her gynosome entered Alexis’s wet pussy and the hermaphrodite cooed, her eyes rolled back. Gretchen crept her hips and knees forward as inch after inch of her appendage slithered into Alexis. The redhead’s expressions of pleasure grew higher and higher in pitch before fading out a few seconds before Gretchen’s hips pressed up against Alexis’s. Gretchen leaned forward and clasped her arms around Alexis’s waist to complete the positioning. Kirstin realized that Gretchen’s face was a mask of transcendent exertion, flushed, with a few beads of sweat on her brow, while Alexis appeared to be in a mindless reverie. “If this were a real Neotrogla coupling, I’d be holding on to her so hard that if you tried to separate us it would rip her apart,” Gretchen said through gritted teeth. She was obviously concentrating on what was happening inside Alexis, but was still able to lecture. “And I would hold her for two or three days like that. Of course, ‘she’ would also be a ‘he.’” Panting, Gretchen interrupted herself with a long grunt. “Oh, God. So, uh, I’ve modified it a bit. I haven’t found any guy who’s been willing to let me give him a phallosome yet, so I’ve modified it. If I wanted to get pregnant, I could actually pull out one of her—unh—one of her ova and combine them in myself.” Both seniors convulsed in a near-orgasmic contraction that rippled through both of them. Gretchen was not thrusting, just holding herself inside Alexis. “But I don’t want to get pregnant now, so I’m just using it to get us both off.” Kirstin was still speechless at what she was watching, which was fine because Gretchen and Alexis were both speechless as well. Their shared climax had reached its crescendo and both were practically vibrating, too enthralled by the sensation to allow their bodies to freely buck and jerk, but too possessed of carnal energy to not move at all. It was as sexy as it was uncanny and Kirstin was now beginning to rethink her decision to watch instead of participate as the the seniors’ orgasm(s) stretched on. At long last, after a few minutes locked together like this, Gretchen lurched back and withdrew her still-erect appendage from Alexis. The removal seemed to release Alexis from some kind of thrall, and the hermaphrodite’s limbs gave out. She collapsed on the bed in front of Gretchen. Both were panting, flushed, and slick with perspiration (as well as other fluids). Though she was limp on the bed, Alexis was the first to speak. “You gonna show her the last thing?” she asked. Gretchen nodded. “Yeah, I think…uh…I think I can. You ready?” “Do it.” “Do what?” Kirstin blurted, but the two seniors ignored her. Gretchen was rolling Alexis on to her back and then lining up the gynosome with her feet. Alexis started helping out soon enough, allowing Gretchen to use both hands to reach into her own slit and start to stretch it out. This elicited a whole new round of grunting and groaning and Kirstin as a little disturbed, but it suddenly made more sense when Alexis pushed both of her feet into extended vulva. “Oh…” Kristin said in realization as Gretchen’s sex started to pull on Alexis’s legs. This was unbirth. It was something she had seen a few times before at YWATA, but that she had never taken part in. Gretchen’s (modified) vagina was essentially eating Alexis. And Alexis said what she was thinking. “And it’s also got unbirth abilities. But the cool thing is, I get to watch myself travel down her shaft, so it’s also kind of like cock vore.” “Cock vore?” Kirstin asked. Gretchen’s sex had gotten past Alexis’s knees at this point. Alexis looked at Kristin in surprise. “Yeah, when you eat someone with your dick. Jeez, you really haven’t been on campus very long, have you?” “Is that something you do?” “Nah, not really my thing. I like being eaten okay, but I’m not huge into doing the eating.” Alexis shrugged as her thighs disappeared into Gretchen. Her own cock was flagging at half mast, exhausted by what had gone on so far. “But, wow, it sounds like you haven’t seen much so far. You should drop by again sometime and we can introduce you to some really weird people.” “Weirder than a gynosome?” Kirstin blurted out. Gretchen laughed. “Okay, you may have hit peak weird here, but no, there’s a lot of stuff out there for a curious witch to find out.” Alexis’s legs were now in Gretchen’s body and her torso below her breasts was in the gynosome. “Doesn’t look like I have much time left.” “You—“ ‘Don’t worry!” Alexis said as the gynosome conquered her soft mammaries. “I’ll reform in a half-hour or so.” “Well, yeah, I know that,” Kirstin quickly said. “I may be new, but they cover that in orientation. I got eaten by a giantess last week anyway.” “Ah, yes, probably in one of YWATA’s famous vore rampages, huh? Whoop!” The last remark was to a sudden jerk that brought the edge of Gretchen’s sex to Alexis’s chin. “Well, guess this is it. It was nice meeting you and showing off my roommate’s weird-ass sexual organ, and I hope to see you again soon!” Alexis winked as her head was drawn down into Gretchen’s appendage. Kirstin watched the bulge of Alexis’s upper torso smoothly, quickly slide down the length of the gynosome and disappear into Gretchen’s body. Oddly, there was no bulge in Gretchen’s abdomen, like Kirstin would have expected. Gretchen let loose a deep sigh as her gynosome returned to its normal, limp state. She looked up at Kirstin and, with a wry smile, asked, “So, you think you have something good to report on for your upperclassmen interview?” “Uh, yeah, I’d say. Thanks.” Kirstin nibbled on her lip a little a she stared at the arousing oddity between Gretchen’s legs. “Um, Is it, uh, is it too late to try to look into it myself? Get some hands on experience?” Gretchen’s smile broadened. “Be my guest.” |
Momentum By TwrchTwryth "Three...two...one and go!" "Hi everybody, it's me, Carli!" "And me, Izzy!" "And you're watching the I.C. More Vore Channel! Hello everyone!" The speakers were a pair of nineteen-year-olds in bathing suits. Carli was blond, her hair up in pigtails, her slender body in a skimpy bikini. Izzy was black, her hair flattened and held back in a long braid, her equally lithe form poured into an extremely tight one-piece number. "Today, we got ourselves access to a water park. It's a few hours before they open, and they're going to let us use the Screamer water slide to fast deliver ourselves into each other's mouths and stomachs," Izzy said in a saccharine exclamation. "That's right, Izzy," Carli giggled, pointing behind them at the simple white slide. It had a sixty foot, nearly vertical drop with just enough incline to make sure that you were still sliding and not just falling. "On the screamer, you can end up moving over forty miles an hour as you shoot down. Today, we'll be shooting down to each other's waiting mouths!" "Wow, that sounds like some fast food!" Izzy laughed, before turning to the camera with a big smile. "Now, before we get started, remember to click the Like button if you like the video and subscribe for more great Vore content from a couple of best friends!" They had been making these videos for YouTube for the past three years and even though they had since hit the legal age, they still maintained the air of peppy teenage girls, aided by their skinny bodies and youthful looks. It could be a little creepy to certain people, but it also supported them as content producers, so they had no complaints. "So, Izzy and I did a game of scissors-paper-rock before you guys got here," Carli said, "and we decided that she's going to slide first and I'm going to try to catch her in my mouth." "That looks really high up..." Izzy said as she looked up at the slide. She looked back at the camera and bobbed her head. "Oh well, here I go!" As Izzy climbed the seven stories of stairs, Carli took up a position near the bottom of the slide, leaning so that her hands and knees were on the sides and she was angling upward. She straddled the stream of water and watched while Izzy positioned herself "You good to go?" Carli yelled up. "Here I come!" Izzy shouted. The last syllable stretched into an excited scream as she sent herself hurtling down the slide. At the same time, Carli crouched down and opened her mouth wide, ready to take in her friend. Two seconds later, Izzy's scream was interrupted as she shot feet first into Carli's waiting mouth. The scream resumed a scant moment later as Izzy, borne by momentum, shot right out of Carli's hind end, taking the blonde's bikini bottoms with her, before coming to a stop in the pool below. Carli followed, groaning and holding her sore derrière. That was unexpected and resulted in some substantial editing before the final video was uploaded. No nudity was allowed, so Carli's hind end had to be blurred out. Some corners of the Internet spent a long time looking for the unedited footage. "Carli, are you okay?" Izzy said as she sprang up, coughing and laughing a little with surprise. She found Carli's bikini bottom and gave it back to the blonde, who was still lying in the pool and grimacing. "It's not funny!" She groaned. "My ass is on fire!" (It did not take long before this clip made it into "girl fails" compilation videos) "You gonna live?" Izzy asked. "Yeah," Carli replied, "but I don't want to do that again. Ugh." "Then I guess that's it for today's show?" Izzy asked hopefully. "No," Carli said, putting her bottoms back on and standing up, "it's your turn now!" "Oh geez." Izzy started to protest, but Carli was now heading off toward he slide and shushing her. Instead, she looked over at the camera. "Uh oh, this is going to be interesting. The things we do for you fans...oh well, we're happy to do it, especially for our PayPal donors and Patreon patrons!" Izzy slipped into an easy, mechanical spiel listing all the places people could pay them while Carlo climbed the stairs. Finally she was interrupted as Carli got to the top and yelled for her. Izzy got ready in the same position, a little more slowly and more hesitantly, but still did it. Carli screamed on the way down too. Her scream stayed interrupted, however, as Izzy's one-piece bathing suit refused to give. It knocked her back as Carli passed through her, by it held and rerouted her. Viewers could hear a profane exclamation, but they couldn't see Carli's feet get pushed back under Izzy's body and become wedged into her vagina as more and more of Carli was shot out of Izzy's anus. Momentum only stopped once Carli was in Izzy's colon from her mid-ribs up, and in Izzy's birth canal from her lower ribs down. It was uncomfortable for both of them, and Izzy immediately began reflexively pulling on Carli's body with her PC muscles, quickly slurping the blonde out of her ass and I to her pussy. It took very little time for Izzy to unbirth her friend. They had done it plenty in private, even if this had never appeared on YouTube before since it was probably too sexual. In this case, however, it all happened under clothing and was spontaneous. It did end up online. Izzy stood up on the pool once the process was finished. She pointed to her wriggling belly. "Looks like I win today!" She exclaimed with a treacly giggle. "For Carli, I'm Izzy, and you've been watching the I.C. More Vore Channel! Please like us, hit subscribe, and consider becoming a patron to get access to content you won't find here. Thanks, and bye-bye!" |
Side Effects — Discovery By TwrchTwryth (for Mallowsal) Dakota “Codi” McMillan had been checking her phone all day. She hoped that she would hear from Blake or Masoud would text her to let her know what was going on. She had spent all of Parasites 1301 kicking herself that she hadn’t made her boyfriend go to the hospital when he came in so obviously sick after the accident the night before. It had just been so late and she had been so tired…it definitely would have gone differently if it had happened weave hours earlier. Blake had checked in with her a little after noon, while she was distractedly picking at her lunch in the Grant Hall cafeteria. He confirmed that Masoud was still sleeping. It wasn’t much, but it put her mind at rest for a little while longer and he could now actually start talking with her friends again. But then the hours ticked by without any more word. She was done with her feline lab at five and she thought about heading home. She had her once-a-week night class, Equine Physiology, from 6 to 9. That was a hard one to miss and make up, but she was thinking about doing so to go check on Masoud. She sent a final text to both her boyfriend and Blake, not expecting a response, and started to pack up her bag. Codi was surprised when her phone buzzed and this time it was Masoud. /feeling a lot better. Blake was here, stepped out for a bit, but I think I’m going to be a lot better tomorrow. still kind of tired, may not be up when you get home./ **omg so glad to hear it.** **need me to bring anything home?** /No, I’m good. I’ll get dinner here./ **ok lmk if anything changes.** Codi was able to breathe a sigh of relief. She was glad to hear something, anything from Masoud. Now she was just eager to get through the class to be able to get home and take care of him. *** Back at the apartment, Masoud Khatibi had spent the last twenty minutes freaking out. Earlier that afternoon, he had seduced Blake Hargrove, his roommate, then devoured him whole. Masoud had passed out for two hours, then woke up with Blake seemingly wholly absorbed, and some of Blake’s body now attached to Masoud’s body. Specifically, Masoud had Blake’s arms sticking out of his torso under his own arms, as well as Blake’s dick emerging beside his own. After being nearly paralyzed with anxiety about these changes, Masoud was snapped out of it when Blake’s phone had buzzed in his discarded shorts. He saw that Codi was looking after him, so he ran upstairs to get his own phone and respond. That seemed to go well, and he even let Blake’s hands type the second response message to see if they were functional. It was easy; they were fully integrated. He kept his phone out as he started to decide what to do. First thing was that he sent emails to his professors whose classes he missed. He emailed his lab to explain that he was out sick, then specifically emailed the senior lab assistant, Dakshi Singh, to tell her what had happened. He and Dakshi had been fairly close since he got to the lab and he counted her as a personal friend outside of work, especially with how well she and Codi got along. Masoud explained that he was sick because of the accident. He laid out what had happened and his symptoms, at least through two o’clock. He left out his encounter with Blake. He asked if she knew what was going on and if he needed to go to the hospital. Dakshi responded almost immediately with a phone call. “Masoud, we’ve been worried about you!” she scolded. “Yeah, I —“ “That’s why you’re supposed to use protective equipment!” “I know,” Masoud groaned, looking at his two hard cocks and hoping that this would be quick. “it was an accident.” “But you’re okay now?” Dakshi asked. “”Yeah, I think so.” “Any super weird side effects?” “What do you mean?” Masoud asked. “I don’t know,” Dakshi seemed to step back. “Anything out of the normal?” “Uh…no…” Masoud did not sound convincing to himself and there was a long pause. “Okay.” Dakshi finally responded, sounding chipper. “Hey, I know somebody at a lab in Wisconsin that had an accident with this same kind of stuff. Met them at the conference in Boston two years ago. I’m going to dig up some contact information and see if they had any feedback, okay? I’ll let you know. But if anything strange happens, you should probably tell me.” Looking at three of his four hands, Masoud gulped and faintly said, “Yeah, I will. Anything strange.” “‘Kay. Buh-bye.” “Bye.” Masoud set the phone down and went back to exploring his new body. He ended up doing something that resembled yoga or tai chi just to experience the the movement of his bizarre form. He also spent some time masturbating to experience the double stimulation of two dicks, but he did not let himself finish. He wanted to wait for Codi to do that. *** Codi felt saw her phone screen light up from her purse. Slowly, discreetly, she picked it up and set it in her lap. Professor Baciocco didn’t notice as he continued to drone on about equine polysaccharide storage myopathy. She surreptitiously checked the screen, worried it was a message from Blake. What she saw confused her, and through her confusion was a current of nerves. {Message from DAKSHI: Are you with Masoud right now?} *** It was nine and the same hunger that had claimed Blake was back, full bore. Masoud finally decided to lie in bed, get under the covers. He was going to pretend to be asleep. Then, when Codi got in beside him, he would pounce. His need for her burned, his appetite both sexual and culinary. He expected Codi back around 9:15, giving her a few minutes to get to her car and ten to drive home. But by 9:30, she wasn’t home yet. He started to get anxious, but if he texted her, he wouldn’t be able to pretend to be asleep. He finally heard the front door at 9:48 and he breathed a sigh of relief. His stomach was a knot of nerves and anticipation. His rational mind told him that he didn’t really want to eat his girlfriend of the past three years. His body, on the other hand, told him that he absolutely did. “Masoud?” he heard Codi call out. “Blake?” Masoud did not respond. He still wanted to pretend to be asleep. Codi called out again, then Masoud heard her steps on the stairs. He wanted to go get her now, but he also wanted her to strip down first. He did not want to devour any clothes and he wanted to minimize any sot of struggle. “Masoud?” Codi’s voice now came form the doorway. There was no avoiding it, so Masoud rolled over in bed, keeping his lower arms under the covers. He opened his eyes a little and tried to sound as bleary as he could. “Yeah, babe?” he groaned. “How’re you doing?” “Better, I think. Just tired now.” Masoud replied. “Okay…” Codi was conspicuously not coming into the room. She was leaning against the doorway, arms folded under her heavy breasts, a nervous look on her face. “Have you seen Blake?” Masoud did not want this conversation to continue, but unless he wanted to reveal himself now, he was trapped. “Saw him this afternoon. I think he was going out to Picadillo tonight.” Picadillo was a local bar, Cuban themed, that the three often frequented. Codi looked over her shoulder and Masoud heard her say, “Yeah, but his bike’s here, so…” “Is there someone with you?” Masoud asked, starting to sit up a little. At this point, Dakshi appeared beside Codi. Dakshi was significantly shorter than the blonde, cute and petite, with dark hair and dark features. “Hey, Masoud,” she said and waved. “After you talked with her, Dakshi contacted me. She told me about the lab from Wisconsin that had a similar accident and some of the strange things that happened to them,” Codi explained. “Yeah, I got to see some weird shit up close,” Dakshi added, staring at Masoud. “So we were worried about you,” Codi said. “How about you take the blanket off?” Dakshi asked pointedly. “What!?” “C’mon, Dakshi, I just — Masoud, we — “ Codi stammered, “just take the blanket off. We need to see something.” “I’m naked under here,” Masoud objected. “I’ll turn around, then,” Dakshi offered and spun around. “Codi — “ Masoud objected, but the blonde cut him off. “Please, Masoud, I just want to be sure.” With a heavy sigh and the anxiety in his stomach turning to fear, Masoud slowly complied, revealing his enhanced body. Codi gasped and covered her mouth with her hands as her eyes went wide. Dakshi, meanwhile, turned back around and her eyes also went wide, this time with excitement. “Oh wow, it’s just like Chelsea!” Dakshi exclaimed. “Is that Blake?” Codi asked. Masoud just nodded. “If he really is like the Wisconsin lab, Blake’s fine in there.” Dakshi reached into her pocket and pulled out an orange case of prescription medication. She rattled them at Masoud. “Sleeping pills. We’re going to put you under, and when you wake up, Blake should be back outside your body with us.” “Wait, what?” Masoud asked, sitting up in bed. “Yeah, the chicks from the lab in Wisconsin, the ones I met at the conference?” Dakshi said. “Like I told Codi before we came over, there were three of them, Chelsea, Jyoti, and Saresh. They’d been exposed like you were and it changed their bodies, made it so they could absorb other people and aggregate their bodies. They showed me first hand, which was really fun. How did it work with Blake, by the way?” “Huh?” Masoud was having a hard time keeping up. “How’d you absorb him? I know with Chelsea, she swallowed people whole. Jyoti and Saresh were both skin-to-skin contact, in different ways.” “I guess I ate him,” Masoud responded, too surprised to lie. Dakshi looked at Codi. “Yeah, definitely just like Chelsea. They’ll both be fine, and he should be a lot of fun when he starts to figure things out.” Dakshi then turned and tossed the pill bottle to Masoud. “You’re gonna take two and probably be out in ten minutes. Being unconscious should relax your body enough to release him. Chelsea could do it manually, but she told me it took her a bit of practice to be able to control it. I’m gonna go get you some water.” With that, Dakshi headed back downstairs toward the kitchen, leaving Codi, arms folded again, to look at Masoud. Masoud covered himself again, feeling the recrimination in her expression. “Were you going to eat me?” Codi asked. “I—“ “Were you going to eat me?” Codi repeated. Masoud nodded, looking away from her withering eye contact. “Did you know that we would still be able to recover Blake?” Codi asked. Masoud shook his head, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “And did you have sex with Blake before you ate him?” Cody’s voice was trembling with emotion. Anger. Disappointment. It cut Masoud deeply and sheepishly he nodded. Codi’s frown quivered, then tightened. “I’m sure — I know that this is strange,” she started to say. “I know that your body is completely different now and I know that’s affected your mind. But it better not stay affected. Today is your free pass. I’m going to forgive — try to forgive you for today. Hopefully Blake will too. But I’m not staying here tonight. We’ve already talked about it and I’m going to crash at Dakshi’s place.” Now it was Masoud’s turn to start chewing on his lip. His behavior ever since he woke up had not been appropriate or acceptable. He had given in to his base desires and betrayed his and Codi’s rules. He hadn’t known that Blake was probably could to be alright, and now he was starting to realize the implications of his actions. “Okay,” he said, quietly. At this point, Dakshi returned with a glass of water. She stepped in to the room to hand it to Masoud and he took it from her, suppressing his desire to leap up and devour her. Codi did not leave the doorway and Dakshi soon retreated. “I expect to see back in the lab tomorrow,” Dakshi said. “And that’s with just two arms. No eating Blake again after you release him. Oh, and I guess if you don’t release him overnight, call me.” Masoud nodded and downed the pills, then the water. “Okay,” he repeated. “Let’s go,” Codi said and turned to leave. “Codi?” Masoud called out. She looked over her shoulder and he saw that Dakshi put a hand on her arm. “Yeah?” “I love you.” Codi’s response was flat and tired. “I love you too, babe. Just fix this thing with Blake, then we’ll try to figure out…I don’t know, we’ll just try to figure it out.” “Okay.” Masoud was awake long enough to hear them leave, but then the pills took over and he passed out into a a restless, dreamless slumber. *** Masoud awoke six hours later with an itching sensation in his body. He groggily flailed about as he tried to figure out what was going on. It was all over his chest and abdomen and suddenly he felt intensely claustrophobic within his own body. He felt down and realized that his body was changing; large, hard bulges were developing below his chest and growing outward. It took him a minute to realize that this must be his body ejecting Blake. The two arms that he had borrowed were now moving forward independently, pulling away from him, and in the darkness one of the bulges was forming into Blake’s head. Over the next three minutes or so, Blake’s body emerged out of Masoud’s chest and belly. He was not conscious, but he was breathing, to Masoud’s relief. He slid out onto Masoud and Codi’s bed and lay in naked, supine slumber. The experience had been slightly uncomfortable for Masoud, as though he had been intensely exercising a muscle for the first time in a very long time, but there was also a pleasantness to the feeling. He immediately wanted to experience it — the sex, devouring, absorption, and expulsion, everything — again. He gazed at Blake’s prone body and his cock grew hard as his mouth watered. “No.” Masoud said to himself. It took a lot of willpower, but he forced himself to start getting out of bed. He quickly stuffed some clothes in a duffel bag and got dressed for a workout. It was only 4:15 am, but he had to get away from the temptation that Blake offered. He practically ran out of the apartment. He biked to the student gym, which was open twenty-four hours, and showered. Fortunately, he was alone in the shower; he was not sure if he could have resisted any more temptation. After getting dressed, he hit a coffee bar for early breakfast, found a park bench in the willow grove, and just sat, thinking, staring off into space for almost two hours, contemplating the last day and a half. He worried about the changes to his body, wondered about what Dakshi knew, and fretted about what would happen to his and Codi’s relationship…to say nothing of his and Blake’s relationship. It was a little after seven when he got a phone call from Blake. “Man, what the shit happened yesterday?” The phone conversation started tense, as Masoud explained the accident and what they had learned. He apologized and soon found that the awkwardness was one his side of the conversation. “No, man, I get it,” he heard Blake say. “I was there. After you ate me, my mind was there too. I couldn’t, y’know interact or anything, but I felt what you felt. I felt the hunger and how horny we were and all that. I get it.” “You do?” Masoud asked, lamely. He had not expected Blake to be understanding about what had happened. “Yeah, but next time, dude, ask my permission, okay? I stood up a friend because I was part of you.” “I’m sorry, I…I wasn’t very considerate yesterday,” Masoud offered. “I just couldn’t control myself.” “I agree with what Codi said last night That’s gonna fly for yesterday, but from now on you gotta get a handle on it. And dude, make sure that whatever you do, you get Codi’s permission too. I’m kinda bummed you didn’t get to eat her yesterday and stick her in there with me, but c’mon, we gotta follow the rules. Happy wife, happy life.” They talked a little bit longer and Masoud was very relieved that they were already back to normal. He wasn’t sure what he would have done in Blake’s position, but it probably would not have been that. Eventually, Masoud made it to his 9:30 cell biology class, but not before he dropped a text to Codi to check up on her. He did not like that he hadn’t heard anything, but the silent treatment continued. After his two classes and lunch, Masoud made his way to his lab. It was the first time he had stepped foot in since his accident two days before. He greeted his lab mates and started to set up his work station when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw Dakshi in full lab gear. “Tonight, you, me, Codi, we’re going back to your apartment and we’re going to do some experiments.” “Wait, what?” Masoud’s mind was reeling. Dakshi just winked at him and walked way, grinning. That made the rest of his afternoon seem interminable and he couldn’t concentrate, obsessing instead over Dakshi’s promise. It was not a productive day. After several hours of not getting anything done (other than consciously controlling his hunger and arousal), Dakshi pulled him aside. “Hey, let’s get out of here. I’m going to meet you at your place a little bit,” she said. “I gotta pick up dinner, then we’re going to see what you can do.” “Uh, cool,” Masoud said. He wanted to eat her then and there, but he didn’t think anything good would come out of revealing himself to his lab mates. “Cool. See you there in a little bit.” *** “What’d you get for me?” Masoud asked, looking up from the empty bag. He had been very glad when Dakshi had arrived at the apartment. The long minutes he’d spend sitting around with Blake and Codi had been agonizingly awkward. Blake had been very friendly and enthusiastic, but Codi had been more distant. Masoud hadn’t known what to say. Finally, Dakshi arrived with food in tow, three subs from a place down the street. One for Codi, one for Dakshi, one for Blake, and apparently none for Masoud. “C’mon, Masoud, you’re going to be eating me in a few minutes,” Dakshi laughed. “You don’t need any appetizer.” Blake chuckled as well and even Codi grinned as Masoud grumbled. He was getting so unnaturally hungry again and watching them eat didn’t help. He sat through their dinner in sullen silence while Codi finally perked up with Dakshi’s presence. After an agonizingly long eight minutes, Dakshi finished her sub and stood up. “Masoud, you ready to do this?” “You better believe it.” He tried to not sound angry, but he was too hungry. “Codi, come on, you gotta see this!” Blake was excited. “I wanna see what this looks like form the outside.” The four of them moved to the living room and made sure the blinds were drawn. Codi and Blake sat on the couch as Dakshi casually disrobed. Masoud more slowly took off his shirt and pants, but left on his boxer briefs for the moment, watching Dakshi’s body the whole time. If she were five feet tall he would have been surprised. She was built small in most facets except her chest. Her breasts were a full C-cup, firm, a nice handful. On her little frame, they were prominent, but with Codi in the room they seemed small. She had a small triangle of pubic hair between her legs. Masoud could not take his gaze off of her as she finished taking off her socks and shoes. “Okay, Masoud, if you’re ready — “ He didn’t wait. He couldn’t wait, not any longer. Without really thinking about it, he lurched forward, mouth wide open, and enveloped her head. She tensed for a minute as her fight or flight response kicked in, but her logical brain reasserted control and she relaxed. Masoud devoured her greedily. He put his hands on her hips and lifted her off the ground and into his throat, swallowing her head as he crammed her shoulders and breasts in. It was animalistic, fast an intense as he devoured Dakshi’s waist and hips. He noticed a different, sweeter flavor than when he had eaten Blake the day before. Not necessarily better, but definitely different and amazing. He wanted more. in went Dakshi’s ass and he quickly gulped down her legs. He did not slow for her calves or feet; he needed her inside of him to satisfy the raging hunger he felt. Masoud decided that her little body would do for now as a final swallow sent her feet into his swollen belly. “Wow.” Blake said. “That was intense,” Codi’s eyes were wide and she was pale. Masoud felt his body quivering. He was tired like he had been yesterday, when he devoured Blake. Instead, he felt energized, almost like he was extremely over caffeinated. His stomach was quivering in a frenetic way. He started to speak, “Wait, there’s something — what?” and then let out a long groan. There was an audible gurgling sound from his stomach. He looked down and watched it convulse doubling him over with a powerful contraction. “Oh, shit!” he exclaimed and Blake and Codi’s jaws dropped. Masoud’s stomach visibly trembled and then tightened. The bugle flattened out as Masoud’s body absorbed Dakshi’s. Masoud felt nearly orgasmic at the sensation and he moaned loudly throughout. Almost as soon as the bulge was gone, Masoud reflexively started to scratch at his chest. “Hey, it itches,” he mumbled. Codi and Blake were still speechless at what they had seen. Masoud groaned as the itching spread to his sides and between his legs. “Oh, fuck, this feels so weird!” He groaned. His hands couldn’t keep up and he doubled over as his tactile sense was overwhelmed in stimulation. Blake and Codi watched in amazement as Masoud’s body began to change. Bulges appeared on his chest, just under his pectoral muscles, and under his arms. The bulges grew as Masoud moaned, his eyes rolled back in in head. The ones below his arms suddenly exploded outward and took on the form of a pair of slender, dark feminine appendages. They were the same color and proportion as Dakshi’s, but they had enlarged to be proportionate to Masoud’s arms. Masoud’s back arched, and his arms, all four of them, stretched outward. This gave Blake and Codi an unobstructed view of his body, and they now saw that a perfect, firm pair of female breasts had emerged from his torso just below own flat male breasts. “Dude, you have tits!” Blake shouted without thinking about it. Masoud was snapped out of his reveries. He looked at the others, panting, his hair slicked with sweat and fallen over his eyes. “That’s not everything,” he said. His voice sounded as strained as his breathing. He started to take off his underwear. His manhood was so engorged that it almost looked painful. “Last time—last time I was asleep for the change. That was…intense.” He sat down on a chair across from the couch, reclined, and spread his legs. Codi couldn’t restrain her squealing “Holy — you have a pussy!” Dakshi’s sex now split his perineum, tucked away between his sack and his anus. He reached down with Dakshi’s hands and began feeling around. “Yeah, I do. Oh…oh, my, that’s so…weird.” Codi and Blake were both leaning forward, astounded at what they were seeing. Masoud moaned, “Guys, I am so horny right now. Please, help us out.” “Oh, babe, you sound so pathetic.” Codi’s response started off teasing, but became ernest as she stood up. Blake stumbled out of the couch, trying to take off his clothes as he advanced on Masoud. A minute later, he had his face in-between Masoud’s legs, licking the borrowed vulva. Codi was behind him, but more demure about getting undressed. “Oh my God, it tastes just like a chick!” Blake exclaimed. “Codi, you’ve gotta try eating out your boyfriend’s pussy.” “Well, when you put it that way…” Codi muttered, but she still leaned in to flick her tongue over the mahogany folds. At the same time, Masoud gripped a handful of Blake’s hair and pulled the other man a little higher up. “Oh, I know what you want,” Blake said a moment before the cock went into his mouth. Masoud was smart enough to not grab Codi that way — she could like a little bossing around, but she was the one who was in charge. Masoud was in heaven. He was getting his cock sucked by an expert, and his pussy eaten by a woman who knew a thing or two about cunnilingus. His brain was overloaded with pleasure from both sexual organs. It did not take him long to cum, and the climax came from both sets of genitals. Blake swallowed, returning Masoud’s favor from the day before, but Codi pulled away. It was a bit crowded down there. “I gotta fuck him,” Blake said, wiping his chin. Codi stood up and finished undressing, revealing her curvaceous hips and sizable, H-cup breasts. “Let’s get you some,” she said. “Now he owes me some pussy eating.” A minute later, Masoud was on his hands and knees. Codi was sitting on the couch in front of him, her legs spread, and he was voraciously returning the favor, lapping at her folds. Blake had speared his cock into Masoud’s borrowed quim and was pumping away, occasionally reaching up to grab a handful of Masoud’s breasts. “God, man, your pussy is so fucking tight!” Blake said. “This feels even better than your ass.” Masoud groaned something in response, but Codi pressed down on his head and he just kept licking at the blonde’s lower lips and clit. Codi had both hands in his hair; he wasn’t going anywhere until she got off. When she did get off, Masoud took over on top. He pushed Blake to the ground and straddled his hips, guiding Blake’s prick into his female sex once more. “Oh, wow,” Masoud muttered, trying to get comfortable. “I don’t know if my legs as used to spreading enough for this.” “Takes some getting used to, doesn’t it?” Codi chuckled before lowing herself onto Blake’s face. As Blake started to fuck Masoud again, Codi leaned in and kissed Masoud. He was thrilled to get this sign of affection, Codi’s first since yesterday. He didn’t even mind that she was caressing his breasts; he started to return the favor. The couple continued to wordlessly kiss and fondle each other while Blake gratified both of them. It was cathartic for them to connect like this, getting lost in each other. It only ended when Blake came, bellowing a loud cry into Codi’s pussy as he shot his load into Masoud’s. Masoud and Codi leaned against each other, chuckling at the oddity of it all, panting. At that moment, though, Masoud realized that his appetites had returned. His cock was hard again and his hunger grumbled within him. He looked at Codi and thought about it. He decided no. Things were still touchy with her. He didn’t want to ruin that. Blake, however… Masoud finished kissing Codi, then guided her off of Blake’s face. He climbed off of Blake himself and felt a slow trickle start between his legs. Once Codi was clear, he quickly turned Blake over onto his side and spread his legs. “Wait, are you really…oh, come on, man, at least warm me up a little!” Blake protested as Masoud started to press his dick up between his thighs. “Come on, babe, I got this,” Codi said. She was throwing away her inhibitions and getting into it now. She lay herself across Blake’s body and took Masoud’s erection into her mouth, while at the same time she began to finger Blake. She was able to skillfully work both men, lubing up Masoud’s cock with her saliva while loosening up Blake with her fingers. The truth was that she loved watching her boyfriend fuck other men, and she was good at helping him out. As she worked Blake’s receptive hole, she used her free hand to start playing with Masoud’s pussy again. He sharply withdrew his breath and she looked up at him with a grin. “That’s just so weird, I can’t help myself.” As soon as she was done speaking, she went back to sucking his cock. Soon, Masoud’s arousal was reaching critical levels, He gently pushed Codi away with a grunt, then pulled Blake up to his hands and knees. “Okay,” Blake said, but Masoud wasn’t sure it would have mattered. He clambered forward and thrust into his receptive roommate. Blake cried out as Masoud began to fuck him hard. — Codi watched for a minute or two. She was very turned on seeing her boyfriend pound another man. It made him seem so dominant and masculine…even if he had tits and a pussy. Actually, that made her think… Masoud continued jackhammering away at Blake as Codi stood up. She stepped around and ended up behind him. He slowed as she wrapped an arm around his waist, pressing her soft breasts against his back. With her other hand, she reached down under Masoud’s ass and found the slit he had borrowed from Dakshi. It took a minute, but soon they coordinated and Codi was finger banging Masoud while he was railing Blake. The train continued for several minutes, Masoud and Blake in wordless ecstasy and Codi in proud control. From the way Masoud was breathing and groaning, she could tell that she had him close. In fact, he definitely responded better to being penetrated, so first she had one finger, then two in and then it seemed like all of a sudden she was fisting him. That was a new sensation for her, but it did the trick. Masoud came loudly and explosively with Codi’s hand and wrist inside his cunt. Masoud recovered quickly from his climax and looked at Codi hard as she withdrew her hand. She blushed. “What?” Conflict played out over his face and he reached behind himself with one of Dakshi’s arms to give her a squeeze. He then shook his head, wordlessly, and pulled away. He climbed up on Blake, who was lying on his belly, panting at the exertion from behind used like that. “You’re going inside me too,” Codi heard Masoud murmur to Blake. Their roommate started to respond, but Masoud did not acknowledge him and instead continued to climb up. He only stopped after he had completely passed Blake, and now had his hips by Blake’s head. Dakshi’s right arm grabbed a handful of Blake’s hair and Masoud rocked back. Blake started to ask what as going on, but then his head disappeared. Codi’s mouth dropped again. She was not expecting this and it took a long time for her brain to even begin to grasp what was going on. By that point, Blake’s head, shoulders, and the top part of his chest were all in Masoud’s borrowed vagina, and Masoud showed no signs of stopping. It was definitely slower than when he devoured Dakshi, but the effect was the same. Blake was bodily entering Masoud. Masoud seemed to climax repeatedly as he drew in Blake’s abs and hips, He worked in powerful contractions, pulling Blake to a kneeling position and drawing him in. At last, his pussy claimed Blake’s legs and the other man was gone. Masoud rolled over, revealing the massive bulge in his abdomen where Blake had gone. It was just Masoud and Codi now and Codi could not contain her curiosity. She crawled forward on her hands and knees and began to caress Masoud’s bulging belly. Her boyfriend panted, his eyes closed, trying to catch his breath and recenter himself. She could feel Blake’s body squirming inside Masoud. “Incredible,” she breathed, staring at Masoud’s body in amazement. She yelped when she felt a contraction beneath her hand. Masoud moaned louder as he doubled over. He had started to absorb Blake, just as he had absorbed Dakshi earlier. His belly tightened and shrank. Codi could feel Blake’s body soften and almost evaporate under her hand. Masoud cried out in pleasure and exertion as he processed his roommate. The changes began, this time even quicker than when Masoud had absorbed Dakshi. Within a minute, Masoud was noticeably taller, had a third pair of arms, and now had a second cock next to his original. Codi was astounded at how much faster the process had gone and was so entranced with trying to figure out the biology that she didn’t notice the intent stare that Masoud had fixed her with until it was too late. Four hands took hold of her arms and shoulders and Codi found herself drawn in. Masoud planted his lips on hers and held them there for a while. When they opened their mouths to let their tongues play, Codi felt a second tongue from his mouth entwine hers. That was a little disconcerting, but it felt good. Codi relaxed into the kiss, knowing that if he wanted to eat her there wasn’t much she could do. But he let her go, instead, and she became aware of the two dicks rubbing up against her breasts. “Baby, I’m so horny again,” Masoud practically wined. His voice was thick and he stumbled over the second tongue in his mouth, but he didn’t seem to care. Codi chuckled and took a hold of one cock in each hand. She looked into Masoud’s face and gasped a little. His right eye was now the same icy blue color as Blake’s, while his left remained the same dark brown she was used to. It was a surprise, but Masoud was so aroused that her stroking his dicks that he did not notice her reaction. “I think I can help you out with that,” she replied, regaining control. “Just don’t eat me, okay?” “Why not?” Masoud thrust into her grip. Codi responded with another kiss. “Tomorrow,” she whispered. “You and me together, alone. It’ll be special when I become part of you. But tonight, I want to see what you can do with two tongues.” Masoud went back to kissing her. That would have to wait. It might kill him, but at least in the meantime he was going to have some fun with his new body and hers. (* * *) |
Don’t Get Caught By TwrchTwryth Scott thought it was time to step up his game. Donna, his girlfriend, was starting to drift under the blanket next to him. Apparently, Hercules vs the Moon Men wasn't keeping her interest. It certainly wasn't keeping his, but it wasn't like he watched Italian sword and sandals flicks because he wanted to. That was Donna's thing. As another set of characters struggled against an endless and monotonous sand storm, Scott started to move. His arm had been around Donna's shoulders; now it moved lower to reach for the soft breast under her shirt. At the same time, he started to kiss her cheek and tried to nuzzle her face toward his. "Come on, Scott, no," Donna said, pushing away at him gently. "I told you, I'm tired. I just want to watch a movie and go to bed, okay?" Scott couldn't suppress a sigh of disappointment, but he was a good guy. "Okay, babe, I get it. I'm sorry, you're just so sexy." "And you're so cute when you're desperate for sex. Tomorrow, okay?" "Okay." Scott was frustrated, but he knew that she had feelings too and he was going to respect them. It was probably for the best, any way, since a few minutes later (sandstorm still going), another voice from behind the couch asked, "What's this crap?" That was Kelly, Donna's roommate. Scott looked back and gulped. Kelly, a hot brunette with a great body, had barely covered that body. She was wearing a tiny pair of booty-cut panties and even looking at her mostly head on he could see some cheek, thanks in part to her perfectly protuberant ass. Her firm breasts were barely covered by a tiny crop top and she clearly was not wearing a bra. "Oh, hey, Kelly," Scott said meekly, quickly averting his eyes. That did not help his erection. "Kell." Donna's voice dripped with annoyance. "I thought you were asleep." Kelly shrugged, the act lifting her top to show of the underside her breasts and a hint of areola. "Yeah, just wants to get some water." Kelly walked past the couch and into the kitchen. Scott desperately tried to not look at the fine behind as she lingered in the doorway. She finally emerged with a glass of water and wrinkled up her nose at the continuing sandstorm on the screen. "Kay. Night." "Good night, Kell," Donna said. Scott waved a little as he kept his eyes squarely on the TV. He was soon caught up in the shocking cinematic abomination that was this interminable sandstorm. He felt for the actors who must have spent countless hours fumbling through high winds and debris. Jesus, it must have been almost as bad as watching it. This was worse than the actual apocalypse. Where was that oven-mitt-wearing, KKK-grand-wizard-owl-looking-ass cheap-ass-looking-ass moon man when you needed him? When the sandstorm was finally over, Scott found that his sanity was not the only casualty. Donna was out, sound asleep. He smiled; the raven-haired woman was adorable in her much-needed slumber. Shaking his head, he gently disentangled himself and stood up. He was trying to figure out how to move her to bed when he had a sudden fright. Kelly was still standing there, a look of disgust on her face. "Holy shit," the brunette whispered, "I feel like I just entered a pocket universe where time works differently, and if I look outside there will be flying cars." Scott chuckled, looking down at Donna. "I know, right? That felt like a mad scientist's experiment to try to find our breaking point." Kelly giggled, then asked, "Donna asleep?" "Yeah, gotta figure out how to -- " "Wanna fuck?" "to -- to -- to move her." Scott blinked in surprise. Kelly started to walk over to him. "I don't think I stuttered, but let me say it again." She was now inches away from him, looking up with sensual intensity. "Wanna fuck?" "You mean--?" Kelly rolled her eyes and made a circle with her thumb and forefinger, then started to suggestively jab her other pointer in and out. "Do you want to put your P in my V?" Scott felt his eyes bulging. He looked back to Donna, who was still sleeping soundly two feet away. "But what about...?" "We'll just have to quiet," Kelly murmured, pressing her body against Scott and wrapping her arms around him. "Besides, isn't the possibility of getting caught part of what makes it so fun?" Scott fumbled for words, but at that point his libido overpowered his qualms and bit to thumb at his morality. He didn't bother kissing Kelly; he just grabbed a handful of her ass before pushing down on her shoulders. "The man knows what he likes!" Kelly laughed as she pulled down Scott's shorts. She didn't say anything else as she took his rock hard member into her mouth. Scott started to moan, but clapped his hand over his mouth and stifled it while Kelly glared up from his groin. Donna did not move. Kelly kept up the blowjob for a few minutes, but then it was her turn to receive some oral pleasure. She lay on the couch, her top now riding up and exposing her breasts, and Scott pulled off her panties before burying his face between her legs. Kelly could not suppress a low moan, but she did manage to keep it very quiet and Scott settled in to eat her pussy. Scott did not quite get her off before Kelly pulled him up. She turned around and climbed up on the couch. She arched her back and suggestively wiggles her rear. Looking back over her shoulder, she mouthed "Go for it." Scott didn't need to be told twice. He mounted Kelly, driving down into her, then stopped to see if they had disturbed Donna. Nothing. Without anything to hold him back now he started to thrust away. She rose up toward him, accepting his manhood into her feminine center. It felt very good for Scott, but he had to hold back and stay quiet. He wanted to become a pelvic jackhammer, but it was absolutely essential that the motion and the noise not wake up Donna. It was hot to risk being caught; it would be a disaster to actually get caught. Kelly seemed to be having the same problems that he was, having to visibly slow herself and noticeable stifle her moans. They moved to the floor, where they could a little less circumspect. Scott was on top again, pumping through missionary. He let loose a few groans of pleasure, but still was not as loud as he normally would have been. It turns out that they were not quiet enough. Scott eventually rolled over and now Kelly.m crawled on top of him. Before she settled in, she looked over and reflexively exclaimed "SHIT!" Scott shot up on his elbows. His stomach turned as he realized that Donna was awake and watching them. "Oh, fuck, babe, I--" "Shut it," Donna said. "I don't care what you have to said. Either of you." Before either could react, Donna threw off the blanket covering her legs. She had taken off the shorts that she had been wearing and was naked bow the waist. She swung her legs over the side of the couch and spread them, openings her vulva to the flagrant two. "I don't care who does it, but one of you is eating my pussy. Now." Kelly, who was still straddling Scott with his member still inside her, looked to Scott and shrugged. "No problem. I got this." With that, the brunette leaned in and began to kiss her roommate's sex. Donna grinned and adjusted to give Kelly easier access. Kelly lapped at Donna's quim with penitent enthusiasm. "You two were being naughty, weren't you?" Donna asked, grabbing a handful of Kelly's hair. Kelly kept at her slit. "Thought I was going to sleep through that, huh? I guess I don't sleep as heavy as you hoped." Scott decided to keep quiet. Nothing he said, he thought, would be helpful. He would just count his blessings and keep thrusting. He kept it up when Donna stood up, still holding Kelly's hair, and stepped over them. She shoved Kelly's face back into her groin after the brunette gasped for air, and Kelly went back to work. Scott was loving this and trying to think of disturbing images to forestall his climax. He didn't want to go off too early and miss it or disappoint them. But after one bout of closed eye concentration, he saw a disturbing image in real life. While he had been in his own head, Donna had shoved Kelly's into her snatch. "What the holy shit?!" Scott shouted as Kelly's body convulsed with surprised. "Keep fucking her," Donna hissed, her teeth clenched and eyes tightly closed with focus. She lowered her hips quickly, bearing down so that Kelly's arms were pinned to her sides by the encroaching vulva. Scott's mind was racing, but his hips resumed thrusting. Was this some sort of sex act he'd never hear of? Did Kelly know that Donna could do this? Could Donna breathe in there? How much of Kelly could Donna fit in her pussy? It was beginning to get intimidating as Donna's labia slid down over Kelly's breasts and shoulder blades. "Keep fucking her," Donna repeated and Scott complied. His libido wasn't necessarily decreasing to see his girlfriend shove her roommate into her cunt, but his mind reeled. He obediently complied, and started thrusting into Kelly again. He started to suspect by the brunette's struggling that she wasn't any more prepared for this than he had been. Donna eased down until her sex had engulfed Kelly to her waist. At this point, Donna could somewhat comfortably suit or squat, supported on Kelly's legs and hips. Her eyes opened again, spiteful slits casting down baleful contempt. Scott realized that he was in trouble. "If you want to finish in this little whore, you better do it fast." The words were practically a growl. "If you wanted this slut so bad that you royally fucked us up, you better get everything you wanted from her." Scott was too confused to say anything, so he just kept pistoning his hips, driving his member into Kelly's wet, constrained embrace. Donna sneered and started to sink lower and suddenly Scott found himself climaxing. Donna scoffed as Scott cried out, but she paused. "You're contemptible." Scott whined a little, wordlessly, in response. Donna stood up, her face resuming that expression of angry concentration. As she rose, she seemed to contract and Kelly's hips were pulled up into her own. Kelly kicked, trying to work herself free, but only succeeded in driving her foot into Scott's recently emptied scrotum. He roared in pain at the explosion of agony between his legs and rolled onto his side, clutching his groin. Donna couldn't help but laugh uproariously. "Good! Couldn't have happened to a more deserving asshole." Scott whimpered in response and looked up to see Donna draw Kelly's legs the rest of the way into her. Her lower abdomen bulged out as though she were seven months pregnant, which was still much smaller than Scott would have experienced. Donna shuddered with pleasure, then collected herself. "Get dressed, you asshole, and get out," she demanded, standing over Scott. "Baby--" "Shut the fuck up. Don't you dare 'baby' me, asshole. We're done here, now I want you to get out of my apartment." "I'm so sorry, she--" "I still don't care, Scott. Shut up. You were fucking my roommate. And in the same room where I was sleeping? Did you want me to catch you?" Scott had made it to his feet. Though he was taller than Donna, it definitely felt like she was looking down at him. "No, I --" "Didn't I tell you to shut the fuck you, you unbelievable piece of shit?" Donna screamed at him. Scott shut up as she pulled on his shorts. "You should just be glad that Kelly volunteered to eat me out. I was going to squick whoever took me up on that." "What do you mean?" Scott paused as he put his shirt on and Donna slapped him in the chest. It stung. "She's not getting out of there, Scott. You wouldn't have, either, if it had been you. Now you need to get out of here before you join her." "But--Kelly--" Donna put her hands on her hips, her glare withering the words in Scott's throat. She practically glowed in her naked fury. "She's gone now. I didn't think either of you would get to see this side of me, but then you had to go and cheat on me with that slut." Donna's belly gurgled, as if to emphasize the point. "Now get. Out." Scott finished dressing himself and Donna slapped his shoulder, a biting prompt to just get out of the apartment. He stumbled under her assault, especially when the bulging belly butted up against him incidentally, and he quickly retreated from his (ex-)girlfriend's ire. Then sandstorm on the screen was finally over, but the storm of Donna's scorn rages hot in the apartment. He scooped his shoes and nearly tripped as he retreated through the front door. "Babe, I'm sorry," he said. "Fuck you, you asshole. You're a total choad and I don't want to ever see you again!" The door slamming clipped the final syllable, but Donna's vitriol still bubbled in Scott's ears, leaving him panting and shell shocked, barefoot on the stoop. It took three minutes for Scott to snap out of it. He finally started to put on his socks and shoes and mumbled, to no one in particular, "Well, that escalated quickly." |
Anniversary Toy By TwrchTwryth Somewhere in Golden Valley. Last year. Candles, fine wine, dim lights, soft music, good pasta. It had been a delightfully romantic evening for Tonya and Audrey, the perfect, low-key way to celebrate two years together. The two had giggled and chatted and played a little footsie under the table, comfortable in their shared affection and reveling in their relationship. The door to the bedroom was open, and either of them could look over to see Monica Montserrat, their friend and member of their poly-family, tied up to the foot of their bed, upside-down, spread-eagled, blindfolded, and gagged. A two-headed, C-shaped sex toy was plugged into her lower orifices, where it buzzed quietly. They would come back to her when they were ready; for now she was just a bit of decoration. The dinner seemed to Monica to last for hours. She was almost completely immobilized, her legs taut and opened by the cords around her ankles, her arms tied together behind her back, with another cord holding her waist to the footboard. Her head rested on the carpet, her shoulders on the floor, so she didn’t have too much blood rushing to her head, but it was a stressful position. The toy was enough to tug at her attention and keep her on edge, but the setting was too low for to fulfill her desire. That just made it better. Her sex cried for stimulation more loudly than her limbs cried for mobility or her head cried for relief. That waiting, that inability to actively take part in her own situation, intensified her arousal. Being bound, being forced to wait, being teased, her autonomy taken from her and completely ceded to her lovers…that’s what Monica loved. Tonya and Audrey certainly took their time. They talked about their days, their jobs, their memories together, their hopes for the future. Monica was a little jealous that, despite her extensive poly-family, she did not currently have a primary paramour. She found herself floating from one couple or group to another, or else engaging in fulfilling one-night stands. It was fun, something she had actively sought and participated in for years, but seeing — well, hearing — how well these two complemented each other made her want something like it. Finally, Monica heard the two of them start to clear off the table. Footsteps and voices moved away from her at first, then the music turned off and they started to come back to her. They were close, in the same room, and then the voices stopped, replaced only with the occasional wet smack of kissing and contented little non-word exclamations. Monica could practically feel them in the room near her, as though the deprivation of her sight and the rendering useless of her sense of touch had given her a new sense. She thought of ampullae of Lorenzini, and her mouth sighed in a slight smile. The gag wouldn’t let her grin all the way. Monica twitched as she heard a rustling. That sounded like clothing coming off. An effervescent thud near her head seemed to confirm that one of the women, at least, was undressing. Enough rustling continued that Monica was confident hat both of them were doffing their clothing. She pictured what was likely happening next, the two beautiful young women embracing and kissing each other, ready to physically celebrate their time together. Monica wished she could see, since Tonya and Audrey were a very attractive couple, but of course that would ruin some of the fun. So she listened, helplessly, trying to hear the sound of them caressing each other, tasting each other, glorifying bodies that were at once familiar and endlessly fascinating. Hands would have been caressing hips, cheeks, waists, breasts, bellies. Tongues would be coiling around each other or else seeking other delicious parts of the lovers’ bodies. The image in her mind raised Monica’s arousal and the toys kept vibrating, but it still was not enough to raise her beyond agonizing, delicious arousal. After long minutes of wet smacking lips, salacious giggles, and teasing moans, Monica heard steps. They were approaching her, and then she felt a pair of legs press against hers. Whoever this was, she was straddling Monica’s body, their thighs touching. She only stayed for a few moments, as she started demanding the other come get her. That was Audrey, then. Tonya must have pushed her onto the bed, since Monica felt Audrey fall back with a giggle and a laugh. Her hips hit the toys and jostled them, eliciting a loud grunt from Monica and a little bit of laugh from the other two. Monica could feel the other one, Tonya, climb over her now, and Tonya gave the two another jostle on her way over. Monica responded with another moan. She fouled feel the mattress sag as the two women embraced on the mattress, their feet occasionally brushing into Monica’s legs and the toy, each point of contact making her shudder. They almost completely disregarded her; any pleasure at this point was by accident. She felt so objectified, and that was such an incredible feeling for her. Moans of lust and pleasure drifted down to Monica’s ears, just one of the signature sensory experiences of the two’s love-making. Monica could hear them, could feel the bed, could smell the fragrant aroma of passion, and still the toy was not quite enough. Their ambient presence, even though not directed at Monica, was almost enough to bring over over the edge, but the climax still fiendishly and reverentially eluded her. Tonya and Audrey went on for time inconceivable to Monica. She had no reference other than her breath and heartbeat, which was easily drowned out by the lovers’ passionate exchanges. Monica’s mind was focused on how she imagined her friends to be embraced, pleasuring each other, her own lovely discomfort only occasionally accentuating her salacious imaginings. She pictured their graceful forms intertwining as fingers and hands sought out sensitive regions and tongues probed about. She could barely stifle a grunt of unheeded arousal as she heard Audrey sing out in climax, a call to be answered and reflected by Tonya hazy eons later. The two lovers panted and whispered sweet nothings to each other, their sultry sibilants sliding over Monica’s ears. They giggled and kissed and basked in their refractory love for each other. It was such delicious agony for Monica to have to listen, have to be in such close proximity and be unable to partake. At long last, the Audrey reminded Tonya about their guest, and Tonya agreed that it as time to play with Monica. The bound woman’s body tensed reflexively as the two on the bed started to move toward her. First it was tickling. Monica squealed reflexively around the gag and her body shook at the sudden assault on her bare soles. She tried to wriggle away, but of course she could not get far; she was too tightly bound. She just trembled and squirmed. The tickling slowed as other hands slid smoothly, slowly across Monica’s legs, from her heels up her halves, fingers fluttering in the back of knee before the full palm caressed her thighs, eliciting more tremors of consuming anticipation. Audrey and Tonya giggled between themselves, but Monica’s arousal was too great for her to try to focus on anything that was not purely tactile, especially as those fingers stopped tickling her feet and a hand started to wiggle the toy that filled both of her holes. She realized that it had been slowing for some time now, the batteries finally giving out after how many days of service at this point. Probably not days, Monica knew somewhere, but she was beginning to wonder if there was any life other than being tied up and teased like this. She was fine if there wasn’t. This was pleasant enough. The toy was wiggled back and forth as other hands still caressed her legs and abdomen, and it was pushed deeper and drawn out shallower, changing and manipulating Monica’s enjoyment, and still never quite giving her that orgasm she desired so badly. Her captors kept this up for a while, until suddenly the toy was pulled entirely out. There may have been a warning, but Monica couldn’t listen. She grunted in surprise at the sudden emptiness She knew she wouldn’t be empty for long. Now fingers replaced the toy, first running lightly over her agonizingly aroused erogenous anatomy, then gently, coyly prodding, then easily pushing into, plunging, exploring her depths. Fingers were followed by whole fists and forearms, stretching out both Monica’s sizzling sex and her eager anus. Both Audrey and Tonya were exploring her now and four limbs, two in each orifice, got her so.unbelievably. close. But they knew what they were doing and stopped moving, then slowly, inch-by-inch withdrew their forearms and fists and fingers, denying Monica from her long-awaited climax. She nearly screamed as her clit felt like it was going to pop. This just made them giggle at the power they held over her. They knew that she loved every horrible moment and in mere moments they would give her all that she wanted and more. The two lovers kissed as they confirmed their plan, Monica panting in sentience-wrecking build-up. At long last, one of the two of them got off the bed, intentionally brushing her naked body against Monica’s. She reached down and gave Monica’s heavy left breast a teasing, affectionate squeeze and Monica gasped in surprise. She had completely forgotten about her sensitive mammaries, so focused was she on the longing between her legs. She did not know what to do with this stimulation. She did not have to think long. She realized from the conversation that it was Audrey who had stepped off the bed. That meant that it was Audrey’s foot that shortly pressed down on Monica’s vulva and, after lining up, slid easily, wholly into her. In one easy movement, Audrey stepped into Monica down to her knee. The orgasm finally hit. A waterfall of pleasure, millions of gallons of psychotropic ecstasy blasted through Monica’s mind and body. She screamed so loudly that she could not hear it, she shook so hard that she could not feel it. She completely lost her perception of the world around her for long minutes as she rode the orgasmic tidal wave The outside world continued to move as her body quaked and convulsed, but she was unaware. When Monica’s revery finally gave way, she realized just how much things had changed. Audrey now had both legs inside Monica’s snatch. She sat on Monica’s hips, her own hips still outside the accommodating pussy. The two lovers were talking and now it was Tonya’s turn. Within moments of regaining her consciousness, Monica felt a foot press against her tight rear entrance and she immediately relaxed. She wanted this, to be filled up once again. Tonya obliged, gently pressing her way into Monica’s anus, and history repeated itself. Once she had her left feet up to her knee, another violent tremor of a climax hit Monica. It wasn’t the same thing as a traditional, since it originated in her sensitive rear instead of her sex, but it was still a body-shaking climax as her teased bud was finally absolved in gratification. The contractions of her body pulled Audrey in further, drawing her down to her waist. Audrey squealed and protested, but this movement was completely involuntary on Monica’s part. They had built her up, now they had to live with the consequences. It did make Tonya speed up, though, and she quickly worked her second foot into the tight, warm passage of Monica’s colon. As soon as she was ready, she then pushed off and wiggled her way down until she was about even with Audrey. That wiggling, along with Audrey’s squirming presence, was enough to trigger another climax, but Monica fought it as long as she could to try to let the lovers become even in their descents. They were both pulled into Monica’s body down to their breasts, and Monica heard them kissing and moaning. This was what they had been building up to. Both Audrey and Tonya enjoyed being prey and they wanted some time to make out while both being taken in. Monica made for a very willing vessel of their desires, and once she came down from her climax, she did her best to stall their descent, in order to give her friends the opportunity to best enjoy each other. From what she could tell, Audrey and Tonya made the most of the opportunity. She could feel them moving around within her and the echoes of the movement of their heads and arms weaving, caressing. For several long minutes, Monica could hear the two of them kissing each other, the smacking of lips supplemented by their amorous moans. At last, Monica could not hold off any longer. She let out a loud moan to try to warn them a moment before her self-control gave in. Her pelvic muscles grasped and pulled and she felt four breasts enter her. Shoulders came next and finally she felt the two women’s heads pulled away, their kiss finally broken as Monica sucked them both inside her. Thinking about that image — the two lovers kissing until the final end — set off a final wave of orgasmic bliss that forced Monica’s body to suck down their arms as well. When Monica’s head cleared again, she was alone. Not really alone; Audrey and Tonya were with her, inside her body, swelling it with their presence. She could feel them contentedly squirming, separated by mere millimeters of warm flesh. Monica luxuriated in the intoxicating afterglow, her entire being pervaded by a warm aura of fuzzy happiness. Eventually, she knew, the discomfort from the position would get to be too great and she would have to let Tonya and Audrey out. She would wait a bit, though, for her pleasure and theirs. She was very experienced at being tied up, and could take it for a while longer yet. Monica hoped it had been a memorable anniversary celebration for them, but she honestly wasn’t too worried about it. It certainly had been for her, and she was confident that they had enjoyed it at least a fraction as much as she had. |
Vorno: Mistaken Identity By TwrchTwryth I was surprised to see Sloane's car my driveway when I got home. I thought my girlfriend was working today, which is why I had gone out for a hike instead of spending the day with her. I was also surprised that she hadn't tried to get a hold of me when I wasn't home, and wondered how long she had been there. She wasn't around when I walked in. "Hello? Sloane?" I called. "In...unnnhh...in here..."she called from down the hall. Was she in my parents' room? I followed the sound of her voice and soon heard some rhythmic slapping. Rhythmic in that primal way. It was clearly the sound of two people fucking. My parents' door was open and when I looked in, I saw -- yep -- two people fucking. In this case, Sloane was on her back -- or, really, her shoulders -- hips in the air, while my Dad was busy fucking her ass. Dad looked back at me and nodded. "Hi, Ji Yoo." I'll admit I gasped. "Wait, I thought you didn't do anal?" Sloane groaned. "She's very...persuasive..." So, a note about genders and pronouns. Dad and Sloane are both futas and present as women with penises. I'm cisfemale. Yes, my given name is Ji Yoo, nod to the homeland, but only my parents call me that. Everyone else calls me Jenny. I sat down on the bed next to Sloan and gently pet her forehead. She was flushed and sweaty and panting. Dad was obviously putting her through her paces, and continued to thrust a solid foot of Korean dick in and out of my auburn-haired girlfriend's butthole. Sloane's own cock, a little shorter and a lot skinnier, nonetheless bounced between her perky tits and against her face. "Wait, are those handcuffs?" I blurted as I realized that Sloane's arms were bound behind her back. "Uh...huh..." Sloane moaned. "Please, let me get off..." I looked up at Dad, who had slowed her thrusts to an even, deep cadence. "How long have you been fucking her?" I asked. "Hmm..." Dad checked her smart watch. "Yeah, about three hours now." "Three hours!?" "It was a little bit after you left." Dad bottomed out and stayed there, supporting herself with a hand against the wall. "She thought you were the only one home and got in the shower with me." "I already apologized!" Sloane wailed. I looked at my Dad crossly. Reading my looks, she quickly responded. "Yes, I haven't let her cum yet since the latest reformation, but she knows the safe word if she wants me to stop. I've even eaten her twice, and she just comes back for more." Sloane winced and cried out, "Please, just put my cock in my mouth and I'll do it!" She emphasized this by trying to move her head around to achieve it, but the glans stayed stuck on her chin. "God, when did you get so kinky?" I giggled. "Okay, Dad, mind if I take this end?" "No, I'll flip her over when you're ready." Dad went back to pounding Sloane's ass as I stood up and got undressed. Watching my girlfriend get absolutely dominated, even if it was by my Dad, was incredibly arousing. She was helplessly in need of release and that was exhilarating. "Okay, babe, I'll get you off, but first you gotta do me," I teased. Dad stood up and slowly withdrew her cock, which I swear just about made a popping sound as the thick head emerged from Sloane's colon. Sloane cried out and jerked, and I expected her to cum right there, but she remained unfulfilled. Sloane's hips tipped back over to the bed and Dad rolled her over. The handcuffs stayed on as I positioned myself, legs spread, pussy in front of Sloane's face. I reached down and cradled her head in my hands. "If you want to cum, you have to make me cum first." "Please..." Sloane moaned, looking up at me with those big blue eyes. She was desperate for release. "You know what you have to do." With one more adjustment of my hips, I brought my vulva close enough to Sloane's mouth that she could extend her tongue and pleasure me, which she wasted no time in doing. It was awkward, since her arms were cuffed behind her back, but that just added to the sensuality of it all. Dad let her lick my cunny for a little bit, really focus on my pleasure, before she started prodding between Sloane's cheeks again. Sloane's whine turned into a scream of pleasure and her body shook when Dad finally slammed home her full length. She didn't wait any longer, and her tireless hips resumed pounding against my girlfriend. Sloane was obviously distracted and the basic quality of her cunnilingus deteriorated. However, this loss in quality was more than made up for by the sex-charged atmosphere. The room was full of the sounds of us fucking, from the physical slapping of Dad's hips against Sloane's to the oral exclamations of pleasure, Dad grunting quietly and almost stoically, me moaning, and Sloane gasping and whining and groaning. It took several blissful minutes, but I was the first one to cum, my eyes rolling, my body jerking as I forced Sloane's face against my pussy. I rolled in the pleasure, letting myself go and for a few seconds I was in ecstasy. When I came back to earth, I looked up at Dad. "I think we can let her get off now, huh?" Dad nodded. "What are you thinking?" "How about I get under her, that way you can fuck her while she fucks me?" "Okay." There was some shuffling, but the handcuffs didn't come off and Dad's cock didn't come out of her ass. Dad grabbed Sloane's tits and pulled her up while I wiggled under her. I took her aching cock and lined it up with my eager pussy. She screamed so loud when she finally thrust inside me that I was surprised once again that she didn't cum immediately. Dad started to pump, which made Sloane thrust back and forth in my pussy. We were all enjoying it for a few seconds before I realized that I felt something. "Whoa!" I reflexively called out. "What's wrong?" Dad asked. "Huh?" Sloane grunted in confusion. "Dad, every time you thrust, I can feel your cock through Sloane's stomach." It was true. She was poking me through my girlfriend. Dad laughed, but then caught herself and looked sheepish at me. Sloan couldn’t help but giggle herself. “So, uh, how do you want to do this, then?” Dad asked. “Well, I kinda want to see her with a cock in her mouth, so... Conflicting modification on January 24, 2020 at 9:38:21 AM: I was surprised to see Sloane's car my driveway when I got home. I thought my girlfriend was working today, which is why I had gone out for a hike instead of spending the day with her. I was also surprised that she hadn't tried to get a hold of me when I wasn't home, and wondered how long she had been there. She wasn't around when I walked in. "Hello? Sloane?" I called. "In...unnnhh...in here..."she called from down the hall. Was she in my parents' room? I followed the sound of her voice and soon heard some rhythmic slapping. Rhythmic in that primal way. It was clearly the sound of two people fucking. My parents' door was open and when I looked in, I saw -- yep -- two people fucking. In this case, Sloane was on her back -- or, really, her shoulders -- hips in the air, while my Dad was busy fucking her ass. Dad looked back at me and nodded. "Hi, Ji Yoo." I'll admit I gasped. "Wait, I thought you didn't do anal?" Sloane groaned. "She's very...persuasive..." So, a note about genders and pronouns. Dad and Sloane are both futas and present as women with penises. I'm cisfemale. Yes, my given name is Ji Yoo, nod to the homeland, but only my parents call me that. Everyone else calls me Jenny. I sat down on the bed next to Sloan and gently pet her forehead. She was flushed and sweaty and panting. Dad was obviously putting her through her paces, and continued to thrust a solid foot of Korean dick in and out of my auburn-haired girlfriend's butthole. Sloane's own cock, a little shorter and a lot skinnier, nonetheless bounced between her perky tits and against her face. "Wait, are those handcuffs?" I blurted as I realized that Sloane's arms were bound behind her back. "Uh...huh..." Sloane moaned. "Please, let me get off..." I looked up at Dad, who had slowed her thrusts to an even, deep cadence. "How long have you been fucking her?" I asked. "Hmm..." Dad checked her smart watch. "Yeah, about three hours now." "Three hours!?" "It was a little bit after you left." Dad bottomed out and stayed there, supporting herself with a hand against the wall. "She thought you were the only one home and got in the shower with me." "I already apologized!" Sloane wailed. I looked at my Dad crossly. Reading my looks, she quickly responded. "Yes, I haven't let her cum yet since the latest reformation, but she knows the safe word if she wants me to stop. I've even eaten her twice, and she just comes back for more." Sloane winced and cried out, "Please, just put my cock in my mouth and I'll do it!" She emphasized this by trying to move her head around to achieve it, but the glans stayed stuck on her chin. "God, when did you get so kinky?" I giggled. "Okay, Dad, mind if I take this end?" "No, I'll flip her over when you're ready." Dad went back to pounding Sloane's ass as I stood up and got undressed. Watching my girlfriend get absolutely dominated, even if it was by my Dad, was incredibly arousing. She was helplessly in need of release and that was exhilarating. "Okay, babe, I'll get you off, but first you gotta do me," I teased. Dad stood up and slowly withdrew her cock, which I swear just about made a popping sound as the thick head emerged from Sloane's colon. Sloane cried out and jerked, and I expected her to cum right there, but she remained unfulfilled. Sloane's hips tipped back over to the bed and Dad rolled her over. The handcuffs stayed on as I positioned myself, legs spread, pussy in front of Sloane's face. I reached down and cradled her head in my hands. "If you want to cum, you have to make me cum first." "Please..." Sloane moaned, looking up at me with those big blue eyes. She was desperate for release. "You know what you have to do." With one more adjustment of my hips, I brought my vulva close enough to Sloane's mouth that she could extend her tongue and pleasure me, which she wasted no time in doing. It was awkward, since her arms were cuffed behind her back, but that just added to the sensuality of it all. Dad let her lick my cunny for a little bit, really focus on my pleasure, before she started prodding between Sloane's cheeks again. Sloane's whine turned into a scream of pleasure and her body shook when Dad finally slammed home her full length. She didn't wait any longer, and her tireless hips resumed pounding against my girlfriend. Sloane was obviously distracted and the basic quality of her cunnilingus deteriorated. However, this loss in quality was more than made up for by the sex-charged atmosphere. The room was full of the sounds of us fucking, from the physical slapping of Dad's hips against Sloane's to the oral exclamations of pleasure, Dad grunting quietly and almost stoically, me moaning, and Sloane gasping and whining and groaning. It took several blissful minutes, but I was the first one to cum, my eyes rolling, my body jerking as I forced Sloane's face against my pussy. I rolled in the pleasure, letting myself go and for a few seconds I was in ecstasy. When I came back to earth, I looked up at Dad. "I think we can let her get off now, huh?" Dad nodded. "What are you thinking?" "How about I get under her, that way you can fuck her while she fucks me?" "Okay." There was some shuffling, but the handcuffs didn't come off and Dad's cock didn't come out of her ass. Dad grabbed Sloane's tits and pulled her up while I wiggled under her. I took her aching cock and lined it up with my eager pussy. She screamed so loud when she finally thrust inside me that I was surprised once again that she didn't cum immediately. Dad started to pump, which made Sloane thrust back and forth in my pussy. We were all enjoying it for a few seconds before I realized that I felt something. "Whoa!" I reflexively called out. "What's wrong?" Dad asked. "Huh?" Sloane grunted in confusion. "Dad, every time you thrust, I can feel your cock through Sloane's stomach." It was true. She was poking me through my girlfriend. Dad laughed, but then caught herself and looked sheepish at me. "Sorry! How do you want to handle it instead?" It was funny, but I didn't really want to feel my Dad's dick. I did have a different idea. "Hey, babe, do you want me to suck your cock and eat you out?" I asked. "Anything..." Sloane begged. I think she was playing it up at this point. "Then how about you blow my Dad while I blow you?" "I am in favor of this plan," Dad added. "But..." Sloane started to protest, but I interrupted her. "If you've already reformed, your butt is completely clean..." Sloane shuddered in pleasure as Dad withdrew her member. I reached around and found the handcuffs. "We can even get these off you." "Okay..." Dad helped me get the cuffs off and soon we had Sloane half on her back, half on her side. I lay between her legs while Dad knelt by her head. I took her throbbing cock into my mouth and got two fingers into her slick snatch, slowly starting to give her some much longed-for pleasure as my Dad slowly started to feed inch-after-inch of hard cock into her throat. Again, even though it was my Dad, I was really turned on to see a big dick in Sloane's mouth. It was so attractive, even if I didn't have one myself. Must be like how a lot of boys like seeing women fuck each other. "God, you're so hot with a dick in your mouth," I murmured, taking a quick break from Sloane's cock. She moaned and I thought I saw a smile, and then I resumed the blowjob. I increased my speed and moved my fingers to Sloane's clit, tucked away under her scrotum. She immediately responded with a quivering moan. Once I started moving with real alacrity, Sloane didn't last long. I soon had her entire body shaking as her long delayed gratification overtook her. Sloane screamed, the sound muffled by my Dad's dick in her throat. Her back arched and her legs kicked as both of her sexes climaxed at once. Her pussy squeezed tightly around my finger. To her credit, she didn't pull her head away from Dad's shaft, and I kept her dick in my mouth, swallowing her salty cum even when her hips popped me in the face. As her contractions diminished, I sat up, grinning with pride. I swished around the last of her emission in my mouth before swallowing it. "Nice work," Dad nodded approvingly. She was squeezing Sloane's tits as she slowly pumped her hips back and forth. "Thanks," I giggled. "So, I was thinking," Dad started, a little cautiously, "I wanna finish up with her in a little bit and eat her one more time, but I kinda wanted to fill her up first..." I cocked my head. "Fill her up?" "Y'know, big cum load, so..." Dad blushed, "could I, uh, use you for some, uh, fuel?" I looked down at Sloane, still flushed from her orgasm, but still erect and now starting to become a more active participant in the blowjob. "Sure, but after we reform, she's all mine." "Deal." I extended my hand and Dad shook it. She pulled her cock out of Sloane's throat and my girlfriend coughed a little. "Promise you blow me in her ass?" I asked with a pointedly treacly voice. "I'd be delighted to," Dad replied. "Head first or feet first?" I shuffled around and lay down in a near sixty-nine position with Sloane. "Let's do feet first. Sloane, would you mind giving me a hand, or a finger?" "Sure," Sloane said. I bowed my head between her legs and started to lap at her pussy as she began to finger my cleft. Dad, meanwhile, lined up my feet with her cock. Within a few seconds I felt a damp warmth surround my toes, then the rest of my feet. The sensation continued to move up my legs as I ate out my girlfriend. Sloane's cock was nestled between my C-cup breasts. Dad was eating me with her dick. Her member was swallowing my body like a turgid pink snake. Dad had a couple ways of eating people, but this was the most special. Her cock was swallowing me down into her sack, where my body would be digested into hot bubbling cum. I had only seen my Dad do it three times, and she had only done it to me once before. Man, that was one crazy Chuseok. I've done it a couple other times with some of my classmates, but it's a pretty rare skill. Unfortunately, Sloane wasn't as fast with her fingers as Dad was with her dick. I was enjoying her playing with my pussy, but I hadn't climaxed by the time that Dad's cock was ready to devour my hips. It was a little regrettable, but I didn't mind that much. I was happy with what we had done so far, and what we would do in a little bit. "Sorry," Sloane mumbled. I just kept on linging up her cunny and soon she was moaning again. She had to rotate on the bed to keep up with me as Dad's tool slurped me down, but that was apparently a small price to pay. Her moan was one of disappointment when she could no longer wedge her cock between my tits, but I made for up for it by fingering her ass. That really did the trick, and Sloane came, bucking and hollering, as Dad's glans was just under my boobs. I kept right on ramming my finger in and out of her asshole as she bounced and contracted and cried out until she finally pushed my hand out. She also had the presence of mind to take that hand and hold it, which was pretty sweet. Dad's groaning cut through Sloane's as her dick finally conquered my chest. There was some pressure, a generally slowing of the process, then with a sudden jerk when my boobs popped into her meatus. There wasn't much time left and Sloane quickly composed herself. She wiggled down the bed, leaving a trail of jizz from her hands-free cock orgasm, in order to plant a kiss on my lips, while still holding my hand. Who says that romance is dead? We stayed kissing as Dad's cock took about fifteen seconds to gulp down my shoulders and neck. She only pulled back as it came up over my elbows and head. My world went mostly dark as my face was enveloped by the moist, spongy-firm walls, just a ray of light peeking past my outstretched hands. Sloane held my hand until the very end, up until it entered the fleshy tube and the light went away, leaving me in the sloshing confines of Dad's sack. My body below my waist was already dissolving as Dad finished off my arms. I couldn't feel my legs any more, but there was no pain. It wasn't exactly an unpleasant experience, and the loss of feeling quickly crept up to my torso, arms, and then, soon enough, I was gone. About forty-seven minutes later, I woke up. I was laying in the regeneration chamber of our Wilolka-III reformer. My head swam with confusion for a few seconds, but I knew that this was normal and didn't panic. My thoughts soon collected themselves and I stepped out of the reformer, completely naked. The device immediately chimed to indicate that it was starting another reformation. I stopped almost immediately as I left the laundry/reformation room and grabbed my hair. I swore not so gently under my breath, which brought my Mom ambling in from the kitchen. I guess she had gotten home from work. "What's wrong, Ji Yoo?" she asked. "I never got around to reprogramming the Wilolka after I got my haircut last week," I grumbled. I had this cute, layered bob cut when I got home, but I had only gotten it last week. Before then, my hair was long and I usually kept it in a half braid. I thought that since I was graduating high school in two months, I should get something more mature. Now I was gonna have to get it again. "Oh, okay, I was worried it was something more serious." Mom was always the one of us who least trusted the reformer, since she had seen some problems with the Wilolka-I models in college. I kept trying to tell her that those had been worked out, but she didn't seem to believe me. I think it's because she's the only one of us who can't eat people. "Have you talked with Dad?" I asked. "Yes, yes, she told me what happened. I got home just as shes was finishing up Sloane." Mom was turning back to the kitchen and I followed her. Neither of us were phased by my nudity. Mom was in the middle of preparing sam gae tang. She's definitely more old-world than my Dad, and she got right back to it. "So, you're okay with...?" I awkwardly asked. "Yes, yes, your father and I are comfortable in our arrangement. She gets to...see...other people, which lets me have a break from her attention, but then..." Mom started to say. Dad interrupted her, walking in with a slight belly-bulge and small shorts, her breasts uncovered. "But then I owe her at least three orgasms with my tongue." She wrapped her arms around Mom's waist and kissed her chick. Mom and I were both blushing at her forwardness. "When do you wanna get started, babe?" Dad asked, her hands reaching up to Mom's chest. Mom gasped. "Dear, I have to finish dinner!" Mom scolded her. She looked at me and clearly leaned into the naughty talk. "Besides, do you even have anything left for me?" Dad stepped back and groaned. "Ugh, I spent most of four hours in Sloane, so my dick is super raw, but I've still got a tongue..." "If you want, Dad," I piped in, "I could swallow you, and you could reform with your junk fully recovered..." That was a little too much for Mom. "Hyo Jin, what have you been teaching our daughter?" Dad shrugged and walked away. "Hey, she's the one that told me to finish in Sloane's ass..." Mom turned a disapproving glare at me. I cut her off before she could get started. "Boy, that sure smells good! I should probably get dressed before that's done." I hustled out of the kitchen and Mom called after me, "Don't eat your father if she asks, I don't want you ruining your appetite!" "Okay, Mom!" I put on a small night gown and was back down in time to eat. Dad reappeared as well, still topless. We exchanged the innuendo for a quiet, subdued conversation about our weekend plans (Mom and Dad were going to a Judas Priest laser show on Friday, I had robotics competition on Saturday). I had just finished my bowl of soup when Sloane came staggering naked into the dining room. "Oh, hi!" she blushed and tried to cover herself up once she saw my Mom. "Hello Sloane," my Mom said, calmly but also clearly checking out my girlfriend's package. She was at about half-mast. "Here, babe, c'mon and have some sam gae tang," I called, patting the chair beside me. "Uh, sure..." Sloane still seemed a little foggy. I poured her a bowl of hot soup and she started eating ravenously. We were quiet for a few minutes. It was on the verge of getting awkward when Mom and Dad finished at about the same time. Mom stood up. "Well, Ji Yoo, I think it's time your father start making good on what she owes me," she said. Dad grinned and also stood up. "You two have fun, and Sloane?" "Huh?" Sloane asked around her soup. "Maybe sometime, if Ji Yoo is willing, you can show me some of what her father showed you today." Before we could react, Mom turned and walked out of the room. Dad followed eagerly, with a quick admonition for us to clear the table and box up the leftovers. "Are they...?" Sloane asked, wide-eyed. "Dad has to get eat her out now," I replied. "I guess they're arrangement is that Dad gets to fuck other people, as long as she gets Mom off a lot eating her pussy. Doesn't..."I murmured, getting close in to Sloane's hear, "doesn't sound too bad to me." Sloane was already fully erect when she turned her head to kiss me. "Mmmm," I purred. "How about I suck your dick while you finish eating, then you can come show me what your tongue can do." "Yes, ma'am!" Sloane murmured. I crawled out of my chair and between her legs. I took her member in one hand, and looked up at her as I rested her glans on my chin. "Y'know, this ends with you getting eaten again, right?" I teased. "Wouldn't have it any other way, sexy." |
Quarantine Routine By TwrchTwryth Day 0: Ken and Amy Oberhelman had spent the last twenty minutes on the phone with Trinity, their college freshman daughter. Trini was away at school, but her semester was about to be cut short. The news had just come down that, thanks to the pandemic, campus would be closing. The Oberhelmans were scheduling pick up and figuring out logistics when Trini brought up Carmen. “So, uh, also, I have a friend who doesn’t have anywhere to go and I was, uh, hoping that she could stay with us while we wait this out.” “Oh? Why can’t she go home?” Amy’s tone was concerned, not suspicious. “Well, she’s from Peru, and they’ve already closed the borders, plus her family can’t afford a plane ticket right now.” Trini was cautious, sheepish. "Can she please stay with us until this blows over?" "I don't know if we have space..." Ken started to protest. Amy shot him a look that indicated that he would be losing this argument. She as always a bleeding heart. "She can bunk with me!" Trini quickly offered. "What's your friend's name?" Ken asked. "Carmen. Carmen Orlandini." "Of course, sweetie, she can stay with us!" Amy exclaimed. "We're always happy to help!" "Thanks!" Trini's excitement was palpable. Ken was not thrilled about having six people living in his house now. Just last week, his two daughters were away at college and his son was a comfortably distant senior in high school who spent as much time out of the house as possible. It was fantastically quiet. He hoped he would be able to tolerate everyone else, but his patience was already running thin. He was very quiet for the duration of the phone call, as Trini and Amy figured out logistics. -- Day 1 Amy and Ken left from Boise at about the same time, going in different directions. Amy was driving west, to pick up their oldest daughter, Adrienne, from Salt Lake City. Their son, Cole, went with her. Ken headed north to Moscow. The six hour drive was pleasantly quiet. When Ken finally met Carmen, his reservations eased considerably. She was pleasant, friendly, and absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. As they loaded Trini's and Carmen's things into the van, Ken found he couldn't keep his eyes off the raven-haired, dusky-skinned, ebullient, and very busty Latina. He felt a bit guilty about it, given the age difference, but damn, it was hard not to stare. -- Day 3 It did not take long in self-isolation before Ken, an early riser, walked in on Carmen and Trini fucking in the basement. At that point, he saw that Carmen was a hermaphrodite, with a nice-sized cock to go with her other appreciable sexual characteristics. He ended up watching for a little bit too long before Carmen saw him out of the corner of her eye. She didn't say anything, but winked as she kept pounding his daughter from behind. Ken stiffened and walked out of the room. -- Day 4 Ken was still working, and in the morning he heard Carmen grunting from Adrienne's room as he made his coffee. Shortly after he got home, Carmen and Cole came up from the basement, sheepish and flushed, while the ladies of the house were finishing up dinner. -- Day 19 Carmen couldn't wait any longer. She had already been awake for twenty minutes, gently spooning and caressing the still-sleeping Trini. She nuzzled into the brunette's neck, squeezing her waist, smelling the fruity scent of her hair. It wasn't even five in the morning yet, but Carmen was ready to begin her the day. The hermaphrodite gave her sleeping friend another hug and rose from bed. Naked and tumescent, she strode out of Trini's room. As she entered the bathroom, Ken stepped out of his own room down the hall. "Good morning!" Carmen waved and smiled, keeping her voice quiet since the rest of the house was still asleep. "Hello." Ken's greeting was warm and friendly, not like the stiff, nearly professional personality she had first gotten to know barely more than a week ago. "I need to relieve myself, then do you want me to come over?" Ken wasn't yet dressed for the day and was still in basketball shorts and an undershirt. He shook his head and put in earbuds. "No, I'll see you once Amy's up." "Okay," Carmen nodded. "Looking forward to it!" She shut the door behind herself and went about her business. The kids -- including Carmen -- shared this full bath, while Ken and Amy had their own off their room. A few minutes later, with teeth brushed, hair brushed, and her bladder emptied, Carmen stepped out of the bathroom. Her morning wood had made it hard to pee, and now it guided the way back to Trini's room. Carmen didn't bother closing the door as she pulled the blankets off of Trini and exposed her naked form. Trini, like her sister and her mother, was a shapely brunette, on the tall side of medium, gifted in chest and hip (though not as much so as Carmen herself). Trini's hair was the lightest shade of the women in her family, barely not ruddy, and restricted to her head. Carmen knelt on to the bed near Trini's head. The brunette stirred, but didn't wake. The hermaphrodite took a deep breath and lowered her cock until the head touched her lover's forehead. With another deep sigh, Carmen shoved her member downward. After a moment of resistance, the glans easily stretched over Trini's forehead, her eyes, her nose, and then the rest of her skull. Trini murmured a little as her lips disappeared in Carmen's shaft, but she did not seem to wake up. The Peruvian girl moaned loudly as her genitals expanded to devour the brunette, though nowhere to near the degree one would normally expect. With remarkable speed, her shaft slurped up Trini into her sack. Trini's D-cups smoothly popped into Carmen's meatus, then a twitchy thrust overcame her waist. Trini shifted a little as her hips were engulfed, but if this meant that she had awoken, she did not struggle. Carmen threw back her head and loudly cried out as Trini's long legs started to slide into her. When she opened her eyes, she saw Cole standing in the doorway. The eighteen-year-old high school senior cut an attractive figure in the doorway, well-built (if not always well-defined), with dark eyes, hair, and stubble. He was shirtless and his boxers pulled down a bit so he could stroke his engorged cock while watching Carmen eat his sister with hers. Grinning, Carmen beckoned Cole. He needed little invitation to swagger in. "You ready for this?" Cole asked, positioning himself behind the hermaphrodite. "Give it to me, pata," Carmen purred back, leaning over Trini's legs while spreading her own. She put her hands on the bed to steady herself. Cole wasted no time in penetrating her, thrusting into her feminine slit. Carmen exclaimed pleasure as she had both of the siblings in her at once. Cole started pumping his hips, fucking Carmen with more speed than technique, all while running his hands over her body. He caressed her hips, slapped her ass, squeezed her tits, and carefully avoided her cock and balls. At the same time, Carmen finished sucking down Trini's legs, sending the last of the middle child into her sack, which sagged heavily at its occupant. Cole's moans joined Carmen's and together they nearly masked the gurgling, bubbling sounds emanating from Carmen's scrotum. Trini was being reduced to nutrients and converted into semen while her brother fucked her lover. The Oberhelman boy lacked technique, but he tried to make up for it in speed and intensity. Carmen was sufficiently horny that this was enough, especially since she wanted to save her orgasm. She enjoyed the simple pleasure of getting fucked by an enthusiastic, well-enough hung eighteen-year-old operating at jackrabbit speed. She concentrated on the waves of pleasure from her pussy and the little thrill of him squeezing her tits, all while her clit and cock went unattended to. Lo suficientemente bueno, she thought. Rather than focusing on the lack of stimulation on two of her erogenous zones, she focused on what she did get out of it. Cole didn't last long, but he wasn't supposed to. Carmen didn't ask him to, and he had too much teenage overeager enthusiasm anyway. He sped up a little bit more and let out a loud "Oh, fuck!" This exclamation triggered an explosive reaction in Carmen, who lurched forward and off of his member. He gasped, which continued and rose in pitch as Carmen smoothly whirled around and took his cock in her mouth, all the way to the base, in one motion. Cole seized her head and started to thrust again, almost as fast as when he had been in her pussy, without missing a beat. Carmen had no problem taking it all, even when, about twenty second later, Cole slammed as deep as he could into her throat and ground her face into his lower abdomen, roaring as he came. The Latina murmured gently while she swallowed every last drop of his orgasm. That was just the aperitif. Eventually, panting, Cole tried to remove his dick. Carmen started to let it go, but then bobbed her mouth around it a few more playful times, all while making mischievous eye contact with him. Cole shuttered an expletive before forcefully pulling back. “Fuck, sorry, just got...too sensitive.” Cole blushed, teenage insecurity overtaking him. He stuttered, “That was—was real good—nice, thanks!” Carmen laughed and murmured in Spanish, which just made him a little more awkward. “Oh, mi güero.” She stood up and wrapped her arms around him. He almost doubled over to try to avoid touching her cock. “Oh, come on, pata, she only bites if you want her to.” “I know, I’m just — I’m not gay, Y’know? No offense or anything.” Carmen really enjoyed flustering him. “It’s not gay if it’s a hermafrodita,” she murmured, reassuringly. After a moment of quiet eye contact, she grinned. “Besides, if you wanna fuck my ass, you gotta give me yours.” Cole blushed, and looked away. Carmen let the moment drag for a little, then let go of him. "Oh, pata, you're too easy. Ready?" "Yeah!" Cole responded, enthusiasm returning. He sat on Trini's bed and lay back. Carmen knelt by the bed and took hold of his ankles. She couldn't resist one more jab. "Y'know, your dad gave me a blowjob on Tuesday, so..." "Yeah, well, he won't let you do this to him, so...buttons," Cole responded. Carmen just shrugged and opened her mouth. Her jaws separated wide until she was able to stuff in Cole's feet. She started swallowing immediately, and quickly had gulped down his calves. Cole let out a happy murmur as Carmen devoured him. The hermaphrodite had no problem gulping down Cole's body. She moved quickly this morning. Cole was sexually spent, but the warm, tight, damp sensation of Carmen's throat started the blood flowing back to his member. He was hard again by the time that she got to his hips, and silently disappointed when she ignored his erection to just swallow him up instead. He still moaned as his sensitive organ rubbed against the roof of her mouth, her tonsils, and then the smooth surface of her esophagus. When he looked down, he could tell from Carmen's eyes that she was smiling. Carmen had crawled onto Trini's bed at this point. It had taken half a minute to eat half of Cole and she wasn't slowing down. Oddly, there was little bulge in her own torso, even as she gulped down his. She held his arms down by the wrists, which he offered, and swallowed his hands along with his waist. "Having fun?" Carmen stopped eating for a moment and looked toward the door as best she could. Her lips were up to Cole's chest. He was also looking to the doorway, where Adrienne, the oldest of the Oberhelman siblings stood. She was wearing a long college tee like a night gown and her shoulder-length, dark chestnut hair was messy from bed. "You're just jealous," Cole responded. Adrienne shrugged. "Whatever. Hey, Carmen, I'm gonna get in the shower. You come see me when I'm out and he's done." Carmen approximated a nod and gave a thumbs up. "Cool." Adrienne left and Carmen got back to work eating Cole. Once she gulped down his shoulders, she could feel that he was starting to jack off in her stomach. From what she could see, he had his eyes closed and his jaw slack as he pleasured himself. She smiled a little, then with a final swallow she finished him off, sending his head down her throat. With a deep sigh, Carmen sat back on her knees, then against the wall. She had a slight, solid bulge in her belly. She cradled it for a few moments until it emitted a loud squelching sound and started to shrink. Cole was being digested and absorbed, just like his sister had been twenty minutes earlier. She wondered if he had finished masturbating before his body was broken down. (He had not). Carmen lay back for a few minutes, enjoying the rush of dopamine that eating and digesting another human provided. She was still very aroused, but that was temporarily muted in exchange for a temporary bout of meat drunkenness. Once Cole was really gone, Carmen faded back into awareness of the world around her. She could hear the shower running as Adrienne performed her morning ablution. She could smell the breakfast of coffee and french toast that Ken had made. She could also hear Amy's alarm go off. That got her moving. Carmen stood up and walked out of Trini's room, still naked. She passed the bathroom and cracked the master bedroom door. "Amy? Are you up?" she asked. The Oberhelman matriarch groaned a reply. Four of the five members of the family easily got up, but Amy always needed some extra encouragement. Carmen had learned to help encourage her along. "Well, it's time to get up, and..." Carmen started. She was interrupted by a hand on her shoulder. She looked back to see Ken. She did not like how strong the coffee smell on his breath was. "Hi," Carmen said. "Do you want..." "I'll work on getting her up," Ken replied. He put an arm around Carmen's waist and the Latina stood up into a kiss. She turned into his embrace and he was a lot less concerned about her cock than his son had been. "Hey, uh-uh!" The two broke up the embrace as Adrienne interrupted Carmen again. The oldest daughter was stepping out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body, her hair still wet. "My turn!" Ken nodded, but loudly grumbled as he stepped into his room, "Sure, it's not like I'm the only one who actually has to go anywhere today..." Carmen giggled, but obligingly followed Adrienne into her bedroom anyway. Adrienne let the towel drop, revealing her attractive body. She was a little curvier than Trini and certainly bustier. "Could you get the door?" she asked Carmen. Carmen obliged, shutting it behind her. Once it was closed, Adrienne embraced her and the two kissed. Carmen fidgeted a little, enjoying the feel of Adrienne's double-Ds pressed against her Fs. "Mmmm, I know what you're doing," Adrienne murmured between kisses. "Oh?" "You like feeling my boobs on your boobs, don't you?" "Of course." "Mmmm. I bet you want to fuck them, don't you?" Adrienne asked. "Yes, please!" Carmen's cock palpably throbbed at the suggestion. Adrienne giggled into her lips, but then suddenly pulled away. "Maybe later, but we don't have time. Dad still needs a turn before he goes to work, right?" Carmen groaned at the tease. "Yeah..." "So, then let's get right to it," Adrienne nodded. She turned away from Carmen and bent over to get into the bottom drawer of her dresser. The movement revealed the flared green end of butt plug between her cheeks. As she looked around for something, she asked back, "Like the view?" Of course Carmen had been staring at Adrienne's shapely ass. "Si..." Adrienne found what she was looking for and stood up. She beckoned Carmen over and lay the Latina down in her bed. "Come on..." The brunette held up the first item. It was a bottle of oil-based lubrication. With a smile, she squirted some of the thick fluid on to Carmen's ever-ready cock. She started to massage the lubricant onto Carmen's member, eliciting sharp gasp and shudder of pleasure. Adrienne smiles happily as she stroked Carmen’s dick. That smile deepened as Carmen reached between her legs to start fingering for her pussy. The two stayed like that for a minute or two, basking in quiet reciprocal gratification. “Mm, I think I’m ready if you are,” Adrienne cooed. “Any time,” Carmen replied. Adrienne let go of Carmen’s slick member and turned around. She threw one leg over Carmen’s waist so that she was straddling the hermaphrodite’s waist. Carmen sat up and gently removed the toy from Adrienne’s derriere, eliciting a happy sigh. “Oh, yeah, I’m ready...” Adrienne murmured, as much to herself as to Carmen. She took hold of Carmen’s lubed prick again and shimmied forward, until she was pressing it against her rear. She rocked back and forth, taking some deep breaths, before starting to work the engorged member into her anus. Adrienne took her time and was gentle, but effective. She wasn’t scared, she wasn’t delicate, she was just confident, knew what worked for her, and was comfortable doing what she wanted. And as much as Carmen might have wanted to started pounding away into Adrienne’s colon, the Latina restrained herself. When she had comfortably taken all of Carmen’s length, Adrienne let out a contented sigh and rocked back, sitting on Carmen’s hips. Her colon squeezed Carmen’s member, but she didn’t begin to bounce or slide around the dick in her ass. Instead, she produced the second item she had found in her dresser, a little silver bullet vibrator, and clicked it to life. "Yeah..." Carmen murmured as Adrienne subtlety rocked her hips. The feeling of Adrienne's sphincter squeezing her prick was incredible, and yet still a tease. She wanted to just start pounding away into Adrienne's rear until she blasted her load, and the cumly remains of Trini, into the brunette's colon, but this was a marathon, not a race. Her role was to provide the stimulus, a pleasant toy for the eldest Oberhelman to stimulate her backdoor with while vibing her front. This wasn't really about Carmen at all. Adrienne moved little for long stretches of the masturbatory session, stillness punctuated with occasional jerks and twitches as she played the vibrator across her clit. She murmured and moaned to herself, barely acknowledging Carmen's presence. She loved the anal excitation, but didn't need much movement. Carmen did her part by rubbing Adrienne's back and legs and arms and trying to grab a tit when she could. Adrienne ignored her, focusing on the bullet in her hand until at last her body shook and she doubled over as she came. Adrienne screamed loud chorus of "Oh FUCK! fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck YEEEAAAAHHH!!!! OOOOHHHHHH!!!" It always made Carmen giggle a little, though she mostly kept her amusement to herself. Adrienne was so quiet and staid in the build up to her climax, even with a dick in her ass, but then when she came the switch flipped and she became the most over-the-top loud partner Carmen had ever had. She orgasmed loud and primal and intense, her entire body convulsing, squeezing and pulling at Carmen's member. As the last aftershocks subsided, Adrienne fell backwards onto Carmen. The hermaphrodite caught her, wrapped her arms around her waist, and felt her cock pop out of her anus. Carmen's hands moved up to Adrienne's tits as the brunette leaned back and their lips and tongues met in passionate embrace. Adrienne also knew the routine and as soon as her legs no longer felt like jelly, she lifted them. Carmen spared a hand to guide her cock, and after a few missed connections, she managed to line up just right and then her member was devouring Adrienne just like it had Trini, only feet first this time. The two lay in that semi-side-by-side, semi-spooning embrace, kissing and fondling each other as Carmen's member quickly sucked down Adrienne's legs. They didn't talk, just kissed with decreasing raw sexuality and increasing tenderness while Adrienne disappeared into Carmen's dick. Carmen didn't waste time and Adrienne wouldn't have wanted her to. The devouring was peaceful and sensual. Carmen luxuriated in the pleasure of Adrienne sliding into her cock while their lips and breasts pressed together in languid passion. Adrienne quietly disappeared, whiling away the time she had left with sweet, shut-eyed osculation. Even as the conquest of her hips waist and torso necessitated that she be pulled away from Carmen's face, the brunette trailed her lips tenderly down Carmen's neck, shoulders, and between her breasts, until at last her head was engulfed by the Latina's over-sized member. Carmen lay on Adrienne's bed, panting, her eyes closed, trying to compose herself. She was so agonizingly close to cumming, but she couldn't. Not yet. She had to save Trini and the newly liquidating Adrienne. She did her best to think unsexy thoughts -- hydrogeology. Nothing arousing about the epiphreatic zone, or non-aqueous phase liquid, or... Thinking about drainage and groundwater and taking deep breaths managed to calm the demanding orgasm. She was still rock hard and sopping wet, but the hermaphrodite was now no longer ready to go off with a stray touch, a happy memory, or a glancing breath. Finally satisfied that it was safe, Carmen stood up. Adrienne was gone enough that what was left didn't cause any problems. It was about 6:30 now, time to be getting Amy up. Ken would have to leave soon. It was her turn in the master bedroom. True to form, the matriarch was drowsing in bed, halfway awake and still mostly dreaming. She barely shifted as Carmen gently removed the covers. Amy was wearing one of Ken's t-shirts and a pair of panties. Her body wasn't as tight as her daughters', but at forty-eight she was still in good shape. Carmen wasted no time in pulling down Amy's panties, revealing a neat landing strip of dark pubic hair. Ken had thanked Carmen for inspiring her to start shaving downstairs, a habit Amy had given up years earlier. Without waiting for a reaction, Carmen nudged Amy's legs apart and started to lick the older woman's snatch. There were no formalities, just decisive action, a flurry of light lashings against Amy's flavorful folds. Amy gasped and her body quivered. Her sex quickly lubricated at Carmen's ministrations. Carmen soon felt something behind her and Ken passed her peripheral vision. He sat down at the head of the bed, beside Amy's head. He stroked her hair for a moment and she started to open her eyes. Carmen continued licking and after a tender moment Ken hiked down his shorts and withdrew his member. He tilted his hips and Amy accepted his cock into her mouth. She didn't move much, but let Ken thrust in and out slightly. As Ken gently irrumated his wife, Carmen added a sly finger to her ministrations. Amy was really starting to wake up now, moaning around her husband's dick. Ken reached down and palmed one of her large breasts through the cotton t-shirt, and in solidarity Carmen reached up to grope the other. Amy came quietly, with a shudder and stuttering sigh. Her face flushed, crimson running from her cheeks down her neck to under her shirt. When she finished quivering, Ken and Carmen both withdrew. Amy sat up with a contented murmur. "Well," she said while pulling off her shirt, "good morning to you guys too. That's a nice way to wake up." Amy and Ken shared a kiss as Carmen perched at the end of the bed, waiting for the next step. "What're you thinking?" Amy asked. "Well, I wouldn't mind watching Carmen fuck you," Ken replied. "If you'd like to," he addressed Carmen. "You don't have to twist my arm," Carmen grinned. "Come get me!" Amy squealed and lay back, opening her arms and legs in a brazen invitation. Carmen climbed on top and quickly penetrated her. Amy capably took the enlarged phallus with a purr of pleasure as she wrapped her limbs around Carmen. The two kissed as Carmen's hips started to move. That kiss was soon interrupted, however, as Ken pressed his member between them. "Oh, you're greedy!" Amy laughed, but Carmen just took it into her mouth and found a complimentary rhythm between fucking Amy and blowing Ken. After a minute or two, Ken switched to Amy. This oral game of hot potato went back and forth for several minutes, while Amy and Carmen felt each other up and slowly ground their hips together. Ken began to grow more and more frantic in his thrusting. He was clearly getting close and Carmen made sure to speed up her ministrations. She halted her thrusting in order to focus on Ken's member. With a ragged groan, Ken pulled out of Carmen's mouth and let his orgasm free. His warm, sticky cum splashed over Carmen's and Amy's faces, to Amy's happy chortling. As Ken fell back, his wife began to eagerly lick his emission from Carmen's cheeks. Where Carmen tolerated the taste of cum, Amy loved it, and she especially got a tawdry thrill from eating her husband's. It meant less clean up for Carmen,and it was a wonderfully seedy kink for the suburban housewife. Ken collected himself. "Uh, sorry, but are you two good if I get dressed for work?" "Sure thing, hon, don't mind us," Amy replied. She looked up at Carmen and used her tongue to clean another dollop of jizz from her face. The two lost track of Ken, who dressed slowly as he watched them frolic and fuck. Without his insistent pelvis, they were now free to change positions. Amy soon climbed on top of Carmen, riding the hermaphrodite with purposeful resolve. By the time Ken left, Amy had gotten off, given brief oral attention to Carmen's shaft, and then gotten on her hands and knees. Carmen crouched behind her and started to ride her. "Okay,honey, I'll see you tonight," Ken said as Amy cried out in pleasure. "I've got white chicken chili in the crock pot. Should be ready for lunch." "Nnnnn....aaaaahhh...thanks, babe," Amy moaned. After taking a last longing look at Carmen pounding his wife, Ken sighed. He was disappointed that he had to leave. "Have fun." "Thanks," Carmen replied. "Bye!" Amy called. The two continued rutting in the bed for a few minutes before Carmen sat back on her knees with a sigh that transitioned to panting, her cock still in Amy's snatch. "Mmmm, you're close, aren't you, dear?" Amy asked, squirming happily. Between deep breaths and behind closed eyes, Carmen slowly responded. "Too...close..." Amy returned her own contented sigh and stretched out. "Okay, then, it was fun while it lasted. How do you want me?" Carmen pulled out the rest of the way with a satisfied grunt and let her heavy dick slap meatily back down on Amy's mons. "Well, I think Cole was enough for breakfast, so how about you go into my shaft with Trini and Adrienne?" "Again?" Amy's voice dripped with half-serious disappointment. "I was hoping I could get in your pussy." Shaking her head slowly, Carmen still grinned. "Ooooooh, nice as that sounds, I can't do that without cumming, and Trini would kill me if I didn't save it for her." With only a little pouting, Amy sat up. She loosely put her arms on the hermaphrodite's shoulders and started to move in for a kiss, faking Carmen out at the last moment to whisper in her ear. "Then I guess you can do it this afternoon. I'll be your cock snack this morning." At last she kissed the eager Latina and moved her hands to play with Carmen's breasts. They played a little longer, but Amy ended up going feet first into Carmen's shaft like her eldest daughter. She was more active than Adrienne had been, really focusing on squeezing and kissing and sucking on Carmen's tits as the cock slurped up her feet and legs. When it was time, she held her arms at her side so that her head would be the last part of her outside. Carmen was on top of her, on all fours, and made sure to hold her chest over Amy's face until the last inexorable tugs of her all-consuming dick pulled the older woman's head down her abdomen until it too disappeared. The house was quiet then, but for Carmen's ragged, panting breaths. She wanted to cum so badly, she needed it, but she was determined to hold off until the time was right. Her mind went back to her ecogeology studies, using a bailer to sample bog ponds. With enough time reflecting on saline seep, she was able to calm herself and get out of Amy's and Ken's bed, even if her cock never deflated and her pussy never dried. The first thing Carmen did with the house to herself was check on the Wilolka-1 in the laundry room. It was an old model and still had another 67 minutes before Trini would be reformed. Carmen looked longingly at the dark glass in the reformer at the gradually assembling form of her lover. She wanted it to work faster -- a Wilolka-II would have been done with Cole by now -- but it was the last one that Jeppsens' Hardware was able to get for the Oberhelmans once it was clear that Carmen moving in would necessitate a private reformer. Sighing, Carmen left to shower. Trini would also be unhappy if Carmen didn't fully wash up after fucking Adrienne's ass. Then it would be a long wait with the TV or her phone until her lover was ready to finally relieve the pressure sloshing around in her nuts. Still, Carmen couldn't complain. It had been nearly a week since she had worn anything more substantial than an apron, and while this part of the day (alone and agonizingly horny) was rough, the hours that proceeded it and the rest of the day one the reformer was done were well worth it. She couldn't have asked for a better group to wait out this pandemic thing with than the Oberhelmans. |
Vorno: In An Uncomfortable Place By TwrchTwryth No, it wasn't her imagination. That Volkswagen GTA was definitely rocking. Ulli Beutel had been exploring a little spur of a trail in a remote corner of the Schwarzwald, not too far from Enzklösterle, when she noticed the silver car in a parking lot. She hadn't seen sign of other people in the hour she had been hiking, so she probably looked at it a second longer than she otherwise would have. That was long enough to notice its very suggestive motion. Her curiosity piqued, Ulli decided to investigate. There was a little path leading from the main trail up to the parking lot, and she slowly ascended, hunched a little so as not to draw attention. As she drew nearer, she began to be able to see shapes in the hatchback. Two people, huddled together in the backseat, passenger side. Ulli stopped and crouched behind the last little bit of foliage before the path opened into the parking lot. It took a little bit for Ulli to decipher how those figures were oriented. The car was still far enough away from her hiding spot and the windows jut dark enough that it took some discernment on her part. She finally figured out that the two people fucking both appeared to be female-presenting (she assumed that the one doing the fucking, at least, was a hermaphrodite like her). They were sitting up, the fucker against the passenger-side door, the fuckee in her lap. Ulli could now identify their blindside and resume her approach. As she got closer, the details became more apparent. From what Ulli could see, they appeared to be young adults -- 20s to mid-30s -- and the fuckee had some cocoa brown dreadlocks, while the fucker's hair was a more strawberry/red/auburn/blonde fusion. They did not appear to be wearing any clothes and the fucker hard her arms wrapped behind the fuckee's arms, holding her in a full-nelson. With every thrust, the brunette's head was pressed against the roof of the car. It looked cramped, rough, and sexy. Ulli chewed on her lip as her body reacted to the sight before her. Her femininity was wet and warm; her masculinity rigid and eager. She wanted to join in, and that Some motivated reasoning went on in Ulli's head as she obliged her voyeurism. If these people were kinky enough to fuck in public, maybe they'd be kinky enough for a third... (She had some experience in this; Ulli had, in her life, walked in on three couples having sex, and each time they accepted her. It helped that all three had been friends of hers. It also helped that she was a pretty, busty, well-hung blonde with an adventurous streak) Screwing her courage to her desire, Ulli shrugged off her rucksack and unbuttoned the fly on her shorts. She shimmied them down, allowing her [8 inch]$ member to pop free. Finally, she pulled up her tank-top and sports bra, letting her double-Ds breathe. Now it was time to proceed. Ulli's knock on the window was answered with a loud shriek. That was the copper-top who was doing the fucking. Both of them jolted in surprise and tried to cover themselves as they looked behind them. It wasn't easy to turn, since there wasn't a lot of space. "Hi," Ulli said kindly. She made sure that both her cock and her tits were visible; she had long ago learned that an unexpected dick was a lot less scary when it was accompanied by a less intrusive pair of breasts. The brunette's surprise turned to sly excitement faster than the redhead's. "Oh, hello." The dreadlocked girl's voice was muted as she reached around and lowered the window. Ulli could see that she definitely had an alt-chic look; along with the dreadlocks, her eyebrow, nose, lip, and nipples were all pierced. The redhead was extremely vanilla compared to her. Ulli wasn't sure, but she wondered from they way they were sitting if the redhead--clearly a hermaphrodite like her -- was in the brunette's pussy or ass. "That is nice," the brunette said and looked up. "May we suck it?" "I hoped that you would," Ulli giggled. "Heike, keep fucking my ass," the brunette murmured as she twisted to bring her face over her shoulder toward Ulli's dick. "I get the first time." Heike, the redhead, grunted and started to thrust, once more making the car rock as the brunette got her mouth around Ulli's dick, revealing that her tongue was pierced as well. Ulli responded with a happy sigh and leaned on her elbows on the roof of the GTA, making sure her tits were still visible for the car's occupants. She thrust a little, but the let the fuckee control the speed. While getting her blowjob -- which felt amazing -- Ulli was also sure to scan for cars. Nothing. Wonderful. Ulli stood up when she felt the brunette's mouth leave her member. She looked down to see that the brunette had given up her contorting and that now Heike was turning her head. "Your turn," the brunette grunted. Ulli could see that she was moving her hips almost as much as the redhead, completely unbothered by her head pressing against the ceiling with each thrust. She was definitely a kinky one, and seemed to be the one guiding things. Heike was almost as good at sucking cock as the brunette had been. She was a little slower, a little less deep, so Ulli slowed her own thrusts accordingly. "You two are kinky," Ulli moaned. "Hell yeah we are!" The brunette grunted in reply. She slowed her rocking. "So, you gonna get in here and fuck us, or do you want us to come out there.." Actually, Ulli had a different idea in mind. She reached down and firmly, but not painfully, took hold of Heike's head. She pumped a few more times into Heike's mouth, then pulled all the way out. Heike gasped and maybe started to say something, but Ulli thrust forward again. This time, however, instead of Heike taking in Ulli's cockhead, Ulli's cock took in Heike's head. The redhead spasmed as her head was enveloped by the thick member, which expanded like a snake to devour her. The brunette happily gurgled at the sudden movement before Ulli grabbed her head next and pulled it back. "You're rough," the brunette murmured, "I li--" she stopped talking as Ulli's dick started to engulf her head too, taking both lovers in at once. Amazingly, the brunette just grinned as the meatus stretched over her forehead and eyes. "Oh, how kinky!" she squealed with vibrational excitement. That was the last thing she said before Ulli's cock completely overcame her head. Ulli groaned with exertion. Eating one person with her dick was a lot of work and two was more than doubly intense. It was worth it -- the feeling of the lovers' bodies being consumed by her cock was indescribably euphoric -- but slow and exhausting. It didn't help that Heike, consumed by sheer animal instincts, kept pumping into the brunette. That single-minded determination to rut, even in the face of the being eaten alive, really turned Ulli on. The hermaphrodite tried to lean back and watch, but by the time her dick had engulfed them to their chests, the feeling was too intense and she doubled over, her arms and bare breasts now resting on the hot roof of the car. The two victims continued to writhe and spasm and squirm in sexual desperation, which just exacerbated Ulli's pleasure. An especially large spasm occurred when Ulli was at their waists, another paused their devouring at the hips for a few seconds. Ulli wondered which paroxysm coincided with a climax of which prey. She was glad that they got in one last cum. Ulli did plenty of spasming herself as the lovers' legs slithered up into her cock. She was so close to cumming, but she never could quite get there during the process. That was her little cross to bear. The legs took the longest, as Ulli was slowing down. She was hitting her limit for what she could do. She could still pull up the four limbs, but it was taking longer and felt more difficult. They weren't squirming any more, so Ulli felt a little less pressure to devour them quickly. (At this point, she had blissfully shut out the fact that she was exposed in public). When they were finally gone, fully consumed by Ulli's genitals, the lovers left her swollen and agonizingly horny. Her cock was twice as large as when she started, her scrotum more than four times expanded. She panted as she tried to collect her thoughts. After a minute or so of recovery, Ulli slumped into the driver's seat of the Volkswagen. With her left hand, she started to work her shaft, while the right wiggled under her engorged balls to tease her clit. She could barely fit her hand around the circumference of her prick, but it didn't matter; she was so keyed up from devouring the two lovers that it wouldn't and didn't take much self-love before her orgasm exploded, figuratively and literally. As she cried out and convulsed, Ulli blasted nearly six liters of hot jizz mostly into the passenger seat, while her feminine fluid left an expanding wet spot in the driver's seat. Much of that emission had been the two young lovers just a few minutes ago; now their remains flagrantly drenched their car. Ulli gave herself up to a post-orgasmic trance. She wasn't quite asleep, nor was she really awake. Her carnal activities of the last few minutes had been intense, exhausting, draining, and now she needed a refractory period to recover higher brain functions. Ulli was helped along when she heard the crunch of gravel and the soft purr of an engine. She sat up with a jolt and quickly pulled her top down as a green sedan appeared in the parking lot. She worked on pulling up her shorts without being too obvious about it, which was difficult given her still-enhanced member. She hoped that she had succeeded as the sedan discharged a middle-aged man and woman and teenage boy. The woman noticed Ulli looking over at them and nodded. Ulli blushed and gave a little wave. She quickly pulled out her phone and made a show of looking at it until the family was down the path. "Gott..." Ulli murmured to herself. She was close to hyperventilating, feeling like she had narrowly avoided being caught. She consciously took deep breaths until she was clam enough to function. She took a quick minute to find the lovers' wallets for some cash -- a little ghoulish, sure, but they wouldn't be needing it anymore. In doing so, she found that the brunette had been named Aliz. Ulli got back on the trail and walked back toward the parking lot where her car sat as briskly as she could without looking suspicious. All the while she grinned to herself. This was the most fun she'd had since that night in Salzburg two years ago. Thinking of that just made her smile bigger. |
Friendship Is Magic: Part 1 Silver Platter didn't much care for the Summer Sun Celebration, especially when it was on a Tuesday. The chocolate brown earth pony had work to do the next morning, and staying up until dawn was detrimental to that task. This year, however, a late night was the least of his worries. The sound of ponies screaming in the streets woke him this morning, prompting him to look out his window. “Hey!” he called down to Berry Punch, “what's going on here?” “Nightmare Moon has come back! Princess Celestia is gone!” the mare replied with haste before running into her own house and slamming the door. “Really?” Platter groaned, “everypony’s freaking out over a myth?” He started walking back towards his bed, unaware of the deep blue cloud flying into the open window. As he felt the cold wind, Platter facehoofed, “right. Close the window.” He walked back to the window, pulled it shut, latched it, and turned back towards the bed. What he saw elicited a yelp from him and caused his cream coloured mane to stand on end. The alicorn stood twice as tall as the cook in front of her. Her coat was pitch black, her mane a flowing image of the midnight sky, and her eyes contained dagger-shaped pupils within turquoise irises, which locked with Platter’s own mint green eyes in a seductive glare. “A myth, am I?” the alicorn chuckled a bit, “is that why my subjects didn't recognize me? They forgot I even exist? I suppose I'll have to truly remind them later.” Platter glanced at his door, and his guest closed it with a flash of her horn. The click indicated she took the time to lock it as well, “now, subject, your queen hasn't had a meal in a millennium. That's your talent, correct? With the silver platter on your flank?” Not knowing how else to respond, the earth pony nodded a bit, “y-yes, your majesty. I—“ His sentence was stopped cold as he found himself levitated by Nightmare Moon’s blue aura. “What are you doing?!” He cried, thrashing in the air. The only response Platter got was a view of the Queen’s dark throat pulsing in front of his eyes as she engulfed his entire head in her maw. Her jaws held tight as she took the first gulp. Muffled screams came from the bulge in her neck as Platter struggled and pushed at Nightmare Moon’s chest with his forehooves in an attempt to escape. Her tongue slid out between her lower lip and his neck, matting his chest fur with saliva as the Queen got more of a taste. Another gulp pulled the stallion’s shoulders in, forcing the upper part of his forelegs against his side. A smell came to Nightmare Moon’s attention. It would seem her meal’s body had turned on him. She brought a hoof up to feel, and chuckled at the touch of Silver Platter’s hard shaft. She began rubbing it to provide a distraction to the frantic pony, hindering his struggles as he let out an involuntary moan. Another gulp, and the bulge in her neck grew, as Platter found his barrel squeezed into his guest’s throat. Her hooves provided some pleasure, but he still wanted to escape. He couldn't help but moan while the hooves rubbed at his erect cock, but it became even harder to focus when her tongue wrapped around it, teasing at the flared tip and pulsing around the shaft. The tip of the Queen’s tongue slid over his balls, and his cock started to throb. To Nightmare Moon’s amusement, the lovely taste of the struggling earth pony in her maw was complimented suddenly by a flood of salty cream. Some part of her meal was enjoying this, that much was sure. She lifted her head, tilted it back, and let gravity aid her in the consumption of the colt formerly known as Silver Platter. Platter couldn't avoid blushing as his underside was covered by his own cum. The afterglow of hours orgasm distracted him for a moment, just long enough for his horizontal base to become a vertical one. A gulp around him, and he could no longer feel the air on his rear hooves or his flanks. He found himself sliding down into a tight chamber. As he was forced to curl up, the stinging on his back told him that the queen’s stomach was eager for his arrival. The slight stinging turned quickly into a burning pain, causing Platter to do the only thing left he could. Nightmare chuckled as she heard the scream of her prey, and felt his struggles renew. Her checks puffed up for a moment as she made a hurk sound. The mare struggled for a moment, concerned her meal might actually get her to vomit. Her worries were immediately quelled when, instead of a frightened pony flying out of her throat, it was only that pony’s air supply that escaped with a loud belch. Platter attempted to beg for his life, but was quickly drowned out by a loud URRRP from above as the air in his attacker’s stomach rushed out, leaving him to drown in the acids. A few bubbles came from his mouth and nose as his vision went black. “Aww, done struggling already?” Nightmare looked at her round, rapidly shrinking, gut. “oh well. You were filling, and it was fun while it lasted. She belched again, and a white skull clattered on the floor in front of her. A single step of her hoof reduced the skull to powder as she walked back to the window, ready to confront the mare who recognized her in the town hall. |
Boast Busters The sky blue unicorn smiled, loving the cheers of her audience as she pulled a volunteer from the crowd. The chocolate brown earth pony came onto the stage, glancing at the audience as he did. “Alright, I’ve got my volunteer,” Trixie said, “what's your name?” The stallion blinked as she put him into the spotlight for the moment, “uh, Silver Platter.” The mare nodded a bit, “then should I call you Silver, or Platter?” “Platter,” he responded as Trixie put up a large cloth. “Okay, Platter. By Equestrian law, the Great and Powerful Trixie is required to warn you that this trick is still in its experimental stage. Do you still agree to participate?” She gazed at him expectantly, and received a satisfactory nod. “Wonderful! Now, fillies and gentlecolts of Hoofington, I, the Great and Powerful Trixie will now make this stallion disappear. She directed him to step behind the cloth, and with a flash of her horn, his silhouette vanished from it before it dropped. Platter let out a yelp as he found himself now looking up at the cloth falling towards him. He squirmed within as the magician’s aura picked it up. His eyes spun a bit as he was unceremoniously tossed into a basket behind the stage, now wrapped up in the cloth. “And that's my finale, fillies and gentlecolts. Silver Platter will reappear in a few hours, so do not be alarmed.” Trixie said as she took a bow. She left the stage and put her stuff away. “Okay, Trixie, “ she told herself, “can't have the cloth smelling like smog forever.” At the edge of the city, Trixie removed her costume and placed a pair of large buckets by the river. She used a small pump to fill them, and lit a fire underneath one. Platter jolted awake as the cloth he was stuck in lifted up again, this time submerged in hot, soapy water. Several bubbles escaped his mouth in place of a screen as the water stirred around him, dislodging him from the fabric. He frantically tried to swim up, breath quickly failing him. Finally, he felt the cooler air as he breached the surface. Trixie absent-mindedly stirred at the laundry, reading up on some of her illusory techniques. Suddenly, she heard a stallion cry out, “help!” The magician blinked a bit and looked around, “hello?” She heard no immediate response, but didn't yet continue stirring, ear twitching. “Help!” came the cry again, drawing her gaze to the laundry bucket. In the water, frantically trying to swim, was a chocolate brown stallion. “Platter?!” She ran up and scooped him out with a hoof, “I didn't even realize you were still here! Are you okay?” “Yeah,” Platter nodded a bit as he looked up at the concerned face. “Think you can bring me back to normal size?” Trixie gave a brief nod, her horn lighting. However, after turning him briefly purple, making him only seem bigger, lighting his tail on fire, chasing away a hungry falcon, and shocking him, both ponies were ready to give up on that. “Well, there is somepony at home who could help me. . .” Platter said, “you're not going towards Ponyville, are you?” “That's my next stop,” Trixie replied. “Can you bring me along?” The magician thought about Platter’s request for a moment, “I should be able to, but I can't just put you in the cart while I pull it. I don't intend to imply you're a thief, but everything I own is in there, so you'll have to ride in me.” Platter blinked as he stared up at her, “did you say. . .in you? As in, you're going to eat me?” “What? No, don't be ridiculous. If I swallowed you, you wouldn't make it to Ponyville undigested. I'll be putting you somewhere more pleasurable for the both of us.” She smiled down at him, giving a seductive look in her eyes. The earth pony blushed deeply, “I-I suppose that's acceptable.” Trixie gave another nod, “as soon as I'm finished with the laundry, we’ll be going.” Platter snored lightly, having opted to nap, given his size didn't leave him in a position that could help the unicorn out. She nudged him gently with a hoof, “wake up, Silver Platter.” The stallion looked up at Trixie, gasped slightly, and then remembered his circumstance. “Time to go?” he asked. Trixie nodded and levitated him in her aura. Platter’s face turned hot as the mare put him underneath her cape. Her nether lips slowly pulsed in front of him, and his shaft began to harden. Trixie pushed him slowly against it, moaning until his head slipped inside. Platter began to rub at his cock even as he was slowly pushed inside Trixie’s pussy. The unicorn moaned more as her toy shifted. Every movement from him gave her pleasure, but she needed to start walking. She pushed the stallion's flanks inside, following up with his legs. Platter’s cock spurted white, sticky cum on his chest as the lips closed behind him. The warm chamber her found himself in swayed as the illusionist started to walk. Relaxing, Platter didn't notice his tail beginning to melt as he drifted off to sleep again. Trixie removed her cape as she went into her cart. “Well, Platter, we're in Ponyville. Where does this friend of yours live?” She began to rub her pussy, but heard no response. “. . .Platter?” Trixie kept rubbing, trying to cum the earth pony out. “You fell asleep in there, didn't you,” She remarked, before white cum flowed from her pussy. “Platter?” She asked again, and a skull tumbled out among her cum. “. . .oh. oops. . .” The mare went and put her cape and hat on, “well, the show must go on.” |
[RP completed with Pzu] "Ah, jeez! That Kazuma! Such a jerk, leaving all the hard work to us!" Aqua pouted, her hands behind her back as she strut alongside her partner, Darkness. "He should treat a goddess with more respect! Maybe then I'd try and be more useful to this ungrateful party!" As she kicked her legs out, she counted her steps idly, already taking her task with a casual attitude. *"Slaying some water druid is easy enough, anyway, since I can basically control them~" "Why'd he assign you to this task anyway, Darkness? Does your sword do any good against them?" "Oh, I'm- ...I'm not actually sure why he sent me. I don't like asking him about his methods with these things, with his short fuse and all." Darkness' face would become a bit red with submission, even the mere thought of Kazuma yelling at her giving her intense feelings. "No, I don't believe my sword will be effective against the enemy, but I will still try my best. Besides, even if I can't be the one dishing out hits, I'd still be willing to take them on your behalf." She would continue to pace with her partner. "Ergh, I really hate how you say stuff like that like it's not weird..." Aqua said, although she was secretly grateful her friend would be willing to take the hits... Especially since she hated getting hurt. "You'll be my meat shield, then, and I'll do the damage. I should be able to manipulate them easily enough." As the two approached the lake, Aqua saw the water turning from whirlpools to geysers to riptides, all presumably at the will of whatever water druids they had to fight today. *"Huh... These water druids are no joke... And the quest didn't list how many we had to defeat, just 'all' of them..." She double checked the request that she had copied, confirming her suspicions. No clue how many opponents they had today... "Whatever. The more the better, at least for Darkness." With that, Aqua pulled out her goddess-endowed staff, confidently starting towards the lake. Darkness would follow behind Aqua, equally as confidently, though for different reasons. She wouldn't even touch her sword, understanding fully well that even using the blade would be a waste of resources. Instead, she would throw both of her hands up and begin to run ahead of Aqua, calling out towards the enemy. "I'm right here! Come get some, you stupid guppies!" She would kneel down into the water, giving Aqua an oppurtunity to work her magic as she let the druids begin to attack her. "Come on, strike me as hard as you can, and then strike harder.." The druid took the bait, raising their humanoid bodies from the deep to strike Darkness with their staffs and douse her in brine. "Alright then, let's take care of this..." Aqua thought, closing her eyes and beginning to survey the magical atmosphere around her... "Tch, worse than I thought... These guys are really skilled with their magic... I guess it's time to-" Before she could finish her thought, Aqua dropped her staff, her body hoisted into the air by an appendage of water. "What the fuck?! Let go of me, you...!" As she tried casting various spells, she found them useless- dispels, self-augments, anything, all dissipated in the thick torrent of water. Darkness' face would go beet red as she felt herself being struck down over and over again. Such tenacity, such raw power! A little bit of drool would quiver down her lip. At that moment, she would see Aqua being tossed around by the druids' wakes, and would feel her heartrate increase. "Don't worry, I'll come help! Just a little bit... longer..." Her train of thought would be derailed as she slid into a state of ecstasy, feeling herself being slammed and struck over and over again like a punching bag. "Aqua... I'll be there in a ssssssss- oh, ohohohoh.... ahhhhhhhh..." "Darkness, you useless-!" Aqua flailed about in her confines, feeling herself soaking as she tried casting more spells- these ones thoroughly out of her level of expertise, thus draining her magic reserves. Soon enough, she felt herself going limp, like a certain other magic-user she knew... "Shit, really...?" she thought as she felt the strength dissipating from herself. "I guess goddesses can use up all their magic, huh...?" Soon enough, the druids began to realize- these adventurers were no longer a threat. Thus, they formed a riptide, pushing Aqua into it and out into the sea. "Gah... Damn it...!" she shouted, flailing just to stay above the water. "D-Darkness! HELP!" Darkness' body had already been limp for several seconds before the riptide began, so it easily picked her up and tossed her out into the sea along with Aqua. Acting without any motion, she simply took deep breaths and began to float on her back, expending as little energy as possible as to not distract herself from the intensely pleasurable state she was in. "Aqua, just... calm down..." She would forcefully take Aqua's hand, connecting them together as they drifted off. "I could just float like this for days, it's like I'm dreaming... ahh, I can feel the sun's warmth on my face.." The next thing Aqua knew, her head hit land. Pulling herself out of the water, despite her weakened state, she found that they were on an island... A deserted one, at that. "Geh, get up, Darkness, you useless knight! I don't know how you didn't drown in all that armor! Get up!" As Aqua pulled her comrade out of the water, she couldn't help but look out to sea and notice the complete emptiness around her- no land in sight, no matter which direction. "Just how long had we been drifting out there?" "It doesn't look like I'll be able to part the water for long enough to reach any kind of land... There isn't enough wood here to make a boat for one, nevertheless for two... How are we supposed to get back?!" "Oi, Darkness, when you're out of whatever trance you're in, wanna help me out plotting an escape plan?" "H-huh?" She would put her hand to her hand, a decent sunburn having formed on her pale skin. "Where are we? Aqua, how did we get here?" She would begin to shake her armor down, knotting up the cloth and laying the metal chest and shoulder pieces on the hot sand to dry. "I'm so hungry... ahh, so thirsty, too.." Darkness would point to her parched tongue, then to her slightly concave stomach. "Are there any coconuts, or crabs, or anything...?" She would sit herself down on the sand, head in her hands, groaning. "No, there's not. Sorry, but we've gotta act fast if we wanna survive. After all, I don't even know how long we've been floating out here... And no drinking the salt water! It'll only make you thirstier!" Aqua sat cross-legged next to Darkness, her hands on her chin as she pondered to herself what exactly to do first... Food, shelter, water, escape...? Which one would come first? "I think we should prepare some food first, and maybe adventure a little further into the island and find a clean water source on the way. So we make a food a priority, instead of escape. Sound good to you?" "Y-yes, it does. I'm starving. Not to mention, if we don't find food soon, well..." She would make an odd expression, halfway between "I'm just joking" and "Please eat me". "Well, we'll have to have a difficult conversation, urngh.." She would fold her arms. ... "Right, you're right, let's head further into the island. I won't be bringing my armor, I don't think there's anything that threatening on this island." She would stand, offering Aqua a hand as she began to walk meagerly inland, extremely careful about every step she took. Aqua watched as Darkness pulled her up from the sand, her breasts spilling out in the absence of her armor, her toned midsection on display, well-lacerated by the many beatings she enjoyed taking... Her legs were also slightly exposed too, all of her body accentuated by her wet clothes, which also got soaked as they drifted to this island... "On second thought, Darkness," Aqua started, pulling the knight back. "How about... We stay here, and I'll have something to eat...?" Even through her sunburn, she went visibly red after hearing Aqua's words. "What do you m-mean?" Her lower lip and legs began to quiver as an incredible excitement washed over her. Though it may have seemed odd to be aroused by the thought of being consumed, Darkness was prone to extreme situations giving her such feelings. "Did you want to stay here and look for crabs, perhaps?" "Just say it, please, just say you want to eat me..." She shot Aqua a cute smile. "No, I think you'll be fine if you take off the rest of your clothes... Unless you wanna keep them on, that's fine too..." Aqua smiled. How lucky that she had been stranded with such an inane masochist! Gulping her down would be easily as long as she promised her anything but a good time- which was what she would get inside her gut. "You're such a slut, getting turned on by something like this! Do you want me to shrink you down with my magic or something, so I can get you down easier?" she asked smugly. Aqua had finally managed to crack Darkness. "Of course! Just give me one... moment..." And in a split second, Darkness had removed all of her remaining clothes, showing off her supple breasts and beautiful genitals in all their pale glory. "Of course, Aqua!! I'll do anything you say!! Make me tiny, make me tiny.." Her face would be redder than Aqua had ever seen, this intense feeling buried deep within Darkness had finally emerged, and she was completely and willingly ready to become Aqua's food. "Heh, just wait a minute, you little perv~" Aqua walked over to the shore, taking a small branch that had washed up on the shore and whittling it down a bit. "Good enough for a one-use wand, I suppose," she thought, taking aim at Darkness. "All right, how small you want to be?" she teased, already having made up her mind. "Let's go with... this!" A blue and yellow light flashed and struck Darkness, her body quickly shrinking as she was enveloped, down to the size of Aqua's thumb, which she was quickly put under and Aqua picked up her companion. "Look how cute you are now! Perfect size for a snack!" Aqua chided, opening her mouth wide. Darkness' breathing would pick up, completely unused to the world as a tiny. Though, despite her slight curiosity to explore the world at this size, her only current priority was as Aqua's meal, and she fully intended on completely her duty. "Aqua! Thank you!!" She would yell out as she lept from Aqua's hand and into her mouth and onto her tongue, hugging it tightly and allowing herself to become covered in hers saliva. "Aqua-sama, please... make me your food... that's all I am, your food! My purpose is to fill your stomach!!" Despite her tiny stature, her voice would echo loud in the giant's cavernous mouth. "Mmhmm~" Aqua grinned as she shut her mouth, completely cutting off Darkness from the outside world. She felt the knight squirming on her tongue as she taste the supple, well-endowed body, still noticeable despite her shrunken state. As she tilted her head back, she felt the perverted trembles of her prey despite her dire situation. "Well, then, I won't keep you waiting..." glrrk! Darkness would willingly slide down all the way to Aqua's stomach, the still-audible moans pittering out as she would splash directly into the stomach fluids. As she laid in Aqua's stomach, she would writhe about in pleasure as she began to be taken apart by the giant's body. "Hnnngh, I'm Aqua-sama's food.... I can't believe I have the privilege of being a goddess' meal!!" Tiny moans could still be heard, despite how deeply entrenched Darkness was within Aqua's body. Aqua traced the shrunken knight down her throat, still feeling her cute wiggling as she fell deeper and deeper, before disappearing behind her breasts. "Haahhhh... Thanks for the meal, you little pervert. How do you feel, being in my tummy~" grrnnmmbl... "Oh, sounds like you're doing pretty well!" Aqua laughed, patting her stomach. "Have you already started digesting? Let me hear more of those cute moans before you go, though..." As Darkness recieved the demands for more noise, she responded with flying colors, letting out a cacophony of pleasured moans and whimpers of intense pleasure. "AQUA-SAMA! THANK YOU!!" She would yelp out before slowly but surely beginning to go numb throughout her body. As she was being digested, she saw her entire life flashing before her eyes. Yet, in a strange, perverse way, her life ending as nothing more than one of Aqua's meals felt extremely justified. She was completely content with her disgraceful end. bbrrrbbllbll... "Nfufu, there she goes, all gone!" Aqua laughed to herself, feeling Darkness's body begin to funnel lower into her body, down into her intestines to be absorbed into the goddess's body. "To think this little knight would serve such a great purpose, her body padding my ass... How noble!" Leaning back, Aqua put her hands on her tummy again, resting her head on the sandy beach that she had previously washed up on. "I think... I'll be able to walk myself back... By using water-walking..." she thought, before closing her eyes. "After all... I can do that alone..." ########## For such nobility, an ending like the one Darkness had met would be doted upon as a disgrace for decades to come. As Darkness began to be absorbed by Aqua, many of the nutrients would be generously given back to her in the form of an extra layer of toned fat on her butt. However, the rest of Darkness would not go to any particular cause, rather, it would begin to travel through her intestines, taking on an even more disgraceful form. Nothing more than an afterthought. frtt... Aqua awoke with a start, feeling the gas escape her rear... which she found slightly more rounded, noting that with a smile. "I suppose all of the little slut has ended up down here, in one form or another~" she chided, feeling the pressure building up in her butt. "I won't keep you waiting that long, don't you worry!" Aqua stood up and squatted, hiking up her skirt to reveal her panty-less ass. She dug a shallow ditch in the sand, smiling at the thought that this would be the grave for her comrade, and just because she was a goddess didn't mean she'd be bringing Darkness back... Darkness had finally reached her maximum potential. Most of her body had been taken in, pulled apart, and now would meet it's end as a fat, steaming log of Aqua's waste. Though, perhaps for such a useless crusader, a disgraceful end like this was justified. Darkness was foolish and incompetent with a blade, and served essentially no purpose in combat, whereas a log of Aqua's poop would serve it's purpose eventually, giving back to the Earth what little it took. Perhaps this was the best Darkness could've possibly attained. Her greatest achievement. The pressure of the log would begin to strain Aqua. prrrpbth... plrpp... Aqua gasped as she felt the hot logs of former-Darkness breach from her rear, hanging from her ass and down into the pit below. "Ngh... What a pain..." Aqua grunted as the first log fell from her ass, half the log hanging over the rim of her makeshift hole. "Just... get out, already..." More and more of Darkness piled below her as she strained to poop out the remains of the knight, eventually completing itself as a pile of three or four turds, all steaming below the goddess's expanded ass. Aqua sighed, standing up straight as she looked down on the pile of poop, imagining the masochistic warrior it used to be. "How pathetic, being turned into some smooth shits like this..." she jeered, sneering at her own inanimate feces. "I guess this is what you wanted, though..." She turned, not even bothering to cover the shit with sand- after all, no one would really ever find it on the deserted island. "I'll just let Kazuma know you decided to stay with the druids since they beat you up so much, or something... By then~" Darkness had been reduced to nothing more than a steaming pile of turds. A truly fitting end for such a “shitty” crusader. |
Aqua decided today was the day she would show all of her magic tricks to the guild. After all, her talents weren't being appreciated enough by her party; maybe some guys in the guild would pick her up after they saw her aptitude for magic. She smugly grinned to herself, controlling some water like a fountain in the palm of her hand as some other guildmembers looked on, some with more intent than others... It also seemed some of the viewers weren't too necessarily interested in the show, but rather the goddess's more intimate parts that she had forgotten to conceal in her attempt for worship. "Now, this one's not even that impressive!" she laughed, letting the water fall onto the palm of her hand. She squeezed her fingers inwards, creating a ball with the water. "I could do so much more if some of you would supply me with some magic power..." As she said this, her eyes wandered past the crowd surrounding her for the first time since she had begun nearly an hour ago. As she did this, she caught a glimpse of a certain girl lying face-down on a bench, left alone in a corner of the guild... Aqua smiled, knowing exactly who it was. "Excuse me, folks, just a minute," she said with a feigned smile, walking over to Megumin as she recovered her mana from her earlier explosion spell... "How are you doing, Megumin? Do you hear the crowd honoring me? Worshipping me?" "...ahh, esssplosion...an awesome burst of fire...ahh, ahhhh...." Megumin had been stuck in a rather compromising position for several hours. Following a two-feigned adventure between Megumin and Kazuma for the week's culinary budget, a day spent gathering the items of and torching frogs' nests, Megumin had hit the ground hard after draining all her magical and staminal abilities to a razor-thin margin. And after hitting the ground hard, she'd pretty much lost her brain in self-appraisal. "Mmmgh, aaagh...? What's all the racket...?" She would groan meekly, slowly nodding her head over as to look in Aqua's general direction. "Aqua, stop disturbin' my naptime... I'm too tuckered out for all this nonsense right now.." She'd pout, closing her eyes and slightly rubbing her hair into the wooden bench. "Cool tricks, cool tricks... can you please carry me to my bed?" In fact, she'd been talking to herself for the past while, having entered a dream state. From the back of the pub, a faint "Kazuma, Kazuma, c'mon, take me to my bed..." would've been heard. In fact, had it not been for Kazuma's reluctance to be labelled as a "lolicon" for taking the helpless girl to her room unsupervised, he'd simply dumped her motionless body on the barstool. "Ngghhh, aaaaaa~" Megumin yawned. Aqua smiled. "Perfect!" she thought, seeing the girl nearly falling asleep again. "This makes it much easier to do what I want... Aqua took a bottle from a nearby table, downing a little more of what was probably more than enough alcohol for the low-tolerance girl. Her face was slightly flushes, and although she still had her capacity, she would probably lose it soon if someone didn't put a stop to her shenanigans... She knew she had to keep it somewhat together, at least, so she could show all the guild members one last trick. "Hey, Megumin, you're gonna help me with a trick, ok?" Aqua said, pulling the girl into a sitting position before her. She fixed the small girl's hat, spraying a little bit of water into her face to help the girl wake up. "All you gotta do is what you're doing now- just lay down and let me do the trick, ok?" With little time for confirmation, Aqua simply decided that was that and dragged Megumin's body over to the table to demonstrate her next trick to her captive audience. "Hunh? Mm, hey... stop that, I don't want anything to do with this." She protested, feeling a spray of cold water over her face, yet still physically unable to even reach her arm up to wipe it off. She felt her body straining, her psyche fighting viciously in protest, yet all of her efforts could only cause a slight grimace. This inability to move - coupled with her drunken comrade pulling her away and setting her up like a puppet for her party trick, caused Megumin to enter an involuntary state of self-defense. "Exhh..plosion." She muttered, though no one could hear. "Ehhs... urgh..." Hardly even being able to muster the word, much less the physical capability to summon one of her incredible magical feats. "Nngh, ahh.... stooooop..." She whined. "Alright, everybody, for my last trick, it's going to have nothing to do with water," she said, waiting for applause, though it didn't come. She continued anyway... "For my next trick, I'm going to make this mage disappear!" Aqua laughed to herself, seeing the girl below her grimacing as Aqua laid her down on the table. She never really got to feel this superior to her comrades, and her drunken stupor was enhancing her audacity as she licked her fingers. "Now, don't ask me how I do it! You can only watch, and a true magician never reveals her secrets... Anyway..." Aqua crawled onto the table, flipping Megumin over so she was face down again. She rested her chin on Megumin's ass, smiling as she asked, "Are you ready, Megumin?" Her words rang in Megumin's ears, knowing fully well that there was no possible way that this would end well for the poor girl. "No... get off..." She would slowly be coming back from her stupor yet remain far from being able to orchestrate her body. "Please, don't do that... you've had too much to drink, you’re... being too reckless, your magic isn't... good, enough..." Though spoken beneath her breath, she knew well that Aqua would be the only one able to hear her protests. Unable to yell out to alert the patrons, unable to physically fight back or run, she had no option yet but to plead with her captor. However, what stuck to her the most was Aqua's tone. She was no stranger to brashness, even to a fault.. but she couldn't shake the feeling that Aqua was acting unusually ambivolent to the well-being of her fatigued comrade. Something was definitely off, and being in such a helpless state to pair was absolutely frightening her to the core. "Please, don't-!" "Not good enough? I'll show you what's not good enough!" Aqua muttered to Megumin, suddenly crawling up on the table. She wasted no time planting her ass on the girl's face, wiggling down as she got comfortable before... FFRRRTTTTTPTTTTH! Aqua brazenly lets out an eruption of gas, completely forgetting how everyone was watching. Without regard for her surroundings, she blushed, a little bit of drool even coming out from the side of her mouth before she suddenly sobered up a little, seeing the faces of her audience, now thoroughly transfixed, for better or for worse. "Uh... I'll just... Start, then," Aqua said, blushing, now out of embarrassment. She crawled off the girl who was squirming beneath her, suddenly shifting to have her mouth right at Megumin's legs. "Alright, then, heave!" she said, throwing the girls shoes aside and shoving the mage's feet into her mouth. And in the matter of a few moments, her mind went through myriad of various emotions. As soon as Aqua climbed upon the table and sat on her face, her mind went numb. Though she wasn't attracted to Aqua in any sense of the word, it was hard to deny that such plump, inexplicably doughy cheeks on her face was a pleasant - though, unexpected - turn of events. That was when Aqua "relieved herself" on Megumin's face. Because she had very limited control of her breathing, she literally had no choice but to inhale a massive amount of her captor's fart. Tears began to well in her eyes, and her mind raced, praying to whatever other gods that may have been out there to keep Aqua from deciding to rip another one. Yet, as Aqua crawled off in a bout of silence, her mind still had not been relaxed. Be it from the noxious effects of having to breathe in Aqua's "all-natural goddess odors", or the dire situation she found herself in, she knew that this was certainly not the end. The moment Aqua removed her shoes and wrapped her mouth around the girl's feet, she finally understood what Aqua meant by "making her disappear" - and she was terrified. She began calling out, screaming for help - yet because of her involuntary constriction, nothing more than a faint whimper and a face of horror would present itself. Sitting on that bench, she would become overtaken with terror. Aqua slowly got quickly got to work on the girl, sliding her on the table and into her mouth just like any other meal she had eaten there. Her face, reddened by alcohol, was clearly enjoying the mage's struggles against her descent as Aqua gulped heartily. She looked as best she could into the mage’s eyes, trying to taunt her as she ate her alive. "Let's see how high and mighty you'll be able to act once I turn you into my shit~" she thought, smugly smiling to herself. Her free hand had also slowly begun to pleasure herself once she got past Megumin's hips, her garments doing little to hide the fact... The entire time, onlookers gave similar reactions to the farting display they had seen just before. Some got up and left, some stayed to watch the little girl struggle, and others fought for a view from behind of the goddess, who was now leaning over the table. She shook her hips happily, beckoning Megumin further into her body. Her stomach below let out a low grrnnnnmmbllbl... as the goddess's lips encircled Megumin's neck. She caught one last glimpse of Megumin's face, promptly shoving the rest of her into her digestive system as she completed her act. gglllrrkk!! Megumin was completely dumbstruck by the situation she found herself in, her own helpless body at the fate of her merciless companion. Despite her efforts in fighting the inevitable, she was unable to do little more than wince, a few tears running down her cheeks as Aqua gluttonously devoured her whole. "Stop... please, stop... I'm begging you..." Yet, as she continued to feel more and more of herself elevate off the table and into the Aqua's gaping maw, hearing the faint pleasured moans from her captor, she understood the gravity of what was happening before her. If Aqua was truly enjoying what was happening now, then it was only inevitable that she'd enjoy the full tour the helpless girl was about to take through her digestive system. "..." And just like that, she vision was engulfed by the darkness, her entire body greedily wrapped within the wet confines of her captor's body. As she fell to the pit in Aqua's stomach, she truly grasped that this was the end - she was doomed to conclude her life as Aqua's bowel movement. "Nnghh... Thanks for watching the first part of my trick, all," Aqua said with fanfare as she plopped her ass back onto a stool (to which her captive audience from the behind was much disappointed). "The next part of this trick... nngh... takes a while, so don't feel bad if you can't watch the rest...!" Aqua cradled her belly with her hands, jostling the poor mage inside her as she laughed to herself. "How's it feel, Megumin? Can't use any magic to get yourself out of this one, huh? I bet you wish you treated me better, huh? Well, it's too late now, since you're gonna just be a turd tomorrow morning... How horrible~" Aqua kept rambling to her prey as most of the onlookers dissipated, casting wary glances towards the goddess. This final display of voracity had mixed effects on the guild's interest of her. "Did you see that?" "How did she just eat the girl whole?" "Apparently she was in her party!" "I don't want that to happen to me..." "Yeah, but it was kind of hot, though..." The ramblings of the crowd in the guild had centered around her, and unfortunately not the fate of the poor mage simmering in her gut... grmmbblbll... "Hear that, Megumin? It sounds like my belly has recognized you as food... Only so long 'til you start digesting~" Megumin was involuntarily jostled into place, taking up a position in which she was cradled into a fetal position, her head just barely reaching above the stomach acids, forcing her to listen as Aqua mocked her fate. "You're just gonna be a turd tomorrow morning... How horrible~" Rang through her head over and over, a castrophany of humiliation and an oppressive feeling of dread firing through her system. How could this be happening to her? Why would Aqua do this? Was this another stupid prank? No, no.. if it was just a prank, it would've been solely for the entertainment of the crowd. This wasn't entertainment, this was abject cruelty! A glimmer faded from Megumin's eyes. Though she would soon be processed and dumped out unceremoniously, she was long from physically dead. To her, though, she would have to experience two deaths. The first had already come - she had been betrayed by a member of her own party, subject to social and visceral humiliation beyond her own expectations. The only thing left for her to do was cry. As Aqua heard Megumin's sobs emanating from her belly, her eyes widened in surprise, but also in opportunistic pleasure. "Are you really crying? How pathetic!" she said, standing up as she hit her belly. "No wonder you're the first to go from our party... You have no fighting spirit! Why don't you try to resist, huh? Otherwise, the most resistance I'll be getting from you is when I wake up tomorrow morning..." As Aqua said this, she felt her stomach churning, as if to drive her point home. The low grumbles and squelching in her tummy eventually drowned out Megumin's crying, the goddess unable to hear her prey anymore... She was content for most of the walk home, showing her stomach to passersby as she flaunted what was to be her new gains... Eventually, however, she grew tired of this, and as Megumin began to get even more mushy, she began to get annoyed at how little response she was getting from her prey. She felt a small rumble in her gut, but this time, lower down... ffrttt! "Listen, Megumin, that's gonna be you in a couple hours if you don't do something!" Aqua threatened, although she knew very well that there was no hope for the small mage. "So why don't you... I dunno... try and get out, or something? You're making me feel like you want to be my turd!" As Megumin felt herself begin to fall apart, her body's resources halted their attempts to restore Megumin's stamina, using what tiny bit of power she had to meekly fight back against her captor's stomach acids. Over several hours, the time Megumin would've usually been fully up and spry again, her body's processes had entirely quit on her, making a hasty digestion - even of bones and fabric - even hastier. "Aqua, stop... please, please let me go... I'm not gonna survive in here! I don't want to turn into... that... I can't! Don't do this, it's not humane!" Megumin would whimper, using her final breaths to submissively beg for her life, praying that Aqua would be able to hear her during the digestive phase. However, this begging finally caused her body to cease all of its functions. Her immune system stops fighting against the digestion, and her throat was so parched that she simply couldn't muster another word. She closed her eyes and silently wept, knowing her only chance at a normal life was now in the hands of her sadistic superior. As Megumin began to get her bodily functions back (only for them to be removed very soon after), Aqua was lounging on her bed listening to the low groans of her stomach, the drawl of the digestive process lulling her into a comforting, relaxing haze. Soon enough, she began to hear Megumin's muffled pleas, which roused her from her half-sleep and back into reality. "Nngh...?" Aqua said groggily. "What's... What's that...? Oh, oh yeah!" Snapping out of her stupor, Aqua sat up straight in bed, jostling her belly around once more. She listened intently, expectant of Megumin's pathetic pleas for life as her stomach was surely more than halfway done with her. "Let you go? No way! You didn't even put up a struggle~" Aqua teased, jostling her belly around again as she had done before. "Don't tell me this is all you have to offer? Whimpering little pleas? Well, I guess you're fated to be my shit anyway, so it's no big deal... I feel my belly preparing to finish you off, so any last words~?" Aqua pressed her ear up against her own belly, reveling in the silent misery that hit her ears. "Must've already digested~" she thought, sitting up again. "Well, then, see you tomorrow," Aqua said, laying down on her side as her stomach contracted with a hearty glrrnch! As Megumin's life finally left her eyes, she slumped down, succumbing to Aqua's bodily processes. Soon enough, her body would quickly be mashed up by her superior's stomach, then drained off into her intestines to coagulate into her ultimate form. While her body was being transformed into waste, Megumin's soul stayed within her predator's bowels, a humiliated spirit which would've most likely translated into nothing more than a bit of flatulence later. However, this did offer a small glimmer of hope to Megumin - perhaps, despite her absolutely degrading end, her spirit would live on and wander the lands freely. She thought of all the things she could see; of all the legendary events she'd have the opportunity to witness. She could see Kazuma's guild become the absolute strongest, reaching all their goals, even without their spry little mage. The simple thought of this made Megumin finally establish some belief in her bittersweet end. "Maybe I'll get to watch Aqua get hit by a bus, too." she joked to herself. And as the remains of Megumin slid and sluiced through Aqua's intestines, it wouldn't be too long before they would reach their destination, pressing lightly against Aqua's asshole. Although she was still tired, Aqua stirred awake through the sensation of Megumin- her soul and former body- inside her bowels, begging for release. Again, she smugly smiled, although her face was still somewhat sleepy, and stood up, examining herself. "Not bad, not bad," she said, squeezing her own breasts and butt, which were now wider thanks to Megumin's generous contribution. "I have half a mind to regenerate you so I could get these gains again," she teased, "but I have better ideas of where you'll go..." With those ominous words, Aqua strutted to the bathroom, her hips swaying with Megumin-fat as she took off her clothes, the same ones from her "magic show" the previous day, but now more ill-fitting on her voluptuous body. Deciding it was best to start the day by seeing Megumin on her way, she sat down on the toilet, her butt cascading over the sides as she preferred to drop off her former party member. "I bet those guys from yesterday would like to see my now," Aqua said, clearly not embarrassed by her drunken exhibitionism from the previous evening. "And it's all thanks to you... hghnngh..." Aqua quickly got to work evacuating what was left of the mage's body into the toilet below, her butt clenching as the thick logs slowly but surely snaked downwards. She began to sweat, feeling the pure mass of the bowel movement- how much of the mage could be left after how much went to her ass and thighs?!- but log after log kept piling up below her enhanced ass. As her pucker began to relax even more, she found that she was nearing the end... frttt! A short, high-pitched fart erupted from amidst the logs, which Aqua recognized as Megumin's soul. She smugly smiled again as she grabbed hold of it, magically making Megumin's soul corporeal. Megumin was forced to listen and witness as her own body was dumped out, each individual smooth log landing into the toilet with a plop! plop! plop! coupled with Aqua's semi-sexual grunts and groans, and she had never in her life felt the magnitude of shame she would be feeling at that very moment. If a spirit could cry out, she surely would have. Though, after several minutes of this excruciating, existential, absurd torture she would finally see her escape - Aqua's backdoor - and immediately rushed out, feeling the monumental shaking of her asscheeks as she squirmed her through her predator's rectum. frttt! She would finally be free! Just as she expected, she was able to exit the hole, no longer trapped within the confines of her former comrade's bowels. Her spirit silently floated down to the pile of turds Aqua left, reaching out and granting her physical form one last supposed goodbye before then floating back upwards, maneuvering between her predator's enlarged thigh and the toilet seat. Though, before she could finally be granted the freedom she desperately longed for, she felt Aqua grasp her. "No...NO! STOP!" She would shriek out, unsure if Aqua was able to even hear her. She would fight Aqua's grasp with everything she had, wildly thrashing about while stuck in the grip of the goddess. "Look how cute you are like this... Well, I'm going to make you something far less cute~" she said, looking Megumin's spirit-body over, knowing she wouldn't have that form for more than a minute. "I'm going to do this~" Using her magic, Aqua retracted Megumin's soul back into her hands like a vacuum, then closing them into a ball to hold the spirit inside. Turning around, she leaned forwards towards her own bowel movement (much to her discontent, but it had to be done!), pushing her lips up to her enclosed hands. Slowly, she blew air through, as if playing an instrument, Megumin's soul suddenly drifting down to join her body- or what remained of it... As this happened, Aqua simply thought of a spell in her head, and Megumin's soul again funneled- but this time to something entirely different; her soul had been bound to one of Aqua's logs of shit! "Nfufu, that's much better! I think you look better this way, steaming in my toilet~" She turned, giving log-Megumin a clear view of her ass. "And, of course, I like what you added to me, here, as well. I'll be leaving, though... You know, I'm not even gonna flush, I don't think... I'll see what whoever comes in here next thinks of your new form... If they even recognize you, that is!" Laughing, Aqua contentedly strolled out of the bathroom, Megumin's new smell beginning to waft throughout the room... Megumin sat in the bowl, left in complete shock. Despite having no corporeal senses, because of the binding all she could do was sense what she was bound to. The smell of her new body, the wettish-dry texture... a non-stop, 4K replay of what she had been cursed to take the form of, just waiting for anyone, anything to save her. Soon enough, the others in the guild began to wake, along with Megumin's former comrades... Darkness was the first to wake up, and in due time was the first to make it over to the bathroom. As she walked inside, her eyes teared up at the smell, not knowing that it was one of her former group members who was festering in the toilet bowl. "Errgh..." Darkness complained (though she would have been masochistically pleased had she knew who the turds were, currently). "Really, who doesn't flush the toilet..." She looked down into the toilet bowl, for some reason... It was just as she anticipated. Regular, albeit plentiful, logs of poop piled into the bowl, so much so that the water beneath was hidden behind them. They simply sat in the septic entrance, waiting to be sent down to where they belonged. Darkness's brow furrowed. Would this even flush? She had to try. "Nghh... I hope this doesn't..." she said, pulling on the drain. Surely, the entire waste was pulled down in a rush of water, Darkness unknowing what fate she had instilled upon her former comrade as she planted her ass down on the seat, her mind wandering about whether someday, some other person would be pushing her out of their ass instead of her pushing shit out... Little did she know, that day would be coming sooner than she thought. |
A chorus of cicadas chimed through the humid Gensokyo air, the sun brutally beating down on the wet fields and expansive boreal forests. In the heartlands, a pair of heroines rode on carriage, crossing a series of rickety bridges and traversing mile after mile of harsh grassland. Controlling the carriage was Komachi, hired as a one-way caboose for the duo, who'd made plans to stay at their destination for no more than a few nights in order to assess the situation afoot. "Ahead, just across this bridge and through the pasture." Eiki directed in her constant, reassuring, tempered tone. Her voice was the kind that could soothe anybody - a matured justiciar, centuries of judgement having manifested in her remarkably non-abbrasive tone. She turned her head, facing Reimu. "And you remembered to come ready to be my defense, no?" She smiled. "No need to answer. After all the youkai you've sent my way, I have no doubt in your ability, if you don't mind my embellishment." Her eyes flickered a bit, feigning a wide, mellow smile as the carriage crossed over the canal. "I don't see why the great Yamaxanadu Shiki Eiki couldn't do it herself, but whatever," Reimu scoffed, not one to jump at flattery. "But whatever. You better uphold your own end of the deal. A whole month's worth of food, right?" The shrine maiden kicked her feet up on the carriage, lazily using her gohei to swat away the pests in the air. Although her attitude might not depict it, she was quite strong, and not one to back down from any incident- as she's proven in the past. "Where are we even going? Why don't you tell me? Honestly, I should've made you promise me more than a month's worth..." the girl muttered to herself. "What's even the problem with these disappearances? Don't youkai go disappearing all the time? They're probably just brooding together, creating some new, annoying incident like they always do." "Well, it's a bit more complicated than that. If the answer were so simple, I'd have not come in person at all. I've had several souls sent to me in the past few days, all with worryingly hazy recollections of their fate. The only constant I was able to coagulate from the testimonies was a rough location of where they were wandering prior to death. Always the same woods, and always a blurry memory of a hollowed-out stump." Eiki looked forward, squinting as she saw the Yakumo manor's roof poke through the foliage. "Quite unusual. The concern here is that blurry memories are often indicative of a particularly graphic death - one of the many blessings granted to mortals is that degrading fates preceeded by virtuous lives are typically blocked from the fallens' memory, as to not haunt them throughout the entirety of their afterlife." Shiki shuttered. "Unfortunately, while I'm dismissed from my position in the underworld, I cannot provide such protections. Any souls that happen to meet their fate here within the next few days will be haunted with the memories for the rest of eternity. As such, I need your help to absolutely ensure that no deaths occur." As Komachi pulled up to a clearing adjacent to the Yakumo manor, Shiki would feel a set of magical eyes peering at them, before fading. Not desiring to scare Reimu, she simply took a deep breath, and opened the carriage door. "Thank you, Komachi. I will see you in three days." - Peering out of her portal, Yukari giggled to herself as she thought about poking Reimu in the ass through another portal but decided against it. "Aren't they getting along just dandy? Wouldn't expect the shrine maiden and the death god to get along so well, ufufu... Oh, looks like she noticed me..." Removing the portal from existence, Yukari turned to Ran. "Is your last meal ready to come out yet? I fed that little witch to you a while ago, the damned thief..." Meanwhile, Reimu climbed out of the carriage door behind Shiki, stretching out her arms as she whacked the air with her gohei and brandished her purifying needles with her fingers. "Nice to get out and stretch..." Reimu yawned, assuming they were close to their destination. "Looks like there aren't any youkai around here, either. I don't sense anything, after all." Walking a comfortable distance behind Shiki Eiki, Reimu looked around, wondering what could be eating living things out here... After all, it didn't even seem like somewhere Reimu would want to live, anyway. What keeps dragging things here? "Hey, do you think this is a case of kidnapping, or something like that?" Reimu asked casually. "I mean, who would even want to come out to the sticks like here, anyway..." Ran shot Yukari a pained smile, a distended grbbrrlll... eminating from her lower gut, answering Yukari's question. "R-ready to show her where she belongs." Through her wide, crooked smile, a bit of moral hesitation could be seen conflicting her oath to follow the household matriarch's commands - but, for reasons that seemed to be beyond her, each time she felt one of her meals being mushed together and pulped by her digestive tract, she absolutely could not deny the euphoria of predation. "Just say the word, and I'll let her out." She pressed her hand onto her abdomen, a bit of pressure causing her bowels to fill with Marisa's remains, a fate that was viscerally humiliating to the point of absurdity - even for a lowly thief. "Well, it's impossible to say now. The haze around this situation is exactly why I need you here. I am just as informed as you - and for your bravery in this task, I commend you. Trust that, if such a predicament arises that you need to draw your weapon, I will triple your reward." The Yama rationalized. Shiki approached the front gate to the manor, inhaling a deep breath and standing tall before reaching out her first and knocking three times at a quiet volume. "Hello? Is anybody home? We are judiciars, open the door." Shiki spoke in a tone that almost seemed robotically devoid of emotion - a nowhere tone, the kind of professional verbal poker face that only a god of objective neutrality could possess. Yukari smiled, though she kept her smile rather placid and calm as she watched her little pet fret over the fate of her meal. "Don't worry, I'll let you know... It won't be long, now," she said, thinking of the two upcoming guests. "Go and bring a glass jar over here. We'll use that, ok?" Meanwhile, Chen ran around outside, frolicking with a gut less distended than Ran's but still clearly full. "Chen, come on inside. And pick those fairy wings out of your teeth," Yukari called for the young catgirl. Chen promptly swallowed down the wings, coming inside and obediently coming to her mistress's side. "Go on upstairs and wait for me to call you down, alright? Here's a snack for being a good girl..." Yukari handed a shrunken Komachi, kidnapped through a portal, to the catgirl. "Now, go on..." Reimu was somewhat annoyed at the seeming increase in scope of this expedition- what could the Yama be so intent on that she would triple her reward if it came to violence? A little premonition of danger flew across Reimu's mind, but Reimu wasn't really one to do any thinking- she rather just punched first and asked questions later. As they came to the door, she tapped her foot, aggravated as an answer didn't come. "Fuck it," she said, kicking down the door easily as the Yama stood beside her, opening the living room to the two... "Yes, Yukari-sama..." Ran verbally stroked Yukari's ego for a moment, understanding that the best possible outcome would come from complying with the dominant predator. She headed to the closet, stretching onto her toes in order to grab an extra-large glass jar from the top shelf, pacing back to Yukari while cradling it. She winced a bit, the extra stretching causing excess pressure to her bowels, a red flush lighting up her face as she felt Marisa desperately pressing towards her freedom. "I believe that if we aren't immediately let in, using litigation we could likely scope around the property before e-" Shiki would be interrupted in the middle of her informative monologue to the tune of Reimu caving in the front door with a foot bash. Eiki looked up at the two women. Though nothing immediately seemed particularly out of the ordinary, Eiki's divine internal sirens would be blaring as she stared at the slightly puffy belly of Ran, a gutteral feeling of incredible evil rising within her as she haplessly stared, open-mawed at the predator's distended belly. "Excuse me, who do you think you are!" Ran demanded. "Don't worry, Ran, I saw them coming..." Yukari said soothingly. "Just go on about your business, now... Show our other guest some hospitality and see them on their way..." As Yukari coldly said this, she opened up a portal, dropping Marisa's hat onto her open palm before twirling it around. "I believe we need to make some vacancy for our new guests here, hmmm?" she said tauntingly. She eyed up Reimu, somewhat annoyed that she had kicked down the door- she really didn't have to go through all that trouble. The side doors were open. "Yukari?" Reimu said, flabbergasted as she retrieved Marisa's hat. "Hey! Where did you get that? Where's Marisa?" She brandished her gohei threateningly, her face rippling into a scowl. "Why didn't you tell me we were visiting here?" Reimu glared at Shiki, though she never let herself get distracted from Yukari... Ran looked to the intruders, then back to Yukari. She nodded at the demands of her superior, her entire face going red with an incredible mixture of sadistic pleasure and incredible embarrassment. She planted the jar on the floor in direct view of the entire party, stepping in front of it and pulling up her dress just slightly as she wriggled her panties off her legs. After glancing at Yukari one more time in search of approval, she closed her eyes and inhaled. Ran would begin to pressure her bowels, instantly causing her back hole to loosen, resulting immediately in several turds the size of forearms sliding out and plunking against the cold glass bottom, steam from prolonged exposure to Ran's exceptionally warm intestines causing the shit to fog up the glass. Sprinkled throughout the dense turds was an occasional ribbon, the exact kind that Marisa adorned on her dress at all times. "I didn't know, girl - " Shiki was once again cut off in the middle of her thought as she witnessed the reprehensible scene before her, taking a moment to gather her thoughts - and having never met Marisa before, all she knew was that there were clearly human clothing remains littered throughout Ran's bowel movement. Her near-constant poker face would be shattered, a look of immense disgust and repulsion shining through as she reached into her belt and equipped her ceremonial beating stick. "Good girl, good girl," Yukari mused, rubbing Ran's head like a cat as she relieved herself. "I wonder if our guest enjoyed her stay... Well I guess she can't give us her opinion anymore, ufufu~" she giggled. Looking behind Ran and into the jar, Yukari gladly saw the clear-as-day human remains being put on full display as she waved the hat at her face like a fan. As a small rush of gas escaped Ran's pucker with a ffrrttt!, Yukari laughed again. "I don't suppose our guests will take our old client's testimony as fact, will they? Surely they'll be understanding enough to stay~" "Shut up, you old hag!" Reimu yelled, ever the brute of a shrine maiden. She could only watch in horror as her (former) friend's remains piled into the jar, a pathetic assortment of clothing scraps and shit. She had seen the girl less than a day ago, and now she was a lifeless mass of fetid content... She felt like crying, but she held it in, knowing Shiki would lose confidence in her if she showed weakness. As Shiki drew her sword, Reimu also took an aggressive position. "Don't think you can just do as you like, anymore!" Reimu said, tears in her eyes. "I'll exterminate you just like any other youkai!" Ran purred for a moment, feeling Yukari's hand stroking her ear. In a moment's time, she would gulp, audibly grunting as the largest of the pile slid out, a behemoth log nearly the height of the jar. Even over the yelling, through the brief pauses of horror a vile schllllcking noise could be heard as the hot, wet mass slid from Ran's slightly enlarged ass, finally succumbing to gravity and landing on the pile with an audible splat! Ran's eyes reopened, a lewd, predatory look towards Reimu as she licked her lips and her stomach began to growl once again, only a matter of seconds after she'd finished degrading the miko's best friend into a festering pile. Shiki tightened her fist around the mantle of her weapon with her right hand, her left hand digging into her judiciary robe and equipping a shimmering silver mirror. As Ran peered at Reimu, Eiki slung the mirror into her line of sight, exposing each and every single one of her sins, a destruction of privacy so immense that any normal youkai would instantly have forfeited and submitted to the authority of the Yama. However, after long sessions of training in predation from Yukari herself, Ran was no longer a "normal youkai". Upon seeing the sins reflected back towards her, each and every soul she'd devoured, digested, and defecated out, she licked her lips and began to drool. The pleasure of being apex, a superior lifeform, the supreme matriarch of the food chain - it was insurmountable to Ran. She no longer could see her actions as negative - in fact, the more she remembered the individual feelings of innocents desperately thrashing around inside her belly, the more insatiable she became. Eiki held the mirror high, looking down at the judged. The moments that she spent waiting for something - anything - felt like an eternity within themselves. Ran was completely unaffected by Eiki's most powerful attack. Yukari looked on confidently, a smug look on her face as Shiki pulled out her mirror. She clicked her tongue, foreseeing exactly what would happen, whether she was clairvoyant or not. "I wonder if the shrine maiden has any tricks that will actually work up her sleeve," Yukari thought to herself. "Though, I severely doubt I would not know of the tricks, already..." Meanwhile, Reimu swallowed hard as she felt her anger slowly turning to intimidation- with Shiki's powerful display going relatively unnoticed by the two larger girls. As she heard Marisa finish piling into the jar, she made a pact with herself to undoubtedly secure Marisa's remains for a proper burial, lest they be a vengeful spirit against her in the afterlife. "Shiki... I don't think... That's gonna work..." Reimu stuttered as she watched the glare on her getting stronger, Ran's predatory instincts strengthening with the prolonged effect. "I think... it's not working..." Yukari leaned over to the hungry kitsune, stroking her chin as she did so. "Now, now," Yukari whispered. "Imagine that shrine maiden there, and look down below you... I want you to turn her into the exact same thing... Don't you think it's about time this shrine maiden was shown how little power she has over us~" Blowing an alluring rush of air into Ran's ears, Yukari returned to her confidant position. "Don't underestimate us, little Yama," Yukari taunted, brushing her hair behind her back. Ran's eyes darted around the room for a moment after the alluring whispers of her master, scouring the room for something to wipe herself off. Locking onto the table, she remembered a few of Marisa's items that hadn't been ingested were still laying there. "Perfect!" She thought to herself, leaning over and grabbing the witch-turned-dump's bag. After less than a second of rummaging, she pulled out a special item. In her palm was now a beige paper talisman from the Hakurei shrine, a series of kanji on it granting luck on wayward travels. The depraved irony not lost on Ran, she brought the talisman down between her legs and gingerly wiped herself clean. Dropping the defiled item into the jar, she would look up, only to be met with a charging Eiki, about three feet away from bringing down her purifying sword directly onto the head of the predator. "I banish you!" Eiki cried out, closing her eyes as she brought the sword down onto Ran. Reimu watched in awe as the Yama brought her sword down on the kitsune, thoroughly expecting a flash of light and an exterminated youkai as she covered her eyes with her arms, cowering backwards. She thought to herself that if it was going to be this easy, she didn't really know why the Yama had bothered bringing her in the first place... "Nfufu... I don't think so..." Yukari laughed to herself, opening a portal beneath Ran and teleporting her away. "You should really think more carefully about who you're fighting, Miss Yama... Don't make me send you through a portal next..." As she said this, Reimu opened her eyes, looking around carefully... Where had Ran been teleported to? She froze as she felt a presence behind her, along with the deep, salivating breaths of a predator... "Go on, Ran, eat up..." Yukari said. "Oh, and do be careful not to make a mess, ok?" In a flash, Reimu felt a strong pair of hands grab her from behind, lifting her up in a singular motion and stuffing her entire head into Ran's gaping maw. Reimu would feel her feet lift off the ground as her predator began to float, destroying the girl's center of gravity. Ran would flip herself around in the air now, the shrine maiden's torso and legs upwards in the air as she casually allowed gravity to slide the girl down into the pit her stomach, not even considering this meal worthy of any extra effort. The entire devouring process was over and done in a matter of seconds. Ran casually floated back into her upward position, moaning with predatory bliss as the shrine maiden became accustomed to her temporary home deep within the belly of a kitsune. Her distended gut would sway gluttonously, almost as if it were mocking Shiki herself. "EEEEAAAAUUUGHHHH!!!!!" Shiki uncouthly lashed out at the bastardization of justice and morality unfolding before her. She gripped her sword tightly, her head turning to face Yukari as her eyes glistened with a burning, vengeance-fueled passion from within her soul. Eiki lunged towards her, her blade facing frontward with the intention of slashing the matriarch in her throat. "Wha-?!" was all Reimu could manage before she was essentially mauled by the kitsune who assaulted her, her body easily manhandled into the girl's maw. She felt herself shift from standings to upside down in a matter of seconds, her body sinking down into a wet confines which she soon realized was the beginning of Ran's digestive system. "Sh- Shit...! If I don't get out of here...!" Images of Marisa's demise flashed back to her, causing her legs to buckle as they were likewise swallowed down quickly. As she piled into Ran's guts, she would squirm uselessly against the confines, only managing to spread the stomach acid across her body rather than cause any real discomfort to her predator. She realized that instead of the three months of food promised to her by Shiki, if nothing was done, she'd end up as a day's worth of food for some perverted kitsune. "No...! Let me out...!" Reimu shouted pathetically, whacking her gohei against the stomach walls. On the outside, meanwhile, Yukari simply smirked as Shiki brought her sword down upon the mistress instead. "Now, a temper will get you nowhere when it comes to justice," she said coolly, sidestepping the swing and causing Shiki to fall over into Yukari's lap. "Why don't we try talking this out now that it's just me and you...?" She reached down towards Shiki's chin, turning it towards her face. "Keep fighting, girl. The more you wear yourself out now, the less scraps I'll have to push out tomorrow morning!~" Ran chided, rubbing her gut as the same smile from earlier warped her face into a sadistic grin, the only difference now being Shiki's mirror had showed her how pointless feeling any remorse at all had been. She was a predator - Reimu was prey. There was no purpose in a fox defying it's own nature, especially when nature felt so divine pathetically wriggling against her belly's forces - like a trout trying to scale a waterfall. UUURRRPP! Ran belched, causing her stomach's lining to contract, forcing Reimu into a fetal position as she was basted in Ran's superior digestive juices. Shiki, meanwhile, felt her grip tighten around her blade as Yukari's evasive maneuvers only further served to increase Shiki's desire to slay the beasts. Briefly looking back towards Ran, she couldn't help but let out a quiet, scared whimper as she witnessed her bodyguard being effortlessly digested by the predator. "I'll talk - I'll talk - I'll - I'll - I'LL TALK ONCE I'VE PUT YOUR HEAD ON A PIKE AND SENTENCED YOU TO AN ETERNITY IN THE PITS!!" Eiki screamed childishly, yet again lunging for Yukari's throat, this attempt made easier by the fact that she was already in spitting distance - yet, even as a somewhat skilled blade user, the bulk of her divine powers had no effect if a soul was still living. Her failsafe - her mirror - had proven to be a complete failure, so the only attack she was left with was wildly swinging her honed blade in a fit of uncontrollable lust for vengeance. As Reimu struggled some more, she felt her body becoming more and more mushy, her skin melting onto itself as the confines enforced her place as food, her body contorted into a ball as the predator demonstrated her innate dominance. She could no long swing her gohei around, not only from the tight confines but also from its melted state. Her clothes slowly began to melt off her body, leaving her nude body exposed to the onslaught of digestion inside the kitsune. "N-Nooo..." Reimu complained, tears welling up in her eyes as she came to terms with the fact that she'd be joining Marisa in her fate. "Don't... turn me into... poop..." "So I take it you'll never talk," Yukari said, feigning disappointment. "How naive you are, thinking you could come over hear and order me around because you're a yama. In fact..." Yukari grabbed Shiki's arm before pulling it downwards. Before her opponent could react, Yukari brought her elbow down onto the Yama's back, crushing her offense easily as she kept the smile on her face. "I think it's about time we put you in your place~" Ran now laid onto a tatami mat, sighing with a predatory relief as she rubbed her hands up and down her full gut, her face still contorting as the otherworldly pleasure of absolute dominance coursed through her veins. "If it makes you feel any better, I'll be sure to use another one of those talismans you brought to wipe what's left of you off. I thought I saw one that was supposed to bring a long and prosperous life. Lucky for you, your new life as a pile of my shit will just be starting! Isn't that just convenient?" Ran laughed at her prey, slapping her belly around the area where she believed Reimu's ass to be. "Now shut up and digest, I'm starting to get sleepy." Eiki coughed as she felt herself becoming overpowered, her blade dropping to the floor. "Wait, wait.. okay, we can talk this out.. I am sorry. This was all a misunderstanding. I did not intend to barge into your home. I- I- I..." She felt her blood run cold as the warmth from Yukari's skin enveloped her, the much larger woman seeming to have a hold on her. As she overheard Reimu's grim fate, she grimaced, knowing fully well the fate she'd suffer because of her own absence in the underworld. An eternity of reliving such humiliating moments... and there was next to nothing Shiki could do about it aside from making pleas. Reimu could only listen to her predator's taunts as she was teased from the outside, her body breaking down easily in the kitsune's naturally strong digestive system. "NOOOOO!" she yelled, as best she could behind the layers of flesh that held her in place. "I... I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR... YOUR SHIT...! LET ME-" Suddenly, Reimu felt her body give away underneath her, apparently thoroughly dissociated from itself and distributed into a thick goop around her. "No... No...!" she cried out, trying to push her body out of its own remains. "I can't be... urghh... mmbbpll..." As the mush piled up, eventually, her mouth sunk beneath the liquid, rendering her complaints inaudible. A high-pitched squeak as her ass was hit was the last noise that Reimu made- at least, while she was still living- as Ran might notice her belly far less solid... Yukari's smile suddenly changed into a cold stare as she dropped her act of a congenial hostess, her hold on Shiki growing tighter as she pulled the Yama close. "It's too late to discuss... You said it before that it was impossible, didn't you? I don't see my head on any stake..." As Yukari wrapped her leg around the Yama, she looked over to Ran, her stomach rumbling against Shiki's ears as she thought of her own meal. grrnnnnmmblll... "Oh, well. I suppose I'll show you what happens to little girls who oppose me," Yukari said, licking her lips... - Ran poked and prodded her belly, feeling the mass of the girl fade into a fine pulp. She kicked her legs up, one atop the other as she let out a relieved sigh and fell asleep. Even after she had begun to sleep, the churning and grumbling from her stomach hard at work was still very much audible. Even in death, the shrine maiden would find no relaxation, her remains sloshing around in the stomach of the kitsune and slowly but surely being pumped into the intestines. "W-wait. No, no.." Up until that point, Shiki had suspended her disbelief, assuming that even in the worst case scenario Yukari would simply use a portal to send her to limbo. She believed that, even if Yukari were the monster she had appeared to be, she wouldn't do... that. Yet, when she felt the warmth and low vibrations coming from the hungry belly of the apex predator, she realized that even a diviner would not be spared from the abyssal stomachs that resided in the Yakumo household. Eiki's poker face had long since faded, the Yama losing the very thing that made her a fantastic judge in the first place. Only fear could be seen, and as she flailed, kicking and attempting to break free from Yukari's grasp, she simultaneously vainly attempted to block out the fact that - soon enough - she would be nothing more than a steaming pile of Yukari's shit. "NO!!!" "You don't have a say in this," Yukari cooed, pulled Shiki's terrified head close to her own. "The verdict has already been given." Yukari's maw promptly opened up, giving the Yama a good view of the first step of her punishment as it descended down upon her. Truthfully, it would have been easier to just portal Shiki into her stomach, but she thought teasing her might give her some good entertainment for the day. Standing up straight, Yukari held the girl's butt up with her hands that clenched her buttocks, shoving more of her body in by the second. Meanwhile, Reimu had long met her demise in Ran's tummy, small glorps and churning the only hints that anything in Ran's stomach had once been living... But then again, most people would simply pass it off as a regular meal, and nothing more, as Reimu began to funnel deeper into Ran's digestive system. "No... NO!" Eiki would put up even more of a fight than Reimu, grabbing onto Yukari's wet lips in an attempt to hang on, then wrapping her arms around her tongue while she kicked with her feet, using every muscle in her body to yank herself out of the predator's mouth. "I'm NOT going down there! I'm NOT food!! Let me go NOW!!! I am Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu, Gatekeeper of Hell and Divine Justiciar! Let me go NOW!! I AM NOT FOOD!!!" Eiki screamed, tears beginning to run down her face as she did everything in her power to fight back against her fate. Ran was now deep into a dream, having rolled onto her side and letting the large amount of sloshing gunk in her gut slowly filter into her small intestine, wherein Reimu would finally begin to take her ultimate form. Yukari simply forced herself stronger onto the girl as she resisted, her arms pushing the Yama into the woman's maw easily despite her struggles. She began to play some more between the girl's ass cheeks, hoping to get a cute reaction from the Yama as she was being stuffed away inside Yukari. Her declarations of title meant little as Yukari enforced her might upon the smaller Yama. No matter how much power she wielded, Yukari was simply stronger, and because of that, she'd be turning the girl into shit. Simple as that. "Never should have opposed those stronger than you," Yukari thought to herself with a smile as she swallowed the Yama's head into her throat. "Fate comes not in the form of judgment, but might... You should have done better to learn this." Yukari swallowed again, ruminating on Shiki's overestimation of her own power as she began to prove what a folly that was. Her gut would serve well to show the Yama the consequences of her actions, and her new form as poop would serve as a reminder to the girl of what power meant. Meanwhile, Reimu was learning similar lessons as her soul filtered in through Ran's lower body, her useful nutrients getting sucked from her body as the rest of the matter pressed on deeper through Ran. As Yukari touched her ass, the Yama's shrieks turned more into exasperated whines, her legs buckling up as a result of the strange sensation and inadvertently causing her to slide down Yukari's throat at a faster rate. As Shiki was given a hands-on lecture, she felt her torso slide down the stronger woman's asophagus, her face suddenly lurching forward into a small pool of stomach acids, the intense burning causing her to flail, in turn resulting in her entire body plopping down without any more fighting. "G-guh! Ngguhh!" Shiki groaned, keeping her eyes tightly shut in order to prevent the acid from burning into them. Shiki would punch the walls of Yukari's stomach with all of her might, mustering whatever force she could towards dishing whatever she could back to her captor. She would continue to defy her fate, shrieking her status and demanding that Yukari release her at once, making as much noise as she possibly could in order to - if nothing else - annoy the predator into releasing her. As Yukari funneled more of the girl into her belly, she would simply slurp up her legs with little to no problem, even despite the shrill protests of her snack. "It doesn't matter what you are, or rather, what you used to be..." Yukari said as she felt the rest of her meal pile into her stomach. "Because now you're food, and later on you'll be nothing more than shit..." Feeling her heavy belly weighing her down along with the horrible strikes from inside, Yukari groaned. She really didn't want Shiki to be so obstinate, but she would have to show her that no amount of fighting could alter her fate. Sitting down in a nearby chair, Yukari took to closing her eyes and meditating. "Chen, come on downstairs," she called, and the catgirl promptly rushed down to her master. "Be a dear and rub my belly, won't you?" Chen hopped down the stairs, heeding the call. Her stomach was equally as puffy as Ran's, having swallowed and began digesting Komachi. She nuzzled up close to Yukari, stretching her arms out and massaging her bulbous gut, purring as she felt the violent thrashes of the prey within. "Unhand.. me.. I demand you let me out now..." Eiki's voice whimpered and fluctuated, her screaming having caused her to lose her voice. She could no longer produce any kind of loud sound, near-deafly protesting her imminent digestion as she felt the air within Yukari's stomach begin to release and her body become more deeply stuck within the acids. Eiki tried to stand, but each time would slip back into the pool of digestive juices at the bottom of her stomach. She would try to pry her way out through the asophagus, yet couldn't muster the strength necessary to leverage herself out. She would continue to fight for several more minutes, before gasping for air and falling onto her back, staring up into the darkness as tears welled up in her eyes. "Please, I'll do anything... anything at all..." Petting Chen on the head as the cat girl rubbed her belly dutifully, Yukari reveled in the pleasure of breaking down the Yama, her thoughts head becoming light with ecstasy, though she tried not to show it on her face before her servant. A blush formed on her face as she cradled her gut, trying to feel out Shiki's movements as she rubbed along with Chen. It seemed like she still had some fight in her... Though it wouldn't get her far, which Yukari noted with a smug chuckle. "That's enough, now, Chen," Yukari said, patting her twice on the head. "Leave me alone to digest my meal... And you do the same for yours, alright?" As Yukari sent Chen on her way, she lounged in a chair, cradling her belly lovingly as if it was a child. "You know, even little Chen managed to get herself a snack tonight... I wonder if you could guess who that was~?" she teased. Hearing the Yama's complaints inside her belly, she smirked as she hit her stomach roughly, her rumbling gut shaking as it absorbed the hit. "If you'll do anything, just hurry up and become my shit, already. I got better things to do than waste my time with you." Chen nodded, heading back upstairs to her room and leaving the two to their meals. "Komachi..." Eiki frowned, immediately knowing who it was. "Please. I'm begging you, just let me go..." As Shiki pathetically pleaded, she began to realize that her cries were falling on deaf ears, her final chance at shirking her fate disappearing. She closed her eyes and began to quietly sob as she felt the stomach contract around her, gripping onto her skin and raising the pool of acid around her as to begin her brutal, slow digestion. Over the course of a few indescribably painful and humiliating minutes, Eiki was broken down, her skin and clothes beginning to melt and her mind going numb from the overexposure. She would sob, knowing that her fate would be eternal and quick, the arbiter of justice herself receiving an untimely, humiliating, and unjustifiable end within the belly of Yukari. "Ufufu, I think you would be quite familiar with the treatment that we gave to your shikigami friend, hm? She'll be nothing more than cat poop in a few hours... Just like you, except you'll just be human poop. I wonder which fills you more with despair...?" Musing to herself, Yukari had largely ignored the fact that Shiki's begging had begun to slow, the justicar's body melting inside of hers. She was simply too preoccupied with the differences between the different forms they'd be taking that she had almost forgotten about her meal until a burp rose from her stomach... uurrp! "Nnfmph... Excuse me..." she smiled. "That must have been your last plea, huh? Such a shame that I didn't even get to hear it... Not that I would have had any reason to abide to it~" Using her hands to play with the lifeless mush in her belly, Yukari stood up, walking over to Ran and looking down at her kitsune pet. "Her belly is much smaller now..." she noticed, looking down on the sleeping beast. "I suppose I should go and sleep off my meal, too..." Retreating upstairs, Yukari left the justicar's sword and mirror on the floor of her living room, the only indication that any visitors had been there other than the broken-down entrance door... Shiki would be entirely melted from the waist down, not fully succumbing until her lower half had already been turned into pulp, yet completely silent from the shock. She would remain inside the mistress' stomach for another half hour, before being fully broken down and turned into a thick gunk, slowly being noisily pumped into her small intestine. grrrnnbl...brrrrtt.... The next morning, Ran awoke first, a nagging pressure from inside her bowel stirring her from a relaxing night's sleep. "Urrrrghhh.." she sat up, looking around the room. Though it was empty, she knew precisely where the rest of the family was. She pulled herself up, feeling a sizeable mass from her lower gut weighing her down considerably. She stumbled to her feet and floated upstairs, entering Yukari's bedroom. "Master, master..." She tugged on Yukari's arm gently, trying to lull her awake. "Reimu is ready to come out, if I had to guess, the Yama is as well... I'm sorry to awake you, but I know sometimes you like me to dispose of them in a certain way, and I want to make sure it's to your liking..." Ran reasoned, pointing to her nearly flat, puffy stomach. Perhaps due to the comforting tones of her stomach's gurgling, Yukari fell asleep easily that night, her stomach pressing her into the bedsheets below as she felt the weight of her meal on top of her. She thought about using Chen as a hug pillow, but thought better of it, as the combination of her stomach and Chen's might make the bed feel crowded as she drifted off into sleep... Being nagged awake by her servant, Yukari yawned lazily, pulling herself up from her bedsheets. Her groggy eyes viewed the room, noting the early morning it seemed to be... The birds chirping outside would have been calming if not for herself feeling the same urgent need as Ran, though she would do her best to keep her composure in front of her servant. Shifting her legs over the bedframe, she stood straight up, stretching her arms as her tummy- now lined with a new layer of fat- was traced by her clothing. "Why don't you go ahead and show the shrine maiden to the same jar as the thief... It's what she would want..." Yukari said, using her finger to trace Ran's flat tummy playfully. "If you need to move 'em to another, bigger jar, be my guest. I'll be taking care of my own meal." "Yes, Yukari..." she nodded, heading back down the stairs. - The commotion of the two would also draw Chen awake, who immediately upon feeling the immense pressure in her bowels, would skitter out of the bedroom and down the steps, dashing out the front door past Ran and into the woods towards her tree stump. Knowing exactly where she was going, Ran chuckled to herself. The entire household were cold-hearted predators, not even a thought to spare for the countless lives that had been lost in their bellies. She smiled as she pulled up the large glass jar, the remains of Marisa had long-since cooled and the fog on the glass condensed. Ran squatted over the jar, pulling down her panties and planting her ass along the cold rim, taking a deep breath and beginning to relieve herself. frrrrapppppp.... She grunted, immediately feeling the massive pressure shift. Her asshole expanded a considerably past its usual circumference, Reimu's remains condensed into a small number of much thicker, denser, heavier shit logs. She groaned loudly, her toes curling and her legs shifting into a tighter position as she winced at the feeling of the massive bowel movement breaching her rear. As one splatted down on top of the pile, she took a moment to catch her breath. Chen would return to the stump, the pile of ex-fairies had already reached it's top, which made her a bit antsy. Instead of planting herself, she would simply stand on the edge, squatting over and tensing up her stomach, allowing the the few hot turds that constituted Komachi to slowly slide out, Chen panting and softly whining as she felt the particularly average-sized movement slick against her cheeks. Reimu's soul, having been tormented for hours on end, watching her own body break down, would escape Ran as well, though her escape wouldn't be very liberating. She felt her consciousness, still attached to the turds, falling, piling onto the remains of what appeared to be her former friend. "N... No... Not like... this..." she thought to herself, though she was completely incapable of doing anything to prevent it as Ran's ass eclipsed her form above. She shuddered, watching as more turds began to breach from her pucker. "Wait... NO!" she thought as another steaming log dropped onto her new form, completely submerging her in poop. Komachi, meanwhile, had still hardly comprehended what had happened to her- at one moment, she had been lazing around, waiting for her master to return, and the next moment she was eaten, digested, and shit out by some random cat. She held onto hope that, wherever Shiki may be, she would come and find her soul trapped to the waste, else she would be trapped as an insignificant turd before long as she was reintroduced to the sunlight courtesy of Chen's bowel movements. "I wonder how the others feel, being the lowest form imaginable... Reduced to nothing else but a woman's poop... Truly, it is horrible, isn't it?" Yukari mused to her abdomen, hiking her dress up as she sat down on a chair in the corner of her room. Leaning over, she set a portal beneath her ass, grinning as she felt the pressure inside her body. "Well, you'll be useful in this form, anyway... You'll see soon enough..." Beginning to push, Yukari moaned as she felt rich logs of shit beginning to stream out of her ass, the prospect of the shit having been the mighty Yama beforehand utterly incomprehensible. Ran let out a deep, throaty moan as she felt the last of the shrine maiden evacuate her bowels, proceeding to let out an exaggerated FRRRTTT!!! and adding insult to injury by burying the poor girl's fetid remains in another pile. The night before, after she'd fallen asleep early, Ran was awoken by an aching pit in her stomach. She'd stumbled into the kitchen and stuffed her belly with an entire shredded rotisserie chicken and half a loaf of bread, then promptly falling back into her deep slumber. The food items had met the same fate as Reimu, now nothing more than a collection of steaming logs courtesy of Ran's bowels - and even yet, being helplessly drowned in them as the youkai predator cooed in satisfaction seemed to only add insult to mortal humiliation. As for the Yama, the situation she found herself in was something she wouldn't have even been able to conjure in her worst night terrors. A high and noble justiciar on a quest to bring good to the world, unceremoniously devoured, digested, and now slowly sliding away from Yukari's corpulent ass. She felt the urge to vomit but had no mouth. The urge to cry, but no eyes. All she could do was stew in regret as the weight of her arrogance crushed her almost with the same ferocity that Yukari's stomach did the night prior. As the thick log that her consciousness was attached to breached the asshole of her predator with a repulsive crinkle, Shiki had finally been broken. She was shit, and that's all she ever would be. "Mmfhhh..." Yukari cooed, stroking her own as as she pushed out the Yama easily, though she blushed with pleasure as she did so. "It feels so good to render you pompous little girls to this form... Well, you'll at least be of better help to me, this way. I hope you... nghh... enjoyed your stay, little justicar." As Yukari's asshole puckered and dropped Shiki into the portal, she giggled, opening up another portal not too far away- right above her garden. She could always use some more fertilizer for the flowers. Perhaps the Yama's remains would serve to help something grow beautiful. For the time being, though, she was anything but. "I should've asked if she had any other friends to send after me~" Yukari teased as the Yama dropped onto the garden. "After all, I don't want you to get lonely~" As Shiki hit the soil and began to sink into the dirt, the full ramifications of her arrogance occurred to her. With the grand judge gone from this point forward, all souls would be resigned to spend the rest eternity recounting the method in which they had died. For those who perished in the gut of Gensokyo's predators, this was an especially cruel reality. As the Yama was buried beneath a tremendous pile of hot shit, her soul would toil. Thoughts of a visceral and tangible inferiority clouded what remained of her fair judgement as the reality of her new life as Yukari's bowel movement finally set in. Her sight and consciousness were not the only things that had lasted long into the predation. Shiki's sense of touch certainly remained intact, but with her remains having been so mangled, she couldn't make sense of any of it. She was forced to experience the feeling of her random body parts sliding out of Yukari's asshole, her demeaning words like salt in a wound as she felt herself splat onto the ground, rising steam indicative of her tender body being extra sensitive to the humid air. "Nnghhh..." Yukari grunted, forcing the last of Shiki's remains out of her. Collecting herself and wiping her flushed face with a handkerchief, the woman closed the portal finally. "How cute of her to think she even stood a chance against me, the little judge... Well, I'll be seeing the results of your visit soon enough, right?" As Yukari stood up and began to go about her day, the thoughts of her unwanted visitor would soon disappear from her thoughts, and as the days went by, eventually her memory, as well. Only when Shiki's remains brought about the blooming of some flowers behind her house did the thought of the girl's remains even brush her mind, and even then, she wasn't quite sure which meal had grown the plant... |
Sajuna wasn't altogether thrilled with the ideas that girl came up with for cosplay. More than anything else, she liked being able to get that guy to do her cosplay designs for her, given the high quality materials and how he was keen to detail. If doing a few cosplays for the sake of keeping... whatever Marin was to him, happy, she would have to submit to a few of the gyaru's demands. Though, tugging at her own clothes, she couldn't help but admit she did look good in this cosplay- just as Marin had said she would. "Ghhh..." she grunted, turning around in the mirror. "I wonder why that guy puts up with her so often...?" Sighing, she stretched out her arms, feeling the sleeves a little too tight, but not enough to make a big deal about it. "I wish she would leave me out of her cosplay desires, to be quite honest..." Despite her negative attitude, Sajuna put on the rest of her cosplay. She was taking the role of some anime protagonist that Marin liked- and Marin taking the role of some sort of higher-up in the anime. Sajuna wasn't too familiar with the premise, but... well, it couldn't be helped. She'd try and imagine what the girl's personality was like. Emotionless, or something...? From behind, Sajuna could hear the pattering of footsteps slowly approaching her. Marin had brought Sajuna to her house for a cosplay session, and had been supposedly dressing up for her role as a higher-up in an anime she'd been obsessed with. She was now wearing casual clothing. "Wow, you look... ah, adorable!!" Marin blushed, covering her face as she looked at the frilled skirt and bobbed haircut of her cosplay underling - before locking her arms around Sajuna from behind. With the back of her head pressed against Marin's stomach, she could hear a low, monstrous growl… Ggrrrrnnn.. Sajuna was not unwise to the girl approaching. She had gotten used to the girl bothering her constantly, for better or for worse. She was actually looking forward to seeing the girl in cosplay- after all, Sajuna was a fanatic about cosplay herself, so seeing such a pretty girl in it would- "H- Hey, I thought you were gonna dress up in something...!" Sajuna grunted, squirming in Marin's grasp uncomfortably as she felt herself grappled with. "Let go of me, already...!" The dull groan of the girl's stomach was loud against her back, rumbling against her. A bead of sweat formed on Sajuna's head as she turned her head to look at Marin. "O- Oi, let me go! What do you think you're doing...?!" Marin couldn't help but start laughing, watching the tiny girl struggle against her constraints. Something about how helpless she looked, it made Marin get so flustered... "Cutie, c'mon! Can you even name who I'm supposed to be dressed up as?" She snickered. "You look awfully cute, you know... I guess I'm a little sorry for what I'm about to do..." And, with that, she easily picked the girl up by her sides, hoisting her into the air directly in front of her. Then, she slowly lowered Sajuna's head into her gaping maw, choking down inch after inch, easily keeping Sajuna's hands pinned to her side, finally slurping her legs down like spaghetti noodles before... Glllp.. Feeling the full weight of the small girl suddenly pressing into her gut, Marin collapsed onto her nearby couch, moaning as she did so. Swallowing was always one of her favorite parts of the process, and now she began to feel the girl helplessly struggling in a new, more pleasing way... Marin's laugh was all the more discomforting as she was held in the girl's restraints. Whenever this girl got ideas, she liked to stay away- she just got creepy with how much she called her cute all the time! "That doesn't matter! I thought you would be dressing up..." she spat, pouting back at Marin. Being called cute didn't make her any more forgiving... maybe just a little, but still! "H- Huh? Wh- What do you mean...?! Hyah...!" As she was hoisted up, the girl kicked her legs and flailed her arms around, the girl's relatively tall and stronger body making quick work of the girl easily. "Don't just pick me up, you...! I'm older than you! Treat me with some respect, damn it...!" she shouted, before her eyes were greeted with a horrifying sight- her face soon finding itself lathered with the girl's saliva, her head starting down into the abyss known as Marin's stomach. "Wh- What are...! Mmnnfhfh...!" With each gulp, Sajuna's body increasingly struggled, the girl desperately trying to cling onto Marin's clothes as her cosplay did little to inhibit getting eaten. If anything, the unfamiliar attire made it difficult for her to move as she was dispatched into Marin's throat. Each wet gulp covered more of her body in the intense, pulsing confines of the girl's throat. "Gghk...! Stop...!" she cried, though her pleas would be muffled behind the girl's throat and soon behind her breasts as Sajuna began to vanish behind the mounds that she sported little of, with some jealousy. UUUUUUuurrrppp… Marin belched, feeling all the gas that Sajuna displaced leaving her system at once, locking the tiny girl into tight confines and fighting the caustic acids pooling up at the bottom. Marin yawned and leaned back into the cozy cushions, cradling her stomach as she felt her prey inevitably begin to kick and scream. Marin simply laughed. She never had any intention of dressing up - but she did have one character that she was quite fond of. Several times, she had felt herself up to the though of being able to digest this character, turning her and all of her aspirations into a fat, steaming pile of… "Shiiiit, that feels good!" Marin cooed. "Who knew cuties make the best meals? Hah! What was that, like 20 calories?" She belched. "Keep on squirming, you have no idea how good this feels!" Glrrrnn.. Sajuna began to pile up duly into the girl's midsection, her squirms making no difference as her ass and legs vanished inside of Marin. The squirming lump slowly sluiced down, soon finding itself settling in Marin's stomach. Sajuna, though, would do anything but settle, her horrified pleading and squirms still adamant as the girl felt the stomach acids starting to work her down. "H- Hey! Stop it...!" she yelled between grunts. It was hard enough to keep conscious as the stomach rhythmically clenched around her and reinforced the intense, humid confines that taxed on her small body. "Wh- What are you doing?! Let me out, or else I'll... die...!" Meanwhile, Sajuna could hear the girl enjoying it from outside, as if nothing was wrong with this situation... A few kicks and punches were all she could offer in response, but they were useless at doing anything other than perhaps enticing the girl's stomach to dump more acid onto her rapidly melting body. The gunk below her that encompassed all of her body that had melted so far was getting bigger, a little too rapidly for her liking...! "Y- You won't digest me, right?! Let me out...!" she pleaded, tears welling in her eyes as images of Marin's body flooded into her mind. If she didn't get out... The figure in her head turned around, her ass jutted out. Sajuna nearly passed out at the thought. "I don't want to...!" "Of course you do!" Marin remarked. "You're always worshiping the ground I walk on whenever I cosplay! Obviously you can't get enough of it... and your calories will only serve to add padding to the parts you like best!" She laughed. She pressed her hands deep into her gut, jostling her prey around a bit. "So doughy and tender! Are you melting already, or have you always been like that?" She slapped her stomach right on the area of Sajuna's ass, hoping to degrade her even further in her most degrading moments. "Such a shame we'll be losing that butt... ah well, only serves to make mine better!" Suddenly, feeling a buildup of pressure on her backdoor, Marin grabbed her leg and lifted into the air... Frrrrppt!! "Hear that, Sajuna? That's gonna be you, pretty soon! How privileged! Why don't you thank me, and maybe I'll shit you out somewhere less embarrassing..." "Add to it...?!" Sajuna's horrified voice, even muffled behind Marin's stomach, was like music to her predator's ears. She fulfilled her role quite well, struggling with each teasing remark just as Marin might want, inadvertently giving her predator a massage as she digested. As she was soon slapped on the butt, a violated shriek rivaled the rumbles that caused reverberations in Marin's stomach. "I- I don't want to die...! Stop it...! This isn't funny...!" Sajuna still couldn't believe she had been eaten, just like that. What was she supposed to do?! Meanwhile, as Sajuna found the interior of the stomach shifting somewhat, she heard the thunderous fart from Marin's beautiful backside. Her face flushed in horrified anticipation. She would be...! "N- No! I don't want to be your... poop...! Someone, help me...!" Sajuna begged, her struggles renewed even though her body was almost done digesting, at this point. The idea of becoming nothing more than a steaming pile was completely filling her mind now, the prospect causing her to sob and wager anything in return for being let out... but it was too late. Slowly, Sajuna's body was coming apart, her cosplay tattered as it sluiced down ahead of her into Marin's bowels... "Nooo...!" The girl had no idea that there was a doujin written where the character she was dressed up in met the same fate as her... Maybe if she had known about it, she might have thought twice about dressing up in such a niche cosplay… "Nnrrgh, just... shut up..." Marin scolded, getting tired of her prey's pathetic whimpering. As she felt her gut finally crush her victim, a cruel smile creeped over Marin's face. Marin’s stomach groaned and churned, her prey thoroughly broken down into a putrid sludge by her powerful digestive tract. Marin simply laid back on the couch, tracing a hand over the pudgy form of her former friend and moaning every so often as more of it pumped into her intestines. “Even in death, you feel really good making your way through me…~” She giggled. Normally, she wouldn’t care much for teasing her prey - after all, dead. But deep down, Marin knew that Sajuna could still hear her taunting words, and intended to degrade the poor girl as much as she possibly could. “I know you can still hear me. Surprised?~” She asked coyly. “I’ve done this dozens of times before. You think I don’t know how to preserve a tiny soul?” She laughed. “Don’t worry - no deterioration, or anything like that. You’ll be stuck with your pathetic body up until and beyond the point where I have to shit you out. You should be grateful… you’re gonna be much cuter by the time you’re clouding up one of my jars!” Yawning and stretching, she finally began to succumb to post-meal fatigue. She spread herself out on the couch, drifting into tranquil sleep as the contents in her colon shifted… "Mmnhh...! Nnghmh...!" The last clench sealed Sajuna's fate, her pathetic form crunched and mushed up by Marin's guts. Though, that wouldn't be the last abuse her body suffered as her remains began to funnel down into Marin's intestines. Sajuna wasn't sure what was going on- she could still feel the hot, intense insides of the girl who ate her, the pulsing insides dragging her again like when she was in her throat... But everything was now hazy, her vision not as clear, her sense of self fading, as well. That was when she realized, as if she was coming to- she had been reduced to nothing but nutrients, and her body would slowly become its aftermath... Hearing Marin's taunts from outside, she was horrified. "Sh- She's done this before...? That means I'm not... the first...?!" she thought to herself, not even sure if Marin could hear her like this. Somehow, not being the first almost made her feel not special, but that didn't mean she was looking forward to becoming a coiling mass in a mason jar...! "W- Wait... My body..." Noticing herself again, she could tell from her solidifying form and warm, mushy "body" that the time was coming rapidly. She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but she had been thoroughly converted... Now all she had to do was wait patiently. "Eeugh..." she sobbed to herself. "This is the worst..." Marin was slowly woken up by a familiar nagging feeling in her gut. “Urrghh.. Couldn’t let me finish getting some beauty sleep, could you?” She pulled herself from the lull of the couch, heading into the kitchen and reaching up to the top shelf. She pulled out a large mason jar, before unscrewing the lid and placing it squarely on the ground beneath her. “Mnn, of course, you won’t be coming out into the toilet,” she stated, blushing as she felt her asshole begin to slowly expand to accomodate the incoming torrent of shit. “What a waste that would be - sending you down into the sewers, where nobody can see your beautif-” Prrrbbbbpptt!! Feeling her ass erupt with gas as the logs finally breached and began to pile into the jar, she croaked in pleasure. “Your… beautiful… mmmphh… form…” she moaned, feeling more and more come out. At first, they emerged quickly, due to the pressure blocked up in her colon. Though, as they continued, the release became slower and slower; Marin intentionally tightened her hole as to enjoy every inch of her former friend slipping out her asshole. She bit her lip in ecstasy at the pure domination of it all. “You should still be thanking me…” she demanded, feeling aroused by the sound of an especially large log crinkling as it slid out. “After all, a pile of my shit…” Splat! “Is.. leagues cuter… than any cosplay you’d ever be able to do…” She grunted, feeling the turds finally thinning out. Wiping her brow, she stood up, but not before pinching her nose at Sajuna’s foul smell. “Eergh, that’s potent…” she remarked with a slight giggle. Pulling a few paper towels from her counter, she wiped up and down her asscrack, thoroughly cleaning it and packing the shitstained towels into the jar along with Sajuna, finally sealing the lid. Bringing the final product up to her room, she mounted it on a shelf, admiring her handiwork. Dense, thick, knobby logs, coiled haphazardly on top of eachother… Marin’s bowels truly took no mercy on their victim. Pulling out her phone, she immediately began taking pictures. Pictures from every angle - up close, to the side, bottom-up… each and every finite detail of her disgusting bowel movement had been captured in a foggy jar. Then, Marin pulled up Twitter. “Sajuna taking on a new kind of cosplay for the first time, courtesy of my guts!” And, as that post got more likes in a few minutes than Sajuna did in her entire lifetime, Marin kicked her feet up and smirked at the pitiful jar on the shelf. There really was no better feeling than helping friends find their perfect role in the dress-up industry. |
An Error in Scripting “Sureibu what have you done? Clean up your mess this instant you incompetent machine!” screamed the voice of an enraged human female standing above the remains of her shattered porcelain vase. This woman was swimming in cash. She had it all, with a large mansion and just about any trinket she wanted to boot. In her anger she shouted once again, not giving a single thought about the volume level of her voice. “That was a priceless object and you completely ruined it! Can't you do a simple task without making a mistake?! I could hire someone off the streets to do a better job than you.” The woman's persocom unit came to stand at the other side of the broken vase. This persocom, Sureibu, was used as a maid and servant. Even her attire resembled that of a french maid's. Sureibu knelt to the shards with a brush and dustpan in hand as she began to sweep away the rubbish. Her eyes locked onto the vase with a blank, emotionless expression stitching her face as she made a single response to her owner. “Yes, Mistress Eijiki... I understand.” Eijiki stood above Sureibu like a towering beast. Her furrowing brows aimed at the persocom like a sniper's target. Her hands navigated to her own hips and gripped the sides of her waist with a squeezing tightness. “You wouldn't want me to have you discarded and tossed away like a piece of crap, would you? Not that it matters, with you being lower than that anyway.” “No Mistress, I wouldn't...” the unit replied as she stood and threw away the accidental damage. For as long as she'd been in this horrible place, she'd been treated in such a manner. If only there was a single window of escape lying out for her. If only there was a way to give her mistress a taste of her own medicine. She would sure as Hell take the opportunity. Eijiki lowered her hands to her sides. She turned away and started to walk down one of the long hallways of the mansion. “I'm going to get ready to cleanse myself. Once you're finished taking out the trash, except for yourself of course... you are to meet me in my bathroom and run a bath for me. Then once I am content, you will return to your daily duties.” “Yes Mistress Eijiki...” The maid went through every room of the mansion. She collected all the bit and pieces of garbage and threw them into a large bag. Once she'd finished she'd slung the heavy bag over her should and fought to keep her balance. She would look like Santa Claus if she just had the suit and was built to look much heavier. She set the bag down for a moment and bent over to catch her breath. A few quick huffs here and there escaped her mouth as she regained her strength. After a brute struggle of heaving the bag back to where it had once been, she stopped and caught sight of the enemy between the front door of the massive home and herself the stairs to the first floor. Sureibu carefully stepped over to the flight with the heavy sack making her back feel pressured. As she reached the first step, she bent forward. Instantly out of instinct, she threw out her free hand and waved it around frantically to keep her balance. At first she slowly went backwards onto her feet, but in a flash she went forward. Her grip on the bag failed as she tumbled down the stairs and hit sides her torso, her face, and her rear. Finally, she came crashing down and into the collection of discarded items. She paused a moment before releasing a sigh. As she climbed to her feet, she once again took every piece and put it back into the bag. Once it was over she stepped outside. On her way to the disposal, she passed by someone else who was wearing a blue uniform. She dismissed any thoughts and proceeded on with her task before returning to the door and noticing a package that the person left. Sureibu figured it must have been a delivery dropped off for the mistress. Sureibu stepped back inside and set the package down on a marble counter-top. She moved on to the next task at hand running a bath for her mistress. The persocom stepped down one of the long hallways of the mansion and towards the master bath. She approached the door and tapped with her knuckles to check if Eijiki was inside. Afterward, she stood there and waited for a response. After a long pause the doorknob was jerked from the other side as the door flung open. Eijiki stood there with only a towel to cover herself. “Would you just get in here already?!” she screamed at Sureibu and stepped out of the way. “I can't have my bath until my water is just right and everything is perfect. Now get in there and do your job!” “Right away...” Sureibu replied as she stepped inside the bathroom over towards the large porcelain tub. The persocom bent over towards the water controls and twisted them to the right respectively to ensure the proper temperature. She waited there as she watched the water run and begin to steam. Satisfied with the combination of hot and cold, she plugged the tub and let the water fill then stepping over to Eijiki and waiting to take her towel from her. Eijiki unraveled herself from the confines of the large woolen cloth. Her delicate curves and fragile framework was exposed not that it mattered to her since Sureibu was the only other person around. She reached behind herself and took out a clip from her hair as she threw it back and let her groomed locks flutter in the air before falling against her back. She took a moment to faintly feel up her own skin as her already erect nipples became even more so than before. She viciously jerked the towel towards Sureibu and flicked her off to the side as if demeaning the persocom for no reason at all. Then she stepped to the tub with a sense of arrogance before slowly and cautiously submerging herself into the water. “Sureibu dear..” Eijiki called with a lighter tone, but ever so malicious. “Once you're done setting things up for the evening I'll need you to check the calender and remind yourself of when you'll need to be doing exactly everything around here next week while I'm off to my business meeting. I expect it to be done correctly as well.” Sureibu's awkward pause gave question to her loyalty though after a few minutes she nodded and responded to Eijiki as usual. “Yes Mistress,” she replied before folding the towel away and stepping out of the bathroom. She shut the door gently and waited a couple of seconds before she snapped. Her arms began to shake as her eyes furrowed into a glare. She clenched her fists and made no objection to stitching a raged expression upon her face. She stomped her foot which only made a quiet 'tap' sound before heading back into the room she'd left the package in. Yes tampering with the package would be a fitting equivalent for revenge. Sureibu took the package for herself and began tearing it to pieces so she could reveal the contents. Her hands ripped and shredded with a furious anger that was hidden deep within. Once the outer layer had been penetrated enough, the contents were shown. There were four objects inside the box a collection of strange wires, a note carefully folded over on white paper, a compact disc, and a small book with the title “Happycom upgrade 4.5”. “...She wanted to upgrade me?! That bitch!” Sureibu exclaimed with a raised voice that she'd never knew she had before. After flinching from the discovery of this new-found rage, she became calm. Everything besides the note was placed back onto the counter-top. The main objective now was to find out the meaning of this. Besides the fact that it was without her permission, Sureibu considered this a damned outrage. She immediately unfolded the note and began reading it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings Ms. Eijiki Oishii, We thank you for taking the time to test our Happycom 4.5 persocom unit upgrade. In this package, we have supplied you with a small instruction booklet, an installation CD, and a set of wires for you to attach to your unit as you preform the upgrade. Installation is fairly simple and easy to do! Just be sure to attach your persocom to your personal computer and insert the installation disk into your computer before you begin. Again, we appreciate you taking your time to help us perform our software testing and you will be compensated for your help. Our best regards, Happycom Software Industries ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sureibu couldn't believe her own eyes. It was a horror to her beyond anything imaginable. The thought of an upgrade made her feel inferior. The insults and ridicule hadn't really made her feel bad about herself at all, but this was the final straw. If it were possible, she'd have the urge to sob into her own hands, but the bottled up rage overtook her and gave her new ideas. A planned plot that was worth at least trying. The window had finally opened for her. Almost instantly the maid snatched the things from the counter and headed for Eijiki's study. Eijiki's study was a large room almost like a library with books stacked on the shelves, and her personal computer set at the desk in the center of the room. Sureibu stormed into the room and set the equipment onto the desk stepped over to the large window pane and pulling the curtains shut. Then she quietly moved over to the door and locked it up so she could perform the upgrade herself. Once it was done, she'd surprise Eijiki in the bath... yes, that's that she planned. As the note instructed she attached the cord to the computer via USB port, and inserted the installation CD. Then she held out the other end and looked down at her dress. She felt nervous and swallowed hard before she removed the white panties she had hugging around her bottom area. She looked up and tried not to think about what she had to do as she inserted the other end of the cord inside herself. Once the deed was done, a powerful surge jolted through her body and sent shock waves running through her insides. The power running through her body forced her head to be thrown back and her mouth to gape. She snatched at the cord and yanked it out of the computer as it receded into her. Once it had vanished into her body she expressed a loud moaning sound as she climaxed and fell to the floor. That moment was one of the most painful and pleasurable times since her creation. After a few pants and a surprised expression, she rose. Her shadow outlined the back wall as she felt strong. She raised her hands near her face and produced a sly smirk to run across her face. Then as, she began her maniacal laughter, her eyes then returned to their usual monotone once her roar subsided. She immediately left the study thereafter and moved back to the bath that Eijiki was in. She drew back and slammed her foot in the door. The rage she had seemed to give her incredible strength as the door was thrown off its hinges and whacked the wall next to it. There, Sureibu stood with piercing blue eyes that glared upon Eijiki as if they were spikes of ice, ready to impale her heart at any moment. Eijiki jumped as the water shifted around in the tub. Her hands were thrown over her chest to cover her shame. “What are you doing?! You'll pay for that you damned machine! Just wait until I ” Sureibu cut her off with words that sliced as easily as a knife through warm butter. “You'll what? You're going to upgrade me and turn me into an even bigger slave than I'd been programmed?” She had already won at that moment. Her words claiming her victory and her new dominance but it didn't stop her from continuing. “I'm sorry to inform you... but it seems there's been a glitch in the system.” Sureibu slowly made her way to the tub as multiple cords came rushing out from between her legs. They lunged and wrapped themselves around Eijiki's arms and legs to hold her still as another wrapped around her torso and jabbed itself into the human's navel cavity. Sureibu had finally prepared the revenge she came to create in her mind. “Make this easy and try not to struggle...” Sureibu's cords then began to pull as they dragged Eijiki closer and closer to the spot between her legs. The first and only thing Eijiki did was scream. A loud and shrill shriek rang through the air before she was backhanded across the face by the persocom. Eijiki looked upon the unit that was now towering before her and plotting her demise. She produced gleaming tears, not able to stop them from streaming down her face. “I said be quiet...” Sureibu remarked. The cords began to pull hard as Eijiki's head was enveloped by Sureibu's sex. They began to recede back into the persocom as they took Eijiki with them. It wasn't much of a struggle with their amount of power over the frail human's. It was an effortless victory as Sureibu was not only aroused, but strained as her stomach had been outstretched. She fell back and toppled from the extra weight and lay there as Eijiki was being decomposed and uploaded into data for Sureibu's storage banks. When it was all over, and the enlarged stomach flattened, Sureibu could once again stand. She wobbled, getting used to her own weight for the moment and winced. She could hear Eijiki screaming in the confines of her new digital prison. The persocom shrugged it off and stepped back into the study. She entered the room and navigated to the computer. From there, she released a cord from her body and attached it to the other machine before uploading the consciousness of the human into a data-form. From there, Sureibu continued the installation. She sat and waited for the process to be done. Then, she reversed the process and downloaded the woman back onto herself. She grabbed her stomach and leaned back in the chair, straining as it once again enlarged. Out of a sense of pain she threw her legs apart and began pushing the new body of Eijiki back into the world. As Eijiki lay on the floor, Sureibu had fallen over in the chair. The new digital human lay on the floor feeling cold and alone with only the mind to be a servant. As she lay, she was thrown a maid's uniform as Sureibu stood above her with nothing to cover herself. Her expression grew from its normal monotone and corrupted itself. “You Eijiki...” Sureibu beckoned to the digi-human. “You are my slave... You will do what I want, when I want. If I have any problems with you, I will delete you and re-download a new copy of your body and consciousness. Do you understand me you sack of filth?” Eijiki slowly rose and dressed herself in the uniform. She fitted everything on nicely and dusted her body off before turning to the persocom. She bowed politely and gave a curtsey before speaking her first words to her new mistress. “Yes... Mistress Sureibu.” |
