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You Might Want to Clear it All By: 0nl1ce “Gravity Falls, located in Oregon and the oddest place on earth. For years, weird stuff has been drawn towards this place and every once in a while, would interact with the people. Some with good intentions, others with chaotic intentions and then just “I don’t know” intentions. Ever since my first summer here, I have always came back with my sister to both find more mysteries left undiscovered and hang with my closest friends and family. After 7 years, I continue this search and today we will find one of the most mysterious and technologically advance…” said a young man before being interrupted. “Who are you talking to Dipper?” said the young woman. “AHHHH!! I mean, I didn’t say anything.” replied Dipper. Dipper and Mabel had just yesterday returned to Gravity Falls for their traditional summer visit (that’s right, I’m the narrator now!). Unlike any of the previous summers, everyone was not here yet. There Uncles are a few days away from the U.S. after exploring the Bermuda Triangle and Wendy went with her family to Canada. The only person here to greet them was Soos who was always happy to see them. Though today he asked the two to stay out of the Mystery Shack due to “Super Radical Hungry Termites”. Dipper assumed this was just an excuse for him to get somethings ready for the twins as they got accepted to their colleges. Both of them got accepted to Backupsmore University thanks to their GPAs, range of experiences and from the impact their Uncle Ford had at the University. Dipper was going for an Anthropology degree so that he could travel around the world and still look for weird discoveries. Mabel was pursuing an art degree so she could be an art teacher to share everyone her creative vision. Dipper and Mabel were just exploring the woods when they found a large rock that was revealed to be a hidden door after Dipper fell on it when Mabel playfully pushed him. “Are you ready for this Mabel?” asked Dipper “Does this shirt say I’m ready!” said Mabel who pointed at her homemade red shirt with a cat lifting it’s front paws out and a fiery caption saying: “I’m Ready for a Cat-tastrophe!”. They may have grown up, but they weren’t going to completely change everything about them. Mabel and Dipper with eager smiles went into the hidden door which led them to an elevator with blue lights on. They both entered in and looked for buttons which they saw many. Dipper decided to click on the button with the letter “P” which was about to send them down. “Bop, boop, boop” Mabel went on as she clicked on multiple buttons. “Mabel, no!!!!” shouted Dipper. The multitude of buttons pressed made the elevator accelerate and move up and down rapidly. This caused the twins to be flung all over the place with Dipper screaming while Mabel was just chuckling. The doors would sometimes briefly open to show things from an abandoned lab to a 109 eyed large green monster. Eventually, the elevator reached their destination and the doors opened for them. “I think I’m going to be sick.” Dipper said as he thought he was going to lose his lunch. “You’ll be fine, here, have some Smile Dip I have been saving.” Mabel said as she was holding the unhealthy powder in front of him. “Hmmph…” Dipper said as he was prepared to puke. “Wow, what do you think they did here?” Mabel asked Dipper as she looked around. It looked like another abandoned lab room with machines everywhere and wires connecting to who knows where. It was a large room that looked like it could hold 150 people and had a wide-open space in the middle. Surrounding the middle was what seemed like a monitor station and on one of them was some type of head goggle device. “I have no idea, but let’s be careful.” Dipper said. The two looked around the area and tried to see what they could find. Mabel ended up being distracted by a pad with multiple switches and kept on lifting them up. As Dipper was exploring the room, he saw some letters on the wall that were covered in dirt. Dipper brushed the dirt off with his hands to reveal it written as “EXP-111”. These words shocked Dipper as he once had a previous experience with a shape shifter labeled “Experiment 210” which tried to escape and wreck unknown havoc. There must have been multiple sites in Gravity Falls where experiments were conducted. “Mabel, we should get out of here.” Dipper said. “What, we just got here” Mabel said with shock and disappointment. “I have a bad feeling about this place.” Dipper insisted. “Fine, but just one more switch, beep.” Mabel said as she flipped another switch. Before Dipper could say anything, that final switch managed to turn on some power and direct it towards the goggles which made it glow. “Whoa!” both the twins said in awe. They started to get close to the goggles to see if they did anything else to which they didn’t. “What do you think this is for?” Mabel said as she looked into them. “Mabel don’t!” Dipper yelled. “It’s fine, look, nothing has turned on inside.” Mabel replied and showed Dipper it’s black screen. “Huh?” Dipper said as he took the goggle and wrapped it on his head. Dipper saw nothing through them and tried tapping it and looking around. “I guess time got the best to this invention.” Dipper concluded. All of a sudden, a blue screen lit up inside the goggles where Dipper saw computer codes and heard the computer say: “Scanning and transmitting.” Strong blue light then shined into Dipper eyes and he felt his brain being read by the machine. As the goggles were scanning, Dipper was yelling: “AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” “I’ll save you!” Mabel said as she found an old phone book and swatted the goggles off of Dipper. They were both out of breath from the sudden shock. “I think we should go.” Mabel said. “Agreed” Dipper said. The control panel then started sparking blue electricity which traveled to what look like a receiver that shot blue lightning at the middle of the room. The blast and light briefly blinded the two for a short period, till it stopped. They both looked at the site where the electricity landed and saw some smoke still present. Then they saw some type of figure in the smoke and when it disappeared, they were wide eyed. In front of them was their friend, Wendy Corduroy but she was wearing a green bikini (21 now). “Wendy?” “Hi, Dipper” Wendy said seductively while pushing her hair back. Even though Dipper sort of accepted that his previous infatuation was just on impulse, he still was attracted to her. Dipper was just mesmerized by the Wendy in front of them with her long red hair, 6’2 height, C sized breasts, 33 hips and the freckles (especially the ones on her breasts). Dipper is now a young man who still has not found anyone he could have a relationship with and could only respond with blushing and small chuckles. Mable was shocked for a while till she thought she knew what was going on and gave a large smile. “Oh I get it, crazy Uncle Stan with the surprise party being held here and Wendy doing the party stripper routine for giggles.” Mabel said while chuckling. “Alright you guys, you got us good. You can come out now.” Mabel said out in the opening with no one jumping out. Dipper then briefly snapped out of his state and said aloud: “Mabel, I don’t think this is a surprise and I don’t think that’s Wendy” Dipper said as he pointed toward the Wendy in front of them. Then two more bolts of electricity struck the floor and now two more Wendy’s appeared, but they were different. One Wendy had F sized breasts while the other one had 54 hips. “Hello Dipper.” The two said aloud in the same seductive tone. More bolts of electricity were produced and more Wendys started to appear everywhere. There was a heavily pregnant Wendy, a sun-tanned Wendy, a muscular Wendy, a three-boobed Wendy, an anthropomorphic fox Wendy, a gothic Wendy, a nude with bushy vagina Wendy and more. As more Wendy clones were made the twins were walking slowly backwards to the end of the lab. The Wendys were slowly approaching them and seemed more focused on Dipper and heading towards him. “I don’t understand, why was that machine scanning my brain only to….” Dipper was trying to before the twins realized the purpose of the googles. Dipper blushed while Mabel said with a surprisingly plain face: “What have you been looking at lately?” “A few things….” Dipper said while not trying to reveal everything. Before the Wendy’s could reach Dipper, everyone stopped when they heard one of the Wendys said aloud. “Hey, what the…HMMMMMPPPHHH!!!!” The Wendy’s turned around which left a gap for the twins to see something quite frightful. They saw a Wendy that looked like the first clone but had the bushy vagina Wendy’s head inside her throat and lifting her body straight into the air. This clone was somehow able to unhinge her jaw and could swallow people whole. UUULLLP ULP UUULP They all watched in horror as the nude clone was quickly being sent down with her legs flailing everywhere. The vore clone’s belly was starting to expand and showed bulges of the clone’s panicking face with her hands and D breasts pushed against the stomach. UUUULLLP UULP UULP The bushy vagina disappeared down the clone’s throat and all that was left were the clone’s feet which were still flailing wildly. The clone just briefly slathered her tongue under the other clone’s feet before giving a loud gulp. UUUUUUULLLPPP Everyone saw the bushy vagina clone had completely entered the vore clone’s stomach. They could see the detailed bulges of her body but briefly stopped struggling. They then all heard the clone inside the stomach say: “Huh…….HEEELLLLLMPPPPP!” UUUUUUUUUAAAAARAAAAAP The vore clone gave a loud belch that everyone heard which was followed with an hourglass clone shouting out: “There can only be one for Dipper!!” The Wendy clones then went into a free for all brawl with one another for Dipper. The twins saw many things happen during the fight such as muscular Wendy throwing fox Wendy across the room, 63 butt sized Wendy sit on top of hourglass Wendy and saw the vore clone trying to push heavily pregnant Wendy down her throat as her 45 butt got stuck in the clones mouth. “We need to get out of here!!!!!” Dipper yelled and the two twins went quickly but cautiously around the clones. The number of clones were starting to diminish and the vore clone’s belly was getting bigger which was practically the size of a baby rhino. Dipper saw she seemed to have swallowed the pregnant Wendy, muscular Wendy and 54 hip Wendy from the detailed bulges. Dipper was quickly pressing the up button of the elevator. “Come on, come on, come on….” Dipper went on. The elevator then opened up for the two and they both entered in with the first-floor button quickly selected. “Aha!!! Take that clones.” Mabel announced victoriously. Then they saw a ninja star fly above their heads and hit the elevator’s cord. They both then saw a Wendy wearing a mask with some ninja stars in her right hand. The rope of the elevator then snapped and the two were sent further down the bunker but everyone could here Mabel say: “That’s a good throwing arm!!!” The clone noticed that comment and before she could say thank you, the vore clone swallowed her head from behind. The twins were sent falling down three more floors which they both felt the impact and briefly knocked out. They were out for 23 minutes until both of them simultaneously woke up and gasping. “Are you ok Mabel?” asked Dipper. “I think I’m good Dipper.” Replied Mabel. The two brushed off the dirt on their clothes, walked out of the elevator and looked up to the ceiling. The room they were in was nothing but a very long corridor with no light. “Do you think they found a victor?” Mabel wondered curiously. “I doubt it, as we have not been captured and with how they were fighting, I am sure they are all down for the count.” Dipper said with the arms on his side and a smug smile. Then a creaking sound was heard from the top which was followed by a loud slam. The roof on the far side of the hall fell down with a louder bang and light flashing from the hole. The two twins saw to their horror the vore clone, but her belly was now even greater than a large truck. They can see the bulges of multiple Wendy’s with their bodies of different sizes. They both looked at the clones head and saw she was still swallowing one more clone: the goth clone. As the goth clone was at breast level in the clone’s mouth, she said. “Whatever, life is miserable.” UUUUULLLP The goth clone was then sent to the stomach which caused the clone’s top to fall off and they saw a new body bulge at the very top of the belly right between the vore clone’s breast (vore clones’ size is DD). “Dipper….” The clone called out to Dipper with a creepy yet seductive tone. “AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” the twins screamed. Despite the clone’s massive size, she was starting to run quickly at them. The twins quickly got on top of the crushed elevator and Mabel cried out: “Hold on!!!” Mabel then pulled out of her shirt her old grappling hook and shot it to the ceiling. The clone almost rammed the two with her large belly when they heard the harpoon made contact with the ceiling. “So long sucker!!!” Mabel said in her usual boastful manner and two were pulled upwards. The clone’s belly slammed into the elevator’s shaft walls which the twins could feel the vibrations. Before the clone could say anything, she let out a loud wet burp: “UWUUUWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRPPPP!!!” The two saw many bikini wear land on her stomach and a few other things like sun-tanned Wendy’s glasses and goth Wendy’s choker. The two were able to escape and locked the doors to the lab for no one to discover. The two returned to the Mystery Shack where they found Soos trying swat a human size termite with a broom. By the time they managed to shoo off the termite, they forgot to tell Soos about the experience. It was now 10 o clock and the twins were just outside the Mystery Shack; looking at the stars. “What a way to start off the Summer, am I right?” Mabel said excitedly. “Yeah and I can’t wait to see more mysteries though hopefully nothing extremer than that.” said Dipper. “Ahh, I bet you were pretty excited when you saw Wendy.” Mabel teased Dipper while jabbing his shoulders playfully. “Your imagining thing.” Dipper blushed. “Whelp, I’m off to bed, see you in the morning.” Mabel said before giving Dipper a hug. Mabel went inside and all the lights of the Mystery Shack were turned off. Dipper just stared at the stars still and was just looking forward to whatever comes ahead. Then Dipper heard some rustling in some nearby bushes which was followed by an paper airplane. It landed on the fur hat given to Dipper by the real Wendy and Dipper opened up the letter where he saw words that said: “Sneak away and meet me in an hour for some quality fun ” Dipper looked up to see from the bushes the vore clone. The clone’s belly had shrunken a little bit (walrus size). Some bulges were less defined then others but he could still see heavily pregnant Wendy, 54 hip Wendy, fox Wendy and what looked like bushy vagina Wendy who were still struggling. The clone was now completely naked and her breast size increased to an F while her butt increased to a 48. She gave a smile before walking away and gave a large smack to her right but cheek. Dipper could see the red hand imprint left and the cheeks jiggling. This made Dipper give a bit of a smirk while blushing and unknowingly gotten a boner. Before he could do anything, he heard Soos from behind. “Wait was that Wendy and what’s happening to your pants dude?” Soos said as he was pointing at his erection. “AHHHH!!!!” Dipper yelled while trying to cover his erection. CUT TO BLACK |
Read the Job Description! By: 0nl1ce Trade for: Wolperdinger Adventurers, truly a wild bunch of individuals that dare enter the unknown and tackle the challenges that laid ahead. Any adventurer you meet would surely tell you their stories of grand and the knowledge they’ve learned. Maybe if your lucky, you may come across an adventurer who killed a dragon or even defeated a demon lord. “Ewwwgh, there is still slime in my shoes!” said an adventurer finding remanent slime in her boots. Or maybe you will come across this unfortunate adventurer. While her true name is unknown, she is referred to by others and herself (which should be a problem at this point) as the Newbie. The Newbie is a elf who according to her resume at the guild, was the top sorcerer in her class and had trained in close combat with the best in her village. With an eager desire for adventuring and glory, she decided to become an adventurer. With her in an official guild, she eagerly accepted a wide range of quests that would promise her such desires. Sadly for, the Newbie
. Well actually, let’s let her explain it. “Ugh
.. I can’t believe after 33 quests I still haven’t made such progress into the top adventures of the guild. Every quest I’ve done so far has always made me end up in someone’s stomach. If that was not bad enough, I had to get saved by other adventurers.” Newbie said while sighing. “But surely many newbies and even experienced adventurers experience hardships with these kinds of missions, right?” Newbie said to make herself confident. Actually, most of her defeats would have been easy task for newbies alike. While the three heros of Oreh were severely injured from the thousand-year Banshee, Newbie was swallowed whole by a halfling princess she was supposed to guard. The sisters of the deep protected their underwater city with the power of their magic while Newbie could only protect her left shoe in the belly of a monster toad. People watched Ding the Wolf Rider breaking free from the monstrous grip of a Giant-Killer Adder while others saw Newbie with her ass out of a Nib Nib Plant which any adventurer could normally avoid. Then there were the times when she almost completed a mission before a random dragon or jealous slime girl would swoop in to devour her. Many adventurers and even villagers had to step into save her or help revive whatever remains there was of her. The only accomplishment she ever made in her exploits was a photo of her in the Nib-Nib Plant’s mouth having won #1 prey of the year and #3 literal tasty ass in Monster Meal Magazines. Despite such bad luck, the Newbie pressed forward like the adventurers before her. “All I need to do is this simple job first and climb my way all the way up from there like I should have from the start. So, look out employer, I’m going to conquer this quest!” the Newbie declared aloud. And thus, the Newbie charged forward on the road ahead and ready to take on the quest that she has no idea what she is supposed to do. It took two days to reach the location given by the quest note and what a dangerous task. The Newbie managed to avoid being detected by the Blind Ghost of Vengeance, solved the riddle of a sphinx blocking her path and managed to trap the Killer Hare on Marble Street with a well-dug hole. The Newbie even managed to avoid getting directions from the People that Say Go Left when in Fact They Mean Right so many adventurers fed to the Hell Worm from their directions. This unforeseen good fortune made the Newbie feel accomplished and had all doubts casted away as she approached her location. As described by the only thing the Newbie read, the start of her quest would start at a large laboratory that her employer owns. As Newbie approached the giant doors, she grew worried as it was too quiet and the trip had been going too smoothly. For all she knew, this could have been a trap set by monsters to lure adventurers for a quick meal. “Alright, keep your eyes sharp for any traps or foul play.” The Newbie told herself. With her body and mind mostly ready, she knocked on the doors to see if anyone was inside. Knock knock knock The knock echoed through the hallway inside the building with nothing happening for the first three minutes. As the Newbie went to open the door, it began opening on its own. Errrrrrrrrrr With creaking doors now open, the Newbie began hearing some sounds from inside. Clop clop clop As the sounds got closer, the Newbie began to see a bright flame getting closer and closer in the dark. Once the flame reached near the Newbie’s position, she began to panic. “It can’t be!!” the Newbi cired out. In front of her stood a 7’3 (7’5 with her heels on now) demon looking woman with tan skin, pointed ears, two massive, curved horns, a red amulet over her forehead and hair of flames. She was oddly not in armor and instead in research attire with long white lab coat covering her body and glasses. While not menacing at first, there has been a fashion trend where powerful monsters do not need to wear armor and can wear flashy clothing. With a possible threat present, the Newbie summoned a purple sword of light into her hand and prepared to fight. “Prepare to meet my sword of hope, for I am -” the Newbie was trying to say before her opponent spoke. “Oh, you must be that Newcomer that accepted my job.” She said with no malice or hate in her heart. “Ye
yeah and you must be my employer, Deborah.” said the Newbie as she slowly made her sword disappear. “Glad to make your acquaintance and thank you for your assistance today.” Deborah said with a smile. Unbeknownst to the Newbie, Deborah is a well-renowned potion brewer and an expert in all things related to devourment. Thanks to her potions, many adventurers have been able to avoid death while some monsters get to enjoy some new gains. Deborah is also regarded as the #1 Sexiest Ifrit in Flame Gals XXX Magazines for 5 years and still going. “Now come with me to the lab where you will perform the role I requested.” Deborah said as she called the Newbie towards her. “Understood mam!” the Newbie replied. The two ventured in the hallways with Deborah’s flaming hair guiding the way. The two then arrived at an open room with light where the Newbie fell in awe with the items inside. The room was filled with potions, ingredients and active cauldrons at work. The number of potions were so grand that it could practically flood a small town. As the Newbie was distracted, Deborah began grabbing some vials from the large shelves. “So, tell me adventurer, how has adventuring been going for you?” Deborah asked. “Well, things could be better and I’m still holding up.” The Newcomer shyly said. “I heard that many monsters have become more active as of late and that normal jobs for newcomers have become quite challenging.” Deborah said as she mixed two potions together. “Well, that is to be expected with how our world operates.” said the Newcomer with Deborah smiling. “Do you think you want to stay as an adventurer?” Deborah asked as she grabbed a greyish-colored potion. “Of course, being an adventurer is both fun and an honor.” The Newbie said confidentially. With that statement made, Deborah finished grabbing her potions and slide down the ladder. Snap With a snap of a finger, she lit an intense flame to a nearby cauldron with pink-liquid already inside. As Deborah began pouring in potions, she realized a question she needed to ask the Newbie. “You do know why you’re here, right?” Deborah asked. After an awkward silence, the Newbie spoke up: “Actually, I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do.” “I figured as much.” sighed Deborah. “Well, right now I have been hired by the kingdom to craft a potion for adventurers and people alike that would protect them from the powerful stomachs of a Fire Salamander. The monsters have been becoming more frequent and aggressive than usual for unknown reasons. In fact, yesterday 5 princesses and 3 queens were swallowed whole by a single Fire Salamander that was miles away from its home.” “So you needed an adventurer like me to find and slay or capture one!” the Newbie shouted in anticipation. “No, in fact I kind of scared off the Fire Salamanders in this area.” Deborah admitted with embarrassment, “Then
. you need me to grab the rarest of ingredients to complete them.” The Newbie corrected herself. “They are all right here.” Deborah said while crumbling some lizrds tails and pointing to all the potion’s ingredients needed. “Ohh
.” The Newcomer said while getting quieter. Pooof The brew puffed out a pink cloud of smoke and the brew became bright orange. Deborah quickly grabbed a beaker and without minding the hear, dipped her whole hand into the brew with the vile and collected the potion. With a colorless potion, she poured in the drops to the brew which caused it to glow bright. “Now there is just one thing to do.” Deborah said while swirling the mixture in hand. “She is going to make me drink it to get the immunity to test it out!” the Newbie happily thought especially with not being worried about digestion. As the Newbie opened her hands for the potion, in just a blink of a eye, Deborah began chugging the brew down her throat. Ulp ulp ulp “Ahhh
” Deborah said in satisfaction with the taste. “Wait, the potion was for you?” the Newbie asked with confusion in her voice. “Of course it was for me, why?” Deborah asked. “Well, if you have all the ingredients for the potion and drank it, then why am I here?” the Newcomer asked. “Oh, that’s right, I was trying to explain it to you when I got carried on with the potion. While I have the potion to make my stomach have the same capabilities of a Fire Salamander, I need someone to be prey to test it.” Deborah said while grabbing the Newcomer’s shoulders. “Wait
.what!?” the Newbie said trying to struggle with Deborah’s strength too strong. “I apologize that you’re learning this now and thank you for coming here, but you did agree beforehand.” Deborah said with a smile. After saying that, Deborah lifted the 5’4 elf into the air with ease and opened her mouth wide for Newbie’s head. “Nooooo!!!!!” Newbie screamed. Hommmph! The elf’s blonde hair with bun and head were inside the mouth of Deborah. With no time to lose, Deborah began guzzling the elf down. Ulp ulp ulp Her C-breasts were sucked in like jelly and her leathery dress was not slowing down her descent into the stomach. Ulp ulp ulp More of Newbie was swallowed down with her arms now in the stomach and her 31 butt outside the mouth. Ulp ulp ulp The booty and kicking legs were being slurped down with the boots of Newbie fallen off from the struggling. This left the Newbie’s feet exposed when they were in the mouth. Deborah slathered the feet a bit with her tongue to taste that nice elf oiled skin before swallowing. Ulp With the lab coat on, it was hard to notice any changes until she unbuttoned her coat. It revealed that she was topless the whole time with her DD breasts out and sporting a black garter belt. With Deborah’s larger size, she was only sporting a small belly with active movement inside. Uwwwwaaarp! Mmmmm, I have to say elves are the tastiest to experiment with.” Deborah said while slapping her belly. Inside the stomach, Newbie was tightly squeezed in with her body pointing towards Deborah. Thanks to the potion, Deborah’s stomach was glowing bright yellow and getting hotter inside. “Stop!!!! Why are you doing this? If you have all these ingredients and knowledge, why cannot you simply make a protection potion from the beginning?” Newbie shouted from within the belly. “You need to know how something works before you can make something that can stop it. By the way, would it be alright if I also use you test how big elves make girls that eat them?” “Nmmmmmmm!” Newcomer was trying to reject before the walls wrapped tightly around her. “Don’t worry, I’ll resurrect you when this done and with my method, you have a 44% of being successfully resurrected!” Deborah happily said. Mmmmmm! “Tell me, how hot is it in there for you?” Deborah asked while jotting notes. Immmmmm Mmmmlttiing! “Okay and tell me what part of the body you’re not feeling?” Deborah asked. Emmmmvryyyting! “That is good to know. Now what do you think your digested remains will go to? My ass or breasts?” Deborah asked while looking at her body. I hmmmph yfff bmmmff fffwwwatt! “That’s a bit harsh, but logical.” Deborah said while thinking of the fat idea for a bit before continuing writing in her notes. The belly was now glowing brighter and the heat had begun melting away her clothes. Before the digestive enzymes could rise, Newbie passed out from the heat. Ggggrrrrrrrooooooooaaannnn “One last thing, if you get resurrected successfully would you mind taking a survey on your experience here?” Deborah asked curiously. Mwwhhhy mweeee??!!!! Grrrrrrooooooooooooooooooaan Mphhhhh!!! Uwwwwwwwaaaaaaarrrrrrp The enzymes digested Newbie in seconds and a single belch caused not only the belly to shrink but her breasts and butt to grow. Her breasts only grew to E, but her ass went from a 35 to a 39. The belch also launched Newbie’s red medallion that managed to survive the extreme conditions of the stomach. Deborah grabbed a notepad and jotted down the results of her experiment. “Salamander stomach can digest elves in under 3 minutes. More testing is still required with different races being used. Elves are more likely to become ass fat than breast fat.” Deborah wrote and said aloud. After writing that sentence, her mind suddenly felt fear when she forgot a crucial part of the test. “I forgot to take a sample of her body to resurrect her!” Deborah said worriedly. Deborah panicked for a bit to she realized the medallion was on the ground. “Thank the gods this survived.” Deborah said as she grabbed the medallion. Deborah proceeded to chuck the medallion into a prepared cauldron to resurrect Newbie. With the quest over and marked complete, Deborah prepared another request for new adventurers to be test subjects for the potion. As for Newbie, she was able to be fully resurrected by Deborah’s potion, but this experience was the last straw. Newbie decided to take a long vacation on a tropical island where she could relax in peace. Many thought it was strange though that she chose the island where most adventurers get eaten. Hopefully one day, Newbie will be able to thrive in this world and avoid getting eaten too much. |
“Are we doing this?” she asked, looking back at him. “Yes,” he responded, uncertainly. He followed her to her bedroom, but stood uncertainly in the doorway. She stopped halfway to her bed, and he saw her jeans, and then her panties, slide down to her ankles. She stepped out of the clothes, and he watched her ass and her hips wiggle as she made her way to the bed. She perched herself on top of the blank, with her legs hanging over the bed, and her midriff showing off her very-slightly thick stomach. “Come on,” she urged, motioning him to come closer. She shuffled over cautiously. Nervously, he stood in front of her. She spread her legs, and looked seductively up at him. He looked away. He felt her hand rustling against his groin as she unzipped his pants, and pulled them down along with his boxers. Her felt her lips press against his penis. Then her warmth breath, and then her tongue, as she took him inside her mouth. More relaxed, he pulled of his shirt, as she sucked at his hardened cock. She placed her hands on his hips. “There we go…” she said softly. “Now, come onto the bed.” She tugged him down onto the bed with him. They kissed, caressing each other’s tongues, as he tried to position himself over her. He pressed his penis up against her pussy, ready to slide it inside her. “No no no,” she told him. She pushed him down, and scooted back to the head of the bed. Sitting up, she opened her legs before him. “You know what this is about.” She reached her arms out, and took his head in her arms. She pulled him towards her, down to her awaiting pussy. As she pushed his face into her flower, he started to calm down. He started to kiss her lower lips, slipping his tongue inside. “That’s good… No, don’t pull away. You know what’s coming. You want it.” He was hesitant. Fear mixed with desire inside him. She took his wrist with her own commanding hand, and brought it to her moist vagina. His fingers disappeared inside her, as he felt around her hole. “That’s it…” she said, starting to moan a little. “I hope you’re ready…” He panicked as his wrist slid suddenly into her vagina. It surprised him how easily it was inserted. When he tried to pull it out, her muscles constricted, trapping his hand in her. Though it scared him, he enjoyed it – this is what he had wanted, after all. “Now the other…” she whispered. Despite his slight resistance, she pulled his other hand towards her pussy. The lips stretched easily, and his hand slid against the other into the moisture of her pussy. He looked up to her, but her eyes were closed in silent pleasure. He felt her muscles start to pull him in slightly. She grabbed his upper arm, to assist her hungering vagina in pulling him in. “I can…taste you…” she whispered. She slid her waist down, smoothly sliding her pussy up to his elbows. His body started to fidget, and she held him down with her surprisingly strong legs. Feeling the heat of the moment take over her body, she pulled off her top, unleashing her large round breasts. “Mmm… You’re delicious.” He was pulled in further, inch by inch, by her starving pussy. As his face neared her cunt, she looked down at him. She smiled at him, and started to gyrate her hips, pulling him in more quickly. His last sight was the view of her face between her lush breasts, as she licked her lips in delight. Then his head disappeared into her wiggling hips. Hungry now for the thickness of his body, she grabbed his sides to push him in .Soon she was past his chest and shoulder blades. A bulge was starting to develop in her belly, as he entered her womb. With a series of grunts and moans, and a wiggling of her hips, she quickly swallowed his stomach. She reached beneath him, and teased his hard cock with his fingertips. His legs writhed in intense pleasure. She grabbed his ass, and pushed him in, with a deep moan. She was halfway down his thighs before she realized it Giggling as she did it, she spread the juices from her vagina down his legs. Running her hands up and down his legs with her cum, his legs were soon slippery. With a single pull from inside her vagina, his legs were sucked into her. She watched as his feet slipped inside her, and felt as they traveled up her birth canal. “You tasted so good,” she said to her stomach, as she licked her lips and ran a finger against her sopping pussy. Her belly wiggled in response, and she giggled, patting her large stomach. She noticed the impressions of his hands and face press against the roundness of her belly. “I’ll let you play in there for a while before I absorb you.” He felt comfortable in the warmth and softness that was her womb. He kissed the walls of her belly. She giggled. “That tickles!” “You don’t really need your legs, do you?” she said, after a few minutes of enjoying the playful struggle inside her. “I’ve been teasing my belly for so long. It deserves a little taste of you. You taste so good.” He felt liquid start to discreet from the walls. He felt her envelope his toes, then his feet, then all of his folded legs. Within a matter of painless minutes, he found them gone. He heard her groan from the outside, as she turned him into a layer of fat. The digestive juices didn’t stop. “I’m sorry. My tummy wants more of you! It wants all of you! Every tasty bit.” He struggled, truly enjoying the experience, until he was smothered by the fat that started pressing in on him. Everything started to fade, as he enjoyed the feeling of being absorbed. Long after the struggles inside her stopped, and she had absorbed the very last bit of him. She rubbed her large, fleshy stomach, the size of another human. Licking her lips, and patting her large girth, she said, delightfully, “all gone.” |
Jen’s Vorigins The Man-Eating Masseuse by Phil Herb Elly Part I: Just a Little Alcohol Part II: Aye, There’s the Rub Part III The Request Copyright 2019 © 13master13 Anthropophagette Press ( Ͼ ) ( Ͽ ) ( } ) – Help! ( , ҉ ) Part I ____________________ Just a Little Alcohol Ͼ Ͽ “I just don’t feel like this class is really doing much for me,” Jen complained, walking from the gym in a grey sweat pants and a white tube top, feeling the breeze against her skin, coated in a layer of sweat. She crossed her arms over her exposed round belly, protecting it both from the evening chill in the parking lot and the shame that overtook her as she left the supportive environment of the cardio class. She would walk into class every Monday with the drawstring of her sweatpants several inches above her navel, but as the activity picked up and her extra flesh jostled and bounced, the waistband fell again and again until she gave in to inevitable muffin top. She wiped the perspiration from her brow with her wrist and released her chestnut brown from its tight ponytail. “Well, it’s only once a week. You really have to make it a habit every day if you want to see results,” replied Allison, walking alongside her. Allison was the definition of “results.” Her round hips wiggled gently in tight, black and hot pink shorts, and her breasts stood perkily beneath the matching top. Where Jen had a belly, Allison had a stomach; the smooth slender kind a girl isn’t afraid to show at any and every opportunity. Her dirty blond hair fell like a sleek helmet, forming sleek lines parallel with her jawline and bangs that curled above her green eyes. A body like Allison’s was a taunting impossibility; even Jen’s “reasonable” goals felt out of reach: thighs that didn’t rub when she walked, the ability to wear size 10 jeans, having choices other than loose-fitting blouses and dresses. “I think I’m just destined to be fat. It’s in my DNA.” “Don’t say fat. And don’t blame it on your genes. That’s just an excuse. Maintaining a healthy weight comes down to four things.” Jen knew before what Allison would say even before she started listing them on her fingers: “Exercise, sleep hygiene, hydration, and nutrition. You are what you eat, after all.” Allison was full of these platitudes, and Jen knew where they came from. The teacher for their fitness class was especially keen on emailing the class frequent motivational aphorisms, and Allison swallowed them down like a protein shake. Jen shrugged. “In that case, my best hope is to eat a skinny woman.” “You’re so morbid, Jennifer,” Allison said, rolling her eyes. “Seriously, all you need to do is try just a little bit harder.” It’s easy to you to say, Jen thought. Too easy. Allison, the health nut, the fitness freak, probably hadn’t had an unnecessary pound on her body in her life. She was just born perfect. Allison, the flowing fountain of confidence – gorgeous, extremely sociable, catching men’s gazes all the time. And not just men’s gazes. Jen sometimes thought, especially at times like these, that Allison liked keeping her around because it made her even more alluring by comparison. Not that she needed it. Her face, her body… especially her body… Jen felt a discomfort apart from, deeper than her self-image issues. She liked hanging out with Allison – she didn’t need to, but she made time for it, even signed up for fitness classes with her, even though being around Allison, even looking at her, caused a discomfort she felt heavily in her stomach. There was something she couldn’t ignore about her lithe, supple form. Was it normal for her to notice these things about her female friend? The girl was gorgeous, objectively gorgeous. And girls were allowed to acknowledge these things in each other. And it wasn’t like she fantasized about Allison, but maybe that’s because she had never allowed herself… “Do you want to grab a drink?” Allison asked. Jen new Allison made alcohol a rare treat for herself, and the offer was as tempting as it was dangerous. “I like that idea, but I need to change if we’re going out. And shower, too…” And find something that doesn’t make me look like a blob next to you… “We could just want to stay in and drink, if you want. I think I need to unwind a little. A girl’s night in.” “How about my place? I think I have a bit of alcohol lying around that we can dive into.” Of course she had alcohol lying around. There was hardly a night where a glass of wine didn’t accompany her on the couch, or a few beers didn’t lull her to sleep. ѽ When Jen walked into the living room of her apartment, a freshly opened beer in each hand, she found Allison sprawled on the couch. Jen placed a bottle in her extended hand and sat down on the other end of the sofa, far enough away, yet not far enough away from a certain temptation. While Allison took a modest sip, Jen tilted the bottle back, and in a single, long swallow, emptied half her beer. “I have no idea how you do that.” Jen smiled. “It’s easy. You just have to open your throat.” They drained their beers as they talked – though, Jen realized, mostly Allison talked, not quite aware of the world beyond herself enough to realize every conversation didn’t need to center around her. Jen didn’t mind this; the less she had to open her mouth, the less likely she was to lose control of it. Instead, she occupied it with the alcohol. By the time Jen was placing her fourth empty bottle on the coffee table, Allison was half-way through her second, swirling the beer around inside the bottle. Jen could see a comfortable level of toasty setting in about her friend that had not yet hit her: Jen may have already drunk more than twice as much, but Allison was smaller, and didn’t drink often enough to develop any sort of tolerance. For Jen, beer was an okay starter, but she knew she’d have to hit the more potent stuff soon enough. “How about a glass of wine?” “I love some. White, if you have it.” “Of course,” Jen responded. And that’s the thing about alcohol – the more you have, the more you want, getting tipsier and tipsier until you tip over into drunk, chasing that euphoria. It wasn’t just alcohol, though, with Jen. It was food, too, as if fullness was a moving target, getting constantly further as she ate instead of closer. She could – and often did – eat until she felt and looked bloated, knowing her stomach was reaching its capacity – filled, but not full. Not as though she had enough. With alcohol, however, there was a level of consumption that made her feel fantastic and, more importantly, satisfied. “You really shouldn’t be so down on yourself, Jenny,” Allison said when she returned with two glasses in one hand and a chilled pinot grigio in the other. Allison narrowed her eyes as she swallowed a large mouthful from her glass, which Jen immediately refilled. “You’re really pretty, you know. You are. You could be so attractive, you know, in your own way, if you were just more confident. “It doesn’t matter if I’m pretty, I’m still a fat ass,” she said, shying away from the compliment and maybe even fishing for another. "It’s not the weight that turns guys off – it’s your attitude. Like, with me, men always come up to me more when I’m feeling good, and dressing sexy, and smiling, you know?” This really was Allison’s way of complimenting and trying to help. She was smiling now, and that look in her eyes… was it just an inebriated fuzz? Was she just consoling, or was it… more? Probably not… but was it? “Besides, you’re not a fat ass, you’re just… chubby. It’s not like your body is disgusting or anything. It’s not like you’re massive. You’re just a bit, you know. Doughy.” She gave Jen’s soft thigh a playful prod. “And there are a lot of people out there that like… bigger women.” Jen sipped her wine and looked away, trying to hide her reddening face. “Besides,” the slender blonde continued, “you have those big ol’ tits.” She pointed at Jen’s healthy D cups, which had been released from their sports bra and hung loosely under her exercise top. Her finger was so close it always grazed her breast through her shirt. Then she motioned to her own A cups, which were, notably, the only department where Jen felt she had her beat. Allison’s body could be described by muscle groups: she had flat abs, firm glutes, toned biceps, triceps, and quads, while Jen had a big belly, a fat ass, and blubbery arms and legs. No matter how much she worked her pectorals, though, they would never watch Jen’s natural rack. “I mish wine were like that,” Allison said. She paused and laughed. “Wish mine, blah! Put me in a pair of tits like that, and I’d be set. How are you not drunk yet? Two beers – not even – and less than a glass of wine, and already Allison was blabbering. A lightweight. Jen was, without a question, a heavy weight – a term which she wore a bit resentfully, despite it being a badge of honor in the world of booze. “I could drink you under the table any night of the week,” Jen said, refilling her own glass. “Or eat me under the table,” Allison said, and began to cackle. And that was only teasing… or was it an invitation? The drinks were getting to her, but maybe because she wanted them to. Under the veil of intoxication, you were liberated, able to do what you want because you’re no longer stopping yourself from saying what you want, or doing what you want, or knowing what you want. And Jen could feel she was at the verge of all of these. She downed her second glass and licked the wine from her lips. “You know, right, that there’s no class next week,” Allison said, finishing her glass and pouring herself more, the surface of the wine wobbling low behind the label when she set the bottle down. Her cheeks were indeed a bit rosy. “When did she say that?” “It was in the instructors email this morning. She’s going out of town.” Oh, yeah, the emails… the missives rarely containing more than a reminder to come class, what exercises they would be doing, and more often than not, one of those stupid little pieces of trite inspiration hokum. Jen had stopped reading those early on in the course. She had Allison to remind her of when the classes were, and she knew what they would be doing: suffering. She didn’t need to be told “Your only limit is YOU.” Allison held the rim of her drink to her lips for a few moments before sipping from it. “I thought we could go running together.” “Oh, that would be nice.” Rather than say what was on her mind, she swallowed her third glass of wine. It was getting along fine with the beers, but the party in her stomach would be going better with a few shots of something harder. Tequila. She liked tequila – it made her feel… free. She took a swig from the bottle of Cuervo before returning to the living room. The liquor immediately set her belly churning – but not in way that made her feel sick. Yes, the alcohol was beginning to affect her. She gazed down at Allison, who had emptied her glass again and melted into a comfortable position on the couch, wine-sodden and loose, flush from her workout and the alcohol. Jen was finally able to accept what she wanted to do to her, what she had always wanted to do to her, but had been afraid to accept. As she walked towards the alluring object before her, her mind raced, planning how to remove her clothes, thinking about the curves of her body, how the salty layer of sweat on her skin would taste on her tongue. She climbed on top of the her friend, knees on either side of her hips, body hanging over hers, chestnut brown hair falling around the confused girl’s face, blocking away everything in the room except for the sultry grin and hungry eyes beaming down at her. “Woah. Nnn-Jenny, no. I’m not like that…” she started, “I’m not a –” but a hand covered her mouth, the face descended on her, hair completely enveloping her vision. She felt a moist tongue on her neck, and felt uncomfortable, uncertain. She struggled weakly as her top was pushed up and the damp mouth stopped only long enough for the cloth to pass over her head, and the sports bra shortly after, exposing her pert mounds to the open air. It was happening so fast for the drunk blonde, her heart racing, her mind blurring, that she hardly knew what it was that was happening. The party in Jen’s stomach blazed with excitement, with a hunger she’d never known – it gurgled with anticipation. She looked into the uncertain green eyes, licked her lips, and whispered, “I want you.” Before the girl could respond, the pair of lips above her opened, and grew closer until she could see nothing but teeth, a tongue dripping saliva, a uvula, and then, simply darkness. Before she could even think to scream, the dampness of the mouth reached her chin, and she was enveloped in blackness, moistness, blinded and muted, a slippery tongue wildly licking at her features. Jen knew what she wanted – she wanted food that would fight and wriggle all the way down. She wanted food that would plead to be let go. She wanted to put this skinny little bitch in her place – and that place was in her doughy stomach. Where she was going, it didn’t matter how hot she was, how much she worked out, how healthy she ate… Maybe it would have been better if she was plumper, actually, but Jen couldn’t be sure yet. She almost panicked for a moment, realizing what she was doing, wondering how she was doing it, what it meant to do this, but her roaring stomach quieted her thoughts. Her body operated on some latent instinct, putting her mind at ease. She had her lips around the girl’s neck. How she had fit a human head into her throat, and how she was still breathing, she didn’t know – or care. The only question was how the rest of Allison would taste. The answer, as she soon found, was unbelievably delicious. Without a doubt, Allison was her new favorite food. As she somehow pushed the meal’s chest into her maw, lubricated by her heavily-watering mouth, she held Allison’s arms down, gripping the wrists below the ribcage to be immediately consumed. Jen now shifted her position, though not without some trouble, so she could lie on her back while pulling her savory treat into her mouth. Allison’s legs flailed in the air and Jen gripped her round ass. The stomach that her dinner had put so much effort into keeping lean slid between Jen’s lips and down her gullet almost too easily. It was as though her meal had sculpted herself into the perfect shape to be dispatched down Jen’s virgin gullet. Eyes level with the plump rump, she grabbed the tight shorts and pushed them down the thighs at arm reach, leaving the girl’s groin covered by nothing but a thong. Of course she would… That too was shoved away from the meat’s hips. The clothes, as Jen saw them, were like a wrapper for her wriggling meal. The girl’s pussy had an especially strong, salty flavor. Part of her almost felt odd about, but another part insisted that it was tantalizing, delicious, a unique flavor to explore. Her tongue probed inside, hungrily, but soon her throat was bulging with a supple ass, and was looking down the backs of well-toned legs, treading air. Gulping and sucking, she pulled the thighs, knees, and calves in to be tasted and swallowed, removing the clothes in the process, until all that was left before her face was a pair of fidgeting white socks. She could feel her belly churning, wriggling; she loved it. She removed the socks, one at a time, to reveal wriggling toes – little salty-sour piggies to be delivered to market. She closed her lips as the feet slipped down the back of her tongue. She gave one last swallow, and felt the last of her meal make its way down into her stomach. She looked at her belly – it was huge, surreally huge. And lumpy. And moving. And, for the first time in her life, satisfied. Ѽ Jen woke up the next morning on the couch, naked, her exercise clothes strewn on the floor. She was groggy from the alcohol and dreams what were wild, and wonderful, and vivid. She tried to sit up, but her body resisted. She looked down at her stomach, massive and misshapen. It hadn’t been a dream. Perhaps it was some leftover drunkenness, or the remainder of dreaminess in her mind, but she didn’t feel fazed by what she had done. It felt… natural. Right. Satisfying. She let out a small, underwhelming burp. Wondering if her meal was still alive, she gave her belly a jostle. It squirmed, and her belly growled; when she listened closer, it sounded a lot like muffled cries for help. She gave her belly a pat, and continued to lie on the couch, wondering how long it would take to digest her meal. The feeling was indescribable, having a person inside her – no, no, not a person. Allison wasn’t a person anymore. She was food, a meal, a meal that was trying desperately to disagree with her stomach and failing miserably. She could feel herself body working away at the mass of meat, slowly dismantling her so she could feed Jen’s body. It was pleasant. And after an hour or so, it grew boring. Could she stand up? Gripping the arm of the couch, she tried to hoist herself up, but that would have to wait. She couldn’t even sit up. She rolled over, reaching under the couch, her immense belly spilling over the side, its contents sloshing within. She groped until she found her laptop and rested it on her chest. The couch creaked beneath her as she settled back into place. As she opened her email – first thing, a force of habit – she glimpsed through her messages, while her meal continued to struggle, the computer rocking gently on the waves of flesh. The girl had a lot of fight in her. Before she clicked away, Jen noticed the email Allison had mentioned last night, with the subject line: “Class Cancelled Next Week!!!!” She considered emailing the instructor to tell her she probably wouldn’t be attending anymore… and neither would Allison. She opened the letter, and absent-mindedly scanned, until she reached the end, where the teacher had left one of her signature aphorisms. Resting her hand on top of her belly, convulsing with her stubborn meals final throes, she couldn’t help but smile as she read the instructor’s motivational message: “Remember ladies: Inside every large woman, there’s a thin woman trying to get out!” Ѡ Part II ____________________ Aye, There’s the Rub Ͼ Ͽ She looked down the sandy pathway, the aisles of sienna-skinned people to either side. They were clothed in grass skirts, and flowers adorned the black flowing hair of the women in the tropical audience. Many of them were overweight – in fact, she realized, they were all quite rotund, rounded out like hams. This was oddly pleasing. Sitting in a sort of throne, she was above them, and not just in a vertical sense. A pair of girls appeared at the far end of the path, carrying between them a large platter. As they approached, she found them plump, but not yet fattened to the point of the adults creating the aisles. The platter contained a roasted pig. The girls kneeled before her, holding up the offering. Her stomach growled. It was instinctual. She opened her mouth, grabbed the pig, and brought it to her gaping maw. She hardly noticed as it slid smoothly down her throat, and she felt it push out the walls of her stomach. The villagers whispered among themselves, in awe of her hunger, her talents, her power. It wasn’t enough. The Pale Goddess wanted more. The adolescent girls left, and returned at the far end of the walkway, a figure between them. Her belly gurgled excitedly. They each held an arm of a plump, naked woman as they marched her towards the throne. This was better. The brown woman wore a solemn expression – not fearful, but obligingly accepting. They had been preparing her for weeks, feeding her ceaselessly throughout the day, confining her to a hut to meditate and let her muscles soften, bathing her in oils to make her skin pliable and smooth. A priestess painted in fruit juice and slick with special oils, prepared inside and out for spiritual sacrifice. The crowd watched, expressionless. They did not react as the Pale Goddess grabbed the second offering by the sides, brought her face to her lips, and in a few quick gulps, left nothing but the thick, motionless legs extending beyond her mouth, and then she sucked those down; the people bowed their heads in reverence. As her belly bulged further outward, she felt… unsatisfied. The meal had accepted its fate – it didn’t even struggle. She looked at the young girls, still standing before her. She extended a greedy hand, gripped one of them by the wrist, and pulled her forward. An expression of panic spread across her face – she was too young, too small, too full of life for the honor of being a sacrifice. She struggled, trying to wriggle her arm from the firm grip but to no avail, and began screaming; the audience retained its austerity. The Pale Goddess licked her lips hungrily as her dessert pleaded for its life. This was more like it. ѽ Jen awoke to a sense of moisture on her cheek, groggily displeased by the tacky substance that coated the top of her pillow. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she realized it was her own saliva – she must have been drooling. She immediately regretted that fact that she was awake – it had been a wonderful dream, but the details were quickly slipping away from her. She flipped her pillow, laid her head down on the dry side, and stared at the ceiling. Her stomach growled. She sat up in her bed, and looked down, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She gave her round belly an affectionate pat. It had been shrinking since… the incident, but it had finally settled at a size slightly larger than before it had been stretched to unimagined dimensions from a dinner by the name of Allison. It had been the better part of a day before she had been able to leave the couch, and maneuvering around her apartment had been difficult, sprung into a cumbersome body of new dimensions which gradually returned to something resembling normal. In a way, a strange way, she missed her gargantuan gut. It almost bothered her that she could now see her toes again. She looked at her alarm – she had woken up ten minutes early. Usually she hated missing that last morsel of sleep, but she had been doing little more than sleeping, digesting, spending her waking hours inevitably fingering herself out of boredom and an undeniable erotic fascination with her human- filled belly. Allison had ceased moving the morning after, but it wasn’t until last night that Jen felt she had truly turned her fitness freak friend into a true size zero. In that time, she hadn’t had a breath of fresh air, not a bite of food – though she felt after a day or so that she could eat, the gradual deflation of her belly was a reminder that her life would return to normal – a life in which she wasn’t a majestic, massive goddess but a regular, overweight woman. She lurched out of bed and made for a much-needed shower. Her shower had always been small, but it had never felt so cramped. Regardless, the hot water drizzling on her body felt fantastic – and there was even more body for it to fall on. She gave her hair a much-needed cleanse with shampoo and conditioner, and picked up a bar of soap. After lathering her breasts and sudsing her limbs, she began the most anticipated aspect of the shower: cleaning her belly. She carefully rubbed the soap into her skin, so soft and tender, running her fingers over every inch of goose-pimpling flesh, inside the folds of her love handles, inside her bellybutton. It amazed her how swollen it had been and how it had returned like elastic. Her inner thighs grew slick with something that didn’t come from the shower head. She slid one hand around her belly to the source and she tenderly rubbed her round gut. She leaned against the shower’s wall, a foot climbing up the other leg’s thigh, toes curling, teeth digging into her bottom lip, hips bucking gently as her fingers circled her clit. It was the cold water splashing against her stomach that broke her from her trance. She blinked, felt a quick shock, and jumped out of the shower. How long had she been in there? She wrapped herself in a beach towel and returned to her bedroom. She took a glance at her clock again – if she hurried, she could make it to work on time. After quickly brushing her teeth and hair, and then rubbing her body dry – an activity she regretted not having the time to relish – she pulled on panties, a bra, a pair of pants, all of which fit rather tightly, and her most flowing blouse – and even this felt smaller. She made a mental note – go clothes shopping after work. Throwing herself a passing glance at herself in a full-length mirror, she noticed two things. First, she stared discontentedly at how the new weight hung on her. There was no denying that she was fatter, and there was much more padding around her midsection, thighs and ass. “I look so chunky…” she groaned to herself – her behemoth bulk had made her feel… empowered; this weight made her feel anything but. The second thing that she realized was that this was the first time in two weeks she had worn clothes. It was a short drive to the Hidden Island massage parlor, where she rented a table. Though she was looking forward to getting back to work and having something to occupy her time, she fretted the amount of extra hours she would need to put in to make up for her week off. Her belly growled at her. She had hardly eaten in the past week, her stomach happily occupied with a large, dwindling meal that had only just been entirely digested. There was no time for breakfast, though, and she reminder herself that she could stand to miss the calories. As she walked through the doors of the parlor to the sound of babbling fountains and relaxing exotic music. she ignored the stares of her coworkers, who were too polite to mention that she was looking pudgier. They acted polite, cheerful and friendly, happy to see Jen back. When questioned about her absence, she quickly fabricated a quick lie about her grandfather dying. She hoped under the guise of morning, the sudden weight gain wouldn’t seem so strange. When one of her appointments showed up, she fell into her work, allowed her hands to knead the woman’s skin, her mind wandering. She found herself tantalized by the feel of her flesh, wondering how she might taste, how her skin would feel against her tongue, imagining how easy it would be… the woman covered only in a towel, lying face down, relaxed, vulnerable… she may as well have been served up on a platter. “Whoops, dripped a little oil,” Jen said softly, wiping away her drool from the woman’s back. She hadn’t eaten, that was all. She wasn’t thinking straight. She would be able to focus once she had some food in her stomach. This was the first rule she made for herself that morning and early afternoon: now that this beast had been awoken in her belly, she could not work without a full stomach. She barely had time to think before that client left and the next was on her table – which is what she had wanted, a busy day to make up for a week off – but the work didn’t help to take her mind off her new habit. No, it wasn’t a habit, it had only happened once. As she rubbed her patients down, as she worked through the bodies of people who had the money and leisure time to get a massage on a Monday afternoon, she felt like a baker, kneading the dough, watching the bread rise, smelling the muffins in the oven, but even a chef gets to taste the food they’re preparing. She asked herself if she would do it again, and the answer was I shouldn’t, but I probably will. She knew she should feel guilty about what she had done, but she didn’t. Poor Allison. Poor, salty, savory, satisfying Allison. But maybe she had satisfied that appetite for good. Maybe one was enough. Her stomach growled, Nope. She had tasted the forbidden fruit. She had never in her life been so perfectly, happily full. Yes, she would eat again. It was all about self-control, though that was her weakness. It was beginning to sound like a diet, and she didn’t like that, but there was more at stake than any of her previous diets. It would just have to be a matter of portion control. No more than one a year, really, to keep a low profile – and even that was dangerous. Her stomach didn’t like the idea of waiting another twelve months. Maybe, if she was really good about dieting and exercising otherwise, she could cheat a little – but no more than three a year, tops. And only if she earned those extra treats. But no clients. That seemed like an important rule. That was absolutely too risky. There were no cameras in the place, she knew that, but there would be a paper trail with the appointment book, and there was no way she was getting out without being noticed. Besides, the people that she found on her table were generally skinny little things, anyway. She knew that when she cannibalized again, and there was no question that she would do it again, it would have to be someone a bit… juicier. Lunch could not come soon enough. She grabbed a large sub from the sandwich place across the street, hoping a foot of bread, vegetables and bacon, though not the best thing for her diet, would appease her appetite. She hardly tasted it, though, as she swallowed mouthfuls in the employee’s lounge. She was too distracted by Gina, another of the masseuses, making small talk. She was a sweet girl with a number of clients who refused to be touched by anyone but her, a few grays streaking her raven hair, rather passive, a bit on the plump side, would probably go well with a glass of red wine… Coworkers are not food, she insisted to her gut, which countered with a vivid fantasy of pulling apart her sub, placing the slices of bread on either side of those chubby cheeks and making a Bacon Lettuce and Gina sandwich. “I’m so sorry about your granddad,” Gina said between bites of her own lunch. “Hm?” Jen asked, distracted by the bit of barbeque sauce which had dribbled down her chin. “You look so distant. It must really be affecting you.” “Oh, yeah. I feel like there’s an emptiness inside of me that just won’t go away.” When Gina offered an extended hug, it took everything in her to quell the predatory instinct, noticing for the first time how Gina had a faint essence of honey-baked ham. After the last of Jen’s appointments left, blissfully unaware of how close they come to an unhappy ending, business slowed down considerably, and a few of the other masseuses left early. Jen, however, had to make up for her unexpected vacation, and couldn’t miss the opportunity of a walk-in. The parlor remained empty, and by a quarter-hour to close, the only person in there besides Jen was the manager. “Hey Jen, I actually have somewhere to be tonight – would you mind closing up? I know it’s been a rough week for you, so I can throw an extra twenty your way for the trouble. ” “Of course, Anne,” Jen said. She couldn’t say no. “Thank you! And it’s nice to see you back,” Anne said sympathetically. “It really is.” As she walked out of the front door, she turned around and asked, “Do you want me to flip the sign to closed?” Jen shook her head. “You never know.” With nothing left to distract her, Jen considered sneaking into the lounge to see if she could steal anything from the fridge. Her appetite had become unbearable, and she knew that once she got home, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from binge eating everything in her kitchen to try to fill a hole that could not – or should not – be filled. She wished for a mountain of food to inflate her belly back to its glorious bulk. At five minutes ’til, her thoughts were disrupted by a woman who seemed to be approaching the large glass door. Jen rose from her chair, ready to greet her, and watched her walk past. At eight o’clock, she had no choice but to quickly run through the closing procedures, hastily sweeping, arranging the labels on bottles of oil, turning off the lights, the music, and the artificial fountains. It wasn’t until she was outside, locking the door, when she heard a voice behind her. “Oh, are you closing up already?” Jen turned around, and found herself face-to-face with a woman’s hopeful expression. “Not at all,” Jen said, a smile widening on her face. “Come on in.” “Really? It seems like…” “Don’t worry about it. I can squeeze in another massage before I go home. ” “Do you think you’ll have time for a full-body?” Jen quickly looked over the woman, dressed in an all-pink tracksuit. “Absolutely. You’ll have to pay in cash, though, because I can’t operate the machine.” “That’s fine. Are you sure though?” the woman asked, but Jen was already ushering her inside. “Thank you so much.” Wonderful, Jen thought. It was after hours, and Anne wouldn’t know; she wouldn’t even have to pay a commission. Jen turned on the lights in the lobby and the hallway, leading the woman to the room where her chair was stationed, looking back occasionally to give a polite smile. In these quick glances, she sized the woman up – from her face and her loose clothing, she could tell she was larger. “While I put on the music and get some massage oils, you can get undressed, and lay face down on the table.” “All the way undressed?” “As much as you feel comfortable, ma’am. There are towels in the corner if you’d like to cover yourself.” As the only one left in the shop, Jen locked the door and turned off the lights throughout the building, the whole place dark except the dim room where her client waited. When she returned with an armful of products, she found the woman wrapped in a white robe, which betrayed her wider dimensions, and all of her clothes piled on a table in the corner. Soon, she was laid out on the table, only her round bottom covered by a towel, and her dirty blonde hair hanging over her shoulder in a ponytail. “I love your tan,” Jen said softly of the woman’s soft, browned skin. “It came at a price,” the crispy client said from the face cradle. “Pretty much burnt myself to a crisp sunbathing, but it was worth it!” “I’ll bet,” Jen said, coating her hands in oil and beginning in on the soft, creamy, sun-baked skin of an unquestionably succulent body. Did she know how appetizing she looked? Did she not look into the mirror thinking, I’m bound to get gobbled up if I go out looking like this tasty? No, of course not. Normal people didn’t think about absurd things like swallowing other people whole. This woman had no clue her “Live Laugh Love” tramp stamp might as well have read “Eat Me.” Jen wiped the drool from her mouth with the back of her hand. This was not the time to being thinking about another human dinner. Besides, she had already promised herself no clients – that was a rule. Then again, rules were meant to be broken… Maybe if she did a really good job, this woman would keep coming back, and in six months, or maybe four, if she was really good about her diet, Jen could figure out a way to isolate her and… Jen tried to take her mind of the fate she wanted to plan for this woman by occupying herself with the task at hand, but that only made matters worse. As she kneaded the woman’s back, she couldn’t help but acknowledge how tender her flesh was. As she ran her hands down the client’s sides, she marveled at the doughiness of her love handles. The succulent meat clung to her legs and arms, as well. This woman was larger than Jen, and she wondered if she would be able to swallow her… when the time came, that was. “That feels fantastic” the woman said. It caught Jen off guard – she forgot her food could talk. “I’m glad to hear that. Would you flip over for me so I can work on your front?” The woman obeyed, jerkily moving her cumbersome body on the table to rotate like a rotisserie ham. As she began to rub her shoulders and neck, the woman’s eyes remained reposefully shut under her permanently arched eyebrows, and Jen scanned her face. She was pretty, with high cheekbones under the chubbiness, full lips in a vague smile, and a cute double chin. The blonde hair suggested she was white, but her somewhat Hispanic features suggested it might have been dyed. As she moved down to the woman’s meaty figure, she noticed that in turning, the woman had forgotten to cover herself with the towel. Sizing up curvy, plump, juicy, mass of flesh, she was glad that its eyes were closed as she found herself unconsciously licking the lips. To think, if she played her cards right, in a couple of months, this could her well-deserved treat for her patience. It was almost too much to bear. She started to massage the woman’s sides, her wrists grazing the nipples of its massive breasts. She wondered how those would feel going down when she noticed the future meal’s thighs twitching, pressing the two fat hams together. She was accidentally turning her client on, something she was usually careful to avoid going overboard with… but maybe it would be a convenient way to earn her continued patronage. Customers love a good experience, right? And this was a customer for the time being. As she moved down to the belly that overflowed onto the table, her hands rubbed and kneaded the lump of blubber. Trim little Allison had slid down her throat like a milkshake, but this one would doubtlessly need more work. She grabbed handfuls of her pillowy flanks, and dug her fingers deep into the cushioned belly. The food grunted with satisfaction. She pushed the fleshy mound up from either side, lifting it away from the body, and releasing it, observing with a ravenous relish the belly’s elasticity, the way it jiggled and settled. This wasn’t a usual massage – she was poking and prodding a choice piece of meat. It was almost… no, it WAS too much to bear. Fuck the planning. When else would she get a chance like this? There were no witnesses. The woman hadn’t signed in. The fact that she hadn’t even shown up until half an hour after closing was enough of an alibi for Jen. How she would get out of the building and back home without being seen did pose a problem, but she could cross that bridge when she got to it. Her stomach had commandeered her brain. There was no place in her mind for anything that didn’t involve that scrumptious thing lying on the table, just asking to be devoured. A curious idea struck her. “You know, I have a special body butter that I think you would really enjoy – not every person has the skin for it. Would you like to try it?” “What? Oh, yeah… sure…” the woman responded, distracted and tranquil, as if stirred from a dreamy trance. Jen hurried to the kitchen, and before returning to her meal, made sure the front door was locked. Returning to the room, she was careful to close the door behind her, effectively sound- proofing the room – she couldn’t be too careful. She turned the music up slightly, and further dimmed the lights. She started to feel like a predatory animal, stalking her prey, carefully tilting the odds into her favor so that when the time came, the docile prey wouldn’t even realize it was in danger until it was too late. It was a risk, it was a bad idea, it was a thrill. The prey was mindlessly running its fingers along its own belly, but let its arm fall to its side and closed its eyes as Jen approached. It shivered as a splash of a cold substance hit its skin right above its navel. The woman could feel the masseuse working the thick, tacky substance in to every inch of belly, inside rolls of fat, and even down into her deep navel. The scent that hit her nose was strange – not so much that it was an odd fragrance, rather a familiar one. “This massage butter smells like barbeque sauce.” Jen laughed brightly. “It does, doesn’t it? But, trust me, when it kicks in, you’ll feel some pretty interesting sensations.” Trusting herself in Jen’s professional hands, the woman let the mysterious substance be rubbed by two knowledgeable hands into each breast, trying not to react to obviously to the palm brushing over her nipple. The special lotion was spread up her neck, and rubbed into her chubby cheeks. It smelled so delicious, she was tempted to taste it. As Jen was moistening her arms, the sweet, tangy smell become too much for the woman. Her stomach growled, and she blushed. “Sorry! It’s this massage stuff you’re using… it’s making me hungry! And I just had a big meal…” it muttered, patting its large, full belly, feeling the gooey layer covering its skin. Jen bit her lower lip, suppressing an overly eager smile. If this meal thought it was hungry… She groped and massaged the fat legs from thigh to foot, taking care to garnish every bit of her skin, under the knee, around the ankles, between her inviting fat toes. Glancing up, she noticed how absolutely irresistible the meal looked from this angle, and decided that she would try swallowing this one feet first. But why add the risk? Because it was worth it. “Can you flip over again for me? Need to get your backside.” The woman obliged, and Jen began back at the top, slathering up the canvas of luscious flesh. She smeared the sauce down to the flanks, taking her time with the rather juicy rump, working the flavoring into every dimple. The woman seemed to be breathing somewhat heavily, enjoying the attention Jen was giving her nice fat ass. Moving on to the thick thighs, Jen allowed her thumbs to pushed up under her ass, grazing the woman’s pussy. Her hips squirmed mildly to the subtle sensations. Jen let out a small, personal giggle. Now, now, she thought, I mustn’t play with my food. She placed herself at the feet of her unsuspecting prey, and looked up to a view that made her drool in anticipation. Her stomach was a wild beast, and it let out a roar. She gave it an affectionate rub. “I guess I’m not the only one who’s hungry,” said the meal, amusedly. Jen laughed gently. “My belly is just ready for dinner.” “Oh, I hope I’m not keeping you…” “Oh, not at all. Now, I’m going to start the next part of this treatment, and you’re going to feel that special massage butter kick in. It might feel a bit strange, but you should just relax.” “Okay. Well, I’m ready for anything, so go ahead.” Well, thought Jen, it said it’s ready for anything… Ten little fat piggies, drenched in a sweet and tangy sauce, slipped between Jen’s lips. The balls of the feet followed, and then the ankles, and Jen angled her body so they would slip right down her gullet into her belly as she worked her way up the hefty calves. The barbeque sauce lubricant was a fantastic idea. “Wow, this feels really strange. It feels like something warm and wet is climbing up my legs… I like it though. Mmm… It’s all the way up my calves now! So weird…” She now began on the bulk of this sumptuous plump piggy. The massive, succulent haunches towered like great hills before her face. Jen braced herself for the hard swallow and stretching of her lips around those great mounds. It had to be approached slowly, which only meant the experience had to be savored, her tongue lapping at the flesh pressed against it. A different texture mixed in with the steak sauce, adding a pungent, salty flavor. “Oh my god…” gasped the oblivious prey. “That… oh my god, wow…” As the savory morsel disappeared inside her, she crawled up on the table as to not alarm her dinner as it went down. As she approached the not-so- small of her treat’s back, she made sure to gently pin her hands down her sides. The woman would probably realize what was going on soon, and if she didn’t have arms, she would be done for. “Now it’s starting in my fingers… really slowly, though. And mmm… up my belly. Up my wrists… this feels so good! … Uh… my feet feel funny. They’re tingling. It kind of feels like they’re burning… Is that normal? Miss?” The feast lifted its head from the cradle and looked back. At fist, she could not tell what was happening in the dim lighting, and even when she made out the bulk enveloping her body, she could not conceive o the situation. It wasn’t until she felt her navel being explored by a hungry tongue that shock of panic hit her face. The prey found itself nearly elbow deep in the masseuse. The fear in its eyes was met by the unsympathetic, almost giddy look in Jen’s, who inched slowly further up the rich, voluptuous body. It tried to move away, but found its body so tightly constricted that she couldn’t move anything below the chest, including its arms. Jen had her prey where she wanted it, and she knew could take her time. “What the fuck are you…?” the prey said once it found its voice. Gulp. Jen reached the next roll of fat. “Stop It!” Gulp. Jen was over the peak of its belly. “LET ME GO! HELP!” That’s right, you meaty, juicy, succulent feast, Jen thought wildly, struggle and scream. Scream while I gobble you up. Scream all the way down into belly. She slurped at the beefy breasts as they entered her mouth. She grasped her hysterical prey’s shoulders and pushed them into her maw. Her belly was growing massive, and it became uncomfortable to lie on it, so she sat up, allowing the prey to look down in its final moments and watch the process of its own demise. “NO! PLEASE!” its sobbed. “I’LL DO ANYTHING. I’LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. I’LL GIVE YOU HOWEVER MUCH MONEY YOU NEED! JUST PLEASE DON’T DO THIS!” it said, as its chin rested on Jen’s bottom lip. Jen paused. The prey whimpered. Jen looked down at the back of the woman’s head, a blonde ponytail falling down the side of her Jen’s cheek. The prey tried to turn its head, showing Jen its tear-streaked cheek, as though to remind Jen that this was a human being, flesh and blood. And Jen realized what she must do. She placed her fingers around the woman’s elastic hair tie and tugged it away, unleashing her dirty blonde locks. She definitely didn’t want that in her stomach. Jen’s slippery pink tongue rose up greedily, and the woman looked up, cross eyed, as a single index finger was placed on her forehead, pushing her down with the aid of a few small gulps. “NO! NO! PLEASE! PLE-” The tears salted the prey’s face as it slid against Jen’s tongue, then down her throat, as its final glimpse at the world outside Jen’s body disappeared behind closing, smiling lips. Ѽ Jen rested on the table, licking smudges of barbeque sauce from around her lips. She was surprised that it was able to hold the weight of two rather heavy girls at once. She ran her fingers along the bulges of her stomach, feeling the form of her victim, a large form stuffed inside of her. Packed into a tight space, her meal was forced to curl up with her knees to either side body, sitting like a fat Buddha. Soon, she would become one with the universe of Jen’s body, and be reincarnated as a layer of fat. She didn’t seem very happy about it, though. Jen gathered the loose hair from around her face and tied it back with her new hair tie. She let a foot dangle over the edge, kicking it back and forth mindlessly. She had been so absorbed in the pleasure of the moment, she hadn’t even noticed her clothes ripping and falling to the floor in shreds. All that remained intact were her panties, which covered so little of her bare new body. Her belly was unbelievably big. It was marvelous. She figured she could take the time to plan her trip home and, more importantly, digest for a few hours before she headed out. It would be best to leave in the dead of night anyway, so no one would see her. Maybe she could drive with her belly in the passenger seat… yeah, maybe that would work. She would find out later. She remembered something the meal had said, and a smile came across her face. However much money I need… hm. She carefully lowered her feet to the floor, and once she was able to balance herself, she made her way to the chair where the woman had left her purse. Rifling through it, she found some large bills. Quite a few large bills, actually. I’m really going to have to limit myself, Jen thought, knowing she wouldn’t be seeing the inside of this massage parlor again for quite a few days. Otherwise I’m going to run out of grandparents really quick. She began counting the devoured woman’s money – now her money, by the transitive law of I-Ate-You-Bitch – and smiled to herself. It seemed like enough money to cover, oh, about a week off from work. Maybe two. Ѡ Part III ____________________ The Request ѽ ẛ ẛ ẛ () Standing before a full-length mirror, Jen was confronted with the reflection of her own pudgy body. She felt like she was overflowing. Her bulging breasts were practically bursting from her bra, and her tummy spilled over her panties. She put a hand on her hip, and her fingers sunk into half an inch of flesh. If she was going to continue eating like she was – and she definitely didn’t want to stop – an exercise regiment would be in order. She bent down to the pile of clothes she had ordered online and retrieved a long black skirt, made with light, flowing cotton and an elastic waistband. Leaning over, she stepped into the garment and pulled it up her chubby legs and around her wide hips. She looked at herself from several angles in the mirror, and then pushed at the elastic band out to see how far it would stretch. Though the skirt fit to her body comfortably, it could easily hold two people. Perfect. The next piece she took from the bag was a piece she had found in the maternity wear section. She pulled on the red top, which frilled around her breasts and draped over her midriff. Again, she glanced at her reflection from different angles. It did a good job of showing off her breasts while hiding her belly, and there was quite a lot of room for her to grow underneath. These clothes would do until she found a way to control her weight. Jen had given up on her “goal weight” clothes which she hadn’t worn in years and realized now she would never wear again, and her wardrobe had been greatly diminished by her recent weight gain: along with what she had outgrown, she had ripped though two outfits. Along with the latest victim’s belongings, she had deposited in the apartment’s trash bin a few nights before, just before pickup. She couldn’t bring herself to throw out the victim’s pink tracksuit, however, caught between the notion that it would fit her nicely and the fact that wearing possibly the last outfit a missing woman had been seen in was a great way to draw attention. So she left it in an otherwise empty hamper in her room, along with the clothes that had once belonged to a meal named Allison. And though, by the very nature of her body, Jen would never fit in those clothes, they had a sort of… sentimental value. A girl never forgets her first time. ס It had been just over a week Jen since Jen had broke the news that her grandmother had passed shortly after the departure of her grandfather , and she would need more time to bereave. If all her grandparents hadn’t already been in the grave, she might have felt some guilt. Instead, all she felt was paranoia as she walked up to the Hidden Island spa, feeling as though people’s eyes were following her. It began with the car on the street being inspected by a couple of police officers. Then she noticed two women walking in her direction who kept glancing at her, and she could feel their gaze on her after they passed. As she walked to the building, she noticed the young delivery boy from the pizzeria across the street standing by his car and staring 0 unabashedly staring. She wrapped her arms around herself, and glared at the ground as she walked through the large glass door. They didn’t know what she did – how could they? But they were definitely all looking at her… even her coworkers were shooting glances at her. Oh god – were there security cameras in the rooms? She didn’t think so, but she had never checked... maybe she was on the news! Oh god, what if everyone did know? “Jen,” came her manager’s stern voice. Jen flinched slightly, and looked up, afraid to breathe. “New clothes, I see.” “Uh, I…” “You left the tags on, honey.” Jen looked down, and sure enough, she had. The minor embarrassment was overridden by the overwhelming sense of relief. She ripped the slips of cardboard off, dropped them in the trash, and prepared for her shift. The other girls who worked at the parlor handled her with kid gloves at first – poor Jen, both grandparents in a week – but her cheery demeanor put them at ease. “Yes, it was bit difficult to swallow,” she told her colleagues, “but honestly, I feel like I’ve grown a lot from the situation.” She soon fell into her work, soothing herself as she soothed her clients, none of whom were too tempting, fortunately. Just being paranoid. What she had done wasn’t really that bad, she assured herself – though on paper, it was murder. Two, actually – did that make her a serial killer? No, she thought, it’s like this: We eat animals all the time, and if it’s wrong to eat people – who are really just animals, after all – then it would have to be wrong to eat animals. But it’s socially acceptable to eat meat – which, again, people are made of. Very, very delicious meat. And say, for instance, a meat-packer fell into a grinder, and he got ground up with the rest of the beef. People probably lose fingers and hands in those things all the time. At that point, you’re just part of the hamburger, and you can’t arrest the people who don’t know they’re eating a person. They would probably just think their burger is especially delicious that day. She licked her lips at the thought of a juicy manburger. And it’s not like I’m doing it for some sick reason or some weird ritual. I’m only doing it because I’m hungry. It shouldn’t be illegal to eat something you like – and it’s not like humans are an endangered species. I could eat someone for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day until I die, and I wouldn’t make a dent in the population. It would help with overcrowding, really. What a world it would be if she could just eat whoever whenever she wanted. Oh Gina, you’re looking rather plump today – have you put on weight? Eating like a pig, you say? It seems to me like it’s about time you were eaten like a pig. I’d truly love to have you for lunch today. I may? That’s wonderful! I’ve been keeping some creamy wine and herb sauce in the fridge for just such an occasion. Why don’t you slather yourself up and serve yourself on the table in lounge, and I’ll be in around thirty minutes or so to gobble you up. You’re the best, Gina! Or perhaps the opportunity to tell a client, I’m sorry, but your essence is absolutely mouthwatering, and it’s pure torture massing your body without having a taste. Would you mind if I tried a bite? Thank you so much! Honestly, that thigh has been teasing me… Oh my lord, so tender! Because of the yoga, you say? Well, keep it up! I’d hate to think of how imbalanced this must make you… here, let me nibble off some of your arm. Oh, no, I couldn’t accept a tip – just promise me you’ll let me sink my teeth into that rump next time. Before long, I’m going to turn you into Swiss cheese! How wonderful it would be to walk into a nice cannibalese restaurant – Your manwiches, are they fresh? Oh, I see! How delightful! Well, at least they left you with an arm to man the till… I remember my first job as a teenager – fortunately, it wasn’t my last. How many manburgers do you think they’ll be able to make out of what’s left of you? That many, huh? Well, today is your lucky day because that is exactly how many I want! Really, I insist. Yes, I’m certain you’ll fit. Oh hush - Ma’am? Are you the manager? I want this young man right here placed between as many buns as it takes for me to leave with him in my stomach! – Did you hear that? After I’m done, they’re going to take a picture of my belly to hang it up as your employee of the month photo! What an honor! It was through these utopian fantasies that Jen decided that anthropophagy really was quite a delightful idea, and that a cannibal republic worked quite well in theory. For the Eaters, there was a cornucopia of human meals without consequence (aside from a growing waistline), and for the Eaten there was simplicity, an answer to the meaning of life: you are food. No need to plan for retirement – when you no longer wished to work, you could simply walk to the nearest restaurant and offer yourself as the daily special. Too many mouths to feed? Just focus on the one you can fatten for market. No more worrying about missing persons – just the contentment of knowing they were thoroughly enjoyed. Jen realized this imagination involved the presence of others like her - were there others? If not, she thought, more for me. By this point, she was shamelessly licking her lips, gazing at the morsel lying face-down on the table before her. You’re lucky, she thought, rubbing the woman’s shoulders. If things were different, I’d would eat you right now just because I can. After she finished with the patient, who had a back full of knots that would probably make her too chewy, Jen decided she needed a change of scenery. The dim lights and smell of oil were beginning to remind her of her previous meal, and her stomach was getting excited. When she took her break, she found her coworker not basted and ready to be served but outside, lighting up a cigarette. “Hey, Gina, can you spare one?” “I thought you were quitting?” her plump friend responded, with a friendly wink, holding out the pack. Jen took one of the cigarettes and the lighter that Gina offered. “A smoke once in a while won’t kill me,” she said, letting a tentacle of grey smoke escape her lips. “You’ve got to give in a little to your vices.” She took a long drag, and released it in a thin stream. She hadn’t smoked in weeks… she forgot how much she enjoyed it. It calmed the beast in her belly. I think you’ve got an admirer,” said Cindy, making a subtle gesture across the street. Jen looked over in time to see the pizza boy from that morning avert his eyes. “Yeah, I’ve noticed,” Jen said, rolling her eyes. “You should go talk to him, mama. I bet he’s just your type. I bet you’d love you a greasy little pizza boy.” As long as he’s greasy enough to go slide down easy, that’s all I care about, Jen thought. “Just what I need,” she said dryly, after releasing a puff. “A scrawny eighteen-year-old delivery boy who probably lives with his parents. I hope he comes over here and sweeps me off my feet.” “Girl, you’d crush him!” Gina squealed, falling into peals of laughter. Jen looked in his direction again, pretending to be blowing smoke to the side, and she noticed he was still staring, his face red. Gina continued, “I’d join in too! Between our fat asses, we could make him disappear!” Jen faked a laugh, wondering if Gina might have… similar tastes to her. She was always so jovial, so comfortable with her weight. She considered prompting further, suggesting You want to go halfsies on a pizza boy for lunch?, framing it as a joke. But that might come across as too sexual. She could add, We can have him bring a couple of 2-liters to wash him down, but that might be too morbid if Gina wasn’t drooling at the idea. Jen was thankful for the cigarette, and the way it calmed her belly, as her next client was a man on the portly side, and she was enticed by her curiosity about how men taste. The thought of her stomach, swollen and heavy again, brought back vivid memories of her previous meal, and she had to push them away as they brought moisture to both pairs of lips. She shook the idea from her head. I might need to change careers, she thought, realizing this was getting as bad as her first job as a teenager when she worked at a donut shop. Her belly was born in that donuterie, first out her desire to taste every flavor, glazed, chocolate, every frosting with sprinkles, old fashioned, maple, jelly-filled, fritters, cronuts, cruellers and Boston creams – before long, she might eat all of these in a day. On weekdays, she would pop in before school to collect a box of day-olds to “share with her friends,” convinced that it would have been wasteful to let them be thrown out. But it was on Saturdays and Sundays, with nearly unsupervised access to the still-hot sweets, that she worked her “full shifts” and she tried to limit herself to a dozen donuts a day (a baker’s dozen, to be more exact) along with the two she was allowed to take per shift– not including donut holes, because those were really too small to count. She had become so adept at swiping snacks that she could pop a whole glazed in her mouth and swallow it in the time it took the owner to prepare a cup of coffee for a customer. There had been a few times, she would have been ashamed to admit, when an especially busy day wiped out their stock before she could meet her quota, and she was guilty of treating herself to leftovers of her favorite filler, stuffing herself with custard like an éclair. It had been much easier, though, to sneak a donut into her stomach than a client – at least until the owner noticed a correlation between her shrinking profit margin and Jen’s growing waistline. Everything in moderation, she tried to tell herself, but she couldn’t help thinking that it was wasteful to let potential meals just grow old and be disposed of in coffins. After her final massage of the day, Jen walked to the gas station around the corner and bought herself a pack of Slims and a lighter. She stood beside her building, near the side entrance where she had snuck out the week before with a massive gut, though it was hardly more concealed than the front entrance, and lit her cigarette. She closed her eyes, savoring the feel of the smoke hitting the back of her throat. When she opened them, several drags later, she found the pizza boy, again standing across the street, motionless with a slack-jawed stare, two boxes of pizza growing old in his arms. Beat it, you chubby-chasing little Breadstick, she thought, turning away, and out of the corner she noticed him fall back into motion, get in the logo-covered car, and drive away. ѽ ẛ ẛ( .) Jen tried three different donut shops on her way home, but they were all closed. Pouting, she walked into her apartment and groaned loudly to herself, having been denied her two favorite foods that day. Out desperation, she ordered a pizza, careful to make sure it wasn’t from the place across the street from the spa, in case her admirer was the one to deliver it. She undressed – since her two bouts of being too large for any of her wardrobe, she had taken to enjoying walking around her apartment naked whenever possible – and sat on the couch. She turned on the television, hoping to distract herself; immediately, a cooking show came on. Jen grew frustrated when the host started preparing an unexciting slab of meat instead of her plump assistant. She flicked to another program, and quickly found that when you start seeing the human population as a banquet, every channel becomes the Food Channel – especially reality shows. “What are you talking about?” she asked aloud of the woman stranded in the wilderness with three other people, all of them naked for some reason, when she said she hadn’t eaten in three days and there was no food around. “You’ve got breakfast, lunch, and dinner right there! Eat up before they get skinnier!” Jen rolled her eyes at the notion of a 500-pound woman who lived with her boyfriend of two years. “Honey, you could fit him in your stomach, and no one would even notice. What are you waiting for?” It occurred to her that dating might pose some new… challenges. But had dating ever been easy? No. In fact, the situation seemed much simpler now that she realized she could dispose of a man whenever she wanted. The worst thing that could come from a date would be indigestion. When she put on the news, they were doing a segment on obesity in America. It was on the rise, apparently, and they showed footage of overweight people on the street, their faces blurred as though Jen needed any more help depersonalizing them. She patted her unsatisfyingly small belly and found her hand traveling down the curve of her belly to the round of her thigh, down to the already wet opening of her body. She circled two fingertips over her clit, sinking into the bizarre, dreamlike fantasies that had become her erotic fascination. Survivalist contestants rotating on a spit over a fire; a 500-pound woman stuffed with her 200-pound boyfriend stuffed in her oven; faceless Americans falling into one end of a machine, coming out the other a link of plump hotdogs which Jen slurped up as fast as it came out. Her revelry was broken by a knock at the door. She pulled a white robe from the floor and paused before she answered the door. She could see the scene unfolding, a low-budget, cliché porno: she answers the door, naked beneath her robe, simply cannot find her wallet, invites the delivery boy inside, seduces him, coaxes his clothes off, climbs on top of him, pinning him to the couch, and has her way with him. And this would all be fine… until the pizzeria wondered where their driver went, and they had her address, and found his car outside her apartment, and the cops find her with an inexplicably enormous belly and around her lips traces of the ranch dressing she used to lubricate the delivery boy’s demise, pretending she had no clue where the cold pizza on the counter came from, nor the employee uniform on her floor. She only opened the door wide enough to hand over the money and accept the pizza, hiding her body and averting her gaze from the delivery boy, knowing that even the consequences of her fantasy didn’t outweigh the allure. She carried the pizza to the couch, took a bite, and crammed the rest of the slice into her maw, compensating with a full mouth in place of a full stomach. Chewing slowly, swallowing, and grabbing the next slice, she slid her fingers back down between her thighs and resumed where she had left off, shifting from fantasy to memory. The flashback to her succulent feast the week prior at the spa was triggered, no doubt, by the robe she was now wearing, the robe which had first been wrapped around the body of her meal, and then had done it’s best to cover Jen’s, though there was simply not enough cloth to cover Jen and her fully belly. Ultimately, she had snuck out with belt of the robe tied above her swollen gut, and the edges curtaining down either side. She retraced every moment of the incident, from undressing the woman to lying on the massage table for several hours, feeling her stomach get to work on the mountain of meat she had offered it. What put her over the edge, finally, bucking her hips into her circling fingers, was noticing the brown smudges on the sleeve where she had wiped barbeque sauce from her mouth. When she opened her eyes, returning to reality, she found a single slice of pizza sitting in the box. She wiped her mouth, and found the grease of its compatriots dribbling from the corner of her lips, gobbled up in the frenzy of her self-satisfaction. From the slice’s perspective from the cardboard box on the coffee table, if pizza could have perspective, Jen would be composed of a large, round belly and a hand that abducted its eleven peers. “Don’t worry, little guy,” Jen said. “I haven’t forgotten about you. All your friends are waiting.” She patted her pizza-stuffed gut and floated the slice over the hills of her body to the abyss of her gullet. ס Jen noticed the pizza boy’s stares throughout the week. Sometimes he was there when she showed up in the early afternoon, and other times he was walking to his car with a pizza bag slung over his shoulder when she took her smoke breaks. He always had an expression of nervous longing, and it was painfully obvious. Maybe if he was older, more attractive, or at least not a delivery boy, Jen might have considered initiating something with him. Chubby girls gotta have standards too, she told herself. It might be worth eating him, she thought, just for the sake of getting rid of him. There was something in his stare that was… unsettling. Jen was beginning to hatch this plan on her way into the spa when Anne called her into her office. “Take a seat,” she said, indicating the chair across her desk. Jen was on edge – Anne had not bee this formal since Jen applied to rent the table. “What’s up?” Jen asked, trying to sit and sound casual in the chair that was a lot less roomy since the last time she had sat in it. “I wanted to talk to you about something.” Anne paused, and Jen held her breath. “Do you remember a woman coming in last week?” Jen felt her heart begin to pound. “There were a lot of women. We’re a spa.” “Her,” Anne said, placing a photograph in front of Jen. The woman with a chubby face and high cheek bones looked up at her from the photocopied flyer. She had plump lips, a double-chin, dirty blonde hair, and eyebrows arched in accusation. Jen could feel the color vanish from her face. “Did you see her when you were closing up last week?” “No one came in,” Jen said, her voice small. Her stomach was in knots; for the first time in a long time, she didn’t feel hungry. “Are you sure? You don’t remember anyone?" “Alright," Anne said, taking the photo back and pinning it to a wall behind her. “Just making sure. She went missing that night, and the police found her car on this street. They’ve been asking all the businesses for information. I’ll tell them we have nothing to report, I guess. Are you sure?” “Certain,” Jen said, getting up to leave, her hands trembling. She was hardly out of Anne’s office when the owner spoke in a lowered voice. “Oh, Jen.” Jen turned around, trying to force a smile. "Don’t forget: it’s Gina’s birthday today.” Never again never again never again never again never again never again never again, she thought, hurrying to her car to light a cigarette. She shut her eyes tightly against the tears of fear forming, and when she opened them, she saw, little to her surprise, the pizza pervert staring from across the street. She muttered to herself, “Keep staring and I’ll bite your fucking head off.” She looked to the passenger seat, where she had placed the pink box of two dozen donuts she had picked up that morning, enough treats to stay her appetite through the day and keep her from snacking on customers. She crammed a maple into her mouth and focused on the sweetness as she chewed, and almost choked when someone said, “Hey!” Gina was looking in through her open window. Jen swallowed and gave a weak smile. Gina nodded to the pink box. “Those for my birthday?” “You caught me,” Jen said, her heart breaking as she closed the box, put out the cigarette, and walked in beside Gina, carrying the donuts into the break room. Some of the girls tried making plans to go out drinking for Gina’s birthday, but she refused. “I don’t want a big fuss. Besides, Marco said he’s bringing me a surprise tonight.” She acquiesced, finally, to letting Anne pay for a bottle of champagne and a few pizzas for all the masseuses after closing. “But Jen has to take the order over,” Gina said with a wide, gap-toothed grin. “And say hello to your boyfriend for us!” Jen rolled her eyes as she walked outside with the order in one hand, and the money in another. She bit her tongue as she approached the pizzeria, she walked through the glass door, which rung a bell and alerted the employee, who glanced up with a face that explored in eagerness. “I need this,” Jen said, placing the hand-written list of what her coworkers wanted, and placed several large bills down next to it. Avoiding eye contact, she pretended to be interested in a large advertisement exclaiming “Two for One* Tuesdays!” He calculated her money, and placed her change on the counter. “Can you just bring it-" “To Hidden Island. I know.” She gave him a glance, and he added, “I’ve seen you around…” A silence followed as he looked for something to say, and she remained coolly quiet. “I’ll bring it over soon.” She dropped the coins from her change into the tip jar, and walked out, disquieted by the way he said, "I know." Jen made sure to sneak out the side door when she saw him bringing the pizza so she wouldn’t have to see him again, timing her absence with a cigarette. She stood with her back to the street, knowing the boy would be disappointed that he didn’t get to see her inside and stare as he walked back to the store. When she heard the door open behind her, she inhaled quickly and prepared for more of Gina’ s personality, which had proven to be extra obnoxious today. “Great,” she muttered under her breath after she turned around. “Can I, uh” said the tongue-tied boy, rigidly miming the action of smoking. “Do you have a spare?” “Sure,” she said, holding out her pack and his unsteady fingers wrestled a cigarette. “And, uh…” He now made the action of using a lighter, and she held hers out. As the first drag hit his throat, he began coughing. Jen noted that he had probably never had a cigarette in his life. “So…” he said, once his coughing fit ended. “Mmm?” Jen responded. She was prepared to turn this boy down, but she hadn’t decided yet whether she would be polite or harsh. The latter would probably keep him away. His voice dropped. “I… I know.” She froze, and stared coldly at him. “Know what?” she asked, trying to act cool. She took a long drag and looked at him skeptically. “That woman that went to your clinic the other week… the fat one. I know what happened to her.” “I…” “I know.” Her face was pale, while his was bright red. She tried to talk but she only stuttered. What could she say? She knew this game was a dangerous one, and she had been caught. Stupid stupid stupid. She knew it was probably happen eventually, but she was hoping to have a little more fun with it… “I saw her walk in. And then, uh, later, I saw you leave… alone…” Fuck fuck fuck. She considered making him disappear – she could easily overpower him, but even though the evening was setting, the chance of being seen was too great. Eating a woman in her place of business was risky – eating someone right outside, in plain view, was just stupid. There were cars still on the street. There were people. “I haven’t able to stop thinking about it since that night, after you walked out in that robe…” She presses him against a wall, and grabbed the collar of his uniform. “Look. I don’t know what the fuck you think you saw, but if you keep talking like this, you might be the next one to go missing.” “If that’s what needs to happen.” His eyes were wide, and there was something more than fear in them. “What do you mean?” She eyed him suspiciously. “Well, I figured you knew I saw,” he said and paused. “Of course,” Jen said, hot on a bluffing streak. “And it was only a matter of time before you decided to, um, dispose of me, so… I thought maybe if I came to you, I could, uh, get a massage” He was desperately trying to swallow with a dry throat, his face screwing up in a wince. He looked down the cigarette that he hadn’t been smoking. The ember had died. "With happy ending. Like the one that you gave that woman.” She glanced him over with narrow eyes – maybe it was a trap, but he sounded sincere. He wasn’t a particularly meaty person, but then again, how often does a meal walk up to you asking to be eaten? “You want me to eat you?” “Please.” “How much money you got?” “I… what?” “You won’t need it where you’re going, right?” “I guess not… I have about two thousand saved up. And I get paid tomorrow.” “Tomorrow night, then. I’ll, uh, give you a massage at my apartment. Let me figure out a plan. I’ll let you know tonight. Do you drive?” “I-I don’t have a car. I just use the company car for deliveries.” “So my dinner will be for pick-up, then.” ѽ ẛ ( .~ ) Her car’s engine purred as he turned the key in the ignition. The clock read 11:45. It was a good plan, she thought – he would cash his last work check and withdraw all the money in his bank, then leave a note at his home, saying he was running away to start a new life. She was on her way to pick him up on a desolate street a few blocks from where they both worked, and take him back to her apartment. She lit a cigarette and held her hand out the window, feeling less nervous and more excited about how full her stomach and wallet would soon be. She found him at the spot, arms crossed, looking around shiftily. He stared into her headlights as her car pulled up next to him, and he climbed into her passenger seat. He was still wearing his work clothes, smelling like cheese and meat. “Hi…” He looked at her body in the dim light. She was wearing a t-shirt that left her belly half exposed, and a pair of sweat pants. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her body long enough to notice she had taken some time with her makeup, red lipstick and purple eye shadow. “You didn’t change your clothes?” “I was too afraid to go home.” “Did you leave the note?” “Yes.” “Do you have the money?” “Yeah.” He adjusted his crotch. He held up an envelope with his other hand. “Well, get down. Can’t let anyone see you in my car.” He leaned the seat back as she started back to her apartment, his head level with her navel. “By the way,” he began, “my name is –” But Jen cut him off. “Your name is Dinner.” He adjusted his crotch again. “Okay.” Her belly grumbled, and she gave it an affectionate pat. “Don’t worry, tummy. You’ll have Dinner soon enough.” Dinner grabbed his crotch again. Once she parked, she scanned the area to make sure no one was around before she hurried him into the building and up to her apartment. He stood near the entrance once the door was closed, timid and alert like a rabbit. Jen wondered how he could be so nervous in greeting his fate. “Want anything to eat or drink?” “No, thank you…” Dinner’s voice was small, and he squirmed uneasily where he stood. “You’re not going to stuff yourself up a bit for me?” she asked sweetly. Knowing the person in her apartment was willingly on the menu made her feel jovial, hospitable even. She felt she should be a good hostess, seeing as this guest would be staying in her body for several days. “I’d really like to,” he said with a weak laugh, “but I’m just really nervous… I’ve never done this before, you know?” “Well, you can only really do it once. Maybe some wine would calm you down a bit,” she said. She opened a bottle and generously filled two glasses. She handed him one, and held up hers to toast. “To my soon-to-be full belly!” she said cheerily, and they clinked their glasses before they each downed their merlot quickly, each for a different reason. “Let’s go to the bedroom,” she said, leading the way with the wine bottle in her hand. He followed behind her, watching the wiggle of her ass in the sweatpants. “Can I see the money?” she asked as they entered the room. His hands dived into his pockets, and he presented her with the wallet, packed with a number of large bills. She didn’t bother counting it as she placed it on her dresser – it felt thick, and she would have done the service for free. She slipped her sweatpants down and pulled off her shirt – she hadn’t bothered with underwear for the pick-up – and lied down in bed, naked. Dinner stared at her, speechless, as she gazed at him expectantly. “Well, get undressed. I’m not eating you with your clothes on.” Dinner bent down and pulled off his shoes and socks. Fumbling with the button and zipper, he finally got his slacks off, struggled out of his stiff shirt, and finally slipped his boxers around his ankle. “Put them in that basket,” she said, pointing to where she had kept her previous trophies. He obeyed, and she patted the bed beside her. “C’mere. You look yummier than I expected.” The warmth of her abundant body, and examined her figure as she leaned over to her nightstand to pour more wine. She handed it to him, and he swigged quickly, hoping to lose his nerves. He almost choked on a sip as he felt her friendly hand wrap around his erection. “Pretty excited about being eaten for dinner, I see,” she cooed. She felt his cock throb in her hand. “I, I mean, yeah, but also…” he started, almost too flustered to speak. “Also you’re really sexy.” She laughed. “Oh, you don’t have to flatter me, silly. You’re the only one that might need to be buttered up here.” “No, honestly. I think you’re really attractive. You’re so beautiful… and you have a perfect body. I love how big your tits and your ass and your belly are… I think you’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. You’re so beautiful, I want to be part of your body.” Jen was blushing at this point. Now she was the one that was almost speechless. “No one has ever told me that… that was really sweet.” She brought her face over his, and whispered “thank you” as she gave him a soft, slow kiss. His expression was stunned and dreamy with infatuation, plastered with a wide smile. Her belly growled, and she added: “but I’m still going to eat you.” She sat up, and pulled the boy’s hand to her plump stomach. “Are you ready, my Dinner?” “Y-yeah.” “Okay, little morsel – where shall I start? Top or bottom?" “My feet. Please.” She crawled to the foot of the bed, intentionally waving her wide ass for him to see, and settled herself by his toes. Grabbed his feet, and licked her lips. “Hope you’re comfortable. This is the point of no return!” she said, running her tongue over his toes. He stared, wide-eyed at the woman on her knees at the foot of the bed, as his ankles disappeared into her maw. As she began on his calves, he found his hand instinctually reaching for his groin. He grabbed his erection and rubbed furiously, looking into Jen’s hungry eyes. She made satisfied moans as she grabbed his thighs, and pulled him further down her throat. As she watched him masturbate, something clicked in her. It was a wild sort of turn on, knowing the person she was eating was enjoying it… That he was enjoying being gulped down, that he had gone so far as to sacrifice himself to her stomach. A hand glided up her thigh, and her fingers pressed into her wet slit, coating themselves in her natural lubricant as she gyrated against her hand. She looked at the meal, who seemed to be in an open-mouthed trance as he pumped himself staring down at her. She moved her wet hand up to his swollen flesh, and his hand fell away as she took a slippery grasp onto him. Her prey’s legs disappeared further inside of her as she assisted in providing his final cum, but time was running out. She reached the base of his cock, her mouth basting his balls in saliva. She wiggled her voluptuous hips, and a seductive look in her eyes said “cum for me, baby – I want to finish eating you.” Her belly gave a vicious roar, and slipped her lips an inch further up his shaft. She wanted to let him enjoy his cock’s final moments, but her belly was demanding, and she was drooling so much, it lubricated his entire waist. In an erotic, gastronomic haze, he couldn’t help herself… shlurp! – it was only a few inches, but now only the head of his penis peered out from between her lips. She felt it throb one last time before he couldn’t hold it back – he exploded, sending hot, white jets of cum all over himself; his stomach, his chest, his neck and face, frosting him like a donut. His entire body relaxed, and Jen started on his mid-section, eager to fill her growling belly. He was easy to eat – he was much skinnier than his previous meal, and simply slid down her throat, especially with his front greased up with his frosting. Dinner crossed one arm across his chest, making him more compact and more easily swallowed, while the other seemed paralyzed, grasping the sheets above his head. Each swallow brought him further inside her, and she could feel her belly expanding against the forearm of the hand that was furiously pleasuring her. “Thank you…” Dinner said, as her lips closed around his neck. Gulp! she responded, pulling his head into her mouth; with a hard swallow, his head was down her throat; with a slurp, his arm slid between her lips like a noodle, and he was snuggly packed into her belly. As soon as his fingers descended had her throat, her body convulsed in orgasm “My Dinner,” she moaned and clasped the sheets, her toes curling. “You filled me up so good.” She turned around, and lied on her back. It was nice having a meal in bed – it let her focus on the pleasure of digesting. But that wasn’t the only pleasure. Her fingers found their way back to her tender pussy, and ran against her clit for another round, making her writhe excitedly. She looked down at her body, and stroked her distorted belly affectionately. She felt… sexy. Even without a belly this large and full, she felt sexy. Maybe she was a bit plump, and maybe her appetite was rather… peculiar, but someone found it erotic. And that someone now called her large, bulging belly home – or at least, he would for a few days. She saw his figure squirm around inside her. “That’s right, baby,” she breathed. “Squirm for me.” It seemed as if he could hear her, because he began to trash more wildly within his fleshy case. “More!” she moaned. “You’re my dinner, so you belong to me. Satisfy me, you morsel.” It put Jen over the edge. Her fingers frenzied as her mind swam in a pleasure greater than she had ever known. Time stood still for a sweet moment, and she found herself grinning, fingers and heart rate slowing down. The pleasure of a victim in her belly, mixed with a good cum… it was a feeling greater than the sum of its parts. Only one thing could make it better – she grabbed for the red-and-white pack on her nightstand. ס By the time Jen woke up from her pleasured exhaustion, Dinner had tired himself out, and she mindlessly pet her belly. She lit a cigarette and settled cozily into her bed. As small burst of excitement came over her as a thought occurred to her: maybe he wasn’t the only person interested in this. Maybe she could find herself more willing meals, happy to become part of her big, beautiful body. Willing to make her sexier. Willing to offer up their life savings for this greater purpose. Maybe she could even make a living out of charging for her “massages”… she let out a long trail of smoke. She licked her lips and felt he edges of Dinner’s body beneath her flesh as a full-bellied euphoria continued to wash over her. The cannibal cabal takeover of the government might have to wait. But, she thought, finishing the thought aloud: “I think it’s about time I went into private practice.” ( ) ( ) ( ’ { ~ ) ( The , End ) About the Author was Phil Herb Elly is a well seasoned writer, who rose to fame virtually overnight. Renown for being palatable to large audiences, Elly has been featured in Readers Digest, and nominated for the Man Eater Award. Established literary critic Donna Hatch describes Elly as "a writer who resists you at first, but before you know it, becomes part of you … nuanced and complex, yet easily Phil Herb Elly residing in his new digestible. Get a taste, and before you re devouring Elly’s whole home in Hatch, Minnesota. know it, you’ body [of writing]." Originally from Vermont, Elly has recently settled in the Mid-Waist. |
It was a cold winter night in beach city, the usual warm beach covered in snow and the water was frozen. It was snowing outside and unfortunately the gems didn’t have heating inside the house, the warmest room in the house was Garnet’s room but she didn’t want anyone in there so the others didn’t get to go inside to warm up during the blizzard. Steven was laying in bed trying to stay warm under his blanket but unfortunately the cold aura from the window beside him prevented that from happening, vaper escaping his mouth as he exhaled. To one of those who were sharing the same room was torture to her eyes, Lapis Lazuli was a gem much like the others but she had a deep relationship with the teenage boy that she kept to herself. Usually she would be at his uncle’s barn with her friend Peridot but Steven convinced them to stay over so they wouldn’t be caught in the snow storm. They weren’t worried about the cold temperature due to not having the nerves of humans, but Steven was half human half gem. He needed warmth much like all the other living beings on the planet, but due to the gems not having heating systems like the other inhabitants he had to rely on his pajamas and his blanket for warmth. Which wasn’t doing him any good, with growing concern Lapis played with her thumbs in growing irritation on not being able to help. Peridot sitting on the couch across from her roommate noticed the worried expression on the blue gem’s face, sighing she turned her tablet’s screen off pausing the video in the process. “Ok Lapis what’s up? You clearly have something on your mind since your face is frozen in the expression the earthing’s call concern, so what is bugging you?” Peridot asked, knocking Lapis out of her trance and looked back at the green gem before her. “Oh! Sorry… I’m just really concerned about Steven, he looks so cold up there. He’s shivering and there’s fog coming out of his mouth, and from seeing him and the other humans that isn’t normal.” Lapis said quietly, Peridot after hearing this turned around and stood on the couch barely able to look over the wall to see Lapis’ perspective was correct. The poor boy was shivering and that weird fog was coming out of his mouth. Peridot sat back down turning her attention back to Lapis trying to think of a explanation. “I don’t know Lapis… Maybe his warm breath is mixing with the cold temperature causing that fog, and if I were to guess that his nervous system is reacting to the cold by causing his body to shake the cold off. He needs to warm up or he might get an illness from what I’ve looked up on my tablet awhile ago.” Peridot pondered, Lapis’ concern skyrocketed at the thought of Steven getting ill. Peridot began to think of a way to calm her friend down until the only answer she could have been letting Lapis use her tablet to look up an answer. Picking it up and opening the web browser she got up and handed it to the blue gem. “Here Lapis, use my tablet to look up an answer. Use the key pad to type in what you’re looking for, but don’t break it!” Peridot commanded, earning a thankful smile from the blue gem. After a few minutes of trying to figure out what each key did she typed up {How to keep someone warm} and hit the enter key, scrolling through the websites she finally found her answer. “One of the best ways to keep others warm is to keep each other close, the warmth your bodies emit will keep you both warm.” Lapis read, but she didn’t have a warm body, she was a gem, so she had no organs or blood. With quick thinking she exited the site and looked up the human female organ system, she grew fascinated at how complex the human system was then she originally thought. But what caught her sight was this weird organ called a womb? Going to a different tab she looked it up and saw what this one organ did, it was for the humans mating process and how their offspring are brought into the world. “Maybe if I can somehow reverse the process I can make Steven warm while inside me?” She thought, pondering if it was a possibility. Deciding to try she first had to reform her body, concentrating her body glowed a bright blue color as she grew the required organs to preform the process. Once the light faded she felt a weird tingly feeling in between her legs, ignoring the tingling she got up and walked up the steps. “Peridot can you go somewhere for a little bit? I kind of want to do this in private.” Lapis requested, Peridot was going to protest but figured that it wasn’t going to do any harm. The green gem just went to the bathroom with her tablet to enjoy some of those cat videos Steven introduced her to. Once Peridot closed the door Lapis turned to the shivering boy and stepped out of her dress. The tingling feeling increased as she sat down and spread her legs open, a faint dark blue blush growing on her cheeks as she slowly grabbed Steven’s feet. Biting her lower lip she slowly inserted the sleeping boys feet into her vagina, when they entered she felt this overriding sensation course through her body. But she had to focus on her objective, shoving all other feelings aside she tried pulling him in which seemingly wasn’t working at first until she noticed he was going in inch by inch. The blush on her face increasing more and more as he went inside, she kept grunting as she pulled him in, sweat slowly forming on her forehead as her body got warmer. Her midsection began to grow the deeper he got, she slowly caressed the bulge with her right hand, enjoying the feeling of her rounded midsection. “Come on Steven! Just get inside me already!” She whispered sternly, subconsciously turning on the faucet and summoning a water hand that grabbed him by the head and gently pushed him deeper. Lapis screamed under her breath as his torso slipped into her, the only thing left was to get over his head. She focused all her remaining energy to use the water hand to put more force into pushing him inside, short while later the last of his curly brown hair disappeared from sight. Sighing with relief Lapis’ water hand disappeared down the drain of the sink and left its controller in bliss, rubbing her now round midsection. “Oh Steven…. I hope your warm in there, I couldn’t bare to see you so cold. I hope you don’t think any less of me when you wake up.” She said, relaxing on his bed she slowly closed her eyes before she felt a weird feeling coming from her chest. getting up slowly she heard a ripping noise before her top ripped off, she noticed she grew these weird things at the end of her breasts which grew in size for some reason, these things were leaking a weird white substance that she wasn’t familiar with. She slowly grabbed one of her breast and inserted the end into her mouth tasting the substance, it was sweet but oddly textured. The bathroom door opened to reveal Peridot still playing on her tablet, Lapis stared at the green gem in fear that she would panic and tell the others. A low growl came from her rounded midsection catching the attention of both Lapis and Peridot, the green gem looked over to see the now naked Lapis on Steven’s bed with a bulging midsection. “Um… Lapis?... Where is Steven?” Peridot asked a little frightened of her roommate, Lapis’ mouth started to drool as her vision shifted Peridot into some sort of green circle with a brown thing sticking out of the top. “Peri… can you come here please?” Lapis asked, a sly smile crept across her face. Peridot subconsciously stepping forward and placing her tablet on the chair beside her, she didn’t know what she was doing but something was drawing her in. once Peridot was in grabbing distance Lapis grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved the green gem into her mouth. “AHH! Lapis! What’s gotten into you!?” Peridot yelled as she slowly entered Lapis’ throat, on the outside Peridot’s legs were flailing everywhere. Lapis only caring on getting rid of the growling swallowed Peridot down as fast as she could, after a few moments Lapis swallowed the green gems feet and sighed, marveling her stomach’s size and the feeling of two people inside her. A loud burp escaped her lips due to swallowing too much air, not that peridot needed air since much like all the other gems besides Steven they didn’t need to breath. “Don’t worry Peri, I’m just going to keep you in there for a while. I didn’t add those fluids that break down matter to my new form, so your going to be ok. Think of this as… what does Steven call stuff like this?” she asked. “I believe the term is sleepover!” Peridot yelled from within the blue sphere. “Consider this a Sleepover, You in my stomach and Steven in my womb. All snug inside me…..” Lapis whispered as she slowly laid down and closed her eyes, letting her exhaustion consume her. *Time skip 7:00 AM* Lapis slowly got up from her rest not remembering the night before until it came crashing down on her, she was still naked with her giant blue globe and her breast still revealed. Summoning her wings she slowly went down the stares and into the living room, sitting on the couch she pondered on how to get the two out of her. But before she could think of an answer the temple door opened revealing Pearl walking out stretching her arms. “Alright Steven time to wake uuuuupppppp?…….” Pearl stuttered as she opened her eyes to see Lapis naked with a giant belly sagged in between her legs. Lapis began to chuckle nervously as she awkwardly waved at the white gem, she had to think of an excuse for this. And fast! |
Lapis slowly got up from her rest not remembering the night before until it came crashing down on her, she was still naked with her giant blue globe but for some reason it was smaller than when she fell asleep, and her breast were larger than she remembered, even her hips seemed to have grown bigger. Feeling lighter than she was last night got to her feet and tried to pull her dress up but it didn’t fit at all, even her top refused her current size. Truly the only way to cover up was to reform her clothes, with a quick twirl her dress reformed but a bit bigger to fit her new assets. The temple door opened to reveal the white gem Pearl walking out. “Alright Steven time to wake uuuuupppppp?…….” Pearl stuttered as she opened her eyes to see Lapis with a giant belly poking out of her dress, the two continued staring at each other until Pearl finally stopped stuttering. “Um, Um… Lap… Lapis? What happened to you? And where is Steven? He’s usually up at this time?” Pearl said, still trying to grasp what was going on. Lapis tried to find the words to explain what had happened but had found non, having no other choice than just saying it upfront. “He’s in my womb.” Lapis whispered, her head down in embarrassment. Pearl grabbed the blue gem by the throat and shoved her against the wall. “YOU WHAT!? WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?” Pearl screamed as tears flooded down her cheeks, Lapis suddenly felt frustrated at Pearl scolding her for something that she had to do. Two water chains yanked Pearls hands from Lapis’ neck and restrained her from attacking, the blue gem had this dark look in her eyes as she walked towards the white crystal gem. “I did what I did so Steven could warm up since his three guardians didn’t even consider installing a heating system to keep him from getting ill or freezing to death! Unless you three have been ignoring the humans all this time haven’t you noticed that humans wear more clothing at this time of year, but no us gems don’t need to worry about that since we don’t have the organ system that humans have so why should we worry. And speaking of gems how come Garnet hasn’t taken Steven into her room for him to keep warm? Is she hiding something that we shouldn’t know about? Cause we all know about the bubbles and we know that those are extremely deadly. I did Steven a favor and took him in literally to keep him warm! Since non-of you even thought of installing a heating system or getting him more blankets! As for Peri I don’t know what happened? I ate her and I thought I didn’t add the digestive system, so I don’t know what happened to her.” Lapis said somberly, Pearl seemed to be lost in thought, her eyes watering and her hand over her mouth. “Oh god Steven… I’m so sorry I didn’t notice, what do I tell Greg!? What do I tell Connie!?” Pearl panicked, released from the chains she ran around in circles. Only to run into Garnet who was unbeknownst to the both of them was there the whole time they were screaming at each other. “Garnet! What are you doing here!? How much did you hear!?” Pearl panicked, Garnet folded her arms and adjusted her sunglasses. “Everything, and even if I don’t like this situation I have to say that Lapis did the right thing. I foresaw Steven having a terrible flew for a few weeks, and to most of us especially both of you were freaking out. If Lapis didn’t do what she did all of us would have to deal with a miserable Steven and Pearl. And that happening simultaneously is not a good thing, Lapis you were lucky to have been in that mirror all that time. You didn’t have to deal with Pearl when Rose left.” The fusion said in her natural calm demeaner, Lapis perked up hearing she did something good and that she helped Steven avoid a situation. But that brought up another question. “How do we get him out though? Please don’t tell me that he’s permanently stuck in there!?” Pearl shouted, being her usual emotional self. “No give or take nine months. The usual baby cycle, and no Lapis you don’t have to give up your gem. I see him still having Rose’s gem, its just slightly tinted purple.” Garnet stated, Lapis sighed in relief as her hopes had turned to her favor. Caressing her abdomen gently as she thought of being Steven’s new mom, and unlike Rose she was still going to be there. And at least not letting Pearl take responsibility for her son. But something crossed her mind. “Wait what about Peri? Is she gone?” Lapis asked, the fusion remained silent for a few moments until she shook her head. “No, her gem is just stuck inside your stomach. But im going to leave that to you, its none of my business anyway. But Pearl, do us a favor and tell his friends and Greg what happened to the best of your ability. And tell Greg what would have happened if Lapis didn’t act the way she did. Lapis, you are not to go on any missions with us until Steven is reborn. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to him to be harmed, Rose was that way when she was pregnant.” Garnet said before walking into Amethyst’s room, not soon later the short purple gem sprinted out in worry. Finding out what Garnet had said to be true she slowly accepted the situation and helped get Peridot out with her whip. Greg took it pretty hard and for awhile never came over or called. Garnet feeling generous looked into the future and assured Greg that Steven would age back to himself within a few weeks and retain all of his memories, even though he would say that he had two moms instead of just Rose. But that was just minimal, Greg was relieved by this news and began to say things like. “I bet if Rose was here she would have supported this.” And within Stevens gem Rose peered outside with a smile on her face that Steven would get a motherly figure in his life, but not the way she was expecting. But it was something at the very least. |
It’s been a month since Steven was reborn, returning to his recent age quickly thanks to his gem. Most have noticed the purple tint but didn’t pay any mind to it, usually thinking that he could change the colors at will and liked the purple color better. And the sudden change in eye color from brown to a blue color, but just like the gem he was thought to have contacts that had a blue hue to them. Little did they know that something changed about him, a little event that Pearl hadn’t told everyone. Even Connie remained unaware of why he changed in appearance so much, she still went over to see him, but Peridot would always say that Steven was too busy with gem stuff and that remained her answer for 10 months until Peridot finally let her in. Connie grew curious at the thought that Lapis and Peridot were at the temple instead of at the barn, also how close Lapis and Steven had gotten within the time gap. Like instead of him hugging Pearl the longest time before he left to go hang out he would hug the blue gem, it was odd to say the least. Although it seemed to have Pearl at ease to a certain extent, Lapis sometimes was the one who was cleaning or cooking, with some tutorials from Pearl who was experienced in the cooking department. But besides all the changes in appearance he was the same in personality, still easy going and care free. But one day something happened one day that confused her more than everything else she had seen with the gems, her and Steven had planned to go to funland for awhile and finally had the opportunity to go. The two of them were about to leave until Steven froze. “Wait Connie, I gotta do something quick.” Steven said before he sprinted up the stairs and into the house, she followed his lead and peered into the house to see Steven and Lapis hugging each other. It was a short hug before he let go and turned to the door and waved goodbye. “See ya mom!” He shouted before he walked down the steps, Connie stood there shocked about what she had just heard. Rose gave up her gem for Steven to live, and Lapis was the only one there? Was he talking to the picture above the doorway? Was he talking to Lapis? But Lapis wasn’t his mother? All those questions flooded her head as they walked to the amusement park. Looking at the teenage boy with her she began to question her synopsis on how Steven changed, did Lapis do something to him? or were the gems more complex than she thought? They spent a few hours at the park, playing the games and riding the attractions the two had their usual fun. But most of the time there Connie kept asking herself on what had happened, figuring that the best way to figure out what had happened she had to ask the source himself. “Hey Steven?” Connie asked, trying not to make eye contact. Hearing his name the boy turned his attention to his female companion. “Yeah Connie? What’s up?” He replied, stopping in place to focus on what Connie was thinking. “Why did you call Lapis your mom? I thought Rose was your mom?” she questioned, earning a shrug from the boy. “I dunno, from what I can guess something happened to me that changed me mentally and physically from all the differences that everyone keeps telling me about, like I feel the same, but people keep saying I was different before? Like people say my gem was pink before and my eyes were brown, but I cant remember that clearly. And as for my mom? I cant explain that either, I remember Rose and my dad being my genetic parents, but somehow I remember that Lapis was my mom too? I don’t know what happened but there’s nothing I can do but accept it, and it’s not like I don’t mind having two moms. One is physically here and the other is well? Me I guess?” he said scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, the only other person who she could ask was Lapis. When they arrived at the house she tried to gather herself, preparing to ask for answers. “Hey Steven? Can you go get your mom for me? I have to ask her something.” Connie asked, the boy nodded with a smile on his face and sprinted inside. Not a few moments later the blue gem walked out with a concerned expression, breathing in she knew what Connie was going to say. Leaning on the balcony Lapis tried to figure out how to explain herself. “So, you were the reason Steven had changed? What did you do?” Connie asked sternly, putting her weight on the rail. “I know its hard to comprehend but please understand if I knew what would of become of Steven before I did what I did I would have never done it.” Lapis whispered, loud enough for Connie to hear. “What do you mean?” Connie asked, looking at the blue gem next to her. “You know how children are born right?” Lapis said while finally making eye contact with the human. “Yeah? So?” Connie was growing skeptical of what the gem was going to say. “I….*Sigh* One cold night Steven was shivering which was torture to watch, I couldn’t bear to watch him like that. So Peridot offered me to look up a solution on her tablet, I looked through websites until I saw the easiest solution. the website said to keep each other warm you must embrace and let your body temperature radiate off of each other, but me being a gem lacked your organs, so I lacked body warmth. So I looked up the female organ system and with no other thought reformed my bodies internal structure into a humans. Looking into one that fascinated me the most, the womb, I found out the purpose of the organ. Its used for the human reproduction cycle, finding this out I thought if I would of reversed this cycle I could make Steven warm inside of me. Once I had done it I had no idea what the casualties were, when I woke up I couldn’t get him out. After fighting with Pearl for my stupid actions Garnet used her future vision to tell us that Steven would return in 9 months and grow quickly to his current age, albeit with a few changes. And thankfully I didn’t need to give him my gem when he came back, I wish I hadn’t done what I’ve done but then again I enjoy it. He never had a mom other then Pearl, so being that for Steven is a great feeling but it doesn’t take the feeling of how it was my fault that he had changed away. My actions both act as a good thing and a bad thing, I saved Steven from being ill with a severe flue and being cold, but then again I changed him when nothing should have been changed.” Lapis said, looking up at the moon. Connie slowly placed her hand on the blue gems shoulder and nudged it, Lapis turned to the human ready to face the consequences only to see Connie smiling at her. “Its not like he is a completely different person, he’s still Steven. He just looks different, and me personally I don’t go by appearance. So what if you did whatever you call it? don’t beat yourself up over it, You might put a crack in yourself.” Connie said, getting the joke Lapis chuckled at the comment. Steven came out side to see what was up only to see Lapis and Connie laughing together, he ran up in between the two wanting to hear the joke. Instead of being told the joke he just stood there just enjoying the moment. Rose’s thoughts on sharing the role as mother with Lapis she was welcomed to it, as she said on her cassette her and Steven cannot exist at once. So all she could see was what Steven saw, and everything going on in the moment she had nothing but a cheerful smile on her face. Happy that one of the gems found a way to be a mother for Steven. |
After time to adjust the people of beach city just accepted Steven’s new look, it really didn’t change anything about him other than appearance. And hearing about a very powerful ally joining the crystal gems the residents became more at ease, Lapis decided to fully join the crystal gems for two reasons. One was to protect the planet she grew to like, second was to be closer to her baby Steven since the accident changed everything. Anytime Steven was in danger she wouldn’t let anything happen to him, many times she would tackle gem monsters that were about to hurt him in any way. She was even more protective than Pearl was, but she had a better reason. Due to the accident she became his legit second mother, while Pearl was just a caretaker. So due to reading about how a mother acts and going by new instincts she became a very protective gem, the only time she wasn’t watching him was when he was with Connie. And at the current time both of the kids were walking around the beach enjoying the weather, and of course Amethyst had to come along due to her rambunctious nature. “So Steven, what are we going to do now? Cause I know it’s nice outside, but I’m so used to you dragging us to the arcade.” Amethyst said, her arms stretching backwards behind her head. “I don’t know? I just feel like going for a walk.” He replied, shrugging his shoulders as he walked. Amethyst grunted in boredom, hoping that they would of gone to the arcade instead of walking around. The waves on the shore began to enlarge as they walked, a large figure emerged from the water. An orange woman with white hair riding on a large animal with spikes, the three remained non the wiser. “It’s about time I got to take you out! You rogue gems got lucky the first few times, but your luck just ran out!” Jasper yelled, catching their attention. The orange gem charged at them with her crasher helmet, Amethyst tried to catch her off guard by tripping her with her whip but failed to do it in time. With one swift motion Jasper slammed her helmet down on Amethyst’s head, causing her to poof from the impact. Turning to her left she saw Steven and a human girl charging at her before jumping, creating a flash of light before a tall human girl emerged. Sharing both their clothing and the purple gem. “You fused with a human!? Is fusion the only thing you gems do!?” Jasper questioned, the fusion remained quiet as she picked up Amethyst’s gem, after picking up the purple stone she pointed her pink sword at Jasper. “I advise you to leave!” She ordered, not amusing the orange gem before her. “Are words all you have? I’ll let you know that tactic doesn’t work on me.” Jasper scoffed, blowing her hair out of her face. “I wasn’t planning for it to work.” The girl said as she grasped the sword with both hands, the two charged at each other trading attacks each time. Lapis was laying on a lounge chair on the beach waiting for her son to return, the sounds of metal clashing together hit her eardrums as the breeze flew by. Lifting her sunglasses she looked to her right and jumped to her feet, Stevonnie was fighting Jasper and didn’t appear to be winning. Acting out of instinct she draped her wings and took flight, watching the two fight and hoped Stevonnie would win. But her wish was denied as with one counterattack Jasper punched Stevonnie in the back, causing the two to split back into Connie and her little boy. Steven rolled over and grew pale as he made eye contact with Jasper who was looking down on him, disappointment and hatred in her eyes. In her point of view this child looked different than what she remembered. “I’ve come to accept that you aren’t Rose Quarts, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to kill you. But before you die answer me this, you’ve changed in appearance but yet you’re a human, how were you able to do that?” she growled, Steven remained silent from fear. Jaspers eyes grew darker as she jumped backwards and charged at him, closing his eyes Steven waited for the end. But Lapis wouldn’t dare to let that happen, she swung down and spawned her ice shield. Blocking Jasper’s helmet from attacking Steven, the force of impact threw Jasper back sending her tumbling in the sand. She slowly got up and gasped at who she saw, the blue gem growled at Jasper as the motherly instincts grew. “HOW DARE YOU TRY AND HURT MY BABY!!! IF YOU HAD KILLED MY BABY I WOULD HUNT YOU DOWN AND FUCKING SHATTER YOU!!” She screamed, her pulps shrunken to mere dots as her arms and legs shook in rage. Jasper had not expected that reaction, her mind questioning why the blue gem called the human her baby? Regaining her footing she turned all inferior thoughts aside and focused on her objective. “Whatever, Ill just kill you all!” Jasper yelled, sprinting at the water witch. But after taking a running start she noticed she wasn’t moving, she then noticed that chains made of water were restraining her from advancing. Trying to break the hold she stomped into the sand slowly getting closer to her opponent, but more chains emerged and clasped themselves to her ankles. She watched as the chains brought her face to face with Lapis, the blue gem dropped her weapons and scowled. “If you think I’ll release you, you can think again! You hurt my baby! So I’m going to hurt you!” Lapis scowled, for once Jasper felt intimidated by this water gem. With one swift motion Lapis opened her mouth and engulfed Jasper’s head inside. Jasper yelled from inside as Lapis shifted her form to fit the gem inside, she wasn’t in the mood for enjoying the gem. She wanted her baby safe, and she would go to any extreme to do so. No matter how many gems she had to digest she would do it for Steven, quickly swallowing the orange gem Jasper practically slid down Lapis’ esophagus. With one final swallow the last of Jasper disappeared, Lapis not being able to handle the weight fell on her butt, landing beside her little boy. She gasped as she saw him shaking in tension, quickly she grabbed him and embraced him in a hug. She caressed her hand on his head trying to comfort him, slowly he stopped shaking and opened his eyes. Seeing caring eyes looking back at him he felt safe. “Mom! Where’s Jasper?” he asked, looking around him to find her gem or her knocked out. But found nothing, unbeknownst to them both Connie had left while Lapis was fighting. “Your sitting on her, she’s in my belly. She’ll be gone in a few hours, unless I want to end it quickly.” She replied, draping her wings she took flight with Steven in her arms. Flying to her lounge chair she sat down and relaxed, luckily Peridot made it from a very strong material. Steven slowly climbed up and snuggled up to Lapis and slowly fell asleep. And the two remained there for at least 5 hours until it began to get dark, waking up Lapis noticed her pudgy stomach and her larger chest, grabbing Steven she walked up the stairs and into the house. After placing Steven in bed she went to her mirror she inspected herself and saw the new improvements Jasper made on her body, her rear was bigger than before and her bust almost ripped her shirt, and her stomach was a little pudgy. “Well Jasper, looks like we’re fused again. But unlike before you aren’t going to be a problem and in case you can hear me. I will devoir all the evil gems that lay a finger on my baby!” She said, slapping her stomach trying to prove her point even though no one was there. All Jasper was now was gem fat for Lapis, and all those who hurt Steven will meet the same fate. |
First Time, Huh? An Odd Vore Story Major Characters: Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’s Girlfriend. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. Wesson (Wes) Forstner: A young man who works at a bookstore, and Ji-Yu’s boyfriend. He has shaggy dirty blonde colored hair, a pair of blue-grey eyes (the left of which has a small gold/brown section on the lower right portion of the iris), and a fair deal of scars on his arms. Shelby Dumont: Ji-Yu’s best friend and roommate, and Wes’s cousin on his mother’s side. She was the one who introduced Ji and Wes to one another, and has a married older sister named Jade. She has brown hair (dyed purple), brown eyes, and has an odd disliking for fish that borders on a phobia. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I think we should break up.” The words hit young Wesson Forstner like a kick to the chest. This was not what he was expecting to hear on his day off from work. Something more akin to “You may not be stocking books, but you will be working hard tonight.” would be closer. Maybe in a somewhat sultry tone and the sounds of WHAM!’s “Careless Whisper” playing in the background, but definitely not this. “Wait, what? Why? Did I do something wrong?” Wes asked, struggling to find answers himself. “No, you didn’t… I just… Uhmm…” Wes could hear Ji’s voice trembling through the phone. “You just what? Ji, come on. Talk to me.” Wes heard what sounded like a small burp through the speaker, then a small sob. “Ji, how about you and I meet up, get a-” “NO! I can’t… It’s just…” “Ji-Yu Dae. What is going on?” “Goodbye Wesson.” *CLICK* Wesson. She has never called him Wesson before. Even when he first introduced himself, he asked to be called Wes, and she has ever since. That was how he knew that there was something going on with his girlfr… Ex-Girlfriend, and he immediately went to his contacts and picked out a certain number. “Hullo?” “Shelby. It’s Wes.” “Oh… Hey.” “What the hell is going on!? Ji just called and broke up with me!” “Yeah, um… She’s… Going through some stuff right now…” “I need to talk to her.” “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” “Shelby… Please. I need to know why. I’m owed that at least.” Wes could hear Shelby deliberating through the variety of rustles, “um”s, and nail-biting clicks through the phone. “I don’t know if you could-” Shelby was interrupted by a large burping sound in the background. “... Handle this.” Wes almost laughed. “Are you kidding me? Shelby, you know that Ji is the best thing that’s happened to me in years. Whatever the reason, it’s better than not knowing at all.” Shelby remained silent for a few minutes. “Shelby please.” “...” “Shelby?” “... I visited Jade and her husband for dinner last night and left my purse over at her house. It’ll take me a little under two hours to drive there and back. I’ll be leaving around 6:00.” “Thank you.” “Just, don’t freak out when you see.” “See wha-” *CLICK* ================================================================== Wes didn’t quite know what to think as he rode up the elevator and walked down the hall to Ji and Shelby’s apartment. All that was running through his mind were all of the memories of past dates and fun moments he and Ji have had together. Even before they started dating they were fairly close, staying up late watching anime or playing games (though Wes often lost due to a “faulty controller”). He couldn’t imagine losing her and all of those wonderful moments suddenly stopping. He had to find out what was going on. If she was going to break up with him, he at least deserved to know why. “Ji. It’s Wes. Come on, open up.” Wes stood outside apartment 312, knocking on the door. “Please. Ji I deserve an answer, at least!” “Go a-*Urp!* away!” “Ji, please!” Wes continued knocking on the door. He knew he still had Ji’s spare key as a backup plan, but he wanted to at least try the proper way first. The door across the hall opened up. “Why the hell do you keep knocking at that damn door!? She obviously realizes that you’re a pathetic-” “Shut the FUCK UP SIMON!” Simon got spooked and shut his door. “Ji-Yu. I still have the key you gave me. Please, don’t make me use it. Just give me an answer and I’ll go, if that’s really what you want.” “I’m not opening the door… I’m sorry…” “Then I guess I have to…” Wes took out his keys and picked out the one that opened the door. “I’m coming in, Ji.” Wes opened the door, and was shocked by what he saw. A few feet in front of him, a crying Ji-Yu sat with one hand on top of a gigantic, bulging stomach with a few bumps oddly protruding out and a bunch of gurgling sounds erupting from within. Wes was aware of what this was, seeing as it was a trend that had gained much popularity in the past few decades among younger women. As the door shut behind him, Ji-Yu let out a burp so loud Wes almost fell backwards before she quickly covered her mouth with both hands. Ji-Yu had eaten a person. And Wes was laughing his ass off. ================================================================== “WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING!?” Ji-Yu cried out as she watched Wes fall to the floor trying desperately to cover his mouth. “I-I’m sore- HAHAHAHA! I’m not makin- Hahaha! Fun of you! I’m sorry! Just g-give me a s-second! HaHAAA!” Ji-Yu was utterly shocked by this. She tried to stand up in order to yell, but the new weight in her abdomen kept her from doing so, and she fell back down into the couch, causing the contents of her belly to shift. “Why *UUURP* are you laughing!?” Wes slowly stood up, still chuckling a little bit. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m just so freaking relieved!” Ji was taken aback. “I’m sorry… Relieved!?” “Yes! I thought I had gone and pissed you off or that you found someone else or something! This is nothing compared to those!” “No-Noth- HOW IS *THIS* NOTHING!?” Ji grabbed the sides of her belly and shook a little bit, causing her D-cup breasts to jiggle slightly. “Before I explain my side, why don’t you explain yours?” Wes said, sitting down on the couch beside her. Ji starred for a minute, and then looked down at her gut. “Well, last night I got kinda hungry, so I ate some ramen noodles as a snack. But when I was done, I was still hungry. So I ate another pack, but I became even hungrier. So, I ordered myself a pizza-” “Wait, where was Shelby?” “Shut up and pay attention!” “Sorry.” “Anyways, I ordered myself a pizza with all the fixings, a salad, and a bottle of Coke, but it took the pizza boy over an hour to get here, and when he made it to my door, the smell of the pizza and my hunger, I just…” Ji made a motion with her hands that resembled her grabbing the pizza boy and swallowing him. “Okay. That explains who’s in there.” “Yeah, but I immediately went into a food coma. When I woke up, I saw my… My belly, and immediately flipped out. Shelby calmed me down and told me what happened and, well, now we’re here.” Wes nodded his head, and then turned to look at her. “Wait, why did you break up with me?” Ji looked back down and began tearing up again. “Because I was still a little hungry when I woke up, and before I even knew it, I had eaten the entire pizza, the salad, and drank half the Coke bottle. And when I was finally full, I felt *good*. I felt almost… Horny. And it scared me! I just started thinking, what if we were on a date, or getting busy, and I… I…” Wes grabbed her hand. “Well, you definitely don’t need to worry about that.” “What? Why?” “Well, I’ll show you.” ================================================================== Wes helped Ji up to her feet and, after no small amount of struggling, went into the bathroom with her. “One sec.” Wes ran to the kitchen and grabbed a pack of batteries from the drawer, a handful of sunflower seeds, and a knife. “Wes what are you doing?” Ji said as she watched him peel the casing off the battery and drip out some of the acid from it onto the edge of the sink. “At its strongest, stomach acid is just slightly weaker than battery acid. But a Pred’s stomach acid is slightly stronger.” Wes dropped a sunflower seed onto the acid, and it immediately began bubbling. Ji’s stomach gurgled in response to her confusion. “So?” “So…” Wes cut a slit in his finger, then dropped some of his blood onto the battery acid. The battery acid bubbled and smoked, then suddenly turned dark purple and stopped bubbling. Wes dropped a second sunflower seed onto the acid, but unlike before, it didn’t bubble at all. Ji's belly gurgled in confusion. “I don’t get it.” “Well, I was born with a very rare genetic trait. My blood completely neutralizes stomach acids for a short time and triggers a huge gag reflex, causing any pred who ingests enough of it to vomit me up. Trust me.” Wes lifted his sleeves, showing off the various scars on his arms. “I have had plenty of opportunity to test.” Ji was shocked. She always just kind of thought that he had a bit of a rough childhood, but she never expected that. “So… You’re saying…” “You couldn’t eat me even if you wanted too. Which means that you have no need to try and protect me from your gorgeous gut.” “G-Gorgeous!?” Ji blushed profusely. “You… Like it!?” Wes smiled at her. “Ji, I like you, and every part of you. But that belly of yours… Well it may be the minor blood loss talking, but it is doing it for me!” Ji-Yu felt a wave of emotions. First confusion, then anger, then embarrassment, then happiness, and then… just a little a bit horny. “Help me into the bedroom? Please?” Ji said, blushing. “Heh heh… As you wish.” THE END |