A Warm “Invitation” As the snow continued to fall it formed a thick blanket over the entire forest floor, the normal lush green of the woods wearing a white coat for the winter as the wind blew the snowflakes through the trees above. Only one creature breaking up the sea of white, a small green reptile like snake, a Rilvazen to be precise with a camouflaged white underside slowly making his way through the woods, his long snake like tail wrapped around his body and holding it tightly in his arms as he tried to stay warm. With the sun slowly setting and the breeze starting to pick up the temperature started to drop faster and faster, winters grasp slowly wrapping its icy fingers around him as he shuddered uncomfortably, the entire forest seeming to seep and leach what heat he had left. Each step lightly crunching under his feet as he left a trail of paw prints in the snow, walking through the quiet woods as night started to settle in. Trudging through the ever thickening snow that carpeted the forest floor he saw a light flickering through the trees, just a small glow but it was something, a little promise of potential heat and shelter from the winter night. Following the beacon to its source Snake soon found himself staring at the entrance to a rather impressive cave on the side of a low hill hidden by the trees, easily big enough for a creature twice his size. Stepping nervously over the threshold he sighed in relief, finally out of the snow and shaking to brush off the flakes that had started to settle on him. Gazing into the cave the light was emanating from just around a corner, the warming homely scent of a fire seeping out around him... Pausing he looked back to the woods, what had once been a light snow fall was slowly turning into a blizzard, the snow tumbling down faster while the winds howled unforgiving through the treetops. Hesitantly he started to walk into the cave, keeping a low profile and silently creeping forwards in unsure of what lay ahead of him. Inching in little by little he stayed close to the wall, crouching down to slowly peer around the corner, his face instantly getting hit by a wonderful wave of warmth as he gazed at a camp fire. The flickering flame capturing his eyes as it almost danced before him, brilliant spurts of yellow and orange lighting up the cave, projecting shadowy shapes over the walls of the burrow. On the floor was rolled out a soft looking thick fur rug with another slightly smaller one draped over the top. His eyes only briefly glancing over the tan large rucksack propped up against the wall beside a pair of boots and leather adventuring garbs, as his gaze was drawn to a strange looking blue flipper with yellow webbing slowly swaying in the corner of his vision. Leaning out from the corner to peer around a little more to get a better view he followed the thick tail the flipper was connected as it slowly swayed from side to sides, up and up until to his surprise he found he was staring at the pleasantly rounded backside of another scaled creature and judging by the wide hips a female at that. She was slightly bent over and peeling off a thick fur top, wiggling out of the snug fitting vestment she turned to toss it beside the fire so it could dry off. Unaware of the visitor as she stood there, a dragoness of blue and yellow scales, dwarfing the Rilvazen, almost double his height, her top half now exposed and only covered in a linen bra that contained her shapely chest. Looking up she had a very relaxed look on her face, yellow fins jetting back from just behind her cheeks and her eyes as black as two onyx pearls in the snow. Reaching down she unbuckled the metal clip on her belt and took hold of it on either side of her hips, slowly shaking them from side to side as she started to wiggle free from the insulating fur trousers that had become wet in the snow. Slipping them all the way down to her ankles she stepped free and laid them out beside her top as they started to dry in the warm heat of the cave. Standing there in a light beige set of underwear warming her scales in the light of the wood fire she smiled and stretched out, slowly settling down onto the fur rugs. He stood there looking in from the edge of the carven, trying to stay safe and hidden from this larger creature but the lure of the fire was growing stronger and stronger. The chill of the wind on his back sent a shudder all through his body, inside, just a few steps closer was all the heat he could want for the night... slowly and cautiously he took a few more steps, his eyes locked onto the dragoness as she basked in the warm glow, taking it carefully as she edged closer to the fire. After only a few steps inside the fins on the side of her head twitches almost like ears and she turned to look right at him, like a deer corned he froze in place, unsure whether to flee or not, his body cold but ready to flee with what little energy he had left. Instead of a roar of anger or a weapon being drawn she just smiled at him and patted the edge of the rug beside her, giving a little rub before turning back to look at the fire. Hesitating for a moment, rather unsure what to do he stayed there in the entrance to the cavern as she seemed to invite him over and then ignore him, was it a trap? Was she just letting him move at his own pace and give him space? Working through the possibilities his mind clouded over as the blissful warmth of the fire started to seep into his front, slowly getting the feeling back the snow and wind had stolen from him he took a few more steps closer. Every inch he moved in his body relished at the warm air as the fire crackled, she just sat there occasionally glancing to check on his progress, almost smiling but never moving quickly, rubbing the soft fur laid on the floor to welcome him in. All the time his mind wanting to be weary and safe but his body longing for the fireplace, its heat tingling through his body as without knowing it he took another few steps closer to the much larger dragoness. Edging closer like a shy animal presented with food from a strange source, creeping little by little, carefully as the gap grew smaller and smaller. His wonderfully long tail finally uncurling from around him as he warmed up as she looked over her shoulder to him and leaned back slightly, trying not to chuckle as he froze each time she gazed at him like they were playing a child’s game. Standing by the edge of the rug he looked down at it and the large blue creature sharing it. She turned to look back at the fire as he paused there, already feeling the heat of the fire tingling through his body... If she wanted to scare him off or catch him she could of by now, so slowly, cautiously he sat down on the wonderfully soft fur bedroll. **** **** As you sat there with the comforting fur under you the warmth of the fire seeped into your body, the numb feeling of the snow now a distant memory as the fire flickered and danced before you. A brilliant sea of colours as you sheltered from the cold outside beside this larger stranger who had been sitting there by your right side silently for a minute or so. “See sweetie, that wasn’t so hard after all, now was it? Must be nice getting out of the cold, poor little thing out there all alone, kind of glad you found your way here.” Her voice was calm and soft, almost as soothing as the fire as she lifted an arm ever so slowly and draped it over your shoulders. Shuddering at first from the touch you didn’t pull away, her scales were as smooth as snake skin and she was far warmer than yourself. As you relaxed once again she gently took hold of your far upper arm and pulled you in slightly against her. With her arm wrapped around your back as she cuddled you lightly, just letting you lean against her and sharing the warmth of your bodies together in front of the fire. Slowly rubbing that hand up and down against your arm, stroking you softly without saying a word as your concerns and fear slowly melted away and you let your body relax. With the warmth of the fire spreading through your body and the day’s travel taking its toll your eyes started to slowly get heavy, slumping more and more against the side of that comforting dragoness. Feeling like you could just close your eyes and rest here safely for the evening as your eyelids got lower and lower, feeling her hand still stroking up and down your arm as she held you there. Though as you finally closed your eyes you could not see the grin on her face widen, looking down at you with a lustful hunger as she watched you slowly starting to drift off, her hand getting a little firmer grip on your shoulder as she licked her lips in anticipation. So close to her now she knew you were all hers, such a perfectly sizes little treat for the evening, she had been patient enough to lure you in and now it was time for her to have a little bit of fun. With your eyes closes you lay there against her oblivious of the fate she had planned for you, or that the kind stranger was actually a skilled huntress. All of a sudden your rest being disturbed as that comforting hand on your shoulder got a firm hold and she pulled her arm back in towards herself, dragging you by the shoulders with it. Finding yourself pulled from her side and flipped around to face the opposite direction as her arm swung in like a door, rolling you over and against her chest. Opening your eyes just in time to have your vision obscured as your face was plunged right between her cleavage, your face surrounded by those squishy orbs of scales and the soft linen that covered them. As you try to squirm and wiggle back she only tighter her grip around your shoulders, the much bigger dragoness easily able to pin you in place as she smooshed you against her front, your face smothered against her breasts with your body pressed against the warm scales of her stomach, your futile squirming only seeming to make her chuckle slightly. “Mmmm don’t struggle too much little one.... at least not yet, I thought you wanted to be warm hehe... just going to pop you somewhere a little more snug and moist is all.” Bringing both her arms in slightly she pushed her breasts together, tightening her cleavage around your snout and making it harder to breath as you squirmed, feeling one of her legs extending and lays it over your own to pin them in place. Every time you struggled and squirmed she tightens a little more like a constrictor, her arm pressing your face between those soft orbs on her chest. All you could hear now was the muffled sound of your own struggles and the excited beat of her heart from under those scales as she clamped our head between her breasts, holding you there as your lungs gasped for relief and your squirming calmed down, exhausted and overpowered by the larger creature in one tight hug. She next placed her spare hand on your shoulder as she leaned back a little, spreading both her legs out either side of you as you lay there trapped against her front, with the warmth of the fire raging behind you as she casually took her time with you now. Pressing down she slowly started to slip you lower and lower, your head dropping out from between her cleavage as your scales caressed over hers, almost gliding with no resistance now as you desperate panted for breath once again. Sliding down until you were laying flat on your tummy between before her hips, leaving one paw on your back to stop you scampering off she grinned and ever so slowly worked a claw into the knot on the side of her underwear. Loosening the knot she shamelessly peeled them off in front of you, revealing the yellow scales that lined her crotch. The scent of her arousal instantly, a odd mix of a strong male musk and sweet sugary honey released as your eyes caught sight of not just one but two vertical slits, the top seemed slightly shorter and was more tightly closed while below lay a pair of slightly more pronounced and loosely guarded feminine lips. Starting to squirm again she pushed down firmly with her hand, not wanting to cause you any injury but just enough to secure you in place as she slowly ran a finger down the side of her vent, teasing the yellow lip apart just enough to reveal the light blue flesh inside. Just at a glance you could see she was moist already, that honey like scent getting stronger as she traced the edges of her labia slowly with a very soft murr. Finally bringer her fingers to the hood and spreading both lips apart, the blue flesh hidden under hir lips narrowed into a tight little entrance that clenched each time she breathed, almost winking at as you gazed at her sex. “Mmmm.. that’s right sweetie.... bet you can guess where you are going now... doesn’t it look warm and cosy, so inviting..... Just going to stuff you right between my legs and feed you to my hungry pussy... oh it’s been far too long since I caught a perfectly sized little play thing like yourself, now in you go like a good boy, don’t keep a girl waiting. ” Before you could even start to squirm and protest she thrust her hips forwards and drove your snout right between her legs, both her hands reaching down to grasp your arms and pin them to your side as she growled out in delight. The world outside vanishing as with an ominous wet squelch your snout and face was pressed against her vent and slipped right into that passage that stretched and yawned open eagerly to accept you. All around your face her insides squeezed in, pressing against you from every angle, the walls of her sex almost like a moist satin silk, folded and crumpled into a wavy pattern all along its length. As soon as your face pressed against her pussy she moaned out and pulled you in a little more, able to feel her lips parting as they spread and slowly oozed around your head, forming a tight seal as little by little she started to work you inside. In the dark heat of her vagina your face was smeared with her juices, a thin almost gooey texture that clung to you bit slipped like oil against her own flesh, that sweet sugary scent now overpowering as if you had plunged your head into a bowl of warm honey. With her hands firmly wrapped around your upper arms all you could do was to rock from side to side frantically as she started to insert you into herself, rocking about a little and jerking your head around in that tight silky passage. Though for all your efforts she just blushed a lighter shade of blue and started to pant and moan in delight at the pleasure surging through her body with you starting to vanish into her and every squirm that tickled her insides with your scales. pulling you firmly towards herself your neck and shoulders vanished with a wet squelch, causing her to shudder in delight as her pussy spread even wider to accommodate you, your head plunged deeper still as you pushed open the narrow passage, webs of her juices sticking to your face as the walls pulsating in and out as she breathed, clenching and relaxing every few seconds, softly pounding and rubbing against you as you squirmed to try and reverse. Every wiggle and tug only encouraging her more as she moved her hands lower, grasping your hips and starting to shove, casually inserting you like some giant sex toy eager to get to that wonderful long sexy tail of yours as little by little your upper arms and torso was swallowed into her sugary depths. A wonderful bulge started to appear under her scales as your head passed up through her sex, with your upper arms slipped into the tight folds your arms were completely pinned as you jerked and wiggle all you could, only helping to spread her sweet juices over you and lubricate yourself even more as the excited juices oozes from her and dribbled over your back and sides. With another passionate thrust your face nudged right against her cervix, a rubbery wall compared to the silk quilted muscles that lined her pussy, constantly squishing in around you, her sides nibbling along your body wetly. Pausing for a second to catch her breath she looked down to admire the small bump forming in her lower half, your head and shoulders buckling her scales slightly as she felt your nose just tickling the tip the cervix. Taking a deep breath in and closing her eyes she thrust you forwards and moaned out in pure bliss as your face forced open the ring of muscle that guarded her womb and you started to slip in. That hot sugar coated chamber opening up and expanding to take you inside of it as she started to greedily push and pull your body in, working her hips back and forth as more of your body vanished from the outside world. Getting into a lustful rhythm she started to clench every few second, squeezing tightly with her well trained predatory muscles she drew you in inch by inch, her pussy massaging you and dragged you in as it devoured you slowly. That warm silk grasp consuming more and more as her pussy lips spread down your body, squeezing in each time her insides did and nibbling its way down as her moist warmth surrounded you. With your body slipping away inside her belly rounded out more and more as you were drawn through her sex into the soft confines of her womb, always tight but it kept expanding to contain you as you were fed inside, weak from exhaustion you still squirmed and kicked, wiggling your hips and body around sending waves and shudders of pleasure through your captures body. From all this excitement the other slit on her crotch finally started to wake up and show signs of life, the tight scales buckling forwards as if something was trying to escape. As you squirmed and fussed inside her, massaging and stimulating her like no sexual act could her shaft started to poke free. No mere female the dragoness was in fact a hermaphrodite and a rather well equipped one as her dark blue cock swelled in excitement and stiffened. Placing both her hands on your backside she gave it a playful slap and then squeeze the cheeks, getting a firm grip as she shoved forwards, her moist slimy shaft resting on the base of your tail as it hung down. Crying out in sheer bliss as she pushed harder and harder, her pussy straining to stretch over your wider hips until like a cork giving way they popped over your backside and tail and in one condemning squelch slurped down to the top of your thighs as she fell back in delight, panting and writhing on the fur rug. Her stomach starting to dome and orb out wonderfully as you were forced into a ball as you were tugged and slurped up with each hungry contraction, those walls milking our body as they grasped and sucked you in. Laying there she reached under her bra with one hand and grasped her chest, groping herself and teasing her nipples as she found her cock and started to really get into the swing of things. Her excited manhood coated in a generous layer of gel from her slit as she started to rub its length up and down, panting all the more pleasure rocketed through her all thanks to you, filling her so deeply and with each frightened squirm and wiggle massaging her entire insides as she played with herself as you were crammed into that ever tighter fleshy sac under her scales, just your legs and sizable tail left snaking out between her thighs. Her mind clouded with lust and pleasure as she laid there pleasing herself she let her hungry pussy finish off the rest of its meal on its own, your body exhausted from fighting against those tight slimy muscles it continued to relentlessly clench in and pull you deeper between her legs. Each squeeze drawing more of you in as your legs vanished slowly but surely, her breath short and struggling to catch her breath over her moans and growls of pleasure as she furiously rubbed her shaft and groped herself. Your body stretching her belly out into a neat orb as your feet wiggled out teasing the lips of her vent. That tight flesh squeezing you from every angle as she got more and more turned out, losing control of her body as she arched her back and masturbated faster and faster using you as her sex toy. The wet silky walls of your prison going into a panicked spasm and squeezing you so tightly as she roared out into the cave and erupted in pleasure, her shaft spewing thick white seed all over the bulge you made in her stomach as she closed her legs tight and clamped them shut around your tail, squeezing your legs and feet inside her with one great wet slurp. Her muscles refused to slacken or give you space to even squirm, locked tight like a squishy vice around you as she lay there at the peak of pleasure, your entire body now just an extra tail hanging between her legs and a round pregnant looking bulge in her midriff splattered with cum. Shuddering slightly a flood of fresh sticky feminine honey ran down your tail and ooze onto the fur rug below her as her muscles finally relaxed around you and stopped crushing you under the pleasure of her orgasm. Exhaling deeply she slumped back onto her soft fur bedding and panted while wearing the biggest grin imaginable. Her face flustered and deeply blushed in an ice white as she lay there satisfied, fulfilled and rather proud of herself as she felt your tail weakly squirming between her thighs. A hand coming down to rest on her round stomach and slowly pet over your bulge as she licked her other hand clean of her cum that had drooled down over it after she came. Stuck and lodged inside her womb, trapped under those tight scales with the soft flesh surrounded you and pressing in from all angles. Slowly starting to regain her breath and composure her pussy wasn’t quite down with its meal yet and had no intentions on stopping until it had gobbled up every last part of you, though her muscles were all but exhausted and spent they kept clenching in every few seconds. Slowly and casually pulling your tail in, it was almost as if her vent was slurping up a giant slimy noodle as little by little your tail slipped inside her with the rest of your curled up body. Shuddering and twitching in delight as she felt it slipping inside, giving a very satisfied sigh as with one last squelching slurp your tail tip vanished between her legs and her pussy clenched shut, drooling after such a filling meal it drew you up and sealed closed once your tail was wrapped around you in the snug confines of her womb. With you tightly packed away she rolled slowly onto her side and faced her belly to the fire, almost lovingly running a hand over it, stroking your bulge and indenting the flesh against your where her hand pressed in. “mmmm... good boy.. you really know how to show a girl a good time don’t you, time to calm down and sleep I’m afraid little one as you won’t be coming out again... well at least not like you are now my prey. Thank you for the wonderful treat, just what I needed.... all mine... mmm so full....” Closing her eyes she murred happily and pulled the second fur rug over herself, laying there on her side with a hand constantly slowly caressing your bulge as she enjoyed your last exhausted futile struggle and gave into your unknown fate. Your last squirms lulling her to sleep in front of the heat of the slowly dying fire. Settling down inside her womb it was only now with the air growing thin and your muscles too tried to move you could feel just how comfy it was trapped inside her. The silken walls were much thicker than her pussy, almost sponge like as they wrapped around your body, moulding to you perfectly and keeping you curled up in the dark warmth of her body. The uneven bumpy lining almost cloud like as it gently pulsated along with the beats of her heart, moving in and out just enough to rub and caress you in the sweet scented chamber. Unable to move in the increasingly warm soft hold of her womb your body started to slowly shut down, the warm sugary gel of her body numbing you from head to toe, almost as if slipping into a deep slumber soon all you could sense was the warmth around you and the soft touch of her flesh. Little by little these things slipping away as your eyes closed, drifting off into a dream unsure if you would ever awaken. Tricked, used and consumed by this dragoness you lay curled up inside her, your fate in her hands as she slept contently with inside her. Your mind going silent as even the warm soft touch of her flesh soon slipped away......... **** **** As she slept soundly that night with her body still tingling from all the excitement and fun that he had given her, even if not by choice her womb started to get to work on its delicious treat. Its thick warm lining starting to secret a gooey clear liquid gel, little by little it filled her womb until it soon smothered and encapsulated him completely. The walls inside starting to ripple and contract, almost pulsating slightly as they rubbed and squeezed all over his body and the gooey contents that filled every last bit of space around him. As the last flickers of the fire died out deep into the night, leaving only glowing embers in the fire put the dark cavern chamber was filled with the soft gurgling sound coming from her midriff. Almost as if her body was processing a large meal its contents was sloshed slowly and carefully around, washing him in that thick gel as its chemicals worked their magic on her prey. As the night went on her stomach started to change, hidden under that warm insulating fur rug that round bulge was slowly shrinking, keeping its rounded dome appearance as it shrank as the night drew to a close. He had once been almost half her size, but now the bulge was only making her look moderately pregnant as it extended from her tummy, a nice round blue and yellow bump quietly gurgling through the night. Inside that warm chamber as the time ticked by the juices around him worked faster and faster, seeping through his entire body bit by bit he became soft and translucent. Retaining his form and shape while becoming almost a liquefied gooey version of himself tucked away under those scales. The soft contractions squeezing in more and more as the night went on, her muscles pulling and compressing the bulge her full womb made, shrinking in size as slowly his gooey remains melded with the thick juices surrounding him, indistinguishable in the mass of warm gel that was churned around inside her. As the sun started to creep over the horizon and cause the entire white forest outside to glisten in the morning glow the process inside her was almost complete. Her stomach had fallen silent, the nutrients and energy her body needed having been drawn from that thick gel as she slept, just leaving a small lump just above her waistline. As the hours had slipped on by the mix of juices and remains had been contracted and compressed so much they had hardened, forming a light aqua coloured egg no larger than a hedgehog. All the left over nutrients, genetic material and her own juices melding together inside that shell, as what was left of the young Rilvazen congealed and reformed. With morning well and truly underway she rolled over onto her back as the sun crept into the cave and stretched out with a mighty yawn. Clicking her jaws in the process as she worked herself against the soft fur of her bedding and greeted the world with a big smile as a hand found its way slowly under the rug and caressed her tummy. Letting out a small giggle she used her spare hand to lift up the rug looked under at the tiny lump that was once a massive round bulge in her midsection. Murring tenderly as she lay rubbing and petting the over the mark it made under her scales. “Mmm good morning my little handsome boy, I hope you slept as well as I did.... guess we will be seeing each other in a few months, just can’t wait to see how you turn out. Be a good little bulge and enjoy your stay in there, I am going keep you all warm and safe until you are ready to hatch my sweetie..... Definitely all mine now.” Laying there under the thick warm rug for a little longer she lazed about, enjoying the soft fur on her scales and savouring the memories form last night’s exploits. Eventually and very reluctantly dragging herself from the camp bed she slowly packed up and got dressed, being extra careful when slipping over her fur top and strapping the leather armour over the top. Leaving a little more leeway and give today to make space for her special cargo tucked away inside. Strapping herself back up again and stuffing the bedding into her rucksack she got set to head out for the day travelling through the snow. Glad in a thick fur layer and leather armour she took her first steps out into the new day, standing in the light at the cave mouth as she unconsciously started to stroke over her tummy. Smiling as she sniffed at the fresh cool air and started to follow the scent of deer, she was eating for two now after all, breakfast was a must. |
One Night Stand Part 2 “T....That.... was... Ooooh Bunny... Su..such a gooooood bunny.... what a wo..wonderful warm up... mmmmmmm” Wondering what that giant beauty could mean for a moment you remembered her tail was still busy slowly teasing from side to side, massaging your rigid needy shaft, completely out of breath and your mouth still flooded by her cum you gaze moving over her passively as she started to manoeuvre herself down the bed. Crawling slowly backwards she kept her hips purposefully low, letting her hot trickling pussy rub along your brown fur and leave a nice line of her juices along you knowing you couldn’t clean it off right now, marking you in her own special way as she slithered backwards, her hungry eyes never leaving you for a moment. Her tail slowly snaking its way over and under your legs, forming a few tight coils to lock your legs in place as you swallowed her sweet juices to clear your mouth. As she neared your hips your gaze caught glimpse of something new just out of focus over your damp chest, protruding just above her sex that you had just got acquainted with there was light coloured blue tip poking free from what looked like a second slit in scales. Before your tipsy mind could process this her soft scaled backside bumped into your manhood, a quick wiggle on her knees that easily encompassed your hips, lining herself up perfectly as the tip of your eager cock brushed against her damp lips. Unable to resist you bucked your hips to sink your head in and she responded in kind by dropping her weight down fully onto you, bouncing slightly on the bed as your lap was devoured by her lust. Your shaft buried completely in the soft honey coated silk between her legs, feeling delightfully tight as her muscles squeezed their new toy as she proudly wiggled on top of you to get cosy. “Aaaah there we go sweetie... such a snug fit too... now you just lay back and let me do the work, need to save your energy for a little later handsome.” As you went to agree her gave you a blissful squeeze, the larger dragoness’ sex lined with strong and very versatile muscles as it almost felt like a silken wrapped hand grasping your length and giving it a welcoming tug as she clenched. Managing a dumb little nod back as you panted and she got straight to work enjoying her ride, lifting those large round hips up to the point where only your tip remained in that warm sex before sliding back down, each time working your entire length and swallowing it to the base, rewarding you with a pulsing squeezes and clenches to massage and almost milk your cock from inside as her excitement drooled over your furry crotch. One of her hands lifted to her bouncing chest grasping a breast and firmly squeezing the large scaled orb, moaning and panting each time she rose up and slipped down, expertly riding your manhood, the firm squeezing almost breaking you to peak each time before she let you relax and calm down. The bed shaking, rocking and bouncing each time she drove down and slipped your length back inside of her, impressively for her size and weight she didn’t crush your hips at all, taking all of her hot and lust filled bulk on her knees as she started to build up more of a pace. Faster and faster as you gasped out wanting to release, every time your sac tightened ready to cum she hilted and sat on your lap, a firm squeeze sealing her silky lips around your base and cutting you off expertly keeping you on peak again and again. One of her hands slowly started to glide down her body, your eyes following it along as her scaled fingers expertly wrapped around that now much larger blue..... throbbing... dripping... long.. shaft. Managing to focus your surprise gaze on hir lap, now realising your big scaled was a little more than shi had let on! Hir hand grasped and slowly pumping along a blue cock that slightly put your impressive size to shame, the thick length and girth rivalling your arm as shi fondly stroked it in time with hir hips. The lighter blue tip giving off such an alluring musky aroma as it shi slid hir hand down to the thicker darker blue base of the tip. There was a soft chuckle as shi noticed your eyes fixated on hir manhood as shi toyed with it right in front of you, giving it a playful waggle as shi bounced on your lap. “Heh, does the lil bunbun.... mmm.... like what he sees? He sure likes you cutie.... no holding back now... give me every last drop!” Growling in lust and pleasure as shi started to really go to town, her groping hand moving down to rest on your shoulder and pinning you in place even more, that heavy cock resting on your belly as shi kept keenly stroking it. Now rapidly bouncing hir hips to your crotch, slapping that scaled behind on top of you, again and again, faster and faster. Your shaft constantly enveloped in the shifting silky squeeze of hir sex, the tight slippery warmth getting too much in just a few more moments as you arched your back, panting and begging for release. This time shi didn’t squeeze to prolong things, feeling the twitch of your balls tightening and lifting shi pressed down as firmly as shi could, pressing your behind down into the bending mattress and driving your length as deep as it could go as you cried out in bliss, roaring in echo to you as hir inners quivered and quaked around your shaft in delight.. Your shaft twitching as streams of your excitement spurted out again and again, hir eager muscles rippling and squeezing in a upwards motion to milk and tease your cock for every delightful spurt you had inside of you as hir own sweet honey scented juices trickled free onto your crotch staining your fur. Chest heavy from all the excitement and shaft spent as you lay there panting eyes closed, churring in a dreamy high as you felt hir hand soothingly rubbing your cheek and hair, a few last teasing squeezes causing you to eep as shi clamped you between hir hips and gave a playful wiggle, enjoying your slick cock still lodged inside. Hir weight then shifted a little as shi slowly pulled hir hips from your crotch and with a wet plop your spent cock slipped free from the snug grasp of hir sex. Your sensitive bunny nose twitching as that musky scent got all the stronger and hir weight shifted forwards kneeling over your chest, hir kind and gentle voice snapping you out of your drunken haze for a moment. “Good boy... such a fun little bunny.... now time to return the favour handsome... say aaaaah” Opening your lips to respond before your eyes your words were instantly muffled as that gentle hand caressing your hair took a soft grip and pulled your head forwards onto the waiting tip of hir cock, instantly filling your mouth as you opened your eyes in surprise. Trying to wiggle and protest for a moment finding your legs bound firmly by hir tail and your arms cuffed to the bed you let out a little soft whimper as hir girth filled your mouth. Gazing up at hir body like this you couldn’t but help relax, the dragoness looking giant in comparison straddling your chest and slowly rocking hir hips forwards to carefully work hir shaft between your stuffed lips, hir breasts and head blocking out most of the light as shi gazed down at you licking hir plush blue lips. There was a strange tingle on your tongue and lips as the gel hir slit had emerged on hir cock as it emerged slowly worked its way into your skin, feeling like your blood was rushing around your body as the dragon shared hir state of heat with you and pushed your worries away and back to focusing on the pleasure at hand. Ceasing your fussing you blinked up submissively at her and slowly started to slowly bob your head along hir firm cock and suckling as best you could. Shi growled happily and you found hir hand went back to slowly caressing your long ears, working hir hips in time to ensure you didn’t gag or take a little too much, hir hot wet slit dragging over your chest with each pass as shi enjoyed your attempts to suck hir off. Try all you might though you could never manage to get much of hir manhood between your lips, suckling and working on the shaft as best you could in your bound state, the large hermaphrodite obviously enjoying your efforts those and shi slowly rode your hips and moaned each time your tongue teased the slit earning yourself a few more musky drops to swallow down. Grinning at you after almost ten minutes of trying to bring hir to peak shi sighed happily and gave your hair a light ruffle, gently dismounting your torso and hir tail unravelling from your legs. As that thick blue tip slipped wetly from your lips you found yourself missing and longing for it again in some strange unfulfilled way. Letting out a surprised shy eep and blushing as you found one of her hands sneaking between your legs, a wet digit softly caressing between your cheeks and prodding at your tailhole.” “Not a bad effort little one, How about I try your little rabbit hole sweetie? Any objections? Shyly shaking your head at the question, unsure if you were truly ready but for some reason you just needed that throbbing blue length back inside you. Shi grinned even more and swiftly repositioned hirself, taking your ankles and lifting your legs up with almost no effort as you found you hips lifted all the way up as shi gave your backside a teasing little nuzzle, the smooth sensation of hir scaling causing you to blush even more. A light squeak escaping your lips as hir dexterous tongue snaked its way against your puckered little hole and started to delicately lap and probe, pressing the soft bumpy flesh inside smoothly, hir saliva acting like a sublime natural lubricant as hir tongue squirmed within. Your body stiffened up for a moment and you couldn’t help but clench, hir tongue teasing from side to side as shi prepared you lick by lick. That Teasing dripping blue tongue starting to make frequent trips back between hir lips to get a fresh coating of saliva to paint between your cheeks and smother your ring with, easing you open a little more each time as shi fed more of hir tongue in having you moaning and biting your lips before shi even started each time it flicked against your g-spot hidden deep inside. Letting out a sigh of relief as your legs could finally stop involuntarily kicking each time shi slurped your toned little bunny backside, the dragoness slowly lowering you back down but keeping your legs up sandwiched neatly between hir hot scaled breasts. As shi gently let you down you quivered at the touch of hir manhood waiting for you, your now slick cheeks parting with ease as little by little shi lowered you onto hir excited length. As the firm tip pressed against your puckered hole you did your best not to clench, relaxing as sloooowly your weight eased you down and with a wet plop your hole parted and the tip vanished into your behind dropping you an inch or so. Gasping out as you fell, caught by hir strong arms, even with hir prep the end was still a little thick for your behind and you winched slightly, giving a few little squeezes as you slowly got used to the large guest taking residents under your cotton tail. For such a big playmate shi was being very soft, careful and patient with you, ever so gently easing you down each time shi felt your sphincter relax as inch by inch hir cock slipped into your soft rear, unable to help yourself but pant out and moan longingly as your own manhood swiftly woke back up, your back passage filled to the brim and a bulge poking out in your midsection as shi worked the majority of hir length into you, giving it a firm flex as shi growled at such a delightfully snug rear, holding your rear up as shi gazed down at your blushing face. “Remember to just relax cutie... trust me... just tell me if I’m going too fast.” Nodding as you bit your lip and closed your eyes, bracing yourself as shi takes the first proper swing, pulling hir hips back and drawing some of hir length of your tight rear before driving slowly back in, admiring the adorable moan you made as shi did. Your legs still bolt upright and pinned to hir soft chest as shi supported your weight with hir arms and knees. Little by little starting to build motion and rhythm as the bed shook and creaked under hir weight with each thrust. A heavy surge of pleasure flooding through your body with each push, your legs quivering and shaft twitching as hir thick length drove deeper into you. Softly stretching you out with each new pass as hir hips rocked and bucked, only taking a couple of minutes to loosen you enough for hir to really start to get to work. The whole bed shaking as shi started to really thrust into your taut little backside, your moans only just overpowering hir lustful growls and panting, submissively crying out for more as shi drove hir hips against yours and plunged hir cock in deeper and deeper. Letting it hilt in finally as you felt so full and your tummy bulges slightly. Shi leaned forwards skilfully wedging you up and pinning you down by your shoulders , back and hips in the air locked to hir crotch as shi slammed into you harder and faster, heavily panting as your body was thrust down into the bed again and again. Now with hir hands free from supporting you remained playfully groping your backside and teasing your little tail, firmly squeezing that littler rump as shi claimed it. Lifting hir other hand to hir mouth shi popped it inside and suckled lewdly for a moment or two before releasing the dripping digits which found their way to your needy cock. Wrapping wet slippery fingers around shi took a firm grip and started to work your length in the same rhythm as hir hips, tugging down as shi thrusted in. Hir panting soon started to become heavy and laboured, mixing with those sweet lustful growls, you could feel hir shaft becoming more rigid and swelling inside as it pounded in every second, again and again bouncing your shoulders against the bed and rattling your restraints on the bed frame. Whimpering yourself as your body quivered in pleasure, your backside well and truly pounded and tenderised as it tingled all over shi thrusted harder before without warning, crying out in a slightly feminine roar as shi hilted hir shaft inside of you, scaled hips pressed right to your fluffy cheek, shaft twitching as a torrent of thick warm dragon cum surged out into your rabbit hole and squirted deep inside. With all the fun already your cock twitched and dribbled slightly but shi had already claimed your reserved as shi held that position panting happily and dripping from all the excitement, a few teasing bucks to really hammer it home as shi filled you with hir seed, slowly catching hir breath as shi grinned down at your flustered form tied to the bed. Hir eyes appearing so comforting, sweet and kind though the way shi was still grinning and licking hir wet lips sent a little shiver down your spine as you were propped up there impaled on hir shaft, still softly panting as shi spoke, “Th-that......'s a good bunny..... such a good boy.....be sure to squeeze... don’t want to make a mess now..... “ Chuckling once shi had managed to catch hir breath slowly slowly shi started to drag that long warm length from inside of you, the slight bulge in your gut remaining from the generous portion of dragon seed shi had deposited inside even as hir shaft withdrew. Doing your best not to sound too needy as you moaned, feeling your inners slowly returning to normal inch by inch until shi paused with just the tip of that thick length occupying your tailhole and plugging hir cum inside, unable to help but give it a few light squeezes. Hir hand softly caressed your cheek asking if you were ready, as you managed a shy nod shi smiled and with a wet plop shi pulled out and hir shaft slapped loudly only hir legs below you, leaving you gasping for a moment as your pucker remained gapped open, clenching as best you could to slowly seal off your toosh hardly spilling a drop. Finding hir smiling at you rather proudly, nuzzling your feet that shi still held up between hir breasts as you lay there at a strange angle. “My my such a delightfully tight toosh you have sweetie, would be such a shame to see it leave so soon... How about spending the night with me little bunny? No need to waste money on a taxi at this hour.” You couldn’t help but blush slightly and wiggle your feet at the compliment, even more so with the proposal afterwards, still carefully squeezing your buns together and relishing in the wet full feeling inside of yourself as hir cum settled. Unsure if it was the alcohol in your system, exhaustion from playing with this big naughty dragon or the strange angle shi had you pinned that was making you a little woozy and light headed but you slowly nodded with a very long yawn, more than happy to spend the evening in the arms of such a beautiful dragoness. Seeing just how much hir smile grew at this, hir cheeks even turning a cute shade of light blue you smiled and blew hir a kiss as your eyes grew heavy and you decided to rest them for a moment or two. Giggling slightly as all of a sudden your feet were tickled, hir wet blue forked tongue taking looong slow broad strokes over your pads and between your sensitive toes, teasing with lick after lick running across your feet. Lulling your tongue out with a dopey relaxed sigh as shi started to lightly suckle on your toes, remembering just how soft hir lips were as shi harmlessly nibbled on each and every toe, soon spreading hir lips a little further as shi guided both your feet in at the same time, hir hands gently grasped around your ankles as hir tongue danced along your soles. Sleepily opening your eyes finding the view rather comical of both your feet sticking out of hir lips, enjoying the soothing sensation until you were jerked back away with a loud wet rolling “GULP!” watching to your shock both your feet completely vanish and being dragged in up to your ankles. The sudden tightness trapping your feet in place as you could see a small bump in hir throat were they now were, unable to deny the wet feeling was delightful but as you mused it over shi swallowed yet again! Now up to your shins with hir soft velvety lips around your legs you wiggled in concern, hir throat rippling and pulsating around your feet as the bulge became more pronounced and slipped even deeper, the large dragoness smiling over hir stretched jaws and gazing at you, still kind.... still soft....but looking ravenous...... your efforts to release your hands only shaking bed frame as the cuffs locked you in place as shi lowered your hips down to the mattress hands cupped around your cheeks, slowly lowering hirself down onto your legs as you watched dumbfounded as without almost any effort your shins and knees vanished into hir blue lips, that tight soft feeling engulfing your legs as hir intent was now all too clear. Half heartedly protesting as your thighs started to sink into hir jaws with another slow wet rolling swallow, able to feel hir warm breath on your crotch and that soft snug feeling climbed ever higher. Trying to tell your half drunk mind to ignore the pleasure surging every your body each time shi swallowed, the soft snug warm comforting feeling of hir flesh wrapped around you, even wiggling did little with your bound state, only managing to rub yourself more against hir tongue and lips that seemed to only encourage hir as hir lips squeezed around your thighs. Managing to stammer out after gathering all your focus “M...m m m miss? I would... don’t think...” Your protest interrupted by your own gasp of pleasure as shi lunged forwards at your comments, scooping your butt off the mattress again as in one switch movement and wet squelching gulp shi devoured your hips as well. Your feet having now pushed all the way down and into hir stomach, the inners feeling even softer as your feet kicked about against the spongy walls, unable to help yourself but pant and buck slightly as hir tongue worked its way between your tenderised cheeks, directed right to your sensitive tailhole and wetly slathering all over it. Your shaft betraying you as the hot dripping soft inners of hir mouth caused you to harden and grind against the smooth ridges at the roof hir mouth. Starting to rhythmically swallow but hold you in place as your legs were treated to an onslaught of squeezes, massaged internally by hir powerful throat. Taking weak little humps to grind your shaft against hir slick mouth shi grinned feeling you already getting close and suddenly pulling back to expose your wet crotch and behind to the cool air, tilting hir head and giving you a very obvious teasing look of “well?” Biting your lip as your wet shaft now wiggled about unsatisfied, hands bound and unable to reach you it you moaned, longing for the soft warmth of hir mouth again hardly believing your voice as you asked “co...could you.... maybe... do that again miss..... please?” Shi rewarded you with another loooong wet rolling swallow though this time your hips sank all the way into hir throat as well, so much tighter than hir mouth you shuddered and moaned uncontrollably. Your shaft now sandwiched in the stretchy muscles of hir gullet, surrounded and held by hir wet throat that rippled and groped you all over. Again skilfully holding you in place but swallowing every second you arched your back panting needily as each pulse massaged over your manhood and legs, the pleasure washing over you in waves as hir wet flesh contracted and squeezed down your body, unable to drag your eyes from hir wet lips around your belly, the soft churrs of hir enjoyment sending vibrations all around your sensitive nether region. Weakly humping as best as you could manage wrapped in hir throat you flung your head back on the peak..... to find yourself unceremoniously coughed up yet again, panting with your shaft twitching and throbbing begging for release, that incredible new feeling slowly drifting away as you looked at your cock, then hir lips waiting just below it.... unable to resist the allure of hir any longer, worries long since swept away by desire and pleasure, a slight timid whimper sounding in your voice “D....don’t stop.... please... miss... I...” Shi only needed to hear the start of your shy request as you found yourself hoisted back up again by your large host, hir velvet like lips gliding right back over your hips as you arched your back in delight, moaning with what strength you had left as the soft wet grasp of hir throat claimed your crotch. Unable to hold back as you jerked your hips in short little bucks, thrusting into hir throat hardly registering the increasing volume and frequency of hir gullet squeezing in around and wetly dragging you under hir scales. Eye closes as you wiggled with all your might earning a hearty murr from your capture before going completely limp in a state of bliss, shaft finally able to release what little seed it had left as you splattered against the inside of hir throat, struggling to even open your eyes as the now welcoming feeling of hir lips crept relentlessly up your chest, hir tongue snaking over your back as inch by inch you were devoured. Feeling each pulse travelling down hir throat, squeezed again and against in the soft tunnel your body soaked through as you slipped down into hir waiting stomach, the small chamber inside hir rapidly swelling and expanding to accommodate its guest as you sighed contently, opening your eyes just in time for hir blue lips to roll over your face and blot out the lamplight. Gazing up out of hir mouth, you arms pointed up with the world framed in blue, your entire body quivering each time shi swallowed, the hot slippery flesh wrapped perfectly around you as you sank away inside. The heat, drink and exsertion just too much as your eyes drew heavy, able to just focus enough to watch hir casually undo your cuffs as your wrists flipped free of their bondage. Hir tongue sliding up from the back of your head between your ears and through your hair, dragging you back in as hir soft but relentless throat claimed its handsome prize. Little by little disappearing down hir gullet’s the constantly wet glucks, slurps and gulps that rang in your ears as your head was squeezed down under hir scales. Now for the first time noticing the dim blue hir body produced, like a natural bioluminescent illuminating the tunnel highlighting the ribbed textures and glistening slick sides of hir throat. Almost as if in a dream you were able to feel the soft thuds of hir heart.... no hearts, both excitedly beating as your head was gently squeezed down past hir breasts. Wiggling your fingers weakly before they were slurped between hir lips like fluffy noodles, hir tongue teasing over and between them for a few more moments before another tight gulp sealed you inside completely and dragged them out of view. What felt like minutes was properly only seconds as you sank deeper, feeling hir lips close over your fingers and the tight decent down to hir stomach. The soft confines forcing you to curl up more and more as you slipped inside of hir but never feeling crushed or compressed as hir powerful gullet and gravity soon fully deposited you in hir gut. Thinking of how it must look as your entire weight and mass vanished inside of hir body, a large bulge sinking down and settling in hir stomach making hir look far more than just pregnant, wiggling and kicking lightly as your hands slipped into hir stomach too.... completely encased, wrapped and held in the soft confines of hir body. The walls were as soft as hir mouth and almost sponge like, each time you pushed out or moved they gave way but slowly started to sink back and mould to your shape and outline. Uneven and coated in ridges and grooves you could feel hir completely encapsulating you, the thuds of hir hearts still ringing in your ears, the wet organic sounds as hir body adjusted to your presence, it all was so overpowering.... relaxing and calming as you yawned out... not thinking of where you were or what might become of you. There was a sudden shift as shi rolled over and sat against the headboard, licking hir lips loud enough for you to hear as shi admired the wonderful weight and size of hir gut with you neatly tucked away inside those stretchy scales. Hir voice muffled as you could feel hir hands rubbing soothingly over your body, petting and caressing hir belly and massaging you tenderly through hir soft pudge lined walls. “Mmmmm there we go my tasty bunbun.... all tucked away for the night at last, I was worried you didn’t like your accommodation for a moment there hehe, glad you finally decided to relax and enjoy it sweetie. I have to thank you for such a fun and filling evening, you were just what I needed tonight and not everyone I meet is such a gentleman about it. Now why not just get comfy and rest little one, as much as I adore a good wiggler I could do with a little break.” Hir belly suddenly quivered and twitched at the sound of hir chuckling lightly to hirself, the sides pulling taut for a moment settled back in bed and pulled the sheet over hir wonderfully full tummy, rolling slowly onto hir side and wrapping hir arms around you, knee pressed up as shi yawned out contently, softly placing a light kiss where your head was nestled just below hir breasts and caressing you a little more. The glow in the walls fading ever so slightly as your predator relaxed and started to drift off. The heat or hir body, the soft confines pressing in from all sides and soothing sounds of hir body having its toll on you just as quickly as you squirmed ever so slightly to get cosy before yawning, knowing at this point there was little point of fussing even if you wanted to, held completely at hir mercy tucked away in the stomach of a dragoness you had hoped would be a quick one night stand. Now just praying shi wasn’t thinking of you in such a way, as a disposable source of entertainment and pleasure for just one night as you started to sleep. Your mind lastly focusing on how soft and cosy it was inside of hir body, one of hir hand still soothingly caressing over your bulge as you peacefully drifted off to sleep..... |
Clue was a rather small dragon. She was that way since she was born, always the smallest of the dragons, and as such found it the hardest to find food. All the travellers she encountered would giggle as they felt the tiny nibbles on their fingers coming from such a small creature and wonder how she ever thought she could eat them. Luckily for her, they would sometimes be generous enough to throw Clue a few scraps of meat they had with them. Unfortunately for Clue, most of these would be victims would shoo her away, and in their frustration with this lizard with wings, walk away with satchels torn open and snacks spilling out as the mischievous little dragon clawed her way to the goodies. So began the little dragon’s thieving ways. Besides food, she was fond of her “shinies” as she called them. To say she was obsessed with gold coins and such would be an understatement. The fluff of her furry chest shot out like goosebumps just as the scales on her back did at the drop of a shiny. Her horns and claws tingled at the sound of it. Where she hid her collection of shinies no one knows to this day, but her greed would soon lead to her biggest mistake. Clue glided across the sands of the coastal beach, scooping up shinies in her claws with the precision of a metal detector. She was so focused on the sand below her that she didn’t notice the larger blue dragon that she crashed into. A crash for Clue was more of a poke for this creature, as shi turned hir head to see what poked hir tail. “Hm, who’s there?” the shimmering blue dragon asked with a gentle voice. Shi lifted hir tail to see a small red dragon, dazed and confused, lying flat on her tummy on the warm rock Umi rested on. “Oh no, are you hurt, Sweetie?” “W-where’s the shinies?” Clue muttered, her head throbbing incessantly. All she could see were blue scales and stars spinning. Umi quickly hopped to hir feet and turned to face the smaller lizard, poking her gently. “Oh no, Sweetie, I hope I didn’t hurt you” the worry on Umi’s face was apparent. The blue dragon opened hir maw wide, hir forked tongue spilling out of her dripping mouth to lick at the little red creature, trying to bring Clue to. Hir larger claws would surely beat around the little Clue too much to use. Clue was finally able to see straight, but instead of the beachside she was staring at a second ago, she was looking down the throat of a large predator. Clue made a dash to the left, only to again smack into Umi’s tail again. “Oh, you poor thing…” Umi wrapped around Clue, trying to keep her head supported. “Is there anything I can get you, Sweetie?” But as Clue finally started to calm down, she saw something glittering beside Umi’s claw. It was a large gold coin, bigger than the mere change that she was used to snatching. “What’s that shiny over there?” Clue stared at it intently, her fluffy chest starting to get goosebumps again. “Oh this?” Umi raised hir claw, the shiny glowing much brighter. “Just a little something for sushi today” Clue’s mouth was nearly watering at the sight, and she pounced on it in an instant. “What are you doing?” Umi’s tone took a slight shift. But as Umi reached for the coin, Clue rushed to her escape. At least she would if the coin didn’t weigh her down so much. Poor Clue couldn’t even make it off the rock before Umi picked up the coin in hir claw, the little dragon still clinging tight. “It’s mine!” Clue’s eyes darted back and forth, her heart racing. “Um, no it’s not, Sweetie” Umi retorted. Clue, in a panic, quickly took a bite out of Umi’s claw, which to no shock from Umi didn’t hurt all too much. But shi was starting to be rather frustrated with this cocky little thief. “You’re way over your head here, young lady” shi hissed. “But I need it” Clue hissed back. “But I need sushi” “But… but!” “Fine, you can have my sushi money, after you have a trip in my tummy” Umi giggled back, in a more saucy tone. “Maybe after I eat you, I won’t need sushi anyway. Although… you are pretty small.” Clue started to hiss again, not knowing what she was getting herself into. But Umi paid no mind to the clueless Clue. Umi flicked the coin, jostling Clue to the floor, lying on her back. Umi quickly laid over her, the blue beauty easily pinning Clue by the tail as she opened her maw once again. That forked tongue slithered out again, lapping all over Clue and matting her fluff. “Still not as good as sushi” Umi moaned, before wrapping her tongue around Clue. Clue could see all the way down Umi’s throat, the pulsating flesh dripping with saliva like a water slide right down to Umi’s tummy, where Clue would become just like the rest of Umi’s little friends. Umi closed her maw around the little dragon, her tail sticking out of Umi’s mouth before being slurped up with the rest of her. The tongue bashed Clue all around Umi’s mouth, pressing her into each cheek and sucking on Clue’s body all over. Shi pushed Clue to the roof of her mouth and ran her along the top, massaging her roughly. “Lunch time, Sweetie” Umi giggled before swallowing. It was easy for hir to swallow Clue, as she was still the littlest of the dragons, her form barely making a bulge down Umi’s throat. Quickly Clue fell into Umi’s stomach, the squishy insides being her new home. Clue flopped around in this tight confine, her wings flapping rapidly but not gaining any lift. Umi laid on hir back, content with hir little meal. While shi could not see the little dragon’s struggles against her tummy, she wasn’t big enough to make a dent or an outline, Umi could still feel the wild thrashing of Clue’s tiny body run around in Umi’s tummy. “Won’t it be great to be my little snack, Sweetie? Being a part of me is a big honor, at least from what I’ve heard” “No no no! Let me out of here!” “That’s not how this works, Sweetie” “You big bully!” “Bully? I’m not the thief…” Umi was stern again. These accusations were not going to stop Umi’s digestion any time soon. Umi’s tummy rumbled in response, seemingly agreeing with hir. Clue’s body started to tingle a bit as her form was pressed back and forth against Umi’s tummy, like the waves of the ocean. It didn’t hurt, it just felt calming. Clue stopped struggling as she was starting to tire out and soon enough, she stopped, soon to be padding on the bigger pred’s body. “I’m glad you see things my way” Umi giggled before resting on hir rock once again. |
Living where I do, your traditional dragons are a bit hard to find. Normally, they sprawl out across large countrysides, or atop tall mountains. In the past we were ravaged by them, eaten alive by the fearsome creatures without mercy, but things have changed in this modern age. For me though, that isn’t exactly for the better. Dragons are amazing beings, able to speak human tongue and just as intelligent, if not probably moreso. And, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to fuck one. There’s something so hot about a towering being, often three or four times the height of a man, in full control of me and my body, wanting me to pleasure it just so they’ll spare my life they could so easily take away… and now that I think about it, I probably wouldn’t mind being gobbled up by one… But living along the coastline, I don’t see your traditional dragons, outside of documentaries and online. I’ve been catfished by people before, to think a dragon really cares enough about humans to use new laptops and computers to talk to them. I just wanted to meet one, maybe see where that goes. I was heading to the beach today for my spring break from college and work life. I set up my space near the crashing waves, down by the edge of the coastline near the rocks. Lying back in my seat, the rocks shading me and the warm sun, mixed with the peaceful sound of the waves, made me fall asleep after an hour or two there. I don’t remember the dream I had, as I woke up in a panic. My face had been splashed with water, instantly making me jump out of my seat onto the sand. Had the tide come in all the way up to me? As I hopped to my feet, I saw that the water had gotten barely any closer. Instead, a clear trail of wet sand from the shore to my chair was drawn. Someone actually splashed me in my sleep. I huffed at the thought and went to tell off whatever kid decided to mess with me, but as I climbed over the rocks, I nearly fell back off them from the sight. It was a dragon, different from the dragons I’d normally see, but it couldn’t have been anything else. Their scales were of a deep blue, much like the ocean far out from us. Accenting this were yellow fins and scales on their underside. A beautifully majestic sight to say the least. If it could, my head would have exploded from my excitement as I cautiously stepped forward. There was no way I wouldn’t capitalize on meeting a real dragon. I thought all water dragons stayed far out to sea where no human could observe them. I could tell though that they knew I was there, as the closer I got, the less the creature moved. “Maybe I shouldn’t approach it...” I thought to myself, even if it was my dream to talk to one. Was I just shy to talk to them, or was I more fearful of the dragon’s size and probable strength. But in just my first step back, I could see the dragon twitch, and in a blink I was pinned to the ground. My chest pressed deep into the sand, I could only stare up at the wide maw of the creature before me. I shivered and tried to move my upper body to no avail when the dragon slowly opened their mouth, saliva dripping from their tongue… “Good afternoon, Sweetie” shi yawned. These were not the words I was expecting. Shi seemed to have a calm, playful demeanor for an animal capable of crushing me if shi put enough weight on my small frame. “H-Hi…” was the only response I could make. Shi lifted hir claw up, giving me more breathing room as I sat up. “Amazing day for a swim, isn’t it?” shi beamed, looking out to the ocean. I took this time to look over hir body, feeling hir soft scales as they shimmered in the sun. The softness caught me off guard, as this was much different than the dragon scales described by most, said to be tougher than the armor of the knights who lost to these amazing beings centuries ago. “W-who are you?” I asked, probably a weird way of phrasing a first question when meeting new people. “Call me Umi!” shi smiled again, “And if you don’t mind me asking, who are you, tasty one~?” I told hir my name, and talked about why I was at the beach today, how it was Spring Break, and I tried to relax the more I chatted with hir, despite being called tasty. “Would you happen to know who splashed my face while I was sleeping?” “Guilty as charged” shi giggled. In my head I was wondering why exactly shi decided to wake me up. I think shi could tell I was nervous, not in your standard “Oh god, a dragon is going to eat me” kind of way, but more in the same way you get nervous when chatting with someone you like, as if I didn’t want to seem strange to a water dragon. “Got something on your mind, sweetie?” shi tilted hir head. “I’m not going to eat you if that’s what you’re worried about.” I couldn’t tell if that made me feel better or admittedly disappointed. “I mean, I’d love to, I like to put squirmy little treats just about everywhere I can put them, but you’re safe from my tummy today.” With the thought of all the possibilities to explore Umi, I found us both blushing as shi looked down at my crotch. “Oh?” shi purred, “So that’s it…” With a gentle murr, Umi walked back over to a shady outcropping of rocks and rolled onto hir back, exposing hirself as shi lazily stretched out in the shade. “Get on over here, sweetie~” shi murred. I quickly walked up to hir, crawling up hir tail as shi peeked hir head over the rest of hir body. I could see and feel hir crotch, warmth radiating from its depths in contrast to the cool breeze and shade. It looked extremely welcoming to a small visitor. I straddled myself on hir tail like a mechanical bull but looked up at hir, nervous on how to proceed. Shi clawed at my shorts and shirt, a clear sign to lose them. But as I wiggled my booty out of my clothes, I could see hir getting excited too, moreso than I. Hir view of me was almost hidden behind hir cock, which I couldn’t help but stare at. Shi chuckled a little and patted my butt with hir claw, pushing me up hir tail to rest on hir soft tummy, facing away from hir head. I blushed hard as I wiggled my butt a little for hir before resting my mouth on hir tip. Lapping at hir cock, I could feel hir body shiver, Umi’s tummy vibrating from my licking. I started to suckle on hir tip, barely able to wrap my lips around it, but stroking hir gently with both my hands. I blushed, hoping shi was enjoying the view of my backside as I tried my best to suck hir off. I could feel hir warm breath on my back as shi panted louder and louder, hir tummy rumbling happily and hir cock throbbing in my grip. Finally, I could feel shi was ready, hir hips instinctively bucking into my mouth as I prepared myself for my reward. I was not ready. Hir cum shot out hard against my face, my mouth flying off hir cock the second it hit me. The pressure reminded me of a hydrant exploding, fitting for a water dragon. Umi was visibly worried as shi looked at the mess on hir tummy, with my body at the center of said mess. Shi rolled me over as I swallowed what was shot in my mouth. It was hot and gooey, sticking to the back of my throat as much as the rest of Umi’s mess stuck to my body. The flavor was overwhelmingly sweet in my mouth. Perhaps this was due to the last resident of hir cock being so sweet. Whatever the case may have been, I loved it and wanted to thank Umi for hir generous gift. “Thank you, thank you!” I tried to cover my blushing cheeks, with the load of cum on my face helping. Shi just giggled and looked down at my small body. “I should be thanking you” Umi replied between chuckles at the sight of me. “Would you like something from me for being such a kind little toy?” “M-May I be… inside you?” I stammered. “Oh, you want me to eat you?” shi was quite excited at the prospect, opening hir maw wide in anticipation, hir throat muscles giving off a beautiful, saliva covered shine, glowing a brighter blue than hir soft scales. “Um… not exactly” I wasn’t ready to die… at least not yet. “C-Can I… be inside… your pussy?” I chuckled nervously. Shi blushed back at me, my heart skipping a beat, worried I said something ridiculous and strange, which to be fair, it was. To my surprise, shi grew a large smile across hir face, hir fins fluttering with excitement. Without saying a word, shi lifted hirself up against the rocks to sit up, and my body slid down back to sitting on hir tail. The entrance was right in front of me, the heat radiating off hir crotch even hotter than before, hir pussy juices dripping slightly down and off the side of hir tail. Shi loomed over me, and I stared up at hir. Shi just giggled more at my stage fright before nodding, telling me to proceed. That’s when I focused my attention on hir pussy again, my body fighting against my nervous brain to go on. I started to run my hands up and down hir crotch, getting soft murrs of appreciation. Shi was even softer here, hir body practically yearning for me inside it. I reached my hands inside, a soft squelch greeting my hands along the softest and most smooth and soaking wet muscles I’ve ever felt. I slowly opened Umi’s pussy wide, much like opening stage curtains, and nearly fainted from the view. The inside of hir pussy was much like hir gaping maw, glistening wet, brightly blue muscles, pulsing and quivering with excitement, and hir cervix beckoning me at the end of this passage. This was a cave I could explore forever. Umi leaned hir head close to me and moaned softly, hir breath hot and heavy. Before I could make a move, I felt a tap on my bare back. I turned to see Umi’s tail poking me, and before I could ask why, I felt its push on my back, pressing me against hir pussy. Umi’s tail pulled back a few inches before pushing again, this time with more force. My upper body was instantly shoved inside of hir, and from the sound of Umi’s moans, I assumed shi enjoyed doing that. There was a bit of wiggle room inside these slippery caverns, so I quickly got my bearings and started to crawl to my goal. Umi giggled as shi watched my legs scurry inside their new home. The walls pulsed like a quick heart rate, and I couldn’t help but feel drowsy as the intense musky heat got to me. My body was coated not only in Umi’s cum but now the pussy juices that lightly flooded this cave. Umi twitched all over from my deep exploration, hir panting getting louder with each movement I made. I spotted my target, the end of passage. Hir cervix throbbing as I drew closer and started to kiss it. The walls around me started to contract tightly, nearly crushing my body. I was worried I might be too good at this and would soon be crushed easier than shi could have when shi pounced me. The hole in the center of hir cervix was understandably tight and narrow, but the way I could feel myself being crushed, this was my best bet. Besides, I was too curious to go back the way I came. It was excruciatingly difficult, but after much wiggling, Umi not helping with the situation, I was able to slide my head and chest past the cervix, Umi screaming out in joy at my accomplishment. My legs were squeezed even tighter as I pulled them inside hir womb. When my hips finally popped in, I quickly shot inside hir womb like a bullet, curling up in the slightly bigger room, safe from the crushing force of Umi’s vaginal walls. There I was, inside a dragon’s womb, and a very pretty dragon’s womb on top of that. I could feel Umi thrashing about in another booming orgasm as I entered, and was rocked back and forth by hir body’s tossing and turning in the sand. It soon died down and I was left there quietly curled up, the soft walls massaging me all over as Umi got back into a comfortable position to nap. I didn’t even care about being left out, maybe after our little nap shi would tease me before releasing me, or shi’d keep me there forever. Maybe I’d like to stay forever, or maybe I’d like to leave hir pussy just to slide down hir tempting throat. For now, I was happy to have met a dragon, and I bet shi was happy meeting me. |
“‘It all started like any other day…’ no, so cliché…” Jason leaned back in his chair, the squeaky seat creaking as he slumped into it, already at a loss for words. “The beginning is always the hardest to write…” he groaned, his eyes already darting across his monitors for a distraction. “Everything alright in there, Sweetiesune~?” came a very lovely voice from the other room as Umiriko popped hir head in through the door cracked open. Shi had to bend over so as not to bump hir head on the door frame, as an 8'8'' water dragon was not the type of person the demi-fox’s little house was designed for. “It’s alright, just been stuck writing for the last two hours and I’m still trying to figure out how to start this story I’m writing for a customer…” he sighed. He had been staring at the blank page for probably well over two hours. In fact, it had probably been all day, with only the last revision showing how little progress he was making, its beginning always being such a hurdle for the little foxy writer. “Are you doing alright, at least?” “Mhm~! The little room you set for me is so cozy, little sune~ thankies for letting me have the big bed while I stay the week.” shi beamed, hir charming british accent shining through as it always did. “Fancy I make you a cuppa?” “I’m good, thank you. I just don’t know what to write for my story. I have the basic plot laid out but it always sounds so boring at the beginning…” he fell back into his seat, slumping in the chair before turning to meet his gaze to his friend, who gave a little worried look before opening the door wider and stepping in. Umi was dressed as comfy as shi could be, still in hir simple plain white spaghetti strap tee that barely covered hir cleavage and stretchy black shorts that were skin tight, clinging to hir thighs and ass but with an elastic waistband that made putting them on a breeze. “Well, my little Soon-Soon~ I’m sure you’ll come up with something fantastic for sure!” shi bent over, smooching the kitsune on the head causing him to blush as his ears flopped to their sides. “I’m gonna ring the twins and see how they’re doing on their own little trip and make myself some tea, be back.” Umi ruffled Jason’s fluffy brown hair and turned back to the door, hir hips wiggling with each step, hir sizable tail gently dragged across the floor. “Bugger!” shi hissed quietly, rubbing hir forehead as it gently bumped into the top of the door frame. Shi chuckled to hirself, with Jason joining in with a little giggle as shi walked out, heading into his kitchen to call up Karyn and Rikku. “Back… to… this then…” Jason’s words stretched as he continued to struggle coming up with ideas. It was already a quarter to ten in the morning and he wanted to have at least the set up to his commission finished before taking a break but the words wouldn’t appear on his screen. He sat there listening to the kettle boil and turning to his music for short one off songs to listen to and jump back into writing that then stretched to two songs, then three, and four and five until he was just humming along to his music. Truly he was stuck in a mental block. His clock only confirmed this. As Umi sat at the table, finishing up hir tea and call to the twins, shi looked out the window to the front lawn. The sun outside was shining bright, but the weather remained cool and breezy, something shi wasn’t exactly used to when not relaxing on hir beach. There wasn’t a cloud in the bright blue sky, and the lawn was vividly green and healthy. Shi got up from hir seat, the small wooden chair creaking under the weight of hir tail as shi continued down the kitchen and turned to the door to the backyard. Stepping out shi walked past the foxboy’s garage to his yard, where Jason’s pool was kept. “Absolutely lovely day for a swim, I think…” shi said, sipping the last of hir tea and looking over the pool. The water shined a light blue, with the deepest shaded part of the pool almost matching hir richer dark blue, smoother than skin water scales. As the pool ran its normal filtration cycle, the hot tub that stood on a raised platform had a steady waterfall streaming into the main body of water. It was an extremely enticing sight, and one of the big reasons shi wanted to visit the kitsune this summer. Umi’s golden head flippers wiggled with excitement at the thought of resting under that waterfall when steamy hot water was ready to flow down hir back. “Sweetiesune~” came that lovely voice once more from just beyond Jason’s door alongside a slow, gentle knocking. He looked away from his blank screen, his attention turning to the door. “Yeah, Umi? You can come in.” he smirked, wondering why shi was knocking in the first place. The door opened slowly as Umi set one foot in. Shi was giggling the whole time as more of hir leg slid into Jason’s view, obviously enjoying hirself. Hir firm calves stepped in, and soon hir plump thigh also peered from behind the door, showing Jason that shi must have slipped out of hir shorts. “Are you naked?” he giggled back, his face already starting to glow bright red. “Mmmmnope~” Umi opened the door all the way, revealing hir new attire. There shi stood in the door frame, arms casually leaning against the roof of the door from behind the wall, allowing hir to lean in close to meet Jason’s eyes. Shi was wearing an extremely small but functional cherry red bikini. From the way shi leaned into the room, hir massive breasts swayed in what amounted to a hammock for them, barely covering the perky teal nipples that dotted an otherwise yellow scaled front that accented hir body from the neck down to hir crotch as well as the webbing between hir fingers and the spines that ran from hir head to tail. Hir crotch was covered by a matching set of bikini bottoms tied at the hips that covered both male and female slits. They were riding between hir plump cheeks, of which needed no coverage thanks to hir ample rear covering hir tailhole. “This inspire you, Sweetiesune~?” shi cooed, the inky black irises in hir glistening white eyes shining directly into his soul, with a seductive sound befitting those lips speaking hir little nickname for the boy. “W-Woah… m-maybe…” he blushed more, trying not to let hir looks overwhelm him. Shi laid against the door frame, sliding down its side to relax and pose for him. There was good reason why Umi was somewhat of a goddess to this kitsune. It was that combination of hir personality, shapeliness, and voice that he considered perfection. “I was thinking you need a change of scenery to really get your juices flowing~” hir tongue flicked as the words escaped hir lips. Shi beckoned him closer, and the boy stood up and walked forward, his bushy tail tucked between his legs and swaying ever so slowly. His face was met with hir breasts as shi loomed over him, jiggling with even the slightest movement as the dragoness reached around him, tugging his baggy tee with a tight grip that caused it to squeeze his chest slightly. “Won’t be needing this, my lil Sunetreat, now won’t we~?” shi purred, pulling at the fabric. His shirt tore apart with ease, the sounds of it ripped to shreds effortlessly made his spine tingle and all the fur on his tail shoot straight up. The tail then wagged incredibly fast, the boy enamored with Umi’s little show of strength. “Get that tushy in a proper suit, I’ll meet you outside~” said Umi as shi gave his butt a little spank and once more smooched Jason’s head, this time adding a big, slippery slurp over his face before shi turned, walking back through the kitchen to the backyard, each step swaying hir plump booty side to side knowing exactly where Jason was staring. “Y-Yes Mumma~” he smiled, almost able to feel steam coming off his face from the slobber evaporating on his burning red cheeks. Jason walked over to his dresser and grabbed a pair of red and yellow swim shorts. Loosely tying his waistband, he grabbed a couple towels and headed out to meet Umi once more. Outside, the pool had been turned on to its fully running settings, with the hot tub jets bubbling and shooting pressurized waves of hot water to slowly heat up the tub. Umi was standing at the edge of the deep end of the pool, in what looked like a position reminiscent of a runner ready to speed across a track. Jason peeked around the garage, watching as Umi bolted forward, diving gracefully into the pool with almost no splash to speak of. Shi was almost camouflaged at the bottom of the pool as the waves gently rippled in an even pattern as Jason walked up to the edge of the pool himself. “Heeeeey Soon-Soon~” Umi smiled as shi reached the surface, the individual droplets of water naturally flowing down hir scales effortlessly like any other water dragon’s would. Each drop helped accentuate the curves of hir shoulders and breasts that gently floated a slight buoyancy. “Still a little nippy but that’s what the waterfall is for, yeah~?” shi started to float on hir back, letting the calm waters send hir driftly slowly around the pool.Jason set his glasses beside the hot tub and dove in after hir. His splash was somehow more pronounced than his friend’s, perhaps from his bad form or his lack of scales, but the gentle splash that hit Umi only made hir smile more, closing hir eyes and just feeling the sun beam down on hir body. The front half received the sun’s gentle warmth, while the back half was cool to the touch dipped in the gentle waters. Shi let out a content sigh as the excitable kitsune paddled around hir. “This was a good idea, Umi, thank you~ already think I know how I wanna approach the story!” Jason smiled, swimming up to the dragoness and laying his arms and head over hir tummy. Shi was easily able to support his weight as he leaned on hir, eagerly listening to the calming bubbling of hir two stomachs full of tea. “What is it you need to write anyway?” shi asked. “Oh it’s just something for a friend, but it’s gotta be super lewd, so it’s set up like a date between these two dudes so I think maybe they meet at the pool?” he shrugged. It certainly wasn’t fully thought out yet, but it was already more than he had before. Umi nodded along, humming a little tune shi had in hir head for the last few days as the two drifted about. “Heh~ could fall asleep on your tummy, Umi~” he purred, the gentle gurgles of a dragon’s tummy always able to calm his soul. “Or in it~” shi giggled, stroking his head affectionately as he gave hir stomach a little kiss. Umi opened hir eyes slowly, also feeling a little sleepy from the calmness before hir eyes fixated on the sight of the waterfall that led from the hot tub into the pool. Hir eyes almost widening at the sight of the steam coming off the base of the misty little falls. Shi subtly paddled with hir webbed hands over to the waterfall. “Heeere we go~” shi hummed, slowly stirring into position, picking up the kitsune as shi sat up. Under the waterfall was a shallow platform to sit on. Umi’s plush rump rested comfortably as shi placed Jason in hir squishy lap and laid against the wall. “Ahhhh~ heavenly~” shi sighed, hir head resting on the overhang of the small set of falls. The water flowed against hir neck, down hir shoulders and chest. This made Umi’s breasts create their own little waterfalls that dripped over Jason’s body as he was held cradled in hir arms. The steam from the hot tub fogging up the glasses Jason had set aside previously. “Mmph~ Sweetiesune, what’s the temperature at~?” “I set it to about 102 degrees~” he yawned, nuzzling into hir breasts. “In something I can understand?” shi giggled. “About 39 Celsius~” he smiled, squeezing in closer as the water naturally raised both their body’s internal temperatures. Umi’s smooth scales were starting to warm up just as much as the water. “Ahh~” shi smirked, smooching his head. “You comfortable, Sweetie?” Umi tilted hir head. Jason stirred a little, covering his mouth to yawn once more as he properly opened his eyes. “Very~” he smirked, wiggling out of hir grasp and sitting up straight, straddling the dragoness as shi sat under the steamy falls. The water flowed down hir back so soothingly, all hir muscles were relaxed. The foxboy leaned in close, his arms pressed against the wall as their chests pressed together. He leaned in slowly, closing his eyes once more as he pressed his lips to Umi’s, moaning into the kiss. Shi pressed hir muzzle against his lips, moaning back as Umi wrapped hir arms around the kitsune. Hir hands ran through his hair, teasingly pulling it back a little before hir forked tongue snaked its way into his mouth and quickly down Jason’s throat. He squirmed, feeling his esophagus start to bulge from hir tongue invading his body, and shivering in pleasure from it. Shi held his face close, hir lips smacking into his as energy and strength quickly started to return to hir body. Jason was hir special boy to play with, and had been excited to continue the fun they started the night before sleeping together in the big bed when his head was between hir thighs all night to the point of nearly passing out. “M-Mumma~” he moaned as shi broke the kiss, panting humid air on his head as hir lusty gaze pierced him. A string of saliva connected their tongues still as the two huffed in each others’ face. Jason leaned in closely once more, looking into the dragon’s maw. Hir inner flesh let off a bright bioluminescent glow, highlighting all the smooth rippling muscles and dribbling saliva that hung in hir throat all the way down to the back of hir maw. They both felt the same way. Umi was well aware hir boy worked his best when tucked away under hir scales. Shi was almost ready to give him exactly what he needed, but the throbbing poke of a shaft under his butt signaled shi wasn’t going to send hir boy down just yet. “Mumma knows hir boy needs his little private room to work, doesn’t he~? Mumma would love to help hir boy out, but Mumma wants a little something in return, okay Sweetiesune~?” shi panted, squeezing his bubble butt. Jason nodded, quickly reaching to fiddle with his swim shorts before shi gave a very parental “Ah ah ah~ let Mumma help~” as he felt hir hands slip under his waistband at both of his sides. Just as effortlessly as his shirt, Jason’s shorts were torn, pulled in half as if shi was tearing up tissue paper. Jason’s face burned as both halves of his shorts floated to the surface. Suddenly a skinny dipping kitsune, Jason wrapped his legs around Umi’s waist, reaching under the water to undo the ties that covered hir crotch, which also rose to the top and floated between the two. Umi grabbed hir bottoms, lifting them up to Jason’s mouth, who proceeded to open wide. Despite soaking in the pool for the last half an hour, those bottoms had distinct wet spots matching both hir draconic slits’ positions, and so shi gingerly grinded hir crotch stains against his tongue. The taste was a mix of both hir sex organs’ products. Both the sweet taste of hir dripping womanhood and the popping sensation that came from the tangy gel of hir cock coated his tongue, causing his whole body to shiver. Shi continued to rub the fabric against his tongue, in the same way someone would clean their face with a napkin after eating. Shi smirked as shi stuffed the bikini piece in his mouth, now adding the musky taste of hir ass to the mix, which he certainly didn’t mind. “Such a good Mumma’s boy, aren’t you~? Loves his Mumma’s taste!” Shi teased, stroking the side of his face before taking hold of hir cock and pressing its tip to his tight asshole. Hir hands moved to pin his wrists to his hips as shi held a firm grip on his waist, and quickly shi plunged the kitsune’s hips down, using the water as lubricant to just barely slip maybe a third of hir shaft up Jason’s ass. Hir toy squirmed and vibrated, his pleasurable strained moans muffled by the fabric stuffed in his mouth. His asshole had stretched extremely wide from hir girthy shaft, and had it not been for the gag, Jason would have probably alerted his neighbors. “Shhhh~ It’s okay, Mumma’s got you~” shi soothed the whining foxboy, lapping at his face. His own cock was throbbing just as strongly, precum floating to the surface. It was a dead giveaway that he was loving every moment of this. His hole had clamped down on hir shaft, preventing any deeper penetration after the first thrust, but hir soothing words as well as the empty feeling of that massive cock slowly being pulled out made Jason’s muscles relax just enough for Umi to thrust harder. His intestines started to stretch as Mumma’s cock was now deep inside his body. Hir natural gel coating hir cockslit secreted was now coating the entirety of his rectum. As the gel rubbed into his muscles, Jason felt the tingling sensation growing at an exponential rate. This tingling made him drool more than the gag already was, and as Umi noticed how comfortable Jason was getting even with hir cock inside him, shi slowly pulled the gag out of his mouth with a freed hand. “That’s such a good Mumma’s boy~ didn’t hurt at all, did it~?” Jason shyly shook his head, earning another kiss before Umi fully let go of his arms and waist. He hugged hir loosely and watched as hir hands disappeared behind hir back, the bikini top suddenly dropping into the water and floating off. “Mumma’s got a lot in the tank but no biting, sweetiesune~” shi purred, stroking his fluffy ears as hir breasts soon eclipsed his view. They hung free, naturally swaying as gravity tugged the golden scaled bust down to his eyes, hir teal nipples already close to his mouth. Instinctively he opened his mouth and started to suckle on hir left nipple, his ears drooping to their sides as the comforting and soothing words mixed with the sexual gratification he was feeling helped relax his body. Umi couldn’t help but blush a deep blue at the sight, holding the kitsune closely to let him suckle harder as hir cock slowly thrusted deeper into his body. The water around them rippled in perfect rhythm to hir thrusts, and Jason grunted and monad even as his mouth was full. He was afraid he would bite down until a sudden gush of warm milk shot into his mouth, followed close by a shivering, intense moan from the affectionate dragoness. Hir whole body vibrated as milk started to flow out of hir boobs and swiftly filled his mouth. Drips of warm draconic milk would spill down his cheek and into the pool, but most of it filled his body, making the kitsune so relaxed he could almost pass out if it weren’t for Umi’s cock bulging out his insides. As the milk flow slowed down, Jason was once more stirred to a heightened state as the sensitivity in his tight ass rose. The slick gel that naturally coated hir shaft tingled, activating neurons and stimulating the pleasurable nerves as well as his prostate, all while blocking any sort of pain receptors. With a numbing pleasure warping his brain into a lusty mess, Jason would start to drool once more as Umi grabbed his hips and sped up hir thrusts. Now he was properly riding hir shaft, bouncing up and down on that plump lap, used like a toy as hir heavy breath washed over his face. The water was now choppy as a result of this constant, heavy motion, the waters churning with excitement as the foxboy moaned and hollered out in bliss. Umi easily lifted his body up and down on hir cock, moaning along and building up a sweat on hir brow. “R-Ready for Mumma’s love, sweetie~?” shi moaned, ready to blow. “Y-Yes, Mumma~! Yes please!” he begged, squirming in absolute pleasure. His words were met with a sudden hard slam down on his body, the tip of hir cock visibly throbbing beyond the depths of his intestines as a steady flow of seed spilled into his insides. The warmth was flowing ever so slowly, flooding his insides but slowly pooling into his stomach at an agonizing pace due to how the gooey substance clung to his insides, painting them in hir cum. Both of their bodies were rocked from this exchange, and close to passing out had the cool water not been there. Umi could swear the water was just as steamy against their bodies as it was in the flow of the hot tub’s waterfall. Shi gave him a little smooch on the forehead before slowly pulling out. Jason squirmed and whimpered, his toes curling from the last bits of stimulation before the relief of hir pulling out made him gasp and quake. The cool water below his waist acted much like a cooling effect from a sunburn cream. As his tailhole tightened back up, he rested all his weight on hir chest. “S-Such a good boy~ I’m sure you’re just brimming with ideas, my little Sunetreat~ you ready to go rest up in your comfy “thinking chamber”? Umi chirped, hir smile a contagious one. Jason started to kiss all over hir neck and shoulders, nodding along excitedly. He himself was still as hard as ever, and was ready to finish off his own orgasm inside Mumma. Shi stretched hir arms up to the sun and chuckled, giving one last smooch on his head before drifting to the side and diving back into the cool, deep waters of the pool, majestically diving in, and of course giving the kitsune a little tease as hir rump wiggled mid dive. Umi emerged at the end of the pool, pulling hirself up and over before laying hir tummy down on a towel just under the shade of a big red umbrella. Hir legs were bent upwards, swaying back and forth as the warmth of the pavement under hir made hir towel that much more toasty, and with the umbrella covering hir body, shi could lay there and dry off all afternoon. Jason swam up next to hir, sitting up at the edge of the pool with his legs still kicking against the water, still fully erect at the sight of hir laying down. Shi lifted hir tail for a moment, letting it rest to the side away from Jason and showing off hir butt. Hir smirk was buried in hir arms as shi lay there, stretching hir back just to tease the kitsune further. Curiously, Jason leaned back, rolling to the side of hir legs and caressing those soft thighs, massaging them as his lips pressed against hir rump, planting kisses all over those supple cheeks. His throbbing erection poked hir leg as he started to lean more into hir, eventually rolling over hir leg and between the both of them. “Give Mumma a massage, would you, sweetie~?” shi purred. “Mmph~ yes, Mumma~” he blushed, bending forward. His open palms clapped against hir buttcheeks, Umi’s flippers shooting up in surprise but quickly relaxing as the feeling of his hands gripping all that heft and playing with it made hir purrs that much louder. He rubbed his hands in deep against the plump ass, the smooth as skin scales having some bounce back as he indented the cheeks, his palms making little circular motions. Shi was dripping from hir womanhood already, and Jason knew it wasn’t the pool water. Those droplets had already slid off hir scales, leaving the glistening scaly butt without much in terms of lubrication for where he planned to go. Jason kneaded hir ass like dough, little peeks here and there of the glowy teal asshole hidden between those cheeks, which only made him that much more ready. “Dig in, Mumma wants you all to hirself~” shi moaned, suddenly lifting hir ass up as shi stood on hir hands and knees, that huge ass suddenly directly in his face. Shi was met with the feeling of the kitsune’s face slammed between hir cheeks, already perspiring from all the excitement. Hir forked tongue lolled out as shi felt that curious tongue lapping away at hir sensitive tailhole. To Jason, the taste was amazing, the musky ass perfect to all his senses. His cheeks were squished between hir ass, with only the back of his hair still sticking out, and this was before he had even prodded inside. Shi didn’t have to wait long for this, and Umi’s cheeks once more burned a deep blue as Jason’s tongue slid inside hir rectum, swirling around hir insides to help lubricate hir ass. Each lick made the spines on hir back tingle, hir chubby tail wagging along. Before shi could beg for more, Umi felt hir hole stretch further still, the air filling with the familiar squelching noises that came from swallowing someone up hir goddess ass. As Jason’s head slid in rather easily, he was greeted by the purest form of hir musk, his senses overloaded in the sweltering heat of hir bowels. His throbbing cock started to drip pre as he felt almost paralyzed by hir insides. “Ooooh~ let Mumma help hir little Sunesnack~” Umi started to sit up straight, hir ass still high in the air as shi positioned hir body above Jason’s. With a deep breath, shi slowly lowered hir legs, slurping up the kitsune’s neck and shoulders, the slender build of his chest and stomach, all the way down to his sizable hips. Shi was, at this point, sitting on his lower body. Meanwhile Jason felt his upper body squeezed tight by his Mumma’s bowels, hugging him all over and coating him in hir musk. His legs were quivering more than hirs, and his head and shoulders were already starting to bend to the natural shape of hir deepest digestive organs. He barely made a dent in hir, little more than a bump so far, and once he felt hir start to bounce hir ass down on his body, he knew it was only seconds before he was completely isolated from the outside world. His cock rubbed against hir pussy, and so Umi gently aimed it upward. Now as shi bounced, his cock penetrated hir womanhood, sending them both into a pleasurable shock. “Mmmph~! All mine, honey~! All mine~!” shi moaned out, lifting hir ass up high. Jason’s stomach was exposed to the elements once more. His cock, now completely coated in hir vaginal juices, slapped against his stomach as shi slammed down hard. Jason’s tummy, cock, and hips were jammed up hir ass completely, stretching hir rectum to its widest as hir femcum flooded like a broken dam, hir entire body rocked to its core. Reflexively hir anus tightened and tugged, taking in Jason’s legs and tail in an instant. Now hir stomach properly bulged outward, the exhausted blue dragoness basking in the afterglow with a belly that looked like shi was eight months pregnant. Hir towel was completely soaked in juices, and hir squirming treat was already fast at work on pleasuring himself, giving hir a show of the most appreciative little treat shi had ever had. His outline was faint, but it was obvious the many lewd things he was doing inside hir, from stroking his cock to humping hir intestines, earning a little chuckle from Umi. “Mmm… well then…” shi huffed, looking down at hir soaking wet towel. While hir scales made drying off water easier, it wasn’t a perfect answer, and hir soaking wet crotch didn’t help either. Shi then turned hir attention to the hot tub, still brimming with steam. Umi snatched up hir towel and set it into the sun to dry off before dipping hir toes into the tub. Shi tested the waters carefully before slipping in with an extremely content sigh. Instantly hir muscles relaxed, the exhausted soreness swiftly leaving hir body as shi stroked over hir bulging little guest. His moans were muffled now, but shi could definitely feel a warm, sticky sensation deep inside hir guts, making hir blush once again. “Hehe~ lemme grab your phone so you can work, cutiesune~” shi mused, looking over. Unfortunately his phone was all the way on the other side of the pool, a distance this very content dragon wasn’t ready to travel just yet. Instead shi focused on the firm pressure of the water jets as they massaged hir back and belly at the same time, knowing Jason was also feeling their gentle massage. “Mmm… a few hours won’t hurt~” shi purred. The sun would set, and the lights of the hot tub would turn on, lighting up the backyard in cozy colors as Umi started to feel like a nap. “Welp, best we get you out of there, Sweetiesune~” Umi smiled, slowly lifting hir nude body out of the water and grabbing hir dried towel to finish up. Shi turned off the pool, nabbed Jason’s phone and glasses, and headed inside. “You alright in there, Sweetie~?” Umi giggled, rubbing hir slightly smaller bulge. There wasn’t a response, which for one whose done this hundreds of times, Umi chuckled to hirself. “Aww~ I’m sorry, sweetie, guess I’ll see you in the morning then, what with your little foxboy reformation magic~” Umi was looking forward to have squeezed out a horny Sune for nighttime cuddles and more lewd fun but there was something so right about Jason spending the night on hir wobbling ass. Umi would lay in bed for a few more hours, tucked in a big wool blanket and using Jason’s glasses to read a book before deciding to finally rest for the night. Shi gave hir ass a little spank and smiled to hirself once more before turning off the light, ready to see the kitsune again in the morning for more fun times. |
"We should head back, Eric," Will urged, "it's dangerous to be in town alone, especially when all the other townspeople are at the river." "Don't be so scared, Will," the seventeen-year-old barked back, "everyone is over there, even the women, so you don't have to be afraid. The only people here right now are us and the guards." "Even so, don't you think that the bandits might come and eat us? It's more likely for that to happen since all the women are at the river." The town where they were at was called Penmore, one of the only towns in the region that had both males and females living in the same vicinity. This was because every female in the world had the power to eat living being whole, this was caused by a powerful female magician named Tera, who created the spell many centuries ago –back in the time when magic was still known to mankind. It is written that after the spell was cast, all the male magicians were hunted down and eaten by Tera's followers, so that no one could negate the effects done by her. Now, because of the spell by this ancient sorceress, every woman had the strength of ten men, the speed that could rival a small horse, and the reflexes that could put any veteran warrior to shame. As a result of this spell, the social structure of the entire world was changed to the point where men were nothing more than cattle, save for the fact that they were still needed to make children. With this in mind, many years ago, the founders of Penmore made a pact with a group of nomadic women, and formed two districts: one for men, and the other for women. "Don't worry about it," Eric said, slightly annoyed, "nothing happens in this town besides the women eating some men, and even then, it has always been the women of this town who did the eating." What Eric said was true, the founders of Penmore created a pact that required the women to defend the town in exchange for residence and food. The women could eat any male scot-free –given that they only eat a certain amount a year–, provided with the best residence, and had their own form of government within their district. The elders of the male district forbade the trespass of males into the female district save for punishments and their annual event called "The Gamble" –where all the males above 30 would risk their lives for the sake of the next generation, named for the fact that the women could still eat them if they weren't careful. "Even so," Will continued, looking around cautiously, "what's to say that a girl isn't here like we are, waiting for someone like us to come back to the town early, and then eat us?!" "There's two of us, so I don't think that we will have to worry about something like that." Will was a shy, anxious character, even though he was much stronger than other fifteen-year-olds his age. His dark hair and brown eyes made for any girl to run after him –if it wasn’t for the fact that he might be eaten that is… Where Will lacked in *ahem* willpower, Eric excelled in boldness; however the same thing inversely goes for his looks. Though the gods blessed him with an array of colorful green eyes and curly blond, he lacked a lot in the face department. All the scuffles and brawls he’s been in has caused a large assortment of scars on his face: one on his cheek, another over his eye, and even one on his eyelid from a town rock just to name a few. “You know how strong they are, even I can’t match a girl who is two years younger than me! They could just jump us at a corner and eat us one by one!” Eric was yet to beat Will at an arm0wrestling competition, let alone a wrestling match. “And what about it?” Eric countered, “there’s two of us, if something happens the other can just go call one of the guards. The women may be able to freely eat whomever they decide, but that doesn’t mean we won’t go down without a fight. All you have to do is yell.” “If you say so.” That's when they heard a female scream, coming from the outskirts of the forest near the women's district. "Someone's in trouble," Eric declared, starting to head towards the sound, "we have to help!" "What are you doing," Will said, grabbing his arm, "you were about to go through the women's district. Don't you know what will happen if someone saw you?" "I don't care, it's the fastest way to the sound. And besides, if we were to go around, it would be too late. Whatever is going on would be finished by the time we got there." "We can't do anything, remember? Maybe some of the women by the river noticed the noise, we don't know if their hearing is better than ours, also do you want to come across them when you get over there? You could die!" "We both know that all the women's hearing is the same as ours." -Eric groaned in anger-- "fine, if you don't want to go, then I will!” And with that, Eric shrugged off Will’s arm and sprinted through the women’s district and towards the sound of screaming. As Eric was running, he didn’t even bother to look around at his surroundings, all he cared about was to try and help whoever made that scream. He could hear the sounds of a struggle in the distance and continued to follow it. Please, let me make it there in time. He pleaded to himself. He reached the edge of the women’s district and found a girl around his age being pinned down by a large wolf , with its pack surrounding it. The girl was holding the wolf back with one hand, its maw trying to grab onto whatever piece of flesh it could bite off, the other hand was reaching over towards a dagger that was just inches away from her fingertips. The pack was getting restless, some even took to biting at her reaching hand, only to get punched in the nose for their trouble. For a while, the wolves would back off and let their pack leader try and finish off their prey, but they again grew tired and tried it again. “This isn’t good,” Eric muttered to himself, “at this rate she will die.” Looking around, Eric found a long, thick branch and wielded it as his weapon. He took a large breath and began running towards the pack. He raised his into the air, as if ready to crash it down on any beast that came in his way, and let out a war cry. The wolves turned towards him, even the large one that pinned the girl. Using the opportunity, the girl hit the wolf with her free hand, causing it to stagger off her, and grabbed her dagger. She quickly got into a fighting stance, the hunting outfit she wore was slightly torn at her arms, a trail of blood could be seen slowly trickling down her hand. Eric continued his charge and hit the nearest wolf on the head, knocking it down the ground, wincing in pain. He swung the branch to his right, hitting another wolf that tried to pounce on him, but breaking his weapon in the process. Using what remained of the branch, he swung it at the closest wolf; however, the sudden change of length of the weapon proved too much and the branch merely scratched the wolf’s whiskers. Irritated, the wolf pounced on Eric, who tried to throw the branch at it in hopes of dealing some damage. The branch missed, allowing for the wolf to pin the poor boy under its weight. The wind was knocked out of Eric when his back hit the ground. He saw stars, but he kept his hands raised to try and prevent the wolf from eating his face. It snarled at him, saliva dripped down from its gaping maw and onto Eric’s face as it tried to score a bite. Unlike the girl, who was now facing off the rest of the wolf with little trouble, Eric lacked the strength required to punch the wolf without allowing it to bite him. Instead, he tried to roll the wolf with him as he pushed his body quickly to one side. The wolf, caught completely by surprise from the sudden change in motion, went down to its side. Eric then proceeded to punch the wolf repeatedly, even grabbing a nearby rock to help him kill it. When he finished off the wolf, Eric looked over and saw that the girl had finished off the rest of the pack save for the pack leader. They were squaring off, circling one another, waiting for a potential opening that would allow for a finishing blow. The silver wolf moved first, jumping at the huntress with lighting speed. But the huntress quickly dodged the attack, using the knife to cut two of the wolf’s legs in quick succession. The wolf howled in pain, trying desperately to get up with its two injured legs. It collapsed, trying in vain to move away from the approaching predator. “You caused me a good amount of trouble,” the girl said to the wolf, her voice was that of an angel, “now it’s time for me to get what I came for.” As the huntress approached the wolf, it tried to bite her, even scratch her with its working front paw, only to have its paw broken and mouth clamped by the girls bare hands. She licked her lips, looked into the alpha male –his eyes were pleading, hoping, resigning –he knew what was going to happen. She started by kissing the wolf’s nose, her lips slowly began to stretch over the wolf’s maw, who was weakly struggling. She began to pull the wolf’s head closer to her, reaching up to the wolf’s eyes, staring at them as she went. The wolf just lowered his ears and eyes in resignation. She continued to swallow her prey whole, her lips reaching over its head, working on its torso. The huntress’ eyes filled with joy as she lifted the beast’s forelegs, feeding them into her mouth, they twitched slightly as they entered –much to the satisfaction of the huntress. The shirt of her hunter’s outfit moved up towards her ample breasts as the continued to devour her prey. The shirt grew taut, eventually ripping. She moaned as her lips reached the creature’s hind legs, casually brushing her hair back into place. She gain fed the animal’s legs into her maw, saving the tail for last. When the tail was left, she slowly slurped it down, like a noodle. She gave out a satisfied belch, and then moaned with pleasure. The girl, now belly full of prey, sat back and watch the feeble squirms of the once proud beast. She then closes her eyes, content. Eric didn’t know what to say, or what to do. This was the first time he has ever seen a girl actually devour something besides regular food. He stood there for a moment, taking in what he had just witnessed. It was a few minutes before he decided it was best to get away, he had done what he had came to do. He took a few steps, hoping not to awaken the girl who had just defeated a pack of wolves, along with eating the pack leader. The huntress’ eyes shot open as she heard the sound of movement, her eyes locked onto Eric, who froze in place. “Who are you?” she demanded, “what are you doing here?” She started to get up, her stomach rumbled viciously. Even with the weight, she seemed to move with ease. He began to stammer, quickly trying to explain to her the reason why he was there. “P-please don’t eat me,” Eric said, backing off from this monster he thought was a girl, “I-I was trying to help.” The girl approached Eric with amazing speed, one minute she was 50 yards away, the next, she was right in front of his face. She looked into his eyes carefully, looking for any signs of deceit. When she found none, she smiled. It was a beautiful smile. She had beautiful blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a perfect complexion. Her body was an hourglass –if you were to ignore the large bulge that swayed ever so slightly with her movements. Upon that mound of flash lay two other mounds of flash, perfect orbs that looked as if they were small melons freshly picked form the fields. “Well I’ll just have to thank you,” she said, her tone was one of delight, “without you distracting them, I probably would have died.” She closed in on him with lightning speed, pressing her lips to his. The act stunned him, and he panicked, he didn’t want to end up like the wolf. But her lips were soft and inviting, as if nothing would happen if they stayed there any longer. He knew better, her stomach pressed slightly on him as she leaned towards him for the kiss. But before he could try and struggle, she pulled back as quickly as she approached. She smiled at him, it was as if an angel were smiling down upon him. “Thank you for saving me,” she said sweetly, “I am in your debt. Now I can return to the chief and complete my trial.” “So that explains why the guards didn’t come when you screamed.” She put her finger to her lips, in thought. “Yeah… that’s why…” the huntress said with a slight chuckle. Shivers rushed up and down Eric’s spine. He had to leave, he didn’t want to be caught with this predator any longer. He moved back slowly, trying to not offend the girl while also maintaining his distance. “Aw,” the girl pouted, her belly jiggling slightly, “don’t go away, I don’t even know the name of my ‘hero’.” “Uh…” Eric stammered, never before has he ever been lost at words, this was too much for him. He had to get away, and fast! “Goodbye!” Eric ran off. The girl shrugged, and went back to her spot in the meadow. She gave out a sigh of disappointment and went back to sleep. On the long way back home, Eric looked back to where the girl was, lying down, caressing the swollen blob of flesh that was her stomach. It was strange, after seeing firsthand for the first time how women could so easily eat another leaving creature whole so effortlessly, and yet… And yet… |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I step out into the living room, seeing you lounging as the television murmurs in the background "Hey hun, how ya feeling?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sighed, giving my belly a firm rub, "I feel wonderful, thank you darling." I blushed with motherly pride. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You feel bloated, for obvious reasons. Your womb was pressing against your lungs and stomach. I could see your midsection move from our children's kicks and nudges. "how was your day. I hope the kids didn't give you too much trouble" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My belly feels so tight! I moaned with minor discomfort and pleasure as the children kicked. "It was a good day. Trouble? No. Quite the opposite. We have been having a wonderful time. Haven't we, children?" I rubbed my tight bare belly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I kneel to you and press my ear to your navel. Your beating heart sings to my eardrum as I take your palm to hold it against my cheek. Your belly heaves with every breath you drew as I turn to kiss against our unborn offspring. “daddy loves you all” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I giggled, blushing as the babies kicked hard in response, making a gurgling sound. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your tummy makes a subtle growl. You were feeding for five, which often left you peckish. Your cravings have led you to strange places. Pickles, icecream, watermelon. “Hungry honey? I think the kids are trying to tell you something.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I giggled, "Probably." I rubbed my belly. "A bunch of watermelon please! And can you bring the salt shaker?"" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Anything for you” I kiss your forehead and leave for the kitchen. Taking the fruit, cutting it into pieces, I place it into a bowl and bring it out to you. It's aroma made you salivate, and your tummy bubble. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I loooove watermelon! I began to eat it, rubbing my belly as it began to get tighter the more I eat. When I was done, I gave a big burp, "Oh! Excuse me" I blushed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A trail of juice escapes you maw. With the introduction of the nutrients into your body, you feel our babies stretch and churn. Your belly was slightly bigger, now that your stomach had a bite of watermelon. “You're beautiful. Ever since the day I met you” Your belch held the hint of watermelon. It's crass sound and aroma made my hair stand on the back of my neck. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I cleaned the juice off of my face for I am cleaner than that. I rubbed my belly, enjoying the tight discomfort, smiling. "I wish I could have more babies." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your belly was humongous. Despite carrying four buns in the oven, you had room for more. “Eager for more?” I cuddle next to you and kiss you on your shoulder as your hair tickles my neck. “We could add to your tummy” My pants begin to bulge at the thought of you bigger. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I giggle excitedly. "Ohh! Yes!! My love! Very eager!" I feel a wonderful, burning sensation in my hips. "And as many as you want!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I kiss your lips. You're belly pushes into my pelvis as my package pokes your midsection. “I always wanted a big family.” I stroke my hands through your hair and trace your spine with my fingers. “Four children are wonderful. Yet, I would love for us to have five
twelve dozen” I whisper the last line in your ear, nibbling on your ear lobe. "Ahna... My love" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I moan with pleasure at all your touch, blushing. I flex my back to push my belly harder against you and your package, the watermelon inside glorping about. "Ohh........yeessss!" I blush so hotly, closing my eyes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I push my lips into your neck as I cup your ass. My teeth dig into your skin as I can feel your moans vibrate against them. I tug at your waistline, eager to remove them, but as your nipples pierce your bra, I knew I had to take you top first. “Ahna
. Your
.” You can feel pressure build in your belly as your loins become warm and wet. You growling stomach echos around your womb, causing pur babies to writhe and wiggle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I closed my eyes and flex back, grunting and panting heavily. I wrapped my hands around your head lovingly, pulling you to my breasts which had began to leak with milk. My loins burned so, excited to welcome you in! I revel in the movement in my belly and the glorping my my full stomach. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My breath skirts across your lactating teat. I plant my hand against your tummy as I feel it grumble against my palm. Your groans bellow from your maw as I latch to your aroela, drinking your sweet cream, causing my pants to pitch higher, eager for your body to take me. “Auhhhg
. Honey
very..” I rub my bulge and grind against you. “Your painties
. Please
” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I groaned loudly at the hot feeling of your bulge against me, wincing with ecstasy. I reached down and pull my underwear down, struggling a bit with my big belly, causing it to gurgle and glorp loudly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I kiss your supple lips, taking your panties to going them across the room. Unbuckling my jeans, my cock sways out from my boxers. It's length curved upward as my balls hung beneath them. You were going to take me, our passion which has led to your pregnancy, was going to give you another child. “Ahna
” I pin you beneath me as I bite into your bosom. My length slaps against your underbelly and kisses your clitoris. You bellow a deep groan as your stomach quakes and your uterus balloons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "OHHHH!!" I groaned, kissing back, panting heavily. I felt my belly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your belly pushes into mine. I position my tip to your womanhood. My length is throbbing from my racing heart. Your body was still fertile and my seed was still potent. I slam my pelvis into yours, piercing into your mucus plug. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I shouted with a grunt of ecstasy, panting harder, my breathing making my belly thump against you. My canal latched onto your length tight, locking on. I groaned with ecstasy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your womanhood squeezes my length. With every stroke, you can feel your womb bounce as I thrust into you. My member us throbbing inside your birth canal, milking every inch, eager to sew another seed into your body. Pressing my palms on your belly, I can feel our embryos wiggle harder. Leaning into you, kissing you, my tongue pries your lips. Lifting your posterior higher causing your breast to push in your bellowing belly. “I’m
going to
get you pregnant
. Again
and again” I can feel pressure build in my groin as our moaning speaks volumes of our euphoria ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I grunted and panted, groping your chest and sides. "Yes! ....Yes! ....YES!!!" My muscles around your length trembled tight and hot, massaging it. I love the feeling of my babies jostling about inside. The pressure builds in my groin. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sway with your body. The ebb and flow of our bodies was like waves crashing against the shore. You could feel your uterus roll against your insides. You birth canal began to produce more and more vaginal mucus and discharge, ensuring a hospitable environment. My testicles began to pull upward as I felt a tingling sensation rise in my groin. I was going to ejaculate. I had to push in as deep as I could. Assisting in your re-fertilization ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I grunted with each of your thrusts, pulling your length in as deep as I could take it. I love the feeling of my womb rolling about inside me. I flex my muscles around your length to massage it, groaning and grunting with pleasure and effort. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our bodies with covered in a sheen of sweat. My moans were animalistic. Bead of perspiration fell from my brow onto the base of your spine. You could feel my cock’s tip cut through your birth canal, stabbing your mucus plug. Churning the amniotic fluid in your womb, the contact was similar to fire. My stomach flipped and I dug my hands into your hips. With one final thrust, I drove my manhood deep, pressing my length into your uterus. Bellowing a deep groan, I climaxed a cache of my seed, as I bobbed in your cervix and your labia hugged my balls. I was going to fill your womb ever more so. Our children to fill your fertile body. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a long moan, I felt my belly begin to grow, gurgling and glorping as more babies began to fill it, my skin stretching. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You felt pressure build in your body's center. As my seed dove into your fertile body, your body welcomed my dna by gestating as many zygotes as you could. Two became four. Four became eight. Your belly began to balloon and become belished with soft stretch marks. You felt bloated, as if you had an enormous.meal. As you tried to adjust to this.nee feeling, you felt my hands stroke your underbelly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I groaned out loud with ecstasy, feeling my skin stretch so tight. When in was done, I looked down at my belly, " Oh my!" I blushed brightly with motherly pride, rubbing my huge belly. "What do you think, my love?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your belly groaned and bubbled. With every breath you drew and bellowed your swollen abdomen heaved. Your heart boomed, echoing around our unborn kin. You could feel your uterus smother your insides and push against your lungs. I crawled to you as my hand caressed your monumental girth. You were radiant, a maternal glow that caused my heart to race and my manhood to throb. I eased my lips to yours, planting a tender kiss to you. Pressing my forehead to yours, I cupped your cheek and weaved my fingers through your hair. “Ahna
my love
I want nothing more than you to bare my children
your body to nurture their growth and your loins to bare them into the world.” You were like a fertility goddess. Divine. Angelic. Omnipotent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I moaned with enjoyable discomfort, holding my huge belly and blushing brightly with motherly pride, "Ohhhh, Darling....I feel so huge!" I rubbed my belly, enjoying how my belly heaving with my breathing, my womanhood still latched onto your length. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With every beat of your heart, your womanhood pulsed around my shaft. Your midsection was firm yet soft. I pushed your thighs upward and wore your legs over my shoulders. This caused my cock to bury deeper into you, as I lifted your taught butt upwards. I wanted to assure you my love was passionate, that my libido was strong. As my tip kissed your mucus plug, you could feel our children writhe in your body, causing you to moan and your back to arch. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I panted heavily, my cheeks blushing hot. I flexed as far back as I could as every muscle in my body tensed. I willingly hooked my legs over your shoulders and pulled you tight and close. With my hands, I held and felt my belly jostle and bulge with movement, listening to our babies make loud glorping and squelching sound. "OHHH!" I gasped, nearly breathless. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every fold of your birth canal held onto my manhood. You could feel the cleft of my tip cut into your mucus plug. My palms searched the vast expanse of your midsection. I began to grind my pelvis against yours, in order to stir our babies in your belly. Your hair draped behind your shoulders and back. Your labia twitched as if to give my testicles a wet kiss. It was difficult to see pass your humongous girth, yet seeing you this big affirmed that your body was eagerly incubating our offspring. Pushing and rolling your underbelly, you could feel and hear your amniotic fluid slosh and crash inside your uterus. Your meaty placenta pulsed as each umbilical cord lead to a unique an special little baby ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I grinned, blush hot and bright, watching our children jostle under my skin. "Oh, darling. Our babies are strong!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You could thank me for that" My soft voice was crisp as you could feel our unborn offspring kick and roll inside your body. It was like a boiling pot that was going to pop off It's lid. I kneaded my palms across your vast girth as I felt your skin writhe and squirm. You're stretch marks were bright and your kinda nigra was dark. You size rivaled that of a woman expecting octuplets ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I watched, panting and sighing with pleasure, blushing brightly. One baby popped up in a baby-shaped bulge and began to squirm around just under my skin, gurgling and squelching. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A small hand pushed beneath your tummy’s curve. I could count five tiny fingers attached to one of our unborn infant’s palm. Reaching my finger to it, I gave it a gentle rub. This caused the hand to retreat, obviously sensitive to my tickling. I did the same to every foot, fist, cranium, and posterior that was attempting to say “hello”. Your belly was full and active with our soon to be family. Kissing your girth, and rubbing your under-gut, you were euphoric from the attention I was bestowing upon you and our children ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I blushed hot and bright, loving all your attention and the movement in my belly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your belly is fit to burst. Your stretch marks are deep and bright. Even the slightest movement from It's occupants causes your gut to jiggle. I push into your tummy, causing it to shake, your ballooning uterus rubs against your liver, intestines and lungs. Your contractions cause your belly to quake and your voice to moan. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I gave a gasp and shouted, "Oh! Love! It's time!" I groaned in pain. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As your contractions became harder and faster, you knew that meant only one thing. Your amniotic fluid became thin and your cervical plug was waning thin. You were to finally bare the life I had sewn into you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked up at you panting heavily, "Darling, would you lay down for me?" I had an idea I wanted to do for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My body tone and broad. My firm muscles flexed as I laid my body down awaiting your command. “Ahna
. I am willing and able” I looked to you as your belly heaved with every breath you bellowed. Your womb was ripe and your supple body quivered from the movement of It's precious contents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I grinned at you, loving your every movement, and straddled you, standing on my knees over your lower abs, and began to push, groaning with pain and effort, getting ready to give birth on your abs. I can feel the first baby's head begin to push into my birth canal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you straddled my frame, your belly filled my view. I took your hands into mine as your breaths became rapid and you gritted your teeth. You could feel our first child fall from your womb, and dive into your cervix. As you felt the head push into your birth canal, you exclaim a pained moan. Your vulva began to dilate, our first baby began yo crown. As the peak of our child’s cranium peeked into the world, you began to rub your pelvis against my abdominal muscles. The baby’s head grinding against my washboard abs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I held onto your hands, panting and pushing. I can feel our first baby being to emerge, stretching my canal. I groaned as it's head popped out of my opening with a gush and I rested, panting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your amniotic fluid erupted onto my torso. The sweet mixture glazed my pectorals and my erect nipples. There, betwixt your supple labia was the beginning of the rest of our lives. Cheeks cubby and soft, hair stuck to the scalp. I leaned forward, planting a tender kiss on the first and newest member of our family. “Baby
you're almost there.” I stroke your swollen stomach, pushing softly on It's contents. I then cupped our child’s head, eager to receive what our love has produced. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I grinned joyfully and continued to push, my belly tightening with my efforts, and the baby slowly sliding out. "Ohhh!!" I panted and pushed with effort, groaning out loud in pain. The babies in my belly jostled to come out next. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your efforts caused our child to bob with every push. Your our uterus stirred with our unborn family eager to meet us both. You bellowed a husky moan as our first child began to fall from your loins. I took my hand to catch the shoulders and support the head. With a loud wet pop and slurp, out was the first small life that was our own to love. As the remainder of the torso was born, I applied a gentle tug to free the legs and buttocks. “Ahna
. It's
.” as I examined our child, the feet were the last to arrive, following the umbilical cord. “You're a mother
I want you to meet our son.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked down, grinning joyfully, as our new son began to cry. I panted and began to push the next baby out, groaning deeply with pain and effort. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You feel your uterus contract, our next child is falling into your pelvic floor. Your cervical muscles dilated and widened, pushing the next baby’s head into your birth canal. More amniotic fluid escapes from your womb, meeting my chest as I coddle our first son close to me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I growled with pain and effort as I push down our next child and the head began to crown, prompting me to widen my legs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swaddling our first son in a towel and placing him beside me I eagerly awaited for our next child. The head was bobbing in and out of your vulva. I reached to your pelvis and gently pushed I'm your vagina. Your clitoris was swollen and your body was drenches in sweat. Kissing your clit, I looked to you pass your baby full belly. “I love you” finishing my statement by rubbing on your thighs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I grinned with happiness, blushing hot and bright, and continued to push. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcoming our next child into the world was my open arms. Your womanhood became flaccid as our baby's descent ensued. Catching the head, supporting the back and spine, the infant’s body was warm and soft. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With one final push, the baby gushed out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My chest served as a platform to catch thrle next addition to our soon to be big family. Examining every detail and appendage I drew to the conclusion that were were going to raise a daughter. "Ahna... Say hello to your baby girl" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I grinned down at the new baby, "Hello there!" I then began to push the next baby out. This one was bigger and so I had to spread my legs more. I grunted and groan and I felt my birth canal stretch even more. I heaved heavily. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You could feel your uterus contort and constrict. You could feel the next baby’s head drop into your pelvic floor. Your pelvic bone popped as the cranium pushed through it. More amniotic fluid escaped your fertile womb, meeting my broad chest. As you continued to push, a bead of sweat left your brow only to crash against my neck. |
Kneeling to one knee, Kakesu reached into his satchel, grabbing the gem necessary for his departure. He clutched one final fractured crimson sphere, shattering it in his palm. Kakesu began to shimmer, until finally disappearing in a cloud of red light. He was used to this means of travel by now. Previously the experience would leave him disoriented, nauseated. He described the transportation similar to dissolving. The pain associated with the teleportation is enough to leave the average being in shock. Like his skin was dissolving, were the air acidic. His vision would become black, until the next sight he would see is himself rising from a dark pool, coated in a hue of dark red light. Every-time he emerged it was the same motion. As if he was controlled until he stood on his own two feet He had invaded another dimension. This was was dissimilar to his own. It was populated like his own, but it was one which he did not exist. Instead, the role he held in his plane of existed was instead filled by someone else. They too had their own hope, dreams and desires. Perhaps the yearning to break this curse of un-death. With that Kakesu held no sympathy for the worlds he invaded. To him, there was only one goal, breaking his curse. Going to any length to do so. No matter the cost. Or whosoever was in his way. He stood to view a location that mirrored the one he was teleport from. He was standing at the top of stair steps, those of which led to a large stone balcony. There at the edge of the railing was another person, a woman. Her gaze fixated on the snowy mountain-scape. Kakesu began to walk down, his steps resonated as they would in his realm. So much of this place was so familiar. It was truly a parallel universe. Snow fell the same. His foot prints formed with he same precision. The only difference was that he didn't belong there. The person who was filling his role was completely different . As it has been every time he invaded. From their gender. To their attire. Reaching again into his bag he removed a charred powder and then proceeded to smear it across his dark blade. This caused the metal spark in a flurry of flames. The sound of the crackling embers caught the attention of the female adventurer peering over the balcony. Armed with a sword and shield, sporting a fur coat, she saw Kakesu and proceeded to bow at his presence. This gesture always stroke Kakesu as odd. He would simply stand. Mimicking a statue, albeit one with a red glow. He never returned the salutation because he only existed in that place for one reason. One of which wasn't engage engage in fair combat. Though, all of his previous victims behaved in a similar manner. It begged the question as to if they were expecting him, or if they had encountered red spirits under similar circumstances. Dismissing the trail of thought, Kakesu proceeded to charge his opponent. She held her scutum to him. His blade began to crash in a flurry of bangs and crashes. A good portion of his prey would quickly admonish their guard, but time a time again, this had proven to be fatal. The woman became exhausted from the pounding of her invader's attack. Her guard then broke. Her shield was now held above her, as Kakesu nearly knocked it from her grasp. Kakesu seized the opportunity to engage his riposte. He plunged his burning gladius into her abdomen. She released a soft whine as Kakesu proceeded to push her body onto the ground. Pinned beneath him, he withdrew his blade with a gory slish, causing her to She scream a spurt of blood. This wound was mortal. Kakesu sought to bestow mercy upon her. Raising his left hand, it reflected in her eye's its cloudy appearance. Grabbing her neck in a quick strike, his grip was ironclad. His face drew close to hers. A bright mist began to draw from her mouth and into Kakesu's. He was executing her. Ensuring she would die before he seized his trophy. Her eyes became bloodshot and then they rolled upward as finally her remaining life-force ran dry. Kakesu's kiss of death left the woman lifeless. Her sockets sunken. He flesh withered. He reached into her jaw, grabbing the muscle covered in taste-buds. Pinching the tip, he positioned his sword beneath her tongue. In one stroke, he removed the flaccid tissue, placing it then into his satchel. At last, Kakesu acquired his 6th trophy. Though he had no proof, he simply had to believe what the knight, Ringfinger told him. He mentioned to Kakesu how the tongues are used for rebirth. He was beginning to disappear. Kakesu was returning to his universe. Like the others, his prey was beginning dissolve as well. This undead curse. Although she truly did not die. Kakesu did take something from her. Not only her tongue. Yet not her life. It was some of her power. This power which was attributed to her by souls. Souls claimed by her own campaign and kills. Those souls that now held dissonance in Kakesu. In order to usher harmony to those souls, he would have to take them to the Keeper of Fire. Yet, time and time again, Kakesu understood he had all the power he needed. Overcoming every obstacle that stood in his way. Yet with all this power, he remained immortal. He would going to break the cycle. For him, at least. Returning back to his realm, he awoke to see that he was back in the spot where he originally crush his crimson sphere. His objective was clear at this point. All he had to do now was return to the cathedral and present his findings to her. The woman who led those like him. Invaders who take tongues. The Mother of Rebirth. Crouching and reaching his gauntlet covered palm, he simply had to visualize the bonfire that was positioned in the Mother's bedchamber. As his arm extended, he was then surrounded by a dense fog. This shrouded his vision and sounds of his environment. All of which besides himself and the fire holding his focus. The fog then slowly began to dissipate. Kakesu stood in the location he had previously viewed before. A area he pictured in his mind. He returned to the the chapel. Standing in the bedchamber of his savior, Kakesu was prepared to deepen his devotion, in turn breaking his curse. There were cradles hanging from the ceiling, and also lined on either side of the room. Between those cribs were high candelabras. By her bedside were smaller candelabras. A bed canopy draped around her mattress as she rested against one of her servants, a man-grub. The room was dark and dingy in appearance. It was also quiet, until there was a slow clap behind him. It was the knight with the silver mask, Ringfinger. He stepped to him, then motioned his head to walk beside him. They made their was towards the Mother of Rebirth. As they walked, Ringfinger spoke. "Well, hasn't it been some time. Remember me? I slipped you those red eyes some time ago. You're making quite an effort of it. So I thought you might like to know." Did Ringfinger intend to witness Kakesu's revival? Perhaps to do the same and lift his own curse. They made it to her, standing but a foot away from her. The candlelight wisped as they stood there motionless. Looking to the Mother, Kakesu found it difficult to gaze upon her face. Shrouded in a veil, he did see her lips, cheeks, nose, all so effeminate. Kakesu's eye's widened as his break broke. Ringfinger stabbed him in the back, as Kakesu was distracted by the Goddesses festering glory. Kicking Kakesu off of his blade, Ringfinger stepped over Kakesu's body, to step to the Mother. Brandishing his weapon imbued with the power of the moon. As if removing him from his stage, Kakesu hooked Ringfinger with his scythe, in an attempt to get him away from the Goddess. Wrestling with Ringfinger, Kakesu managed to put himself between the Mother and Ringfinger. This infuriate Ringfinger, but as his anger swelled, he heard a chime ring. In a flash of white light, Kakesu was able to push Ringfinger to the bonfire. In the hopes the Mother isn't injured by their battle. "Now you want to ravage her soul, as well. I sowed the seeds. I'll prune the mess. No one will despoil her soul. Certainly no beast wrapped in human skin!" What was Ringfinger's plan? Was Kakesu wrong to remove his curse in this way? Without enough time to think, Ringfinger quickly swiped his sickle shaped dirk towards Kakesu. A crescent-shaped energy projectile shot to Kakesu. The attack wasn't directed to him though, it was on a path set towards the Mother of Rebirth. Kakesu drew his scythe, cutting though the energy blast, causing it to shatter in a shower of sparks. Before he could notice, Ringfinger's blitzed to him with his sickle. There was a sharp clash. Kakesu uses his scythe's handle to block Ringfinger's assault. One of them was going to die before this was over. His reaction was fluid. In a motion that emphasized his reaper demeanor. Kakesu then kicked Ringfinger away from him. Ringfinger was doomed. Like a guillotine, Kakesu's scythe fell into Ringfinger's neck. Burying into the space between his neck and collarbone. Kakesu gave his weapon a rough yank, pulling Ringfinger to him. Kicking his chest, Kakesu's leverage allowed him to draw his blade from his opponent, causing a blast of blood to erupt. Ringfinger staggered back. His weapons click on the ground beneath him. Clutching his grievous wound, as blood seeped between his fingers, Kakesu rushed to him, tackling him to the floor. Kakesu had his left hand gripped around his neck. This caused blood to spray on his gauntlet and the left side of his helmet. Ringfinger's life force was drawing from his maw, pulling into Kakesu's. Ringfinger's bleeding began to slow. Any of his skin Kakesu could see that it was beginning to darken and shrivel. Ringfinger made an attempt on Kakesu's life as well as the Mother's. This behavior was something he would expect from the knight covered in thorns, Longfinger, but why Ringfinger? Was his egotism his downfall? Did he serve the Mother in a way that he alone could hold her soul? "Curses, I can't... die here... My dear Goddess..." Ringfinger was vanquished, leaving his mask behind. Kakesu rose from where he was looming. Ring finger dissolved like other ashen warriors. Walking towards the Mother, Kakesu reached into his satchel, grabbing his procured trophies. Kneeling to her bedside, Kakesu handed each pale tongue to her, one at a time. Offering the six and final pale tongue, Kakesu then rose his head to see the Goddess. She didn't utter a single syllable, she simple shifted her body to the edge of her bed, opening her arms and spreading her legs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kakesu stood to meet her, dropping his armaments, removing his helmet. Piece by piece, each one resonating a distinct clank on the stone floor. Kakesu was adorned in only a loincloth as he then stepped to her. Being this close to her truly emphasized the gravity of her stature. A reminder of her divinity and holiness. She was indeed a Goddess. Who's might isn't one's to control. Stepping onto her mattress, he fell to her embrace, as her bosom cushioned his face. Her hug felt hot. Not one that burned, but almost medicinal. He felt her hold him tighter and inch closer to him. Despite her grotesque surroundings, she was beautiful. Her skin soft, her attire silky. The Mother grabbed Kakesu at his ribs. He felt himself become numb, his form limp yet also stiff. She then parted her mouth, as if to gasp, still remaining in audible. Kakesu looked down to see something stir from under her frock. Kakesu's heart began to race. He was going to break his curse. She was going to save his soul. Emerging from her dress, Kakesu saw a long muscular tube slither towards him. It's appearance was dissimilar to her grub servant's texture. It certainly had to serve as the umbilical cord. As Kakesu deduced it's purpose, he felt his navel ache, he released a sharp gasp as he then reached to his body's center to investigate that occurrence. Firmly grabbing what had invaded his navel in his palm, Kakesu began to stroke the length of the tendril, forcing the contents faster into him. the feeling was euphoric, if not rapturous. What she was providing to him had to be a cure. Kakesu had to be right in this pursuit. He felt in every fiber of his being, down to his bones, he was going to break his curse. Kakesu was lucid, as the Goddess drew his form to her loins, plunging his soles into her welcoming womanhood. Their contact was electrifying. Kakesu remained resolute to what was occurring to him, as her vulva took his feet. Her vaginal folds clamped onto his ankles, then began kneading the joints that connected to his shins. Despite her size, engulfing him was going to be a large undertaking. Despite the supernatural implications that were happening, this had to occur physically. Kakesu wasn't simply going to be whisked away, or teleported into her womb. Her body was going to take him inch by inch. She to be his mother and he to be her child. As Kakesu gasped, the Goddess' vulva dilated and moistened. Her vaginal throat began to salivate discharge, thus to swallow Kakesu further. As the candelabra flickered as their breaths cut through the air, Kakesu closed his eye as he felt his legs pulled to the Goddess' birth canal. Their union was dissimilar to that of a mother and child. Kakesu's new life to begin once taken into the Goddess'. Each section of her vaginal lining grabbed at pulled his calves and thighs, stroking every fiber of his lower body. Her labia parted as vaginal discharge webbed between them. Her womanhood's contractions were audible, resembling exaggerated wet kisses from an love one. His waist met her vulva, Kakesu took the opportunity at this point of his regression to push his palms where their bodies met, ensuring his restraint and confirming his revival. The Goddess, she adjusted her position, as if to stretch, her body undertaking a toll for Kakesu's body. She placed her hand on her midsection, which had already coddled his calves, and planted a hand on her soon to be son. She arched her back and parted her lips, as if to moan, as she felt a pressure shoot into her body's center. An eruption of cascading amniotic fluid bursts from their union, showering Kakesu in the necessary lubrication to continue his journey. It was thick, some of which met his mouth. The substance was sweet, befitting of her divinity. It was intoxicating, numbing where it covered him and dashing his senses in a sea of euphoria. Kakesu could feel his libido surge, leaving him erect, which he thought inappropriate, although judging from the Goddess' face flushing a deep red, the response was welcome With a sultry slide, Kakesu's torso disappeared into his soon to be Mother. He could feel a collection of amniotic fluid holding his lower half, that by which was occupying her uterus. His shoulders met her vaginal lips, and Kakesu knew that he was nearing his union to her, taking deep breaths, thinking his supply of oxygen would soon be fleeting. Kakesu then felt a ping in his abdomen. He was already connected. His lungs heaved involuntarily as his umbilical cord circulated oxygen rich blood into his system. The Goddess, she reached to her mouth, then blushed. As if she was amused by Kakesu's realized revelation. She was to bestow a gift to him, unlike anything this realm has known before. Kakesu's head was all that remained outside of her being. Her labia clasped onto his neck, nearing the completion of his reverse birth. Her vaginal lips began to quiver and become flaccid. The Mother looked upward, she opened her mouth, as if to moan, then suddenly she gushed an excess of amniotic jelly onto Kakesu's face. He gasped only to have her reach to him, cupping his cheek. Placing her palm atop of his head, she pushed against him. Inch by inch Kakesu disappeared into her vulva. His vision was blurry then finally black. Her vaginal throat held his cranium, as he was now in a crowning position. Stroking his head one more time, what remained of him slid in a wet slurp. Kakesu could feel his body pull upward, his surrounding contracting and constricting to provide his movement. Finally his entire being shot into her amniotic sack, rolling him upwards, positioning his head in a downward position. Filling her uterus caused stray amniotic fluid to pop from her womanhood followed by air escaping as a collection of the goo thickened, dealing her cervix, trapping Kakesu in his new home. The deed was done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kakesu could a liquid crashing against him. The Goddess' womb churned his unborn body. He opened his eyes to see dark, nothing but dark. His soul was to be remade and reborn, and his Mother intended to do just that. Kakesu then writhed and flexed every muscle in his body. This caused the Goddess' uterus the slam against her insides. He was beginning to change, the force of which caused his body to respond involuntarily. He felt weak, evert limb became less responsive. Waves of comfort washed over him as he then felt his surroundings become bigger. Truth be told, his surroundings weren't growing, Kakesu was regressing. As if time leapt backwards, he was going to regain his youth. Kakesu's memories were fleeting, like his journey to quell Gods and rekindle a dying flame were but a dream. The Mother of Rebirth settled in her bedchamber. She stroked her palm against her distended midsection as her new child. She parted her lips as if to moan, parting her legs, positioning her swollen belly between her thighs to alleviate the discomfort of Kakesu's unbirth. Kakesu was submerged in tranquility, which made all of his nerves tingle and his heart race. He could her heart boom and her stomach growl, her body provided the necessary nutrients to change Kakesu. His body shrunk, every limb, every appendage, his hair receded into his scalp and his teeth retreated into his gums. His testicles rose into his pelvis and his penis shriveled. Resembling less and less of a baby and more of an embryo. The Mother smiled, as her tummy decreased in size. She was going to break his curse. Kakesu would have to be reborn. Nothing of Kakesu remained. He was simply a single cell. A zygote became a blastocyst, attached to the Goddess' uterine wall. Purity. The Goddess retained her previous curvature. Her was became thin, and her skin flushed. Yet, this wasn't the end of their journey. Kakesu was to be made anew. The outer layer developed into the trophoblast. The Goddess could feel a small soul renew. Her loins stirred, her blood coursed through her veins. The blastula continues to develop, gastrulation led the blastula into the gastrula. It's layers were to grow into Kakesu's new hair, skin and organs. He was to develop into an embryo. Cells continued to divide and multiple at an alarming rate. The Mother was weaving Kakesu back into existence. Placing her palms onto her blouse where her abdomen was, she would rub against her dress in a circular motion. The fabric was a stitched silk, and every fiber washed over her fingertips. Her womb began to quiver and she could feel her maternal plasma seep through her uterine pores. It was gushing into her womb like a wave of liquid nourishment and comfort. The mass of cells was slowly beginning to resemble a human being. In a small bulbous ball was his cranium. It was blank, vacant to catalog experiences and knowledge of the challenges life will face him. Attached to him was a long tail like structure, from it began to extend four limbs. Kakesu was given two arms, then given two legs. Their appearance was almost extraterrestrial, but it was to be expected giving how early he was in development. Although subtle, with what little strength he could muster, her unborn fetus moved. Feeling this, she reached to him, knowing he was indeed alive, and unkindled. Her heart began to beat harder, yet maintaining the same rhythm. Each pump held more force than the last. His new mother began to whimper, if only they could be audible. She was doubled over in pain, she wasn't sure what was happening to her body, her thoughts raced with possible complications. She wanted to protect her child. The world has seen enough death. She wanted to protect the small life who had originally protected her. Biting her bottom lip, anguish shot through her entire being. All she wanted to weep, given that she knew not of the condition of the miracle she held in her being. Almost suddenly, without warning, Kakesu grew at a fevered pace. His features quickly became more defined. His fingers became viable. His toes became pronounced. His flesh was ballooning into a plump and pudgy baby boy. Her midsection reached outward. Her baby pump defined as did her divinity. Kakesu's surroundings were becoming smaller and smaller, as her continued to gestate bigger and bigger. Trimesters faded in mere minutes as Kakesu's development was encroaching it's final stages. Amniotic fluid swam around him, as his Mother's placenta throbbed against him. his motor-skills resembled that of an infant, as he explored his cramp confines. Kakesu felt his Mother's uterine walls, each meaty fold hot and slick. Then he began to explore his own body. His skin was soft, his genitals were small and then he encountered something attached to his body's center was a long pulsating cord. Before Kakesu's thoughts could wander further something happened. Everything was going to change. The Goddess wiggled on her mattress. Her miracle was ripe. Her uterine muscles tightened then loosened. Kakesu attempted to move, but could merely rub his cranium against his Mother's placenta. Then his whole environment changed. The surrounding fluid became thin, and he felt gravity's tug take a stronger hold of him. The Mother's cervical plug became thin. She began to move herself in a comfortable position, spreading her legs, pulling back her gown, and leaning back. A position similar to how Kakesu was taken in the first place. The Goddess was going to bare fruit. The end of the undead curse. Suddenly, an eruption of amniotic fluid gushed from her loins, soiling her mattress of her man-grub servants. Kakesu's unborn body fell into his mother's pelvic floor and the neighboring muscles became flaccid and flexible. Her cervix began to dilate and her birth canal started to throb. Her labia was moist and her vaginal throat heaved as it prepared to expel life. Her breathing became rythmic as as her unborn child squirmed in his changing surroundings. His protest of the unknown could be felt by her. Every kick. Every headbutt. She had to release him from his maternal prison. Give him a life that didn't compel him to pursue souls. But to embrace life. And in that instance a flood of memories rushed into Kakesu's mind. What had to do to get here. How he had to protect the sanctity that was his Mother. At this point, he knew what he had to do. The Mother began drawing deep breaths. Each one supplying oxygen necessary to propel her muscles to constrict and release. Everything enclosed around him, The Goddess reeled her head backward, and parted her lips as if to wail. Kakesu began moving. His mother was going into labor, and her pain was unable to be made audible. Yet he womanhood expelled trapped air and stray amniotic fluid. As if it was breathing. Her moist hole widened as she leaned backward and began to push, flexing the muscles surrounding Kakesu to lead him to a life away from the darkness he was originally resurrected into. Kakesu felt his body move, traveling in the direct that his head was positioned. He could hear the slip and slurp of his propulsion. Amniotic fluid tuck away in crevices and corners allowed for lubrication to remain, as his rebirth was coming to fruition. Shuffling her feet slowly, her mattress assured her child's landing would be soft. Air was tickling against Kakesu's glazed scalp, although he wasn't near the end of the Goddess' vaginal throat. She began to grit her teeth and stroke her swollen maternal globe. Her son was on his way and he simply couldn't join her, not without her aide. Her heart hastened, it's oscillation rocked her unborn son to his very core. Vibrating his location which in turn shook him. Each inch he traveled carried the sound of a soaked spew. Like as her vagina was regurgitating his entire being. The Goddess held her belly, that by which housed her pregnant womb. Her skin stretched and yet lithe. Kakesu departed from his mother's womb and traversed her meaty birth canal. Amniotic fluid belched from her vulva as the Goddess knew Kakesu's rebirth drew ever closer. As she clenched her fist, clasping onto the mattress' sheets her servants looked in awe as their mistress threw and wrestled with the agony that was childbirth. Further Kakesu migrated on, until finally meeting an impasse. His cranium collided with her thin vulva. He was crowning, and in order to reunite with his new mother, he had to dilate the orifice separating him from her. With a hushed groan, the Goddess pushed with all of her strength she could muster. Every fiber of her being relinquished. Like a sodden flatulation, her child-to-be spewed from her genitalia whom of which previously consumed him. The Goddess' face blushed a blood red as she hurried to scoop her child of destiny into her arms. Almost haphazardly, Kakesu began to cry, as any healthy newborn would. Using his lungs for the first time, to emphasize the he was indeed alive and restored. The Goddess drew her baby boy to her chest. Using one arm to grab the top of her, and and allowing one of her breast to escape her top. It had become gravid. Producing the sustenance Kakesu needed to stave off the illnesses plagued by this world, antibodies to give his new form a fighting chance. Her nipple became stiff and rigid. Milk would make beads from her mammary duct. Kakesu was infantile, despite having some cognizance return to him. He began to suckle, drinking the nutrients her breast provided. his new mother winced, as the feeling provided and varying amount of pain. His sucking could be heard through out the entire bedchamber. As her mammary glads started to deplete and her tits were going to run dry, the Goddess began to remove her starved son form him budding food source. The Goddess had servants, the man-grubs, which one of them, a sorcerer slithered toward his mistress. Cutting Kakesu's umbilical cord, Placing his staff down, extending his arms, he took the Goddess' child, as began to cry as he yearned for his mother's subsistence. Carrying Kakseu in his slimy arms, he made his way to one of the various cradles placed in the Goddess' bedchamber. He placed Kakesu down into a crib, pulling the blanket over the child of destiny. The entire ordeal left Kakesu with little time to sleep, now being a baby once more, that is all that he wanted to do. His thoughts still pinged in his mind. He had broken his curse, and he wanted to provide the same salvation to others who sought it. He was to mature once more, into an adult, and by such Kakesu would dawn his armor once more. This time, it wasn't to take souls, but instead to save them. |
Kushina the Predator Staying in your Happy Place is NOT Easy Author: UzumakiPredator Kushina Uzumaki was not in her happy place. Why? The answer was quite simple, and divided into two factors. Either factor was enough to remove her from her happy place, but both combined over the course of two days was enough to make her want to torment someone in the worst way possible. Factor number one goes as thus. What was supposed to be the best day of her life, October 10th the night of her sons birth, was completely ruined by some masked jackass ripping the Nine-Tails out of the seal on her belly. Then after her husband beat the shit out of said jackass, the Nine-Tails impaled her and her husband, Minato Namikaze, on one of its massive nails in hopes of preventing them from sealing it in their newborn son, Naruto. Kushina would have preferred to just reseal the Nine-Tails into herself, but unfortunately, the masked jackass utterly wrecked her seal into an unusable mess that would take hours for her to fix or remove and replace. Hours she, and the ninja village she lived in, did not have due to the giant, fuzzy, nine tailed behemoth trying to wreck everything in sight in a furious rampage. If Kushina was in peak condition, she, being a seal master of Uzumaki descent, would have had at least five different seal combinations she could have used to perform the sealing herself, and four of them would not have been lethal to her. Unfortunately, her chakra was flagging to the point of useless due to the shock of having the mightiest tailed beast in the world torn out of her. As such, her husband Minato had to do the sealing instead, and the only seal combination he knew that was powerful enough to seal away the fucking Nine-Tails was the Reaper Death Seal combined with the Eight Trigram Divination Seal. Needless to say her husband (bless his soul) did not survive, and his soul is now sitting inside the belly of the Shinigami as a consequence of using the Reaper Death Seal. The second part of that sentence made Kushina jealous of the Shinigami and made her plot to get back at it for swallowing Minatos soul by visiting the Uzumaki Mask Storage Temple and using the Shinigamis mask stored there to personally rip her husbands soul out of the Shinigamis stomach with her own two hands. Kushina is well aware that the Shinigami is not at fault for this since it was just fulfilling its side of the bargain when the Reaper Death Seal is used, but she didnt care. Why? Because in her mind, the only stomach Minato is allowed in is her stomach! Yeah, Kushina is not like other women. Shes a predator, a very rare mutation in the human race that is always female for some reason and usually dont marry because they have a bad habit of swallowing their sexual partners whole immediately after sex. That sexual partner is then deposited into the predators “prey stomach”, a second stomach that predators have that digests living prey and converts the remains into chakra. The only reason Minato managed to survive long enough as Kushinas boyfriend to marry her and become a father was because of two factors. Factor #1: There is a law in Konoha that prohibits predator kunoichi, as rare as they are, from eating their fellow ninja. Because of this, predators are usually assigned jobs to execute prisoners that have outlived their usefulness. Method of execution? Digestion of course. Factor #2: The only way a predator can legally break Factor #1 is if they can modify their predator stomach so that it can store prey without activating the digestion process. Which Kushina did through the miracle of Fuinjutsu, her clans specialty. Through methods that Kushina has vowed to take with her to her grave, she has lined her predator stomach with a variety of seals that controls the environment of her predator stomach. It started with her just lining her second stomach with seals that prevent her stomach from secreting digestive acids, thus preventing the digestion of prey and providing breathable air when activated. Once the sex started and she swallowed Minato whole immediately after achieving her first orgasm on instinct, the two of them discovered that the act of vore turned them both on immensely. The pair had much difficulty keeping their hands off each other after that revelation, and Minato had even more difficulty staying out of Kushinas second stomach once she figured out how to regurgitate him and discovered that her boyfriend tastes just as heavenly coming back up as he did coming in. Needless to say, Kushinas predator stomach has been subject to many seal modifications. The most obvious for the second modification seal being her predator stomach secreting a potent aphrodisiac that is absorbed through skin contact instead of digestive acids. She used this seal many times as both a method of foreplay, and to help make sure Minato could keep up with her breathtaking stamina. Another modification that she made actually had nothing to do with her sex life, and everything to do with how she managed to survive the night of her sons birth and the extraction of the Nine-Tails. It was just something that she came up with after she heard about how Tsunades Yin seal functioned and how the jutsu derived from it made her more or less immortal when the seal was active. The modification goes as thus normally, when her prey is digested all the nutrients provided by digestion is absorbed into her body, any chakra the prey possessed is added to her own reserves, and any waste remaining is converted into chakra and absorbed into her reserves as well. The modification however, transfers all chakra absorbed from her prey and converted from her preys remains into an emergency seal on her upper back. The seal then converts the chakra taken from her prey into potent healing chakra that could then be released if her life were to ever be in extreme danger. After absorbing the chakra of well over 200 enemy ninja (some of them near Kage level), and the occasional prisoner that outlived his/her usefulness, her emergency seal became potent enough to save her life from just about anything short of instant death. Since the extraction was not an instant kill for Kushina, the seal saved her life. Though it was still a very close call, so close that the seal had to use up every last drop of its stored chakra to save her, and even then it still wasnt enough to fix everything. Yeah, the emergency seal focuses its healing chakra on sustaining everything necessary for keeping Kushina alive first, then fixing whatever is killing her, then healing her vitals once the problem is solved, and then healing everything that isnt vital last. The seal ran dry of chakra halfway through healing everything damaged by the Nine-Tails extraction and impalement that wasnt vital. Kushina was not happy after waking up the next morning in the hospital and learning that her reproductive system suffered irreparable damage and that she would never be able to have kids again. She got over it after feeding Naruto for the first time and realizing that she wouldnt want anymore children anyway since she had no intention of ever remarrying after Minatos death as of last night. Still didnt change the fact that the past twelve hours of her life utterly sucked and she was in desperate need of stress relief. Ergo, factor number one of why Kushina is not in her happy place is because all the negative events of last night rolled into one big factor of suck a masked jackass ruined the night of her sons birth by threatening her sons life a few minutes after his birth and tearing the Nine-Tails out of her seal, her husband had to use the only seal combination he knew that could effectively seal the strongest tailed beast in the world in their newborn son on such short notice, and she is having difficulty suppressing her jealousy towards the Shinigami because her husbands soul is in its stomach instead of hers. Factor number two of why Kushina is not in her happy place is because a grass green haired woman in an ANBU mask and hooded cloak thought she could get away with trying to assassinate her and abduct her son while she was in the process of feeding him before going to bed. Turns out that the Nine-Tails unintentionally left behind a gift for her that she for some reason could never figure out why she wasnt able to access while it was sealed in her. That gift was the ability to passively detect malicious intent. As such, Kushina was already on guard when the female ANBU snuck into the room and was restrained by Kushinas Adamantine Sealing Chains before she even realized that her target was aware of her presence. As she was still in the hospital, it did not take long for a nurse to come to Kushinas aid. Said nurse then informed her superiors of the situation and word quickly reached the newly reinstated Third Hokage that someone in an ANBU outfit tried to assassinate the late Fourth Hokages wife and abduct the new Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. After ensuring that someone she trusts completely was watching her son in the maternity ward, that someone being her late husbands sole surviving student, Kakashi. Kushina could finally focus on the one thing preventing her from returning to her happy place, though that one thing turned into two when the Third Hokage arrived right after she had stripped her would-be assassin of all clothing with her Chakra Chains, revealing that her assassin-turned-meal was sporting a delectable looking pair of C-cup breasts that Kushina couldnt wait to taste and feel sliding down her throat, and was about to dive head first into her meal. “She tried to kill me! Please just let me eat her! I need this ya know!” Kushina argued with the Third Hokage over the fate of her would-be assassin. Who was oddly silent throughout the whole affair despite being suspended in mid-air by her intended targets Adamantine Chakra Chains. “Until we have determined who she is and who she is working for, I cannot allow you to do that, Kushina. She may contain valuable information that we could use to uncover a potential conspiracy. The attempt alone is proof that someone wants you dead and is aware that Naruto is the new Nine-Tails Jinchuriki” the Third Hokage answered. Normally, he would have sent a senior Jonin to handle the situation, but considering how everyone knew how short Kushinas legendary temper was right now... yeah, no Jonin alive was stupid enough to stand between Kushina and an assassin-turned-potential-meal. Hokages orders be damned. Kushina, desperate for a loophole to exploit, decided to interrogate her prisoner on the spot, “Oi, ANBU faker! Who do you work for? It definitely isnt the Hokage given what you tried to do to me ya know!” Yep, Kushina just went straight to the point with the subtlety of an angry bull in a china shop and tightened her chains for added effect. The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, attempted to calm Kushina down and urge her to let the T&I Division handle the situation, but was interrupted when the nude prisoner actually answered Kushinas question, “I cannot answer your question. All I can say is that I have failed in my mission and that failure means death. Since your Chakra Chains are preventing me from activating the jutsu that I must use to terminate my existence as per procedure I must ask that you do the deed instead.” Normally, Kushina would be unnerved by how utterly emotionless her intended meal sounded. However, her desire to feed took priority in her mind and instead saw her preys words as permission to eat. Now all that stood between her and a satisfying and stress relieving meal was the Hokage. Kushina put on her best hurt puppy look and stared at the Third Hokage with wide eyes and a quivering lower lip, “Please let me eat her? She gave me permission...” Hiruzen just sighed tiredly and walked over to the foiled assassin, ignoring Kushinas plea. The dead look in the assassins eyes and utterly emotionless voice gave him a good idea of who sent her. Kushinas face switched from childish back to serious as she listened to the Third Hokage ask the assassin to stick out her tongue. She complied and revealed a seal on the back of it it. Five black bars, the two lowest ones broken down the middle, the Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal. Kushina saw a loophole in the “No eating your fellow Konoha ninja” rule and took it by asking, “Are Danzos Root ANBU still considered Konoha ninja, or are they their own faction outside the standard forces?” Hiruzen sighed and tiredly said, “ANBU Root officially does not exist, as such, this woman officially does not exist as well. As I am now aware of who is behind this situation, and that Danzo has overstepped his bounds. I shall take my leave. Please try not to make a mess, Kushina. The nurses here are overworked enough as is.” Kushina gave the Third Hokage a megawatt grin in response to his permission and waved goodbye to him as he left the room and closed the door behind him. She turned to her prey with a pleased look on her face and licked her lips hungrily. Normally, this act combined with her prey being restrained would be enough to elicit some sort of response from prey, usually panic and struggling. Kushina loved it when that happened, it was an addictive power trip and guilty pleasure of hers. Instead, all her prey did was blink at her with dead looking eyes. Kushina sighed in disappointment, Right, Root ANBU, already dead inside. Thats disappointing. Maybe shell at least pretend to put up a struggle if I ask? Kushina moved her prey within arms reach with her Chakra Chains, cupped the left side of the womans face with her right hand and asked, “Could you at least try to struggle a little? While some predators do enjoy submission, which is what you are doing, I actually prefer futile resistance. Adds to the power trip I get from eating a person, ya know. I get that youve accepted that youre gonna die, and Im definitely not gonna let you live ya know, but could you at least pretend to struggle a bit against your inevitable fate?” “Very well” the Root ANBU responded. Her face contorted into an almost passable look of panic and fear as she visibly grit her teeth and started to struggle against Kushinas Chakra Chains. The only reason why Kushina could tell that she wasnt really afraid or panicking was because the panic and fear didnt reach her eyes. Her eyes were as dead and emotionless as ever. Kushina sighed in disappointment and said, “Alright, headfirst it is.” Those dead eyes just cant sell the act. At least shell feel amazing going down if she keeps squirming like that. Kushina opens her mouth as wide as she can and uses her chains to lower her prey headfirst to her mouth. Her jaw unhinges like a snakes and her mouth stretches to accommodate the ANBUs head. Deliberately, Kushina slowly stretches her mouth around her preys head, slathering her tongue all over the womans face to get a taste of her flesh. To a predator, the taste of human flesh varies from person to person depending from how recently the prey has bathed, recent activities, and diet. Minato always managed to work up a little bit of a sweat from sex with her before being swallowed, and his diet contained plenty of ramen due to how frequently they dated at Ichiraku Ramen (not nearly as much as Kushina, though), as such, Minato tended to taste like salt ramen. Which only made Kushina love him even more since salt ramen is her favorite food. The ANBU assassin, however, continues to disappoint Kushina. Her lack of flavor is all Kushina needed to know that the woman washes herself regularly with plain bar soap, has a balanced but bland diet, has failed to work up a sweat recently. What a bland flavor Kushina thought to herself as she started swallowing the assassins head started to stretch her mouth around her shoulders. Well, if I cant enjoy the flavor, then Ill just have to enjoy my preys texture and movements! At least this wont be a completely fruitless endeavor, ya know. Kushinas mouth stretched around the assassins shoulders and finally started to enjoy herself as she began to feel her prey struggle against her Chakra Chains as her throat muscles pulled her preys head further downward. A few more seconds and Kushina reached her first fun obstacle to finishing her meal, the assassins C-cup breasts. Kushina heartily swallowed her prey deeper into herself and the assassins breasts squeezed into her mouth. The predator took a deep breath through her nose, thankful that predators have secondary air paths from their nose to their lungs so they dont have to hold their breath while swallowing prey, and started to suck on the assassins C-cups. She licked and grinded the lower half of her mouth against the soft tit flesh, thoroughly enjoying the softness and texture of the assassins flesh. Kushina swallowed again, the supple breast flesh sinking into her expanding throat as she continued to lick and gently grind her teeth against the assassins soft flesh as she continued to pretend to struggle. Kushinas Chakra Chains released the womans upper body as the rest of her upper body vanished down Kushinas gullet. Now came the next fun part, by now the assassins head was entering Kushinas second stomach designed specifically by nature for digesting live prey, which meant that she could feel all the futile struggles of the assassins upper body wriggling throughout the entirety of her esophagus. All the pleasure gained from the assassins squirms became apparent to Kushina when she reached under her hospital gown and ran a finger along the outside of her womanhood to find that she was indeed moist and leaking her liquid arousal. Kushina swallowed once more and took a moment to sink her teeth into the soft flesh of the ANBUs butt and enjoyed the suppleness of her preys waist. Her tongue wandered into her preys cunt as the assassin slowly sunk deeper into Kushinas body and she was finally blessed with the first drops of flavor provided by her prey. Emotionless or not, Kushina discovered that her prey has the same carnal kink as her late husband and was getting off from being devoured. As Kushina is a predator that enjoys squeezing as much flavor and pleasure out of a meal as possible, she immediately halted her preys descent into her second stomach with her Chakra Chains and started to chew on her preys rear with newfound vigor and probed the assassins folds deeper with her tongue. The predators left hand started to massage her left F-cup breast and her right thumb played with her clit as she thrust her middle, index, and ring fingers into her folds with reckless abandon. Her preys moans of pleasure vibrated within Kushinas stomach, titillating the sensitive organ and providing the predator with even more pleasure. Kushina moaned in euphoria in response to her preys moans and the taste of her foods arousal. The taste wasnt much in comparison to previous meals, but flavor was flavor as far as Kushina was concerned. The sweet tang of her failed assassins arousal made Kushina briefly wonder if it represented what her meals personality would have been like if Danzo didnt force the woman to kill her emotions for good. That train of thought didnt last long as Kushina thought to herself, Meh, doesnt matter anymore, shes food now ya know! and went back to pleasuring herself by speeding up the movements of her right hand and moving her left hand to her neglected right breast. The Uzumaki predators euphoric breaths through her nose deepened and grew more frantic as she thrust her hips eagerly against her right digits and her left hand roughly pawed at her right tit. Her tongue probed her meals cunt as deeply as it could when Kushina saw stars and belted out a prey muffled screech of euphoria while grinding her hips as hard as she could against her right hand, her arousal squirted all over her hand and the hospital sheets with the strength of a broken water faucet. In the midst of her orgasm, Kushina gulped down her prey as hard as she could while screeching her muffled cries of ecstasy. Her Chakra Chains vanished completely, the assassins rear vanished down her throat in less than a second, and her legs were quick to follow. Kushina clicked her teeth shut the second her preys feet vanished down her gullet and she collapsed in the afterglow of her orgasm. She stroked her prey filled belly affectionately and admired how it was easily a good three times the size it was when she was ten months pregnant with Naruto yesterday and had accidentally torn her hospital gown to accommodate the new mass stretching out her midsection. Not surprising given that the contents of her belly was now a fully grown woman, whose outline in her belly was clearly visible, instead of a fetus growing in her womb. Kushina noticed that her prey had stopped moving and slapped her belly, “I didnt say you could stop moving ya know! One orgasm is not nearly enough to relieve all of my stress! Get back to squirming! I expect you to struggle in my belly for the rest of your short life! You stop struggling only when the acids finally take your life, ya got it meal?!” “Affirmative” was the muffled answer of her food. Kushina nodded in satisfaction as her prey got back to struggling and stretching out her belly in wonderful ways. Kushina had a front row seat to the visible struggles of her prey as she looked to the mirror on the wall next to her bed and enjoyed the reflected sight of her meals struggles with sadistic glee. She pawed at her F-cup breasts once more to please herself in tandem with her preys delicious struggles and moaned in euphoria as she secreted breast milk. Out of curiosity, Kushina ripped the rest of her hospital gown in half to free her breasts from their confines so that she could gather some of her breast milk into the palm of her hand and brought it to her mouth to taste it. She was not disappointed when a sweet and salty tang graced her taste buds. Im so going to create a seal that makes sure I never stop lactating! Kushina thought to herself as she continued to moan in rapture to her preys struggles. It wasnt long before Kushina had her second orgasm of the night, followed promptly by her third. By that point her preys struggles were no longer an act and the failed assassin was genuinely writhing and thrashing in pain from the stomach acids. The feeling of her prey thrashing around and screaming in pain inside her belly was absolute euphoria to Kushina and music to her ears. This was the power trip she desperately needed. She could feel her stress ebbing away with each consecutive orgasm that wracked her body and loved every second of it as she watched her belly slowly gain a more rounded shape as the exertion of each orgasm caused her stomach to work faster on its contents as the assassin thrashed harder and harder in a desperate attempt to escape the pain. Kushinas meals struggles petered out by her ninth orgasm as the prey finally passed out and continued to be processed by the predators mighty second stomach. Kushina sighed in satisfaction as her stress was finally gone. She had a nice, big meal churning and gurgling away in her belly, and she got a good nine orgasms out of the deal. Not bad result from a bland tasting Root ANBU meal. Kushina let out another sigh of satisfaction as she absentmindedly stroked her now round and very distended belly as it continued to dutifully churn its contents into useful nutrients that she will eventually feed her son through her breast milk, and channel any remaining chakra from the assassins body into Kushinas emergency seal. The full predator let out a tired yawn and nodded off with a content smile on her face, exhausted from the full belly and nine consecutive orgasms. That night, Kushina dreamed of her dearly departed husband. All the dates they shared, their wedding day, the excitement over discovering their oncoming parenthood, and all the nights she spent with him comfortably tucked away inside her belly after an evening of vigorous love making. The pain of this loss will never disappear, but deep down, Kushina knew that their son will make it all worthwhile. Kushina Uzumaki was finally back in her happy place. |
1 The Drowned Horse Inn “Welcome to the Drowned Horse Inn and Tavern! What can I getcha, hun?” They had not expected such an enthusiastic welcome, especially considering that the entire establishment had gone deathly silent when they walked in. Dozens of eyes were on them – most of them surreptitiously peering over the edges of their tankards, others openly squinting at the newcomers. It was understandable – they did stick out like four sore thumbs. Four heavily armed, heavily armored thumbs with big fat pouches of gold hanging from their belts – and all of them looked odd, dangerous, and overall like filthy outsiders. The tallest of them was the hardest to ignore – he was a lumbering draconian beast, covered in glistening copper scales. His head crest scraped the ceiling as he moved and his body, bulging with muscle, fit snugly in what had once been a shiny set of plate armor, now dented and dirty – but still worth more money than the building he had just walked into. On his back, a gigantic claymore covered in blood; to any other being in the room it would have been impossible to wield, but to this beast, it was quite average in length. Behind him, a massive crocodilian tail dragged through the floor, spreading the mud from outside all over the hardwood floors; not that anyone dared to tell him off. Perhaps the oddest thing about this massive, reptilian goliath, was that despite his terrifying countenance and plenty of scars, his features were contorted into a fangy, if genuine, smile. Next to him, comically small in comparison, was what could have been easily mistaken for a human child, were it not for her adult features, her long and pointed ears, and her curvy figure. Her scruffy hair was a deep red, caught in a ponytail, and her skin was a grayish tan, covered in freckles. She carried a backpack almost as big as she was, and supported her weight with a gnarled wooden staff topped with the holy symbol of some gnome deity unknown in these parts. Clad in her priestly robes and with nothing in the way of adornment save for a couple wristlets and bangles, she, unlike her humongous friend, was serene and silent, easily overlooked in favor of the dragonborn. Keeping away from the party was the third member, a mysterious hooded figure. Her tight-fitting and revealing leather bodice, accentuating her voluptuous female form, doubled as a silent threat by openly displaying dozens of shivs and throwing knives held in straps. Though seemingly unremarkable at first, save for her provocative body language and choice of outfit, attentive observers – and she had gathered quite a few ever since she had entered the tavern – could notice certain oddities about her that only became clear when she lifted up her hood, revealing the two goat horns that emerged from her mane of straight black hair and the reddish tint of her smooth skin. With her reveal, her long, spaded tail also emerged from underneath her cloak, raised high and swaying side to side in smooth, languid movements, drawing the lust-filled eyes of her already captive audience. She scanned the room with her bright red eyes, grinning. Finally, looking positively pedestrian compared to his three friends, was the one who had walked up and slammed his hand on the counter, demanding the attention of the barmaid. He was a young-looking man with pale skin and long blonde hair; slightly pointed ears suggested elvish descent, but the roundness of his features and somewhat mismatched appearance gave him more of a mongrel look. Nevertheless, he was quite handsome in an awkward sort of way – perhaps it was his choice of outfit, a worn blue robe that was just starting to show its age or perhaps was the lack of confidence with which he carried himself, in opposition to his three friends who seemed quite at ease. The barmaid, unmoved by their intimidating appearance, simply smiled widely at them, scampering behind the counter as if this was a normal occurrence. “Oh, y’all are the adventuring type, eh?” The half-elf shrugged. “Well, I…” “Why yes, my oddly-speaking friend!” the booming, deep voice of the dragonborn resonated through the room, interrupting his friend. “We are the most stalwart of allies, the ablest of men and women! We are adventurers for hire, my friend, and we will happily regale you with tales of our latest outings over a tankard of frothy ale!” He flashed a dazzling, fangy grin, the kind that makes dragon ladies’ hearts flutter. Behind him, the tiefling pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh. “As my friend says,” spoke the short one; her voice was calm and pleasant, her words spoken clearly and with a subtly exotic accent the barmaid did not recognize. “We walk the path of the wanderer, and we are in need of a good meal and some rest. “Well, hun, it’s usually a gold piece a person, but I ain’t sure we got enough room to fit the big guy out there… or enough stew to feed him, for that matter.” The dragon-man smashed a fist against his armor-plated chest. “Fear not, oddly-speaking one! A great dragonborn warrior like myself doesn’t mind roughing it out every now and then! As for food, I’m sure it will be fine – and if it isn’t, I can always just complement the meal with one of your ruder patrons!” His loud, booming laugh shook the old inn’s wooden foundations, silencing the gasps and conspiratorial whispers let out by the other customers. The half-elf sank his face into his hands to hide his face, which was flushing with embarrassment. The gnome closed her eyes in annoyance. The tiefling’s tail rose further, swaying about like an angry cat’s. The barmaid simply looked up at the gargantuan beast before her. She forced out a couple scared ha’s, choosing to believe that this was the dragonborn’s idea of a funny joke. Indeed, once the laughter subsided and the reptilian beast wiped a single tear off the corner of his eye, she cleared her throat to draw his attention. “Actually, hun! Consider dinner my treat - all you can eat, on the house. Just don’t go doin’ nothin’ stupid to any of our lovely clients, aye?” “Don’t worry, ma’am,” the half-elf finally let out, after several seconds. “Kruvess, he, uh… he’s got a bad sense of humor, that’s all.” The large warrior grumbled, muscles bulging as he crossed his arms and pouted. “Bad sense of humor? I am hurt! It is you softlings that cannot take a joke!” “Regardless,” continued the meek young man at the counter. “Nobody’s getting eaten tonight.” At these words, the tiefling’s lip curled into a mischievous grin. “Hey, now – what if I get peckish?” Just as these words came out, all of her admirers suddenly returned to their drinking and talking, suddenly dreading drawing her attention. More than one simply quietly excused himself and ran out the door. “Dralaxa, please.” The robed wizard seemed to be on the verge of a breakdown, trying to calm down the increasingly upset-looking barmaid. “You’re not helping.” He offered the woman behind the counter a pleading look. “Look, they’re joking, they all are – we’ll pay you five gold coins each if you’ll serve us some food and let us sleep here.” The woman bit her lip, looked over the four adventurers. The wizard seemed genuine, as did the gnome, who occasionally pressed the end of her staff against her forehead and whispered a prayer for patience. The tiefling… didn’t, but she was roughly her own size; there was no way she’d be killing or eating anyone tonight. As for the dragonborn, well… She leaned over the counter and whispered in the half-elf’s ear. “Can you vouch for him?” she whispered, her tone lacking the cheer from before. He replied with a small, if determined, nod. She scrutinized his expression for a few seconds, before letting out a weary and defeated sigh. “Aye, fine, hun… y’all can stay. But at the first start of trouble, I’m callin’ the town guard to haul all yer asses to the hangman!” Looked like she and the dragon-man had something in common. _______________________________________________________ Alcohol flowed freely that night in the cozy old inn. One by one, the patrons excused themselves to their rooms, either bothered by the rowdiness of these adventurers, especially once they had a couple pints in them, or intimidated by the massive dragon creature that sat on an uncomfortably small chair, downing bowl after bowl of piping hot meat and barley stew. Even the barmaid, who carefully watched them from behind the counter, eventually got bored of the lack of work to be done and went to join them. Kruvess, who was proving to be quite the gentle, if boastful, giant, bragged about the one time he drank an ogre under the table. Well, it was an ogre at first – in the middle of the ale-fueled story it became a giant, and after he got lost in his own tale and had to start from the beginning, it inexplicably became a massive orc, instead. Despite his inebriation, he was quite the storyteller, gesticulating all over the place and knocking over drinks, chairs and people alike in his fervor to show just how he had been holding the barrel of firewater. The quietest of the four was the gnome, who eventually introduced herself as Keldri. She drank water and water alone, even after the barmaid warned her of the poor quality of their well’s contents. When served her drink, she whispered a few words into the cup, causing it to stir with magic – when she sipped it, the once off-smelling water was crystal clear and odorless, as it should be. Dralaxa was a mystery. She sat back, refusing to join in on the conversation, like she was too good for it. Her eyes constantly darted across the room, focusing for way too long on the paintings and sculptures that had been put on display to give the place a ‘classy’ look. Every now and then, she spotted, from across the room, a particularly shiny piece of silverware… and then, the barmaid could see the corner of her lip twist into a small grin. But Elrod, the half-elf and de facto leader of the group – despite his apparent uneasiness around others – was the one who fascinated her the most. After a few drinks, she found herself sitting on his lap, probing him with personal questions while caressing his cheek with her fingers. The half-elf himself seemed quite taken with this barmaid, despite her somewhat irksome manner of speech. The party’s arrival had been so eventful that he hadn’t been able to get a good look at her – and now that she sat on his lap, she could see just how lovely she really was. Her upbeat cheeriness wasn’t a façade to lure in customers; it was just how she was. She filled up every inch of that dirndl of hers with her feminine curves, and though she couldn’t compete with Dralaxa’s voluptuousness, Elrod was a man who could appreciate less extravagant body types. Besides, unlike the tiefling, this one was unlikely to bite. “So, if y’all are adventurers, you must be after Randall’s Crypt, aye, hun?” The question came out of nowhere, like she had been sitting on it for quite some time. It surprised the half-elf, who leaned back and relaxed his body, causing the barmaid to giggle when she felt a warm pressure poking against her thighs. Feeling his cheeks begin to glow red, Elrod was quick to try and distract her from his embarrassment. “We… uh… what’s Randall’s Crypt, again?” The woman raised an eyebrow. “Y’know, Randall’s Crypt, out in the forest. Big ol’ stone house… thing.” She gestured the shape of a cube with her hands in an attempt to describe something she couldn’t quite put into words. “Somethin’ about a guy couple decades ago, bandit type, buried his treasure there.” Even as she described the crypt, she could see in the distance, beyond a captive Elrod, a curious Keldri and a half-asleep Kruvess (whose stomach threatened to burst his armor’s straps, so full of stew it was), the tiefling’s eyes glimmer with interest. “Go on,” she languidly spoke, a caress in sound form. It was the first time Dralaxa had addressed the barmaid since they’d walked in. “Well, uh… he got caught and nobody found his hideout. Then, a couple years ago, we did… but by the time we broke in the place was crawlin’ with them big rats that bite your hand, clean off!” She slammed her hands together for emphasis, a lone moment of sudden vigor before she relaxed back into her drunken state again. “We figured, ain’t no use for riches if we have to fight that kind of thing. But you huns got weapons, and ain’t much use bitin’ armor, so I figured you wanted to go and clear it out.” The half-elf blinked. “Oh, huh… yeah! We could absolutely go and clear it out for you guys!” Each word he spoke sounded more determined than before like he was hyping himself up. His hesitant expression was slowly replaced by a smile – but was he happy to help, seeing dollar signs, or did he just want to impress his new ‘friend’? The barmaid’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, we’d be mighty thankful, hun! We’d even scrounge up a lil’ reward – whatever we can get ya! Them rats come out every full moon, ruin all our crops and kill our animals.” “What do you think, guys?” Elrod asked, glancing over his shoulder, trying to think despite almost being driven crazy by the barmaid’s finger curling his hair. “Should we look for this Crypt?” His three comrades looked between themselves. “Aha! More adventure! My friends, let us march onto battle together once more!” bellowed the dragonborn, between a belch and a hiccup. “Certainly, any settlement deserves safety… though I do not enjoy slaying beasts, if they are endangering the city, we must act,” spoke the gnome, pressing her hands together. “I’m sure we can find some riches in there… and who knows, something more… I’ll tag along,” Dralaxa whispered, savoring each word and grinning mischievously. Elrod smashed his fist into his open palm. “Then it’s settled! Tomorrow, as soon as dawn breaks, we go to Randall’s Crypt!” The barmaid beamed happily, jumping onto her feet and hopping over back behind the counter with a spring on her step, disappearing under the wooden surface. “You’re truly heroes! This calls for a bottle of the special reserve firewater, on the house! And oh!” As quickly as she had vanished, she reappeared, a bottle of clear liquid in each hand. “Name’s Shazi, by the way. Nice to meet y’all, huns!” |
1 The Drowned Horse Inn “Welcome to the Drowned Horse Inn and Tavern! What can I getcha, hun?” They had not expected such an enthusiastic welcome, especially considering that the entire establishment had gone deathly silent when they walked in. Dozens of eyes were on them – most of them surreptitiously peering over the edges of their tankards, others openly squinting at the newcomers. It was understandable – they did stick out like four sore thumbs. Four heavily armed, heavily armored thumbs with big fat pouches of gold hanging from their belts – and all of them looked odd, dangerous, and overall like filthy outsiders. The tallest of them was the hardest to ignore – he was a lumbering draconian beast, covered in glistening copper scales. His head crest scraped the ceiling as he moved and his body, bulging with muscle, fit snugly in what had once been a shiny set of plate armor, now dented and dirty – but still worth more money than the building he had just walked into. On his back, a gigantic claymore covered in blood; to any other being in the room it would have been impossible to wield, but to this beast, it was quite average in length. Behind him, a massive crocodilian tail dragged through the floor, spreading the mud from outside all over the hardwood floors; not that anyone dared to tell him off. Perhaps the oddest thing about this massive, reptilian goliath, was that despite his terrifying countenance and plenty of scars, his features were contorted into a fangy, if genuine, smile. Next to him, comically small in comparison, was what could have been easily mistaken for a human child, were it not for her adult features, her long and pointed ears, and her curvy figure. Her scruffy hair was a deep red, caught in a ponytail, and her skin was a grayish tan, covered in freckles. She carried a backpack almost as big as she was, and supported her weight with a gnarled wooden staff topped with the holy symbol of some gnome deity unknown in these parts. Clad in her priestly robes and with nothing in the way of adornment save for a couple wristlets and bangles, she, unlike her humongous friend, was serene and silent, easily overlooked in favor of the dragonborn. Keeping away from the party was the third member, a mysterious hooded figure. Her tight-fitting and revealing leather bodice, accentuating her voluptuous female form, doubled as a silent threat by openly displaying dozens of shivs and throwing knives held in straps. Though seemingly unremarkable at first, save for her provocative body language and choice of outfit, attentive observers – and she had gathered quite a few ever since she had entered the tavern – could notice certain oddities about her that only became clear when she lifted up her hood, revealing the two goat horns that emerged from her mane of straight black hair and the reddish tint of her smooth skin. With her reveal, her long, spaded tail also emerged from underneath her cloak, raised high and swaying side to side in smooth, languid movements, drawing the lust-filled eyes of her already captive audience. She scanned the room with her bright red eyes, grinning. Finally, looking positively pedestrian compared to his three friends, was the one who had walked up and slammed his hand on the counter, demanding the attention of the barmaid. He was a young-looking man with pale skin and long blonde hair; slightly pointed ears suggested elvish descent, but the roundness of his features and somewhat mismatched appearance gave him more of a mongrel look. Nevertheless, he was quite handsome in an awkward sort of way – perhaps it was his choice of outfit, a worn blue robe that was just starting to show its age or perhaps was the lack of confidence with which he carried himself, in opposition to his three friends who seemed quite at ease. The barmaid, unmoved by their intimidating appearance, simply smiled widely at them, scampering behind the counter as if this was a normal occurrence. “Oh, y’all are the adventuring type, eh?” The half-elf shrugged. “Well, I…” “Why yes, my oddly-speaking friend!” the booming, deep voice of the dragonborn resonated through the room, interrupting his friend. “We are the most stalwart of allies, the ablest of men and women! We are adventurers for hire, my friend, and we will happily regale you with tales of our latest outings over a tankard of frothy ale!” He flashed a dazzling, fangy grin, the kind that makes dragon ladies’ hearts flutter. Behind him, the tiefling pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh. “As my friend says,” spoke the short one; her voice was calm and pleasant, her words spoken clearly and with a subtly exotic accent the barmaid did not recognize. “We walk the path of the wanderer, and we are in need of a good meal and some rest. “Well, hun, it’s usually a gold piece a person, but I ain’t sure we got enough room to fit the big guy out there… or enough stew to feed him, for that matter.” The dragon-man smashed a fist against his armor-plated chest. “Fear not, oddly-speaking one! A great dragonborn warrior like myself doesn’t mind roughing it out every now and then! As for food, I’m sure it will be fine – and if it isn’t, I can always just complement the meal with one of your ruder patrons!” His loud, booming laugh shook the old inn’s wooden foundations, silencing the gasps and conspiratorial whispers let out by the other customers. The half-elf sank his face into his hands to hide his face, which was flushing with embarrassment. The gnome closed her eyes in annoyance. The tiefling’s tail rose further, swaying about like an angry cat’s. The barmaid simply looked up at the gargantuan beast before her. She forced out a couple scared ha’s, choosing to believe that this was the dragonborn’s idea of a funny joke. Indeed, once the laughter subsided and the reptilian beast wiped a single tear off the corner of his eye, she cleared her throat to draw his attention. “Actually, hun! Consider dinner my treat - all you can eat, on the house. Just don’t go doin’ nothin’ stupid to any of our lovely clients, aye?” “Don’t worry, ma’am,” the half-elf finally let out, after several seconds. “Kruvess, he, uh… he’s got a bad sense of humor, that’s all.” The large warrior grumbled, muscles bulging as he crossed his arms and pouted. “Bad sense of humor? I am hurt! It is you softlings that cannot take a joke!” “Regardless,” continued the meek young man at the counter. “Nobody’s getting eaten tonight.” At these words, the tiefling’s lip curled into a mischievous grin. “Hey, now – what if I get peckish?” Just as these words came out, all of her admirers suddenly returned to their drinking and talking, suddenly dreading drawing her attention. More than one simply quietly excused himself and ran out the door. “Dralaxa, please.” The robed wizard seemed to be on the verge of a breakdown, trying to calm down the increasingly upset-looking barmaid. “You’re not helping.” He offered the woman behind the counter a pleading look. “Look, they’re joking, they all are – we’ll pay you five gold coins each if you’ll serve us some food and let us sleep here.” The woman bit her lip, looked over the four adventurers. The wizard seemed genuine, as did the gnome, who occasionally pressed the end of her staff against her forehead and whispered a prayer for patience. The tiefling… didn’t, but she was roughly her own size; there was no way she’d be killing or eating anyone tonight. As for the dragonborn, well… She leaned over the counter and whispered in the half-elf’s ear. “Can you vouch for him?” she whispered, her tone lacking the cheer from before. He replied with a small, if determined, nod. She scrutinized his expression for a few seconds, before letting out a weary and defeated sigh. “Aye, fine, hun… y’all can stay. But at the first start of trouble, I’m callin’ the town guard to haul all yer asses to the hangman!” Looked like she and the dragon-man had something in common. _______________________________________________________ Alcohol flowed freely that night in the cozy old inn. One by one, the patrons excused themselves to their rooms, either bothered by the rowdiness of these adventurers, especially once they had a couple pints in them, or intimidated by the massive dragon creature that sat on an uncomfortably small chair, downing bowl after bowl of piping hot meat and barley stew. Even the barmaid, who carefully watched them from behind the counter, eventually got bored of the lack of work to be done and went to join them. Kruvess, who was proving to be quite the gentle, if boastful, giant, bragged about the one time he drank an ogre under the table. Well, it was an ogre at first – in the middle of the ale-fueled story it became a giant, and after he got lost in his own tale and had to start from the beginning, it inexplicably became a massive orc, instead. Despite his inebriation, he was quite the storyteller, gesticulating all over the place and knocking over drinks, chairs and people alike in his fervor to show just how he had been holding the barrel of firewater. The quietest of the four was the gnome, who eventually introduced herself as Keldri. She drank water and water alone, even after the barmaid warned her of the poor quality of their well’s contents. When served her drink, she whispered a few words into the cup, causing it to stir with magic – when she sipped it, the once off-smelling water was crystal clear and odorless, as it should be. Dralaxa was a mystery. She sat back, refusing to join in on the conversation, like she was too good for it. Her eyes constantly darted across the room, focusing for way too long on the paintings and sculptures that had been put on display to give the place a ‘classy’ look. Every now and then, she spotted, from across the room, a particularly shiny piece of silverware… and then, the barmaid could see the corner of her lip twist into a small grin. But Elrod, the half-elf and de facto leader of the group – despite his apparent uneasiness around others – was the one who fascinated her the most. After a few drinks, she found herself sitting on his lap, probing him with personal questions while caressing his cheek with her fingers. The half-elf himself seemed quite taken with this barmaid, despite her somewhat irksome manner of speech. The party’s arrival had been so eventful that he hadn’t been able to get a good look at her – and now that she sat on his lap, she could see just how lovely she really was. Her upbeat cheeriness wasn’t a façade to lure in customers; it was just how she was. She filled up every inch of that dirndl of hers with her feminine curves, and though she couldn’t compete with Dralaxa’s voluptuousness, Elrod was a man who could appreciate less extravagant body types. Besides, unlike the tiefling, this one was unlikely to bite. “So, if y’all are adventurers, you must be after Randall’s Crypt, aye, hun?” The question came out of nowhere, like she had been sitting on it for quite some time. It surprised the half-elf, who leaned back and relaxed his body, causing the barmaid to giggle when she felt a warm pressure poking against her thighs. Feeling his cheeks begin to glow red, Elrod was quick to try and distract her from his embarrassment. “We… uh… what’s Randall’s Crypt, again?” The woman raised an eyebrow. “Y’know, Randall’s Crypt, out in the forest. Big ol’ stone house… thing.” She gestured the shape of a cube with her hands in an attempt to describe something she couldn’t quite put into words. “Somethin’ about a guy couple decades ago, bandit type, buried his treasure there.” Even as she described the crypt, she could see in the distance, beyond a captive Elrod, a curious Keldri and a half-asleep Kruvess (whose stomach threatened to burst his armor’s straps, so full of stew it was), the tiefling’s eyes glimmer with interest. “Go on,” she languidly spoke, a caress in sound form. It was the first time Dralaxa had addressed the barmaid since they’d walked in. “Well, uh… he got caught and nobody found his hideout. Then, a couple years ago, we did… but by the time we broke in the place was crawlin’ with them big rats that bite your hand, clean off!” She slammed her hands together for emphasis, a lone moment of sudden vigor before she relaxed back into her drunken state again. “We figured, ain’t no use for riches if we have to fight that kind of thing. But you huns got weapons, and ain’t much use bitin’ armor, so I figured you wanted to go and clear it out.” The half-elf blinked. “Oh, huh… yeah! We could absolutely go and clear it out for you guys!” Each word he spoke sounded more determined than before like he was hyping himself up. His hesitant expression was slowly replaced by a smile – but was he happy to help, seeing dollar signs, or did he just want to impress his new ‘friend’? The barmaid’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, we’d be mighty thankful, hun! We’d even scrounge up a lil’ reward – whatever we can get ya! Them rats come out every full moon, ruin all our crops and kill our animals.” “What do you think, guys?” Elrod asked, glancing over his shoulder, trying to think despite almost being driven crazy by the barmaid’s finger curling his hair. “Should we look for this Crypt?” His three comrades looked between themselves. “Aha! More adventure! My friends, let us march onto battle together once more!” bellowed the dragonborn, between a belch and a hiccup. “Certainly, any settlement deserves safety… though I do not enjoy slaying beasts, if they are endangering the city, we must act,” spoke the gnome, pressing her hands together. “I’m sure we can find some riches in there… and who knows, something more… I’ll tag along,” Dralaxa whispered, savoring each word and grinning mischievously. Elrod smashed his fist into his open palm. “Then it’s settled! Tomorrow, as soon as dawn breaks, we go to Randall’s Crypt!” The barmaid beamed happily, jumping onto her feet and hopping over back behind the counter with a spring on her step, disappearing under the wooden surface. “You’re truly heroes! This calls for a bottle of the special reserve firewater, on the house! And oh!” As quickly as she had vanished, she reappeared, a bottle of clear liquid in each hand. “Name’s Shazi, by the way. Nice to meet y’all, huns!” |
2 Don’t Split the Party! Click. Swoosh. Elrod felt the air shift as a massive blade swung from the ceiling, mere inches away from the tip of his nose. His legs went wobbly with terror; thankfully, Kruvess was quick to pull him by the back of his robes, getting him out of harm’s way and accidentally sending him slamming against the hard granite floor. Before him, dozens of sharp pendulums swung back and forth in the cramped hallway in front of them, arrhythmically and without any rhyme or reason. All in tones of gray, of course. All of the party had been blessed with the ability to see in the dark, but the tradeoff was lack of colors and limited range. “Holy hell! When Shazi mentioned a crypt, I didn’t expect this. Blade traps? To protect some kind of bandit treasure?” the half-elf complained as he got up, rubbing his sore backside. “Hey, where’s Dralaxa?” After a cursory examination to make sure her friend wasn’t seriously hurt, Keldri simply shrugged. “I thought Kruvess was supposed to keep an eye on her.” The behemoth shook his head. “My greatest apologies, my friend! Our fiendish friend seems to have once more snuck away while we were distracted, surely to plunder the rest of the dungeon before we get there!” “Not again…”, Elrod grumbled, rubbing his temples. “Right. Our traps expert ditched us, we’re possibly lost in this maze, and there’s still no dire rat in sight. Good start.” “Certainly, there has to be a way to make it through, no?” asked the draconian, scratching the scales at the back of his neck with his rounded, blunt claws. “Perhaps if we time it and run?” The half-elf wizard shook his head. “Not a chance. There’s at least twenty of these things, and no space between them to take breaks. If we run for it, we’ll get skewered in no time.” The gnome, who had so far been scratching her chin with her brows furrowed, suddenly raised her finger. “Wait. Kruvess, can you poke the ground ahead with your sword? I want to check something.” “Certainly, my diminutive friend! Stand back, everyone - Kruvess the Bronzed is about to unleash his mighty blade!” With a cackle, he grasped the claymore’s handle with his mighty scaled fist and pulled it from its sheath. The draconian looked himself in the reflection of his sword, baring his fangs into a wide grin. After such a dramatic display, he simply lowered the tip of the blade toward the ground and gently patted the ground in front of them. A foot ahead. Two. Three. Fou- Click. Swoosh. “Gah!” screeched a startled Elrod. The gnome nodded. “Hmm. The blade doesn’t go all the way down to the floor – there’s a big gap I could probably crawl through.” Two pairs of incredulous eyes looked down at her, but she just crossed her arms. “I know it’s dangerous, but hear me out. These traps were made to dissuade invaders from the outside – which means that there must be a deactivation mechanism from within. All I need to do is make my way through and find it, and then you can move in.” She beamed happily. “Looks like they didn’t plan on having a gnome come this far East!” The wizard seemed ready to object, but without a better idea to offer up as an alternative, he just let out a grunt of acquiescence. “Alright. I trust you to not take any stupid risks.” Handing her claymore-wielding friend her massive backpack, Keldri lowered herself to the ground. To no one's surprise, the cold, hard stone was mighty uncomfortable, squeezing her breasts in a way that was as unwieldy as it was uncomfortable. Still, she knew this was the only way. She crawled over to the series of pressure plates that lined the floor. Under her weight, they triggered – and once more did the sharp pendulum blades slice through the air. She stopped and cowered, and behind her, her two allies winced in horror, Kruvess even covering his sensitive wizard friend’s eyes with his clawed hand. The blades kept swinging, and the cleric could feel the wind shift dangerously close to her back whenever one passed over her. She swallowed dry, uttered a prayer, and started moving, triggering more and more pressure plates as she went, each of them releasing all the blades all over again. It took several minutes of unbearable tension, where a single mistake could mean her death – but eventually, she reached the end of the hallway, where there were no traps left. After making sure she had all her parts still left, she stood up and waved happily at the others. “Stay put, yes? I’ll look for the mechanism.” The two men of the group could do nothing except watch as the gnome disappeared behind a bend in the corridor. She was the brightest among them. Surely, she’d be okay. _______________________________________________________ The hooded figure, moving without a sound through the labyrinthine and dark passages of the crypt, heard a whisper in the distance. She stopped, and listened, pressing her ear against the wall. A prayer uttered under one’s breath. Almost imperceptible footsteps from short legs. It sounded like Keldri had separated from the group. Perfect. She approached, each step as soft as the last. She saw the gnome scouring the length of the cold stone wall for some kind of hidden contraption. The priest’s robes were dirty with dust, worn and ragged, revealing the skin underneath. And such delicious-looking skin it was. The figure came closer from behind, rested a hand on the gnome’s shoulder, who immediately turned around, already uttering the beginnings of some exhortation of pain and suffering. But when she saw who it was, she sighed in relief and smiled. “Oh, it’s just you. Don’t go scaring me like that, yes? I thought you were a- hey, what are you doing?!” While her guard was dropped, her staff had been seized, pulled out of her hands in a brusque movement and tossed down the corridor, disappearing into the darkness with nothing but the thump of wood upon stone. Keldri looked up at the other female, just as realization started to dawn on her usually serene features… _______________________________________________________ A lone scream echoed through the claustrophobic stone corridors. Loud and shrill, the sound of pure terror – almost instantly and abruptly silenced. The warrior and the wizard, who sat idly in anticipation for their friend’s return, shared a look of concern. That was, indubitably, the voice of Keldri. “Something’s wrong, we need to help her!” Elrod exclaimed as he jumped to his feet, looking around in a panic. Only after a few seconds of horror did he remember the spell book hanging from his waist; with sweaty hands, he unbuttoned the straps that held it closed. “But how?” The draconian’s usually bombastic demeanor had been replaced with pure concern. His easy smile was nowhere to be seen. “I don’t know, I’ll… I’ll figure something out.” In a panic, leafed through the leather-bound tome, looking for something, anything, that could help. Come on, come on, come on… And where the hell was Dralaxa, anyway? _______________________________________________________ The gnome tried to bite into the scaly appendage that had wrapped around her head and now covered her mouth, but her teeth slipped over the hard scales. In response, the tail only tightened its grip around her skull, lifting her kicking feet off the ground until she was at eye level. Things were looking grim. Without her staff, she could not call upon the miracles of her gods. Without her voice, she could not utter her exhortations of power. Her two weapons had quickly and methodically taken away, and now all she had were her small and unskilled fists to fight with – which were pressed tightly against her body by the seemingly endless coils. Though she wanted to look away, she was forced to stare right into the brightly glowing yellow eyes of the hooded female. Forced to acknowledge her smile of anticipation, the tip of her tongue running over her lips. Each second she looked into those eyes, she felt her will to resist leaving her. Unable to look away, she centered her mind. She attempted to hold on to what little resolve she had left, but like fine sand, no matter how hard she attempted to grasp it, it kept seeping away from her grip little by little… until there was nothing left. Her feet stopped kicking. Her mouth stopped yelling muffled pleas and, as a reward, was uncovered. A string of saliva dripped from the corner of the gnome’s lips as her body slowly went limp. The priestess’s glazed over eyes looked up and saw the widening maw of one she had once called her friend. Before its fang-adorned depths embraced her head, she managed to stutter out a few words, whispers from a feeling of betrayal so deep, that they made it through her trance state. “Why… do… this…?” Only the wet and claustrophobic embrace of flesh answered her query. _______________________________________________________ Each second had felt like hours, but finally, they had a plan. Elrod’s arcane focus, a small pearl shimmering in the dark, was clutched tightly, the fist around it drawing a large sigil in the air. His eyes ran over the dog-eared and yellowed page, and he uttered the incantations within with a remarkable level of focus. Once the incantation was finished, he felt a rush of arcane energy come upon him. He thrust his fist towards the corridor ahead, and the energy within was released in a burst of freezing wind that covered every exposed inch of stone with a thick and slippery layer of hard rime. Tentatively, Kruvess placed his boot on the nearest pressure plate. The ice beneath made a few worrying cracking noises… but held. That was all he needed - with a mighty battle cry, he charged ahead, claymore in hand, ready to free his friend from whatever danger lurked in the darkness. As soon as he regained his bearings and calmed down his hyperventilating, Elrod did the same. Everything was going wrong. _______________________________________________________ The hooded figure leaned on the brick wall, causing the misleadingly heavy-looking passage to slide open with a gentle creak. Though no footsteps accompanied her movement – just the soft rustling of a soft, scaled underbelly against stone – her hips swayed from side to side as she slithered. Looking over her shoulder to make sure she wasn’t being followed, she disappeared into the passage. The conspicuous, still-moving bulge down the length of her serpentine form bumped into the step that led to the concealed area. A groan of pain, muffled by slime, flesh, and scale, could even be heard – something that made the serpentine woman raise an eyebrow in curiosity. The gnome was putting up quite the fight for one so small… After the entire length of her serpentine body had disappeared into the passage, she pushed the door back into place, until a loud click was heard. Knowing herself to be safe among the desiccated bones of those who had come before her, she allowed her weary body some well-deserved rest. Her long cylindrical tail coiled upon itself, forming a makeshift throne on which she rested her back, letting out a sigh of relief. Her hand moved to stroke the suspiciously gnome-sized protuberance on her scaly lower half; when she pressed it just right, she could feel the death throes of her victim – an extremely satisfying sensation. Digestion would, as usual, take quite a while, but she would certainly enjoy it. And yet, her meal had been quite unfulfilling. Exquisite, of course – she had always had a fondness for the more magically inclined species, with their exotically sweet taste, and the fae-like gnome had not disappointed in that regard – but still, such a small creature was barely an appetizer. Even if her struggling was proving quite pleasurable. Even now, as she rested among her skeletal companions, she could feel her stomach churning, ready to start working on its contents, clothes and all. She unfurled her form, testing the speed of her movements. She was pleased to note that the advantage of such small meals was that they did not weigh her down in the same way as the more sizable ones did – where a larger creature would force her to lay down motionless to digest, this bite-sized treat barely slowed her down. Well then, who next? The dragon-beast was much too large, and she certainly did not want to have to look down the blade of that massive sword. But the half-elf, he smelled positively scrumptious, and was just the perfect size to complement her previous meal. Yes, he would do fine. From her cloak’s pocket, she produced a small, folded piece of fabric. With steady, gentle moments, she unfurled it, revealing a complex and meticulously drawn map of the crypt, complete with dozens of secret passages and trap locations. In the dark of the room of the dead, she studied the map she had created once more, unbothered by the absence of illumination. |
2 Don’t Split the Party! Click. Swoosh. Elrod felt the air shift as a massive blade swung from the ceiling, mere inches away from the tip of his nose. His legs went wobbly with terror; thankfully, Kruvess was quick to pull him by the back of his robes, getting him out of harm’s way and accidentally sending him slamming against the hard granite floor. Before him, dozens of sharp pendulums swung back and forth in the cramped hallway in front of them, arrhythmically and without any rhyme or reason. All in tones of gray, of course. All of the party had been blessed with the ability to see in the dark, but the tradeoff was lack of colors and limited range. “Holy hell! When Shazi mentioned a crypt, I didn’t expect this. Blade traps? To protect some kind of bandit treasure?” the half-elf complained as he got up, rubbing his sore backside. “Hey, where’s Dralaxa?” After a cursory examination to make sure her friend wasn’t seriously hurt, Keldri simply shrugged. “I thought Kruvess was supposed to keep an eye on her.” The behemoth shook his head. “My greatest apologies, my friend! Our fiendish friend seems to have once more snuck away while we were distracted, surely to plunder the rest of the dungeon before we get there!” “Not again…”, Elrod grumbled, rubbing his temples. “Right. Our traps expert ditched us, we’re possibly lost in this maze, and there’s still no dire rat in sight. Good start.” “Certainly, there has to be a way to make it through, no?” asked the draconian, scratching the scales at the back of his neck with his rounded, blunt claws. “Perhaps if we time it and run?” The half-elf wizard shook his head. “Not a chance. There’s at least twenty of these things, and no space between them to take breaks. If we run for it, we’ll get skewered in no time.” The gnome, who had so far been scratching her chin with her brows furrowed, suddenly raised her finger. “Wait. Kruvess, can you poke the ground ahead with your sword? I want to check something.” “Certainly, my diminutive friend! Stand back, everyone - Kruvess the Bronzed is about to unleash his mighty blade!” With a cackle, he grasped the claymore’s handle with his mighty scaled fist and pulled it from its sheath. The draconian looked himself in the reflection of his sword, baring his fangs into a wide grin. After such a dramatic display, he simply lowered the tip of the blade toward the ground and gently patted the ground in front of them. A foot ahead. Two. Three. Fou- Click. Swoosh. “Gah!” screeched a startled Elrod. The gnome nodded. “Hmm. The blade doesn’t go all the way down to the floor – there’s a big gap I could probably crawl through.” Two pairs of incredulous eyes looked down at her, but she just crossed her arms. “I know it’s dangerous, but hear me out. These traps were made to dissuade invaders from the outside – which means that there must be a deactivation mechanism from within. All I need to do is make my way through and find it, and then you can move in.” She beamed happily. “Looks like they didn’t plan on having a gnome come this far East!” The wizard seemed ready to object, but without a better idea to offer up as an alternative, he just let out a grunt of acquiescence. “Alright. I trust you to not take any stupid risks.” Handing her claymore-wielding friend her massive backpack, Keldri lowered herself to the ground. To no one's surprise, the cold, hard stone was mighty uncomfortable, squeezing her breasts in a way that was as unwieldy as it was uncomfortable. Still, she knew this was the only way. She crawled over to the series of pressure plates that lined the floor. Under her weight, they triggered – and once more did the sharp pendulum blades slice through the air. She stopped and cowered, and behind her, her two allies winced in horror, Kruvess even covering his sensitive wizard friend’s eyes with his clawed hand. The blades kept swinging, and the cleric could feel the wind shift dangerously close to her back whenever one passed over her. She swallowed dry, uttered a prayer, and started moving, triggering more and more pressure plates as she went, each of them releasing all the blades all over again. It took several minutes of unbearable tension, where a single mistake could mean her death – but eventually, she reached the end of the hallway, where there were no traps left. After making sure she had all her parts still left, she stood up and waved happily at the others. “Stay put, yes? I’ll look for the mechanism.” The two men of the group could do nothing except watch as the gnome disappeared behind a bend in the corridor. She was the brightest among them. Surely, she’d be okay. _______________________________________________________ The hooded figure, moving without a sound through the labyrinthine and dark passages of the crypt, heard a whisper in the distance. She stopped, and listened, pressing her ear against the wall. A prayer uttered under one’s breath. Almost imperceptible footsteps from short legs. It sounded like Keldri had separated from the group. Perfect. She approached, each step as soft as the last. She saw the gnome scouring the length of the cold stone wall for some kind of hidden contraption. The priest’s robes were dirty with dust, worn and ragged, revealing the skin underneath. And such delicious-looking skin it was. The figure came closer from behind, rested a hand on the gnome’s shoulder, who immediately turned around, already uttering the beginnings of some exhortation of pain and suffering. But when she saw who it was, she sighed in relief and smiled. “Oh, it’s just you. Don’t go scaring me like that, yes? I thought you were a- hey, what are you doing?!” While her guard was dropped, her staff had been seized, pulled out of her hands in a brusque movement and tossed down the corridor, disappearing into the darkness with nothing but the thump of wood upon stone. Keldri looked up at the other female, just as realization started to dawn on her usually serene features… _______________________________________________________ A lone scream echoed through the claustrophobic stone corridors. Loud and shrill, the sound of pure terror – almost instantly and abruptly silenced. The warrior and the wizard, who sat idly in anticipation for their friend’s return, shared a look of concern. That was, indubitably, the voice of Keldri. “Something’s wrong, we need to help her!” Elrod exclaimed as he jumped to his feet, looking around in a panic. Only after a few seconds of horror did he remember the spell book hanging from his waist; with sweaty hands, he unbuttoned the straps that held it closed. “But how?” The draconian’s usually bombastic demeanor had been replaced with pure concern. His easy smile was nowhere to be seen. “I don’t know, I’ll… I’ll figure something out.” In a panic, leafed through the leather-bound tome, looking for something, anything, that could help. Come on, come on, come on… And where the hell was Dralaxa, anyway? _______________________________________________________ The gnome tried to bite into the scaly appendage that had wrapped around her head and now covered her mouth, but her teeth slipped over the hard scales. In response, the tail only tightened its grip around her skull, lifting her kicking feet off the ground until she was at eye level. Things were looking grim. Without her staff, she could not call upon the miracles of her gods. Without her voice, she could not utter her exhortations of power. Her two weapons had quickly and methodically taken away, and now all she had were her small and unskilled fists to fight with – which were pressed tightly against her body by the seemingly endless coils. Though she wanted to look away, she was forced to stare right into the brightly glowing yellow eyes of the hooded female. Forced to acknowledge her smile of anticipation, the tip of her tongue running over her lips. Each second she looked into those eyes, she felt her will to resist leaving her. Unable to look away, she centered her mind. She attempted to hold on to what little resolve she had left, but like fine sand, no matter how hard she attempted to grasp it, it kept seeping away from her grip little by little… until there was nothing left. Her feet stopped kicking. Her mouth stopped yelling muffled pleas and, as a reward, was uncovered. A string of saliva dripped from the corner of the gnome’s lips as her body slowly went limp. The priestess’s glazed over eyes looked up and saw the widening maw of one she had once called her friend. Before its fang-adorned depths embraced her head, she managed to stutter out a few words, whispers from a feeling of betrayal so deep, that they made it through her trance state. “Why… do… this…?” Only the wet and claustrophobic embrace of flesh answered her query. _______________________________________________________ Each second had felt like hours, but finally, they had a plan. Elrod’s arcane focus, a small pearl shimmering in the dark, was clutched tightly, the fist around it drawing a large sigil in the air. His eyes ran over the dog-eared and yellowed page, and he uttered the incantations within with a remarkable level of focus. Once the incantation was finished, he felt a rush of arcane energy come upon him. He thrust his fist towards the corridor ahead, and the energy within was released in a burst of freezing wind that covered every exposed inch of stone with a thick and slippery layer of hard rime. Tentatively, Kruvess placed his boot on the nearest pressure plate. The ice beneath made a few worrying cracking noises… but held. That was all he needed - with a mighty battle cry, he charged ahead, claymore in hand, ready to free his friend from whatever danger lurked in the darkness. As soon as he regained his bearings and calmed down his hyperventilating, Elrod did the same. Everything was going wrong. _______________________________________________________ The hooded figure leaned on the brick wall, causing the misleadingly heavy-looking passage to slide open with a gentle creak. Though no footsteps accompanied her movement – just the soft rustling of a soft, scaled underbelly against stone – her hips swayed from side to side as she slithered. Looking over her shoulder to make sure she wasn’t being followed, she disappeared into the passage. The conspicuous, still-moving bulge down the length of her serpentine form bumped into the step that led to the concealed area. A groan of pain, muffled by slime, flesh, and scale, could even be heard – something that made the serpentine woman raise an eyebrow in curiosity. The gnome was putting up quite the fight for one so small… After the entire length of her serpentine body had disappeared into the passage, she pushed the door back into place, until a loud click was heard. Knowing herself to be safe among the desiccated bones of those who had come before her, she allowed her weary body some well-deserved rest. Her long cylindrical tail coiled upon itself, forming a makeshift throne on which she rested her back, letting out a sigh of relief. Her hand moved to stroke the suspiciously gnome-sized protuberance on her scaly lower half; when she pressed it just right, she could feel the death throes of her victim – an extremely satisfying sensation. Digestion would, as usual, take quite a while, but she would certainly enjoy it. And yet, her meal had been quite unfulfilling. Exquisite, of course – she had always had a fondness for the more magically inclined species, with their exotically sweet taste, and the fae-like gnome had not disappointed in that regard – but still, such a small creature was barely an appetizer. Even if her struggling was proving quite pleasurable. Even now, as she rested among her skeletal companions, she could feel her stomach churning, ready to start working on its contents, clothes and all. She unfurled her form, testing the speed of her movements. She was pleased to note that the advantage of such small meals was that they did not weigh her down in the same way as the more sizable ones did – where a larger creature would force her to lay down motionless to digest, this bite-sized treat barely slowed her down. Well then, who next? The dragon-beast was much too large, and she certainly did not want to have to look down the blade of that massive sword. But the half-elf, he smelled positively scrumptious, and was just the perfect size to complement her previous meal. Yes, he would do fine. From her cloak’s pocket, she produced a small, folded piece of fabric. With steady, gentle moments, she unfurled it, revealing a complex and meticulously drawn map of the crypt, complete with dozens of secret passages and trap locations. In the dark of the room of the dead, she studied the map she had created once more, unbothered by the absence of illumination. |
3 Spellbound All the hallways looked the same. All were winding. All were dark and dreary and dank. And all of them were riddled with traps. And worse yet, the two were lost. Elrod looked up at his mighty ally. Victim of every trap and every pitfall in the gods-forsaken crypt, the once invincible-looking dragon-man dragged his right foot through the ground in a painful-looking limp. What had been mighty and powerful was now a wreck, covered in gaping wounds clumsily bandaged with the contents of the gnome’s backpack. The trail of reptilian blood he left behind stained the dungeon floor a deep red. Elrod was no physician, but he knew that blood was supposed to stay inside the body. And yet, the dragonborn refused any further help, merely looking down at his dear friend’s staff – the one they had found a while earlier, and the only trace left behind after her disappearance. Whenever the wizard offered assistance or even asked how he was managing, he got the same seven words over and over again in that deep, sorrowful voice. “We will find Keldri. She will help.” The half-elf just didn’t have the heart to disagree. They meandered for what felt like hours. Every now and then, he could swear he heard something – a rustling, a chittering, imperceptible to his goliath of a companion, but clear to his sensitive elven ears. Deep in his heart, he hoped it’d be Keldri… or Dralaxa. At this point, even a monster would be a welcome change of pace from bare hallways and traps. “Be strong, Kruvess. I think we’re almost there,” he said, patting his companion gently on the side, only to regret it when he felt the massive body recoil in pain. “Hah!” laughed the dragonborn in a futile attempt to brave the pain. It was the most hopeless laugh Elrod had ever heard. “Kruvess the… heh. Kruvess the Bronzed is always strong… urgh!” Even before he could finish his usual boasting, his strength finally failed him when he shifted his considerable weight to his right leg and found it unable to support him; Elrod could only attempt to soften the blow of the fall, lest he risked finding himself crushed under what amounted to a falling tree. A thin layer of dust was released from the ceiling when the scaled behemoth collapsed on the floor. Immediately, the façade broke, Kruvess’s features twisting in pain. “I’m- I’m okay!” he shouted out, almost angrily. A clear lie, but who did he expect to fool - Elrod, or himself? “Let me – no, let go of me, I can manage just fine – let me just shift a little bit… yeah, that’ll do.” His ‘shifting’ had been little more than a flop that dragged his frame until he was resting on his left side – the side he was bleeding from the least. His massive chest puffed up as he struggled to breathe. “We need to get you out of here, Kruv-” The dragonborn’s pleading look silenced him mid-word, and he crossed his arms and let out a defeated sigh. “…of course. Keldri. We’ll find Keldri.” The dragon-man would not budge – physically or otherwise. That much was clear to the poor half-elf, who now found himself in a difficult situation. He had many options, but they were all terrible. The first option was to leave him behind and look for their companions. He could not drag that body alone, but with the two ladies’ help, it would be possible, if difficult. But that was a gamble in itself. Dralaxa had disappeared as soon as they looked away; who knew if she was even alive? As for Keldri, well… no body or spilled blood had been found anywhere, so she was probably not dead, not yet anyway. Continuing their wandering was also out of the question. He had seen Kruvess survive a dozen wounds that would have slain lesser men, but the bladed traps had taken their toll in blood; he doubted the dragonborn would have been able to stand even if his wounds were suddenly closed. The labyrinthine walls were hard enough to traverse in good health, let alone with him to worry about. Thus, only one option remained, risky as it might be. The wizard wiped the dust off the floor with the edge of his bloodstained robe and sat down next to his friend. He rested a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it gently; so thick was the draconian’s scaled hide, that he couldn’t be sure he could even feel it over the soreness of the wounds. Not that it mattered – the warrior’s beady eyes were fixed on him, and a weak and fangy smile let him know that the gesture was appreciated regardless. “Try to sleep, Kruvess. I’ll keep watch,” he whispered. “Once you can walk again, we’ll go get Keldri and Dralaxa. We’ll all be back at the Drowned Horse by sundown, you’ll see.” The dragonborn let out a single, pained laugh that sounded about to devolve into a coughing fit. “You just want to go back so you can have some fun with that Shazi girl.” Each word that crawled out of his throat was clearly causing him pain. Good old Kruvess – ready to tease his friend, even if it killed him. Elrod just raised his hands in a surrendering mission. “You got me, pal. But first I got to get drunk, and I’m not getting drunk without you by my side.” He waited for the expected response – some kind of variation on “you’re full of shit, Elrod”, but none came. Though he felt his heart clench, he knew his friend was holding on still, mostly because even in this diminished state, his friend snored like an ox. The half-elf sat next to his comrade for several minutes, making no sound. Only when he was sure that the slumber was a deep one did he stand up, dust himself off, and offer his unconscious friend a sad smile. “Sorry, Kruvess. Hold on in there.” Spellbook in one hand and arcane focus in the other, the wizard began walking back, following the trail of blood and triggered traps that led him halfway through to the exit – or as close to it as he could get. Towards the exit. Towards the town. Towards help. ____________________________________________________________ “Such a great haul, today!” Dralaxa’s usually vaguely annoyed tone sounded strangely giddy as she observed the ring she had just removed from her finger. What a beautiful little thing, and it fit her perfectly, too! It was a loop of pure silver, in the shape of a coiling serpent with little pieces of yellow quartz for eyes. Just one of the many wonders she had found in Randall’s Crypt. All around her, the once beautiful burial chamber, with its wide engraved walls and tall ceiling held up by massive stone pillars, had been thoroughly ransacked. Ornately painted jars smashed against the floor to reveal their contents, etched graves opened so she could remove all valuables from the brittle bones of the dead. Old rust-covered chests either smashed open or with their locks picked, the beautiful offerings kept inside now rattling inside of the tiefling’s backpack. And none of her annoying little comrades were there to bother her by trying to claim the loot that was rightfully hers in keeping with the ancient thief’s law of ‘finders-keepers’. Oh, once she managed to find a buyer for those bad boys, she’d be rich. She’d be so rich, she’d probably never need to adventure again. “Sorry, boys and girl… nothing personal,” she uttered to herself, not even bothering to hide the sheer contentment in her voice. The hypothetical conversation, in a situation where they couldn’t talk back, was quite cathartic. “It’s just… a girl has needs, alright? And a demon-girl has very… refined needs.” In a mocking gesture, she waved goodbye to the pile of skulls nearby and left the chamber. As she calmly strode down the long hallway, paying no mind to the dozens of traps she had disabled, she once more slipped the silver serpent ring on her finger. ____________________________________________________________ At first, there was only the smell of sweat, parchment, fear, and pockets full of rare magical reagents. A smell the serpentine figure could almost taste. A smell that hinted at the layered taste of the meal she had chosen for herself. The small lump in her gut had long stopped writhing about. It was quite disappointing, really. She had hoped that those punches and kicks, even the vibrations of those shouted words through her digestive system, would go on for a while longer. Beyond the satisfaction of consumption, that was her favorite part of any meal – the decrescendo from living and full of energy to lying in defeat, simply waiting to be broken down into goop. The longer it went on, the better. Little did most of her meals know that what for them was a desperate struggle was, for her, an almost orgasmic feeling - a battle between the churning walls of her stomach and the delicious morsel kept within. A meal without a fight was barely a meal at all. But no, she supposed there wasn’t much fight to be had in a creature so small… no matter. Certainly, the half-elf would be a struggler. The contents of her full stomach sloshed about as she slithered down secondary passages and hallways, always tracking her victim, and yet always one step ahead. The smell, that taste in the air only became more intense as she approached. Soon enough, she could hear him as well; he was muttering under his breath in the language of his fairer progenitors. They were words she did not understand but could easily interpret from inflection alone: the half-elf was swearing up a storm, and she knew exactly why when she heard the feeble slamming of fists against a stone surface. It looked like he’d come across another of her little surprises – namely, the main (and to the adventurers’ knowledge, only) entrance having been blocked off by rocks on both sides. Well then, she’d have to go back there and help. She grinned, revealing her needle-like fangs, and made her way towards the voice, returning to the main passages of the crypt as soon as she ran out of alternate routes to take. All was well; she had gotten enough use out of the cramped, dank passageways she found herself crawling through, made difficult to traverse by the added mass on her abdomen. The slithering figure peeked around the corner, pressing her body against the cold stone to better avoid detection. Sure enough, as she looked over the wide entrance area to the crypt, she saw him in his worn old robe – once a pale blue, now covered in blood and dust. She had never seen Elrod so angry or desperate… it was a very interesting sight, to say the least. She plucked a single auburn hair stuck between her teeth – a memento from the delectable, if unfulfilling, Keldri. And slowly, very slowly, she approached the raging mongrel from behind, who was now busy trying to lift a chunk of rock much too heavy for him. The poor thing only realized something was off when he felt something breathing down his neck. When he looked over his shoulder, there was a moment’s confusion, and then mounting fear as his eyes moved from her hooded face down to her torso and hips, where the fair skin ended and the red scale began. “What are you doing… oh, no.” What little color he had left was drained from his face; in a second, he looked like he’d aged thirty years. First simple shock, then disbelief, then pure and unbridled anger, as he gritted his teeth and glared into the eyes of the one he had thought he could trust. “You… you monster.” He reached into his pocket, ready to produce his arcane focus and blast this vile, murderous beast out of existence. But even as his spidery fingers thrashed about, they could not find the familiar spherical shape of the pearl. Without it, he was little more than a parlor trickster… The so far silent naga raised an eyebrow, turning her emotionless expression into one of mild curiosity. She opened her mouth, showing him its contents, and relished the look of pure horror she got in return. There it was, the pure white sphere he relied on to channel his magic, slick with saliva, framed by her sharp fangs. It danced around with her surprisingly human-looking tongue, every now and then getting dangerously close to her gullet, sometimes even brushing up against her uvula, but never quite making it past. It was such a distracting sight, equal parts sensual and horrifying, that he didn’t even notice the scales rubbing against his skin, as that powerful tail coiled around his legs… In his desperation to retrieve his arcane focus, he tried to reach for it, but she simply slammed her mouth shut, leaving her lips curled into a self-satisfied grin. Gulp. It was with morbid fascination and Elrod’s terrified eyes followed the round bulge as it slowly slid down the naga’s throat, before disappearing from sight. “Ahh…”, she let out as she exhaled, before running her tongue over her lips. There was no flavor to the sphere, of course, but she found that rubbing it in a little bit always got a rise out of the more volatile types. And indeed, as soon as the reality of the situation set in, she felt the body held within her coils struggle and squirm, eliciting a squeeze that was tighter still. The woman leaned close, running her tongue over the half-elf’s jawline; even in his sorry state, he couldn’t help but feel his cheeks flush at the sensuality of her dancing tongue, at the warm trail of saliva left in its wake. On his cheek, her tongue caught a tear, and she purred in contentment. “What’s the matter, Elrod? I thought you always wanted to get close to me.” “D-don’t do this, please… I can… I can…” She pressed a finger to his lips; that did not silence him, but a sudden and powerful constriction did make his words trail off. He opened his mouth to speak again, and once more, the sounds of scale rustling against scale could be heard. Whenever he tried to speak and plead, anytime he as much as whimpered, she crushed his body further under her coils until, through punishment alone, she had trained her little morsel to not make noise. He was, after all, little more than a beast. Once the prey had been primed, it was time for her meal. She opened her mouth wide, wider than any human ever could – and brought his feet towards it. The taste of leather had never been to her liking, with only the blood giving it a slight hint of flavor. The feeding was methodical and snake-like; her coils kept his frightened victim in place and slowly pushed him into her eagerly awaiting maw, while she took him in small, successive bites for which there was no escape but further in. She ran her tongue over his legs, finally getting a proper taste; under her grip, his body shuddered. “Shazi, please, stop…” His heartbroken whispers were summarily silenced by the tip of the naga’s tail suddenly being shoved into his mouth. He looked up at the face he had been so infatuated with so long ago, her easy smile replaced by something much darker, her beautiful and rounded features stretched to inhuman proportions in order to take in an entire human-sized body. Little by little, slowly and mechanically, she devoured the still squirming half-elf. Even as saliva soaked and weighed down his robe, even as that unpleasant yet strangely comfortable warmth surrounded more and more of him, he thrashed about as much as he could – but he knew very well that the coils around him were much too strong. In fact, he knew that she could kill him at any time, crushing him with such force that his life would be snuffed out in but a moment – and he knew that if at any time his efforts became legitimately dangerous, she would end him right there. By the time only Elrod’s head was left, he had stopped even trying to escape. He had closed his eyes and accepted his fate. The last thing he saw was the vaguely disappointed look in the naga’s yellow eyes as she leaned back and gulped down, sending the rest of him sinking into the dark abyss of her gullet. The final lock of beautiful blonde hair was finally slurped down, while Shazi moaned in pleasure at the sheer ecstasy of feeding - the satisfying feeling of having that mass of delicious meat sliding down her esophagus was simply too much. Once it made its way down to her lower half, it filled her to the brim, taking up every single inch of stomach space she had left from her previous, gnomish meal. It was titillating. She ran a finger over her engorged form, over the familiar curves of a human shape surrounded by flesh and scales. She caressed it like she had caressed his face the previous night at the Drowned Horse Inn. She had to admit, she much preferred him as a meal than as a speaker. Already she could feel his stomach begin to work. Flesh grinding against flesh, churning hard, churning so hard that she could feel it sending ripples through her body, making loud squelching and groaning sounds that a more primitive creature would find embarrassing. The feeling of fullness slowly took her over, and with it came the siren’s call of torpor. The urge to sleep, to lay down and digest, preferably over a warm rock, was great – but Shazi knew better. She’d have to make her way back to one of the secret passages, lest the- Wait. She smelled something. Something close. She turned her head and immediately recognized the interloper. It was Dralaxa, the demon-woman, wielding a dagger in each hand and carrying a pack bursting with loot on her back. She had been caught halfway through preparing a backstab; when spotted, she stopped like a startled animal. Her expression was one of absolute and utter disgust. Not terror or anger at the loss of his comrade – just general disgust at the scene she had just witnessed. Her entire body was bent slightly under the weight of her burden, and her tail violently twirled from side to side like an angered cat’s. Shazi rose to her full weight, her survival instincts helping her delay the call of torpor… at least for now. The considerable bulge on her lower half made her movements sluggish and clumsy and rendered the swift escape – her preferred option – an impossibility. She would have to deal with this through other means. The two monster women stared each other down, studying each other’s movements carefully, each looking like they could snap at any moment. Suddenly, the fact that Elrod had gone down without even giving a proper fight didn’t seem so bad in comparison. |
3 Spellbound All the hallways looked the same. All were winding. All were dark and dreary and dank. And all of them were riddled with traps. And worse yet, the two were lost. Elrod looked up at his mighty ally. Victim of every trap and every pitfall in the gods-forsaken crypt, the once invincible-looking dragon-man dragged his right foot through the ground in a painful-looking limp. What had been mighty and powerful was now a wreck, covered in gaping wounds clumsily bandaged with the contents of the gnome’s backpack. The trail of reptilian blood he left behind stained the dungeon floor a deep red. Elrod was no physician, but he knew that blood was supposed to stay inside the body. And yet, the dragonborn refused any further help, merely looking down at his dear friend’s staff – the one they had found a while earlier, and the only trace left behind after her disappearance. Whenever the wizard offered assistance or even asked how he was managing, he got the same seven words over and over again in that deep, sorrowful voice. “We will find Keldri. She will help.” The half-elf just didn’t have the heart to disagree. They meandered for what felt like hours. Every now and then, he could swear he heard something – a rustling, a chittering, imperceptible to his goliath of a companion, but clear to his sensitive elven ears. Deep in his heart, he hoped it’d be Keldri… or Dralaxa. At this point, even a monster would be a welcome change of pace from bare hallways and traps. “Be strong, Kruvess. I think we’re almost there,” he said, patting his companion gently on the side, only to regret it when he felt the massive body recoil in pain. “Hah!” laughed the dragonborn in a futile attempt to brave the pain. It was the most hopeless laugh Elrod had ever heard. “Kruvess the… heh. Kruvess the Bronzed is always strong… urgh!” Even before he could finish his usual boasting, his strength finally failed him when he shifted his considerable weight to his right leg and found it unable to support him; Elrod could only attempt to soften the blow of the fall, lest he risked finding himself crushed under what amounted to a falling tree. A thin layer of dust was released from the ceiling when the scaled behemoth collapsed on the floor. Immediately, the façade broke, Kruvess’s features twisting in pain. “I’m- I’m okay!” he shouted out, almost angrily. A clear lie, but who did he expect to fool - Elrod, or himself? “Let me – no, let go of me, I can manage just fine – let me just shift a little bit… yeah, that’ll do.” His ‘shifting’ had been little more than a flop that dragged his frame until he was resting on his left side – the side he was bleeding from the least. His massive chest puffed up as he struggled to breathe. “We need to get you out of here, Kruv-” The dragonborn’s pleading look silenced him mid-word, and he crossed his arms and let out a defeated sigh. “…of course. Keldri. We’ll find Keldri.” The dragon-man would not budge – physically or otherwise. That much was clear to the poor half-elf, who now found himself in a difficult situation. He had many options, but they were all terrible. The first option was to leave him behind and look for their companions. He could not drag that body alone, but with the two ladies’ help, it would be possible, if difficult. But that was a gamble in itself. Dralaxa had disappeared as soon as they looked away; who knew if she was even alive? As for Keldri, well… no body or spilled blood had been found anywhere, so she was probably not dead, not yet anyway. Continuing their wandering was also out of the question. He had seen Kruvess survive a dozen wounds that would have slain lesser men, but the bladed traps had taken their toll in blood; he doubted the dragonborn would have been able to stand even if his wounds were suddenly closed. The labyrinthine walls were hard enough to traverse in good health, let alone with him to worry about. Thus, only one option remained, risky as it might be. The wizard wiped the dust off the floor with the edge of his bloodstained robe and sat down next to his friend. He rested a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it gently; so thick was the draconian’s scaled hide, that he couldn’t be sure he could even feel it over the soreness of the wounds. Not that it mattered – the warrior’s beady eyes were fixed on him, and a weak and fangy smile let him know that the gesture was appreciated regardless. “Try to sleep, Kruvess. I’ll keep watch,” he whispered. “Once you can walk again, we’ll go get Keldri and Dralaxa. We’ll all be back at the Drowned Horse by sundown, you’ll see.” The dragonborn let out a single, pained laugh that sounded about to devolve into a coughing fit. “You just want to go back so you can have some fun with that Shazi girl.” Each word that crawled out of his throat was clearly causing him pain. Good old Kruvess – ready to tease his friend, even if it killed him. Elrod just raised his hands in a surrendering mission. “You got me, pal. But first I got to get drunk, and I’m not getting drunk without you by my side.” He waited for the expected response – some kind of variation on “you’re full of shit, Elrod”, but none came. Though he felt his heart clench, he knew his friend was holding on still, mostly because even in this diminished state, his friend snored like an ox. The half-elf sat next to his comrade for several minutes, making no sound. Only when he was sure that the slumber was a deep one did he stand up, dust himself off, and offer his unconscious friend a sad smile. “Sorry, Kruvess. Hold on in there.” Spellbook in one hand and arcane focus in the other, the wizard began walking back, following the trail of blood and triggered traps that led him halfway through to the exit – or as close to it as he could get. Towards the exit. Towards the town. Towards help. ____________________________________________________________ “Such a great haul, today!” Dralaxa’s usually vaguely annoyed tone sounded strangely giddy as she observed the ring she had just removed from her finger. What a beautiful little thing, and it fit her perfectly, too! It was a loop of pure silver, in the shape of a coiling serpent with little pieces of yellow quartz for eyes. Just one of the many wonders she had found in Randall’s Crypt. All around her, the once beautiful burial chamber, with its wide engraved walls and tall ceiling held up by massive stone pillars, had been thoroughly ransacked. Ornately painted jars smashed against the floor to reveal their contents, etched graves opened so she could remove all valuables from the brittle bones of the dead. Old rust-covered chests either smashed open or with their locks picked, the beautiful offerings kept inside now rattling inside of the tiefling’s backpack. And none of her annoying little comrades were there to bother her by trying to claim the loot that was rightfully hers in keeping with the ancient thief’s law of ‘finders-keepers’. Oh, once she managed to find a buyer for those bad boys, she’d be rich. She’d be so rich, she’d probably never need to adventure again. “Sorry, boys and girl… nothing personal,” she uttered to herself, not even bothering to hide the sheer contentment in her voice. The hypothetical conversation, in a situation where they couldn’t talk back, was quite cathartic. “It’s just… a girl has needs, alright? And a demon-girl has very… refined needs.” In a mocking gesture, she waved goodbye to the pile of skulls nearby and left the chamber. As she calmly strode down the long hallway, paying no mind to the dozens of traps she had disabled, she once more slipped the silver serpent ring on her finger. ____________________________________________________________ At first, there was only the smell of sweat, parchment, fear, and pockets full of rare magical reagents. A smell the serpentine figure could almost taste. A smell that hinted at the layered taste of the meal she had chosen for herself. The small lump in her gut had long stopped writhing about. It was quite disappointing, really. She had hoped that those punches and kicks, even the vibrations of those shouted words through her digestive system, would go on for a while longer. Beyond the satisfaction of consumption, that was her favorite part of any meal – the decrescendo from living and full of energy to lying in defeat, simply waiting to be broken down into goop. The longer it went on, the better. Little did most of her meals know that what for them was a desperate struggle was, for her, an almost orgasmic feeling - a battle between the churning walls of her stomach and the delicious morsel kept within. A meal without a fight was barely a meal at all. But no, she supposed there wasn’t much fight to be had in a creature so small… no matter. Certainly, the half-elf would be a struggler. The contents of her full stomach sloshed about as she slithered down secondary passages and hallways, always tracking her victim, and yet always one step ahead. The smell, that taste in the air only became more intense as she approached. Soon enough, she could hear him as well; he was muttering under his breath in the language of his fairer progenitors. They were words she did not understand but could easily interpret from inflection alone: the half-elf was swearing up a storm, and she knew exactly why when she heard the feeble slamming of fists against a stone surface. It looked like he’d come across another of her little surprises – namely, the main (and to the adventurers’ knowledge, only) entrance having been blocked off by rocks on both sides. Well then, she’d have to go back there and help. She grinned, revealing her needle-like fangs, and made her way towards the voice, returning to the main passages of the crypt as soon as she ran out of alternate routes to take. All was well; she had gotten enough use out of the cramped, dank passageways she found herself crawling through, made difficult to traverse by the added mass on her abdomen. The slithering figure peeked around the corner, pressing her body against the cold stone to better avoid detection. Sure enough, as she looked over the wide entrance area to the crypt, she saw him in his worn old robe – once a pale blue, now covered in blood and dust. She had never seen Elrod so angry or desperate… it was a very interesting sight, to say the least. She plucked a single auburn hair stuck between her teeth – a memento from the delectable, if unfulfilling, Keldri. And slowly, very slowly, she approached the raging mongrel from behind, who was now busy trying to lift a chunk of rock much too heavy for him. The poor thing only realized something was off when he felt something breathing down his neck. When he looked over his shoulder, there was a moment’s confusion, and then mounting fear as his eyes moved from her hooded face down to her torso and hips, where the fair skin ended and the red scale began. “What are you doing… oh, no.” What little color he had left was drained from his face; in a second, he looked like he’d aged thirty years. First simple shock, then disbelief, then pure and unbridled anger, as he gritted his teeth and glared into the eyes of the one he had thought he could trust. “You… you monster.” He reached into his pocket, ready to produce his arcane focus and blast this vile, murderous beast out of existence. But even as his spidery fingers thrashed about, they could not find the familiar spherical shape of the pearl. Without it, he was little more than a parlor trickster… The so far silent naga raised an eyebrow, turning her emotionless expression into one of mild curiosity. She opened her mouth, showing him its contents, and relished the look of pure horror she got in return. There it was, the pure white sphere he relied on to channel his magic, slick with saliva, framed by her sharp fangs. It danced around with her surprisingly human-looking tongue, every now and then getting dangerously close to her gullet, sometimes even brushing up against her uvula, but never quite making it past. It was such a distracting sight, equal parts sensual and horrifying, that he didn’t even notice the scales rubbing against his skin, as that powerful tail coiled around his legs… In his desperation to retrieve his arcane focus, he tried to reach for it, but she simply slammed her mouth shut, leaving her lips curled into a self-satisfied grin. Gulp. It was with morbid fascination and Elrod’s terrified eyes followed the round bulge as it slowly slid down the naga’s throat, before disappearing from sight. “Ahh…”, she let out as she exhaled, before running her tongue over her lips. There was no flavor to the sphere, of course, but she found that rubbing it in a little bit always got a rise out of the more volatile types. And indeed, as soon as the reality of the situation set in, she felt the body held within her coils struggle and squirm, eliciting a squeeze that was tighter still. The woman leaned close, running her tongue over the half-elf’s jawline; even in his sorry state, he couldn’t help but feel his cheeks flush at the sensuality of her dancing tongue, at the warm trail of saliva left in its wake. On his cheek, her tongue caught a tear, and she purred in contentment. “What’s the matter, Elrod? I thought you always wanted to get close to me.” “D-don’t do this, please… I can… I can…” She pressed a finger to his lips; that did not silence him, but a sudden and powerful constriction did make his words trail off. He opened his mouth to speak again, and once more, the sounds of scale rustling against scale could be heard. Whenever he tried to speak and plead, anytime he as much as whimpered, she crushed his body further under her coils until, through punishment alone, she had trained her little morsel to not make noise. He was, after all, little more than a beast. Once the prey had been primed, it was time for her meal. She opened her mouth wide, wider than any human ever could – and brought his feet towards it. The taste of leather had never been to her liking, with only the blood giving it a slight hint of flavor. The feeding was methodical and snake-like; her coils kept his frightened victim in place and slowly pushed him into her eagerly awaiting maw, while she took him in small, successive bites for which there was no escape but further in. She ran her tongue over his legs, finally getting a proper taste; under her grip, his body shuddered. “Shazi, please, stop…” His heartbroken whispers were summarily silenced by the tip of the naga’s tail suddenly being shoved into his mouth. He looked up at the face he had been so infatuated with so long ago, her easy smile replaced by something much darker, her beautiful and rounded features stretched to inhuman proportions in order to take in an entire human-sized body. Little by little, slowly and mechanically, she devoured the still squirming half-elf. Even as saliva soaked and weighed down his robe, even as that unpleasant yet strangely comfortable warmth surrounded more and more of him, he thrashed about as much as he could – but he knew very well that the coils around him were much too strong. In fact, he knew that she could kill him at any time, crushing him with such force that his life would be snuffed out in but a moment – and he knew that if at any time his efforts became legitimately dangerous, she would end him right there. By the time only Elrod’s head was left, he had stopped even trying to escape. He had closed his eyes and accepted his fate. The last thing he saw was the vaguely disappointed look in the naga’s yellow eyes as she leaned back and gulped down, sending the rest of him sinking into the dark abyss of her gullet. The final lock of beautiful blonde hair was finally slurped down, while Shazi moaned in pleasure at the sheer ecstasy of feeding - the satisfying feeling of having that mass of delicious meat sliding down her esophagus was simply too much. Once it made its way down to her lower half, it filled her to the brim, taking up every single inch of stomach space she had left from her previous, gnomish meal. It was titillating. She ran a finger over her engorged form, over the familiar curves of a human shape surrounded by flesh and scales. She caressed it like she had caressed his face the previous night at the Drowned Horse Inn. She had to admit, she much preferred him as a meal than as a speaker. Already she could feel his stomach begin to work. Flesh grinding against flesh, churning hard, churning so hard that she could feel it sending ripples through her body, making loud squelching and groaning sounds that a more primitive creature would find embarrassing. The feeling of fullness slowly took her over, and with it came the siren’s call of torpor. The urge to sleep, to lay down and digest, preferably over a warm rock, was great – but Shazi knew better. She’d have to make her way back to one of the secret passages, lest the- Wait. She smelled something. Something close. She turned her head and immediately recognized the interloper. It was Dralaxa, the demon-woman, wielding a dagger in each hand and carrying a pack bursting with loot on her back. She had been caught halfway through preparing a backstab; when spotted, she stopped like a startled animal. Her expression was one of absolute and utter disgust. Not terror or anger at the loss of his comrade – just general disgust at the scene she had just witnessed. Her entire body was bent slightly under the weight of her burden, and her tail violently twirled from side to side like an angered cat’s. Shazi rose to her full weight, her survival instincts helping her delay the call of torpor… at least for now. The considerable bulge on her lower half made her movements sluggish and clumsy and rendered the swift escape – her preferred option – an impossibility. She would have to deal with this through other means. The two monster women stared each other down, studying each other’s movements carefully, each looking like they could snap at any moment. Suddenly, the fact that Elrod had gone down without even giving a proper fight didn’t seem so bad in comparison. |
The Trapper’s Keeper The trapper woke up to a throbbing pain in the side of his head, coming and going to the rhythm of his heartbeat. He was being dragged – and if the soreness of his back was any indication, he had been for a long time. Darkness surrounded him, so impenetrable that he feared he’d gone blind. His mind was a blank. His last memory was of a pleasant, if cold, morning by the lake. He was doing his rounds and checking his traps; his only worthwhile catch had been a particularly mangy-looking hare. He remembered snapping its neck, tying it up and hanging its stiff and lifeless body on his belt. He remembered kneeling by the river and washing his face in the cold crystalline water. He remembered finding something by the shore: animal tracks, unlike anything he’d ever seen before. Two trails; the inner one a simple set of two drag marks, side by side, unremarkable save for their size. The outer one was a series of scratches on the sand; heading inland towards the woods. He remembered his first thought going ‘woodland spirits’ that the locals had warned him against; and he remembered scoffing at the idea of an entire underground civilization of insectoid boogeymen. He also remembered an odd smell permeating the tracks. Rustling from behind him. A shadow being cast. Pain. Everything beyond that was a void; when he tried to concentrate on it, the side of his head exploded into a wave of agony so overwhelming that it brought tinnitus to his ears and a metallic taste to his mouth. Instinctively, the trapper reached for his trusty knife, only to realize that he couldn’t move his arm. He looked down; his head, too, was locked in place. The material that encased him was unlike anything he’s ever felt before. It was almost excessively warm and soft, blurring the boundary between solid and liquid. It was slightly stretchy but tough, like old denim. And it covered every single inch of his body, surrounding him in thick ribbons that stuck to the tanned furs he called clothing. Thus unable to escape or even see, the trapper closed his eyes and let his other senses assess the situation. The first thing he noticed was that strange smell again. Sickly-sweet, like honey mixed with tree sap, intermingling with the damp earthiness of still air. More worrying was the fastidious shifting of whoever his captor was, the rustling of chitin against earth, the repetitive chittering. “Hey. Hey!” In the quietude of his surroundings, his voice resonated like the clapping of thunder, echoing endlessly through the labyrinthine tunnels – or what he could only assume were tunnels. The shapeless form in the darkness that carried him slowed to a halt. Even in the darkness, the trapper could tell its movements were methodical, mechanical even – no unnecessary gestures at all, as if every ounce of energy in its body was precious. For a few seconds, it stood still, very still. Without its movements or its mantra-like chittering, a deep silence fell over the hunter and hunted alike; the madness of complete quietness was enough to make the trapper regret it, until it was broken by the sound of jaws clicking together. The cadence, however chaotic, was too deliberate to be random. But the trapper had no way to understand the language of beasts; even when the exact same series of clicks was repeated, perhaps with slightly more impatience, he did not know if he had just been told a threat, an order, or a joke. “Let me go!” shouted the trapper. No response. Not even a sign of understanding. The shapeless form shifted, as if hesitating, and resumed dragging its quarry. The trapper uttered a prayer under his breath. So, this was what it felt to be helpless before a hunter, tied up and dragged to one’s home… or to a slaughterhouse. He was out of ideas. He could not break free from his bondage; he was so tightly bound, he could barely fill his lungs to breathe. Communication had proved impossible. All he could do was wait. Wait, and hope. For several minutes, he continued to be dragged through the ground, able only to discern distant sounds and faint smells. There was a glimpse of light in the distance, and he blinked; when he opened his eyes back up again, it was gone. Just as the trapper was starting to doubt his own senses, there was another glimmer, and another, and another. Pale white light shedding dimly over alcoves of packed earth and stone, with an occasional lanky shape skittering at the edges. With light, sounds of life. The shuffling about of other creatures, walking side by side in the dark passages, stopping to greet each other. Every now and then, one approached his captor; when that happened, both stopped, and a series of back and forth clicking was heard, only for the meeting to end as abruptly as it had started. And throughout it all, the trapper caught only glimpses of their appearance. Finally, his captor took a turn into one of the alcoves that lined the tunnels. It was a massive room, lined with trinkets and baubles; some alien to the trapper, some clearly made by the hands of man. It was there, under the light shed by what he realized was a bloated grub hanging from the ceiling on hooked claws, that the trapper finally saw the face of his captors. The one that had carried him in was some kind of monstrous creature clad in glossy black chitin. It was as if a locust had grown to the size of a human and decided to stand on its back legs. Lanky arms and hooked legs, claws scratching at the ground, ringed abdomen protruding backward, as long as its owner was tall. Grayish flesh stuck to the chitin like cooked meat to bone, giving the beast an emaciated look. Its face was a mockery of a human’s, displaying bulging composite eyes side by side with an aquiline nose and thin mouth, framed by mandibles that protruded forward. Even more impressive, however, was the one it was communicating with. It was well over twice the size of the other one, and clearly female, lounging regally over a throne of silk and the discarded clothes of humans. Everything about her screamed opulence; from the two pairs of shimmering gossamer wings, much too small to serve as anything other than a status symbol, to her finely combed black hair decorated with salvaged jewelry from the surface, to the two petite horns that topped her figure, covered in ornate engravings. Her limbs were long, more insect than human, and her long red tongue lolled out of her mouth, tasting the air in languid anticipation. Impressive as she was, the most notable thing about this creature, (and by far, the one that most piqued the trapper’s curiosity) was her abdomen. Its back looked normal enough – mere chitinous plating, bearing the occasional scratch from contact with rough stone – but its soft underside was a plump mass of gray flesh, smooth and silky. Four rows of massive breasts decorated her form, protruding from the fatty flesh. Smooth and plump, moving gently in tune with her breathing like gentle waves, they were topped by nipples of a pale pinkish hue. And at the very end of her abdomen, nestled snugly between the last row of breasts and the first row of chitinous plates was a strange fleshy orifice that rhythmically pulsated, dripping some kind of glistening transparent substance over her makeshift throne. The exchange between the two creatures continued for a few seconds; the drone clicked his mandibles and rasped his forearms, and in response, the female uttered similarly alien sounds from the depths of her throat. She bowed her head; the drone nodded wordlessly. It was then that, with a loud rip and the flash of sharp claws, the trapper was released from the silken cocoon he had been encased in. He fell to the cold stone floor. He was sweating. For the first time in hours, he inhaled deeply of the sickly-sweet air, even thicker in this alcove than outside in the hive’s corridors, and filled his lungs. From the corner of his eye, he saw the drone sinking back into the shadows of the labyrinth. No sooner had the lanky figure disappeared than the trapper reached for his knife again, only to realize it had been taken from him. He cursed his luck, muttering a litany of profanities that his dangerous trade had allowed him to practice. To his surprise, the lounging insect woman stirred at his words. “Pinkling. From above. For Queen,” she said. Her voice was smooth and thick with authority, if slightly raspy; her long tongue and vocal chords were clearly more designed for mimicking the clicking and clacking of her peers than for the smooth flow of the languages of Man. The trapper took a step back; his sore back cracked as he adopted a more dynamic stance, fit for both fight and flight. “What do you want?” The insect woman’s mouth curled into a wide grin – a bit too wide. “Pinkling. From above. For Queen,” she repeated. “Are you the Queen?” His words gave her pause; her head tilted to the side, her smile fading and giving way to a contemplative frown. The tip of her tongue slid down and ran over her breasts, leaving a trail of gooey saliva behind. “From above. For me,” she concluded with a massive grin and a bulging of her compound eye that one could only assume was meant as a wink. The Queen watched, amused, as the trapper raised an eyebrow. When he opened his mouth to protest, she pursed her lips and pressed a finger against them, causing him to reconsider. She then chuckled at his bewilderment, as he questioned why such a small gesture had made him fall silent… With a lazy movement, she rolled onto her feet. With all her fleshy bits facing the ground, she looked much more like an insect as she crawled nearby, her claws leaving shallow marks on the stone below. Before her, the trapper winced and took another step back, curled fists raised, white at the knuckles. “Don’t come any closer, beast!” he shouted. Though winded, sore, and flushing a shameful red, he stood his ground – and the Queen honored his wishes. “Show me the exit!” “Leave?” she asked, feigning confusion. The trapped nodded. “Yes, leave, damn you! I want to go back to the surface, do you understand?” “Leave,” repeated the insect woman, as if the word was a stranger to her. After a moment’s contemplation, she nodded. “Guards outside. Won’t let.” For someone who’s each word dripped with questionable intent, she could sound very matter-of-fact when she wanted to. “But,” she continued, raising a finger. “Queen help leave.” The trapper blinked. The Queen saw the hesitation in his face and smiled as kindly as she could, even making sure to stop her tongue from wandering too far. She extended his hand towards him, in a languid come-hither motion. “Approach. Guards can’t hear.” Already the trapper’s stance had softened. Already his muscles were much too relaxed, his mind not functioning at its peak. It was that damnable smell, it was too insidious, it made it hard to think. It made it hard to listen and harder to tap into the healthy paranoia that had allowed him to survive this long. The Queen inflated with pride when he took the first, wavering step towards her. His hands hadn’t been lowered and his eyes still oozed suspicion, but he was doing it. And she made her move. He could not have expected something so large, so oddly proportioned, to be so fast. It was the simplicity of the gesture that caught him off-guard; she leaned in close as if to whisper a secret in his ear, and once he was within reach, she simply pulled him into a headlock. And though he gasped and tried to wiggle out of it, it was too late; her grip was an iron one. She looked down at her catch and took a moment to appreciate how he struggled like a helpless grub, with nary a mandible to bite with nor a claw to grasp a means of escape. How feeble were the pinklings from above. Even now, as she pressed his face to her chest, he swung his fists like the fiercest of his kind – and she felt but a pleasant massage. He shouted words she’d heard come out of human mounts many times before; insults that she had learned to associate with lust. With a pleased chuckle, she crawled back to her makeshift throne, lifting him off his feet with ease. Once there, she lounged back again, resting her armored back on the softest of silks and rarest of salvaged fabrics, while at the same time holding her prey steady. She held him by the chin, enjoying the coarse feeling of his patchy beard against her fingers. She lifted his head up, so he would be forced to look his keeper in the eyes; her warm tongue once more slid out of her mouth, unfurling to its full length. She savored his uncomfortable wince as the dripping muscle pressed to his forehead, trailing down to his temples before resting at his cheek. In a flash of anger and opportunistic insight, he snapped at her. Like a beast he bared his teeth, moving in to bite her tongue. But she had expected it; as soon as his face began to twist, she pushed it down between her breasts. She exhaled sharply. There was nothing as titillating as the desperate thrashing of a surface dweller when their air intake was cut off. Her legs came down on him, jagged chitin spikes hooking onto her other, trapping him in an unyielding cage. His fear, his sweat, his struggling – all it did was help him slide further into her embrace. Her breasts finally released the trapper’s face, and he gasped for air, resting his weary head over her second rack. Though embarrassing, they were at least comfortable. The Queen leaned forward, rested the weight of her top bust on his head. Smothered between four jiggling masses, the trapper found himself trapped once more. Meanwhile, between his thrashing and the tight embrace of her chitinous legs, the rest of his body sank between her remaining sets of boobs. His arms found respite between the second and third rows; a prison as comfortable as it was inescapable, like being pinned down between heavy pillows. His stomach was engulfed by her fourth, slightly smaller set, which molded itself under his weight, providing a soft warmth, not unlike the silk from earlier. The insect woman could feel it all. Every inch of him, pressing against her. Warm, alive, trying to escape still. His head, desperately trying to lift the weight of her rack. His arms, embracing the circumference of her second set. His knees, rubbing against her orifice, slathered in the juices of her eagerness… stimulating her in a way that no willing mate ever could. His terror was delicious; his slowly-breaking composure, a rare treat. Those who broke too soon were no fun, even less fun than those who willingly faced their end. But no will, no matter how impregnable, could resist forever. Trapped under the weight of her tits, his body was beginning to give out - exhaustion was setting in, made even more unbearable by the warmth of her embrace. Angry swearing and insults were becoming weak snarls and shouts of terror, but she hadn’t heard the first plea yet… Good. Just as the struggling became too weak to be pleasurable, her low, seductive voice sounded in a whisper. “The Queen thanks you for your service.” There was a pause. Nothing but the trapper’s wheezing and the queen’s panting. Nothing but the raising and lowering of her many sets of breasts, as she struggled to retain her composure almost as much as her delectable victim did. And then, the trapper finally snapped. He let out a mighty roar, fueled by adrenaline and terror alone. On the ceiling above, the light-shedding grub curled up defensively; with its light fading, pitch black darkness fell upon the room. The trapper made his last stand. His fingers buried themselves in her supple flesh in misguided attempts to harm. His boots slammed against chitin plates with disproportionally quiet taps. His body’s violent throes were the Queen’s amusement. Even with all his strength, all his efforts were in vain, met only with an amused giggle. When the rush ended and his body went once again soft, adrift in the sea of rippling skin and jiggling fat, he felt something on his head. A hand, slid between him and her breasts, caressing his hair as one would do to a well-behaved pet. That was the insult; now for the injury. The insect woman once again shifted her massive form. She rolled over, pinning the poor human against the floor. Her hands and feet pushed against the floor, keeping most of her weight off of the trapper’s body – after all, a dead man doesn’t wiggle, and who wants that? She now had him stuck between stone and a soft place, unable to move a muscle to escape, with her many breasts weighing him down. Finally. Her abdomen bent; she felt the familiarly pleasurable rubbing of rough stone against her flesh. A wet trail was left behind her ovipositor, all the way to the trapper’s feet. And with a gentle thrust, she engulfed him into herself. It was a slow, meticulous process – to take in without crushing. His boots provided her with a delightful fullness, but only when her abdomen reached his knees did the fun really begin. At first, his reaction was subdued; a simple, confused tug that tickled her insides just right. Then, as the wetness began to lather his skin, there was an alarmed gasp – and a sudden surge of panic and muffled shouting. Her lower pair of breasts pressed down on his knees, nipping any attempt at simply crawling out in the bud. The ring of flesh contracted and distended, taking more of the fur-clad human in with each hungry, wet movement. He wailed, she moaned; she took his head in her hands and pinched his cheeks, reveling in his suffering. She buried his face into her breast and it sank in, silencing a shout for a satisfying few seconds. And when she had taken all she wanted from him – terror, embarrassment, desire - she grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him down the gaping hole. It was easy. He was in position, incapable of anything more extreme than a pleasant little wiggle. His cold sweat felt pleasant both on her skin, and inside. If only she could see his face; the subtle twisting of his expression, the wideness of his eyes, the paleness of his skin. Ah well, she’d just have to imagine, instead… imagine, and enjoy the scent of adrenaline in the air about him. Another push, another loud squelch. She pushed the trapper down to his shoulders. He truly was the best kind of toy – the kind that never gives up, even when the body starts to fail. He continued thrashing until the ring of flesh crawled up his neck, widened to fit his skull, and swallowed up his chin. Mouth, nose, ears, eyes, forehead, head – one by one, sunk into the depths of her body, where the darkness was thick and sticky and smelled of tree sap and honey. The Queen let out a lustful sigh – half moan, half exhalation. Sitting atop her throne, she felt the struggles within weakening. Her inner walls weighed on her hapless prey like heavy blankets, terrifying and comfortable in equal measure. His movements, no matter how desperate, found no purchase against the unyielding walls that moved only of their own volition and resisted all his efforts. It was tight, so tight… how could he hope to escape if he didn’t even have enough room to put his muscles to use? Not that it mattered, anyway… They battered his skin with a gentle massage, crushed him with the lightest of squeezes, trapped him with a soft embrace, until fear and pleasure became one, and until his throes were either of death or orgasm. At least, that’s what the insect woman assumed. She could only imagine what happened in there, deep within the confines of her abdomen, in the middle of all that wiggling; all she knew was that when humans went in, it made for a delectable evening, and that was all she cared about. The light slowly returned to the room. The movement inside slowed to a halt, until the only thing she felt was the beating of a heart, resonating through her sensitive walls. Weakening. Giving up under the weight of her churning innards, running out of air, energy, and willingness to live. Time passed. Minutes? Hours? The regal insect cared not, too busy enjoying the simple pleasures her occupation allowed her to concern herself with the passage of time. She sampled every twitch, every gasp, every movement from her victim like a fine wine. It was good to be Queen. Approaching steps from the nearby caverns snapped her out of her blissful afterglow. The insect woman’s head tilted, smile swiftly fading as another drone entered the alcove. He was identical in appearance to the previous one – same placid expression, same gray flesh and black chitin, same mechanical motions - but with a different enough scent that she knew them to be two separate entities. The drone scanned the area, taking note of the trinkets and other objects she had surrounded herself with. A pile of discarded clothing and silks, knickknacks from the surface world, junk and jewels side by side. He nodded; everything seemed to be in place. Everything except one item. He looked up at her, oppressive in his impassivity. “Overseer Eight,” he clicked. She bowed her head in acknowledgment. “I come to get the pinkling from the surface,” he continued; his mandibles clacked together the words, accompanied by a staccato of chitinous fingers against his outer shell. “The Queen, praise be given, demands an audience post haste.” “An audience?” The drone nodded. “With the pinkling, yes. Regarding matters of her courtship. She wishes to meet with her prospective King at once.” The female insect tilted her head to the side, her mouth thinning. Her bulging red eyes focused their multifaceted surfaces on her abdomen, still heavy with the motionless weight of her beloved human. She opened her mouth and uttered a response; a series of cacophonic hisses and cracks that, to the ears of her kind, sounded… apologetic. “Er, about that…” |
The Witching Hour “Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?” Not even deigning to offer the owner of the soft female voice a look, Jason raised the palm of his hand to request a moment – he had no time for movie quotes at the moment. He brought the solo cup to his mouth, downed its entire contents in a single gulp, and tossed it aside. The fake strawberry flavor gave way to the dull kick of watered down alcohol. Utterly vile. Inside, the party was winding down. They were playing the Monster Mash for the fifth time in a row – those who weren’t drunk or high had long checked out. Trick or treating hours had ended, and now a much more terrifying kind of monster was being released on the streets: rowdy drunks in Halloween costumes. “Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?” the voice repeated; Jason finally turned to the speaker. As far as costumed freaks went, at least this one was easy on the eyes. She was short, raven-haired, with round features and a playful smile – and she was filling up her dollar-store “slutty demon” costume quite nicely. Two glossy, red plastic horns adorned her head, pointing inward; on her back, bat wings cut out of black cardboard were beginning to rip. Her brown faux fur leg warmers passed as goat legs; black heeled platform shoes were probably meant to look like hooves. Cheap paper-thin fabric, sharp eyeliner, and black lipstick rounded out the ensemble. It was too good a costume to be ironic, and much too terrible to be a legitimate effort. Poor as the costume might have been, all it took was a single glance at those deep black eyes – and that juicy rack – and Jason’s knee-jerk annoyance faded away. “Nice devil costume.” “Nice mortal costume.” Jason smirked. “Yeah, I’m not big on playing pretend. I’m just here for the drinks and for the socialization.” The girl smiled wide – wide enough to reveal a pair of plastic fangs. “You’ve had your drink. Let’s socialize.” He laughed. “Straight to the point! I like that. Name’s Jason.” She tilted her head to the side. “Lilith.” “Man, you’re really playing the part, aren’t you?” Her smile thinned. “Aren’t we all? I’m the fire in the heart of the lover, the invisible force that causes the eyes to wander. I am the taste of warm saliva in your tongue and the bite mark on your pillow.” Jason’s brow furrowed, clearly taken aback. She noticed this and chuckled. “You think I’m crazy, Jason, don’t you?” “I think you’re really getting in the spirit of things.” “And why wouldn’t I?” she asked, gesturing to the sky. The full moon shed its yellowish light on the suburb, peeking out from behind grayish clouds. “It is the night the veil thins. The clock will strike two soon. And I’ve found you, Jason… your soul is bright and strong. It will please me.” This time, he couldn’t help it – he audibly scoffed at her words. “Sorry, say again?” Her hand rested on his shoulder. Swaying as she moved, she slid right into his personal space, looking up at him with that alluringly mischievous smile of hers. “This party has run its course. How about you take me to your place?” “Oh.” Jason smiled apologetically, his cheeks flushing red with embarrassment. “Sorry, I thought you were… I mean, I didn’t really realize – hold on.” He took a moment to inhale deeply, cleared his throat, blinked, then tried again. “I’d love to.” He offered her his arm; she took it. Even in the cold night, her bare skin was comfortably warm. She rested her head on his shoulder; her raven hair smelled of roses. Two pairs of footsteps echoed down the street. The loud music, the bawdy singing, the shattering of glass was left behind. Streetlights buzzed and flickered above them, drawing moths from the nearby gardens and lawns. A cold and humid breeze blew, rolling in a faint mist. And Lilith smiled. “So… what was that about my soul?” Jason eventually asked. The question, coming seemingly out of nowhere, had been brewing for several minutes. “It shines brightly, so brightly it burns these eyes. I will drink of it like a fine wine, and you will love every moment of it.” This time, Jason was ready to play along, affecting an upset tone. “Not my immortal soul! Can’t we do it without getting any soul-sucking involved?” He expected a laugh, or at least a smile; instead, she stopped dead in her tracks. Jason turned to face her and was met with her two eyes, staring deeply into his. “Are you refusing my advances?” Her tone was matter-of-fact; not a hint of anger or even disappointment. “Ships have sailed and wars have been fought over me. You will not have a second chance.” She saw all color drain from his face. He didn’t know it yet, but he was already hers. For a few seconds, he regarded her with confusion. Lilith knew what was going on in his mind; good sense and lust were at war. Her dedication to the part, as he had put it, was distressing him… but he was also tipsy and horny, and that was a dangerous combination. “No, of course not, Lilith. Let’s go.” As a reward, she took his hand and placed it on her hip. As he squeezed her body protectively against his, she knew it was all over. A few more minutes’ silence was broken by Jason’s somewhat uneasy voice. “You know, all jokes aside, I never quite understood the whole ‘soul’ thing.” “How so, Jason?” “You know. The idea that there’s something more to us than the sum of our parts. That we aren’t wondrous enough as is. That we need something made-up and intangible to make us ‘special’.” He knew it was a bad idea the moment the first sentence escaped his lips, but the spiel had become second nature – a torrent of rhetoric that he had trained himself to unleash at the smallest opportunity. Not the best thing to say here. However, the girl simply nodded, unbothered. Maybe not even listening. “Yet special you are.” “I-” A finger pressed against his lips, silencing him. “No more talking. We must not delay. It will be time soon.” Jason blinked in confusion. “Time?” “Time,” was her only answer. The steps resumed. The sidewalk gave way to a stone walkway, winding through clusters of suburban homes. A plastic skull staring through a window, its blinking eyes tinting the fog around it red. Sheet ghosts hanging from trees, fluttering with the cold breeze. Paper spiders glued to doors, shifting and crawling in the edges of one’s vision. Screams and laughter far in the distance. Jason’s house was by the train tracks – the very boundary between the urban and suburban worlds. White paint peeled from the picket fence, the garage doors were rusted, and the yard was covered in weeds and autumn leaves. He pushed open the iron gate, ignoring its pleading creaks. Lilith thanked him with a nod; however, just when she was about to step through, she froze. The old, run-down home was not decorated. Not a single candle, not a single blinking light, not a single spider web. And yet, something had stopped her. “Come on, it’s not that bad,” Jason joked, tugging on her arm; she did not budge. Her eyes were fixated on something. There, on the doorway, over the muddy welcome mat, amongst eggshells and toilet paper - a large, plump pumpkin! It stared her down, the candle within dancing to the breeze. Its smile was wide and toothy, its eyes narrow slits; it laid slightly askew as if someone had moved it. Jason followed her gaze, and couldn’t help a chuckle. “Looks like those kids were up to their old tricks again. I’ll take care of that.” He expected her to follow him now that he was leading the way; she didn’t. She stayed by the gates, petrified by the jolly gaze of a jack o’ lantern by the door, swaying back and forth as if some invisible force repelled her. “Crazy lady,” he muttered to himself as he picked up the carved pumpkin. It was unimpressive, to say the least – barely the size of a volleyball, knife marks everywhere, clearly a rushed job. He blew through the grinning figure’s nose; the fickle flame within immediately died, and by the time he looked over his shoulder to beckon his friend closer, she was already halfway through the walkway. Lilith stepped inside. With a gentle nudge of her foot, she shut the door behind them; the lock fell into place. She intercepted his hand as it moved towards the light switch, taking it in hers and squeezing it tight, pressing it to her cleavage. “No need.” Through the large windows and thin curtains, the pale shine of the moon and the headlights of passing cars bathed the room in a dim, eerie glow. She shivered under the coldness of his finger as it trailed the outer curve of her breasts. She pressed her body to his, arms around his waist, half-smirk on her lips. Her lips brushed against his, soft as silk, deliciously warm. Her tongue parted his lips, slid between his teeth. Faux fur rustled, high heels tapped, and Jason found himself following that siren’s song. She treaded his house as if it were her own, ignoring the bedrooms in favor of the living room. In the distance, a church bell rang once, resonating through the cold nighttime air. She jabbed his shoulders with her fingers, playfully pushing him onto the couch. The edge of the cushion hit the back of his knees, forcibly bending them – and he slumped down into a sitting position. The bell rang a second time. Lilith lowered herself to her knees, hands splayed on his jeans. He exhaled sharply; a puff of condensation escaped his mouth. A fingertip trailed up his leg, circling his knee before moving ever upward – dispensing sweet warmth over his cold skin as it went. Denim fibers scraped against a fingernail. Her hands crawled up his body like spiders, converging on his waist. One brushed over the bulging shape between his legs, and she hummed appreciatively. A thumb ran over the button; a moment later, the brass disc slid out of the buttonhole, and the zipper purred open. She lowered her head, resting it on his lap, looking at him through the corner of her eye with an expectant look. Against the dim moonlight shining through the window, she was just a silhouette; a winged, horned outline with the touch of an angel. Jason couldn’t wait any longer. He bucked up his hips and pushed down his jeans. His swollen cock popped out of his boxers and into the warm embrace of an expertly-positioned hand. “It is time,” she cooed as her fingers wrapped themselves around his skin. “Now dance with me.” He could only muster a small smirk. “That’s the pla-” A sharp inhalation interrupted him as Lilith’s tongue danced around his head. A trail of warm saliva rolled down its length, causing his entire body to tense up with pleasure. And then she took it in. There was no feigned modesty here; the time for foreplay had long passed. As her head bobbed up and down, in tune with the rhythm of his desperate wheezing, her supple breasts weighed down on him, flattening against his legs. She could feel his body melt under her ministrations. She quickly learned the language of his body – how fast to take it, how hard to go – just from the tempo of his breathing and the shuddering of his muscles. Her tongue, flat against his girth, rubbed up and down; her lips pursed, adding suction to her already maddening ministrations. Already she could feel the taste of his eagerness, that mild bitterness that predated the flood. That watery texture mixing with her saliva. Her form swayed and bobbed, dancing around his dick like a predator delivering the killing bite. Her warm fingers cupped his balls, sinking into the supple skin. The corner of her mouth twisted upward at the thought. The bobbing gained purchase; her tongue’s caress became a battering, her teeth brushed up against the side of his shaft. She didn’t even need to see his furrowed brow or the sweat trickling down his forehead to know that. She read him like a book, and this story was reaching its climax. Jason’s body shuddered. His cheeks puffed; he exhaled through painfully gritted teeth. His hips bucked and jerked in a desperate, animal sort of movement. His fingers dug deep into the sofa’s cushion. A small squirt of something hot hit the roof of Lilith’s mouth. She ignored it – she could get that any day. She held steady, waited for it… and then, like a rush, like a pleasant itch, she felt it. A gentle breeze blew into her mouth, down her gullet; she felt it deep in her chest, warm and bright, a powerful fire that spread outwards, resonating through muscle, bone and skin alike. Jason opened his eyes, clutching at his stomach. A wave of nausea came upon him; the living room around him flickered and swayed, shadows dancing at the corners of his vision. His temples throbbed, his throat felt dry; he felt the pangs of hunger, but the mere thought of food filled him with revulsion. Lilith held herself in place, lips closed around the base of his cock, milking him out of every single drop… or so he thought. Only when there was nothing left did she release him, leaning back and looking up at Jason. What Jason saw made his heart skip a beat. It was just a flash, a momentary image – but it imprinted upon his vision, like a shadow looming over him. Where Lilith had been, he had seen something else. The twitch of a paper wing. The glint of a saliva-covered fang. The curling of a plastic horn. Her fur belt, slithering as if alive. “I’m… feeling a bit woozy,” he mumbled. Lilith ran a finger over the corner of her mouth, scooping up a stray glob of white and depositing it on the tip of her tongue. “I’m flattered, but we’re not done yet. There’s still time…” “Actually, I think I should-” She pressed a finger to his lips, silencing his protests with a shh. Her hands rested on his shoulders as she placed soft kisses on his neck, chest, stomach. Her fingers once more slid around the saliva-slick length of his cock, now limp and defeated; her touch seemed to give it a modicum of life once again. As one hand gently stroked him back to life, the other trailed down to her chest. She hooked a single finger into her cleavage and pulled down, freeing her supple breasts inch by inch. The thin fabric felt warm as it brushed up against her skin – and even more so once the faint pinkish brown of delicate areolas came into contact with it. Jason could not hope to enjoy this particular show. He found himself glancing out the window, at the thick mist that had rolled in. He hoped that a car would drive by, just so its headlights would shed some light into the room and allow him to take a good look at his partner. It was as if Lilith was mocking him by denying him the pleasure of taking in the beautiful sights. The hooked finger gave another sudden pull, and her large breasts finally rolled out. She took them in her hands, smushing them together and running her tongue over their warm surface; she pressed them against his thighs, enjoying the sensation of soft denim rustling against her nubs. She glanced up at Jason again, his face bathed by the dim light. His eyelids hung low, his skin was pale, there were bags under his eyes that hadn’t been there a few minutes ago. He was staring at her – maybe past her – with his mouth half-open and a stunned expression. Lilith raised an eyebrow, amused. “Bright and strong no more,” she teased. He blinked in confusion; not quite understanding it, and not bothering to try. She leaned forward. Her voluptuous curves trapped his cock, holding it steady. Her heart beat fast; the vibrations resonated through her breasts, and Jason could feel them running down his length. Thump-thump-thump… Jason was already teetering on the edge of release by the time she started moving again. And she was intense, huffing and moaning as she pressed her breasts together and began to rub them all over his shaft. As sweat, saliva, and precum slathered her skin, the rubbing became sliding – and the entirety of Jason’s shaft disappeared between her two mounds, only the very tip reappearing at the base of her neck. Her lips pursed around his tip, and she sucked hard. Not a single inch between base and tip was free from her pleasuring, and it was bringing his weary and weakened body over the edge yet again. But this time, it was different – his body shivered, his teeth clattered. When her teeth brushed against the head of his cock and he finally found himself pushed towards a climax, it wasn’t the pleasurable release he had expected. Two little drops of clear liquid dribbled onto her tongue – a sad excuse for an ejaculation. Of course, that wasn’t what she truly cared about; she was in for the surge of warmth that blew over her like a summer breeze, that numbed her body and cleared her mind. The strands of life she was tugging on and unraveling through evil intent and sexual prowess alone. She swallowed. Positively basking in the afterglow, Lilith closed her eyes got back on her feet, whispering something that Jason could barely hear over the head-splitting tinnitus that ringed in his ears. He raised his head and found it heavy, almost too heavy to lift; he put a shaking hand to his cheek and found it gaunt, bony, and almost ice-cold to the touch. He opened his mouth but only a coarse groan came out – a groan that turned into a gasp of horror when he saw her silhouette again. The shadow that was her figure blurred at the edges. Long, curled horns framed a mane of black quills that hung over her shoulders and back like a cape. Paper wings turned leathery spread wide from the sides of the black dress, their fuzzy down fluttering in the still air. A heel – no, a cloven hoof at the end of a long, coarsely furred unguligrade leg - pressed down on the sofa’s cushion, between his thighs. Her belt undid itself and took its proper place as a tail, the tassel at its end swaying hypnotically from side to side. “It’s true what they say, Jason – the candle that shines the brightest does burn the fastest…” She leaned close and finally opened her eyes – the beautiful black irises from before now shimmered a sickly yellow, shedding a soft light over her deceptively kind features. “Of course, you don’t believe such things, do you, Jason?” Her warm hand rested upon his, caressing the bony knuckles underneath. “You’re quite right. I do think you’re wondrous as is. I do think you don’t need something special or made-up.” Two of her fingers took hold of a tuft of his hair, pulling it from his scalp without the slightest bit of discomfort. “But lo and behold - the moment I pluck it away, the rest of the machine begins to wither…” She showed him the small clump of fuzz between her fingers; it was thin and brittle, white like an old man’s. The tips of their noses touched; her tongue ran over his shriveled lips. Jason’s mouth opened; even the simplest of words seemed beyond his reach. His lips smacked together dryly, and his voice sounded, barely a whisper, “Who… are… you?” “I’ve told you, my dear. I’m your heart’s fire as it smolders and dies, the irresistible pull of a gruesome sight. I’m the taste of ash in your mouth and the muffled scream of pleasure and pain… slow, long and drawn out, into a pillow.” She chuckled. “I only lied once - my name is not Lilith.” She pressed her palm to his forehead and lowered it upon his eyelids, closing them. So weak was his body, that his attempts to open them again failed, and darkness fell upon him permanently. “The veil is at its thinnest, Jason. The witching hour is upon us, and you chose to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight.” Her lips curled into a pout, and she jumped onto the couch, hands on his knees, presenting her nude body in all its glory to a man who could not see. “Oh, but you do not believe in such things, do you? You are a man of reason! Perhaps you think me just a trick of the light, or the result of a spiked drink. Well, then, disbelieve this.” She bent her furred legs unnaturally, descending upon him. Her hands rested on his chest, claws pricking his skin even through his shirt. The coarse fur brushing against his skin, the softness of her ample backside as it pressed to his thighs, the wetness of her folds as they rubbed over his inert cock; they were things of deep desire, pulled straight from the darkest of his fantasies. And yet, as he was teased by the most delectable horned beauty he had ever met, Jason now realized that there was no such thing as a woman to die for. And yet, despite his weakness, despite how weakly he clung to life, his body still reacted to her advances. His thinned blood still pumped between his legs in waves; his ailing heart still beat in anticipation. She thrust her hips forward, and he felt his cock plunge deep into her depths. Just as a shiver of pleasure ran through his limp and emaciated body, a sense of absolute misery descended upon his mind. The grip of her lips around his shaft. The shame. The caress of her inner walls. The regret. The dancing of her graceful body as she rode him as no mortal woman could. The guilt… And that voice, that soft, seductive, singsong voice, whispering bile-dripping barbs with each pump. “Yes! I can see it now, now you understand. Now you believe me. Now you know better. But now, now – ahn, oh – now it’s too late. Much too late. Your soul – ah, yes! – your soul is forfeit. So dance with me, Jason, dance with me. Dance with… me!…” Her back arched. Dactyloid wings spread open, stretching the skin to the limit. Her claws buried deep into his chest. Her quills extended in all directions, pricking even her own skin. And she howled in pleasure; a bestial ululation, the thing of true nightmares. Jason’s heart fluttered as he reached his zenith. The little death before the real deal. _______________________________________________________ The succubus looked out the window, her nude body pressed against the double glass. Her wings, folded behind her back; her fingers, idly drawing lines on the condensation. Before her, from amidst the thinning fog, a figure emerged. A young man in a skeleton costume, hood down, stumbling drunkenly down the stone walkway. She tilted her head to the side and tapped on the glass; her plump lips drew a curve when she saw the figure stop, startled – and then look around. Far away, the church bell rang once. His eyes turned to her, squinting at the strange, not quite humanoid form. A puff of condensation exited his mouth in a gasp, and he took a step back. It rang again. His attention shifted to the body behind her; an emaciated, desiccated, almost skeletal figure lying lifeless on the couch. It rang a third time. He blinked, hand already slipping into his pocket to grab his phone; when his vision returned, a naked, curvy, raven-haired beauty with plastic horns and paper wings waved seductively at him. He tried to not look at her bare chest and mouthed an embarrassed apology for interrupting their fun before running off. As the mists swallowed him, she pulled the curtains closed. The witching hour had ended. |
1 Tammy’s Tummy Click-click-click-click-click-click-click. Tammy leaned over the softly glowing screen, tongue peeking out of the corner of her mouth, sweaty fingers slamming down on the mouse buttons and dancing over the worn keyboard without as much as a glance. She was flawless, whispering orders into her headset. What to do, when to do it, when to retreat and regroup, when to push a lane. She probably had more hours in the game than the rest of her team combined, and it showed – under her guidance, her team soon broke through the enemy defenses and razed their base. Only when the word VICTORY plastered itself on the screen did Tammy finally lean back, sigh in relief. Her features, locked in a frown, only relaxed after several seconds. “Good game, guys. And I mean it, this time,” she spoke into the mic. “Alright, I need to go. That cosplay isn’t going to finish itself.” “Cosplay?” asked a male voice, distorted by a bad quality microphone. “Who are you cosplaying as?” Tammy looked around her room. Dozens of vinyl figurines, some realistic, some stylized to the point of ridiculousness, looked at her from a shelf. Posters, official and otherwise, lined every inch of her bedroom walls. A crumpled-up t-shirt on her bed, bearing the print of a pin-up. All of them portrayed characters from League of Legends. Most of them portrayed one in particular. She smiled knowingly. “Ahri, of course.” She punctuated her words by ending the call. Click. Click. Click. Her movements were still twitchy as she closed tab upon tab. Fanart. Fan blogs. Cosplay pictures. Pornographic videos paused on close-ups of female faces wearing fake fox ears and gold contacts. Rule 34 art. Drawing tutorials. More porn videos… fetish art of varying levels of weird… her cheeks blushed a bright red at the sheer amount of smut she’d left lying around - thankfully, she wasn’t one to screenshare! One by one, she got rid of them all, before switching the machine off. The screen faded to black, and as usual, she felt empty without it. The real world felt dreary and colorless in comparison – her own body, boring and useless. The adrenaline and dopamine were slowly leaving her body, leaving behind the creeping void that dominated her life. She wasn’t Tammy the badass League player anymore. She was just Tammy the loser. Tammy who’s afraid to speak up. Tammy who zips up her hoodie so people don’t mock her Ahri shirt. Tammy who gets mocked anyway. It really fucking sucked. “Right. Cosplay,” she muttered to herself. Her voice lacked any of the confidence from before. She kneeled by her bed and pulled a large suitcase from under it. When she opened it, there it was – her pride and joy. Cut felt and cheap spandex in tones of off-white and muted red, stitched together into an approximation of her favorite character’s outfit. This was the costume she so often bragged about to what few online friends she had. Her pride and joy. An amateurish effort. She laid it over the bed. Everything was there, albeit poorly conveyed. Only one thing was missing, the one thing she’d hope would tie it all together – a tassel, to hang from its waist. Tammy wasn’t pleased with the idea of going to the store to get one, but she knew she had to do it sooner or later. With a sneer and a sigh, she put on her Ahri shirt, zipped up her hoodie, patted her pockets to make sure she had both her wallet and house keys with her – and stepped outside. It was a surprisingly chilly evening for such late Spring. The cloudless sky, the light of dusk painted the entire neighborhood a sickly orange. No cars out. No people. Anyone else would have found it odd. Tammy was just relieved; she was more than happy to pull up her hood to avoid the stiff breeze that whistled between suburban houses. Only a couple of blocks to traverse before she was at the crafts shop. She’d have to tell them what she was looking for. She’d have to tell them why, probably. She kicked at a pebble on the sidewalk and missed by a mile. She prepared to kick it again – and from the corner of her eye, she saw something on her neighbor’s lawn. At first, she thought nothing of it, thinking it to be just a lawn decoration. But something compelled her to spare a second glance. It looked like a scarf – a long, winding piece of fabric resting in a spiral on top of the freshly mowed grass. She approached it. It was a wine red in color, thin and fragile-looking. When she reached down to pick it up, it sent a shiver down her spine; the fabric was light as gossamer; so light, in fact, that she could barely feel it against her hand. It slid over her skin as if trying to escape; even as her fingers clenched around it, it continued to ripple and shift with the smallest breeze. Only the small bronze hook at the very edge gave it any kind of weight; without it, it would have probably fluttered away. “Where the heck did you come from, huh?” asked Tammy, admiring the intricate craftsmanship. The fibers were so small she could barely see them, no matter how close she got. “Would you look at that! Saves me a trip to the shop.” She looked around, making sure she wasn’t being watched, and slipped it into her pocket. The way home saw her with a spring to her step and a whistle on her lips. The sky had gone a drab, foggy gray – night finally approached. With a push of her feet, she opened the door and stepped inside, allowing it to slam behind her. The smells of home welcomed her – dust, air freshener, and the faintest hint of mold. Back in her bedroom, she stood in front of her mirror, struck a half-hearted pose, then slumped her shoulders and sighed. The woman who stared back at her filled her with disgust. She looked sickly. Her straw-like hair was messy despite its length, resting in strands over her shoulders. Her skin was pale, even slightly greenish; there were bags under her eyes and macules on her cheeks. She didn’t even have any curves to speak of, unless one were to count the small amounts of pudge that developed around her hips and thighs. To any other person, such imperfections would be natural – all in all, Tammy wasn’t particularly unattractive, just plain. But when she looked herself in the mirror, she saw nothing but her glaring flaws. She could only hope that her costume would help conceal her perceived ugliness from the world. “Right…” she mumbled, reaching for her suitcase. With a few mechanical, dispassionate movements, she stripped down to her underwear – trying very hard to avoid gazing upon her flawed figure – and slipped on the pieces of her ensemble, one by one. The rough, rubbery fabric stuck uncomfortably to her skin and pinched her hairs as she slid it into place; once there, it hung precariously, the cheap fabric unable to hold the weight of the painted felt bits. Her ‘dress’ was a simple red top she had repurposed. Her skirt, an off-white miniskirt from the bargain bin. Her nine ‘tails’, strips of fluffy cotton, dangled limply, too indistinct to look like anything more than a single, sad cloud hanging from her butt. The sleeves were just stockings with the end cut off; finally, her fox ears, so important for the character, were nothing more than a hairband she had messily glued two cardboard triangles to. What a disaster. She didn’t look like Ahri, she looked like a basement dwelling freak wearing a child’s arts and crafts project. “Urgh…” she moaned, “this is the worst.” A few forced poses and expressions changed nothing; the cosplay was bad, pure and simple – and the more she tried to deny it, the more obvious it became. She had been so excited about the damn thing… she prepared to remove it, probably to chuck it in the bin – but before she could rip apart the outfit she had invested so much time on, she saw it again, peeking out of her discarded jeans’ pocket – the strip of glittering fabric. “Heh, might as well,” she said to herself, pulling the adornment out. Weightless, it streaked through the air like a dancer’s ribbon, adding a hint of color to the otherwise dreary room. She hooked it to her belt and watched it slowly flutter down into a resting position, hanging parallel to her body. Despite it not matching the rest of the outfit at all, the new addition blended surprisingly well with the rest of the ensemble. She twirled around and watched it move some more; she didn’t even notice the smile that had crept into her features until she looked herself in the mirror. The costume was still bad, but with the tassel to tie it all together, it just… worked. It really shouldn’t – it was still a horrible mishmash. And yet, seeing herself like this, she felt… good. Smart. Confident. She felt like Ahri. “Maybe things won’t be so bad after all…” The costumed girl spent a few more minutes admiring her appearance. She found herself giggling with joy, something she had never done before. It was a new feeling, being content with what the mirror show. And it was one she never wanted to live without ever again. It took a loud noise to snap her out of it – specifically, a deep rumbling coming from her tummy. It was so sudden that it startled her, even bringing a blush to her cheeks; when the following wave of weakness washed over her, she realized that she was absolutely famished. “Uh. Ow,” the girl complained. The hunger pangs were as strong as they had been sudden; she could feel her stomach twisting. She scanned the room for snacks until she remembered – she was trying to cut on those. Night had come surprisingly quickly. As she opened the fridge, mouth already salivating in anticipation, she glanced through the window. Her neighbor’s lights were on; a silhouette paced back and forth behind closed curtains. The fridge held nothing but disappointment; anything that was easy and ready to eat was long gone, wolfed down in short bursts in between matches when she couldn’t be assed to cook. Inside was a carton of milk, two lettuces, a single egg, and a half-eaten cream cheese bagel – the latter of which she immediately took a bite out of. The pastry was stale and cold, but it helped appease her body’s demands, even if it crumbled dryly and unpleasantly in her mouth. She washed it down with some milk, which she downed in large gulps, ignoring the little string of white that trickled down her chin and dripped into her cleavage. When the carton was empty, she merely slammed it down onto the kitchen counter and let out a satisfied “aaah”. The egg, she fried in lightly seasoned vegetable oil, even having to stop herself from just wolfing it down while it was still bubbling hot. It did little to ease her hunger. Defeated, she sat at her kitchen table, idly plucking leaves from the lettuce and biting into them, like a rabbit. As she chewed on the crunchy, watery leaf, she looked out the window again – and a familiar face looked back at her. A figure with bright yellow eyes and smooth black hair; a figure with markings on her cheeks and ears peeking out from atop her head. A figure she’d seen a million times before. Tammy gasped, startled; she blinked, and when her eyes opened again, there was no-one out there. No-one but her reflection, which she had mistaken for her beloved Ahri. “Damn. For a second, I thought I had a good thing happen to me.” Minutes passed, punctuated only by the slow, dull chewing noises she made while staring blankly into the distance. She had expected this to continue until she was sated; instead, it stopped only when she ran out of food, and still she felt the irksome sense of emptiness that heralded hunger. “Afraid that’s all there is, old friend,” she mumbled to herself, gently slapping her stomach through the costume. “We’ll get more food tomorrow.” When she stood back up, her stomach cramped; she had barely finished swallowing the last piece of lettuce, and already she felt empty! All out of options, she simply waddled back to her bedroom. This sudden and inexplicable surge of hunger had drained her of energy – perhaps sleep would alleviate the suffering until the shops were open and she could buy something to eat. Tammy sat on her bed and allowed herself to fall on her back, not even bothering to remove her costume. Her cheap mattress creaked under her weight as she rolled to her side, sighing in relief. She didn’t even have time to reach for the blanket. Unconsciousness finally came to save her from her hunger… _______________________________________________________ The hours passed. Tammy’s sleep was restless, haunted by strange dreams and bizarre, unrecognizable feelings. Distance. Loss. Rapturous glee. All of them punctuated by hunger, nothing but hunger – a hunger both physical and metaphysical. A dire, primordial need. It was hard to tell where the dream ended and reality began… Her eyes fluttered open. It was dark. Very dark. The blinds were closed. Only the faintest of lights made it through, painting everything – the shelves, the figures, the tables, the books – in dancing shadows. Tammy sat up. Her outfit felt ill-fitting. Her top squeezed her breasts far too tightly, and it was much too loose around her stomach. With a loud yawn, she scratched idly at the small of her back, where an unbearable itch had set itself – and didn’t pay much mind at the small, soft nub she came across. “Another pimple. Whee,” she muttered, her tone dripping with sarcasm. A glance at the mirror provided her with some amusement. There were strange lines on her face, possibly from sleeping face-down – uncannily distributed in the same pattern as Ahri’s distinctive face markings. Even her blonde hair looked a few shades darker when the light was right… A wet gurgle demanded her attention, the vibrations from her empty stomach spreading through her entire body – and the very foundations of her house, or so it felt like. Her hunger beckoned her forth – but where? She had checked and double-checked her fridge; she knew her pantry to be empty, too. Shaky steps took her outside of her room, down her hallway. Even the dust-covered plastic plants that decorated her house roused her instinct to eat; she caught herself bringing a large, floppy leaf to her mouth, and only the sickening smell of old plastic and mold dissuaded her. Visibly retching at the prospect – but her mouth salivating nonetheless – Tammy wandered back into the kitchen, in hopes that she could find something, anything. Bare. Barren. Not a bite to be found. In a hunger-fueled frenzy, she opened every shelf, every door – she even looked around the floor for stray crumbs. She glanced out the window, past the translucent reflection of her face which looked back at her with golden eyes. The lights next door were all off – all, save for a reddish glow upstairs. Their kitchen window was half-open. The decision came easily to Tammy, who held little regard for other people... at least in the so-called ‘real life’. Besides, her neighbor could easily go shopping later – but she needed food now. The cold outside air didn’t bother her, despite the skimpiness of her cosplay. She didn’t question why. She didn’t care. She’d never done anything like this before – it was wrong, it was illegal, it was utterly exhilarating. She crouched by the picket fence, making sure she wasn’t being watched, then she hopped over it. She had never been able to hop over that fence before. With only a small pull, the ajar window opened fully, and the air around Tammy was bathed in the mouth-watering smell of herby tomato sauce and melting cheese. “Pizza,” Tammy whispered to herself, licking her lips. She always had room for pizza. She squeezed herself through the window, exhaling and holding her breath so as to fit in the gap. It was easier than she’d expected; she had to push hard to get her chest through, but her stomach – her main concern – slid in easily and neatly. Once inside, she made her body limp and fell to the floor with a dry thud, after which she merely curled up into a ball and waited, terrified. As her ears got used to the silence – whenever her stomach wasn’t deafening with its impatient groaning – she heard a sound upstairs. To her relief, it wasn’t the sound of footsteps, but the rhythmic creaking of a bed, punctuated by the occasional scream. In fact, the more she focused, the more she could hear everything, from the small, heavy breaths, to the low groans, to the buzzing of some tool. Without her noticing it, one of her fake ears twitched slightly. Her lips thinned into a knowing smile. Someone was getting busy, creatively busy, in fact. For the first time in what felt like forever, she breathed – and slowly, picked herself up and stretched, feeling as if new life had been pumped into her famished body. She opened the refrigerator, and there it was, like a gift from above – three slices of pineapple pizza on a porcelain dish. She reached for one, her hands shaking, her heart beating fast – she opened her slavering maw and took a huge bite out of one. As soon as the very first drop of grease touched the surface of her tongue, regaling her taste buds with a hint of what was to come, she swallowed. She did so unconsciously, as if by instinct. She had no time to chew, no time to savor her meal. Just like that, it was gone with a single gulp. She could almost feel her stomach begin to untwist in preparation for the offering. Another bite, and another – in quick succession, in a mix of desperation and sheer bliss. The second slice, she merely folded in the middle and gobbled up in one big bite. The third and final one, she simply dropped in and gulped down. In less than a minute, three slices of pizza had disappeared into her gullet – and, save for a frantic gasp for air once she was done, she seemed no worse for wear. And there was still so much more to eat… _______________________________________________________ “Did you hear something?” Mark looked at the nude woman who stood before him; the sight left him so breathless, that he didn’t even hear her words. To think that only a few hours ago this woman, Robyn – this blonde-haired, voluptuous beauty – was just a face on a screen. Now she was there, and she as real. Small beads of sweat trailed down her body, sliding over her breasts and disappearing into her cleavage. Her cheeks were flushed with blood, she had glowing red slap marks on the sides of her jiggling breasts… and, nestled between her legs, hanging down from the soft golden fuzz that lined her folds, a piece of string, swinging like a pendulum. Pure heaven. Mark shrugged at her. His left hand squeezed the small device he held, and his thumb brushed up against the smooth rubber dial. He gave it a small press, rotating it ever so slightly to the right… and a satisfying little buzz began to sound, muffled. Robyn’s knees wobbled weakly. Slick, glistening fluid dribbled down the string, dripping down at her feet. She gasped, tongue lolling out of the corner of her mouth. “I know,” said Mark, the awestruck smile on his lips turning mischievous, “why don’t you go downstairs and get us some whipped cream, while I’ll go open my little brown box…” The woman nodded – another momentary hum resonating through her body as a thank you. Finding himself alone after she left, Mark opened a nearby drawer, where an ornately carved lockbox awaited him. By the time Robyn’s bare feet touched the carpet, she knew something was wrong. A faint light came from the kitchen, one she recognized as belonging to the fridge, and now that she was getting closer, she could hear the telltale sounds of loud, messy eating. Some kind of animal? She quietly approached, moving slowly so as to not make any noise. Once she reached the door, she peeked in. The moment Robyn’s eyes landed on the crouched, raven-haired woman who was in the process of emptying entire bags of uncooked pasta into her mouth, it all happened so fast. Upstairs, Mark grinned evilly and turned the dial all the way up. Robyn felt the powerful vibrations rattle her inner walls, sending shivers up her spine. A moan escaped her mouth through gritted teeth. Tammy’s ears perked up and turned to the source of the noise. Her golden eyes opened wide in surprise; a single fox’s tail swooshed about in the air behind her. She swallowed, and a large bulge slid down her neck; instinctively, she jumped to her feet. Robyn screamed in terror and embarrassment; up in his room, Mark beamed. His lover’s screams of what he thought was pleasure were music to his ears. Similarly terrified and not knowing what to do, Tammy panicked and rushed down the naked woman, pouncing on her with all the agility and strength of a cornered fox. Tammy pinned the other woman down against the floor, silencing her by covering her mouth with her hands. The source of the noise thus silenced, at least for now, the severity of the situation dawned on the cosplayer. “Fuck,” she whispered to herself, staring down in fear at Robyn’s tear-ridden eyes. “Fuck, fuck. Breaking and entering, theft, now assault… God, I’m so fucked… I can’t go to jail, everything I live for is out here.” Fury flared in her eyes. “You! Why couldn’t you have stayed outside! Alright, Tammy, think. You can solve this. You can manage this mess…” But what to do? This naked woman who had just walked up on her was the key. Tammy’s neighbor was still upstairs, clearly unaware of all the ruckus. The blonde, she was the problem. And, to Tammy’s horror, she knew exactly what to do. She was shivering, and the void in her gut was still there, calling for more. More food. Bigger food. Much, much bigger food. She tried to fight back, but she couldn’t; the temptation was just too strong. Her lips, once thin and cracked, now supple and flawless, brushed up against Robyn’s face; her tongue peeked out from between them, giving the blonde’s cheek an ashamed lick. She tasted salty, like tears and sweat. Like lotion. Like scented oils and sex. She tasted delicious, and the mere thought of it made Tammy sick. “I’m sorry… I can’t help it,” she mumbled, ignoring the other’s muffled screams and the occasional buzzing sounds that still could be heard. “Please, let this not work. It makes no sense, it can’t work.” And yet, deep inside, despite the concept spitting in the face of human anatomy itself… she knew it would work without a hitch. Tammy put her mouth against the top of Robyn’s head, and to her horror, it just… kept opening wider and wider. Her lips grazed over the girl’s hair, which tickled the inside of her mouth. Her teeth ran gently over the scalp, slathering it with saliva. Why did it have to be so inexplicably tasty? Why did it have to feel so… erotic? What was happening to her? And why couldn’t she stop it? Another involuntary gulp. The body she was pinning down slid further in. Eyelashes pricked the roof of Tammy’s mouth, while abundant tears flowed down onto her flattened tongue. The incomprehensible screams and wails echoed through her skull, assaulting her ears from both inside and out. Gulp. The second gulp didn’t feel as reprehensible as the first. In fact, it felt… good. The feeling of a human head pushing its way past her uvula and sinking down her throat, her soaked hair caressing the walls of her esophagus on the way down, the distancing of the horrible banshee’s wail… it was a delightful feeling, the likes of which she’d only dreamed of. Would it feel just as good the next time? Only one way to find out. Gulp. The blonde’s shoulders slid into Tammy’s cheeks. A shiver ran down the poor victim’s spine when the cosplayer’s tongue lapped at the back of her neck, desperate to taste even more of her. Her hands grasped at Robyn’s thighs, and found them wet, slathered in something slippery. Nevertheless, her fingers found purchase in the blonde’s soft flesh and held it her place as Tammy stumbled to her feet. With a strength she didn’t know she had, she lifted Robyn’s lower body up above her head, swallowing one final time. Gravity did the rest. Robyn’s breasts slipped into the cosplayer’s mouth, allowing her precious little time to enjoy their soft texture before they, too, sank into her gaping gullet. The blonde’s hands vanished into Tammy’s mouth, then her flat stomach; the wide hips tested her limits, but soon gave way to the tastiest bit of all. The rich smell filled Tammy’s nostrils as it approached; mere inches in front of her nose, a little forest of blonde fuzz, decorated with small, glistening droplets. It slid nearer and nearer until finally, it touched the soft skin of her lips. Little curly hairs tickled the roof of Tammy’s mouth as her victim went on her one-way trip down. A little hint of sweetness was added to the mix of inexplicably pleasant flavors... Tammy’s body was tingly all over. It was a pleasantly warm itch, spreading from the small of her back and slowly spreading in waves over her skin. It was her goosebumps. Eating someone was giving her goosebumps. And she was starting to be okay with it. Thighs and legs slid down; her gaping mouth finally closed around her victim’s bare feet. Wriggling toes drew a line down the inside of her esophagus, desperately attempting to slow down the descent – before finally being dropped through the mouth of her stomach, off to join the rest of Robyn. Tammy stumbled again. She felt the curvy body, still struggling, weighing down on her from the inside, pushing at the walls that so violently pressed down on her. The cosplayer’s knees failed her, and she toppled over - her distended gut cushioned the fall. “Uhh… urp.” Something large and round jumped out of her mouth, propelled by a wave of hot air and an involuntary contraction of her esophagus. It landed on the floor in front of her, its intermittent buzzing causing it to slowly crawl away and leave behind a mixed trail of saliva and female juices. Her frantic eyes turned from it to the cushion of wriggling flesh her body rested on. She uttered a hollow apology under her breath, knowing full well she would not hesitate to repeat the heinous deed. With each breath she took, her gut seemed to shrink – imperceptibly at first, but steadily faster and faster. Each contraction pumped a small ripple of growth outwards, redistributing the mass equally across her form. As the weight inside her became more and more manageable, the world around her seemed ever so slightly downscaled. The heat spreading over her body slowly became a fire, fueled by the fleeting feeling of fullness. Her supple form ached for a lover’s touch. Before her, the vibrator buzzed still, still warm from use… She reached out and grabbed it, enjoying the feeling of the slippery, rubbery surface against her soft skin. The ball buzzed so intensely, she could barely feel her hand – when she pressed it to her chest, the powerful vibrations resonated through her chest. Unable to resist, she dragged it down her form. She let it roll down between her breasts, she felt it trace the circumference of her protruding gut. She wheezed hard as it circled her bellybutton before plunging down under her skirt. Tammy’s muscled tensed and locked, the sheer pleasure rendering her unable to move. She rubbed it up and down along the length of her slit; she let it circle her clit and occasionally part her folds. It was exhilarating. Even the gentlest of vibrations made her body contort in pleasure, a pleasure amplified tenfold by the avid churning of her full stomach. Her climax came quickly. Consumption had been her foreplay, clandestineness her mood setter. By the time the vibrator came to caress her folds, she was already lost in a world of lust. She inhaled sharply, gritting her teeth – but while she had managed to conceal her pleasured and hungry moans so far, the loud squeal of pure, unbridled bliss echoed through the kitchen, the house, the entire block. In response, the little love egg slowly fell silent, leaving Tammy to her own gasps, fading purrs, and the dying gurgles of a now very flat stomach. She rolled onto her back, wheezing for air, scratching an itch on the back of her vulpine ear. Trapped under her, three tails, covered in voluminous white fur, writhed like serpents, seemingly with a mind of her own. Her blue-black hair spread across the kitchen floor like a halo crowning her soft, seductive features. She brought the vibrator to eye level and scanned its sex-slick surface with her golden eyes. Thus soaked the sweet juices of her love, it looked positively scrumptious. With a little flick of her finger, she popped it into her mouth, enjoying its rich, sugary taste as she rolled it around her mouth like hard candy. And when she was satisfied, the flattened her tongue, threw her head back, and swallowed. As the round shape plummeted down her cavernous gullet, dragging the string down with it, Tammy’s luscious lips widened into a glorious, triumphant smile. No evidence, no victim… no crime. She felt great, like a new woman. Like she could take on the world. She had completely, undeniably, dominated someone, reducing them to little more than meat – and she couldn’t have loved it more. Tammy was not a bad girl. Tammy was just bitter. She would never condone murder. She would never force herself on others. She was just shy, self-conscious, and lacking in confidence, like so many other girls. Deep down, past all the hurt, Tammy was a good girl. She would never eat someone alive. And she knew it. But why be Tammy, when she could be Ahri? |
2 Character Growth Something crunched under his boots, almost giving him a heart attack. His startled scream echoed through the aisles. He shook off the empty bag of chips from his foot like it was the crushed body of a particularly unpleasant insect. As it fluttered back to the tiled floor, he found himself alone in the silence again. “So this is why nobody wants to do the night shift. The place looks like a haunted house when it’s closed.” He huddled up in his bright green uniform. “Brr. Gives me the chills.” He was eager to pick the bag up and carry it to the nearest litter bin. It was something to do, a rarity during long shifts. Long hours spent alone in a dark supermarket patrolling the empty aisles were enough to make anyone go a tiny bit mad – thinking aloud was only one of the symptoms. “Would it kill the cleaning crew to do their jobs every now and then?” He pivoted into the freezer section, where at least there would be some light to help him find his way. He felt the cold breeze on his body; a shiver ran through his body. He peeked into the freezers, finding entertainment in the smallest of things. A particularly suggestive-looking logo on a bag of frozen sausages. The word chicken being in quotes on the packaging. Things like that. He stopped. One of the bags looked surprisingly empty. He reached to check it out and saw that it was missing a huge chunk as if someone had just taken a bite out of it. “Kids,” he groaned, eyes rolling in their sockets. “Bad parenting, is what-” The lights at the end of the aisle flickered; he clutched his heart in terror. He could swear he’d seen something – someone – in the distance, dashing from cover to cover. It was a passing thing, one moment there, the other gone; still, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that he wasn’t alone. He took a deep breath and walked down the aisle. Some shelves were completely empty; others were bare save for a few crumbs here and there. Odd, but not unexpected; restocking was often late on Thursdays. “This place is going down the drain… ah, well. Back to the patrol, it’s what they pay me for.” His footsteps echoed through the large building. Unheard by any living soul, or so he thought. _______________________________________________________ Not quite Tammy, not quite Ahri, she traversed the supermarket’s corridors, her fingers running over shelves and her boots tapping gently against the floor. Her stomach groaned, loudly demanding more, but she had no time to stop and help herself - her pursuer was hot on her trail, and wherever she went, he followed. She popped the final apple into her mouth, whole; she took a moment to savor the waxy skin of the fruit before loudly swallowing. The stem tickled her esophagus as it traveled down it; she couldn’t resist a small chuckle under her breath. It sated her for a few seconds. Already she could hear him approach. The constant grumbling, the uneven steps, the occasional gasp of unwarranted terror. He had chased her out of the frozen section, interrupted her feast in the delicatessen section, even nearly walked in on her in the bread aisle. Was he actually chasing her? Was he just wandering aimlessly? She rested a hand on her trembling stomach. Her golden eyes scanned the area, eventually landing on nearby shelves laden with baking ingredients. She picked up a package of flour, and for a moment, hesitated – but when a powerful cramp nearly made her topple over, she swallowed her pride and the package both. Her tongue instinctively ran over the dry papery surface; she expected to be disgusted by its flavor but found it quite pleasant. With the tip of her finger, she pushed the rest of it into her mouth, finding great pleasure in feeling the paper become moist and soft with her saliva. It stuck slightly to her tongue as it was slid in, pushing past her uvula. A wet gulp later, it tipped over and dove into her gullet. The soaked cylinder sagged and ripped, crumbling as it went down; the dry, coarse dust contained within coated her walls – the sensation was mildly uncomfortable at best and was quickly cleared up by another powerful swallow. Her feast was one born of hurry and necessity. Entire shakers of cake sprinklers were emptied into her awaiting maw; eggs, one by one plucked from their boxes, rolled over her flattened tongue and vanished into her darkest depths. Whole cartons of long life milk dropped into her wide open, steaming, salivating mouth. She pranced down the aisle, clutching her gut, making sure to keep a safe distance from the stubbornly approaching footsteps. Her feeding frenzy became less and less discerning as it went on. Cake trays, plastic cutlery, party hats – anything within arm’s reach was fair game. Paper, plastic, and metal graced her taste buds with new and exotic flavors, sharp edges and corners rubbed and scraped against her gullet’s muscles, sending little shivers down her spine and making her several tails whip about in excitement. With each item she consumed, she felt that strange sensation welling up inside her again. Stimulated by the very act of feeding, her body became warm and relaxed; when she unconsciously found herself running a finger over her eager lips, she found them slick and ready, almost as hungry as she was. If only she had the time to stop and let off some steam… When she reached the end of the row, with a nice heft in her stomach and a smile on her lips, she took cover behind a shelf and peeked out at the figure turning the corner. There was no doubt now. She was being pursued. She briefly considered escaping. The window she had snuck in through was still open; she could make it through easily. But retreat wouldn’t be a very Ahri thing to do. No, she would handle this issue her own way. Her smile was chilling. Like a prowling predator, she disappeared into the shadows. Silent steps carried her to her goal; the clothing section. She carefully pulled the coats and sweaters and pajama pants from the hanging rail, piling them at her feet; once knee-deep in warm, soft fabric, she began undoing her costume. Long sleeves fluttered to the floor. Her fake tails, already about to fall thanks to their flesh and blood replacements, were discarded. Her top and skirt slipped from her form with ease; her hairband almost got stuck on her fuzzy canine ears when she pulled it out. The mere sight of her failed cosplay crumpled up atop the pile filled her with embarrassment. She could not even bear to look at it. Cotton, spandex, cardboard, and plastic. Disgraceful! She was Ahri; she deserved only the finest quality clothes, and if she couldn’t have them, she would settle for none at all. Gulp. One white miniskirt from the bargain bin, disposed of. Gulp. Two summer stockings made into sleeves, now just a warm tingle down her throat. Gulp. Slurp. A cloud of cotton sliding between her crimson lips, demoted from backside decoration to stomach padding. The eared hairband was effortlessly snapped in two by strong, dexterous fingers; both halves popped into her mouth like pieces of hard candy and promptly ingested. There was only one piece of the ensemble that she couldn’t bring herself to part with. It was the silken tassel that, weightless, threatened to fly from her grip whenever her chest contracted and a soft breeze escaped from her nose and lips. Her fingers wrapped around it; the microscopic fibers produced a pleasant warmth as they rubbed against her skin. She brought it to her bare chest and it let slide down her body; like a slithering snake, the little strip of fabric drew a line over her perky breasts, sliding down between them. It circled her slightly swollen tummy, traveled down between her legs; instinctively, she closed her thighs. Trapped between soft skin and even softer folds, the little ribbon rippled, sending a wave of pleasurable little vibrations all throughout her body. Each bated breath further rearranged her form; the round stomach shrunk, enhancing her curves. The downy white fur on her three tails thickened and grew with the added mass before each slipping in two. Six tails spread open like a peacock’s, framing her nude figure. Two fingers pushed down on the surface of the ribbon, kneading the hardened nub underneath and sliding up and down her lips. The moan that escaped her lips was louder than the soft humming of the air vents and the gentle whispering of the wind outside. The footsteps stopped. She didn’t care. Lust and hunger clouded her mind. She collapsed down on her makeshift bed, sinking into the layers of clothing. Her fox ears twitched slightly as the heavy breathing and uneven steps moved closer; only a wheezy gasp made her stop and look up. Her pursuer had caught up with her. There he stood, looking like he’d just seen a ghost; tall and scrawny and barely filling his second-hand uniform. He shifted nervously, his face red like a cherry, his expression alternating from smiling to serious and back several times a second. “M-miss, what are you…” She pouted, fluttering her lashes. Her pinky finger rested on her lower lip, but the feigned innocence was betrayed by the glistening strand that still hung from her fingertip. “I’m so sorry, sir.” Her voice was affected and saccharine, absolutely sickening. The kind of thing Tammy would have found disgusting. The kind of tool Ahri gladly used and abused. “I panicked and made a mess. Am I in trouble?” “Uh…” She brushed her tongue along the length of her finger, scooping up her juices and making a show out of it. A big lap, then a bit of a suckle – and whatever line of thought the security guard was trying to follow derailed into nothingness. “How about you sit down next to me and we’ll work out some kind of deal? I’m sure there’s… something I could offer.” The sentence may have been lifted word for word from a porno she’d seen, but it still flowed out of her lips like it was second nature to her. She flattened and patted the pile of clothing beside her, smirking internally at the guard’s vacant stare as he mindlessly approached. She took his cold hand and pulled him closer. He tripped on his own feet and fell onto her. His face sank into her breasts, and she wrapped her arms around his head, holding him down in place. Something hard poked into her leg through a thin layer of cotton. His half-hearted attempts to break free soon stopped. His chapped lips slid over the soft cushion and his warm breath washed over her skin. Fearful yet desiring, his mouth trailed the contours of her areola, while his hands locked into her hips, fingers digging deep. Under his grasp, she shuddered and moaned; her legs locked around his waist and her hips bucked up against his uniform. Teeth brushed up gently against her nipple; a small whimper encouraged him, as did the two hands scrambling to pull down his pants. The chilly breeze on his bare legs barely warranted a shiver, and neither did the occasional rumbling of her tummy. He was too lost in the moment, and why wouldn’t he be? Two skilled hands crawled up her hips, dancing over the bulge in his boxers. A warm body laid under his, melting under his enthusiastic ministrations. He had never been particularly good with women, but this girl ached for any touch, no matter how clumsy. His hand crawled down her now flat stomach – noting its soft grumbling - and slid between her thighs. Through the soaked silken strip, he locked her clit between two fingers, while the tips eased their way in. Her legs’ hug tightened, her muscles contracted, her hair stood on end. The guard could not believe it; a simple touch, barely foreplay, and she was already this worked up? His fingers parted her outer lips and plunged knuckle-deep into her warm hole. That was what drove her over the edge. She rolled over on top of him. Her luscious raven locks surrounded his face like a curtain; all he could see was lovestruck golden eyes, supple red lips, and enticing cheek markings. He felt her body grind against his; breasts squeezing against his chest, pussy rubbing against his shaft and turning his boxers’ containment into pure torture. Her mouth opened slightly, giving him a glimpse at her sharp canines as a dancing tongue slid out. It pressed to his cheek, and she hummed in satisfaction, pleased with the taste; it then moved down. Saliva soaked fabric as she gently nibbled her way across his uniform. Her teeth took hold of one of his buttons, which promptly disappeared into her mouth with a loud swallow, making way for her eager tongue to slither into the placket and give his bare chest a big, wet, shiver-inducing lick. The kisses and nibbles and licks continued. Her grinding had sadly stopped, but her skin still occasionally brushed against his painfully erect cock, and it was as wonderful as it was infuriating. He bit his lip and tried to steady his breathing; the suspense was killing him, but he had to be patient. A canine scraped at his hip before locking into the waist of his boxers. It tugged at them to get them out of the way. It took only a couple of inches for his cock to spring out, rock-hard and throbbing, eliciting a sigh of relief from him and a muffled hum of appreciation from her. He looked down at her. Only the very top of her head was in sight; for the first time, he noticed the ears. He smiled in weak amusement and reached out to touch one. He expected his fingers to brush up against felt or faux fur, but the moment his fingertip touched the downy fuzz, the ear twitched. He gasped. Apprehension welled up inside him. Just as he was about to scream, his entire body squirmed in pleasure. Warm lips had locked against the tip of his cock, and a flattened tongue now slowly drew circles around it. With such a simple caress, his worries melted away. With a loose stroke, he forgot why he had worried in the first place. Fingers ran up and down his throbbing length, slathering it with the saliva that flowed down from her kiss. Her head bobbed up and down, tongue wrapping around his girth, a faint suction to keep him going, a shifting rhythm to keep him guessing. Another gurgle. Another lick, more eager than the previous ones. A squeeze. A hand that had never touched a man now stroked and tugged and poked with finesse and glee. She had her pursuer at her mercy; reduced to groaning and huffing and biting his lip to avoid howling in pleasure. Even the tugging on his boots, the sound of tearing fabric and the waft of chilly air on his bare legs and feet felt numb and distant. The shock of something hot and wet against the cold skin of his feet barely registered. His world started and ended with the mystery girl’s right hand, whose crescendo of motion brought him closer and closer to the brink. Pleasured by a beautiful girl in the middle of the night shift… if everything wasn’t so vivid, he would have thought he was hallucinating. It was heaven – laying down on the pile of discarded clothing, staring up at the lattice of tubes, vents and fans up in the ceiling, lazily allowing the warmth of anticipation to slowly take over his body, from his toes to… He looked down at the fox-eared girl and saw her head resting between his shins. Her upper lip flattened against his skin. “H-heh,” he managed to mouth. “The way you’re laying on me, it almost looks like… like…” Realization struck him like thunder. Tentatively, he tried to wiggle his toes and felt nothing but saliva and slime-coated ribbing. “What in the- ghk!” With the guard’s protests silenced by three fingers shoved down his throat, the consumption commenced, and he couldn’t even bring himself to fight it. His will to resist had been drained almost as much as his body, which laid exhausted and limp on the pile of clothes. The girl’s face kept moving closer and closer, stretched and deformed but showing no discomfort and not as much as slowing down. He had never liked sleeping bags – they were much too tight and claustrophobic. What was going on felt almost exactly like one, albeit hotter and wetter; whenever his panicked squirming and wiggling pushed against the walls of his confinement, they pushed back. He felt his feet squeeze past a tight valve; the skin on his feet itched slightly when it as much as brushed up against the slimy and creased walls. He whimpered softly; as much as his brain tried to rationalize what was going on – a prank, a bad trip, a bad dream – he knew that it was all real, albeit hard to believe. Soft lips crawled over his knees. A mischievous tongue tickled the back of his leg, and when he squirmed, the corner of the girl’s mouth curled into a grin. As she advanced on him, her golden eyes glanced up at his erect cock – still standing tall and stiff, still glistening with saliva and precum. Her free hand hovered over it; why not grant a dying man his last wish? Her fingers rested against the veiny skin, wrapping themselves around it. Even before she could do anything, his entire form shuddered. His teary eyes closed in shame. Drool trickled from the corner of his mouth. His cock flexed and throbbed. Four eyes followed the spray of glossy white as it suddenly shot upwards through her open fingers. It landed on the back of her hand, steaming and viscid. Her expression lit up with amusement. If she had known he was that into it, she would have just asked nicely… Well, no point in making him wait… She shoved her hand inside her maw, wiped it clean on the moist surface of his legs. The salty-sweet taste only complemented the meal; she swallowed, eager to gobble him up before the flavor faded from her palate. He looked down and saw only those hungry eyes shining in the darkness, moving closer and closer, harbingers of a cramped warmth that spread over his skin like a rolling blanket. His lower legs stung and itched as they feebly kicked the thick elastic walls that surrounded them; his erect shaft flexed and rubbed itself against the ribbed walls of her gullet, triggering even more shameful of dopamine in his already doped-up brain. Eight fluffy tails locked him in a tight and blissful embrace, guiding him into his final resting place. Sharp teeth scraped moist skin. His waist, gone. His stomach, gone. His predator’s mouth returned to a more normal shape after it engulfed his shoulders. He looked her in the eye for the final time. Her teeth pressed down on his neck from all sides. A sharp canine scratched him dangerously close to the jugular. If she snapped her maw shut, it would at least be a quick death… and that was exactly why he knew it wouldn’t happen. Gulp. He wore her body like a suit, only his head popping out. Through layers of flesh, fat, and skin, he could still feel the piled-up coats and sweaters under her; it was absolutely surreal. His head slowly sank into her mouth. Her lips touched his for a passing moment, and he tasted saliva. His nose disappeared between her jaws, and he smelled toothpaste. Her tongue brushed up against the back of his head like a friendly hair ruffling, before flattening like a slide – and the guard found himself completely enveloped. A uvula slid across his face as he was pulled past; a tight rubbery tube surrounded his head, contracting and distending with deafening squelches. His feet slipped on the creased surface, and he fell into her stomach. The walls rippled and churned, in her claustrophobic depths, he curled up and sighed. The girl slumped to the side. Her massive gut sagged, pinning her down to her makeshift bed. She slapped it hard, chuckling proudly at the satisfying jiggle that followed; her quite filling morsel was already beginning to lose his consistency, and her heart was beating hard and fast, pumping warm, energized blood through her entire body. Her eight tails stretched and expanded, each of them as long as she was tall. The absorbed mass was already en route to the rest of her form, rejuvenating her skin, giving her eyes a lively glimmer and her elongating hair some added luster along the way. Most of it gathered at the small of her back, the by now familiar itch that heralded the birth of a new tail was most welcome. It burst from her skin like a firework, white fuzz unfurling from its leathery surface like a blooming flower. It swished from side to side as if testing its limits, then took its place as her middle tail – the ninth one. She looked down at her hands. Memories of a life she had never lived flashed through her mind, one by one pushing aside her experiences as Tammy, which were still present, but now felt distant and impersonal like they belonged to someone else altogether. She mouthed her name as if she was speaking it for the first time. “Ahri…” Between her bare feet laid the tassel, slick with her juices, the little clamp glistening in the dark. She picked it up and smiled. She now knew exactly what it was and where it came from. After tying it to a lock of ebony hair, she watched it ripple and flutter to the inexistent breeze, and knew that all was as it was meant to be. Ahri stood up. Her blood was boiling, her breathing heavy with an arousal that grew as her body did. Her gut flattened, redistributing the leftover mass through her physique. Muscles inflated, stretching her skin until it, too, caught up; bones expanded, making her feel heavier and heftier - the changes exhilarating enough to send her body reeling with pleasure and her mind wandering. Then came the final movement; the remaining assimilated mass was deposited between skin and muscle as a nice and supple layer of pudge. Her stomach, furnace that it was, growled triumphantly, having already reduced its entire contents into growth fuel. She hopped to her feet and stretched to a cacophony of popping sounds, allowing her improvements to shift and readjust as necessary. She stood taller than the very same hanging rails she had tiptoed to reach earlier. She felt strong, energized, and for the time being, sated – though already she could feel the beginnings of a faint peckishness, it was more gluttony than need. She spun in place to give her new build a test run; the added inertia would take a little getting used to, but nothing she couldn’t handle with a body in peak physical condition. And all she had to do was fill her belly with some soul food and a couple of suckers. Now that she was alone with a supermarket’s worth of food around her, she wondered how big she could get? There was only one way to find out. Now that she had the freedom to peruse, she lacked the patience. What was the point of being picky if everything tasted so wonderful? Why waste time individually eating popcorn when she could just gobble up the entire bag? She stomped through the corridors with a spring to her step, snatching items from shelves and making them vanish whole, testing her limits with each ingestion. Bottles of wine slid down easy, but she didn’t find the whole chickens or buckets of ice cream any harder to swallow. For hours she gorged herself on everything she could get her hands on, tipping entire shelves into her gaping maw and keeping her stomach in a perpetual state of digestion, churning away at everything from meat and raw vegetables to plastic packaging and metal cutlery, breaking everything down to their base molecules and rearranging them into more of her. And the more she ate, the smaller the world around her looked. The more her muscles strained and stretched. The more her bones molded themselves like putty into increasingly large forms. The hotter she felt and the hornier she became. _______________________________________________________ Three figures in uniform entered the small room. One pulled the large switch on the wall, and one by one, the lights above thumped to life. One grabbed a ledger from a nearby cardboard box and read it over. The last one looked around, whistling. “Hey, Bob, do you know where what’s-his-name is?” she asked as she tried to shove her hair bun through the back of her cap. She had bags under her eyes and a thousand yard stare; this was a woman who was in dire need of some caffeine. “What’s-his-name?” mumbled the middle-aged man distractedly, as he ran his finger over the checklist and scratched the back of his ear with the tip of the pen. “Linda means the new guy. The awkward bloke with the deer in headlights look about him.” “Yeah, what he said,” she nodded. “Wasn’t he supposed to be around here?” Bob shrugged. “Don’t know. Don’t care. I’m not getting into shit with the boss’s nephew.” He nodded approvingly at the ledger and put it down, cracking his knuckles and popping his neck before pushing the large double doors leading to the supermarket proper. “Alright, let’s go – holy fuck.” A pen fell at his feet. The place was ransacked. Glass shards lay scattered all across the floor, gleaming under the bright lights. Shelves had been toppled over and shattered, bottles broken, packaging ripped apart. There was a strange smell to the place, rich and intense, and more than a little fishy. Linda and Bob knew exactly what it smelled like, though neither was brazen enough to say it out loud. “I don’t think you’ll be able to let the boss’s nephew off the hook from this one, Bob.” “Shut the fuck up, Rick,” the girl hissed. “This isn’t the time. Go call the police. They might still be here.” He looked more than happy to disappear back behind the double doors, and Linda couldn’t even blame him. She snapped to attention when a rugged hand patted her on the shoulder; realizing what it was about, she nodded hardheartedly, resigned to follow her manager through the aisles. A fox ear twitched and turned to the side. “They broke everything. Vandalism?” Linda asked, too shocked to muster more than a whisper. “Why would anyone…” The manager’s shoulders drooped, his voice low and raspy. “I don’t know, I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s like someone released a pack of wolves in this place. It’s freaking me out.” Nine tails perked up and swooshed about excitedly. Bare feet stomped against the tiled floor. Items rattled. A shrill scream caused Bob to freeze. He looked over his shoulder and saw Linda, features completely drained of blood, one hand over her mouth, horrified expression looking up past the tallest item on the highest shelf. At first, he thought it to be the necks of bottles on the opposite side; he was about to berate his employee when he saw them twitch and move. It all happened so fast. A massive face emerged from behind the shelves; eyes locked on them, tongue licking at her chops. Nine white appendages fanned out behind her as she stood to her full height. She was huge - tall enough that the tips of her ears brushed against the piping on the ceiling. Without hesitation, she vaulted over the shelves, causing the entire building to shake when her massive feet slammed against the floor, unharmed by the shattered glass. Linda and her manager stood before the impressive specimen, frozen in both awe and fear. She was gorgeous, the very essence of femininity; large round breasts, child bearing hips and a modest amount of pudge on her bones to tie it all together. The fairness of her skin was only partly covered by the thick mane of wild hair that draped over her nude form. They could clearly see the fluid trickling down her thick legs, the beads of sweat on her skin, the way her chest moved up and down with each hectic breath. She looked down at them. In her eyes, they saw no humanity – just the basest animal urges let loose upon an unsuspecting mind. In her curved posture they saw not a person, but a ragged and greedy beast. Linda had a sinking feeling that she and Bob registered as nothing more than objects to those deep golden eyes – and before she had the presence of mind to run, the nine-tailed woman lowered herself to a squat and pounced. |
3 Homewrecker The jingling of the bells hanging from the rear-view mirror faded. The steering wheel displaced itself into two separate circles, each grasped by a pair of bony hands. The road ahead blurred. His head’s bobbing jolted him awake. His eyelids weighted heavy and there were huge bags under his bloodshot eyes. He checked his watch; over twenty-five hours since he’d last slept. The road before him stretched far; the urban sprawls at the end of the drive, where he lived, had never seemed as inviting as they did now. His transceiver sprung to life. A dry female voice, reduced to nigh unintelligibleness by the massive amounts of static and white noise, sounded loud and sudden. “Albert Decker, code one.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled deeply. “Fuck’s sake…” he mouthed. After a few seconds of blissful silence, it once again bombarded his ears. “Albert Decker, code on, come in.” He considered remaining silent. Pretending he wasn’t in the car. Anything to get him home quicker. But with each second passed, the noise threatened to repeat itself again. He straightened up, rubbed his eyes, and smacked his lips as he often did to ease the nerves. “Decker here. Go ahead.” “Disturbance at the Willard’s Supermarket on Bond Street.” “En route,” groaned Decker. “Fuckin’ kids.” He wasn’t a patient man at the best of times, and being on the way home after spending ten hours dealing with some suburban horndog’s delusions – why would someone break into one’s house, empty their fridge, then kidnap their friend? – was as far from best as he could get. As he turned and drove toward the supermarket, he struggled to remain conscious. He considered switching the sirens on just to help him manage, before deciding against it. A few minutes weren’t anything he couldn’t handle. He parked by the entrance; officer Harrows was already there, speaking to a weaselly-looking guy in Willard’s uniform, who stuttered and gesticulated wildly, much to the lady cop’s annoyance. As Decker approached, the young man’s attention turned to him. “Ah, you’re here! Does that mean we can go in, now? My coworkers are in there.” “Mhm,” groaned Decker, all but ignoring the obviously hysterical employee. “Harrows?” The stocky young officer crossed her arms and looked up at him with a skeptic’s sneer on her sharp features. “Vandalism, possible robbery as well. Two employees are in assessing the damage, he says he heard noises from inside while he waited for us.” “I did! Stuff getting smashed, and screams too. Sounded like a fight to me.” Decker cracked his knuckles, readjusting his hat over his bare scalp. His firearm weighed on the side of his hip; it made him feel a modicum of safety in an uncertain situation. “Sir, please take us inside and show us where these noises came from.” His practiced jargon was beginning to crack; even feigning consideration was becoming very difficult. “Come on, Harrows.” _______________________________________________________ Her breath was a low roar overflowing with yearning and understated threat. Her hair was a wild lion’s mane, flowing heavily and dramatically with each movement she took. Her body was a machine, powerful and coordinated, slave to two very simple directives - feed and fuck. Her two victims struggled and kicked, their heads wrapped in her fingers, their faces sinking into the palms of her hands. Her previous meals had been justifiable as self-defense and self-preservation. These two? These two were just there. Ahri grabbed the biggest of the two, placed her hands under his arms and lifted. Gasping for air, the remaining one tried to escape, only for a massive knee to come down on her back and trap her in place. There was no hesitation. No sadistic teasing. Not even a witty one-liner. She was a mindless beast set on consumption. Her lips parted, and Bob recoiled at the warmth of her breath. It smelled of frozen food and new car. Her tongue rolled out, long and eager; it flattened against his face, taking in the taste. She hummed appreciatively and went in for a second, fuller lick, starting at the very base of his chest and sliding all the way up to his hair. With a flick, it loosened his cap, which slid off his head and landed on the moist surface, sinking slightly. The display was quick and incidental. The hat rolled over her tongue, its bright corporate colors darkening as saliva slathered it. It moved past her teeth, rested on the base of her tongue for only a few seconds; then her tongue flattened, widening the dark tunnels into which the hat slid, never to be seen again. It was a terrible, fascinating thing to watch. It was so casual, almost thoughtless – and yet, the implied threat was clear. Like it, his end would be an afterthought. Meaningless, undignified, and undeserved. Ahri’s tongue rolled back out. It folded around his head, guiding him into her wide open, slavering maw. Her lips did not need to stretch. Her jaws opened no wider than usual. Her eyes fluttered to a close, a purr-like moan reverberating through her form. The sour taste of human skin spread through her taste buds like the finest of flavors. She needed only swallow once. The scream of disbelief and terror from under her only punctuated the moment. The weight at the base of her tongue pushed past the event horizon. It slid quickly into the dark tunnels of thumping flesh and pumping blood, dragging the rest of his sorry body with it. The movements of her delicious bite-sized treat massaged the inner walls of her gullet; desperate struggles for survival reduced to what barely amounted to a funny feeling. Dragged down by a current of slippery saliva, it was mere seconds until the bulge on her neck had vanished, filling her stomach with a satisfyingly weighty feeling. Linda, meanwhile, was in shock. The fight had left her body, and the glimmer of life had left her eyes. She breathed still, albeit shallowly against the knee that weighed down on her and kept her pinned to the floor. She watched the towering woman atop her press her hand to her chest as if trying to follow the movement within; she watched her draw a wickedly gleeful smile as a distant and muffled shout was heard. She watched Ahri’s attention turn towards her. The weight came off her chest, but the nine-tailed shadow blocking the ceiling lights did not leave her. Rather, it only loomed closer. Ahri stood on all fours, tails concealing both herself and her victim under a thick cover of white fur. Like a big cat toying with her prey, she leaned in close. The tongue that made a show out of licking her lips brushed up against the side of Linda’s face. The mouth that had just a moment ago consumed an entire human being widened into a thin smile. And while it all happened, she kept growing larger. Curvier. More fearsome. It was a subtle, if steady change – subtle enough that Linda could convince herself that her mind was playing tricks again. When two hands, as soft as they were huge, picked her up much like her manager, she thought it would be the end. Those lips would part, and she would be pushed past them. A powerful tongue would batter her frail body into submission, before the inescapable abyss came to claim her. And of what came next, she could only guess. Linda felt her body lift from the ground, followed by the touch of bare skin, almost searing hot against the cold sweat that soaked her uniform. She was guided not up, but down. Between the soft hills of Ahri’s large breasts, which enveloped her almost completely as she passed by; under the surprisingly squishy surface of her supple stomach. Further down. Her feet brushed up against something warm and wet. The tip of her shoes slid over and into it, guided by the determined movements of an oversized hand. The movements became rhythmic. Each thrust went deeper. Shin-deep. Knee-deep. Again, and again, and again, until her pants were heavy with the juices that soaked them, sweating under the smoldering heat. Until even her motionless lower body was sore from being thrust into the giant woman’s pussy like some kind of cheap sex toy. Until the squelches and moans sounded through the large building, echoing off every bare shelf and empty freezer. Her lifeless body could not handle the shock. Blood flowed to her head, making her dizzy. Unfocused. It all became one – the movement, the sounds, the warmth that dribbled down her body and stuck wetly to her skin. Ahri gasped and convulsed. Each thrust displaced a flood of clear juices that formed small viscous pools on the floor. Under the small layer of pudge, her muscles twisted and pulled, locked and loosened as she neared the verge of climax. Beads of sweat trickled down from the back of her neck, drawing translucent lines over her breasts that converged on her nipples. Her walls tightened around her sentient toy. She couldn’t hold it in any longer. The building pressure inside her demanded release – and release did come in the form of a powerful contraction, a singsong moan, and a long, deep exhale. Linda’s limp body and hazy mind could not keep track of what happened after. A cold breeze. Weightlessness. Then warmth again – the same, but different. More spacious. More turbulent. A cushiony softness, followed by darkness – and then, finally, a shift in gravity, a slide down a slippery tube that squeezed and rippled and stretched. Were she fully aware, this final fate would have been the thing of nightmares. But in this half-broken, blissfully numb state, it was almost… pleasant. _______________________________________________________ “Did you hear that?” He had, loud and clear. Screams, deafening as if they were coming out of a sound system. A deep rumbling, as if the building itself was about to collapse. They sounded distant, very distant – but obviously from inside the building. “Thank you, sir, we’ll take it from here,” Harrows said. She had always been much better at the whole ‘politeness’ thing than Decker, even despite a severe case of resting bitch face. The disgruntled employee didn’t need to hear it twice; he muttered a hasty goodbye and hastily exited the scene. Once the two were alone, Decker’s posture relaxed. His shoulders slumped, his arms hung low, and he allowed himself a big weary sigh. “What do y-” A sudden, irresistible urge to yawn interrupted his words; his brain struggled to keep up, and by the time he moved his hand to cover his mouth, it was already too late. Harrows chuckled politely, patting him on the back – and holding back a yawn of her own. “Take it easy, Decker. We’ll keep this one short. In and out, and I’ll even take care of the paperwork this time.” “What’s the catch?” “Drinks on you next Friday.” “Sure, why not,” said Decker, after a moment’s consideration. “Lead the way, then.” The two made their way down the aisles, making sure to move as quietly as possible. The sounds continued. Gasps. A rabid shuffling. Something shattering against a hard surface. He thought it’d just be some rowdy drunk kids. Who else would break and enter just to smash a place up? But the more he explored the area, the more it felt like he had found himself in a horror movie. His hazy state gave everything a dreamlike quality. Whenever he lowered his guard, he felt his eyelids begin to slide closed. The shuffling stopped. The low humming slowly faded away, replaced with what sounded like very, very heavy breathing. They were getting close – and whoever was out there knew it. They reached the corner. Wordlessly, Harrows gestured for Decker to stay put. She unholstered her gun and took a deep breath, before calmly stepping out and disappearing behind a liquor display case. A confused shout. A gunshot, powerful enough to make his ears ring. The sound of something hard hitting the floor. Survival instincts jumped to the fore. A sudden rush of adrenaline came over him, chasing away the ghosts of sleep deprivation. He clutched his firearm and ran out. He could have never guessed what he saw. A woman, a massive woman, laid prone on the floor. Her massive breasts squeezed against the tiling. Her wide shoulders barely fit between the two rows of shelves. Writhing pillars of fuzz danced over her naked form, rustling against each other; a thick mane of lustrous black hair splayed across the floor. Her golden eyes glowed – but most terrifying of all was the pair of kicking legs jutted out from between her pursed lips. He saw them for only a fraction of a second before she slurped them down - it all happened fast enough to be dismissed as just the delusions of a sleep-deprived police officer, or at least that’s what he found himself hoping for… Hallucination or not, his baser instincts had already taken hold. Pure terror re-energized him. He spun in place and dashed away as fast as his sore body allowed him, not sparing his partner another thought, not even risking looking back. The ground shook under his feet; the large figure was coming to life. He stumbled, desperately trying to maintain his balance. Metal creaked and strained above him, dislodged and bent by the casual standing up of the giant woman. Sparks showered around him. It wasn’t a dream, it was a nightmare. Decker ran like a man possessed. He wasn’t thinking. He barely even perceived the world around him. He had to get away; that was all he could think of. “Albert Decker, code four?” He ignored the voice coming from his transceiver. He couldn’t even muster words, let alone formulate a response. _______________________________________________________ Ahri wiped some saliva from the corner of her mouth and smiled. Her latest meal wasn’t even done sliding down her gullet, and already she’d seen the next course – how fortunate. She straightened her posture, pushing past a lattice of vents and pipes, displacing them without any difficulty; she pushed further and felt the thin tin roof give way little by little, screws and nails popping out one by one. The fresh breeze was cold against her sweaty forehead, and the bright morning sun, reflecting off the metal roof, almost blinded her. Through the sound of buzzing wires and creaking of metal, he heard the panting of weak little human lungs. She only needed to follow them. Decker’s steps were hectic; hers were languid and graceful, and still, Ahri gained in on him. In a single bound, she covered the distance that separated them. But he was nimble, evading her grasping fingers whenever she reached for him and made it through the double doors before she could lay a hand on his body. The thrill of the chase. A new yet familiar notion. She hungered. She needed him inside her, right now – and yet, being denied this base desire was exhilarating. It pushed her new body to new heights – metaphorical and otherwise. Decker jumped into his car, slamming the door shut. His sweaty, shaking fingers struggled to grasp the car keys in his pocket. His face was pale, his eyes teary. Each strained breath whistled. The earth shook. Then again, more intensely this time. A shadow loomed over his car. With a click, the key slid into the ignition. He let out a triumphant scream as he slammed his foot on the gas – it died when the wheels started turning but found no purchase, and came back, full of terror, when the sky replaced the road beyond the windshield. Ahri tightened her grip on the black and white vehicle. Reinforced metal bent. She brought it up to eye level, peering through the cracked glass, smiling in anticipation at the terrified little man who desperately tried to open the doors she held shut. His foot still pushed down on the pedal as if it would help him any. She noticed the spinning wheels; her slowly parting lips closed and curled into a smirk. Decker didn’t realize what was going on at first. Why was she holding the car vertically? She had seemed so intent on catching him before, and now she just stood there, basking in her victory instead of securing it. Then the car shook. One of the wheels had bumped into something. Realization dawned on him when she saw her jaw dropping, her tongue lolling out, her eyes rolling back in their sockets. He saw her bite her lip, felt the stirring of her body against the vehicle. Pleasured little reverberations going through her form. The sound of a tire grinding against something soft and slippery. All the huffing and puffing. The big glob of saliva that splattered on the cracked windshield. Ahri was in heaven. The quickly spinning tire’s creased surface was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. It was violent. It was unrelenting. It was outside of her control. And it was maddening. It was rough almost to the point of pain, but not enough to make in unpleasant; it sent powerful shockwaves through her reeling figure. The man in the car was not even a victim anymore. She had no thoughts to spare for him, except maybe as the piece of the puzzle that kept the wheels moving. He was a casualty; collateral damage, somehow even more callously dismissed than his partner had been. The heat and pressure built. The wheel hissed against her groin, sending wisps of steam through the chilly morning air. Gravity once again shifted, and he found himself feebly attempting to keep his nausea in check. Thick saliva ran across the car windows like rain; her hot breath fogged up the rest. He couldn’t even see what was going on; perhaps it was for the best. Her jaws parted. Her tails thrashed about, betraying her excitement, while the pool at her feet rippled, betraying her arousal. The metal felt cold and sterile against her tongue. Chemical-tasting wheels slid frictionless over her palate. She pushed it down. Her upper lip slammed against the windshield, the unrelenting pressure of her suction shattering what little was left of the glass. She gulped loudly, biting into it again. Her teeth sank into the hood, holding it in place. Her lips rolled over the roof, bending it under their weight. Her tongue brushed eagerly against the undercarriage, exploring every turn of every tube and piston. The roaring of the engine drowned out the terrified screams and vulgar insults – and soon, even they became muted and distant. Alternating red and blue lights shone through her stretching neck, dimmed by the flesh that surrounded them. Moving down through her frame. Tinting her breasts for a bizarre, fleeting moment – and then stretching her gut into a vaguely angular shape. The giant woman fell to her knees. Her insides gurgled and bubbled. The weight inside her became fluid and formless, compressed into ever smaller shapes by each contraction of her relentless walls. It spread outwards, making her skin flush and her hairs stand on end. The suburbs looked smaller and smaller with each spurt of growth. The faces peering through windows in utter disbelief went from individuals to almost indistinguishable from each other. She became taller. Thicker. All that new mass spread unevenly; her juicy breasts jutted out with newfound heft, rippling and rolling. Her firm backside fattened, becoming softer and plump. Her entire figure widened slightly as the leftover nutrients were nigh-instantly processed into pudge and added to her curves. Tammy had been girly. Ahri was womanly. Her muscles contracted and strained with each burst of growth, veins pumping all the mass into their proper place. Steadily it slowed down, from a rhythmic throbbing to occasional hiccups, until finally, with one final ripple of fat deposited under her skin, the world stopped going smaller. She stood tall and stretched. Her massive breasts jiggled with each breath she took when she raised her arms over her head and towards the sky. Her tails fanned out, pausing their chaotic swaying for a precious few seconds of stillness, silence, and relaxation. She hopped to loosen her muscles. The earth trembled under her weight. The concrete under her bare feet felt like it would give at any moment. The popping and crackling of her bones resonated through the placid little suburbs like gunfire. She turned to admire her new form, accidentally bumping into the now ruined supermarket’s façade; her jiggling ass crashed through the brick and mortar with all the power of a wrecking ball, demolishing load-bearing pillars and sending the entire surface crumbling amongst a shower of splinters and sparks. She glanced at the domino effect she unknowingly had put in motion and paid it no further mind. In the distance, blocking the horizon in its gloomy glory, the metropolis loomed – a complex of blocky office buildings jutting upwards like branchless trees competing for sunlight. The mere thought of so many fun toys and delectable morsels in such a small area brought a fire to her eyes and a smile to her lips. Her stomach cramped; she looked down at it, brushing her soft hand over it. She knew what it wanted, and she knew what it wanted it for. Food was not just to banish the specter of hunger; no, eating was a goal in itself, and she was feeling very driven. The city would still be there later. She stood amongst rows and rows of identical houses with all their orange clay roofs and white picket fences and gnomes on their idyllic little yards. Each of them would be like cracking open a present to see what’s inside. And she knew exactly which one to start with. Her abode had once felt spacious – too spacious for a loner such as her old self. So many hallways, so many empty rooms gathering dust. It had felt like a world unto itself. Ahri peeled open the roof with remarkable ease. Tiles slid off and shattered at her feet. She peered inside, nose crinkling at the moldy stagnated air and dusty cobwebs freed by her. It was like standing before a very large, very realistic dollhouse built by someone with a dark sense of humor. She reached into it, her massive fingers hectically combing through the attic for something to pluck out. Furniture under white, moth-gnawed sheets. A vintage chair that had belonged to a great-grandmother she’d never met – shattered into pieces under her grinding molars and swallowed. An old plywood desk standing on rusty metal legs – shoved down her throat with nary a thought for its history. Her fist shattered the floorboards. Broken pipes drooled ice-cold water over her hand. Snapping wires tickled her with lethal electrical currents. She snapped chunks of the wall and bit into them. Though delicious to her depraved tastes, it was merely the beginning - like enjoying a chocolate egg before getting to the surprise inside. Each chunk of rubble rolling down her gullet and piling inside her gut made the world around her just a little bit smaller, and her yearning a little bit stronger. Piece by piece, floor by floor, Tammy’s house was stripped bare until only her room remained. The unmade bed stirred no memories – no pleasant ones, anyway. The gaming computer plugged to the wall did. But her attention went to the shelves. To the vinyl figures, to the posters, to the assorted tat that Tammy had spent hours upon hours dreamily staring at, fantasizing. Her fingers plucked a single vinyl figure from the shelves – an ultra-deformed abomination with beady little eyes and an egg-shaped head. No bigger than an ant to her. She squinted at it, forcing her golden eyes to see at a scale they’d long grown past. Ahri remembered it. Tammy’s favorite figure. Collector’s edition. Three dollars’ worth of materials to produce – a hundred times that to purchase. The nine-tailed fox herself, reinvented as a chibi. She opened her mouth and placed it gently over her tongue. It sank into the soft surface, suddenly adrift in a sea of papillae. Small ripples brought into the chasm of her mouth, without even need for a swallow, the little figurine tumbled its way down. Tammy’s past tasted no better or worse than any other object. Handfuls of collector’s items, toys, posters, themed duvets, body pillows were scooped up and scarfed down like popcorn – and, like popcorn, unfilling. Soon, her house laid bare; the half-chewed skeleton of what had once been. Barely fulfilling. Hardly any fun. No desperate squirming in her mouth. No pleasurable slamming against her stomach walls. No screams. Boring. Her eyes wandered for a moment, desperately seeking the human touch that she craved. They found it peering from behind closed blinds; the terrified look of someone who had seen her in this state before. Mark. A phone shattered against the floor, cutting a terse dressing-down short. He took a step back and slipped on a discarded bottle of milk. The earth on which his pained body laid trembled as the massive woman lowered herself to her knees. Something tapped softly against the window – one, twice, testing his response. But before he had a chance to react, a hand burst through the glass amongst a shower of glass shards and splinters. Its knuckles shattered the frame. He crawled back, desperately trying to avoid the fingers that raked the entire kitchen. Blind but intent. Ahri bit her lip, the tip of her tongue peeking out of her mouth and an uncharacteristically focused look on her face. She forced herself in until she was forearm-deep into the massive gap on the building – and then she felt it. Small and squishy, trying to wiggle out of her grip when her fingers took hold of it – a human leg. She pulled him out of his house with all the gentleness she could muster. She tore a chunk of the wall, bringing a second arm in. Her hands cupped around his form, fingers nudging him back in whenever he tried to clamber out his predicament. Ahri beamed at the confused and terrified man in her hands. This erratic movement, this confused terror – they were what she had been missing. Buildings might sate her hunger for now, but only the sense of triumph that came from so wholly dominating a sapient being fed her ego. Her nostrils flared. She smelled fear – cold perspiration and tears. She smelled arousal, too. Delicious, shameful arousal… some people never changed. She brought him closer to her until she could clearly see the horror in his eyes, the sweat glistening off his flushed skin, and the bulge under a thin layer of gabardine. Ahri’s lips quivered in impatience. Her desire could only wait so long. She pressed them to his squirming body. Mark’s his frantic thrashing tickled – she cooed appreciatively. Her thanks came in the form of a heavy, sloppy lick that rolled over his form, pinning him down under its crushing weight, slathering him in a thick layer of saliva that soaked his body and weighed down his clothes. An embarrassed grunt escaped his lips as his tongue brushed against his body – all of his body. The pressure between his legs was becoming painful; the wet fabric that clung to his skin could only stretch so far. Her tongue danced over him, milking him for every little hint of flavor left in his frail husk; the danger only turned him on more. Pain and pleasure had always been one; so were fear and lust. And the more shame he felt, the more each prod and nudge stimulated him. The more his hips thrust into the blanket of soft flesh, seeking further pleasure. Ahri’s tongue enveloped Mark like a warm bed, seeking the saltiness of his skin and the bitterness of his clothes. Where did he begin? Where did it end? More boundaries were blurring with each pleasurable squirm. The world was fading to black. Only the impending climax mattered. Mark closed his eyes and thrust, finding purchase in the rippling of her tongue. His heart skipped a beat; he exhaled deeply through his nose. So close… too close… The warmth enveloped him, and he didn’t even notice. Her lips locked off the final beam of light, and he didn’t even care. He was smoldering. He had never felt so alive. He was almost there. He reeled, preparing for a final thrust. Closed his eyes. Readied his body. Gulp. Mhhhmm… The tongue beneath him disappeared, leaving only a void behind. His thrust was met with nothing but the humid, steaming air of her mouth. And he slid – slid into the awaiting gullet that extended beneath him, slid into the darkness below. His last wish, denied. How foolish he had been. Now he, like his lover Robyn before him, would be nothing – nothing but kindling for a flame that already burned too bright. Nothing but biomass on a body that already had enough. Her hunger staved off for a precious few seconds, Ahri stood. While she had amused herself, roads had been cut. Police cars had been deployed. Special forces had been contacted. The hushed whisper of a megaphone at maximum volume spoke of standing down and surrendering. She blinked, unsure if she’d heard it properly. It repeated its ultimatum. She let out a loud, bellowing laugh. Glass cracked and car alarms howled. She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and flicked it away; even in her deranged state, Ahri could use a good laugh every now and then. |
Her Head in the Clouds So, this was how it felt to kick over an ant hill. Ahri stood amidst the destruction she’d waged. At the moment, she hadn’t paid too much attention – but now that she had the time to breathe and look at the plumes of smoke billowing from the plundered wreckage of what had once been fancy suburban houses, the realization was setting. What hadn’t crumbled under her grip had been trampled underfoot or shattered by a careless elbow or unaware swing of her plump backside. And now, flushed from their little dwellings, the drones scattered in a panic, seeking hiding or speeding away in their hatchbacks, while the soldiers gathered around her, petrified by her earth-shaking laugh. She took a step forward. The asphalt crumbled under the weight of her foot – and the first shaking finger pulled the trigger. Pop. Barely audible. Her eye twitched as something pricked her cheek, like a bug’s bite; she ran a finger over the point of impact and felt no wound. No blood. Not as much as a scrape. When her gaze swept over the hastily assembled blockade of police cars and armored trucks, she saw no individual faces, no-one daring to admit to having fired the shot. Not that she cared. “Oh, you poor miserable fools, you…” her voice, hoarse at first from underuse, soon became smooth again, as her vocal cords adjusted to their new size. It boomed like thunder, but to her ears, it was soft and teasing – gradually lowering to a cold and menacing hiss with each word she spoke. “If that had ruined my beautiful skin, well… I would have been very upset.” Silence fell between woman and ants. There was no way the comparatively tiny men and women couldn’t see her famished expression, her eager smile, the way her tongue danced over her lips. Perhaps frozen in terror, perhaps realizing the extent of the threat Ahri posed, they remained steady. Weapons trained on her. A roar from deep inside her turned the standoff to a battleground. Shots were fired – and the hail of bullets that greeted her was no less irksome than the first one. Ahri shielded her eyes from both the weapons fire and the bright sunlight. Too large and heavy to move without spreading destruction, too small to shrug it off and continue her march. The road crumbled beneath her feet; even with her tails serving as aid, it was hard to keep her balance. And so, she blindly stammered forward, free arm flailing. Before her, the line broke and scattered. Those who sought cover managed to escape her grasp. Those who jumped into their vehicles only hastened their demise. A cop car – a monster of an automobile, weighing almost two metric tons of steel, leather, and was picked up between her thumb and index finger. Screams of pure terror rang in her ears as tiny squeals. A monster of an automobile, weighing almost two metric tons, raised into the air. Without the surrounding area for scale and the flashing lights, it would have easily passed as a particularly impressive miniature. The tires of armored trucks whirred, surrounding themselves in wisps of steam. Perhaps the drivers had expected to make a quick getaway while the giantess’s hand was busy; they did not account for the prehensile nature of her tails. One slammed against the ground, sending the vehicle into a screeching halt; the other coiled itself against it like a serpent, lifting its wheels off the pavement. At least while trapped in a prison of white fuzz, the armed and armored specialists and paramedics were spared the grisly sight of Ahri’s hunger – then again, the slurping and gulping noises and the satisfied ‘ahh’ at the end did stir up the imagination… They stared at each other in disbelief. The deafening siren became more and more distant, more and more muffled – and then back, moving closer like a mockery of the Doppler effect, resonating through thick walls of flesh and fat… and then, it slowed to a halt, before falling into permanent silence. Before their very eyes, the individual hairs that pressed against the bulletproof glass stood on end. The strands of white widened and elongated from strings to quills, and the armored truck shook, suddenly not seeming so heavy to the tail it was enveloped by. Ahri’s finger followed the lump down her neck, past the valley of her breasts and circling the supple surface before resting over her stomach. The second police car was hardly as filling as the first. She smacked her lips together and curled them into a smile. “What a disappointment. Not even enough to fill a girl up properly… I expected more from the Man.” Golden eyes peered into the truck, positively shining with hunger and malice - she barely took note of the three or four terrified souls inside. Her fingers squeezed around it, the thick layers of armor creaking and bending under the pressure. She brought it to her lips, placing a mocking kiss on the bulletproof glass. A kiss that turned hungry as her tongue slobbered over the glossy black finish, fogging up the windows with the warmth of her breath. Ahri’s incisors held the truck in place by the hood as her lips slid over it. Headlights illuminated shone on the darkness that invited them in; the bright white light diffused through the steam of her hot breath, reflected on her teeth and cast a glimmer over the pillars of saliva that occasionally dripped from the ceiling of her mouth. She threw her head back, and the massive weight of a truck sent it inexorably sliding down, with its inhabitants grabbing onto seats, seatbelts, and even each other to avoid losing balance. The headlights flickered; all features before them had been replaced by a pulsating tunnel of flesh. The walls squeezed the metal cage further. Gooey saliva dribbled down from gaps and cracks in the chassis, pooling under the dashboard. The front of a car slammed hard into something soft and squishy, but unyielding; the valve slowly opened. Ahri’s stomach was bare, with not even the hint of the entire car she had swallowed mere seconds earlier – or its inhabitants. Just the throbbing creased surface that rippled and churned threateningly, and the pool of gastric acid that bubbled and foamed as it awaited them. The esophagus walls widened, releasing the lump of crushed metal into the acrid air and the digestive juices below. The very moment surface tension was broken, the headlights finally gave out. A splash. A rumbling. A fizzling. Silence. Ahri pressed a hand to her gurgling gut; only slightly swollen, it quickly returned to its original shape, leaving no trace of her meal save for a subtle increase in her scale. Her steps towards the looming skyscrapers were taken with a renewed confidence. Her thrashing tails tipped over cars and broke streetlights as she passed; her lower legs cut through fancy suburban homes like butter. Amongst the chaos and destruction, the screams, the sirens, the thrumming of the helicopters above and around her, her attention landed on an old tree in the middle of a roundabout. She knew the old oak well – as Tammy, she had played under its branches, back when she still had friends. She had added her name, and her old crushes’, to the endless list that covered several generations, all the way back to when the metropolis was made of wood and rather than concrete. The venerable tree was a landmark and a symbol both. The memories it uncovered deep from Ahri’s – no, Tammy’s – mind were strong enough to make the giantess momentarily pause. To add a drop of melancholic nostalgia to a maelstrom of arousal and hunger. Her eyes lost their malicious glimmer for but a moment and her toothy and distorted smile faded. From childhood to young adulthood, the old oak had towered over her. Always there, strong and reliable. Evergreen. Covered in fake snow and decorative lights on Winter, providing pleasant shade during the hot summers. “Old friend…” The hint of mockery in Ahri’s voice concealed something else – something more complex than just ‘fuck and feed’. She lowered herself to her knees in front of it, instinctively resting her hands around the trunk. The mighty pull came naturally, breaking century-old roots, upheaving pavement, shattering concrete. The destruction put the fire back in Ahri’s eyes and the smile back on her lips. She bit into the luscious fronds, not even bothering to chew before swallowing leaf and shattered branch alike. Her teeth snapped century-old wood like a carrot and raked leaves from branches. A snack for the road. So much for old friends. As she walked, she ate. Tails and hands scooped up anything, alive or inanimate, that had the misfortune of being within reached as she passed by. Those who were too slow or bad at hiding found themselves hauled several meters into the air, sometimes by their clothes, sometimes under the slippery grip of a fox’s white tail. Some pleaded, some bargained, some threatened. All were dropped into Ahri’s gaping maw, plunging into her gullet without even requiring a swallow. At least her first victims had sated the beast, if only temporarily. These tiny bite-sized snacks where barely worth the effort of gobbling up anymore – and each of them staved off her bottomless hunger less than the previous one. Still, she had never been one to deny free food, and whenever she wished to clear her palate among mouthfuls of tree bark, a wiggling little bystander did the job well enough. The road widened and forked; as the city came within sight, so did the effects of her rampage. The chaos down in the suburbs had not gone unnoticed, and endless lines of cars stretched over every road, in every direction. Some of the most desperate ditched of their vehicles and scattered on foot – others simply sounded their horns, in the futile hopes that it would somehow make empty cars move. The exodus was beautiful to behold, and upon seeing it, Ahri placed two hands over her chest, eyebrows mockingly fluttering. “All of this because of me?” Her greedy glare turned to the distant buildings that so captivated her; they still stood, tall and inviting, a domino chain just begging to be toppled; then again, the towers and skyscrapers wouldn’t be going anywhere. She feigned a dramatic sigh, flamboyantly waving down at the chaos before her. “Oh, who am I to say no to such a generous offering? I promise it won’t spoil my appetite for the main course.” Too much chaos - nobody was listening but her. Her voice was like a distant thunderstorm; the herald of a force of nature, completely devoid of meaning. People knew to try and avoid it – but she couldn’t care less. No ears mattered but her vulpine ones. Her ego required almost as much feeding as her body did, after all. At first, she sampled the vehicles one by one, finding the subtle differences between flavors – but she soon grew bored. One second she was selecting treats like a gourmand deciding on which entrée to pick first; the next, she was digging her fingers into the ground and scooping up huge chunks of road, piping, and earth and dumping them onto her gaping maw and flattened tongue – wolfing it all down like a wild beast. She lowered herself to her knees and feasted. Droplets of saliva shattered windshields under their weight. Her massive tits pressed down on what remained of the road after she had its way with it, rolling over exposed pipelines and engulfing the few cars that she’d missed, raising a massive wave of upturned earth as they dragged along. Her tails’ ecstatic thrashed crushed buildings and roads and bypasses, sent cars flying, toppled utility poles and snapped power lines. Her hunger was directed, but her devastation knew no bounds. Asphalt shattered under her molars, rocks snapped in half between her incisors. The resulting landslide slid over her tongue and rolled off the cliff of her gullet, heavy and tumbling, the sharp edges of rocks and trunks of trees caressing the inside of her throat. No time to savor. No time to breathe. Only the food mattered. Each handful dug deeper, each swallow more massive yet less satisfying. As she ran out of things to feast on, she crawled on all fours along the road, her hands guiding more and more of its length into her mouth. Careful movements kept it from shattering and snapping; her tongue’s gentle rippling sent it sliding down her throat – it, and all the dozens of empty vehicles that rested upon its surface. She took it all in eagerly – her stomach steadily breaking down what she slurped up and pumping it through her form. Her hair stretched and loosened, hanging over her form like a veil. Her breasts expanded outwards, further flattening the ground underneath, their supple skin engulfing even more of the landscape. Every single bit of mass was repurposed, adding to her size, her beauty, and her power – and fueling her arousal. The urban sprawl before Ahri neared, but her constant growth messed with perspective itself. What lay around her became smaller even as the skyscrapers ahead of her loomed closer. But then the road ended. Her shoulders slammed into glass windows and steel beams. She looked up, and the asphalt strip that hung from her mouth snapped off. She pursed her lips around what was left and pulled it in, loudly gulping down the last stretch. Tails wrapped around apartment buildings, other pressed against the ground, helping her easily lift her massive weight into a standing position. The metropolis stood before her, ripe for the taking. Just the sight of it made her salivate. Her fingers ran over the façade of the nearest still standing structure – an office building, as tall as she was. An architect’s wet dream, full of sharp angles and shiny surfaces. It caressed her fingertips as she explored its surface. Every exposed beam, every slightly rounded window, every indented metal panel and bit of lattice. She still felt empty and hollow, but her body smoldered – and though the feeding had distracted for it, this respite from reckless consumption was enough to remind her. She was Ahri, after all. The very essence of sensuality, perfect in every way. To not pleasure such a beautiful and graceful form was a crime. She wrapped her hands around it and pressed herself to the phallic shape. The metallic surface was ice-cold against her sweaty skin. It gave her goosebumps – her whole body flushed. Hunger pangs and the aching of desire blurred boundaries and melted into a deep, irresistible need. A leg hooked around the tower – metal beams creaked and foundations rumbled, but it withstood her embrace for the time being. Ahri’s trembling body rubbed against it. The coldness of the metal only made her body burn hotter. Her breasts flattened against the surface, her hips bucked up – and she bit back a moan as the echoes of pleasure ravaged her body. A glistening trail trickled down the building as she humped it. The sheer violence of her lust was a spectacle for all to see. Fingers like claws digging into the building, bending metal and cracking concrete. Tails whipping in a frenzy, smashing everything that stood in their way, swatting helicopters out of the air. Each hump sent a small electric shock through her body; one that made her hair stood on her and shut off her brain for a split second. In her embrace, the building squealed and creaked. Metal tiles flew through the air and showers of broken glass shone under the bright sunlight, displaced and destroyed by the hunger of her dribbling folds. She nibbled on the tower’s façade as she would the neck of a lover; her teeth scraped at the concrete, muffling pleasured moans; her tongue ran over the cold metal tiles, slathering her with her steaming saliva. Her arms tightened their hug. Her breasts bounced up and down around its length. Her grunts echoed through the mostly empty hallways of the building. The fire in her veins burned hot. The tower was slowly being stripped bare, unable to keep up with her desire. The haphazard constructions of man could not stand before the likes of her. She graced it with her lust; ever after her weight toppled it over and it collapsed amongst the rubble, she continued riding it, grinding it, squeezing every bit of pleasure she could from the broken and battered husk. And when she was satisfied – when her moans became screams and her tails froze, her ears raised high and her muscles locked, when the earth itself trembled and windows shattered to the resonance of her voice – her supple form collapsed on what was left of the once proud tower, pulverizing it under her massive weight. Birds of iron crossed the skies above. Buzzing insects with rotary wings buzzed around her, either peppering her from afar with stings she couldn’t even feel, or hovering around her, training camera lenses on her gigantic figure. Ahri ignored the glass eyes on her at first, and focused on her feasting instead. The helicopters were too far to reach, even for her tails – she had no time to spend on such trifling things. The realization of what they truly meant came late, but when it crossed her mind, she hastily swallowed the church steeple she was chewing on, and turned her attention to the nearest news helicopter. “Hello, morsels. I hope you’re enjoying the view.” Her voice was as low and gentle to her ears as it was booming to those around her. Every word dripped with smugness; even her grin was mocking. “I’m snacking on your friends and family. Fucking and eating your historical landmarks. And you’re all just sitting there, watching me do it.” She placed her hands on her hips and leaned forward, making a show out of swaying from side to side with smooth, almost snakelike movements. Her massive tits jiggled to her movements, and she winked seductively at the camera, even blowing a kiss when she was done. “I love an audience! I’ll make sure to thank you all with the best reward a puny human can hope for.” Her lips parted just enough. Just enough to show a glimpse of the dark, hungry darkness beyond. Of the condensation of her hot breath. “You’re probably thinking this will never happen to you. That this is a localized event. Well, consider yourselves lucky, because before the end of the week, I’ll have all of you, and everyone you’ve ever met and heard of, and everything you’ve ever owned and seen, in here.” She slapped her tummy, sending little ripples through her voluptuous curves. “Digesting!” Roused by the impact, her insides growled and churned in hunger, while the giantess just giggled, feigning childish embarrassment at the display – an expression that quickly melted away in under a second, to reveal a sly smile and a deeply intense and lustful gaze. “So just enjoy the show for now… because I’ll enjoy it too. Did you get that, camera guy? And now for a little preview, to keep you all looking forward to it.” Obviously, no response could have reached her. Not from that far away, not from such small creatures, and certainly not through the infuriating whirring of the blades. Taking the absence of an answer as a yes, she nodded knowingly and lowered her body slightly and jumped. The last thing the camera filmed was the quickly approaching form of a giant, naked female form, flying through the air like a pouncing cat. Her mouth opening wide until it covered the entirety of the picture. Lots of shaking, the hellish screeches of metal being crushed and bent – and a dizzying and precipitous fall, where only glimpses of thumping movement could be seen through the thick veil of darkness. Then, nothing but static. An entire neighborhood cushioned her dramatic three-point landing. Three buildings were ground to dust under her hand and feet; the ones around it crumbled as the ground itself beneath them cracked. A few flicks of her tails, and the surrounding area, too, became little more than a smoking pile of rubble. Ahri licked her smiling lips. She picked up the bent helicopter blade that hung from the corner of her mouth – using them to pick a particularly bothersome chunk of metal slag from between her teeth before swallowing both pieces of wreckage in a drawn-out, dramatic gulp. The once mighty city lay in ruins around her. The previous day it was a bustling center of commerce and tourism, and now it was a ghost town. Most buildings were missing chunks or paraded huge bite marks. Others lay crushed or soaked in her juices. And she gorged endlessly, shoveling handfuls of rubble into her slavering maw, swallowing towers and small buildings whole, running her tongue over the deserted streets as if licking a plate clean. By the time the sun set, there was no city. Only a barren and smoking landscape with no building, however small, left standing. Even the upturned dirt had been stripped of power lines and water pipes. The land lay bare. Bare, save for the towering figure that stood amongst the smoldering ashes, hands resting over her churning stomach, face flushed, tongue out, a small lake of viscous fluid pooled at her feet. Ahri was growing still. An entire city’s mass had been displaced and repurposed; now it ran in her blood, stretching her muscles and expanding her bones. Waves of growth, in sync with the beating of her heart, came over her, expanding outwards from within. With each of them, the horizon stretched further and the clouds hung lower. The helicopters went from buzzing insects to motes of dust, while the fighters that zoomed above, splitting the darkening sky with their white trails, had long disappeared, save for the occasional scout. “Not bad, not bad at all,” Ahri cooed, opening and closing her hands and stretching her arms and legs to get acquainted with her newly-acquired mass. Movements which, of course, made her thick and curvy body jiggle in all the right ways. She inhaled deeply of the thin air that surrounded her and exhaled a cloud of condensation into the chilly evening breeze. “For how pathetic humans are, they sure are delicious… and the things they build really can fill a girl up nicely, for a time at least.” Golden eyes unused to nights without artificial light scanned the horizon. Other clusters of neon and headlights flickered far in the distance – past the countryside she had never visited, beyond the lakes and forests she had never explored. Lights so glaring and so surrounded by smog that they obscured the stars themselves. Meanwhile, above her, the Milky Way shone in all of its glory. She opened her arms wide and bathed herself in the light of a multitude of stars. Some small and distant, others bright and… flickering? Whistling? A blinding flash caused her to stumble back; a loud explosion was followed by a wave of searing heat and a shockwave that sent her reeling. Dozens more rained around her. Clouds of smoke obscured her vision, stinging her eyes and her lungs when she breathed. Her first reaction was not to escape; it was to step out of the smoke and look down at her nude body to make sure her beauty had not been defiled by burns or bruises. Her skin felt warm and the acrid scent of burned hair filled her nostrils, but other than that, she looked fine. Her second reaction was to look up and growl in anger. How dare they attempt to fight back? To cause her temporary worry and mild discomfort? She, the superior being, had been kind and gracious enough to ascend them and their filthy little planet to a higher plane of existence. To allow their nutrients to nourish her and their biomass to sustain her growth – was to be one with her, the greatest of honors! And the thankless wretches dared try and wound her? Ahri took a deep breath. No, she couldn’t be like that. They were poor, scared little fools – they knew not what they were doing. It was okay. She would show them to the light. She would devour them all and allow them to be part of her. Fat on her ass and tits. Fur on her tail. Blood in her veins. Energy in her cells. They didn’t deserve it, but she’d do it anyway – because she was Ahri, and she was a graceful and forgiving goddess. |
Something About Amber Baggy eyes illuminated by the glare of phones looked up. Conversations derailed into gibberish. The hubbub that usually dominated the hallway before class died – replaced by the muted footsteps of sneakers against the epoxy coated floor. This kind of silence was music to Amber Adams’ ears – and the dozens of eyes checking her out, surreptitiously or otherwise, only made her flaunt her body even more provocatively. From head to toe, she swayed with each step, dancing to a song that wasn’t there, soles tapping the floor to a rhythm that existed only in her mind. Before her, the tide of fellow students parted; a chaos of nervous smiles and stuttered greetings, to which she replied with no more than a bright smile and a wink. “Good morning, boys!” she exclaimed in her singsong voice. Amber checked the time on her phone – three unread messages were dismissed without as much as a glance – and nodded to herself. Three minutes fashionably late, as always. The unlocked door was pushed open by a playful smack of her backside. Behind her, the silence lingered, even after she was out of sight. The familiar smell of chalk and cheap deodorant welcomed her to the classroom, as did a familiar, friendly voice. “Miss Adams, good thing you’re here. Take a seat, I was just about to give you your tests’ results,” said Mr. Morrison, wiry middle-aged man in an ill-fitting suit and replacement father figure for half the class. He adjusted his reading glasses and flicked a strand of graying hair from his nose. There was no lack of free seats in the classroom – in fact, it looked almost deserted, with only a dozen or so students, almost all of them girls, occupying the first few rows of desks. Provided with so many options, Amber hummed, tapping a dainty finger against the corner of her pursed lips. She made a show out of deciding, her rich brown eyes returning the gaze of every hopeful sitting before her. One by one she sought them out; even the most passing of glances fell to the irresistible pull of her eyes. When pupils met, they contracted, stares becoming long and intent and facial expressions blanking for a mere moment before returning, muted and confused. Amber repeated the process with practiced ease, eyes darting from student to student, eye contact only breaking for as long as her gaze traveled. Within seconds, every student in the classroom had stared deep into Amber’s eyes, and seen nothing. Nothing at all. Or rather, almost every student. The two boys in the corner, sharing a desk, showed no interest. Too busy talking to each other, they hadn’t paid any attention even as Amber made her grand entrance. She raised an eyebrow, both impressed and intrigued. Each of her steps was followed with bated breath as she finally picked her seat – first row, by the window; same as always. “Right, thank you for being prompt, Miss Adams,” Mr. Morrison said through a smile, good-natured as ever, as he squared up a small pile of papers on his desk. “Anyway, moving on. You all should be proud! Very good test results all around.” He looked around the classroom. “I’ll hand thes-” His eyes met Amber’s, and his voice died. For a second he stared past the class; then he blinked, cleared his throat, and shook his head as if awakening from some strange trance. “Uh, sorry. What was I saying?” Amongst the chuckling that filled the classroom, one voice sounded, clear and chipper. “The exams, Mr. Morrison.” Mr. Morrison lightly tapped the palm of his hand against his forehead. A floppy finger wagged and pointed towards Amber. “Right, exactly, thank you. Right, come and get them… no, not at all once, sit down, I meant in alphabetical order. Uh…” He checked his list. “Right. Adams, Amber?” It did not take more than a few minutes for students to collect their results. Most were busy checking which questions they’d answered wrong; not Amber. While all others were distracted, she watched and observed, finger tapping dispassionately on the big red A+. “Dale, Kevin,” the teacher droned on. “Fincher, Heather. Fincher, Mary. Paulsen, James. Roberts…” How interesting that those two guys from before averted their eyes even as they walked by her. Most people couldn’t help stealing a peek of her shapely form, so well emphasized by the suggestiveness of her outfit. Amber was used to being regarded with jealousy, desire, awe or any combination of the three. She thrived in them, savored them as she would a fine aperitif or some torrid foreplay. Disregard was rare enough, but avoidance? Amber’s nostrils flared and her smile turned sly. She smelled a smart… “Huh.” Mr. Morrison looked down at the last remaining sheet of paper. He readjusted his glasses and squinted at the name scribbled on top of the page. “Robinson, Ted? That doesn’t sound right. Do we have a Ted in this class?” Silence. Looks were shared, shoulders were shrugged, and Amber looked over her shoulder at James and Kevin, the two from before - who now whispered in each other’s ear, both looking utterly bewildered. They exchanged a couple of glances and more than a few words; eventually, the tallest of the two scratched his mop of russet hair, bit his thin lower lip, and cleared his voice. “Yeah, Mr. Morrison,” Kevin said – immediately, every pair of eyes in class turned to face him, but he focused on those of his teacher. “You know, Ted? Teddy? The big guy we did our project with last month?” He paused, scratching at his elbow, suddenly unsure of himself. “He’s, er, he’s not here today, but I saw him take the test. Positive.” The teacher raised an eyebrow, pacing around the room – a habit he had maintained since the start of the term, but that his students had never quite gotten used to. “Ted Robinson. The name doesn’t sound familiar… are you sure you’re thinking of the right person, Kevin? “You know, Teddy! Big guy, chubby, wore a hoodie?” Amber let out a small hiccup. Ah, memories. “Does anyone remember a Teddy Robertson?” the teacher asked the class. The two friends shared a worried look. Everyone shook their heads. People that they had seen hanging out with the missing student. People who had known him since they were kids. The thought of it being an elaborate prank crossed their mind – but a single look at the faces of their classmates made it clear, there was no doubt in their features. No hesitation or amusement. They weren’t lying; as far as James and Kevin knew, Ted Robinson – motorcycle aficionado, aspiring gynecologist, eldest of three siblings – pure and simply did not exist. “Good to know I’m not crazy!” Mr. Morrison’s laughter hit the two boys like a punch to the gut. “Old but not senile… not yet, anyway.” “Mr. Morrison, please!” The class fell silent when James stood up – so quickly and suddenly that even his friend clutched his heart. “Did everyone really forget about Two-Ton Ted?” A whispered chuckle spread across the classroom – amused as though they’d never before heard the same nickname they’d come up with. Amber sighed loudly; loud enough to draw the class’s attention towards the apple of their eye; the popular girl had graced this debate with her attention. She twirled a pencil between her fingers, moved her phone aside for just a moment – and dramatically furrowed her brow as she tapped the sharp graphite point against her flushed cheek. “Two-Ton Ted, Two-Ton Ted… doesn’t ring a bell. Are you two sure you’ve not been dreaming through class?” And thus, with a crystalline laugh raucously joined by the rest of the class, the two friends knew they were well and truly alone. _______________________________________________________ “See, Kev? I told you there was something wrong.” Kevin sat back, causing his chair to creak – warranting a disapproving glare from the librarian. The piles of books that surrounded the two friends were an alibi at best. James had insisted on finding a spot in the library that was both secluded and within sight. He looked like a mess; he jittered nervously, eyes wide open, usually rosy cheeks pale as snow. His voice was breathy and raspy, every single word a conspiratorial whisper. He looked tired – very tired. Kevin pinched the bridge of his nose, raising the palm of his hand in a wordless request for a moment’s silence. “Look, I know it’s weird, but there has to be a rational explanation for all of this.” “I’m – I’m telling you, it’s that girl, Amber,” his friend all but hissed. “There’s something about her – something mean, something… something evil.” “Look, Jim-” Kevin saw his friend’s fist clench, bone-white knuckles slamming into the wooden table. “Don’t ‘look, Jim’ me! I’ve been noticing it more and more. This has been going for a long time, Kev, a long time!” His tone became more desperate with each word, his expression a mix of fear and mounting frustration. Look, I – look.” Kevin watched as his friend slammed his backpack on top of the table. He bit his lip. His friend was starting to scare him. His warning to not look at Amber had been taken as a joke at first, and then as a challenge, to see which one of the two could deny their base urge to ogle for longer. But there was nothing funny or good-natured about James’s gritting teeth and manic desperation. Fingers slick with cold sweat slid past books, writing implements, notebooks. Obscenities were hissed and uttered – uncreative but punchy. James finally gasped as he found what was looking for, and pulled it from the bag. A folded up old photo, worn and dog-eared. “What the hell is that?” “Class photo, 1987,” James grumbled as he unfolded and flipped the photograph, sliding it over the table. “Found it in the library archives last week. Borrowed it.” Kevin sighed through gritted teeth, looking down at the yellowed piece of paper. He squinted at the sun-bleached and faded colors, eyebrow raising at the ‘creative’ hairstyles and haphazard outfits that were so in vogue back then. “What am I looking for, Jim?” “Middle row, second from the right.” Kevin ran his finger over the photo, counting under his breath. “From the right,” he repeated; his finger landed on a young woman with long brown hair, half-hidden behind a particularly tall student. He recognized that bright smile immediately. “No.” James wiped some sweat from his brow. His relief at securing his friend’s belief was almost vindictive. “Yes. There’s something weird going on here, we need to do something.” “Do wh-” Bzzzt. The sudden vibration made the two jump. It took James a moment to realize what was going on – and breathe in relief. It was just his phone. He looked around, making sure the librarian wasn’t paying attention – and surreptitiously checked it. One unread message. Ted. “Oh, thank God,” muttered Kevin. He pressed his thumb to the touchscreen, and the small yellow icon stretched to fit the entire screen. A small loading wheel turned. The two friends shared a look. Kevin’s foot tapped against the floor. Jim’s whistling breaths grew loud. Then the message loaded – a picture. Upon seeing it, Kevin gasped dryly, hands immediately covering his face; the phone slid from his fingers and fell on the table. It was a glamour shot the same exact pair of beautiful brown eyes they had seen mere moments ago in a decades-old picture. “She knows.” Jim fidgeted uncomfortably, teeth buried so deep into his dry lip that a small trickle of red was starting to run down his face. “Ask her… ask her where Teddy is.” What did you do to Ted. With a tap of a sweaty finger, the message was sent. Mere seconds later, the phone vibrated again. Another picture – a severely overexposed close-up of an open maw, soft lips parted far, a hooked finger tugging at the corner of her mouth. Every saliva-soaked inch glistened brightly under the cheap automatic flash, revealing every grisly detail. In its sheer morbidity, it was fascinating. The two stared down at it in disbelief. A joke in poor taste, certainly. Then another message came in; three hearts. “Do you think…?” “No,” Kevin uttered through the cupped hands covering his mouth. “No, can’t be, I…” “Then say something! Tell her you… well, tell her something!” Kevin closed his eyes and took a deep breath. A shaking finger tapped against the surface. Not funny. Eight little letters took almost an entire minute to type – an entire minute of suspense during which they both stared down at the phone, awaiting and dreading a new message. Once finished, Kevin’s finger hovered over the send button, hesitating for a few seconds before pressing down. A minute passed. Two. Kevin and Jim just stayed there, motionless, frozen. They felt like little kids again, lying in bed in the dark, too scared to move a finger. Then, the dreaded buzzing again. No picture this time. Just four words. Words that Kevin read out in a cold, terrified whisper. Come home soon, Jimmy. _______________________________________________________ She laid supine on the bed, legs crossed, a smile on her lips and one of her sneakers twirling on her toes. Her bare skin pressed down on the cold bedsheets, fingers delineating her form. The trail of frisson traveled from her collarbone down to her side, around the curvature of her bosom and towards her hips. The setting sun bathed the room in a dull orange that cast elongated shadows from every bump and low on her bulging middle. With each low gurgle resonating through her form came a wave of bliss. Skin tingled, blood pumped faster – and she cooed in pleasure. “Keep going, keep holding on, big brother. You might find your way back out!” she whispered to the softly squirming human form that shaped her abdomen. No answer – nothing but the final, muffled sighs of a body beyond help or hope. Amber couldn’t help chuckling at the pathetic little display. “Geeze, you’re not even trying, are you? Hopefully, your brother will give me something to work with, because this is just sad.” She paused for a moment, hand resting over her mouth to hide a yawn. Her fingernail brushed against her silky skin, running over her stretched stomach and circling around her bellybutton. “Oh, sorry, I meant my brother – you stopped existing well before you hauled yourself into this pretty mouth of mine. Hell, as far as they know, you never existed in the first place!” Across the building, a door creaked open then slammed shut. A familiar voice called out, weak and weary. First it called out for Dad, then it called out a hollow name that no longer held any meaning. Distant words were exchanged. Low baritone and wheezy desperation alternated, then struggled for dominance. A loud, hearty laugh. Heavy stomping across the hallway. Amber sat up and turned to the window, her loose sneaker falling to the floor. Legs uncrossed and hands rested on her knees. “See, there she is, Jim. Now go and talk to her – I don’t know what you’re going on about, but I’m not going to have that kind of stupid jokes taking place in my household.” Pushed by the firm hand of his father, James stumbled into the room. His eyes were closed, his tense muscles trembled. His paranoia was justified when that voice – that hellishly alluring voice – sounded, almost mockingly bright. “Thanks, Dad. Can you lock the door before you go? It’s drafty in here.” Nothing about the sentence held up even to a rattled mind like James’s, and yet, to his surprise, he heard his father – his own father, the man who had raised him to value reason above all! – hum in agreement. And so the door was shut, and the key turned; James had been tossed into the lion’s cage by his own father. “Hey, bro! Did you get my texts?” “Don’t call me that!” “Aw, now, don’t be like that… I know we’ve had our differences over the years, but we’ve always been there for each other when it counted, right?” “Why are you doing this?! What can you possibly-” “Remember when we were kids and I got in a fight with that one boy with the bowl cut, and you came to help me even though I’d started it?” James’s knees slammed against the hardwood floor. He remembered. Just the two of them, many years ago, before they’d moved to their new home. “I said his mom was a whore. Back then I didn’t even know what it meant. Thinking back on it, I was right, even though I didn’t know it.” Memories clear as day. Every detail was correct. Every detail but one. James had no sister. He’d never had a sister. But her honeyed words got to his mind; insidious in their matter-of-fact simplicity, they tricked him into doubting himself. James found himself unconsciously nodding along; when he noticed, a resounding slap burned his cheek, returning a semblance of reality to his addled mind. “Stop! Stop it! Where’s Johnny? Where’s-” “Who’s Johnny?” she asked with feigned, overdramatized ignorance, her words punctuated by two dry pats and the telltale gurgle of a busy stomach. James flinched; his guts turned and cramped, and a wet burp escaped his throat, stinging his palate with bitter-tasting reflux. Only tooth-gritting determination and an empty stomach kept his terror-fueled nausea in check. “Excuse you!” Amber said chipperly. “You can open your eyes, by the way. I just want to talk. I’m still a bit busy with our big brother, as you can see, so there’s no reason to rush anything, right?” “Talk? Why would I want to t-talk to you?” “Why wouldn’t you want to talk to the most popular girl in the entire town? Why wouldn’t you want to have her as your sister? Frankly, I’m an improvement over this loser. I mean, have you seen the kind of porn he was into? What a naughty little man!” She snickered. Her voice lowered to a growl but maintained the slight lisp of being spoken through a big smile. “Because you’re curious, James. You can’t stand not knowing something. And you want answers. What is happening? Who am I? You can find out, just open your tired little eyes…” The young man hugged his knees. Only when the dim light of dusk momentarily blinded him did he realize that he had obeyed the command – but he was surprised to find out that his ‘sister’ had honored her word. Only now could he fully appreciate her in all her glory. The beautiful mane of hair that drooped over her shoulders. Her green top and denim shorts covered precious little skin; so much so that she appeared fully nude against the setting sun. Her jutting gut grumbled and churned still, its movements slow and almost pained; of all things, James was surprised at how normal, even sexy, she made it look. Right on cue, she threw her head back and, with languid and drawn-out movements, stretched. A single, muted pop gave way to satisfied sigh and an appreciative hum. James’s unblinking eyes followed her fingers as they moved down her body, disappeared into her purse – and pulled out a small, mint-colored compact. With a click, it snapped open – causing the young man to jump. A powder puff slowly lowered into the layer of pressed face powder. “S-so? Who are you?” “Why, Jimmy, it should be obvious by now...” The compact tilted slightly; instinctively, James’ alert eyes darted to it. His brain didn’t register the brown irises reflected on the mirror until it was too late – by the time he realized what was going on, his eyes had crossed the event horizon and were inexorably pulled in. When eye contact was made, it was over. He tried to turn his head, but it resisted his efforts – what little progress he made felt like moving a boulder, and still, his eyes stared into the all-encompassing brown abyss that stretched all around him. “…I’m your dear sister, of course.” The soft, beckoning voice stirred James to his very core. It resonated through the air, echoing off every book on the desk, every collectible action figure on the shelves, every comic book on the floor; as it did, one by one, they lost all significance. Memories of a little toddler drawing on the walls, of a prepubescent boy writing stories about his toys, of a teenager cramming for the big exam – erased, each of them replaced by the same bright smile, the same chipper voice, the same deep brown eyes. A whisper emerged from James’s mouth, a word with newfound meaning. “S-sis…” The compact clicked shut. “That’s better! Now come and give your sister a hug, silly!” Entranced steps across the room became steadier as they went. The adrenaline that pumped through his blood – why, James no longer knew – slowly lost its grip over him. The same heart that buzzed with terror now did so with yearning. He’d… always been attracted to his sister, apparently? The feeling was new, free of guilt or emotional baggage, but old memories spoke of longing looks, flirty exchanges, whole sleepless nights tortured by cold sweat and feverish want. James placed a cold hand on her bare shoulder. It was soft and warm. He inhaled deeply the smell of perfume and peach-scented shampoo. His fingers slid over silky skin as his arms wrapped around her neck with a weak and uneasy grip. His body leaned awkwardly over the bed, his breath uneven, an embarrassing discomfort building in his jeans. The glare of a phone screen attracted his attention just in time for two of her fingers to pinch his flushed cheek. Amber’s lips pursed and her head tilted slightly to the side – the faux shutter sound effect barely registered for the young man. “Oh, this one’s gonna look great!” The embrace around her neck tightened. Hands surreptitious and fearfully slid across her chest, moving down until the touch of soft cotton halted their advance. The hot breath on her shoulder became restless and hitched; the bed creaked under James’s weight as he pulled himself closer. The corner of her lip curled into a grin when she felt his sweaty shirt press against her back. And another pressure, different but no less expected. “Oh, Jimmy, Jimmy… I know you think I won’t be able to feel that through two layers of denim, but you forget how well your dear sis knows you…” She chuckled as he shuddered, jerking away from her and stumbling back onto the bed; with catlike grace, she turned around to give chase. Rusty mattress springs creaked and whined under the heft of her sagging gut as it dragged through the undone sheets – rolling over his shoes, pinning down his legs under the still wriggling surface. James wheezed, skin glistening with perspiration, cheeks flushed with shame and arousal – and a dainty finger pressed down on his dry lips. “I know what you want, but Sis needs you to make it worth her while… I can’t go sleeping with just any guy, imagine if the word gets out that I fucked the likes of you?” Little nervous nods agreed with each of Amber’s words, even before his brain caught up with their meanings. “Anything, Sis… anything.” Face to face. Two fingers stepped, one after the other, up his jeans. They hooked into the hem of his shirt and peeled the wrinkled fabric up, exposing the goosebumped skin underneath. “We’re going to have a party, and your buddy Kevin is invited. You wouldn’t mind me fucking his brains out while you digest, would you?” “I… I…” She pouted slightly, eyelids fluttering innocently. Her tone, low and affected, was a pleading one. “That would make Sis really, really happy…” Cheek to cheek. Amber’s body nuzzled up to his, lips brushing against the lobe of his ear as they whispered. James’s heart raced under her splayed hand; her breasts flattened over his ribs. “Y…” A nervous nod. Another. A fingernail moving down his neck. Digging into his shoulder. A whisper, honeyed and sharp. “Say it.” “Y… yes, Sis. Anything to make Sis happy.” “Now, that’s a good boy.” Mouth to mouth. Lips brushing up against lips. Hers, warm and smooth. His, cold and dry. Blood pumping. A pause. The smell of her breath; saliva, tears, and hairspray. Intoxicating. While the two bodies writhed intertwined, a leg extended towards the window. It bent upwards, hooking the swaying cord pull between two toes. A tug and a release later, the blinds slammed shut. Under Amber’s meandering touch, James melted away. When his frenzied hands tugged at the straps of her top, the body atop his shifted its weight. When they sought out her soft features and the curve of her lips, she leaned back, eluding his touch. Pinned under the warmth of her rumbling stomach, stuck with feeling its contents slosh about over his own skin, poor James lost all ability to move. His eager little struggles, cushioned by the softness of her middle, served only to exhaust him and energize his ‘sister’. “Oh, Jimmy, I had no idea you were this eager to feed me,” Amber whispered, each word a moan. “But as you can see, my tum is full at the moment, so you’ll have to be patient and wait your turn.” Her form stretched over his. A knee bent and slid up between his thighs, parting them; her fingers grasped his forearms and forced them apart. Skin, denim, cotton, hair, and the weight of a rubber sole over his shin; that was all James knew at that moment, and he couldn’t be happier. Amber’s undulating body swayed from side to side over his. James’s hips bucked up, burying the bulge in his jeans into the supple flesh of her belly. Then another thrust, and another; shy at first, then slowly setting a rhythm. Each movement stirred up what was left of his once-brother. Clueless to this, James groaned and moaned, teeth clenched, eyes shut. The pace hastened, matched by the slithering of Amber’s form; their frequencies matched and they became one, brother and sister, predator and prey. But soon James’s weary body slowed, the rhythm became sloppy, the all-consuming heat that bubbled on his skin concentrating around his lower abdomen. Building, building, about to break. He couldn’t hold back anymore. Not to this. It was too much. He whimpered… “S-Sis!” Gurgle. James’s body froze; a long, deep exhalation whistled through his gritted teeth, breaking into smaller wheezes. Amber’s movements slowed to a halt. Something wet pressed up against her belly button. Raising an amused eyebrow, she ghosted two fingers down James’s body, sending shivers down the poor boy’s spine. The two fingers rested over the steadily-shrinking bulge, and she scoffed a half-laugh. “Already? What a loser. No wonder you can’t get a girlfriend.” He shivered at the cold breeze when her body rolled off from his. For the first time in minutes, his lungs filled to their capacity, taking in the heavy air that hung about the room. There he lay, wallowing in his shame, watching motionlessly as his beloved sister made a show of stomping across the room, unlocking the door, and tossing the key aside. “Pathetic!”, she exclaimed; he could not see the positively titillated smile on her face as she destroyed his already bruised ego. “For your own good, I hope you make a better meal than you do a lover, Jimmy.” The door slammed shut, and Amber’s voice called out Mr. Paulsen’s name. James, too drained to move, merely stared blankly at the ceiling. The creaking of his parents’ bed in the next room, coupled with the immodest and mocking squeals of his sister, went on throughout the night. As for James, he laid stewing in the sweat and sex-stained sheets of his late brother’s bed; turned on, ashamed, and much too weak to even relieve his own arousal, he could only imagine being his father at that moment. Even as the moans turned to gulps. Especially then. _______________________________________________________ Bony knuckles rapped on the door; the doorbell went undisturbed. The movements inside were silent and fearful; the weak voice sounded, a whisper through the wood. “Who’s there?” “Jim.” “Password?” “Just… just let me in, Kev, we don’t – we don’t have time for this, okay?” “Alone?” “Yes, damn it!” A key turned in the lock; the door creaked open just enough for a half-covered eye to squint through the gap. Outside, James shifted uncomfortably, shielding his eyes from the bright morning sun with the flat and scratched surface of his smartphone. “Thank goodness, man,” mumbled Kevin. Jim was jostled in, the door was slammed shut, and the frenetic scratching of a metal key against the surface of a lock preceded a cathartic click. Jim looked around at his friend’s home. All the windows were closed and locked, blinds lowered, curtains pulled. The air was heavy and steamy, thick with the smell of instant noodles, sweat, and caffeine. An open laptop laid on the couch, and its screen displayed an Internet browser with dozens of tabs open – the most visible of them a white-on-black Web 1.0-looking page filled with low-res pictures of lights in the sky and strange silhouettes in the woods. “Please tell me you’ve got something for me, Jimmy. I think I found out what we’re dealing with.” “Oh?” Kevin threw himself into the couch, pulling the laptop over his knees. With a few key presses, he traversed the tabs, flashing through missing posters, artists’ renditions of aliens, airplane trails, time cubes, question marks in quick succession. “Help yourself to a cup while you wait. There’s some left in the coffee press, probably still hot. This might take a while.” “I’m okay. Coffee messes with my brain.” “Ah! Here we go.” James leaned over his friend’s shoulder. He squinted at the screen, where centered, all caps Times New Roman text spoke of strange dissociated behaviors and false memories. “Mandela effect?” he mouthed aloud, skeptical. “Yes. Most of it is pseudoscience bullshit. But look – here.” The screen rippled as Kevin’s greasy finger tapped on it, indicating a few lines down in the comments section, from a so-called ‘believer’. Mandela effect = real, that’s Truth. Other dimensions exist!! I know because I met Her once in 1997. I took mescaline because the mind opens and you see people’s auras but She had nothing She was just a block of meat that moved no mind no soul everything and nothing. She looked at me and She knew I knew. I still see Her sometimes sometimes skinny woman sometimes big and fat like pregnant but weird like. Never aging never same family twice. People around disappear are replaced – abducted? Nobody remembers. Every night something changes nobody notices She knows I know they give me pills say I’m sick say I need help. But I know and now you know too, the True Mandela effect =/= bears and clocks but energy being made meat preying on us. James’s eyes started to cross – he massaged his temples and exhaled through his nose. “What the fuck am I reading, Kev?” “I know what it sounds like, but look. False memories, a woman that doesn’t age. Seem familiar?” Without giving James a chance to reply, Kevin scrolled down. Most comments were either concerned or blatantly trolling, but a few jumped out with their mentions of sinister women with deep and expressive eyes. “I’ve been compiling records. There’s a few stories here in town, going all the way back to the Civil War. Urban legends. Fairy tales. Sirens, they call them. Like the Greeks.” “Aren’t those supposed to have fish tails, though?” Kevin shook his head. “You’re thinking of mermaids. Sirens were more like… birds with human heads, I guess? Luring ships into storms and dangerous waters and picking on the corpses. But it doesn’t matter.” With each word, Kevin broke more and more into a gleeful, sleep-deprived, caffeine-fueled mania. His tongue twisted, unable to keep up with his brain; his hands shook and shivered as they gesticulated wildly, punctuating every sentence he spoke. “Might be the same beings as the mythological things, might not – but the MO seems to fit, doesn’t it? Taking over minds and tricking people into killing themselves.” He paused, scratching at a particularly irksome rash on the back of his neck. “Now think. A couple thousand years pass. Ships have radars and black boxes now. Too much hassle, too much stuff to keep in mind, so what do you do? You drop the feathers and the claws and change your tactics. You know what I’m saying? You take it to a place where students come and go every year.” James just looked at his friend, baffled. The feverish typing, the bloodshot eyes; Kevin was supposed to relaxed one, the reasonable one, ready to calm him down whenever his brain started to strain from stress. To look at him now! Kevin stopped for breath; James placed a hand on his shoulder – a gesture that startled the would-be paranormal investigator. “I think you’re taking this too seriously, Kev. She’s no bird-woman, she’s just… her. And she isn’t all that bad.” “Huh?” “Right, I guess the jig is up. I suppose I should tell you – Amber came to me last night. Like, to my place.” Kevin jumped in his seat. His laptop slipped off the couch and slammed into the ground, immediately shutting off. “She what? How, what did she-” “Don’t worry!”, said James, raising his hands defensively. “Nothing happened. I’m still myself, as you can see – she tried to do her thing, but I managed to resist her influence.” He maintained the pose as his friend looked him over suspiciously, only daring to smile when Kevin’s posture finally relaxed. “She told me a bunch of things. I don’t know how much of it was true, but it was enough… enough to figure out what’s going on, Kev. Here, I saved my notes here - look.” James beckoned his friend closer, fingers pressing on his phone’s touchscreen. As curiosity overtook caution, Kevin approached, eyes instinctively pulled towards the small glowing rectangle. “Ah, here we go!” James exclaimed with one final, triumphant tap. He turned the screen towards his friend, just in time for a video call to be answered – and a familiar face to appear. Fair and silken skin, slightly flushed cheeks, fluttering eyebrows and curves of a smile. Amber. Before he had the presence of mind to cover his face, Kevin’s eyes instinctively met hers – and at that very moment, all desire to resist, all survival instinct and flight response blissfully melted away, leaving nothing but her. The room was sent spinning; a vortex with her in the middle. No phone, no James, no room – only Amber. Lights seemed to dim and brighten in tune with the beating of his heart. Whenever the signal failed and her picture momentarily froze, so did the world around her – as if time itself refused to exist without the beauty of her smile. “Oh, hey, Kevin sweetie! I was wondering when you’d call. Are we still up for that dinner date tonight?” Kevin’s brow furrowed, his eyes locked on the phone that quivered in James’s hand. Amber’s ‘brother’ stood completely still, a dopey and proud smile on his face, holding back a wistful sigh at the alluring singsong voice that, even through low-fidelity speakers, seemed to fill the room to the brim. Realization dawned slowly. Their date, of course! It had been planned for a week now – a meeting at her place, a glass of wine, a romantic dinner, and perhaps something more, or so she had promised. How could he forget such a thing? “Of- of course I am, Amber! I’d never say no…” “That’s a good boy. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to finish digesting Dad if I’m to be nice and skinny for tonight’s date. And I leave you and Jimmy with that lovely mental image. I know you two go crazy for that kind of thing, you creeps!” A wink, a blown kiss – and the call cut off. James and Kevin were left alone, awkwardly standing in front of each other, desperately trying to conceal the burning red on their cheeks and the discomfort in their trousers. A few mumbled words later, James excused himself, leaving his friend to sit back on the couch and once more pull his laptop near. With a few, meandering taps, he mindlessly closed every open tab, cleared his entire search history, and shut it down. _______________________________________________________ When the time came, the two stepped in front of her room, all nervous sweats and tapping feet. Conversation had always come easily to the two friends, but now they stood silent. Nothing needed to be said – nothing warranted discussing but Amber, and words could not do her justice. For the millionth time that afternoon, Kevin checked his phone. Each minute was an eternity, no matter how much he stared intently at the number as if willing it to change. Fifty-eight became fifty-nine. He looked up at James, whose eyes were also locked on his own phone. Kevin could see the reflection in his friend’s eyes – he was staring wide-eyed at the pictures Amber had sent him the previous day. Jealousy bubbled inside Kevin, but he reassured himself it would all be well. Jimmy had pictures? Well, he would have the real thing… Beep. Fifty-nine became zero. Like machines being activated, the two boys snapped to attention. It was time. A shaky hand took hold of the door handle and turned. From the gloom, she materialized. Amber laid prone on her bed, face illuminated by the light of her phone, fingers dancing over the screen in a rhythmic, flowing staccato. Her bare legs kicked about, undone shoelaces whipping her shins with each movement. As the pillar of light shined over her features, she looked up, head tilting to the side. She made a come-hither motion at the two friends, who moved closer. “Just in time, boys!” With a flick of the shin, her right sneaker dislodged from her foot, falling in the floor before the two. She could feel their hearts skip a beat, but it did not dissuade their advance. Good. Amber’s eyes followed the two shadowed silhouettes as they closed the door behind them. So eager, so lovestruck… if every nosy investigator was as careless and hormone-riddled as these two, her life would be so boring. Kevin and James found their way to the bed and sat on either side of their beloved. Her hands took theirs into a soft, but firm, grip. They both knew exactly what to do. Their whole lives, as far as they could remember, had revolved around this exact moment. They had practiced it a hundred times in their mind, they had fantasized and dreamed about it – and now, it was time. They shared one final look – one final nod, and then Kevin grabbed his friend by the hair and slammed him down into the mattress. The impetuousness of the motion made even Amber raise an eyebrow and hum appreciatively – hidden depths to her dear boyfriend, perhaps? James showed no will to struggle, save for his frenetic efforts to hasten the inevitable. Fear, lust, eagerness, joy – all emotions that flashed through his face, one by one, as his sister’s soft hand brushed against his cheek; as her forehead pressed to his until all he could see was those spellbinding eyes. “What is it, dear brother? What do you want from Sis?” His breath hitched; his mouth hung open, but no words came out. “We both know what it is, so why don’t you just say it.” He gulped; his entire body quaked under Kevin’s grip. Words refused to string together – conflicting thoughts came and went, making it impossible to focus. His lips quivered, forming a raspy whisper. “E-eat me, Sis…” Amber cupped his cheeks and held his shuddering face steady. She leaned closer, traced the outline of his lips with her tongue, then whispered back, “Louder, dear brother. I don’t think Kev here heard you properly.” James bit back a moan. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead, tracing his cheek before soaking into the bedsheet below. “I want to feed you, Sis…” he repeated, cracking and weary voice failing to go higher. Amber grinned. The groveling. The humiliation. She could hear it in his whimpers, smell it in the musk of his sweat. Her lips parted, her hot breath washed over him like a taunt; he tried to wiggle closer, to get a better look, to feel it in his skin – but Kevin’s grip held, and when Amber’s teasing smile returned, James felt a sting deep in his heart. His life’s goal denied on a whim. For a moment he thought himself rejected; then, like a glimmer of light in the darkness, her beautiful singsong voice sounded. “Now, don’t be rude. Thank your friend and say goodbye.” James’s dry lips repeated her words without understanding – with the sole intent of pleasing his sister. What did his friend matter? If anything, he resented him for delaying his bliss, no matter how little. Amber nodded her approval, pressing her lips to James’s forehead. The kiss widened and spread, the softness of her lips giving way to the wetness of her tongue, the brushing of teeth against his scalp. She felt the body shiver and squirm in pleasure, his muscles stiffening, his heart skipping a beat. His head fit neatly in her maw; his face sinking into her tongue, the roof of her mouth pressing down on the back of his skull. Her eyelids fluttered to a close. Her lips pursed around her victim’s neck and she took a deep, long breath. For the first time, there was urgency to her movements – need and lust so intense, they seemed out of sorts for such a casually seductive creature. And yet there she was, with her head bobbing up and down while softly sucking on the head of her victim, arms wrapping around him in a lover’s embrace, legs hooked around his stiff form – and hips thrusting back and forth, sliding over his groin. Between Amber’s jerky movements, Kevin’s awkward guidance and James’s own unwillingness to resist, his body bent like a ragdoll fully at her mercy. Saliva trickled down his body, soaking his shirt, dripping on the bedsheets below; every few swallows, Amber hummed and moaned at his taste – the bitter saltiness of sweat and tears. Kevin watched, entranced. His body sweltered, boiling to the heat of jealousy and desire. Pieces of clothing were ripped from his form, tossed aside, joining Amber’s discarded Chuck Taylor on the floor. A shirt, two shoes hastily kicked off his feet; his slippery fingers now struggled to take hold of his zipper, to ease a pressure that was building up to pain. The wet squelch of a swallow heralded James’s end. In the dim light, two bodies became one. Kevin saw his friend’s form steadily disappear, clothes and all. Each inch of hair and skin and cotton and denim that vanished between Amber’s lips made her coo and groan in satisfaction. Kevin felt no sadness for the loss of his friend; his beloved girlfriend was pleased. That was all that mattered. The wriggling, moaning body slid down until it was nothing but a particularly large bulge around Amber’s middle and a pair of feet sticking out of her mouth. She exhaled, her eyes seeking out Kevin’s amidst the gloom. She stared him down seductively, tongue slithering out between her lips to wrap around the bare shins of her meal, guiding them in. Her mouth gently opened just enough for the tip of James’s toes to brush up against her upper lip on their way in; when it closed back again, a little gulp was all it took to end it. Without ever breaking eye contact, she sat back, basking in the afterglow of a satisfying meal, feeling the boy’s toes draw a line over her tongue, past her tonsils, wiggling their way down the length of her gullet. Amber hands kneaded the supple, distended belly that now flattened against the sheets. Her fingers dug into the soft, warm skin, testing the limits of the wriggling body within. She extended a hand towards Kevin, who interrupted his unsuccessful attempts at unzipping to approach and reach out and take hold of it. She guided his hand to her middle, over every bump, every stretch. His breath hitched in surprise and awe at the power of her stomach’s contractions, at how muted the struggling within was. Only a small layer of flesh separated him from his best friend; minutes earlier he had been a person with hopes, dreams and wants, but now Kevin’s mind struggled to think of him as anything more than a filling meal in the middle of being digested. “Brothers are such a pain in the ass,” Amber commented, her sadistic grin slowly returning. “Thirsty to the end. Can you feel it? He’s swimming in acids, probably already starting to break down – and he’s still enjoying it. Disgusting, isn’t it?” Kevin had no reply for her; his fascination left him speechless. His hand rubbed the trembling surface of her stomach, kneaded the soft flesh to feel at what lay beneath. Too afraid to go further; too aroused by the sight to stop. Amber’s toes curled up, tugging at the bottom of Kevin’s jeans; once, twice they failed to pull them off. She raised an intrigued and seductive eyebrow as the back of her toes rustled their way up the denim. She trailed up and over his shins, around his knees, between his thighs; gently, she pressed the ball of her foot to the bulge in his pants. A sharp inhalation cut the silence, followed by a hitched exhale. Her toes slid back and forth over the denim surface, teasing the building warmth on the other side; finally, they trailed up onto his waist, found the zipper, and tugged on it. A long, drawn-out purr was followed by a sigh of relief, and the dry flump of jeans crumbling on the floor. Another rustling sound. Amber’s remaining sneaker slid off her foot, leaving it bare – another thump. Kevin winced at the cold sole that pressed down on his inner thigh, but the discomfort was momentary, melting away into a pleasurable shiver as Amber’s toenails raked their way up his body. They scaled his chest and drew the curve of his neck, resting for a moment over his bare shoulder before pressing down on his right cheek, causing a strangled noise to escape his lips. He was about to lose it. Before him, that peculiar creature – so seductive and flexible despite the weight of the belly she so proudly flaunted – seemed almost unreal. The mere sight was enough to drive him close to the edge; now that those catlike movements were matched by caressing and teasing touches, Kevin didn’t know how long he’d last. Amber knew it, and took great pleasure in finding the line and edge him closer, and closer, and closer, only to pull away at the last moment, leaving him aching for more of her touch. Kevin rested his hand over the bridge of the bare foot that pressed on the side of his face. It was cool and dry; a long shot from his own sweltering touch. Her teasing continued. One foot caressed his face, the other massaged him through the thin fabric of his boxers, before finally hooking into the fabric and tugging it down. Kevin’s erection finally sprung out, stiff and slick and ready to go; the mere feeling of release had him sighing in relief. Amber raised an appreciative eyebrow at Kevin’s nudity. He was far from impressive – just a scrawny kid like so many others – but he certainly looked like he had more potential than the young man that now churned away in her gut. Her feet joined around his cock, cupping it and sliding back and forth in a rhythmic motion. An embarrassed groan and a throb between her arches let Amber know her beloved boyfriend wouldn’t last much longer; it only made her slow her pace further. Kevin was barely a person at this point – just a big puddle of exhaustion and desire, physically, mentally, and emotionally worn out by the drawn-out, methodical torture that was Amber’s mere existence. She, in turn, was utterly elated. After all, seeing so much potential reduced to so little was one of those tiny pleasures that made eternal life worth living. And now for the other one. A powerful and final tug sent Kevin reeling. His voice cracked halfway through shouting her name; his mouth popped open, his knees buckled, his back arched. Amber flinched and chuckled in surprise when something hot landed on her right cheek; a surprise that turned to amusement when she saw her lover fall to his knees. “Tapping out already? Come on, now – do you really want to disappoint your girlfriend like that?” Kevin looked up. Atop a mountain of squirming flesh, her eyes followed his every movement. Mocking, judging. Disappointing his girlfriend? The mere concept was anathema to him; even the words themselves filled him with a disgust that he could not explain or understand. With a flick of her finger, he stumbled to his feet, naked and pathetic. With a beckoning nod, he stepped out of his trousers and underwear. Smooth and graceful in her movements, Amber sat up and scooted over to the edge of her bed. She grasped his chin and tilted it down, forcing his eyes away from hers and directing them towards her ample cleavage, which pressed down on his chest, almost squeezing out of the confines of her green tank top. If the red that flushed to his cheeks was any indication, he liked what he saw… Kevin found himself pinned against the wall; trapped between the warmth of her stomach and the cold glass window his back pressed against. “I asked if you wanted to disappoint me. Don’t leave me hanging.” He slumped down; she grasped his cheeks and squeezed them. His mouth hung open, no sound coming out; she grinned, pulling and twisting his cheeks to simulate mouth movements. “No, I don’t, Miss Adams. I would never disappoint you, you are so sexy and smart!” she pantomimed, puffing up her cheeks slightly and putting on a deeper, more masculine voice. A smile broke between sentences; she had to bite her lip and wait out her urge to laugh before continuing. “I would do anything for my sweet pea, yes indeed!” Her voice dropped back to its usual singsong self. “Well, then, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is, Kev.” Amber threw a leg around Kevin’s waist, her arms around his neck. He groaned in discomfort; she was anything but gentle on his battered body, and what remained of James weighed heavy on his muscles. Unbothered by such details, Amber leaned over and kissed him; her supple lips pushed hard, tongue sliding between his teeth and massaging the inside of his cheek. Kevin shuddered, eyes rolling back when she sucked his bottom lip into her mouth; his body slumped, kept standing only by her embrace. “Poor little boy,” she whispered into his mouth. “A disappointment until the end, just like your friend was. And his brother. And his dad. And Teddy. And all those students. Say, do you think your teacher will be any better? I have high hopes…” She bit down on his lip, felt him shudder under her grip, smiled as he threw his head back in pleasure – and whimpered as it slammed hard into the glass. She then broke away from the kiss, leaving him wanting, hungering still. “Ah, I suppose you wouldn’t know. I’ll have to find out myself. Well, then, your job here is done. Dispose of yourself.” Kevin nodded. He understood. “Y-yes, Am-Amber…” Shivering fingers rested against her lips, as if awaiting permission. Her tongue rolled out; permission granted. Hands splayed against the fleshy, rippling surface, and pushed in slowly. He closed his eyes, lowered his head parallel to his arms. Pushed further. Saliva pooled around his fingers as they searched, blind, for their goal. Knuckles brushed up against teeth, thumbs drew the line of her gums. Then Kevin felt it, at the very tip of his fingers; the back of Amber’s throat and the desired drop beneath. Hands slid down into the gaping hole. Wrists, forearms, elbows followed. Soft lips slid over his hair, tongue lapped at his face, even now teasing his mouth. Rippling, easing him in. The warmth around his shoulders. Around his chest. The groaning and gurgling cushion rolling over his half-erect cock, sending shivers up a body he had thought long beyond such simple pleasures… His whole body shuddered. She was teasing him, again. No, not this time. No more teasing. He wanted – no, he needed to feed her. He needed to be in her, to bathe in her acids, to be in her, truly, fully. He needed her gurgling innards to lull him to the sleep of death to the rhythm of her heartbeat. No more being coy. No more being a loser. Today, he owned his future. He did himself and Amber proud. Kevin inhaled deep of her breath and threw himself in. Why had he wanted this? He did not know. He did not know a lot of things. All he could remember was that he loved Amber, he had always loved her, ever since he was a child – and that feeding her like this was the highest of honors. Who was Kevin to question a lifetime’s memories? After she gave the departing feet a farewell lap, after her throat retained to its usual size, even after her center of mass had lowered yet again, Amber let out a long, satisfied sigh. Her gut expanded from large to huge, skin stretching to accommodate a second body within the confines of her stomach. Feeling herself collapse under the weight, she found her way back to the bed. There, resting comfortably over the soft mattress, she would be able to enjoy every minute of the digestion process – draining the expended energy of every struggle, every kick, every whimper and death throe, until nothing was left. Nothing but her, perfect and eternal. And speaking of perfect… “Oh, I almost forgot!” she announced to no-one in particular, proudly patting her tummy. She reached for her phone, found it hidden behind the sheets – and smiled. _______________________________________________________ Mr. Morrison sighed. He brought his nearly-empty cup of cold coffee to his lips, nose wrinkling at the bitter taste of dregs. Names and numbers in spreadsheets on his laptop screen. The list before him showed three dozen names, only a third of them he recognized. Some had grades associated with them – others, teacher’s notes, insightful and, from their tone and terminology, unmistakably his own writing. “What the hell is going on?” he mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. In the bottom-right corner of the screen, a window popped up, momentarily distracting him from his concerns. Amber Adams. His expression immediately brightened; unprofessional as it might be, he always did appreciate her attention for some reason. Hey Teach <3 Parents out of the house. The place looks so big and scary when I’m alone. Drop by for some private tutoring? Xoxo~ He bit his lower lip. There were pictures attached. The cursor hovered over the paperclip icon, trembling slightly. Did he dare? His common sense screamed loudly in his ear, don’t do it. But it was Amber. How could someone deny Amber? There was just… something about her… Against his better judgment, he clicked. After a moment’s loading, a picture filled the screen. High resolution, sepia tone filter, thankfully lacking in dog ears. In it, Amber pursed her lips, making a V-sign with her fingers and winking – while her stomach, massively bloated and clearly upset, sagged over the unmade bed. But of all things, it was the caption that sent a shiver down his spine. You’re next, Teach! |
5 Spacing Out Red buttons of increasingly large size were pressed in quick succession when the morning came. The fielded armies were massacred. Ahri waded through salvos of gunfire and artillery shells without flinching, picking through the millions of dollars of military hardware to find only the most massive vehicles – usually tanks – and plucking them from the ground like berries from a bush. She savored the dirty metal, cooed at the pungent taste of fuel and gunpowder. Under her massive teeth, even the thickest metal plates bent and creaked; rolled around in her mouth by her tongue, even the heaviest vehicle might well be weightless. By the time the half-chewed hunks of metal were swallowed down, they were unrecognizable as vehicles – simple messes of jagged steel and steaming mechanisms which, for all their power, slid down without causing even the least discomfort. But the biggest proof of the futility of any attempts at resistance came when the really big guns were deployed. At first, Ahri paid no attention to the small curving trail of smoke far in the distance; only when she could see the crimson on its tip and the blue on its fins, did she recognize it for what it was: a ballistic missile. She quickly swallowed down what little remained of her latest fun-sized snack – a crunchy armored personnel carrier with a particularly delectable filling of a dozen or so humans, with hints of Kevlar and ballistic glass for flavor – and smiled. “How adorable. They’re still trying…” Massive as she was, she needed only take a few steps to avoid any kind of long-range weapon. But that wouldn’t be any fun – so, instead of evading the missile, she crossed her arms, tilted her head to the side, and stood defiantly still as it approached, even making a show out of stretching her massive maw into a deep, drawn-out, deafening yawn. The missile approached, zooming through the air. The target was locked; no further course adjustments necessary. Impact in three seconds. Golden eyes rolled in their sockets. Two seconds. A small hint of an amused grin. One second. Several thousand men and women braced for imminent death. Impact. The winds of a shockwave blew through the empty streets and wreckage. The earth itself shattered, fissures splitting the landscape – but no explosion followed. Without as much as blinking, Ahri looked up at the warhead that still stubbornly attempted to attempt impact, despite the firm grasp the nine tails held around its cylindrical form. It was perhaps a third of her total height; truly quite the catch. “See, that’s much better. Delivering food directly to me… how kind.” She ran her tongue over her lips and stepped out of the hole the missile’s impact had pushed her into. More rubble was flattened under the weight of her bare feet – but the missile’s push was now easier to handle. Her maw slowly opened, pillars of saliva glistening in the sunlight, bending to updraft of her powerful breath. Her tongue flattened and pressed gently to the metallic cone; little by little, her tails loosened their grasp. Its smooth slid in with ease; if even provided its own thrust! She took it in slowly, of course – it was unlike she’d get a chance to enjoy many of these, so she made it last, actively slowing down its descent by pursing her lips around its curvature. The building heat warmed her tongue. It made just another meal feel just a little bit alive. She felt her heartbeat begin to race, her cheeks flushing, an irksome itch deep inside her that demanded to be scratched. She was getting really into it. And if the hordes of men in uniform around her weren’t so busy hastily vacating the premises, they would have seen the full extent of her lust, too! The rumbling of her breath, like a brewing storm, and the goosebumps on her skin – and, of course, the translucent sphere that dripped from between her legs and shattered against the ruined road. Ahri sucked and slurped on the rocket, allowing it to go down only a few meters at a time. She placed her hands around the metallic surface, holding it steady with one and gently stroking it with another; once freed, all nine of her tails whipped and thrashed, sweeping through her surroundings and kicking up clouds of dust and rubble before wrapping around her body. Soft fuzz tickled her bare skin as they squirmed; some gently caressing her face, others drawing the curvature of her massive breasts with their tips or sliding down her body to caress her inner thighs. Her fox ears flattened against her wild hair, eyes closed in pure satisfaction. Her tails’ movements turned precise; haphazard movements became rhythmic and intent. One wiped away the saliva that soaked her chin. The ones around her tits squeezed tight, downy fur rubbing at her nubs and sending constant little shivers down her spine. One curled around her leg and gently tickled at her wet folds; her pleasured moans were muffled by the girth of her meal. Each swallow stretched her gullet to new limits, yet she curbed her more destructive instincts. Her tongue slapped wetly against the metal, but not hard enough to make a dent. Her teeth scraped at the red and blue paint, but didn’t dig in. Little by little, the entire rocket disappeared between her lips; at the same time, so did one of her tails plunge deep into another hole altogether. It parted her folds with eager curiosity, taking a moment to soak itself in her juices before braving her inner walls; when it did, every single hair caressed her insides. This state of unrelenting stimulation continued for minutes on end. Each tail was a lover in itself; touching her, slapping her, penetrating her. Had her patience grown with her size and power, and she would have been able to enjoy to moment to its fullest – but this Ahri was a slave to her own gluttony. And so, she gulped down what was left. The metal creaked as it went down, weighing down on her insides; her tongue curled around the rocket’s tail, guiding it down. The cross-shaped fins were the last thing to sink into the depths of Ahri’s gullet, drawing four lines all the way down to her stomach. She fell to her knees. Drool trickled down the side of her mouth and down her neck; a thin layer of perspiration covered her pale skin. Her body shuddered with each thrust of her tails into her body. Her stomach bulged out slightly, struggling to make room for such an unusual shape; even the feeling of being stretched like so was enough to drive her even further into a state of frenzy. Someone, somewhere, pressed a button. Two wires inside the warhead clicked together. That’s when it all went white. For a mere fraction of a second, Ahri’s stomach felt full – completely full. Then the rest of her felt full. Her insides burned up. She’d expected pain, but no pain came; only a sudden and mind-blowing climax. It overwhelmed every sense, took over every fiber of her being. All that heat, that energy, that radiation – none of it made it past her stomach walls. In their thirst for sustenance, they soaked in everything and pumped it into her veins. Her blood, quite literally, boiled; her skin scalded, her golden eyes burned. But, as always, nothing was wasted. Energy became mass; in a sudden burst of growth, she felt her body shift, stretch, expand. So overtaken she was by the sensation, she didn’t even hear her own lustful screams as they echoed through the skies… Ahri only came to several minutes later – and the world around her seemed even more insignificant than before. She laid on a pool of her own sweat. A soaked tail finally slid out of her, releasing a torrent of her juices. She got on her feet – her entire body hurt. It hurt so good. Every movement felt easier, despite her massively improved curves. She stood, stretched her body to try out her enhanced form, and grinned – instinctively covering her mouth as she hiccupped. “Spicy food always makes me hiccup,” she commented, looking over her deserted and devastated surroundings. “Aww… I guess I ate everyone out of house and home already.” She paused to chuckle at her own joke. “Ah, well, time to move to greener pastures.” And to greener pastures she headed, indeed. If the fruits of human labor were no longer enough to properly feed her, she would have to turn to the greatest engineer of all – Nature itself. _______________________________________________________ Ahri’s new size provided a few benefits. It was true that she would never find clothes her size anymore – but on the other hand, in only a few steps, she could traverse entire swaths of land. She made her way through plains and hills, aimlessly wandering in search of something worth her while. But she found little; even the tallest trees only scratched her ankles, and the helicopters that stubbornly followed her journey had long learned to not come within grasping distance of her tails. She found little, that is, until she came upon a lake. The massive landmark was, to her, little more than a puddle; but it was big enough to not be ignored and, more importantly, provided her with a way to admire her own reflection. For the first time, Ahri was able to fully admire her new self – and puff up with pride. Her naked body was perfection. Her massive breasts, nice and jiggly, were by far the biggest she’d ever seen. Her plump lips curled into a seductive smile, the sight of which gave even her the hots; the rest of her body was delightfully ostentatious, with every curve exaggerated and every feature made sharper; better. For the long minutes where she admired herself in different poses, even her raging hunger took the backseat. Who knew if she would ever get a chance to do this again? No; there was no point being a goddess if she couldn’t even admire her own perfection. Only when she was satisfied – and had looked at her reflection from every angle, in every pose – did she finally let out a small sigh and rested her hands on her hips, and stepped into the water. The clear, placid lake quickly gave way to ripples the size of tidal waves, which spread across the surface of the water and battered the shores. She chuckled at the sight; trees collapsing like sandcastles before such tiny waves. Lowering herself to her knees, she cupped her hands and splashed her face with the cold water. Ahri had almost forgotten how nice it felt to wash up. She dipped their tails in the lake, allowing them to soak up water until they had doubled in weight. She then rubbed them over her nude body, in doing so washing away the grime and filth that even the most well-mannered eater is bound to collect after several days of devouring cities. When Ahri was done, she felt like a new woman. No longer was her perfect body sticky with sweat or tainted by dirt, mud or rubble; nothing was left but the freshness of the lake water which ran down her body in massive rivers. “Ah, that felt good!” she cooed after shaking herself dry. “But now I’m parched. Oh, well. Waste not…” Ahri’s pursed lips lowered to the surface of the water; upon touching it, she began sucking in what was left of the lake. For minutes on end, she drank – all in one breath, without as much as taking a break. The same banks that had been swept clean by the massive waves now lowered quickly. It wasn’t just water she drank; her indiscriminate thirst dragged algae-covered boulders in with the current. Entire shoals of fish, a few boats, even the occasional skinny dipper – they all found themselves welcomed into her gurgling stomach. And in mere seconds, they were gone. It was as if they had never existed at all. The giantess may have been unaware of them, but her body certainly wasn’t – and a small, barely perceptible boost in size followed the unaware consumption. She stood, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Before her, the lake’s banks lay exposed; underwater plants baked in the sun, while the few fish that had avoided becoming chum hopped around, slowly drowning to death. A few were pulverized under her massive feet as she continued her journey. They were the lucky ones. Ahri was washed and refreshed – but still far from satiated. She walked until the plains and forests became hills, then until the hills became steep inclines. She walked until the sun began to set behind the very mountain that towered before her. Ahri glanced over each of them in silent appraisal; after a few seconds, she shrugged. Which one to start with wouldn’t matter; she would have them all. Her feet rested at the base of the mountain range, toes drumming idly on the bared roadside cliffs; under her weight, even the oldest rock crumbled. She ran a finger over the slope, drawing a line through the pine forests as easily as she did the earth beneath. She brought that same finger, now covered in a thin layer of snow, and ran her tongue over it. Her steaming saliva thawed it on contact alone; despite how tasteless it was, she hummed in appreciation and nodded her approval. Her right hand curled into a fist and slammed down into the mountainside with terrible strength. Windstorms from the air her movement displaced blew away the nearby clouds. Rock shattered under her fist, massive cracks spread through the surface of the mountain. The earth under her feet rumbled; opening fissures in the already ravaged land. Trees and panicked forest animals fell into the crevasses that formed, disappearing into the impenetrable darkness of their depths; underground streams pushed between stone plates and reached the surface with explosive force, releasing a pressure built over millennia. Ahri stood in the middle of a cataclysm of her own creation, and she barely even registered it. Her golden eyes glistened with anticipation as she grasped the edges of the crater she had created and pulled it further apart, cracking it open like a cram. The mountain before her roared as it split in two, the two halves finally snapping apart to the clap of thunder that would be heard all across the continent. With a satisfied grin, she caught the rolling rubble in her hands and dumped it into her gaping mouth. The dirt and rocks mixed with her saliva to form a thick paste, appropriately earthy in flavor, which she eagerly gulped down. Before the mudslide in her gullet even reached its destination, she was already shoveling more debris into her maw. It wasn’t feeding as much as it was manual strip-mining. She pulled off a massive chunk of hard granite and took a bite into it; at first, it resisted the pressure of her molars, but soon provided a satisfying crunch. She rolled the smaller pieces around in her mouth and over her tongue, tasted the exquisite blend of sediments and minerals, crushed them into smaller pieces still, and allowed them to slide down the back of her tongue. She tore apart the bigger boulders as one would do a piece of stale bread, snapping off bite-sized bits that she flicked into her mouth like popcorn. She even leaned into the slopes and ran her colossal tongue over the shattered surface, scooping up all that was left, before curling her tongue into her mouth and swallowing loudly. This continued for the better part of an hour, as she sought out veins of exquisitely unique minerals to taste within the shattered mountains, as she sampled all the different kinds of rock that formed what had once been a mighty peak. And while she feasted, she of course grew. The air around her nostrils thinned and even the largest lumps of rock quickly became dwarfed by the size of her own palms. The forest that seemed to stretch forever now was little more than a green stain around her feet. The cities in the distance looked like grayish fungal growths, hiding amongst the clouds. More impressive of all was the curvature of the world, once imperceptible, now clearly visible and defined, separating earth from heavens. To anyone else, it would have been humbling. For Ahri? Well, it was a pretty sight, but not one to waste precious eating time on. Her meal was reaching its end; for one of Nature’s greatest wonders, it had been underwhelming at best. That microscopic species collectively known as humanity was long past even registering in her radar. The world she had known back when she was the flawed Tammy rather than a perfect goddess seemed so distant, so far away, she could barely even conceptualize it. From her distance, all the concrete and metal and asphalt that formed cities just melded together into a grayish, indistinct mass. She approached the closest one. In two steps she covered a journey that had taken her several minutes. The smoking ruins of her previous rampage flattened under the sole of her foot; she barely even noticed them. Another three steps carried her over farmlands and suburbia, until she reached yet another metropolis. Ahri needed only cup her hands under the sprawling city; loose earth crumbled between her fingers as she lifted up the dome. The air amongst the buildings became thin and rarefied; the sweet release of unconsciousness claimed some, but others had to stand in the night brought by the shadow of her head, buffeted by her bated breaths and often drowning in the dainty droplets of saliva that fell from her slavering maw. She closed one of her eyes and squinted with the other; no matter how much she tried, she could barely discern mobs among the chaos, let alone individual humans. They were, quite literally, beneath her notice. Her first bite was dainty; coy, even. Only a few city blocks; just a taste. Her teeth locked onto the side of the dome, tongue gently flicking at the crumbling earth and causing it to shatter. Buildings, statues, streets, and towers rolled over her tongue and rolled off the edge into her gullet, never to be heard of again. “Mmm…” The low, droning hum shattered what few windows and eardrums had survived the destruction. “Delicious. I know I should be a good girl and chew my food, but it’s just so… irresistible…” Ahri pressed the uprooted city to her lips again. Her tongue slipped between her hands and the underside of the dome, curling to tilt it towards her. Her smile stretched and her lips slowly parted; her flattened tongue was ready to catch all the fallen debris. Then she shoved it in with a single, massive bite followed by a gulp; the now familiar tickle of soaked, crumbling earth against the walls of her esophagus lasted for only a few seconds before she felt a nice, if momentary, lack of hunger. Hundreds of thousands – perhaps millions - of lives gone in one bite, and it had barely filled her up. When cities and mountains no longer satisfied, she went for ever bigger meals. Mountain ranges spreading as far as the eye could see had their largest peaks plucked out of the earth and pushed into her slavering maw, their unwieldy shape stretching her body to its limit – but even the hardest stone was dissolved within seconds once her overcharged stomach got a hold of it. Inhabited islands peppering the sea were torn from the volcanoes that they rested on and consumed, one by one, leaving behind smoking and bleeding wounds on the earth’s crust. The rolling hills, the endless steppes, redwood forests, the ice caps, the great underwater trenches from which the continents are birthed; still not enough. Never enough. Ahri hungered, she ate, she grew – and with growth came only more hunger, more desire. Each chunk of the planet she gulped down only made her harder to please; her hunger grew to fulfill the needs of a growing hunger, only just barely. Even now, the deepest ocean could not contain her; when she as much as dipped a foot into it, the displaced water washed over shores all across the globe. That wouldn’t do. She wanted this world pristine, all varieties of flavors and textures easily accessible to her discerning palate, not overtaken by the insidious taste of salt, plankton, and seaweed. So she drank it – drank of the ocean itself, and so great was her size and her hunger, that she could have drunk it dry if she so pleased. The cradle of life itself served only to cleanse her palate; the billions of lifeforms within mere atoms in comparison. As great as her hunger was, she quickly tired of its taste. She stood again, and her head peeked into the vacuum of space itself; her nostrils flared, but no air filled her lungs; her impressed chuckle found no atmosphere to carry its sound. It was quiet and cold; in the silence, she heard only the workings of her own body. The beating of her heart, the gurgling of her stomach, the stretching and contracting of muscles whenever she moved – a beautiful harmony of finely tuned machinery, working together to create a sublime being. Yes, this! This was the world she wanted to live in. A world that began and ended with her – a world where her deific senses would not be insulted by having to experience anything that wasn’t Ahri. It was at that very moment, as her body processed most of the world’s oceans into mass, as her stomach squeezed and sent the arousing flames of growth through her form, that she found herself… weightless. And the same seas that she was knee deep in began floating away. She looked down at her hands, then over her shoulder at her tails. Gravity had rejected her; that was the only explanation she could come up with. For a moment, the very real concern of being adrift in the universe, at the mercy of forces beyond even her ability to withstand, crossed her mind. Then, she realized her drifting had come to a halt, mere thousands of kilometers above the surface of the beautiful big blue planet that she had called home. She willed movement, and movement happened – her body fluttering through the void like a beautiful cosmic angel. “Oh, don’t you fret,” she said. Her lips moved and her words echoed in her mind; that no actual sound was made did not bother her. She didn’t think about it any further; perhaps out of concern that if she questioned these apparently impossible happenings, reality itself would decide to rescind her exceptions to its rules. “Don’t you fret,” she repeated. “I’ll be back for you in just a moment. I’ve been looking forward to this for a long, long time…” |
The Bar Whenever he opens his eyes in the morning, he prays that his day will be an uneventful one. He cannot know what expects him, but he has long stopped being afraid of such uncertainties. Harry is not unconscious; not anymore. That’s how he knows it’s going to be one of those days. The radio plays The Cure. A wet cloth slides over lacquered wood. Someone coughs. Yet another day without the sweet release of death. Fucking phenomenal. His pint is already waiting for him. He sighs, places his hardhat over the counter and rubs his temples – then he takes a sip. It tastes odd. Not bad, but… different. Room temperature. Harry shifts around in his seat; it feels less comfortable than usual and doesn’t creak as much when he spins around. Confused, he looks over the bartender as he walks by – the bald, obese man is a few inches shorter and a few pounds heavier. The tattoo on the back of his neck, barely peeking out from under rolls of fat, has kitschy flowers growing from the grenade instead of barbed wire. Harry furrows his brow. At first, he’s clueless, but a thought soon pops into his mind, to mockingly convenient in its timing to be one of his. It’s all so obvious! This is his reality, yes – but not as he knows it. There’s a new puppeteer pulling the strings, a new inmate running the asylum. So that's why everything feels so... pretentious. He grumbles something under his breath. He knows he won’t be able to get plastered by the time his tormentor for the day inevitably arrives, but he’ll certainly try. Harry is halfway through his second pint when the double doors open. Two women enter, much too lightly dressed for the cold weather outside. Even the breeze they let in sends a chill down his spine, and yet there they are in their skimpy outfits, showing more skin than they’re hiding. The blondish one is the most egregious of the two. If she wore any fewer clothes she’d be stark naked. Her tank top is a glorified bra; her jean shorts are glorified underwear. Come to think of it, the whole thing is glorified fetish gear. Then again, maybe he’s just drunk. She makes a show of looking around, but from the very start, it’s clear she only cares about him. The darker-haired one isn’t much better; the only difference is that her trousers have the common decency of actually covering her legs. Watching her, Harry momentarily wonders if he’s been thrust a few decades into the past; bellbottoms, seriously? He pretends he can’t hear their conspiratorial whispers to each other. The one in the bellbottoms sits to his right; she signals the bartender, who hurries over, only to be intercepted by a young man, with whom he exchanges a few words. Five seconds later the bartender’s grubby sausage fingers are pushing a large mug of bubbling amber liquid in front of her. “How much?” she asks; the bartender just shakes his head, grunts, and gestures towards the wide-eyed guy at the end of the counter. She makes sure to wink at him before ignoring him for the rest of the night. The one in the jean shorts makes herself comfortable on the seat to Harry’s left. Her arm slides over his shoulders and pulls him closer. She, too, gestures to the bartender, who looks her over – and crosses his arms. “I’m going to need to see some ID first, miss.” He doesn’t speak, as much as he belches out words. She smiles; her eyes meet his. “No, you don’t.” “Right you are, I really don’t,” he replies without missing a beat. “Same as your friend, miss?” “Please.” Harry is left dumbfounded at what the hell just happened; she notices his confusion and flashes him a smugly innocent smile. “Hey, honey. I’m Amber. She’s HipHugger.” “Hey,” the other one chimed in. “And you are?” “Harry.” He empties his drink and only barely resists the urge to slam his head down on the counter. “So, are those stage names, or…?” While Amber snickers at the comment, her friend puts down her mug, licks the foam mustache from her upper lip, and leans closer. “Maybe. All the world’s a stage, right?” “How little you know,” Harry mumbles. At this point, the two women are getting a bit too close for comfort, and Harry is starting to feel claustrophobic. Turns out he’s got a reason to. The fingers on his right shoulder grip him tightly, and HipHugger looms closer. He feels her hot breath against his ear, shoots her a glance – and sees nothing but a slowly opening maw. Both Amber and HipHugger brace for the shrill and girly scream that usually follows – but to her surprise, they get only a resigned sign. It’s enough to give even the hungriest predator pause. The mouth closes, giving way to an indignant glare. “Excuse me! Care to explain what”-she emphatically mimicked his sigh–“is supposed to mean?!” Amber politely covers her mouth to conceal her amusement. She kicks back, crosses her legs, sips her drink, and gets ready to enjoy the show. “Look, you’re going to do the thing, okay? The thing’s going to get done.” He shrugged at the fuming HipHugger. He wiggled his fingers. “Woo, I’m so scared, or aroused, or whatever! Isn’t that grand! At least let me finish this damn drink, okay? I had a shit day.” “Oooh, we have a live one!” “Oh, stuff it, Amber,” says HipHugger; she stares down the impudent little man, but the biggest reaction she gets out of him is an idle scratch at his rat’s nest of a stubble, followed by a sniff of his finger. “Buh, fine,” she finally grumbles, plopping down her elbows on the counter and resting her clenched fist on her cheek. “But hurry up.” The three have their drinks in silence. Attempts at small talk fall flat; soon they’re reduced to a series of ‘mhms’ and ‘yeps’ between sips. Harry is the last one to finish his. He gives the last few drops in the bottom of his mug a longing stare and swirls them around. Two pairs of eyes watch him, full of intent and impatience. He presses his lips together and smiles thinly, and finishes it. Before his empty mug even touches the counter again, she springs on him like a mousetrap and lowers herself onto him. It’s a gruesome sight, and his complete and total lack of interest in fighting back makes it both easy and awkward to finish him off. She gets down to his waist – and Amber helps her finish the job by lifting Harry’s legs and pushing him in. Within seconds, he is gone – and HipHugger lifts her bulging middle and rests it on the counter. Nobody blinks at this. The most reaction HipHugger gets is a few slightly disgruntled looks, the kind usually reserved for people who noisily make out in public. It’s almost like they’re used to it by now. “Bleh! Tastes like depression.” Amber hums appreciatively at the joke. She picks up the hardhat he left behind, examines it for a moment, then places it on her friend’s head. The two girls look at each other, desperately trying to maintain their composure – but Amber’s quivering smirk causes her friend to crack up, after which she, too, breaks down into wheezy laughter. They high five and return to their drinking. While Amber looks around for a prospective meal, a flushing HipHugger giggles as she tries to stack pint glasses over her gurgling gut. She bites her lip as she lowers the third one, but the moment she’s ready to release it, she winces. Something comes over her – like a hiccup, only everywhere. Three stacked glasses drop on the counter, then gently topple over. Her belly has contracted back to its original, flat shape – and, to her left, back on his stool, a haggard-looking but unharmed bloke whistles for the bartender. “Sorry, girls. If it were that easy, I would have been granted the sweet release of death a long, long time ago,” he explains with a sardonic smile, reaching for his hardhat and putting it back on. “Maybe you did it wrong,” says Amber. “Let me try it.” Harry’s snapping fingers are grasped and forcefully pinned to his waist; though no less practiced than her friend’s, Amber’s approach is more brutal. More bruises, more joints being jostled the wrong way. More pain even before the acids come into play. She’s much too strong for such a girly physique and much too rough for such an angelic face. These girls don’t play around. In two gulps, he is gone – hat and all. As soon as she feels his weight inside her, and before it even has the time to settle, Amber closes her eyes and focuses. Bodily functions that would take hours are accelerated by orders of magnitude, acidity rises, walls squeeze and churn vigorously. Reality once again folds, and like before, he slips through the cracks. A few Harry-less seconds later, there he is again, sitting on his bar stool and looking no worse for wear, save for the distant and dead look in his eyes, leaving his would-be devourer to disappointedly look down at her flat stomach. Amber and HipHugger lean back and share an absolutely befuddled look. Finally, the latter speaks. “How in the world did you survive that?” she asks. “I didn’t – hey. Hey! Any day now with that beer!” He snaps his fingers. He snaps them furiously. “I died! But I keep coming back. If this new upstart killed me off, the big guy would just declare it non-canon anyway. So you might as well give up now and head home, because no matter how often you eat me, I’ll come back, sitting right here on this stool, probably still waiting for my damn beer.” “He’s crazy.” “Yup. Try eating him again, Amber, and I’ll try something.” “Kay.” Gulp. Harry – as he finds himself yet again trapped in a prison of flesh and awaiting death, as one does – realizes that he’s not even dying for someone’s sexual gratification. This is a comedy set-up. People are probably laughing at him. After a poignant musing about what’s more humiliating – to be killed for fun or to help someone tickle their pickle – he snuffs it. The moment the stool is freed, HipHugger jumps to action and plops her butt down on the warm wooden surface. She steeples her fingers and waits, an eyebrow raising in anticipation. Amber whistles her approval. “Clever! With some luck, you won’t explode.” Pop. Amber deflates again, just in time for HipHugger to hiccup – and with the contraction that spreads outwards from her middle and upwards from her gullet, also comes expansion. Her cheeks puff up, an ‘eep’ escapes from her lips – and, for reasons she can’t quite understand, she feels her cheeks flush red. A few seconds pass. Harry comes to - and expires. HipHugger feels hollow – and then full again. Rinse, repeat – and while it happens, she laughs in both joy and disbelief. “Hey, don’t hog him all to yourself! Let me try it!” The two girls alternate sitting on the stool. Harry dies and dies and dies. They try sitting in different ways and striking different poses, and overall make fools out of themselves. They cackle hysterically as patron after patron gets up and leaves. “No more drinks for them two,” the bartender grumbles as he wipes at a particularly spotless and remote stretch of the counter. Hours pass. Finally, he finds it in himself to approach the two girls. He puts on his biggest, fakest smile, and politely tells them to fuck off. Amber – the one currently having a grown man pop in and out of existence inside her stomach - rolls her eyes, but reluctantly nods. “Fine. Just one more for the road, then?” “I think you’ve had enough, miss.” She locks eyes on him. “I haven’t had enough yet.” “You haven’t had enough yet, miss. Go on, I’ll wait.” The two patrons share an amused look. Amber takes HipHugger’s hands and waits until her gut once again retreats into its resting state – then pulls her friend from her seat and onto her lap, locking arms around her waist and squeezing her into a big, tight, hug. Pop. Between the two, Harry reforms – and they find their embrace broken by an irresistible force. A third body separates them; soon, a head pops out, smothered between four breasts – as neutral and impassive as ever. “Oof,” he groans. A second later, a hardhat materializes on his head. He slams his hands on the counter – he really, really needs that beer now – and lets out a sigh of relief. Finally, the torture is over. He watches, wide-eyed, as a mug is held under the draft beer dispenser. He licks his dry lips as the amber liquid scales the walls of glass, bubbling. He watches as the thick, rich foam overflows. He gulps down some saliva as the pint is brought to him. Amber extends a hand; the bartender nods dully and hands her the drink. “Hey!” an exasperated Harry shouts. He gets up, ready to do… something, but the stool is swiped from between his legs; when he looks over his shoulder, he sees HipHugger hauling it up. “What do you think you’re doing?” He gets only a wink – then she begins heading towards the door. He feels a sharp pinching on his earlobe, and finds himself led by it – when he looks up, he sees Amber, dragging him by the ear towards the door as well. “What? If you have any complaints, take it up with the one in charge.” The man of the hardhat can’t resist the siren’s superior strength; before he gets pulled through the door, the last thing he sees is the bartender picking up his beer and shooting him a shit-eating grin. His mouth widens and widens, and widens, until it splits his face in half; skin and clothes melting away to reveal a writhing mass of slimy appendages and teeth. It raises a wine-colored tentacle in a mock toast and tosses the entire mug into its toothy maw. “Don’t look at me, buddy!” it shouts, spitting out glass shards and beer with each word. “I’m just doing my job!” |
One Heck of a Ride In the neon-lit gloom scratched by the heavy rain, she stood still and watched the lights go by. A cold wind blew. The streets were empty, the shops closed. Dina was alone, but she whistled anyway, for minutes on end, waving at every yellow vehicle that drove by – and giving them the finger and a creative insult or two when they invariably drove past. She wasn’t bothered, just bored. Bored and cold. The wombat huddled in her raincoat, cursing her luck. One of them stopped. Dina lowered her arm and tried to disguise her gesture as a scratch at her scalp – and her harsh words as part of the song she was humming still. The yellow Checker backed up and climbed onto the sidewalk; the window lowered and a clawed hand beckoned her closer. Sharp fangs glistened in the dark, curved into a smile that seemed to go on forever. An elongated snout peeked out of the window. A voice sounded, low and raspy, with all the overt friendliness of a snake oil salesman. “Get in, little missy. I’ll take you for a ride.” Those words – and that ominous smile, and that stench of cheap export tobacco – usually marked the point where the average would-be passenger would turn around and awkwardly leave. Not Dina. Dina saw nothing wrong with any of it as long as she got to be out of the rain. “Ah, cheers!” The rear view mirror was adjusted, and she found herself looking at the cabbie through it. A seedy thylacine of indeterminate age, leaning back on his seat, a flat cap nestled between his rounded ears, a white button-down shirt over his skinny, wiry frame. “Don’t mention it, little missy. A nice-looking broad like you shouldn’t be out alone at this time of night. The city’s dangerous, you see. Real dog eat dog kind of place – it’ll swallow you up as soon as you drop your guard, and cough up the bones.” Dina smiled. “Well, I’m glad you came up, then. I sure don’t want to get swallowed up.” “The night’s still young,” the thylacine said with a click of his tongue. “Where to?” “Uh, Rosewood Hotel, please.” He smacked his lips together. “Meeting someone?” “Just spending the night! I’m from out of town,” she explained. “I see. Well, that’ll be one heck of a ride, little missy. Might take us through some dark places, some unpleasant twists and turns. You might not come out unchanged.” “My fate’s in your hands then,” Dina shrugged, not putting much stock in it. Miles rested his head back; on the rear view window, his ambiguous stare was replaced by a wide and toothy grin. “That’s what I like to hear. Now, buckle up and enjoy the ride. Most do, even if they won’t admit it.” He turned the key in the ignition, flicked Lulu’s head. The hula dancing doll’s body immediately started swaying back and forth. In the dim light, it was almost hypnotic. All the doors locked. “You like music, little missy?” “Uh-huh!” she chipperly agreed. “Dina, by the way. The name’s Dina.” The driver whistled his approval, tuned into the radio. A jam session being recorded live, trumpets and saxophones and guitars. He rubbed his hands together. This was going to be a good night for him, if not for his passenger. The car drove slowly through the mostly empty street – at first, illuminated by streetlights, but then only by its headlights when it turned into the nearest dark alley. “This isn’t the way to Rosewood Hotel, is it?” “I’ll get you where you need to be, don’t you worry. Dina made herself comfortable on her seat, trying to ignore the lump she had sat on without realizing it. Her fingers ran over the faux leather surface - it was worn from use, with massive gashes exposing the yellow foam underneath. Always in groups of four or five. “Pretty loud radio, eh?” Miles winked at the mirror. “Muffles the screams.” Dina smiled politely, still shifting around. “Does it come in handy often?” “Sometimes. I’m not much of a lady killer, but when they just step in of their own volition, I’d be impolite to say no,” he said. “I’d say I never bite off more than I can chew.” “You’re full of those jokes, aren’t you?” Miles’s smile went from ‘self-satisfied’ to ‘shit-eating’. “Not as full as I plan to get when the ride’s over.” Dina mentally shrugged. Hideous as his sense of humor was, at least he drove safely, and that was more than she could say for most drivers in town. The conversation went on, only finding lulls once his focus moved to the road. Many turns in very cramped alleys, and barely any light to work with. And all of that because he wanted to get her to the hotel quickly? Now, that was dedication. Dina shifted again. She was definitely sitting on something – she could feel its mark on her fur. While Miles’s attention was occupied, she pulled it out from under her butt; a wallet. “There’s a wallet back here.” “Ah, I must have left it back there.” She looked down at the surface. Embroidered on the leather were two initials – S. B. “Hey, what did you say your name was?” “Miles, little missy,” the thylacine answered through a thin smile, as he leaned forward on his seat and squinted at the road. Taking his distraction as an opportunity, she opened the wallet and peeked inside. Unless his full name was Samantha Miles Brown and he was actually a female wolf in disguise, it almost certainly wasn’t his wallet. She looked down at it, then at the driver’s sadistic smile. Then back down at the wallet. Her brow furrowed. Gears turned in her head. “Eh.” She shrugged, gently placing the wallet down on the seat next to her. Maybe this Samantha person would come looking for it. She leaned back, stretched her legs – and immediately, she felt something bumping against her toes. Miles was still distracted, the music was still loud, and she was still curious. So, she bent over and reached for it. Sure enough, there was a shoe. A high-heeled one. Bright red. He didn’t strike her as the kind of person who’d wear bright red shoes. One final turn. Just like that, they were out of the cramped alley and back into a slightly less cramped alley. The cabbie relaxed and glanced back at her through the mirror. “Sorry about that, little missy. The ride gets a little bumpy sometimes.” “Oh, that’s okay. I was just looking at this thing I found back here.” When she showed him the shoe, she saw his eyebrows raise in recognition. “Ah, that! Just something left over from my last dinner date, I suppose,” he said; his voice, so happy and friendly a moment ago, had dropped an entire octave, and now sounded smooth and full of nostalgia. “Don’t you mind it one bit; I don’t think we’ll be seeing her again any time soon.” Dina shrugged. “If you say so. Was she nice?” “Nice enough, I suppose. Very sweet, but tough when it came down to it. Cigarette?” “Please.” He smacked the end of his cigarette case, pulled one out between his sharp teeth, lit it on the car’s built-in lighter socket. He took a few puffs, exhaled a cloud from his flaring nostrils, then passed it – and a cigarette - down to the wombat girl in the back seat. The driver side window was opened just enough to allow for a wisp of smoke to escape. Dina let the issue rest. She could still feel a few objects constraining her legroom – something soft like a scarf, and some kind of purse or another container. Ah, well. She was over it, now. He had, after all, shared a cigarette. The car finally came to a halt, in a dingy little parking lot at the end of the darkest alley, between two open dumpsters and a boarded-up back door. The headlights dimmed. The two were left in darkness, in the cul-de-sac. Instinctively, as she did whenever a car stopped, she reached for the door. It was still locked. She gave it a few more pulls. It didn’t as much as budge. The car’s engine slowly stopped humming. Only the jazz and the smoke remained. The thylacine’s outline shifted – he slowly removed his seatbelt and adjusted the rear view mirror once again. In the gloom, illuminated only by the smoldering papers and the town’s sickly lights as they refracted in the smog outside, his once cheerful expression had gained a sinister undertone. “No reason to hurry, little missy. We can take our time and enjoy this final smoke before we go any further. After all, we’ll have to say goodbye soon.” Dina stared blankly at him, not really understanding the situation. She brought her cigarette holder to her lips and let it hang there. Within seconds, Miles was extinguishing his on the dashboard ashtray; hers lingered for a few more minutes. The silence was excruciating. He said nothing; she could think of nothing to say. Eventually, the flame died, the final clump of ash crumbling onto the seat and burning a brand-new hole in the already shredded faux leather. She watched as the driver picked at his teeth with a sharp claw, steepled his fingers, and yawned loudly – his massive maw splitting open in that delightfully nightmarish way that only a thylacine could achieve. “It was a good trip, little missy. You were a good sport until the end. I’ll remember your name.” Miles looked over his shoulder. Leaned closer. His smile widened – it seemed to go on forever. Nothing but sharp, curved fangs, glistening with saliva and ready to spring like a trap. His claws, sharp. His body, lean and deadly; his movements, smooth and precise. She found herself, perhaps instinctively, shrinking away from his approach. His warm breath washed over her; she could hear the beating of his heart. She smiled awkwardly at him; for once, he did not reciprocate. His claws slid into his button-down shirt’s chest pocket. They produced something. Something that was dropped and slowly fluttered down to her lap. “Time’s up, little missy. You’ll have to forgive me; working for so long without a proper meal, it’s enough to make a man do crazy things… for what it’s worth, I did enjoy our little talk.” Dina finally looked down at her lap. A small business card with his name and telephone number. She raised an eyebrow. When she looked back at him, it was with surprise, but not displeasure. A clawed finger flicked the door lock. Dina pulled on it one last time – and it opened. She reached for her purse, but his hand rested on hers. “No need, little missy. Not tonight,” he smiled. “The hotel is just across the street – I’ll walk you there if you need it.” “I can handle myself, thanks!” the wombat exclaimed, leaning in to give the cabbie a kiss on the side of the snout, before stepping out of the car. She looked over the card one last time, pocketed it, and after an awkward little wave, she turned around to leave. Through the open car window, he watched her go. On the dashboard, the hula girl’s dance ceased. As she dematerialized into the gloom, Miles took a long pull from his cigarette and sighed a wistful cloud of smoke and condensation into the stale air of the big city. “What a dame…” |
The Matchmaker Heavy magenta robes lay discarded at the foot of the Grecian couch upon which the young prince splayed, sipping spiced wine from a jeweled goblet. His wiry form rested uncomfortably over the embroidered velvet, as if unaccustomed to such luxury; the scented candles cast restless shadows on his half-naked figure. His mouth hung open, his green eyes staring blankly into the distance. A soft grip spread warm, scented oils between his toes. Languid fingers ran in circles over the lattice of scars that marred his back. He paid no attention to the bare female forms that surrounded him. Their bodies, young and desirable, only frustrated him. Their caresses burned his skin when they descended upon him. He braved through it with dutiful dispassion. He experienced the taste of their saliva, explored their bodies with tense fingers, plunged deep into their squirming, moaning forms with, at best, perfunctory satisfaction. They were skilled, he was not; and yet, even with all their ministrations and despite their stubborn attempts to please him, they could not hope to break through his defenses. Footsteps through the paved floor, barely audible past the forced moans and pained gasps of the two servant girls, heralded a new arrival. Made doubly short by her slight hunch, a crooked old woman scratched idly her aquiline nose as she approached; her little remaining hair was so thin and white as to resemble cobwebs hanging from her scalp. A toothless smile soon turned into a frown; bony fingers clicked together, and the two girls stopped. Fingers slid out of orifices, tongues out of mouths. The most voluptuous of the two removed herself from the flushed and frustrated prince, who nodded a muted greeting at the newcomer, who sighed. “I had hoped my girls would take your mind off of her, Prince Roderick. Still, she haunts you?” “It’s horrible,” he grumbled between gasps for air. He saw the two girls’ bodies stiffening and their eyes glaring – immediately, he raised his hands defensively. “Not the girls, of course; your girls are wonderful, as always, and I will have all three of you well rewarded. But my heart belongs to her.” The old woman’s smile thinned. “If she haunts you so, you should take her as is your birthright, my Lord. At your command, I will send for her, and-” “No,” he blurted out, equal parts panicked and authoritative. He cleared his aching throat with some more wine and leaned back, allowing his sore body a small but needed stretch. “I will not treat her so callously. This girl – she will be with me of her own volition, or not at all.” “You and your father both like making things unnecessarily complicated,” croaked the old woman, steepling her spidery fingers, “and always leave old Parda to settle things. Perhaps a letter at her door, an invitation to the palace, would suffice?” The prince swirled around what little wine remained in his cup; spices and dregs both danced in circles in the mauve liquid before once again settling down. He gulped it down dutifully and concealed the grimace that promptly followed. “Perhaps. But I do not wish to scare her. She is a shy girl, delicate as a blooming rose and twice as lovely. Our previous encounters did not end well – I fear I may have been too pushy.” The old woman sneered, bloodshot eyes bulging in their sockets. The two servants approached to attempt to calm her, but she dismissed them with a snarl, fingers curling around the gnarled wood of her walking stick. “Pah! Pushy, pushy! When I was just another peasant girl, I would have been honored, honored to please a member of the royal family so! Ours is to serve and obey, is it not, Jasmine, Pearl?” “Yes, Parda.” “Yes, Parda.” The prince pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. “That’s not what I… look.” His voice was beginning to slur; his body’s warmth would soon turn uncomfortable. He pressed a hand to his bare chest and found it scalding. “I care for this girl, and I know that she cares for me. But you know very well what Father would do if he were to find out about my escapades. I cannot risk approach her so bluntly… not after what happened last time. I need…” He rubbed his temples. Thoughts came and went, and he found it harder and harder to hold on to a single one. “To bridge the gap. Somehow. I need…” His nostrils flared, eyes suddenly opening, lips curling into a sloppy, inebriated smile. “The Matchmaker! I need the Matchmaker.” A raspy cackle echoed through the pleasure room, ceasing only when the old woman realized her ward was dead serious. “The Matchmaker! That cad… she has made it clear she serves only the common folk.” “Everyone has a price.” “Not her, dear Prince, not her. Many before you have tried to bribe her with riches, titles and more. All, she rejected.” “Then a fool she is,” growled the Prince. He jumped to his feet, stumbling thanks to the alcohol in his veins; he kicked his discarded robes aside and pointed a finger at the elder. “Arrange for my stallion – no, a mule; arrange for a mule to await me outside the gates. I can stand this torture no longer. If the Matchmaker won’t speak to a noble, then I will approach her as a peasant. My love is pure; she will see that.” Parda crossed her arms and gently shook her head in disapproval. The boy was a fool, but he was a fool with authority; she had no choice but to obey. “I presume you will at least take your sword, my Lord. Wolves and brigands stalk the woods; I have already forbidden all my girls from accepting offers from outside the castle.” “You presume well, my friend. Many thanks to you – and Jasmine, and Pearl, for your efforts in bringing life to a dying soul.” The three women bowed reverently; the crone even added a little flourish. _______________________________________________________ The journey was long and uneventful, but he spent it with a hand under his ragged cloak, resting on the pommel of his sword. His mount – certainly far from the thoroughbreds he usually rode – was old and slow, as impassive as his rider was concerned. After a few stops on the road, soberness was finally rearing its ugly head. Liquid courage and bubbling frustration had taken him this far; now that he found himself traversing the forest alone, only his wounded pride and his dedication to his beloved kept him going. It wasn’t easy - in every shadow he now saw an enemy; in every sound, a warning. But there were no wolves, no brigands. Only the distant screeching of barn owls and chirping of crickets. In fact, the prince found the forest particularly deserted that night. Ah, well. At the end of the dirt road, his objective awaited him. Dimly illuminated by the dancing flames of two torches, a dome-shaped clay hut stood before the incognito prince. It had no windows and only one door; the rest of it was covered in odd engravings, from stylized depictions of animals, people, and landmarks to random scribbles and handprints. Shadows shifted and melded over these decorations; to his eyes, made sensitive by hours of traversing a moonless night, it felt like a fever dream. He dismounted, and his boots sank into the deep mud. He looked the hut over, then called out. “Matchmaker!” At first, nothing. For several seconds, no response came, and only shadows moved behind the closed door. But just as he thought to call out again, it slid open, and a figure stepped out. Layers upon layers of burlap weighed heavily on a small body, concealing its features. It looked him over; beckoned him close. He did so. “Matchmaker, I seek your counsel.” “Speak then.” The softness of the voice caught him by surprise. It was low, quiet, delicate even – but perfectly audible among the crackling of flame and howling of winds. He had heard many things about the Matchmaker, who could have expected a voice so young or such a kindly and understanding tone from a forest dweller? “I need to be with my beloved, Matchmaker,” he said; though his cheeks flushed and his ears burned, he went with the flow. “I cannot seek her out; she cannot come to me. We are divided by circumstances beyond our control.” “Tragic.” Coming from any other person, the words would have sounded mocking; spoken so gently, the prince took them at face value. The hooded figure continued. “Speak your name, and that of your beloved.” He stopped himself. His name? Damn. A lie would not suffice; he didn’t know what the Matchmaker’s methods consisted of, but he certainly wasn’t willing to risk losing his last hope. The truth, then. “Roderick, ma’am.” A hooded head tilted to the side. “A beautiful name, fit for kings and princes.” “I-” A clear and crystalline chuckle silenced him, and the hooded figure pressed her hands together. “Fear not, young Roderick – I weave fates together and care not whether the string is raffia or silk. Tell me, then, of your beloved.” “Her name is…” His voice cracked; his entire body burned, steamed under the rags he wore. No matter how chilly the breeze, he felt like a bonfire, standing alone before that woman who so impassively watched over him. “Her name is Lily, but she is more like a rose; I have walked many circles and visited many lands, and never met a single creature as lovely as her. She is the baker’s daughter – she has the face of an angel, sharp features, and a smile that means the world to me.” “Lily, like a rose,” the Matchmaker repeated. “Your love is true, that much I see. Your blood burns with a yearning for her; it wracks your body and clouds your mind. But love comes to heal the broken, so says the Matchmaker. Listen well; this is what you will do if you wish to be with her.” The red-blooded young man hung on her every word, as well he should. Under her hood, the woman smiled. “You will come into the forest; you will come alone, and will not tell anyone about it, lest the spell be broken. On your way here, you will have passed a small clearing, where the rocks draw a circle on the grass; that will be your goal. You will wait for her there, with a rose in your hand and a prayer on your lips – and when the moon shines its brightest, you will be reunited.” Those were the words the amorous prince wanted to hear. “Thank you, thank you – thank you so much. You have earned whatever payment you require from me; say the word, and I will shower you with riches.” But the mysterious Matchmaker simply shook her head. “Gold does not interest me, and I have no need for trinkets and jewels. Seeing you two together is all the payment I need.” The prince bowed his head. “Your kindness humbles me, Matchmaker. You have my deepest thanks.” The figure in burlap turned around and disappeared back into the dome-shaped hut; the door closed behind her, and he found himself once again alone. A shiver ran down his spine, a cold wind blew – and he knew he was done here. _______________________________________________________ There was a knock on the door. A needle stabbed into Lily’s finger – she winced in pain and muttered a curse under her breath. Dropping her half-sowed dress on the dusty floor, she rose to her feet and rushed to the door, all while sucking on the bleeding pinprick. A hooded woman awaited her patiently; she recognized her by the markings on her tattered robes. “Like a rose,” the woman simply said. Lily gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. Tears ran down her cheeks; her eyes opened wide in disbelief. Could it truly be? “Tell me, Matchmaker – tell me what I should do.” _______________________________________________________ The rose in his hand had long lost its turgidity. The moon above, its wonder. The forest’s eerie silence, once calming, had become oppressive. Hours had passed, and his beloved was nowhere to be seen. The stone he sat on was not a Grecian couch, and for the first time, he found himself missing such comforts. In his painful sobriety, he could only stare into the trees, train his ear on the quiet night, and hope. In the distance, a twig snapped. He raised an eyebrow. Leaves rustled. Subtle at first, but steadily becoming more and more intense. Less like a small animal running through the underbrush, more like a fight taking place. Alarmed, he jumped to his feet. Instinctively he reached for his sword, but found his scabbard empty; he had left it behind. Finding himself unarmed, he reconsidered his options… but a human scream, shrill and full of terror, made the decision for him. He ran through the underbrush, ignoring the leaves and branches that scratched his face, squinting into the night and following the sounds. Slowly, his eyes adapted to the darkness, and previously invisible details became clear – the broken branches, the footprints on the thin mantle of dead leaves that covered the ground; the discarded burlap robes that laid upon it. He was approaching the source of the noises, but with each step he took, they became rarer and rarer. There were no more screams; even the rustling was gone. At his feet, the footprints shifted into a long, slithering trail. Finally, he reached his destination – and felt as if his heart was stuck in his throat. A limp rose fluttered to the ground. An elongated silhouette swayed in the darkness. A massive, coiling tail wriggled in pleasure, scaled skin extending and contracting. Atop it, a human torso, as bare as it was shapely; silken skin bathed in the moon’s pale glow. A beautiful abomination of scale and skin; a lamia. Hearing his approach, she turned to him, golden eyes glimmering in the dark. She opened her maw, and for a second, he saw it – the terrified face of his Lily, weeping in terror. Her eyes were wide and bloodshot, her features pale and soaked in thick saliva. Her hair stuck to her features in wet strands. She hyperventilated, taking in the humid air of the serpent’s maw in large breaths – each of them less refreshing than the last. The lamia allowed the two lovers’ eyes to meet; she savored the grief in the prince’s face as much as she did the girl’s flavor. When the prince’s horror turned to desperate fury, he saw the lamia’s gleeful expression shift; the corner of her open mouth curled into a mocking smirk. He took a step forward, fists balled, seeing nothing but red. “Lily!” He shouted, she screamed, the lamia smirked and swallowed – and his beloved’s face disappeared into the nothing with a wet pulse. The compressed bulge that stretched across the lamia’s upper body lowered – vague features on her throat, a thumping mass in her stretched gut, and finally an amorphous shape struggling within her muscular tail. It all happened within seconds, and Roderick could only watch, nauseated, the morbidly visible process. Even muffled by the body of her tormentor, Lily’s shrill screams of terror made the prince’s blood curdle, and through the thin layers of scaly skin, fat, and muscle, her thrashing told an agonizingly vivid tale. “I thought I told you to wait at the stone circle, milord.” The same voice that had shocked him with its purity and gentleness now coated its words with sickly-sweet venom; the unbridled sadistic glee of a soulless wretch. “Spit her out! Spit her out right now, you cur!” She lowered her head in a mocking bow. “The name is Shazi, milord; and I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about. The night is dark, you must”- a sudden thump inside her tail made her wince; she inhaled sharply, her self-satisfied smile widening -“be imagining things!” The prince roared. All that grief, all the frustration, all the pain he felt congealed into a deafening howl. He jumped towards the abomination even as it towered over him; swinging his fists with wild abandon. The creature shrunk away from his strikes, swaying out of the way in movements much too snappy for such a languid body. He allowed himself a grim smile; if the creature was bothering to dodge his blows, then it was not invulnerable. He needed only overwhelm her, tear her apart with his bare hands if he had to, to release the poor girl trapped within. As a glimmer of hope he could hold on to, it was enough. That’s when his feet failed him. Something took hold on his right shin; what was meant to be a decisive strike at the creature’s jaw turned into a stumble. He fell forwards, saved from a dizzying fall by two warm cushions; an arm immediately wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him into a tight and loving embrace. The softness enveloped his head; it all happened so fast, he had no time to adapt. “Why… why did you – the Matchmaker…” “I’m afraid, milord, you have mistaken me for someone else,” she explained, not even attempting to conceal the satisfaction in her voice. “The Matchmaker has been dead for quite a while – I found her much more palatable than your rose, I must say.” She patted his head, as one would do a well-behaved pet. “But enough talking.” He felt a warm breath descending on his head and shoulders, a waft of condensation amidst the cold night air. He attempted to escape, but to no avail; even if he managed to break free of her grip or bosom, another problem had surfaced. The lamia’s words, turns out, had served a purpose; while he was distracted by her infuriating smugness, her scaly tail had slid up his body unnoticed. The insidious grip was imperceptible at first, but the moment he tried to push himself free, it tightened like a vice, squeezing the air out of his lungs. His newfound impotence only made the fire in him burn stronger, but no matter how much he kicked and punched and swore, the lamia’s coils pushed back stronger. He looked up; a looming shadow blotted out the sky. Warm saliva dripped over his face, viscous and sticky, sliding down his features. Her open mouth amplified the sounds from within – Lily’s pleas of mercy, the gurgling and bubbling of her stomach, the grinding of flesh against flesh. Sounding so distant, yet so close. When he tried to wince away, her coils constricted around him – past the point of discomfort and to the point of pain. Flesh squeezed, bones struggled to resist the weight. His body fell limp, compliant; just as she wanted it. Like a hood, the darkness of her maw descended upon his head. The sounds of the outside world faded; no more crickets, no more owls – all were replaced by a cacophony of wet squelches, cavernous growls, small slurps, and distant rumblings. As saliva washed over his features, and sharp teeth brushed over his skin, a flattened tongue guided his head inwards, towards the same orifice that had claimed Lily. He felt his body bend like a ragdoll, held horizontally by her coils; he felt gravity itself slowly taking over. Soon, the tail’s crushing embrace was no longer an enemy – it was a friend, the only thing stopping him from sliding down the lamia’s gullet. And it soon released him. He shouted in surprise. His fingers desperately grasped at the walls that surrounded him, burying themselves easily into the ribbed, elastic flesh but finding no purchase in the slimy, slippery walls. His body sweltered, tightly compressed by her innards; fury could only fuel his body for so long. Exhaustion was setting in. Moving hurt. He was too tired to feel fear. By now, his entire body was encased in pulsating flesh. The lamia’s maw had made short work of his chest, waist, even wriggling legs; even his mud-caked boots gave her no pause, warranting only a gentle nudge of her finger to help them slide down easier, and a satisfied sigh once she was done with him. The churning and the weeping and the pleading loudened; he felt his body bend as the remaining momentum slid him down the length of her tail. There, among the spongy flesh and viscous juices, he felt something touch his face. Something soaked but coarse, warm but taut; fabric. Shaking, itching fingers pushed at the walls that so heavily pressed down on the contents of the lamia’s stomach; there, in the darkness, he heard her voice, clear among the machinations of the lamia’s flesh. Tired and raspy from screaming, but music to his ears. “Is… is that you… R-Ro-” Blindly he reached for her body, his fingers ran over her form. She whimpered softly; a hushed whisper lulled her to silence. Her hands found his, in each other’s grip, they found bitter comfort. Their surroundings contracted. His knees, buried deep into the creased walls, slipped, and he found himself flattened against them. They churned and compressed his body against hers, but neither prince nor peasant eased their grip on each other. Reunited at last, they allowed blissful unconsciousness to take them. Satisfied, Shazi yawned. She wiped her mouth with her forearm and stretched; a few pops along the length of her arms relaxed her tired muscles. She offered her tail a passing glance; swollen and rippling, it had already started a process that would probably take all night. Lazily, she dragged her heavy body away from the beaten path, collecting the discarded pieces of her Matchmaker disguise as she slithered past, and burying them under a pile of dead leaves with a sweep of her tail. Love, love, love. Made fools out of princes and peasants alike. All the better for her, of course. Matters of the heart made for good tales and hearty meals. Now, to find a good place to slumber… |