Let’s Celebrate! An Ate/Ate Vore Story Major Characters: Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’s Girlfriend. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. Wesson (Wes) Forstner: A young man who works at a bookstore, and Ji-Yu’s boyfriend. He has shaggy dirty blonde colored hair, a pair of blue-grey eyes (the left of which has a small gold/brown section on the lower right portion of the iris), and a fair deal of scars on his arms. He has a unique genetic mutation that allows his blood to neutralize a Pred’s stomach acids and make them throw up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’m not sure about this Wes…” Ji-Yu was sitting next to her boyfriend in front of a computer, where Wes had pulled up a Wikipedia article about August the 8th, or as Preds tend to call it, Ate/Ate. “Why not? This is the one day out of the year where you get to go all out and eat with no judgements. Why not take advantage of it?” Wes looked at Ji, who wore a somewhat nervous expression on her face. “Are you… Still worried about your new diet?” Ji-Yu looked down at herself. Her breasts, once D-cups, had grown to be a little over a cup larger, making many of her bras uncomfortable, her rear had grown enough to rip her favorite pair of jeans when she tried to put them on, and her stomach had only yesterday gotten completely flat again. If all that happened after just one pizza boy, how much more would she grow if she ate another person? “What if I keep getting bigger?” Wes laughed. “Wow. Never heard a Pred say that.” Ji blushed a bit. “Look Ji, that isn’t really a permanent thing. After a few meals, most Preds stop growing when they digest someone because their bodies have acclimated to the intense nutrient intake. You will get bigger, probably go up another two or three cup sizes and you’ll definitely need to buy a few new pairs of panties soon, but that's all.” Ji walked over to the mirror. “So, if I decide to go through with this and keep eating people, I'll stop growing?” Wes got up and joined her by the mirror. “Yes. At least if you stick to one or two a week. Preds who eat more often than that tend to keep growing.” Wes could see that Ji was still a bit on the fence, so he took her hand in his and held it close. “Come on. This whole day is about ladies like you! You deserve to go and celebrate it. And when you get back, I’ll even give you a belly rub…” He whispered that last bit into her ear. That did the trick. “Well, I guess my butt does look pretty good…” Ji said before she murmured something under her breath and began blushing. Wes smirked. “What was that last bit?” Ji murmured a second time and turned beet red. Wes turned his ear towards her and leaned close. He enjoyed teasing her about things like this. “Ji, honey, I really didn’t catch that. Please speak up?” “AND MY BELLY WOULD LOOK SEXY AS HELL IN A DRESS!!!” Ji yelped out as she ran towards her bedroom and slammed her door closed. Wes just stood there blushing at the thought. “... Welp. That’s it. I need to marry her.” ================================================================== “So, WHY didn’t you come with me!?” Ji shouted into her phone as she walked down the sidewalk. She was on her way to a new bar she had read about online, a fancy place called the Odd Drinks. She could hear Wes jump on the other end. “W-Well, you see.. Preds all tend to celebrate Ate/Ate differently. Some celebrate by acting out their greatest Vore-based fantasies, others celebrate by eating as many people as they can in a 24 hour period, and some even go after and eat people who have wronged them or they dislike as a form of vengeance.” “Uh huh. And what does that have to do with you staying home tonight and leaving me to find... Dinner, on my own?” “Because there’s this one girl likes to go after potential meals who got away on Ate/Ate, and she has a very particular vendetta against me.” “Why?” “‘Cause unlike the others, she’s actually managed to swallow me, a few times actually.” Ji hadn’t even considered the idea that Wes had been eaten before, though in hindsight it made sense. He had to learn out about his odd mutation somehow. The thought of Wes digesting away in some random girl’s belly made her own twist and turn. “So you’re staying home so that she can’t grab you?” Ji asked. “Yeah, that about sums it up. Admittedly I’m still at your apartment though, ‘cause she’s probably tracked mine down already.” Ji cracked a smile. “So, you’re all alone in my apartment? Shelby hasn’t come back yet?” “Yep.” Wes responded casually. “So what are you doing there? Wearing one of my bras like a hat?” Ji held back a giggle as she heard the sound of one of her bras being flung into the wall. “NO!” Wes yelped. “Hehehee!” Ji took a moment to laugh. “Well, I guess they won’t fit for much longer anyways… Oop! Here it is! I’m at the bar now. Gotta go. Love you!” “Aaahahaa… Love you too.” *CLICK* Ji opened the door and took a look around inside. It was shockingly empty considering the time of night, only a couple of people here and there. “This IS a new place, so maybe most people don’t know about it yet.” She thought to herself as she sat down at the bar and looked up at some of the menu choices posted up above. “Oooh jeez. That’s a lot. Umm… Hoo boy...” “Need some help?” A lady only a couple of years older than Ji sat next to her. She was a rather pretty lady. She had long brown hair, a pair of green eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses, and dark red lipstick. However, more notable was her body. Her breasts were even larger than Ji’s now were, and her ass looked fantastic in her skin-tight dark violet dress. Thinking about how she looked in her own dress (which was a loose teal-colored number with a white flower petal design), Ji felt a little insecure. “Umm, yes. Yes please.” The lady giggled. “Okay then.” She turned to the girl behind the counter. “Can we get a couple of Sex on the Beaches?” “Coming right up.” Ji watched as she walked away to get their drinks, and wondered if she should eat her. “Don’t worry about cash. First round’s on me.” The lady said, elbowing Ji in the side. “Oh! Um, thank you!” Ji awkwardly stuck out her hand. “Im Ji-Yu. Most people just call me Ji.” The lady took her hand and shook it. “Lucille. You can just call me Lucy. Nice to meet you.” ================================================================== A half hour later, the bar was empty save for Ji and Lucy, and Ji had downed two drinks. She could hold her liquor shockingly well for a girl who hardly drank. Unfortunately, she could not hold her bladder. “I gotta go to the restroom real quick. I’ll be right back.” She said as she stood up. Lucy just smiled and looked towards the barkeep. “Okay. I’ll just chat up the bartender while you're gone.” Ji found her look a little odd, but decided it was probably nothing and left for the bathroom. However, when she returned, Ji saw Lucy with the poor bartender most of the way down her throat. “OH MY GOD!” Ji watched as Lucy took off her meal’s shoes and swallowed her feet, joining the rest of her body in Lucy’s giant gut. “Hmmm… She wasn’t half bad! A little skinny for my tastes, but she wasn’t my main course tonight anyways.” She said as she tossed the shoes away and turned towards Ji. “So… What about you?” JI stood there for a moment, shocked, then let out an excited squeal. “You’re a Pred too!?” Lucy made a surprised face, then let out a little giggle. “Oh! Too, huh? I just figured you were a bit bustier than most girls your age!” Lucy stood up and walked over to Ji, who watched as the massive gut hidden behind the shockingly stretchy fabric of her dress wobbled. “Good thing you spoke up. You were almost next... But with boobs like that? Hmm. How many people have you eaten?” Ji kept staring at the woman’s belly. “Umm… Only one so far. About two weeks ago.” “Hmm… Lemme guess. Delivery boy?” Lucy asked. “Yeah. Pizza.” “Hmmm…” Lucy gave her large belly a pat. “Reminds me of my first meal. Some of the best Chinese takeout I’ve ever ordered.” Lucy eyed Ji’s stomach. “Please tell me you’re not out celebrating Ate/Ate with a flat tummy like that one.” “Well, I wasn’t planning on keeping it flat…” Ji said. Almost on que, Ji’s stomach growled loud enough that it made her breasts jiggle a little bit. “... But I’ve never actually intentionally-.” Suddenly, Lucy took Ji’s hand. “Alrighty then! I’m going to get you fed. Come with me!” Lucy began walking Ji out the bar door. “Wait! What about our drinks?” Ji said, quickly grabbing her purse. “Who cares? I ate the bartender. Drinks are free!” ================================================================== A little while later, Ji-Yu was standing in the elevator of her apartment building on her way up to the third floor. “W-What are we doing in my apartment building?” Lucy’s belly let out a surprised gurgle. “Wait, you live here? Sweet! Now we don’t have to worry about getting you a cab home!” “That doesn’t really answer my question…” Ji said as the elevator doors dinged open. Lucy and Ji stepped out of the elevator and started walking down the hall. “Well, there’s this one guy. For whatever reason, every time I eat him, I throw him back up a few minutes later. I’m guessing that he keeps, like, a bottle of ipecac on him or something. So, every Ate/Ate, I go after him and try to eat him again. Only this time, I’m making sure he doesn’t have anything that will get him out. I think he’s hiding in his cousin’s apartment, cause he wasn’t home when I stopped by his earlier. He’s all over her social media-” Ji immediately stopped walking. “Oh my god. OH MY GOD!” “Woah! Hey, what’s wrong!?” Lucy tried to grab Ji’s shoulder, but Ji pulled away. “I… YOU…” Before Ji-Yu had even realized what she was doing, she had shoved Lucy’s head into her mouth. “MMPH!!!” Shockingly enough, Lucy struggled very little during the swallowing process, not that Ji even noticed. Ji-Yu was already lost savoring every moment that she tasted Lucy’s well-endowed body in her hungry mouth. When she got to her breasts, Ji took a moment to feel them with her hands. Now she was sure that she wanted a pair as large as those with every fiber of her being… No. Bigger. Feeling her meal’s head enter her hungry stomach only strengthened this desire. However, once Ji got to her meal’s own large gut, it occurred to her she was technically eating two people. In response to this realization, Ji threw her head back to let gravity help her with the former-Pred now-prey’s massive gut. It took her a minute, and a few more gulps than she thought, but she managed to get it down. After she managed to get past the giant mound of flesh that was Lucy’s stomach, her hips and ass practically slid down willingly, following the weight below them. Then, right before the last swallow, she removed her prey’s shoes and tossed them aside, as she had seen Lucy do in the bar. Then, she took one final gulp, and looked down at her belly, huge and wriggling as the lady inside struggled. “That’s what you get for trying to eat my boyfriend, bitch!” Ji said as she fell onto the ground from the new weight. Then it hit her: “Woah… I. Am. HUGE!!! Twice as big as the first time! Holy shit… My ass is gonna be as big as hers was. Not to mention my…” Ji’s hands moved to her boobs and gave them a squeeze. “IIIIEEEEEEE!!!” She let out a small squeal of joy before realizing her apartment, boyfriend, and her nice, comfy couch were both just down the hall. “I should probably go inside before someone sees me though…” Ji already had a little bit of practice walking from her first meal, but even still this was a struggle. She wasn’t even all that good at moving with one person inside her yet, and now she had two in her gut. After a few minutes she managed to waddle her way over to her apartment’s door using the wall as support, and after she managed to get her keys out from her purse (a shockingly difficult feat with a belly in the way), she went inside and sat down on the living room couch. “Something doesn’t… Oh!” Ji took a moment to kick off her heels, and after a bit of a struggle, pulled off the dress that was now riding up on her massive belly. Ji placed both her hands on her stomach. “Hmm. Not moving anymore? I guess she gave up in... In my giant belly.” Ji giggled to herself and gave said belly a pat. “I could use a rub… WES! Come in here please!?” Wes hurried into the living room. “What’s up… HOLY SHIT!” Wes stumbled over to his girlfriend, laden with prey and nude save for her underwear, and sat down next to her. “Uhmm… I-I guess you had a good night out?” Ji nodded and took Wes’s hand, placing it on top of her gut. “How about you give me a *BOOOOOURP*” Ji covered her mouth in embarrassment. “S-‘Scuse me! A belly rub! H-How about you give me a belly rub, and I’ll tell you all about it?” “Uh, yeah… Sure.” Wes said, still shocked by the size of his girlfriend’s tummy, his hand feeling the subtle movements of the girls inside. “Oh! Before we do that, there’s something I should tell you…” Ji made a puzzled look. “Hmm? Tell we what?” “You, uh, you weren’t the only one who celebrated Ate/Ate tonight.” “What does that mean?” Wes nodded towards Shelby’s bedroom door. “Shelby brought a girl home, and… Well… You two have a lot in common.” And from Shelby’s bedroom, Ji-Yu heard a burp so loud that she almost jumped off the couch… Almost. THE END |
Shelby’s New Friend An Odd Vore Story Major Characters: Shelby Dumont: Ji-Yu’s best friend and roommate, and Wes’s cousin on his mother’s side. She was the one who introduced Ji and Wes to one another, and has a married older sister named Jade. She has brown hair (dyed purple), brown eyes, and has an odd disliking for fish that borders on a phobia. Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’s Girlfriend. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. Eulalie Paquet: A young woman that Shelby met on 8/8, 2020. She was born in France, but raised in America by her single mother. She has short blonde hair styled in a messy bob, green eyes, and has a very slight accent from her mother. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “... And now we’re here.” Shelby Dumont was sitting on her living room couch and listening intently to the tale that her best friend and roommate Ji-Yu was recounting for her. It was the day after Ate/Ate, and Ji was explaining how she managed to eat the Pred that had been following Wes, Shelby’s cousin, for years now, and judging by the huge gut that Ji was currently rubbing, Shelby was inclined to believe her. “Wow. So that chick is really in your belly? She’s not gonna bother Wes any more?” Shelby asked, eyeing said belly in surprise. It let out a large glorping noise, prompting Ji-Yu to- “*UUUUUUUURP!* S-’Scuse me. Yep! And she was full-up too, so I technically got a double helping!” Ji embarrassedly giggled. “So, yeah… That was my night. But I’m more interested in YOUR night!” Ji said, motioning to Shelby’s bedroom. Shelby’s face flushed at the ask. “Oh… Well… It’s not really…” “Oh, come on! I heard that burp last night! If it wasn't for my belly, I would’ve jumped through the ceiling it was so loud! You gotta give me something!” Ji excitedly bounced in her seat a little, causing her breasts to jiggle under her too-tight blue shirt. Shelby let out a sigh. “I... GUESS that's fair... Um… Well, her name is Eulalie.” ================================================================== <Twelve Hours Earlier…> Shelby was walking down the sidewalk and heading towards a small little restaurant for a blind date she had set up with a girl online. She was well aware of how dangerous this could be on Ate/Ate of all days, but considering they’ve had to reschedule three times beforehand because her date had medical problems, Shelby decided that the risk was well worth it. She made sure to pull out all the stops for this, wearing matching underwear that was dark purple, putting on her nicest, maroon-colored shirt, black skin-tight leggings that showed off her ass, and was even wearing heels, which she hated with a passion, and just in case, Wes had provided her with a vial of his blood should she need to make an escape. “It should be right around here… Ah!” Shelby stopped in front of a small restaurant with a sign that read ‘The Ruby Whale’. “Here. The Ruby Whale... Huh? Oh shit, is this place a seafood joint?” Shelby squirmed at the idea of a fish on her plate. “Jeez. How did I not think of that!? Maybe it’ll have like, steak, or chicken, or something less… Scaly.” Now nervous beyond belief, Shelby stepped inside. “Hello miss! Welcome to the Ruby Whale! Do you have a reservation?” The greeter at the front of the restaurant smiled at her. He was cute, but not really Shelby’s type. “Umm, yeah. I think the other member of my party is here already though. It should be under Eulalie Paquet?” The waiter flipped through his book of reservations. “Paquet… Eula… Ah! Yes! Table 39. Right this way, miss.” The waiter grabbed a menu and led her to a table near the window, where a busty and beautiful blonde haired girl wearing a cream dress with a brown ribbon tied just under her breasts was sitting. “Your server will be right with you.” And with that, Shelby was alone with this lovely lady. “H-Hello! I’m Shelby.” Shelby awkwardly stuck out her hand. The girl across from her did the same. “Hi Shelby. I’m Eulalie… But I guess based on the reservation you knew that already.” “Yeah.” ================================================================== A few minutes later, the girls had made their orders, and were now making friendly conversation. Fortunately for Shelby, they had chicken fingers on the menu. She felt a bit childish for ordering something like that, but considering the alternatives, she figured it was worth the ego damage. “So, Eulalie. I notice you have a bit of an accent.” Shelby noted to her dinner partner. Eulalie picked up her drink and took a sip. “Oh… Uhh, Yeah. I was born in France, but was raised here most of my life. The accent comes from my mother. Unlike me, she was raised in France, so her accent is rather... thick.” Eulalie looked a bit embarrassed. Maybe it was a bit of a sensitive thing for her? “I think it’s kinda cute.” Shelby said. Eulalie looked up at her, seemingly happy, then took note of something behind her. “Food’s here!” The server, a young man who was having trouble looking away from Eulalie’s ample bosom, placed down a pair of dishes in front of the two girls. One, a lovely-looking clam chowder. The other, a plate of chicken fingers with french fries. “I’ll be back in a few minutes if you need anything!” The server said, still looking at Eulalie's breasts before he managed to pull himself away and get back to work. “Was he… He was looking at my breasts, wasn’t he?” Eulalie asked. “Yeah, pretty much the whole time.” Shelby agreed, pulling her plate towards herself. Eulalie looked down. “Well, I guess I can’t really blame him.” Shelby laughed. “Yeah! Those things are nice and big!” Eulalie laughed in response. “Hah! Alright, enough about my boobs. I’m starving!” As Eulalie took her spoon and began eating her chowder, Shelby picked up one of her chicken fingers, dipped it in the provided sauce, and took a bite. Immediately, Shelby gagged and convulsed in response to the horrible taste swimming about her mouth. This wasn’t the taste of chicken that she was expecting. No, this flavor, if it could even be called that, was that of a slimy, scaly, disgusting fish. “*HURP!*” Shelby nearly threw up on the table, but managed to hold it back. Eulalie looked up, taking note of her date’s odd movements. “Are you alright?” Shelby didn't even have the capacity to respond. The taste of the fish, the thought of it, it had disabled all rational thought. Shelby quickly stood up, and darted for the exit. “Shelby!?” Eulalie let out a worried shout as Shelby pushed open the door and ran into the alleyway, where she spat out the fish onto the ground. “Evil. Evil evil fish…” Shelby shuddered. Suddenly, the door to the restaurant flew open and Eulalie ran out. “Shelby! What’s wrong!?” “F-f-fiiiish…” Shelby let out a noise akin to a hiss. “Fish?” At first, Eulalie seemed confused, but she quickly put two and two together. “That waiter messed up your order?” Shelby nodded. “And I’m guessing that you hate fish?” Shelby nodded again. “Fish is evil…” Shelby looked at Eulalie, half embarrassed, half disgusted. Eulalie’s face made a shameful expression. “And I took you to a seafood restaurant. I’m so sorry!” Eulalie turned back to the door and opened it. “I’m going to make this right!” ================================================================== A few minutes later, Shelby had managed to calm herself down. Unfortunately, this came with the realization that she completely flipped the acrobatic fuck out in front of Eulalie. “Oh god. How am I gonna explain that to her!? She probably thinks I’m a freak or something now…” Now ashamed and embarrassed by her behavior, Shelby lifted herself off the ground and walked towards the door. However, when she re-entered the building, she was shocked to find that she didn’t see Eulalie anywhere. “Oh god, I scared her off!” Shelby put her hands to her face and started to cry… But stopped when she noticed that Eulalie’s purse was still there, under her seat. “Hmm?” Shelby sniffled as she looked at the bag. “Excuse me, miss? Is everything okay?” A female server had come up behind her and took notice of her tearful state. “Hmm? O-Ohh. Yeah. I… I’m alright. Hey… Did you see where the blonde haired girl who was sitting here earlier went?” The server pointed towards the bathrooms. “Oh. She said she needed help in the ladies room and pulled one of the male servers in there with her. She’s been in there for a few minutes, now that I-” Before she could finish, the server was called into the kitchen by an older lady in a white jacket, presumably a chef, leaving Shelby to ponder the information presented. “I should go check on her… And apologize for my episode.” Shelby said as she grabbed Eulalie’s purse and headed for the ladies restroom. ================================================================== “Eulalie? Are you in he-” Stopping mid-sentence, Shelby allowed the door to slam behind her as she stared at the head of the server who messed up her order going down Eulalie’s throat. “HELP ME-MMPH!”. With a swallow, the guy’s head disappeared, leaving only his shoes on the floor to hint at his former existence as a person. Eulalie licked her lips and then placed a hand on her stomach. “Huh. I expected you to taste like seafood. You were more like... Steak.” It was then that Eulalie realised that Shelby was standing in front of the bathroom door, staring at her. The two silently stared at each other for a moment, only the sounds of the struggling server in Eulalie’s huge belly to interrupt. “Oh.” Shelby slowly walked over to Eulalie, a somewhat blank expression on her face as she stared at the writhing mass just under Eulalie’s surprisingly stretchy dress. Then, Eulalie began to freak out. “Oh my god. OH MY GOD! S-SHELBY! I-I CAN EXPLAIN. I-” It was then, against all survival instinct, that Shelby took Eulalie’s head and planted a kiss on her lips, silencing her. Shockingly enough, Eulalie was right. The server’s steak-like flavor still lingered on her lips. Eulalie sat shocked. “Uhhh…” Then, Shelby regained her control and awkwardly helped Eulalie up (Not an easy feat, considering the size of both her breasts and her stomach). “SORRY! It’s just… I, uhh... I… I’ve always wanted to date a Pred.” Eulalie’s stomach let out a gurgle, while her face made a shocked expression. Shelby awkwardly hid her hands behind her back. “Um… Say something? Please? M-My roomie is a Pred too, albeit a newbie one… So it’s not like I’ve never met one before… Uhh…” Eulalie put a finger on Shelby’s mouth, shutting her up. “What’s your address?” “Um… I-I live at the Oddman’s Luxury Apartments. Number 312… Why?” Shelby responded. Eulalie grinned, then lifted up her dress, showing off her belly. Her face turned red. “Because we’re gonna need a bed.” ================================================================== <The Present> “Wow.” “Yup.” “Shelby!!!” “What?” “I wish you would’ve told me!” “What? Why?” “Because we were louder than hell last night! I would’ve told Wes to keep it down when we were-” Shelby shushed Ji by flailing her hands around randomly. “No. No! NO!!! I do NOT need to hear the details about how you had sex with my cousin!” Ji laughed. “Ahhh, come on! Maybe you could learn a thing or two for when-” Ji was interrupted by the door to Shelby’s bedroom creaking open a little. “Umm… S-Shelby?” A partially-accented voice came through the crack in the door. “I, uh… I can’t find my bra…” Shelby smacked her forehead. “Oh! Crap, I forgot! I put it in the washing machine an hour ago. I wanted to get that wine stain I made out…” Ji looked at Shelby, then back to the door. “Uhh. Shelb? You gonna introduce me?” “I, uh, I’m not wearing anything aside from panties right now…” Eulalie’s voice came from behind the door. “I have a few shirts you could borrow, if you like?” Shelby offered to the girl behind the door. “Also… I was kinda hoping that you could give me some advice?” Ji stood up and shook her stomach, causing the contents to slosh randomly. “I’m kinda new at this.” A small gasp came from behind the door, followed by a minute of rustling fabric. Suddenly the door slowly opened up, revealing Eulalie, hair messy and poorly being covered with a blanket. The way she was holding it up barely covered her belly, which was loudly churning as it worked away at the food inside, and did her the favor of showing off her massive cleavage. “Well, I do know this one trick…” Eulalie took three fingers and pressed on the top of her stomach, just in front of her breasts. “*UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP!!!” It was then Ji-Yu’s jaw dropped. “I, uh... Learned that from an old friend of my mother’s. A lady named Holly.” It was then that Shelby started to laugh. “Hehehee! Now that I think about it, I-I don't have any shirts that’ll fit you!” THE END |
Shopping Trip An Odd Vore Story Major Characters: Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’s Girlfriend. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. Shelby Dumont: Ji-Yu’s best friend and roommate, and Wes’s cousin on his mother’s side. She was the one who introduced Ji and Wes to one another, and has a married older sister named Jade. She has brown hair (dyed purple), brown eyes, and has an odd disliking for fish that borders on a phobia. Wesson (Wes) Forstner: A young man who works at a bookstore, and Ji-Yu’s boyfriend. He has shaggy dirty blonde colored hair, a pair of blue-grey eyes (the left of which has a small gold/brown section on the lower right portion of the iris), and a fair deal of scars on his arms. He has a unique genetic mutation that allows his blood to neutralize a Pred’s stomach acids and make them throw up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So… Why am I here again?” “Because, Wes. We need a guy’s opinion on what outfits are gonna look hot on Ji!” Ji-Yu was walking with Shelby and Wes down the street a few blocks away from her and Shelby’s apartment. After Ji’s most recent meal about five days ago, her second to last bra gave out and snapped on her when trying and failing to contain her growing boobs, and her butt, while looking great, was becoming difficult to fit into her favorite pair of jeans. And let’s not forget her bulging belly, which was currently about the size of the average beach ball, and was barely being covered by her mint green t-shirt. If it had some forest green lines on it, it would probably look like Ji was an oversized watermelon. Ji rubbed it a little bit as it growled. “Don’t worry. I’ll get you fed soon…” Ji whispered to her gut and Shelby and Wes argued to the left of her. “Okay, Shelby. I’m not that stupid.” “You sure about that?” “Shut up. Anyways, I know that you’re only bringing me along to carry all of your stuff from your shopping spree. Ji-Yu’s one thing. She’s my girlfriend, and she has the ability to eat me if I don’t...” Ji suddenly lost her appetite. Ji didn’t want to think about eating Wes. She knew he could get out of her belly and all, but that didn’t mean that she was comfortable with him being inside her… I-In the “having been eaten by her” way, I mean. Ya filthy degenerates. “... But you? Yer on your own, Shelb.” “You suck…” Shelby pouted as she looked down at her phone. “Take a right here.” As the three turned the corner, Ji spotted the store they were headed for. It was a fairly big building called “Stuffed Sisters Clothing and Accessories”, and from looking in the window it looked like a Victoria’s Secret for particularly... “hungry” women. There was even a mannequin with a big belly in the window. “Wow. Eulalie wasn’t kidding.” However, right before Ji opened the door, Wes stopped a few feet away from the door. “Alright. I got an errand to run by myself. Just text me when you two are done, and I’ll come back.” Shelby looked upset. “What!? So you’re not gonna come in!? That’s some bullshit if I ever did smell it!” Ji walked over to Wes and took his hand. “Lemme guess: You don’t wanna go into a store for Preds cause you think you’ll get eaten?” Wes snapped his fingers with his free hand and poked Ji’s belly, causing it to wobble. “Bingo. For whatever reason, I’m like Pred-nip. You girls just can’t get enough. So I’m steering clear of the store that is literally designed to serve you. That, and I had some things to get today anyways, so I might as well do that now.” Ji made a pouty face. “Okay… But you’re definitely carrying my shit when I’m done.” Wes kissed Ji and walked off, and the two girls entered the store. ================================================================== The moment Ji entered the store, she was in awe. There was lingerie, cute tops, skin-tight leggings, dresses, and even swimsuits of varying styles that all looked like they were designed by professional fashion designers. “Oh my god. I cannot afford this place.” “Guess again!” Suddenly, a lady with wavy hair dyed blue in an undercut style, blue eyes, and a large gut that was slightly bigger than Ji’s walked out from behind the counter. She wore a pair of black leggings over her big butt, a grey crop top with the words “Food Girl” written in blue letters over her huge tits, and had a small little gap between her smiling teeth. “Welcome to Stuffed Sisters! I’m Laurel.” Laurel stuck out her hand. “Uh… Hi Laurel.” Ji took the girl's hand and shook, at the same time eyeballing the gut in front of her. “I’m Ji. This is Shelby.” “Hello!” Shelby poked her head out from behind a nearby rack, already holding a top for Ji to try on. “Well, here at Stuffed Sisters, we pride ourselves on our ability to provide high-quality clothes to high-hunger ladies, at affordable prices! Pretty much all the clothes you see here were made by Preds, for Preds, and the occasional Stuffer...” Laurel paused and looked at Shelby for a moment, then turned back to Ji. “Fortunately for you, miss Ji, Saturday is our slow day, so we have the whole store to ourselves! So! What kind of outfit do you wanna try on first?” Ji looked around again, then back to Laurel. “Where do you think the best date night clothes would be?” Laurel smiled, then turned around. “Are we talking boyfriend date, or ‘dinner’ date?” ================================================================== About thirty minutes later, Ji had just stepped into the dressing room with a small assortment of outfits to try on, and was struggling to choose which set of underwear to try on first. Should she put on the white slip-style panties and matching t-shirt bra, or maybe the black thong and lace triangle bra? “Hmm… You.” Ji picked up a dark green half-cup bra and the matching pair of bikini panties. Looking down at her shirt, she noticed that her own boobie-holders felt a bit loose. “Hmm?” Ji set down the green bra and lifted up her shirt, and the second she did, the cups of her bra separated, revealing that it had split in the middle. “Oh… That’s a bit embarrassing…” Ji blushed as she removed the broken article of clothing and tossed it to the floor. It was then that she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her bare breasts, she now realized, were over four sizes larger than they were before she began eating people. She took her hands, cupped them around her boobs, and squeezed them a little bit in response to the realization. “No wonder Wes likes these things…” Ji then turned her attention to her butt, removing her tight-fitting jeans and turning just enough so she could see it in the mirror. “Wow. How is it just now hitting me how goddamn big I've gotten?” She wiggled her hips a bit. “Damn... And then there's you.” Ji looked down and placed her hands on her belly. Somehow it was just now hitting her that she had grown to be a huge, gluttonous Pred in only a month's time, and this beach ball-belly of hers was proof. She rubbed it a bit, then stepped back, and watched herself in the mirror as she swayed from side to side a little bit, causing both her boobs and her belly to jiggle. Then, when she stopped and stood still, Ji watched as her belly wobbled back and forth slightly, then let out a burp. “*BUUUUUUURAP*” Ji let out a little giggle, and gave her gut a pat. “After this, I’m getting you some lunch. But first, clothes.” A few minutes later, Ji walked out of the dressing room wearing a cream colored keyhole sweater and a pair of black leggings overtop the green underwear she had chosen. Shelby, who had been waiting outside the whole time while Laurel picked out a few more outfits for Ji, jumped off the stool she was sitting on. “Holy shit girl!”. “I know, right!? With this little belly I got going on right now, I feel like a sexy milf.” Ji stuck her hands onto her back and pushed her belly out. Shelby jokingly placed her hands on Ji’s gut. “Boy or Girl?” “I think it was a customer from work, so probably a boy.” “Well, congratulations on having such a delicious boy!” Shelby stood back up and the two laughed over the shared joke. It was at this time that Laurel returned with a few more outfits laying over her arm. “Wow! When I picked that sweater out, I just did it cause I wanted to see your boobs. That’s really working on you!” Ji turned to the lady. “Yup! What else you got for me?” ================================================================== A few minutes later, Ji had re-entered the dressing room and changed into a dark teal colored trapeze camisole tank top and a pair of jean shorts made from some kind of stretchy denim material. She did a little twirl back and forth in the mirror. “Hmm… Mmmm… Mmmhm! Yep! This is definitely a good one. Let’s see what Shelb thinks.” Ji turned around and opened the curtain. Ji’s face twisted in horror as she saw Shelby’s upper body being swallowed by Laurel, her legs flailing in the air above Laurel’s head. “OH MY GOD!!!” Ji screamed before she ran over and grabbed Shelby’s legs. “SHELBY… IS… NOT… FOOD!!!” Ji pulled with each word, managing to get Shelby free of Laurel’s grasp. “Aww! What the hell girl? I was just eating lunch!” Ji stood Shelby up and wiped some of Laurel’s drool from her face. “You okay?” “A little slimy, but otherwise I’m just dandy.” Shelby said. She seemed a little annoyed, but otherwise okay. “Good.” Ji-Yu turned to Laurel, angrier than hell. “YOU! YOU JUST TRIED TO EAT MY BEST FRIEND!” Laurel scoffed a bit. “Honey, I’m a Pred. I eat people. You of all people should understand that! I mean honestly! What did you-” Laurel was interrupted by a swift punch to the face, knocking her on her ass. “Ow! You bitch! I’m so gonna-*MMMPH*!” Laurel didn’t even get time to finish. Ji had already picked her up and shoved her head into her mouth before she could. Laurel began struggling violently, pushing against Ji’s boobs with her hands and flailing with her feet. In response, Shelby, partially to help Ji and partially for revenge, ran around to Laurel’s backside and shoved her towards Ji. Unfortunately, this caused Ji to fall on her own backside, causing her to lose her grip on Laurel. “Oh fuck!” Shelby quickly responded by grabbing Laurel’s legs and hoisting them up above Ji, holding onto them to keep Laurel steady as Ji swallowed her in two gulps with the aid of gravity, causing Ji’s belly to swell rapidly as it filled. Relieved, Shelby collapsed to her knees. Ji looked at Shelby, then to her now huge and violently shaking belly, then back to Shelby. “... Holy shit.” “... Hm? What? What’s wrong?” “Shelby. You just fed me a girl.” “Yeah… Yeah I guess I did.” The two girls stared at each other for a moment, then just started laughing, Ji’s laughs occasionally punctuated by random burps from her shifting meal. “Hahah-*UURP*-pppfthahahahaha!!! You just picked up her legs! And- And you dropped her down my throat! Like it was nothing! If that’s not true friendship, I do-*OOURP*-don’t know what is!” “Hahahaan-and you! Y-you just grabbed my legs, pulled me out, and decked her in the face before you shoved her in your mouth! You just saw me getting swallowed and thought… And thought: ‘A’aight! This chick is lunch’! Girl, you are like, the hungriest bodyguard ever!” As the girls continued giggling over their shared experience, Ji’s phone began to ring from the dressing room. Ji looked towards the half-open curtain. “S-Shelby. Could you-” Shelby stood up and walked over. “I got it! You sit there and enjoy your meal!” Ji giggled a little bit more, then sighed as she looked down at her belly, which had now rounded out as Laurel realized the futility of her struggles and stopped moving. “Y’know-*BOOURP*… It’s kind of a shame. You really did have an eye for fashion, Laurel. I would almost consider it a gift. But now… Well, you’re just food in my belly. And the girl you tried to eat fed you to me!” Ji rubbed the top of her stomach in pleasure, causing the former Pred inside to shift around a bit. “Don’t worry, we’ll leave money for the clothes. And, as thanks for picking them out, I’ll be sure to include you in my fun with Wes tonight… If you last that long!” Then, with a good belly slap, she let out a burp that echoed throughout the empty store. THE END |
Obligatory Beach Episode!!! An Odd Vore Story Major Characters: Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’s Girlfriend. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. Wesson (Wes) Forstner: A young man who works at a bookstore, and Ji-Yu’s boyfriend. He has shaggy dirty blonde colored hair, a pair of blue-grey eyes (the left of which has a small gold/brown section on the lower right portion of the iris), and a fair deal of scars on his arms. He has a unique genetic mutation that allows his blood to neutralize a Pred’s stomach acids and make them throw up. Shelby Dumont: Ji-Yu’s best friend and roommate, and Wes’s cousin on his mother’s side. She was the one who introduced Ji and Wes to one another, and has a married older sister named Jade. She has brown hair (dyed purple), brown eyes, and has an odd disliking for fish that borders on a phobia. Eulalie Paquet: A young woman that Shelby met on 8/8, 2020. She was born in France, but raised in America by her single mother. She has short blonde hair styled in a messy bob, green eyes, and a slight accent from her mother. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What do ya think? Too obvious?” “Mmm… Well you do look tasty…” Ji-Yu stood in the middle of her bedroom in front of her mirror, wearing a light green bikini with dark green vertical lines running down the fabric, making her boobs look like watermelons (not at all inaccurate to their size, either). The bikini bottom was pinkish-red with black teardrop shapes, resembling the insides of a watermelon. Not that you could see this from the front though. That half was covered by a belly that would make you think Ji had swallowed the watermelon that she was trying to look like. Eulalie sat on Ji’s bed, wearing normal clothes in the form of a white blouse and a pair of black leggings, her own large belly gurgling underneath the thin white fabric. Ji turned to her. “So… this one then? Or the one piece from earlier?” Eulalie put her finger to her lips in thought. “Mmm… Well, that kinda depends, I’d say.” “On what?” “How many people do you plan to be eating while we’re there?” Ji looked down at her belly. “I hadn’t really thought about that. A couple, probably.” Eulalie stood up. “Well, then you could probably go either way. Swimsuits are tricky. If it’s just one or two, a one piece suit should work, but any more, then the fabric is going to get really darn tight. Stuffed Sisters makes some rather nice clothes, but their swimsuits are made for water use. The fabric doesn't stretch as much.” Eulalie held her hand over Ji’s stomach. “May I?” “Oh. Uhh… Okay.” Ji placed her hands on her back and pushed forward a little bit, making her belly stick out in Eulalie’s direction. Eulalie placed her hand on Ji’s gut, rubbing it a little bit as she looked at it. “I have to say, I’m a little jealous over your lack of stretch marks. I take good care of my tummy, but I still have a few bits here and there.” Ji looked down at Eulalie’s gut. “Thanks! I was kinda worried about those at first, so I’ve been careful about them. Making Wes rub me down and whatnot.” Eulalie stood back and looked at Ji’s full body. “Well, with a nice belly like that, and those giant boobies you have there, I say definitely go bikini. Show all of that off sweetie. You’ve earned it.” Ji smiled, then patted the top of her belly, letting out a small burp. “*Urp* Good. All packed then.” ================================================================== <The Next Day…> Ji was sitting in the passenger seat of the van that Wes had rented for the week. In the driver's seat was Wes, and behind her were Shelby and Eulalie, both passed out. Ji was getting a little hungry, but unfortunately was not allowed to eat anyone since she wouldn’t fit if she did. Hell, she barely fit now. Her belly was squished against the dashboard. It let out a growl in response to Ji’s hunger. “How much longer, Wes?” “Not too much. About a half hour.” “Then I can eat?” “Well, I recommend changing to your swimsuit first, but yeah. Once we’re on sand, you go wild. Surfer dudes, bikini babes, probably more than a few couples. Sound good?” Wes had his eyes on the road, but she could tell that he was struggling not to look at her from his shifting in his seat. Not that she could blame him. Her grey crop top left little to the imagination. Ji made a mischievous smile. “Hell yes it does. This baby needs some grub. By tonight, I wanna be big enough to sleep on top of it.” Wes’ face turned beet red. Ji struggled not to giggle. “Imagine: Me, belly the size of a small bed, filled up with wriggling prey and wearing nothing but a large blanket over my naked body… Then you come over, take off your trunks, get under the blanket…” “Noooo! I don’t wanna hear that!” Ji turned to see Shelby rubbing her eyes and shaking her head. Eulalie was waking up too, her t-shirt slightly drooled on. “I seriously do not need to hear about your midnight escapades with my baby cousin!” “I-I’m only three m-months younger than you!” Wes squeaked out. Ji turned to look at him, and started laughing when she saw that he had one hand on the steering wheel and the other reaching for his water bottle, both shaking greatly. “Hahahahahahaaa!!! If I would’ve known you would get that thirsty, I would’ve gotten out my phone and recorded your face!” “S-Shut up!” ================================================================== About 45 minutes later, the group had arrived at the beach house they were staying at and had changed into their bathing suits. Ji, of course, was wearing her watermelon bikini, Wes was wearing a pair of red trunks with white palm trees patterned on them, Shelby was wearing a maroon one-piece with a flower-shaped ruffles on it, and Eulalie wore a black two-piece swimdress and a large sun hat with a brown ribbon. Wes pulled out the sunblock. “Alright. Who wants first go at the sunscreen?” Shelby pulled out a second bottle. “I brought a second one, so me and Eulalie are good.” “Ah. Alright. Here Ji.” Wes squirted a dollop in his hand and handed Ji the bottle. “Thanks.” Ji opened up the bottle and squirted a large amount of sunscreen on her belly. She knew from her lotion rubbing sessions after her showers that she would need a lot. She took some of it and rubbed it on her arms, then her chest, next her face. Then, she placed her hands on her belly and rubbed the lotion all over. Then, she noticed Wes facing towards the wall, and decided to continue her playing from earlier. “Hey Wes honey? Could you get my back and legs for me?” Wes turned to face her. “Legs?” Ji looked down. “Yeah. I can’t really reach them with my belly in the way.” She bounced up and down a bit, causing her belly and breasts to jiggle a great deal and adding great emphasis to her point. Wes, entranced by Ji’s bouncing assets, sneezed, causing his nose to bleed. “Uhhh… Y-Yeah! Sure!” He said, awkwardly walking over to her. He reached for the bottle of sunscreen, and Ji began untying her bikini and turned around. Wes squirted some sunscreen in his hands and lightly pressed them onto Ji’s back. She jumped in shock at the cold. Wes, on the other hand, was trying his damndest to keep his hands steady. “Okay. Backs all done. Now your… Legs.” Ji smiled as she walked over to the chair in the corner of the room and placed her large butt on the fabric. “Okay.” She stuck her right leg out in the air and placed her hands on top of her belly. “I’m waiting.” Wes struggled to focus on his task. Now, if they were alone, Wes would’ve been all about this. But unfortunately, both Shelby and Eulalie were in the room applying sunscreen to themselves, so Wes couldn’t afford to show how aroused this was making him. At this point, he had figured out Ji was fucking with him, but it was too late. She had already won. Once again, he squirted sunscreen onto his hands, then proceeded to rub it on Ji’s right leg. Ji jokingly moaned to get him even more worked up (especially as he got towards the upper thigh, which required him to shove his hands under her big gut to reach). She did the exact same with the other leg too, and by the time Wes was done applying the sunscreen, Wes was on the verge of passing out, and Ji started to hiccup from holding her laughter in. She stood up and pressed her belly against Wes’ chest, then leaned her head next to his and whispered something into his ear. “I’m impressed that you managed to hold out during all of that, honey! Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you later…” And with that, Ji walked out the door to the beach (Shelby and Eulalie in close pursuit), and Wes, lightheaded, passed out on the floor. ================================================================== As Ji walked out to the afternoon-turning-evening beach, she took note of the people around her. Like Wes had described, there were a few surfer dudes, babes in bikinis, and couples sitting on their towels making out. In other words: a nice selection from the buffet. Ji walked over to Eulalie, who was laying out her towel in the sand. “So, what’s your plan?” Eulalie stood up and looked around. “Hmmm… I would indulge in some ‘Reverse Fishing’, but you’re not supposed to drink saltwater. Not too big a loss though, considering that there are so many options on the sand too…” Ji tilted her head. “Reverse Fishing? Wuzzat?” Eulalie giggled and pointed towards the water. “Well, when a fisherman goes fishing, he is above the water and trying to catch the food underneath it. Reverse Fishing is the opposite, where a Pred will hide underwater and try to catch the food that is above it. It’s really for lakes, pools, or large riverbeds though.” “Damn. That sounds fun…” Suddenly, Ji’s belly let out a giant growl. “Well, at least there are plenty of options above the water.” Eulalie eyeballed Ji’s belly. “How many have you eaten?” Ji made a puzzled look as she looked down towards her rumbling gut. “Oh. Umm, lets see. There was that first pizza boy, then Lucy, and I guess the bartender in her gut counts too, then there were those first three customers, then Laurel from the store, then two more customers, and then there was that really busty girl that lived a couple apartments down from us… About 10.” Eulalie giggled. “First, while I have to admit your memory is pretty good, there’s no need to recall every meal you’ve ever had. They’re just food. Second, I meant how many have you ever eaten at one time. That was my bad. I should’ve been more specific.” “Ooooooh! Well, then that would technically be two from when I ate Lu… When I ate that Pred who was already stuffed on Ate/Ate.” Eulalie looked around a bit, then smiled. She pointed behind Ji. “Well, let’s see if we can fix that.” Ji turned around to see a group of 8 people standing and laying on towels. They appeared to be drinking, enough that they probably wouldn’t put up too much of a fight if Ji and Eulalie were to… Have a few snacks. “I don’t know… That’s kinda a lot.” Ji said, rubbing her small belly nervously. Eulalie took her hand and started walking her towards them. “Don’t worry. I’ll be there the whole time to help! It’ll be great!” A few moments later, and the girls had walked right up to the group. As it turns out, they were far more drunk then they had realized. The people on the towels were actually passed out, and the ones standing weren’t far behind. Eulalie giggled. “This is gonna be easy. Watch this.” Eulalie walked up to one of the standing drunks and tapped him on the shoulder. “Hmm? Whoosat?” He turned around, revealing a pair of glasses that sat in front of his blue eyes. He looked at Eulalie. “Oooh. Helloooo! How can I help you this fiiiine afternoon *HIC*?” Eulalie smiled. “Hey there big fella. Me and my friend over here were getting kinda bored, and were wondering if you wanted to play a little game with us?” The drunk man, who I shall now refer to as “Glasses”, turned to one of his friends, a short but buff fellow who I shall call “Buffy” and whispered to him. Buffy looked towards the two girls, and called over the other three that were standing, a skinny girl with a ponytail (Ponytail), a guy with a long hair holding a surfboard (Surfer Dude), and a short girl with a pair of massive boobs (Melony). Suddenly, Glasses and Buffy walked over to Eulalie and Ji. “Sure! We'll play a game! Whaddya g-*HIC*-ot in mind?” Eullaie smiled. “Well, you five will stand facing away from us with your eyes closed. You gotta keep them closed no matter what you hear or… Feel. Hehehe! The last person to open their eyes wins the game!” Buffy looked Eulalie up and down. “That doesn’t sound very fun... What’s with yer big gut? You *HIC* prrrregnant or somethin’?” Eulalie giggled and patted her belly. “Yup. We came to the beach to enjoy one last trip before our babies are born. Now, do you wanna play or not?” Buffy and Glasses looked at eachother, then walked back to Ponytail, Surfer Dude, and Melony. After a minute, they waved Eulalie and Ji over. Glasses stepped forwards while Buffy struggled to line up the others. “Okay. We’ll play, on one condition.” Ji looked at Eulalie, who simply smirked. “Oh? What’s that?” Glasses pointed to the cooler next to the three sleeping partiers. “Winner gets to do body shots off of whichever of you two they want *HIC*. Some of us got a thing for preggos, and I frankly just wanna take a shot outta those tits. Deal?” Ji was about to scream “Hell no!”, but Eulalie stopped her before she could. “Deal! It’s not a win without a reward! Now, go get lined up!” As Glasses got in his place in line, Ji grabbed Eulalie. “What the hell? I don’t want some stranger to drink liquor off my body! What would Wes think!?” Eulalie poked Ji’s belly. “It’s not gonna come to that, silly! You get on the right side, I’ll take the left. We start on three. Whoever gets to and eats the one in the middle first gets to eat two of the three sleepers.” Ji looked at the drunks standing in line with their eyes closed. Eulalie really was a pro. She got them to line up to be eaten without any trouble. “I’m sorry I doubted you.” “As you should be. Now, go get in place.” Ji walked over to her end of the line. There, she was faced with Melony, and her giant breasts. “Great. Of course I get the one with the huge rack.” Ji thought to herself. She gave Eulalie a thumbs up. “Alright. 3! 2! 1! Go!” Immediately, Ji grabbed Melony by the shoulders and shoved her head in her mouth. She tasted a little like salt and sunscreen, but otherwise pretty tasty. She lifted her up into the air and swallowed, reaching her breasts. Ji sucked in with all her might and managed to fit them into her mouth, then swallowed again. This time, she felt her meal’s head enter her belly, and thanks to Melony’s short stature, she was able to swallow her in just one more gulp. Ji moved on to her next Meal, Glasses, only to see that Eulalie already had Surfer Dude in her mouth already, her belly already bulging from having eaten Buffy on her end. Ji quickly grabbed Glasses by his shoulders and stuffed his head into her mouth. Unlike Melony, he tasted of beer. Ji guessed that he spilled some on himself earlier. Regardless, it gave Ji something different to taste as she swallowed past his shoulders and town to his hips. Suddenly, Surfer Dude started struggling in Eulalie’s mouth, making it difficult for her to swallow. “Yes! Now’s my chance!” Ji thought to herself as she made two quick gulps, sending Glasses to his fleshy doom. Finished with Glasses, Ji scooted over to Ponytail. “Okay Ji. This is it. Three people at once. You can do this.” Ji encouraged herself as she grabbed Ponytail's shoulders. Unfortunately, Ji got a little too excited and knocked Ponytail over. “Oww! What the hell!?” Ponytail exclaimed as she sat up and opened her eyes. Then, she froze in terror as she watched Eulalie gulp down the feet of Surfer Dude, then looked directly at Ji’s wriggling belly before slowly looking up. Ji’s face turned red. “Sorry about that! Got a little excited. First time eating three people at once, y’know?” Before she had a chance to run, Ji grabbed Ponytail’s legs and shoved them in her mouth. As she gulped, Ponytail began to scream and claw at the sand, only to have it give way in her grasp. Ji made a second gulp, then a third, and then a fourth, reaching Ponytail’s head. “Please…” Ji made one more gulp, sending Ponytail’s head down her throat to join her body and her friends in Ji’s giant gut. Ji slurped down Ponytail’s ponytail like it was a bunch of noodles, and swallowed. “... *UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUURP*” Ji-Yu let out an enormous burp as she fell back onto her butt from the weight in her belly. Eulalie looked at her. “Awww! You beat me!” She said as she walked over to Ji.” But I gotta say I’m impressed! How do you feel?” Ji drooled as she felt the movements of the three people in her belly struggling to get comfortable. She put her hands on top of her gut, feeling her flesh move as her meals kicked and punched inside.. “I feel...So… Full! It’s wonderful!” Eulalie put her own hand on Ji’s belly, then another on her own. “Well, you certainly look full.” Eulalie and Ji looked towards the sleepers on their towels. One of them started to shuffle awake. “Uh oh. Got room for desert, dear?” “Hehehe! I’ve always got room for desert!” ================================================================== <A Few Hours Later…> Wes had just woken up from his little “power nap”. It was already getting late when they arrived, and he had managed to sleep till nighttime after he hit the floor. “Dammit! Ji’s gonna pay for this!” Wes said as he started to sit up. However, when he did, a small sticky note fell off his chest and onto the floor next to him. “Wes. Sorry I made you pass out and miss today’s fun! I got a special surprise for you in our room to make up for it. You won’t be sleeping again tonight!” Wes, now perplexed by the note, stood up and walked over to the door to his and Ji’s bedroom. He knocked on the wood. “Ji? You in there?” “Oh good! You’re awake! Come in already!” Cautious but intrigued, Wes slowly turned the knob on the door and opened it. When Wes entered the room, he found a nude Ji-Yu lying on the floor at the foot of their shared bed. Only, she was not on her back. Oh no, she was laying on top of a gigantic belly that looked to be holding four… No, five people inside of it at once, the loud gurgling and sloshing almost hypnotizing to his ears. Ji’s naked butt and back were covered by a small red blanket that she had pulled from the closet, and her bare breasts were only covered by her hands carefully placed over her nipples, which while Wes couldn’t see them, I can assure you were hard from the lack of clothing on her body. Ji’s swimsuit lay on the floor next to her, not even wet, as well as some other swimsuits drenched in saliva. Wes couldn’t help but stand there, mouth wide open in awe of his girlfriend’s massive belly, “See? I told you I would make it up to you. Now remove your trunks. We gotta start sloshing this big belly around if I wanna digest them enough to fit in the van again when we leave!” THE END |
Stuffed Belly Sisterhood A Colab Vore Story w/ DustInMiEye Major Characters: Brooke Simmons: (A character of DustInMiEye) A young half-Asian woman from a nearby city. Introduced to Vore by her best friend and roommate, Anna, she only began eating people a little while before Ji-Yu did. She met Ji-Yu on Vorum. She has dark brown hair and black eyes. Emily: (A character of DustInMiEye) A Pred woman from a nearby city. She works at Hannah’s Coffee Corner, which is where she taught Anna, Brooke’s best friend and roommate, how to eat people, which led to Anna teaching Brooke. She has brown hair and green eyes. Dust: (A character of DustInMiEye) Emily’s boyfriend and (practically) personal belly massager. No one is exactly sure what he does for a living, but some of his friends theorize that he writes stories about his life with Emily and her friends under the monik- AAAAH!!! THERE’S DUST IN MI EYE! OWW! Ahh! God... D-Dust has brown hair and green eyes... Jeez... Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’s Girlfriend. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. Wesson (Wes) Forstner: A young man who works at a bookstore, and Ji-Yu’s boyfriend. He has shaggy dirty blonde colored hair, a pair of blue-grey eyes (the left of which has a small gold/brown section on the lower right portion of the iris), and a fair deal of scars on his arms. He has a unique genetic mutation that allows his blood to neutralize a Pred’s stomach acids and make them throw up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What do you mean you’re coming along?” Brooke Simmons was sitting on her couch in her and Anna’s shared apartment, holding her phone in front of her face with one hand and rubbing her wriggling belly with the other. She was currently on a video chat with Emily, a friend of hers and a sort of Predatory mentor to Anna and herself. She had just told Emily that she was going out of town the following weekend in order to meet up with a girl that she met on Vorum (a forum for Vore lovers... Yeah I know it’s obvious. Look, blame Dust for the bad pun, okay?). The girl was a user who called herself JumboJi39, or as Brooke had come to learn, a girl named Ji-Yu Dae, and the only other Asian pred that Brooke had ever spoken too. Brooke became excited when Ji suggested the two meet up to the point that she immediately agreed. Emily, on the other hand, was less enthusiastic. “Because, Brooke, it’s not safe for you to go around and meet up with random Preds that you’ve never even met before! So many Preds use the internet to lure in their Prey! You should know about catfishing! Didn’t you eat a date that catfished you, like, half a month ago?” Brooke pouted a little bit. “But Ji doesn’t sound like-Oof! Hey!” Brooke shook her stomach around with her belly-rubbing hand, making the prey inside dizzy. “Stop kicking my bladder! Ugh. Anyways, Ji doesn't sound like that at all!” Emily shook her head on the screen. “That's the whole point, hon.” Brooke thought for a moment, then tilted her head. “Wait... I met you and Heather randomly at a dinner party! I didn’t know you two at all!” “And it was stupid of Anna to invite us! Brooke, if I didn’t end up liking you two so much, you would both have been fat on my belly by now!” Emily turned her phone towards her own large stomach, which made a loud blorping sound in response to being recorded. “Look. Me and Dust are coming with you, and that is final.” Brooke let out a sigh, then shrugged her shoulders. “Alright, alright! Fine! Come with me if you must! Jeez...” Brooke acted tough, but in reality she was kind of glad that Emily, a Pred far more experienced then herself, was coming along to watch over her. Though she didn’t want to admit it, the idea that Ji might just be looking for a particularly large meal had crossed her mind. “Good! Duuuust! We’re going on a trip with Brooke this weekend to... What’s this city called again?” “*Huff*... Lusand City” “Lusand City! Get the weekend off!” Brooke couldn’t Dust’s muffled words in the background, but she became curious. “Wait, what does Dust actually-” “We’ll meet you outside your complex in the minivan Friday evening. Be packed and ready!” And with that, Emily hung up. Brooke set her phone down next to her and looked at the calendar on the fridge. “Well... At least this trip is gonna be-Oww! Okay, dude, if you don’t stop kicking me, I’m gonna eat some chilli peppers as a snack!” ================================================================== <Four Days Later...> Brooke, Emily and Dust had just arrived in Lusand City an hour ago and were currently setting their luggage into their two bedroom hotel suite. Emily and Dust, being the couple, claimed the room with the larger bed, while Brooke got the room with the view of the city. Her belly, now only the size of a pregnant woman’s belly at 8 months, let out a low growl as Brooke looked down at the sidewalks full of people. “God I’m hungry...” Brook said as she sat on her bed and picked up her phone. She opened up Vorum and tapped on Ji’s username. BigBellyBrooke: Hey! We just got checked into our hotel. I’m getting really hungry... I don’t know if I can last till tomorrow! (º ﹃ º ) JumboJi39: Oh, cool! Yeah, I feel that. My belly is in need of some peeps! (。◕‿◕。) JumboJi39: Wait, we? BigBellyBrooke: Oh yeah. I forgot to mention, didn’t I? Umm... Well... My friend Emily and her boyfriend Dust are coming with me tomorrow. BigBellyBrooke: She learned that I was going to meet you and kinda freaked out over the fact that I was meeting you off the internet. She’s a Pred too, so she’s got experience in these kinda things. BigBellyBrooke: Is that okay? JumboJi39: Oh! Yeah, that’s perfectly fine! My boyfriend kinda did the same thing when he learned about it, tbh, so he’s gonna be here tomorrow too. Besides, I’m happy to meet your friends! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ BigBellyBrooke: Okay, good! I was a little worried there. JumboJi39: Same here! JumboJi39: Oop. My roommate just brought her girlfriend home. I need to help her get her through the door. See you tomorrow! JumboJi39: Remember: Bustaldo’s, on Station Square. We meet there at 12:00 for lunch. I’ll be wearing a teal top, black leggings, and white shoes. Don’t be late! BigBellyBrooke: I’ll be there! See you tomorrow! And with that, Brooke turned off her phone and headed into the suite’s living room. Emily and Dust were sitting on the couch, watching something on Netflix. Emily noticed Brooke and lowered the volume. “So. When and where are we meeting this Ji-Yu girl?” Brooke pulled over a chair from the kitchenette’s table and sat on it. “We’re meeting her and her boyfriend at noon tomorrow, at an Italian place called Bustaldo’s.” Dust sat up and turned his head. “Oooh. Haven’t had Italian in a little while. Not since Em ate Francesco.” Emily turned to Dust. “Francesco was an asshole and a lousy cook. At least he tasted good, unlike his chicken parm... Oh right. Sounds good Brooke!” “Umm. Right. Well, I’m gonna take a shower then go to bed.” Brooke, walking towards the bathroom. She heard Emily talking to Dust. “So! This Ji-Yu has a boyfriend! If things go south with her, both me and Brooke will get a meal!” Brooke chose not to hear that. ================================================================== <The Next Day...> “Where is it?” Brooke stared at the map on her phone. “Did we make a wrong turn, or...” Brooke, Emily, and Dust were walking down the sidewalk, looking for Station Square. They had been walking so long, Brooke was almost certain that she had missed it, and with all this walking, her belly was getting even hungrier, which was a little embarrassing with a bunch of people on the sidewalk around her. Suddenly, Dust pointed to the group’s left. “Hey. Over there.” Brooke turned her head where Dust was pointing. Sure enough, there was the big opening in the buildings known as Station Square, as well as Bustaldo’s. “Finally!” Emily said as she started walking over. “I’m starving!” Brooke and Dust followed quickly behind her. “Okay. Be on the lookout for an Asian girl with a teal top, black leggings, and white shoes.” Brooke said as she scanned the area around her. “You mean like her?” Dust pointed towards a girl matching this description, complete with short dark brown hair, black eyes, a big pair of boobs, and a belly the size of a beach ball. Brooke looked down at her own body, already comparing the two. “I think her boobs are a bit bigger, but I’m winning in the ass department. That belly definitely beats mine though...” She thought to herself. Next to her, there was a young man with shaggy-looking dirty blonde hair, blue grey eyes (the left of which had a little brown section on the lower right of the iris), and what looked to be scars on his arms. “Yup. That’s probably her. Hey!” Brooke walked over. ================================================================== Ji-Yu was standing next to Wes outside Bustaldo’s, an Italian restaurant where she was supposed to meet up with a friend of hers from the internet named Brooke. They were almost twenty minutes late by this point, and Ji wasn’t sure she could hold out much longer. “Do you think she bailed?” Ji turned to Wes, grabbing his arm. Wes patted her head. “She’s probably just a little lost. Lusand is a pretty big place.” Ji huffed a little bit in response, then looked at her phone. “Well, she could at least send me a message...” “Hey!” Ji looked up from her phone to see an attractive Asian girl with long, dark brown hair in a layered sort of style and black eyes. She was wearing a grey colored t-shirt, a pair of black jean shorts, and a pair of red tennis shoes. However, what caught Ji’s eye was nother cute face or clothes, but the large boobs, big hips, and the big belly hidden (barely) by her shirt. “Hmm. She almost looks like a Preggo. And those boobs… Brooke?” Ji walked towards the girl, meeting her halfway. “Brooke Simmons?” The girl smiled and replied: “Ji-Yu Dae?” Suddenly, the two girls started squealing and hugged each other, their growling bellies squishing against each other. Ji stepped back and tooke Brooke’s hands. “Girl, it is so nice to finally meet you! I was starting to get worried that you bailed on me…” Brooke shook her head. “No way! I’m just not used to city roads and stuff.” Ji looked past Brooke. “Those your friends?” Brooke turned around to find Dust, standing off to the side of Emily, who had a person’s legs dangling from her mouth. She heard a gulp, and watched as the poor soul’s legs joined the rest of their body in Emily’s belly. There was a moment of silence, and then Emily let out a large burp and patted her belly. Dust, on the other hand, just eyeballed Emily’s belly, like a good boyfriend. Good on you Dust. No looking at other girls. As all this was going on, Ji didn’t even notice her own boyfriend approaching her from behind. “Yo, Ji. You gonna introduce me?” Ji jumped a bit at the sudden voice, but then turned to see Wes, standing behind her and looking back and forth between Brooke, and Emily and Dust. “O-Oh! Right! Umm, Brooke, this is Wesson Forstner, my boyfriend.” Wes put his hand out in Brooke’s direction. “You can just call me Wes. Pleasure to meet you.” Brooke took Wes’ hand and lightly shook. She was a bit weirded out by the scars all over his arm, but he didn’t seem like a bad guy, at least. “I’m Brooke Simmons, and likewise.” “Anyways, we got a little problem Ji.” Wes said, pointing back towards the restaurant. Ji made a puzzled look. “What do you mean?” Wes walked the girls over to the door of the restaurant, which had a paper sign attached to it that said ‘Closed For Renovations’. Ji made a shocked expression. “What!? We’ve been standing here for, like, 30 minutes! How did neither of us notice this!?” She angrily stamped her foot, causing her belly to wobble and her boobs to bounce slightly. Emily and Dust approached the three from behind as this occurred, Emily licking her lips in pleasure. “A bit on the salty side, but filling all the same… Hmm? What’s up?” Brooke pointed to the sign on the door. Emily’s smile suddenly turned downward. “So… no Italian?” Dust shook his head. “What else is open nearby?” Wes turned to the man. “Not much, sadly. If we want to go anywhere with substantial enough portions for these girls, we would have to go to the other side of town.” Dust and Wes simultaneously rubbed their chins with their hands, then sighed. “I guess we could head back and order takeout…!” Wes and Dust looked up at each other, both slightly shocked, and feeling a slight sense of comradery. Ji turned to Brooke. “Come on. My apartment’s only a block away.” “Hold on. How do I know that you aren’t planning on eating Brooke here?” “Emily!” “Brooke, I need to know!” “Hehe! It’s okay. I get it. As long as you don’t try to eat me, I won’t try to eat either of you. Deal?” Emily stood there for a moment, whether pondering Ji’s deal or simply enjoying the struggles of her meal, I couldn’t tell you. After about a minute, she sighed. “Fine. Deal. Now, let's go order some grub.” ================================================================== About fifteen minutes later, the five were standing inside Ji’s apartment. Wes and Dust, who had not stopped talking to each other since they met, were currently at the kitchen counter and having a few drinks (Wes’ non-alcoholic. He didn’t like the taste). Emily was sitting on top of the dining room table, rubbing her belly and eyeballing the apartment… And the fridge. Brooke and Ji, on the other hand, were eagerly awaiting their orders at the door. “Okay, so you had two orders of kung pao chicken, three orders of broccoli steak, a salad, six egg rolls, and a bottle of Coke, right?” Ji asked, making sure she got Brooke's order right. “And two bowls of lo mein.” Brooke added. “Oh right. Okay. I think I got it.” Ji replied. She looked Brooke up and down. “God it’s so weird that you’re actually here.” Brooke cocked her head. “Hmm? Why’s that?” Ji looked down. “I just haven't met another Asian pred before. Eulalie is white, and so are all of the other Pred’s I’ve met so far. All the ones I pass on the street or in Stuffed Sisters are either White, Hispanic, or Black. Never really any Asians. It’s just… Nice knowing that I can share my dietary habits with another Asian girl.” Brooke looked at Ji and giggled a little bit. “Honestly, I feel the same way. All those Asian characters on Eka’s Portal or DeviantArt are all characters from anime or video games, and while I love ‘Uzaki-Chan Wants to Eat Out!’ as much as the next hungry nerd, it’s just not the same…” The two girls looked at each other for a moment, a sense of sisterhood brewing, when suddenly the doorbell rang. “Finally!” Ji said as she swung open the door. A pair of delivery girls stood there, six bags in their arms collectively. “Hello! We have an order for a… Ji-Yu Dae?” “Yup! That’s me!” Ji held out her arms to receive some of the bags. Brooke followed suit, taking three of the six bags in her arms. They handed them off to Wes and Dust, one of which was already slightly drunk. “How much?” Ji asked, turning back to the door. The girl pulled out a receipt. “That will be. $87.69. Cash or credit?” Ji grabbed Brooke’s arm. “One second, miss!” She shouted. “Okay Brooke. Which do you want?” Brooke took a moment to think. “Well, the one on the right has some big boobs… I’ve always kind of liked the busty ones.” Ji smiled at that. “Me too! So, you get the one on the right, and I’ll nab the girl on the left.” The two girls nodded to each other, then turned back to the door. “Sorry about that! We’re ready now!” Ji said, staring at her future meal. The one holding the receipt asked again. “So? Cash of Credit?” Brooke smiled. “Well… We were thinking belly!” “Wha-MMRPH!” As quick as she could, Brooke grabbed the busty girl and shoved her head into her mouth. Thanks to the shock, she didn’t put up much of a fight, which was good, because Brooke needed to swallow hard to get her big boobs down her throat. Meanwhile, while Brooke was working on her, Ji turned to her own prey. “Your turn!” The delivery girl was paralyzed. “N-No. Please don’t… I… I…” Ji grabbed the girl and pulled her in the apartment. Brooke had just about finished her meal, and walked over to Ji. “He-*UUUUUURP*-re. Let me help you.” As Ji placed the girl’s head in her mouth, Brooke grabbed her by the waist. She had a shockingly large butt, meaning that Brooke wouldn’t have to feel bad about taking the busty one. As Ji began to swallow, Brooke lifted the girl up by the waist, and slowly began pushing her into Ji’s mouth. After a moment, Brooke let go and stood back, watching as Ji’s stomach ballooned out as her meal entered it. After a moment, Ji made her last swallow, and she licked her lips. “Mmm… That booty of hers was really tasty. I love rump roast…” Brooke’s belly let out a low rumbling noise. “Well, she was a good first course, but I’m still really hungry.” Ji looked at Brooke's belly, then felt her own with her hands. It too let out a rumble. “Yeah. Me too.” The two girls, deciding that they required more food than one person and their takeout would offer them, looked out into the hall of the apartment complex. At first, neither of them saw anything, but then, Brooke noticed a couple getting out of the elevator. “Ji. Over there.” Ji turned her head to see where Brooke was looking, where she saw a busty redheaded girl and a brown haired man with glasses. “Oh yeah! That’s Caroline, and the guy is Issac. Those two live three apartments down. Caroline is kinda mean. She keeps making fun of my belly…” Ji’s belly rumbled again, this time louder. “ They do look very tasty though…” Brooke nodded her head and slowly backed up. “Alright. I’ll let you choose which you want to eat this time, since you let me pick before.” Ji nodded and waited for the two to get closer. Then, right as they walked by, Ji grabbed Caroline by the arm and shoved her head into her mouth, swallowing as she did so. She backed up quickly as she swallowed and let Brooke step forwards. “Wha… What the… Ji-Yu? What’s going on!?” Issac panicked as he watched Caroline slide down Ji’s throat. Brooke pulled him inside and closed the apartment door. “Well, Caroline kept insulting her big belly. So, now she’s gonna be inside of it, and you’re gonna be inside of mine!” Issac made a horrified expression. “No. No. Please don’t. I always told Caroline not to do that! I kept saying ‘Never insult a Pre’-MMPH!” Brooke took no time shoving Issac into her hungry maw. Her hunger took over a second time, and before she knew it, she had swallowed him in less than two gulps. Her already large stomach doubled in size, a feeling that was making Brooke shiver a little bit in pleasure. Ji, on the other hand, was struggling a bit with Caroline. “Mmm mmm hmmm hmmmm, hm MMMPH! *GULP* God! She was really fighting me!” Ji slapped her belly, causing her boobs to bounce. “But she sure tasted good. How about you Brooke?” Brooke placed her hands on her back and proudly stuck out her big belly. “Tasted fine, and went down without a fight!” Suddenly, Brooke’s belly shifted, and she reeled back a little bit. “Holy shit…” Brooke felt her large belly’s movements a bit, then made a shocked face. “Did the delivery girl just… Yeah! I think so!” “Hmm? What? What did they do in there?” “I think the delivery girl just ate that guy with the glasses!” Ji looked at Brooke, apparently processing what she just said, and then she began howling with laughter. Brooke shortly followed suit, leaving the two girls laughing so hard their meals were starting to get annoyed. “Hehehe-Hoooh! Hohkay. I need to sit down now… My meals are starting to fight me a bit…” Ji said. Brooke watched Ji’s beautiful gut wriggle and squirm, occasionally a foot or hand shaped bump forming in the flesh. “Agreed.” The two girls walked over to the couch and sat down, their combined weight causing it to creak loudly. Their bellies touched just a little bit on the side, allowing them to feel the movements of each other's prey on their own wriggling guts. Ji laid a hand on Brooke’s belly, feeling the movements of the food inside through her soft flesh. Brooke did the same to Ji, and before the two knew it, the two girls were laughing and giving each other a belly rub. “Wow. And I thought you were pretty before. You look so cute with a big tummy!” “Hehehe! And your giant gut paired with your jumbo jugs makes you look so sexy…” Meanwhile, Emily had waddled over to Wes and Dust, and had poured herself a drink as well. “Well. Looks like those two are getting along great. That’s good.” Emily’s own belly let out a gurgle, letting her know that it desired more food than what was already inside. Dust looked at it. “You still hungry?” “*Sigh*... Yup. Watching those two get seconds made me hungry all over again.” Wes looked towards Emily, and then the door to the apartment, a mischievous grin forming on his face. “Well... Ji and Shelby have this really annoying neighbor across the hall…” THE END |
Movie Mayhem An Odd Unwilling Vore Story Major Characters: Shelby Dumont: Ji-Yu’s best friend and roommate, and Wes’s cousin on his mother’s side. She was the one who introduced Ji and Wes to one another, and has a married older sister named Jade. She has brown hair (dyed purple), brown eyes, and has an odd disliking for fish that borders on a phobia. Eulalie Paquet: A young woman that Shelby met on 8/8, 2020. She was born in France, but raised in America by her single mother. She has short blonde hair styled in a messy bob, green eyes, and has a very slight accent from her mother. Dawn: (A character of Pyxxyl) An actress who is very popular in the Vore community. She started out as a cosplayer back in college, but has since moved to the silver screen. She has long blonde hair, and brown eyes that are so light that they almost look orange. (Used as a gift and tribute to Pyxxyl) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “There aren’t many out right now…” “Well, the drive-in sometimes shows older movies. Any of these you haven’t seen before?” Shelby and Eulalie were sitting together on Eulalie’s couch, both staring at a computer screen on Shelby’s lap. The two were currently discussing whether or not to go see a movie later that night, seeing as the two of them had not actually been to the movies together yet since they started dating a couple months prior. When Shelby realized this, she smacked her head onto the desk, seeing as to how it was such an obvious choice of date activity. Eulalie leaned over and put her face closer to the screen, giving Shelby a nice view of her cleavage. “Hmm… Well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that one before.” Eulalie pointed at a movie near the bottom of the list: “Feeding Dawn”. The picture of the film showed off a girl with long blonde hair and brown eyes that were so lightly colored they were almost orange, who was kissing a guy and drooling. While the kiss said “love”, the drool and mischievous look in the girl’s eyes definitely said “tasty”. Shelby clicked on it. “Hmmm. A movie about Vore, huh?” Shelby scrolled through the summary. Eulalie blushed a bit. “Yeah. That actress is called Dawn… Uhh… Dawn… Something. She’s a pretty popular actress in the Vore community. She started out doing cosplay, but after her first short film from back in college: “Dawn’s Night In”, she took off as a Pred actress. I never got around to seeing this one though…” Shelby noticed that Eulalie was drooling a little bit. Clearly, talking about this girl was getting her hungry. And when Eulalie got hungry, horny usually followed shortly after she ate. Seeing the good opportunity, Shelby clicked the “Buy” button. “Hmm. Well... I certainly don’t mind a movie about girls with big bellies. Let’s get some tickets, and I’ll talk to Wes about borrowing his truck for tonight.” “Sound’s good.” Eulalie responded. Suddenly, Eulalie’s flat stomach (a rare occurrence, I assure you) let out a growl loud enough that it echoed through the house, keying Shelby in on just how hungry she actually was. Shelby giggled and poked Eulalie’s belly. “Maybe you should grab a snack to tide you over ‘till tonight. Just make sure you can fit in Wes’ truck on the way there.” “Yeah. Good idea.” ================================================================== <Later That Night…> “I’m actually kinda surprised by your self control lately, Eulalie.” Shelby sat in the driver’s seat of Wes’s red pickup truck, driving down a gravel road leading into a large drive-in movie theatre called “39 Eyes Drive-In”. It was a pretty large drive in, consisting of seven separate screens and accompanying lots to park in, as well as two individual concession and bathroom areas. Next to Shelby sat Eulalie, holding a grumbling watermelon-sized belly with her hands. She smiled at Shelby’s compliment. “Well, like you said, I wanted to actually be able to fit in the truck. That, and I wanted to save some room for snacks while we were watching the movie.” As Shelby pulled up to the gate and showed the ticket guy their pre-paid tickets, Eulalie looked out the front of the window. “So many snacks… I maaaay have to ride home in the bed of the truck, though.” Shelby giggled, and turned the truck towards the screen on the far left. This screen was probably Shelby’s favorite, because behind it was a view of Lusand City in all of its odd glory. She turned the truck around, and backed into their chosen spot. “Alright. We’re all parked up.” Shelby and Eulalie both got out of the truck, and walked over to the back of the pickup. In the truck bed, there were a few blankets, some pillows, and a cooler full of various alcoholic beverages. Eulalie looked at Shelby. “How much time until the movie starts?” Shelby looked at her phone. “Erm… About an hour. After the sun sets a little bit more, they’ll do previews, then the film starts.” Eulalie looked over Shelby’s shoulder. “So… Do we have-” “We have enough time to grab snacks, yes.” Eulalie let out a little squeal as she grabbed Shelby’s arm and started walking towards the concessions area, her belly letting out a growl in anticipation. The area was rather large compared to some indoor theaters, and was absolutely buzzing with people. Some, waiting in line for food or over by the bathrooms, others sitting at their tables and chatting, enjoying their food. There was even a live singer with a guitar, playing some random country song (There’s always that one guy that has to ruin it for the rest of us, huh?). Eulalie and Shelby got in line behind a group of four, two guys and two girls. “So, what are you gonna get?” Eulalie asked Shelby while looking at the menu. “Hmm… Probably a burger and fries. Ooh, but nacho’s sound good too… Hmm. What about you?” Eulalie’s mouth began to water. “Well, probably a couple burgers, a few hot dogs, an extra-large order of fries, a basket or two of nachos-” “And all of the leftovers in the dumpster! Right, fatass?” Eulalie and Shelby turned their heads to the right, where one of the girls in the group in front of them, one of the two girls (big butt, brown hair in a long braid down her back, and grey eyes) was laughing at her little quip. The other girl (dark skin, black hair, and brown eyes) and one of the guys (tanned, muscular, short blonde hair and brown colored eyes hidden by a pair of glasses) stood there, shaking their heads, while the other guy (pale, black hair, green eyes) was laughing his ass off right along with her. Eulalie made a face that was somewhere between hell-scorching rage and soul-crushing sadness, before resigning herself to looking back at the menu. Shelby, on the other hand, lacked the calm demeanor of her rotund date. “Hey! You think you can just insult my girlfriend like that!? The hell do you think you are!?” The girl stopped laughing and looked at Shelby. “Oh, you think you’re tough, shorty? Bitch, I’ll-” The girl who was shaking her head grabbed her friend by the hair. “Dammit, Jessie. You’re gonna get your ass kicked.” She pulled “Jessie” in her direction, while her male friend grabbed the other guy’s arm and smacked him over the head. “Dumbass. That’s rude.” The guy turned towards Shelby. “I’m so sorry about these two. They drank a little bit before we got here- “Not as much as the fatty tho-” The nicer guy punched the rude guy in the stomach “Shut the fuck up, Tom. Eugh… Again. I’m sorry about them. Enjoy your movie.” He said, before walking himself and “Tom” forwards to order their food. Shelby turned towards Eulalie. “You okay?” Shelby noticed Eulalie’s eyes getting red and watery. “Y-Yeah. I’m okay…” Eulalie’s mumbled words were stifled by a belly gurgle, which she tried to hide by pulling her white blouse over her belly. Clearly what those two assholes said had gotten to her. Eulalie normally carried her belly with pride. This… Well, in spite of her pride as a Pred, Eulalie clearly did not handle insults well at all. Shelby turned towards the group of four, now walking back to their SUV with their food. “No one makes my girlfriend cry.” She thought to herself. She was going to make that bitch and her jackass friend pay, and give Eulalie a wonderfully filling meal in the process. ================================================================== A few minutes later, Shelby and Eulalie had returned to the truck and layed out their blankets in the truck bed. The previews had just finished rolling, and the movie was just about to start playing. Shelby looked around, and saw that it was just light out enough to see what she people in the other cars. She looked at a particular SUV a few cars down and a row back. “Not yet.” She thought. “When it’s a little bit darker out. Then, I’ll go.” Eulalie tapped Shelby’s shoulder. “It’s starting!” Shelby turned towards Eulalie, eyes still a little red, but no longer wet. She stared intently at the screen in anticipation. Shelby, deciding to wait a little longer, sat next to Eulalie and watched as the movie began to play. The film opened up on a girl with long, blonde hair walking in a shopping mall in a purple sweater and dark grey leggings, showing only her back. Based on the hair, focus on her, and the picture she saw online, Shelby figured that this girl was the titular “Dawn” lady that Eulalie told her about. A guy with short black hair and grey eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses notices her walking by and appears to be immediately entranced by her beauty, or perhaps it is her ass in those leggings, Shelby wondered. The guy walked up to her, who was staring up at a menu in the mall food court, and tapped her shoulder. This caused her to turn her head slightly, enough to see who was tapping at her shoulder. “Hmm? Can I help you sir?” The guy fumbled a little bit. “Umm. Hi. D-Dawn, right? My name is Michael. We’re in the same history class at Pyx University?” Dawn, apparently recognizing the boy, turned around, revealing a large belly with the outline of a person in her flesh. “Oh yeah! I remember you! We worked together on that persuasive presentation over the Donner Party.” Michael nodded. “Yeah. That was kind of a weird choice, by the way…” Eulalie shook her head and turned towards Shelby. “Does he not realize what Dawn is? He may just be failing that history class…” Shelby giggled at that a little bit, then watched as Eulalie’s momentary smile turned back into a frown as she went back to the movie. Dawn giggled. “So what’s up?” Michael fidgeted a bit, clearly nervous. “Well, um… I uh… Well, I’ve had a bit of a thing for you since we did that presentation together and, well… I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go on a date? Sometime?” Dawn frowned and put her hand on her large belly. “Sorry, but I’m kind of seeing this guy-” Suddenly, Dawn was interrupted by a bunch of blorps and gurgles coming from her belly, as well as some jiggling. Suddenly, the ridges in her flesh softened, and her belly rounded out under her palm. A distinctive bubbling noise could be heard through the truck’s radio. Shelby recognized this. It was the moment when a Pred’s meal finally digested enough to begin turning into goop. Between Ji and Eulalie, Shelby had seen it enough to recognize it. Eulalie’s own stomach growled in response to the familiar sounds, prompting her to pull her blanket up more to hide the noise. Back on the screen, Dawn felt her belly a bit with her hand, and then smiled at Michael. “Looks like I’m single again! Let’s meet back here tonight for a date!” Shelby watched as Dawn and Micheal on screen started trading contact information, then looked up into the sky. “A little bit longer...” she thought. “Just a little bit longer.” ================================================================== A little while later, it was officially dark out enough for Shelby to put her plan into action. “Be right back Eulalie. I gotta go to the restroom.” Eulalie gave a weak smile and nodded before going back to the movie. Shelby removed her blanket and crawled out of the truck bed. Then, making sure Eulalie wasn’t paying attention to her, she began to walk over to the SUV that she saw those four from earlier walk to. Fortunately, the fact that they were so close meant that the next part was gonna be a hell of a lot easier for her. It would’ve really sucked if they were farther away. Unfortunately, it was also kinda dark out, so it took Shelby a minute to be sure that she was at the right SUV. But once she saw that Jessie bitch and her rude friend Tom inside, she knew she was in the right place. She was about to approach the SUV when her left shoulder was tapped. She turned around to find the muscular guy with glasses from before. “Oh. You.” Shelby said. The guy put his hand behind his head. “Yeah. Hey there. I saw you were walking by, and I just wanted to apologize again. Jesse and Tom are… Well, I’m not really friends with them. Jesse is just Ally’s roomate and-“ “Ally?” Shelby turned her head. “Oh. The other girl. The dark-skinned one? Her name is Alison, but I call her Ally. But I’m only here for h-her really. I don’t like Jesse or Tom much.” Shelby shook her head, and looked at the SUV, then back to the guy. “What’s your name?” He stuck out his hand. “Michael. And yes, I know I have the same name as the guy in the movie.” He chuckled a little bit. Shelby smiled a little bit, then shook his hand. “Where’s… ‘Ally’? Was it?” Michael pointed towards the concessions area. “Over there, getting a refill.” Shelby looked over to confirm, then turned back. “Is that SUV hers?” “Umm… Yes?” Shelby sighed, then got close to Michael. “Look. You and her seem like decent enough people. But those two in the car aren’t. They insulted my girlfriend and really hurt her. I can’t let that slide.” Michael looked confused for a moment. “What are you-“ “You said you didn’t like them, right?” Shelby interrupted. “Look, just, do me a favor, go back and distract your friend Ally for, say, twenty minutes. When you get back, the car should be all yours.” Michael looked at the SUV, and the two jackasses inside. “What are you gonna do?” Shelby pointed towards the screen, where Dawn and the movie Michael were currently having a grand old time in bed. “I’m sure you can guess what Dawn’s gonna do next? Well, that’s what I’m gonna make that Jesse girl do. Then, my girlfriend can finally have a nice meal.” Michael looked back and forth between the screen, the SUV, and Shelby. Then, after almost a minute, he nodded his head and started walking back to the concessions area. “Thank you, Michael.” Shelby whispered, before she started walking towards the open back of the SUV. ================================================================== As Dawn and Michael (the movie one, not the real one) stopped… Erm… “Doing the nasty”, Shelby approached the car containing the two who hurt Eulalie. It was obvious enough that the two were drunk. Tom was full-on passed out on Jesse’s lap, and Jesse wasn’t far from passing out herself. Determining her to not be much of a threat, Shelby stepped out in front of them, blocking the screen. “Hmm? Hey! You’re that… BITCH from the conceshun shtand! Get outta the way! I’m tryna watch the moovie…” Shelby didn’t comply. Instead, she pulled back her fist and punched Jesse as hard as she could, causing her to fall back into the SUV’s trunk. “Owww! Oh that does it… I’m gonna-” Shelby swung again, this time at Jesse’s throat to shut her up. It did the trick, as while she was trying to back up further into the SUV, only to be stopped by the seats, she only let out a guttural sort of grumble. Feeling the various vibrations, Tom began to wake up “What teh fuck is-” Shelby quickly punched him unconscious again, then proceeded to grab his head. “You made fun of my girlfriend. Called her fat. Well, after this, both of you will be nothing more than fat on her body.” Then, right as Dawn on screen turned towards Michael and opened her mouth, Shelby slammed Tom’s head into Jesse’s agape mouth, and started pushing him further in. Jesse, now petrified with fear, didn’t even struggle as she felt her friend’s head go down her sore and bruised throat. As Shelby watched Jesse’s belly expand as Tom’s limp body entered it, Dawn swallowed Michael as well. One, two, three distinct gulps for the guy to fully enter Dawn’s already large belly. The same was kind of true for Shelby, as it only took her three good pushes to force Tom’s feet into Jesse’s mouth. Shelby took a small step back and placed her hands on Jesse’s large, lumpy gut. Then, with a quick but strong push, she forced the now crying Jesse to burp up just enough gas to trigger a gag reflex, causing her to instinctually swallow. Jesse looked down at her belly, laden with her unconscious meal, then looked towards Shelby. “I’m sorry! I’m so so sorry! Please!” Shelby simply pulled back her fist, and punched. ================================================================== As Eulalie sat in the truck, watching Dawn play with her large belly barely covered by a blanket, she felt her own belly shudder as it growled for a more lasting meal than just snacks. She shook it a little bit to get it to keep quiet. “Shelby’s been gone for a while. I hope she’s okay…” “I’m fine. And I brought you something.” Eulalie jumped at the voice and turned around to see Shelby, standing on the other side of the truck, holding what appeared to be a pair of hands in her own. “Shelby? What do you have there?” Shelby smiled, and with all the strength she had in her little body, heaved the person she was carrying halfway over the side of the truck. It took Eulalie a minute to see who it was, but when she realized that it was that Jesse girl from earlier, all kinds of emotions started running through her head. “Wait, what? But she… How did…” Then, Shelby reached her arms down and lifted a second time, sending a round, person-sized orb of gurgling flesh over the side of the truck. “I took care of that rude guy too.” Eulalie took a moment to process what she was seeing. “You… Force fed this rude girl her friend?” “And now, I am being a good girlfriend, and feeding you.” For a minute, Eulalie just sat there, staring at the unconscious girl and her belly. Then, after a minute, Eulalie leaned over to Shelby, grabbed her chin, and pulled her in for a kiss. “This is the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for me. Thank you, Shelby.” Shelby blushed a bit. “I love you, Eulalie. And I love your belly. Don’t let anyone ever make you think otherwise.” Eulalie’s face turned beet red, then she smiled. “I love you too, Shelby. Thank you.” Shelby smiled, then slapped Jesse’s big ass. “Now eat up!” ================================================================== About an hour later, Shelby was resting her head on top of Eulalie’s huge, gurgling belly. On screen, Dawn was laying in bed, rubbing her belly full of half-digested Michael and one of his friends from history class. “He liked my boobs so much that he went straight to them… Again!” She said. Then, as the movie zoomed out and credits began to roll on screen, Eulalie patted her own big gut. “And with any luck, so will these two.” Shelby got on her knees and put her hands on her girlfriend’s belly, starting to rub. “Y’know, you’re not gonna fit inside the truck anyways. What do you say to getting seconds before I cover you with our blankets and drive us home?” Eulalie thought for a moment, drumming on her belly with her hands. “Well, I always have room for seconds, so why not? Then, when we get home, we can work on getting these clothes off...” THE END |
Indigestion An Odd Vore Story Major Characters: Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’s Girlfriend. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. Wesson (Wes) Forstner: A young man who works at a bookstore, and Ji-Yu’s boyfriend. He has shaggy dirty blonde colored hair, a pair of blue-grey eyes (the left of which has a small gold/brown section on the lower right portion of the iris), and a fair deal of scars on his arms. He has a unique genetic mutation that allows his blood to neutralize a Pred’s stomach acids and make them throw up. Eulalie Paquet: A young woman that Shelby met on 8/8, 2020. She was born in France, but raised in America by her single mother. She has short blonde hair styled in a messy bob, green eyes, and a slight accent from her mother. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wes?” “Yeah” “My belly feels weird...” Wes stood in the kitchen of his apartment (quite a nice and big one too, considering he works at a bookstore and lives alone) as he listened to his girlfriend’s complaints, grabbing a coke from the fridge. Ji-Yu, on the other hand, was sitting on the couch in nothing more than her black underwear, rubbing, poking, and pressing on parts of her belly in random places. The look on Ji’s face told Wes that she was confused and uncomfortable. “What do you mean?” Wes asked, cracking open the can of soda from the fridge. Ji just shook her head. “I don’t know. Like, I feel way too full for just one gal… *BUOOOORPPP* Ooof! That one kinda burned...” Ji pounded in her chest with her hand balled up into a fist. She let out another burp, which elicited a similar reaction. Wes walked over to her and sat next to her. He placed a hand on her belly. “Hmm. She doesn’t feel like she’s moving anymore. Is she still kicking at all?” “No. I haven’t felt her move in a little over an hour. I think she kicked it alread-*BOURP*. Oooh…” Wes pressed on her belly a bit. It did look weirdly round for a meal Ji had just nine hours ago. Normally there would still be some bumps popping up then going away, but now it was staying smooth consistently. Not to mention the tension. Normally, when Wes would rub Ji’s belly, it would deform under his hand, kind of like a water balloon with a human body in it. Now, though, it kinda felt like a regular balloon filled with air. Wes pressed a little harder. “*BEALCH* Ooooh. Wes, honey… Please don’t press so hard. That was kinda-*BOURP*” Ji was interrupted by another burp. She paused and put her hand in her mouth, pulling out a purple lace bra drenched in saliva. Wes took it from her and walked back into the kitchen, throwing it into the trash. “Hmm… Maybe we should call Eulalie on this. She would probably know more than I would. I really only know about leaving the belly, not what happens inside when prey stays in…” Ji nodded her head and kept rubbing her belly. “Good idea.” She let out another burp, then stood up and walked over to Wes’s laptop. Wes joined her, and pulled up FaceTime. ================================================================== “Well, Ji. it sounds like you got a case of EPI.” Ji made a curious face. “EPI?” Eulalie sighed on screen. “Extreme Predatory Indigestion. Basically, it’s big-time indigestion for girls with big-time appetites. Your belly starts hurting and bloating, making you burp a lot more than usual and making you feel way too full. It usually occurs because a Pred’s meal was wearing something that is hard to digest.” Wes tilted his head. “Hard to… Don’t Preds digest clothes all the time? What’s different about now?” “Well…” Eulalie paused for a moment. “Be right back.” As Eulalie walked off screen, Ji’s belly let out a huge blorp followed by a long sizzling sound. Ji’s stomach expanded slightly from whatever just occurred inside of it. “*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOURP* Ooooh… That was a bad one…” Ji rubbed the sides of her belly in large circles as her face scrunched up. Seeing this made Wes feel strange. On one hand, Wes felt bad for her. He didn’t like seeing his girlfriend in pain. On the other hand, however, the sight of her belly growing from the gas inside did weird things to him. “After we get this cleared up…” Wes thought to himself. “I may need to see if I can talk Ji into some inflation. She may be down for water inflating…” Before Wes could finish that line of thought, Eulalie returned holding a pair of dresses. One was a cream dress with a brown ribbon around the waist area (you all know the one), and the other was a pink latex dress. The way she held them made them frame her watermelon-sized tummy, accentuating it. “These dresses are a good example.” Ji’s face made an understanding expression. “Oooooh. The girl I ate was wearing a black latex pants…” Eulalie nodded her head. “Yup. Fabric and cloth break up in our stomach acid fairly quickly, while latex, rubber, or metal are a lot more difficult. Now, normally, we can handle a small amount of rubber or metal. The soles of shoes or keys in our prey’s pocket for example. But larger amounts of this stuff tend to cause issues. Especially if you have an allergy to latex. You don’t have a latex allergy do you?” “Nope. Unless Wes’s condoms have been-” “Woahkay let's not bring that up.” Wes furiously waved his hand around to get Ji to stop. Ji giggled, then burped. “*BOURP* Ooof. Eulalie, how long does this last?” Eulalie put down the dresses and sat back down. “Well, normally EPI lasts for about a week and a half, but you…” Eulalie paused, causing Ji to get worried. “Hmm? What about me?” Eulalie leaned forwards a bit on screen. “Well, I’ve noticed that you seem to have a bigger appetite than I do. Normally, whenever I eat one person, you seem to go for two or three, and when I go for two, you bump it on up to four. Especially after that beach trip. Your body probably got used to eating more, and has since begun craving more.” Wes looked at Ji. “Yeah. You were pretty huge.” Ji blushed as Eulalie continued. “But you also seem to digest faster. It normally takes me a little under a week to digest a single person to pregnancy belly size, but since that beach trip, it seems like you can digest a prey down to beach ball size in about three days. Taking that into consideration, you’ll probably be fine in closer to five days.” Ji looked at her gut. “Five days of this? Are you sure?” Eulalie laughed. “Hehehe! You’re getting off easy girl! When I get EPI, I’m hurting for twice as long as that. My suggestion: ginger ale, baking soda, and saltine crackers. Oh, and don’t move too much. Stay in bed and keep rubbing to get that gas out. Just do that, and you’ll be fine, sweetie.” Ji nodded her head. “Okay. Thanks Eulalie. B*BUORP*-ye bye.” Eulalie waved goodbye as Wes turned off the laptop. “Well then, I guess we should get you home then, huh?” Ji looked at her belly, then back to Wes. “Well…” “Hmm? What’s up?” Ji’s face turned red. “I was kinda hoping that I could stay here. I really don’t want Shelby to hear me burping every three minutes, and honestly, I don’t think I can get in a car without throwing up right now.” Her belly rumbled loudly in agreement. Wes let out a sigh. “Well, can’t argue with that. In that case, you stay here and drink some ginger ale, and I’ll go grab you some extra clothes from your place.” Ji nodded, then stood up and waddled over to the couch again while Wes grabbed her a ginger ale then went into his bedroom to grab his keys. Ji rubbed the top of her belly and took a sip of her ginger ale. “I wonder if Brooke has ever gotten indigestion…” ================================================================== <A Half Hour Later…> As Wes fumbled with his keys and the lock on his apartment door, he struggled to hold onto Ji’s assorted clothes and other items from her shared apartment with Wes’s cousin. He was going to pack them into a suitcase for easy travel, but he quickly realized that with how messy Ji’s room is, he wasn’t going to find it until midnight, so he just decided to carry it all by hand. However, the sheer amount of stuff made it difficult for him to maneuver his body to get his keys in the right position. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Why doesn’t Wes just put down the stuff then pick it up again once the door is open!?” One word: Stubbornness. “Goddamnit. Will you just… Ah-ha! There we go!” Wes said as he finally managed to get the key in the lock and turn the knob on the door. “Ji. I’m back, and I got your-” Wes paused when he saw Ji-Yu three times as big as she was when he left, moaning and shivering in pain. She let out a burp loud enough to make Wes drop her stuff in shock. Wes, in a mixture of concern and confusion (and slight arousal), ran over to Ji. “Ji!? What the hell happened?” Ji opened her eyes and looked at Wes. “A-After you left, I finished off the ginger ale you gave me, then went to get some more. I ended up *BUOOORP* drinking all the cans you had in there. But my belly was still hurting, so I decided to do that baking soda thing that Eulalie mentioned and-*UUUUURP*” Wes looked over at the counter. Sure enough, there were three empty boxes of baking soda on the counter, as well as two empty gallons of vinegar that Wes kept in the pantry. He smacked his palm into his head and turned back to Ji. “Honey. I love you a lot, but that was not at all what you were supposed to do.” Ji looked at Wes with a disappointed and strained face. “But that’s wha*UUUUURP*t Eulalie said!” “Ji, when Eulalie said ‘baking soda’, she ment mix it with water and drink it. Not drink vinegar and eat baking soda out of the box. Especially not two gallons and three boxes! That paired with your Pred’s stomach acid and all the ginger ale in the fridge... No wonder you’re so huge!” With that realization, Ji looked towards the counter, then back at her belly, sizzling and bubbling, full up with gas. Then, she just started to cry. Tears streamed from her eyes, burps randomly erupted from her mouth, and her belly blorped, grumbled, and sizzled with every sob. Wes, on the other hand, had no idea what was going on anymore. And so, seeing no other option, he started to panic. Like any good boyfriend would. “Ji!? Ji! What’s wrong!? Did I say something mean? Did your belly start hurting worse? Do you have a gas bubble trapped in your throat? Sweetie, what’s happening!?” Ji, in between sobs and belches, barely managed to choke out a sentence. “I’m such *UUURP* a big, *BELCH* fat dumbass!” Wes, shocked by this, took a deep breath to calm down, then sat next to Ji. “What!? Why would you say that?” “I-I drank all that *UUURP* ginger ale. Then… Then I literally drank two*OOOOOOOUGH* gallons of vinegar. Then, I swallowed th-three boxes of b-b-baking soda! What kind o*OOOOOOR*f dummy does something like that!?” Ji continued crying and burping. Wes, at a bit of a loss for words, stayed silent for a moment, watching his girlfriend cry right in front of him. Ji’s belly let out a huge gurgle, causing her to convulse and grab her massive belly. “I… I just wanted my belly to stop hurting…” Wes, now realizing that words would not help this scenario, stood up and walked over to the computer. Ji watched in sad confusion as he typed something out on the screen, scrolled down a little bit, then walked in front of her bloated belly. “W-Wes? What are you-” Suddenly, Wes placed his hands on the front of Ji’s belly, Ji’s belly button right in between his hands. Then, with all his might, he pushed upwards, then back down before leaning forwards and applying his body weight to Ji’s gigantic gut. As the contents of Ji’s belly sloshed around and Wes’s weight pushed the gas inside around, Ji felt a huge bubble of gas travel up her throat. “*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOURP*” Ji, letting out a burp that shook the empty soda cans on the table, watched as her belly began to shrink down and the gas left her mouth. By the time the burp was over, her belly was only slightly larger than it was when Wes had left a little while ago, and while it still felt bloated and achy, it was definitely far better than it was a moment ago. Ji felt her belly with her hands, then looked at Wes. “H-How did you…” “I looked up how to help my Pred girlfriend get rid of a bloated belly. Vorum is a surprisingly useful tool for guys in my position.” Wes walked back over to Ji and sat down, this time taking her hand in his. “Ji, sweetie. I’m not gonna lie. What you did? That was kinda stupid. But at the same time, you did it because you were hurting. You just weren’t thinking rationally at that moment. But that’s okay. Because for every stupid thing you do when you’re in pain, I’ll be right by your side. And I know that if you didn’t look and feel like overinflated weather balloon right now, you would be right by mine when I did something stupid too.” Ji started to tear up again, but this time, she was relieved. She knew that Wes loved her, but sometimes she needed to be reminded of that fact so that she can keep in mind that they were both kind of dumb. She leaned over and kissed him, then let out a small burp in his face. “Aaagh!” “Hehehe! *OOOURP* Oooh… Honey? Could you give me a belly rub? We can watch ‘Uzaki Chan Wants to Eat Out!’ together while you do…” Then, smiling as he did so, Wes stood up, grabbed a blanket, placed it on top of Ji’s belly, turned on the TV, laid his hands on top of her belly, and started to rub. THE END |
Haunting Hunger A Halloween Vore Story Major Characters: Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’s Girlfriend. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. Wesson (Wes) Forstner: A young man who works at a bookstore, and Ji-Yu’s boyfriend. He has shaggy dirty blonde colored hair, a pair of blue-grey eyes (the left of which has a small gold/brown section on the lower right portion of the iris), and a fair deal of scars on his arms. He has a unique genetic mutation that allows his blood to neutralize a Pred’s stomach acids and make them throw up. Shelby Dumont: Ji-Yu’s best friend and roommate, and Wes’s cousin on his mother’s side. She was the one who introduced Ji and Wes to one another, and has a married older sister named Jade. She has brown hair (dyed purple), brown eyes, and has an odd disliking for fish that borders on a phobia. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey Wes! Guess what?” “Oh. Hey sweetie. Um… What?” “We got invited to a party on Halloween!” “Huh? Invited by who?” Ji-Yu walked into her boyfriend’s apartment after getting off her shift at a nearby café. As such, she was still in uniform, wearing a blue blouse underneath a brown apron with her name stitched on it in gold, as well as a pair of black leggings and brown loafers. However, her large, round belly underneath the layers of fabric made her look like she was either pregnant, or ate all of the orders that she got from customers. In reality, it was normally the other way around, but you wouldn’t know that just from looking at her unless her last meal was that day (and chances are, if it was, you would be next). She removed her apron and dropped it on the kitchen counter, revealing the straining buttons barely containing her belly and breasts. “You know Louise from the café? The redhead with the earrings?” Wes, who was sitting at his desk doing something on his laptop, closed it and turned towards Ji. “The black and white ones?” Ji walked over to him. “Yup. She said she was having the party on Halloween night, and that I could bring you if I wanted! So now we have something to do on Halloween! I mean… Aside from watching spooky movies and filling me with a metric ton of candy.” Wes looked at his girlfriend’s belly. “Well, we’re still gonna do that. Just get a later start then we were intending. However, we now have a problem.” Ji cocked her head to the left and put her hand on her hip. “What do you mean?” “Costumes.” Ji smiled, then stepped closer to Wes. She playfully hissed at him and made claws with her hands before lightly biting Wes on the neck. Wes sat there for a minute before laughing. “A Pred dressed as a vampire!? That is just too perfect.” He said as he grabbed Ji’s shoulders and held her in front of him so he could see her face. Ji giggled a little bit before scooching in close to Wes and sitting on his lap. “Well, more specifically, Io from Code Vein. Between the thigh-high bandages, ripped up boobie dress, and sexy body, she just makes sense, y’know?” Wes nodded with an approving look on his face, then poked Ji’s belly. “You’ll end up ripping the dress more with that gut though. You still planning on fasting ‘till Halloween night?” Ji pulled back slightly and drummed on her belly. “Yup! I gotta make sure that I have plenty of room for all those yummy sweets.” Wes smiled at her belly drumming. For whatever reason, he found that to be a really cute trait of Ji’s, and always got a little turned on when she did it. The fact that the buttons on her shirt were barely holding on and that Ji’s ass was directly on top of his lap only got him more wound up. “Speaking of yummy sweets… You kinda look like a giant blue gumball right now…” Ji, who was apparently having the same thoughts as her boyfriend, leaned in, pressing her belly and breasts onto his chest, smiling. “Well then… Why don’t you take a bite, Wesson?” She said in a sultry tone, biting her lower lip. Wes was slightly shocked by the fact she said “Wesson” and not “Wes”, but at the same time, was even more aroused than a moment ago. Who would’ve thought that your man-eating girlfriend saying your name while looking at you the same way that Shelby looked at tacos could be so… “Stimulating”? Wes grabbed Ji by her large butt, stood up, then carried her over to the couch. ================================================================== <Three Days Later, On Halloween Night…> “Holy shit. I am way too hungry right now…” Ji-Yu sat in the passenger seat of Wes’s pickup truck, rubbing her empty belly. As she planned a few days earlier, she was dressed up as Io from Code Vein, and was wearing a tight-fitting white dress with a ripped, plunging neckline, bandages all the way up to her thigh on her left leg and some on her right forearm, a few different beaded strings around her hips, neck, and left arm, and to complete the look of the character, a white wig and a pair of amber-gold colored contact lenses. Wes, sitting in the truck beside her, was matching in theme, and was dressed as Louis Amamiya from the same game, wearing a white dress shirt underneath a red and black vest, a pair of black leather jeans, with a sideways belt, and a pair of red boots, as well as a black wig and red eye contacts that he had a great deal of trouble putting in. He placed his hand on Ji’s arm. “Don’t worry. We’ll get you someone to eat tonight when we get back to the apartment. ‘Till then, I’m sure there will be snacks at the party.” Ji looked down at her belly. Or, at least she would be if she could see it past her big boobs. She had gotten used to her belly sticking out past her breasts, so not being able to see it there was weird, almost saddening, to her. “Well, at least my boobs are big…” She thought in a half-baked attempt to cheer herself up. It didn’t really work. “We’re here.” Ji looked up to see a house with eight or so cars parked in the driveway and around the road. The house was fairly big for a girl who lived alone as far as Ji was aware, and pretty well decorated. “Huh. She lives in a pretty nice place, actually.” Ji and Wes got out of the truck and walked towards the house, where Louise was standing out front, welcoming people and handing them drinks. “Hey guys! Thanks for coming! Hey there Jen! How you doing? Ben, Stacy, thank you for showing up!” Ji and Wes approached the girl, who was dressed up like Misty from Pokémon. “Aaah! Ji-Yu… and Wesson! Glad you two came!” Ji smiled “Hi!” Wes, on the other hand, awkwardly waved hello. This girl always kinda made him feel weird, but Ji seemed to like her, so he was willing to put up with a night around her for her sake. She handed Ji and Wes both a beer. “Come on in you two! There are snacks on the kitchen counter, and feel free to raid the fridge for more booze!” “Thanks Louise! Come on Wes!” Wes obeyed his girlfriend, and walked into the house of the unsettling girl. ================================================================== About an hour later, Wes had managed to get separated from Ji. After handing off his unopened beer to some other party-goer, he and Ji stuck together for a while, where she managed to eat three whole bowls full of candy as well as two beers and a bag of popcorn. Unfortunately, on her third beer, she accidentally spilled about half of it on her chest, and went to the bathroom to clean herself up, leaving Wes alone. Wes, being surrounded by people he didn’t know, was not happy about this. “It’s a good thing I love that girl.” He said to himself as he fumbled with something in his pocket. He took it out, and wondered when he should give this item to Ji. “Maybe I should wait ‘till we get back…” “Oooh! Planning some sexy time with Ji-Yu?” Wes jumped and turned around to see Louise, really… REALLY close to him. Wes backed up into the counter and shoved the item he was holding into his pockets. “AHH!” Lousie laughed. “Hehehe! Scared ya!” She poked Wes in the chest, though her finger lingered for a moment. “Wow… You’re shockingly muscled under that vest of yours. I always assumed you were kinda scrawny under your clothes…” Wes, simultaneously annoyed and afraid, managed to choke out a sentence. “W-What’s up, Louise?” Louise smirked. “Well… I was hoping you.” Wes’s brain fired on all cylinders. “Wait, me? What does she mean by that? She’s kinda skinny, so I don’t think she’s a Pred.” He thought to himself as his eyes darted back and forth between Louise and the bathroom, where his girlfriend was still currently cleaning her dress. “Umm… What do you mean by that?” Louise rolled her eyes and got closer to Wes. “I mean…” She pulled Wes’s head close to hers, causing Wes to start to panic. “... I want you to fuck me.” Wes’s brain suddenly switched from “fear of being eaten” to “this bitch wants me to cheat on Ji” mode in an instant. Disgusted at the thought, Wes grabbed Louise by the shoulders and pushed her back, leaving her shocked. “No.” Wes said as he walked towards the bathroom door. “*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Hey Ji? It’s Wes. You in there?” Wes heard some fumbling, resulting in Ji-Yu opening the door. Her eye contacts and wig were no longer on her head, and instead were sitting on the bathroom counter, probably taken off to give Ji more visibility while cleaning (She hated colored contacts, and the semi-long wig kept covering her eyes). “Hey sweet-Woah. What’s with that face?” Wes, not wanting to cause a scene, motioned for Ji to let him into the bathroom. She allowed him in, and closed the door behind him. “Ji… Umm…” “What’s wrong?” Ji-Yu took Wes’s hand. “Well, I don’t know how to tell you this, but… Louise just tried to convince me to cheat on you. With her.” Ji’s face twisted in a confused and slightly upset manner. Wes recognized this face. Many unfortunate souls ended up as fat on Ji’s boobs and padding on her butt after they said the wrong thing to her while she was making this face. “You… You mean she..?” “She tried to fuck me, yes.” Ji-Yu’s face changed from confusion and upset to full blown anger. She walked over to the door and slammed it open, scanning the room full of costumed people. Wes recognized this pattern, and ran to the outlet where the decorations were plugged in. Ji, on the other hand, located Louise standing in the middle of the room, dancing like nothing was wrong at all. This ticked Ji off even more, and she stormed over to her as fast as she could. “Hey Ji! What’s goin-MMMPH!” Before she could even finish, Ji-Yu stuck Louise’s head inside her mouth, not even paying attention to the eleven other people in the room besides Louise, Wes, and herself. However, as Wes was both a good and smart boyfriend, he quickly unplugged the outlet, causing the decorations to shut off and the entire room to go dark. Everyone in the room suddenly began shouting, but knowing it was Halloween, assumed that the darkness was a prank that someone was pulling. Wes, knowing that if someone found the light switch Ji would be seen eating Louise and there would be a panic, quickly shouted: “Alright everybody! We have a little game for you all to play… A test of courage if you will this Halloween night! No matter what you hear, no matter what you feel, you must not move or open your eyes! If you do, you’re going to have to take a punishment! Last one to open their eyes gets a little gift, courtesy of Louise! Sound good!?” Wes was pleased to hear pretty much everyone in the room agree, and making sure that Ji couldn’t be heard through the music blaring through the speakers, said this. “Okay then! Everybody close your eyes! We are starting in 3… 2… 1… NOW!” Wes pulled out his phone and used the flashlight function to make his way over to Ji in the middle of the room. As he reached her, Louise’s feet were being slurped up and swallowed, joining the rest of her in Ji’s belly. He got close to her. “Wes!? I was pissed, I freaked out, and-” Wes cupped his hand over her mouth, then after looking around the room and taking a head count, whispered to her. “What is your limit?” Ji, confused, looked around for a moment, trying to figure out what Was was talking about. “What are you… Oh. Oh my god. Wes, the most I’ve ever eaten was those five from the beach! There’s no way I can eat twelve!” She whisper-shouted at Wes. Wes took Ji’s hand. “Ji. we’re literally in the middle of it here. Either you get eating, or everyone’s gonna freak out and start running.” Ji-Yu looked at her wriggling belly, a handprint forming on the side, then around the pitch-black room. “I-I’ll try…” Upon hearing this, Wes stood up and walked over to the nearest person. He was kinda skinny, but also tall. Taller than Wes. “Hoo boy… *HISS*!!!” He said as he jumped up and grabbed him by the head, causing his black wig to fall off. Fortunately, he was close enough to Ji that he could hand him right off to her without much struggle. Ji, trying to psych herself into thinking that she could do this, repositioned herself so she was kneeling instead of sitting, allowing her to get a better grip on the guy’s head over her already enlarged gut. Ji stuck his head into her mouth and began to swallow. The first guy went down relatively easy. Since he was skinny, he slid down rather quickly, allowing Ji to slurp him up in only two swallows in spite of his height. Quickly, Wes grabbed another person, this time a girl, and handed her off to Ji. This one was a bit trickier, since not only did Ji already have two people inside her belly who were squirming like crazy, but this girl had a pretty enormous rack, too. However, all the same, Ji managed to get her down in three gulps. Then, Wes grabbed meal number four, and Ji ate number four. Then, the cycle repeated with number five. Ji was already at her previous record of meals, and as she watched Wes scare-snatch the next, she looked at her belly and wondered “Can I really fit seven more?” Then, she ate number six, causing her dress to completely rip and exposing her bare breasts, followed shortly by number seven. At this point, Ji had forgotten her worries and was now enjoying the feeling of fullness. She hadn’t felt this full since she was a regular food-eating gal. It felt good. Then, thanks to Ji’s already huge belly blocking his path, Wes had to maneuver the eighth victim around to Ji’s mouth. Ji grabbed her by the legs, and began to swallow. About halfway through, she realized what was happening, and started to scream, but thanks to Wes’s little lie, everyone around them only thought this was a ploy to scare them, and kept their eyes shut. Then, Wes grabbed number nine, and pulled him over to Ji, where a similar line of events occured. However, it was meal number 10 that made Ji feel truly full, causing her to let out a burp that she barely managed to stifle before the last two people got suspicious of the lack of people-based noise around them. As Wes approached with number eleven, Ji said to him. “I’m full, Wes! I don’t think I can eat these last two!” Unfortunately, she said that a bit too loud. The last two people in the room aside from Ji and Wes both opened their eyes. The one in Wes’s hands had his mouth covered and fortunately couldn’t scream, but the other one, the girl, saw Ji’s belly by Wes’s flashlight. “What the hell is going on!?” She said as she ran to the light switch. Wes quickly passed the guy he was holding to Ji, who began to swallow him even though her belly started to hurt the moment his head entered it. The girl managed to hit the switch before Wes could get to her, and when she saw Ji-Yu’s belly, full with everyone else in the party and a man’s lower half sticking out of her mouth, she froze in fear. Wes approached her and grabbed her arm. “I’m sorry about this.” Realizing that she would join the other partiers in the busty asian girl’s belly, the girl (dressed as Jill Valentine from Resident Evil 3, I forgot to mention) just began crying. As Ji made a final gulp on number eleven, her belly let out a low grumble indicating that it was close to over-max capacity. Holding her belly in her hands, Ji opened her mouth for Wes to place the last girl in. Ji swallowed, but after the first she realized that she just couldn’t fit her inside her belly alone. She motioned for Wes to push. “Oh! Umm, Okay!” As Ji swallowed as hard as she could, and Wes pushed as hard as he could, the last girl curled up inside of Ji’s belly, leaving Wes and Ji herself the only two people in the room. Wes, exhausted from grabbing and wrestling against so many people, walked over to the stereo and shut it off. “Ji? How you feeling, hon?” As Wes walked over to his girlfriend, he looked at her belly. It was definitely packed full. Every single movement from the people inside was visible through Ji’s skin, and Ji herself was wincing from the pain. “Oooh… Not EPI bad… But still like I had way too much…” Wes felt bad for her. He knew there wasn’t really any other option, and that her own temper got her into this, but he loved her, and still didn’t like seeing her in pain. “Would you like to see it from my perspective?” Ji, confused, looked at Wes with a face that said “The hell are you talking about, skinny?” Then, Wes took his phone and snapped a picture of Ji, barely managing to get her whole belly in the shot, and walked over to her. “What is… Oh. Oh… My GOOOOD!!! I… I’m fucking HUGE! I look like… I-I don’t know actually what I look like I’m so big! Holy shit… My boobs are gonna be the size of… Beach balls!” She squealed a little at the thought before wincing from the struggling inside of her. “Well, since you normally don’t eat this much, your body will actually regulate out the extra nutrients, so while your boobs will get bigger, probably not beach ball size. More like a watermelon. They’ll also shrink quite a bit after you finish digesting them all, so on a more permanent basis, they’ll probably only be a little bit bigger than what you have now, which is still pretty big, honestly.” Ji sighed a little bit, then cupped her boobs in her hands. She imagined them being slightly bigger than they were, roughly the size of Wes’s head, and decided that she was okay with having boobs that size for the rest of her life. “Speaking of digesting… How long till I can stand again?” Wes thought for a moment, then opened the calculator on his phone. “Erm… Taking into account your weirdly fast digestion time, and the amount of people you ate… I’m guessing about a week, and even then you’ll still have another week to go before you are down to your normal size again.” Ji looked at her belly. “Well… I guess I’m stuck here for a while…” Wes walked over to her and kneeled next to her. “I’ll stay with you, don’t worry.” Then, Wes thought a moment, then reached into his pocket and pulled out the item he was examining earlier. “Then after we leave… Maybe you would like to stay with me?” ================================================================== <One Week Later…> Shelby was sitting in her apartment on her couch, texting back and forth with Eulalie about Ji and Wes’s whereabouts. All either of them knew was that they were staying at a “friend’s” house for a while, and Shelby was starting to get worried over the lack of further detail. “Jeez. I wonder what the hell they-” Shelby was interrupted by the sound of keys jingling outside the door. She turned to look at the door as it cracked open slightly, seeing Ji-Yu’s face breathing heavily through it. “Hey Shelby. Been a little while…” “I’ll say! Where the hell have you been girl!? You just up and-” Shelby stopped talking when Ji opened the door further. Her belly was massive, almost the same size that it was during the beach trip, but was perfectly smooth and sloshing like whoever was inside it was already liquified. Her boobs were each the size of watermelons, and were barely contained by her stretched out grey t-shirt with a loading symbol on it in blue (clearly borrowed from Wes). Shelby jumped up, and stood in front of Ji, who was proudly displaying her huge, sloshy gut. “Ho-lee shit. What did you eat!?” Ji giggled as she rubbed her belly with her right hand, hiding her left behind her back. “Well, we can get to that later. First… I have some news. I’m moving out!” Shelby snapped out of her stupor for a moment and looked at Ji. She became incredibly confused, and slightly saddened. “What!? Why!?” Ji giggled and pulled her left hand out from behind her back, revealing a ring with a purple gemstone set into it. Her eyes lit up as she saw Shelby’s shocked face grow excited. “Cause Wes and I are getting married!!!” THE END |
Shelby’s Sister An Odd Vore Story Major Characters: Eulalie Paquet: A young woman that Shelby met on 8/8, 2020. She was born in France, but raised in America by her single mother. She has short blonde hair styled in a messy bob, green eyes, and a slight accent from her mother. Shelby Dumont: Ji-Yu’s best friend and roommate, and Wes’s cousin on his mother’s side. She was the one who introduced Ji and Wes to one another, and has a married older sister named Jade. She has brown hair (dyed purple), brown eyes, and has an odd disliking for fish that borders on a phobia. Jade Reviello: Shelby’s Half-mexican older half-sister, Wes’s other cousin, and Neil’s wife. She is noted to be both very sassy, and makes money by painting commissions for people online. She has light brown skin, chin-length brown hair (dyed jade green) in a messy, feathered style, and bright green eyes. She also likes to wear jade colored nail polish. Neil Reviello: A professional chef of Italian heritage, and Jade’s husband. He owns a rather popular Italian restaurant called ‘La Regina’, and likes to cook for Jade. He has curly black hair, brown eyes, and wears a pair of horn-rimmed glasses. Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’s fiancée. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What’s wrong? You look nervous.” “Well, I kinda am...” Eulalie was sitting in the passenger seat of her girlfriend Shelby's car, anxiously patting her lap with her hands. She was currently on her way to the home of Shelby’s older sister and her husband, Jade and Neil Reviello, where she would be staying for the night alongside Shelby. Now, being a little anxious in this scenario makes sense to people like us. Y’know, people who DON’T eat other people whole. Eulalie, on the other hand, did eat people whole. Often. And from what Shelby has told her, Jade was unaware of this fact. Pile that knowledge on top of the fact she has never met Jade before and really wants Jade to like her, and you got a recipe for anxiety soup. Mmmm… Anxiety soup. “Why didn’t you tell her I’m a Pred again?” Eulalie asked, now nervously holding her butterfly-filled round belly as she watched Shelby turn the wheel onto her sister’s street. They weren’t in Lusand City at this time, but in the next city over: Esuritio City. According to Ji, her friend Brooke lives in this city too, as well as her friends Emily and Dust. “I wonder if they live in the same neighborhood…” Eulalie thought to herself. Regardless, it was far enough away and late enough in the day that Eulalie was stuck here even if she and Jade didn’t end up getting along. Normally, when Eulalie doesn’t get along with someone, she eats them. But that wasn’t an option this time. “I guess it just never came up when we were talking. Besides, Jade is a bit of a big eater herself, so I think she’ll like you just fine!” Shelby said cheerfully, blissfully unaware of her girlfriend’s unconvinced mood. “Steaks and the butchers that chop them are two very different food groups, Shelby...” Eulalie whispered this to herself, as Shelby was already pulling into the driveway of her older sister’s rather nice home. Apparently, Neil Reviello was a professional chef who ran a somewhat popular Italian restaurant, so this nice house was probably mostly the result of that. Eulalie sighed as she unbuckled herself and opened the door, accidentally hitting her belly on the edge of the car door as she tried to close it. “Oww! Damn… With this gut, she’s gonna think I’m pregnant…” Eulalie said and she rubbed the sore spot on her distended gut. “You okay?” Shelby asked as she walked over to the trunk and got out their shared suitcase. Eulalie walked over to her. “Well, it’s definitely sore. How does it look?” She said, lifting up her sweater. Shelby bent down and examined the spot. “Hmm. Pretty red. Looks like some faint bruising, but no broken skin.” Shelby smiled and patted it, making Eulalie blush. “Good thing I’m wearing a sweater and not a halter top.” She said, pulling her sweater back over her now bruising gut. Shelby smiled and started walking to the door. “Yup! Now enough stalling, you. I think I smell pot roast.” Eulalie sighed and sniffed the air. “Oooh, and I think some ham…” ================================================================== Eulalie stood there as Shelby rang the doorbell, trying to see if she could see anything through the wavy glass of the door. She watched a figure backed away from a dim light and walked towards the door. When the door opened, Eulalie was looking at a man maybe two years older than herself, and three years older than Shelby. His hair was black and curly, and his brown eyes were hidden behind foggy horn-rimmed glasses. He took them off his face and wiped away the fog with his shirt before putting them back on. Then, he smiled. “Shelby! About time! Get in here!” The man, who Eulalie assumed to be Neil, opened his arms wide. Shelby did the same, and Neil embraced Shelby with a big bear-hug. He pulled back and looked towards Eulalie. “Ahh! You must be Eulalie!” He stuck out his hand. “Oh. Umm, yes. Hello.” Eulalie placed her hand in Neil’s, and was pleasantly surprised when he took his other hand and clasped it over hers, holding them in a way that said “I’ve already accepted you as my own.” It made her calm down a little bit. “I’m Neil Reviello. I’m Jade’s husband… But I guess you already knew that bit. Nice to meet you!” Eulalie nodded as Neil let go of her hand, “L-Likewise.” Neil stepped back and motioned for the two girls to enter. “Come on in! Dinner should be ready in a few minutes.” Eulalie followed Shelby into the house and looked around. The place was even nicer on the inside, and was somewhere in between modern and rustic in design. There were also a few paintings on the walls, all in a similar style. One depicted a bowl of apples with a single banana sticking out the side, which made Eulalie both confused, and hungry (well… Hungrier, anyway). Shelby, on the other hand, looked around for her sister. “Hey Neil. Where’s Jade?” Neil, already back over at the stove, turned around and looked about. “Umm… Probably in the shower. Getting the paint off her body, y’know?” Eulalie turned towards Neil. “Oh. Jade painted… Woah.” It was at that moment Eulalie realized just how much food there was on the kitchen’s island. Alongside the pot roast Neil was currently checking on, there was indeed a full honey-glazed ham, a few baguettes, two huge bowls of salad (one garden, one caesar), and an assortment of cookies, brownies, and chocolate covered strawberries on a large, three-tiered serving platter. Eulalie couldn’t help but start drooling as her eyes darted back and forth. “Oh. Oh my… That’s…” Her stomach growled loudly in anticipation. Neil heard this and couldn’t help but laugh. “Hahahaha! Hungry much? Don’t worry. Jade’s a ridiculously big eater, so I didn’t go as overboard as you might think.” Shelby giggled. “Oh, don’t worry! We know what that’s like.” Shelby said as she cheekily eyeballed Eulalie, who was simultaneously freaking out and blushing furiously. However, before she could say something, the sound of a door opening was heard from down the hallway. “Hmm? Oh shit. Neil, why didn’t you tell me they were here?” ================================================================== As Eulalie turned to see who had just walked in, her jaw dropped. She knew from Shelby’s descriptions that Jade was half-Mexican on her father's side (Shelby and Jade having different fathers), but was not expecting her to resemble a hispanic Shelby with short green hair. This made it clear to Eulalie that both girls inherited the majority of their appearances from their mother. However, there were a few things that set Jade apart from her little sister. Of course, her hair was short and dyed green as opposed to Shelby’s long purple hair and she had a darker skin tone representative of a Latina woman, but her eyes were also a shockingly bright green color, which is probably why she was named Jade. Along with this, her lips were slightly fuller, and while Eulalie would never say so out loud, she was both taller and more voluptuous than Shelby, a trait accentuated by the white tank top and black, elastic, wonderfully skin-tight athletics shorts that she was wearing. While Eulalie loved Shelby and would never cheat on her, she had to admit that Jade was quite the beauty. Neil turned around in response to hearing his wife’s words. “‘Cause you can never hear me in the shower! By now I’ve learned that there’s no point in trying.” Jade sighed and scratched the back of her head. “Well, that's fair, I guess.” Jade walked over to Shelby and hugged her. Her height, however, caused The lower half of Shelby’s face to become buried in her breasts. “Hey sis! How ya been?” Shelby muffled out the sentence “Pretty good! How about you?” from inside her sister’s bosom. “Eh. I can’t complain… Oh?” Jade’s head turned towards Eulalie, who was trying not to stare at Jade’s ass in those shorts. She walked over to her and held out her hand. “You must be Eulalie, right?” Eulalie awkwardly placed her hand into Jade’s. “Y-Yes! Hello!” “Hmmm…” Jade scanned Eulalie with her eyes. “Umm… Something wrong?” Suddenly, Jade bent down slightly and stared directly at Eulalie’s chest, then looked down further towards her belly. Then, after thinking for a moment, she smiled and turned towards Shelby. “Wow shorty! I wasn’t expecting you to bring a pregnant girl over!” Suddenly, both Eulalie and Shelby turned beet-red. “NO! SHE’S NOT-” “I-I-I-I’M, UHH-” Sensing the commotion that his wife had just caused, Neil walked over and smacked the back of Jade’s head. “OOOW! The hell was that for!?” “For being insensitive and getting Eulalie here all flustered! You’re 25 years old, for god’s sake, you should know not to assume that a girl is pregnant just from looking at her!” Suddenly, Jade made a bit of an “Oh shit” face and turned back towards Eulalie. “Oh shit. Sorry. I wasn’t even thinking there for a second. With that gut of yours and those huge melons, I just kinda assumed.” Neil was about to scold Jade again, but remembered that the woman he married was just generally ill-mannered and just resigned himself back to the pot roast. “Well, we can discuss that later. Until then, dinner’s ready!” Jade stopped rubbing the back of her head and immediately sat down. “About damn time! I’m starving!” She said as she watched her husband take a plate from the stack on the table and start piling it up with food for her. Eulalie also watched, but instead of anticipation, watched curiously as the amount of food on the plate kept growing. ================================================================== About half an hour later, all of the food on the table was gone, primarily eaten by two girls: Eulalie and Jade. Initially, Eulalie was trying to eat like a non-Pred, but after watching Jade wolf down two of her three helpings, Eulalie’s hunger took over and she eventually went for two more as well. Eulalie’s belly was only slightly larger than it was when she walked in, but Jade’s had grown enough compared to the flat stomach that she first walked in with that it looked almost like she was in a second trimester pregnancy. Shelby and Neil, on the other hand, just looked at each other and nodded in a mutual understanding of their positions. “Damn, Eulalie! I’ve never met someone who could keep up with me before!” Jade said as she patted her slightly distended gut. “No wonder you got that belly. You must’ve come pre-stuffed, huh?” Eulalie blushed and pulled on her sweater a bit. “Erm… Something like that.” Jade laughed and turned towards Shelby. “You get enough, sis?” Shelby nodded. “Don’t worry. I’ve gotten good about grabbing my food before someone else does.” Jade nodded her head. “Good.” Eulalie looked at the two stacks of plates sitting in front of them. “That was amazing Neil. I can see why your restaurant is so popular!” Neil grinned and rubbed the back of his head. “Well, it helps that my biggest competition got eaten by some lady after he served her some bad chicken parm, but it warms my heart to hear you say that.” Jade made a disgusted look. “Yeah. Screw Francesco. That guy was an ass…” Suddenly, Shelby’s phone began ringing and upon looking at it, she remembered one of the two reasons why she and Eulalie came to visit to begin with. “Oh my god! I completely forgot to tell you, Jade!” “Hmm? What’s up?” Shelby was about to say something, but then grinned. “Actually, I think you should hear it from Ji herself.” Then, she tapped the answer button, then set it to a video call. “Hey Ji! Say Hi to Jade and Neil!” “Oh! Hi you guys!” Jade and Neil moved their heads in front of the screen, with Jade waving at Ji. “Hey Ji-Yu. How ya been? Keepin’ Wes outta trouble?” Ji giggled. “Well, more the other way around, nowadays. Especially on Halloween! Ooof. Talk about a party…” Ji pointed her phone downwards, showing off her watermelon-sized breasts and belly that still looked like there was a person and a half liquified inside. Neil laughed. “I see you’re still eating good?” “Yeah. Those melons are huge, girl.” It was at that point that Eulalie caught something. “Still eating good”? That almost made it sound like… “Yeah. But eating a room full of people aside, something else happened on Halloween!” Ji said as she held up her right hand, showing off her engagement ring. “Wes proposed to me!” At the same time as Eulalie’s jaw dropped, Jade started hollering and Neil began clapping. “Wow! So little cousin Wes proposed to you, huh!? Good to hear that! The dude never stops talking about you when he comes to visit, so I figured it was gonna happen eventually.” Neil nodded in agreement. “Definitely! This is cause for celebration… I’m going to make a cheesecake for Shelby to take home to you and Wes!” Ji shook her head on the phone. “You don’t need to do that, Neil! If you sent that down here, It would be gone before Wes even got a slice-” “No, I insist. This is a big moment! Shelby, would you mind coming with me? I’m going to need to go to the store to get some things.” “Sure! Expect snacks when Eulalie and I get back tomorrow, Ji!” “Well… Alright then. I suppose your cheesecake is pretty tasty…” Eulalie heard Ji’s belly rumbling on the screen, which made both Eulalie’s and Jade’s stomachs rumble in response. Jade looked down at her gut. “Damn. Ji, next time you and Wes come visit, you gotta teach me how to Vore.” Eulalie nearly fell out of her seat at that, but managed to catch herself on the table. On the phone, Ji giggled. “No need! I’m sure Eulalie would be happy to teach you! She’s been teaching me for a while now!” At that point, Jade paused and looked at Eulalie, who was halfway between extreme anxiety and utter shock. Jade, on the other hand, just smacked herself on the forehead. “OOOOOOHHH! SO THAT’S WHY YOUR BELLY IS SO BIG!” Jade shook her head as she stood up and walked over to Eulalie. “Sorry I thought you were pregnant earlier! Of course you’re a Pred! God, I feel like a dumbass now…” Shelby giggled as she looked at Eulalie’s face of utter confusion. “See? I told you it would be okay!” Eulalie gave Shelby an odd stare before turning back to Jade, who was once again inspecting her belly. “So, when’s the last time you ate someone?” “... W-What? Oh! Oh, umm… Last Wednesday. I think it was a pizza guy.” Jade’s eyes lit up. “Ooooh. I could go for a slice of pizza… Can you teach me?” Eulaie’s brain had done two full 360’s on her opinion of Jade in a matter of thirty five short minutes. She just kind of stared at Jade for a moment, trying to decide what to be thinking and feeling, before her brain settled on: “You know what? Fuck it. Pizza sounds fucking wonderful right now”. Eulalie turned to Shelby and Neil. “Alright you two. I have a student to teach. Go get your stuff from the store. And please get some wine while you’re there. We’re going to need some drinks to wash down our fourth course.” ================================================================== <Eighteen Minutes Later…> “So, before the pizza delivery people get here, I should probably go over some basics.” Jade was sitting down on her couch next to her little sister’s girlfriend, Eulalie. She was currently receiving a crash-course in Vore before her first meal arrived, and Eulalie appeared to be a very enthusiastic teacher. “First off: body growth. Your boobs and butt are gonna grow a bit for your first few meals. You’ll probably go up a few cup sizes then stop. That's normal. That means you’ve acclimated to eating people, and as long as you stick to one or two people a week, you shouldn’t grow much more than that. Just be sure to invest in some new sets of underwear as you grow.” Jade raised her hand. “Question.” Eulalie giggled a bit. “This isn’t school. You can just ask me, Jade.” Jade blushed a bit and dropped her hand. “What if I want to get bigger after my first few meals?” “Well, in that case, eat more than one or two a week. More food, more growth. Now, secondly: Rubber and metal. You can handle small amounts of it, but try not to eat someone who has more than their shoes or a metal bracelet on. Any more, and you’ll get some really bad indigestion. Not that rubber and metal taste all that good anyways. Next-” *DING-DONG* Jade and Eulalie turned to the door. “Ahh… Well I suppose I can give you my number and you can ask me questions later.” Eulalie said as she stood up. Jade followed suit, and the two girls walked towards the door. Being the co-owner of the house, Jade opened it, seeing two delivery girls, both holding four boxes of pizza. “Hello there! Eight large pizzas for Jade Reviello?” “Yeah, that’s me. One second.” Jade turned towards Eulalie. “What now?” Eulalie looked at the two girls. “After we get the pizzas, I’ll grab the girl in the front, while you grab the girl behind her. Since you’re new at this, let me go first so you can watch, and I can help you if you have any issues.” Jade nodded. “Sounds like a plan… I think. Okay, we’re ready now.” Jade and Eulalie took the pizzas from the two girls and set them on the table behind them. “Alright, your total will be-” Before she had time to finish, Eulalie grabbed the girl with the receipt in her hands. Jade did the same with the girl behind her and closed the door. “What the hell!? What is… AAAAAAAHHH!!!” The girl screamed as she watched Eulalie stuff her co-worker’s friend into her mouth and start swallowing. As Eulalie’s belly began to expand, Jade made sure to take note of how she was holding her meal and swallowing, and took a moment to think about how hot it looked. “Damn. Neil and I are gonna have some fun with this tonight…” She thought to herself as Eulalie removed her meal’s shoes. As Eulalie made her last swallow, Jade watched her huge belly bounce a bit as the delivery girl’s legs fell down with the rest of her body into Eulalie’s belly, which only made Jade herself more excited. “*BUOOOOORP* Mmmm… A little on the thin side, but still pretty tasty! Now’s your turn, Jade! Start with the head.” Jade held her own pizza girl in front of her. “Well, you heard her. You’re food now.” The pizza girl shook and shuddered, tears streaming down her face. “No! Please, don’t! I… I can-” “Just shut up and get in my belly!” Then, opening her mouth as wide as she could, Jade stuffed the girl’s head into her mouth as fast as she could and swallowed. She took a moment to taste her, and was pleasantly surprised to find that she tasted kind of sweet. She swallowed a second time, and felt her head enter her belly, which was already lightly stuffed with Neil’s cooking. “Oh wow. Her head is in my gut. It feels… Gooood.” Jade thought to herself as she slowly repositioned her hands onto the girl's legs. As the girl’s butt entered Jade’s mouth, she attempted to remove her shoes, only to be hindered by her arms being slightly too short. “I got them!” Eulalie said as she walked over and removed the shoes for Jade. Jade swallowed again, the girl’s butt now inside her belly, which Jade placed her right hand on. Finally, with her left hand, she pushed the girl’s feet into her mouth and swallowed, pulling out her drool-covered finger as she felt her belly wobble in response to being filled. Jade stood silent for a moment, the movements of the girl inside of her making her shudder with pleasure, before letting out a burp. “*BUUUUUUUUUUUUURP!!!*” Eulalie looked at Jade for a moment. “Jade? How do you feel?” Jade remained silent for a moment, standing there looking at her belly and breathing heavily for a moment, before she casually walked over to the pizza boxes like she hadn’t just eaten a person and opened the one on top. She took out a slice of pizza and ate it in two bites. “Still hungry. Kinda horny though. My stupid husband better get back soon...” Eulalie was taken aback. “Y-You aren’t full!? Your first meal should’ve made it so you can’t even walk without help!” “Nah. I can walk just fine. My legs are pretty strong. I do squats.” She said, loudly slapping her ass to show off how toned it was. The girl inside her belly began to kick in response to the loud noise. “AH! Hey! Food! Stop kicking me or I’ll start eating some spicy shit… Actually. Some fresh chilli peppers would go great on this pizza… Nah. Better leave them alone. Neil gets grumpy when I eat his ingredients without asking.” Eulalie continued to stare at Jade. She was just now realizing just how badly she misunderstood Jade… And her appetite. “So, even after a three course meal and a whole person… You’re still not satisfied? At all?” Jade picked up half the pizza boxes and walked them over to the living room. She set them on the table and started walking back. “Nope. Never had my food move around inside me though. That feels pretty good. This gut is pretty sexy too. Can’t wait to fill it up more.“ Jade patted her belly, which let out a small *Mmmph!* as the girl sitting inside it began to sob. “Y-You have the same appetite as Ji-Yu!” Jade picked up the other half of the pizza boxes before walking over to the couch and sitting down. She put the one she already opened on top of her wriggling gut and pulled out a second slice. “Dude. I haven’t felt full since I graduated highschool, and that fact still stands true today. Now, do you wanna sit on your ass and eat pizza with me, or can I have those other four pies?” As she was talking, the cheese fell off her pizza and landed in her cleavage. The heat made her jump a bit as the sauce burned her chest ever so slightly. “Wha- Aww man! Neil’s not even here to eat it. He loves titty pizza…” THE END |