Orientation The woman in the security uniform looked her recruits over. The six trainees stood at attention, eyes following her as she paced across the room. Chief Koschei’s presence didn’t just demand attention; it seized it. “Welcome, cadets. I hope you’re ready to die.” An uneasy chill spread through the line, and a few nervous smiles died under her intent glare. In a way, she represented the risks of working in the Facility for any extended period of time. A cigarette hung from the corner of her lips; a bionic arm instinctively rested over her empty holster. Her tanned skin was covered in scars, from the remarkable but understandable, like the deep bite marks on her left shoulder, to the utterly puzzling – ring-shaped marks covering the left side of her face, lattices of hair-thin discolorations on her right leg. The nickname of Koschei, mocking at first, had long been embraced. Twelve years spent face to face with Unusual Entities on a near daily basis, and she had yet to fall prey to any of them. At this point, it was said that even her superiors were considering putting her in containment – after all, no normal human should be able to last that long. “Beyond these”- she gestured behind her; six massive plasteel security doors clashed with the sleek décor –“are Entities that have been picked or otherwise volunteered to test your ability to respond to fifth kind contact situations. They’re hungry, they’re testy, and they don’t take kindly to dealing with their prospective jailors.” She paused for drama, sipping the mounting suspense like a fine wine. “Your assignment is simple: survive. These bad boys will lock as soon as you step through – and only open again after fifteen minutes so we can retrieve you… or scrape whatever’s left of you off the walls. For your sake, I hope it’s the former. I’ve been told being reformed is the pits.” The Chief took a puff from her cigarette; as if on cue, the hum of metal sliding against metal filled the room, unlocking the doors. “Good luck, boys and girls. Make me proud.” The six cadets looked to each other. All their hard work culminated here; it was time to show the administration what they were capable of. Each of them headed to the nearest door. _______________________________________________________ Cadet Adams wiped his sweaty fingers on the hem of his uniform as he stepped into the brightly lit room. Wide open eyes scanned the area, desperately seeking the dangerous creature that would certainly be awaiting him; to his horror, he found the room empty. Four corners, four featureless walls, a single chair in the middle – and nothing else. Adams knew his training well. He put his back against the wall and slowly made his way towards the nearest corner. Once there, he raised his fists and waited. Nothing. No, wait – steps, the tapping of something hard and sharp against the floor tiles, heavy but intent. He followed the source of the noise, shielding his eyes from the glaring light, and saw the tall shape materialize. At first, he thought it to be a human trapped in some kind of color-changing armor or suit, but that wasn’t possible; it moved much too organically. No, there was no doubt that this was a creature – and he knew just what kind. Much of his worry faded; he straightened up, lowered his arms, and smiled. “Ninety-six,” he whispered to himself. “Whew.” Unbothered by his mumbling, the being stepped closer, humming low. Massive breasts jiggled as it – she – approached. Plump lips curled into a smile; chitinous armor glistened as it slowly darkened. The large helmet atop her head shifted dramatically with each subtle movement of her neck; the sharp blade at the tip of her tail scraped unnervingly against the floor. She finally reached Adams; she had no visible eyes, but she followed each of his movements with keen interest. The cadet smiled up at her. UE-0096 was harmless, he knew that well – after all, he had done his homework. The creature seemed pleased by his positive reaction; another hum was emitted, louder this time, and it wrapped its chitinous arms around his head, pulling him close into a tight hug. He knew better than to fight it. The two cushions molded to the shape of his head as they pressed against it; he chuckled nervously. “Easy, now… I was happy to see you too, but isn’t this-” A louder, more reverberant hum caused Adams to immediately regret his words. The creature smiled, her hug tightened, her mouth opened. Gulp. Suddenly encased in flesh, cadet Adams once more deferred to his training. Remember to breathe. Adopt a fetal position for minimum discomfort. Think happy thoughts. He felt the creature’s hums resonate through her form, even as he slid through the pulsating tubes that were her insides; soon, he found himself deposited in a roomy alcove, surrounded by a thin wall of organic tissue. He groaned and crossed his arms. Though still not afraid, he was annoyed He had this one in the bag before he had so foolishly expressed even the slightest hint of fondness for the creature. Now she had him in the bag. _______________________________________________________ “Ivanovna, look.” The older man in the business suit tapped his dry finger on one of the many screens that decorated the office. Koschei leaned over and scoffed, her bionic hand squeezing into his shoulder a bit too hard. “Adams. I knew he was a softie, but I expected him to last more than thirty seconds with the Hugalien.” “Shouldn’t you send your men in to retrieve him?” Koschei chuckled, taking a deep pull from her cigarette. “Lighten up, Jenkins. He’s in no danger; that’s just 96’s version of a handshake. We’ll wait for her to let him out at her leisure. Let him stew in a little bit to learn his lesson - it won’t hurt him, it’s just boring as fuck in there.” She looked down at her datapad, found his name, and tapped on it with the tip of one of her flesh and blood fingers. Cadet James Adams – PASSED. “How about this one, Ivanovna? Looks like she’s starting to lose it.” Jenkins gestured towards another display. In it, a female in a cadet’s uniform faced down what looked like a regular human, who slowly, very slowly, opened her mouth. _______________________________________________________ Cadet Bemke’s boots slid slowly against the floor. An invisible but inexorable force pulled on her body. She took a step back, fingers sliding over the door behind her in a desperate search for something to hold on to. The surface was smooth. The pull became harder and harder to resist. Bemke’s nails scratched against the metal, but found nothing to hold on to. The clip keeping her long blonde hair in place slid off with a click, flying across the room before disappearing into the open maw of a petite girl. “Close it! Close it, please!” the woman shouted, trying hard to be heard over the howling of air being displaced. The girl said nothing, simply shaking her head no. Her skinny body seemed as if it could easily be blown away, and yet there she stood, mouth wide open, hands folded over her lap – and barely bothered by the cutting winds that surrounded her. She opened her maw even wider. The gravitational pull became even more irresistible. Finally losing balance, Cadet Bemke stumbled and fell on her back; her attempts at crawling away were an exercise in futility. “Please, stop! I give up! Chief Koschei, can you hear me!?” the cadet’s loud screams echoed in the empty room. Tears floated from the corners of her eyes, weightless as they were pulled towards the innocuous-looking girl’s eager mouth. “Open the door! Open the door!” No answer, of course. The girl’s mouth opened ever so slightly wider. The pull became too strong. Bemke felt herself become weightless, flailing as she flew through the air. She saw the corners of the girl’s lips curl into a smile; it was the last thing she saw before she was compressed into a gullet. The girl’s mouth closed. The air went still. She ran her tongue over her lips, hands resting on her flat middle. “Nice of them to give me an extra meal today,” she mused to herself, her soft, innocent voice barely louder than a whisper. She looked up at the roof, waving. “Hey! Keep them coming. Just one isn’t nearly enough – if you’re going to keep me here, might as well feed me properly.” _______________________________________________________ The chief of security sighed. “Well, there’s our first casualty for the day. C’mon, Bemke, we went over Six at least ten times – you’re supposed to rush her and close her mouth! You deserved that one.” Jenkins stretched his arms, leaning back on his swivel chair. “I’m not surprised. She’s got a big kill count. I wonder if we should replace her with a more forgiving entity.” Koschei cackled, slamming her bionic hand on his back. “Don’t go soft on me, now! If we only gave them the non-lethal ones, there wouldn’t be that sense of danger to it. Danger is good, Jenkins – sharpens the mind.” Cadet Maria Bemke – FAILED – Terminated by UE-0006. Inform cloning bays and request remediation. She glanced at the other displays; one of them caught her eye. She whistled in appreciation, tapping her colleague on the shoulder and pointing with her half-smoked cigarette. “Finlay, you lucky bastard, you…” _______________________________________________________ Cadet Finlay bit his lower lip. His dark skin glistened with sweat as he stood next to his assigned entity, shifting uncomfortably. His hands rested atop his lap, folded over each other; his sad attempt to conceal his erection did not fool his cellmate. She stood tall, at least two feet taller than Finlay did – and didn’t seem too keen on respecting his personal boundaries. Her appearance was that of a humanoid reptile, with a long snout and curved horns framing her head, as well as a heavy tail that swayed eagerly behind her back. Long white hair drooped over her shoulders, its color almost imperceptibly shifting. Cadet Finlay knew her all too well; he had always had a particular interest in UE-0045 – the appropriately-named ‘Sexbot’. He had spent many hours ‘studying’ footage of her in action; he was intimately acquainted with every curve of her body. “I’m – I’m sorry, ma’am, I can’t, er, take you up on your offer at the moment, I’m afraid,” he mumbled, wiping some sweat from his forehead. “I’m on duty.” “You security staff types are always on duty. I’m sure you could take just a few minutes’ break. I am programmed with techniques that you can only dream of…” Finlay had never heard her speak outside of recordings; he had not expected her voice to be so rich and smooth. “I’m sorry, ma’am, I must insist…” She moved closer; all he could see, even when he looked up at her, were her massive breasts, so soft, so supple, just begging for his touch. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, forcing himself to relax. “Disappointing,” said the gynoid. “I was hoping for some fun while I wait in this dreary cell… but I guess I’ll have to wait for someone who can meet my standards. Do let me know if you change your mind. I’ll be right…” She took a few steps back and rested against the featureless wall. Finlay let out a sigh of relief; for the time being, he was fine. All he had to do was ignore her whenever she blew him a kiss from across the room. _______________________________________________________ Koschei nodded to herself as she watched the monitor. The two figures were now separated, and Cadet Finlay stubbornly refused to meet the Sexbot’s seductive glances. “He’s got more self-restraint than I gave him credit for. He’ll be a good addition to the security team.” She tapped her datapad. Cadet Larry Finlay – PASSED. “I don’t know how someone could find that thing appealing, to be honest,” Jenkins commented from across the room. “I wouldn’t be caught dead having intercourse with it.” “Just the fact you call it ‘intercourse’, Jenkins, tells me that you haven’t done it since the fifties. How’s Cadet Clark handling the Doctor?” “Well…” _______________________________________________________ “No, no, no, no, they never listen. I tell them to be still and quiet but they never listen!” grumbled the bird-faced creature. Its green cloak fell over the squirming Cadet like a heavy blanket, muffling his screams. Sharp needles at the end of the being’s fingers glimmered under the bright white light, twitching erratically with deranged anticipation. “Patient not compliant. Unacceptable work conditions.” Shouts from under her cloak. Thrashing. Fingertip needles slid against each other, making an unnerving scraping sound. The very seams on the entity’s plague doctor mask seemed to twist into a smile. “Diagnosis: waste of valuable biomass. Suggested course of action: begin harvest.” A scream of pain echoed as the needles were buried deep into pliable skin. Several inches of metal sank into Cadet Clark’s flesh, not even seeking veins. The bird-faced entity tilted her head to the side, humming appreciatively. The cadet’s struggling peaked, then slowly came to a halt. Loud pumping, like a heartbeat, banished the silence. With each pump, Clark’s form became more and more emaciated. His mane of black hair grayed and thinned; his rotund features first lost the blush of life, then sharpened. Once there was little more than skin and bone, the suction continued still; the cadet’s form slowly lost all coherence, collapsing inwardly until it was a mere sack of fluids that the creature dispassionately sucked up. Cadet Clark’s uniform crumbled to the floor, its wearer gone. His devourer, now displaying a massively distended middle section, stood to her feet and dusted herself off. “They never listen, they never do listen,” she continued. “Just wanted a little snip here, a little stitch there. Would have made him better, so much better, yes…” _______________________________________________________ “…not good.” “Damn, she skipped the dissection, too,” said Koschei, an eyebrow raised. “She must be in a really bad mood.” Cadet John Clark – FAILED – Terminated by UE-0049. Inform cloning bays and request remediation. The chief of security straightened up and stretched to the sound of a dozen little pops and cracks. She stubbed out her cigarette against her forearm and dropped it on the floor, then checked her datapad one last time. Scrolling down to her schedule for the day, she growled in annoyance. “Three more orientations to go through this week? We’ve been bleeding human resources. Ah – almost forgot.” Tap. Cadet Anna Grey – PASSED. Even before she looked at the monitor, Koschei knew Cadet Grey would be safe. She wasn’t, however, expecting what she saw when she did check. The girl in the security uniform sat on the floor of the containment unit, holding two action figures in her hands. The sound effects she embarrassedly mumbled under her breath were apparently quite pleasing to the entity she shared the room with. A large toy trunk lay open next to her, a figure peeking from inside; the strange purple-skinned creature within bared her sharp teeth in a delighted smile, an eyeless mask following every movement. The chief nodded to herself. “That entity is as close to a freebie as you can get,” she explained to an incredulous Jenkins, “but Cadet Grey’s showing she read the files. She took the toys and is pretending to have fun with them – it’s a sure-fire way to appease the Toy Box, I’ll have to mention that in my report. That leaves us with Cadet Kepler.” Jenkins sighed. He gestured towards the final display, which flickered between total darkness and white noise. “Screen’s on the fritz ever since we put 150 in.” _______________________________________________________ Don’t make eye contact. Don’t smile. Don’t speak. The words echoed in Jane Kepler’s mind like a maddening mantra. She stood at attention, back to the wall, staring down at her feet. Every now and then, movement at the corner of her eyes threatened to steal away her attention, and it was only through extreme effort that she managed to remain calm. The voluptuous female figure, hidden behind the bedsheet ghost costume, hovered around her. Two black dots stared intently at the cadet. Kepler swallowed dry. The walls themselves felt like they were shifting around her. Distant sounds were heard – the clanking of metal against metal, a baby’s shriek, whispered words without meaning. It was driving her crazy. And the ghost girl, in her ridiculous costume, floated about, as if mocking her. All she had to do was stand, be still, and not speak. Do not mention the costume. Do not engage. The reports were full of accounts of situations where people had made the mistake of criticizing the girl’s costume – and earned themselves a one-way trip down her gullet. Stay steady. Stay strong. Don’t mention the stupid costume. Don’t mention the stupid costume. “Don’t mention the stupid costume.” “The stupid what?!” Like a banshee’s shriek, the ghost girl’s shout paralyzed Kepler, who raised her hands as if to apologize. But it was too late; the creature was furious. A third dot manifested on the bedsheet, where a mouth belonged; round at first, it soon became edged, razor-sharp like a row of fangs. The cadet could only watch in horror as the apparition floated closer and closer, her maw opening wider and wider, wide enough to take in a human… Before she could react, she was pulled into the darkness. The last sound she heard before seeing light for the final time was a cartoonishly loud gulp. Cadet Jane Kepler – FAILED – Terminated by UE-0150. Inform cloning bays and request remediation. _______________________________________________________ “You three look like shit.” The three surviving cadets winced at the Chief’s voice – only for the realization to set in that the words had been hissed through a smile. Cadet James Adams shifted uncomfortably. Saliva pooled around his feet, flowing down from his soaked uniform. After so long spent inside his assigned entity’s stomach, safely contained but bored as hell, every light shone too bright and every sound was too loud. To his left, cadets Larry Finlay and Anna Grey stood next to each other. Both their skins were flushed, their eyes wet. Both were too intimidated, or ashamed, to look up at the Chief. “Get used to it,” Koschei continued, “because that’s what life around here’s like. Those freaks are heartless and unpredictable – and the UEs are dangerous, too.” She chuckled at her own joke, brow furrowing when she realized none of the cadets seemed to appreciate her humor. “So let that be a lesson to you. Working here, you will suffer. You will be subjected to pain, fear, and especially, humiliation. You’ll get eaten, fucked, fucked up, and fucked with – and that’s if you’re lucky. But if you keep your wits about you and don’t let the Unusual Entities’ mind games get to you – hey, you might end up a Koschei.” She clapped her hands together; the sound made all three cadets jump. “Now get out of my sight and go hit the showers, all three of you! Meet me in the recreation room in two hours; drinks are on me.” The three cadets saluted. “Sir, yes, sir!” “And Cadet Finlay? UE-0045 requested a meeting with you tonight. Said she wanted to get a taste of the real you when you weren’t being tested.” Koschei cackled. “You go take that car for a ride, boy, but remember…” She leaned closer, savoring every word before releasing it into Finlay’s ear. “…it’s never not a test with her.” |
6 Celestial Body Ahri drifted through the vast emptiness of space. It was so odd to be weightless like this. To exist truly free, unshackled from all the laws of nature. Going as she pleased, where she pleased. And still, it wasn’t enough. Still, she was confined in space and in time. Still she found herself in a box – one bigger than the confining blue sphere she had called the World, but still far from limitless. She had punched through one wall; how many more would it take to reach the end? The sunlight reflected on her bare skin. Not even the moon shone brighter than Ahri, her arms wide open, her tails fanned out. Even her raven hair glimmered, spread in a halo around her form, following her movements like the threads of a swimming jellyfish. Her goal was clear. It orbited around the shared gravity well of herself and the world she hailed from. The mass of drab gray rock and dust, crater-filled and dead, that dared to challenge her rulership over the night sky. From up close, the jewel of the firmament looked much less impressive than she had expected it to; the slowly spinning sphere was only slightly larger than Ahri. She ran a finger over the biggest crater and watched the eons-old natural structure crumble like a sandcastle; she held the moon as easily as she would hold a large beach ball and pressed herself against it. Her shapely form weighed on the desolate plains, crushing caustic rock under her weight, replacing the moonscape with something much more pleasing – the outlines of her perfect body. She tightened her hug around the satellite and felt the dense surface begin to crack. Running her tongue over the surface, she enjoyed its dry and bitter taste. The soft muscle scooped up massive amounts of dirt and rock and shoveled them into her mouth; entire mountains’ worth of material gone with each eager lick. Rivers of saliva flowed down the parched crevices, creating a mockery of lakes in the lifeless wastes. When her lapping stopped being enough to keep her amused, she raked her teeth over the lunar surface, dislodging large swaths of land and trapping them in her maw. This eager scraping soon became biting, with larger and larger chunks snapping from the dense surface and gulped down in one piece. Each bite shattered stone, sending shockwaves through the crumbling satellite, leaving behind a scar more massive than the last. A few chomps in, and they dwarfed even the largest craters. The heavy, jagged shapes provided Ahri with no discomfort as they moved down her gullet. Even the most massive of them easily slid down, stretching the walls of her esophagus only just enough to make it pleasurable. Squeezed by throbbing walls and pushed down by the irresistible pressure of her throat muscles, these chunks of rock the side of large asteroids sank into the acids that roiled inside Ahri – and the bubbling and foaming liquids made short work of them. Mountain ranges, large peaks, solid bedrock – they dissolved all the same in their inhospitable surroundings. Their mass was quickly absorbed and redistributed, making the colossus even more massive; taller, thicker, more voluptuous. As her body expanded, so did her grip around the planetoid tighten; around it, her hands met each other and her fingers locked. Her expanding breasts squished against the stone and rolled outwards; her thighs, locked around the sphere, pulverized whatever was caught between them. Tails and hair curled inwards like a closing flower, engulfing the moon into their darkness. Another squeeze. The satellite’s structural integrity, already compromised, finally gave out. Crack. Under Ahri’s embrace, it shattered. Fissures spread and multiplied until the entire sphere crumbled into debris. They scattered, only to be caught between the fur of her tails. Only the thinnest particles of dust managed to slip out through the gaps – the rest of it found itself within Ahri’s reach. Her mouth opened, and beads of saliva floated weightlessly into the void. Her tails pushed the floating debris closer, gently guiding it into her waiting maw, and her lips parted and shut, gulping down the gathered rocks and dust. A celestial body billions of years in the making gone out not with a glorious swallow, but a series of methodical and laborious bites. Sated for the moment, Ahri spread her arms and legs wide. Like petals, her tails slowly blossomed; a cloud of space dust, all that was left of the moon, dissipated into the ether. As the densely compressed minerals inside her were assimilated into her flesh, her body’s growth overcharged. Skin stretched to accommodate the new mass; a pleasant tingle across her body heralded a new host of new sensations. Every inch of her skin felt; the coldness of space, the pull of the vacuum, the momentary shift in her body as it settled to her new size – more than ever, she found herself acutely aware of it all. And it felt good. Slowly, she turned to face the planet that had birthed and raised her. “I hope you don’t mind the wait, I just needed to take care of some… business.” She uttered every word with a sadistic flair, a wide smile plastered on her round features, a glint of hunger in her eyes. “It’s just you and me, now. You don’t need her. Ahri shines much brighter. Ahri is everything you need.” Was she talking to the planet? To the survivors within it? What had once been a beautiful blue planet laid broken and half-consumed before her; billowing smoke and volcanic ash covering its surface, the oceans devoid of life. What few humans removed in that husk of a world were beneath her notice by orders of magnitude… and still, she spoke. Ahri loomed over the planet like a thing out of a nightmare, blotting out the sky. She reached for it, held between her hands; with a simple touch, the passing of days ceased. The orb, now halted, allowed itself to be carried with ease. It was, after all, at her mercy – at the mercy of a being so colossal, it dwarfed even it. “Aren’t you happy for me? I used to be just another microbe, running around on your surface, bitter and lonely and purposeless… and now look at you. Barely the size of one of my boobs. Something this sad and pathetic is barely even worth eating.” Crossing her legs into a lotus position, she placed the planet between her thighs. Her fingers ran gently over the surface, drawing lines on the crumbling crust as if it were clay. She let the globe rest against her flat stomach, her massive breasts hanging over it, shielding it from the sun. It was warm; warm from the magma that spewed forth through the cracks, warm from the storms of burning ash that ravaged the atmosphere. She licked her lips and smirked. Her cheeks burned a bright red; as hungry as she was, another desire, just as deep and dark, made itself known. She locked her thighs around the planet, holding it in place. Any roughness would easily burst the already fragile sphere, so she was gentle as she rolled it down across her rumbling tummy, between her slowly spreading legs. Goosebumps ran across her skin as the warmth pressed down on her mound. As it moved down along her slit, her pleasured shiver mixed with the grumblings of her stomach, satisfaction, and frustration merging to become a whole new feeling. Up and down she rubbed it against her nethers, struggling to maintain control. Her chest swayed up and down, the lack of gravity making its jiggling erratic. Wistful sighs escaped her lips into the vacuum; beads of sweat the size of mountains formed over her silken skin. Her hips bucked and thrusted, matching the sphere’s movement. Her labia kissed the ravaged world, filling its empty oceans with the slickness of her nectar. And with each movement, she became wilder, her movements looser and sloppier – and the world slowly crumbled under her grip. A cute little fang the size of Mount Everest dug into her lower lip; Ahri forced herself back into her affected gentleness, lest the planet shattered before she had a chance to have her way with it. Where it had failed, a slithering tail picked up the slack, tracing its way between her legs and thrusting into her depths, filling every inch of her inner walls with soft, rustling fur. She inhaled sharply, her entire body caught in one final spasm. Her back arched, her insides burned, her stomach gurgled – and a shower of translucent, shimmering droplets pushed her tail out of her hole and scattered into the void. Her tense muscles slowly relaxed; her one soaked tail shook off the remaining fluid from its fur. She straightened up, flustered and frustrated; once again holding the planet, she frowned at it as one would to a misbehaving child. “What a pathetic little planet – so insignificant, it can’t even please me as a toy. I could have kept you if you had satisfied me – you could have seen me consume this universe. What a beautiful thing it will be.” The tip of her tongue peeked out from between her lips, ran its flattened shape over the soaked, slimy surface. She cooed in appreciation. She couldn’t stay mad at such a complex flavor. “But that’s okay. You will serve me just as well as fuel. You gave me life, after all. It’s only fair that you help sustain me, now.” Between her hands, she held it like a large apple, pressing down her juicy lips on its surface. One final, loving kiss – her tongue slobbering over the saltiness of the ocean, the bitterness of the earth, and the sweetness of her own juices – turned into a bite. Crack. Delightful. Crunchy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside. The chunk Ahri bit out and now happily chewed revealed the searing hot core within; she couldn’t help dipping a finger into the glowing red liquid. Pulling it back, it stretched like caramel; when she delivered it to her mouth, the taste of iron was almost overwhelming. She moaned in pleasure, licking her finger clean; looking down at the planet, she knew she could only wait so long. Her maw opened. Warmth emanated from inside her; with her stomach so effectively turning matter to mass and energy, she was a star unto herself. Her tongue flattened and extended outwards, eagerly lapping at the globe even as she pushed it in. Her lips stretched around the sphere, her teeth drew tracks across the landscape. What had once orbited around the Sun now rested neatly inside her maw, snugly held between her rippling tongue and the roof of her mouth; she swallowed, and the perfect spherical bulge slowly moved down her neck, disappearing between her shoulders but still causing her ample chest to puff up for just a moment. And then, it was gone. The ever so slight bulge on her middle did not go unnoticed. Ahri chuckled, burying a finger into the pudge, feeling the sphere inside roll and shift. Again and again, she poked at it, and each time she tried, the morsel was smaller and softer, until eventually she felt nothing. Nothing at all except an ocean of roiling stomach acids, already awaiting their next assignment. “Hmm-mmm-mm…” Ahri hummed; everything she had ever known or even heard of as Tammy was gone. It had been shattered, broken down, digested and absorbed. Its component pieces now flowed in her veins, strengthening and expanding her form. Thickening her. It amused her to think about; the Great Barrier Reef was just an extra bit of jiggle in her tits. The Andes, a thin layer of fat around her thighs. Great monuments, veritable wonders of the world – individual hairs on her many tails. She was the beginning and the end. The only known living creature in the Universe. All-encompassing. Omnipotent. Hungry. With all of her bonds and memories now digested and padding out her physical form, Ahri was free. The universe unfolded before her, full of delicious possibilities. The growth spurt the Blue Planet had provided her had helped put other celestial bodies on the menu; from the densest terrestrial planet to the largest of gas giants, there was no object in the endless expanse she did not picture sitting comfortably in her tummy. Well, then, what was she waiting for? She floated her way through the Solar System like a forager in the woods, her keen eyes sweeping the surrounding area in search of other celestial bodies to consume. Unimaginable distances were effortlessly traversed in the blink of an eye. She swam easily in the endless sea, swaying like a great filter feeder, allowing floating debris to make its way into her open maw. She traveled outwards, past planets and moons, stopping only briefly in the great asteroid belt to fill her cupped hands with plummeting planetoids of rock and ice and sip them like water. Within minutes, the ever-growing figure had reached the edge of the Solar system. She admired the vast emptiness beyond, all the distant galaxies and nebulas, all the shimmering constellations. Yes – they would be next. Her hunter’s eyes locked on the planets orbiting the sun. They traveled fast, but she was faster. She ignored Pluto – too small to warrant her attention. The quarry she had in mind was much more impressive. The four gas giants were approached in order of size. It was only convenient, then, that the smallest ones were the nearest to her. She allowed herself to drift into Neptune’s orbit and ran her fingers through the shifting gases around its surface. The violent storms provided the subtlest of massages. She scooped up a handful of cloud matter and unleashed it above her, grinning as she saw it dissipate; when she did it a second time, she instead delivered it, in cupped hands, to her lips. The swirling, electrically-charged gases tingled pleasantly against her tongue and spread a pleasant coolness over her slavering maw; one that slowly petered out as it traveled down her throat. She ran a finger down her neck, following the chill as it died down to her own body’s emanating warmth; eager for more, she dove in. Pursed lips sank into the gaseous atmosphere, barely concealing a smirk at the slight tickling sensation. Without hesitation, she began to pull, drinking the heavy gases in large, resonating gulps. The great planet shrank while Ahri hummed and cooed, her suction continued until there was nothing left to consume but the planet’s core, no bigger than the Earth had been. And while Earth had provided a filling meal, Ahri’s size had since increased quite dramatically – and so, this dense core was casually popped into her mouth like a piece of candy. Its flavor was enjoyed only briefly until she tired of rolling it around in her mouth and swallowed. Ahri leaned back and allowed herself a languid stretch before moving on. The realization that the planet’s many moons now orbited around her was met with some amusement; rather than consume them, she rewarded them with the freedom to roam the heavens as she moved on to the next world on her list. One by one, she visited the planets like an angel of death. One by one, they satisfied her lust, but only momentarily. Saturn and Jupiter, like Neptune, were simply imbibed, with their inner cores providing a crunchy finish to the large but ultimately unfulfilling meals. The remaining terrestrial planets were not much better; by the time she reached them, her size rivaled that of the Sun itself, and so she needed only float by with her maw wide open and allow their orbit and her own gravitational pull to guide them into the dripping and squishy depths of her gullet. Their moons accompanied them; soon after the red planet saw the sun’s light for the last time, Phobos and Deimos followed its lead. Venus – barely the size of one of her fingernails by the time she reached it – was similarly breathed in with ease. The runt of the litter, Mercury, was the final one to go, and was more of an afterthought than anything else. A formality. It did plunge down her throat, like all the others; but it provided no satisfaction to the spaceborne colossus. No, at this point Ahri had a much bigger prize in her sights; the star at the center of it all, whose rays she so happily bathed on. The great fusion reactor was immense, but even as she approached the searing heat, Ahri felt little more than a mild discomfort. After all, she rivaled it in size, and though chemical-based rather than nuclear, the furnace that kept her massive body functioning was no less potent. Blazing wisps arced out of the massive sphere, shedding their radiation into the void. They washed over her form and, like waves against a cliff, shattered. Its incandescence, though blinding, did not affect her eyes in the least; in fact, as she approached, her senses sharpened. Every dancing shadow, every meandering flare was clearly seen. Ahri smiled. She dipped her toes into the radiance, felt the searing heat gently caress her skin. With a twirl of her foot, she stirred the surface. Her lips slowly parted, and the star stirred. She inhaled through her mouth, and the gravity well lost its grip on the swirling flames. A stream of bright orange and blood red drew a line across the heavens, flowing into Ahri’s mouth. Her breaking of the laws of reality was at its most blatant when she slurped down the solar storm like a noodle, feeling the unimaginable heat as it warmed her insides. Her lips were red with effort; her tongue split the torrent and tasted the incandescent gases; her uvula danced amongst the flames; her gullet expanded to accommodate the stream; finally, her stomach filled to the brim with the stuff of stars. She watched wide-eyed as her gut expanded, the light clearly visible even through flesh and bone. As she grew, she glowed brighter and brighter even as the star she fed on lost its shine. When, finally, the hyperdense core disappeared behind her closing lips, she was the only star in the system. A lone firefly drifting in the darkness. A rumble from within. Weak at first, but quickly mounting. Ahri moaned in pleasure as her stomach began to churn away, channeling the heat into her form. By now, the fuzzy, pins and needles sort of feeling from growth bursts was familiar… but nothing could have prepared her for this. Her muscles tensed and stretched. Arms opened, legs parted, ears stood erect; her nine tails fanned out behind her back, like a peacock’s. The light faded; all became energy. Fueled by a star, her growth was as unrelenting as it was pleasing. And one star was far from enough. She swam through the cosmos, and she fed, and she grew. Entire star clusters fell dark, sacrificed to hold back her insatiable hunger – star by star at first, then all together with one fell bite. When even the largest star was much too small to bother picking up, she just traversed the cosmos with an open maw, sweeping through the galaxy and leaving only darkness in her wake. Her mass increased exponentially with each bite, each slurp, each gulp. Consumption no longer required thought, and so she kept herself busy in other ways. Tails writhing over her nude body like serpents, sending waves of pleasure across her form. Fingers buried deep between her legs, pumping endlessly and tirelessly, bringing forth orgasm after orgasm until she was nothing but sex and consumption, stuck in a climax with no end as she devoured all. Her body’s rumblings resonated as one. Time had no meaning to her anymore. She was beyond everything – bigger than everything. When only the vacuum of space was left, the vacuum of space itself became the main course. Soon, all that had been borne of the Big Bang ran in her veins, fueling growth beyond comprehension; that was when the walls began to crack. All the rules were broken. Space was not enough. She hungered for what lay beyond. Past, present, future. Everything was separate; it would not do. Ahri was hungry, and she was hungry now. So, she focused on the now. She willed all that was and all that would be into the now. She closed her eyes – and when she opened them again, the featureless expanse spread through all dimensions. The entire multiverse in one place. The entire timeline in one moment. Presented to her. Her tails wiggled with excitement. A tongue ran over her lips. Her golden eyes glimmered with anticipation. She opened wide. Tammy leaned over the softly glowing screen, tongue peeking out of the corner of her mouth, sweaty fingers slamming down on the mouse buttons and dancing over the worn keyboard without as much as a glance. Then the air went still. She looked out the window and saw the firmament go dark. Deep down, Tammy knew it was her. _______________________________________________________ In the milky white of utter absence, Ahri sat, her legs crossed. Her eyes were closed; she slept. The red that flushed her cheeks and the goosebumps that covered her skin spoke of dreams of lust and consumption. Her fingers ran over her swollen stomach as it let out its final gurgle, its acids having just finished breaking down the concepts of space and time. She was, for the first time, satisfied. Her stomach’s call to action was silent; in fact, all was silent. The only sounds that existed were her breathing, her heartbeat, and her soft moaning. Her nude body had never been more beautiful. Her pale skin was firm and silky. Her plump breasts, round and soft, moving ever so slightly to her breathing. Her stomach, now flat and squishy; her wide hips giving way to thick thighs that, crossed, centered her form. Her tails, like billowing scarves, swayed about. The little tassel, stubbornly stuck to her skin even with the relative size of a fraction of an atom, fluttered still. Intently. Ahri had finally reached nirvana; she had held all that had ever been and all that would ever be, taken it unto herself, and shaped it into the ideal of perfection itself. Ahri. Something stirred the tranquility of the whole. Her left ear twitched adorably. Once, then once more; the third time it happened, she opened one of her eyes. A moment’s confusion soon gave way to excitement; she looked down at herself and nodded in approval. There was something else out there. Something that stood, somehow, outside of all known dimensions of time and space. She looked around and saw nothing but the endless void. Then she saw beyond. No, not saw. Sees. She sees the world outside of the liminal space. She sees the limits of her reality and how to break them. And, more importantly, she sees you, poring over the words that narrate her exploits. She smiles; her lips press together in barely contained eagerness; her ears perk up, and her entire form flushes with yearning. She winks and mockingly blows a kiss. She licks her lips, leaving them red and glistening, and speaks. You hear the words in your mind as you read them. Perhaps even in her voice. “Mmm… is it dinner time already? Oh, don’t mind if I do…” |
From A to H I “You know it.” Her entrance was nothing short of spellbinding. Every movement flowed languid and full of grace, every step tread as lightly as though she walked on air. Glossy brown hair hung low around her subtly swaying hips. The only sound as she moved – the brushing of denim against the floor. Amber was provocative. Her clothes, her form, her mannerisms were all calculated and deliberate to draw as many looks as possible. Hip just was, and attention followed. A woman with nothing to prove, one with the world around her, dripping with unnaturally natural allure. She was at home in the classroom, as if she’d been in it a thousand times – as if the school itself had been built around her. She looked over the class with an unreadable gaze. Beside her, the door creaked shut. She raised a hand with three fingers raised, mouthed a countdown. Two. One. Zero. White noise blasted through every crowded hallway, classroom, and staffroom. It slowly faded, and a voice sounded. “This is the Principal. There has been an emergency. All staff and students are to evacuate immediately.” His words spoke of danger, his tone didn’t. Even distorted by the speakers, it was calm and distracted. Lovestruck, even. Hip smiled. Amber sat on the desk, legs suggestively crossed. They both beamed, enjoying the moment. Aperitifs are to be savored. Glen was the first to move. The same awe and fear that glued the others to their chairs compelled him to run. In his way stood the new girl, this ‘Hip’. He looked her in the eyes, steeled himself, and moved. His first step was determined. His second, heavy. His third, trembling. Hip glanced at him. That ambiguous smile of hers made a return. She raised an eyebrow, and Glen felt his will to escape slowly fade away. She raised a finger. His fourth step was his last. The finger waved. “Not you. You’re the lucky ones.” He stared blankly at her. His cheeks were red, his pupils wide. He couldn’t bring himself to move; being still felt comfortable. It felt right. The stampede outside was as deafening as it was short-lived. The rumbling went on even after the voices had faded away; it was then that Glen realized some of the noise was not coming from the hallways. Hip’s delicate fingers spread gently over her stomach. Her smile was a knowing one. “Come on,” she said, “they aren’t as bad. ‘A sad bunch’, really? A few of them look keen enough.” Glen blinked, perplexed. His mouth hung open, but his brain couldn’t formulate an answer. Before he had a chance to reply, a familiar voice sounded from behind him. At this point, Amber’s mere voice was enough to make him shiver. “A bunch of sad sacks, is what I said,” Amber corrected her friend. “And trust me, they are. There wasn’t a single second I didn’t feel like I was going to snap and reenact Salem on their sorry asses.” “Well, I for one am glad you decided to share.” The few remaining students were beginning to stiffen on their seats. It was surreal. The conversation between Amber and the new girl was bizarre, but the underlying threat was undeniable. If anything, how casual the two were while discussing these nebulous and sinister-sounding affairs made it all the more chilling. A loud clap snapped them all to attention. Amber tilted her head to the side, surprised. “Huh. If Ricky-boy had known this one, we wouldn’t be so behind in the syllabus.” “Alright, boys and girls,” Amber said. “Looks like we have the entire building for ourselves today, so let’s kill the time with a game. It’s called ‘don’t die’. The rules are simple. Anyone care to guess?” She steepled her fingers and leaned forward, looking over her borrowed glasses at the very pale, very sweaty students before her. “Come on, now, it’s not that difficult.” She paused for a few seconds, enjoying the silence only broken by heavy, staggered breaths. Glen winced; Hip’s hands weighed on his shoulders. Her touch was warm and soft, even against his greasy skin. A gentle nudge had his limp body rotate to face the ‘teacher’. Hip took his hand and lifted it above his head; when she let go, it stayed. Amber grinned. “Ah, yes, Mr. Stupid asshole?” “T-this isn’t funny. W-where’s M-Mr. Morrison?” She listened intently, nodding to the rhythm of his stuttering. The two locked eyes. Amber smiled. Her fist suddenly banged on the table. The loud noise echoed through the silent room. “Wrong!” Her voice boomed. “God, Glen, you’re not worth the meat you’re printed on!” He had no time to gasp. Before he could think, the gentle touch that had guided him to where he was had turned to a grip. An arm locked around his neck; his left hand was held behind his back. Lips brushed softly around his ear in a mocking whisper. “It was ‘don’t die’. Sorry, Glen.” Amber hopped onto the floor, arms stretching as she closed the distance. It would have been easy to mesmerize such a simple mind. A glance, a smile, and he would have surrendered. She could have had him begging to plunge down her throat. Alas, a statement needed to be made. She wanted Glen to fear. Once the two were eye to eye, Amber pinched his flushed cheeks. Her painted fingernails dug into his skin; annoying at first, soon to be painful. She hummed in satisfaction as his nose scrunched up, his eyes squinted, and his lips thinned; she gave the flabby cheek two congratulatory pats and smirked. Hip’s grip moved down from Glen’s neck to his waist. She lifted him with ease, and soon the legs that had been so firmly planted on the floor were kicking at the air. Amber thanked her with a nod and, to the class’s horror, opened wide. Gasps turned to shrieks. A student’s head slammed down on her desk, and there she remained, unconscious. Another covered her mouth with her hands and retched. Hip rolled her eyes. “So melodramatic.” She hefted his waist over her right shoulder, huffing – then got on the tips of her toes. It happened very slowly, and each gruesome second of it was for the class to enjoy. Gravity and Hip’s weakening grip did all the work; Amber needed only to wait and be fed. The first few inches provided a welcome reprieve from his whimpering; for Glen, it was all downhill from there. The class straddled the line between terror and full-fledged panic. Some tried to look away, others watched with morbid awe. Perhaps a few of them even enjoyed it. There was something erotic to it, after all – the look of utter satisfaction on Amber’s eyes, the way her flat stomach bulged out with each swallow, the way her tongue danced over skin and clothes alike. The wet squelches and gulps, the sharp inhalations, the swaying and slithering of a body in bliss – they all spoke of a pleasure deeper than that of simple consumption. The display was cut short. Hip finally lost her grip on the wriggling legs, and they vanished, as did the feet. Glen was gone. To say the class was in shock would be an understatement; it more closely resembled the ending to Macbeth. Notably, that one guy – the one Amber had often seen chatting with Glen and stinking up the place – had slipped from his desk and now sat on the ground, his flabby arms hugging his just as flabby knees. Amber patted the stretched skin of her gut; a powerful kick from within followed, but her smile only broadened. “Ah, so close! Once more, with feeling, and you might just be able to get out.” Beautiful brown eyes turned to the class. A conspiratorial wink and a headshake confirmed what was already suspected. Perhaps Glen was figuring it out too; his second kick was as easily withstood as the first one. Again she looked over her glasses. Again did her sudden clap snap the group out of their stupor. “Come on, have I been teaching you this badly? Surely, one of you morons will have some idea. You! Whats-her-name with the horrible tacky purse.” The girl that had been retching slumped over her table, hands on her mouth. Her short black hair, made messy by the fingers that ran up and down it in helpless desperation, gleamed with sweat. Her sunken eyes, usually so full of energy and determination, looked around. Her purse laid on her table, bright yellow and made of gabardine. She steadied herself, balling her firsts and straightening her posture; finally, she scowled. “Vicky.” The siren rolled her eyes. “I didn’t ask for your name. Can you answer my question? What…” She stopped herself short, blinking, confused. Hip sighed, the hint of a smirk in the corner of her lips. “You were asking them about the rules of the game, Amber. And wasting time.” In a blink, Amber’s poor impression of Mr. Morrison returned, and she wagged a finger at her friend. “That’s Miss Adams to you! But yes, thank you, Miss Hugger. You get extra credit.” “Joy.” “Tacky Purse Girl! I’m waiting.” Vicky jumped to her feet; behind her, the chair slammed hard into the ground. The loud clapping sound sent a wince through all the students; even the one who had passed out was snapped out of her slumber, and now rubbed her eyes. She stared down the monster, trying her best to ignore the wriggling belly she sported. Though her muscles were petrified, she forced herself to move, walking around the empty tables to rest a sweaty but firm hand on the girl that had fainted. “You okay, Melissa?” She got no answer but a whimper and a frightened nod. Only then did she turn to the creature she knew as Amber. “The rules are ‘don’t die’. And I plan to do just that.” An appreciative whistle broke the tension. All eyes turned to Hip, who clapped. “I like that one,” she said. “I call dibs on her.” “With that cheap deodorant stink? You can keep her,” Amber chuckled. “Anyway, congratulations, Tacky, you’re correct! And to make it fair, I won’t even hypnotize any of you. See how nice your new teacher is?” Hip’s serene voice sounded once more, a mere whisper compared to Amber’s bombastic performance. “If what happened to him,” she pointed at Amber’s stomach, “happens to you, you lose.” Amber hopped onto the desk again; this time it creaked under her weight. “Alright, students, let’s play nice and have a good time. Hip?” Hip stepped away from the door. She bowed low, gesturing towards it in a ‘right this way, sir’ kind of way. “Thank you,” Amber nodded, before turning to the class again. “Now, me and my friend are going to count to fifty, so off you go. One, two, five, ten…” Amber leaned back and watched the chaos ensue. Vicky was the first to run; those long legs weren’t just for show, it seemed. She disappeared out the door without sparing a thought for her friends, not even the one she had made a show out of helping. The rest soon followed. Never had any of the girls run half as fast as this during gym class. Ashley, Steph, and Melissa all rushed in the same direction. “Twenty-five, thirty…” The exodus over, only one of the students remained. Scott – Glen’s friend – curled up in a ball in the middle of the floor. Tears and mucus mixed as they ran down his face. His eyes were wide open, glazed over and staring blankly through the table legs and Amber’s legs and at the wall. The siren stepped closer. “Thirty-five, forty, forty-five…” She prodded his back with the tip of her Chuck. “Forty-eight, forty-nine, forty-nine and a half…” Lowered herself onto her knees and whispered in his ear, “Fifty-seven, eighty-two, twelve… fifty.” His trembling eyes met hers. There was no wish to escape in his distant stare. No will to live. No fun. “I’ll come back for you later,” she sighed, defeated. “Please, at least try to give me a fun chase?” She pressed a small kiss to his cheek. Her tongue ran over her lips; the sweet saltiness of tears never got old. When she passed by her friend, Amber looked her over. Hip was upside-down, arms folded behind her head, her body pointing upwards like an arrow. Her eyes were closed; her expression, peaceful. Amber rolled her eyes. She nudged the showoff, hoping to disrupt the asana being performed – but to her dismay, Hip simply went along with gravity’s pull, allowing it to give her the necessary impetus to bounce back on her feet. “Done so fast?” she asked with a flourish. Amber shrugged. “That one’s no fun. Besides, I need a break from the taste of snot and pissed pants.” She slapped her stomach; for the first time, her prey didn’t push back. “Ugh. Are you trying to kill my appetite?” A second of silence passed. Then, the two burst into laughter. _______________________________________________________ “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…” Vicky slammed her body against the locked door for what left like the hundredth time. The rusty metal creaked. She was making progress, but much too slowly. Her bruised muscles were only now beginning to hurt. They’d almost certainly be sore as hell come morning. Morning would come. She over her shoulder, wiping the sweat from her forehead. A peal of warped laughter echoed through the hallways, and Vicky grasped at her throbbing heart. “Fuck…” _______________________________________________________ Steph didn’t even bother looking over her shoulder. The pained pants and gasps of her friends were all she needed to know. Her own words barely made it through the wheezing. “Are you sure about this, Melissa?” “Yeah,” Melissa lied. “They wouldn’t have had time to lock it up if it was an emergency.” “Emergency?” Ashley protested, struggling to run in her long skirt. The shortest of the three was also the most incensed. “That was them covering their asses!” “The staff,” Melissa paused for breath, “t-the staff didn’t know that. Security procedures.” “Leave it to Melissa to memorize the freaking security procedures,” Steph laughed. It was a bitter laugh. “To the cafeteria, then. If it bleeds...” The timely laughter that echoed through the school seemed to mock even their dim hope. _______________________________________________________ “H-hi.” Amber twirled around. Hip did too. One movement was excessive and exhibitionistic; the other, elegant and precise. There stood Rebecca with her hands in her pockets, awkwardly shifting her weight - trying and failing to smile. She raised a hand, wiggling her fingers in a wave. Amber saw her succubus friend get that look in her eyes. At the first sign of a hastened pace, she placed her hand on Hip’s shoulder. “Not this one,” Amber said. Faced with Hip’s bewildered look, she just shrugged apologetically. Under the hungry glare, Rebecca had shrunk away. With the risk gone, the shrinking violet finally bloomed again. “I heard it in the Principal’s voice. There’s no emergency, is there?” “Oh, there is. Just not the kind people think.” Becky nodded slightly. “Should I have gone with them?” Amber folded her hands over her increasingly small stomach. “Did you want to go with them?” “I guess not.” “There you go.” “Amber?” “Yes, Becky?” “I saw them heading for the cafeteria.” The siren clapped her hands together, shooting Hip one of those ‘I told you so’ looks. “Thanks, Becky. You’re a sweetheart.” A hint of red colored Rebecca’s features. “And Amber?” The siren stifled a sigh. “Yes, Becky?” “Can I go with you two?” “Hip?” “As long as she doesn’t get in the way.” “As long as you don’t get in the way, Becky. Now come on, the trail is getting cold.” Siren and succubus continued down the hallway, now with a goal in mind. With them walked Rebecca, with their hands intertwined on the small of her back and her head trapped between their bouncing breasts. Her features were lit up by a bright and starstruck smile. _______________________________________________________ “Come on, come on, come on!” Sweat ran down Melissa’s features as she paced back and forth, her phone pressed to her cheek. “Pick up, damn it.” “What’s going on? Why aren’t they answering?” Steph asked as she opened yet another drawer. Seeing the gleam of polished metal within, she clapped her hands together. “Girls, we’ve got knives! How’s the water going?” “Same as it was five seconds ago, when you first asked,” Ashley grumbled, flicking a strand of brown hair from her face. “This is a horrible idea. We can’t stop that… thing. We should just run.” “Run where!?” yelled Steph. “Do you really want to get out in the open with those two freaks prowling around?” “Please, can you two shut up?!” Melissa’s pacing got more and more uneven the more worked up she got. Her glasses fogged up; her sweaty fingers struggled to keep their grip on the phone. “Hello? Hello, 911? Oh, thank God… listen. We’re in… hello? Hello, can you hear us?” The room begrudgingly went silent. Steph finished setting up a broad array of sharp kitchen implements on the chopping board; Ashley dragged another trash bag to the barricade they’d set up. Everyone hung on Melissa’s words; the stress only made her stutter more. “Yes, h-hello, we’re in the… yeah, the- yes, the one that evacuated. N-no, no fire, just – hello? Hello?” A fist slammed down on the chopping board, causing several sharp blades to bounce worryingly. “Oh, fuck’s sake, Melissa, just tell them!” “They won’t believe us! Let me j-just figure out…” “Enough, give me that!” Steph stomped towards Melissa, who winced away. She reached for the phone; instinctively, Melissa held it away from her. Sweaty fingers slipped over the plastic casing… and both girls gasped in horror as the phone spun towards the ground and shattered. The trio stood silent; Melissa and Steph frozen mid-fight, Ashley covering her mouth in shock. The air had gone cold and still; their only hope was lost. “No…” “Look at what you’ve done, Melissa!” Steph cried; though her tone was accusatory, her voice seemed as if it would crack at any moment. “M-me? I just… just…” “Come on, do something! Ashley! You have your phone on you, right? Please tell me you didn’t leave it behind too.” Ashley offered no answer save for a grim headshake. “Fuck!” Steph cried; finally stepping away from Melissa, she glanced furiously around the room, as if she expected to find a direct line to the police hidden in the dishwasher, or the sink. “What the fuck do we do now? Melissa, come on, think!” “I’m trying, I’m trying! I can’t think with the… with the shrieking! Okay, okay. There has to be a way to go about this. We can wait here until they come for us – when they do, we take whichever exit they left unguarded. We run for the gates. We get the cops...” “Well, I’m not doing any of this unarmed,” Steph announced, picking up the nastiest-looking butcher’s knife on the pile. She tested its weight and balance in her hand, then nodded. “How’s the water, Ashley?” Ashley looked down at the clear liquid that bubbled in the pot. “It’s starting to boil.” “There we go! The first bitch that makes it through this door is going to get a face full of-” Knuckles rapped mockingly against the wooden door; so innocuous a sound, yet still enough to kill Steph’s bravado in one fell swoop. The three looked at the door, instinctively gathering into a circle – Ashley with her pot of boiling water, Steph with her knife, and Melissa with her fogged-up glasses. A familiar silhouette materialized from the frosted glass. “Yoo-hoo! Sounds like you're having a party in there. How come I wasn’t invited?” A round shape pressed to the glass; it took the three a moment to realize what it was. Amber’s stomach, minutes ago filled to the brim with their friend, had become not only much smaller but more malleable, too – its contents were either gone or lacked a solid shape. It was hard to tell which outcome was the most chilling. _______________________________________________________ Manicured nails scratched at the peeling bark. Rubber soles struggled to gain purchase on the smooth surface. Vicky’s muscles bulged; her teeth dug into her lower lip. She had remembered the old olive tree as a stairway to freedom; its curling branches intertwined with the fence’s metal posts and engulfing their bladed ends. She found it a slippery, precarious mess, old and rotten, full of crevices and loose limbs ready to cut an escape attempt short. Even if she managed to surmount it, dodging the sharp edges in the process, she would have to jump over the fence and onto the open field beyond – a sizable drop. It still failed to make Vicky hesitate. Her friends would hopefully keep the two abominations busy. For that, she thanked them. Years of therapy were preferable to a gruesome death, just as her survival was preferable to theirs. _______________________________________________________ A resounding slap brought Steph to her senses. She gasped, stepping away from the door. The last thing she remembered was pointing the knife at the form behind the frosted glass. Saying… something, she didn’t recall the details. Then, there had been blinking – and now, when her eyes opened again, she stood inches from the softly whispering silhouette. Her knife laid on the floor, several steps away; a trash bag weighed heavy on her hands. Her cheek was burning. Melissa kneeled on the floor amongst the remains of her phone, screaming nonsense, covering her ears. “Put it back, put it back now!” Ashley’s voice was shrill. “I heard that…” The figure dematerialized from the frosted glass, replaced by a fuzzy shadow. A round shape swung; crack. As the door flew from its hinges, high-pitched laughter filled the room. “Would you look at that! Glen ended up not being completely useless after all!” The red blur of a Chuck kicked the collapsed door aside, ejecting it across the room with surprising force. Amber stepped in, each step a display so shameless as to be obscene – and none of her voluptuous features more distressing than the sloshing gut that shrunk as she approached. With her came the other – the brown-haired one. The one they knew nothing about. In the chaos, the three girls scrambled to grab their weapons; their knives, the boiling water. They formed a circle in the middle of the room, with nothing but a wooden counter separating them from the interlopers. Melissa closed her eyes. Her entire body trembled. White fingers wrapped loosely around the handle of a chef knife. She opened them again, her glare turning steely when she turned it towards Amber, the fear inside her bubbling into fury when a kiss was blown her way. Something clicked, deep down – her eternally slouched body straightened up, and the world around her seemed so much smaller. So much more manageable. Her voice sounded with a vigor she had never thought possible. “Stay back, I’ve got this!” The world blurred as she moved forward, the handle of her weapon fitting in her hand with newfound purpose. She smiled as she watched the two abominations – once so terrifying – wince away from the sharp edge as she swung it. She advanced, and they stepped back. The brown-haired one struck first. She was fast, much too fast to follow. Melissa met her advance; a blink, and she was looking down the hippie’s back – and, from a growing pool of red, the tip of her knife emerged. Amber was second. Again, unlikely odds favored Melissa still. A wide swing caught the siren’s throat; another body stumbled lifeless onto the floor. Blood rushed to Melissa’s head. Her body trembled with adrenaline. She stood triumphant between the two interlopers; it had been that easy. She turned to her friends. “Steph, call the police.” Steph nodded, slid a hand into her pocket and produced a black smartphone. Within seconds, the sound of sirens in the distance could be heard. “Let’s go home.” Melissa stepped out of the pool of blood and guided her two friends to the gates. Men in uniforms awaited them in the parking lots; Melissa ignored them. Her feet carried her home almost on autopilot, leaving bloody footprints on the asphalt. The door to her home laid open. She walked down the hallway and turned to the right. She stepped into her bedroom, took a deep breath – and collapsed on the sheets. Far away, someone called her name, but she ignored them. All could wait until tomorrow. She slid under the duvet; as its softness rubbed against her skin, she felt all tension leave her. The fabric crept over her form, surrounding her from all sides. Melissa sighed wistfully, wriggling further into the inviting warmth; it was almost too good to be true. As the light faded, so did the adrenaline that coursed through her veins. Warm. Snug. Humid. Tight. Coarse. Itchy. Sweltering. Sticky. Burning. Burning? “EEK!” Rebecca stood under the doorway, watching the chaos ensue. Her hands rested over her mouth; though her body language spoke of shock and horror, her eyes glimmered with morbid fascination. She had heard it happen before. A cacophony of wet sounds, of struggles and groans and gulps; her mind had filled in all the details. Nothing Rebecca could have imagined compared to what it actually was like. She had seen Melissa drop her weapon. She had heard her mumbling gibberish to herself as she stumbled forward into Amber’s arms. She had even witnessed Melissa, with a rivulet of saliva running down her chin and a look of utter bliss on her bespectacled face, ease herself into Amber’s open maw. The siren had been happy to accept Melissa’s offering, but not before plucking the glasses from her nose. She examined the floppy wire-framed spectacles for but a moment, frowning at whatever bitter memories it roused – and crushed them effortlessly in her hand. Rebecca would never forget the first time she saw Amber eat someone. The sounds, the smells. The goosebumps on her skin as she watched those glossy lips slide over hair and skin alike. The sight of Melissa’s body steadily disappearing. And the gulping, oh, the gulping… each resonant contraction of Amber’s throat muscles shook Rebecca to the core, made her heart flutter and her skin go fuzzy. And finally, the muffled scream, the last time anyone would ever hear Melissa’s voice – punctuating the end of consumption and marking the beginning of digestion. Amber turned to Rebecca; it caught her by surprise, and for the first time, their eyes met. A shiver ran down the girl’s spine… but nothing changed. There was no insidious dark magic at work; just a pair of very beautiful brown eyes, and what might have just been Rebecca’s first girl crush. Just as quickly as it formed, the link was broken; with eyes so intense, it was a surprise Rebecca had lasted this long. Her attention was fully on the siren still, of course – but now she stared in awe at the wriggling belly. Each exhalation made the round surface contract slightly, while inhalations merely had it maintain its size and shape. The stomach’s rhythmic shrinking, the increasing amorphousness of the body within, and the sharp silencing of Melissa’s voice – to Rebecca, nothing could have been more fascinating. Or titillating. “Hey! My tits are up here.” Rebecca’s brow furrowed; she blinked in confusion at Amber’s words. The realization came slowly; when it finally arrived, she buried her face in her hands, ashamed. Of course, the siren just chuckled. Steph and Ashley had been quite silent. No knives had been swung, and the pot of boiling water, the great deterrent that it was, was by now lukewarm at best. And all over the floor. Hip just stood there, relaxed, her eyes closed and a mischievous smile on her lips. She didn’t move; she didn’t need to. While Amber ate and digested, Hip simply existed. Her magnetism was as insidious as it was irresistible; goosebumps, a shiver, a stolen glance, a step taken without thinking. The bait was set; they bit. Like moths to a flame, the two girls approached. Steph was the first; mouth agape, she pressed her body to that of the succubus. An arm hugged her hips; a hand guided her head onto a shoulder to rest. She had been accepted. Ashley tried to get close, to push her friend away from Hip’s grip, to go in for a kiss – but her lips touched only the palm of a hand. The gentle push that followed sent her stumbling back; Hip’s decision had been made. As the body crumbled to the ground, so did the mind clear. A wave of pain came over Ashley’s body. Everything was sore. Mind, body, and soul alike had been pushed to their limits. Slow and trembling movements dragged her body across the tiled floor, wading through the mess of phone parts, spilled water and shattered plates. A chair’s leg offered her enough support to stand on her own feet. This was her chance. Amber was distracted, sitting cross-legged on the counter watching her mysterious friend have her way with Steph. This was it – Ashley’s chance to escape. She moved quickly, careful to not make a sound. She passed Amber, then Hip and Steph – and she offered her friend one final apologetic glance. She approached the door – and found herself face to face with someone she knew all too well. “Becky?!” she whispered, alarmed. The goth girl reluctantly looked away from Hip, resting on Ashley’s unkept form. “Let’s get out of here, Becky. Come on.” Rebecca’s voice was stone cold, albeit low and gentle. “Hey, Stephanie. I didn’t expect you to remember my name. You haven’t used it in a long time.” “What the… Becky, are you insane?! We need to get out of here. This isn’t the time for – look at what they’re doing!” “I know.” A big sigh. “Isn’t it wonderful?” “Is this some kind of joke? Look, I know we haven’t talked in a while… I’ve been busy, okay? Now stop this madness, come on, please! They’ll kill me.” “I know,” Rebecca repeated. “It’s okay, I’m not mad at you. You moved on with your life and made new friends, so there was no need for Becky anymore. I made new friends, too – but it looks like my friends are eating your friends…” Ashley huffed; where words failed her, sheer physicality would have to do. Just as the hippie had pushed her aside like a misfit toy, so did she force Rebecca to stand aside with a sudden shove. She ran as she had never run before. As her steps echoed through the deserted hallway, she thanked Melissa under her breath. She may not have liked the girl, but she had to admit her plan had worked. Next stop, the back gate. Her ticket to freedom. Back in the kitchen, Hip ran her finger over the distended skin of her middle. Something inside wriggled and moaned, whether it was pleasure or pain, only the succubus could tell – and, as usual, she wasn’t sharing. She was the first to break the silence. She smiled, pointing a finger at Amber’s flat stomach. “You’re not getting any points for that one, by the way. I thought you had said there would be no brainwashing.” “I swear, she just walked right into me of her own volition!” “Sure.” “Besides, if it counts, so does your… well, everything.” Amber cracked her knuckles and got on her feet. “There. That’s settled. Now, can you babysit Becky here for a while?” “If she’s not a lot of trouble, sure. Why?” “I have a date.” Hip smiled knowingly. After dismissing her friend with a wave and watching her leave, she was more than happy to turn her attention to Steph. The poor girl fawned over her seductive mistress like a wide-eyed puppy. Her skin, flushed red with desire, was frissoned and warm to the touch. And she wheezed – she wheezed with a need so deep, so desperate, so all-consuming that it hurt. Steph’s hands, tender with sweat, hovered over Hip’s body, both unable to resist its allure and not daring to touch such a sublime thing. They found a poor replacement in her own body, sliding over the sticky fabric to bring some faint pleasure to her haggard form. Hip ignored her even as the breaths became moans – even as the fingers slid under fabric. None of this interested the secretive seductress, who looked past it, and whose eyes rested on Rebecca. Having caught the goth girl’s attention, Hip winked. Her arm hooked around Steph’s neck, pulling her hungry lips in for a kiss. Her victim’s eyelashes fluttered, her entire body melting in the succubus’s embrace. |
From A to H II Two walked, but only one’s footsteps echoed through the long hallway. Rebecca was silent, walking alongside the brown-haired beauty Amber had referred to as ‘Hip’. Rebecca could tell she was dangerous – as much as Amber, perhaps even more so. Steph, were she not busy ruining the hippie’s hourglass figure, could have attested to that. One would have thought that her sheer mass would weigh down such a delicate and graceful creature. One would have been wrong. Even with her supple belly jiggling with each step taken, Hip moved effortlessly, unbothered by the erratic thrashing of her occupant. If anything, she had a glow to her that wasn’t there before. A blush of life on her features; a healthy sheen on her hip-low hair. Hip. Amber. So different in almost every way, and yet sharing the same kind of presence - that of rowdy guests in a place they didn’t call home. Amber, Hip. Apex predators or parasites? Angels or demons? Or maybe Rebecca had finally snapped, and these were just her delusions, enacting some kind of cathartic vengeance on those she resented. But what deranged mind could have created such odd creatures? “You’re getting too close.” The words cut like a knife. Becky snapped to attention, stepping away from Hip, who nodded. “Sorry,” the girl said. The succubus stopped. Her arms crossed; at first, it looked as if though she was upset, but the movement quickly flowed into a graceful asana. “How much did she tell you?” “What about?” “About us.” “Nothing.” “Good. That means she doesn’t mind having you around.” Rebecca blinked but decided to not pry further. Hip noted this and smiled. “You’re too tense. It’s not good for you,” she continued. “But seriously; don’t get too close. I’d hate to have to explain your absence to Amber.” “Are you…?” “No. But they might.” A bare foot slid over the denim of her leg. Toes crawled past fashionable rips and not-as-fashionable patchwork, before resting against her inner thigh in a balanced, straight-lined stance. The flares hung low; the succubus nodded. “Look closely.” It took Rebecca several seconds to figure out what she was looking for: the drooping fabric seemed to sway to a wind that wasn’t there. It stretched and contracted ever so subtly with each breath she took; noticing Rebecca’s surprise, Hip pressed her hands together. “H-how?” “The how doesn’t matter. But let’s keep the when far into the future, shall we?” A flushing Rebecca lowered her head in deference. “Becky, right?” “Y-yes, ma’am.” “Ma’am,” Hip hummed in appreciation. “I like that. I still prefer Hip, though – so remember that.” There was only the slightest hint of a threat to her voice – just enough to be noticed. “Yes, Hip.” “That’s more like it.” Her nostrils flared; the corners of her lips curled into an excited grin. “Ah! Someone outside. It isn’t your friend, though. She smells like… cheap deodorant. Let’s go say hi. Have you ever seen a tree hug back?” “No, Hip.” “Have I got a show for you.” _______________________________________________________ To Amber’s surprise, following the smell of shame guided her all the way back to where it had all started – the classroom. Entering it again felt a little bit like saying goodbye. It would not be a stretch to say that her classmates had been like brothers and sisters to her. Parting had been such sweet sorrow. Mostly for them, but still… “Ugh. Do any of you freaks even shower?” Glen’s friend. She knew his name to be Scott; in fact, she knew a whole lot about him, now. At least she had gained something from plundering Glen’s memories. Sure, she felt like her IQ had dropped a few digits, but hey, silver linings. Not everyone could be a Mr. Morrison. Scott had, for what it was worth, lifted himself up from the pool of tears and sweat he had been lying in. He sat on his desk, staring blankly at the blackboard. Amber clicked her fingers. No reaction. Yeesh. “Come on, kid. Do something. Scream, shout, fight, beg, recite the Ten Commandments. Is this really how you wanna go? Like a chump? C’mon, what would your crush thin– wait, seriously? Fucking Vicky?” She laughed; how fortuitous that Glen had been privy to that kind of information. “Of all the chicks you could have fallen for, Vicky? Dude, love to break it to you, but I think she’s more into mashing gash.” A wince. It was a start. She sat on the desk, twirled a finger on his greasy hair; stone-faced as he might look, she knew it was all a façade. She could, after all, hear his heart buzz. She could even smell his desire. “Hip was having her way with her just now, and let me tell you, I’ve never seen either of them so happy. Vicky was really going to town on her. That tongue, unf!” She made a show out of fanning herself. “Clearly not her first rodeo. I’m not that into girls, but let me tell you, seeing her go to town… wow. Just wow.” Seeing Scott tremble brought a smile to Amber’s face. “Of course, when she’s done with Vicky, well, you know. Game over.” She snapped her fingers. “How about that? Vicky’s going to die without giving a fuck about you. Painfully, too. Have you ever used a carbon tablet? It’s like that, but slower and much, much more painful.” She tilted her head to the side and blew him a kiss. “How does that make you feel, boy? Aww, don’t cry…” A finger ran over Scott’s cheek, wiping away a tear. She lifted his chin and stared him in the eye. She heard his muscles relax, his wheezing breaths steadying – and the floodgates to his mind opening. “Don’t cry,” she repeated; her whisper was low and comforting. “Big sis can make it all better. All you have to do is ask nicely.” _______________________________________________________ Vicky hugged one of the bloated branches, hooked her legs against it and dragged herself onto it. The wood creaked, it bent; thankfully, it didn’t break. “Have I got a show for you.” The voice, oozing with sensuality, rang in her ears like a bell’s toll. A quick glance confirmed her suspicions; it was the brown-haired one, the one who wouldn’t mind getting her clothes dirty. She wasn’t alone, but Vicky did not recognize her companion; goth girls were a dime a dozen, and she wasn’t planning on sticking around long enough to make friends with either of them. Caution was thrown to the wind. Hugging the tangle of dried vines and knotted wood, she stood on the precarious branch. A soft breeze blew, and she muttered under her breath – but Vicky found her footing all the same. Only the fence stood between her and freedom. From her advantage, she could see the cars zooming past; even if the maneater followed, she would be exposed. A bully never acts in plain sight. That, she knew well. She took a step towards the metal spikes. Though old and covered in a thick layer of paint, they were nevertheless intimidating. Were she to perform this wrong, she could get seriously wounded – even if she didn’t die outright, escape would be made impossible. “Well, fuck it. I’ll do it right, then.” She looked back to the two and saw that they had split. The smaller girl had sat on the floor, legs crossed – looked slightly like a yoga pose. The other one stood on the olive tree’s exposed roots, a hand pressing down on its trunk. Whispering. A shiver ran down Vicky’s spine. She breathed in deeply, then exhaled. Adrenaline rushed through her veins, leaving her twitchy, ready for action, hyperaware. She took a step forward, then another. The branch creaked – the fence rose higher in front of her. It was now or never. “Hey, bitch.” Hip’s whispering stopped, and she looked up. An eyebrow raised, but nothing was said. “Eat shit and die.” The glob of spit landed squarely on Hip’s shoulder; her expression remained impassive even as she wiped it off. Vicky bent her knees and prepared to jump. Hip patted the tree’s trunk one last time. Crack. A scream echoed through the school grounds, scaring birds into flight and silencing the cicadas for just a moment. Vicky finally dared to open her eyes. She saw… the floor. Bare feet over roots; jean flares fluttering in the breeze. Blood rushed to her head; she tried to move her legs and found them stuck. A whispered thank-you into the peeling bark was followed by the grip around Vicky’s shins tightening. The crooked tree slowly straightened, knots intertwining to form a solid trunk. A single leaf emerged from the driest of branches, shimmering triumphant under the sun. Hip snapped her fingers. The vines let go. Vicky groaned in pain as her body slammed down on the exposed roots, then rolled down to the grass. Panting, she turned around, ready to jump to her feet, but gasped when something pressed down on her face – a bare foot. The edges of the bellbottoms swayed gently over Vicky, breathing as their wearer did. Hip smiled down at her fallen victim. She pressed her hands together, bowing ever so slightly – namaste; then the pain started. The ball of her foot weighed down on Vicky’s forehead, drawing a circular motion over the sweaty skin. The sole rested over the girl’s mouth and nose, reducing her screams to muffled groans and rationing air flow; the heel pressed down on Vicky’s cheek and squeezed. Vicky struggled, wriggled, cursed under her breath – but pain, exhaustion, and lightheadedness from lack of air soon caught up with her. The succubus glanced at Rebecca, whose posture was slacking; a single snap of her teeth got the goth to straighten up. With her audience’s attention secured – and her form corrected – Hip waved goodbye to her victim. The foot slid off Vicky’s features. Desperate, she inhaled – but her sharp breath was just as sharply interrupted by the denim that lowered onto her features. Not a hint of light shone through the dense fabric. Vicky thought it was just more humiliation. Then it started to squeeze. The denim shaped itself to her features, widening to meet her shoulders. At first, she thought it was lowering onto her. No such luck. She was being pulled in. The fabric clung to her skin, stretching and contracting, locking her in place and dragging her along. It made no sense; it stretched to fit her in, but when met with her struggles, it tensed up, unyielding. It slid freely over her skin, but when she tried to wriggle free, it stuck to her like glue. Hip sported an air of smugness as she watched her victim disappear into her bellbottoms. Reduced to an imprint on patchy denim, Vicky did not look nearly as defiant. Her features, though faded through the fabric, showed none of her bravado – only terror. The warmth moved up her leg. Skin rubbed against skin, past the knee. Every now and then, she caught a glimpse of her victim – a glimpse of blonde hair peeking through bursting stitches, a whiff of cheap coconut oozing from the rips in the fabric… A wheezy gasp reminded her of Rebecca’s presence. Their eyes met; she smiled at the flush of red on her usually pale cheeks. “I’m starting to understand why Amber likes you around,” Hip said. “You make her feel important. Amber loves feeling important.” She smiled. “Yeah… this might work out after all.” With a decidedly wet slurp, Vicky’s sneakers joined the rest of her. _______________________________________________________ “Again.” “Please, sis…” Amber crossed her arms, her bare feet hanging off the side of the table. She appraised the prostrated body of her ‘little brother’ and rolled her eyes. Toes curled around his scraggly hair, lifting his head with a jerking motion. All tragedies of the day paled in comparison with Amber’s look of mild disappointment. The ball of her feet caressed its way down his cheek. Circling his features, Amber’s toes rested on his chin. They nudged it left, and his head followed. They nudged it right, and Scott found himself halfheartedly shaking his head, stuck in a loop he didn’t remember starting. “You can’t even beg properly. Again.” She let go. His body slouched forward; his forehead slammed against the enameled wood. Amber rested her heel on the back of his head; the next plea came muffled by a mouthful of floor. “P-please, big sis… make it better.” “I may be persuaded…” Amber crossed her legs. The weight on the back of Scott’s head doubled. “I beg… I beg you…” “Aww, how could I say no to such a pathetic waste of space?” _______________________________________________________ Through the glass, she saw it happen - all of it. Vicky’s attempt at a daring escape. The old olive tree rising back to life. The horror that followed. It made her sick to her stomach. More than ever, Ashley knew she had to get out. She put her ear to the floor. Only her heartbeat broke the eerie silence. “As clear as it’ll ever get, I guess.” Ashley moved in twitchy, jerky motions. Her desire to get out stood at all with her fear of getting caught. Having seen what Hip could do, the former was winning out. She wished she would just wake up already. Wake up, and escape this nightmare. Two more hallways to go, and then the doors. Past that, a prayer and a mad dash for the gates. Ideally, she wouldn’t be spotted. Realistically, they would be too weighed down by her friends to catch up. The thought had crossed her mind a few times, now. Every single time, it hurt. It hurt that they were gone, but most of all, it hurt that those two monsters had reduced her to this cutthroat mentality. She would live to cry for them. That was the only thing that mattered. _______________________________________________________ Entangled bodies on the classroom floor. Clothes scattered over desks. Unsteady wheezes. Glossy fingernails digging into shoulders, hair draping over reddened cheeks. Again and again, Amber sank herself onto the limp body of her lover. There was a rhythm to her movements; they flowed, half dance, half struggle, all passion. The body under her had long given out. Barely a touch, and already he was spent – both physically and metaphysically. The string of white trickling down his thigh and his feverish yet vacant expression didn’t dissuade the siren. If he couldn’t provide, then she would take it by force. Through her skin, her muscles visibly tensed with each thrust. Her eyes glimmered with desire, her skin flushed, her pupils dilated. Her smug expression finally faded, replaced by raw, animalistic fervor. As Scott’s body softened into motionlessness, Amber’s picked up the pace. Staggered breaths became huffs. A tooth bit down on reddened lips. Breasts bounced with wild abandon, droplets of sweat trickling down with each thrust. Harder. Faster. The assault was relentless, fueled by an endless well of stamina. Amber’s passion overwhelmed Scott, and his pleasured expression was quickly turning to one of agony; he wanted to tap out, to rest his weary body, to recover from his early release. She juggled him like a toy, squeezing out every single drop of satisfaction out of his battered body. One final thrust. Skin slapped against skin. Something snapped, and Scott’s recoiled, writhing in pain. Amber threw her head back, one final wheeze leaving her lips, her frown sharpening just for a moment… and then, peace at last. With a wet pop; she finally released his half-erection. She watched it flop to the side, not even trying to hide her disappointment. “Oh, Scott, you’re such a giver, aren’t you,” she mocked. “What a waste of time. If Vicky wasn’t already dead, she’d be laughing so hard…” Amber grabbed him by the hair and lifted his head; she smiled at his pained groan. “But a promise is a promise. Come here, let big sis made all the pain go away. I’ll be gentle…” She wasn’t. _______________________________________________________ Steps from down the hallway. Voices from outside. Ashley pressed her body to the doubled doors, eyes on her prize. The culmination of Melissa’s plan. The gates leading out of this nightmare. Beyond, life. Her eyes burned, throbbing with each beat of her heart. Her body hurt; her own saliva tasted bitter. A few hours earlier, she was having breakfast with her family. Now, cornered, she ran for her life. She looked down the corridor. A shadow loomed over the walls, a swaying walk with a spring to the step. As it came closer, she saw it, too, bulged at the middle. Another life cut short. She pressed her ear to the door. That infuriatingly calm voice, punctuated only by one-word responses. It, too, was coming closer, albeit slower. It was now or never. Ashley kicked the doors open and ran. The world around her became a blur, quickly overtaken by the blinding light of noon. Long strides took her over the paved stone; every step sent a wave of pain up her body. Muscles that hadn’t been used in years were forced into action. She braved through the pain, pushed herself to the limit. She wasn’t being followed. She didn’t care why. Before her, the gates soon towered. Cast iron, bleeding rust on the stone below. After all the horror, Ashley finally allowed herself a small smile, the most she could muster; she pushed the metal bars and mumbled a thank you as she saw the gap between the gates widen. Clang. Melissa would never know the one flaw in her plan. Sneaking through the hallways was possible. Reaching the gates was possible. Outrunning the maneaters was possible. But in her haste, Melissa had forgotten one essential yet basic fact; the game was rigged, and always had been. Heavy chains sealed the gates shut; a simple padlock stood at their center. Around the keyhole, sloppily drawn with lipstick, a heart. She kicked. She pushed. She pulled. She cried. The old metal didn’t as much as whine. Exhaustion and hopelessness finally caught up with Ashley. She sank to her knees, too drained to even weep. Three shadows loomed over her. Two tall, one shorter. She looked over her shoulder with dead eyes. Amber, nude save for her sneakers, twirled a heavy key in her fingers. “Looks like your friend exceeded our extremely low expectations of her.” Holding the key to her lips, she gave it a small kiss – then handed it to Rebecca, who hesitated before accepting it. Nudged forward by Hip, the girl stumbled towards Ashley. Their eyes met – a dead gaze met one born anew. The goth girl looked over her shoulder at the two maneaters, wordlessly begging for guidance – and was met with Hip’s ambiguous smile yet again. After a moment’s confusion, she understood. Rebecca looked down at Ashley. In her thousand-yard stare, she saw a reminder of an old friend. Of how things used to be. Of how they could be again. “Hi, Ashley.” “Hi, Becky.” She showed the key to her friend, the corner of her mouth twisting into a smirk. Parting her lips just barely, she placed it over her pierced tongue, shuddering at the metallic taste. Their eyes met again. Rebecca swallowed. |
Peepshow, Creepshow Malfunctioning fluorescent lights drone on. One flickers, another refuses to shed light altogether. The bell rings, and two eyes force themselves off the magazine they’ve been staring at. Dirty nails scratch at a goatee. The owner of the video store adjusts himself on his chair and taps his fingers on the counter. Smacks his lips. The newcomer ignores him. The first thing he does is peek through the closed blinds. The night outside is dark and smoggy, lit only by neon and zooming headlights. There’s a light drizzle going on. There’s always a light drizzle going on. He takes off his hat, readjusts his jacket. He removes his glasses and wipes them dry on the hem of his shirt. He’s new, pale, uneasy, but he knows what he’s here for. He walks past the shelves and bins full of old VHS tapes. He even ignores the various DVD boxes with their poorly composed covers full of naked women whose smile doesn’t reach their eyes. He stops at the counter. His hand slips into his pocket, and a twenty is put down. A row of teeth peeks out from under chapped lips. A grubby finger slides over to the note and unfolds it, plucking it from the grime it sticks to. The man behind the counter shakes his head. The newcomer’s nostrils flare. He stares over his shades and sneers, annoyed, but the obese store owner simply shakes his head. The newcomer sighs and pulls out his wallet. Another twenty is placed down. A featureless key is tossed onto the counter, and he snatches it up. The man behind the counter nods to his right. The two part without a word. The newcomer breathes a sigh of relief. The key slides easily into the lock. The smell of cheap tobacco and the sound of music pour out of the open door. A stairway leads down. The steps are rough and uneven. The ceiling, too low. On his way down, he has the time to wonder what brought him here. A misunderstanding. Pent up rage. A costly mistake. The cramped hallway leads him to a lounge, where a faux leather couch rests next to a table covered in magazines and pamphlets. Phone numbers and suggestive words are carved into the chipboard. It’s hot. Sweltering. It smells like tobacco, sweat, and desperation. Several booths line the rightmost wall. He beelines for those, ignoring the slouched figures inside. He slides the door closed and wishes others had done the same. The booth confines him; suspicious stains pepper its walls, and the paper towel dispenser has not been restocked. The repetitive beats of dance music resonate through the walls. It’s maddening, but then again, so is his need. He removes his shades and slides them into his pocket. He slips a coin into the slot and watches as the window rolls up. Inch by inch, the dancer is revealed. Her motions are fluid; her expression focused. She sways, languid, to the thrum. Already a shoulder peeks out from under the fabric as she sheds it. An arm, a breast. Her hair brushes up against her neck. Her fishnets cling to her legs. He bites his lip, holds his breath. He leans forward, hanging on every movement of the dancer’s form, on every beat of the song. The tempo mounts. The lights dim. The dance remains. The coin slot flashes. He drops another one in. The minutes fly by. His body is at its limit. Frustration, admiration. The dancer dances still. She sheds her top, and it falls at her feet. Her skin glistens under the lights. The dancer’s attention shifts, and she looks down. At him. She finds him red, wheezing, with one hand inside his pants. The corner of her lip curls into a smile. He realizes the windows are not mirrored. She’s been aware. They have been communicating all this time, and he didn’t even notice. Shame hits first, then guilt. But her knowing look is too seductive. There is a fire underneath. Even through the glossy glass window, he can tell that much. She winks at him, purses her lips and presses a finger to them. He understands. He holds on. He holds on for her. Enraptured, time passes him by. He does not notice the grumblings of the other voyeurs as they get up to leave with empty wallets and empty bodies, nor does he hear the other windows creak shut, one by one. Though he does not realize it, there is only him and her. Her depleting stamina infuses her movements with a new appeal. Makes them feel desperate. Carnal. Flawed. The dance becomes private, fueled by the silent understanding between them and the constant flow of coins into the hungry slot. She slithers around the pole. He is the center of her world. Every movement carries a need for his flesh; every blown kiss whispers his name. Her pale skin flushes red, her bare body tingles with excitement. She stops.. The beat changes. She freezes. The lights begin strobing. Her body blinks in and out of existence, confounding his brain as it strains to bridge the gaps between the glimpses he gets. Blink. Her arms wide, chin up. Blink. Her form, relaxing. Blink. Her legs elongate, meeting in the middle. Blink. The fishnets snap and fall to the floor. Blink. Skin. Blink. Scales. Blink. The interlude does not last for long. A single minute passes before the steady light returns. The music becomes less oppressive. He finds himself staring longingly at the dancer, and she is not herself. The guise of humanity has been shed like an old skin, and what lies beneath is beautiful. Feminine, graceful. Skin meets scale at the waist. Half woman, half snake — all allure. He has seen her kind before, but never bare, never like this. He should feel betrayed, perhaps afraid. But he doesn’t. The tension only enhances an already welcome surprise. Or maybe his lust blinds him. Or maybe she’s got him in her spell. They’re known to do that… She soaks in his admiration, basks in it like the reptile she is. To the sound of the beat, she slithers closer, and the sheer size of her serpentine half becomes clear. Her lithe form sways, hypnotic. Her abdomen twists and rotates. The wavy motions of her underbelly carry her to the window, the window beyond which he lies. The dancer’s breasts push against the glass. He groans; no matter how much he pushes or reaches, that cruel barrier separates them. He can only dream, fill in the blanks with his imagination, wonder what they feel like. His fingers claw against the smooth surface. He is a captive beast. The dancer slides down, and it is torture. Every inch of her body is his to see, but not touch. Her sweltering form builds condensation on the window. All he feels is glass. All he smells is his own breath.. When she sits on her coils, they are face to face. She runs a finger over the glass, drawing the line of his jaw, and leans forward. Her lips brush up close to his. She pushes against the barrier and kisses it. Her tongue emerges, flattening against the glass, clouding it with her breath. It runs across his face and sends a shiver down his spine. He trembles between staggered breaths. His need sets him aflame, and he melts on his seat. The hand in his pants still strokes, now listless. He knows that when it is over, the fever will subside, and he will be spent, tired — alone with his thoughts and his shame. The inevitable is prolonged. The lamia smiles. She, too, has a look of desperation about her. She breathes on the glass, and her face is obscured. Then, she writes something on the condensation. Four numbers. A combination. He stares, confused. The dancer nods to her left. He stumbles to his feet; his knees can barely withstand his weight, but he obeys. How could he not? The lounge has since gone dark. Even the music fades. He feels his way through the room, limping. There he finds it, shining in the dark, along the wall that separates him from her; a digital lock. The keys stick to his fingers. The plastic creaks after each press. The display garbles the symbols. He inputs the last number and rests his fingers on the door handle. Click. Like in a dream, light washes over him. Perfume and musk fill the air. There she stands, awaiting him with open arms: the lamia, with her half-smile and her sharp breaths. He almost trips on the steps. He wipes his hands on his shirt and stumbles towards her. Skin touches skin, then scale. He surrenders to her embrace. She holds him in her arms. He looks up at her with lovestruck eyes. His lips quiver, a word threatens to escape. But the serpent silences him with a kiss. It is the final straw, enough to take him over the edge. With one decisive twitch, his body erupts. Muscles contract. Brow furrows. His entire body flushes. Release. The kiss widens. Lips that wrestled with his now spread over his face. Coils that hugged him now hold him steady. He is too drunk with bliss to process what’s happening until his vision goes dark. By then, it is too late. Blood rushes to his head. His heart beats fast. She ensnares every inch of his body. Darkness engulfs him, clothes and all. The process is not fast, nor is it merciful. What it is is deliberate, inescapable, insidious. He can’t tell if his eyes are open or closed. He can tell that a wet warmth surrounds him, and that it encroaches on his body, one swallow at a time. But where does it begin, and where do the coils end? He does not struggle; his body is spent. He can barely think, let alone fight a tail designed to entrap and crush. It would not have made a difference, anyway — he’s heard the stories, he knows how they end. He slides down. No spatial awareness. No sense of gravity. Nothing but darkness and flesh pulsating around him, squeezing, pressing, tasting. Saliva soaks him. He admired that body so much; he hungered for it. If only he had known just how mutual the feeling was. The throbbing walls only tighten to his descent. Their assault is unrelenting. Under their pressure, his body curves and contracts. Finally, peristalsis stops. The last gulp is had, and gravity’s pull comes to an end. In relative motionless, he regains his bearings. He lies in a pool of hot liquid; a distant dripping echoes off the walls. His surroundings have stopped squeezing, but even at rest, their weight nearly crushes him. He tries to move. Nothing gives, and nothing provides purchase. Everything is too squishy, too pliable, too slippery. When he pushes, it pushes back harder. When he hesitates, it encroaches. AA heart thumps, mocking in its indolence. It's torture. His skin itches. Feverish, about to break, he scrambles, checks his pockets. He can't feel his fingers. Loose change. Wallet. A packet of bubblegum. His phone. His phone! He presses a button, and the light shines for a moment. It reflects on each crease, each droplet of digestive juices. Then it dies. Fuck. A final, muffled sigh signals his surrender to the body that bested him. The lamia exhales. With mock interest, she watches the final peephole blink red one last time, then close. The taste of her meal lingers on her tongue — sweat, smog, and regret. The seductress melts away. Her smile grows cruel; her stare, cold. Her upper body stretches, loosening stiffened muscles, while her lower body writhes, folding and unfolding, and extends across the stage. The small bump in its middle still budges. Sometimes. The light burns your eyes. She wipes his saliva from her lips. Like any memory of him, it is unwelcome. He is a passing thought, a speed bump, a satisfying heft in her tail, a grumble from inside. Nourishment, and nothing more. The dance follows her into the dressing room. It is with her, always. In there, the lights are gentle. There is no music to distract her from the sounds of digestion, no eyes to witness her satisfaction. She lies on the faux leather couch, with her tail coiled at its feet, and turns her attention on the nearby tuffet where, between a white stain and a discarded stocking, a plane ticket rests. Shazi will have to wake up very early in the morning. Luckily, it seems her would-be lover has found it in himself to be cooperative, at least for the time being. |
Ours is to Feed “Top marks on all my exams, survived goddamn Six on my orientation, and Koschei puts me on Feeder duty.” “She’s looking after you, Derrick.” “Ours is to Feed, what kind of goddamn motto is that?” Officer Derrick chuckled at his commanding officer and good friend. “Besides, I didn’t take you for one who’d hold that harpy in high regard, Anna.” Commander Grey shrugged. “You’re new here. I don’t expect you to be familiar with the way things are run. Koschei is just about the only person you can have a chat with who’ll remember it the next day. Everyone else?” She snapped her fingers. “Reformed every other week. Factory reset, I call it. I’ve made friends only to have them forget everything we’d shared, just because they got KIA without any recent memory backups.” “But the Chief’s an asshole. She treats us like we’re disposable. I saw her lose her shit when Jimenez was vaporized.” “We all cope differently, Derrick. Besides, we are disposable. No less disposable than them, at any rate.” She tapped on the glass. On the other side, a few nondescript humanoids – naked, confused, blissfully ignorant of what was going on – jumped like startled chickens. Clones. Lithe, ethereal, and ephemeral. Some humans, other less so. But from the most generic to the most uneven mix of animal and man, there was something they all shared – their eyes, glimmering with eagerness to be consumed. “I feel bad for them,” Derrick said. “I don’t,” said Grey. “What’s your lineup today?” “Sir,” Derrick stuttered, clearly taken aback. “I’m not supposed to-” “This is not a test, John. I just don’t want you to get terminated on your first Feeder run. I’d hate to have you forget all about me. What’s your lineup?” The young Feeder checked his clipboard. Amidst the obnoxiously formal text, full of redactions and last-minute blanking, six codenames jumped out. “I have 1930, 7, 832, 450, 1000, and 3050.” “Not bad. None of the real bad ones. 1000 is dangerous, but you won’t have to get close to her. Don’t linger around 450’s unit, though – just to be safe.” “Troublesome? Designation says Beta.” Grey shrugged. “Been erratic lately. Might be trouble.” “Thanks, Anna.” “Right. Stay safe, John. I believe in you.” She patted him on the back. “Meet me in the cantina when you’re done. I’ll buy you a drink. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend to, myself.” Derrick watched his friend go. He only snapped from his trance when someone knocked on the glass. He jumped – it was Kumar, and he looked pissed. Derrick punched in the code, and the glass slid open with a hydraulic hiss. “Sorry to interrupt your date, new kid,” said the older guard. “But I need the cattle out of here ASAP. The next batch will be here in five, and the Deltas are getting grumpy.” “On it, on it.” Derrick turned to the clones and gestured for them to follow. “Into the transport. We’ll be feeding you lot to the Entities in no time.” No other sentence could have made them as eager to obey his commands as that one. _______________________________________________________ Driving the transport through the long, featureless hallways, Feeder Derrick was the very definition of faceless security staff. His uniform clung tightly to his body. The taser at his waist was a show of power. The way he shouted “Make way for the Feeder Transportation Vehicle” whenever someone stepped too close was a rush. As he approached the UE-1930 containment cell, he felt a shiver. He glanced in the rearview mirror – the foodies were all cooped up in the back. Again he felt sorry for them. With a screech, the transport came to a halt. Derrick cleared his throat. “H-1 and A-1, please step forward.” The ladder came down from the side of the vehicle. Foodies elbowed each other as they rushed to leave. “H-1 and A-1 only. Non-authorized clones leaving the vehicle will be terminated.” Begrudgingly, the other foodies stepped aside and allowed the two to pass unmolested. H-1, a standard issue Caucasian Male food clone, smiled happily as he sauntered over. A-1, a Canine-Human splice, was no less eager, though his padded paws and soft fur gave him a more dignified gait. The Feeder stepped out of the transport. Before him stood a door. A thick door with a round handle, all in shades of black and gray. Derrick approached it. As he did, the color drained from his uniform. He swallowed nervously, and the saliva went down as a perfectly round bulge on his tube-thin neck. With his now gloved fingers, he typed the security code on the keypad, which winked at him and blew him a kiss. A fat, cartoonish heart fluttered to his cheek and popped. The door opened, revealing a small airlock. “H-1 and A-1, step into the containment.” They did, and as they approached, they changed much like Derrick had. H-1 turned pure white, limbs tightening into noodles, eyes expanding in his head, nose and ears becoming simplistic nubs. A-1’s fur grew slick and compressed tightly against his body until it was nothing more than a glossy cover. His ears flopped down, like ropes. As one door opened and the other closed, Derrick saw the Entity in person for the first time. A big-headed, thin-bodied, wiggly creature, knees bending rhythmically to a tune that wasn’t there, a big rounded smile on her face. She looked at the two offerings her eyes popped out of their sockets - literally. A thought bubble materialized above her head – in it the two Foodies, side by side, phased into detailed depictions of a cooked turkey and a smoking leg of ham. The Entity licked her lips, wrapped a napkin around her neck, and conjured from thin air an oversized fork and knife – her feet became a round blur under her waist, and she reappeared next to the two foodies, salivating. The doors closed, but even the soundproof walls couldn’t stifle the two loud gulps that followed. As Derrick stepped away from the door, his body slowly returned to normal. He wiped some sweat from his brow and sighed, relieved. Some things should simply not be. “UE-1930 successfully fed two units,” he uttered into his communicator. “UE-1930 fed two of its three daily units; acknowledged,” a warbled voice said. “Proceed to next containment unit.” _______________________________________________________ “H-5, please step forward.” A young woman shivered as her bare feet touched the floor tiles. She flicked a lock of curly black hair away from her forehead and folded her hands over her stomach. Very obedient, Derrick thought to himself as he looked dispassionately at the chestnut-skinned beauty. He heard horror stories of the early models, prone to bursts of irrationality and violence. The A-classes, in particular, with their strong jaws and sharp claws, were rightly feared. Clearly, all the kinks had been worked out. These emulations of the human spark were as docile as cattle. He hummed the combination to himself as he typed it in. A warning flashed in the display screen – “DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES REMOVE CONSTRAINTS FROM UE-832”. A green light sparked; the door slid open. “Hello.” A skinny girl spun around on a swivel chair, waving at the two. H-5 nervously waved back; Derrick almost caught himself nodding a greeting as well. Disappointed, the girl gestured for them to come in. “Thanks for showing up. I was alone today. They asked to borrow my friend again.” She nodded towards the two empty beds. “I don’t think I’ve met you before.” The Feeder bit his lip. “I’m new.” “And her?” “Your lunch.” She nodded. “Ah. Do you want to get eaten by me, clone?” The flush of red that spread across the foodie’s naked body was all the answer she needed. If anything, the Entity seemed slightly disappointed. “Always good to check. You never know,” said the Entity, winking at Derrick. “Well, then, clone, come here! I’m starving. Would you like to chat?” “I’d rather,” the clone blushed, “you eat me first, then we could talk while you, um, digest me.” The Entity smiled sadly. She rested a hand over her flat stomach and patted it proudly. “I’m sorry, sweetie, but clones rarely last more than a few seconds in me. It’s okay. I can just eat you now, if you’re so eager.” “I would like that very much.” Derrick heard them talk. Subject matter aside, they both sounded so human. Training painted a picture – of Entities as devious, slavering beasts who delight in taking lives, and of Foodies as mindless creatures, cattle on two legs, with nothing going on in their minds other than the all-consuming desire to be digested. Reality, turns out, disagreed with that assessment. These two acted almost… human. Bad thought. Dangerous thought. Derrick shook his head. Unbothered by the Feeder’s existential crisis, the Entity – or, as she was commonly known, Pluto – had turned her full attention to the beautiful food girl that was to be her meal. She took her by her shapely hips and, with elastic arms, lifted her up above her head; she opened wide; her tongue brushed up against the foodie’s toes, making her giggle. “Thank you for being my meal,” Pluto said. “Please hurry up. I can’t stand the wait.” Pluto obliged, wrapping her tongue around her meal’s shins and pulling her down. Moaning with delight, the foodie disappeared into the Entity’s gullet; as the bulge moved down and settled on her stretchy gut, Pluto sat back and regarded Derrick with a curious eye. “Would you like to join her?” She made it sound so desirable. The Feeder looked down at the Entity’s squirming belly; the happy giggles from inside mounted to a scream of pure orgasmic bliss, and with a final gurgle, ceased. Within seconds, Pluto was flat again. Her body stirred, expanded outwards – only for an invisible force to hold it back, snipping its inflation in the bud. Derrick fidgeted. “I am not allowed to answer that question. Please cease all communication.” “I could make you like it.” “Please cease all communication.” “That’s fine. You have a good day, new Feeder. I hope you come by again in the future.” As he stepped out of the containment cell, he spoke into his communicator. “UE-0832 successfully fed one unit.” “UE-0832 fed one of its three daily units; acknowledged,” Control replied. “Proceed to next containment unit.” “Uh, requesting confirmation – number of units requested by UE-0450?” “Acknowledged. Hold.” White noise and key presses filled the air for a few seconds, then the voice returned. “UE-0450 has requested two H-class units; one male, one female. UE-0450’s follow-up request of two additional A-classes has been denied. Repeat, do not deliver A-class units to UE-0450.” “Understood. Derrick, out.” _______________________________________________________ The two humans stepped into the cell, huddling together for warmth. The airlock closed behind them. The Feeder’s face disappeared as an aluminum sheet covered the glass. A wave of unease washed over them. Their very biology – from their vat-grown neurons to their carefully coded serotonin release parameters – rebelled against the idea of being alone. A foodie must be watched by a guard or sharing a space with a UE at all times. Anything else, even these few seconds in transit, wreaked havoc on their minds. No wonder then that when the door before them opened, the two foodies both sighed in relief. They hurried to enter the room, to join the creature they knew would devour them. Though they didn’t know what to expect, the Entity’s appearance still surprised them. It floated, unmolested by gravity’s pesky demands, across the mostly empty containment area. Like a ship adrift, it spun and rolled through the air, languid and ponderous. A lanky creature, familiar but clearly unnatural – wiry limbs, a mane of writhing tentacles for hair, four slit eyes on a mockery of a human face. Upon seeing them, it levitated closer – stopping mere inches from them, upside-down, static in the air. Its eyes scanned them. With a series of pokes, its bony fingers tested their fat to muscle ratio and reflexes both. It thought for a moment, then the line of its lipless mouth curled into a smile. To the foodies’ delight, the Entity unfolded its arms and wrapped them around its prey. Smushed up against her massive breasts, they whimpered eagerly. The creature’s hug tightened, pressing the two H-classes together. Lips parted, maw widened – and a warm squishiness came to rescue them from the cold. The creature’s tongue ran over their skin, their warm and saliva-soaked bodies rubbed together, triggering a series of chemical releases to numb their bodies and inflame their minds. Melting into the mouth’s embrace, they hugged each other just as they slid down the Entity’s gullet. Its gut expanded and sagged, brushing against the floor. It didn’t compromise its levitation. Its stomach churned away at its contents, grinding, massaging its caustic juices into the gently melting forms of two hugging food items. The Entity ran a six-fingered hand over its skin, cooing with satisfaction. Derrick watched the proceedings on the camera display, outside of the containment unit. He couldn’t help but sneer at the foodies’ complete lack of self-preservation. For some reason, they offended him. There was a stab to his heart whenever he saw something so outwardly human-looking willingly offering itself as a meal. He watched as the squirming inside the belly stopped; he bit his lip when the surface started shrinking, absorbing its now liquid contents unto itself. When it was finished, only a slight oval lump remained, nestled between the Entity’s breasts. That same lump moved upwards, leaving the creature’s abdomen every bit as skinny as before; it squeezed between its breasts, traveled along its neck, until it emerged, birthed by the very lips that had taken two lives moments ago. A perfectly spherical, smooth egg fell to the floor and rolled a few inches. Derrick switched the display off and grabbed his communicator. “Control, this is Feeder.” “Acknowledged, Feeder. This is Control.” “Two H-class units successfully fed to UE-0450.” “Understood. Have you observed any oviposition?” “Affirmative, Control. A spherical egg, estimated thirty to fifty centimeters in diameter. Color pale green.” “Acknowledged. A team will be sent out promptly.” Derrick glanced at the dwindling number of airheaded clones in his transport and checked his itinerary. “Oh, lovely,” he muttered under his breath. “That sector.” _______________________________________________________ The hallway was nearly empty. The occasional guard and researcher walked by, but always with a spring to their step and eyes wide open. They trod with care, paying attention to all that surrounded them. In other sectors, it wasn’t uncommon to bump into an absent-minded researcher or particularly distressed guard; here, there was none of that. They glared at Derrick as he drove down the path. It was as if they expected something to happen; something awful. It was the mood that he hated. The underlying feeling that disaster peeked around any corner, just waiting for a moment to strike. He drove carefully, stopping when he reached his destination. “H-6, H-7, A-6 – step out of the vehicle,” he ordered. By now used to how things went, the chosen three hopped out of the transport. A few weary glances were shot his way, but he shrugged him off. “Follow me.” The three foodies looked at each other. H-6 and H-7 were quick to obey; two fair-skinned females with sizable assets, long hair, and identical faces. Only a few steps behind, A-6 dragged his feet, mouse tail swishing nervously behind him, ears twitching slightly. Before proceedings, Derrick checked the display. “UE-0007, Delta-2”, it read; everything after that was a series of biometrics and other assorted readings that couldn’t interest him less. “Hmm,” he mumbled, and looked at his datapad. Sure enough, it read that three food units – sex and class inconsequential – were to be delivered to UE-0007, Lucky Girl. Well, who was he to question Control? Tap. Tap. Tap, tap; beep. The door unlocked, and he ushered the three hapless meals in. Lucky clicked her tongue and waved at the Feeder while the door was open. Derrick knew her as one of the most human-looking Entities; just a twenty-something-year-old girl with freckles and a mocking smile. Her fleecy orange hair draped over her shoulders and upper back, untamed. Immediately, Derrick knew something was off. The girl lounged on her mattress, cradling her distended gut in her arms. In the floor, at her feet, an empty can of beer. In the moment it took him to process what he saw, his finger had already slipped. With the press of a button, the three foodies found themselves trapped with the Entity, who made suggestive come-hither motions at them. “Don’t mind that,” she said, kicking the empty can aside. “The last Feeder that came by dropped it. Lucky me, eh? C’mere, the three of you. Better cash in before those fuddy-duddies decide to take you away.” Her words were like magic; they oozed charisma. Even if he foodies had it in them to disobey a direct command, they would have found it hard to refuse her. And so, strung along by her siren’s song, they paced towards her. The mouse was the first to vanish. She grabbed him by the tail, and he gasped, surprised. His clawed feet lost their grip on the floor just at the right moment; the direction in which he fell couldn’t have been more fortuitous. Lucky opened her mouth, and his feet landed square on her flattened tongue. She needed only to swallow, and she did so with gusto. The warm flavor of skin was replaced by that of bristly fur. A-6 sank into her like quicksand, sliding through the tight, fleshy orifice that allowed no escape. Her tongue brushed up his thighs, then stomach, then chest – and finally, wrapped around his muzzle, snapping his jaws shut and pulling him in for the decisive gulp. She licked the last hints of her prey’s taste off her fingertips. The twins looked at her, awestruck. “Sorry, girls, I think I’m a bit too full right now,” she said, grinning. “But why don’tcha rub my belly for a lil’ bit and help them get all slathered up and melty in there? The better you do it, the sooner I’ll be able to eat you two up too!” H-6 and H-7 needed no further convincing. They lowered themselves to their knees and pressed their bodies to the girl’s massive belly; one put her ear to it and whispered words into the lucky mouse’s ears – the other rubbed her bare body against the quaking surface, moaning in pleasure. UE-0007 looked up at the camera and gave it a thumbs up. Derrick couldn’t help but feel he was being targeted. “No wonder everyone hates this sector,” he mumbled to himself, bringing the communicator to his ear. “Control?” “Control here.” “One unit successfully fed to UE-0007 – two more in containment, awaiting consumption. Found empty can in premises, assuming alcoholic beverage.” “Confirm the number of units fed to UE-0007, Feeder?” “One successfully fed, two awaiting consumption.” The person on the other side of the communicator hesitated. “UE-0007 was already fed. There must be a mistake.” Derrick sighed. “Double-checked, sir. My itinerary says UE-0007.” “Checking for problems on our end. Logistical mistake, certainly. Happens with UE-0007. A-6 was supposed to be fed to UE-0013; H-6 and H-7 were to be fed to UE-3050 alongside A-5.” “Please advise. Should we retrieve H-6 and H-7?” “Negative, Feeder. No use throwing good lives after bad. A Standard meal will be delivered to UE-0013; you are to inform her of the change of plans.” “I hate this sector.” “What was that, Feeder?” “Nothing, Control. Feeder, out.” After a moment’s hesitation, Derrick turned to the remaining clones. “Stay put. Stragglers will be terminated.” Then added, in a gentler, less practiced tone, “I’ll be back in a sec.” UE-0013 was just next door; a mere few inches of plasteel and good faith separated her from Lucky. From what Derrick understood, they nullified each other’s powers. He could only imagine what UE-0007 would be like without the Jinx’s mitigating presence. Not that the Jinx was much better. As he prepared to enter UE-0013’s containment, a hand pressed down on his shoulder. “Easy,” said a female guard, unrecognizable to Derrick. “Where’s the foodie?” “Upstairs error.” “Ah. Well, I’ll go in with you. The Chief wanted me to search her room. Apparently one of the guards has been smuggling in beer.” She shrugged. “Honestly, I would too, if I had to deal with luck anomalies all day.” The two entered the room. The Jinx awaited them, her back to the wall, a nervous look in her eyes. Her UECE jumpsuit barely contained her pudgy body. “At ease, Jinx,” said the female guard. “Hi, Diana. Please don’t come any closer.” “I have to search your room, Jinx. You, new guy!” she gestured at Derrick. “Stand close to me. Watch your step. Don’t leave anything up to chance.” He walked alongside her, and the two approached the Entity. “UE-0013,” Derrick said. “I understand you recently requested a foodie.” “I don’t like it that you call them that,” she blushed. “But yes, I have had a few cravings. I’ve heard Lucky digest hers, and she sounds so… pleased. So I asked myself, what’s the harm? They’re going to get eaten anyway, might as well have one.” “There was an incident. You will have to wait until the next feeding cycle.” The female guard interrupted them. “Hey, what’s that?” Before Derrick could react, she suddenly changed directions. She bumped into him, and the poor Feeder found himself stumbling dangerously close to the Entity whose mouth hung open in surprise. No matter how much he tried to regain his balance, his feet kept slipping; soon he could see her glistening gums and smell her breath. Desperate, he reached for the female guard. To his surprise, he managed to grab hold of her forearm. She shouted, unbalanced by his pull – and tripped on his foot, stumbling straight into the chubby girl’s maw, who instinctively swallowed down. Derrick found himself at the Jinx’s feet, just as her gut jutted out and slammed down on his head. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry! Diana! Diana, can you hear me?!” “Mfmfh!” “Diana, no! I told you to not come any closer!” The teary-eyed Entity stumbled her way back to the corner and sank to her knees, weeping gently and calling the guard’s name. With the distance between him and the Jinx increased, Derrick managed to crawl away and even get on his feet again. His job done, he rushed out of the containment unit before UE-0013’s infamous misfortune had a chance to claim his life too. Once outside, he returned to his transport and sat at the wheel. Only then did he start shaking and hyperventilating. That had been close – way too close. He would have to be more careful from now on. “Feeder, we’re getting irregular biometrics. Officer O’Hara has flatlined. Report.” “UE-0013, sir.” “Ah.” _______________________________________________________ The large avian cackled as it swooped down. It didn’t fly, it seemed to bounce; propelled by superhuman strength and a naturally rounded form. Derrick saw it pin A-5 under her gut’s weight; its beak dribbling vast amounts of saliva over the wolf-human hybrid’s face. A-5 was a powerfully built creature, engineered to provide a lot of lean protein; at only half his height, the bird made up for it with strength and appetite. No wonder, Derrick called, that they called this one the Greedy Bird. The Feeder had the dubious honor of seeing this Entity in action, as it clamped its beak around the foodie’s head, tossed him up into the air, and allowed gravity to deliver him directly to her gullet. Her stomach groaned appreciatively, and she turned her attention to Derrick. Her pupils dilated, and a small tongue ran along the length of her beak. Chicken feet scraped at the ground as she ran towards him, beak wide, belly bouncing. Thck. The Entity tripped on its feet and fell on its large stomach, arms and legs twitching, eyes rolling in its sockets. Two needles jutted out of its back, connected by thin wires to another guard’s taser gun. Tk-tk-tk-tk-tk… “Thanks for the save, Officer Finlay.” “Fuck’s sake,” said Larry Finlay, wiping some sweat from his brow. “Can’t turn your back on that freak for a second, can we? You okay?” “I’ll live.” “I saw Grey on the way here,” said Finlay. “Good luck.” Derrick blinked. “What?” Finlay smiled. He led Derrick out of UE-3050’s uniquely decorated enclosure and, once outside, patted his back. “Well, you have a date with a commanding officer!” “I what?” The words escaped Derrick. A date, with Anna? Was that what it had been all about? He could never have hoped… “She talked to me about it. She distinctively called it a date.” He flashed his pearly whites at him; it would have felt mocking if it wasn’t so genuine. “Are you going to be done soon?” “Just one more Entity to go.” “Oh?” “UE-1000.” “Oh, shit,” Finlay said, frowning. “Well, good luck, you’ll need it. Think of it this way – if you survive that one, you have a relaxing evening waiting for you at the cantina.” “Any tips from a veteran?” “Yeah. Don’t fucking die.” _______________________________________________________ “Will I be eaten soon? Everyone else got eaten already. I want to be in a belly too.” The sultry female voice was enough to make Derrick snap; his fingers gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. “Refrain from addressing the Feeder.” Startled by the guard’s sullenness, the voluptuous rabbit splice hugged her ears to her chest and stumbled back, fur puffing up. Derrick exhaled deeply. “We’ll be there soon.” “Can you eat me?” The Feeder squinted at the rear-view mirror. A-2 let out a scared little squeal and covered her mouth. Derrick grunted. Hmph. As willing to forgive ignorance as he was, the mere idea of being put in the same box as an Entity made him want to die. Final stop. “A-class unit, step out of the vehicle.” She did so, with eager hops. The transport was empty. He was done. At the end of the hallway, his final challenge. Two armed guards stood by the door. They had rifles. All Derrick had was a taser gun. He stepped out. The rabbit walked up to him and took hold of his arm. She was nervous; he could hear her heart thump. Foodies weren’t supposed to get nervous or feel fear. He turned to her. She stepped back even as her grip tightened around his arm. Her eyes glimmered with intelligence. With emotion. She trembled before him, chewing on her lip, ears twitching. “How do you feel?” Derrick asked. Why? Chemicals in the bloodstream, nerve impulses in the brain. “I don’t know,” said the foodie. “But I trust you. Will you get eaten too?” “Hopefully not. Look, I-” “AHA!” WARNING. CONTAINMENT BREACH, CODE DELTA-11. WARNING. CONTAINMENT BREACH, CODE… Sirens blared. Lights flickered from white to red. At the end of the hallway, the two guards shouldered their arms, and promptly collapsed on the floor unconscious. The door they guarded slid open, and a massive woman stepped out. The goggles on her head scraped the ceiling. Her locks floated about her head. Her fingers danced over holographic displays, tapping imaginary buttons in a quick staccato. Sitting on an invisible chair, she slid down the hallway with ease. “You call that ICE? Who coded this?! Hah!” Newly open doors bled armed guards. Scientists ran for cover. A blur. Derrick tugged on A-2’s arm, but the foodie wouldn’t budge. “Ours is to feed,” she calmly said. “I will do my job. Please do yours.” “Obey your Feeder, A-class!” “I’m afraid I can’t do that.” The rabbit girl turned to face the giant woman. The roar of sirens. The thunder of firearms. Blue light streaked through the air. A-2 tossed herself at the Hacker Entity, aching for her stomach. Through fire and explosions, melting walls and bullet holes, Derrick ran. Even as his body was tossed about like a ragdoll, even as the world lost sense around him, he ran. Don’t die. Don’t die. Don’t die. Do it for A-2. Do it for yourself. Don’t die. Do it for Anna. _______________________________________________________ Three hours after the lights turned white again and the alarms stopped, Derrick limped into the cantina. He was exhausted, he was sore, but his smile was broad. His first day on Feeder duty was over; he had survived. The bandages on his arms, the burned hair, the limp on his leg and the pain that came with it – none of it mattered. He was alive. Dozens of guards and researchers hadn’t been so lucky. He soon spotted the one he was looking for. “Anna!” Anna Grey, sitting alone at a round table with a clipboard in her hands, looked up from her notes. He’d never seen her this happy, this refreshed. Derrick shuffled his way closer. “Anna, I did it! I survived my first day! You were absolutely right, it is way better than patrol duty. If I was expected to shoot that thing, I… well, no point thinking about it.” He pulled up a chair and sank into it, groaning as his arm hit the edge of the table. “Thanks for the support, by the way. I don’t think I could have done it without your kind words. With some luck, I can avoid getting factory reset for a little while longer, eh?” He chuckled. “Well, how about that drink you promised me? We can finally have a proper chat.” Anna Grey smiled politely, folding her hands over her notes. There were no worry lines on her features. No makeup on her face. She wore her uniform and badge, clean and shiny as if brand new. “I’m terribly sorry,” she said, “but I don’t believe we’ve met before.” |
Hunting Grounds Morgan threw her towel over her shoulder and ducked under the doorframe. She took in the atmosphere, perusing the room with dispassionate interest. The damp air, thick with sweat and deodorant. The whirring of treadmills, the creaking of stationary bikes, the mindless rhythm of samba beats. To Morgan, it was like peering into the fridge. She weighed her expectations against the disappointing reality and stepped in. The fitness center was her hobby. It was her second home. But most importantly, it was her hunting ground. The girl behind the desk in the corner averted her eyes. Morgan smiled. They had a rapport. They stayed out of each other’s way, as those at the top tended to do. From her vantage point, she scanned her hunting grounds. She didn’t mind the furtive glances that were shot her way. She cherished them. They knew their place. Early morning. Limited attendance. A poorly stocked fridge. Then she saw him. A beginner. She could tell from the unsure way he handled his dumbbells. Poor form. Raw strength, perhaps – his body, if not toned, at the very least had bulk – but no discipline. She pursed her lips, massaging them with the tip of her red tongue. No discipline? Perfect. She could dispense some. Exercise programs came to sudden halts as she walked across the room. Gymgoers hurried to grab their towels and filtered water bottles and phones. Morgan heard them mumble as they pushed each other, rushing to leave. They were the savvy ones; the ones who had earned themselves another day in God’s green earth. To her delight, her quarry was too focused on his own gains to notice. Even when he glanced at the glass wall before him, it was only to admire his own movements and grunt, satisfied. But even his distraction had its limits, and when a nine-foot-tall woman in skintight leggings and a sports bra walks up to you, you pay attention. “New here?” Her voice, vibrant and sultry, made him shudder. He put down his dumbbells and turned around, smirking up at her. “Very cheap rates. Lots of openings. It was as good a time as any to finally get started.” “High turnover, from what I heard,” Morgan said. “Here solo?” He looked her up and down, clearly pleased with what he saw. “Sadly. Name’s Simon, by the way.” “Morgan.” “Like the enchantress?” “I get that a lot.” “Well, you are enchanting.” She raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Need a spotter?” “A what now?” “Help. Workout help.” “Oh. Sure!” She paced across the room, and he followed, entranced. His eyes shimmered with lust, focusing on her ass – so toned against that thin layer of stretchy fabric, so liquid. “Your quads need work,” she said in an authoritative tone, without even stopping to check if it was true. If she said it, it had to be. “You’ll do some knee up-downs now.” Simon raised an eyebrow. Being talked to like this should have bothered him. Were it anyone else, he’d be walking away. But this Morgan woman had pull. It wasn’t just her size, or her voice, or even her assets. It was something else. The way she tamed the atmosphere around her with a word and a gesture. Under her judgmental eye, Simon took his spot at the corner. Morgan patted his shoulder – her fingers were warm. Warmer than him, and he’d done more than just work out a sweat. What was this woman? She squeezed. Her grip was strong. He rose to her challenge. One, two. The first few movements came easy, even to his tired body. His arms were weak; his legs weren’t. Three, four. Five. “Faster.” She allowed no hesitation. Simon’s leg muscles bulged as he lowered himself again. His figure, in the mirror before him, flushed. Sweat pooled on his forehead, running down his temples. “You can do better than that.” When Morgan said it like that, Simon believed her. He could read the implication in her voice. It wasn’t a challenge; it was a test. He had to prove he could keep up. It reenergized him. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Morgan smiled at him through the mirror. Simon tried to smile back – only for her reflection to be blocked by the real deal. Gray leggings, seemingly going on forever. Morgan stood before him expectantly. Was she smiling? Was she content with his performance? He could only guess. Simon looked up and saw only thick thighs, crossed arms over a heaving chest. A snap of the fingers pulled him out of his reveries. He lowered himself and held until his legs were shaking from the effort, and until his teeth gritted and sweat poured down his flexed muscles. “Now rise.” He slowly did. His eyes traced the length of the leg before him. From the white sneakers to the toned calves, to the slightly bent knees that barely eased the dire size difference between the two, to those massive thighs, so close to his face, getting closer as he rose until the tip of his nose brushed up against the grey fabric. It trailed up as he continued his exercise, slipping into her inner thigh, to that warm little gap where the smell of deodorant mixed with something much more alluring. There he hesitated. This was all her. She had approached him. Was he expected to retreat? Was this another challenge, or just a cruel joke? He decided to hold his ground. His face quivered, less than an inch from her skin, and getting closer. His breaths staggered. Then, just as his head started to lock into her gaps, and just as the sweet scent of her proximity became pungent to the point of intoxication, just as he closed his eyes out of shame and worry… she moved away. He glared up at her, awaiting an explanation. She leaned forward, and her lips drew a sly smile. “You haven’t earned that yet,” she said, savoring every word. “Give me ten more, and I might reconsider.” Fury burned in Simon’s eyes. This freakishly tall woman was mocking him. He knew the type – just because they’re twice as tall as everyone else, they act like they run the place… well, he wouldn’t feed into her disregard. He would impress her. He would claim his prize, or prove her a liar. Sheer discipline and stamina carried him through the exercise even after his extremities went numb and his breaths, raspy. Not an iota of his attention was wasted in anything other than effort and control. Ten times did he lower himself. Nine times did he rise again. And when he forced himself back up the final time, pushing his body to the limit just to prove her wrong, he felt his face bury in soft polyester, powerful thighs locking around his head, and a hand resting on his scalp, running fingers through his shaved hair. His strength finally left him – but her grip kept him standing. And there, between her legs, he sank, until his nose flicked against her nub, and his lips pressed to hers. He wheezed, warm breaths washing over her pussy; the scent filled his nostrils when he inhaled, clouding his thoughts with raw desire. With trembling arms, he hugged her thighs, sinking his fingers into the flesh only to find solid muscle pushing back. Her voice came to him, the most wonderful sound to his lust-addled mind. “I want you,” Morgan said. “And I’m going to take you, right here on this mat, in front of everyone. I’m going to squeeze every little drop of enjoyment I can get out of your body; when I’m done with you, that defiance will be gone from your eyes.” Her caress moved to the back of his head until her nails rested against the nape of his neck. He whimpered into her pussy. “Now, Simon… tell me you want it. Tell me you want me to take you. Tell me, or I won’t.” Simon fought against her grip to nod his head. He found no more wiggle room than that granted by the suppleness of her flesh. His movements were stiff, near unnoticeable. She bit her lip, stifling a moan. Her fingers tapped at his skull. “No, you have to say it.” “Mph.” His lips brushed up against her folds, sending twitches up her spine and bringing red to her cheeks. “I didn’t hear anything.” “Mh mph ph!” The warmth of his breath, the vibrations of his voice against her sensitive skin, his desperate but futile wriggling in her grip – it inflamed her. Goosebumps against cotton. A sticky wetness staining polyester. Dripping on his lips. Seeping into his mouth. Sweet against his tongue. “Looks like,” Morgan said, “cat got your tongue.” The obvious joke hung in her mind for a moment or two, but she dismissed it. “Disappointing, but I should have known what to expect. I’ll give you a second chance, though.” She paused for drama. Her nails kept hammering on Simon’s skull. Tap-tap-tap. “Kiss it.” Her grip tightened. A wave of pain came over Simon’s body; the world went silent, muffled by her legs, save for the drumming and the ringing in his ears. Fear mixed in with arousal. His mouth moved without his input. He lapped at the wet fabric, scooping up the translucent dribble that pooled on the surface; he pressed his lips to the small bump, ran his tongue over the long slit that quivered under his touch. Slick smacks echoed through the room. Desperate slurps. Rhythmic squelches. The music had gone quiet. One by one, gymgoers vacated the premises. Only one person remained – the girl behind the desk, who shot the occasional disinterested glance their way. She squeezed harder. Simon’s efforts redoubled, born of desperation. The vise continued to tighten. His vision flickered. His head throbbed. This was it. “No, not yet.” Release! Fresh air! He filled his lungs, blinded by the light. He slumped to his knees, body bent, panting. Saliva mixed with her juices dripped from his lips, soaking into her shorts. Morgan rested her hands on her hips. She swayed from side to side, warming up rusty muscles. Simon stared blankly at her, face red, still reeling. She cracked her knuckles. Popped her joints. Hopped in place, loosening herself. Readying herself. The fun started now. A flick of a finger in Simon’s chest, and he felt himself fall on his back. Above, large fans spun slowly, breaking up the fluorescent lights. “You know,” she said, dusting her fingers off on her shirt, as if his very touch had soiled them, “I don’t think you’ve got what I need.” She circled his supine body like a vulture. Slow struts, basking in the attention. So tall that she could reach the ceiling. So powerful, she could snap him in half. Morgan lowered herself over him. Her massive ass rested on his chest. Hands on the floor beside him, legs crossed, she took a deep breath, allowing her weight to force the air out of Simon’s lungs. Ribs compressed. Skin bruised. He tried to wriggle himself free, but he was nailed to the ground. He opened his mouth, only a wispy breath came out. Creak. The weight of her buttocks shifted on him, never staying in the same place for long – keeping him from snapping like a twig. Each time she wiggled her backside, it moved further up Simon’s body. From flattening his chest to engulfing his neck. Then slowly, it crawled up his face. Covering his features. Trapping his nose and mouth and eyes between the two walls of firm flesh. Controlling his air intake, filtering it through the smell of sweat and lust. Simon snapped. Claustrophobia and terror overtook lust. None of this was worth it. Not as a challenge, not as a tease. This woman was crazy; he needed out. But she didn’t budge. He harnessed all remaining strength in his body and pushed, using the floor as leverage and giving it his all; she barely noticed. Simon’s best effort achieved nothing; if he couldn’t even move her, how could he hope to overpower her? He had to try. Morgan felt feeble punches against her side. Her quarry’s body wriggled under her weight. Each thrash weaker than the last. Exhaustion mounted, and adrenaline could only take Simon so far. The struggling only widened Morgan’s grin. These were the few delights the world had left for one as powerful and ancient as her. She gave a little leeway. After all, she didn’t want to snuff him out too soon. He took it, and finding the weight slightly off him, struggled his way to freedom. His nostrils flared as they reached fresh air; when his mouth was free, he grasped at his final hope. “Help! She’s – she’s hurting me!” Behind the desk, the employee scratched her temple with the cap of her red pen. She went back to crossing names off a list. The gym laid bare otherwise. The doors were closed. The lights in the corridors were off. It was just Simon. Simon, and Morgan, and someone who might as well not be there. Morgan smiled. “She’s not going to help you. No one is.” “Hey! Hey! Are you listening to me? Call the police! Security! Anything! I- mfffh!” Morgan readjusted herself over him again. Thighs around the head. Squeeze. She leaned in, eyes shimmering with malice, and pressed a finger to his nose. Even compressed, Simon’s eyes darted in the counter’s direction. “Don’t look at her. She doesn’t exist. She’s background decoration, for all she’s willing to do for you. Look”- she put two fingers to her eyes –“at me; I’m all that matters. I’m your world, from beginning to end. I will snuff you out like a candle, slowly, delectably – and then I’m going to consume you.” Her voice lowered to a whisper. “You understand now. I can see it in your eyes. That’s what I like to see. Denial, anger, bargaining… if I snuff you out during depression, I’ll skip that pesky acceptance stage. That one’s always such a buzzkill.” Another blast of pain coursed through Simon’s skull. Morgan’s knees slowly moved closer to each other. The mattress creaked underneath. She felt his blood pressure rise. His heartbeat, becoming hectic. His eyelids, beginning to flutter. The blush of life, leaving his features. His hands slapped the ground, signaling a submission. Nails scratched at the cheap vinyl tiles. Sweat drops scattered. “You were a poor plaything from the very start. I won’t look back on this fondly.” A final twist of the vise. A kaleidoscope of pain wracked Simon; then, it all subsided. Crack. His body twitched one last time and slowly went stiff. His final expression, before he expired – horror, agony, dread. This, Morgan thought, was what she lived for. The moment the final breath left the body. Like any good orgasm, it needed the foreplay. To take someone, to dominate them, to watch them fight like a cornered rat once they find out it’s not just fun and games like they thought. To incite rebellion only for the pleasure of quashing it. To tease the possibility of escape, to see hope spring up over and over again… and to nip it every time. Morgan was ancient. Ancient and powerful. She had experienced everything this dreary world had to offer. Of the few things that still managed to eke out some pleasure from her being, one was this. And the more they fought, the better. She released her grip. Simon’s body fell limp on the floor. She readjusted her leggings, feeling the wet fabric smack against her legs. Simon was lifted with ease – by the head, which easily fit in Morgan’s hand. She raised him high, high her knuckles scraped the ceiling fan, and until his body swayed in the still air, gathering moisture. She cupped his face and brought him closer. A final eye-to-eye; hers burning, his lifeless. “You were pathetic to the end.” With perfunctory precision, she shoved him in her maw. No hesitation, no savoring, no joy. Just a dead body, a meaningless trophy of a mediocre hunt, and the need to dispose of it. She pushed him in quickly, guiding him between her lips, feeling him fill her. Just flesh. Nourishing, but hollow, going down her gullet in large gulps. Within seconds, he was gone. Dead weight in life, now dead weight in her stomach. Overpowered by her even in death; even now, her powerful stomach muscles trapped his form, crushed it with overwhelming force. They ground and churned and squeezed, massaging their caustic juices into his mortal coil. She had broken him; now, it was time to break him down. Morgan cracked her knuckles, stretched her arms, and sighed. She looked around; how dreary the gym looked when it was empty. Just her and the girl. On her way out, Morgan walked by her and stopped at the counter for a moment, fingers tapping on the wood. “Getting sloppy with your offerings.” The girl peered over her glasses at the documents before her, not even glancing towards Morgan. “You keep getting rid of the good ones.” “Well, they’re not very good then, are they?” The girl’s smile thinned. “Like it would make a difference.” She pulled out her phone, tapped it a few times, and put it back. “There’s a fitness con in town next week. I’ll scope it out and try to find you someone who can keep up with you.” Morgan nodded. She looked down at her gut; a small, flexed bulge, only slightly breaking up her fit form. “Don’t disappoint me.” The girl took her pen and crossed out the name Simon Anderson from the gym’s membership list. Gold member too. What a waste. “I wouldn’t dream of it, Mistress.” Morgan left her hunting grounds. |
Point of No Return Lyndon, the youngest of the soldiers, broke formation first. His first and only contact with the enemy was a one-way trip down her gullet. She neutralized him with trained ease. One second he charged through the mud - the next, the last glimpse of his legs disappearing between pursed lips. Before the bulge even settled in her stomach, she turned her eye on the rest of the squadron. It was already too late. What she had taken for a mistake turned out to be a tactical decision. It took her no longer than a few seconds to consume her prey - one to snag him, one to shove his wriggling body down her throat, and one for her muscles to pull him into her depths - but it was enough. The team moved like a coordinated unit. Though half her size and nowhere near as fast, they exploited her moment’s distraction and capitalized. Two grabbed her arms, and their weight caused her to slouch forward; two others disappeared under her legs, reemerging with well-aimed blows at the back of her knees, toppling her. Melissa watched from the sidelines, her entire body twitching with impatience. Her serpentine tail coiled and slammed into the mud; her nostrils flared, slit pupils contracted, and a fang poked at her lower lip. “Lamia! Now!” The voice, struggling to make itself heard over the giant woman’s roars, triggered something inside of Melissa. She thrust forward towards where her squadmates struggled to keep their victim still; her eyes lingering only for a moment on the bounces of a swollen gut. As she approached, they moved out of the way. She opened her mouth and they guided the woman’s feet into it. Mud, sweat, pollution, ash. Melissa had long grown accustomed to the taste of warfare. Even the shouts of her victim - in a language she did not fully understand- no longer bothered her. The pressure of feet against her tongue, pushing inwards; the scraping of curled toes descending through her gullet - they held no more surprises for her. She knew to adjust, clench, swallow. Adjust. Clench. Swallow. Line up the limb in her mouth, lock it in place, and pull on those muscles at the back of her throat, the ones that made her tongue flatten and her throat expand. Repeat until mouth is empty and belly is full. “Let go, Emerson!” a voice roared; her squad leader. “You’ll get pulled in!” To her right, one of her squadmates stumbled back, clutching a saliva-covered hand. Melissa barely registered; the world around her muted. Her esophagus expanded wider and wider with each swallow, its pulsing walls clenched around the knees, thighs, and waist of her victim, offering no room to move or struggle. Her maw ached, and still she opened wider, rolling her lips over the squirming belly of her target. Under her tongue and through her foe’s flesh, Melissa felt the vibrations of a struggling Lyndon; the echoing of his fists against thick walls and his terrified screams. “Focus, Emerson. You don’t wanna end up like Lyndon.” A grim silence fell over the group. Melissa made herself deaf to it. Inch by inch, her victim filled her insides. Weight shifted inside her, sliding between throbbing walls, sinking into her flesh. Breasts, Shoulders. Neck. Adjust. Clench. Swallow. Another enemy neutralized. |
The Greatest Story Never Told I remember the first time I died. A few weeks ago, it would have been me standing behind that glass, looking in. It would be me running experiments, taking notes, and musing on the prospects of promotion or a warm cup of coffee. Now I'm here, and they're there, and as far as they know, I'm just crazy. Now I sit here all day and wait. You get used to the loss of privacy. There are cameras trained on every corner of this damn facility; wherever you are, you can be sure Koschei’s dogs are looking over your shoulder. You get used to the confinement, too. I have everything I need right here, and they let me tour the building when I get cabin fever. No, what you never get used to is becoming them – becoming other. I remember the first time I died. Here’s how it happened. “Dr. Flores?” I hated him the moment I saw him. He was the kind of guy I didn’t share my notes with back in university – mousy, twitchy, obnoxiously polite. But there he stood, in my laboratory, wearing one of my lab coats. One glance and I had enough. I turned my attention back to the whiteboard. I didn't like datapads back then – didn't trust them with any calculations. That whiteboard, covered in the chicken-scratch I call handwriting, had everything I needed. I heard him approach. I almost snapped right away, but he was smart enough to not come for the handshake; I remember wondering if anyone had told him, or if it was common knowledge in the facility that Isabel Flores doesn’t do touching. I don’t recall what my calculations were about. I was assigned to 1280 back then, so it must have been something about biomass-to-energy conversion ratios. Either way, what I can recall is that it was kicking my ass. One plus one didn’t equal two, at least not with 1280. Entities are annoying like that. No wonder the most overworked department in the entire facility is Psychiatry. “I’m Dr. Shen. You can call me Oliver.” “Can I help you, Shen?” I knew exactly what he wanted. I’d received the memo from the Overseer herself. She promised me someone I’d have no problem working with. I should have known that she never intended to fulfill that promise. I saw him blanch. He adjusted his glasses and folded his hands behind his back. "I'm your new assistant, Dr. Flores. I've been assigned to 1280, under your supervision." “Ah.” I turned back to my calculations. A number here, a change there, a moment's thought – these are things that would send a clear signal to anyone else, but Shen? Shen just stood there, waiting, watching. His eyes pricked at the back of my neck, and I found myself second-guessing every movement, every tweak. It slowed me down. I was stewing. He drove me crazy and didn't even realize it, and his obliviousness only frustrated me more. I found myself focused on him instead of the whiteboard. What was he doing? What was so interesting to him? Then he moved. Not a hint of fear, not one bit of regard for my personal space. His hand curled around mine, and I froze. My frustration turned to fury. No touching. Two words that even a dog can understand. The unmitigated gall! I was so shocked, I couldn't move. I'd fired colleagues for less. I'd assigned interns to the Delta units for much less. I glared at him, but he didn't even meet my eyes. He pressed my marker o the glossy surface. With all the precision of an artist, he split my chicken-scratch with a decimal mark between a five and a three. Then he let go, and before I knew it, I was safe in my personal space once again. “What do you think, boss?” There was too much going on. I couldn’t even begin to process it all, and so the lizard brain told me to look at the whiteboard, and I looked at the whiteboard. And everything made sense. “I’ve been studying your reports, Dr. Flores. They got me through the entry exams.” He paused. “I saw you accidentally smudge it when you dropped the pen and had to lean over.” I can only wonder what I must have looked like. At least he didn’t laugh. I know I would have. He knew enough about my work to spot a mistake, even if it was self-inflicted. But he’d touched me, and I was still recovering from that. “Is this a joke?” I could have said anything. Anything at all. For the first time, my words had an effect on him. He stopped smiling. “Look, Dr. Flores, I know you must not be thrilled with me being here. I am. If my presence here disturbs you, I can ask to be reassigned – but you know as well as I do that the Overseer already made her choice.” “And she’s as stubborn as a goat.” “You're more candid than I had expected, Dr. Flores." “Can it, Shen, and go get me some coffee from the machine. There’s a lot you have to learn if you’re going to be staffing my lab.” His face brightened up. “Yes, Dr. Flores.” He stepped outside, and as soon as the sliding doors closed behind him, I pulled up a chair. All my muscles were tense to the point of pain. I needed something to eat. Luckily, my office was my kingdom, and like any kingdom worth its salt, mine had a hidden treasury. It was in one of my desk drawers. Shen took a few minutes to come back. The machine must have given him trouble. While I waited, I went over the calculations again. The Overseer would be pleased with his results. Another drop of reason in the ocean of insanity that is the Entities. “I thought we weren’t allowed to eat in the lab, Dr. Flores.” He handed me my coffee, and I took a sip. Tepid. He must have been held up by someone. Only after a lingering moment of enjoying the bitter taste and feeling the surface of my brain innervate and sharpen, one neuron at a time, did I glance at him. “Do you see any microscopes around?” “No, Dr. Flores.” “Samples or cultures?” “No.” “A single scalpel?” He shook his head. “That’s because this is a glorified accountant’s office, Shen. I work with data, I don’t gather it. I can eat my goddamn lunch here if I want to.” “Still, Dr. Flores, the sign said no foo-” “I put that sign there.” “Oh.” I took a bite of my wrap. “So, what's my first assignment?" I finished my drink, wiped my mouth, and slipped the napkin into my pocket. “This was your first assignment. Your second assignment is a guided tour.” I looked him over. He looked clean enough. For all his faults, Oliver Shen clearly knew the importance of a first impression; he had showered, shaved, and worn business-casual under the lab coat. Good kid, no manners. I led him through the corridors. Security stopped up at every turn. They checked his ID, they checked mine, they wasted everyone’s time. They were antsy. I’d soon find out why. Shen followed me. I explained all the safety procedures. I could see it in his eyes that he knew them all by heart already, but I wanted to make sure. If he got eaten, I didn’t want to be held responsible. Funny, that. The tour went well. He asked the right questions and gave the right answers. I have to admit, the same mousy charm that turned me off when he first walked into my office was now starting to win me over. I've always been self-assured. I assume I'm correct because I usually am. It's all statistics; if I'm right most of the time, I'm likely correct at any given time. Shen agreed with me on that. He deferred to me without kissing my ass, because that was Shen. He behaved so well, in fact, that I decided to end the tour with the test subject herself. UE-1280. My suggestion of “Biomass Processor” as an epithet for the creature was rejected in favor of the security team’s unflattering “Trashy Eater,” presumably due to her appearance. While she does resemble a refuse sack, at least outwardly, they’ve systemically ignored my explanations that she is anything but. Ah, well. Simple minds, simple pleasures. For what it's worth, Shen behaved well. He'd never been shy about showing his discomfort, but I don't think I'd ever seen him sweat like that. Security tried to stop us again. That much was expected. Shen got frisked, but when the man in the uniform stepped up towards me, a glare and a mumbled warning from his colleague changed his mind. Have you ever seen a man in riot gear cower? Neither have I. But he got close. I could hear his friend snicker behind him. “And you,” I said, and he stopped, “stop giggling like a schoolgirl and fetch us our gear.” The way he saluted me, you would have thought I was Koschei herself. Shen swooned a bit, and I must admit, it felt pretty good. His smile faded, however, when our gear arrived. He winced away when the guard handed him his taser as if he expected to get fulminated on the spot. He looked to me for support, but I just shrugged. “You know the rules. No unarmed interaction with Deltas. Do you need a rundown on sensitive areas to aim for in case of emergency?” Shen shook his head. “No, Dr. Flores, it’s just-” “Don't worry. You get used to it." He didn’t seem relieved, but he did hold the taser steadier. I made sure to validate him with a nod. Security sent us on our way. I remember looking in through the glass and seeing the creature sitting there. Looking back, I guess I find it funny. I visited 1280 only on rare occasions, and never with a colleague. Data collection had always been someone else's problem, and though I reviewed footage, studied photographs and X-rays and MRIs and what have you, only two times had I seen 1280. Only three times would I ever see 1280. I tapped on the glass, and the figure came to life. The top of her head scraped the ceiling of her modular containment unit. She’s a tall one – not as tall as some of the behemoths we house, but still tall enough to tower over the both of us. A black mass, humanoid if inhuman, focused its eyes on us. “Shen, meet UE-1280. She may not look it, but she’s got a kill count in the dozens, so keep your taser ready.” “Yes, Dr. Flores.” The creature pressed herself against the glass. The crinkles in her gloss-black skin flattened against the ballistic glass. It spread slightly outwards as if wishing to engulf us; we were subjected to the disturbing – but suggestive – view of her lips opening and closing against the surface. “It’s… strange,” Shen said. I nodded. “It’s fascinating. It’s also vile. Most things in this facility are, us included. Want to go say hi?” He blanched. “The question is a formality. We’re going in. Unlike myself, you’re going to be seeing her every day. Direct contact is in order. Don’t worry – in its current state, it is harmless.” I turned to the guards. “Correct?” They shared a look, then the younger of the two stepped forward. "Yes, ma'am. UE-1280 was last fed at 0600 hours; its processed biomass levels have been measured since, and are normal. No concussive blasts, no dramatic stretching or size-shifting will be possible in her current state. She's as helpless as a pussycat, even if you trigger her." He quickly added, "which, of course, you won't." “Well, open up, then. Time to get a sample.” “I thought you didn’t gather data, Dr. Flores.” “This isn’t about the data, Shen. This is about teaching you your new job.” We stepped inside, taser in hand. The guard punched in the code, pressed his hand to the print scanner, and awaited authorization from the Central. After a few seconds, the door hissed and unlocked, and we stepped into the decontamination chamber. By now, Shen was trembling. The creature behind the glass had taken to pacing back and forth, still glaring at us. This is standard behavior – many Delta-classes will engage in posturing for fun, or to intimidate staff into compliance – but I must admit, it is effective, though I personally have always found the seductive types more disturbing. The airlock finally opened, and we dissuaded 1280’s advance by brandishing our tasers. As expected, as soon as the potential for actual retribution arose, the UE became docile. Her lips curled into a mockery of a smile, and it bounced over towards us. Her arms elongated; her arms expanded until they touched the ground. The tendrils of inky biomass wrapped around Shen's feet, traveling upwards, poking into his skin, sliding into his pockets, trying every little recess they could find. Shen’s fingers tightened around the taser’s grip; I shook my head. “Stand down,” I ordered. “She’s scanning us for contaminants. This is standard.” “O-oh.” Shen winced as a pitch-black finger poked a little too hard into his leg. “I always figured the process was visual, or...” “No. She feels you up.” “Oh.” After what felt like an eternity, the Entity released my assistant. “Tidy!” she happily announced, in a voice that wouldn’t have sounded out of place in an ad from the Fifties. Her beady eyes turned to me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I rarely dealt directly with 1280. This was why. I tried to block out the obvious thoughts. It’s like being at the dentist’s – you know the discomfort is coming, you know you’re going to hate it, but you know there’s nothing you can do. So you close your eyes and shut yourself off from the world, and focus not on the discomfort, but on the beating of your own heart. The Entity washed over me. It tested me. The decontamination chamber made sure no pesky bacteria or toxins would make me, in its perception, dirty. But there was something it couldn’t help with. The used napkin. I noticed something had gone wrong when the Entity froze. I opened my eyes, but it was too late. The tendril emerged from the pocket it had slipped into, carrying a piece of crumpled up tissue, stained yellow with mayo. “Dirty," I heard her say, and it made my blood curl. I knew that word. That's the word that means you fucked up. That's the trigger, the flip switch that turns 1280 into a monster. She advanced. I raised the taser. She stopped, and we stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. With trembling fingers, I searched for the door, for the card reader I knew I wouldn't find. Meanwhile, she stared. She watched me like a lion watches a gazelle, with predatory intent. She measured every move, and would have struck right there, were the taser in my hand not a clear reminder of pain. “Dirty," she said again and smiled. I knew I was in trouble. She stepped towards me, and when I tried to defend myself, something impossible happened. A flash of green and purple blinded me, my fingers cracked under the concussive force applied to them, and the taser flew across the room. “What the-” “Stand back, Shen!” I shouted. “She’s been fed!” “What?!” “They fed her! The idiots fed her!” Shen, beside me, slammed against the glass. The security guards outside looked on, clearly distraught – but shook their heads. I knew as well as they did how the safety regulations go. If 1280 is full, the door doesn’t open. We don’t throw good lives after bad. What happened next all went too fast. Her blackness enveloped me. The last thing I saw was Shen tackling the Entity, only to bounce off against her outer tissue. Then, nothing. Her insides flowed around me, pulsing alien organs in a nutrient-rich suspension. I felt her form shift and flow around me, even through the thin tissue that was her throat; no muscles contracted around me, or pushed me down, but I slid down nonetheless. Her slick esophagus parted before me, only to clamp down behind, allowing no escape. Mere seconds felt like an eternity, but her stomach welcomed me like an old friend. It was hell. She touched me. She touched me everywhere, with her semi-liquid form invading every crevice, sticking to every inch of me. Burning. She burned me! Inside her, I was steaming. Sweating. On fire. The stomach walls contracted, compacting me in with her biting juices, and I screamed for help, a shriek born of panic, the last sound my body would do before I snapped. I remember the first time I died. I made a rookie mistake, and 1280 ate me. Too bad that didn’t stick. Blink. I was back in the containment unit, and as soon as I could breathe, I screamed. “Clean,” 1280 said, but so shrill was my shriek that she stumbled back, startled. I looked up and saw her. To my right, Shen scrambled. Outside, the guards shifted uncomfortably. I had the taser in my hand. The Entity stood before me. I moved, and as soon as I did, green and purple flashed where my hand had been a fraction of a second earlier. Clap. The taser connected, and her entire skin rippled. Clap. I didn't think; I just did. I struck the Entity again and again, tears rolling down my eyes, cackling as I saw her squirm. The Entity cried out in pain, deflating before me, each hit warping her face with unbridled agony. Even after I ran out of juice I kept going, even as Shen tried to drag me away from 1280, even as the two guards finally stepped inside and pulled me away from that monster, that abomination's twitching body. Outside, I was shaking. Sweating. My eyes were filled with tears. Shen offered me support, and I pushed him away. I glared at the guards. “Give me the report.” “Dr. Flores, you should contact Medical-” “Give me the fucking report!” He handed me his datapad. Still twitching, I swiped through 1280’s logs, and not ten seconds had passed before I found something. “Here," I said, tapping a finger into the latest feeding report. "Mass gain after consumption of A-class, nominal. But no change in mass afterward." They paled. “You idiot!” I screamed, thrusting the datapad back into his hands. “It hasn’t digested its last meal! That thing is full of potential biomass! You could have killed us both, asshole!” Shen stepped in. “Dr. Flores, calm down! Everyone’s okay. It didn’t classify either of us as dirty, so it wouldn’t have attacked us anyway.” “Are you blind, Shen? Didn’t you see the napkin?!” “Napkin, Dr. Flores?” “Napkin, you idiot! The one from the wrap I ate earlier.” I slid my hand into my pocket, the same pocket 1280 had searched. The same pocket I had put the dirty napkin in. At the time, it didn't cross my mind that the napkin would have made me as responsible for the disaster as the guards. At the time, a lot didn't cross my mind. I found no napkin. My pocket was empty. “Dr. Flores,” Shen said, “I didn’t see you eat any wrap. In fact, I don’t think you’ve eaten anything at all today.” And sure enough, I felt a sudden pang of hunger as soon as he had finished speaking. I took the day off after that, and dismissed Shen as well. He helpfully suggested that I got in contact with a therapist. “My wife gets panic attacks sometimes,” he told me in a concerned tone, “and I know how horrible those can be. Please find help.” I pretended to agree to get him off my back. But what had happened? You’ll forgive a scientist’s skepticism, even in a place like this. It’s all I have left. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence – and what kind of evidence can you provide for teleportation, or worse even, time travel? But at the same time, I could not explain such a strange experience. My day's absence extended. Both the guards and Shen vouched for my deteriorating mental state, earning me a week of rest and recuperation. But I didn't rest. I can't abide a mystery – that is, after all, why I'm here. So I thought. I theorized. I reached out to colleagues for their opinions. Slowly but steadily, a theory, however fragile, formed. When the stress from being in the creature’s stomach pushed me through my breaking point, something happened. A defense mechanism. But what of the wrap? That, I could only speculate, was the fuel. Before the blink – I have taken to calling them blinks, in the absence of a better name – I had a wrap in my stomach. After it, not only was my stomach empty, Shen swore I had not eaten anything at all. Just as my gastric system was going to break down mass into energy, it appeared as if some other present system – one I was unaware of – had used the same biomass to fuel a much different kind of process. A panic button, if you will. Ridiculous, I know. Back then, I had no proof at all. But I turned out to be surprisingly close to the truth. Like any good scientist, having formulated a theory, I took to testing it. My workstation, like any researcher's workstation here in the Facility, had access to the Approved Entertainment Database. In the vast array of shows and movies deemed acceptable to be watched by staff, there was only one genre I had never tolerated. Horror. It gets to me, you see. I am sensitive to all the techniques. Tension reduces this scientist into a gibbering wreck, and a scare chord is all it takes to put the fear of God in me. So every night, I would have my dinner, switch off the lights, and watch the most blood-curling visual spectacles the genre had to offer. I kept track of my food intake and wore a heartrate monitor during the proceedings. I found out two things. First, I still hate horror movies. Second, the 1280 incident had not been a fluke. Every night, when the tension built just right and a jump-scare shook me to the core, reality folded – and I found myself sitting on my dinner table, looking at an empty plate. Correlations were easy to find. More food meant bigger blinks. A sandwich sent me back up to thirty seconds – a full meal, up to a minute or two. I also found that I could intake massive amounts of sustenance in a single sitting – though it shames me to admit it, I had become as capable of devouring large items whole as any Entity. When my week off was over, the very first thing I did was book a meeting with the Overseer. I had a power, you see – one that could be put to good use assisting scientific research. Then I had my breakfast, got dressed, and went to work. Shen was waiting for me at the lab. He greeted me with a smile and stopped himself just short of shaking my head. I thanked him for remembering and asked him how his week had been. Then the lights flickered. The earth trembled. The alarms sounded. Containment breach. Shen checked his datapad – the screen had gone red. His face went pale when I asked him what it was. He showed it to me, and I understood his fear. UE-0100 had escaped containment and was en route to the power generator. The power generator was a mere two departments over. UE-0100 was fifteen feet tall, made of stone, and known among guards as the Meteor Woman, in no small part due to her penchant for collateral damage. We got out as soon as we could. Around us, panic spread like wildfire. Guards rushed in one direction, staff in the other. Booming noises echoed through the tunnels, followed by flashes and screams. I ran, and Shen followed me. Towards the exit. Another explosion. Rebar and concrete collapsed around us. As we ran, Shen checked his datapad for security updates. Suddenly, he stopped – and I looked back in disbelief. “Oliver, what the fuck-” “Dr. Flores – er, Isabel,” he said. “The Entity is heading towards the generators.” “Who cares? Come on, let’s get out of here.” “If she reaches them, the entire facility is in danger.” “Oliver, for fuck’s sake, stop wasting my time,” I yelled, tugging on his arm – but he didn’t budge. “We need to get out of here.” “Imagine what would happen if she were to reach them.” I didn’t have to. Thousands of Entities running free across the globe. That’s the kind of thing we have nightmares about. “What do you expect us to do?” “Get there first. Engage emergency shutdown. Let the backup power supply take over, instead of allowing the whole thing to detonate.” “We’d have to go through 0100, Oliver.” “We have no choice.” Damn it, he was right. We turned around, and ran towards the chaos. Soon we saw her, terrible in her might – the Meteor Woman, an unstoppable juggernaut plowing through Security, red-hot with anger, snatching some up and devouring them, simply vaporizing others. Their sacrifice provided us with a distraction – or so we thought. We were fools. She was too large, too destructive. When she was done playing, she released what I can only describe as a burst of raw energy – and the ceiling collapsed around us. In the dark, I felt something. Broken glasses, a warm face. Shen. He laid beside me, hurt but alive. Through shallow breaths, he tried to say something. I leaned closer, and he repeated it. “I’m sorry, Dr. Flores. I didn’t mean to touch you.” I closed my eyes. We were doomed. I was to have a superpower, you see. I was to be special. And now there we were, stuck under the rubble, waiting to die. The Entity’s stomping grew closer. She must have heard us, and decided her hunger for mayhem was not yet satisfied. If only I could use my power. If only I could blink. But there was no way. I’d have to eat something. And I was alone. I was alone… with Shen. Shen. I knew then what I had to do. “No, Oliver,” I whispered. “I’m the one who’s sorry.” I took his head in my hand, took off his glasses and put them aside. “Dr. Flores, what are you-” he began to ask, but I parted my lips, opened my mouth, and did what I had never dreamed I could do. It was such a strange feeling. His head slid into my mouth with remarkable ease. It was as if my body, my very bones stretched to enable it. His limp stiffness soon gave way to struggle, but I held him tight, as tightly as I could, and I swallowed – and felt him fill me, stretch me, and though my jawbones ached and my throat grew sore, and saliva dribbled from the corners of my mouth and down my chin, I braved on. Each gulp plunged him deeper into me. I felt it when he reached my stomach – a sudden weight pinning me to the floor, causing my belly to burst through my lab coat. Thump. Thump. Thump. The debris around us shifted. The light blinded me, and I saw her smile, the smile of a monster, the smile of UE-0100 as she looked down on me. “Figures,” I heard, in a voice like shifting gravel. “I didn’t expect a little chaos to turn you on each other this easily. Ah, well. I’m not the kind of gal who’ll say no to a double meal.” I looked up at her with tears in my eyes. Shen’s feet disappeared into my mouth and slid down my throat. The weight shifted inside me just moments before I felt her grip, and felt myself lifted and dropped into her maw. I closed my eyes. Blink. Lights everywhere. I stood in my office. Before me, the whiteboard. The numbers. The letters. The mathematical representation of the thing that had started it all. I stared at the door. It never opened. That mousy figure never crossed its boundary. I looked on, waiting for it, begging. I wanted that irrational hatred to bubble again at the mere sight of him. I wanted him to barge in, to shatter my personal space, to take my hand and to make me seethe. The door never opened. Sighing, I approached the whiteboard. A little decimal mark between the five and a three. I sent Security a warning about UE-0100’s escape plans. Then I booked an appointment with the Overseer to discuss my new role within this organization. Alone in my containment unit, I can’t help but think back on what brought me here. I can hear their chatter in the hallways – they’re coming for me again. They filled me up and made me take a shower, for all the good it’ll do. I’m going to die again tonight, and they’ll watch and take notes. They won’t find anything new – they never do. Something will go wrong. They will question why they handed me an empty plate instead of the full meal I requested, and the experiment will be delayed again. Results inconclusive. But I’ll live it. And I'll die. And I’ll remember it, every single agonizing moment. My name is Isabel Flores, UE-2981, Threat Level 1, designation Beta – the Reluctant Time Jumper. Only I have seen what could have been and, for a moment, was. Only I know the name, Oliver Shen. |
The Fire Giant’s Furnace The light burns your eyes. When your vision returns, curious gazes rise to meet you. The cover is gone. You are exposed, presented for all to see, and you feel their eyes pricking at your skin. The smell of ash overwhelms you, makes your eyes water. You rub them. They burn. You stumble forward, wanting to peek through the bronze bars. They feel hot against your sweaty hands. Then you see her, and you are entranced. The Fire Giant, in all her glory. You see her, even before you see the two rows of guards who tower over her, unflappable and virile in their shimmering golden armor; even before you see the grand pillars that keep the jeweled dome aloft, or the throne at the center of it all, scented smoke billowing from the armrests. You see her, and by just sitting there, she shatters your sense of scale. A trick of perspective, of proportion and size, misleads you — you think her near you, but when she speaks her voice booms with a slight delay, like distant thunder. Her head rests on a gauntleted hand. You can’t help but stare. You drag your eyes across her body, appreciating every curve; curves you could explore like landscapes, taut breasts you could scale and conquer if only you could crawl under her regalia. Her braided hair droops low, billowing gently in the waves of heat and steam that blow through the throne room, displaced by forges and cruel machinery. Skin, dark like charred wood, peeks from the gaps in her ceremonial armor. You wonder how it would feel to the touch. Would it be coarse like granite, grating at your fingers as you explore its nooks and crannies, or smooth like marble, returning your caress? Would it be thin enough to feel the muscles bulging underneath, the soft pulsing of her glowing veins, and perhaps even the give of a layer of pudge, if indeed such a mighty specimen can have such a thing? Or would it be hard and unyielding, cold like the layered schist it resembles? You can only guess, and perhaps fantasize; you can close your eyes and reach forward, and pretend to feel her and make her real. You can familiarize yourself with her curves, pry away that metallic shell that contains her, see and touch and taste what lies beneath. An uncomfortable heat snaps you back to reality. Only the bronze bars keep you from plunging to your death, and even then, they stick to your skin and spread their sickly warmth through your body. They scatter your thoughts. Only she remains, sitting before you, all-encompassing. She raises a flaming eyebrow, regarding you with polite disappointment. Only you can see the glimmer of interest in her eyes; even the subtlest shift in her expression is immense to you. You see every scrunch of her aquiline nose, every curl of her thin red-orange lips, every wrinkle on her forehead; invisible to your captors, a canyon to you. You focus on her mouth. It parts sometimes, and her tongue emerges, languid as it drags over her lips, leaving them slick. Your mouth waters as you imagine hers. You long to lose yourself in it. Her breath is hot; you can see it distorting the air around her face whenever she speaks. Would her tongue scald your skin? Or would it enrapture you in its intoxicating warmth and sink you into its suppleness, drown you alive in a sea of hot caresses? Not knowing bites at you. A casual motion, so understated — a simple wettening of her lips — urges you to plunge forward; to hoist that spongy flesh over your shoulders, to take in the heat and scent of her breath and feel it wash over you; to pry apart those powerful jaws and slide yourself between them… or to coax her tongue out and allow it to snatch you away. Laughter booms. Once again, you stand in your oversized birdcage, surrounded by prying eyes. The giants’ raucousness nearly shatters your eardrums. One among them points at you. Another smirks. A third looks away, embarrassed for you. You know why. Your hand rests between your legs, moving of its own accord. You swiftly put a stop to that, but the harm has been done. Of all the things to make it through the cultural divide… Your captor yells something and taps on the cage. A wave of shame washes over you. You seek solace in her, the source of your desire; only her opinion matters. She sits in the middle of all the ruckus and all the laughter; a placid, if unforgiving, oasis. Her stare is so piercing, so full of intensity and heat, that you feel as if you could melt away. But then you see it — the subtlest bend of the corner of her lip leaves you at an uneasy peace. You amused her. That is enough. You try to keep your thoughts in check. The words that follow sound alien to you. Theirs is a rough language that grates the ears of humans; coarse consonants and heavy vowels, rhythmic and hard-hitting like hammer on anvil. Primal. You draw what you can from context and your own slim grasp on their tongue. You are a gift of some sort. That is why you were captured, rather than killed, when you failed to evade their scouts. The giant holding the cage calls himself a ‘collector’ — you fail to translate the word they’re using to describe you. The leader looks at you, dispassionately. She sighs and nods and makes a dismissive gesture with her hand. Her words are short and ring with authority, distorting the air around her lips with the heat of her breath. The cage rattles. You stumble and lose your balance. The ground darts towards you; is this it? Your descent slows before you can be a red stain on the Queen’s carpet. Your captor pays his respects with a bow. You look up, and catch your first glimpse of her from the ground level; you stumble back and lower yourself to a sitting position, lest you lose balance again. She is immense. A monument of basalt and gold and cinnabar, mocking you with its mere existence, shattering every conception of strength and worth and power you’ve ever had. Then the cover goes back on, and you are left alone in the darkness, with only your thoughts and the creaking of the bars for company. You awaken. You do not remember falling asleep. Your surroundings have changed. Here, the hissing and grinding are muted and distant; here, bathed by a sickly orange glow, you see the trappings of a royal’s sleeping quarters. Intricate engravings cover the walls, given life by the dancing shadows. The opulence of it all staggers you. The canopy bed seems to you like a mesa, a blood-red sea of velvet overlooked by gold-embroidered skies. The trunks and armoires that line the walls are monoliths, and the chandelier that looms overhead, an eerie reddish sun. You swallow; your throat is dry, your sinuses itch. Outside, beyond the barrier of stained glass, the barren soil spews forth gouts of flame. Hers is a nightless domain. You divine her approach from her footsteps, which resonate through your very core. The door opens, and there she is, silhouetted against the torchlight. She steps inside, and the room lights up in her presence. She contextualizes the landscape; all is tailored for her. She makes her way across the room, and you hold on tight as she passes through. The air she shifts in her wake is warm and heavy with the smell of ash. Even the slightest whine of her armor hurts your ears; you push past the pain and watch her. Many times have you wondered what it would be like to be a fly on the wall of a beautiful noblewoman; to watch unhindered as she leaves behind her mask and, in the comfort of her private quarters, shows her true face. You have dreamed of watching the finery slide off her form. Would she admire herself? Would she put on a show for an audience she thought imaginary? These questions haunted your sleep when you were younger — then you forgot them. Now, as you see the Fire Giant unstrap her regalia, they return to you in a torrent, threatening to overtake you. First, she removes her gauntlets — you shudder as they clank against the hard surface. She unstraps her vambraces, examines them for a moment, then puts them aside. The shoulder pads come off easily, as does her gorget — and each inch of skin she reveals piques your curiosity further. You see wiry arms covered in scars that glow and pulse, you see muscles flexing as she reaches for the buckles on her breastplate. One by one, she undoes them, and the gilded cage around her body sags ever so slightly, and finally it unlocks with a click. Released from its oppressive weight, she appears taller than ever before, with nothing but padded cloth to shield her curves from your gaze. She places the breastplate on the stand, stretches, and leans over. You hear muscles strain and tendons pop, and the low satisfied murmur of a body unwound; the clicks that follow are from the straps on her boots. She gives you precious few seconds to admire how her body bends, and the way her toned ass juts out. You have only begun to lose yourself in the canyon between her shoulder blades, to trek the valley leading to the small of her back, to pry away the skin-tight fabric with your imagination, and grasp full-handed what lies beneath, before she straightens back up. The armor rests in its stand, cast off is the aura of domineering menace. Left behind is something more awe-inspiring, more insidious; a woman, a strong woman, yes, and exotic in her appearance — but a woman still, differing from the ones you’ve loved before only in stature and status. The fire giant paces across the room. There is a newfound grace to her movements, and yet you feel the weight behind each step. You have seen lumbering beasts before, but she is not one of them — she is spryness and vigor, tempered only by decorum, and, even then, shining through. You have seen this, in noblewomen and peasant girls alike, this energy that age eventually suppresses. It dawns on you — she is young. Perhaps even younger than you, had you not existed in such wildly different timescales. When she reaches the foot of the bed, she turns. Her eyes meet yours, and a knowing smirk forms on her lips. Her hands disappear behind her back, you hear the rustling of fabric — and the padded cloth slides past her curves and falls to the floor . She is more than you could have dreamed. The same shadows that dance in the walls give life to the contours of her body. You follow the line of her shoulders as they meet with her neck, which points you downwards, towards her chest; you take your time admiring her taut breasts: how they rise and lower with her breathing, how their charcoal skin brightens around the areola and coalesces into two firm orange nubs. You linger on them only momentarily, though you feel your hands clench the bars with newfound vigor; there is too much to take in at once, and you want it all. The slope of her midriff draws you to a vast delta nestled between her thighs; as you look on, you curse the dancing shadows that obscure her most intimate secret. You stare, and your eyes trick you, you see patterns where there aren’t any. You hypnotize yourself in those shadows. It is the Fire Giant who rescues you from yourself with a simple motion; she sits on the bed. Your eyes refocus; she stares. She smiles. She grasps her knees, grasps them so hard you can see the flesh light up under her fingers, and she pulls them apart with a long and languid movement, spreading herself before you, throwing her head back and letting her braid hang, and you see her muscles tense and a blush, the color of molten rock, cross her features. Two fingers slide down between her legs, moving with a certainty born of experience, digging into her skin. One pulls the curtain back only slightly, allows you to catch a glimpse of the glistening flesh underneath. The other curves, dipping into her wetness for but a moment and then sliding upwards, before coming to a rest just above her clitoris. She holds the position for a while, prodding you with languid eyes. The statue of a Venus presents itself to you wholly, fully, without shame — and yet these cruel bars hold you back. Your agony amuses her. Look, don’t touch, her smile says. Her motions are slow and deliberate, meant to torture. You craved this body, now see it — but, of course, you covet more. Then, just as you’re ready to sink to your knees, her fingers line up and plunge inward. The dormant volcano stirs for the first time — her lips part, a moan escapes them, warping the air; her muscles flex, and her knuckles brush up against her skin. Motion builds. In and out; mounting. Her body smolders with passion, her eyes spark, but that smile, that smile never leaves her lips. It breaks the illusion. She is the instrument of her own desire, and you are nothing. Minutes drag along, the two of you alone in this room, burning with desire. You can’t remember when you started touching yourself — but it must have been some time ago; your hands are tired. But even this basest pleasure eludes you. It’s too warm. As you work yourself up to a frenzy, so does your body temperature rise. It slows you down, makes your mind hazy; soon there isn’t even sex, only the hypnotic motions of the Fire Giant’s masturbation, the throes of unfulfilled desire, and an awe and a yearning beyond anything you’ve ever experienced. She, too, is losing herself — and she realizes this. It ends as abruptly as it started, with a squelch and a groan, and the whiplash sends you reeling. You blink, wipe the tears from your eyes, focus on her figure. She’s still looking at you. She’s still smiling. She raises her two fingers, glistening under the reddish light. She parts them, and you see the gossamer strings that unite them, viscous and steaming. Basking in the afterglow, both frustrated and satisfied, she went from queen to whore. Beads of sweat cover her charcoal skin. The sheets underneath her are soaked. If her raspy breaths are a distant storm, then between her legs is a deluge. She brings her fingers to her lips, which she parts, and from between them emerges her tongue, thick and moist, to scoop up the strands and make her purr with delight. You watch her wrap her mouth around her fingers, down to the knuckles, and drink of her own lust. You follow her tongue as it slides across, replacing one kind of wetness with another. The scent of her lust fills the air; it’s sweet and thick and weighs in your lungs when you inhale. A single breath turns your skin to gooseflesh. This is what you’ve become. Your body and soul have already surrendered, and she hasn’t as much as spoken a word. She stands. She approaches. The temperature rises around you. You see her naked body grow larger and larger until you can only see parts of it — until you can only see her midriff, toned and glistening, pressing against the bars. You reach out. The heat she emanates is palpable. You hear her red-hot blood pump through her veins. You sense the tremors of her body, still recovering from the exertion. But you cannot reach her. A few inches separate you and her. Your entire world shakes, then shrieks. With a simple twist, she removes the lid to your cage. You look up, scrambling for your bearings, and try to look tall, and meet her gaze, but she towers over you so absolutely, that vertigo overcomes you and you stumble back, fall to the ground, and only then, anchored to safety, do your eyes meet. “It’s your time,” she whispers. You don’t immediately realize she is speaking your language. It strikes you with a sense of familiarity; a shared bond in an alien land; words you can understand. You blink . Her accent is thick, adding an air of exoticism to her speech; her breath washes over you, hot and humid. “Come.” She cups her hands and lowers them into the cage. When you find your bearings, you have no choice. She speaks softly, but her voice is the voice of someone who is used to being obeyed. Even her kindness is dangerous; you are not about to invite her wrath — so you play the part and climb onto her hands. Your bare feet barely sink into her flesh, and you shudder, remembering too late that this is a creature of magma and igneous rock. But her touch, while hot, doesn’t burn; not in the way you expected, anyway. Her skin is surprisingly soft — these are the hands of a noblewoman first and a warrior second, and they envelop you in the same way yours have enveloped ladybirds during placid summer evenings. She fills you with such awe that you cannot even bring yourself to feel demeaned. When the darkness releases you, you sink into the velvet ocean. The soft fabric caresses your skin; and when you emerge, you gasp for air, and her pheromones intoxicate you, and when you open your eyes, you see why. The Fire Giant sits cross-legged on her bed. Where once the bars that caged you were of bronze, now they are the very flesh of your mistress; her thighs lock you in, and though you escape from one of the many gaps between then, you find yourself unwilling to, for before you is what you lusted after for so long. The Fire Giant’s vagina. You know what to do. You rest your hand on her inner thigh for support and wade knee-deep through the fabric. She may be outwardly motionless, but you feel her anticipation build as you move in. The bulging of the muscles that push back against your fingers, the roaring of the blood that pumps through her veins, the subtle contractions of her labia — her body sings a song most would be deaf to, but you alone, in your insignificance, can attune yourself to. Your fingers draw lines over her skin, skin that grows warmer and more giving as you move closer. You reach forward. Your hand submerges into the supple skin of her labia. A lingering sigh washes over you, her breath mixing with the scent of her lust. It beckons you forward, inward. You test the waters. You run your fingers over her slit, and the folds of flesh tense up under your touch, and from between them, a moisture forms, dribbling down in a small rivulet; it pools around your feet, seeping slowly into the fabric, warming your shins. You run your hands up and down the surface, coaxing more of her honey out, and when you feel it roll over your fingers, you are surprised at how dense it is. It runs down your skin with all the ponderousness of molasses, hot and heavy, like molten rock flowing between your fingers. It weighs down your movements, but not enough to dissuade you. Meandering hands lead you upwards, following the line of her slit, coming to a rest on the hood, and you hold the nub in your hands, and the world around you quakes. Frightened, you step away — but the Fire Giant’s hand cuts you off and nudges you back into place, causing you to falter; you lose your footing on the soaked velvet and lurch forward. Her warmth overtakes you as you squeeze past her labia, which wrap behind your back. Her thick honey flows over you, clinging to your body, and you sag under its weight. The heat is overwhelming. Your sweat mingles with her juices, providing you no relief. She contracts around you, massaging every inch of your weary form, and when you push, it gives, and your hands sink into the walls, but everything is too slick, too heavy, too dense, and your struggles soon grow desperate. She is your world. You feel nothing but the pulsing of her flesh, hear nothing but the hydraulics of her body; when you breathe in, her pheromones surge through your lungs, and when your mouth opens, her sweetness rolls over your tongue. She is the searing warmth that discomforted and now intoxicates; she is the weight that both crushes and comforts. Her fire spreads to you. She is. Then she releases you and catches you before you fall, and you rest in her hand, soaked and heaving, body aflame, shivering. Your eyes meet, and for a moment, you are connected by desire, a desire that cannot be contained, a yearning so deep and primal that it shatters every boundary and every wall; you want her, you need her, and she needs you, and though her body is a landscape you cannot hope to conquer, here you are in her hand, so tenderly held. The flush on her features is due to you. The way her body trembles and twitches, the heat it exudes, that is you — and you feel powerful. You were brought into this room a pet, and you will leave an equal. You bask in your lover’s gaze. You lose yourself in her hot coal eyes, in the crevices of her scars, in the trembling mounds of her breasts, all of it moving, stirring, hungering for your touch. You see her spread lips, and the magma-colored flesh underneath, and the honey cascading from her exposed vagina, and how it twitches and pulses, gently sucking at the air around it, exhaling wafts of syrupy air. Then she shoves you in. Your entire lower body disappears. Your feet slide off the slick flesh and slip into the warm orifice, displacing a flood of her juices; your toes rub against her inner walls, your knees push into the pliant membrane. The warmth reaches your groin, and it sends a jolt through your body; the inside of her vagina and all the creases and folds grind against you; you’ve been holding on for far too long, you can’t resist much longer. You moan through gritted teeth and melt onto her palm. It’s roomy inside, and steamy like a sauna. No matter how far you stretch, it seems to go on forever. Two fingers slide in under you, propping your legs and feet upwards and pressing them against her walls; they go deeper still, and her ravenous vulva claims your entire body, embraces you fully. For a few blissful moments, she allows you to stew inside her, to melt into her juices and have the ocean of flesh wash over you in rhythmic caresses; then you sense a contraction around you, and her walls clench all around. A suction spreads around your body, a suction as gentle as it is insidious, pulling you in then releasing the pressure, over and over again. She locks and loosens around you, and each time she does, the landscape around you rumbles, and the thunderous moans resonate through you more and more often; metal creaks and whines, fabric rustles, sweat sizzles over flushed skin. Your orgasm nears. Hers does too. There are no more thoughts, no more words, only feelings rushing over you, only the pleasure of being used as a toy, of being neck-deep into your lover’s sex and feeling it work away at you, drawing its satisfaction from your battered form. Your surroundings quake. Her walls contract one last time, so hard as to squeeze the air out of your lungs, to entomb you in her depths, and then everything shakes, everything grinds, and you feel her juices well up at your feet and burst through in a torrent whose force ejects you from her and sends you sliding across the velvet sea. You lay there, broken, ravaged, yet deeply fulfilled; so world-shattering was her orgasm, you didn’t even notice yours come and go. You look up at your lover. In her diligence, she’s forgotten how fragile you are. Lust has taken over her, and she allowed herself to be guided by it. This you can forgive. You know she loves you, and you love her. She will know not to repeat her mistake. She scoops you up into her cupped hands again. You smile weakly at her. She brings you up to her face and towards her lips. Her tongue slides languid over them, soaking them in thick saliva. With a kiss, she begs your forgiveness. You are magnanimous; you agree. You rise to your feet and lean forward, pursing your lips as hers move in.. At the last moment, her lips part. Her tongue rolls out. Her cupped hands tip and you begin to slide. Your soaked body finds no grip or purchase in her smooth skin, and you fall, and her tongue is there to soften it; you sink into it, and it curves around you. You gasp, you want to shout her name, but you don’t know it — all you know is that when you look down, all you see is the depths of her gullet, widening in anticipation, exhaling distorted air over your body. You see her uvula hanging, and the perfect teeth framing it; you see the roof of her mouth above, saliva dripping from it in dangling strings, and you see the rippling of her tongue to your sides. Then her lips close, and all light fades, and she swallows; you stumble off her tongue and past her tonsils, narrowly missing her uvula, and plunge headfirst into her gullet. And as the ribbed tube clenches around you, as peristalsis and slippery walls pull you inexorably down towards the burning heat of her stomach, towards the beating and pumping and wheezing, you have plenty of time to wallow in your mistake. The hubris! The hubris of thinking a single shared experience ever could be enough to connect two beings so unlike each other, or that you were ever anything more than a plaything to be used and disposed of. Constriction gives way to freedom. The light burns your eyes. Light, yes — light inside her, dim orange hues emanating from the walls and reflecting off the pool right below you. You fall limply into it, sinking for a moment before floating to the top, soaked and defeated. The viscous liquid around you steams and bubbles and roils, and as its heat rises and spreads through your form, you lose the ability to tell where the Fire Giant’s stomach acids begin and you end. You realize now that this was always meant to be, and that the word the collector used to describe you must have been a meaningful one, and that everything between then and now has been a gift, an allowance from a magnanimous mistress. Even as the heat overtakes you and chases away those pesky thoughts, one last truth remains: if this is your fate, you will accept it without protest, for if she gleaned from your intimacy a fraction of what you have — then you will have died well. There are worse fates than to feed a Fire Giant’s furnace. . . . . . . . |
. . . . The lights dimmed. The music blared.. The curtains opened, and she stepped in. She had none of the dainty grace of other strippers. Her footsteps boomed against the wood, pushing against the song’s beat. Casting her gaze on the clubgoers, she did not smile. She leaned on the pole, head nodding to the autotuned words of some budget popstar: “Been on top so long, they call me Goldstreak, Goldstreak.” The bass dropped, the lights flashed, her muscles bulged and glimmered; she cracked her knuckles and watched the audience scramble to the edge of the stage. Even squatting, Kim towered over the men and women who fought for her attention. Some held items, others tips. She beckoned forth those who carried both. One handed her his jacket. She held it up for a moment for the crowd to see, made a show out of trying to wear it – her arms nearly popped she sleeves – and checked its pockets. She found a folded banknote and a cellphone. She gave the phone back and stashed the money in her cleavage. Someone at the end of the club laughed; Kim didn’t. In her hands, the faux leather folded, blunt spikes and all. She rolled it into a ball, took a deep breath, and opened her mouth. Her hot breath billowed forth in wisps of condensation, mixing with the cigarette smoke; her tongue rolled out, flat and wide, pointing down towards her chin. A string of saliva thinned into a droplet that shattered at her bare feet. She pushed the jacket in, and the mass of heavyweight fabric became little more than a bulge on her throat. She threw her head back to show it off, turning every inch of her neck into a show – and dozens of onlookers followed the bulge’s descent, between beads of sweat and throat contractions, until it disappeared between Kim’s breasts. Someone else threw her a dildo. She snatched it out of the air as if to say, “not done yet.” She waited until the shifting mass inside her finished its descent, until her esophagus cleared; only then did she look at her latest offering. She shook her head. Massive as it might have looked to your average clubgoer, this toy, no bigger than a human forearm, provided no challenge. Since it came with no tip, too, she used it to make a point. One end in each hand, she pulled, and the mass of pure silicone ripped in two with barely a tensing of her powerful muscles. She tossed both halves over her shoulder and heard the crowd chuckle as they bounced along the stage. The next item made her raise an eyebrow. A young woman with a pixie cut pushed a wad of cash and a battered microwave oven at Kim’s feet. She cursed the one time she’d allowed someone to get away with an electric kettle; the tip may have been good, but not enough to justify being turned into a disposal unit for broken kitchen appliances. She glanced at her manager, sitting alone in the corner of the VIP area. He peered over his glasses. Kim knew that look; she knew it all too well. With one deft and practiced motion, she ripped her shorts off. The crowd cooed and whistled; she twirled them in her finger and tossed them at the pixie cut girl, who hugged them against her chest. Kim squatted over the microwave. She spread her legs, and the first row of spectators leaned forward, trying to get a better look. Kim provided; two fingers spread her lips, exposing the glistening pink underneath; two more fingers plunged in, readying her inner folds for insertion. She lowered herself onto the offering, her cunt gaping in anticipation. Glistening tendrils seeped from her, sticking to the white plastic case, melting down its smooth surface. One inch at a time, she claimed it, and when the grip of her pussy became iron-tight, she rose. Half of the microwave dangled from between her legs – not sliding out, as one would have expected, but sliding in. As slick as her juices might be, and plentiful, and as heavy as the metal and plastic were, none of it mattered; she drew them in with ease, and once her labia clamped shut around the last corner, all she had left to do was pull, and watch as the power cable followed suit. Kim tapped her knuckles on her womb. They clanked against metal. She took stock of the crowd and found them hanging on her every movement. The music blared. The lights shone. She closed her eyes and flexed her innards, and the rectangular bulge on her stomach began to strain. Metal whined and bent, plastic crumpled like paper. Her walls pushed and squeezed, and though the microwave resisted at first, Kim’s womb was like a compactor, and soon, after a cacophony of squeals and cracks, the bulge on her stomach condensed into a smaller, more amorphous form. She pushed it out, and it fell at her feet, steaming with her juices; a lump of crushed electronics, rubber, and wires. She pushed it towards the pixie cut girl, who stared up at Kim with awe; her fingers trembled as she picked up the item, holding it as one would a child. Kim had little time to enjoy the moment. There were more large items to be consumed. More rubber and metal and wood to invade her body, to challenge her form. They all lost – nothing entered Kim’s body and came out unchanged – but at what cost? A basketball rolled onto the stage. Kim caught it under her foot, tossed it into the air, spun it on her finger. Like the jacket before it, it stretched her maw beyond all reasonable limits. But even it was a simple nudge away from sliding down her throat, and when that nudge came, pink overtook orange, Kim’s eyes shut, and the massive bulge dragged down until it was no more. The crowd cheered, but she silenced them with a raised hand. The hand slid down her body, following the basketball’s own journey. Only Kim felt it push out from within. Only she felt the satisfying release once it pushed into her stomach. She jutted her belly out, turned to the side, and her engorged belly cast a long shadow over the catwalk; her fingers ran over her tense abs, lingering, teasing. Then she clenched. A gunshot, muffled by her body, echoed through the club. The sheer force of the popping battered at her stomach walls, expanding them for just a moment before they tensed back to place. She resisted the urge to wince, to crumple, to show any kind of weakness. A tear formed in the corner of her eye, but she wiped it away with a disguised fist pump. The dislodged air forced its way up her throat, splitting her maw with a resounding belch and the bitterness of regret. The music dimmed. The lights flashed. As the curtains closed behind her, Kim allowed herself to limp. |
1 “Seconds” Maria felt watched. She laid in her bed, unmoving, unwilling to move. She trained her ear on every noise, every bump in the night. The moaning of metal, the whistling of the wind, the zooming of cars down the driveway kept her awake, forcing her to focus on the smaller, subtler sounds. Her mind raced to explain the unexplainable, but no matter how logical her conclusions, she still dared not open her eyes out of fear of what might be staring back. Maria’s lips were dry. The bathroom was only a few steps away from her bedroom, and yet she laid petrified. They told her she’d be safe. They told her she’d be watched over. But when she’d looked out the window before bed, she saw no patrols – only empty roads and the mist that swallowed them. She cursed them, and she cursed herself. Without even noticing it at first, her eyes fluttered open. She saw the ceiling as she remembered it. The dusty lightbulb, the cobweb in the corner, the yellowing paint, the lines cast by the moonlight through her blinds. Everything normal. Everything quiet. Then, from the corner of her eye, motion. A shiver ran down Maria’s spine. She glanced towards her window, and saw nothing but the street light and the clouds and the moon that peeked through them. And yet, she’d seen something, something out of place. A silhouette. Motion. Something large, very large, on the outside looking in. Or at least she thought she saw it. She pulled the blanket over her head. Whatever the night had to offer, she wanted none of it. In the safety of her home, she knew better than to fear. After all, they were watching. They were protecting her. They said they were… Footfalls. Her heart clenched. Footfalls. Not the hard thumping of shoes against concrete, or the wet thud of boots sinking into the muddy lawn. No, these steps made wood creak, and their horrid noise went undisturbed by the wind’s howls or other distortion. Maria put two and two together. These steps came from inside the building. It’s just the neighbors, she whispered to herself under the blanket, it’s just the neighbors. Who else would have the key? How else could have someone made it in? It’s just the neighbors. But no matter how much she repeated it, she couldn’t convince herself. These steps, heavy enough to shake the building to its foundations, did not belong to anyone she knew. Whatever presence those feet carried was wholly alien to her. And it approached. Oh, God, how steadily it approached. At every moment Maria prayed that it would turn around, or keep going past the door, or stop. But it moved with unmistakable intent. Towards her. Lumbering. Towards her. Knuckles rapped on the door, and Maria froze. Again it knocked, and Maria, trembling, scrambled for her phone. Was it them? She hoped to find an unread text, a reassurance that she would be visited, maybe a name. Her phone beeped when she unlocked it. It was deafening. Another knock on the door, harder this time. The hinges creaked. Maria slid out of bed. Though the air was cold against her skin, she was covered in sweat. She scrambled for their number. She needed them. But her fingers slid, and the touchscreen fogged around her fingertips, and each tap brought out another beep from the accursed machine. There was no third knock; the door just shattered, and Maria did too. She screamed, and her scream echoed through the hollow house. The light from the communal area blinded her, as a massive silhouette ducked under the doorway. Splinters broke under its clawed feet. The scutes atop its head scraped the ceiling. It dragged itself through a hallway much too small for its size, its breathing heavy, hissing. It sniffed the air, and Maria heard its breaths sharpen. Its claws tore chunks off the doorway. It stepped in, and its beady eyes reflected the moonlight wider for but a second. Then its long maw opened, pale and bitter-smelling. Strings of saliva connected its sharp teeth, bending into bow shapes whenever it inhaled. Maria locked up. She saw the figure grow before her until it occupied half of the room, and she saw it take one last step towards her, snapping her bed in two. Only then, bathed by the strips of moonlight that made it through her blinds, did she finally see what stood before her. She pleaded for mercy. It offered none. Guil stepped out of his house. He was shaking. His escort – towering figures in formal wear and shades – walled him off from the rabid crowds and flash photography. His heart raced, as did his mind. Everything felt so surreal. One day, he minded his own business. The next, he had found himself pulled, kicking and screaming, into a world that wasn’t his. They had come into his house one day. Two officers in dark clothing; a black panther and a hyena. They asked many questions, and each question they asked, he saw them grow more and more eager. They explained the situation. They showed him a picture of an aging bulldog with long, bushy eyebrows and a stern look in his eye. They asked him if he knew who that was. To their surprise, he nodded. To his surprise, they told him who they knew he was. The name rang familiar. Two little words carrying the weight of a thousand corpses: Le Conti. The Le Conti. The man who ran the underworld from coast to coast. The figure so simultaneously powerful and mysterious, that none who knew his real name dared leak it. And Guil had, in his job’s archives, so many records on him. Of course, in those, he wasn’t called Le Conti at all. In those, he was just Graham Keenes – yet another retired gentleman paranoid about paper trails. He had been asked to testify that very same night. Foolishly, he agreed. And it all led him to this. He was ushered into a black van that sped through the driveway, leaving the chaos behind. The noise died down, replaced by the gentle hum of the engine. The dizzying flashes gave way to streaking street lights. A now familiar face sat before him, slouching forward, the tips of his ears scratching the roof of the car. Guil forced a smile. “Officer Taggart.” The jet-black silhouette bowed his head, but said nothing. The van turned a corner. Guil bit his lip. “Am I needed for more questioning? I hope it doesn’t take long,” he joked. “I can’t remember if I left the oven on.” The panther, unimpressed, shook his head. “You’re not going back home.” “What?” “You’re not going back home,” Taggart repeated, his tone brimming with annoyance. “But –” The panther’s nostrils flared. “Your involvement in the witness protection program has been expedited due to extraordinary circumstances.” Guil shuddered. In the past few weeks, he’d grown to dread this careful wording. He supposed that the weak words meant to downplay the urgency of the situation, but they achieved only the exact opposite. “What kind of circumstances?” he mumbled, almost too afraid to ask. “Twelve hours ago, we lost contact with Ms. Annenkova.” A bus zoomed past. Guil felt every hair on his body stand on end. Until that moment, Maria Annenkova was just another name on a list. A list that included Guil’s own name, but a list all the same. It was a list of people who had been called to speak in court. Key witnesses. The keys that would lock up Le Conti for several lifetimes. “It could have been anything. Maybe her phone just died.” “Her apartment was found, broken into.” Guil winced. “Le Conti is infamous for having an abnormally high number of predators in his payroll. We found no trace of Ms. Annenkova, but there were signs of struggle.” Taggart paused, weighing her words. “And DNA samples. Shed scales – crocodilian. Large.” “She got eaten?!” “It seems likely, yes. It also seems likely that you, and the rest of the witnesses, are part of this hit list.” “But won’t that only incriminate him even more?” “I’ll speak candidly,” the panther growled. “You, little wolf, know nothing of these things. Le Conti’s influence is vast. On every layer of his organization, there will be those who will want to curry favor with him by eliminating evidence. And witnesses.” He caught himself. He glanced at the driver, and crossed his arms. “I’ve said too much already. We’ve been ordered to take you to a safe meeting place, and that is what we’ll do. If you have any questions or requests, you can direct them to Detective Vandermeer.” “Sorry, sir.” The panther said nothing more, and so the trip grew silent. Without windows to look through, with his phone confiscated for his safety and nobody save for the grumpy police officer for company, Guil had no choice but to focus inward. Whenever he got used to a new home, they took him to another. His first apartment, in a quiet side of a port city, had been cramped but cozy. He had barely grown accustomed to the view of the sea and the noisy neighbors when the word came that he would be moving again soon due to his safehouse being compromised. Now, just as he was starting to see this sizable suburban house as a home, they were stealing him away again. And this time, it looked serious. What he expected to be a quick trip dragged by, one hour at a time. His first glimpse of the outside was under the cover of the stars. Taggart escorted him out of the van and into a gas station convenience shop. One overpriced tuna and mayo sandwich later, the panther refused to leave Guil’s side even during his bathroom break. Locked in the stall, the wolf heard not his bodyguard’s steps, which were silent, but rather his grumbling. With his hunger and bodily needs sated, Guil found himself back on his seat, already nodding off. Though he did his best to resist it, the swaying motion of the van lulled him to an uncomfortable unconsciousness. His dreams were bitter, lurid things. They flashed with tooth and scale. He felt scutes tear at his fur, and the tepid embrace of a reptilian maw. He heard inhuman growls, resonating all around him. He felt himself dive towards them, become them, and he felt himself swimming – drowning! – in a sea of something he knew should kill him, but for some reason did not. Only when his lungs filled, did his eyes open. He saw the officer as an amorphous shape, of which only the eyes shone a bright red. He shivered. This one was real. “Get a hold of yourself, wolf,” the panther growled. “You are safe. We are almost there.” “Where is ‘there’?” Taggart shook his head. “Where is none of your business. As for what… make yourself presentable. It’s time to meet a few people.” Before Guil could press the issue, the van stopped, and the doors opened. He found himself in the middle of a public park, his toes sinking into the cold grass. He knew this park. This was the city park, no further than a ten minute walk from his home. He glanced at Officer Taggart, and the panther grunted. “Standard procedure,” he said. “In case we were being followed.” “Ah.” “They’re waiting for you up ahead,” the panther said. “In the gazebo.” Guil squinted at the white structure that sat atop a grassy hill. Half a dozen figures awaited him there, and he knew who they were even before he saw them. After all, he already knew their names. “You must be Guil,” said an otter, sitting on the wooden rail, legs kicking. A cigarette poked out from the corner of his mouth, its orange glow dancing in the dark. “The last of the stooges. What’s the matter, did your babysitters get lost on the way here?” “Shut it,” said a rabbit, whose crossed arms and powerful physique only made his smile more disarming. “Don’t mind Travis. He’s grumpy because he doesn’t like having people tell him what to do. I’m Sam, but of course, you already knew that.” He extended a hand for Guil to shake. His grip almost hurt. The wolf did his best to keep up with him, but even his firmest handshake paled in comparison. “Yeah,” Guil said. He turned his attention to the doe that sat on the bench, fiddling with her fingers. “And you are...” “Alice. Alice Cook.” “And that over there must be Tobias.” The final member of the group, a spotted salamander in a thick parka, just nodded. “He prefers Toby,” Sam said. Travis chuckled. “Well, I think he’d prefer if you didn’t talk to him at all, because then he’d have to – shudder! – actually engage.” “Nothing personal,” the salamander said. “I’m just not much of a talker.” “So that only leaves one person unaccounted for,” Guil said, and immediately regretted it, for as soon as the words left his muzzle, all the smiles faded – even Travis’s. “Maria,” Alice sighed. “Did any of you guys know her?” Toby raised his hand. “We worked at the same place. We both had access to the same… you know. That’s why we’re here.” A chill breeze blew. Guil shivered. “And me and Alice are going steady,” Travis said. “You wish!” “I do. What are you gonna do about it?” the otter laughed, only barely dodging the slap the doe sent his way. “In all seriousness, though, Guil, other than Toby and Maria, we’re all just as confused as you are. Our,” he rolled his eyes, “babysitters drove us here. We’ve been waiting for an hour or so, so I guess we filled the time by getting to know each other. But don’t worry, we’re all strangers to each other, in the end.” “And you should keep it that way.” The voice came from the steps of the gazebo. The woman who spoke them – a stocky hyena in a suit – folded her hands behind her back. Guil knew her, too. “Detective Vandermeer.” The hyena acknowledged him with a nod. “Sorry for the interruption,” she said, looking around. “Where’s Taggart? He was supposed to be here.” Guil blinked. The panther had been present a second ago. How could something that massive move that silently? “No matter, I’ll have a word with him later. Right now, my concerns are towards you. It has come to my attention that some of you aren’t taking our efforts as seriously as we hoped.” Travis snorted. “I just don’t see what difference it makes. All the precautions in the world didn’t save Maria, why should we bother? They don’t even know our names. What happened to Maria, tragic as it was, was probably a coincidence.” Detective Vandermeer bared her teeth, and the otter froze. The hyena’s fury cowed even the most defiant among the group with ease. “Please, Mr. Kennedy, to tell us how to do our jobs,” she growled – and even though Guil was not on the receiving end of the threat, and still he felt his fur stand on end upon hearing her words. With Travis silenced, Detective Vandermeer continued. “It was no coincidence. We have reasons to believe Ms. Annenkova’s identity was leaked, possibly by one of our men. Officer Taggart is leading an investigation, but there are no solid leads so far.” “You don’t have to say it twice,” Toby mumbled. “Luckily, none of the other documents seem to have been accessed. Nevertheless, I’m going to need you to be on your best behavior until the trial. Behave as if that all your identities have been leaked, and that Le Conti’s men are going to come for you next. That means,” she glared at Travis, “take no risks. Stay home, and don’t speak with anyone unless strictly necessary – no family, no friends, no nothing; they can be used to reach you, and we’ve informed them of the reason for your silence. Also, stay off the Internet. Don’t use social media. Hell, don’t use your phones, at all, if you can help it.” Alice sighed. “And if it reaches me that you’ve been,” the detective glared at Travis again, “careless, I will personally drag you to the safehouse.” “Don’t worry, Detective,” Guil said, stepping forward. “We’ll be good. I mean, it’s only a week, right? Once the bad guy’s behind bars for good, we can get back to our normal lives.” “Something like that, sure,” said the hyena, who nevertheless smiled at the wolf’s optimism. “Alright, you are dismissed. Head home, the lot of you, and stay there. If there’s an emergency, you know what number to call.” “Got it,” Sam said. Detective Vandermeer bowed her head, slid her hands into her pockets, and walked away. Silence lingered amongst the group, broken only by Travis’s now familiar grumbling. “Well, that achieved nothing. If they were really worried about our safety, we’d be in that safehouse already. She’s just trying to scare us so we won’t do anything stupid. Well, I’m not letting some pencil pusher tell me what I’m going to do with my holiday. I’m heading to Stone’s. Alice, you coming with?” The doe bit her lip. “I don’t know, Travis. She seemed pretty serious to me. Even if it’s nothing, I’m not sure I want to piss her off.” “Oh, come on! Afraid of the big bad hyena?” “What? No!” “Alice is right,” the rabbit said, rolling his shoulders. Wispy breaths of condensation billowed from his mouth as he spoke. “The detective was serious. I’m going home, and I suggest you all do the same.” “Yeah, I’m going too,” Guil said. “Toby?” The salamander nodded. Travis rolled his eyes. “Fine, fine, yeesh! You people wouldn’t know a joke if it kicked you in the balls. I’m out – stay safe, y’all.” And he walked off, pulling down his hood. His fellow witnesses’ chatter soon faded into the background, and the otter made his way down familiar streets. As trees and fences gave way to buildings and asphalt, a smile crept back into his features. The night invigorated him. The dark held no power over him. His oldest memories were of wandering the countryside at night – never lost, just not knowing where he was. The city was no different. Those who sought protection in solitude were misguided; Travis knew how to blend in. Yeah, what did those cops know, anyway? He knew the streets, and he knew the people. He wouldn’t let their paranoia get to him. Stone’s Bar. Seeing that buzzing neon sign emerge behind a corner was like staring into the gates of heaven. Behind the fogged windows, laughter echoed and glasses glimmered. “Just one drink.” He stepped through the doors, and the bouncer greeted him by name. The jukebox blared familiar tunes. Travis pushed his way over to the counter, and signaled for the usual. “Gin and juice. Every lady’s choice.” Travis brought the glass to his lips, not even deigning to look at the owner of the gravelly voice. “I’m enough of a man to not give a shit what strangers think of my drink of choice.” “Spoken like a true lady.” A whiskey glass was lifted from the counter. A whiskey glass was put back down, empty. Travis looked at the man for the first time. “Well,” he said, grinning, “excuse me if I like some flavor with my buzz.” The crocodile shifted on his seat. His gut pushed out against the counter, and his claws tapped on the wood. He let out a belly laugh, and his barstool creaked under his weight. “Oh, don’t get me wrong, otter, I’m all for flavor.” He flashed a toothy grin. Travis held back a wince. “It’s alright, little one,” the crocodile continued. “Not everyone can tolerate this caliber of drink. It’s something you have to work your way up to.” “Oh, it’s on.” The otter snapped his fingers. “I’ll have what he’s having – only a double.” He looked at the crocodile, a dangerous glimmer in his eyes. “Ever been out-drunk by someone a fifth of your size?” “The little otter has spunk! You’ll be on the floor before the third round!” “Try me.” Travis downed his first glass without even blinking. He looked up at the crocodile, an eyebrow raised. “One down, and I’m still up.” It was the crocodile’s turn to whistle. His stubby fingers grasped at the thick glass. He held it with such firmness that Travis feared it would shatter into a rain of whiskey and glass shards. He brought it up, split his crocodilian maw, and poured the contents in. As his jaws snapped shut, Travis heard the sound of ice crushing. “You can’t intimidate me,” Travis said. “We’ll see about that.” Amber liquid poured into the glasses, and just as quickly disappeared. Eyelids grew heavy. Skin warmed. Movements loosened, and Travis felt his inhibitions melt away. “You’re not so bad at this,” he managed to slur out. “Then again, you have the size advantage. What’s your name, anyway?” “I don’t make it a habit to give strangers my name.” “We stopped being strangers two rounds ago. We’re friends now.” Another belly laugh. “You have half a point! Friends call me Sledge.” “There’s no way that’s your real name.” “Nope. But you said it yourself – we’re friends now. “Touche.” More whiskey flowed. Travis slumped over the counter; the crocodile, meanwhile, laughed. “I grew up around this stuff, otter. You never had a chance.” “Whew...” The world blurred around Travis. His touch grew fuzzy, comfortable, warm. By the time he slowed down, it was too late. It was all already in his system. It was only a matter of time until he metabolized it. “Fuck,” he mumbled. “I’m gonna… feel this tomorrow.” Sledge finished his last glass, slid a note across the table, and leaned close, speaking in as much of a whisper as someone so massive could manage. “You ain’t got no tomorrow.” Travis blinked slowly. When his eyes opened again, he saw nothing but that grin. In his haze, he thought nothing of it. Even the words slipped away from his memory, leaving no imprint. Sledge rose to his feet. He put an arm around Travis’s shoulders, and before he knew it, the otter was standing. Swaying, but standing. “Drinks are on me.” He didn’t think of escaping. It wouldn’t have made a difference, anyway – the crocodile’s grip was of iron. The claws that rested on his arm were made to grab. Sledge did not lead him out of the bar. To lead would imply Travis would have any kind of input in the matter. The crocodile walked, each footstep thundering, dragging Travis with him. When the otter’s own steps faltered, the crocodile picked up the slack. When he slowed, he found himself lifted from the air and placed back down a few steps ahead. Travis thought nothing of it. He’d been through worse benders. A Friday night wasn’t a Friday night unless someone shoved two fingers down his throat. If only he could see Sledge’s grin. Sledge took his new friend through the streets he knew so well. He took every alleyway, no matter how dark or dirty. He crossed every street, no matter how busy. He led Travis downtown, turned three corners, stepped into the old movie theater. “What’s on?” A bored teenager behind bags of stale popcorn pointed at the sign, and Sledge squinted. He recognized none of the titles, which boded well. “Two tickets to whichever’s emptier.” “They’re all empty, sir. It’s midnight.” “Two tickets to Strugatsky: A Dream Forgotten. That sounds like enough of a snoozefest.” “Two for Strugatsky. Would you like any popcorn or drinks, sir?” Sledge smiled. “No, thanks. We brought our own snacks, didn’t we, Travis?” The otter thought he heard his name. Odd, he didn’t remember giving it away… then again, he didn’t remember lots of things. The nausea sneaking up on him, that he could remember, and the fire in his gut, and the whirlwind of motion all around. He stumbled through the double doors. Sledge, ever the gentleman, held them open for him. The darkness beyond felt immense. The crocodile led him to his seat, picked at random, and sat next to him. The chair creaked under his mass. For a while, he sat in silence. His eyes, glimmering in the dark, darted across the room. They first scanned the rest of the seats, and found them empty; then, they turned their attention to the doors, waiting for someone to cross them. No one did. Minutes passed. Trailers flashed by. Travis held to his seat. No matter how hard he grabbed onto the faux fur, the world kept spinning. He felt as if he was going to explode. As the alcohol filtered from his blood, so did his mind clear ever so slightly. What had happened? Why was he in a movie theater? Why was Sledge next to him? The orchestral soundtrack hit, and the old woofers strained to keep up with its demands. The bassy sound resonated through flesh and bone. The lights dimmed to nothingness, and the movie began. “Right,” Sledge said, scratching his potbelly. “Enough fucking around.” Travis tilted his head. His lips curled into a confused smile, one that vanished as soon as he saw the way the crocodile looked at him. Everything fell into place. Travis opened his mouth, only to have it covered. He tried to stand, only to lose balance and fall on a bed of scales and fat. The thick limbs that had supported him so far now crushed him in a bear hug, and not even his slippery fur allowed him to wiggle out of the crocodile’s grasp. “Le Conti sends his regards.” Flattened against the hill that was Sledge’s gut, Travis could barely breathe. The images flashing before him barely registered, and even the most thunderous score fell on deaf ears. All he saw was Sledge, as a dark silhouette in an already dark room; his eyes reflecting not the moving pictures, but his own fear-stricken grimace. “I,” the crocodile hissed, and his sharp breath made Travis recoil, “was wondering when you’d put two and two together, Travis. Now I just wonder.” He affected a yawn, and his pale maw opened wide, the palatal valve sliding out of place to reveal the muscular tube beyond. It bit at Travis’s nostrils with the smell of bile and whiskey. Before it closed again, the otter saw that same valve once more block the path, like a boulder rolling to close the mouth of a cavern. And Travis understood. Even so drunk as to be barely conscious, he understood that he was going in – and that once that muscle closed behind him, there would be no way out. “I just wonder,” Sledge repeated, tasting his words with as much gusto as he would sample prey, “if you’ll be half as fun as Maria was.” Travis’s eyes widened. In his panic, he thrashed with renewed desperation, but the crocodile did not budge. “She was a tasty little thing. Bite-sized, but very feisty. She kicked at my innards for minutes on end, screeching like a banshee. She really thought she could escape my stomach, or at least give me indigestion. Then the acids started kicking in, and the real terror hit. She realized she was on a timer. And she struggled so hard… and I can’t resist it when they struggle that hard…” Travis whimpered. “So make it worth my while, little otter. I’ll be very disappointed if you don’t.” His maw opened again. His stinging breath once more washed over the otter. But this time, it was not just for show. His claws dug deep into Travis’s arms, and he found himself beside gravity, held aloft by the crocodile’s iron grip. He saw the maw widening, and the pale palate, freezing to the touch against his burning skin. He felt the massive tongue flatten beneath his head, hard as a rock, and the teeth combing at his fur, and the imminent threat of a bone-shattering bite to snap him in two. By the time Sledge let go, his maw held Travis tighter than his claws ever could. A chuckle resonated through his throat, past the otter; then he threw his head back, and his whole mouth became a slide, with no way to go but in. The squishy embrace of a throat welcomed the otter. Elastic yet overbearing, it stretched as far he managed to test it, but each time it pushed back, crushing him between its muscles. The slime that seeped from the walls moistened his fur, mixed with the very oil that kept his coat slick and waterproof, and weaponized the otter’s point of pride against him. With no friction, no reach, and no purchase, the crocodile didn’t even need to swallow. He just loosened his throat, and his prey found its way where it belonged. It clenched one last time. The walls contracted, and Travis slid towards his fate. The flesh that opened before him released new pockets of foul-smelling air, new waves of slime and saliva, and even the rumbling of the gut below. Then he fell. Hissing overtook his senses; his fur itched. The stomach stretched around him, tepid but pulsing with life. It barely clenched; it barely churned. Still, he could not move. The crocodile’s immense stores of fat weighed down on him, pliant but unmovable, crushing him between the slick walls. He kicked at them, and from the creases, hissing juices flowed. Finding some purchase, Travis kicked again. And again. And then he felt motion. His struggles were having an effect. Taking a deep breath of the bitter air, he gathered all his strength, and renewed his efforts… Sledge leaned back on his seat. One hand ran over the scales of his underbelly, feeling the thumping within; the other slid down to his pants. Once his throat cleared, it was a huff that escaped his mouth. “Fuck. Not bad, little otter. Not bad. But you’re gonna put your heart into it if you want to please me like the other whore did.” Another kick, diffused by his stores of fat, resonated through his body. It brought with it a warmth that the cold-blooded reptile knew too well. He felt his firmness against the base of his stomach, even before he wrapped his fingers around it. He found himself already throbbing. His eyes stared past the screen, focusing on nothing in particular; his undivided attention went inward. His stomach felt hot. The rumbling of his walls mixed with the otter’s struggles, forming a pleasurable storm of sensation that wracked his body, and that he could only surrender to. “Ohh, I’m firin’ up. It’s probably getting crazy in there now. When I go into overdrive, my gut does too!” He cackled. He could feel it. His insides twisted and battered; they pulverized. Each churn, each clench, squeezed more of the fight out of his meal. He stroked his erect cock, milking each iota of pleasure from the process of digestion. Whenever the struggles slowed to a halt, he slapped his own gut and mocked his prey, who, snapped out of his torpor, would resume his fight. But as the minutes crawled by, there was less and less strength left in Travis to respond… Then Sledge felt it. His stomach squeezed. His intestines filled. Alone in the movie theater, the crocodile came. “Fuck,” he mumbled, wheezing. “That wasn’t half bad after all. Say hi to Maria for me!” Sledge didn’t wait for the post-credits sequence. With his gut full and his balls empty, he disappeared into the very night that spawned him. “Stay safe!” Guil and Sam watched Alice turn the corner, Toby following shortly after. With one final wave, they continued down the street. It was Guil who broke the silence. “Do you think Travis is okay?” “You heard him. He said he was going straight home.” “And you believe him?” “Nope!” Sam said. “But I think he’s smart enough to avoid trouble.” “I hope you’re right.” “Yeah, I do too.” Guil slid his hands into his pockets. His legs ached – all that sitting had left them sore enough, and now Sam was making him keep up with his long strides. “Do you live nearby?” he asked, doing his best to disguise his panting. “Yeah.” Sam was about to specify, but thought better of it. “Near enough, at least. Down Beckley’s Road.” “I’m going up Beckley’s.” “Guess that’s where we part, then.” They crossed a road and continued down the sidewalk. A silence fell between them; a silence that, for some reason, they thought best not to break. Hands in their pockets, hoods down, and eyes on the floor, the rabbit and the wolf followed the path. As they neared the center of the town, the streets grew busier. With the ruckus came safety, but also suspicion. Their silence only grew more unbreakable. So many pairs of ears around, some keener than others – and any of them could belong to one of Le Conti’s men. Fussing over these stubborn thoughts, Guil did not notice Sam walk into someone until it was too late. It all happened too fast. The rabbit slammed head first into a figure as unyielding as a mountain, and the next he knew, he was on the floor, resting on a sore backside. “Hey, watch it!” he protested, looking up at the figure before him. Tall. Powerful. Broad. Wearing a warm jacket around his imposing form, and with the wide brim of a hat concealing most of his features, the massive figure looked down at him with round, curious eyes. Then he extended a hand, that the rabbit took, and helped him back to his feet. “I apologize. I should have been paying more attention,” he said, his voice affable, but cold. “That’s okay. No harm done,” Sam said, offering a smile that the figure returned, flashing only hints of serrated teeth. The man in the trenchcoat continued on his way, and the two friends glanced over their shoulders to watch him go. “I don’t know where that guy’s going, but he’s going there fast,” Sam said. Guil chuckled, and they spared the strange encounter no further thought. They weren’t even looking anymore when the man in the trenchcoat reached the intersection. Once there, he stopped and looked around. Someone awaited him. Someone in uniform. They exchanged a few words, and the trenchcoat man nodded. He sniffed the air, look around again, and turned the corner. The same corner Alice and Toby had turned. |