Moving Day An Odd Vore Story Major Characters: Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’s fiancée. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. Wesson (Wes) Forstner: A young man who works at a bookstore, and Ji-Yu’s fiancé. He has shaggy dirty blonde colored hair, a pair of blue-grey eyes (the left of which has a small gold/brown section on the lower right portion of the iris), and a fair deal of scars on his arms. He has a unique genetic mutation that allows his blood to neutralize a Pred’s stomach acids and make them throw up. Shelby Dumont: Ji-Yu’s best friend and roommate, and Wes’s cousin on his mother’s side. She was the one who introduced Ji and Wes to one another, and has a married older sister named Jade. She has brown hair (dyed purple), brown eyes, and has an odd disliking for fish that borders on a phobia. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “These are gonna take some getting used to…” Ji-Yu was sitting in her bed wearing her reading glasses holding a book out in front of her. Her belly gurgled as it world on today’s meal: A shockingly tasty pair of sisters who were hanging around outside the café. As such, it was a fairly large belly, and while the two girls inside had already gone and kicked the metaphorical bucket, there were still occasional bumps from whenever Ji moved and shifted the contents of her belly around. But she was used to that. What she wasn’t used to was having to hold out her book so far away from her head due to the increased size of her breasts. They had just recently shrunken down from a size that has been and could only be described as “literal goddamn watermelons”, but even after they stopped shrinking a couple days ago, they were still absolutely huge. As it turns out, Wes is not that good at math, and was slightly off on his digestion calculations. Her breasts were easily large enough to envelop Wes’s head, and even on their own, one of her breasts could act as a pillow for the young man. However, while both Wes and Ji loved the idea of her boobs being so big that a man could comfortably rest his head on top of them without any real discomfort to the gluttonous girl who had them attached to her, they made it quite a bit harder to see her book resting on top of her huge gurgling gut. Ji sighed and removed her reading glasses. “Jeez. I hope that dumb boyfriend of mine… Oh. Right. He’s not just my boyfriend anymore… Hehehee!” Remembering recent events, Ji-Yu looked over at the small black box containing her engagement ring. She leaned over (with great effort) and pleased her reading glasses down before picking up the box. She opened it and placed the ring with the purple gem on her finger. “I guess I should say… I hope that dumb fiancé of mine is happy. Jeez... I shouldn’t even bother packing any of my bras. These things are snapping all the hooks, and they don't even hold them properly.” Ji looked down at her massive breasts, poorly contained by their ill-fitting teal bra. She sighed a little and squeezed them together, causing them to squish upwards and envelop the lower half of her face. She tried to contain it, but Ji couldn’t help but to burst into a fit of laughter. “Hahahahahahaaa! Okay! I gotta admit it. That... That’s pretty great.” *BLORP! Guuurrrrrr...* Ji-Yu’s big belly let out a low rumble, letting her know that it was time for it to start liquifying its contents. She let out a yawn and rubbed the top of it. “*Yaaaaaaa-UURP* Okay. I hear you. Sleep time. We have a big day tomorrow, and I can’t be expected to move boxes if I’m carrying around a gut that’s twice their size.” Ji let out another small yawn and turned off her bedside lamp. She didn’t lay down though. The weight of her belly made that next to impossible to do in any comfortable fashion. Instead, Ji slumped her back onto the headboard of her bed, propped her pillow behind her neck for support, and drifted off to sleep. ======================================================================= <The Next Day...> “Okay. Bathroom supplies are loaded up. Where are all the books at?” “Those are all in the bedroom too, along with my clothes.” Ji-Yu stood in the living room of what will, after today, be exclusively Shelby’s apartment. Shelby was currently carrying a box of plates, bowls, and glasses down to Wes’s truck, which was being used to haul all of Ji’s things over to Wes’s… Oops. Ji and Wes’s apartment. Her belly had gotten some work done last night, as not only had it shrunken down to the size of only about one person, but it was now perfectly smooth and sloshy. It was partially covered by a large-yet-tight pale teal blouse, while the lower half of her body wore a pair of black sweat pants (which on her body, looked closer to yoga pants near the hip-region) and a pair of white sneakers. She rubbed it a little as she talked to Wes. “If you get the books, I’ll carry down my clothes. I have to get rid of my bras anyways.” “Yeah. I noticed you were kinda falling out of your current ones. Sounds like a plan.” As Wes walked back to Ji’s bedroom, Shelby returned from loading the dishware up. “Okay. Dishes are all loaded. What next?” “Well, Wes is getting my books, and I’m about to go sort through my clothes. Umm… Let’s see here… Oh. Did we get the video games already?” Shelby nodded. “Yeah. Wes grabbed those a little bit ago. I made sure to sort them out so my games and yours don’t get mixed up.” “Good…” Ji noticed that Shelby’s eyes were getting teary as she looked down at the floor (or, she would be, if Ji’s belly wasn’t in the way). She let out a little sniffle. “Hey. Shelby…” Ji grabbed Shelby’s hands with hers and pulled her in close for a hug, causing Ji’s belly to slosh as it pressed up against Shelby’s body. “I’m not going anywhere… Well, I mean, I am, but I’ll still be over all the time! We’ll still sit on the couch, eat takeout, play games… *Sniff*” Wes stepped out of Ji’s room carrying the box full of books, but upon seeing the two girls having a moment, he silently just shuffled over to the door and headed down to the truck. “I just… We’ve been roommates for… God, years. Best friends even longer. I’m not used to waking up with you in a different building anymore! And now you’re going to marry Wes, and we’re gonna be cousins, and I’m going to live here all alone, and…” Ji stopped Shelby before she had a full on emotional breakdown. A mighty feat, considering that Ji was a few moments away from sobbing herself. And of course, for whatever reason, whenever Ji got all sad, she got hungry. Her belly let out a large grumble, causing Shelby to giggle and place a hand on it. “Do you know your belly growls at the same time every morning at 9:53 AM?” Ji giggled and lifted up her blouse, letting her belly show freely. “Not really, no.” “After a while, I started using it as my alarm clock because I kept forgetting to set the alarm on my phone. Your big gut is a more reliable alarm than my actual alarm.” “I’m pretty sure that’s Human error, Shelby.” “Yeah, but still! Your belly is the most reliable clock I have! I’m gonna be so late to work tomorrow…” The two girls laughed as Ji’s belly let out another grumble. “... How about one last meal? I’ll order some chinese takeout for lunch. Give your belly a little present for serving me so dutifully over these few months that you’ve been a Pred.” Shelby said, already taking out her phone and opening up the menu. Ji simply smiled and put her blouse back down. “Are you trying to make it so I won’t fit in Wes’s truck?” Ji half-giggled. “Please! We both know that you’ve ridden in the back of that truck before!” Shelby let out a little laugh, and while Ji went to her room to sort through her clothes, Shelby placed a quick order on her phone. ======================================================================= <Thirty-Five Minutes Later…> After a while, Shelby ended up joining Ji in her room and was having fun sorting through her clothes and removing her now inadequate bras from the pile. Wes was going to walk in and check in on them, but after seeing how much fun they were having, laughing about Ji’s ridiculous yet astonishing breasts and talking about the fun they had while living together, Wes decided to leave them be and continued to carry out Ji’s stuff from the living room. He knew that this move was going to be hard on both of them, so he decided it was best that they spend their last day as roommates together. Wes picked up a box labeled “Holliday Stuff” and walked out the apartment towards the elevator. Once again, Wes’s sheer stubbornness took hold as he flailed about trying to hit the call elevator button, only for the elevator to arrive on his floor without the button being pressed. “I knew I was psychic!” Wes said as the elevator dinged. The door opened to reveal a pair of delivery people from Ji’s favorite takeout joint, “Odd-Take’s Chinese Takeout”, a guy and a girl. They were holding a great deal of food, barely managing to carry it all in their hands. Wes smirked. “You two are probably headed towards apartment 312. Only girls I know who order that much food around here.” Wes said, well aware of what was going on (not that it took a detective to figure out or anything). He turned his head towards the middle of the hallway, where the door to Shalby’s apartment lay open. “It’s that open one there.” “O-Oh! Umm... That’s actually right! Thank you sir!” The guy nodded his head in understanding and thanks. “No problem.” Wes watched as the two walked down the hall, Ji and Shelby’s food in hand. “Not that you should be thanking me. I pretty much just told you where to go to get eaten... *Sigh* That girl’s lucky I love her.” As he watched the two delivery people ring the doorbell, Wes stepped into the elevator and rode it down. His mind was filled with the image of Ji and Shelby hugging and crying together. He wanted to make the move as easy as possible for Ji. He knew that she loved him, and was happy to move in with him, but he knew that she would miss Shelby. “God dammit... What can I do to... Hmm.” The elevator doors opened as he thought, the dinging only distracting him from thinking. He walked out to his truck, Ji’s boxes of things piled in the trunk, and momentarily set it down on the side while he took a moment to think. “Hmm... Maybe…” Thinking about what he could do for his Pred fiancée in order to ease her pain, he called the only Pred he knew that he wasn’t related to in some form... Yet. “Hey, Eulalie? It’s Wes. I have a little question for you about Ji...” ======================================================================= Meanwhile, Ji-Yu and Shelby were currently talking about how ridiculous Ji would look if she didn’t have such a big belly to match with her boobs, a conversation which may or may not have led to Shelby putting on Ji’s bra under one of her hoodies (and by “her hoodie” I mean “one of Wes’s hoodies that Ji stole from Wes because girls do that for some reason) and stuffing it with shirts to see what she would look like with tits as big as Ji’s were. “Wow! You don’t look half bad with a huge rack, Shelb! They go real well with your wide hips!” Ji giggled as she felt up Shelby’s fake breasts. “Wide hips? What are you trying to say, little miss Mommy Milkers?” Shelby smirked as she poked Ji’s massive boob. She paused for a moment when her finger sunk deeply into the soft, squishy mound. Both Shelby and Ji blushed a bit. “Okay wow I severely underestimated the squish behind those things.” The two girls were silent for a moment before they both started howling with laughter, JI’s laughs punctuated by a burp here and there. After about a solid minute, the two calmed down enough to notice the sound of the doorbell being rung. “Alright. That’s probably the food. You stay in here for a minute while I lure them inside. Once they’re in, I’ll close the door, and you can go to town.” Shelby said, walking towards the door. Ji let out a sigh. “The last good meal I’ll have as a resident of the Oddman’s Luxury Apartments. I’ll enjoy every moment of it.” Ji smiled as she slapped the side of her already distended belly, drooling in anticipation. Shelby smiled back and walked out into the living room. Ji watched as Shelby walked in the direction of the front door and took off her blouse, and started rubbing the sides of her belly, trying to make any gas bubbles inside of it rise up. It let out a low growl as Ji watched the delivery pair walk in and set her food on the table, almost like it was howling in anticipation. “Oh god, I’m starving. I can’t wait to eat those two. That takeout smells soooo good too...” She took off her blouse in anticipation, not wanting to accidentally pop the buttons or something (again) by swallowing too fast. Ji heard the sound of the front door close. It got her excited. “Okay Ji. Go ham!” ======================================================================= <Five Hours Later...> “Ooof! Good thing the elevator is big...” Ji-Yu was sliding out of the bed of Wes’s truck. They were outside of 39th Street Luxury Apartments, Wes’s apartment building (well, I suppose THEIR apartment building now). She laid her hands on her belly, which was now about two times the size that it was earlier that day, and gave it a good push on the top, directly in front of her breasts. “*UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP* Damn, lunch was good! This big gut is churning happily...” She listened to it gurgle and churn as Wes got out from the driver's seat. He walked around back and grabbed the last two boxes in the trunk, having already driven over and unloaded the other boxes while Ji and Shelby were enjoying their vastly different portioned mid-day meals. “Well, I’m glad to hear that. But I hope you still have room.” Wes said, smiling a bit as he pushed the gate on the truck back up. “Hmm? What do you mean?” Ji cocked her head and looked at Wes, hoping for an answer from her soon-to-be husband. Unfortunately, Wes just gave her a big old grin and started walking towards the building. Ji, now curious as to what Wes had prepared upstairs, started walking close behind. Or, well, as close as a belly stuffed with two semi-living people, 10 pounds of food and drink, and the soup that was left over inside her belly from yesterday's dinner would allow. Kinda hard to stick close to someone when you have somewhere around 350 lbs of belly in front of you, no? It was difficult for Ji and Wes to fit into the elevator together, mostly because Ji’s gut kept blocking the elevator door from closing, but after a few minutes, the two managed to squeeze her in and ride the elevator up to the 12th floor (I still have no idea how Wes can afford that place). As they rode, Ji tried to press Wes for answers. “So this thing that’s waiting for me upstairs, it’s food-related, right?” Ji asked as her belly pressed Wes against the wall. Wes, still refusing to give an answer, simply grinned again and said nothing. “Is it a... Cake? Or maybe some pies? How about a kiddie pool full of ice cream?” Ji continued to ask. Ji noticed Wes’s eyes dart her direction for a moment when she said ice cream. “Ooooh! So there’s ice cream involved, huh?” Ji licked her lips and rubbed the sides of her belly. “What flavor did you get? Vanilla? Chocolate? Maybe something more like cookies n’ cream or rainbow sherbet?” Unlike before, Wes actually gave her a response in the form of a shrug. “Hmmm? Not telling on that, huh? Well, no matter. It’s all gonna be inside me soon anyways! *UURP*” Ji let out a giggle as the elevator doors opened. “Okay. Here we go... *HUURP*” With a little bit of effort, Ji wriggled her way out of the elevator in order for Wes to get out. As he walked out, he leaned in close to Ji’s ear and whispered something. “I genuinely don’t know the kind of ice cream involved. We’ll have to wait and see.” Ji, her interest now replaced by excitement, waddled over to the door to Wes’s... Dammit, THEIR apartment (apartment 1204), and bounced in place a little bit, causing her breasts and belly to rhythmically bounce up and down in unison. “Okay! You win! I’m all excited now! Hurry up and open the door, skinny boy!” She said as Wes walked over to her. Wes, still being stubborn, attempted to remove his keys from his pockets while still holding two boxes with one hand. After a minute of watching in anticipation, Ji grew tired of waiting, and reached into Wes’s pocked for him. “I got em!” Wes let out a little yelp. “T-THOSE are not the keys, sweetie!” “Oops. Sorrrrrry, sweetie! But that’s what you get for getting me all excited!” Ji adjusted her hand and found Wes’s keys, then pulled out the key that opened the apartment door and placed it in the lock. “Or you could’ve just used YOUR key...” Wes complained. “Oh shush you.” Ji said as she turned the key. She heard the pins click and felt the knob loosen up, prompting her to turn it and push open the door. The lights were already on, but she really couldn’t see anything ice cream related, causing her some confusion. Wes walked in and set the boxes down with the other ones over by the couch. Then, he turned and walked back over towards Ji, led her inside by the hand, and closed the door behind them. “Wait here a second.” Wes said before darting around the corner towards the bedroom. Ji heard some faint whispering, then cocked her head at Wes when he walked back around the corner. “Alright! It’s all ready! Come over here!” Ji curiously walked over to the corner where Wes was peeking out, then followed him over to the bedroom door. Wes opened it, and inside were three people, two girls and one guy, all wearing nothing but their underwear. There were a large amount of towels on the floor, as well as a box of pizza and some neapolitan ice cream containers laying on a towel on the bed. One of the girls, a short brunette with glasses, saw Ji and screeched. “AAAAAAAAAAH!” Ji, seeing the scream as a sign of panic, immediately grabbed Wes’s hand in worry, but was perplexed when the girl ran over to her and started rubbing her stomach. “Oh. My. GOOOOOD! She is SOOOOO big! Look at this tummy! *Smooch*” The other girl, a taller lady with big breasts and blonde hair in an up-do walked over and began feeling it too. “Mmmmm... Looks like there are already a couple of snacks in there. You sure she has room?” The girl looked at Wes, who just laughed. “Hahaha! Trust me! Ji always has room. It’ll be fine.” Officially lost and weirded out by the two girls randomly rubbing her belly, Ji pulled Wes’s arm closer to her body in uncharacteristic shyness. “U-Umm... Sweetie? What’s going on? Who are these people?” The guy, an athletic, yet slim-looking gentleman, grabbed the two girls and pulled them back, noticing Ji’s confusion. “Sorry about them. They’re just excited, as am I!” Ji turned Wes’s face towards him. “Wes!? Who are these people!?” Wes smiled. “Well, they are a group I met on Vorum. It’s got all kinds of people, you know. Preds, Vorephiles, Pred relatives, and even sometimes, willing prey for hungry gals.” Ji’s eyes opened wide then looked at the three strangers in front of her. “You... You mean…” The short brunette smiled and jumped up and down a bit. “We’re your dinner, miss Ji!” ======================================================================= Ji, in utter shock, looked at the three people in front of her, her jaw hanging wide open. “R-Really!?” The tall lady stepped towards her again. “Well... Sort of. Alan over there is actually going to be my dinner for the evening, but myself and Lily over there...” She gestured to the short brunette, identifying her as Lily. Alan smiled. “Mister Wes here contacted us and told us that he wanted to surprise you for dinner, since you were having a hard time moving. Lily, Persephone and I have been looking for someone to eat the three of us for a while now. It’s always been my greatest fantasy to be swallowed by Persie, and she’s always wanted to know what it’s like to be a Pred, and a prey. Lily, on the other hand, well she just really... REALLY wants to be eaten while covered in pizza slices.” Alan pointed to the box of pizza, which Lily was already starting to paw at. The tall girl, apparently nasmed Persephone, grabbed Alan’s hand and walked over to the bed. “The ice cream is going to be on my body once Alan is in my belly. I like the cold...” She smiled and blushed. Wes, hoping he did a good job, turned his head towards Ji, who had not yet said anything on the matter. “So? What do you think?” “...” “Ji?” “...” “Honey? Are you-” Suddenly, Ji grabbed Wes’s head and gave him a long kiss, only breaking when her stomach let out a growl loud enough that the three future occupants of her belly could feel it. “I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU!!!” Ji kissed him again and walked over to the three willing meals. “And thank you three so much! I’ve never had willing meals before! I-I don’t know what to say!” Lily giggled and picked up a slice of pizza. “Then stop talking and take off those clothes, silly! It’s dinner time!” Ji, excited and slightly teary eyed, immediately began to remove her blouse, not even caring that some of the buttons popped off. As she did so, Lily began to cover herself in pizza slices, while at the same time Persephone got on her knees while Alan placed his hands in her mouth. Wes smiled and whispered to himself “Thank you, Eulalie.” as Persephone began to swallow Alan while Ji removed her sweatpants and layed on top of her belly. Lily offered Ji her hands, which Ji took a moment to lick. “Wow! You are really tasty! Pizza was a good call!” “Hehehe! Thank you! Now let me in that belly of yours!” Ji opened her mouth and pushed Lily’s hands inside. However, she was pleasantly surprised when she noticed that Lily was using her arms to pull herself in faster, making it so Ji barely even needed to swallow in order to send the girl down into her hungry gut. Meanwhile, Persephone made her last swallow. “*UUUUUURP*” She moaned as she rubbed her full belly, took the ice cream sitting on the bed, and started scooping it onto her body. Ji made her last swallow and watched this, turned on in a way she didn’t even realize was possible. There were multiple ice cream scoops on her big belly, as well as a couple sitting happily in her impressive cleavage and making her nipples hard enough to show through the fabric of her dark purple bra. She pushed her breasts up and took a lick of the ice cream before crawling over to the now drooling and panting Ji. “Mmm... Tasty. You ready for desert, sweetie?” Ji nodded and opened her mouth, allowing Persephone to stick her arms inside of it and begin to crawl in. Not having to focus on swallowing gave Ji the time to truly savor her desert. And let me tell you, everything from her long, slender arms, pillowy ice-cream covered rack, and big gut that tasted of chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and pure sexual desire tasted like god. Damn. Heaven. Ji was almost sad to eat her considering how much she was enjoying it, but all the same, Ji swallowed down her feet and let out a satisfied moan. “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... *UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP*” Wes stood there at the door, looking at his underwear-clad future wife, belly big as their bed and ice cream dripping from the corner of her mouth. He watched as she rolled back slightly and slowly stood up, taking a moment to adjust to the new weight that her legs now needed to carry. She stood there looking down at her belly and felt it with her hands. “... Wes?” “Yes, hon?” “Why... The fuck... Are your clothes still on?” ======================================================================= <The Next Morning...> Ji awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking in the kitchen of her new apartment. Judging by the fact that Wes was not next to her, she assumed that he was the one doing the cooking, which is fine. She wasn’t ready to get out of bed yet anyways. “*YAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaawwwn... UURP*” She rubbed her eyes and looked around a bit, before looking down at her huge, bare breasts. She grabbed them with her hands and jiggled them a bit, realizing that they were still a bit sticky from the leftover ice cream from last night’s... Activities. Upon remembering the ice cream, she lifted the blanket off her poorly-covered belly, listening to it bubble and slosh and churn away at last night's dinner. She put her hands on top of it and rubbed it, laying there for a moment and enjoying the sensation of all of the contents inside of it becoming nothing more than soupy meat to be added to her already ridiculously ample body. She looked over at her new nightstand, and found her reading glasses, a book, and a small black box sitting on top of it, already placed there and positioned like they always were by a caring young man that she loved dearly. She smiled and picked up the box, opening it up to observe the beautiful ring inside. She closed it and placed it back on the nightstand, then went back to rubbing her massive belly, giggling as she thought about the night before and the sheer amount of noise that filled the room between the sounds of her belly churning, the bed creaking, and her moaning. However, thinking about all of the emotions and enjoyment that last night brought, and the amount of love that Wes clearly had for her if he was willing to go to those lengths for her, there were only two words that Ji-Yu Dae could think to say to the remains of her prey digesting away inside of her tummy in that moment. “... I’m home! *UURP*” THE END |
Lunch Break An Odd Vore Story Major Characters: Jade Reviello: Shelby’s Half-mexican older half-sister, Wes’s other cousin, and Neil’s wife. She is noted to be both very sassy, and makes money by painting commissions for people online. She has light brown skin, chin-length brown hair (dyed jade green) in a messy, feathered style, and bright green eyes. She also likes to wear jade colored nail polish. Neil Reviello: A professional chef of Italian heritage, and Jade’s husband. He owns a rather popular Italian restaurant called ‘La Regina’, and likes to cook for Jade. He has curly black hair, brown eyes, and wears a pair of horn-rimmed glasses. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Maybe a bit more green… Anddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd-nope. God dammit.” Jade was standing at the easel in her small in-home studio. As per usual whenever she painted, she wore nothing more than a white tank top and a pair of black athletic shorts, with her wedding band safely taken off and on the bathroom sink so that she didn’t get paint on it (a wise choice, considering the amount of paint on her arms, chest, and face). However, there was a more recent development that was now present in Jade’s appearance… Well, three actually. The first, and most noticeable, was her belly. It had been somewhere around three weeks since her first prey entered her ever-hungering maw, but that didn’t mean she had only one in that time. She had another five days later, then two more after that, and a fourth a few days later. Her gut was currently finishing off what was left of numbers five and six (as it turns out, twins taste surprisingly different from each other). As a result, her belly was currently the size of... I don’t know. Some kind of ball-like object that would be used in a watery environment. Along with the increased waistline, her breasts had grown to be a little over three cup sizes larger, though they weren’t as big as Eulalie’s, and nowhere even close to Ji-Yu’s massive sweater puppies (which based on the pictures Jade has seen, just one of which was big enough to more than eclipse Jade's head). Her butt had also gotten larger too, though, much like her breasts, not as big as she would like. “Damn. I gotta eat more. Mama wants bigger boobies.” Jade said as she looked down at her paint covered clothes and body. Her stomach rumbled in agreement, causing Jade to sigh and poke the sides of it with her pint covered fingers. She looked at the easel, covered in a random mix of blue, purple, and of course, her signature jade green, but it was really nothing more than a bunch of splotches. “What am I gonna paint on you?” Behind Jade, Neil opened the door to the room, holding two cups of some kind of hot caffeinated brown liquid that I personally find disgusting to the point that I refuse to type it’s name. “Hey Jade. I brought you some coffee.” God dammit Neil. “Oh. Thanks hon.” Jade turned to look at her husband and took her mug from his hands. She took a sip and turned back around towards the easel. Neil took note of her expression and followed her gaze. “Hmm… What are you going for with this one?” Jade shook her head and turned back around. “I have no idea. I have the colors I want to use, I just don’t know what I want to use them FOR.” Her stomach growled as she vented, prompting Neil to chuckle. “Well, maybe you can’t think because you’re running low on fuel. Those twins from a few days ago are almost gone, so you must be getting hungry. Again.” “I’m always hungry, baby.” “Okay, hungrier, but you know what I mean. Take a lunch break. Recharge your belly. I bet your brain will work better with the proper fuel.” Jade took a sip of her filthy bean juice and turned back to the easel, then stared at her rotund gut. It let out yet another gurgle, prompting Jade to sigh and nod. “Alright. I see your point. I think I’m gonna shower up and go get some food. Wanna come with?” Neil shook his head. “Can’t, sorry. I’m just on break for a half hour. I gotta get back to La Regina in... 12 minutes.” Jade sighed. “Alright. I got ya. See you tonight then, hon.” Jade gave Neil a quick smooch on the cheek before walking into the hall and discarding her clothes on the floor. Normally, Neil would scold her for leaving her dirty laundry lying around, but he also knew that she tended to act a bit off whenever she was in an artistic funk, so he didn’t say anything and simply picked up her clothes for her. “Hm. The seams on her shorts are starting to rip again...” Neil stared at the small rip he found in the shorts, and imagined his wife’s hips being exposed by the failing seams. He was reminded of one moment in particular about a week and a half ago, where Jade’s pants ripped while they were in public, leaving her black panties (which were slowly but surely becoming a thong) exposed to the world. “... Fuck yeah.” ======================================================================= <Twenty Minutes Later...> After getting out of the shower and throwing on an army green sweater that used to fit more loosely on her body, a pair of blue jeans that she had a hard time fitting into, and a pair of burgundy sneakers that contrasted rather well with her hair, Jade had left her lovely home and was walking down a sidewalk towards one of her favorite areas in Esuritio City: The place where all the food and painting junk is, or as normal people call it, Ambrosia St. Home of the food of the gods. Except for La Regina. That’s somewhere else. Regardless, as Jade walked, she caught a glimpse of herself in the window of a nearby store. She took a moment to examine herself in it. “Hmm... I look like I’m prego, what with this little gut and all. What size would this be... Nine months? Nah. I’m a bit too big for that. Maybe twins or triplets at nine...” Jade lifted up her sweater, not even remembering or caring about the fact that she was in the middle of the sidewalk during the lunch rush and was being stared at by, like, 16 people walking by, and poked at her belly with her finger. For whatever reason, she had developed a habit of poking her gut whenever she was thinking, hungry, or just bored and wanting to play with it (Which in this scenario, was probably a mix of all three). It let out a gurgle, reminding her that she was on a journey to go fill it up, causing her to put her sweater down and keep walking. “Hmm. A Pred having kids? I mean, I like kids and all, and I know Neil has always wanted some, but with my diet... Eh. Best not to unpack that now. Save that shit for when I’m 33 or somethin’.” Jade said to herself. She kept her hand on her belly, feeling it rumble and churn in anticipation. As she made the turn putting her on Ambrosia St., a bunch of different smells from nearby restaurants began to waft through the air. There was beef and chicken and pork, the smells of seafood and cheeses, and even the smell of coffee from a nearby café. What is it called again? Hilda’s Caffeine Cupboard? No, I think the name was Hannah... Oh well. The smells caused her mouth to start drooling, and made her belly start to rumble even more than it already was. “Fuck... I’m so hungry right now...” Jade took a moment to eyeball the various buildings around her and the people that were walking in and out of them. There was the pizza place. A good choice, but best saved for home delivery, when Jade didn’t feel like walking home with a gut twice her proportionate size. There was a ramen place, but Jade has always had issues using chopsticks. Of course, there was a pastry shop, but Jade was obviously going to save that for desert. There was also mexican food, cajun food, indian food, seafood, good old soul food... “Wait, is that place new?” Jade’s eyes stopped on a building in the middle of the left hand side of the street. Right next to the café (OHHHHHH. HANNAH’S COFFEE CORNER. OF COURSE. HOW FOOLISH OF ME. *WINK*) a sign had just been hung up that read “Ruby’s”, and based on what Jade could see through the window, it appeared to be a diner. Not only that, but it looked relatively empty save for a group of four sitting in one of the booths near the windows of the joint. Maybe because it was so new? “Hmm... I could go for some burgers and fries...” Jade walked over to the crosswalk and crossed the street, putting her only a few feet away from the new diner, and filled with a combination of curiosity and unyielding hunger, she walked up close and opened the door. ======================================================================= As Jade opened the door, she was hit with a combination of smell and sound: Those of food being fried. Between the meat hitting the grill and the oil sizzling away in the frying vats, it was enough to make Jade start panting in anticipation. She took a moment to look around the store. As she saw earlier through the windows, it was empty aside from that one group of four, which seemed to consist of four young women chatting away and laughing obnoxiously, but it was shockingly nice for a diner. Unlike most diners, which are well known for their checkerboard tile floors, metal tables and countertops, and general semi-retro feel, this place seemed to be somewhat modern. The countertop where the stools were made out of marble, or very convincing faux marble at least, the tables had a large checkerboard pattern (black in two corners, white in two corners) with cushiony faux-leather teal seats, and the floor was actually made out of a faux hardwood-style tile. However, one thing that Jade, with her artistic brain, found ironic is that, in spite of the name “Ruby’s”, there wasn’t really any red in the color scheme of this diner, which consisted primarily of black and pale teal with some thin lines of white tiles thrown in on the black tile walls. Overall, it did a fantastic job of combining “modern” with “retro diner”, and for whatever reason, that just made Jade’s gut start to gurgle louder. “Hmm?” A noise came from behind the counter, causing the head of a young lady with red hair tied up in a bun, hazel green eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses, and a somewhat round and freckled face to pop up from below the marble countertop. “Oh! A customer!” The lady’s voice sounded strange, and had a bit of a southern twang to it that gave her a bit of charm. She stood up, allowing Jade to see her slightly chubby belly constrained inside of her pale teal uniform, and a nametag that read “Ruby”. Ruby looked at Jade for a moment, then after noticing her belly underneath her sweater, immediately walked out from behind the counter. “Hello there! Welcome to Ruby’s diner! I am, of course, Ruby! And what is your name?” Ruby held out her hand. Jade grabbed her hand and shook it. “I’m Jade.” Ruby’s eyes sparkled a bit. “Oh!? Well how fun! Couple a’ shiny rocks meeting in my store today! Now, what can I get for ya to eat today, miss Jade?” Ruby gestured to the menu. There weren’t really all that many options on the menu, but considering the fact that this place was new, Jade figured that she could forgive the lack of variety. “Well, I’m a bit of a big eater, so I'll take two of everything.” Jade said, gently slapping her belly. Ruby’s eyes sparkled again, and her mouth made a warm and excited smile. “Oh my! Umm, yes! Gladly! Take a seat wherever you want, honey, and I’ll get started on all that right away!” She said before she scuttled her way back behind the counter and started to wash her hands. Jade scanned around for a good spot, before settling on the booth on the far left side of the diner. However, when she started walking, she heard Ruby shout her name: “Oh! Miss Jade!?” “Uh... Yeah?” “I’m sorry. I completely forgot to ask, but what would you like to drink?” Jade smiled a bit at Ruby’s excitement. “Umm... Gimme a coke.” “Right away!” ======================================================================= <Fifteen Minutes Later...> After only fifteen minutes of waiting, Ruby had arrived at Jade’s booth with four full plastic trays worth of food As Ruby placed them down in front of her, Jade took a moment to examine the trays and all of their contents. On the first tray, there were three burgers and three baskets of fries, with the second being mostly the same. The third tray consisted of breakfast foods, having two plates of hashbrowns, two plates of eggs (both scrambled and sunny-side), and two places of bacon to pair with them. The fourth and final tray had four plates in total: Two with waffles, two with pancakes, as well as two large milkshakes (which weren’t even on the menu), one of which was chocolate while the other was vanilla. Upon seeing it all, Jade couldn’t help but drool. “Holy...” Jade stared at the food in front of her, with her stomach letting out a large growl in response to the food being placed in front of her. “There ya are are miss Jade! I hope you enjoy! Oh, and the milkshakes are on the house!” Ruby said, smiling at Jade’s happily drooling face. “T-Thank you.” Jade said as she watched Ruby walk away. She picked up a burger and took a bite. Immediately, Jade’s mouth was filled with the wonderful taste of griddle-cooked beef, cheese, lettuce, pickles, and... Homemade ketchup? Oh yeah. It was homemade, and goddamn delicious. Before jade had even realized it, the entire burger had already gone down her throat and entered her belly with the remnants of those twin guys from days ago. She quickly grabbed another burger, and was hit with a very similar taste sensation. Just like before, the burger was gone in mere moments. Switching it up, she went next for some fries, which when dipped in the homemade ketchup, only seemed to make Jade even more ravenous. One by one, Jade worked her way through the plates set in front of her. Once all the burgers and fries were gone, she went for the eggs. Then after that, she got creative and ate the bacon and the hashbrowns together. Then, she alternated between waffles and pancakes until they were all gone. Then, she drank about half of each milkshake before pouring them into the same glass and drinking them together. Even if her belly wasn’t really full from such a light meal, she couldn’t help but admit that all of the care put into every dish in her belly was satisfying in a very different way. Jade leaned back for a moment and looked down. Jade’s sweater was now riding up on her belly, due to it having grown an extra twelve inches, and as such, her beautiful gut was now hanging out for the world to see. She poked her finger into the side, and was pleased when she felt the firmness behind her flesh. Not even bothering to try and pull her sweater back down, Jade scooched out from the booth and stood up, gently patting her belly in enjoyment. She walked over to the register, where Ruby was diligently and eagerly waiting for her arrival. “So, how was everything, miss Jade? Did everythin’ taste alright?” Ruby asked, obviously anxious over what Jade was about to say. Jade smiled and placed her hands on her back, pushing on it in a way that made her belly stick out and bump into the counter. “Ruby. That was goddamn magnificent.” Suddenly, Jade watched as Ruby’s eyes started to water underneath her glasses, prompting her to remove them and wipe the tears away. “Oh. Oh my. M-Miss Jade, I” “Oh my god. Hey girls! Look at the gut on the tall mexican chick!” ======================================================================= Jade, instantly irritated, turned around. Behind her, the four girls she saw earlier were looking at her and Ruby. The one closest to her, right on the edge of the seat, was pointing directly at Jade’s swollen stomach and laughing, while the other three girls were just laughing. “Oh my god! You’re right! She’s as big as a fucking cow!” “Hehe! Maybe that’s why she came in! Saying goodbye to your brothers and sisters being turned into burgers, fatty?” “Hey, if you’re lucky, maybe you’ll be made into beef next!” Jade’s belly let out a little groan as she narrowed her eyes at them, but she decided that Ruby was too good a cook to scare off, so she resigned herself to the food that was already in her belly... That is, until the girl across from the first one pointed at Ruby. “Ho-Lee Fuck. Is the redhead crying?” The girl next to her turned her gaze towards Ruby. “Oh my god! She totally is! What, did the fat bitch accidentally eat your share or something?” “She does look kinda pudgy. No wonder she runs a diner! I bet her version of ‘quality control’ is just her sitting in her kitchen alone eating for an hour! Hahahahahahaaaa!” Suddenly, Jade’s eyes widened. She turned her head towards Ruby, who now had some very different tears streaming down her face. At this point, Jade knew she couldn’t let this slide, but she also didn’t want to freak Ruby out by swallowing these bitches in front of her. She watched the quartet laugh in front of her, taking a moment to think, before she turned to Ruby and leaned in close. “Ruby, honey. I need you to go back into the kitchen and wait there for about ten minutes.” Jade said, trying hard not to show off how pissed she was. Ruby, on the other hand, was just confused. “W-What? Why do you-” “Please. Just trust me. Go back into the kitchen, and no matter what you hear in there, don’t come out for ten minutes.” Ruby’s jaw hung open for a bit in confusion as tears continued to well up in her eyes, looking back and forth between Jade and the four laughing shrews, but after a couple of seconds, she resigned herself to Jade’s will, and walked back into the kitchen. “Bye! Why don’t you go do some quality control while you wait!” The first girl said to Ruby as the door closed behind her. Jade took a moment to make sure the door was closed and that Ruby wasn’t peeking, then turned around to look at the four girls. “Huh? What are you looking at, Bessie? The grass is on your head, not over here. Eat that.” Jade let out a little grin, her mouth salivating a bit. “Oh, this cow doesn’t eat grass, but I am looking at my next meal.” The girl stopped laughing and looked at the table in front of her. The four plates on it were empty. “What are you...” Suddenly, her face turned from bitchy and condescending to one of abject terror. “No... You... You aren’t...” Jade licked her lips. “I am, and I’m still hungry.” The other three girls, initially not understanding, noticed Jade pat her belly as a small bead of drool fell from the corner of her mouth. It was then that they, like their friend, realized what was going on. “No. No please.” “We’re sorry! We were just playing around!” Jade held her hand out in front of them. “Shut it. Food doesn’t talk.” Then, in one swift motion, Jade grabbed the girl closest to her, the one who started this whole debacle, and pulled her head close to her face. She took a moment to lick her face, and as a rush of dominance washed over her, Jade opened her mouth wide and placed the queen bitch’s head inside of it. “*MMMMMPH*” “OH MY GOD!” “NO! SUZIE!” Jade ignored the yells of the three girls and made her first swallow, sending this girl on her first and only trip down someone else's throat. Once she reached her chest, she took a moment to feel around with her tongue, only to realize that she was unfortunately flat-chested and that there was nothing to play with. Disappointed, Jade made her second swallow, sending her down further to the point that Jade had reached her hips. Fortunately, there was a bit more junk in the trunk than in the chest, which gave Jade a little bit of pleasure. She made her third swallow, reaching her knees and allowing Jade to let go and put one hand on her back, and another one on her expanding gut, allowing her to feel the shivering of the girl inside through her flesh. She made one last swallow, sending the girl’s feet down Jade’s hungry maw and joining the rest of her inside Jade’s belly. Jade lowered her gaze towards her engorged gut and gave it a big slap, causing her let out a loud burp. “*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOARP*” A violet colored shirt flew out of her mouth and onto the table in front of the three remaining meals. Jade smirked and smacked the side of her gut, making it wriggle and sob a little bit. “Mmmmm... A bit salty, but she was pretty damn tasty otherwise. Now... Onto the side dishes.” ======================================================================= <Later That Evening...> As Neil walked in the door to his home, he took notice of the fact that his wife was not currently sitting in her usual spot on the couch. Normally, when Neil came home from work, he would find Jade waiting for him to walk in the door, sitting on the couch in usually nothing more than her underwear, and sometimes something even less. “Hmm. Maybe she’s in her studio.” Neil put his jacket on the hangar next to the door and put his keys on the kitchen counter. He started to walk down the hall when he noticed some of Jade’s clothes, an army green sweater and a pair of blue jeans with a popped button, as well as her usual painting attire covered with some fresh paint stains. He forgave it earlier, but he was going to have to scold her for leaving her clothes on the floor again, and now with twice as many articles of clothing as before? Oh yeah. Jade was going to get an earful. “Hmm. I guess she’s in the shower then. I wonder if she finished her painting?” Neil stepped over Jade’s discarded garments and opened the door to her studio. Sitting on the easel was a newly-finished painting, depicting a large, jade green woman with an enormous stomach. She was dangling a bunch of purple colored smaller girls over her grinning mouth, with a single drop of blue drool dripping from the corner. It was fairly obvious to Neil what the symbolism here was. “Well, I guess Jade had a good lunch.” “You bet, hon.” Neil jumped when he heard Jade’s voice, not even realizing she had walked up behind him and was looking over his shoulder. His glasses fell in response to the sudden jolt, prompting him to kneel on the ground to try and find them. After a moment of the half-blind man flailing around and listening to his wife’s giggling, he managed to find his glasses and put them back on his face. “Jesus Christ, Jade! You scared the... Shit.” As he looked up, Neil saw that Jade was completely naked and still dripping wet in front of him, carrying a belly big enough for her to lay on if she felt so inclined. Neil stared for a moment as he stood up. Her hands covered her naked breasts as if to tease Neil, and she smiled at him as his brain attempted to process how lucky of a bastard he was. “I found this new diner over on Ambrosia St. Needless to say, I was pretty pleased with the food provided.” Neil walked over to his humongous and rotund wife, then proceeded to reach under her belly and pull out her sweater. “I thought we talked about leaving your dirty clothes in the hallway when you go to shower?” Jade’s smile turned into an annoyed smirk. “Oh shut the fuck up and help me get into the bedroom you dork.” THE END |
Big Sisters, Huge Appetites A Colab Vore Story w/ Kattu/Paogordo Major Characters: Gabi: (A character of Kattu/Paogordo) A university student from a city across the country, and the older sister of Emily. She’s a veteran Pred, but has a bad habit of eating people whenever she gets flustered (much to the amusement and enjoyment of her sister). Gabi has long, shiny blonde hair and a pair of bright blue eyes. Emily: (A character of Kattu/Paogordo) A teenage girl from a city across the country, and the younger sister of Gabi. She’s a bit of a freak, and has a fetish for Vore that borders on obsession. Like her sister, Emily has blonde hair in a short feathered cut, and a pair of light blue eyes. Jade Reviello: Shelby’s Half-mexican older half-sister, Wes’ other cousin, and Neil’s wife. She is noted to be both very sassy, and makes money by painting commissions for people online. She has light brown skin, chin-length brown hair (dyed jade green) in a messy, feathered style, and bright green eyes. She also likes to wear jade colored nail polish. Neil Reviello: A professional chef of Italian heritage, and Jade’s husband. He owns a rather popular Italian restaurant called ‘La Regina’, and likes to cook for Jade. He has curly black hair, brown eyes, and wears a pair of horn-rimmed glasses. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It’s been soooo long since we’ve been here! I’m getting hungry!” “I bet you are, fatass.” Gabi excitedly sat down at the table the waiter led her and her sister, Emily, to. The two girls were currently in an Italian restaurant in the middle of Esuritio City, where they were stopping overnight on a trip to visit their aunt. The two girls had been to both this city and this restaurant before (a few times, actually). Every time that the girls and their parents go to visit their aunt, they stop overnight in Esuritio, and eat at Gabi’s father’s favorite restaurant: ‘La Regina’. That being said, Gabi’s parents were both stuck at work, so this time, the two sisters came alone. “Hey Gabi. I wonder if the bigger Emily still lives around here? The one we met at the café?” “Oh yeah. I don’t know. Maybe.” Gabi’s stomach growled in response to remembering that day. Way back in 2016, the two girls stopped in a café that was being manned by a woman who shared Emily’s name, and Gabi’s tastes. Even though the two girls haven’t seen her since, Emily still asks that question every time they visit the city. Gabi looked at Emily, taking notice of the somewhat longing look in her eyes. She looked up to the other Emily. Sometimes Gabi felt bad whenever she said they couldn't go to that café, but then… She reminded herself: If that freak learned how to eat people, the entire city would be devoured in a month. “Well... No use wondering about it. C’mon. What do you wanna eat?” “... I want pasta. And chicken parmesan. Ooh, and maybe the lasagna!” Being a good sister, Gabi pulled open her menu and looked at the options. If her father were here, she wouldn’t bother making her sister hold back. But, unfortunately, she was paying this time. “*Sigh*... Em. For the sake of my purse, please limit yourself to three entrées tonight...” ======================================================================= Meanwhile, Jade Reviello let out a burp as she stood outside the door to her husband’s restaurant. It had been a little over two weeks since her visit to Ruby’s, and in that time, she had had two sets of four-prey meals that have caused her to blow up a fair bit. Her sweater puppies were now close in size to Eulalie’s, and her butt was nothing to laugh at either. Her black panties now acted as a thong due to being swallowed by her ass, and she wasn’t even wearing a bra at the moment, since none of them fit at the moment and her boobs just sat on top of her gut anyways. She gave her belly a pat and looked at herself in the window’s reflection. She was wearing a tight white tank top that barely contained her huge boobs and large belly underneath an unzipped maroon colored hoodie with sleeves that were just a little too long. The way the hoodie framed her body really emphasized the size of her breasts and her belly, making most who walked by her think she was pregnant with twins... or triplets. Paired with this hoodie-tank top ensemble, she wore a pair of dark blue jeans that showed off her butt through the tight denim. She turned to look at her ass for a second, then she smiled and entered the restaurant. Recognizing Jade as the head chef’s wife, the waiter at the door allowed her to pass with a casual wave. Jade returned the wave and continued walking, pausing for a moment to observe a pair of blonde girls eating dinner. The small one seemed to be quite the glutton, and had already seemingly finished two large plates and was about halfway through her third. However, the bigger one... “Holy shit those boobs…” Jade? Honey? Please don’t interrupt me while I’m typing. Thank you. *Smooches*. Anyways. The bigger one was not only bigger in terms of age and height, but in bust size. Her breasts were easily double the size of Jade’s own, and her ass wasn’t lacking in the size department either. Jade took another moment to observe the girl. She appeared younger than Jade, hell, younger than Shelby, Wes, and Ji, even. From her mannerisms, she seemed to act like she was still in college. But under her stretched-out white t-shirt and black athletic shorts (a bold outfit choice in December, but considering the skimpyness of Jade’s own outfit, she didn’t have much room to judge), she had the body of a woman with a lot more experience. “Hmm... I wonder if she does porn?” Jade thought to herself as she continued walking towards the kitchen. She pushed open the metal doors and stepped in. Immediately, her nostrils were filled with the smells of multiple dishes being cooked. There were handmade raviolis being coated with heavenly tomato sauce, a lasagna being pulled out of a small oven, a pizza being pulled out of a brick wood-fired oven, penne pasta with vegetable sauce, mushroom risotto, and even the smell of coffee being used to soak sponge cake to make homemade tiramisu. Jade’s favorite dessert. Her belly growled loudly enough that one of the chefs stopped what he was doing and looked her way. “Hmm?.. Jade! Georgie, watch this pot for me.” “Yes, Chef Reviello!” Jade smiled as Neil walked over to his wife and gave her a hug. “Hey there! I wasn’t expecting you to visit today!” “Well, I was getting a little hungry, so I figured that I would stop by for lunch. I got some wine too.” Jade reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle of red wine. Neil smiled as he started to unbutton his chef’s jacket. “That sounds lovely. Georgie! Me and the missus are going to eat lunch together! You’re in charge while I’m out!” “Yes, Chef Reviello!” “Now, where should we sit?” Neil said as he opened the door for his rotund wife. “Well… There is this one table with a pair of blondes sitting at it. One of them is packing it away, and her boobs are massive. Like, Ji-Yu massive. She has to be a porn star, ‘cause there's no way she was born with those.” Neil sucked in his breath as if about to say something to Jade, but then just laughed and shook his head a bit. “Well, I did marry you for your honesty, I suppose...” “Shut up, you. Food now.” ======================================================================= “*UUUUUURP!* Damn! That guy back there sure knows what he’s doing!” “You said it, Em.” Emily patted her bulging stomach, enjoying the feeling of being overly-full. However, when she looked across at Gabi, whose stomach was barely bloated even though her boobs were big enough to suffocate her in her sleep, she just felt... Annoyed. All Emily wanted in life was the thing that her sister has: a talent for Vore. Knowing that she could eat people only made Emily angrier whenever she stared at her sister and those… Those… “-Giant boobs!” The sisters simultaneously turned their heads to the table at their left, where a woman was sitting across from who appeared to be her boyfriend. That boyfriend, however, was not looking at his girlfriend. Instead, his eyes kept darting back and forth between his girlfriend’s face, and Gabi’s enormous breasts stretching out her shirt. “S-Sarah, I wasn’t.” “You’re looking right now, August!” “Well can you blame me? They’re bigger than my head!” “UUUGH!” The woman, apparently named Sarah, stood up and stormed off towards the bathrooms. Gabi angrily blushed in the man’s direction, but managed to stop herself before she did that Emily was going to like. Instead, she just turned back to the now empty plates on the table and started looking around for a waiter. Emily saw this. Emily didn’t like that. “Yo Gab. I’m gonna go pee. Get me a cannoli.” “Uh huh. Sure.” Emily, knowing full well that a cannoli would not be waiting for her when she got back because her sister sucks, walked towards the bathrooms. They were back near the corner of the room, barely visible from where she was sitting just moments ago. She opened the door to the ladies room and peered inside. There, she saw Sarah from a moment ago, pacing from wall to wall and angrily talking to herself. “Stupid August... Looking at that bimbo’s enormous tits... I can’t help that mine aren’t that big! She was eating like a fucking pig too. God dammit...” Emily smiled. A mischievous smile. One that said: “I can use this...” She opened the door the rest of the way and stepped inside. “They’re fake, y’know.” Sarah jumped and spun around, accidentally slamming herself into the wall. “WHAT THE... Oh! Jesus! You scared the shit out of me... Wait. You’re that blonde bimbo’s friend! The one that August wouldn’t stop staring at!” “I said they’re fake.” “... What are?” “Her boobs. She pads them up like crazy. Her bra is filled with more silicon than fat.” Sarah cocked her head. “... Really?” Emily casually shrugged and walked over to Sarah. “Yup. If you go out there and prove it, I'm sure your boyfriend will stop staring at her. Guys don’t like fake tits.” Sarah looked down towards the floor and thought about it for a moment, imagining the scenario in her head. She smiled before looking back up at Emily, unknowingly falling right into her trap. “Why are you helping me?” Emily had her now. She put her hand behind her back, hiding a toothpick from the front kiosk in her hand. She jabbed it into her back to make her eyes well up with tears. “S... She’s... She’s evil! She makes me do everything! She makes me carry her stuff, do her chores, get her snacks, clean her room, everything! She treats me like a slave! And when I don’t listen... She... She...” Emily turned around, hiding her evil smile as she faked the sounds of a crying girl as best as she possibly could. Sarah, falling for it like a sucker, stood there shocked for a few moments, before it became sheer rage. “That bitch! You stay right there sweetie! I’m going to go teach that slut a lesson!” Sarah walked out the door, slamming it behind her, leaving Emily alone in the room. She took her toothpick, now snapped in half from jabbing it into her back, and threw it in the trash as she wiped the crocodile tears from her eyes. Then, as soon as she looked in the mirror, she started howling with childish laughter, knowing very well what she had just sent that Sarah woman into. “Right into Gabi’s belly! She didn’t even question it! What a dumbass! HAAAHAHAhahahahaaaaa!” ======================================================================= As Jade and Neil sat in their booth, chatting and having a glass of wine with their food, the two heard a large slam come from the back of the restaurant, near where the bathrooms are. “What was that?” Jade said as she and Neil turned their heads towards the sound. From the bathrooms, Jade watched as a woman, beet-red in the face, walked over to the girl sitting at the table next to her. “You lying bitch!” Sarah screamed at Gabi, slamming her fist down on the table and accidentally knocking over Gabi’s drink. “W-What? Do I know you?” Gabi, in her shock, didn’t even notice that her drink spilled all over her shirt, making it slightly see-through and revealing the huge bra she was wearing underneath. “No. But I know you. You torture your little sister, force her to do your chores and carry your shit or you hit her, and you stuff your bra with so many pads you could melt them down into implants for those fake tits of yours so that you can steal other girl’s men!” August stood up at the table that Sarah was sitting at earlier and ran over to his girlfriend. “Sarah! What the fuck are you doing? You’re making a scene!” Sarah snarled at August, furious that he wasn’t paying attention to her in favor of the giant pair of mammaries that had been next to them the whole evening. “What am I doing? WHAT AM I DOING!?” Gabi stood up and held up her hands, attempting to diffuse the situation. “Hang on! Just calm the hell down and we can talk this-” *SQUISH*... Gabi looked down at her breasts, which were now being squeezed by the rude woman standing in front of her. Gabi felt her face become beet red in embarrassment and rage. “YOU SEE!? THESE THINGS ARE... Are... R-Real? You’re tits are real? But that girl said-*MMMPH*” Gabi had had enough now. Without a second thought, Gabi shoved her mouth over top of Sarah's head and swallowed. Hard. Jade, still sitting in the booth next to Emily’s table, watched in a combination of awe and realization as Gabi managed to completely swallow Sarah in two gulps, her belly expanding to a huge size in a mere six seconds. Then, Gabi let out a burp loud enough to echo throughout the dining room, followed shortly by the laughter of a girl coming from the direction of the bathrooms. Jade followed the laughing with her eyes, where she saw the smaller girl from earlier laughing her ass off and pointing. “HA! Hahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! L-Look at her! Look at her and laugh! You’re such a fatass!” Emily said as she pointed at her big sister and her writhing gut. Gabi became furious. “EMILY! YOU LITTLE FREAK! I KNEW YOU WERE GONNA PULL SOMETHING LIKE THIS!” Gabi shouted across the dining room. “Y-You’re just too damn easy, Gabi! And now you gotta eat everyone else in here too! HaHAAAAAH!” Gabi stood there shuddering in a combination of embarrassment, rage, and just enough pleasure that the other two felt worse in comparison. She looked around the room. Taking into account both the fellow customers and the employees, there must’ve been somewhere around... “Hey blondie.” Gabi turned her head to see a woman in her mid-twenties with jade green hair and light brown skin standing behind her. She pointed at August in front of Gabi, shaking with fear and confusion. “You gonna eat him? I’m starving.” Gabi stared at her, the whirlwind of emotions in her head causing her brain to short-circuit for a moment as it tried to process the words she said. “I’ll take your silence as a no.” The green-haired woman stepped around her then turned around. “Neil? Hon? Tell the boys to head home for today. I’m having an extra-large supper tonight.” The man she was talking to stood up and walked to the back, the waiters in front following him casually as if nothing unusual was happening. “Sure thing, sweetheart. See you at home.” ======================================================================= As soon as Neil and the waiters left the room, Jade grabbed August and put her hand under his chin. “Don’t worry.” Then, she pointed it down towards her belly and lifted her shirt up. “You’re going to make an awesome addition to my boobs.” Then, before he even had the chance to scream, Jade shoved his head inside her mouth and swallowed. She gave him a taste, and found that he tasted similar to a porkchop. “Mmm. Not bad, dude.” she thought to herself as she swallowed again, going past his shoulders to his waist. At this point, August started to fight hard, making him difficult to swallow, prompting Jade to wave at Gabi and point at August’s flailing feet. Gabi, apparently getting the message, awkwardly walked over to Jade and began to push down on August’s feet, forcing him down the hungry lady’s throat. Jade swallowed a third time, which with the help of Gabi pushing, allowed her to eat August in just three gulps. “You were pretty tasty dude. Too bad you weren’t filling worth a shit.” Jade slapped her belly, causing the man inside to wriggle furiously as the sudden force. “*UURP* Hey. Blondie. What’s your name?” Gabi’s jaw dropped in confusion. “G-Gabi?” Jade smiled and held out her hand. “I’m Jade. My husband owns this joint.” Gabi awkwardly took it and Jade shook. Emily, who saw everything from across the room, ran over to Gabi and Jade. “WOAH! THAT WAS FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC!” “Heh! Thanks, kid. Not gonna lie, I would’ve figured you for the Pred sister, seeing how you were stuffing yourself earlier.” Emily‘s smile turned into a pout upon hearing that, not that Jade noticed. She was too busy admiring Gabi. “That being said, holy shit! Girl, you just sucked him down! In two gulps! Hey. You mind teaching me how to do that?” Gabi, still incredibly lost, remembered that, even though all the waiters and chefs had left and that Jade just ate August, there were still around twelve more people in the room, not counting them. “Uhh... S-Sure. But, um, could you help me with...” Gabi motioned to the other customers, paralyzed by fear and confusion (except for one dude in the back, who was just passed-out drunk). Jade walked over to a woman in a red dress and picked her up. “No... No please don’t...” “Sure. I’ve still got plenty of room left.” ======================================================================= <Thirty Minutes Later...> “*BUUUUARP* So... You’re telling me you just started eating people like... A month ago? You have such a big appetite that I wouldn’t have guessed.” Gabi stood behind Jade, holding the unconscious drunk man from earlier. Jade was finishing off her sixth meal while her seventh and final one shivered in terror at the sight of her belly, knowing that she could not escape her fate. Jade made another swallow and felt her food’s legs enter her belly alongside their body, and the other three people that were struggling inside it. Jade turned and patted the top of her belly. “Eh. I’ve always been a pretty big eater. That’s part of the reason I married my husband. Dude liked a girl who could pack it away. I started Vore ‘cause I hoped it would satisfy my hunger.” Emily, who was standing next to her sister, walked over to Jade and put her hand on her gut. “Has it?” “Eh. Not yet. The sensation of my food moving around though... That kinda turns me on. The idea that a person is bubbling away into soupy meat inside my belly... And the fact that that same meat has made my body all bouncy and curvy... It just does it for me. Y’know?” Jade playfully shoved her belly into Emily’s face, causing the girl to blush and stumble back a bit. Gabi, on the other hand, thought hard about the question. “Well, it was always kind of about just feeling full at first. When I was a kid, I just got really hungry and this was the only way to fill me up. After I hit puberty though...“ Gabi blushed and waved off the rest of the answer. Jade cocked her head. “Oh. I figured it was like, your kink or something. Though your boobs make a lot more sense now. Not gonna lie, when I first saw ya, I kinda wondered if you did porn. You being a Pred makes waaaaay more sense.” However, Jade paused as she saw Gabi’s face turn beet-red again, then became confused when Emily began laughing and poking her sister in the gut. “Huh? What’s so funny, Em?” “Hahaha! ‘Cause Fatass here IS a porn star!” “S-SHUT UP, EMILY!” Gabi screamed as she pushed her sister away. Jade’s jaw dropped for a moment, but shortly thereafter she started to laugh too. “No way! I was right about that!?” Jade slapped her stomach as she laughed. “Yo, Em. You GOTTA send me that video!” Gabi was truly embarrassed now. “D-DO YOU WANT ME TO TEACH YOU HOW TO EAT OR NOT?” Jade calmed herself down. “Heheheh... S-Sorry! I couldn’t help it. I’m normally just waaaay off on stuff like that. Please, teach me.” Gabi made a pouty face. “Fine...” She took the passed-out drunk she was holding and lifted him up slightly. “Okay. The secret to eating someone fast is to swallow the second that their head enter’s your mouth. If you wait to swallow until after their head is in there, you lose the momentum from shoving them in. Watch me, then you can try.” “Okay then.” As Jade watched Gabi and rubbed the top of her own huge belly to feel the six people that were already inside it struggle, Gabi took the drunk man and did exactly as she described. Like she said, the extra momentum helped her to slide her prey down her throat in a matter of moment, causing her belly to expand rapidly to fit in a seventh victim. As Gabi panted and wiped the drool from her mouth, Jade “clapped” by smacking the top of her belly somewhat hard, scaring the food inside into struggling further. “Damn! You really sucked that bastard down! Watching your belly expand so quick... Hmm. I wonder If Neil would be up for a threesome tonight...” Not realizing she said that last part out loud, Jade looked down at her own final course for the evening as Gabi freaked out to herself. “Welp. Time to try! Do me a favor and try to stay still, okay food? Make both of our lives a lot easier.” “P-P-Please...” “Food doesn’t talk. Now... Get in my gut.” With those words, Jade lifted the shivering girl up and shoved her head into her mouth, swallowing the instant she felt her with her tongue. As Gabi said, the extra momentum helped Jade to swallow her prey incredibly fast, and she felt her stomach grow as the upper half of the girl entered her belly. Suddenly, Jade’s entire body shivered a bit and her legs buckled, bringing her to her knees. Sitting there for a moment, Jade made one last swallow as her face turned red and she put her hands on her belly. Then, after her meal entered her stomach completely, she stood up again and panted, a bead of drool dripping from her mouth and her hoodie falling off of her right shoulder. That’s right. Jade just swallowed so fast, and so fluidly, she had a small orgasm. Emily, who watched the whole thing, got a small nosebleed as she stared at the green-haired beauty with honey colored skin panting while rubbing her gut. And if she were the honest type, Gabi would admit that she was feeling a bit turned on by this woman too. “W-Wow! You seemed to swallow her perfectly! You’re a natural at this, huh?” Jade, regaining most of her composure, walked over to Gabi, holding her belly directly in front of hers to compare. “Thanks. Can’t wait to see how this haul makes me grow...” Emily ran over to the two huge Preds and stared at their bellies. “Wow...” She put one hand on Gabi’s belly, and the other on Jade’s. Jade smiled. “I gotta say, Gabi, my sister’s a voraphile too. Hell, her girlfriend is the one who taught me how to Vore to begin with, but what you and Emily got going on is... Well. It’s something.” Gabi’s face got red yet again. “Yeah. She’s a little freak, alright.” ======================================================================= <The Next Day...> Jade woke up somewhat late the next day to the sound of her hungry belly rumbling. In spite of the fact that Jade fed it seven restaurant patrons yesterday and some of the food leftover on the tables, it was still crying for more. The food inside was now no more than bubbling soup, but it had barely even shrunken in size overnight. It was just… Sloshier. A lot sloshier. Not that Jade minded all too much. She shook it around to hear it slosh and watch it wobble, then giggled when it growled again. “I hear ya. Let’s go get some lunch.” A few minutes later, and Jade was walking down the sidewalk, her huge gut wobbling with every step she took. Unlike yesterday, everyone she walked past stared at her with both frightened and curious looks (save for some fellow Preds here and there, who understood exactly what was going on in Jade’s wonderful gut). Jade didn't mind at all though. She was proud of her giant belly, and loved having it attached to her. After ten more minutes of walking, Jade had stopped in front of the little diner that she was planning to have breakfast/lunch in. She peered inside through the window really quickly to see how busy it was, and decided that it was quiet enough for her to enjoy her food in peace. However, just before she opened the door to goin, she was interrupted by the sound of an excited girl. “Jade!” Jade turned her head to see Emily running towards her, Gabi running close behind. She turned the rest of her body to say hello, but when she realized that Gabi’s stomach was completely flat and that her boobs had grown even larger overnight, her jaw dropped open. She walked towards Gabi, barely even noticing that she accidentally ran into Emily with her gut, causing her to be bounced to the ground in a rather spectacular fashion. “Hey there, Jade. How weird is it that-” “How?” Gabi’s face made a confused look. “H-How? How what?” “How did you digest so fast?” Jade pointed at Gabi’s belly, then at her boobs, accidentally poking one of them due to not taking into account their increased size affecting their distance from her. Gabi, now flustered from having her boob accidentally poked by her new friend, barely managed to stutter out her answer. “W-What do y-you mean? I’ve always d-digested this fast! Ever s-since I was seven!” Jade, shocked, shouted out her next question. “YOU’VE BEEN VORING PEOPLE SINCE YOU WERE SEVEN!?” Gabi put her hand over Jade’s mouth, trying to keep her from yelling. “N-not so loud!” Emily, who was recovering from being gut-checked, stood up from her concrete bed and walked over to the two girls. “I read online that Preds who start eating after puberty take longer to digest. Apparently, a younger Pred’s body changes during puberty to better fit their diet, or something.” Jade was taken aback. She looked down at her belly, still gurgling and growling in anticipation. “No fuckin’ way...” Gabi, having calmed down a bit, looked over at the diner that Jade was standing in front of moments ago. “Were you about to get lunch?” This question reminded Jade of her hunger, prompting her to snap out of her shock. “Huh? Oh. Yeah. I woke up a little while ago and was just freakin’ starving.” Emily, seeing another opportunity, formed a mischievous grin. “Hey Jade.” “Hmm? What’s up, Em?” “Do you mind if we join you? Maybe we can test that theory...” THE END |
Jingle Bellies A Christmas Vore Story Collection Christmas Eve: Ji and Wes Major Characters: Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’sfiancée. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. Wesson (Wes) Forstner: A young man who works at a bookstore, and Ji-Yu’sfiancé. He has shaggy dirty blonde colored hair, a pair of blue-grey eyes (the left of which has a small gold/brown section on the lower right portion of the iris), and a fair deal of scars on his arms. He has a unique genetic mutation that allows his blood to neutralize a Pred’s stomach acids and make them throw up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Jeez… What’s taking him so long!?” Ji-Yu was sitting on the couch in her and herfiancéWes’s shared apartment. She was currently waiting for Wes to come home from doing some last minute christmas shopping. Since the two of them were heading up to Esuritio City tomorrow for Christmas day to celebrate with Jade, Neil, Shelby, and Eulalie at Jade and Neil’s home, Ji had decided to give Wes his “present” tonight, on Christmas Eve, so that they could enjoy it without other people around. Unfortunately, she was a little bit nervous about how Wes would like it, since it has always been a bit hard to buy gifts for Wes, and when Ji gets nervous, she gets hungry, and as such she was nervously drumming away on a belly stuffed with about 72 cookies, 24 mugs of hot chocolate, and a delivery girl who had literally only managed to deliver Wes’s present two hours ago. Her green sweater somehow managed to cover her gut properly, hiding it behind the shockingly stretchy yet still rather warm fabric (thanks, Stuffed Sisters!). That being said, her red snowflake-patterned leggings were too thin to properly retain heat, leaving her lower half pretty chilly, causing Ji to be constantly shivering yet incredibly pretty to look at. She held up her phone and looked at the time.“10:39 PM? It’s getting late... Did Wes’s engine freeze? Maybe I should call him…” Ji heaved herself off the couch and tapped on the phone icon, and began scrolling through her contacts. “Nope. Nope. Nope. N-Oh! Brooke. I should give her a call later! Umm… Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. No-” Fortunately for Ji’s sanity, she was interrupted by the sound of the lock on the apartment’s door clattering. “Wes!” Excited, she ran (well… Okay. Not “ran”. More like “speed-waddled”) to the door and stood there. The lock continued to jingle for a moment, and then the handle turned, revealing Wes half-covered in snow and face red from the cold. “Ji! I’m… Oh! Hello! I’m home!” Wes said as he saw Ji standing right in front of him. He took notice of her big belly underneath her sweater, a small bump forming and disappearing on the top “Got some dinner while I was out, huh?”. Ji grabbed Wes’s arm and pulled him in for a kiss. Then, once she was satisfied with the taste of his cold lips on her own warm, cherry-red lipsticked ones, she placed his hands on her tummy, allowing him to feel the shaking of the delivery girl who was bad at her job shaking and squirming through the fabric. “It was her fault for delivering your Christmas present so late! I mean, seriously, who delivers a Christmas gift the night before Christmas!? Honestly, she deserved to become nothing more than stuffing for my tummy.” “Isn’t stuffing a Thanksgiving thing?” “Shut up. I’m big and round and sexy. That’s what’s important. Now, on to a different subject: What took you so long!? You said you would be back at seven!” Ji dropped Wes’s hands and put her own on her hips, making a pouty face that, when paired with her cherry-red lipstick and round face, only served to make her look more adorable than angry. Wes closed the apartment door and walked over to the kitchen counter, removing his hoodie and placing it on the table, and revealing his forest green v-neck t-shirt underneath.“I was having a little trouble getting somebody’s present. The roads were really icy, the traffic was all over the place, and then there was the... Well, that’s not important. I brought snacks.” Wes held up a huge bag full of cookies, well aware that Ji would’ve already devoured all the ones they had made earlier today (I mean, the tree didn’t even have any candy canes on it because they all ended up in Ji’s belly in the first three days, so this was gonna be a given). “Ooooh! Gimme!” Ji reached her arms out and made a grabbing gesture with her hands. Wes walked over and handed them to her. She reached inside and pulled one out, revealing a little gingerbread man. “Hehe! Cute! Hey, dinner! You’ve got some little friends coming down to join you!” Ji said as she patted her belly. Within three seconds, she had already stuffed three in her mouth, chewed, and swallowed them. “*MUNCH* ‘Fank Woo! *NOM*” Wes laughed at her crumb-covered face. “Haha! You’re welcome!” Ji started to move towards the couch to enjoy her snack, but then remembered why she had been waiting for Wes this whole time. “Oh! *GULP* I almost forgot!” “Hmm? Forgot what?” Wes asked as he walked over to the couch. “Your present!” Ji smiled. “What? But it’s not Christmas yet.” Ji let out a nervous giggle. “Well, we’re heading up to Jade and Neil’s tomorrow, and this present... Well, it would be a bit embarrassing to give you in front of all of them, so I’m giving it to you tonight!” “I mean, I guess that... Wait, embarrassing?” Ji stuffed another cookie in her mouth. “*NOM* Weht rght dere! I carl woo *GULP* when it’s ready!” She said as she walked into the bedroom. Wes was able to infer to a degree what was about to happen, thanks to the fact that she walked to the bedroom and and said “embarrassing” when mentioning giving it to him in front of the others, but at the same time, there was enough variation to the classic “I’m your Christmas present” gag that Wes was still excited to see what she had chosen. Wes sat there for a few minutes, listening to the rustling in the bedroom and wondering what he was going to find.“It is a sexy Santa girl outfit? Or maybe it’s a reindeer or a snow-woman. Or maybe she’s just covering herself up in ribbons for me to rip open? Wait, but she said it was a package that was delivered, and we have ribbons here, so…” “M’ohkay! Is ruddy!” Wes heard Ji shout, her mouth clearly full of cookies. “What!?” “I shed is-*GULP… BUUUARP*-I said It’s ready!” Wes, now excited to see what his future wife had planned for him, got up from the couch and ventured towards their bedroom. ======================================================================= As Wes opened the door, he took notice of two things. First, he took notice of Ji, sitting on the end of the bed and wearing a custom-made red bikini with white fuzz lining the top, a pair of candy-cane patterned thigh high socks and a mistletoe hair clip in her hair. Second, he noticed the remainder of the gingerbread men that Wes had bought for her laid out on top of her belly, and he watched as she grabbed one of them and stuffed the whole thing in her mouth at once. The rest that were in the bag had already been eaten, as evidenced by the paper bag being completely empty and laying on the floor, and considering the fact that Wes had only bought 48 of them, he was almost impressed that there were still some alive on top of Ji’s gut. She swallowed the one in her mouth and let out a small burp. “*UUURP* Hehehe! The gingerbread men were a nice choice! I feel like a goddess eating a bunch of sacrifices.” Ji said as she picked up another one. “I think this guy kinda likes watching me eat all the others. Look at that little smile! Shame he’s gonna be next though! *NOM*” “Damn, Ji... I don’t know how you manage to look so good in literally anything you put on. This gift rocks.” Wes stared at his overly-laden partner as he approached her. She swallowed and grabbed another gingerbread man. “Oh, this isn’t the gift. Well... Not all of it, that is.” “I-It’s not?”“Nope! Well, It’s part of it I suppose, but the important part is on my body somewhere...” Ji smiled and stuffed the gingerbread man in her mouth before squeezing her massive breasts together. “Muhbee woo shood cum *GULP* and look for it?” At this point, Wes no longer needed any convincing. He had been switched to “ON”. He practically ran over to Ji and, taking a moment to give her a peck on the cheek, reached down in between Ji’s boobs. “EEEP!!! Your hands are really, REALLY cold!” Ji squealed. Wes pulled his hand back, but when he watched her nipples harden almost instantly from the chill, it only made him more excited. He reached in again, and felt something angular and wooden. He took a minute and pulled out the object. What Wes was holding in his hands was a picture frame, containing a picture of Wes, Ji, and two other people. Two older people. Wes’s parents. He recognized the moment the picture was taken almost immediately. It was taken about three years ago, when he and Ji were 19 years old: the night that Wes had told his parents that he and Ji were dating. Shelby’s finger covered the top-right corner of the picture, as she had taken this picture while Wes’s mom was practically squealing with glee, while his father was simply grinning from ear to ear and high-fiving Wes. Ji, having not yet started eating people, was jarringly small-looking, her then d-cup breasts hidden behind a simple white sweater as she sat next to Wes, blushing bashfully and giggling at the goofy antics of Wes and his family. The bottom of the wooden frame was engraved, and read “Wesson Forstner introduces Ji-Yu Dae to his parents, Liam and Sophie Forstner” Wes stared for a moment, unable to process what he was holding, before he suddenly collapsed to his knees. Ji, immediately concerned, slid off the bed and joined Wes on the floor, gingerbread men scattering everywhere as they slid right off her tummy. “Wes! Are you okay!?” It was then that Ji noticed the tears streaming down Wes’s face and his shaking hand covering his mouth. She reached for his head, about to start stroking his hair, but was caught off-guard when he grabbed her and hugged her tight. Ji sat confused for a moment, then returned the gesture by wrapping her arms around his neck. “I... I, um... I never thought I would see them again…” Wes said quietly. Ji moved one of her hands to the back of his head and stroked his shaggy, yet somehow really soft blonde hair.“I just got really lucky Shelby still had that camera.” Wes pulled back and looked Ji in the eyes, his own glassy from the wetness of his tears. “Ji, you really need to find Santa and eat him, cause you are definitely better at giving presents.” Wes joked, but Ji could tell he was sincere. “Hehe! I bet he tastes like chocolate chip cookies and peppermint.” Ji smiled and wiped away Wes’s tears. “Damn. I… I really wasn’t expecting this. I kinda feel like my gift is lame now.” Wes shook his head and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a car key with a fob and a small bow attached to it and held it out in front of Ji. “What’s this?” Ji said as she took it from his hands. Wes stood up, placed the picture on the bed, and helped Ji to her feet. “Come look out the window.” He said, walking towards the window in question. Curious, Ji followed Wes to the foggy glass pane and wiped it off. Down on the street, there was a dark purple minivan with a red bow on the hood of the car where Wes’s pickup truck usually was. Wes grabbed Ji’s hand and pressed her thumb into the lock button on the fob, causing the lights on the minivan to blink. “Y… You didn’t.” “I really loved that pickup, but I couldn’t have you ride around in the truck bed anytime you had a big meal, especially with how cold it’s been getting lately. I sold it.” This time, it was Ji who started to cry. Wes had that pickup truck since before she met him. It was a gift from his parents on his 16th birthday. He took care of that thing like his life depended on it functioning, so knowing that he was willing to give it up in order to keep Ji warm whenever she got too hungry to fit inside of it... Well, it looks like Wes is a pretty good gift-giver too. “Wes… I don’t... Know what… I…” Wes smiled and bent down, picking up one of the gingerbread men that fell off Ji’s gut a minute ago. He handed it to her, draped his arm over her shoulder, and looked back outthe window. Ji looked at it, then back out the window, and shoved the entire cookie in her mouth as her belly let out a growl. “I wuv woo, sho, sho munch. Murry Crimmus, shweethart.” “I love you too. Merry Christmas, honey.” THE END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christmas Eve: Shelby and Eulalie Major Characters: Shelby Dumont: Ji-Yu’s best friend and former roommate, and Wes’s cousin on his mother’s side. She was the one who introduced Ji and Wes to one another, and has a married older sister named Jade. She has brown hair (dyed purple), brown eyes, and has an odd disliking for fish that borders on a phobia. Eulalie Paquet: A young woman that Shelby met on 8/8, 2020. She was born in France, but raised in America by her single mother. She has short blonde hair styled in a messy bob, green eyes, and a slight accent from her mother. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well, It’s not like I know how to cook. Why do you think we’re going to visit them for Christmas and not the other way around?” “I thought it was because Jade and Neil were the only actual homeowners in your family?” “No, it’s becau… Okay, well yes that, but also because Neil is the only one who can make halfway decent food! I don’t know what the hell I'm doing!” Eulalie was standing in the kitchen of Shelby’s apartment alongside the newly-appointed cook Shelby, who was currently failing miserably to cook up dinner for the two of them this holiday evening. Eulalie looked at the pan, which held a poor, slowly burning excuse for garlic butter chicken, and sighed as her watermelon-sized belly rumbled.“I don’t think that is supposed to be that dark of a color… *Sniff* Or smell that bad! Eugh…” Eulalie said as she pinched her nose and stepped out of the kitchen. Shelby let out a sigh and turned off the stove. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Wes is the only member of my family who can make edible food. Jade and I? We specialize in the eating of food, Jade more than ever now.” Shelby picked up the slightly-smoking pan and walked over with it to the sink. The water let out a loud hiss as it hit the blisteringly-hot metal. “What about Neil? He is literally a restaurant-owning chef.” Eulalie asked as she pulled out her phone. “I mean blood-related family. He married Jade. He gets a free pass on the Dumont-family shame.” Shelby untied her hair from the bun she had it in while she was cooking, letting it fall back over her shoulders. She took a moment to stare at Eulalie. Since their talk about two weeks ago (after the so-called “bathtub incident”), Eulalie had really started to regain her pride in her body, granted in different ways than before. She was currently wearing only two articles of clothing: A large baggy red and green-striped sweater that kept her tummy nice and warm in the cold winter evening, and a pair of dark blue panties that barely even counted as panties, considering the way Eulalie’s generous ass managed to swallow the fabric and made them resemble a thong more than anything else. As a result, her butt cheeks were proudly on display for Shelby to see, which made Shelby happy for more than one reason. She walked behind Eulalie and wrapped her arms around her neck, looking over her shoulder and at her phone. “What’cha orderin’? Pizza? Chinese?” “Ingredients. And a little snack.” Eulalie tapped on the order button for a list of ingredients that Shelby didn’t quite manage to see. Shelby let go of her and sat on the counter, shivering as the back of her legs hit the cold metal of the dishwasher below her. Heh. That’s what you get for wearing athletic shorts in the winter, Shelb! “Well, I know exactly what ‘snack’ means, but ingredients? Did you not see what I just did to that poor chicken in the pan a moment ago?” Shelby nodded her head in the direction of the sink, which was still steaming a little bit. Eulalie giggled and walked up to Shelby, playfully resting her belly on top of her legs.“Well, just because you can’t make food doesn’t mean I can’t. I had to learn to cook my own food when I first started living on my own. Granted, once I started eating people, it became a lot easier to find meals for myself, but still.” Eulalie smirked and patted her belly. Shelby felt it gurgle through her thighs, which turned her on a little bit. “I guess that makes sense. But now I have to ask: What did you buy ingredients for?” Shelby poked Eulalie’s belly as she asked. Eulalie giggled and lifted her gut off of Shelby’s legs before walking over to the fridge and pulling out a full 2-liter bottle of coke and cracking it open, draining half of it in five seconds and causing her (relatively) small gut to bloat up a bit. “*BUUUUUUARP*-All I’m gonna say is it won’t involve chicken. After smelling whatever you made, I’m not really in the mood for it anymore.” Eulalie waved her hand in front of her face, as if to wave away the smell. “Otherwise, *URP*, you’re just gonna have to wait and see.” “I… Yeah. Yeah fair enough.” ================================================================== <One Hour Later…> The delivery girl arrived about twenty minutes after Eulalie ordered her groceries, where Eulalie promptly ate her for “being five minutes late”, though Shelby knew that the delivery girl was nothing more than an appetizer for Eulalie from the start. Since then, Shelby had not been allowed in the kitchen while Eulalie worked, and as such, was watching a bunch of Christmas episodes of random animes on Crunchyroll while listening to Eulalie hum to herself and burp as she cooked away. She was halfway through “The Devourment of Haruhi Suzumiya” when Eulalie walked into the living room with a pair of bowls, one of which significantly larger than the other one. “Dinner’s ready!” Eulalie said as she handed Shelby her plate. “Finally! What have we got here?” Shelby asked. From what she could tell, it was a kind of shell-pasta with ground beef, cheddar cheese, and tomato paste. “It’s ‘cheeseburger pasta’. It’s pretty easy to make, but it took me a little longer because…” Eulalie’s face turned red as she nodded at her own plate in her other hand.“No worries. I’m happy you make sure that you’re so well-fed. Gives me more of you to squeeze.” Shelby grinned and gave Eulalie’s butt a little squeeze, making Eulalie smile sheepishly as she sat down and rested her bowl on her tummy. “Alright, enough sexy talk, you. Time for food!” Eulalie said as she picked up her fork. Shelby giggled and did the same, stabbing a chunk of shell noodle and beef before placing it in her mouth. Shelby was pleasantly surprised by the way just how good it tasted. It was clear that Eulalie had added her own personal touches to this dish over time, because the very way it tasted reminded Shelby of Eulalie. The flavor was full, but gentle and pleasant in a way that made Shelby want more, warming her from the inside as she swallowed and went for another bite. “Wow. Hon, this is, like, really good!” Shelby said as she chewed her second bite. At her side, Eulalie had already made a sizable dent in her bowl, and barely stopped shoveling the pasta in her mouth long enough to say thank you. “*GULP* Thank-*NOM*-woo! *GULP… UUUUUUUUUUURP-NOM*” Shelby giggled as she watched Eulalie eat. Shelby never understood how Eulalie could swallow a whole person and still shovel down food like she was on the verge of starving to death, but whenever she thought about it, she simply thought: “Fuck it. Her belly’s big, and she’s adorable” and left it at that. Shelby kept going with her own, substantially smaller portion, and after about ten minutes, both girls had emptied their bowls. “Why didn’t you tell me you could cook, Eulie?” Shelby said as she picked up their bowls and walked them to the kitchen. Eulalie rubbed her warm squirming belly as she thought about it. “I don’t know. I guess it just… Never came up? A bit of a weird thought, considering my whole position on food, I suppose.” Shelby sat back down and snuggled next to Eulalie, placing her head on top of Eulalie’s tummy and listening to it gurgle away. “Eh. I guess it doesn’t really matter.” Shelby pulled up a pair of blankets that were laying on the end of the couch and covered herself and Eulalie with them. “It made for a fun Christmas Eve surprise… And dinner made your belly all nice and warm too… *Yaaaaawn…*”Shelby closed her eyes as the sounds of Eulalie’s belly churned and gurgled in her ear. She heard Eulalie yawn too and felt her place her hand on Shelby’s head, stroking her hair a little bit. Shelby let out another yawn and adjusted herself so that her head fit snugly between Eulalie’s boob and belly, which made Eulalie giggle a bit as her boob squished to accommodate. Eulalie knew that the two of them would be sleeping on the couch tonight. Once Shelby was in that belly-boob sweet spot, she would be out like a light in mere moments. “Goodnight Shelby.” Shelby smiled, already falling asleep. “G’night, Eulie…” “... Are you grabbing my butt?” “Ish sho shoft… Yor booty... *snore*” THE END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christmas Eve: Jade and Neil Major Characters: Jade Reviello: Shelby’s Half-mexican older half-sister, Wes’s other cousin, and Neil’s wife. She is noted to be both very sassy, and makes money by painting commissions for people online. She has light brown skin, chin-length brown hair (dyed jade green) in a messy, feathered style, and bright green eyes. She also likes to wear jade colored nail polish. Neil Reviello: A professional chef of Italian heritage, and Jade’s husband. He owns a rather popular Italian restaurant called ‘La Regina’, and likes to cook for Jade. He has curly black hair, brown eyes, and wears a pair of horn-rimmed glasses. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Babe, please. I’m hungry. Just one plate?” “Jade, I love you, but you’re always hungry, and we both know that one plate is gonna turn into five if you start eating. I gotta feed two more Preds aside from you tomorrow. If you’re that hungry, order yourself some pizza.” “I already had three pizza deliverers today.”“Then Chinese takeout. Regardless, all of this is for tomorrow. I’m sorry.” Jade was standing at the kitchen counter looking at the various dishes that Neil had made for the next day, when Jade’s family would be coming to visit them for Christmas day. Usually, Neil would start cooking in the morning on Christmas day as opposed to the middle of Christmas Eve, and would be making far, FAR less than what he was currently, but this year was a little bit different. He no longer had to feed one hungry girl and three regular people, but instead had to feed three regular people and three Preds, one of which could eat 50% more than the average Pred, and another of which was as of yet insatiable (as evidenced by the conversation a moment ago). As such, he was making almost five times that which he normally makes at Christmas, as evidenced by the literal mountain of pre-cooked food on the kitchen island. “It’s a good thing you bought that extra-large fridge in the garage. No way you could fit all of this into our kitchen one.” Jade remarked as she stared and drooled at the giant pile of food on the table. Her stomach made a loud grumble in spite of the two pizza boys and one pizza girl inside of it (not to mention the 12 pizzas that were included with those three deliveries), a noise that made Jade sigh in disappointment when she thought about the fact that she couldn’t fill it up any more. “Seriously, I am willing to give you my debit card so you can order some food. In spite of how I might sound saying no, I don’t like hearing my wife’s belly rumble.” Neil looked back with an apologetic look on his face. His glasses were slightly fogged up from the steam coming off the pan in front of him, but Jade could tell he was sincere. Jade made a pouty face and crossed her arms, pushing her growing boobs up for Neil to see in an attempt to seduce him into giving her some food, but when he turned back and went to his pan, Jade relented and dropped the act. “Mmmmmmmrngh… Fine.” Jade said as she pulled out her phone. “But you’re buying me dessert too. Five orders of tiramisu oughta do it for me…” Jade licked her lips in an annoyingly teasing way as she waddled over to the couch. Neil turned around and took a moment to look at his wife as she made her order. In classic Jade fashion, she was wearing clothes that hid the least amount of skin as possible while still keeping herself warm. As such, she was wearing a crimson red tank top with the words “Ho, Ho, Hungry!” stretched out across the boobs in white (no bra, of course) and a pair of low-waist green plaid pajama pants, which when worn by her big butt, showed off a little more than just her wide hips, as well as the cute addition of a mistletoe-shaped hair clip holding back her bangs, adding a splash of red to the mess ofgreen that was her hair.. She stood with one hand on her back, pushing her already giant belly out further and allowing Neil to see the movement of the poor meals inside of it. It was a bit weird being a chef who was married to a woman who ate people on a bi-weekly basis, but at the same time, seeing her squeeze in the doorway to their home with a gut filled with seven whole people last week and watching her digest them down to nothing more than boob and butt fat in nine days time was absolutely wonderful, so he couldn’t really complain. “I forgot to ask: How many sizes DID you grow from last week’s meal?” Neil turned his back to his pan for a moment as he asked. Jade paused in thought for a moment before hitting “place order” on her phone and lifting up her shirt, revealing her bare breasts to Neil. She placed her hands under them and jiggled them up and down a bit, trying to gauge their weight. “I’m not really sure. I think my boobs and butt both went up about three sizes? Based on that thing Shelby sent me, I’m a mixed-gainer, which means I distribute the fat evenly between my titties and booty when I digest? I’m somewhere in between Ji and Eulalie in size now… I think. I’ve only had pictures to go off for a while, so I’m not certain on that.” Jade twisted her body to look at her butt, dropping one of her boobs onto her belly in order to feel it. She squeezed it a bit before shrugging and pulling her shirt back down, not even noticing her husband’s nose dripping with blood. “Yeah… P-Pretty even…” Unfortunately, Neil forgot to notice this hemoglobic leak as well, and when he turned back around to check on the dish in his pan, he watched as a drop of red appeared on the beef. “What the… Oh goddamnit! *Huff…*” ================================================================== <Three Hours Later…> As time passed, two more delivery girls arrived and vanished into Jade’s belly, increasing the number of victims to five, and so too did it come time for Jade and Neil to go to bed. Or at least it would, if Jade could get through the bedroom door.“*YAAAAAAWN…* Pull dammit! I’m sleepy!” Jade barked at Neil in front of her. Neil let go of her arms and adjusted his glasses. He was tired from cooking all day, which meant he was by no means failing to pull Jade through the doorway out of enjoyment. He just wanted to sleep. “I’m trying! *HRRRRNG*-AAAH!” “AAAH!* *THUD* “*BOOARP*” As Jade’s belly came loose, she and Neil both fell into the bedroom, where Jade landed on top of her gut, which landed on top of Neil’s body. “*WHEEZE*... J-Jade? You alright?” “*UUUURP*... Yeah. Yeah I’m good.” “Good. In that case, could you get off me? I can’t really breathe.” Jade looked past over her boobs and her belly and at Neil, who was pinned under her massive weight. “Oh. Yeah. One sec.” Jade rocked forward a bit, gaining a bit of momentum in order to roll her belly and her body backwards. However, as she did so, and her butt touched the floor as opposed to sticking up into the air, she realized that it didn’t quite clear Neil’s legs. She tried to wiggle back a bit, but stopped. “Uh oh.” Jade said as her face reddened a little bit. “What? What-oh?” “I, um… I can’t get up.” Jade nervously laughed as she patted her belly, again not even noticing Neil’s expressions. “What!? What do you mean? You stand up with a five-person belly all the time!” Neil said as he felt around the floor for his glasses.“Well, yeah, but that’s from, like, the bed or the couch. I’ve never really tried getting up off the floor before, at least not without your help.” Jade’s face got even redder as she admitted this. Jade wasn’t used to being helpless like this. Good thing it was just Neil here. “So, what you’re saying is…” “We’re stuck.” Neil let out a sigh. “Well… Can you at least see my glasses? I lost them when we fell over.” Jade looked around a moment, barely able to see anything past her huge gut, before she realized that she felt something under her belly, jabbing her in the stomach at an odd angle. “I, uh… I think they fell under my gut…” Neil sighed and shook his head. “You know… This is not how I pictured Christmas Eve going.” Jade cocked her head in curiosity. “Hmm? What do you mean?” “I just wasn’t expecting to be practically blind and trapped under my wife’s giant stomach. I was hoping to get a good night's sleep before I started cooking again tomorrow, but nope. I’m stuck under a big fleshy ball of fat and food.” Neil shook his head in disappointment. “Oh…” “I mean, what if we’re stuck here all night? Or until the others show up tomorrow?” Neil continued complaining, letting the stresses of the day get to him. Jade stayed silent. “...” “Not only will we have to explain that embarrassing mess, but there won’t be enough food for everyone, and it’s not like we’re going to get deliveries on Christmas day! Andthat’s all assuming that they can even get in, considering the door is locked and we can’t reach it!” “...” “And there’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to sleep like this! Lying on the floor, unable to move my legs. What happens if one of us needs to use the bathroom in the middle of the night!? Or what if the fire alarm goes off because I forgot to turn the stove off and something catches on fire? We won’t be able to escape because we’re pinned down on the floor by your stomach, Jade!” “... *Sniffle*” “... Jade?” “I-*Sniff*... I-I’m sorry… *Sniff*” Neil may not have been able to see anything more than random blurry colors without his glasses, but he could still hear. Her voice and tone had softened a little bit, getting an octave or two higher and generally sounding less like a level-headed adult woman and more like an emotionally distressed child. From Neil’s experience, Jade only dropped her “cool, sexy woman” persona in favor of her far more accurate “cute and sweet (yet still lewd) lady” persona in two very specific scenarios: When she was genuinely happy about something to the point of squealing, or when she was genuinely upset about something to the point of crying, and based on the sniffles and quiet whimpers she was failing to stifle, this scenario was not one of happiness. Sometimes Neil forgot this with their constant lewd banter, but Jade could be really sensitive whenever she was feeling embarrassed. Jade Reviello, the badass Pred who had just eaten five people today, was trying to hold back her tears so her husband wouldn’t hear, and it made Neil feel like a fucking dick. “I… Ahhh… Fuck. Jade, I… I-I’m sorry honey. I didn’t mean to go off at you-I shouldn’t have gone off at you! I love your belly! I love all of you, a-and you know I do. It’s just… I’m tired. I’m tired, and blind, and stressed out from having cooked nonstop on my own since lunchtime, and I gotta cook some more tomorrow, and I’m just really… REALLY tired. I’m not mad at you. I swear I’m not. I’m just not thinking straight. I’m sorry.” “*Sniff*... Y-You sure?” Neil heard Jade calm down a bit. There was a bit less of a whimper in her voice, though it was still a bit high.“Yes. I’m sure. It’s okay.” Neil patted her belly and gave it a little kiss, seeing as he couldn’t reach Jade’s forehead. A couple of the people inside it shifted a bit, loosening one of Neil’s legs just enough for him to barely manage to pull it out with his hands. “Oh shit. Maybe I can... “ Neil placed his now free leg on the floor in front of him and his arms at his sides. He heaved and pushed himself back far enough that he could feel the air on his still trapped calf, allowing him to wiggle the rest of his leg free from there. “One second, hon. I’m coming to help you.” Neil said as he stood up, still unable to see worth a damn. Jade wiped her eyes with her arm. “Okay… *Sniff*” Neil took a moment to find the wall with his hand, then held his hand out for Jade to grab. She grabbed it with both hands, and Neil started to pull, now with a renewed determination to help his wife. It took him a couple tries, but he eventually managed to get her standing again somehow. He walked with her over to the bed, making sure she was sitting comfortably before he got on the ground again and started searching for his glasses. “T-To your left…” Jade guided Neil as she held her belly in her hands, finding an odd sense of comfort in the slight movement of the souls digesting inside of it. Neil followed her directions and found the glasses, only to be disappointed when he put them on and the right lens was cracked. Unfortunately, Jade noticed this, and now that Neil could see again, he could watch as she started to tear up a second time. “I… *Sniff* I-I’m sorry! I-I didn’t m-mean too...” Jade started to whimper again, bringing her hands close to her chest in shame, prompting Neil to walk over to her, kneel down, and take one of her hands in his while he stroked her hair with the other hand. “It’s okay! It’s okay, Jade. I have a backup pair. Umm… H-How’s your belly? Still rumbling?” Neil asked, looking Jade right in the eyes. She sniffled again, then nodded as her tummy let out a little growl. Neil looked back towards the kitchen for a moment, then back at Jade “I think we still have a tub of ice cream in the fridge. Does that sound good? A tub of ice cream before bed?” Neil asked. Jade nodded a second time, prompting Neil to smile before standing up and heading for the door.“D-Don’t forget the chocolate syrup, you jerk…” Jade made a pouty face for the second time tonight, rubbing the top of her belly in an effort to calm herself down further. Neil laughed a bit and nodded. “Heheh… Don’t worry. The jerk remembers.” THE END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christmas Day Major Characters: Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’sfiancée. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. Wesson (Wes) Forstner: A young man who works at a bookstore, and Ji-Yu’sfiancé. He has shaggy dirty blonde colored hair, a pair of blue-grey eyes (the left of which has a small gold/brown section on the lower right portion of the iris), and a fair deal of scars on his arms. He has a unique genetic mutation that allows his blood to neutralize a Pred’s stomach acids and make them throw up. Shelby Dumont: Ji-Yu’s best friend and former roommate, and Wes’s cousin on his mother’s side. She was the one who introduced Ji and Wes to one another, and has a married older sister named Jade. She has brown hair (dyed purple), brown eyes, and has an odd disliking for fish that borders on a phobia. Eulalie Paquet: A young woman that Shelby met on 8/8, 2020. She was born in France, but raised in America by her single mother. She has short blonde hair styled in a messy bob, green eyes, and a slight accent from her mother. Jade Reviello: Shelby’s Half-mexican older half-sister, Wes’s other cousin, and Neil’s wife. She is noted to be both very sassy, and makes money by painting commissions for people online. She has light brown skin, chin-length brown hair (dyed jade green) in a messy, feathered style, and bright green eyes. She also likes to wear jade colored nail polish.Neil Reviello: A professional chef of Italian heritage, and Jade’s husband. He owns a rather popular Italian restaurant called ‘La Regina’, and likes to cook for Jade. He has curly black hair, brown eyes, and wears a pair of horn-rimmed glasses. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I love it, Wes.” “Are you sure? We could still take it back and get you a different color or-” “Sweetie, it’s perfect. I swear. You did wonderfully.” Wes was sitting in the driver’s seat of Ji-Yu’s new minivan, where she was trying to convince him that she loved it from the driver’s seat. They had been driving for a while now, switching back and forth every now and then so that both of them could get a feel for the way the car handles on the way to Jade and Neil’s home, and were currently pulling into the neighborhood where they lived. Ji, who was currently driving, grabbed Wes’s hand in an attempt to assure him she loved it, but after the emotional roller coaster that was their first Christmas Eve living together, well… Wes was a little bit harder to convince than usual. “Well… If you change your mind about it, then-” “I won’t. Especially not with these butt warmers. My belly’s hanging over just enough to get a little of the residual warmth, and it’s really nice…” Wes took a moment to look at her belly. It had shrunken down to about 3/5ths of the size it was yesterday evening thanks to the power of Ji’s weirdly powerful stomach acid. By this time tomorrow, she would look like any pregnant woman carrying triplets, but right now, it was still big and loud enough that she was quite obviously a Pred in the middle of digesting a recent meal (not that her gigantic boobs didn’t also cause suspicion in passerby, considering the fact that almost nobody has breasts that big save for some very experienced Preds, like Ji herself). It was things like this gut of hers that made Wes wonder how Stuffed Sisters managed to make clothing stretchy enough to cover bellies like her completely, but as he looked at Ji’s garnet-colored sweater with large white snowflakes where the breasts and belly were, he thought it better to stop questioning and just enjoy the view. “Oh! Look!” Ji pointed out the front window with her left hand, showing off her engagement ring. “It looks like Shelby and Eulalie beat us here!” Wes followed herhand, only to confirm Ji’s statement via the observation of Shelby and Eulalie getting out of Eulalie’s small white sedan. It looked like Eulalie had eaten yesterday too, as she was also sporting a rather big belly, though it was larger than Ji’s by a fair amount due to the fact that, for whatever reason, Ji’s gut goes through food twice as fast as most Preds. “Looks like Eulalie’s Christmas Eve was a good one, huh?” Wes said. Ji nodded her head and pulled up to the driveway. Shelby and Eulalie turned their heads, at first not recognizing the dark purple minivan approaching them, only for them to drop their jaws in surprise upon seeing Ji sitting behind the wheel and waving like a goofball. They shuffled out of the way to make room for Ji to pull in, then immediately approached the drivers side door as Ji turned off the engine. “Holy shit, girl! Where did this come from!?” Shelby asked as Ji squeezed her way out of the car (she parked a bit too close to the other ones, making it hard to exit with her belly in the way). Ji hugged Shelby before patting her belly and pulling out the keys to the vehicle, still with a little bow attached to the fob. “This beauty would be the courtesy of Wes! It was his present for me!” Ji’s smile beamed as she said it, clearly appreciative of Wes and his love for her. Eulalie whistled as she looked inside the window. “Wow. I sure could have used one of these when I first started Vore. You have no idea how many times I became stranded outside of restaurants or stores because I couldn’t fit into my tiny little car.” Ji giggled at that remark. “Yeah. I’ve always had Wes to pick me up if I couldn’t walk home, but even then, I was kinda screwed if he was working.” “I mean, I don’t think you could fit behind the wheel if you had three people for lunch, so maybe don’t go too overboard still?” Wes said from the trunk, where he was carrying four separate presents. Eulalie looked at the boxes and became puzzled by the number. “Four? One of those isn’t for me, is it?” She asked. “You didn’t have to if so.” Wes laughed. “Hah! You kidding? You taught my cousin how to eat people, and my fiancée how to eat people better. Like it or not, you’re one of us now.”Eulalie fiddled with her hands a bit. “I-I didn’t do all THAT much. Besides, I’m not even related to you all.” Ji bumped Eulalie’s belly with her own. “Hehe! Give it a year or two. It’ll happen!” Ji whispered quietly enough for Shelby not to hear. She watched as Eulalie’s face turned a nice shade of scarlet in response to the quip. “OKAYI’MHUNGRYLET’SGOINSIDENOWTHANKS.” Eulalie said as she walked over to the front door of the Reviello family, with Ji, Shelby, and Wes following suit. As they followed, however, Shelby leaned over to Wes. “Wes, how did you afford that thing?” Shelby asked. Shelby was well aware that Wes made a lot of money for a worker at a bookstore, but she was also aware that 90% of that money went into his apartment, feeding Ji, and other basic amenities. She noticed Wes’s face shift a little bit, going from generally happy to a little bit melancholy. “I, uh… Well… Let’s just say I had a few collectors items that were worth a lot more than I thought.” Wes said, partially obscuring his face behind the bow-topped boxes he was holding. Shelby paused for a moment at his words, before shaking it off for a moment and walking towards the door and ringing the doorbell. ================================================================== As Wes watched the door open and saw Neil standing there with his usual “Welcome home, family!” smile about him, he caught a glimpse of the sheer amount of food there was on the table. It took him a moment to compute with how much there was: Four pots of various soups and pastas, seven plates full of goose, ham, steak, pork, and other such meats (notably sans fish out of consideration for Shelby’s weird little fear), well over a dozen smaller plates stacked high with various sides dishes, appetizers, and condiments (is gravy a condiment? I think so… Hmm.), three huge bowls of different salads, and in the very middle of the kitchen island, multiple deserts ranging from cheesecake, cookies, puddings, and even Jade’s favorite tiramisu. And from what Wes could see, there was still some stuff cooking on the stove. He knew that Neil did this for a living and all, but even still, Wes couldn’t help himself from saying- “HOLY FUCKING SHIT.” OKAY. WHAT IS IT WITH YOU ALL AND INTERRUPTING ME WHILE I TYPE? GOD DAMMIT WES!Eugh… ANYWAYS! As Neil hugged Shelby, Eulalie, and Ji, and welcomed them in, he took notice of Ji’s minivan in the driveway. “Oh wow. Someone made out like a bandit, huh?” He said as he approached Wes. Neil took two of the boxes from him and walked inside with him. “Yeah. Ji seems happy with it, so that's good.” Wes said. Neil took notice of his tone. “You okay, Wes? You sound a bit upset.” He asked as he opened the door with his leg. Wes let out a little laugh. “Heh. No, not upset. Just a little nostalgic, I guess.” He said as he walked inside. Suddenly, a familiar voice rang in his ears. “Hey! Wessy! It’s been a while, cousin! How’ve you been?” Wes turned his head towards the living room in response to the voice. “Hey Jade. I can’t really-SHIT!” ================================================================== <Two Hours Later…> After Wes took a minute to process the additions to Jade’s body (including a rather large gut full of partially-digested prey), everyone started drinking (save for Wes, of course), the dinner Neil prepared was devoured far quicker than should be humanly possible, and all the presents were opened, the family of six were getting all cozy and having a nice time chat and watching Christmas movies in the living room. Shelby, Eulalie, and sat on the couch, Neil in the chair, and Ji and Wes laid on a blanket on the floor while they all laughed and drank and digested their meals. Ji had stuffed herself so full of food and drink that she was actually noticeably bigger than she was yesterday evening, giving Wes a nice, soft, squishy, warm pillow to lay his head on while he talked with Neil and Shelby about various things as Ji talked with Eulalie and Jade generally talked about recent meals they had, how big Jade had gotten since Ji and Eulalie had seen her, or the pretty purple rock adorning Ji’s left ring finger. The sounds of old Christmas films, a crackling fireplace, and quite a large amount of gurgles, blorps, churns, and even a couple of hunger growls filled the room as the evening went on. Hell, after a while, Wes even started to feel himself fall asleep as he was chatting. That is, until Jade asked him a question.“So, Wes. I saw you and Ji pull up in that minivan. Did you really buy Ji a whole-ass car for Christmas?” Shelby turned her head towards Wes (and Ji by proxy) in response to that question. “Yeah. You never actually gave me a real answer about that. Where did you get the money for it?” Wes sat up in response to the question, the melancholy look from earlier finding its way back onto his face. Ji took notice of this and grabbed his hand, rubbing it with her thumb slightly. “Well, like I said earlier. I traded some stuff in for it. I had a couple things that some collectors and other such people found valuable.” Shelby leaned forward a bit. “Like what? I can’t think of anything you own like that. Well… Maybe except… For…” Suddenly, Shelby’s eyes widened a bit. She looked at Jade, and using some form of advanced sisterly bond or innate telepathic abilities, Jade seemed to come to the same conclusion as her. “No fuckin’ way. Wes. Did… Did you-” “Sell Uncle Liam’s truck?” In response to the question, Wes let out a long, deep sigh. Ji grabbed his head and pulled it close to her chest, kissing his forehead before he pulled away to speak. “Yeah.” Suddenly, Ji watched as Shelby’s jaw dropped in shocked silence, and noticed that Jade was being unusually quiet. Eulalie and Neil looked back and forth in confusion, looking at each other and shrugging in shared confusion before they looked towards Ji. Her face contorted a bit. She knew Wes loved that truck, but she had no idea why Shelby and Jade were reacting so strongly. Wes let out a saddened shrug. “I mean, it’s not like I could let Ji sit in the back anytime she ate too much, right? It’s snowing outside. She would freeze.” “I mean, yeah, but I’m sure that she wouldn’t want you to sell your truck to keep herself warm! Right, Ji?” Shelby turned towards Ji as she spoke that last part. Ji, now even more confused, tapped Wes on the shoulder.“Wes, sweetie? I-I don’t get it. I mean, I get the truck was a rare find and all, but… What’s the big deal here?” Ji asked Wes this question as he just kind of stared off into space. He let out another sigh and shook his head. “It’s kind of a long story.” “We’ve got time.” “*Sigh*... Okay.” Wes let out another sigh as he turned around and faced Ji, not even noticing that Eulalie and Neil were leaning in a bit to listen as well. “I, uh… I never told you this. I never really figured out how to. It’s kind of a strange subject to bring up in casual conversation” Ji noticed Wes tear up a bit as he talked. She took his hands in her own as she listened. Wes wiped his eyes and laid his head on Ji’s belly for comfort. “So, that truck. It was a birthday gift, from my parents. You know that already. But… well, there’s a bit more to it then that… Um...” “Go on, dear.” “It, uh, it was actually my Dad’s truck first. He got it as a gift from my grandpa for his 16th birthday. It, um… It’s actually where I was born.” Ji’s eyes narrowed in confusion a bit, before widening again. “Wait, what?” “I was born in that truck. The backseat. Dad was driving Mom to the hospital, but the roads were icy and traffic was bad, and they couldn’t make it in time for Mom to have me at the hospital. So, Dad rolled up his sleeves and delivered me himself, right there in that truck’s backseat. That’s where I came into existence.” Eulalie’s stomach blorped in shock. “Holy shit.” Ji’s eyes fluttered as she processed the information. “O… Okay. So, you were born in that truck?” “Yeah.”“And when you turned 16, your Mom and Dad gave it to you as a gift? The place where you were born?” “Yes.” Ji’s eyes started to tear up. “A-And you sold this truck, such a beautiful part of your history… To buy me that minivan? To support my d-dumb eating h-habits?” “Yes, I did.” “Why!? I would never have asked you to do that! Not in a million years! Not in a billion years!” Ji felt tears streaming from her eyes. Wes squeezed her hands a bit, keeping them from shaking more than they already were. “I know that.” “Then why!? Why did you sell it!?” “Well, if I were to put it in short terms: Because it’s just a truck, and I care far more about you, and far more about keeping you and your big belly warm in the winter, than I do about some truck.” Wes said, a faint smile dancing across his lips. Ji let go of Wes’s hands and placed hers over her mouth, completely forgetting for a moment that there were four other people in the room as she started to sob. Shelby, Eulalie, Jade, and Neil all sat in total silence and watched as Ji sat there, stuffed to the brim and crying over the immense love she could feel from herfiancé. Neil took off his glasses and wiped away a bit of water from his eyes before he got up and walked around the back of the couch behind Jade, where he leaned down and grabbed her hands. Shelby let out some silent tears of her own as she leaned into Eulalie’s engorged body for warmth, who was still in shocked silence over what she just heard. And for the next three minutes, everyone continued to sit in silence as Wes continued to stare at Ji with all the love in his heart, regardless of the fact that she ate people regularly. Regardless of the fact that she was a Pred now. Because as far as Wesson Forstner was concerned, Ji-Yu Dae could swallow the planet itself, and she would still be his whole world. Wes took the hand that wore Ji’s engagement ring on it and held it in one of his own, lacing fingers with it and holding it close to his body, warming Ji’s cold, shaking fingers.He rubbed the side of her belly with his free hand to get her to calm down a bit, and then, when she had stopped crying enough to breathe somewhat regularly, he leaned forward and gave Ji a long kiss on the forehead, before lowering his head and resting it on her heaving chest, as close to her heart as he could get without being swallowed by her... As if she would ever do that. “I love you, Ji.” “I… *Sniff* I l-love you t-too, Wes.” THE END, MERRY CHRISTMAS |
Ji-Yu’s Job An Odd Vore Story Major Characters: Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’s fiancée. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. Wesson (Wes) Forstner: A young man who works at a bookstore, and Ji-Yu’s fiancé. He has shaggy dirty blonde colored hair, a pair of blue-grey eyes (the left of which has a small gold/brown section on the lower right portion of the iris), and a fair deal of scars on his arms. He has a unique genetic mutation that allows his blood to neutralize a Pred’s stomach acids and make them throw up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “*BUAAARP* Oooooh… I think she just kicked the bucket. She just stopped struggling completely, and a lot of *GHUUUURP* gas just formed in there...” “That’s good. Is your belly still sore?” “A little…” “Want me to rub it?” “Yes, please.” Ji-Yu sat on her couch and felt the top of her churning belly for signs of life as Wes walked over from the kitchen with a couple of mugs of hot chocolate. It had been a while since Ji had eaten a meal with this much fight in them. Normally, they give a good struggle for about fifteen minutes and then curl up into a ball inside her tummy in acceptance, with only the occasional bump or kick in response to outside stimuli. However, this lady had been kicking and punching non-stop since she was swallowed, giving Ji some wicked gas and making her belly really sore from the constant movement. Like how your muscles might feel sore after a good workout, or something along those lines at least. This probably makes you wonder: Just who did Ji eat that would cause her such trouble? “I still can’t believe you ate your boss.” I… Goddamnit. Yes. Thank you, Wesson. Thank you for interrupting me. Again. Wes handed Ji her mug of hot cocoa before setting his own mug down on the table and kneeling in front of her gut. Ji took a sip as Wes placed his hands on her exposed gut and pressed into the skin a bit. Like Ji said, he felt no movement, and he could feel that Ji’s stomach acid had filled up her gut about halfway. By this time tomorrow, her belly would be about 3/5ths the size it was now… That is, if Ji didn’t fill it right back up by then. He felt the warmth of the hot cocoa Ji had just drunken through her belly, prompting him to press the warm area with his fingers. “BUAAAAARP*” Ji let out a small burp and reached into her mouth, pulling out a black lace bra covered in saliva. She held it in front of her for a moment and observed it before looking down at her belly. “Huh. I never figured Lucile for the black lace type…” She shrugged before tossing the bra onto the glass coffee table in front of her. Wes looked at it for a moment out of curiosity before turning back to his gravid girl. “So, why did you eat her, exactly?” Wes asked. He watched as Ji’s face reddened a bit and her arms came closer to her chest. A clear look of embarrassment. “Uhh… She… She gurbed muy burt…” Ji mumbled the sentence from behind her cocoa mug, making it difficult for Wes to understand. “Wha? I didn’t quite get that.” Wes said, turning his head so that his ear could capture the sound better. “I said she grabbed my butt!” Ji let out a squeal as she spoke, her voice halfway between anger and embarrassment. Wes’s head immediately snapped back to look at Ji’s red face, which she had buried in her hands after setting down her mug on top of her tummy. “What!? Why the hell did she do that?” “She had been drinking or something before she came in, and she saw how tight my leggings were around my rear, and she grabbed it and said she ‘just couldn’t resist’! So I got all angry and I ate her on the spot and drove home…” “Wow. I would’ve never expected that from Lucile. She always seemed so nice whenever I would come and visit you…” Wes said as he went back to rubbing Ji’s belly. Ji sighed and picked up her hot cocoa again, taking another sip. “Yeah. I thought so too. Oh well. Now she’s just future boob filling, and a nice body pillow for you.” Ji let out a small giggle. “I will need to look for a new job though.” “Why’s that? I make enough to feed you. You could just stay at home if you want.” Wes placed his hands on the sides of Ji’s belly and squeezed a bit, prompting a huge gas bubble to slowly begin working its way up. “You know I don’t feel good about that. I wanna contribute too. And I’m gonna have to if we want to get married some time this year. Between the apartment and my gut, there is no way you make enough to pay for a whole wedding.” Ji gave a half-pout and poked Wes’s nose. He knew better than to suggest she stay home, but he couldn’t help but want her to just stay here and be comfortable. It was his primary objective as her future husband. “Yeah, you have a point there, I guess…” Wes moved his hands on top of Ji’s gut and squished the fleshy orb down, prompting the gas bubble that was rising inside to reach the top. “*UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP*... Oh yeah. That felt good.” Ji giggled and gently slapped the top of her belly, watching the skin ripple from the sudden force. “That’s what happens when you grope Ji-Yu Dae, Lucile. Only Wes gets to grab MY booty…” Ji said to herself, a bit louder than she thought. It took Wes a moment to process what Ji had said. Sure, he had touched Ji’s butt and boobs all the time during the night (a lot of the time by her request), but he had never quite heard her say it so matter-of-factly. As if it was a divine privilege bestowed upon a lowly mortal boy by a goddess. A big, round-bellied Vore goddess. Wes slowly lifted his hands off Ji’s belly. “I-I, uhh… What?” Ji’s face got even redder as she realized that Wes had heard that, but after a moment, her mouth made a small, seductive grin and took Wes’s hand. “That’s right. Only you. Same goes for my boobs too. Anytime we’re home alone. I give you my permission. I mean, I partly grew them for you, after all...” Wes had turned right the hell on, and from the look in Ji’s eye, so had she. “Alright hon. That does it. Bed, or couch?” “Hmm… How about you help me up, get my clothes off, and we can do it in the shower? I cant reach under my tummy well...” Ji bit her lower lip as she looked at him with fake puppy-dog eyes. As if she hadn’t already gotten him thirsty enough. Wes immediately jumped up. He took the hot chocolate from Ji’s hand and placed it on the table before he reached for Ji’s hands. She lifted them up and grabbed onto into his, and he pulled. “*HRRRRRM*” With only a little effort, Wes pulled Ji up off the couch, her big belly wobbling as she took a moment and found her balance. She let out a giggle and gave the top of her belly a couple of fond pats. “I remember when I first started Vore. I could barely stand on my own. Legs weren’t strong enough yet. I probably would never have moved if you and Shelby weren’t there to lift me up off the couch half the time.” She gently bumped her belly into Wes’s chest and started unbuttoning her light blue blouse. “Yeah, no kidding. It was, like, the sexiest workout ever. Too bad there aren't any personal trainers for Pred girls around here. Probably would’ve helped you out a ton when you first started. Thank god for Eulalie, right?” Wes said as kneeled down and started pulling on Ji’s leggings. Ji paused for a moment at that. “Yeah… That’s a good point. There aren’t any around here…” She looked down at her belly and thought about how she could lay on it whenever it was big and full. Kind of like an exercise ball at a gym. She smiled a bit and decided to just pop the rest of the buttons on her blouse off (which they were almost doing anyways, thanks to her massive boobs stretching the fabric to its limits). “You just gave me a really good idea!” Wes’s head popped up from behind Ji’s gut. “Hmm? Wuzzat?” “Hehe... I’ll tell you after our shower! Oh, and be sure to grab some extra towels. Wouldn’t want to splash water everywhere… Or would we?” ================================================================== <The Next Day…> Ji was sitting at the island countertop in the kitchen early in the morning, typing away on her laptop and drinking a cup of coffee. She was still wearing her pajamas, which really consisted of nothing more than a pair of black panties that were treated as a thong and an extra large blue-grey t-shirt, which was one of the only clothing articles she owned that was large enough to cover her digesting belly without hugging tight against it. In other words, the perfect sleeping shirt. She had yet to shower after last night’s “activities”, meaning her dark brown hair was currently all kinds of messed up and had various stray hairs throughout it. Her belly had shrunken down a fair amount overnight, and though it would be slightly smaller later on in the day, it was currently still big and sloshy enough to function as a giant stress ball, and as Ji typed something with one hand, she playfully poked, jiggled, and pressed into it to feel it wriggle and deform under her hand through the fabric of her shirt. It let out a gurgle and a small growl. “I’ll get you breakfast once Wes gets up…” As Ji said this, it let out another growl, letting Ji know that it did not give a damn about her lover’s sleep schedule. Ji let out a sigh, got up, and walked over to the fridge, pulling out one of three full gallons of milk, and a few containers full of Wes’s leftovers (which he really only kept for Ji, anyways). “This is all you get for now.” She opened up the food containers and swallowed each one in one gulp, before unscrewing the cap on the jug and downing the whole thing in seconds. She shivered for a second as the refrigerated food entered her stomach and mixed with the sloshing remains of yesterday’s lunch, causing her nipples to harden and show through her shirt. “*UURP*” Ji let out a small burp and patted her belly’s side, enjoying it’s quiet morning churning sounds, then proceeded to take all of the empty containers and the milk jug and throw them in the garbage can before walking over to her laptop once again. She continued typing for a moment before she paused on a certain area of the screen. “Oooh… Oh my. That one looks really good. And it’s close to that coffee place that me and Shelby like to meet up at! I wonder who owns it?” Ji didn’t even bother sitting back down as she began to type again. A picture of a fit brunette woman with a bob cut in a pink sports bra showed up on screen. Ji licked her lips. “She looks tasty. Not often I get lean meat…” Ji’s stomach started to growl again as she looked at the woman, only for her to take pause and look down after she noticed her outfit. “... Does Stuffed Sisters even sell sports bras? I think it’s only casual wear. Even if they do, no way that they have any that would fit me, right?” Ji cocked her head as she placed her hands under her giant boobs and lifted them slightly. Their enormous size made them a bit difficult for her to hold properly, but their softness and squishiness coupled with their size both made Ji laugh, and turned her on. As such, it was the perfect time for Wes to walk into the room. “*YAAAAAAAAaaahhh…* Good mornin’, Ji…” “Turn around and get back on that bed.” Wes paused and blinked for a second. “... Huh? “You heard me.” Ji said, turning her gravid body to face him. Her face was dead serious… And hungry. Wes blinked a couple of times. “Can I at least get a cup of coffee first?” Ji simply smirked and pulled off her shirt, exposing her naked breasts with nipples so hard they could slice through diamonds. She placed one hand on top of them, and the other on the side of her belly. “No. Now get in there and take off your pants. We gotta slosh this gut around and make some room. I got a stop to make for lunch.” Ji slapped her belly, hard, leaving a noticeable red handprint on the soft skin. A shiver went down Wes’s spine, one that was half filled with arousal, and half with fear. “Yes, m-ma’am.” Wes awkwardly stumbled backwards into the bedroom he just exited, and Ji’s grin turned into a full on, red-faced smile as she followed him. ================================================================== <A Few Hours Later…> Ji stood outside of the place she had found online: A small yoga studio that was about a 10 minute drive away from the apartment. From what Ji could tell, it was perfect for her needs in every way. Small, looked nice inside, wasn’t too far from home, it was close to her and Shelby’s coffee meet-up spot, and above all, it was only about a three-minute walk to a nearby pastry shop that apparently had loads of tasty treats. In other words, a perfect place for a business. Ji had already looked up the times for the yoga classes, which all seemed to be run by just one woman: A lady named Claire. Ji’s belly let out a growl in anticipation before continuing to churn away at what was left of Lucile. “I hear you. Time for lunch…” Ji rubbed the top of her belly in a small circle before walking towards the door to the yoga studio. The lobby area was just as nice as the pictures made it out to be, though it was shockingly hot for the middle of winter. It made sense in retrospect: Hotter air is harder to breathe, making all the exercising harder to do and thus giving more of a payoff. Ji made a mental note and walked further in, towards the actual yoga studio itself. The studio itself was just as hot as the lobby, making Ji start to sweat as she lugged her sloshing gut inside of it, but was styled to have a sort of asian dojo kind of feel to it. Between the “windows” that resembled the traditional Japanese sliding paper doors, to the bamboo plants that decorated the corners of the room, it was obvious the feel that this Claire lady had been going for. All it was missing was an actual asian woman to run the place. Ji looked around for a moment. “Hello? Is a Miss... Claire here?” Ji half-shouted into the large room. She paused for a moment as she listened for a voice or other meaningful sound. Nothing. She tried again. “Hello? Is there a lady named Claire here? I’d like to talk to her if possible!” This time, Ji heard the sound of footsteps behind her, prompting her to turn around. Lo and behold, a fit brunette woman wearing a pink sports bra and sporting a bob haircut appeared in the entryway to the room. The same lady from the pictures. “Hello! Um… Sorry, but we’re currently closed for lunch. How did you get in?” The lady who was presumably Claire asked as she approached Ji, clearly eyeballing the spot right where Ji’s massive breasts and mid-digestion belly touched. Ji took notice of this and placed her hands on her back, pushing her belly out further. “Oh. Well, the front door was unlocked, so I just kinda... Waddled on in! Um, anyways, I was hoping to talk to you about a possible business opportunity!” Ji put on her best “I’m not here to eat you” face, and flexed her stomach muscles a bit to simulate a baby kicking her. “Ooof… I’m sorry. Could we maybe sit somewhere and talk? The babies are really fighting me today…” Ji said, faking a wince of pain and rubbing the “kicked area”. Apparently, her ruse worked, as Claire gestured back in the direction of the lobby. “Oh, yes! Of course! We can sit and talk in my office.” Claire politely smiled as she spoke. Ji let out a fake relieved expression. They always fell for the expecting mother trick, almost never questioned anything she said once it was used. She was practically begging to be eaten. “Thank you…” The two women walked back to the lobby, where Claire opened a door that led to a small, dark-colored, air-conditioned room with three noticeable things: A laptop that Ji had no use for, a mini-fridge, and a really comfy-looking chair. Ji smiled as she looked around and felt the air on her skin. “Please. Take a seat. Oh, and sorry about the beefy smell. I just polished off a cheeseburger before you came in. I hope you don’t mind too much.” Claire said as she sat down at her desk. Ji pulled over the chair on the other side of the desk and sat down, the chair creaking under her weight. “So, Miss… I’m sorry. I don’t think I’ve caught your name?” Claire asked. Ji giggled and rubbed her belly. “It’s fine! I’m Ji-Yu, and don’t worry about the ‘Miss’. I’m not too big on those kinds of formalities.” Ji said. She saw Claire’s face relax a bit. “Okay then, Ji-Yu. So, what was this business opportunity that you mentioned?” Claire leaned forwards in her chair, showing a clear interest in the lie that Ji was telling. Ji thought for a second before she spoke. “Well, you see... I’ve recently come into possession of a small building not far from here. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with it for a while, but then a few different friends of mine had told me about this lovely yoga studio of yours, and I got to thinking: ‘I could stand to lose some of this baby weight once the kids are here’. And so, I was wondering if maybe you might be interested in moving your yoga classes into my building?” Ji said. She wasn’t too savvy on business speak, but she could tell that she had gotten Claire interested in this non-existent place. “Oh my? Really? Umm… Well, how big is this place, exactly?” Claire asked, her voice getting noticeably excited. “Well, it’s a little cluttered at the moment, but the portion of the building you would be situated in is a little over twice the square footage of this place you have right here. Not to mention the free access to some of the other amenities I’m planning on putting into the building down the road, which you would have access to of course.” Claire’s interest seemed to peak upon hearing that. “O-Oh? What kind of… Other amenities?” Ji smiled and pretended to continue. “Well, we are planning on having a few different things added into the building’s rooms depending… Ooof… Depending on-Aaah!” Ji clutched her stomach and winced. Claire stood up in concern. Fool. “Huh? What’s wrong?” “My… My belly… The babies… I think they’re coming…” Claire’s face suddenly made a big shift in expression. She started looking around the room in a panic. “Oh! Oh my, umm… Okay! Okay! What do I do?” She asked. Ji stood up, intentionally wobbling her legs to give off the impression of being in pain. “My husband... H-He’s in the minivan out front… Go get him…” Claire looked out the door, spotting the minivan in question. “Oh! Okay! I understand. I’ll be right back!” Ji nodded, and Claire rushed out of the office. Ji smiled and stood straight up, walking casually into the lobby and rubbing her tummy in anticipation. After a few moments, Claire walked back inside, her face worried and confused. “Miss Ji-Yu! I-I’m sorry, but there was nobody in the minivan. It was just empty… W-What are you doing out here?” Claire asked, taking notice of the fact that Ji no longer appeared to be in pain. “Oh, nothing much. Just grabbing lunch.” Ji said. Before Claire had the opportunity to react, Ji reached forwards and grabbed her by the shoulders. She swiftly and expertly pulled her close, squishing her against her belly, and licked her lips before opening her mouth and shoving Claire’s head inside. “*MMMMPH! MMPH!*” Claire’s screams were muffled by Ji’s cheeks, making her words difficult to discern. Ji licked her face for a moment before giving her a swallow. As Ji felt Claire’s head move down her throat, she continued to taste her. The fair amount of muscle that Claire had on her body was a rare treat for Ji, and a tasty one at that, tasting slightly akin to hamburger in a way. How appropriate. Ji swallowed again, feeling Claire’s head enter her already huge and sloshy belly, causing it to expand slightly as her meal’s torso entered her hungry maw. Ji swallowed a third time, causing her food’s hips and toned butt to enter her mouth as her chest regions entered Ji’s belly along with her head, making it expand further. Ji let go of her food’s legs and placed her hands on her belly, enjoying the feeling of the movements inside of it. She swallowed again, and felt her belly expand further through her sweater, which when coupled with the hot air of the yoga studio and the work of lifting a full-grown woman into her mouth, caused her to work up quite the sweat. She made one final swallow, sending the legs of her prey down into her belly, and removed her sweater, revealing her massive breasts, barely contained by their teal bra, and covered in sweat. Ji sighed, enjoying the feeling of half-fullness that came with eating a person whole, before letting out a massive burp. “*UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP*... Mmmmm… Tasty!” Ji said. She giggled a bit and waddled into the office, grabbing a piece of paper, some tape, and a marker. She quickly scribbled something on the paper and waddled back into the lobby before taping the paper to the door. She smiled and rubbed her tummy for a minute as she thought about what it said: “Under New Management!”, with a small doodle of a girl with a big belly in the lower right-hand corner, licking her lips. ================================================================== <Two Weeks Later…> “Alright girls, time to get started!” Ji stood in a room of about seven other women in various different styles of yoga clothing. She wore a dark teal sports bra with white straps and a pair of grey leggings with sheer black stripes on the side of the legs, and sported a belly filled with about two people. Half of the other girls in the room sported a similar size of belly, while the other half sported anything from a round watermelon-sized gut to a simple flat tummy. Ji smiled as she continued. “So, most of you already know this, but I’m Ji-Yu, and this is a very special kind of yoga class! Here, I’ll be helping you newer Preds develop the leg strength necessary to get around easier after you stuff yourself stupid with prey, as well as teach you some useful techniques for things like getting up off the floor, walking up stairs, and other things that become ten times more difficult when you have a giant gut! And, of course, for you more experienced girls, I’m just here to lead you through some exercises to keep you fit, and get you hot and hungry!” Ji slapped her belly when she said that, causing it to give off a low growl. “Now, I can see that some of you girls haven’t eaten in a little while…” Ji said, as she looked at the half of the room with watermelon guts and smaller. “But that’s okay! We have special water-filled exercise balls attached to special harnesses to simulate the weight and feel of a real belly hanging off your front, though I do recommend coming in pre-stuffed for future classes. Better overall experience, you know?” A girl near the back of the room, who was wearing a green tank top that barely covered her watermelon belly, raised her hand. “Umm… Miss Ji-Yu?” “You can just call me Ji, sweetie. What’s up?” “Umm… I was just curious… H-How did your boobs get so huge?” Ji smiled. “That is an excellent question. Don’t worry. As we go through today’s class, I’ll be explaining about the different types of ‘gainers’ that a Pred could be, and I’ll explain then how I got these puppies!” Ji said, squeezing her breasts together. “However, for now, all you gals with small bellies, go ahead and grab those exercise-bellies, and we will start with our first yoga position: Belly Planks!” As Ji said this, the small-bellied girls walked over towards the room where the exercise-bellies were kept, while Ji and the other big-bellied girls laid down on top of their wriggling guts, and lifted their legs into the air behind them, keeping them straight and pointing back. “Oh, and don’t forget to give your ‘exercise partner” some rubs while you’re laying on them! It helps with digestion... And feels really good!” THE END |
Green-Haired Goddess An Odd Vore Story Major Characters: Jade Reviello: Shelby’s Half-mexican older half-sister,Wes’s other cousin, and Neil’s wife. She is noted to be both very sassy, and makesmoney by painting commissions for people online. She has light brown skin, chin-lengthbrown hair (dyed jade green) in a messy, feathered style, and bright green eyes. Shealso likes to wear jade colored nail polish. Neil Reviello: A professional chef of Italian heritage,and Jade’s husband. He owns a rather popular Italian restaurant called ‘La Regina’,and likes to cook for Jade. He has curly black hair, brown eyes, and wears a pair ofhorn-rimmed glasses. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Uhh… Why am I doing this again?” “I thought you said you wanted to try a new art form,or something like that.” “Well, yeah, but this wasn’t really what I had inmind…” Jade stood in her bedroom, staring at her own reflectionin the mirror. A rather rare occurrence these days, her belly was currently flatand empty, which greatly emphasized the size of her breasts. She was currentlywearing a jade green dress along with a variety of fake golden adornments suchas bracelets, a couple of necklaces, and a laurel wreath on her head. The dresswas split into two parts: A top half that somehow covered her chest (and little else),and a bottom half that rode low on her hips and reached down to her ankles, where shewas lacking shoes, but had beautifully painted toenails to pair with her longjade green acrylic fingernails with false gemstones stuck near the base of them. Her face wasalso made up slightly, giving her sharp, black eyeliner and a pair of cherry red lipsthat contrasted excellently with the rest of her outfit. All in all, she was styled toresemble a goddess of some sort. And it weirded her out.“Well, I’m not sure, but… I’m used to making the art. Not, uhh… Wearing it.” Jade said as she continued to stare at herself. Her exposed stomach reminded her of how hungry she currently was, which was only making her evenless enthusiastic about this entire plan. Neil, who had been helping her get dressed,was currently standing off to the side, fiddling with a camera he had bought the day prior. If only he had bothered to read the instructions. “That’s not right, Jade. The dress isn’t what’s importanthere. You are. The whole idea with photography is to capture the beauty of the subject.That’s you.” He said before turning the camera around and checking the lens. Inthe process of doing so, he accidentally clicked the flash, temporarily blindinghim further than he already was. “Aaah! Gah… Besides. W-We’re just trying this out.If you don’t like the result, then we don’t have to do it again. I just think it would benice to work on a project together, don’t you?” Jade sighed and turned a bit, catching a look at herass in the mirror. Even in the dress, her butt was large enough to be visible (though, itwas still rather small compared to her friend and predatory teacher Eulalie’s big ol’ butt.Damn, that thing is huge). Her belly let out a growl as she thought about her assets and howshe obtained them. “I suppose I can’t argue with that… But you better feed me afterthis. I’m fuckin’ hungry, babe.” She thought back to about one week ago. Her bellywas huge and wriggling after eating a few random pedestrians on her way to and from theart supplies store. She didn’t feel truly full, nor had she in years, but even then, itstill felt better than being completely empty. The extra weight, the enormous size, and thestruggling of her meals inside her belly. It didn’t satisfy her hunger, but damn if itdidn’t make her feel happy. “I miss my big gut. I’m used to the extra weight now...”Jade said with a little sniffle. Neil laughed as he rubbed the flash out of his eyes. “Don’t worry, Jade. I guarantee you’ll be nice andstuffed by the time we’re finished. Now, come with me. I set up a small photo shoot setin the garage.” Jade turned towards Neil in anger. “The garage!? It’sfreezing in there!” “Calm down! I set up some space heaters, so it shouldbe pretty warm in there. You'll be fine. Now stop whining and let’s get started!” Neilsaid as he walked out of the room,taking a moment to motion for his wife to follow. Reluctantly, Jade did as she was asked, and walked with her husband towards the garage. ================================================================== Those of you at home may be wondering: “Just how didthis chain of events come to pass?” Well, it all started about a week ago, thesame day as the aforementioned trip to the art store left Jade nice and big: <One Week Earlier…> “I think I want to try something new… *UUUURP*” Jade sat on the couch in her living room as she waitedfor Neil to finish dinner. Her belly, already stuffed to the brim with three random peopleshe had eaten for lunch, was loudly churning away as she rubbed it after her showera few minutes earlier. As such, she was completely nude save for a pair of jade greenpanties and a well-placed towel covering her breasts, and her hair was messy and wet.She let out another small burp as Neil continued to cook in the kitchen behind her. “Hmm? What do you mean? Like, food? I did find a recipefor-” “No, no. Not that.” “Sexually?” “No… Well, okay maybe, but not what I meant!” “Then what?” Jade turned her head to look back at her husband.Her big belly kept her from turning fully, but it was enough that she could see his face.“Art! I wanna try some new kind of art.” Neil set down the knife he was currently choppingwith and turned around for a moment. “You’re giving up painting?” He asked. Jade frownedat the question. “No, you doofus, I’m not giving up painting. I justthink it would be nice to… Flex my creative muscles a bit. Kinda like… An experiment,y’know? See what else I like so that I can go back and forth between painting and the otherthing.”“Where did this come from?” Neil said as he went backto chopping. Jade thought for a moment before she responded. “Well… I’ve hit a bit of a roadblock. I have an ideain my head for something I want to make, but I just can’t seem to get it to work on mycanvas. I had to go to the store earlier to pick up some more canvases cause I keepmessing up on the ones I already have. It’s really fuckin’ annoying.” Neil chuckled. “I’m guessing that’s why your belly’sso big? You ate your feelings of anger?” Jade laughed a bit in response, her belly jigglingfrom the movement. “Hahah… Yeah. I suppose that about sums it up.” Neil finished chopping and slid whatever he had justdiced into the pot on the stove next to him. Probably onions or garlic. Oooh, or carrots.Yum. “So, what is it you’re trying to paint, exactly?” He asked. He heard Jade adjust herselfon the couch behind him. “A goddess. Only problem is, I can’t really imaginewhat that might look like. I just keep thinking ‘I want to paint a goddess’.” Neil paused and thought about that for a moment. Wheneverhe thought of the term “God” or “Goddess”, he thought of roman mythology.But he knew that Jade herself didn’t have too much interest in greco-roman myths.However, there was one other thing that he thought of whenever he heard the term“Goddess”... Jade. Suddenly, a grin formed across Neil’s face as he turnedoff the heat on the stove. He then walked over to Jade and wrapped his arms aroundher. “Hey… What would you say to me helping you out a littlebit with this ‘experimental period’ of yours?” ================================================================== <The Present> Slightly regretting letting Neil help her with herartistic endeavors, Jade followed her husband into the garage, where she took notice ofa few things.First, the temperature. It was indeed nice and warm in the garage as Neil said. She would not have to punish him for that later. Goodjob Neil. You have escaped certain doom. Second, she took notice of the small area Neil hadset up on the wall across from the door. From what she could tell, it was meant to resemblea forest in the middle of autumn, complete with fake leaves covering the ground,and a large log sitting in the middle left hand side. It didn’t take a genius forher to figure out that’s where she was going to sit for the shoot. It was juuuust the rightsize to fit her big butt. Neil thought of everything, apparently. Third, there was something Jade was most certainlylooking forward to: Food. Loads of food, just sitting on a small table off to the side,outside of the set’s range. Jade’s stomach let out a loud growl. “Finally! I’m starving!” Jade said as she startedto walk over to the table. However, Neil stopped her before she could make it there by puttinghis hand in front of her, causing her to walk her ample chest directly into his palm. “Nope. Not yet.” Jade’s smile turned into a frown. “Whaaat!? Why thehell not!?” “We gotta do the ‘pre-stuffing’ pictures first. Toshow off the contrast.” Neil said, lowering his hand down and pointing at Jade’s empty gut. “Contrast!? Neil, babe, I’m starving. I haven’t eatenanyone in days. I neeeed this!” Jade said, her eyes starting to water in hungry pain. Neil laughed. “Don’t worry! Don’t worry, Jade. Youwill be fed during the course of the photoshoot. So I can capture the growth of your lovelybelly, okay?” Jade pouted. “I still don’t understand what the pointof this whole thing is… But fine. As you wish.” She said, before sighing and taking herseat on top of the big log Neil had set up. Neil let out a small chuckle and took a quicksnap of his pouting, hungry wife to test the camera a bit.“Hmm…” As Neil looked at the screen, he fiddled with some of the settings until he got a result he thought looked good before he smiled andlooked at Jade. “Okay. We should be good to get started with the main shoot! Gimmea second, hon. I’ll be right back!” “Wait, what? Neil-” Jade didn’t have time to finishbefore her husband darted out of the garage, leaving her alone in the room filled withfood she knew she couldn't eat. “What the fuck!? That asshole puts me in this weird dress,makes me sit on a log under a bunch of stupid bright lights, and tells me that Ican’t even eat any of the table full of food? He’s not having any boob time tonight...” Jade sighed and looked at the table of food longingly.She could tell Neil had cooked it all himself. She had woken up to a cacophony of delicioussmells only an hour and a half ago, and Neil had prevented her from eating anythingthen to. Whatever he had planned, he was clearly excited about this photoshootfor some reason. The fact that she couldn’t tell why was what was freaking her outslightly. Her stomach growled loudly. “Did he really have to tell me that I couldn’teat anyone for a whole week? I mean, I get the appeal of before and after style art.Getting to see the growth of the artist can be really satisfying… Or, I guess the growthof the model… In this case, but I mean... Telling a Pred she can’t eat people!? It justseems like an affront to nature!” ================================================================== After a few minutes, Neil walked back into the garage,where a hungry Jade was pouting and staring longingly at the food on the table.He grinned and placed his camera on top of the tripod he had set up in frontof Jade. “Alright. We’re good to get started. You ready, Jade?”Neil asked. His grin hadn’t gone away. He was weirdly excited for some reason. Jade shrugged as her belly growled. “I guess so…” “Alright, good! First, look… Well like you currentlydo I guess. Sad and hungry.” Neil placed his face behind the camera and adjusted it’sgaze towards Jade. Jade didn’t have to do much for this bit, seeing as she was indeedhungry and sad like Neil had asked of her. That didn’t stop her from hamming itup a little bit though. She placed her hands on her empty belly and stared longingly at thefood that was out of the range of the camera, adjusting her positions slightly betweeneach snap. She wouldn’t admit it out of spite, but she was enjoying herself a littlebit.After about 12 or so pictures, Neil stood up straight and looked at Jade. “Okay. I think we should be good for the ‘before’ set of pictures. After we’re done, we’ll go through and pick out which ones we like specifically. Are youready to start the next part?” He asked, his grin getting wider on his face. Jade perked upa bit, cause that meant she was going to get to eat food. “If that means I get to stuff my face, then hell yeah.”Jade said as she stood up and started walking towards the table. Neil quickly grabbedher and sat her back down, much to her confusion. “Slow down there, Mrs. Grumblegut.” He said, holdingJade by the shoulders. Jade, on the other hand, was starting to tear up in poorlycontained hanger (which is, uh, “hungry anger”, for all you new folks). “Why!? I’m hungry, dammit!” She shouted, causing Neilto jump a bit. “Aagh! Because goddesses don’t go and get food. Theirfollowers bring it to them as offerings.” Just as Jade cocked her head in hangry confusion,Neil walked over to the door and opened it. “Okay you two. You can come in now.” Hesaid before walking back to Jade’s side, only to be followed by three people: A womanwith long red hair and brown eyes, and a man with short, curly blonde hair and blue eyes,both dressed in similar clothing to her, but in white, and minus the fake gold adornmentsthat she was currently sporting. Jade took a minute to figure out what exactly wasgoing on. “Wha… Who are these… What do you…” Then, when she noticed that both of them were staringat her stomach, it clicked. Jade had heard a story from Ji-Yu about how Wes had foundsome folks on Vorum who had wanted to realize their weird, Vore-based fantasiesand allowed her to eat them as a part of that. “Wait, do you mean…” Jade’s voice began to falterslightly as she started to feel a bit of excitement. Neil smiled and gestured towards the two people. “Jade,this is Gwendolyn and Miles. They will be both your servers, and your main course.”Gwendolyn walked forwards and stuck out her hand. It was trembling a little bit, but based on the expression on her face, it was more outof excitement than fear. “Hello! Y-You must be Jade.” Jade took her hand and shook it. “That I am…” “I just wanted to say, thank you for giving us thisopportunity. This is kind of a dream come true for us.” Miles nodded his head in agreement. “Yeah. If I haveto go out, I want to go out inside Gwen, and she wants to go out inside you. I, uh… Ihope you don’t mind swallowing a girl with someone else in their belly already…” Jade laughed a little bit. “You kiddin’? It’s kindalike a Human dumpling! I’m glad to eat you two.” She said, before remembering that Neil wasthe one to set all this up. She shot him a look that said: “Okay. You still get sextonight. Good boy.” Neil, on the other hand, just nodded happily in response. “Alright you three. Before that happens, you two gottaserve Jade the appetizer!” Neil said as he gestured towards the table of food. Gwenand Miles, happy to oblige, did as they were told and walked over to the table, loadingup a pair of serving trays with as much food as they could fit on them. Jade sat andwatched as the two of them walked over to her slowly, careful not to drop any of herfood, and when the time came, happily opened her mouth for them to shove it in for her. As Miles started off by shoving an entire chickeninto her mouth, Neil began opening the shutter. *Click! Click!* The camera didn’t flash,due to the lighting in the room already being optimal, but it still captured Jade’s happyface as she swallowed the chicken down, a small bulge forming in her belly. Then, Gwencame in and dropped a few apples into her mouth, which Jade took a moment tochew before gulping down without issue. Again, the shutter *Click!*-ed, as Jade wasslurping away at a big bowl of spaghetti noodles, a little bit of sauce drippingfrom the side of her mouth as Miles and Gwen happily choose what they will send down her hungrymaw next. Maybe some grapes? Oooh, no, what about this sandwich? Oh, butmaybe some salad would be nice… Not that it mattered in the end. They all wentinto Jade’s belly anyways, slowly but surely making it bigger and rounder as each partof the meal was swallowed down by the green-haired beauty, a sight continually capturedby Neil at various angles as he continued to snap pictures of his big-bellied goddessand her loyal servants. This process continued for about an hour, until the tablewas empty, and Jade’s belly wasaround half the size it was when filled with one person. Jade let out a happy burp as she rubbed the nice, round ball of flesh. “*BOOOOARP*... Mmm… Not bad for an appetizer… Excellentcooking as usual, baby!” Jade said, smiling at her husband behind the camera. “I live to serve. You ready for the main course?”Neil asked. Jade nodded and licked her lips in anticipation. “Always. All right you two. Go ahead and get started!”Jade said to Gwen and Miles. Gwen smiled and turned to her lover. “Yes ma’am! Okay Honey… Are you ready?” She asked,grabbing onto Miles’ shoulders. “Yes I am. Go ahead and chow down!” Excited and hungry, Gwen gave Miles a loving kiss.A deep kiss, which quickly turned into shoving his whole head inside her mouth. Sheshivered with pleasure before she continued to swallow, taking her time and savoringeach moment her lover was in her mouth, tasting every inch of his body as she felthis head enter her belly and making it bulge slightly. She placed her hand on her small gutand continued, feeling it expand under her hand and wriggle a little bit as Miles situatedhimself, only to feel it drop suddenly once she made the last swallow and sent Milesdown to his new home to digest happily. She took a moment to feel him movingaround, enjoying the sensation of movement and fullness in her belly, and absolutelyloving the size of her gut as she rubbed and poked at it, the whole time Jade watchingher in excitement while Neil snapped pictures in front of them. “Mmmm… *UUUUUUUUUUURP*! Hehehe! You were very tasty,baby. I love you, and thank you for being such a filling meal!” Gwen saidas she patted the side of her belly. Miles’s muffled voice could be very slightly heardfrom inside her tummy, making a noise that very vaguely sounded like the phrase “I loveyou too.” Satisfied, Gwen turned towards Jade and showed off her gut. “Wow. You get to eat like this all the time!? I’mkinda jealous…” Gwen said as she waddled over to Jade, clearly struggling with thenew weight in front of her. Jade laughed and jiggled her own small-yet-bulging belly.“You better believe it sister. Neil, hon? You ready over there?” Neil simply gave a thumbs up from behind the cameraas he repositioned it to focus on Jade once again. Gwen smiled at the signal. “Well…Time for the main course. Thank you for having me!” she said, holding out her handsfor Jade to stick in her mouth. Jade took them in her hands and pressed them into her breastsas she licked her lips. “Nah. Thank you for being such a willing sacrifice.This Goddess of Vore appreciates your worship greatly… *NOM*” Jade wasted no time in shoving the stuffed woman infront of her into her mouth, slurping on her arms like they were the spaghettinoodles from earlier. She tasted amazing, seeing as she was Jade’s first proper mealin days. As she swallowed, Jade was pleased by the fact that Gwen was already stuffedfull of prey. It forced her to take her time while swallowing, giving her the opportunityto savor the gravid young lady as her big belly slowly but surely entered Jade’s own.Jade was almost glad that she hadn’t eaten anyone in a week. It made Gwen taste far betterby comparison. They do say hunger is the best sauce, and well… There were fewpeople as hungry as Jade Reviello. With one last swallow, Jade moaned as she felt herstomach drop with the last of the new weight being added into it. She took a minuteto rub the top of her belly while Neil continued to snap away, completely enthralled by hisprey-laden wife. Out of habit, Jade stuck one of her fingers in her mouth and chewed slightlyas she enjoyed the feeling of prey wriggling inside of her belly. In typical “Jade’sbelly” fashion, it continued to growl, ever-hungry for more, but now it was simply back toit’s typical “full but still hungry” as opposed to “completely empty and starving”. Jade squeezedthe sides of her belly with her legs, causing a gas bubble to work its way looseand travel up to her throat. “*BOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAARP*... Holy fuck that feels good…”She said as she pounded on her chest a bit. She rubbed her belly abit more and looked at Neil behind the camera, still snapping away at various differentangles. “While I will never let you talk me into going a week without Vore again, I haveto admit this meal tasted absolutely fantastic.” She smiled as she stood up and showedher belly off to the camera. Neil smirked as he adjusted the camera angle accordingly. “Yeah. I don’t plan on making you do something likethat again. I didn’t like watching you starve… You definitely deserve to be full and happy.Like a real goddess.”Jade chuckled and poked her belly. “Yeah, well. I do have to say, nice touch with the willing prey. With such generous sacrifices like thesetwo treats, I really do feel... Like a... Goddess…” Jade’s voice trailed off as her mindgrasped at an idea that had been floating around in her head for a week. Her face madea look Neil knew all too well: A face of unflinching determination and focus, completelyoblivious to her surroundings. Jade’s artist mode. “Jade? Did you get something?” Neil asked. Jade didn’trespond though. No, she simply walked right out of the garage and into her personalart studio, leaving behind her green dress and most of the false gold jewelry behind inthe middle of the hallway, only holding onto the laurel wreath for reasons known toher and her alone. Neil sighed as he watched this, knowing that he wouldn’t see herfor a couple of hours now. Freshly full-up and desperately clinging onto an idea fora new painting? Nah. Jade was gone, locking herself away into her own little world. “Well. Guess I better clean up… *Sigh*...” ================================================================== <Five Hours Later…> “NEIL! GRAB YOUR CAMERA AND GET IN HERE!” Neil awoke on the couch about four hours after hefinished cleaning up. He had gotten up early to set up both the set for the pictures andthe personal feast for Jade, and accidentally passed out while trying to sort throughthe large (frankly ridiculously so) number of pictures he had taken. Regardless of hispersonal level of consciousness, however, he still knew to follow his wife’s orderswhen yelled at him from within the confines of her little artistic temple, so he gatheredhis strength and hoisted himself off the couch. “One second, hon! Be right there!” Neil said as hestretched away the last of the sleep in his body. He had made it to the door of Jade’s studiobefore he realized he left the camera on the table, plugged into his laptop. “Oh, shit.” He quickly ran back and grabbed the camera beforedarting back to the studio door, not wanting to keep her waiting any longer than he alreadyhad. Normally Jade was apatient woman, but when it came to her artistic endeavors… Well, let’s just say she could get rather “intense”. “Alright, I’m coming in-“ “NO! NOT YET!” She could also get pretty indecisive. Neil stood outside the door for another five minutesbefore Jade said another word from behind the closed door. “Okay! Get your cute butt in here!” “Umm… Okay. I’m coming in!” Neil opened the door, expecting to see Jade standingin front of a canvas, covered from head to oversized belly button in paint. As it turnsout, he was only half right: Jade was indeed covered in paint, but there was no canvas tobe found. No, instead of a canvas, Jade’s now-still gut was almost completely coveredin paint. On her huge tum, she had painted a beautiful image of what appeared to be anothernude girl with a slightly smaller gut than her own, appearing to hold only oneperson inside of it instead of Jade’s two. However, it didn’t take Neil long to recognizewho the girl in the painting was: Gwen. The long red hair was a dead giveaway,not to mention the surprising amount of detail. She appeared to be smiling happilyas she held her own belly, a small halo above her head as a similar glowing ring shonethrough her gut’s painted flesh while she floated in the sky, Jade’s real, paint-coveredhands resting contentedly on top of her gut in spots painted specifically for themin jade green paint. Neil stood still for a moment, slightly shocked by what he was looking at. “I… Uhh… Wow. It’s beautiful…” He said, simultaneouslytalking about Jade’s gorgeous gut as well as the painting brilliantly brushed ontoit. Jade gave a pleased smirk as she lightly patted her belly, careful to stay within thejade green outline. “I realized when I said I felt like a goddess thatI could literally ‘paint a goddess’ like I wanted too. So, I painted my big fuckin’ Vore belly.”Jade happily looked down at her gut, at the image of Gwen and her belly more specifically.“It took longer than I thought. It was hard for me to reach the front half, so I hadto go real slowly on that part. Now,take the damn picture so I can go shower. It tickles when it’s wet, but once it starts to dry, it gets kinda itchy.” Neil thought for a moment about the sight in frontof him. How wonderful it was. How she needed him to work a camera to capture it’s beautyforever before she washed the paint away and Gwen became nothing more than booband ass fat decorating Jade’s already magnificent body. Neil smiled as he had anidea. “Why don’t you keep doing this? After today, I mean?” Jade cocked her head in confusion. “What do you mean?” Neil stepped closer and bent down to meet Jade’s eyelinea bit better. She was still wearing the laurel wreath, establishing that she wasa true green-haired Goddess of Vore. “Paint your prey! Or the special ones, at least!Then, I can capture your paintings with my camera and we can share them with the world!It’s like a collaborative series of paintings, and it’s new artistic medium in more waysthan one. My camera, and your belly instead of a canvas!” Jade paused for a moment as she thought about theidea. Sure, this painting took her a while, and was frustrating in more ways than one,but at the same time, she felt increasingly proud of it. More so than with a lotof her other paintings. Coupled with the fact that she would get to work with her husband inthe process… It just seemed good on all counts. “... You know what? I think I’ll use that idea. I-Ifyou don’t mind, that is. I like the idea of you photographing my tummy…” Jade’s voice lighteneda bit slightly, her true, sweeter personality peaking through to the surface once again.Neil noticed this, and pleased beyond belief, took a step back and turned on hiscamera. “Same here. So, let’s start with this piece. Whatare you going to call it?” Jade paused for a moment and thought. “Hmm… How about…‘No Sweeter Sacrifice’, ‘cause there really is no better sacrifice to a goddess’sbelly than a willing one!” Neil chuckled and aimed the camera at Jade, who wassmiling joyfully. “It’s perfect, I think. Now, say cheese!” *Snap!*THE END |
Chapter 2 - First Day of Class ******** The distinctive hiss of air brakes filled the bus, drowning out the chatter of some two dozen students for a few seconds. Alex watched as the occupants of the back rows scooted down the aisle, backpacks bumping haphazardly against every available surface. A jolt coursed through the hand Alex stood on, her arms extending out to balance herself form the organic earthquake. “Careful,” Lily muttered under her breath, not quite loud enough for the oblivious student to hear, but audible to Alex. The tiny teen braced herself as Lily stood up, resting a tiny hand against one of the curled fingers surrounding her. Each footfall from Lily sent a small jolt through Alex’s body as they exited the bus. The atmosphere changed suddenly as they stepped out onto the asphalt. Crisp, cool air replaced the stuffy aura of the bus’ interior, and Alex felt a slight tingle on her exposed skin. While the afternoons were still warm for the summer, the mornings in Pennsylvania had lately been rather brisk, the goosebumps forming along her arms evidence of the cool morning breeze. ’t even notice Lily, much less Alex, but a few passing by caught a glimpse of the tiny teen. Those that actually noticed Alex did a double take, not expecting to see someone so small. Sure, almost everyone had heard of “shrinkies”, as they had been nicknamed, but the condition was rare enough that not many people interacted with someone of Alex’s size on a regular basis. Alex smiled and waved towards a few of the students, once their initial surprise wore off. Some were friendly enough to return the gesture, before hustling off to their classrooms. ’s body, threatening to displace Alex with the sudden movement. The crowd of students turned into a stampede as everyone wrapped up whatever they were doing, and headed for their classes. Lily snapped the metallic door shut, and a barely audible could be heard by Alex as the combination lock was engaged once more. Lily reached her hand up to her shoulder, her fingers extended like a catwalk for Alex to climb aboard. “What the hell is this?” Someone called out behind Lily, who jerked her head to see the source of the voice. She turned just in time to see a claw of pink fingernails wrap around Alex, yanking the tiny girl from her perch on Lily’s shoulder. “Hey!” Lily shouted, lunging for the retracting hand, but she was quickly stopped by another manicured hand, palm outstretched in anticipation of her reaction. Lily’s forward momentum was sapped as she lurched right into the outstretched arm, her forehead colliding with the waiting palm. Her hand swiped in the air, narrowly missing the fist that held Alex from her. “Give her back!” ’t out of shape, the girl standing before her was certainly athletic, given the toned body and visible four pack on her midriff. The school mascot was emblazoned across the girl’s chest, the image slightly distorted by a pair of sizable breasts. “Or what?” The girl taunted, the muscles in her arm tensing as Lily tried to step forward. She took a step back as Lily swatted at her hand, once again missing by mere inches. “She’s a shrinkie, not a person, geez!” The girl opened her hand, inspecting an annoyed looking Alex in her palm. ’s palm, brushing off her shirt to straighten the fabric. “I am too a person, asshole,” she said firmly. “Now, if you don’t mind, hand me back to Lily, now.” “You’re one to give orders, runt.” She turned her gaze to Lily, a cold smile forming on her face. “What are you gonna do about it anyway, huh?” She taunted. “Students! Class has started, or have you gone deaf and missed the bell?” An older man walked briskly towards them, a dark grey suit jacket that was a size too small for his frame fluttering slightly at his pace. His cheeks were flushed, either from the exertion of walking too fast, or from a tinge of the cool air outside. Lily peeked around the taller girl to see him marching down the hallway like he was on the warpath. “Oh, Mr. Hannover, I was just introducing the new...” “Shut it, Kelsey,” the man barked, “just get to class, you should know better.” “Ugh, whatever,” the girl mumbled, turning back to Lily. “Here, catch.” “Young lady, did you forget where your class is?” The man asked firmly between breaths. The short trek from his office has winded him, but it didn’t reduce the stern tone in his voice. “Well, no, but you see...” Lily stammered, trying not to draw too much attention to Alex as she kept her hands together in front of her. “Just get to class, please.” ’s gaze on the back of her head. She opened her hands slightly as she walked, cupping Alex between them. “Are you okay?” She whispered, glancing up at the classroom door. ’s intertwined fingers, but grunted and gave a thumbs up to Lily. “Let’s just get to class,” Alex said as she shifted her minuscule weight around, pulling herself up into a sitting position atop Lily’s thumb. Lily nodded, and pushed the classroom door open. The two girls could feel almost thirty pairs of eyes lock onto them, following them as Lily moved towards an empty desk in the rear of the class. She quickly pulled the chair out, wincing slightly at the short screech of the metal legs dragging against the linoleum floor. Her hand lowered to the desk, allowing Alex to scoot off her thumb and stand on the expanse of the desktop. “Welcome, miss...” the teacher addressed Lily, her voice trailing off as she awaited a response. “Oh, I’m Lily,” she replied hastily. She plopped a binder and book on her desk, and gestured towards the corner occupied by her tiny counterpart. “And this is Alex!” “Well, Lily and Alex, my name is Elizabeth Manning, and welcome to Biology Basics!” the teacher’s excited tone contrasted with the somewhat dreary mood of the students, their first day of the final year just beginning a moment before. Ms. Manning turned around to face the whiteboard, and began to scribble out class information in the top left corner. Lily jotted down some notes, glancing here and there at Alex as she listened to the teacher read over the class syllabus. ’t strive to be in the spotlight, but her size usually made her the centerpiece of things, whether she wanted it or not. “Class, I understand that one of our students is quite unique, but it is impolite to stare.” She gently scolded the class, and most of the students’ gaze quickly returned to the front of the room. All of the students in fact, except one. Alex felt like someone was still watching her, and glanced over her shoulder. In the back row was the girl from the hallway earlier. Kelsey, if she remembered correct. The scowl on the blonde cheerleader’s face was subtle, but made no attempt to hide Kelsey’s automatic dislike for the tiny girl. Alex turned back to face the teacher, and resumed tapping notes into her tablet. The feeling of being watched didn’t go away, but Alex tried to tune it out like she had learned to do so many times before. “C’mon, Alex, I’ll give you a lift to your next class!” Lily still sounded a bit too cheerful for the first day of school, her voice containing a tinge of excitement. “I think your math is on the way to my English class, so I’ll drop you off on the way.” ’s finger when a shadow crept over the edge of the wooden desk. Alex froze as another face appeared behind and slightly to the side of Lily, a sinister grin spread across red lips. “Here, let me take her to class,” Kelsey startled Lily, causing her hand to jump and nearly dump Alex onto her back. Lily turned her head towards the encroaching girl, her voice changing from giddy to annoyed in a single syllable. “I’m in the same class as her,” Kelsey smirked, “might as well save you a trip.” “Thanks, but I think I’ll take her over.” The two girls towered over Alex, glaring each other down for a moment. The staring contest was broken by Ms. Manning, her heels clicking against the floor as she walked over. “Do you girls need anything?” She asked sweetly, oblivious to the silent standoff she had interrupted. “You two... er, three, really should be getting to your next classes.” “I was just offering to give our little friend a lift to our next class, we’re both in Math together.” ’s smile broadened as she spoke. “Oh, that’s so sweet of you Kelsey! I’m sure Alex would appreciate that. Now, all of you, off to class before the next bell!” She made a shooing motion with her hands, turning around to erase the gibberish on the whiteboard before the next round of students came in. “Don’t worry,” she snickered to Lily, “you can pick her up after Math if you want. I just need a minute to talk to our little friend here.” Lily was too shocked to say much, only stammering a few short syllables as Kelsey sauntered down the hall towards her next class. As she rounded the corner, Kelsey opened her fist and looked down at Alex. “Yeah, we need to get a few things straight, runt.” |
Jack Riel lay alone and almost naked in a bed that wasn't his. Unlike his, this one was large and comfortable and wrapped in embroidered sheets. Plump pillows piled against the bottom of the antiqued bronze headboard. One of the sheets stretched over him, offering him the only protection he would have for what was about to come through the door. Beneath the sheet, he wore a pair of fresh-from-the-plastic silk boxers, also not his - not before today anyway. Even under the sheet and the thin, clingy fabric of the boxers he felt exposed. They'd asked him to shave this morning, everything below his neck - everything - and now he felt cold and raw.The room wasn't like his apartment, either. His was cluttered with tools, clothes, and computers, but this was open and airy and fake. Token furniture - a nightstand with an old-fashioned alarm clock, a floor lamp not plugged in, an ornate but empty chest of drawers - and random framed artwork broke up otherwise blank walls. The windows were open, but the 'outside' was a pair of blue light panels and a slow fan that caught the curtains in an eerie, silent breeze.He was alone in the bed - for now - but not in the room. In the far corner by the door, a dark-skinned woman called Bobbie slipped her shoulders into a steadicam rig and flicked on the power. The light meter on the rig ticked impatiently at her until she fiddled with the dials. On the other side of the bed's headboard, hidden behind the pillows in a cubby cut into the wall to fit her, a brunette called Sandra tested her camera position for the dozenth time. "Testing" meant pushing it up beneath Riel's pillow like a rude middle finger until he rolled out of the way and it took the place of his head. She had a streak of cruelty in her; he'd caught her grinning the first time she connected the bell lens with the back of his skull. Bobbie and Sandra both wore the kind of loose black sweats meant to hide them from cameras or reflections, but their hair and makeup were anything but casual. Their glances at him were narrow-eyed and quick, and made him feel like a stranger.Jonas, at least, was a friend. He stood beside the bed, poking at his tablet to fine-tune the lights or test the mic-dots painted onto the wall. With a swipe of his stylus he dropped the light level another 20 lumens; Bobbie hissed at him, but now the room was dark enough to make the shadows eerie instead of empty.Jonas glanced down at the bed. "Ready, Jack?"Jonas was as unlike Riel as this room was unlike his apartment. Where Riel was short, stocky, and corded with muscle from the last four years of after-dark activities, Jonas was tall and lean. Riel favored off-the-rack jeans and t-shirts when he hadn't been tricked into silk boxers, but Jonas wore a satin-wool sweater vest over a tailored white shirt. His khakis had been pressed, his shoes polished. Riel's features were small and dark, his hair thick and wiry; Jonas' hair had been professionally styled and highlighted, and his handlebar mustache was neatly trimmed. Jonas had maybe 15 years on him.The older man poked at the tablet and asked again, "You ready?""Ummm... I don't think so. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.""Are you backing out on me now? I wouldn't have thought you'd be scared." Jonas grinned and scratched his mustache. "Not of her.""I'm not scared. I'm just... not ready. Aren't I supposed to be 'at alert'?" He returned the grin lamely. "Don't I get a fluffer or something?"Jonas lifted the sheet for a glimpse at the silk shorts and snorted.With an indignant howl Riel yanked the the sheet back down over himself. "Fuck, man! Don't do that! It's not decent.""Decent? The whole world will be seeing an awful lot of indecent in another day when this is dubbed and online." He laughed. "A fluffer, of all things. Haven't you seen one of these films before?" He turned toward the almost-closed door and motioned toward the muffled voices just outside. "She's your fluffer, boy-o. You're not supposed to be hard until she's ready for you to be. And when she is ready, you will be. In the meantime, just act."The voice outside the grew louder and more agitated, to the point of yelling. "A cape?! You've got to be fucking kidding me."Jonas tucked the tablet under his arm, pulled the sheet flat again, and backed toward the door. "Well, that sounds like a summons for the director-slash-producer, eh? Here's your direction, kid: you're asleep, or passing for it. Light blink is the cue for action, But you just stay asleep until she's got you pinned, no matter what you feel or hear. After that, keep it as real as you want, but don't talk. Grunt, moan, but don't talk. And let her win, for God's sake. That's what this is about." He slipped through the door and pulled it shut behind him. His voice interrupted the others outside to take on a soothing, conciliatory tone. "You're right, Jacquie; you're right. The cape's too much. We'll ax the cape."Riel smirked, but as the minutes passed in the dark, silent room, his face and body relaxed. His eyes closed and he cleared his mind.He felt the light blink through his eyelids, and again there was silence.Then the door creaked open like it had never been oiled.Without lifting his head, Riel cracked his eyelids. The door was wide, and she stood in it. The room was tinted that dark blue that passes for a cliche of night, but she was so pale she seemed luminescent. Her rose-white face was stark beneath her makeup - beneath her garnet red lips and the heavy black shadows surrounding her eyes, following the shape of her brows. Curling red hair fell around her face and shoulders, hiding her ears. A choker with a silver skull at the snap squeezed her neck, and beneath that more bright bare skin - her fleshy chest and shoulders - spilled out of a black corset that scooped only just enough of her breasts to cover her nipples and create cleavage. Shoulder-length gloves of the same black nearly met the corset; they were tight enough to pinch her plump arms at their hems.Below the curving line of her corset and gloves, purple and black fabrics faded into the shadows. He could tell she wore a very short skirt and tall boots only because her black nylons gleamed over the 18 visible inches of her thighs; he couldn't make out any other details. Behind her a pair of black and purple bat wings unfolded as she cleared the door; they stretched up to the ceiling and beat the air once before folding neatly behind her again.Bobbie circled her with the camera, but she didn't seem to notice - her eyes were locked forward, fixed to his face, burning into him. They were unusual somehow, her eyes - enthralling in a worryingly literal sense of the word. He snapped his own eyes shut - he told himself to prevent Bobbie's camera from catching him peeking, but it was a relief to break the stare. He checked his breathing: still slow and regular, just like a sleeper's should be.The air in the room thrummed once, twice, and a weight sunk into the foot of the bed. The weight shifted, then again, and the sheet tugged tightly down on either side of his legs. She crawled up him, a hand and knee pressing into the mattress on either side of him. Her nylons and gloves made scratching sounds as they chafed the sheet. If she was breathing, he couldn't hear it. She sat back once she was at the top of the bed, straddling his hips, and a gloved hand - slick and cold like satin - closed over his mouth.His eyes flicked open groggily, then went wide with surprise and fright as he acted the moment. He gasped, even. Her eyes peered down into his from only a foot above, and he realized what was so odd about them: they were a solid ivory white, pierced only by a tiny, depthless black dot. She had no hint of an iris - not even the thin ridge of a contact lens. The black shadow around her eyes wrinkled as she smiled, and thick red lips curled back to dimple her cheeks.Bobbie and her satellite camera slid back into the shadows as Sandra pressed at the back of his head, pushing him aside. The succubus looming above him - that was her role in this little story - didn't miss a beat. Her glove shifted to cover the bottom half the glass camera bell, and she peered just as intently into the lens as she brought a finger to her lips, demanding that the camera, as Riel's stand-in, remain perfectly quiet.The camera bell slipped back beneath the pillow as the succubus lifted his wrists to the headboard to bind them in gauzy strips 'conveniently' pre-tied to the bars. He thought the outline had called for her to tie him loosely, or even to just wrap his wrists and give him something to hold on to, but she pulled the bindings tight and cinched his skin in the knot. He winced and bit his lip to keep silent; in response she grinned cruelly and savored his stifled pain. Her lips curled wider, her teeth parted, and for the first time she bared glistening fangs, which glowed like neon in the bluey darkness. He made a point of gasping, of blinking in stunned disbelief. It was the appropriate reaction, since it was what he had really done the first time those four eon-years ago.Once he was bound she slid off him, rocking back to sit on the mattress beside him, and with a flick of one glove she flung back the sheet. At the sight of his silk boxers she let out a delighted hiss, and Bobbie's camera drew close again to focus on the glint at the needle-sharp tips of her teeth. The lightest brush from those fangs would slice skin like butter, but her tongue slickered between her lips without danger. Her fingers reached out slowly, casting a nosferatu shadow over the bulge forming in his boxers. The at the tip of each finger the glove had been finished with long pointed nails, almost claws, which added to the effect. She grabbed at the bulge, fondling it through the shorts, stroking and purring while the satin of her gloves swished past the silk of his boxers. He didn't need to act now: his head rocked back and he moaned; his arms strained at the bindings and his back arched, pushing his hips toward her. She laughed and lowered herself toward him, lips parting to bare fangs as her mouth closed over the bulge.Jack's breath caught. His body had gone rigid against the expectation of those sharp fangs slicing through the silk, slicing into the tender flesh beneath, of searing pain and spilling blood. But she only nibbled. Her fangs were blunted and gentled; his boxers became soaked not with blood but with the saliva from her kneading tongue.Still he couldn't relax, though his hips still strained upward. Even through the pleasure - through the rigid physical yearning to feel the wetness of her mouth directly - was the frightening knowledge that she could turn on him in an instant. But she was professional: he was hard and ready and anxious for more. When Sandra's camera pushed up to steal his view of the her face, he groaned in frustration. The succubus locked her weird eyes to the lens and swiped her tongue maddeningly slowly over the silk. Her cool glove slipped beneath the elastic band of the boxers and squeezed his shaft, thrusting it up through the gate in the crotch and - oh! - her wet mouth closed over him. He flinched and shivered. He had known to expect her mouth to be cold - room temperature, really, though she felt like she had been sucking on ice - but it had been long enough to shock him again. The cameras whizzed and whirred, even hovering over his head to capture his rolled eyes and gasps, while she traced long, deliberate stripes along the length of his shaft and flicked her tongue against his head. Her lips closed over him and she slid down, a fang slipping against either side of his cock until his head reached the back of her throat and she swallowed. When she tongued him free a string of pre-cum stretched delicately from her lips to his head; the cameras zoomed into focus as she kissed it away.He was really ready - not just anxious but desperate - to be taken into her mouth again, but she left him to quiver in the open air. Bobbie had pulled back and Sandra had retreated behind the pillows, and Riel knew enough to realize that meant it was her turn. Her attention had moved up to his stomach, which she kissed and nibbled with even more interest than she had shown his cock; she moaned with delight and squirmed beside him, thighs squeezing and twisting. For several minutes her tongue and pointed fingertips skipped over the waves of his abs; she nipped at the bulges of muscle and traced the ridge of his belly button before continuing up to his chest.Her eyes - even with the huge wings absently spreading and and stretching above them, were what held his attention. They flicked frequently up to his face while she savored him, alternately passionate and teasing, and as she crested his pecs, claw-tips finger-walking in advance of her kisses, her eyes locked to his for a long moment before drifting lower, down to his neck. It was as if she'd realized for the first time he had one. She moved more purposefully, only pausing a brief moment to nurse at his nipple before her lips skittered up to his collarbone. She stopped to hover, almost uncertainly, an inch from his neck. Bobbie's camera drew in close, capturing the quivering anticipation in her lips as the pulled back from her teeth, catching the glisten on her tongue as it tested her again-sharp fangs. She tilted her her face to fit beneath his jaw-line and lowered her mouth slowly to place only a tender, rose-bud kiss in the softest part of his neck.Her head rose above the horizon of his chin like a red-lipped moon, and their eyes locked again as she pressed her lips to his, repeating the kiss from his neck. She didn't blink; she didn't look away, and he found he could do no differently; she controlled him. Gradually her gentle kiss became more forceful, more lustful - her lips opened to surround and draw in his, her tongue flicked, and she sucked the air from his lungs. She caught him behind the head and pulled him toward her, lifting him from the mattress until he was straining against the gauzy bindings, his arm pulled back at an angle in reflection of her extended wings. She threw a leg over him and sat on his stomach, then slipped her arms further behind him and squeezed, pressing him down between her breasts. He would have kissed her there, but his shoulders burned from the strain of her arms, and she held him too tight to move. From the sounds of the cameras and pressure of her chin above his head, he thought she was licking her lips or baring her fangs in full light, promising the camera what was to come.Then she released him enough for her mouth to find his again and her tongue - her cold tongue - thrust greedily between his teeth. She lured his tongue back out with teasing flicks and sucking kisses until their mouths were apart and only the tips of their tongues twisted against each other. Suddenly he was stuck, tongue thrust out - in one swift move she had pinched his tongue between two fingers and caught it. She let him fall back to the bed, then pressed his tongue down against his lower lip, holding it in place with one finger until he realized she meant for him to leave it that way. Her weight shifted from his stomach, sliding forward until she was kneeling above his head.Her wings fluttered, and the shadow of her skirt passed over his face. For a brief moment he had a glimpse of pale flesh - her nylons ended in lacy elastic bands at the top of her thighs, and she wore nothing else beneath her skirt but a tuft of red hair - but Sandra's camera pushed rudely into the way. The succubus gracefully straddled them both before lowering her bare flesh against the glass surrounding the camera and rubbing against it, but as soon as the camera retreated she caught his forehead and angled him into the plump of her crotch.For the next few minutes he didn't see much but the shadow of her tight, hiked-up skirt, though she occasionally pulled the fabric out of the way to give the camera a glimpse of his his watering eyes, or released the clamp of her thighs to let him breath. He licked when she rubbed against his lips, pressing his tongue between the cool folds of her labia, and often she would pressed back, rubbing harder until she shifted and started again. Gloved fingers pulled up the edge skirt to find and stroke her clit. Her other hand clutched the headboard or his forehead for leverage. Her previously cold flesh drew the heat from his mouth and face, and as she grew warmer she became more aroused - pressing her weight into him, grinding into his lips and tongue. Coquettish moans and sighs began to become more frequent, and the salty tang of her juices seeped into her vagina. He sucked greedily at them, and she spasmed and gasped and bounced on his jaw.She might have come if she stayed on top of him, squeezing his jaw between her thighs until it threatened to crack - she might have had the strength for it - but she arched back and again slipped satin-covered fingers into his boxers to summon his flagging cock, to tug and squeeze it back to life. Her wings folded neatly out of the way and she stretched - stretched impossibly - to keep his mouth buried in her crotch while her own lips closed over the head of his penis and sucked.Bobbie changed position, and then the succubus did too, twisting her hips and crossing her legs with the characteristic nylon rustle until she'd turned herself above him and could lay more easily across his stomach. Instead of her skirt, the two pale curves of her ass eclipsed his view of the ceiling, rising and falling and occasionally slapping against his cheeks as she continued to rub back and forth over his mouth. The insteps of her boots pinned his shoulders to the bed, but he couldn't have moved anyway. She lay fully atop him and attacked his cock with relentless lips and tongue, with a gulping throat that squeezed when she pushed him into the back of her mouth. She'd yanked his boxers away like a nuisance, wadding them around his knees so she could wedge her hands beneath his ass and squeeze. Her nails dug into his flesh like cat claws.She stopped suddenly, and he froze. Her fangs, which had been sliding harmlessly - pleasantly - on either side of his shaft, tilted and nipped into the soft head of his cock as it was about to slip from her mouth. It barely hurt, like the lightest prick of a pin, but he knew she'd drawn blood. Her tongue lashed at him like a tentacle, her pussy ground into his face with a new fervor, and as Bobbie's camera pulled in close she sucked hungrily.Even knowing he was bleeding he nearly came in her mouth, but she stopped him just short of release. Leaning back against the headboard, she squeezed the muscles in her ass and rocked her hips in tight circles, putting her weight onto the bridge of his nose and his chin until his face was slick with her juices. Then she slid forward, plopping onto his chest. For a moment she glanced back over her shoulder, as if checking on him, but she smiled and licked a dark spot from her lips.The air thrummed again as her wings beat, and she lifted herself from him and turned again. She grabbed his cock in one hand and steadied herself with the other while she positioned herself above him, fitting him into her so she could slide down over him. There was a moment of sharp pain in his head as it squeezed through her labia, but then her saliva mingled with his and he slipped into her, into the warmth she'd stolen from him.Gripping his shoulders with her claws she began to ride. She stared at him the whole time, stared with those weird, unblinking, piercing eyes. Her lips parted and she panted as her hips heaved and bucked; she gasped and licked her lips and beat her wings, but she never looked away. When she leaned back she shrugged her breasts free of her corset and pulled a thick, pink nipple to her mouth, flicked a tongue around it and nibbled at her own milky flesh, or she sucked suggestively on her fingers, but she never looked away.She could tell by his breathing, he guessed, or by practice, when he was about to orgasm. He knew from experience that if she hadn't orgasmed already, she wouldn't do it before him, before she had some of him inside her - blood or sperm, as long as it was warm and full of life. When he was nearly there she fell forward onto him; as he groaned, she threw a hand across his head and yanked it to the side, baring his neck to her heavy, hungry breath. Her mouth hesitated; her tongue churned.The moment stretched out forever - the burning in his loins as she squeezed - the anticipation of her fangs just brushing his skin. Her tongue flicked out to wet a spot just over his jugular, but she wouldn't bite there. It was contractual. The jugular could be deadly.He'd felt the bite of fangs like hers a hundred times before, but it always made him flinch. He never knew whether the bite would be a fuck or a screw - if it would feel like a golden kiss or an icepick tearing into him. It was up to her, up to her cruelty and lust and hunger, and all he knew about her was that her white eyes scared him.She bit then, deep into the muscle above his shoulder, and it felt like the euphoric warmth of morphine shooting into his veins, racing to his heart and through his body. Her vaginal muscles squeezed like a fist as she rolled her jaw, splashing hot blood into her mouth, and he exploded inside her. She came then, too, gasping and shuddering and laughing and gurgling through his blood, but she didn't let him go. Even while she mewled in ecstasy at the heat washing through her, her hips pumped to milk him again, and her fangs thrust back into the wounds they'd made, slicing them wider to counteract the healing effects of her saliva.Normally her kind were quite neat with their bites, but she played into the cliche and let blood dribble, then chased it down with her tongue and lips, smearing her face crimson before she pulled away for a gloating laugh. That should have been the pullaway, the fade-to-black - the moneyshot for this kind of porn - but she struck again. Her teeth sunk in just beneath his ear, and heard and felt the sickening crunch of tendons before blood spilt out again.He pushed against her, twisting his legs to roll her off, but she was strong and had leverage; her wings beat the air, her boots spread his thighs, and she leaned her weight into his shoulders to suckle.He heard the hum, then, the one deep in her chest that meant she was losing her control. Or had lost it."Stop, Jacquie!" Jonas' voice came from the doorway, firm and commanding, but she didn't pay it any mind. She pumping at Jack's neck with her tongue, plunging the wounds with her teeth to keep the blood gushing down her throat. She was eating him.Riel fought back, twisting again, pulling at the gauzy strips, but she wrapped her arms around his back and clutched him tightly to her, tight enough to squeeze the air from his lungs. For her kind she wasn't that strong, but her kind could rip the arms from bears; it would have been an easy thing for her to crush a man's ribcage or snap his spine, even while she was extended her overvitality to maintain the shape of her false wings. Blood rushed to his head, pounding in his hears and brain, splurting even faster down her throat."Sandra! Bobbie! Get her off!"Behind the bed, Sandra lowered her camera, though none too quickly. With strength enough to match Jacquie's strength she pried the succubus' bloody mouth from his neck, leaving him gushing onto to the sheets. Jacquie lurched around the hand but not back to his neck; instead she tugged Sandra to her and caught her mouth in a fierce, slippery kiss. Sandra's eyes opened wide, then crinkled with delight as she tongued the blood from her own fangs. The next moment they were both on him, jockeying to lock their lips around the open wounds until Sandra conceded and switch to the unspoiled side of his neck.Bobbie had reached the bed now too, barely pausing to shrug out of her rig before she pushed Jacquie off his still rigid - painfully so - penis. Her purple tongue dabbed delicately at the cum that still slicked the tip, the cum swirled with blood, before she cackled with glee and swallowed him down, biting hard into the base.Riel cried out in pain; his back arched, but Jacquie threw her arm around his head and buried his face beneath her loose breast.He was angry now. While the blood spilled from his veins into greedy mouths, it flushed within him, too, boiling and arcing and activating a latent, earthy strength. The three leeches clinging to him squealed in delight at their first taste of the new vitality coursing through him, and they hardly noticed as his muscles steeled and corded, and the gauzy bindings snapped. The bed creaked and groaned beneath him, and his muscles tightened. He glanced up to see Jonas standing over him, holding Sandra's forgotten camera. In a strangely surreal moment Jonas folded his hands together and mouthed, Please? while the camera filmed.Riel sighed heavily and fell back into the mattress. He could stand a few surface bites. He'd had worse before. But then Jacquie found his jugular and he'd had enough.He threw them off, quite literally, and they flew across the room into the walls. The two camera girls, their black sweats matted with blood, shrunk back in fright from his unexpected strength. But Jacquie's lust fever was too overwhelming to allow room for fear, and with a shriek she leapt back at him. He caught her by the neck and held her there, boots kicking, wings flapping and scraping the ceiling. Desperate for more she reached for his neck and came short, then raked her claws up his arm and shoved her fingers in her mouth. Stripes of red beads followed the paths of her claws.Growling, he flung her back again and stomped the ground, which cracked around his bare foot. Though his wounds had already begun to heal, he rubbed in the mingled blood and saliva and scowled bullets at Jacquie as she crept closer again. His chest heaved, sucking in gallons of air, and his corded muscles twisted and squeezed. Until the moment passed he was angry enough that the sweat and blood and saliva steamed away from his skin in wisps."Please!" Jacquie reached out toward him. "Please - just a little more. I'll be good, I promise." The other two had gathered themselves behind Jacquie's wings, and though they still appeared crumpled, a spark of hope lit their hungry eyes.Jacquie turned then to Jonas, who held the camera awkwardly. His mouth hung open. She wound her arms through his and clung to it like a child, pulling the camera down while she begged. "Please, let me have him. If you give him to me... I'll never ask for another one again. I PROMISE. He has a flavor." Behind her the other two nodded eagerly.Riel snorted and yanked the sheet from the bed, wrapped it around him like a poncho and strode from the room, to the wails of all three women.Jonas caught him in the hall beyond. "Jesus Christ, Jack, that was quite a scene. That floor was three feet of concrete.""Yeah, sorry about that. What the hell were you thinking?""No, really. I'm sorry. Really, kid. But after everything you told me I figured either you'd handle it or I'd call down the freon." He clapped the younger man on the shoulder and glanced behind him, then drew his hand away hastily at the heat still emanating beneath the sheet poncho. "Really, Jack. I've never seen anything like that before. I can't figure out whether I should cut it out for the feds or release it on YouTube. Awesome."Riel scowled at him. "'Let me have him?' What is that? What am I, a puppy or a popsicle?""Yeah, that's Jacqueline. I ... wanted to talk with you about her. She's a handful, isn't she? Just last week she took - well, she killed a messenger from my 'side business', you know? She drank him dry. And he was a nobody. He didn't even have a 'flavor'.""Sounds to me like if someone's going to be keeping a stable of vampires, they need to keep a better eye on them." Riel pushed open the door to the dressing room, peering over his shoulder at Jonas before he crossed to the locker and popped it open. He caught his jeans as they fell out, shook out the wrinkles, then dug for his underwear.Jonas had stayed in the doorway. "I'm glad you agree. That's a good sport, volunteering like that to take her in."Riel's head whipped back to Jonas, and he froze in the middle of pulling up his shorts. "Wait-"But Jacquie was already in the hall behind Jonas, crossing her arms over his chest and squeezing him until his head turned magenta. Her mouth was wide in girlish glee, which made a strange contrast to her infernal eyes and wings.Jonas managed to peel her off and catch his breath. '"Jack and Jacquie' - that's so lame it could be a sitcom. The vampire starlet and the vampire hunter." A bit more composed now, he flashed a winning grin at Riel. "I'll send her over with a videoblog package and see if we can't come up with a pilot."Riel's head hung, but he yanked up his shorts and stepped into his jeans. Not again. |
Charybdis woke from her slumber - a deep slumber of several weeks - to the sound of gentle lapping reverberating in her water. It wasn't the constant slush of the tide against the rocks of her sea cave, nor the winter sound of the surface freezing and cracking, and not even the splashing of the creatures who sometimes wandered too near - this was steadier, rhythmic, and hollow. It was a sound foreign to her cave, yet familiar to her ears. She could almost imagine what it was - the image was at the edge of her mind's grasp. She uncurled from her favorite crevice and stretched away a month's worth of sleeping cramps, sending the eight tentacles spiraled up beneath her splaying out into the water like a giant star - and carefully, lest she make a wave and alert whatever visitor had come to her cave. The smaller tentacles on her back had their turn next, reaching out as straight as a sunbeam to give her the appearance of a winged angel, if only for a moment before they returned to their individual curves and corkscrew. Each arm and tendril finger reached out through the water, and she rolled her neck. Finally, her lekku lifted away from the back of her neck, trembling as she permitted herself a silent, but dramatic yawn. Now properly awake, she slinked along the floor of her cave, gliding through the unresisting sea grass to find the source of the noise. The moon - that wicked moon! - shone through the mouth of the cave and cut through the surface of the water in dancing shafts. To her large eyes even the murky depths of the cave were lit like day, so she found the silhouette of the small boat at the surface quickly. A boat! It had been nearly a generation since any of the coastal people had forgotten or ignored whatever old wives' tales they told of her cave. A score of years at least since any boat had strayed near the cave, much less inside it. She didn't even know of a fishing village close enough to reach in a day - she'd emptied them ages ago. But this was a small boat - it could not have come far. The smell of the humans - two of them, she thought, a male and female - had filled the cave air and begun to waft down through the water. Giddily she filled her mouth and gills. Her belly rumbled and twisted on itself like a tentacle. She patted it silent and sighed. She had filled herself with fish and gulls and even a sea lion before her nap, but it was a pit now, and humans were the kind of tasty meal that taunted her from her dreams. Had it been almost half a century since she had lured the child from the beach? Ngah! She could scarcely concentrate; at the surface, a slender hand trailed from the side of the boat, fingers dabbling in the water. The taste of it tickled her lips, and she quivered with anticipation. The boat was almost above her now, and she had only to direct one curling tentacle up to the surface to spiral around that wrist... No. That was too fast, too easy. She wanted to see them first. Maybe speak to them, if their people hadn't changed languages again. There was little difference between a seal and a human if she didn't speak with them first; either meant a swollen belly, but a conversation could be a memory, too. Their expressions, their reactions put such a delicious edge on her anticipation. Besides, there was the possibility of more humans, if she did this just right. She skulked along the bottom floor of her cave again, slipping between the shadows, through the waving green-brown of the sea grass so they had no chance to see her, until she reached her alcove and broke the surface behind a stand of barnacle-covered rocks. Her fingers curled around the edges of the rock, and her crown - once a regal thing of made from bronze and gems and the bones of her prey, now green with the patina of the sea and grafted by time through her skin to her very skull - bobbed only a few careful inches from the mossy stone ceiling. Her eyes narrowed to slitted crosses as they adjusted to the surface light and found the boat again. The oars were drifting in their sockets, and the humans had twined their limb - kissing, it seemed. Kissing held an appeal for her - it was foreplay for her tongue. Her head tilted, and her smile spread wider. Young love... her mouth watered. The two were so completely caught up with each other that Charybdis went unnoticed as she glided along the surface toward the boat. She was as silent as a shadow, but quite large relative to the humans - her chin skipped at the surface, and her crown rose above the level of their heads. When she reached the dinghy, her fingers curled tightly around its brim, and the villi squished and conformed to the shape of the painted wooden surface, sticking as well as any suction cup. She was particularly careful not to rock the small boat as she lifted her shoulders from the water, but it didn't seem that it would matter - the lovers were completely lost in their kisses and refused to notice her. Hmmm. Now they were just being rude. She rocked the boat a little. Ahhh - the melodious screams of fright! Still entwined, the lovers crowded into the bow of the tiny boat. And why shouldn't they scream and cower in fear? She was a monster, a nightmare, she knew it. Once a goddess, now a demon; her face had a similar shape to theirs, but the smooth grey skin, the double-lidded eyes, the wide mouth filled with rounded, bone-gnashing teeth made her clearly monstrous. A skull - a human skull - was fixed prominently in her ancient crown, and the tooth mark grooves in the bone made clear just what was her interest in humans. Once she'd had time to drink in their fear, to let her face fill their mind with terror, she spoke. "What have we here?" Her voice was low and smooth, like the gentle rolling of the sea. It was soothing, without hint of threat. They seemed to understand her words, so she continued. "Two humans, far from their village, slipping into a dark cave? I think, perhaps... secret tryst?" The male nodded shakily. He was cowering, but still shielding the female behind him. How charming. Charybdis made sure her widening smile displayed her teeth, and gave them a glimpse of the dark gullet behind it. That was good for another round of shivering. She didn't want to overdo it, though - not yet. It might ruin her plan. "So... lovers, then. Snuck away to spend time with each other's flesh." Her brows furrowed slightly, perhaps with concern, perhaps curiosity. "Why aren't you naked? Don't these clothes get in your way?" They certainly got in her way. They tasted bland, like sea grass - nothing like the savory, juicy flesh beneath. So often the clasps were too small for her fingers. The female's face widened in shock and outrage. "We're not married!" she sputtered. "Not yet," her man quickly added. "But we will be by new moon, no matter what our parents say. I've engaged a priest." Charybdis nodded in consideration. "The two of you are binding for life? Then congratulations are in order, I believe. That is still the custom?" The female seemed smugly pleased; her fright was fading. "A dank cave, my home though it is, is no place for lovers to celebrate. You belong in the Tunnel of Love. Yes, such a beautiful place. Much ...cozier, much warmer. More intimate." The male seemed wary, but curious. "What is that? Is it near?" Charybdis could not help but grin. "Very near. Close enough that I could show you there at no inconvenience to myself." She placed her elbows on the edge of the boat and rested her chin on her wrists. "Do you mean to tell me that you have no such tradition among your lovers? It is a dark tunnel - completely dark so none can see, and there can be no shame - yet as I mentioned, warm. No sharp rocks. It's a wonder. Lovers enter from either end, meeting in the middle to share their private passions. The tunnel is a keeper of secrets. No rumor - or sin," she added for the female's benefit, "- escapes it." The male nodded, eager now. "You can take us there?" The female glanced at him, uncertain, but also nodded. "Consider it my wedding gift to you. One at a time, though, so you meet in the middle, yes?" The male kissed his female on either cheek, then stood in the boat. "I shall go first, then." Charybdis nodded. "Of course. It is proper." One of her tentacles snaked up from the other side of the boat and looped around his waist. Both he and the female gasped, but Charybdis smiled, was gentle with him, and kept him clear of the water as she pushed away. "Can you hold your breath?" "Very well," the male boasted, his chest swelling. "I am a pearl diver by profession." "Very good," Charybdis cooed. "For you the entrance is further away and the passage is beneath the water. You, my sweet," she glanced down to the girl, "shall wait here, with your patience and your lantern for company, until I return." The female shivered. "Will you be long?" "Minutes only. Be patient, child - you shall be with him soon enough. If you wish to pass the time and reduce the waiting, you might remove your clothing while I am away." * * * Charybdis whisked the male (he had given her his name as Pedr before she pulled him beneath the water) to the chamber deeper in her cave, where she kept her memorabilia - some treasures, some trinkets, some bones. A narrow crack in the ceiling allowed fresh air and a glimmer of moonlight, but no sound would pass through the flooded passageway to her main chamber. Pedr gasped for air as she lifted him free of the water and placed him atop a fallen column - one of the remnants of the human cult who'd occupied this cave when she found it. Hadn't that had been a feast, so many centuries ago! Her stomach grumbled again, upset by delay her games caused, but she calmed it with a soothing rub beneath the surface. Pedr squinted as he glanced about, and wiped the sea water from his face. "Where's this tunnel, then?" "Just there, in the shadows - can't you see it?" "No, I can't." "Can you see your own hands, darling?" He held them a few inches from his face. "Yes, just barely." Charybdis lounged up against the column, resting her chin in her cupped fingers just a foot or so from him. "Perhaps you should undress here, then, so you will be able to find your clothes later?" "Ah, yes. Good idea!" But Pedr was already scrambling out of his shirt and trousers, tugging off his boots to set them behind him. Her eyes fluttered as the smell of him filled her. She had to remind herself not to lick her lips, but beneath the surface of the water her tentacles coiled and squirmed. "Anxious, aren't you?" Charybdis purred. Not that she wasn't. At the center of the star of her tentacles, In the murk beneath the cowl of her skirt, the toothless maw had begun to swell and throb. Still, he'd stopped midway between pushing his trousers over his ankles to glance searchingly at her shadow, as if realizing for the first time that she might be watching him strip. He continued more slowly, more self-consciously. "Fold your clothes, darling. I know a few things about your people, and your females do not appreciate a slovenly male." He nodded and obeyed. With her lekku flicking in amusement, Charybdis continued. "They also do not appreciate overly eager males. Most males come to their love with some ...youthful experience, so their love's first encounter might be confident and sweet and tender, rather than rough and lustful. But you do not have this experience, I judge. No helpful aunt or neighbor? No father's maidservant?" Pedr shook his head woefully. "The priest had told us to save ourselves for the wedding night, but that felt wrong - I knew it. What shall I do? I wouldn't frighten Lisbet from the wedding bed, not if there is another way!" Charybdis reached toward him. At her touch he flinched away by instinct, but then held himself still while a curling finger traced down his chest, over his stomach, between his legs. "Come here, darling, and show me how you kiss. This is a necessary skill if you are to be a generous lover." Warily, now uncertain of himself, he stood on the pillar and took a half-step toward her. She lifted herself on her elbow and nudged him from behind, pushing to the edge of the pillar. He teetered, inches from her face. With his head dwarfed beneath hers, she murmured, "Wet your lips." She did the same, tracing her lips with the tip of her tongue until they glistened, plump and dark, then puckered and closed her mouth over half of his face. She could have easily taken him then - a quick snap of her jaws would have engulfed his entire head and shoulders; but eager as she was for his taste, she dismissed the impulse. Of course, she couldn't really feel his kiss within hers - his lips were a speck - but she pushed him away and nodded, maintaining the ruse. "Good, good. You have some natural talent. Be firm, be gentle, and always show restraint. She may attack you with kisses, but you must show restraint? Do you understand?" He nodded as he wiped her saliva from his cheeks and forehead. Without warning she pulled him to her lips again, this time parting them to wash her tongue over his cheeks, to wriggle the tip of it between his lips. Following her instruction he endured without struggle; she could even feel his little tongue pushing back at hers. His taste was lovely, fresh like the tenderest parts of a baby seal - not gamey like the sea sailors she remembered - and another grumble of her stomach urged her to put an end to the ruse and munch on him. But she'd promised him the tunnel. "What was that sound?" He pulled away, face slick and dripping, to stare into the dark in the direction of her belly. It was plump, despite her gnawing appetite - rounded beneath her breasts - and the pale purple flesh peeked out from the slit in what had long ago been a midnight blue gown, but was now a part of her as much as her crown. That belly - what hint of it his eyes could see - was about the right size for a human or two to fit into; she recognized the thought in his eyes. "Nothing, nothing. I was about to go out fishing when you two stumbled into my cave, darling. You can't be distracted by every little noise. You must attend to your lover." Charybdis rolled over onto her back, drawing the great bulk of her body - tentacle skirt and all - from the water and tapped her belly with her fingertips. "Come to me now, and I'll show you how to touch." He gave it a wary glance when her belly growled again, but let her lift his naked body atop hers. With few words and the shepherding tips of her fingers and a frequent tentacle, she guided him to her breasts - still full and motherly despite their permanent fusion with her gown - to each concealed nipple in turn, then into her cleavage, where he lost his hesitation and squirmed with delight. She had to bite her lips to keep from devouring him then. Ages ago, such attention to her body would have tickled her urge to reproduce, but those urges had long since been subsumed by hunger. Her mouth filled with saliva, and her stomach twisted; the taste of him on her tongue burned like fire. But that was not the mouth for which he was destined; she'd have to do something quickly or she'd lose control of herself and break her promise. Her voice shook, her breath heaved as she murmured, "I think you've had enough practice, darling. It's time for you to enter me, then straight into the tunnel." Her heavy lids and raised brows promised him seduction. "-No, don't fret," she cut off his words as tentacles encircled his arms and dragged him toward her cowl. "Even a moment of practice will make you the better lover, and spend the part of your passion beyond your control. By the time she joins you in the tunnel, you'll be ready to love again, but without that inflamed, overeager, greedy passion. You will be generous." Another tentacle closed over his mouth to prevent any protest, and he disappeared beneath her skirt. She closed her eyes blissfully and murmured her instructions, though it was her tentacles that brought his hand to the eager, gaping mouth to feel how moist and plump it was, and to understand just how tightly it could squeeze around his wrist. The way her body shuddered would surely convince him that he was pleasing her, but that vestige of the great octopus that was her lower half had no womb, no maiden's channel. She was all shuddering, quivering, digesting belly inside. That mouth had no tongue, no sense of taste, but the blubbery skin there was a hundred times more sensitive than her fingertips, and could feel the tendons in his hand, each knuckle of his finger, the muscle in the pad of his thumb with delicious, drooling precision as she pulled his arm free of her. They were both trembling with delight when she drew his hips against her eight-fold lips and closed over his manhood, squeezing tightly enough to hold him in place. He gasped when her octopus mouth sucked. He lasted only a few seconds before his hot seed escaped him - she could feel every warm gush, each drop - but she held him there still, tentacles coiling inward to enfold him beneath her skirt, while she relished the feeling and allowed herself to moan with pleasure. He gasped for breath again when she finally loosened her lips and let him slip free; she was breathing heavily, too. His musk burned in her gills. "Catch your breath, darling, and I'll help you into the tunnel. Remember, she will be several minutes behind you. You don't need to rush, if you're to meet your love in the middle. Deep breath now? It's back into the water for you." He barely had a moment to nod before a tentacle caught him by the waist and flung him into the water. She slid in after him, cowl flaring, and let her tentacles snake out to find him on their own; once the first brushed past his flesh, all closed in like greedy eels, coiling around his thrashing form to drag him back to the wide-spread maw. They were both beneath the water now, and she was gurgling and moaning as she stuffed him inside, her lower mouth engulfing his toes, his feet, his ankles. By the time she'd swallow him up to his hips, his toes were emerging from the fleshy, muscle wrapped passage into her velvety gut; she'd have to hurry if she was to time this right. She reached out of the water to snatch his clothes from the rock, then disappeared again beneath the water. * * * Back in the main chamber of the cave, the female, Lisbet, was startled by Charybdis' sudden silent appearance beside the boat. "Where's Pedr?" she demanded as she watched Charybdis sop his folded clothes down into the bottom of the hull. "In the tunnel, my sweet, waiting for you." Charybdis eyed the clothes as well. "He didn't want either of your clothes to be lost in the excitement of it all. Thoughtful, considerate fellow, him." But Charybdis was only thinking ahead. These things - the clothes, the oar or the boat's lantern - were bait. They might net Charybdis another meal on the next week, once the lovers were missed and the searchers came. Or she might be patient enough to follow them back to their village when their search failed. Charybdis frowned. The female's bodice had been unlaced, yet she still clutched the upper half of the dress over her chest and had not abandoned her skirt. She was sniffling, too, and glancing anxiously toward the cave mouth. The time alone had allowed her to reconsider. Her lust had withered, allowing common sense to grow in its place. "I'm not sure about this... I want to go." "But your lover already waits for you in the tunnel. He trusts you to meet him. Would you abandon him there, alone?" Charybdis' face was one of gentle chiding, but the boat rocked as her tentacles squirmed and coiled around the last bits of Pedr beneath the surface. She'd swallowed him to just beneath his shoulders now, and his legs struggled weakly against the squeezing, enfolding walls of her gut. Good - deliciously good - but the air in his lungs would run out soon, no matter how good of a diver he was. He had no gills. "Not entirely alone..." She smirked. "No, I suppose not." She stood, and Charybdis steadied the boat. "Help me with my dress, then?" "Gladly, my sweet." With the bodice undone, the dress slipped up over her head and fell into the front of the boat. The female unhooked her own undergarments and let them fall around her ankles. Charybdis watched with the thinnest veneer of patience. "You've eaten him, haven't you?" The female faced her with a calm resolve. "You're looking at me the way a cat does a mouse." Charybdis blinked in surprise. This was unexpected. Despite a quivering lip, this human was bold, and not from ignorance. It was a strange smell she had, but not unpleasant. "You have good eyes for the dark. For a human." "Was it - was it dreadfully painful for him? Did you chew him or bite off his fingers?" The female didn't flinch as Charybdis lifted her, naked, from the boat. "No, no pain. He's still quite alive, quite whole, and he's struggling. If he didn't spending his energy fighting me, he might even find his tunnel pleasant." She held the female aloft, and one tentacle emerged from the water to stroke up her thigh, along her buttocks and back, and around to breasts and neck. "Regardless of my intentions for you both, I'm bound to my word: he waits for you in darkness, where you two will be together. You may satiate your fleshly lusts as you wish." The female's jaw clenched, but she bore the caress in silence. After the tentacle had stroked the loose hair from her face, she continued, "Will you swear the same for me - no gnashing, no chewing of my bones. Our last moments might truly be together?" Charybdis brought her to her mouth, opened it fully so her large teeth framed the cavern of her throat. Her tongue lashed out, slathering over Lisbet's face, neck and chest. "My sweet, your flesh is so tender, it will be a feat of reserve to avoid nibbling." She savored the female's moment of shivering. "But I have given you my word, and I shall keep it. Remember - it my wedding gift." She dangled Lisbet's feet near her lips and slurped them inside, sucking her legs in to the knee. The taste of the smooth flesh, clad neither by scale or fur, caused her to moan and quiver; beneath her, the eight-lipped maw used the last of its patience and gulped the male upward, squeezing his arms and head into her gurgling stomach. Still Lisbet bore her torment quietly, only blinking away tears. Charybdis let the girl's legs fall from her lips and spoke. "Do feel free to scream and weep, my sweet. I find it quite appetizing." "I believe that I shall." The monster's tongue flicked over Lisbet's face, lapping eagerly at her eyes and mouth as she began to sob, before she was shoved headfirst, up to her shoulders, into Charybdis' monstrous mouth. True to her word, Charybdis' teeth grazed only lightly, holding her in place between each hungry gulp. Her jaw popped as she stretched it wide to accommodate the human without crunching her to pulp or sucking the meat from her bones, but it was a delicious ache. Lisbet's screams were muffled in the depths of her throat. Breasts and elly followed shoulders, knees and feet followed hips, and in moments Lisbet had disappeared into her mouth. Charybdis swallowed, her attention tracing the lump fighting its way down her throat, until Lisbet emerged in her gut, joining the weight of her lover. It was the closest Charybdis had come to an orgasm in centuries - perhaps there was still some vestigial organ somewhere within her. She groaned as they squirmed together in the tight quarters, and she slipped back down into the murky depths. She could feel them still moving together - making love? arguing? it didn't matter which. Their joined lump writhed inside her, distending the already-taut skin of her belly. It was such a pleasant, contented feeling, warming her from within. It drew the strength from her limbs; it made her want to nap again. And why not? She'd not had such a fine meal within recent memory. She allowed herself to drift into the depths of her crevice, to find her favorite niche. Sleep came. As her eyes closed and she slipped into dreams, images flitted through her mind: images of the lovers' families venturing out from their port town in search of their lost; images of a village; images of unattended children left behind on sea piers; images of grieving widows walking the rocky shoreline. Her contentment was not satisfaction - never that. She would always want more, and where there were two humans, more was what she was sure to find. She'd only just had the first course of her feast. |
I have no idea what brought me down to that part of town, to the corner of H and L Street. I'd never cruised for a hooker before - it's a little too illegal for my taste.(I know you know where I'm talking about. H and L might run parallel through the Warehouse district, but L angles off to follow the tracks and cuts across H Street right before it turns into MacPherson. Yeah, exactly - the Red Light district. Where else would you go to find hookers?)I certainly didn't mean to pick her up. The other girls were giving her plenty of space, probably because she was a whole six-and-a-half feet of dark-olive sexy poured into black leather. Hell, seven feet in those heels. That's why tall women shouldn't wear heels, much less stripper platforms.It was no wonder that the other girls were keeping their distance: she was scaring off the johns, scaring off the ones like me. I wasn't the kind of guy who wanted to bone a monster; I wanted some cute little thing who would sit on my lap and coo and moan and blush and curse and tell me not to stop - not yet, not yet. I just wanted to spend half an hour with a girl would make me feel like a man. But traffic is a fickle bitch, isn't it? The light turned red at the wrong time, and the car in front of me stopped short, and you can guess where I ended up stopping. My window was already down (that was stupid), but I sure as hell didn't pull over to the curb. The scary one walked out to me."Are you here for a good time?" Her voice sounded interested more than bored, like that was the first question in a survey, or like she didn't believe I was the kind of guy who would want a good time. Her black eyes peered intently at me.Well, it wasn't the plan, but there she was, leaning into my open window. Of course she was showing oodles of cleavage. Her breasts were as ample as the rest of her - too big, in fact, to plop out of the deep V of her neckline since each one smooshed the other tightly into place, no matter how far over she bent. Oddly enough, that V from her navel to her neck and head was the only bare skin on display - the rest of her hid behind black lace, thigh-high leather boots, long gloves and a heavy leather jacket. It was winter, but it doesn't get that cold here, and that getup would take awhile to unwrap. Maybe that was her game. Or maybe she was covered in tattoos. Or maybe scars. While all of those thoughts were bouncing around in my skull, I guess I was staring at that fleshy canyon behind her collar. "If you think window shopping's fun, come into my store, baby."Fair enough. I glanced up to her face. All that makeup she wore fit her a 'look': full lips, red-brown like dried blood - oval-shaped eyes, heavily lidded and set beneath thick arched brows, with irises as black as her pupils - a strong aquiline nose, not quite hooked - straight black hair, shining like a shampoo commercial, tied up in the back but falling in the front to frame her oval face. Her face could have been called 'beautiful', but never 'pretty', never 'cute'. Her skin was clear and that darker Mediterranean color. She carried herself with pride - not stiff, but not slouching like the other girls on the street, despite her height. Think Pretty Woman, if Julia Roberts was an Egyptian dominatrix giantess instead of a blushing princess."How much?""Don't worry about the price, baby - it's a sliding scale. The light's gonna turn soon. Let me in, and we'll talk about what it's gonna cost, okay?"Bad idea. "Okay."She had just pulled the door shut when the light turned, and I pulled away quickly.Even with the passenger seat slid all the back she didn't fit into my little import very well, so she turned sideways, leaning against the door and facing me, one thigh-booted knee resting over the parking brake and almost into my lap. I rolled up the windows, and the scent of her musk and a spicy perfume began to fill the car."Seatbelt.""Oh, that's no fun." She put a hand on my shoulder, then slid it down the neck of my shirt, reaching to cup and squeeze my far pec. The leather of her glove was buff and soft, not patent, and - damn! - it felt so sensual when her fingers brushed my nipple. I wanted her to touch my face, fondle my ear, play with the hair on the back of my neck. Instead she slipped her hand out of my shirt and roamed down my chest from outside the linen - past my ribs, my stomach. While I kept both hands on the wheel, she pushed her fingers between my thighs, forcing them apart, and began massaging the lump of my cock. I was already hard and aching, of course, or I wouldn't have been here on L street, so it was easy enough for her to maneuver my erection up inside my trousers, to squeeze it and begin pumping. I shifted in my seat and squirmed, as much to give her room to operate as from the stimulation itself. "Beside," she continued, "if the po-po stopped us, my seatbelt is the last thing they'd care about.""Uhh-h-h..." My voice faltered as the blood in my veins became confused: which head to service, up or down? I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and tried to concentrate. "Where to? Do you have some place you use? Some kind of secluded parking lot or a hotel?""Well, if you just want to go to a parking lot, the only thing I'll have room for is to suck you off. Of course, it will be the best damned blowjob you'll ever have in your entire life." Her pale pink tongue slipped out between her lips and traced their shape, leaving them shiny and slick. "But you'll be whimpering afterward that you didn't ask for more. And it will cost you a thousand.""A thousand dollars?" I stared at her with boggling eyes. I may not have been some kind of street smart john, but even I knew that was ridiculous. Still... those lips; she wet them with her pale tongue again, then pouted invitingly. Maybe... No!"It's a damned good blowjob. You can't imagine how good. I promise you'd be back here looking for me within a month, willing to pay double."But it still couldn't be worth that much. "A thousand dollars for a blowjob. I thought you said it was a sliding scale.""Then keep driving, and take me to your place. We can skip the hazard pay, and do a lot more. Hell, make sure I have a good time too, and I may drop the monetary fee altogether."We stopped at another light, so I turned to eye her carefully. She was starting to give me a bad feeling. Well, more of a bad feeling. "'Drop the monetary fee?' What is this - some kind of robbery thing? Your pimp follows us and breaks in when you've got me all tied up?""Is that what you want it to be?" She tapped a finger against her chin. "I could make it happen... Well, if you don't feel safe in your own place, then take me somewhere nice. And I mean nice - Ritz nice, not Best Western nice. Some place classy.""No, no. We can do my place. It's not far. And it's clean. So it won't cost a thousand?""I can think of things to do to you that would be worth ten thousand. Or it could cost you no money at all. I'm not that hung up on cash." She had pulled down the visor in front of her and began checking her makeup in the vanity mirror. She angled it a bit further down and eyed her breasts, shifting the bodice of her dress to plump them and enhance her cleavage."What kind of a trick is this?" I'm sure there was some accusation in my voice. "What kind of hooker doesn't care about money?""I'm not your regular working girl, baby." Satisfied with her appearance, she turned again to face me. I knew she was right - there was nothing regular about her. "I've got all the money I need. Think of this as my hobby - I'm sort of a raving nymphomaniac, you see." She rolled those words over her tongue in an especially sexy intonation, though I'm not certain there is a way for a woman to call herself a nympho that doesn't come off as sexy."Then why are you charging me a thousand for a blowjob?" I turned my head to her as we reached an open part of the road."Because, baby - it has to cost you something. The more, the better. I need to know how much you're willing to give up for me to fuck your brains out - that's what I get out of it. If I let every guy I came across ball me, I'd be Paris Hilton. I think one of her is plenty, don't you?""Aren't you worried about getting a disease, or getting hurt? What if I was a fucking psycho?""Do you have a disease? Are you planning to hurt me? Do I need to tell you that I have people on speed dial that could make you disappear forever, in a very unpleasant way?"I remained silent."Well? You brought it up - now you have to satisfy my concern.""No, no diseases. And I don't think I could hurt you.""Damn right. I look like a kick-ass bitch because I am one. Good. I'm glad we got that out of the way. How much further is it?""Just up ahead."* * * * * * *I locked the deadbolt behind us and hid the key under a magazine, just in case - that pimp-breaking-in scenario still worried me, and I wanted to make sure it took her just a little longer to let the guy in who was going to shiv me between the ribs. She stood in the center of the room, hands on her hips, and turned a circle to survey. "Homey."Riiiight. My loft ran four thousand a month unfurnished, and had a full wall of windows looking out over the river. All my furniture was leather."You do keep it clean. That's nice. No need for a tour, though. I'll give you five minutes to go into your bedroom and make it ready for me, and then I'm coming in. Don't undress yourself. I do that. And point me to a mirror."I showed her to the bathroom, and for the first time, I really got a chance to see the whole of her. Mostly, she was huge. She ducked under doorways - that kind of huge. My eye-level to her was ... well, right to her cleavage - the same cleavage that loomed out toward me when we spoke, close enough to give me a sense of vertigo and make me think I was going to fall right in. She obviously enjoyed that I stared; she rolled her shoulders back, let her breasts heave as she breathed and spoke, and kept them close to me, close enough that I could smell the spicy perfume on her skin, close enough that I would have to crane my neck to look into her face. But we didn't touch. I had a feeling I'd end up with a broken finger or five if I didn't wait for an invitation.She turned away from me, toward the bathroom, and my eyes followed her and wandered over her body. She had a good figure: broad-shouldered, but not stocky - voluptuous, instead. Her hips curved away from the small of her back and blossomed into a full, round bottom that nearly peeked out from the bottom of a very short black leather dress. Her thighs were thick, almost plump, but poured into a pair of curve-forming, lace-patterned stockings - probably pantyhose, actually, as short as her skirt was. Her legs disappeared a few inches above the knees into those leather boots with the heels - not stiletto heels, but thick dancer heels and platforms that gave her the extra six inches. That she was so comfortable and casual in those heels - despite being so tall - was remarkable. See? I'm remarking.Over the dress, over her shoulders, she wore that black jacket with rolled-up sleeves that just covered the tops of her leather opera gloves, only allowing glimpses of the lace bodystocking (so it was a catsuit, not pantyhose) that hid her arms. The door to the bathroom shut, and - freed from the slavery of staring at her - I hurried to my own bedroom.Five minutes was enough to pull the blinds, to tug the sheets straight and kick a few odd things under the bed, to find those candles from last New Year's and light a few of them in strategic places around the room, to turn off the overhead light. Oh, right - I saw my deodorant and gave myself a few quick spurts, then gave the room a long one just for good measure. I probably still had a minute or so, so I glanced around and-Her gloves tugged up my undershirt and slipped beneath to grip the small of my back. I stood as still as stone. I hadn't heard her come in, but now I heard and felt her breath in my ear, on the back of my neck. It was warm - hot even. Her hands slid up the muscles on either side of my spine, up to my shoulders, lifting the shirt to my neck as they went. The gloves were surprisingly warm, too, and soft - so soft, like the skin inside a woman's thigh. I shuddered happily under her touch.She reached around my hip to untuck my shirt, and her hand pushed deeper, into my trousers but not my shorts, to find the bulge there and massage it back to attention. She had to lean down to do it, against my bare back, and I felt a collage of materials - the slick, sticky leather of her jacket, the dull press of her bodice, the slightly silky, slightly scratchy rub of nylon and lace, but most of all, the heat of her bare flesh against mine. I wouldn't have thought my back was sensitive enough to feel the curves of her breasts, but I would have been wrong.Her cheek pressed against the side of my head, above my ear, and I could hear her mouth moving less than an inch away, hear each hot breath, the slick of saliva as she wet her lips or swallowed. She said nothing while she rolled her fingers and thumb around my shaft and slowly stroked up and down. Her musky, spicy perfume filled the air around me.Once I was hard, her hands slid out of my trousers and up my stomach, pulling up the front of my shirt up to match the back.With my arms raised over my head, the shirt began to bind as it wrinkled my elbows, and my head got caught in the swaddle. She stopped lifting, leaving me like that, and turned me around."This is enough bondage for you, I think. No handcuffs or whips, eh?" She ran light fingers down the subtle wings of my lats, then back up over my chest, stopping only for a brief, appreciative squeeze of both of my pecs before her hands reached around and folded behind my neck.I was struggling with my shirt - my jaw, even the bottom of my nose was free, but the collar was hooked on my ears and I couldn't see anything but white linen and straight down, to the candle-lit curves of her legs and my own stomach.Then her arms slid further around my head and pulled me between her breasts, into the crevice between them now made deeper and tighter by her squeezing arms. Her hand slid up through the collar to catch the back of my head and lock me into place. She rolled her shoulders forward and rubbed against me, up and down like she was tittyfucking my face. The sensation was overwhelming. It was a few strange moments of bliss, even though I was in so deep I was beginning to smother."Kiss me," she murmured, and I did, greedily, closing my lips over whatever plump flesh she offered. She guided me with the hand at the back of my neck, urging me to trace along the outline of each curve, to flick my tongue against the crease where her soft skin folded beneath her breast. Then she was angling her ribs, moving the cup of her bodice against my nose, urging me toward the areola now just hidden beneath the leather. She didn't help by freeing herself from the cup, so I struggled like a calf trying to suckle, and succeeded finally in slipping my tongue between her breast and the bodice to just flick at her nipple. She sucked in a quick breath, then pulled her arms free and pushed me away. I fell backward onto my own bed.My head popped free from my shirt when I bounced on the mattress, and I looked up to see her towering over me, snickering. She was tucking her breast back into the bodice of her dress and re-fluffing her cleavage."Well!" she announced as she straightened her dress. I might have been half-naked, but she still wore everything, even her jacket. I wanted to see more. "You've wanted that for the last half-hour, haven't you? I could have charged you a couple hundred just for that, and I think you would have paid. But don't worry;" she cut off the protest forming on my lips. "That was a free sample."She crouched down at the end of the bed, keeping her eyes on mine, and grabbed both of my ankles in one widely stretched hand. "Now we come to the real fucking deal, baby. Now we talk about supply and demand - service and payment. Now that you have a little taste for what kind of services I can offer." She loosened the laces on one of my shoes, then tugged it off and tossed it to the side. She began on the other. "I think I'm going to give you that blowjob - that thousand dollar job. It's gonna give you nightmares, baby, after I'm done. After tonight it'll be in your past instead of your future. That's what I'm selling tonight." The other shoe fell, and she rolled down my socks."I thought you said-""Right. You're not willing to part with a thousand dollars for the defining moment in your life. From the looks of your place, it would take you - what - three days to make it back? Less? Is it that you think I'm not worth a fucking thousand?" She took an ankle in each hand, and had this look in her eyes like she might split me like a wishbone."No. No, of course I didn't say that. But-""No, no - you didn't say it. Of course not. You're not stupid. But don't worry, baby. I told you, I don't need the cash." Both of my feet were bare, and she'd pulled me toward the edge of the bed and lifted my feet to her shoulders. I was in this awkward 'L' shape, the back of my legs flat against her dress and jacket, as she leaned over to begin on my belt. "We'll make an arrangement, then. I'll do this for you. And I know you want it; your cock is just begging your brain to shut the fuck up and let me lick it, kiss it, nibble on that stretch of skin down beneath your balls- Oh, your balls! The things I can do to them! -then suck your head so hard you'll think I'm going to turn you inside out... You know you can already feel it. I'll do this for you, and in exchange you'll give me any one thing I choose from this room, or any one favor I choose to name." My pants fell to the floor, heavy with the weight of my belt. Only my boxers were left between my cock and the ecstasy she promised it, and the boxers only barely. Her fingers slipped up my thighs beneath their hem, and she began to trace around my balls with her leather-covered fingertips."What thing? What favor?"She laughed - a deep, throaty affair - and pushed all the way up into my boxers to catch my cock in a tight grip. "Oh, don't worry. Nothing like your checkbook or credit card. I'll find something that's special to you, but isn't expensive. And I wouldn't ask you to kill someone or rob a bank. The favor won't leave your place. Perhaps I'll ask you to give me a bath and massage, or to cook me the best meal I've had. Perhaps I'll ask you to lick my ass for an hour... But I'd bet that's just the kind of thing you'd like, isn't it?" Her chuckle reeked of condescension. She was pumping my shaft, squeezing it between her fingers to keep it hard, to keep it filled with the blood my brain needed to make good decisions. Her glove was surprisingly warm, deliciously warm, like I knew her mouth would be. "You choose: the favor or the thing. And after you choose, I choose what that favor or thing is. Whatever it is, it will cost you little, but be worth much."Her hands pulled away suddenly, and my boxers tore cleanly at the seams, leaving me fully exposed. Slowly, her eyes still locked to mine, she knelt at the foot of the bed. Her shoulders hunched, her head sank, and her gloves pressed down on the inside of my thighs. Her mouth opened, and her dark lips pursed just inches from the head of my desperately hopeful cock. She blew a soft, warm breath against my penis, showing just a hint of the pink tongue behind her teeth. "What's it going to be? Neither of us can wait much longer.""YES! Yes, of course yes!"She wrapped her fingers around the shaft and pulled it upright, and a small, clear drop appeared at my tip. Ever so carefully, so slowly and deliberately, her wet tongue extended to gather just the drop, and touch nothing else.I quivered as she swallowed and smiled wickedly."I want to make sure you understand this is a contract, even if it's verbal. Oral, rather. Your cum is a binding signature. Do you agree?""Yes, yes. Damnit! Please!"Her lips parted and descended over me, and my back arched as a floodgate of sensation opened.Her mouth was wet - so wet with saliva - and unbelievably warm. I ached to thrust deeper and my pelvis wrenched, but the hands on my thighs were immovable and let her set the pace. She didn't start by sucking; she just kept a seal with her lips and rolled her jaw so I slipped between the slickness of her cheeks and the roof of her mouth and her tongue. God, her tongue! It was so flexible and so strong. You can't understand what it means to have a strong tongue licking you until it's curled around you and squeezed like a fist. It was as dexterous as a hand, too; she didn't just rub or press with it - she cradled me and enfolded me and stroked me and squeezed me against the roof of her mouth.I don't usually make noises when I'm having sex - it seems so animalistic - but I know I was groaning and gasping. My hands writhed, wrapped in the confines of my shirt sleeves, and reached for the bed rest to grab. I was too far down the bed, so I settled for gripping the hell out of my pillows.She had pushed me out of her mouth and was now basting me with her lips, lubricating me from base to tip with long, wet swipes of her tongue. I can't go on enough about her tongue. It was long - incredibly long - long enough to wrap almost around my shaft and hold me like a stirrup against the open curve of her lips, and she slid up and down that way over and over again, until I was dripping with her saliva. Her mouth and tongue never went dry; her saliva just flowed like water from a broken faucet until it had begun to pool around the base of my cock and in the crater between my balls. But before it could drip further - before it could soak into my bed - she lapped it up, then moved further down to suck each ball between her lips and tug at it with her tongue.Between the spasms of pleasure that made me throw back my head and clench my eyes shut, I caught glimpses of her. She watched me some of the time: the black circles of her irises fixed on my face for long moments. Mostly though she stared intently at my cock, like it was a prize she was set on winning. Beyond her face - beyond her dark lips that never stopped kissing, teasing, and sucking - I could see her breasts heaving against the edge of the bed."Move up," she said between breaths, between a toothy nip at the inside of my thigh and a wet-throated dive down the shaft of my cock that brought her lips down to the base. I felt her tongue pulling, pulling, and her throat circling around my penis as she swallowed.When she pulled away, I crabwalked back up toward the head of the bed, as her impatient hands slid under my bare ass and helped to scoot me along. The wrinkled fabric that had been my torn boxers was flung off into a corner. Once I had the bars of my headboard firmly gripped she crawled up after me - on all fours like a cat - and prowled up my thighs to attack my cock again with her tongue. With her head and shoulders down, pressed to my pelvis, her bottom waggled tantalizingly in the air. The leather dress had rolled up over her hips, and I saw the partial eclipse of her lace-sheathed cheeks behind the folded hem. One of her hands reached up absently to tug the dress back over her ass.Then I saw no more, because she was swallowing my cock, and sucking so hard, so intently, I thought she might slurp out my intestines like a spider. The world shrunk in on me; my vision tunneled. Her mouth was warmer and wetter than any of my fantasies of a pussy, and I never felt her teeth.She swallowed again and her whole mouth constricted, her tongue squeezed, and I exploded. I arched and my legs went rigid and I came and came, pumping who knows how many times. She had retreated to the end of my erection but never let go of her seal; her tongue and lips were squeezing and sucking for every drop I could produce and still demanding more; her hands had slid under my ass and were squeezing my cheeks like they were juicy grapefruits. A wordless cry escaped my mouth with the last spasm, before my whole body went limp. I was drained, and I wasn't sure if it was a figurative or literal condition.She didn't give up immediately; she continued to roll her tongue around my head, and she brought a hand back to milk the few drops from my shaft. I spasmed again - an aftershock, really - and only then she released my cock to swallow finally and breath out. She went back to lapping gently and kissing my penis as it slowly shrank back against my body and went to a very satisfied sleep.My penis had a good idea. I wanted to do the same. But she climbed up next to me and sat beside me in the bed, cross-legged, demanding my attention.I took a long, deep breath, and the scent of her musk and perfume filled my nose and mouth."Wouldn't you say that's the best damned blowjob you've ever had?" She used a finger to wipe at the corner of her mouth. Amazingly, she still had on the same, thick makeup - her lips were as dark and red as ever, and barely smudged.I nodded."I'm sorry, what did you say?""Yes, it was.""And wouldn't you say that's the best damned blowjob you'll ever have - it's the blowjob you'll be comparing every other blowjob to for the rest of your life? If the president gets a blowjob from Angelina fucking Jolie, you'll feel smug because you've still got one up on him.""Yes.""Good. Then I've completed my part of the contract."I raised myself to my elbows and peered at her. She stared back, and in the flickering candlelight of the room, her eyes looked ominous. Under the shadow of her black hair and black jacket and black boots, her eyes seemed too bright, too intent. "What do you want?""You said any one thing in the room, or any one favor?"I nodded warily. "What's the thing?""Well, you're in the room, aren't you? I choose you. You belong to me; you're my slave now.""Hah."Nothing. "You're kidding. I don't think-""I warned you that it would be something that meant a lot to you, didn't I? And yet you agreed to the contract. You're bound to it, slave. Unless... would you like to hear the favor instead?"I nodded slowly again. I'd play along with her game. Wealthy nympho or no, rich bitch with a hitman on speed dial, or street hooker - slavery for a blowjob was too outlandish. Of course it was a joke. Or the prelude to some kind of S&M kink. At least it was Friday."Your alternative - your favor is this: you can make me cum. Just like I made you. Oh, and don't worry - I'll play fair. If you can make me cum, you'll know it."There it was. Heh. This kind of game I could play. "Well, I think I can manage that. Didn't you say you were a nympho?"She smiled, and none too coyly. "That means I always want to cum, not that I do, baby. Don't think for a second you're getting off easy. My body's been around the block a few times. I require a lot of stimulation. I've had a lot of sex, but I can remember every orgasm like a dear friend.""So. what are you talking about - like I'm going to need cock rings and anal beads?""No, nothing like that, baby. I just need your undivided attention.""Well. I think I'll choose the favor. You have my full attention tonight, I promise.""Well..." she mocked me, "I'm glad to hear it, Sugarlips. So here's the fine print - just like I said, the favor has to be in your loft. You can take as long as you need to make me scream, but if you walk out that door before I squirt, the favor's off, and I get my thing. That's you, just so you don't forget. Oh, and you have to make me cum. No whipping out toys or tools, or alligator-clipping a car battery to my nipples. I mean old-fashioned loving, and until your little fellow comes around, that means tongue and lips, same as I used on you.""One orgasm. And you won't cheat.""I won't argue with more than one, baby, if you can manage it. I promise you, I won't be sloughing. I'm going to do whatever I need to do to get off on you. I'm going to be very disappointed if you give up before I do.""Okay.""Alright, then." She slid back on the mattress until she was leaning against the headboard, propped up and cushioned by the half-dozen pillows I'd nearly thrown off in my passion. She lifted her leg closest to me, clearing my head with her boot heel, then set it down on the other side of my shoulder to place me inside the angle of her legs. My eyes traced up her boots beside me, past the bulge of her calves, up to her thighs where the leather made way for lace, then further up the lacework to where her thighs came together in a black seam. Beneath the lace, dense as it was, I could just make out a pair of panties. Her perfume was even stronger down here, like she'd spilled the bottle into her lap.She had loosened the shoulders of her dress and spread her jacket wide, and now when she lifted her arms over her head behind her to grab the headboard, her breasts fell free. "Let's say we start things nice and easy, work you up to speed. Why don't you give my tits a little affection, baby? That might get us both started."I couldn't argue. I crawled up over her: my knees between her thighs, my stomach over her hips, and my mouth above her breast. I gave each nipple an introductory kiss; large as she was, and large as her breasts were, I had to actually stretch to move from one to the other. I settled down on the left, kissing all around the nipple and beneath her breast, holding the bodice out of the way to kiss under the crease where her breast lay against her ribs, then to follow the curve up to the pit of her arm, and to her collar bone. It might seem strange, but I've made women squirm that way before.She wasn't squirming, but she enjoyed it. She followed me with those dark, flashing eyes. She seemed interested, curious, like she was watching me solve a puzzle she already knew the answer to.Cupping both breasts and squeezing, I sucked at her nipple. When my tongue produced only a sigh, I flicked her against my teeth.She sucked in a breath then and heaved against me, so I nibbled again, squeezing her other breast more tightly. I glanced up to see her chewing her lip. Her arms closed around the back of my head, and again she folded me into her cleavage, this time forcing my head to twist to the side so my mouth stayed clamped to her nipple. One of her legs wrapped around mine, and her hips ground against my thigh. This was starting to go well.With a pleased sigh, her body relaxed and her hands moved up to the top of my head. She pushed me down, forcing me to crawl back between her thighs, behind the bottom edge of her dress. "Alright, baby. I'm ready for you to start.""Shouldn't we take off your stocking?""Tsk. So hasty - so hungry for pussy. Why don't you just start with what you see? Suck on my crotch, baby, and you can get used to my taste while I get used to you being down there rubbing against me. Move too fast, and I might get excited and snap your little pencil neck or something." She clacked her tongue in demonstration and winked.I have to admit, as I slid my shoulders and arms beneath her thighs and settled in between her legs, I wasn't thinking about all the nastiness that comes with eating out a prostitute. I was eager as I kissed the lace inside her thighs and buried my face in the pillowy, spicy-perfumed flesh. She was hot - balmy hot - and the lace was completely soaked with her sweat and the juice seeping through her panties. After the first nuzzle in, I pulled my face away and it was already moist, but her gloved hand caught the back of my head and yanked me back in. Her thighs spread, then closed on my cheeks, squeezing me into place. I opened my mouth and sucked in the seam of hose. It was that moment I realized that what I had smelled before hadn't been perfume at all - it was her. It was the lubrication staining the crotch of her panties. The smell was heady, the taste gamey and bitter - not foul, but certainly stronger than I've ever tasted before. I nuzzled in deeper at the insistence of the hand behind my head.For the next few minutes, my tongue lolled over the rounded hill between her thighs, pressing against the lace or pulling it into my mouth to suck out the flavor, but when I wriggled my hands beneath her bottom for a better grip, she caught me in hers. Her hips turned slow gyrations, grinding down over my trapped nose and lips. She was breathing heavily, but still staring right at me; whenever I looked up over the horizon of her mons, her eyes were locked to mine.In one quick, rude movement she shoved my forehead back and tore a two-finger hole in the lace crotch, then hooked the back of my skull and pulled me back in. Her panties were black satin, and despite the oppressive body heat radiating through her stockings, that little patch of material felt cool against my skin. Her panties were even more thoroughly soaked than the lace had been, so I began sucking and lapping anew. It wasn't long before I had maneuvered her panties off to one side so I could trace the inner profile of her swollen, hot labia. I couldn't have been down there for more than a few minutes, but I was drenched with sweat - I was blinking it out of my eyes. She was like an electric blanket set on high; I couldn't believe she didn't have some deadly fever. Maybe she did! The names of fever-causing diseases flashed into my mind, but as soon as my mouth paused she crossed her calves behind my shoulders and squeezed. "Don't stop now!"She, apparently, didn't share my concerns. She was moaning and whimpering. Without warning her thighs would just snap shut like a beartrap, crushing me to her for a half-minute or so while she ground her pussy down against the bridge of my nose, my lips, my chin - whatever was pressed against her and would provide friction. Just as suddenly she'd release me to breathe, and I'd begin with my tongue again. Whenever I glanced up, her eyes were fixed on mine.Time wore on, and what had been sexy and exciting was becoming arduous. My hair was slicked down against my scalp like I'd just stepped out of the shower, and I couldn't even tell any more how much of it was my sweat and how much was the sticky juice streaming out of her; she'd done a thorough job of smearing herself over my face. I could hardly breathe the thick, hot sauna air when I did get a chance to gasp. I must have been fifteen minutes between her legs already - not a marathon, I understand, but still enough time that I should have made progress. I glanced up, caught her stare, and risked a moodkiller: "How are you coming?""Not yet, baby," she replied, between heavy breaths. "Not close really, though it feels nice. I need more stimulation. Here, I'll give you a hint - stick your fingers in your mouth, two of them, and get them really well lubricated. So I can see. Yeah... Twist them around... that's good... Okay, now tear that lace a little more and stick them in my ass, all the way. Wait - each one first, in and out, then both together.""Your ass?""Yes, quickly! Aggh.. ah, yeah. Yeah. Fuck! Don't stop licking!" Once my head was crammed back between her thighs, she asked, "You've never had a finger in a girl's ass before? What about a cock? Ha ha ha... How old-fashioned! Hell, I ... ahh, yeah, yeah ... I thought you were a little more experienced. I bet now you can guess why everyone says it feel so good, huh?"The sphincter in her ass tightened around my finger, threatening to push me out. The hot flesh inside her squeezed around my digits. I pressed back, and now when she gyrated against my face, my finger twisted inside her as well."Ha ha ha... You're a little grossed out still, though, aren't you? You're afraid something might come down the pipes while you're in there. I really should have you lick my asshole, just because it freaks you out. Yeah... You're lucky this time, though, lover - I want to see your face. Just keep concentrating on that clit for right now; that feels good." Holding my temples for leverage, she lifted her hips and bucked against my face. I pressed the bridge of my nose right back against her, now that I was especially determined to make her orgasm "the old fashioned way". I was furious with my tongue, even though my whole mouth was beginning to ache from the workout. I even pushed my fingers deep inside of her and twisted, twisted, twisted while she bucked and groaned and - nothing. That's all - bucking and groaning. When she finally began to settle down a bit, I pulled away to wipe a salty sting from my eyes. With the other hand."Isn't that the kind of stimulation you need?""Oh, that was nice, baby, but I'm not anywhere near cumming. I told you, this wasn't going to be easy.""Well, I'm not giving up yet. You probably just need to relax more, to let it flow. I don't know how you could relax wearing all that.""You're right, aren't you. Help me with this jacket, and maybe give my back a little rub.""Yeah, the jacket. Maybe the dress, too, and the boots, if you're going to give me half a chance.""One thing at a time, baby."We both sat up, and I knelt behind her to hold the shoulders of her jacket while she slipped her arms out one at a time, weaving her gloves through the sleeves. Beneath the jacket, her deep-cut dress and chestless body-stocking left her shoulders bare and— Ugh! They were both swollen, lumpy - deformed! My hands recoiled of their own accord."What's the matter, baby? Where's that back rub?" She glanced up over her shoulder, over them, and smiled wickedly. "You were the one who suggested it, remember. Now you've got me in the mood.""I...""Oh... So now you're giving up? What do you think slaves do, anyway? A hell of a lot of back rubs. Now get to rubbing before my libido freezes over."So I did. I put my hands right on those lumps and began feeling for muscles. My fingers probed gently at first, but that just seemed to annoy her."I'm dropping below zero here. Use your hands, baby. Lean into it."So I kneaded her lumps, pushing, squeezing, while my stomach curdled. I winced as the knots of - flesh? cartilage? bone? - rolled beneath her skin, but she stretched her neck and purred."That's right... Like that."She leaned forward and I moved further down her back, but the lumps just continued down either side of her spine, disappearing into her dress. It took a while, but eventually I guess my stomach was all curdled out, because the hesitation in my hands disappeared. Eventually I forgot what I was touching; I just knew I was touching her, making her moan, making her muscles flex and roll. Her skin was still really hot, but at least the heat was in my hands and not my face. I probably helped loosen them up, actually. This was something I could keep up as long as I needed to; I had strong hands and- And, right then she turned on me like a pouncing tiger and tossed me back onto the bed."That's good enough. Stick out your tongue, quick!" Her boot flew over my stomach and she plopped down my chest. Again that spicy musk washed over me, and the warmth of her crotch swamped over my chest and neck. Once my tongue was thrust out, she gripped the sides of my head with her gloves and slid forward to cover the bottom half of my face. "Keep it out until I tell you, baby, if you want any hope."For the next five minutes - or maybe it was an hour, I don't know which or where between - her thighs and ass made an almost-successful attempt to swallow my face whole. I had glimpses of her from beneath, flashes of her grasping and twisting her breasts, biting her lips, sucking her teeth, and grinning down at the helpless look in my eyes. I tried to grab her ass, to hold her against me so I could control our motion, but she shook me off and rode me harder.Her vulva was flushed and swollen, and dripping and hot - not just uncomfortably warm, but hot like holding a cup of coffee. My sweat, her sweat, her juices dripped down my face as she slapped against me, then dropped her weight and ground down in firm, deliberate strokes. It sounds like an exaggeration but she was dripping, enough to leave a big wet spot in the sheets beneath my head in the first couple of minutes. Her juices were hotter than her flesh, so even when the air hit my face it burned.Her moaning, groaning, and bucking were beginning to frustrate me. I might have paid well before tonight to watch her perform like that for an hour, to fuck a man's face so thoroughly, to arch like a pornstar, but- Damn! Where was her moneyshot, her orgasm? She kept building, building, building to a peak, to a near-frenzy, but there was never the explosion, never the shudder, never the gasp. She just took a deep breath, lifted herself so I could breathe, and began again.Finally she lifted herself and didn't come back down. She slid backward instead, her ass spreading over my shoulders, while I took a series of long breaths. "Still nothing?" I lifted an arm from under her leg to wipe back the hair plastered to my forehead. All this sweating was going to leave me dehydrated soon; I didn't think the steady trickle of her juices slopping into my mouth was enough to replenish me."Not yet, baby. It's going to take more than that. No offense, but your little efforts aren't really enough. It's gotta cost you something, like I said. I've gotta know just how much you'll sacrifice for my pleasure. That's what gets me hot."She put a finger to my lips before I could ask what she meant, then unzipped and began tugging off her gloves, pulling out each finger in quick succession. She left the first one loose so she could take them off together, toss the gloves down above my head, and stretch all ten bare fingers over my face. Her fingernails glinted. They weren't even fingernails; they were claws - curved, almost hooked like talons, and as black as her hair. I don't know how I didn't feel them beneath the gloves. "It's going to cost you blood, baby.""Oh, no... No way.""You'd rather spend the rest of your life as a slave than suffer just a few moments of pain? I only want a few drops, baby - just a taste." She didn't wait for my response; she kicked up a leg and turned, rotating on my chest to face away from me, and her ass rocked back onto my lips. Her rear was just as hot, just as balmy in the cleavage between her cheeks; there was no escape from that heat! Now she was dripping on my chin. I thought fast. I was no fan of pain, but worse was the disease. If I hadn't gotten whatever it was she had from eating her out, her nails in my veins would do it, I was certain. I had to distract her; to do something she'd like more. I flicked my tongue against her asshole. And my reward? She pulled her cheeks apart and squirmed further down over my nose and mouth before she lied across my stomach.Her mouth closed over the ridge beneath my belly button. She began kissing and licking - her tongue felt like it had just come out of an oven - but even when my cock began to stir she concentrated on my stomach. She began to grind her hips over me, and then I felt a sharp pain in my side. I yelped and twisted, and her hips bore down, squeezing and gyrating against me; her mouth bore down just as greedily on hole she'd torn in my skin, until the pain subsided beneath the heat of her tongue. Slowly, as the last of the pain faded, I unclenched. I could still feel a throbbing in my side. Then I felt her claws in my flesh again and I writhed from the torment; each time she cut and tore at my skin, her tongue and lips filled the wound while I fought beneath her. Each time, once the pain died - and with it her sadistic stimulation - she dug in again.She didn't stop until my stomach felt like it had been shredded. But, once she lifted herself from my face trailing sticky threads of her juices, I lifted my head to see nothing more than a few raised red stripes. Barely welts, even. She rolled down to the bed, grinning, and wiped a red smudge from her chin with the back of her hand. "Mmm, baby. Now we're talking. Now you're getting me hot, but-""Not yet?" I fell back, exhausted."Not yet," she agreed."What? What more can I do? God, tell me!""Not 'god', baby, but you're on the right track. 'God-dess' is the word you're looking for, and I could use a little worship. Get down off the bed. That's right, down on the floor. Kneel right there." She followed me to the edge of the bed and stood, planting her boots down in front of me. "At my feet. That's right. I need to see you bow before me."By this point my will was broken. My metaphorical spine was as limp as a noodle. This was her game, and I didn't have much of a choice but to play along as her toy. I pressed my forehead to the floor and clasped her heels."I don't hear you praying..."I barely hesitated. "Please! Oh, Please, goddess - help me to make you cum!" The words felt silly and awkward coming out of my mouth, but she hissed a satisfied chuckle."Yesss! Kiss my feet, and I may grant your request!"I lifted my head just enough to press my lips against the toes of her boots."Who am I? Kiss them!""Goddess." I kissed her toes again, then the top of her foot and her ankles."Whose goddess? Kiss my feet, not my boots - unzip them!""My goddess." I reached up her thigh to unzip the first boot, and saw just how high she towered over me, shadowing out the candlelight. Even with the candles hidden her eyes seemed bright, almost glowing. With a steady pull, I slid the zipper down to the ankle and she stepped out to the floor. My eyes widened in shock and I fell back.Her stockings ended just below her knees, or just above where her calves bent back to goat's hocks. Thick black hair curled out from her ankles, and black cloven hooves stamped the floor."Your goddess," she repeated. A horrible, fleshy ripping sound came from behind her, and as huge black bat's wings unfurled from her shoulders, I was spattered with bits of olive-colored flesh. Flames leaped from the burning coals that were her eyes, and her lips and labia steamed. "Why aren't you kissing my feet?"Fear and realization washed over me at the same time. "I'm not going leave the room tonight, am I? Or ever?" Fear and realization, and dread and despair. She stamped again, and I didn't even try to flinch out of the way when her hoof brushed my knee. Any attempt to escape now was futile - I knew it as certainly as my own name. I remembered the word she used - 'contract'. Deals with the devil don't end well. And now I knew: thing or favor didn't matter - the price was me."Not through that door, baby." Long, sharp teeth filled her mouth, and her tongue flicked hungrily over them. "Oh, they're so cute when they finally realize! The terror is ... delicious." She reached down, black wings beating the air, and lifted my head with her claws."Are you going to eat me?"She threw back her head and laughed - a terrible, throaty sound. "Not yet, baby. The weeping and gnashing of teeth come later. Then you'll beg me to eat you." Her fingers tightened on my teeth and she yanked me against her pussy. I screamed - I could feel my lips and tongue scalding in her juices - but my cries were smothered in the flood that gushed out over my cheeks and neck and shoulders, steaming my skin as it went. Her claws twisted into my hair and forced my face to bury itself in her, even if my hands were pounding at her thighs. "Yeaaaah. Now I'm turned on, baby. Now I'm gonna help you make me cum." Her wings stretched further, filling the room with darkness, and flapped. The scent of her was overwhelming.She arched her back and her wings beat the air again, pulling her weight from the floor. She lifted me with her, and my body dangled from my neck like a doll's. My beating hands now clutched at her thighs for support, but were knocked away when she folded her legs around my head and over my shoulders and squeezed. Her claws dug into my scalp. I could feel her labia swelling to engulf my face, and a suction had begun to pull me in. Her hips were grinding and bucking midair, and she screamed in delight. I breathed infrequently - in quick, gasping breaths as her thrusting hips allowed. You'd think the pain would've just shut down my brain at some point, but each drip of her juices that trickled down my chest was agony, like the slow dig of a knifepoint. We'd dropped back to the floor, and her weight bore down over my head; she used the floor for leverage to drive me into her; grunting and groaning and moaning until half my head was inside her, swallowed in her folds. She bucked and suddenly shuddered - yes, shuddered! I could feel her surprised gasp rather than hear it as her pussy spasmed around my face, but she only pushed harder and faster until I splashed in up to my neck and her labia tightened around my throat. From deeper within her, through the hot flesh pressing around me, I had a whiff of hot, acrid air. It smelled like burning tires.I screamed that it was over - that she'd had her orgasm and I could tell - but the little tremor of satisfaction had only encouraged her. She was riding my shoulders now, and her claws ripped into my ribs while she thrust herself over me. She kicked and squeezed and tore at my flesh, and nearly shattered my spine by dropping her full weight down on me, until - with another shuddering cry - her pussy convulsed and plunged down over my shoulders, and she was cumming - and cumming and cumming. I could offer no resistance now, with my arms pressed to my sides and my naked body slick and dripping; each of her convulsions dragged me in further, past my hips, my knees, my ankles. I didn't fit - I couldn't fit - into the burning lake of fire inside her - but somehow she crumpled me up into a space the size of a bowling ball, and even that was squeezing and shrinking. Every part of me, my eyes and organs and tongue and penis, were burning in a fire hotter than a kiln and blacker than space. I felt her final shudder, and her sigh of contentment. "I didn't expect that, baby. I guess I owe you one." The sound of her snickering was the last I heard. From that world, anyway... |
Arishika pressed through the thin inter-dimensional film of the portal, vibrant and excited. Electric arcs trailed her clawed fingertips, whipping and snapping satisfyingly against the frame of the door before she pulled away. "Ahhhhh." Another day, another concert. Her tail flicked through the door after her and whipped off a few little sparks like waterdrops.She grinned at the bustle of roadies and engineers unpacking her equipment. She knew most of them by their faces if not by their name, and as they spotted her they straightened up to wave. Some of them she knew ...other ways, and they had an especially bright smile for her. Her pointed ears perked eagerly as she decided which ones to toy with for the next few hours, while everyone got ready for the show. Roadies were always good for a flirt. She was just pulling her straight, black hair into a ponytail and walking over toward the rigging crew when a shorter figure with gray and black ears sprouting from a neat page-boy cut stepped into her path. "Ari - there you are, honey! Are you ready?" The raccoon woman tapped her pen against the clasp of her ever-present clipboard, then seemed to look up for the first time. Her gray-and-black-ringed tail bushed up excitedly behind her. "Ooooh.. wait. Do the spin! I just love the new outfit!"Ari smirked in response and twisted through a slow pirouette, swinging her hips especially wide to show off the curve-hugging black rubber pants, slung low enough to allow her sleek tail to escape through the 'V' notched into the belt line and to show off the straps of her lacy pink thong riding high on her hips. For the moment, the only other thing she wore was a matching lacy pink bra, but a filmy black blouse and a pair of boots with killer heels waited for her on the dressing rack beside the stage. "You know, Yris - I bet it's it's even more fun peeling it off than it is just looking." She raised a suggestive brow and purred.No matter how often Ari laid out the welcome mat, Yris was too much of a professional to flirt back (much less do anything more). Still, Ari couldn't help it. She waggled her hips and just managed to catch the 'coon ogling her ass before her black-ringed eyes fixed themselves to the clipboard. "So... uhm. Sound check in fifteen, and showtime in two hours, okay, Ari?"Ari's brows popped up in surprise, then knit together as she pouted. "That soon?""Yup! Sorry, honey, but the phase mesh for this plane was a little bit off kilter. And that's too bad, because I was actually planning on getting a few hours in with your recording engineer before the show.""Yris! Stop pushing the recording already. That's, what - every day for the last two weeks? When I have good ideas for new songs, I'll let you know. I'm not gonna work with some "engineer/producer" who wants to spoon-feed me cliched hooks."Yris frowned in consternation. "We've already pushed the next album drop date two seasons in a row - that's all I'm saying.""And all I'm saying is that people buy Arishika albums for a genuine experience, not some over-engineered pop regurgitation. If we don't have a good album to release, then we don't release an album - It's that simple, right? And don't you dare go release another greatest hits without telling me!"Ari noticed that she was stabbing the back of her manager's clipboard with one claw. Yris was cowed behind it, her ears laid flat back into her hair, her eyes wide. It only took Ari a moment longer to realize that the fur on her tail was poofed out as bushy as Yris', and her fangs were bared. In that moment, her mood passed; she wrapped her manager into a hug that buried her head between the cups of her lacy bra and stroked her hair until Yris' heartbeat had slowed. "There there, mon coeur. I'm sorry I snapped." She held the little 'coon tight against the bare skin of her chest just long enough to be sure she'd embarrassed her. Sure enough, when she let her go Yris' ears were flushed pink. Ari reached back to the rack and pulled the filmy blouse off its hanger. "So who're the locals today?"Ari's manager flipped back the top papers on her clipboard and absently straightened her mussed hair. "Some kind of rodent-kemonomimi, I think. Short little things. Like, Mouselings... or-" she found her notes Yeah, Mousekins."Ari's lip curled in confusion. She pushed her foot down into the heel of one of her boots. "Not that I mind or anything, but - Really? I'm popular with mice? I mean, really?" She held up her cat's tail as evidence, then began working on the other boot."Sweetie, if there was a dimension filled with peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich people, I think you'd be number one on their pop-charts, too.""But I don't eat peanut-butter-and-jelly either. You know that.""Exactly, Ari. So do they.""Oh. Okay." Ari's grin returned and she stroked her fingers along the sleeve of Yris' blouse. "Hey." Her lids fell heavily over her eyes. "How about after sound check you give me a hand polishing this rubber?"Yris made some clumsy excuse about checking the power feed before hurrying off in the wrong direction.-The sound check was just a formality. The sound booth guy was a backup, at best, and a payroll drain at worst; most of the shows he wore headphones and read comic books. Ari stood at the center of the stage and stretched out her arms to either side, then stretched out her senses beyond that. It took her a few minutes to figure out the theater's wiring and acoustics, but soon the air was crackling around her. She pitched the currents streaming from her to a simple C to start, but then moved up to sending scales, then harmonics through the air and floor and into the cables that fed the speakers. Deep pulses blasted into the walls and struts made her rhythm section. By the time she reached the crescendo of her sound check, the theater was filled with a fuller, more complex surround-sound experience than a provincial dimension like this would ever see again - unless they paid her enough to come back. It was for good reason that Ari always booked the biggest theater or stadium where her tour stopped, and always filled out her bookings. She pushed up the volume until her ears began to twitch, and dust fell in little ghost clouds from the ceiling. The power that coursed through her made her giddy, anxious, and excited for the concert, like it always did. Raw copper feeds offering hundreds of amps each criss-crossed beneath the stage floor; even with the plastic soles on her boots and in the rubber pants, Ari felt like she was wading in their magnetic fields. It was a better meal for her than peanut-butter-and-jelly-sandwich people could ever be. No matter how much energy she pumped through her body, no matter how extreme her acrobatics, Ari would end the show feeling as energized and excited as if she'd just woken up from a nap. She might feel like drinking a gallon of water after a show, but that was fine. And then, every so often, there was that nagging rumble in her belly. But nothing every really fixed that, not completely; all she could do was ignore it.The sound check was something for her local fan club: a chance for them to hear her play something acoustic maybe, or to see her out of makeup with the overhead lights up and the stage lights down, or just to see for themselves how she created such a full sounding song with nothing but her own voice and an unplugged guitar. They were down there now, her fan club - a couple thousand little rodent-eared kids all packed together and beaming up at her from behind the metal barricade. Sound check was a chance for some of them to meet her, maybe even touch her. Ari enjoyed that, as long as they were respectful. After the check was done, she would ignore her security like she always did and press through the mass of fans gathered in the pit. The ones who were close enough to reach out toward her might get a little pulse - a current just strong enough that she could direct it down into their loins (or whatever body part it was that turned on this particular species of fans), leaving with a little pre-orgasmic spasm that charged them up for the show. If any of her fans got a little too handsy, it was easy enough for Ari to up the voltage to something that would leave them twitching on the floor instead. But all of her fans knew that - which meant almost everyone knew that - so it didn't happen more than once or twice a year. The only reason Ari's security even tried to stop her was because she told them to - it made her fans feel special.Most importantly, the sound check was an opportunity for Ari to see the faces and bodies in her crowd before the stage lighting made that all but impossible. It made it easy for her to choose. Something else her fans knew was that Ari always brought someone up on stage during her concerts, and if she liked them well enough, she took them backstage afterward. What she did with them backstage was a matter of much rumor and was protected by loosely-enforced non-disclosure agreements, but it was public knowledge on the web that Ari's flirtatious stage persona was more than just a persona. The truth was that Ari always took her chosen one backstage, and almost always made a one-night lover of them. She needed them - needed someone - to satisfy her, and she more than repaid them, she thought.So Ari whipped through a quick mini-set - a few fan favorites, a cover, and an old B-side that she'd been remixing (on Yris' insistence so she'd have something for that new album) - then passed off her guitar to a tech and slunk past her security into the crowd. Hundreds of voices screamed with excitement, and twice as many hands reached out to touch or be touched. Ari loved this part. She stretched out her hands and brushed them over stretching fingers, sometimes a tail or even lips, like she was walking through tall grass. Energy crackled in the air around her, leaving a wake of pleasurable moans to spread from the path she cut through the tight-packed crowd. The people of this world (or this capital city, at least) were just like Yris had described - short and rodenty, but in a lovable way. The tallest of them barely stood above her waist, and when they reached for her, their hands mostly grazed her ass and thighs and tail. That was nice; she swung her hips and tail especially wide with each step. All of these mousekins had big, soft ears like mice, and she found herself reaching out to roll the velvety skin of more than a few lobes between her fingers. Their tails were pink and hairless; hundreds of them stood out like whip antennas to balance the ones stretching hardest to reach her. Their hair was glossy, and their buck-toothed smiles irresistibly cute, and they had this way of wrinkling their noses and quivering their whiskers and ...saliva had begun to pool in her mouth. She swallowed hastily, and ignored the fact that her stomach had begun to twist on itself. Now that she was among them, the scent of these mousekins had flooded her nostrils. It was vital, and gamey, and ...and sweet like pastry. Her belly gurgled. It ached to swell around a squirming meal-No! No. Ari breathed through her mouth until the scent was gone from her nose, and forced a smile. She continued to wind her way through the crowds while she pushed those thoughts from her mind; she needed to focus. Tonight she was looking for a particular kind of volunteer, and it wouldn't be as easy as it had been for the last few weeks. Lately she'd just been picking the eager beavers - the hand that waved the hardest or the voice that shouted the loudest or the one with with the pin that marked them as president of her local fan club chapter. Tonight she wanted - no needed - something different. It wasn't that she didn't like the enthusiasm, or minded playing the part of the sexual fantasy, but sometimes she just wanted someone to use.So Ari was looking for a shy one. One with an eager, but apologetic smile. One whose eyes shot down to her own toes just as soon she saw Ari looking back at her. One who quivered with the excitement of being noticed, but made herself as small and inconspicuous as she could. Ari looked for the gaps in the crowd, the ducked heads and timid fingers that wouldn't quite bring themselves to touch her. She stretched out her sense of the currents running through the crowds; the shy ones felt different. And then-Ari parted the crowd with her arms, and a disappointed murmur ran through the tightly-packed mousekins. She'd chosen. The crowd hushed as soon as her mouth opened, and hung on her words. "Bonjour, cheri! What's your name?""Stephie." The poor girl's response was too quiet for most of the crowd to hear, so more murmurs asking who and repeating her name bounced back and forth through the pit. Stephie was a bit short even for a mousekin. (Ari's dirty mind immediately drew a parallel from the level of the girl's face to the top of her thighs, and she had to hide her giggles.) Glossy chestnut hair fell in curls to Stephie's shoulders, and she wore an oversized "I [Heart] Ari" shirt like a dress with only a tight pair of leggings beneath. She worried at her tail with her slender fingers and clutched it to her chest.Ari's lips spread into a wide, toothy grin. She took a step closer to the mousekin and casually extended a hand. It was a bit of a trick off when she was separated from the stage, but Ari amplified their conversation so all of the crowd could hear this time. "Do you want to touch me, Stephie? It looks like you might not have been able to reach."The mouse-girl nodded, and her big brown eyes crinkled excitedly. Still, she was hesitant as she reached out to touch just a finger on Ari's offered hand; but even before the air could crackle Ari had caught her by the wrist and bent down to plant a kiss on her knuckles. Ari narrowed her eyes as she concentrated, directing not just a single current down between the girl's legs, but dozens through her body - enough to make every part worthwhile tingle. Stephi's eyes fluttered in ecstasy; she was standing on tip-toe and arching her back and the hair on the tips of her ears curled.Ari had a sudden and disturbingly strong urge to flick her tongue out over those precious little fingers. Stephie smelled like the others - sweet and alive - and a burning curiosity had seized Ari by her gut; she just had to know if Stephie's skin tasted sweet, too. Somehow she resisted, instead uncurling the girl's stiff hand to place it open-palmed against her chest, just above the swell created by the lacy pink bra. She joined the currents flowing through Stephie into pulses that made the mousekin squirm and groan and smack her lips.The crowd around them was so still, so silent, that Ari could hear her roadies working backstage. She let the currents fade - that was as much as she'd put poor Stephie through (in public, at least) - and leaned closer to nuzzle into the silky funnel of her ear. Even though she whispered, she kept up the amplification for the rest of the crowd to hear. "Will you do me a favor, cheri? Will you and your friends come stand up at the front by the stage tonight?""Oh-oh-ohkay..." Stephie gasped, still struggling to regain her breath and her composure. "Anything you want, Miss Arishika. But, I'm here at the concert by myself.""Even better," Ari stage-whispered. "I'll have you all to myself!"- The show was spectacular. All of the effects - the lights, and the fog, and the pyrotechnics she couldn't control by herself - went off right on beat. Tens of thousands of pairs of wide eyes sparkled at her in excitement. The crowd was enthusiastic and involved; they knew her songs, and behind the drone strings of her guitar she could hear them singing along. As the first set's false climax fell away to the pair of ballads she was starting to get really tired of, Ari dropped the rhythm she had been pounding out from the metal substructure of the stage and instead returned the crowd's chorus voice as a pitch-adjusted harmonization with her own. Collectively they had a sweet, almost childlike melodic sound; by the end of the first ballad she was inscribing a mental note to schedule herself to come back to this dimension to find a choir for her next album. Hints of ideas flitted through her mind like moths in a midnight searchlight, but she'd find them again later. The mousekins cheered and squealed after each song as though it was the best thing they'd ever heard, pinning Ari's confidence to top-meter. These squelching rubber pants were starting to feel hot and tight as they trapped all the sweat from her stage antics - she was used to wearing gauzy robes instead - but she could tell in the monitor and the crowd's reaction that the svelte figure they cut was worth a little discomfort. She could smell the lust brimming in the crowd, and mixed with the sweet baker's shop scent of their musk it only made her rubber-encased loins feel even more squishy and more excited than usual. When Ari finally reached "Head Over High Heels" (it was always the last song in the first set and the one with the real crowd-pleasing acrobatics) the air was as charged with the mousekins' excitement and anticipation as her electric currents. The sea of rodent-humes gasped collectively when she flipped up to play the bridge of the song in a handstand perched on the neck of her guitar, and when she performed her flipping dismount (the one where - just like every show - she "accidentally" caught a tuning key on her blouse and ripped it off, sending it flying into the front rows) the audience screamed with delight at the sight of her lacy pink bra. Whoever caught that shred of filmy black fabric would be a minor celebrity for the next week; she'd bought her own clothes back off auction sites for thousands just to keep the prices up. Once she regained her feet, Ari re-toned the screams of the audience and reflected them back out through her speakers, blending them with the come-down riff of her guitar. She spent the rest of the song in a cabaret hide-and-peek that drew more attention to her bra and made a scandal out of what amounted to less cleavage than half the female mousekins were showing. As the last notes of the song echoed through the hall, she covered herself with her guitar, flung the pink bra out into the crowd, too, and ran off the stage for the intermission.The break was quick - just long enough for her to visit the wardrobe rack while the guitar tech tightened her strings (literally, though it had been euphemistic enough a couple of times) - and then she was out on the stage again, grinding into the lead-in of the K-rocker b-side from her last album. The audience was already back to a full, high-pitched squeal by the time she strode out through the fog, and didn't seem too disappointed that she was covered again, this time by a tight satin bustier.Ari's eyes flicked through the stage-light blindness hiding her audience while she played, searching for Stephie. The second song was supposed to be the duet, but the poor girl wasn't front and center as she'd promised. Ari hadn't really expected her to hold that spot, as shy as she was, but she'd hate to have lost her; it would slow down the show- No, there she was, just a few rows back, with a smile so wide it was goofy. Her big brown eyes were full of awe and admiration and excitement - and lust. That last was critical. Ari strummed the drones into a new key, and crooked a finger to summon her chosen one to the stage. Hesitantly at first, Stephie made her way through the aisle the crowd reluctantly formed for her. By the time she slipped through the opening Ari's security had created for her, she was running eagerly to the stage. And why should she? An Arishika concert in her own dimension was a once in a lifetime event for the mousekin, but being called to the stage... To blow that opportunity wouldn't have been shyness, it would have been stupidity!Ari strummed the drones up into a minor key before beginning to clap her hands slowly over her head. Within a couple bars the audience had followed suit, converting their applause to a steady, rhythmic beat; just in time as a bass lowered down above Stephie's head. This part could be a bit tricky; but Ari was practiced enough to amplify and return the audience's beat and undertone it with the keynotes for the next song, all while positioning the guitar strap around the mousekin's neck and showing her how to place her hands and how to stand comfortably. "Don't worry, cheri," she whispered into the girl's big ear. "You'll know what to do."She waited a count until the beat was right, then tapped the tips of her claws against Stephie's bare neck and sent the current - the very particular charge she needed. The mousekin's fingers snapped into position, left sliding up the fretless neck while she palm-beat the strings, and then she played. Everyone knew the riff, and the rodent crowd erupted in a wild cheer. Stephie was astonished, but beaming with proud delight. She nodded when Ari whispered into her ear again: "Don't think about it. Just let it happen." For a wonder, the supposedly-timid mousekin hadn't even noticed the spotlight beaming on her, but Ari kept her fingers on the girl's neck through a few more measures, as much to be sure the girl wouldn't bolt or empty her bladder as to reinforce the muscle memory she'd endowed her fingers. But Stephie was perfect. Ari swung her hips, her own guitar slung into position just in time for the power chord, and they played. The song was glorious.-An hour later Ari left the stage after her second encore. Randi, her assistant guitar tech, was playing her own song on the stage and doing a pretty good job of convincing the lingerers in the audience that it was time to go home. Ari sighed, rolled her shoulders, and ran her fingers through her sweaty ponytail and along the sensitive tips of her ears. This had been a particularly good show, she thought; the mousekin audience had been so invested that she just had to give it all back. And there was that chorus idea - she had to write it down before she forgot. And then there was Stephie - she had been such a champ on the bass that Ari couldn't help but teach her hands to play a beat for "Anything but Love", too, even if it did have that tricky bridge after the second verse. Stephie had left the stage with almost as much applause as Ari. Almost. Well, not really, but it was heartfelt. But as happy as Ari was with the show, and as energized and stimulated as her body was with the overflow of energy from the sub-stage feeds, her mind was empty and numb. She needed sleep, but even more she needed to find that little mousekin waiting for her... She barely acknowledged her roadies as she hurried back to the doorframe surrounding the portal-"Ari! Ari, honey - great show!" Yris popped out of a cluster of techs to squeeze Ari in a one-handed hug. She unconsciously wiped Ari's sweat off her cheek and brightly tapped her clipboard. "Post-show buzz is fantastic, as always. I'm thinking we could hit one of the other continents in a few months, maybe after that new album hits." Yris grinned suggestively. "For which we need songs. And speaking of which, I have your single-serving lover washed and waiting in your room already! I know I told you you'd have some extra time tonight, but if you get any song ideas from her we really need to get you across the table from my engineer, okay? Do you have a good feeling about her?"Ari sighed. "Yris? Pushing me when I'm drained isn't going to make a good album. Whether or not I have a good feeling from her.""Neither is procrastination, dear. But you do have a good feeling, don't you?" She gripped her clipboard with excitement.Ari stepped back toward the portal, and let her tail flick and arc along the frame. "Like I always say, Yris-" a hint of a grin returned to her lips "-if you're so interested in my process, come spend a night with me. I -know- I can wring a song or two out of you, and you'll never forget it." She winked. "But not tonight." Ari closed her eyes against the bright flash, then stepped backwards through the doorframe and onto the marble floor of her own penthouse. She flicked the switch behind her and scrambled the combination, even if it wasn't much of a secret that Yris had a master code, then clop-clopped down the grand hallway to her room.Beyond her gaudy gold and white doors, a room big enough to be its own flat stretched out toward the glass outer wall of the building. It was night beyond the glass, and the Kirian forests seemed to stretch forever; bunches of lights from towns and villages shimmered like galaxies from among the black of the trees. Stephie waited in the wingback chair across the room, her legs crossed up beneath her since they couldn't reach the floor. Ari's red silk robe hung from her shoulders and pooled around her lap. She sat up straight as soon as she saw Ari between the doors. Ari let the huge doors swish shut on their own as she strode slowly toward the mousekin, heeled feet criss-crossing and clacking against the raw stone floor. Her eyelids dropped seductively, and her tail flicked as if expecting a pounce. "Do you know what happens now, mon petite cheri?" Stephie nodded. Her eyes were wide and excited, and she practically quivered in anticipation.Ari slowed as she closed the last few steps, and ran her fingertips up her bustier and between her cupped breasts. "You've read what my other lovers have posted about their experiences after the concert, haven't you?"Stephie nodded and nibbled her lip.Ari reached out to run a fingertip under the mousekin's chin. She affected a pout "Aww... And I do so love to surprise. Tell me, cheri, have you been with another girl before?"Stephie hesitated, then nodded slowly.Ari laughed. "But not a girl like me, have you?" Her finger traced down the mousekin's jawline to the loosely-closed robe, then slipped between the two folds of fabric. "Mrowr." This time, Stephie shook her head side to side. Ari was already leaning against the base of the chair, casting her shadow over the girl, so it was only a matter of slipping her knees forward to straddle the mousekin's lap, to trap her between her thighs. Ari spiraled her pelvis like dancer, coming a hair's breadth from rubbing her glistening belly against Stephie's nose. When the mousekin's hesitant hands reached toward Ari's hips, she pressed them against her bare skin, then slowly (with much nibbling of lips and heavy breathing) slid them beneath the top of the her pants, and into the humidity trapped by the rubber. The girl's fingers slipped through her dewy, curling hair. "So you do you want to get into my pants, cheri?"Stephie nodded again, and grinned.With a quick feline leap, Ari was off the chair and leading Stephie by both hands toward the vast sea of bed tucked into the sunken windowed alcove. "C'mon, then, sweetie. Come let Ari tuck you in. I'll do a little strip for you before I take a shower, and then we can have fun." She batted her long lashes, and was just about to toss the mousekin into the nest of wadded comforter-"No." Ari was startled as much by the sound of Stephie's voice as by the word itself. She stopped and blinked at the mousekin, flummoxed. She could spend an hour teasing and cajoling her one-night-lovers to wrestle their fantasies from their lips, much less get them to give her a command. Stephie was just supposed to be an easy, yes-ma'am sub to get her off quickly and let her rest. Ari hadn't expected a backbone. She clicked her teeth worriedly; had she misjudged the mousekin?"No, don't take a shower, I mean.""But I'm all sweaty and gross, cheri. I want to be clean and beautiful for you. I want to give you a special night.""But- Right now you're "concert Arishika". I'm sure if you take a shower you will be clean and beautiful "fantasy Arishika", but I want "concert Arishika" exactly as she is. Sweaty and everything. That's... that's the Arishika I fantasize about." Stephie's eyes dropped, and her cheeks and ears flushed a bright shade of pink. Her fingers slipped out from Ari's pants and traced lovingly over the catgirl's thighs, but her voiced muted to a squeak even Ari's piqued ears could barely hear. "But... I mean... I'm being pushy, aren't I? I'd read that you make your lovers' fantasies come true, and I just thought... Oh, but you probably need the shower to relax after that whole concert, and here I am-""Shhh..." Ari pressed a fingertip to the mousekin's lips. "Shush, cheri - If this is what you want... I just didn't expect you to be so ...kinky."Ari closed her mouth as the little girl guided her backwards to sit on her own bed, and lifted each leg in turn to unzip and peel away her boots. Tender lips pressed against the skintight rubber pantlegs and rosebudded her bare toes as the boots were discarded, and clever, ticklish fingernails skittered along the arch of her feet until she was laughing and pleading for mercy. Ari decided that the mousekin definitely wasn't a sub; she was something better. She was a selfless little girl, or selfish in being the one to provide the pleasure. She wouldn't just let herself be used; she insisted on it. Her minuscule hand pressed firmly in Ari's belly to lay her down while she drew the long, long crotch zipper that split Ari's pants almost to the back, and she fold the teeth of the zipper away from Ari's skin ever so carefully before she buried her face and hands between the catgirl's thighs. She didn't even gasp a complaint when Ari threw her heavy calves over her shoulders and squeezed her head, or when Ari rolled them both over in a quick wrestling move and drowned her in the comforter.Ari, for her part, just stared just stared down and purred contentedly, rocking and rubbing as she felt the urge but letting the mousekin do most of the work.Despite a quarter-hour of turning Ari's insides to warm jelly, Stephie was barely tongue-tied when she stopped to ask, "Is this good for you, Arishika?" Her fingers slipped into the vacancy her mouth had left."It's 'Ari', cheri, and you were teasing me! Not only have you done this before, you're an expert." Ari brushed away a slick curl of hair clinging to Stephi's forehead, and tilted back to give the mousekin a chance to fill her lungs."You're just-" Stephi gasped a breath "-being nice." Her face flushed, and then drained again. "You'd really tell me if you wanted something different?"Ari laughed and patted Stephie's cheek. "Mm-hmm. I don't take my pleasure lightly, cheri. I'd tell you nicely, and if you didn't get the hint-" she sent a current down through Stephie's chest, and the mousekin's tongue spilled out of her mouth and waggled wildly "-I'd show you." Ari giggled, let her head loll back behind her shoulders, and continued breathily. "Tonight, though, you're just what I need without any help at all." She could feel the little mouth smiling as she rocked forward again and pressed her weight down through her pelvis. It took several more minutes before Ari drooped forward over the mousekin's belly to return the favors, but Stephie was stingy - she only allowed Ari to plant a first kiss in the plush of her mound before she crossed her thighs. "No, no." Her tiny voice barely escaped from beneath Ari. "Just relax. Let me entertain you." Still, Ari couldn't be completely obedient, and she left her cheek resting in the saddle of Stephie's Y-shaped crease. She arched her back, pushing her weight back into the girl, and let herself purr. Oh, this was such a delight. And the perfume wafting up to fill her nose... But it wasn't perfume. She breathed deeply and let the scent curl through her nostrils. It was no euphemism to say Stephie smelled sweet. She wasn't acrid like sweat, or bitter like the musk of sex; Stephie smelled like candy. Each breath tickled Ari's memory; she tried to put a name to the smell, but she hadn't had candy in ages. (How could she? she chided herself.) Something sticky; something gooey and buttery. Her mouth began to fill with saliva, and it took the better part of her resolve to stop herself from swiping her tongue up the inside of Stephie's thigh. (Just one taste! Just the tip of my tongue is all I need.) When her stomach began to twist and rumble, though, she had to push herself back up to sitting. She tried to imagine the smell of something else: first rain on concrete ... incense .. gasoline. It didn't help - Stephie's smell seemed to soak the air in the room, and the ache in Ari's belly on grew worse. It wanted something; it needed something, and soon.But Stephie was oblivious, and Ari really was close to climax - her thighs were sweating and trembling - that she could just stick to the regular plan, if she hurried. She nibbled her fingers and pinched her ears to distract herself for just a minute more, until Stephie had brought her right to the brink. It was right, right when orgasm was just another gasp away, right when Ari's muscles were loose and she was soaked with sweat and lubrication; that was the perfect time - the only time it would work, even with someone as small as Stephie. Ari held her breath as she denied herself climax just a second longer to spread her legs and forced herself down over the mousekin's face. Stephie seemed to have known it was coming - she really must have read all those stories online - because she took a deep breath and didn't protest as Ari scooped up the back of her head and forced it into her stretching channel. Ari screamed at the first orgasm.It was only a matter of timing then for Ari, and keeping her wits while the orgasms came as regularly as labor pains. In the gaps between - when her muscles relaxed - Ari crammed the mousekin a few inches more up between her thighs and into her swelling womb. The little dear squirmed to help, and at the end she even pulled her own tail and feet in behind her. She was such a doll; Ari was too spent and distended to have reached, and it was always a bit of mood-killer to have a second tail dangling out of her.Ari sunk back into her comforter while she came down, just groaning in delight and rubbing the slowly-shifting bulge of her belly. This was the closest she got now to the feeling of a deliciously full stomach - the closest she'd been in decades, when she used to bring her classmates over and- No! She'd locked those memories away. This was just a different kind of feeling, and if swollen womb wasn't as ultimately satisfying as a swollen stomach, it was still very, very pleasant - like an orgasm spread thin over several hours. She could feel Stephie squirming in her cramped interior, feel her lungs swell and contract every couple of minutes. Ari didn't know or really care what science let Stephie live and breathe inside her, but the mousekin was alive, if not exactly awake. Ari could feel the current that ran through Stephie's root-system of nerves and ran willy-nilly through her brain - there were lightning flashes that were probably dreams. The strength of her current was orders of magnitude less than Ari's own, of course, but after years of experience she'd found a safe way to tie their currents together and let them mingle. Ari sighed happily. It was an intimate experience, being attached that way to another creature. Strange feelings, strong emotions, even foreign memories could slip across that link and bubble up in the back of Ari's mind. For her it was almost like another kind of sex; she'd never heard any of her occupants complaining, either.Ever so carefully, with her hands stretching down to cradle the bulge spilling out over her pelvis, Ari sat up and waddled to the bath suite joining her room, where a warm soaking pool already waited for her. Little jets swirled fresh, hot water into the pool in irregular pulses. Ari only had to finish the job Stephie had started, peeling away the last of her stage clothes, before she stepped in and let the warm water rise over her. She hooked her shoulders over the edge so she couldn't slip under, felt the warmth soak into her muscles, and let her eyes drift close as Stephie's thoughts bubbled against her mind like the little hot pulses.- By the time her fingers and toes had turned pruney, Ari knew Stephie from the inside out. Not the details, of course - that would take years - but she could see Stephie's emotional landscape. She knew what made her laugh, what scared her, what turned her on. She'd let her mind steep in the mousekin's, experiencing without analyzing. While she'd soaked, that gnawing hunger in her stomach had retreated again, shriveled back into those bad memories she kept buried deep inside, where sometimes she could forget them, at least for a little while. She was content. Even better, the beginnings of a song were flitting through her head now - nothing solid, just a few folky phrases with a catchy rhythm, but it was a promising start It had been months at least since she'd lifted a good idea from one of her one-night-lovers, but Stephie was special; she'd known that from the beginning, hadn't she? Ari shifted in the pool tub and watched her tail swirl at the surface of the water. Her bulging belly floated her hips up from the bottom of the pool; she rubbed the stretched skin and felt Stephie stir. There were more songs tucked away in the mousekin, she was sure - songs even Stephie didn't know she knew - but Ari didn't have time for that now. Well, not unless she ate her. She could just stretch her jaw wide, just like she had her pelvic channel, and swallow that sweet girl down so gently she wouldn't mind at all. She'd have everything she could get from the mousekin in the few hours it took to digest her...Merde! What was wrong with her? Ari hadn't had this much trouble controlling her thoughts since... well, since her last good record. Her stomach gurgled. She had to be done with this mousekin before she did something really foolish, but now the memory of Stephie's scent was tickling her's brain. Maybe if she just had a taste. A different kind of taste, but...Suddenly in a hurry, Ari yanked the chain for the drain. The water level fell quickly - the whole floor could drain when she needed it to - but she couldn't wait; she began to push. Out was easier than in, but Stephie wouldn't be helping now, and now Ari was in a rush. She groaned as she squeezed, and didn't even give herself time to build up or enjoy the outbound orgasm, so it just kind of hurt. As soon as one of the mousekin's arms fell free she reached and pulled her out with a messy, squelching sound. Stephie plopped down into the inch of water still draining through the floor of the pool and laid there in that same daze they always had, limp and sluggish and disoriented. Ari sat crosslegged behind her, pulled the girl into her lap, and began to lick her clean. Her stomach gurgled. Beneath the taste of her own fluids, she could just make out a bit of flavor in the girl's skin and hair - she was vaguely sweet, like her scent, and vaguely ...vanilla-y? Ari's tongue wasn't made for grooming like her full-cat cousins - hers was flat and smooth and slick - but she couldn't help herself from licking the same patches of skin and hair again and again, even after they were clean. Mmmmm.. Behind Stephie's ears, along her neck and under her chin, down her chest... Ari buried her face in the shallow valley between the mousekin's tiny breasts and inhaled deeply. She could feel her stomach churning - her long-dormant stomach- Caramel! That's what it was the mousekin smelled of: caramel! She swiped her tongue up the girl's sternum for confirmation."What are you doing?" Stephie asked, still half-dazed.That was Ari's cue to stop, mid-swipe, and hide her embarrassed grin. While the mousekin stretched, she scooped Stephie up into her arms and carried her back into her main room, toward the sunken bed. "It will be time to for you to go back to your world soon, cheri, before we shift the phase door. But there's still a little time, and you were such a sweetie I wanted to give you a little thank you present." Ari lowered Stephie into the comforter, then settled in beside her, letting her fingertips and long nails drift along the curves of the mousekin's back. Her hand slipped down over the girl's hip and between her thighs. She licked her lips.Stephie squirmed. "Oh no, you don't have to do that.""Shush. I want to do that, and I want to do it -now-. If I hear any more argument out of you, I'll just have to tie you up and gag you, and then I'll be able to do whatever I want to you, won't I?" Ari was surprised to see Stephie smile shyly before glancing away. "Oh, would you like that?" Stephie shrugged, and meant yes."I see." She could spare a moment for that. Ari only had to stretch back to the edge of the bed to feel for and find the wad of satin she kept there, which she shook out into a half-dozen strips. With quick, practiced movements, she wrapped Stephie's wrists together above her head, thumb-tucked the tail of the strip, and led it up over the pillows to tie off to the bars of her headboard. She prowled back on all fours, slitted eyes fixed on Stephie, to steal a kiss from the mousekin's lips. It was just a quick one; she was already starting to get too attached - after all, once she sent the mousekin back through the portal, she'd never see her again. "Any last words before the gag, cheri? And don't tell me not to go down on you, or I'll make you regret it." She winked."Then definitely don't go down there!" Stephie giggled, then turned her head to stay Ari's hand a moment longer. "Really, though - take your time, Arishika. I know you have schedules to keep, but I'm in no hurry to go home. If I miss that window... well, I'll figure it out. Maybe you can hire me for your crew." She smiled, embarrassed but hopeful. "Oh, wait, there is one other thing." She nibbled her lips. "Yes, cheri?" Ari's hand hovered just above the mousekin's mouth. Maybe she shouldn't have offered her last words. Saliva was pooling between her tongue, forcing her to swallow."Can you dress like last night? The boots at least? If I'm going to be tied up... well, you looked so ...wicked." Ari cackled as she stuffed the fold of silk into Stephie's mouth. "Wicked, hmm? You like your Arishika with a dark streak, do you?" She tied the gag tightly in place, then poked Stephie's nose. "Wait right here."Ari slipped from the edge of the bed, and Stephie's neck craned to follow her for as long as she could. Ari left last night's boots and pants on the floor where the mousekin had discarded them; they still reeked of sweat, and now that she was home she had a whole closet to choose from. Still, she didn't want to waste time - not while she was in a mood. Her eyes flicked around the room, and her fingers brushed along rows of clothes until they felt leather.A few minutes later the clacking of heels announced Ari's return to the foot of the bed. Stephie lifted her head; her eyes went wide, then crinkled happily. Ari had slipped into a pair of knee-high PVC boots and matching gloves, and she'd tied up her long black hair into the same high ponytail she'd had the night before, and thrown on some dark makeup just for effect. She barely wore anything else - just this leather harness that was meant to go over a white catsuit (which laid in a crinkled heap on the floor of her closet at the moment). The harness did little more than pinch her ribs and squeeze her breasts together, leaving her belly and hips completely bare - that is, leaving them room to expand. She knelt on the bed, giving Stephie time to look her over, time to get just a little nervous, and then grabbed the mousekin's ankles. She wasn't particularly gentle when she threw Stephie's legs open, or slow or discrete with her lips and fingers. If Stephie wanted a domme, she could play that role easily, especially now that she'd forced her appetite to wait. The mousekin gasped at the suddenness of it, and yelped when Ari nipped at the skin inside her thigh. Soon, though, she was mewling and arching her back and clutching at the comforter and giving Ari all the cues she needed.Ari cheated only a little, too, sending charges up through her tongue that enhanced what Stephie felt, followed by dampeners that kept her from getting too close to orgasm. Since she was the domme, she would decide just when and how Stephie was done. Beside, now that she had tasted more than just the mousekin's neck - she'd kissed her lips and... her lips, she couldn't stop. She loved the taste of caramel. She filled her mouth with Stephie and sucked and nibbled and licked as if the girl were candy. Ari had always loved the taste. It was like a mellow, tenor horn playing holiday songs. Half a memory came to her, a vague perception of winter vacation from school, and a belly stuffed with candy ...and a girl she'd met at school. The girl was still squirming through the mush of candy in Ari's belly. Ari hadn't known it was wrong then - her dad hadn't ever told her what happened to her classmates when she ate them. She just knew that it felt so good. Nothing - not even a stuffed womb, felt like a fully belly. Maybe...It was an awful thought, but it stuck in her mind anyway. Almost apologetically, Ari redoubled her efforts between Stephie's legs, causing the mousekin to moan and grunt through her gag. But all that did was fill Ari's mouth with more of Stephie's flavor, which made her tongue all the more eager... The last of Ari's discipline was circling the drain in the flood of pheremones and hormones. She pushed the girl harder. When Stephie finally screamed through her orgasm, Ari pounced up from between her thighs to her face and neck. Her impatient gloved fingers slid the gag from Stephie's mouth to cover her eyes. She ripped out the wad of saliva-soaked silk and flung it away, then shoved her tongue into its place before Stephie had a chance to gasp, "Ari, that was amaz-" They kissed long enough that both of them began to draw heavy breaths through their noses. For Ari, it was decided."You taste like caramel, cheri." Ari licked her lips."I do?" With her eyes covered, Stephie looked so innocent and helpless. "You taste like strawberries and peanut butter to me."Ari snickered. "Are you really in no hurry to get back, my sweet Stephie? No one's going to come looking for you if you don't go home? I can keep you for as long as I want? Even forever?"The mouse-girl's hands twitched, but she nodded."Gooood...."- Stephie opened her mouth to speak, but felt a gloved finger press against her lips. "Shh, cheri", she heard Ari hiss as the catgirl withdrew between her legs. "Don't say anything."And then Stephie's toes slipped into something wet and warm. It felt sort of like last night, when Arishika had stuffed her up inside her womb. She'd read about that, but couldn't believe it was actually possible; it felt so warm and snuggly and comfortable in there, even if she had been balled up like a load of laundry. She couldn't remember the details - it got hazy after she had pulled her feet in, but it was like the memory of sex and a personal Arishika concert rolled into one, like Ari had been singing her the songs from her childhood.But this felt different, almost like she was being pulled as much as pushed. Maybe it was just that she wasn't already swamped in Ari's fluids, or maybe it was the way Ari'ss claws felt inside those gloves. Maybe it had something to do with all of the currents of electric pleasure she felt shooting up through her legs. She squirmed - her ankles were clutched as tight together as her wrists, and already her thighs had been lifted from the bed to feed to Ari's belly. Stephie moaned happily, and let her body go limp so Ari could maneuver her however she needed. The ring of wet warmth traveled up past her legs, over her hips.-When Yris poked her head into the room, it was done with caution. The 'coon knew better than to disturb Ari when she was with a lover, but the schedules were her real boss. "Ari, honey? It's already six."Ari answered by dropping her head back into the comforter and going back to rubbing her fingers over her distended belly. She liked the way the gloves felt between her fingertips and her own skin, and thought about wearing them more often, just because. Bits and pieces of dozens of songs crowded her head like happy party-goers."Ari! You gotta wrap it up, honey - let her out and clean her up. The clock's ticking! Beside, it always takes you an hour or two to get your tummy back tight, and we have this lycra thing we want you try on.""No.""No?""No. I'm keeping this one for awhile. She's not coming out - not yet.""But your costume... And your concert!""I'm sure we'll find something that's more accommodating. That's what money is for, isn't it? Beside, I think my fans will be interested to see some confirmation of all the rumors, don't you? I'll play just like this.""I... if it's that important to you...""It is. But... mon coeur?"Yris' head popped back through the door, and she was smiling again. That nickname always got her. "Yes, honey?""Send in that recording engineer of yours in a few minutes, okay?"Ari watched her manager grin brightly before she closed the door behind her, then sat up to wrap her arms around the squirming bundle of flesh in her belly. She wouldn't let her little cheri out - not until she had a nice adjoining suite prepared for her off her bedroom, anyway. Of course she couldn't bring herself to eat the little mousekin, but the fact that she came so close... and after so long without temptation... It was a feeling she hadn't felt in years; it made her feel alive, it made her lust. Maybe it made her love, but that wasn't a term she could use lightly. Either way, she could be forgiven for keeping this little mousekin around to tempt her, to torture her tongue and belly - as long as it sold records. |