2 “Game” He pulled out his phone. His fingers slid through the screen. Pictures, snapped from odd angles, flicked in and out of the display. A hooded face in a crowd. A woman talking on her phone. A young wolf looking out of his apartment window. With each came a note. He reviewed the second to last picture: a selfie of a doe, snatched from social media. The shark couldn’t help a serrated smile – one that soon faded. A police car drove by; he slid his phone into his pocket and kept walking. Just as he did, it vibrated. A picture came up. A crocodile’s belly, covered in something white that glimmered under some dim light. He frowned at the sight and checked the message that soon followed. “Date night with an otter,” it read. He groaned, and wrote his reply. “Have some decorum, Sledge. This is an important job.” He could almost hear the crocodile’s cackling upon reading it. The next message came mocking, as expected. “Of course it’s important, this wasn’t some cheap date. I wined and dined the kid! Ease up, Blake. Just another stain in Blacklight Central.” Blake growled and put away his phone. He had watched the figure step into the building. He had seen someone open the door. Someone armed, he had to assume, with a phone if not a firearm. No, this would have to be clean, quick, in an out. A scalpel, not a sledgehammer. A headlight shone down the street, and he instinctively resumed walking. A motorbike – and driving it, an ox wearing garish clothing. Blake recognized the colors as belonging to the uniform for the local pizza place. It came to a halt just down the road… Blake moved with renewed certainty. He crossed the road and disappeared into the nearest alleyway. From his pockets he produced a single, shiny coin – which he dropped on the pavement right by the mouth of the alley. Then he ducked behind a dumpster and waited. Soon he heard steps. Booming, slow steps. Hooves. He watched the figure emerge, silhouetted against the streetlights, and peer into the alley. Seeing no-one, the ox bent over to pick the coin; that’s when Blake struck. One hand over his mouth, his arm around his windpipe. The ox struggled, but Blake knew how to subdue silently. The seconds felt like an eternity, as he dragged the pizza boy deeper into the alley, and felt his struggles, intense at first, grow weaker and weaker. The jacket fit him loosely; his dorsal fin jutted out under the cheap red fabric. He wore the trousers better, though the ox was a few sizes bigger than him, and thick with fat where Blake had only muscle. He dropped the unconscious pizza boy in the dumpster and had him hold the bike keys in his limp hand. A new delivery man stepped out of the alley. The shark’s cold countenance vanished behind a brand, and his dignity under the pizza box in his hands. He checked the ticket – third right. He approached the building and rang the service buzzer. The door opened, and the same man from before greeted him with a groan. “Pizza delivery for Alice Cook. Unfortunately, she didn’t provide me with a floor or door number...” The man looked him up and down, and after a few more groans, opened the door. “Fifth left.” “Thank you, sir.” Blake made his way up the stairs. His movements were slow and trained, and despite his sheer mass, only the barest creaking was made as he traversed the wooden steps. He reached the fifth floor without losing his breath; once there, he knocked. Steps. The door opened. The doe from the pictures stood before him in her shirt and underwear; Blake caught a glimpse of lace, not that it swayed him at all. “I didn’t order a pizza,” she said. The shark watched her with nary a twitch. He played his part well. He slouched his body slightly, hid his muscle under the loose fabric. He put on that half-smile that looked friendly without displaying his serrated teeth. He even wore the cap slightly sideways. “I was sure I had the right address. One large vegetarian pizza, order made under the name of,” he pretended to check his phone, “Taggart.” Her eyes lit up at the name. “Ah! He did say he’d take care of food. I was expecting a box of ready meals, though.” Blake tilted his head to the side, pretending to not understand. “So this is the right place?” “Yes! Here, let me hold that. I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting a delivery – one moment, I’ll see what I can dig up, tip-wise.” Alice turned around. It was her first mistake. Everything safe, and uncomfortable, and human about the shark vanished as soon as she looked away; there was only focus in his eyes and precision in his movements. He stepped inside, catching the door with his foot, gently closing it. He waited for the click like blood in the water. Click. “I don’t think we’re supposed to be meeting.” “We’re not,” Toby said, offering Guil a cigarette. The wolf smiled and took it, though he didn’t know what to do with it, and considered pocketing it as soon as the salamander looked away. Sam, on the other hand, declined his politely but firmly. “I don’t smoke,” he said, taking Guil’s cigarette from his fingers and handing it back. The wolf didn’t protest; if anything, he thanked Sam for delivering him from an awkward moment. “Neither do I,” Toby said, his smile growing nervous. He lit his cigarette and took a long puff. His eyes watered. Sam rolled his shoulders. Guil saw in him a caged beast, even in the open café esplanade, sipping carbonated water while Guil and Toby drank coffee. And could anyone blame him? Sam, more than any of the witnesses, was a being of physicality. The sun shone bright on a cloudless sky. The gentle breeze blew between the buildings. Someone like Sam belonged in the wilderness trails, enjoying the weather, bleeding off that explosive energy that welled up inside him. Now, he shook. His eyes darted. He was on edge. Guil couldn’t say he related, but he at least understood. Toby, meanwhile, was much the opposite. Guil wondered if his cold blood in any way affected his temperament. The salamander’s nerves translated into sluggishness. This torpor, this desire to curl up and rest and wait out the bad things, was well known to the wolf. He patted Toby’s shoulders, and though the salamander winced, he also smiled a little. “So, Guil,” Sam said, slipping his hand into his pocket – and realizing he had left his phone at home, as directed. “How did you get involved in this?” “In this?” “You know,” he gestured around the table, “this.” Guil bit his lip. His voice grew hushed. “I work in a-” Toby shushed him. He complied. “I work a job where I come in contact with a lot of paper trails. We have VIP clients – usually older people who care a lot about privacy while knowing very little about it. One day Officer Taggart came in, flashed his badge, and asked to see a few files. I told him he couldn’t. Then Detective Vandermeer came in, held a meeting with my boss, and five minutes later, I had a memo to give the nice suited gentlemen everything they asked for.” He shrugged. “I thought it was weird back then, but that was that. Then, they knocked on my door, and that’s when I knew I was in trouble. How about you guys?” Toby chewed on his cigarette. “I live in the Brightgate walled community.” Sam whistled. “Someone’s well-off!” The salamander shrunk into his seat. His discomfort didn’t go unnoticed. “Yeah,” he continued. “Anyway, I had a neighbor – this huge grizzly, super nice guy, a little awkward. Every other night, this old bulldog came over to talk. Sometimes money exchanged hands – a little weird, but not the kind of thing you worry about. And then...” “Then they got busted,” Sam said. “Then they got busted,” Toby said. “I was living next door to a predator – a killer for hire. They found a collection of skulls in his basement. Real skulls, showing signs of corrosion. I invited that guy over for tea once.” Guil shivered. “Harsh,” he mumbled – it was the only comment that occurred to him. “Mhm. I’ve been trying to not get too friendly with people since. Like, no offense, but if you two weren’t in the same boat as me, I probably wouldn’t trust you.” “Don’t worry,” Guil chuckled, pressing a finger to his right canine. “These are just for show.” “Yeah, that’s what I thought about Gerard’s, too.” Toby paled. “I don’t want to talk about him anymore. How about you, Sam? How did you get involved in this absolute disaster?” The rabbit shrugged. His manic energy built with each passing second. “I saw them at work.” “Who’s them?” “What do you mean, at work?” Sam shook his head. “You can put two and two together. Let’s just say, they know this face well, and it’s in their best interests to make it disappear.” Guil finished his coffee. The café was starting to empty, and with it, the concealment that the crowds provided faded away. The time to leave approached. “Are we still on for tonight?” Sam asked. Guil and Toby shared a look. They’d hoped that the rabbit would have forgotten by now. He wanted to have a get together, put a movie on, and spend the night – and as much as the two liked the idea, neither seemed too keen on disobeying Detective Vandermeer’s rules. Sam had been quick to note that there was no rule regarding getting together – and that, as long as they weren’t jumped on the way to his place, they’d be much safer together than separated. The more Guil thought of it, in fact, the more it made sense. He thought of his new house, and the silence of the night, and the darkness outside. He had no pets – he had no warm body to keep him company and reassure him – he was well and truly alone. Guil had never been one to be afraid of the dark, but the recent developments made the idea of spending the night with friends more amenable. Besides, Sam was a born fighter. He had many times claimed that he could stand up to even the deadliest predator, and against his better judgment, Guil found himself agreeing. Most rabbits weren’t six feet tall and judo enthusiasts, after all. “Alright,” he finally said. “You win. I think we could all use some time to unwind… and being stuck at home, alone with your thoughts, sounds like a great way to go bonkers. I’m in.” Sam beamed. “Toby?” The salamander shifted. His eyes moved from Guil to the rabbit, then back. His whole body swayed back and forth, until finally, in a burst of resignation, he clenched his fists. “Yeah. I’m in too. I still think it’s dangerous, but if the both of you think it’s okay, then I guess I should stick with my friends.” He turned to Sam. “But if the Detective finds out about it, you’re the one who talks to her.” “You’ve got it, buddy.” Guil smiled. “I feel better already. Besides, I’m sure we’ll be fine. Officer Taggart and Detective Vandermeer are very competent. If there’s anyone who can keep us safe, it’s them.” Reassured by his own words, he folded his hands on the table. “It’s just a couple of days. Everything will be alright.” Confusion struck Alice first. It left her speechless for the fraction of a second it took the shark to get to her. When she found herself caught between arms of iron, her fur chafing against coarse sharkskin, she thought of screaming for aid, but he clenched a hand around her muzzle. He turned her around; she had tears in her eyes. He deigned not to look at her. His jaws opened. Fish and menthol. They clamped around her, teeth pricking at her fur. Blake knew nothing could take the edge off, so he said nothing. He just grabbed her, pushed her in past the teeth, past the gaping gill slits on the sides of his mouth, past everything that could cut or draw blood. Alice couldn’t move. Everything around her head was bone and muscle. Her head, locked between the walls of the shark’s esophagus, felt as if it would explode. Flesh parted before her, opening and closing in powerful contractions, and with each of them the smell of fish grew stronger, and that of menthol weaker. She twitched, and teeth like thorns scraped her skin; noticing this, Blake ventured one final swallow, denying her even leaving evidence. Silence. Motion. The shark’s insides worked with all the efficiency of a machine of flesh and bone; grinding, crushing, compressing. The esophagus spat Alice out into a cramped stomach, with creased walls as thick as they were intractable. Saliva and stomach acids rose around her. The walls pressed down on her fur. Muscles contracted. The pressure mounted around her, curling her into a ball, turning her breaths shallow, making her thoughts loose. She felt as if she was stuck in a trash compactor, trapped inside a body whose smallest whim could break her. And it kept squeezing. Already she couldn’t feel her hands or legs. She closed her eyes... Blake checked his watch. He could feel the weight down in his gut, pushing out against his sculpted physique. He clenched with all his strength, then released – and placed a hand to his stomach. No movement. He stepped out into the cold night, his body one doe heavier than before, but his satisfaction was perfunctory at best. He returned to the alley just long enough to change back into his clothes, and with his job done, left the area for good. On the way out, he walked by a police officer carrying a cardboard box tagged ‘ready meals.’ “So, did you have fun?” “I do not understand.” The taxi driver peered through the rearview mirror, at the two goons that rode with him. His interest made Blake fall silent, but Sledge patted his shoulder, laughing. “Should I tell him, or should I?” “You tell him, Sledge,” said the taxi driver, making a turn. The shark nodded. “Ah. Still, I don’t understand your question.” “I asked,” Sledge repeated, slower this time, “if you had fun. You know, with her. I hear she was a wild one. Did you take her for a ride, or what?” “I do not have intercourse with my marks, if that’s what you’re implying. I don’t have fun. I do my job.” “Urgh.” Sledge rolled his eyes. “You didn’t even have a little fun while you were digesting her?” “I try to minimize digestion time. The noises could give away my position.” “I can’t believe you’re the Boss’s favorite. You have no passion for your work. No gusto!” Sledge slapped his protruding gut. “Why the fuck do you even do this if you don’t enjoy it? And don’t say money.” “Money,” Blake said, deadpan. “So you’re saying you never felt it?” “Felt what?” Sledge smiled. “You know, when you gulp someone down. When they start kicking about in there. Doesn’t that send a little warmth through your ice-cold veins? You know, to dominate someone so thoroughly – to know that a person’s whole body fits in your stomach, and that they’re nothing more than food?” The shark hesitated. It was a moment’s pause, a stammer before the rebuttal – but it came too late. Sledge just laughed, shaking the taxi itself. “I knew it, man! I saw it in your eyes! There ain’t no predator in the business that doesn’t get at least some kicks from the job.” His grin grew dangerous. “So here’s what you’re gonna do. Next poor bastard you gulp down, you’re gonna drag your ass to the nearest private place and try and get some kicks out of it. Trust me, after that, every prey you don’t get to savor is gonna taste like cardboard in comparison.” “You’re sick, Sledge, you really are.” “Sure am,” said the crocodile. “And so are you.” “I believe this is your stop.” Sledge peered out of the window. Sure enough, the taxi had parked while he was distracted – and the sound of the driver’s claws tapping on the steering wheel only intensified by the second. The rows upon rows of residential buildings went on as far as the eye could see; each identical to the next, with their only differences being the color of the lights that emerged from the windows. Not a bad place to hide a witness, Sledge thought – it would be hard to get to them without making a scene, and patrolling such long streets should be easy. “The lagomorph’s place is number 219,” Blake said. “The what?”” The shark sighed. “The rabbit. There’s a window you can crawl through, or you can ring the bell and see who answers.” “The rabbit! I’ve heard real good things. He’s into martial arts, and hiking, and hits the gym almost as much as you do. And you’re just letting me have him?” “You didn’t hear anything I said, did you?” “Nope! I know exactly how I’m gonna tackle this. I’m gonna kick down his door and shove him down my gob before he has the time to get into a fightin’ pose. Hey, driver man!” The tapping stopped. “Yes?” “Find a comfy place to park, I’ll be a while. I’m gonna take my time digestin’ this one.” “We’ll be on the lookout. Our mole said there would be a gap on the patrols today, between midnight and two in the morning – but if something changes, we’ll let you know. And of course, if you end up overwhelmed, we’re here to help.” “I’m not some greenhorn, Blake,” the crocodile said, grinning. “If any other cops get in my way, I’ll make sure to send them to join our let-go-moth friend.” “Don’t fuck it up.” When he came back to the living room with beer, Sam saw Guil was looking out the window. Without hesitation, he put the tray down and closed the blinds. “Not tonight,” he said, smiling. “Do either of you drink? I forgot to ask.” “Socially,” Guil mumbled. “Nope,” Toby said, already opening his can. The rabbit smiled and joined them around the table, picking up his cards. “Hope neither of you checked my cards. Or, God forbid, colluded to plan my demise.” For the first time that night, Toby smiled. “No promises.” Guil just winked, hiding his face behind his cards. He placed a three on the table. He saw Sam smile and tense up, only to deflate to a single word. “Uno.” Sam rolled his shoulders. “Nice save.” “I always play fair, man. You can’t call me out if I don’t try to slip one by you – and I never do.” “Yes, yes, you’re very honorable.” Sam looked at the cards facing up, then at his hand, and sighed. “Time to go fish again, I guess.” One card. Two. Three. His hand had doubled in size by the time another yellow card was put down. Toby chuckled. He placed his card on the table. “How’s that for Uno, Guil? Draw four.” But the wolf didn’t respond. Once again, he found himself glancing at the window, his beer can stopped halfway between his lap and mouth. Sam snapped his fingers. “Yo, Guil! You okay? You’re not getting sleepy already, are you? I’m going to win at least one game this evening, or my name isn’t Samuel.” “Huh?” Guil blinked. “Oh! No, no, not at all. I just thought I heard something.” “Yeah, a car driving by. We got hundreds of those a night, so relax.” The wolf nodded, drew four cards, and organized them in his hand by color. “You know,” he said, his tone hushed. “They said they’d station someone outside, but I can’t see anyone.” “They’re probably just out of sight. What’s the new color, Toby?” “Red.” “You’re breaking my balls here, Toby...” Sam said, and drew a card. “Ah, red reverse, thank God.” They both turned to Guil. Feeling cornered by their glances, the wolf forced a smile and placed a red seven on the table. Then the window shattered. Shards of glass shattered against the floor. A stubby hand grasped at the windowsill, its claws tearing at the wallpaper, its grip crushing mortar into dust. Another followed, and they tore apart the window frame like it was made of paper, making way for a grinning snout, a stained shirt, and beady eyes shimmering with malice. Sam jumped to his feet. Guil stumbled back. Toby screamed. Lights switched on outside, faces looked out of windows. But the crocodile lumbered in, undeterred by their glances. He dragged his massive weight with ease, slowed only by the chunks of architecture that crumbled as he stepped on them, or grabbed them; he emerged from the hole in the wall, dust and mortar covering his form, and lumbered forward. His eyes scanned the scene, and what he saw gave him pause; not one, but three of his marks stood before him. His smile widened. His insides growled with anticipation. Other hitmen would have concerned themselves with the possibility of witnesses. Sledge saw only three meals in one. Whatever shoddy plan he had concocted flew out the hole where the window used to be. He was already on edge; the sight of prey sent him on stimulus overload. Attack mode. He stretched his claws, slouched forward, inhaled a lungful of air – and struck. The table shattered in his wake. Uno cards flew everywhere. Sledge roared, swinging his arms with wild abandon, grasping at whatever came into reach. He caught Toby’s tail, and his conical claws dug into his moist skin, but the salamander was too slippery, and when he pulled, his hand brought to his mouth nothing but disappointment. His eyes, wide and bloodshot, scanned the room; they locked on the closest thing that moved – Guil. Guil froze up. His mind couldn’t keep up with the hurricane of motion, and noise that swelled all around him. Toby screeched for help, to all those who would hear him outside – but his voice flooded the wolf’s mind, and his rusty instincts failed to drown it out. Sam was out of sight – maybe behind the crocodile, maybe running out of the building, Guil couldn’t tell. As far as he knew, Guil was alone – and his odds weren’t looking great. Before he could react, a massive hand clenched around his neck. He tried to breathe, but no air made it through the crocodile’s iron grip. Then he felt pain as his back slammed against the wall, and then dragged up, up until he saw not the crocodile’s bloated gut, but his eyes, and his slavering maw. “How’s about that?” Sledge growled, each word dripping with the urge to kill. “Killing three birds with one stone. I’ve never fit three morsels inside me in one go – so you boys promise you won’t get rowdy in there.” His laugh shook the building to its foundations. “Hah! Who am I kidding? Get rowdy all you want, that’s how I like ‘em!” The words, so booming, deafened the poor wolf. The bitter stench of Sledge’s breath numbed his nostrils. The grip eased, he could breathe again; he expected release, but it never came. The crocodile wouldn’t even offer him the mercy of a quick death. No, Guil knew exactly what would happen. What had happened to Maria. What, unbeknownst to him, had already happened to Travis and Alice. Three down, three to go. The maw opened wide; nearly one hundred and eighty degrees of bleached flesh, sharp teeth, and stringy saliva swaying to the rhythm of the crocodile’s breaths. Guil saw the palatal valve open, and winced at the sight of the darkness it unleashed. The crocodile’s jaws slid to a close around his head, and the wolf whimpered. Motion. Hundreds of pounds of flesh lost their balance. Sledge’s weight shattered the floorboards, and in that fraction of a second between freedom and painful contact with the ground, Guil saw the blur that was Sam, sliding out of the way, lest he be crushed by the same crocodile he’d felled. Everything went dark. Guil caught glimpses of reality – of the rabbit lifting him up, calling to Toby, sending him running through hallways, then streets – but his consciousness faded in and out, and he couldn’t tell what was a dream, what was an illusion, and what was grim reality. After so many days trying to disbelieve his current situation, it felt like cruel mockery. He thought he felt a breeze, and cold asphalt under his bare paws. Then, nothing. Voices, floating in an inky white void. Mismatched. Without faces to associate with. One female, one male. One familiar, the other not. “How is he?” “In a state of shock, but that’s to be expected. He should be coming out of it soon.” “The other two asked to see him.” “I’m not sure he’s in a position to have visitors right now.” Visitors. The voices grew clearer. Guil’s brow furrowed. The female voice – who did it belong to? “Look, he’s moving. Do you think?” “I do, Detective. It seems that he’s waking up.” An attempt at speech made its way through his numb synapses. Words. Weak, unintelligible – but words. “Are...” “He’s saying something.” “Well, let’s hear him out, then.” Figures emerged from the void. Faces to go with the voices. One, Detective Vandermeer – the hyena stood by the side of the hospital bed, hands in her pockets. The second, a mole in a doctor’s outfit, holding a pen between his massive claws. The words hurt to push out. “Are… they… okay?” “Who are they?” the doctor asked. Vandermeer shook her head. “The other two. He was with them when we found him.” As sight returned to Guil, and with it conscious thought, he couldn’t help but notice how thuggish the hyena looked in her everyday clothes. Still, her smile put his heart at ease. “Guil, can you hear me?” The wolf nodded. “Your friends are okay. They’re outside, and we’ll let them in in a little while. But first I’m going to have to ask you some questions. Do you think you can answer some questions, Guil?” Guil winced, but nodded again. Vandermeer smiled. “Don’t get too comfortable. I should be yelling at you right now, but I think that scare was punishment enough for your extremely irresponsible behavior.” The corners of the wolf’s lips curled into a weak smile. “Sam’s… idea.” “Yeah, so he’s told me,” Vandermeer said, crossing her arms. “But that doesn’t change a thing. It was still...” The mole patted her shoulder and whispered in her ear; the detective’s nostrils flared, and she calmed down. “The doctor wants you here for a few more hours, but as soon as you can stand on your feet again we are going to get you out of here, and into a safehouse.” “A safe… house?” “One of our bunkers. I can’t say any more. As far as we know, the m...” she glanced at the doctor. “The double agent might be in this very building. And with the day of the trial approaching… they’re going to be desperate. We’ve already lost Alice and Travis.” Guil bit his lip. The words eluded him. Somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to feel… anything at all. Or rather, he felt it all, all at once, every emotion, every warped thought, replayed the scene at Sam’s in his head over and over again – but his own brain struggled to process everything. Grief came, and it went. He was sure he’d have nightmares about it later – but right now, he just sat there, numb. “Your friends want to see you. Should I turn them away?” The wolf shook his head. “No, let them… let them in. I feel fine, really, just a bit tired.” “Doctor?” “He seems to be recovering well. I’ll make sure to keep an eye of them, and if things get too wild, I’ll kindly show them the door.” “Roger that. I’ll be back at 1800 with Taggart so we can escort our guests to their new home.” She placed a hand on Guil’s chest. It was cold. “He’s been overseeing the security there; under his supervision, none of you have anything to fear.” She smiled at the mole and stepped outside. Beyond the double doors, Guil saw a glimpse of his two friends before they closed; a long tirade followed, almost certainly the Detective chewing them out on their irresponsibility once again – and when the doors opened again, two very meek young men stepped inside. “Hey,” Toby said. “How are you feeling?” “Like shit.” Sam smiled. “Yeah, us too. Hey, we bought some cards. Want to play a game or three to unwind?” He placed the deck on Guil’s lap. “Don’t worry. Just regular playing cards today.” “Your mistake almost cost me my position here, Sledge. I’m tempted to inform Le Conti of your little fuck-up.” The crocodile crossed his arms and sank into his seat. Blake, sitting across the table, simply listened to the voice, so warped that the phone itself slid along the vintage wood whenever they spoke. “Do what you want. He knows me. He knows I may be loud, but I get the job done.” “You didn’t get the job done today, now, did you?” Sledge fell silent. It was Blake who spoke up, his tone as measured and even as ever. “Does anyone suspect you? Should we proceed with the extraction plans?” “Negative,” said the voice, after a moment’s hesitation. “Everyone suspects everyone, so I’m as safe as anyone else. Just don’t fuck it up again. I can conceal a slip-up, and that’s just business as usual – but if they suspect there’s malice to my incompetence, they’ll take the marks off my hands, and the Boss will be history.” Blake nodded. “Understood. So, what now?” A picture came onscreen. Sledge picked up the phone – it slipped from between his meaty fingers – and squinted at the blueprint. “This looks like a wine cellar.” “Close,” said the agent. “It’s a bunker. Underground, ultra-secure, several escape routes in case it gets compromised. You get spotted in one of the cameras, and it’s over.” “And you want us to break in? That’s impossible!” “Disregard my associate,” said the shark, steepling his fingers. “His only tool is the hammer, so he sees everything as nails. Nevertheless, he is right – as skilled as I am in infiltration, there’s no way I can get in there and get out.” “Not without my help, no. Check under your seats – you will find two wristwatches, set to the exact same time.” The two hitmen did as ordered – and sure enough, from between the flattened cushions, two Rolex watches emerged. Blake wore his; Sledge held his to his ear. The voice continued, “I have access to the security systems. At exactly 2300 tomorrow, I will shut off the cameras here, here, and here.” Another picture came in – the same blueprint as before, only this time, a few CCTV lines of sight had been colored red. “This will send a signal back to HQ, which means the fast response teams will be on your ass immediately. The expected response time is five to seven minutes. Within this time you need to find the witnesses, eliminate them, and get out.” “Seems feasible,” the shark said. “Seems like suicide,” Sledge grumbled. “Don’t disappoint me, you two. If you fail this, everything I have done here, every friendship in the Bureau I’ve sacrificed – it will be for nothing. All these deaths will have been for nothing. Good luck, agents. If all goes right, we will never speak again.” The crocodile rose to his feet and scratched his ass. “Was that doubt I heard in our dear friend’s voice?” Blake buttoned up his suit. “No, Sledge. It was regret. I wouldn’t expect you to understand.” |
3 “Bunker” The doors to the security room locked. The figure sat before the security station. Dozens of monitors flickered to life, a haphazard tapestry of still and moving pictures. Beautiful lawns, verdant and glistening with morning dew. Long hallways with walls covered in paintings. An indoor gym. Guardhouses. Brick walls. Claws tapped against the wood. Eyes ran from monitor to monitor. Every now and then, one of the mansion’s many guards wandered by, dressed in inconspicuous outfits. A gardener with a rifle under his rain jacket. A maid patting the pistol under her skirt. The mysterious personage, too, wore a disguise – that of the affluent owner of the mansion, so often seen taking leisurely walks through the grounds, giving orders to the staff – orders that, without knowledge of the code phrases, seemed little more than the demands of a petulant millionaire. A finger pushed down on a button. The monitors flickered again. The beautiful hallways, vast gardens, well-stocked kitchen disappeared, and were replaced by concrete corridors, locked security doors, and dreary communal rooms. “Hmm...” Eyes ran from monitor to monitor. Here, the guards wielded their weapons openly. Here, doors remained locked and watched over. And it was here, in one of many rooms, that those seeking eyes found what they were looking for. A squint. A sigh. “Ah, there you are.” A wristwatch’s glimmer. “I… can’t do it anymore.” Toby’s voice sounded weak and weary. Sam shook his head. “Come on, now, don’t give up. Just a little bit longer.” “I’m sorry… I can’t. It’s over. I can’t carry on. It’s time to end it.” “I won’t let you throw it all away like this, Tobias. Be strong. I know you have it in you.” “I… can’t!” “I can. Guil can. You can too.” The door opened. Guil stepped in – a bottle of soda in one hand, a half-eaten sandwich in the other. “I heard my name.” “Oh, thank God!” Toby shouted, exasperated. “Help me out here, Guil. Our spotter really overestimates my physical fitness.” The wolf looked down at Toby, who laid on his back on a yoga mat. Guil couldn’t tell how much of the sheen on his slimy skin was sweat, and how much was his natural moisture. Sam, ever good-natured, chuckled. “I never met someone who can’t do at least ten sit-ups. What have you been doing with your time?” “Not working out.” The rabbit offered Toby a hand, but the salamander was too weak to even take it. “Sorry. I guess being holed up in here is leaving me a bit stir-crazy. Are you okay?” “Yeah,” the salamander huffed. “I’m just, not cut out for this.” Sam clapped his hands together. “Five minute break!” He announced, his voice echoing through the room even though they were all within three feet of each other. Toby winced. Guil smiled. Earlier, when he had left his two friends alone, he was worried they would find the situation awkward. They had proved him wrong. He had expected Toby’s placid personality to placate Sam’s effusiveness; to the wolf’s surprise, it looked like the opposite had taken place. “Glad you’re having fun.” “Wish I could say the same for you!” Sam said. “How did the meeting with old Taggy go?” “We’re doing nicknames now?” “Hey, I’m sure they gave us all codenames too. Why not return the favor? But you didn’t answer my question.” Guil shrugged. “It went well. He wanted to go over our plans for today. Apparently we’re one hundred percent safe here in the bunker, but one hundred percent is not enough for Taggart. He wanted to know where to find me if anything went wrong.” “I guess the man is paranoid,” Sam shrugged. “And with good reason, I think.” Toby flopped to his side, whistling with each breath. “Ow, ow ow. That’s gonna hurt in the morning.” “Yeah,” Guil nodded. “Our friends thought the precautions were too extreme, and look what happened.” “Point.” “Besides,” the wolf continued, “it’s his job to look after us. If something does happen, he’ll know exactly where we are.” “And also, he’s paranoid,” Sam said, a hint of his cheeky smile returning. “Now, enough of that. Guil, I’m so glad you showed up. Toby here’s going to need more than a few minutes to rest… how about you pick up where he left off? I’ll help make up for that poison you’re drinking.” The wolf looked down at his sandwich, sighed, and put it down on an empty footstool. “Hey, what the hell. It’s not like we’re doing anything else with our time here. If I watch another episode of a reality show, I’m going to find the nearest predator and dive into his maw.” They pretended to not hear him. Toby rolled off the yoga mat and rose to his feet; noticing Guil’s hesitation, Sam gestured towards a row of rolled up mats resting against the wall. “I’m going to hit the showers,” the salamander said. “You know what? Scratch that. I’m going to take a nap in the bathtub. Wake me up if the world’s ending or something.” He left Guil and Sam to their conversation, and stumbled his way down the corridors. As he did so, his eyes wandered. The vast emptiness, while well-lit, only fed his vivid imagination. The lights were even, the concrete unadorned, and yet the way his steps echoed through the building left him uneasy. He had never liked the underground. He liked being able to hear the world around him. The distant car horns, the stomping of neighbors, the loud arguments between drunks outside his window at night – they were things that made his world feel lived in, that made him feel safe behind four walls. But here, this silence? This was the stuff of nightmares to him. Without background sound, his perception turned inward. Sam and Guil’s chatter faded into the background, and what did he have left? His own footsteps. The creaking of CCTV cameras as they rotated in place. Each guard seemed like an interloper until he could see them up close, and recognize their faces. But of course, he couldn’t tell his friends that. They understood, of course. But Sam had found comfort in his own optimism, and dismissed any concern; Guil, meanwhile, seemed just as worried as Toby, and the salamander didn’t feel right reawakening such concerns just for the sake of venting. He entered his room. It didn’t feel his. Sure, the air conditioning was on, spewing forth hot and humid air that washed over his skin and eased his muscles’ soreness; sure, it was his clothes neatly organized in the wardrobe and his book collection adorning the shelves. But it felt sterile; lifeless. Most things did, these days. At least, here, he didn’t feel the oppressive gaze of the cameras lingering on him every moment. He stepped into the bathroom and watched the tub fill with water. Steam thickened the air, weighing down on his lungs. It triggered a small dopamine release, and for the first time since he was alone, Tobias allowed himself a long, relaxed sigh. One by one, he took off his sweat-damp clothes and placed them in a pile. The water, unbearably warm to most mammals, welcomed him into its embrace. He stepped inside, lowered himself into the tub, and felt the warmth seep into his every power, softening his every knot, easing the soreness of his exercise-weary muscles. Every worry just melted away. His eyes fluttered shut. His jet-black skin tingled. He reached for the soap, but his arm flopped and hung off the edge of the tub, warm water drip-drip-dripping on the bathroom floor. Outside, something hit the concrete with a thud. Toby paid it no mind. It could wait. Everything could wait. Everything. Sledge leaned over the crumbled body, his teeth bared in a devilish grin. “You’re lucky,” he whispered, though the poor guard couldn’t hear him, “that we’re in a hurry. I would be having so much fun with you.” Pop. One final jerk jolted through the guard’s nervous system, cut short by cessation of all brain activity. Startled, the crocodile jumped away from his victim, just in time to see his partner slide his Hardballer back into its holster. “Fuck’s sake”– his tone dropped to a whisper when met with Blake’s glare –“fuck’s sake, Blake! Don’t scare me like that!” “No delays. Keep moving. Your fun can wait until we’re out of here.” “Hmph.” The crocodile looked Blake up and down. Never had the difference between the two seemed so start. He, in his hoodie and tracksuit pants, looking every bit the hoodlum with the scars to show for it; Blake, meanwhile, rocked an impeccably clean suit. The shark claimed that a good suit, a clipboard and the proper attitude could get one anywhere; for this specific outing, though Sledge doubted it applied here, he couldn’t deny that there was a certain comfort in the idea of this not being a suicide mission. They continued down the hallway. Blake’s wary eyes followed every shadow. His keen nose sought every scent. He led the way, and Sledge followed. Of course, only the shark had memorized the route. The trail behind them was littered with bodies. It meant that their insider had not failed them. Were any of the cameras on, where any of the patrol routes proceeding as normal, the alarms would have sounded twenty times over. Blake counted the doors. He had a mental list of places his victims were meant to be – not only their rooms, but communal areas as well, where they would find safety in numbers. Numbers meant very little to Blake. He stopped, nostrils flaring. “Ah.” Sledge grinned. “Good ah, or bad ah?” The shark pointed at one of the doors. “I recognize that smell. It’s one of them. I don’t know which one.” “Oh...” Sledge said, cracking his knuckles. A yet unseen energy suffused his body; the promise of a hunt. “I hope it’s the rabbit. We have unfinished business.” “No funny business. In and out. You can have your fun later, if we survive this.” “Hey, man, you’ve got your methods, I’ve got mine.” He stomped towards the door, balled his fists, but just as he prepared to kick down the door, the shark’s iron grip tightened around his forearm. “No,” Blake repeated, reaching for the door handle and giving it a small push. The door creaked open. “Funny business.” The crocodile rolled his eyes, and squeezed himself through the door. Guil switched the tap on; he left the cold water pool in his cupped hands, and brought it to his mouth, gulping it eagerly. A visit to the restroom had earned him a moment’s peace. Where working out was involved, Sam allowed little in the way of excuses, but colorful enough talk about how full one’s bladder was never failed to convince him. Now here stood Guil, looking at his reflection. Isolation had taken its toll. His fur felt coarse, his nose dry; even his eyes lacked the usual glimmer. “Brighten up in there, champ,” he mumbled at his reflection, forcing a smile. “There you go. Chin up, big smile. There’s no reason to look like a corpse so soon. Much better.” He splashed the rest of the water on his face and straightened up. The door behind him started to open. “I’m almost done, Sam, hold your horses.” But the figure that emerged from beyond the plastic door was not Sam. He recognized it at once. The shark. The shark from the other night. “Good evening,” the shark said, soft-spoken as during their last meeting. “You must be Guil.” “Hey. I didn’t realize you were with Witness Protection.” “Plain clothes agent Blake, at your service,” he said, approaching. He took his place right next to Guil, and started washing his hands. “I’m the butler, upstairs.” Guil bit his lip. The upstairs crew was not allowed in the bunker. He looked the shark up and down. There was an odd scent about him. Gunpowder. His heart sank. His face must have betrayed it, for Blake moved fast as lightning. One hand over the wolf’s muzzle, another around his arm; with his overwhelming strength he dragged Guil to one of the stalls. “It would benefit you to not alert anyone,” the shark whispered. “I have my orders, but I can make it quick and mostly painless. But if you start kicking and screaming, I will hurt you.” A glimpse of his serrated teeth said it all. Guil didn’t reply. He couldn’t. The shark’s coarse skin provided no friction at all; like sandpaper, it clung to his fur, ready to tear it off at the first sudden movement. “Thank you. Now, please relax and let me work.” His tone did little to reassure Guil. It felt to him like half-baked mockery; a pale imitation of something seen on TV, filtered through a demeanor all too practiced. A machine emulating humanity. A killer playing at empathy, or teasing. Wrong, wrong, wrong. “I see you’re not cooperating. Allow me to elaborate. We know who you are, we know where you will be, and when. Even if you don’t care about dying in pain, consider this – me and my colleague are going to deal with Tobias and Samuel soon. If you misbehave here, we will have to consider a more forceful approach with them. I am sure they would appreciate your cooperation here.” Guil blocked off the shark’s honeyed words. Lies, all lies. Adrenaline and desperation pumped newfound strength into his muscles. He struggled, but Blake was a mountain of muscle – and like a mountain, he moved for no struggle, no matter how desperate; no plea, no matter how heartfelt. When his maw parted, strings of saliva connecting the serrated teeth, warm condensation spewing forward with each breath, Guil winced; the gills, to each side, expanded, exposing crimson flesh underneath. This bleached, moist expanse that was the shark’s mouth only widened before the wolf, even as the grip around his wrist tightened so hard he could no longer feel his fingers; so powerful was Blake, that Guil did not even notice himself become weightless. But the maw approached, and soon the wolf felt the shark’s teeth raking his fur, leaving lines on the gray like tilled earth. They slid down his muzzle, then over his neck; Guil dared not breathe, lest the smallest inhalation sent those sharp ends right through his trachea. Meanwhile, the upper jaw cast a shadow over the wolf’s head, a shadow that crept down his body, from his neck to his shoulders, and beyond still. Guil rested, still as a corpse. His instincts screamed at him to fight, to thrash, to bite and claw and summon whatever predatory behaviors lay dormant in his lineage. But he resisted their siren call, for even the most fearsome predator dares not move when his head is in the guillotine. Blake seemed to appreciate it; his grip eased, and his jaws relax a little. He threw his head back. Inside, Guil made himself as wide as possible. The coarse tongue scratched at his chest. The fangs scraped his back. The thick saliva soaked his clothes, leaving them sticky and heavy, dulling his movements. He screamed, and his voice vanished into the shark’s throat; he might as well have screamed into the void. Gluk. Expansion. The gap before him broadened, and the resulting vacuum pulled him in. He reached out, tried to grab onto something, anything – a tooth, a bone, anything – but his claws slid harmless against the slick throat. His head soon sank into the gullet, and he felt the pressure of a trained predator’s throat squeezing him into submission; these involuntary motions, stronger than most people’s voluntary motions, made Guil feel as if he was trapped in a cave, with nothing but stone flattening him under its weight. Only this stone moved, and slid, and from it flowed not spring water, but gooey saliva to coat and slicken him. His tail, firmly held between his legs, brushed against the shark’s palate; his knees pressed against his tongue. Soon, his body would be fully engulfed in this predator’s digestive system; even now, only his feet felt the cool air of the outside world, the world of the living… A distant voice. A familiar one, albeit muffled. “Hey, don’t think that you can trick me into skipping leg day. I’m giving you to the count of three before I come in. One, two… what the fuck?!” Guil heard distant screams. A rumbling roar. Teeth against his legs. Pain. Blood? Motion, all around, dizzying him to the point of nausea. Gravity’s pull ceased and reverted, and the same flesh that trapped him in pushed him back out. The outside air felt cold against his soaked fur; the bathroom floor, hard and cruel. He opened his eyes and saw Sam above him, but for but a moment, for the gray and black blur that tackled him. The two bodies tangled in vicious combat. But the element of surprise, which had allowed Sam to get one good hit on the shark, had been used. Now, Blake, with his superior strength and technique, had the upper hand; even Guil, who watch his friend struggle even as he tried to stand up, could see how one-sided the battle had become. With Sam pinned to the floor, the maw opened. The shark, Guil thought, must have thought Sam a priority target – or maybe he just recognized him as the only legitimate threat in the room. True to his promise, Blake wasn’t gentle – he could not afford to be – but sounds from down the hall gave him pause just as he prepared to shatter the rabbit’s skull under his mighty jaws. “Guards.” With a surprising speed for his massive size, he jumped to his feet and ran out of the bathroom. The sounds of gunfire filled the air; some like cracking thunder, other quiet but no less blood-curdling popping sounds. Officer Vandermeer rushed in, and with her came three guards. Once they made sure neither Sam nor Guil were harmed, the hyena crossed her arms, and her expression grew dark. “What are you waiting for? After him, now! Remember, shoot to kill!” She clapped her hands, and as quickly as they’d barged in, the guards ran off. “Are you alright, Guil, Samuel?” The rabbit, wheezing, nodded. “Guil?” Guil didn’t reply. He blinked, straightened up – his knees were wobbling – and retched over the sink. “He… he said…” Vandermeer’s nostrils flared. “He? The shark? What did he say?” “He said… he said someone was sent after Toby.” The hyena grabbed him by the lapel; her eyes were fire. “After Toby! Are you absolutely certain of this?” “Y… yes…” “Do you know where he is?” Sam bit his lip. “His room, I think. I think he said something about a bath.” “I see. I’ll check on him; I pray that we aren’t too late. Stay here. Find the nearest guard and don’t leave their side, understood?” “Oh, no way,” Sam said, and he rose to his feet. “We’re going with you. There’s no way we’re going to stay here like sitting ducks.” “As an officer in charge of your safety, I order you to –” Guil tugged on the hyena’s sleeve, interrupting her. She looked down at the wolf, ready to snap. “What?” “He’s our friend. Let us help our friend.” The hyena sighed. “Very well, but you better be able to keep up with me.” She drew his pistol and exited the room. Toby floated alone in an ocean of warmth and comfort. Water flowed all around him. Between his fingers, around his toes, in and out of every pore on his rubbery skin; it seeped in from reality and into his slumber. Only the smallest glimmer of awareness made it through, and relaxed him with its soft ripples, with the gentle currents that flowed around him whenever he shifted in his sleep. Warmth. Comfort. How he had missed them. They took over his body like a morphine shot, added a sprinkle of joy to his dreary existence. There was no concrete hole in the ground, or bloodhounds after his scent, or any of the myriad anxieties that haunted him. No, there was only warmth and comfort, and in them, he melted. The edges of his perception shifted. A hint of motion. A cool breeze. Stubborn, he resisted them. The thumping sound, he resisted it too. Whatever it was, it could wait. He had earned his rest. Let Sam find someone else to bother. His center of gravity shifted, but the change was all too slight; his body felt afloat, arms and legs hanging loose, torso held aloft by some invisible force. A dream. A breeze. Thick, harsh. Cold set in, his brow furrowed, but his sleep was like a towering barrier, trembling but never breaching. Could he awaken, even if he wanted to? Warmth again. Softness. The water embraced him once again, thicker, stickier, shifting with almost sapient intent. He felt cushioned; beneath him, the bottom of the bathtub had grown softer, squishier, more encompassing. Another waft, translated into his dream as a foul sea breeze. Though he knew not why, Toby felt his heart beat faster. Something deep, something unreachable called out to him from within. He ignored it, too. The cold, chased away. The softness, spreading. Rounded points, pricking at his skin, guiding him into a flat stance. Closing in on him. Tightening. A tinge of worry, again chased away by his beaten body’s own stubbornness. Motion. Viscous water gave way underneath. The softer surface angled gently downwards. His brain translated everything. A current; rapids. But the thumping still intensified, and with each moment passed, he found it harder to ignore. He inhaled. The air stung at his lungs. He slid further into the shifting embrace, hotter even than the tub, softer than a blanket. He reached out, and his fingers sank into pliable membranes, slid across vast surfaces that kept going and going and going… Toby’s surroundings closed in on him with each breath. The heat grew oppressive; the embrace, smothering. Thump, thump, thump. Blood rushed to his head, his toes tingled, a creeping claustrophobia started to set in. Thump, thump, thump. The roar of thunder, the howling of wind against the breach. The crashing of waves. Someone, somewhere, hammering something. Thump. Thump. Thump. A drop. A jolt of adrenaline. His heart buzzed in his chest. His hands reached out, but found no purchase in his shifting surroundings. Then warmth. The tub again. The water again, rising all around him. But something was off. The tub was softer; the water itched at his skin. His surroundings clenched around him, in slow but unwavering motions, as all-encompassing as they were insidious. The dream became a nightmare, a night terror – some crushing weight kept him pinned and paralyzed, the jet black darkness that surrounded him left him unsure if his eyes were opened, closed, or if he had been blinded. He tested his surroundings with a kick. His foot sank into thick flesh. Flesh. A dream? He kicked again. A nightmare? He elbowed and pushed at the creased membrane that rolled over him. No. Toby gasped, as the acidic fumes burned his nostrils. It wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t a dream at all. Thump. Thump. Thump. A heartbeat, but not his. It shook him. Deafened him. And the voice came, disembodied, from all around him resonating through the muscles and pudge that contained him. “I was wondering when you’d wake up. Just my luck, I only ever get the slippery ones…” “Who…” “That doesn’t matter, kid. What does matter is that you better start fighting if you hope to escape.” And it was at that moment that Toby realized what that alarm from within that he had been ignoring was. His prey instincts, sharp in nature but dulled by nurture, had been screaming for him to wake up all along. Sledge slumped to the ground; one hand in his pants, the other running over his protruding gut. He slapped it, and it jiggled – how much of it was just rolls of it, and how much was his fluid-filled stomach, and the salamander bouncing around in it? He laughed at the mental image. Of his prey, only the very end of his tail still peeked out from a corner of his maw, wriggling like a mealworm. Don’t have fun, Blake had told him, over and over again, in so many different ways. You’ll get caught. You’ll ruin the operation. What did the shark know? Sledge’s world wasn’t one of planning, of silent ins and outs, of demeaning disguises and leaving behind witnesses. No, he was a different breed. The thrill of the hunt honed his instincts, and his instincts, in turn, guided him. He felt, not thought, his way through missions, and it had worked just fine for him so far! And, of course, the promise of reward kept him coming. Not money, not clout. No, sitting in a prey’s bathroom floor, feeling their weakening struggles, enjoying the vibrations that resonated through his body and the groans and gurgles of his gut hard at work – that was the real reward. Blake would never understand. He was a predator in prey’s clothing. Afraid of himself, ashamed of himself, hiding behind meaningless words like efficiency and professionalism. Why, he was no better than the poor fool now digesting in the crocodile’s gut! He prepared to swallow down one last time. The door slammed open. Vandermeer rushed inside, pointed her pistol right between the crocodile’s eyes. But Sledge looked at him without fear; if anything, his grin grew defiant. “Why if it isn’t the three stooges,” he said, his gaze meeting Guil’s, and especially Sam’s. “I’ve been wondering when we’d meet again. I reserved some space right here just for you – just let me sort out your lucky buddy, and you’ll be next.” “Detective, quick! Shoot!” Guil said. But the hyena shook her head. “I can’t. Tobias might get caught in the crossfire.” Sam advanced. “I’ve got this.” “Samuel, I forbid you from –” The rabbit ignored Vandermeer’s command. He dashed forward, slipped under the crocodile’s grasp, and buried his elbow in his gut. But while the Shark had been affected this kind of blow, the crocodile was just too stout; Sam’s elbow sank right into his belly, and the kinetic force delivered diffused into harmless jiggling. Sledge laughed. “Easy, rabbit! I think I heard him complain in there!” Sam looked up at him, fury in his eyes. Then he saw it, the tip of Toby’s tails, still hanging between the crocodile’s teeth. He jumped and grabbed it; his fingers struggled to grasp the oily skin, but he found a steady grasp between two tail scutes. And he pulled. And more of the tail emerged. And the crocodile laughed again, from the belly this time, and swallowed. The pull could not be resisted. Sam felt the tail slip from his grasp, and when he tightened his grip, he felt his own hands sink into Sledge’s dripping maw. He held on tight, the crocodile swallowed again; only then was Sam forced to let go, lest he too sank into the fleshy depths of the crocodile’s throat. Finding an opening in the rabbit’s dismay, Sledge rose to his feet. He tread across the bathroom like a bulldozer, demolishing the sink, shattering the mirror, tossing Guil across the room. Even Vandermeer, herself a physical match to any predator, was pushed aside with relative ease. The lumbering beast disappeared behind a cloud of rubble. Guil felt the rabbit grab him by the arm and drag him out of the room. Left alone in the rubble, Vandermeer rubbed her forehead, looked around, and sighed. “Those fools…” Sledge’s track was easy to follow. It was the one paved with bodies, some still breathing, most not. Sam marched forward with hellish intent. The grisly sight didn’t slow him down any; he had only stopped to grab a sidearm from one of the bodies, and now wielded it in front of him, though his trigger finger trembled. He scanned every room, every hallway for signs of the crocodile. They had time. Coldbloods digest their food very slowly… right? Guil struggled to keep up. Wary and weary as he might be, he didn’t dare slow down. Sam was a man on a mission, and the light of his courage cast a long shadow over Guil’s own sense of self-preservation. Then again, who could blame him? He had stared down the throat of predators, not once, but twice – and if he had barely survived his two encounters, how could there be any hope for Toby, who had been trapped in the crocodile’s gut for God knows how long? They peered past a corner. Something moved. Something big, and dark, and in a hurry. “Taggart,” Sam whispered, relieved, and moved to step into the open. But a dark shadow came over Guil’s heart; the bitter taste of a grim realization. “Wait!” he whispered back, grabbing his friend’s arm and dragging him back into cover. “Taggart. Taggart is the mole.” “What? You’re insane.” “Think, Sam! He wasn’t around during our first meeting. Hours later, they find Travis and Alice. And who was leading the investigation on the mole? Taggart. Who was in charge of security here? Taggart. No wonder they never found the mole, and no wonder those two hitmen managed to get in without tripping any alarms. Taggart has been working for Le Conti all along.” The rabbit bit his lip. His finger tightened around the gun handle. “I’m going to riddle him full of holes.” “Don’t! He’s armed, too. And if you make noise, you’ll alert the hitmen to our presence. Let’s just… let’s just go, okay? We can find Vandermeer. She can help us out.” “Fine,” Sam said. “Shit, I think he sees us. Run!” Indeed, Officer Taggart’s walk turned into a jog. The panther waved at them, ordered them to wait; his jog turned into a dash, but Guil and Sam ran faster. A turn here, another there, and they found themselves holed up in a small supply cabinet, watching the large cat’s run grind to a halt, and hearing him swear under his breath. He continued his patrol, grumbling to himself. Once they emerged from their hiding place, they sought the Detective. She found them instead, calling out to them from one of the many decoy rooms that littered the facility; a featureless white cube with a fake door across the room from the real one. Never had they seen the hyena like this. This creature, once so proud and in control, was in a state of clear stress. She closed the door behind them, glared down at the two witnesses, and growled. “Never. Do that. Again.” Guil nearly melted under her gaze. Seeing their reaction, she relaxed somewhat. They could see her struggle to think up a plan of action. Finally, she nodded. “Okay,” she said. “All we need to do is sit tight and wait for all of this to blow over. Reinforcements will be here soon; we are to meet them in the gymnasium.” Guil blinked. “The gymnasium?” “Yes. So we need to get there, it’s where we’ll be safest. Go on ahead, I’ll watch your back. And remember – trust no one.” She growled under her breath. “I don’t get paid enough for this shit.” Sam and Guil shared a glance and nodded. After making sure the coast was clear, they booked it to the gym. Never had the hallways felt so long, or so winding. Every corner promised new dangers, a novel and gruesome death – the hitmen? Taggart? Some trigger-happy guard? At this point, the wolf didn’t know what to expect. When they finally reached the gymnasium, it felt as if they’d been marching for hours. It was Sam who tried the door; he turned the handle, and it didn’t budge. A cold shiver ran down their spines. “Let me try it,” Guil mumbled, taking hold of the handle and pushing the door. It slammed open. They lost their balance and stumbled forward; the door behind them was closed, the key turned in the lock. They looked up. They saw no uniform, nor badge. They saw only Blake, the towering shark in his three-piece suit, twirling the key between his fingers. After a few flips, it disappeared. “Just a little trick I picked up from my subtler colleagues,” he said, his expression grim. “Now, I apologize, but it’s time to tie use some loose ends.” Sam stepped forward. “Stay behind me, Guil! I’ll deal with him. Try the other door, go!” For the first time, Guil heard uncertainty in his friend’s voice. With each step Blake took, the rabbit looked smaller and smaller in comparison; his body, so fit by anyone’s standards, seemed so scrawny when placed next to the absolutely massive predator. And when Blake moved, it was as lightning; and his reach trumped his victim’s. He grabbed the rabbit by the ears and lifted him up; Sam made no sound, but agony was all over his face. The rabbit’s last request went ignored. It wasn’t that Guil hadn’t heard it – he’d heard it very well – but he’d rather die than lose two friends in one day. He wanted nothing but to run, so he harnessed that desire, he harnessed the terror that welled up in his heart, and called up on it. Forward. Towards the shark and his prey. Towards Sam and his predator. For he, Guil, had teeth too. Blake winced. He felt a tingling on his leg; something hooked into the fabric of his trousers, poking at the rough skin underneath. He looked down, and the sight presented to him was so ridiculous, he didn’t know whether to laugh or pity the wolf. It was Guil, snapping at him like a puppy learning to bite; all those jaw muscles, atrophied by decades of cooked food and idleness, pushed to their limit, barely scraped the shark’s iron skin. But the wolf kept himself busy, so Blake turned his attention to more pressing matters. He knew how to neutralize a fighter. He knew how to deal with rabbits. One hand around their legs, to hold them steady, to stop them from kicking. Another around their ears, those fragile structures that caused great pain when harmed. Without grip nor purchase, all of Sam’s muscles, all of his flexibility and stamina, achieved nothing but a weak wiggle. So when he opened his maw and pushed him in, he did so with remarkable ease; Sam’s shouts for Guil to run, over Guil’s growls and punches and kicks, drowned out the gulping sounds of his rippling throat, his widening gullet, and his expanding stomach, readying itself for its new occupant. Blake stood straight, his head thrown back. From mouth to stomach was a long straight line, one that provided no resistance as Sam was lowered in. And inch by inch, he filled him. Each struggle slid him in further, each kick only stimulated his esophagus more. And when his esophagus was stirred, it pulsed and pulled. And when it pulled, no force could resist it. Sam sank. Like shifting sands, the shark’s flesh surroundings his waist. Then his chest. Then his shoulders, despite his attempts to make himself wide. Only his head remain outside the reach of Blake’s gullet, and even then, the shark’s jaws already began to conceal it. With his last inch of life, Sam looked down at Guil, shouted for his attention, shouted loud enough to shatter the wolf’s predatory trance. Guil’s teeth hurt. His jaws ached. His gums were raw. The adrenaline crash caught him offguard – it strained every muscle to its utmost, and forced him to let go. He fell at the shark’s feet, wheezing and coughing; he looked up, and didn’t see Sam. He saw only a bulging gut, stretching the suit to its limits, shuddering under the pressure of the rabbit’s desperate struggles. He saw it bounce. He saw it clench. He heard the muffled screams of the rabbit being entombed within. And he couldn’t help him. He owed Sam his life two times over. The rabbit had always been this larger than life figure, loud and energetic, around whom boredom never set. He had saved him from the crocodile, and from the shark; he had saved Guil from himself, when the wolf’s thoughts grew melancholic, and when he started to grow weary of isolation. And now there he was, gone, within seconds! Gone to meet Toby, and Alice, and the countless others that had met their end in the shark’s stomach. His last words had been for Guil to save himself. Selfishly, he’d ignored them. But what could a little wolf do to save anyone from this beast? And now, the rabbit’s last request had been denied. Sam would die, knowing that his sacrifice had been in vain. Because Guil, too, would soon follow. Now, he didn’t even want to escape. Why tire himself? Already the shark approached, his eyes on the prize. What could he do to resist him? A key turned in its lock. The door opened. Detective Vandermeer stepped inside. Guil’s eyes welled up. He was saved. The hyena took stock of the situation, but didn’t move. The shark looked over his shoulder. Something was off, Guil thought. Why wasn’t she attacking? Why wasn’t she doing something? A second figure emerged behind her, one that Guil was well familiar with. The crocodile. “Where’s the rabbit?” the hyena asked, her tone even, without emotion. Blake bowed his head. “Eliminated.” “Good. I suppose that leaves us with the wolf.” She folded her hands behind her pace and paced towards Guil, whose tears turned from relief to grief. “I thought we were fucked, I really did. I’m not used to having to change plans halfway through, but somehow, it all worked out. I suppose I have the three witnesses to thank, don’t I? Or rather, apologize to.” Sledge laughed, squeezing his fat gut. “Afraid this one won’t be able to hear you. He stopped moving minutes ago. A shame – I was hoping he’d give me something to work with.” Blake sighed. “The rabbit won’t be able to hear you, either, I’m afraid.” Vandermeer squatted by Guil’s side. “I’m sorry, Guil, I really am. Things got out of hand; it was never supposed to be like this.” The wolf was shaking. His mouth moved; words formed, but just barely. “Why? Why would you?” “Because Le Conti cannot die.” “He’s… a criminal. A murderer. A monster.” The hyena nodded. “Yes, he’s all of those things, and in a perfect world, he’d be rotting in jail, as would all of his associates and friends. Present company included.” “Hey!” Sledge protested. Blake merely nodded. “But this is not a perfect world, and we need him.” “But… but why?” Vandermeer stood up. “Can you even comprehend it, wolf? Without him, there’s a void in power. Every high ranked mafia boss is going to want to step up. But there’s dozens of candidates.” Sledge stepped forward. “Aight, that’s enough chit-chat. Let’s deal with the loose ends already.” Vandermeer’s eyes flashed with anger, her fangs bared, nostrils flared, a low growl emerged from her throat. The crocodile froze. “You’re going to stay quiet, thug. You’ve done enough damage to this operation. Take the back path, and go out through the staff door. We’ll catch up when we’re done here.” “But –” “Now.” The crocodile nodded. He glanced at Guil one final time, and for a moment, the wolf saw hesitation in his beady eyes – but he dared not challenge both his colleague and Vandermeer, and stomped his way out into the corridor. The hyena’s grip around Guil’s wrist tightened. “Dozens of candidates,” she repeated. “When Le Conti seized power, it was a bloodbath. Every day I saw patrols come back a person short, sometimes two, sometimes they wouldn’t come back at all. Then, once he consolidated his rule – nothing. But if he dies, it will be war all over again. There will be power plays. Assassinations. Bombings. Gang wars. And who’s in the middle? Law enforcement. Always law enforcement. There is such a thing as a necessary evil, Guil. I regret you’ll never grow old enough to realize that.” The wolf narrowed his eyes. “Are you done?” “Yes. Yes I am. Blake?” “Ma’am.” “You know the escape route. Through the communal room, past the mess hall, exit through the garage.” “Wait,” the shark said. “That’s not where you sent Sledge.” “No,” said Vandermeer, her smile thinned. “No, it was not. His heroic attempt to slow down the guards will be remembered.” Blake nodded. “Understood. I’ll carry out the execution, then.” “But first. You know what to do.” The shark sighed. He patted down his pocket, where his silenced pistol weighed heavy against his hand. “Is it strictly necessary? I’d rather...” “Quickly. Before I start trembling.” “Very well.” The shark drew his gun, took aim at the hyena’s thigh, and pulled the trigger. Pop. Though the pistol was silenced, the hyena’s reaction was less so – she let out a grunt and crumbled to the floor, clutching at her wound. Her trousers stained with blood, then her hands, and soon the crimson pool spread across the floor all around her body. The wolf, too, would have screamed – but the shark’s grip tightened around his muzzle, and not a whimper made it through. Blake sighed as he set his sights on Guil. “I apologize, too. It’s just business, you see.” The wolf couldn’t even react; before he knew it, there was a hand grabbing him by the throat. “I work fast, wolf, don’t worry. You won’t have to meet your friend in there. He will be well on his way through my intestines by the time you reach the stomach.” He lifted him up into the air. “Goodbye, wolf. You nearly got away. You three were by far my most resilient prey.” His maw parted. The wolf’s feet sank into his meaty tongue. The sticky saliva clung to him, gluing his fur to his skin. Guil’s toes slid across the tongue, between the gruesome-looking teeth, until they reached the gullet. Then, they disappeared – as did his feet soon after, pulled in by a massive swallow. Guil tried to scream, his throat failed him; he tried to fight, but his muscles froze. More and more, that warmth rose all around his body; that stench of fish and salt, heavy and intense, seeping into every pore, burned its way from his nostrils to his lungs. He looked down, and saw his legs fade into the darkness, into the tube that squeezed and crushed all that entered it; already he felt its embrace around his legs. The teeth heralded its approach. They scraped his skin, combed his fur, pricked his tail and made it sway. They rested against the small of his back, and sent a shiver up his body. He managed to free his hands, and punched at the shark’s nose, but the predator did not as much as wince. In desperation, he tried to push, but even his greatest effort could not slow the creeping pull of Blake’s throat. And when another swallow came, he felt the gullet expand and the esophagus pinch and drag down; his arms failed him, and he slid in. The maw closed above him like a bear trap, snapping shut, with a crack so loud it nearly deafened him. Then, silence. Only the workings of the shark’s body surrounded him. Writhing, pumping, thumping, roaring. Lungs filled and emptied. A heart beat fast. Below, intestines gurgled, shifting whatever was left of Sam. The walls shifted once more, and he felt himself falling, sinking, swimming through a sea of flesh. And then he felt it, around his toes, then his legs, then his whole body. It was thick. It bubbled. It stung. The walls squeezed around him. He opened his mouth, and his last gasp of air bubbled to the surface. His clothes clung to his skin, threads dissolving, stitches popping. The creases rubbed his skin, hard as iron, slippery to the touch; they battered him, and when he tried to fight back, they overpowered him with sheer weight and power. How had Sam been able to even throw a punch here? How had he found the strength to even scream? He prayed for a quick death that never came. What came was motion, hushed voices, gunfire. At each moment he hoped that a well-placed bullet would deliver him from this hell, to pierce through the barriers that contain him and fell the mighty beast that had swallowed him hole. But the gunfire faded away, replaced by the roar of an engine, and the sound of sirens. And throughout all of it, the shark’s stomach seemed to forget about him – no longer did it churn, no longer did it squeeze and batter; it just let him mellow in this sea of sticky acid, to linger on and on until his body decided to expire. Time passed. Minutes melted away, each more agonizing than the last. The darkness grew familiar, if not comfortable. The engine stopped roaring. A door slammed shut. A wave of motion surrounded Guil, and springs creaked under a great weight. In his motel room, Blake collapsed onto his bed. Some strange warmth rose up from within. The poor sod inside was still alive. In his haste to escape, he had forgotten to deal the finishing blow. As he ran through the hallways, he had felt him shift inside. He had felt his weight slowing him down, and his mass push against his organs. And it made his cold blood boil. What was he even doing? Shame poured from his every pore. But he couldn’t deny it, nor could he resist it. He closed every blind, switched off every light, turned the television on and let its low hum drown out the gurgles from within. His hand rested over his groin. Underneath, flesh stirred and throbbed. Blake sighed, his nostrils flaring. He took off his jacket; he felt wrong. He took off his trousers; he dared not taint them with his newfound desires. Sitting alone in his motel room, in his underwear and wearing nothing but a white and crumpled button-down shirt, he felt almost like… Almost like Sledge. Doesn’t that send a little warmth through your ice-cold veins? The crocodile’s words echoed in his mind like a throbbing migraine. To dominate someone so thoroughly? Fuck, fuck, fuck… To know that a person’s whole body fits in your stomach, and that they’re nothing more than food? He slammed his hand into his stomach, as he’d seen Sledge do. It thumped against his solid abs. No jiggling, but it resonated. It resonated through his flesh, through his bones, through every little nerve ending from tip to toe. And it made him shudder. It made him melt. It made him groan, and it made him so, so hard. He focused on the wolf. On how he still moved. On how he must have felt. So afraid, so helpless, at the mercy of the automated workings of a body upon which Blake had no direct control. Sure, he could end it, but he could not stop it. No matter what he did, now, Guil was gone. And it felt good. And he wanted to make it last as long as he could. In the darkness, with the television on, Blake pulled his underwear down, and let his massive cock bounce free. Alone in his room, with nobody but his meal for company, he stroked with all his might, felt the waves of pleasure from his stroking mix with the tingling warmth of digestion, and surrendered himself to his inner predator. Orgasm came quickly. His body was on the edge, about to burst – all he had to do was heed its call. But when he did come, his innards shifted. Muscles pulsed and roiled. His whole body trembled. He felt… empty. No, there was something – something deep within him, bubbling up. It was… it was… His belch shook the room to its foundation. Something flew out of his maw and landed on his lap – the half-digested and bile-stained remains of a shirt. Before he knew what to do with it, his exhaustion caught up with him, and he fell into a deep slumber. He would clean up first thing tomorrow. The doors opened. For the first time in weeks, he saw the sun, and felt the breeze, and smelled the scents of the country. He drank of it until he had his fill, and until his escort forced him to keep moving. Men in orange jumpsuits stepped aside to let him pass. Guards in uniform glared at him with equal parts hatred and fear. He made his way through the courtyard, stepped outside the gates – and as soon as he emerged, he was greeted with a thunderstorm of flash photography. “Mr. Keenes, how does it feel to be free?” “Mr. Keenes, do you have any comments to make on the disappearances of key witnesses?” “Mr. Keenes, is it true that –” He raised an eyebrow, and his attorney, a mandrill in a three-piece tuxedo, stepped forward. “Mr. Keenes will not be making any comment at this time.” The bulldog merely smiled. The guards parted the crowd before him, and at the end of the path, a limousine awaited him. He stepped inside. The chauffeur looked at him through the rear view mirror and smiled. The door closed, the seatbelts went on, and the engine started running. “It is a pleasure to see you again, boss. Where to?” Le Conti cracked his knuckles and leaned back. “To the state hospital. There is someone there I must visit. Someone who has earned themselves a place in our organization.” He lit up a cigar. “It’s good to be back.” |
The Lower Decks “Ashburton to Guil. Repeat, Ashburton to Guil. Ashburton to Guil, red alert!” Guil jumped to attention. The sound of pantomimed explosions echoed through the nearby access tube, intermingled with the sparking of an omnitool. “Matt…” “Hold on, I’m not done,” said the voice from the tube, and a few more explosions followed. “Okay, now I’m done. Welcome back to the GFS Ashburton, Officer Guil.” The wolf rolled his eyes. He glanced out the window, towards the same expanse window he had been lost in moments ago. Even now, with him snapped from his reverie, it called to him. The vast emptiness, full of burning stars and beautiful nebulae, glimmered with color. It never failed to make him remember the first time he had heard its calling. “Can you see Echo Zero-Two yet?” Guil pressed his cheek to the glass. From the corner of his eye, he spied a mass of roiling green clouds, flashing with lightning. “I see a little bit. Looks like a rough place.” “From what I’ve read about it, it’s not the kind of place you’d buy a summer villa on.” A figure crawled out of the access tube and rose to his feet. His lean body, mere seconds ago bent and twisted to fit into the tight space, now rose to its full height – only slightly taller than Guil. The wolf smiled. Were Matt any other creature, he would have developed back problems by now. But with cats, it’s just in their nature. Matt wiped his forehead, turning oil stains into streaks, the same color of his fur, only greasier. “Cap had me double-check all the electromagnetic shielding on all the vital systems. Apparently, those things don’t just fry people. Of course, everything’s fine; I installed it in the first place, after all, and I don’t make mistakes.” Guil smiled. “Really, I seem to remember in Zeta Reticuli…” “Guil…” “With the water-allergic alien diplomats…” “Guil, I swear to God.” “...and the fire suppression system.” The wolf only barely dodged the nasty oil rag Matt threw in his direction. It splattered against the display and slowly slid down to the floor. The cat laughed – a wheezy laugh, which he tried but failed to contain. Outside the window, the clouds slowly eclipsed more and more of the vista. Theirs was a sickly glow, flashing with violence, but more often pulsing, as if alive. The intercom buzzed to life. Through the white noise, only worsened by the oppressive atmosphere outside, a familiar voice sounded. “All hands, this is Captain Minda.” “All hands,” Matt said, scrunching up his nose. “All five of us.” “That makes at least twelve hands.” The cat snorted. “Well played.” The intercom continued, the voice behind it putting way too much professionalism into it for such a small and informal crew: “We are approaching the E-02 planetoid now to retrieve Constable Jones and the prisoner. Landing in T minus five. All hands are cleared to report to the main cargo bay and welcome our Constable back aboard.” “Great, he’s back, and he’s bringing in a friend,” Matt said, rolling his eyes. “Should we go?” Guil shrugged. “I don’t see the harm in it. We’re just wasting time here, might as well see what all the fuss is about.” “Hey, you may be wasting time, but -” “You said it would take you three hours to fix whatever’s wrong in there. It’s been”- he checked his commpad -“a little over an hour. I’d say you’ve had ample time to sort it out. Something about never giving the captain the real estimate, to make you look like a miracle worker?” “Bah! I need to stop confiding in you. You can’t be trusted with my secrets.” “With your secrets? Yes. With your ego? Absolutely not. Come on, now – we don’t want to miss Jones’s triumphant return.” Matt groaned, pocketed his omnitool, and followed the wolf out of the room. An old dungeon. That’s what the GFS Ashburton’s lower decks reminded Guil of. An old dungeon, with walls covered in tubes and valves, always warm to the touch, oftentimes steaming, never clean. The dimly-lit, labyrinthine corridors, through which only Matt and the Constable seemed to know their way around even after weeks of service, seemed to stretch on forever. Were he to enter a room and stumble into an altar, he would have not been surprised. Such was the case with most of these United Galactic Federation civilian vessels, stitched together from salvage. No form, little function, lots of personality. At least Matt seemed to like it. Guil broke the silence. “What do you think it looks like?” “From what I’ve heard,” Matt said, “it’s this horrible monster. Ten feet tall, three rows of teeth, big bulging yellow eyes. It injects people with its stinger, and the venom makes their bones brittle and easier to digest. And then they get a straw, and… oh wait, you meant the prisoner. I thought you were talking about the Captain.” Guil sighed. “Come on, I had you going for a second there, didn’t I? I could see the look in your eyes. You’re really worried, huh?” “I’m just the IT guy. My job description is to keep the ship’s computer from trying to kill us all. Considering the ship’s computer is about as smart as a particularly dim dog, I thought we were going to be safe here. Then the first assignment comes in – and we have to take our Captain to visit a prison planet with more hardened criminals than most homeworlds have people.” “That was fun, though. We got to have the ship for ourselves while she was down at that shithole.” “And then come to this stormy hell of a planet to capture one of said hardened criminals who somehow crashed his prisoner transport ship and killed everyone on board. And then we have to take him back to the prison planet. The guy who killed an entire crew.” “Now, now. We don’t know that. We know the ship crashed, but not if he did it.” “Yeah, I guess he just happened to be the only survivor. That makes so much more sense.” “You’re overreacting, Guil! We’ll be fine.” The wolf fell silence, and deferred to the engineer’s judgment, as he often did. Indeed, he often joked that Matt had come with the ship; that he had never been hired, merely found one day and given a job. He certainly had the life experience when compared to Guil, fresh off the Academy and eager to prove himself. If Matt said it was okay, it was probably okay. A few minutes of walking later, they finally entered the cargo hold. The rest of the crew awaited them there. Captain Minda, the feline Arcadian, with one pair of arms crossed over her chest and other folded behind her back, assessing the situation with her trademark skeptical eye. Lucian, with his doctor’s garb loosely fitting over his coarse fur, every single fang on his doglike snout displayed in a wide and genial smile. He, of all people, seemed eager to see the double doors open; when they did, it was Lucian who started clapping first. Constable Travis Jones stepped through the airlock. Under the artificial gravity of the Ashburton, his steps dragged; Guil and Matt both wondered if that was due the weight of the suit, or if the creature Travis carried over his shoulder had something to do with it. Compared to the armored Travis, the prisoner looked almost puny; he was a wiry thing, all muscle and no fat, with porous blue skin and small, beady eyes. His features, not unlike those of the sharks of earth, seemed locked into a perpetual scowl that his apparent slumber had failed to wash away. More impressive were the presence of bipedalism and the presence of fins; the hint at a semi-aquatic lifestyle did not go ignored by the crew. Minda stepped forward. “So, this is the Echo Zero-Two entity. It looks harmless. Did he give you any trouble, Jones?” Both Travis and Lucian opened their mouth to answer. Only the former spoke; the latter suppressed a chuckle and stood back. “No, Captain,” Travis said. “He tried to resist, but I downed him in one shot. Non-lethal, of course, as you requested.” “Of course,” the captain repeated. “Only in the most extreme circumstances are we to use lethal force with our prisoner. He is, after all, wanted alive.” Lucian stepped forward. “Captain, if I may.” “Permission to speak granted, Dr. Jones.” “Please, Captain, just Lucian will do. I keep getting confused at whether you’re speaking to me, or my husband.” Minda raised an eyebrow. “I am reluctant to allow this kind of informal interaction in my ship, Doctor. Still, given the circumstances at hand, I suppose there is no harm… Lucian.” “Thank you, Captain.” “You were saying?” “Ah, yes,” Lucian said. “The medbay is at the ready. The prisoner can be transferred there at once. With your permission, I would like to run some basic check-ups on the Echo Zero-Two entity. Make sure the electrical discharge hasn’t caused any lasting damage.” “Unlikely,” Minda said. “With all due respect, Captain, I would like to make triple sure. I think our employer would appreciate it if we didn’t deliver a corpse.” Minda tilted her head, as she often did while thinking – a new habit, but one that the crew had seen many times over the last few weeks. “Very well,” she finally said. “Report your findings to me. I’ll be at the helm.” She turned around to leave, and as soon as she did so, everyone’s stance loosened. “Whew,” Travis said, placing the unconscious shark-creature on a metal stretcher. “Cap’s been grouchier than usual, lately. Reckon it’s heat season for Arcadians again?” Guil stifled a laugh. Matt didn’t even try. His hyena-like cackling echoed through the cargo hold. Luckily, Minda was long gone. “Don’t be gross, Trav,” Lucian said, approaching the Constable. “Alright, I’ll take him from here. Whew, you stink! Go get that horrible suit off and take a shower. Doctor’s orders.” “Sorry, Lu. This thing is dangerous. If you’re going to be around it, I want to be in the room, just in case.” Lucian shrugged. “Suit yourself. Guil, Matt, would you like to join us? It’s a long way to the medbay.” Matt opened his mouth to protest, but Guil preempted him. “Sure thing. Lead the way.” The small crew made its way through the winding tunnels again. Their echoing footfalls, the creaking of the stretcher’s wheels, and their conspiratorial mumbles and snickers filled the air. Like reunited old friends, they discussed the goings-on in the ship. Travis did his Minda impression again (“Constable! Report!”). Only after the hubbub died down and they ran out of things to rant about, did the elephant in the room get mentioned. “What even is it?” Guil asked. All eyes turned to Lucian. “Some kind of unknown alien species. Sapient, but dangerous. We know almost nothing about it; I did some digging up before, and only two known specimens have been spotted. This one, and another one, which wreaked havoc in the prison planet before it got terminated. The thing is,” he gestured towards the alien, “the other one was said to be almost eight feet tall, musclebound, and full of sharp fangs. This one… well, he’s hardly a goliath.” “Maybe he’s a young specimen,” Guil said. Matt chuckled. “Maybe he’s a nerd.” “Big words for a wrench boy,” Travis said, smiling. “Maybe he’s a ship engineer.” “Hey, not my fault I got good enough grades at the Academy to actually get into a career with upwards mobility – hey, what the…” It all happened at the same time. Guil stepped out of the way. Lucian pinched the bridge of his snout and let out a weary sigh. And Travis stepped forward, wrapped a meaty arm around the cat, and, ignoring his feeble struggles, squeezed… and noogied him. His knuckles almost rapped against the cat’s skull, whose protests soon died down, as each breath came harder than the last; not to mention the dog’s musk, with its pungency magnified by hours of labor in a waterproof environmental suit, which ravaged Matt’s nostrils whenever he dared to inhale. Just as he thought he was going to lose consciousness, Travis let go. “Used to do this to wannabe wrench-boys at the Academy. Good to know I haven’t lost it.” “Goons,” Lucian grumbled. He glanced at Guil, whose features twisted with poorly-repressed laughter – and for a moment, a hint of joy crept into his face as well. “Alright, boys, break it up. You’re both very big and strong and well-endowed, no need to go around dick-measuring for our sake.” He clapped his hands together. “How about we hurry along to the medbay before Sleeping Beauty here wakes up from his nap?” With all of it out of his system, Travis saluted. Behind them followed Matt, cursing under his breath. The double doors opened before them, and it was like entering another world. Dull gray and rust made way to the white of a medical room. The air was heavy with hospital smell; the surfaces were clean and reflective, and the medical machinery rested before them, ready to be put to use. The stretcher attached to a larger hospital bed, and as soon as metal clicked to metal, two arms emerged from the ceiling. One cast a strange violet shine over the alien; another pricked at his skin with a needle. The alien startled awake. The atmosphere in the room changed. Travis stepped forward, PEP emitter drawn. Guil slid behind him, as did Lucian. Matt put his dukes up. But the alien just looked around, blinked a few times, then opened his fanged maw and gurgled something incomprehensible, but with the cadence of language. Noticing their confusion, it tried again. This language, the ship’s translator software picked up. “Where am I?” Lucian stepped forward. “You are in the Ashburton, a United Galactic Federation spaceship.” “Spaceship,” he repeated, as if trying to make sense of the words. “I am… cargo?” “You are a prisoner here, I’m afraid.” “And you?” “Doctor Lucian Jones. I am here to run some medical tests on you, to see if you’re alright. These are Travis, Matt, and Guil. They are friends of mine.” The alien squinted at Travis. “I remember this one. He shot me.” “I had to,” the dog said, not budging. “Nobody here will cause you any harm as long as you behave. Do you understand.” The alien nodded. “Very good. I’m going to ask you a few questions about yourself, if that’s okay.” “It is… okay.” “That’s a start. Alright, can you sit up?” While the doctor and his new patient talked, Guil felt an elbow against his arm. It belonged to Matt. “I think we’re done here,” he said. “Looks like the prisoner’s going to be no fun at all. Might as well get back to work, before Cap decides to do another of her ‘surprise’ inspections.” Guil nodded. “See you guys later. Let me know if you need anything.” “See you,” said Lucian. “See ya,” said Travis. The doctor sighed, relieved, as soon as the two exited the room. “I was never good with large groups,” he said, smiling. The questioning went on for a few minutes. It started with questions Travis could follow – the alien’s name (he didn’t have one), his species (he uttered word they could not understand), and why he had resisted arrest (he was scared). After that, things got more esoteric. When Lucian started listing medical conditions, asking about genetic archetypes, and that sort of thing, Travis started losing track. No, he had no mind for such things; what he kept an eye on was the alien itself. This Echo Zero-Two entity – this Echo, as Lucian had taken to calling him, in lack of a better name – still confused him. Earlier, in the mountain ranges of E-02, it had acted like a beast, prowling and snarling, striking first and requiring the use of force to subdue. Now it sat before them, holding a rational, if slightly stilted, conversation. After a few minutes, Travis lowered the weapon; after half an hour, he was no longer paying attention. And when the Captain spoke through the intercom, asking for him to report to the bridge, he gave it no second thought. “I’m going to see what Miss Crankypants wants,” he said. “Take care, Lu.” He moved in for a kiss, but Lucian leaned away with positively catlike grace. “I will. And you should take a shower before you come back. You smell like something died in your environmental suit.” “No respect, no respect at all!” And with that, Travis too was gone. With his absence, the alien’s answers grew terse. His eyes, which so far had darted across the room, now fixed on the doctor, whose soothing tones did little to coax more answers from the being. Indeed, it was now the turn for the alien’s curiosity to be piqued; he asked a few questions about the crew, their mission, their Captain. And what answers Lucian had, he gave. The doctor didn’t; it offered some entertainment while he ran test after test. Once his curiosity was appeased, the alien merely smiled. “Very good,” he said. “I am thankful for the information.” His smile widened. Lucian saw something wicked in it. He reached for his commpad, but it was too late. Travis’s uniform all but glimmered under the dim lights. The smell of vanilla, his favorite shampoo, hung about his coat of fur, made fuzzy through the diligent application of conditioner. He licked the back of his hand and smelled it; the minty fragrance of his breath reassured him. Lu would find nothing to complain about his prim and proper appearance. He patted the PEP emitter at his waist. Wonderful little thing, guaranteed to make any creature with a nervous system go from drooling and violent to writhing on the floor in agony. Hopefully it wouldn’t be necessary now that Echo seemed to be cooperative. He took a right towards the medbay. The meeting with the Captain had been a waste. More reviewing of security plans they’d reviewed a thousand times. Emergency drills for a ship with five – well, six – people in it. A complete waste of time. Not unlike the Captain at all, but lately she had been getting particularly unbearable. Alas, his upwards mobility depended on her review, so he could put up with a little bullshit here and there. The doors to the medbay opened. What Travis saw, he could not believe. The medbay looked like a warzone. Shattered vials, toppled cabinets, one of the mechanical helper arms embedded into a monitor; even the metal stretcher was bent, as if strained under a great force. “Lu!” He scanned the area. Instinctively, he pieced together the pieces of the puzzle. The cabinet had toppled away from the bed at an awkward angle – Lucian must have backed up against it while trying to escape. The helper arm had been swatted aside; Echo had given chase. Their paths converged; the alien had been faster. An empty syringe hinted at the weapon used – enough sedative to knock out a shark alien, certainly more than enough to put a lightweight like Lu down, or at the very least slow him down. But what to make of the stretcher, bent in the middle? It would have taken more than Echo’s weight, or Lucian’s, to strain the metal so. Even with both of them, the weight would be too distributed. Unless. Unless. “C-captain!” His commpad buzzed to life. “Constable, what the…” “Full lockdown! I think… I think that thing just ate Lu!” “Are you insane, Constable?” He didn’t reply; the ship’s lights turned red despite his silence. He put his nose to the air. There it was, hidden by the smell of medicine: sweat and saliva, and the alien’s distinctive scent. He followed it with the furor of a hunter thwarted one too many times. “Computer, how many lifeforms are aboard the Ashburton?” The computer’s voice, in its unnerving calm, sounded from his commpad. “There are six lifeforms aboard the Ashburton.” “Location.” “Captain’s location: unknown.” He frowned. Classic Minda, valuing her privacy enough to override the computer’s subroutines. At least he knew she was safe. The voice continued. “Engineering Officer’s location: deck C, Cybersecurity Technician’s quarters. Cybersecurity Technician’s location: deck C, Cybersecurity Technician’s quarters.” “And they call this thing artificial intelligence,” Travis huffed. Mark and Guil, inseparable as always. At least they’d be safe. “Location of Medical Officer and Echo Zero-Two entity, damn it!” “Echo Zero-Two entity’s location: garbage disposal unit, lower decks. Medical Officer’s location: garbage disposal unit, lower decks.” Of course! “Computer, location of the nearest garbage disposal station.” “Deck E.” Travis spun on his heels and rushed to the lower decks. “What do you reckon that was all about?” Guil looked up from the computer’s display. His fingers slid and tapped across the holographic control panel, shuffling about obtuse AR components that even Matt couldn’t make sense of. “I don’t know. No announcement yet. Maybe it’s just a drill.” Matt leaned back on his chair, legs crossing, hands behind his head. “Yeah, if it was at all important the Captain would have said something by now. She sure loves the sound of her own voice.” “Should we ring up Travis? Lu, maybe?” “Travis? No way. I’m giving that dude the silent treatment for a few days. I swear, his stench stuck to my fur.” Guil shrugged. “Call Lu for me, then. Ask if he knows what that’s about.” The cat pulled out his commpad from his toolbox and tapped it a few times. In the darkness, Echo dragged himself. Claws scraped at the metal, struggling to move the combined weight of his body, and his prey’s. At least he had stopped struggling. Echo liked it when they struggled, but only when he could take it. He wasn’t sure he could take it just now. He was too weak, too… diminished. Weeks in that hellish planetoid had drained his reserves. Usually, he would not have dared to consume a creature his size while in this state; he would have hunted vermin, small fish, perhaps even some of that disgusting dead food most ship cooks served. He felt his stretched gut compress against the metal walls. It would have to do. By the time his prey’s body processed the sedative, there would be little life left to sedate. Inside him, his meal moved only slightly. He could feel its breaths; he could feel the weak nudging at the walls of his stomach. His grin widened. His prey was conscious. With some luck, the dog would be conscious enough to comprehend what was going on. To understand that the juices that now submerged him were not just sticky but caustic – that even as he half-slumbered in his fleshy tomb, his body was made pliable and easier to absorb. Even now, the alien could feel the trickle of nutrients flowing into his veins, replenishing his strength, innervating his insides, activating his brain. Animalistic cunning gave way to more logical processes; soon, he would be whole again. He pushed his body through another corner. How lucky for him that industrial spaceships had such massive disposal chutes. Something inside him buzzed. He froze; his veins chilled. Some kind of defense mechanism? A bomb? No, not logical, not at all logical. But it buzzed, and made noise, a strange series of notes that resonated through his gut. Muffled, yes, but anything other than abject silence was unacceptable at the moment. He closed his eyes, focused on where the sensation rested. His innards churned, his flesh shifted. His stomach walls rippled, guiding the vibrating chunk of metal back towards his throat. And as soon as it tickled at the bottom of his esophagus, he retched and coughed, and something small and rectangular clanked against the metal before him. Its vibrations echoed through the shaft – deafening; its blue glow hurt his eyes – blinding. Not knowing what to do, he pressed a claw to its surface, hoping it would silence it. For a moment, it did. And then he heard a voice from the other side. “Hey, Sawbones! Got any idea what this red light bullshit’s about? I thought Cap had rejected my proposal for a ship orgy.” Silence. “Hey, Lu, can you hear me? Lu? I can hear you breathe, I know you’re there.” Panic stirred the alien’s insides. His stomach walls squeezed down on their prisoner, tighter than ever. He knew what he had to do. He knew he had it inside him – this Sawbones’s essence, the genetic ones and zeroes that made him, him. If only he could access some of it… He felt his vocal cords shift and his maw warp. “Busy. Can’t talk.” And he smashed the commpad under his fist. “Wow, what a jackass.” Guil looked over his shoulder. “What did he say?” “His Highness is apparently too busy to answer a simple question.” “He’s probably just excited about having a new test subject. You know how he is. A completely new specimen that he can write a paper on? You know he’s drooling himself over the prospect.” “Yeah, well, he’s still being a jackass about it.” “Let’s leave him alone for now.” Matt’s commpad lit up again. “Matt, deck E, now! Bring your weapon. The prisoner escaped. Lu might be in danger. Get your ass over here!” “Lu?” Guil asked. “Is that Guil next to you, Matt? Send him to his quarters, tell him to lock the doors. That’s thing is on the loose! Fucking… didn’t the Captain make an announcement?” “Not yet,” Matt said. “But I’m on my way.” The display switched off, and all urgency left the cat. “I guess I should go see what he wants. No idea why he’s so worried about a runt like that, though. And Lu being in danger… we literally just talked to him. I think Travis is tripping on combat stims again.” “We should do what he wants, though. I don’t want to make doped up Travis mad.” “I guess.” The cat sighed, rolled his eyes, and drew his weapon. Guil instinctively winced away from it. He had never been shot by one, but he had seen its effects. Non-lethal, Travis had described its effects, of the kind that makes you wish it weren’t. Without another word, he left for deck E. Alone, Guil scratched the back of his head, looked around one last time, and turned off the display. In the time it took his eyes to get used to the relative darkness, he felt a strange dread – a vague feeling that something was very, very wrong. His quarters’ double doors had never felt so needed. “Computer, lock doors.” “He did what?!” “You heard me, wrench-boy. Hold that open for me, will you?” Matt didn’t even find it within himself to protest. Travis’s story felt wrong, it felt almost stupid. His own assertion that he had spoken to Lu recently had been summarily dismissed; the ship’s watchdog was tunnel-visioning again, that much was obvious. But even at his most daring, the engineer knew better than to try Travis when he was worried about his husband. Without a word, he lifted the lid to the garbage chute. Travis clicked his tongue, and a small light switched on in the corner of her glasses, illuminating the darkness. “I can smell it,” Travis growled. “Even through all the noise, I can smell it. We’re going in.” “We?” A glare from Travis silenced the cat. Before he had a chance to regain his bearings, Matt watched the Constable crawl into the tube, weapon in hand. Though spacious, the tubes nevertheless brought out the claustrophobe in Travis. His movements were hasty, and every turn promised a nasty surprise – but no such promises were kept. Only more tubes, thick with the smell of rust and battery acid, going on forever. “Computer, how many lifeforms in the lower decks?” The computer replied with her infuriatingly even tone, “There are four lifeforms in the lower decks. Constable, Engineer, Medical Officer, and ” “Run another scan every sixty seconds and inform me of the results.” He didn’t need to check whether Matt was following – he could hear the muttering behind him. Wrench-boys, all the same. Not an ounce of respect between the lot of them. He hoped, for Matt’s own good, that this was just his way of processing fear. “There are four lifeforms in the lower decks.” He took a left, pushed past another plastic flap. A dim light shone beyond. He lost his footing, slipped, landed on a pile of refuse; his light shone around. Mirrored chrome, scrap piles, pools of oil and leaking batteries; his light illuminated them all, and in all their outlines he spotted the creature, bloated with its prey. A second light joined the fray. Matt, behind him, looked around. “There doesn’t seem to be anything here.” Travis growled. “Computer, location of Echo entity.” “Echo Zero-Two entity’s location: garbage disposal unit, lower decks. There are four lifeforms in the lower decks.” “Damn it, damn it, damn it!” Matt stepped forward. His fingers trembled as they gripped the handle of his PEP emitter. Instinctively, he stood behind Travis, keeping his back to the dog’s, head jerking in all directions so as to cover the most ground possible. They waded through the valleys of junk and the mountains of scrap; they cast their watchful gaze over every inch of the waste disposal unit, but whatever was out there, it was hidden. “There are four lifeforms in the lower decks.” Behind a pile of drone parts, something moved. Travis froze; the cat bumped against him and, startled, fired his gun at the void. The darkness lit up for a fraction of a second. Something fizzled. “We got the sucker. Follow me,” Travis whispered. They approached the pile. It swayed to a breeze that wasn’t there, letting out creaking whines with each inch of motion. When they stepped closer, movement again. It took them a moment to understand what had happened. They saw a silhouette in the dark and took aim; while they were distracted, they saw, off the corner of their vision, the mountain begin to topple… “There are four lifeforms in the lower decks.” Travis’s world spun. The weight of a week’s worth of scrap flattened his body against the floor. He tried to stand, but managed only to crawl. It was there. It was close. He had to get to it – he had to save Lu before it was too late. Before the alien had its way with him. He pushed through the scrap. Sharp edges dug into his skin; his fur chafed against the coarse metal. He paid it no mind. He harnessed all his strength, all his will to live, and pushed. Fresh air welcomed him. “There are four lifeforms in the lower decks.” He stumbled to his feet. Looking around, he saw Matt wriggling cat-like out of a similar predicament. Travis didn’t say anything; he didn’t have to. He followed the sound of disturbed scrap. He ran as fast as he could, foaming at the mouth, eyes red with fury. He ran, weapon in hand, his finger aching against the trigger, his searchlight sifting through the darkness. “There are four lifeforms in the lower decks.” A wall stopped him. He looked around; nothing. He looked up – and a series of claw marks on the metal led his eyes to another shaft, this one just out of reach. Matt caught up. He was panting. “Where… where did it go?” Travis shook his head. His clawed hand clutched at his heart. The computer’s voice sounded, impassive as ever. “There are three lifeforms in the lower decks.” Guil groaned. He flicked through the holographic display with his AR nails; the words that floated before him, scanned and transcribed from an old tome from back when they made those, failed to keep his mind from wandering. He briefly wondered if he should have done like some of his classmates, and invested in a direct neural interface. Indeed, why bother with displays, optic nerves and page-flicking, when he could have all the words delivered directly to his brain? Maybe then he would find it easier to focus. Then again, it was bigger than that. Well-lit as his room might have been, he still felt that atmosphere of dread in the air. Until today, there had been a routine aboard, and while he wasn’t the biggest fan of routine, he couldn’t deny that it made him feel safe. A sun could explode, a wormhole could open and swallow a planet, but as long as it didn’t disable the ship, business as usual it would be. But this, this was different. This had everyone grasping for straws, and the Captain was doing nothing against it. Maybe Travis’s comment about heat was right? Guil chuckled to himself. There was a knock on the door. Guil immediately froze. He considered answering, but couldn’t bring himself to. What if it was Echo? He looked around, and his eyes landed on his wardrobe. Maybe he could hide there, until the visitor decided to leave. Man, what was he thinking!? A little mention of an escaped prisoner, and he started cowering like a child and thinking of where to hide. Matt was right, even though he often meant it in an affectionate way – Guil really was spineless sometimes. Still, no need to be careless. “Who is it?” A familiar voice sounded. Lucian’s. “It’s me, Guil. Open up.” “One sec.” He jumped to his feet, put on some pants, and opened the door. Before him stood Lucian, naked and shivering, covering himself and looking around in a panic. Before Guil could ask, he turned to the wolf and said, “Quick! Let me in and lock the doors. It’s here.” “What’s here?” Lucian stepped into the room, pushing him aside. Guil thought to protest, but the desperate expression in the Medical Officer’s face dissuaded him. “Please lock the door,” Lucian said. Guil did so, and immediately, his guest seemed to relax. “Good, good, thank you. Can I borrow some of your clothes? It’s… it’s a long story.” “I’ll find you something.” He looked in his wardrobe. It had very little to offer. His spare uniform, his dress uniform (which he’d never worn), a few towels… he rummaged through them; they all seemed much too large to fit Lucian. “You said it’s here,” he said, pulling his uniform out and holding it up against the light. It looked clean enough, but he didn’t much care for that. He just wanted an excuse to not have to embarrass himself or the doctor, to avoid looking at him whenever possible. “What exactly is here?” “I am.” It wasn’t Lucian’s voice anymore. A hand clutched his shoulder. Another clamped down around his muzzle, silencing the yelp that followed. And that was the moment Guil realized he was screwed. The uniform fell at his feet. The wardrobe’s automatic door slid closed, and in the mirror, he saw Echo, but not as he remembered him. He was taller, broader, more muscular. His eyes glimmered with an intelligence that hadn’t been there before. His fins had grown larger, his grin wider, his fangs sharper and more numerous. His skin still rippled, returning to its original shape, reabsorbing the fur, the ears, the wagging tail that was so characteristically Lucian’s. All gone, vanished under a layer of sharkskin. Guil reached for his commpad. He pressed a button. His skilled fingers, and his AR claws, quickly put together an SOS. The alien’s claws tightened around his shoulder, but he seemed to not notice until it was too late – and by the time he had the presence of mind to grab the commpad off Guil and shove it down his maw, the message had already been sent. Echo’s eyes locked on to the wolf’s. He smiled, opened his maw… and struck. Guil’s world went dark. The Captain sat at the helm. Before her, streams of information made their way through the holodisplays. Each of her four hands hovered over a different control panel, inputting course corrections, checking systems, and making sure the ship would make it to its destination in time. “Captain! Captain!” She frowned. The Engineer, again. “Captain to ship Engineer. Is the matter handled?” “We lost Lu, Cap! We lost Lu.” Minda paused. “Define lost.” “The… fuck, this isn’t the time to be a prick! The thing killed Lu.” “Did you apprehend it?” “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” “My training dictates that discipline and hierarchy are never as important as during moments of distress. How is the Constable?” “Seeing red.” “He is forbidden from giving chase to the Echo Zero-Two entity.” “What?!” Minda glanced at the displays. Warning signs were starting to pop up; she dismissed them all. “You heard what I said. The entity is dangerous. You should all return to your quarters until we have reached our destination. They’ll handle the issue for us. Charging headlong into a chase will only put us in danger. There’s no way it can make it through the security doors. Keep me informed of what happens. Captain Minda, out.” “Wait just a –” Stepping out of the shaft, now covered in rust and oil, Matt switched off his commpad. “That cold bitch,” he muttered. “Hey, Trav, she says you aren’t supposed to chase the thing.” “Good old Cap,” the dog growled, poison in his voice. He stomped down the hallway, weapon in hand, looking, begging for someone to shoot. “Always following rules and regulations. Always erring on the side of caution.” Matt followed him down towards deck C. “I won’t tell if you don’t.” The dog smiled. “Now that’s the kind of wrench-boy I like. But no. The captain’s doing her job – keeping us safe. I plan to obey her. I’m not getting court-marshaled because of insubordination. Lu…” His voice faltered. He fell silent, then anger once more bubbled, and his growl returned, more guttural than ever. “Lu wouldn’t let me throw away my life for the sake of revenge.” They took a turn. The door to Guil’s quarters stood before them. It was open. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Matt tried to rush past Travis, but the Constable’s iron grip stopped him. “Careful now,” the dog said. “Cover me.” “But Guil…” “Cover me.” He stepped forward, peeked into the room. Unlike the medbay, the room was spotless. The bed was made, the lights were on, the curtains were closed to avoid the glare of starlight. And in a corner, collapsed on the floor, covered in saliva, was Guil. Matt gasped. Without a word, Travis knelt, and put his ear to the wolf’s limp wrist. “He’s alive,” he said. “Thank fuck. Does that mean…” “The thing probably heard us coming. That’s saliva. My guess is that it ate him, heard us coming, and disgorged him so it wouldn’t get slowed down.” “Which means… it can’t be far.” Matt looked over his shoulder. The corridor stretched in only two directions, with no vent or secondary path in sight. One of those paths led to where they had come from… the other, to the entertainment suites. A dead end. Travis closed his eyes. “Ship Engineer.” “What?” “Ship Engineer.” Matt straightened up. “Y-yes, Constable?” “The captain’s order forbids me from chasing the creature. Since I’m busy tending to the Cybersecurity Technician’s health, I find myself unable to stop you from pursuing and gunning down the creature, should you choose to do so. After all, you were given no such order.” The cat blinked, confused – but then, slowly, a grin twisted his features. “Ah. I understand. Don’t worry, Trav, I’ll give him hell for Lu.” “Please do.” Matt nodded. His fingers gripped the handle of his PEP emitter. He moved the potency slider to maximum, ignoring the warnings that plastered themselves all over the weapon’s AR display. After a while, those faded too. He ran out of the room. The dog rose to his feet, glancing out of the door to watch him go, and then, with a sigh, closed the security door. When he returned to Guil, while pulling his medkit from his tool belt, he saw the wolf stir. His mouth was moving, but only a whisper came out – nothing Travis could make out. “It’s okay, Guil. It’s me. I’ll keep you safe.” The near-unconscious wolf frowned. That same whisper returned, more desperate than before. “I can’t hear you, Guil. Don’t try to speak, you need rest.” The wolf gripped his hand, and finally, Travis relented. He leaned forward, put his ear to the wolf’s snout, and when Guil repeated it for the third time, Travis could finally understand his words. “Run…” “What?” “R-run, it’s a…” The wardrobe door slid open. Something jumped out of it – something large, something vicious, something very much unlike the small alien they’d apprehended. In his surprise, he couldn’t react in time. He drew his weapon, only to have it swiped from his hands, then pointed at his chest. The trigger was pulled. Every single nerve on his body burst into agony. Guil opened his eyes. What he saw was such a nightmare that he thought he might be asleep – but no unconscious mind could have come up with this specific brand of horror. Travis writhed in the ground, his ears flat against his skull, his tail tucked between his legs. He clawed at his own fur, slammed his body to the floor, growled and yelped in abject agony. Before him stood Echo, shooting the weapon a curious glance before he crushed it in his hand; he grinned, baring his sharp fangs, and even in his state of half-consciousness, Guil couldn’t help shuddering at the sight. The alien squatted by the Constable. Even now, the dog dwarfed him, but Guil saw from his grin that the difference in statures would present no problem. And when that grin widened, and those jaws split, and the wolf caught a glimpse of what lay beyond the blood-curling smile. His gums were pale and rough, weathered by mud and seawater and split by gills that expanded and contracted, still attempting to do their work. From the serrated tips, saliva dripped, thick and gooey, swinging to and fro to the rhythm of his breaths. Guil saw it for but a moment, a fraction of a second, before it engulfed Travis’s whole head. The dog didn’t even seem to notice it, so lost in agony he was; he made no attempt to escape. Guil tried to call out, but his mind struggled to pull words from the void of his consciousness. Even from here, he could smell it. The alien’s breath, thick and pungent, washing over him. It was the scent of death in the ocean. Rot and seaweed, bile and brine. The alien swallowed. A nictitating membrane spread over his eyes; a show of satisfaction, however subtle. The still writhing Travis offered no struggle; Echo only had to fight his prey’s massive size, and gravity itself. His throat handled the first issue without much problem; under his prey’s weight, it bloated and expanded, sharkskin stretching thin, so thin that Guil could swear he saw Travis’s brown fur underneath it. The fangs clamped down on flesh; hard enough to entrap, not maim. He tilted his head to one direction, bit again. In the other, and bit again. And inch by inch, he worked his way past the broad shoulders, past the powerfully-built arms, past even the chest that Guil had thought hard as granite. Even granite could chip, turned out. How long did the process take? Guil would have guessed hours; hours frozen in place, staring as his friend disappeared into an open maw, forced to watch the alien’s form distend and deform, until he could discern the features within; a snout, a skull, shoulders pushing out from under sharkskin. Little by little, however, blue took over brown, fur and synthweave vanished behind fangs, and when Travis’s fate was sealed, Echo slowly got to his feet, stumbling and panting, but clearly satisfied. His gut dragged along the ground. A fist to its surface sent ripples across his form; he held back a belch. He took a step towards Guil; his eyes glimmered with greed. The wolf couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Such a full stomach, and already the alien craved more? He tried to move. His fingers barely trembled. He was too weak, the image of sliding down that throat still fresh in his mind; he remembered the battering walls and the deafening gurgles, and they had all but broken him. Echo cracked his knuckles; his form loomed over the wolf. There was something gleeful about his smile, something sadistic. This wasn’t hunger or greed. This was simple lust for blood. He reached for the wolf. His claws twitched with anticipation. They clenched around his throat. “Now that the bait has had its use…” Never had words rung with such finality in the poor wolf’s ears. The grip tightened… The room doors opened. Matt stepped inside, panting – and, upon seeing the creature, thought quickly. He drew his weapon, pointed it at the alien, and his finger rested against the trigger; just as he was about to fire, though, he saw the shape of the alien’s massive gut. It was the shape of a friend. He hesitated. Echo needed only one look at the emitter to know it was time to move. Before Matt could reconsider, he rushed him down. The dog’s weight may have slowed him down, but it also added momentum to his charge; Matt knew to jump out of the way before he found himself flattened against the wall. His head hit the floor; in the dizziness that followed, Echo slipped into the darkness once more. “What the… what the fuck was that?!” Those were the first words that left Matt’s lips. And Guil, groaning in pain, replied with a weary whisper: “That… was the prisoner.” Matt stumbled inside and locked the door. “I’ll call… I’ll call the captain. We need to do something. We need to…” But the adrenaline that coursed through his body was wearing off, and all the pain, all the exhaustion, all the distress of losing not one, but two friends crashed down on him all at once; he didn’t finish his sentence or even his thought. He just fell to his knees, laid down on the floor, and curled up. Guil crawled closer, borrowed his friend’s commpad. With it, he called the Bridge. Static. “Computer… where’s the captain?” “Captain’s location: unknown.” “M-minda, no…” “He’ll come back. I know he’ll come back.” “Calm – calm down, Guil. Look, just…” “He got Lu. He got Trav. He got Cap. He’s gonna get us too. He’s gonna come back, and…” Guil fell on his back, onto the saliva-stained bed that had once been a source of comfort and peace. Matt paced across the room, limping, fidgeting with the weapon in his hands. It had taken him half an hour and a lot of painkillers, but at least he could move again. “Shut up. Let me think. We’re going to make it. We’re going to be okay, just – just shut your trap and let me think. Computer!” His commpad sparked to life. “Time until destination?” “Classified data requested. You do not have the necessary clearance.” “Urgh! At least tell me where we are just now. System? Hell, sector?” “You do not have the necessary clearance. Please contact the ship’s Captain for assistance.” “Fucking!…” The wolf groaned. He pinched the bridge of his snout. “Hold on, hold on. Give me… give me your commpad.” “Do you have the clearance codes?” “No. Please, just…” He held out his hand; Matt, with no hesitation, gave him the commpad. The wolf sank deeper into the mattress. His eyes glazed over; his fingers danced on the holographic display. Color-coded blocks of light turned from red to blue. Eventually, the computer’s voice sounded again. “Estimated time of arrival: T minus two hours, fifty-two minutes, eleven seconds.” Matt clapped. “Three hours! We’ll be absolutely fine. We just need to stay put until we get there, and the guards will clean up for us. We’ll have a nice shower and hit up the bar. We’re gonna make it through, Guil. We just gotta stay put and stay alert. Three hours. We can survive for three hours, right?” Something about the cat’s desperate tone made Guil all the more uneasy. But he forced a smile. “Yeah. Three hours.” A creak echoed through the ship. It sent shivers down their spine. Then all the lights went down. Echo pinched his gut. Flat, as he liked it. Under a small layer of fat, muscle bulged. He smiled. The Constable had been harder to take down than expected, but way easier to digest. He had the Medical Officer to thank for it – without that nutritional boost, Echo’s body would have never been able to break Travis down so effectively. A final parting gift from the Constable’s late husband – a quick death. Well, Echo thought, stepping through a doorway, a quicker death, at least. Already his mind expanded, considering opportunities and plans that had so far eluded him. Now they echoed through his mind, so simple, so easy to understand, as if they had always been there. Two targets left to silence. Two more sources of nourishment to take in. He would have fun with them. He would have fun with them all. But he had so little time… so little time until his fun was taken from him. Three hours, the terminal had said, when he mimicked the Constable’s voice. Three hours until their destination. It was enough. He inhaled deeply. The scent of fear permeated the lower decks. The cat and the wolf – Matt and Guil, as his prey’s memories had told him – were still where he had left them. All the better. He would have fun. And he knew just how to bring them out into the open. “Computer, this is Constable Travis Jones. Emergency override on all doors in the lower decks, and reroute all power from deck C to the Bridge. Oh, and activate the Safe Target System on all weapons on board. Target: the Echo Zero-Two entity.” Scurry, scurry, little trapped vermin… The ship’s security system may have been Travis’s world, inherited only through digestion of his flesh, but the darkness was Echo’s domain from birth, and in it, he thrived. His small eyes saw nothing at the best of times, but he felt his surroundings like none other; he caught every scent in the air, heard every sound. He heard the whispers moving down the hallway. They sounded like dinner. Only one question lay unanswered. Which one to go for first? And he had a feeling it would answer itself. When Guil turned the corner towards the cargo hold, he had no way of knowing that decision would seal his fate. And why should he? Matt walked just behind him, far from blind in the darkness. His eyes reflected even the slightest hint of light, and they were always near the wolf. Then he bumped into something. Something wet dripped on his head. Before he could process it, it happened. A hand around his throat, again. Stronger than before. More unyielding. The stench of an open maw, surrounding him, hot and stuffy, casting a fog in his mind. He heard Matt’s shouts, and the frantic pulling of a trigger. “Fuck! It’s not working! Hold on, Guil, I’m coming for you!” Thump. Guil couldn’t see the backhand, but he heard it, and he felt it. Matt, silenced, was flung across the hallway. The alien’s breath washed over him a second time, more overwhelming than ever… Silence did not come as a relief. Nor did the soft embrace of pulsing flesh. The walls that surrounded him squeezed him tight; he clawed at them, but they were slippery with slime, and his carefully trimmed AR-implanted claws, so useful in the world of code, held no such power in the physical plane. The creature’s esophagus pulsed and rippled all around, its small vibrations pulling him down, towards the source of the bitter smell, towards darker and hotter depths. Echo’s body dominated all his senses. He smelled only his breath, tasted only his saliva, and heard only the workings of its body. He felt nothing but the churning of flesh and the pumping of blood. He felt nothing but the inevitable downwards pull, unyielding and without mercy, delivering him to his destination. And he could do nothing to slow it. Plop. Freedom for a second; a free fall, then a splash. Something thick clung to his fur, weighing him down. Where was he? He put his ear to the creased flesh and, ever so faint, he heard the echoing sounds of dull impact. What was happening out there? Where… where was he? Then he felt it. The walls, again. Those powerful muscles, tensing, knotting. They tightened around him, compressed him into the fetal position, submerged him in the bubbling bile that bled from every surface. They weighed down on him with a strength beyond human, a straight that was the purview of only machines and the most powerful aliens. The flesh was hard; it was slick, it was overwhelming. Slowly, it squeezed the breath from his lungs in a stream of bubbles. The burning came after. And a noise, a deafening noise, the hissing of acid. The hungry cry of Echo’s body, going into overdrive, filled his ears. It was over. “Do you see?” The voice reached Matt despite his throbbing headache, despite the ringing in his ears. Echo leaned down; his massive foot pressed harder on the cat’s skull. “Fuck you.” “Such bravado,” said the alien. He spat; a glob of thick saliva shattered against Matt’s eye. “Do you like what you just saw? That’s what my body does to wimps like you and your friend. Put your ear to it; do you hear anything? You don’t. He’s gone; fifteen seconds ago he was standing here next to do, now he’s mush. In about a minute, he’ll be just nutrients flowing through my bloodstream. Isn’t that fascinating? After that, I think I’ll be able to process you in about half that time.” He slapped his gut; the vibrations resonated throughout his body, from the base of the stomach and up the gullet, and he let out a booming belch. Spit rained on Matt’s face; a half-digested pair of glasses shattered against the floor. Echo grabbed the cat by the skull, lifted him up to eye level. “Do you know something, cat? My kind inherits all the memories of those we eat. I inherited all of Travis’s memories… and that gives me urges. Urges to teach this wrench-boy some humility.” His grip tightened. Matt screamed. Echo pushed the cat’s face against his nose, exhaled deeply of his fetid breath. “You know, he always wanted to do this.” He opened his palm, swung it across the air. It met Matt’s ass with a resounding clap; the pain that followed was as sharp as it was sudden, setting his skin on fire, nearly snapping his body in two. He yelped, but his skull was squeezed harder and harder, until even the most pained of sounds was repressed. Another slap. The ringing of Matt’s shame, echoing through every dark corridor. The burning on his lower back, spreading. But it wasn’t just the pain. It was… everything. It was the fact that this thing had taken all his friends. It was the way it made him powerless, by overwhelming him with such ease, that he couldn’t even talk back anymore. It was the shame of being spanked like a little child, and not just that, being told that this was somehow Travis’s will. And it was knowing that while this happened, what was left of Guil was slowly disappearing. His best friend, gone. Reduced to simple fuel – fuel that this abomination now used to discipline Matt in the most demeaning way possible. By the time Echo was satisfied, Matt was little more than a mewling wretch dangling from his hand. “Heh, you’ve certainly kept me entertained while I process your friend. Oh, here we go… here we go…” His skin rippled. His muscles bulged. His fins burst forth from his flesh, his maw elongated. His eyes rolled with something not unlike both agony and bliss. Lost in the moment, he let go of Matt; it was all that the cat needed. He landed on all fours, and as soon as his body hit the ground, he bolted into the darkness. Echo let him go. Matt ran. He ran, because he could do nothing but run. He ran until his legs gave out, until his whole body screamed for rest, and when he could run no more, he hid. Every few seconds he checked his commpad with rabid intent, watching the numbers slowly go down. It wasn’t until they hit zero and the whole ship trembled, that he realized danger had not subsided. He still had to make it to the umbilicals, where he knew that the prison planet’s representatives would await him. He put his ear to the wall, and far away, he heard the stomping. It was no longer actively chasing; it was patrolling. The cat let out a sigh of relief. If each of the creature’s victims made him larger, then Matt was lucky they also made him dumber. Echo now seemed content to just stomp around, no longer taking the chase seriously. Matt awaited his moment, then dashed. The stomping stopped, then resumed. It moved closer. It was fast. Bulky as he may have been, with size come longer legs, and though the cat was spry and speedy, he had to take two or three steps for each of the alien’s bounds. But he knew these halls. He knew his goal. And he had something the beast didn’t. The survivor’s instinct. The resentment. To die now would be to hand victory to the same creature whose jaws had claimed Travis, Minda, Lucian… Guil. He could not bear it. His spirit would never rest easy again. His life’s last value was on the account of pettiness. He couldn’t help but grin at the thought. Yes, that seemed about right… The steps echoed. He could hear them, and he could hear Echo’s heavy breaths, too. And the gurgling of its stomach. Poor Guil. Fury bubbled inside the cat; he would make it. He would make it for the lot of them. He squeezed past security doors, he climbed ladders and crawled through vents, with the roaring never too far behind, always followed by the creaking of metal and shattering of barriers. The alien made his own path, and each moment’s delay brought Matt closer to his awaiting maw. Then he saw them. The airlock. The semitransparent chunk of plasteel that led to the ship’s umbilicals. And beyond, freedom. Survival. “Computer, open airlock.” For a moment, there was silence, and his heart sank; he thought himself lost. Then, with a loud whine, the airlock slowly slid open. He squeezed himself past as soon as there was enough space for his body. Rarefied air filled his lungs. He looked back, at the creature standing by the half-open airlock, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, Matt felt relief. “What’s the matter, asshole? Did you really think you’d get away with this? Good luck trying to fit through there. By the time you’ve opened it, they’ll be here, and they have cattle prods with your name on ‘em.” The other airlock began to open. Matt jerked his thumb towards it. “We’re here. You’re going into a cell, you fucking freak, you’re going to rot in there for the rest of your life. Do you hear what I’m saying? Or is your brain too atrophied to understand basic language?” The alien stared blankly at him. If there had been any expression in that creature’s face, its bestial bulk had long overtaken it. The airlock opened. Two armed guards stepped in; between them, an older woman in white robes, a stern expression on her slit eyes. “There’s your prisoner,” Matt said. “He killed all of my friends. Give him hell.” The woman nodded, but did nothing. “Well? What are you waiting for?” “Your Captain.” “Cap’s gone! The prisoner’s right there, just get him! Get him before he escapes!” Echo made no gesture to escape. He just stood there, peering through the gap, like a cat through a mouse hole. Then the airlock began to open. Emerging from behind it, a second figure stepped forward. Minda. The cat gasped. “Cap, what the hell?” “I’m afraid your Captain isn’t here to answer you, Matt.” She smiled. Her teeth were sharp, sharp and triangular, like Echo’s. “In fact, she hasn’t answered many questions since I devoured her in that wretched cage of a world.” Her slit eyes turned beady. Her two pairs of arms fused into one. Her fur disappeared under a layer of blue scales. Before Matt stood another shark-alien. Echo smiled. His voice was gravelly, but his speech cogent. “Don’t mistake my generosity for lack of intelligence, wrench-boy.” For a moment, he took Travis’s mannerisms. “I just wanted to share some of the bounty with my people. You were doomed from the moment I entered this ship. Didn’t you know? This was never a prisoner transfer mission at all. This was a rescue mission.” The cat stepped back. He bumped against the robed woman, who looked down at him and smiled. She had the teeth of a shark. All of them did. |
Lapdog Steph’s staggered breaths faded into the cold evening air. She emerged from under the covers, wincing as her bare feet touched the wooden floorboards. She stumbled in the dark, not daring to switch on the lights, guided only by the fading moonlight. The first scream echoed through the night, so distant and muffled, yet too close for comfort. She knew it wouldn’t be the last. Other voices would soon join its chorus; the voices of friends and co-workers. She tried the door. It was locked. She swore under her breath, feeling her way around for the keyhole, hoping, praying. It wasn’t there. Amongst the blood-curdling screams, a peal of laughter. Her heart skipped; she had to go. She had to get out of this prison, heavy with the stench of sweat and filth, to step out in the cool night air and fill her lungs with something that didn’t remind her of it. Instinctively, her fingers moved towards the light switch, but she caught herself at the last moment. Would it be wise to light a beacon, to signal all the things that went bump in the night? She settled for the small flashlight that she kept under her pillow. Its shine, dimmed by the thick fabric of her robes, served her purposes just enough. With its aid, she scoured the cabin for the key, growing more and more panicked as the drawers turned out to be empty, as the pockets of the two hanging jackets produced only lint, as even her cabin mate’s belongings shattered her hope that her fears had been unfounded. Locked in. Steph’s eyes darted across the room one final time. Would this be her tomb? It was sure to come back for her. She knew this well. She knew that all of Camp Clearview’s horrors had been a show, a lesson, a prelude, and that the slavering monster would come for her last. She tried the window. It, too, refused to budge. Her tormentor had been thorough. But it didn’t suspect, it couldn’t suspect, that she knew its identity. That she would try to escape. She opened the door to the supply cabinet and took out the footstool. The solid piece of wood weighed heavy in her hands. She brought it to the window, pressed her body against the wall, and waited. Outside, the screams were beginning to fade, and more and more of the voices grew faint and distant. Against her best judgment, she peeked through the blinds… A scream died in her throat. Only a single cabin’s lights were on, and though the curtains were pulled, the silhouettes cast on the fabric revealed more than enough. She saw vague human shapes stumbling, tripping, pressing themselves to the glass only to be pulled away; she saw furniture topple over and the curtains fluttering as it crashed down. And at the eye of the storm, it – she stood; the biggest silhouette of them all, wide and rotund and unabashedly feminine, with messy hair cascading over her shoulders and a laugh as coy as it was lustful. Amongst the panic, she moved with grace, picking at the others with practiced ease, squeezing them in her arms, enveloping them in her embrace… and when she grew tired of them, screaming voices faded into the gurgles of an overworked stomach; human forms’ struggles subsumed into the rippling and churning of a gut that grew wider with each addition. Steph closed her eyes, held the footstool high, and took a deep breath. The cabin door opened. “And you’re not worried at all?” “You know how he is, Jim. He’s probably preparing something. Remember when he vanished for three days and came back covered in fake blood and with a prop axe on his back? He does this every year. Trust me, at this point it’s a Clearview tradition,” Steph said, and glanced over her shoulder. “Look, here come Eva and Lapdog. She’s been around for longer than any of us; she’ll agree with me. Hey, Eva! Did you hear about Cliff?” Eva crossed her arms. “What about Cliff?” More than any other camp counselor, she cut an imposing figure, only enhanced by the khaki of her uniform, which clung to her body with sweat, defining the contours of her muscular form. Fools called her heavyset, but Steph knew that was the body of a survivalist – the body of someone she could leave on a deserted island and still expect to be home by nightfall. Her ‘lapdog’, not so much. Everything Eva was, Sydney was not. Though the bigger of the two, she shadowed the veteran counselor like a lost puppy. If Eva was hard as granite, with not a hint of fat on her well-built frame, Sydney was soft and bouncy, owning the excess meat on her bones and wearing it with pride. Eva was serious and reliable, while Sydney bounced between cutesy affectations and loud tomboyish mannerisms. Between her poor hygiene and not-too-subtle shadowing of her obvious crush, the nickname of Lapdog had stuck. Steph paid her no mind. Few in the camp did. “Nobody’s seen him since yesterday night. Jim here says he went out for a smoke at two in the morning and never came back.” James nodded. “Said he heard something and wanted to check it out. I didn’t hear anything.” “Maybe it was the Clearview Cleaver,” Eva said. Both Steph and James chuckled; Sydney, however, raised an eyebrow. “Who?” “The Clearview Cleaver,” Steph said, rolling her eyes. “You really haven’t done your homework, have you? It’s the story we tell the kids. Crazed escaped inmate with garden shears. Chops people up and feeds them to his pigs.” Sydney’s eyes lit up. “Interesting.” “I’ll ask around, just in case,” Eva said. “But someone’s going to have to coach Syd here while I’m away.” “Oh, wow, look at the time. I should check on the kids, they’re probably up to no good. Good luck with the coaching, Steph!” “Gee, thanks, Jim.” Eva, too, walked away without a word. Steph waited for her to be gone before she spoke up – and when she did, it was with a scrunched-up nose. “Jesus, woman, I’m not coaching anyone until you hit the showers. You smell like you’ve just finished a marathon.” Her words dripped with venom. She expected Sydney to wince, or at least for her overly-cutesy smile to fade, but neither happened. Instead, she just chuckled, even as the red of embarrassment flushed her cheeks. “I suppose I do! I’ve been helping Eva with the cooking. Lots of running around, lots of heat, lots of sweating. It gets way worse than this.” “There’s no way Eva lets you be near her like that.” “Eva doesn’t mind,” Sydney said, winking. “But if you’re so set on being a killjoy, how about you wait here for me? I promise I won’t take long.” “Just hurry up. Urgh, that Eva…” James opened the napkin over his lap, revealing a small metal box, rolling paper, and some premade cardboard filters. Eagerly, he opened the lid and took a deep breath of the thick, earthy scent. This was the life. Away from annoying kids, away from overbearing coworkers, away from everything – everything, except the gentle howling breeze and the beauty of the untamed thicket. Every motion that followed was practiced to perfection. He hummed to himself as went through the steps of sprinkling, rolling, and lighting; this was his ritual, almost as relaxing as the act of smoking itself, and no amount of fussing or drama from his fellow counselors could reach him here. When the stinging reached his lungs and his eyes began to water, he smiled. The breeze blew. The leaves rustled. A small branch fell from the treetops. James was home. An arm wrapped around his neck, and he barely felt it. A voice whispered in his ear, and he recognized it. “Weren’t you supposed to be with –” Tighter. A constrictor’s grip around his neck. The joint fell on his lap, its thick aroma soon replaced by another smell no less intense, but much less relaxing. Smoke billowed from his nostrils one last time. He struggled to breathe in again. The joint rolled to the ground. The moist soil extinguished it with a hiss. She, too, extinguished him. Once she grew tired of waiting, Steph found Sydney in the cabin she shared with Eva. When she came to open the door, her eyes were sleepy, and her hair was dry. “I’ve been waiting for ages, Lapdog. What the hell happened?” Sydney stretched. Her clothes – her fresh clothes – strained under her movements. She ignored the sound of ripping fabric and the feeling of fresh air on her exposed skin, though her cheeks flushed her, and a smile crawled its way onto her features. There was that smile again, Steph thought. That smile that always followed embarrassment, fabricated or otherwise, and that always made her feel complicit in another person’s fetish. She opened her mouth, venom already dripping from her tongue, ready to lash out, but restrained herself. What if Sydney got off on that, too? “Are we still doing the coaching thing?” “Only if you go and take your damn shower.” Sydney blinked; the very picture of plastic innocence. “Come on in and grab a seat; I’ll be done in just a moment. Sorry if the place is messy, I just woke up.” She yawned, and didn’t bother to cover her mouth; her breath washed over Steph, thick with a familiar rank amongst the usual bitterness. Of course. As if Jim wasn’t enough. She watched the rookie bounce her way to the bathroom; she could swear she looked heavier than before. Maybe it was the way her new outfit clung to her body, or maybe the tears themselves enhanced her figure. Then Steph realized she’d been giving that body too much thought, and looked for a place to sit inside the cabin. One of the beds was made; the other wasn’t. All the blinds were wide open, even though clothes peppered the floor, discarded where Sydney had left them. And they were no doubt Sydney’s, for they were massive, unlike Eva’s neatly folded and hung clothes. Even now, it blew Steph’s mind that the Camp Clearview veteran, first among equals and eternal neat freak, could tolerate a bunkmate like this. She rolled her eyes. Just her luck. The door to the bathroom closed. Sydney’s soft hums faded away under the sounds of the running shower. Steph’s relief didn’t last. Something about this cabin felt wrong. And no, it wasn’t the mess or the open windows, and no, it wasn’t the smell that lingered in the air, the smell of sweat and toil. It was the large lock that hung from the door, the key nowhere to be seen; it was the button on a nearby shelf, when all of Sydney’s clothes had zippers. It was the wallet on the bedside table; a man’s wallet. Then she heard it. Soft and languid, cutting through the running water. At first, she thought it was the first note of a song, yet more veiled mockery from the buffoon, testing her patience once more. But if there was melody to it, it wasn’t one born of a composer, but of baser urges. The sound of it made Steph’s face burn a bright crimson. The moans grew loud and rhythmic, and then louder still as they were joined by the creaking of wood, the whining of wet skin against acrylic. Steph squirmed in her chair. She bit her lip so hard it nearly bled; there was no way this wasn’t intended. This woman, this creature of duality, at one point loud and crass, at others as innocent as a cherub, must have known. She did seem to take pleasure in asserting herself onto others; in taking up as much metaphorical space as she did physical, in making sure her presence was always noticed, always felt or heard, or even smelled, just to get a reaction, any reaction at all. Her lustful moans rang in Steph’s ears; she could swear she could hear the soft squelches, too, of fingers sliding around a belly, finding their way between trembling thighs, and plunging into the sweltering depths of Sydney’s lust. How could someone be so shameless, that not even the shower panels and the thick wood walls were able to conceal her shame? Fuming, Steph rose to her feet. Her fist slammed against the bathroom door, so hard that the whole rickety cabin seemed to quake. One final howl, languid and lascivious, was her answer – and then, blissful silence. The water stopped running. Footfalls made the floor creak for a few minutes, and then the door opened, and from amidst a waft of warm and humid air, Sydney emerged. Her wet hair clung to her head; gooseflesh formed where fabric gave way to skin. She was smiling, but then again, she almost always smiled; her uniform sat snug over her form. Not bursting, like before; snug. Even loose in parts. Steph’s mind lingered on that for but a moment, before she chased the thought away. “About time. Come on, Lapdog, I’ll give you the abridged version. How much has Eva taught you?” “A lot,” Sydney said, winking. “But nothing about how to deal with the kids.” “Follow me.” Steph was happy to leave the cabin behind. It wasn’t until she stepped outside that she realized that the uneasy feeling had followed her out. Days later, when she found herself trapped within that prison of wood and glass, Steph would think back on that fateful evening and regret not following her instincts. Then again, how could she have known that there was a monster in Camp Clearview? Another night, another disappearance. The days rolled by, and tensions mounted. Paul Beckart went to look for a kid who had wandered off to the river – the kid showed up that same night, soaking wet and freezing, but Paul was never seen again. Rachel Barnes and Lucy Evans, the two lovebirds, were seen for the last time making out behind the outhouse. One of the children reported seeing a large figure disappearing into the treeline. But how much was real, and how much was hysteria that the dreaded Cleaver was on the loose? It wasn’t until the third disappearance that Eva decided to act. She woke up before sunrise, when streaks of emerald were just beginning to spread through the waning night, and waded through the swarms of mosquitoes that emerged from the bushes. One by one, she gathered all the counselors, and at dawn, before any of the children woke up, she calmly announced that preventative measures would be taken. “Safety in numbers,” she said, her cold gaze moving from counselor to counselor, lingering only briefly on Sydney. “We are to sleep three to a cabin from now on. Steve, Hoskins, you’ll be moving to Ulrich’s cabin. Lisa, Steph – you’re with Syd.” “How about you, Eva?” Steph asked. “Someone has to keep an eye on the kids,” she shrugged. “For now, let’s all act normal, okay? The police said they would be here soon. You know the roads here are treacherous; they might take a while.” “I don’t like this one bit,” said one of the male counselors, fidgeting on his seat. “Four counselors gone. I’m getting pretty sick of these kinds of pranks. The kids are starting to get scared, too.” “None of us does, Hoskins. I’ll draw up a plan of action by tonight; if the police haven’t arrived by then, we’ll get prepped and trek our way back to civilization. Meet at Ulrich’s cabin at midnight? Just the seniors, of course.” She shot Sydney a pointed glance. The rookie blushed slightly. The rest of the counselors all nodded. “Mhm.” “Yeah.” “You got it.” “Alright!” Eva said, and rose to her feet, smiling. She clapped her hands together. “Camp Clearview Counselors, dismissed!” She cracked her knuckles and prepared to leave, but as she started to head towards the door, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Steph’s. “Yeah?” “Mind if I pull you aside for a second, Eva?” Ten minutes later, huddled up under a blanket by the long-extinguished fire, Steph let out a long sigh. “I don’t think I can do this anymore, Eva. I don’t like games like these. I’m starting to really worry about the rest of the crew.” The survivalist leaned close, examining her face. “You do look tired. Have you been sleeping well?” “No. Not at all.” “Okay, this is what we’ll do. Take the day off, okay? Chill in the cabin, sleep a little during the day.” “And the meeting?” “Don’t worry about it. Everything’s going to be fine.” Something about her tone reassured Steph. At the break of dawn, when the counselors put on their ‘business as usual’ faces and returned to the fray, she stayed behind, to move her sparse belongings into her new cabin. Her half was already empty, and Eva’s things gone – it looked like their fearless leader had everything under control, as always. Because the windows would not open, she left the door open, instead, to let in the air of the New Jerseyan woodlands. Sydney came and went throughout the day, for the first time looking busy, fussy even. They exchanged precious few words, and by the time the day’s bustle had faded and the counselors gathered around the other cabin, Steph huddled herself in her blanket and, unable to sleep, peered through the window. She saw the other counselors sitting in a circle, patiently awaiting Eva’s arrival. She saw the door open, and the curtains being pulled. That’s when the screaming started. The cabin door opened. Steph winced. She expected the Lapdog turned rabid, even though the chaos in the other cabin had yet to cease; instead, she was met with Eva’s tired and steely gaze. “Thank God, it’s you. We have to go.” Before she waited for a reply, she tried to step through the door. She expected Eva to step aside; instead, she found herself in her grip. “This – this isn’t the time for games, Eva! There’s some messed up stuff going on in –” “In the cabin, yes. Don’t worry, that’s just some housekeeping. You’re the main course tonight.” “Wha –” Before she could reply, Eva pinned her to the ground. With a hand over her mouth and another around her neck, Steph watched as Eva looked over her shoulder and called out for Sydney. Within seconds, the last scream fell silent. The Lapdog came to her master’s whistle. Her massive form bounced with each step, squeezing through the door, nearly shattering the frame. From Steph’s new perspective, she looked taller than ever – a veritable mountain of woman, a form so soft and rotund none of it registered as dangerous, and yet she towered, and her breasts bounced, and her protruding belly writhed with the weakening human shapes within. Yes, that was the worst part for the young counselor; to see the rubbery flesh stretch and distort, to see the handprints, profiles, and silhouettes that pushed out against the tensile skin. There must have been two, maybe three distinct shapes in there – where had the others gone? She tested Eva’s grip. Unyielding, as always. The corner of her lip turned into a grim grin. Reliable as always… “Oh, honey, thanks for holding her for me. I guess I made too much noise? I tried to keep them quiet like you told me, but they just wouldn’t stop screaming.” “She almost slipped away, you know. If I hadn’t seen the flashlight…” Steph cursed herself under her breath. “Thanks for watching my back. Now me and your friend here can enjoy our time together.” Eva smirked. “Oh, she’s no friend of mine. She’s all yours.” She released Steph from her grip. At once, the counselor tried to escape, jumping to her feet and running for her life, but Sydney moved to block the door. Steph slammed face-first into her gut; a warm welcome into a bear hug. From the corner of her eye, she saw Eva pull up a chair and sit, arms crossed, hands folded on her lap. Watching. Smiling. She tried to say something, but Sydney’s embrace squeezed the air out of her lungs. That soft, flushed skin clung to hers. Beads of sweat rolled off her form and onto hers. The air all about her was sweltering, thick with a miasma of odors both pleasing and foul; her body odor, thick and oppressive; her breath, bitter and sharp; her lust, sickly-sweet; her cheap deodorant, barely perceptible. They invaded Steph’s nostrils, filled her mouth until she felt she could taste them – they weighed heavy on her lungs when she was allowed to breathe in, and cast a thick mist over her mind. Or maybe it was the blood flow starting to cut off? “Do you feel that?” Sydney’s stomach growled; its vibrations spread all over Steph’s body. With her ear to the Lapdog’s gut, every little gurgle was amplified, the sloshing of fluids and the churning of flesh sounded like cavernous groans from far beyond. “I asked, did you feel that?” Steph nodded. Even her smallest motion further stirred the stomach’s workings, and she could hear all of it. “Those are the ones who looked at me wrong. The ones who didn’t smile wide enough when they saw me, and the ones whose smiles looked fake. These are the ones that just happened to be there when I got hungry and horny. They got off easy.” Flesh roiled and clenched. With each beat of Sydney’s heart, her gut’s contents softened further. Sounds echoed louder, no longer traveling through so much dense matter. “And do you know what you are?” Steph could only whimper. “You’re the one who gave me that silly nickname. You’re the one who almost ruined this camp for me, and you’re the one who’s going to entertain me to make up for it.” Her gut clenched; a moan escaped her lips, and her body squirmed with near-performative pleasure. A rumbling resounded, then grew distant, and Steph sank deeper into softening pudge. Nothing pushed back anymore. “But first, how about you and I have some fun.” She shifted her weight forwards. Steph, helpless before the pressure, fell back, her body thumping dryly against the floor. She gasped for air, and even the cabin’s stale air felt refreshing after breathing in Sydney’s oppressive scent. It didn’t last long; soon she felt that weight again, this time on her chest; Sydney’s thighs pressed to her ears, and when she looked up, she saw the expectant look on those green eyes of hers. “Why don’t you apologize for being rude to me?” When Steph opened her mouth to answer, she felt a wet warmth press to her lips, and a sharp taste on the tip of her tongue. Her words came out mumbled, muffled by Sydney’s labia. “No, silly, not with words. Here, let me give you a hint.” Sydney bucked her hips forward. Lips brushed against lips; Steph let out a sharp exhale, and felt Sydney’s body stir with pleasure as the warmth washed over her depths. She didn’t try to pleasure Sydney as much as she tried to survive, to find her next breath of air amidst a sea of thighs and wild scents – but it didn’t seem to make a difference. Her desperation was pleasurable enough. Sydney basked in her attention, and Eva’s both; she bit her lip and affected coyness, avoiding both her partner and her victim’s gaze, and yet she ached for them more than ever. It was her own motions, her own bubbling lust, her own desire to impose and be witnessed that brought Sydney to the brim of orgasm. Steph could feel it, in the rumbling around her outstretched tongue, in the pulsing of the flesh against her mouth and nose. But just as she closed her eyes and awaited the worst, nothing happened. The pressure eased from her. She opened her eyes and saw Sydney rise to her feet; she stumbled under her own weight, her knees wobbled, and her lust ran down her thighs in thick, steaming rivulets. “Not bad. Be careful, Eva, you might have some competition.” Eva’s chuckle was the closest thing to honest mirth Steph had ever heard from her. “Well? Get to it. It’s not nice to leave a lady all wound up like this.” There was something to her voice. Excitement. Need. Life. There was a newfound life to her voice. A heavy foot rested on Steph’s chest. “I guess you’re right, honey. It’s not fair to keep you waiting.” Two hands on her shoulders. A powerful tug. The pile of scat rolled off her body; she opened her eyes and saw rosy-cheeked Sydney, her smile as angelic as ever. “Wake up, Steph! No falling asleep on the job. Now that you’ve been reacquainted with your friends, I think it’s time to join them.” Steph swallowed. Her own saliva was bitter with bile. “Are you… going to eat me?” “Oh, I’m not eating anyone until you take a shower. You smell terrible, you really should take better care of your hygiene…” She felt her skin breathe again, as clothes were ripped from her form. Each revealed inch drew another appreciative hum from Sydney, whose fingers ran down Steph’s form, as if displaying her for Eva to see. Once the last piece of fabric fluttered down at her feet, she gestured for Eva to follow. Another door opened. The shower panel slid open. Steph’s bare back pressed to shower wall, and the cold porcelain tiles sent a shiver through her flesh. Sydney turned the water on; the ice-cold rain washed away the filth that covered Steph’s body, but not the shame that dwelled in her soul. Though her eyelids were heavy with moisture, she managed to open her eyes. Even the dim light of the bathroom blinded her. When her vision returned, she saw Sydney, and Eva beside her, with an arm wrapped around her shoulders. “You do love playing with your food, Syd.” “I can’t help myself.” Her lips parted. Steph peered into her maw; she saw strings of saliva, swaying to her breaths. She saw her thick tongue, flattening with anticipation. She saw the darkness of the gullet, widening and constricting, greedy. And she knew that there would be no more games. “La – Sydney, please.” Sydney leaned forward. Her lips pressed to her forehead. “Sydney, come on, we had our fun, let’s…” Her mouth gaped. Her moist tongue lapped at her hair. “Come on, this isn’t funny. Let’s talk, okay? I can give you money. I can…” Sydney rolled her eyes and swallowed. After the ice-cold shower, her innards burned to the touch. They spread all about Steph, from head to toe, not an inch of her felt anything but pulsing, squirming, all-encompassing flesh. Flesh that gave way when she struggled, and constricted when she rested. Flesh that washed over her. A new scent invaded her nostrils, the smell of Sydney’s bitter breath and bile. Everywhere, within and without. Surrounding her body. Permeating her mind. And then the churning began. Sydney lay supine on her bed, breathing heavy, her innards rumbling up a storm. Next to her stood Eva, her beloved, still in her khaki shirt and shorts, massaging her sore gut. “Look at what a beautiful bulge she makes,” she whispered, as her fingers intertwined with those of a handprint on the smooth surface. “Take your time with her, will you, Syd? You know you’re never hotter to me than when you’re processing a meal. Turning some lowlife into slop. Into fuel. Into fat.” Sydney’s reply was mumbled and incoherent, yet Eva smiled, as if she had understood every word. The praise had elicited a reaction; that was all she needed to know. Eva put an ear to her stomach. “I can only hear the grumbling.” Sydney blushed. “It’s so much easier on the ear than her voice.” Her hands kneaded the dough-like flesh, sank into it, emerged from it, squeezed and pressed and pushed and pinched. And before her, Sydney melted more and more, and her stomach gurgled all the louder. “I love you, you big teddy bear.” She placed a soft kiss on her partner’s lips. On her neck. She ran her tongue in circles around her breast, then took it in between her teeth, and softly nibbled. Her tongue trekked through the valley between Sydney’s breasts, traversed the mountain that was her gut, leaving behind a glistening trail over gooseflesh. Once she decided her Lapdog was sufficiently teased, she moved to the end of the bed, grabbed her knees, and gently pulled them apart. Her head vanished between Sydney’s thighs and under her bulging gut. “Might have some competition, huh? Let’s see about that.” Her moist lips enveloped Sydney’s clit, and it all happened at once. Sydney’s stomach groaned one last time. Every single muscle on her body tensed, then released, in an orgasm that shook the cabin itself. And the Lapdog’s howl, resonant and rich with lust, echoed through Camp Clearview. |
The slamming of the door meant hope for the mice; it also meant terror. Amplified by the glass that enclosed them, it caused the leaves to rustle and the pond’s clear waters to stir. It made them stir, too. One by one they emerged from their wooden houses, moved towards the boundaries of their home, and peered at the vast urban home beyond – and at the towering husky that had just stepped inside. “No, it’s not an inconvenience at all!” Stuart said, holding his phone between his face and his shoulder while he emptied his jacket’s pockets. “I’ll be happy to help you move. Yeah, exactly – it does make it easier when the furniture is tiny in comparison. That’s the price I pay for not being able to fit into mouse-sized apartments, eh? Right, Saturday evening it is. I’ll give you a call.” His smile remained even as he turned his phone off. “Nice girl. I should consider adding her to the terrarium, if it ever gets too empty. Speaking of which, I ought to feed you guys, hm?” Those were the mice had been hoping to hear. Yes, they played it coy by retreating to their homes, but when the lid opened and the food pellets started to thud against the food dish, it was like music to them. When it became clear that the lid wouldn’t close again, they cautiously approached the dish. Jeanette took the lead. If anyone in this vivarium represented what they all had lost, it was Jeanette. All her predecessors had long met their end, more often than not to Stuart’s maw – and more than once, Jeanette had stared it down, sure that she would not draw another breath. But Jeanette was a businesswoman, equal parts shrewd and intelligence; the same skills that brought her to the top of the ladder now allowed her to survive for another day. She crossed her arms and looked up at him. “You have that look in your eye. What’s today’s game?” Her boldness helped, too. Some of the other mice gasped in disbelief; the ones who had been around for longer simply took the chance to help themselves to the pellets. “Am I that predictable?” Stuart’s voice was deep; then again, when you’re a mouse, most voices are. “You haven’t bothered us in weeks. You fed us extra today. You’re either trying to butter up so we won’t testify against you when the cops come and bust you… or, if that call with your latest mouse friend is any indication, you’re looking for an excuse to make room for more pets.” The husky smiled. “Oh, Jeanette, you’ve just earned yourself a place at my table.” The mouse’s smile faded. “Don’t worry, it’s not that kind of table, not today at least. Let’s see… I think I’ll take you, you, and you.” The mice knew better than to try and escape – not that they could have, considering the husky’s reflexes. Within seconds they were held in his clenched fists, and carried to seats laid around the coffee table. Jeanette was the first to be placed down, and immediately she scanned the room for escape routes. The window was locked, and so were the doors. Stuart had prepared for this. Jeanette watched him undress; his shirt hit the floor, then his pants, and soon he stood fully naked, shameless before their bewildered gazes. He took his place on the armchair at the end of the table, a leather throne so much unlike their rough plastic seats, and leaned forward. “We are going to play a little game.” He pulled up something from under his armchair – a cardboard box – and dusted it off. Baroque lettering and pulp-style illustrations of a battle between three adventurers and a dragon let Jeanette know just what she was looking at. “A tabletop roleplaying game.” Jeanette looked at the source of the obvious statement. Edgar, one of Stuart’s latest trophies, shifted uncomfortably on his seat, adjusting his glasses. “You’re familiar?” Stuart asked, an eyebrow raising. “Uh, yeah. Playing pretend, right?” “And the rest of you?” “I’ve heard of them,” said Jack, arms crossed, all posturing. He looked to Jeanette like one of the adventurers on that box, staring down a fearsome and ravenous dragon. “Never played, though.” No answer from the fourth mouse. Stuart pulled a gamemaster’s screen out of the box and placed it before him, then began to pull out miniatures and premade character sheets and laying them down on the table. “I asked a question, Will.” Will, dainty little thing that he was, winced at the mere mention of his name. Jeanette couldn’t blame him. The husky held all the cards. Will’s red eyes blinked, his pale fur made all the paler by contrast with the black plastic of his chair. “I played once or twice, back in highschool.” He glanced at the cover. “Uh, only third edition, though.” “It’s okay. The rules are very simple. There’s only one houserule you need to keep in mind,” Stuart said, his grin broadening, showing off his fangs. “If your character dies, so do you.” He gave them no time to process his words, immediately putting on a frown. “Ah, but we have an issue. I only have three premades, and there’s four of you. Maybe a little pre-game snack?” His gaze shifted from playful to malicious as he loomed over the four, assessing them as one would a cut of meat. Jeanette and Jack met his gaze head-on; Edgar tried to and failed, and Will hid his face in his hands and prayed. “Nah, on second thought, I wouldn’t want to spoil my appetite. I guess one of you gets back in the vivarium for another day – no, wait, I just had a much better idea. Congratulations, Jeanette, you’ve just been promoted from PC to MacGuffin.” The husky stood, and with a sweeping motion, plucked her from her seat. Jeanette’s facade cracked; she let out a yelp, which got a smirk out of the husky, who presented her to the other mice. “The beautiful princess Serena has been kidnapped by the great wyrm,” he checked his notes, “Sardregal. The King puts forth a call for adventurers, and you answer. He promises great rewards should you succeed.” He placed Jeanette on the seat of his armchair. The mouse’s little protests soon fell silent when the husky’s behind descended upon her; Stuart sat back and, in doing so, trapped her in a small pocket of air between fur and leather. “But be careful! Sardregal has imprisoned Serena in the dark depths of his dungeon and left her to starve. Should her time run out, your mission will be concealed a failure, and it will be to the gallows with you!” He adjusted himself, making sure to keep the mouse pinned down – hard enough to cause discomfort, not hard enough to suffocate her just yet. He felt her struggle under him, movements as desperate as they were futile, sending pleasurable little waves up his spine and making all the right places tingle. It took the utmost effort to not slump down and crush her right away, but he resisted the urge. Now the stakes were high. He slid the sheets over the table. “Pick your character.” Jack looked up at him in disbelief. “You… you killed her?! But we haven’t even started yet!” The husky chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re worrying for nothing,” he said. “She’s alive and kicking, I assure you. Well, more alive than kicking, from what I can feel. Now, for how long, I can’t tell for sure. Depends on how much air she has left, and how well she rations it. Either way, I suggest you don’t delay… protesting in particular will make time just fly by.” Jack, still shaken from the display, shook off his terror and looked down. The other two hesitated; he did not. He picked one at random. “Jack, you are Atheton, the Wizard! You command powers beyond understanding, which you use to smite your foes.” The mouse smiled. “Heh, powers beyond understanding. I like the sound of that.” Will, in a rare moment of bravery, gestured towards another of the sheets. “I’ll be the Thief.” “A fine choice!” Stuart bellowed. “As the wily Thief, Numena, you are the master of shadows. No lock, trap, or secret door can slow you down, and in combat, you are adept at backstabbing and trickery.” “I guess roleplaying is about being someone you’re not, huh?” Edgar said, smiling at Will. “On that note, I guess I’ll have to take the Fighter.” Stuart put on the voice again. “Last and not least is Rolf, the Fighter! Wielding sword and shield and clad in heavy armor, you protect your allies and strike down your enemies!” He cleared his throat. “What do you think? I wrote the blurbs myself.” The three mice shared a worried look. No amount of levity made them forget where Stuart had put their friend and de facto leader; now it was up to them to save her. “Take your time getting acquainted with your character sheets; there’s a cheat sheet on the back with the basic rules of the game. Study that too, and let me know when you are done.” Jack shook his head. “No! We’re ready. Jeanette – uh, the princess is in peril.” The husky clapped his hands together. His grin widened; he took great pleasure in feeling the mouse struggle under his overwhelming weight, and her three friends, scrambling to rescue her. Such a casual thing to him, such a life-or-death situation for them – he loved it. “That’s the spirit! Okay. You stand before the mouth of Sardregal’s den, torches in hand. You pull a lever and the gates open. A distant groan echoes off the walls and sends a shiver down your spine. What do you do?” Edgar took a deep breath. “Rolf steps inside.” “The goblin stabs at you with his rusty dagger! What’s Numena’s armor class, Will?” “Fourteen.” A die rattled against the glass. Stuart leaned forward to check the result – and as his position shifted, Jeanette wriggled some more in a desperate attempt to not be flattened – and smiled. “You manage to step back. Disheartened, and seeing that all his friends are already dead, the goblin tries to run! Do you want to take an attack of opportunity?” “Yeah.” The white mouse picked up the twenty-sided die with some effort, tossing it as one would a bowling ball. “Twelve. With four from my attack bonus, that’s sixteen.” “Sixteen hits. Roll damage.” More rattling. “Three piercing damage.” “You bury your dagger in the goblin’s back and hear him gurgle one last time before he crumbles to the floor. Congratulations, adventurers, you stand victorious after your first battle.” “That wasn’t so hard!” Jack said. “Okay, Atheton checks their bodies for loot.” “Rolf puts his sword through their skulls to make sure they’re all dead.” Stuart smiled. “Ruthless. I like it. In their corpses, Atheton, you find a total of twenty copper pieces and a healing potion. And Jack, roll Perception?” Jack frowned. His perception modifier was listed as a negative two. Still, he doubled down. He picked up and tossed the die. It landed on a three. “One.” “Ouch! Okay, you approach their shaman, ready to finish him off, but as you step closer, you realize he’s playing possum. He rolls on his chest, points at you and utters something. Give me a wisdom saving throw.” “Seven.” “An idea crosses your mind. You should kill Atheton. If you killed Atheton, everything would be much better.” “What?” Jack said. “Hold on a minute. You can’t do that!” “Rolf lays down his sword.” “You try to let go of your sword, but your own body won’t obey you. Instead, you feel compelled to attack Atheton! Give me an attack roll.” “What the fuck? It’s my character, how come…” Stuart straightened in his seat, his muscles tensing, his smile fading. His weight shifted around Jeanette, whose body stiffened, nearly crushed by the pressure. Her squirming brought him such joy. “Correction. It was your character, and then you failed on a save against a Dominate Person spell, and now you belong to the shaman. Attack roll, please.” Edgar’s heart skipped a beat as the die slid across the glass table. Trembling, he approached the real the result. “...twenty.” “Roll for damage. Twice.” “Oh, god. Sixteen damage.” Jack blinked. “I only have fourteen hit points left. I’m down.” “You’re not just down,” Stuart said, his voice brimming with glee. “You’re dead.” It all happened too fast. Jeanette inhaled sharply as the weight pinning her down suddenly vanished, and cold air filled her lungs. She couldn’t bring herself to enjoy this brief respite; she knew what it meant. Stuart’s hand clenched tight around Jack’s body. All of the mouse’s strength couldn’t ease the grip; all of the mouse’s flexibility couldn’t wiggle him into safety. Stuart stood to his full height, and Jack could only watch as he was lifted well above his head, while the husky’s maw opened underneath him. Stuart’s breath, hot and humid, washed over him like a physical barrier. His long canine tongue rolled out of his mouth, dripping with thick saliva. Stuart let go. Jack’s shout lasted but a moment, and was silenced by a wet thud. He landed on the husky’s outstretched tongue. He tried to jump out, but the edges of the tongue bent upwards, forming a slippery slope that made it impossible to find any purchase. And so, he slipped. He slipped down that squishy tongue, between the rows of sharp teeth, catching but a glimpse of the husky’s spotted palate before darkness engulfed him. As he descended towards the stomach, the gullet’s embrace grew tighter and tighter, and the sounds of Stuart’s inner workings drowned everything else out. Around the table, the mood had changed. The fun of playing had made it easy to forget the stakes for this little game night. Now, as they saw Jack disappear down the husky’s chest, they paid the price for their carelessness. Stuart returned to his seat, muffling another whimper from Jeanette. He adjusted himself on his seat, grinding his butt against the leather, putting some pressure on Jeanette, but taking care to not crush her under his weight. His gamemaster’s voice returned. “Rolf! With a mighty swing of your blade, you decapitate Atheton and turn your sights on Numena. It’s Will’s turn.” Edgar buried his face in his hands. Not a word escaped his lips. But Will took a deep breath, tossed a dice, and spoke up. “Numena throws her dagger at the shaman! Nineteen.” “The goblin shaman’s smile is frozen on his face even as he dies. Rolf, you suddenly snap back to reality, and the grim realization of what you’ve done strikes you. Atheton is dead, and you killed him.” As if to punctuate his words, his stomach gurgled. “Numena looks at him for guidance.” “Rolf, uh, steels himself. Let’s… let’s keep going. Let’s save the princess.” “Numena smiles at him. Yes. Let’s do this.” The husky grinned; with one hand, he rubbed his stomach, but with the other, he gestured dramatically. “Weary but not defeated, you make your way down the dungeon. With each step, the temperature rises. You must be approaching the dragon’s den…” His dramatic gestures were enough for Jeanette to feel his weight shifting above her; a pained moan escaped her lips. None of the other mice could know how much she suffered. Her pain, and her humiliation, would remain a secret kept only by herself and her tormentor. “...and then you see it. He’s massive, muscular, glorious, covered in crimson scales and sitting atop his hoard. You’ve heard tales of Sardregal, and he does every single one of them justice. Smoke billows from his nostrils; his eyes are closed.” “Numena steps forward.” “Rolf stops her. Hold on. It’s not smart to attack a dragon head-on.” “Then what do you suggest we do?” “Stand back and keep watch. I’ll try to slit his throat while he sleeps. Rolf stealthily approaches the dragon. That’s a sneaking roll… nineteen after modifiers.” The husky raised an eyebrow. “Huh, how about that. You manage to avoid making noise as you walk on top of the piles of gold and jewels that decorate Sardregal’s lair. You are next to him now, what do you do?” “Rolf buries his sword in his throat.” “You stab as hard as you can! But no matter how much you try, your sword cannot penetrate his scales. You see a massive eye open, and dark laughter echoes. Fool! Who dares strike me down while I slumber? Don’t you know that only Orlenian bluesteel can harm a mighty wyrm like myself? And he grabs you!” Edgar felt himself lifted into the air, caught in the husky’s grip, who smiled. “He holds you aloft and looks you in the eye! He says, You have guts, mortal, I give you that. I am half-tempted to let you live just on account of that. But I slept for so long, I could use a snack!” He licked his lips. Edgar shuddered. “But first, why are you here, mortal?” “T-to rescue the Princess.” “The Princess!” He wiggled his ass on his seat, an obvious taunt to punctuate the dragon’s words.“She’s worthless to me. I may be persuaded to relinquish her, but at a cost.” “And what cost is that?” “Your life! And the dragon snatches you up in his jaws.” He dropped Edgar into his mouth; which snapped shut as soon as the little mouse crossed its boundary. “And you are trapped in his maw,” he continued, squeezing the mouse with his tongue, rolling him in his mouth, pressing him to his palate and cheeks, all the while enjoying the bitter taste of fur. “And his breath is so hot it nearly burns your skin. And he prepares to swallow…” Stuart closed his eyes, his throat muscles tensing. “But spits you out.” He opened his maw, and Edgar came stumbling out, his fur soaked in saliva, back into his grip, confused but relieved. “Now, Edgar,” the husky said, “You have two options here. The dragon can eat you… or you can take your friend’s place under my ass, and become the princess while Jeanette plays Rolf.” Trembling and in shock, the mouse didn’t answer. Stuart smiled. “I thought so.” The husky slowly stood up, towering over the table. His bones popped as he stretched, basking in the moment. Edgar averted his gaze for but a moment to check on Jeanette – the poor mouse lay on the leather, surrounded by the outline of the husky's ass. Her body was nearly limp, her breaths were shallow; it was a miracle she was still alive, let alone conscious. Edgar's relief was short-lived; Stuart took advantage of the distraction. He picked both mice up; one, starting to hyperventilate, and the other slowly regaining her bearings. Edgar knew better than to try and escape, and accepted his fate with some dignity. He allowed the massive hand to place him over the warm leather, and curled up for protection as the husky's massive backside descended over him. Stuart's weight pressed him against the leather, and darkness surrounded him. Jeanette collapsed to her knees as soon as she was placed on the chair. She looked down at her character sheet – none of those numbers or words made any sense to her. Will welcome her back with a sad smile. “It becomes clear to you that you cannot in a million years defeat this beast,” Stuart said, delighting in feeling Edgar’s haplessly struggle under him. The mouse’s wet fur clung to the seat, turning the stale air humid and making every inch of him itch. Stuart continued, “Not without bluesteel, at least. So, I give you, the players, a choice.” Jeanette rubbed her temple. “Here we go again.” “We can end the game here. The heroes retreat and live to adventure another day, and the Princess becomes dragon chow… but only after she’s ‘starved’ to death.” “No strings attached?” “There’s always strings attached. Never cut a deal with a dragon, Jeanette dear. But I promise that the two of you will be okay.” Always strings attached. Somehow, Jeanette got the feeling Stuart wasn’t talking about Sardregal. “And the alternative?” “The game continues, and you fight the dragon. I’ll even nerf him a little bit for the sake of fair play – make him hard, but not insurmountable. A token of goodwill, hmm?” Will stepped forward. “We’ll end the game, isn’t that right, Jeanette… Jeanette?” Jeanette took a deep breath. Her heart still raced from the close call. Every breath of life-giving air still felt cold against her barren lungs. “I’d rather die than live with the fact that I doomed someone to a fate like that. We’ll keep going.” “Jeanette, what the fuck?!” Will protested; Jeanette’s cold glare, however, silenced him as it always did. At that moment, he feared her more than he did Stuart. The husky clapped his hands together. “Roll for initiative.” Jeanette would tell the story of the final battle for weeks to come – and weeks were as decades in the microcosm of Stuart’s vivarium. She would tell of how Rolf and Numena charged into the fray, weapons in hand. How they dodged claw swipes and evaded breath weapons. How Rolf nearly fell to a tail swipe from the beast, only to hang on to life through stubbornness and will to live alone. How Numena managed to stab the creature’s eye, blinding it, but could not escape in time, and was engulfed in flames… and how Will, the Thief’s player, found himself scooped up by a looming tongue and pulled into a waiting maw; how the last Jeanette saw of him was a bulge languidly making its way down Stuart’s throat, how the husky’s satisfied expression looked like mockery. How the husky’s stomach had undoubtedly greeted the mouse with walls of flesh that closed in on him and a pool of acrid and bubbling juices, ready to consume. In that alcove of churning flesh, he was certain to have been reunited with what remained of Jack, Stuart’s earlier victim; the grim reminder of what fate awaited him would have been one of Will’s final thoughts before the walls entombed him. Many would call her embellishments in poor taste, but none would dare challenge her, for the story ended with Rolf the Fighter – the man who had been made to slay his Wizard friend, the man who had survived the maw of a great wyrm, if not his gullet – rolling yet another natural twenty, and with one decisive blow, impale the dragon through the throat, no bluesteel necessary. And upon the fiend’s corpse, he briefly grieved his two friends, and went on to rescue the Princess. Stuart leaned forward and reached into the seat. Powerful fingers delivered Edgar from his own cramped, steamy prison; they pulled him out from under the husky, and held him tight as Stuart rose to his feet. To Jeanette, he simply smiled, stretching out a hand that the mouse stepped onto, and carrying her with the utmost gentleness. “Not bad for a first session,” said Stuart as he lowered the two mice back into the terrarium. “Previous experience or not, you both did an awesome job. You’ve earned yourselves an extra dose of food pellets.” As soon as his feet hit the ground, Edgar vanished, scurrying back to his home. But Jeanette stayed, sitting on the floor, looking up at the husky whose smile, for but a moment, felt bright and honest. “There was a lot of commotion behind that DM screen when we were fighting that dragon.” “There were a lot of things to keep track of – and a lot of stomach gurgles to try and keep in check,” the husky said. “Why, Jeanette, are you accusing me of fudging rolls?” “What if I were?” Stuart laughed, a clear and friendly laugh that filled the room and echoed through the vivarium. How could such a monster wear the mask of kindness so well? “If you were, I would say, hypothetically of course, that you would be right to accuse me. But I would also say that if I were to fudge rolls, I’ll fudge them both ways for the sake of a more interesting and dramatic game.” Jeanette rose to her feet. Her knees were trembling and her head throbbed. She opened her mouth, but no sound escaped her lips. And the husky, as always, just smiled. “Good game.” He closed the lid. “See you next session.” |
They dwelt in the world's edge, where colors swirled not on the barren white plains, but throughout the ever-dark skies. They came from the warmer South, pushed forth by the desire to push the boundary and carve out an existence in the most unforgiving of places. With them, they brought their knowledge, their pioneer spirit, and their cattle. Their cattle, meanwhile, carried only the clothes they wore. Here they built a home and made it theirs, digging deep into the Earth and harnessing its underground hot springs for warmth, its bounty of fungi and lichen for sustaining their cattle. The oldest among them, those of the First Generation, still held memories of the harsh beginnings of the colony. Now they were but that; memories, for they were old and they were wise, and they knew their place in the large tangled web of existence. Mina's heart ached with longing. She cast her ruddy eyes over the Human District and the constant toil of her peers. There was always something to do in the Den, something to fix, something to clean, crops to tend to or masters to attend to. This was her world, but most of the time, it felt hollow, and she could see in the eyes of her fellows that she wasn't the only one. When would she climb out of the sweltering abysses, where the light was hot and the air thick with steam? When would she come to see her again? She tugged at her collar, of the finest tanned leather; an extravagance in a place where a trip to the surface could mean death. It usually brought her nothing but comfort, but today, it stirred up a deep concern that ate at her from the inside. Where was her master? Where was Siana? Had she forgotten? Was this a test? "What's the matter, Mina? You look upset. Did someone steal your rations again?" She recognized the voice. She turned around, and there he was. "Runt!" Runt smiled. He rested on his shovel and leaned forward, sweat glistening under the dim glow of the luminous bacteria that pooled on the ceilings. Whichever Master had named him must have been surprised when he took it as a challenge. Twenty-some years later, Runt was one of the finest mushroom farmers the Den had ever seen, and the years of toil had left him hard as a stone and sharp as a cliff. Next to him, Mina always felt small. Unfit for her duty. "They sure give you a lot of leeway in the Records room," Runt said. "Ran out of ancient artifacts to dust off, is that it?" "It's my day off." "Oh." "The day off." He blinked. "Wait, really? And you didn't tell anyone? We ought to throw you a party, or at the very least –" "I haven't seen Siana in days." Runt fell silent. "What? But you're..." "Bonded to her, yes. In the twenty years since I was named, I can count the days I've spent without seeing her with one hand." "Maybe she's busy. Who knows what kind of business the Masters get down to, down there in their Underden. Someone's got to keep this place functioning." "Maybe. I still think she might have forgotten. Or, worse, what if she's trying to avoid me? What if she doesn't want to –" "If she is, what are you going to do about it?" His words froze Mina in place. "What do you mean?" she asked. "You know what I mean." And with that Runt left her, and without him, the gallery seemed even emptier than before. His words, however, chased her all the way back to her room. She stepped through the doorway and sat on her mattress. The soft mushroom-woven fabric caressed her skin as she rested on her back and stared at the bare gray slab of slate that was her ceiling. An old chest contained her sparse belongings. Wood was a rare resource, collected only when the storms subsided and groups were sent out to gather from the dying trees. Still, Mina had not one, but three shelves – and each of them displayed a different memento. A lock of Siana's pale white hair. An azure scale shed from her serpentine tail. A key. All of them gifts from her Master – the lock of hair for her Naming ritual, the scale to celebrate her first day of work, and the key as the ultimate show of trust towards a now-adult Mina. The men and women of the Den had no use for keys. The only valuables they owned had been given to them by their Masters, and one Master's gift held no value to another's servant. The key fit only one lock – that of Siana's quarters. It was the one place Mina should never go; even being seen there would be grounds for punishment. Siana's message with the gift was, then, clear: she trusted Mina even with access to that most forbidden of places. Mina gazed at the key for minutes on end. The thought slowly formed inside her, but she dared not face it head-on. She could do it. Siana, during their countless hours together, had given her all manner of details regarding the Underden. So numerous were her words, so vivid her descriptions, that as Mina remembered them, she wondered if there hadn't been an ulterior motive. She now held both the key and the directions. She could do it. Should she? What are you going to do about it? "Masters damn it, Runt." She waited until the galleries emptied and the others returned to their quarters, then took the key and headed for the lower passages. She found them as she had imagined them; hot and damp, the volcanic rock smooth against her bare feet. The lights dimmed as she advanced, but in the dark, she heard the slithering of the often unseen Masters, and she knew they were watching her, so she walked as if she belonged, walked as if she had a place to be, and hoped that she wouldn't be asked to stop. Siana lived in the East aisle of the Underden. It was a placid place, Mina thought as she made her way through the galleries with her eyes glued to the floor, much more so than any human dwelling. As her eyes got used to the dim light, she saw the shapes that came with the rustling. She saw the Masters. She saw... Something blocked her way. She slammed headfirst into the soft surface, then stumbled back, lading on her backside on the scalding stone floor. She looked up with a mix of confusion and anger, but they both diffused once she remembered where she was. Before her stood one of the Masters. She was tall, taller than even Siana, with long strands of black hair tied into a long braid that she wore around her shoulders like a scarf. Her serpent's tail, by contrast, was white from start to tip, with the hard scales of her back almost as bright as to blind Mina, while her softer underbelly had a more off-white color to them. Only the outfit she wore stood out; the carefully woven woolshroom sweater, of a deep auburn color, seemed to not even belong. She looked down at Mina with curiosity from behind her spectacles, adjusting her braid so it covered her mouth. "Did you take a wrong turn, human?" Her voice was deep, rich, sibilant. It carried no threat, no apprehension, only concern, and still, it made Mina break into a sweat. Or maybe that was the temperature down here, getting to her mind, making it go fuzzy... "No, ma'am." "Francesca." "Ma'am?" "No need to remember it if it troubles you. Wait – you're Siana's human, are you not?" Mina blinked. It took her far too long to realize what the lamia meant. Then she felt something, something warm and coarse, yet gentle, wrapping around her waist. She looked down and saw the conical tip of a serpentine tail, slowly taking hold of her. It was enough to send a shiver down her spine even in these sweltering depths; even more so when it tightened into a grip, and she felt her body lift from the ground, her legs kicking at the air, her entire body weight concentrating on her waist. Then it lowered her again, on her feet. The tail tip swept off some dust from her back and straightened out a few wrinkles from her elbows; then it fell limp on the floor, expanding and contracting with each breath the lamia took. "I am, ma'a – um, Francesca." Francesca held her hands together in front of her chest, fingers clasped. From the shape of her features, Mina could tell she was smiling. "Mina, correct? Siana talks my ear off about you all the time. How goes the archiving?" "Well. It goes well." "Well now, don't let me stop you. Whatever reason Siana asked you to come down here, I'm sure it can't wait. Feel free to squeeze through – oh, and don't trip on my tail!" Mina looked at the massive scaled cylinder that blocked the path. It went up almost to her waist. Trip on it? She'd need help vaulting over it. Still, she took a step forward, and as she did, the lamia moved her tail to the side, providing just enough space for her to squeeze her legs through. "Thank you, ma'am." But Francesca said nothing; she merely bowed her head in acknowledgment and slithered off towards the surface. As she approached the residential sector, Mina went from tall and intent to low and sneaking. The stone pathways were empty, and from what she could see, the holes that lined the walls, perfectly sized for slithering through and providing quick access to Masters-knew-where, were not in use. She took a turn and saw them at last; a row of doors. She knew which one belonged to Siana. The key trembled in her hand, and yet, she dared not delay. She slid the key into the lock. It fit. She shuddered. The heat was getting to her. She turned the key, and to her horror and amazement, it clicked. The door creaked open. She rushed inside and closed it behind her; once she was safe, she allowed herself to collapse onto the floor, heaving, shaking. It smelled like Siana – earthy and comforting. The ceiling bacteria reacted to her presence. Little by little, they came to life, shedding their dim glow over the room. The room was carved out of solid rock, with deep reliefs and intricate patterns covering each inch of it. An alcove dug into the wall and stuffed with pillows served as a place to sleep, while a stone table growing from the floor like a flat tree presented an earthenware tea set, ready to welcome any guests. But that wasn't what sprung to mind. At the foot of the strange bed rested a half-finished woolshroom sweater, two bone knitting needles still buried in the yarn. She took a step forward. Breath by breath, the room grew more and more oppressive as the reality of the situation sank in. She wasn't supposed to be here, and yet, this little room fascinated her. She had expected something grander, something more fitting of how he saw Siana. Larger than life, full of wisdom and knowledge, a memory as deep as the deepest pit. Yet this spartan little room, barely larger than her own, spoke of a person, not a Master. The door opened. Something fell to the floor with a loud thump, and a gasp sounded, only barely muffled by a scarf. Siana blocked the doorway, staring wide-eyed at the interloper. Then her surprise faded into an expression of pure disappointment, and Mina knew she had messed up. "You're not supposed to be here, Mina." Such an even tone. Such a deafening lack of a smile. "You doubted me, didn't you? You thought I had forgotten. I could never forget." "I –" "Shh." Mina fell silent without missing a single beat. It was only when her conscious mind caught up with her unconscious one that anger welled up inside. She was about to protest when she saw the door slam shut and the key turn in the lock. Siana looked back at her, readjusting the scarf that covered the lower half of her face, but it was too late. Whatever had festered deep in Mina's heart for so long burst out. "Don't you shush me." Her anger was silent, almost tranquil. But her words cut sharp, so sharp that she saw the lamia stir and clutch at her heart, like she'd done so many times before in jest, but this time there was no jest to it, there was no joy, only a towering Master brought low by the hatred in her voice. The sight of it hurt, but the fury hurt more. But by degrees reality once more set in, and Mina remembered who she was talking to, and how much she owed to her, and how the mere thought of disappointing her seemed anathema to her. Her throat was raw from the heaving breaths. She had no more words to speak. None, except... "We need to talk about tomorrow." "We do. Sit." That shimmering golden tail of Siana's slid across the room, resting against the wall with a soft thud. Without even thinking, Mina sat – but as her body sank into the soft flesh, she remembered her anger and her hurt, and jumped back to her feet, arms crossed. "I'll stand." "If you're sure," Siana said. "Well, first things first. Given that you're down here in my room, don't mind if I go about my business." Without awaiting a response, she brought herself to the warmest wall and, reaching for the yarn, began to knit. “I wanted to go see you today," Siana said, "but I was busy. As you can see, I have plenty to do." She gestured towards the half-finished sweater; with the lights in full bloom, Mina could for the first time see the intricacies of the patterns. Color wasn't in abundance in the Den; color was a thing of the surface world, and even then, only of the heavens. In these depths all color was muted, all color was tinted by the weak glow of the fluorescent bacteria; so craftsmen worked with texture instead. Woolshroom weave tangled together into fractal patterns, with large petals and a textured core, connected by arcing lines. Siana had once mentioned a thing called flowers, from the warmer days. Might these be them? Huddling in her own sweater – Mina was surprised at how the Masters seemed to find even this heat not enough for them, requiring scarves and sweaters and even sometimes blankets when even Mina's thin coverings left her stewing in her own sweat – Siana seemed to smile. "It was meant to be a surprise," she said, "but here it is." "You expect me to be impressed by your new sweater? Was that why you've been ignoring me?" "It's not for me, Mina, it's for you." Mina suddenly stopped. "Excuse me?" "I'm making this for you. For you to wear during the ceremony. They match, see?" This time, she gestured towards the one she wore. Sure enough, when Mina squinted just right, she could see the same patterns spreading through the lamia's outfit. "But that's a Master outfit. I can't wear that, it's against the rules." "Silly girl, there are no rules about what you can and can't wear. You just don't wear these because we don't often make them, and besides, you seem warm enough as is. I was hoping you'd put up with one for a few minutes before we officialize things, is all." "Oh. That's... wonderful, thank you." Siana sighed. "Yes, I do so much for you, I spoil you so much even the Den Mother told me to ease it with the gifts. And yet you break the actual rules and walk into my room, the one place even other Masters aren't allowed into. Which I'm willing to pretend didn't happen, but you're here for a reason, aren't you? Or did you just miss me?" “I've..." Mina hesitated. "I've been worried." She sat on Siana's tail. "About tomorrow?" the lamia asked. "About everything. I'm scared." "Scared about what?" Mina looked up at Siana, who kept on knitting. It was for the best that the lamia didn't see her expression, which was all sorts of dumbfounded. "Maybe because you're going eat me?" Siana gasped. "Goodness, Mina! Don't use that word!" She pulled the scarf even higher over her mouth, making sure even her slender cheeks were covered. "Well, what should I call it, then?" "It's the Ceremony." "Well, I'm scared of the Ceremony during which you'll eat me." "Mina, please. Just say what you want to say. All this bitterness... what happened?" "I'm going to die, Siana." From behind her cover, the lamia bit her lip. The talk, then. She had had it a dozen times before, and it never got any easier. "And that scares you." "It does." "Well, that's very natural, but there's nothing to be afraid of. In your last moments, you'll be warm, you'll be comfortable. You'll simply go to sleep in a fancy bed. Surely there's nothing so scary about that?" Mina tugged on her collar. In the hot room, the leather stuck uncomfortably to her skin. "I guess, but... what if something goes wrong? Everyone will be watching." "We've practiced the ritual dozens of times, Mina. Nothing will go wrong. You will make every motion just right, and you'll say every word and you'll make me proud to be your Master. We've had this conversation before. I wouldn't be preparing for the Ceremony if I wasn't absolutely certain that you were ready." "But..." "This isn't about death, is it? And it isn't about messing up." Siana's words, so gentle yet so sharp, cut through the bullshit. Mina looked up at her and saw that knowing look even as the lamia continued to knit. She knew her well, perhaps even better than herself. "What happens next, Siana? After the Ceremony?" "I will sleep for a while. Maybe a month, maybe three. And then, the Den Mother will come to rouse me, and she'll bring me to the warrens to pick a new..." She saw Mina's face suddenly contort. "Ah. That's what this is about, isn't it, Mina? About who comes next? "I'm getting replaced." "You were the best servant anyone could ask for and an even better friend. I would never replace you. You will serve your ultimate purpose, and you will do so just as well, as things are meant to be." "You're going to forget about me." "I would never forget about you." "Maybe not in a year, maybe not in ten years," Mina said, "but how many centuries more will you live, Siana? How many dozens of servants will you go through? Eventually, we must all blur together. And you'll forget. I won't be remembered as a servant. I might not even be remembered as a meal." Siana sighed, setting down the sweater on her lap and leaning to press her back against the warm wall. "Have I told you about the day I named you?" "Yes, several times." "Too bad, I'm going to do it again. When I was sent to pick my servant from the warrens, the Den Mother – it was a different Den Mother back then, before the disease reached her bones – guided me past rows and rows of humans of naming age. I started on one end of the line and was supposed to examine each one, but I caught a glimpse of you from the corner of my eye, and I couldn't even pay attention to what I was doing anymore. I pretended to examine a few more, and when it was your turn and I saw you up close, I made a squeal like a little writheling, and I said..." "Mine!" Mina said, trying to suppress a smile. "Mine!" Siana repeated. "And the Den Mother looks at me, that one look, I'm not sure you remember it. And I can only think to say..." "I name you." "I name you!" Siana laughed. "And the old snake is hard of hearing, as I know, so I'm just staring at that stone face of hers, and then, just as I think I'm about to get in trouble, she smiles and says, 'Mina, you have been named' and before I know it, you're being thrust into my arms." Mina uncrossed her arms. "I guess it was stupid of me to doubt you. It's just... I worry sometimes, you know? And tomorrow I run out of time to think about these things. I want you to remember me, but not for acting out. I want you to remember your Mina." "Would you ever forget me?" Mina paused. "If I were to leave today and never return, how long would it take for you to forget about me? I've heard of humans who make it to their first century." "A century!" Mina exclaimed. As far as she was concerned, life ended at the age of twenty-five, with the Ceremony. She had never seen a human older than that. The only frame of reference she had were the older lamias; how their skin wrinkled, how their faces lost the blush of life, how their movements slowed with time. It seemed strange to Mina. A human wasn't supposed to weaken. They were supposed to grow stronger each day, and when at their peak, they gave themselves to their Masters. It was a celebration. No healthy human should ever waste away. "That's older than I am just now," Siana continued. "Well, give or take a decade. Well? Do you think in that time, you could ever forget me? Even if another Master were to take you in – even if you could love that Master as heartily as you love me?" "No." It surprised Mina how firm her words sounded. "Not in a million years. Not if I had a hundred Masters after you." "Now imagine that," Siana said, "but that it wasn't a simple disappearance, but a celebration of our bond. That there was food and drink and that for a whole day, the entire Den stopped their toil and looked to you, to us, and saw something new and beautiful – an act of ultimate devotion. And after it’s done, you’re coming with me back here, and I’m going to peel this sweater from you, and I’m going to put it over there, in my bed, so every night as I go to sleep, I’ll be going to sleep with you by my side.” She paused. "Also, you get to show off with it during the Ceremony. You’re going to make everyone jealous." Mina snerked. "You've made your point." "Besides,” Siana continued, barely listening, “I have an excellent memory. I haven't once forgotten your birthday. You, on the other hand..." "Yeah, yeah, I can see you refuse to forget certain things, even when you should." She crossed her arms. Some lingering anger still coursed through her veins, though she felt silly for harboring it this late into the conversation. Of course, she couldn't help it. She was just a human. She also realized she was no longer sweating so profusely. She wondered if the heat had just taken some time to get used to. Things weren't that different down here. "So... what now?" "Now, you're in a Master's room, which is a punishable offense," Siana said, "and I would be a poor Master indeed if I didn't report you to the others." She smiled. "How fortunate it is, then, that I'm such a terrible Master. Stay the night. Watch me knit. We're about to spend a long time together, but not quite in this way – let's enjoy each other's company and conversation. I want to enjoy the sight of you until the bells ring and the day breaks." "Siana?" Mina's voice rang unsure, almost afraid. "Yes, Mina?" "I would like to see your smile." Siana didn't ask why. She didn't need to. With a long and happy sigh, she put the needles down and pulled on the end of her scarf. Slowly it unwound, unwound, falling into a heap on her lap until there was no more, and Siana smiled, smiled so wide her fangs showed, smiled so bright that untoward emotion crossed her features, the kind of emotion that could draw fear from a human. She smiled, but Mina wasn't afraid. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she wasn't afraid. |
All heads turned to face them when they stepped through the door. They brought with them the cool morning wind and the promise of a profitable workday. Justin hung his jacket. Caroline huddled up in his hoodie. Together they shifted, waiting to be seated, two muted colors in a sea of pinks and yellows, casting their gazes across the shop; he smiled at the Valentine’s Day decorations, she stared at the ice cream display. Cookie dough or salted caramel? Justin nudged his girlfriend well in advance of the uniformed girl’s approach. He knew she needed the help, sometimes – the globe insisted on revolving even when her personal reality came to a temporal halt. With a gasp Caroline straightened up, looked forward, smiled. Just this once, Justin’s concern was unfounded; nobody came to greet them just yet. “This is nice,” she blurted out. “I know, right? They decorated it well.” “That too, I guess.” Justin blinked. He looked at Caroline and at her smile, which shone just a bit brighter than before. He understood right away. “We get to do things as a couple, now,” she said. “We’ve been together for what, a year and a half now?” “Two years.” “Two years! And it only feels like we’re a couple now?” “Well, a proper couple, sure,” she said. “Living together. Having ice cream dates. I can’t believe it’s finally done. I thought you’d stay holed up in that rented basement until you died.” “It was cheap!” “And living with me is cheaper. You’re just stubborn.” She smiled. “I’m glad that happened.” “I’m glad it’s over! Another day of moving furniture and I’d be dead of exhaustion. And all that driving…” “Yes, all twenty minutes of it before I had to take over.” “I told you I don’t do well with trucks…” She shrugged. “Some people just know how to get stuff done.” “Anyway, yeah, the place is nice.” “You’re nice.” “Harrumph.” Despite the expectation, the waitress’s sudden appearance – more yellow, more pink, a pair of glasses and a ponytail – came as a surprise. She approached them not from the front but from the side, introducing herself with the kind of genuine greeting nobody expects to hear this early into the day: “Good morning! Table for two?” Justin nodded. “Follow me!” She guided them through the rows of seats, squeezing past families, couples, and lone well-to-do types tapping away on their MacBook Airs. She picked for them a small round table, wooden and with a copper finish. A menu awaited them there, between the two origami napkins. Caroline got a swan. Justin didn’t see what he got – by the time he caught himself, he had already used it to wipe the raindrops from his glasses. “Just give a shout when you’re ready to order!” And with that, she was gone. Caroline reached for her chair, but Justin stopped her. “Huh-huh,” he mumbled, shaking his head. “This is a Valentine’s date. We do this proper.” With a smile, he pulled up her seat, delighting in the way her soft features contorted, her eyes widened, her cheeks flushed. He knew her well, maybe better than she knew herself, and so, when she moved to sit, he surprised her with a quick kiss on the cheek; she dropped her guard, turned to him and opened her mouth to say something, and that’s when he surprised her. He pressed his lips to hers and felt her squirm; it made him smirk even as she relented and kissed back. It ended all too quickly, though. She pulled away and sat. “Weirdo,” she mumbled, trying to hide her own grin. “It’’s not being a weirdo, it’s being a gentleman.” “It’s weird when you’re a gentleman.” Justin glanced at the menu. He didn’t know why he did it; it was there and was something to look at, but in the end, it didn’t matter. She had lured him here with a promise, and no matter how enticing all these glamour shots of ice cream looked, he had eyes for only one of them. “Banana split?” Caroline’s voice, muffled by the hoodie, rang with intent. “Duh!” When Justin looked up at her, he saw her struggling to take it off. Underneath the dull grey, an explosion of color greeted him – or so it looked to see her olive green blouse in the warm tones of their surroundings. “There’s a zipper,” he said. “...Oh.” Zwip. “Banana split?” she asked. “Banana split,” he repeated, putting the menu down. “One for each?” “I’m hungry, but I’m not that hungry.” “One to share, then.” She just smiled, folded the hoodie, and set it on the back of her chair. “We share everything these days.” The white noise of strangers’ conversations picked up. On days like these, the ice cream shop filled itself with types chattier than usual, but at least they spoke in whispers and hushed tones, the content of their exchanges too personal to be overheard. Secrets entangled with secrets, each conversation shielded by the multitude. Justin looked for the waitress, but she was nowhere to be seen. It looked like they’d have plenty of time to chat. “Do you think your parents will be okay all by themselves?” Caroline asked. “My parents?” Justin scoffed. “My parents are out celebrating as we speak. Valentine’s, that is, not me getting out of their basement.” “A little bit you getting out of their basement, though?” “A little bit,” Justin said, smiling. “They were going to a steakhouse, I think.” Caroline raised an eyebrow. “Wait, a steakhouse? Isn’t Rita a vegetarian?” “She is,” Justin said. “But you know Dad isn’t, and this year it was his turn to pick the place.” “Ah.” The waitress walked by them, tray in hand, getting Justin’s hopes up for just a second until he saw her leave two vanilla scoops on a nearby table. The two women sitting there thanked her; he could, from the corner of his eye, see the tallest of the two check the waitress out as she walked away. His lip curled upwards into a small grin. “How about your parents? Are they doing anything special?” Caroline’s smile faded just a bit. “They don’t really do special occasions.” “Is that why you never introduced us?” He noticed the effects of his words at once; so all of a sudden, in fact, that he for a moment regretted bringing the matter up at all. She shifted on her seat, fidgeted a bit, focused too intently on a nonexistent stain on the table’s surface. “We don’t have to meet if you don’t want us to, Carol.” “It’s not about that,” she muttered. “It’s just… I’ve told you how iffy they are about their future sons-in-law.” Justin’s smile thinned. “That thing with your big brother, eh?” “My mom gave him so much grief. By the time he started dating William, she had burned him so many times he didn’t even introduce them until they’d been together for two years.” “William’s the latest one, right?” “Mhm. And the last one.” Justin blinked. “Really? That’s cool.” “I thought I told you! Anyway, she’s softened up a bit since, reminisces about them a lot. But she’s still herself – all sorts of fussy and full of worry. She’s afraid this might all be just infatuation, and that I might not actually like the guy who’ll eat me someday, you know?” The words both made Justin blush and made his heart swell with pride. He tempered himself, though – he could tell Caroline struggled with the idea of her mother’s disapproval. “Is she not okay with it?” “Like I said, she’s softened up – the whole deal with Ryan kind of forced her to – but she still wants to vet my predator.” “And you don’t think I’d make a good impression?” “It’s not that, it’s – oh, here she comes!” The waitress delivered them from the awkward, if needed, conversation. She smiled down and apologized for the delay, then produced a notepad from her cleavage and a pen from behind her ear. “Have you decided on your order?” Her words, practiced as they might be, sounded not all there. Justin thought nothing of it. “Yeah, we’ll have the banana split.” “Mhm.” She didn’t move, nor did she write anything down. Justin’s eyes met Caroline’s, who shrugged. He looked up at the waitress once again, then followed her eyes. Sure enough, he found the source of her distraction – the table from before, where the two women sat. It took Justin a moment to understand what he was looking at; only when Caroline gasped did his brain register the sight. The taller woman seemed unchanged at first; her ponytail resting on her shoulder and trickling down her chest, her red dress fading into the pink and yellow décor. Then the pieces fell into place. The awkward way she sat, her legs spread wide. The way her head hung back and her neck drew the line of her cushioned seat’s headrest. By the time Justin saw the laced panties around her ankle and saw the mop of neon blue hair bobbing between her knees, his blood was already flowing. It was something to behold. Her dark skin broke out in goosebumps, her chest heaving up and down, her knuckles white as she gripped the rim of the table almost as hard as she bit her lip. “So cold,” she whispered through gritted teeth, and the whole shop heard them, for all conversation had died down. “Your tongue is so cold…” A pale hand came to rest on her knee, spreading her legs even further. Justin could now see the other girl, on her knees on the floor; one hand between her legs, her face between her girlfriend’s thighs. She drew back to take a breath; a translucent string hung from the tip of her tongue, arcing until it disappeared between her girlfriend’s legs. Her lipstick was smudged, sending streaks of blue across her cheeks; her top had at some point been pulled down, exposing her tattooed shoulder, her bony arms, and, when she leaned just right and the legs weren’t on the way, her flat chest, which swelled with each gasping breath. Their half-eaten ice cream rested on their table, forgotten. “You’re staring.” Caroline’s voice hit him like a slap to the face; he turned to her and found her giggling at him. He scratched at his cheek; his skin felt hot against his fingertips. At some point the waitress had disappeared; he couldn’t tell when, or whether she had taken the order in the first place. He laughed it off. “You weren’t lying when you said this was a place for romantic get-togethers.” “Romantic? More like embarrassing. Don’t they care people are watching?” “Of course they do. If people weren’t watching they probably wouldn’t be having half as much fun.” “Justin!” “What?” He laughed. “It’s true! Come on, take a look at her. There’s no way it doesn’t make you at least a little bit jealous.” Her cheeks burned so red, Justin felt in good company again. And so, leaning closer and lowering his voice to a whisper, he continued: “We have a few minutes until our order’s here. I could eat you out to pass the time.” Joking as his tone might be, it carried an underlying earnestness. “Justin!” Caroline said, straightening up on her seat as if she’d smelled something foul, yet covering up her snickering mouth with her hands. Her knees slapped together, so quickly she clamped her legs shut, and her eyes darted from table to table, as if his suggestion alone could have drawn unwanted attention. None had eyes for her, of course – how could they, with the kind of action going on just across the aisle from her? “I could never do anything like that in public,” she said, once she had some time to breathe. Justin smiled. “You could never do anything like that even in private, unless the lights are off!” He watched her bury her face in her hands, his smile so wide it ached. Clink. The two metal spoons jingled on the tray as it found its way to the center of the table. Atop it rested a beautiful crystal boat, which in turn carried the awaited treat. Justin swore he could see the strawberry scoop’s reflection on his girlfriend’s eyes, so intensely she stared. But the hands that put down the tray now stayed still in place; this time, Justin knew exactly what to expect. The mood around the other table had shifted. The one sitting at the table looked down at her girlfriend who, from between her thighs, smiled up at her. Her arms, buried to the elbows in her lover’s depths, trembled – as did the rest of her body. “What are you doing…?” asked the dark-skinned woman, beads of sweat on her forehead, her breaths shallow and unsteady. Her girlfriend just smiled – a small smile, almost a nothing smile, and said, “I love you.” And with that, she lowered her head and dove in. Her head pressed down on the entrance, parting the labia with a smooth slide. Neon blue hair plunged into drooping lips, soaking in the clear juices that dribbled from within; those long legs of hers spread so far, so fast, that the sound of ripping fabric cut through the soundscape. A moan, interrupted. A hand bitten – silence. A shudder ran through the tall woman’s body; her girlfriend’s head, now fully inside her, bulged out of her midriff; her skin glistened with sweat. The look of surprise on those dark eyes of hers, second only to an expression of pure surrender, never left, even as her girlfriend pushed in, further in, the muscles of her legs flexing as she pushed, and as more of her body disappeared, as more white became black, her soaked top got caught and dragged down across her slender form, and her unzipped shorts too. Push! The tall woman staggered, her eyes moist, watching her pussy stretch around the contours of her lover’s ass, until at last they reached the midway point and she gasped. One final twist of the waist, and squelch, the girl’s curling toes sank between the labia, dislodging the discarded clothes which fell to the floor. The woman groaned and twitched, crossing her legs and biting hard into her hand – and then melted on her seat, while displaced juices dribbled down her slender legs and pooled around and on her girlfriend’s clothes. Clink. The waitress rushed away. From the corner of his eyes, Justin saw the hand she slid between her legs. “I can’t believe people would do that in public.” Again, Caroline’s words betrayed something deeper, less overt. Something that made Justin smile, even as she continued. “I mean, there’s a place for everything, right?” “Nobody seemed to mind, as far as I can tell,” Justin said, nodding towards the other tables. Indeed, bit by bit, attention returned to each one’s own business. The hubbub resumed. And though the odd reference and quick glance at the lucky predator – who now sat back, breathing heavy, by degrees recovering from the bliss – still took place, the cozy and relaxed atmosphere had returned. Caroline sank her spoon into the strawberry scoop, making sure to help herself to a generous amount of salted caramel. The cherry rolled down the side like a tiny boulder and came to a halt at the boat’s edge. Justin caught it with his own spoon. “You’re telling me you wouldn’t want to be eaten in public?” She shrugged. The question didn’t faze her; discussion of marriage bothered her more. “I’d have a lot of years to get used to the idea. I suppose,” she said, pausing to give herself time to enjoy the spoonful. She smacked her lips when she was done. “I suppose,” she repeated, “that if you were really keen on it, I wouldn’t say no.” Justin smiled, silent for the moment – and the conversation seemed to be done, when the touch of something soft pressed up between Caroline’s thighs and caused her to wince. His sock, that nylon one from the set she’d bought him for his birthday, crawled along her inner leg. His toes curled against her skin, slipping between her legs. When they made contact, Justin’s smirk only broadened. He felt her warmth, her wetness. Even as she braced before him, her elbows on the table and her face in her hands, her body did not lie. She had enjoyed the show every bit as much as anyone else. “Maybe,” he said, drawing lines on panties with his big toe, “I should take a page from her book, and crawl in there instead.” “As if!” she laughed, shoving his foot aside. “There’s no way I’d let you. If you did, who would eat me?” “There’s plenty of fish in the sea.” “Don’t even joke about those things, Justin! No, this body is yours and yours only.” “Well –” A muffled scream interrupted him. He turned his head just in time to see the bulge on the woman’s gut shudder, the body within stirring. It was a scream so shameless, so needy, of such utter surrender that even Justin felt as if he should look away. Between her legs, a river flowed, clear and ponderous, forming long strings as it dribbled over the seat’s edge. One of her hands rested on her belly, feeling the contractions within; the other held a spoon between her index finger and her thumb, which she now sank into her lover’s dessert. Caroline watched her with intent. “That will be me someday,” she said with a sigh. Justin placed his hand on hers and squeezed. She turned to him, and something about his look made her stop and listen. “Instead of someday…” Her eyes widened. The instinctive dismissal came to mind, but she couldn’t speak it. It wasn’t like the other times. There was gravitas in his joking tone. “...how about today?” “No.” “Yes.” She looked up at his, her cheeks burning. The words came in a torrent; endless, senseless. “No. I mean, I have a presentation tomorrow, I gotta be there, I worked all week on it. And… oh, but it is Valentine’s Day, isn’t it? There’s no better time for it. I mean, they did it, right? We’d be in good company.” “I think –” “Oh! But you haven’t even met my parents! I knew I should have introduced you guys, I really think you’d get along, even with my mom being, well, my mom. I don’t care how much I want it, I gotta be responsible, right? Even if your mouth’s looking so fucking inviting right now, I gotta… oh, oh jeeze, it would feel really good, wouldn’t it?” “Carol –” “But what about Jessie? I told her I’d be her bridesmaid…” “Look –” “And we still haven’t run that marathon. We got those matching shoes and everything.” “And the shirts,” Justin said. “And the shirts! Damn, it’s a shame, though. It really would have been perfect, the perfect way to celebrate you moving in. I’m at my prime, it’s all downhill from here – I won’t ever be a better meal than I’d be right now. I mean, look at these tits. This is as good as it gets.” “Carol, listen.” “Eat me now, Justin. I need you to eat me right now.” The intensity of her words got an oh out of Justin. Carol’s whole demeanor had changed. Her eyes, wide open, glimmered with newfound peace; he could see that her mind was made up. She took his hand, rose to her feet, nudged him to move. Never had her voice sounded so full of lust. Every now and then she glanced at the other table, at the woman’s swollen gut, and she bit her lower lip until it turned white. “Come on,” she whispered. “Let’s get out of here. Let’s do this. Come on.” His hand tightened around hers. She stopped pulling when she realized he wouldn’t budge; she stopped, looked at him, a hint of confusion crossing her features. Then it was Justin’s turn to pull, and with a low yelp, Caroline fell forward onto his lap. “You know we can’t leave without the check,” he whispered, his smirk knowing; without delay he leaned forward, put his lips to hers, felt their chill against his heat. After the moment’s shock passed, she reciprocated. Her tongue slid between his lips, parted his teeth, plunged deep; her whole body then seemed to relax, joints unlocking, muscles unflexing – she melted onto him, and he was happy to hold her. He drove his fingers up her thigh, hiking up her skirt, then rose further still. The olive blouse, warm. Its back zipper, cold against his skin. He secured it between his knuckles and pulled down. Caroline broke the kiss. “Wait…!” Zwip. She crossed her arms, but it was too late. Her blouse fell from her form like falling petals; revealing flushed skin in goosebumps and a black frilled bra. Out of instinct she covered herself, and it was at that moment that Justin knew his girlfriend was ready. After all, it would have been easy for her to just pull the blouse back up. His eyes lingered less on what had been exposed, but rather, on what was still left to reveal. The intricate lace, the frills, they accentuated her curves, rounded out her form, and made her breasts bob up and down with each breath she took. “I don’t remember this one,” he said, eyes still glued to it. “Did someone have a surprise planned for Valentine’s?” “No, I just wear frills and laces because they’re comfortable and definitely don’t get itchy when I sweat.” “Too bad, it would have been a hell of a surprise.” His fingers slid across her back and came to rest on the hooks that held it in place. With a dexterous movement he undid them, and watched them slide down. Caroline’s breasts sagged slightly once unsupported, bouncing just once before she hurried to cover herself. Justin just smiled. If anything, seeing her like this – fingers sunk into the soft flesh, white knuckles and flushed skin, each twitch of the arms sending the entire thing jiggling – made her look even more attractive. “I don’t mind taking my time, but wouldn’t you rather wrap this up before the waitress comes back?” Justin’s words reached Caroline. Her grip on her own breasts weakened, and she looked around. She felt watched, but tried to look past the glances, listen past the whispers. The waitress was gone. The entire staff was. Caroline exhaled sharply, scrunching up her nose and thinning her smile to a line. When she released her grip on herself, blouse and bra both fell. Justin pushed the latter off his lap and leaned forward. She whimpered when his hot breaths washed over her breasts; more when his lips clamped around her nipples. Cold. Hard. His tongue drew rhythmic circles over the areola. Bitter. Sweet. He bit down gently, and felt her squirm. He sucked hard, taking in the bitter taste, inhaling the mix of perfume and lemon-scented body wash. “I love them,” he whispered when he released his grip. His breath turned to condensation in the air between their bodies. “I love you.” Caroline just whimpered, her eyes peeking out from between her fingers. Her body told one story – of desire, of need, of a deep ache for something that he held back from her at every turn – but her expression, or what Justin could see of it, told another altogether. Her eyes moistened; her whole body trembled. “Everyone’s watching us, Justin…” “It doesn’t matter. You’re not anyone else’s meal but mine.” His words activated something in Caroline, who froze for a second, motionless, before pulling away from his grasp. She stumbled back – he thought she was stepping away – until she bumped against the table; rather than move away, however, she crawled on top of it and sat over the edge, knees pressed together, her feet resting on his lap. She lifted them up to his face – he could tell it took some effort – and closed her eyes. “I can’t take this anymore. Eat me properly. Eat me the way I’m meant to be eaten.” The whispers all around rose to hushed, but unashamed tones. Their eyes bore burning holes over every inch of Caroline’s body, and yet, she knew it was too late, and so did Justin. A boundary has been crossed, a point of no return beyond which no shame or decency could hope to exist. He took her by the ankles, pushed them apart, dove between them, ducked under her skirt. She fell back, and the table shook under her weight. A stray hand knocked the ice cream boat to the ground; it shattered, and the sound of it echoed through the room. All eyes rested on them. All. The noise cut the hushed conversations short, and for a moment, the silence weighed heavy upon the couple – then the voices returned, lacking all pretense of secrecy. The same words made the rounds as when the other couple got rowdy; unbelievable, hot, slut, jealous. “Please,” she whispered. Her voice sounded hoarse, pushed through her throat between a gasp and a moan. “Just swallow me. Don’t make me wait like this. Why won’t you just swallow me?” He unzipped her skirt, zwip, and she hung on his silence. He pushed between her thighs, and his low voice resonated through her lower body when he said, every bit as loud as the boat’s crash: “Because you still have this delicious treat for me to taste!” She gasped into her hands as she felt his tongue roll over her slit in a wavy motion, teasing her lips yet moving ever upward, until it reached her clit. Desperate, she pressed her hands to his head and pushed, but just once; then he clamped his lips around it and sucked, and those same hands now grasped at his hair. He tasted his fill. His tongue rotated around her clit, then flicked it, then slid down between her lips and plunged deep, emerging dripping from her depths and disappearing between his lips, before going to work again. As he ate her out, he felt her body and read the messages it sent. When her breaths grew too shallow, he slowed. When her depths contracted around his tongue, he held it steady. When the moans that escaped her lips came rhythmic and ever louder, he built up the pressure and felt her shudder under his attention, he felt her wince and squirm, and then, just as she reached the edge, he just stopped, pulled away, took a moment, and let the warmth of his breath caress the tender folds he so adored. Justin sat up. Caroline lied before him a mess of crumpled clothes and gooseflesh, covered in sweat and both of their saliva, with tears in her eyes and a puddle of her juices between her legs. Smudged makeup. Chalk-white knuckles. “You’re such a messy meal.” Her mouth opened, closed. He imagined what comeback she would have had for him, was she not in such a state. “You’ve had your fun,” she mumbled instead, “you’ve tasted everywhere. I need to be inside you, Justin, and I need it now. Don’t make me wait any longer.” “Not everywhere. Not yet.” “Justin, don’t…” Justin did. He gripped at her thighs and pushed them up and apart. He slid his tongue between them, tasting of her lips one last time, then he moved down, drew the line of her slit until it ended, and kept going. “Leave my butt alone!” His answer came deep and sudden. His tongue pushed inside her as deep as it stretched, until his lips too pressed against her ass. “Delicious.” His muffled voice reached Caroline’s ears, and he felt her body tense up with embarrassment, squeezing around his tongue. As quickly as he’d plunged he pulled back, sat up so she could see his wide grin, his hungry eyes, his look of utter delight. Meanwhile, she just looked flustered. Defeated, almost. “It’s not polite to play with your food.” “I like to enjoy my food, thank you very much, and I’m not used to it trying to hurry me along.” He winked. “How about this. Once you cum, I’ll gulp you down. How about that?” Justin saw the hesitation in Caroline’s eyes. Her eyes turned, frantic, towards the crowd. All eyes on her, still. Everyone watched, everyone had a comment to make, everything she did was critiqued, broken down, examined, and enjoyed; she was entertainment, and so was Justin, as so had been the two women at the other table. It was new, and strange, and frightening. Someone whistled. They were waiting. “In front of all these people?” she asked. Justin nodded. “If that’s how you want me,” she said, “that’s how you’ll have me.” She ran her hands over her body, slid them across her bare skin, touching, caressing, pinching once they reached her breasts. She squeezed, moaned, smiled. She ran out of air and started breathing through her mouth, her breath steam in the air, strings of saliva forming bridges between her teeth. “How about you have another taste of this sexy morsel before you move on to the main course?” Justin smiled. Don’t mind if I do. He dove between her legs once more, shoved his tongue between her dripping lips, felt them hot and pulsing around him. He pushed in until it ached, and then some more – and each millimeter he traversed he felt her move, tense, clench, relax. “Deeper,” she begged. He pushed. “Deeper!” He couldn’t go deeper. Pulling away, she saw her look up at him, a pleading look, the kind of look that drove him crazy. But he knew he couldn’t go any deeper. He knew her body well – he knew her soft spots, what rhythms to move to, which buttons to press – but he knew his limits as well. Fulfilling her demand would require creative thinking. Justin held Caroline’s legs. She looked up at him, an eyebrow raised. “What are you doing?” “Hold on.” He folded her legs. Realizing his plan, she held her knees close to her chest. He opened his mouth – and he opened wide – and wrapped his lips around her jutting ass; he sucked hard, and as she slowly dragged into his mouth, his tongue found its way between her legs, between her folds, its full length now available and reaching her secret weak spot. He knew, at that moment, that he would be able to eat her. Meanwhile, the last of Caroline’s walls crumbled. Justin assaulted her every weakness; the pressure of his mouth around her, and its soft suction. The teeth that dug into her thighs and slid across her back, sending little shivers of pain and pleasure up and down her spine. And his tongue, wide and flexible, thrashing inside her, deeper than she thought possible, stirring her up into a frenzy. And it kept going. Never slowing, never relenting, a constant pressure from all ends, until at last another pressure rose within her to match them; she felt it coming, swallowed the saliva that pooled inside her mouth, and took a deep breath. “I’m almost there, Justin, I’m… I’m getting there and I’m so glad, I’m so glad this is it, that this is how it’s gonna go. I’m… oh, God, don’t stop. I’m glad everyone gets to see, that everyone can see just how much I love you, just how true my love for you is, just how… oh, God, I…!” Her slurred words devolved into a groan, then a singsong moan, then another, then a louder one, then a scream from the top of her lungs, high and shrill and shameless. Her back arched, her muscles spasmed, and for a moment Justin could see over her, see the crowd and their stares. Inside his mouth she gushed, her juices hot and thick, filling his mouth even more with their sweet warmth, triggering his swallow reflex. Gulp. She slid across the table. The gasp that escaped her lips was soon muffled, as the powerful swallow pulled her in in one go, sending her sliding down the lubricated throat. It all happened fast, too fast – just air, warmth, and the soft embrace of flesh. Justin jumped to his feet, and the pressure of the weight sent him stumbling forward until he leaned on the table for support. When his brain caught up with his body, and he realized where Caroline had gone, he felt a pang of shame. In his fantasies, he ate her slowly, with long bites and measured swallows, running his tongue over every inch of her body, tasting her from head to toe and finishing it with a decisive swallow, like a loving kiss goodbye. Yet as soon as he’d tasted her, he’d lost control… “I’m sorry,” he stammered, “I… that wasn’t supposed to go that fast.” A muffled laugh tickled at his insides. “I’m just glad nobody can see me anymore,” he heard her say. “Was the landing okay?” “It’s everything I’d ever dreamed of. It’s warm, cozy, and tight. Your heartbeat is all around me. You’re all around me. It’s magical, it’s…” Her voice cracked. “...it’s just magical.” Glass crunched against the floor. The sound clawed at Justin’s eardrums; his head snapped in the direction of its source, for the moment forgetting all about the meat. The woman from before stood before her; tall, gorgeous, her dark skin shimmering in the warm lights, her stomach bulging, her hair a mess, her smile messy. What remained of her dress, frayed at the seams where not outright ripped, framed her curvy figure. He looked at her, stunned – yet the voice came not from her lips, but from her gut, muffled by but a few inches of flesh. “That. Was. The. Sexiest thing I’ve ever heard!” The woman smiled and ran her palm over her taut belly, following the lines of her girlfriend’s contours. “I have to agree; that was pretty hot.” Her voice was warm, rich, full. Justin smiled. In his mind, Caroline smiled also. “Your half of the show was just as good,” he said. “We loved watching what your friend was up to.” “Hey!” rang a voice from within him. “I may be eaten, but I’m not digested! Don’t speak for me just yet.” Pause. “But yes, what he said.” “How about now, big guy?” the tall woman asked. “Any plans on how to digest the lovebird?” Something about her tone rubbed him the wrong way; before he knew it, his hands shielded his stomach in a protective gesture. He caught himself and laughed it off; something about her smile told him that was just the way she spoke. “We’re going home,” he said, his smile gone, as befitted such a solemn affair. “I’m going to digest her in private. And you?” “Oh,” said the voice from her gut, interrupting. “I wanna go out with a bang!” Their eyes met. Something sparked. The idea crossed their minds at the same time; neither needed to even speak it. “Can we go home now, Justin?” Carol asked. “If we don’t hurry up, everyone’s going to hear me digest!” Justin ignored his pleas; his attention was fixed on his new friend. She took a step forward, and more glass shattered under her shoe. She grabbed him by the shirt, pressed her gut to his, pushed hard until their two prey rubbed against each other; the protests from inside Justin stopped, and by the time it was his turn to be pushed down into a supine position on the table, he could feel Caroline’s fingers busying themselves inside him. The table was hard against his back; crushed under the weight of his own full stomach, he almost couldn’t move. He could only guess at what happened beyond the Caroline-sized hill; at some point he felt a hand fiddle with his trousers, zwip, and a cold chill against his erection when it bounced out of his boxers. An appreciative hum let him know he had not disappointed. She ran her thumb from the base to the top, her finger hot even against his scalding skin, causing his cock to twitch with anticipation. The table creaked beneath him as she, too, climbed on top of it, her gut flattening against his, rolling over it, warm, all-enveloping, suffocating. Then she sat up, legs parted, knees bent, pushed his gut away with hers, and with precise motions guided his cock between her thighs. Gravity did the rest. He slid deep inside her; her insides roiled all around his cock, searing, lubricated. She felt different. Her juices were thicker, her hole less tight than Caroline’s, but more powerful, full of intent; when she moved her whole body moved, when she bounced her pussy pulled and gripped. He could barely meet her halfway; he was still tired, she had stamina to spare. With each bounce, the table creaked. With each thrust, she bit her lip harder. Fear suffused each of his motions. Fear that the table would break. Fear that he would be crushed under the combined weight of three women. Fear that digestion would come too soon. Those fears activated him, sent adrenaline pumping through his veins, slowed every motion to a crawl, sublimated all senses. The taste of Caroline, still lingering on his lips. The smell of sweat, lust and ice cream. The chatter in the background, the sight of his fellow predator’s tits bouncing, the way she embraced him from base to tip, pumped him, smothered him. He fell into a rhythm, or rather, learned hers and matched it. Around him, everything blurred. Then he felt it. Whenever he thrust the hardest, the suction became deeper. Layered. Mismatched, like two beats playing at the same time. He felt lips, he felt a tongue, a kiss, a nibble. The tall woman’s girlfriend had wasted no time. One pressure he could resist, if barely, but never two. Inside him, Caroline too felt the rhythm. She thrashed about, testing his stomach’s capacity, bathing in his gastric juices and thrusting with her hips, all while heaving like a wounded animal. It was too much. It was all too much. He held it back for as long as he could. When release came, his whole body spasmed. His three lovers must have felt it coming; Caroline moaned louder, the tall woman staggered, the second set of lips clenched around his cock and gulped down every drop of his seed. Justin’s body relaxed. In the rebound, he felt his gut start to churn. “Wait!” Caroline’s voice, weak and pleading, barely reached his ears. “Not yet! I’m not done yet! I’m so close…” But the workings of his stomach cared not for her state. The acids flowed and roiled, hissing as they rose around her skin, eating at her body, at her sense of touch, overtaking everything with a blissful haze. She felt herself melt away; she felt her feet and legs liquefy, and felt the acid’s steady advance. Not yet, she must have thought, not until I’m done, and with each new sensation only heightening her pleasure. “I can’t… believe…” Her back arched. “…I’m getting off from you… digesting me!” Every muscle tensed. Every neuron flared up. One final rush of dopamine. Caroline’s body relaxed, and she sank down into her fate. “It must be… true lov –” A loud gurgle silenced her forever. As Justin felt the mouth around his cock grip tighter, then melt away; as he saw the gut pressing to hers shrink in tune to the contractions of two combined orgasms; as he felt their two bodies, now flat, press together, he wondered if the beautiful girl with the short hair and the blue lipstick had had the time to enjoy her own climax before her lover’s womb absorbed her. Their bodies collapsed together. Their sweat pooled together; their faces pressed to each other, and Justin could smell her breath, vanilla and cinnamon. It took him a moment to regain his bearings, and when she slumped from atop him, he looked down at his still-throbbing cock and couldn’t help but smile; blue lipstick covered half of his length. With the action drawing to a close, once again did the ice cream shop return to its usual bustle. As she grabbed handfuls of paper napkins and pressed them to the now sticky table, the woman introduced herself as Jasmine, and her lover as Amelia. Justin shook her hand. What clothes had survived the ordeal, they slid back on; the ones that didn’t they discarded. He told her about the one time he and Caroline had gone fishing. She told him about Amelia’s collection of sea shells. They shared a laugh and a memory of their truest romance, and wondered about the bonding potential of this shared experience, and when they were done, Justin got up to leave, and she offered him his hand. “So, how was it like?” she asked, her fingers entwining with his. “Do you think you could ever eat another lover?” Justin adjusted his belt as well as he could with one hand. “I don’t know,” he said. “I’m not sure I could ever love like that again.” “That’s okay. We can try being casual, instead. See where it goes, feel it out?” “One second.” He let go of her hand, took a step towards Caroline’s chair, and looked around. The waitress hadn’t returned, the other patrons had turned their attention back to their ice cream – nobody would blink an eye if he just left. Jasmine waited by his side, watching him, confused. Justin pulled up the chair and took the gray hoodie from its back. He unfolded it, wore it, pulled it up over his hair, and when at last his fingers reached the zipper, he smiled. “Feel it out, hm?” Zwip. “I think I like the sound of that.” |
She set the table. She laid out the miniatures, the character sheets, the print-outs. She closed the windows – the moon was out – and with a flick of the wrist, lit the candles. While she waited for her guests, she coiled up at the foot of the table. Her scales scraped against each other, ever moving, ever shifting, reflecting the flickering candlelight whenever they caught it in their sheen. On this soft bed she rested her upper body, the frail and bony half of her, so warm against her tepid scales. Behind her gamemaster’s screen, she studied her notes one final time. What a stupid game, Shazi thought. Playing pretend for adults. Fantasizing about saving princesses and murdering monsters to escape the monotony of their daily lives. As she read through the corebook and memorized all the rules, numbers, and descriptions, that thought refused to leave her mind – but the people she had met online seemed desperate to play it, and they hadn’t been picky about who ran it. And now, Shazi sat in her home, alone, waiting for her victims to walk right up to her snare. A text announced their approach. Shazi yawned and put the book and her notes down. As she made the way across the small living room, she cast her gaze across it one last time, to make sure she had left no clue as to her true intentions. Hm. Maybe on the barren side, but it would have to do. They stepped out of the stairwell, and there was that air of excited awkwardness between them. Shazi smiled and waved, assigning faces to names in her mind. The one in the black shirt, with his hands in his pockets – Bright – she knew all too well. He had been on her radar for far too long. The other two were strangers, his friends, not hers. There was the fiery-haired one, still laughing at someone’s joke when she stepped into view; this one fell silent when their eyes met. The lamia followed her gaze, and sure enough, it drifted down towards her serpentine tail, while surprise streaked across her features, gone in the blink of an eye, but not fast enough to elude Shazi’s attention. “You must be Gina,” Shazi said. She looked down at the third guest, and raised an eyebrow. Shazi knew a dragon when she saw one; she smelled their influence even when diluted by generations. This one, however, was even more obvious than most, all covered in garish blue feathers and plate-like scales, and with four stubby horns peeking out of her mane. She walked like she reveled in rubbing her heritage in people’s faces, too – with a spring to her step and the kind of darting eyes that seek conflict at every turn. Shazi filed the thought away. “And you, Aurora,” she said, and smiled. “Come in. I was just finishing setting up.” She led them to the table. When she closed the door, she saw them flinch, so she locked it while they were pulling up their seats. None of them heard. “Make yourselves comfortable,” she said. “It’s good to finally meet you all in person. I hope you had a good trip? It’s awful dangerous in this area, especially at night.” Her eyes rested on Gina and Bright. “Especially for humans.” “We carpooled,” Bright said. “Ah. Well, I suppose we should begin, no? Have you all made your characters at home as I asked?” As a response, Aurora just smiled. She opened up her bag and pulled out a slightly dog-eared piece of paper, which she slid across the table. Shazi scanned it for a moment. “A human cleric, hm? Neutral good. Everything seems to check out.” “Why wouldn’t it?” Aurora asked. “Are you implying that I’d cheat?” “I am implying no such thing,” Shazi said, her smile unfaltering. “Actually, while I check your sheets, why don’t you introduce your characters?” Puffing up, Aurora leaned forward. “Well, I’m playing Clara Brightweave…” Bright smiled. “She’s a human cleric of Bahamut, and a traveling healer.” “Well, there will be a lot of healing needed. How about you, Gina? You’ve been quiet. Who are you playing?” Gina snapped to attention. Of the three, it was her who seemed the most aware of the situation she was in. She tugged at her friends’ sleeves every now and then when she thought Shazi wasn’t looking – but they were much too oblivious to notice. “I’m playing Warwick the Warhammer. He’s a dwarf fighter, chaotic good, uhh…” She tapped her fingers on the table. “He’s in it for the money, he has a family back home that he wants to provide for.” “It says here that he uses a club and a sling.” “Yeah,” Gina said, grinning. “He can’t afford a warhammer just yet.” Shazi pretended to chuckle along with the others. Bright leaned back on his table, legs crossed. “I’m playing Peg-leg Vic, a gnome warlock.” “Peg-leg Vic,” Shazi repeated. “And why is your character traveling the world?” “I got banished for repeated public indecency.” Another wave of chuckles. Even Gina seemed to loosen up. “I see. Well, I see nothing wrong with any of your character sheets, so we may begin. But before anything else… I should let you know that I’ve introduced a few house rules.” Her smile was a dangerous one. “The first one is that I will not be allowing resurrection. Within this fantasy world, death is final and permanent.” “That one’s common enough,” Bright said. “I’m okay with it.” “The second,” Shazi continued, “is that I run a high stakes game. If your character dies…” The tip of her tail brushed against Gina’s leg. “...I eat you.” Gina laughed. Shazi didn’t. Her eyes bore into her skull, heavy with intent, until Gina broke eye contact, and even then, she felt the pressure. The tail curling around her leg. The fingers rapping on the table. The damning silence of the other two players, and Shazi’s yellow eyes, piercing through, her mind, piercing, piercing… A chair clattered to the ground. Shazi glanced to her left, where Aurora stood, fiery-eyed, fangs bared – and for a moment the two reptiles regarded each other. “Oh,” Shazi said, “If you want to go, you can go.” She extended a hand, closed it, opened it again – the key to the lock rested on her palm. She twirled it between her fingers, watched as three pairs of eyes locked on it. She could feel the tension in the air, smell the adrenaline, feel every rumble that went through the bodies of her three victims. Her smile never broke, nor it wavered, even as she brought the key to her lips. Aurora swiped at the key. Shazi leaned back just in time to avoid her sharp claws. It was too late; the lamia’s lips parted, and her tongue slid out like a red carpet, shimmering with saliva. She placed the key upon it, and it sank slightly into the soft muscle, which soon rolled around it, retreating between her flushed lips. A wink. Gulp. A smile. A small lump traveled down her throat, followed by the tip of her finger, which tracked its downwards course until it vanished. “What a shame. Now one of you will have to come and get it. Who’s willing to try their luck?” She ran her tongue across her lips, a long, mocking movement. “Or you can all sit down, and try to not die.” Aurora, shaking with anger, sat back down. Gina remained still as stone, until Shazi snapped her fingers, after which she slumped, as if released from the throes of some spell. Bright, who’d been silent – maybe too silent. When all eyes rested on him, he just shrugged. “Hey,” he said. “I haven’t been able to play in months. Even if you do eat us, you still won’t be the worst DM I’ve played with.” Shazi blinked. “Well, then.” Her voice grew lower, more dramatic. “You are weary from your travels as you enter the Drowned Horse Inn. The air is thick with the smell of roast meat, and the sounds of laughter, arguing, and glasses clinking together are deafening to you after weeks on the road. A young barmaid walks up to you – from the shape of her ears, you can tell she’s elven, with pale skin and blood-red eyes, and a smile that is both bright and gentle. She brings you three tankards of ale on the house, and asks where you’re from…” “As you swing your club, something catches it. Do you have darkvision?” Bright raised his hand. “I have darkvision.” “But you’re facing the other way, trying to disarm the spike trap.” “I have darkvision, yeah,” Gina said. “Okay. In the dim light, you see something ripple around the club, and you realize that there’s something there, some kind of transparent fluid around the skeleton, and as you tried to hit it with your club, what you did was thrust it into this substance, and you hear this low hissing noise as the wood starts to bubble.” “Gelatinous cube!” Bright exclaimed. Gina bit her lip. “I call out – hey, guys, there’s a gelatinous cube here, and it, uh, it’s eating my club.” “Don’t metagame,” Aurora said, running her finger over her character sheet as she mused her next step. “Gina, would Warwick know about slimes?” Shazi asked, peering from behind the DM’s screen. “I think a little bit, I mean, he’s lived his whole life in tunnels.” “Let’s find out. Roll Nature.” “Wisdom?” “Intelligence.” “That’s a twelve. Minus one, eleven.” Shazi steepled her fingers. “You know some things about gelatinous cubes. You know they prowl through dark tunnels, and that they digest just about anything that shows up in their ways. A lot of your dwarf friends have been killed by walking right into gelatinous cubes, as they’re more or less invisible until they mode.” Aurora got up, leaning over the table, a grin on her face. “I’m going to cast Sacred Flame on it.” “Everybody roll initiative.” “Twenty!” Aurora cheered. “No shit,” Gina said. “I got a fifteen, after modifiers.” “Seven here?” Behind the screen, Shazi rolled the die. It landed on a two. She glanced at it, then at her players. It would be so easy to lie. “Clara goes first,” she said, turning to Aurora. “And you cast Sacred Flame?” “Yeah. That’s a Dex saving throw.” Shazi nodded. “Eight. You summon a pillar of light that burns it, and you can see it recoil, and as it does, it releases Warwick’s club. Gina, on your turn, you can use a bonus action to pick it back up.” “Cool.” “That’s my action,” Aurora said, “and I’m going to use my movement to run down the hallway while I shout for everyone to follow me.” “I follow,” Gina said. What’s my speed?” “You’re a dwarf, so that’s 25. You can use an action to dash and double it.” “I do that.” Bright wiped his glasses. “Yeah, I guess Vic goes too. No reason to stay and fight this thing.” Shazi nodded. “You find a door.” “I go through,” Aurora said. “I close it behind us,” Bright said. Gina bit her lip. “What does the room look like?” “Suddenly, the torches light up. You stand in what looks like an old throne room. There are bones scattered all across the floor, and they crunch underfoot as you step forward. Piles of loot, armor, weapons, and clothes line the walls. Gina, you’re a dwarf, you recognize this as a dwarven throne room, but when you look up, you see the traditional dwarven carvings have been smoothed out, and someone painted the figure of a long slithering serpent devouring its own tail. It looks very out of place in this ornate throne room.” “Well, shit,” Aurora said. “And,” Shazi continued, “Just as you hear the gelatinous club thump against the other side of the door, something stirs, and a humanoid figure steps from behind the throne. She’s tall, draped in fine silks, and her hair falls over her shoulders like a veil, and instead of legs, she’s got a snake tail, like mine. She looks at you and bares serpentine fangs, and she says…” “Guests. How nice. It’s been a while since anyone’s made it past my traps. This is good. I do prefer my food still squirming.” Warwick stepped forward, fire in his eyes, his thick brow furrowed into a scowl. He held his wooden club in both hands, ready to defend himself. “Who are you?” “I’m,” the figure hissed, her robes billowing to an absent draft, “the Keeper of this dungeon. It is my home. It is my hunting ground. You forfeited your lives when you stepped into these hallowed halls.” She tilted her head back, opened her maw wide. Her hot breath formed condensation on the cold dungeon air. She shoved her spindly arm in her mouth, elbow-deep, and when she pulled it back out, her saliva-soaked fingers were wrapped around something – a scimitar’s handle. She stepped forward, and – “Hol’ up just a minute!” The Keeper raised a hairless eyebrow. Her wispy features barely moved as she regarded the small, limping figure that approached her. Vic twirled his mustache, tapped his cane on the ground, and smiled a toothless smile. “We have no reason to fight with you. How about we get out the way we came – well, after you call off your gooey watchdog – and we pretend this never happened?” “Victor, please.” Clara’s voice was but a whisper. She stood back, allowing the dwarf’s stout body to stand between herself and the creature. “Are you really trying to parley with this beast?” “Shush, you,” Vic grumbled. “Well, snake lady? There’s three of us, one of you. Even if you win, is it really worth it?” The Keeper smiled. “Oh, but I hunger so… I do believe I will take the risk.” She glanced up at the cleric. “But it is true, dwarves are hardy and difficult to digest, and gnomes are so, so bony… how about you leave her to me, and the rest of you leave with your lives?” “Sure,” the gnome said, without hesitation. “Take her. I don’t care.” Clara startled. “What? What are you –” “Aye, honestly?” Warwick said. “I just met ‘er. I dun’ rightly give a crap.” “You too?” “Sorry, lassie. Better ye than I.” The Keeper slithered forward. She uttered something under her breath, raised her hand, and Clara’s eyes glazed over. The cleric stepped forward – crunch – and stumbled, her motion both loose and stiff, unnatural. Her eyes were locked into the Keeper’s; those golden spheres that swirled and expanded across the field of her vision, making her limbs heavy, her body warm, and causing her heard to flutter… before Clara knew it, she was sweating, scrambling to peel off the layers of hide and mail she wore, exposing her body to the freezing dungeon air. Her helm fell to the ground, and her hair flowed free. Her breastplate detached from her chest, and her flushed body shimmered with sweat. Throughout it all, the Keeper waited, a hand outstretched, watching without emotion as the cleric cast off her armor until her whole body laid bare; tanned and battle-scarred, yet soft, vulnerable. Clara took the Keeper’s hand. It was cold against hers. She gripped, she felt a claw tap against her chin, guiding her – guiding her lips to the Keeper’s lips, causing her to lean forward in anticipation, but as they were about to touch, the Keeper opened her mouth. She exposed her sharp teeth, her pinkish maw, her forked tongue that tickled at Clara’s face – and as the cleric stared down into the dark abyss, she realized what was about to happen, and the fog cleared from her mind. It was too late. Strong hands took hold of her arms and lifted, thrusting her into the maw, pushing her through thin pillars of saliva, forcing her between rows of sharp teeth. Then the gulp came, and it shook her world; darkness surrounded her, crushed her, pushed her through a wide and heavy esophagus, too slippery to gain purchase, too heavy to struggle against; inescapable. Clara’s world turned upside down. The blood rushed through her head. She felt the organs move aside to allow her passage, muscles tensing and relaxing, the distant beat of a heart – yet the tube of flesh kept going, even after her feet had disappeared in the woman’s mouth, even after the wet warmth of her insides replaced the cold of the dungeon. She shouted her friends’ name – would they hear it? She tried to slow her descent, and it didn’t work. She came to rest in a pool of stinging liquid, pinned by the weight of the snake-woman’s tail. Unable to move and barely able to breathe, she could only close her eyes and weep as the soft flesh closed in around her, grinding, rubbing, churning, massaging wave upon wave of digestive juices into her flesh. “Shit, I can’t believe you got a 24 on that Negotiation check,” Gina said. “Warlocks,” Bright said. “We’re charisma monsters.” Aurora sat silent, her hands on the table, her knuckles white as her claws dug into the wood. Her face was red, as was her lower lip where her teeth had marked it. She stared at Shazi, who sat behind the screen, her gaze distant as if deep in thought. Finally, the lamia reached for Aurora’s character sheet, and ripped it. “Same time next week?” Gina jumped to her feet. Bright followed her lead, with his hands in his pockets. Aurora watched, trembling, as Shazi rose to her full height, smiled… and passed her by, unlocking the door with the spare key she kept under an ashtray. “Wait,” Aurora said, “aren’t you…?” “Do bring another character sheet next week,” Shazi said. “Do you need a ride home?” Aurora rose up. Her knees were shaking. She stared at the lamia, so polite-looking, standing by the door like a gracious host. The golden eyes that had hypnotized Gina now stared at her, the picture of innocence. “I thought you were going to…” “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Aurora.” Aurora bit her lip. As she approached the door, she kept a wary eye on Shazi. Her feathers were ruffled, her face was red with anger – or embarrassment? – and when she forced a smile, it made her cheeks ache. “That was, a, uh, very vivid narration,” Aurora said. She tried to sound nice. She failed. “Almost like you had personal experience.” Shazi smiled and tilted her head. “Are you sure you don’t want to…?” Shazi smiled and tilted her head to the other side. A pat on the shoulder snapped Aurora out of it. She turned around, nostrils flaring, and saw Bright and Gina, already halfway down the hallway. Before she could say something stupid, they pulled her away, but not before she whispered, under her breath, so only the lamia could hear. “Call me sometime.” Shazi closed the door without answering, and as the trio made its way towards the stairwell, silence reigned – a silence only broken when Gina, unable to stay quiet for any longer, finally said what everyone was thinking. “That was fucking hot!” |
ORC “Hot Green Hell” This place is going to kill you if you let it. You’ve been lost for what feels like days. You were told to follow the trail, but there’s no trail anymore. It was swallowed by the jungle, overtaken by moss, covered by sunlight-hungry leaves. You can’t even find your way back. You last caught a glimpse of her about an hour ago. A silhouette, half-concealed by the thicket; you mistook her for a tree, but then you blinked, and the tree was gone. You were told the Orc tribes would be watching – they knew everything that goes on within their territory – relations with humans are amicable, and you have nothing to fear. Still, it unnerves you. Back to the trek. Your supplies are dwindling. Two rations, half a waterskin – it won’t last you long. Your body, soft under the sweltering heat, tender with exhaustion, feels like it might collapse at any moment. The mud sucks at the soles of your boots, and each step sinks deeper than the last. At the edge of your vision, the jungle starts to blur together. This is hell. But you must keep going. You dropped your backpack hours ago. Empty, it was of no use to you. At some point, you thought of filling with offerings to buy safe passage through Orc lands, but the locals assured you it wouldn’t be necessary. Let them handle peaceful relations, they told you in no uncertain terms. You were glad to not have to carry any extra weight. These thoughts keep you company. While your mind races, the aching of your leg muscles eases, if slightly. And then you notice it – the silence that hangs over the jungle like a sudden stillness, the palpable absence of something that, until now, you didn’t realize was keeping you safe. The shrill of songbirds, the droning hum of insects; this cacophony took up every wavelength, and in doing so, shielded you. No longer. The silence exposes you. It reveals you for what you are – a naked ape lost in the jungle. You know well what it means – it means that there’s a predator nearby. You draw your broad-bladed knife from your belt. You regret it immediately. Something squeezes at your wrist and twists, forcing you to drop it. Then something wraps around your neck and starts to crush. You resist. The form behind you feels like warm steel against your back. Within seconds, you snuff out like a candle. *** A thin mist washes over you. A shiver rolls down your body, and with it, a jolt of life. Sunlight burns your retinas through closed eyelids, and the mumbling of a waterfall – so loud, so wonderful – deafens you to the world. You open your eyes, grumble, cover them. How long has it been? It’s so bright. Too bright. You sit up. Your body feels numb, and your mouth tastes of some bitter, unctuous herb that you may have smelled while wandering, you’re not sure. You’re naked. Why are you naked? Even here in the wild, you feel ashamed, exposed. Around you is a tangle of roots and gnarled tree branches, which form a circle around a pristine pool. Mist rises where the falling water meets the pool, and within that mist, something moves. It’s her. Her presence quiets your other thoughts. She stands knee-deep in the water, framed by a corona of mist, her olive skin glistening with moisture, her jet black hair clinging to her scalp. You understand now why you mistook her for a tree, earlier – her stocky frame reminds you of a tree trunk, her powerful arms of branches, her henna tattoos of encroaching love vines. Her gray eyes rest on you, and her expression barely changes, save for a slight curl of the lip, which exposes the etchings on one of her boar-like tusks. Then she smiles. Her teeth are sharp, shark-like. As she approaches, stepping into shallower water, her size only becomes more apparent. She towers over you, a bulwark of bone and muscle and sinew; trim, no fat. Rivulets flow from her hair, run down her body, delineating each hard curve and dripping from her fingertips. Like you, she’s naked; unlike you, this is her natural state, and she shows no shame as she wades through the water. Your eyes wander, naturally, and your body, naturally, responds to what you see. Your heart races, your chest tightens, your mouth dries up. “No weapons, no offerings. Bold.” Her voice is low, complex, resonant. It vibrates through your core, disarms you, and lingers long after she’s done speaking. But this isn’t what surprises you – it’s that she’s fluent in the common tongue, with little more than a slight lisp from her unusual dentition to betray her as a member of some insular tribe. She doesn’t wait for your response. She steps onto the rock you’re on. A gentle breeze blows, and droplets from her hair land on your chest, needles of ice on a skin that’s boiling. “What do you have to give?” Your eyes widen. You struggle to connect words. She sees this, and smiles – it is as if she had been expecting it. Hoping for it. “If you have nothing to give, then you are mine to take.” She cracks her knuckles. “Good.” Something about that word, the way it’s spoken, weighs heavy on your chest. It holds all the certainty of a death warrant. She stands a little taller, looks towards the sky; you can see her brows knit for a moment, and realize she’s measuring time by looking at the sun. As her sharp teeth gleam in the sunlight, and as her fists begin to curl, she takes on the distinctive demeanor of a predator. Every motion she makes carries an underlying threat. It occurs that you should probably start running. Your fingers slip on the wet rock. They find creases in the surface and take hold, and you drag yourself in an attempt to find your footing. You scramble to your feet, put some space between yourself and her, and when you think you’re safe, turn around and dash. You’re not safe. Your neck almost snaps as you feel something grab you by the hair. The wave of pain that follows blurs your thoughts and vision both. All you see and register is red, then dark, then green. Your face sinks between her breasts, pushed by a force you cannot hope to resist, and drags down, until your cheek is sliding across her steel abs like a rag through a washboard. She’s warm. The heat emanates from her skin and into yours. You force your eyes open, turn them upward and see her looking down at you, her smile framed by her heaving breasts, and her eyes, burning with a yearning you cannot hope to understand. And yet you feel something, too, as her earthy scent permeates your nostrils, as her perspiration bleeds into your skin and her pheromones run amok in your brain. It’s a need. A frustration. And in so many words, she offers you a solution. “Start eating.” You’re on your knees. Her thighs tighten against your skull, silencing all but the sound of your own heartbeat. The hand grasping at your hair nudges you forward, and as her thighs part, you know where you’re headed. Past hard muscles, soft flesh. Past dark green, warm pink. Your parched lips brush hers, clumsy at first, caught by surprise – but the taste of her, sickly-sweet and intoxicating, stings your taste buds. She parts before you, her folds like heavy drapes, giving way to your tongue’s prodding.; even your gentlest lap sends shivers up her spine. And so a plan starts to form: what if you can tire her out, satisfy her, overwhelm her with your tongue so that you might slip away during the aftermath? Or perhaps, if you play your cards right and ingratiate yourself to her, she’ll let you go. You go for a wide, slow lap. She holds on to you tighter. Her lips envelop your face, her juices and your saliva run down your neck, dripping on your bent knees. You prod her insides, but the muscles at the base of your tongue complain; you wish to go deeper, but you’re too small for her. So you pull out, and her insides suck at your tongue, releasing with a pop; you follow the curve of her labia upwards, and find her clit, pressing on your face like a hard pebble, quivering at your approach. You purse your lips around it, and nails dig into the back of your scalp. Getting warmer. Her thighs squeeze. Your head rumbles. Only her desire to keep you conscious stops her from popping your head like a grape; and even then, when the throes of desire grow uncontrollable, the oxygen still struggles to reach your brain. All you know is to keep going, even as your jaw begins to hurt and your chest begins to tighten. The muscles embracing you twitch, and though distant, you hear her gasps, shallow wheezes through gritted shark-like teeth, grunts during moments of weakness. Her whole body tenses up and bends. Her muscles stretch out her skin. Tension builds. It builds. She squeezes. You shift in and out of consciousness. The pressure mounts; your skull’s about to explode, it’s about to explode, but you can’t stop, you just can’t, the tension builds and all you can do is lick, lick, infinite seconds building on each other. Tension builds, builds, you plunge deep, her insides twist around you... Relief. You fall limp as she contracts. A clear, sticky torrent flows down her legs, fading into the pristine pool. When the sun shines through the trees, it glimmers like gold, and so do the whites of her eyes. You breathe. A fresh supply of oxygen innervates your brain, and everything feels vivid, awake – her most of all, standing over you like a particularly promiscuous war goddess, caught at her most intimate. Right. The plan. Escape. You try to stand, but your knees refuse to take your weight. Damn it, not now. You try again, but it’s too late. The staggered giant stands tall once more, and her predator’s eyes see nothing but squirming, cornered prey. She flashes her fangs. There’s something new to them. “Too beat for round two? Works for me. I’m running short on time, myself.” She grabs you by the shoulders, forces you onto your feet, then lifts again, and your legs hang. You’re limp, like a doll. She brings you close – a kiss? No, her lips are parting, and so are her sharp teeth. Your heart sinks. The warmth of her breath replaces the cool mist of the waterfall; it surrounds you, softens you, eats at you. It brings out the last of the fight within you. You kick her in the stomach, and it’s like kicking a rock. To her, you are nothing. Worse than nothing – meat. Her tongue rolls out of her mouth... |
Warm. Wet. Pulsing. He tried to pull away from it, but the grip tightened, fangs locked around his side and pressed to his neck. The throat around his legs gripped. Strings of saliva dribbled down from the tips of fangs. The reptilian eyes that stared at him sparked with malice; the corners of the maw that held him curled--a crocodile’s grin. His toes curled. They pushed against the back of the esophagus and slipped against its tensile flesh. As if triggered by what he did, the maw gaped, the throat widened, releasing a waft of thick, moist air--and then, the tongue flattened under him, the head threw itself back, and he slipped into the abyss. The comfort of a warm gullet welcomed him. The jaws snapped shut above, clapping like a bear trap. Gravity pushed his body down the tight orifice, and pulsing and pumping walls compressed him into a tight package, arms beside his body, legs outstretched, snout facing upward, whiskers heavy. Saliva soaked him, his clothes, his eyelids--his eyes struggled to open, and when they did, saw no light through the thick layer of scale and flesh that separated him from the busy street. Here, there were only wheezes and thumps. Only lungs and the barely accelerated rhythm of a heart. Only gurgling from below and swallowing from above. Everything was sound and downwards motion; even his own groans were drowned out. His descent halted. He felt something hit his feet, an oasis in a sea of pliable flesh; something solid, warm, a ring. It stirred at his touch. It stirred, and it gaped. His saliva-soaked body dragged down easily. Every inch he fought for was an inch lost; he had no grip, no strength, no way of countering this unyielding body’s imposition. It played with him, it dragged him, it extruded him from a tight-squeezing esophagus into a tighter-squeezing stomach, and he could do nothing but fight for each breath. His toes dipped into the steaming pool first of all. Once his shoulders pushed past, the rest of him followed with a splash and a bounce. He heard something like a fabric rip, outside. A bellowing laugh deafened him, and an unexpected quake sent him reeling, with his ears flat against the top of his head and his teeth clenched. The unpredictable motion bounced him between wall and wall and floor and ceiling until he was well soaked and battered, and only then did he come to rest on his back, in a pool of hissing juices. The walls relaxed. He pushed against them with his legs, but the flesh sagged like an unpitched tent, weighing down on him, forcing him to hug his legs to his chest and bury his head between his knees. When he resisted, he felt the thick muscle tense up behind the membrane, adding to its heft; he felt more saliva drip from above and juices bubble from below, and all around him went still, still for just a moment, like a coiled spring, tense... Clench. The walls battered his body as one. Relaxed. Clenched. Sizzling liquid filled each inch of space between him and his living cage; from tip to toe, it covered him in its density and warmth. Relaxed. It drained down to his legs. Crush. The walls compressed him. Each contraction massaged more digestive juices into his clothes, his skin; his breaths became labored, his spirit struggled to keep up. He hyperventilated the thinning air that surrounded him, deaf to all but the rumbling of his surroundings. Panic set in at its own pace, between churns of a stomach more used to melting bones than the soft flesh of a prey item. It brought out cries and screams from the bottom of his throat, sent his legs kicking at the walls, thump, thump, all their force dissipating on impact until they were reduced to love taps. The stomach bode its time. He kicked and screamed and fought, and it waited. He pleaded and begged, and it waited. He tried to claw and bite, and still it waited, too pliable to be harmed. And when he had tired himself out, it collapsed all around him with the crushing force of an avalanche, and the acids bubbled and rose, and all he could feel was the endless churning, and the motion of his captor. Steady steps. A bounce with each one. Step. Bounce. Step. And the rumbling, the crushing, the squeezing and releasing, until his body was too battered to go on and his consciousness, slowly but surely, faded. The stomach had its way with him. What it didn’t accept, it sent back the way it came with a burst of air; a pair of glasses, a few strips of fabric, a slime-covered wallet. The rest, it softened, used, and absorbed, growing smaller and smaller as its contents broke down to nothing. And when the last drop of what had once been a life drained into the intestinal tract, when there was nothing more to process, only then did the stomach allow itself to settle down, satisfied. Until the next temptation set it to work, at least. |