A Predator/Prey Relationship As much as he assumed otherwise when it happened, Will made the best decision of his life entering his apartment-mate’s room without knocking. Will was a high-school student, a senior. He was part of the environmentalist club at his high school. He was a good student, got great grades, and he was even getting a scholarship for him to pursue a career in engineering in order to help the environment. He was somewhat lanky with short brown hair that was slightly poofy, and slightly tanned skin. He wanted to help his planet, but that didn’t mean he was completely against stuff like electricity and the like. He just preferred alternate sources, like solar, wind, among others. He was hoping to make them more efficient and cost-effective once he got his college degree. His parents felt he was ready to live on his own, as he had a part-time job at a nearby laboratory as an assistant. So he lived in an apartment, but part-time can only afford you so much. So Will lived with a woman named Jackie. Jackie was a college student, a sophomore, age twenty. She had light skin, freckles, long, straight red hair, and a rather chubbier body. Jackie was more right-brained than Will, as she was pursuing culinary arts. So that meant business and cooking classes at college. She did well, and she was on her way to getting her degree in business to follow her dreams. She was lazy at times, though, and pair that with a passion for food, and that left her with a soft body. But it was fine. The two got along, and each helped cover rent. However, one day, Will had a half-day at school. So he came home around noon. He entered the apartment, putting his backpack near the door. He heard noises from the back. He raised an eyebrow. He’d invited some friends over…did Jackie already invite them in? He shrugged. Wonder what they were doing…? Will headed back to Jackie’s room, which appeared to be the origin. He opened the door. “Hey, what are you up to, Ja…” Will stared upward at Jackie, dumbfounded. There, kneeling on her bed, was Jackie. She was shirtless, moaning as she had her head tilting back, slurping up two legs like noodles. Her stomach was bulging. She looked pregnant, except there was squirming inside. Looked like two or three people in there… Oh, and did I mention Jackie happened to be a miniature giantess? Scientifically called a Homo Arafalus, these new species of human had become more common, but were still a sight to see, making up approximately .5% of the population. On average, they were twice the size of a regular human. Structurally the same, just…big. This led to a less-than common occurrence: miniature giants eating humans. They were quite easy to swallow, and so they were more commonly eaten. So much so it was now legal…unfortunately for some, fortunately for others. Will stood there silent for a moment as the two looked into each others’ eyes, Jackie blushing deeply like she’d been caught stealing from the cookie jar. The stand-off ended when Jackie swallowed the boy’s legs. Will shook his head to clear his mind before going over. “Jackie, oh my God! Tell me those aren’t my friends!” On cue, Jackie belched. A pair of underwear flew out, hitting Will in the face. He peeled the saliva-soaked briefs off, looking at them before looking to her. “These are Ryan’s! You did eat my friends!” (Don’t bother asking why Will could tell whose underwear it was…) Jackie let her hand rest on her belly. “…well…I let them in…and one thing led to another…” She sighed, looking down. Will put his hands on his hips. “Come on, Jackie, there’s food in the fridge! Why would you possibly resort to that?” Will paced as he rubbed his temple. Jackie turned, sitting on the edge, cradling her squirming gut. She sighed. “Will? I have…I have to confess something.” Will stopped and looked at her, a bit concerned. She seemed more down than she should. “What is it?” Jackie played with her belly, searching for the words she wanted to say. “…I…I really like eating people, Will. I’ve eaten people since I was in high-school. Initially, it was more troublesome…but I’ve improved! I even got something to reform people so they won’t be so mad!” She showed off a watch. “I use this…it’s designed to take anyone I eat’s DNA and help give them a new body…granted, it takes time, but at least I’m not having friends and family show up…” She felt herself. “…that made me fat for a while. Now, I have to eat someone once a day…I can’t help it…” She seemed ashamed, embarrassed, even. Will was blushing visibly as he listened to Jackie talk, sitting down as she continued. “You’ll never truly know how it feels…people taste so good…they feel amazing going down and being curled up inside…I just want to binge on people all day…” She reached forward and picked up Will, putting him on her lap. Will was concerned at first, but Jackie simply took his wrist and pressed his hand into her belly. “…feel it.” Will hesitated, but then started to slowly rub Jackie’s belly. He felt his friends inside, causing bulges and contours in the otherwise cool, smooth skin. A second hand joined the first as he rubbed more. Jackie gave a little smile. “…and…since this appears to be confession time…I might as well admit I find you attractive.” Will couldn’t help but smile. His hands slowly graced her belly, starting from the bottom, slowly working up to the very top of it (well, as far as he could reach up it from his position). “…well…I feel like neither of these things will be much of a problem…” He stood on the bed, still having to tilt his head up slightly to look into her eyes. “After all, you say they’ll be okay…” He then leaned up against her belly, letting a hand caress her breast, making Jackie blush heavily. “…plus, I also find you very attractive…guess I’ve got a thing for big girls…” Jackie grinned, pulling Will into a cradled position. “Thanks, Will…why don’t we go and see just how attractive we find each other?” Will nodded in agreement as Jackie climbed off the bed, going into Will’s room. She put him down on the bed, and the two began stripping. Will was careful to throw his clothes into a pile away from Jackie’s, since her clothes would drown his, and it’d take a bit to find them. Will lay down on the bed as Jackie determined how she would actually get on his bed. He finally decided to put one leg over his bed, straddling it somewhat, before placing her hands in front of her and pushing up. She lifted herself up a bit to fit her legs on either side of Will, bumping her head a moment on the ceiling. She groaned and rubbed her head, brushing out some of the flakes of paint and drywall that fluttered down out of her hair. She then grinned at Will, one hand gently teasing his member. “Let’s do this~” She then shifted forward, causing his cock to slide into her sex with a gentle moan. There wasn’t quite as much movement on Jackie’s end during the sex. Sure, she thrusted forward a little, but she held herself back, not wanting to hurt Will. He made up for it by slamming himself deep into her roughly, doing the work for the two of them. Even at their size difference, they both had their share of pleasure. Will’s hands went to the only place they could: Jackie’s still squirming belly. The prey inside were all wondering just what was going on out there and were now acting up, causing bulges and wobbling on the titanic gut. Jackie panted, her prey only pleasuring her further, causing her to play with some of her hair as time went on. Will guided his hands along her belly, feeling the soft, yet firm nature of it, the chaotic change it had with the prey…it was all so amazing to him. His feet were left behind Jackie, occasionally rubbing her rump. The two went at it for a long time, their pleasured moaning turning into cries of pleasure and love for one another, and eventually, a simultaneous shout as they both climaxed. Jackie pulled out, laying down atop Will in an after-glow, keeping Will safe from being crushed between her breasts. She panted softly, smiling down at her house-mate. He smiled back, feeling that her stomach had shrunk over time somewhat. He kissed her cheek, and she gave him a kiss, careful not to pull his head in her mouth from it. Will then hugged onto her as she re-positioned herself on her back, leaving Will atop her as they cuddled. Will smiled at her. “Well, Jackie…now that all this has happened…I suppose it wouldn’t be outrageous to share a room.” She giggled. “Indeed…it’s kinda cramped in here. We can’t keep hitting my head on the ceiling every time we want to do it.” She got up, stretching, leaving Will sitting on her shoulder and breast. “Anyways…anything you want to do now?” Will rubbed his chin. “…there is a friend of mine I’d like to tease a bit…” --- Miles was someone who happened to share a class with Will. Specifically robotics. He was also a senior, younger than will by a month. He had messy blonde hair, hazel eyes, and glasses, as well as some pale skin. He was currently at home, playing video games. A few weeks back, Will happened to snag a look at Miles’s phone while he was using it, noticing he was looking at…certain pictures. He teased him in private, saying he’d keep it private. Miles assumed that would be the end of it. But now, weeks later, that discovery was coming to a fruition. Miles heard his front door open, and he paused the game, a bit confused. He wasn’t expecting any company, and he was home alone since his mother was away. He turned around to look at the door and blinked as he watched Jackie squeeze through the door with Will following. Thankfully the doorways in his home were a bit bigger (Miles’s mother was a large woman, not in the same sense of Jackie, however). “Will? What on earth are you…?” Will chuckled. “Miles, meet my new girlfriend, Jackie.” Miles glanced to her and blushed upon seeing her belly, which, while smaller than it was hours prior, still was plump with some remnants of prey she’d reformed back at their apartment. Will rubbed Miles’ head. “She shares a common interest with you…take a guess which it is?” Miles blushed deep red. “Will, you’re not seriously-” Will cut him off. “I take it you’ve figured out what’s about to occur.” Miles turned around to get up off the couch, but glanced up as he saw Jackie had made her way over and was now reaching down to pick up the boy. He squirmed in her grasp as she walked with Will back into the first bedroom they found. Jackie tossed Miles onto the bed, having stripped him like a candy bar on the way, and headed over. Miles started getting up when he saw what was coming for him, blushing and stopping in shock. He was then squished down onto the bed as Jackie sat down on him. She’d opted to wear a skirt for this, as it provided easy access to her ass and allowed her to go without panties. Now Miles was gone from sight, trapped under her rear. Will climbed up on Jackie’s lap, chuckling. “Enjoying him?” Jackie nodded, gasping a little. “Oh, yes…seems he’s accepted it at this point, judging by how he’s decided to spend his efforts…” Will tilted his head, and she winked. “I’ll tell you later, you might get jealous if I said.” She then pulled her lover in and began making out with him, pulling in Miles over time. It took a good few minutes before she stood. Miles had vanished, not on the bed anymore. Jackie rubbed her gut, which now had bulged again, albeit less than when she had so many prey inside. She smacked her gut. “Don’t worry, you’ll reform. We’ll be back another day to do this again…try and escape it, and we’ll just capture you, and you can be my butt pet at home, instead.” She then left the home with Will, off to find more people to fill the hungry girl’s belly. |
“I’m telling you, Miles, you need to start pumping iron. I can’t always be there to eat the faces of people who feel the need to put you in your place.” A calloused purple hand slammed roughly against his hair, ruffling it lightly. The lizard didn’t even have to reach up; she was tall enough that he barely came up to her belly button. The blonde scowled and continued to shuffle his feet. “You know I’m not one for physical activity, Susie.” Miles complained, blushing at the patronizing touch. Once she let go he shook his head, letting his hair fall back to its usual position, bangs just cutting off before covering his half-fogged glasses. “I’m not built for it. I can take care of myself, you know.” “You squealed and made me come over to kill a spider, dweeb. I mean, it saved me from having to make a snack, but it was still tiny. Here, try this.” She swung her backpack around and left one strap hanging on her wrist. The leather pouch was about the same size as Miles, and just as heavy. She didn’t carry any books or notes in it; instead, the bag was filled with the pieces of her battleaxe, the blade separated from it but ready to be reapplied at the soonest need. She tended to use the pole for bench pressing. Miles took it in his hand and the bag immediately slammed towards the ground, dragging him down with it. He let out a girlish yelp, and mere inches away from hitting the cement Susie’s claws dug into his shirt and held him up, leaving the bag to hit with a loud crash. He shuddered as she casually lifted him back to his feet. “Okay…” She huffed, disappointment clear in his tone. “Start with cardio. At least get tough enough to run away before something steals you for itself.” As she pulled the heavy door to the gym open, her mouth ticked up into a sharp grin, her eyes becoming shadowed by hanging hair. Her terrifying glare had softened into something a bit more humored, a bit more teasing, since their adventure, but the implied threat still hovered. Miles tried to ignore the heat between his legs and found himself cowed into silence. He followed behind sheepishly, averting his eyes from the buff monsters he could see pumping iron. His eyes locked on Susie’s swishing tail as she snarled under her breath at the attendant. She pushed the device to scan a membership card out of the way. “He’s with me, and you’re not gonna mess with him, right?” The swirly-eyed monster’s mouth fell open in visible fear. Miles did his best to give her an apologetic smile, but he silently stepped past her. “I thought you said you had a membership here?” The human asked, sarcasm clear in his voice. The reptile was still in her intimidating mode, and she merely leaned down, giving him a clear view past her chalk-stained teeth, parted slightly so she could snarl without compromise. She huffed out a heavy, meaty breath right over his face, one that made his nose wrinkle. “I said that I come here, dweeb.” She corrected him, a tiny grin sneaking past the corners of her sneer. “Don’t give it too much thought. If they give you trouble, I sharpened my axe this morning. I’m off to lift weights.” As she walked away even a chuckle, Miles felt his hands shuddering. Even though Susie had grown on him as they worked to get back home, and vice versa, she was no less intense. Once she was out of earshot, he let out a heavy sigh. “Of course that’s where you were instead of class this morning…” His gaze turned towards the long line of treadmills on the opposite side of the corridor that Susie went down. Thankfully, there was only one treadmill currently whirring. It was the one in the corner that was his blindspot, but he found himself thankful that he wouldn’t be the center of attention as he sputtered and tried to push himself past his limits. As he finally turned the corner, he locked eyes with the person on the whirring treadmill. The heavy feline hadn’t noticed him yet, her black hair fluttering as she sputtered and pushed herself to keep going, her lavender fur matted in places as her clothes rode up and rubbed her oddly. Her entire body seemed to be inflating and deflating as she panted, pushing herself beyond her limits. Miles found his eyes locked on her swaying gut, which seemed to slosh audibly as it jerked up and down. Her short shorts didn’t help at all, being rolled down thanks to the motion, but the feline hadn’t noticed. Sheepishly, the blonde boy took the treadmill opposite her on the back row, trying to keep his mind focused on the need for cardio. He always grew red in the face when Catty, or as she called herself, his “Aunt Catty,” stopped by for pie or conversation, and seeing her completely in her element, glistening with the fruits of a heavy workout, pushed his mind into places that he wasn’t quite prepared to let himself go to- especially not while wearing such flexible sweatpants! He pressed the button on the treadmill and started off slow, breaking into a light job as he finally pushed it up to a decent speed. Within only a couple of minutes he felt his lungs getting tight and sweat pooling on his forehead. Susie was right, he realized as his calves began to burn from the effort, and for a moment he was tempted to turn the machine back to a more manageable speed. But as his hand reached towards the handles for stability, he heard a heavy groan from the other side of the room. His legs began moving autonomously as he craned his head over to see what was happening, the pain in his lungs pushed aside for just a moment. Catty’s entire body was glistening with sweat as she placed a hand on her gut, her mouth turning into a dissatisfied scowl. Her free hand reached over to the panel and she clicked it three times, each one increasing the speed further. By the time her hands moved to her sides again she was going even faster than Miles had been, her heavy ass slapping together with every single movement of her legs. The blonde found it hard to focus with the sight of a family friend so lost in effort. Her shirt had rolled up significantly, exposing her massive sagging tummy, the fur around her belly button matted from sweat. The fabric had bunched up underneath her tits, but it was so soaked with her sweat that it was almost transparent. Miles tried his best to avert his eyes once he discerned the contours of her swaying tits, but he couldn’t bear to look away. He felt his loins beginning to stir, and the momentary embarrassment of being sussed out for such lewdness was a fair price to the show in front of him. He watched the purple feline continuing to push herself, her entire body shuddering and swaying with all of her flab. He felt his mind wander. If she put this much effort into working out, and had this much endurance… how was she still so wonderfully plush? He watched, almost in slow motion, as Catty’s mouth stretched open, her fangs palling away from one another, tinted slightly yellow from years of indulgence. He saw the jagged spikes atop her tongue just before her tongue curled back towards her throat. At this angle, he couldn’t quite see her uvula swaying as she moved, but if he moved a little in her direction… He saw her throat bulge just as he lost his balance, his feet freezing in place as her jaw began to quake from the explosive release of gas that emerged from her. It almost seemed to have its own atmosphere, warping the air in front of her with a rancid sort of brew, staining it with the stench of half-digested hamburgers and pizza. Miles got the slightest whiff of it before his shoulder slammed into the treadmill and it quickly shot him away, leaving the stunned boy to crumble between it and the wall. As his hands reached up to check that his glasses were alright, he finally let his eyes open, only to lock them with the swaying purple cleavage of Catty just above his face, as the feline nudged him with her paw. “Oh my gosh, Miles, I didn’t release that you were working out, too!” Her airy voice pierced the fog and embarrassment in his head. “We should totally be workout buddies, so I can stop you from falling like that. You shouldn’t go that fast if you’re not used to working out!” Miles could smell her sweat from his place on the ground, a salty musk scented with hints of various forms of fast food, the slightest hint of raunch adding an extra spice. He took a deep breath, trying to commit it to memory, but not helping the slight bulge in his pants in going down. The feline snorted as she caught his blush. “Oh no! I knew I should’ve stopped to brush my teeth before getting started on a run, but the taste was so good I just wanted to savor it.” She admitted. The human let out a sigh of relief that she hadn’t pieced it together, and he grabbed her hand once she extended it, and let her yank him up. When it came down to it, she was much stronger than her physique suggested; Miles was inadvertently pushed against her sweat-soaked stomach just long enough to get a whiff of her, and that made him zone out even more. “Like, dude, are you alright? You didn’t hit your head when you tripped, did you?” Miles shook his head adamantly. Catty’s hair bounced as she returned his nod. “That’s super relieving. Hey, I’m pretty beat. Would you be up to stop by and have a movie marathon? Don’t worry. I think you’ve worked out plenty, given how hard you’re breathing.” Miles didn’t even hesitate with a fervent nod, which made Catty giggle with a confident sort of pride. “Talk about awesome! Are you ready to go now? I can carry you if your legs are cramping.” She snickered as Miles sheepishly raised his arms. Thankfully, the lavender cat refrained from further teasing at his expense in public and scooped him up, her big hands covering him easily. He found himself pressed against her soft sweat-soaked coat, his own workout clothes siphoning away some of it for him to enjoy. It was surprisingly cooling, and although he was tempted to try to taste it, he was too sheepish to take the risk. With his head buried protectively in her bosom, Miles could feel his feline friend beginning to walk out of the gym. He closed his eyes as she swung the door open and stepped onto the street, and her mouth went into overdrive. “...So, like, anyways, can you believe that Bratty chose to talk to me that way! Talk about super rude. I can’t stand it when people talk smack about me. You’ll tell me if you here anything, r-right?” Miles snapped awake just as she set him down, just cogent enough to piece together whatever her latest tangent had been. “O-Of course I will, Catty.” He affirmed, his face longed to be caressed by her fur again. He realized that he had never seen the inside of her house just as she stepped out of view. The place was small, but relatively clean barring a few heavy stains on the carpet. For someone as blubbery as Catty, he had earnestly expected it to be more of a pigsty, but she managed to keep it well-maintained (or perhaps her sister did it for her). The smell of vanilla was just barely inlaid with the same scent of old fast food layered into her sweat. He drank it in before his attention was once again drawn to Catty as she sauntered back in, her tank top still wrinkled in a number of places. Her short-shorts had been outright replaced by a large pair of boxers, still tight enough to show off the jiggly curves that she did possess. She threw herself down on the sofa, which was already imprinted with her outline, but Miles still found himself bouncing upwards as she pushed the couch deeper into the floorboards. The human let out an excited yelp at the sudden shift, and he stared at her with a wide grin at the revelation of just how heavy she was. The feline paid him no mind as she casually fished the remote from the cushion under her, and clicked the television on. “So, what sort of movie do you want to binge? Anything but, like, scary stuff.” “W-Whatever you w-want…” Miles sputtered out, his eyes once again locking on her tummy. As she reclined further over the armrest over the sofa, stretching herself so that her thick soles rested against his thigh. The motion pushed her shirt back up underneath her breasts once again exposing the outlines of a pair of tits that were, to the human across the sofa, perfect; she absentmindedly scratched her bare stomach, her fingernails sharp enough to leave clear patterned lines through her fur. “Awesome, I totally need to work up an appetite, so let’s watch something about food.” Miles didn’t have the heart to correct her about their movie marathon. As soon as the schlocky rock music began to play over the obviously too salty food on the screen, Catty was drooling. His eyes locked on the triangular gap into her maw, which occasionally permitted a bead of thick drool to peek out, before being ignorantly slurped back up by the feline. By the time that the first dish was being plated, Catty’s groaning tummy began to move back and forth rhythmically. Without the risk of his ogling being noticed, Miles’ attention immediately drifted back to the chunky cat in front of him. He carefully snuck the remote from the sofa and turned the television down with the intention of helping her sleep, but without the additional ambience he was able to discern a maternal rumble from just above her belly button. The sound of her purring brought his own exhaustion to the forefront. He cleared his throat as a test, and Catty remained just as asleep as she had been. Emboldened, he slowly inched towards her, sneaking between her parted legs. A twitch or two made him freeze in fear of being caught, but the second she went back to snoring he pushed himself forward. Before long, he managed to push up to her gut, and he gingerly laid his ear against her pillowy flesh. In an instant, a veritable symphony of churns and gurgles filled his head, the perfect lullaby for him. Beneath it all were the twin constants of her heartbeat and her rumbling purr, which served to drag him under before he even realized it. He stirred feeling vastly better than he ever had, and he laid for a number of minutes lost in perfect placidity; through the rumbles and roars he barely managed to keep himself conscious. Slowly, he came back to himself, and felt a thick arm coiled around his chest, squeezing him like a stuffed animal. He instinctively tensed, and froze; a bright blush exploded over his face, and he must’ve twitched out of fear of discovery. Catty’s arms loosened their grip, and he gazed up to look at her face. To his surprise, her eyes were open and staring down at him, a bemused smile wide enough to show off her fangs. “Oh my gosh, you got cold too, right? I don’t mind if you needed it. My sister totally thinks that it’s cooler to wear long sleeves and mope around, can you believe that?” “I-Is she coming back today?” Miles asked. The younger feline scared him, and her sharp ways of putting things always made him feel like he had said something too far. She was a far difference from the eager bubbliness of the older sister, one that made the blonde feel constantly welcome. Of course, he also didn’t have a crush on the goth cat, but that was neither here nor there. “She’s totally out of town until tomorrow, I’m like, gonna be able to cook what I want tonight, it’s gonna be so awesome!” Miles hummed in agreement, only to notice a glint in the feline’s eyes that he had never seen before. He slowly lifted himself up to sit across from her, and their eyes slowly drifted to the television once again. It had puttered about without them, and was now circling an incredibly large cake, perfectly frosted and layered with fruits and other desserts. Catty trilled at the sight, but her attention was shifted by the need to yawn. She sucked in a heavy breath and raised her arms above her head, her whole body stretching as she meowed the exhaustion away. The human was almost instantly compelled to mimic her. Once the exhaustion faded from him too, he realized with a great deal of shock that Catty’s plum nipples had bounced free; her stretch had pulled the tank top too far, and it rested in a loose clump like a collar around her neck. The valley cat hadn’t seemed to notice. Her mouth was still agape at the confection on the screen. Miles couldn’t take his eyes away from her heavy swaying melons, and the fat nipples that seemed like perfect spouts for milk. Catty’s stomach rumbled, a monstrous demand for food that even drew the usual empty-headed feline’s attention. She gazed down at her stomach, only to realize that her shirt had ridden up far beyond her already lax standards. She followed her fur down, only to catch Miles’ enraptured gaze. He quickly averted his eyes, apology on his tongue for ogling her, giving her plenty of time to fix her appearance. However, by the time that he was finally comfortable to look back at her, Catty wasn’t even wearing the shirt. She had merely peeled it off and tossed it onto the floor in front of her, her sweat-marked fur now completely free to air out. She shuffled back, letting her heavy breasts shudder in clear view of the human. “Like, that’s such a shame, I totally lost my shirt on accident…” She mumbled, a knowing grin on her face. She met his eyes, and she adjusted again so that her legs moved to seize the rest of the sofa from him, directing him to climb back up onto her. “Now I’m gonna get so cold…” The invitation was clear, and Miles all but scrambled upwards to lay with her. Her hand seized him to help him up, and she clasped the back of his head and pressed him forward in between her cleavage. The blonde tensed, and he tried and failed to stifle an erection at being so thoroughly smothered. Only once he had wasted all of the oxygen in his lungs on snorting her musk did she finally concede and let him drink in fresh air. As soon as he could breathe again, though, he pressed himself back into her blubber, nuzzling it and planting gracious kisses everywhere that he could, though carefully avoiding touching her nipples just in case that was too far. Catty went back to watching her show as he continued to pay attention to her body. That was, until the credits rolled, and the lavender feline no longer had a distraction from her growing hunger. However, she was still too lazy to move. “Miles, it’d be totes amazing if you’d be willing to make me something to eat. I’m still pooped from our workout earlier.” She whined. “If you do, I’d like, let you slurp my nipples…” She bit her lip. The temptation was too much to bear; the blonde almost instantly looked up for confirmation, and once it was given he planted a loving kiss on each of her freckled breasts before sprinting into the kitchen and manically fishing ingredients from wherever he could find them. As he fished a heavy pot from a cabinet and placed it onto the stove, he glanced over at the corpulent cat. Her eyes occasionally darted over to him, and she’d give her chest a quick shake before returning her attention to the television. For a moment he lost focus on the pan, his eyes following her down to her shorts, which seemed to be sidling down her thighs, the top of a neat triangle of hair barely peeking out to see him. He would have gazed longer had wisps of smoke from the pan not risen up to stir him to focus. He tossed a stick of butter into the pan and let it melt, before tossing in a half-empty package of mushrooms. He stirred them dutifully, biting his lip to keep himself from sprinting back to worship more of Catty’s plush plumpness. The reward was too great to waste, he kept telling himself. After a moment, he reached over to grab the next ingredient, and turned to face the maternal feline. She was wholly focused on whatever cooking show she was watching, a hand massaging her stomach as she waited on him to finish. He watched, enraptured, as that hand crept down her barrel-gut and between her thighs, just far enough to see the start of her slit. She gave herself a scratch, withdrew her hand, and sniffed her fingers. Just as her nose wrinkled, she caught the blonde watching, and grinned, waving at him with glistening fingers. Miles’ legs felt numb from that display, and he resolved to finish his task as soon as he could. Sauces joined the mushrooms in the pan, along with a package of instant rice, a cup or two of the fattiest chicken broth he had ever seen. He continued to cook it down, eyes staring down at the swelling rice and bubbles that peaked free from them. The longer he could maintain his focus, and ignore the throbbing between his legs, the sooner he could resolve it. He heard footsteps behind him, but tuned him out, squinting his eyes and practically shuddering from the effort. Once they stopped, he let out a sigh of relief from the effort, and reached over to grab some eggs. He cracked four into the stew for good measure, and stirred them into hearty ribbons. The human clicked the stove off and prepared to plate it up for the lavender lady waiting on him, but the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He tensed as a wet breath slammed into the back of his neck. Purple arms reached past him, a bag of cheese in her hands. “Like, you did really good, Miles, but you totally forgot the most important part!” Her breasts pressed against his back as she leaned over him to dump the entire bag into the hot stew, instantly turning it into something more akin to a fondue. “I’ll get a plate.” Miles told her sheepishly, trying to lean back into her embrace without drawing attention to himself. “Dude, don’t worry about that, okay? I’m too tired to worry about washing dishes. I’ll just eat it right here.” She asserted. Miles nodded in understanding but didn’t move. One of her hands rustled his hair, and she sighed as she took a hearty bite of his concoction. The purr in the back of her throat indicated her approval. “This is so good, but it’s totally going to sit hard on my empty stomach. You should definitely rub it for me.” Miles slumped to his knees and brought his hands up to her spare tire of a tummy, slowly feeling her gut slosh with every press of his fingers. He almost felt like he was messing with some sort of clay, leaving small imprints of his palms that soon faded like memory foam. The valley cat spread her legs and pressed forward, trapping him with her tummy. Almost instantly he was hit by a miasma of smells from her, the sweet musk emanating from her sweat, mixed with the intoxicating aroma of arousal, all of which was also touched up by her natural smell, which carried a sort of lemongrass odor. It was the best thing Miles had ever smelled. “Dude, this is so good. I need the recipe.” Catty told him with her mouth full, the sound carrying down and echoing through her gut. “Ugh, but my gut is so totally sticky. You’d be the best if you cleaned it for me.” Her words were spoken so casually that Miles at first didn’t realize what she was saying. He instead adjusted to try and grab a dish towel, but the feline stopped him by leaning further against the counter, her lips smacking loudly with every bite. “You totally have been giving me horny eyes for hours, Miles, don’t act like I can’t see it.” She admonished him, swaying back and forth against him. The human let out a light moan at the impromptu massage from her body, only to suddenly reemerge to the light. He could see a rapidly fading imprint of his face within her blubber, and without the overlike radiance of her lavender fur, he realized just how hot his cheeks were. “I, like, completely love how innocent you want to seem, dude. You can drop the act if you want. All the cuties love to lick my tummy clean. You’re a cutie, aren’t you?” Her usually airiness had waned in favor of a sort of knowing smugness. “Then do what good cuties do, okay?” The tone of her voice made Miles’ wiener positively throb with need. He was already weak-willed, that much was known, but all it took to push him to lewdness was a bit of nudging peer pressure. Sheepishly, and with a few extra meowing taunts from the feline, he slowly extended his tongue and gave her a long lick right over her belly button, leaving a visible streak on her fur. His eyes widened; if the scent of her sweat indicated her diet of fast food, its taste practically radiated it. He could discern slight hints of fried chicken and the special sauce of his favorite burger joint, but the salty taste was deeper than that. In an instant, he was addicted, and he was loyally dragging his tongue over every roll of heft that he could manage. “You know,” she said, as his tongue delved into her deep navel, and he began to lick it clean of its concentrated essence. “I only started going to the gym because someone told me that Bratty was getting buff, and I can’t stand the idea of letting her steal my thunder. I totally think that she’s the one missing out. I heard from a friend of a friend that she, like, called me, Flabby Catty, but she’s totally just jealous!” The conversation was mostly to herself, given that Miles’ mind was entirely directed towards worshipping every nook and cranny he could reach, and her entire tummy was glistening with his saliva. If anything, this would have been just as effective a reward as her breasts. He was gasping for breath but unwilling to take a moment away from the taste of her. He felt her stomach tensing, as she gulped down air, enough for his face to sink into her abyss of a tummy. All of a sudden, she belched; the explosive roar mixing with a pleasured mewl as her entire corpulence shuddered from the effort, the impact spreading like a pebble in water as she jiggled against Miles. The noise went on for almost a full minute, as all of the pent-up air from her messy eating was squeezed out so that she had room for more of the pseudo-risotto. She took a step back so that the human could stretch his legs, and he launched up in front of her mouth. Cockily she opened it and let him stare down her void of a throat, taking in a heavy whiff of her hot, thick breath. “You know.” She intentionally huffed, spraying more of her flavored breath over his face. “My legs are getting tired from standing here, but moving to the sofa would be so exhausting…” She almost mewled. “You’d totally make a super comfortable seat.” That was all of the encouragement Miles needed. He slumped to his knees and let her adjust him to her liking, finally settling on having him lean slightly back with his head staring up at her, a wide grin on his face. She swayed back and forth, before her hands finally snatched both sides of her shorts and wriggled them down without hesitation, until her body was entirely bare. He saw them whizz over his head, and already he could smell her essence. “Oh, I totally forgot! I’m alone, so it’s super fine to be naked.” She told herself, the amusement clear in her voice. In an instant, the light was blotted out by her massive tummy, which sagged above him, before her other leg raised and she adjusted to be hovering perfectly over him. Her slit was practically perfect; a swollen labia visibly dripping with her honey, perfectly framing her wide cunt. She lowered herself onto him, squatting slowly, and pressing more and more weight onto his frame. With a wet schlurk, his nose slid perfectly between her lower lips, and his senses were completely overwhelmed by her superior femininity. The soft, molten heat of her musky minge washed over his face, as he snorted her pussy with all of the affection he could muster. His hands raised to massage her dumptruck of an ass as he wiggled his nose. As she finally let all of her massive weight fall onto her human chair, Miles found all of the fresh air pushed from his lungs, and the only air he could suck in was air heavily steeped in her feline funk. He was worried about snorting some of her thick honey, but somehow every breath that he took was of perfect air, if incredibly humid. Somewhere in the back of his mind he recalled the ways some monsters could use magic, but that wasn’t as important as being the best seat he could be. Miles stuck out his tongue and lapped the best that he could, mostly succeeding in catching the beads of natural lubricant that streaked down his face. He would’ve loved to have been allowed to worship her clit, but the fat bud poked his forehead, just out of reach, and the position made it impossible for his hands to reach. He was a chair for now, and not a pleasure pet, and if Catty had wanted that, she would have adjusted herself in a way that permitted it, he rationed silently. Catty served as his perfect nose warmer for a good few minutes, the only sounds beyond those produced by her body being the occasional sputter from the television or the loud smacks of her guzzling her food. However, after a few moments, she began to ride his face, her slit planting sloppy kisses all over her face as she tried to get comfortable again. “Ugh, this chair doesn’t have enough lumber support, I totally should have known not to sit like this.” She commented to herself, and Miles felt his stomach sink with embarrassment. Even though the feline had admitted her responsibility, he still felt guilty for not being the best seat that he could have been. Nonetheless, he didn’t say a word as she rose from his face, still glistening from smeared slit honey, and moved to adjust him. As she looked in his eyes with a cocky smile, and turned him around, Miles temporarily broke his stillness in order to lurch forward and lick a piece of rice on the corner of her mouth that she had missed. The feline giggled, placing a finger over his mouth to signal she wanted him to return to being a seat, and Miles complied without hesitation. As she returned to a standing position and took a hearty chomp of the almost-entirely eradicated meal, he was slightly behind her, and for a moment he was afraid that she was bored with sitting on him. However, once her gullet was properly stuffed with food, she reached back and parted her massive lavender-furred cheeks, giving the human a clear view of her pulsing plum pucker. Miles slowly inched forward to greet it, beginning a sloppy makeout session with her main exit, his arms wrapping as far around her waistline as he could. Once he was properly in position, she relaxed and squatted backwards, letting her cheeks slam over his body like the last boulders around a tomb, somehow holding him perfectly in place. The human chair continued to slather her hole in his spit, realizing with glee that his crotch was perfectly lined up with her slit. His pants were already soaked with her sopping juices. Every tiny grind against her was like a perfect massage for his mast, and he began to moan into her cavernous colon as he pushed closer and closer to orgasm. He heard the sound of a spoon scraping the empty pot, and realized that she had devoured the entire pot, a meal worthy of at least four people. Her felt her pucker tensing again, and realized with glee what was coming. Just the thought pushed him over the edge, and he further soaked his pants with a thick cumshot, practically squealing with euphoria into her abyss just as the loudest burp he had ever heard exploded from her. Her pucker pulsed against his face as he went limp like a good chair does, before she began to wiggle around. Her cunt soaked up the beads of white that managed to soak completely through his pants, and she shook her ass tauntingly against him. “This has been, like, the best one-pot meal I’ve ever had.” She acknowledged, as she finally climbed off of her seat. Miles moaned cutely at the sudden lack of warm darkness on his face, but once his eyes adjusted he rose to his feet and plodded after her like a puppy as she returned to the couch, and slammed herself down on it. Her tits shook from the effort invitingly, and without even asking again he leapt on top of her, his legs barely reaching her belly button as he curled up on her waterbed of a tummy. Catty absentmindedly grabbed a tit and guided it towards the blonde’s mouth, letting it part his lips without much thought. She hummed quietly as he started to lap and suckle at her teat, trying to coax some nonexistent milk out of her, with the feline calmly massaging his scalp as he worked. Content with how soaked her left breast was with his saliva, she slowly guided the other one into his mouth and sighed as he worshipped her body, his hands continued to roll her tubby tummy back and forth. His eyes were shut and he seemed lost in perfect euphoria. “Do you, like, want to do this forever..?” She asked him, honest warmth coating her voice like honey. “I can show you something totally awesome.” Miles stared up at her with wide, almost pleading eyes, moaning around her mammary in a mumbled encouragement to continue. She let out an almost nervous sigh and tensed. Miles could feel his feet around the edges of her navel, before they were all of a sudden enveloped by a dry heat, like he was being coddled in a heated blanket. He heard her stomach burble excitedly, and he could feel her stomach beginning to puff up and down as she slowed her breathing. The blonde continued to enjoy the sensation as it crept up his ankles, and the numbness replaced the feeling in his toes. His eyes closed, and he felt a great deal of comfort as she caressed and groped his body while he suckled her. All of a sudden, he felt a sharp tug around his ankles, and a momentary pressure before they too went numb. Miles was suddenly yanked downwards, the heat and tightness swamping his knees, and sending a sudden jolt of euphoria along his spine. The sensation was unlike anything he had ever felt, but he could feel something in his mind spark from the raw pleasure. It was already addictive, even in spite of having Catty’s incredible tit ripped from his mouth. He moved to turn around to see what she was doing, but his legs refused to respond to his commands. Instead, he used his hands to rotate his upper body. Once he looked down, he gasped, and for some odd reason a grin took over his face. He couldn’t find his legs. Okay, perhaps that was an exaggeration. He could see where they were supposed to be; on either side of her cavernous navel were two small portals that pulsed with energy, each one slurping on one of his legs, squeezing it tight. Miles focused his energy and tried to kick with both legs. All of a sudden, twin waves of displaced fat bounced, centered around where his legs should have been. He giggled; somehow, he could feel her fat moving, and the sensation was something akin to ticklish. He stared up at Catty with wide, wonder-filled eyes, and she shot him a maternal, proud smile in response. “Totally cool, right? With magic like this, no wonder I’m so hungry all of the time.” Miles laughed, and the oddness of the situation hit both of them. Something deep within his core tingled with worry, but he had told Catty that she could show him her trick, and she still needed to finish it. Besides, with his legs completely swallowed by her stomach, what would he have done anyways? It felt really, really good, even more addictive than the feline herself had tasted. His body shuddered at the thoughts of what would happen. “I can go further, right?” She inquired, asking for earnest consent. Miles nodded affirmatively, now fully enraptured as her tummy pulsed and flexed, and a tiny glow brought back the warming tightness. He watched as his thighs slowly sunk downward into the abyss. This time, he was permitted to witness the way her navel pulsed as he numbed, and all of a sudden an extra inch of blubber swelled her gut even further. He must’ve gasped in amazement, because the feline placed a hand on his head and pressed down gently, letting her slurp up an extra inch of him; with his soaked pants somehow absorbed, he was left staring down at his bare cock and balls resting on her tummy, dangling down towards the abyss imposingly. “You’re totally going to make me so chubby.” She told him casually, noting with a trill how his spent cock once again began to stir. “You’re lucky I’m pretty full from the food you cooked. Do you want one more before it goes?” “P-Please… if you can wait that long.” Miles begged her, and the feline gave him a very crooked grin. She flexed, and he felt a tug on his prick, but nothing went numb. If anything, the sensation made him even harder. His cock stood at full attention. “Lean back, and momma catty will make it way better…” She instructed him. He had little choice but to obey; he was completely at her will. She laid her breast against his mouth, and once he started sucking again, her large hand covered his cock entirely, as she began to jerk him almost ferociously. In a matter of moments, he could feel his body tensing with an impending orgasm, what he knew certainly felt like his last. “Like, tell me when it’s coming.” She whispered, but before she could add anything else Miles was already moaning with raw need around her breast. He felt the warm pooling around his nuts as his cock tightened, and at last a euphoric numbness consumed his junk just as he came; the load vanishing with his loins into her abyss. Somehow, it prolonged the sensation, and made it much more fun to ride, as he squealed around her flesh, body thrashing with the most powerful orgasm he had ever felt. He inadvertently made her lose her grip on the magic, and the vortexes merged, this time completely over his navel. In an instant he felt himself falling, before Catty gasped and tightened the purple ring around his neck. “I’m like, so totally sorry! I didn’t mean to take you that fast!” There was legitimate worry in her voice, he could tell, and in spite of the shocking intensity of the sensations over his body, Miles stared up at her with pure, loving wonder. “Don’t worry,” he whispered. “I love you, Aunt Catty. I’m ready to finish your trick.” “That’s Momma Catty to you, dude.” She told him, leaning forward to press a kiss on his forehead as she placed her hands on his head. They stared a long look, before Miles winked at her, and she pressed down, letting him vanish completely. The magic faded as soon as she was sure that he was inside, leaving only a slight ripple in her lavender blubber. Miles was suddenly swamped by a warm darkness, his body completely separate from him. He felt as if he were floating through space, and there was true peace in his mind. He was finally home. Slowly, the darkness began to grow darker, compressing over him. It was growing harder and harder to think, his mind simplifying to simple onomatopoeia. He felt hungry, and begged for food, but the only sound from him was a heavy rumble. The longer that he was within Catty’s tummy, the more he realized that he could still feel the rest of his body, just in a far different form that it was used to. The human had been slowly absorbed into his body, converted almost completely into the cat monster’s fat cells. He could feel his form jiggling and swaying with almost every movement she made. The longer he focused, the more he could feel himself all over her. He could feel her breasts swell half of a cup size. He could feel her ass and thighs swelling into even more effective melon-crushers. Most to his pleasure, he could feel her mound swelling with his essence. He intentionally attempted to allocate some of himself to her fupa. He couldn’t see it, but the roots of her pubes lightened into something akin to a dirty blonde. The effort of even doing that pushed the transformed human to almost complete exhaustion. He felt as if his grey matter was becoming purple, and very slowly, he drifted into the deepest sleep of his life with nothing to dream of, specifically because all of his dreams had already come true. Catty massaged her stomach with a deep pride. “Like, I was totally right! You made such good fat, Miles! Momma Catty will take good care of you!” She could feel his soul thumping inside of her body, practically radiating with warmth. The reciprocated affection pushed her into something akin to a food coma, too, and her eyes rapidly grew heavy. Before she knew it the blubbery monster was in dreamland as well, snoring loudly over the sound of her tummy glorping and groaning. With a soul bound to her stomach, it had to manifest in some way, she realized. She woke up in just a second, concerned that she had fallen asleep for too long and ended up accidentally erasing Miles within her tummy. Thankfully, she hadn’t, and half-asleep, she conjured up a small piercing to decorate her human. As she crashed back into unconsciousness, a small metal ring slowly pierced her navel, decorated with a bright gemstone in the shape of a heart. Catty woke up late in the night, with her stomach twice as big as it had been when she fell asleep, and she giggled. The piercing in her belly button had simplified to a thinner ring, and she realized what had happened. Groggily rising to her feet, the feline gave her tummy a heavy shake, and she felt a tingle within her core. “Don’t tell me, you’re, like, already bored of being there?” She interpreted the next conversational bubble in her gut as a denial of that fact. “That’s what I thought.” She made her way her bedroom, which was much more sloppy than the common areas. It still wasn’t too messy, but there was a designated corner for empty pizza boxes and a number of grease stains on the floor. She slowly climbed onto her bed and raised her ass, purring loudly as her fingers parted her outer lips. “Don’t worry… Momma Catty will protect you…” She told her stomach, feeling the sudden movement of things within her loins. She groaned and pushed, mewling as the bulge in her stomach began to move downwards. The feeling of fullness moved from her tummy to her cunt, and she was already dripping onto her sheets. All of a sudden, Miles’ mind began to rouse again. His body felt different, much looser, but much more like what he was used to. His limbs were pinned to his sides, but he could move his fingers and toes. The space around him was distinct from his body, and as it pulsed the human identified the intense smell, and audibly moaned with delight. His body, greatly slickened with her juices, was slowly pressed forward, inch by inch, until at last he was able to hear Catty’s voice let out a loud, unintelligible yowl, and could feel his prison shuddering and tensing. A thick rush of liquid passed by him as she squirted with an incredibly powerful orgasm, completely ruining her own sheets with her essence. She kneaded the mattress as he began to push past her lips, his eyes once again seeing light. He could hear her pussy continuing to squelch as he was pushed out, completely soaked in her essence. He wriggled to gain control of his body again, aiding her in releasing him. With a pop, his legs finally popped free. He stared up at the mountainous ass of the feline he had promised himself to, and his mind hummed with reassurance that he had made the right choice. Catty turned around and crossed her legs, inviting the soaked human up on her lap. As he climbed up, he could see a wispy sort of leash trailing from her stomach up to his neck like a collar. And he opened his mouth in inquiry. “You, like, totally promised yourself to me.” She told him casually, as she licked her juices off of him. “So now, like, your soul is sealed somewhere within Momma Catty.” Miles closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensations, the perfect promise of protection he was given by the corpulent cat. He was more at ease than he ever had been. As her sandpapery tongue rolled over his body, working him clean, he felt his mouth without doing it intentionally, but he absolutely meant the words that came out of his mouth. “I want to stay here forever.” “You totally will, Miles II.” Catty teased him, smacking her lips at his flavor. “Who needs the gym anyways, when every day could be a cheat day?” Both of them felt his soul pulse in agreement within her, and he snuggled against the blubber that he himself had added, more eager than ever to spend more time sealed within her purple padding. |
Yawning, Miles pulled himself out of bed, and stretched gently. He looked to the other side and smiled when he found it empty. The indent of his roommate’s heft remained present in the mattress. The blonde’s first instinct was to head to the kitchen to make breakfast, but the low hiss of the shower instead diverted him. Tugging his boxers down, the skinny student stepped into the bathroom, and slid past the curtain, instantly bumping against the heft of his fatherly roommate. “M-Morning, Marshall.” He mustered out as the dog pressed against him, pinning the blonde against the wall of the shower. He could feel the canine’s cock beginning to stir as it pressed against his stomach. “Morning, bud.” The gruff, greying canine chuckled as he clearly got his younger roommate flustered. “Sleep well?” His shaggy fur was heavy with water-weight, which only made his clear heft more identifiable; it was easy to dismiss a lot of his girth as mere fluff otherwise. However, here, Miles could make out the firm pectorals that defined his musclegut, alongside the heavy beer belly that had been acquired without any booze. “Slept great!” “Glad to hear it. You know, I sleep better when I’ve got a cuddle buddy, myself. My dakimakuras just aren’t as good at cuddling. Even if they are cute.” Miles softened against him. “Yes, you’re cute, too.” He pulled away just enough that Miles was mobile again, but the two of them in the shower were still filling the space to its limit. “Mind washing my thighs and ass for me? I just can’t get where I need to anymore… I guess I ought to lay off all the pizzas…” “N-No, I’m happy to do it!” Miles soothed him, lathering his hand and cupping Marshall’s thick nuts. He leaned into the larger canine, a pleased breath escaping him as he softened against his roommate’s pudge. He soon felt a hand threading through his hair, pressing him deeper against the little tuft of extra greying fur between his pecs. “That’s good to hear. I wasn’t going to give up the pizzas anyways.” Marshall laughed at his own little joke. Enjoying the moment, the blonde kept rubbing, hand brushing over his girthy, half-hard cock and stroking it gently, just enough to tease it to full hardness. He pulled away once it was good and washed, leaving Marshall to mutter a veiled threat for getting him excited, however pragmatic the reason was. Miles simply responded by massaging his inner thighs, before kneeling fully in order to offer a reach-around wash. As his face was pressed into Marshall’s low-hangers, he snorted, still catching the telltale whiff of lingering musk, which only served to relax him further. He was also at full mast, though far more satisfied to simply throb with need as he pleased the larger male. His hands cupped the canine’s cheeks, occasionally smacking them just to feel the jiggle. He snuck a finger into Marshall’s hole under the guise of cleaning, just enough that he felt a bead of precum fall into his hair, which was blocked from the flow of water by his heft. “There we go, Miles. You’re such a good boy. And to think, I’m a dog saying that to a human. Pretty funny, right?” “I think it makes it even better.” Miles corrected him lovingly. “The compliments are really nice.” “Well, you deserve them.” Marshall cleared his throat as Miles continued to nuzzle his nuts. “Which, uh, means I ought to let you know a little something?” “What’s that?” “Well, I…” Marshall trailed off, scratching the back of his head. “I’m gonna need your room back.” “Why’s that?” Miles felt his heart sink just a bit. Was he being evicted? “Well, I got the promotion that I’ve been looking for. But since I’ll be doing a lot of meetings and directing, I’m going to need a full home-office, backdrop and everything. And I don’t want to relocate my posters or my VR setup, or my consoles…” He trailed off with a little chuckle. “I mean, I know you spend most of your time in my room, but…” “N-No, I understand!” Miles countered as warmly as he could. “Does this mean I should start looking for housing elsewhere?” He was doing his best to keep his composure despite the anxiety festering up from his gut. “Well, not unless you want to.” Marshall responded. “Though, corporate will be sending a team tomorrow to fit the room with some equipment. And I don’t want them to get any odd ideas about my personal life.” He shrugged. “So, would you mind spending the day, um…” He was blushing, his usually casual veneer dropping with nervousness. “Inside of me?” “Hm?” Miles raised an eyebrow. “You know, inside of my stomach. I wouldn’t mind if you started sleeping there, too. Hell, maybe we could make it a regular thing, and I could take your rent down a bit… Oh, Miles…” Rather than responding verbally, Miles had let his horny brain take over almost completely. He opened his mouth and took as much of the dog’s length as he could, smiling with his eyes as the shaft engorged inside of his throat. He did his best to bob on it, hands gripping the chubby thighs of the older male. Just talking about it had gotten him worked up enough that it didn’t take long for Miles to satisfy him, and he came with a fatherly grunt right down the human’s throat. When Miles pulled off, he was rewarded by one last delayed spurt of spunk right onto his face, like an additional layer of frosting. “I would love to feed you, Marshall. I wish you’d have asked sooner.” “Me too.” The big dog sighed, staring down at his soon-to-be even closer roommate. “Would have saved me plenty of money on my stuffing! But, I suppose I’ll still be saving that money from here out.” He turned the shower off, and shook himself slightly drier. “Would you mind if I…” “Not at all!” As he stood up to his full height, Miles’ cock was bobbing excitedly, more needy than it had been in a long while. He barely had the time to really register what the canine was doing as he suddenly grabbed Miles’ arms, pinned them to his sides, and suddenly was smothering his head between his soft, fuzzy lips. Miles let out a soft noise and humped the air as the canine swallowed, the air displacement wedging him just past the back of Marshall’s throat. The tight, swaddling affection made Miles relax even further, more soothed than any oil massage he’d ever received. A hand moved from his side to the canine’s gut, intent on supporting the weight he was soon to add to the greying dog. Marshall let out a gruff little growl, more playful than anything else, beaming to no one in particular as he hefted the human upwards, hands sinking to squeeze the blond’s backside as his light squirms subsided. Mile’s body was soon inverted, and he grinned as his cock finally hit his roommate’s tongue, rubbing just enough to push him right to the edge before the next swallow. He added a bit of his own dressing to the back of Marshall’s tongue mid-swallow, which the canine soon savored by simply holding the blonde in place. Miles’ head dangled down into the gastric sack of the older male as he licked and smacked his lips at the taste of the blonde’s lower half. And then, as soon as it started, it was time for things to end. Marshall punctuated his final swallow with a little smack of his gut, just enough to send the gut into a quake as Miles splashed down into the soft space, practically bouncing as he landed. Giggling, Miles snuggled against one of the warm, pillowy walls, head coming to rest on it. It was like being locked inside a waterbed, he mused, without all of the water: soft, rubbery, with just enough give to be comfortable. The sauna-like warmth only served to make it more dreamlike, the heat relaxing his muscles and coaxing him into destressing, whether he wanted to or not. The thumping of his heartbeat - more from nerves than any negative emotion - soon settled back down as he closed his eyes. Marshall did his best to move slowly, so as not to disturb his new passenger, patting himself dry rather than shaking the excess moisture away, and then walking towards his bedroom with his hands on the underside of his gut. “Miles?” “What’s up?” “If you need to rub one out, do it now.” Marshall told him. “My office is getting fixed up in just a little while. I need you to stay still and obedient.” Miles yawned. “Y-Yes, sir.” He finally muttered, eyes closing as he snuggled the stomach wall. “Just gonna take a quick nap.” After Marshall had laid out his clothes, he offered his mostly-still gut a loving pat. “Good boy.” —------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the sound of the door closing, Marshall huffed and spilled right onto the sofa. His button-up popped open, and his suit jacket creaked from the stretch. He was more than ready for a nap. “Sorry that it took so long, um… The boys and I got into a long conversation about rigs, and, well…” He chuckled good-naturedly. However, that expression changed as he felt up his gut, and realized that the clear form of his roommate was no longer present. Instead, all his fingers found was extra padding. He sighed. “Oh, that’s why this suit is so tight!” He admitted. “I just was thinking that I had it fitted for me.” Marshall guffawed and gave his gut a heavy slosh, watching the rolls on his tummy bounce and jiggle. However, Miles was still being dutifully cared for. Having fallen asleep inside of his gut, Miles was slowly massaged deeper inside of the dog, until his body was absorbed into a thick layer of heft on the already thick dog. Marshall could feel the burgeoning heat in his belly, a conscious acknowledgement that not only was Miles still aware as his spare-tire of a tummy, but he was having the time of his life. “Heh, alright, buddy. We’ll have to keep you here more, then, won’t we?” Just in time, Marshall’s gut rumbled, and he grinned. “Y-Yeah, I suppose I could go for a pizza.” Bloated with an extra-large, Marshall then took to pawing at his cock, his other hand groping his engorged gut and creeping along its folds. It was a weird sort of mutual masturbation, but offering Miles the belly-rubs had the former human more than tingly inside of him, in just the way to feel nearly orgasmic. He’d have to ask for more details when the human was back, he mused silently. That thought was enough to push him over the edge, and he came with a growl right onto his tummy, letting the thick white cream soak into his fur. He’d shower the musk off in the morning. For now, he was going to relax. He grabbed his controller, and let it rest on his stomach. He manually turned the vibration settings to max, and snuggled his gut as he gamed. —-------------------------------------------------------- “Hey, Marshall?” Miles asked from under the coffee table. “Do you mind if we start every morning like this?” The gruff dog grabbed his hair and pushed him forward, spreading his throat with his fat cock. “I don’t mind at all, Miles. Hell, if you’re only eating my spunk, you’re saving me even more on the food budget. Or, at least, saving it for me to waste on myself.” He guffawed, his fupa pressing against Miles’ face in just the way that always flustered the blonde. He sipped his coffee as he came with a little grunt, filling Miles’ throat with a thick load. When he felt Miles stirring to slide out from under him, he clicked his tongue. “Manners.” “Yes sir!” Miles countered, having accepted the slow shift in power dynamics with delight. “Thank you for the load, sir!” “No, no…” Marshall chuckled at his own bad joke. “Thank him.” Miles leaned back down, and hefted the softening pole back up so that the drooling slit faced him. “T-Thank you for the meal, big guy…” Waiting for approval, the blonde soon added to the show by offering the dog’s cock a loving smooch right on the tip, his nose nuzzling against it as he pulled away. He came up with a little streak of precum across his lips. “Man, that coffee was good.” Marshall clicked his tongue. “It’s amazing how much better it is when I just order a good boy to make it for me.” Miles was at full mast in that instant. “A-Are you ready for breakfast, m-master?” The word was new and electric on his tongue. “Whoa, that’s new!” Marshall grinned. ‘But let’s keep using it.” He opened his mouth, and let his tongue roll out. “Hey, don’t forget you’re fat today. I’ve got a meeting for work and then a long Dungeons and Dragons session tonight. If you’re good you can suck me under the table while we do our tabletop.” He didn’t give Miles the chance to answer before cramming the human into his throat, and Miles didn’t mind that. He took orders, now. The “free” rent didn’t mean anything, anymore. If anything, he was Marshall’s pet, and all that rent had just been paying for the privilege to find that out for himself. |
Her lips seal the deal around your feet. Raising her neck up a bit, the glorious bulge that you had been creating around her throat slowly vanished downward with both gravity and a final, resounding swallow that drowned out all other noise for just that moment. You go crashing into a fetal position, curling up in that belly... ll be padding out this girl just fine. Not that she wasnt already as thick as tar, with such majestically soft and wide hips neighbouring a sizeably ridiculous rump. Thats where youd be going. And
its really getting hard to stay awake in here. Not more than five minutes in, your eyes are feeling really heavy. Especially after she went and belched, shaking you up whilst also causing her stomach to expel excess air, making it all the more snug and tight around yourself. d gobbled you up now. Truth be told, she did consider letting you out. Had you really been that bad
or tasty? Maybe you had been, she ruled. You really would be doing better as some good fuel to keep her powered through the next day or two and some extra cushioning so she could sit wherever she wanted, even better. Finding places to rest her legs on hikes was so much easier with a rump so meaty! Substantially filled out with bulk and blubber. t cruel. Shed allow you to add to herself without the pains of fiery digestion or a frantic struggle. Well, it was less of a let and more of a will. Her pheromones had lulled you down into being far more acceptant and docile (even if you were already!), sleepy and washed over with malaise. The result was you only got to enjoy that full-body embrace that her stomach was giving you, for just about ten minutes before nodding off to sleep. t sagging down but certainly had a bit of a fold, coming in from that massive three or four-foot-wide-waistline, towards the epicentre of the growling midriff. A smooth yet soft midriff that stuck out about a foot from her waistline, going well with those breasts that flowed out with grace and dignity into round and plump, juicy domes, currently propped on top of the summit of a moaning and grumbling belly. As the end of the digestive system slurped away at the nutrients that your form gifted to her, the drake smiled softly. Perhaps politely. Though, oh, it didnt take a genius to see that she was just a d gotten wedged in her sliding door leading inside the house. |
Anna awakening vore roulette round 9+10. With a smile of glee, Anna pulls the lever activating the roulettes. The first one stops on the armored lady Kjelle. “Hell yeah, I need some extra protein.” The second picture is a picture of someone going into an ass. At the same time, the final image shows the duality archer. “BLOODY THUNDER, I wanted to avenge my mother!” “But Lucina is already a part of Tiki’s butt.” “But.. I could eat Tiki and avenge her like that.” Morgan pats Noire’s shoulder. “Maybe we can have Lucina come by some other time and do a private one with Anna. Right?” “Sure, though it might be a bit expensive.” “I have some gold saved up.” “Okay, we have a deal, but first, Noire is going up Kjelle’s ass.” “Fine…..” Kjelle turns around, so her ass is facing Noire. Noire sighs deeply as she slinks over to her. She crouches under Kjelle and reaches up towards her ass. She pulls off the pair of sports panties. Her hands easily slide into the muscly butt. She then begins pulling herself into the ass. Kjelle stands there as if she barely notices another woman crawling into her ass. As Noire’s feet leave the ground, Kjelle begins doing squats in the middle of the room. With a slurp, the feet disappear while Kjelle is dipping down. She continues to exercise while the other looks at her awkwardly. With each squat, her stomach goes up and down, shaking with its content. Robin signals to Anna that they should properly continue. Anna shrugs; she then pulls out the digestor again and waves it. As Kjelle continues her exercise, her stomach begins thrashing violently, then becomes quiet and starts shrinking in size. The weight of her previous comrade switches around, most of it settles at her hips. “Yes, I thought this would happen.” She slaps her meat thighs, feeling the extra weight in them. *****Scat**** Another rumbling comes from Kjelle’s stomach. “Oh uh. It looks Noire is ready to come out.” Kjelle continues her exercise as she begins crapping out the digested Noire. Bone fragments are sticking out of the pile of feces. Then suddenly, as if she is congested, shit stops coming out of. She scrunches up her eyes in concentration, and with a loud plop, a skull shoots out of her butt and lands on top of the pile. A few logs fall into the eye sockets until she is finally done with them. The skull is barely visible under a small layer of shit. “Anna, if you would, it feels like Noire is stinking up the place.” “Of course.” The shit disappears down the chute and lands on the bottom with a spalt. *****Scat over**** “That felt great. I should try this again sometime.” “You can join us!” “That would be fun.” “Fine, fine, I will keep a slot open for you. Now here we go!” Anna pulls the lever, the first roulette lands on the previous exalt. “Oh my…. I was expecting to be eaten up by my cute niece.” “Auntie… I would have loved that.” The second wheel lands on a small woman with a giant belly. “Finally able to use that shrink staff.” Anna pulls out a new staff and waves it at Emmeryn. From Emmeryn’s perspective, it looks like the whole world is growing, but she is shrinking. Her regal panties fall off and land beside her as she continues to shrink. She finally stops. When she looks at Morgan standing beside her, she barely reaches her knee. “This is new; where did you get a staff like this?” “There is a research division of Annas in one of the worlds on the other side of the dragon gates.” The final roulette finally stops at Robin. “I feel this is a bit ironic.” “How come?” “I am currently sitting on your throne, but now you will be using me to sit down.” “I guess. But how shall we do this?” “Just feed her your finger.” “Okay.” Robin walks over and points one of her fingers at Emmeryn’s face. The finger is the size of her head, but she opens her mouth and takes in the finger. “Wow.” She then begins to slowly and arduously work along with the finger, slowly taking in the whole hand, expanding her stomach. As she reaches Robin’s elbow, her stomach is almost the size of the rest of her body. “How does this even work?” “The staff makes the stomach able to expand almost indefinitely.” “Wh-“ Robin’s question is cut off as Emmeryn reaches her head and engulfs her in her slow snake-like way of eating. The others watch in amazement as she slowly makes her way down her body and finally closes her mouth over Robin’s feet. If one were to enter the room, it would simply look like a fleshly bag in the middle of the room, but looking closer, one can see Emmeryn lying on top of it. She lets out a quiet, dignified burp. “Now, Anna, as fun as this may look, it does feel rather odd to have a stomach this full.” “Of course, your grace.” Anna waves the digestor at her again. Her belly begins to shrink as it has done for the others, but it stops much earlier than the others due to its immense size. It is now the height of herself. Emmeryn slowly gets to her feet, trying to stabilize herself with the massive extra weight in front of her. After a few seconds, she can stand firm. *****Scat***** Emmeryn lets out a grunt as she begins shitting out a giant bone covered in shit. The bone stretched out her asshole in ways that she didn’t know were possible. She keeps pushing out the digested remain of her sister-in-law. The small pile of shit and bones behind slowly grows in size. At first, it reaches her ankles, but eventually, it goes all the way up to her butt before falling apart. “Careful, Emmeryn.” She nimble steps away from the collapsing pile of shit while pushing out the last few logs of shitting adding to the bank. As she is done, she looks behind her and covers her nose. The stench is almost unbearable as the mountain of shit Is nearly the same size as her. “While impressive, I would not recommend this as a disposal method. I am pretty sure that I hit myself with some of Robin.” “I got it.” Anna waves two staves. First, the shit disappears, and a torrent of water hits Emmeryn. She slowly regains her original size as she is covered in the water. ****Scat over**** “Thanks, Anna.” “No problem, now let us continue.” |
Anna awakening vore roulette. Tiki diaper Sully & Nah anal vore Panne. Anna pulls the wheel, and the first roulette stops at the voice of Naga again. “Okay, somebody fixes that wheel. This is the third time.” “Zzzzzz” “Also, someone wakes her up.” The second one lands on the picture of a diaper. “You know that is oddly fitting, everything considered.” With the final wheel landing on the red knight. “Damn, I was hoping I would get to unbirth Kjelle.” “Eww! Mom!” “Hell, we are doing some weird stuff right now. It wouldn’t be too out of the left field.” Kjelle shrugs at her mother. Anna waves a green diaper covering her wand and Tiki’s bare enhanced ass with a cartoonish Anna winking at the audience on it. The diaper is much bigger than the one Lucina had when she ate Tharja. Sully walks over to Tiki to examine her. As she closes in, Tiki turns a bit in her sleep. But as Sully stands beside her, Tiki reaches out and grabs Sully’s arm in her sleep. Sully tries to pull away, but the sleeping manakete is too strong for the knight. Tiki hugs sully close to herself. She then licks her face, mumbling in her sleep between each lick. She then opens her mouth, unhinging her jaw taking in Sully’s whole head. Sully offers no resistance as the sleeping Tiki begins to drag her body. However, the remaining participants would swear that they saw Sully chuckling as she was dragged into Tiki. Even in her sleeping state, Tiki works surprisingly fast. With Sully’s muscly body being swallowed up quickly. Sully herself begins to finger herself as she goes down, barely reaching climax as Tiki closes her mouth over her feet. “Remind me not to be the one to wake her up… ever.” “Agreed.” Tiki lets out a very unladylike burp. And scratches her squirming stomach. ****Scat warning***** Anna waves her wand at Tiki. Her stomach growls like a dragon before beginning to squirm, then slowly shrink. Tiki grunts in her sleep as her body finishes digesting Sully; then, she begins to fill her diaper. At first, she merely farts out loud, but then she begins pushing logs of shit into the diaper. The sight of the shit getting pushed into the diaper is a strange one. At first, it is just padding Tiki’s bum, but then it grows as more Sully is forced into the diaper. The others cover their noses as the smell of shit begins to fill the room. Meanwhile, Tiki is just snoozing along, not a care in the world. Luckily for them, the diaper manages to hold. “Anna, could you?” “Of course.” Anna waves the rescue wand, and the diaper disappears. Morgan then grabs a wind tome casting a light breeze to clear out the air. ***Scat over**** Tiki begins to stir and sits up straight. “What did I miss?” “Nothing.” “Okay, what is the next round?” “Let’s see.” Anna pulls the lever. The first wheel lands at the oddly named Nah. “That was surprising. I thought I only would get to watch.” The second wheel lands at a woman going up another’s butt. “Might want to make sure it doesn’t land on the same one too often.” “Perhaps.” The third wheel lands on Panne, the taguel warrior. “Hm… If it is what the wheel says, then it shall be.” “Too bad you don’t get oral.” “Don’t you dare, Morgan?” “Cause then you could find out if she tastes like rabbit.” The remaining people in the room all groan at that terrible joke. Panne walks over to Nah with an emotional look. While Nah, like the rest of the Shepards, has grown after the war, she felt a bit small standing next to the tagged warrior. Nodding to herself, she transforms into her draconic form. In this size, she looms over Panne. Panne merely sighs as Nah’s gaping ass hole looms over her. She then sits down on top of her. As she rises again, Panne’s legs are kicking outside. Nah, scrunches up her draconic face, and Panne disappears into her asshole with a squelch. Nah rubs her stomach with her claw. Panne is not even visible from the outside. A true apex predator. “Do you even need me to use the digestor?” “No, I should be fine.” Nah, roars spewing a jet of flame, activating her digestive system. Within her stomach, the heat is turning up for Panne. The intense heat makes it almost impossible for her to stay awake. Her consciousness succumbs to the heat of the dragon’s stomach. She closes her eyes, letting the hot stomach acids cover her. After a few seconds, there is nothing left of the stoic Taguel. ***Scat warning*** Nah, lift’s her scaled tail a hard black piece of crap falls out of her ass, the size of an adult’s arm. Three more follow. They all smell terrible, a combination of burnt hair, rabbit, and shit. If Nah’s current form could blush, she would be. “Anna, please!” “Of course.” Anna waves the rescue staff, and the shit disappears. “Okay, how come manage shit stinks so bad?” “No idea might be something with how they digest things.” ***Scat over*** Nah, she transforms back to her human form, and she is still blushing from performing in front of everyone. “Good job Nah.” “Thank you, Morgan.” “Welcome. Anna, you ready?” “Sure, let’s go!” |
“hmm… I believe your trespassing…” the voice chuckled deeply, as Josiah gasped sharply, looking over nervously, and standing up, looking around for the source of the voice. “w-who are you?” he continued to look around nervously. Suddenly, the scent of something very musky, and very feminine hit his sensitive nose, his eyes going wide as he smelled it, before suddenly, his arms were pinned to his side, as he was snatched up, yelping out in surprise. … it was a great rat… she was huge… she had to hunch just to fit… as his eyes looked over her form, his eyes landed on her breasts. She was totally naked. Gasping gently, as he blushed furiously looking at her, before she finally spoke, her mouth curling into a smile. “I am Ashley… your mistress now… you’ve entered my home, and therefore, you must be mine!” she giggled happily, as she reached forward, and rubbed his head with her hand. “hmm… your going to be a good toy…” ’s way underneath the clothing, and with a great rip, he was naked, blushing as his sheath continued to bulge from what he knew was coming. The tail kept him wrapped up, as she giggled glancing back as she relaxed, her tail tip, suddenly rubbing along his rump, as he groaned deeply. “hmm… lick… now… else I won’t let you come out…” … he could definitely fit in there… and as he watched her flex, something appeared… and gasping softly, he watched a pile of bones squished out, and land on the bed, covered in a smelly brown slime, blushing as he looked down, and looking into her slowly closing tail hole. “hmm hehe… that one didn’t lick dear… I certainly hope you do…” he gasped softly, closing his eyes and giving a groan as her tail slowly started to pump in and out of his ass, blushing as she looked up, and gave her tail hole a lick, shuddering. It tasted like her musk, very strong, very intense, as he blushed, licking and slurping at her tail hole now. ’t stop licking, not wanting to be bones at this point, moaning gently. ’s upper half disappeared now, wriggling and squirming non-stop, but not once did he forget his directive, and licked about the insides, a powerful musky slime covered her bowels as he licked mouthfuls of it and swallowing. … as her orgasm built up, her muscles along her bowels flexed against Josiah… hard… he gasped at first, feeling the strength, but as she grew in pleasure, so did the strength of the flexing, slowly getting to the point, that it squeezed the air out of his lungs, groaning deeply, and wriggling against it, trying to stop it, but it was futile. … barely. The wind knocked out of him, he pushed against her bowels, his ribs sore. “oooh… well now that’s a first… you managed to survive!” she giggled gently, and stood up, squatting down over the bed as he was forced down through her bowels again… ’t give him a chance to recover. Playfully sliding down, she rubbed his small body along her crack, before standing up, and reaching down, grabbing him by his tail giggling deeply. As she held him up, dangling there. “my… I didn’t expect you to survive… it means you get a reward!” “your going into my womb dear… but you won’t be coming out I’m afraid…” she chuckled softly, and laid back again, rubbing her sex gently, as he squeaked loudly, and wriggled a little, but the damage was done… he was far to weak to do anything in anyway to defend himself. … the deep pink hole was musky, and slick with juices, and the heat could be felt as she dangled him over it. Slowly she began to lower him tortuously. … she cummed hard, her juices flooding past his small body as she bucked upwards. Her muscles clamping down on the small mouses body, there was a loud crunch noise, and his life was mercifully cut short… about halfway through her orgasm, her juices were a tinted red from his blood, and his tail had gone limp. She hmmed softly a few moments later, and gave a soft giggle, grabbing the tail, and pulling it out… … to make her children stronger… but Ashley was a rat who liked to remember such wonderful experiences… after a few moments of admiring the mouse’s poor tail, she stood up, and opened a closet door. There hundreds of similar tails were either stacked, or hung down… she could identify each one, and the experiences she had with the previous owner… this was one of the better ones… she hung the tail on the wrack, and licked her lips. “hmm… I hope I get another like him…” |
Roy sighed to himself sitting in the bar, alone, yet again... He had been all over the town, in numerous bars, looking for someone to spend the night with... the orange fox, a little tall for his species, standing at about 6 feet tall. He sat on a bar stool, sipping idly at his beverage. "No one tonight Roy?" the bartender slid over to him with a sympathetic smile on the badgers face. He stood extremely tall, wiping a glass down with a rag. "No Josh... seems there's no one out there for me..." The badger grimaced a little and reached over gripping the fox's shoulder comfortingly, getting the fox to look up at him. "Hell Roy... you're a nice guy... your good looking... you'll get someone... look at me! I figured I would die alone and broken... then I happened to go on a trip... and met the love of my life... you hang in there... someone special will come into your life... out of the blue..." he smiled at the fox knowingly and let go of him, standing up and turning around, getting together a house specialty, then turning around and setting on the counter in front of him. "Tonight's on the house Roy... you need a pick me up anyways..." the badger smiled and sauntered off to work. Roy smiled, feeling a lot better now, as he downed the strong drink and stood up. Tonight just wasn't the night was all... he waved to Josh on the way out, and the badger smiled and nodded at him happily as he walked away. He stepped out onto the street of the small city. He was on the outskirts, and he lived on a hill about 30 minutes from where he was. He started his way home, getting out of the suburbs and into the familiar forest of his home. He walked quietly, towards his cottage, pondering what he would do with himself that night, when fate decided to intervene. As he walked he looked off to his side and spotted what looked like... a white hill? Now he was confused... that had never been there and he knew this area well... it was in a clearing... a flat clearing for that matter... The fox decided to investigate and he stepped through the brush and got close to the strange white, when he realized it was... furry? He tilted his head a little in confusion and stepped forward to lightly brush it curiously... it was warm to the touch... and it moved suddenly, lifting up and away from him. The fox now looked up at an extremely beautiful bunny, with soft eyes, and she had to be 60 feet tall... she was clothed in a T-shirt and short shorts on... the fox was now extremely surprised and nervous. A macro! They were supposed to be just fairy tales... the little fox had heard stories about them, but he had never believed them... now he was totally wrong in his assumptions... He was the first to speak looking nervously at the bunny as she looked down at him curiously. "H-hello madam... I-I'm sorry to bother you..." he fidgeted slightly looking up at her. The bunny smiled warmly down at him and looked down at him happily. "Why hello there little foxy! And it's quite alright it's nice to have company." She giggled a little, in a smooth, musical voice. The voice alone made Rob get a strange feeling in his chest, and a surge of affection for her... The fox blushed a little and smiled a little nervously. "W-well... I can stay here if you would like..." she smiled warmly at him and she set her hand on the ground in front of him, letting him step up onto it a little shakily before he sat on her palm. "Why thank you little fox... it is kind of you... my name is Kiru... what's yours?" she smiled at him warmly as she held him in front of her face. She was propped up on her elbow as she held him. "My name is Roy... it's nice to meet you Kiru..." he smiled at her warmly and relaxed slightly, as she smiled down at him and looked up at the night sky. "Nice night isn't it Roy? Do you come here often?" she asked him warmly and looked down at him with a warm smile, her baby blue eyes shimmering with the light. "I live in a cottage not far from here..." he pointed over to the roof he could just barely see. She looked over and smiled warmly and nodded, spotting the small house. "Looks nice enough... kind of small... even for someone your size... you don't have anyone with you living so far out here?" she looked at him curiously, her large ears flopping slightly as she did. Roy looked away a little sadly, kind of disheartened by the question... "Yeah... everyone I meet just... doesn't seem right to me... I don't know why..." she nodded knowingly, smiling at him. "Well Roy, I know your predicament... everyone I meet is only out for sex... I never get to just talk to anyone... even my own size..." she looked down a little sad, heaving a small sigh. "W-well... if you're alone... and I'm alone... would you like to visit each other sometimes?" Roy looked at her a little nervously and offered a little smile. She looked down at him and suddenly started giggling. "Well now little foxy... is that an invitation for a date?" she giggled and smiled at him happily. Roy immediately started spluttering, trying to explain that wasn't what it is when she took one of her large fingers and put it onto his muzzle to silent him. "Because if it is, then I would love to go with you..." she smiled at him warmly Roy blinked in surprise. "I... alright... meet you tomorrow? Around... 9ish?" he looked up at her blushing slightly. She smiled and him broadly and nodded happily. "I'll meet you at your home... it would take to long for you to reach mine..." she smiled happily, and stood up. Roy held onto her palm, and watched the ground woosh away from him, and he looked down at the distant ground. She took to large steps, and already they were there. Her foot was at least as large as his home... She reached down and let him hop off smiling down at him. "I'll see you tomorrow Roy, at 9'o clock." she smiled as he nodded his acknowledgement. She stepped away and started to wave to him, and Roy waved until she walked until he could no longer see her. Roy went to bed soon after... tonight... was special... he didn't dare hope she was the one for him though... he had met too many people who hurt him... he settled down and soon fell asleep... Roy watched the clock nervously as 9 approached. Kiru soon walked into his vision, her massive outline visible even against the dark sky. Roy smiled and swelled with happiness as he stepped outside to meet her. Kiru smiled as she spotted him and with a little giggle and wink, she reached down as she walked and snatched him up a little roughly, though gently at the same time. She continued to walked as she held him between her fingers before setting him on her other palm. "You don't mind if I play like that, do you Roy? You're just so cute..." she giggled and smiled at him as she walked towards a range of mountains smiling at him as she walked. Roy chuckled happily the whole time he was handled like that and when she asked he shook his head. "No, not at all Kiru! It's a lot of fun actually!" he chuckled a little nervously as she walked along. "So... where are we going? You have a place picked out?" She smiled at him happily and giggled slightly. "Well, you don't think I just wander around with nothing to do all day do you?" she chuckled a little and Roy looked at her blushing slightly. "Uh... well Kiru... it's just... we always thought Macro's didn't exist... so I don't really know much about your kind..." he blushed a little looking at her sheepishly. She smiled at him warmly and nodded a little. "Well now... where to start? Our bodies are like yours... just much larger... we have our own cities and societies, much of them like yours... we do have little ones like you in our cities, though not as many as your cities... you need to understand, that your government and ours brokered a deal so that we remain hidden most of the time... your government was afraid that it would set off a huge panic... ours didn't want to hurt anyone, and there are some macro's who aren't very... kind..." She sighed a little and shook her head slightly. "But of course we can't stop every contact, but it's so small and insignificant in the meetings that they're usually very smooth and no problems. Those that live with us just happened to stumble upon us and decided to live with us rather than theirs." She smiled down at him warmly. "Really, we aren't very different... just that I'm a lot taller, and you're smaller..." Roy listened with fascination, and nodded that he understood what she said. "Wow... that's interesting... and most people must never meet macro's... and the government just kinda keeps it quite... to keep everyone from panicking about some large being having such power... right?" Kiru nodded a little. "sorta... there's more to it than that... you developed nuclear arms, and those would wipe out our cities... but we're immune to everything else you have... or just about... so we live in harmony, so that we do not harm both of our species..." Roy nodded a little and smiled looked out of her hand and spotted the city... it was incredible... if only for it's size... it looked much like their cities, except the scale of it was so much larger... he could see special walkways for the normal sized people, so that they wouldn't get harmed... and there were hundreds of macro's walking down the street... and this was only a side street, which blew his mind... Kiru giggled at his amazement of the area and smiled as she stepped into one of the buildings. "Well, I figured we would watch a movie for now... here, you get the best seat in the house!" She giggled happily and lifted him onto the top of her head. He slid off of her hand and between her ears as he sat there smiling... she smelt like fresh dandelions... they were in the dark theatre and watching the movie fairly quickly. It wasn't a great movie, but the fact that he was with someone to poke fun at it made it so much better... When they finished the movie they both related some of there favourite parts, the parts they disliked, the parts they liked... it was strange for Roy... no one seemed to have ever had the same opinions on so many things... laughed at the same things, disliked the same things... it was strange, and he felt that surge of affection for her again... "Well now Roy... I'm glad you had a good time... but that's just the start of the night! But after that everything slows down I think... there are two things I've always wanted to do on a date... would you be kind enough to accompany me?" she said to him as he sat on her head. Roy smiled and nodded rubbing the side of her ear with affection. "I would be glad to Kiru!" he smiled and continued to rub her ear with affection as she walked. She smiled happily and they were soon out of the city and back into a forested area... and after a few minutes she came to a very quiet area... a lake, which would have been huge for Roy, but a pond for Kiru... Roy looked out on the glassy water and looked down at Kiru a moment. "What am I looking for?" Kiru smiled and picked him up, as she sat down. She sat him on her shoulder as she sat, and she craned her neck to look at him with a little smile. "hmm... just wait... you'll know it when you see it..." Roy nodded and sat on her shoulder, looking our on the lake... and precisely at midnight it happened... the moon's glow hit the water perfectly... making the entire lake glow beautifully... and then something amazing happened... The entire lake began to colour itself like a rainbow... and then some... the entire lake changing colour in thousands of area's, every moment like a runny water painting, the colours all mingling and running about, before separating, and mingling again... "it's the fish in the lake... there's so many of them... the moon hits the lake just right, and reflects off of there scales..." she murmured watching the lake. Roy gasped out at the sight... it was wonderfully beautiful... "Kiru... that... that's incredible..." he took a moment to wrench his eyes off of the incredible spectacle to look over at Kiru, and suddenly found two large lips pressing into his body. He melted right there, moaning slightly, and kissed Kiru back deeply, licking lightly at her bottom lip, and wrapping his arms around her muzzle slightly as they both kissed each other passionately. They broke the kiss soon, and Roy looked up at her with that feeling again... and he finally figured out what it was... it was sheer and total love for this wonderful woman... She looked back down at him with those sparkling baby blue eyes and smiled. "now I've done those things I've wanted to Roy... I wanted to take my boyfriend to this special place... that only I know... and I wanted to kiss him bathing in the glow of this place..." Roy could feel something surge in his chest, and he smiled so happily, and he could feel his world spinning insanely. "guwa... geha... I love you... uuh..." and his world went suddenly black, that feeling in his chest finally overwhelming him with... Roy slowly opened his eyes and looked around... this... wasn't his house... everything was to big... he groaned a little and slowly sat up... and he tried to remember what happened last night... and he immediately punched himself mentally... he fainted... he couldn't believe it... he had fainted after trying to say I love you to the woman of his dreams... it must have been the massive torrent of emotions he had... Then suddenly there was motion and there was a big white muzzle in front of him and warm breath washing over him, as two big baby blue eyes looked at him worriedly. "Roy you're awake! Are you okay?" Roy blushed furiously and looked at her a little ashamed of himself. "yeah... I'm just fine... I'm sorry about that... I... probably should go..." he shifted his legs underneath of her chin trying to squirm away to leave, but she pressed down slightly keeping him pinned. "No Roy... you're staying with me..." Roy blushed a little and looked up at her a little nervously. "Well... I... should probably get home anyways..." Kiru smiled a little at this, and though Roy stopped squirming to leave, she kept him pinned. "I don't think you misunderstood me my little foxy... You'll be living with me now... if you would like to..." she smiled at him, and looked into his eyes deeply with that same affection that had been there that night. Roy blinked a little in surprise and thought a few moments... "I... would love to Kiru... I really would... but what about my job? The people I knew... won't it be kind of suspicious that I'm suddenly gone?" At this a badger suddenly popped his head right in front of Roy's face, making him yelp and fall back a little panicked by the sudden and unexpected appearance. "ROY WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?" Roy meeped a little and pressed his ears back a little afraid of the now obviously angry Josh, though he had no idea why he was angry... "Josh? What are you doing here? I was uh..." "DON'T BACK TALK ME SAILOR! SIT AND LISTEN!" Roy blinked and stopped trying to talk and just sat there listening to the irate bar tender, not even noticing Kiru's attempts to stifle her giggles. "YOU HAVE A GOLDEN OPPOUTUNITY HERE SAILOR, AND IT SEEMS YOU HAVN'T GOT THE BAAALLLLSSS TO FOLLOW THROUGH WITH IT! WELL I'VE SAT BY WATCHING YOU FLOUNDER FOR TOO LONG!" the badger bellowed at Roy who could only look up at him with big eyes. "YOU WILL MOVE IN WITH THIS FINE YOUNG LADY, YOU WILL NOT WORRY ABOUT YOUR SO CALLED JOB, YOU WILL NOT WORRY ABOUT YOUR SO CALLED FRIENDS." Roy blinked a little and was about to speak up when the badger quelled his attempts with a look, his eyes practically burning... but there was something else in his eyes... "YOU WILL THEN TREAT THIS WOMAN EVERY RESPECT YOU CAN GIVE HER. YOU... have found a woman Roy... it took me awhile... and a lot of effort... but I kinda set you up on a blind date... Kiru is a friend of mine... you stay here with her Roy... you've got something great here. I've talked to you're boss and you better not come in... otherwise I'm going to be in trouble... as for you're friends... I've explained to each of them personally what's going on... you're all set Roy..." the badger's demeanour suddenly changed into his normally soft and kind features. Josh smiled looking down at Roy. Roy stammered slightly, trying to speak but the badger cut him off again quickly. "Oh, you don't need to worry about money. You're house sold for a LOT of money... and I added a little bit to it, put it into a bank for you, once I heard how things were going with you two. Now... Kiru... Roy... I must be going... I believe a beautiful pantheress is making her world famous chicken tonight, and I don't want to be late and have cold chicken... or tempt her wrath for that matter!" the badger smiled and nodded to Kiru, giving Roy a reassuring smile, before hopping down off of the large bed, and walked out humming to himself happily. Roy blinked and looked up at Kiru and didn't know what to say... "I... guess I'm staying then..." Kiru giggled and smiled down at him happily, using a finger to start rubbing his stomach, which made him murr deeply with pleasure. "Josh told me you were lonely, and needed someone... and I was lonely and needed someone... he said you were special... sooo he told me where to go... and now... well... Roy... I love you..." she looked at him deeply, her warm breath washing over him as she leaned down and pressed her lips against his body. Roy murred out deeply and hugged those wonderful lips again, this time was different though. Her tongue slid past and licked his body, making him moan even more as he licked back at her tongue. She could barely feel it, but she knew he was doing it. With a deep murr, they locked as lovers like that, licking at each other, kissing passionately. Size didn't matter the momentum of the moment carried them along incredibly, lost to the passion of love. She slowly lifted off of him and smiled down at him warmly. "Roy... tonight... I want you to sleep with me... you stay there... I'll get changed... your clothes are here as well, in your dresser over there." She pointed it out, and it was set on top of her own. He was lifted up and carried over. He changed fairly quickly as she left for the bathroom to change. He took a moment to collect his thoughts... and he soon found himself smiling irrepressibly. This was the woman of his dreams... he wanted to make her happy anyway he can. He sighed happily and looked up at the bathroom, and gasped. Kiru stood there leaning on the door way... incredibly sexy. She had a thong, and a thin bra, standing smiling a little mischievously at him. it was the first time Roy had really taken the time to look over her body now... she was in good shape, no fat on her body to be seen, and she obviously worked out sometimes though there were no overly muscular area's. now Roy, as you must understand IS a male after all, and his gaze was inevitably attracted to her breasts, and groin region. Those perfect mounds of wonderful flesh and fur, hidden only by the thin bra, made Roy start to get aroused, looking at the massive size of them. If he wasn't completely turned on by that, her groin did. The thong was thin enough that it actually outlined her female area perfectly. His eyes bulged at the site of the large sex, coupled with her breasts, and incredible body, she was a force no man could resist. Kiru smiled at him and leaned down picking him up and smiling happily as he sat in his boxers on her palm, thankful that they were baggy to hide his rock hard erection. "That's what you sleep in?" he asked a little nervously. Kiru's smile suddenly broadened. "Normally... but because it IS the summer, I usually sleep in the nude... and I think I will tonight... if you will..." she smiled at him deeply. It was a clear invitation... Roy bit his lip a little nervously then looked up at her. "Well... I mean... I would love to... really I would... but... I could get hurt being so small right? And... well... are you sure we're ready for this?" Kiru's smile became absolutely massive, and she leaned down kissing him, her tongue lashing out and wrapping around his body as she kissed him with an incredible passion, before stopped leaving the moaning, panting Roy on her palm, dripping in saliva. "You're the one Roy... you answered perfectly... sleep well tonight... tomorrow we'll get you all worked out..." she murred deeply and rather than temp him further, kept her clothes on. She lay down in her bed, and placed Roy against her stomach smiling down at him. "I think the safest place for you Roy is my belly button..." Roy nodded a little nervously and looked at it, and smiled. He crawled into the warm, fuzzy, and slightly musky cave, turning himself around so that his head poked out. She murred and smiled down at him. "Sleep tight Roy... I Love you very much..." Roy found out what they were doing. They arrived at some sort of clinic and a rather bored looking wolf morph sat at a reception desk, around Roy's height. He looked up bored looking from his computer and up at Kiru. "yeesss what can I do for you..." he sighed to them, almost as if they were a waste of time. Roy had no idea what they were doing there, but Kiru took charge pretty quickly. "right, he needs the MPS and the OES please. I'll be paying." The wolf brightened up a little and nodded. "Yes ma'am, that'll be two hundred forty-four dollars please. Sir if you would go into the door on your right we'll get you set up." Roy looked a little questioningly up at Kiru who nodded and paid for him as he stepped inside. The wolf came in a few moments later. "Sit there please." He indicated a chair in the middle of the room. It was some sort of medical clinic, though why he was here he had no idea. Roy sat down quickly and waited. "Alright... OES first, then MPS... please sit still... just like a flu shot... little prick." The wolf approached with a needle and Roy looked a little questioningly but did nothing. The wolf quickly did the first shot before Roy spoke. "so what are these?" he asked indicating the needles. the wolf smiled a little and nodded slightly. "Figured you were new. MPS is the macro protection shot. It's not total, but it DOES protect you from several things. So long as you are treated not TOO roughly, you can't be crushed by being stepped upon or something along those lines... though if someone really wanted you could still be crushed, we also add the ARBS or the acid resistant bacterial Strain... essentially, you can be eaten and survive the outcome... though not exactly an enjoyable trip I'm sure... It does some thing to your genetics... takes about 2 days to kick in fully, so stay out of the way the next coupla days and you'll be fine." He injected the MPS and Roy watched interested smiling up at the wolf. "and the OES?" The wolf smiled a little mischievously and sat down. "The OES is the oxygen efficiency shot... same thing, 2 days till it kicks in fully... but this one tends to be more... of a sexual nature... basically... in area's that lack in oxygen... say... a females vagina... you would be able to draw what little oxygen out of the minimal air and hold it indefinitely... basically, it's like you recycle the oxygen instead of expelling CO2 which would lead to your downfall in the end... you will be expelling O2 by tomorrow, and your body will no longer create CO2 by your second day." The wolf smiled the entire time as Roy absorbed this information and nodded slightly, getting a smile as well. "May I ask a question sir?" the wolf nodded smiling warmly at the fox. "How do I go about marrying that beautiful macro out there?" he smiled a little nervously and the wolf chuckled a little. "Normal deal like ours... ask for mateship... be accepted or rejected... then live happily ever after with your... larger than life wife!" he chuckled warmly and Roy smiled at the little joke. Bidding him farewell as he stepped out, back into Kiru's waiting hand. The changes ran their course in Roy quickly as expected. They were subtle, though Roy definitely found that he was breathing fuller, more easily. Every time Kiru looked down at him, that same look came to her eyes... he knew on the second night, there would not be much sleep... and he smiled at the thought... Kiru and Roy sat watching the T.V. for awhile that night before that inevitable course of action began. "Hmm... Roy, it's kinda late... want to head for bed?" she smiled at him warmly and Roy chuckled nodding. She giggled a little and picked him up, kissing him warmly and smiling at him. "Well it is VERY hot out... would you mind if we slept nude tonight?" Roy smiled warmly at her and nodded, his smile large as he could already feel his erection starting to form under his boxers. She giggled and murred deeply as she stood up and walked to her bedroom setting him near the foot of the bed as she crawled onto it smiling down at him. She giggled and slowly pulled that bra off, and Roy saw those glorious nipples... and his erection immediately shot up in his pants. Then the reached down and pulled the thong off, and Roy could now finally gaze upon that beautiful, puffy sex. She murred deeply as she watched him pull of his boxers, and his pink erection throbbing and looking for attention as she smiled down at him and lay down on the bed spreading her great legs out towards him. he murred and took a few steps towards her feet and brushed his hand over them, murring deeply. She smiled down at him and wriggled her toes. "Hmm... hey foxy... want to play with my feet for a bit?" she giggled and murred warmly at him as he nodded smiling. He looked over at those large feet, and slowly reached up and began to rub up and down the bottom of her foot, massaging it happily, as she murred happily enjoying the treatment. He smiled and took a deep breath, and could smell her foot, the musky odour stinging at his nose slightly, but... he couldn't get enough of it. It smelt wonderful to him. moaning deeply he wrapped his arms around her foot and buried his face into the soft sole, and began to nuzzle and lick it happily making her giggle. She smiled happily and slowly pressed he foot down on top of him, pinning him underneath of her foot, and with a broad smile she slowly began to grind her foot into him. With a long moan of pleasure, Roy licked and nuzzled her foot, as he felt her soft foot glide over him, rubbing into his body, and arousing him further. She smiled and began to press more into his waist, now grinding her foot directly against his cock. With a loud moan of pleasure, Roy already began to ooze pre onto her foot, which was then smeared all over his front, but he didn't care, he loved this too much. She murred deeply and continued to grind her foot against him, unrelenting in her treatment as he suddenly cried out with pleasure and cummed against her heel, and began panting in pleasure. She giggled a little and with a murr, picked him up in her hand smiling. "Well now... you didn't really clean my foot did you?" she giggled and turned him around and wiped his back over her cum covered heel, cleaning his cum off of her heel. She giggled and smiled at him happily down at him. "Well now... I think it's time for some fun don't you?" she murred deeply as she spread her legs out and began to lower him toward her puffy, pink sex. With a moan from both of them, she lightly bushed his head over her sensitive pussy and Roy immediately craned his neck and started to lick at her. She moaned in pleasure and slowly began to press him into her hot sex. With a long moan she could feel him squirm inside of her pussy as she slowly inserted him. She let go of him when he was halfway in and he began to slide about, reaching out and rubbing everything he could, licking and moaning the entire time. Kiru gasped out and closed her eyes in bliss as she took a finger and slowly began to press him inwards more, his waist disappearing, which when it did slide into her, he began to pump into her as well, then is thighs, and knee's, until only his squirming feet were left dangling from her sex. With a long moan of sheer pleasure, she contracted around him, and he finally disappeared completely into her. Inside he panted madly, moaning in sheer pleasure as he slid along the slick embrace of the bunny. She moaned and squirmed about happily as he writhed about in her sensitive areas, sending shocks of utter pleasure through her body. With a long loud moan, she shuddered and she reached a most powerful climax fluids pouring out of her sex. Roy, licking and lapping at the delicious juices, was swept along with the stream and landed on the bed, slick with juices and panting happily. She moaned laying there a few moments in the after glow before she reached down and picked up the fox and lifting him up to her muzzle smiling deeply at him. "Hmm... that was wonderful... snack time?" she giggled and smiled at him. Roy thought a few moments then nodded. They had talked about this, and it was fine with him. She smiled and opened her mouth giving Roy a perfect view of her throat. Roy looked into that hot slimy pink cave, strands of saliva dripping from the top of her mouth onto her soft, inviting tongue, her throat rippling in anticipation as the fox looked in amazed. Her breath washed over him as she raised him and slowly slid his small body past her lips, slipping him onto her velvety tongue. He moaned in pleasure as it curled around him and began to rub against him, making him groan in pleasure, as he was steadily aroused by her tongue. Within moments she had him pinned against her tongue and murring, she lashed the tip of her tongue across his groin, making him moan loudly as he began to ooze pre onto her tongue. He squirmed against her soft flesh as she licked at him, and she licked along his length, coating him in saliva. He gasped out and within moments, is seed poured onto her tongue making her moan in pleasure as she wrapped her tongue around him and unceremoniously tossed him into her throat. her throat gripped him easily, and dragged him down into her throat, the powerful muscle squeezing in all around him as he was pulled down relentlessly into her stomach landing with a little plop. He groaned and smiled happily as he slowly drifted off to sleep from the exhaustion of the fun they had been having. Kiru patted her stomach murring deeply, and smiling broadly as she lay down on her bed to sleep as well. Over the next couple of weeks, there love intensified and finally, Roy broke the question. She didn't even hesitate, saying yes, the two soon got the legal formalities out of the way, and the two were mated, living happily, loving each other deeply... lemme see here... characters are actually copyight to me... along with the story... so this belongs to ME THE absorbentgene! I'd really like to send a huge and affection thank you to Kero Yifu of SL! for being my inspiration for this story... I'm also gonna sneak in a lil guessing game here...which character do you think i portrayed after myself? could be anyone now... even if for only a moment... |
Josh wouldn’t notice it immediately. He sat naked watching the television and enjoyed the chance to relax in the enormous leather couch, that was built to fit the big mouse, not someone like him and while her scent was ingrained into everything it seemed, there was something new and inviting wafting in. Blushing a little he gave a little stretch and looked around curiously to find the source and gasped almost falling off of the couch with what he spotted. Sitting at the far side of the couch, appearing from no where was a small mouse woman, wearing a black dress. She had brown fur and warm brown eyes as she sat there watching the T.V. with him. Josh was unsure how to react, and sat there looking at her quietly for a few moments before she finally opened her mouth, speaking in a warm tone. “Staring isn’t nice… I’m Alex by the way.” She said softly to him making josh go scarlet red and look back to the television and quietly watched her out of the corner of his eye. She would stretch out a little and give a bit of a yawn, as they watched something about animals in south America Though he barely paid attention to it, more interested in this mouse who had literally appeared out of no where. They sat there for what seemed like ages in silence. Finally it seemed like She got bored and slowly stood up stretching as she sighed in delight, looking down at the human and smirked. Her hand rose and snapped her fingers, making him blink a little before gasping as both his hands were suddenly forced together and pulled up above his head, yelping in surprise, lifted clear of the ground by some unseen force. Gasping he would struggle a little in place, looking down at her as she hmmed gently and slowly began to strip her dress of as she smirked. “Jessie may enjoy you, but it’s my turn now… and word of warning dear, it’s hard to please a witch.” She chuckled and grinned up at him playfully as she let the dress fall away, tossing it onto the couch and stood there naked now. She was a startling difference than from her sister. Her fur was well kept, and trimmed, and being smaller as well, she was certainly the clean one of the two! Her firm breasts were slowly pressed up against his right leg as he continued to look down at her nervously. Slowly she pulled back and began to walk around him slowly, examining him like one would examine livestock as she smirked a little, occasionally reaching forward to pinch or poke at him. Stopping behind him for a moment she reached forwards to once again start to grope at his rump, hmming softly at the sight. “Tight ass… No wonder she said she really enjoyed the strap on with you…” She said softly and spread those ass cheeks with both her hands now, getting a look at his anus, and without any warning leaned in and gave it a slow lick. Slowly she slobbered and drooled over it, tongue sliding up and down over it again and again, making him moan deeply in delight the entire time, as the wonderful feeling, squirming in the air as she just enjoyed teasing him for now. His own shaft would become hard quickly with the attention as she hmmed deeply and reached forwards to gently grope at his sac as he gasped happily in delight the groping and licking edging him forwards as he enjoyed the wonderful feeling and she certainly enjoyed his taste. Slowly she would pull away and chuckles as she watched saliva drool out from his anus now and drop down from his rump, as she stepped around to his front now, reaching up and starting to gently stroke along his shaft. “Hmm… You taste too good… I have just the place to put you when we’re done here…” She said a little ominously and licked her lips, having a pretty good idea of where. He squirmed some more in that invisible binding and looked down at her nervously. “B-but Jessie really likes me.” He managed to stammer out, Alex only smirked up at him, continuing to stroke over his throbbing erection, leaning in and kissing at his sac gently, which only made him groan deeply, and slowly start to drool pre. “ “Hmm… and did she put any wards on you?” she asked and he shuddered and panted grinding up into her hand. But shaking his head. “I didn’t think so. She would only do that for someone she wanted to keep around…” She said her smile getting broader by the moment. “But don’t worry… I promise, I’ll make your last moments out here utter bliss…” She said gently and gave a wink at him as he went to open his mouth in protest, she snapped her fingers again, and that invisible force holding him in the air became much more active. As he opened his mouth, it felt like he had something shoved into it, actually muffling him so that he could no longer speak and at the same time, a similar thing happened to his rump, getting penetrated by some unseen shaft as he muffled out in delight, arching his back and squirming. Alex admired her handiwork for a couple moments, as he struggled and squirmed in pleasure from her magic, before she finally leaned forwards and took the tip of the shaft into her lips and began to suckle gently on him. This only made him give a long low moan of delight as he grinded forwards as best he could into her maw, panting heavily in delight the entire time, drooling and leaking plenty of pre. It wasn’t long before she began to take more and more of his member into her hot steaming maw, her tongue rolling and swirling around the shaft. All the while, the shaft in his rump continued to thrust in steadily, and the one in his maw kept him from doing much more than moaning muffledy and Alex Just enjoyed his taste, watching him squirm like a puppet on a string… Holding such power over others was always something she enjoyed and it showed as she gently rubbed along her own lips, drooling juice over her groin Josh really couldn’t handle this amount of pleasure, and every thrust into his rump and her bobbing her head in unison made him spurt pre into her maw every time, and it was only a matter of time until he came. Still he did his best to resist it, knowing that when he did, it would be meal time, and that was to be his fate no matter what, he still didn’t want it to be quite yet and wanted it on Jessie’s orders… But it was too late. With a howl of delight, her arched his back and cummed hard into her maw, the sticky goo pouring into her gullet as she gulped it down happily, making sure to keep her mouth locked over it, drinking from him eagerly, the shaft in his rump stopping it’s pumping as he went a little limp, moaning softly in delight. Finally she began to pull off, leaving his shaft clean and glistening with saliva as she licked her lips again, the powers muffling him and the one in his rump disappearing at the same time as he groaned a little. “I-I d-don’t think Jessie wants me gone…He managed to whimper out but Alex just chuckled and grinned at him. “Oh hush now. I’m the elder sister and I’m in charge… Now be a good meal and squirm for me… I’ll even be nice and make sure you can breath… You’ll get a day of squirming I think.” She said softly, and slowly he found himself rising further into the air so that he was above her now and she grinned up. “Don’t go all to my hips now…” She said teasingly, taking his feet in her hands and licking at his toes a little teasingly, as he found himself starting to get lowered down into her hot mouth. Slowly his feet were getting sucked into her mouth. He would wiggle his toes against her tongue as she hmmed gently in delight, clearly very pleased with his taste, as he continued to get lowered slowly but surely into her maw, as she hmmed happily, gladly taking him into her maw,. He could feel his feet get sucked into her throat, the powerful muscles working over him to pull him deeper as he moaned deeply and gave another gentle whimper. The powerful mouse witch had him right where she wanted, and could do whatever she liked with him, and all he could do was wiggle and squirm just like she wanted. Steadily his legs disappeared, and soon her tongue was rubbing and licking up over his rump teasingly, getting a firm taste, and once again, diving into his anus gently, to keep him moaning, and wiggling the entire time. It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time to see his lower body disappearing into her powerful jaws, knowing that he was nothing more than the days meal. Knowing that he was going to become one with her.and the fact she was doing what she could to ensure his final moments in the outside world were enjoyable. Panting and gasping away heavily, he cried out as she stretched her mouth around his waist, and continues sucking him deeper, gasping sharply as little more cum oozed from his shaft as it was quickly drawn into her throat, his feet reaching her stomach and could already feeling the thick acids inside tingling at his flesh. And still he continued to sink, slowly but surely getting forced into her tight gullet and stomach inch by inch, her tongue constantly licking over his back and sides, making sure he was well lubed for the tip. His chest the next to go, as she made sure to gently chew on him, making he cry out in delight as he gave a soft groan, giving up on any chance of rescue. “T-tell Jessie I love her!” He managed to gasp out as his head began to press against her lips. She smiled gently around him, and reached up to gently pat at his head, before pushing in, as she swallowed over that as well, the poor human almost completely gone now. She sucked his arms in like a par of noodle as he was tucked away into her belly, forced to curl up into the fetal position in the small cramped confines of her belly, as she finally finished him off, arms soon joining him inside. She gave a thunderous belch and looked down at her now enormous gut, beginning to rub over it gently as she giggled gently down at him. “Oh I’ll tell her but she won’t care.” She said again warmly, and panted softly. She loved having a big gut like this from time to time, having such a large male squirming inside. She would give a deep sigh and slowly lay back in on the couch, and continued to rub her belly, feeling him squirming inside, and bulges appear from time to time, as she chuckled gently and gave another soft belch. Inside, it was hot, humid, and the acids pouring over him were stinging as they ate away at him. He groaned and whimpered softly in pain, but wriggled about steadily, pressing out against her belly, where he could, but it was so tight, that unless she wanted him out there was no escaping this. She would reach down and gasp sharply as she began to finger herself again, her other hand continuing to rub at her gut, as she drooled juices over the leather cough, groaning happily in delight. “Hmm… Keep squirming… we’re gonna have a good day together doing this…” She said, and Josh didn’t expect anything else… Alex enjoyed her time with him immensely. He never stopped squirming, and she had gone through several orgasms playing with herself, When Jessie finally came home. By then, his struggles had gotten far less rough and it was clear he was weakening quite a bit, and beyond muffled moans and whimpers, he had largely accepted his fate. Jessie saw Alex and gave a warm smile, before seeing the fat gut and blinked a little. “Uh… Is… he in there?” She asked quietly and Alex nodded up at her. “ “Hmm… Yes he is. Why do you ask?” she said warmly, slowly standing up, and wobbling a bit, Jessie tossing aside a small back she was carrying, standing far above her sister she looked down at her a little more sternly. “You know he hasn’t done it yet… He… You DID place the spells on him… right?” It was Alex’s turn to blink in surprise as she shook her head slowly. “No… But does it really matter? He said he loved you and said you liked him… They all say that…” She said gently and rubbed her tummy again smiling. “Besides, he tasted too good to pass up.” She said with a soft chuckle. Jessie went a little red with embarrassment, but knew she had to act quickly, otherwise, her newfound toy wouldn’t be making it. “Bathroom now Alex… We need to get him out.” She said curtly, and grabbed her by an arm and began to tug her along, as Alex yelped gently and looked at the much larger mouse. “Hey! He’s my food! I wanna keep him that way!” She said sharply, looking like she was preparing to use some kind of magic to get away, but Jessie would have none of it. She wasn’t Magic, but she knew her sister, and right now, was driven by a mixture of lust, and what one could probably call love. Grabbing Alex’s arms, Jessie hauled her off to the bathroom with ease, Alex kicking and squirming uselessly against the big paws, though she was a little limited by her fat belly, as she ended up in the bathtub, with Jessie looming over her. “Open up.” She said bluntly, and when Alex went to speak, Jessie didn’t give her the chance, mashing an aher hand into her maw, and reaching down her throat as Alex hmphed a little, but let Jessie do it, the feeling a little uncomfortable, but she didn’t want something small like this affecting there relationship. Josh had spent the entire time digesting, and by now, his flesh was red and raw and extremely sensitive. Much of his hair had been bleached as well from the acids, and when he felt the movements outside, was unsure was going on. It was after a few moments, he suddenly felt a big firm hand wrap around his chest, and tug hard, making him yelp softly, and cry out in pain, as he was pulled out of Alex's throat, past her lips and out into the world again, landing in the tub with a small thump, mucous, acid, and drool puddling around him as he panted and cried softly in pain, his body red and painful looking, Jessie seeing this sucking in a sharp breath and looked to Alex for a moment. “Hmm… You’ll get your chance with him later… If you want food, my pantry has some mouse boy’s you can enjoy.” She said gently and smiled at Alex a little. “But place your wards on him first.” She said with a wink. Alex hmphed softly but gave a nod, coughing up a bit more spittle, and after thinking for a couple moments, began to work on casting her spell. Josh could only lay there whimpering, in intense pain, the burning coursing through his body, and making him sensitive to the air, when he felt something cool flooding over him for a moment, and it stopped again, the burning returning as he listened to Alex speak again. “There… Now he’ll reform if he perishes… You sure I can’t have him right now?” She asked almost longingly, and Jessie gave a sigh. “Well I wanted him to get into it slowly… not something so sudden and jarring… He’s a good pet… Very obedient and willing, and if he keeps it up, I’ll start giving him treats.” She said softly, letting Alex out of the tub, before turning on the water, letting it pour over Josh’s curled up form, the cool water soothing, and washing him of the acids, making much of the burning go away as she smiled over at Alex again. “I think we’ll let him decide when he wants to be food again.” She said warmly and Alex gave a slow nod. “Well he enjoyed it, that was for sure… But I think he didn’t want it to end…” She said gently and Jessie nodded tapping her chin gently, looking up at the poor curled up form of Josh. “Hmm… He won’t last out here.” She looked down at him, as he washed off and looked up at Jessie nervously.. “Josh… I don’t want you to panic… I’m going to slip you inside of my womb… It won’t crush you like it does others… I don’t want you to get that shock just yet.” She said gently and reached down to gently pat his head. “Do You think you can crawl in?” She asked slowly. Josh would shiver, the cool water starting to get to him, as he nodded, his flesh still stinging, but the worst of it was over. He would shakily get onto his hands and knee’s, and nod up at her a little nervously, and she smiled down at him chuckling. “Good boy… I’ll take care of you.” She said gently and lifted him out, Carrying him to her bedroom carefully, she set him down on the bed as Alex split off from them, going to replace the food she’d lost out on. Slowly, Jessie laid down on the bed in front of Josh and spread her legs smiling a little. “I’ll keep you nice and warm and safe inside…” She said to him gently and Josh nodded slowly. “O-Okay…” He managed to get out weakly, the day obviously having taken it’s toll on him, as he slowly managed to crawl forth and began to rub at her crotch, finding her soft lips and hmmed gently. Jessie just relaxed and let him take it at his own pace as he slowly nuzzled down past the thick fur and against the lips of her sex. Groaning heavily he started to press inwards slowly but surely, finding the juices that began to ooze up around his face was soothing. Shuddering gently, he used his hands to pull the lips apart a little more and slowly began to sin k inwards, moaning gently in delight, the smell, taste and feeling of her sex starting to accept him inwards was heavenly. Jessie gave a soft groan of delight and panted gently in pleasure, enjoying the feeling quite a bit, as she lay back, and focused on keeping those powerful muscles relaxed so she didn’t crush him. While it would be easier just to finish him off and reform him, she wanted to build something more with him. She shuddered and watched him disappear steadily into her, as she panted and gasped softly, reaching down and gently parting her lips a little more form him, rubbing over herself. Smiling gently she watched him wiggled inwards steadily, While josh panted and groaned away steadily, doing his best despite his bodies protests, slowly slipping into her soft velvety depths, groaning deeply the entire time. Slowly his chest sank in, then his stomach, and soon his waist was disappearing as well, as she smiled a little and closed her eyes, letting him push inwards steadily, her walls flexing over him from time to time, threatening to crush him at a moments notice, but they would stay back for now, and allow a relatively easy journey.Groaning and panting gently, he finally managed to have only his legs poking out and those were quickly disappearing as well as she chuckled and rubbed over her stomach softly, feeling him wiggling and squirming his way deeper. She sighed gently looking down and even his feet were no longer visible under the thick crotch fur that covered her sex. Finally they two slipped in and he would groan away heavily, finally starting to slide his way into her womb. It was sticky, slimy, warm and more spacious than the stomach he’d just been in. The scent of the big mouse woman was intense as she continued to rub gently at him, as he finally began to get in. Panting deeply at the hot humid air inside he slowly managed to get his chest and would pant and groan softly, as she hmmed softly, her walls closing down around his legs slowly forcing him upwards, helping him in, as he panted and groaned way happily. Finally he slid in, curling up into a little bit looser ball than it was in Alex’s gut, and sigh happily, slowly settling down and starting to doze off as Jessie smiled in delight and stood up, gently rubbing over her tummy, looking like she had a small baby bulge. She sighed softly and walked down into the kitchen happily showing off the occupant and Alex was nice and full with someone else now wiggling steadily, as Jessie winked. “He’s tucked away safe and sound…” She said gently and Alex smiled up warmly. “Hmm… You sure we should have scared him like that?” She asked and smiled at Jessie warmly. “ “Yeah… He’ll do anything I ask now. He wanted to before, but now he’s got a reason to…” She said warmly, gently rubbing over her tummy as Alex nodded eagerly. “Lucky you… I can come by and play with him sometimes?” She asked teasingly. “He did taste really good…” She said with a giggling and Jessie chuckled warmly and grinned. “I know right? Never tasted anything like him before… He’ll be with us for a very long time.” She said warmly and slowly lay back to enjoy him inside, as he dozed off, a nice addition to her life. |
Chapter 57 Crossroads Blues, Part II Violet and Zuzen buy a room at the tiny Nipton Hotel, as planned. There's only four rooms for the whole place. They'll be spending the evening in room number four. Jordyn occupies room two, which is closer to the main lobby. As the rest of the day passes, Violet spends her time kneading her lover's gurgling stomach until nothing is left of his prey but a thick new layer of fat. Eventually, Zuzen wordlessly pushes his girlfriend off of him when he's ready to expel the remains of his victim. He gets up with a fond smile at Violet, then exits to the bathroom and closes the door behind him. While he's gone, Violet gets up from the mattress and saunters out into the hall. If they're going to spend the night in a town as corrupt as Nipton, she's going to have fun with it. She's already coming up with devious ideas. At first, she wonders about trying to subdue and devour Jordyn, but that would probably come back to bite her—literally. The Vault 7 refugee is adept in the art of eating people, and any effort to guzzle her up will likely result in Violet adding to her tits. A lamenting sigh escapes Violet as she considers other options. She almost wishes Diana were here right now, or maybe Leyla. One of the showgirls in town will have to do instead. Violet gives Jordyn's door a knock anyhow. “You around?” Rather than eat the girl, Violet has different plans in mind. Jordyn opens up. “Yea?” “Can I borrow a gun?” Violet asks. “I'm going out.” Jordyn turns over her Colt .45 without question. “All yours. Don't lose it.” She even gives her hip holster. “I want that back as soon as you're done.” “Appreciated.” Violet straps the weapon around her waist and makes her way out into town. She looks around, hoping to find a brothel or saloon. It doesn't take long at all. As she heads for the main road, she spots a building on the east side of town with scantily clad women strutting their stuff up and down the sidewalk, luring horny young men into the house around the block. Violet approaches them and decides to take her pick. She has no intention of paying them. Money won't be any good for where these girls will go. Now, what is she in the mood for? She looks back and forth through the group of girls, and the first to catch her eye is a shapely brunette girl wearing a black tank top, and a dark gray skirt that she wears deliberately low on her hips so the black thong she's wearing is visible. She's a little on the chubby side, though not like Leyla or herself; just enough healthy pudge to be appealing. Violet approaches her first. “Sup.” The woman gives Violet an inquisitive look. “Need somethin' sugar?” She smirks lightly. Violet replies, “Yea. I got a boyfriend back at the hotel... We'd like to do a little roleplaying...” She says to herself in her mind; that's how she'll explain Zuzen's appearance. “You into that sorta thing?” The girl muses, “Honey, if you're paying, I'll play along. What kind of roleplaying we talkin'? Rape? Food play? Bestiality?” Violet decides on a good lie. “Bit of a mix... My boyfriend's dressed up kind of like a Deathclaw, and he's going to pretend to eat us, then lie on top of a pile of blankets we're under acting like it's his stomach, and then we're gonna fool around.” The girl laughs, “Ooohhh, so you two like vore.” “Is that what it's called?” All these years, Violet never imagined there was a proper term for such a strange fetish. “Huh... Well, think you could help us out?” The girl replies, “Tell you what. We got a big girl named Velvet. If your boyfriend doesn't mind fat chicks...” “Pfft, he loves 'em,” Violet laughs. “Then she'll be a perfect playmate... She's into the whole vore thing.” The girl starts to lead Violet back to the brothel. “Her name is Velvet. You'll know her when you see her.” “What's your name, by the way?” Violet asks. “Nikki,” the girl says as they approach the front door of the brothel. Upon entering together, they find themselves surrounded by at least a dozen women all dressed in varying levels of clothing, and some that wear nothing but panties or thongs. Some girls dance on poles for drooling young men while others grind and kiss one-another for perverted boys to ogle at. However, in the back of the room, one voluptuous lady stands out in a tight red tube dress that's barely long enough to cover up her crotch. Violet stops in her place at the sight of the enormous woman. She's at least six foot two, and a distinct hourglass figure. Her hips are as wide as Violet's at her fattest, but jiggling from her chest are a pair of jugs that would make even Jordyn envious. Violet says out loud, “Holy shit, they're bigger than my head!” The big girl Velvet glances over at Violet with a sultry grin. She's currently sitting on a large beanbag chair while an enamored young man feeds her some greasy cooked meats. Her stomach is plump—at its widest, it sticks out just barely past her bust, which is roughly equal to the girth of her hips. Yet, unlike Violet, or even Diana, her belly is firm and globular, meaning either she's pregnant, stuffed with food to the point of a belly ache, or she used to be a much more slender woman who deliberately and rapidly put on a lot of weight. Seeing Violet and Nikki, the redheaded woman asks, “Brought me a new playmate, Nikki?” Her voice is as her name 'Velvet' implies. Bold, but soft and smooth. Violet wonders if the girl sings jazz. Nikki explains, “This gal's looking for someone to indulge her and her boyfriend in a little vore roleplay.” Velvet looks Violet up and down. “Predator or prey?” Violet blinks. “Excuse me?” Velvet takes a sizable sausage up off the plate next to her and shoves one end into her mouth. Without even swallowing, she shoves it into her esophagus, letting its greasy surface lubricate it on the way down. Her throat noticeably swells as the morsel passes down her gullet. The sausage must be as thick around as Violet's first. Violet's heart skips a beat at the spectacle. Her eyes go wide as she watches this woman cram it all the way past her tonsils, close her lips, and swallow the entire thing whole with an audible 'glrk'. Violet's eyes trace the path the sausage would have taken down into Velvet's large stomach. She hardly realizes she's staring until Velvet makes a comment on it. “Prey it is,” Velvet muses, licking her lips and fingertips clean. She shifts in her seat, then stands up in front of Violet. Her tube top outfit stretches and strains around her curves, hugging almost skin-tight. The bottom of her skirt rides up her hips, exposing her doughy ass and pink pantie covered groin until she yanks the edges back down. “So where's this boyfriend of yours? I take it he likes girls who can eat?” Violet gulps softly. “Y-You could say that.” She smiles bashfully. “He's at the hotel. Care to join us, then?” The large woman warns, “I'm not cheap.” Violet giggles, “That's fine, hon. We got plenty of caps.” That's a lie. However, Violet has no intention of letting the girl leave their bedroom as anything less than an ample new layer of padding on her asscheeks. “Right this way... Velvet, was it?” Velvet nods, smirking. “I see Nikki already told you about me. So, what's your name?” “Violet,” she says as she turns to escort Velvet out of the building. “That so?” Velvet asks while following. “You the singer from the Atomic Wrangler?” “O-Oh, yea... heh. Guess I'm a little famous,” Violet says bashfully. The two of them walk together out of the brothel and are soon back outside. “So, what kind of stuff is your boyfriend into?” Velvet asks. “Cuz I know you have a thing for vore, or at least stuffing.” She drums a hand against her large round stomach as it wobbles with every steps. “He's into vore too,” Violet smirks softly, blushing vibrantly as she imagines watching Velvet slurping down Zuzen's tailtip. “Imagine if I could drizzle you in chocolate and tuck you inside...” She scoots closer behind Violet, suddenly embracing the shorter girl with arms draped around Violet's shoulders. Velvet's deep cleavage swallows up the back of the singer's head. Violet's body freezes up. For a split second, she grows worried. She asks, “Erm, question.” “Yes?” Violet asks outright, “By any chance does 'Vault Seven' ring a bell to you?” The woman pauses. “Vault Sev—Why? Why do you ask? You from a Vault?” Velvet asks curiously, then her voice shifts back to teasing. “You'd look cute in a blue jumpsuit.” “No, just—” Violet realizes what she's saying. To think this girl is from Vault 7... It's absurd. What are even the chances? Jordyn is the only other she has ever met from the ruined Vault. She pushes aside her paranoia. “No reason,” Violet says. “I was just curious.” Violet decides to change the topic. “So is Velvet your real name?” Velvet gives a giggle. “No. My real name is Vanessa. Velvet is just a stage name. What about you?” Violet smiles faintly. “Violet is actually my real name.” “It's pretty,” Velvet—or rather Vanessa—compliments. “So who's your boyfriend?” Violet explains, “His name is Zuzen. He's going to be playing a sort of... Deathclaw hybrid, so don't freak out when you see him.” Vanessa laughs, “Oh don't worry, I've had my way with stranger bedfellows.” She releases Violet from her grip and gives her bum a playful swat with one hand. “He likes thick girls?” Violet eeps, jumping at the hit, but then keeps walking. “Y-Yea.” She reaches back to rub where Vanessa hit her, already blushing at the girl's dominant personality. “He's gonna pretend to eat one of us. Maybe both of us. Then we're gonna make out in his 'stomach'.” Vanessa smirks, “And how's he going to put us in his 'stomach'?” Violet comes up with an idea. “Tie us up, blindfold us, then shove us under the blankets and tuck us in tight as he can.” Vanessa asks, “How about I tie you up first and 'feed' you to him?” She muses. Violet's heart flutters at the idea, though her mind immediately goes first to the fantasy of Zuzen actually swallowing her whole while another woman guides her into his warm throat. The fact that Zuzen can do that in actuality just adds to the thrill of it. “M-Maybe,” Violet says. She doesn't want Zuzen to blow their cover early. “But afterward, you gotta crawl in after me.” She smirks. Zuzen should be able to figure it out. “Orrrr...” Vanessa comes up with her own plot. “How about I eat both of you?” She giggles. “Think of it... Your two bodies, all sweltering and warm, surrounded by softness, humping and grinding each other while I play with myself on top of you...” Violet thinks about it. Again, she's thrilled by the idea, but knowing the woman couldn't possibly eat them in actuality is somehow slightly disappointing. Yet, a romp with Zuzen under the blankets pretending it's a stomach might still be fun. Violet considers it, then says, “Yea, I guess that could be fun.” “Mmmm, we'll see what happens,” Vanessa says, swaying her fat hips as she waltzes ahead of Violet. “What room you staying in?” “Room four,” Violet announces as they walk into the hotel. Vanessa quiets her voice so Zuzen doesn't overhear them. “So, want me to play dumb and unwilling, or..?” Violet keeps her voice down too. “Honestly, surprise me.” She stops outside the bedroom door and begins to take off her clothes, save for her underwear. Vanessa glances Violet up and down, giving the less chubby girl a playful grin. “How'd he react if I just walked in, belly sloshing full of his girlfriend~?” Violet's cheeks flare at the thought. “That'd be hot if it were possible.” She bundles up her clothes in both arms and prepares to walk in. “You know what'd be even hotter?” She grins. “What's that?” Vanessa inquires. Violet leans up to whisper, “If he got to fuck me doggy style while you gushed beneath me...” Vanessa grins widely. “Ooooooohhh... Tempting.” She wraps her arms around Violet's hips, giving her bum an affectionate grope. “Bet I'd make your ass nice and fat.” Violet begins to drool. She decides she's going to make her move on Vanessa any second now. She glances past Vanessa, but allows the bigger girl to keep her cornered. The more Vanessa lowers her guard, the easier she'll be to guzzle whole. She takes slow, deep breaths as she gazes up to meet the girl's eyes. As she's staring, she reaches up behind herself to unclip her bra. She doesn't want it breaking when she eats Vanessa. Vanessa meanwhile steps back for a moment to pull off her dress. She yanks it up her body, letting her plump round stomach fall out of it first, then her enormous tits jiggle free, until finally her outfit is pulled completely past her head. Without any bra, she stands in nothing but a thong—or panties that were several sizes too small for her. Half-naked, she walks up against Violet, pushing their bodies together, though Vanessa's figure engulfs most of Violet's in softness. “Ready for your tour of my stomach~?” Violet bites her lower lip. “Fuck yes~” Vanessa responds by opening her jaws in front of Violet's face, relaxing her throat for Violet to stare into. For a split second, Violet's heart skips a beat with a brief thought of 'oh shit' at the idea that Vanessa might have gone to Vault 7 after all, but instead of going into her esophagus, Vanessa grips the back of Violet's head, 'clacks' her teeth shut, and gives a harsh, loud 'gwlrk' while shoving Violet's face down into the smothering embrace of her tits. Vanessa drags Violet down along her body while giving a soft moan, taunting all the while, “Now you're nothing but food for my stomach...” She presses her full body weight into Violet once her face is pushed up against the firm, gurgling belly full of meat. Violet is left dazed and dizzy from even just the idea of being eaten. Her toes curl as she muffles a moan into Vanessa's warm, doughy gut. She can't wait until she's big and plump like that again. She gives Vanessa's tummy an anxious lovebite. Vanessa smirks, however she soon backs off. “But seriously...” She turns around, pulling Violet with her as she pushes through the bedroom door. When they arrive, Zuzen is lazing around naked in bed. He had been napping until the girls entered. He sits up upon hearing them, and sees Vanessa first. “Oh wow,” he chuckles. “Quite a catch, isn't she, Violet~?” Violet giggles. “Oh yea, bet she could just guzzle us both right up~” She slaps Vanessa's ass teasingly. Zuzen gives Violet a curious raise of his brow, but sees Violet mouth to him 'just play along'. Zuzen perks, then joins in with the tease. “Oooohhh, is that so?” He chuckles. “Mmmmhh. Bet we'd go right to those massive tits when she's done with us.” He rolls out of the blankets, onto all fours. He's naked. “Or maybe she'll look better sagging from my gut.” He licks his lips, swaying his thick tail idly behind him. Vanessa giggles, “Oh, don't worry, you two will have plenty of time to play when you're churning in my big ol' belly~” She saunters closer to Zuzen, rubbing her stomach as she approaches. “I wonder how Deathclaw tastes...” Zuzen gives Violet a glance again, but Violet nods in approval. She's enjoying this show as much as Zuzen is. Seeing Violet isn't bothered, Zuzen sits up on his knees and reaches up to fondle Vanessa's flabby gut. “Lemmie see what that big 'ol gut can do, then... Why don't you start with Violet back there~?” He waves Violet over. “C'mere, hon. You're gonna be stripper food.” Violet tries to suppress a laugh. She can't help but find the verbose teasing a little on the absurd side. Is this really what they sound like when they taunt each other with voracious promises? She joins in with the tease, though, and comes closer. She slips out of her panties along the way, and crawls up onto the mattress naked. Just like Zuzen, she crawls on her knees, and stands on them between both of her playmates. Her heart is pounding. As soon as this big girl is packed away in her stomach, she is going to fuck Zuzen until his hips ache. Vanessa wraps her arms around the both of them, though. “Why just an appetizer when I can have a full course?” Violet moans out loud this time, wriggling to turn around and face her. She exclaims, “Because you're mine!” However, the moment she's turned around, Zuzen grips her by her arms, twists them behind her back, and knocks Violet forward on her knees. Violet yelps at this, then jolts in pleasure as she suddenly feels Zuzen's cock ram into her folds. Her eyes go wide. She screams blissfully, but her scream quickly shatters into an exasperated moan. Nothing makes her head spin like such force from a boy she's enamored by. Vanessa meanwhile laughs, backing off to give them some space. She muses, “Why don't you fuck her down my throat, mmmmh?” She reaches for some blankets, and throws them over half of Violet's body. Zuzen, seeing the use of blankets, catches on to the sort of kinky shenanigans that Vanessa will be doing tonight. Though in the back of his mind, he now imagines pounding Violet down Diana's gullet instead. He nods in approval to Vanessa, but doesn't say anything outright. He just keeps Violet's arms pinned back as he rocks hard into her, watching her bum jiggle. Vanessa meanwhile gets down on her knees off the side of the bed, facing Violet who is just barely leaning off the edge while her boyfriend slams into her from behind. Violet's mind is completely scrambled as ripples of pleasure jiggle up her belly and hips. She locks eyes with Vanessa, just before she pulls the blanket over the both of them. All the while, Zuzen keeps pounding Violet, whose body jolts and squirms under him in writhing pleasure. She muffles a loud scream under the blankets, enticing Zuzen to ram into her harder and harder. His cock begins to pulse as he nears closer to climax. Each heavy buck is threatening to knock her off the bed, and is indeed inching her further and further toward the edge. He closes his eyes and arches his back to give Violet his all, thrusting into her, making her bum slap wetly against his crotch as both of their bodies grow slick and sweaty. His tongue hangs out in pleasure as he feels his cock ready to burst. The consequences are far from his mind as he prepares to fill her up with his hot load. Violet jerks and twinges her arms in his harsh grip, but can do nothing to stop or slow him down as he bucks into her rear. She goes quiet for the last few moments—her whole body trembling deeply and wriggling in his hold. Suddenly, she slips off the edge of the bed, and another muffled yipe escapes her as her bum falls under the sheets. Zuzen blinks as she's pulled off of his cock. “Whoops, heheh.” He reaches under the blankets to grab her hips again to pull them back onto the bed. Vanessa then pulls off the blankets to reveal her jaws wrapped around Violet's thick waistline. She tosses her head back to take a hard, throaty swallow, sucking down Violet's kicking legs in mere seconds. She then lunges at Zuzen, maw and throat agape, with Violet's wriggling feet still visible in her throat. For a split second, Zuzen doesn't know what he's seeing or how to react, but it's already too late. “Wha—” And Vanessa envelops him too. He shouts loudly, but the experienced predator twists his arms back and crams him right down her esophagus after his girlfriend. A ravenous, wet gulp ripples around him, pulling him swiftly down into the sloppy, gurgling liquids of Vanessa's meat-mush stomach juices. It all happens so fast, that he's not even able to fight back before he spills in on top of his lover, plunging head-first under the sizzling goop. Violet kicks around, and manages to push her head up into the air pocket while the rest of Zuzen is being gulped. She screams, “I FUCKING KNEW IT!” She punches at the gut's wall. “Come on! What the fuck!” she cries out at Vanessa, kicking hard at the fleshy prison. Vanessa, who finishes slurping down Zuzen's tailtip in mere seconds, climbs up into their bed to drag her engorged belly across the bedsheets. “You wanted to fuck in my belly, didn't you?” She muses. Violet whines. “Y-Yea! But—but I didn't actually think you'd—” Vanessa rolls over suddenly, sloshing Violet under the goopy mix. Now Zuzen is on top, and Violet's face is sat on beneath her boyfriend's bum. She squirms and pushes beneath him. Zuzen meanwhile gasps for air and pushes out at the slimy flesh, “O-Oh fuck, d-did we really get eaten..!?” He moves off of Violet as best he can, and reaches under her to pull her up to the surface. Violet gasps for air once she's out of the soup, then coughs on the steamy fumes. “S-Shit... th-this... this f-fucking backfired.” She whimpers, but she's still shaking. It's hard to tell if it's in pleasure or fright. Maybe both! Her eyes start getting teary either from the acidic fumes or the overwhelming realization of how imminent death is “G-God damn it, I am s-so fucking sorry Zuz—” Zuzen carelessly pushes his arms around Violet until he has hold of her hips. He forces her legs apart, and drives his cock back into her. Violet's eyes snap wide while her thoughts shatter. She embraces Zuzen tightly, scratching his back and biting hard into his shoulder. They're going to die in here—she knows it. There's no one to save them this time. Unless Jordyn by sheer luck decides to waltz in on them and demand their release, they're really truly screwed this time. Yet the impending doom just makes her want Zuzen all the more. She wraps her thighs around his hips and squeezes him tight. To hell with it. If they're going out, they're going out with a bang. Zuzen's thoughts are the same. He ruts up into his lover as the sweltering liquids slosh around their sweaty bodies, tingling and eventually stinging their naked skin. He aggressively grips at Violet's hair as the juices splash all over them, and they hear Vanessa moaning as well. He stammers to Violet, “I f-fucking l-love you...~” Violet feels like she's going to faint just from the stimulation alone. She lets go of Zuzen's shoulder from her teeth, leaving a black and blue welt behind. She gives a series of high pitch gasp to match the rhythm of Zuzen's bucks. She tries to say 'I love you too' but she can't speak. Outside, Vanessa wriggles an arm around her wobbling belly and plunges her fingertips into her folds as her stomach begins to burn around her victims. It isn't often that she gets to indulge in a meal like this, so willing to fool around in her own belly—save for her prey being drunk. She gives the two of them one last delightful tease, “See you two on my tits...” She belches up their air supply—all of it... As the acids gush up over their heads, the finality of those words kicks Zuzen well over the tipping point. Feeling the digestive enzymes now searing every inch of their bodies, he claws and squeezes Violet against him as his throbbing cock pumps an explosive load deep into her nethers—a climax by the likes of which Zuzen had never felt before. Violet inhales a gasp—or tries to. Just a loud glub escapes her and instead the gurgling fluids fill up her lungs. She convulses violently, but her final moments are that of intense pleasure. She wraps her arms around Zuzen's body, humping back against him as she feels herself going dull. Her only regret is she didn't get to digest Zuzen herself. Zuzen matches her rhythm, slowly losing stamina as well until he too inhales the potent acids. His body finally slumps against his lover as the two of them curl up among the churning walls... The contractions of the ravenous gut now take over, pulverizing them from all angles. The last thing he's aware of is Violet lovingly tucked against him... His last flickering thoughts are, Is this really how it ends? followed by, Worth it... Gwoooorrrrrrpppp... |