The Consummation of Our Union Liandra, Syrus, and all locations are the intellectual property belonging to Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords, trademark of and copyrighted by Infinite Interactive 2007. This is purely a fan-fiction thought up on spur of the moment. I took some creative liberties with what facts the game gave and changed the ending to the Liandra side story to fit my personal tastes. It had been a long journey to the Northern Tundra, but we had finally made it. It had been many, many months since I had met Jace, the knight from Agaria who was on a quest to slay the god of Death, Lord Bane. I first met Jace on a request from the queen of Bartonia in the duchy of Gildor. Jace had requested my help in slaying some undead. This wasn’t all that surprising since that was all I had done since that incident… at first I had found Jace annoying. He was one of those do-gooder types, you know, the kind that always fights for justice and peace and is full of self-righteousness and had never faced serious defeat in his life. At first, I couldn’t stand to be around him too much, especially since he was always sticking his nose where it didn’t belong: in my business. However, I had made an agreement with the queen, so I agreed to help for a bit, and then I was high-tailing it out of there, back to the wooded glens in the areas surrounding Gildor to keep the local undead population at a minimum. However, Jace also proved to be the type to put his money where his mouth was. Though he made bold claims and was altruistic ad nauseam, he actually was making progress in his investigation. Granted, at first he was simply trying to determine why people at the northern edges of his realm were disappearing and why undead were appearing in alarming numbers. However, the more he found out, the more things seemed to point north, to the Realm of War, home of the Minotaurs. Although I still didn’t believe Jace would keep backing up what he was spewing as soon as he saw some real carnage, I was becoming more interested in where this was going. That intrigue, the decent pay, and the break from the monotony of the local loot and shoot in the woods kept me in Jace’s party, at least for a little while longer. It helped keep my mind off of her… Speaking of her, Jace time and again decided my business was his to meddle in and insisted on coming with me on a short sojourn to Maethelburg. I was still unwelcome in Lord Graythane’s castle, but then that wasn’t that much of a surprise now is it? Still, I tried to do right by him in recompense for our mutual loss, but as usual he still wouldn’t have it. This left me outside the castle with a questioning Jace. I more or less told him to shove it, much to his continued ire. Without much heartfelt emotion lost between us, we headed back to the Realm of War to meet up with the rest of our party. I say party, but it was really like an entourage. Jace pretty much did all the important things and we accompanied him for various personal reasons, but most of the others admitted they shared in my curiosity in this young man’s potential. We all did have our uses, though. As stated before, I was useful in dealing with the undead; having practiced archery and alchemy for many years has allowed me to develop surfactants that would corrode the bones of the undead upon contact, making my arrows especially lethal. Another party member Patch was an expert Gnoll thief who was talented at backstabbing foes to weaken them and Princess Serephine was useful in charming chivalrous gentlemen into doing what she wanted them to do. Then there was the Orc Drong… he eats anything and everything… ugh, you don’t really want to know. Anyway, our ragtag group was fairly gregarious (with the exception of me, of course) and it kept the journey going smoothly. When we got back to the Realm of War, I received a message from a local barkeep from Liandra. My blood ran cold and my heart stopped, I swear it did. I opened it, and in her neat, precise cursive, she wrote the following: “Syrus, meet me at the hamlet of Weret just before sunrise in two days. I will see you.” -Liandra I had meant to do this alone, but that nosy bastard Jace caught me sneaking out of the camp at night and insisted on going with me. Though I didn’t appreciate his meddling, I was slightly glad for the company, because I wasn’t sure what to expect. I voiced my concerns to Jace and he demonstrated that he understood the danger ahead. We arrived at Weret in the twilight just an hour or so before sunrise, so all the residents were still asleep in their beds and were not aware of the intrusion on their village. It was colder this far north, but not like the Northern Tundra to the Northwest, so the ground was still covered in a hoarfrost this close to mid-year. Jace and I were looking for some sign of Liandra or whoever sent that message when my nose caught a whiff of something familiar: the scent of dank earth, reminiscent of a grave. I signaled to Jace to follow me discreetly and I followed my nose, weaving through the small huts on the outer edge of the hamlet. It wasn’t long until we reached a small cliff overlooking the nearby lake, and upon the edge of that cliff was Liandra, my former fiancé. She was wearing a sleeveless royal purple leather tunic that had a high collar that curled around the sides and back of her neck, with two black silk gloves that had extra fabric that billowed at the elbows which gave her an elegant look. Her hair was black, except for a few forelocks that were shocked white. Her sensuous lips were painted a purple matching here tunic that stood in stark contrast to her deathly pale skin. Her most startling feature was her eyes: they were pure white with what seemed to be gray clouds floating in them. “Hello Syrus. It’s been a long time.” She said. “Yes, it has Liandra. Are you ready to give up on this foolishness and come with me? If we seek out Sartek, maybe he can help you, to bring you back to life or find some way to change your condition…” I trailed off, seeing her impudent smirk. “You’re still a fool, Syrus Darkhunter. When did I say I wanted to be ‘cured’ of my condition? I like being undead, and I’m very close to becoming an arkliche now, so why would I sacrifice all this power just to appease you sensibilities about the undead? After all, isn’t it your fault that I’m in this situation to begin with? Hmmm, Syrus?” She was taunting me, and I knew it, but I couldn’t help but feel guilt over what I had done. “Enough of the melancholy Syrus! I have a new master and he wants you to join us… I want you to join us. It’s the least you can do to take responsibility for my death,” She ended with a throaty chuckle and covered her mouth slyly with an open hand as she tilted her head down towards me until she was looking at me under here eyebrows. “Liandra… you know I can’t do that. I will never accept you as you are, an abomination to all living things, and I will do everything in my power to stop your master and save you… are you sure you don’t want to come with us to get help for you?” I asked with a plaintive tone. “NO! You fool, Syrus! I WILL have you join us one way or another, mark my words!” With that Liandra disappeared with a thunderclap and a shockwave of miasma that washed over Jace and me. We moved upwind quickly, gagging on the foul mist and trying to clear our throats. After we had assessed that there was no danger and that Liandra was truly gone, Jace looked at me questioningly and started to try to interrogate me again. I answered a few of his questions, but the encounter with Liandra was already fraying my nerves and I quickly shut up and refused to answer any more inquires. Jace soon got the picture, somewhat quickly, too, to his credit, and we left to rejoin our party and continue our quest. Over the next couple months we systematically collected the rest of the body parts of Lord Sartek, the god of the Minotaurs, and succeeded in reviving him, who drove Lord Bane’s minions out of the Realm of War upon awakening. In reviving his old arch-nemesis, Bane taunted us to come after him into the Realms of Death, if we dared and caused a massive, enchanted blizzard to block Gornak’s Gap, effectively keeping us out of the Realms of Death, for a while. Upon consulting Lord Sartek, who was still busy bringing back order to his land after his long absence, he directed us to seek the help of the High Elves to enter the Northern Tundra and approach Bane’s citadel from the South, which was a more indirect route, but gave us a better opportunity of reaching the Citadel with less opposition. This and other misadventures lead us to this moment, as we entered the Northern Tundra for the first time. What a barren, frozen wasteland it was! How anything survived up here besides the winter wolves and the ice dragons was still a mystery to me, yet there were settlements here and there, as if to raise a fist in defiance to nature’s icy grip on the area. I was on better terms with Jace now, as he connived me into telling him most of my past (I swear I’m never drinking with him again unless he tells me beforehand what kind of brew Patch has snagged for us!). He showed himself to be a good listener and a wise person, as he shared his thoughts with me about some difficult parts of my past. In addition to that we had both saved each other countless times on the battlefield, as Bane seemed more and more determined to bury us under sheer numbers of varying undead. Though I still felt ill whenever Jace’s mood took a turn altruistic, I had come to respect him deeply and he me. We had just returned to Ylarie after helping some of the High Elves once more, when one of Elistara’s fellow dragon knights ran up to me, out of breath. Surprised by the sense of urgency in the 800 year old elf, I waited nervously for him to catch his breath and tell me what he wanted. “Darkhunter, I have a message for you. I and some of the other city guards were on patrol duty, when we felt a chthonic evil presence breach the perimeter. We closed in on the intruder to find it was a young lady who was emitting the unholy aura. She kept us from attacking by sheer intimidation and firmly stated that she had a message for us to deliver to Syrus Darkhunter. She threw us this vellum scroll and then escaped in a burst of wicked miasma. We had to take flight to save our lives, as the miasma began rotting the nearby trees as it touched them. By the time the miasma was dispersed by the wind, the being was nowhere to be found, any trace of her departure masked by the falling snow, leaving only a few rotted husks of what used to be trees and the vellum scroll to testify to her presence. I doubled the border guards for the next few shifts, just in case she decided to return, and I came looking for you as soon as I could.” He was still a little breathless as he handed me the scroll. Jace kindly thanked the messenger and dismissed the others with a signal for privacy. Then he came over to me and nodded that we were alone. I held my breath for a moment, steeling myself for what was to come, and opened the scroll. Inside was another message from Liandra. This one was a little longer though and it’s content much different than last time. “Syrus, my love, I have reconsidered what you said at our previous meeting. I have grown tired of these games that my master plays with me and I long either for life once more with you or the embrace of eternal sleep. I have escaped for my master for the time being and I will await you at Skullguard Keep, north of Ylarie, for one night more and then I must be on my way, with or without you. I hope you remember our love as it once was and will come with me. I want to be with you forever.” -Liandra My heart stirred at these words and I was lost in my memories for a while… It was a fine autumnal day and Liandra and I had just celebrated our second anniversary since I had begun courting her. We couldn’t have been more in love with each other and her father, Lord Graythane, duke of Maethelburg, had just given us his blessing on our future marriage. Liandra and I had gone out hunting in the woods, as was one of our many activities we enjoyed together, where I was the expert archer and she was the stealthy trap-setter and adept with her daggers. We had scored some decent game and were enjoying the pleasure of each other’s presence as we walked back to the kingdom of Gallia on our way back to Maethelburg to begin planning our wedding. It was really more like inviting all her family and related royalty, important persons, such and such and whatnot, as was related to the duchy of Maethelburg. I didn’t have any family, as my parents were killed when I was young, and I, being a half-elf, half-human, was almost universally shunned, thus I had no real family to speak of. Though I should note that the queen of Silvermyr had shown me undue kindness when I was young, allowing me to live in the relative safety of the magical woods of her kingdom. So I sort of viewed her as a sort of relative, but she was usually occupied with the duties of governing the wood elves, thus she had graciously declined the invitation we had sent to her. I had worked hard to overcome the prejudices people had against me when I had traveled to Maethelburg. At the time, I was simply traveling where my feet would take me, and I happened upon a royal procession, where by chance I saw the duke’s daughter, Liandra. Though it pains a cynic like me to say it, I was smitten at first sight and I think I had a similar effect on Liandra, for she nearly fell out of her carriage leaning as far out the window as she could to keep me in her sights, until her attendants pulled her back inside the carriage. That was four years ago. It took two years from that point to build my reputation in the city and to rub elbows with the duke, Lord Graythane. However, my determination and diligence paid off, because two years ago, Lord Graythane consented to my courting his daughter and the past repeats itself in my memories. It still seems like a dream, that I can’t help but to replay these wonderful thoughts in my head. Liandra rouses me from my reverie with a playful swat on my butt, though I think she grabbed it a little too firmly for it to count as a swat. “Oh you! I see what you’re after,” I said, grinning widely. “Oh, are you going to give me a lesson with your ‘sword’ again, master archer? You never cease to amaze me with your… stamina,” she said, turning slightly red as she teased me. I blushed even deeper, though, as she always knew how to set me afire. We found a little sheltered glen where the area was clear and we set down our belongings and set to the duty of further inflaming each other. Soon passionate moans rose in the forest disturbing a few birds, but otherwise the sounds were drowned out by the natural sounds of the woods. We arrived at an inn in Gallia later, just before sunset, both looking a little more disheveled than two hunters of our caliber should. Norris, the innkeeper of the Three Crowns Tavern and Inn, gave us a knowing wink and told us that our usual room was prepared in anticipation of our arrival, with a warm meal awaiting us. He did mention with a slight cough that he had expected us a bit sooner, but something of great import much have delayed us, as he winked again. We both turned redder than two tired travelers should and gave our thanks, as always. We slept until noon the next day, as the night burned on longer than we had expected, thanks to a certain someone’s aforementioned staying power, *cough*. When we finally roused, took our toilet, and paid our bill, there was a gathering at the town center. We found out that there had been an attack on a traveling merchant by a necromancer who had been passing by the Ruins of Artum on his way to Gallia to peddle his wares. The person speaking was disheveled and bloody, looking much like death warmed over. However, after he was given a little wine, he began to relate the story. As Liandra and I listened, I looked at her with a silent conviction and told her we should take care of this incident ourselves before anyone else was hurt. She looked uncertain for a moment, but I smoothed over her concerns by speaking of my previous triumphs against the undead in the past few years (part of how I raised my notoriety to allow myself access to Liandra in time past). Convinced, she asked me to allow her to send a quick missive to her father informing her of our delay, and then we would be off. I consented and we reached the Ruins of Artum by nightfall. Though it was more dangerous to fight the undead and necromancers at night, I wanted to end this quickly and I was on a bit of a rush, considering my amorous conquests the previous day. We snuck into the abandoned fort with little resistance and made our way into the inner sanctum of what the necromancer must have made his lair. Before we got too close, I had Liandra check here equipment quickly and quietly, while I did the same. When we both gave each other the good-to-go signal, we penetrated further into the inner sanctum. As we approached where the necromancer was located, we noticed he was thoroughly distracted by something he was working on, which looked like he was playing with the intestines of what could only be the merchant we had heard about earlier. I silently cursed him and the ilk he surrounded himself with. If only there were more like me to get rid of scum like this. At my signal I rose and shouted a challenge at the necromancer while Liandra swiftly moved around and through cover to the necromancer’s blindside. The face of the necromancer was disfigured and his flesh was mottled, suggesting he was now imbibing the fluids and eating the flesh of his victims, in the first stages to becoming a liche as I had heard offhand. I quickly fired off two normal arrows at him to throw him off his balance. The first one missed by a mile as he easily dodged it, but the second one impacted him heavily in the shoulder and I had predicted successfully where and when he would dodge. Liandra showed up from behind like a ghost and planted her two long daggers through his back into where his heart should be. I followed up with the coup de grace using a necrotive acid tipped arrow to finish the job that struck the necromancer in the forehead. He fell over with a hiss as the poison began decomposing his body in an efficient entropic manner. Liandra breathed a sigh of relief, and then wrinkled her nose as she caught a whiff of the decomposing merchant. She can be so cute sometimes, I thought pleasantly. I motioned for her to come over so we could be finished and on her way. She smiled and started making her way between the sarcophagi. I waited for her to reach me so we could exit together. I was submerged in thought, considering how I would tell the duke of Maethelburg of my, I mean our, latest triumph, when I looked over to see how Liandra was progressing. Much to my horror, I noticed a quaking in the natural as I saw the body of the necromancer rise like a puppet. It hung there for a moment, and then its head snapped back and slowly rolled forward with glowing red eyes. The muscle and fat evaporated off, leaving taut, bony skin and then the thing turned its attentions toward us. Liandra was blissfully unaware of the revival of our foe, as she smiled and gave a little wave to me as she came closer, not quite ten feet from me. Then, in slow motion as my senses tried to reconcile what my eyes were seeing, the thing closed the distance between it and Liandra incredibly fast and grabbed her throat from behind with both hands. Moments before, Liandra had begun to take notice of my horrified expression and was starting to try to discern what was going on as she slowed her pace slightly, looking confused. When the thing grabbed her, it wrenched her neck back towards him, so that she saw that terrible façade upside down. She began to shriek, calling for me to help her, but I was rooted in terror, unable to swallow the growing lump in my throat. The thing pressed its ravaged maw against her mouth forcefully and I saw blood running down her throat as it shook her like a rabid dog. At that moment, my weakness, my cowardice, my curse secured itself as I turned tail and ran for my life. As I was nearing the exit of the ruins, I heard one last piercing wail and I knew Liandra had just given up the ghost, abandoned by her true love. With tears and mucus streaming down my face, I kept running, sobbing her name and cursing myself in the same breath. I ran for a good thirty minutes, not caring what direction I was going and then I abruptly stopped, fell to my knees, and evacuated my stomach of its contents. This continued until I blacked out and knew no more. A few months later I roamed the woods near Gildor, feeling as low as any sentient being could. When I had regained consciousness a few days after Liandra’s death, I returned to Maethelburg to report to Lord Graythane what had befallen his daughter. I had not expected anything more than I deserved and I received my just desserts. Lord Graythane was overcome with sorrow first, grieving openly in court of the passing of his daughter. I excused myself to my quarters to await what would surely happen next. Within the hour, I was seized forcefully from my quarters by Maethelburg knights and brought before Lord Graythane in all his rage. I was flogged daily for three hours and deprived of food and water for three days, spending what time in between in chains in the dungeon, awaiting my death. But surprisingly, on the third day I was escorted out of the dungeon, given a fresh change of clothes, supplies, and was further escorted to the edge of Maethelburg. There I met Lord Graythane with a contingent of his royal guards. His eyes were full of venomous hate and I could see that he wished for nothing more than to draw his sword and lop of my head right that instant. Instead, he raised his hand and backhanded me with the full force of his plate-mail gauntlet. I was thrown to the ground and I felt fresh blood fill my mouth drip out as I struggled to catch my breath. “There. I have finished with you Syrus Darkhunter, you half-breed son of a bitch. I have spared your life and provided you with provisions to last you out of my realm. Beyond that you are on your own. I do this not for you, worthless bastard whore-son that you are, but for the memory of my daughter, as she would undoubtedly haunt me if I killed you, even in you so deserve it like you do now. Henceforth you are banished from Maethelburg and shall be executed if you are ever caught trespassing in my realm. Begone spineless coward!” With that I left Maethelburg for good. I learned later on, my mistake in defeating a necromancer was not cutting out the heart as soon as possible, allowing the necromancer to resurrect as a more powerful liche. I learned my lesson well as I still couldn’t persuade myself to just go off somewhere and die. Currently I was tracking a particularly pernicious undead through the woods. I had been trailing the destruction for the past few days when I felt a familiar quaking in the natural. I stopped dead and threw myself against a tree trunk, trying to hide my existence from this new force. I waited a moment to gain my bearings, and then I leaned a bit to see what the source of this defilement was. Much to my shock, I saw the very liche that had utterly defeated me but a few months ago. Not only that, but to my surprise and abysmal dismay I saw what I believed to Liandra following in his wake, floating like him. She stopped for a second and turned around to face me, somehow detecting me. She gave me such a look of malice and lust that I collapsed to my knees. She looked like a corpse then, all bloody and mangled, and I wouldn’t have guessed her condition if I had not been hunting liches for a month or so now. My beloved Liandra, what have I done?! Then she turned around and followed the other liche into the mist, disappearing. That was about four months before I met Jace… “…us … …rus … SYRUS!” I was startled from my reverie as Jace was red in the face, apparently shouting at me. I was still there, holding the vellum scroll tightly that seemed to be too good to be true. Jace recovered his breath and asked me what I thought about the message, having read it himself over my shoulder as I reminisced about days gone by. I looked over it again, careful not to lose myself once more to introspection. Not only did the message seem to be too good to be true, I noticed how ragged Liandra’s script seemed to be. Her normally composed cursive handwriting had taken a wild turn, seemingly written in the throes of some excited state. This further confirmed my earlier suspicion that this was a trap. I noticed some script near my right hand that was still rolled up. I fully unrolled the scroll to see I had missed the post script, more hastily scribbled than the rest of the message: “P.S.: I want to be only with you. Come alone so we can leave together!” Well that pretty much confirms it. I may have made some really stupid mistakes in the past, but I’m not a complete idiot. I showed it to Jace and he nodded his head, agreeing with my conclusions. “Still, I need to bring this to close. Jace, will you shadow me to Skullguard Keep, in the one to a million chance that this is legitimate, and in the likely chance that it is not, help me bring Liandra to peace once and for all?” Jace indicated he would, which reassured me. Jace had proven to be an adept knight despite all his seeming naiveté. Perhaps he really was a person driven by justice. He certainly had the battle skills and had gathered impressive equipment on his journey, so he had little trouble dispatching whatever was thrown at him. We informed the party we were going to depart once more and they wished us well and promised to keep a meal warm and waiting for us upon our return. We made swift progress to Skullguard Keep, the boundary between the Ice Elves’ Realm and the Realms of Death. Upon reaching the old keep, I signaled Jace to fall back and start shadowing me. To all watching eyes, I seemed to be traveling alone amidst the rubble of the ruin of the keep. The keep was surrounded by a thick glen of woods, which could conceal more of Bane’s undead, but the night was unusually quiet, so I put my concerns to rest and focused on seeking out Liandra. After moving through the rubble a bit, I saw her standing with her back to me, looking up towards the moonlight. As I neared her, I scuffed a boot over a bit of overturned stone. At the sound, Liandra turned to me. I was disturbed by her appearance. She clasped her hands at her breast, tilted her head to one side, and seemed happy to see me. I sensed none of the earlier malice of our meeting but months before. In its place, though, was a nervous energy on her part. I felt like the mouse about to be pounced upon by the cat. “Darling, I knew you would come!” She said as she floated towards me with arms outstretched in the gesture of a hug. “Wait, please, Liandra. I hate to do this, but I suspect your motives. Something’s not right here. Do you really want to be cured and to live with me, or else find your eternal peace?” At this she stopped and looked at me closely. Her wide smile closed down a bit and she appeared thoughtful for a moment. Then she began to laugh in varying pitch while holding her stomach. “Haa, haa, did you really believe that, my gullible lover? No, I don’t want to be cured. That hasn’t changed. But I didn’t lie completely in my missive, either. I do want to be together with you forever… as undead.” She put on airs of a weary mother dealing with an errant son. “I’ve told you before Liandra, I won’t become an undead for you or with you. If nothing else, I’ve come prepared to end this tonight. One way or another you will find your eternal rest!” At this, she scoffed and shook her head slowly. Then, with a little bit of that malice from before, she said “Really Syrus? What do you think you can do? You just a pathetic as the night you left me to die, you asshole. And you really came alone?! Wow, you really do have a death wish, don’t you? Don’t worry; I’ll take care of that.” With that she began to smiled demonically and exude a glowing green aura. I whistled, a signal Jace and I had setup, and Jace sprung out from his hiding place nearby, arriving swiftly. Liandra face took the “oh” of surprise, saying “Ah, I see, you did bring some help. That knight friend of yours… Jace, right? I hear you have been causing all sorts of trouble for “evil” people, have you young Agarian Knight? Well the more’s the merrier, but don’t expect special treatment like Syrus is going to receive from me, mortal. I’ve a bone to pick with him and you are naught but a nuisance.” With that, the combat began! Jace drew his Dragontooth of Poison and with a loud roar charged Liandra. Her aura grew stronger and as Jace struck out with the Dragontooth, she parried nicely. Thus their match became a blur of slashes and thrusts from Jace as she varied between neatly avoiding the attacks to parrying them to counterattacking. I was moving into position, but I couldn’t really risk shooting because the two were moving so fast, I couldn’t guarantee that I wouldn’t nail Jace instead of Liandra. Dammit! This wasn’t how I expected this to go. It was obvious that even though Jace had the upper hand with weaponry, since the Dragontooth was a forged legendary weapon that shamed my poisons in every aspect, the battle favored Liandra, who appeared to have the advantage in all physical aspects of strength, speed, dexterity, etc. Liches were powerful, but they shouldn’t have such an advantage over a melee type, which caused me no end of confusion as I attempted to find an angle where I could properly press my attack. In a moment between the chaos of attack, defense, and counterattack, Liandra managed to land a strong right hook to Jace’s chin, sending him flying about 20 feet up into the air and knocking him half-way clear to the dense woods. He landed heavily with a thud and stayed still for a moment, and then I heard a groan and saw him trying to right himself. He seemed okay, just shook up. I leaned my quiver forward so that I could draw another arrow as I fired one, and I fired ten consecutive shots at Liandra, using a mixture of various poison arrows hoping that one of the poisoned barbs would find its mark and be effective. Liandra did an about face and dodged all the arrows effortlessly, flashing me a quick smile like she used to, and Dammit it all to Hell if I wasn’t more than a little impressed despite the situation. Then she turned back to Jace and said “Now, time to take care of the interloper once and for all!” and I noticed a distinct glow about her eyes. “Jace, run for the woods! She about to use her Death Gaze on you! Don’t let it hit you no matter what!” I shouted with a desperation born of helplessness. Jace took my words to heart, and began to sprint towards the woods, zigzagging like an antelope. No sooner did he start his evasive maneuvers than I saw an unholy light beam erupt from Liandra’s eyes. Wherever her gaze fell, destruction followed, depending on what was in her gaze. Something things exploded, some corroded, and some decomposed, and still others burst into unholy green flames. Jace demonstrated considerable agility and managed to dodge all the way into the woods, where I soon lost sight of him. Liandra momentarily stopped her gaze and gave chase. I followed soon after her into the darkness of the wood. I did my best to follow Liandra’s shadow, but it was difficult, as the wood was dark at night and she floated leaving no sound or physical trace of her passage. Jace was far enough ahead to be out of sight and hearing range, so I was left hearing my ragged breathing as I stopped for a moment to catch my breath. That’s when I realized all I could hear was my breathing. I worked on bringing my breathing under control and discovered that yes; there were no other nightly sounds to be heard, like the wood was completely devoid of life. That would explain the strange unease and lack of noise I felt earlier. Did Liandra do this? I wondered, because such a thing was beyond the normal capacity of a liche. Focusing on the matter at hand, my vision adjusted to the near darkness, my pupils dilating to maximize the effects of the ambient light, and I began to make out a world of grey and black from what had been universally pitch black before. Then I strained to make out any sort of sound as to tell me where Jace and Liandra were. I listened for a while, but nothing. I began to fear that I was too far away to hear or do anything, but then I heard Jace scream into the night. I locked onto the sound and made my way swiftly towards where I had heard the scream. About two minutes of sprinting through various floras and over fallen logs brought me to a scene etched into my memory. Jace was on the ground, breathing in ragged breaths, trying not to cry out, but I could tell what the source of his pain was: his foot had caught in a root and he had twisted it horribly as he fell in his heavy plate mail. From the angle at which it was facing, it was doubtful that Jace would ever walk again. Dismayed, I looked closer and saw movement on his body… I strained my eyes to discern the dark forms and I finally determined they were roots. Roots? But they were crawling over and entwining his body like live snakes. That was when I noticed Liandra about five feet to his left, weaving her left hand in a slow, rhythmic motion. Control of nature, like roots? What the Hell had happened to Liandra?! This was far beyond the capacity of anything I had ever heard of. This was even beyond arkliches, which I had only encountered once just recently with Jace: they were a terrible foe, indeed. Liandra was worse, though… stronger, more powerful. I couldn’t reconcile what I was experiencing with what I knew, which left an incredible disconnect with reality, for a moment, but then I jogged my senses and quickly drew my bow and a special arrow. I was too late, though. I saw that unholy glow surrounding Liandra’s eyes and I looked back at Jace, immobilized by pain and constriction. In another moment of pure adrenalin, time slowed down as I saw the beam leave Liandra’s eyes and strike Jace full on. For a moment he appeared encased in light, as if frozen in time, but then his body began to fall apart and unholy green flames enveloped his body. For the last few seconds of his life, Jace screamed as only those in true mortal agony can. Then I saw Liandra make a motion with both her hands and the light and flames snuffed out, leaving only a scarred carcass that barely resembled a human at all lying on the ground, and a strange glowing entity floating above that corpse. I realized in horror that the glowing entity was Jace’s soul, with Liandra proceeded to rip to shreds using her magic. With a scream not heard but rather felt, a pure quaking of the natural was felt, and with a shockwave, Jace’s soul ceased to be. I felt stunned as I watched another person important to me die right before my very eyes without my being able to do anything or having done anything. I was only shocked for a few moments, though, as Liandra was still around. It was up to the special arrow that I had administered a mixture of poison and holy water on to finish the job and end this terrible nightmare. I nocked the arrow in my bow and aimed it at Liandra’s heart. She turned slowly towards me with that knowing smile. I unleashed a cry of anguished fury for the passing of another friend and loosed the deadly bolt, imbuing it with what limited magic my half-eleven blood could manage to speed it towards its target. I was certain that the arrow would hit, as it traveled at a velocity that is made my eyes blur with tears just to try to track its motion. Just as it passed within inches of impacting her impure heart, Liandra gracefully plucked the arrow of the air. She held the barbed end near her nose and sniffed, nodding appreciatively. “Holy water, eh, Syrus? Nice touch.” With that, she deftly snapped the arrow in two and tossed it away into the brush underfoot. Then she disappeared from my vision. No miasma this time, she just moved too quickly or subtly for me to follow. As I tried to consider my options and decide on a plan of action, she reappeared just in front of me. I gasped in surprise and reached for the dagger I kept as a last resort. She just smiled again and punched me in the gut. I doubled over, gasping for breath as I tried to look up into her face. I heard her say “At last, you are mine to keep, mine to hold, mine to destroy!” and I saw her other hand come up to my face. The last thing I saw was miasma filling my vision and I tried to draw a clean breath and I choked into oblivion. Pain. I felt… pain… … in my chest, my head… everywhere… After a time I slowly came to. I couldn’t open my eyes at first, and everything hurt. I took it slow, trying to even out my breathing and get a sense of things. After a bit of this, the pain began to diminish a bit, still there in the background, but not as mind-blowing as it was before. I continued this and I tried to open my eyes, but they felt heavy and weren’t responding… I waited a bit, bided my time so I could recover from whatever had happened to me. I evened out my breathing even more, gaining a soothing sound to it, and tried to open my eyes again. This time they responded, though slowly. All I saw was black, pure, pitch black. Panic overtook me as I began to think I was blind. My breathing increased again, in ragged breaths, and the pain came back. I was back at square one, so I started over again. After a time, I relaxed and tried to open my eyes again, expecting the darkness this time. The same sight greeted me: an abyss of void. Instead of panicking, I accepted it, and tried to continue my breathing work. Soon I was feeling almost back to normal. I think I am sitting on some kind of a bench. I slowly, slowly sit up and I look around. Nothing much at first, but then I notice a bit of a dim green glow. I tried to focus on it, but then the glow intensified, until it became a light source, temporarily blinding me. I try to block out some of the light behind my arm, but I already overexposed my eyes and all I could see was white. Then I heard the rustling of silk against leather and adrenalin kicks in with memory. I must be held captive somewhere by Liandra! I quickly force my eyes to adjust, a bit painfully, and then I stand up and reach for my dagger, only to realize that I am stark naked. Crazy Bitch! Where are my clothes and belongings?! “I left your things back in the forest of Skullguard Keep. You won’t need them anymore.” I squint a little still and see Liandra floating towards me, stark naked as well. She is still as physically attractive as I remember her: toned body, not too big, not too small, but curvy and soft in all the right places, except that she’s dead. What the fuck? She moves closer and I back away, trying to summon some more magic from my partial eleven blood, even though I feel exhausted still. “Silly fool, do you think you can do anything to me anymore, even after all you just witnessed?” With that Liandra closes the distance and firmly pushed her palm against my chest. Not expecting the amount of force that followed that action, I am sent flying through the air until I hit what feels and smells like a solid earth wall, though all the breath is knocked out of the impact. I feel roots wrap around my waist, wrists, and ankles as I make the impact, so I am constrained to the wall. The black spots start to fade out of my vision and I can see Liandra slowly float towards me, no longer flowing her hands to control the roots, as the necessary design is struck. She floats within a few feet of me and stays there, arms across her chest, gloating at me. “You don’t know how long I have waited for this Syrus. The years of waiting, the agony, the hate… You know that right? I love you, but I FUCKING HATE YOU TOO!!” With that she slaps me hard on my right cheek, not to knock me out, but to hurt me enough. I can feel the blood hot against the skin there as a red mark begins to form. “What can you know about that? I’m so conflicted sometimes… I still have my feelings from before I became like this. I still love you so much, but I hate you in equal amounts! I love you for who you are and I understand what you must do and why, but at the same time I hate you for living while I am undead, for leaving me to die even though I know you couldn’t have stopped it. I hate you for trying to take this power away from me and for being away from me for so long. … Do you know why I am like this? Why I retained this form? …It was all for you Syrus. I knew you like my physical form as it was, so I resisted the urge to further decay my flesh and indulge in the undeath of it all. You know what else I did? I made some modifications, hehe.” Suddenly I saw a black blur and I felt my head snap right, and then left. I was stunned by the pain of what felt like a cross between a slap and a whip, when I noticed I felt moisture and something cold touching my face. I opened my eyes to see an enormous elongated black tongue reaching from Liandra’s mouth to stroke my forehead and the outline of my jaw. She then floats closes and leans against me and take my soft dick in her hand. Holy Shit she is cold! But, that shouldn’t be a surprise considering she is undead, which entails that she doesn’t have metabolic function, but rather is fueled by unholy magic and impure will, so her being corpse cold is logical. Still sucks though!! “You used to always tell me that where your where skilled with your ‘sword’ I was unnaturally gifted with my tongue, so I decided to amplify this unnaturalness with my newfound power. By the way, were you wondering where all this power was coming from? I secretly hid my intense growth from my master, until one day I surprised him and absorbed his essence completely before blasting away what was left of his corporeal form. You can’t imagine what that did to my power and potential, Syrus. My power increased at least one hundred fold, if not more. Couldn’t you tell from earlier? Your friend never had a chance, much like I didn’t have a chance that night when you left me to die, you fucker…” As she said this, she scratched her nails painfully into my shoulder with the hand that wasn’t busy and drew a little blood, which she quickly lapped up with that black tongue of hers. Then she taunted me with it a bit more, wiggling it lasciviously back and forth, until she found a response below in her hand, despite the unfavorable conditions: mainly, the cold and the smell (after all, she is essentially a corpse). Then she kissed me deeply, which made me gag, while she slowly pumped my member, which resisted this foul temptation. She had further pleasure at my expense when she decided to give me the foulest, most intense tongue kiss of my life. She extended the unholy muscle down into my throat, all the way down to the edge of my esophagus until she was almost down to my stomach and then she stopped its elongation and proceeded to move it around in my esophagus, much like she was licking my insides. This combination of excitation and disgust nearly undid me, as I began to choke and gag, not being able to breath with the thing blocking my airway. I convulsed against my restraints and she moaned and rubbed her body against mine as she increased the motion of her tongue. My vision was beginning to black out when she must have been waiting for this, as she pulled back and off of me, licking energetically on the way out as if desperate to taste as much as she could, then giving me a tongue bath on my face and chin again as I coughed and tried to recover. “See, we’re going to have much fun, aren’t we Syrus? All this time, as I prepared for this moment, I was battling within those conflicting emotions I mentioned earlier. So you know what I decided was the best solution to the conflict between you and me? Hmmmm? Any idea?” Now that I was more or less recovered again, she was rubbing against me again, but this time, her tongue was exploring my outer body fully, except for my cock, which was still in her hands, slightly erect still, from the stimulus. I was about to make a smart-ass remark about her still being touchy-feely after being with another guy (the liche who turned her), when she abruptly filled my mouth again with another tongue kiss. This one was more like a French kiss, though, as she left my throat alone and was content to keep me shut up as she continued her monologue. I must say, though, I was confused as to how she could fit so much tongue into her mouth, or how she was still speaking clearly no matter how long her tongue was or what it was doing. Crazy Undead Bitch… “Syrus, I’m going to give you the best orgasm you have ever had in your puny little life. That will be the pleasure. At the same time, though, I will draw your soul out with your seed, so your body will be absorbed by me, which will be painful beyond anything your mortal existence has experienced so far. The icing on the cake though is that I am not going to destroy your soul like I did to your friend Jace; nor am I going to eat it, even though it would undoubtedly be delicious, since revenge is sweet. No I have something far sweeter in mind. Once I have extracted your soul and seed from your body, I will consume the seed and the body to begin the creation of something far fouler that your wildest imagination could have produced, and then our souls fused together will give malice and ill will to that being. We’ll be together forever, Syrus, Just like I promised, and we will be an undead being that will rival Lord Bane for power. Likely, Lord Bane and we will combine forces and bring a darkness on this world unlike any know before! Doesn’t that excite you Syrus?! I know it kills you more than words can express… Well I’m horny now, so we’re going to get on with this. It’s time to consummate our union Syrus. I hope you’re ready for the ride of you shitty life!” With that she withdrew from me and placed both hands upon the sides of my neck. I was about to tell her what I really thought of her then, but she placed her fingers in a strange position and apply a great pressure. I felt tendons and muscle give and heard an audible crack, with a sense of numbness that followed. “There, perfect. I don’t want to leave you hanging at all, so I’ll explain what I just did. I paralyzed you from the neck down except for your sexual organs,” she said with a wink, “and I partially paralyzed your vocal cords so you can’t form proper words anymore, just moans. Moan mightily for me, won’t you Syrus?” She gave me one more strong kiss, at which I did moan because I felt my time running out. She came breathless and excited, slightly panting. She then undid the magic roots holding me to the wall, allowing me to fall like a rag-doll since I had no control over my body anymore. She caught me and carried me over the shoulder like I was some prize trophy. We started walking over to another part of the chamber. I know it is terrible, but since I had resigned myself to dying at this point, I took these to enjoy the fine shape of her ass as she swayed her hips side to side as she carried me to my death bed, no doubt exaggerating her movements for my benefit. As we reached the bed, she lay me down gently, although it didn’t matter because I couldn’t really feel much of anything anyway, but I appreciated the gesture. The pain would come soon enough, so for now I focused on the pleasure. She sat on the edge and weaved her hands so that the earthen well behind her moved in behind her to match her contours as she relaxed into it. Once she supported herself on the bed wall throne, she turned her attentions to me once again. She lifted me by my ass and held me above her head (must be nice being as strong as a liche), leaning me back against the earthen wall with my head tilted forward so I could see all the action (lucky me!). Then I began to get the gist of how this was going to work. She held my taint just above her mouth as though she was holding a feather’s weight and then she began elongating that foul muscle again. She was taking this slowly and she began to spiral her tongue into a looped spiral shape at a certain distance from her mouth, out in front of both us. It must have been magic, but that tongue just kept coming and this time, she was making it extra special, as the tongue had been wet before, but now it was positively dripping with slippery saliva, well at least I hope its saliva. She was making a nice pool of the fluid on the floor when she finally began turning the looping tongue around. Even after dying, she was still a sloppy eater, tsk tsk. Still elongating, the tongue began to curl towards my now limp dick. All the excitement about death and the end of the world kind of killed my erection, kind of like thinking about killing kittens. Liandra was undeterred, however. She began to encircle my dick with her tongue. That tongue was like a slippery serpent, endless wrapping around my dick, and yes, that fluid was saliva. However, at this point I more felt her tongue on my dick than saw it, because as I mentioned, she had that tongue tubed, encasing my dick utterly. I just saw a writhing, cold, black mass where my cock should be, and though the cold was bitter, my cock was a horny bastard and soon began to respond to her chilly ministrations. Then to make things even better, she continued her tongue’s path, wrapping sensually, not painfully, around my balls, running across my taint, up into my butt (what the Hell Liandra, when did you pick up that fetish?), and finally rubbing against my prostate. At that point, the tongue quit elongating and began to retract, slowly, softly, just a bit. Then she elongating it again, so that infernal tip was ramming my prostate with devastating effect. She continued this motion was erotically squeezing my ass cheeks, so I was soon moaning, and she began moaning, too. All I could hear besides our mutual moans was the slopping sound of her tongue rubbing over my dick and a squelching sound as she repeated rammed the tip of her tongue into my ass. To have this kind of action done on your dick is something you will never be able to understand until it happens, it’s just so freaking amazing that it doesn’t take long for the strongest man to begin to feel it. And feel it I did. Like a THUMP THUMP in my head. It was painful, mixed with the pleasure. Then it happened again THUMP THUMP. Ouch, dammit, what is that?! “Ah, I see, your dick is throbbing and so your soul is starting to separate from your body, neh? Come hard for my Syrus! It only has one place to go: into my mouth and you know how much I liked your come before. Imagine how thirsty I am after all this time, haha!” Now we were both moaning and while she was turning me on something fierce, I couldn’t blot out the intense pain every time my dick throbbed. Unfortunately for me, and every other guy, my dick started to throb more often the closer I came to orgasm, so my moans became just as much pain as pleasure. The maniacal tongue writhed against my dick like a thing possessed, throwing saliva everywhere, some of it even hitting me in the face and going into my mouth as I howled at the impending orgasm and my soul was finishing its separations. Just as I thought my brain was going to split at the seams and explode all over the walls, I was suddenly outside my body watching the whole thing play out. One of Liandra’s hands was under me, and I realized that my body must have just orgasmed since my consciousness was outside of my body and was now in the process of cumming and dying, an odd combination at that. Liandra finished with flair and the tongue began coming back into her mouth, rotating as it did throwing saliva everywhere. Like a rotor blade it was spinning surely back into her mouth and as it progressed back, I could see the white pool that must be my seed slipping along that tube path shooting straight towards her mouth. She matched the trajectory and the timing of the retraction of her tongue just right, so that when the come hit her mouth, it looked like she had a normal, but black, tongue. She closed her mouth, still holding my sagging body above her head, and pretending like she was chewing and swishing the cum in her mouth like mouthwash. Then, like an exhibitionist, she swallowed and showed my soul her “clean” mouth, with her tongue wagging past her chin halfway down her throat. I watched with detached observance. I no longer had a physical form, so I felt no arousal at that motion, but I was still attracted to her spirit and I embraced what was left of my love for her. She then turned her attention to what was left of my corporeal body. She started with the ass (seriously, when did she develop that habit?!) her own body changing now, her maw stretching to ridiculous proportions. She slowly took my body into her mouth, letting gravity and her ever stretching body do the rest. Like a python swallowing its prey, I watched, fascinated, as my body kept entering her gaping maw and the rest of it was forming a bulge moving down her throat towards her stomach. The crazy thing was at this level of stretching, you could see the muscle contractions of her throat as they rippled along my body, inexorably pulling me down into her stomach. I think I would have found that sexy if I still have a sex drive. Having consumed my seed and my physical body, Liandra drew her soul out through her other hand and I saw it being held parallel to my soul. It was black as night, whereas I was pretty sure mine was still white. I saw the Liandra’s/my body start to change and bubble, flesh sliding over flesh as something new infernal damnation was being created in her depths. Then I noticed I was moving down and closed to Liandra’s soul. Holy shit! The body was shoving our souls into what was left of the pussy, literally unbirthing a fused soul! My spirit gave one last cry as a goodbye to this world as Liandra’s soul gave a throaty chuckle before we combined with a familiar quaking in the natural. Finally, the convulsing gray-black-white mass that was my/Liandra’s consciousness was shoved hard into that dark hole and we knew no more. |
[SCAT WARNING] It was a warm, sunny, summers day in the forest, life was springing from all possible corners, cookies playing gleefully on the outerbounds of the woods, deep deep inside the forest, was a cookie, a familiar cookie, one that every cookie liked and had fond memories of, that cookie being Fig Cookie. Fig was happily wondering around the forest, enjoying the atmosphere, the flowers had bloomed and the birds were chirping, the noise of the younger cookies playing was like music to Figs ears, however, this would only last so long, soon, the sun would set, and the kids would leave, and the birds would stop singing their gleeful tune. It was roughly midnight when Fig was awakened from their snooze by the rusting of some nearby bushes, and the distressed shrieks of birds. Curious, Fig would stand, and walk up to where the birds has fleed from, he looked in a nearby bush, presumably where the disturbance had came from, and saw a glow red hue, before fully awakening, they would see another cookie, in a prison uniform, Red Chili Cookie. Before Fig could even mutter a greeting, the cookie pounced up and fled, this was when grew awake that cookie had been up to no good, inspecting the bush further, Fig found a massacred bird, slashed open. This single sight alone brung out an inner fury Fig, an anger never seen before, as Fig began to chase the villainous cookie. The chase would continue deep into the forest, before Chili was caught on a dead end, Fig saw the opportunity, and pounced on Chili and sat his enormous, musky rear on Chili's face, not allowing Chili to mutter a single word, Fig released a fart deep from their bowels, blasting Chili in the face with the rancid smell of a vegan diet, she coughed and spluttered, pushing against Figs ass, it was hopeless, Fig grunted and their asshole would gape, swiftly taking in Chilis head! "Hey! let me go you foul creature!" She screamed, Fig paid little attention to this, and began clenching his bowels repeatedly, sucking Chili deeper and deeper as she screeched for mercy, but it was all in vain, as within seconds, she found herself travelling to the angry gut of Fig, seeeing that his work was done, Fig once again laid to rest, as Chili squished her way though into Figs gut, where within hours, she was reduced to bone, Fig dozed through this torture, before awakening roughly 11 hours later, a tattoo of Chili had found its way onto Figs freshly fattened rump, Fig giggled and let out a fart, smelling of rotten cookies, before grunting, as a log of scat peaked its vile head out figs asshole, it plopped out on the floor with the squelching thud, and was followed by three more logs, before Fig groaned, and slipped Chili's Skull out, landing the pile, the skull would act as Chili's eternal grave, and a meeting ground for flies for centuries to come, Fig sighed. "That'll Teach 'ya!~" |
Sonia pried her eyes open; she couldn’t feel any part of her body anymore. The noble Eliwood put up a harder fight then she thought he would, and now she was paying the price for underestimating her opponents. She saw a white light flash in front of her eyes, Limstella now stood before her. “You’ve lost, have you Sonia?” Limstella asked. “Get… Away you… Damn puppet.” Sonia groaned, she could barely muster up the strength to talk. “It’s a shame; Morph’s have no quintessence so lord Nergal has no more use for you.” Limstella’s words rang in Sonia’s ears; ‘A morph? That can’t be…’ “I’m not a- *cough* I’m human- *wheeze*” Limstella shook her head at the words she just heard from the dying Morph. “Still in denial are you? It matters not what you believe or wish; you and I are one in the same.” Limstella chastised as she turned away from Sonia. “Y-you’re- *cough* wro-ong!” Sonia’s body was shaking as she struggled to try and stand. Limstella turned back around to watch her sister’s futile display. “I suppose if Lord Nergal cannot have your power…” Limstella thought aloud as she walked over to the struggling morph. “Then I suppose I should take it instead.” Limstella decided, grabbing her fellow morph by the shoulders, opened her mouth as wide as she could, and shoved the woman inside. Sonia flew into a panic and desperately tried thrashing around to escape, but her limp body wasn’t listening to her demands, opting instead to remain still while Limstella had her way with it. Limstella made quick and clean gulps to take in Sonia’s upper body, the voluptuous curves of her sister not hindering her progress in the slightest as they glided through her throat muscles. With Sonia chest deep into her sister she tried as hard as she could muster, with all of her remaining might, to flail out of her situation, but even with all the effort the small amount of flailing her body actually did only helped squeeze her juicy waist into her predators mouth. There was no way left out of this tragic end for Sonia as Limstella began slurping down her legs like noodles, and with one last noise gulp and a belch Sonia began curling into a fetal position inside of Limstella. “Ahh, you’ll still be able to- *belch* assist Lord Nergal this way.” Limstella said, rubbing her writhing and massive gut. Sonia couldn’t muster up any retort; she had expended all her energy and passed out in boiling cauldron of a stomach. Shortly after Sonia fell unconscious the acids had already broken the morph sage down into a slurry of liquid nutrients in Limstella’s belly. Limstella gave her organ a shake, mixing the contents around. “You didn’t last long, not a surprise really.” Limstella shut her eyes as she focused on the feeling of Sonia being filtered through her body; feeling her magical power growing by the second. She stood unmoving for what felt like at least an hour as she waited for her body to finish its job with her sister; when it was done however Limstella felt much more powerful than before, and her body had grown considerably. She didn’t care for the changes in her appearance but her once flat chest now held two giant bags of milk that were easily bigger than what Sonia had, her hips had also widened considerably, an ass as thick as her breasts to accompany it, and her thighs no longer had space between them; now squeezing together with their new fat. There was also a little bit of pudge left over on her belly; not that it mattered, if anything it would serve as a reminder of the power she had claimed from her fellow morph. “I suppose this has taken long enough.” Limstella said to herself. “Let us return to Lord Nergal, Sonia; I’m sure he’ll gladly give you a second chance like this.” She said as she warped back to the dread isle. |
A blizzard rages on in Valentia as Genny and Sonya cuddled by the fireplace in their log cabin in the wilderness of Zofia; out here they lived peacefully without anyone else coming to bother them, apart from some old friends occasionally making time to visit them. This meant they could do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted, and if that meant they wanted to spend a day completely naked and sunbathe on the grassy fields outside in summer, well they could do it. Now however they were both dressed in their pyjamas and wrapped in a blanket while they sat close to their fireplace, trying to keep warm. Sonya had her arms wrapped around a shivering Genny, doing her best to heat up the smaller girl with her body while Genny was leaning into her as if her life depended on it. “S-Sonya…” Genny moaned through clattering teeth. Sonya felt bad for the girl, but couldn’t think of any way to heat the girl up past what she was already doing. Maybe if she could make the girl some coffee or hot chocolate she could warm up. “What is it Genny?” Sonya asked, leaning her head down on the small holy woman. “I-I’m c-c-cold….” Genny said with a shaky voice, it sounded like she was on the verge of tears. “I know my dear, I know. Is there anything I can do to make you warmer?” “C-can you-u e-e-eat me?” Genny asked, still shivering. Sonya looked down on her girlfriend in surprise. “You know the blizzard won’t stop before I digest you right?” “I know, I c-could place a s-spell on me to r-r-revive me when you d-do…” Sonya thought about it for a second, this would ruin her figure, but if it meant helping her love, that’s a sacrifice she can make. “Alright, try taking off your pyjamas under the blanket.” Sonya said as she pulled the blanket as tight as she could around them. Genny did as she was told and stuck her head into the blanket and pulled her night gown over her head. She then cast her newest light magic spell ‘Aum’ on herself and stuck her head back outside. “Are you ready?” Sonya asked to which Genny nodded. Sonya widened her mouth as far as she could and ducked her head down to gobble up her girlfriends head, Genny gently pushed herself further in to help Sonya eat her in such an awkward position. Sonya stayed the way she was as Genny pushed herself deeper down her throat; she licked the saints tiny body as much as she could to get as much out of the tiny girls cotton candy taste as she could. Genny was now standing on her feet since she had pushed her entire upper body into Sonya, now it was time for Sonya to do the rest of the work; she temporarily let go of the blanket in favour of grabbing her girlfriends tiny ankles and pushing her in further, swallowing to ease her descent. When she pushed the girls feet into her mouth she kept them there and licked them all over while Genny giggled in her belly, eventually she swallowed them down however and reached for their blanket again to cover herself and her new filled belly. “Mmm, you were quite tasty small one, we’ll have to do that again some time.” Sonya said, holding the blanket closed around her with one hand while she used the other to rub her gut. “You feel any warmer?” “It’s very warm in here, thank you Sonya.” Genny said, cuddling into the walls of Sonya’s stomach as they squeezed tighter onto her. “You’re welcome, any time you need me I’m here for you.” Sonya said. They sat in silence, Sonya listening to the fire crackle, and Genny to the squelching of the organ. Sonya’s belly began to fill with more acids, rising up to Genny’s shoulders; she didn’t mind though, they felt like a warm bath. The heat was starting to get to Genny so she closed her eyes to go to sleep until morning, a smile stretched over her face as she did so. Meanwhile on the outside Sonya was still rubbing her belly as she watched the fire burn away; she noticed the organ beginning to lose its defined shape and began to round out, she contemplated barfing Genny back up but decided to just trust the small girl knew what she was doing with her magic. An hour or so later and the fire began to die out; Sonya stood up from the floor, one hand cradling her now perfectly round belly while another held the blankets shut around her body. “Guess you’re finished in there, I suppose I should get some rest too.” Sonya said to her belly as she waltzed back to hers and Genny’s room to sleep off her girlfriend, and hopefully it would be warmer in the morning for both of their sake. Sonya threw the blanket that shrouded her body before atop of the blanket the bed already had on it and crawled under them both, then shut her eyes and drifted to sleep. ————————— The rays of morning shone through the glass of the window onto Sonya’s eyes, stirring her from her sleep, when she awoke she felt something hugging her underneath the covers, taking a peak under she saw Genny lying face first into her breasts, which seem to have gotten bigger since last night. A loving smile stretched over Sonya’s face as she placed a hand on the saints back and gave her a gentle rub. Genny moaned and hugged tighter, squishing her face further into the older woman’s breasts. “Good morning small one.” “Good morning…” Genny said, as she let out a yawn and loosened her grip on the older woman. Sonya gently moved Genny aside and sat up, stretching her arms over her head. “Do we have to get up?” Genny asked, clearly still tired. “You don’t have to, but I have to start a fire or else we’ll both freeze to death.” Sonya said, kissing the small girls forehead before getting up from the bed and towards the door leading out of the bedroom. Stepping out of the bedroom she closed the door behind her as quietly as she could and made her way to the living room. She placed a few logs into the fire place and lit them with a fire spell, creating a wave of warmth throughout the house. She then decided to inspect her body to see how she changed from last night. First she reached up to cup her breasts; as she thought earlier they were definitely larger than before, and a feel of her hips made it apparent they were now much wider, and her ass was squishier. She then hesitantly placed a hand to her belly, only to find no remaining fat. “Oh thank Mila.” Sonya sighed to herself. 'The girl must have been too small to leave anything extra down here.’ Sonya thought to herself with a smile. With that out of the way Sonya had to think of what they would be doing for breakfast; she pondered for a minute but the only thing she had a craving for now was cotton candy, Sonya laughed to herself for a moment. 'Perhaps I should see what the small one wants for breakfast, or else I’ll be eating by myself this morning.’ She thought to herself before waltzing back to their bedroom, hips swaying side to side. |
She didn’t know why she kept running, but she knew she couldn’t stop. “Shh—I see one now.” Ivan held up a hand.Kessie—his girlfriend, adventurous in more ways than one—froze in her tracks, peering through the underbrush. While bunny-girls have many times less sensitive hearing than rabbits, Ivan recalled, they still have better than the average human. The ambient wildlife and dim light filtering through the trees helped the duo to be much more stealthy, but it wouldn’t make them undetectable. Two previous failed attempts told them that much. Ivan carefully placed his steps to avoid snapping the brush, edging closer and closer to the unaware bunny-girl. The arduous task wore on Ivan’s patience, but at last, he finally got close enough to the relaxing bunny-girl to act. The bunny-girl squealed in surprise when he tackled her to the ground. Got ‘er! Kessie was right behind with the rope, gag, and blindfold. Ivan and Kessie needed every ounce of their strength and endurance to hold onto the feral sub-human, who squirmed and thrashed about, seeking freedom. She tired out and her movement, still resistant, slowed, giving the pair a chance to subdue the protesting bunny-girl. Soon the bunny-girl’s arms were bound behind her back and her ability to resist in any way was further restrained by a gag and blindfold. The elated couple lead her by a rope around her neck, poorly knotted and chafing her throat with every tug. She whimpered and disobediently pulled against it, but Ivan assured his girlfriend that they would domesticate her without issues once they got home. He’d read an article or two on the internet about it and had a half-uncle who had made a deer-girl his wife, so he felt confident they could make an attractive house-slave out of a harmless human-rabbit hybrid such as this one. There were plenty of stories where people under the command of another tended to become affectionate and enjoy their service. Why would this be any different? With their objective fulfilled and no further need for stealth, Kessie and Ivan idly chatted as they coaxed their new pet to follow. The bunny-girl suddenly stopped and doubled over, an abdominal growl loud enough to hear over the din of the forest wracking her body. “Come on, hun,” Ivan said, “we have carrots waiting in the car.” The bunny-girl reluctantly relented to the tugging at her throat. She was rather quiet after her stomach gurgled, Ivan thought. But more fixated on teasing his girlfriend about how sexy and dominating she’d looked while they tied up the bunny-girl, he paid it no mind. Neither he nor Kessie realized the impending doom brewing behind them... Unbeknownst to the two, the bunny-girl—quite ravenous after her nap—had stretched, wriggled, and pulled out of her arm bindings and was focused on removing the blindfold and gag without alerting her captors. The first sign that the two had of their housekeeping-and-kink plan going awry was when the rope went slack and Ivan found himself body-slammed into a bystanding tree. The rebellious bunny-girl tied quick, amateurish-yet-tight knots around the boy’s ankles and abdomen, turning the captors into captives while the double-edged sword of surprise still subdued them. Kessie managed to shout, “Stop! What are you—” before the vine-clad bunny-girl turned towards her with such a strong look of hunger and desire that she recoiled in fear despite knowing that bunny-girls are naturally quiet and submissive creatures. “Your turn!” That fear coalesced into adrenaline when the formerly submissive bunny-girl lept at the frightened girl, grabbing her in an awkward hug. Kessie barely twisted out of her grip and narrowly escaped the bunny-girl’s second attempt as she ran into the woods. Kessie ran headlong away from her suddenly-not-so-docile pursuer, scrambling over fallen trees, half-falling over roots, and just missing trunks that seemed to spring out of nowhere. She could hear the bunny-girl lithely following, slowly gaining. It soon occurred to the panicked girlfriend that her nearest chance to escape would be the truck they’d driven to the woods, so she gave her best guess at the general direction and hoped she wasn’t totally lost and wouldn’t be caught in turn. “Kessie!” Ivan shouted after his girlfriend and the pursuing rabbit. It only took moments for them to disappear into the undergrowth. Realizing help was anything but on its way, Ivan struggled against his bindings, slowly loosening the poorly-tied knot for his waist and falling on his butt to reach the one at his feet. Once free, Ivan picked up their dropped supplies and ambled in the direction he’d seen the two dart off. He quickly dispelled his worries about not being able to follow them; though he could no longer see nor hear the frantic chase, there was an abundance of trampled shrubbery, broken sticks, and other evidence of the pursuit. In the back of his mind, he knew he couldn’t catch up while carrying their equipment, but the thought was outweighed by not wanting to lose all the expensive items he’d brought for catching their now-revolting bunny-girl slave. Meanwhile, Kessie was pushing through the briars and dodging around the trees as best as she could in the unfamiliar wilderness. Rationally, it made no sense why she was running. She was stronger than the bunny-girl, and she had a greater advantage when she was with Ivan. But something about how the bunny-girl looked when she attacked Kessie unnerved the girl on a level she couldn’t describe with words. She didn’t know why she kept running, but she knew she couldn’t stop. The annoyingly evasive girl reached a clearing only moments before the determined bunny-girl. She couldn’t escape now. No obstacles, and her former captor was visibly tiring. The bunny-girl dashed forward and snagged Kessie by the ankles, tripping her. Kessie, exhausted and stunned by the tackle, couldn’t lift herself up from the grass as the bunny-girl pinned her with the wild girl’s athletic body. She wasn’t sure she’d even be able to get up without the extra weight. She heaved in and out on the grass, unable to move. She’d been so close to the truck, safety, only a few dozen yards away... When Ivan finally caught up with them, he saw Kessie on the ground under the bunny-girl, but he was most surprised by the bunny-girl pulling off Kessie’s pants. It was surprising, but at the same time, Kessie didn’t seem to be fighting it, the truck was just nearby, and the bunny-girl seemed quite calm about it. She turned to look at him, smiled, then shifted her weight to roll Kessie over onto her back. Ivan approached and dropped their things on the ground. Kessie locked eyes with Ivan and smiled, relieved he was here. So long as both of them were together, they’d be okay. “Are you okay?” Ivan asked curiously, watching the bunny-girl gently remove Kessie’s shirt. Kessie couldn’t tell if the heat in her cheeks was from running away or from being exposed as her underwear was carefully removed. “Um, I think so. I’m not sure what she’s doing, but it doesn’t hurt or anything… it’s kind of, well, kinky.” The cute bunny-girl seemed quite peaceful, and Kessie wondered if the hostility she thought she’d seen had been her imagination. Ivan wasn’t sure what he’d expected to happen when his girlfriend was fully undressed (and looking quite fine, if he were to say so himself), but it certainly wasn’t for the bunny-girl to sit on Kessie’s waist, bend Kessie’s legs, and pull Kessie’s bare feet into her mouth. His shock was mirrored on Kessie’s face. How could the bunny-girl possibly fit Kessie’s feet in like that, and why was she doing it? A few moments later, Kessie let out a satisfied moan. “Oh, that feels so good.” There was an audible gurgle. “What was that?” Ivan assessed the bunny-girl massaging his girlfriend’s feet in her mouth, chewing them lightly, and reasoned, “There’s nothing to worry about, bunnies don’t eat meat. She probably won’t even be able to go past your ankles anyway.” He relaxed. It made sense. This bunny-girl was just trying to give them a—rather sensual—treat to gain their favor before they took her home with them. Kessie, seeing her boyfriend at ease, decided there wasn’t any threat present and fully relaxed into the massage. The bunny-girl continued softly masticating Kessie’s feet, drawing them slowly deeper. Strangely enough, as Kessie leaned back and closed her eyes to focus on the pleasant feeling, her toes not only touched the bunny-girl’s throat—how did the bunny’s mouth stretch so much, she wondered—but it pliantly opened to accept those same toes, sliding easily with the same slimy saliva that was presently coating her ankles as they entered the ever-so-subservient bunny-girl’s mouth. She felt the ring made by the bunny-girl’s lips creep gradually up her calves, and Ivan interrupted her relaxing to note that her ankles were being swallowed, that he could see the shape of them in the bunny-girl’s neck. Kessie didn’t want the massage to end just yet, it was feeling amazing on her sore legs. She placated her boyfriend’s worries with a reminder that bunnies are cute, passive, and harmless creatures, so even if the now-friendly bunny-girl was swallowing her ankles, it’s not like there’ll be anything bad from it; she won’t be able to fit past the legs anyway. If either of them had thought to look at that moment, they would have seen that the bunny-girl’s face looked somewhat more smug, if a face distorted and stretched around the calves of a creature of similar size to oneself could itself be called smug. Ivan watched as the bunny-girl raised to a kneeling-standing position and lifted up Kessie’s legs, angling her body doubled-over as she reached his girlfriend’s knees. He could distinctly make out the shape of Kessie’s feet in the bunny-girl’s stomach, and he awed at how her calves distended the herbivore’s neck to over three times its original size. How was the bunny-girl able to keep from scraping her teeth as she began to add Kessie’s smooth thighs to the massage? How could Kessie, by the look on her face, be enjoying this wild creature’s massage more than any he’d given her in the past? The bunny-girl continued to gradually increase the surface area of the massage, reaching Kessie’s hips but her mouth still managing to accommodate. She then lifted herself off the ground momentarily, walking over Kessie’s prone upper body and flipping the girl onto her stomach, giving the bunny relief from her previously awkward position of head against the ground and butt in the air. The couple looked at each other, thinking similar thoughts (though Kessie wasn’t remotely concerned with how sexy and smooth Ivan was looking). “She’s an herbivore…” Kessie started. “Yeah, it’s more like a strange and rare sort of massage than anything to worry about. Rabbits can’t eat people,” said Ivan. Kessie propped herself onto her elbows. “It actually feels kind of good on my skin right now. Like, especially my legs, the squeezing down there just—all the lotion-like slime making it slide easily—kneading away the soreness. It’s just—” Kessie breathed in deep, held it for a moment, and let it out in a contented sigh. “You know, maybe she’s showing off a technique to us that she can do for us later. It sounds like it practically melts the tension away.” Ivan imagined being in Kessie’s position, and found himself surprised at how enticing the idea felt to him. With his thoughts drifting towards the gutter, and seeing his girlfriend enjoying the bunny-girl’s throat and stomach and looking so relaxed, he wondered about how nice it could feel later for him to have their bunny use that same mouth technique on his you-know-what. “It’s probably fine anyway, as long as my head is free.” Kessie brushed some hair from her eyes, wondering why her boyfriend appeared so pensive. Ivan started at the interruption from his thoughts, subtly letting loose some of them with the question, “What does it feel like in there?” He could see how tightly the bunny-girl’s belly stretched and conformed to his girlfriend’s legs as she was enveloped past her waist, but wanted more details to fill in the mental fantasy he’d begun to build. “Well… it feels kind of like how I’d imagine latex if it was looser, squishier, and had enough liquid inside to slide around you as it moved. It’s warm, and it feels almost comfortable, like a glove. I wonder how much our bunny had to train to do this for us?” The question hung in the air, unanswered by the now-horny boyfriend, the two-thirds-massaged girlfriend, and the bunny-girl whose salivating mouth was rather too preoccupied at the moment to be speaking. After a little moment of silence, Ivan kneeled down and leaned in towards his girlfriend, kissing her on the lips. At this point, he really wanted to tease her breasts and get her hot and bothered, but it couldn’t be helped; she wouldn’t be in a good position for sex right now, even if she was in the mood. Kessie lost track of time as she reciprocated her boyfriend’s oral ministrations, barely noticing the bunny-girl move her arms past the lips and into the throat alongside her body. She only really began to worry when her neck was enveloped and Ivan broke off the kiss. Ivan was similarly worried, but was unsure of what to do. The bunny-girl was still swallowing, her belly taut with the curled-up body of his girlfriend, but she hadn’t actually hurt either of them yet… He and Kessie came to a wordless, tense agreement. They would watch, wait, and feel. In the worst case, Ivan thought, he could dash to his pack and use a knife or something to free Kessie. Kessie took deep breaths, the alien feeling of the slimy-yet-comfortable throat creeping up her head eliciting a spike in her adrenaline. When it seemed it would be her last until the bunny-girl let her out or until Ivan helped her, she stretched her lungs as full as she could with the bunny-girl’s throat still surrounding her chest. Wet squelching and squeezing was already all she could hear, and she felt more than heard the bunny’s lips close over her face as the throat muscles pulled the remainder of her body closer towards the stomach. She heard her dubiously herbivorous masseuse’s heartbeat as her head joined the rest of her, curled up in the bunny-girl’s belly. A high rumble of a burp further shrunk the bunny-provided, body-heat-warmed, tight-yet-pleasurable confines even further against her skin. She wasn’t sure what to do. There wasn’t much space. The bunny-girl wasn’t throwing her up. She heard Ivan ask, “Are you good in there?” Kessie’s lungs started to hurt too much to hold on. She slowly let out her breath, savoring it in case it were her last as her mind sped up with frantic fear and finally reaching the end of the breath and needing to suck air back into her lungs and … a relief. It was a stale kind of relief, but she could find enough air to sate her lungs’ desire for sweet oxygen. “I’m… okay. I think,” was the reply that came back to Ivan from inside. “I can breathe somehow, and… it’s feeling even better now that I’m all inside.” The bunny-girl made a rare remark. “She likes it,” she said with a smile. Ivan thought. “So… it’s fine to be in there a little while longer, right? If it’s just feeling good, and we know that bunnies don’t eat meat, it’s perfectly safe and won’t be able to digest you.” At that, the three relaxed for a while, the boyfriend imagining how awesome a warm, wet massage like his girlfriend was experiencing could feel, especially knowing it’s safe. Ivan thought to himself about some of the experimentation he’d want to try once they got the bunny home with them. He wondered, if she was this compliant with a bit of chasing, whether that boded well for her to be a good, submissive kink-and-cleaning house servant. Would it count as a threesome if they…? He was brought from his pervy thoughts when he heard some whimpering noises. Locating them from the stomach, Ivan leaned in towards his girlfriend’s bouncing and semi-ambiguous form. What he heard multiplied his arousal at the situation. Inside the bunny-girl’s stomach, Kessie was pleasuring herself and making those cute little sounds that enticed him to eat her up in the bedroom. But now he couldn’t sexually devour her even with both of them clearly ready. And he was a little jealous that her massage was so good she was driven to get off to it. “Kessie?” “Haah, hmm… Ivan?” “Are you okay?” “Well, um…” Kessie felt a bit of shame answering her devoted boyfriend, “I think it might actually be digesting me. And… I don’t really think I want to come out yet?” She refocused on her task at hand with her hands as best as she could in the cramped space, feeling her skin tingling like arousing electric fire was running all over her. Ivan looked at the bunny-girl in shock: “You're actually digesting her?!” The bunny-girl burped and rubbed her now-willing-prey-filled stomach. “But rabbits can’t eat people, remember?” She grinned cheekily at Ivan. “We’re just helpless little herbivores.” Quiet gurgling and moaning ambiently filled the silence. Ivan had held strongly to his disbelief of any possibility that she could be on a deadly trip until now, but here it shattered like a thin shard of ice. He could have saved his girlfriend this whole time, but instead doomed her to a digestive demise. The cute bunny-girl wasn’t so harmless after all; he’d seen what he wanted to see instead of reality. Even now, he wished the bunny-girl was kidding, so he could laugh it off as a joke. The guilt was on him, and his girlfriend was now girlfood happily digesting away in this surprisingly voracious predator’s gut. A hand gently—but inescapably firmly—grasped his wrist, anchoring him to the predator. The bunny-girl pulled him close and whispered in his ear, sending a bolt of fear and dread shot through Ivan’s veins, as she said in a tone so cute-yet-menacing, “You’re next, sweetheart!” |
> Listen to her plan. She did help raise you, you trust her. (Greater Story Progression) With some effort, you push the whisper of instincts from your mind. Jarl Elisif was like a mother to you, you couldn't hurt her. Even beyond that, how would you be expected to get away with something like that? Too great a risk, really. So you sat still, hands folded on your still naked lap. You looked at her, gaze wary. "Leave Solitude? Mother, this is my home. Where would I go?" Seeing that you were willing to actually hear her out, her stately expression broke somewhat. Elisif seemed saddened. Why wouldn't she be? She was to send her child away. "You've spent your whole life around people, learning the heritage of your mortal side. But I think… it's time you should learn more of your other half. Then maybe you can control it." A pause, and you blinked a few times. "So… you want me to go walk up to the nearest dragon and ask it to teach me how not to eat people?" Elisif sputtered for a moment, shaking her head. "No! Do not go near those creatures! I doubt they would stop to teach you anything before burning you to a crisp." She glanced to the side, sighing a bit. "I believe you should attempt to travel to High Hrothgar, and gain an audience with the Greybeards there. They speak as the dragons do, and may be able to assist you in tempering your instincts at the very least." You thought about her words. You had heard of the Greybeards, masters of the Thu'um. They used the same thing that Ulfric had used to kill your father, though… They are a distinctly peaceful order. Perhaps they truly can calm the fire within you. Can provide a safer way to resist your instincts. Moments passed, and you nodded. If you went to see them, and were successful, then you could return home. Could continue to help people see you as a person, rather than a monster. "Okay. I'll… that's a long trip." Elisif nodded in turn. "It is. The carriages cannot take you all the way to Ivarstead. It can bring you to Whiterun however. Significantly closer, though you will need to prepare all the same." She closed her eyes for a moment in thought. "I will have the servants put together a traveling pack of all necessities, and a sack of gold in case you need further provisions from Whiterun." Eyes opened again and she looked at you, her child whom she cared for and tried to protect. Whom she no longer had the time nor ability to help. It brought her great sadness, but she knew this was for the best. You stood from the bed, rubbing one arm a bit in awkwardness. "I… I'll get cleaned up then. Washed then dressed in something better suited to travel." Couldn't very well go about buck naked, could you? Despite how freeing and convenient that might feel. A nod was shared between the two of you, and your mother turned to depart the room. She stopped at the doorway, glancing back. "Despite all of this, please know that I still love you deeply." "I love you too, mother." You responded, then she was gone. Off to have someone put together everything you'd need for your travels. Soon enough a servant brought you some basins of hot water for you to use to clean yourself with, before hurrying off. Did she know what had happened? Perhaps the woman had told her. Perhaps every servant knew of the event by now. You had no means of knowing. No matter, you used the given water to thoroughly clean yourself. You scrubbed until your black scale patches were shining with that iridescent light, reflecting all sorts of colors. Your wings and tail received the same treatment. By the time you were finished, you were spotless. You had figured this might be your last warm bath for some time. As you left the bathroom, you noted some more armored clothing was left out. It was light, but had been adjusted to accommodate your horns, tail, and wings. After examining it, you opted to put it on now. The less time you spend dawdling, the better. > Item Acquired; Light Leather Armor < With your altered armor gotten, you took one last look around the ruined room before walking out; closing the door behind you. You may not be back here for some time either. It was a short, but tense walk to the entry hall of the Blue Palace. There you saw your mother, standing tall and hands folded in front of her. She looked tired, and sad, but held it together well. She had to. People already doubted her capability due to her youth. You walked to her, standing tall in front of her. She reached forward and took your head in her hands, pulling you close and planting a gentle kiss on your forehead. Then she pulled back, hands lowering and grasping yours in turn. "I know you'll do well out there." She started softly. "You're my child, and I believe in you. But… please be safe. The carriage can get you to Whiterun, and you may be able to hire someone from there to accompany you." You smiled softly, letting out an amused huff of air. "I'll look into it." Would you? Possibly not. You were rather confident in your abilities, as versatile as they were. Still, they were not yet honed. Perhaps you should think about what path your skills should manifest along as you set out… A moment passed, and she squeezed your hands tightly before releasing them. Gesturing to the side, someone brought forward a hefty pack of supplies for you. "This should have anything you may need. Camping gear, rations, gold. There will be enough to get you to Ivarstead at the very least." You examined the backpack and took hold of it. It weighed quite a bit, as expected, and you hefted it over one shoulder. "I…" Elisif brought a sad smile to her face. "I wish you luck on your travels." You smiled in kind, bidding you mom a soft farewell as you turned and exited the Blue Palace, unsure of when you would return. > Item Acquired; Traveling Gear < It didn't take long to exit Solitude, some guards giving you a slight nod as you passed by. You tightened your grip on the backpack strap, walking to the stables… when you heard the distinct sounds of someone running up behind you. Turning slightly, you caught a glimpse of that male servant from before, the one who was all too willing to slip down your cock. An eyebrow raised as he stopped near you, panting somewhat at having likely dashed from the Blue Palace all the way to here. He wasn't wearing the typical servant outfits, and now being fully awake you could get a better look at him. He was a Bosmer, slim and on the shorter side. His messy hair tied back into a tight bun and his eyes a startling amber in the light of the sun. His outfit was similar to yours, simple leather but not fitting quite right in his case. On his hip was a worn dagger, and around his neck was a necklace inlaid with an amber gem matching his eyes almost exactly. He lifted his hand, holding one finger as if to ask for a moment. Then he pulls out a paper from the pack at his side. He passes it to you quickly, letting you take it in your hands before he continues trying to catch his breath. Your eyes flick from the man and to the paper, taking a moment to read it. 'My name is Vlys. Sorry, we didn't exactly have time for introductions before. I'd like to accompany you to where you're going, if possible. I'll accept all responsibility for myself should anything happen, but I would like the chance to have some more fun as happened this morning.' Your brows lift, looking up to him questioningly. He regained himself now, smiling at you. This man, well aware he nearly died this morning, wanted to follow you? A moment of pause before you shrugged, handing the paper back and turning to continue walking. "I won't stop you from following me, Vlys. So long as you know if you end up as just a few pounds on my hips, it's entirely on you." You didn't see his reaction, but could hear him walking along. The sight crunch of leaves underfoot sign enough that he was content with whatever you decide to do with him. An entertaining thought, really. > Follower Acquired; Vlys < Soon enough you were before the stables, the distinctive smell of horse hitting you and making your nose wrinkle. To one side was the carriage, which could take you directly to Whiterun. To the other was the road that led down to Dragon's Bridge, the nearest small town that'd be on that path. Both would eventually lead to the destination of Ivarstead, just at different rates. With different encounters. Of course, you could head elsewhere. Could forge your own path- an option that the hissing voice of your instincts offered. Something else to think on would be where you should focus your skills. What route to grow into. Eventually you may be able to branch out, but everyone needs to start somewhere. Your instincts offered no commentary here. Where will you go? > Go to Whiterun by carriage, as your mom suggested. (No Random Encounters, Potential Vore Options) > Travel by foot, making your first stop in Dragon's Bridge. (Random Encounter, Definite Vore Options) > Make camp on the way to Dragon's Bridge to have fun with your new companion. (Camping With Vlys, Definite Vore Options) > Disregard the directions, set up camp and figure out your own path. (Camping, Non-Fatal Oral Vore, Location Options) AND, Where do your skills lie for the time being? > Your scales are tough and wings powerful. (Warrior, better for overpowering unwilling prey; ex- can consume even strong opponents easily) > You move silently on the ground, with a nimble tail. (Rogue, better for eating and digesting without alerting others; ex- sneaking somewhere safe even with a full stomach) > Your draconic blood grants access to the arcane arts. (Mage, grants creative means for consuming prey; ex- turning unwilling into willing) |
Ella held her breath, counting the raptors from the underbrush as they darted here and there. 19 in all, give or take a few that might be deeper in the nests. Silently, she dipped backwards, slipping under the canopy of ferns to her teammates behind a nearby boulder. “Well?” whispered Rory as he fed shells into his bowgun’s chamber. “Where’s the big guy?” “No idea” sighed Ella. “Only young jaggis here for now- about two dozen. Not really a problem. The big one’s probably out hunting or something. We might have just missed it.” Lianne took a deep breath and leaned up on the rock. Pulling at the collar of her armor, she fanned herself with a frond of leaves. “Splendid. Another day out in the field. A hunter down, no less…” Ella rolled her eyes, thinking back to that morning. Charlotte, a novice hunter-turned-meal had managed to get snapped up by a measly Jaggi over the night, and now the squad was down to a trio. A cursory glance over her supplies revealed that another night in the field was out of the question. Most of the food was spent on that stew they cooked last night- clearly Charlotte botching the mission one last time. Rory stuck his head out from behind the boulder for a quick glance. “Did you get a good look in the nest?” he asked. “Nah…” Ella admitted. “No real way to do it without letting the whole pack know.” “The target could be sleeping there. If they just had a big hunt they could have dragged the leftovers deeper into the nest…” Rory pondered. Ella glanced beyond the bushes, back at the nest. It’s true- Jaggis were known hoarders and absolute gluttons. Their little home was absolutely littered with bones and other remains. If they had downed an Aptonoth, they’d be set for at least a week or two. The hunter reached for her canteen, draining it of the last few swigs. “Well,” Ella postured. “We could dive straight for the nest. It could be risky with the whole pack at home, but if we could trap the big guy in the cave he’d be easy to take out with a few good tranqs. But what if he’s not there?” “Then we bail and come back later today. He’s gotta return sometime- you know how territorial these things are.” Rory muttered. Ella thought for a moment, but then looked up to argue.“Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about. If we get cornered in the-“ “Can we just get on with it?” Liana cut in. Ella stared daggers at her partner as she ran her fingers through her sweat-matted hair. “If we take it now we can be back by nightfall. I’m not spending the night in a Jaggi nest with no food or water, and I’m not interested in waiting for hours for it to get back. Let’s just go check.” Ella shifted forwards. “What the hell, Lianne? What’s gotten into you? If we blow our cover now and there’s no Great Jaggi, and we have to run home with our tails between legs, we’ll never live it down! Blowing our big hunt on a Great Jaggi? I’d rather mop up this whole nest!!” Charlotte huffed nonchalantly. “Maybe we’d have better chances if you hadn’t practically chased off our fourth.” “Oh, so it’s my fault she got scarfed down by a Jaggi now?” “Well, maybe if she wasn’t feeling so pressured she wouldn’t have tranqed herself!” “Ladies, please…” Rory interposed himself between the two hunters, holding them at arms’ length. “I get that it’s a tough spot, and we’re in a bit of a pickle… but Ella. If we don’t act now, we’ll simply be in bad shape for when the big guy DOES show- whether it’s from Jaggi bites today or starvation tomorrow. Our odds are best if we go for it.” Ella sneered, and snatched up her Greatsword. She flung it in an arc over her shoulder, standing up and bursting out of the bushes that they had been resting in. “Fine.” she stated cooly. “Then let’s just waltz right in, this is what you wanted, right?” She strolled out of the bushes, stretching her arms as Rory and Lianne watched, dumbfounded. The pair suddenly lunged for their own gear and scrambled after her as surprised Jaggi converged from all directions. Ella swung her greatsword in huge arcs bashing away the Jaggi like she was brushing away flies. Rory let loose with gas pellets and stun bullets to drive back the pack, and Lianne defended him with her shield and sword combination. The trio advanced through the hoard efficiently, cleaving a path through the clearing towards the cave mouth. Ella’s endurance began to waver as the group reached the halfway point. Swinging that greatsword was heavy work- and a cunning Jaggi took notice as Ella’s sword hit the ground with a dull thump. It lunged at her back, and she attempted to parry- but could only budge her sword as the Jaggi tackled her to the ground. Knocked to her chest, she spun to her back as the Jaggi leapt down on top of her. Ella threw up her hands grabbing the diminutive raptor by the neck as it snapped at her face. Abruptly, it stopped snapping, instead extending a thick, pink, rope-like tongue from its jaws. The serpentine tongue wiggled downwards, firmly planting against Ella’s cheek and tracing a slow, deliberated pattern across her face, around her neck and- down her collar. The surprisingly long muscle slipped her collar, grasping a succulent taste of the muscular firmness of her chest. Ella groaned in disgust- but it took all she had just to keep the thing’s teeth off her face. A sudden hiss filled the air as a canister exploding against the Jaggi’s eager face, scattering a noxious pepper spray over it and Ella. The Jaggi lept off the pinned hunter as she staggered to her feet, using Lianne’s shield as an anchor. Ella shot Rory a weary, grateful glance as she grabbed her greatsword and popped a ration into her mouth- something to eat, and something to get the taste of the pepperspray out of her mouth. The group pushed onwards, routing the rest of the Jaggis. Most of them scattered into the woods, while a few stragglers were pushed back deep into the cave. Ella reached into her pack, pulling out a torch and struck it against the cave wall. As the torch sputtered to life, she shot Lianne and Rory a glance and chucked the flame to the back wall of the cavern. Light filled the chamber with a soft orange glow. A few lone Jaggis yipped and scampered behind stalagmites, cowering away from the flame. Ella stepped forwards, cautious and curious. The room was not large- just barely large enough to be a den. There were no other exits large enough to be used by a Great Jaggi either. The cave was pretty much empty, and the Trio’s gamble appeared to have failed. Ella felt a reassuring hand clasp on her shoulder. She turned and looked into Rory’s eyes. “Haaaahh…. You were right. Let’s get out of here.” Rory sighed. Ella smiled gently. Her teammates always supported her, even when her hot head got them knee-deep in trouble. She’d already caused enough damage, maybe it was time to pack it in. Ella’s gaze shifted, and she looked over Rory’s shoulders. Her blood ran cold and her hand flew up to grab Rory by the elbow. She stared, silently, holding Rory’s arm in a death-grip. “Ella? What’s- what’s wrong?” Rory turned to track her gaze and gasped. The mouth of the cave was nearly blotted out by the enormous mass of a tremendous Great Jaggi. Ella had seen other hunters bring home these before, but this one was tremendous, easily a head-and-shoulders longer than any that she had seen. Despite its size, the beast was gaunt- its ribs were visibly through its feathery hide and its stomach was lean and empty. Its neck, however, bulged and twitching with the shape of Lianne, whose hips and legs dangled out of the monster’s jaws. Drool and slime poured off the beast’s jowls, coating Lianne’s smooth legs and matting her clothes to her skin. Lianne’s sword clattered to the cave floor as her hand flew to the monster’s head, grabbing a hold and attempting to force open its jaws. Her strength was no match for the Great Jaggi’s ravenous appetite, however. With one, two bucks of its head it snapped up Lianne’s butt and thighs, sending a spray of saliva and spittle through the air. Her behind caused the creature’s throat to balloon out- a vacuum tight layer of flesh clung to Lianne’s form, clearly outlining the back of her head and her shoulders. Ella and Rory could hear, just faintly over the crackling of the torch, Lianne’s voice crying for help through the beast’s throat. Ella lunged forwards, swinging her Greatsword in a wild horizontal arc as she howled at the beast. She aimed to take the damn thing’s head off. Rory moved to stop her, to warn her- but it was too late. Ella’s swing stopped short, grinding to a halt as her oversized greatsword embedded itself in the cavern wall. Ella stared in horror at the blade, firmly lodged in the stones of the wall, and snapped back to the monster. It shot her a smug glance as it heaved its head back with a hearty swallow, and Lianne’s squirming and screaming form descended. As Lianne reached the creature’s ribcage, the bones and muscle suddenly buckled and Lianne’s whole body was sucked through, straight to the stomach. The once-gaunt belly now bulged with the outline of Lianne’s body, forced into the fetal position. From outside, Ella and Rory could see her struggle- her kicks and punches were clearly visible, but had no effect on the hungry Jaggi. The creature swung its head down, its gaze resting firmly on Ella. The hunter braced her foot against the wall, trying to free the blade, but it was stuck firmly. Frantically she heaved and heaved, yet the blade would not come lose. Before should react, the Jaggi kicked her in the shoulder with an oversized foot, sending her sprawling. In the same motion, it lunged, lashing out with its tongue which tangled around her legs and yanked her back. Ella whimpered as she struggled for purchase against the cave floor- yet every bone and root she grasped came loose the moment she touched it. She turned to Rory for aid, calling out his name into the cave. Looking up, she could see him preparing a shot, but she knew why he would not fire. A piercing bolt could just as easily kill her or Lianne in these close quarters- it would be impossible to hit the beast’s vitals like this. Ella’s athletic legs, still pinned together by the slimey tongue, were suddenly hefted into the air and dragged into the maw of the Jaggi. The back of the throat pulsed wildly as they gaped open, sucking down her toned thighs. Her wide hips gave the opening a moment of pause, but with a quick shake of the head and a sickening glurk, the throat gladly accepted the hunter’s ass. Ella’s hands flailed wildly through the air as she screamed in terror. Her wild swings suddenly caught on to the blade of her greatsword, still stuck in the wall. Her other hand flew to grasp it as well, clamping on with all of her remaining strength. Groaning with effort, Ella heaved, pulling herself towards the greatsword. The Jaggi grunted as its meal suddenly gained a few inches, her hips popp-ing out of the gullet, sending saliva and juices all over her. She heaved again, wresting a few more inches from the Jaggi’s throat. “Rory…” she strained, faltering for just a moment. She recovered, and pulled her self back out again. “Rory… you gotta shoot it! You gotta take it out!!” Her strength began to fail, and the swallowing resumed. The beast, frustrated, renewed its efforts and worked its way down her hips, up her waist and up to the shoulders. Stilling clinging to the sword, Ella gazed out between the teeth now closing around her head- she could see Rory, still shaking, unable to find the shot. Ella’s strength gave out and she flew backwards into the gullet as her world closed in around her. It wasn’t as dark as she expected. The Jaggi’s thin, gaunt skin permitted the faintest hint of red light through. All she could hear was her own, heaving breath, the groaning of muscle around her, and the slurping and squicking of juices pooling around her hands. The creature’s tongue released her legs and wormed it’s way up under her armor from the waist, effectively shucking her from her shell as it swallowed down. Her clothing was peeled from her form as she descended, and the hot flesh closed in around hers as she slipped down the suffocating throat. There was air, she could breath- but the air was fetid and nauseating. Were she not in such peril, she might have the time to get sick. Her ride was short. The Jaggi’s ravenous gullet sucked her down with hasted and Ella felt her feet enter a chamber and immediately get grabbed by Lianne’s hands. “What the-?” Ella sputtered as Lianne pulled on her feet, dragging Ella deeper into the belly. Ella howled, “No! Lianne! NO!” as she clambered for a grip in the throat, but there was nothing to grab but slick flesh. The rest of her body was dragged into the stomach, her butt slamming into Lianne’s face and driving the other hunter back into the stomach. Ella’s head finally entered the gut and was promptly squeezed between Lianne’s thighs, placing the pair in a twinned fetal position. Lianne immediately began to shriek. “You IDIOT! You ABSOLUTELY buffoon! I knew this was a bad idea but NO! Tough Girl Ella had to make a big show and march us into a deathtrap!!” Her head suddenly slipped under the gastric juices that occupied the lower half of the stomach. She heaved Ella’s butt up over her head and gasped to the surface. “Oh, so it’s MY fault that I keep adventuring with idiots who can’t seem to stay out of monster guts? Seems like I’m an idiot for picking teammates like YOU!” Ella retorted, slamming down her hips and dunking Lianne back into the acids. Lianne’s fists pounded and clawed against Ella’s nude torso and she eventually forced her way back to the surface. The two began to thrash, curse, and fight in the monster’s stomach. The walls were springy and thin, with a lot of give- but so firm as to be unbreakable. To the outside observer it would appear as though a pair of felyne were fighting inside a burlap sack. The pair sword and grappled until they both, exhausted, came to a standstill. The lay there, quiet for a few moments, silent except for the gurgling of the stomach and the dull thump of the heartbeat next to them. “Do you think Rory’s gonna be able to save us…?” Lianne wheezed. “I’m sure he’ll think of something. He sure as hell won’t just leave us here…” Ella sighed. The pair lay silent for a few more moments, when suddenly their container began to shift. The belly sloshed back and forth with rapid motion, and the two hunters hurt a muffled roar, followed up the heaving thuds of footsteps. The girls cried and whined as they were jostled back and forth in the slimy stomach, thoroughly coated with disgusting juices. After what seemed like forever, the running stopped, and the roaring ceased, and the beast simply began to walk. The gentle rocking motion was almost hypnotic in the dim belly. It went on for nearly half an hour before the beast finally laid down, giving the girls once last shake. Its resting breaths caused the stomach to gently swell and compress around them. “You don’t think…” Lianne began. “Don’t.” Ella snapped. Tears began to well up in her eyes. “Don’t even st- start…” She tried to stifle a sob and failed. “Oh… Ella…” Lianne cooed. She knew they were both in a bad spot, but she knew the real issue here. Ella and Rory went way back, much further than either Collette or Lianne. By comparison, they were new additions. “I’m sure he just went to get help…” Lianne murmured, stroking Ella’s back best as she could. Ella continued to heave, sob, and sniffle, before bursting out in a single, loud, cry. “THAT BASTARD! I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM!” she bawled, pounding at the tight sphincter she came in through. The stomach responded by churning slightly, cramming Lianne and Ella together for a moment in a tight, noxious hug. As the pressure subsided, Ella heaved a heavy sigh. Lianne cooed again, and muttered “C’mon, here…” Lianne guided Ella to sit up for a moment, straddling Lianne. Lianne took the moment to strip down- the gear was uncomfortable and not doing any good- and she grabbed Ellas shoulders. Slowly and gingerly rotating, Lianne guided Ella back down so that the pair was spooning, with Lianne positioned as though she were in an undersized hammock. Ella sobbed lightly as Lianne wrapped her arms around her waist and rested her head on Ella’s shoulder. “Shhh… shhh… it’s alright…” Lianne whispered into Ella’s ear. She spent the next few minutes humming and calming Ella down, reassuring her and stroking her as the pair embraced in the tight belly. Hours seemed to pass, and Lianne, though hopeful, began to accept the duo’s fate. Ella was right- they had likely been abandoned by their partner, who used the commotion to escape. She didn’t even hear any shots from outside the beast, so it was unlikely he even was attacked by the smaller Jaggis. He really was a bastard. “Hey…” she murmered into Ella’s ear. “I wanted to say thanks.” “Thanks for what?” Ella responded bluntly. “For taking me to hunt. It didn’t turn out well, but I’m glad we were able to try, and for a while there we were really a team. I’m glad… I got to spend that time with you. And I’m glad we’re together… if we’ve both got to go down like this.” Lianne was moments from crying herself, now. Rather, she leaned in and kissed Ella- a long, warm and passionate one. Ella leaned into it, glad for some comfort in the stomach of the Jaggi. Lianne hadn’t mentioned that she had long sinced lost feeling in her extremities… it seemed that the acids were taking their toll. The pair embraced warmly as the stomach suddenly flexed, grinding down around them. The slumbering monster’s belly began to churn and writhe, stirring the acids and sloshing them over the pair as they kissed. Ella pressed outwards at the walls to keep them at bay- but eventually succumbed as the muscles drove her head under the acid into into the darkness. A few months later A young hunter stalks through the woods with his party, coming to a clearing. A Great Jaggi’s den, strewn with bones and old flesh. He watches as the beast slips into its cave, catching a glimpse of its tail. He takes a closer look at the cave mouth, and sees a greatsword, still lodged in the wall, and a rusty shield, covered in dust. He sighs and dips back into the underbrush. |
I spilled through the open door and hit the stone floor, hard. “The trespasser, as you requested, Mistress” called a shape from the doorway. A curvaceous worshipper, draped in scant, translucent fabric. I caught the glimpse of a smile as she slid from the frame of the door, letting it close softly behind her. My head spun as I struggled to my hands and knees, and my eyes adjusted to the gloom of this chamber. I picked my body up off the stone floor. The worshippers below had stripped me of most of my clothing, leaving only a leather thong and the loop where my sword once hung. Despite my exposure, the room was… tantalizingly warm. Not a single cold draft wafted through the air, and my breath quickly returned to me. The room was dim- no windows or skylights. Only a pair of braziers and a few scattered candles lit the room, filling it with a dull, smoky scent. As I focused, I found my eyes drawn to the back of the room. There sat a monumental bed, piled high with extravagant pillows and fine cloth, all heaped onto each other. In truth, it more resembled a throne than any kind of bed. Upon that throne lay the Dragoness. Not as one might have pictured her, no, but there could be no mistake. She had clearly used some witching magic to take a human form, but there could be no denying that what lounged upon that mattress was no human. She was… immense, for one. At a glance, she was 14, no, 15 hands high. A smattering of scales, ruby colored, caught the flickering lights of the candles and danced like flames encrusted in her amber flesh. A wreath of gnarled horns sprouted from her crown, branching out in every direction like a halo and adorned with golden finery. Even the ends of her smooth limbs were topped with ebon talons the size of daggers. Most telling of all, however, were her eyes. Everything else could have been costume, disguise, or illusion. The eyes could be no such thing. They were a deep, powerful ochre, glowing softly in the gloom. Each was dotted with an inky pit of a pupil, the pair of which smoldered so intensely I could feel them watching me even from my distance vantage. My gaze was fixed on hers for what seemed like minutes. Despite me being a prisoner- a trespasser-and potentially dangerous, she seemed perfectly at ease. She lay in a casual pose, gently twisted to one side, as if caught mid-slumber. Her breast rose and fell in a steady, even rhythm. Despite the warm atmosphere, I began to shudder. I took a breath to speak- but the words didn’t come out. My breath turned to hot cinders in my lungs and I choked, dropping to the floor as my vision blurred and tears streamed down my cheeks. Brave, to assume you could grasp the first word, human. Her voice rose like a fog from the back of the room. It washed over me as I gasped for breath on the ground. She waited bemusedly as I regained my breath and staggered to my feet once more. Drawing ragged breath, and dabbing the tears from my eyes, I once again met her gaze. A chuckle rose from her and she let out a nearly imperceptible sigh. Ah, you poor thing. I always let my pride get the better of me. I forget how fragile you mortal things really are… come here, let me get a look at you…. I hesitated, but only for a moment. There was no running, at least not yet. I just had to play along for now. I just had to endure whatever she planned on putting me through for now, and escape could come later. For now, I had to survive… and survival under a dragon meant obedience. I shuffled forwards into the light of the sconces, stopping at the food of her bed. The Dragoness tilted her head with a coy smile, and spoke with her slow, knowing cadence. Oh…? You’re quite beautiful… and not a human at all, but an Elf. Not some back-city concubine, no… You’re someone different. Where do you come from, girl? The mistress leaned in from her bed as she spoke, reaching out with her talon. Brushing back my shoulder-cut hair over my ears, she turned my head side to side as gently as a mother might. She slowly traced lazy lines down my neck, coiling a path around my breasts and hooking back behind my legs, drawing my closer. Her claws raked down my unprotected thighs, her razor sharp nails turning what little clothing I wore into leather scraps on the floor. I stammered. “I-I’m a member of a b-burglar’s guild. We make work wi-“ Burglar’s guild? She cooed, cutting me off. I winced as she withdrew her hand, fearing she might take a piece of me with her. Such funny names you mortals make for common thieves and cutpurses. I said nothing. I dared say nothing. Let’s be honest with each other, if just for a moment. You, my darling, are a Thief. You intended to steal from me, plunder my hoard, and make it your own, yes? I merely stared up from where I stood, like a child being chastised. Answer me. “Yes.” I choked. “I… I meant to steal from you.” And what exactly did you mean to steal from me…? “A-anything… s-something of value, which could be sold…” Mmmmm… She purred, teasing her lip with those long, inky talons. So you sought to take a piece of me and make it yours. But turnabout is fair play, no…? I stared at her, confused, for a heartbeat. All at once, she leaned forwards, scooping me forward with her arms and beckoning me onto the bed. I clambered forwards, over the brass foot of the bed, and stumbled as she drew me further and further. Losing my balance I fell forwards, landing with a soft thump against her body. …Do you understand now? You’re mine. Only now did I understand her true immensity. As I lay atop her belly, I found my horizons being assaulted by the vastness of her form. Her arms, criss-crossed on top of me pinned me to the soft, scaly flesh of her stomach, which could have served as a bed for me. Her hips formed a girdle around mine, wide and encompassing, as her strong legs lifted and squeezed my own, dragging both down into the plush comfort of the mattress. Even her bosom was prodigious in size, threatening to swallow up the last vestiges of view I had of her face- save for the sliver of orange glow still peaking through from in between. Pressed up against her like this, I felt like I was drowning. Unable to move even an inch- from fear or her inhuman strength, I cannot tell which- I was forced to submit. I felt as though her very form would swallow me up, consuming me with its shadow, eclipsing me entirely…. And then, she let go. Smiling sadistically, she grabbed me in her talons, lifting me until I was nose to nose with her laying my chest down atop hers. I sank deep into her mountainous breasts, a soft and sweltering cushion. I stared in disbelief at her, peering up into her eyes. At this distance, their intensity was only magnified- the heat was almost unbearable, like being inches from a furnace. She spoke. You’re a piece of my hoard now, a piece of me. An extension of my will. Property. You mortals take slaves, but you buy and sell those. I do no such thing. You are mine, to be enjoyed and used as I see fit. Just like everything else in this room, the walls, the candles, the cushions- you are mine. And just like those things, I have a particular use in mind for you. Grinning wickedly, her claws glided past me in the flickering torchlight, pinching at a scant cloth that had been covering her nethers. Peeling it away, she revealed her slick vulva, already wet with anticipation. Their lips were adorned with piercings and jeweled cord, like some hallow treasure. The Dragoness let out a smug chuckle as I gazed down in apprehension. So, I was that kind of prisoner…? Steeling myself, I picked myself up from her bosom. Again, I reassured myself, I had to endure until an opportunity presented itself. And enduring meant obeying. I slowly descended the Dragoness’ form, settling myself in the cavernous valley that was the space between her thighs. Even in this shadowy crevice, her slit was a sight. Completely hairless, marked only by some stray patches of fine scales, it awakened something inside me. I had taken other women in this way before, but this Dragoness put them all to shame in more ways than one. I might as well… make the most of it… I leaned in, pressing my tongue to the moist folds. Sliding in as far as I could with each stroke, I fervently gulped down the Dragoness’ fluids as I ate her out. Nearly immediately, my efforts began to take effect. A nearly… animalistic sigh breathed out from above me. A great heaving exhalation, heavy with lust and hunger. Seeing this as a good thing, I redoubled, adding my fingers to the mix and teasing her clit with my thumb as I drove myself further in. In all honesty, the feeling of her satisfaction, the radiating warmth from her flesh tensing all around me… I began to get a little into it myself. Pulling back with one of my hands, I worked my own clit as well, greedily fingering my vulva as I ravenously ate out the Dragoness. I felt her coo and moan above me, deep, guttural sounds that I instinctively knew were speaking praises. I peeled back from her folds, a thick strand of juices stuck to my lips. I gazed up for approval as I licked my lips, hoping for some indication of a job well done… But what met we was despair. Her taloned hand grabbed my head as if she were palming a fruit and shoved my head back into her vagina, burying my mouth, nose, and chin beneath her flesh. Her thighs squeezed in around me, trapping me in a pitch black, crushing bind as her soft legs constricted me from all angles. Violently she gasped as she guided my skull up and down her slit, dragging my lips across hers and pressing me deep into the folds of her vulva. My arms, though pinned to my sides, clutched at the underside of her legs, grasping at her thighs and butt but finding no purchase. My struggles warranted nothing but a breathy laugh from the Dragoness, whose rasping, lusty gasps we all I could hear. This torture continued for what felt like eternity, and I started to lose consciousness as my breath ran out…. Her thighs suddenly parted as the Dragoness hissed out a satisfied sigh, closing her eyes, and releasing her grip on my skull. I snapped back from her vagina, gasping and sputtering for breath as I reeled backwards, flinging myself down the bed. I landed face-down, huddled in a heap at the foot of the mattress amongst a number of discarded pillows and trinkets. I belched up sweet, clear fluid from my throat and nostrils, barely able to breathe. I lay there for a few moments, smearing my face on the soft linens and clothes beneath me. So far, so good… I assured myself. I can do this. I peered over my shoulder, apprehensive to know what else the mistress had in store. What I saw next I…. did not expect. The Dragoness was panting, her bosom heaving in heavy, long breaths. She looked down at me with a malicious glint in her eye, as if an idea had come to her. Taking one claw and placed it to her groin, she muttered something I did not comprehend and drew her hand away in a long, fluid motion. Underneath her hand, her flesh… realigned itself. Magic energies undid and redid that which was there until… where once was her vulva now lay an erect penis, nearly the length of my forearm. I instinctively clutched the bedsheets tightly. I looked away. If she was that rough during foreplay, I began to fear that I might not make it if she went all out at that moment. Frantically searching for an out, my eyes finally fell upon my answer, hidden amongst the baubles and trinkets at the foot of the throne. A dagger, elegantly carved, with a hilt the shape of a serpent, inlaid with jewels. If I could get that… If I could find an opening, then I could… My thought process was cut short as the Dragoness’ new cock gently brushed against my checks as she leaned forwards, looming over me. Her shadow fell squarely over me, blotting out the light from the torches. The orange glow from her eyes was all that illuminated the bed here. Remember… you’re mine… she purred as she reared back, placing the head of her cock at the sensitive folds of my vagina. Facing away from her, and grasping the brass bars of the bed, I bit down on the sheets as she drove herself inwards. I saw stars. The pain was blinding, and yet, there was something else happening to me. Again and again she thrust into me, pressing deeper and deeper with every pump. Tears began to stream down my face as every inch of my being was forced to submit under the Dragoness. The worst of it all was that…. inbetween thrusts, in the half a heartbeats’ time I had clarity of thought, I saw the look of ecstasy on the mistress’ face. This look gratified me, a disgusting realization that I was enjoying being this Dragon’s toy, her property. I was enjoying this torture because it was bringing her joy, and that revolted me. I couldn’t take it anymore. The Dragoness’s claws dug into my hips, grabbing me tightly as she had her way. After a few minutes, however, she released my side, and grabbed my shoulder to flip me onto my back. This was my opportunity. Eyes still blurred by pain and tears I lunged for that dagger, sneaking it down under my chest as I was pivoted around like a doll in her hands. Clutching the blade like a prayer I leaned forwards, grasping her shoulder, and plunged the dagger straight into her heart. - I was nose-to-nose with the smiling face of the Dragoness once again. Her eyes, which I had seen glow with malice and rage and greed, now simply shone softly with amusement. I felt the dagger sink deeper and deeper into her heart, yet I could only look at her face. “I… I’m sorry, Mistress…” I whimpered. I’m not sure why. The Dragoness only chuckled coldly. She looked down, and my eyes followed. Where I had stabbed her, the blade did not enter. The metal had melted to soft putty, and bent- what I held now was a useless, edgeless, wad of metal with handle. The harder I dug it in, the more it melted back, until I simply let it go. It rolled to the bottom of the bed, slipping through the bars of the footer and hitting the ground with a clatter. I sank back down into the sheets beneath me. Never before had I felt so small, like a rowboat before a great storm. The Dragoness’s eyes smoldered intensely, never once looking away from me or blinking. A glimmer of hope clung to my heart, daring to promise that I might not face punishment- but before the thought could finished, the mistress lunged. One clawed hand found itself around my neck like a searing vice, clamping down with impossible, iron strength. I had no time to even speak. I like a little fire in my slaves. murmured the Dragoness. That’s why I prefer freshly-captured ones who haven’t yet broken themselves against me. But still… She leaned in close, hissing into my ear with boiling breath. Naughty toys need to be punished. Driving her cock into me all at once, I nearly passed out. She renewed her assault with a hundred fold more intensity, throttling my neck and picking up my hips, contorting my fragile form like clay in her hands. I stood no chance as she penetrated me over and over. Minutes in, my vision faded. Snot and spit pooled from my mouth and nose as my eyes rolled back in my head. I had stopped ‘crying’ minutes ago, what was happening to me now was reflexive. Why? Because I was loving every moment of it. The sheer overwhelming force as she bared down on me. It was hypnotic, watching her ferocious, beautiful form undulate over me, silhouetted by torchlight. Again and again she savaged my wrecked body, switching holes as she pleased, and it pleased both her and me. In some twisted part of my head I think I justified enjoying it to myself. I had given it my best shot. I had done the best with what I could. But what could an elf do to a dragon? A goddess? Days and nights might have passed, I would not have remembered, but eventually, the movement stopped. I found myself in a puddle at the bottom of the bed, limbs splayed out like a ragdoll. The torches and candles and the mistresses’ eyes flared like stars in my distorted vision, and I couldn’t help but smile. I survived. It was great. There was a sudden beating in my chest as I thought of the Dragoness. I hope she lets me love her I thought, unable to hush my own thoughts. If my fate’s out of my hand I want it to be in hers… And with that, my head rolled back, and my vision went black. - When I came to, I was resting atop her belly once again, my head propped against her breast like a pillow. The steady breath of the Dragoness thrummed underneath me. Her cock, still turgid, stood beneath my feet. One of the mistress’s hands gently nursed the rod with a claw, drawing tender lines up and down the length. I waited for a moment, resting, but then I dared to speak. I had to know. “Mistress…. did I… do well?” I managed to pant out with labored breaths. The Dragoness was silent for a moment, and then laughed. Her laugh was the tolling of a bell, long, and deep and rolling. I didn’t understand what it meant but it was just as musical to me. Each syllable bounced me up and down. Do well? What in heavens does one mean by that? Did you think that was some sort of test? Feeling ashamed, I pressed on. “I thought that, if I persevered, you might… favor me. I understand why you’re worthy of worship…” I murmured. The Dragoness laughed again, softer this time. Ah… well. I’m afraid not. I’m afraid it’s just a habit of mine to enjoy meals before I finish them. - I pondered this for only a heartbeat before my head snapped backwards. I caught only a glimpse- the Dragoness’s head, lunging downwards, mouth gaping wide revealing the myriad wicked, perfect teeth inside. Her long, purple, forked tongue writhed like a snake, and the greedy muscles of her throat pulsed in anticipation. Her eyes, starting down her nose at me, with no love or appreciation, only hunger and amusement- amusement from a toy that had filled its purpose. I tried to scream, but I wasn’t fast enough. Her lips closed around my head and chest instantaneously, and I was plunged into darkness. My breasts were immediately under assault by her tongue, which wriggled and coiled around me, feeling out every inch of my body as dexterous as a hand might. I tried to pull myself out in a frenzy, grabbing at anything- her jewelry, her hair, even her breasts as I scrabbled for purchase. She simply moaned with pleasure at my struggles, ingesting my body with singular purpose. A solitary swallow was enough to dislodge my grip and pull both hands into her mouth as my head shot down her throat. The air was forced from my lungs and an acrid stench filled my nostrils. She swallowed again, and once more. Hearty gulps, wet with saliva and sweat and juices forced from my body that leaked from the corners of her mouth. Though I struggled frantically, screaming and kicking, in just a few moments, I could feel her lips close around my toes and a final gulp sent me straight down. I howled a deafening curse as my body was balled up and I was plunged downwards into what I could only describe as a cauldron. I was submerged in vat of boiling juices, held close to my body by the elastic walls of her stomach. A dull orange glow illuminated the sludge, filling the belly with an eerie ochre light. Even when I managed to find some miracle purchase on the wall and right myself, the only breathing room was a narrow bubble of air at the top of the cavern. My legs slipped beneath me, forcing me into the fetal position as my back and butt were cradled by the thick, plush flesh of her stomach wall. The juices flowed quickly up to my shoulders sloshing around me as I thrashed in a manic fright. “NO!” I screeched. “I MADE IT THROUGH! I ENDURED! IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO END LIKE THIS! MISTRESS! PLEASE!” - On the outside, the Dragoness’s stomach showed only a small bulge, a modest potbelly thanks to the sheer size different between the mistress and her possession. The Dragoness caressed her stomach gingerly, tracing her claws along it, feeling every squirm and writhing movement that the thief could bare to muster. Even the girl’s screams caused pleasant vibrations that made the Dragoness purr with delight. The Dragoness reclined like this for a time. Her stomach churned and gurgled as the struggles inside continued. The dragoness could even tell when the girl had changed tactics, attempting to claw at her from the inside, or perhaps try to ascend the throat through the top. The mistress chuckled. A hundred humans and a hundred more had become part of her hoard this way, many of them powerful warriors, scholarly magickers, and thieves far more cunning than her little cutpurse here. The poor thief had no idea exactly how hopeless her situation was, but the Dragoness found the dying throes amusing for that very reason. Eventually, something caught the Dragoness’s eye. The door, once closed, was now ajar- a sliver of orange light peeking through from the stairwell beyond. Sighing bemusedly, the Dragoness heaved herself off the bed, her stomach sloshing in protested. She glided across the stone tiles, swinging the door open. Standing there was the worshipper priestess, hands behind her back. She stood at attention, but the Dragoness’ eyes were keen. A thin line of fluids ran a rivulet down her leg, and a certain flush colored the worshipper’s cheeks. The Dragoness reached behind the girl’s back, pulling her hand forwards- a slick, shiny hand covered in the same juices. You were watching again, were you not? sneered the Dragoness. “A-ah…” stammered the priestess. “I cannot help myself, for your performances are … exhilarating to even behold.” The Dragoness smirked, taking the hand in hers and placing in into her mouth and suckling it clean. She pulled out the fingers with a soft slurp and let the hand go. The poor priestess could endure no more, and quivered as a small strand fell from between her legs and landed on the stone with a plip. Tch. Thank your honeyed words that you haven’t found yourself as a meal quite yet.” “Ah… Mistress, if only I should be so lucky.” the worshipper crooned caressing herself with the cleaned hand. On that note… I’ll be needing more slaves. My hunger is sated for now… but my other appetites remain unfulfilled. Bring me another… actually, make it two. “Right away, Mistress” the priestess confirmed, curtseying with her dainty scraps of linen. She stepped forwards, taking the Dragoness’s belly in both hands, and planted a light kiss upon it. The stomach merely let out a soft gurgle in response. The priestess smiled and descended the steps quickly, eager to please. The Dragoness watched her descend and returned to the room, caressing her stomach. The door swung shut behind her. |
"Hello, and welcome back to the 2008 Ultimate Unbirthing Championship!" The stadium lights spun around the arena , illuminating the huge crowd. "Tonight we're going to see some girls get juiced, squished, and maybe even liquefied! And, if we're lucky, it might even be in the arena!" As the cameras panned over the all female crowd, it was clear that many of the women had removed their clothes, some even openly masturbating to the show. "Let's get a look at our next match!" The lights shifted to illuminate the arena itself, revealing two contestants. "Let's give cheer to Katie Anderson from South Carolina!" On one side of the ring, a short, brown-skinned girl waved at the audience, dressed only in a tied-off t-shirt. Several girls in the front row were carrying a large handmade sign that said "Katie 4 Champ", along with a crude drawing of a girl with a pair of legs sticking out of her vagina. When Katie waved at them, they cheered. "Katie's a newcomer this year - don't bother memorising her name, folks. She's probably not going to survive her opponent, Beverly Blender!" Katie flipped off the camera as it spun to the opposite corner to the other contestant. Beverly Blender was a veteran fighter, a tall fit woman with pale skin and a cruel smile. She was dressed in a tight leotard that covered her breasts, but left her vagina exposed. The crowd cheered as she was announced, drowning out the boo's that came from Katie's friends. "Our survival computer says that there's a 98% chance of a Blender victory, but if Katie can get lucky, she might- oh, looks like the referee has started the match..." In the arena, a referee in black and white rang a bell to signal the beginning of the match. She quickly slipped out of the ring as the two opponents advance, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire. As the two opponents came into grappling range, they paused, alert for each other's attack. Suddenly, Beverly feinted to the right, as if to grab her opponent's leg. Katie leapt backward, and then struck at Beverly's exposed left side, but she easily spun away from the attack. Beverly charged forward with her shoulder, knocking Katie off her feet. As Katie clumsily rolled away, it was clear that Beverly was simply toying with the unexperienced girl. As Katie staggered back to her feet, her friends cheering her on, Beverly laughed out loud. Enraged, Katie charged at Beverly, trying to knock her off her feet as well. Just before Katie reached her, Beverly side stepped, and stuck out her foot. Katie crashed to the ground again, but rolled onto her back, barely managing to avoid Beverly's grab for her hair. Beverly responded by stamping hard on Katie's shin, causing the brown girl to shriek and clutch her foot. The crowd let out a mix of boos and cheers, and even one of Katie's friends let out a cheer before she could stop herself. "Judging by how wet Beverly is, she's going to try and wrap this match up quickly. Her cunt must be eager for another girl to eat. That fan she mulched during her autograph signings must not have been very filling! Well, she was only thirteen…" Beverly made another grab for Katie's hair, keen to stuff the younger girl's face into her slit. As she groped for her opponent's hair, Katie sprang forward and bit the woman's fingers, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough for Beverly to jump back in surprise. As Beverly stepped back , her foot caught on Katie's injured shin, and she stumbled. Seizing her chance, Katie lunged for Beverly's waist, catching her off guard and both collapsed in a pile of flailing limbs. As Katie tried to rise, Beverly grabbed her head with both hands, and swung her lower body upwards, trying to slam her vagina into Katie's face. Katie jerked her head upwards, missing the hungry maw by a hair's breadth, but not before the smell of femcum filled her nostrils. As Beverly's ass smacked back down onto the mat, Katie punched the pale woman in the gut, and pulled herself free of Beverly's grasp. As Beverly clutched her stomach, Katie spun around and squatted, trying to drop her vagina onto Beverly. Beverly let go of her bruised belly and grabbed Katie's falling asscheeks, barely avoiding a match ending finisher. A moment later, she swung her lower body upwards again, this time using her legs to wrap around Katie's neck. The two women were now locked in a battle of strength, each trying to pull their opponent towards their vagina, and push their opponents vagina away, as the crowd screamed for blood. "What an intense battle! Looks like the girl from South Carolina has a hungrier cunt than anyone was expecting! It's neck and neck now, both women should know that it's game over if their opponent can slide them in!" As the two women struggled, it became clear that one of them was stronger than the other. Beverly was tall and slender, and used to a diet of slavering fans and native newcomers. Katie, on the other hand, was short and fit, and used to fighting for her meals. Over the course of a few moments, it went from a struggle between the two wrestlers, to Beverly struggling to push Katie's slit away, and finally to Beverly trying and failing to hold back the doom descending towards her. Katie grinned and laughed out loud, her juices dripping onto Beverly's terrified face, as the crowd grew silent in anticipation. "Against all odds and expectations, could Katie Anderson go all the way?" Katie's orgasmic moan echoed above the sound of the crowd as Beverly's strength failed and her vagina met the pale woman's face. The crowd erupted into cheers as Katie sucked Beverly's head into herself, Beverly's arms and legs trashing wildly in terror. As much as Beverly fought, she couldn't escape her shoulders, and then her arms being pulled inside. When Katie's vagina reached her waist, Katie grabbed her flailing ankles and used them push Beverly inside her even faster, moaning from the incredible pleasure. Finally, even Beverly's squirming toes were pulled inside, and Katie was left with a huge, struggling belly. The crowd was cheering and masturbating to Katie's victory, with Katie's friends managing to do both at the same time. One of them pulled out the dildo they had been masturbating with and threw it into the ring towards Katie, who caught it, licked it clean and immediately plunged it into herself, eager to juice her opponent, whose screams of absolute terror were easily drowned out by the roar of the crowd. "Looks like Katie's not going to squish her opponent, but let her suffer! Beverly must be begging for death right about now, but Katie won't give her that mercy. Looks like the girl from South Carolina has a sense of humour, too." After what seemed like an agonising eternity for the girl getting juiced, Katie's belly stopped moving and began to diminish, the outline of the former woman softening as she turned to femcum. Finally, Katie let out a shout as she orgasmed, opening her legs wide. Beverly sprayed out, soaking the mat first as a jet of liquid, then as a heavy torrent of femcum from Katie's vagina. Finally, she was reduced to a small flow running down the brown girl's thighs. The crowd was cheering and orgasming themselves as the referee declared Katie the winner. "Well folks, that was one unexpected victory. Katie Anderson, with the 2% expected chance of victory, has walked away with the pink medal. We can imagine that there' s a lot of people who bet on Blender who'll be paying that debt inside their bookie tonight. Looks like that's all for tonight, so we'll see you next time. As always, you can catch the highlights, in slow motion, on our website! The Ultimate Unbirthing Championships will see you tomorrow night! |
There's no easy way to say this, but; you have a gambling habit. It's more than a pastime for you to gamble on the vore casino, it's a lifestyle. Pretty much all of your spare cash goes toward your money-wasting hobby, and it's impressive how little you've managed to win compared to the amount of money you've lost. Hell, you even met your girlfriend of three years at the betting tables, since her addiction to betting is almost as bad as yours.It's not the smartest hobby, but then again, you're not particularly bright, a trait your girlfriend seems to find endearing. That being said, it's hard to blame you for getting addicted to betting in a vore casino. When you have blackjack tables where the punishment for losing is getting eaten, televisions displaying survival games where patrons bet on whether prey will manage to escape from hungry predators and even an unbirth fighting arena, even the most intelligent person can get lost in luxury. Your personal favourite is the live vore show, where a girl is shrunk and swallowed by a vore performer, live on stage, and the viewers get to bet on whether the victim will make it out alive. Unsurprisingly, survival on the part of the victim is very rare, but you always bet that she'll make it out alive. Watching your money, and the victim, go down the toilet always makes your cock rock hard. Still, eventually debts catch up to everyone in the end. The casino was nice enough, or possibly cruel enough, to let you open a tab when you ran out of money. When you continued to lose, your girlfriend was kind enough to help the one she loved by opening her bank account to you, only to watch her own savings get drained in a matter of days. Now, with no money at all left, and a debt to a vore casino only increasing, the two of you have been asked to meet with the owner to discuss how you're going to repay them. The back rooms of the casino are surprisingly bare compared to the rooms where actual gambling takes place. Your local vore casino is a rather cheap joint, and the owner doesn't even have her own office, instead meeting the two of you at her desk in the changing room for the vore performers. It's impossible for your eyes not to wander over to the incredibly well-endowed women changing into the sexy costumes. They display no interest in the two penniless patrons holding hands in front of the terrifying owner of the casino, save a merciless snicker. "Hey, eyes front, bankrupt boy." The owner of the casino, Sandra, is clearly a former performer herself, judging by her proportions and attire. You expected her to be a predator, of course, but the sheer size of her tits and ass are distracting like no other. Her outfit, a jacket over a tube top and jeans so tight they looked painted on, certainly enhanced the effect. Every time the H-cups jiggle, you wonder how many people gave their lives for them. You can tell that her tits and ass must be from vore, since her belly is taut and flat as an athlete, a common sign of a constant people eater. "So, you two have nothing left again! There's a limit to how generous we can be, you know. You had until today to pay us back, but you can't do that, and we know you can't." She points at your girlfriend, who squeezes your hand in terror. "First off, I own you now, bitch, so come over here." She beckons to your girlfriend, who, after a moment, reluctantly lets go of your hand and stands up. Sandra takes her by the shoulder and makes her stand next to the wall, and looks her up and down before laughing. "I'd make you a performer, but you're way too skinny. So I have a much more fun idea." Sandra turns back to you, and pulls a large amount of cash from her pocket. She throws the cash into your lap, and you look at it, then at her, in confusion. She laughs again. "You're good looking, so I'll give you another chance, alright? But there's a catch." From her pocket, Sandra pulls a small device. Before either of you can react, she presses a button and the device zaps your girlfriend. In horror, you watch as your girlfriend begins to slowly shrink. "You have until the end of the night to pay back the money. But if you fail, I'll swallow you and turn you both into one big log in my toilet. Got that?" It's a hopeless task, considering the size of your debt, but you just nod in agreement. Sandra picks up your girlfriend, now about a foot tall, and shoves her into her mouth. In a move so smooth, you know it must have been performed dozens of times before, your girlfriend's entire body is swallowed in less than five seconds. The lump travels down Sandra's neck and disappears behind her giant rack, leaving nothing but a minor bulge below her breasts. The woman burps in contentment, her hands rubbing the new slight bulge in her stomach. Sandra beckons you closer, and lifts up her hefty tits. You lean forward and press your ear against her remarkably taut stomach. Your girlfriend's screams are terrifying. "She's collateral until we get the money, pipsqueak, and she's not coming out until the debt is paid, or my guts are done with her." You pull your head back quickly and nod shamefully at her, and she smirks. "Better hurry then, I can practically already feel my tits getting bigger." You're not sure that's possible, but you have no time to argue. ***** Your first stop is the live show. The odds of a victim surviving is very low, but the payoff is huge if it happens, so it's your best bet. Well, actually, it isn't, but you can't stop yourself. There's already a large crowd of men and women, some of which are already masturbating. This particular live show features a sexy blonde futa named Lacey, and judging by her cock size, she's used to winning. You're a bit cheered by this, since it's easier to escape a ballsack than a stomach, on average. The victim is a teenage girl named Yuna, who looks like she couldn't beat a cold, let alone a hungry pair of testicles. Still, you always vainly say that that just means a bigger payoff if you win. Yuna has barely started disrobing before Lacey's cock is standing at full attention, and the shrink ray zaps her the moment her clothes are off. Wasting no time, Lacey picks her up and inserts her legs into her hungry shaft, which eagerly swallows the young girl. You watch in nervous anticipation as Yuna, and a large amount of the money Sandra gave you to save your girlfriend, go down Lacey's cock and into her balls. It's now up to Yuna to escape alive. Lacey is clearly enjoying herself, as she immediately begins jerking off. She's clearly a veteran predator, well aware that her own arousal will speed up the digestion process. One hand is furiously pumping her shaft, and the other pinching her nipples. You can see her nutsack bouncing wildly, and you hope that Yuna is making some kind of progress. Though the crowd is loving the show, the next five minutes are extremely tense for you, as you hope for any sign of Yuna's escape. Finally, Lacey stops masturbating, and looks around at her viewers. Seeing you, she smiles, and walks down the stage steps toward you, her erect cock bouncing with every step. Once she's in front of you, she leans down and whispers in your ear. "You're the high roller who made a big bet, yes? Here's your prize, cutie..." She leans back and resumes masturbating, the head of her cock into your face. Before you can say anything, she ejaculates all over you, blasting thick ropes of cum all over your face. It seems that Yuna didn't manage to escape Lacey's hungry testicles, except as the load now decorating your face. You, rather shamefully, feel your fully erect cock straining to escape, as you taste Yuna's last early remains on your lips. Her cock now empty, Lacey kisses her finger and presses it to your lips, before turning and leaving to great applause by the rest of the audience. ***** After cleaning yourself up in the casino's bathroom, you decide to try your luck elsewhere. Your second stop is the bar where the latest survival game is being streamed on a huge television. Today's event is a challenge where ten prey girls try to escape from ten predator women in a large arena. You place a bet on one of the ten girls escaping, and sit down with your complimentary beer. The round goes quite well for you, with nine of the ten girls quickly ending up eaten, and one girl managing to find a nice hiding spot. Your hopes are soaring as the time limit nears an end, until one predator chances across her prey, with less than a minute to go. Watching the last girl get swallowed, you can't help but feel annoyed at the girl for ruining your bet. You watch until the ten predators line up together and squat to release their prey in front of the cameras. Clasping their ass cheeks in unison, you watch even more of your money slide out of their collective asses. Your third stop is the unbirth fighting arena, in the hopes that an easy bet will boost your money reserves. You take what seems to be a sure bet, a veteran fighter beating a newcomer, and settle in to watch the match. Given your luck so far, it's not that surprising when the newcomer utterly demolishes the veteran, juicing her in a matter of seconds before unbirthing the referee as well. You decide to leave when the people who just had a huge payoff from betting on the newcomer start celebrating her as a fighting prodigy. Your fourth stop is the blackjack tables. You would normally never consider something so dangerous, but you're desperate. The dealer is a sweet-looking young girl named Candy, her pretty pink-dyed hair tied into a ponytail and her dress distractingly low-cut. The other people at the table barely acknowledge you joining them, and the dealer deals you in without missing a beat. The game goes pretty badly for you, unfortunately, as the dealer is both flirty and ruthless. Luckily for you, the girl next to you goes bust before you do, and you decide to cut your losses as the dealer swallows her down. Your last stop is the large machine in the corner. It's big, with flashing lights and a big alarm to let everyone in the casino know if someone wins. You only need a single coin to play, which is luck since, you only have three left. It's also next to the exit, since it's designed to suck the last bit of money from people who have already lost practically everything, and want to cling to the dream of being the person who wins big at the last second. You are embodying that dream as you drop your last three coins into the machine. The first play nets you nothing, the second nets you nothing, the third hits the big jackpot. Now completely broke, you sigh and wonder what you're going to do now. Without money, there's no way your girlfriend will be... wait, what? Jackpot? The alarm is ringing, the lights are flashing, and everyone in the casino is looking at you as you stare in shocked confusion at the machine, which is displaying more money than you've ever had in your life, possibly collectively. A seven figure sum is difficult to process for someone who had three coins to their name a few seconds before. You feel a tap on the shoulder and turn to see Candy, the dealer from earlier, her dress pulled up to reveal her struggling belly. "Hey, you won, didn't you?" You don't answer, still confused. "You did! You won the grand prize!" Candy puts an arm around your shoulder, smiling happily at you, and turns you toward the crowd of people gathering around the machine. "We have a winner. A grand prize winner. How lucky is that!?" ***** "Wait, you what?" Sandra looks incredulous at the money you're holding. Once the dealer helped you claim your prize money, in a stylish briefcase no less, she took you back to the changeroom to talk to the owner. "You actually managed to... are you serious?" You can't quite believe it either, but the money seems real enough. "But that thing's just designed to take the last bit of money from people who think they're going to be the one who wins with their last... er, anyway." You have no idea what she's talking about, but you're ready to pay the debt in full, so you hope that Sandra can let your girlfriend out now? "Oh, her?!" Sandra 's eyes dart between you and the briefcase beside you, not looking you in the eyes. Her hands drop to her abdomen instead of her stomach, oddly."Yes, she's, uh, still alive. Yes. Definitely alive. Definitely not digested and, ooooh, trickling through my guts right now." You're overjoyed to hear that she's apparently alive, and ask when she can be let out. "Yeah, soon. Real soon." Sandra awkwardly pats her flat stomach. "Yeah, she's, uh, really kicking in there." A loud fart ripples out her perfect ass, literally causing the fat to ripple slightly. "Oh god, I gotta let her out right now." She turns and sprints out of the room, holding her abdomen again. At the doorway, she stops and turns back to you. "Out of my mouth, I mean. Not my ass." You happily nod to her as she leaves. For a short while, you sit in the change room, enjoying the sight of the performers changing. You also wonder what you're going to do with your new money. You'll split it with your girlfriend, of course, once she's back. Candy waves at you from her locker, and once you turn to look at her, she smiles and flashes her nipples. You get the feeling that she might be flirting with you. She’s not the only one. Most of the girls seem interested in you now, including Lacey, who is sitting with her legs spread towards you, her cock on full display. Your eyes are drawn between her legs for a while, before your phone unexpectedly buzzes. It's a text, from your girlfriend, amazingly enough. "hey its me ur girlfriend. Sandra totally let me out, but i'm leaving without you and also breaking up with you cause you suck and i've been cheating on you and stuff. i haven't been digested and dumped into a toilet or anything, bye." The text message is shocking to say the least. Not just to hear that your girlfriend is breaking up with you, but also that she is cheating on you as well? You wonder if your girlfriend blamed you for her almost getting digested, and you realize it must be true. "Oh hey, it's crazy, are you alright?" Sandra walks back into the changeroom, stuffing something phone-shaped into her pocket. "I let out your girlfriend, but she ran off and said she was leaving you?" She sits down next to you, her hand rubbing your thigh in what seems to be a consoling gesture. Well, rubbing closer to your crotch, honestly. "Isn't that just karma that she'll miss out on your jackpot? I can't believe you became rich and conveniently single in one night. Crazy, right?" Her hand is now just on your cock, but the events of the last few minutes are somehow managing to distract you from the massive tits next to your face. It's almost unbelievable. "Anyway, it's definitely true. Lacey saw it too!" Sandra points at the naked futa, who is still displaying her genitals to you. The futanari looks confused for a second, before catching the look on Sandra's face and nodding quickly. "See, it's true. She was cheating on you anyway, so don't even look for her, that's my advice. It's not so bad being single, though. I'm single, if you're curious." You're not really listening to her, so you just sigh sadly and nod. You're not quite sure what to do now. Sandra awkwardly pats your shoulder for a moment, before grimacing and holding her abdomen again. "Oh, there's still more of her to... er, I mean, I have to go attend to some business that I thought was finished. Please give me the money now, and I'll strike your debt from our list." You hand over the money, a small fraction of the money you won, and watch Sandra dash out of the room again. Once Sandra is gone again, Candy walks over and sits down naked beside you. Her belly is still, and you assume the woman who had been sitting next to you at the blackjack table is now enjoying the afterlife. "So did my ears deceive me, or did I hear that you're single now?" She smiles sweetly at you, as Lacey sits down next to you as well. "Single, yes?" Lacey agrees, and the two beautiful girls each take one of your hands. You entered the casino with no money and one girlfriend, and are leaving it with a great amount of money and at least two girlfriends. Perhaps the bad luck in your life was just leading up this moment, or perhaps your bad luck had left with your girlfriend, who was assuredly not being used to paint a toilet bowl by Sandra's ass. Either way, you'll definitely be coming back to the casino, and soon. |
The odd job Invite Ineverlikedpublicrestrooms.Theyalwayssmelledbad,lookedbad,andfeltbad.It’slikeall theworld’sfilthisconcentratedinpublicrestrooms,neverclean.YetI’mstandinginoneright now.Istandthereforafewminutesstaringatthegirlinthemirror,me.Ilookatmyhair, wavylockscoloredblueandthenfadingintopink.Ialwaysfeellikethat’saclichécolor combination.Blueandpink.PeoplewouldsaytomethatthecolorssuitmesinceIhaveblue eyesaswell.Ijustwishthatmyeyeswerepinkinstead.Itwouldsuitmyhairandlook cooler.Myfacealsohaspiercingsinsomeplaces,nothingtooattentiongrabbing,onlyafew ringshereandthere.Ilikepiercings,Ithinktheylookcute.AlthoughIhadtokeepitminimal sincemyfamilylikesgivingmeglaresforit.It’salsothereasonwhymytattoosareallin easy-to-hideplaces.ThetattoosaremostlymythologicalsymbolsthatIfindneat;theeyeof Horus,theKabbalah,theVegvísirandabiblicalangel.I’mtalkingaboutthetypeofangels that are just several metal rings with eyes and blinding lights of chaos. Really cool. InthemidstofmythoughtsInoticeoutofthecornerofmyeyeawomanisglancingoverto me.Ilookatherandsheturnsaway,smirking.She’satleastaheadtallerthanmewith blondecurvyhairgoingdowntohershoulders.It’squitesimilarinshapetomyownhair, except mine is quite a bit shorter. “You feeling alright?” she asks. I’m guessing she noticed how long I’ve been standing here. “Have had better days” I reply. “Oh? What’s wrong? Money tight?” “Kinda, it’s been difficult for me lately” “Ah is that so? Y’know I have an odd job you could do for me, earn a handful of cash” “Ah sorry I don’t th-” I’mcutshortbyherslippingasumofmoneyintomypocket.Ican’ttellexactlyhowmuch money it is but it feels like a lot. “That’sonefourthofyourpay.I’llgiveyoutheotherthreefourthsifyoushowuptodothe job” “What’s the job?” “I’mlookingforanadultactressformyupcomingscenethenextfriday,someoneofyour body type would be perfect” “You want me to do porn?” “We call it ‘adult film’ in the industry” she scoffs “but yeah, it’s porn” She places her hand on the pocket with the money. “Themoneyhereisyourstokeepnomatterwhatyoudecide.Butifyoudecidetohelpme out then you can quadruple it” She chuckles and heads towards the door. “Give it a thought or two, I’ve left my contacts, time and place with the money” And with that she’s gone. Not giving it another word. Intermission Thenextdayhappenstobeadaybeforethe‘scene’asshecalledit.I’msittinginmylocal coffee shop with my friend and we’re discussing the situation. “You’re not thinking of ACTUALLY going, are you?” she retorts “I am, I think I could use the money” “But she already gave you some! Tons of it!” “I could quadruple the money just by doing the job. It’s probably not hard” “Yeah but it’s also dangerous. I mean what if th-” MyfriendkeepsontalkingbutatthispointIhadzonedoutcompletely.Ihaveatendencyto dothat.ThistimeI’mwatchingthepigeonsoutsidethecoffeeshopwindow,dawdlingabout andpickingatseedsthatsomeoldwomenhadthrownatthem.Ithinkabouthowthe pigeonseatwiththeirface,noneedforanyarms.Ithinkabouthowtheygetthroughlife withoutarmsandiftheirlifewouldbeeasierwitharms.Iwonderhowmylifewouldbe without arms. “Are you even listening to me?” I perk up and shake my head as if I was just dozing off “Huh, yeah, I getcha” Shestaresatmeforasecondbeforesighingindefeat.Shestandsup,finishesherteaand picks up her bag. “Just be careful then, okay?” “Alright” Sheturnsawayandwalksoff.Isitthereforamoment,sippingmycoffeeandthinkingmore about those pigeons. Shoot Friday,dayofthescene.Theaddressonthenoteleadsmetoahouse,andIstandbeforeit forafewseconds.I’mnotquitesurethatthisistherighthouse.InmyheadIhadenvisioned adarkcornerofthecityfullofheroinneedlesandpublicrestrooms.Butthiswasnotthe case.Itwasjustaregularsuburbanhouse,maybeabitbiggerthanaveragebutstilljusta house.Aregularhouse.AfterdoubleandtriplecheckingtheaddressIringthebell.I’mafew minutesearlierthantheslipsaidbutIfigurethatitdoesn’tmatter.FortheeventIchoseto wearwhitetightpantsandagreenshirt.WhiteisoneofthecolorsIlovethemost,andIlove wearingitjustasmuch,althoughIalwaysseemtogetmywhiteclothesstained.Ididn’tthink ofwhattypeofunderweartowear,itusuallydoesn’tmatterbutthistimeitdoes.Inafew moments the familiar woman opens the door and lets me in. “Ah,Iknewyouwouldcome”shechuckles“I’mgladyoudidbecauseit’snoteasyforhimto get excited for a scene that doesn’t happen” I step inside, feeling more uncomfortable about the situation now. “Who is he?” “Ohhe’smyactor,youtwowillbefuckingtonight,he’ssittingonthecouchifyouwanna socialize”shesaysabsentminded,checkingoncameraequipmentandthelot.Thereisa smallcameracrewthere,notasmanyasIimaginedthough.Ithoughtthatpervertswould lovetogetpaidtowatchporn.Thatdidn’tseemtobethecase,everythingwasvery professional.Inoticethateveryonecallsthewoman“Director”soIfigurethatI’llcallherthat too.Iwalkovertothecouchshementionedandsureenoughtheguyissittingthere.Hehas buzzcuthairandisquitetall,thoughnotastallasthedirector.He’swearingat-shirtand someshorts,somethingIwouldreallyexpect.Idecidenottotalktohimandinsteadgoover to the director to chat with her instead. “Backalready?That’sfine.IthinkthatshouldbemostofthestuffIneedtosupervisedone for now. I’ll take this time to brief you on this scene. First of all: have you done porn before” “No, never” “Alright,wellit’sbasicallyjustwhatyou’dexpect,doasItellyou,don’tsayawordanddon’t look into the camera” “Got it” “Good, you’d be a great actress if..” The director wants to continue the sentence but seems to be holding back for some reason. “The scene is also pretty basic, just a casting scene so you’ll only have to be yourself” “Alright” “Thenweshouldbeabletogetstartedsoon.Everyoneinposition!”sheshoutsandthecrew shuffles to get behind their usual equipment. “That means you too sweetheart” she smiles at me “have a seat on the couch” Ireluctantlysitdownnexttotheguyonthecouch.Helooksmeoverandsmilesatme.I awkwardlysmileback.Ithinktomyselfhowmuchhelookslikeadouche.Maybecoming here was a bad idea after all. “Cameras ready? Okay! Action!” shouts the director Ifreezeup,havingnoideawhattodo.Ismileawkwardlyandlookaround.Ikeepinmind thatI’mnotsupposedtolookintothecamerassoIswitchbetweenlookingattheguyand lookingatthedirector.Suddenlythedirectorpullsupasheetofcardboard.Writtenonthe cardboardis“KISS”.Theguynodsandimmediatelymovestofollowthecommand.He crawlsontopofmequiteaggressivelyandyetkissesmylipssoftlyandlovingly.Ididn’t expectittobesodirect,norealleaduptotheaction.NotthatIexpectmuchfromaporno. ThinkingofwhatIshoulddoIwrapmyarmsaroundhisbackandreturnthekisstohim.He’s areallygoodkisser,whichshouldn’tbesurprisinggivenhisprofession.Hedoesn’thold anythingbackwithhistongue,flippingitallaroundinmymouthandgivingthecameraa good show. Itgoesonlikethisforafewminutesbeforewehearaclickandanothercardboardisshown. Thistimeitsays“UNDRESS”andsotheguygoesforit.Hepullsoffmyshirtandunhooks mybrawithmuchease.Hehimselfwastednotimegettingnaked,infacthe’sdonelong beforeIevenhadachancetotakeoffmypants.Thekissingcontinueslikethiswhenwe’re bothnakedbutthenwegetournextcommand“BLOWJOB”.Icouldbarelyregisterthesign beforehegotintoposition.Cockinmyface.IpauseawkwardlysinceIzonedoutabitbutI do as I’m told nonetheless. At this point I’m just worried if my lack of enthusiasm is showing. “DOGGY”isnext.Wetakecareofthatquiteeasily.Hepenetratesmewithhis larger-than-average member and I fake a few moans. Afewofthesetypesofcardslaterandweget“MONEYSHOT”hepullsmebackintothe blowjobpositionandwithinonlyafewsecondshecumsonmyfaceinlittlespurtswithlittle moanstoaccompanythem.Ithoughtofhowgoodatcontrollinghisorgasmshewas,being abletocuminsecondsoncommand.Ididn’tthinkaboutitmuchmorethanthatsinceI wouldjustzoneout,notthatitmattersnowsincethesceneisover.Pornosusuallyendlike this right? WhileI’mlayingonmybackI’msurprisedtoseethatthereisanothersign.“DINNER”isall thatitsays.Iputupapuzzledlookandglanceatthedirector.Shejustsmilesatme.Ithink aboutifitmeansthatshewillinviteustodinnertocelebratethefinishedscene.Happywith thatthoughtItrytostanduptocleanoff.Stuck.Ilookdownandtheguyisholdingmyfeet. Heglancesatme,smilesandshovesmyfeetintohismouth.“Heywhatthefuck?”Iyelp instinctivelybutthedirectorshushesme.Ilookaroundmeandthecameracrewisallin position,stillrecordingwhat’sgoingon.IfeelahorriblefeelingthatIwasn’ttoldthewhole storyaboutthisscene.Inonlythatshortamountoftimetheguyhadalreadyswallowedme uptomythighs.“Please..Helpme!”Ipleadtothecameracrew,thedirectorandeventhe cameraitself.Thepanicinmyvoiceiseasilyheard.MylipstrembleasIspeak.Idon’tcare whatshetoldmenow,Idon’twanttobefood.Lookingatthedirectorit’sobviousthatthis isn’therfirsttimedoingthis.Shedoesn’tlookmoreinterestedthanshedidduringtheother partsoftheshoot,sheevenyawns.He’snowgothislipsaroundmywaist,greedilyslurping medownwithoutremorse.NowwasthetimewhenIstartedtostrugglebutit’stoolate. Alreadytoodeepintohismaw.Heslurpsdownmybreasts,it’salmostliketheyweren’tthere tohim,theydidnothingtoslowdownhisswallowing.OnlysecondsafterthatIgivetheworld onefinalwhimperbeforemyheadsinksdownhisthroat.Ofcoursemyarmsarestillfreebut they only take one or two extra gulps to send down. Slimy.Wet.Dark.Onlyilluminatedbytheboxlightsthroughtheredfleshoftheguy.Itstinks inhere,worsethanIcouldeverimagine.I’mforcedtocurlupinsidethisfleshyprison, humiliatedwithcumonmyface.HisbellyshakesandIhearaloudburpcomingfromthe outside. “Cut!Goodworkeverybody.That’sawrapfornow,packupthecameraequipmentbutleave it here; we’ll shoot the next scene here too” I hear in the director’s voice Theguystandsupandmywholeworldsloshesaroundlikeawashingmachine.Itsettles down when he stops moving. “Goodwork,yourpayisonthecounter.Youcangohomenowanddigestsincewedon’t have another scene until next week, that should be plenty of time to flatten that belly.” She chuckles and gives it a slap, I feel it land on my side. “I’ll go check if she still has the money I paid her with in her pocket” she continues WithtearsinmyeyesIrealizehowhardIgottricked.Notonlydidthatbitchgetavideoof mebeingfuckedandeatenbutshealsogotarefund.NottomentionthatI’vebeeneaten.In fact there wasn’t much else on my mind besides that. Entropy It’shardtoorientyourselfinabellythat’sonthemove.Especiallysinceitseemstomethat theguyisdrivinghome.Probablynotunderthewheelthoughbecauseofhisgut.Hisgut, whichme.IfeellikeI’minsideatumbledryerthat’sinsideatumbledryer,bothonmax power.Finallyhestops,anditseemslikehe’sreachedhishome.Hewalksforabit,then walkssomemore,andmore.Isthisguyevergonnastop?AtonepointIhearwaterdripping downhisskin,probablywashingoffthefilththatcomeswithdoingadultfilm.Afewminutes laterhesitsdownandthegutstopsmoving,finally.ListeningcarefullyIhearthathe’s watchingsomemovieorsomethinglikethat,hemightbeplanningonusinghisweektorelax and digest me in peace. “Hey there..” I say. No response “So, what did you think of that huh?” No response “Pretty fun right?” … “Anyways, I thought since the shoot is over and all that that yo-” “I’m sorry could you shut the fuck up?” I’mstumped.Therewasnowaytonegotiatewithsomethinglikethat.I’mprobablyonlyone ofhundredsofgirlshedoesthistoeveryweek.Fucksthemanddigeststhemtoavoid payingmoneyforthejob.Iguessit’saneffectivesystem.Itremblesincetherealityisclear to me now; I’m gonna die here. (graphic digestion beyond this point) WhileatfirstIthoughtthebellywasn’tthatbadit’sstartingtogetalotworse.Theguyjust keepswatchingnetflixlikenothingishappening.Myskinstartstoburn,worseandworse witheachhourthatgoesby.Everyhourisworsethantheonethatcamebeforeit,making medreadwhat’stocomeinthenexthour.Thefirstbadthingtocomewaswhenmylip burst.Theskinonmylipsisquitesensitive,especiallyafterthepiercing.Theacidstillhasn’t burnedthroughenoughtoreleasemypiercingthough.Yet.Secondtogoweremyeyelids. Eyelidsareextremelythin.Theytriedtheirbesttoprotectmyeyesfromtheacidbut eventuallytheycouldn’ttakeitanylongerandmyeyesweresubjectedtotheunfilteredacid. ThepainwasunbearableandIlostmyeyesightveryquickly.Myhairtoreoutsupereasily too.ThehairthatIspentalongtimecoloringwasgonewithinanhour.Thenextmajorthing isthatmynailssimplyreleasefrommyskinandfloatoffintotheacid,nevertobefoundby meagain,exceptwhentheypokedintomyskinunexpectedly.Atthatstagemyskinwasso brittle that even the nails could tear a gash into it. The stomach muscles did that too. Theguystandsup.Walkingsomewhereandthenlayingstill.Iguessit’snighttimenow.It’s hardtotellthepassageoftimewhenyou’reinadigestingstomach.IknowIwon’tsurvive thenight.Turnsoutit'smuchquickertokillsomeoneinyourstomachthanitistodigest themcompletely.ThefirsthourintothenightIstarttofaintfromthebloodloss.Iattributeit tojustbeingtiredandIdecidetojustnapforabit,mightdistractmefromthepain.Fromthis nap I never wake up. |
Invite I never liked public restrooms. They always smelled bad, looked bad, and felt bad. It’s like all the world’s filth is concentrated in public restrooms, never clean. Yet I’m standing in one right now. I stand there for a few minutes staring at the girl in the mirror, me. I look at my hair, wavy locks colored blue and then fading into pink. I always feel like that’s a cliché color combination. Blue and pink. People would say to me that the colors suit me since I have blue eyes as well. I just wish that my eyes were pink instead. It would suit my hair and look cooler. My face also has piercings in some places, nothing too attention grabbing, only a few rings here and there. I like piercings, I think they look cute. Although I had to keep it minimal since my family likes giving me glares for it. It’s also the reason why my tattoos are all in easy-to-hide places. The tattoos are mostly mythological symbols that I find neat; the eye of Horus, the Kabbalah, the Vegvísir and a biblical angel. I’m talking about the type of angels that are just several metal rings with eyes and blinding lights of chaos. Really cool. In the midst of my thoughts I notice out of the corner of my eye a woman is glancing over to me. I look at her and she turns away, smirking. She’s at least a head taller than me with blonde curvy hair going down to her shoulders. It’s quite similar in shape to my own hair, except mine is quite a bit shorter. “You feeling alright?” she asks. I’m guessing she noticed how long I’ve been standing here. “Have had better days” I reply. “Oh? What’s wrong? Money tight?” “Kinda, it’s been difficult for me lately” “Ah is that so? Y’know I have an odd job you could do for me, earn a handful of cash” “Ah sorry I don’t th-” I’m cut short by her slipping a sum of money into my pocket. I can’t tell exactly how much money it is but it feels like a lot. “That’s one fourth of your pay. I’ll give you the other three fourths if you show up to do the job” “What’s the job?” “I’m looking for an adult actress for my upcoming scene the next friday, someone of your body type would be perfect” “You want me to do porn?” “We call it ‘adult film’ in the industry” she scoffs “but yeah, it’s porn” She places her hand on the pocket with the money. “The money here is yours to keep no matter what you decide. But if you decide to help me out then you can quadruple it” She chuckles and heads towards the door. “Give it a thought or two, I’ve left my contacts, time and place with the money” And with that she’s gone. Not giving it another word. Intermission The next day happens to be a day before the ‘scene’ as she called it. I’m sitting in my local coffee shop with my friend and we’re discussing the situation. “You’re not thinking of ACTUALLY going, are you?” she retorts “I am, I think I could use the money” “But she already gave you some! Tons of it!” “I could quadruple the money just by doing the job. It’s probably not hard” “Yeah but it’s also dangerous. I mean what if th-” My friend keeps on talking but at this point I had zoned out completely. I have a tendency to do that. This time I’m watching the pigeons outside the coffee shop window, dawdling about and picking at seeds that some old women had thrown at them. I think about how the pigeons eat with their face, no need for any arms. I think about how they get through life without arms and if their life would be easier with arms. I wonder how my life would be without arms. “Are you even listening to me?” I perk up and shake my head as if I was just dozing off “Huh, yeah, I getcha” She stares at me for a second before sighing in defeat. She stands up, finishes her tea and picks up her bag. “Just be careful then, okay?” “Alright” She turns away and walks off. I sit there for a moment, sipping my coffee and thinking more about those pigeons. Shoot Friday, day of the scene. The address on the note leads me to a house, and I stand before it for a few seconds. I’m not quite sure that this is the right house. In my head I had envisioned a dark corner of the city full of heroin needles and public restrooms. But this was not the case. It was just a regular suburban house, maybe a bit bigger than average but still just a house. A regular house. After double and triple checking the address I ring the bell. I’m a few minutes earlier than the slip said but I figure that it doesn’t matter. For the event I chose to wear white tight pants and a green shirt. White is one of the colors I love the most, and I love wearing it just as much, although I always seem to get my white clothes stained. I didn’t think of what type of underwear to wear, it usually doesn’t matter but this time it does. In a few moments the familiar woman opens the door and lets me in. “Ah, I knew you would come” she chuckles “I’m glad you did because it’s not easy for him to get excited for a scene that doesn’t happen” I step inside, feeling more uncomfortable about the situation now. “Who is he?” “Oh he’s my actor, you two will be fucking tonight, he’s sitting on the couch if you wanna socialize” she says absent minded, checking on camera equipment and the lot. There is a small camera crew there, not as many as I imagined though. I thought that perverts would love to get paid to watch porn. That didn’t seem to be the case, everything was very professional. I notice that everyone calls the woman “Director” so I figure that I’ll call her that too. I walk over to the couch she mentioned and sure enough the guy is sitting there. He has buzz cut hair and is quite tall, though not as tall as the director. He’s wearing a t-shirt and some shorts, something I would really expect. I decide not to talk to him and instead go over to the director to chat with her instead. “Back already? That’s fine. I think that should be most of the stuff I need to supervise done for now. I’ll take this time to brief you on this scene. First of all: have you done porn before” “No, never” “Alright, well it’s basically just what you’d expect, do as I tell you, don’t say a word and don’t look into the camera” “Got it” “Good, you’d be a great actress if..” The director wants to continue the sentence but seems to be holding back for some reason. “The scene is also pretty basic, just a casting scene so you’ll only have to be yourself” “Alright” “Then we should be able to get started soon. Everyone in position!” she shouts and the crew shuffles to get behind their usual equipment. “That means you too sweetheart” she smiles at me “have a seat on the couch” I reluctantly sit down next to the guy on the couch. He looks me over and smiles at me. I awkwardly smile back. I think to myself how much he looks like a douche. Maybe coming here was a bad idea after all. “Cameras ready? Okay! Action!” shouts the director I freeze up, having no idea what to do. I smile awkwardly and look around. I keep in mind that I’m not supposed to look into the cameras so I switch between looking at the guy and looking at the director. Suddenly the director pulls up a sheet of cardboard. Written on the cardboard is “KISS”. The guy nods and immediately moves to follow the command. He crawls on top of me quite aggressively and yet kisses my lips softly and lovingly. I didn’t expect it to be so direct, no real leadup to the action. Not that I expect much from a porno. Thinking of what I should do I wrap my arms around his back and return the kiss to him. He’s a really good kisser, which shouldn’t be surprising given his profession. He doesn’t hold anything back with his tongue, flipping it all around in my mouth and giving the camera a good show. It goes on like this for a few minutes before we hear a click and another cardboard is shown. This time it says “UNDRESS” and so the guy goes for it. He pulls off my shirt and unhooks my bra with much ease. He himself wasted no time getting naked, in fact he’s done long before I even had a chance to take off my pants. The kissing continues like this when we’re both naked but then we get our next command “BLOWJOB”. I could barely register the sign before he got into position. Cock in my face. I pause awkwardly since I zoned out a bit but I do as I’m told nonetheless. At this point I’m just worried if my lack of enthusiasm is showing. “DOGGY” is next. We take care of that quite easily. He penetrates me with his larger-than-average member and I fake a few moans. A few of these types of cards later and we get “MONEY SHOT” he pulls me back into the blowjob position and within only a few seconds he cums on my face in little spurts with little moans to accompany them. I thought of how good at controlling his orgasms he was, being able to cum in seconds on command. I didn’t think about it much more than that since I would just zone out, not that it matters now since the scene is over. Pornos usually end like this right? While I’m laying on my back I’m surprised to see that there is another sign. “DINNER” is all that it says. I put up a puzzled look and glance at the director. She just smiles at me. I think about if it means that she will invite us to dinner to celebrate the finished scene. Happy with that thought I try to stand up to clean off. Stuck. I look down and the guy is holding my feet. He glances at me, smiles and shoves my feet into his mouth. “Hey what the fuck?” I yelp instinctively but the director shushes me. I look around me and the camera crew is all in position, still recording what’s going on. I feel a horrible feeling that I wasn’t told the whole story about this scene. In only that short amount of time the guy had already swallowed me up to my thighs. “Please.. Help me!” I plead to the camera crew, the director and even the camera itself. The panic in my voice is easily heard. My lips tremble as I speak. I don’t care what she told me now, I don’t want to be food. Looking at the director it’s obvious that this isn’t her first time doing this. She doesn’t look more interested than she did during the other parts of the shoot, she even yawns. He’s now got his lips around my waist, greedily slurping me down without remorse. Now was the time when I started to struggle but it’s too late. Already too deep into his maw. He slurps down my breasts, it’s almost like they weren’t there to him, they did nothing to slow down his swallowing. Only seconds after that I give the world one final whimper before my head sinks down his throat. Of course my arms are still free but they only take one or two extra gulps to send down. Slimy. Wet. Dark. Only illuminated by the box lights through the red flesh of the guy. It stinks in here, worse than I could ever imagine. I’m forced to curl up inside this fleshy prison, humiliated with cum on my face. His belly shakes and I hear a loud burp coming from the outside. “Cut! Good work everybody. That’s a wrap for now, pack up the camera equipment but leave it here; we’ll shoot the next scene here too” I hear in the director’s voice The guy stands up and my whole world sloshes around like a washing machine. It settles down when he stops moving. “Good work, your pay is on the counter. You can go home now and digest since we don’t have another scene until next week, that should be plenty of time to flatten that belly.” She chuckles and gives it a slap, I feel it land on my side. “I’ll go check if she still has the money I paid her with in her pocket” she continues With tears in my eyes I realize how hard I got tricked. Not only did that bitch get a video of me being fucked and eaten but she also got a refund. Not to mention that I’ve been eaten. In fact there wasn’t much else on my mind besides that. Entropy It’s hard to orient yourself in a belly that’s on the move. Especially since it seems to me that the guy is driving home. Probably not under the wheel though because of his gut. His gut, which me. I feel like I’m inside a tumble dryer that’s inside a tumble dryer, both on max power. Finally he stops, and it seems like he’s reached his home. He walks for a bit, then walks some more, and more. Is this guy ever gonna stop? At one point I hear water dripping down his skin, probably washing off the filth that comes with doing adult film. A few minutes later he sits down and the gut stops moving, finally. Listening carefully I hear that he’s watching some movie or something like that, he might be planning on using his week to relax and digest me in peace. “Hey there..” I say. No response “So, what did you think of that huh?” No response “Pretty fun right?” … “Anyways, I thought since the shoot is over and all that that yo-” “I’m sorry could you shut the fuck up?” I’m stumped. There was no way to negotiate with something like that. I’m probably only one of hundreds of girls he does this to every week. Fucks them and digests them to avoid paying money for the job. I guess it’s an effective system. I tremble since the reality is clear to me now; I’m gonna die here. (graphic digestion beyond this point) While at first I thought the belly wasn’t that bad it’s starting to get a lot worse. The guy just keeps watching netflix like nothing is happening. My skin starts to burn, worse and worse with each hour that goes by. Every hour is worse than the one that came before it, making me dread what’s to come in the next hour. The first bad thing to come was when my lip burst. The skin on my lips is quite sensitive, especially after the piercing. The acid still hasn’t burned through enough to release my piercing though. Yet. Second to go were my eyelids. Eyelids are extremely thin. They tried their best to protect my eyes from the acid but eventually they couldn’t take it any longer and my eyes were subjected to the unfiltered acid. The pain was unbearable and I lost my eyesight very quickly. My hair tore out super easily too. The hair that I spent a long time coloring was gone within an hour. The next major thing is that my nails simply release from my skin and float off into the acid, never to be found by me again, except when they poked into my skin unexpectedly. At that stage my skin was so brittle that even the nails could tear a gash into it. The stomach muscles did that too. The guy stands up. Walking somewhere and then laying still. I guess it’s nighttime now. It’s hard to tell the passage of time when you’re in a digesting stomach. I know I won’t survive the night. Turns out it's much quicker to kill someone in your stomach than it is to digest them completely. The first hour into the night I start to faint from the blood loss. I attribute it to just being tired and I decide to just nap for a bit, might distract me from the pain. From this nap I never wake up. |
“” “” “” “” “’ll be alright Miss” “” “” “’s all worth it” “’s smaller than I expected,” “”’t restrict his movement in the slightest. “” “’t tell you that. That’s a part of the deal” “” “’re in this basement too, just in other rooms. Also a part of the deal is that you’re not allowed to communicate with them” “” “’s all forbidden” “” “’m sure you’ll come out on top when the deadline arrives” “” “” “’m sorry Miss” “’m off to go hunting for your first dinner then”“stay here and behave” “’t understand! What do I have to do to win the competition?” “’s simple”“just be my favorite pred by the deadline and I’ll be all yours” “” “’ll be fine, don’t worry about it” “’s dinner time!” ’s convenience. “” “” “’t eaten her yet”“bring her to me then!” “” ’s eyes grew bigger and he pleaded “... please?”’ heart melting. “’s all yours”’s grip. “”’t waste any time shoving the prey’s head and shoulders directly into his hungry mouth, the belly was rumbling in anticipation of its meal. “” “’s like watching an animal documentary, kinda terrifying..” ’s ties before she sank down into his mouth. Puppy wanted his prey to struggle to the best of her abilities while she melted down. “” “was she as good as you expected?” “” “… I’ll make sure to get plenty of other girls like her until the deadline” \\ “” “’m anxious to hear the results, Miss” “’ll be very happy to hear I’ve decided that you’re my favorite” “” “The key to the chain is in a pocket somewhere, after you’ve had me you can leave” “”“but what about the other preds?” “you’ll figure it out when that time comes” “’s get this started” ’t a pred. Puppy loved them nonetheless, soaking in all their flavor. ’ body jerked in surprise. She didn’t think that Puppy would do something like that, he sure didn’t do this to his other meals. Despite that she couldn’t help but moan as he licked the part thoroughly. Though before she could orgasm he swallowed again, moving her pussy back out of reach. “What a mean thing to do to your mistress” “” “’t want to be eaten by any other guy” “” “” “Man, that was the best meal I have ever had… so worth the wait” “… you lied to me” “… Ahh man, I guess I can’t blame you for that now” \\ “…” “”’t alone. “” “” “’t tell me..” “… I’ll be giving my body to another pred tonight” “… But I..” “’t enough for me. I’m sorry I had to break the news to you like that but that’s part of the game” ’t feel like eating now. Of course the prey was still shaking in fear. Puppy buried his face in his palms and the prey calmed down a bit. Maybe she wouldn’t get eaten when he was in such a bad mood. ’t bear to listen, yet he had no other choice. In pure jealousy and anger he suddenly grabbed his prey and violently scarfed her whole upper body down. The prey resumed her terror tremors. Eating always made him feel good but this time it just couldn’t. The prey was down in his belly within a few seconds but she barely struggled. He hadn’t even bothered to untie her this time. From the other room the Mistress’ moans and the groans of the pred could be heard. It was very obvious that both of them were enjoying the encounter to the absolute max. “”’s flesh and the wooden walls. ’s own prey was long gone but that was mostly due to how he squeezed his belly to cope with what had happened. He couldn’t believe how badly he had been betrayed. ’s belly was flat again. He didn’t feel any better though. In the midst of his bout of sadness he heard some footsteps. The footsteps grew louder until a big bear-like man entered the room. “” “…” “’t get first prize?”“I’m sure you don’t like to hear it but she was delicious~” “” “’t be such a downer… errm, what did she call you?” “” “’s cute! She called me Kitten”“Perhaps she was suggesting that you’d eat me in the end~” “’t feel hungry” “”“so I guess I’ll just eat you instead” “are you gonna?” “’m sure you’d be happy to join Missy in there… since you care so much about her” “’m not hungry either. Pick yourself up buddy, you’ll live to see another day” \\ “” ’s dinner. It was a short, skinny, scrawny girl with not much to show. She looked like she could be snapped in half like a toothpick. “” “’m sorry. There was no other option for you, I tried my best to find a bigger meal but this is all I could get my hands on today” “” “”“Be happy with your meal tonight, I’ll get you something bigger tomorrow” “’t give me that look, or I’ll get another one of those for you tomorrow” “’ll be good..” “” ’t take long to start eating her. placing her in his mouth he was already down to her waist. Mistress bit her lip watching how easily he could dispose of a girl if she was small enough. A few seconds later and the poor girl was inside his belly. She practically fell down his gullet. She squirmed and squirmed but the walls of the stomach were much stronger than her. “” “” “I guess this was to be expected”’t the first time she cuddled with his belly. Far from it. “’t take long for me to digest her” “’s fine. I’ll just sleep on your flat tummy then” ’t seem to care that she was sleeping on his bare abs without any prey to use as a pillow. Puppy managed to catch a few Z’s but was woken up by strong hunger urges and a loudly growling tummy. “” ’t fall back asleep. He pondered what he should do to fix the situation. Of course he couldn’t just escape to find food. And even then his Mistress was sleeping on him and she had told him before that nothing should wake her up. “” “” ’t dare look at what he was doing. He opened his eyes to look at his mistress for one last time. She was still asleep despite being grabbed. She wiggled subconsciously to find a better position to sleep in his arms. The sight almost made Puppy shed a tear. Almost. He knew what had to be done so he opened his mouth and carefully slipped her head inside his mouth. Once his mouth closed the flavors of his mistress overpowered him completely. Once she was inside he didn’t want to stop anymore. She was as good as food now. He slipped her body deeper into his mouth and took his time to both savor the flavor of this special meal and to let her sleep. Things went smoothly as his tongue glided over her breasts, which were unfortunately covered in clothing. Once he reached her waist however things stopped going as smoothly. The sudden change in orientation had woken her up. “” “” “” “’re not deaf then? Would you do me a favor and STOP FUCKING EATING ME” “” “” “” “’m sorry Miss… I really am. You gave me no other choice with such a small meal last night” “” “” “” “” “” “’re a terrible pet, you know that Puppy?” “” “”“I guess there’s no way to convince you to let me out now. In that case I’ll never be able to tell you my secret” “” “’s just a recent development, I’ll let you know if you let me out” ’t bring himself to give up his food, he never gave up his food for any reason. “’m sorry Miss, I don’t think I can do that” “’s fine, You’ll figure it out soon enough anyways” ’t give him the luxury of squirming. That little detail really stung for Puppy, they had been talking about how much she’d squirm over the last few weeks. He tried to shake his belly to get something going but nothing happened. “” ’t find a single bit of solid matter in there. “” |
It was the year of 1349. More than a hundred years had gone by since the very human-like Karakuri Dôji, robots crafted in the far future and sent back into the distant past to from then onward struggle throughout the ages in order to prove which is stronger: Good, or Evil. ôji he had been built to resemble a human in his teens, but immeasurably more beautiful with his slender and slightly curved body, and his massive golden mane together with a pair of golden visors that framed his wide and childlike eyes, which were bright blue with yellow pupils. Dressed in a dark cloak tied near the top with a single bow, under it a light blue shirt, then a light divided hakama with a yellow sash. Finally, his forearms were clad with a pair of yellow mechanical gauntlets with red and pink ornaments. His beauty such that not even the thieving scum scattered about this mud-covered road with the peasantry ôji, aspect of Wisdom, had no one to accompany him. No suitable human to be his master had been found as of late. He wandered through the street like he was barely present, feet barely touching the muddied ground “Excuse me good sir, but would you be interested in a---” an intrepid merchant tried to talk to him with a shaking voice “No thanks, kind sir.” Sophia brushed him off softly without looking at him ôji could easily pass for ôji, he could had gotten there sooner by flying. But he did not want to shock the locals, and it'd draw much more attention than he already did. “W-why, your honorably patron is awaiting you in room 'XV'. “Come on in~” a voice rang out from inside. A dark and sultry voice Sophia recognized immediately, and burst in with as much force he could invest without shattering the door into a pile of twigs. “You!” Sophia stated as he lowered himself into a stance, ready to fight. ésir. One of the seven deadly sins that are opposed to the six perfections. The aspect of Lust. “Yes, me. Close the door would you?” he asked with that haunting tone. ésir physically stood a little taller, with a more curvy build fitting for his lustful nature. With medium-length light pink wavy hair. Long antennae-like white visors that was just the first thing that reflected his animal theme: Rabbit. His eyes red with white pupils. His clothes consisting of a black sleeveless leotard and a white divided hakama. Large pink gauntlets upon his arms, and a large spherical construct attached to his back nearly the same size he is ôji of Wisdom held his ground, “What do you want?” “First to close that door. It's cold outside. I'd like to enjoy this in relative warmth.” “What, to kill me?” “I could easily do that ” ésir. He closed the door with a nimble jerk. ésir pulled himself off the bed and approached him with that smirk of his. “See, that wasn't so hard...” and went on to circle around the fellow synthetic. His quarry held still, but was otherwise ready to fight. ésir wrapped his arms around Sophia. One round his waist, while the other went to the neck and made him recline his head slightly. The entire length of their bodies meeting as though a magnetic force pulled them together. And then, Désir made the other walk to the bed... and landed both of them into it, him neatly on top ôji were synthetic beings. Mechanical lifeforms. Though they could eat, drink, bathe and so on like humans do... none had genitalia of any kind. Instead, this gesture was done to establish a form of dominance that humiliated his target. ôji thrust him against the wall again, “This what you had in mind..?” he gritted his teeth. “Partly. I wanted to try something that only dôji can survive ” he spoke slyly, fondling his unwilling partner very intimately.. grinning as the aspect of Wisdom blushed and gasped “Master's very creative. She just pointed out something about my design, and I decided to give it a try... with you and a few others as my guinea pigs.” ésir's alluring eyes. And tried to struggle, only let out a shriek as the enemy transformed his gauntlets ôji's gauntlets could transform into any tool they need. What Désir transformed his into was immediately noticed as elongated mechanical tentacles twirled around his slender frame and limbs. Sophia's arms were manipulated into the air and tied together. Two tendrils wrapped around his head, one which invaded his mouth and rubbed against his tongue. Sophia moaned softly at the incessant fondling that now covered most of his body. ésir thrust him into the wall one last time before he finally backed off and sat. Tentacles hoisting the writhing Sophia into the air. “Now then... from here on out, you're my prey. But don't worry... you won't pleasure me all alone for long!” OoOoOoO Two weeks later... “I didn't expect to see you here.” Slow said. Aspect of Diligence of the six perfections. A tall and slim dôji with long straight black hair. A dot underneath each eye. And a rounded mask hovering off the back of his head with antler-like extensions. His clothes featuring a long-sleeved dark reddish-brown kimono with red and orange leaves embroidered on it covering a large part of his body with a sash tied round the waist. His gauntlets mostly hidden by the long sleeves, but what was shown were sharp-bladed and holed. “Same here, but it's good to see you.” Service noted with a pleasant grin. “I thought you were at least half a continent away.” Aspect of Generosity of the six perfections. A shapely dôji with medium-short blue hair, golden eyes with golden pupils, and a bow-shaped blue visor on top of his head. Dressed in a sleeveless black crop top which exposed a large part of his abdomen, and a light hakama. A light blue rounded pair of gauntlets adorning his forearms. “Still haven't found one?” Service shook his head, “Nope. It's kinda tight at the moment. Thinking of heading down to Africa next. How about you?” “North I think.” “By the way, where are you going?” Slow ventured to ask. “Was asked to meet up with someone at a local inn.” “Huh.. same here. Think the perfections are having a meeting?” “They don't even need such secrecy then. But... I thought Ultimo and Regula's still in Japan.” “Yeah, but we'll see when we get there.” “I guess.” “More of you strange ones?” “Strange?” Service asked. “Oh, well.” the man seemed awkward. “An earlier guest, who goes about oddly dressed ” “That must be Sophia. He must have come before we did.” “But it's been two weeks, and we haven't seen an inkling of him since.” ôji blinked in return at that. “We'll be careful. Where to?” “Er, same as that missing visitor: Room 'XV'. The one who invited you are waiting.” “Okay. Thank you.” he said and they moved on. “Strange.” Service commented. “Yeah. But what else can we do but check? If Sophia's missing...” “Then it is up to us to investigate.” Service accidentally bumped into a nobleman who turned to yell scornfully at him.... but immediately dazzled by the dôji's beauty, the man seemingly forgot what he had tried to address him for and turned back “Thought you'd never come on over.” a fellow synthetic greeted them, a glass of wine held in his gauntlet. Désir. “Désir!” Service called out. “Service, looking sexy as always. And Slow, ever so beautiful.” the lusty dôji looked back at them while sipping from the wine. “What did you do to Sophia?! We heard from the clerk that he's missing.” “What indeed.” Désir giggled, and closed his eyes for a moment “He's still alive... but currently rather... hum... busy.” “What is that supposed to mean?” “Again, what indeed. I'll be inclined to help you find him if... but only if... you step up and let me enjoy you. Not going to kill you, mind.” “Blackmailing us?” “Aye~ But you get what you want, and I get what I~ desire.” ésir closed in, finished off the last drops of wine, and turned round on the two “Don't you tense up. You're going to love it, what I'm going to do to you~” OoOoOoO ésir invasively placed a gauntlet upon Slow's butt and pushed him onto the bed... where the aspect of lust quickly mounted and pinned him against the wall, kissing him ravishingly. Slow's cheeks became red partly from embarrassment as Désir held him in place so effortlessly. Unlike the both of them, he had a master. ôji was utterly shameless in pursuit of his desires, befitting his aspect of Lust. Service swallowed nervously, and kneaded his gauntlets against Désir's back while Slow was being so easily raped. For the sake of taking some heat off Slow, he asked: “Hey, kiss me too would you?” ésir did not need to be asked twice and shot an round Service's head to pull him in close, and the lustful dôji landed their lips together into a protracted kiss ésir decided to go back to Slow, who could only nod and gasp as the gap between them closed again. ésir proved himself to be a fabulous kisser if nothing else. Numbly, he want back to caressing the evil one's back, trailing down till his palms met with that huge round tail of his. So huge he couldn't possibly cover it. “Hey...” he finally noticed, “wasn't your tail smaller than this?” “Maybe there is something to that.” he sneered cryptically. “S-Sophia?!” Service gasped. Slow's eyes went wide, and tried to push away from their assaulter, who kept him firmly pinned. ésir's voluminous tail. Now, Sophia tried to wriggle out now that a opening had presented itself “Oh no you don't..” the dôji of Lust giggled, and a tentacle pushed into view in the hole, curled around his head and rudely pulled him back in. “You're mine now.” “L-let him out, Désir! This is sick!” “Shouldn't you be more worried about yourself?” “Wha... myself?!” Service asked as the tail-hole opened a bit wider. “You're just about to join him.” Numerous tentacles shot out of the tail-hole and curled around the suddenly beleaguered dôji, who shrieked as his arms were swiftly tied up and thrust into the hole, “Be a good dôji and get inside me.” ésir began to suck him in through that hole. Most of his arms already gone as the hole and short passage continuously contracted against his frame and jerked him further inside. ésir's tail expanded a little bit to accommodate his tail-based stomach's current population of two dôji. ôji inside. “Mm~ delicious. Burp.” OoOoOoO “Y-you...” he just barely groaned while trying to wriggle out of the grasp of the other. ésir utterly ignored his hostility, “But guess what...” he said as he broke their kiss, his smirk growing wider. “I'm still hungry.” And finally let go of Slow with that. ésir who was no eager to eat him up too. He got up and prepared to launch himself out the window... but was intercepted by one of those tentacles, which curled around and pinned his ankles together. “Gah...!” “Where do you think you're going?” Désir asked. Now lying on his belly “I've got a stomach you need to fill.. so get over here.” ésir brought him closer to the tail-hole, which opened wider to accept this newest offered meal. “Remember the candlelight, it will be the only light you'll see in a long time.” “Wait... don't...” “Time to eat.” Désir nonchalantly whispered, tied his prey to be as stiff as a stick... then thrust him head-first into the hole. ôji's laughter echoed into his ears. The hole easily gulped past his shoulders, then endeavored to swallow across the rest of his slender form as Désir easily devoured him. ésir swallowed him in till only the feet remained. Then those slipped in too... and all of Slow was fully deposited into the tail's stomach OoOoOoO ésir breathed a sigh of relief and pleasure as he finished eating both of his latest catches. The sexy little beauts wriggling and squirming helplessly inside his tail now, pushing segments of it outward... only stopped when a small automatic process contracted the entire tail against the eaten. “Mmm~ oh fuck yes~ shake those asses, squirm and kick all you like~ Ahh. Master's a genius for sure. This is so incredibly go~od! Three is so much better than just one...” “Keep on going... you sexy, stupid, naive, and oh so fuckable fucks.” ésir licked his lips, thoroughly enjoying the fruits of his meal before he got up to go and chug down the contents of the wine. A human would have been crushed underneath the weight of three dôji, but he hefted them without a trouble “Yeah~ we're going to go a long way together. Just keep on wiggling. Bitches.” he gave his tail a pat, “For if you don't satisfy... I might feel tempted to shunt you over into my stomach... then one in my abdomen, which might just be strong enough to digest your asses. But that is just a temporary pleasure compared to what you sexy fools can bring where you are~” “Be a good sport, my sexy candies... and I might let you see the light.. sometime soon.” ésir laughed, and left. Pacing casually, while constantly pleasured by his tail-stomach's current inhabitants... which Sophia, Service and Slow would remain as for a long time ahead. ésir's pleasure. ôji knew. After that, they lived on awkwardly. With memories of being Désir's food slave so overly clear in their minds. |
’s bridge. ’t they question exactly why no pirates dared raid these aliens? ’s ever felt before, she watched as the comparatively diminutive form of their Captain vanished into the form of the tall and lanky opposing alien whose fifteen feet of height meant he towered over literally everyone here, apart from what was very apparently his mate who was only shorter by an inch. – having dismissed those as empty propaganda. ’s worthless to hope for an encounter with just one as they are always encountered in pairs. … why did we think we could raid these aliens and survive? “” The female canid begged, “Please…” “’t make a fuss little one.” The much taller female said, effortlessly hoisting Aveal toward her mouth as she licked her lips, “This is no one’s fault but your own. So get in my stomach quietly and die…” ’Ana were just about to co’s bridge as the mated pair of near two hundred years of age ate to their hearts’ content. “…” – the living and the dissolving – and the thin veneer that was the one thing between them and the greater universe they’ve left behind. “Hah…” Ana let out a soft moan as one of those in her gut kicked, “I’m gonna miss them once they’re all dead.” “” Talos half-asked, rather preoccupied with his own pleasure. “” His wife shrugged rather flippantly, “but I’ll probably offer a thought when I go take a dump later.” “How unladylike~” “’re much more a gentleman.” Ana teased him, reaching out for another canid who kicked and whimpered as her hand closed around his torso entire. Not that it did him much good as he promptly became a bulge traveling down her neck. “By the way, don’t these creatures look a bit like Oclorians?” “” “Wait wait!” He yelped, “Would you mind telling me more about these Oclorians you speak of?” “’re all dead. They were a pretty spiteful bunch who hated everyone mightier than them, so they resolved to create a universe where only they existed and ravaged a hundred thousand worlds to that effect. Until they met us and tried to do some of their usual tricks.” “’ water supplies.” Ana said as she gobbled up yet another pirate. “” Talos resumed, “So all it did was give the ” “T-there has to be more to it than that, right?” “” Talos shrugged, opened his mouth and dropped the wriggling canid right into it – swallowing him whole. ’s comm mod rang. “It’s a message from Erin’Dela.” “What’s it saying?” “” “’re bragging about getting ahead of us?” Talos sighed. ’s not without its meritocratic elements that decide the individual pair’s “” Ana groused, “We must not let those bottom feeders get the better of us.” “’s not as if we haven’t been looking, though. Despite the historic importance and prominence of seekers, there aren’t that many who are interested in joining us. As such there are few seekers overall.” “…” Ana frowned, and brought up a haptic interface featuring lists of all third stage students intent on entering into apprenticeships. Then her eyes widened a tad. “Dear?” She called for his attention “How long has it been since we checked the lists last?” “A week or so, why?” “’s a five days old entry here from the Latro System State…” ’s still up, they haven’t been taken yet. “Latro, huh? Isn’t that one of the newly established frontier states?” Talos asked, “The one founded on an utter wasteland of an ice world of all things?” “” “’s still up, ’ve digested ” “Of course~” … ’d rather sleep the whole morning clean away, but the privilege of sleeping in was nowhere present for the young. So with well-practiced patience he stood up from bed, and took the woman into his embrace after pushing his strong arms under her back and knees. – an inferior substitute to a pure water shower, some say – at the lowest possible temperature before stepping inside. “” Leah almost shrieked, though no anger as she became aware and quickly changed gears, instead shuddering, “I-I’m up, I’m up!!” “” Amarr cooed softly into her ears as he gently put her down, though she wouldn’t let go as she took his embrace as another layer of her pleasure – including how she was rubbing a hip against his cock, reminding him that it’s been three days since she laid their latest batch of eggs. ’t proper, though, so he refrained. “’…” Leah “Just give me a few minutes.” “” “” The female let out a heartfelt sigh, “Why can’t some enterprising Seekers come and pick us up already?” “” Amarr replied soothingly, ignoring how they’ve already had this conversation more than a few times before, “Until then we continue the old jobs… But at the very least we almost have enough chops.” “” “’t have to eat gruel anymore… after today’s breakfast.” “…” Leah let go of him, brushing a finger through her hair while giving his cock a lingering look before she went on to cleaning herself. ’t notice, Amarr did likewise. ’s gone. After that they went to clothe themselves starting with a body-glove before they proceeded to the lockers and put on their all-red – the marking of civilian gear – environmental skins. “Just to let you know, when we get back home after work, I want you to impregnate me.” “” The male accepted, ignoring how his manhood throbbed. ’re carrying young. ’s troublesome, as the upbringing and teaching of new young are completely left to the elders working at the nearest hatchery. “” Amarr nevertheless addressed as they passed each other, and received the slightest hint of a nod from the leading pair. ’Leah who would rather prefer he didn’t. They did not have much in the way of pleasant experiences with him, remembering all too well how often he denigrated them for what he perceived as laziness on their part. – making it more than ideal for some-pair whose intentions are to simply power through to the third stage. “…” The proprietor said with a snide little smirk, “Looking for the usual?” “” Leah responded rather dryly. “” – positioned in full public view, which meant another perk to waking up so early as there are very few people present. Leah wore a look of supreme suffering as she pulled free a dispenser and inserted it into her mouth, after which the machine began feeding her. “…” Leah wiped her mouth as she put the dispenser back, “If I see another dispenser in our next lives, it’ll be too soon.” “” Amarr inquired as her steps slowed. “” Leah replied, “And that we’re to report to Overseer Sa’Finé when we arrive there.” ’d undoubtedly seem strange for a pair of ice miners to be transferred straight to the neighborhood watch… but while second stage students can choose where they work, generally speaking they go where they are needed. Consequently, some shuffling of personnel every now and then is hardly unusual. “” He asked. “’m more curious if they’re short-staffed.” “…” “” Leah scoffed, “Would be nice…” “” Amarr said as he checked his mental map of the village, and remembered where the sector patrol’s based. “Come, we wouldn’t want to be late.” – casting the village in white, though it slowed the hustle and bustle within the settlement none at all. … ’Ana arrived at Sector Four of Latro and set down at what passed for a spaceport in the Miach Commune. Disembarking from their Lander and dismissing it into their adjacent space, the pair proceeded through a rather sparse customs and entered the village proper. “…” Ana groused, “Why exactly did the founders see fit to set up a colony on an ice world, of all places?” “’m told.” “” “’s just continue.” – all except those in their immediate path, who were quick to step aside. ’ve ever been in, the young live in the outer sections while elders habituate the inner areas – which also tended to be the location of the town hall, administrative facilities, the local hatchery. ’Ana firmly belonged to the latter category. ’t their body-hugging environmental skins, before looking out across the hall and found two counters presently in use for a dozen young who averaged at around fifty years old, which is the typical age of second stage students seeking to progress. ’Ana proceeded to a third counter that was only tangentially crewed until they came to tower over it. “Good morning.” The female worker addressed without any trace of irony, “Can we help you with something?” “…” Ana said evenly, “We received information that there are students here who want to become Seekers.” ’s database, browsing through the list of recent graduates. “Yes.” The worker replied, “That would be Amarr’Leah. If you want, I can notify their overseer and have them come here…” “” Talos nodded. “” “’Ana dex Uvlon-94.” “Alright. Just to let you know, they are at present beyond the town limits so the recall could take a while.” “” Ana sighed, “Tell us where ’” “You’ll find them at the wastes thirty kilometers to the south-west.” “” “’re scouting for the local neighborhood watch.” “” “” ’Ana blinked at this bit of news, followed by his wife asking “And your elders thought it wise to send a pair of young to do it?” “’t pose a problem. If anything does rear its head, claw or whatever, their task would be to simply report its location and head back in case its threat level go beyond what they can handle.” “’s fair…” Ana conceded. “” Talos nodded, “I assume their overseers won’t mind it if we just snatch them away on our way out?” “Feel welcome to.” “” Talos said and they turned to leave, “We probably should make haste. I’m not about to lose out on new apprentices right off the Shrvvi to some musty old Oclorian relic in this freezing backwater.” “” Ana nodded. ’Finé referred to as strange readings. Nothing had come off of it so far, though. “” Amarr relayed through his earpiece, “No contacts present.” “” The female half of their overseer reported back a second later, her tone entirely indifferent, “Continue to your next checkpoint.” “” He confirmed. “’re doing?” Leah said, sounding more than a little jealous, “Seriously, did you hear those moans in the background? They’re going at it while we’re in the middle of nowhere.” ’t returned home even once since they were reassigned. As a result he couldn’t impregnate her. So, knowing how restless this was making her, he was doing his best to distract her. “Another two miles to the next checkpoint. Do you see anything?” “” Leah sighed her reply, “Not even on scans. Wait…” “…” Amarr slowed as he followed her gaze to a nearby hole in the ice, “Huh. Flat ground for days, and here’s such a neat hole…” “” Leah observed. “” Amarr reported in, “we’ve found an ice cave at our present coordinates. Please inform.” “’t supposed to be any such in the area.” Sa murmured with complete calm, the moans from before no longer being present, “Take a look around and see if it was a freak occurrence.” “” Amarr closed the link, giving his mate a nod. ’t tell them much, though, so they continued into the depths where soon they were left in complete darkness. “Do you have a light mod with you, dear?” “… give me a moment and I’ll get it working.” … namely by enacting upon the concepts of the cosmos and actualizing them. ’re wearing. And as for singular ones, there was the clear sight mod they had used to better see through the storm, and the light mod Leah was in the process of switching her clear sight mod for. ’s power mod, the complete darkness around them receded in the face of a blossom or “” Leah hummed appreciably, “Let’s continue.” “” Leah whispered in complete befuddlement, though her voice echoed nonetheless, “Some kind of ice mine?” “…” “” ’t right here – unless they’re just overthinking this. “Overseer, the cave ends in a tunnel of undetermined length but an average width of approximately sixty feet.” “Do you know anything about it we do not?” “” The male overseer replied, “Going by the commission from the Capital, I can state with something of a certainty that the strange readings came from around there. Do you see any signs of what may be the exact source?” “” “” “” Amarr sighed and cut the line. “Something about this smells, beloved.” “’s involved we can’t call it off. Worst case scenario, we’d become someone’s dinner if we did.” This did not help her mood, but she didn’t press the issue so they moved right on to choosing which way to go. It wasn’t a hard choice when they found that one of the directions pointed north. ’s Capital. ’Leah glanced at each other, reaching the same conclusion before quickening their pace. “I know there are some impressive alien ruins under the ice,” Leah murmured quietly, “but where in the world has this thing been all this time?” “” “” She pondered, “Maybe it’s the result of someone activating some tripwire wherever it came from?” “’d like to believe that, but you never know with Oclorian clockworks. They are finicky – no thanks to their over-engineered designs – even at the best of times.” Amarr was tempted to fold his arms, but kept them apart. “True… Anyway, you best report this.” “” Amarr once again opened the link, “Overseer, we’ve found the cause. It’s an Oclorian mining machine of massive size. It’s just ahead of our position, and is presently digging its way toward the Capital…” … … “No one’s answering.” “’s answering?” Leah blinked at him, “This piece of junk can’t possibly be jamming us…” “It could, if it has an obscuring mod…” “’t be…” Leah started to ’t ’t become apparent until sections of the machine’s hull gave away and released much smaller clockwork soldiers by the dozens, all of them glaring at the intruding pair. “…” Leah took a cautious step back, “I think it’s time we head back.” “’ll act as rearguard you make sure they’re cut down to size as we retreat.” “” Leah replied as she pulled her linear accelerator off of the magnetic clamps on her back and snapped a shot at the next approaching machine. ’t have to deal with too many. “” Amarr asked aloud as he with a swing of his shield sent a dozen foes flying. “To our left, thirty feet away!” “” ’t about to simply let them go. So it decided to produce what looked like a missile launcher before immediately launching its guided munition over the collective heads of its minions. Amarr gritted his teeth as he launched himself forward, crushing clockworks underfoot, and swung his shield in a huge arc so it came to briefly brush against the missile’s casing. “” Leah whispered, “are you alright?” “…” “’s a relief. Your shield has seen better days, though.” “’d say.” “The quartermaster’s going to be angry at us again.” “’ll cross that waste when we get to it. For now let’s get out of here…” “” ’Leah pushed themselves up, intent on the tunnel they hoped hadn’t been razed by the violent detonation… only to see a fresh wave of clockworks appear from the smoke, an enormous swarm greater than the last. “Go!” Amarr shouted… when the tunnel shook, and a spiderweb of cracks spread across the ceiling. “” Leah grouched in thorough exasperation. – indicating them as freelancers – combat armor who landed heavily between Amarr’Leah and the enemy. – melting down and destroying hundreds more of the clockworks in mere seconds. “” She asked. – slightly incredulous. “Y-yeah…” Leah managed to say, glancing at the damages their suits had accumulated over the course of their attempted withdrawal, “We’re both alive, at least.” “” – her palm sporting a type of esoteric mode of a type and sophistication far beyond what they would ever see unless they first attain the required age and privilege. ’s emergence. It was much bigger than they thought, stretching for miles as more and more of it broke through the ice. – giving shape to countless thousands of sprouting and spindling limbs tipped with various savage weaponry that it thrust in the dozens and the hundreds at a time at its lone two targets, who had displaced themselves into the air far above it. From there the battle took on a form that was far beyond Amarr’Leah’s experience as they were left as over-awed spectators. … only to lose them faster and faster as she became accustomed to its – the plasma-feed supplied by his arm-mounted esoteric matrix now shaped into a large blue-tinged sword – cut through the limbs in the dozens, building up a mounting rain of limp clockworks. – or at least the portion of it that was around this area – had been substantially reduced. “Uh, doesn’t this…” Leah muttered in trepidation at the sight of it all, mirroring his own thoughts exactly. “” ’t look like it would let them, though as many of the weapons sprouting from its increasingly coiled hull came to be arrayed against them in addition to the largely undaunted freelancers… when suddenly an emerald beam blew a hole through several sections that just so happened to align in that instant. And it seemed like it hit something important as the machine as a whole ceased its attack and instead collapsed limply. “’s…” ’Leah had heard of such weapons, but for good reason … … ’Leah, Sa’Finé decided to leave HQ in the hands of his adjuncts and went to report about the situation to the council – leading to a solemn exchange that left the overseers wondering if they would live to see another day for giving such a task to a pair of inexperienced adolescents. ’Finé were certain of their imminent demise until the ancient Tosc’Keri gestured for everyone to follow, and headed out to one of the elevated platforms outside. ’Finé was shocked – staring slack-jawed at the much older male who huffed brusquely and shunted his weapon back to whence it came like sniping it from this range was nothing special. “Prepare a crew to have the location cleaned up.” Keri told everyone flatly, “We’re going to lodge a complaint to the capital.” “” Finé asked. “” Sa said, and they let out a shared sigh. “… I didn’t even dare ask whether the eldest never saw the apprentice candidates or the Seekers who were out looking for them.” “’ll find out sooner or later. I reckon if we don’t find their bodies, it’s safe to say they were rescued and taken away. In either case, they’re no longer our responsibility.” ’Finé’s minds returned to work as the council finished their brief deliberation. About to delegate tasks they were sure would be placed directly on their own laps. ’s corpse made landfall – sending cascading shock waves of pure pressure and noise through the region that washed over them so hard it felt like they might be swept away. … she looked on in astonishment at a landscape changed. ’t see the horizon anymore. “We survived…” “” Amarr let out a relieved sigh, “though we best be careful still. Might still be clockwork soldiers about.” … when an unbidden thought came to mind. … “” Leah stopped dead and looked around, “Did you hear that?” “If you can move, come here?” Amarr tested, frowning as she nodded in confirmation. “’s it! Do you think that was from the freelancers?” “” “’s go!” She decided, “At the very least we must thank them for helping.” “…” He wondered aloud as he looked toward the north-west, “Unless…” “” ’s eyes widened, and he started pacing on ahead. “Unless the reason why a pair of freelancers just happened to come by now of all times, and even prioritized helping us, is because they are Seekers looking to take us in!” – now that they were no longer in danger – the more it made sense. Leah swallowed as she uprooted herself and sprang to catch up to her husband. ’s cooling coils. – only it had been expanded on. More importantly, that was where they finally found the male half of the freelancers. “…” Leah started, raising a hand to greet. “” ’Leah stop and shrink back, not about to earn him his ire by ignoring his instruction. “Was this one all you could find in there?” The male addressed. “’s safe to say this tunneling war machine won’t be getting its second wind.” “’s good.” The male looked back on Amarr’Leah, who tensed, “Meanwhile, the youngsters here are alive and well.” “” “’t, Ana, they’d have gotten too close.” “” Ana sighed as she, using the broken core as a footstool descended and approached the younger pair, “That being said, may we have your name so we know we’re dealing with the right people?” – though it wasn’t an outright confirmation. “M-ma’am.” Amarr started as he took a step forward, his head lowered in respectful obeisance. “Our name is Amarr’Leah dex Latro-06,” He continued softly yet clearly, “At your service.” “So you are indeed the ones we came here for.” “…?” Leah asked hopefully. “’Ana dex Uvlon-94, and as of today you are ours to supervise and train.” Talos replied for his mate, “All preparations have been made for your transfer, and you are no longer required to submit a report to the Miach Commune. However, that does not mean you will have it easy.” “” Ana followed up, “You will listen to what we tell you, and follow the directions we give you to the letter. Accordingly, you will only become full Seekers when the two of you have – –” “” Talos said sternly, his gaze passing over the younger pair, “Now, what say you?” ’Leah stiffened, standing at attention “”We’ll follow you.”” “” The older male smirked, “You no longer have a choice in the matter, but it’s good to see you are resolved.” “” Ana agreed, “For now, though, we’ll have you sleep.” “” ’t very strong, far as esoteric mods go. It can be resisted with enough willpower. That they surrendered so easily to it was an indication of how much stamina they’ve expended over the day, though it also told of something else. “’s as I thought.” “” Ana agreed, “They appear to be a fair bit younger than the average third-stage students, though it changes little.” “’ll have to slightly adjust the training, but that is all.” “” “” Talos nodded as he with a wave of his arm summoned their lander, which promptly swooped in to hover over them – ready to pick up its owners as well as their new charges. “…” He continued, “Let us be away.” ’ training ground, which he distantly hoped would last five months before he turned his mind toward navigation as they boarded the lander. |
It was a long, boring day at home. Zoe had been sprawled out on the couch for hours, wearing a t-shirt torn at the mid-riff and her underwear, with nothing to do. Sure, she could play video games, but there wasn’t any she really wanted to play. There wasn’t a show on she wanted to watch, nor was there a particular song she had an ear-worm for. Just boredom for this witchy vixen, yawning as she waited for something excited to happen. Suddenly, her ears perked up, there was a knocking on the door! Not even bothering to get up, she snapped her fingers, a glowing magical hand popping up to fly off to the door to open it up, “Come on in, make yourself at home, whoever ya are.” She grumbled to herself, huffing. “Good afternoon Zoe~! Jeez, you look like you dropped an ice cream cone, ya doin’ okay friend?” That bubbly friendly tone… that was definitely Ifra! She glances up from her couch, seeing the big pink fluff-ball towering over her, wearing a crop-top and shorts, having to duck under the doorway to get inside! “I’ve got the afternoon free and figured we haven’t hung out much lately, and wanted to see if you’d be up for some fun time together! Er, whatever you want to do of course!” He chuckles, rubbing at the back of his head, a silly lil’ grin on his face as he closes the door behind him! Zoe’s eyes lit up- almost literally! The spark of magic in her eyes was strong, changing that dull bored green color to a vibrant purple! With a smug lil grin, she pushed herself off the couch cushion into an upright, cross-legged sitting position, her tail beginning to wag,” Really, anythiiiing~? Even some magic?” the vixen asked, her grin getting wilder by the second! Ifra nodded, the pinky sitting next to her, taking up almost two cushions and the couch audibly straining a bit beneath him,” Yuh-huh, even some magic! I always love seeing ya get so fired up!” The temayn said as he happily got comfy, leaning back a bit while Zoe started to rub her fingers through his fluffy gut, the hand gently glowing as magic began to spread outwards and into his slightly chubby tummy~! Zap, Zap, Zip~! They were rather faint, possibly even being muffled by Ifra’s fat, but the sounds of magic at work were there as the purple energy spread through his body! The temayn closed his eyes, sighing happily; he felt like he was sinking into the couch, or rather, maybe shrinking into it? His clothes were feeling a lil loose… second by second, inch by inch… his body was changing too, though he didn’t quite notice it yet, at least not until he stretched and tried to yawn, only to let out a loud “SQUAAAAWK!” Caught off guard, he finally opened his eyes with a surprised blink, looking around! He was surrounded by a blue, fabric-like space… was he in his shirt? How small was he? He couldn’t see that well, but feeling around, he could kinda feel what he was now! His right feathered wing-hand wrapped around his shoulder, while his left one reached up and rubbed at his beak… he was a bird! A rather tiny bird at that! He did a quick lil’ stretch, getting a read of his lower body; his body type hadn’t changed much, he was very much still anthropomorphic! And of course he lowered his hands to squeeze at his chubby gut; of course he was still chubby, his plumpness was Zoe’s favorite part of him, she loved burying her face in that squishy gut of his, or turning him into a pillow! Suddenly, he found himself squeezed between what felt like massive, furry tongs, and was swiftly yoinked out of the dark shirt and into the blinding light, squawking as he covered his eyes, not quite adjusted to it yet! Once his vision finally cleared up, he found himself laying in a large field of cream-colored fur, looking up to see two large hills, clothed in purple, and the smug face of his vixen friend looming just over them. The big magical fox, now laying on her back on the couch, giggled,” Gosh, you always make for the cutest transformations Ifra~!” She reaches over, her hand plummeting towards him, before it slows down, as she outstretches one finger, starting to pet the top of his head! It felt kinda nice… rub rub, scritch scritch! Then, her other hand crept up from the other side, before the two cupped the tiny bird between them, squawking as he held on, finding himself trapped in a boat-like shape between the two hands, he found himself brought further towards her gigantic snout, the foxy snickering down at him, her sharp teeth on full display,” My my my, how small did I make you~? One inch, maybe two? Tell me lil cutie, how are you enjoying your new form~?” The lil bird blushed a bit, and looked himself over; this was his first time seeing himself in the light since he transformed! A chubby lil pink bird, with big wing arms and some cute tail-feathers… he looked up at her with an excited grin, stars in his eyes,” I love it!” She smiles, and squeeeees happily, removing her hands to hold the sides of her face as she got all giggly, the birdy finding himself plummeting down into the fluff on her chest, grabbing hold fast! If he had been dropped even a bit further down, he might’ve gotten lost in the crevices between her breasts! She soon reached down again, her index finger and thumb trapping him in their grip again, “Sorry cutie~!” She said, chuckling,” I got a bit too excited, it’s always really good to see someone enjoying a spell I cast!” Ifra responded in kind by maneuvering onto the top of her hand, getting comfy as he sat on it,” I’m glad to see you enjoying yourself too! You’ve got way more energy now than ya did when I came in!” He jumps up, wings outstretched, eager to give her nose a hug! Unfortunately, just as he did that, the foxy had opened her mouth to speak,” Gosh, thanks If-” She was then cut short as she got a surprise mouthful of bird, her cheeks turning as pink as he is with blush as she felt him collide with her tongue! The bird took a moment to gather his surroundings; his face was wet, in fact the chamber he was in was quite damp! It was dark, but he could kinda make out the layout of the room… he was up against a soft, squishy surface that seemed to wiggle under him a bit, and the red room around him had an.. interesting design on the sides? Kinda like.. teeth- OH that’s where he was! He squawked a lil, the flustery bird wiggling as he tried to get Zoe’s attention! Meanwhile on the outside, Zoe was currently salivating all over the poor bird; something about this taste… it was like if strawberry and chicken had a lovechild! She began to run her tongue over and under him, her maw occasionally opening and bits of slobber leaking out, hearts in the vixen’s half-shut eyes as she got lost in the taste! Why, it was so good… maybe.. just maybe… she began to tilt her head back, closing her eyes fully! Ifra, panting, blushing hard as he was barraged by a full body massage from that pesky greedy tongue, was a little too distracted by how nice it was to realize his entire world was starting to tip over! Finally, he began to realize he was sliding face-first towards the back of Zoe’s throat, her uvula dangling in front of him almost as if taunting him! He squawked, trying to grab onto the near walls or tongue, but everything was so slick and slippery, and finally he found himself plummeting headfirst down her gullet! The walls were eagerly squishing and squeezing at him, moving him along, the birdy panting as they seemed to take their time to toy with him! GULP~! Zoe sighed to herself, laying down on her front, fully relaxed… such a good yummy bird… It took quite a minute before it fully clicked into her head, and all that relaxed calmness quickly turned to very flustered embarrassment! She quickly got up, patting her gut, yipping a bit as she finally asked,” I-Ifra! Are you okay down there?” Meanwhile, deep inside, the bird was continuously squished and squeezed by the tight esophagus walls around him, before he finally plummeted down into a small chamber! After landing on what seemed to be a pile of half-digested food, the bird stretched and looked around; the fox’s stomach wasn’t nearly as dark as he thought it would be, having a faint purple glow permeating throughout it… this must be the work of the magic running through her body! It was rather calm, and aside from the occasional movement of the fox herself, seemed to be pretty calm! He could even hear her heart beating through the walls! After hearing her muffled question about him being okay or not, the little bird pressed his hands into the wall, squawking happily,” Y-Yeah! It’s actually kinda comfy in here!” There’s a bit of pause outside, Zoe a lil bewildered,” It… is?” He eagerly nodded, and squished his face into that warm wall,” Heck yeah! I wouldn’t mind staying a lil bit, is that okay with you?” The fox thought about it; she could definitely use magic to keep her digestive system in check, at least for a while! She idly rubs her stomach, and smiles as she glances down at it,” Well lil Ifra, I’d be honored to have you as my house-guest for a bit! Make yourself at home down there, and don’t be shy if you need anything” She smiled, sitting up fully on her couch, and starting to idly flick through channels on the TV; it didn’t matter that it was a do-nothing day, after all, she had a friend close by to share it with now! |
Rouge rang the doorbell. "Just you watch. I'm gonna win the costume contest and finally get Knuckles' attention," she said. She was dressed as Morrigan (from Darkstalkers). "No way, you crazy bitch," chirped Julie-Su, who was dressed as a different Darkstalker's character: Felicia. "People love it when you show off skin, and Knuckles is no different. I've got this in the bag." The door finally opened, and standing in the doorway was Night. "Vell, vat do we have here?" said Night, with her alluring accent. The two bickering rivals quit arguing and stared at her. She had an interesting costume on. "Nice costume, Night." Julie-Su said in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah, decided to use a holiday costume from last year!?" Rouge said arrogantly. The two were both laughing their heads off, which made them oblivious to what was about to happen. Instead of retorting with a snappy response, Night instead grabbed Rouge and Julie-Su, each in one hand. They squeaked like a couple of children's toys. Before either the bat or echidna could say anything, they found themselves stuffed inside the maw of the mother goddess, her blue tongue licking all over their faces. Acquiring a taste for them, she quickly stuffed them further into her mouth, with their legs dangling outside of her soft, full lips. Gulping, their heads were lodged inside of Night's throat, with her blue throat muscles rippling and squeezing them tightly. Night let out a pleasent groan, while Rouge and Julie-Su only now just registered what was happening. At this point, all they could do was kick their legs in the hopes that they would dislodge themselves from Night's powerful jaws. However, this was not to be, as she slurped their legs up in one go, taking their bodies fully into herself. Gulping a second time, their heads were now dangling above her spacious, blue stomach, with green stomach acids waiting for them below. Gulping one more time, they shot out of her throat and landed in her tummy with a giant splash of jucies and saliva. The powerful stomach groaned and churned as it accepted the fresh meat. "If you vould have paid attention, you vould have noticed that zis is a Christmas party." How could Rouge and Julie-Su have been so air-headed as to forget that Halloween was two months ago?! The two were speechless. They accepted their predicament, and calmly waited to be digested by the powerful being. |
Like most monster-hunters, Claris traveled for work, wandering from town to town in search of odd jobs most people couldn’t do- those that dealt with monsters and dangerous creatures. Because of the nature of most creatures, most of these jobs were to kill them. Over in Mukic, Claris noticed a flyer for a bounty that caught her eye: Giant Snake & Missing Persons. It piqued her interest for more reasons than she would openly admit. It was...an opportunity she wanted to take. So, the elf decided to go check it out, heading to the east side of the forest near Mukic where it was reported to live. As she wandered in, Claris noticed large snake tracks on the forest floor. She kept her footsteps quiet. Then there was a glitter of scales a few yards ahead, so she scampered up the closest tree, hiding in its branches. From here, she could see the beast. It was indeed a massive snake, with a body that had the girth of a full-sized human. It had glimmering green scales and an impressive length. She caught it feeding on a fox, its mouth wrapped around the animal’s abdomen, inching down to swallow it whole. As she watched this process, she felt herself shudder a bit. She wished it was a shudder of fear and disgust. Really, if she thought about it, the best way to kill a snake is from the inside so it’s caught completely off guard. She could try to catch it off guard right now and cut off its head but…would it hurt if she had a little fun with it? Claris shuddered again, removing her bag and cloak and tying them to the tree, then dropping down to the floor. The beast had finished dining on the fox, made obvious by a new bulge in its body. It turned its head in her direction and she saw its bright, silted eyes. The snake opened its mouth and hissed out, “So you finally decided to say hello?” Claris found her justification for this plan in that statement. It could smell her from up in the tree; catching it off guard wouldn’t have worked even if she’d tried. “Sorry, I was a bit nervous, but now I’m sure of my decision,” she said, looking down bashfully. “Decision?” the snake inquired. Its body had begun to slither around behind her, surrounding her on all sides. “Could you…eat me please?” Claris looked up at the snake’s head looming above her, holding her hands to her chest. She took a step towards it. “Eat you?” the snake squinted its eyes at her. She didn’t realize snakes could squint. “Why would you want that?” Claris let herself blush and look away, stammering, “I-it’s super embarrassing.” “…you know if I do this you’re not coming back. You’ll be digested. Dead,” the snake taunted her. Its body pressed against the back of her legs, pushing her towards it. Claris met the snake's silted eyes, now a few feet from her own. “Something tells me that even if I say no, you’re going to eat me.” The snake’s head bobbed up away from her, then it made an annoyed hiss, “So you WANT to die?!” “Yes, sorry if that makes this less fun for you,” Claris teased the creature. It probably thrived off unwilling prey struggling as they went down. The snake hissed aggressively, bringing its large head closer to hers. It squinted again, “Well, if you’re going to be like that then I’ll make it fun.” “Oh,” Claris smirked as the snake’s body wrapped around her abdomen, “Have all the fun you want.” The creature looked down at her, its silted eyes round and hungry. “I like my food without those garments.” The edge of its tail grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted it, revealing her small chest. Claris winced as the cool air hit her nipples and they shriveled up. She resisted the urge to tell the snake off and said, “Sorry I don’t have a lot of meat,” referring to her small breasts made smaller by the wind. It flicked its tongue out at her and said, “Oh no…you have plenty of meat.” It tore off the rest of her shirt in one swoop of its tail end and squeezed her ass with its body that was snaking around her. She groaned as its body moved up hers to grip her by the chest, squeezing her small breasts against her. Then the end of its tail wiggled into the top edge of her shorts and ripped them in half with surprising force. The fabric flew off her body to the ground, leaving her plump ass and black panties exposed. “Plenty…” the snake said again, looking at her backside with hungry eyes. Claris twitched in excitement as the snake grabbed her panties in its jaws and ripped the fabric off her body. Its scaly jaw was centimeters from her ass, and she could feel its warm breath on her skin. Then a warm, slithery tongue ran itself along her ass cheek and down her thigh. “You’re going to be delicious,” the snake cooed as it began traveling up her body with its tongue, tracing from her hips to her waist, up to her breasts, then up her neck. It ended at her cheek, and she made a low moaning noise. Its massive jaw was directly in front of her eyes. Claris's heartbeat raced in anticipation. She saw its wet maw open wide in front of her, then it descended upon her. She felt her face hit the warm, wet flesh inside the snake’s mouth, then her vision went dark. There was a pressure on all sides of her head, and she couldn’t help but moan. As the snake inched down her body, she twitched. The mouth, squishy with a distinct shape, became throat as she was slowly consumed. It went from the base of her neck to her shoulders with relative ease, squishing at her breasts when it reached them. Slowly, it inched down her small waist, enveloping half her body in its own. Then it widened its jaw again to reach around her ass. It slowed down, squishing her ass cheeks with its jaw. Then, all at once, she felt gravity shift. The snake lifted her body into the air, tilting its head upwards. When it had reached all the way around her ass, it licked at the area between her thighs, tasting the wetness that dripped out of her. Claris twitched in pleasure, widening her legs. Then, something cold and scaly teased the outside of her vagina. She groaned, stretching her legs out further. The scaly tail end slithered inside of her, cold and strange. Claris moaned loudly from inside the snake. It continued to savor her wetness, pushing its tail deeper inside her, then bringing it out and thrusting in. Claris started yelling, “yes yeS YES OH-” from inside the snake as the pressure around her body increased. As it swallowed her liquid, she felt it slide into its throat around her. The snake continued thrusting its tail into her body. It hurt a bit and lacerated her insides, causing blood to mix with her liquid. Despite this, Claris was still groaning. It felt amazing, if painful. When she was all dried out, the snake removed its tail end completely and tilted its head all the way back. Her crotch descended fully into its mouth, and it gave her one final taste with its tongue before letting the rest of her body slide downward into its mouth. Claris's legs twitched and her body felt exhausted after being fucked like that. She let herself rest for a moment as she slid down into the snake’s first stomach, shutting her eyes. She felt the creature move and slither. After a few minutes, it stopped. ((Blood & death ahead, feel free to stop reading here.)) Claris waited to make sure the creature was resting, then opened her eyes and reached up to her hair, pulling a clip out of the bun on her head. She held the clip in front of her, then flicked it open to reveal a blade. “Sorry about this buddy. A paycheck’s a paycheck and you’ve kinda been murdering people,” she said to herself, then thrust the blade into the snake’s skin and sliced it open in one swift motion. She heard it scream in pain as blood gushed from the gash in its torso. Claris tightened her grip on the blade and cut all the way around her, severing the large creature in two. It continued screaming, its upper half thrashing about. After a few moments of this, it went still. The elf wiggled her way out of its slimy insides, meeting the cool outside world once more. She stood slowly, not wanting her legs to give out from under her, then studied the creature’s corpse. Its scales were quite beautiful, and a lot of its parts could be used in elixirs. It would make a pretty penny but carrying all that to sell would be a pain. She’d have to go into town and buy a horse with the bounty’s money. Claris took her blade and sliced a full, connected strip of the snake’s massive body off. This would be her proof to collect the bounty. Naked still and covered in blood, saliva, and dirt, she wished her clothes had survived somehow and not been ripped to shreds. Claris made her way back to the tree she had watched the snake from and collected her bag and cloak. She used a spare cloth to dry off what she could on her body, then wrapped the snake’s body part with it and threw her cloak on. |
Bo-Hops was a bar on the east side of town, a hole-in-the wall place where most of the patrons were regulars. Curtis was one of them, sauntering in after his job with his dress shirt untucked and his tie loose. It was already pretty late, but he wanted his usual drink before he dragged himself home. His rat ears drooped from a long day and his tail draped loosely behind him. He sat down at his usual bar stool and waved his hand loosely at the bartender, not caring to see who it was. There was only one other patron at this late hour, and he was asleep at one of the tables. The lamia behind the bar slithered over to him and asked what he wanted. He sat up a bit, surprised it wasn’t one of the usual employees who know what he always gets. She was busty, with slick golden scales and bright red eyes. “Coors Light, bottled, extra cold, 2 limes,” he said curtly, not wanting to speak more than he had to. “Coming right up hon’” the lamia said, and she slithered off. He watched her rump and it traveled away, then looked back down at his hands. When his drink arrived, it was in a glass. As she turned to walk away, he waved her over again, “Hey, I said I wanted it bottled?” She glanced at him, “Oh I’m sorry hun’, we’re out of those.” “Did you check in the back freezer? They always say that and then find a whole box in the back freezer,” he said, glaring at her. She smiled, “I’ll double check then.” She slithered off and returned after a few minutes, “Yeah I’m sorry hun’ we only got tap right now.” “Where’s your manager? Can I speak to her?” “She ain’t here right now,” she responded “Why would they leave a new person all by themselves?” He growled. “Oh I ain’t new sweetheart, work the morning shift usually,” she narrowed her eyes at him. He slammed his hands down on the bar top and stood up. First work was a pain in the ass, now this? The lamia looked at him with a strange spark in her eyes. She put her hands on his and whispered, “Anything I can do to help you out sir?” Her eyes were almost mesmerizing. He felt himself grow hard and he swallowed a lump in his throat, glancing away from her eyes and landing on her breasts. Her head got closer to his ear and she hissed out, “You seem a little tense hon’.” She ran her hands up to his shoulders. Her cold scales made his fur stand up. All thoughts of his Coors Light abandoned, he took that as an invitation to grab her tits, feeling them squish together in his small hands. She pushed his wrong drink to the side and pulled him over to the inside of the bar. Curtis let her pull him down to the ground on top of her. He straddled the lamia’s body with his legs and put his face between her breasts. Oh the touch of it. He hadn’t gotten some action in a long time. As he pulled his pants down, his erection sprang into the cool air. He pulled the snake’s skirt down, and grinned wickedly. “Good to see you amending your mistakes you bitch,” he spat. She kept her bright eyes on him and smiled, pulling his hips close. He thrust into her and felt her firm, wet insides with his cock. Just being in her felt amazing. He held back a groan and thrust back and forth into the lamia, putting his face in her breasts and squishing them together. They were warm and soft like her vagina. He couldn’t help groaning quietly as he increased his speed, closing his eyes and bringing his head back. Then he opened his eyes and was met with the sight of a gapping snake maw in front of him. He made a startled noise as the snake’s tail pushed his length into her. Then the maw enveloped his head, plunging him into a warm, wet darkness. Curtis tried to thrash around, but the snake’s body held him firmly. He had no chance of escaping her. She moved his body back and forth with her tail, pushing his dick in and out of her. As she did this, she enveloped his body further into her mouth, moving down his neck and past his shoulders. The combined wetness of her pussy with the wetness of her mouth was fucking with his senses. He didn’t want to be eaten, but for some reason, he was even more turned on than before. He couldn’t help but increase the strength of his thrusting in time with her moving his body. Then, as he began to cum, she pulled his dick all the way out of her. Her mouth quickly enveloped down to his waist. He felt his head meet the start of her neck, slick and inviting. There was a pressure against all sides of his body. She angled her head upwards, using gravity to move his crotch and legs down into her maw. His entire body soon slid down her neck, and she swallowed, sending him into her first stomach. It was even hotter in her stomach than in her neck. The acid irritated his skin, growing to a burn as it worked to dissolve him. He tried to push on the walls of the lamia’s body to no avail. He started yelling and hitting the walls around him, but nothing. The lamia yawned, patting her stomach with a satisfied smile. She grabbed his untouched Coors Light and chugged the entire glass to wash down her meal. As she made a satisfied “ah” sound, she said, “Sorry hon’, all we got is tap.” He felt the drink pool into her stomach, realizing now that it had been his last. |
Estelle wandered around the expanses of the mystical forest. She was exhausted, just wanting to find a good place to rest for the night. A breeze rustled her fur, and she shuttered. If she got tired enough, she’d just have to set up camp for the night and hope the elements and other creatures were kind to her. But she’d rather not put her hopes on that, as this forest was known for the kinds of creatures that rustled about in the dark. She let out an exasperated little sigh at the thought, her floppy bunny ears swinging gently as she walked. Why Circa wanted Estelle to venture all the way out here for some damn fruit was beyond her. But witches had their strange, mystical ways, and that witch basically owned her life. It wasn’t like Estelle could just refuse; it would be a breach of their unspoken agreement. So here she was, freezing her tits off for the fruit in her pack. After what felt like another hour of mindless wandering, Estelle flopped down to the cold forest floor. She was exhausted, and she knew she had no chance of making it out of this forest in the dark. For a while she sat there, her head down, thinking about setting up camp. If she did, she would attract predators. But if she didn’t, there was no chance of her getting any sleep. She looked up at the winding tree branches, wishing she was more adept at climbing. They looked much more inviting than the ground. She began absentmindedly rubbing her antlers, in what Circa called their “middle stage” of growth, not as small as when they started, but not yet at their full majestic size. Est scowled to herself, wondering again why the witch even bothered going through so much to bring her back. Circa hadn’t even done any experiments on her like she joked about, she just asked her to run errands, both dangerous and mundane. Maybe she just wanted a kill-proof errand runner, but that still didn’t explain why Circa had chosen her. Estelle too was still unsteady with calling herself a “jackalope”, opting for just “bunny” or “rabbit”. It was easier, rolled off the tongue better, and made her feel more comfortable. She wasn’t used to her status as a jackalope quite yet. Circa, meanwhile, flaunted her to everyone that walked through her door. It made sense that one would be proud of their accomplishments, but it still felt weird to Est. She wasn’t used to it yet. The rabbit was pulled from her thoughts by a rustling sound in the brush behind her. She stood, turning towards the noise and backing away from it. The environment around her was made clear again, threatening her for stopping too long. A dark low voice came from behind her, “Who left this little snack out here?” Estelle jumped, making a little “eek!” noise and darting away from the voice. “Who’s there?!” she demanded, her voice shaky. A tall wolf with dark grey fur stood in front of her, looking at her little body with hungry eyes. He wore only a worn set of dark pants. The wolf grinned, revealing a sharp set of teeth, “You’re not from around here, are you?” Estelle fumbled in her bag for her knife, but the wolf had her pinned down before she could grab hold of it. Not like it would have done her very much. She screeched, falling on her back to the cold hard ground, her bag crushed beneath her. The wolf’s large hands had her pinned at her shoulders effortlessly. His body was massive, over twice her size, grizzled and looming over her. “Stop, let me go!” Estelle screeched, trying to wriggle free and failing. “Make sure you keep at that struggling on the way down,” the wolf said, panting heavily above her. Estelle tried to kick at him, but he kept his lower body far above her, like he was accustomed to this. Her eyes were open wide in fear. His jaw above her was wet with saliva. It opened wide, and she could see the fleshy insides of his maw, back to the opening of his throat. Saliva dripped down from his sharp teeth onto her face, making her wince. Then he descended upon her, and her face met a warm tongue, her vision brought to total darkness. The rabbit screeched, trying to struggle out of his maw’s grip on her, but she couldn’t. She felt the wolf grab her arms where he was pinning her, pinning them to her sides as he ushered her into his maw. Her head slid down and hit the back of his throat as he pushed her shoulders into his maw. She tried to struggle free and kicked around blindly. Her bag slid off her arms, abandoned on the ground. As her breasts entered the wolf’s mouth, she began sliding down his wet throat. There was an immense pressure on all sides of her head. Further he went, sliding her abdomen easily into his mouth. Estelle felt gravity shift from her abdomen down as he tilted his head backwards, ushering the rest of her inwards. Her head squeezed into the opening of his stomach as her plump ass made its way into his mouth. Soon the rest of her body joined her, curling up into the squishy insides of the wolf’s stomach. Her legs slipped easily into his mouth, and the wolf pulled her shoes off before shoving the last of her body into his wet maw. The last of her body left the cold of the forest, and Estelle gave one last kick before sliding all the way down his throat. The rabbit’s small body curled up in his stomach. Her clothes were soaked through with saliva, flesh pressed against every inch of her. She breathed heavily, trying to push against it, to no avail. “Goodnight little rabbit,” the wolf said, patting his stomach. Estelle tried to kick back, but his stomach severely limited her movements. Finally, she gave up struggling. This was her fate, dinner for a hungry wolf. The flesh against her was, at least, warm and soft, unlike the cold of the forest. Then Estelle remembered. It didn’t matter, her fate as the wolf’s dinner didn’t matter at all, because come morning, she’d be back, perfectly unscathed. It didn’t make what she had just experienced any less terrifying, but as she came to her realization, the wolf’s stomach became more and more comfortable. This body would dissolve and become his nutrients. It excited her a bit. She hadn’t experienced reformation fully yet, and like this she’d get to experience every bit of the process of dissolving into nothing. Estelle licked her lips and shuttered. She felt excited, the adrenaline of her fear redirected. With some effort and maneuvering, she wiggled her hand down to her crotch, reaching into her soaked pants and rubbing the outside of her pussy. She shut her eyes tight, reaching into herself and moaning softly. She pictured again the wolf’s maw descending upon her, playing through the feeling of sliding down his throat and the hot, wet walls of his stomach touching every inch of her, working to dissolve her little body. She pushed her fingers into herself, in and out, curling her body to reach up to her g-spot. When she hit it, she kept at it, crying out in pleasure. The wolf looked puzzled at his stomach, wondering why his snack seemed to be enjoying itself a little too much. He poked his stomach, and heard another little yell. It was an added pressure for Estelle, in a slightly different way. “Again!” she yelled at him. One way or another, she was dead in his mind, so he figured he might as well oblige to his meal’s requests. He flexed his large hands and started massaging his stomach and the little rabbit inside. Her moans got even louder. Then, with his hand gripping where her ass was, she climaxed, letting out a loud cry. She wiggled her fingers out of herself, panting and curling her body back up. Who knew she’d enjoy this whole thing so much? She chuckled to herself, exhaustion hitting her. Now this, this was the perfect place to spend the night. It was warm, comfortable, and dark. His stomach acid stung at first, then as she got accustomed, it felt like a comforting tickle. Like this, Estelle calmly drifted off to sleep. ~*~ “Hey! You dumb bunny wake up!” a familiar, annoyed voice called out to her. Estelle opened her eyes, wincing at the brightness of daylight. She groaned and looked up to see a light-colored fox glaring down at her. “God, I feel so sore,” Estelle said, sitting up slowly, “Hey Circa.” “I didn’t think you were dumb enough to get yourself eaten Esty.” Circa’s arms were crossed. “Sorry about that!” Est said, “But, to be fair, you did send me into a big spooky monster-ridden forest in the dark of night.” Circa sighed, “Did you at least get the berries?” Est smiled, “Course. They’re in my bag.” The rabbit looked around, suddenly realizing she was completely naked. She squealed and bunched up, covering her breasts with her arms. “Wait fuck you didn’t tell me about the naked part!” “Did you think you’d come back with your clothes Esty?” the fox made an annoyed tsk sound. “Look I didn’t think that far ahead,” Estelle pouted, “You also didn’t tell me I’d be this sore.” “I believe I did,” Circa huffed. Est shook her head. Through the brush, she caught sight of her shoes. She pointed and said, “Over there. There’s my bag.” Circa nodded. She reached into her sack and tossed Estelle a cloak, then started walking in the direction she was pointing. As Estelle put it on, Circa asked, “So, what did you get yourself into last night?” Estelle chuckled, “Oh, big scary wolf ate me.” She got up and followed Circa. Her body was still achy and sore, so she moved slowly. “Sounds fun,” Circa replied, picking up Estelle’s shoes and tossing them to her. The fox located Est’s bag, picking it up and checking inside for the fruit. The rabbit caught her shoes and slipped them onto her feet. She debated replying to her friend, “It actually was,” and decided against it, tucking it away as something to talk about later perhaps. “Well, good job getting me a lot,” Circa said, tucking them away. “Yeah I figured if I didn’t want to venture back here in a few weeks I should get you as many as possible,” Estelle chucked. Circa smiled, “I’ll have to dry some of them so they don’t spoil, but thank you.” “Of course,” Estelle said. The two began making their way out of the strange forest. Estelle was surprisingly satisfied with her venture, having acquired what Circa sent her for and an experience she hadn’t realized she needed. |
After riding the broom that Circa lent her for a few hours, Estelle finally reached her destination. It was late already; she hoped she would have enough time to get something to eat. The jackalope got off the broom, who’s power withered out, and she brought it with her inside the town’s inn, heels clicking against the pavement. “Need a room for tonight please,” she said to the goat at the front desk. He nodded to her, and she paid and got her key. After leaving the broom in her room for the night, she left the inn. There was a bar right next to it, it’s open sign still on. Perfect. She entered, finding an empty bar with a few flickering lights still on. The jackalope sat herself down and glanced at the menu in front of her. The bartender slid in front of her and said, “Welcome welcome on this fine night. How are you doing ma’am?” His voice was smooth and coppery. She glanced up to see a red fox with a white muzzle and black tipped ears. There was a toothy grin on his handsome face. She sighed, “Good as it can get ya know.” “Oh, anything I can get you to make it better?” he asked. Estelle’s eyes wandered down his shoulders, admiring their broad shape. She smiled at him, “I shouldn’t be drinking tonight, but a nice hot meal would be amazing.” “Oh I know exactly what you mean,” he chuckled, eyes scanning over her. She wore a purple top with a low v-neck extenuating her cleavage and a black pencil skirt that showed off her curvy figure. He looked away from her politely and said, “Are you ready to order or do you need a minute?” “Well, what would you recommend?” she asked, leaning forward, “I’m vegetarian.” His eyes fixated for a moment on her breasts, “Hmm well-“ he started saying, but was cut off by a loud stomach growl, coming from himself. Estelle chuckled, “Long day?” “You know it,” he laughed, looking away from her, “Sorry about that! Our veggie pasta is pretty popular with vegetarians like yourself.” “That sounds perfect,” she said, “And a virgin piña colada.” “Of course.” She watched as he blended her drink, taking in his slender form. His broad shoulders tapered down to a small waist, slim and attractive, and his ass looked firm and shapely. She watched his arms as he passed her the drink. The fox asked, “What brings you here, if you don’t mind me asking?” “Oh, I’m meeting a friend,” she said, sipping on her fruity beverage. “Ah, interesting. Not a lot goes on here, seeing someone new is always a pleasure,” he replied. “Thank you,” she smiled, “I was supposed to get here earlier in the day, but I miscalculated how long the travel was. Sorry to come here so late.” “Oh it’s no problem, I’m here till closing time and now I have something to do,” he said, laughing. Estelle had worked as a bartender before, however, and she knew part of him was lying. You never want people to show up after you’ve almost finished closing up. “What time do you close anyways?” Estelle asked. He rubbed his head, “11 o'clock.” She checked her watch, and 11:05pm showed on the screen, mocking her. “Oh! I’m sorry, I showed up right before didn’t I? Oh dear.” He laughed, sounding very tired, “It’s no problem at all.” “No, I’ve worked as a bartender before, I know it is. Tell the kitchen all I need is my pasta, whoever’s back there can go home.” The fox eyed her and said, “You sure?” She nodded, and he zipped off to the kitchen. A few minutes later, he came back with her pasta, and set it down in front of her. She took note of his forearm, slim and tapered. His shoulders were well-rounded, but not overly muscular. She smiled, “Thank you so much. What’s your name by the way?” “Roxas,” he said. “Well I appreciate everything Roxas,” she said, “I’m Estelle.” “Pleasure,” he said to her, tilting his head down politely. His eyes flickered to her, then away, as if he was trying to look anywhere but at her breasts. She smiled to herself and ate her food, watching his ass as he worked to close the bar. After a few moments of silence, she said, “You know, you’re very handsome Roxas.” He stopped for a second, his pointy ears perking up. He turned towards her, his eyes moving down from her face to her breasts which she was leaning forward onto the bar. He glanced away from her and said, “Thank you.“ There was a gap in the conversation as she ate her pasta. Then Roxas asked her, “You mentioned a long trip. Where are you from?” He continued busily cleaning the bar, looking away from her. Estelle swallowed a mouthful of pasta and said, “Well, originally I’m from Glenburr, a town even smaller than this one. It’s up north. But I traveled from somewhere east. I was collecting some ingredients for my witch friend.” “Ah, the one you’re meeting here?” Roxas asked. Circa smiled and said, “Yes, but I’m afraid I can’t say much more. You know how witches are with their secrecy.” She chuckled. He laughed, “I do. Our local wizard is very hush-hush about his practices.” As Estelle finished up the last bite of her pasta, she said to the fox, “Well, thank you very much Roxas.” He handed her her tab and said, “My pleasure ma’am, hope the rest of your night is lovely.” “Oh,” she said, “I hope so too.” As he was wrapping up, he took her dirty plate and cup, and their eyes met. Roxas had dazzling amber colored eyes. She saw something behind them that enticed her, an intense hunger. Estelle leaned towards him and asked, “Would it be rude to invite you to my room?” He froze, ears perked up and plates in hand. “Pardon?” “I’m staying in the inn next door,” she said, “And you’ve made great company.” The rabbit wet her lips with her tongue and set her cash down on the counter. “Let me treat you, if you'll have me.” She waved her hand and turned, walking away from the bar. Her hips swayed back and forth as she did so, and she could feel his locked eyes on her backside. ~*~ Estelle got to her room and sorted her stuff while she waited. When she was done, she looked at herself in the mirror, running a hand along her antlers. They were dark brown with small yellow flowers, and they took up a lot of space atop her head. She bit her lip, hoping they wouldn’t be a problem for Roxas. Her large bunny ears swayed gently with every head movement. After about 20 minutes, there was a soft knock at her door. Estelle smirked to herself and went to open it. Roxas stood in the doorway, his work shirt unbuttoned and a smile on his handsome face. “Evening miss,” he said, his eyes scanning her body up and down. Even with her heeled boots still on, Roxas towered above her. Estelle smiled and ushered him in with a hand and closed the door behind him, locking it. When she turned he was a few inches away from her. The anticipation in her body flared up. “You’re so big,” she whispered. He surprised her by pressing her against the wall with his hands, lowering his head to meet hers. “I didn’t realize what a small little package you were,” he whispered back. Estelle shuttered and whispered, “You could gobble me right up.” His hands held her waist, then his head closed the gap between them and he kissed her deeply. All her desire flooded her at once. The force of his body pressing her against the wall was overwhelming. She pressed her mouth against his with what strength she had, pressing her hands against his chest above her and running them down to his waist. His hands traced her body upwards, lingering on her voluminous breasts, then squeezing them. Estelle made a small noise and pulled his hips towards hers, gripping his firm ass in her hands. Roxas pulled the front of her shirt down, exposing her bra. He reached one hand into her bra, squishing her tiddy as his other hand worked to try and unzip the back of her skirt. It didn’t work, and he feverishly used both his hands to unzip it. She raised her hands up and he pulled off her shirt while moving her away from the wall, her skirt falling down at her boots, which she also wiggled out of. Roxas’s hungry eyes took her curvy figure in. His mouth was ajar slightly, drool collecting and dripping down. Feverishly he took off his button down and t-shirt, then he was upon her again. He unhooked her bra and it slid forward onto the floor. Estelle then found herself pinned on her back to the bed, staring up at a bare chested fox. He grabbed her breasts, and she opened her legs up to straddle his hip. Roxas started panting and grinding his crotch against her. His throbbing length was too much. “Oh you. You must be hungry,” Estelle gasped, reaching her hands into his pants and grabbing his ass. Roxas put his snout to her breast, taking in her scent. He licked along her cleavage, leaving a trail of saliva. She shuddered in delight and tugged at the edge of his pants. The fox moved his hands down to her waist and pulled down her panties, revealing her wet pussy. She squirmed, tugging harder on his pants. Quickly, he undid his button and yanked them down, kicking them off his feet. His throbbing cock sprung out, perched outside her vagina “Take me please,” Estelle said, “I’m yours tonight, Roxas.” He wasted no time and thrust his length into her, and she was struck with a sensation of pleasure. Estelle groaned. His balls pressed against the outside of her entrance, her hands still on his ass. He felt amazing. He pulled out, then thrust his length back in, once, twice, then over and over. He developed rhythm, arching his body over hers and pressing against her completely. She groaned. All she could feel was Roxas and his cock thrusting into her. It was hot, but the weight of his body was amazing. He started panting, mouth open in front of her eyes. “God you fox,” Estelle cried out, “eat me. Eat me please.” In between pants, Roxas gasped out, “What?” His thrusting didn’t falter. “I’ll be your dinner Roxas, devour me whole. Please Roxas I want to be inside you,” she groaned. His thrusting grew more intense, “Oh you do?” “YES PLEASE,” she groaned, “TAKE ME! EAT ME ROXAS!!” He kept thrusting harder, in and out as his maw descended upon her, wide and wet. Then she was inside him, feeling his wet sticky mouth. His tongue pressed against her face, licking her. In she went, and harder he thrust, in and out of her. With her head inside, staring at the opening of his throat, he came, filling her insides with cum. Estelle let out a groan and pressed her body into him. It was so hot and wet in his mouth and her crotch. The fox opened his jaw wider to wrap around her small shoulders, raising her off his dick slowly. Her lower body twitched in delight as her head met the back of his throat. His esophagus was wide and open, ready to take her in as his dinner. As her body was pulled in bit by bit, her face began sliding down his throat. He opened his maw a bit more to take in her breasts and suck on her entire body while licking all over them. He especially enjoyed moving his tongue between her breasts. The slick walls of his throat pressed against her face and she groaned from halfway within him. Roxas’s dick slipped out of her now. Estelle squirmed with her legs a bit as the fox tilted his head upwards. His arms were gripping her, pulling more of her body into his mouth. When he reached her ass he grabbed it with hands and squeezed it hard. Inside Roxas’s neck Estelle’s torso was being squeezed from every angle. As he pushed her ass into his mouth, he squished it with his lips and lapped the fluids leaking out of her pussy with his tongue. It felt amazing. From the opening of his stomach she groaned. He continued this licking for a while, sucking on her ass and squishing it in his hot wet maw. Estelle felt her body tense up as she reached her climax, and let out and loud satisfied moan. His tongue licked between her thighs while his lips and hands squished them. He shoved them into his mouth and the rest of her body slipped down his throat with ease. Roxas gulped loudly and Estelle’s body slid down into his stomach, curling up around her. Estelle reached her hand to her crotch and started pleasuring herself. The walls of his stomach were hot and slick as they pressed against her small body. She twitched and groaned. This fox felt just as amazing as she had imagined. His stomach was so comfortable and wet around her. Her eyes rolled backwards as she climaxed again, body twitching and shuddering. The fox gave a satisfied groan, squeezing his stomach with his hands. He wasn’t expecting her to be so happy to be his dinner and she had been delicious. Not often did he get to swallow bunnies, much less jackalopes. Roxas yawned and laid down on the bed in the inn, slowly dozing off as his stomach churned. Estelle settled down, pressing her body against the walls around her. She always loved when she found others that were hot and willing to eat her, it didn’t always line up this perfectly. She turned over, and closed her eyes. His stomach acid tickled as it worked to dissolve her body. It was soothing, and she eventually drifted off. ~*~ The following morning Estelle found herself conscious once more, lying next to Roxas. He was fast asleep, his jaw open as he snored softly. She chuckled to herself, then noticed the clock next her. It was almost noon. “Best I be off now, although this is my room…” she mumbled. With a sigh she got up and stretched into the air. Her body ached all over after being reformed once again. Estelle was late now; Circa would be mad at her for it. Estelle got herself dressed in a new set of clothes and picked up her bag and Circa’s broom. All that was left here was her clothes from the night before, and she didn’t mind the fox being left alone with those. She scrawled out a short thank you note for Roxas and left him to sleep some more, wishing she could do the same. |
Hey y’all, my name is Georgina Suzuki from 偽名, a side character from an anime you’ve never watched but masturbated to constantly. I speak like a teenager even thought I’m supposed to be 36 and a mother of four. I have a 32& cup size, and my hair is a platinum chartreuse. I’m 6’5” decameters, and I have the perfect skin color. Today, I’m going down to the beach to find some cutie to fill out my bathing suit. I’ve got a totally curvy body, but I like to make people insecure by complaining about how flat I am. Afterwards, I’m going come home and embarrass my son and/or daughters with my honkin’, stonkin’, saliva-droppin’ tiddies because incest is a character quirk. One scene transition rife with stuff you know you all skip later. Okay, so we’re down at the beach, and it’s not crowded at all, which is really perfect. I scan the empty beach, and then, I found my meal, lounging on a lifeguard chair like he was the lifeguard. I smack my big, orangish-cyan lips, colored by lipstick that me and the girlfriends spent one long (and sexy) afternoon picking out. But you’ll have tow ait for that story later. *wink* I walk over to the lifeguard stand and gaze up at the young man sitting on the tower of beachgoer’s protection. I bat my perfect eyelashes up at him. His eyes are locked on the glistening sea like a responsible lifeguard would. Soon, his eyes would be locked on a much smaller sea (in my belly). “Oh no,” I cry. “I think I am drowning. Please come save me.” I lean and swoon against the stand. The lifeguard does not move. I know I have him in my grasp now. Thirty minutes later, he climbs down to swap out with his replacement, and I ambush him halfway to the parking lot. My plan was a success. Now, I can feel him wriggling and writhing in my belly. It makes me moan with a sexy high pitch. Every detail of his face imprints out of my perfectly round and smooth belly. I sure am glad the beach is empty today because Vore-hackneyedsuffix is def illegal. It looks he should have been on the guard of his own life. LOL> I would describe in graphic and implausible detail about shitting him out later, but you didn’t see a porn image of this anime in the thumbnail or a cropped picture of a real model. Also, poop is icky and gross, you perverts. While my belly is breaking down this screaming and struggling cutie to turn him into big, juicy boob fat and huge, jiggly ass fat (and maybe even milk to feed my seven kids if he’s lucky), I feel totally turned on right now. My PUSSY is slopping moist, and each time he moves, I cum a gallon. Looks like I’m going to need a new set of bottoms. Fufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufuf. So, I’m going to find some pretty bimbo to stuff up my PUSSY, because I’m def a lesbo now. Sexuality is arbitrary in vorno land. I hop and skip and jump down the ebony white sands, making my belly jiggle even harder, breaking down the lucky man inside who’s probably old enough to keep me off a list even faster. Then, I spot her. She’s a blonde with even more voluptuoun than me, and she’s wearing this very tiny string bikini that is invisible and doesn’t cover anything. I sneak up behind the very sexy bombshell, and I convince her to have sex with me for four days straight because she finds my belly super sexy. Then, she willing stuffs herself into my PUSSY because she’s totally into it, y’all. Now, my belly is twice as large. I feel so full and sexy. Then, I come her out as a wave of feminine ejaculate, and I also cum her iconic clit piercing, which I’ll always cherish. Finally, the boytoy is finally all gone, and my swimsuit is finally straining from the weight of my humongous breasts and colossal ass. I’m even leaking milk through my swimsuit like a garden hose. Walking home, everyones’ eyes are on me, and they def want to hella have sex with me, even the asexuals – because I am just that hot and sexy. I may or may not have bones to shit out, even though my stomach is perfectly flat. I stop at a coffee shop that’s the hangout spot of the main characters for no reason. I hit on the cute waitress, and inexplicably order food by trading in the clitoris piercing that I came out of my PUSSY. My figure could always use more curves, and that waitress looks pretty tasty. *smacks luscious lips* Just as I’m about to chow down on the waitress who has more art than me despite being in only two episodes, the main character, Satō Smith walks in with a huge gut and sexy curves. “Well, hey Georgina,” Satō smirks, smacking her huge belly. She probably ate more people than even I could. What will happen next? Will I be turned into boob fat? I can only hope, because that’s been my lifelong dream. |
I awake with a groan, deep in the belly of my house: my bedroom. I lie even deeper inside my bed, contained within the soft, warm sheets and blankets and quilts that compress and squeeze me. I shudder deeply as I slowly release myself from those comforting folds. A blanket wraps around me like a tongue, my main quilt grips me from two ends like lips. At last, I break free from my bed’ hold, my feet touching the spongy, vermillion rug. Each tuft is like villi tickling my bare soles. I clench my teeth and steel against touching myself, for the day is long ahead. I step over to my wardrobe, and I pry apart its wooden jaws. I take my garments from its depths, and licking my lips, I insert myself into each one. My limbs are consumed by each article of clothing. Entrapped in the clothy middles of my clothes, I shut the tender doors of the wardrobe, and I depart my bedroom. I move through my house’ insides, growing closer and closer to the exit. First, I stop in the kitchen, a true shrine of consumption. With no time for breakfast, I hurriedly pack my lunch, dipping my arms into the shallow, awaiting craws of cupboards, pantry, and refrigerator. Finally, with my lunch trapped in a dark, small container, I approach the front door of my house –a true maw that keeps in favored meals while keeping out undesirable tastes. My skin tingles as I release myself from my house through the front door, which opens with trusted ease. I shut the front door gently, and let out a held breath. Bring my car keys out of my deep trouser pockets, I lock the front door. I walk down the sidewalk, that pale path that leads to inviting yet sturdy maw. Massaging the keys in my warm hand, I go to my car parked in my driveway, sitting in a tantalizing position near the doors of the detached garage, its smallish frame too full and packed to ingest my car’ girth. I stick my car keys deep into the lock of car and tease it unlocked. Finally, I enter my car and sit down in the squishy driver’ seat, setting my lunch down in the passenger’ seat. With a twist of the key, my car comes to a start, rumbling deep, vibrating my whole body with its energy. With a pull of the gearshift and a stroke of the wheel, I depart my property, giving one look at my house before it leaves sight, imagining my return to its hold. As I drive through my neighborhood, I feel pity for my neighbors who cannot feel the same bliss and passion I do each day. At last, I leave my neighborhood and join the throng of traffic on the roads. We are packed tightly on these winding corridor –moving, sliding beside each other on our ways to the day’ necessities. The hot air from my car’ air conditioning unit builds a mild sweat upon me, and a swipe a slick sheen off my forehead. After half an hour of driving through the crowded, one-way passages, I arrive at my place of work. The office building is bigger and taller than my house It dwarfs me in size. I am an insignificant, nameless speck in its innards, to be consumed until my use runs out. I park my car among the dozens of others, and I leave my lunch in my car to await my return. The large doors are glass of the office are glass, so I can see my fate before I ever enter. The doors are tall and loose, and I go through them with ease, stepping into the building’ esophageal lobby, preventing myself from squealing in the meantime. I head over to the elevators and lick my teeth as the elevator door open. I set the elevator to go to my floor of operation, and the elevator rumbles as it rises, just like my car. Since I am alone in the elevator and its cameras capture no sound, I let out a series of quick breaths and one short whine. Then, the elevator arrives at my floor, and I step out into the depths of the building. I walk to my cubicle, set in the very middle of the office. It is a tight, small cubicle that secludes me from the rest of the office there is only room for me. I work on autopilot, as I normally do, since even by early-morning I am already too aroused to put much concentration on anything besides restraining my lust. The hours tick by, with each minute building a stronger sensation in my body and mind. When my arousal is teetering on the edge of control, my lunch break comes. I quickly escape the cramped cubicle and leave the office building, too insignificant to contain with effort. I return to my car and reenter the more familiar frame. Finally, I indulge in consumption and relax myself. I pick up my lunch and devour. Each component is small enough or malleable enough that I can swallow upon first setting in my mouth –no chewing, no biting, no grinding, just the sensual descent of food down my throat. I always eat in my car in order to hide my excitement and indulgence from my coworkers. I do not pleasure myself just yet, for I only have one set of clothes. Sadly, there is only so much food in my lunch, and there is only so many minutes in a lunch hour. I go back to my cubicle with a full stomach and a cooler head, but there is more work to do. The arousal keeps ticking up. By the time the end of the work day comes, my toes are clenched, my tongue tossing, my teeth pressing, my hair raised, and my loins hot. I am emptied from the massive workplace along with the other bodies, toiling to nourish the office. We will all return there, willingly or unwillingly. However, the workplace is soon forgotten as I get back in my car and race home, going as fast as possible along the roads, around the bends, weaving past those in the streets who do not desire home nearly as much as I do. My whole body is trembling as I speed into my driveway and park my car. I grab the emptied remains of my lunch vessel, and I leave my car, giving it curved form one pat for keeping me safely and efficiently. Although I am overwhelmed with lust, I check in on my backyard first, to observe the health of those decorations that highlight the backside of my house. It is a short examination, and I go up to the backdoor of my house. I take a deep breath as I prod my key into its lock. Then, with a rough motion, I push through the backdoor into my house. My clothes are hardly off and the rear entrance closed before my hand is at my genitals. I masturbate with vigor, ferocity, utter love for the guts of my house. I orgasm deeply, sloppily, loudly. I moan and groan and cry and scream and babble without fear of being overheard. Each room, each organ receives my love, not a single one escapes a stain or puddle from my many climaxes. I pleasure myself to the feel of the carpet, the tightness of the walls, the heat of the air. My house matches my groans as its timberous bones shift and its hollow vents contract and expand. My sexual frenzy ends where it always does: In my bed in the belly of my house. By the time I am done, my sheets and blankets and quilts are sopping. When my breaths normalize and my hands still, I slip out from the bed and take off all the covers, depositing them into the mouth of the washing machine. I take a shower to wash off the sexual results, letting the hot fluids of the house wash over every part of my body. Then, I dry off with a lapping towel, before remaking my bed with clean covers from the gaping closet. Already deep into the dark evening, I slip back into the captivating folds of my remade bed in the nude, as always, and I fall asleep, gorging on meaty dreams and waiting for the next day to come to repeat it all again. |
“Twillliiight!” Twilight’s ears folded against her head as she galloped through town. She barely registered the faces of the surprised flower sisters as they passed. Not long after, she could hear a loud crash followed by “The horror!” Twilight knew she didn’t have much time. She needed to get away. Her life depended on it. “Twiliiiiiiiiiiight!” The deep, masculine voice struck fear into her heart, her ears flattened back against her head. “I told you, I’m sorry!” Her voice quivered slightly. “Saying you’re sorry won’t fix what you did!” Another crash, followed by a scream. “Now get back here so I can take something of yours like you did mine!” Twilight rounded the town fountain, the dreaded footsteps just behind her. She was uncertain of how close he was, so she turned her head to get a better look. A tall, bipedal figure loomed over her and blocked out the sun. Twilight only had time to scream and activate a teleport spell before two long arms closed around where she’d been. The figure kept going and fell face first into the dirt. He hit the ground with a fist before he turned and glared at the purple pony who materialized on top of the fountain. Sweat poured down her forehead and her chest expanded with each labored breath. Anon, the resident human, smirked. “Getting tired, are we Purplesmart?” Twilight only whined in response, and slowly backed away. Her wings twitched and began to spread out as she bent her legs. “Not this time!” Anon lunged for her, but she jumped off the fountain. Anon stumbled and fell into the water of the fountain below with a loud splash. He recovered quickly, then glared at the backside of the pony he’d come to loathe as she galloped away yet again. “Vengeaaaaance!” Anon stumbled out of the fountain, tripped and face planted into the dirt a second time, and then sprinted after her. Twilight spread her wings as she continued to run. She was honestly surprised that Anon was capable of keeping up with her for this long, in the past he’d protested any physical exertion whatsoever. He seemed perfectly content with being a general pain-in-the-flank, somewhat quirky hooman who seemed to get himself mixed up in the town’s shenanigans wherever he went. Twilight and her friends were a little cautious of him when he’d first arrived, but after he’d gotten a job and proven himself to be a resourceful and friendly guy, they’d opened up to him a little more. He was especially interested in magic, and he would often come over to Twilight’s to join her in her studies. He told her all sorts of things about human society, including the sort of games they liked to play for fun. Anon seemed to like a peculiar type of card game in particular, though now Twilight was afraid that he would never play it with her again. “It was just a card, Anon!” Twilight shouted as she began to lift off the ground. “Oh no you don’t!” She felt a sudden tug on her tail, then was forced to fall to the ground as Anon dragged her back down with his weight. He kneeled overtop of her, then grabbed her chest fur and began to shake her repeatedly. “A limited edition, pristine condition, unfathomably valuable card, Twilight! It needs replacing!” Twilight flailed her legs helplessly for a moment as Anon shook her. Then, as she finally got her bearings, she darted her head down and bit Anon’s hand. “Ow!” Anon withdrew immediately. He shook his hand as he inspected it carefully. “Now that’s just rude! You don’t know where that mouth has b—” He looked up to notice Twilight was already running away again. He gave an aggravated groan before standing and giving chase again. Twilight spread her wings to try and fly again, but her right wing twitched and she folded it back in carefully. Sprained and hurt wings were something Twilight dealt with on a regular basis when she was learning how to fly, but now she feared it meant the end of her. “Princess Twilight!” A deep, booming voice echoed across Ponyville. Twilight halted in mid-step, then turned. Two merchant carts were pushed aside as Anon stormed into the town square, his face contorted into a scowl. He stopped his advance, then pointed a finger straight at her. “You have destroyed something that belongs to me!” Twilight only had time to let out an “Eep!” that rivaled Fluttershy’s meekness before she hurriedly scurried into the nearest concealed area she could find, an empty alleyway between two houses. Anon tossed his head back and let out a beastly (though frankly very over exaggerated and pathetic) roar before he gave chase. Twilight rounded a corner. Her heart pounded in her chest as wisps of ragged breath quivered over her lips. To her dismay, she soon came to a wall that marked the end of the alleyway. She pivoted and tried to go back, but Anon rounded the corner just then. “Nowhere to run, Twilight.” Anon grinned and approached her slowly. She turned around again, and ran towards the back wall. She was trapped. So she did what any hurt, scared pony would do in her position. She defended herself. She dug her hooves in the dirt to stop her momentum as her horn lit up. “I’m sorry Anon!” She yelled back as a large, purple wall shimmered into view, effectively blocking her view of Anon. “As if that thing will stop me!” Anon called from the other side of the wall. He snorted and dug his shoe into the dirt like a bull before he charged straight for it. “Rrrrrrrrgh!” he yelled as he jumped to smash through the wall. His face twisted from anger into surprise when, not only did the wall offer absolutely no resistance, he felt a peculiar case of vertigo as he made contact with it. It felt like the wall was bigger than it appeared from the outside, and his surprise only doubled when he finally emerged into the daylight. He emerged to see a distressed, much larger Twilight waiting for him on the other side, her head leaned down and her mouth wide open. Her tongue dangled out to receive him, and the dark pink of her maw was beyond that. “...Crap.” Anon flailed, but to no avail as he sailed inside Twilight’s mouth. Twilight’s head jerked backwards slightly from the impact, but she clamped her mouth down across Anon’s form as soon as she felt him press against her tongue. Anon writhed and kicked in the air as he dangled from her mouth. Twilight took a deep breath to try and settle her racing heart and mind. Her nose twitched and quivered as it nervously sucked in the cool, calming air. She leaned her back against the alleyway wall and closed her eyes. Anon wasn’t so much of a threat anymore, and now she just needed to calm herself down. Anon on the other hand spat saliva out of his mouth as he glared at the back of Twilight’s throat. Some light leaked in from the sides of her mouth, staining his prison a light pink color. Twilight’s tongue undulated underneath of him, and he could feel the occasional squeeze as she reaffirmed her grip on him. Twilight's saliva oozed into his clothes, the constant assault of her humid breath on his face made it difficult to breathe clarity to the situation.. “Fucking ponies.” He grumbled to himself as he pushed Twilight’s tongue away. He laid his hands on Twilight’s teeth and tried to push himself out of Twilight’s maw. “Mhmh, moo momay?” Twilight mumbled with her mouthful. Anon didn’t respond, but Twilight didn’t want to risk letting him out again. She didn’t want to hurt him, but she also didn’t want him to hurt her. “Twilight!” she heard the muffled shout. “Let me out! You aren’t making your situation any better, here!” “Mot mummil ymou halm nown!” Twilight responded. “I can’t understand a word you’re saying!” Anon flailed again. Twilight rolled her eyes and reaffirmed her grip on him. Hopefully soon he’d realize that his struggling wasn’t going to make her release him anytime soon. “Twilight!” Anon called again and thrashed about. When she didn’t respond, he sighed and propped his head up with his elbow leaned against the bottom of Twilight’s mouth. He was absolutely drenched now as saliva dripped on him from the roof of her mouth, stuck on him from her tongue, which pressed in on him from the sides. He felt like he was in some sort of weird water park ride. Twilight trotted back towards the alleyway entrance. She wanted to take Anon back home and talk with him there, but his constant squirming made it very hard to keep a grip on him. Twilight feared that if he escaped he might try to hurt her again, so she needed a way to get a better grip on him. Twilight slowly lifted her head skyward, and tossed it back a few times to get more of Anon inside. He kicked, squirmed, and made a few muffled sounds, but Twilight held him fast. Anon felt his heart plummet as his fleshy prison tipped backwards and sent him further back into Twilight’s mouth. He tried to push himself out using the inside of her cheek, her teeth, her tongue, anything really, but he couldn’t keep his grip and he simply slid right off. It wasn’t long before he felt the warmth from Twilight’s mouth cover his entire body. Then, the sound of pearly whites slamming together behind him extinguished all light within the mouth. Twilight slurped Anon’s legs inside and closed her mouth. Her cheeks were puffed out from her new guest, but she didn’t feel like she was going to drop him anytime soon. As she walked, she found her thoughts focusing less on the talk she was going to have with him, and more about his taste. Twilight never tasted another living creature before. The feeling of having something alive squirming inside her mouth was strange, but certainly not unwelcome. He had an odd salty taste, strange but not unpleasant. It was sweet almost, and if she didn’t know any better she might think that he was a sugar cube. As she cantered back towards home, her eyes drifted to a close as she swished Anon around inside of her mouth. She rubbed him against her palette, and ran him around the inside of her cheek. Anon tried desperately to push the assaulting tongue off, but to no avail. It intruded on his private space constantly, pushing and prodding against his bare skin as it left no inch of him unexplored. He could hear Twilight vocalize her enjoyment in the forms of small hums that rang from further back. He swore, once he was out, she was going to pay. As for right now though, he was just a very wet, very indignant human at the mercy of the pony. They were almost home now. Twilight found it rather difficult to concentrate on the path home, but she stopped every once in awhile to enjoy her surprise treat before she continued on her way. The occasional pony would glance her way, confused by her odd behavior, but they soon went back to what they were going. Before she turned onto the street where the library was, she felt her belly growl at her. She froze in place, then splayed her ears back against her head. She knew what her belly was telling her to do, but angry at her or not, Anon was her friend. She didn’t want to do that to him. Another insistent growl from her stomach and a kick from Anon caused her to flinch and whine a bit. Anon gripped Twilight’s tongue firmly. It pressed him back against the row of her teeth, going up under his shirt slightly to lick at his bare skin. “Back, back demon!” He shouted at the muscle. “You shall not have me today!” He pushed at it, but it only backed off for a moment before it pressed up against him again. “Guh…” Anon went slack and sighed as the tongue continued to assault him. She was really asking for it. A deep, guttural growl that shook his small prison sent a shiver down his spine. The familiar bubbling growl of a belly, no matter how distorted, gave him pause. When Twilight got into one of her study sessions, she sometimes forgot to eat. Even though Spike was back at the library to cook for her, she would specifically ask not to be disturbed during her studies. That, of course, meant that she’d be very hungry at the end of her study sessions. Anon sometimes had to drag her out of her study so that she would eat. Twilight swished Anon from side to side, going over a mental list of spells in her mind. One in particular stood out among the rest. Teleportation. She’d practiced teleporting other things a few times, even things she couldn’t directly see. If she could just have Anon for a little while… then teleport him out before she actually ate something substantial… he’d be okay with that, right? “Twilight, I know what you’re thinking! Don’t you dare!” Anon pounded on the inside of Twilight’s mouth to get her attention, but she didn’t seem to be listening. Anon gripped at Twilight’s teeth as his prison started to tilt backwards, then he heard something behind him squelch loudly. “Twilight! Twilight!” He shouted as her saliva ran over his body and between his fingers. He managed to hold on for a few more seconds before he lost his grip and slowly slid down. “Twiliiiiiight!” He shouted as he felt something catch his legs and began to [i]suck[/i] him in. Outside, Twilight slowly tilted her head back. A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as a rather large bulge appeared at the beginning of her throat, just beyond her jawline. Her ears went flat against her head as she rubbed the bulge softly. She stroked it downwards, urging it to go on. It hesitated for only a moment, then slowly began to descend her throat. Twilight’s cheeks became stained with a tint of red as she smiled, and she hummed to herself happily. Anon struggled, but it was all for naught as he was squeezed down a tight, wet tube. He could feel pressure against his back, something that stroked him and coaxed him further on. He could hear the steady thumping of Twilight’s heart just beyond the muscular walls that squeezed him downwards, and a distant humming sound that came from further up. Eventually, Anon’s path levelled out and he started going horizontal. He felt himself break through some sort of stretchy, wet barrier before he came into contact with something squishy and wet. His progress stopped completely. He thought he was done, but then the thing began to engulf his head. “Twilight you- mmph!” He kicked his legs and moved his arms about to protest, but it proved to be for naught as he was quickly sucked inside. He went through an even tighter pathway for but a moment before his head emerged into a larger chamber. The walls of this new place stretched at his touch, and they felt slick. They moved under his touch, pulsing in time with the sound of Twilight’s heartbeat. The whole thing was like some sort of wet, sticky hammock.He looked backwards to catch a glimpse of what he’d come through.It squeezed and he found himself deposited into the large chamber. It rushed towards him from all sides, catching him in a warm, wet embrace. Anon fought against it, but it insistently remained closed around him. In a moment's time, the stale air was saturated by the oppressive heat as the fleshy movement unnerved him. He collapsed and went lax. His temporary home seemed to take it as a sign of surrender, and then went lax with him. The chamber visibly sagged with his presence, and he could feel the bouncy movement of Twilight’s walking. He could also hear every sound her body made, and the occasional squelch and groan made his chamber shake and quiver. The powerful, but soothing beating of Twilight’s heart, and the warm environment made it extremely difficult to concentrate on staying angry. Anon blinked slowly, his hot temper mellowing into a relaxed, sluggish mood. “Y’know…” he chuckled. “Maybe this isn’t so bad.” He laughed softly before he turned his head to the side and closed his eyes. Twilight let out a small squeak as she stretched her body out. She could both see and feel Anon’s descent into her stomach, and she revelled every moment of it. Her body tightened up as Anon’s bulge grew closer to her midsection. It slowed his advancement considerably. Twilight bit her lip, and her blush became more prominent as Anon finally cleared her esophagus, and dropped into her eager stomach. Twilight let out a breath she’d been holding for a long time now, and let her tongue hang out of her mouth for a moment. That was simply wonderful, she couldn’t recall a moment when she’d gotten so much enjoyment out of food. “Ah, we need to do this more often, Anon.” Twilight spoke as her horn glowed. Her stomach glowed in response as she cast a sustainment spell to help keep him alive inside. Twilight opened the door to her library and stepped inside, a slight spring in her step as she continued her hummed tune. “Twilight!” Spike called from a ladder on the bookcase. “You’re okay! Well I mean, I knew you were gonna be okay. I didn’t think Anon was actually going to hurt you, though I was a [i]little[/i] worried.” Twilight chuckled. “It’s fine, I think Anon and I have made up rather... well.” She refrained from running a hoof across her belly. Anon wasn’t struggling anymore, which could only tell Twilight that he was finally enjoying the experience. “Speaking of him, where is he?” Spike glanced at the door, then back at Twilight. “I thought he’d accompany you back here so that you two could make up.” “Oh, he’s busy. I think.” Twilight flicked her tail slightly. “Don’t worry Spike, I don’t think making up will be a problem. I am a little tired though, so I think I’m going to go get some rest.” Spike raised an eyebrow. “What about that card game Anon was trying to show you? You seemed pretty determined to learn it.” “Another time.” Twilight said as she began to trot up the stairs. “Don’t forget to finish your chores!” Spike merely rolled his eyes at that before he continued to put the books he held in his claw away. Twilight opened the door to her bedroom, then kicked it closed behind her. She raised a hoof to her underbelly and stroked it gently. “We’re gonna relax for a while Anon, and once that’s said and done, hopefully you’ll be a bit more willing to listen.” Her stomach growled, and Twilight licked her lips. “I know, I’m eager for next time too.” She climbed up into her bed, then sprawled herself out on the covers. She gave Anon’s bulge another loving rub before she tucked herself under the covers, and gently laid her head on the pillow. She yawned and smiled as she felt a gentle kick from Anon. “Mmm, night Anon. See you when I wake up… not that you have much of a choice.” She licked her lips again before she slowly drifted off to sleep. |
//------------------------------// // Taste Test// Story: Nom!// by Voreafillyia//------------------------------// “...What do you think it is, Twilight?” “I don’t know Spike, but it’s definitely not something I’ve seen in Equestria before.” Anon could hear the muffled voices just beyond the door up the stairs. He sighed, his head falling back until it thumped against the tabletop he was now secured to. Lights were positioned overhead, making him feel like some sort of lab experiment or like he was the subject of some twisted surgery. He tried struggling against the single, tingling and glowing strap that was holding him in place, but to no avail. Whoever these people were, they certainly didn’t want him going anywhere. “Why is it so small?” Anon looked down at himself at that question. It was true, he somehow had been shrunk. The single strap holding him down, though small, covered the majority of his body. The table he was laying back on was massive too, obviously meant for something much larger than he was. The room he was in, while dark, was massive. The ceiling stretched high overhead, and everything in the room seemed to dwarf him. If anon had to take a random guess, he would guess that he was about five centimeters tall. Five centimeters tall, definitely a radical change from his former five foot and eight inch self. The two voices beyond the door continued to talk, but Anon had tuned them out. He was busy dwelling over how he had gotten where he was. He remembered screeching tires, then a bright light, then...nothing. It was all a big blank until he had woken up, secured tightly to this table here with the two voices beyond the door debating his fate. In the back of his mind he hoped they were reasonable people and not overly inquisitive scientists or doctors, he hated doctors. And he really didn’t want to be put on display as the world’s smallest man in the smithsonian. The sound of a doorknob turning caused Anon to turn his head to the door up the stairs. The door opened, and Anon let out an enormous sigh of relief. “Finally! You know I could hear every word you two were saying up there, if we could just talk this out like rational human beings, I’m sure—” he stole a second look at the door, shocked to find, not another human being, a doctor, or a scientist. but a horse. A purple horse with a purple mane. And she was looking right back at him with an all too human-like expression on her face. Slowly, the purple horse’s face stretched into a smile. “Spike...did you hear that? I’m not hearing things right?” A round purple and green head peeked out from behind his equine host, a look of absolute confusion on his face. “Y-yeah Twi, I heard. I still don’t trust him…” Seemingly ignoring this ‘Spike’s fears, ‘Twi’ suddenly sprinted towards him. Anon flinched, bracing yourself for her to attack, but rather she stopped right at the edge of the table, placed both her hooves on the edge, and pushed her massive muzzle right up to him. "You can TALK?! Oh my Celestia, you could be a whole new species! I mean yes, Fluttershy talks to animals, but only she can understand them! You just spoke to me AND I UNDERSTOOD YOU! Do you know how great this is?!” Anon hesitated, still bewildered by the fact that a miniature purple horse was talking to him before he gave her a forced grin. “Suuuureee….you know, it would be a whole lot better though if you could...give me some personal space?” “Oh...oh!” Twi got the hint and pulled her head back, a faint hint of a blush on her cheeks. “Sorry, I just got really excited. I’ve never seen anything like you!” Anon rolled his eyes. “Really? I didn’t hear you the first two times.” Twilight coughed into her hoof. “Yes well...do you mind if I ask you what you are?” A dull ringing sound reached Anon’s ears, and Anon then noticed that the purple horse had a horn atop her head, which glowed a soft purple. A notepad on the opposite side of the room lit up with the same purple color and flew over to the mare, accompanied now by a pencil. Unicorns. Anon was now fully convinced he was either high as a kite, or dreaming. Given that he couldn’t remember much of anything, he was leaning towards the former. But just in case, he decided to go along with it. “I’m a human. A human being.” The notepad and pencil levitated itself into the purple and green lizard’s hands, and he began to write. “Hooman….bean.” “No.” Anon cleared his throat, slightly irritated. “Hu-man. Be-ing.” “Human being.” The lizard responded with a nod, drawing on the notepad. “So, Human Being,” The purple horse spoke, eyes shining with excitement. “Where are you from? Judging by how small you are, do you come from the Breezie lands?” Breezie lands? Breezie sounded like some sort of air freshener. Anon made a mental note to stake a claim to the name when he woke up. Thanks subconscious! “Before we continue with this, I want to make something clear.” Twi’s ears perked up and she leaned forward. It would almost be cute if she wasn’t towering so far over him. “Human Being isn’t my name. It’s what I am. Like you’re a horse, and he’s a lizard.” Anon pointed at both of them as he said this. Twilight seemed to frown at this. “I’m not a horse, and he’s not a lizard. I’m a pony, and he’s a dragon.” Ponies and dragons...you were fairly convinced you were on something now. “Mind if I ask where I am, then?” Twilight nodded. “You’re in Equestria. It’s mostly inhabited by ponies, but dragons, griffins, and other creatures are free to come and go, so long as they don’t cause trouble.” Equestria. Clever pun, subconscious. “Anyways, my name is Anonymous, or Anon for short.” “Oh!” Twilight smiled. “We haven’t even introduced ourselves! I’m Twilight Sparkle, this is my assistant Spike.” . The purple and green lizard waved as she said his name. Twilight Sparkle. This was crossing the threshold from kind of strange to outright weird very quickly. Anon mildly wondered if her name bore any relation to the ‘Twilight’ series...he shuddered. He hoped not. “Okay well, Twilight, can you get me out of here?” Twilight put a hoof to her chin before trotting around to the bottom of the table. “First, let me run through my specimen checklist to make sure you aren’t a threat to ponies.” “Specimen checklist? Now hold on, I’m starting to feel like a lab experiment…” “Oh don’t worry, I’m not going to dissect you or anything.” She said with a giggle. Anon didn’t like that giggle. “Spike!” No sooner had she said his name than the small dragon returned with a list and a quill clutched in his claw. “Impeccable timing!” Twilight levitated a few lethal-looking surgical instruments over to herself. Anon gulped. “What’s the first thing on the list?” Spike cleared his throat and read in a practiced voice. “Does the subject have claws?” Twilight trotted around the side of the table to get a closer look at him. “Hm...well it appears he has hands like I’ve seen on monkeys. Fingernails and all. Nope, no claws!” Spike made a checking motion on the list. “Does the subject have any canines?” Twilight leaned her face down very close to him. So close in fact, that he could feel her breathe on him every time she took a breath. It wasn’t an unpleasant smell, it carried a faint minty smell and the scent of flowers, strangely. “Can you open your mouth for me?” Twilight asked, blinking her massive eyes. Figuring the quickest way out of this was to comply, you opened your mouth. Twilight lifted a magnifying glass and stared at him through it, her already massive eye looking comically huge through the magnifying glass. She frowned and set the magnifying glass back on the table. “You have canines,” she said. “Do you eat meat?” “Omnivore.” Anon responded, looking bored now. “I eat meat, but also fruits and vegetables. Not like I could do much to any of you ponies, if they’re all as big as you.” “In that case,” Twilight spoke, still sounding a tad unsure. “Spike, what’s the last thing?” Just then, a loud whistling from upstairs sounded. “Oh my gosh!” Spike suddenly shot two feet into the air, dropping the list as he did. “I totally forgot about the tea!” he shot up the stairs faster than Twilight could respond, slamming the door in his wake. Twilight winced and levitated the list over to herself. “I guess I can just do the rest of this by myself, what’s the last thing…” Her eyes grew wide for a moment, and she lowered the list for a moment to look at him with a curious, analytical expression. “How does the subject...taste? That’s odd…” She began to approach him. Anon was really freaked out now, he was not going to have a small purple pony licking him just to figure out how he tasted.”Hey!” He shouted, starting to struggle against the strap holding him down again. “I may be twenty times smaller than you, but I can bite like you wouldn’t believe!” “Oh relax Anon,” Twilight smiled at anon, to show him everything was going to be okay. “It’s just a small taste, nothing big.” “I don’t care! No!” Twilight frowned. “It’s not that big of a deal, just give it a second and it’ll be over!” “I don’t care how soon it’ll be over! Getting licked by talking miniature horse is where I cross the li— mmph!” Anon’s ranting was interrupted as Twilight leaned over him, and licked his entire body with a swipe of her tongue, then retreated, smacking her lips. Anon was appalled. “You...YOU ACTUALLY DID THAT! AFTER I SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU NOT TO!” Twilight seemed to be too busy licking and smacking her lips to pay attention to Anon’s yelling. “Hm...the taste is...different to say the least..” suddenly Twilight began to shiver uncontrollably. Anon thought she was having a seizure for a second, until he saw her eyelids close halfway and she started sauntering towards him, swinging her hips in a way he was in no way comfortable with. “Anon...you taste...really good.” Nope. Anon finally managed to work his body out from under the strap that was holding him down. He slid down the leg of the table and on to the floor, and started to run for the metaphorical hills. All his effort was for naught, however, when he felt a tingling pass all over his body, and he was jerked up and off the floor. Anon flailed for a minute before he came face to face with the purple menace once more. Her eyelids were still half closed, and she licked her lips again. “Just another little taste…” “OFF WITH THEE, SHE-DEMON! BACK TO THE PIT OF HELL FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!” Anon’s cries went unheeded as Twilight promptly stuck Anon’s upper half into her mouth. Anon could only futilely kick his legs as Twilight sat her rump on the floor and closed her eyes, suckling on Anon’s vulnerable form. She leaned her head back every once in a while and made a soft sound, like a groan or a hum. She was in heaven. Anon was a totally different story. Now drenched in horse slobber, there was very little he could do as Twilight’s tongue probed his skin, raising goosebumps whenever she ran it along his bare skin. He could hardly get a word in, or move very much as Twilight’s lips had him firmly locked in place, her tongue assaulting his face and every part of his body that was currently caught up in her suckling mouth. After a moment, but what felt like hours, Twilight’s eyes opened again. She giggled at the sight of Anon’s legs flailing wildly outside of her mouth. Her ears twitched as Anon’s muffled voice rang through her cheeks. Not one wanting to get only half of the experience, Twilight quickly slurped up Anon’s legs, drawing the entire small human into her muzzle. Anon was not having a good time. He was laying all sorts of curses to Twilight’s name as she moved and pushed him around, drenching him wet in her saliva and running him along the inside of her cheek and licking him over and over. After a while though, he just sort of gave up and figured that she’d hopefully let him out soon. Then his world started to tilt backwards though, and Anonymous flailed wildly, trying to hold onto Twilight’s tongue. “What are you doing?!” Outside, Twilight slowly tilted her head backwards. Something in the back of her head told her that this was a rare specimen, and she shouldn’t just eat him, but it was like a dull buzzing in her ear, annoying, but it couldn’t do anything. Anon tasted too good to pass up. Anon felt Twilight lean her head back, and he lost his grip on her tongue. He wildly flailed for one of her teeth, grabbing for something else to hold onto, but he quickly lost his grip and slid backwards in a wave of saliva. “I’ll remember this in the afterlife you biiiiiitch!” he shouted as he was washed down. Outside, Twilight swallowed hard, a big lump leaving her mouth and running down her throat, before joining her chest and melding in with her belly. Twilight sighed happily, licking her lips of some of the stray saliva that had leaked out while she’d been enjoying her food. She looked down, and saw the specimen checklist she had been using earlier. Levitating it up to her face, she noticed a smudge next to the word ‘taste’. She idly rubbed it off, and beneath the smudge was the word ‘food’. “How does your subject taste food…?” Twilight mumbled to herself, still sounding out of it. Suddenly, her eyes shot wide open. She put a hoof to her stomach and a look of horror overcame her. “I...I just ATE my new specimen!” Twilight quickly sprinted up the stairs, only one destination in mind. “SPIIIIIIIIKE!” |
thump thump thump Anon sat with his legs folded, his head leaned on his hand as he glared at the back of the orange mare in front of him. thump thump thump “You’re gonna love it at Sweet Apple Acres Anon! My family’s the most get-alonginest ponies you’ll ever meet!” thump thump thump Anon’s body jostled up and down as the apple cart he caught a ride on hit every single imperfection on the dirt road cutting through Ponyville. And there were lots imperfections. Anon’s gaze drifted to some of the ponies who walked near them. When they stopped to wave or noticed Anon, he scowled at them. lots of imperfections. The apple cart finally came to a stop in the marketplace. Anon scowled again. “What gives? I thought we were going back to your hick farm?” Applejack frowned. “Ah don’t know what that means, but it certainly don’t sound too friendly.” Anon huffed. “It means you and your family are hardworking, wealthy people who are honest in their trials and tribulations but pursue a simpler way of life.” Applejack brightened. “Oh! In that case, yes, mah family and ah are ‘hicks’!” Anon grinned. Ponies were so stupid. “And ta answer yer earlier question Anon, we need to make a living still, and I haven’t met the day’s quota yet.” She put up a sign near him that read ‘Apples, 2 bits’ “You’re kidding me?” Anon stood, jumping off the cart and onto the ground. “You got me out of Rarity’s just so you could drag me out here to sell apples with you?” Applejack moved the apples from her cart to a nearby unused stand. “Awh c’mon Anon, socializing will do y’all some good! It’s not like it’s gonna kill ya.” She smiled. Anon, on the other hand, deadpanned. “Are you kidding me? I’ve come closer to death since meeting you stupid ponies than any other time in my life!” Applejack sighed. “Anon, y’know they didn’t mean ta—” “They did! They so totally and completely did!” Thankfully, Anon hadn’t spent as nearly as much time inside of Pinkie as he had inside of Rainbow Dash. Shortly after waking up, Pinkie had rapidly and purposefully bounced over to Twilight’s. Much to the lament of the human trapped inside of her, who was shoved and tossed around with each jump. After Anon had gotten out, he’d learned that Pinkie actually wasn’t even under the influence of any sort of spell, and just ate him ‘because he tasted good.’ Anon promptly flipped her off and stormed back to Rarity’s. Who threw him out, because she’s a bitch. ...Okay, so it may be because she had a celebrity visiting from Canterlot, and she couldn’t have him ‘sulking about’ as she put it. Whatever, she was still a bitch. Having no place else to go, Anon was forced to ask the apple horse for lodging, much to his contempt. Their butchering of the english language was a crime, and he practically cringed every time they spoke. “Okay, so maybe Pinkie Pie did,” Applejack rolled her eyes. “but ya gotta understand Anon, that’s just Pinkie being Pinkie. She’s done weirder.” Anon deadpanned. “She’s done weirder than eat things alive?” Applejack stroked her chin. “Okay, maybe on second thought…” Anon waved a hand. “Whatever, just go get your apple selling done so we can get back to your home, I have some serious sulking to catch up on.” “Y’a’ll could at least try to make an effort at enjoying yerself, couldn’t ya?” Anon gasped. “And make myself seem like a considerate individual?! Are you kidding me?!” Applejack just snorted. “Ya’ll are pretty rude, most of the time.” “Exactly!” Anon grinned. “Now that we’ve established that, I’m going to find a nice quiet corner to sulk in while you finish your inane apple selling.” Anon wandered towards the town square. “Jes be careful!” Applejack called after him. “Inconsiderate er not, yer still small! Ponies ain’t gonna see ya’ before they squish you like a bug!” Applejack heard what sounded like a cross between a yell and a snarl, then settled down behind the counter, confident that Anon would be alright. She hoped. Anon waltzed through the streets, his constant scowling pronounced his presence to the ponies around him. They made sure to watch where they stepped, and even made an effort to be nice and say ‘hi’ to Anon. ‘effort’ being the key word here, as all they often received in return was a dirty glare, or the raising of Anon’s middle finger, a gesture they didn’t really understand. Anon sighed, wondering why all these ponies were so worried about his social interaction or his well being when he had made it clear, multiple times, that he simply wanted to be left alone. This only seemed to encourage their behavior, as Applejack and the rest of her friends constantly went out of their way to make sure he was well accommodated. It almost made Anon feel guilty for being so mean to them. Almost. “Fuck these ponies.” Anon sighed, then his brow knitted as he mulled over the words that had just left his mouth. “Definitely not like that…” A loud explosion caused him and several ponies in the area to flinch, the latter of the two lowering their ears against their heads. Anon glanced up in time to see something streak into the sky, then burst in another loud, explosive sound, followed by a light show hosting the entire color spectrum. “Come one! Come all! Come and witness the amazing magic, of the Great and Powerful Trrrrrixie!” The ‘r’ in the last word rolled, drawing out the title. Anon heard several ponies around him let out disgruntled mumbles. “Oh geez…” “Her again?” “I thought Twilight showed her up last time?” Someone who drew out disdain in the ponies simply by making a few fireworks and loud shouting? Who was this great master of deterrence, who could cause ponies to relent by the mere sound of her? He had to check this out! He didn’t have much of a choice, as he was herded along by the crowd of shuffling hooves as ponies made their way towards the sounds. ~~~~~~~Generic scene transition is a go~~~~~~ Trixie smirked as ponies filed in towards her stage by the dozens, then by the hundreds. No matter where she went, or how tarnished of a reputation she had, ponies always loved a good show. Trixie cleared her throat. “Now then, it has been a long time since Trixie has visited Ponyville last,” “It’s only been two weeks.” A mare with a poofy orange mane in the crowd spoke up. Trixie glared at her, and she sank back down into the crowd. “As Trixie was saying, it has been a considerable length of time since Ponyville has gone without Trixie’s magical finesse, and style.” She paused to pose as she said this, and earned several rolls of the eyes from the audience. “So Trixie would understand if a pony or two from the audience would request a repeat performance.” She paused to hear the cheers of her fans. Silence. A pony coughed. Trixie turned, pointing a hoof at the pony. “I know you would like to see my theatrics my fine stallion,” The stallion raised an eyebrow. “I only coughed.” Trixie ignored this, and put a hoof over her forehead and leaning backwards with her eyes closed, as if she were sad. “But alas, Trixie cannot.” Several cheers from the audience. “Trixie is here today for another reason.” This time, the ponies looked at one another and began murmuring. “Due to… diminishing returns on Trixie’s show, which she is sure is not the fault of some know it all unicorn, Trixie has been forced to take up a new career.” Trixie held her head high and closed her eyes, waiting for ponies to inquire what her new job was. After several seconds of silence, she figured they were all eagerly awaiting the reveal, and responded in kind. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has now become a Mythbuster!” The crowd began murmuring again. “What’s a mythbuster?” was the general question on everypony’s lips. “I am so glad you asked, you loveable ponies,” Trixie continued, beginning to pace the length of the stage. “a mythbuster is a pony who discerns whether or not the slightest myth, from even the most obscure rumors to the most towering of tales, is true, or a bust.” Trixie smirked. Silence again, before another pony spoke up. “So what does that have to do with you being here?” “Another fine question!” Trixie grinned. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has heard rumors circulating throughout Equestria lately, rumors about a certain town named,” Trixie’s face darkened. “Ponyville.” Several ponies gasped in shock. “The rumors have it that there is a delectable treat here, a treat so extraordinarily delicious that ponies cannot help but to try and consume it at the smallest taste.” Trixie stamped a hoof on stage. “Trixie determines that she will have this tantalizing treat, and the best way to go about that is to ask.” Trixie grinned again. “Where, Ponyville? Where is this delicious treat?” The ponies in the crowd looked at each other before fluidly stepping to the side, revealing a small and bite-sized human standing alone in the middle of the crowd. Anon glanced around. While he was happy that the ponies had decided to give him some personal space, he also noticed that he was the center of the attention of the blue mare on stage, and if everything he’d hear was just true, [i]he[/i] was the treat she was talking about. Thanks a lot, ponies. “This?” Trixie jumped off stage, then trotted towards him. “This is the snack that satisfies the senses? The one that ponies cannot help but try and eat given the slightest taste?” Trixie leaned her head down level with Anon and glared at him. “Trixie does not think that you look like much, much less appetizing in any way.” For some reason that only the elder gods may understand, Anon felt compelled to defend his status as food. “Now wait a minute!” Anon marched towards Trixie, who backed up a few steps. “I’ll have you know that even the elements of harmony can’t resist me!” Trixie blew a raspberry. “You mean Twilight Sparkle and her gang of loser friends? Trixie is hardly impressed.” “You should be!” Anon retorted. “They said I was more satisfying than a glass of water on a hot summer day! Spicier than the dragon’s tongue flower only found in Zebrica! More soothing than the Midnight flower, which only grows under the brightest moon, and more filling than several bales of hay!” Anon crossed his arms, confident that he’d one this little self-proclaimed ‘contest’. He did. The ponies all around were staring at him intensely now, mouths watering. Anon looked around, realizing everything he’d just said and where he was. “Aw, crap.” Then it all fell into chaos. “Get him!” “I saw him first!” “That sounds delicious! I have to try!” “Get your own!” “He’s the only one!” “He is Trixie’s myth, The Great and Powerful Trixie will be the one to nom him!” Anon wasted no time in sprinting as every single pony in the crowd jumped towards him at the same time. He was able to get out of the way, causing all the ponies to land on each other in a massive pony pile. Anon sprinted through the marketplace, drawing the attention and confusion of several more ponies as Trixie broke from the pile of ponies and sprinted after him. “Get back here so that Trixie can do her job, treat!” “My name’s not treat!” Anon stopped at Applejack’s stand, turning to face Trixie as she galloped up close to him. She was panting. Applejack stood behind the counter, blinking in confusion. “Wha… Trixie! What are yah doin’ here?” “The Great and Powerful Trixie must have her Great and Powerful nom!” She grinned deviously and lit her horn. Anon moved, but the magic grasped ahold… ...of Applejack, as Anon ducked behind her. Applejack flailed in the air for a moment as she was levitated. Trixie had her eyes closed in a smug expression, so she did not see who she got ahold of as she levitated the object of her magic towards her mouth. Applejack collided with her, and the two ponies went down. Anon turned to run, only to be greeted with the crowd of ponies from earlier once more. A few pegasi in the air pointed at him. “There he is!” Anon barely had time for another dodge as the second pony pile of the day occurred, and Anon quickly sprinted down the street. As he fled, he heard the words that sent a chill down his spine. “The Great and Powerful trixie will have her Great and Powerful nom if it is the last thing Trixie does!” |
Please check the description before reading When Ashley woke up in the forest of Grommesh National Park, before she’d even opened her eyes, she immediately noticed the unmistakable presence of Sam’s body still trapped inside her pussy. This was instantly followed by an unbelievable fullness in her stomach telling her that she wasn’t even near done digesting her gluttonous binge from the previous night which was hazy in her memory. The sky was just beginning to glow orange in the east as the sun neared rising, the air around her was brisk and still, and birds were serenading the morning with their songs. Sitting up was an arduous task but she managed her way into a cross-legged position and wrapped her arms around her heavy bloated belly, which filled the entirety of her lap and then some. She sat in the serene calm of the morning, gently squeezing herself with a hug and massaging her stomach in the places it felt the most solid, hoping to readjust the considerable mass within to expedite digestion. After a few minutes had passed she felt her stomach rumble and resume it’s breakdown process, which had stagnated while she slept. Deciding it was time to start the day and make sure nobody would find out about last night, Ashley concocted a plan to dispose of the evidence. With a real effort, Ashley stood back up to her full giant height and sluggishly made her way back to the campsite of her latest meal. Walking up to the campsite, she saw the hole she’d carved with her heel, she could faintly smell the scent from the pool of cum she’d left in it as it wafted all the way up past Ashley’s nose, almost sixty feet up. She immediately got to work covering up the insane scene that unfolded there not ten hours prior, starting with her DIY pool, which she shrank to the size of a raindrop with a thought and a wave of her hand. Next she knelt down and began scooping out handfuls of dirt from the bottom of it, trying to dig as deep and narrow as she could. Once satisfied it was sufficient, Ashley reached around the campsite without even needing to move, picking up the researcher’s tents and belongings and stacking it all beside the hole. When the whole campsite was bare she returned herself to her original state, bringing everything and everyone inside her down to scale with her so she didn’t rupture. “I can’t believe what I’m about to do...” Ashley mumbled as she stood next to the deep pit. Since arriving at the site and seeing what she left behind without the seductive effects of the exquisite flower she’d dubbed the Arousalily, she’d been facing the reality of what she’d done. It was hard for her to believe she’d actually killed five people without hesitating since she’d always been really friendly and empathetic towards others, even strangers. She was conflicted within a turbulent maelstrom of emotion and ethics as she realized that deep down she didn’t really care that much. A strange tendril of fear flashed through her mind as she wondered what changes her power and possibly the Arousalily were causing her to undergo unbeknownst to her. She didn’t want to become some lust-crazed monster, wantonly killing people to indulge her fetish. She couldn’t help but feel a fleeting pang of regret as she squatted down, relaxed her pelvic floor, and slowly pushed until Sam’s now miniature body stuck out far enough to pull out. Grasping her upper body, Ashley gently removed Sam from herself and looked at the broken body in her palm, wincing at the unnatural ways it was bent. She looked away as she reached down, lowering Sam into the deep hole gently. “I’m sorry too, Sam,” she said as she shrunk her smaller than a grain of rice and scooped a layer of dirt back into the hole, erasing any trace of her. The tents and random items from the camp were shrunken down next and also tossed into the pit, never to be seen again. Ashley enlarged one hand and used it to scoop the rest of the loose soil back into the pit and packed it down as well as she could before returning it to normal. With no trace of the campsite or researchers left, Ashley returned her pants, which had been in a pile beside the campsite since she took them off last night, to normal size and slipped into them. She then headed back east where the first researcher bumped into her to do the same with her shirt and bra before starting the hike back to her car. When she’d made it back to the road leading to the park’s front gates she pulled out her phone to check where her pin was mapped to track down the camouflaged ride. Bringing it back to full-size she opened the door, turned around, and leaned back sideways into the seat so she could reach down and slide the seat way back. Swinging her legs in, she realized that her feet could barely reach the pedals and her belly was still pressing against the steering wheel. “Well this is going to be a comfortable ride,” she sarcastically said to herself as she started the engine and hit the road back home, her stomach gurgling and intestines bubbling the whole way as they relentlessly churned up their victims. When Ashley walked in her front door shortly before 10am, she went into her kitchen and downed a big glass of water. “Ahhhh,” she sighed as she headed for her bedroom, trudging up the stairs, stripping down to her underwear once in her room, and marveling at the shape of her belly in her dresser’s mirror. It’s bulge was less puffy up top now and she guessed only about a third of her meal was still in her stomach based on the bottom-heavy pear shape it was now. Running her hands all over it and feeling different parts, she felt a lot of soft pudge as well as harder solid chunks in certain spots. Still feeling utterly spent, Ashley fell heavily into her bed. Within seconds she was asleep as the exhaustion from her expedition struck and her comfortable bed warmly whisked her away into unconsciousness. If Ashley dreamt, she didn’t remember it. When she awoke her room was still dark and she thought it must be evening time, but when she looked at her clock through groggy eyes it showed 6am. “Six AM?! I slept almost twenty-four hours?! Ugh,” she exclaimed. Sitting up and setting her feet on the floor, her gut rumbled and she leaned to one side to release some pressure with a soft *pfffffffffftthh*. Her stomach was unquestionably empty now as her upper belly was almost completely flat. Her lower belly however was now protruding low and far out, holding the totality of her mammoth meal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slogging into the bathroom and turning on the fan, Ashley again checked herself out in the mirror, feeling her solid form as she gently rubbed her gut, admiring it’s compact distension. She no longer looked pregnant but definitely still wildly inflated. Another rumble from deep inside ushered her to the toilet where she heaved onto the seat with a grunt. She relaxed herself and started pushing as she firmly massaged her belly to initiate and help with the impending release. Some sections still felt harder than the rest, almost solid, and she realized jarringly that it must be pockets of bones packed in her shit. With another hard push, a huge log stretched her asshole wide as it started coming out and seemed like it went on forever as she felt an unceasing sliding sensation in her colon. The amount of shit in her right now causing her belly to still look so massive was unreal in both volume and density. As the endless pillar continued to slide out of her it felt like someone had put a heavy model train in her intestines with the weight of it, how solid it was, and how it seemed to be on a track flowing out of her. Air pockets sporadically burst out as they were pushed along with the rest of it *pprrrrrrbbt* *pfffffth* *thbbbbt*. Ashley was in disbelief at just how much shit had built up despite knowing how much she ate, it just kept chugging along with no sign of stopping, her gut rumbling and receding in-time with it. Occasionally a piece of jutting bone would go around a tight bend and scrape against her intestines roughly, sending a short but sharp pain through her, dampening her remorse for her actions. Then the one part she was worried about arrived, the grand finale, she could feel a really tight stretching sensation slowly creeping towards her butt...It had to be Leah, the mini-giantess’s skull. Ashley flushed again to clear whatever refuse was there, an alien predatory desire to keep the skull emerged in her. She wanted to conquer her without having to use her powers to cheat but the tightness was already really intense, making her gasp and groan. After forcing it to the edge so that it was showing through her opening ring, Ashley relaxed as much as she could one more time, arched her back, and took a deep breath. She adjusted her position so her ass was slid back and opened up her hips. With a grunt and a mighty push, Ashley shot Leah’s brain-house out of her ass like a cannon, a loud *PBBBBTTT* ripping from her as the skull clattered noisily around the bowl a few times before coming to rest just above the water. She picked it up and tossed it in the shower to wash before looking up how to bleach it later. After two solid hours and a dozen flushes, Ashley looked down and gawked in amazement at her flat stomach. Her core was back to normal, looking strong and toned, with nothing to suggest that yesterday she had a stomach so full it was almost as big as the whole rest of her. Hopping directly in the shower to clean off her trophy and everything else from the last two days, Ashley soon slipped back into life as usual, Though that night never strayed far from her thoughts. One Week Later *I’ll tell you once more, before I get off the floor, don’t bring me down* Ashley’s phone rang out with the ringtone of one of her oldest and best friends, Raleigh, and she answered without hesitation. Raleigh was definitely her closest friend, they shared everything with each other, even details of some of their sexcapades, with the exception of Ashley’s power manifesting, so they were rather close. They’d made out once before at a party because none of the guys there were to their liking. Before she could even greet her friend she could hear intense crying coming through the speaker. “Hello? Raleigh? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” she quickly uttered with concern in her voice. “No I’m not okay, Ashley! Aston just broke up with me when I brought up my suspicion that he was cheating on me with Heather!” Raleigh managed to choke out through a few sobs and sniffles. “Oh no Raleigh, I’m so sorry! Man what a piece of shit, pulling a scumbag move like that. Did he try to deny it?” Ashley replied. She felt bad because she was the one to push her to bring it up after hearing her case against him. He’d been treating Raleigh poorly recently and Ashley had told her she was too good for him anyway and to break it off some months ago. “No, worse, he bragged about it, said she was way more fun to be with and had a better ass! He didn’t even pay his half of last month’s rent yet and just bailed saying he’d be back tonight to start grabbing his stuff, even though I paid for most of it!” Raleigh ranted, her crying subsiding to be replaced with anger. “Wooow that’s unbelievable, that guy’s such a tool! Where are you now?-Doesn’t matter, come over here right now I got ice cream on deck. Tell me how it went down and we’ll strategize a response” Ashley said, entering best-friend-recovery mode. “I can’t right now, I’ve got a dentist appointment soon.” Raleigh retorted defeatedly. “I will literally call them right now and reschedule for you, bitch, get your hot ass over here. Not taking no for an answer, I’ll see you soon! Byeeee” Ashley flavorfully replied before hanging up. She hated cutting Raleigh off like that but if she let it drag on she’d finagle her way out of it and be miserable and alone. One phone call to the dentist later, Ashley sighed and fell back onto her bed, mind racing with how to resolve this unexpected situation. Her mind flitted between revenge, diplomacy, high-roading, and back to revenge. She knew what she would do were she in Raleigh’s shoes, a quick gulp and not look back. Cheating was one of the biggest fuck-you’s someone could pull in her mind and she’d be equally ruthless in her reaction. Raleigh was more forgiving though and Ashley doubted she’d go for something so harsh. Forty minutes later the doorbell chimed and Ashley ran to the door, whipped it open, and pulled Raleigh into a tight hug, saying over her shoulder “Don’t worry, you’ll get through this and be stronger than you were before. We’ll think of something to get you back on your feet.” Breaking the hug and looking at Ashley with an expression of determination Raleigh rarely displayed. Her demeanor didn’t at all match how she’d sounded on the phone before. “I don’t want to get back on my feet, I want to take this loser down and make him pay for wasting three years of my life.” Ashley took a moment to admire Raleigh for her conviction as well as her figure. She looked stunning in her maroon shorts, highlighting her toned legs and gap, her thighs almost bursting out of them, a classy unbuttoned black blouse with a Black Keys T-shirt peeking out from underneath. A light breeze tussled her platinum white hair, short in a pixie cut. Ashley cracked a smile, saying “You bad bitch, I like where your head’s at. Come inside and I’ll order us some food. What are you hungry for?” As Raleigh walked in and headed for the couch, she said over her shoulder “Mexican, I need some quesadillas STAT. Spicy chicken with all the fixin’s and some green chili.” “On it” Ashley said, already calling her favorite spot nearby to put in the order. While Ashley was ordering their food, Raleigh looked around the room, checking out the art on the walls and the hanging plants, busy soaking in the sunlight. In the far corner of the room there was a weird suit in a pile next to some exotic-looking flowers in a sealed clear container. She got up and walked over to look at the flowers and bundled-up suit, crouching down to get a good look at them. The flowers looked gorgeous, vivid orange petals that faded to a deep violet in the center. Shifting her attention to the suit, she noticed a biohazard symbol on it and picked it up by the shoulders, turning towards Ashley to ask her why she had a random bio suit in her living room. Ashley hung up the phone, and looking for Raleigh, turned, letting out a yelp of surprise when she saw her holding up the suit of the late botanist.”What’s up with this janky suit you’ve got here? Raleigh asked innocently. “Bwahhhh!-hmmm? That old thing?” Ashley sputtered, completely caught off-guard. “It’s uhh...from a botany expedition I was on recently, I found that cool flower in the cage and got to keep it. “Botany huh? I guess you’ve always had the green thumb. Didn’t think you’d go out wearing this thing to pick flowers though” Raleigh teased, holding it up to her body and saying in a high-pitched voice “Oh what a lovely day for some foraging, shall we adorn our traditional safety garments? Hahaha you’d look like such a goon in this.” “Excuuuse me, I rock that thing better than you could!” Ashley riposted before remembering the circumstances of the night. “I mean, I’m sure you could make it work if you tried” her half-hearted follow-up not quite landing the way she’d hoped. “But nevermind that, I can tell you the story another time, tell me what happened today.” Raleigh dropped the suit back into the corner and made for the couch again, plopping down heavily into the deep cushions. “Well the past few weeks Aston’s been growing more distant with me, going out more without inviting me or telling me where he was going, and I was getting bent out of shape about it since we’re usually pretty close” Raleigh began. “So last Tuesday night I followed him for a bit just to see where he was going, I thought it was probably just gambling with his friends or hanging at a bar or something. Turns out he only went a few miles away and pulled up to none other than Heather’s house, got out and walked right into her house without knocking! If that’s not fishy I don’t know what is” Raleigh crossed her arms and shook her head, looking at Ashley for her response. “Oh. Yeah. That’s a red flag without a doubt, did you get any hard evidence or something to pin it on him?” Ashley asked intently. “Well he came home after midnight and when I asked him where he was he said he just went to buy some groceries and his car broke down and his phone was dead so he couldn’t call me to ask for a lift” Raleigh rolled her eyes before continuing. “Like there’s no way a mechanic was available that late to fix it and there was nothing wrong with the car the next day, nor a bill on our card outside the ordinary, nor -get this- any fucking GROCERIES! He was obviously lying so today I took your advice and talked to him about it and he blew up on me about how I was the one acting weird and unappreciative of the things he does” She took a deep breath and let it out in an exasperated sigh. “Well damn that’s about two dozen loads of bullshit right there, I see why you wanna take this prick down” Ashley said supportively, wondering if Aston’s assholishness was enough to make sweet Raleigh go off the deep end. If she coaxed her the right way she could probably get her to do something fiendishly delightful. “So you wanna take him down, how far are you willing to go here? Where’s the line?” Raleigh made a sulky face. “I don’t even know, it’s hard to imagine something bad enough for how I’m feeling right now. I’ve been used, mistreated, lied to, and betrayed. I want him to suffer for the irreplaceable time he stole from me during some of my best years. He took advantage of my kindness for who knows how long.” Her face had returned to a scowl as she thought of all the bad he’d done to her over the years up through an hour ago. “That sounds pretty serious, but it’s not like we could kill him or anything crazy, right?” Ashley said tactfully, planting seeds in her mind to make the plan she’d concocted seem less ludicrous. Raleigh tilted her head to the side and raised her eyebrows in thought. “I think would if I could without getting caught, honestly, he doesn’t deserve to live on this planet anymore, god forbid if he has offspring that inherit his shittyness. God I can’t believe I didn’t see it for so long” Raleigh said so nonchalantly it left Ashley gobsmacked for a moment. Ashley never would have thought Raleigh would even consider something so extreme, she’s always been such a sweetheart, caring about everyone other than herself, sometimes to her own detriment. If she’s already this close, I should have no problem getting her to go through with it. “Wow, Raleigh, I never would have thought you’d be willing to go so far for yourself...I’m wondering...naaaah, it’s too crazy.” Ashley left the mystery hanging to see if she’d bite the bait. “What? What’s too crazy? What are you thinking?” Raleigh barraged. “Weeellll, you know how we tell each other everything? Said Ashley, scrunching her face in mock-shame. “Ugh, yes, down to the details typically left to oneself, Captain Overshare” Raleigh said with a laugh. “Haha yeah it’s just fun to talk about sometimes. Anyway, there’s one recent secret I’ve kept from you because I didn’t, and still don’t, know how you’ll react to it. I’m considering sharing it with you now under the condition of ABSOLUTE secrecy, not a word to anyone. Your mom, your brother, freakin’ Jesus, NObody, not even thinking about it around other people” Ashley said with the tone and face of a mother lecturing a misbehaving child. Raleigh’s eyes widened as Ashley spoke and her mouth opened in surprise at the admission of a top-tier secret from her best friend coming to light. “Well I’m surprised there’s something about your life that you haven’t told me, but you sound pretty worried about how I’ll react, how crazy could it be?” “Beyond the craziest thing you could possibly think I’m about to tell you, no lie. It’s kind of a two-fer as well because there’s two that are intertwined.” “Oh shit, a double super secret, now I have to know” Raleigh whispered, leaning forward in anticipation. “But how does this relate to my situation?” “It relates because I have an idea of how you can get your revenge on Aston but it requires you to know this secret. Well. I guess it doesn’t, I could probably make him disappear for you but I feel like you’ll be much more satisfied if you get to do it yourself.” Ashley suppressed a laugh at her innuendo that Raleigh definitely missed. “Okay I promise I won’t freak out or go tattle on you to Jesus or my mom. What’s this Defcon 1 secret you’ve got hidden from me?” Raleigh prodded, totally on Ashley’s hook. “Okay. so get this. Brace yourself. I-*Diiiiiing doooooong* “Oof, looks like you’ll have to wait a little longer for this hot tea!” Ashley touted playfully as she jumped up to get the door. “Damn you!” Raleigh yelled as Ashley left the room. Ashley walked back into the room with a large paper bag, immediately followed by the mouth-watering aroma of fresh and spicy quesadillas, tacos, and queso. Both of their stomachs growled ravenously for the impending feast. “So spill this tea while we eat! You got me all curious about it!” demanded Raleigh as they set up their food on the coffee table. “No ma’am, I’m gonna be talking for a hot minute and I intend to enjoy this food as much as you-while it’s still hot.” Ashley stated, turning on her TV and pulling up an episode of Brooklyn 99. “Let’s just watch this while we eat. I need to collect my thoughts and get my story straight anyway, I wasn’t planning to share this when I woke up, you know. “Fine. Fine. Collect your precious thoughts, this had better be a good story!” Raleigh resigned as the episode started and they dug into their meal. They had finished eating a few minutes before the ending credits and as soon as they rolled Raleigh paused it and looked at Ashley expectantly. “Now then, I believe you were about to shatter my world-view with some outlandish secret?” “You say that now but you don’t realize how reality-shattering it truly is.” “Well lay it on me, girl, I’m thoroughly braced.” “Phew...do you remember my trip to Mt. Loviir last month?” Ashley asked. “The one where you supposedly were attacked by a bear and killed it with your bare hands?” “Yeah. It might seem less like a lie here soon. Please hold all applause, comments, and questions until the end. And for the love of god, remember you can’t tell a soul about this, and no judging me either. So there I was, taking a nap at the campsite…” “...And I somehow..shrank it…” “...Realized I could grow things too…” “...Oh yeah, Vore is this weird kink I have where…” “...And I might have...eaten it?...” “...I was huge, didn’t even look real..” “...And holy shit I’d never had a stronger orgasm in my life...” “...Then a week later I went to Grommesh National Park…” “...Snake freaking ate me…” “...And I got my retribution on him and his scaly friends…” “...Then this guy walks up on me while I’m going at it…” “...The flower, which I call an Arousalily, had some strange effect on me…” “...Wouldn’t stop begging and screaming all the way down…” “...Surprised his research group…” “...Pushed her all the way inside…” “...Watched her eat her friend…” “...Thought my stomach was going to explode with all of them inside…” “I woke up before sunrise and even though I was still stuffed four-times over I went back to their camp to cover my tracks, shrank the mess to oblivion and tried to make it look like some animals did it. You know there’s all kinds of wild species out there, I’m sure they’ll blame it on something. I had to scoot my seat way back on the ride home because my belly was pressing too hard against the steering wheel, but I made it home without any problems and was back to normal in a few days. In summary, I’m a magic weirdo but I hope you still accept me.” Raleigh’s facial expression went on a world-tour during Ashley’s tale, from intrigued, to surprised, to seemingly embarrassed, to concerned, back to embarrassed, and finally settling on what Ashley perceived as disappointment. A torturously long and deafening silence followed for a solid minute as Ashley looked at her best friend anxiously waiting for whatever her response was going to be. Raleigh was looking around the room, trying to digest the impossibly tall tale she was just regaled with. “You know Ashley...I appreciate you trying to cheer me up, but telling some crazy story to explain a suit in your house is not taking my mind off it. Points I guess for creativity but your plot and setting could use a lot of work.” Raleigh said with some annoyance in her voice. “Ummm I kind of just shared an insane secret and outed my fetish to you. You don’t believe me?” Ashley said dejectedly. “Yeah, no. You have magic powers and ate a bunch of animals and people? Zero out of ten, not buying it.” Raleigh stood up and walked into the kitchen to throw away her trash while she was talking. “Thanks for taking my mind off reality for a solid hour with some nonsense fantasy but I think I should go home and hide all the stuff I know Aston is going to try to claim is his tonight. Whenever I need a bedtime story I’ll give you a call...What the fuck? What did you-” While Raleigh was denying her story from the kitchen, Ashley realized a demonstration was in order and decided to grow herself until she was taking up the whole couch when Raleigh walked back in. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit, holy crap, what in the world…” Raleigh mumbled before stumbling backwards, falling to the floor and fainting. “Raleigh! Is your head okay? Raleigh, answer me please!” When Raleigh regained consciousness Ashley was her normal size and gently shaking her awake. “AAAHHH!!!” Raleigh shrieked in fear and confusion as she struggled to grasp that Ashley’s story was true and that she had magical powers and murdered five people. “Raleigh it’s okay! You’re safe! I’d never hurt you! I want to help you!” Ashley pleaded. Raleigh crawled backwards away from Ashley until she hit the cupboards behind her, eyes wide, pulse through the roof, heart pounding furiously in fight-or-flight mode. “Stay back!” she said with a shaky voice, still grappling to comprehend Ashley’s story being true. Ashley sat on the floor at the other side of the kitchen with her knees pulled up to her chest, arms wrapped around them. “Raleigh please, you are my best friend and I truly care about you. I’ll stay over here just please talk to me.” she said with tears building in her eyes at the thought of losing her favorite person in the world. “Please…I really need you to accept this about me, this is why I hadn’t told you yet, I was afraid you’d look at me like...a monster” Raleigh maintained a scared look on her face as she sat silently on the kitchen floor, not taking her eyes off Ashley as she rationalized everything she’d just heard. It was almost incomprehensible, her best friend all her life had gained some arcane ability to grow and shrink things while on a camping trip and used it to indulge her fetish at the cost of the lives of others. The more she thought about it the more she felt like she hardly knew Ashley at all. “Are you real? Actually Ashley and not some shapeshifting alien?” “Yes, Raleigh, I’m still the same Ashley you grew up with. I’m just...a little different now” Ashley said softly, trying her best to seem as non-threatening as possible. “How do I know you’re not going to eat me or worse? “Aww Raleigh, your life is as valuable to me as my own. I would never even consider it, no thoughts remotely similar to that have even crossed my mind.” Ashley replied gently, hoping to convince Raleigh that she was in no danger. She’d never even think about anything as crazy as eating her best friend, though she’d had some pretty sexy thoughts along similar lines. “It’s...hard to believe that after the story you just told. I’m probably going to have nightmares about it for weeks.” Raleigh pouted, which prompted a short burst of light laughter from Ashley. “I’m sorry! It was a reflex! it’s just silly, who would I talk to about my life if not you? You’re literally my favorite person on Earth, I’d never do anything to hurt you.” Ashley quickly said to mitigate her loss of control. “It’s not a joke to me, it’s really scary” Raleigh scoffed, overwhelmed by the magnitude of events the day had dumped on her. It was nigh impossible to look at Ashley the same way despite her being the same person she was an hour ago. “I feel like all the trust I had in you has imploded. I can’t be sure about you like I used to.” That statement cut Ashley deeply and she made a sad noise akin a whimper. “What can I do to convince you I’m the same person as before?” she asked solemnly. “I’ll do anything.” “I...don’t know if there is anything you can do...Right now I don’t think I’ll ever see you the same way again.” After a few moments of silence Raleigh spoke up again “Oh my god, you said this was related to your plan to help me, was your plan to eat Aston?!” “No no no, that’s not what I was thinking! Although you’re not too far off. Umm do you remember the story you told me about Jeremy freshman year?” “Jeremy way-too-into-butt-stuff Jeremy?” “I wouldn’t say way too into butt stuff but yeah, him. You said he wished he could shrink down and climb around in your butt while you went about your day, he was totally into vore by the way based on that story alone. My idea is essentially to let Aston live out Jeremy’s dream…” Ashley trailed off as she watched Raleigh to gauge her reaction to such a proposition. “You want...to shrink Aston...and stick him up your butt…? I know he’s a piece of shit but That’s still really weird even for this new you.” Raleigh said tentatively. Ashley was surprised she didn’t take a more decisive stance against it. “Not quite. I don’t want to stick him up my butt...I want to stick him in yours. He basically told you your ass wasn’t good enough for him earlier today, I want to prove him wrong. Hell, your ass is more than good enough for me, I’d hit it no question!” Ashley said in a joking tone, though she had often thought that realistically if she was going to experiment with a woman, Raleigh would be her top pick. “Jesus Christ Ash-” “You’re not allowed to talk to him about this, remember?” Ashley quipped, garnering a short chuckle from Raleigh, which gave Ashley a brief sense of relief that she might come out of this with their friendship intact. “Seriously. You want me to get revenge on Aston by shoving him in my ass? What kind of wild thoughts run through your brain daily that this suggestion seems in the realm of reason?” Raleigh seemed drained as she spoke, the mental fatigue of the mental gymnastics she’d had to perform finally setting in. “I don’t know about reasonable...but I know it’s possible. Three of your prime years that dingus took from you and you said nothing you could think of seemed harsh enough for him.” “Well I never would have thought of something like this.” Raleigh mumbled “You literally said you’d be willing to kill him if you could get away with it and now that you have that option on the table it’s suddenly too far?” Ashley said with a hint of accusation in her voice. “For Pete’s sake he sold your car while you were out of town, he barely chipped in on your bills, he constantly talked shit to you about your family, and in case you forgot he cheated on you with Heather. Heather of all people! He has no shame and no redeeming qualities and I know you know it in your heart too.” Ashley relented and stayed quiet for a while after that, letting Raleigh steep in her thoughts, hoping she hadn’t wiggled her way off the hook. About a minute passed before Raleigh finally spoke up, saying “Look Ashley, I’ve known you almost all my life and I’ve always trusted you and your advice. This is all new and strange to me, I don’t know how to process it all. It’s true though that you’ve never led me astray in the past, and while this revelation is horrifying you do seem to mostly be the same person…” “What are you trying to say, Raleigh?” “...I’m in.” “WHOOOO!” Ashley crowed, making Raleigh jump at the sudden outburst. “It’s gonna be awesome, trust me.” “Well...I guess we’ll see.” They talked about past memories and their shared experiences for another half-hour on the kitchen floor before Raleigh was confident enough that Ashley was the same friend she’d always been to get up and say: “I was made to believe there was ice cream on deck, show me what you got you crazy witch.” Flinging open the freezer door she called out “Yo I got Moose Tracks, Mint choco-chip, Cookie dough, -” “Stop. Cookie me.” “By your command, malady.” Ashley said pompously, tossing Raleigh the pint with a curtsy. Ashley swiped the pint of chocolate fudge from the door and they moved back to the couch to continue their conversation. “So what’s your plan? You do have a plan right?” Raleigh asked seriously. “He said he was coming back to your house tonight to start packing right? Let’s beat him there and wait for him to come to us then I can shrink him to the size of a Ken doll at any point and we can have our way with him. He won’t know what hit him. It’s your butt, your butt’s gonna hit him. Or should I say eat him? ahahaha.” “Yeah this vore thing you’ve got going on? I don’t really get it but I’ll roll with it since I can’t unlearn it now. So yeah sure, my butt’s gonna eat him...Say, does that mean he’s going to get digested? Or am I just going to have some loser inside me until I let out those Quesadillas? I really don’t want to poop out a person who I’ll then have to deal with again or otherwise get rid of.” “Not if you hold him in there, the system won’t just run backwards because you stick something in the exit, it’s a one way street. If you don’t want to do him in like that you can just release him and after a thorough washing one of us could just eat him? I suppose, however, that if he were to crawl all the way back up into your stomach, that would do the trick...probably feel pretty good too if I’m being honest” Ashley added off-handedly. “Hmm..yeah it just might, you know....I’ve kinda been...erm testing the waters let’s say with butt stuff myself lately.” Raleigh’s face flushed as she admitted this, not having told anyone else about it. “Oooooh reeeally? A dark secret from innocent little Raleigh? Color me surprised.” “Yeah it’s a...recent development” Raleigh said sheepishly. “Reading online about it when I was first getting into it, I saw cleanliness is a very important aspect of anything anal and I may...have also...discovered that enemas get me really hot too. All that weight and fullness is so nice making my belly stick out. I was kind of jealous when you were describing how big you were at the end of your story before.” She raised her ice cream to cover her face as she spoke because her cheeks were red with self-consciousness. “That just gave me an excellent idea that I’ll disclose to you later tonight when the time is right. You said you don’t want to let him out and then have to deal with him a second time, right?” Ashley asked excitedly. “Oh great another mystery to wrinkle my brain, yeah that’s right I’d rather just do him in myself the first time.” she replied. Ashley grinned sinisterly and asked “Do you still have that nice showerhead with the long hose?” “Yeah, that’s what I use whenever I take an enema, just screw off the head and use the hose but it comes out too easily to use for big ones. Why, what are you thinking?” Wagging a finger at her, Ashley taunted “Ah ah aaah, no telling, and jeeze you just use the hose? Such an amateur,” she playfully mocked as she stood up. “Well it’s getting about time to head over to your place, I’m gonna go pack some jammies if you don’t mind my crashing at your place tonight?” “Yeah that’s fine, we’re doing some pretty life-changing shit tonight so I might as well let you sleep over.” Raleigh said with a wave of her hand. “Sweet, thanks, I’ll be right back.” Ashley ran upstairs, grabbed her backpack, threw in some PJ’s, her phone charger, two water-proof walkie-talkies, and a black pouch from a box in her closet. Walking back downstairs she called to Raleigh “Alright, Ray let’s hit the road. I want to get there before he does.” “Waiting on you, princess,” Raleigh called from the front porch. Ashley stopped at the front door and when Raleigh was walking to her car she ran over and grabbed the crate with the Arousalilies and stuffed it in her backpack as well before running out to hop in Raleigh’s car. “Damnit!” Raleigh cried as they pulled into her driveway to see Aston’s car already parked there and lights on in the house. “He wasn’t supposed to be here for another hour!” “Be chill, Ray, it will be fine, there’s nothing he can do to stop my plan.” Ashley said reassuringly. “Yeah you’re right, let’s get this show on the road then,” Raleigh replied as they got out and approached the door. Opening the door and walking in, A surprised Aston turned towards them from where he stood sifting through a stack of DVD’s. “Oh great, you decided to show up while I’m packing my things” he said with thick sarcasm in his voice. “I’m extremely confident half the things you claim to be yours are actually mine, I bought almost everything in this house,” Raleigh hissed. “Yeah I’m pretty sure the things that you bought for me are mine, it seems pretty obvious.” he arrogantly protested. Ashley stepped around Raleigh with fire in her eyes that this moron thinks he can treat her best friend so badly with no recourse. “That’s definitely not how that works, you buffoon. Why don’t you apologize to my friend here before you make me mad and things get out of hand?” “Fat chance, floozie, I’m going to take all the things that were intended for me and you can’t stop me, I could deal with both of you with my hands tied behind my back.” Aston sneered. “Oh, you hear that Raleigh? He wants his hands tied behind his back, unlucky for him I forgot to pack my rope.” Ashley chided. “Who are you again? And who do you think you are coming into my house talking to me like that?” “First of all this isn’t your house, secondly I can talk to you however I want to because you have no power over me. In fact it’s the other way around. Now apologize for being such a bastard to Raleigh or you’re gonna be in for a bad time,” Ashley commanded. “Oh baby, I’d love to see you try to make me,” Aston taunted. “Ahahaha, oh I will, there’s no try about it, haven’t you ever heard of Yoda?” With her last dig, Ashley glared at Aston and pinched her fingers together, shrinking him down to about six inches tall in just a few seconds. Immediately she ran forward and picked him up in one hand, his high-pitched cries softly assaulting her and Raleigh’s ears. “Oh my god that was actually really cool, such a power move,” observed Raleigh. *Creeeaaaaak* a sudden noise emanated from the staircase to the second floor. Raleigh and Ashley were both stunned to see Heather walking down the stairs oblivious to the scene she just missed. Quickly moving her hand holding Aston behind her, Ashley looked back at Raleigh. This wasn’t part of the plan, Heather needed to leave right now. Raleigh spoke up with a palpable rage in her voice “Heather! Get the fuck out of my house! Now!” “Yeah, I’m not going anywhere without Aston, bitch, where he goes I go.” she rudely rebutted. “Now that was a poor choice of words,” Ashley chortled with obvious delight. Holding out her free hand she pinched her fingers together again and shrunk Heather down to the same size as Aston. Raleigh was the quick one this time and ran over to pick her up before she could escape outside. “Well great, what are we going to do with this one?” Asked Raleigh, holding the only person she hated as much as Aston in that moment in her hand. “Oh I can think of a thing or two to do with that one,” Ashley said with a devious tinge in her voice. “Here come hold this dickbag for a sec, I gotta go to the restroom before we get started. Once in the bathroom Ashley removed her backpack and pulled out the black pouch, pulled open the top and pulled out a hollow showerhead attachment with four orbs of increasing size and some holes in the top. It was an attachment specifically for enemas that she’d bought when she was desperately trying to clear the bear out of her intestines. She unscrewed Raleigh's normal showerhead, setting it on the side of the tub, and attached her enema head before using the toilet, washing her hands, stripping down to her underwear, and heading back downstairs. The scene she returned to was as good as she could have hoped for at this point. Raleigh was sitting in a recliner with two mortal enemies in one hand, and flicking their butts with the other hand, taunting them about how weak their asses were now compared to hers. “You really think this pancake butt is better than mine? It’s not even a good joke.” Aston and Heather were begging to be returned to normal so they could leave and never come back, even for ’Aston’s stuff.’ “Good to see you’re already setting the mood, Ray, come on up, let’s take this to your room and start the fun.” “My fun has already started but man I’m getting really excited now that it’s actually happening!” Raleigh chirped as she hopped off the couch and bounced up the stairs to her room. Walking into Raleigh’s room and turning on a lamp for some ambiance Ashley said “Alright Ray, hand me those two, look in my backpack and give those Arousalilies a good deep sniff, then fetch whatever lube you’ve got around here, and go ahead and strip down while you’re at it.” Raleigh unzipped Ashley’s backpack, opened the container with the flowers, held them to her nose, and took a deep breath. “Why do they smell like pastry dough?” she asked. “I have no idea but I love it, take one more deep breath and get movin’.” Raleigh took another deep breath of the Arousalily’s scent and felt a warmth ignite in and spread out from her chest to her whole body, the heat slowly intensifying all over like waves of comfort. The only place burning warmer than her chest was her pussy as she was becoming increasingly aroused by the second. She stepped into her closet and started rummaging for the requested lube. Upon hearing the request for lube, the tinies became even more uneasy and began to futilely shout for help as if someone outside the room would hear them and come to their rescue. Ashley rolled her eyes and picked up two hair scrunchies from the nightstand and used them as make-shift gags to shut them up, saying quietly to them “If you remove these I swear to god I will swallow you whole on the spot with zero hesitation,” Her eyes leering at them evilly to reinforce her point. Ashley held the two goons close to her face and whispered to them so Raleigh couldn’t hear, “You two are so incredibly lucky. One of you is going on what I’d call the reverse full-tour and the other gets to spend the rest of your miserable life in the heavenly folds of Ray’s lovely pussy which is probably burning like a furnace already. Either option is far too good for trash like you so be sure to struggle extra hard so she enjoys it more than you.” She emphasized her point by squeezing them both hard enough to make them cough and groan in pain. Grasping them both in one hand, she walked over to her backpack and took a few deep breaths of the Arousalilies herself, instantly feeling the same warmth and lust Raleigh was already neck-deep in. With her own warmth spreading and intensifying she grabbed the walkie-talkies, shrinking one down to Aston’s size, and sat back on the bed and waited for Raleigh. “How’s this?” Raleigh called from the closet doorway, summoning Ashley’s attention. Ashley blushed in surprise and awe when she saw her previous outfit was nowhere to be seen but rather than wearing nothing, she’d donned an incredibly seductive ruby-red lingerie set in its stead. Raleigh was clearly feeling good, confident, and sexy after inhaling the flower’s aroma, she took a step towards her bed, raised one hand straight up, the other holding a bottle of lube by her side, and slowly twirled 360 degrees, giving all three a feast of eye-candy as she displayed her toned body shamelessly for Ashley. “Wow, holy crap,” Ashley said, holding Aston up to talk to him. “I can’t believe you thought Heather’s ass was better than those gorgeous glutes before us now, I’d eat off those things any day of my life. You really are a fool.” “Aww, you like this booty I’ve been carrying around? It’s about time you acknowledged it” Raleigh teased as she crawled onto the bed and past Ashley such that she was on her hands and knees with her keister pointed right at her just an arm’s length away from her face. “Bloody hell I’m about to do a lot more than acknowledge it,” Ashley cooed as she slapped Rayleigh’s luscious behind with her free hand. “I must say, those panties look positively titillating on you but I unfortunately must ask you to remove them for the next phase of the plan. Raleigh snickered as she lowered her head to the bed and reached back behind her with both hands. “I think not,” she countered captivatingly as she pulled her cheeks and the fabric of her panties apart to reveal a rift in the cloth, exposing the cleanly waxed flesh underneath, Her enchanting anus puckering and relaxing in the low-light as she flexed it while smiling from ear to ear. The sight turned Ashley on more than she expected it to, sparking another wave of heat that permeated her whole body and she had to close her mouth as her jaw had gone slack at the sight. She shivered in anticipation of everything that was about to happen and swallowed the extra saliva that the mouth-watering sight had brought to her mouth.It was quite literally a dream come true, shoving some tiny people into her best friend to please her and punish them for wronging her so blatantly. She was already wet to the point she could probably use Heather as a living dildo and not even need to lube her up first. Ashley cleared her throat, eh-hem, she was totally awestruck, “Here, hold this one please, my dear Ray,” she politely asked, fumbling Heather awkwardly into her hand while she still held her ass in position to receive it’s treat. Ashley then removed all the clothing from Astor leaving him naked save for his gag then switched and did the same for Heather before handing her back to Raleigh. She let out a giggle as she saw what Astor had between his legs and said to Raleigh, “Haha no wonder you haven’t been happy with this chump, what a weak tool this guy was sticking in your box!” Ashley laughed in Astor’s face as she popped open the cap to the lube, squirting a hefty amount on Astor, some of the excess pooling in her hand. Raleigh let out a slight moan in a Pavlovian response, expecting what she knew was about to start after hearing the cap pop open. Setting the bottle down, Ashley used both hands to thoroughly coat the morsel for a smooth entry. Ashley turned on both walkie-talkies and synced their channel before handing the small one, which was rigged to only receive transmissions to Astor, saying “Don’t lose this, you’ll need it if you expect to survive this,” knowing full well neither of them were going to see the outside world ever again. Holding Astor in her left hand she reached out with her right, coated in some extra lube, and gently, lovingly, prodded at Raleigh’s entrance, delicately swirling two fingertips in light circles around the twitching hole in the center, bringing more moans of pleasure out of Raleigh. The heat emanating from Raleigh’s ass was impressive, Ashley thought, she must really be getting into this now. She withdrew and wiped her fingers on her other hand, scraping some more of the excess lube onto them and placed them back right in the center. Slowly increasing the pressure with which she pressed, first one, then both fingertips penetrated Ray’s tantalizing rear, inciting a short gasp from her. Easily reaching the first and second knuckles with almost no effort, Ashley made the comment “Wow you were serious about getting into butt stuff, huh? You’ll be able to take this loser easily.” Without pushing any deeper, she pulled down towards the bed, subtly stretching the muscular ring until there was an open gap above her fingers. With a sound like a wheezing rush of wind, Raleigh’s ass gaped open and sucked in air as it opened up further inside, a hollow fleshy tube extending deep into her before curving around out of sight. Another shiver ran up Ashley’s spine as the sight, sound, and feel of what she was doing caressed her senses so splendidly. “Alright in you go, Ass-ton, right into this cavernous ton of ass” Ashley teased him again before removing his gag and immediately sliding his walkie-talkie hand, head and shoulders down to his abdomen into her best friends butt before he could utter a single word, his free forearm flailing wildly as everything above his elbows were already trapped inside Raleigh’s hot tunnel. The sudden insertion elicited an excited moan from Raleigh as the moment she’d been waiting for finally and oh so satisfyingly came, her anus reflexively clenched around Aston’s core strong enough to force the air out of his lungs. He immediately began thrashing his whole lower body against his own best interest as the stimulation only made Raleigh clench harder and gyrate her hips forward and back. Aston could be heard screaming painfully through the barrier of flesh as it relentlessly squeezed him, relaxed for a mere moment, only to squeeze down on him again with crushing force. Ashley said into her walkie-talkie “I’d stop resisting so much until you’re all the way inside unless you want her asshole to break your ribs haha, maybe you’re into that, I don’t know.” Raleigh pressed her ass back firmly against Ashley’s grip, forcing Aston to slide further in until he was only visible from the waist down. Temporarily removing her hands from her cheeks, she pulled the front of her panties away from her skin, quickly tucking Heather into them, and rubbing the woman against her sex vigorously before letting the band snap back to her, trapping Heather faceplanted against her sweltering sex before replacing them to spread her ass for Ashley. As Raleigh’s panties snapped back to her, a puff of hot musty air shot out behind her right into Ashley’s face, who breathed in the unbearably sweet air eagerly. It affected her almost as strongly as the flowers had, further intensifying her arousal as Raleigh’s succulent scent bombarded her nose and she knew her friend was in bliss and it was only just beginning. “Please Ashley, finish him and send this disappointment to his final resting place, I beg you!” Raleigh pleaded as she couldn’t lean any further into Ashley to force in her anal inhabitant. She was breathing heavily now and clearly needed Aston to be completely inside her, his movements feeling better than anything she’d ever stuck in herself before. “As you wish, my love,” Ashley sweetly replied before pushing her palm against Astons feet, plunging him deeper at a smooth pace. When Ashley’s hand was flat against Raleigh’s butt and her anus was clamped around Aston’s ankles with only his feet remaining outside, she pushed on his feet with two fingers until with a final lurch, he was completely swallowed by Ray’s delectable ass. Raleigh’s ass squeezed Aston hard reflexively as he fell completely inside and could be pulled deeper freely. Ashley didn’t stop pushing on him though, sticking him as far in as she could until she had no more finger left to push inside. Slowly removing her fingers she leaned in and placed a delicate kiss right on the puckered flesh, before closing the rift of her lingerie, sealing him inside for good. Rayleigh had been shivering since Aston’s shins were still exposed and after Ashley’s kiss she collapsed forward onto her bed, blood pumping fast, heart thumping, and breathing frantic breaths. She wasn’t thinking about Heather at the time and when she fell forward, her weight smushed her solidly between the mattress and Ray’s toasty crotch, causing Heather to jerk reflexively at the impact, sparking even more stimulation directly into her pussy. Raleigh wasn’t ready for the rush and immediately twitched, her pelvis pushing harder into the mattress before lifting up and slamming back down again, pummeling the victim trapped in her lace panties. After a moment spent thoroughly enjoying all the sensations she was experiencing, Raleigh gasped out between breaths, “Oh fuck this is incredible, I can still feel every bit of him squirming inside my ass with Heather right up against my pussy, ist’ a formidable combo. They really do make a good team,” she added snarkily, looking back to wink at Ashley who was still entranced by her ass waving around in front of her. “I told you you’d probably like it!” Ashley beamed. “Although that’s not all I’ve got planned, we still have this unexpected plus one to take care of, how’s she feeling down there?” “Oh my god Ashley, every little twitch and movement she makes down there is a godsend, I can understand now why you did what you did to those botanists.” To prove her point, she again lifted her hips and thrust them back down into the bed to get the shower of sensations from Heather’s panicked motions. “Oooh my god that’s so! Damn! Good! I need to have her all the way inside my pussy right now.” “Well now, that’s something I’d be pleased to help you with. Get your knees back under you and scooch your cooch back towards me as far as you can.” Ashley commanded and Raleigh eagerly obeyed. Pulling the damp cloth away from Raleigh’s insatiate nethers, Ashley reached in and grabbed Heather. Her hand brushing on the way back against the engorged, sensitive skin, made Raleigh squeal with delight and clench her pelvic muscles and ass, pulling Aston a little farther in. Once again compressed from all sides he reflexively fought against it, sending yet another torrent of pleasure straight to Raleigh who was relishing in the delectable sensations of pure joy mixed with the ambrosian justice of revenge. “Oh god please hurry, I need it bad, Ashley!” Raleigh begged as she reached back behind her again, pulling her panties to one side and spreading her voracious, glistening, lips to reveal the most welcoming tunnel Ashley had ever laid eyes on. The heat coming out of it was scorching, strings of clear secretions splayed across the span of her ravenous pussy as it gaped slightly to accept the meal it’d been craving for what seemed like an eternity. The sight was truly one Ashley would never forget, just like her gaping ass a few minutes before. Even from behind, Ashley could see her clit was completely engorged, it looked ready to burst, waiting impatiently for it’s just desserts. From the brief contact her hand made with Raleigh’s furnace-like pussy, it was surprisingly wet. Deciding she was more than lubed enough from her own arousal, Ashley went full-send and gripped Heather’s legs, face down, planting her feet squarely inside Raleigh’s yawning pink cavern. Raleigh let out a scream at the sudden insertion and immediately began to rotate her hips in a circular motion while leaning back pressing into Ashley, pulling Heather deeper and deeper. Within a few seconds, Heather’s breasts were pressing against Raleigh’s clit, eliciting spirited screams from Raleigh as her breathing quickened to a frantic speed and she orgasmed like she hadn’t before, a lustful warm glow had been building in her thighs and abdomen that could be held no longer and burst forth in an explosion of pleasure and warmth. Heather could feel from the overwhelming strength of the contractions that had no hope of escaping unless the relative giantess allowed her to. Her pussy’s powerful muscles rippled along most of her body as she came hard, squeezing and sucking her in more with every contraction. After witnessing Raleigh’s ass swallow a man alive and her pussy suck in a woman up to her chest with no apparent effort, Ashley was too turned on to be left out of the action and began rubbing her own nethers to the scintillating display transpiring right in front of her. The look of despair on Heather’s face was perfect for Ashley, something about watching prey struggle in an impossible fight for their life just struck a chord with her and her heart-rate picked up another notch while she masturbated to the circumstances of their grim fate. Her other hand grasped the back of Raleigh’s thigh and smoothly felt it’s way up to her taunting cheeks before meandering back down to Heather, her boobs still holding her outside and giving Raleigh more pleasure than she’d ever thought possible. Ashley grabbed her gag and pulled it off to hear her beg for her freedom. “Please stop this! I didn’t do anything to you! I’ll do whatever you want, please! Just don’t let me get sucked into this bitches fucking vagina for the love of god!” Heather wasted no time before pleading for her life. At this point Ashley moved her hand inside her panties to roughly begin rubbing her own clit, the dismay on Heather’s face so delectably hot. But Heather had crossed a line calling Raleigh a bitch when in such a predicament. Ashley grabbed her arms and slid them inside with a squelch, put a finger on each of Heather’s shoulders and slowly pushed her deeper, her boobs popping inside, the jolt firing off intense sensations through Raleigh’s clit as they rapidly slid over it. Raleigh let out another long moan as it happened and clenched her pussy mightily when the jolt hit, pulling Heather in all the way past her shoulders in one blissful plunge. Ashley gasped at the sight and increased the speed of her own masturbation as Heather was reduced to nothing more than a head barely sticking out of her best friend’s pussy, pulsating as she came down from her orgasm. Heather was barely able to gasp for air as she was smothered by Raleigh’s engorged lips and cum that was dripping out of the constricting tunnel she was hopelessly trapped in. “Oh my god Aston I wish you could see this, your girlfriend is trapped in your ex-girlfriend’s pussy! Only her head is still sticking out, she looks like a little pussy doorbell, it’s so fucking hot” Ashley piped into the walkie-talkie. Raleigh then let out a staccato of screams and gyrated her hips around, which must have meant he received the message and tried struggling again fruitlessly, feeding even more stimulation straight into Raleigh’s straight-jacket of a colon. “Hahaha Ashley, that was the best description I’ve ever heard, and he really reacted to it, taunt him again! his struggles felt so heavenly!” Raleigh praised. “With pleasure.” Ashley said before keying her talk-button. “Hey Ass-ton I’m gonna need you to keep struggling as hard as you can for my friend who you’re infinitely fortunate to be trapped inside right now like a death-row prisoner.” When Raleigh didn’t convulse with pleasure she keyed the button again, saying “ Did you not hear me? I said STRUGGLE, YOU WORM, Make Raleigh cum again or you’ll be in for another surprise real soon! And it won’t be one you’ll like!” Ashley demanded of the butt-slave. Again no response. “Alright well I don’t think Heather appreciates your reluctance here, we were going to let her go free later but now-In she goes!” Ashley reached up behind Ray’s dripping pussy and frenetically rubbed her clit without warning, causing her to cry out and vigorously clench her pussy. With a panicked wail cut deliciously and tragically short, Heather was sucked all the way inside Raleigh with a wet slurping sound. Ashley didn’t let up on Raleigh’s clit at that point though, she rubbed it harder, switching up the motions frequently until she squealed in delight and her hips bucked uncontrollably before she collapsed again onto the bed. Raleigh uttered a strained groan “OOOOOOOOAAAAAAHHHHHMMMMM THEY’RE BOTH GOING BUCK WILD INSIDE ME THIS IS THE CRAZIEST AND BEST FEELING I’VE EVER FELT! Thank you so much for this Ashley! I can’t believe it’s real!” With a lot of effort Ashley rolled Ray onto her back so she could watch the bumps in her lower abdomen jostle and move around. The roiling of the bulges under her skin was exactly what Ashley needed, “Yeah just like that, Ass-ton we’ll let her out soon just keep resisting!” placing a hand over them to feel their struggles through the skin, she pushed herself over the edge while imagining she were the one trapped inside her friend’s divine folds, giving and receiving pleasure with every movement. The bubble of warmth inside her own abdomen and thighs blossomed forth to every part of her body, like her whole body was laden with energy. After collapsing over Raleigh, they both just laid together, recovering from such an intense experience. Their bated breath the only sound for minutes on end outside the ringing in their ears and the occasional muffled cry from deep in Raleigh’s gut, which curled Ashley’s lips into a smile every time she heard it. “You know, Ray, This isn’t the end of the show, there’s still one more thing we have to do.” Ashley said, trying to inspire the strength in Raleigh to move to the final stage. “You’re joking. What could possibly top the impossible situation that we just lived out?” “Just come with me to the bathroom, there’s another surprise.” Ashley teased playfully, standing up beside the bed and holding her hand out for Raleigh to pull herself up with. With a smirk on her face Raleigh gave in and grasped her hand to stand up. “What kind of crazy level are we going to now?” “Don’t worry you’ll love it,” Ashley teased as she picked up her Arousalilies and took another deep breath before handing them to Raleigh to do the same. Their senses became even more hazed by a lusty veil as the effects renewed in them. They walked into the bathroom, each step Raleigh took jostling her belly’s prisoners from side to side putting pressure on her intestinal and vaginal walls, making it worth it for her just to walk at all. Ashley walked over to the tub and whipped back the shower curtain to reveal the butt plug-enema-hybrid that she’d set up earlier. “I believe you said something about enema’s getting you really hot so I brought this little diddy of mine.” “You did not. I didn’t believe you when you said it would be hotter than before but damn, you really do know how to read me.” “Well you did tell me yourself and it’s all part of the digestion plan, you said you didn’t want to release him and have to deal with him a second time right? Can you tell if he’s still right at the exit or if he’s farther in?” Ashley inquired. “Yeah it feels like he’s been trying to inch his way back out, I can feel the pressure right now like I need to poop, he’s trying to get out.” Raleigh replied. “Well step into the shower and get ready for that internal climbing action that I mentioned might feel so good before.” Ashley said before keying her walkie again. “Hey butt-face, or should I say butt-dweller, Raleigh tells me you’re trying to escape back out of her ass but that’s not an option at this point. If you want to get out of my best friend’s amazing guts you’re gonna have to climb all the way up through her hot tubes until you make it to the stomach, then she can puke you out.” Ashley nodded her head no to Raleigh while saying this to let her know she’s lying to him. “ And I’d move around as much as possible on your way because you’ve gotta get her off one more time or it’s no-dice. And on the off chance you’re thinking you’ll just ride it out until the next time she’s gotta shit, I’ve got another surprise for you!” Ashley picked up the enema attachment in the shower, turned the water on briefly to get the head wet. “You ready for this?” she asked Raleigh while she crouched behind her and nuzzled the head against her smooth hole. She gently pushed the first, smallest orb into her friend’s ass and moved it around in a circle to help her relax the muscle. Bloop, bloop, bloop, in rapid succession the three remaining larger orbs all slid into place, finally resting snugly inside Raleigh, much more comfortable and easy to hold in than the hose she’d use normally. It was a really snug fit, and Raleigh was getting horny all over again thinking about what the combination of sensations was about to feel like. “Do you feel that thing pressing against your feet now?” Ashley said into her walkie, “It’s an enema hose! Surprise! Your cozy new home is about to experience a flash-flood! I’d get to climbing if I were you unless you want to drown, trapped in Raleigh’s bowels! You’ll know you’re almost there when you hit the quesadilla-mush, have fun getting past that.” “Woah! Oh my god I think he understands his predicament now.” Raleigh said to Ashley after a few gasps. “He’s really booking it now, feel him go!” Ray saw Ashley staring in amazement at her midriff and grabbed Ashley’s hand and pressed it into her belly where Aston was so frantically scrambling to make his way up away from the hose as fast as possible. Feeling the mad rumbling coming from inside her best friend was so hot to Ashley she couldn’t help herself and she pulled Raleigh into a loving embrace and kissed her with a passion she’d rarely ever felt in her whole life. Her lips were so spectacularly full and perfectly moist from the strawberry chapstick she could taste on her over the faint remnants of Mexican food. Their lips parted and met again with a barely audible smack as they both leaned into it and wrapped their arms around each other, both relishing in a pure moment of love for each other, they’d both embraced and indulged in the other’s fantasies tonight and they would never forget it. Something so special for them may not happen again for a long time and they knew it, capitalizing on what they had then and there. Ashley figured Aston had had enough of a head start and sneakily reached down and turned the water on to a low flow, surprising Raleigh who jumped at the sudden feeling of warm water flowing into her butt. Ashley could feel her smile through their kiss and continued for a few more seconds before pulling back and sitting on the edge of the tub facing Raleigh who was looking right back at her. Already her lower belly was already beginning to protrude as it steadily filled with the satisfyingly heavy water. They just smiled at each other for a moment before Ashley began rubbing Raleigh’s belly to keep it relaxed and flowing. It was just above eye level and the sight was blown up being right in her face, it was a sexy sight to behold. Raleigh suddenly jerked and a small amount of water splashed out into the tub, she looked down and pressed her hand into her skin, feeling just above her pubic bone. She jerked again but was prepared this time and didn’t let any more out. “Is something wrong? What’s going on?” Ashley asked her. She’d do anything for Raleigh at this point. “Hehe I think Heather is feeling the extra pressure from the water pushing on her and she doesn’t like it. I know it’s already pretty tight in there, but now I can definitely feel her freaking out.” “Do you think you could push her out just enough for her head to be outside again?” “For you I’ll gladly do it.” she lovingly said as she carefully tried to push her out just enough without losing control and launching her out into the tub. While Ray continued rubbing her tummy as it continued to swell with water, she carefully pushed until Ashley could see her lips slowly start to part again as a bulge began to push outwards. God it was so hot watching her pussy slowly push out a tiny human head before clenching around Heather’s neck to lock her in place. “Please let me out of here!” cried Heather as soon as she had some fresh air and could speak again. “Whatever you’re doing it’s getting tighter and tighter in here, I won’t be able to breathe if it keeps up!” Looking around, Heather was able to discern that they were in a bathtub. Craning her neck around, she could see a hose coming down and going right up between Raleigh’s legs and straight into her butt, drinking it all in with no problem like someone chugging a drink. “What the hell are you even doing right now?!” she yelled in frightened confusion. “It keeps getting *gasp* harder to breathe in here! *gasp*” Ashley chimed in “Well your boyfriend was trying to come back out of Raleigh’s tight ass, which he frankly doesn’t deserve to go through for a second time so we’re filling her up with water to make him climb up into her stomach, of course! We told him she’d puke him out if he made it there but there’s no way she’s actually going to, hehe! Our little secret!” Raleigh let out a full laugh, which shook her whole belly as it was seriously starting to stick out now, looking like she was smuggling a balloon under her tight skin. Meanwhile, confined in Raleigh’s tight intestines, Aston was in a panic as he could feel the constant subtle rumble of water rushing in. He clambered deeper as fast as he could, trying to out-pace the rising water encroaching on him. Everything suddenly bounced as a loud laughter permeated down from inside Raleigh from her laugh, the jostling movement breaking his grip causing him to slide backwards around a bend in her guts. “You two are monsters! We *gasp* don’t deserve to suffer like this *gasp* over an affair!” “Shhhh” Ashley cooed as she turned up the water flow, covered Heather’s mouth, and keyed her walkie again. “Heather just called us monsters so we turned up the water flow a bit, I hope you’re climbing fast in there! I’d hate for you to drown before you make it to the stomach!” She put a hand on either side of Raleigh’s rapidly swelling belly and rubbed with both hands in circular motions. She could feel the vibration from the churning water flowing up into Raleigh’s intestines. The rumbling below Aston upped its intensity as the flow increased and he scrambled to make up for his lost ground, grasping at anything he could to pull himself deeper. Kicking backwards to propel himself forward even more, he felt his foot splash into the vanguard of water as it just barely reached him. “AAAGGHHH! I CAN’T *GASP* BREATHE!!” Heather cried out again as the pussy she was still stuck in was compressed more and more from the increasing water load. “Oh yeah, it’s really getting tight in there, it feels absolutely tremendous, I bet she’s under a lot of pressure right now.” Raleigh teased playfully, clenching her pussy over and over to further squeeze Heather. Raleigh’s belly was now bulging out so much it was starting to look weird as individual intestinal tubes were reaching capacity and making their own distinct bulges under her taut skin. “You were right this enema attachment thing is amazing, I still have to try to hold it in but it hasn’t budged since you stuck it inside! I’ve never even been close to this big before, it feels like nothing I’ve managed before, so heavy but still contained inside me.” Raleigh smiled down at her huge bulging belly, she couldn’t see her feet anymore, much less the head sticking out of her pussy. “Rub it more for me please?” she asked, giving Ashley a look of intense yearning. “It would be my pleasure, Ray…” “WILL YOU LUNATICS STOP THIS AND LET ME OUT ALREADY?!” With that Ashley got right in Heather’s red breathless face and shouted “THAT’S ENOUGH OUT OF YOU!” She reached over to turn the water up just a little bit more and wrapped her lips around Heather’s head to shut her up as she started eating Ray’s pussy with Heather’s head still poking out of it, while reaching up to rub Raleigh’s belly with both hands. Ray staggered from the surprise of the sudden, rapturous stimulation, accidentally letting out some more water before recovering with a clench that, with the help of Ashley’s tongue pushing, pulled Heather all the way back inside the deep-sea pressure simulation that was currently taking place inside her. Heather thrashed about as much as she could in the extremely limited space she could move, trying to force apart her walls enough to have any amount of space to move while struggling to get some air in her burning lungs. Aston had felt the rumbling increase a second time as the invading water was already lapping at his waist and shouted “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Still progressing as fast as he could, he soon felt a blockage ahead of him and was stunned at the spicy hot smell of what had to be the Mexican food Ashley had mentioned. He only paused for a moment as time would allow no more and thinking quickly began pulling himself up against the edge of the intestine. The overpowering smell disgusting him was nowhere near approaching the level of fear he’d been assaulted by since finding himself face to face with the voracious asshole that swallowed up and abused him so effortlessly. Resolving to go around rather than through it, he reached his hands up against Raleigh’s intestines, pulling himself into the miniscule, constricting space between Raleigh’s flesh and the obnoxious obstacle he had to overcome. Small chunks of semi-solid mass in the quesadilla’s broken down form actually provided him something to grip and pull himself up with faster. It only took a minute for him to overcome the challenge, but every second of it was torture as he was squashed between an intestinal wall and a mass of pre-shit whose stench was so overbearingly concentrated within her. Once he’d gotten past it he knew he was close and hurriedly outpaced the water which was slowed down by the same blockage. “OH MY GOD YES! DON’T STOP, WHATEVER YOU DO, DON’T STOP!” Raleigh beseeched. With nothing to block her tongue, Ashley set to work, gliding her tongue up and down her lips on both sides, swirling around and poking inside her clenched hole before moving up to the clit where she barraged it with strong, swift movements that had Ray’s knees wobbling as she stood, trying to keep the mammoth amount of water in her ass from bursting out. “Holy shit this is the best thing I’ve experienced in my entire life, Ashley! Don’t stop, please!” About a minute into Ashley’s clitoral assault, Ray tapped her shoulder and said between shuddering gasps “I think Aston made it into my stomach! It feels like he’s trying to reach up into my esophagus.” Without pausing her oral performance, Ashley reached down and turned the water off, leaving the hose inside Ray to help her hold in the absurd amount of water she was carrying in her ass. She began to suck Ray’s clit, swiping her tongue frantically left and right of the nub poking through her lips. At the same time she playfully teased her opening with two fingers. “NYYAAAAAAHHH THIS IS IT I’M GONNA CUM OH GOD I’M CUMMING!!” With a final lashing over her sensitive nub, Ashley moved down to probe her hole with her tongue, mouth wide open for what she knew would come next. “EEEEEAAAAAAHHH!!” powerfully shaking reverberations shook Raleigh’s entire body as she broke the threshold for the best orgasm of her life, her hands unable to stop massaging her jutting belly. Ashley could feel the bulge pushing out from Raleigh’s pussy as it convulsed uncontrollably and widened her mouth, relaxing her throat just in time for Heather to shoot out at high speed, skating across her tongue like a slide, straight into the back of her maw. “OH! There she goes!” Raleigh hollered as she torpedoed a human out of her vagina, a jolt of joy lancing through her walls as her plaything was hilariously ejected. Ashley instantly started swallowing as Heather’s head went straight in and hit the back of her throat, only being free from Raleigh’s immaculate pussy long enough for a terrified shriek to fill the bathroom for half a second before being gripped by a new set of muscles as she was already being swallowed alive again. Ashley then stood, tilting her head back to bare her soft neck so Raleigh could see the form of the kretin that caused her so much trouble descend towards her inevitable doom. As Heather was sliding down her throat head first, screaming and revolting manaicaly, Ashley slurped her legs into her mouth like a noodle and with a hand, pushed Heather by her feet mercilessly down into her gullet towards her stomach. She looked intimately at Raleigh and opened her mouth, giving her an unfettered display of her sexy maw guzzling down the feet that were still just visible above the void. *GLLP* With a definitive final gulp, Heather was again trapped totally inside a woman, the undulating muscles unwaveringly squeezing her whole body, drawing her deeper and deeper. Leaning in, their lips were again joined in a passionate velvety embrace, their love for each other erupting from their hearts. All eyes closed as their breathing deepened and strengthened, lungs billowing like industrial bellows, Ashley pressing her lovely body against Raleigh’s distended belly as she continued to tenderly massage it’s firm skin with both hands, wishing she were the one snuggled deep inside Raleigh’s globular gut. Raleigh took initiative and slipped her tongue past their lips to begin sliding over Ashley’s as they both continued matching and stepping up the other’s energy, their thoughts lost in passion for each other as their minds flew far and away from the tormented terror of the tinies trapped in the burning tombs of their churning stomachs. Raleigh wanted the moment to last forever, but the water trapped inside her demanded release as she reluctantly broke their lustful kissing, saying shyly, “Umm, Ashley, I want this to go on all night but as absolutely enthralling as this experience is, I don’t think I can hold it in any longer, would you mind stepping out and waiting for me in the bedroom? You’re not going to want to see or smell what’s about to happen.” Taking the hint, Ashley acquiesced, “Anything for you, I’ll give you some privacy even though I’m pretty sure we’re way beyond that at this point.” She winked foxily as she stepped out of the tub, her hand lingering on Raleigh’s beautifully gorged belly before sliding off as she walked away, turning on the fan and closing the door behind her. Raleigh prepared for the impossible then removed her enema plug and darted as gracefully as she could with her huge stomach towards the toilet, beads of water already escaping to run down her long legs before she planted her butt down on the seat with a heaving sigh. For the first time in what felt like an hour, Raleigh totally relaxed her ass, which was such an incredible relief that it was like an echo of her last orgasm, washing over her with a wholesome pleasure as the deluge she released crashed down into the bowl below. For over a minute, the flow of water rushing out of her did not abate. Sitting up straight against the lid and looking down at her slowly receding belly with a hand on both sides, Raleigh basked in the glorious feeling as her intestines emptied but continued tingling from the warm water that had stretched them out so lovingly. Aston had been trying to escape by climbing up into the esophagus, having made it to the stomach without drowning. The walls were already constricting around him as they prepared to digest him and he doubled he fighting resistance in fear as the walls around him shook for minutes on end, both from the stomach pushing in on him and the torrent of water coming out of Raleigh. When the flow had stopped and Raleigh couldn’t push any more out, she knew the rest protruding in her upper belly was in there for good and would eventually be absorbed, just like Aston who she continued to feel struggling within her to achieve the impossible and escape her body. Standing up and replacing her own showerhead, she stepped into the shower and gave her lower half a quick rinse as it was simply easier than trying to wipe up the mess caused by such a release. When she was clean and dried off she watched her stomach for a while, bemused by Aston’s bump moving around under her skin and the way it tickled her insides. It felt really good to have someone moving around in her stomach but it wasn’t nearly as satisfying as when Heather was inside her. She wondered optimistically if she would ever get to experience that feeling again. Opening the door and leaning in the doorway, buck-naked and fresh as a daisy, Raleigh beckoned to Ashley, who was also still naked and lying on her bed, and asked “So what do we do now?” “Come into bed and let’s find out, shall we?” Raleigh pranced over to the bed and jumped on, crawling on top of Ashley with an arm on either side of her, looking down playfully. She slowly lowered herself until she was lying directly on top of Ashley, the stomach-bound couple within them separated only by skin and stomach lining, and asked again in a whisper, “So what do you want to do? I feel like nothing’s off the table at this point, it’s been such a long, strange, magical night.” “Nothing’s off the table? I just might have something in mind then,” Ashley hinted with a smirk. “Something I’ve wanted to do for a long time but was impossible until I awakened my power, though I never imagined I’d find someone to do it with.” “Oh? Do tell, I feel like I owe you after tonight.” Ashley blushed in embarrassment as she thought about how she’d explain why she wanted to do what she was thinking. “I ummm….hmmmph.” Ashley stuttered, hesitating for a moment. “Haha Come on, Ashley, out with it, it can’t be that bad.” Raleigh urged lightheartedly. “No laughing,”she said pointing, “But I want to...go inside you like Heather did. I want to feel the warmth of your pussy all around me and…” she trailed off as she looked away, it was so personal and she found herself unable to hold Raleigh’s gaze at the admission. While Ashley was looking away she missed the moment that Raleigh’s eyes lit up, a spark lighting in her heart and loins as the opportunity she thought she’d never have again presented itself so soon. “Ashley, I would love to have you inside me any day of the week,” she affectionately said. “I can kinda see why you’re into this vore stuff, it’s pretty hot.” Ashley’s eyes darted back to Raleigh’s and peering into them, saw a combination of love and lust that mirrored her own. “Really?! Oh Raleigh, not to sound mean but I’m so glad Aston cheated on you, I never thought something so fantastic would ever be real. You’re a dream come true!” Ashley gushed. “Awww! Ashley! I’d say exactly the same about you. You make me feel things nobody else ever has.” Ashley’s mouth spread into a beautiful full smile as Raleigh said this and truly accepted and trusted her. Raleigh reflected the smile right back and picked herself up off Ashley with a quick kiss as she stacked some pillows against the headboard and laid back against them. Ashley’s excitement and anticipation overflowed as she got ready to live out one of her favorite fantasies with a woman that she now loved. Raleigh pulled her feet back and spread her legs out to the sides, presenting herself fully for Ashley to appreciate. Gazing, mystified, all Ashley could do was say “I love you” as she scooped the Arousalilies off the nightstand, slowly inhaled a lung-full of the intoxicating perfume, and passed them to Raleigh before beginning to slowly shrink herself, a shiver running down her spine as the flowers effects took root. “tell me when to stop by the way, I don’t how much room I’m working with,” she added After multiple deep breaths of the lusty scent, Raleigh asked, “Well how tight do you want it to be? I don’t want to crush you in there and these Arousalilies are going to have me reeling with you crawling around in there.” “Like a bear hug,” Ashley replied with a mischievous grin as she continued to shrink, walking up to the increasingly large woman towering before her. “I can always just shrink a little more if it’s too much” “Aaaaaaaaaand stop!” Raleigh called when Ashley was 7” tall. It might be a close fit but she really wanted to let Ashley experience the bear hug she requested, and dammit all if this wasn’t one of the hottest circumstances she never thought to dream about. “Really? You’re gonna be able to handle this? It doesn’t look like you’re big enough for it.” Ashley poked with mock concern. “Shut up and get in my pussy before I shove you in there myself. Before you suggested this I was praying the opportunity would come around just one more time in my life. But with this...you’ve opened Pandora’s Box,” Raleigh said predatorily, sweeping Ashley closer with her arms. The energy Raleigh was giving off at that moment was electrifying, Ashley felt like she couldn’t escape it now if she wanted to. The helplessness one can only feel when being commanded to ‘get in my pussy’ by a woman big enough to crush you with next to no effort. Ashley was hypnotized as she approached the titanic vagina before her, already being flooded with blood again with a bulbous clitoris crown and luscious swelling lips. Standing before her, head barely as tall as Raleigh’s clit, Ashley’s heart pounded as her arousal peaked yet again after smelling the flowers. She placed her hands just inside Raleigh’s slit and pushed them apart into her meaty labia, parting them with no small effort as their relative weight resisted her easily. Sliding her hands up and down Raleigh’s increasingly wet folds, Ashley was overwhelmed with lust as the smell of her womanhood enchanted her. Raleigh just watched as Ashley began working on her while squeezing her breasts, lightly pinching her nipples between her fingers and letting out soft moans to the sensations of Ashley’s hands getting her warmed up. After making sure to leave no surface left unstimulated, Ashley leaned in and rubbed her face against Raleigh’s clit like she was gently motorboating her, both hands firmly rubbing and cradling her pleasure button like she might a lover’s face. Raleigh’s chest heaved as her heart began to pick up speed, the ecstasy channeling through her was incomparable to any sexual experience she’d had before. She felt Ashley’s face lift from her clit, though her hands continued to work overtime, and looked down at her to see what she was up to. “Don’t worry about falling asleep with me still inside or trying to get me out, I can get out by myself whenever I need to,” Ashley said with a wink before crouching down before Raleigh’s eager, inviting tunnel, hands sliding down her lips on both side, never breaking contact or stopping her stimulating motions. “Feel free to help me on the way in if you want to though!” she shouted up over the fleshy wall before moving her hands into the dead center as if to dive in. Before her arms were even all the way in, Raleigh’s passionate heat was pummeling her. Rather than being uncomfortable, the heat energized Ashley, turning her on more as if the chasm were inviting her in, like a web trapping a fly, she was powerless to resist it. Utterly giving herself to Raleigh’s warm walls, Ashley stuck her head inside her powerful hole and began trying to pull herself in, hands slipping chaotically on the slick textured surfaces. Raleigh was lost in bliss as every move and slip sent a fresh wave of pleasure coursing through her, the deep base of an orgasmic foundation already building between her hips. Her whole body was on high sensory alert, her nipples beyond hard and her breasts supremely reactive to the slightest touch. The sensitivity of her pussy was now tantamount to a seismograph, the smallest, most inconsequential movement or vibration was being transmitted clearly with the volume turned up to eleven. Ashley continued pushing deeper inside, moving wildly the whole way for Raleigh’s sake, but her legs ran out of length to push with as she was now half in, half out of Raleigh’s ravenous pussy. She began kicking her legs and trying to inch her way in like she was doing the worm when she felt a hand press behind her feet that she could push off of. Raleigh had looked down when she felt Ashley’s bottom half flailing about and literally gave her a hand getting deeper inside. The powerful lusty feeling she felt as Ashley probed deeper into her was so gratifying she never wanted it to end and decided to prolong it for a while. Ashley was pushing off of Raleigh’s hand, venturing deeper with every push, but as soon as her knees crossed her heavenly threshold, she felt the hand stop pushing her and instead grasp her around both calves. Raleigh wasn’t letting her go any farther in, was something wrong? She could hear her heart thumping rapidly all around her but then she heard something so sinisterly tantalizing and alluring that her own heart skipped a beat before exploding with arousal and sweet lust. It was Raleigh’s voice coming down through her insides saying exactly what Ashley didn’t know she was subconsciously dying to hear. “I know you just want to crawl up deep inside me, but you feel too fucking good sliding through me right now to let it be over so fast. Better buckle up in there, I’m taking the wheel!” Raleigh trumpeted through a malevolent grin, her voice dripping with insatiable desire. Without further delay, Raleigh slowly pulled Ashley back out to her chest before thrusting her back in, tugging her out quickly then slowly reinserting her with a circular motion pressing against every nook and cranny a nerve cell could be hiding in. She spun Ashley around and around while repeatedly pulling her out and plunging her back into the crushing depths of her throbbing pussy. As soon as Raleigh finished her sentence, Ashley squealed with happiness as she was immediately pushed and pulled to and fro rather recklessly. Despite how disorienting the experience was, Ashley could not possibly have enjoyed it more. Raleigh’s hot, slick walls were holding her with such a strong, comforting embrace, better than a million warm weighted blankets. The joy she got knowing she wasn’t in control of the situation at all and that it was getting Raleigh off at the same time was sublime. Despite getting off on eating real people, when she’d fantasized in the past it was usually as prey, so every aspect of the night thus far was the perfect preamble for her and it was now culminating supremely with the unexpected turn of events. She began fingering herself and groping her breasts as best she could in the jarring environment, heart pounding in a frenzy. Raleigh was peering at Ashley’s shrunken form as she masturbated with her body and thought she saw Ashley’s hand down by her crotch and held her in place for a moment to make sure, her stomach being clench down on repeatedly as Raleigh’s pussy continued to contract around her. Sure enough it seemed as though she was also masturbating inside of her, which was a sexy surprise for Raleigh, who thought Ashley wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much as getting to crawl all the way in like she said. Raleigh flicked away Ashley’s hand and began to briskly rub and tap her groin with one finger, eliciting jerks and spasms from her living plaything alongside audible ecstatic screams from within her folds. When Ashley’s movements got particularly hectic like she was about to cum, Raleigh pushed her deeper inside so that Ashley’s hips were cradled right inside her entrance and began to finger herself and Ashley at the same time. While Ashley was fingering herself in the chaotic tube, she was suddenly pulled half way out and held in place for a moment before her masturbation was interrupted by a knocking of her hand. Before she knew what happened she felt a giant finger begin rubbing her crotch vigorously, her surprise was palpable as she began convulsing and kicking at the gentle, monstrous strength getting her off. Ashley let out an impassioned scream as a staccato of taps pounded against her pussy, bringing her right to the edge of an orgasm of immense proportions. Without warning she was pushed farther in and held in place when her pussy was lined up with Raleighs, which began contracting hard, savagely constricting her upper body. The next thing Ashley knew, the giant finger was back, barraging her pussy with sliding and tapping, alternating between fast, light taps and long, hard pushes. As Ashley was on the precipice of rapture, Raleigh stuck two fingers between her legs, shaking them violently while using Ashley’s leg to pull her into the forceful vibrations of gigantic magnitude. Crashing into her like a thunderclap, Ashley’s body was rocked with spasms as a flash-flood of sensory-overloading pleasure coursed through every nerve in her body as she came. She unleashed a guttural sound she didn’t even know she could make in the all-consuming waves of pleasure her orgasm unleashed within her. Raleigh knew from the thrashing within her that she had successfully delivered Ashley into the waiting arms of euphoria and pulled her body all the way out. She quickly flipped Ashley’s spasming body around so she was face down against her pussy and pressed her hard against her clit, rubbing her torso and face against it in a frenzy. The sensations of Ashley’s breasts and face kneading her sensitive nub ceaselessly spawned unmitigated pleasure. Raleigh took short, rapid breaths as she approached another potent orgasm, sliding Ashley over her clit a few more times. When she was on the cusp of release, she let up on Ashley and held her face-to-face with her eager pussy just long enough for her to take in the view before plunging her deep inside herself. This time she didn’t stop at her calves though and pushed her totally into her depths as she masturbated, barraging her clit with fervent rubbing. Ashley knew what was coming and hammered Raleigh’s pulsing walls around her to propel her orgasm to greater heights. As the walls began to spastically constrict around her body, Ashley redoubled the efforts of her internal massage, hearing a string of moans and screams from Raleigh as her hips bucked wildly. Raleigh laid back against the pillows and closed her eyes, basking in the afterglow of her blissful experience, still swirling her fingers over her pussy as she slowly descended from the unreal orgasm that so thoroughly enveloped her with pure joy. She was surprised by the wave of exhaustion that overtook her as she laid there, reminiscing on her roller-coaster of a day. As her breathing slowed and she began drifting to sleep, she could feel Ashley still romping about inside her, probing deeper into the hot depths. Raleigh continued to twitch intermittently while Ashley enjoyed herself living out her wild fantasy. Ashley was sure what she was experiencing had to be divine in nature, the velvety embrace of Raleigh’s pussy all around her, unflagging. Crawling deeper into Raleigh, she could feel she’d stopped masturbating and her heart-rate and breathing had slowed, becoming a slow, rhythmic thump as she faded to sleep. “Aww, you’re all tuckered out, huh? I could go for a nap myself” Ashley said mostly to herself as she was gripped with a wholesome appreciation for the only woman she would have wanted to experience this with. The walls around her had since stopped their gripping convulsions and with just enough space to rest comfortably, Ashley too decided to rest, she’d worry about getting out tomorrow. Better than the best bed she’d ever laid in, lodged deep in Raleigh’s loving folds, she soon lost consciousness in the most comfortable sleep of her life. The End :3 |
"The Pet Snake" (Unbirthing) (Vore) "No!" Alice yelled at the pet shop keeper. "I want a snake!" Alice yelled again. The shop keeper didn't like to be yelled at but he said" If I sell you one snake will you leave my shop?" Alice said fine in a moody voice. But this wasn't any shop and any snake that Alice would soon have as a pet. This shop has secrets. The shop keeper got this huge cardboard box and brought it out to the front counter. Alice had no idea what kind of snake was inside but she asked to see it and the shop keeper said "not in here" in a scared tone of voice. Alice mumbled and sighed and paid for the new pet snake. Alice took the box off the counter and brought it home. Once she got to her house she is excited to see what the snake looks like and hopes that it is a big one. She grabs her box cutter and gets ready to open the box and her face frowned and she lost her excitement. As she stared at what is her new pet snake, it was just a little one and a half foot snake with a strange design on it. It looked very unusual; Alice was disappointed that she had gotten ripped off by the shop keeper. She collapsed onto her couch and looked at the snake. Alice sighed and whispered "what am I going to do with you?" she took a nap and a few hours later she gets up from her couch and goes to feed her pet hamsters and pet mice. She wanted a snake so badly so that it will devour her other pets and that is also why she wanted a big snake. She thought that since there was a big box there would be a big snake inside. She decided that the snake might grow and it has to eat so she won't mind getting use to it and she thinks of a name for him. It' took a while for Alice to think of an okay name for him so she wrote down names and decided to call him "Bruno." Alice had a huge tank for a big snake but since Bruno wasn't a big snake it was hard to see where he was in the tank. Alice had just tossed in a couple of mice into the tank to let Bruno eat. She threw in 5 mice into the tank. She has only 4 more mice and 6 hamsters. Alice watched as she waited for Bruno to eat. One little snake and two little mice inside this big glass tank. Bruno just stared at the mice and slithered his tongue at the mice. Then Bruno strikes one of them and just attacks with its mouth wide opened already to swallow and its mouth is already over the mouse head and with some swallows Bruno consumes his prey. Alice is still watching this happen and enjoying the view of watching something alive get swallowed up whole. Bruno continues to swallow and the mouse’s tail gets sucked into Bruno's mouth and the huge big lump of the mouse is sliding down Bruno. The other mouse is terrified about now by watching one of its own kind being swallowed alive by this creature that has his same kind inside his body. Alice is unzipping her jeans and starts to finger herself. Then Bruno spots the other mouse and slithers on over to it and the mouse already knows that the snake is coming ad tries to run behind Bruno and away from is head. But Bruno has a sense that the mouse will try to run away and get behind him, so when the mouse runs, Bruno strikes! Bruno catches the mouse in is jaw and swallows his prey head first. By this time Alice is getting very wet and slippery and moans in pleasure by watching this from her couch. She already took off her jeans and her underwear and she loves watching something that she loves the most. Bruno starts to swallow his preys head and down it goes. Its body slowly gets consumed by the vicious predator and Alice loves every second of it. The mouse becomes another lump inside of Bruno. Alice is so turned on by this. After she has her orgasm she goes to sleep. The next day when Alice wakes up on her couch she gives a stretch and yawns out wide. Then she looks at Bruno and sees that there are still 2 big lumps inside of him and Alice just stood up and leaned over to look inside the cage and smiled at him. Alice went out of her house and went back to the pet shop that sold her Bruno. She isn't so mad at the shop keeper because she did get a very good orgasm by it. So Alice looks around the store for the shop keeper and the keeper comes out in a "private" room. Alice is only a little suspicious but she just wants a few things and know more about Bruno. Alice said to the shop keeper "what kind of snake did you give me?" The shop keeper said "one of a kind, now may I help you?" "Yes, I would like to know more about this snake you gave me yesterday" Alice asked. "Well it’s just a couple months old snake. It is an extremely rare snake. So just take care of it and have fun. Now may I get you anything?” The shop keeper replied. "Um..Yes can I have a dozen mice for my... mysterious snake" Alice said in a teasing tone. The shop keeper doesn't like Alice at all but he's not dumb. He knows what he is doing and he goes back into the "Private" room. He stays in there for 2 minutes and Alice is getting mad that it is taking so long to just get mice for her to feed to Bruno. Then the shop keeper comes out with a box full of mice. But this time when he puts the box on the counter Alice checks it to make sure that there isn't anything wrong. There are 12 mice inside the box and they are over sized mice and look like they aren't normal. She pays the shop keeper for the mice and drives home. Once Alice gets home she opens the box and dumps all of the mice into the glass snake tank. So there are 12 mice and one full snake digesting two dead mice inside. Alice sees that one lump is almost gone so Bruno will be hungry again soon. Alice stares down at her mice and says "I wish I was a snake so I can swallow you all, whole also." Then something ticked inside her head saying "well I’m a lot bigger and I bet I can!" She sees the biggest mouse in the tank and reaches in to get it. Then she grabs the biggest mouse by it's tail and says "wow your as big as a rat" then she sits down on her couch and dangles the huge rodent over her lips and when she tilts her head back, stretching her neck and opens up her wide hungry mouth like a snake would do. The heat from inside her was warming the mouse. Suddenly she just drops it in her mouth and closes her mouth when half of the mouse inside her lips and the other is outside. Alice slurps the rest of the mouse inside of her mouth and moves the mouse and covers it all up with saliva so the mouse would slide down her throat much easier. Alice finishes coating the big fat mouse and gets ready to swallow. She tilts back her head and sticks out her throat and gulps hard. Alice feels the alive mouse slide right down her throat. The mouse goes down and slips right into her belly. Then Alice tilts head back forward and sighs. And rubs her full belly and goes to sleep. Knowing that she has something alive inside of her made her fall right to sleep. Then the next morning her phone rings. And it's her boyfriend Robert, he has been away on a business trip. Or so he says. Alice answers the phone and talks with her boy friend for a while. Alice is very very angry with him because she knows and senses that he is cheating on her. But she wants to know the best punishment for him. So they talk and moments later her stomach growls like crazy. The pain of the mouse still alive and suffering inside of Alice's belly. Then on the phone call she tells Robert to come over to her place. He says yes and they hang up the phone. Minutes later Robert arrives at her house. Then Alice welcomes her sneaky boy friend into her home and does a fake smile and kisses him on the lips. When he walked in she wiped her lips from the kiss and shuts her door and locks both locks on her door. Robert just goes right into the kitchen and goes into the fridge without permission and heats up some of her left over steak. She is getting really annoyed with him always treating her like she is just a useless item. So she already knows his punishment and says to Robert "Hey do you want to see my new pet snake?" Then Robert says "what! You got a pet snake!? I'm terrified of snakes!" She just looks at Bruno and smiles and whispers "good." After the smile she starts her plan. She goes into her room and calls in Robert. She strips under her blankets and after she gets her underwear off her legs Robert walks in still chewing his bite of steak. And swallows it and stares at Alice in her bed. He quickly knows what to do. He takes off his shirt and his jeans and his boxers and hops right into bed with her. They first start there moment with deep kissing and go under the covers. This is when Alice's plan starts. When they are under there Robert starts to lick inside her vagina and with Alice knowing that she has him right where she wants him she grins and suck! His face is between her vagina lips and she sucks on his face by her vagina. She tries to get him inside more so she inhales a big breath and tries hard and slurps his entire head inside of her. He gets freaked out and wiggles his head and grabs her thighs squeezing them trying to stop the forcing of her vagina swallowing him alive. He tries to pull his head out but her strength is somehow stronger than his. She laughs and sucks his head deep inside of her womb and his neck is slowly going inside as her vagina lips stretch out to a massive length and goes to his shoulders and swallows them and pulls him in even more. He screams and screams but it is just making Alice get more and more turned on. And lost inside of her own pleasure of her boyfriend going inside of her through her vagina makes her love the feeling and love the moment. The warmness of him sliding up inside of her, making her belly widen and bulge out to keep him inside. After she swallows him to his waist his mass erection is blocking the way but she won't mind bending it down or the pain that he will get from it. So she uses her left hand to bend his penis and swallows over it and once that gets inside of her. He releases his juice into her and they both mix. Alice panting and moans loudly and she looks down and smiles knowing that this is actually happening to her. Her vagina swallows up to his thighs and slowly it finishes the job by forcing the feet inside and while that happens a wet slurping sound comes from her and she feels great! Alice has just swallowed her boyfriend well ex boyfriend now. She looks at her huge bloated belly and loves the new look. She rubs it and strokes and moans in pleasure.” How are you doing in there baby? You like this?" All she hears is screaming and yelling and the call for help inside her. She just giggles and continues to rub. She still has not completed Roberts’s punishment. There's a whole other step for this. She struggles to get up and walks on to her living room and picks up Bruno and she falls back onto the couch. She is still naked and still full with Robert whimpering inside. She is still feeling ultimate pleasure and decides to make more of it! She brings Bruno down to her Vagina and widens her legs and it opens her vagina so wide that she slips Bruno’s head right inside of her and shoves and pushes then his long tail is the only thing out and she lets Bruno do that part. He slithers on inside and she gets so wet from this. She knows what will happen know it is only a matter of time until it happens. As she lays on her couch wandering what Bruno is thinking. But she just moans and thinks of what is going on inside of her. She starved Bruno for this purpose. And it was such a great idea she thought. Inside of her womb Bruno was just getting ready for a huge meal. Bruno starts quickly and swallows both of Roberts feet and he shrieks and yells but there is not possible way he can escape this. Bruno continued to swallow more and more. Up to Roberts thighs. It was incredible of how fast such a small unique snake can swallow up a meal as big as a human so quickly. Alice loves all of this! Bruno swallows even more and as Robert goes into the small snake the larger Bruno becomes. Bruno is up to his waist right now. Bruno very slowly gulps that and is getting closer to his head. After Bruno swallows Roberts arms and shoulders he gets so close to his head and he bites his neck as he gets closer. And then Bruno’s last swallow his jaw opens and covers Roberts entire head and so Robert is inside of his girlfriends pet snake that the snake and him is inside of his girlfriend. Just Imagine how wonderful Alice must be feeling right now. Then Bruno has completely consumed Robert. Then when Alice knew he was done eating inside of her she puts both of her arms across her massive fully belly and opens her legs so wide and pushes, she starts to squeeze Bruno back outside of her vagina. His tail is the only thing coming out of there. It squirms out, slowly and passionately opens wider. Her vagina is opening so wide that a young person can just crawl up inside and snuggle inside of her. Then coming out of her Bruno was looking way bigger with this huge lump inside. Alice takes deep breaths and pushes him out more and more. The wetness of her vagina is helping Bruno get out. Bruno is half way out and still getting out. The Pain and pleasure is making Alice lost into her own mind. Once most of Bruno comes out of her all that left is his head still inside of her womb and slowly coming out. This wasn't Alice's idea of getting head and neither was it when Robert was going in. And as soon as Bruno’s head comes out she yells of pleasuring moans. Then she lays all over the couch naked and drifts off to sleep, while Bruno is just wandering on the house with Robert struggling for freedom but it is just impossible for him to break free. So, once Alice falls asleep she starts to dream up a figure. A man standing in complete darkness. A simple ray of light on this mans face and the man who was in the darkness of her thoughts was no other than that simple Shopkeeper that sold her the mysterious mice and Bruno. But he was very more mysterious... The End |
The Castle Of Zion By Vore-Marine The silence was broken by the roar of the Gunship’s engines. This loud formidable craft was flying high above the ground on its patrol. Its metallic wings shone in the dawn light, making it sparkle. The gunship was a long slender craft, with wings that stuck out of the sides, much like a jets wings. It had a large glass cockpit that took up most of top part of the nose. Her capabilities made her a dangerous foe. The ship flew overtop of the sea of green grass. And then like a ghost appearing, a large medieval castle seemed to appear on the horizon. The pilot of the gunship was a medium-breasted Redhead, by the name of Alice. She took her ship off auto-pilot and took control of her ship. This castle seemed to be massive with over a hundred rooms. She tried to scan it but strangely she couldn’t seem to get anything than the outside. “Well I can’t seem to get a scan from this place so were going to have to do it the old fashion Way” She told her co-pilot. Her Co-pilot by the name of Jean was also a medium-breasted woman. Jean sighed “oh great, we get to explore a large creepy castle” she said sarcastically “Are we going to have another problem? I don’t want to have to listen to your complaining all night” she said slightly annoyed “No were not going to have another problem sir” she said mockingly adding the “sir” to annoy Alice Alice grunted and slowly brought the gunship down. Once they landed the two disembarked and walked up to the massive gate of the castle. The Castle gave you an eerie feeling, like as if it was watching you. Its stones walls had signs of weathering, meaning been there for a very long time. “So how exactly do you plan on getting in?” Jean asked “Well I was thinking the front door” she said smiling walking up to the large gate, that feeling of being watched still lingering “Oh you’re just going to walk up and knock and expect some one to answer it?” she said mockingly Alice shrugged “I was thi…” her sentence was cut off as the massive gate opened, the two women scared as it opened “W-well W-e got a job to do” Jean said shakily Alice nodded; they both moved in slowly and were shocked to find that the castle was inhabited by Naga! The main room seemed to be a dining room. It had a glass chandelier and a very long table that had no chairs. Male and female Naga were sitting around the table, and at the far end a Naga with red scales and a yellow line of scales running down the middle of her snake half. “Oh my god...” Alice said quietly they slowly tried to back out but two Naga males came up behind them and stood in there way. “Leaving so soon, you really must stay its been so long since we’ve had guests, we would love to have some company at least for the night ” said a female Naga wearing a head piece with precious stones set into it “Are ship will leave in 48 hours if we don’t turn off the dead man’s failsafe” whispers jean “I know, but we don’t know very much about the Naga, we should learn some stuff to bring back to the base” Alice says whispering “We’ll stay” said Alice jean just looked at Alice hoping she made the right choice “Splendid” said the Naga Queen “John Please show are guests to there rooms” asked the Queen and a Naga sitting on the left of the table close to the queen nodded and slithered over to the two pilots “Please follow me” said john. The Women nodded and followed john, they were lead up a set of stairs with painting’s of Humans on the wall some ranged from very new to very old. They were lead to a corridor with doors on both sides, John stopped at a doors at the end. “I hope you don’t mind sharing a room, the rest are full” said john Jean nodded “I don’t mind” she told him. The two of them were used to sharing a bed with each other because when you’re on a ship with only one bed you have to share it or one gets cold and the other gets the warmth. “There are some clothes in there for you if you care to change, when you’re ready please come down to the dining room were having dinner made” he said and then left “This feels wrong Alice” said jean “Stop worrying they are kind so don’t worry” said Alice assuring The saw two robes on the bed. The robes comprised of a cape and hood but it seemed to show off there body. There was a small note beside the clothes A rule of this castle is that guest wear these robes they may seem revealing but a quality of the Naga is that we show the world are body’s and not hiding them “Well we best change we wouldn’t want to offend them” said Alice “Yah be best not” said Jean After the two had changed they looked at each other and laughed, they then headed down stairs to the dining room were two chairs has been placed on the left and right side of the table right beside the Queen “Ahh are guests are here, please sit” said the queen A group of Naga came out with platters of food mostly meat once it was set on the Table the Naga and the pilots happily started eating. But the Queen had gotten up and left, and so had another female Naga. They got up quietly and followed them. Heading down a long hallway then queen went into a room and the other Naga continued on. “All go check out the queen you go check out the other one” Said Alice Jean nodded unsurely. They split up jean followed the other Naga while Alice moved into the room were the Queen went. As Alice slipped in. she didn’t see the queen so she went farther in. The queen slowly slipped down from the roof and came up behind Alice. “You enter my slave chamber willingly?” asked the queen “The what!” yelled Alice as she spun around startled “My slave chamber, I turn people into my slaves here” said the queen “How?” asked Alice curiously “Like this” she said she used her tail to nudge Alice straight into her folds, her head slipping easily past them. Alice try’s to scream and get away but the queen has her good. The Queen’s contractions start pulling the mostly naked woman into her folds. Her shoulders disappear into the pink folds, The Queen panting and moaning as she’s drawing her in. Alice try’s to struggle but her arms are pinned so she can only flail her legs. The Queen draws in her in up to her breasts and slowly the left one slides into her with a wet plop then the right, a large contraction comes sucking in the woman to her hips, she’s flailing like mad, she’s only managing to pleasure the Queen. The first orgasm comes bringing in the girls neathers and buttocks. The Queen pants and moans “Mmm W-wow Y-your G-going to serve meee well” moans the queen. Another contraction comes and only her knees are left out. Her climax comes bringing in the last of the girl in a flow of her juices. Her human belly bulging as her womb starts releasing its juices that brainwashes the passenger. Alice barely hanging on to her old self “Must serve the queen NO!” she yells trying to fight it but it’s too late. It’s already done the Naga tattoo form on her Neck. Alice stops squirming as she’s been brainwashed “May I come out now my queen?” she asks The Queen smiles “yes you may” she says with power in her voice. Rebirthing her was just as good as unbirthing her but she’s soon out in a gush of juices. “Now let’s get back to the family” says the Queen “Yes mistress” says Alice Jean has no idea but her Pilot is now under there control she just follows the Naga female……… |
Looking down from her place in the heavens, Nikaliel witnesses the demise of a young nurse, one who had simply wanted to help people, subjected to the cruelty of this woman's belly. Strangely for the angel, she felt she recognized this soul as its existence was snuffed out...and felt a need to answer the last words of the woman. The half soul that made up this angel's existence also cried out for food, for the punishment of the wicked. While this angel of death, almost completely clad in white except for a little black on the tips of her wings, black that seemed like it sullied the purity of this heavenly being, did not relish in judgement, she was more than willing to mete it out, though she was not quite so gleeful about it as her other half. Still, she did relish the prospect of adding to her soul, of adding another's essence to her own, and her celestial wings unfurl as she makes up her mind, diving like a divine bolt of judgement from her place in the heavens, free from the constraint of the gods that govern other celestial beings in her quest to fulfill the job she's held for only a short time, that of an angel of death. An observant being might notice the flash of brilliant white light that eclipsed the sky for the span of not even a second that marks her passage, and when she lands, she'll hide her wings, along with her soft, white, tail, as her raiment dims in its brilliance to a long white dress, with little bits of black on the edge of her dress. Scrutinizing her appearance, she finds that she'll likely pass for human, her slightly chubby face breaking out into a smile at her appearance before she'll head to the home of one Rabecca Tomea, looking first to see if this woman is home, not quite announcing her presence just yet. From a mortal's perspective, the coming and going of an event could be like the blinking of an eye for a seraph and the godly entities of time and space. Specifically, even an angel of death. So much so, Rabecca, as tainted as she had become from devouring Nikki so thoughtlessly, so cruel, so calculative, and so finally, she did not.... as fucked up as it might have seemed, recall doing it, or even having any portion to do with the event that would remove this kind nurse, forever, from the world of the living, and both... the dead. But soon enough, it would be told, the events leading up to that very moment, where denial, seeking penance, and the forgiving of one's self, and moving on, had taken place for the mortal, believing there was salvation for her now. Though what humans think, what humans know, they were like unchained animals, with only so much capability for potential, given the lack of will they had to possess the means to accomplish a goal. The brunette having absolutely no clue what had or hadn't been seen from "above" in her transgressions, for what had been felt by Nikki, so long past, in her last moments of utter agony. That.... That an angel of death, had already felt the distaste within her mouth, over the thoughtless, needless.... murder. While in her hedonistic methods and frame of thought, truly, the human hadn't fully contemplated that which she had done would indeed, have such long lasting effects. She'd devoured prey before, both willing and not, time and time again, but even for her, after she had stated these things to Nikki, even things that had sounded logical and barely arguable at best, didn't seem so... now... to be so black and white, and infallible or left without rebuke. Rabecca began to second guess herself, holding her hands to her face, whimpering, "Why?" Soul searching, the girl began to look at her life in a whole different way. Her sins coming to horrow up against her, painfully so. She knew she couldn't erase what she had done, however, with penance, should she find a higher path, she believed she could find ultimate peace, even if the hill was steep and hard to climb. Fast forwarding towards the future however, Rabecca had since found ways to help those in society, in the community, indeed, it being both a curse, but as Becky had seen it, mainly a blessing, having inherited Nikki's healing gifts, so many lives and so many souls, would be saved, as a portion of Nikki, lived on, through her abilities that the human had so thoughtlessly absorbed. The goodness the human had given the world over the course of a five-year span, outweighing heavily, the wrong she had done in her life, so much in fact, she didn't even remember a thing of the past soon. Her new life, to help others, and boy, how her life was full of joy now. Some people had to go, to die, some requesting it of her to pass by way of digestion, and there, they'd be given peace, devoured by her, but only so their souls could travel on to the space they called their home beyond life after death, and she'd mourn them bitterly in their passing. Meanwhile, with Nikaliel finally bolting her way through the heavens, catching up to these latest moments of the human's life as she knew it, where Rabecca had just saved an entire family, by healing them by why of Nikki's gift, and fending off a horrible predator, the mortal had been outside during Nikaliel's descending. Her noticing that brilliant flash of light, but not connecting to anything, just thinking it was another part of the glorious mother nature, this beautiful planet she had lived on, and it brought a tear to her eye, at how majestic the outdoors truly was. Sending that family off with the best wishes and enough cash to be happy for the rest of their lives, the tear finally fell onto her cheeks, giggling a moment as she laughed out, she waved goodbye to the people, hoping to see them again soon, so joyous had her soul felt... Not knowing, just around the corner, there was a being who harbored no such feelings for her, who in her own mete, had the desire to answer a reign of destruction and retribution, right down atop her head, all about her very existence, her livelihood, her soul... her everything. This angel of death had not been around for very long like many other eternal beings, a mere score of years since they had become angels. The circumstance behind that change wasn't completely certain, but it had involved two lovers, one who had fully surrendered herself to the other, and the weight of that soul had been too much for only one body, breaking in twain and becoming two angelic beings, one dark as the night with a touch of white, the other radiant as day with an innocent face and only a touch of black, the external revealing the internal of each being. The soul that had ceased to exist had belonged to her, or at least to the person she had been, and the end of its existence had drawn her eye to that more than the deed itself, as her existence was dedicated to ending the existence of others, a duty she went about almost innocently, as they had been too corrupt to pass on into the next life. Such was the case with Rabecca, a woman who had ended Nicci's existence without a thought, not heeding her words but instead justifying it as the way of nature, the way of life. Nikaliel had watched her so-called penance, a kindled desire to make the world a better place, one she was proud of the human Nicci for causing in part. Unbeknownst to Rabecca, Nicci's appeal to her had been her last chance, as even though the powers in heaven had thought to give her another chance, Nikaliel was not yoked to such powers. Instead, at Kaliciel's urging, the darker nature that resided in a form that showed such, she was here to visit delayed judgement on Rabecca and her soul, to condemn her to an eternity as part of an angel. She wipes away a small tear at what she's going to do, knowing that some people could never truly change, and steps into the light, her white hair becoming a pale blonde to keep from revealing her true nature as she waits for the door to close. Wounds would appear on the angel's body, injuries that looked almost fatal, and with the last of her disguise in place, she'll knock on the door weakly, as one near the end of her strength, blood apparently staining the white dress around her abdomen, and she'll smile slightly at her deception before forcing herself to grimace as though in pain. Rabecca would finally retire for the day, going back in doors, a place she had bought, but had also used as a make-shift hospital, or at least a large portion and wing of her house, to help those in need, to rescue patients and dedicate her life to the healing of the sick. Countless lives she'd already saved, certainly outweighing the people she had destroyed, weren't all beings allowed a chance at forgiveness? As far as the human was aware, her conscious was clean, never in her entire life, had she felt better than she did now, not even before the times, where she had begun to devour others for fun and desire... before she had been tainted by greed and the cold truth of the nature of this world, survival of the fittest. A shell was what she used to be, so many new friends and acquaintances has she made now, so many children's and adult's lives alike, had she made go for the better, she couldn't even remember the last ill thought that came to her mind, a truly changed person, at least by heaven's standards. Yet lo and behold, an Angel of Death, one not so entirely bound to the wills of mercy, the pleasures of forgiveness, was already seeking to unmake the new life Rabecca had created for herself, but not just to change her concept on reality, to remove her, erase her, from all time and eternity. How could it be? An unchained being existing, to the will of the gods? Yet indeed, it still was so, beyond all contemplation, both Kaliciel and Nikaliel had existed, and for a reason, for the undertaking of those they deemed, were not worthy of passing on towards and through, to the other side. Mercy would be frustrated, a being herself, as far as Rabecca felt, had been forgiven by the heavens, already earning her wings right now, through her innumerable sacrifices. Though Nikaliel's fate and destiny she'd be weaving for this "hapless" human, was far different than any agenda Becky had seen herself within heading towards. After closing time now, the human didn't think to take on a guest within her walls the hour growing late, certainly not one that needed dire help, in critical condition, yet the beauty's doors were never closed to those who truly needed it. And with a weak knock at her door later, the brunette's eyes opened slightly a bit more, a jolt of blood pumping in her bosom as her heart lurched within her chest, Ms. Tomea rushed to the door, "I'm coming," she'd say, a bit startled. What she saw once she came to the other side opening the wooden frame, made her eyes open wide, as a sick feeling came to her chest. "No..... please! Hang in there! It's going to be okay, you'll see!" Rabecca would do whatever it took, grabbing the girl by one arm and helping her walk, or if need had been, picking her up entirely, with all her might, and getting her to a medical bed. She had to be quick, the wounds looked deep and were bleeding. "Think Rabecca..." she spoke aloud, so she began to try and calm down, forced almost into panic before, at such a sight after such a wonderful day had "ended". "Miss? What happened, can you tell me who did this to you?" she'd say simply, blunt and loud enough to hear, but with a mild gentleness to her voice. She'd quickly get the girl's bmp, hooking her up to a IV, running the solutions through her veins, wrapping her up where ever she saw the wounds, severe to least, tearing away at the beautiful white dress the girl had had on her body, where needed, figuring she didn't have the time to do otherwise, wanting the bleeding to stop. "Hold on, Miss... what's your name? I need to call the surgeon, I'm just a nurse, I need help with a surgery." Becky was doing everything in power to help this female, dressing up her wounds as much as possible, if she could drink, she'd try to have the girl sip the water, elevating her head above her knees, making sure the girl was comfortable, hooking her up to a monitor to see how her vitals responded to every act she'd try perform in Nikaliel's benefit. As she'd thought, Rabecca was not able to resist easily someone needing help. Perhaps her other half was wrong, maybe this woman could change, deserved a chance to pass on to the next life. Collapsing to the ground, she allows the woman to pick her up, to carry her inside, let her tend her apparent wounds, that would stick to the white cloth as it was torn off her body to stop the apparent bleeding, the blood so symbolic of all the souls digested that were a part of this woman. In a way, her ruse was not simply a ruse, but a representation of her past, all the guilt she'd ruthlessly suppressed visible on the divine being's body. She appeared barely conscious, her breathing slow and shallow, what medical equipment the woman did have would pick up weak vitals, a rapid heart rate with very low blood pressure. When treatment was administered, the fluid going through her body, her heart rate would slow a bit, her blood pressure would appear still very low but not quite critical. Hearing her speak to her she remains silent for a long time, before coughing up blood, and saying in a rasping voice, "My...name? It’s..." she'll have another coughing fit, as more blood appears as though its coming out of her lungs. Truly it was hard for her not to speak her real name, or names, but she was slightly pleased at the deception, beguiling the condemned in this manner. She took a small sip of the water, then coughed again. "Nishi. And... brunette." Was all she pretended to being able to get out, before her eyes will roll back in her head as she feigns unconsciousness. It almost seemed cruel to her, that she was putting on such an act and forcing the brunette along with her ruse, but a part of her feels nothing but deep satisfaction, using Nicci's former profession and Rabecca's current one against her to get close so she can end her. How long should she string her along though is the question, and what would she do to her before judgement comes. Her breathing is a little labored and if Rabecca listened to her breath sounds she'd hear crackling in there, indicating fluid build-up, but besides that, and groans of pain, the woman calling herself Nishi seemed to be sleeping rather comfortably. Rabecca continued to tend to this female however she could, and as she had taken a closer look, the way the dress had held against the girl's body, removing it would have been a bad idea, doing more harm than good, to open wounds that were trying to heal after clotting. Rather, she'd just put pressure dressings on, wrapping them around the girl's legs, not uncomfortably tight, but enough to make sure no future bleeding would happen if possible. Getting a warm cloth with clean water, just damp enough to be felt, but wet to produce help, there was heat there, cleaning up the girl's face, making sure parts that were there, wouldn't open, but wanting to treat her, helping her up a little. And as the injured girl began to try and sip water, Becky gasped as the patient choked, taking the water back and placing it on a nearby counter if the blonde-haired female, would need any in the near future. All that could be done now, was allow the fluids of the I.V. go in to the woman's blood stream, and treat her fluid build-up. Getting a heated and sterile needle, the brunette goes to feel with her hands and a stethoscope, until she pinpointed the area most effected, and with that sharp point, she'd lightly push it in to the lungs as determined. Until the build-up began to come out, quick to wipe up the girl's blood by her lips with a fresh towel and keeping her clean. Once the fluid seemed mostly drained, the nurse removed the needle and began sterilizing it once more, grabbing the patient's left hand, gently squeezing, "You're doing good, hang in there, it seems the worst is over," Rabecca told her patient, hoping that was the case herself, but wanting to retain and optimistic vibe, knowing that was very important in situations like these. "Hang in there Nishi.... brunette? What do you mean? Who?" Rabecca somehow figured Nishi was her name, but was the woman trying to speak out a meaning, a sentence, as to whom might have done this to her? "A brunette, a woman? She did this to you?" the mortal tried to piece out, hoping to be able to put things together, so she could help in the best possible way. Well, at least with a calmed heart rate and a normalizing patient, as far as the nurse could tell, bed rest would be a good thing if she was no longer losing blood. She needed to recover what she had lost, and if need be, the nurse was prepared to give the girl a blood transfusion, quickly stabbing her with a small needle to do a biopsy in her shoulder, getting her blood type, and then freezer box filled with useable blood, once the type was detected. On the ready, the nurse waited nervously, with a patient so close like this, she hadn't dared to leave her. Just love radiating out from Becky, but she was troubled, only getting bits and pieces of what was wrong with Nishi, she would do anything to make sure Nishi was okay. Truly it was rather uncomfortable to keep up the ruse like this, having her clothes adhere to her like this and using false blood to keep them like that. Still, it did seem to be a most efficacious ruse, one she was rather proud of, though it had its actual painful moments...the pressure dressing wasn't much fun, but at least it didn't hurt. The wet clothe when it wiped the 'blood' off her body would reveal rather pale skin, almost supernaturally so...not much Nikaliel could do about that, but perhaps the mortal would pass it off as what they called 'albinos'. Though she really didn't need to drink she did want more water, but it wouldn't do to gulp it down and break her character so to speak. What happened next was probably the first real pain the angel had known in her existence as she felt her lungs punctured in an effort to relieve the fluid build-up that was supposed to be there, and this was the hardest part for her to actually fake, as she inhaled sharply from the pain, blood spraying out of the hole in her chest. Thankfully the actual hole in her lungs would heal rather quickly thanks to her divine nature, though she'd leave the mark apparent in her skin as she allowed her breathing to become more easy, indeed, her vitals almost seemed rather stable now. She wracks her mind to think of what else she might do to torment the poor nurse and a smile almost appears on her face as her temperature suddenly spikes as though she has an infection. Hearing the brunette speak like that made her giggle mentally, though if she tried to type match her blood she'd find that it would come up as the most common form of blood, O+, even though there isn't an actual match for angelic blood. The little detail of a brunette being the person that did this to her was one that she'd thought of because of the condemned person's hair, but her seemingly unconscious form doesn't say such, her mouth appearing dry as somewhat unintelligible words come out of it, to further mimic the appearance of a fevered body. Whatever Nikaliel was doing, she certainly succeeded in that endeavor, as there was absolutely no way the human could tell she was looking at the Angel of Death. The fretting brunette wanting nothing more than to make Nishi feel better, cure her of her ailments, and restore her to full health. As she watched the girl struggling, wincing in pain with the hollow needle having drained the blood needed so she'd not suffocate on her own fluids, with the cry of pain, the nurse almost jumped, mentally, she had winced with her expressions, quickly trying to regain her composure after such a sight, it had been a long time since she had performed a pneumothorax, too little practice too far in between, thankfully, at least so far, there hadn't been any complications, even with the blonde's heart beat simmering down to a more safe level, it had brought much relief to the caring physician, forgetting all about calling a surgeon. The patient's pale flesh was noted, but the girl had good color to her lips, indeed, Nishi wouldn't be the first Albino Becky had ever seen, but with a proper bedside manner and being the professional nurse she was, the brunette knew it was neither appropriate to speculate, or stereotype. Nishi was important, the girl was simply in her care, and that's all that was required to get the aid she most certainly had needed. Feeling the girl's cheeks, as well as Nishi's head, there was a heat dually noted there. At this point, though, with the girl so close to sleeping, Rabecca didn't want to run the risk of trying for force more water down her patient's throat to administer a Tylenol. So, to keep her away from choking, quickly finding as she'd put her hand on the girl's forehead, she was now running a fever. So rather, she'd use a nearby applicator, quickly tearing it out of the plastic container, making sure it was sterile and clean, she'd open a bottle of water, never taking her eyes of the female for moment, being careful to watch where her own hands went to avoid contamination. Finally, to come back, and put the nozzle of her instrument against the surface of the opened drink, soaking some up, being careful to avoid the Nishi's tongue so as not to make her gag, and then icing her lips very carefully, she'd see where that would take them from there, hoping it was enough to curb what she had feared, a worsened condition. Every so often, going back and forth between looking at vitals, checking Nishi's forehead, reapplying the applicator, making sure Nishi was covered up with enough bedding, that she wasn't getting cold either, as she'd not been moving much, it was natural her body would begin to cool down, Becky trying to keep a perfect balance of everything. If conditions got worse, after having screened Nishi's blood, indeed, she'd found that it was O+, so ready to apply the transfusion, at any given moment if required, she waited patiently. Such a fair looking girl, how could someone be so cruel to her? Becky's emotions, she had to hide them, as she thought about what had to have happened to Nishi to bring her to this current situation, damn that brunette for all of this! How could she? Whenever she wasn't being tended to the angel kept an eye on the person she'd come to judge, seeing how perfect her body appeared, likely due to the multitude of prey and souls that she'd ended of their lives so easily and casually. Yet she felt a bit attracted to her too, probably because she'd spent a lot of time watching her, seeing how she had made use of the nurse’s gift, the one who was no more. Every breath she breathed, it reminded her of those who had drawn their last breath inside her. Yet here she was, trying to 'save' her. The angel could almost find herself liking her, even though she wasn't going to change her judgement, couldn't bring herself to change it, as being this close, she wanted, needed to have that soul that had many souls inside it...but she could wait, be patient. Talk to her, 'recover' from her injuries with her. After 'sleeping' for several hours, though after a bit she may have snuck in a little real rest, she begins to stir slightly, her eyes fluttering open to reveal her brilliant blue eyes. She shifts slightly, a bit uncomfortable, but looking, besides having a bloodied body beneath her bandages and cloth, almost presentable, though her temperature was still high. The major source of her wounds had apparently been her abdomen, and it was there when she looks down that the blood was concentrated mostly, before she looks at the brunette nurse, eyes darting around as though slightly confused. Her head will raise weakly, though her breathing is normal at this point, and she'll ask the expected questions of a patient who didn't really know where they were or who was there, "Where am I? And who are you?" She says, her normally clarion voice hoarse, though it still had a touch of her normal melodic tone. Her eyes especially linger on Rabecca's hair, as though uncertain if she wouldn't be better off running for it as she struggles to try to sit up, wincing at the apparent pain in her middle. For many long hours, the nurse tried to stay up with the patient, watching at any sudden movements, for any sudden fits or noises, readily and alert to help Nishi as much as possible. Yet the nurse had had a long day, with helping so many patients and the giant ordeal she had just completed with the entire family of people she'd looked after with the best of her ability, she was clearly fatigued, and if the Angel of Death looked closely, she'd be able to see bags under her pretty eyes. Indeed, whilst Nishi slept, the source of the most injury could be seen coming from the blonde girl's abdominal area, the brunette nurse having already since, placed pressure dressing against her, though a bit lighter than before, mostly just keeping weight on the open wounds, so they'd have more of a chance to clot. With having lost as much blood as Rabecca figured Nishi had, she'd already begun the transfusion, what with the look of the girl's midriff and below, it was too close of a call to simply ignore and not administer where she could. And while Nishi slept, the blood would be pumped back in her veins, the nurse using the applicator as much as was necessary to wet the girl's mouth. Though finally, sleep took her, at least until those waking moments, the blonde girl had called out to her, asking, where she was and who was caring for her. Blinking to a start, barely realizing she'd been sleeping but unable to deny it as she felt her eyes open, not recalling the very moment slumber kept her, Becky slowly but surely came back to reality, coughing lightly, blinking a few more times, she'd smile, holding Nishi's hands again, gently rubbing her wrists, doing her best to calm the patient. "Nishi, you are at my home, or more respectively, the medical wing of my abode. And my name is Nurse Tomea, of course, you are not obligated to call me such titles, you are my patient dear, and I am trying to treat you, please, just call me Rabecca. Are you thirsty, can you take water now? I've been using an applicator on your lips and mouth while you've slept, I have an O+ blood bag running a transfusion into your veins for the lost blood you had during your unfortunate run in with a brunette you were unable to identify to me yet, along with an I.V. to make sure your body doesn't run out of what you need the most. Are you hungry, is there anything I can do to ease your pain? Can you describe any symptoms you feel right now?" the nurse had said in a very calm but clear voice, also very sweet, even if not as melodious as the Angel of Death's own, though that wince of pain heard as Nishi tried to get up more. "It almost seems like you got stabbed, I want to perform sutures but I wanted to wait for more clotting before I tried messing around with your open wounds. I'll cut your dress open if we require, I can't have you bleeding out, and I pray, you're not bleeding internally, though I didn't feel any bloating in your abdominal cavity." Such pretty blue eyes, almost hauntingly so. So penetrating, at least Rabecca thought, very well though, this could have been within her mind, that Nishi could see into her very soul. Of course, Nikaliel had known all about the kind of day that Rabecca had, had seen it all from high above as though she'd been there, every interaction the nurse had with each client and how she'd treated them all. She had especially watched her as she slept, seemingly so at peace, so at ease, and yet how could she have forgotten all the souls she'd taken, all the existences she'd ended? The angel could feel the applicator with moisture applied to her lips. The existence of mortal blood entering her divine body was another set of problems that she had to deal with, to figure out how to get it out of her, the solution being simple, but not one she looked forward to. Still, she'd cross that bridge when she came to it, right now she had Rabecca asking all those questions and telling her some things that she already knew, her name and for a second Nikaliel forgets she's being referred to until she recalls Nishi's the false name she's going by. When she got close with her being alert now, the angel pulls her wrists weakly away from Rabecca's hands, as though she was scared, after all the woman had brunette hair and 'Nishi' had only seen that. Still, the angel was as hydrated with the IV in her as she'd ever been, but she could use some water and..."You're not the brunette that did this to me?" She asks, acting as though she's trying to calm down, her voice coming in a bit stronger this time, more of her melodic voice seeping through this time around. "Stabbed? It... I feel very hot. And it hurts down there...appears the bleedings mostly stopped though." She says as she cranes her neck to look at it. "I don't think I can eat anything just yet, I'm feeling really woozy...you said can I take water? I really could use some. Guess I got lucky to come across a nurse like you, I feel...weak. I guess I was about to die. I'm not going to die, am I?" she asks, as tears fill her eyes, which could see into Rabecca's mind, at least a little bit, and not nearly as perceptive as Nicci's had been at judging the state of her soul. Maybe when Rabecca's soul is hers she'll be able to see all that, have all that again. "Most of all, can you...get me something to pee in? Not sure I can hold it much longer." She says, coughing intermittently during that time. As angry and as upsetting as it could get for the Angel of Death to be forced to realize, indeed, Becky had no clear thought of anything besides love, remorse for others, and a very tender and kind bedside manner. The woman Rabecca once was, could have easily taken advantage of the "weak" nurse she had become, so naïve, so gullible, so loving, at least in the ways of affection and care, her trusting strangers to a fault, to treat them in the middle of the night, and all day long. But that's just the type of creature this human had become, heaven had already forgiving her, but it was clear, Hell's angels, most CERTAINLY would not. Nikaliel already had her mind set on what she was going to do with this pathetic, self-proclaiming, medical professional, not seeing things eye to eye, no, like day and night, like black and white, there would be no penance great enough Becky could go through, in this Death's eyes. Snapped back to this reality the two were currently within, Becca pulls back, letting the girl's wrists go, blinking a few times, startled even, having only meant to bring the girl comfort, but as it appeared, at least mildly or briefly so, she had brought her a portion of fear. An immediately, sincere, apologetic look, came back towards the blonde girl, both one "asking" for forgiveness, and, a way she could perhaps make things even better for her patient. "Huh? Noooo... Heavens no. I'm angry, if you'd wish to know it dear, but most assuredly was not the one. How could someone do such a thing to such a sweet, vulnerable, and pretty girl? It makes my heart sick just thinking about it," this time however, tears weren't so readily kept back, as Nishi's feelings, her tone of voice, struck a heart cord in Becky's soul, some tears now finally falling against her soft, olive cheeks, she'd momentarily clench her teeth and gulp lightly. Though Rabecca nodded her head, the bleeding stopped, good. Perhaps now Becky could work on beginning sutures. Though before she'd begin, her patient began to speak more, not wishing her trauma or to be interrupted, the nurse patiently waited at her bed side. "Yes, I think you can have water now, as you are awake, and are more alert, you'll be far less likely to choke, you look it too, parched, please.... one moment dear." Becky got up quickly, washing her hands, and went to grab a twenty-ounce bottle of Arrowhead water, cold, crisp and clean, popping the cap but not taking it entirely off, she'd either give it to the girl with her hands if she wanted to drink herself, or gladly, Rabecca would help her sip it if Nishi didn't feel strong enough to comply. Easing it forward either way, doing whatever she could, she'd commence. "Yes you were lucky I------ No..... no, you're not going to die, don't talk like that sweetie, such dark thoughts. You're going to be okay, you're a fighter, I can almost feel your spirit, it's radiating with light, you want to live, those that don't give up, that have a desire to mend, often heal that much faster than patients who give in, it's the strength of your spirit and the content of your character that matters most. I'm here with you Nishi, I'm not going to leave your side, we're going to see this through together 'til the end," Becky smiled, as a few more tears fell down those porcelain-soft, baby fine cheeks. Blinking a few times... duh! Becky shook her head nearly embarrassed, "Of course, how silly of me, I'm sorry, indeed I am sure it's been a while sense you've released. One moment dear." Becky immediately got back up, fetching a large bed pan, and carefully, very carefully, helping the girl pull up her dress, shifting it out of the way, and if panties were on, depending on how much strength Nishi had, Becky gladly would help her maneuver it out of the way once pressure dressings were removed, at least in such a way that they'd impede the material removed. Finally centering the bed pan, under her rear, she'd give plenty of space for Nishi's urethra to find a clean spot to usher forth, her need to empty her bladder. The poor dear, such a pressure, unneeded. She'd try to look away now, if Nishi felt confident, at whatever step along the way, wanting to give her patient privacy, but help, she'd completely remove her hands, if, Nishi could manage on her own, waiting until the girl spoke again, to bother her or help her, once again. It didn't, couldn't matter as to Nikaliel's judgement, how this woman had changed, how she was no longer evil as she'd been when she'd erased Nicci's existence, it COULDN'T matter with the missing part of her essence there, a part of the body that was tending hers right now. The person that had devoured Nicci's soul would have made easy prey of the nurse that was trying to tend to her now. It wasn't a matter of forgiveness for Nikaliel, as an angel of death, the heavens had turned her away, and because she erased souls, hell would have nothing to do with her, only her other half. Not to mention she took some small satisfaction in that justice would be served, meted out after so many decades. Her almost knee-jerk reaction to seeing the brunette holding her hands, even as comfortingly as she had been, causes her to have a small measure of pity for her. "Your hair, it’s just the same color as the one who'd done this to me, I'm sorry, I had woken up and well...forgive me for thinking you could have been her?" Nishi said softly as she allows Rabecca to help her with the water, taking slow sips, greedy for water but knowing that in such a position as she was feigning a patient couldn't guzzle down water, or that they weren't supposed to. She'll drink about half the bottle and then weakly hold up her hand, indicating she's had enough. Of course, she knew that she wasn't going to die, but only she did, knowing her body except for the mortal blood that is not quite poisoning her but is making her a bit...well, weaker really, with divine blood being diluted by it, is perfectly fine. She shifts slightly when the brunette returns with a bed-pan and as uncomfortable as it is, she really does have to do so, and it’s almost kinda nice to not have to get up and go. With it beneath her slightly plump rear, she'll let go as light amber urine flows out, a little embarrassed to have someone watching her use the restroom but also feeling it’s a part of the act, plus Nicci had to do such all the time...part of nursing. When finished, her bedpan would be filled with almost sweet smelling urine, something that would be a bad sign in humans but in angels, well, it was normal. "Sorry about that, I guess it has been a bit, lucky I didn't void in my sleep. Anyways...I guess we should probably see to those sutures." She says, inhaling sharply as she does so, a slight whistling sound coming from between her lips when she does in preparation for that process. How could Rabecca know about such a past, how little or how much Death cared for her, in different and portions of that meaning? The answer was simple, she couldn't. Almost innocent now in her own right, but that was how things / people that went towards the light, often became. Quick to forgive, wanting to do nothing but good for others, and finding joy in successfully helping someone, a girl like that, easily taken advantage of by the wrong person. It might likely and rightly be, Rabecca's new countenance, reminded Nikaliel a lot of an innocent child, even if in her eyes, after the life she'd watched Rabecca lead, from start to finish, would make her feel otherwise. Some things couldn't be helped, the unaware brunette having no clue justice was mete to find her, far more soon then later. How could it be? Someone who had changed, this Rabecca Tomea. Someone who wanted to do nothing but good, only to have all of that get raped away from her, because of a malevolent force that saw nothing bit ill inside of the human no room left of redemption. Hardly was the lack of Rabecca having a soul, a problem for the Angel of Death however. On the contrary, what could be better than adding such a number to her own being? Like the sands that lined the seashore in granules, perhaps even numberless. Though once Nishi began speaking again, Becky was quick to listen, smiling at her, shaking her head very lightly. "There is nothing to forgive. How could you have known? Take rest and be at ease Nishi, we'll have you on the mend in no time, I'm sure of it," the brunette beamed, speaking in brief response to what she'd just heard the blonde-haired girl say. The nurse was glad to be of aid to this thirsting girl, easing the plastic bottle back bit by bit, watching for facial features, throat, neck, cheeks, making sure there was no strain, no pain or discomfort, as least as much as could be expected for a patient needing sutures. Rabecca Tomea: Thankfully, to Rabecca's relief, the girl had taken nearly half of the bottle that was ample progress, compared to the little mouthful Nishi had nearly choked on, only just earlier that night. With so little sleep, at least the long power nap had helped the R.N. so she could still function, as what came next, would be something that required her full attention yet not before she'd help the girl finish with her bathroom needs. At least as much as she could, as close as Becky had to remain, her eyes were mainly not on the girl as she urinated, not wanting to pry or seem nothing less than great with bedside mannerisms, she'd only look back, the very moment she heard the apology come from Nishi, taking the bed pan, forced to get a whiff of the potent fluid, it was sweet... hmmm, not so good, but nothing to alert the patient over, yet, not wanting to give her a reason to fear, that would perhaps be a later issue. "No apology required, as your nurse, I should have seen to if you needed to pee first, before I fell asleep. It's just been such a long day, I guess morning now, I didn't mean to leave you Nishi," the nurse gave her own apology, soon emptying the metal receptacle into the toilet nearby, washing the bed pan out well, sterilizing it and then putting it back away. Next came her own hand washing, thorough, as they had taught her well in nursing school, to count her ABCs before it was good enough that she had washed properly, to avoid any unwanted microbial in the wrong areas of her work station and on herself. Nodding her head as the blonde girl prepared herself for surgery sutures... that shouldn't be a problem. "I'm sorry about this miss, but the way your body is holding on to your dress, I can't risk removing it by pulling it off forcefully, I'm to have to cut around your waist, very carefully, to peel away the affected areas, and use iodine around the openings, you don't have an allergy to egg shells, do you?" Becky made sure before she continued. If Nishi was good then, Becky began. Counting the areas that needed to be stitched in total, and then sizing up the length of each gash. "Dear god, that brunette did a number on you, I hope they find her, nobody deserves to be treated like you were. I'm so sorry," Becky apologized to the girl for her mistreatment. Then inventory came... Scissors check. Surgical probe check. Skin hooks check. Forceps check. Needle holder check. Sutures... check. And finally, the needle she planned on using. Clearing away all loose debris, sufficient that Nishi had approved, her dress was cut away, areas were cleaned thoroughly, and the stitching then began. Some wounds were naturally bigger than others, the ones that looked like they could heal on their own, would be left alone with a bit of gauze and medical tape, so as not to irritate the patient's skin. While the other deeper ones, would be tended to first, followed by the medium to small type, as a few were near second opinion, and might another doctor say, some areas hadn't needed any. Though Becky was thorough, giving a few shots of numbing agent before she started, mainly Topicaine, right next to the wounds, but not more than required, not wanting to force Nishi's heart to beat unnecessarily fast, what for all of the foreign chemicals entering her body. The number one medical law, "do more good than harm", ever repeating within her mind, as she had a good teacher. Suture after suture was given, woven, tucked and knotted, then clipped, and could Rabecca be allowed to be bias, she thought her patient actually had a very nice body, full figured, not cartoonishly so, but very noticeable, to say the least. The process was long and odious for both Nishi and her nurse, but patient was the medical professional. Taking no short cuts, using each device where required, and with no help nonetheless, she'd finish up in about an hour's time from there. Finally washing her hands, she'd get Nishi a fresh medical gown, confident she could now give her patient a Tylenol or two. She'd get some, putting the pills in the girl's hand and then offering more water if Nishi were okay taking it. "Here, take some pain killers and fever reducers, that should help some. If we require a stronger drug soon, I might prescribe a derivative of an opioid. Perhaps something a bit milder at first, paracetamol. For now, let's let you rest. Are you hungry at all Nishi? Are you feeling any better sweet heart?" the nurse came back to sit by the blonde girl's side, smiling warmly at her, giving her space, but letting the patient know she was near, to be there with her, to not leave her side. The trained professional, still in her scrubs, face mask, and cap, changing out latex gloves, where ever needed. How could Nikaliel even begin to tell the woman there the longing in her body for her soul, for the part of her that's missing? Words almost seemed inadequate for her, perhaps she could extract the soul that had been Nicci from Rabecca's somehow, instead of going through with ending her existence? Oh, that she could do such a thing, to allow her to be judged by the heavens instead of her, but what she wanted was inextricably apart of Rabecca, something she couldn't separate. It doesn't have to be immediately though, as the nurse had some nice curves to her, and was such an innocent seeming person now, surely it wouldn't hurt to have some more fun with her after her wounds were more properly 'healed'. Not like an angel could fall for someone, not when her job was to judge the guilty...no, she was emotionally detached in her judgement. But she could take advantage of this mortal's naïve nature, her other half would understand her taking some time before returning to her, after all, each of what they did was known by the other. She smiles up at the nurse when she's told there's nothing to forgive, her thirst slightly slaked for now, though she could easily drink a bottle in normal health with no effort. Having taken care of her urges for now, she'll take Rabecca's hand as soon as she comes back, her grasp seemingly week, in both of hers. "Thank you, not many would have taken care of me so, when found on their doorstep." When asked about an allergy to eggs she'll shake her head slightly, not having any allergies that she had been aware of in her mortal life, and especially not now in her angelic life. At last it was time for the painful procedure, though it wouldn't bother the angel much, at least not compared to pain she'd felt in her life as a mortal. She'd had some good practice dealing with pain, and she watches Rabecca's preparations with some detachment, noting each item and how it would be used on her body. When the scissors cut her raiment, she winced a little at that, more because it had been such a lovely dress, though she could appear in it at any time...at least her blood smelled normal, had that familiar smell of iron that anyone would know. She's grateful for the topical solution, as it reduces the stinging of the needles and hooks rather well, though she could have ignored it, and she tries to remain passive throughout the procedure, as skin appears to be sewn or taped shut. When the procedure's over, one that would ideally have a nurse assisting a doctor, she'd lay back, a bit of redness on her pale face the main sign of pain, though she was still burning with fever slightly, the tattoos marking what she was not evident in her human form, which was probably for the best. Watching her grab her a gown, 'Nishi' politely refuses, wanting for the moment to both rest as she was and give Rabecca a chance to sneak a covert peek at her body if she chose to do so. She'll gladly accept the Tylenol and grab the water herself this time, drinking it down probably faster than she should. When asked if she's hungry she has a hard time not saying that she wants Rabecca in her belly. "Maybe...something light if you could. As for that brunette, I'm sure she'll get what's coming to her, eventually." Nikaliel says sweetly, almost foreshadowing what will become of Rabecca when she's done with her ruse. It appeared both Death's and the nurse's agendas were entirely different, as were their tastes for what made them happy, made them function, their ultimate purpose. Rabecca was now only to give aid to those that sought it, care for those that have no one to do so, and run a free clinic in her home, for those that could not afford proper health care. Meanwhile, as it seemed, Nikaliel and Kaliciel's livelihood, existed in only destroyed souls, and not allowing those not found worthy, to pass on to gain an eternal rest, seeming the yin to Rabecca's yang. One motive to build and restore, the others, to destroy and erase. How could Becky know, at almost the same time, Nishi had been looking her over too, enjoying what she saw, just as much as the R.N. had been mentally ogling over her patient? Yet it wasn't professional to push things, especially not with a person in her care, while she genuinely cared about those who were under her watchful eye, Becca could never let anything grow into an intimate relationship with another seeking her aid, nothing more than platonic. Little could she know at a time like this, she'd get far more intimate with "Nishi" than she could ever wish to be, regardless, the future paused for no one. As Becky even knew. Her future dreams, had become her waking moments now in the joy of the service she'd trained for. And the waking moments of that which she enjoyed every day of her life, soon became happy and fond memories. No different would it be for Becky's Future, present and past, once Nikaliel had truly gotten ahold of her, once everything this nurse ever had been, was now, and could ever be.... and never would it be a again, belonged to the Angel of Death. The caring physician was delicate with all of her procedures, making careful practice, to follow the book, step by step, at least as it were written in photographical mind, wanting to maximize her patient's comfort, and throughout the entire surgery, Becky was pleased to find, Nishi had hardly struggled or seemed to cry out much at all, the quick thinking on this nurse's part, doing the work of two people, specifically a situation that would normally require a doctor. What could she do though? With a woman needing her ultimate attention, and so quickly, and at such a late hour, after closing time even, she did everything she felt was right. To answer Rabecca's question if she were doing more harm than good, the beautiful blonde responded back verbally and physically, by grabbing for the nurse's hands, and as well as thanking her profusely. Smiling warmly, she'd nod her head kind, the medical professional doing one better and gently squeezing her hands over the girl's own, in a slightly stronger grip, a caressing rub to follow, "It's an honor to look after those who cannot help themselves. I'm just glad that we were able to act in time, it breaks my heart for the patients I cannot save. You're a fighter, I saw it in your eyes when I first picked you up off the ground. A burning fire, with a will to live, the way you looked, I was amazed you were even able to knock on my door. You are so very welcome Nishi," she'd reach her face forward, gently placing a kiss on the girl's cheek. The nurse left with no impression, as she had just so recently asked her patient, if she were hungry, Nikaliel had already found the human on her menu. How could she? Nodding her head with the blonde girl's answer given, she'd approach a nearby fridge heading to the next room, but not before explaining herself and releasing the girl's hands. "Right away, perhaps a bowl of soup and some crackers, we'll get you started out light, and maybe a Sprite for beverage." Becky then headed away, quickly pulling out some home made chicken soup she had just made a few days ago. Allowed to set, get the flavors and absorb the broth, she'd reheat it in her microwave, not coming back until she had a surface for the girl to eat on alone with the saltines and soda, all upon a tray that could be fastened to her bed to make it easier, not for Nishi to have to worry about knocking it off, or even holding it. Clamping the metal and wood in it was set into place, she'd Velcro a place matt over and around it for the girl so it would remain soft, with no sharp edges protruding out. Gently raising the girl's bed with the push of a button, at about a fifty degree angle, a soup spoon was at the ready for the girl to use, and the Sprite had been put in a plastic mug with ice and a long rubbery-like, bendable straw. "Take your time dear, if you require, I will gladly feed you, just tell me what you need, I am right here Nishi," Becky said calmly and professional. Becky nodded at the girl's last comment once they were fairly "settled" back together again. "Well, I certainly hope so, I wouldn't want her to go striking another innocent victim. Justice will be met I am sure," Becky smiled, soon taking some water for herself, going back over to the icebox by the plastic receptacles, she had indeed snuck a few peaks of her patient's body, thinking Nishi wouldn't notice, but then looked away, shocked at herself! Though could anyone blame her? This patient, truly, was a femme fatale. Nikaliel's agenda was different than that of the nurse's, for after a lifetime of selflessness, when given the reincarnation as the angel of death, her life could be no different than to visit judgement. And despite a mortal's efforts to reform her ways, those efforts were in vain, not because Nikaliel didn't care, or that she only existed to destroy souls. No, it was the misfortune of this mortal to have consumed the wrong soul, the repercussion of that choice. The angel relished not in it except in as much as it being a job well done, and in taking the precious souls that were ill-gained from Rabecca, along with that of the nurse's. Once she did so though, perhaps she'd allow the mortal's soul to retain some sentience as part of her...perhaps she could show that much mercy towards her. It hadn't escaped her notice that the nurse was looking at her, admiring her body, the perfection of her heavenly body still obvious in even this battered-looking human form. She had to admit that Rabecca had done well with the knowledge obtained from other souls, in aiding others now, even if she can't recall the source of all that knowledge anymore. The angel is content to allow her to remain happily oblivious to her memories for now, knowing that when she forced the nurse to relive them, that any such happiness would be gone all too soon, but the angel, being eternal, could spare the gift of a few hours, even days, for this nurse, a small sign that she isn't doing this out of malice, though a cynical part of her views that it may be more cruel to let her live with the delusion of caring for "Nishi" than outright ending her existence. Her hunger, her desire for the soul of this mortal, had waited a score of years already, it could wait a while longer. The naked angel felt a bit of desire with the kiss on her cheek, wishing for more but knowing that the human wouldn't really want to do that, not while she was supposedly on the mend, and she'll simply smile affectionately at the kiss as her stomach growls with hunger, seemingly at the mention of the light meal Rabecca had suggested. Once the head of her bed is raised she'll pick up her spoon, a bit awkwardly, and with trembling fingers take a spoonful of soup, a soft sigh of appreciation leaving her lips as she swallows, before "accidentally" dropping the spoon as she moves to put it back, falling against her skin. Blushing slightly, she looks to Becky and apologizes, "I'm sorry, thought I was stronger than I actually am...if you don't mind feeding me, I guess I need more assistance than I want to admit." She'll lean over her fallen spoon and take a small sip from her sprite, wetting her throat slightly before answering about the "brunette." "I'm sure that justice will find her soon enough, after all, such deeds don't go unnoticed, and its my humble opinion that all shall be punished for their transgressions in the end." Her blue eyes sparkle as she says this and amber gem on her ring, shining faintly for just a second before dimming back to normal. It was apparent now, at least in agenda and narrative, the nurse having consumed Nicci's soul, would literally be Rabecca Tomea's undoing. How could one soul, in the vast expanse of people she'd consumed, be so very important to all angels and gods combined, just who had that Nicci been? Surely, Nicci would be an amazing catch in the former Rabecca's eyes, but, to have no forgiveness, no chance at a penance, no remorse for her from the Angel Death, Nicci must have been a pretty fantastic specimen, in the eyes of all supreme powers indeed. Yet here Becky was in her ignorance of her past, trying to do her all, to do her best, to do good to others, specifically this very early morning, in the aids of a woman who had so cruelly been harmed by a brunette of unknown origins. It wasn't to say Rabecca didn't plan on eating anyone else, but she'd clearly changed her tactics, methods and reasons, and no longer in her list of arson, would she even contemplate the use of soul shatter or soul devour. The only time anyone in her care or way, would even be pondered or considered by her to be consumed, was if they were on their last "leg", last hope, last love, and even then, it had to be a very good reason. Rabecca taking her time to talk to them, reason with them, love them herself, and to find out if that was truly, the best solution, would she maybe, finally accept. Sufficient to say, if someone were to just come up to her to beg or lust after her with a love sick, "EAT ME," she'd heavily turn that down, rebuke them, and send them on their way with a perfect reasoning as to why she'd not commit such a heinous act. Man alive, how could it be? A girl who had been alive for decades, now in her early thirties, her very life was now coming down to mere days, mere hours, all based upon how much longer Nikaliel thought she should allow her to be amongst the world of not just the living, but the idea of existing, PERIOD. Such a heavy weight, such a massive burden, such a devastating thought, the will of one supreme creation, dictating the life span of the caring nurse. Though the angel had her reasons, and Rabecca couldn't know them, no, not until it was time for her to. Rabecca was honestly a bit surprised the blonde woman hadn't called for a blanket or had needed a medical gown, after having a good majority of her dress cut to shreds, after the much needed sutures which had been given to stop the flow of blood. The nurse was at least grateful the way Nishi had been cut, no vital organs or artery or veins, had been sliced open, she felt the sweet girl was fortunate at least in that light certainly not for being attacked however. Becky saw the patient's smile, making her feel good she was making a difference in this woman's life. The thousands of people she'd helped over the course of the past five years however, this was just one of the many she gladly performed the aid of. Even if Becca hadn't realized, indeed, her patient had caught her looking at her in a desirous way, but the patient would then likely catch her doctor quickly pushing that same thought aside and right back out of her mind. As Nishi finally went to eat, the nurse was again right by her side. Hearing the girl's belly growl for the food, almost as if on cue, then seeing her trying to feed herself and fail, Becky simply shook her head lightly and smiled. "It is okay, how could you know? It was a traumatic experience for you Nishi, I've got you, don't worry," was all that would be given in the form of verbal communication, by the caring nurse. Though before she was to feed the girl, it appeared the blonde had one more thing to say. Listening well, the nurse soon found out this girl's opinion on how things would be mete on whatever fate should befall a person at the end. Becca just smiled, nodding her head, it giving her some sense of peace, knowing the horrible person who had harmed Nikaliel, would be punished at least that way, accordingly, even if she herself, didn't know how she felt about the afterlife or the end. "I like that thought, we'll hold on to that, knowing if no one else can stop that brunette, she could stop herself, merely with her own actions," the R.N. briefly stated. Getting her patient's spoon, she'd take it to the kitchen putting it in the sink, and then grab a new one from her counter space, coming back a moment later to repeat, except this time, she would be the one to feed Nishi. Gently holding the girl's chin with an industrial medical napkin, the broth and noodles and chicken would be taken to the patient's mouth, carefully put inside, waiting for the blonde to accept, before withdrawing. In hopes and sufficient said, everything went according to plan, bit by bit the food would be drawn down and consumed by the tired and inflicted girl, all while the watchful eye of this dear nurse, would look after her. After a time still, the future came to be the present, and the food was all but gone, save Nishi had any complications. Either way, the materials taken, disassembled and put away, washed down, the nurse left to come back with cleaned and dried hands, ready to administer next, whatever her patient might need. She was at the very least, happy to see Sprite getting to the girl's body, a needed sugar intake, combined with the moisture to her mouth, the relaxing feel of carbonated waters mixed with syrup, going down her tired throat. Those crystal blue eyes, seemingly sparkling, finally meeting her own, as the girl's amber gem on her ring seemed to shine, perhaps though, as she'd only seen it out of the corner of her eye, it was just in the R.N.'s imagination? After all, she was pretty tired still. "You're body seems to have taken the food well, the drink, I believe you're on the mend my dear. You've got spirit and fight, just as I knew it. The fluid bag is nearly drained, I guess you really had lost a good portion of blood, and your I.V. bag is absolutely gone," Becky then looked at the vitals monitor, everything was starting to look great as far as she could see. "I'm so glad you're doing better, you should probably sleep now Nishi. I could use rest myself. Do you feel safe sleeping in this bed with a blanket, while I go to my own, or should I sleep by your side in the nearby couch?" the nurse said in a very calm and patient voice, waiting for her patient's decision. The soul of Nicci Mierin to gods and angels alike would mean little, though her life was one of selfless giving. To one angel, one born of the combination of the sorceress and her lover, that soul meant everything though, and perhaps that soul was the reason she was so attracted to Rabecca, though the brunette nurse was undeniably alluring in her own right. Having come into existence after Nicci's soul became part of Rabecca, Nikaliel hadn't actually been able to watch Rabecca's life of evil, though she knew of Nicci's erasure from existence viscerally, the small part of her soul that had remained from before being part of the body she now inhabits. Her mind replays that fate over and over, the nurse trying to change Rabecca, Rabecca’s assertion that life’s survival of the fittest, and that Nicci’s place was nothing more than food for a more superior being. Since that time, the angel had looked into the now nurses past and seen how dark she’d been, how many souls make up this lovely and seemingly now innocent woman. It somewhat amazes Nikaliel that Rabecca could have so completely forgotten how she used to be as a brunette, the cruelness with which she used to treat people, how could she truly believe that doing good works would absolve her of that past? It is the height of naivety and hubris to presume that some good can erase all the bad, just as the souls had been erased from existence. She’d watched her eat patients that were desperate for the end, that truly believed they were beyond being cured, had escorted those souls onto the afterlife herself a few times and talked to them about the nurse that had treated them, had seen that somehow, this woman had completely walled herself off from the memories of her past. The erasing of such a woman from existence, to keep her as evermore a part of her is a fate that would balance out the scales of justice, the angel sorrowful that such action is necessary, but unable to do anything to change it, only to postpone the judgement for a bit. Back to the present, her belly and most her abdomen covered in stitches that weren’t truly needed and tape that covered wounds that appeared to be present “Nishi” seemed unable to sit up on her own, the bed being in the semi-fowler position would doubtlessly cause pain if she was really too wounded. Still, the injuries feigned could have been worse, she could have had viscera hanging out, veins cut, countless complications, but instead she had more appeared as though she’d been bleeding out from the numerous wounds. The angel was glad for the food and it really was quite good even if it lacked the substantive flavor that a full meal would, a meal she would have soon enough. Having no real need for food, there was ample time though for the angel to continue her role as the sick “Nishi”, as she’s slowly fed the chicken and noodle soup. With each bite she seemed to regain some strength, as though the food was helping already, and as she was fed she simply enjoys being this close to Rabecca, in a mostly innocent way, to have the nurse attending her needs and growing accustomed to doing so. When finally finished with being fed, she’ll watch her get things put away, taking another sip of the Sprite and finishing it up. As Rabecca glances at the ring, the glow will fade, Nikaliel not even bothering to cover it, though what it signified was between her and Kaliciel. When told she has spirit she smirks a bit ironically at the statement, knowing what she does of Rabecca and her own soul’s state. When asked about where Rabecca would sleep the angel almost wants to say in bed with her, but refrains from saying such. “You’d really forsake your own bed to sleep with me? You won’t get much sleep on the couch, I couldn’t bear to see the nurse taking such good care of me be restless because of me. If I could get up I might see to you resting more comfortably
after all, you don’t really deserve to sleep alone, what with what you do for others. I’m afraid that I haven’t seen the last of the brunette though. Maybe if you were close, I wouldn’t have to worry about her. And
well, I don’t need a blanket I think, unless you’d prefer I have one. I still feel a little warm in here, it’s nice to stretch out like this once in a while.” So it appeared, Nicci's life was a big deal to different people for different reasons. For heaven, it was the life that the nurse had been leading, that would be missed most, and to Nikaliel, it appeared the girl herself, her soul, was what meant the most to the Angels of Death. Rabecca would have ultimately no clue, Nikaliel was drawn to even the Nightingale herself, and for reasons why. Both in beauty, but also in life style. Curious maybe, both between Becky's lacks of understanding of her past, but also, because of the current nurse she'd been these days. The very portion of Nicci's soul, that existed as Rabecca's present, likely even half the reason she had become a nurse herself, almost as if in a way, Nicci had willed it, that Becky both change her life, and commit to a profession, that for once in her existence, was to help to others, instead of harm them. Maybe for Rabecca, her past, having now realized, before her change five years ago, that it had been so rotten, so evil, so bad... she'd blocked it all out, like a person that goes through shock or a very traumatic experience, things leading to PTSD. Such as or like someone who bottles up their emotions to never deal with them, simply swallowing away all of their pain, regret and sadness, until finally, it's repressed to the point, it's no longer louder and more paramount than the new good that had sprung up. Little did the human understand, she still had so much processing she had to deal with, but soon enough, not only would Nikaliel show this process to her, she'd also help ease her into a place, where she'd never be able to harm another person again, into a permanent cessation. Yet for now, as this innocent nurse lived her life to the best of her ability, she'd give her all to Nishi. Hah, an odd thought, her all. Soon enough, nothing less than that would be required, commanded, and taken, all by the will of the Angel of Death. For the moments that mattered at point however, Becky was relieved when she saw the blonde girl take to her homemade chicken noodle, a bit messy at first on the brunette's part, but the R.N. quickly learned to read the girl's bodily motions, understanding soon just how much to give not to overdo it. Eventually the food was gone, and the Sprite too, consumed fully. Getting up a moment while she was asking and explaining things to Nishi, she'd detach the I.V. needle from her patient's wrist, disposing of the needle in the SHARPS container washing her hands and then applying some gauze and gentle medical tape around the needle opening to stop any blood or soreness from unnecessarily happening before throwing the bag away. And repeating the same motion with the blood bag, then cleaning up her hands entire, now ready again to administer to the blonde girl, by and by, the moment she'd finish her speaking. An actual connection between Nikaliel and Kaliciel? Wow, if only the nurse could have known. Sitting back down a moment as she'd taken the girl's words in, her reflecting, recalling Nishi's apprehension of being left alone, but also, of wanting Becky to get a good portion of sleep, the medical professional weighed out the options, yet it was simple. Neither could Nishi be left alone, but Becky also needed sleep, she'd offer to take this precious soul, straight to her own bed chambers, after all, she slept on a huge bed, their relationship didn't need to be anything more than platonic, or friendly, did it? The platonic tendencies being drawn out more into Rabecca's mind and desire, even if only in the back of her mind, gah, what a thought? And WHY was she thinking it now! It was so bad! Just momentarily however, in the back of her thoughts, though she pictured Nishi with bedroom eyes, seducing her, and them making out... but... this girl was just a needing patient, and that was all in fantasy... wasn't it? With a sigh, shaking her mind of the brief thoughts that traveled there, professionally, it was up to Becca to act like the mature and grown up party here. "Well, it seems the best option here, is to take you to my bed. I can't bare leaving you alone, when you're scared of the brunette whom you never got a good view of, but perhaps for the better. And I could really use some shut eye. So if you were pleased, I can carry you to my room and set you on your own side of the bed, it's a big bed, so, it can just stay between patient and nurse, if that makes sense," Becky offered. "And don't worry, I'm not leaving you, I'll stay close Nishi. If you need help, you have all the right in the world to wake me, but I will take my sleep where I can get it," the human explained. "As far as needing a blanket, I can place you on top of the sheets and my own blankets, get you a separate blanket put on your side that you can pull over yourself, and if you feel like it you can use at your leisure. I think that will satisfy everything for the best." Becky then felt the girl's forehead, nodding, "Yes, you're still a little hot dear, but you're cooler now, let’s both try to get some rest." Finally, the brunette would pick the angel up, carefully taking her to her bed, gently laying her back down on the right side, looking over her sweet, soft looking, pale flesh, then grabbing the blanket folding it nicely in between where they'd be sleeping. She'd smile, trying to refocus her thoughts, having carried the woman that way, with her flesh up against the nurse's own, it did something to her. It sent a few warm chills down her spine admittedly, but she had to control herself, this needed to stay professional, period. Going to her bathroom briefly though, she'd brush her teeth, scope, and then come back, but not before she looked in the mirror. Those same, almost haunting eyes, blue, blue as the sea, sparkling in their majesty, like a spell on her thoughts, damn it. Sighing, Becky focused yet again, finally leaving the area to go back to her room, putting on a nightgown by in by. Her assuming Nishi wasn't going to look, all the while she undressed, wearing soon nothing underneath that gown but a set of panties and a bra matching, red with quiet, lacey white flower patterns over the top, fluffing her hair out and pulling it out of the top of her silk just before getting into her bed. She'd turn the light off, leaving a lamp light next to her charge on the right on, in case the patient needed it, then leaning over to look at her for a moment, a "Good night Nishi, thank you for allowing me rest," came from her lips, just before some minutes later, she was out. Sawing logs, even as exhausted as she'd been, was it really a surprise? The main thing that mattered to the angel feigning injury was that Rabecca had what she wanted and she would eventually take it, but only after growing close to this nurse, showing her the love that she felt before granting her the honor to forever be one with divinity. Few it was that she really wanted to consume, and fewer still were those that had earned judgement, and yet Rabecca fell into both categories. The effects of Nicci’s soul, so small in the grand scheme of things and yet so large an impact on one person’s life, causing such introspection and the change that the angel is experiencing first hand in the form of Rabecca’s nursing care and love for people, is still somewhat surprising to the angel, a soul that had been part of her being making a difference. For the angel it appeared that Rabecca was giving her all in caring for her, and would eventually give her all in another manner, one that would soothe the hunger in the angel’s soul for years to come. When Rabecca fed “Nishi” she acted the part of the weak patient, sometimes making small messes of the soup that were promptly cleaned up and gave her an excuse to have the nurse touching her skin as well, the difference between canned and homemade soup not lost on the angel, who could not only taste the difference, but feel the difference, a form of warmth seeping into her that indicates a creation from the heart, not from a can. Her eyes follow the movements of Rabecca getting the equipment put up, a longing look in them that she tries partially to disguise when the nurse looks her way, though they would seem to tug at her whenever Rabecca would make eye contact. When the nurse starts speaking again, talking about taking her to her bed, it’s all she can do not to outright smile, instead grimacing slightly as though the thought of being moved hurts, but insisting upon going to the nurse’s bed, as its improper for her “healer to sleep on the couch instead of a nice warm bed, and as you said, its large enough for both of us.” Still, when the nurse lifted her from bed she let out a groan of pain, knowing that people with belly injuries being moved like this would be quite painful, and clings slightly to the nurse as though afraid she’s going to fall before making it to the big bed. While the angel had little to do with putting such thoughts in the nurse’s mind, she could tell that she was having a hard time keeping the contact between them innocent and platonic, and obviously holding back some sort of desire. Her eyes track the nurse as she goes about the routine of getting herself ready for bed, stripping to her underclothes, the angel slightly disappointed that she didn’t fully strip, and watches her shrug into her nightgown, and when she returns Nikaliel doesn’t avert her eyes, letting Rabecca see her watching her intently. She’d feel the weight of the nurse sinking into bed near her, with that blanket separating them, an easily overcome physical barrier that even if she was truly injured she wouldn’t have a hard time overcoming. “Sleep well, and thank you once more for your care.” The angel whispers as she sees Rabecca quickly overcome by sleep, so close to her and yet drifting further away into the land of dreams. Not really needing sleep herself, the angel watches her curiously as her chest rises and falls, wondering what she could be dreaming. That’s when she’ll reach out a delicate ivory hand, and touch the nurse’s belly through the silk gown, before moving it up to her hair and stroking it gently, careful to not awaken the nurse. Violet light would glow from her skin for just a second as with the contact from her touch, she’ll cause the nurse to recall in her sleep all those things she didn’t want to face awake, the horror that Rabecca’s life had once been, the countless souls she’d consumed, and most especially the act of consuming Nicci’s soul. These dreams would eventually fade though into a more pleasant dream, and be forgotten come morning as she’ll bring the nurse’s desires to the surface, not actually shaping the dream itself, but almost certainly guaranteeing erotic dreams, the violet light having quickly subsided with the angel shifting slightly as though in her sleep and staying on her back in case the nurse does wake up, who will find “Nishi’s” side pressed against her in the morning, still uncovered as she has been ever since the procedure. [6/6/2016 9:27:15 PM] Rabecca Tomea: Whether the human realized it or not, she was the perfect candidate to receive both Nikaliel's wrath and love, or at least her lust. The unwitting nurse ever taking care of those afflicted or at sickness, and always doing her utmost to return them back to full health, those occasional few she'd been forced to consume, to make their passing at least sweet, and as painless as possible, certainly that had to hold merit somewhere? How could this R.N. know she had such a fate was waiting for her just around the edge of time, to a nearly and rapidly approaching future, at least towards the spanning gap of over a three decade time line, at least of that which this human could understand. Even if for an angel, thirty years, might as well just be three days, time was a figurative thing. The grave mistake however, was Rabecca in thinking, she was already saved, when now, and far from, could she never have been more wrong, and any further away from her ultimate truth, yet so close she remained on other facets of damnation. Oddly enough, the brunette was actually fulfilling part of who Nicci was as a caregiver, as the brown haired human would never have thought of becoming a medical professional on her own. Almost as if by consuming Nicci, Becky had devoured part of her personality, and not just her soul, to having her now be there, where Nicci was, the nurse being forced into a space forever, away from where she could no longer be of aid to those patients she once loved. What an awe inspiring and humbling notion to behold. To be food for an Angel of Death, to be soul fodder for their desires and needs to continue, what a prospect, wow... Never to be able to come back again once the promise had been completed, such a naïve thought for Becca to think her past wouldn't come right back around and bite her in the ass. [6/6/2016 9:27:31 PM] Rabecca Tomea: Yet how could the doting nurse know any better? She'd already forgiven herself, and as far as she could tell, heaven had forgiven her, as she had no longer felt any guilt. What for the many rights she had made in other's lives, in a way, making a commitment, to never repay a bad deed against someone's head again. Yet it wasn't enough for Nikaliel to be truly happy, where both fate and destiny could be cheated. The fallen had been sent there for a mission, and regardless of how she had to accomplish it, she'd reach that conquest, fulfilling Rabecca's true purpose as a mortal creature, as food and raiment for her body, and as soul fodder for her spirit. The nurse didn't mind at all, picking up and cleaning up after the blonde girl where needed, and oddly as it seemed, Becky could no longer just think of Nishi as a patient, she was bordering friend, and maybe something more, something far more forbidden. Yet with every mess the victim of the assault had made, each touch given against her pale, soft skin, by ever the caring physician, sent a noticeable buzz to the human's heart, and made her long for the girl, only all the more, and at times now, her barely even able to hide it, if at all. Maybe from a regular person, a human, but whether Becky understood it or not, Nishi was ANYTHING but normal. The oddest thing about this entire situation, was that Becky, REALLY WAS, sincere. If an Angel of Death was a good judge of character, if they could read parts of Rabecca's thoughts and see through to her soul, one might guess there wouldn't be any tarnish left, at least any that the mortal could feel. The soup was made with time and love, and while Rabecca had just made it for a few of her and her friends, it wasn't meant any less, when give to this patient, maybe even more, sharing homemade food with a sick and injured patient, when she could have just given Nishi hospital rations. Gah, those eyes, so beautiful, piercingly so, what could Rabecca do against them? [6/6/2016 9:27:50 PM] Rabecca Tomea: Mentally, surrendering to them, little by little, even in her waking moments, not realizing fully, how much of an impact, subtly, the blonde girl was having upon her. As Becky had to move the patient, it made her heart hurt however, that she'd have to move her needlessly, if not for the fact the two had already talked about this, still, it didn't make it easy, the nurse finding distaste in sounds of trauma and pain, always wanting her patients to feel the best they could, even if she knew at times, that was simply not a possibility. 'Oh my god', the brunette thought to herself, did her patient watch her get undressed the entire time, or was she just now looking up her as she'd already been laid down, allowing the brunette to get ready for bed? The medical professional's face flushing red for a brief moment, before she'd assume the position to go to sleep. "Any time Nishi, I'm here for you, please, don't hesitate if something comes up, or if you get scared, to wake me," the brunette finished, her voice halfway gone, as was her consciousness, this happening just before she fell to slumber. As that ivory hand had reached out in the very early morning, what could the sleeping beauty do but accept such grace? How could she dissuade Nikaliel from opening up portions of her past, and manifesting them through her dreams, dreams become nightmares? The Angel would notice as she did this, horrible reactions coming from the comatose nurse, so tired, she was unable to wake up from them, but wishing now, she'd never gone to sleep. Whining, whimpering, screams of NO, wiggling continually, nothing but a sickness coming in her voice, as some incoherent words muffled and mumbled out of her lips. Tears actually forming inside of her eyes and pooling to the sides of her lids, only to fall down the sides of her cheeks between her temples, ears and chin. Though as the dream shifted again, as those fingers danced along her stomach, and up towards and by her precious face, those calming feelings, engulf the nurse's entire train of thought. While not shaping what was in the dreams, the erotic nature, had regardless, still came to a fruition. It was the human's own fault, at least partly, the way she was feeling for her patient, but there was something more, even if Rabecca may never to be able to put her finger upon it. In retrospect, Nikaliel, already owned every last part of who the nurse ever was, is now, and ever would be. Could it really be that much of a surprise this eternal creature, had so much an effect on a mere mortal? Thoughts of Nishi began to course through Becky's mind, except, much more intimate now in nature. She and the patient began to go in for a kiss, seemingly innocent at first, but that embrace was pushed towards the longing buried a bit more deeply inside of the human's subconscious. Even as she pictured Nishi dominating her in ways, if not rudely so, then at least physically possessive hard to ignore. One thing leading to another in her dream, thoughts of sex entering there in, where finally, and towards the end of the late morning, she arose with a GASP, as the last images that had gone through her head, was of the patient eating her out. With her eyes going wide open, she blinked several times, her heart racing as she wiped the tired from her vision. She'd built up a bit of a cold sweat, having made herself hot with so much movement, she hadn't realized she'd been leaking pre, for more than half the morning. An undeniable scent to say the least, especially for one so close and nearby... literally. As luck would have it, apparently the nurse had moved in her sleep, so much so, the patient's hip was resting right up against her own body. 'Oh my god', did I disturb Nishi while she tried to sleep with all of my movement in my dreams?' Becky could only hope she didn't. Though the violet light had not been noticed by color and brightness, it must have been felt, even if it was the very thing that was perhaps one of the many facets of Nikaliel's own power. Peering over from the corner of her left eye as Becky looked up and down the female's body, she had looked very much asleep. This left Rabecca to take a deep breath, sighing out in a heavy exhale. But what a realistic, tangible dream it had been! From this point forward though, could Becky look at her patient the same way again? Wrath had nothing to do with Nikaliel’s motivation to take the human, body and soul, though she lusted heavily after her soul so she’d not be so empty anymore. Yet her love for the human’s actions, giving into Nicci’s soul, being influenced by it and changing her ways kept her from simply taking her without a second thought, allowing her to forestall her lust for the human’s soul, at least for a while, though it was merely delaying it as much as the angel could force herself to. Whilst this human slept it would have been so easy to consume her, the supposedly injured Nishi would likely even have been able to do it, though sutures would probably split if she was really injured from having an enlarged belly. Even as she watches her dream, watches her sleep, her soul lusts after Rabecca’s, and it’s all she can do not to devour the mortal there. But she wanted to let her know that the angel loves her, that she cares for her, before devouring her, and forces herself to maintain control of the lust within her. It wasn’t though as if Rabecca hadn’t earned forgiveness, though presumptuous to believe so, she’d earned Nikaliel’s forgiveness, but even so, if not her than another would punish her for her past, even if not to the point of taking her soul as Nikaliel fully planned, yay, she could not help herself in that longing, a faint part of Rabecca’s soul calling to her that was once Nicci’s. The angel had little impact on how her bare skin would set Rabecca to become desirous of her, though it had been part of her intent in remaining naked, to tease the nurse with her form, to make her desire to take the platonic relationship to a very non-platonic level. While the angel wasn’t as adept at viewing souls as her other half, she could still see that despite the nurse’s best efforts to cleanse herself, to make amends, there was still black spots in her soul, small and almost insignificant, but there, reminiscent of the darkness that had once fully consumed her as Rabecca had fully consumed Nicci. If not for that one soul, the angel could let the nurse go, maybe even live a happy life with her, but it’s an idle fantasy for her, a child’s game of what-if. As much effort as she’d taken to tone down her overall appeal in human form, she could not hide some things, like the effect her eyes could have on the unwary mortal, almost seeming to draw her into their depths to never return. Yet the angel had been careful not to meet the nurse’s gaze too frequently, not wanting her to love her because of what she was, but because of who she was. Though she could always be with her other half, a relationship with a mortal she desired was something that was a bit strange to her but no less desired, at least as long as she could hold back her lust, by the angel. Her eye had noticed the faint blush before the dreams had taken the nurse, and the reaction to the dreams of her suppressed memories were typical of that sort of traumatic dreams, but would thankfully be forgotten, even completely overshadowed by her latter dreams. Eventually though, the angel would force her to face those memories head-on, and there would be no refuge from them in dreams, but she’d know at least some tranquility and affection before she’s forced to face them. The rest of the night as Rabecca slept Nikaliel watched her dreams, enjoying what she’s seeing in them, though they only show her in her human form, where once “Nishi” had recovered adequately and they began to do such things she would eventually reveal her angelic self to her. She blushes faintly as she sees the dreams images, the small, almost innocent kiss becoming so much more, watches as she strips Rabecca of her clothing and reveals the brunette’s curves, and as she pleasures Rabecca, before she realizes that the dream is about to end and closes her eyes, her breathing rather rhythmic and quiet as though she’s a sleep. Once she hears the gasp though she’ll “wake up” blearily rubbing her eyes as she feels Becky shift, not trying to sit up, her wounds would look almost scarred over by now, the stitches almost seemingly not needed now, though would probably be left in for at least another day or two as a precaution. She’ll shift her hips slightly as she stirs and looks at Rabecca, seeing that she’s a bit disturbed and smelling the pre, knowing exactly what her dream had been but keeping her expression as a pleasant smile, before kissing Rabecca lightly on the neck. “Morning, I hope you slept rather well, had pleasant dreams. I guess I moved some in my sleep, not that I mind being close.” With this she’ll begin to sit up some unless Rabecca restrains her, groaning slightly at the supposed pain in her middle. [10:09:30 PM] Rabecca Tomea: All whilst the human had been at slumber, how could she understand that dire hunger Nikaliel had had for her soul? As to the nurse, this dear girl had been nothing more, but certainly nothing less, than an injured patient who had needed her help, and never would Rabecca turn away for a blind eye to the needy, the sick, or the afflicted. Yet 'Nishi' was something so much more than just a mere mortal, this woman who did, who was doing, every last thing she could not to just consume this human alive and whole even thus in her vulnerable sleep like state... she was an Angel... Hardly the run of the mill garden variety type at that. That type that might bring hope, bring salvation and forgiveness... no...She was the kind, at least by creation, whose sole purpose it was to fulfil retribution through utter destruction at a final judgement. At this point, it almost seemed like nothing personal, that Becky had simply consumed a soul inside in her body that Nikaliel had wanted desperately so, and would take back to herself, all in her own due time. Rabecca basically being in the wrong place at the wrong time, unfortunate as it was, it was just the way of things. The past was the past, and sadly, that could not be undone. There were no words, no ways the sweet nurse could erase what she had committed in times long written in stone. Unable to bring back the sweet girl she had so wrongfully murdered, that cross was hers to bear alone, whether she had remembered it or not. Even if Nikaliel had wanted to, she too was powerless to turn back the hand and scales of time. Herself being brought into creation from the beginning to the end into one full circle, into the only direction she could go forward. A chance at being loved though, that Becky could know she was cared about before the end? Well, that was certainly something. Maybe then, once the pain had resurfaced Becca could die in peace, who knew what the future might bring? Already, it seemed as if Nikaliel's attitude had been softened towards the human by Rabecca's own actions, the R.N. not feigning or faking a second of her care, having been genuine to the core their entire visit, and before. [10:09:50 PM] Rabecca Tomea: What a different reality it could already be had she been forced to deal with the pain self-inflicted, harrowed up against her mind for her own sins, it would literally tear the brunette apart inside, to realize that she was the one who had caused it all, yet that thorn could not be removed from her thigh, she would have to drink from a bitter cup. At least Nikaliel was giving her this time. That was more than Becky could say herself, as she had never given Nicci her own. Even as Nikaliel had forgiven the naïve human, unfortunately for the mortal bound nurse, the Angel's craving would never go away. The loving Nightingale having no way of knowing, that even if Nikaliel wasn't going to do it, somebody would. There was no escaping it now, it was only a matter of dear time, precious time, time that seemed ever so fleeting these days, or hours, based upon 'Nishi's' long suffering to subdue her inner beast from taking control. For the luck of the draw, Rabecca had been fortunate enough to have Nikaliel as her successor, at least in the light of consuming her soul, giving it meaning in the end. As likely already, if another Angel of Death were to come in the blonde one's stead, perhaps they'd not be as forgiving and long suffering to give this mortal these last precious moments of grace. As sweet as the nurse was, indeed, minute portions of her soul had been tainted, her unable to remove her hands of the blood that soaked with stink of Nicci's cessation. Still, Nishi's flesh, was one to be desired. While not Rabecca's intention, certainly not at the beginning at least, if Nishi were to ask her period point blank, neither could she lie. The girl was now on her mind, and as it appeared she wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon. How could it not? As much as Nishi wasn't trying to, just by her being there, Rabecca's autographical mind could not erase what was already set into motion, no more than she could change her past. [10:10:00 PM] Rabecca Tomea: That soft, warm skin, those big, crystal blue eyes that seemed to ever capture her very soul. That pretty smile, those kind words, the blonde's hip touching the human's thigh, it all left Rabecca in a befuddled mess of need. How long, just how many days had it been, since Becky had allowed herself to love anyone, at least in this way? So dedicated, so true, so honest with her work, even to a fault, she never made time for herself any more, save it were after hours, and even then, sometimes she barely had enough time to get caught up with important things like surviving. Keeping a good home and an orderly clinic, she always wanted to do her best for others, something distinctly woven into her very core, all thanks to the fateful mistake she had made, her curse, her curse that soon turned out to be the very blessing that was still allowing her to be alive. Soon enough, Becky would have to live with the pain of what would happen to her clinic, to her patients, if she could not be there for them. Why couldn't Rabecca have been born good? Why did she have to make so many brash decisions in her life before now? Why did it take for Nicci to finally be in her life, to both come and then go, for her to utterly be changed? As it appeared, the mortal was more in head over foot than she realized. Her mind's eye giving Nikaliel all that she had needed to know, about this needing, fantasizing, horny brunette's intimate goals or desires. But could she help it? What mortal could have in Becky's situation? If the Angel of Death had truly been around all that long, she would have seen the endless nights Becky had gone to bed alone with no one to call her own, all by her own self decision being made to do nothing but serve. While it was of course the medical professional's own fault, could it change the fact that some omnipotent person's all-seeing eye, would have pity and sympathy for her? [10:10:21 PM] Rabecca Tomea: By heaven's grace, it would be a pleasant thought at least. With now the nurse fully awake, alert, she'd notice Nishi stir, oh thank god she hadn't noticed... but wait? Next, the brunette heard that sweet voice, wishing her well, saying such kind things, and then... a kiss at the neck? The nurse's body buzzed as a tingle was felt all the way down her spine. The patient's body was warm, and even if the brunette was trying to hide it professionally, could she ignore it physically? As far as Becky's bedroom eyes had been concerned, she couldn't. Looking over this female, time and time, though much more sexually now, all for her raw beauty, her amazing personality, the nurse grateful she was well, or at least, somewhat better now the nurse hadn't even noticed the girl's sutures, and wouldn't have, save the blonde girl winced in pain. But would she ever get that far? Becky's heart raced as she looked into those beautiful, blue eyes, gulping, she clenches her teeth, and the patient had already kissed her... would there be any harm in kissing this dear girl back? "I ... yes... I did, thank you. I hoped the same for... for you," the nurse barely was able to say. Though the human girl's last dream never left her sleeping subconscious, almost as if it were burned into her retina. Nishi was now in Becca's personal quarters, lying next to her in her own bed. Much of her dress prior cut away, and even if her boobs were still covered, yay, much flesh was now seen and unable to be denied for its perfection. Becky was a weak mortal when it came to lusts of the heart, the desires of romance and relation, and every all seeing eye knew it. "I...." Becky gulped again, it appearing almost as if the brunette's eyes were glossed over, "You..." her words barely above a whisper, breathed out as she was fighting herself for professional ethics, but quickly losing the battle, looking deeply into Nikaliel's eyes, drawn to her, drawn to her so bad, it hurt, it hurt in the way passion and togetherness was needed for the naked soul, and while lust was a mere side effect to mortal desire, love and romance, was something that carried on through the grave. You only live once right...? Becky going against her better judgement, it feeling almost like as if the human was in third person, looking down at herself while her body moved forward, like as if someone else was playing her body for her, like as if these actions were not her own, but she did them... yes... she did them. Hardly pushing, but gently suggesting, Becky's right arm caused her hand to gently go to the girl's left shoulder and lay. She'd smile, her face, her lips, now inches away from Nishi's lips, looking for any hint of 'stop'. Though if there was none, the brunette's lips soon touched the Angel's own. What did she taste like, what did those heaven fallen’s lips feel like, that precious heart that still loved, even if she were now, death herself, but hardly black inside? If you asked Rabecca, she would be too focused on the task at hand to be able to tell you... only time would tell. It hadn’t been to the angel to ordain what had become of her soul, as it had been taken by her lover and tainted by the darkness of the kitsune of death, the two had been remade into angels of death, the half that is Nikaliel having a small but potent part of the kitsune’s soul in her while the part that had been Nicci having been given a craving for souls, and for this one in particular, the one that may help her regain some measure of herself so she wouldn’t have to erase those who had reformed from their evil ways from existence