Chapter 58 Crossroads Blues, Part III Vanessa fingers herself for the duration of her victims' playtime. At the dying glubs from her meals, she gives a sadistic grin down at her burbling belly and rubs a hand over it until she feels Violet and Zuzen's frantic movements die down into nothing but deep, wet blorts. Growing exhausted and sweaty herself, she rolls back on the bed, expelling a deep, rancid belch from gasses that have built up in her stomach. The two of them are just a couple more victims who will add to her thick figure. Vanessa drums her fingertips over her belly, admiring it as it gurgles and squelches. It'd take hours to finish them both off. Glllrrrrnnnn.... blsh...shlurk... “Mmmm...” Vanessa murrs to herself. That was a first for her—two sober lovers having the fuck of their lives in her belly while her stomach snuffs them out. Her heart is still pounding from the experience. Her body is still sweaty... but play time is over. With her meals drowning, there's not much excitement in it for her any longer. They're no different than the hunks of meat fed to her earlier—nothing but nourishment for her curves—and so they'd be treated as such. She rolls over onto her side, watching her stomach slush and wobble. Her two prey sit limp and unconscious inside of her as her digestive juices eat away their skin to gradually soften them up. She closes her eyes to nap while one arm idly massages her heavy meal. She licks her lips clean of their lingering flavor as her body goes about the lengthy process of breaking them down. She occasionally hiccups as her belly struggles with the large dinner. It's a good thing she didn't mention her former residence at Vault 7. She may have blown her cover. Inside her belly, the two naked and interlocked bodies develop open sores under the assault of relentless stomach acids. It'll be hours before they're mush, but Vanessa seeks to speed up the process with a round of masturbation and perhaps a hot shower to top it off. Her already wet fingertips drift back down between her meaty thighs and resume pleasuring her wet loins, triggering the occasional heated gasp or gentle moan while she waits for her meal of two lovers to dissolve. The bedroom is filled with a symphony of gastric music as her body starts to turn another kinky couple into layers of fat. Then there's a knock knock knock at the bedroom. “That figures...” Vanessa groans, forced to cut her fun short. She rolls up out of bed, belly slushing and sagging with the weight of a hearty dinner. She approaches the door, prepared to deal with the unwanted guest. She can handle a third meal. She opens the door. Jordyn shoves the muzzle of her shotgun into Vanessa's face. “I fucking knew I recognized that voice.” Vanessa, who was just about ready to pounce on Jordyn, suddenly freezes up. “Wha—JORDYN!?” Jordyn sneers. “Figures a fat bitch like you would come here. Now spit them out.” Vanessa scoffs. “What do you care?” Jordyn flicks off the safety on her shotgun. “Now.” Vanessa hesitates for a brief moment, then sighs. “Fine, fine... Just put the gun down.” She backs up slightly. “I'll spit up your friends and everything will be—” She lunges without warning, hoping to catch Jordyn off guard! Unfortunately for Vanessa, the attempt fails catastrophically. At the first sign of trouble, Jordyn pulls the trigger, and half of Vanessa's skull explodes like a water balloon, sending chunks of brain matter and bloody gristle all over the door frame. Her body falls to the ground limp as a ragdoll. Jordyn figures that since Vanessa is a Vault 7 survivor like herself, there's a chance Vanessa could start to regenerate any moment now. Violet is lucky that the former security officer bothered to come back asking for her favorite pistol, but she's regretting her choice to wait a few minutes until the moaning and bed shaking stopped. She hopes she's not too late, and gets to work immediately. She starts by kicking Vanessa over onto her side. Using the combat knife from her boot, Jordyn slices the voracious girl right open and lets the contents of her stomach spill out. Violet and Zuzen both slide out onto the floor covered in meaty mush, blood, and their own open sores. Both of them are limp and seemingly lifeless. Jordyn checks for a pulse on each of them. Violet will be fine due to her healing factor from Vault 7, but Zuzen isn't doing nearly as well off. She injects him with one of her only remaining super-stimpaks and starts giving Zuzen mouth-to-mouth. After a couple of attempts, Zuzen convulses and snaps back to life. The acids have left him temporarily blind and even unable to speak, but he's breathing now. He vomits up a mix of his own blood and acids coming out of his lungs, then spends the next minute gagging and wheezing on the floor. Violet soon gets a round of CPR as well, and just like Zuzen, she also snaps back to consciousness. She sits up, coughing and gasping for air once her lungs are cleared of the liquids, then looks to Jordyn, then to Zuzen, then over to Vanessa. “Jesus fuck... I thought we were done for that time...” Jordyn states, “You almost were.” She pushes Vanessa back over, and notices that the hole she gutted through Vanessa is already clotting up. Even without most of her head, the girl seems to be regenerating. Jordyn extracts some zipties from her satchel, then binds up Vanessa's arms and legs just in case. Violet stares for a moment at Vanessa before asking, “Vault 7?” Jordyn nods. “Fat bitch was part of the reason everything went to shit. She's the former Overseer.” “Y—*hack*—you're fucking kidding me.” Violet wipes her mouth off, then stares in awe at the large woman laying on the ground. Jordyn affirms, “Yep... She didn't get this fat eating Vault food.” Once satisfied that the bindings are secure, Jordyn stands back up. “The hell did you do to her?” Violet asks. “Shot her,” Jordyn says simply. “I'm surprised there's enough blood in her for a recovery.” She points out how the injuries are already starting to gradually heal. “Wonder how her head will look after this.” Violet looks around for a moment. She stands up off the floor and peers out the doorway down the hall. “Does the owner even care what just happened?” Jordyn assures her, “You just let me handle that. Can I have my pistol back, first?” Violet nods and goes back into the room, where she finds the waistband still bundled up with her clothes on the floor. She bends over to retrieve them, only to feel a sudden spank on her slimy bum. She yips and stands upright, holding the holster by the belt. She looks back to see who just hit her. She sees Zuzen sitting below her with a smug, pained, but teasing grin on his face. His eyes are clouded from the enzymes getting into them, and he's not looking directly at Violet, but his senses can easily make out her location based on the vibrations of the floor and the sounds of her heavy footsteps. Violet can't help but laugh lightly. “You fuckin' perv~” she says endearingly. “You liked that, didn't you?” As she's talking, she tosses the holster back to Jordyn. Jordyn leaves while Zuzen opens his mouth to reply, but just a throaty wheeze escapes him. Violet blinks. “Oh shit...” She kneels down to him. “Lost your voice, hon?” Zuzen nods slightly. Violet reaches up to hold his face, turning him to face her. “Looks like you can't see, neither.” Zuzen nods again, though his smile fades. Being blind and mute is going to suck. Violet assures him, “The super-stim should fix everything soon. C'mon...” She tenderly helps Zuzen up to his feet, and off to the bathroom. “Let's make you a nice hot bath to soak...” Jordyn meanwhile deals with removing the mutilated body. Violet will rinse off too, then get dressed again and go to join Jordyn. Late that evening, and after a nice long bath, Zuzen lays in bed waiting for Violet to come back. Violet and Jordyn had to step out for a few minutes to explain what happened to the town's few guards. At first they could hardly believe what happened, and initially, they didn't care. Zuzen overhears the talk between the two girls and two guardsmen, but after some time, Zuzen senses a tone shift. While their words are muffled, their voices have a distinct sultry tease to them. Eventually, the bedroom door is pushed open to reveal Violet making out with a guardsman. At first there's a twinge of jealousy from Zuzen, who bares his teeth and flicks his tail seeing his girlfriend fooling around with another man, but rather than attack outright, he quickly catches on to what Violet must be doing. This is a bribe—sex in exchange for their freedom. Aiming not to ruin it, Zuzen suppresses his irritation as he watches the distracted man and Violet disrobe one-another. When at last the muscular guard stands naked, he turns toward the bed to sit, when he notices Zuzen. He stops in his tracks. “Hey, what the—” That's when Violet makes her move. She lunges over the man's head from behind, scarfing him into her ravenous jaws with ease. She tosses her head back while hoisting him into the air with both arms, making him easy to guzzle down quick. Zuzen all the while stares with eyes going wide as Violet's stomach bloats out big and round. He can plainly make out the humanoid shape of her prey tucked in an upside-down fetal position inside of her. Violet wipes her mouth off and belches into her wrist, then waddles back to Zuzen. “Mrf. Sorry about that, hon.” She climbs up onto the mattress and flops beside her boyfriend with a smug grin across her face. “Jordyn should be dealing with the other guard now.” She pats a hand on her stomach, which shifts and wriggles with its terrified contents. Zuzen, whose voice had barely recovered, mouths off the faint words with an almost incomprehensible hoarseness to his voice. “What about the girl?” Violet sighs. “Jordyn ditched her body outside of town. Kind of a waste if you ask me.” She scoots up against Zuzen, smushing her belly against him. “She would have looked great jiggling on you...” Zuzen smirks back at Violet and reaches up to start kneading her stomach. He can still feel her prey struggling. Violet sits upright and moves to straddle Zuzen, resting her big belly atop of his chest. “Now unfortunately, that acid bath might'a prevented you from knocking me up... So, good news for you is you get to live if that's the case.” She pushes her stomach forward now, squashing Zuzen under its girth. “But if you get me pregnant, remember our deal...” She murrs. Zuzen finds himself blushing at the threat, but he doesn't protest it. He just starts rubbing his mate's belly, working around her frantic victim until her acids begin to glorp and sizzle. The man inside begins to scream, but he won't be much longer for this world. Violet hastens his demise with a clench of her abdominal muscles, forcing up a sloppy burp. Her victim's cries suddenly go garbled as the acids gush over his head. Though the pool inside of her is shallow, the fact that she ate her victim head first would be a death sentence in the next few minutes. The man kicks and convulses for a moment, but after maybe a minute or two, his movement dies down. He soon succumbs to the ruthless activity of Violet's digestive system. Just as she and Zuzen nearly were just hours ago, the poor guard is nothing but food now... Violet can't help but tease, “To think we might have been pumping through that girl's intestines~” She grinds her hips lightly against Zuzen, pressing his cock against her folds. Zuzen gasps softly as he feels Violet do this, then flashes her a sultry grin. He reaches his hands around her hips and grips them firmly. He lifts her hips up just enough to point his manhood upward toward her slit. Violet glances down at him. “What are you—” Suddenly Zuzen slams her down. Violet feels the head of his member drive into her. She arches her back and shivers deeply, then rolls her hips backwards to sink his shaft fully inside. “Nnngh.. oooohh...” She moans softly in pleasure, beginning to gyrate her body in a slow rocking motion. Her belly gently sloshes as she rides Zuzen. “You would have liked that, wouldn't you?” Zuzen nods, smirking up at Violet as he matches her slow pace. He moves his hands off her hips and begins massaging her round gut. The combination of sex and belly rubs would rapidly start to break her victim down. All the while, Violet continues to rock her hips on top of him, though more for her own pleasure now than his. As such, she takes things slowly. She also threatens playfully, “If I feel you cum, I'm gonna cover you in cake batter when we get home...” She slaps her gut. “Make me nice and fat...” Zuzen grins and gives his hips a firm buck, making Violet bounce and wobble. “Not if I give you an acid bath first...” Violet winces sharply and clutches her belly as her meal gushes around. She belches wetly, then slams her hips back down with a smug grin. “God, you are just insatiable...” She begins to slightly pick up the pace, making her belly slush more steadily now. “You're making me hungry, though... Who else could you feed me?” Violet asks. “Jordyn..? Diana? Leyla?” she moans again, thinking of all three of them being crammed into her at once. “Mmnnnfff... B-Bet you'd even shove Amelia down my throat, wouldn't you ya little perv~?” Losing herself in her arousal, she hardly realizes what she's saying might offend him! It doesn't though. Zuzen just smirks at her words and retorts, “Amelia won't even dent you...” Violet teases, “Bet if I tried, I'd even gulp down Juno... Y-Yea? Bet you'd like that.” She bucks down hard for a moment, gasping, then starts bouncing her hips up and down. “F-Fuck... Mmmhhh... Yeaaa~... I'd be so huge... feet off the floor... belly big and round...” She leans back to focus her weight downward, while her arms lift and cradle her stomach to keep her center of gravity over Zuzen's groin. She can't go a whole lot faster with all this extra weight, but every thrust of her hips down on him sends a deep slosh through her core, about once every second. “Ahh~Aaahh!” She moans, followed by a series of high pitched gasps. Watching that big belly churning and bouncing atop of him, Zuzen is left staring and easily aroused. He reaches up to hold it as well, but the way Violet is humping his cock, he can already start to feel it pulse and twinge with pleasure. He matches her moves with hard pumps of his own, causing their hips to slap together again and again. Violet's satisfied groans are only interrupted by the occasional belch while she pounds her boyfriend. Soon she'll be nice and fat again, and they'll be right back to where they started when they met. “F-Fuck y-yes... Zuzen...~ nnhhh...” Her whole body shudders as she nears her peak. She had been robbed of her climax earlier, so she's getting her chance now. She can already feel her prey starting to soften up inside of her, and when she looks down to see, she notices the lumps and shapes of her victim getting round and mushy. High on lust and her glutton thrills, she moans hotly at Zuzen, “Y-Yesss... Cum inside me...” She slams her hips down harder. “Fill me up... then you're next...” She urps. “Nice... meaty... Deathclaw dessert...” She belches again as pockets of air escape her dissolving meal. She can feel Zuzen's cock throbbing. Just a little more and she'll scarf him down then and there. “Is that what you want?” Then Zuzen bucks hard upward, making her whole body bounce. She responds by pumping hard back down onto him, her folds tightening around his cock as she's about to climax. She grips her belly tightly, able to feel clumps of her dinner coming apart. “F-Fuck..! Yes! YES!” she screams, squeezing her gut to force the thick slurry deeper through her system, sending a rush through her core. It pushes her over edge as her nethers clench tight. Suddenly, she feels Zuzen's cock pumping and pulsing inside of her as she rides it. She slams her hips down one last time, and holds herself there, knowing he's right on the edge of cumming if she keeps going. She squeezes and kneads her belly, audibly gushing the contents around. Zuzen however, feeling Violet stop, takes over. He bucks his hips up a few times, making Violet's gut slosh loudly. Violet's body spasms. She bites her lower lip, but caves to her pleasure, and starts rocking again to match Zuzen's motions. With a few more long and heavy rocks of her hips, she finally feels the hot thick flow of her mate's seed gushing into her. “F-Ffuuuuuuuuuck..~!” she groans out in pleasure, her body going limp while Zuzen continues to bounce her up and down. “Z-Zu-z-zzee-eennn..!” she stammers between bounces as he pounds her well past her peak. It isn't long before she slumps forward against her mate. Then without warning, she's met with the sight of her lover's open jaws. Before she can react, she's firmly shoved inside, and Zuzen begins to ravenously swallow her whole—gorged belly and all. At first, Violet thrashes weakly, but quickly gives in as her body tingles in the afterglow of sex. Is this going to become how birth control works for them? Or is this just how Zuzen is going to end their relationship here and now? After all, sooner or later, it's going to be one or the other who ends up turned into a steaming pile... Yet, as she reaches the slimy depths of the Deathclaw's stomach, Violet makes no further struggle. Her toes even curl at the feeling of his tongue licking at her stuffed belly and pudgy thighs while chugging her down into him. She curls up into a ball inside his gut, tucked in against her own gurgling middle. She survived a night in him once before—this should be no different. Thanks to the large meal she's had, it will also help offset the damage his stomach will do thanks to the rate at which her body can heal. His acids, compared to Diana's, are much weaker if she remembers correctly. Not weak enough that she can heal faster than they can dissolve her, but weak enough that she should be able to survive a whole night... and if she doesn't? Fuck it. She couldn't have picked a better way to go. Zuzen soon slurps up the tips of Violet's toes, and with one final gulp, seals her away fully inside of himself. He rumbles deeply in pleasure and massages around her shapely bulge, but he's growing sleepy from their last kinky romp. To end things for tonight, he sits up to kiss his stomach, then lays back again to pull the blankets over his body. Violet shifts inside of his body, shoving at the slick walls to get comfortable. She quickly starts to feel her surroundings getting more slippery while at the same time she picks up the familiar scent of acidic fumes dripping down the walls. She pushes both arms and legs outward to stretch her confines, then lets them squeeze back in to cradle her. She trusts him to let her out before things get too dangerous. Worst case scenario, a few good jabs to his core should wake him up... and if not, well, at least she'll look good on his ass. She can't help but blush fondly at the thought of Zuzen walking out of the hotel tomorrow with his sexy potbelly having grown fat and flabby, while there's nothing left of herself but a pile of waste. A few more minutes pass while Zuzen's breathing and thumping heartbeat slows down. Violet closes her eyes to sleep as well... just enjoying the gentle gurgling and pulsating walls. Her own belly glurps and squelches as dinner is worked slowly through her system. She soon starts feeling groggy. The humid air, the fullness of her stomach, the soothing sounds of Zuzen's bodily noises... Violet's eyes grow heavy. She takes a deep yawn, and at last, begins to nod off. Aside from the burning juices that she'll be stewing in later, a belly has to be the best place to sleep. She'll have to return the favor at some point... … Glrt... bworp... glrp... fisssssssss... grrroooaaaannnn... Violet snaps awake as she chokes on Zuzen's noxious stomach fumes. Her body jerks as she's overwhelmed by an intense throbbing burn all over her naked body from shoulder to toe. She grunts and wiggles around, pushing firmly at the gushing and grinding walls. Her skin is flaking. She's been inside of him much too long by now. “O-Ow... Ffff-... Z-Zuzen..!” she stammers, thumping hard at the gut's walls. She can hear Zuzen snoring. Outside, the sated Deathclaw lies sprawled on his back while his gurgling belly wobbles with movement. His head is tilted to one side, drooling on the pillow as he rumbles in pleasure to dreams of Violet stuffing him with cake. His gastric muscles clench and knead his victim, threatening to pulverize Violet into a thick slurry. Violet coughs sharply on the stale air, but takes a deep breath to try shouting to him. As she inhales, her chest stings, so shortly after, she lets out a loud scream, “ZUZEN!” She jabs at the fleshy prison. Zuzen responds with a soft belch in his sleep, and rolls onto his side, sloshing Violet around within him. Violet shrieks as she tumbles over with the juices going over her head. She punches and kicks, growing more frantic as Zuzen fails to wake up. She pushes her head back up into the air pocket and cries out, “Z-Zuzen!” she whimpers to him. “You're digesting me!” Yet try as she might to kick and fight, his enzymes continue to bubble around her. After a minute of struggling, Violet curls back up, shaking and clutching her knees in a fetal position as her boyfriend's system slowly works to break her down. She underestimated the strength of his acids. Sex before dinner wasn't the best idea. She isn't ready to give up yet, though. She screams again as she gains a second wind, and starts furiously beating and jabbing at the gushing walls around her. “ZUZEN! WAKE UP YOU FAT—” Zuzen rolls over onto his stomach, crushing her under his weight. He lets out a sloppy, satisfied 'bwoouuurrrp'. Violet's voice is cut off as the juices go up over her head. She kicks off against the bottom of the stomach when he burps, though. She tries to get her head lodged in the sphincter above so she can escape. To her surprise, it actually works. Hope fills her heart as she wriggles around in his throat, managing to squirm and push herself up through his esophagus head first. After a moment, Violet manages to get her head up into the bottom of his neck. She can hear his breathing much more vividly now. She must be getting close to his mouth. In a moment, she'll be blocking off his air flow. Maybe that will wake him up. She shoves her head up a bit further until she causes a bulge in his neck. She turns her face upward, trying to see ahead. It's pitched black, but she knows her face must be in the back of his jaws. Her thighs and below meanwhile continue to digest inside of Zuzen's merciless stomach. Her legs quiver and tremble from the pain, but hold position until she succeeds in cutting off Zuzen's air. It isn't long before Zuzen convulses slightly, and she feels him roll off of his belly. A light near the bed is switched on, and Violet sees light shining in through Zuzen's mouth—filtered crimson through his cheeks. Her heart is pounding, but she's home free now. “Z-Zuzen, l-let me—” Zuzen licks his tongue up over Violet's face, which pushes her behind his tonsils again. Violet's heart sinks. “ZUZEN!” she shrieks, but he swallows anyway, pushing her head right back down into fleshy darkness. She cries the whole way, until she's tucked back into his sweltering hot belly. She punches harshly at the flesh around her, and feels Zuzen massage over her in response. Zuzen must be awake now. She feels him very intentionally kneading over her form. She whimpers and thumps back at the pressure on her from his rubs, but she's running low on oxygen. She managed to get some into her lungs from being up Zuzen's throat, but it will only last her maybe a few more moments. “Z-Zuzen..!” she sobs now. The pain is too much. “L-Let.. me out...! P-Please...” Zuzen just squeeeeeezes around Violet, and starts kneading her in heavy, slow squishes, working her around and around. Violet twitches helplessly as hunks of flesh fall off of her skin while the sleepy Deathclaw works to finish digesting his meal. Soon, another burp robs her of precious oxygen, and she feels Zuzen lay back on his side. His breathing starts to slow down again as he relaxes. With Violet's last breath, she complains, “Y.. you... ass... h-hole...” She gasps on the deadly fumes. “W.. When... I.... get...... out..........” And yet, in the last flash of consciousness, she finds her heart fluttering at the grim thought of Zuzen's jiggling belly, and how it would look in the morning... Glllwwooorrrrrble... |
After the Deathclaw family left their old home behind, the Mojave would once again be changed. Shortly after the Battle of Hoover Dam, a lone Courier, cheating death along his way, makes his journey that decides the ultimate fate of the Mojave and its people. Culminating in the second Battle of Hoover Dam, there is finally peace—for better or worse. Once Jeremy and Juno left the Mojave together, they headed north. For the next five years, they explored the American frontier, from Anchorage to Orlando. By the time they did at last arrive at Vault 418, they were greeted by an elderly woman, Dr. Kisoda, who met Juno like a long lost grandchild. Zuzen, Violet, and the rest of the family had already moved on by then, but Marin, now a grown woman herself, remained behind with Ulric. The two of them had become like siblings themselves. They explained that Violet and Zuzen had gone north, drawn by word of success over Project Purity in the Capital Wasteland. Along with them, so too had Yoseph, Amelia, Leyla, and Diana departed. Before their departure however, Dr. Kisoda and the sanctuary had provided Diana in particular with one final blessing. Diana, whose body had been sterile due to the botched experiments of Big MT, now found herself as the foster mother of a young pack of Deathclaw hybrids. She had come to love the four children as if they were her own. Former Enclave Colonel James Townes had assisted Marin in her research until the end of his days. In December of 2282, he fells ill with pneumonia, and died peacefully in his sleep. A military funeral was held in his memory; his remains cremated, and given to Marin in a small urn made from the titanium of the now inoperable Vertibird that brought them east. The callsign “Zulu” is still engraved on the urn, which now sits in Marin's personal laboratory. Leyla meanwhile had parted ways with the group. According to their last communications with her, she had gone to join the eastern Brotherhood, whose ideals aligned with the beliefs that Leyla had held dear for so long. The Brotherhood cannot hide away from the world if they are to make a difference, but rather, they must recruit, expand, and thrive. Bringing order back to a lawless wasteland was, in her opinion, the first step toward rebuilding society. Though she would eventually have her philosophical differences with Arthur Maxon, the end goal of society's restoration would keep her with the Brotherhood for the years to come. Today in the Commonwealth, located in a little lighthouse to the north end of Plum Island, a young Deathclaw hybrid stares out at the sea with his two younger siblings beside him. Kastor, first born to the union of Violet and Zuzen, is much like his father was at the same age. Inquisitive and protective of his younger siblings Juniper and Janus, he watches over them both, protecting them as best he can from dangers of the sea like Gulpers and Mirelurks. Though Kastor is only five years old, and his two siblings only three years of age, they all have that spark for adventure in their hearts just like their parents. Violet is pregnant again with yet more children whose names are yet to be determined. She lives a peaceful and quiet life with Zuzen, far from the turmoil that takes place in Boston these days. As for Zuzen, despite repeated teasing, he never did end up a layer of padding upon his lover's hips. His hide had begun turning gray as his body undergoes a slow metamorphosis to become an Alpha Deathclaw Hybrid. Stronger and tougher than ever before, there isn't a raider in all the Commonwealth that could hope to threaten his family again. Amelia and Yoseph who will eventually be her husband leave on adventures of their own into the wastelands of America. To what end their travels bring them will be a mystery to the family, and Zuzen finds himself missing his sibling from time to time, but he knows that wherever they are in the world, she must be happy doing what she loves. By chance, Zuzen stumbles across a small business called the Dugout Inn when they first arrive in the Commonwealth. He learns that the Bobrov brothers are cousins of Yoseph's father who had not seen Yoseph since he was a baby. Though saddened to learn of Dimitri's passing, they fondly refer to Zuzen as part of the family in honor of Dimitri and his son. A toast of moonshine is held to celebrate their lives—to celebrate Dimitri's sacrifice, and to celebrate the journey that still lies ahead of Yoseph. Perhaps someday their paths will cross again. Dimitri Voyla and Jordyn Madison are left memorialized by a pair of gravestones at an old church on Plum Island. Although their caskets are empty, as their bodies had never been recovered, the symbolism of their burial provides some closure and dignity to their sacrifice. During Thanksgiving of each year, Violet and Zuzen come to pay their respects. Had it not been for the sacrifices of these heroes, this family might never have existed as it does today. Once again, Jeremy and Juno stand together as the sun sets upon the horizon. They sometimes consider traveling to visit their children, but they do not want to interfere in the affairs of the next generation. If they do ever see them, it will only be for a visit. Instead, they choose to spend their last days exploring the wasteland just like they did when they were young—except this time, they won't be doing it alone, but always together, side-by-side. As they prepare to depart from their brief stay at Vault 418, Jeremy takes Juno by her clawed hand, and they say their goodbyes to Marin, Ulric, and Dr. Kisoda. Perhaps they will take a trip to the Commonwealth while they're at it. In any case, it's not about the destination; rather it's the journey to get there that inspires the best stories. The cycle of war may be interrupted by a reprise of peace now and again, and then so too will conflict stir in time. In that conflict, men and women will rise and fall as heroes to change the path of history. War never changes; only weapons are new. Yet it is not always the weapons, but the men and women who handle them, who decide victories—who decide destiny. As the sun sets on the last generation, it simultaneously dawns upon a new age with endless possibilities. |
Chapter 11 Although Clio's short quest had ended in failure, the aspiring young sorceress would not remain idle from there. As she would tell Acacius the following morning, “Setbacks are part of the process.” Naturally it isn't long before she's working on a new scheme. However, several days would come and go without any progress or a new plan to be heard. Ace spends most of that time lounging around in Clio's living room or perusing her personal library. Most of the books are written in languages that he can't understand, but Ace eventually spots one that he recognizes from his own world. Gulliver's Travels is the title. When he pulls it from the shelf, he finds that Clio had left several bookmarks between the pages. Acacius hadn't read the story since he was a kid in High School, but he still remembers some details about it, so when he starts looking at Clio's bookmarked pages, he starts recalling pieces of the tale relevant to those passages. The first set of bookmarks are distributed throughout the part about Lilliput and the six inch tall occupants. There's also pages referencing the neighboring country of tiny people known as Blefuscu. Clio had written some notes of her own, but they are in a script that he cannot comprehend. It's certainly not English, nor is it Rothdanian. Perhaps it is her own native language? In any case, Clio's notes follow into the next chapter where Brobdingnag is introduced. There, Gulliver's situation had become the opposite where he was but a tiny human among a society of giants that are supposedly located in North America. Clio had circled the words 'North America', and pinned to the page is what appears to be a sketch of Ace himself. That's when Acacius starts to realize that Clio isn't just reading this tale; she's actively studying it. Does she seriously think that these are real places? Finally Acacius finds her most detailed notes yet including sketches of the mythical city known as Laputa. Clio had highlighted where the island is first described, as well as key moments during Gulliver's various interactions with the Laputians. There are even more sketches of the castle with descriptions marking various portions of it, again written in words and letters that Ace doesn't recognize. Curiously, there is also a sketch of what seems to be the solar system where Earth resides. That's when Clio makes her presence known. She slithers by Ace, letting her serpentine coils brush against his left leg. It prompts him to look up and see her peering at him in her usual and somewhat coy little smirk. “Did you find something you like?” “I was going to ask about the notes.” Ace turns the book over to show what he's referring to. “You know this is just fiction, right?” “Often fiction is inspired by fact.” “Yeah, but these places don't exist. You know that, right? Gulliver's Travels is a satire of world politics at the time; mainly British.” “That is only part true,” Clio says to him in return. “In your world, the story is thought to be fiction because the reality had never been taken seriously. Gulliver was a real person who once came here to Peran.” “No he wasn't...” Ace scoffs, but seeing Clio narrow her eyes sternly at him, he quickly changes his tone. “Wait. You're shitting me.” “He might not have been named Gulliver, but the book seems to have been inspired by real places in my world.” Clio takes it from Acacius and flips several pages back. “For instance, Lilliput and Blefuscu are a pair of islands in the Avani Isles archipelagos. They are home to a colony of—you guessed it—six inch tall humans.” “... I would call you a liar, but...” He trails off. Acacius can see it in her face. She's not joking. “I've seen some shit these last few days so I guess anything is possible. Still, I know for a fact that Brobdingnag doesn't exist.” Clio raises a brow at him. “What makes you so sure?” “There's no such place in North America. I live in North America.” “You forget the ways in which our worlds are intertwined,” Clio reminds him. “Consider that it was likely that the original voyage most likely stumbled into our world on a course to North America.” She approaches Ace further, and presses a finger into his chest. “The same thing happened to you. You wandered into my world by accident. Until I told you outright, you believed yourself to still be in Alaska.” “... But that implies that someone came to Peran, went back, and then returned again—several times.” “That, or this is merely the compilation of several unexplained stories that inspired this political satire,” Clio tells him. “However, there is one mystery to me that stands out.” Clio forwards again through several pages back to the chapters about Laputa. “Don't get me wrong. Not all of these tales are entirely true. The author who wrote it took certain creative liberties... For example, Brobdingnag is indeed reference to a home to giants—but not such that you and I would only come up to their ankles or so. However, there is a race of giants in my world that are known to grow up to thirty feet tall. Some of how Brobdingnag is described so happens to match the country where many of them live.” “So what's the mystery?” Ace questions. “Laputa—the castle in the sky.” Clio stares down at the book pages. “This story is not the only place that it is referenced. I've read ancient tomes dating back to the Golden Empire which tell of such a place, and yet its location is still mystery to me. The other places in this story are all based on real locations, be they in my world, or yours. This 'castle in the sky' however is not known to me, although it is referenced in many legends. It stands out as something that, on the surface, seems to be fiction—but sometimes lost cities are just waiting somewhere to be found. Either the fantasy of a castle island floating in the clouds is an idea shared across many of Peran's cultures, or more likely, it exists, and the legends that speak of it are inspired by those who had seen it.” Clio looks up. “Like the lost city of Atlantis is to your world.” “But Atlantis is also a myth.” “Is it?” Clio asks him. “There have been many lost cities in your Earth's history. Many of them, your people once thought to be mere myths as well. They were never myths—only forgotten. Humans do not like to think about the implications that an entire civilization can die out like that and vanish into the dark.” Upon further consideration, she adds, “I don't think any mortal creature would care to ponder that kind of existential threat—that time erases all things.” She closes the book in Acacius's hands. “But it is true all the same. These cities existed, and so too might this castle in the sky.” For the moment however, Clio takes the book away and sets it back onto its shelf. “I have another job for you,” Clio states in a change of topic. “Remember the festival I talked to you about? The one involving Anzo?” “Vaguely,” Ace replies. “We're not going to have another run-in with cultists, are we?” “No,” Clio assures him. “I'd like to go to Marais to see the festival,” she says simply. “So what do you need me for?” Ace questions her. Clio smiles warmly. “You are my date, of course.” That's when Ace flusters slightly. “Your—pardon?” He blinks. “For saving my life. It's the least I can do to say thanks. Besides...” Clio slithers around Acacius, slowly wrapping around his legs with her tail. “I need to do some shopping, not to mention a few field tests. Your presence would be deeply appreciated.” She drapes her arms over his shoulders. “So it's another job?” Ace asks her. “Yes, and no,” Clio says. “I am not ordering you to attend, but I promise that you'll be very bored if you stay behind. I suggest you come and just enjoy yourself. See what Peran has to offer.” “As long as I don't get eaten again...” Ace just sighs and shakes his head. “I will do what is necessary to keep you safe,” Clio assures him. “But first, I need to go back to the hot springs that we were at.” “After what happened last time? Are you sure?” Ace frowns at her. “I promise that we'll be better prepared this time,” Clio responds. “Furthermore, we are not staying there for long. I only want to investigate the site now that the cultists are gone. After that, we'll be off to the festival.” Acacius sighs through his nose, but he doesn't try to talk Clio out of it. “If you say so.” “Good.” Clio slides around him to get back in front. “Whenever you're ready, I'll be waiting at the door.” As she slithers away from him, her tail transforms into a pair of human legs again. Just as they did last time, Clio will keep her true nature a secret until they are beyond the prying eyes of the village residents. The journey up the mountain stream takes just as long the second time as it did the first. Most of the trip goes by without any incident worth noting, but as they reach near the end of their trip, the once lively green vegetation along the banks suddenly changes to shriveled gray husks. There's a faint stench like vinegar in the air. Rather, Ace recognizes the smell to be acid. Soon the shores become littered with dead fish that had been rotting in the sun for days now. The horrible scene is enough to make Acacius grow nauseous. “What the hell happened here?” he simply has to ask. “It's like a fucking chemical dump. Jesus Christ.” “That would be expected,” Clio remarks. “You may recall that I used alchemy on the lagoon to make the water acidic.” “Holy shit, though!” Ace stares on at the devastation. “This is a whole ecosystem you wiped out. What the hell, Clio?” “I didn't have a choice,” Clio responds. “That jinn would have killed us both. The only way to destroy one is to dissolve it. True though she probably escaped, it still prevented her from finishing us off.” “Still...” Ace tries not to gaze too long at the putrid carcasses that line the water's edge. “I can't believe you want to go back there now. The fumes alone are probably deadly. Can't you smell it?” “I can,” Clio says. “But the pollution will be diluted by now. I could only change the water that was there when I did. I can't change its source.” “Well let's at least clean up the rest of it while we're at it.” Ace cannot help a feeling of guilt in the pit of his stomach. “The village relies on this water. They're probably getting sick from it. I mean, maybe they're far enough down stream not to notice, but this shit's gotta be getting into the ground water.” “I told you, I'll fix it.” Clio's voice becomes more stern. She also begins to frown at Ace's continued accusations. “I can neutralize the effects in the same way that I created them. Give it a few days and everything will go back to normal—ground water included. Just trust me.” “That won't bring back everything you killed, though.” Now Clio stops and turns upon Ace. She glares at him with an annoyed hiss while asking him, “Don't you ever shut up?” “I'm just saying, you wiped out a whole fucking ecosystem.” Now Ace is the one whose tone becomes harsh. “Yes. I heard you the first time.” “Then how do you plan to fix it?” “I already told you. In fact, what do you even care?” Clio scorns him. “This isn't your world, and if it was, it's not like your kind haven't damaged Earth even worse.” Ace rebukes her, “Well gee, excuse me for being the one human who gives a shit.” “Well it's none of your business—and I said that I'd fix it, so drop it already.” “Christ, whatever.” Ace bitterly shakes his head. The interaction had left him shaken and frustrated. His mind continues to run with a thousand things that he could still say, but before he can say any of it, Clio had already turned her back on him to keep walking. The debate remains unsatisfied until they reach the lagoon... or what's left of it, at least. The air is heavy with a noxious mist that stings their nostrils when they try to inhale it. Clio pulls a cloth up over her mouth to gain some relief from the caustic gas, but it's impossible to block out completely. The once clear blue water had become a foul shade of milky gray as stone had dissolved into silt after days of fermenting in the chemical bath. However, true to her promise, Clio throws one hand out over the pool in a commanding gesture. There's a pulse of energy from her palm that sends a ripple across the lagoon's surface. After that, she uses that same hand to wave in a pulling motion, and with it comes a gust of wind that clears away the poison fog. At last, Clio is able to lower the cloth from her mouth. She scoffs at Acacius, “There. I told you I'd fix it.” Ace doesn't say anything at first, but he is glad to see matters at least partially resolved. He breathes deeply of the now clean mountain air, then lets out a heavy sigh followed by, “Sorry for yelling earlier.” “It's fine,” Clio says, though her voice remains cold. “Let's just forget it and move on. I still have work to do here.” She advances now toward the mouth of the cave where she and Acacius explored more than a week earlier. “We're going back into the belly of the cave.” Her voice echoes against the stone walls of the passage when she enters. Once again, an orb of light leads the way for them. Ace treads water to follow her inside. He doesn't bother her with questions or conversation anymore and instead focuses on their objective, though he's not totally sure what it is. Regardless, Ace tells himself that it is better to think about the task at hand than to dwell on his own anger. Still, it lingers in the back of his mind. Hopefully the damage Clio caused is nothing long term to the local environment. Whatever the consequences, Ace manages to quit thinking about it by the time they reach the central chamber. Only once they stop in the deeper water does Ace pause to question Clio, “So what's the plan here? If you don't mind me asking.” Clio points toward the back of the cave where a slope comes up out of the water before dipping away from view. “Past the throat of the cave, there's a geyser somewhere below. The steam from that geyser is what condenses to form this pool we're standing in, which then flows out to fill the lagoon outside. As I told you before, this place is a holy site for Anzo's followers. Right now, we're standing in her stomach.” “Wh-” Ace cuts off as he tries to wrap his head around Clio's words. “Are you talking literally, or figuratively?” “Depends on who you ask,” Clio says casually. “Well I'm asking you. Are we actually in the stomach of some god?” Clio laughs slightly. “No. Of course not. However, the arrangement of this cave system is coincidentally like the digestive system of a cowtaur.” She glances over her shoulder at Ace again, smirking at the corner of her lips. “I trust you recall from your last tour of one.” “Very funny...” Ace crosses his arms. “So let me guess. There's four chambers.” “Correct,” Clio tells him. “Each one represents one of Anzo's stomachs. From this one we can leave freely, but once we go over the back slope, there's no way out. Sacrifices are often fed to her this way.” “Oh God.” Ace facepalms now. “Let me guess. You want to go down there?” “My hope is that we'll find some clue as to where the cultists might keep their secrets,” Clio explains. “Since I can't absorb any memories from a live one, I'll study artifacts they left behind.” “So this is forensic archaeology.” Clio nods. “Exactly.” “Okay, so then how do you plan on getting out alive? I don't suppose you can fly, can you?” “No, but I have telekinesis.” <And I can do this.> Clio switches to speaking her thoughts directly into Ace's head. “Why do I have a feeling that I'll be required for this next part?” <Because you will be,> Clio mentally says while smirking at him. <I won't be able to talk to you, but I'll be able to keep in touch like this. I'll lower you into the chasm either until you reach the bottom or I feel that it's not safe to continue.> “I'm standing right here. You can just talk to me.” <I can, but I would prefer you get used to it. Try speaking back to me. Let me read your thoughts in return.> Ace emits another sigh. “I thought I said no mind reading.” <And I said I promise nothing.> Ace rolls his eyes, but realizes this is a losing battle. He finally responds to Clio, or at least he tries to. Taking a moment to focus, he makes the words in his head as clear as he possibly can. <Fine, but only so long as it's part of the job.> Clio nods silently. <Let's get started then. First I'm going to shrink you.> “Why?” Ace blurts out verbally. <You'll be easier to pick up with telekinesis when you're tiny.> Without waiting for permission, Clio waves her hand over Ace. The spell begins doing its work right away. From Ace's perspective, the world begins distorting itself in such an unnatural way that it gives him an immediate case of motion sickness. The cave system starts expanding, the water is getting deeper, and Clio is getting taller. No, Ace is just getting smaller. He can feel his clothing getting loose around his body, prompting him to quickly strip out of it so it won't become water logged and drown him. Ace's view meanwhile becomes level with Clio's chest, then her trim belly, and then her hips, and then her upper tail, until finally Ace shrinks down to be so short that his feet can no longer touch the bottom in what used to be knee-high water. Ace begins to worry just how much Clio plans to reduce his scale. The process fortunately stops to leave Ace at a height of twelve inches tall. Clio looms over him with a wry grin about her face. “Oh the things I could do to you at that size...” She licks her forked tongue once across her lips before shaking her head to rid herself of such thoughts. “Come along. We have work to do.” She bends over to scoop Ace out of the water and place him upon her shoulder. “I want you to look for anything decorative or ceremonial looking.” To explain what she means, Clio projects a number of images directly into Ace's head. Ace starts to see partially eroded skeletons that are strewn about a shallow pool. Among them are flickering images like goblets, scepters, daggers, and jewelry of every kind. The scene then shifts back in time to reveal the beings that the skeletons might represent. There are men and women all splashing around in the shallow pool of acid, and the solid stone walls have been replaced by rippling flesh. A creature's stomach slowly churns over their bodies, pushing them all together to coax along what looks to be almost an orgy. Ace has to shake the scene out of his head. He complains at Clio, “Stop that.” “What?” Clio asks. “This is the sort of thing that they do.” “Get eaten and have sex in there?” Ace scoffs. “Maybe you should try it,” Clio muses. “I could take you to a den later.” “I'll pass, thanks.” Though Clio's words still elicit a slight blush on his face. He does still remember how it felt to be squeezed through the velvety insides of Clio's snug coils. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if not for the obvious danger. Again, Ace tries to stay oriented about his objective. “So why are you showing me this?” Clio tells him, “So you know what you might find.” She elaborates further by saying, “Assuming that sacrifices don't just die in the fall, one of three possible fates await them. If the volcanic activity makes the water below acidic, they'll dissolve. Otherwise they'll most likely either starve to death or asphyxiate due to a lack of oxygen in the deeper cave system. If you start to feel unwell, I'll pull you out.” Clio begins slithering up the slope at the back of the cave. “Let's make this quick, then.” Ace waits for Clio to get into position, and once she does, he feels a set of invisible hands pick him up off Clio's shoulder and begin lowering him down into the chasm below. “A little light might be good,” he suggests, and Clio obliges by sending an orb of magic light ahead of him to illuminate the stone chasm. The first thing that shocks Ace is how the rock changes color after a certain point to become what looks like red quartz. “What the—?” <I can see it from up here,> Clio says to him. <If you'll focus, I might even be able to see from your eyes. Try to replay everything you see in your head as quickly as it happens.> Ace follows Clio's instructions to the best of his ability. The walls glisten with moisture like the lining of a creature's throat. It no longer looks like stone, but seems practically soft to the touch. Ace requests, <Bring me closer to the wall.> <No,> Clio refuses. <It could be caustic, or it could be some kind of mold growth. I won't let you touch it until I know why it looks like this.> <I'm starting to see why the cultists think this place is a creature.> Ace just then feels the first wave of hot air hitting him from below. It's much more sweltering than anything in the chamber above. It's almost hot enough to make his skin hurt, and trying to breathe just makes him feel like his lungs are full of lead. He also sees the chamber level out below him. That is where he begins to see skeletons piled up. There's an ominous rumbling and bubbling echoing from a passage in the back. This 'room' of the cave system is far smaller than the last one. “Holy shit...” <Focus, Acacius. I can't see anything now.> Ace tries to project the images back to Clio so that she can see through his eyes. Just as Clio had assumed earlier, there are indeed skeletons scattered haphazardly around the chamber, but not all of them are human. One of them appears to have been a whole centaur, and another was clearly a naga who has several additional skeletons caged within the ribs of their tail. <I think that one had a feast before they came down here.> <The centaur, too. Look back at them again.> Ace looks again at the centaur whose body lies with four victims curled up inside where their belly would have been. <I can't imagine how horrible it would've been to die like this.> <You feel short of breath already, don't you?> <A little bit...> Clio tells him, <The oxygen is very low down there. I can already feel your mental processes getting muddled. They would have simply fallen asleep after having their fun, then died where they fell.> <Then let's hurry up. What do I need to do?> Clio instructs him, <Look for anything shiny. I might be able to identify the victims based on jewelry they would have worn.> Ace scans the water below him for any sign of valuables. It isn't long before the magic light catches a glint of something like a sapphire at the bottom of the pool. <I see something. You see it?> <I see it too,> Clio replies. <I'm going to lower you in but I won't let you go. Hold your breath as best you can.> <Ready.> Ace holds his breath, though it isn't much now that he feels it. He can already feel himself wanting to cough and inhale, but he resists the temptation and tries to relax. Clio dunks him feet-first into the water. His skin begins to itch in seconds, indicating that the water is acidic. Ace winces his eyes shut, bends forward, and reaches to grab the gem quickly. He feels around at the slippery bottom of the pool for a moment until he can find it. <I've got it!> Clio pulls him up a second later. Ace gasps in the heavy air, but he's left wheezing. He opens his eyes, but that's when he hits a problem. The water in his face spills over his view and causes his eyes to start stinging. “Ow, fuck!” He winces them shut again. <Abort. Abort. Pull me up.> Clio whisks Ace away in seconds. He can feel himself hurled up into the air as he flies back up the passage and into Clio's arms. “Are you okay?” she asks him. “Your skin is all red.” “Y-Yeah.” Acacius is shaken, but not seriously hurt. “D-Definitely acid down there. Dunk me in the water so I can rinse off.” Clio sets him down in the nearby pool and splashes clean spring water on his face. Compared to how hot things were in the cave below, even this warm water spring feels cool against his skin. “Better?” Clio asks him. Ace opens his eyes. He's still clutching the gem that he found in the pool. “Yeah. At least I got something out of it.” At his current scale, it is to him about the size of a football. For Clio, it would fit in the palm of her hand. “Probably expensive, but I doubt that's why it's interesting.” However, that's when Ace notices Clio staring. “What? Something wrong?” Clio's eyes widen in shock and wonder at what she's seeing. “No... no, not at all...” She reaches to gently take the small gemstone from Ace's hands. She holds it up in the light between her fingers and allows her magic orb to shine against a sigil that had been made with gold leaf on the front of it. “That emblem... It can't be...” “What did you find?” Clio hesitates to speak at first. When she notices Ace waiting for an explanation, she tells him instead, “I don't want to say until I know for sure, but I think you may have found something incredible just now.” She begins to smile with excitement. “Come on. Let's get you home.” She scoops Ace up out of the water. “Uh, you're gonna change me back to my normal size, right?” Clio considers for a moment, then smirks to herself. “No.” “Clio!” Ace pouts. “Come on. The least I can do is save you a walk home.” She uses telekinesis to pick up Ace's clothes and wring them (mostly) dry before folding them up and stowing them in her satchel. “Unless you'd prefer to walk.” “I don't like being the size of a rat, is all.” Ace frowns. Clio can't help a gentle laugh. “What's the matter? Afraid I'll swallow you?” “A little bit, yeah.” Ace huffs. “I think I'd prefer to dip you in chocolate first.” She smooches Clio's face once, then licks her lips at him. “Then again... maybe I should.” Her maw parts open for Ace to gaze inside of it. Her warm breath wafts over his whole upper body from the back of her dark, wet gullet. Ace freezes up at the view and takes a sharp gasp of shock when Clio does that. “H-Hey! Clio!” But Clio doesn't listen. She lifts Ace higher and holds him by his legs so that he dangles upside down above her dripping, drooling esophagus. Her jaws gape even wider to catch him if he falls. Ace can see her throat relaxing practically all the way to her stomach. Ace tries to kick his feet but really all he can do is just hang there and stare into the velvet abyss. His heart begins hammering in his chest with a sense fear, and yet... “C-Clio...” He isn't sure if the red in his face is from him blushing or it's all the blood rushing to his head. His body shivers in anticipation of her body enveloping around every inch of him as he ripples down into the depths of her plush insides... Are these thoughts even his own? Is Clio projecting these mental images into his head? He can't tell anymore. Then, Clio lets go of his ankle. Ace drops. It happens so quickly that he can't even shout. Clio catches him in her throat, and swallows hard. Ace barely has time to thrash before he's being squeezed into her belly by the rolling walls of her throat. She swirls her long tongue around and between his legs as they pass over her lips until finally she slurps up his feet. Just like that, Ace is gone; nothing but a lump rolling down Clio's neck. A moment later, a pleased shudder goes up Clio's spine as she feels the tiny morsel of a human plop into her upper belly. With Acacius tucked away, Clio begins slithering off. One hand rests tenderly against her abdomen to knead at where she feels Ace curled up inside of her. The whole time, she doesn't say a word. Acacius meanwhile lies in shock at what just happened. All he can hear now is Clio's throbbing heartbeat, her deep breathing, and the sounds of her stomach walls squelching around him with their snug embrace. There's hardly enough room for him to sprawl out inside of her. He has to bend his knees and lie reclined, but the warmth and softness of the satin surface feels strangely pleasant against his naked skin. Ace's cheeks are now now burning with fluster in the pitched black darkness. He can feel saliva oozing over every inch of him. Somehow though, he doesn't feel in danger as he had the last few times he had been eaten. This time, he doesn't struggle. He doesn't fuss. A part of him doesn't truly believe anymore that Clio would leave him to die in here. That isn't to say he isn't nervous at the thought of something going wrong, but he's not nervous enough to say anything now. The walls of Clio's gut begin to churn gently around him with harmless massaging motions. For someone as cold blooded as Clio, her core is surprisingly warm and cozy. Ace can't smell acid in the humid air, so it's safe to assume that he isn't being digested yet. He begins to relax his tense body. He even surrenders to the embrace of her stomach. In the end, Ace decides that either he'll be safe, or it wouldn't have mattered. He couldn't have stopped Clio from eating him if he tried. Though, perhaps he is sincerely beginning to enjoy this. The sounds of Clio's body are oddly soothing to him. The swaying motions of Clio's hips serve to rock her gut side-to-side as she slithers home with her prey. |
WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS SEX UNBIRTH TRANSFORMATION AND VARIOUS OTHER ADULT THEMES IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT READ IT ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+ AND BELONG TO POKEMON It was a bright and sunny day just outside of Pallet Town. Ash had recently returned from his adventures in the Unova region. He decided to go out and train for his next journey. Feeling nostalgic Ash dawned his clothes from his first journey since all his new clothes sucked. While out in a field during Pikachu's training a thunderstorm rolled in. The two huddled under a tree and waited out the storm. After a few hours the storm passed, they were both soaking wet. With no other option Ash built a fire to dry off with, he hung his clothes over the fire all but his boxers. Ash sat with Pikachu hold him to warm each other. Their stomachs growled, unfortunately Ash forgot to pack lunch. Looking around he spotted a berry tree just on the other side of the river. "Dont worry Pikachu I'll get some lunch." Ash placed Pikachu on the ground near the fire and walked over to the river it was freezing and deep. He was up to his waist in icy water. Pikachu worried that he would not be able to get the berries back over here, so he ran and got Ash's hat. Calling to Ash he ran over to the river bank with the hat in his mouth. "Oh thanks Pikachu that would help alot." Ash turned around to get the hat from Pikachu. They were just about to reach when suddenly a pink tentacle came out of the water and slapped Ash in the face. He fell over in the shallow side of the river. Pikachu dropped the hat and charged its cheeks, when a pink Frillish popped its head out of the water. It giggled at Ash now sitting in the freezing water, then pounced on him and wrapped her tentacles around him. "PIKACHU DONT!!!" Looking over at Pikachu ready to use an electric attack Ash did not want to be shocked in the cold water. He looked back and the Frillish nuzzling his chest and then looked up and smiled at him. Ash thought for a moment "Hey aren't you that Frillish from the fishing tournament?" Frillish nodded and hugged him tighter and groped at his balls. His breath was cut short by this and he blushed. He was getting an erection from the groping. "Umm thats nice now please stop.." Ash tried to move his hands to push off the Frillish, but she had other plans. Wrapping his arms to his sides, Ash was no longer able to move any part of his body. She slowly wriggled and worked her way down his boxers. Ash let out a gasp of shock, still blushing and quivering from the touching and the cold waters he took a look at Pikachu. He was staring at this and had no clue what to think about it. Quickly Pikachu covered his face with Ash's hat, turned around covering his ears. Ash had no time to worry about embarrassing Pikachu, he had to figure a way out of this. Trying to stand up and getting out of the river was met with resistance. Frillish forced Ash down and herself deeper into his boxers. She wrapped her tentacles around his penis and balls slowly arousing him. All while working more tentacles into his ass. Tickling his sphincter she finally broken through and wriggled up inside of him. Ash moaned at this feeling of pleasures. After getting him to have a full erection she ripped off his boxers. He tried to beg Pikachu for help, but he could not talk she had rammed a tentacle in his mouth and down his throat. She felt his body it was slippery and wet from the river. He was slick and shining Frillish could not take her tentacles of his body. Ash was panting now more then ever and blushing as well. The heat from the sexual experience made the water not seem so cold. She licked at his nipples and sucked on them. Looking down Ash saw his stomach now bulging and moving with Frillish's tentacles inside of him. Frillish ripped of the rest of his boxers and they drifted down stream. Still working them off she jammed a tentacle into his shaft. It went deep and swirled up the cum in his balls. Ash could see them all inside of him. His penis twitched getting closer and closer to ejaculation. Once they were fully off she commenced with jerking him off. The Frillish extracted her tentacle and held it up to his face showing him the cum. It dripped and bridged then she put it in her mouth and swallowed it. After swallowing and rubbing her stomach she began to pull back his foreskin and tugged on his penis and jiggling his balls. As she did this Ash curled back with pleasure and his mouth filled with drooled his pulse raced he could feel his heart bashing. Frillish worked the shaft and balls making him shoot cum up and landing in the river. Ash twitched as he cummed it was a pleasure so fine. The feeling of her wriggling inside of him and the heat of their bodies. She giggled at his pleasure and began to unwrap him. Ash felt the tentacles leaving his body. She extracted the one from his stomach and mouth twisting it as she pulled making him feel it all. Ash felt like he had a fever his body was so hot both his eyes rolled back when he moaned from the movement. His breathes were heavy and deep, Frillish enjoyed the moving of his chest and stomach from the breathing. He stopped and tried to catch his breath. His body was numb and tingling, Ash couldn't move his legs the pleasure twitching forced his knees together. They did not stay together for long, the Frillish spread his legs. His penis popped up and jiggled back and forth. It was so warm and throbbing she could not resist it any longer. Frillish wrapped a tentacle around each arm at the shoulder and pulled him down face to face. She licked her lips as she stared at the boy then planted her lips on his and sucked on his tongue. Ash's eyes sprung open then began to fade he was in a state or euphoria. He saw that the pink Pokemon began to sit on his member. She slowly sucked him in and blushed, her insides were like jelly warm and pulsing jelly. His entire cock was surrounded by her pink translucent pulsing flesh. Ash could see his penis inside of the Pokemon, her vaginal walls ungulated over his penis. It slowly went deeper and deeper and deeper into her. He watched his penis being surrounded by the flesh and it was wonderful. Just then she clenched her vagina shut on him and tugged on it. Ash could see his penis inside of her and he shot out a load into her. It shot up inside the Pokemon and then swirled around her body. Frillish broke the kiss and let out a scream of pleasure and release. A bridge of spit hung between their lips. She licked her lips and enjoyed his flavors. Ash tried to catch his breath panting his chest puffing in and out. Frillish stretched up and put her stomach in his face. She swirled the cum around inside her belly hypnotizing Ash making him sleepy. Giggling she pulled his face closer squishing it to her belly and making sure he would hear her pulse. He lost consciousness and slumped over in her tentacles. As he fell Frillish smirked and began to roll his head and upper body under herself. She began to open her womb and vagina and tucking him inside. Ash murmured then twitched and she froze holding her breath. Waiting for a moment or two then proceeded to force him deeper into her awaiting womb. Frillish began to drip cum on his body. It rolled down his body and into the river. Gulping down the froth in her mouth from the pleasure she watched her womb expand. She took a quick break to enjoy the site of her prey. With her flesh stretched out Ash was visible. His body was massaged by her flesh and had a look of enjoyment on his sleeping face. She had worked her way down to his waist and began to fold his legs slowly. The Pokemon moaned and panted as he filled her empty womb. Foaming at the mouth and her pulse racing she had almost all of the trainer inside her. Looking over she saw Pikachu still not looking and touching himself that made her giggle. After several minutes of unbirthing her stomach was swelled. Her belly was huge with Ash being so big compared to her. The sunlight glinted off the full round womb dotted with sweat cum and water. Frillish slowly closed up her vagina and lowered herself into the river to cool down. Ash was tucked away nice and neatly inside the pulsing flesh walls. It was warm and sticky inside, and fluids began to flow around his body. Frillish rubbed her engorged belly with great pleasure. She cupped Ash's as cheeks that were in front of her. Squeezing her body around him the flesh walls began to look like latex. Ash was compressed and squeezed tighter and tighter into a ball. She could feel him getting another erection and it was poking her. Frillish thought one more shot couldn't hurt, so she stuck a tentacle up her vagina and grabbed hold of his penis. She wrapped around it and jerked it. Ash shot more cum into her splattering all over her insides and coating Ash as well. Frillish removed the cum laden tentacle and sucked of the salty white goo. It had a wonderful taste. Just after swallowing the cum ball her body began to wriggle it was time. Blushing and squealing she shot out a blue gel on her flesh prisoner. Ash's body began to shrink and turn blue. After two minutes Ash was gone but inside of the Pokemon was a blue egg. She let out a squeal of joy when she had her egg. Pikachu hear this and turned around to see Ash was gone and only the Frillish was there. He charged at her angrily but she simply smiled and waved goodbye then jumped into the deep part of the river and swam off. With Ash's hat on his head Pikachu raced along the river following the Pokemon. Down the river Pikachu heard someone yelling, and they sounded familiar. They were shouting "Frillish where are you?" over and over. He ran to the noise hoping to catch that fiendish Pokemon. Bursting through the bush, Pikachu tripped and rolled into a clearing and hit something. Looking up he saw Misty. "Oh Im sorry ...wait Pikachu is that you?" she lifted up Pikachu putting him eye level. He smiled at the familiar face and gave a sigh of relief. " IT IS YOU!!" She pulled Pikachu closer for a hug. Misty's breasts were smoothering him and he struggled in her cleavage, making her laugh. He wriggled free and feel to the ground with a thud. Looking back up at her, he saw that she had grown. Misty was wearing her small yellow top with the tiny blue shorts with the red overalls. She liked her older clothes more then those new stupid yellow ones and they were a lot tighter now. Misty's boobs were now an E cup, her hips were wider and her thighs were a lot thicker. She had a round ass which her pants barely covered. Pikachu could see her white panties over her hips. He blushed at how sexually appealing she had become, and had to hide his Pika-erection. Misty leaned down to pick him up, her breasts jiggled. She was not wearing a bra and her nipples stuck through her shirt. It was very tight on her there was a cleavage rip on top and her breasts hung below the shirt. Her overalls squished her tits together and puffed them up. She cradled Pikachu next to her chest, he couldn't help but stare. Pikachu's tummy growled, it had been hours since he ate. He whimpered and lowered his ears and rubbed his empty tummy. "Oh Pikachu are you hungry?" Asked Misty. He nodded with a few tears in his eyes. She looked around "hmmm...Im sorry Pikachu.. I'm not seeing any fruit trees...." looking down Pikachu was poking her breasts. He saw that she noticed him and he freaked. "Oh dont worry Pikachu..." Misty blushed and giggled, then quickly turned her head looking around to make sure they were alone."... here if you are hungry you can have some.." She pulled her top up and her boobs popped out. They bounced in his face. She giggled at Pikachu's drooling face. "Well go on .." Misty lighty chuckled as he took told of her left breast with both paws and began to squeeze.". hmm....easy Pikachuuuu..oohh..." Misty fell to her knees as he began to lick her nipple making the milk flow. She blushed and began to pant her heart was racing. Feeling a burning in her loins she used her left arm to hold Pikachu and undid her pants with the other. Misty wriggled her hand down her crotch and under her white panties. Then she began to finger herself. Moaning in pleasure she forced her hand deeper until she was wrist deep and turned her hand. She was so hot from him sucking on her tits. Hot cum shot out of her vagina soaking her panties, pants and hand. Pikachu was enjoying himself as well her milk was so warm and delicious. He gulped down huge mouthfuls. Misty's pulsing nipple was so soothing. After a while Pikachu had his fill and she had emptied her vagina. He now had a bulging tummy full of milk. Misty caught her breath and cleaned herself off. "Well Pikachu that will be our little secret okay?" Pikachu held his tummy and sloshed it while nodding. "Where is Ash?.." Misty asked as she put her clothes back on. He had forgotten all about Ash that Frillish still had him or what was left of him in her womb. Quickly jumping up Pikachu ran over to the bush and got his hat. His belly swayed from the milk. He headed back towards Misty when the Frillish jumped out of the water and grabbed Misty. She groped her breasts and made her way under her panties. Pikachu tried to run over and help her but he was so full and couldn't run. Misty blushed and giggled." Where have you been?.." she looked down to see an egg in her belly."... HOW DID YOU GET PREGNANT!?!?" Looking over Misty saw Pikachu being angry and showing his teeth. "Pikachu what's the matter what's wrong?" He walked over and pointed at the Frillish's egg. Misty was confused and had no clue what he meant. Pikachu sighed and then acted out what had happened. He put on Ash's hat and then pointed at Frillish. Acting out the scene Misty began to understand. "Frillish...you unbirthed Ash and made him into an egg?..." she began to tear up."....why Frillish why..." Just then Frillish gave birth to the egg and handed it to her and smiled. "Frillish..you did this because I missed Ash so much you wanted me to have him?" The Pokemon nodded and handed her Ash. "th..thank you Frillish...now return..." Misty put her back in her Pokeball and fell to her knees. Frillish smiled and waved goodbye. "Now what am I supposed to do you with you Ash..." she sighed and Pikachu walked over to her and tried to comfort her. "thanks Pikachu.. I'll make sure he is safe..but we should probably go get his things." Misty put the egg in her backpack and followed Pikachu to the campsite. She gathered his things and Pokeballs and put them in her back pack. Since it was full she had to carry him in her arms. "Well we should maybe go ask for some help.." The two headed for the edge of the forest when Pikachu fell from exhaustion. "I'll carry you Pikachu." When Misty tried to pick Pikachu up Ash slipped out of her arms and rolled to the edge of the river. Pikachu jumped and caught him. Misty was panicking she did not want to risk that again but she could not carry both of them in her arms and it was late they needed to get going. "Oh Pikachu...I dont know what I can do.." She broke down and cried holding Ash. Falling to her knees she held him in her lap. Then her vagina began to feel warm. Thinking about this gave her an idea. "PIKACHU I KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW" Misty stripped and gave Pikachu the egg. She rubbed her vagina making it nice and warm and loose. "Ok Pikachu give me Ash..." He handed her the blue egg with his trainer inside and turned away. "Don't worry Pikachu I don't mind..in fact I rather you watch.." Pikachu whipped around his mouth drooling and his face completely red. This made her giggle and blush as well. Misty took a deep breath, laid on her back and spread her legs. She was dripping with precum, slowly rubbing the small end of the egg on her vagina she began to spread. Misty moaned and blushed as she crammed her crush inside of her body. It was a feeling unlike any she felt before. Feeling the heat of her body was too much Misty pulled her top off and began to fondle her breast with one hand and worked Ash deeper with the other. Pikachu watched the girl moaning and writhing with pleasure. He began to get an erection and was touching it while she took him deeper. Misty had Ash almost half way when she began to cramp. "Pikachu.. I... I... need your..." she was panting so hard she could barely speak. "he..he..help please.." Pikachu ran over to her his stomach still bulging but not as big. "Pikachu I need you to help me push him in me..." He ran over to the cum soaked egg and began to push. Misty's legs flew up from the pleasure and grabbed both her boobs. She screamed in pleasure, Pikachu was doing a good job. He shoved his trainer deeper and deeper. A shot of cum got him in the face but he didn't mind it was enjoyable. They had pushed the egg in and had just past the widest part. The two needed a break they had been at it for an hour. "Pikachu...can you do something for me?.." Pikachu peaked over the egg to see Misty covered in drool and milk. His erection got harder. "I need you to slightly shock my vagina to loosen me up please.." Pikachu nodded and put the tip of his tail on the side of her vagina." Yeah right there and then the other side..." Pikachu zapped the muscle making Misty convulse she was having a huge sexual orgasm from it. When he zapped the other side another gushing wall of cum sprayed out on to him. It felt nice and warm he tasted it, the cum was good but not as good as her milk. Her vagina relaxed and her breathing slowed. Pikachu watched her breasts bouncing up and down mesmerizing him. He noticed her anus was just right for his penis but was too shy. After a breather Misty spoke. "alright...now...lets finish this please..oh Pikachu I dont mind if you have sex with my while doing this it may help." She laid her head back down and spread her legs once more. Pikachu could not pass up this offer, he placed both hands on the rest of the egg and pushed. It was sinking in to her cum streamed down the egg and over his hands. Once he got closer Pikachu spread her cheeks and rammed his penis in her anus and shot out his cum into her. Misty's vagina was a cum factory at that point gushing out all over him and herself. Another push and then they hear a slurping sound. Misty's vagina sucked the rest of Ash in and pulled him up into her womb. Though Ash was done Pikachu was not. He put his face to her lips and licked them and rubbed her thighs. Thrusting deep in her anus he shot another load. Misty could barely believe it she was fucking Pikachu and enjoying it. Her pulse raced and her juices and fluids spewed from her. The two fucked for a while longer then rested. Misty had formed a puddle of cum and other fluids around herself. "Thank you Pikachu that was nice..." Misty was having trouble catching her breath. Her breasts bounced as did her belly Ash was now tucked safely away inside her. She could not help it but she had to rub her belly it was fascinating to have this feeling. It was wonderful. They camped out under the stars that night. When they awoke Misty looked at her belly it had grown. When she put Ash inside she looked only 1-2 months pregnant but now she looked 3 months. The heat of her body was helping Ash to hatch sooner. Misty woke Pikachu up and showed him her belly. He listened Ash was alive inside her and growing. They were overjoyed and since it took a day to get Ash that far along they decided to stay in the forest and not draw any attention to this. They walked along and found a campsite to be at for a few days there were fruit trees and the river near by. Days passed and Ash grew in Misty's womb. She spent most of the day rubbing her belly and having sex with Pikachu. He would sleep on her belly rubbing it as well. After a week her belly was huge Ash was fully back to his size again. Misty was sad that she had to give birth to him she loved feeling him squirming inside of her body. Her clothes were severely stretched out from his body. She was stretched out clearly making out Ash's body she tickled him and he squirmed but did not talk. Misty went to bed knowing Ash would be reborn the following day. Morning came and Misty felt her vagina spreading. She moaned making Pikachu wake up. Misty was not sure what to do so she undressed and sat in the river. Her vagina was heating up and her pulse was racing. This was is it Ash would be back. Sitting down stream the water ran up and over her body. She leaned back and put her arms out behind her. Then a burst of blue gel liquid shot out of her and ran down stream her water broke. She began to sweat and pump her body to wriggle him out her boobs bounced and the water splashed over her body glistening in the sun. Misty started to see his hair Ash was coming out she pushed and he slid right out. He was not so hard to get out he was flexible and soft. She screamed Ash was now part Frillish. His body was now translucent blue. Misty could see right though him his body was the same except for that. Ash began to stir and sat up. He looked around and saw a nude Misty with her legs spread in front of him. Ash jumped up and out of the water. "GAAAHHHH!!! MISTY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!??!" he noticed he was nude as well and tried to cover up his boner. "wait...WHY AM I BLUE AND CLEAR?!?!?!" Misty got up and hugged him "its ok Ash your safe now." Misty sat Ash down and explained the whole thing. He was grateful to both of them and enjoyed hearing about being inside her alot. It had been a long time since he saw her and he admired her new sexual body. She watched his clear blue penis erect and his head turn purple. Ash's blushing began to make his face red, his skin was turning back to normal. "Ash I think I know how to make you look normal again.." "How Misty?" Misty still nude took his hand and walked him over to the river and she laid on her back letting the water soak her breast and body. Then stroked her vagina and coxing him to come over and fuck her. She held her breasts and squished them soaking them. Ash's penis was raging now he had to have her. He laid down on her and began to grope her. Their pulses raced as they began, their faces turned deep red. Both panting they dove head first in to this sexual experience. Ash licked her tits as she forced her fingers in his anus. The two let out pleasure cries and began to cum on each other. Both were hot but the water gushing over them kept them cool. She put her legs up over his shoulders and he pushed her up and licked her vagina. Pikachu stood and watched this on shore. His penis was raging with sexual juices. Then a noise of a Pokeball opening came from behind. Frillish got out and she wanted Pikachu. He gulped and let her take him. She wrapped him completely in her tentalces and sucked on him. Pikachu cummed on her and she drank it up. Frillish worked her tentacles into his anus and tickled him. His pulse raced he began to sweat pant and blush he now knew why Ash enjoyed this so much. She then put him under her and her vagina opened wide. Bridges of cum span across the hole and dripped on him. Pikachu knew what was going to happen but he wanted it so badly. He could hear her heart beat as she closed in on him. Slowly surrounding Pikachu with her flesh Frillish cummed on him. The two were now one, but he was awake now inside of her. The pulsing warmth and gooeyness of her womb was great. He was coated in her love juices and his own. She sealed him in and let him bounce around coating him even more. Pikachu masturbated inside of his new fleshy room. Then the goo came he began to feel stiff and the walls closed in on him. He was going to become an egg again but he knew he could hatch again so he did not struggle only enjoyed the sound of her heart beat, the warmth of her body, and fell asleep. The goo surrounded him and made him back into an egg. She rubbed her new belly with pleasure and feel asleep in the tent. Meanwhile Misty and Ash still fucked in the river. Their slick bodies entangled in a loving embrace. Ash rubbed his erection on her thighs making them tingle. Then jammed it in her vagina. His pulse raced as did her the heat from their love making was intense. Panting and moaning Misty shot cum out of her vagina and milk shot out of her breasts onto Ash. Their nipples were erect and rubbing, he leaned forward face first into her breasts and motorboating them. The two were holding each other Misty wrapped her legs around his back while he groped her ass. He fingered her anus opening it the cool water went in her anus and vagina. Misty screamed in ecstasy it was wonderful she never wanted to leave Ash again. The cool waters washed over their bodies getting all over them and making sex more tingly. Ash shot out his load into her and Misty held him closer. They could almost hear their heart beats. It was a glorious they loved every moment of it. The two had sex for over 3 hours. After this they laid in the river to cool off and feel asleep. It was late noon almost dusk when they awoke. Ash was back to normal and Misty was more madly in love with him then ever before. They agreed to never part again. After drying off and getting dressed they started a camp fire and cuddled. "Ash please don't ever leave me again." "Misty I never will." Misty then leaned on him and sighed happily. "Umm Misty ..." Misty looked up at him and hmmmed. "where is Pikachu?..." It hit them Pikachu was missing. Then a sound came from the tent. A full bellied Frillish came out licking her lips and yawning. They saw a blue egg in her belly and then laughed. "Don't worry Ash I'll take care of Pikachu but I need you to help me .." She stripped down to nothing and Frillish birthed Pikachu in her hands. Misty laid down on her back and spread her legs placing the egg between them. Ash jumped up got nude and helped. Misty held her breasts as Ash forced Pikachu inside his new girlfriend. They moaned as they did. As he pushed him inside and then sticking his penis in her anus. Misty was squirting cum out all over the egg and Ash. The egg was safely inside her womb. As her belly now was full Ash shot out a load into her anus. They finished up a few minutes later and Ash enjoyed some of her breast milk. The two fell asleep cuddling and rubbing her full sexual belly. Ash became addicted to the thought of being inside Misty. He talked to her and Frillish about doing this again some time. They had no problem they were overjoyed when he asked. Days passed and Pikachu was reborn and Ash told him that they still wanted to do this again and he agreed. Ash Misty Pikachu and Frillish all left the forest that day and headed out on a new journey. They still unbirth and have sex and they loved every moment of it. |
It was late afternoon, school and all its activities finally done for the day and the weekend ahead. The falling sun’s light crept in through the pale curtains and lit on the form of a young boy sitting with his legs crossed on top of his bed’s pillow. Rickie blushed and shivered as his guest seated himself next to him on his bed. That sweet laugh paralyzed him further, and it was at least a minute before he could finally look up and over at the boy sitting on the end of his bed. Jason. It was a shock to him even now how one of the most athletic boys in the school, star gymnast and running-back, was not only gay, but interested in a shy boy like him. Rickie was a gymnast as well, a new member of the team who had quickly grown to admire both Jason’s own skills and the way he led the team, always watching over the other members. He had been there when Michael had broken his leg, when Maria had lost her cousin and when Rickie himself had been dumped by his previous boyfriend. Not that he’d told Jason the real reason. He couldn’t. And then, of course, there was the simple fact that Jason was beautiful. Straight brown hair that feathered perfectly at the very edges, pale blue eyes, a light dusting of freckles here and there… Not to mention his body was perfectly kept. Jason was perfectly toned, neither bodybuilder nor skinny but somewhere right in between, a lithe, fast runner whose every line and feature drew the eye. Rickie wondered sometimes if the boy from that famous Greek statue of the boy athlete hadn’t been somehow distantly related to Jason… Compared to him, Rickie’s own green eyes, long blonde bangs, and wiry frame, pretty enough in their own right, were plain and uninteresting. Not to mention… and the quick glance he stole at it brought him to a blush again… Jason’s butt. Rickie was mortified by it, to be honest, but Jason had an absolutely perfect rear. It was curved in just the right way, waggled just a little when he moved, and Rickie couldn’t really think of it any other way than as Jason having an absolutely cute butt! Jason knew, of course, and loved to taunt Rickie, trying to tease him into giving it a grope. Rickie was tempted, of course… it looked just so soft and wonderful to touch… but he couldn’t. If he groped Jason, Jason would almost certainly grope him back… and if that happened, it would be over. That’s how he had always thought, after what happened each time. But somehow, Jason was different. He knew it. That’s why he had finally brought Jason up here, after they had both gotten close enough to know it was time. He could trust Jason to stay with him, even after his “secret” was revealed. He hoped. Jason slipped closer to him, smiling and leaning in to brush his lips against Rickie’s cheek. “So… are we really going to?” he asked softly. He grinned as Rickie slowly slipped his arm around him, and leaned in close. “I’ve got to admit, I was surprised that you were the one to initiate this…” He leaned in, slipping off the other boy’s glasses. “You know, I think these are why you’re such a good gymnast.” Rickie blinked, leaning into the other boy’s arms and blushing as he played with the hem of his shirt. “Wh-why, Jason?” he asked, almost sighing the name. Jason grinned. “You’re far-sighted, right? So, once these come off for the event, nothing else matters but what’s in front of you. You can’t even see the crowd… just the beam under your hands.” Rickie began to play with his own shirt. “A-and you,” he pointed out, ducking his head. Jason ran his hand gently through the other boy’s hair. “Really?” he teased. “You’ve got pretty good eyesight then, to be able to see me from all the way over with the coach. Do you really need glasses?” Rickie pouted. “You know what I mean… I just imagine you standing beside the beam, like in practice, and…” He flushed. “And I think about when you came to me in the locker room, after we won that meet, and asked me to be your boyfriend…” Jason blushed a bit. Then he smiled, letting his head rest atop Rickie’s and sniffing quietly at his hair. “Rickie, I love you. You know that. So if you’re sure that you want to, I’ll go all the way with you tonight…” Rickie nodded, reaching down and tugging gently at his shirt. “I… I’m sure,” he whispered, leaning in and sealing his lips to Jason’s. “All the way…” Jason smiled and gently leaned forward, pressing Rickie gently into the bed and laying on top of him as he kissed the younger boy, taking a firm hold on his shirt and pushing it up around his shoulders. “Then let’s start,” he murmured, when their lips had finally parted. Rickie blushed and nodded up at him, smiling as his shirt was pulled over his head and discarded. His own hands moved to Jason’s shirt now, blushing as he slowly exposed Jason’s toned belly and laying a hand against it, letting his fingers slowly trace the contours of his muscles. Jason just grinned down at him, his shirt bunched up under his arms as he let himself be poked and prodded. He knew how much Rickie had admired his body, stealing glances in the locker room as often as he could. Now Rickie was finally getting to really touch and explore his body, and Jason was content to relax and enjoy the feeling as his boyfriend felt over him. Eventually, Rickie came to his senses and blushed, ducking his head and busying himself with sliding Jason’s shirt the rest of the way off. Jason just laughed from inside the bundle of cloth as Rickie struggled to slip the neck hole up over his head. “Rickie, c’mon. I know you wanna… give that bum of mine that you’re always eyeing a good squeeze…” Rickie flushed, and quickly began unfastening Jason’s jeans as well, trying to work them down over his legs without a lot of success. Jason laughed as he helped him. “Why wouldn’t you ever touch me like this before, anyway?” he asked. “I mean, you obviously love the shape of my body, and I have to admit it feels really nice letting you, well, feel me…” Rickie blushed, and suddenly dove both hands into Jason’s underpants, letting his fingers sink into the soft flesh of his lover’s rear with a sigh. He closed his eyes, just listening to Jason laugh and work his pants the rest of the way off while his fingers rested against that soft curve. “I’m sorry… I just thought… w-well, you’ll see soon enough…” He blushed. “T-take my pants off… then I think you’ll understand…” Jason stuck out his tongue. “What, are you horny or something?” he teased lightly, kissing Rickie on the lips before leaning down and unfastening his pants. He moved down the bed, pulling the pants with him, and tilted his head at the sight of Rickie laying before him in nothing but a pair of girl’s panties. “What, you thought I’d find out you wear panties?” he asked, tilting his head. “Rickie, even if you’re embarrassed, it’s not like I would’ve groped you back. You’re too shy and sweet for that kinda stuff… unless you asked me to, I mean…” He smiled and sat on Rickie’s legs in his own underwear, tugging at the panties. “So… are these coming off?” he asked. Rickie blushed, looking down and seeing Jason’s arousal evident beneath that white cotton. “Y-yes,” he murmured, squeezing his eyes shut. “Go ahead… I-I’m ready…” I trust you… Jason’s smile was gone a few seconds later, as he gave the panties a single powerful tug to reveal that beneath, Rickie had a very smooth, perfectly shaved slit beneath his panties, and not even a hint of a penis anywhere. He recoiled, nearly falling from the far edge of the bed. “W-wait, you’re a girl?” Rickie blushed and curled up, hugging his knees. “N-no, I’m not…” he whimpered. He’d known this would happen, just like before, but he’d hoped… “J-Jason, please, listen to me…” Jason spun and started for the door, beet-red. “Rickie, I… I can’t believe this. I’m gay, not bi… you can’t just tempt me into a relationship like this and expect me to…” He paused, looking down at the knob in his hand. “Rickie, unlock the door.” Rickie shook his head, standing up and starting towards Jason. “N-no. Besides, it’s not locked…” His eyes were sad as he looked at Jason. He had known that there was a chance that Jason would react like this, despite all his hopes. But this time, he didn’t want to let the person he gave his love to get away. Jason was too perfect… too beautiful, too kind, too absolutely wonderful to let go. So Rickie had made preparations. Jason stared at his boyfriend, eyes dropping again and again to that slit where his balls should be. “Wh-what’s going on? Rickie, you’re scaring me… l-let me out of here…” Rickie shook his head, and suddenly took Jason by the arms and forced him to the floor, sitting on top of him and looking down. “I trusted you… I was so sure that you, at least, wouldn’t leave me like the others…” He shivered, starting to cry a little. “Well, you won’t leave me. You won’t.” He took a deep breath, stifling Jason’s panicked struggles with hands that seemed far too strong for his body, and suddenly grabbed the boy’s head and forced it roughly into the dripping center of his slit. Jason was stunned. Here he was, ready and absolutely willing to have his first time with the boy he loved, and suddenly Rickie turned out to be a girl? A pretty one, maybe, but a girl? And now, suddenly, he found himself seized by hands that were too strong to belong to wiry little Rickie, and then plunged headfirst into a dark place that smelled… Comforting, actually. Even as his brain frantically locked onto the most bizarre fact he’d ever encountered- that his beloved Ricky had a girl’s vagina and that his head was currently lodged inside of it, he lost his focus, discovering that the insides of his lover held a soft, soothing scent that was actually a lot like that of his hair. Jason had always thought that Rickie just used a really nice-smelling conditioner, but now it seemed that the smell he’d always enjoyed came from the boy himself. Rickie’s eyes went wide as Jason’s entire head slipped easily into his slit. He’d known that his body would stretch, but he hadn’t expected it to do so this readily. And the feeling… He’d hoped, although he’d had a feeling that Jason would prefer his rear, that Jason would fill up that tight little hole and stretch him out. He’d been looking forward to having a feeling like that, and now here Jason was, filling him up and stretching out his passage with his entire head. Rickie flushed, clear liquid dripping onto the floor and pooling beneath Jason’s back as the younger boy lifted him and started slowly forcing his shoulders inside as well, his body starting to respond belatedly to Jason’s presence. Jason’s hearing was all but cut off by now as the moist walls sealed over his ears. The only sounds he could hear now were his own flustered breathing and the soft movements of the warm muscles around him. As his struggles began to slow, realizing that Rickie’s mysterious strength was too much to fight against, he realized that those muscles were moving, gripping around him and moving in a slow, gentle rhythm that took his head deeper into Rickie’s body with each cycle, the scent gradually growing stronger as he felt himself slowly being pulled into the warmth… Outside, Rickie was panting and blushing with joy. He could feel him now, his nether lips wrapped around the beginning of Jason’s chest as he felt his hymen- a phrase that still mystified Rickie himself, that- his hymen stretching wide and finally tearing to let Jason advance deeper. He felt a pressure deep inside, and pressed his hands to his belly, focusing now on his muscles as he worked to pull Jason further in, and to open his waiting cervix, which Jason’s head was even now up against. Jason was deep inside now, he knew. He felt a hard ring pressing firmly against his head, and shifted a little. Dimly, he remembered from health class that the ring was called the cervix, and that beyond it lay the womb. He’d accepted by now that Rickie was apparently a girl, and what surprise he felt at being sucked bodily into somebody’s womb was nulled out by the scent that surrounded him now. Rickie’s body was becoming enormously aroused by all this action, and every time he opened his mouth to breathe he took in a small amount of clear fluid with the air, incredibly sweet to the taste. His struggles had all but stopped now the sweet fluid, calming scent, and the almost impossibly soft surface around him were just too enjoyable. Hesitantly, he shifted his arms, pulling his hands inside and letting his fingers explore the soft walls of Rickie’s passage. Behind him, he could feel something starting to open… Rickie gasped as Jason moved and actually pulled his hands inside along with the rest of him, his greedy body tugging him deeper and fastening its lips around the gymnast’s waist. The opening within Rickie’s body widened dramatically, and Jason’s head was safely taken into his womb. Rickie blushed, rubbing over his love’s head and laying on the ground, simply wanting to rest and let his body slowly engulf Jason within the safety of his womb… to make Jason his at last… Jason had closed his eyes by now, each breath letting a little bit of fluid trickle down his throat. He gave a brief wiggle every now and then, but was for the most part silent. The wall had opened, and his head and shoulders were now in a soft, dark place where pressure continually moved along him from the outside, just as comforting as everything else in here. He let his fingers gently trace and explore the walls around him even as his arms were pulled inside too. Rickie watched in joy as his belly continued to slowly swell outward. Carefully, he reached up and took a hand mirror from his desk, angling it and watching as Jason’s body was engulfed by his nethers. His legs were the only thing left now, and he stared as inch by inch they disappeared. Now Jason was up to his knees in Rickie’s hungering body… now his shins, those lovely toned shins, were vanishing, and then his feet… and finally, with a wiggle, his toes disappeared entirely from view, and Rickie lay back, panting as he let his body go to work. Jason had always had a good sense of time, even in strange places, so he knew that it had been nearly a half-hour since he had discovered Rickie’s secret. And now, he could feel the cervix slowly closing up, squeezing around his feet. He shifted a little, tugging them free, and pressed one big toe to the ring of muscle, feeling it squeeze down to almost a point again. He pushed gently against the walls, looking for an opening, but found nothing. “R-rickie?” he ventured. Rickie’s eyes snapped open again as he heard Jason speak. The boy slowly sat up, cradling his belly as he pressed his face to it. “Jason? Can you hear me?” Jason shifted inside. “Y-yeah… Rickie, I don’t get it… this is the secret you were worried about? That you’re a girl?” Rickie trembled. “I’m not a girl, though…” He blushed. “But yeah… Everyone else I’ve ever been with eventually tried to grope me… and then they found out I don’t have a penis like everyone else…” Jason continued to push out on the walls, feeling them give easily despite the tightness all around him. “But… boys have those. So you must be a girl…” Rickie shook his head. “I don’t have breasts,” he pointed out. “I’m a boy… just a weird one… I have a girl’s parts down below instead of a penis… I think my mother called it being a hermaphrodite…” Jason shifted. “Oh…” He hugged his knees, feeling the space around him compress him into a fetal position. “Rickie, why… am I in here?” Rickie shivered. “Because I need you,” he murmured. “I love you, Jason… and you were going to leave me…” He stroked gently over his swollen belly, fingers tracing over the clear outline of Jason’s form within him. Jason blushed and wiggled a bit, pressing himself against that wonderful pressure from Rickie’s hands. “W-well, I’m certainly not going anywhere now…” he murmured. “So I’m… going to stay here forever?” Rickie nodded, crying a little. “It was the only way to make sure you’d never leave me… I knew you probably would try to once you saw my slit, so I got things ready just in case. And this can’t be reversed…” Jason nodded, sighing a bit and curling up tightly inside of his prison. “Why me? Your reputation for going through boys faster than girls go through clothes is known throughout the school…” Rickie blushed. “Jason, you’re better than all those other boys I dated. You’re beautiful, and you’re good to me… a-and you’re the only one I could ever trust with my secret. Everyone else found out by groping me… you never touched me, though… it took until I was naked in front of you for you to discover my secret…” He leaned his chin on his massive belly. “So, even if you hated me, I had to make sure you stayed with me… forever…” Jason shifted. “Rickie… I don’t hate you. I’m not angry with you. I just… I just thought you were really a girl, and that you’d been tricking me and leading me on all this time… I’m gay, not bi…” Rickie shivered, and then rose, lifting his belly and cradling it. “J-Jason, I’m so sorry… h-hang on. I’ll try and c-cut you out…” He cast around, starting to sniffle. Jason’s eyes went wide. “Rickie, no!” He blushed. “I… I like it in here… I don’t mind at all if you’re going to keep me here…” He leaned his head into the wall, sniffing deeply. “It smells like your hair… only even stronger, more… like you… and it’s so soft…” He blushed, and pressed against the wall until the outline of his hand appeared in Rickie’s skin. “I’ll stay. Forever.” Rickie gasped, pressing his hand against Jason’s. “A-are you sure?” he murmured. “I could probably get you out… there’s a knife in the kitchen, I could just cut open my belly and…” Jason kicked inside of Rickie’s belly, making the pregnant boy nearly fall down. “Don’t you dare!” he cried out. “You wouldn’t survive trying to cut me out. Just… k-keep me…” He blushed. “I don’t mind. Really… I know I’m the team captain, but I’m really just as shy and submissive as you on the inside…” Rickie giggled, just a little. “Well, now you’re on the inside of me,” he teased. “So does that mean that you’ll be like that all the time?” He took down a thick, heavily-worn book from above his desk and turned the brittle pages gingerly before starting to read. Jason smirked, curling up inside and listening to Rickie reading in a language he’d never heard. “No, I’m going to be the Jason you’ve fallen in love with over these past few months,” he pointed out. “But it really was hard to work up the courage to ask you out…” He tilted his head. “Up to more magic out there? I thought you said it couldn’t be reversed…” Rickie continued chanting for about a minute, and then rubbed his belly gently, feeling something connect… him and his beloved linked now. “It can’t. But there was more to the spell I needed to do once you were inside… I can’t walk around with a bulge the size of someone my age in my belly, after all…” Jason let out a surprised yelp as he felt something bite into his stomach and attach there, reaching down to feel a slender cord snaking into his navel where it joined seamlessly to him. He blushed. “What are you doing to me now?” he asked, running his hands over the cord and watching as a bulge moved its way lazily up the length. Rickie smiled. “Making you smaller. And connecting you to me, so I’ll be eating for two…” He giggled. “I can’t exactly feed you in there, after all…” He blushed. “And… I have to make you smaller, too… small enough that people will just think I’m pregnant…” He rubbed over his belly, feeling it getting subtly smaller as he laid down on his bed. Jason watched bulge after bulge work its way languidly up the cord, his body getting a shade smaller with each bit of essence taken from him. He suddenly yawned loudly. “Rickie… we’ll still be able to talk, right?” Rickie blushed and beamed, cradling his belly as he pulled the covers up over his nude, gravid body. “Of course,” he murmured. “I wouldn’t want it to be otherwise… Jason, you and I are going to be together forever…” Jason smiled, closing his eyes. “Forever inside the boy I love… I could get used to this…” he murmured. Rickie grinned, and turned on his side, resting a hand on Jason’s form. “I hope so. You don’t have a choice in the matter…” he teased, as he let himself drift off while his body and magic went to work on Jason. Jason planted a long, slow kiss on the walls containing him. “I… really don’t ever want to leave…” he murmured. “Even with the choice, I’d stay here… forever… sleep well, Richie…” It was already late into the afternoon again when Richie woke up the next day. He slowly rolled his way out of bed, and looked down with joy at his belly. The massive bulge of Jason’s form had vanished overnight, leaving only a round, gravid bulge the size of a woman’s belly at a little over seven months. Running his hands over it, he smiled at the feel of the warm, fluid-filled sac that now held Jason’s small body inside of it. Jason stirred, awakening for the first time since last night, and gently pressed against the walls for a moment. Finding himself surrounded by fluid, he panicked at first, and then felt the cord in his belly, a reassuring presence that reminded him just where he was now… and always. He smiled and wiggled. “Good morning, Rickie, my love…” he murmured. Rickie smiled and patted his belly, pulling on a new pair of panties and a baggy shirt to cover Jason’s bulge. “Afternoon, my beloved Jason,” he cooed, resting a hand on his now-permanent resident. “Time to go out and face the world… together…” He blushed happily and slipped out of the room, hugging his belly one last time as he closed the door behind him. |
Serena sighed softly to herself as she slipped back in the door, letting her bag fall to the ground with a dull thump as she leaned against the doorframe, winding her tail around her waist and letting her body relax. Spring vacation had finally arrived, and the teenaged catgirl was planning on enjoying every moment of it. The loud thump had been heard, naturally, and very soon her sister Mika was by her side, her long tabby-pattern tail swishing behind her. “Big sis, are you okay?” she asked, staring up at her with worry in her green eyes. Serena forced a smile and reached down to stroke Mika’s ears. “Yeah, it was just a long day,” she murmured, sitting down with her back supported by the doorframe and looking out at the dandelions starting to peek up out of the lawn. “But school’s over for a whole two weeks now…” Mika smiled and knelt by her sister’s side, purring happily as she felt those gentle hands on her ears. “And how about her?” she asked, laying her hands reverently on the round swell of Serena’s stomach. Serena blushed a little and glanced away from Mika. “Getting hard to carry… but it’s okay,” she murmured. “Actually… about my baby, I have to tell you a secret about that…” Mika peered up at her, mewing a little and flicking an ear cutely. “A secret?” She rubbed her face a little, and Serena’s eyes were drawn to a red mark on her cheek. “What kind of a secret?” She giggled. “You know I don’t keep secrets too good, big sis…” Serena frowned. “First… what happened here?” she asked, her white-furred tail flicking up to stroke along Mika’s cheek. “Don’t tell me she got mad again…” Mika froze, and pouted, nuzzling into the soft tail. “I was bad,” she argued. “It’s my fault Mommy got too mad at me.” She tried to clamber into Serena’s lap, mindful of the pregnant swell. “I-I’m okay now, though…” Serena’s frown only deepened. “Is that really the only place she hit you?” she asked sternly. She knew her mother wouldn’t be home, not for a while yet. “Tell me the truth, Mika…” Mika mewed sadly, and pulled up her shirt to show a pair of marks on her back, both a decidedly more angry shade of red. “I made Mommy really mad…” she mewed. “I broke that special vase of hers… I tried to put it back together, but she noticed and got real mad…” Serena tensed, pulling Mika closer and licking gently over the mark on her little sister’s cheek. “That doesn’t give her the right to hurt you, just because something broke,” she murmured. “You’re a person. That dumb vase of hers isn’t.” Mika began to purr softly again, closing her eyes and relaxing as her sister’s rough tongue trailed over her cheek and soothed the stinging. “You’re so good to me, sis,” she murmured. “How come Mommy never does this to you, though? I mean…” Her eyes wavered a little. “Am I just a really bad girl?” Serena slowly stood, careful of both her own swollen belly and the little catgirl nestled in her arms. “No, silly,” she purred gently, continuing to lick. “Mommy’s just scared she’ll hurt my baby if she tries to hit me… and if she did that, she would go to jail for a very long time…” Mika clung to Serena and mewled, nodding. “S-so… what’s the secret? About your baby?” She nuzzled in, closing her eyes again. Serena pushed the door closed with her tail and began to climb the stairs, though with obvious difficulty with both Mika’s and the unborn kitten’s weight on her. Soon enough, though, Mika was curled up on her sister’s bed, purring away. “Well,” Serena began, closing the door gently. “First… you know how you never feel my baby kicking?” She fidgeted. “There’s a reason for that…” Mika looked up at her sister through half-lidded eyes, already relaxed. “Isn’t your little kitty just sleepy all the time?” she murmured. “That’s what you told me…” Serena shook her head. “No… that’s not it…” She laid a hand on her belly. “The truth is, there’s not an actual baby in there… my body’s just getting ready for something special…” She knelt next to her bed, slipping Mika’s shirt up again and starting to lick over the bruises there. Mika began to purr in earnest now, her tail stroking affectionately against her sister’s cheek. “But… you’re gonna have a baby in there soon, right?” she asked. “I mean, you’ve got a big round belly… it’s got to be getting ready for a baby, right?” Serena blushed, continuing to lick. “Y-yes, it is…” she murmured, watching and slowly, gently sliding her sister’s shirt off entirely, the little one laying topless and on her stomach now. Mika didn’t seem to notice, soothed by the rough tongue against her stinging bruises. “I’m going to have a cute little baby girl in my belly…” Mika purred and giggled softly. “You’re gonna look real pretty, sis…” She swished her tail gently, peeking up at Serena. “What’re you up to, big sis?” Serena blushed anew. “W-well… Mika, will you trust me? There’s something I want… no, I have to do… but I need you to trust me and do what I say, okay?” She shivered. I can’t leave her here any longer. Mom’s getting worse every day… and now we have two whole weeks open to us. It’s got to be now. Mika rolled over and leaned up to kiss her big sister’s cheek, nodding. “Of course I’ll trust you, big sis,” she murmured, nuzzling gently closer to her. “Just tell me what I gotta do. Even if it sounds weird to you. I know you want to help me…” She purred and licked the bigger girl’s cheek. Serena wrapped Mika in her arms and smiled, kissing the very tip of both of the girl’s ears. “Okay…” She blushed a bit. “Well… first you have to finish getting undressed…” She set Mika on the bed again and moved back to give her a little space. Mika blinked, but nodded, remembering the promise she had just given. Soon her cute little skirt was folded on the bed, and with a wiggle of her bum she tugged off her socks. “Do I gotta take off my undies too?” she asked. Serena bit her tongue. What she was about to do would go more smoothly with Mika totally naked, but she could see the girl was uncomfortable already, so… “No, it’s okay,” she said soothingly, gently undoing the buckle on the belt holding up her jeans. “Now just close your eyes and wait… I’ll do the rest…” Mika purred a little and covered her eyes with her hands. “No peeking!” she vowed, sitting cross-legged on the bed in just her little panties and waiting. Serena blushed happily, gently letting her jeans fall. Beneath she wore no panties of her own, and her nethers were already a bit wet, making Mika’s nose twitch. With a smile, the older catgirl stepped closer to her little sister, running a hand over her ears and purring as a long cord slowly began to lower itself from her nethers, growing longer and longer as she imagined what would soon happen between the two of them… When the cord was almost three feet long, she knew it was time. “This is gonna sting, just a little bit,” she warned, lifting the end of the cord and pressing it to Mika’s belly. “Almost like getting a shot…” Mika pouted a little, and mewed as she felt a momentary pain in her bellybutton… and then began to purr happily, instinctively nuzzling up against Serena’s swollen belly. “It did, but now it feels really nice… what’d you do, big sis?” she murmured. Serena lifted the little catgirl easily, slowly laying herself down on her bed. “I-I’ll explain soon,” she mewed. “Just relax for now, though. Even if it feels weird, okay?” Carefully, she laid Mika down between her legs, sitting up and taking the girl’s feet, hesitantly pushing the big toes into her exposed slit. Mika wiggled a little, and began to purr. “O-okay… oooh, warm…” she murmured, wiggling her toes and pushing them forward, enjoying the warmth of Serena’s body as her feet began to disappear inside of it. Serena purred happily and nodded, watching in wonder as Mika slowly vanished up to her ankles inside of her soft body. “It’s going to get even warmer… so warm and nice…” she purred. “I-I hope you like it… and you don’t get mad when I do understand…” Mika giggled and relaxed, letting her sister move her forward now. “As long as you’re not trying to gobble me up,” she teased. “But I know my big sister would never eat me.” Serena giggled, her body growing a bit warmer around Mika’s as the younger catgirl’s legs began to disappear inside of her, every wiggle bringing her such pleasure. “Of course not. I would never eat my sweet little sister…” Mika nodded. “Serena is my big sister. Doesn’t matter if her Mommy adopted me. She’s so good to me…” She giggled. “Wow… it feels like I’m going into a warm sleeping bag…” She suddenly yawned. “I’m sleepy, big sis…” Serena blushed and nodded, reaching down to stroke those tabby-striped ears, so different from her own Angora fur. “I know. You just take a rest…” She mewed gently, her slick flesh parting and sliding down over Mika’s hips. The little kitty girl purred happily at the warmth and wiggled, bringing even more joy to Serena as she began to work the top half of her little sister into her moist canal. Soon enough, Mika was fast asleep, the incredible warmth and softness of her big sister’s passage making the tired kitty doze off. Serena continued to watch Mika vanishing slowly into her body, her hands by her sides as she allowed just her muscles to move, working over the girl’s body gently in a rhythmic pulsing motion, first squeezing gently around her and moving back, pulling her with them, and then releasing gently as they slid out, ready to pull anew. After perhaps ten minutes of this gentle bliss, Serena felt a strange pressure deep inside of her, and mewled gently, knowing exactly what it was. Mika’s feet, deep inside now as the lips of Serena’s slit squeezed around the kitty’s navel, were now pushing against the hard, tightly sealed ring of her cervix. Purring gently, Serena closed her eyes, focusing inward just as she had been taught, letting the pressure slowly coax her body into opening up. With a sudden jerk, Mika’s feet popped past the cervix, making Serena meow in surprise as she slumped back against the pillows, eyes wide as her tail squeezed itself around her leg. Mika stirred within her, the sudden movement having tugged her even deeper, so that her chest was covered in warm soft flesh, but then fell back to sleep. Serena blushed, and nodded, her womb making good use now of the preparations she had made. Even though Mika’s head was free still, the cord in her belly began to swell, feeding air and the last remnants of the huge lunch Serena had eaten at school into the kittygirl’s body. As Mika sank deeper, only her head free now, her feet began to push against a soft, yielding surface. Serena mewed softly and ran a hand over her belly… the gravid form created simply by a warm, soft sac filled with fluid that had slowly grown over the months since she had met Jacob. Now, the membrane surrounding it gave slightly, small amounts of fluid spilling out as it parted and pulled Mika’s feet inside. The little girl mewed softly in her sleep, wiggling a little as she felt her environment getting even warmer and the little bits of liquid trickling down around her. Serena blushed, knowing it was the final stretch now… as Mika’s head began to enter her nethers, the catgirl’s tail slipping down to stroke over her cheek as it also helped to gently push her inside. Every contour of her little face was evident to Serena as her body entirely enveloped her little sister. “M-mine…” she mewed, feeling her nether lips close over those pointed ears, hiding all traces of Mika from the outside. There was nothing to do now but wait… letting her belly swell out even further as Mika inched her way through the wide-open cervix, passing through the membrane and into Serena’s fluid-filled womb… It was nearly done when the window opened and Jacob stepped through, blushing as he caught sight of her closed nethers and the gravid swell to her belly. “You really did it?” he asked, twitching his coal-black tail. Serena nodded, blushing and running a hand over her belly. “H-her head’s going into my cervix right now…” she murmured. “Soon she’ll be held inside…” Jacob laid his hands on her belly, wrapping his tail around hers. “Have you told her about our plans yet, Serena?” he murmured. Serena fidgeted. “I was going to, but she fell asleep while I was taking her in…” she whispered. “So I haven’t yet…” Jacob smiled softly, running his hands over her. “Let’s wake her up then… we’ll tell her together.” He grinned. “After all, I helped with this whole scheme too…” Serena gasped as Mika suddenly began to wiggle inside of her, a last trickle of fluid splashing out onto the bed as the membrane closed up around her. “S-sis?” her muffled voice came from inside. “Where am I? It’s all wet, and stuff… it’s so warm though…” The voice paused. “H-hey… I hear something, like a drum… is that your heartbeat, big sis?” Serena blushed and laid her hands against Mika, nodding. “Y-yes… Mika, remember when I told you I was going to have a baby inside of me? But that I didn’t have her yet? Th-that’s because you’re going to be that baby…” Mika began to wiggle a bit. “You’re gonna be my mommy now, big sis?” She pushed against the walls. “I-I don’t get it… where’m I? In your belly? A-and… how can you be my mommy when I’ve already got one?” Serena tensed, sitting up and hugging her belly tightly. “That mean lady wasn’t really a mommy to you,” she whispered fiercely, her voice carrying easily through her own body to Mika. “She was mean and she hit you, and she wasn’t what a mommy is supposed to be… so I’m going to be your mommy now. A real mommy, not just one who adopted you…” She blushed. “Jacob and I found out a special way… a magical way to make you into our daughter… and I just couldn’t leave you here with her any longer…” Mika blinked. “Are you gonna run away?” she asked, eyes wide as she moved around inside the fluid. “H-hey, how am I breathing? I’m underwater…” Serena smiled. “I’m breathing for you. Through that cord… that’s why it feels so good. Because you’re attached to your new mommy…” She purred. “And yes, I’m going to run away. With Jacob, and with you… we’re going to live happily somewhere, the three of us together…” Her tail coiled around Jacob’s and gave it a squeeze lovingly. Jacob grinned and put his ear to Serena’s belly. “Like the sound of that idea, Mika?” he asked. “I know you’d never turn down Serena as a mommy… but you sure you’re okay with me being your new daddy?” Mika giggled. “You’re nice, silly Jacob,” she teased. “Besides, it’s okay… I wanna run away with you both. And have a real mommy…” She yawned. “M-mommy Serena… how come I feel tired?” Serena cooed and stroked her belly. “I have to do some things to make you totally my girl,” she said softly. “Special, magical things that’ll make you into my beautiful daughter…” She kissed Mika through the swell of her stomach. “Just sleep. Mommy will be here when you wake up…” Mika giggled. “Mommy’s gonna be there when I sleep, too! All the time until I’m borned again…” She yawned and curled up, wrapping her tail around herself. “I love you, big sis… you and Jacob can absolutely make me your kitty…” Serena smiled, standing and carefully dressing herself in a long maternity gown. “It’ll take a while,” she murmured to Jacob. “She’s almost seven, after all… most do this before they’re four…” Jacob smiled. “We’ll wait, then,” he said. “It’s not like you aren’t beautiful with Mika inside your belly…” He kissed her softly and slipped out of the window. “Now c’mon… we’ve got a running-away to pull off.” Serena smiled and nodded, rubbing her belly. A few moments later, she too was gone, leaving only a neatly-written note in the small puddle of amniotic fluid that lay on the bed, a tiny leakage from the vast amount that would cushion Mika until she was born… ’s not my fault you were such a bad mother to me… it was yours. You proved that every time you laid a hand on my little imouto. So now her sister is going to take her away and become her loving mother. Don’t bother looking for her… she’ll look a lot different once she’s my daughter. Goodbye, mother. I’m off to become a much better mother to Mika than you ever were. |
Two sets of heavy combat boots stomped across the rubble covered ground. The two men looking around the outside world through the massive gaping holes in the building they ran through. They came to a halt at a breech in the northern side. The breech itself was caused when a macro bear spotted some survivors in the building and punched right through to get a mouthful of live victims. As with most of the city, the building had been destroyed nearly entirely by constant macro attacks and now the macro swarm was in the area again. Worse off is that the two soldiers were told that some outcasted survivors were trying to use the opportunity to break in. As such the duo were sent to find and put them down! “Why do we always get this job?” the panda gasped as he caught his breath. “Isn’t this a job better suited for commandos? The ones that actually are used to dodging giants?” he complained as he took a seat on a large concrete slab that leaned against the wall. The ferret shrugged as he peered over the ledge. “Just shut up and let’s find the outcasts alright! Walker wanted them found so we are gonna find them!” he replied. Crouching down, the ferret picked up a blue cord off the side of the building. He had found where the outcasts had gotten in, but where were they now? The ferret turned around and instantly was startled by a fox, armoured up and aiming an assault rifle right at his head. The ferret began to breathe quickly, he looked over to the panda, noticing that somehow these outcasts had snuck up right on top of them! A German Shepherd had a knife to the panda’s throat and was holding him to the ground. “Drop it!” The fox ordered, his voice was firm and assertive, but was trying to remain as quiet as possible. The ferret looked down at his own assault weapon and simply nodded before letting it drop to the ground. The fox nodded. “Good choice!” He looked behind him and nodded again. “Alister, tie our ferret up. Bandit… we only need one!” The ferret looked on nervously as another three shadows emerged into the light. Another fox, this one had a clean sand like coat around his body. Next to him, a black cat and behind them both a Beagle with a dark blue coat. As the sandy fox came over and began to use the blue cord to tie the ferret down, he looked back at the other one. “You serious?” He asked. The First fox had a dark burgundy coat that was lined with grey fur around his muzzle. “Ali, you know we only need one, besides isn’t worse to be left alive?” The fox asked the other with a slight shrug. Alister backed down. He finished tying up the ferret and left the man trapped to the side of the massive gap. He watched the ferret nervously try to move as far away from the drop as he could. He turned back to Jackson and nodded. “Sure, you’re the boss!” He grunted before Kyle passed him his rifle. Jackson turned and nodded to Bandit. The panda was looking between them all concerned but the moment Jackson gave him the nod, Bandit pulled the knife away from the throat and rammed the blade right through the man’s temple. The crushing sound was all that was heard beside the gasp from the ferret. The Panda died instantly. Bandit kept a plain face as he pulled out his knife and sheathed it once again. The five of them moving on quick and quiet as they left the ferret behind, tied up and out in the open… As they moved through the empty, eerie corridors. Jackson led his team with his rifle up high. Alister to his left and Bandit to his right with the other two on the flanks. The two foxes would glance at each other often, Jackson looking towards Alister with a more concerned expression. The squad rolled up on a large metal door and quickly surrounded it, weapons raised. Jackson looked at Blue and raised an eyebrow. The beagle looked down at his watch and nodded. “Any second now!” He smirked as he checked the bullets in his pistol. Jackson looked back towards Alister and Kyle. “You got anything to say brother?” Jackson asked. “I would like to know now before bullets start flying!”. The red fox was firm in his voice, being almost demanding towards his brother. Alister looked at him with equal firmness, then relaxed himself. “You’re worried, I get that, but we need to make sure we don’t start to do things we will live to regret!” Alister warned. Bandit looked uncomfortably at his sheathed knife. Blue looked up from his watch and then back to it. Jackson sighed as his brother continued. “You want your farther back, I do too, but we can’t start using people as live bait. Killing is one thing, we have to, I know that, but we don’t have to murder! We don’t have to tie people up and wait for-” Before Alister could mutter his opposition the eerie silence of the darkness was suddenly shattered by the loud and abrupt screams of terror coming from the outside of the building. “We are on the clock!” Blue nodded, everyone instantly got back to aiming at the door from shadowed, hidden locations. Their eyes down their sights and suppressors on tight. For the ferret on the outside, he realised far too late what was coming. He struggled and pulled at the blue cord. His previous hope of rescue was quickly falling short as the distant thuds and booms were getting louder and louder as the ground began to quake with the incoming force. He had hoped another patrol would be sent, or just someone would come along and cut him free, instead he was trapped, tied to the building out in plain sight as live bait! The first scream was the moment he saw a giant coming towards him. He hadn’t seen one since the collapse. Now there was one coming right for him, a lion, body huge and bulging with defined muscles. A perfect physical shape for an anthro. The ferret quickly pulled harder. His breath had turned from quiet, shaking intakes to a panicking moan as he failed to pull the cord loose, despite that artic fox not wanting to leave him alive, he tied the cord strong! The otter put his assumptions about the outcasts behind when he saw the lion’s gaze on him grow bigger and bigger as the beast got closer and closer. Soon enough he was able to tell what quakes were coming directly from the feline beast. In total there were hundreds of giants that were stomping through the pitch-black night. The entire metropolis was being used as a hunting ground again. It seemed he would be the first victim! The ferret soon began to scream repeated, frightful screams as he continued his futile effort to pull himself free. Not for one second did he take his eye off the approaching lion. He was able to make out the faint dark blue colour of the beast’s mane as it got closer and closer. Soon enough close enough to smell. The putrid breath, the unwashed musk. By then, the ferret had given up. The monster only had to reach forwards with one singular hand and encase the ferret completely. It pulled him from the building easily and took the tiny micro right up to its muzzle. Being a giant of its size, hunger was all it knew, devouring was its way of life and now it had prey, it certainly wasn’t going to waste it! The ferret continued to scream and cry as the maw opened below, bridges of saliva strung the jaws together and soon his scream peaked as he was dropped, flailing, right into the hungry maw… “He’s gone!” Blue whispered as the group began to move around the doorway, hiding in corners and behind rubble, yet each barrel was still on the doorway. Any second now they may have to use it. Alister shuddered as the scream was cut off. Kyle reached over and placed his hand on the fox’s shoulder. “It’s alright, maybe the giant chewed, that’s a quick end, right?” Kyle tried to reasonably calm his boyfriend down. Alister chuckled. “Nice try, but they don’t chew.” He replied. “Not anymore…” Suddenly a lot of muffled and echoing chatter was coming from behind the metal door. The loud click of a metallic lock was heard, and the door slowly began to open as a brown bear heaved the door wide open. Everyone ducked down and out of the way as behind the bear came a single-file line of soldiers. Each marching quickly as they came from the door and began to jog down the ruined hallways. The group watched as at least twenty, all armoured up and equipped with assault weapons left into the darkness, minimising their noise as they went. Eventually, it was just them and the bear on the door. Bandit moved out of the shadows, once again drawing his blade and silently rushing over to the bear. Before the big guy could react, the canine had jumped up and plunged his knife right through the forehead, killing the bear silently and swiftly, catching the body and silently putting it down to the ground. The door was now open, they had a way in! Jackson nodded and Blue moved in, turning the corner around the door with his pistol and checking every corner. He signalled to the others and soon enough everyone was inside, moving through the clean and kept hallways of ‘civilisation’ remaining alert for any further trouble. “Blue, where abouts would they be keeping him?” Jackson asked as he moved in front and peered around a corner. The fox spotted two guards a little further down from his squad. They were talking, pistols in their holsters. Probably concerned about the patrol that was missing. “If I was to guess, Mr. Walker would keep him right by the execution area, that way he could gloat before he wanted to kill him.” Blue responded. He pointed towards the corner the guards were around. “That would be the radio room, we could see everything and possibly cause some chaos here!” He advised. “What’s it looking like?” Kyle asked. Jackson flicked his head to the corner. “Looked like two cats to me, feel like doing some distraction work?” He asked the black cat. Alister looked as if he was about to object but before he could Kyle stepped up and tapped Blue on the shoulder as he ran around the corner. Blue raised his pistol up and awaited for the time to shoot as everyone else hugged the walls. Alister sighing as he did so, Jackson noticing his annoyance. Kyle ran around the corner and quickly called out to the two cats. “QUICKLY! OUTCASTS BREAKING IN!” He shouted before running around the corner again, lining up with Blue and aiming his gun at the corner. Instantly the two cat soldiers scrambled for their guns and rushed down towards where Kyle had appeared from. One had yet to even pull his gun out the holster when they ran the corner right into the trap. ‘THUNK!’ ‘THUNK!’ The two immediately collapsed to the ground as Blue snapped to each, firing one shot and dropping the two felines with clean headshots. Jackson smiled and moved forwards, dragging the two cats with him as the squad moved around the corner towards the radio room. Bandit hung back to keep an eye on the way they came. Jackson dropped the two bodies and caught up with Alister and Blue on the door. Blue had just finished loading another two bullets into the same magazine. “How does that always work?” Blue chuckled quietly. “Guess I’m quick enough for them not to notice that I’m not wearing their uniform, or I’m just lucky!” Kyle responded with a smug smile. Blue laughed. “You’ll be the first lucky black cat I’ve heard of!” He nudged the cat in the chest as Jackson and Alister mounted up on the door. “We have this!” He informed the two bantering teammates. Right away, Jackson booted the door firmly, swinging it open and making the three operators inside all startled. They were so busy pushing buttons that not one had a chance to call out or even pick up a weapon before Alister fired from his semi-auto rifle and pumped each one with precise rifle fire. When all of them were dead, Blue moved inside and began to look through the various camera screens and radio frequencies. “You didn’t hit any of the equipment! Getting better brother!” Jackson teased before getting to work looking for the way to the execution room on the wall-mounted map. Kyle walked inside and saw the bodies on the floor. When he realised none had a weapon in hand, he reached out to Alister and gently hugged him around the chest. “I know you hate it!” Kyle whispered empathetically. “It’s fine! We need to save Jackson’s farther!” Alister responded, biting his lip. “That may be so but you still didn’t want to do it, just relax a bit and make sure you don’t get too used to it.” Kyle advised carefully. “I love you enough to know you’ll hate yourself if you do!” When Jackson was finished looking through the map, Blue turned around and turned up one of the radios. “Alister! We need you! They’ll know my voice!” Blue called as he handed Alister the microphone. The artic took it and sat down at the desk, all of them listening in on what was going on: “BASE COMMAND THIS IS HUNTER 2-1! WE NEED BACK UP IMMEDIATELY!” Came a shouting voice from the other end. Alister glanced at the others and leaned into the mic. “Hunter 2-1 please advise, what is out there?” He spoke as calm as he could. The response was much less calm… “COMMAND THIS IS FUCKING CRAZY! SOMEONE LURED THE GIANTS OVER WE ARE CUT OFF FROM HUNTER TEAM 2, FUCK! EMERY GET DOWN! NO! SOMEONE SHOOT THAT FUCKER! EMERY! FUCK!” The fear in the team leader’s voice was apparent and Blue was switching through cameras to find one that was overlooking anywhere near the entrance point they used. Where there was one, rubble remained. Blue looked over at one of the screens that lit up bright blue as it buzzed and displayed the names, call signs and heartbeats of all the Hunter teams. He pointed to one of them with a heart rate of 145 bpm the name displayed as Hunter 2-4, Emery Davis. Kyle looked over and suddenly gasped as he watched the heart rate go from 145 and suddenly plumet to 0, the blue bar surrounding his details turning a bright red. “Hunter 2-1 we just got a flatline on Hunter 2-4 Please advise what is going on out there?” Alister asked, a small hint on genuine concern was heard by Jackson. Who’s face turned to a irritable expression. “Command, this is Hunter 2-1, me and my hunter team are taking cover in an old office, Hunter 2-4 should be considered KIA, Giants are surrounding the building and searching for survivors, Hunter 2-4 got caught and… well… The Hyena fucker that got him chewed him to shreds…” The Leader responded. Alister looked back at the others. Bandit stepped in from outside just in time to hear the conversation. “Chewed?” He asked puzzled. “They are chewing again?” Bandit questioned as the others looked around worried. Alister returned to the radio. “That goes against intel Hunter 2-1, Does this giant look like he has fed recently?” Alister asked. The radio was quiet for half a minute and then buzzed. “Command, this Macro had a bloody muzzle, it came from the south side, by the execution room, I would suggest sending a team to check if they found the bodies! The giants may have been lured by the executed!” Upon hearing a well-fed macro came from the execution room side, Jackson was grabbing gear and anything useful and preparing to move. He nodded to Alister. “You know what to do! Don’t be difficult about it!” Jackson demanded of his brother. Alister simply turned to the radio and hesitate for a moment. He pressed on the mic button and leaned in close to the microphone. He then whistled directly down the mic. Alister got up from the seat and silently grabbed his stuff, glaring at his brother on the way out of the radio room. Kyle jogged after him, Jackson watching them both run out with a slight glare from himself. The radio exploded into panicked chatter once more; “COMMAND WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! THE MACROS ARE SMASHING THEIR WAY RIGHT TO US! COMMAND? COMMAND DO YOU READ? FUCK THE ROOF’S COLLAPSING. DAMIAN GET CLARA OUT NOW! FUCK LOOK OUT! LION! WATCH HIS HAND! NO! NO! NO! NO! WAIT! GAH! AH! WAH! GAHH! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!” “GULP!” Bandit held back as Blue left. “I have an idea, go on ahead!” he advised as he sat down at the radio and changed the frequency. Blue watched on, curious to what the German shepherd was planning. Bandit tuned the radio and began to bark orders in the most military voice he could. “All hunter units this is Base command, calling all Hunter units, please report to your commander’s immediately!” Bandit spoke and quickly began to change the frequency again. Blue raised a brow. “What are you up to? Grouping the soldiers up?” He questioned. Bandit smiled. “You’ll see!” He teased. He flicked a switch and began speaking again. “Hunter 3-1, Hunter 4-1 Hunter 5-1. Both leading hunter squads are pinned down by a large number of outcasts and giants along the northern perimeter. You are required to immediately respond and rescue, Hunter 2-1 is in need on assistance right away that’s an order!” Bandit barked and hung up the radio. “Smart!” Blue chuckled as he and Bandit began to catch up with the others. “Yeah, I thought so, just hide that bear outside the door on the way by will you!” The shepherd asked. Jackson crouched on the edge of the shadows; he was overlooking a hatch that led directly into the cell block area of the ‘execution room’. In reality the room was just part of the occupied sector of the building that had one hallway that ran from the middle of the building (in the safe zone) right the way to the edge of the building where it breaks off into a sheer drop twenty stories down. That was Governor Walker’s favourite method of execution. Dropping people twenty stories until they splatted at the bottom. Of course, now it was worse, the Macros would be attracted to the body pile and by the sounds of things they already have ate up the dead. Only a well-fed macro would chew it’s food. The starving or hungry one’s swallow whole. Jackson moved away from the hatch as Blue and Bandit caught up and closed the door behind them. Alister watched from a corner, arms crossed as Kyle waited for the next order. Jackson cleared his throat. “We are gonna drop right in and find my farther, free him and any other outcasts trapped in the cages and use the escape tunnel, providing it hasn’t been blocked off. Thanks to Bandit we should encounter less soldiers but just in case, drop anyone wearing something!” He ordered, everyone nodded… except Alister. Jackson turned to face him. “Hear that brother? Or do you need that repeating?” He asked with a bitter tone, getting closer and closer to the artic. Kyle stepped forwards to intervene, but Bandit held him back and shook his head silently. Alister moved forwards, meeting his brother halfway. “No, I heard, you basically said to murder anyone right? Even the workers? Those that bring the prisoners their food, they wear uniform, so we need to kill them… why?” Alister protested. Jackson scoffed. “You’ve had a problem with everything on this mission and I swear its just because I’m in charge this time!” The red fox barked as he tried and failed to keep to a whisper. “You know you’re wrong,” Alister sighed, but then looked his brother dead in the eye. “It’s nothing to do with you, if anything I’m proud my brother got to finally lead a mission himself, especially one so important to him. Your stressed, worried, scared. Your seeing things. I’m not comfortable with killing innocents. Soldiers I understand, even if we… almost… practically feed them to giants…” Alister paused as he took a deep breath. “You know my problem with that, but I still do it, but I draw the line at killing workers!” He growled. Jackson began to boil up. Rage built and built but he was fighting the urge to snap and shout. Alister looked at him and suddenly made an abrupt move. He leaned in and tightly embraced his brother. Hugging him tightly against him. The two sharing a tender moment as they pressed together, Jackson’s rage melted away like butter and he sunk into his older brother’s arms. The two shared the moment and gently let go. Alister nodded. “We’ll find your farther!” He reassured. Jackson nodded and without saying a word opened the hatch and began to descend the ladder. “One more thing… You see Andrew… Fucking kill him!” He ordered. Everyone nodded. Alister smiled. “Something we can all agree on!” The group moved about the prison silently. Alister, Jackson and Kyle moved around together. As Blue and Bandit moved the other way, trying to cover as much ground as they could, as quickly as they could. The Wilde’s all moved forwards and checked every cage they came across. Every last one they saw was eerily empty. Not a single soul was inside. The prison would usually hold any amount people as they awaited trial, sentence or served their time. At least that was what it was like before the group left… Before they became outcasts. A duo of soldiers blocked the way ahead and Jackson took the lead, Alister watched through the sights of his rifle. If there was one thing his brother was an expert in, it was handling the kick of an automatic weapon. The two guards both were chatting away as the red fox got himself to the right angle. “You hear the radio earlier?” a vixen asked her friend. “Yeah all the hunter teams got deployed earlier. How come the governor held us back?” The coyote asked. The vixen shrugged. “I guess he wanted our entire squad to guard the prison from-“ Before she could finish, Jackson fired a burst of bullets from his assault rifle and in a sudden string of splats, the two women fell on the spot. It wasn’t the most quiet takedown, but it was quick. The other two linked up and soon enough they finally found the cages that were no void of life. Well… entirely… Kyle turned the corner and gasped when he saw inside one of the prison cells was a sizeable blood puddle and, in the middle, the naked body of a lioness, several bullets’ holes were pumped from her chest as she lay there, motionless, eyes drenched in dry tears. Alister caught sight a cringed. As did Jackson. Being a prisoner here meant being stripped of clothing, fed the bare minimum, and being teased by the guards. Clearly in all the chaos, this lioness was put down. But why? “ALISTER!” Came a sudden shout from behind. Kyle and Alister turned around and saw Jackson pulling hard on the lock to one of the cages. They both rushed over and Kyle pointed his gun at the lock. “Move!” He asked, Jackson obliged. With a single snap of the suppressed bullet the lock burst and clanged to the floor. Alister checked about with his rifle raised. That noise could draw attention! Jackson rushed inside the cage and was met halfway by another charging red fox. They latched onto each other in a much tighter hug and hugged so tight that Jackson audibly gasped. “Dad!” He whimpered slightly. Chase let his son go and smiled at being able to see his son again. Smiling wider at the sight of Alister and Kyle joining the rescue team. “I’m so happy to see you all got out!” Chase exclaimed; a tear dropped at the joy of seeing his family again. But his face turned sour with seriousness as he left the cell. “Walker took everyone else and either had them shot or thrown out the execution bridge. He said something about giants attacking and wanted to lure one over so that he could watch me be swallowed!” Chase warned. “Disgusting fucking rabbit!” Alister growled through gritted teeth. Chase walked over and lightly hugged Alister, catching the artic off guard. “I’m sorry, I have no idea what happened to your farther. I haven’t seen him since the escape!” Chase explained. Alister toughened up and wiped his eye. “I’m sorry, Chase… He… I was with him when we were breaking out… He… Got shot, fell just short of the tunnel… He was the last one to leave but didn’t make it, it looked fatal…” Alister confessed. Chase shook his head as he began to absorb everything he was just told. Upon hearing it, Jackson lowered his gun and dropped it to the floor, Kyle looking on with shock. “You never said anything…” Kyle muttered. “I wanted to make sure Jackson got his farther back, before I got the attention for losing mine… I’m sorry… But Chase needed to know…” Alister spoke as he began to cry subtlety, still standing upright and holding his gun firmly. Chase was knelt down on the floor, eyes closed and fist clenched. “You knew that if you said we wouldn’t be sent to rescue my dad… That’s why… Ali I… I’m…” Jackson stammered. ‘BANG!’ All four of them looked up, reaching for weapons and looking for the source of the gunshot. All at once several soldiers appeared, running out of prison cells and coming around corners, ambushing the Wildes out in the open and surrounding them with ten automatic guns. Right in the middle was one heavy revolver. “How touching!” The rabbit laughed as he pointed the revolver to the head of a kneeling Blue before then pointing it at a kneeling Bandit. “I guess lies and deception run in the family!” Andrew laughed as he aimed at the group. “Walker!” Alister growled, through gritted teeth. “You know that radio trick was good whoever played it, but as the governor I have my own tune in, I saw your rescue coming from a mile away and since you sent so many of my soldiers to a gruesome fate in some macro’s belly, I thought I would do the same with the prisoners here. So, tell me Wildes, how many lives have you ended today, just to end up captive?” The rabbit teasingly growled. Andrew Walker was the governor of the survivors in the building, a brutal governor at that, who had a hatred of Chase Wilde since before the collapse. He used everything he could to make life a living hell for them, so the moment they tried to escape, he became a military dictator. Marking the Wilde’s for death! But Chase knew that Andrew was a coward, relying on others to work for him. And knew just how to undermine him… “You heard them send your hunter squads out there as a distraction… But didn’t warn them that it was a trap? As far as anyone in here now knows Andrew… you sent those soldiers to their deaths! Letting them practically fall into the maws of those giants.!” Chase accused, shouting out to the rabbit from across the room. Andrew looked away for a moment. The soldiers around him exchanging glances of concern. “Smug CUNT!” Andrew Growled. “Here’s what’s gonna happen, at the end of the bridge of death… Macros are waiting for another meal to drop. That meal will be you and your family Wilde. These two canine fucks might still be useful to me!” Andrew gestured towards Blue and Bandit. Jackson slowly began to grip his rifle but knew better than to aim it. “What’s stopping us from shooting you right now?” Jackson challenged. Andrew burst out laughing. “Because before my body hits the ground, you and your family will be torn to shreds by automatic weapon fire and these tow canines will then be fed to the beasts! But I know you won’t, your choice here is weather or not you want the dogs to live, or for them to die with you in the belly of a beast!” Andrew barked out. He looked at Kyle and snarled. “You fucking scum, cross species fucking? I thought you had potential Kyle! What a waste!” Andrew insulted. Alister bit his lip from saying something rash and looked about the place. There were too many guns to try and fight their way out and the only one with good enough gunslinging skills to pull off such a feat was kneeling with a gun to the back of his blue head! Andrew had them here. He knew it. “Drop your guns! Don’t give him a reason to kill them as well!” Chase ordered. “Dad!” Jackson protested, but Chase gave him a look and the boy obeyed. The Wildes were seemingly defeated, defenceless and surrounded. Andrew was loving it! Being marched towards the end of death bridge was daunting at best, the long corridor having a sudden drop at the end (where the building had been smashed open during the collapse) that was now being used as a plank for execution. The four Wildes had guns on the back of their heads as the soldiers began to march them forwards. On the outside, the sounds of many stomps and snarls could be heard as the hundreds of the macros tore apart the city looking for other survivor communities. Some noises were louder and more defined, indicating that there was a monster out there, waiting for another snack to be dispensed. The putrid smell of death came from the breath of the beast as it washed over the now nude Wildes. Andrew watched from the front with his revolver trained on Chase’s back. “Time to walk the plank boys, let’s start with Chase shall we? Actually no… You can go last, I want to see you suffer, Jackson! Take the lead please!” Andrew almost maniacally laughed as he ordered. Chase looked back and saw some concern on the faces of the soldiers as they marched the Wilde family to the ledge. If only they were brave enough to stand up to the evil in front of them! Jackson, not wanting Blue or Bandit to be harmed, wherever they may be now, bravely stepped up and walked himself to the very ledge. His toes poked over the edge, and he leaned forwards to look at the deadly drop below him. Twenty stories off the ground was a terrifying spectacle, made worse by the sight of a mush pile at the bottom. The remains of countless of Andrew’s victims lay scattered as they were licked up by two scavenging macros. From where he stood, Jackson guessed an Otter and a bull were licking up the remains. He breathed in deeply as his eyes wondered on over to the Macro that was stood directly below the ledge. A giant, hungry looking macro tiger. It stood, drooling with its mouth agape, it’s throat pulsing and jaws on display as it looked up at the ledge hungrily. Waiting for Jackson to fall right on into his mouth. Jackson looked back. Only to see the terrified face of his family members and the horribly sinister face of Walker as he basked in his victory. “You won’t survive this, after you stop feeding them, the giants will smash the place apart!” Jackson threatened. “So? My office is right in the centre of the building, I’ll be fine!” Andrew scoffed. Jackson looked back towards certain death below. Maybe this was it then. At least he could die knowing that Blue and Bandit get to live. Andrew’s cold voice suddenly shouted from behind. “JUMP!” Jackson held his breath and lifted his left leg to jump, right as he was about to close his eyes, he saw something coming down from above. He scrambled back, nearly slipping off as he did, looking up toward the strange silhouette descending towards him. “WHAT! Fucking jump! Or I’ll fucking shoot you off!” Andrew barked at Wilde but right as he did the strange object descended right before them all… The Black doors slid open as the propellers generated enough wind to make the Wildes crouch to avoid being knocked over. It gave the team a clear line of fire right at the soldiers holding them at gun point. Instantly Andrew ran backwards, hiding behind his confused men, the front two who were aiming their guns at the strange helicopter. The sound of automatic gunfire exploded out from the aircraft as two shadowy figured unloaded their weapons at the two soldiers at the front. The men took round after round and soon were sent to the ground by lethal force. Jackson, Alister, Chase and Kyle all crawled to the edge to get a clear look at this mysterious crew. They couldn’t quite see them entirely, but they looked like old professional hitmen of sorts. At least that was the best Alister could describe them! One of them beckoned the group over as the chopper flew incredibly close to the building. Without wasting a moment to save his family, Chase got to his feet and lifted all three of the others up and pushed them to jump. Jackson, still leading the way leaped first, not even wanting to look below at the macros as they were being riled up by the helicopter above. Kyle leaped over with his feline agility and landed a safe jump. Alister looked back and saw Andrew fleeing the scene. He bit his lip and wanted to chase but the rest of the soldiers were reaching for their guns to shoot them down. He had to let Andrew go… Alister and Chase both leaped but right as they landed, a stray bullet clipped the bottom of the chopper where Alister landed, knocking him off balance. The soldier that fired the shot came rushing to the end of the ledge with his team as the chopper began to pull away. Alister, unable to hold on fell and caught his hand on the bottom of the chopper. Swinging around wildly as his arms exploded with the sudden pain, he looked down below and screamed at the sight of a gaping tiger maw right below him. Bullets whizzed past as the soldiers fired at him as he hung, being the easiest target. The two mysterious men inside the chopper sat the others down and one grabbed a gun and fired back. The other lay down on the floor and reached over to help Alister back inside. As he was being helped inside, he saw the one firing was a lion. He fired shot after shot towards the soldiers and Alister watched as a bullet struck one, knocking the wolf over and making him fall off the ledge. The man let out a loud scream as he tumbled head-first directly into the hungry mouth of the massive, macro tiger below and screamed in terror as the feline jaws closed shut around him. Alister watched on as the tiger giant’s face turned to an expression of pure enjoyment for a moment as his cheeks bulged with tongue activity before finally. ‘GULP!’ Alister watched the sizable bulge slip away into the tiger’s body and wondered how much pain that wolf would suffer before death. He felt bad, despite that soldier was trying to kill him, he had just been swallowed alive, a lot painful than being shot to death… Alister dismissed the though as the chopper flew away, watching as the tiger began to climb up the building and reach around inside the hallway of death for another snack… “Who the fuck are you people?” Chase asked as he drank from the warm flask and ate the rations eagerly. The other wides all wanting the answers with an equal degree. The lion laughed as he took off his helmet, revealing a lush green mane. “Outcasts like you, I’m Jetson… Jetson Yelp!” He smiled as he waved a simple salute. “This here is my brother-in-law Ace! We got called by an officer to perform a rescue from the hallway of death. We were part of another community, based a couple of blocks from yours, but our government sent us to that one to extract a high value target. It was that target that wanted you to be recused instead. I guess now, we are all outcasts!” Jetson chuckled. Chase looked around at his family. “I’m sorry about the others, we will try to get them out I promise!” Chase said as he tightly gripped his son’s hand. Alister ignored everything going on, focused instead on what had happened before. Kyle was worried about him but kept quiet and Jackson… Jackson was ready to wage war on Andrew Walker… |