this is the angel’s hope anyways. It was as though the powers that be had played a cruel joke on them, to make them what they were, no more, no less, though that doesn’t change the fact that Nikaliel can bring herself to care for the woman in bed with her, not just for her body or for the soul she had stolen, but for giving into the wishes of a kind nurse, to become a better person. Still, when the time came she would be as unremitting as adamantine in disposing of the nurse
her angelic nature would literally not allow her to be a different way no matter how much she wishes otherwise. Nikaliel having released Rabecca’s memories of her past had at least slightly eased hopefully some of the trauma that would come later when she’s forced to face it completely, though she isn’t cruel enough to release it all at once
partially being seen in dreams, even if forgotten, would hopefully help the mortal to face it, as the angel desperately does not want to hurt this mortal, but knows it’s the only way for her to understand when it comes time. Already the angel is crying inside at the thought, though she’ll leave no indication of that externally, her face a serene and calm mask, radiating love and strength. “Nishi” though wouldn’t be able to go anywhere in her apparent condition, was going to be stuck with the nurse for at least a few days as she healed
unless she revealed herself fully before then. Part of her thinks it’s wrong for her to desire a mortal as a lover, even if temporarily, and yet her body brushing lightly against the small exposed patches of the nurse’s, and despite her own flesh being desirous in its heavenly perfection, the mortal was just as appealing to Nikaliel. The nurse, caring for others, underestimated the effect her own looks had on people, though she had no supernatural appeal, at least that the angel knew of, nothing but warmth and caring that is evident in every move she makes, in the care she gave Nikaliel and others, in her selfless dedication to them, denying herself pleasure and love in an austere and sometimes rather thankless line of work, one that Nikaliel can feel in her soul that once she ends her existence she’ll be obligated to continue, though through use of magic she’d be able to see to patients with greater ease, not needing medical tools as much. The oddity of an angel of death saving lives is laughable, and her mouth quirks up into an ironic smile as she looks away from Rabecca for a good second, to allow her face to settle back into “Nishi’s” expression before the nurse could ask what she thought was funny, thankful that while she could read the Nurse’s thoughts, her own couldn’t be read. She’ll turn her own gaze back to the nurse’s blue eyes
strange how she couldn’t remember that they’d been blue when she’d devoured Nicci
her expression once more serene as she manages to sit up a slight bit. Her kiss on the nurse’s neck had been soft, gentle
and also innocent, the angel tempted to taste her skin right there but resisting the temptation, figuring it was simply a kind and welcoming gesture to wake the nurse up with and innocent enough. Still though, she wanted her lips, her tongue, her teeth to all play with that neck and nibble on her slightly, wanted to
her mind fills with pictures of her tasting, teasing, arousing the nurse next to her, getting her
she gives herself a mental shake and stops those thoughts in their tracks now. She wanted the nurse that way but didn’t want to seem too forward, despite her willingness to show off her goods. Her own face flushes at the nurses stuttering reply, despite the dream the nurse had, she reeled with uncertainty that the nurse really does feel that way about her, the feeling unexpected because the angel had read her thoughts, at least her dreams, though is too timid to look into her head again
it isn’t right for the angel to spy upon those thoughts anyways, she had already gone too far as to spy upon her dreams even if she had influenced them. Her face flushes as Rabecca’s arm surrounds her shoulder and lays there, heart beating rapidly that the nurse really was this close, feeling the breath upon her face before the inches between their lips close and she feels the sweet lips on hers, her own mind reeling in almost unbelief for a brief second. Almost she forgets that she’s supposed to be wounded, but as she begins to the return the kiss she lets out a slight groan as though in pain, as she’ll wrap a pale arm against the nurse’s neck and deepens the kiss for a good few seconds before stopping it with a finger against Rabecca’s lips, her breathing heavy as her face is still mere inches from another kiss. Sky blue eyes would meet sea blue eyes with a questioning look, as though asking, “Are you sure?” Without outright saying it, giving her a chance to pull herself back from the lustful brink if she wanted to without demanding more. [4:47:08 PM] Rabecca Tomea: Despite the forgiveness Nikaliel had wanted to give to her, unfortunately for Rabecca, that was not her choice to decide against the punishment that was requisite. It had been in the works well before the new changes and metamorphosis the sweet person had undergone, and for the reason Nikaliel came down beside her own desires to be fulfilled unto goodness after this nurse was gone, Becky just simply needed to be destroyed. No more could Becky change the fact she had been born a certain way, as could Nikaliel, since she had come into creation in like manner, being taken by something else to be who she was today. Somehow, for some reason, or why, it was all part of destiny and fate, the interwoven hands of time, deciding some things, regardless of what everyone else had thought, all by itself, unchangeable, unbreakable. The Angel had a mission to fulfill, and no matter how bad it hurt Death inside in the many ways to achieve it all unknown to the human, even with her angel tears, crying in her mind, she needed to execute her task to the full nth of the law and crave, she needed to consume this mortal, far more than anyone else could in just one way, to also obtain that portion of Becky that the mortal herself, had stolen from Nicci. Certainly as it had gone to show, perhaps the R.N.'s home, her financial wellness, perhaps her medical tools and bed and many expensive items, could still be used for good even after she was gone, naturally that would give the brunette some closure, once came the time for her to meet that great reckoning, that the people could still be helped in the stead of her cessation. Indeed the gentle blonde had given the human some reprieve, some joy already, just by being there with her. But furthermore, in her dream state, the angel slowly exposing her to the truth of her actions from a past, she felt like, was an entirely different life time ago, it wouldn't be so painful for her to mete in the end. Her perhaps getting to know she didn't have to do this all alone, would make all the difference in the world. [4:47:29 PM] Rabecca Tomea: And could it be so bad, Becca giving herself unto a greater being, one so special, so fair, so beautiful? After all, it was part of Becky's own philosophy from the past, even if she couldn't remember it now, and as logical or cold as it might have seemed, it was just the way of things. Greater, stronger, more necessary creatures, destroying that which was beneath them, so they could remain. It wouldn't be done with hate, nor with prejudice, it would just be... done. Hunters of a feral type in the wilderness, non-sentient, did what they must to survive, and not a single thread of hate could be felt by the Angels high above coming from their paws. The great maker even creating such beings to balance all of nature, there was always give and take. And at least for Becky, so was it felt the same from Nishi, even if she had no clue an Angel of Death was in her very same room, it as now time for Nikaliel to take, even if before the end, she may give a little more. If justice and need must be fulfilled at some point in a very near future, still, it certainly did indeed not mean that Nikaliel couldn't be empathetic and caring about the whole experience, about how she felt of Ms. Tomea as a person, about how she would treat her in the last moments of her existence, even as gentle as Becky had been to those she had cared for, infinitely so. Something about the now, the way the two looked at each other, it was almost as if Rabecca had felt love, acceptance for her own craving, like Nishi was wanting the same thing, but fighting it, as much as Becky had been trying to do so but failing. Was it ultimately Nikaliel's responsibility to retain for the mortal, some semblance of love and romance? No. Yet as Becky looked at her, there was almost a pleading in her eyes, something she needed fulfilled, could it hurt heaven to give her a bit of belonging, a bit of love, in the middle of the hell she must soon face? Could it hurt Nikaliel's human form, to allow this girl to make love to it, would it ultimately change her spirit? [4:47:48 PM] Rabecca Tomea: So many thoughts of right and wrong, what was fair, what needed to happen, all floating around the need of justice and mercy. Just where did Nikaliel and Becky fit in all of this gigantic mess? It had been so long since anyone had ever called Rabecca pretty for the purpose of a relationship. Her born a baby as perfect as ever could be, growing up as a pretty young girl, flowing into her adulthood as a beautiful masterpiece of creation... didn't she deserve some sort of recognition? She was as heavenly a being as anyone else that had been created, after all, she still had a soul, even if soon, it would be another amazing part of Nikaliel. After going so long, one mortal might believe or disbelieve in themselves in certain ways. She thought she looked okay at least, physically appealing. That her actions and methods for treating and being with others, was both sound and generous. A person like Becky could often forget just how important they are in the grand scheme of things however, as it was often easy for them to feel just as another number, a pawn to the nameless gods of good and evil, she had never remembered seeing. Able to forget her inner beauty, as well as what was on the outside. The sense of responsibility to self and others yet, came once again full circle. Becky forgetting herself in the moment of her passion, where she was, who she had been with, a sweet patient in need of her care, not her lust! She shook her head from it, as she heard the groan from the blonde's mouth and nose, making her wince, 'Gods... what am I doing?', she called out to her mind. And it was enough for the human to stop, as badly as she wanted romance, to have this become more, she couldn't force herself upon the girl, even if she felt somehow, Nishi had wanted it to. [4:47:55 PM] Rabecca Tomea: It wasn't the right time, it wasn't the right place, and with the patient's last haunting visage, her piercing sky blue eyes, that pain, it was enough to break the trance, nearly completely, even if still, Becky found great beauty in the patient she had too riskily, made out with. She got back up, and wiped her lips, blinking several times, her eyes going wide. She sighed, finally getting up, she'd put her medical attire back on, finally finishing getting ready for the day. A call then came to her phone line, a patient that needed a check up on a few symptoms they'd been having for an acute migraine, a simple need in the change of medication and prescription glasses however. "Oh that's okay, come on by any time you like Simon. I'll be here all day naturally. I'll have your new prescriptions filled out, and your recommended ophthalmologist to go and see to get you the right glasses. I think all you need are stronger grade, something easier on your eyes, I am sure that will help with head aches, that's my professional opinion..." she'd smile, finally hanging up. By no means, did Becky feel relieved, she wasn't sure if she had made the right choice. Didn't she deserve a loving embrace? A chance to have intimacy with someone....... Becky shook her head, yes, but... not like this. Not with a patient. She hadn't been any less horny than before, and a deeper side of her wanted to know Nishi on a far deeper level, but trying to be intimate when the girl still remained as a patient, who was still now hurting, and became so close to her so fast, it all felt like taboo. "I'm sorry Nishi, I didn't mean for that to go so far. Or to put you in a situation where you felt compromised. Or to make you feel in any way, that you were to think of me like that. Can I get you anything, anything at all? Pain meds? Food? Water? A bed pan?" the human felt ashamed. The best that the angel could do for Rabecca is slowly lead her to the reason she needs to be erased from existence, to help her embrace the truth of who she was and to make her understand why she was unable to stop what she wanted to do. Originally she had thought to taunt the nurse when she simply devoured her, to make her know the same sort of helplessness Nicci had known in the last few moments of her existence. Though she had gone out with the surety that one day Rabecca would have visited unto her what she had done to so many others, her final wish, the surety with which the non-existent nurse had spoken had seemed to reach to some chord of humanity left in Rabecca. What she had buried though could eventually be brought back to the surface, and the potential for destroying more lives if she ever went back to her old ways could not be ignored. Instead of immediately bringing judgement to the nurse when she forced her to face her memories again, Nikaliel is determined to help her close out her existence in peace, at least inasmuch as was in her power. Perhaps when she exposed herself in her full radiance as the celestial being she was though, to let her know where her existence will end up, its possible that she might find some reassurance in her old credo, that the beautiful and strong, the greater creature, would be the one that destroyed, the way of the world. Though Nikaliel herself did not believe thusly, perhaps it would put things in a framework from whence the nurse could come to accept herself, accept her fate spending eternity in an angel that loved her. Truly the angel hadn't expected herself to react this way to Rabecca, she should have long ago put aside the disguise of Nishi and forced judgement on the nurse, lay aside the façade, but looking at Rabecca, seeing her thoughts of her, the loneliness she'd brought upon herself, first from consuming all that was good and then from her selfless and lonely existence as a nurse, it kindled empathy in the angel, though she herself is not without her other half, her Kaliciel, and can take solace in that refuge. Rabecca though, self-imposing her isolation, had no one, though Nikaliel wanted to give her part of herself, for a while at least. Her gesture, the finger on the nurse's soft lips, seemed to kill the mood, and Nikaliel felt terrible as she watches Becky get back up and dress in her medical attire, answer the phone and talk to her other patients. She tries to block out the nurse's voice, hearing the loneliness in said voice from her stopping the leading kiss. The nurse did deserve the opportunity for desire to blossom, and her slowing the nurse down had killed that desire. Her own eyes would appear watery pools at Rabecca's apology and as the angel starts to cry the nurse would notice if she looked outside clouds starting to appear and rain falling over where they were. "Becky. I'm the one who should be sorry, I didn't want to stop. I wanted to make sure you were ready, you seem so lonely and..." Nikaliel looks away from her, red color appearing in her cheeks, her pale and slightly plump face blushing. "Can you get me anything? I want you." Nikaliel says, extending her arms out to Rabecca, and though her words were laden with double-meaning, the angel fully means at this point that she wants to make Rabecca happy, to let her know her desire. It was as true as true could be, what ever demon had possessed that side of Rabecca's personality, was not stricken to never again return, the brunette was not out of danger, nor was the rest of the world, if she were were allowed to remain behind. And despite Becky's best intentions, her spirit was not seamless and perfect, and therefor, a risk could not be taken to let her go on, at least not in the fashion she was currently in. She posed a risk to herself, a risk to her patients, and more than anyone else, it appeared Nikaliel knew that even far better that the nurse could EVER understand, especially in Becca's bliss like state, a past that had felt an entire eon ago, blocked out, repressed and literally swallowed away into a portion of her mind, that seemed all but long forgotten. For every power Ms. Tomea would have within her soul, if it were up to her, she would fight against the evil that still laid at wait to oppress her. Though unfortunately enough, Becky was only human, not greater than a god. What could she do against such a powerful invisible force of malevolence, a power that knew all of her negative, all of her sadness and longing, and knew exactly how to use it against her, if the time had ever come? In many ways, one could guess, Nikaliel was more like a guardian angel to her right now, especially to those that surrounded the R.N., even if for good. The Angel of Death was the bridge, the gap in between the future and the past, the future far too precious to jeopardize just leaving things to chance. Sufficient to say, and still with merit, Rabecca was a good person, even if somewhere along the way, she had given into an easier side, a side that had offered power at the cost of much. Her first experience, leaving her unaware to all of the consequences and repercussions it would leave in the wake of such emptiness. Blinded by power and sensation and the overwhelming experience, every warning bell was easily ignored, until that fateful day Becky had come across Nicci's doorstep. The pleading, the warning, everything Nicci could do, simply wasn't good enough to the mind numbed predator. Not even eating out of balance, nor care for those that would pass on, Nicci had eventually become a means to an end, a regret, a painful harrowing up of memory, squished into a heart that felt ten times too small, until it broke. Yet in many ways, Becky could thank Nicci, even if it took the nurse her life, to change her. While hardly fully healed, much of Becca's darkness had evaporated, and as she had consumed such a loving person, both a curse, but also a blessing, her old self had been conquered by the very thing she had snuffed out, done away with, or so she had thought, at the prior time just before all of the miraculous changes. As Becca was feeling bad, for her poor choice actions, that prior wincing still piercing through her mind, she had pushed so hard towards her desire, even without thinking of what it could do to Nishi, though the brunette still looked into the girl's eyes, just waiting on her hand and feet, sitting now at the edge of the bed, unsure, ashamed, and left confused. Feeling as if she were a bad person for wanting such a thing in her life. Even as glorious as Nishi was in the flesh, she'd not remained professional, going against everything she had ever learned in med school for bed side manner and professional conduct. Yet she listened on, caught between decision and indecision. Her eyes go wide a second later as something seems to change about the energy of the entire room... and what was with this sudden oncoming storm? She gulped as she looked into the blonde woman's eyes, that same, crystal sky blue, enchanting her somehow, now more than ever before. As Nishi starts to cry, Becky is immediately moved towards empathy, taking her hands to the girl's own and squeezing them, hoping all was still alright, just about to speak once more. Though moments to follow from those brief seconds in time, the human was moved towards an entirely different feeling. Tears begin to fill the nurse's eyes, as she could not deny the way she felt, about her loneliness, that word apparently striking a note as Nishi had spoke it, and that of a bitter kind, not against the blonde herself, but against all of the quiet nights she had laid silent, dreaming of a better future for her personally. Gulping again, she could feel a lump in her throat, but oddly, it seemed as if not just sadness was given in Nishi's tone, yet perhaps a longing, a need, and an undertone of desire. Apparently Becky had read the girl's intentions and meanings, all wrong. But what else could she have done? More caring for the pain the blonde girl could have been feeling, the R.N. wasn't about to injure her patient, no matter how badly she wanted these prior passions. Those beautiful, fair cheeks, reddened and blushed over appearing as the girl was seen looking away a moment, that was, until her eyes met back to Rabecca's, she'd next be answering the human's words fully, exactly to what had been at question. That last phrase... that last phrase did the brunette in! A few tears falling from her precious eyes, straight down against her baby soft, olive cheeks until they tucked against the sharp curvature of her chin. She gulped, unable to look away from Nishi a moment longer. Decisions now being made, as that renewed light of need, lust, but also romance and intimacy, struck the nurse through and through, making her gasp out, however softly, as she bit her bottom lip, having since moved her hands back to her hips whilst feeling emotions of unparalleled beauty and meaning, she'd take the hand offered by the wonderful girl, all as she began to smile again, right through her tears. Becky, shoes on, clothing scrubs and all, was lost in the moment, as she breathed deeply out, exhaling with a warmed sigh. Blinking her eyes several times over, she sniffled a few rotations of respiration, moving herself to be back to where Nishi was on the bed, getting closer, and closer still, finally speaking, almost at a whisper. "A-re you sure? Are you sure this is what you want too... for yourself... Nishi?" she'd paused, pursing her lips back together, and then briefly tucking them inside of her mouth, as she continued to blink, her eyes looking back and forth between the blonde's own, with so much desire, searching them, she was anxious. Now no less then eight or so inches away from Nishi's face, as nurse rejoined with patient, all while within the comfort of the king sized bed. If the Angel was such a mind reader as she had been before, but likely, even with or without powers now, Becky's face read, it read all over like a billboard cast against a city light... 'I want you back like I think you want me... I need you... please'~ While not fully the intent of Nikaliel to stand in the gap, to prevent Rabecca from going back to her old ways, the way she had been before Nicci, what she would do would eventually have that side-effect of preventing it should it happen. And it may have been partially her intent at the beginning besides lusting after her soul, but now she only desires Rabecca, a desire that would eventually consume the nurse fully. Back in the nurse's home, she could tell how she'd made Becky feel by what had appeared to the nurse to be rejection but for "Nishi" had simply been wanting to make sure she was really certain about her desires. And the angel had wanted to wait a little longer for when "Nishi" would be more fully healed, yet...she had not been so desirous before, had been able to ignore someone's sorrow, and yet she can't bring herself to ignore Rabecca's obvious distress, her professional bedside demeanor a mere mask to hide her sorrow, and the angel's empathetic reaction could not be masked. Even if she could hide it on her pale face, nature itself would reveal her heart, of her genuine sorry for discomfiting Becky. Seeing that her crying had caused Becky to cry she forces herself to stop crying, the angel licking her lips slightly nervously, wondering how she could act as Nishi and still give them both what they wanted. Perhaps...maybe she should keep things gentle for a bit, pleasurable but gentle as well in order to prevent her stitches from opening. Watching as the nurse takes her hand once more, Nishi pulls her gently towards her, a finger tenderly brushing against those soft olive cheeks to brush away her tears. She opens her mouth several times to respond to Rabecca asking if she's sure, but feels herself unable to speak, and so instead of speaking moves her hand behind the brunette head and bringing it down to her face, her breathing heavy as she parts her lips to meet Rabecca's, hoping this answer would be enough as she hungrily kisses her, wanting to get those scrubs off the nurse, to rip them off her but not wanting to appear too dominant, at least not for now, moaning urgently with her need for the nurse. The angel knew of course the condition of Becky's soul, at least from what her other half had told her, being less sensitive to such things herself but as close as she was to her now even she could tell how the woman had changed, that a strong film of white had covered the darkness in her soul...but it was only a covering, and not completely erasing of the darkness that had once consumed the poor girl. And yet Nikaliel hardly cared much about that state of her soul, indeed Nikaliel was herself mostly light with the darkness of her other half always fighting to consume her, was hardly possible to classify the angel as good herself...after all, she was down here to fully erase Rabecca from existence, she had no regard for the gods or mortals, the only one to have some sort of influence would be one who with no restraint devours and extinguishes countless existences herself. At least Nikaliel had her empathy to limit her, she had some inner light to guide her way, otherwise she'd have many more souls as part of her, worse than Becky could have ever thought to be, at least so the angel would think to herself. Still, the light in Becky drew her, almost as much as the soul inside her did, calling her to devour it...the angel shakes herself mentally as her lips kiss hungrily at Rabecca's, running her fingers along her soft, brunette hair, rubbing down her neck slightly, trying to swallow up any remaining sorry in her passion for this brunette as her other hand slides down the scrubs, clutching them slightly before working underneath them a little, beginning to lightly touch and rub her soft, olive skin, shuddering with her desire to expose it, to pull off those scrubs until there is nothing left between their skins, olive and pale flesh mingling against the other in pleasure and desire. This would be the angel's first time and for a brief second purple light flashes from her body as part of her power flares in response to the occasion, but she forces herself to keep it under control and not lose herself as deeply as she wishes to in her lust. That doesn't mean she can't become partially lost in the olive skin against hers, the brunette curls, those lips...her hips move slowly against Becky's as the fingers of one hand fumble with the scrub top to pull it off, wanting that olive skin beneath her fingers, her tongue, taste her, tease her, drown her in pleasure. She'll stop the kiss as she pulls the top over Becky's head, "Time for your break, my nurse. I could use your healing touch...all over my body." The angel says, her breathing slightly heavier, and outside the sun would once more be shining, the birds singing as the angel gives into her lust and desire. Little did the nurse know that once the angel reveals to herself, she'd literally have a bed of heated feathers to rest upon...but that was for later, first to let her have something familiar, something human for now. As apparent as it was, Nishi was going through the exact same emotions, desires and needs, Becky herself was known already harboring, those angelic like lips smothering her own in their passionate kiss, wet, uncaring as to what part touched the other, saliva finally intermingling as Becca's mouth gaped slightly open, moaning into the Angel's maw, softly forcing some tongue inside, that is, if it weren't at odds with anything the blonde might like to enjoy. Everything about Nishi was perfect to the nurse, her smell, her mannerisms, her gentle voice, her soft skin, and damn, she was great kisser, making her gulp at least once, at least at the very beginning of their embrace. Those wonderful fingers felt combing through her hair, almost massaging like so, yet caressive with a finesse unlike any other. The brunette's eyes opened from time to time in the beginning of this, but slowly, almost as if she were drugged in a way, she most assuredly was, mentally and romantically at least. Her body was calling out for this need to be ever closer to her patient, little her realizing, that soon, she'd get to fulfill that desire more so than she could ever understand. Though for the time being as it was, these two got to enjoy each other on a human level, still tender and serene, but celestial, Nishi was no doubt different than any other partner she had ever been with, she just couldn't put her finger on as to why she thought so. Her mind as happily lost to this embrace as it already was, the R.N. almost bolted her eyes open, once a perfect hand had touched against her skin, at least the naked portions aneath the scrubs. A small white long sleeved t-shirt was underneath her purple scrubs, Becky's skin was soft as silk, clearly the nurse used moisturizing gels and lotion on a regular basis, as she was as smooth as a velvet coat. A soft portion of nigh near invisible hairs at the arch of her lower back, but otherwise, she was a very hairless creature. While not yet seen, she was freshly shaven, at least towards yesterday's standards, as all but a cute little runway at the front top portion of her clitoris remained, and naturally, with her legs being waxed, she hardly had a thing to worry about when it came to shaving with her Venus. A tale for a future moments, perhaps, yes, no... most definitely! In the midst of all of this passion and heat, Becky thought she had seen something that was out of this world, unless she was just going punch love drunk over wanting Nishi so bad. Feeling and seeing the very moment Nishi broke their kiss to remove her upper scrubs, lifting her arms up momentarily to make it easier, she thought she saw a purple light emanating around the area, but as she looked again, it seemed to be gone, in the middle of her blinking so... she figured she was just tired, or so she thought. The scrub all but gone, leaving just her cute, soft t-shirt, and her white bra clad against her olive flesh. Becky blinked a few times, but smiled, an almost silent gasp let loose at the realization Nishi was purposefully making her nurse get more naked, every passing moment. Each rub against her flesh was felt, chills going down Becca's spine as she gives off continued soft gasps nasally and orally. These brief interruptions stopped randomly only to connect their lips all over again, time and again throughout, making wet, messy, fun lip suckings, against the blonde's luscious and thick own, desperately exploring her pale flesh with their view. Goosebumps started traveling towards both her upper and lower extremities, as a tingle moved to the brunette's sex, her vaginal canal twitching a bit as a result, contracting slightly, she was sexually excited as this romance began to turn to be of a far more intimate nature. Becky wanted to be more rough with Nishi, but she was afraid, what with such fresh sutures, she didn't dare remove any more of her clothing in case anything was still connected or dried on, to her patient, that hadn't even had the chance to be removed in a shower. Becky simply worrying because she didn't wish for the girl to bleed, or to have any unwanted pain to come once more again to her delicate frame. The nurse having no clue, SHE was the delicate one in this room however. Though with Nishi's words to follow admist the tender, broken kiss, Becca began losing herself to the concern over the blonde patient's physical wellness. An apparent brief but furious storm, soon abating to the sounds and shines of birds and sun, Becky was in paradise, softly biting on the girl's lips, sucking on them then going back to their mutually enamored kiss, she wanted Nishi so bad, it hurt, it felt wonderful, all at the same time. She was feeing so many emotions at this very point in their experience. Her hands go back to Nishi's nape, squeezing passionately against her neck as her kiss turned a bit more desperate, nothing wild but hardly tame. Her emotions ran closely parallel to those of Becky's, though she had a deeper hunger than just for the lustful exchange that was beginning to take place, a hunger that wouldn't be fully sated by anything short of the brunette's soul. For now, however, she could slake her hunger some with this, mortal and angel making love, her lips sealing against Becky's hungrily, the heat of the kiss causing what little inhibition she had to melt away. A dim part of her mind is focused on keeping up the mask that she'd called "Nishi", to veil her form from this mortal, as the angel accepts the tongue inside her lips, and with a suckling kiss draws more of it inside her maw as she allows her tongue to slip between the nurse's lips, tasting and being tasted, miring her body in the sensations of taste, the feel of the nurse's body against hers, soft pale skin sliding against the olive skin, tangling her fingers in the brunette's hair as she deepens the kiss, sliding her hand against the curve of her back, possessively WANTING the nurse so badly, the taste of her on her tongue both stoking the fires of and acting as a balm to her hunger. Her eyes close for a brief second as her body molds against the nurse's, her hand trailing down to her hips to slide beneath the nurse's clothing, pulling the white t-shirt off her skin and only letting her tongue to stop dancing with the nurse's for a very brief second as she tosses it to the floor, finger's working the bra loose so that her hands would have full access to Becky's breasts, a soft sound as clothe slides against flesh before being discarded to the growing pile of garments on the floor. Coming up from their heated kiss, her finger's exploring the nurse's jawline slightly as she fixes those eyes with her own, her pale left hand raises the right olive breast to her lips, licking it softly before giving it a suckling kiss, as her right hand disentangles itself carefully from those curls and explores the curves of her back, before resting against the hips and gently lifting clothing from flesh, gradually working it down, allowing Becky to assist her as she can. While her wounds still look the same as they had upon waking, they suddenly seem unimportant to her, and as her body rubs more against the nurse, its apparent that "Nishi" would tolerate a bit rough love-making. In her mortal form she may have had a bit of magic to enhance their passion, but relatively new to this angelic life, she was none certain how it would interact with her celestial nature, and decides in a fleeting moment that she'd have to be satisfied with using normal means of expressing her desire for now. As her finger's work the lower garment's loose from olive skin, they'll explore the rondure of Becky's rear, glide softly over the thigh, touching briefly her inner thigh before her lips leave the breast, a small strand connecting the nipple and her lips for a second before it parts, a hand massaging that full breast as her lips would trail hungry kisses up Becky's jawline before with a hungry moan seal themselves to her lips once more, a pale leg wrapping around Becky's waist to draw them closer together when finally the last vestigial clothing would be removed from her nurse, her hips grinding sensually against Becky's, her own vagina having what appeared to be a blonde strip leading to it (though in reality it was as her hair normally was, pure white,) and she'll grind her sex gently over olive skin, waiting until Becky's ready before allowing those lips to meet, trying to restrain herself slightly so that their mutual pleasure would not end too quickly. It was obvious the human female wasn't the only person enjoying themselves, was wanting this themselves, this intimate experience. With every wake, every movement, every touch, it was reacted to and forced into each next action, both between the brunette and the blonde. At least for Becky, right now, there was no heaven, there was no hell, there was no earth, there was no sadness, just joy, a sense of belonging, as the only thing that mattered in these small moments, was Nishi. So graceful yet so needing, it was hard to tell at least by the actions either woman would take, just who wanted to have this happen more. Perhaps both wanting the event to transpire for maybe some or slightly different reasons than the other, but the end goal was the same, an intimacy both craved so much, it hurt. It hurt in the best possible ways imaginable, like the aching fulfillment of needing a lover after missing them for so long, like the ache a partner feels when they experience a near loss, someone close to death and then restored, like a soul calling, a spirit, a soul mate, not just the needs of a body, but the paramount need Becky felt inside of herself, to be so close, and to finally have that need be marvelously fulfilled within Nishi's arms, there was no words. This girl was a natural, every piece of clothing just shedding away now, seemingly all on its own, all while the brunette's mind was drawn back and captivated with nothing short of sheer bliss. She'd not even notice the moment her t-shirt or bra had left her back and stomach, no, not until those passionate, delicious, wonderfully supple and wet lips, touched her areola. Sufficient to say, neither a kiss before that ignored, on the contrary, in part perhaps why Becca had seemed to be so drugged, so lost to it all, and maybe perhaps more than Nikaliel understood, she was having a spiritual and a celestial effect on the nurse whether she tried to or not, as both girls did have this very sacred and special, spiritual connection. Alike they were in more ways than Rabecca Tomea could have ever even fathomed at this point. Cold chills galore, goosebumps nigh ever stopping to form, what with one pleasure or nervous point stroked over and the finished, touched or caressed, going to a completely new receptor point opened up to only even more tingles. Stimulated wouldn't begin to cover what Becky was feeling right now, thrusting her neck back, moving her arms about her partner's body, moaning softly, all while her nipple was licked, flicked and teased, wonderfully forced to go erect, as Nishi tasted and then suckled so warmly. Truth be told, Becky was losing an impossible-to-win-battle. Her wants, she wanted to restrain them from just tearing off the rest of Nishi's what-once-were-clothes, or her own vestiges thereof. Mentally grinding her teeth, clenching her jaws physically together as she breathed through her nose, control was leaving her, and passion, need, and sexual desire, was taking over. It had nearly been 16 hours if not 17, since the two had first seen each other the day before. The sutures had been in long enough, at least Rabecca thought, or hoped, though forgetting the exact moment she begun and finished the procedure. She wanted to believe that ripping, or lightly tearing the tatters away from Nishi's flesh, wouldn't harm her, but she was gnashing at the bit. While she understood the patient would likely be okay with physical contact if her abdominal area was left alone, she did very much so worry what might happen if all their fun would somehow get that area wet. This beautiful blonde girl, under her care, she could never forgive herself if anything bad ever happened to the sweet angel of a patient, obviously not yet literally knowing, she was in the very same city, the same block, the some home, the same room........ even the very same bed with an Angel of Death. Such a harsh term, 'reaper'. Rabecca would understand it as, if she knew could know that's what Nishi actually was, she'd likely use the word 'collector', 'collector of orbs of light'.... Because Becky had never felt more alive than she was feeling right now, could death really do that? Things finally escalating, one thing after another, naturally Becca being taken back to reality, at least enough to realize she was being undressed, would of course be helping her passionate partner remove her body of all of this useless and in-the-way clothing. Nigh not a word was spoken, just moans, murrs, cooes, and awes were made not a word was needed. Becky finally in the nude, would take her hands against the girl's back and as carefully as she possible could, indulgently began removing any remaining shirt from the Nishi's upper half, and not long would any other form of undergarment exist upon the blonde's flesh unless she willed the nurse against it. Once more Nishi seemed to take charge, even if subtly so. Driving the human's passions more out from within herself with that simple suggestion, what with the patient wrapping that pale leg around her waist, soon felt grinding her own hips against her nurse's sex. Such a cute blonde strip, sexy, her little fuzzy patch, only complimenting Becky's further as the jet and the asphalt made contact on the runways. Lost to anything now, Becky embraced the girl's back as their lips once more met, soon grinding her own sex in return just as much so, just as passionately, her wanting to return as much as she was being given. Perhaps she was enjoying herself more than would normally be found between an angel and a human but she knew that it could not last, that despite how long she wanted to be the human's lover, she'd only be able to last at best for a few days before she gave into her more powerful desire, the reason for her reincarnation. Until then though she indulged herself in the feel of the brunette over her, feeling the silken curls between her fingers every now and then as they were locked in this place and time together, "Nishi" wanting to feel all the brunette had, to possess her this intimately before ultimately possessing all she had to give. Ignoring the sutures or the pain that she should be feeling, allowing her hands to grip the nurse desperately, with a need that could not be feigned even though her appearance was, a hand teasing the breast as the other rubs that soft rear, legs locked behind her back in an almost predatory manner as their wetness mingles together, lips both upper and lower making loud squelching noises and hungry moan and gasps leaving the angels lips into Rabecca's as she loses herself in the experience. The angel could feel the soul inside Rabecca, her lips hungry for it at this close range, perhaps she could rip it out of her through their kiss, her drives are clamoring at her to do just that, and Rabecca would feel herself on the cusp of being pulled away from her body before Nikaliel forces herself to stop, her body covered with sweat as she slid against Rabecca both physically and spiritually. As she feels herself begin to tremble on the verge of her physical release, she'd lift her mouth from Rabecca's, sliding fingers into her wetness slightly now, rubbing gently against her mound as though in apology for nearly sucking the soul right out of her mortal form. "Rabecca...I want to taste you, want to suck you, want to please you, hold on, let me show you how much I need you, how much I want you." Nikaliel said , giving her other breast a suckling kiss as she relaxes her grip with her thighs, urging the nurse to reposition herself so that she could begin licking down there, wanting to help the nurse forget the disorienting experience she had very briefly suffered due to the angel's hunger. The engagement of the ages, as far as Rabecca Tomea had been concerned, was now graced within the human's home, against her bed, and all over her body. This treat, this choice experience, nothing could the brunette relate it to anything she had ever fathomed in her existence. While she was no virgin, this other worldly sex was taking its measure. Leading on Nishi did ever so well, leaving Becca with nothing other but the desired choice to proceed and follow. A dance of bodies, a mingling of flesh, touch and caress feasted upon by both girls in mind, body and soul. Skin percolating with the energy that coursed through her frame as she moved, Becky was at surrender with every sensation she was so pleasured to fill. The surreality of it all, the magic, was what captivated her most, it was almost as if Rabecca's soul knew Nishi to be more than what she had claimed to be, even if on the smallest suggestions, perhaps barely noticeable, the blonde girl had an edge that superseded the norm. Nishi was in a class all of her own, elegant, lovely, fair, expressive, passionate, Becky had been waiting her entire life to meet someone like her, yet now she had found that, and so much more. To a being she may never fully understand, Becky was entranced, to a human Nikaliel could barely stop her lusts from overtaking her better judgement, she had battled. Each girl in this for the ride of Ms. Tomea's life, each girl able to appreciate this romance in their unique and own special way. A distinguishable change occurred towards the heightened levels of their shared and mutual desire, it was almost as if Nishi's grasp, the way her hands would move over her intimate partner, came to be desperate, yet in response, that only made Becky more lustful, leaving her to want, to pheen for more, loving the way those hands caressed along her breasts, her nipples, her ass, her hips, constant chills and geese enveloping her entire body, over every last inch of her tempting, olive frame. Hips bucking together in the unison only body language and togetherness could contemplate, wordless conversation of the mind and the heart, telling each other's embrace, exactly where it needed to go. Becca's sex now oozing with that warmed nectar from the nurse's honey pot as the labia wall swelled, as agenda pushed decisions to act towards an elevated level, and question arouse, an unexplained thing thus took place. Like a drawing inside, a pull, a sucking motion, yet nothing physical, Becca had indeed felt a loss of control, having no clue it was her very soul that was on the verge of being ripped out, until once more Nishi calmed, at least just enough to resist for the time, allowing it to remain intact and unchanged. And there again, once more Nishi was heard to speak. Becky looked on as their lips finally broke with a longing, the tingling sensation left on her tongue as Nishi had done her utmost to get the savor out of, the brunette adored the way her partner had tasted likewise, little her understanding Nikaliel would taste her in ways no one else would be able to enjoy, her already shaking from her mind what she believed she had felt just moments ago inside of her. Just as the blonde had hoped, Becky was drawn towards the idea of being tasted, and if the nurse was correct, it simply meant in the worst and best of ways. This had made the brunette bite her lower oral lip, sighing out as Nishi then drew away, giving Becca ample room to progress the blonde's intention. Without hardly a pause, yet sensual and slow and sauntering, with a wordless understanding, Becky soon moved to her back, spreading her legs wide as her breasts flopped down and over towards her sides a bit more, closer to her armpits, her giving out a soft sigh, looking towards Nishi with a great expectation, blinking slowly several times, she'd softly gulp, her mouth now left at slight gape as she pondered every word the angelic like female said. Just where did Nishi come from? Was all of this too good to be true? Nothing... nothing.... nothing.... and then suddenly, this bomb shell of an amazing creature appears out of nowhere. As if not wanting to keep her partner unanswered verbally however, yet so drugged and relaxed off of these amazing sensations, what with her breasts being teased, licked and kissed, the girl groping over her ass, her response came out as nothing more than "Okay......." a needful tone, just above a whisper, laced with lust and sensuality, Becky's eyes had never been caught leaving Nishi's form. The goosebumps that teamed, could easily be seen by Nishi if she were to look, telling her all she needed to know, that Becca was hers to do with as she pleased, the nurse giving over her surrender as she assumed the most vulnerable position she possibly could, laying on her back with her legs spread eagle. Her own hands had never stopped in their discovery, exploratively caressing with a finesse, then more aggressively she'd rub and massage, alternating her touch in between the two, taking a brief moment to reach up and fondle her partner's breasts, kneading her thumbs over the areolas, hoping to elicit a sexual response, to perhaps even make Nishi's nipples grow erect, before the blonde proceeded further on 'south'. For the angel it was an engagement that she'd never forget for her existence, which could extend for several millennia barring circumstances that could erase her from existence, though that would be very difficult in her particular circumstance. Though she had lost track of the amount of times she'd been sexually active in her celestial body, this was a real treat for her, not really other-worldly so much for her as much as having a sense of rightness, as with sex being a force of creation, it was almost as though their very soul's participated in this act, more than simply in the angel's desire for the nurse's soul, but in the sense that as their bodies became almost as one, their souls would for a brief, though transient time, become likewise. This the angel could not hide, a glimpse into the angel's core, of her love for the nurse and the vast sorrow and hunger that permeates her existence, as sweat beads her skin, sliding gracefully over Becky's, her sutures perhaps becoming a bit damp but unnoticed by both likely now as their hunger sharpens and focuses on each other. Though young by angelic standards, a part of her that had been Nicci remembers this dance, the caress of skin on skin and the curves of a woman's body, little shivers of pleasure evident with warm moans leaving her lips. Feeling herself beginning to ooze her desire, she wanted more than anything the nurse to be able to enjoy her taste, her scent, wanted her to enjoy her body thoroughly, and so, her fingers still only gently playing with Becky's sex to keep her nice, wet, and hot, she'll watch as the brunette moves off of her a bit though those eyes and hands seem to never leave her naked flesh, feeling her breasts being teased and letting out a quiet moan to let the nurse know to not stop, and seeing her ready herself, her fingers still between her spread eagle legs and another making lazy circles with her fingers around a nipple, Nikaliel deliberately for the first time since she was "injured" get up on her own, adrenaline flooding her body too much for her to even act like she was in pain before her lips would give Becky's a soft, lazy, kiss and then she'll drag her sex across the nurse's belly before pushing it back and over her breasts, her arousal leaving a small trail of her sweet smelling nectar, small hints of vanilla and white chocolate wafting in the air until her thighs would be around the nurse's head. Clamping down softly, though insistently on the brunette head with her thighs, she'll let her fingers drift from the wetness of Becky's sex, sucking them off quickly before reaching beneath the thighs and burying her face between Becky's, her tongue darting out quickly and hungrily to lick at her button, the outer lips, lapping at fluids already being secreted with her hands holding the sex firmly against her mouth and slipping between the moist, warm darkness, moaning hungrily at the taste, warmth, her desire sharpening at the flavor, the texture of her lover. So much to explore, so much to do and enjoy with sex and the fun as a result from various acts of closeness had it been, was it now. Even if at each and every time by a different partner, the feelings were blissfully unique and serene, the angel no different in that regard. Yet as found from before, Becky could never say she had met a partner as amazing as she somehow knew Nishi was. Her one of a kind smell, her radically distinct feel, the way the girl had held herself even while she performed with her partner sexually, it was all new to her, making the brunette feel as if she were a virgin all over again. The way those hands caressed against Becca's skin and hair, over her cheeks, against her back, at the nape of her neck, through her scalp, at her collarbone, even her breasts and ass. Every time they kissed, those lips wet, supple, perfect, undeniable. Yes, Becky was at a high level ecstasy, being entreated to bliss and pleasure at every turn. No partner had been this flexible with her, this dominant, the blonde seeming to know all of Rabecca's trigger points, or if not, quickly learning them and using them to benefit them both, and showing she'd not only not minded to lead their way along this journey of sexual elation, she was damned good at it! With all of this subtle guidance, it did nothing but push Becca even further towards her separate agenda, even while mutually linked to her partner's own pleasure. It making the physician want to entreat the blonde girl just as much as equally so back, at tit for tat, to leave not one jot or tittle unanswered for what measure of bliss had been given her. And neither would Becky disappoint. It was right to think so as it had been said, the ideas of Rabecca being so gone to these moments away from a sharpened reality, as not a thought was put towards Nishi's physical well being from that point forth. Certainly not in a negative manner or intent for harm mind, but the way their fingers had danced upon each other's flesh, the way their lips had locked, sucked, played with, and even gave seemingly endless for passions untold, even as their tongues met halfway adding that delicious flavor to each other's mouths what else could the nurse do but focus solely on Nikaliel as the amazing sexual creature, the heavenly body that she was? A foregone conclusion, especially as Nishi shifted her glorious form, revealing to Becky's face, just how flawless she actually was. If not so far removed from her normal senses, the amazing aroma of vanilla and white chocolate coursing about through the air, would have seemed utterly strange or impossible. Yet in the haze of this deepened contact, this sheer intimacy, it only heightened things, only making Becky want her patient even more. What was to say it wasn't simply Nishi's heated flesh giving off a portion of the lather or body wash she had been bathed with before she'd been attacked before, as in like-minded manner, the two of them would sweat in these very choice moments? It could easily be written off just as such. In no time at all, the blonde's sex was felt teasing, gracing the nurse with its weight as Nishi came to near a sitting posture, softly wiggling 'or the brunette's tummy. And up she felt the patient go with her thick thighs and her supple ass. Past abdominal areas, even upwards toward midriff and beyond, even thus soon forcing Becky's breasts to press back, then in, only to flop back down to bounce a moment before they went into place as they once were. Then the view of a life time would be granted, Nishi seen coming to sit still as thighs, as the blonde's sex and rear, were all that made up everything Becky could see. Eclipsing anything else that had been in the room, with her own majesty, the cream, the pale tones unable to be ignored. The nurse thus breathed her in sighing in an elated and sexual sigh and smile. The smells intoxicating her to no end, Becky gulped, finally reaching out, groping the girl's breasts a moment before her hands settled at Nishi's waist to hold her there, just above her gorgeous hips. With how things met up to this point, neither could Becky understand whether or not Nikaliel had ground that sex upon her merely as a play on intimacy, or whether it was done as something far more symbolic or meaningful. For all it mattered, the Angel of Death could simply have been marking her in a predatory way, perhaps letting all others know the R.N., was The physical possession of no one else' but hers, like a dog or a cat would that would mark their domain or property. Regardless, as that moist sex, those swelled labia walls, and the nectar that pushed out their scent from betwixt Nishi's vaginal lips came ever so close to Becky's mouth and nose, the nurse wanted nothing else but to touch her, to tease, to taste... to eat her sexually. And as it happened, the very moment the patient made contact with the brunette's own sex, burying her face between those olive thighs and teasing to treat her, tasting to savor her, it was over! Any semblance of control, any show of reserve, and professional bearing vanished like the fading of a sun behind the mountains at dusk, Becky finally pulling the girl into her, allowing her Nishi rest lightly against her nose and chin and forehead, where the brunette began to ravenously eat away at her partner's flesh. Nothing hard at first, but hardly was she soft. An eagerness would Nikaliel be able to tell right off the bat, whether the angel intended, could read her mind or not, the physical signs showing Becky's intentions well. The taste, that musk, the feminine smells and chemicals, irrevocably sending chills down Becky's spine. The savor of these small moments, the mental grasping of this very act, had sent waves of convulsions of a rippling nature all throughout her sex, leaving the nurse's sexual cavity to contract involuntarily, as muscles all throughout her personal sacred alter flexed like a mesh of oceanic waves. "Mmmmmmmmmm~" a simple noise given, but the language of sex was universal throughout time and space and dimension, Becky unable to want to give much of anything else besides her own eagerness to please, as she focused all of her efforts on tasting Nishi deeply, both inside and out, both in a spiritual and physical sense. As much as she had to explore, it seemed like Nikaliel could get lost in exploring the mortal's body forever, in making love to her forever. And perhaps she could if she could keep Becky alive past her appointed time, to extend eternity into one long bliss of enjoying the nurse's olive skin against her own. The angel, not limited in her partners, though with part of her existence wiped out she doubtless can't recall the full number of partner's she's had over the years, regards this one as the one she wants for all eternity, the one to through the ages experience her over and over again...and yet those ages would be only a few days, for hunger would win out in the end and the lovely olive flesh would become pale curves for the angel. As their lips had moved, exploring each other's flesh with teeth, tongues, nail raking softly against skin, fingers delicately whispering over flesh, the whole of this appetizer in this banquet of lust, the kissing, sucking, rubbing, and grinding, all but seemed to be side-dishes on the trencher of her desire for Becky, as the brunette's head moves between her thighs, the angel feeling every minor breath wash against her skin, the teasing already arousing her so that when the lips meet her nethers, a throaty moan essays from her lips. It seemed to her that Becky knew just how to pleasure her, what she wanted, needed, though even the pleasure she will experience at her hands won't compare with the ecstasy of the nurse's soul when it becomes a part of her. And while the nurse may think that the aroma was only that of scented soap, the angel was unable to mask her heavenly flavor from that tongue, nor her sounds of pleasure as her thighs involuntarily contract lightly around Rabecca's head, a sign of her pleasure at the nurse's ministrations as her own tongue will find its way into the nurse's folds, licking as her fingers brush along the smooth olive skin, nails teasing over it as her mouth sighs in pleasure against Becky's nub. Though her sex had drug over the nurse's body there was nothing too territorial about it, except in the way she gives herself to the nurse, wanting this lover to know the depths of her affection, of her desire, to fill that loneliness inside with Nikaliel, the noises she hears from Becky's lips telling her all she needs to know about her efficacy. In response, the angel can't help but move her hips slightly to the rhythm of those lips, that tongue against hers, her cream leaking out between the nurse's lips, and as her tongue greedily laps up the complimentary taste of the nurse's wetness from the moist darkness, she'll be unable to hold her own desire in, her legs trembling from the exertion of holding her pleasure in, and the nurse would be rewarded with more cream on her tongue, her lips, perhaps even on her face, and for that moment, the angel appears in her full glory, a loud cry forcing her to be unable to concentrate any longer. "MMMMMAHHH" Her cry of pleasure rings out loud and clear, and only after a few long seconds will wings, tail, and tattoos disappear again. In the literal and figurative middle of all of this bliss, alas Becky could not see past the glorious mounds of Nishi's rear, but hardly did the brunette find that as a problem, if anything, it was a boon of the ages, even if the last age of her very life. This new existence, this beautiful creature that had come into her home was indeed a blessing in disguise. For a girl who had been so long without a much needed affection, it was easy for an other-worldly creature to sense that need, regardless of whether it / her could read the human's mind. And as for Becca, even as she could not see such wings, such a tail and tattoos, or such heavenly things transpire, to manifest themselves within her room, it did not mean that they did not happen to be. However the mortal's attentions were solely on the sex that was about her face, her tongue and nose, the very glory of it engulfing her entire vision, and what a marvelous sight it was at that! As ministration against sexes continued, increased and edged forward, what could Rabecca do against such perfection, such a talent, so much dexterity and experience? For the many lovers Becca had had, as it appeared, she wouldn't even come to a fraction of what Nikaliel had experienced in her thousands of years, this Nishi, better in every way, shape and form, than Rabecca Tomea, her physical and spiritual domme, even if right now, her equal. Yet some things could not be helped, and the way this was developing, it didn't really seem Becca cared in the slightest, as in her existence as a nurse, she'd always been submissive and easily entreated, and in all honesty, in the very core of her soul for her entire life, with her heart and her spirit, she was genuine, even beyond bad past choices she had made. With each gentle caress, indeed, Becca's efficacy was spot on, how could it not be? She was giving her all to these moments, why wouldn't she want to? For Nishi too was giving it her everything, despite the fact the mortal could not see it. Needless to say, toes curled, fists formed, nails drug and scratched and fingers massaged, the caressive touches nothing too rough, yet hardly they could be ignored. The language of the souls, of hearts and minds, of bodies conjoining in moments of tender ecstasy, had spoke volumes where verbal words had not. And Nishi would be able to tell the love Becca had for her leaving no shadow of a doubt, notwithstanding they'd only known each other for less than forty eight hours, of the physician's admiration for her patient. For as much as thighs were felt pushing in against her for the desire Becky had given Nishi with her agile tongue, the mortal could hardly say her own had been at pause or left with lack of delight in fact quite the opposite. With such immaculate skill, Nishi was causing the exact same reaction to come from her partner's vaginal orifice, her swollen labia wall, her vaginal lips, and the millions of nerve bundles wiggling, contracting, undulating and pulsating like the living organ it was. A nasally moan emitted from Becca overlapping, ending, but only to begin again in between her patient's cries, as her own hunger seemed to heighten to levels she couldn't remember ever feeling before now... because she was feeling this for the first time, as never had she had sex with an angel! The ravenous desires of the lust of her body coupled with increased gnawing, yet nothing painful, howbeit her teeth were scrapping against those nether lips. And just as much as Nishi devoured Becca's sex, the brunette had used her left arm's hand to pinch, squish and rub the blonde's own, while her right hand went to rub and massage and tease her partner's breasts endlessly, moving her fingers over areola, squeezing down each mammary in kind, almost in desperation. Hips and pelvis left to buck, increasing in thrusts, and naturally so coupled along with it all, a copious amount of pre would be Becky's tell tale sign she couldn't last much longer against all of this. Shaking, tremblingly so, chills coursing over her arms and down her spine, goosebumps exploded in tingles all over her epidermal lining, it was over before it started! With even more vim and vigor, the brown haired female plunged in as far as she could go, squishing her face between Nikaliel's thighs as much as she possibly could to force her tongue even deeper within! Beyond her control, finally the mercy of am abatement was a far foregone conclusion, they had moved past the point of no return, and there Becky gave a muffled scream, it only forcing her sexual mania out all the more, her deprived body both hungry to give and to receive, and seconds later as her body peaked, she'd thrust out, tensing up, she'd spasm, and there she finally came, ejaculating her feminine discharge all over, around and about Nishi's face, likely even her hair getting caught in the heat of the moment, Becca not hardly focused on where the blonde's own cum was meshing against her flesh. Gone to these moments now, that's where Rabecca remained, the passion stimulating her so to where she'd cum continually, her orgasm hardly over in the middle of her climaxing sexual high. For the angel it was fortunate that her sex and full figure was obstructing the brunette's view, for she did not want her to yet know what she was for the time, or that she was more than the wounded patient and now lover that she appeared to be, the pure whiteness of her wings and tail vanishing from view as well as the dark, crimson tattoos that even the angel is not completely sure of their meaning or purpose. However, in the throes of passion it occurred to her that keeping up the pretense of being merely mortal would be much more difficult than she thought, she'd been concentrating as hard as she could but it was impossible for her, when faced with pinnacle of passion, to maintain it in that orgasmic state...almost she regrets allowing her feelings for this mortal keep her from her purpose, but licking her lips and tasting the nectar, the pure desire of her lover, her body losing its tenseness from her own orgasm, toes uncurling and her form melting slightly against Rabecca, feeling content at that first orgasm, her hunger once more staved off by the passion, the romance of it all. A mortal may believe that an angel would exist for thousands of years, but Nikaliel, in her existence, can't even recall how long she's lasted...her mind has the memories of the first 20 or so years in her current form, her existence beyond that is sealed within her other half...and Rabecca. And the angel could even feel that the lovely nurse was selling herself short in her abilities, her body and the stream of nectar from her swollen lips ample proof of that, her body pleasantly sore, and as Rabecca continually orgasms, those angelic lips are their to receive, after the initial splash on her face, each drop of the woman's nectar, the angel murring at the taste of her lover in appreciation, softly stroking the sex with her fingers as her legs clamp down lightly around Becky's head, grinding her sex against those lips once more before, as she basks in the afterglow of her orgasm, of her passion with this woman, she'll gently turn her body back around, her finger's seeking the nurse's breasts and her lips seeking those of her lover's. "I needed that...need you." She whispers lightly, yet throatily, her lips brushing once over the cum-slickened lips as a finger works its way back into those folds, feeling the wet, warmth inside, her hand gently teasing Becky's nipple, the smell of them heavily filling the air. It had been nice for her to finally let Becky have that release only she could give her, that pleasure from having gone without for so long, and her tongue will run lightly over Becky's face, her cheek, tasting herself on the Brunette as she knows Becky is all over her, and after teasing the breast a little more, she'll lay a pale hand behind the nurse's head and simply hold her close to her, lips within bare centimeters from each other, her finger still between the nurse's thighs but having withdrawn from them with wetness coating her fingers. "Are you eager for round two, my love?" The angel teases, not wanting Becky to leave her alone but also being sensitive enough to know she has her duty to others too...at least for now, she muses a bit darkly, and not wanting to force the nurse to stay in bed with her if she wants to get to work. Oddly enough, as it appeared, Nikaliel's sexy ass that had been blocking the sight of the ever needing nurse was actually a benefit to them both. Becky for not having to ask the question that may lead her to somewhere she didn't wish to yet go, and for Nikaliel, perhaps for not having to cut her term here, her time and fun, short. Though perhaps there were other reasons, maybe it was too early to tell, certainly none of these thoughts ever laying at wait on the human's mind. How could they? They had never before here been presented. Though it would be likely, that even if Rabecca had seen the woman's majesty in her full glory, she'd have only gawked in sheer awe and humility, finding the blonde, pale beauty, ever that much more stunning and impossibly gorgeous, holy. Though as things as they were, the brunette finally at her cusp, then thus pushed beyond it, against the cliffs of her sexual abyss, she'd feel every possible portion of her groin licked clean, and in return, just as Nishi came all over the brunette's face, at least before she could react fully, it was only seconds later, Becky forced her mouth against the blonde girl's urethra, to suck in all left to be ejaculated, nectar. A taste she could never have described, wait... was she tasting the same smell that came from the woman's flesh? Or was she simply tired, believing that the salty, clammy and musky cum, was anything other than normal? Hardly was her mind left to wonder on these things long, for as she pondered, seconds later she saw the sight of grace once more as the patient turned and shifted, Nikaliel's angelic face seen once more in the form of a human named Nishi. She'd smile dreamily, her face still riddled with bits and drops and smears of cum glistening against her face as some slight winds of air picked up with the moving of the pale skinned girl's body. A hand now gracing her breasts, while the patient's other hand remained at her sex, and as their lips were so close still, Nishi would be blind if she didn't see just how much the brunette still wanted her, neither could Becky know just how much Nishi had wanted her in a different way, and still to that very moment, had been controlling herself Becky locked onto her eyes, looking there, with nothing but pure admiration and submission. Within in range, or at least if she still was, Becca would force her lips to caress and push into the cowgirl saddled Nishi's own, even moving her tongue against her partner, not sure why, maybe to mimic, to give back what she felt Nishi might like, as she was doing it herself, sooner than later, Nishi would be tasting a lot more than Rabecca's face flesh, she'd be devouring her entire body. Though in the now, as questions were asked once their lips had broken, how could the nurse refuse such an offer? Her heart throbbed still, and while she was somewhat spent tired from her work the day before, and the lack of sleep the following night from there-after, she was hardly finished from what her body desperately craved, for what she needed, pheening for it, as far long ago had it been since ANYTHING like this had happened to her. Becky thus smiled affectionately, looking at the perfection she felt Nishi had been, was now, and would be ever after, she nodded her head before her soft and silky, nearly whispered voice came back to give its answer. "Yes, I am so ready. You are magnificent more than you may ever know Nishi. So beautiful, I feel so complete when I am in your arms. When my head was in your groin, I felt connected with you, at one with you, it was perfect, beyond Earthly words. How could I refuse your heavenly pleasure?" the brunette saying it just like that, not realizing the possible double meaning she could be giving to Nikaliel because of the wording thereof. The angel hadn't fully considered what would happen when a celestial being made love to a terrestrial one, and hadn't even thought about what may be displayed even with her care to hide it in the throes of passion, but luck, or perhaps divine planning, but likely simple blind luck had her curves in the way right when they needed to be to shield Rabecca's vision from her in her glory. The angel as relieved when Becky made no mention of the slip, unaware that she hadn't even caught it, that her secret was still safe. Still, to her it seemed as though Rabecca was acting as though it hadn't happened and so, to prevent awkwardness, the angel decides to do the same thing...though a part of her feels bad, as though she's stringing the trusting nurse along and that she should come clean, tell her what, and whom, she is, and who Rabecca had been. Yet she didn't, couldn't, not just yet, perhaps later...such a mortal thing to think, but the angel can't deny the love and desire, and yes, lust she has for Rabecca, and that she didn't want to end the easy relationship of patient and nurse falling in, and making love, aware that for the nurse time would fly all too fast anyways without her spoiling their fun now. The nurse would find that "Nishi's" taste was all too similar to the smell of her flesh, though even more-so, that the vanilla and light chocolate undertones would be part of the woman's musky smell and taste. Of course, it could be passed off as a dream, except for the lingering taste on her tongue, the smell still in existence undeniably as the angel's lips and tongue explore the nurses. After parting this kiss, the angel's tongue darts out to lick Becky's face a bit, tasting her and licking her own cum free a bit, licking her lips at the taste. "Just cleaning you up a bit, you're all wet and sticky." she teases slightly, though her stomach lets loose a small rumble all the same. Her heart thuds heavily against her chest, anticipation mounting and she tells herself, not yet, give her more time, enjoy her while you can. While unwilling to broach the privacy of Rabecca's thoughts, she could tell that the nurse was far from sated, and hearing her words that she's ready, Nikaliel is able to subdue her hunger for now...though the words make her slightly uncomfortable, made her begin to think maybe Becky was implying she had seen the angel in her true form and was hinting at such. Still, she keeps her answer sweet, masking as well she could her unease at her blunder earlier. "I feel the same, like we're destined to be together forever. Your heavenly pleasure makes me want you more and more every second. Maybe you should take the lead this time in our dance lover." Nikaliel says, her pale face splotching with color, though whether from exertion or embarrassment would be hard to tell. "Maybe when I'm fully recovered I can help you with your job." The angel suggests modestly, still admitting to wounds she does not truly possess though the stitches were still in her skin...but barely noticed or felt in truth. Learning bits and pieces about who Nishi was as a sexual creature, it wasn't long before small queues and expressions were remembered, remembered and used only to please this angel of a woman, to the best of Becky's offered hand and gentle caress. Their shared orgasm was miraculous, if Rabecca had felt this way before, nigh could she remember it. Feasting on their time together, Becca the human was being fed in a different way then orally, her soul and her spirit slowly but surely being made complete by the love, this passion, Nikaliel's compassion for her shielding her at least for these currents moment's bliss, for the hell of cessation that awaited her, it was a hunger that could only be quenched by a timeless benevolence. Yet truly, could that bitter taste be called such a drastic and unkind name? Hell? Certainly there was a way the Angel of Death could make her passage a more peaceful one, give her a break after the worst was over. Sufficient to say, Becky could be thankful for the fact the blonde girl had given her a few small doses of what she had once done, of what she once had become, an entire young adulthood, riddled made thickly full with and of bad choices. Even if she had to die, had to be unmade, to disappear forever, perhaps there was a way Becca could find forgiveness in the end, could somehow hold on to this love she now bared with Nikaliel, forgive herself, and with her passing, the very last taste she could get of reality before ultimately fading away, could be that of.... peace. Certainly after the fact, she should have the right to do so, to expect as much? Humans made mistakes, none of them were perfect, they would live their lives making mistakes, only to become better as a people in the end, maybe angels one day and then gods the next. With such a change in Becky's heart, one might like to hope there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Regardless of such longings, such pleasantries, it was not yet nigh upon her, the brunette still in the thick of all of this romance with the most perfect creature she had ever met in her entire life, all thoughts made before still the same naturally, that Becca had no clue she was within the same room as such a great person, a great being, one she could never ascend or have desire to subjugate, but one that would soon overcome her, one who was already overcoming her in many ways. In all, only the best of ways, as far as the nurse could tell, as far as she cared to know, nothing else mattering in these small, perfect moments, when one did not need to be judged by past experience and action, where two beings could become as the same, as a single entity, to live in the here and now, and to adore each other while bodies while melded in the heat of passion, where lovers united with a mutual oneness combined. Nishi's words were heard, and softly spoken was the voice thereof. In tingled both the human's mind and body, her hearing, sending her to sigh as Nishi was so marvelous, it brought tears to her eyes, the brunette unable to help herself from gulping, softly clenching her teeth, and beaming with a heart felt, genuine, sentimental grin of a smile. As the tongue licked over her face, she just closed her eyes, just listened, it didn't have to make sense, the sensations of smell and touch, her togetherness with Nikaliel, superseded everything else. With a soft head nod Becky would let Nishi learn that she was heard, giving no verbal response back towards expressions of the English language in communication, instead, in adoration, the nurse just acted. Allowing the nurse to move as she saw fit, once there, Rabecca gave heading towards the suggestion received, changing their positions, it was now with the brunette on top, yet instead of a head to groin, it was sex to sex as Becca prepared their bodies to scissor Nishi. Lovingly, yet firmly, the brunette lifted the patient's right leg up, careful of her sores, and moved until their nether lips were touching, kissing, roughly as it might appear, and there, the human began to roll her hips, softly bucking in a circular motion. There, she took her time, being very slow, working into it, at hopes it was a position that was both comfortable enough to enjoy, and one perhaps Nishi might tell her not to stop, should that need for more arise.. she could certainly hope~ For an angel of death the act of sex was as much of a part of her as the longing for the soul of the nurse in her embrace, as sex was a part of life, inasmuch as life defined death, the act of sex was very life-affirming. Of course it served the purpose of bringing the brunette to become very desirous of her, and for other prey she may just take them in the act of sex. However, Rabecca was more special than just to take without warning, she'd exist as long as the angel could stave off the desire for her soul, and only having come to grips with whom she had been before being this kind, caring, nurse, something the angel wants to ease them both into. And plus she has to admit, its been a while for her too, and the shared orgasm with her brunette love was simply delicious along with heavenly...and she was also falling for her more than was wise for an angel of death to fall in love with their victim...and she couldn't consider her anything less than that, as no heavenly power beyond Nikaliel had judged her, none had forced this upon her other than her own desire. Time would show if Becky would be grateful for this time together when she finally remembered how monstrous she had been, when her essence, her soul became caught up in Nikaliel's, to evermore be one with her. At the thought of feeling her soul merge with hers she can't help but shiver once slightly, before her mind turns its full attention back to Becky, who she'd given full permission to lead this time, certain that this kind being wouldn't take advantage of the angel on her back, (and for Nikaliel this was as near to a position of abject helplessness as possible, tethering herself and her hidden wings from being able to fly.) Or at least, she thought with a small smirk as her lips meet Becky's again, not take advantage of her in any way that would cause the angel to be the one melting except in sexual pleasure. The soft sigh coming from her lover, the feel of her heart beating as their chests press together, causes the angel to let out a soft sigh of desire, those legs wrapped around her and her mound pressed against hers, the heat emitting from them steadily growing as their moistness causes soft squelching sounds to be heard, Nikaliel's hands gently circling Becky's curves to help support her as a low throat moan escapes her lips as Becky rolls her hips against her, pleasuring them both with the fluid, circular motions, feeling her button stimulated over and over as it brushes against Becky's and the angel's hips would arch in turn, fully allowing her to dominate her sexually for now. Gasping in pleasure and desire, the angel watches her lover enjoying herself as she's riding her, and coos softly to her, "Don't stop, have your way with me." She says, fully giving her permission to do what she wants as hard as she wants as her fingers massage into the small of the nurse's back and squeezes her gently but firmly, wanting to feel those curves against her more fully. Oh hardly, Nikaliel wouldn't have to worry about if Becky would wish to stop or not, on the contrary, she may have to either ask, or force the nurse to submit that control, or the illusion thereof. With the kiss now over, the position of scissors would be more so put into play, Becky's feet thus facing towards Nikaliel's head in moments, and vice versa for the brunette's end as she forced the girl's foot at her neck and chin. Gently forcing Nishi to her side on her left, Becky in turn would be on her on left side, doing all of the movement, forcing Nishi's left leg a bit more left, and exaggerating the patient's right, where the human planned to do all the thrusting, her hips and pelvis still doing as much as they were before, it was like the brunette had simply mounted the angel's leg, and was now humping it, minus the fact their sexes were being pushed down against each other with much of Becca's effort, though hardly was the nurse expecting the blonde to simply lay there if she wished to participate, of course the patient able to do as she pleased. ( - http://badgirlsbible.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/sockets-sex-position1.jpg - ) Though with the woman's voice, the ambition to provide and excel and do even better, it was paramount. The coaching and drive of Nishi's pleasure filled voice, making her wish to work harder for the girl, wanting the patient to feel just as heavenly as she was herself feeling, even at these very self same moments. "Ahhhhhhhnnnngh... YES...." Ms. Tomea called out, biting her bottom lip continually, chewing on her tongue, licking her lips, panting, moaning, making all manner of lewd and lascivious noises, it would be clear Rabecca was having the time of her life. A wonder indeed, how everything would work out in the end. Though what, if nothing else could be said about this human girl, was she had learned to live in the here and now, adoring, enjoying, and making the best with what she had, in any given moment. These quiet spaces in time, disallowed to be marred or tainted, unadulterated, they were perfect, and even death, even a cessation of a soul, could never take that fact away, that these precious moments, where nigh, where indeed, at these seconds, transpiring, and would forever more after that, be sealed so, as an event, an experience that had happened between two women, regardless of physical, spiritual and worldly makeups. If that was all Rabecca had left, as sad as such an abrupt end might seem, she could be grateful for that much. After all, she hadn't done one better against Nicci, for Nicci. Such a contrast life though.... The once Rabecca to this new Nightingale.... Graduating from nothing but selfishness, base needs, and cruel acts, to this new serene, loved filled, unconditionally caring and constant-administering-towards-others like individual. Becky rocked, she bucked, thrusted her hips, and ground her pelvic bones into flesh and fat, muscles and curves, them never ceasing to strive towards her final goal, ultimate pleasure for the both of them. Soft gasps, loud moans, nearly breathless sighs, her eyes could be seen rolling about in their sockets if one were to look, white knuckles forming as she sqoze hard onto Nishi's leg, increasing her tempo and forcing herself into Nishi ever harder, little could she know soon, soon enough at least, that Nikaliel herself would be forcing the nurse much deeper inside in an engagement that could only happen once in a person's existence. Sexual juices mingling, bundles of nerves tingling and roaming through impulses and energy of sensation, the woman's desire mounted, continued to excel, perhaps even exceeding past feelings she had once known in such a welcomed embrace, Becky was well on her way toward her next orgasmic release. The angel in such a possessed and submissive position as she was now, her pleasure fully in the hands of the nurse as their lips met with slick squelching, her eyes closed and her breathing after she recovered her breath from their kiss growing more rapid at the feel of the nurse playing with her body, hardly aware of how she was moving except for the slight shift of Becky's body against hers, being forced to her side with her fingers digging slightly into the bedding beneath her as the nurse rode her body, thrusting against her, sliding down over her sex, and the angel could feign stay still with such pleasure, her hips arching of their own accord to push back against the sex, almost feeling like a virgin and inexperienced in light of what to her was a novel and new experience. Throaty moans of pleasure escaped her lips, joining the sounds of the panting, the squelching and minor sucking sounds that could be heard between their sexes pressing together, and though her body reacted she let Becky ride her and use her as much as she desired, sensing that she wanted to work hard to make her feel good, with the angel's moans and small cries of pleasure encouraging her to go onward. With eyes closed the angel could scarcely notice purple light growing slowly brighter between the two of them, having neglected despite the last close call to reel it in, control and cognizant thoughts lost in the throes of passion Becky was making her feel. Her finger's feel along the bed until they find the soft, silky, smoothed legs and grabs onto them for better leverage for both of them, allowing her to grind with more ease against the nurse, her eyes still closed but her body growing more moist with sweat and with her nectar, the scent of their combined arousal filling the air, and with a final thrust she'll feel her body succumb to pleasure, as she felt the nurse approaching with her, body fully relaxed in the scissored embrace of Becky's legs. Each forward motion, each backward thrust, each forward push, and each backward hump, all felt. Felt and enjoyed, but not just enjoyed, it was to be marveled and profoundly appreciated, this unique experience, that for Becky, would only happen once in her life time, it was beautiful nonetheless. With Nishi grabbing back at the brunette's leg, her feeling those soft, pale, but very effeminate hands against her flesh, the nurse hearing her partner's moans, the human understood she wasn't just doing this by herself even if her larger goal was to bring this deserving patient to her next orgasm, no, actively now even so, the blonde haired bomb shell was doing her utmost to enjoy this and give just as much back to the medical professional as possible. Sexually lewd noises penetrating sometimes louder than vocal moans, what with either woman's sex constantly grinding and sucking and slurping and practically making out with the other's. Chills to continue to roll down the brunette's spine as those delicious goosebumps continually rose up every time a pleasure center or a group of elated nerves came to experience grand sensations unforetold, unable to be fully given justice if described by the use of the English language. Though this communication was other worldly, in all levels of understanding. This love, these quiet moments, long and unforgettable, tender and unadulterated, it was all a language within and of itself, more pure than the softest down on a baby duckling's back. "Unnnnnngh.... Nishi I...." the nurse gulped, panting, taking the girl back just as much as her leg was being massaged and enjoyed, she'd do one better for Nishi, hoping an experience like this could be savored, she simply acted. Taking Nishi's leg deeper into her arms, not slacking mind, on her scissoring and grinding, Becky proceeded to take her patient's big right toe into her mouth, her oral muscle now dexterously sucking on the digit, soon, her tongue was testing and tasting and weaving through the mess of the digit's crevace, sucking on each one of the toes individually, only to suck soon on the entire top half of the girl's left foot, sticking her tongue down far enough to lick the sole of this precious blonde, only to once more go back to tasting and teasing over the girl's big toe. She'd be making love to the girl's foot like this, taking one digit, then the other, never the whole foot, as she believed it was physically impossible for her, or at least she didn't remember she could do more than, not realizing she had devoured so many people before now in the past, quite readily, and entirely whole mind. Just enjoying these small moments. Yes, it had been so long even, the human had forgotten she could devour others, as she hadn't even done it for medical purposes, or love, and caring of a patient wanting to pass on. Her emotions and memories of bad past times repressed so much, regressed, even if the latest voring had been done for good, it was still connected vaguely to memories before that, where she had done so many, so much wrong. In these small moments with Nishi however, the toe sucking was entirely out of her love, her passion, Becca knowing that even if they couldn't kiss at a scissor's position, she still wanted to make love to the girl with her thick and luscious lips. So she did, and hopefully it was a welcomed sensation indeed, Becky increasing little by little her thrusting and her bucking, even somewhat involuntarily forced to go faster, all because the pleasure her body felt by moving so rapidly. She wanted to cum so badly now, but she'd not slack on her charge. It wasn't a race for or to her, she simply wanted Nishi to get her pleasure and satiate before she herself, had received her own, and she'd stop at nothing to make that possible. The motions of their body's gliding along each other, the near instinctive thrusting, the pushing against each other, all felt and enjoyed, her coupling with this woman one not anticipated, one she hardly could have thought she'd desire, and yet now she could feign deny herself the full enjoyment of the experience, as her angelic nature would begin to reveal itself more fully, her body and mind too relaxed in the embrace of her lover to hide it, blonde hair giving way to white, purple tattoos snaking up and down her body as white wings and tail appear, though the angel is hardly noticing this. Her mind, her concentration is on the delicious flesh beneath her hands, the smooth, shaved skin that her fingers roam upon, and despite her own release she has become a more active partner in trying to bring her lover pleasure as well, thrusting and sliding more firmly against her, the lewd noises filling her ears as her heart races, feeling the goosebumps along the nurse's skin and enjoying being the cause as she stimulates her more and more, the moment one that would be captured in her mind forever and gives her more ideas of what she should do with other partner's as she admires Becky's technique and of course her body. When she felt more of her legs gathered in the nurse's arms, as her hands now have a better grip in this position on the nurse's rear, she'll slide her hands along the legs to gently massage the rear before feeling what to her is an interesting though somewhat alarming sensation...the nurse with her mouth around toe, sucking on it, the sensation both arousing and slightly frightening to the angel who shakes slightly in desire and fear, almost feeling that she had compromised herself by allowing her feet to be taken into this woman's mouth, as not just her toe is tasted, sucked on, savored, but with the tongue licking between her toes she'll feel more of her foot sucked into Becky's maw. Small jolts of pleasure unexpected at the nurse's antics shoot down Nikaliel's spine, the sensation both delightfully sensual and yet somewhat ticklish. After a minute of this sucking and teasing, it becomes apparent even to the angel that Becky wasn't trying to devour her though, devour her the angel thinks sadly as she herself would do to the nurse, both body and soul. As she continues to minister to her feet, the angel relaxes more fully, allow her to tease her like that with without resisting, the occasional giggle expressing that it was somewhat ticklish for her, her own tongue going to explore the skin of the nurse's right leg, not quite playing with the foot as the maw was teasing hers, but her tongue gliding over the smooth sans goosebumps skin, licking along the calf, ankle, and then teasing the foot slightly as her hands push herself more firmly against Becky, wanting the nurse to experience the orgasm she herself had experienced only moments before, paying no heed to her own transformation as of yet. Hardly had Becky not already felt the last orgasm they had had between each other, she'd like to think at least, her experience was equally as beautiful as Nishi's own had been, and now, they were pushing their way firm over towards the cusp of round two! Rabecca was without words, only action, either realizing words wouldn't do justice to this heavenly situation the two had head long thrust themselves into and against, literally, or because and in relation to simply being unable to speak because of the pleasure of this euphoric meeting, a meeting of the body and the soul, and even if Becca couldn't understand that Nikaliel had literally meant to meet her body and soul, and take them to herself, forever, these moments, they could never be denied, even once the human would be no more. They could never be forgotten, and the brunette would hold on to them until her very last connection to reality, hopefully, that would be a beneficial boon to the female nurse, at least for as long as it could be, perhaps making the end a little less painful. In this stillness of time, Becky felt her partner's pace and energy quicken, adding much more to their joint perfection with her clear efforts, harder grinding, deeper pushing, more swiveling and a switching up of a flow, the randomness never repeated, even if the motion was likened unto the last. It was clear the medical professional was well on her way towards her second climax of this experience, even as involuntary action began to win over forced motion, but nevertheless still coupled with voluntary movement, the combination providing the brunette, but hopefully just as well, the blonde with bliss unforetold. Becky wasn't about to quit, simply just burying her face against Nishi's foot, sucking so hard on her big toe, the angel's blood would be forced ever that much the more inside of the tip, her pursed lips like a ring around the large digit as the human screamed and moaned through her nose continually. Oh how the bed had rocked and was now shaking, obvious it wasn't the newest of beds as it creaked slightly with such heavy pleasured thrusts, grinds and bumping, Becky now openly humping her sex against Nishi's own, vigorously. Rolling and gyrating, a desperate sound elicited through the brunette's nose, almost making her mouth come off of the big toe she was currently savoring. Sucking not for the nutritional value, but because of what these sexy times had meant to her. Knowing she had another woman's full attention and that their fun and sexual goals were one in the same, this closeness, their body heat, the friction, each sensation, mind boggling! It had risen to a completion, like yeast for the making of bread at its set, Becky unable to any longer hold back, it was past the point of return, the chance for abating or stopping an electrical charge that forced a current of pleasure down her spine, even as the blonde girl began to lick her, the heated breath against her flesh... it was all too much to take. It was at that moment she snapped, rocking as hard as she could, forgetting where she was, even the whom she was with, squinting to close her eyes even as the tail was forming and the wings had spread over and through Nikaliel's body, even as the purple tattoos began to line her flesh .... she began to cum... hard! Nishi's foot was released as Becky used both arms to hold onto the patient's leg, screaming out from her mouth now, panting, hardly able to breathe, but only in the best of ways. There she'd gush, her feminine discharge flushed out of her sex ounce after ounce, the moisture and movement coating and soaking her bed mate in nothing but her vaginal fluids, her whole body trembling as the goosebumps attacked her epidermal layers with a vengeance, her sexual and mental state indescribable by the English language alone~ The angel of death became more and more aware that her cover as Nishi was quickly deteriorating as she felt the form of this mortal woman against her, this experience of divine and mortal that for the angel, was at least as heavenly as her experiences with her divine lover. In this position she could feel Becky's body, feel when her feet and toes weren't in her mouth the heat of her lips, the strength of her legs as they pulled and pushed their sexes together, the wetness growing quickly as both of their bodies made their way towards the second culmination of their orgasmic experience. The angel, lost in the ecstasy of it all, was aware that she was losing control and that was a bad thing somewhere in the dim recesses of her mind, but couldn't fully bring herself to understand this as she's stimulated more and more, her soul for a moment twining with Becky's, tasting for an instant the glory of being fully joined together before it vanishes, whetting the angel's appetite for the nurse, as she'd grab the nurse's feet and lick against them in what may well be quite ticklish manner, before one foot will slowly slide between the warmth of her lips, her teeth lightly raking over it as her tongue explores its crevices, wanting to at least try what the nurse took such a delight in...and also had to admit it felt good against her own foot, though it caused a bubbling bit of laughter at times when she could get her breath from this nearly breathless experience. Her body felt the urgency of the nurse, felt that she was coming up on her second climax of this morning, though the angel had experienced it a short time ago, and already on her way towards her third. The bed, though well used still held the full weight of both woman in the act of such lovemaking, creaking noises moving in time with their bodies joining together in ecstasy, violet light spreading over the room yet only seeming to illuminate the pair, the angel's reaction to the lovemaking intense and unrestrained, and as she feels the nurse close to cumming her voice will cry out loud enough to be heard for miles as she settles her sex over the nurses, trying to lock in the fluids between them as she joins her in orgasm, the foot sliding down near the back of her throat though the angel has no intention yet of taking her lover as her meal, her legs stiff and tight against and around the nurse's body...and then the angel will go limp in languid satisfaction, her maw savoring Becky's foot a moment longer before letting it slide against her teeth and through her lips once more, cradling it between her breasts, acutely aware as her wings flutter once that she couldn't keep up her façade any longer sadly, and while satisfaction is seen on her pale face, a hint of sadness could be seen in her eyes too. Her tail will gently wrap around the nurse in loose coils as she gives her time to take in what she sees as she comes down from her orgasmic high, the feel of it soft and slightly fluffy...and very white, with what almost seemed like wings poking from the end of it. Her silence after her orgasmic cry is almost deafening in its absoluteness, a somber feel beginning to permeate the air only shortly after such a heavenly experience. It was so it seemed, the loving partners had met each other in their orgasmic high, yet it wasn't just a marriage of two physical bodies joined together in mutual ecstasy, it was also a connection of both mind and soul, and whether Rabecca understood it or not, Nishi was simply just a name, though to her, at least in these small moments, nothing else mattered, no names no labels and no meanings. Being unable to focus entirely on what she was feeling as the waves of sheer bliss crashed through her sexual core, over her body, and through her very essence, a certain wet warmth had crept over her toes, it appearing perhaps Nishi wanted to try back experimentally, what the nurse had already started. Though, even as that sensation was spreading, the brunette's main focus resided on her climactic episode, barely able to breathe it felt so good. Yet she could still sense that heat, and it was unlike anything she had ever felt before, it was wet, thick, encompassing, and hard explain when one's own mind was trapped in nothing but pleasure. That feeling was also combined with the patient's teeth, and her tongue, and while it wasn't alarming, it was noted to having happened, undeniable at the very least. Becky had merely been sucking on the woman's toes before, unable to know at least at the time, she had the power to devour someone else, but here, Nikaliel had taken in the woman's entire foot, and nary she didn't even make a sound of struggle or strain. Odd sure, but admittedly, it felt great, even if Becca couldn't put words into how she felt or thought about the experience. Her mind trying to come to grips with everything, the exact same moments in time she was being pushed magnificently through her and at the cusp of her coitus. Her body left to tremble in the wake of such an unforgettable event. Panting, trying to recover, goosebumps still traveling over her extremities from second to moments later, repeating, random sensations, chills, the human left as a bundled up mess of spent nerves and elated mind sets. The caring female smiled, yes, Becky smiled as she laid there, very slowly simmering down from perhaps the best sex, nay, the very best intimacy she had ever had..... and..... would ever have again, if time was planned to proceed as destined by very fate of their meet. Finally responsive a bit response once more, the brunette's mind was recalling slowly where she was, who she "thought" she was with at least, and what the pair, both the nurse and the patient, had been doing. In the midst of all this, she'd feel a certain wrapping of a limb around her body, assuming at first at least, it had just been Nishi's hands. Opening her eyes again however, as she was getting her barring back, that preconceived notion was anything but correct. Now, Becky could say she was at least taken a back, looking all around and now focusing on Nikaliel as her vision sharpened, her not having yet learn her heavenly name. However seeing the woman's crimson tattoos, seeing the violet light that began coursing into the room, even before the edge of their release, the angel was revealing bit by bit, parts of her actual self. The medical professional had thus felt the softness of the celestial beings feathers, and the grip of a limb no earthly creature should have! Becca bent her brows at this, and while she was smiling still, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't concerned. Her heart having calmed, yet now, it was slowly beginning to pick back up again in pace, howbeit this time, it was beating a bit more rapidly, for an utterly different reason, the expression bit by bit changing from one of satiate and elate, to one of a growing caution and wary. "Nishi?" .... Becky said against the absoluteness of silence, the quietness in the room enough to send an unease coursing through the human girl's body. Question was now in her eyes, yet here, she couldn't find herself at will, at least, with the ability to speak. What could she say? How could she know what to speak? During the period of their orgasmic high the nurse would for a brief moment know what it is to fully join with the angel, could sense that her lover was not terrestrial by nature but rather, celestial. And while Nikaliel could sense Becky's nature, it wasn't anything new to her, having been completely laid bare for her for so long, though in this moment of joining she'd feel such love and sorrow for the nurse, for herself, for what could only be briefly enjoyed and then lost. Turning her body but not at all leaving their current position where they were touching each other, not letting her sex move at all from Becky's, she watched the brunette slowly come down from her orgasmic high, saw how she looked when her teeth and tongue enveloped the foot, her own eyes glistening slightly with tears, though she did her best to hide it, not wanting her lover to sense her unease. While she'd experienced such an orgasm that she'd never forget, her body wasn't needing time to recover really, not needing to breath as did Becky, though she felt a bit worn by three times in a row having felt pleasure, and could only imagine how the human might feel as she laid there panting, her chest moving up and down in such a pleasant manner the angel was content to watch her recover...after all, she had eternity. Compared to the goosebumps that she felt form on Becky's skin, her own remained perfectly smooth, unblemished except by the whirling symbols on her body, symbolic of what she was, as though the black tipped wings, looking as though feathers had been dipped in the darkest ink, did not say as much. Gone from her body was any traces of her feigned injuries, not even the sutures being visible, and as her white tail winds around the nurse's body gently, caressing her curves even as her fingers had before, she'd at last see cognition appear in her eyes, see them focus on her body, one that she'd thought she'd known well enough but had undergone such a change, her seemingly more slender frame thickening to a pleasantly curvy form, could sense that the nurse, having calmed down from her orgasmic high was now beginning to become nervous, a reaction the angel had fully expected. "Nikaliel." She says softly, at least giving her a partial answer. "Forgive me for my deception, Rabecca Tomea, but I felt if I showed in my current form, I would not have gotten to know you half as well as I have. Would not be laying here with you in this moment of ecstasy...would not have fallen in love with you." The angel speaks, and as the angel speaks the nurse's name, she'd feel a slight strumming sensation, as though a hand was resting on the strings of her soul. "I've come for you. I didn't mean to reveal myself so soon though...I lost control. I wanted to spend days with you, helping you with your work, before I took you. Working with you to repair bodies by day and by night..." Her smile becomes almost wickedly sensual as her body slightly grinds against Becky's once more. The angel seems almost like she wants to say more, but instead gives the nurse a bit to process what she heard, what she saw, comfortingly rubbing her feet in a soothing manner. They were in the same room, in fact, even within the same bed, even in more finite connection, the guest's sex was still grinding against the brunette's own, a "Woman" Becky could easily consider a lover, them having already gone so far in such a short amount of time, they were more than just strangers towards each other... what was all this? A voice and an expression mixed with sadness, joy, regret and a seeming sensuality? What pray tell exactly was going on here? Becky couldn't deny the elation and peace she'd had at their intimacy, as never before had the girl remembered being any more close than this to another soul that certainly was not the issue here. However there was a warning within the woman's message that left an impression on the human's mind, a thought she could not so easily shake, even if her mind and soul was yet dumb to its relation and importance to her very health. A dangerous idea thus began to spread within the back of the mortal's mind as she tried to grasp some of the woman's words, the chilling notion that perhaps, no... it couldn't be. Nikaliel wasn't here to harm Becca in any way, why would she be here for that? So many thoughts, so few words given by the nurse herself, even if the angel had given a small discord against her will, almost seemingly chastising her desires versus her reasons to need to complete some kind of a goal unseen, Nikaliel explaining her words as if with regret towards the medical professional. "I............ I don't understand. N-..... Nikaliel?" she spoke quietly correcting herself from saying Nishi. Her heart beat increasing even if the woman tried to calm her more. A mix of confusion and longing even in this quiet was taking place, as if somehow Becky's soul knew this was the calm before the storm. Her mainly just waiting to hear the foreboding message she had expected to come, its nature and tone to get more intense with the passage of time, and the infallible words of this glowing purple, mystical creature to follow, to be undeniable. The angel had no answer to how a mortal should speak or feel about discovering that the one they had thought was their patient turning out to be an angel, one that had stated her intentions clearly and yet it seemed that the nurse was in denial about the angel's words. Of course, to have your lover suddenly become someone else without so much as a word of warning had to be confusing, the body that she'd made love to a grand illusion for the nurse to view. Patient lays the angel as she repositions herself in the bed, pulling away from the scissor embrace as her crotch once more rubs against Becky's, her tail a gentle massage against the nurse's body as it rubs against breasts, tightening the side that's to her back so as to work on muscles back there, a soft and reassuring weight that her existence is real when she drags her body across Becky's, to where they're facing each other, her breasts, ample from souls and bodies of others, pressing against her lover. Even with judgement closing in she couldn't think of Becky as her victim, or the accused, simply her lover whom she'd had the brief time to enjoy. The glow that had suffused her tattoos upon appearing had faded away, leaving clear, swirling markings of violet shown on Nikaliel's skin as she lays now beside and face to face with the nurse, face inches from hers as their breaths commingle together. After a few seconds of soft silence, the angel once more begins her speaking, her heart torn at the words she was about to say but the necessity of saying them steeled her to her purpose, galvanized her. "Rabecca Tomea, judgement has come for you for the devouring of the souls of many. I've seen how you've changed, what the soul of your latest victim has done to you. In a matter of speaking, you've become your latest victim, one from whom my creation sprang forth. You've devoured the larger part of my soul when you devoured one Nicci, the nurse whom you maybe, maybe unconsciously, trying to emulate. I'm sorry for the shortness of our time together, I hadn't expected the passion to strip my guise of Nishi from me, one I'd hoped to continue for many days to come, of making love, of helping others. But as my true nature has asserted itself...its time. Time for you to _remember._" Nikaliel says, the last word having power in it that would vibrate through Rabecca's mind, body, and soul, bringing down any encumbrance that the nurse had built up against her memories of devouring Nicci, of devouring any of her victims. Though intimately close to each other, the two yet were becoming distant as the angel waits with calm serenity for the nurse to sort through the memories she had brought forth, an explanation more clear than any words the angel could speak. Her arms wrap in a sheltering embrace around Rabecca, wings giving them both privacy as she awaits the nurse’s reaction to the trauma that is her memories. It was true, how could Nikaliel push words into the human's mouth, to know what to say to help the human feel at ease against her own sin, especially in these small, soft moments, the reality that she was with an angel instead of a human kin? Yet from what Becky had read in books, in fantasy novels, had seen in pictures, she knew this creature was not just any angel, not a person passing on to await a different life, no, this woman was far more powerful than any lesser spirit. And despite her lack of understanding the situation's intensity, the grasp of that great power and presence, was also felt within the room. Perhaps one Nikaliel had gotten used to over the time she'd been in creation, and naturally because she herself, was that very entity. Though for Becky's understanding, Nikaliel's true self was a lot to endure. Beautiful beyond compare, the swirling markings of this fair blonde Nephilim, no this Seraphim more like it, her wing's shape and their very colors, and her majestic tail of all things, a portion Becky had never remembered reading about set this angel apart from all the others. The rumors of what her mind didn't wish accept, to realize, unable to be denied as moments later, even with the shifting of their bodies away from a sexual position, Nikaliel was doing her utmost to meet this human on an equal ground, on a neither a higher plane, but to have Becky be face to face with this woman's celestial perfection. It all began anew, as if everything before this was just a trial towards the main event. The words were crushing into the brunette's mind with the weight of the world now being pushed upon her shoulders as Nikaliel gave utterance. Yet the human could not blame another soul for what now was happening, and for everything she would soon hear. Before she could contemplate, to think to question these truths as they flowed out of the angel's mouth like a pressured hose in a ruptured city water line, with mental spikes piercing to impale her upon her own guilty pike, all questions were about to be answered by themselves, the one undeniable fact now presenting itself most clear even before the flooding of the human's painful memories, Nikaliel was indeed, the Angel of Death! Despite the loving nature that Becky would begin to learn, she herself, was left to feel undeserving to receive it. Regardless, Nikaliel stayed by her side, however the rubbing massage doing little to quell the suffering Becky was forced to endure. Gasping now, as all at once, the weight of a thousand worlds squished into the human's pathetic understanding of what her new life had become, the weight and burden of what it felt like to be worthless, to be creamed into spiritual paste, to understand what it felt like to have true reality come back to bite her hard in the ass. Rabecca thus let out the most blood curdling of all painful screams ever given by a human tongue, the wailing of a soul burdened with so much guilt, and the many bad decisions she had made in her life. Yet it was like a two edged blade, though this blade be made of pure darkness, there was no good side to it, and it was all because of Rabecca's past ways. Both would Becky feel the weight of what it was like to bear a thousand screams, the sounds of people's voices harrowed up against her as she could hear their agony, feel their pain, feel their fear, remembering one act of ill chosen by her to do, and her alone, the next coming not one less bit painfully. The burden of having tortured just one soul, one life, one important person, so tragic, so hard to bear, she wanted to die, to cease to exist, yet the judgement and the replaying of her entire life, was far from over. The agony that came wailing out of the nurse's mouth and into her room, was unlike anything anyone, any human should be able to produce, except as Becky was quickly, painfully learning, she was anything but your average person! One fact remained however, even as Nikaliel had either guessed it, or had seen right through the human, Becky had learned, considerably she had changed. That even through this anguish of soul and heart and mind, she was a different person, yet, that only made the grieving and soul shattering brutality of it, that much harder to bear. Having found her true calling in life, the new loves she had found, the new lives she had saved, the wonderful feelings, they were all dashed into pieces as Becky was made to feel lower than the scum of the earth. But in truth, Becca was just feeling every feeling she could have ever had, only more so intensely magnified, all because of the fact she had truly changed, a huge sympathy welling up within her, even before now, but even more so a passionate empathy, having loved so many within the last portion of her mortal life, an existence Nikaliel was now in charge of destroying forever, and would soon carry out to the nth degree and full measure of her charge for that justice. So much happening so soon, ahhhhhh, the hell and the pain of past regret! So this is what hell was like? The knowledge of the wrong another had done to those around them, and the knowledge perhaps of what could have been. And the understand that Rabecca, was the one who had caused it all. More than sorrow for herself however, in the brunette's new understand of what she had become, she felt far more sorry for those lives she had ended, so coldly, so much so without any remorse or thought, the agony, the painful agony, of knowing that, even if she were to die, she couldn't give back the life she had stolen so cruelly. "PLEASE NIKALIEL, PLEASE..... ISN'T THERE SOMETHING YOU CAN DO FOR THEM? THERE HAS TO BE! I.... I CAN'T.... I CAN'T DIE KNOWING THEY SUFFERED SO, AND IT WAS ALL MY FAULT... PLEASE DON'T LET THEM BE GONE FOREVER.... PLEASE GIVE THEM BACK THEMSELVES, THEIR LIVES, THEIR FAMILIES..... LET THEM BE, PLEASE ERASE MY PAST FROM THEM, BURRY ME AWAY, SO THEY CAN NEVER SEE MY FACE, KILL ME... KILL ME AND NEVER LET ME COME BACK TO HARM ANOTHER SOUL..." oh how Becky prayed to cease to exist. The pain was so much to bear, tears just pouring out of her eyes as she could barely breathe, making herself sick so much so, this spiritual happening so powerful, it was enough for her mortal coil to cough up blood, shaken and now pale white this normally olive skinned girl was, she just wanted an end. She felt deserving of no ones love, even after all of the good she had recently done. So.... So this was what Nikaliel was trying to protect the human from? To give the brunette time, to spend time, to relate, though as the angel had stated it, the past could not be undone, the way the things working in the universe had begun, they would end the same way, the one moment pushing onward towards the next, never to go back. It was just as well, Becky was a monster, she wanted to die, she deserved death, the most important lesson she had left to learn now being understood, she was less than nothing. Who was she to have ever taken another soul, to end another one's life so coldly? The only good mark she could leave upon this earth, was in her passing, so that the soil of the grounds would no longer have to hold her living mortal husk, in shame. She buried her face in the mattress, closing her eyes, weeping bitterly as she was shaking so hard from so much emotion, she coughed more blood, adrenaline pumping through her veins. She couldn't face looking at this divine being, not for another second. She realized she didn't deserve forgiveness, though the poor girl not realizing heaven had already forgiven her, because she had learned a lesson most other mortals never get to understand before they'd died. Yet with a sentence to be carried out, Nikaliel's charge could not be wished away, and neither did Becky try to. How could words truly help the brunette against the truth suddenly laid bare before her? It wounds the angel to the core to have to do as she does, the little amounts of comfort her tail and hands could give the nurse seeming inadequate to her to help surmount a lifetime of painful memories. Such an angel as Nikaliel was a very rare occurrence, and even more rare was the state of her soul, only half a full soul compared to Rabecca, who had her own soul and others. Though the nurse may have read of angels of death, they'd been one constrained by the will of the Almighty, and had power an order of magnitude greater than Nikaliel's alone, though perhaps combined with Kaliciel, they'd almost be as strong. And even with souls she's dispensed judgement on, away from the Kaliciel, the being she'd become felt incomplete...and the answer to completion seemed to virtually thrum in front of her, the mortal that had consumed Nicci's soul, a life she had little memory of living. While her power was great compared to a mortal's, she was still one of the least of angels, and despite her plump form, her spiritual essence was dwarfed even by Rabecca's, as a lifetime of accumulating souls caused the brunette become nurse to thrive with power. And what power she possessed, power enough to terrify the angels! If not for the development with Nicci's soul changing her course, Nikaliel had heard they would have dispatched the archangels for her, to eliminate her, and all she'd learned of the brunette had been from the archives of her, as she'd only begun to exist after Nicci's soul had been erased. What she had known though, had not prepared her for the breathtaking beauty of the nurse she met, or the purity of the creature that lays before her, trembling in agony as the pain of her past hits her hard, ripping through her mind, showing what would normally be seen at Judgement Day with a word from the angel...and before she could think much more about it she finds herself wrapping her arms protectively around the poor child, speaking comfortingly to her, and then her mind will leave the room for a time, to explore the depths and causes of agony the nurse knew, for as Nikaliel had only seen records of the travesties, she'd not actually witnessed or experienced them. And experience them she did, each prey devoured and added to the woman she held, their souls ripped from their forms and made a part of the nearly bottomless power it felt like. In the turmoil, the angel wants to scream out in agony, in terror, in pain, locked in the visions as much as the nurse was until they ended, experiencing first hand mortal madness, people begging, people seduced and happy till the end, and the resolute few, like Nicci, calm and convinced that judgement would come...and here she was, to dispatch the poor child in her arms. What had caused her to change so much? She could only believe it had been Nicci's soul, the snowflake that had caused an avalanche, that brought down the brunette's wicked ways, and gave her a little time of happiness, a life committed to the same ideals that Nicci had embraced, even without the knowledge of the power she possessed. This knowledge makes the angel wonder, if possible to remove that one soul from this suffering child, would she become as she had been before Nicci? She'd like to think that even absent the sorceress-become-nurse's soul, the brunette would be the same person she loved, that she could be that person who had taken in Nishi and fixed her up. Part of her says that could be idealism, but it was a futile thought regardless, as the angel hadn't discerned a way to separate the soul outside of dissolving it and making it part of her...and maybe from there she could separate the different souls? Allow them to move on to the afterlife? She knew not, and would have to consult with other angels on that matter, the temptation though to keep all those souls for herself strong. When the visions finally subside from wracking the nurse's thoughts, it becomes apparent to the angel, as she can feel the change in the nurse, the super-mortal scream of a woman in such spiritual anguish coming to an end as she holds the nurse close, as comfortingly as the cause of this torment could hold her. Her own body is shaking violently in proximity to the nurse, her thoughts haunted by the thoughts of the brunette not only devouring body and soul, but enjoying it, remorseless, a perfect destroyer, one who had been as an angel of death in her own right, transcending the power of mortals to be a threat to angels and demons alike...and yet one soul, however unlikely, had changed that. As she feels this, she understands the desire of the prey that had succumbed to Rabecca's temptations, to be part of one like her...but for the angel, there was no such allure, or at least not one she'd act upon, absent as she is of a good deal of her own soul. As the nurse cries out in agony of her guilt, the angel cradles her in a sheltering manner, wrapping her not just in her arms and wings, but cradling her in the resolute power that is the angel's soul, one that is dwarfed by the brunette's own soul, the angel a rock in the stormy sea of Rabecca's pain. _"Shh, hush my child, you're safe now."_ The angel coos, both in body and soul, to the nurse, her soul not trying to take or harm Rabecca's, but simply being a steady, comforting pressure, a rock in despondency. _"Its a necessary part of this, to face your past. Its painful, I know, especially for who you are now. This I can do for you though."_ As she says this, her tattoos begin to glow brightly, illuminating the room as her power, her self, courses through the nurse, seeking out the guilt and gently drawing it into her self, pulling a good deal of the pain into herself. _"You know better, they will not come back...not even when you're gone. Not unless some elder angel knows a method I don't. I don't want to do this, you know, to you...but I can't avoid it either. Perhaps though, I can leave you with one last highpoint."_ Nikaliel says, linking her soul to the nurses so she'd feel everything she did...and vice-versa, a pale hand gently wiping tears from Becky's eyes as she gently kisses her lips, close and chaste, letting the nurse take her time to relax, to calm down, feeling her in her arms, as well as being held by her own arms as the link she made allows them to experience each other's mutual sensations. Could there be a chance to simmer down from the reality Rabecca was unprepared to deal with? Having had what appeared to her now as such a sheltered life, to being awoken to every last ill deed she herself had ever done! Yet through it all, no unneeded cruelty was placed upon Becca's head, it was clear the human was judging herself enough. Becky was no fool, as much as she desired a way for the one's she affected, to some how get their lives back, at least in the eternities, regardless of what the angel could do or what her higher could, there would be no coming back for her, from what Becca had damned herself with. A decree had been bound to a law, and the brunette had broken that charge, and there was no undoing that. Though truly, the human had learned a lot, she had learned compassion, love unfeigned, unconditional, she was forever changed by Nicci! Even if every last soul but her own could now be saved, if every last spirit was freed of her greed and body, she would still be the same person inside she had been for the past five years. The sting of what she had done was slowly fading, even if never leaving her, perhaps it was a mercy from the heavens, but yet, Nikaliel would do one better for her. With a meld of mind and soul the nurse would never have expected, felt she hadn't deserved, or should ever receive, the Angel of Death took it upon herself to swallow up a great portion of that agony! Rabecca immediately gasping in relief, "Haaaaaaaaaaaahhhh..." she opened her eyes once more, looking deeply into the angel's own. Feeling a certain, sudden, amazing connection with the tattooed angel. Indeed the brunette was a changed girl, it wasn't about levels of power for her any more, all she could do was try to live in the now, and remember the good things that had happened in her short, new life. With being surrounded, encompassed in warmth and love, a genuine, tender hug, the mercies of this fair Nikaliel ever being poured out onto her, the nurse was grateful for what the celestial woman was doing for her right now. Though out of everything, what Rabecca was most upset about, looking far beyond anything that had to do with she herself, at least upon this planet, she just wondered how, who, could take care of her patients and her home, in the stead and absence of her soon to be gone presence. At the same time, the brunette didn't even know if she could face any of them, these patients, if she had to, having difficulty forgiving herself, even if Nikaliel was placing no more judgement against the human than she had been forced to do so by her mission. Nikaliel's thoughts would be right in what she had figured changed Rabecca. Nicci was made to be, even if by unwanted force, the catalyst that had undone all the evil inside of Rabecca's heart. In many ways, Nicci had made the ultimate sacrifice, but neither the human nor this angel, could deny how huge of an impact the prior nurse had made, in so many lives. She would never be forgotten, and deep down inside, Becca hoped beyond all hope, Nicci would somehow come back. It was clear love and goodness, clear clove and goodness that could not be denied, that even if it became swallowed up for a time, its echoes would forever call to a shout, forever and beyond all eternity. Becca remembered, even if Nicci hadn't said it, in the woman's last moments, she still loved, loved the world, had loved her patients, and that was what made it so hard for Ms. Tomea to accept the end of such a precious soul. Nicci had begged, pleaded, please, let me go, I can't die like this yet Becca denied her that right. She had raped the world away from her, stealing an angel in the midst of this chaos, a soul from the very earth the mortals lived, had loved. Nicci was needed where she was, and she'd been taken. Nicci had done so much good, but her dream had been short lived. The pains and spikes having initially hit Becky the hardest because of that. Everything else that followed was simply like the domino effect, Nicci's block the most powerful to start the cascade, only to have that light crush down all around her, the final fall. Yet she was still warmed, despite everything she had done. It was then Becky understood something, something so paramount, so irrevocable. Love could not be snuffed not, not even for her. As much as she had wished for death right now, had wanted to cease to exist, someone still loved her... in fact, with the way Nikaliel was loving her right now, Becca began to have no doubt many other angels and the Almighty, still loved her. And now, as this mothering embrace enveloped her, Becky began ball, to sob uncontrollably. Crying for an entire different reason, feeling the waves of regret and poison, seep out of her body, only to be replaced with light, hope, and a promise, that somehow, someway, everything would be made all right in the end. Her face pushed into Nikaliel's bosom, her eyes were against the angel's flesh, her tears filled much more with gratefulness now, the salt from her eyes soaked the skin of the fair angel against their embrace. Rabecca hugged now to, extending her arms under the angel's wings holding her tightly, kissing the girl's chest between her breasts, soft, sincere, nearly soundless as she cried. Now she wasn't near as scared as she had been of her own end, the several minutes before here. How ironic. Nishi had come to the clinic in 'search' of being healed, helped, doctored and cared for, when it was Nikaliel who was coming to heal the human. Perhaps in her own way and her own method, the reason the attitudes and the feelings slowly going more light than the entire original intention, perhaps it could be said both women were slightly changed from this new, and choice experience. Perhaps Nikaliel indeed, did not like to bear ill news, but without her, without the tender mercy and the slowness of her acts with Rabecca hear, it all would have been a much harder existence to surmount. This Angel of Death was more like a caregiver for life, in so many ways, Becca felt saved because of her, the human seeing all, even portions from Nikaliel's perspective, a gift to be able to see into the afterlife, beyond, and what had been before, it all coming together now, and what an amazing sight it was, giving Becky perspective on exactly where she had fit in the nearly unfathomable, gigantic eternal round. Becky even saw the clash and the fight that was going on inside of Nikaliel, all because of Becca's once selfish ways. So many souls had been displaced, and they needed to go somewhere, such a patient angel, somehow, Becky knew this woman would do the right thing, even if Rabecca herself could not. Nikaliel's voice was soothing, doing only ever more good to appease and calm the tides of Becky's emotional wake, such a prior upheaval to deal with. "Than........ t-thank you... Nikaliel," Becca would say finally, remembering the prior words that had been spoken to her, them playing out in their own due parts where the human had to process it all in her own certain, specific orders. "I suppose let us hope then. Hope for them. That there... t-there is a way that they can come back. To be made whole again. They deserve nothi.... n-nothing less, to have an eternity full of light. I couldn't believe, I won't believe, the Almighty w-would allow them to be lost f..... f-forever..." Rabecca said briefly in comments to respond finally, to what Nikaliel had said about the lost souls, her voice still trembling, shaky, as she carried on through her emotions, bravely so. The human knew it was almost time, but she would not run. Possessing a power perhaps Nikaliel hadn't seen in most humans, Becca would face her greatest demon................ her prior evil self. Simmering down still from her emotional state, sniffling, withdrawing her face finally from Nikaliel's bosom, the human would speak, neither flinching nor looking away, as somehow a glow was now there, a steadfast smile remaining. "I accept my end Nikaliel, for as much as I can being a mortal. You have been so good to me, you have been an anchor in my turbulent emotional seas, a lighthouse in my darkest of nights. Your patience, your understanding, your care, our intimacy, everything you've done has been acknowledged, and appreciated immensely. I know you do not delight in my torment nor my cessation. But it is necessary. Even if I am to never to personally regress again, as I once did when I became evil, the chance that a demon, a suggestion from the evil one, that they could possess my body once more, is not without possibility, my body can still act as a vessel for their ill intent. You must do what you have come to do. You must take me. You must do it for the welfare of the world, you are their savior now, I can no longer save them. I have had a wonderful life in these last years. I do not regret your awakening. I accept it, embrace it, I understand now, I truly understand... Nikaliel. I don't expect you not to enjoy me however. Enjoy me as you have, as you did whilst we were in the bonds of intimacy. Like you did when we shared minds and physical pleasure. Embrace what you are, I have accepted what I am. You were right to do as you did, and I couldn't have expected a better outcome, all things considered. I love you........... With all my heart," Becky's words finished, her last sentence shaky as her body was overcome with emotion.... Tears came to her eyes as she looked into Nikaliel's, how she was going to miss her! Her body shaking, her chin quivering as it began again, all these new tears were for Nikaliel now. Becky's last hope, that the Angel of Death could continue on after this, and live a life of peace, and of joy. The angel wishes she could have found some other way to show Rabecca, some slower path that could have gradually awoken her to the truth of what she was, or had been, and yet, it could also be said to be merciful to spring it all on her at once, rather than drag new fact after new fact through the poor brunette's mind, showing her first one atrocity after another. Her own heart was heavy at what was needed, and yet both burdened and lightened by the fact that all too soon, this would all end. Once she brought the nurse into her, there would be only a brief time before existence faded from those vibrant eyes. Unknown to Becky, the only thing forcing Nikaliel to devour her, the only bounds of judgement, was the soul that is part of the brunette and the feeling of emptiness at the end of the day that had defined the angel's life up till now. Being near the brunette, close to her like this, was almost like being made whole, and when she passed Rabecca Tomea from this existence to an eternity as part of her, she would be whole in truth. The other souls, if they could be separated from Rabecca, she wasn't fully sure what she'd do with them, though there was no telling her that...after all, she was hardly sure it could be done. All she knew was that she wanted Rabecca, wanted the part of her that resided in the nurse, and she would have her. The agony of the nurse's pain as the angel took it into herself, let it run through her mind and soul, took her breath away momentarily to feel such pain, pain born of honest anguish at her past, and though it tore at her, she was able to dismiss it easily enough as she clung to the nurse, a being of power that was yet desirous now to do nothing with it but help others. As she surrounds the woman with her love and warmth, bodies pressed together as spirits mingle, it dawns on her for perhaps the first time that she'd be, at least for a while, in possession of all of Rabecca's power on top of her own, permanently if she chose to do so. As close as they are, the nurse would see a far-away look cross her face as she speculates what she might do with it...though it lasts for a bare handful of seconds as the angel smiles once more at Becky, stroking her cheek with her finger reassuringly. Of course the nurse wouldn't be thinking about the power she has, her only concern for the moment seeming to be that for her patient's welfare, who would take care of them, its easy enough to guess at with the monumental implications of what was to happen, the end of the nurse's existence as a human and becoming part of a celestial being, such speculations was only natural. The angel would gently whisper, "Don't you worry about your job, or your patients, I'll take care of them in your guise, for as long as you may have lived." She promises. While impossible to know exactly who she had been as Nicci, as that resided inside the woman she was holding, she gets the feeling that the former nurse had been loving...or she can assume so at least. It was her whole purpose for being here, after all, was to reclaim herself, and her arms are gentle yet firm when they hold the nurse between her bosom, cradling them in a nearly motherly style, the feel of the kiss on her chest sending shivers down her spine, her arms lightly enfolding the face between her breasts, though allowing her sufficient air as she does so. Feeling her crying subside, she'd bring her from between her breasts as her finger's run through the brunette hair. Maybe she could perhaps bring Rabecca back after all this...if she could separate souls, maybe she'd be able to give the nurse a second shot...bore thinking on more later. Though the angel's job, yay, even her title, was to bring about the end of the existence of the souls of others, it was all for the betterment of other's lives, and as death defines life in limiting it, imposing time restraints to living and accomplishing, it also made it worth the living, and her presence was itself a reminder that life should be lived to the fullest, that death waited, so live while you can. As the nurse talks about how they deserve nothing less than an eternity full of light, she smiles warmly, "I'll do what I can, and the Almighty may allow all souls thus ended to return to this life one day. And even if they are lost forever, burden not yourself with this anymore, for they aren't your burden to bear any longer. I'll relieve you of it, focus on just us for a while." The pronouncement of love she heard almost made her legs buckle with relief and happiness, as though she'd only known her for a short time, she'd come to love the nurse greatly too. "And I love you with all my being." She says, as she kisses the nurse once more, lips moving more hungrily now, and linked as they are, feels the sensation of being kissed, of her soft body pressed against Becky's skin, her hips straddling Becky's once more as she shifts into a more pleasurable position, once more allowing their folds to meet and kiss each other's, her tail this time joining in the fun, brushing and teasing Becky's sex...and every bit of pleasure that she's giving Becky, she can feel herself as the nurse could feel her own..."I've not done this with any mortal before, let me know if you begin to feel overwhelmed." the angel states simply before she goes back to kissing the olive skinned nurse. It had come down to mere moments. Be her time to remain a day, perhaps a few...no longer did Becca have years, or even a week left to live. Her life had been so mixed up and throughout the years, her origins so self-serving to start out with. Though it wasn't until five years ago, that Rabecca's life had actually begun to make sense. The point in her life where those amazing five years, had truly grown her character, the new her, was the woman who was supposed to have been created to begin with, to exist. It was a deepened tragedy that it taken an event like this to finally open the human's eyes to the truth, but a blessing that it all had happened, had taken place before her irrevocable oblivion, be Becky could be saved or not at some point in time, somehow, her existence here on the earth, was putting people in danger. Becky wouldn't take back what she learned though, yet just to spare those whom she had harmed. Things about her life, about herself, even if the past was hard thing to swallow, it all made easier simply because of the wonderful events that had been brought to her waking eye by this once Nicci. Her bad memories having been repressed, had been a blessing within and of itself. It had given the brunette time, those irreplaceable moments, to truly grow as a person. Endless nights of care, so many fond and wonderful experiences, these choice moments Becky had been allowed to take a part in, she learned more from taking care of people, than she could have ever hoped. She had shaped an entire city bit by bit, her home practice care sought after by so many people, all because they had heard of her miraculous ability to help those in need, both as a counselor as well as minor surgeon. Friends of friends had recommended Becky for their needs and care, and never did the brunette meet to disappoint. When events had grown more sour or hard to deal with, Becca had times where she could call upon special doctors, because people still wanted the nurse's environment, though not wanting the atmosphere of a huge hospital, with overly crowded hallways and so much loud noise. It was win-win situation for so many people all that tender care without the populated experience. As unfortunate as it seemed, there really was no other way to remove either girl from this needed charge. Both Becky and the angel understood, openly admitting it had Becky, the human herself believing that if she had been allowed to remain behind, even after seeing the light, she was a mortal, and would not be immune to a demonic possession or greed. Becca still had so much power, even if her heart was good, and as her vessel still remained, she was a physical threat to the entire world at large. Sad in many ways a good girl like Becca, would have to meet such a complete ending, it was nevertheless, necessary. Not just one of body and mind, but also her very soul, they would have to disappear. Yet, in the fairness of the situation, could Becky have asked for a better outcome? Patient, loving, kind and calm, the Angel of Death had remained throughout it all. Even teaching the brunette through her human form, just how wonderful love mixed with human lust, could possibly be. How perfect it felt to have time stand still, as if no one, nothing else, had mattered within those quiet moments. A taste of life Becky never remember having before Nishi, even if she was not a virgin. In many ways, having sex with an angel for the first time, thus before that, indeed she had been a virgin to it. New to the perfection of what true satiate could mean when an angel mingled with a human. Had anybody else ever experienced that before? These few thoughts came to mind as Becca laid there, wondering about her past, her time as a nurse, and this heavenly but brief time with Nikaliel. The only bitterness about the event that came to mind for Becky, was the fact it was just so short in the grand scheme of things. Yet, certain things could not be helped, and Becca knew it didn't do any good to wish herself away from anything she had experienced. Her life had made her who she was. There were no take backs, both women knew that. Becky sacrificing herself for the betterment of her own kind was the paramount here. And as a last act of love, she knew it was quite literally, the only thing she could do to honor them and find true peace. The ultimate gift that would be here for Nikaliel, was that she would get to take all that Rabecca had to offer. Her mind, her body, her very soul, or also thought, the legion of souls she had consumed within herself, still alive with at the very least, power, even if not choice. It was hard to say how existent they all were as individuals, or how it all worked, yet, Becca had to believe that someone knew the answer to that. However important or not, that was the past, Becky's attention soon turned back to the Angel of Death within her room, this Nikaliel. Not wanting to miss the freedom she now had, these special times, finding it to be more important to dwell within the here and now, for not far longer into the future, would it all...... finally............. be gone. Becky wanted a rest, to be free of any possibly hardship of the future, but at the very same time, she didn't want to say goodbye. The choice to take Rabecca's soul, and the other souls within the human, still remained, and it was Nikaliel's to make alone. It would be up to her if she had decided one thing or the other. The distance in the angel's eyes could be felt and seen by Becky, a wonder what could possibly be going on within her mind. Though the reflection soon made known in words, as this celestial being addressed Becky's concerns. The human smiled deeply as tears formed in her eyes, Nikaliel had given a promise, and the brunette knew somehow, she couldn't have given this place of refuge a better chance for a future. Her dream, her livelihood, her hopes and aspirations now living inside of a promise, soon, the very embodiment and the person clinging on to it and holding these virtues within themselves, would be a literal part of the Angel of Death. Such a harsh title, Becky thought. Perhaps, an Angel of a New Beginning would be more appropriate. It was true, Becky's life and soul would end physically, but would it really be all but snuffed out? Nicci had died, had lost her mind, body and soul, but just looking back on the waves of change she had affected Rabecca with, it was no infection, it was a cleansing. Even for the angel most likely, she could only gain more power, and perhaps just as Becky had, an even greater desire to do that which was good. There was no one in the universe who could replace Nicci the lost nurse, but neither would her memory, nor her care, not be followed up. From the moment Nicci had died the curse of evil that had plagued Becky, had been swallowed up inside of the nurse's sacrifice of her life, Nicci had won in the end, and now, with Nikaliel's love, the world would soon thus win, Rabecca the second catalyst for change, Nikaliel the third. Tears softly ran down the human's face briefly as she slightly nodded her head, gulping softly, sighing. So close to warmth and touch and truth she felt as if she could be just without the gates of heaven, and she knew beyond the shadow of a doubt, Nikaliel would keep her word. As her face was softly buried in the angel's bosom, as she was cradled and loved almost like a daughter to a mother, she softly sobbed, barely even audible, it was just so much to take in. Literally, Nikaliel had swallowed up all of the mortal's pain, she had truly been forgiven. It was clearly pointed by the human, she had no wish to linger beyond, that if it was to ultimately make the world a better place, she'd gladly lay down her life for them. Indeed, Becky was a changed woman and perhaps one might like to believe that solely came from Nicci. Yet perhaps another might know better, that Becky was good all along, having somehow mistakenly fallen down a path of drunken power, had somehow forgotten why she was really here. All of that.... gone. So freeing, the power coursing into Becky, lighting her soul up with peace. She embraced the angel's words and lovingly spent this quiet, fleeting time, with her. Now looking at Nikaliel in the face, deep into her eyes, the still wet cheeks and ducts of the human's eyes moist, she'd smile, figuring she was looking into the physical part of forever. Becky finally let go, this world was no longer her burden, no longer her charge, it was like floating in weightlessness on a blanket of clouds in the highest of all heavens, and the overwhelming peace was enough to nearly swallow up her consciousness. All that existed now, was Nikaliel. Taking her words to heart, Becky forgot about everything else, quite literally. The human doing one better than simply focusing on this angel, the human gave herself to Nikaliel with both her life, and soon to be her death, but always her love. She could feel that love coursing through her even as they laid. If a while was all the nurse had, than she would take that while and spend it, loving Nicci, Nishi and Nikaliel, as the same being, for soon, both Becky, Nicci and Nikaliel, would be one in the same, yet only further perfected, by helping the angel reach her full potential, the goodness each human had possessed, soon to be part of Nikaliel's very person. It was odd to think about, such a concept, like Becky was literally looking into a mirror, a mirror that had yet to reflect all events, but given enough time, would soon mentally reflect what the angel would be, already, Becky was connected to Nikaliel in a way few people likely ever got the miracle to experience. Perhaps physical looks never changing, but what a rush, what an honor, and Becky esteemed it as such, that soon, she herself, would be a part of a creature, so loving, so caring, it only felt like the next natural step. Like as if fate and destiny was finally catching up for what it had lacked, and doing it all one better. The brunette's hair combed softly, it flowing through Nikaliel's perfect hands and fingers, Becky's hunger for touch returning, she loved Nikaliel so much now, it hurt. Not a physical pain, but like the longing of a lover, an event that neither would wish to ever cease. That linked sensation of feeling what each other felt, while it at first, was overwhelming, the nurse wouldn't wish it away, it was merely something, another step in her existence, she had to accept, to learn to live with, and hardly was it a burden. Breath taking wouldn't begin to cover what Becca felt as the angel's tail tickled her sex, as their vagina's once more made love, to kiss and grind, to pleasure with endless friction against one another, as their arms touched and as Becky's nails softly dug against Nikaliel's flesh. Kissing, passionately loving, betwixt opening her mortal eyes and closing them, the human wasn't sure what she adored more, both experiences were other worldly, she was having sex with angel. It was now time for Nikaliel, for Becky, to love each other as much as they were able, while they still could. As there is a God in the heavens to bear witness, the angel knew that her love bore no threat any longer in anyway, had confirmed in her brief time with her that while darkness was hidden deep inside, her soul shined with a light that had only grown throughout the last five years of her life, the five years of the angel's existence in which she'd spent collecting souls, both for the heavens and for herself. And yet throughout those years she'd felt the emptiness inside, the missing part of her that was part of Becky, had ceaselessly worked to deny herself from the temptation that the brunette mortal presented to her, one that she wasn't able to deny much longer. Her opening Becky's eyes to the truth had not only been an act to help her reconcile with her past, that would have been selfless, charitable, of the angel of death. Nay, there was another motive, one that had hoped that in doing so, she would alleviate the guilt she'd feel in devouring her soul, of erasing her from this existence...after all, to the angel's knowledge this woman had done nothing to deserve said punishment, she'd only been told of her crimes through others, and had only displayed the same tender compassion she'd shared with Nishi these last days. In the end though, for the angel, it came down to yearning for the part of her that was missing, of the memories of her life before, her own existence prior to having become who and what she was, a creature who only consists of a halve of a soul, who hungers for the souls of others to replace that halve she's missing. The angel would like to think of herself as an agent of justice, one who brings true peace to those like Becky, and her methods of doing so almost seemed like she did help them find peace...but it was merely a means for her to feel less guilt and to make it easier for her to devour the souls of others. And this one in particular, her presence with her, she felt that she was close to becoming complete, never more hungering for souls except in the capacity of judgement, an agent of light rather than death. Yes, her façade espouses her being patient, loving, gentle, and yet she was little different from Becky's previous nature, except for her means to obtain her end, the soul just as well erased, the years of life that remained for its victim just as certainly removed from her being. And yet, this human had taught the angel much and more, of love, of being capable of love, and truly this lesson makes the angel regret the overwhelming hunger that would soon be sated in her soul, low rumbles from within stirring as her essence, her form, bond with that of the human's, would allow Becky in turn to feel just how deep her lust, her desire for her, goes. Even as she can feel in her lover acceptance, could sense that she felt she was sacrificing herself to make the world a better place, the angel feels hardly worthy of knowing such a caring and loving person. Her choice was made, this last gift from the angel to the human...and also from the human to the angel, for she could herself rubbing against the brunette's sex, feel her lips kissing and being kissed, she could feel the pleasure she was giving the mortal as much as feel the pleasure her own body was receiving. Indeed, it wasn't a purely selfless gift, it reminded her of what it was like to be human, to be loved, and to love in return. Her tail going from tickling against Becky's sex to thrusting inside as she grinds herself against her tail and the human sex, gasping at the feeling, lost in the duality of both impaling the mortal flower and at feeling it impaled, chest heaving as breasts rub together, her grip on the human's rear desperate with the hunger of her desire, a final time to make love to this one who would give her all to her, one who she could simply slip the soul from with little effort now, and yet would wait until both of their bodies reached the perfection of their joined ecstasy before finally consuming that olive skin and subsuming her soul in her own. As guilty as Nikaliel had been feeling about subsuming and absorbing Rabecca into herself, the human had felt each one of these emotions, and it was almost too painful for her to bear. As the Angel of Death had given this human so many gifts, had been ever so patient with her in her afflictions, of staving off even her own hunger for Becky's soul, to give the human time for all of this, a situation that would have been impossible to deal with and contemplate alone, the brunette felt as if she needed to give something back in return, it was the very least she could do. Nikaliel's needs, her grief, her sadness, was also Becky's to bear now. They shared so much together, and just as this angel hadn't let the human bear the end alone, no longer did Becca want her blonde savior to hold on to that grief. So close and so connected, Becky would look into Nikaliel's eyes, and as they had shared that bond of closeness, both mentally, physically and spiritually, tears would begin to form, and Becky wished, no, she was going to show nothing more, and nothing less, than ultimate compassion in return! As their bodies made love one to another, as hands touched, as flesh mingled and sexes intertwined, even as the nurse was pierced into her sexual center by the angel's tail, even as Becky's toes would curl and her hands would shake, she'd still grasp onto Nikaliel, never letting her go, only breaking their kiss for whenever one was either shared, or to interrupt before a new one began, as Becca wanted to speak her peace. "Please Nikaliel, do not hold such grief inside of y-yourself. You cannot help how y-you were created, any m-more than I can myself, in my own creation, change h-how I was born. Such weight, such guilt, it breaks my heart you've had to embrace and endear such torment for so long. You were created for your own purposes, to serve as an instrument and a means to an end, having lived your own tragedies, just as I have lived mine, who is perfect but God herself? I can't try to begin to understand or fully contemplate everything you've ever been through, I would only ask Nikaliel... if not for yourself, then please dearest of angel's, for me. Forgive yourself. Love yourself as I love you. Feel a release from the shackles of your grief. I would that my soul feeds you. I would that you truly felt full and at peace, the moment you take me. I would not interrupt our passion and our sex or wish to fast forward time. Yet I cannot die, knowing you aren't at rest. I don't know who your other half is, or if I myself have ever had true one. I don't know how much you love me ultimately, but the last gift I can give to you, is tell you I've never cared about another soul, more than I do care about you. Feel love, feel satiate, feel satisfaction. Live your angelic immortality, knowing you made a huge difference in someone mortal's life, a girl who was more lost than she could comprehend to bear, so painful, she had to lock it away inside. I can't imagine having to had faced that last judgement, without the gift of forgiveness I have received. I dare wonder, if my demons had come back to haunt me before you, God, had saved me with your patience and love, I...." those tears would finally fall, a brief freight coming to her mind as she dealt within the specific contemplation... "I wonder.. if my pain would have... been so severe, being... made to know... this all... at once, if no one... would have been... there for me.... if I would... simply just... have killed... myself, and had... remained a lost soul. But yet, you... gave me compassion, and... as painful... as it was, you... helped me... slay my darkest... of demons. I'm saved... in you and... the world... is saved through... you and me melding as one, you are... my greater half now..." Becca gulped, her speech constantly being interrupted by being physically and mentally overcome. "Would you do that for me Nikaliel? Just let go. Let go as I have let go, through you. Live on in your eternal glory, with love in your heart for yourself. Knowing you can only do as best as you are able. Can you remember me when I am gone. Will you remember Nikki?" Becca's face filled with that longing, crying brief, sad tears, for the guilt that Nikaliel had felt. "You've... done nothing wrong... h-here. You've g-given... me nothing but...your best. I can do no l-less.. in return, my sweet... angel... oh my God... I'm so happy you... came t-to me. I w-would that... you s-should see yourself as the... Angel of L-Life and fulfillment, do not be so... hard on yourself..." the human left her speaking at that, remembering the love they shared, the talks they had, and even the newest sensation of sharing their bodies, minds, and soulscape. Becca gladly taking on the submissive and Beta role of this brief relationship, a memory she could only hope Nikaliel would cherish for eternity. Bitter tears wept for Nikaliel's pain soon replaced by the ecstasy the tender angel was giving to Becky... Who, that has ever been born, has ever been created, that has been of a mortal coil, could say they have never been selfish? If Nikaliel wished to lay herself at such a cruel emotional realization and judgement, then Becca would share it with her. Becky would call it selfish then, if she wanted stay as long as she could get, before she ceased to exist, yet that was ultimately up to Nikaliel. The only wish she would have for being alive, in existence any longer, would be to be Nikaliel's eternal companion. Yet who would not wish for such things when being with one as perfect as Becca had felt Nikaliel was? If Nikaliel was just a little slice, a small taste of Heaven, the human couldn't even begin to comprehend the joys of a full soul, completely made whole. A silent wish, even if Becky didn't speak the words, she'd pray to God, every second she was still alive... to please, give Nikaliel that final rest, of a full soul, of a pure soul, as much as Becky knew the Angel of Fulfillment deserved it. Their passion was deep, so very strong. How could a human live to tell the tale and experience such pure nirvana without withering away, and being a husk enthralled with sensation so surreal, a normal person's mind would push towards ultimate insanity and mania? Yet here Becky was, a final gift given whilst this human was allowed to remain in her mortal coil, having sex and making passionate love to her deliverance, her only one. Perhaps a woman if she had met her in a different life, in a different existence, Becky wholly, truly, madly and deeply, almost knew, a relationship could have worked out between the two. That brief fantasy coming to the nurse's mind as tail plunged ever so deeply into sex, was squishing ever so passionately against her cervical wall, forcing the millions of bundles of nerves alight with tingle and sheer sexual satiate within her vaginal walls and groin, only make her crave it all, only all the more. Chills rolling up and down Rabecca's spine, goosebumps continually forming over her extremities, ripples of blood flow pushing and coursing towards all of the right areas, her clitoris, her labia, her entire vulva on fire with a heat and a type of fulfillment, no other being in creation had even been able to give her or reach, nor could ever again try to duplicate. That was her ultimate gift from Nikaliel, and she loved, every, single, second of it. For as weak or strong as she was in her mortality or spiritually, the nurse began to push back, Nikaliel also left to feel a sex contract down and around her tail, the duality of the sensation of being in Becky's senses, and her own, Becky getting to feel much the same, except being mortal, it was perhaps twice as intoxicating. There was no filter for the human, constant gasps given in between lips pressed against another both facial and sexual, and while tongues explored mouths, nasal moans would elicit out of the brunette's nostrils. A never ending perfection, moments that seemed to push onto hours, hours into days.... wait.... where was she? How many eons had they already been through together? ... as the human had forgotten where she was, whom she was with, and what her body, her original identity had been beyond being a part of Nikaliel, had time utterly stopped? Was this a foreshadowing, was Nikaliel somehow indirectly and unaware giving the human the gift of understanding what it was like to fade away? If that was the case, it was beautiful, seeing nothing but Nikaliel's individual perfection, was there an earth? If Rabecca had to leave forever, for once and for all, for good, what an unbelievably, remarkably, astoundingly, awe inspiring, unfathomably flawless way to cease to exist! Rabecca Tomea: To become another portion of something that was greater than herself, Becky couldn't have asked for a better end. As if someone were reading the perfect book, as if someone were watching the perfect theater movie. Where no snacks would be had, nothing going on else, not a single thing, but people staring perfectly at the screen, or the pages of their book. Them not wanting to put it down, so engrossed in the marvel of it all, a movie that could be given 6 out of 5 stars rating, as impossible as that would seem, that could perhaps be an appropriate metaphor for what Becky was feeling right now. Not to rush to the end, but enjoy every second, every new page that was unfolding in the sands of time, being held be between the two, every second the film would roll, no more regrets. Just a beautiful scene played out between two lovers. Becky had taught Nikaliel many things perhaps, but Nikaliel was hardly without bearing her own gifts and wisdom, her own glad tidings of great joy. Becky feeling her life, her very soul, a small price to pay for everyone's protection and continuance in innocent. Even the offer Nikaliel had made, the nurse's establishment would continue to thrive beyond her reality ceasing. Everything, absolutely everything, was just how Becca could have pictured it to be, in all of her most wild, happy dreams, come true. The tears flowed, silent but meaningful, their mood and their expression, their mental reality changing along with the joy that flowed out of Becky's soul. A shine that even this angel would have to see, undeniable, even creating somewhat of a physical glow within the room, one of celestial light, perhaps a gift from God herself, as if saying, she was pleased, somehow. Perhaps letting Nikaliel know that she had made that big of an impact, that the Angel of Progression had made that big of a change in Becky, that the human was ready to move on. No words spoken now, just interaction, an exchange of bodies, of hearts and souls. Becca allowing herself that gratification, that feeling of flawless passion, that she herself knew no one else was capable of giving her. Moans to elicit continually as Becky grew towards that heated culmination of a climax, yet listening to Nikaliel's moods, her own compass and her desires, she'd wish to cum with the angel, together as one. Helping the angel build on their joint lust and love as much as possible, even if Becky could hardly breathe, even if she could hardly move as she was trembling so much from the sheer awe of their sex. She'd reach her left hand down to Nikaliel's sex nevertheless, placing her right hand on the angel's rump, and then would thrust her hand inside of this blonde perfection's womanhood. Plunging and feeling about, squishing and grinding their sexes together still, and if she too was allowed to know how awesome it felt to have a hand inside of Nikaliel's sex through the angel's experience and eyes. Oh, how much more on fire would her passions be? Were they already now so? Gasping, on the very verge of the point of no return, Becky was going into a sexual mania, so raw, so deep, so hard to grasp, the very fact it was happening to her, and to her partner, and that her partner was an immortal. Screaming now, unable to control it for such the undertaking that it was, her body was pushing towards involuntary bucking, as much as she trembled, as much as she shook, overwhelmed with adrenaline, her body would nevertheless force these motions. Humping, thrusting her own hand endlessly, aggressively, just as aggressive as she could as a human at least, maybe even as strong as Nikaliel could, into her partner's sex! Unable to hold a kiss as she couldn't stop moaning and screaming. Perhaps a human without the care and grasp of the angel's connection, would already have physically died by now, but here Becky was, still alive. More alive than she could openly admit she'd ever been before! And if Nikaliel would meet her there, if her cherished partner was ready, there would simply be no holding back, nothing that Becky could do, was willing to hold back for another second for, but to meet the Angel of Duality, in her joint and mutual ejaculation. Yet for the angel what her guilt is about, her desire, her need, to subsume and absorb the nurse into her, was the selfishness not only of claiming her, but also the selfishness in her desire to keep her as she is, to allow her to live and always have her as a mate for as long as she could live, a desire that is at odds with Nikaliel's existence, her very duty. What gifts she could give the human she had, as a woman would to a lover, and at the cost of her forming such attachment, one that should not be formed with the condemned at risk of being emotionally scarred...and yet, for Nikaliel she couldn't help forming such attachments either, only the love she has for Kaliciel, her darker half, dwarfing the affection she feels for Rabecca, and that, within a fairly narrow margin. And so it is that even as they make love for the last time together, the sorrow she felt in the task following would be unavoidably shared with Becky along with her deep affection and the physical sensations of their bodies joined together in a matter that could only be surpassed by the merging of their existences together. Her grief for Rabecca's existence and their short time together did not go as unnoticed as she'd have preferred as she hears the nurse, nearly an angel in her own right, speak up. As she listened, her eyes, already on the brink of tearing up, would find, as though the words had urged them out of her, tears forming up and flowing out of her as though a dam had broken inside her, all the longing and grief she felt and the love conveyed in those words reflecting and amplifying inside her, her body shaking with the passion born of them, as though a wound had been lanced and all the pain she felt had burst out, leaving her feeling well and whole, and even more in love with this woman, this lover, such a perfect and willing sacrifice to entrust her all to the angel. Her tail would remain where it is, plunging in and out of the nurse's sexual core, her fingers would tenderly run along the olive cheeks and wipe away the tears, as their intimate embrace continues, before she'll respond. "Rabecca, I hadn't wanted to love you, not as I have, I wanted simply to judge, deceive, subsume you into myself before you realized who, and what, I was. And yet I find myself relieved, and happy, to know you, to feel you, to please you, and soon, to possess you fully...I'm so glad you're willing to be mine for all eternity. You're so beautiful, inside and out, and though you're a mortal, to me you are the brightest angel I will ever know." The angel says with a radiant smile, her own soul feeling at ease and without doubt any more, the little hesitation that had once made itself known gone. While she could wish this moment would last forever, she knew it would end all too soon, as she feels their skin gliding over each other's, flowers touching and hands caressing, groping, little shivers of pleasure adding together, multiplying as she feels the pleasure her nurse is feeling and her own besides, feels the love of the nurse in her soul as slowly they move towards a state of mutual bliss and satisfaction, her angelic mind allowing Becky to experience the sensations and not go completely insane herself. If, in a different time, a different life, they had so met, perhaps they could be lovers together forever, and not merely a few days, but these few days were as blissful as the angel of death knows to make them, especially with her hunger so heavy, so deep, the taste and feel of this angel in mortal flesh causing her to want to push her into her, not just eat her, but to press the two of them into one being. And as she was feeling what the nurse was feeling, her goosebumps forming over her limbs, the angel's body would convey her own sensations, which, while similar, were different in a few ways, the skin of the angelic flesh not prickling in bumps but warming slightly to the touch, and very slightly softer, almost imperceptibly so, each touch, the slightest bit of contact of skin on skin, vulvas touching, clits brushing against each other, causing quickening of her pulse, a soft, warm glow to emit from her flesh that seems to envelop the couple, a thrill to feel the other's sensations, her acceptance, and a longing to become the angels. In joining with the nurse in such a manner, not just the carnal flesh but the deeper spiritual and emotional shared experience, she could detect the sincerity, the eagerness to give herself up for the angel, a reflection of Nikaliel's hunger and desire to join the nurse fully with herself, to claim her fully. Already with this joining she could feel the height of Becky's desire, the bliss and ecstasy she felt, even as her own desire and pleasure were magnified by feeling Becky's, a time where she would wish for time to end, their tongue's lashing together and their breathing becoming heavier as their moans and the smell of their arousal permeates the room. As their body's tremble together in excitement, in raw pleasure of fulfillment with one another in an ever increasing awareness of each other, the angel feels the nurse shift her body in such a way that as her tail filled Becky's sex and pleasured it, so too would an olive-skinned hand reach down and push into her, a heavier gasp then she'd let out before torn from her as she thrusts against the intruding limb, pushing her rear against the hand helpfully granting her leverage as her vaginal walls clamp onto, almost pull at, the arm pushing in and out even as she feels their sexes pushing together, a pale left hand grasping the full chest in front of her as the right traces the curves of her rear and pulls at it, allowing Becky to pull and push on her as much as she can, her weight on the nurse nearly ethereal as they push and grind together, her own panting heavy growing louder and louder as her cries grow more urgent, the perfection that is their coupling shaking Nikaliel's world, and though they'd explored each other’s bodies before, this feeling topped them all, and the angel holds herself back as she moves with Becky until she feels she can hold back no more, reaching the highest peak before she feels the wetness run over her tail, the walls tightening pleasantly around it, holding her in its intimate embrace as her vaginal walls clamp onto that hand and lets her juices flow over it, the sensation seeming to last an eternity for their joined orgasm, before the angel sags against Becky's chest with literally glowing contentment, not bothering to remove her tail from its warm confines. Laying there, not quite exhausted but feeling so relaxed, she nuzzles into Becky's bosom tenderly, holding the nurse in her arms with wings sheltering them both. "I'm glad I could make you feel this one more time before receiving your most precious gift to me." The angel of death says, stirring lazily against her lover. "Since you long to give yourself to me, I'll give you the choice of how you want me to take you...or I'll make the choice for you." She says, punctuating her words with a soft, lingering, kiss. How can one define the depths of a single relationship? How can something so sweet, be so fatal and final? If one could ask Rabecca, if she had it her way, she'd spend forever with Nikaliel, by her side. If the brunette had it her choice, her way, she'd have the power to destroy to demon, or, the propensity for a demon to exist inside of her. Alas, no god, no angel, not even the Angel of Hope, this one Nikaliel, could remove what had already long since been created, nay, nothing without an unfortunate, entire, erasing and a cleansing, of Rabecca Tomea. Such sweet time, both of bitterness, but of far more importance time spent, a soft, loving surrender. At what felt on one hand, days, weeks, months... years maybe? An Eon? On the other hand, something that felt ever so fleeting... was the relationship Rabecca and Nikaliel beheld one with another. The reality of it, days simply weren't enough to truly get to spend, to truly get to know a person. Yet, what a choice experience Ms. Tomea was having right now! Having had the chance to meet up, physically, mentally, emotionally, with sheer perfection, in the form of a blonde, human woman, later recalled and revealed as a goddess in her own right, a once known Angel of Death. The chains of sorrow could eat Becky alive right now if she let them. Yeah, if she didn't hold fast, if she could no longer find the strength to still her heart, she could be broken, and die with much regret. Now was not time to think about her unborn children. The chance she could have spent with a man or a woman, in the bonds of holy matrimony. She couldn't hold on to what never was. She couldn't allow herself to delve into what had never been written. True as it was, destiny had already come knocking at Becca's door, and the person to come calling, was none other than this one, forgiving angel. If nothing else the human nurse could ask for could be granted, oh so much she realized, had already been given. A chance to romance, to spend time with a being, a being of such pure light, a woman of such grace and divinity, a creature of such beauty, that was what Rabecca thought of this angel as. Who could say the same? That they were and had been afforded the opportunity to spend time with the likes of someone leagues, of what Becky had first felt, about her station and nature. Yet the human girl would learn many things about herself over the course of time for reflection and revelation. A harsh cross to bear, one's past sins, and the regret of what could have been without them. However, the brunette did not do it alone, nay, not for a second. Cradled in loving arms, such an awesome gift could likely never again be repeated, and maybe had the world never seen before Nikaliel's time here. Yeah a final wish, a last granting, if Heaven or the angels could make it so. To restore those whom Becky had wronged...... yet maybe in time, as Nikaliel had said it. Becca had to believe an innocent soul could be saved, because even as scarlet red as her sins had soaked her garments, so stainless white had she been purified already so far. Her only longings, not a harsh thought, not a single selfish one remained, nay only one, one single selfish thought. To spend time getting to know Nikaliel more intimately. To love her, to cherish her forever, for always. Alas, as both women knew, both mortal and immortal, some things could never be. Far from second best, still, Becky found herself rejoicing! Yeah, even if there would not be a future remaining for one said Rabecca Tomea, through Death's sacrifice, the world could know true peace, true safety, and the intent one brunette had in unselfishly giving that to them. A nurse willing to lay down her life so that others could be. More than anything else, Rabecca wanted that. Softly torn between a future she could not have, but more than adamant about stilling her own desires for the needs of many, the good medical professional remained. Now caressing there, laying with, hands ever touching, finessing, combining with Nikaliel. A love perhaps the world may never have once felt before, existed between the two now, would leave many mortal jealous! Now joined as they were, Nikaliel couldn't shield a single thought from the mortal's mind. Rabecca also noting her lover had felt the same way she did. Both knowing the remaining chances of demonic empowerment, far too high of a price to pay for a chance at a Heaven through relation. To steep a risk to take, that somehow, a demon wouldn't find the perfect vessel to create a being that could even likely challenge the powers of Heaven itself. No. God knew Becca's heart, and whatever amalgamation had tried to craft itself inside of this woman, had long since been stricken from her. She was merely a half daughter, waiting to obtain her wholeness through Nikaliel now. Becky knew she was loved, yeah, beyond the shadow of a doubt. Every second she'd spent with this blonde queen, a miracle. Rabecca had been given far more than most, she realized, Nikaliel had stayed her wrath, her anger, even when it was kindled against a nurse that knew no better, with a vengeance! Yet an awesome thing had occurred. Between Nikaliel's staying hand and Rabecca's mental and physical baptism by fire, the medical professional had learned more about life, creation, the eternities, in less than one week, than one could ever hope to understand and contemplate in their entire life time. So much patience, so much love. Such a tender gift, for Nikaliel to bear the burdens of a broken heart, of a life made in mistake, one after another, cleansing her. Alas, finally, yet both women were rewarded by Becky's change! A desire to do good continually, that was all Becca was now. Having been a good, wholesome, caring nurse for the past five years, even before inviting this angel into her heart and into her home, she was now complete. Nary a single doubt remained, this was the right choice. Promises made, both for the wellbeing of the world, and a last simple wish, that the woman's clients, and future clients, would ever be taken care of with the love they deserved, and would need, in Becca's absence. Tender tears would be cried for them, not for Becky any more, having accepted her lot, forced to draw the short stick in a stack of long twigs, the demons that had marred her so. A devil that had whispered into her ear at a young age, and no one that could save the broken brunette who had fallen in between the cracks of neglect and aloneness, for far to many years before her choice to do evil, had been cemented within her, created by a world she felt no longer valued her as a person, or loved her in the slightest. What a grand awakening! So much grace filled out, even in the darkest reaches of the most gloom and desolate places, even within Rabecca Tomea's soul. A work and a glory already long being written before the Angel of Death had knocked at Becky's door, provided by god and the openness the girl had at a willing to change her ways. An evil that had been struck dumb within her, shelled away and wrapped up by the love of a savior. Now, to the final harvesting, a creation waiting to be perfected by a master's hand, even Nikaliel to this nurse. A perfect part of a broken life, a shattered gem reforged in the most perfect of smithies. It was now time to make that creation shine through heat and tempering, to allow it to glow and glint its most flawless brilliance. And it would be through Nikaliel such a thing were possible. The final catalyst for change, the ultimate vessel for divine happenings. As the women lay there on the bed, alas, time, both fair and true, but also filled with justice, did not stop ticking towards the future. As much as both women would wish to lay in this existence, to spend more time with each other, perhaps even for eternity, that could never be. Passions shared, bodies intermingling, not a second wasted on inaction or distaste. Delight and marvel making its mark, leaving the mortal in a wake of sublime embrace, chills left to ever run down the human's spine as toes curl and backs arch, as hands and arms, and tails and limbs are swallowed, perhaps a foreshadowing of what was to come before the human girl was even ever asked~ A final climax would be had! A gift Nikaliel knew Becky wanted to share with her, one final time. Panting, calling out the names of this divine creature, an exploding of euphoria gifted by the maker, Becca thus laid their spent, unable to recover so easily as was this angel. How does one say, even at that final moment, yeah, even if warned time and time again, this moment, had to come to pass, how they might meet their end? Something so unbreakable with the chains of action, so irrevocable once finished. Yet.... A time to come, Becca laid there silent, thinking about the questions she was being asked, about the prior grace she'd been gifted. A soft fear trying to worm its way into the back of Becky's mind to destroy her peace. Yet she battled it, keeping her heart stilled and her mind ever on her goals, especially this one Nikaliel before her very eyes in the flesh. She gulped clenching her teeth, even now recovering post coitus as her body trembled and as her mind questioned. With a long and drawn out sigh, the past was about to make future meet present. Becky sealing her love to Nikaliel with one, final, passionate kiss on her lips, before she'd give her answer. Running her hands through the angel's hair, combing the long, golden locks of love away from her flawless face. Becky genuinely smiled, knowing already, Nikaliel had the ability to read her thoughts, yet she knew, by the accountability of free agency, the divine creature had to hear it from the mortal's lips, before she would make the request to be written by deed. With eyes unflinching, with lids barely closing but to wet the dryness of a mortal's eyes every now and then, the brunette would give her ultimate answer, even as hard as it was to do. Finding Nikaliel's hands, with tears welling up in Becky's eyes, as she was overcome with emotion, she sqoze for them, wanting comfort now more than ever, in her final choice. The brief sadness of knowing this was the end gripping her. "Nikaliel.... oh what a great name it is to know you by. Such a choice experience have you given me to live with you. To embrace you, to allow you to change me and give me the full power of truth. Your beauty, your grace, your light, you gave it all to me! Without even truly knowing me, beyond my sins, you gave me patience, love, and your divinity. You came to know me, and I you. I cannot thank you enough for what we've had together. The only final gift I can give to you, to this world, is to be subsumed by you, to allow you to swallow up the last chance the world has to fear. And only through you can it be done! I know you will miss me, I can see it in your eyes. But take courage sweet angel," a few tears finally fall from Becky's gorgeous eyes, trailing down her porcelain soft cheeks, even as she continues to smile into the Angel of Hope's face. "Take courage and know, I'll never truly be gone! Me, the innocents that have yet to be redeemed, and this one Nicci, are waiting to become a part of you. Whatever plans Heaven has in store, whatever happens now, in between here and then, we could ask for no better steward then you!" Becky smiled, shaking, even as more tears flowed out of her eyes, basking in the glow and perfect of their romance, of these pivoting, upheaving moments. "How can I decide to give myself to you in whatever manner I might ask as a human? My only request, being able to look upon your face for as long as I am capable. That final selfishness I have in my heart for an eternal relationship with you. For I guess then, it is only logical I make that request, to be devoured by my limbs a lower. I want to you cherish you, to look upon your face, to love you, for as long as time would allow," Becky spoke in somber, loving, shaken voice, finally finishing her words, her left to go silent as she stared upon this amazing individual, seeing salvation in her eyes. For the angel the depths of their relationship were undefinable, or at least not easy to define in her mind, a conflict warring within her always, sometimes to the point she felt it may tear her apart. On the one hand, she had the hunger, the desire for the soul of the creature she'd once been, the nurse who had in her own ways before her life as a nurse, viler than the one who lays beneath her now. Yet there was a hesitance in this, in knowing who she had been, and even more in destroying the love, the relationship, the feelings she had for Rabecca. How then, could she do this to her? And at the same time, how could she deny them, both herself and Becky, in the unity of their souls uniting, in fulfilling a hunger that would always drive her if she didn't take this woman's soul, one who, as her own had once been, had been tainted with darkness before becoming in its own right, judge by the demon Rabecca had once been? More importantly, the woman had not only accepted, but fully surrendered herself to Nikaliel, with more bravery and boldness than she could ever hope to know. Even faced with all she had been, granted the option to take back up all that dark power once more and hurl it at the one who would erase her very being from existence and likely having that very angel as her first meal in so long, her greater inner angel had surfaced to show Nikaliel she had beyond doubt, changed from the evil being she'd once been, that, for better or for worse, the death of Nicci had left a lasting and permanent mark on her life. For in consuming Nicci, in a matter of speaking, the olive skinned beauty had become her, and now, when the angel of death claims her, will become, at least for as long as a mortal's natural life is, Becky. In claiming her though, the angel is aware that she is eliminating this lover of life, this woman, from the gene pool, that all she could have done, the other lovers she could have had if one of them hadn't been an angel of death, the children she could have raised and the years she could have lived, all it would amount to is merely fat on her body and power for her soul, strength for her to further judge those who have strayed out of the place she alone dictates proper, outside of what she considers the natural order of things, who seek more power in the elimination of their fellow mortal than they had been blessed with, to pass her own sentence and execution. At least though, in assuming a mortal form, the angel will be able to vicariously live out what Rabecca may have had, allowing the knowledge, the life, of the woman to guide her in her choices and help her assume that role. For its the least she could do, considering the greed with which she'd extinguish her, to allow her soul to influence her, indeed even without it being part of her she can feel its influence by the love this woman shares to the deadly celestial judge, the compassion she'd had on her when she had assumed the form of a mere mortal, bereft of anything to give her, and her lack of fear in gazing upon the angel's true form. In Becky she saw so much beauty, so much of what is good in the world, and the continuation of Nicci's work in her own. But in all honesty it is also Becky who has allowed her to become who, and what she is, in part. As they snuggle together, partially sated in the flesh, she feels more keenly the stirring of the soul inside her love, and more sharply feels her hunger for her. Not much longer now, she tells herself. And despite all this, its Nikaliel who sorrows in her loss, that she'd lose the angel of mercy that Becky is, even as she is proud of the nurse for her rejoicing and noble sacrifice in giving herself to her, though she knew that there was not really much chance in her ever turning back to the dark paths, she had led the poor soul down this path, and set the course for their destinies, Nikaliel to gain so much from the lovely Becky, and the brunette beauty to find true peace and satisfaction in her surrender to her. And though there was some apparent and completely understandable doubts about what her future could hold, she can sense that Rabecca is well determined to join her. There is a joyful and complete joy and such deep anticipation and hunger reflected through her link to Becky that its almost surprising she has the nerve to stay there, feeling what she feels. And yet, she would be unable to run now, not that Nikaliel would have ever allowed her to, not with her prize so near, her hunger so close to being sated...even as she feels the nurse let out her own orgasm, though perhaps not her final one if the angel has much to say about it, and feels her panting beneath her, needing time to recover. Hardly though, could the nurse have anticipated that her whole façade as Nishi had been to toy with her, to test her, give her a worse-case scenario with a patient dying as she had appeared and the dark joy the angel would feel when she, after revealing the darkness of Becky's soul and showing her how evil she had been, would turn on Nikaliel, who would, feeling fully justified in her actions, devour her with no remorse, no guilt, only satisfaction that she was eliminating an evil from existence. Or how the angel of death had been taken completely by surprise when the mask of the angel of the mercy remained firmly in place, the purity that the nurse had come to know even in light of her revelation a true and strong light. And hardly had the angel expected such total surrender, such desire to allow her to consume her, subsume her, and enjoy her fully! This love that Becky is showing her, the pleasure she'd given her, how light it makes the angel feel despite the serious and certainly grim design that fate, and her own design had set them on. Through the link she could feel the tremulous fear trying to extinguish the peace of which Becky had arrived at, the point so close at hand, the die, cast, and as much as the angel wishes to help her, to console her to it, she couldn't and allow the woman still to have her free will, having to let the trembling flesh that lay beneath her fingers quiet on her own. Their kiss was their seal, the only permission the angel needs to unleash her full desire and hunger upon the woman, as she feels the brave soul extinguish the fear, the smile showing the gentle light that lays behind those blue eyes, and though fear was gone, she felt the sorrow too, reflected by her own, in knowing that she would be giving up the physical presence of this extraordinary woman for her eternal presence as a part of her, clasping the hands tenderly as she listens to the Nurse of Light's answer. "My Becky...for truly you are mine and mine alone, as a lover and as part of me forevermore...you've set my soul at ease in my desire for you. Let me dry your tears, make your fears and sorrow fade into bliss as we shall now become united even more than before." And yet, despite her brave words, the angel of death couldn't keep her own tears from her face, tears of joy as much as of sorrow. "I know, you're giving me everything, and I gladly accept, my Angel of Mercy, of Love. We shall nevermore be apart, but always united as one. One last kiss, before I claim you." She says with a wide smile on her face, pushing those lips she'd taste for a final times to her own, her body shivering in anticipation as her tongue lashes with Rabecca's one last time, their breathing mingles...and unlike other times that the pull of the nurse's soul was nearly accidental, this time, completely controlled as she sips it between her lips, leaving a little leftover in Rabecca's body for her to be able to feel everything, to experience this divine moment where angel and mortal join together in one body, one flesh, the nurses' perception shifting to two perceptions...one of a beautiful body seen through Nikaliel's eyes, of her lips on the nurses', and the other of her staring up at the nurse, barely able to feel and act, the link between body and soul a tenuous one, which Nikaliel has to work hard not to fully severe and allow her love the pleasure of being devoured, the soul that was devoured pulsing brightly from Nikaliel, a look of overwhelming lust and hunger entering her eyes. Silently and deftly, she brushes the length of her body along the olive skin beneath her until she reaches Rabecca’s feet, feeling her soft skin for a moment before she gently begins to lick at the familiar flavor of Becky’s feet, sliding slowly one, than two toes, gradually widening her mouth over each digit before repeating the process with the other foot as she presses them together, taking her time, savoring this taste, her lips slowly working up and over the feet to reach the heel, the damp wetness of her maw spreading over the feet until they disappear inside her stuffed cheeks, pale skin stretching over olive skin before a soft gulp can be heard, the feet swallowed into her throat as her lips begin to spread over the silky smooth skin, the little goosebumps evident to her tongue as she tastes them, feeling where hair would be growing from if not carefully tended by her, the tongue licking as her teeth nibble lightly at the ankles, almost sighing when another gulp pulls them past her taste. Gently, she brings her hands to Becky’s side, both to caress her reassuringly and enjoy the feel of her skin and to help aid in her swallowing, gently gripping the love handles and pulling her softly, slowly, pale skin caressing and lips brushing around the calves, soft gulping sounds being heard as flesh ripples around the legs, pulling them deeper in to be tasted and caressed, enjoyed. Her lips feel the bend of the knee enter, licking at the crevice in the back of the knee before she’ll straighten them for her to gulp down, and will get Rabecca’s body swallowed down to her hips as her body literally glows with the presence of Becky’s soul, before she smirks a little bit and begins to use her tongue to play with her love, her meal, feeling the clit stimulated, tasting the mingling of their juices, pushing into the folds so she could taste only Rabecca, enjoy only her around her tongue, eyes glowing with sensual delight at the taste of her, the feel of her as her hands find her rear and press those folds to be enjoyed and for her love’s pleasure
a treat for them both. That duality and need. Those moments of indecision and final thought, ever running through both woman's mind. Their joint desire to keep Becky around as long as absolutely possible. But also their joint fear of what future could left beholden by the creations of the world and the universe, depending upon just how far the evil would be allowed to spread, should a demon once more take possession of the goodly nurse's heart. Nary could either woman understand that that very demon, was already ready to come back, even that very day, to begin to tempt the brunette, to sway her this way or that, all to get and re-anchor its talons fiercely, sickly and deeply, back to the roots it once knew. May haps the brunette could withstand for several years, maybe even without the guardian angel's knowledge. But selfish would either of their cravings be, for a lust and for a love, that could never, freely be. While it could be true, the destiny of Rabecca Tomea had been written stone, the very moment she passed that start, and went past the point of no return. No matter how good or precious and perfect she had become. From living her new existence in nothing but purity and gracious actions, now upon the evil one's radar, Becky remained. As righteous as she had become, she was ever upon the devil's sights, and satiated would the entity never remain, so long as Becca remained whom she had become. Waiting within the shadows, ready to consume her in her lust for depravity, for the tainted taste and touch of a devil's whispering caress, the savor of another's soul. That very entity, ready to strike at the least suspecting moment, when the human would be vulnerable to it, ready to re-chain her, and pull her down, this time, with no way and hope of ever returning to the light. Though that was not meant to be. Neither girl could ever understand the hidden agenda or see past the division line into the darkness. The only vailing that still remained from either evil or goodness, the one to the other, that either side was not entirely able to truly see the other's end game and internal motives. That was where Rabecca would find her final forgiveness and eternal grace, that was where she remained safe. Decisions already made, leading both women to a higher path. An odd thing to contemplate, Nikaliel's original reason for coming, to punish and overcome an evil entity, to sate her desire in retaking Nicci's very soul through the vanquishing of Rabecca, would in fact, be able to get that... but oh so very much more. As if the master had had a perfect plan from the beginning. An end game scenario that nary the evil one could foresee past its hatred, a forgiveness and a satiate. Becky would be forgiven, and taken away from sin, while also blessing the eternal life of the person who would take her to that ultimately finality. Nikaliel would be able to have her cake and eat it to. To both right a wrong and save a soul, but not just one, millions upon millions. Becky would like to believe that the great I AM, would have a final say in what happened to the freed souls of her past life. But the future was no longer the nurse's to worry about. She had already found salvation, and through her creator and this Angel of Fortune's way, Becky's life would not all be lived in vain or have been fruitless. All the goodness that existed within the universe, in what ever dimension and space and time it resided, would know Ms. Tomea to be a worker of good, truly having changed her ways. It was now time for Becky to go home. To gain that eternal rest, she so deserved. A rest that could only be given to her by death and cessation itself. The Angel's tears could be seen just as Becky's had already begun, the duality of both seeing it from the external portions of her mortality, but to also feel it as Nikaliel would shed them, neither woman could hide a thing from the other's mind, and the feeling of each other's bodies, both as the watcher and as the doer. All was well, all was well indeed. And as the two shared their tears, as Becky heard herself being compared to an Angel of Mercy, Becky couldn't help but feel the exact same way about Nikaliel. While Becky herself would no longer be acting, just waiting, at the self same moments, she felt her redeeming angel act, to complete this joint union for them, one slow, carefully placed, but purposeful motion, at a time. Barely recovering in her silence, the two women were still of one mind. Neither did Becky's eyes or thoughts deceive her... it was time. Time for the original purpose of the Angel of Death's visit upon this mortal realm. To consume Becky, whole and alive. To devour her very soul. Seeing to it, then to it... it began. But Nikaliel, if somehow she hadn't known it before, could not deny it now. The Angel of Freedom, would know she wasn't merely coming to collect and gain a perhaps, revenge. But to forgive and be forgiven. To save the world from a possible evil that could have over taken it, save she didn't come, exactly when she should have. But everything was well in hand, just as the harbinger of all light had envisioned it. And thus it would commence. As light as a feather, yet as possessive as a lover would behold another during that most passionate of intimacy and embrace, Nikaliel could be felt running her fingers and her body up and along, then down and over, caressingly and finesse like, as if this was truly, the last time each lover would behold one another, for it indeed was! Becky knew Nikaliel was going to make this an event neither of them could or would soon forget, well, certainly for the one. Even if Becky, even as Becky, would be no more, the nurse knew everything she herself once was, would be lived on both physically, spiritually, mentally and actually, as if Becky were living out her life undaunted, as herself. Becky panted, breathing heavily, even as the Angel of Promise finally reached her feet. Licking, sucking, and sensually taking in her prey, this one Rabecca Tomea, as much as she had tried to prepare herself for such a thing, it was one thing to contemplate, and an entirely different thing to live out in reality. Though Becky understood Nikaliel's hunger, her lusts, even without that shared link they now possessed between each other, as she had herself, once harbored it. Nikaliel needed to do this just right, but Becky was confident that she both would, and that she had the capability to do just as such. Doing her utmost to give Nikaliel confidence in their joint relinquishing. Oh my, how close forever seemed. How near did the edge of her life feel, coming in to close, literally, all around her. Yet she must stay brave, and should she fail, even if she wanted to run now, both women knew Nikaliel would not and could not allow that. Such a dominated feeling, watching one's self slowly but surely get devoured up inside of their partner's body. Becky would be lying if she said there wasn't fear within the back of her mind, even now, despite the pleasure and the rightness that yielded itself true too, even to this situation. Chills went down her very spine, as did goosebumps travel over her very limbs and nary did they end, not until the brunette's very soft and smooth ankles feel the grasp in either of Nikaliel's hands. She clenched her teeth and gulped, blinking occasionally, but barely did the nurse dare to close her eyes, in the fear of missing one moment. Even as gradually as Nikaliel meant to move, or as slowly even as she was moving, it was all but a twinkling of an eye in the eternities. Just a ripple in a pond. Even as Nikaliel's radiant white hair could be seen, almost as if it were waving in the room with a blowing wind against the back of it. Over thirty years lived as a mortal upon the Earth had Becky remained, only to be devoured up in an hour, or far less. What a measure to compare, what a situation to contemplate, what a final choice and gift, to be received. Becky was being devoured both whole and alive. And she was resisting the very urge to turn and run. The duality of her emotions spiking as lips progressed, as Nikaliel's very throat opens to devour her. Yet holding on, still she remained, even as the woman's throat muscles rippled against her very flesh. The gifts and visions and promises made to each other, far more important than any brief fear the human woman would ever have to endure. Reminding herself of this constantly, as more and more of her body was thus consumed, herself literally disappearing away inside of this angel, inch by inch, Nikaliel nary even showing an ounce of strain. Both as a gift and as a final punishment perhaps. To know what it felt like to be utterly consumed. To be as a person she had devoured many times before, in thence, the past. Yet the brunette would like to believe, the latter portion of the people she had devoured, would be joyful, as just like Nicci, she had spared their lives, their very souls, freeing them from the burden and chains of a crippling body, only so that they could soar above the heavens as angels. Becky focused on all the good she had done, not allowing the adversary the privilege to hold upon her fear. Reflecting on every moment her new life had brought her, especially this past little while she had been gifted by this Angel of Mercy, even Nikaliel. Nearly half of her entire body, utterly consumed as she reminisced, her eyes wide open but her mind half awake, a gift of her love she shared with this woman consuming her, perhaps too dull some of her senses but awaken the ones these two cherished the most, even as her lower limbs had since been squelched down into the gastrointestinal chamber that belonged to her voracious mate. Inch after inch, Becky had watched, even specifically watched, herself being literally subsumed physically by this celestial being. Ever her curious mortal eyes would lay beholden to the bulge she made inside of Nikaliel's body, pulled softly yet surely from her deeper thoughts by the tongue that once again graced her very sex! "Annnnnnngh!" Becky gasped, lulling her head back with a thrust, her toes curling inside of Nikaliel's already possessing guts, her body gradually tensing up, even as her other half ate her alive, and ate her out. Each motion of Nikaliel's mouth understood to Becky, the taker of her very life, of her very body, even of her very soul, was deliberate. That duality able to please both women, seeing things from the Angel's eyes as well as her own, through the Angel's eyes and her very own, there was no fantasy, no desire and no choice feeling, Becky could hide from this woman. Indeed, Becky already belonged fully, wholly and irrevocably, to Nikaliel. To Nikaliel and no one else! Softly she began to buck, relishing in this heaven, sighing out deeply as her doubts and her fears and her reality, were swallowed up within the surreality of these moments. That dexterous tongue, the Angel's perfect mouth finding ways to stimulate both her clitoris and her inner folds, at the exact same time! Between her vulva, to the very center of her sexual canal and the millions of nerves ending bundles that existed within them, Becky was indeed stimulated several times fold, being gifted this type of amazing sex, only a mortal, a female one at that, could ever hope to merely fantasize, but never, ever get the chance to live out. Yeah, had these two been connected in such a way, without the duality of Nikaliel's divine protection, perhaps the pleasure would have been far too great for her mortal coil to even be graced, doubtlessly killing a normal female human at the beginning of the peak thereof. Yet Becky was blessed. Perhaps a final mercy, to have this duality, this binding chain Nikaliel so carefully kept in and checked endlessly, with much careful thought and concentration. The sexual pleasure mounting, a delicious gift the creators of mortality had sought to give mankind, indeed that true, intimacy, that shared, beautiful orgasm. A sensation meant to be shared between two lovers of the same heart. Nikaliel was doing more than just meeting this, but far surpassing it. This final gift to give her prey, her delicious, succulent meal, a death's sacrificial orgasmic release. Better far, even than the last, Becky was being made to feel now! Gasping for air but for all the right reasons, and not to restrain herself from being consumed, but for the desire to give into to the feelings completely, Becky tore at the sheets containing these two women on her bed, her nails and finger tips finally latching on as she found the spreading cloth. Screaming at the top of her lungs as Nikaliel's tongue finally found her sexual center, even her cervical wall. Being touched and pleasured in all the right places. She could no longer hold the tides of her lust back. Rocking her hips, the point of no return finally reached, involuntary muscle spasms and actions, produced by a mortal need to procreate, followed by self-same actions of a human wishing to feel even more pleasure, combined even with the duality of pleasure from both women in both their physical and mental and spiritual capacities, was left to be beholden by this one, brunette female, even Rabecca Tomea. Coursing through her like lightning clashing through the clouds. Forcing the waves of pleasure through her very center, like the discharge of a cocked and coiled, fired gun, the bullet ripping through the spinning curved chamber at the perfect moment, it’s very exit erupting through her with enough power to pierce through the thickest of all metals. Becky was washed in and through the beginning of her orgasmic release! Color explosions flashing through and in her eyes as she squeezed them shut, still seen, gasping for breath even as she rocked her back into an arch, her entire body trembling and shaking as she calls out her lover’s name, finally, "NIIIIIIIIKAAAAAAAAAAALIEL!". The human allows herself this final prize, her pedal gushing out, flowing forward likened unto a broken dam, the flood gates spilling Becky's nectar, even into the very depths, mouth, and throat, of her devourer, her heated honey pot saving nothing behind, but forcing every last drop of her sexuality out, even as the human's body heaved and felt upheavals, like unto never a thing she had felt so perfect from, even in her entire existence. One orgasm after another, Becky treasured it, savored it, not focusing on the fact that it was to be her very last, but, focusing on the flawless perfection of the feelings she felt at those very moments. There was only now, there was only here, and here was where she'd allow her mind to stay, for as long as she was allowed to feel such things. Twitching and basking in the afterglow of her final, perfect, ejaculation, all of it thus happening within the Angel of Devouring's, loving maw~ These last moments as Nikaliel works Rabecca inside her, feeling in the dual sensations the heat of her body around the nurse, her presence and ravenous desire to have Rabecca all to herself, are moments the angel cherishes, the pleasure of swallowing and feeling as Rabecca being swallowed reflecting and amplifying her joy and pleasure of this meal...one which would not be her last in her long lifetime but would definitely be her most defining and cherished, as well as most satisfying on multiple points. While her lips work around the soft legs, their smoothness only broken by goosebumps, seeing them pop up right in front of her eyes as her own look at Rabecca's, the angel able to see reflection in the azure depths, of her life, of their time together, she all but could hear what the nurse was thinking. Even so, the angel reflects little more on their time together, the whole of it coming to her as a defining moment in her eternity, the subterfuge she'd come to Becky's door with, deception to lower her guard even as she had half expected the monstrous creature in Rabecca to swallow her up, claiming the last bits of the angel's soul, uniting the angel of death with the sorceress and nurse she had been. Yet the deception worked well, without resorting to divine powers beyond hiding her true self she seduced the nurse, made love, and feel in love with her...the last, an unexpected development and complication, keeping her from immediately doing as she is doing now. The resulting blaze of two souls in love, for how could she doubt Becky's love for her, makes this experience even more joyous, more wondrous despite the sorrow she feels to lose her, knowing that in corporal form she'll be lost for all time, her soul nevermore returning to it's Creator who could give her rest and life anew. Not for Rabecca, who's soul shall enter the heaven of her own choosing, even the angel of death, to be an everlasting part of her. By now the angel is reconciled that she'd claim Rabecca's soul, and in doing so reclaim the lost part of herself and more so it seems, a true soul mate for her, one who is selfless in her giving, in fighting the darkness within her, desiring to purge herself with not merely the death of the flesh but to let her soul go, to let her very essence go. Any hesitation on Nikaliel's part now is more about, what changes on her shall Rabecca's soul cause, and how changed will she be once she reclaims the rest of herself. The sweet savor of the nurse's essence! Even as her tongue partakes of the delicious flesh she enjoys the part of Becky's soul that is trapped inside her, to share the angel's experience of her own body, enjoy with her the fullness she'll feel as that sweat-slickened olive skin passes through her lips, a divine portal to a ravenous belly that will claim her, and has already partially claimed her, feeling the feat push through the bottom of her throat to celebrate being the first part of the nurse into her final home, not yet bulging out the angel's stomach, who is all too aware of the morsel that is beginning to fill her belly, slick mucous and tight folds ready to stretch to receive more of this heavenly morsel. While devouring this loving morsel she could tell by the look in her eyes that she was far away as though thinking outside these final moments for a time, could sense that this soulmate of hers was far away in her thoughts. When her tongue gets to this Becky's core though, the angel smirks with amusement and in mutual pleasure at sensing her full return to the moment, to what's happening at the here and now, the angel showing for a final time a desire to give her lover the best time of her life, feeling the softness of her, the quivering of muscles reacting to her probing, flicking tongue, pale hands enjoying the softness of the olive rear in her hands. Slowly and yet inexorably she draws out more and more pleasure from her brunette Angel, licking, tasting, gulping down around the smooth skin the liquid pleasure, letting out soft murrs of her own appreciation, of the mixed flavors of flesh and orgasm combining, the loud cry of pleasure from Becky's lips drawing warm and rich laughter around the nurses' hips, the angelic tongue finally withdrawing from the rich-tasting folds. As her tongue withdraws from those folds she’ll remove her hands from the rear for a moment to grab at Becky’s hands, and after tenderly kissing and licking each one, including between each finger, she slips them between her lips too next to the heat and moistness of her soaked nethers and allows her greedy throat to ripple further around the legs and draw the waist into her maw, blue eyes sparkling with delight. Such opportunities, to truly savor and enjoy a morsel such as Rabecca did not come along frequently, and if the angel of death was overindulging herself in this bit of living, who could truly blame her? From such a view-point this was still happening all too quickly, even as slowly as she was devouring her Nurse of Love. With the nether-lips no longer distracting her taste, she still felt the desire to taste and enjoy every square inch of Becky's flesh, her hands removed now from the roundness of the rear only to find a new station tracing up her back, feeling for a final time the soft flesh, the curves and muscles that would soon add to her own, settling on her breasts finally with her tongue working on the belly, licking the belly button, tasting each bit of the now-trapped arms and gingerly suckling on every bit of flesh as more of the legs find her stomach's sweltering and loving embrace. How long her tongue teases and tastes and her teeth nibbles on the flesh as more of the torso slips between her lips, she can't tell but to know however long it is, she reaches the soft firmness of the breasts all too soon. Softly sighing and knowing she's nearly finished swallowing, Nikaliel suckles on the edges of the breasts, licking beneath them and trying more and more to keep from swallowing, as determined to relish every final moment, every exquisite curve that she can, to imprint on her mind forever that which will soon pass from this world, from existence altogether. Content to tease the edges of those orbs several minutes longer before letting them slip between her lips, she smiles almost apologetically, her view of Becky's face temporarily hidden by her breasts. Slowly though, the contours of those breasts begin to squeeze into Nikaliel's maw, being lovingly teased by her tongue for longer before they're reluctantly swallowed down, leaving Becky's head and shoulders hanging in the air and the angel stomach taking on a bit of a bulge with the legs mostly deposited inside, the walls churning gently in welcome for her and in anticipation of the full body. Another swallow and her tongue begins to tease under the brunette's chin, the brunette hair cascading over Nikaliel's face and mixing with her white hair momentarily until she pulls it out of the way slightly, cradling her head gently with her hands, stroking the soft cheeks tenderly, the shoulders beginning to slip inside now. One more swallow brings the shoulders inside and leaves the head hanging, the angel feeling Becky's warm breath washing over her face for the last time, and awkwardly slips her tongue between those luscious lips for one final, almost desperate, kiss, trying to convey as much of her passion for her nurse as she could in the exchange. While there was sadness plain on her face, there was joy and satisfaction that overshadows the negative emotions as their tongues dance a last time, receiving the last breath Becky would take outside of her before swallowing once more. Finally, there is simply left the top of the brunette head and her hair, gently being stroked one more time by Nikaliel’s fingers before she allows the tresses to slip through them, as another swallow deposits her head in her throat, lips slurping up the hair and tongue pulling the rest of it inside her moist maw before all that’s left is the nurse body passing through her throat, pale fingers tracing the form on her neck gently as all that remains in her once full mouth is a lingering taste of olive skin, of her love juices and her saliva, of her hair and what shampoo she used on it. With more and more of Rabecca settling into her stomach, she smiles happily and contentedly, stroking her growing belly. Inside, the nurse would find the throat tight but not crushing, the softness almost smothering, the angel of death trying to swallow gently to keep from crushing the nurse who would soon be crushed by her stomach anyways
ironic in a way, to spare her from her throat doing it so that her stomach could. Her stomach itself was tight, curling the olive-skinned beauty in a tight ball, forcing her as tightly as it could, almost eager as the angel was reluctant in swallowing to process the meal inside. “URRP! Excuse me dear, had to get another taste of you.” She jokes slightly as the gas expelled causes the stomach to shrink more, the acids beginning to tingle. The acids could burn painfully and are active eating at the supple and smooth olive flesh, but the sensation would not be painful for Rabecca, the angel instead causing them to deliver a heady and intoxicating feeling as they soak into her, the walls massaging and kneading out the cares and worries of the nurses’ body, of a lifetime of sorrow and the worries leaving this life behind will cause. With most of Becky’s soul inside Nikaliel, the nurse can feel both sides of digestion, as the devourer and the devoured, to enjoy the sensation of melting away and being in part, the one doing the melting. Even though the stomach is cramped, she could feel it would give way slightly if she pushes at it, allowing her to reposition herself, and immediately conforming back around her, while outside Nikaliel hugs her belly, stroking it soothingly, knowing soon, Becky would fully belong to her. What could be said at a time like this? How could Rabecca react? How should both parties feel when they know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that this will be Ms. Tomea's last day alive? While the nurse had no doubt Nikaliel would never forget her, was she truly ready to meet her end? To stay gone, to be erased... forever? No. She was not ready. Neither was Nikaliel. Even the girl that Nikaliel had planned to come knocking on the door of, wasn't the same person as prior to figured. Alas. Both Angel and human realized a very important thing. As much as they dually, mutually wanted this loving girl to exist, with the fate of the world at stake, it was simply too much of a risk to leave to chance. Rabecca would resist all that she possibly could. The penitent and learned physician would however fail. The demons that wished to possess her soul even now had been following her, researching her every move, even now, the same stalking phantoms were merely waiting for when Rabecca would be at her lowest point, to strike her down and claim her, when she least expected it. Beyond good intention and the will to do well, sometimes things cannot change, sometimes things cannot be undone. As hollowed and pure as Rabecca had come to be, shadows of darkness still tainted the inner white walls of her caring heart and soul. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, both women knew this, she was scared beyond protection. That shared spiritual and physical link Nikaliel had created, unable to be denied because of it. Rabecca was in Nikaliel, just as much as Nikaliel was in the nurse. Everything shared, not a thing they were able to hold back from each other. Minds were made, the price was set, as unfortunate as it became, the moment to collect, was now nigh at hand, and nothing save the vanquishing of all evil everywhere, would stop the momentum of this occasion from transpiring. Where else could Rabecca go, what else could the human do? Her legs were already trapped inside of the Angel of Death's esophagus, already being guided down a throat and muscular wall she knew there was only one way through, a downward motion that sought ever to pull her deeper, even into the depths of Nikaliel's digestive core. Yet Rabecca was not alone, neither would Nikaliel allow that to be. Rabecca's misdeeds while opened unto her, almost too harsh bear, that final gift the Angel would give her, recompensed, she had swallowed the pain of the guilt away from her, choices already forgiven of heaven, but ones that Becky had to deal with, so she too, understood exactly why she had to leave. The dark ones waiting for the perfect excuse the human and the angel could come up with, save they changed their minds. This committed task irrevocable, even as Nikaliel's hands listed to suck, to savor, to slowly take in the medical professional's fingers into her mouth, gently inserting them in and along with her thighs, countless loving and lusts having been shared between these two women, a soul that Nikaliel had been waiting for fiercely to receive. While days meant nothing in the vast scheme of things, the seconds that ticked and tocked on a clock when a higher being allows themselves to the idea of time, it could likely be just a painful to make it through the waiting moments upon this earth. Nikaliel's tongue ever searching, caressing, tasting, cherishing her morsel. Rabecca's destiny, her very fate weaved up within and down those celestial, swallowing muscles. Like a double-edged blade this was both comforting, warm, and glorious, as was it paralyzing, final and true. Neither women could expect to understand how Rabecca would feel and react before this happened and while it was experienced, even if for obvious and natural reasons it had to happen. How could one know how to feel, how they feel, once their body was utterly being devoured? As brave as Becca wanted to stay, fear gripped the back of her mind. This constant battle, just as powerful as Nikaliel's raging war of trying to enjoy this, to slow this for memory sake, as much as possible, both paramount to each person. Both nurse and the Angel of Succession could feel it, what either party was experiencing, Becky understood her fear might be unfair, but could Nikaliel expect her to experience anything else? This was her very body, soon to be her very soul, that would be taken into the winged one's body, never allowed to leave again. Promises made be true, but harsh, it would not make it any easier. Still, as the nurse was held, as she was loved, fear was given very little room to linger inside of the brunette's mind, the nurse focusing on how Nikaliel was feeling, amazed at her own taste, allowing herself to give in to what it felt to be like the Angel of Death, wondering just how many people had gone down this extraterrestrial creature's esophagus and stomach and complete digestive tract. Those creeping lips ever drawing closer to her face as the human looked on and down, licking at her navel and inside, creeping up her back, hands tracing all along her body, the angel's mouth moving past her abdominal wall, Nikaliel only pausing once she made it to the girl's expansive chest just at her midriff. Yet hardly would it seem to prove any real obstacle for this ravenous friend. Bit by bit the Angel's mouth expanded, gently enjoying her, softly suckling at her flesh, that time of equal pause increasingly noted. Rabecca's heart was beating fast still as slowly as Nikaliel had been devouring her alive, what was a vore session in the ripples of time in an eternal pond? Fleeting seconds? The woman's body, her very soul, her existence amongst these plains for well over twenty years, nearing her third decade. All this to be subsumed, to be conceded, to be but merely given up, in what felt like the blinking of an eye. Tender, precious, cherished moments never to be forgotten. Becky found her eyes blinking fast, the fear that had buried itself somewhat away, had still buried itself deep. Now trying to destroy all her peace, as the time would be coming up, even within the next few minutes, where she knew, where Nikaliel knew, Rabecca would never see the light of day, again. She'd be damned to a digestive darkness, a muscular contraction ready to take her apart, piece by piece. Even now, Becky trying to picture how her same sized body, would fit entirely inside of Nikaliel's own stomach. A person left to fit in a singular organ, designed to do, just one thing. To destroy whatever was inside of it! The brunette wasn't to merely be devoured by another successor of her own. She was going to be subsumed by an Angel of Death. Her whole body heating up, even more than it had, she trembled. The most terrifying part about it, the calm before the storm, the rest before the plunge, was she could see exactly when Nikaliel had planned to do it. Bracing herself, no, holding on, for how could one brace themselves for something like this? At edge of night, when everything feels so dark, yet an inner light was trying to be let in, trying to give Rabecca reason to trust, that this was the best choice, that this was where she truly belonged. Not long was the human allowed such contemplation. The moment the girls knew was to come, after that long rest of caress and tenderness, would finally come to pass. Rabecca knew it, she was so in the now, she had to say something, even if it seemed choked up and fear ridden. She had to show the Angel she was brave, that she cared to save the world, and that she loved this now found relationship, even as the guardian of souls soon swallowed up her breasts, followed by her narrow shoulders, as if they were small snacks to be tasted and consumed, leaving out only her neck and chin to follow. In a trembling voice the devoured finally said.... "I love you Nikaliel. You must do what you know to be right, you must do what you know you have come here to. Even with a perfect knowledge, I cannot deny my fear. At the edge of all things. Yet I know you will remember our promise. Even now, I feel so much good, so much potential in you. A celestial being who still has chance to grow, day by day, that's truly something. T.... Thank you for giving me the chance to meet you, for saving me, for bearing my harsh burdens...." then with that, as prior mentioned, the brunette's lips were taken by a piercing tongue, the last embrace the lovers would hold between each other, Rabecca in turn savoring it, sucking upon that tongue, long as she was allowed. Hands to caress, oral muscles to taste, to cherish, but by and by, that final, fateful swallow would be given as Nikaliel removed her tongue, even as a massive GLUUUULK resounded all around the nurse, before her head was taken to be inside of Nikaliel's mouth. Her hair even felt being gathered up, like the shepherd gathering in their flock, before the final, slow, rippling swallows, were to usher down this new-found meal, to a place, where this organic matter, could be dissolved away and be erased, for eternity. A second heart beat heard as Rabecca's head was sandwiched in on all sides, encompassed ‘round about, by massive walls of pulsating flesh. She was in the upper tract of Nikaliel's digestive chambers, more of her to readily joining her bottom half as time progressed into the future. A free girl serving patients, loving those in need, living a life that could be deemed by the great makers as celestial itself. A woman who had only yesterday treated an Angel for trauma. A nurse who had only yesterday learned that whom she was with, was no mere human named Nishi, but an Angel of Collection, named Nikaliel. A woman who was coming out of spite to correct a demon's path, when both women's natures were further realized and revealed, to be nothing but wholesome and good. What was a human adventure and a life, but a session of learning and growth? Rabecca had grown in leaps and bounds, but alas her past had caught up with her. Almost as if heaven's gates could see an outcome that was both disastrous and unavoidable, save Nikaliel meet it head on. Rabecca Tomea was exactly where she was supposed to be, right on time for a one-way trip, down express lane, on a bullet train, straight to her obliteration. Yet could such harsh words be thought when these two had shared so much together? Was fear the correct and most healthy emotion to feel in one's final moments? No. It was not. IT COULD NOT REMAIN. Rabecca had to show Nikaliel she was brave, that she still loved her, giving the celestial being the knowledge, that all would be okay even in the woman's absence. A break in her silence, in her deep reminiscing and searching mind. The brunette left to hear the sound of laughter, the sound of a belch, rather unladylike mind, come directly from the lips that consumed her from above. She bent her brow even as her head had since been squished past, along with her hair, straight into Nikaliel's gastrointestinal chamber, only left to be forced to curl up into a very tight, uncomfortable ball. At a time like this. Nikaliel would laugh? Why not then, was Becky? "Hahahaha! You're excused!" a sudden burst would follow, coming directly from the nurse's lips, regardless of how muffled it would seem past thick layers of flesh and mucus. Regardless if Nikaliel could hear it, she could feel it, and 'hear' Rabecca do it, that duality undeniable. Why fear what you cannot change? Why dwell on the negative? Why allow the dark ones to destroy your peace? Even as she found herself inside of Nikaliel's gut fully, Rabecca's expectations of a natural digestive system, were wrong. The girl left to understand Nikaliel was warding off any pain the brunette would feel in her final, physical moments. A gift from a friend, a dear lover. Even in this utter darkness, the pitch black covering up its pink surroundings. With a deep sigh and a grunt, Becky felt those walls closing in on her, crushing her down to make the area around and surrounding her, smaller, the squelching valve above making its final slurping, suck to seal back up tightly overhead, to seal the nurse unto itself. Whether both girls liked it or not, Rabecca was devoured. Consumed, eaten alive and whole! And neither could she be removed the same way she came to be within. Neither could her life continue as it once had. The dual feelings these souls shared, Rabecca experienced as well. The taste, the act of vore, the love, and the lust of it all. The last things Rabecca would allow her mind and body to feel as a physical being, their togetherness. What these two had shared. SHE was in control of her own fate, of her own destiny, even if she'd willed herself over to be removed from existence. She would decide how she felt about it all. Perhaps to Nikaliel's surprise, the angel could note the trapped girl gently smoothing the insides of her lover's digestive walls, even the rippling, uneven groves of a middle-portioned digestive vat, where all the 'action' and 'fun' would begin! Another funny thought coming to the human's mind in this darkest hour, was that. She laughed out again. Truly, a sense of humor at a time like this was what Rabecca needed most. She could laugh at life, almost as much as she loved to be with Nikaliel. She deserved to be happy. No one would fault her for that! The only thoughts in Becky's mind now that remained were memories of joy, of everything she'd done in her life that was good, it now far outweighing the bad. Of the romance these two had shared, getting to know each other, and not for one moment would the brunette regret that. The guilt and the sin having already been swallowed up in Nikaliel. Why should Becky despair? There was only time for mere moments, they would be spent embracing this fate. They would be spent with Becky's longing in heart that her establishment would be looked after, even after she was no more. She could take hope that somehow, somewhere, the souls she'd taken, would be restored, once her soul was free to give them away. That her unborn children would find a way to achieve the retain of a physical body, to laugh, love, to rejoice. Yet even if the lost souls could only be taken into Nikaliel's soul, it would be a far better fate than they were first offered. There was a smile now on Becky's face. She'd come to that last acceptance, even as Nikaliel looked after her in these final, life breathing moments. Even now, Nikaliel was loving her, cradling her, hugging her through it. She knew the Angel would never leave her again. That she'd make this transition a final, loving act. That she would honor Rabecca's memory, not for whom she once was, but who she had become in the end. What a comforting feeling, knowing someone was with her, even in her final moments. Nothing but love was welling up within the brunette's heart. No tears, no doubt, no fear, just undeniable and unconditional peace, her surrender. Her life was now no longer her own, her body and fate decided. Why worry about that which cannot be changed? Becky finally closes her eyes, breathing deeply. Listening to the sounds that were like a comforting ambience, in the absence of physical light.~ After the initial shock, there was much that could be said, protests and acceptances, words of love and words of scorn, of denial and of hate. Indeed, had her better nature not been to surface, there is little the angel, with all her power, could have done to stop the angel should Becca tap into her vast well of souls, the angel at every moment knowing this, that the only way she'd claim Rabecca was as the willing and loving nurse she was, and so doing all she could in her power to help her come to grips with it, siphoning on the nurse's soul to establish the link between their selves as well as showing her all the love she could. Despite the very real fear Nikaliel has of this being she's devouring she can tell that the nurse she's become, the Angel of Mercy she's come to know her as is very much, at least for the time being, her true self. This crucial juncture during which the angel consumes and takes all of the nurse, is the one which she's anticipated and feared, for if having devoured Nicci had changed Rabecca so much, how would subsuming Rabecca into herself, devouring her body and soul, change her? Sure, she might be able to reclaim the missing part of her that even now makes up a part of the nurse, but what of the demonic corruption that had been the root of Nicci, as a nurse, being devoured in the first place? Could she truly overcome, in herself, the demons that belonged to Rabecca, and, a greedy part of the angel admits, would she want to do so? For the angel the challenge of this question isn't too far away, a few swallows and then the digestion of the nurse, the subsuming of her body and soul, and hopeful cleansing of said souls instead of being overcome by the evil she senses deep within. As much as she is enjoying her meal, every little taste sending shivers of pleasure down her spine, the curves being enjoyed by her teeth, tongues, and hands, there is a feeling of foreboding, of trepidation, as she can sense the demons lurking in Rabecca too, determined to claim the nurse's soul for her to go back to her old ways of being evil and unfeeling. Yet there is the love between the angel and Rabecca, something along with the nurse's love for others, seems to hold back even all that darkness, that multiplies and grows between the two of them. Could it be something strong enough for them to get rid of the darkness? The fact that Nikaliel seems to have all the power right now only means for the angel, that Rabecca is aiding her in keeping her darker nature away, from consuming Rabecca and subsequently causing the nurse to consume the angel as well, that on this battlefield for the spirit of the nurse, Nikaliel, only with Becca's aid, was winning. Even as they share their final kiss and the angel swallows the last of the nurse down, feeling her stomach expand with the presence of a living person in there, though to her belly the nurse of love and strength is only so much meat to dissolve, the angel is mindful of the darker elements inside of Rabecca's soul, those that claim an unwary nurse or angel, with ease. This meal for the angel is the most significant in her rather finite history, and likely to be the most life-altering...not just meal, but also experience, that the Angel of Death will ever know, one that would change her to her core. Even sans the darkness within the nurse, the angel would have been wanting this meal, for the missing part of herself inside than any real holy crusade, and with this thought there is opened a door that the angel, linked as she is with the nurse, is slightly ashamed of, one of deep consuming hunger and greed, that would pounce on any excuse, whether there is true guilt or not to be found in those the angel devours. The avarice in her soul cannot remain hidden from the nurse no more than can the fear and trembling inside the nurse's soul be hidden from her, the fear that she feels with Nikaliel all around her, pulling her deeper and further into the angelic core which will erase all traces of the nurse except for that which is spiritual and part of the angel, from existence. Though unable to erase her fear as she had been able to assist with the easing of her pain at the shock of who she had once been, the angel can express sympathy through the link, untainted by any regret for their time together, for the desire she feels for Becky's soul and body, and most of all tries to share the strength she feels, even as the human in herself seems to find some strength that Nikaliel can cling to, strength that would allow her with a lighter heart to devour, to merge the woman inside her with herself, fully able to accept the loss and gain from the one who has given all herself to the angel, knowing that the nurse will be giving up a great amount she could experience, the children she could conceive or the lovers she could know, to be with the angel for all eternity. And this fleeting moment, while short in the eyes of the semi-eternal angel, is one that remains crystallized and burned into every thought of the angel's being for all the time she might exist, which, except for being erased along with the other angel that is her at once, all eternity. There is peace in their acceptance of their entwined fates, that the nurse will evermore remain with Nikaliel as part of her body and soul, and in the darkness of the nurse's despair the angel can see the light shining within her, one that will shine on forevermore, at least in memory, a perfect light that casts out the fears, that casts out the worry and shame, both of the angel's avarice and in having strength at being freed from that, able to help Becca in dispelling her fears. Such worry was only natural, but the bravery, the love, the altruistic heart of the nurse, is far from such and something the angel can see comes at great cost and sacrifice of herself, of her own desires and fears. The final words Becky says remain unanswered as Nikaliel gets her bearings, laying back on their bed with her arms sheltering and cradling the nurse inside her stomach, massaging her as much as she could through the veil of flesh that separates them yet joins them together as well. "What's right isn't really fair, you know? I'd see to it if I could keep you alive, that you were made an angel as myself, my lover for all eternity, with power to heal all ailments, to cure all wounds, of body, mind, and soul. You deserve nothing less, and certainly not destruction, not erasing from existence. And yet, because of your strength I'll be able to bring myself to do just that, to erase you from this world, body and soul, to make you part of me for all time...and you can feel the shame I have for being so greedy for your soul, for you. I love you, and thank you, for giving everything, for being so kind to me when I put on my façade as Nishi and loving a stray kitsune, for not being scared of Death's Angel come for you when I could no longer veil my Self from you sight, for loving me." For a long moment, the angel is choked up by the profound emotions, the mixture of love and admiration and desire she has for the nurse, almost as though the angel for the moment, is human herself and not some celestial being, vulnerable and capable of mortal frailties. Of course, the heavy emotions she feels with her lover in her stomach can't keep their hold on her, not when nature runs its course and the angel lets out a most unladylike expulsion of gas, which bubbles up to joyous and slightly embarrassed laughter along with the nurse inside of her, only then recognizably still tormented by her own despair at being devoured fully, finds the angel's own slip and lapse of etiquette along with the subsequent laughter as a way through that emotional heaviness, and even with all the love and strength the two have been showing each other, it is laughter and joy that jolts them out of their repose and into a more mirthful state. "Thank you, was unexpected even with all the meals I've had, never fully expect getting another taste of the one inside. This probably is quite biased, but you are most definitely the most tasty being I've ever devoured, even more so than any angel in the heavens." Nikaliel adds and it is with mirth and contentment that her body begins to work on the nurse inside, her stomach pushing and shifting around the nurse curled up so tightly, the sounds of groaning and churning, slight splashes with the nurse being shifted into the acids audible. The angel's heart beats rhythmically above the nurse, a steady pulse to which the ending of her life sounds to, the acids lightly tingling but never really feeling a burning or caustic sensation along the exposed flesh the nurse would otherwise feel, instead invoking a sense of well-being and peace, and strangely of desire to. Eventually the acids would do enough of their work, the walls crushing around the nurse, and she’d notice the stomach would begin to seem more spacious
and that she could still feel her body even after the combined mixture of acids and crushing removed the bits of skin, caused the digits of the fingers and toes and eventually feet and hands to break off, as slowly, each bit of her flesh is melted and ground into mush inside the angel’s belly, and yet her soul doesn’t yet become fully absorbed. The nurse feels something open beneath her, as the sphincter above her, the passage outside to the angel’s lips and from there to her body sealed off, another one admitting the body, breaking into little chunks, into the ravenous intestines. In there, Rabecca can sense both the parts of her still in the stomach and the parts of her pouring inside Nikaliel’s small intestines be further churned and squeezed amidst the gastric juices, bile soaking into it to further break the nurse into more readily absorbed pieces, and slowly the intestines squeeze her further in, further on her trip to becoming one with Nikaliel. Squeezing along her way, Nikaliel would allow her soul to remain aware of each part of her body, of each bit of her that’s being absorbed, the mush that once had been bones, muscles, blood, skin, flesh, and hair, the loveliness that was Becca’s body getting scraped against the villi deep inside the angel’s intestines, the stomach now empty of all traces and the belly no longer showing traces of a whole person inside, instead just a slight bulge as the digesting remnants are moving along. These villi will pick at and the nurse will feel the little bits of her pulled into them, coursing on a journey through the angel’s bloodstream, depositing as fresh layers of fat on Nikaliel’s breasts and rear, stacking more onto her chubby cheeks and thighs, revitalizing her skin and hair and making her virtually glow with the vitality of her lover’s remains becoming part of her body. Not all these remains are treated equally though, and there will come a time when her intestines are no longer able to absorb any more of the nurse into her flesh, and at this point it seems Nikaliel decides to release the nurse’s soul from her former body, allowing her to feel everywhere her body became one with her own. As the last of her body is pushing through her intestinal tract, the water absorbed from the chyme that is left, Rabecca would feel the last remnants of her soul begin to seep into the angel’s, the two lives blending as small snippets of the joined souls blend together, the angel’s less gentle encounters with those she’d judged, the protests of innocence to those who weren’t truly guilty but were a convenient meal for her bottomless appetite, fights from those who truly deserved judgement going to the bitter end as their soul’s dissolve inside hers
and there, the final memories the angel has, those of Rabecca, the views she’d had from heaven, that the other angels had shown her of the bitter woman, of the nurse called Nicci’s own end, and the love that had come from realizing that Becky had really changed and wasn’t putting on a façade for the angel. Too soon these images pass through Becky’s soul as the last of it is claimed by Nikaliel, the angel crying happy tears of joy with the claiming of Rabecca, before a shimmering of light reveals the naked pale white-haired angel as an equally naked olive-skinned brunette, ready to continue Rabecca’s life as though she’d never left. With the soul of the sorceress and nurse Nicci back inside her, a part of her again, the angel sends some souls to the afterlife, some souls to reincarnate as angels. After a few months pass and the angel has spent time drawing on the nurse’s memories and experiences, learning to live as Rabecca, she puts her hand on her belly where a bulge is, one of the new life growing inside. “I’ll have to think of a name for your new life, my love.” She whispers, before going to answer a knock on the door, continuing to treat patients as Rabecca has those last five years. |
Subsets and Splits