The white speckled tabby sat near the edge of the schoolyard; perky spine pushed up against the concrete wall. Samson sighed and, as he always did after a rough day, tried to breathe. The forlorn autumn air entering his lungs and pushing his brown furred chest out. He’d grown a lot physically in his 15th year, his height now standing at a healthy 5’4 and his claws finally having come out, but this did little to dissuade his usual tormentors from bothering him. Maybe one day he would just give in and finally use his claws to rip an eye, or two, out. Feeling the anger welling up in him Samson focused back his breathing. Pink muzzle focusing on the urban smells around him. Car exhaust, falling leaves, cold concrete, all in a bid to rid himself of this rage filled fantasy. Such actions would only get him eaten, he knew that, but still the feelings persisted. And they would only get worse when another, more vivid scent, entered his periphery.... That vivid scent became increasingly unpleasant as it approached, and straight away Samson knew who it was. He rolled his eyes and sighed, losing focus on his breath as he knew he had been found! It was the unfortunate scent of a wolf pup in his class. The annoying canine seemed to be obsessed with felines like Samson, an obsession with trying to eat them! Though it was little more than childish bulling it still scared Samson, a cat like him was easy prey in the real world, especially for an annoying wolf like Theo. "Well well well, looks like I found the sneaky little cat hiding away, like a good old game of wolf and cat!" Theo chuckled as he approached closer, his face stuck in a wide, irritating smirk. Samson sighed and looked around, hoping to find a way out of this annoying encounter, sadly it seemed he was cornered and even worse, they were out of sight of the public, making the wolf exceedingly cocky. Theo strutted over and placed a heavy hand onto Samson's shoulder, making the cat jump and begin to speed up his breath with concern. The wolf laughed and got uncomfortably close, much like preds do with their prey and he opened his maw, showing off his jaws to the smaller cat. "You already know what happens next cat!" Theo teased, standing tall. The cat’s dainty nose twitched to take in the wolf cub’s heavy smell. Unpleasant to a cat, but to anybody else simply the smell of a healthy, young pup. Beefy, sweet, but to Samson it carried the anxiety inducing smell of a primed and ready predator. A sour tinge that sent shivers through his body and told him “Run or become lunch!” But Samson had nowhere to run, even as fast as he was, the wolf was faster and any attempt to flee would just set off any predatory instincts the canine might have. Samson had fallen for that trick once before with a greyhound and it had almost cost him a few fingers, better to just stay and weather the annoying, foul smelling storm. As the wolf got closer the feline’s eyes darted around, noticing now that this situation was much more dangerous than before, that nobody was around this time to intervene. His claws emerged but just as quickly the wolf caught his paws and stopped his hand from reaching up, trapping him in place, defenceless. “Fuck off Theodore” He hissed, emphasising the wolf cub’s full name “or you’ll be the one in pieces.” He bared his teeth, both the creatures’ tails flicking behind them. One anxious, danger driven, the other eager and ready. Something had changed, this wasn’t the usual bullying Samson had endured since the two had first met, now it was something much more volatile and dangerous. “This, this isn’t funny...” Samson mewled. Samson tried to free his hand from under the canines. He pulled and tugged as he looked down, seeing the wolf's hand not even budge in the slightest. Samson was beginning to feel increasingly vulnerable. His prey instincts kicking in. Meanwhile Theo was leaning over the top of him, eyes half shut as he was lost in the power trip of being a predator, tongue out and dripping spit onto Samson's lap. Samson was left with no other choice, he had to fight this brute off properly this time! "Fuck off!" He shouted as he threw himself at Theo, shoulder bashing him in the chest and knocking the wolf back a little bit. Samson had a chance; he freed his hand and had his claws out and ready. He could swipe, finally get some payback for all the years of having this mutt drool over him. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. His prey instincts were still there, screaming at him in his head. Run or be food! Run or be food! His hesitation was his mistake as the wolf recovered from his little stagger. Theo looked forwards with a glare and growled, but it soon turned to a laugh. "Oh! Now we are going in all the way cat!" He growled, lunging forwards, and grabbing Samson by the arm. "I'm finally going to eat you like the prey you are and in fact, for that little threat of yours, you’re going in feet first!" The canine growled as he pulled Samson's arm forwards and then shoved him with all the wolf strength he had. Samson fell onto his back against the cold floor, looking up at Theo with tears in his eyes. Now his prey instincts were saying only one thing to him. You're food! Theo lunged forwards and stepped his heavy foot paw down on Samson's belly, pinning him in place, the cat wriggled but it was no use, he was at this bully's mercy and now he had to hope this was all a big joke. Theo however grabbed hold of Samson's leg and lifted his foot up to his maw, slobbering around as he looked upon the cat's leg. "Your prey are always so delicious to torment! The more you seem afraid, the tastier you are!" Not too far away from the terrible scene about to unfold was a heavy set, coated man. Standing at the bus stop he stood just over six foot, his hefty belly jutting out from underneath, heavy with fat. In fact, the man's whole, black furred body was full of copious plumpness. From his furred paws all the way up to his black muzzle set in against a grey face. The raccoon man's ears twisted, turned to hear the squealing, and crying from not too far away. Most people would ignore but Andy had lately found himself drawn to these occasions, since they usually resulted in something more than just an entertaining scrap. He patted his thick belly. "Isn't that, right?" He cooed; the belly gurgled an eager response. Nose lifting to the air the raccoon scented the air and picked out two smells. One soft and mild with the sweetness of domestication. A cat, male, young enough. And beside that something more beefy, thick, wilder. A wolf! and a wolf cub at that.... Andy began to drool and with eager steps made his way towards the source of the sound. His bus drifting right past, missing the fat raccoon predator entirely. He didn’t care, his mind taken with the many possibilities of this encounter. Samson tried to kick with his other paw at the terrible hotness of the wolf pup's maw, crying out curses and cries for desperate help. "Stop! he screamed as the tongue slathered up his soft paws "anyone!! Help!!" Theo was so absorbed in the lustful bliss of being a predator that he had lost all sense of the outside world. To him there was only him and his cat meal before him. He watched on as Samson squirmed and resisted his grip. Truthfully Theo had the perfect build and mindset for a predator, he had grown up bullying those like Samson with his superior build and strength, but as he was raised, he was raised a wolf! Raised to enjoy those squirms as his prey tried to escape, raised to see this cat as a plaything. A snack... to be devoured. While the wolf was moaning in joy as he tasted and suckled on each of his toes, Samson tried to pull himself away, clawing at the pavement as he attempted to escape the hungry wolf. He looked up at Theo and whimpered a pathetic set of sounds. "Please! No... Stop... I'll do anything!" He begged time and time again, watching as the wolf tried to swallow his entire foot, just to spit it out. "Gah, I guess I need practice eh Cat? Don't worry, you'll tire out soon, then it will be easy!" Theo moaned as he grabbed the other foot from kicking towards him, quickly licking at it eagerly. He was unaware that Samson had grown quiet and unaware of the padding of heavy footsteps coming towards him... The wolf continued to leer and taunt the cat, the feline merely staring past him and vaguely noticing the figure stalking towards them. Unnoticed by the wolf pup. But his attention was soon focused again on the hot, sharp toothed grip around his soft paws. His toepads salty and sweet, encased entirely in this wolf pup's jaw. Samson couldn't believe this was happening, that he was being eaten and eaten alive and whole at that. His greatest fear was now being realised before him. The cat couldn't even understand why this had happened, as annoying as Theo could be this had never factored into his mind before as a possibility. He frankly didn’t think the wolf cub even had the balls to eat him, but now here he was with Samson's paws in his mouth sucking and tasting on the delicious cat meat arranged before him, his tongue salivating as it licked at each digit. Oh, how Samson wished he could then the tables. Wished he could turn and, with a smirk, open his own jaws and watch as the cocky grin then wolf had vanished behind eager cat jaws. Then lay back with a belly full of cub stretched out and squirming before him, gurgling out over the cries of the creature within as digestion took hold. But that was just a fantasy, and Samson knew his real fate was to be eaten. But just as the wolf gulped in more of the cat's body a hand was placed on the beefy creator's shoulder and Samson again noticed the figure. Coated, mammalian, chuckling as he looked at the scene before him. "Well well, always nice to eat, I mean… meet a fellow pred..." The firm hand startled the wolf and nearly made him drop Samson entirely. But the greedy canine kept a firm grip on the cat's leg as he looked behind him at the giant, mysterious man. "Wha... What do you want?" Theo growled, trying to sound tough. He looked back at the man and to the cat on the floor (who was too nervous to say anything). "This is just a long time coming, trust me... Sir... This cat is mine!" He proclaimed as he nodded firmly despite being clearly intimidated by the sheer size of the raccoon. Samson on the floor was a little more than sure he heard the raccoon right. As such his prey instincts were now telling him to stay still, look unimportant and hopefully the mysterious man will help him out, or at least deal with the annoying wolf. He looked up into the eyes of the large creature and caught his gaze. Samson swallowed nervously and the raccoon seemed to look at him uncertain for a while, before turning his head to the wolf pup. “Well,” The raccoon seemed to ponder something, looking briefly back at the cat “while I’m sure it has been coming for a while, for the both of you, I can only take one with me. And...” He produced a finger and lightly jabbed it into the wolf’s clothed chest, chuckling a bit as he traced his finger around those beefy canine muscles. “While I do like cats, I MUCH prefer to dine on wolf. Something about the smell, I think.” Andy pulled the youth back with a tug of his shoulder and leaned into sniff at Theo’s confused face, the tall raccoon man smelling at the wolf cub’s lean body. “Mmmmm, beefy, wild, yet still with the softness of a city bred wolf. Not as earthy as those tribal wolves out in the forest, now let’s see how you taste...” Samson for his part was so confused, but as the prey here he was the first of the two to realise exactly what was going on. The tables were being turned, the formerly cocky and self-assured puppy of a pred was now being looked, sniffed, and licked at as a potential snack. He would have been elated, but being this close to two powerful preds just made Samson more nervous, what if he was next on the menu? The sheer size of the fat racoon clearly could fit both inside of him... "Wait!" Theo quickly gasped as he was pulled in towards the huge raccoon man. He tried to resist the pull with everything he had but clearly the bigger pred was right, he was a soft city bred wolf, nothing like the wild ones, he may have been strong to Samson but against a pure predator like this, he was a weakling... "No please!" He gasped as he was pulled closer, and his squirms and resists were countered. He watched on horrified as the raccoon was sniffing about, inhaling deeply, and getting a good feel for the kind of prey he had caught. Theo could feel his fur stand on edge as strong gusts pulled his scent from him and pleased the prospecting pred. He was shaking like a leaf, terrified and frightened of what could await him. Stunned by how swiftly the tables had turned upon him. Pathetically he looked back at Samson with a look of fear, one the cat matched moments before. Samson continued to look at the unfolding scene before him and yet... he felt his mouth twitch, he smiled ever so slightly as he watched Theo get pulled even closer again, almost being bear-hugged by the raccoon as he sniffed and investigated every smell his prey had to offer. The tongue of the raccoon crept out of its hiding place to run across the wolf cub’s cringing, terrified face. Leaving hot lines of raccoon drool covering it, spreading delicious wolf flavour throughout Andy’s body. This wolf was good, equal parts meaty, and protein filled with all the sweetness of youth and a privileged, soft upbringing. Theo was far from the apex predator he made himself out to be. He was downright delicious at that. Low grunts of approval came from Andy as he decided that yes, indeed, this wolf was gonna be his snack for the day. As tasty and soft as cats could be wolves were so much better food and this “Theo” was no exception. Soft, plump in all the right places and just as overconfident as Andy liked his prey to be. While he still thought human kids were the best food item there could be, probably because the first prey he had taken was in fact his own younger, human brother, the raccoon still had a thing for the furrier food types when he could get them. They all had one issue though, the clothes. Andy sighing as he looked at the red blazer and blue jeans the cub was wearing. If he wanted to digest this thing, he’d have to take them off, and he didn’t suppose the struggling wolf was going to help him in that regard. Worth a try though. “Now tell me, Theo” The raccoon chuckled as he tugged at the wolf’s shirt “Are you gonna take your clothes off? Or am I gonna have to work hard today?” Theo shuddered and began to pant like the frightened little pup he was. He pulled back and grabbed the arm that tugged at his shirt. "GET OFF! YOU CAN'T EAT ME! I'M A WOLF!" He cried out as he fought and struggled with all his might, he looked on as the raccoon simply smiled at his futile efforts, Andy was just watching the show his prey put on as he worked up a sweat trying to get away. Seeing the fear in their eyes was something else. Every pred enjoyed it, making Theo even more afraid as he knew the man was enjoying his struggles! There was a rip as one of the seams in his shirt quickly pulled apart, his struggles getting stronger and stronger and only weakening his shirt and adding more fun to his predator’s little game. Theo tried using his claws, swiping at the raccoon, perhaps he could get him to let go? Maybe he could throw the cat to the beast and get away before the fat lump could finish the feline? Surely there was something he could do... After all he was a wolf, wolves aren't prey... right? Oh, how wrong he was... The raccoon reacted swiftly to the wolf’s attempts to swipe at him, lifting the cub up entirely with one hand and using the other to de-robe him. A paw quickly tearing the shift from where the broken seam had loosened it up and then moving down the now bare spine of the wolf to rest at the cub’s swishing, anxious tail. Gripping at the hole the tail was pushing through and using said tail as a sort of hoist to expertly manoeuvre the jeans off. The wolf wasn’t wearing underwear which, honestly, was pretty typical of his kind. Andy wasn’t complaining, it made his job easier, the hands rummaging around to push the tail through the pants hole and then letting the jeans fall off naturally. Leaving Theo naked, vulnerable, delicious. Meanwhile, Samson watched on shocked with how expertly the raccoon undressed the resisting wolf, almost like he had undressed struggling prey hundreds of times before. “You’re prey to me, wolfy” Andy chuckled “just a big overgrown puppy. Heh, you know “He turned to Samson “Cats stop being kittens at like, 12 or something? Wolves though, they stay cubs until they’re almost 18. Just shows you that as big and boisterous as they are, they’re really just big kids. And I love eating kids!” Andy chuckled as his tongue emerged and licked over his fat lips eagerly. Samson shivered but found himself enjoying the scene increasingly, his bully reduced to a snivelling, naked wreck about to be eaten alive by a handsome raccoon man. Although a part of him remained alert, another part of him didn’t want to run, but wanted instead to stay and watch the show about to unfold. Theo was now suspended above the ground and looking down at the giant bloated belly behind the coat. Did he just hear that right? He loves eating kids?! The wolf was trembling so much he couldn't muster up the words to do anything, even being stripped down nude in front of his favourite victim was the least of his concerns as he dangled by his tail in the huge man's grip. He swallowed hard and tried to get his mind together enough to beg. "Please... I'll feed you this cat! I'll do anything just please, NOT ME!" He cried as salty tears broke from his eyes, soaking into his fur and adding to his flavour. "Wait, if you eat me now," He pointed at the raccoon's belly. "You'll rip your clothes, people will know, I'll be saved before you can hurt me!" The wolf nervously looked up at his monstrous face, thinking he had got a way out of this situation. "Hmm?" The raccoon grunted, lifting his head up from looking under the wolf's tail to see his perky young butt "cat? Ah." He turned to the feline still sitting on the ground and looking up at the two of them with some trepidation and excitement. "You're still here?" Andy grinned, a devilish idea coming to his mind as he looked down at the brown furred feline. Lean like the wolf but with a little bit of cat pudge showing off, tall too, probably would grow to be as tall as Samson if he was fed up right. "He wants to feed you to me" Andy chuckled and gave Theo's bare leg a slap "nice idea sure, but I've got a better one Mr...?" "S-Samson" the cat stammered and got to his feet "l-look I'd rather you just eat this wolf and leave me out of it, I should be getting at-home anyway." He made to leave but the raccoon man, still holding the naked wolf pup, stepped in front of him. Samson stopped and watched as Andy's hand moved under the wolf to move his leg out, the paw outstretched and in front of the cat’s mouth. "Taste him" Andy commanded. Samson was too stunned to speak at first, instead standing there stunned by the command and staring at the foot paw in front of him as if it was some sort of gun being used to threaten him. He gasped at the exposed paw pads as they wiggled pathetically as Theo tried to prevent these wicked Racoon from fulfilling whatever perverted plan he had. "NO NO LET ME GO! THIS IS FUCKED MAN! YOU CAN'T FEED ME TO HIM!" Protested the wolf dramatically as he kicked about, his toes wriggling just in front of Samson. He could feel it, the urge to try. Samson never thought of himself as a predator, especially after those lessons in school designed to scare predators out of eating actual people. Of course, beasts like Andy still did, and those that did… well… they became good at it! He reached forwards and gently touched the wolf's paw. "NAH MAN YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! I'M MORE THAN JUST MEAT TO BE TASTED!" Theo screamed. Samson heard him. More than just meat to be tasted? Funny that, considering that's all he saw Samson as! The cat was done playing around. He looked up at the entertained, plump raccoon and sucked in his breath. He leaned forwards and dragged his tongue across the paw pad tasting it slowly, before moving forwards and pushing the whole paw into his maw and closing his muzzle around the ankle. He stood there savouring the tastes for a long while, sucking, licking, and tasting all, he could. He couldn't believe it... Theo was... Delicious! The cat's eyes turned into thin slits when the full taste of the delicious wolf boy hit his tongue. Delicious, salty, meaty. His neck began to vibrate with a low purr, elated at both the flavour and the sheer ecstasy of eating another creature. And not just any creature but a wolf, he was a cat devouring a wolf! It was so wrong, but felt so right... Samson gulped, his eyes meeting the wolf bully's as he did, mocking him with the knowledge that he was to be eaten by the sane feline he had tormented for so long. The rough feline tongue slathering across thick paw pads, well threaded and tasty. He was going to enjoy this. He was going to grow fat and happy off of tasty wolf meat like Theo. The entertainment of the scene wasn't lost on Andy. Who made sure to pivot the other foot for the cat to reach up and slide into his maw alongside the left one. "Ironic isn't it, a wolf being eaten by a cat. Haha, if you worried about ripping my clothes, I'd be more worried about ripping this cat apart entirely. You're gonna fill him up so good! probably will take him a long while to digest you as well, cats aren’t that good at that. Ah well, you'll find yourself in the litter box before long, pup. That's all that matters." He began to feed more of the wolf into the cat manipulating him, so the tastier parts hit the cat at the right time in the right places. "Good, isn't he?" Samson gulped the front of the paws down into the back of his throat, cutting off his voice from being able to reply to the big bad raccoon before him. Instead, he nodded eagerly as he tasted, the bulge of the wolf's feet creating a comical bump as he nodded his head. Theo banged against the chest of the Raccoon as he continued to sob and cry, watching himself be devoured by his own prey as he was teased about his eventual fate. Samson gulped again, dragging more and more of the wolf's well-built and delicious leg into his gullet, dragging it down and down into the depths of his feline digestive system. He only ever thought about eating mice before, why did he never at least try a canine? They taste so good! He looked up at the raccoon and gave him a look as if to say he was ready for more Theo to taste! Samson was enjoying this far more than he should and he knew it! He wondered what it would be like to have Theo fully inside his stomach! The raccoon fed more of the sobbing wolf boy into that eager cat’s maw, surprised at just how much the cat was actually managing to take in. Andy had expected the legs at least, maybe the rump, but this feline was well on his way to eating the wolf entirely. As fun as that would be to see, Andy wasn’t about to be done out of a delicious meal. And what a meal it was, the raccoon man salivating at the memory of Theo’s taste, watching him wriggle and squirm and fill out the cat’s expanding form. Just a perfect little snack. By now said was in Samson up to his butt, the cat nose pushing up against the trim belly and his legs bulging out below, feet pushing for an escape from the terrible gurgling end that waited below. Now with the cat so full and content, the feline’s eyes lidding like the cat that got the proverbial cream, Andy decided to put his own plan into place. He pulled the sobbing wolf’s head up and opened his own maw, the confused canine’s ears flicking back in fear, looking now at being eaten both ways. Samson for his part didn’t even notice his meal was about to be stolen, too content with his “hunt” to care. Samson moaned more as he felt the wiggling intensify once more. His eyes still mostly closed from feeling the magnificent pleasure of the wolf inside his gut. Every bump, every kick against his stomach lining felt incredible! The wave of tingles that bounced through his every fibre was incredible, making him moan uncontrollably as he continued to lick and swallow at the midsection. Theo was trying to kick his legs out in protest as he tried to free himself from his own prey! He was totally humiliated! Even if he was to escape, that looked increasingly unlikely, he knew he would never look at a prey again! The sudden feeling of hot breath against his head alerted the wolf to the incoming threat. He looked up and saw the mouth of the massive raccoon unhinge and begin coming down towards him. His ears retreated just out of the range of a bite but that didn't matter, he was still suspended by the grip of the fat Raccoon that any chance of escaping was hopeless, never mind that half of his body was already inside of another mammal already devouring him! All he could do was whimper and whine, crying more tears into his soft fur as the mouth descended towards him and the hot breath on his face began to surround more and more of him... The raccoon jaws fitted around Theo’s head nicely, the raccoon sucking up all the wonderful flavours that the creature had to offer once more. Just like he had thought, the wolf was delicious and all his, cat or no cat. "C'mon" Andy thought as he rolled more of Theo into his maw "come to daddy..." It took Samson a moment to realise that not only has the wolf stopped being fed into him but was actually being pulled back out. The cat focusing now as he saw the terrified eyes of the wolf vanish into the slick maw of the giant raccoon man and out of sight. Samson moaned impatiently; this was his wolf. He wasn't going to share! He bit down a bit and tried to get the wolf back inside, but Andy was stronger. The raccoon man bounding through his protein rich, beefy meal of cub as Theo cried out at being eaten both ways. "Mine..." the cat thought, but it didn’t matter. He was already losing his delicious snack. The slick raccoon drool slipping down the wolf's back and stomach as he was pulled up and out of the cat's maw. The Raccoon advancing further and further down the wriggling body of Theo. Theo was in total distress as he felt the powerful throat muscles swallow and suck his head right down into the throat of the gluttonous raccoon man. He wanted to scream but was starting to see the futility of his situation. His entire body from head to toe was warmed either by the slime of the cat or the spit of the raccoon. He cringed as he was sucked down further and further, looking down the gullet to the seemingly bottomless pit below. He wondered how many meals this monster had eaten before. Who had come before him? Would he even be the last cub to be devoured by this brute? Samson watched quite disappointed as he failed to keep a hold of the wolf legs, watching them getting pulled right out of him as they twitched and kicked weakly. The entirety of the wolf's coat was now slick with the wet saliva that clung to him. Samson watched as the head of Theo was now deep inside the fat stranger and more and more of his body was being taken away and devoured by the real predator here. Reluctantly, Samson accepted that he was outmatched here, he let the wolf's paws slip out of his maw after one final taste and watched as they were caught by the large hand of Andy, ready to be guided inside the hungry mouth of doom! Samson continued to watch though. Despite being disheartened of not doing it himself, he was vividly enjoying watching Theo be reduced from a cocky prick into a snivelling prey thing for a fat raccoon. Samson watched every moment of the display before him, learning from example on how a real predator handles his prey... The slick tongue of the cat gave the kicking paw of the wolf a sly, rough lick and then dived out of the way lest he get a kick in the head. Watching as Andy devoured the 5’2 wolf cub bit by delicate, delicious bit. Finally, his bully was getting his rightful comeuppance, and that was so much better than anything Samson could have dreamed of. The cat couldn’t help but lick his lips as he watched the wolf vanish forever, pondering how good it would have felt to have all of that inside of him. Next time.... next time for sure! For his part Andy now had the wolf cub right where he wanted him, all to himself and his big eager racoon belly. The organ gurgling out a welcome for Theo as he stared down at his soon to be demise, the smell of previous meals wafting up to greet him. Mostly digested humans, young, with the odd fur here or there. Soon Theo himself would be added to that aromatic mix, his slightly sweaty and beefy cub scent faintly lightened with the scent of cat would join all those smells of previous victims. Andy shoved more of the wolf cub into him, loving the salty flavour of the tears that now covered the wolf’s body, the slickness of the places the cat had licked. Prepped for him. He was surprised the cat hadn’t fought harder to keep the meal, but he was glad too, no need for two meals to go down today...this one was good enough. Samson looked up as Andy tilted his head back, swinging those handsome wolf legs up high into the air before they systematically sunk into the open maw, sliding past rows of jagged, vicious teeth, and slipping down into that villainous throat. Samson felt deep tingles inside him, that he had never felt before, as he watched those paws get snapped up as Andy sealed his jaws, trapping Theo within. Andy tilted his head up once more giving the cat a good view of that thick neck as he took the final, concluding swallow... GULP! Samson let out a deep sigh, almost as if he held his breath. That was it, the wolf was gone! His years and years of bullying and torment, being played with and bullied with the fate of being devoured had just ended with his bully in fact being devoured. He smiled at the irony one last time as he looked at that bulging, wide belly that the raccoon had on, looking at the faint shudders as the meat inside wiggled in protest. Samson looked at the floor almost with shame as he muttered quietly, his curious mind asking the question. "Your belly," He muttered before the giant, apex predator. "Can I see it?" Andy didn’t hear the cat at first, instead laying back with his bellyful of pup jutting out, the overgrown “dog” inside struggling for his life. Andy’s eyes lidding, drooling pouring out of his mouth still awash with the wonderful flavour of Theo. “hmm?” He looked at the cat, forgetting momentarily that he was even there to begin with, Samson’s hands swaying adorably like a cat begging for milk. “My belly?” The raccoon chuckled “You can climb inside if you want, I'm sure this wolf would love to get a piece of you before he melts. But sure if you wanna rub, go ahead kitty, I don’t bite…” He laughed to himself and licked his lips. The cat eagerly approached, the energy of being a predator overriding the natural prey instincts he usually had, reaching his paws out to touch the bulging belly. Squirming wildly with the imprints of the digesting wolf within. Samson could hear Theo begging inside, trying to get out, pleading for mercy, he wondered if the wolf would know it was him that was digging his paws into the fleshy prison digesting the “puppy” now. Helping to work him down into a fine soup in the raccoon’s gut. “Sorry, couldn’t let you keep a snack like that. He was too good to pass up, thought I’d give you a nice taste though” Andy continued to talk. Samson nodded in response, he was too fixated on the feeling of pushing against that thick stomach bulge and pressing in against an actual living being as it was digesting. He was so at a loss for words he just sat there, mouth open like some stunned child as he prodded and pushed against the faint bulges made by the struggling wolf. "How long... How long does Theo have left before he... dies?" Samson cringed at his own question but something about that cringe felt different. He could feel himself get slightly, interested in the subject matter. "How long does it take to digest a wolf?" He questioned, this time with more certainty as he looked up at the big raccoon's face, his eyes glistening with intrigue as he pushed harder against the squirms from within Andy. In response, the stomach let out a frightful few groans and churns as the wolf inside was being softened up quite rapidly. Theo was in total distress, not hearing the words being spoken on the outside as all that came through that fatty layer was mumbles. He fought and thrashed around against the compressing stomach walls, trying to spare his own life from this monstrous hell! He looked down at the soup like liquid that pooled around him, filling up half the chamber like a painful bath. On top of it all was his fur, starting to fall off and drift to the surface of the acids. Theo cried some more, kicking out violently against any fold he could, creating quite the bit of pressure inside of Andy's gut. Andy thought for a moment, hands resting on the top of his own belly and tongue lying out of his mouth in a rough pant. “Depends, for me it takes a few days, but I’m not a typical predator. And the wolf cubs are always easier to digest than the adults, sure they’re little balls of protein, muscle, and meat but they’re still just little. Big beefy snacks, all in all I'd say it’s gonna take an hour or so for Theo to go, and maybe 3 or 4 days to digest him entirely. You won’t notice it after two though, after that it’s just a slurry of bones to get rid of-URAPP!” Theo belched again, the smell of the digesting creature wafting through the air awash with his previously sweet now soured by digestion, curling up around Samson’s sensitive nose. “Or are you asking me how long it would take you to digest a wolf?” Andy grinned “right now a couple of days, but you are a cat, so give it some practice and you could probably polish off a cub n two. Feline digestive acids are much stronger than a raccoon’s, hence why I go for the kids.” Samson listened to all this, digging his claws inside with renewed vigour, tasting the smell of Theo’s digestion. Pondering how it would have felt to be filled up entirely with him, drifting off into daft bliss as the wolf melted below his white speckled belly. "Surely someone with your clear experience doesn't have to go for kids?" Samson asked, he looked down at the huge bulging belly and tilted his head curiously. "Surely the adults give more of a struggle! That's what preds love right! Watching them suffer!" Samson asked, getting far too into the thoughts going through his head. He had ideas of what he could have... should have done to Theo... Maybe given practice he could start training himself up to be a real predator! "Hear that mutt? You only have about an hour left of your miserable life!" Samson laughed and pressed down yet again on the biggest bump in Andy's gut, he hoped it was the head of that grunt of a wolf, feeling it recoil from the pain of being pressed down on. The stomach growled back and soon Andy leaned forwards and belched a thunderous sound into the air. It shook Samson's bones as the wafting smell settled around. The cat leaned upwards and began to sniff at the smells, training himself to try and pick out something other than that exciting smell of digesting wolf. He picked up on a few strange, unfamiliar smells. He knew they were previous meals for sure, they smelled so... young and sweet too! Samson wondered how it would be for him to be such a predator, devouring so many delicious people. He aspired to be as greedy as Andy! Though maybe not as cruel as to target the young ones... Theo was pressed hard from behind his head, knocking him forwards and folding him over. Just as he did, the stomach tightened yet again, trapping him in a hunched over position where his head was forced to face directly down, watching his pelvis region as it bubbled under the simmering acids. To say he was burning up would be an awful understatement. He was beginning to truly understand his position, he was going to be melted down as Raccoon pudge. His fur boiled away as his skin sizzled. He let out some final agonising tears as the stomach tightened again, straining his young brittle bones, and making a loud CRACK! “Yeah, but the kids are tastier, heh” The raccoon grinned “you know the first I ate was only nine, little human kid, tasty fucker.” He laid back with his hands behind his head and looked at the cat revelling in the smell and taste of the wolf digesting. This little feline was almost as depraved as he was, certainly could end up being a formidable pred if he didn’t get cocky and end up stewing in a belly himself. Certainly, attacking fully grown wolves head on wouldn’t serve him well in the long run. “Furs are a bit different, but still nice, only problem is the hairballs. Bleh! you’re probably a bit used to that though.” Inside the wolf began to melt, his bones breaking beneath the harsh racoon belly flexing and throbbing around him. Andy would have seen fit to jerk it right around but being in public and with the cat looking on he refrained for now, later though he would enjoy a nice jerking session to send little Theo off properly. And then he’d be gone again into a different town and a different snack. “Listen kid if you’re gonna start doing this, be smart about it” Andy winked “Take easy prey, take your time, and don’t over-eat. Unless you wanna end up on the menu yourself. Got me?" He scratched at the belly himself, feeling the wolf start to settle down finally, although he would probably remain alive for a bit longer in a weakened state. "Little bully got what he deserved, heh." With that last little prod at the wolf inside, Andy stretched his back and twisted his arms around, flexing his belly as he did. Samson stood just a few inches in front, smirking wickedly as he watched the belly strain for a moment before one big CRUNCH! Samson chuckled a bit as the belly smoothed out almost right away. Andy gave it a hearty slap. "Yep, that young one ain't got long left in him, once the body breaks its usually minutes at most, guess he was weaker than he looked!" Andy chuckled and jostled his belt to be more comfortable with his added weight. "I better be off and find myself some new hunting grounds for tomorrow, keep in mind what I said cat and you'll be fine, maybe one day we can catch up and see if you had any interesting flavours I should know about!" The raccoon chuckled as he let out a small belch before picking up a phone from a loose pocket. Samson looked at it confused, such a small phone for such a big raccoon, looked almost like a human sized one. Andy leaned back and got a good angle before snapping a few pictures of his humongous belly, he noticed the cat looking on and smiled. "Gotta keep adding to the collection, right? it's a fun way to remember fun meals!" Samson shrugged and took out his own phone, looking at it for a moment and then smiling. "Hell, yeah it would be! I gotta fill up an album!" He proclaimed boldly, making Andy chuckle. "Just remember what I said, and you'll be fine, start small work your way up!" he chuckled as he turned around and moved on, his heavy plodding footsteps even louder and heavier than before, Samson watched on as that huge raccoon rear turned around the corner and vanished from sight. The cat continued to walk his way about the town, deep in thought of everything he had witness, learned and was eager to try. He couldn't wait to begin and was already thinking up a list of people he knew would be easy to snag, not missed and easy for him to digest away! "Hey! Let go of me!" A sudden sharp voice came from around the corner. Samson looked around and saw a pair of young kids messing in a playground. A small mouse was being pushed around in the mud by some slightly chubby, dumb looking human kid. Samson looked about, not a single soul in sight. No witnesses and an easy steal for his first time. They would make good practice if he was ever to become as good as Andy! With that in mind the cat began to stomp on over, his feline paws creating a slight thud in the ears of the smaller creatures their eyes turning up to see the teenage cat looking down at them with a scary, unfamiliar look... It was dinner time! |
Santiago watched as his girlfriend closed the door behind her and left him to watch over Emily, her daughter. Santiago was feeling quite optimistic about this opportunity, after all it was the first day of the summer vacation, what better time to get to know your girlfriend’s child than during the fun of the summer holidays! Santiago was a male Guanaco but he by no standards looked like the typical anthro. Santiago was in fact quite feminine in most ways, in being so he felt like he connected with Emily quite fondly. He had a thin feminine body shape as well as a pair of breast implants. Additionally, Santiago had many piercings around his body, most notably around his genital region, while it wasn’t something he flaunted he enjoyed them all the same. He certainly is no stranger however as Santiago is the designated ‘homework hero’ as Emily likes to call him, always being around to help her out when she got stuck on her maths homework or other such boring assignments. Not that she needed the help all the time though, the guanaco was certain she knew more of the answers than she was letting on, he always had a feeling she was simply pretending to not know to spend more time with him, being a farther-like figure to the young girl, Santiago had absolutely no problem with it and in fact enjoyed getting to know her and spend precious time with her. He began to walk upstairs towards Emily’s room, his footsteps making their sounds heard towards a particular set of ears. Emily instantly spun around in her seat leaping off with all the excited joy a young ten year old could muster. She always got so excited when it was just her and him. She saw him as her best friend and not just that but she also had developed a slight innocent little crush on the guanaco, something her young mind made her giggle and laugh at to herself. Before Santiago could touch the door handle, the pink bedroom swung open suddenly and with his hand still reaching for the door, Emily leaped up and grabbed him by the wrist laughing excitedly as she pulled him into her room and shut the door behind him. Santiago managed to catch his balance before he stumbled over, chuckling as he turned around to give the girl a friendly hug, one Emily was all too happy to return. He ran his fingers through her hair as he looked at her lovingly. She was such a wonderfully bright child he felt so privileged to be there looking after her. Emily let go and stood before the anthro with a wide excited smile. Santiago saw the look in her eye and chuckled, they were bright with the sheer excitement that only a young child could create. She looked as If she was about to explode with joy the way she bounced on the spot excitedly! “Hey so remember the time when you said that if I got all As that you’ll get me anything I wanted?” Emily asked, her voice pitch was high and energy soaring, her arm pointing to a pile of papers on the desk besides her with the large red print of her grade on them very clearly visible. Santiago chuckled and ruffled her hair playfully. “Huh, as a matter of fact I do… Anything you want kiddo I’ll get it for you, for good grades that that you’ve earned it!” He smiled warmly. Truthfully when he had told her that he meant it, thinking that perhaps she would want a trip to an ice cream store or maybe a particular toy or something every child would want, something easy and simple, though he didn’t really mind. “Well… Can I have… You?” Emily asked with a blank innocent expression on her face. The words caught Santiago off guard, making him let out a confused gasp at such a strange question. “Well… I… Urm… Not quite sure what you mean by that sweetie…” He stammered as he scratched the back of his head. Did he hear her right? She wants… him? He knew she might have come up with some bizarre request as children are likely to do but this was stretching far beyond what Santiago even considered to be bizarre. As such he stood there dumbfounded as Emily started to explain. “Well you said I could have anything I wanted if I got straight As right?” Emily began with a smile. “And well… I got straight As! That means you have to get me what I want! I want you!” Emily spoke clearly and quite firmly despite being so young. Santiago just stood and looked at her confused. He had always known that the young girl had a crush on him. The kind that was innocent, a loving childish crush that made her giggle and appreciate his company so much more. He quite liked it, but he had no idea how to respond to her saying she wanted him… “I’m not quite sure I understand what you mean by wanting me Emily,” Santiago chuckled again, this time he had a more detectable concern in his voice one that caused Emily to roll her eyes and stand back to explain herself. “You are so silly!” Emily began with a loud sigh. Santiago raised a brow in confusion but listened on as she continued. “You are an animal right?” Emily asked crossing her arms and watching as he nodded silently in reply. “Well then mum always taught me that animals are food! If you are an animal like you say that means you are food! I want you to be my food dummy!” Emily finished with her hands on her hips looking unimpressed. The so called animal stood there trying to make sense of all he was hearing. Food? Surely the young girl was just confused about the difference between feral and anthro animals right? Santiago let out a short laugh as he leaned down to try and explain the situation to the girl, smiling warmly as he did so. “Emily darling there are some animals for eating and some are people. You don’t eat people right? I’m anthro, you can’t eat an anthro darling!” Santiago explained slowly and lovingly, smiling at the girl the time, keeping himself at her level. It felt good to be in the parental role as it seemed to come naturally to him. “But I’ve eaten an anthro before…” Santiago gasped and looked at Emily with concern. “W…What was that honey?” He asked, knowing full well what he head heard and cautiously double checking. “I ate an anthro before… It was all so tasty! I swallowed him whole and it was so good I want to do it with you! You always make me happy, I want you to see how good it feels!” Emily smiled innocently as the guanaco looked on with concern. Santiago was hearing what the girl was saying and trying to make sense of it all. “You said that you… ate someone… whole?” He stammered as the girl nodded as if it was a casual everyday happening. Santiago paused for a moment and thought. “You want… to eat me… because…” “Because I love you!” Emily interrupted, loudly and jumping into the air “You’re an animal and that means your food, besides it’s so much fun I just know you’ll love it!” She excitedly ranted before crossing her arms and pouting suddenly. “Don’t forget you promised me anything! I worked hard so that I could gobble you up and show you how good it feels!” Emily reminded him. Santiago must admit she had him there. A promise is a promise and he would never want to break one with his favourite girl, especially since he was already told by her mother how hard Emily was working for her reward. Though it didn’t make the concept any more strange to him. “Emily… that doesn’t seem possible… to swallow someone whole let alone someone who’s so much bigger than you doesn’t make sense!” He tried to reason with her but soon began to see her face drop with a sudden tang of sadness. “Are you sure you don’t want anything else instead?” He thought for a moment as Emily listened to his ideas. “I could give you a makeover perhaps?” Santiago smiled sweetly. “It would be magnificent, make you look like a real princess, maybe even get you a dress to match, it will make you the envy of the school when you get back, Princess Emily!” Santiago tried to sell the idea as theatrically as he could, smiling wide afterwards but noticing the girl rolling her eyes. “Okay… perhaps a nice big cake instead? One that would take a whole week to eat! Think of all that delicious icing, lovely sponge and filled with your favourite sweets… how does that sound?” He asked with a nudge and a wink. Emily looked at him blankly and shook her head. “I already know what I want to eat, and it wouldn’t take an entire week, but it would make me happy for the whole year!” She complained. Santiago sighed and thought for a moment. Then he had an idea. “What about… Your very own… real live pony!” He cheered and looked for an excited response. Emily looked at him blankly and shrugged. “Mom got me a pony last year…” She replied causing Santiago to look around. “Urm… I don’t see any pony stuff…” He chuckled calling her bluff thinking it all was light hearted. Emily on the other hand looked at him plainly and pointed at her belly. “Cause I ate it!” She said proudly with a little giggle to accompany it. Santiago sighed and could only think of one other thing. “What if I was to become your dad for real! You know… me and your mother were thinking of getting married and-“ Before he could finish, he noticed Emily fold her arms and huff. “I know what I want! I want you!” Emily said as she continued to huff and puffed, she usually got what she wanted and as a result she could be a little bit of a brat, Santiago never minded it though, until it was something as weird as this… He paused and thought very carefully, surely what she is suggesting is impossible, there’s no way a human could possibly swallow another living being whole and certainly not one so much older and taller than her. Perhaps he could indulge this strange phase of Emily’s and just get it over and done with. When she realises there’s no way she’ll have to just settle for something more reasonable right? He just hoped that it wouldn’t be too strange of an experience. “You know what? I promised you anything and you delivered those grades, fair enough, if you think you can actually pull this off… I’ll… I’ll let you try and eat me!” Santiago chuckled a little at the absurd sentence he never thought he would have to speak. The look in the girl’s eyes made it all worth it though as they lit up like a Christmas tree with sheer excitement. He chuckled as she ran over hugging him tightly before sitting right down before him and pointing to the floor before her. “Sit down silly! Let’s get going already!” Emily spoke with a very passionate excitement that made Santiago slightly proud of how happy he had made her just by agreeing to a seemingly absurd child’s fantasy. But he went along anyway, sitting down before her with his hooves placed just in front of her, looking at her with a raised brow as he wondered how on earth she planned to do this. Emily however looked at his hooves before her as if she was a starving lion! “You need to take your clothes off, I can’t eat them!” Emily complained and pointed at Santiago’s outfit. He blushed at the suggestion and looked around awkwardly. “You want me to take my clothes off? Emily that seems a bit… inappropriate…” He tried to reason with the young girl though she was having none of it, pointing at his clothes and then to the floor. Santiago sighed, maybe if he took his shirt and trousers off that would be enough for her to start and then it would be far enough for the kid to give up, at least he won’t be entirely indecent before young Emily’s eyes. Emily watched as he began to undress, kicking his leggings off and pulling his shirt all the way up and over his head. She watched on eagerly, getting a little giddy at seeing her adult crush shirtless. She steadied herself and brought her mind to focus on the task at hand, looking down at the pair of enticing hooves before her. Once the clothing had been stripped away for the most part, she couldn’t help but begin to get started! Emily crawled forwards to get herself into the most suited position as she lifted up his hooves and pressed them together at the ankles. Santiago watched slightly uneasy but he couldn’t help but playfully wiggle his feet as Emily brought them up to her mouth, making her giggle a little. She opened her mouth wide and slowly wrapped her lips around the top of his hooves. The guanaco watched and let out a slight shudder as he felt his hooves enter the warm wetness of her mouth. He had a feeling this wasn’t going to last long, after all he was twice her size but something was tugging at him inside. Like he wanted to see just how much Emily could live up to her claims… It seemed he would get his answer as Emily pushed his hooves further in, passing over the tongue and beginning to fill her mouth quite comfortably. Santiago did admit to himself it felt good, the warm sensation was like that of a relaxing bath, if only it was a little less strange he wouldn’t feel so bad about enjoying it… Emily pushed further, pushing up until her lips sealed around his ankles, his entire hooves were now inside her mouth. Santiago was impressed and looked on as he saw no hesitation in girl’s expression, no look of discomfort, instead she just carried on, he felt his hooves press against the back of her mouth… surely this would be it… she can’t fit anymore in right? GULP! Santiago gasped as he felt Emily swallow, bringing his hooves right over the edge and even bringing him forwards slightly. She did it. She actually swallowed his hooves into her throat. He could see them bulge out from behind that fair skin. He was too stunned to speak, only watching as Emily pushed up his legs, guiding her mouth over his calves and even licking at the bottom of his lower legs, making him chuckle a little. It was such a strange, yet wonderful feeling, Santiago was warming up to the idea a lot quicker than he cared to admit. When Emily got up to his knees, he realised that despite it all, she could actually do it! He couldn’t believe it due to physical possibility and yet here he was, Emily was up to his knees, and he could actually feel himself pressing deeper and deeper into her. The sensations were surprisingly relaxing even as Emily tasted over him and felt him up as she pressed on, completely innocent for her, but to Santiago it was enough to fully put his mind at ease, leaning back and watching her work her way up as he smiled softly. Emily’s eyes never for a second got taken away from where she was eating, she pushed up and up, moaning slightly the way a kid moans at a delicious treat. She felt against the firmness of the guanaco’s legs as she inserted them into her mouth, she licked over every inch of it, sending shivers up her prey’s spine. She kept on going though, eager to prove not only that she could but to prove that he was food… and delicious food at that! As Emily continued to work her way up, he watched as nearly his whole legs were inside of her mouth. He let out a slight moan and a whimper as he felt a new wave of energy surging through him. The whole experience felt so good! He was eager to see just how far she could take it! He reached down and ruffled through her hair playfully. “Keep going girl, you’re doing amazing!” He encouraged full heartedly as he wiggled a bit and actually slid into her mouth a little. He realised and soon figured out he could help work his way in if need be, but for now, he was just along for this amazing once in a lifetime ride! He watched as Emily worked her way to just under his panties and Santiago paused before raising a hand to indicated Emily should stop. Emily did, looking up at him confused as Santiago reached down and tugged at his panties, pulling hard and splitting them down the middle, continuing as he ripped them off of himself and threw them away. Emily smiled and nodded as she continued to work her way up to his waist. Santiago meanwhile, having fully accepted that Emily is able to actually swallow him whole, he reached up to untie his bra and take it off, one last scratchy fabric for the poor girl to struggle with, after all she deserved to get the full taste of her meal and besides, he was starting to like being tasted… Emily worked her mouth around his pelvis and began to take in more and more, slowing down just a little as she got to quite a wide part of his body. Santiago reached down and gave her some encouraging head rubs as he watched her struggle. He then remembered that earlier he was able to wiggle himself in further, maybe he could do that now and lend some help to his favourite superstar of a girl! He began to push himself against the floor, working his way over her tongue and slipping his body further into her throat, moaning a little as he did as the sensations were just so good to feel. The tight squishy throat muscles worked hard dragging his body inside and Santiago loved every part of it. He tried pushing his legs side to side as they made their way in further, that gave him enough of a momentum to begin to push his middle into Emily’s mouth easier, not to mention push himself along that sweet feeling tongue! He wanted to feel everything he could, the warm breath, the slick tongue and the soft tightness of the throat as it dragged him down, it was all ever so wonderful and beyond anything he ever could have imagined. Nothing could stop him now, she wanted him, and he wanted to be inside of her! Emily got to the Guanaco’s groin and as she moved over she licked around as she did, in her mind it was just more tasting and totally innocent to the mind of the child. Santiago meanwhile was lying against the floor in bliss as he felt that warmth he adored reach and tease he most private region. Emily’s focus was on the many piercings that lined around Santiago’s groin, they had a strange and foreign taste and texture, one that poked at her curiosity, she wanted more! Emily prodded them more and more with her tongue, sampling the flavours that came from them and enjoying them dearly. Santiago however was enjoying it far more! He moaned and allowed himself to relax and enjoy it all as it was slowly dragged further inside and sealed away into the young girl’s mouth ready to be swallowed up like the rest of him. The electric feelings that shot through him as he region was tasted and piercings examined by the curious tongue. He never had experienced anything quite like the swallow as his groin was sucked into the throat and squeezed from all sides by the slimy, yet comforting warmth. He needed to thank the girl for the suggestion while he still had a chance, he looked down and saw her eagerly working her way up his stomach and towards his breast implants. Santiago smiled down at her warmly, locking with her eyes and giving her a gentle rub on the cheek. “You are doing wonderful darling! I’m very impressed and in fact I love this idea of yours! A well deserved meal for a well behaved girl!” Santiago admired as he moved his focus back to pushing himself further inside, he moved his belly around a bit and soon found a way he could wiggle his way inside, almost like a worm as he moved from side to side, getting deeper and deeper into that blissful warmth. Emily soon had made her way up to the chest and ran her tongue over those lovely mounds that the Guanaco had implanted a while ago. The taste was strange but just as good as every other part of her dream meal. Emily eagerly pushed up further noticing the moans and smiles that her farther figure wore and using them as encouragement to keep going, working over him, enjoying his tastes and clearly making him enjoy the ride a lot more than even Emily thought he would. She continued on as more and more of her belly began to fill out. Santiago felt his breasts press into her mouth and knew it was nearly his time to be fully submerged into that warmth just below him. The excitement was crazy! Like the hype before a drop on a roller coaster. He couldn’t quite describe how good this was all feeling around him but he knew one thing for sure, he wanted more! He pushed his way deeper and deeper, feeling himself slowly become submerged in the intimate warmth of the inside of his devourer. Soon enough Emily was at his head and her tongue was just lapping around his neck and tickling his face ever so teasingly. Emily made sure to lick over Santiago’s face as much as she could, teasing him a little bit like the way he used to tickle her. Not just for that but also because the taste she was extracting from him was so delicious! She knew he would taste good but had no idea he would be this delicious! Emily was so close to the finish line now that she was slightly disappointed but that didn’t slow her advance as she took the very last of the Guanaco’s head off the ground and lifted it with her tongue, sliding him into her mouth before closing tightly behind him. Santiago moaned as her mouth closed around him. While there wasn’t much space inside the maw, he didn’t mind and closed his eyes and relaxed to the full body massage being given all around him. It was wonderful. Like something from a dream. He soon felt his body being sucked towards the back and moaned a singular time before that final deciding swallow… GULP! Santiago was gone from the outside world, sealed tight and tucked away inside of Emily. The darkness that surrounded him was comforting and as such, as Emily watched her belly begin to stretch out with the fresh addition, she smiled warmly as the loving guanaco got comfortable in his new home. To her this was like one big soft and squishy cuddle and Emily couldn’t be more happy to share this experience with Santiago. She began to become very dozy and drifted in and out of a food coma like sleep. Emily pulled herself up onto her bed with her fresh new weight and gave it plenty of rubs and even more cuddles as she slowly drifted off to a peaceful slumber… The girl was awoken by a loud creaking of her door and the entrance of her mother into her bedroom. Emily casually sat upright and rubbed her stomach a few times as she woke up. She noticed her mother looking down at her daughter’s extended belly with a raised eye brow and a slight sigh of relief. “At least I know you are eating well dear!” Her mother spoke in a warm tone as she picked up the loose scattered clothes all over Emily’s floor and began to pack them into a bag for safe keeping. “I see Santiago went the way of your farther… and the rest of your babysitters?” Her mother chuckled in a humoured tone. Emily simply grinned and nodded her head. She was proud of what she had done and her mother was proud of her lovely little gifted girl! When Emily’s mother left the room with the bag the young girl got out of her bed and felt a sudden build up of pressure inside of her stomach. She knelt down and keeled over as she coughed aggressively, trying to clear the feeling. With a sudden splat, two large breast implants landed on the floor below her followed by a soaked ball of fleece like fur that clumped together in a similar shape to something a cat would cough up as she continued to cough and clear her throat a couple of piercings followed suit forming a little pile. Emily coughed some more and wiped her mouth, giggling at the sight of Santiago’s indigestible remains before her. Her mother entered once more and looked at the pile on the floor with a slightly irritated expression. “Emily dear you could have at least gone to the toilet instead of making such a mess!” She scolded as she looked at the pile on the floor, it was soaked in slime and quite honestly was kind of gross just looking at it! Her mother began to clean up the mess as Emily poked at her belly some more. Santiago was certainly a meal she wouldn’t forget any time soon! |
Late night. Blazing lights above them, glimmering off in the distance and passing by them in blurs. A few scant cars drove by, whooshing by as they passed. Chill, pleasant summer air in a big, sleeping city. No better feeling in the world for Vicki. She looked around and sighed at the beauty all around. Just a massive city with life and vibrancy, now asleep. Her and the gang walked down the street, with Erica and Sophie deciphering the map. They had a specific place they wanted to be this late at night. Their journey to Seoul took them through sightseeing and restaurants through day, clubs and bars at night. For forth days they did this, until deciding their trip was about to come to an end on the forth night. No many left, no trip back planned, no answered texts and phone calls. They were ready, all of them, and they were on their way to end it. Each of them had smile on their faces miles wide, each giggled and goofed around, each was happy and talking about the end. But Vicki was thinking different. As much as she would enjoy ending it tonight, she wanted to try to do something else first. They rounded a few corners, passed through some alleys, got lost along the way, then wound up where they wanted to be. A subway station. Above the entrance was a sign with their pictures on it. All five of them kissed at the incoming people, the words around warned people coming in what was to be expected. No one went in the station without knowing exactly they were getting into, and all of them walked down the stairs and looked around. They walked down and there they were, staring at them from the other end. The Bellies were a K-Pop group known for one thing. By comparison, they were a shit-tier group to other ones. Mediocre lyrics, terrible dancing, lackluster voices. But what they lacked they made up for in entertainment value. Intricate, pretty dancing was replaced by sultry, sauntering moves, which made the crowd go wild. They were among the most attractive girls in the scene by a long shot and flaunted it proudly. But one thing separated them from the rest. Every night, when they weren't touring, they hung around the government designated subway station and devoured the entrants. Their label got the South Korean government to approve a designated, devoted place for the them to eat people, rather than having them eat on stage. During concerts, people had no idea if they were getting eaten or not, so the risk was alarming to people. Here, with the signs, the reputation, word of mouth, it was impossible for someone walking down that subway entrance to not know what they were getting into. And Vicki and her group knew what they were walking into. They came up to the platform, being the only six there. The girls got into a group and whispered, pointing and deciding who was getting who. "So, I want Hana." Jessica said. "Why's that?" Mindy said, chuckling. "What kind of stupid question is that? Why wouldn't I?" "I mean, that's fine, but that has to be the most boring way to be eaten." "What, and the vagina isn't?" Chet said. He held Vicki close and nuzzled his head on her's. "No, that's like...the hottest way to be eaten. And with who's going to be eating me, yeah that's the best." Each of the Bellies had their trademarked way of eating. Jessica wanted Hana, a redhead who ate with her cleavage. Victims slid down her shit and were absorbed, then distributed to each boob. They decreased to normal size, double Ds, after a night, but while the victim was being processed, they hung around watermelon sized. Jessica saw her eat on an Instagram video and wanted that ever since. "No, it ain't." Sophie said. "Plain and simple people, what's wrong with that?" Sophie wanted Jung, the chubbiest girl, to swallow her whole like normal food. "Uhh, hello," Erica said, "what about the cock?" Kim was a futanari and ate her penis. Victims usually needed up being splattered all over the walls when they were done. "Gross." Mindy said. "What makes cock jizz better than vagina jizz?" Mindy had no answer. Mindy and Vicki, sisters, had the right idea both. The Bellies were all stunning, but one clearly stood above the rest, and she was the first one to approach. Kwon was the leader of the Bellies. Elegant, wearing a tight, pitch black dress, with her dark hair parted to the side. She sauntered over with the other girls in tow, the train honking its way up. Kwon ate with her vagina, taking the longest of the group to eat. She was the pinnacle of beauty, the absolute stunner to end all others. Vicki looked her over and sighed at her beauty. The Bellies walked up and gravitated towards one of the group over the other. Mindy and Vicki, being Korean, told the Bellies how the group wanted to be eaten. Yumi, the youngest, cutest, and most diabolical of the group, snatched Chet away from her and slipped her hands between his pants. The other girls snatched up their prey, leaving Vicki alone for now. All was going according to plan so far, but god knows what was going to happen. The train pulled up and the group hopped on. The Bellies had their own car all to themselves. It was marked with their logo, all five of the girls with their mouths open, pointing down their throats. Anyone stupid enough to walk in, as many were by what The Bellies' twitter account said, often found themselves not reaching their destinations. Everyone save Yumi, Chet, and Vicki hopped on first. When Yumi and Chet were in, Yumi pushed Vicki over to the railing. "Stand here and watch." She said, that cute little smile on her as she shoved Chet onto the seat. "Enjoy watching your man plump my ass up." "I would love nothing more." Vicki said, curling around the railing. The group got into formation. Jessica and Hana going to railing next to Vicki, Kim and Erica making out on the seat next to them, Sophie and Jung chatting each other up. Vicki waved at Mindy as she waved back, going to the back to curl up next to Kwon. Lucky girl, getting to be swallowed by those delicious legs. Those two would take forever to finish. But in the time it took Vicki to looks around the car, Yumi pulled down her pants and slid her ass all the way over Chet's body, swallowing him up to his waist. She slid down like a stripper down a pole, oohing and rubbing herself the whole way. Eyes closed, mouth in an O, chest puffing in and out. She moaned loud and stopped going down when her crotch touched Chet's. She opened her eyes, blew a kiss, then tucked Chet's cock into her vagina. "I'm playing with your toy." She stuck her tongue out, grinding in and out. "Enjoy him, he's fun." Vicki had her hand down her pants, fingering herself as Yumi pleased Chet. Vicki watched as they picked up speed, then came when Yumi's ass clenched around him. Such a pretty boy. Kind of a shame he was eaten by an ass. For Vicki, not for him, he wouldn't shut up about how awesome it would be. By the looks of his cock, he was enjoying himself plenty. Vicki took her hand out of her pants and rubbed the cum on her pants. She rested her head against the railing, then a yelp came off to the side. Hana had taken off Jessica's pants and was biting her butt. Jessica was waist deep in two massive, squishy breasts, holding onto the railing over her. Her smile was wide, her laugh was elated, and her body was sliding away like quicksand. Vicki rubbed her nipple and watched her friend let go of the railing. When Jessica did that, her body sunk like an anvil in mud. Her head disappeared, swallowed by Hana's lovely cleavage. Vicki squeezed her boob and cooed, then something warm, sticky, and gooey smacked her in the face. She looked over and saw Yumi laughing, pumping cum out of Chet at her. "Don't want to get pregnant. And I doubt this is the first time you've taken one of his loads to the face." She lifted her butt up and sucked Chet inside, taking one suck to swallow him completely. Yumi stood, flicking her hair and rubbing her bulge in her gut. Vicki watched as that pretty, muscular man in that lump shrunk away in seconds, turning into jiggling hips, thighs, and booty. Vicki came again at the thought. Yumi walked over and wrapped her arm around Vicki, bringing her in for a kiss. "Now, would you like to join him or are one of my bandmates going to take you?" Moment of truth. "You know, that sounds pleasant and all," Vicki ran her fingers along Yumi's perky boobs, "but I have other plans." "What are those?" Vicki lashed forward and swallowed Yumi's head. The singer yelped as loud as she could, but Vicki was fast. She slapped her hands to Chet, naked him up, and shoved Yumi down her throat. A few of the girls laughed, Kwon laughing sexily, and Yumi yelped and kicked. "Oh come on, really?" Vicki gulped fast, swallowing Yumi down like a noodle. In a total of thirty seconds, Vicki had a bulging belly hanging under her shirt. She rubbed it, massaging it, loving it. "Karma." Vicki said, walking over to Hana. Her boobs were smooth, circular watermelon shapes. Vicki practiced on so many watermelons at home, that her entire bank account was exhausted. Hana stood, being the most defenseless with those in front of her, and merely smiled as Vicki swallowed her. Two massive bulges traveled into her belly. Her belly looked like a penis, two massive balls under a thin, long body above it. The two girls rumbled and swore inside her. "Enjoying yourselves girls?" "Really?" Yumi sounded happy, but still surprised. "Hey, it was only a matter of time." Vicki stood in front of Kim, who tugged a six inch cock resting on a beanbag sized ball bag. Cute little ginger Erica was sloshing around, about to be a sticky splatter over the car wall. Before that could happen, Vicki got on her knees and wrapped her lips around the cock, sucking lovingly. "What did we do to you?" Kim said. "Nothing. I just wanted to be the one to eat you all." "Oh, okay. Fair enough. Why do you want me to cum all over my friends?" "Because your friend came all over me." "Fair enough." Vicki got back to work, catching glimpse of Jung swallowing Sophie. Sophie was eaten butt first and was turned into feet and hands by the time she looked at her. Mindy was only past her waist. Kwon had her head resting on her hand, blinking sultry eyes that locked on Vicki's. Amazing. Looking too long at her was like looking at the sun. She turned her eyes back to Kim and sucked her to the point of cumming. Kim bit her lips and cum shot down Vicki's throat like water out of a backed up hose. Good thing Vicki went to college, because she would have chocked out all of Erica had she not. She chugged and chugged, making Yumi and Hana kick around. "Why are you cumming on us?" Yumi said. "Gah, this is so gross." Hana said. "Eating us would have been fine, I can live with that, that's sexy. This is just gross." Vicki swallowed the last of Erica and pulled Kim's feet to her mouth. "Oh hush and take it." "Boo!" Vicki swallowed a pouty looking Kim. "You couldn't digest all of this before eating me?" Vicki shook her head and swallowed Kim's head. "Okay, sure. Fine." She finished off her third meal, her belly as tall as she was. She dragged it over on the ground and Jung looked it over. Her Sophie filled belly shrunk down into a little ball, adding to already supple meat she had in her belly. Jung pursed her lips, shrugged, then shoved her hands down Vicki's throat. Vicki didn't have to work at all, Jung just kicked and pulled her way in. Girl must have been eager to start swimming. Vicki swallowed her up and wiped drool off her mouth, lifting her massive belly up. She looked up to see Mindy's feet slipping inside Kwon. Kwon rubbed her vagina and sucked on her finger. Vicki waddled over. In the time it took her to lug herself over there, Mindy was dribbling out of Kwon into a pool under her legs. "You know, there was still time for me to let your friends out. You could have forced me to let them out if you hadn't just turned your trump card into cum." "I kind of figured you were going to eat me anyway, so..." "Huh? Really now?" Vicki's belly rumbled and tossed. The aroused sounding screaming subsided as quickly as it started, turning into a jackhammer like rumble. All the meat and drink inside her belly was turned to soup, then several thick layers of fat in Vicki's butt, thighs, belly, and hips. She turned from a thin, cute girl, to a thick, voluptuous one. She walked over to the seat and slid on her belly, dragging herself through the cum. Her finger tips slid inside Kwon's vagina. The singer smiled and laughed. "You just wanted to ruin my band and career? Is that it?" "I think you should go solo. The others were holding you back." Kwon shrugged and Vicki smiled, feeling the tension build in her heartbeat. "I'll give it a shot." In one fell gulp, Vicki was trapped inside a gooey, hostile vagina that wasted not time in churning her to cum. Her skin bubbled and popped, her vision grew hazy, and her body dissolved. Rapid bursts of pleasure wafted over her like waves on a beach. She had a huge burst of pleasure, then everything went dark. On the outside, Kwon watched as her belly grew, then shrunk, then glob of cum blasted out of her. A classy, nice looking, half-digested brown boot floated in the cum. She giggled and set her feet on the ground. She sighed and cleaned up her legs, then dressed. She got on twitter and told the people the band was no more and more details were coming in a press release. All her friends were turned into that large glob that plopped onto the floor. Shame, they were al so fun. Kwon was not good enough to go solo, she would need another band. Trouble was, only a handful of people in Korea could eat people. Only a handful of people were registered to do it, and one was a glob of cum on the floor. Kwon sat down in the cum, crossing her legs, waiting for the train to stop. Plenty of time to think about the future later though. Five people stepped on the train and Kwon had to give them their wish. She sighed and looked over, thinking about how ruined they were going to make the car. |
“Ugh, all these classes are so boring! I can’t wait for home economics, there’s a good class.” A boy with soft orange hair and a fiery voice to match chuckled to his friends. They were just leaving their math class, something that had left them all burned out. “I didn’t take you for a cook, Kori, you’re such a fireball I’d think you burn everything you touch.” A girl, three years younger, yet in the same grade because of her intelligence, giggled at the idea of her friend cooking. He was massive, his tanned nutmeg skin riddled with scars and filled to the brim with muscles. Standing at a scary six and a half feet tall, his friend dwarfed from her puny four foot size, the smooth skin clear of imperfections, hair falling over her shoulders and brushing against the ground. The two made an odd pair, yet were thankfully not alone, their three other friends following close behind. One such friend, another girl who was in the correct grade for her age, and stood and a sightly five foot nine inches, though was still going through the depressing stage of puberty. “Oh no, he’s a master chef unlike my brother. All that time in the mountains fighting bears, he had to make his own food, not a wonder it’s good.” She chuckled, her blonde hair falling over her left eye while she elbowed her brother. “That’s rig- Hey! I didn’t fight bears, damnit!” The brother to the sister, a squat five feet tall, more reserved than his sister and far more girly than her. Spending his life getting picked on by three older siblings will do strange things, and for the most part he was just a step from wearing dresses and skirts. “I’m not that bad…” He whined, his hair bobbed lightly, stuck in a ponytail in a very womanly fashion. Despite being such an excellent girl, he had no sense when it came to cooking, most of his creations bubbling like they could come alive at any moment. “I’m only teasing, but with how you are you better learn to cook. The only woman who’ll want you will be the working type!” His sister laughed, smacking his back rather roughly. Despite both being popular in the female community, his sister was slightly jealous of his natural ability to get along with the opposite sex, unlike her. “I just want to go home, I hate all of this stupid shit we have to do.” Their final member, a dashing young man who found work to be the most despicable exercise known to man. Despite being the heir to the family fortune of the Jamison family name, he wanted to know what attending a public school would be like, and came here. Despite his more snooty nature, he is a good friend, and a valuable one when roaming the town. Money is nice. “Relax, one of the reasons I want to go to home EC so much, is that Teacher. Her name is Ms. Luxuria, and you have not seen anyone finer in your life! Except my master, of course.” Kori grinned, rubbing his hands together. “Kelly, what’s he talking about?” Their young and innocent friend asked. She was met with Kelly facepalming. Her brother simply sighed, and Young Master Jamison was fixing his hair. “Don’t worry about him, Mary, just ignore everything that comes out of his stupid, perverted mouth.” She said, taking the little girl under her arm and covering her ears. Mary stumbled around, her gait not matching the much taller girl, causing her to fall forward. She was only just caught by Kori, who lifted her up to his shoulders with ease. “Don’t worry, Mary, you’re still my number one girl.” He grinned. Although he was unable to see, Mary was blushing, her far more innocent mind taking his face value compliment to heart. “Thanks so much, I guess.” She mumbled, covering her face in embarrassment. Kori walked into the classroom, ducking under so his mumbling passenger didn’t hit her head, and lead his group to the front table, a round desk with five seats, perfect. As they each sat down, and others poured in from the halls, there was a general question that filled all their minds. “Where’s the teacher?” Kelly’s brother asked, looking around. It was true, the teacher was nowhere to be found, even after five minutes of class time had gone by. “It’s the first day of the semester, where could she be?” Mary asked, her little face barely visible over the table. It was adorable, she had to lift her arms over her head to reach the table. “Very funny, giving the shortest person the shortest chair.” Kelly chuckled, eyeing Kori, who had his knees jammed up on the bottom of the round desk, lifting it into the air. They exchanged glances, then to Mary, who was struggling to read her book resting on the table. “Oh. Good idea.” Kori said, getting out of his chair and lifting Mary out of hers. Instead of doing the sensible thing and placing her on his chair, he placed the girl in his lap, where she sat at just the right height. Kelly was outraged, standing in her seat to begin yelling at the buffoon, but Mary had no quarrel. “That’s so smart, thanks Kori!” She said happily, turning back to her book. Kori simply chuckled, rubbing his head, “no problem, Mary.” “You’re a sick pervert, you know that?” She glared, slowly taking her seat. Just as she did, a strange green flash lit up the cracks of the closet door. They looked on in wonder and anticipation, wondering what it could have been. Then, their teacher walked in naked. She was hot. Real hot. Like, 30’s pornstar hot, celebrity hot. Her breasts were enormous, they didn’t sag one bit either, as if she had on an invisible bra. Her skinny waist was way out of proportion for her hips, expanding outward to a size that was comparable to a beach ball. For both cheeks. Her face was the most beautiful thing any of them had ever seen, her puffy lips kissing the air, her eyes blinking in a sultry manner, without a single thing wrong with any piece of her delicious skin. It had a strange tone that seemed magical, no matter what preference you had it was that skin color, but it never actually changed color. Her hair flew behind her as she blew a hand through it, shimmering all the colors of the hair spectrum bundled into one glorious head of hair. She was magical. As they would soon figure out, literally. “Alright kids, my name is Ms. Luxuria, a native woman of the wonderful land of Brazil, and a firm believer in the art of teaching. Any questions?” Her smile had a way of shutting up the most talkative person. Strangely, it had no effect on Mary, who despite wearing a tomato red blush and had turned her head, raised her hand. “Yes?” “Ms. Luxuria, why are you naked?” She asked, her sweet voice causing their teacher to laugh. “Do not be embarrassed, young girl, I want you to look at me. I want all of you to look at me, give me your full, undivided attention.” Her breasts bounced as she did, jiggling while she placed her hands on her hips. Kori and the other boys found themselves staring in a trance, their mouth agape as they lost the ability to properly think about what was happening. Even Kelly’s brother was glued, but his fascination was more about envy than lust. Despite him not being open about his wish to swap gender, he sure as hell actually wanted to. As much as people think about how ‘you just have to come out and say it, everyone will support you,’ it’s hard to talk about. So when he got an envy boner in his pants, he went to the trouble of trying to hide it. “I am naked, “Ms. Luxuria started, “because I want all of you to get very comfortable with the female body. Some of you will become far more acquainted with it than even this, so soak it all in until you feel comfortable. Do we need to practice saying ‘penis’ and ‘vagina’?” She mocked, making some of the boys angry. The girls, however, rolled their eyes and spoke with each other. The one person who really heard what Ms. Luxuria said, was the one in the middle, Kelly’s brother. “Ms. Luxeria, what do you mean by ‘even more acquainted than this’?” He asked, hand raised. The teacher stopped her chuckling, and gave him a sultry smile. He didn’t really understand what was happening, she didn’t say anything, she just kept looking at him. “Miss?” “I want everyone to take of your clothes. Right now.” This caused a panic, “what? No way, you can’t make us do that!” Was the first of many complaints. Students stood and shouted, one kid attempting to leave in fury. He was stopped and thrown to the ground by the teacher, a hungry look in her eye as she licked her lips. Before moving on, however, she stopped to lock the door, then did something not one person in the room expected to happen. She ate. The. Keys. The rough bulge traveled down her throat as she gulped them down, the last bit of the lanyard going down her throat like noodles. Now the class was trapped in the room until those keys came out, or someone came to help. Ms. Luxuria sighed contently as the lanyard finally landed in her stomach. As if to tease them, she shook her waist around, a soft jingle of keys finding their way into the still air. “Take off your clothes.” She repeated. This time, kids started following her instructions, several children frightened into following orders. The only ones who didn’t, was the boy who was knocked down by Lust, who was actually being stripped by her, and Jamison, who smugly leaned back in his chair and let out a small noise. “Tsk.” For some reason, this made Ms. Luxuria very angry, causing her to drop the boy she was stripping, leaving him crumpled and half naked on the floor while she stormed over to Jamison. He fell back in his chair, frightened from her getting up in his face. “What was that for!?” He shouted. “Looks like we have a volunteer. What’s your name?” She asked. There were a few awkward glances shot her way, how could she not know a Jamison? “I’m a Jamison! Oldest son, heir to the throne, and I will not be forced to expose myself.” He protested, though they began to have little meaning; Ms. Luxuria stripping him of his clothes in an instant. She knelt him on the ground, like he was about to be executed, then did something even more ridiculous than eating keys. She ate him! With her vagina no less! Kori and the gang watched in awe and horror as her legs spread apart, and her pussy slowly lowered onto his dazed head. It stretched like some sort of latex sheet, her legs pretty much detaching as her pelvis couldn’t take the strain. It only got worse from there, however, as she got over his head and to his shoulders. At that point, she had to stop, it was impossible for her to even get his head but his shoul- nope, up they went. Her pelvis suction device, no matter how hard he tried to escape or how impossible the fit, he went in. Kori wondered if he should try to stop what was happening, given it was his friend going inside the snake pussy of some hot ass teacher, but if she could do this, what was the point? It was obvious she wanted something to happen between the students and their vaginas, but there was no way anything like this could happen, right? “Now, after the shoulders it gets easy, just a quick slurp.” Ms. Luxuria said, now very clear that she expected the girls of the class to… what would it be called, even? The opposite of birth? Unbirth? Like some unholy satanic ritual. I really sexy one. True to her word, however, he was quickly pulled into her womb after that little hiccup with the shoulders. Jamison disappeared except for a bulge that looked surprisingly small for having an entire being inside her. She looked normally pregnant, but the screaming and complaining from her child made it clear that this was no normal pregnancy. Ms. Luxuria stood on her feet, almost slipping on her own fem juices, and smiled at the class. Her belly bulged out sporadically at times, clear images of Jameson's face and arms as he struggled inside. This caused lewd faces to form on their teacher, clearly the feeling was heavenly. “Well class, now that you’ve seen me do it, I’d like you all to choose a partner and a child.” Ms. Luxuria explained. “Flour baby.” Kelly’s brother said randomly. “Why are you talking about flowers, Zahara?” His sister asked, using his full name. He had a slight complex, the name sounding very girly, but their parents insisted on it. Apparently the person they got the name from was the mother of a famous movie star, though they never explained further than that. “No! Not flowers, flour, like baking. It’s a popular teaching exercise, the students get a bag of flour that is their baby.” He explained, many others also having heard of it. Ms. Luxuria simply nodded, complimenting him on his realization. “But this time, we will have real babies. Babies who had real lives.” He concluded, sending a dark aura to consume the room in dread. “Pick a partner.” Her face came off as a glowering scowl, clearly getting impatient. So, kids began choosing partners, grabbing whoever they could get so they didn’t have to be kids. A big problem? There were more boys than girls. “Only a boy with a girl, that’s how the game is played. And no incest.” She eyed the siblings, who had tried to stay with each other. As they looked for partners, they soon found that there wasn’t both a boy and a girl, either Kelly became a parent, and left her brother behind, or became a kid with him. All over again. “Zee, Kelly, I can be your mother.” Mary said, her composure set solid, yet clear breaks were seen. Her face was red as a tomato again, and her hands, now balled into fists, wouldn’t stop shaking. “Mary, you’ll be ripped apart!” “Not a problem.” Ms. Luxuria interrupted, “any parent can fit any child, even multiple. She could fit her big husband over here if she wanted to. But, I have a feeling you two will want to stay sisters.” It was clear she said sister on purpose, and although Kelly assumed she was teasing, Zee knew that she was being sincere. He would get to be a girl. “Well!? Get going!” She shouted, sending her class into a flurry. They all began trying to copy what Lust did, some girls just going right for it, and others having to take it slow. No matter what they did, clearly it felt absolutely erotic. Screams and moans could probably be heard from the halls, all of the new mothers unable to hold back their pleasure. Mary caught herself on a thorn, however, as she was too short. “Here, let me help.” Kori said, lifting her into the air. He slowly lowered her down, lining up her pussy with Kelly’s head. Even as they just started, Mary began letting out shrill moans, her little voice echoing around the room. It was much louder than the other girls, even distracting some of the mothers as they unbirthed their children. “Kori! Kori! Kori!” She moaned, repeating her little mantra over and over. “What is it? Am I going to fast?” He asked, preparing to slow down. Instead, Mary looked at him with the same hungry eyes as Ms. Luxuria, a fiery, passionate lust behind them. “Faster! Go faster, Kori! It feels so good!” The little girl cried out, Rocking her hips back and forth in an effort to increase the speed. Kori wasn’t sure about it, but he had no reason not to believe her. He increased the pace a which she was lowered down, her stomach expanding at an inhuman pace, and becoming larger than thought possible. As Kelly slowly disappeared, her toes, wriggled uncomfortably on the floor, apparently her new home wasn’t the best place to be. Inside, it was like a hot box, one of the terrible torture devices of early america. She couldn’t breathe, the air too think, not to mention the mass of liquids being poured down around her. Although, the problem didn’t last too long, as her head was soon shoved through a tight passageway, and into the womb of her new mother. It was rather spacious, actually, not enough to stand up, but bigger than she expected. She used her new space to help Mary, pulling her legs up from the inside, until she was fully trapped inside, her toes sucked up through the tiny, cute labia. In another thirty seconds, she was curled up in the small room, and Mary’s tummy had shrunken down considerably. It was as if she had some sort of distortional magic, her cervix a door to a larger room. It didn’t make it feel any less amazing, however, as Mary moaned loudly, rubbing her very pregnant belly. Despite Kelly having magically shrunken down, her skin was still stretched out as if she was already nine months pregnant. That was only one of her two children, however, and Zee was not happy with the sight of his sister crushed into such a small space. He put his ear against the large belly of Mary, ignoring the lustful giggles of her friend, and focusing on the light breathing and moving of his sister. “Are you alright in there, Kelly?” He asked, tapping on the tight skin. “Yeah, I’m just fine. It actually is bigger on the inside, I have enough room to move comfortably. I’m waiting to see what it’ll be like with you, however.” His sister said, rubbing her hand against the wall where she felt her brother do the same. “Get in me… I want him inside me already, Kori!” Mary whined like a child, flopping her feet in anticipation. Kori lifted her up, scared, yet insanely turned on by her new aggressive side. He held her over Zee, Spreading her legs as far as he could, then practically dropped her on him. He went much faster than his sibling. After warming up, Mary was able to suck him in without resistance, going down to his hips in only a few seconds. Kori had him stand up, letting Mary balance on top of him by herself as she held her giant gut. Her face was a mess, unable to close her mouth as her tongue lolled around, her eyes following suit. Once Zee stood up, he disappeared, his legs flown up into Mary faster than he could even fully get up. Sliding up into her womb, he met his sister very abruptly, getting thrown into her arms. Without the room to get out of the position, Zee was stuck above his sister, his dick shoved inside her vagina, as he moved in and out trying to move into a different position. This just caused them to have awkward sex, where they both apologized, trying to move out of each other's way, but slowly devolved into moans and loving noises. A sharp pain stuck into their bellies, something they ignored almost entirely, and in fact it was the umbilical cord connecting their nutritional needs to Mary. Next, the small room was slowly filled with a salty fluid, the juice of life, amniotic fluid. They ignored that too, both of them reaching orgasm as they moved harder and faster. Finally, as the fluid moved up to their necks, they screamed in lust before it overcame them, both unable to hold their breaths and sucked in. The oxygen rich fluid moved into their lungs, causing a feeling of drowning filling their brains before it realized they were fine. Now trapped inside their new Mom for the rest of their lives, the two siblings hugged each other tight, still connected by the pelvis, and went into a deep slumber. Mary was having similar thoughts, her mind only thinking of the massive amount of sleep it needed after such an ordeal. Her head rolled to the side, Kori holding her against his shoulder and sitting down. Her stomach had gained another layer of size, almost a fourth bigger. If she tried, which in the future, she would, she couldn’t even reach her belly button with her tiny arms. “Alright, it looks like you are all done unbirthing your friends. You will have these children for the rest of your school years, and most of you being freshman, you can all have fun with that. It is impossible to make them come out by force, and if you have a c-section, both you and your new child will die in agony. Your grade will come in five years from now, when you and your partner are living with your child after it’s been born. I will grade you on the love and care you give each other, and your new kids, and if you leave your partner, you fail. The one left will recieve an easier grade, having to work on the project alone.” Ms. Luxuria explained, many of the students being very angry with such rules. Kori didn’t mind, however, he would be fine with Mary, happy even. “Also, I’m not really a teacher, your real health teacher is locked in the closet. Ta-ta for now, and remember what I said!” The fake teacher cackled maniacally, and ran out of the room, those who went to chase her simply saw a flash of green light and she as gone. Sure enough, as she said, their real health teacher was trapped in the closet, his mouth duct taped and his arms bound in rope. Kori pulled off his mouth covering, and he blubbered out apology after apology. “It’s not your fault. Don’t worry, just let me cut you free, and you’ll help us, right?” The large student asked solemnly, flipping his knife out and cutting through the ropes. “Of course, I want nothing more than to get you all through this ordeal. An Email will be sent home, we will do everything we can to make this as easy on all of you as possible.” The teacher kept spouting out stupid, dumb things that Kori didn’t care about. He wondered how he and Mary would look in the future, how they would end up living together because of this. He didn’t actually have parents, any guardian at home, he lived by himself. Would she come live with him? Would he live at her house? He didn’t feel right leaving her, he wanted to be by her side at all times. It was that exact moment that what happened really hit and sunk in. He was a parent to his two best friends. ---------------- (Five Years Later) “Kori, dear, I need the baby food! Little Kelly doesn’t want to drink my milk!” Mary, now eighteen years old, shouted to the livingroom of Kori’s small apartment. They both moved there a few weeks after she became pregnant with her dear friends, and have been living together ever since. She had developed herself quite well, the forced pregnancy causing her breasts and hips to become much bigger much faster. She was still an adorable five foot two, but definitely already look like a MILF. “No problem dear, just as long as my big girl, Zeeky is drinking from her mamma!” Kori, twenty one and reaching a scary seven and a half feet tall, crouched through the doorway. He had a giant mustache and beard, his brown hair melding together to make him look like, as his two daughters called him, Papa Bear. “Please use her new name, you’ll get Jenny confused.” Mary scoffed, grabbing the bottle of mashed up carrot baby food from her husband, who was taking a spoonful of it and eating it. He handed her the spoon as he tasted it, grinning from under his beard. “Tastes good! No wonder she wants it!” He laughed his big, heart laugh. His voice had become deep and bass, and his love of overalls, flannel shirts, or no shirt at all, made people relate him to a lumberjack far too often. “I’m surprised you got any of that in your mouth at all.” She teased, waving him down. He bent over, giving his wife a kiss while she licked all the baby food from his facial hair. Living in a house with him for five years had made her sense of right and wrong askew until it just fell off, where she picked it up and yelled “FIVE SECOND RULE!’ “Alright, hand me Kelly, I’ll feed her. Come to Papa Bear!” He chuckled, bringing her into his massive, muscled arms. She was practically lost in his giant beard, the damn thing going down to his huge barrel chest. After finding her, and resting her on top of his scraggly, yet surprisingly soft beard, where she nestled in. He gave her a soft, fragile look, his small beady eyes solemnly staring at her tiny, happy face. She looked so much like Kelly, mostly because she was Kelly, but that didn’t make him any less sad about losing his good friend. Zahara had been lucky in this, in a way, because he had always been a little girly, but Kelly was stuck as a tomboy. Even now she was a trouble maker, liking to tug on Kori’s beard with her fat little hands. “Honey? Are you alright?” Mary asked, holding Jenny up as she sucked on his wife’s breast, sucking out milk. “Y-yeah. Just thinking. Here you go, little squirt, Papa’s got some delicious carrot schlop for his little piggy!” He chuckled, watching as his daughter giggled, grabbing his hand and pushing it into her own mouth. “Looks like my little girls already growing up! Look, she can feed herself already!” He laughed, watching as she took the spoon in her hand, and attempted to feed herself. It ended in failure, her thick little fingers unable to hold the small spoon, but her attempt was clearly noted. “Such a courageous young woman. It’s alright, though, Jenny, I’ll always love my little girls. If you want to stay with me forever, I’ll be happy.” She grinned, her lovely daughter giggling happily as she gabbed her mammas pinkie. ------------- (Six Years Later) “First day of First Grade, who’s excited!?” Kori asked his two daughters, both of them standing on their own in their unique styles. They had let them dress themselves that morning, a sign of growing up, and while Jenny wore a cute white skirt with a matching blouse, Kelly had on a pink skirt and a turquoise shirt. Both her socks were different, and she attempted to do her long hair in a bun, but had to get help from her mother. “Yeah!” The strangely dressed young girl shouted, raising her hand and giving her father a high five. His other daughter, however, was much more shy. She shifted her arms, looking away. This time, her mother came in and saved the day. “Alright, Jenny, it’s fine to be scared. Remember, you have to know how to use that! Make sure you speak softly, yet loud enough that everyone can hear you, get them on the edge of their seats.” Mary was much more interested in empowering her daughter with feminine whiles, teaching her how to charm people. It made Jenny confident, and she nodded sternly. “Alright, let’s go. The parents are going to be in the back of the room, and if you get scared, I’m going to be right there, and Mom will be on my shoulders.” Kori said, pushing open the door to the classroom. Inside, their teacher waited, a woman who looked absolutely gorgeous, her hair put up in a bun, a tight little face that had ‘loving’ written all over it. Her body was made perfectly, and it was a body that Kori and Mary would never forget. They stood, frozen, staring at the teacher who looked just as shocked to see them. It was as if time had stood to a standstill, the teachers face going from a soft, greeting, to a surprised and shocked bananza. Her eyes opened wide, her mouth even wider, and the only way Kori could reply was by furrowing his brow and pursing his lips. Mary glared, her demeanor giving off the impression that she was about to get in a fight with this grade school teacher. Then, just as slowly as the door opened, it was closed, Kori letting it slide on it’s small hinge until it squeaked to a stop. “Come on, let’s go get pizza.” He said, pulling his daughters from the door. |
“So you’re telling me that you found a lamp in a cave behind the house?” My best friend, Joshua asked, looking away from his TV show. I nodded my head vigorously, waving for him to follow. He gave a sad look to his show, but relented, getting up to follow. I shoved past my Mom, her giving me a dismissive laugh before going back to talking to Joshua's Mom. We were currently at his house, and apparently he wasn’t too adventurous because he never found this place. I got to the door and turned, waiting for him to walk calmly over to me. No matter how excited I, or even he got, he always walked. Something about running being lame, and how high schoolers shouldn’t do it. ‘Hurry up!’ I waved to him, running to the side of the house. He was always trying to teach me how to act older, more mature, but I never wanted to. I was only seven, but because I was what my mom and the other adults called a ‘savant’, I was moved up to high school. I didn’t really care, school was more of of a place for me to learn how to interact with people. I never needed to learn or study, everything just made sense for me, I could just see how the world fit together. People still took work, though. “Chill, it’s not going anywhere. You’re leaving me behind!” Joshua shouted, picking his pace up to a fast walk. I simply giggled at him pulling his pants up, having forgot to rebutton them when he got up. We were comfortable enough around each other that we would be fine in our underwear, at least that’s what I thought. Joshua said I had to have more respect for myself, that I should only show my body to someone I really like. He got all flustered when I said that I really liked him, and hit me on the head, something he does when I say or do something I shouldn’t have. “Alright, alright, I’m here. Where is it, where’s the genie lamp?” He asked, entering the small cave. I looked back at him, and got frightened when I saw three big shadows lurk over his shoulder. “BOO!” Cal, my other friend shouted, laughing as Joshua nearly jumped from his skin. She folded over, clutching her sides as her victim stood up off the ground. He brushed off the dust and looked away, his face bright red. He had a crush on Cal, and apparently it’s been a thing for a long time, way before I met them. “She got you good, Joshua.” Jack, the twin of Jackie said. “Yes, too funny.” His sister agreed. Joshua grunted, turning and jogging ahead to catch me. That was the only time he ever got that fast, to escape from Cal. She was a lot faster than him, or anyone in school, being the top track runner in the state, but she didn’t bother chasing Joshua. Her build was one that made a lot of the other girls jealous, so she was a pick for bullies to tease. I remember her explaining to me why they did after I got them to stop. I had thrown myself in between them, knowing that Cal might’ve beat the girls to a pulp, and had them back off. I will never forget what happened next. She said, ‘they are jealous of my sexy build, just look at my butt!’, then one of the girls, who was still close enough to hear, shouted back. ‘You wish, billboard!’ Right then, Joshua had come to see what happened, and when Cal saw that he heard it, ran off crying while cupping her chest. It haunts me to this day. “God she’s so annoying. I don’t know how you stand her!” Joshua groaned, racking his head back and forth. ‘She let’s me sit in her lap and eat from her lunchbox on the roof. Jealous?’ I signed, smiling as he turned red in anger. “You little bastard…” He warned, raising his fist before bringing it down on my head. It hurt, of course, but it was so worth it to see him get all flustered. I rubbed where he hit while laughing, a small bit of tears forming in my eyes, but the pain went away quickly. More importantly, we reached the lamp. “Hey, Sam, what’s the hold-up?.” Cal said, catching up and looking at our find. I was smiling brightly, very impressed by how pretty of a lamp it was. “A lamp.” Jack said idly. “How funny.” Jackie continued. Joshua smacked me again, yelling loudly, “that’s not a genie lamp, that’s a regular lamp!” Sure enough, standing alone with it’s cord hanging pitifully from the side, was a fancy indoor lamp. It’s shade had fancy drawings all over it, made from embroidery, and the light inside coiled, it’s fluorescent light waiting to be used. “It is a very pretty lamp.” Cal noted. ‘Joshua, go rub it.’ I demanded, pushing him from behind. He stumbled, but caught himself and spun quickly. He threatened to yell and me again, but was stopped when he saw me hiding pitifully behind the butt Cal was so fond to call her own. “Fine! Not like anything is going to happen.” A second later, Joshua ate his words. A huge column of swirling black smoke rose to the top of the cave, the stacks billowing outward and collapsing to the ground as they reached the ceiling. We were left in a complete darkness, nothing but inky black clouds surrounding a lit center. “Oh, contraire, my dear boy! Now, everything happens.” A woman, hair as long as her japanese kimono dress, dragging along the ground as she waded toward us. I took a step back, I was getting a gut-feeling that this lady was bad news. I felt like I had seen her somewhere before, but I couldn’t quite place it. “Who are- no, you’re the genie, obviously. Why are you wearing a japanese dress?” Cal asked, taking a step in front of me. “No, I am not a genie. My name is Lust, an Emotion Lady. I will grant you wishes, though. I also noticed you noticed my tongue and cheek play on a lamp. Clever?” She seemed proud of herself, grinning ear to ear. Lust… where have I heard that name before? Something that strange ought to stick… “So, Aladdin rules? We’ve all seen that movie, yeah?” Cal asked. I could tell she had a similar problem with this woman, the aura she had was… hungry…. “Yes, yes, no bringing people back, three wishes, say the exact words ‘I wish,’ followed by your wish, blah blah blah. Can we get on with i? I’ve got a thing with my daughter I need to go to.” Lust said, looking at her nails. She really didn’t seem like what one would expect a genie to be like, but then again, genies weren’t supposed to be real. “We wish for shapeshifting powers.” Jack stated loudly. “I will grow and shrink. He will become malleable.” Jackie clarified. Lust simply nodded, and waved her hand. Nothing happened, exactly, when she did it, but the situation kind of told that the wish had been granted. “Next. Come on, next, I need this done.” Lust said impatiently. She was tapping her foot, eager to finish with the wishes like it was some sort of business transaction. Next Cal stepped up, putting on her most confident look as she stared down the shorter woman. “I wish to be closer with Joshua, he’s so dense he never understands anything. Can you get us together?” She asked, the boy in question getting flustered and turning red. “What kind of nonsense are you spouting!?” He mumbled, his words a bit jumbled. “Alright. What about the child, the one hiding behind you? What do you want little one?” Lust addressed me, waving her hand and making Cal step aside with some invisible force. So I stood, the woman bending down to my level, her face set in a sort of curious emotion. I was so confused by her I just couldn’t move. Her gaze had me locked in a paralyzed, frozen state, as if stone was crawling up my body and encapsulating me. “Well? Speak!” She barked, breaking me from the icy grip. I shook away my fear, and stood tall. No point in showing weakness, I had to prove I was worthy of what was given to me. ‘I wish to be the same age as Joshua, to be like him. I hate being left out because I’m not the same age.’ I explained, sign language not being nearly as descriptive, but I was able to get my point across. “Perfect, then let me just get you both situated and your problems will be over.” Lust smiled sweetly, grabbing me and Joshua by our collars and bringing us over to Cal, who in a poof of smoke found herself naked and restrained. Black ribbons had appeared from nowhere, and tied to stalactites on the ceiling, and around her arms, making it impossible to get away. Then, Lust snapped, and her legs were bound to large boulders, shackled in large iron chains. “He-hey! What’s going on!” She shouted, her face flushing to a bright color as she was exposed for me and Joshua to stare at. After I realized I was staring, I averted my eyes, but Joshua was captivated by the sight. Her beautiful sex was like a light, attracting moths such as the older boy. “Well, since you want to be closer with this boy, and you want to be the same age as this boy, I thought why not just make you both babies?” Lust said this like she was explaining a little life hack she figured out, not about how she was going to reset our lives! I began thrashing in her grip, trying to get away, but she was far to strong. It was like she was an olympic collar holder or something, her arms made no reaction to me struggling. “You can’t do that! I didn’t want that!” Cal shouted, fighting against her own restraints. Despite hers being inanimate, they seemed to give a whole lot more than this woman was. “Yes, I can. And, you did want that. See, I can do whatever I want, and you said you wanted to get closer to him. What’s a closer bond than mother and son? Along with that, this little child will be a lovely sibling, in just eighteen short months.” Her sickeningly sweet smile made me want to vomit, it was just too innocent for what she was saying. “No! I want him to be my boyfriend! I want to marry him!” Cal cried, tears now streaming down her face. “Well, you wished to be closer. That’s a little vague, so I made my own interpretation based off what was easiest. This way, I kill two birds with one stone, so I’m gonna do it this way. Now spread your legs, or it’s going to hurt.” Lust explained her horrific plan so nonchalantly. We were about to die and be reborn, to have entirely new lives where we would grow up never knowing that our friend was our mother. Here she was talking about making it easier on herself, as an immortal wish granting bitch. At first, Cal attempted to keep her legs closed, but the chains on her feet began to shorten, making it impossible to hold. In fact, it was true, if she had opened her legs voluntarily, she would be in a much more comfortable position. Now, her legs were bent off in awkward angles, just looking at her hips made me want to cringe. Good news for me, in a second I wouldn’t be able to see them. I was going past them. As Cal was stretched, her pussy opening as wide as inhumanly possible, my vision went dark. Now, I could only feel, and I felt wet and hot. The humid air was tough to suck oxygen from, and the walls squeezing me so tight was making it hard to open my chest. As I felt myself around the entrance to the womb of Cal, my new home, I also felt everything outside get colder. My clothes had been poofed just as my new mothers had, and so now I went up her most precious spot naked. Despite me really not wanting to, I was getting rather turned on, and the laughing from Lust was a pretty sure sign that they knew. As my head hit, and broke through, Cal’s cervix, making the walls tighten even further, I felt Joshua’s face get pressed up against my feet. I wanted to get out of his way, even if it meant going inside Cal even faster. I didn’t want him to have to deal with my stinky feet in his face, it was just insult to injury. So, with my arms free in the surprisingly large womb, I pushed on the floor, getting my feet up and through the tight sphincter. I t was a little like pulling my legs out of quicksand, the pressure almost feeling like pulling. Now stuck inside my friend, trapped inside her for the next eighteen months as I suppose my body broke down and reformed, I did my best to at least get comfortable. She was surprisingly big, actually. Her womb had a bit of space left over that Joshua would be occupying, and was even stretchy. I could push my hand out against the walls, perhaps making a large indent on Cal’s large belly. As I felt around my new quarters, I felt a lump push up from under my foot, and Joshua pushed up, almost like he was being given urth to. Covered in fluids and fairly miserable looking, he just grumbled while pulling himself in, curling up next to me in the cell that was suddenly feeling much more cram[ed. With Joshua in here, I was stuck between his legs, Pressing my back up against his stomach to conserve space. I felt his hard member push up on my crack, just above my butt, and looked up to see that he was just as uncomfortable and embarrassed about it as I was. But before any sort of bonding could occur, the small room began filling up with warm, salty fluids. I got scared at first, but as the soft aroma filled my nostrils, I was suddenly relaxed. It was so nice, a very relaxing and lovely smell, it reminded me of my mom. It actually smelled very salty and slightly acrid, with a sickly sweet undertone that tried it’s best to stay just under the radar. It was just the feelings that it brought up, almost like a noxious gas that made you remember the good things in life. So as the fluid rose up over my head, overtaking my entire being, I was so out of it that I didn’t realize I could still breathe, and that an umbilical cord had connected me to Cal. I hadn’t been able to hear it before, over the sound of Cal’s body working on it’s last meal, and filling her birth canal with lube, but in the silent water I could easily make out the more soothing sounds of her body. Her deep breathing, slightly aggravated, but still long and soothing. Her heartbeat, slowly equalizing to a standard series of beats that made me sleepy beyond what I had ever been before. It was almost like a metronome, telling me when to breath in and out, a melody that rocked me into a deep slumber. With the last bit of strength, I signed listlessly, ‘goodnight, Mom…’ “What have you done! I’m huge!” Cal shouted, the restraints that kept her from resisting snapping out of existence, letting the sobbing young woman to wrap her arms around her massive gut. “Well, you have two people in you. It’s obvious that you’d be large, but be thankful I didn’t leave you with their full mass. What a sight to see.” Lust chuckled, remembering something she’d seen a long time ago with a quiet fondness. Cal was not nearly as happy. “Grateful!? You took away my two best friends, how the hell am I supposed to be grateful!?” “Wow.” Jack said, a small bit of hurt in his voice. “We understand, but it still hurt.” Jackie agreed, the same bit of sadness. Lust simply shook her head, as if Cal was being unreasonable. “See, you wished for something. If anything it’s yourself you should be mad at. Why not just enjoy having a big stomach, and much larger breasts, then wait for a happy new life with your son and daughter?” That made Cal confused, “daughter?” She asked. “Yes, the boy you had a crush on and the little girl.” “Sam was a boy. How did you not know that, I thought you were an expert on human bodies?” Cal now saw Lust in a different light, more like a child with a lot of power but no real experience. “Well, no helping it now. Not like they will remember, anyways. Also, I am not an expert, I just like messing with them. Well, my job is done, I’ll leave.” With a bright green flash, Lust disappeared, before Cal could even think to protest. She wondered if her two boys had even heard that, anything she was saying. They felt rather still, neither of them had moved for quite some time since right after they got in. Her hope was that they were asleep, and she didn’t have two dead people in her vagina. “We’re going home.” “Good luck with that.” Jack and Jackie said, walking out of the cave. It gave Cal reason to think, how would she explain this to her mom and dad? How would she explain it to the two mom’s currently looking for them, the ones who had birthed these two in the first place? Cal was just too exhausted to try and come up with some way to break it to them easy, and she had a feeling that this giant belly would make her life much harder. She heard the two moms talking to the twins, slowly making their way through the cave, where Cal would be waiting, naked. The thought of how sad they would be, how distraught, that she almost thought about lying. However it was going to happen, it would be the most difficult thing in Cal’s whole life. “Shit.” _________________________ Needless to say, there was a lot of crying. As Cal explained what happened, the two mothers went from disbelief, to shock, and finally to extreme sadness. They cried and cried, hugging Cal and her big belly, speaking to it and their sons. It was a long while of sobbing before they helped up the new mother of their children and helped her waddle out of the cave. They talked about how they would help her all the way, giving her all the support she needed with clothing and bra sizes, how to keep your back from snapping, all the basics. Her own parents were just as supportive, and she got lot’s of advice from both her moms. The five of them went out, got her new clothes, got food, and had a grand time talking about a concept that terrified Cal to no end, but was forced into: pregnancy. Sure she was going to do it at some point, hopefully with Joshua, but this was not what she had in mind. She wanted him to be the father, not the child! Nonetheless, Cal kept working hard. Over the year and a half that she was pregnant, she finished her junior year, getting much more support and compliments from her classmates than she thought. Apparently her big stomach was a huge turn on for the guys, and some of the girls, and she became very popular. So, when the day finally came that it was time for her to give birth, the summer of her junior year, she was laying in the livingroom of Sam’s large house. By large house, Cal meant mansion, because his family was loaded. Maids surrounded her, rushing around with towels and buckets of hot water, all moving in an organized manner that was too dizzying to try and track. Holding her hands were the old moms of her children, and behind her were her own two moms, all of them giving advice and watching carefully to make sure nothing went wrong. In-between her legs, and told to be extra careful, Cal not wanting another child, was the doctor, sorely confused at the amount of women surrounding his patient. That didn’t stop him from delivering the two healthy babies, each held by their respective parent, and shown off to the woman who gave birth to them for their second time. Just as Lust had said, Sam came out as a beautiful baby girl. Her old mother was shocked, Cal not having the heart to say she knew it would happen, and faked her own surprise. Something interesting, is that she had white hair, already quite long, and skin that had a strange, almost dark purple hue. Weirdest of all, her eyes, when being inspected for problems, had an object in them. Instead of a black pupil, she had a fractal like pattern that delved deep into her amethyst eyes, like a geometrically infinite triple diamond. Joshua, however, came out as Joshua. He looked just as he did as he was a baby, and to their surprise, had all his memories! He proved this by by using sign language, of all things, his fat chubby fingers barely able to be read. “Oh, Joshua! It’s really you!” Cal cried out, hugging her child close into her bosom. The little baby squirmed and writhed, pushing out of the embarrassing position. ‘What about Sam?’ He struggled to make out, looking over at his crying sister. She showed no signs of remembering who she was before, simply acting as a recently birthed young girl. Joshua was amazed by how Sam looked, her skin, her hair, how did that even happen? “Don’t worry, I’m sure it didn’t really do much. We just have to love her as we normally would, yes?” Cal said, but Joshua wasn’t sure. There was nothing good to come of this, he was sure. |
Story (1.) The Ultimate Cure “I’m prepared. No matter what happens, we can get through this, Jessica.” A man, bedridden from cancer, tumors in his lymph nodes, and currently not looking too hot. His eyes were sagging, black rings against his pale skin making it clear he has been losing sleep. His wife wasn’t looking much better, though she still had her tan, it possibly made the bags under her eyes stand out. Many of her friends recommended this doctor, apparently she could cure any disease. They always had this shifty look when talking to her, though, it was unsettling. But that was no reason not to try, she had to save her beloved. “It’ll be alright,” She told more to herself than her husband, “we just have to keep going. That’s what Mom always said.” Jessica found new confidence, and settled to keep her head up, for her husband. “The doctor will see you now. Try to be understanding, she’s not really orthodox, but she knows what she’s doing.” The nurse sighed, stepping away from the door she just opened and letting in a small girl wearing what seemed to be a pink kitten one piece. The tail was swinging back and forth, attached to some sort of motor, and the ears, looked very futuristic, green spirals glowing lightly while they gave off a soft hum. “Hey…” The tiny child said, waving a hand that had a sleeve much too long for it, using the other one to rub the tired out of her eyes. “Sorry, I just woke up from my nap… what happened, what’s up?” She asked, blinking heavily and peering toward the sick man. “My husband is very sick. He needs help. D-do you know the doctor? Are you her daughter?” Jessica asked, looking toward the door, hoping an adult with a set of credentials would walk through. To her dismay, no such person came. The child, however, frowned, crossing her arms. “You think just because I’m small I’m a kid? I’ll have you know, I’m old enough to be your grandma’s, grandma’s, grandma’s, grandma. And even more! Here, on the wall, just look. Also, I have a lanyard, that means you have to pay attention to me. Now shut up, then tell me what happened.” The tiny girl said, pointing to a doctor’s license on the wall, signed with a green crayon, and her lanyard, that was also written on with a green crayon. To Jessica’s dismay, she the girl then brought out a green crayon, and began writing on a clipboard with it. “My husband, he has cancer. The other doctors, they say he can’t make it, but we couldn’t give up.” She said, ended by her husband letting out a sickening cough. The girl, her name was apparently Sloth, based on her name tag and the license, nodded, then reached up to the head of her onesie and pressed a little button. The eyes of the cat hoodie glowed red, and a scanning beam right out of science fiction shot out, and ran up along her husband. There was a little ding when it was done, and the hood fell down, Sloth grunting as she apparently read the scan. “Alright, yeah, he’s dead. Nothing I can do.” She sighed, shrugging with an almost disrespect. “W-what? B-but, they said…” Jessica began, falling to her knees. Her eyes welled up, and a wave of powerlessness washed over her. There was nothing she could do.” “It’s alright, we had to be prepared for the worst. There’s nothing the doctor can do.” Her husband coughed out, barely audible. She couldn’t believe that, there had to be away. “Yes, it’s true. I can’t do anything. You, however, you can save his life. I’m just going to assume you say you’ll do whatever it takes, and *Yawn*, knock you out now. Nighty night.” “Hang on, wha-oh….” A large mechanical arm bent down from the ceiling, and poked her in the arm with a tiny needle. She fell, but not to the floor. Instead, two large mechanical hands erupted from the floor, grasping her arms and holding her up. The woman was then lifted up by her legs, spreading them apart and showing off her naked sex. “Now, what are you doing to my wife!” The cancered man almost shouted, and even that was enough to make him break into a fit of coughing. “Listen, don’t worry about it, just enjoy this. Just let me rub this ointment here, and we’ll be all set. Nurse! Please come in here!” Sloth yelled, the woman re entering the room and setting down her clipboard. “Am I to be disappearing this time?” She asked, talking about a frightening subject with surprising lax. Sloth shook her head. “No, no, I like you. If I need to use someone I’ll use Sarah, she’s useless. I need you to help me get this man inside his wife.” The small woman said, again, not using a whole lot of care as they spoke. Soon enough, the sick man was lifted up, both by a mechanical arm and the nurse. She aimed him to his wife rubbery vagina, the ointment having a noticeable effect on elasticity, and he was shoved in. His head sunk right through, the glistening lips moving open to devour him, squeezing him tight in her walls. Even in her slumber she moaned, the forced sleep not affecting the wonderful amount of pleasure her husband was placing on her. He Was none too happy about what was happening, but to be honest it didn’t feel terrible. Her walls felt like soft sheets, curling around him like a caterpillar covered in silk. Even her juices, sliding along him in the opposite direction as it smoothed his entrance, weren’t all that uncomfortable, despite them being a very real choking hazard. “He’s reached the womb, take off the anesthetics. Even if she tried, she couldn’t get him out.” Sloth said, playing on her phone. The nurse took a moment to remove the drip of sleeping potion dripping into the wives viens, getting her to wake up in only half a minute. “Ugh…” She opened her eyes, looking around. “What happen- Oh what the- AAAAAAHHHH!” She screamed not in agony or fright, but in pleasure, as an orgasm rocked her body. “He’s halfway, arms all the way in.” The nurse reported, Sloth simply nodding before letting out a small giggle. Jessica shuddered, her body not listening to her, the mind she thought was her own even less responsive. All she knew was that her body felt amazing, and as she rubbed the huge bulge in her stomach, it moved and made her feel better. Her husband was not having such a good time. All the stress put on his body really wasn’t good for him, and he had already passed out. His body struggled to breathe on it’s own, the walls pushing and pulsing against him as his wife sucked him in deeper. She had no control over it, really, she just knew what had to be done to keep her feeling good, and she wasn’t about to stop now. He went up to his legs, his head already breaking through into her womb, sending his new mother over the edge and into the first orgasm, while the nurse tracked any problems, currently finding none. Jessicas body worked fast, and as the last of her son's toes were pulled in, preparing to create a habitable place for it’s new child. He’s curled up, his form easily visible in his mom's stomach, her womb stretching around him, until it’s quickly filled up with juices. They round out her belly, making it large and distended, until finally it landed at around the size of half a beachball. “Full integration, scans report that the umbilical cord attached without fault. Congratulations, Miss, you’re pregnant with your new baby boy. He will be due in around nine months, though several months proceeding that is not unnatural. Goodbye.” As the Nurse said this, she filled out a paper, the mechanical arms dressing the patient, until she was handed the document and shoved out the door. “Hang on, what are you talking about? How did I get pregnant, where is my husband!?” She cried out, the nurse not stopping. “I think you mean your son. Good day, Miss.” Was the last thing said before the door to the room was closed, and she was left out in the cold street, her clothes barely fit, and her breasts growing. She looked down at the paper she had been handed. “Sheet of confirmation, rebirth to cure incurable disease, new life?” She read out, stuttering and forming questions on her tongue. She couldn’t manage to lease them, however, and as a pregnant woman standing along in the middle of the street, any person can look on and guess what she might be saying. “What?” |
“Sombra! Sombra, get back here right now, I will shoot you if I have to!” Widowmaker, AKA Amelie, was chasing a wily young woman around a homey living room. They scrambled over large couches, the dining room table, and kicked up the carefully laid out rug in their rough housing. “-And then, I tore open her tight jacket, revealing that she wore no clothes underneath. She blushed in a fit of excitement and embarrassment- Amelie this is getting very spicy!” The woman chortled, reading out the dirty story in a terrible French accent. “Is this what you’ve been doing in the bathroom? Writing smut with you and Tracer!?” Sombra teased. “SOMBRA!” Widowmaker roared, and tackled her teammate to the ground, her phone flying up into the air and landing on the couch. That wasn’t the only device in the air, as Sombra threw a translocator at the last minute. As Amelie attempted to start strangling her, she threw up her hand and gave a little wave before activating it. “Hey, I’m back with the ramen, you hungry? Girls, you here?” Reaper came in through the front door, a big bag of groceries in each of his arms, but the sound of fighting made him drop them and start running. He threw his trench coat open and flung out two shotguns, before turning to a black mist and swirling into the living room. The last thing he saw was a shimmer of purple light, digitizing both Amelie and Sombra as her technology glitched, and they were sent into the void. Reaper looked over to the purple device on the ground, expecting them to show up, but instead it just started fizzing with violet electricity, and fizzed out. They were gone. Quite a long way, at that, actually. They were taken all the way to the large city of Oasis, where they helped Mercy complete the second part of her plan, and a little more as well. “Yes, I am, thank you for noticing! Not hard with the pink hair, huh?” Aleksandra Zaryanova was going through her normal routines. She would run errands for the doctor, get a small compensation in the form of recreational activities, and then eat and work out. She was now at the third part of that list, stopping by her favorite restaurant in the city. It was small, a little out of the way, but the only place to find quality Russian food. Their boiled chicken was also quite tasty. All the way through her activities, she would feel her small passenger. Going along for the ride was Lena Oxton, indispensable member of Overwatches dwindling roster, and currently spending every second of every day inside of Zarya’s musky, semen filled ball sack. She had been there for over a month, naked in such a place. Sure, it was disgusting, sure it was hot, but most of all, it was boring. She had nothing to do except when she was tasked with assisting her captor with sexual intercourse when Zarya fucked the Doctor. She would struggle and squirm, coating herself in even more jizz, before the balls would tighten, and the cum would spurt from inside up into whatever hole she was thrust into. Tracer, meanwhile, was tossed like salad, thrust around the squishy room in a dizzying feat. The third time it happened was when she had tried it without her clothes, thinking of how much better she would feel without them on, and they were flushed out with the rest of the hot jizz. They were now floating inside of the massive pool of semen filling Mercy’s womb, so much that could not be digested just sitting there, keeping her belly stretched and massive. The Doctor ended up liking the feeling of her stomach stretched out, especially after she got used to it. So that left Tracer stuck, wearing only her Chronal Accelerator, inside of her friends testicles. Mercy had shown no sign of keeping her word, given that a month has passed and there was no mention of her escaping, so. Her next deadline was a year, trapped inside the fleshy prison, and Lena was sure that was a lie as well. It was her only shot, however. The alternative, was being kept there forever. She hated it when she thought about that, but it was all she had to think about! How Zarya would eventually give up on getting her out, Mercy’s abstinence in the subject was the only thing keeping her there, and Zary would move on. Lena would become a toy for the massive woman, something only thought about when it was convenient for her. Tracer would become a mindless sex slave, only thinking about if Zarya was happy. She would be insufferable, even as her friend was on the battlefield she would try to please her godde- friend! Perhaps even when Zarya retired, she would be there, struggling to be felt. Zarya would find a good husband, or wife, and stir Lena to move around when they were enthralled. She would exist only for Zarya, to please her and nothing else. She would never escape this ballsack, she lived there, it was her new home. All the way to Zarya’s grave, she would stay. Mercy would only remember she was there after the burial, and not even think it necessary to save her from that hell. Not until much later, would she be rescued, someone hearing her cries for help, and they would take her from the casket. She thought of who that could be… Someone who cared about Lena, would hang around a graveyard, and had no feelings about digging up corpses. “I swear to god, Sombra, I will kill yo- What?” Suddenly, Widowmaker appeared inside the ballsack with Lena, teleporting in and breaking Tracer from her thoughts. The sudden sobering made her aware that she had two fingers in her pussy, and was on the verge of climax. “Widowbitch!?” Tracer shouted, staring at her. Not only was it surprising that the woman had suddenly appeared in the sack with her, but what freaked her out more was that she was incredibly large. Relatively speaking. She fit snuggly inside of Zarya’s scrotum, and unlike Tracer, didn’t even have the room to stand up. Amelie was at least four times her size, like a barbie compared to a large teddy bear, and also naked. Her clothes had been fried when she teleported, leaving the massive blue woman completely exposed to her secret crush. “Darlin- I mean, Tracer!?” She cried out, looking down between her breasts. She was in the same position as when she teleported, on all fours, and that left Tracer laying underneath her. In fact, they were set up much like the sixty-nine position, giving each other a clear view of their respective genitalia. “You have a bloody fucking cock.” Lena said bluntly. “Clean shaven… I always imagined you to have a small bush… the more rugged type, but this is certainly interesting. Do you have to be maintained in Overwatch now, or… no, it couldn’t be!” Amelie began muttering to herself, making Tracer very uncomfortable. “Are you alright, love?” She asked, trying to avoid staring at the large phallus currently getting hard. She had enough time with cocks for one lifetime, especially as a lesbian woman in a relationship. “What? Yes, I mean, no! What are you doing here, where is here? Talk, ingrate!” Widowmaker was trying to keep up appearances, but she had a hard time when Tracer had her legs spread open in the pool of cum, clear for the woman to see. It showed, her dick now attempting to kiss Tracer on the mouth. “Get off of me and I’ll tell you, your thing is in my face!” She shouted, the air from her lungs brushing against the glans of the purple appendage making Widowmaker shutter, and lighten in shade. It was only for a moment, but her body gained a lighter hue, then went back to normal. She moved to the side, pushing Lena against the wall, and sitting down with her legs up. “There, I have moved. Now speak!” She hoped she wasn’t being overly aggressive, but it was hard to find the right level for such things. “We are trapped inside of Aleksandra Zaryanova’s testicles. Mercy, Doctor Zeigler, teleported first me, then now you in here. I don’t know why, but I’ve been stuck here for several weeks, and I don’t know when I- we, are going to be released.” Tracer said, trying to keep a little professional. She was technically giving information to the enemy, but the woman didn’t seem very hostile, except for her violent outbursts. “We are… inside of a ballsack? Zarya has a penis as well? And a scrotum…” At that point, Lena realized that Widowmaker didn’t have balls, just the penis, that was still rock hard, and seemed to be trying to get bigger. “Yes…” “For an indefinite amount of time? Like, forever?” Amelie seemed a little too excited about this. “Yes..” She answered again. “With... just you and me. Alone. Inside here.” “Well, other than the fact that here is inside of another person, and the times Zarya will be fucking Mercy, yes.” Amelie could not have been more happy. She hadn’t felt that in a very long time. Sudden butterflies in her stomach, a pull of her gut. She looked down at her hand, it was turning a dark shade of pink, opposed to her usual purple skin. It, hurt. It hurt ALOT. She cried out in anguish as her blood began pumping at rates she never thought possible, blowing open veins and arteries that had gone unused for so long. Her skin burned, flares of pain spreading along her whole body, like when your arm falls asleep, and you begin waking it up, times a million. It was unbearable, she began thrashing out, squirming and writhing inside of the small cell. Tracer was barely able to avoid her hand sweeping along, and then was clonked by the massive dick, knocking her to the floor. Amelie on top of her again, and ground her ass into the pool of semen, picking up not only jizz, but Tracer, and unconsiously suckking her inside of the tight twat. The feeling of her pussy being used was a needed counter to the searing pain, eliciting endorphins to block the pain receptors of her brain, and letting Widowmaker calm down enough to stop spasming. Tracer was far more unhappy, she did not want to go inside another person. So she started thrashing in place of Widowmaker, and furthering the process of Amelie’s recovery. Her skin had begun cooling down, now returning to a pasty white, while her eyes changed to a pretty blue, instead of their dull counterpart. “Get me out of here! You fucking bitch!” Lena shouted, getting a mouthful of juices in return. Widowmaker was now moving to her dick, jerking off as she lay back in the pool, moaning wildly as the very large Overwatch agent squirmed inside her belly. It was quick work for her to add to the jizz, flinging semen all over the walls of the ballsack, and coating herself. Big globs of semen slowly oozed out, coming in spurts, before stopping. Amelie laid back, stopping her flailing, and weakly reached down and pulled out Lena, rising her up above for a clear look. She was covered in sticky fluids of two people, and coughing loudly, her lungs hacking up as much liquid as they could. “Je pourrais passer une éternité ici, si c'était avec toi…” Widowmaker said, Tracer staring back in confusion. “What did you say?” She asked, getting a little creeped out by the loving gaze she was being given by the french woman. “Nothing, Cherie. C-can I ask, what am I feeling right now? It has been so long, but as I look at you, I get this strange feeling in my stomach, my heart pounds faster than it ever has in a millenia, and my vision becomes blurry, my head light. What is this?” This was, quote for quote, something she wrote in one of her coffee shop AU fanfictions, but given that this was the only time she would ever get a chance to say those words for real, she took her opportunity. “That’s probably the nauseating musk in here making you want to vomit, and the lack of oxygen.” Tracer said, crushing Widowmakers heart. “N-no, I meant, ugh! Forget it!” Widowmaker placed the girl down on her chest, in between the large breasts, and crossed her arms, smashing Lena between them. The soft, squishy pillows were covered in spunk, but it was a much more womanly flavor and smell than Zarya’s. Instead of the salty and bitter tasting russian sperm, Lena was treated with artificial cum, that tasted vaguely of rich white chocolate, and had the same, melted texture. Also, Widowmaker smelled, well, mostly of cum, but also from so close it was like rose petals, reminding Tracer of her girlfriend, who had the same perfume. While all this was going on, Zarya was having a similarly fitful time. Suddenly having two people teleport into your balls while talking to your friend in the middle of a hand off of boiled chicken wasn’t the most comforting experience. Taken by surprise, Zarya quickly grew a boner, her right testicle so filled to the brim it felt like it would burst, while whoever was in the left, (Sombra) was thrashing around like crazy. Her black spats bulged out from her large package, and she moved her large bag of chicken down to cover it. “Are you alright? Your face is very red.” The clerk asked, reaching out and putting his hand on her forehead. “Your burning, my friend, better see that new doctor in town, she is supposed to be the best, I hear.” He said, pointing to Mercy’s office. “Y-yes, that is a good idea, thank you. Here is your cash, just keep the change. See you tomorrow, comrade.” She called out, dashing off to the doctors office. She could feel both of her prisoners struggling now, the larger one making quite the impact on not only her excitement, but her shorts. The movement could be seen from outside. She was almost there, however, only a few more miles, that’s nothing to the great Aleksandra Zaryanova! Even if she… cums…. “Hngh!” Zarya was holding strong to her bodies wish for release, but she couldn’t last too long. It was at that moment, that she ran head on into a small, freckled, redheaded girl who was looking down at a small device in her hands. They both fell to the ground in a heap, and sadly for Zarya, her shorts were pulled down, and her ass was right in the woman’s face. The thick rod planted itself straight into the woman’s breasts, and it took everything Zarya had to not cum right then and there. The movement in her balls was escalating, and the woman saw it. “Your testicles are moving, mist- miss…” Now the woman was even more confused. She looked down the back of the person on top of her, and saw their breasts planted sideways on the ground, the woman clutching her pink hair in agony. That was when the redhead figured out who this woman was, and she bit her lip in excitement. She had always secretly been an admirer of Zaryanova, but couldn’t tell that to her girlfriend, they worked together after all… Her mind on the fritz, and her panties soaked, the woman decided to do something irrational and possibly stupid. She opened her mouth, and encompassed one of the massive, squirming obs with it, licking and sucking. She did her best, given she didn’t have a lot of experience with guys, but clearly she was good enough, because pretty quickly after she started, her breasts were sprayed with jizz. So much that it began leaking down. “What the hell is going on!?” Amelie asked, curling up into a tight ball as a strange object probed at her from outside the prison, and the cum inside swirled in a massive rage, being pushed out through a small sphincter. “Zarya is cumming, probably into Mercy. It will be over in a few seconds.” Tracer explained, happy to have a shield from the storm in the form of Widowmaker. Sure enough, in just a bit, Zarya stopped spraying, and her dick went flaccid. She weakly pulled herself off of the woman, raising her shorts, and began apologizing profusely. “There is no need to be sorry, Zarya, we are all friends.” The woman said, licking a bit of sperm from her breasts. “Emily?” Zarya asked, seeing now who the woman was. She then remembered she had just stuck her dick in the girls breasts, and cum. “Oh, I am so ashamed, I can’t believe this is happening!” Emily was Tracers girlfriend. Zarya had met the woman once before, and had been shown too many pictures to count. “Yes, and I’m sure you’re curious why I am in Oasis. Well, I was walking with Lena, when she suddenly answered the phone, and recalled away! I couldn’t find her, so I asked Winston to help, and he gave me a little device to track her Chronal Accelerator. Since it is pointing right at you, and you somehow have what I’m assuming is my girlfriend in your testicles, among other people, I am going to assume it’s some sort of… Overwatch stuff?” Firstly, Zarya was impressed by this woman’s cunning and tenacity. Second, “Eh… yes… I can explain, at Mercy’s office.” Zarya pointed the way, hoping for some information from the Doctor, but instead Emily smirked, and pushed up against the massive russian. “I vote we go back to wherever you are staying, and get me cleaned up. I don’t trust any shower that’s been tampered with by that mad scientist.” She said, her ulterior motive obvious, but Zarya was a bit thick. “I agree, she is very untrustworthy at times. Come, my place is this way.” Answers would wait, as the two of them moved through the back alleyways to her house, and Emily stripped almost immediately. “Zarya…” She said, grinning. “Can Lena hear us?” She asked, Zarya turning around and getting another hard on. “N-no.” She said. “Then I want to have a little fun before we go to your check-up. I wasn’t kidding about getting clean, though.” Emily moved forward, cupping a large breast. “The shower is-” “I was thinking that instead, you could help me. With your tongue.” “Emily, I do not thi-” “Ah, ah, ah! That’s not what I want that doing, I want it on my body.” Emily reached up and pushed Zarya down by her shoulders, guiding her mouth to the salty breasts in need of cleaning. Clearly she had practice, as Zarya used her tongue adeptly, caressing each nipple with care, and cleaning her with precision. “Would you like assistance with anything else?” Zarya asked, grinning. She was at full mast, and having fun being the bottom. Mercy was basically a doll, doing nothing as Zarya shoved into her, but Emily was in control here. It was exciting for the redhead as well, dominating such a large partner. Sure, she loved Tracer, but the girl was so small, so easy to control by force. Zarya, however, was much larger, a force of her own, and Emily now steered that force. It was exhilarating, knowing that she owned the woman, she was commanding to be in charge, not simply entitled to it. “I would like to know what it feels like to be filled with girl cock.” She said, spreading her legs. Zarya lifted the woman into the air, with grace and respect, slowly moving to the couch and lowering onto it. Then, Emily was rested on the tip of her dick, quivering and eager, before slowly letting her down. Simply entering her was orgasmic, nothing this big had ever entered her before. Meanwhile, inside of Zaryas balls, Amelie and Lena figured their captor was getting excited again. The cum became invigorated once again, and the heat increased. Emily’s hand grasped the large orbs, tossing the two of them around like toys in a sack. “Cherie, I am excited beyond my reasoning. Can you help me with it?” Amelie took the frightened approach, gesturing to her large cock that had become enlarged once more. Lena didn’t want to, but she was pent up, not getting any sexual relief in so long. Figuring that whatever happens in the Russians balls, stays in the Russians balls, she moved down along Widowmakers stomach until reaching the engorged member. It was almost as big as she was, and thicker, too. She wasn’t sure how to tackle the problem… hmm… Lena decided to be straightforward, and literally tackled her problem, lunging at the beast and strangling it with her body. Widowmaker moaned and spasmed, thrusting into the air and touching the ceiling of her prison, the wet surface wrapping around her feeling excellent. That, combined with Lena’s pussy wiping up and down along her rod as she humped it, and her breasts pushing up against it, Amelie wasn’t going to last long. It was a little frustrating, however, for as close as she got to climax, there wasn’t enough to truly stimulate her. Intent on getting closer with Tracer, she reached down and lifted the girl by her arms, now so sexually charged that she had reverted to her submissive side, Lena accepted the rough treatment. Widowmaker had limited brain power, but she had an irresistible itch in her balls, so she decided to have Tracer itch it for her. Lena’s legs were forced down into the cock head, the hole stretching much larger than any normal cock should be able to, only because it wasn’t a normal dick. It had been grafted onto her, part of Talon’s attempts at breaking her. She wasn’t sure what it did, maybe they thought it was funny, but now she was stuck with it. She finally had a use for it now, however, as she would hope to use it many times with Tracer in this prison they shared. She moved Tracer farther down, the girl now in up to her hips, and trying desperately to gain her arms back. She wanted to finger herself, to find release, but she couldn’t fight against Widowmakers strength. Slowly she was consumed, unlike the sudden appearance in Zarya, the tight, constricting tube making it hard to breath. She made it through thanks to the precum swelling up around her at the entrance, making her decent smoother as Amelie pushed her farther into the rod. Once she reached her head, however, there was nowhere else to go. There wasn’t a ballsack for her to be deposited in, and the organ holding Widowmakers cum was far too small, so she was stuck. Widowmaker let go, allowing Lena to cram her hands down into the urethra with the rest of her, and began fingering herself. The eager movement inside her cock made Amelie push to the edge, cumming with Lena inside. Her white chocolate semen pushed up around the girl, welling up at her head so she could take massive gulps of the creamy liquid. Lena then came, all of her frustration released in the form of feminine juices surrounding her hands and the chamber around her, the feeling so euphoric that she passed out. On the outside, Zarya had cum as well, making Widowmaker curl up to protect herself and Lena, filling Emily’s womb with a huge load of sperm. The amount had decreased more and more with each orgasm, but the amount was still enough to leave Emily looking nine months pregnant. The woman fell back into Zarya, both of their hands around her stomach, softly rubbing it. The member filling her was still hard, so Emily used it as a form of support, along with it’s owner, and stopped using her muscles, just relaxing. Letting her skin accept it’s new size, and letting her feel full, instead of stuffed. “Are you alright? I know it is a lot.” Zarya asked, feeling the huge swirling pool slosh around inside of the expanded stomach. “Yeah, yeah, just… just wow. That is a lot.” She laughed, opening an eye and looking down. “It’s like I have a little baby in there, haha! Oh, I’m not gonna-” “No, I cannot make you have baby. Is first thing doctors tell me about it.” Zarya explained, leaning back into the cushions. “You can’t have children? That has to be a little sad.” Emily said. “Yes, but with so many orphans, devastated by the war torn land after the Omnic-crisis. I would rather give one of them a home.” Zarya explained. “That is a noble reason.” Emily agreed, sighing. The mood had been squashed, yet somehow Zary kept up her massive boner. “Why are you still hard?” “I have three people squirming inside my testicles and a woman currently riding me. I am amazed you would even ask.” “Good point.” Emily said, reaching down and caressing Aleksandra’s testicles once more. Amelie was attempting to ignore the incessant fingers fondling her, and focused on Tracer, still asleep inside her penis. She could only see Lena’s head, but that was enough for her. The adorable girl was snoring lightly, her face pressed against Widowmakers rising and falling pelvis. It wasn’t long before the girl woke up, and tried to stretch, but was unable to. She squirmed and writhed, trying to escape, but only made it harder, her movement making Amelie moan and become aroused. Tracer wa lifted up and squeezed, looking over at the pretty face Widowmaker was making. “Don’t, please, I don’t want to go down any farther!” Lena cried out, still trying to get out. “Please, relax, cherie. You are not going anywhere, I couldn’t push you further if I tried. You are welcome to continue struggling, if you want to.” Amelie said, using her large finger to caress Tracer’s frightened face. Then, aroused once more, Widowmaker gripped her dick, and squeezed, before pumping slowly. She used Zarya’s cum as lubricant, masturbating herself as Lena squirmed inside her. With each pump, Amelie was stimulating every part of Tracers body, essentially masturbating the both of them. It didn’t take long for the both of them to climax, the rich chocolaty cum again making it’s way down Tracers throat. Suddenly, Widowmaker was tossed up into the air, Emily had taken Zarya’s balls into her mouth again. She moaned into them, vibrating the whole area, and making Tracer perk up. She knew that moan, she had heard it a million times. “Emily!?” She called out. There was no way, what was she doing with Zarya!? “Lena, my dear, can you hear me?” It was definitely her, but it didn’t sound like she was responding to Tracer calling out. “Well, I hope you can, because I have some very sad news.” “What!? Emily, what are you talking about!?” Lena was scared, she was freaked the hell out. “I talked with Zarya, and, sad to say, but she doesn’t want you to come out anymore.” This was followed by another round of moaning, and her tongue licking around the ballsack. “What are you talking about!?” Tracer shouted. “She says she likes you in there, that she is going to keep you there forever. I hope you like whoever is in there with you, because you’ll be spending the rest of your life with them. Well, the rest of Zarya’s life. You don’t really have one anymore, you just belong to her now.” “And since I can’t date a cock toy, I am going to be leaving you for Zarya. It would be really weird, having to speak to you like I am now whenever I want to talk with you, all up in Zarya’s crotch, her balls in my mouth.” Emily laughed, sending reverberations through the small cell. “I don’t know the next time I’ll be talking to you, since you don’t really talk with toys. You’ll just kind of be there, while Zarya and I go on romantic dates, I can take her all the places you and I went. If it makes you feel any better, just know that you’ll always still kind of be dating me, since you're just a part of Zarya now. You aren’t anything but her balls, you’ll live there your whole- sorry, her whole life. You get to have sex with me, too, maybe you can cum inside her and get a bit of your juices in me. It’ll be nothing compared to how much she dumps out, though. It was so much, that both me and Mercy are pregnant with her children!” “We will be one big happy family, me, Zarya, our kids, and Mercy could come over for the holiday dinners we have with Winston! It will be so nice, and all the while we will be thinking of you, especially when we have sex. We are both very happy with what you do for Zarya, she feels wonderful as you squirm around in her. It’s all you’re for now, after all, just a toy that lives inside her forever.” “Well, I guess this is goodbye for, forever. I don’t really see why I would have to talk to you anymore, being that you’ll be inside Zarya’s balls. I’ll try to remember you every once in awhile, but there wouldn’t be any point. You’re just a toy, a part of Zarya that will be there for the rest of her life, never leave, never see the light of day. You belong to her balls, you’re no better than the cum she stuck inside me. No, you’re even worse than that, you’re the jizz that is cummed into a sock, not useful except for the brief pleasure that you bring your owner. Goodbye, Lena.” Emily broke from Zarya with a loud pop, and moved up to give her a blowjob. “You didn’t really mean all that, did you?” Zarya asked, a little frightened of how messed up that was. “I think the only part’s I lied about was being pregnant and that I won’t ever talk to her again. I got so turned on by that, I’ll have to do it again at some point.” She said, then went back to sucking on Zarya’s massive cock. Stay there she did, as ten years went by, and Tracer was still inside of not only Zarya’s cock, but also Amelie’s. She had gotten over what Emily said to her every so often, usually tuning it out whenever it happened. Now, she loved to spend her time with Widowmaker. The two of them built a strong relationship quickly after that, and after a year or so, decided to just agree they were married. Now, Lena stayed inside Amelie’s cock almost 24/7, snug inside as they both came endlessly with each other. She even managed to stretch out Widowmakers ballsack enough to get inside, creating a massive bulge in her lower stomach. That was their favorite place when they were having actual sex, Tracer fully surrounded by her new love, just the smell of White chocolate and roses, while Widowmaker rubbed the bulge in her stomach and masturbated. That was their new life, and they spent it for all of Zarya’s life. She was shot in the line of duty, killed in action, and the two of them were finally set free. Mercy extracted them from the testicle by cutting it open, along with Sombra, who after so long alone, took Emily’s words to heart. She was filled to the brim with semen, and it was very hard to remove her. She truly believed her home was inside of Zarya’s balls, so Amelie came up with a plan on the spot. She got Zarya’s testicles grafted to her own body, and then put not only Sombra back inside, but also Emily, at Tracers request. She wanted that woman to suffer the same fate, and even worse, and Amelie was happy to help. “I’m sure you were sad about Zarya passing away, Emily,” Tracer said, her face pressed up against Amelie's new balls, “But at least you still get to stay with her, in a way. You see, we had Mercy put Zarya’s balls onto Amelie, and then had you shrunk, and put inside to wake up. Enjoy your- sorry, her, life.” Quick Epilogue cuz I feel like it! After having several nights to themselves to practice what actual sex was like, Lena and Amelie decided to actually get married. They held a small service, consisting mostly of Overwatch members, and Lucio, who had been technically been licensed as a priest, held the service. Even Reaper, the new leader of Talon, set aside the differences and came to the reception of these two star-crossed lovers. Then, after getting bored of regular sex, and finding themselves addicted to what they did in their time alone, they went to Mercy, who shrunk Tracer to the exact relative size she was when she would enter Widowmaker’s cock. Just like before, she would spend more time inside it than out, even when Amelie would go out, Tracer would delve all the way inside, giving her lover a large abdominal bulge, that she would rub constantly. They could spend hours inside Tracers old home with Emily, that they had cleared of all the furniture and weights installed, and got all new interior decorations, watching movies or just talking. Amelie would lay on the couch or in their bed, Lena snug inside her cock, a little third head, resting upon her second. Eventually, and to both of their surprise, Lena became pregnant. It was quickly established that Mercy had tampered with Amelie's synthetic cock, but they were both happy nonetheless. However, Tracer refused to grow back to normal size, and continued to spend time inside of Amelie. As she grew larger and larger, her stomach being filled with a new life, it felt better and better to be snug inside her massive dick. Eventually, as they were both asleep, Lena of course, sleeping inside of Amelie, she began to give birth. Sudden contractions woke her up, the pain unlike anything she had ever felt, and her screams woke Amelie. Unfortunately, Tracer was too large to remove, and it hurt her to even try, so Amelie called Mercy and and her come over. But by the time she got there, the baby had already come, and was inside of Amelie with Tracer. As Angela came inside, Amelie shushed her, rubbing her swollen stomach, as both Lena and her baby were inside, curled up and asleep after an exhausting and strange pregnancy. The scolding had been saved for the next day, where Tracer was forced to get out of her cocky home. Then, a funny sight took place, where Amelie held Lena in her arms, and Lena held their child, while Mercy told them both about how dangerous it was to give birth like that. They then decided on a name, Alexander, after Zarya, who despite being the one to keep them trapped, brought the two of them together, Oxton Lacroix. Widowmaker was obviously the one to keep her last name, being that she not only had a dick, but also that Lena was amazingly childish even after having a child of her own. Amelie’s surprising knack for Dad jokes was also a big factor. Alexander, had a few handicaps from birth. He was born from Lena, who was shrunken at the time. So his natural size was rather small. To add on to that, the genes of his mother’s meant he was already going to be short and slender, giving him a very small, girly shape. Something he was gifted, however, was his handsomeness. As he grew older, he was complimented for it many times, and had a very easy time wooing the women. The problem, was that they also saw him more like a cute child than a possible partner. They would put him in all sorts of jealousy inducing positions, the extremely coveted and popular girl would always ask him to sit in her lap, and he would spend lot’s of time with her. She was amazingly tall for her age, almost six feet by fourteen, and had all the right curves. Unlike the other girls, she actually liked Alexander, and when he built up the courage to ask her out, she said yes. The best part was when he brought her home, and Lena and Amelie were naked on the couch, Lena in her favorite spot as they watched television. Alexander hadn’t thought to call ahead and tell them to look presentable, it was such a normal thing around the house. They all apologized, and she was luckily very understanding, especially since Tracer was one of her favorite members of Overwatch. As time passed, she eventually got used to coming over to his house and seeing his mother with a large stomach bulge, wearing nothing but a bra and maybe a towel, but otherwise nothing. Then, she was told about why they were like this, why Lena was always inside of her wife, why both of them were so small. She was shocked, mortified, curious, and most of all, wanted to see is Amelie really had two people in her balls. After seeing them squirm, and giving them a fondling to be sure, she ended up accepting the strange family, and their customs. She even relented when her curiosity piled up, and asked Alexander if he wanted to enter her womb. She didn’t want to say that he was ecstatic, but that night he was crawling his way through her vagina, and bulging out her stomach. She came multiple times as he got in, and many times after he was in, a little freaked out by the feeling, and her stomach so large, but she had to admit that she liked, no, loved the feeling. Caressing her belly, she got up, feeling him squirming around inside her, and walked out to the living room, where Amelie was watching a french cartoon with a similar, yet lower and smaller bulge in her pelvis. She looked up, spotting the pregnant looking girl standing awkwardly in the doorway, and scooted over to make a seat. There they sat, their lovers inside them, naked on the couch as they talked. Something interesting to note, is that Amelie spending so much time with Lena, caused a strange bleeding effect where Widowmaker ceased aging as well. So Lena, now in her eighties or nineties, and Widowmaker, well into her fifties and sixties, still both looked like they were young, in their early twenties. This wasn’t thought about most of the time, but it definitely crossed Amelie's mind as she pushed into her son’s girlfriend, filling her ass with a thick rod of meat. She thrust in and out, Lena and Alexander pretty aware of what was going on, feeling Emily and Sombra, who did age normally, feel her movement and begin pleasing her as best they can, thrashing about in her ballsack that once belonged to the great Aleksandra Zaryanova, who now lives on as a legend and a martyr to the russian people, and as a scrotum attached to Amelie Lacroix. Their family was a strange one, but it was a family nonetheless, and one that loved each other. |
The first stars of the evening twinkled in the orange sky, wispy clouds sailing slowly on a warm summer breeze. The leaves on the trees all around waved and danced, celebrating the coming of the warmest season. Mandy, too, was excited for summer. The cold seasons were so lonely in the forest now that she could survive it with her human form. She’d considered venturing to a nearby town, but she didn’t know much about people, or whether she’d be accepted among them. Her antennae drooped in sadness just thinking about how they might treat her, a praying mantis girl. “I’m more human than mantis, but still… What human has antennae, or mandibles?” she huffed, kicking at the dirt. “It’s okay now, though. Once it’s nice and warm, I’ll have lots of friends here again—ack!” Distracted by daydreams, she didn’t notice she was walking right into something huge and springy, strung between two trees. “A spider web!” she gasped, squirming. “I didn’t know there were spiders this big around here… It’s so sticky…!” she grimaced, only getting more of herself stuck as she struggled. “Um… hello?” someone called from behind her. She couldn’t turn around no matter how hard she tried. “Oh, help me! I’m stuck—please!” Mandy begged. The stranger didn’t answer. “Come on, can’t you see I need some help?” Footsteps—they were coming around to the front of her, and she finally got to see the eight-eyed boy who’d found her. A chill ran up her spine as they stared at one another, and he seemed equally shocked when he saw her antennae. Several minutes passed before Mandy managed to say, “Is this your web?” The boy nodded. “Are you… going to eat me, then?” she went on, her voice shaking. Another moment of silence… “I… don’t want to eat you,” he said, somewhat more to himself than to her. He looked at his own hairy hands, surprised by his revelation. “I don’t want to eat you. I want to… I want to…” He looked up at Mandy and walked toward her, studying her curves. “I don’t understand what I’m feeling.” he admitted, shaking his head. “The way you look… These—“ he gingerly touched one of her perky breasts. “—and this—“ he slid a hand down her long, thin torso to her wide hips. Mandy felt her heart jump, quivering at his touch. “I want to feel you more. I want to…” She looked down and saw his throbbing erection, and smiled. “I know what you want. “ Mandy whispered. “I want it, too.” The spider blinked his many eyes in surprise, licking his lips, before pulling the web apart enough to lay her down on the ground. “First time?” she asked. He blushed and looked away. “I… um… I don’t know what this is… but I’ve never done it before.” “It’s okay. Look at me, look me in the eye.” He did so, and she grabbed his face and pulled him down into a kiss. It didn’t take the boy long to figure it out, and he invaded her mouth with his tongue and mandibles. Mandy had never been with an arachnid-man before, or even another insect-man. His mandibles drove her crazy; she moaned into him, feeling herself getting wet, fast. He broke the kiss, panting, to look at her face again. “I’m going to do what my body is telling me to do, okay?” He slid down her body, biting her neck hard, earning another moan; he cupped her breasts, squeezing, and as her legs spread wider and wider, he pushed his way inside of her. Mandy was so ready, he slid all the way in in the first thrust, his cock kissing her g-spot. “Fuck…!” she groaned, grasping at the grass. “That’s it… Fuck me just like that…!” she encouraged the spider, who grinned and followed orders, pounding her g-spot hard and fast. Each thrust forced a moan out of her, louder than the last, until she was screaming. She wrapped her legs around his back and came, but he kept going. “I-I’m gonna… cum… again…” Her whole body shuddered as she hit a second orgasm, almost immediately followed by a third, which was by far the most intense one of her life, and she squirted all over him. Dripping in her juices, he finally came, moaning long and loud as he filled her up. “I…” he stammered, pulling out and flopping down beside her. “I… oh… wow…” “Shh, no need to explain. I know… me, too.” She giggled, looking at herself, drenched in both of their fluids. Her stomach rumbled, and she knew what she had to do, but for the first time she felt guilty about it. There was something special about this spider boy. He laughed. “It’s okay, I know. You’re going to eat my head. I… can’t move anymore. I want you to eat me… all of me.” “You… want to be eaten…?” Mandy asked, disbelieving. “Yes. It must sound strange, but that’s all I really want now. Please… let my body nourish yours.” “Okay, then…” Mandy nodded, sitting and lifting him up by the shoulders, hugging him to her chest. She looked down at him one more time, unfurling her mandibles, and he smiled up at her. “I think… I love you.” Chomp! Rather than bite his head clean off, Mandy made up her mind: she’d honor his last wish by eating him whole. She had his head entirely in her mouth, and began to force him down, swallowing as hard as she could. His body was easy to maneuver, limp with paralysis, so she folded his arms over his chest and crammed his torso down. His head made it into her stomach at last, sploosh, and her midsection began to expand to accommodate the oversized load. ‘I hope I can fit him all in… I already feel like I’m gonna burst…!’ She leaned back and swallowed with all her might, just a pair of legs dangling out of her mouth now. She held them tightly together at the ankles and rammed them down her gullet, gagging herself, but successfully getting them down. Splash, slosh. “Ugh…” she sighed, staring down at her blown-out gut. “I’ve only eaten heads before.” Groan… Mandy clutched at her stomach, leaning forward with a shudder. “Ooogh… Did that sound come from me…?” Gurgle-gurgle, splort! her stomach whined. “Ooh…! Oh… oow…” she winced, lying down on her side, belly sloshing as its contents shifted. She tried to sleep, but the constant twinges of pain and queasiness made it impossible. She tossed and turned. Slosh, swish, slosh, rrrumble… “Mantises aren’t made for this…” she grumbled, rubbing her swollen gut as it groooaned in agreement. “B-But I had to… for him…” A mighty pang of protest from her stomach made her sit bolt upright in panic. ‘I might lose it…’ She thought. The ache only got worse, rippling through her body and making her head spin. ‘We don’t normally eat spiders. Maybe that’s why—‘ Groooan! “Augh…!” Mandy doubled over again, falling forward onto her belly and rocking back and forth a bit. Splish, slosh, squelch… rrrumble, slosh… It seemed to calm down for a moment, and Mandy let out a sigh that turned into a belch. “I just don’t want to thr—“ She spoke too soon. A wave of nausea rolled from her intestines up into her gut, where it swirled around and stirred up a roaring mess before creeping up her esophagus. She tried not to hyperventilate, but her body was crying out for release. Cold sweat beaded up on her face, and she felt the spider boy churning over and over inside of her, barely digested at all. “No… I have to keep him…” There was no use fighting it anymore. One last groan bubbled throughout her system and she felt some muscles contract, forcing her meal back up. She coughed the boy’s legs up rather violently, but they hadn’t separated from the rest of his body yet, so they dangled out of her throat, reeking. Her body didn’t have the strength to push the rest of him out, so despite the killer stomach ache, Mandy’s only choice was to swallow him again. He didn’t taste even half as good as the first time, and she choked and gagged more than once, but she filled herself up with him again and held onto her belly, prepared for the pain. Two hours passed, and crickets were chattering in the moonlight. Mandy finally digested the boy enough that she knew she could keep him down, but he still caused her a world of pain. She didn’t move from that spot; she slept there through the night, waking on and off from an occasional groan or churn. The sun rose, setting the sky on fire and rousing Mandy from her shallow slumber. She rubbed her stomach, now half as swollen as before, and gazed at the tattered remains of the silky, sticky web she’d walked into. “I’ll never forget you, spider boy.” |
Sara was sitting in her apartment, her short black hair spiked up in a punky look; her small five foot six slender frame barely took up half a couch cushion curled up. She glances over as her roommate slithered in. The large snake-naga (A normal naga with the upper half of a snake) slithers in, his coloring the same as a Burmese python and his body thirty feet long, with his upper half equal to a human of seven feet tall. She groans “Again?” she noticed the woman shape bulge in his tail and shutters, the thought of someone digesting away inside of him sent a shiver up her spine and made her nervous. Sam laughed a little “What? You act like I do this every day. You know the law only allows me to eat a human every week at most. I do it every other week.” Slithering over to her he hugs her from behind “The only reason I haven’t eaten you is you pay over half the rent.” He nuzzles her head some. Sara cries out “Hey stop that… don’t remind me… if it wasn’t for the fact others like you don’t eat me because you’re here I would have left.” She wiggles around in his arms causing him to react by hugging tighter. She groans “You’re starting to crush me again!” It wasn’t something she was scared of, he only once in the five years they’ve been living together made her pass out from holding her to tightly. Sam laughs a little and let go before heading to his bedroom. Sara panted a little and laid down on the couch. She took deep breaths as despite how she felt about that squeeze in her mind, she had become aroused some. The next couple of weeks she noticed he came up with the bulge in his stomach, then one week he came back with the bulge twice in a row. Sam jumped up “Wait… you ate your human yesterday… why do you have one inside you today!” Sam looks at her then sighs “Well if you must know… my girlfriend broke up with me… so I’m breaking her down.” He didn’t really stay for a conversation and headed to his room. Sara stood there in disbelief a little. She was curious as to what he had said as the idea of a snake-naga dating a human bounced around inside her head. Slowly she walked to his room, something she never really did when he was home and knocked on the door “Sam… you want to talk about it?” she was curious as to why he was dating a human. The door didn’t open and all she got back from him was “No.” Sara gulps a little “Come on… I… I know I’ve never really talked to you about anything personal… but I was just.” She leaned on the door and it opened causing her to fall into the room. She cried out before landing on the floor, the squirming bulge in front of her “She is still alive?” she stands up quickly. Sam groans “Yes she is still alive… I take a day to start digesting… then a few days to fully digest someone. No go.” He pointed out the door, but Sara didn’t want to “No… you spit her up right now!” she demanded. Sam looked at her then did something he hadn’t before. He jumped at her and coiled her up. Sara gasped and squirms “Sam… no!” He squeezes lightly “Listen… I told you I don’t want to talk about it… She asked me out cause she enjoyed getting eaten, and I could eat her without killing her right away… then because I wanted to go places with her, she broke up with me cause she didn’t want to be seen with me in public. Got it.” He squeezed his roommate hard causing her lungs to contract “No get out of my room.” He lets her go and pushes her out of the room before slamming the door. Sam gasps for breath as she was finally released and lays on the floor. As her breath returns she starts sniffling, then crying. Her body was sore from the way he squeezed her and could barely move. Reaching out she tries to crawl a little, but her arms didn’t want to move that much. The door started to open again and she panicked “No… please don’t hurt me again.” She cowers from the sight of Sam, who sighs “I… I’m sorry Sara.” He reaches down and picks her up holding her close to him “I was angry at her and I took it out on you.” He took Sara to her bedroom and laid her on her bed “Is there anything I can do?” Sara nodded slowly “Let her go.” Sam blinks some “What… why?” Sara looked still seeing the shape wiggling then looks back at him “Cause… you shouldn’t want to kill her for not being with you… you should pity her. You gave her something she wanted, and that was all she wanted from you.” Sam looked down at her “I’ll think about it” then slithered off to his room again. Sara laid in her bed and sniffles some, a few hours later she heard the sounds of footsteps running and a door slamming. Sam returned to her room “You know you owe me a meal, yesterday I came home with her in my belly and let her out that night. So I hadn’t had my human this week.” Sara blinks some and nods “Well… shouldn’t you get out there and hunt?” Sam just grins a little “Well… I could… but I’ve taken a look at my finances and you know what… I could afford this place by myself.” Slowly he slides into the bed with her. Sara looks at him and curls up crying. Sam blinks “Hey stop… I was just joking around. I wasn’t going to kill you.” He lightly hugs her and makes her cry out a little more. He sighs and moved away “Sorry about that.” He heads back to his room leaving Sara alone. Sara started avoiding Sam after that. She would hide in her room or someplace else in the house when he normally got home. Sam tried once getting home early to try and catch her out of hiding, only to send her running once he opened the door. Sam was fed up with the way she had been acting and chases after her. He was able to prevent her from closing the door to her room “Sara… Sara stop I just want to talk to you.” Eventually he was able to force the door open. Sara laid on the ground shaking, her room was all packed. Sam blinked a little “You… you’re leaving?” Sara nods “I’m scared… I’m scared you’re going to turn on me. You… you said you can afford this place on your own.” Sam looked down at her “I wouldn’t do that. Remember when I talked to you on the phone.” Sara nodded “You said you could protect me from getting eaten cause this place was becoming more and more dangerous… you never told me what you were till after all the paperwork was signed.” Sam nodded “I was actually trying to get you to leave at that time, cause I wanted this place all to myself. You kind of grew on me though. If you want… I’ll start picking up more of the rent. It wont be the same around here if you leave.” Sara looked up, for the first time she felt like he didn’t find her an annoyance like before “You… you want me to stay?” Sam just nodded. Standing up Sara walks over to her bed and sits on the edge “I haven’t found another place yet… which is why I’m still here. You really scared me when you joked about eating me.” Sam laughed a little “You never got scared of that before, I joked about eating you all the time when I first moved in.” To which he got a nod of agreement “But I felt safer under the agreement we had… I mean true I hid in my room every time you had guests over until I made you agree to stop… but when you did it this last time.” She shrugs. Sam moved over and picked her up and held her “Listen. I wouldn’t have even considered dating Kim if I hadn’t gotten to know you. I thought all humans just hated anything non-human. The fact you were able to talk to me and not scream and run when ever I came near was… well it was different and enjoyable. Never really get to have a conversation with humans that much.” Looking up at him, Sara was cringing a little, but relaxed some “You really mean that?” Sam nodded again. Sara turned and gave him a hug “Thanks… I’m going to take a shower then cause I’ve been to scared to do that lately… thought you would hear the shower running and knew the lock was broken.” Sam blinked “The lock is broken on the bathroom?” Sara blushed “Nope… just kidding.” She jumped out of his arms and walked out of the room grabbing a towel. As she walked she heard a knock at the door. Opening it she saw a woman there, that had a similar build to her and short black hair “Ummm… hello.” “Hi I’m Kim, I was hoping it was you that answered the door. I wanted to thank you for saving my life.” Sara smiled a little “It’s ok… I tried doing that before with people Sam ate, but he ignored me for the most part.” Kim nods “Ya, I showed him some of the low life people that he could eat and no one would really miss… that’s where he has been getting most of his food, I’m just glad he stays away from the druggies.” Sara nods “So you just came here to thank me?” Kim nods “Well… ya… I mean I should have broken up with him on the phone or something. That’s what I get for dating a monster.” Sara blinks “Well he isn’t evil or anything so I wouldn’t call him a monster.” Kim laughs a little “No call him a monster… come on he eats people and enjoys it… sounds like a monster to me.” Sara frowns some “Well he needs to eat, and remember when they ate normal food… the prices at fast food places shot through the roof.” Kim stopped laughing “Well I’m not going to be food for a monster just cause I want lower food prices.” The two glared at each other “I don’t want to be eaten either, but sometimes it can’t be avoided.” She looks seeing one of her neighbors walking by “Hey Fred… she isn’t a friend of mine. Kim turned around to see a large anthro tiger smiling down “Hello tasty.” Kim screams as she was grabbed “No please… don’t let him eat me.” Sara just waved “You did say one thing… that they should eat all the bad people.” She slammed the door shut and headed to the shower, poking her head into her room to see Sam still in there “Sorry for making you lose that meal… she deserved it… well Fred got here, I’m sure he’ll save you a leg or something if you ask.” Before heading back out, Sam nods then quickly puts the pair of panties he had pulled out back “That was close.” Then heard the shower turn on, and took a deep breath. Sara rubbed her face before leaning back to let the water cascade over her form. She felt the water run down her B cup breasts and then over her flat stomach. She was fit, but not really skinny. She didn’t hear the door quietly open, or a large body slide into the shower with her. When she turned around she screamed seeing Sam behind her and pushed her back against the wall. He grabbed Sara and then coiled her up, causing her to start crying “I… I thought you said.” Sam felt her start to shake and rubbed her head. He wasn’t squeezing her in his tail “Shuuuuu… It’s ok. I’m not going to. I couldn’t help it after snooping around your room a little, I found your diary.” Sara blushes deeply before he leans in and kisses her “You acted like you hated me all the time… but I think it’s time that I show how much I appreciate you, with one of you.” He laughed “Many fantasies… maybe a few of those stories I read on your computer to… I’ll just take out the death part at the end.” Sara was in shock. She had been hiding the fact she did enjoy the idea of being coiled and squeezed, and found the idea of being eaten unique. She was about to say something when the tail pulls in squeezing her body. She cries out expecting another hard squeeze like he did before, this time though her body was more hugged tightly then squeezed. She wiggles around causing him to constrict more, until she had trouble breathing. Suddenly his coils loosened some, but then one by one they tightened again, moving up and down her body. She didn’t even know he could do this as he rubbed her over and over with the coils, causing her to become aroused. His tongue flicked out “There it is… I thought I caught this scent a few times before… now I know what it is.” He moved about and pushed the part of him near his hips close to her face. She watched as two cocks slid out in front of her and blushed deeply “You had it right about placement… but wrong about shape and number.” The two cocks looked like novelty dildos she once saw in a store, but now knew they weren’t based on a novelty. They were long, almost a foot each. The heads were pointed and they were bumpy all over. Sam pushed his hips forward and one pushed between her lips even though her mouth was closed. The other pushed up against her face covering one eye. Sara started sucking lightly before feeling one of his large hands come to rest on her head and he groaned “Suck it human.” He smiled down at her. Sara looked at and for a moment thought he was being cruel, then remembered how she wrote about enjoying the idea of someone dominating her. She removed the cock “Physically yes emotionally no.” Sam blinked and nodded “Oh sorry.” He grabbed her head and pushed the cock back into her mouth again. Sara was very wet now as he started thrusting into her mouth now. Pre leaked from both cocks coating her tongue and face. She didn’t have to move as he used her to pleasure himself with. Sam rubbed her head more “You’re mouth is so soft.” Causing Sara to blush, suddenly he pushed hard and her eyes went wide as the cock pushed into her throat. Sara let out a muffled cry as her face was smashed against his hips and other cock. Sam did this a few more times then pulls back aiming his one cock at her, the other still in her mouth as thick snake seed shoots out. He turns the water off so it wouldn’t get washed away quickly as he watches the strings land on Sara’s features, smiling as he enjoyed giving Kim facials, even though it wasn’t in Sara’s fantasy. Sara blushes as she swallows down his thick seed, it was almost like pudding, but hot and salty. She feels him stop and pulls back a little licking her lips to get some off her face “I think I’ll let that dry there.” This made Sara gasps “You will not… turn the water on so I can wash it off.” To which he squeezed her and leaned in close “Who is in control?” Sara squirmed and whimpered a little before she was allowed to breathe again “But… I don’t want it to dry to the point I can’t remove it.” Sam nods “It’s ok… I’ll turn the water on in a little.” He kissed her and slid his thin and long tongue into her mouth. Sara blushed deeply as he kissed her and squirmed around, then the water was turned on and her face washed off. Sam held the kiss as he washed her face, once finished though, he glomped her head. Sara blinked a little as suddenly things went dark. Squirming she realized where she was “Hey… no let me out of here.” The mouth moved down her body some as her head slid closer to Sam’s throat. Coiled and squeezed she couldn’t fight back at all as her roommate started to consume her. The scaly lips slide against her soft skin sending shivers of excitement down her spine. She was scared, but strangely aroused as the mouth opened and took her body in. Sam reaching her breasts clamped down and started to chew her. He didn’t have teeth so his lips pushed against her body over and over giving her breast a rub that they had never felt before. She moaned loudly as he worked her body, his hands slipping between the coils to rub her back and play with her ass. Sam was enjoying this as well. He always thought Sara tasted wonderful by tasting the air around her when she wasn’t looking. Now he finally got to enjoy her flavor for himself. After a few minutes of playing with her chest Sam moved on, sliding over her stomach towards her hips. His long tongue slid out and curled up between her legs rubbing her there. Sara gasps as she felt the tongue wrap all the way around her hips reaching the small of her back, and then slowly sliding back into Sam’s mouth. Sara let out a loud moan as he licked her. A hand reached out and opened her sex, as the next time he slid his tongue into her folds. He swallowed again pulling her hips into his mouth as he slid his tongue back and forth, her juices dripping into his mouth already. Sam was in ecstasy it seemed. She was crying out in pleasure and only after a minute of him eating her out while eating her up she orgasmed. A flood of juices filling his mouth as he clamps down to trap them, savoring them as he stopped swallowing. Slowly tilting his head back and accidently hitting Sara’s feet against the ceiling Sam started swallowing again. He let her long smooth legs slide into his mouth slowly as he rubbed over her form inside his belly. He watched as the last of her slid into his mouth and left the shower turning the water off and drying himself with her towel. He left the apartment and headed over to Fred’s knocking on the door. Fred opened it “Hey Sam how are you?” Sam waved “Fine… Sara is fine to.” He patted his tail. Fred laughed “Finally ate her?” he walked back and over to a tied up Kim. Her arms and legs spread out and she was naked. Sam slid in “No actually… my ex.” He waved “Hi Kim.” then turned back to Fred “Taught me something fun to do in a mixed relationship.” Fred looked surprised a little and sat down leaving Kim screaming and squirming on the chopping block “What’s that?” Sam moved to Fred’s couch and laid down with Sarah resting next to him “Well having a relationship, and sex, with a human… also eating them without letting them die before, during, or after. Spitting them back out and doing it all over again. If I had thought about that before I would have tried it with some of my tastier meals… which Sara is top five I might add… to enjoy them more then once. Kim was number four.” He points to the girl on the chopping block. Fred thinks a little “It always felt strange to me to have a wiggling meal… though now that you say that it would be kind of interesting… top five number four?” he looked over at the slender human “You know she does look like Sara somewhat.” Turning back “I thought your species was based off the Python, not the horn toad.” Sam laughed a little “It wasn’t like that… but it was some.” Fred thought more “I wonder if she would be willing to buy her freedom with a little experimentation.” The tiger looked at the human on the chopping block, her eyes wide as she contemplated her situation. |
“a crazy woman who eats people with her hair!” the sighting of her had died down quite a bit, but she managed to consume a large majority of the police force, leaving the city open to a wave of crime, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had arrived at Gen-city a couple days ago, kept hearing people talking about ‘the hair eater’ but i hadn’t seen them yet, i had managed to grow accustomed to the ranger suit after stopping a few small crimes, basic theft, muggings, bank robberies, small stuff, i still had yet to figure out how to access the weapons of the suit, but the insane strength was more than enough for now, i was at home, tinkering with the suit, just trying to see how it ticked when i heard screaming from outside, i didn’t bother to look outside before i suited up and headed out When outside i saw, what could be the strangest thing i’ve ever seen, there was someone holding onto a street light, all of their hair was blue as a tendril of hair latched onto their head, pulling them, i tried to grab them to help them but before i could they were pulled away, and absorbed into a mess of hair on top of a woman's head, this woman had an afro, full of people, all of them slowly sinking further inside She spotted me and said “oh my, you must be that hero i heard about, come here from another town correct?” i responded “perhaps, but i think the real question is, what the hell is on your head?” that struck a nerve with her, she scowled at me with a furious glare “this THING is the greatest set of hair in the world! And you should feel honoured that i am going to add you to it!” she proclaimed. i struck a pose, ready to counter her attack, i knew we would be fighting, “then let's bring it on!” She sent two tendrils of hair at me, i kicked one away and jumped on top of the other, running along it to try and get close enough to attack, a third tendril came out to strike me so i leaped over it, that wasn’t a good idea as the only place i had left to land was right onto of her afro, the afro was like quicksand, i had to stay mobile or else i would get a foot caught in it, and then it was over, i kept moving, until a tendril tripped me up, i fell into the afro, sinking inside, i may not have been absorbed but i was trapped, as the inner afro tangled around me to keep me bound Bulma was heavily enjoying this, how could she not be? She just took down the only person that could have stopped her! She went on through the street, absorbing more people, one cop tried to stop her, she admired his effort and pulled him into a bear hug, smothering him with her breasts before having her hair stuff him away and absorb him, ranger was still trying to escape from her hair, while the tendrils on the inside were trying to find any openings in the suit they could get through, bulma went on to absorb more people, finding a bar full of prey for her, she stormed in, blocking the exits with her hair and had a feast of absorption I was trying to get out, there seemed to be no area that her hair could use to get into my suit, but i was still in danger, if i never got out of here, then that's it i would never get out, i kept struggling, until i broke an arm free of the hairs grip! Perfect! I started fighting against the hair, grabbing at and pulling it off of me, I needed a better way, I remember this suit had weapons, i had seen them, “how the hell do i get the gun?! what was it called, the GO-blaster! Or whatever-” right as I said go-blaster, my belt started glowing, I grabbed the glow from my belt and in my hand
was a Gun! I started firing like a madman! Shooting every bit of hair i could until i made a hole i could escape from Bulma looked up as a leaped out “impossible! Where did you get that?” i made some distance from her in my leap “oh you know, from a place” i responded, she sent more tendrils at me, i noticed the switch on my gun and flicked it, it transformed into a sword! I sliced at her tendrils, making my approach, i had a simple plan, cut her hair right off! I charged forward, cutting any tendril in my way. I got close, and with one slash, what she now had could barely be called an afro, more like an upside down semi-circle on top of her head! All the people she absorbed ended up spewing out of her hair, they were all fine, but bald, i was caught off guard when one of them had purple skin, but i had seen weirder today, the police arrived and arrested bulma, i went back home and grabbed some tea, it was time i got some rest after all that ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The police were unable to gather large samples of the hair, no one is quite sure what happened to most of it, but there have been supposed sightings of a blue blob leaving the scene, but those are just rumors
right? |
“Oh thank you so much Finn!” the tree witch said with glee, finn had given up all of his hair for her, sure it was to stop her from trapping jake inside her butt, but it still amazed her “Yeah, i guess we should go home now, see ya!” Jake said, he turned away from the witch cna began to head off, Finn began to follow him but the witch placed a hand on his shoulder, “could you stay a moment finn?” “Uh, sure?” he turned to Jake “i’ll catch up with you dude!” jake just shrugged and headed off, once jake was out of sight the witch hugged finn close, placing his head right in her bosom, finn could do nothing but be blush, his face was as red, well i would say a tomato but it was even more red than that! Finn was so stunned by this that he didn’t even notice her turning around and sitting down right on his feet, soon he got back to his senses “um
what are you-” before he could finish he felt a tug at his feet, causing him to fall to the floor, the tree witch spoke “oh, i just couldn’t bare the thought of losing you, with how nice you were to me i thought it would be good to
keep you” “What?! Keep me! Are you crazy!?” finn tried to struggle away but it was no use, her bottomless bottom had gotten a grip on him “oh i know it seems bad now, but trust me, it’ll be fine once i take you to your new home” she pulled him in a little more, up to his knees, finn tried everything he could to get away, but it was useless, the tree witch was overjoyed with how well it was going, soon she would have a lovely little hero all to herself, she would take him home, spend every day with him, and at night she would pull him back into her bottom, oh it would be perfect! Finn kept trying to escape, grabbing onto the grass near him to try and pull his way out, but the grip on his body was too tough, and when he next looked his waist was seconds away from being pulled in, “can’t we talk about this? Maybe you can take me without using your butt?” it was a flimsy effort but at this point it was all he could do, the tree witch responded “i’ll be honest, i could probably do that, but my bottomless bottom always feels great when it’s got someone in it, so no, i’m not letting you out” Finn kept trying to escape, even when half his torso was pulled in, the parts that were pulled in felt like they were trapped between two giant bean bags, that must have been her bottomless bottom, soon his shoulders were in, he actually got a bit stuck at this point, “oh darn it, this always happens!” the witch spoke out, she used all her strength to pull the rest of him in, and it worked, once inside he was trapped between her butt cheeks, like some kind of strange tardis it was infinitely more massive on the inside, not that the outer butt was anything small, in fact it was quite large, but no big enough to fit a whole human The tree with stood up, extremely happy with her catch, she headed off home, hoping that she would remember to let him out at some point, she hates it when she forgets |
But it wasn't long before they were interrupted by something very strange, a tall woman stood in front of her, wearing skinny jeans and a crop top that barely held her large breasts, she was easily 7ft tall, but all of that wasn't the weirdest part, this woman had two heads! Each on a neck that was nearly a foot long! One head had short black hair, while the other has long and fluffy pink hair, The new pred’s name was janice, and her pink hair head went after the afro pred, sending waves of pink fluff to tangle them up, the afro pred had no time to attack before they were tied up, surrounded on all sides by the pink fluffy mass, the main head with short hair made a loud “ahem” and began to argue with the pink head over who got to actually eat the afro pred, eventually the main head won and the afro pred was slightly untied from the pink fluff, only to meet the large maw of the main head, She ate the pred up afro first, taking her time slowly stuffing the hair into her mouth, puffing up her cheeks as she held the pred in her mouth like a squirrel, and slowly swallowing them down her long neck, once she reached she gut she was subjected to it tightening and loosening on her over and over again, packing her down until she was in the smallest possible position, then it kept tightening, and tightening, and tightening more and more and more until there was nothing left of the afro pred, But thats when things got weird, for janice began to tense her whole body, and soon
a new head sprung up with the others! The main head in the middle, the pink head on her right, and the new head, with a blue afro, on her left! Janice has the power to consume preds with her main head and gain their powers, sometimes this results in a new head, but this can only happen when she wants one, and now she has gained the powers of an afro pred
She spotted a hair pred who was in the middle of tangling someone into her long brown hair, she sent a tendril from the afro to catch her, the hair pred saw it and tried to run! But the afro tendril was far too quick, she was caught and her hair began getting absorbed, slowly turning from brown to blue. once it was all turned she got yanked into the afro, her whole body being absorbed to increase its size. Janice then took cover as she watched another unique pred, this pred had short straight black hair, long black gloves that reached up past her elbows, a tight red dress with a small skirt, black leggings that seemed to be part of her high heel boots, her name was rouge, and she was a shapeshifter made of rubber. stretched her arms forward to wrap around another woman, and pull them closer to her. when close, she morpherd her body to wrap around and envelop her prey, trapping them within her torso, she contracted and tightened her body on her prey, making the outline of them clear in its bulges, she let her torso expand a little more, giving her prey room to struggle, not that it would help them, she just loved the feeling of it. Janice made her move, sending long hair to ensnare rouge, her plan was to absorb her and gain the shapeshifting powers, but rouge saw it coming, and leaped out the way! She and janice got ready for a fight, until it was interrupted by a massive butt ramming into janice, with it’s pred trying to stuff her in! The massive butt began slowly sinking janice into it, so janice used her pink hair to tie up the butt pred, tangling them over her head, she opened her maw and dropped them in! Like the afro pred, she slid them down her throat and into her stomach before fully absorbing them. once absorbed, her butt doubled in size and she was ready to get it even bigger. She spotted an oral pred, this pred was in the middle of stuffing someone down her throat, sending them down to their belly, which already had about six or seven people in it. Janice made her move and pulled down her jeans, ans slammed her massive ass onto the oral pred! Her ass was as soft as dough and the pred quickly sank in, her ass growed so large it burst out and ripped apart her jeans! She left the beach, satisfied with all she had gotten today
At another part of the beach, a cleavage pred was busy stuffing someone into her canyon of tit flesh, their prey was putting up a good fight, grabbing onto the pred to keep themselves from getting pulled deeper. They were both soon interrupted by the sight of an absolutely massive pair of breasts! The owner of this pair was a fairly tall woman with long purple hair separated into ponytails, she wore a green shirt that was barely able to contain her boobs, each easily the size of a yoga ball, she also had a green camo skirt with leggings that could barely contain her massive thighs, her name was samantha and she scoffed at how small the cleavage pred was compared to her. She grabbed the pred and smothered them into her breasts! Overwhelming them with the wave of tit flesh, she slowly lifted them up and dropped them into her breasts, giving them a little push to sink them into the cleavage canyon, she pushed her breasts together to squish and smother her prey, sending them further and further into the tutty abyss
Her breasts soon gained a considerable increase in size, it burst apart her shirt and ripped it open, a devious smirk appeared on her face as she headed home, planning to devour anyone who stared at her on the way
Elsewhere on the beach, rouge was making her next move, she had already collected two prey inside of her body, she spotted an afro pred laying in the sun while someone sinked into the ball of hair on their head, rouge forced her two prey into her chest to enlarge it, and slammed it down onto the afro pred! The afro pred tried to struggle away, but the rubber began to melt on top of her, rouge turned her chest into a blog of rubber and slowly pulled it all back into place with the afro pred getting pulled with it, soon they were trapped in the same tight rubber chamber as the other two prey. And as the sun set on the beach, many preds left, some left just after finishing a meal, others laughed and talked with people they were just attempting to devour moments ago, others stared at those they planned to consume another day, but all left knowing that another day would soon come, and many new meals with it... |
It had been a rather unlucky few days for jack. His landlord evicted him from a fairly decent apartment, his job fired him with no proper reason given, and his parents
weren’t an option
for various reasons
but back on topic, he was just about to spend his first night sleeping on the street when a strange letter landed at his feet. The letter was marked with his name written in red ink. He was hesitant at first but soon decided to open it, inside was a map leading from where he was standing to somewhere else in the city, along with a note that read: “dear Jack Ruther, it has come to my attention that you may be in need of some assistance, luckily you have something very special about you. You may not know it yet but it will become important very soon, I humbly request that you take a stay at my hotel of misfits and miscreants. You will be provided with food, money, and shelter all just for using the place as your home. You will come to understand why very quickly should you arrive. Your’s truly, the manager.” He was awestruck, seemed like a lot to take in all at once, his mind began racing with questions, “who’s the manager? How did they know I was here? How did they make the map so fast? Am I a misfit or a miscreant? Is this a trick? How come I've never seen this hotel I walked that street every day for three months when I was at my job there's no way I didn't see it I noticed tons of things-” he slapped himself on the cheek to get his mind to stop racing, focus
He soon decided that hey, he’s got nothing to lose, so why not. It was a short walk from where he was currently so in about 20 minutes, he was right outside. It looked like an average four story hotel, too average. no logos or anything, just a big “HOTEL” in neon lights at the front. He walked in and at the lobby he was greeted by a man in a grey uniform at the desk, his face couldn’t be seen thanks to his hat creating a shadow and the man always tilting his head down. “Welcome Jack, happy to see you took the offer. I am the manager.” he slid a piece of paper to jack, “please read over that and sign it if you agree, i’ll just fill out some info in the comput-er, here” he had an odd pause as he spoke, but jack ignored it. Reading over the paper. A lot of it was random legal drivel but some parts stood out, “by signing this you agree to interact with your fellow guests and get involved in their matters and problems” “your abilities must not be used in a noticeable manner outside of the hotel” “you agree to never, for any reason, go into the basement.” it all struck him as being very off, his mind started to race again but he stopped himself, this could be his only chance at a home, so he signed it. Meanwhile the manager was adding a description of jack to the system. “Age: 23 years, height: 5ft10 race: african american, eyes: brown, hair: black, hobby: athletics, ability: unknown” the two of them stopped at around the same time, “alright that’s it. Your r-oom is number 8, just up those stairs there. There’s a fr-esh change of clothes in there so put those on when you can. Oh an-d luka is here so say hi to him” Jack simply nodded and went to the stairs at the left side of the room, going up one flight and ending up in a hallway filled with numbered rooms and the occasional toilet and broom closet. He made his way to room 8 and went in, finding a pretty simple room, a two person bed, a fairly average TV, a few tables and chairs and a couch. But it would have to do since he’s already signed up. He changed into the clothes on his bed, a grey t-shirt that hugged his chest, underwear and socks and some blue jeans that fit pretty well. He was about to leave his room and go and meet luka like he was told but his door opened before he could reach it. The person who opened it was a guy with light blue hair that covered his eyes, he was about 5ft6 and wore a blue hoodie that seemed a few sizes too big for him and some grey shorts along with white thigh high socks, and most noticeable of all was the only part of his face jack could see, his bright blue lips that seemed twice as big as any normal pair. “Uh, can i help y-” before jack could finish, this mystery guest pounced at him! He fell back on his back and onto his bed, with this strange person on top of him, “sorry about this, but my lips really need someone right now and the manager said i should go with you for it” he spoke in a soft, almost timid voice despite how forward he was, and before jack could speak up he was met by a big wet smooch from this feminine blue figure! The kiss covered all of Jack's mouth and some area surrounding it, and when the person pulled away his lips
got bigger? That shouldn’t be possible but the kiss certainly felt bigger! The lips and kisses kept getting bigger and bigger until one final kiss covered Jack's entire face! That seemed to be enough for this person as their lips shrank back down and he hurried out the room, “i’m sorry! I’m really sorry! But um
if you liked it then
you could come to room 4? It’s my one so um, oh i’m luka by the way! Bye!” luka hurried off back to his room, and jack felt his own face, it was covered in blue kiss marks after that experience, and while jack was horribly confused about this place, the people here, and why he was here, he knew one thing for sure
he really liked getting kissed by that guy. |
A BUNNY BUFFET FEATURING SHAKIRA AS THE BUNNY GIRL AND JENNIFER LOPEZ AND ANA THE ANACONDA The attractive forty two year old Colombian had been unsure about coming to the party on her own. However she was very lucky for standing at the gates were her two beautiful friends who she had performed together with: Rihanna and Beyonce. Shakira smiled in a way that always melted everyones’ hearts, and relaxed for she was always shy. Her bunny costume that their hostess had suggested she’d wear clung to her body and for the first time in many years she was showing off what her mother had given her. She had fishnet tights, black high heels, a black skirt and a dark bra top. Her bunny ears were standing to attention, nobody would disagree that anyone could have worn her dress better. Shakira sighed looking at the skinny but curvy Rihanna, for she felt that ever since she had her two boys her ass and thighs had got fatter. However not everybody complained but at least Beyonce’s was as bootylicious as ever. Beyonce had a Flo Jo costume and Rihanna was wearing a black latex suit but with a pink skeleton face. They both hugged Shakira welcoming her to the party. Shakira moaned ‘I have a bad feeling about this…’ Beyonce rolled her eyes ‘You and JLO really really need to make up… I know she teases you but your diva wars must stop…’ Rihanna was disinterested in their conversation and said ‘Shak.. you are the sexiest girl here and older than us… just strut your stuff .. don’t give a damn what Jennifer thinks.. It was nice that she invited you to her party .. she only asks the coolest people to come to her Halloween do. You want to be cool with us don’t you?’ As Shakira followed.. she murmured in Spanish ‘Yeah.. so so .. cool.’ The door to the greatest and biggest mansion was open and Jennifer Lopez was dressed as a witch. There were so many celebrities around all in fancy dress occasionally the women would see someone, Shakira who hadn’t socialised at such a big gathering by herself without Pique felt a little lost as Beyonce and Rihanna ran off to the bar. Jennifer Lopez placed a friendly arm around Shakira who gasped.. ‘Why don’t you think I like you Shakira.. I do… I’m happy you came.. You really can’t know how much I’m pleased you decided on coming.’ ‘Really?’ Shakira immediately relaxed hearing Jennifer’s words, her innocent beauty and cuteness even more evident in her bunny look. Jennifer took her hand and pulled her into her huge home. The loud sound of music could be heard and the laughter of the guests. ‘Lets have some real .. fun silly. Lets have a drink and I’ll show you how much I like you. I’m kind of disappointed we have never performed together or made a video together.. Beyonce and Rihanna have had all the fun.’ As Shakira was dragged through the many crowds of costumed celebs some who she recognised and quickly greeted, she felt like she was in a daze the music and the atmosphere was suffocating… ‘But… I don’t drink…’ Shakira innocently admitted. Jennifer turned as she got to the bar… ‘Oh that’s a pity… but I have many other non alcoholic drinks.’ Some minutes later… Shakira was quite happy sipping with a straw a mango drink while Jennifer Lopez drunk some red wine. Shakira was in awe at the surroundings for the outside had a kind of decrepit appearance but Jennifer explained that her mansion’s exterior had been done up in a Halloween style. Huge cobwebs and plastic spiders covered the walls. Jennifer smiled as they continued to walk through the house the American giving Shakira a guided tour of all the rooms of her house, showing her how many bedrooms she had, bathrooms, studies, game halls, cinema … Shakira was astounded for every room she could think of Jennifer had. Jennifer examined silently Shakira’s clothes smiling at the bunny outfit. The other noticed as she walked seeing Jennifer’s expression in a mirror. Jennifer Lopez quickly explained… ‘Your bunny look is so so hot.. if only your boyfriend could see you in it.’ Shakira giggled as they came to the balcony overlooking the mansions’ gardens. ’Pique did enjoy it. I sent him a picture he liked it a lot. He was really annoyed that hes out of the country at the moment. It was a great suggestion of yours for me to wear it. It was a really good idea I really should make a music video with it..’ ‘Well I think I could enjoy it as much as Pique.. you really rock the bunny look.’ Jennifer said. And as Shakira was about to say ‘Well bunnies are my favourite animal’ to her great surprise Jennifer gave her a little kiss on her lips. ‘And you are as a tasty as a rabbit I’d imagine.’ Shakira shyly pushed herself against the wall realising she was trapped with the lady she thought hated her, Jennifer looked deep into her brown eyes. ‘Wait.. Jen..’ Shakira was a little shocked and timid as Jennifer grabbed her hand and led her downstairs again . ‘Where .. where are you taking me?’ Shakira asked coyly as she allowed herself to be led by the other. ‘One room I haven’t shown you… I never did show you the basement.. I have a swimming pool there.. Are you ready Miss Mebarak for the time of your life?’ Shakira stupidly said.. ‘But .. But I don’t have a swimsuit..’ And as Jennifer led her back down to the main hall she simply winked in answer.. Neither did she ! Shakira felt aroused as she watched Jennifer’s ass jiggle as she climbed the steps below her, her hostess’ large posterior was amazing and she giggled silently knowing that it was insured for millions. Even her great ass didn’t have a price tag on it even though everyone wanted a bite… Well Pique she thought wouldn’t mind he was always on the lookout for guys after all not women interested in her. …. ‘I’m kind of hungry too Shak.’ Jennifer laughed when she heard Shakira’s belly rumpling. And she magically produced an apple which she had been hiding for some minutes under her dark robes to the Colombian. ‘An apple for the most beautiful woman of them all…’ Jennifer said it in a way that she almost sounded like a mirror on a wall out of the fairytale. Shakira smiled back in a way … that she mirrored exactly in the same way for toothpaste or jewellery adverts on tv. ‘Innocent girls shouldn’t take apples from strange witches.’ Jennifer Lopez beamed as she turned leading her unsuspecting friend down the stairs to her basement. The doors were locked… ‘Don’t worry about strange witches… that apple will be the best piece of fruit you ever ate. So juicy and round… you look like Eve eating that apple… you don’t look a day over twenty.’ Shakira enjoyed the compliment but slightly grimaced when she thought of the picture of Eve in her mind. She remembered fondly a photo shoot she had done for an album cover where she stood naked in front of a tree as Eve. ‘What’s the matter my dear Shak… what’s on your mind?’ Jennifer asked. ‘You made me think of that biblical story of the beautiful woman called Eve in the garden. I had a nightmare once I was her. JLO was unconcerned .. ‘Oh that.. I was never one for those old stories… Oh a nightmare do tell. Its Halloween after all but hopefully it’s not too horrifying!’ Shakira her throat filled with fear found it hard to recount the story at first but then realising that Jennifer wanted to hear as a friend she told her. ‘Once … when I was really young I dreamt that I was that virginal woman in the garden. A huge serpent… it was bigger than anything I’d seen in a zoo… was coiled around a tree in the centre. I wasn’t meant to eat the apples on that tree but I felt naughty and I was kind of curious about the snake… it was beautiful and terrifying how big it was, I remember I stroked my hands on its scales. It felt warm with the sun shining above, and it spoke to me and I realised it was as curious about me as I was her. For as it spoke to me.. I realised it had a feminine voice. It warned me not to eat the apple for it was determined on eating it. But being a young woman I didn’t care and I consumed it… I laughed teasing the snake to eat the apple now as I felt its remains fill my stomach. And it did… in that dream… the snake ate me.. I felt EVERYTHING as it swallowed me whole and alive.. kicking… just a naked piece of meat… Later on.. I stupidly told my three sisters, one who had a giant stuffed snake she had won at some carnival or event. One day they tied me to my bed and fed my dolls to it giggling all the time warning me I would be next. Plus when they heard my music teacher say I sung like a goat they told me that I was perfect prey for a python. I had so so many nightmares about snakes I freak out everytime I see a real one. I know its kind of silly really lol.’ Jennifer kindly hugged Shakira ‘Don’t worry … I’ll protect you from any snakes.. Remember I’m one of the few actresses who can say that they have killed an anaconda. God that was a big snake – well not a real one of course! Now eat that apple it’s a candy apple a sweet Halloween treat.’ Shakira bit into the apple, and realised it had a glorious sugary taste.. it was almost magical the feeling she experienced as she devoured it. With each swallow she tasted caramel, or chocolate, or toffee, making her want to eat it more. At the same time her vision became brighter and she felt like she was happier inside like her body was warm with a glow. Then not caring, for only Jennifer was around Shakira felt her loins and she giggled… ‘I almost feel like I want to…’ And Jennifer smiling as she look at the Halloween decorations on the table where Shakira placed the core of the apple, patted the head of a grinning white skull mouthing the naughty word ‘cum’. ‘I going to enjoy swimming naked with you.. ‘and Jennifer pushed her into the dark basement as she unlocked the doors with her key. Shakira as felt the apple reach her stomach felt a wonderful buzz in her stomach. Her skin felt tingly and she felt really happy and she quickly realized aroused as well. As her black thong became wet under her skirt 'Thats the tastiest apple I've ever eaten.what was in it?’ Jennifer laughed 'Im a witch after all.. a secret potion that will rock your reality. I thought you'd want to have some fun.’ As the Jennifer led her into the basement by the hand like an innocent bride, she gestured to their new surroundings saying to Shakira how did she like it? It was like another world how it was hidden away underneath her mansion was incredible. Lights illuminated a vast underground relaxing spa, there were comfy beds and chairs against a mammoth swimming pool. Columns enclosed the area and separating the anteroom where they both stood taking in the sight was a net like fence with a gate. Shakira didn't realise but in her eyes the boundary was almost like a cage that contained a paradise that was beyond her imagination..but it was real. 'Its amazing..but there's nobody here Jen.’ 'I only want you Shak.. nobody will hear us or know we are down here. Wanna swim? ‘ Jennifer rubbed Shakiras crotch gently caressing her butt.. her creamy body was barely contained like a tube of toothpaste in her bunny getup. Shakira moaned shutting her eyes as both ladies passionately kissed at the entrance to Jennifer's retreat. Feeling excitement and some butterflies in her stomach Shakira moved towards the gate. Shakira turned and feeling nervous teased Jennifer to follow. Shakira slowly opened the gate which seemed to open and swing much easier than she expected...Jennifer giggling told Shakira to not be nervous.. 'Go on little rabbit.. dip your toes into the water trust me it feels amazing.’ Shakira tentatively passed the columns feeling them and gasping..for they didn't feel like marble more like trees. but because she felt so turned on she didn't think to ask Jennifer about them. kneeling in front of the shining water she stroked and made some small waves with her hands. Shakira covered her hands when she saw that above the swimming pool there were many lights which heated the water keeping it at a perfect temperature. Shakira not wishing to take off her costume turned to where Jennifer was standing for she hadn't followed and told her. 'Dont worry bunny girl I just want you.’ Shakira could only just see Jennifer Lopez take off her clothes but that was partly because she felt intoxicated as well as the hot mist that formed over the pool. Shakira seeing Jennifer’s indescribably hot body bit her lip as she saw the older woman turn and display her large fat ass. 'Dive in Shak… and experience the stuff of your dreams.. I'm coming in now.’ And as she said this as Shakira had done in her own pool she entered the water expertly and slowly did a length of the pool. Relaxing for a moment her body longed for Jennifer ..but she didn't come after a minute or two.Shakira cried out. “Jennifer are you coming? Don't keep me waiting. Please.? Jennifer ? Jen…” ... Jennifer Lopez now relaxed knowing that everything was in place. The dinner .. the cute unsuspecting rabbit had been delivered, and though she weighed more than a pig or a normal rabbit, at 117 pounds (for in her tour Shakira had unknowingly stood upon some scales that had been disguised as a role in her bathroom) she was just the new meat. Jennifer wiped off Shakira’s lipstick, sighing when she thought of how she tasted but her pet she knew would enjoy the Colombian even more. She turned to a monitor that showed different angles of the swimming pool area, the contractors had been curious with her design of the vivarium but a million dollars sweetened the deal and no questions were asked. She kissed the monitor screen kissing Shakira’s now worried face. 'She must be wondering where I am, the poor delicious she wolf. ah. I see a new female has appeared on the set.. but she’s curious about the Colombian. Who is disturbing my home… hiss… hiss … hiss.’ Jennifer giggling licked the glass like a snake. Of course it should no secret now that Jennifer’s romantic interest was a cruel deception. Jennifer hated Shakira with a fire in her soul that could only be quelched with the worst punishment imaginable. She knew that Shakira’s greatest phobia after snakes was death itself..Why not combine the two, At least Shakira's gorgeous creamy frame would provide the best nutrients imaginable for a predator that had deliberately been not fed for many months. Jennifer hated every time Shakira won an award over hers, how her music and videos received higher streaming numbers than hers, Jennifer despised Shakira most of all because she couldn't dance whereas the Colombian could tango, salsa and shake her money maker that would bewitch everyone. This time Jennifer had put a spell on her, drugging her and warping the younger woman’s mind and now she had led her almost willingly, shocking herself as she saw Shakira step into the vivarium as if she wanted to be eaten by the huge snake waiting for her.. but of cos the beautiful girl couldn’t see, and if she did perhaps she wouldn’t have believed it. But the nightmare was truly beginning for Shakira…. Shakira’s eyes widened in fear as her vision seemed to change, Her happiness that had been the drug in her system now wore off in the most cruel way making her feel like she was in a nightmare. Everything became darker the swimming pool and columns became ruinous as if centuries had passed, weeds and plants covered the sides and Shakira being a pretty good swimmer tried to swim away but she felt herself being pulled back by something in the water . She was in the vortex, in the jaws of something wilder and terrifying, Shakira didn’t even know what it was apart from it was a naked fear that slept under her skin, her heart turned cold as she faced her nightmare. The swimming pool became a river, and she truly felt like a rabbit in the wild. Her rational mind tried to comprehend her environment but due to the drug her senses were truly warped. Instead of columns she saw the tall trees of the Amazon rainforest; she could hear the monkeys screaming overhead as if warning her about the unseen menace that was hiding in the river with her. She screamed for Jennifer again but she only heard the cries of the birds in the forest. Jennifer only laughed as she played the rainforest music tracks knowing that she was manipulating Shakira even more. ‘Dinner is served Ana.’ Shakira made a great splash as she flailed around. Her blonde hair messy and wet like the rest of her costume and Shakira seemed to be momentarily drawn to the state of her appearance. Though shaking with terror she was annoyed at the state of her clothes for they had cost a bomb and she knew that she’d never be able to clean the muck out of them. She cursed in Spanish and only slowly, too slowly did she realise that she was not alone. Shakira tried to move towards the ‘bank’ of the river but the water had inflated her costume so she was pathetic for she only could move centimetre by centimetre to salvation. … Ana was woken up by the glass door of the vivarium sliding open and an attractive curvy woman in black stepped through with the stupidest smile on her face. Ana was tired and her stomach craved anything but the twenty seven foot anaconda was shocked at first as the woman approached. The serpent realised quickly that the woman showed no fear… no the lady had stared through her. Maybe it was because she was bathed in darkness the snake was curious about this small intruder for never had one of her mistress’ kind stepped into her domain. She was also hungry so she slithered silently and stealthy into her pool watching as the woman also entered the water laughing drawing even greater attention to herself. After sometime observing the strange damsel, for she was erratic in her movements and speech, Ana moved in for the stranger who was small was big enough to be a very hearty meal. She had once consumed a hundred pound pig which had taken an hour, this primate would be a challenge but the snake knew that it could eat the human.. for it would not be the first time serpents had eaten woman. Ana recognised as she swam closer that her chosen prey had rabbit ears, the anaconda wondered if this was a new type of human-rabbit and it eagerly closed the distance. Rabbits were the most delicious of prey and they were easy to constrict and swallow. Would this rabbit be any different Ana considered? Ten metres away the rabbit tried to escape moaning in a language that the snake could not understand. ‘No.. O god a serpent .. no… help me! Jennifer help me!’ Though Shakira still thought she was in the Amazon and didn’t understand how her nightmares had become a reality she begged Jennifer Lopez to save her, not that she believed she was in Jennifer’s mansion any longer. It was perhaps better that Shakira didn’t know where she was, the humiliation of being eaten like an animal in a cage would have been worse than the bad dream she was experiencing. However the drugs did not numb her senses instead she felt everything as the coils surrounded her trapping her in an eternal embrace. … Jennifer now gripped the monitor as she shuddered, her loins wet with pleasure as she saw the woman she hated becoming a meal for her pet. Shakira was truly a she wolf now, and Jennifer would feed the animal. At the same time as she was excited with the spectacle in front of her, her expression revealed shock and disbelief. Once she acted out this scene in a film called Anaconda but now even though her expressions were greater she still felt ‘wonder and terror.’ For Jennifer was thinking of what would have happened if she had found herself on the other side of the glass… but she wasn’t . She was safe and she smiled as Shakira became acquainted with Ana. … Shakira screamed now knowing that the nightmare was real.. That she was in the water with a massive snake for she couldn’t tell how big it was, only that it was all around her. ‘Do something ! HELLLP ME ! Someone! Please… Im begging.. y’ But her shouting was cut off .. Ana like a green bow shooting across the water became a thick doughnut around the Colombian’s waist as Shakira desperately grabbed the bank not understanding why the sides felt like concrete. ‘YEEEEARRRGGGgghhh!’ A scream came from those lovely lips as Ana’s teeth bit into the best part of her body. Shakira’s hips were now just a feature of a full course, her body a five star meal for a monster. Shakira yelped in Spanish her speech now becoming guttural like a goat’s cry as another coil wrapped around her pale neck. She was drowning slowly in the water as the snake played with her realising quickly that the woman had no strength, only the flexibility that would aid the reptiles’ slimy ingestion. Shakira knew from that moment that she was just meat, that this was to be her end but she continued even though it was futile to fight with the little strength she had. She had great willpower but her tiny body; she had always been teased for her size, just added to her status as prey. Shakira screamed out again but the words were unclear as water re-entered her lungs, air was pressed out of the lungs for what may have been the last time. The thick thighs and long legs struggled and writhed in the muddy water as every part of Shakira’s delectable form was covered by the green yellow spotted creature. There was a wet squelch as the coils slowly constricted the goddess’ meat. Jennifer who was taking advantage of her nudity moaned as her fingers became sticky, her lust increased even more like a hunger as she couldn’t see Shakira anymore. Only the mud incrusted high heels of the bunny girl were noticeable as she kicked pathetically out. Her heels scratched the sides of the pool but they were another boundary she would never escape from. The emerald hunter with its big breakfast brunch fully in its grasp disappeared deep down below, Jennifer sighed and moaned pausing from her masturbation as she saw only bubbles form on the surface of the pool. ‘Was this the end of the Colombian musician? Or did she have another song to perform before she became one with the darkness? … Jennifer examined the monitors that showed the bottom of the pool and saw the anaconda playing with Shakira. Jennifer would never forget the fear that Shakira had at that moment, her mouth wide open only to replace by further coils as the serpent covered and squashed even her face. Only the top of her head, her golden locks could be seen. The coils constricted the woman but Ana feeling the beating heart of the singer could tell Shakira was beaten and just at the moment that she fell unconscious and was about to pass to the other world the anaconda dragged its food into the light of its heatlamp. Shakira coughed out the entire swimming pool and as she came to her senses and almost saw that she was in a giant glass vivarium but the anaconda gave her a kiss unlike any other. The knowledge of her surroundings never came clear instead the madness that she was being eaten alive consumed her. When someone has almost drowned their saviour gives the kiss of life, the kiss that Shakira received was the kiss of death. Her eyes were white and gaping as the maw enveloped her head and she knew she was being eaten alive. Jennifer Lopez smiled and ironically said : ‘This is really like the anaconda film, its eating her alive! I didn’t know snakes could! That’s even better I hope this time it doesn’t spit her out!’ … As Ana with great difficulty started to slurp up the little lady’s head, the snake dragged its catch up on the hard concrete. Shakira at least thought now she was on the bank of the river, though the snake had struggled to get its slippery food package out of the water. Shakira wondered if she could escape but in her horror she was paralysed to the bone. She was hoping that someone would save her but she wouldn’t hold her breath on that score. Ana now could see Jennifer watching, her nude silhouette a strange curiosity for the snake because it had never seen a naked woman before. Was this what the woman it held so tightly, as she gasped for air looked like underneath her clothes? Saliva dripped upon the woman in its coils and Shakira grimaced as the wet sock worked itself upon her crown. The forty year old woman couldn’t believe what was happening.. this was just meant to be a party.. she had always been scared of Halloween but she had never imagined that her nightmare would come true. Jennifer seeing Shakira cry was turned on even more ‘ Make her sticky Ana… wet your appetite and enjoy her. I’m sorry I can’t feed her again to you but I’m sure I can provide for you again. I’ll have to come Nicki over and apologise to her too.’ Jennifer now watched as the main event begun she ignored Shakira’s moans, her begging cries for a saviour were soon replaced by muffled Spanish prayers. It was a hard view but Jennifer watched through the glass, for what she was seeing she wanted to see with her own eyes not through a monitor. Ana devoured Shakira’s head like a lolly pop in a few minutes, the food gasped as she felt her head sucked in but soon that beautiful face was hidden behind snake muscle. Shakira begun her new journey into the oesophagus passage she didn’t go willingly, she didn’t go quietly. Ana if she had understood human speech would have learnt a lot of Spanish that night. The Spanish was replaced by a faint, gurgling noise. Somehow Ana was able to force Shakira’s arms to her sides. The peristaltic movement of the snake continued and like a miracle of nature, Shakira became one with her new lover. Pique had always been ok with her performing with females maybe he wouldn’t have minded seeing her new friend. As Jennifer panted and rested she noticed that the snake was also resting next to the pool. Shakira had noticed Ana had relaxed and was restruggling but it just was a pretty and filling sight for her unknown watcher. There was a weird sucking sound as Shakira’s small chest ended up inside the pink sleek chamber, copious amounts of saliva coating the unwilling woman marinating her to help her slide easier through the snake’s long gastric system. The powerful muscles pulled Shakira in up to her waist into the elastic gullet and the short but sexy dame was compressed tightly inside. Her fight continued as the bulge slowly stretched and moved with her diminishing movements but nobody could have told looking at the bulge that the anaconda was eating Shakira. Her beauty was hidden under the thick gut muscle but the morphing and adjustment of the patterns of the snake skin were wonderful. The gurgling and almost inaudible resistance of the woman whose voice and song was universally loved turned Jennifer on even more.. The American was happy for she never wanted to hear Shakira sing again and her wish had been granted. The snake breathed deeply as the trembling round rump of the prey remained in its maw, it had taken thirty minutes to get to the hips and now the animal was truly savouring the dish it had half eaten. The prized hips were not moving greatly for Shakira herself was trying with great difficulty to catch a breath inside her new home. To Jennifer’s amazement and to Shakira’s own confusion and total shock the anaconda lifted her up into the air. The bulge of the woman inside quickly realising what was occurring her curves and legs responding to the predator’s new method of consumption. And somehow Shakira still had her heels on, Jennifer was just able to notice the thick mud trailing from them. It was almost a pity she thought that the Colombian had not got her feet dirty … but the day would be a long one for her. Gravity now begun to drag the big meal down, though in respect to most women she was kind of small but Shakira had it where it counted. Her legs dangled in the air as minute by minute, swallow by agonising swallow Shakira descended completely into the pit that was the snakes’ throat. Shakira moaned in pain though Jennifer sadly did not hear her as Ana’s teeth penetrated her soft flesh leaving hundreds of tiny holes. Shakira thankfully did not know that this was for the purpose of digestion to help the saturation of her ‘meat’ with its internal juices. Jennifer thought … yes Ana was the perfect organism and she congratulated herself on coming up with the idea of buying an adult anaconda and feeding her greatest musical rival to it. The idea had only originated when she had rewatched the Anaconda film and imagined what it would look like to see a woman swallowed alive and whole instead of a guy. Women she admitted, knowing how her own body was worshipped by her fans were definitely more beautiful and … tasty.. at least in opinion. The anaconda Jennifer realised as it ingested Shakira’s hips with squelch and wet slapping gulp had found Shakira quite an easy supplement. Jennifer wondered if a bigger meal, and she thought of other women she didn’t get on with, particularly one, would pose more a challenge and would the serpent do better next time. For it was a beginner in eating women but practice would hopefully improve it. … After about five minutes when the hips and thighs apopped into Ana’s mouth Jennifer decided to step into the vivarium herself. She would never usually do this for obvious reasons but she knew that the snake trusted her and it would not spit Shakira out for fear. In the wild snakes usually would spit out their prey if humans approached to enable their escape, a big meal of course weighed down the predator and made it sluggish and sleepy. Plus she thought she’d never have a better opportunity to examine Ana and to have a look at Shakira’s new appearance. Naked as she was she carefully skirted around the pool but she did dip her toe in the water.. thinking at least it had been warm for Shakira. Jennifer was surprised as she stepped closely to the snake bundle that was now Shakira because Ana hadn’t quite finished. The long legs of the famous celebrity only took a minute to plop in, and the high heels now sat almost patiently waiting for the last gulp. Ana’s forked tongue licked Shakira’s feet teasing her almost. Jennifer could tell that the feet were paralysed like the rest of the body; Shakira knew she had lost and she knew where she was going, what she was becoming. Food. She was just waiting for the final swallow and in a moment the ingestion that had lasted an age was over and the heels slipped in easily, the internal muscle not caring for the leather because though it was an uncomfortable and dangerous swallow the heels like most of the clothing would digest easily and anything which could not would be spat out in a messy package while the one hundred and seventeen pounds digested. Ana gave a snake burp as a sign of contentment because the prey was now on a one way journey. Jennifer stroked the gut as the stomach stretching as the former woman, now just snake meat filled it. How the belly did not burst Jennifer did not know! Ana was a satisfied and as full as she could be. Jennifer considered she might really need to get a bigger snake if she was going to feed it bigger women but she could decide that in the future … she had the money after all to buy anything she wanted. She now spoke to the bulge as if the woman inside could hear her, but Jennifer thinking she could wanted to torture her and torment her further. At the same time she placed an audio recorder device, tagging it gently onto Ana’s stretched stomach. ‘Shak.. you really excelled yourself in becoming a wabbit and fulfilling my own dark desires. I can’t thank you enough.. I’m not sure if you can hear me but thanks. I just hope you enjoyed the ride as much as me.’ Thinking probably that Shakira couldn’t hear her she decided on something a little drastic. With her hand Jennifer was just able with some coaxing to force Ana’s to gape her mouth wide, the pink muscle saturated with saliva. As she coated her hand with the liquid she giggled ‘Sticky … very sticky.. if I decide on letting you out Shakira you’ll have to tell me what its like inside.. it looks heavenly.’ While she said this Jennifer crossed her fingers behind her back because she would never let the woman out at least not until Ana wanted to release her. Jennifer stared into the darkness of the wet abyss for about a minute just enjoying the view. She couldn’t see much only hear the faint Spanish moans of the captive inside, the gurgling and popping the stomach dominating the other human sounds. The smell was indescribably bad another reason why she was overjoyed to have condemned Shakira to becoming snake food. She continued. ‘Unfortunately I can’t stay with you and listen to my snake’s belly spurt and gurgle as you melt inside. My guests will be wondering where I am and I need to entertain them with my own songs, none of your crap. But don’t worry I’ll be back in an hour or maybe a couple depends on how much I drink. I’ll tell Beyonce and Rihanna you went home early but they’ll probably have drunk so much by now that they’ll have forgotten you came. Your boyfriend might ask some questions but they’ll never find you alive. If they ever do put the dots together and they find you, you’ll be unrecognisable and I’ll tell them its just the poop of a hundred pound pig. Just shit. And for once … please sing your heart out.. I’ve fitted an audio device to the stomach so moan as much as you want. I want to hear you digest. If you last more than thirty minutes I’ll be impressed. Kisses. Bye bye Shak. Digest in peace.’ Jennifer blew a kiss and allowed Ana to close her mouth, a loud scream could be heard just barely as the maw closed but was the acidic broth really getting hot or had Shakira heard everything her hostess had told her? Jennifer turning to leave tickled Ana’s face saying : ‘Who got a tasty Halloween treat? You got a tasty Halloween treat! Yes you did! Oh yes you did!’ She kissed the snake thanking it for the service it had performed, the bulge still moving as the figure inside was slowly falling asleep. Shakira was truly sleeping beauty but nobody was coming to rescue her, no prince with a kiss to awake her. Just enzymes and acid to cook and melt her into a delicious soup. Jennifer Lopez left the vivarium closing the glass door looking back at the bulge almost forgetting who was inside. It looked so far away, it was so easy to believe that the snake had just eaten a regular massive meal, just a big pig. She locked the basement door and hearing her song playing she smiled and started dancing, if you can call it dancing and greeted her friends. Shakira became a distant memory in her mind as she became drunk. It would be a long time after her hangover that she’d remember Shakira and return to look in her pet snake. .. The reptile was now sleeping off the bunny buffet. Ana soaked up the glow of the heat lamps, snoozing in her slumber. Nobody heard the muffled screams and moans of the animal within, of the she wolf Shakira who wished for only one thing remembering a line from an old song of hers: There's a she wolf in the closet Let it out so it can breathe! |
Sir Renan Bale continued to trudge through the snow covered mountain trail; he couldn’t turn back and could only keep on going forward. He still had a long way to go and the path was made all the more treacherous due to the blizzard which thankfully was showing signs of clearing at this point. He had always been facing danger ever since the day he was knighted. It always had a way of finding him or of him finding it. However the wounded knight couldn’t go on like this, he was worn down and the crossbow bolts that stuck through his chest plate were not relenting on the pain factor, constantly making him suffer. He was severely suppressed by the cold weather and having to wear his damaged armour constantly so as not to freeze to death only made things worse for him seeing that its weight was taking its toll on his muscles. It wasn’t exactly easy moving up rocky and steep terrain in heavy armour. He had reached the edge of a mountain ridge with the storm having cleared off by now; he had not had a chance to see the view from his point due to the low visibility from the storm. He walked over to the edge, pushing up the visor from his helm to see better and he couldn’t believe the view he had stumbled upon, he had no idea how high up he was until now, “Have I really come up this far?” he questioned to himself while he looked down at the valley below, “Wow, so many years I have known of these mountains and only now am I seeing this” he processed in his mind. {Imagine something like the Rocky Mountains in winter} Sir Bale looked ahead at the path he had to take. It just looked so far, it must have gone on for miles, miles of mountainous terrain to traverse but he couldn’t go on in his condition. Realistically speaking he knew he wouldn’t be able to make it around this mountain in time before nightfall which would be coming soon and by that time he would surely freeze to death. Exhausted, Sir Bale resigned himself to die. But although it seemed that his fate was sealed, he just couldn’t take his eyes away from the view and decided that this might have not been such a bad way to go; he was even willing to take off his helmet in order to enjoy the view better despite the exposure he would suffer. He couldn’t stop shivering from the cold but he didn’t mind it for he felt strangely at peace for at last the war was over for him and he could now face death in the form of the winter’s cold embrace and not a sharp bit of steel like what so many others before him had experienced. This rebellion he was a part of had been going on for years now and it looked like it was showing no sign of stopping anytime soon. Sir Bale, although a bit apprehensive of his coming death, was secretly relieved that the fighting was over for him now. No longer would this grizzled veteran have to suffer the stench of death, bloodshed and ruin that he was all too familiar with, he was finished and was ready for death. He relaxed himself against a mountain wall and watched the landscape before him. “Beautiful” he whispered, “Absolutely beautiful” Not one second after he said that though did he feel a tremendous gust of wind whoosh over him. Sir Bale quickly looked over in surprise to the direction of this sudden gale. “What in god’s name…” he muttered in astonishment as he beheld a great red dragon beating its large ship sail sized wings to keep itself hovering in place as it gazed down at the flabbergasted knight. “It cannot be!” he whispered to himself still in amazement at what he was seeing. The dragon seemed to have an equally confused and bewildered look on its face as it stared down at Sir Bale. Just when he thought he was going to die peacefully, this thing comes out of nowhere. The dragon landed down on the cliff edge, its great size causing a small tremor with its landing. Its towering form stood before Sir Bale which made him feel insignificant in comparison despite that by human standards he would be considered pretty tall. Sir Bale looked over its body and judging by its physique he assumed that the dragon was female judging by her feminine features. Her red scales were complemented by a yellowy white colour for her rather voluptuous upper body and slim mid-section. She had a long scarlet tail that went down all the way to her feet. Her wings were large, leathery, bat like and folded delicately behind her back. A pair of long yet shapely white horns protruded from the top of her head along with a large collection of azure and obsidian coloured spines that ran from her head all the way down to the tip of her tail. Her claws and feet all sported talons which could likely pierce Sir Bale’s armour better than any sword or pike could. Her long legs stood on either side of the wounded knight who couldn’t do much but watch her as she approached. The dragoness’ deep blue sapphire reptilian style eyes remained focused on Sir Bale. ================================================================ Shas’ Kre couldn’t believe her eyes. A human!? What was a human doing out this far into the mountains? She questioned in her mind. Upon first glance, she saw that he was wearing a suit of armour. She made the presumption that he might have been a knight or some warrior of high status at least but it didn’t make sense for him to be out here alone in these remote and freezing mountains. Unless he had actually come here to try and hunt dragons but she figured that that might have not been the case. If humans wanted to slay a dragon then they would usually send a band of dragon slayers but never a lone knight, such an act while indeed very brave was incredibly foolish. Taking a second to look at his armour, she took note of its scratches, dents and the crossbow bolts sticking into his chest plate indicating that he had already been in a fight earlier on that day, likely from a battle judging by the amount of damage that had been inflicted on the knight’s armour by various weapons of war. Nonetheless, she knelt down to better inspect him but remained silent to see what his actions would be. ================================================================ ================================================================ Both the dragoness and the weary knight stared at one another with neither saying anything, likely both still trying to make something of the situation. Sir Bale figured that this dragon was going to kill him. He knew it wasn’t the best way to go but it was probably better than waiting for death to come and collect him. He decided to break the silence. “Oh great dragon” he said to her with some reverence, “I…I am done, I cannot push on anymore through these mountains. If you intend to kill me then I ask that you make my death a quick one….then…do what you please with me” he said the last part of his statement with some hesitation and a bit of fear, likely speculating that she was going to eat him. Shas’ Kre spoke to him in a soft spoken and very gentle voice, “Sir Knight, why do you think I want to kill you? Why are you even here?” she questioned him whilst she kept knelt down in front of him. “Oh great dragon” he said as he grimaced from the pain the crossbow bolts were generating for him, “Believe me, it was not my choice….to come here. I was…ch…chased up here” Sir Bale wished that it was just nervousness that was causing him to stammer slightly but he felt feverish and pained. His throat had become quite sore and he was feeling more powerless by the minute. “Chased?” said Shas’ Kre, “By who?” she asked him, “Great dragon, I…” Sir Bale was interrupted by her, “You know, you don’t have to keep calling me great dragon, I have a name you know, it’s Shas’ Kre” she said smiling down at him, she understood that he was just trying to be courteous and polite but she didn’t really like being called ‘great dragon’. “Speaking of which, what is your name little knight?” she asked him, “I…I am Sir Renan Bale of House….. H…Hou…House Bale of the city…of Quaranhiem” he managed to spit out. Shas’ Kre took note of his pauses and looks of agony, “Those crossbow bolts” she noticed, “When were you hit by them?” “Ehh, about seven hours ago I…I think” Shas’ Kre had to get a better look at him to inspect his wounds more thoroughly, without asking for his permission, she reached a red claw down towards him to pick him up. Surprisingly Sir Bale did not attempt to resist when her claw came near him, although this was mostly due to the fact that he had no more energy to fight back with. Trying to be as gentle as possible, she wrapped her long scaly fingers around the incapacitated knight and gently lay him down on her palm. Sir Bale winced from the pain but was thankful for the dragon’s gentle handling. Shas’ Kre looked over Sir Bale’s wounds. Blood seeped out of his armour, in fact Sir Bale himself was coughing up blood into his hands, “Oh no” he said with deep worry in his voice before spitting out a large glob of blood. “Listen ehh, Renan was it? I need to take you back to my home; I can’t help you out here. I need a place where the wind is not blowing against us and making it worse for me and you” she said down to him. Sir Bale looked at her with uncertainty and kind of gave his answer with just his facial expression alone, afraid that this dragon was probably taking him back to her lair so as to prepare him for consumption, “Like it or not little knight but you really have no choice” she said to him emphatically. “W..wait!” he tried to say to her but his hoarse voice was soon cut off from the loud whooshing of her large wings. Without much time to brace himself, Shas’ Kre took off faster than a jousting horse. “Wooooaaaahhhh” Sir Bale screamed out as much as his tired body would allow. Shas’ Kre glided down the mountain side while keeping a steady level over the valley. She flew on while beating her wings several times, flying faster than an eagle and with about as much grace as well. The screeching wind hit her hard as she flew against it while Sir Bale tried to brace himself for the strong winds hitting him harder than a lance to the chest. Shas’ Kre quickly took notice of this and covered Sir Bale up with both her claws in an effort to shelter him. The blizzard was re-emerging and when it was stormy then it made it much harder to fly especially with a passenger who was growing worse by the minute. After flying for what felt like miles to Sir Bale in the snow storm, Shas’ Kre finally landed down at the mouth of a large cave that burrowed deeply in the mountain side. The red dragon entered through with the knight still resting in her claws. She blew a breath of fire to a pile of tree logs she had centred in the cave and in a great whoosh the cave was well illuminated by the burning logs. Shas’ Kre sat down next to the fire, draping her tail over her legs. She opened her claws to see the knight still breathing but judging from his state, he seemed to be losing consciousness. It was likely that he could have been going into shock in which case he could possibly die. Personally it saddened her to see this human hurt from others of his species for it reminded her too much of the dangers war could have. Her own race, the dragons for example knew all too well about it considering that they used to be the dominant species in the world while mankind was still dwelling about in caves but the dragons constant need for war amongst themselves drove them to near extinction and now the roles of dragon and human had been tremendously reversed with the humans building their own civilizations over the dead dragon ones and were now largely the dominant species of the world and the dragons the cave dwelling race but it did not stop the once mighty race from losing their intelligence and will to survive. She focused back down on the knight “How are you feeling, Renan?” she asked him with concern, “Heh…no one has…no one has called me Re…Renan since I was a squire….I miss that name” he said with a struggle. Shas’ Kre smiled down at him, “Well I hope you don’t mind but I think I would prefer to call you by that name” she said to him, “F…Fine by me” Renan replied. “Now in order for me to help you, I need to take off your armour” Shas’ Kre said with Renan only giving a slight nod in return, he was having trouble keeping his eyes open which Shas’ Kre noticed, “Look listen to me Renan, you need to stay awake, if you fall unconscious then there is a chance that you might never wake up” she said quite assertively but she had to instil this into him so he knew what was at stake. Renan tried his best to keep his eyes open and awake. This dragon was his only hope, he couldn’t believe she was trying to help him and not eat him right now but he remained thankful that she was friendly all the same. “Help me take off your armour” Shas’ Kre said, Renan tried to remove pieces of his armour as best he could but could only get as far as the gauntlets, rerebraces and the pauldrons. “Argh” he groaned, “I’m sorry, I…I can’t, my arms…feel so weak” Shas’ Kre grew more concerned over his failing health, especially if he was too weak to move. She would have to do it herself. With great care and caution, she plucked off his armour piece by piece despite that she likely broke the leather straps but a man’s life was in the balance so it was hardly something that was going to be at the top of the priority list. When it came to his chest plate which still had the two crossbow bolts sticking into it, she had to be careful when removing the metal cuirass in case she accidentally forced the bolts in deeper or pulled them out without warning which would have likely caused even more major harm to Renan. Fortunately she had managed to remove it without too much difficulty seeing as how Renan had snapped the bolts from some time previously. She managed to remove all components of his armour until he was just a mere human in his unshelled attire. “Thank you” said the now unarmoured Renan. It felt nice to get out of those metallic plates which he had been strapped into since morning. Shas’ Kre brought Renan up to her eyes to get a better look at him. “What did…what did you say….your name was again?” he asked her while she looked over him, “Shas’ Kre” she replied, “That….that’s a…..that’s a beautiful name, Shas’ Kre” he said, still speaking in a feeble tone, “Really? Well thank you for that, I never really liked it myself but I’m glad somebody does” she said to him happily. She checked his wounds which still had the bolt heads stuck in them. They had to be removed and there was only one way they were coming out. “Renan, I need to take those things out of you right away but I need to pull them out, you’re just going to have to put up with the pain” “Yeah…a..alright….just make it quick” he said meekly. This wasn’t the first time Renan had taken wounds but then again he had never been at deaths door before either. Shas’ Kre with the utmost precision clasped the end of one of the bolts with two fingers, with little hesitation she pulled out the first bolt from Renan’s muscular physique with her guest groaning in irritation. She then quickly grasped the other one and repeated the process. Renan shouted in agony, “God!!!” he clenched. Renan was lucky that the bolts heads were thin and did not have extended heads or else they would have to have been pushed all the way through his torso and extracted out the other side. “There” said Shas’ Kre, “Worst part over” she continued while she held Renan close to keep him warm. Looking at his body again, she saw that he was not in any good condition, his wounds were infected, he had frostbite in several places around his limbs and he had taken on a fever. “Oh no” she whispered to herself suddenly realising that he was probably not going to make it with such ailments. She could not save him from infection and illness. “Renan, I don’t know how to tell you this” she said rather sadly. “What?” Renan asked quietly. Shas’ Kre held him to her chest, the warmth only making the temptation to fall to sleep made that much more appealing, “I’m sorry but there is nothing I can do. I can’t help you myself and the storm’s not letting up which means I can’t fly you anywhere to get help…. The nearest settlement is a day’s flight from here anyway….I’m not sure if you even have that long……I don’t know what to do, I’m sorry” she confessed with apprehension in her voice. Renan opened his eyes slightly more and looked up at Shas’ Kre, “You tried to help me….you took in…a stranger and….and….gave him shelter and warmth….and tried to ease….ease his pain. You did everything…you could and for that….I…I am incredibly thankful for….” he tried to convey to her despite what he was currently experiencing. “I’ve never met a creature like you before, normally any time I come into contact with a human, they usually are trying to kill me but I’m glad there was at least one sensible human I found today” she said with sympathy in her voice. “I just wish that I’d gotten to know you better before….well you know” she continued. “It’s alright….I’ve lived a good life, I’m just…glad to have met….one more kind soul before….before I…..passed on. I think…I’m ready to move on” he said to her with a slight smile on his face, “Once I’m gone….feel free to do what you want with my body…and my….my armour, I would say that because I….I am in your care…then that would mean that….I’m yours now” he went on. Shas’ Kre assumed that this meant for either burying him or cremating him, possibly even eating him, having him live on in spirit through her. She tried to think of something she could do for him and then it hit her. A thought did cross her mind, a radical one. She could possibly save Renan through an ancient draconic practice which had a long phrase in the old dragon tongue but was roughly known as ‘Reawakened Rejuvenation’ in the more modern human tongue and usually it involved trying to save the life of a dragon by shrinking them down in size and inserting them back into the womb of any willing female dragon volunteer where they would spend an unknown amount of time regressing and being reformed, ridding them of any disease injury or debilitating illness and be reborn to be regrown back to normal. A rebirth to say the least but only in this case it would be a human being instead. The practice itself was also said to have been practised for purely sexual excitement purposes with some male dragons that had no injury or illness whatsoever actively seeking to experience the erotic pleasure with being inside the womb of their lovers and female dragons wanting to feel the loving experience as well. Not only that but the “mother” of the being inside of her womb would share previous memories of that person, the regression would provide her with images, flashbacks and recollections of the beings past life transmitted straight from the subject’s brain to his or her bearer. However, the practice had not been done in centuries when dragons were more numerous in the world and were now much fewer in number. She could try it on this human in order to save him but it might have been too much a risk. She didn’t know what the consequences might have been. Her body might have rejected him and likely ended up killing him. While she weighed the pros and cons in her mind, Renan was slipping out of consciousness. Soon to embark on his eternal slumber, he tried to stay awake but the best he could do was remain in a semi-conscious state, his eyelids too heavy to keep open, only perceiving light and barely audible sound Shas’ Kre snapped out of her thought process and looked back down at him, “Renan? Renan, stay awake….Sir Bale?” she spoke to him with concern. He was still breathing but would likely be leaving this world before long. “No!” she exclaimed, “I’m sorry sir knight” she whispered to him. She thought about the rejuvenation process again and had to make a snap decision whether to help this knight or let him pass on. She didn’t have much time to think about it. But, she ultimately made her decision…. Shas’ Kre carefully removed Renan’s articles of clothing that he had worn under his armour until he was but a naked near dead human lying on her claw. She took notice of his hardened and heavily scarred physique, likely due to the many conflicts he had fought in as part of his years of military service and knightly training. She decided to go through with it, to help this noble soldier. She figured that it would likely do the world good for there to be one more good soul out there. However, Shas’ Kre also admitted that she wanted to do it for more personal reasons as well for she was curious to see how the knight had managed to get into this predicament through his memories, remembering only now that she had forgotten to further question him about who had chased him to the mountains. However, not only did she want to know that but she also wanted to is for a more……self-indulgent reason for it as well. She wanted to experience the sexual pleasure of the process, to feel this tiny being inside of her did intrigue her quite a bit. She had not been with a mate in years. To feel this carnal thrill again only added to her reasons for doing it. “I can help you Renan, but you’re going to have to trust me on this” she said to him gently while still keeping him close to her body. Renan did not respond and instead mumbled slightly in his stupor, “I…ca…urgh” he slurred out. Shas’ Kre stood up from the ground and proceeded deeper into her lair with Renan protected in her enclosed claw. She couldn’t believe she was actually going to go through with this. She stepped into a wide chamber to a makeshift bed composed of animal skins and furs, straw and her own scales centred within the chamber. She casually lay down on her back upon the bed and opened her claw up for Renan. It seemed miraculous that he was still alive and breathing but she didn’t know how long he had left. She still had second thoughts however, one of her concerns was that there was no telling what kind of side effects this could have for her or the human. Would he be turned into a dragon himself? Would her body only reject him and kill him? Or would she contract some kind defect should things go negative? These thoughts did go through her mind but her mind was made up and she knew she wouldn’t have been proud of herself if this knight had died and she not saved him when the possibility arose. The great red dragoness brought him up to her mouth to say some encouraging and quite possibly last words to him, “You will be saved human, I promise that I will try to take good care of you, just trust me on this” she whispered softly to him. Renan may have only been semi-conscious at that moment but his brain could still pick up on vocal messages it heard and made out, a small smile emerged on his lips with Shas’ Kre taking notice of this and smiling back at him. She gave him a gentle nuzzle as a farewell gesture and carefully lowered him down to the more private regions of her body. She spread her legs with her long tail laid out before them. She wrapped her fingers around Renan’s body so as to better support him. She brought her other hand down and spread her vaginal lips for which her soon to be guest to her own body would enter. Her hand containing Renan slowly approached her vulva. The excitement was getting to her; she could feel her body temperature rising along with her desire, her carnal instincts coming into play with the human coming closer to her sexual organ. Renan in his current state could still feel changes in temperature. His senses feeling the sudden increase in temperature as he approached the dragon’s sex. Of course he still remained in his near coma and could not tell exactly what was going on at that moment. His feet made contact upon Shas’ Kre’s lips and she winced slightly to the touch which roused her loins further. She pushed and guided his body further inwards while she sucked in air through her teeth, this feeling, this sensation, it felt great and it was only just beginning. She continued to gently insert him further inwards through her vagina, her lips gradually enveloping over Renan. He was in up to his shins and she couldn’t help but to push him in faster. She moaned sensually from the experience. Renan could only so much as feel the slick insides and the very hot temperatures which enveloped over his body. It felt oddly pleasing to have these feelings in his near coma, like he was going to a better place. Shas’ Kre’s desires were overwhelming her for more, even though she knew she had to insert him all the way in, she simply wanted more out of it. She thrust him in and then gently pulled him back out again. She knew it might have been selfish but she just wanted to experience the pleasures of the forbidden act once again, almost like a reward for saving this knights life. She pushed him back in and then pulled him out again, revelling in great joy all the while. She moaned more loudly this time, the feeling of this was more than great, it was downright amazing. After several wild thrusts, she resumed to pushing him back in all the while still thriving off the moment. Her breathing became more erratic as Renan was pushed into her deeper and deeper. His body had been pushed into the point that only his upper body was exposed to the outside world. His feet touched against her cervix and his body was reacting to the activity going on around him, his arms and legs twitching to the feeling of the hot and wet environment of being inside a dragoness’ vagina. Shas’ Kre could feel herself coming closer to climax but she wasn’t done yet. The human still had to enter her womb and he was coming closer to it seeing as how she could feel his body move slightly around her cervical walls. It was driving her wild with pleasure that she could practically scream from the act. Renan’s body was now completely inside of her, his head disappearing behind her scaly lips and was continuing on inside her. Shas’ Kre moaned with satisfaction while Renan was just beginning to enter into her womb. Aside for being pushed in by one of Shas’ Kre’s clawed fingers; he was also being guided along by her vaginal muscles and pushed against the cervix and into the womb. The pleasure was near too much for Shas’ Kre as she could feel herself about to climax. Renan was coated in her spunk as it lubricated the tight passage up and was allowing him to move through without too much difficulty. Shas’ Kre couldn’t take it, just as the little human had disappeared deep inside of her, she moaned loudly and orgasimed, a torrent of spunk came flowing from her slit. She screamed and roared from her climax, the feeling, the ecstasy, the raw power and energy she felt from it. It was even better than she thought it would have been. Despite that Renan was practically unconscious during it, she still experienced one of the most memorable and mind blowing times of her life. She looked down breathing heavily with a wide expression of euphoria on her face at her spunk drenched lips and could not see Renan anywhere. He had not been dragged along with her orgasm. Instead, he had reached his destination. Shas’ Kre’s womb had opened to him and accepted him; he was guided in while the dragoness’ womb began adjusting to him. Her tight uterus forced him into the fetal position while on the outside Shas’ Kre was amazed to see that she had actually done it. Renan was now inside her, inside her belly, inside her womb where the process would begin. She smiled warmly as she laid a hand on her belly and moaned lightly as she could still feel the tiny man being moved around by her reproductive organ, it was preparing him for his quite possibly long stay. She couldn’t believe this old practice had worked and with a human no less. Inside her womb, Renan had been completely taken in now with an umbilical cord attaching itself to him and amniotic fluid engulfing him in his new home. In his coma like state, he couldn’t feel whatever pain he had been suffering from earlier and instead only felt warm, comfortable and happy with the uterine walls of his resting place surrounding and protecting him. The past few years had been very hard on this knight, in fact ever since this rebellion had started, he could barely ever get a goodnight sleep what with all the fighting he was constantly called out to do, suffering from worry that it might be his life taken the next day or the day after that or what friend and close comrade in arms he was going to lose that week or even what nightmare he was going to suffer through seeing as how he wasn’t even safe in his dreams. But all that was slowly going away, his worries, his woes and hopefully his nightmares along with them. For the first time in years, Renan would be getting the rest he deserved. Despite that he was in a comatose state, a smile emerged from his lips; whether it was from a good dream he was having or that he was unconsciously reacting to his heaven like environment, it marked a time when Sir Renan Bale was actually contented, even if he wasn’t conscious to experience this emotion. He was cooed gently by the various and yet oddly pleasant sounds of Shas’ Kre’s body, her relaxed breathing, her regular heartbeat and her soothing humming and murring which reverberated throughout her form. Renan’s subconscious took in the pleasant sounds of his “dragon mothers” body, helping to keep his mind clear and relaxed. Shas’ Kre gently rubbed a taloned claw over her belly, feeling oddly jubilant for what she had managed to do. The sense of having this human within her, being slowly healed and nurtured gave her a literal warm feeling on the inside. Whether it was just something that was happening naturally or a side effect of this odd ritual, she couldn’t deny that she loved this feeling. While she may have not been a mother in the traditional sense, she still felt proud for this rather unusual pregnancy. She had not known this knight very well but now with him being inside of her, she felt protective of him and with the days to come with Renan in her womb then she would likely be getting to know him a lot better with what memories of his would come into her mind. Shas’ Kre looked down again at her belly where a small bulge had developed for her occupant. She couldn’t stop caressing it, it just felt nice. She spent a few hours lying on her makeshift bed just stewing in delight, a wide grin on her face the whole time. Getting more comfortable, she began to drift off to sleep. Her claws and tail wrapped protectively over her belly while her eyes closed over. She sighed contently, pleased as to how this extraordinary day went and also excited for the days to come. “Goodnight” she whispered down softly to the being resting soundly inside of her. She fell asleep soon afterwards. The days ahead felt promising for her and her guest…. |
The sun rose steadily over the horizon with awakening birds chirping their morning songs and the mountain snow gleaming like crystals under the early sun. Inside Shas’ lair, the great dragon lay sleeping peacefully upon her bed, her belly still a bit swollen from its occupant she had placed inside of her the night before. She smiled sweetly in her sleep, feeling the movement from within while her two clawed hands remained covered over her naval. From within, Renan’s body was shifting around in its slumber while it moved up and down from the smooth breathing of his dragon hostess. It felt oddly cordial for Shas however. Her eyes remained closed, quietly absorbing the moment in her slumber but something was happening - something she did not expect. While she felt Renan move around quite bizarrely, something was flashing itself before her resting eyes, not unlike that of which someone would experience when dreaming. The images that came before her were not like anything she had seen before. She saw fire and smoke, bodies of dead humans scattered everywhere, men dying, the sounds of screaming and a raging battle with the clang and clash of steel and iron all around her. It was disturbing for her to say the least. What was going on? Inside her belly, the recovering body of Sir Renan Bale still lay dormant in the comfort and warmth of the dragoness’ womb. His movement being the cause of a nightmare he was having. His body reacting to the dream that played out in his head. He was back at the siege of Castle Morrcain, the castle where he and a garrison of 500 men tried desperately to hold out against a large army sent by the great Warlord of the North himself, Anfingrimm the Bloodied whose force outnumbered the garrison 8 to 1. This siege had happened years ago, back when Sir Bale was a young, inexperienced fighter that had only been newly knighted; back when he was still serving the merciless King Ulric and not rebelling against him. In fact this was the first true fight that Renan had taken part in and one like so many others he wished he could forget. The skies were pitch black from the night and all around him were the deceased bodies of the castles peasantry; bodies belonging to men, women, children and even infants. The strongholds buildings and infrastructure were burning and crumbling from the heavy destruction brought on by the siege, constant screaming and cries of agony could be heard throughout as defender and attacker alike were being mercilessly cut down by an unceasing rain of arrows and relentless assaults from weary foot soldiers. Death was all around. Sir Bale didn’t like to admit it but he was scared during that fight. He was now a protector of the realm, sworn to defend the people and fight for the king, yet the youthful and rookie knight was terrified. He had already killed several men of the opposing force and had tried desperately to steel himself for what was to come. But from what he had seen that night, it was simply too much for the green as grass swordsman. Sir Bale looked in reawakened horror at the carnage around him, he looked down at his hands and saw his metal gauntlets covered in the redness of blood, his sword was not so different. “No, no, no, no!!” he cried worriedly as this once buried memory had now come back to him like a terrible plague, “Not here! Not back here!” he continued, “It cannot be! Please God, not again! Tell me this isn’t real!” he began panicking as he shot his helmeted head around at his surroundings. He looked down at his feet, seeing the bodies of several men he instantly recognised, soldiers he had befriended in his past life and had died in that siege, “Sorin! Mikael! Haelzrad!” he said their names out, shocked at what he was seeing. Despite it being a nightmare, it felt real, too real especially for Sir Bale who was once again reliving it. The lacerated heads of the seemingly dead bodies turned to Sir Bale, their neck bones twisting to the sounds of sickening cracks and crunches. “What!? What sorcery is this!?” the dismayed knight jabbered to himself. The body of Sorin spoke to him, “Why is it you who only ever survives, Bale?” his voice full of antipathy, “It’s no surprise really” the body of Mikael spouted, “Always trying to look out for himself and his knighthood, not giving a damn about those he considers beneath him” he went on in utter contempt, “That’s not true…I..I…” Sir Bale tried to defend himself when he was caught off guard by the sullen voice of Haelzrad shouted, “You knights are all the same, all gallant and noble on the outside but when it comes to actually fighting, you slink away to the back and let true men fight your battles for you then you swoop in at the last moment and claim the glory for yourself” his insult rang with clear hatred, even though that these men were once friends, brothers in arms almost. “No! That’s….that’s not true! I fought along with you…I tried to save you” cried out Sir Bale, “And yet, we died but you lived, just as usual, only you lived” snarled Sorin, “How many have died for you, Bale? A dozen? A hundred? More?” he continued while his dead eyes looked at the shaken knight with a convicting stare. “No! You lie! I am not what you say I am, I fight like the rest of you! I try to save people, not sacrifice them!” he shouted defiantly. The bodies just laughed mockingly at him, “You’re nothing but a craven deserter!” Mikael shouted while the rest tossed sharp tongued insults at him. Sir Bale flailed about in madness, he had to escape them, escape their cruel mockery, escape their hate. He frantically looked about the area for somewhere, anywhere to get away to. He tried to run, run away from the bodies, away from their cold, icy stares and voices of contempt. There was only one way to go though and that was to the walls. All other routes were blocked off by large amounts of debris and bodies. He didn’t care where he was going, he just ran, ran away from the deceased which lay strewn all around the castle roads, “No!” he cried, “Not this! Not again!” he shouted in abundant fear. Sir Bale quickly tried to make his way down the castle street, he had been wearing a lighter variant of armour that night, allowing him to move with some speed; his helmet had been stifling to him however, making him uncomfortable and desperate to breathe some air, that smoky air with the stench of dead and burning bodies to accompany it. He threw it off, seeing even more of the carnage from his clearer view. This dream, this nightmare distorted his sight, exaggerating the things around him with a disturbing degree, showing the unimaginable that would make even the most ferocious of berserkers look away in apprehension. The dead bodies lay on the ground still, it was only when Sir Bale came near them that their heads would twist around disgustingly to look at him, shouting hate and screaming in pain from when they died. The streets were tarred with blood and scorch marks along with broken and smashed weaponry scattered among the wailing ‘dead’ bodies. The enemy soldiers that were the only living things that populated the streets at this point looked like demonic, giant, red hued husks of armour, no sign of human anywhere among their hulks, resembling more like hellish phantoms and wraiths. Their full suits of plate, chain and leather mail looking like they were forged within the bowels of hell themselves. The soulless warriors made their way after Sir Bale, menacingly creeping towards him in their heavy suits. The frightened neophyte quickly attempted to escape from this madness; he could only head towards the crumbling walls, their stone work damaged and close to falling but alas, they were his only sanctuary from the desecrated streets of Castle Morrcain. He quickly made his way up the stairwell of one of the wall towers and out onto the castle walkways where only the dead and badly ravaged bodies of both defender and attacker lay scattered on the blood stained masonry. He looked over the parapets, his face struck with a traumatised expression as he saw the huge invading army spread out before him on the fields outside the castle, an endless sea of metal masked exterminators, intent on killing, pillaging and looting, looking less like men and more like terrifying monstrosities. The night sky radiated a redness from the great fires that spread throughout the castle like it was being illuminated by a blood drenched moon “This can’t be real! This can’t be real!” he whispered to himself, nearly too petrified to move. From amidst the great army, large fireballs launched from devastating trebuchets came hurdling towards the castle walls. One of them heading towards Sir Bale who quickly turned back to the stairwell in a fit of panic but was given a nasty shock when he saw the whole tower collapse after it was hit by one of the incoming projectiles, leaving him trapped. He saw the raging balls of fire come flying in to the walls, he could only watch as they came towards him, unable to fight this nightmare, “Nooooo!!!” he shouted as the fire ball came crashing right into him. Shas suddenly woke up in a startle, her head shot up from her resting position while she breathed heavily in panic, “What was that!?” she said out, clearly surprised and not in a good way. She had never had a dream like that. It was awful to her, all that death, all that carnage, all that destruction. She had never seen something like that before. She quickly realised that it might have been because of…him. She looked down at her abdomen, still confused from the dream. She placed a claw upon it, “Was that you?” she questioned with uncertainty. She knew that the bearer shared memories and experiences from their occupants past but she didn’t know that they shared dreams as well. “My God…” she said, feeling somewhat amazed, “It was like I was really there….” she continued, still a bit bewildered from the bizarre dream. “What things have you seen, little knight?” she whispered down to him. It seemed that this knight had experienced his fair share of war in the past. When thought about actually, aside from being high up in social society along with nobles and clergymen, knights were more or less just like any other soldier in the end; soldiers who saw just as much death and devastation as those lowly grunts that weren’t knights; the only difference between those who were Sirs and those that weren’t was a meaningless title that wasn’t going to save them on the battlefield and a suit of fancier looking armour. Renan was continuing to react to his dream, his movement jolting Shas, “Whoa! Hey! What the…Ohhh, calm down my little humie, this is really not the time for being startled” she said down to him but he still moved around frequently. Shas lowered her head down to her stomach, she wanted to try something as a way of getting him to calm down, she whispered softly to her bulge, “Shhhh, it’s alright, don’t be scared, you’re safe with me now, just relax” she had her two claws placed over her stomach feeling his movement and it seemed her soothing whispers were working as he was calming down, his movement becoming less erratic, “That’s it, that’s it, just simmer down” she continued to whisper to him until his movement stopped altogether with Shas sighing in relief. While the alleviated dragoness got her mind straight, something felt different for her, something in her mind. That dream she had witnessed, suddenly she knew everything about it, the name and location of that castle, the numbers in each army, the amount that died during the siege and even how it ended when reinforcements sent from the king came to lift the siege and save Renan’s as well was what was left of the garrison’s lives even though she never saw that in the dream. Every detail about that battle, she suddenly knew. She had never even heard of Castle Morrcain and did not know a great deal about human society or their wars in general but now she knew the name of the king that Renan had once served, this King Ulric The Unmerciful his people called him, the name of this ‘Warlord of the North’, Anfingrimm the Bloodied and even the names of several of Renan’s former military compatriots. Those visions from last night were not just part of an ordinary dream but a delve into Renan’s memories. When Shas went to sleep yesterday, she did not know a thing about Renan’s former life and now she knew something about him, about his past, she knew what his first conflict was, but she didn’t like what she saw, everything being so visceral and callous, not to mention the distorted nature of the nightmare itself, manifesting what Shas could only assume were Renan’s own fears. It was a strange way to get to know someone like this. But it was an even stranger sensation to wake up in the morning and have a whole plethora of new knowledge she got from taking in the memories of this knight. It astounded her to say the least but at the same time, it perturbed her a fair amount. Seeing that Renan was a scarred warrior caught in the midst of a rebellion then there were probably many more memories she would have to deal with like that one. Shas tried not to dwell on it too much and instead tried to focus on the positive side of things like the good she was doing for Renan as well as the amazing feeling she had with him inside of her, to her it was like euphoria. Even though the dream was disturbing to her, she found it interesting to take in new insight and learn more she would never have known before thanks to this ritual. Realising that it was morning, she decided to get up and fetch some breakfast for herself and of course, her guest. “I don’t know about you little guy but I am starving” she commented while walking through her cave. Renan, having calmed down now, continued to lay dormant inside the dragon. He was slowly being healed up in the warm embrace of his saviour’s womb. The cosy walls still enveloped tightly around him. Despite his welcoming environment, he was still suffering from the nightmares that plagued his mind, represented by his more unwelcome memories. The healing process was occurring albeit gradually. The wounds it could heal in a matter of weeks, possibly months but the psychological trauma which could still remain in the person during their time in the womb; that could take longer, much longer and even then there was no guarantee. Shas took off from her cave and into the valley below her mountain. Herds of elk usually wandered about in her part of the wilderness. She hoped that she might be able to snatch a few up for herself. Shas was glad to see that the weather was clear at that moment; it gave her a much fairer perspective of the land and allowed her to look out for any potential prey. In the clear blue morning sky, she managed to spot a herd of elk wandering through the valley, “Look out below” she jested in her mind as she swooped down; she was getting closer to the elk when something caught her eye. She stopped mid-flight when she noticed another dragon flying into the scene, likely going to try and chase down the same elk herd that Shas had spotted. A sly smile emerged on Shas’ face, “Well, if it isn’t Tala’ Zer” she spoke, instantly recognising the dragoness’ black figure, white scaled chest and mid-section as well as her nifty obsidian and byzantium coloured wings. Shas had known Tala’ Zer for a long time and considered her a close friend even though that Shas was sometimes mischievous around her, looking to joke or mess around with her every now and then, all in good fun obviously. Tala seemed completely focused on the elk though and despite that Shas was red scaled and would therefore be hard to miss in a mountainous environment, she somehow failed to notice her. Taking advantage of this, Shas raised her altitude to a higher elevation and managed to fly on until she was hovering above Tala who still didn’t notice the red dragon being too busy staring at the ground towards the elk. A wicked smirk faced Shas saw her opportune moment and flew down with the speed of lightning to take the oblivious dragon by surprise. Tala waited in patience for the right time to strike down upon the elk. Unfortunately for her, she was given nasty surprise when Shas had managed to fly in on her from above and wrap her in a sort of mid-air bear hug. While the initial shock of the ambush and the fact that the restraining embrace did not allow her to keep her wings flapping, it seemed that the culprit of this jolt kept their wings flapping so as to maintain height for both her and themselves. “Ahh!” she yelped as two long, red scaly arms came around her and squeezed her against the crimson dragoness’ body. “What the….Shas, is that you?” she said quite amazed while still locked in the forced embrace. “Hah! How’s it going, Tala? Happy to see me?” chuckled a delighted Shas. “Ehm, somewhat…you gotta stop surprising me like this” she said feeling defeated while still trapped in Shas’ tight grip. Shas just laughed merrily before letting the dark dragoness go. “Ow...you and your sense of humour, I tell you” Tala muttered. The two dragonesses hovered in mid-air exchanging looks. “That’s the fourth time this year and it’s still only winter” grinned Shas, “Oh Shas, when are you ever going to grow up?” Tala huffed, “Oh come now Tala, a little fun never hurt anyone” smirked Shas. “Pah! Fun for you, pain for me…” grumbled Tala. “Anyway, I saw you spying on those elk down there” said Shas to her friend while pointing downwards at the valley, “What say you and we do a little ‘herding’, hmm?” she continued with something of a mock evil undertone. A small grin came across Tala’s face, “Well ok, what did you have in mind?” she asked with some intrigue. “Simple, I fly to the other side of the herd and chase them towards you, you catch what you can and we’ll both be having a good morning meal” Shas explained to her friend, “Alright, sounds good” replied Tala. Shas glided down towards the valley floor until she was hovering right in front of the elk herd. Sure enough, the creatures took off in a startle down the opposite direction of the large red dragon that hovered above them. Shas gave chase, making sure to keep them going in the one direction towards the awaiting dark dragoness. She managed to pick up a few lagging elk, too slow to keep up with the herd. “It’s almost too easy” thought Shas confidently as she eased off from the herd to see Tala ambush them, managing to snatch up 8 of the unlucky animals in her claws while the rest of the critters ran on, leaving the ones that were unfortunate enough to be caught to their fate as breakfast. “Well now, not a bad catch, Tala” remarked a pleased Shas, “Thanks” replied Tala “I see you got some yourself as well” she noticed, “Yeah, but only the runts that were too slow to catch up with the rest, let’s see what you got” Shas moved over towards Tala. Tala handed over some of the elk she caught to Shas as her reward for helping with their capture. Most of the elk they had caught were still alive, most dragons liked to catch and eat their prey alive for the feeling of swallowing down live prey and feeling them struggle in their stomachs, it was a feeling that just about any dragon loved to have, a strange sensation to say the least. “Oh how I love the taste of elk” remarked Tala as she dropped a large male elk into her maw, savouring its taste, moaning in delight before swallowing it down her throat. “Hmmm, I agree” moaned Shas, taking in the taste of her own prey. “Good job you did there catching those elk” commented Shas, “Well, it was you who managed to keep them on the direction towards me, I mean it wouldn’t have gone as smoothly as that without you” complimented Tala. “Thank you” replied Shas while rubbing a hand over her stomach, feeling her prey struggle but also her little human who was wiggling around inside of her. Tala only noticed the slight bulge on Shas’ belly now seeing as how it was barely noticeable before and that she didn’t really have a reason for looking down there in the first place. “Eh Shas, what’s with your stomach? Had you already eaten something before you came out here?” she asked, “Oh, are you implying that I’m fat? Honestly Tala, I would’ve thought you better than this than to make fun of someone’s weight” she replied jestingly. “Come now Shas, I’m serious, what’s with that growth? You….you’re not…pregnant, are you?” she asked, feeling a bit unsure. “Well actually yes, yes I am, seeing as how you asked” replied Shas rather bluntly. “WHAT?!” Tala shouted, “You’re pregnant?!? Well…what…when….I mean where….why didn’t you tell me? It would be definitely something you’d want to let someone know of right away” she said feeling bewildered, clearly in alarm from the news. “And miss this reaction of yours? Nah, I’m happy enough doing it this way” said Shas smugly. “Well….anyway, I can’t believe it! I mean, when did you find out? Who’s the lucky or….unlucky dragon who slept with you? Was it Derag’ Xor? I mean he’s always had a thing for you and all…it’s just, oh tell me already, what happened exactly!?” asked a now eccentric Tala. “Slow down Tala! I….really? Derag’ Xor? Him? Really? Huh….anyway, I didn’t lay with anyone, in fact if you must know, I performed ‘Uudelleen Heränneen Nuorentuminen’” A confused look followed by a brief pause came over Tala “Uudelleen Heränneen Nuorentuminen? You mean that old….rebirthing ritual? Really!? Are you telling me that you have an adult dragon literally inside of you right now?? I don’t believe this!” “Well, believe it because I’m not joking with you, not this time anyway, I did it only yesterday actually” said Shas while she stroked her belly. “Oh…well…huh…so? Who is in there right now, if you don’t mind me asking? What’s his or her name?” “He is Sir Renan Bale of Quaranhiem is what he told me” “Sir?? Isn’t that….Wait! Quaranhiem?! That’s a human city! Are you telling me….heh heh, nice joke Shas but seriously, tell me who he is” Tala demanded lightly. “I just told you and no this is not a joke, he is Sir Renan Bale, a human knight from Quaranhiem” said Shas back to her, trying to confirm the truth. “Come on! Enough jokes, just tell me who the dragon is” Shas remained silent, only smiling lightly at her friend before a look of astonishment came over Tala’s face “No way!” exclaimed Tala, “You are serious!” she nearly shouted from shock. “A human!? You have a human inside your womb?! You gotta be kidding!” “Nope” said Shas simply, “It’s a human and you know what? I don’t care, I did what was right to help him and that’s all that matters to me” “But I mean…Shas….a human? Why? They do nothing for us but try to hunt and kill us, we are nothing but animals to them.” said Tala feeling quite confused by the whole situation. “While that may be, not all of them are like that, this one for example was not here to try and hunt anyone, he was just trying to escape from something or someone. Look, just hear me out on this” Shas spent half an hour explaining to Tala about what happened exactly the day before, when she found Renan near death, taking him back to her lair in an attempt to help him and determined that she could only save him through the ancient draconic rebirthing act. She did manage to convince her friend as to why she did it but it still didn’t stop Tala from being astounded by it all. “Well I suppose it’s your body your choice but what if something went wrong? I mean to do it with a member of your own species is fair enough I suppose but to do it with a being not of your own kind? Aren’t you afraid that something bad might happen to you or him?” asked a concerned Tala. “I had to make a decision in just a short amount of time Tala and I couldn’t just let this human die while I stood there and did nothing” the dragoness asserted. “Well, you are kind Shas; I’ll say that about you at least, I just pray that you’ve made the right choice” “Yeah, me too” replied Shas feeling a bit uncertain herself. “So, how are you feeling right now?” asked Tala. “I’m feeling fine, actually I’m feeling great. There’s just something about this whole thing that gives you a good feeling on the inside” “You sure that’s not from the elk you just ate?” “No, I mean from….this” said Shas gesturing to her abdomen. “I don’t know what it is about it but it just gives you more vigour, makes you feel delighted, the fact that I have someone inside of me and he’s being helped by me, being healed up in there…I just like it” she confessed positively while brushing a hand over her abdomen once again. “That actually sounds pretty…well pretty wonderful” replied Tala. “Well ehm…” said a now unsure Shas, “There are some ‘negative’ side effects from it” she continued, “Oh, such as?” asked Tala. Shas told Tala about the dream she had experienced the night before, the siege she witnessed and how she saw it through Renan’s eyes and how it seemed to be freaking out the unconscious being inside her when she woke up this morning. “You mean he shared a dream with you? That’s…that’s amazing” said a muddled Tala. “You think that’s amazing? No, the amazing thing is that when I woke up this morning, I knew everything about his vision. I didn’t think it possible but because of him in here, I woke up this morning knowing even more about him than I did yesterday, that castle he was fighting in, the men he fought against and even the names of those he fought alongside, I had never even seen a human battle that close before but now I can say that I have” Shas described to Tala, enthusiasm ringing in her voice. “It was his memory come in the form of a dream, just in a very twisted way….some of the things I saw in it were pretty bizarre” Shas continued. “So let me get this straight, your mind took in his recollection and now you know what he knew from what happened in that castle?” Tala asked feeling slightly confused. “Yes, at least I think that’s what it is. I wish I could find some old tome on the rejuvenation process to learn more about it. I mean, all I know about it is from what elders have told me. Besides, there are probably no more of those tomes left anyway” the red dragoness figured. “There might be a few left in some old ancient tomb or ruin somewhere. Wouldn’t know for sure though” commented Tala, “There is something that I have been wondering though, Shas, you say that he reacted to the dream? I mean, his physical form was moving around? Do you think that’s going to happen every time your body delves into his past?” “Maybe, I can’t tell for sure but throughout the memory I could hear him shout, ‘Not again! Not again!’ Like he was…reliving it…I think he was just terrified that he was once again back at that place….I mean, I think while his body is unconscious, his mind is still reacting to certain situations, at least from what I understand, it was pretty obvious that he didn’t like being back there, my body causing him to dream of his past which I am guessing he does not want to remember too much about and I wouldn’t blame him from what I saw in that nightmare of his of course. “Sounds like he has seen much trouble, does this mean that his nightmares will be plaguing your mind from now on?” asked Tala, “It would appear so” Shas sighed, “I hope it doesn’t persist too much, after what I had seen last night…Well I hope to never see that particular memory again…although I suppose it’s only a small price to pay” she went on, both the dragon’s attention being focused at her stomach. “How is he right now?” asked Tala, “He’s calm for now although with what he’s lived through then I’m guessing moments of tranquillity will be few and far between” she murmured. “I still can’t believe that it’s a human in there, I mean, why a human?” Tala asked, still slightly puzzled. “Yes, he is a human but that shouldn’t mean that he isn’t deserving of life, they aren’t all bad I mean. He also seemed pretty cute at the time as well, in a brutalized and cut up veteran sort of way but he still had a moniker of charm to him.” she beamed to Tala, feeling more secure to tell her about it. “Also, I know this practice had only ever been done before with dragons but I figured that it was worth a shot to try and save him I mean. Worst outcome was that it was going to affect him a lot more than it was going to affect me.” Shas tried to reason. Tala paused to give a questioning look to her friend, “How do you know that? I mean how do you know it wouldn’t have gone worse for you? How do you still know that it might not get worse for you, actually?” “Well, if you must know, I didn’t, simply put. He was near death; he was the right size for the ritual; a ritual which could save his life and I just did what I had to do for his sake, if it meant more risk for me than him then so be it” Shas explained calmly to Tala. It was then that something clicked in Tala’s brain when she heard Shas say that, “No” she thought, “Doing this all for a complete stranger? I know you better than that Shas’ Kre”. With a cocked brow and a small suspecting grin emerged upon Tala as she stared at her friend with eyes that read, ‘You expect me to believe that?’ “What?” retorted Shas with a moniker of guilt in her response. Tala just continued to look at her with her wide smirk, her deep red eyes staring at the ‘good’ dragon still with the same unasked question. “Really?” asked Tala unconvinced, “You helped him for his sake without thinking how it would affect you? Surely there was more than that reason alone for you doing this” she chuckled. “Well, not just that…I..I mean I wanted to…test out this ritual, to see if it actually worked…maybe delve into his memories, see how he came to be up on the mountains…” said Shas although her conviction seemed a bit misplaced, like she was leaving something out. Tala knew this and was still unconvinced, her condescending grin towards Shas never breaking. “Um hmm” Tala hummed out, letting her scepticism known, “You wanted to do this for the sex, didn’t you?” she asked her in a rather blunt and snooty manner. “Tala’ Zer! I can’t believe you would ask me something like that? Do you have no shame?” she countered defensively. Again though, Tala gave her the same look. “I mean, to insinuate that I was just doing this for personal satisfaction…hmph, the daftness of it all” Shas went on with Tala still just giving her the same ‘Oh really?’ look. Shas looked back at her friend, remaining silent with a displeased look on her face, trying to remain offended. It didn’t work. She could not keep her face straight and her façade began to crack as well as a smile along with a snicker escaping from her gritted teeth. She began laughing, realising that Tala guessed right…mostly. She had to concede that it was a big reason for what she did with Renan, “Alright…alright, you’re right, I’ll admit it…I did want to do this because well….I haven’t been with a male in years… but when I realised I could save him through this ritual…well…I was a bit giddy…alright very giddy but I couldn’t deny that I liked it. Oh I liked it a lot Tala” confessed an amused Shas. Tala laughed with her, “Oh Shas, you never cease to amaze me” she chuckled while stepping closer to the red dragoness. Shas stopped laughing while trying in an attempt to justify herself, “Yeah, you got me, well done…smart ass, but seriously though, yes I may have done this for…..my needs but I did really want to help this poor human” she explained while rubbing her belly gently. “I just couldn’t let him die and if you were there then you would have realised that there may have been no other way. If I had to perform Uudelleen Heränneen Nuorentuminen to save him then so be it, the fact that it had to be done in…that way was an added bonus really” “Uhm hmm, an ‘added bonus’ you were probably more than a little happy to receive” Tala jested with some sarcasm in her voice. “Oh shush you!” Shas replied mildly to her. After some more conversing with one another; Tala decided to take her leave. “I’d better get back to Jorrog, he’ll probably wonder where I’ve been” she turned to Shas, “It was nice seeing you again, Shas” she said to her. “Yeah, you too Tala” she replied. Tala smiled at Shas before glancing down again at her barely noticeable bulge. “Do you think that human will be alright?” she looked back up at Shas’ eyes, “I hope so, I don’t know what will happen in the end but he seems to be responding to his environment pretty well so that’s got to mean something, right?” said Shas with a hint of reassurance. “Yeah, I hope so too…even if I can’t see the logic in trying to help a human of all creatures this way but I suppose we all have our reasons” the dark scaled dragon figured. “I’ll see you later Shas and I’ll hopefully see you later too….tiny knight” she said gesturing to Shas mid-section. “Thanks Tala, farewell”. Tala took off into the morning sky and flew inwards towards the mountain range leaving Shas alone with her thoughts…and her ‘passenger’. “Please don’t let the nightmare be too crazy tonight, little guy” although she was joking, she had a small worry still dwelling about these nightmares. She just hoped that whatever dream or memory she would get from him would not be as dark as the one he had shared with her last night. The regression of Renan’s body would be beginning by now and as the regression commenced then the more and more memories would be taken in by the bearer. Shas was unsure if she would be comfortable with this but there was no turning back now, she was in too far and could only wait out the pregnancy until her uterus had healed up Renan, there was no telling what could possibly happen however. She flew back to her home while inside her body; Renan began twitching and shuffling again, his arms and legs pushing against the claustrophobic membrane of the uterus walls. Shas could feel the movement within her body occur mid-flight, “Oh Renan, what’s up this time?” she wondered while simultaneously focusing on her flight back. The regression was causing Renan’s body to react in an unusual matter. He began jolting within his confined space, his legs rubbing vigorously against the fleshy walls in some attempt in his unconscious mind to possibly escape. “Whoa!” exclaimed Shas with surprise, stopping in her flight and keeping maintained in the air while she felt down in the region of her body where Renan was, “What is happening?” thought Shas as the movement was becoming more erratic. Renan’s body was becoming more unstable, it wouldn’t stop moving. His legs were pushing hard against the cervical walls and his arms were involuntarily punching in twitchy actions like his nervous system decided to get a mind of its own. “OHHHH” groaned Shas as she felt the bumps within her. They were stimulating her sexual drive as the movement increased and became more frequent. Shas moaned sensually, her wings becoming slower to the beat as the activity within her increased. She had to land down immediately before she ended up falling from the air. She quickly dived down towards the ground, still feeling the strange movement within her progress, “What…oooh…what is going on!?” she said, slightly panicked. Renan’s movement was getting more insane; he flailed about in his tight prison, reacting ecstatically. His eyes suddenly shot open, they remained open briefly before closing again, his movement unceasing while the great dragon that carried him became more turned on and a bit more panicked at what was happening. “Plea…Please stop, Renan!!” she whimpered as she was giving in to the situation more and more. Renan’s eyes opened again for a bit longer but he was not in direct control of his body. His actions were involuntary but he was semi-conscious at that moment, his eyes only making out a very dark area with a faint tint of red surrounding it before having to shut again from the amniotic fluid. He twitched about, kicking and punching the soft walls around him, his mind practically blank from his coma like state. “Ahhhh” moaned Shas as she lay on the forest floor reacting to the sensuous feeling that Renan was generating for her. “Oh my God!” she gasped, “This is…this is….messed up!...but…oh…can’t…can’t help it!” she clenched. It was unbelievable and yet downright sensational and evoking, it teased her loins badly. His flailing struggles inside her reproductive system, it was making her…horny. She had to do it, it was not exactly the most private of areas but she couldn’t hold it in, she was having little choice, she had to do it, she had to fuck! The roused dragoness reached down to her slit, Renan was still going berserk within her and now she would be too. She inserted two of her scaly fingers within her lips, “Ohh…this…this is…Ooooo” she moaned. Shas began to finger her slit in an attempt to satisfy herself. Never had she had a greater desire to fornicate in her life. She started slow, her fingers creeping in past her vulva and on into her vagina. Pushing her digits in to their extent, she was caught in bouts of sexual gasps and spasms while within her womb, Renan’s struggling was not ceasing. She began fingering herself repeatedly, murring from the thrill of the moment. In and out, in and out, in and out her fingers went from her soaked insides to her quivering vulva, her throat shouting, “Yes! Yes! Renan…you…you’re…” she cut off her own words from her moans and whines of satisfaction while the little human continued his movement. Shas raised her lower body while being supported by her upper body and spread out legs. She began gyrating her hips from the commotion while still deep in ecstasy. Her hips and thighs swivelled around, being spurned on by desire and lust; she was loving this. Renan’s world was shaking around him like an earthquake. His eyes opening every so often to the movement, he couldn’t perceive much in his current state but his eyes opened longer this time, his mind jump starting just long enough for him to be lucid, his eyes shot open yet again but managed to stay open this time, his first reaction being to yell, he tried to open his mouth to shout but a strange fluid flowed inside when he did causing him to shut it immediately. He looked around his dark enclosure, at first confused but then panicked by the crazy amount of movement around him along with the near darkness and the fluid which covered his eyes. He felt a long fleshy appendage merge into his torso. “What? What is this? What is going on!?!? Where am I?!” he questioned in his mind, he tried to scream but the strange fluid muffled his voice again and just rushed into his mouth when he opened it, he didn’t know how but he was somehow not requiring to breath even though he was submerged liquid. His panic increased, he had absolutely no idea what was going on. He tried to feel around his limited space in what movement he had. He couldn’t believe how cramped it was, the walls were soft, warm and sticky and they enclosed all around him and although they reacted to his movement, moving along with him, they did not go very far before they retracted around him again, “This…this is madness! Am I dead? Is this Hell!?” he cried out in his mind. On the outside, Shas was continuing to pleasure herself, spunk was oozing out of her vagina and onto the ground, she was coming closer and closer to her finale, “Oh God, yes!” she practically shouted, not caring if anyone heard her. She couldn’t hold it, she was getting closer, she roared as she felt herself orgasm and the spunk coming in a great flow out of her slit. She screamed, she cried, she yelled, she moaned and murred from her climax. Several final ins and outs from her fingers later and she was lying on her side, gasping in satisfaction while she deeply inhaled the mountain air. Her eyes were closed over while she breathed out, feeling appeased. She lay on the ground, still panting from what she had just done. Something that worried her at first turned out to be a very good thing in the end despite that it took her without warning. “Not bad, Renan” she huffed, still trying to collect herself. She noticed that he was still moving about inside of her, although it was fun the first time; she wanted him to stop for just a few minutes now. Inside her uterus, Renan was still dismayed at his current situation; he was naked inside a hot cramped area engulfed in a strange liquid. This large snake like appendage which stuck into him gave him a mixed sense of horror at its merging into his skin, confusion as to it was and a very strange and quite misplaced feeling of comfort like the thing was meant to be there although it could have been from his current environment. His mind was racing with alarm all the while he asked in his mind as to where he was, very much confused and exacerbated from…whatever this was. The regression had spurned him awake briefly, his erratic movement and mind becoming conscious likely as some kind of self-defence from his body when it felt that it was being regressed. He ceased his movement long enough to make out a noise which sounded a lot like a voice coming from what seemed to resonate all around him. The voice was gentle and soothing; it was speaking in a hushed tone, whispering to Renan, allowing him to become calmer as it spoke to him. “Shhhh” Shas hummed in mellowness to her resting human, “It’s alright” she whispered to him, “Just settle down and let my body do its work” the dragon caressed her lower body tenderly, feeling Renan begin to quiet down. “I know that you are in a strange place right now but have some faith, you will be alright, I promise you this” she tried to convey to him, hoping that his mind could still perceive vocal messages even within the confines of her womb. Renan then realized where he was, the darkness, the tight space, the strange fluid, the cord of flesh that went into his body and the organic membrane which surrounded him tightly; he was inside of the dragon that saved him, Shas’ Kre, he was inside her womb, somehow in there as some kind of unborn. This had to be a dream; this simply couldn’t have been real… “How is this even possible?” thought Renan, stricken with shock, confusion, amazement and wonder all at once. Shas continued to talk to Renan while he took in her sweet, sweet voice, the words she used, the tone of her voice helped to put his mind more at ease. He wished he could speak back but was unable to thanks to the fluid. “Just go back to sleep and rest assured that I will take good care of you, just let go Renan and rest your little body” Her reassurances and soft whispers along with the supple, comforting confines of his resting area were making him fall back into his stupor. Maybe it was a pheromone he was being pumped with or maybe being in such an environment triggered a desire to sleep but he soon found his eyes shutting over. He was still perplexed as to his situation but soon came to accept his confines from how welcoming and warm it was. Shas hand still lay over her stomach, she was glad to feel Renan relax and go back into hibernation but before she felt him go out completely, she swore that she felt Renan place a hand on the walls of her uterus in a possible attempt to meet her much larger and clawed draconic hand before the touch went away and he feel back to sleep. She smiled warmly to this, thankful that it was nothing too serious. For a while there, she thought that Renan was going to try and attempt to push his way out by himself judging from his frenzy and there was no telling what might have happened to either creature if that had happened. “Ok, that’s feeling much better, hope that doesn’t happen again” thought Shas in her mind, she snickered immediately afterwards though and couldn’t help but think, “Oh who am I kidding, that was fantastic!” she laughed. While she hoped it would not happen at a very inappropriate time again, she couldn’t deny that she loved what she had just experienced. She looked around the woodlands she landed in and was thankful that no other dragon or otherwise had seen her, the trees giving her a decent amount of seclusion. She headed back for her cave, hoping to have no more hijinks for today. Having gathered some more woodland animals for a later meal, she walked into her home, letting loose a ball of fire from her mouth upon the fire pit centred in the entrance chamber of her cave. She walked over to the entrance again after dropping off her kills next to the fire. While she stared out from the mouth of her cave to the view of the valley below, she breathed a sigh of contentment. The pregnancy was going good so far, aside from the nightmare and the emergency landing she had to do in order to….satisfy her needs, it was still within acceptable circumstances. She did wonder for how long this could go on for though, she was aware that this was a slow process and although only one day had gone by, she did feel worried that the days to come might be worse, she prayed they would not be for she did not want to regret trying to save Renan. “Let’s rest a while, Renan, shall we?” she sighed before getting into a more comfortable position. While she may have been worried about the negatives of this ritual, the positives at that moment were outweighing them and she tried to rest easy, knowing that she was in for several extraordinary months. “Sleep well….my human child” |
The days went by for both human and dragon in the mountains. The once noble and veteran knight, Sir Renan Bale stirred lightly within the confines of his resting place. In his unconscious state, he was happily reacting to his peaceful sleep, while he was still plagued with nightmares of his past; they seemed to be growing less and less frequent as time went on. He would still suffer from the occasional nightmare as well as his bearer who shared his dreams but they seemed to be leaving his mind, albeit slowly. There would be days when Renan would wake up within the dragoness’ womb, most of the time he would awaken initially confused and alarmed while still trying to comprehend how this was possible. While it was at first a shock to him, he would soon calm down and try to think clearly about the matter further when he had the chance but he would soon find himself falling right back into his stupor again when it happened. Those moments when he did wake would make him feel around his body in what little free space he had, he would notice certain changes like his muscles depleting in size and what body fat he once had practically gone, almost like his body was getting smaller and weaker as time went on and he had no idea how long he had been in there. In his dream like state, it would feel as though he was stuck inside this dragon for hours, days, weeks or months even. He would hold his umbilical cord in times when he would awake; there was something about it that made him feel at ease though despite its rather disturbing merging into his torso. While he was more aware that he was inside Shas’ Kre’s womb, he had come to accept it, he no longer felt what pain that had been bothering him from before, in fact his body was healing up very well. His scars still remained although they were showing signs of fading away as well, all except the largest and most hideous scars remained on his ever diminishing person. It was like heaven for the knight in actuality, the gentle and reassuring words his draconic host would whisper to him daily would relax his mind, allowing him to not have a care in the world. The umbilical cord which fed him and nurtured him gave him more closeness to Shas’ Kre, his body merging to the anatomy of that of a giant dragon. When her claws would caress the outside of her belly, he would feel the hand push against the membrane and rub against him and although he would be unconscious most of the time when feeling them, his body would still respond to her touches with its own touches, reacting to every bit of movement. He could tell when she would be happy from this, in fact he could tell her emotions because her feelings would transfer onto him. When she was happy, he would be too, when she was sad then he would share the emotion as well. Life was strange for this human indeed but not exactly bad. It was unknown if he would be truly saved or not though. His body was still regressing in physical form within the womb and neither he nor Shas knew if he would actually be reborn or absorbed into her body. As the months went by, the regression had commenced to the part were Renan would no longer be waking his eyes or becoming conscious at random points. There was little of his body left as the regression had shrunk it down to the point that he was in the balance between life and possible death. His mind still remained but his physical form had decreased in size significantly. He was practically a skeleton, his bones having only skin covering them and not much else, his hair gone, his organs practically irrelevant what with Shas’ body providing him with his essentials. But there was a positive outcome to this. As time went on, his wounds and illnesses had ceased to exist, his body had been ridded of what defects that had afflicted him from before, even his scars were gone. He was healed up. On top of that, the regression stage was complete. His body had now reached down in size to the point where now that he was healed up, Shas’ body would begin reforming Renan. Back to his normal human self? It would not be known, to a dragon or….possibly something in between? Only nature would decide if such a thing could by any means happen. Many months had gone by and the crimson dragoness had just woke from yet another dream, one showing her human child riding down some unlucky raiders and hacking into them with complete fury from atop his mount. Such memories Shas found rather bleak and ghastly and yet she had gotten used to them by now, in fact she was becoming more intrigued by Renan’s memories with each passing day. There would be days when he would have ‘good’ dreams though which showed some of Renan’s better memories like his wild teenage years, sneaking into the lords stables and letting the horses loose, playing practical jokes upon his fellow page-boys, crashing into a noble’s ball and sneaking some wine while everyone was too busy dancing and being drunk to notice or even standing on top of an urban rooftop with his old friends and playing the lute in the middle of the night while drunkenly howling at the moon….wearing nothing but a pair of shoes. Those dreams always helped to cheer Shas up and give her a good mood when she would wake, seeing her little human happy. But then there were days when Renan would have his ‘bad’ dreams which still were as hellish as one would imagine. Seeing her knight having to kill or be killed as he watched old friends and acquaintances die horribly right in front of him to some demonic looking savage, only appearing that way because of the nightmarish nature of the dream. Having to witness the once rambunctious and naïve young human quickly turn into a stone cold killer, barely even flinching at the sight of some poor sods head getting a broadsword jammed gruesomely through it by Renan himself. But it was through these dreams that Shas did learn a great deal about Renan himself and also facts that she would never have known of before. She had seen his life play out through his memories, seeing his childhood in Quaranhiem, seeing who his first love was but unfortunately only to see the poor young girl succumb to plague. Shas was even witness to the funerals of his mother and then his father who was also a knight, seeing many faces come and go throughout his life, seeing the day he was knighted and also the many battles he fought in and the death that followed with them. Humans were such fragile creatures when compared to dragons, their lives short and their bodies easily brought down by disease and conflict but in just those short few decades of Renan’s life, she saw that he had lived a pretty eventful life. More so than any centuries old dragon she knew or even herself for that matter. Despite that though, Shas had been taking to the rejuvenation act pretty well. Renan had been relatively calm within his confines for the first couple of months aside from the occasional loin spurring episode which Shas was actually more pleased about than distained for considering that it helped to liven up her day and she couldn’t deny the absolute pleasure she got out of it. Especially now that she was able to control herself should these wild movements from Renan’s body occur within a very inappropriate time like if she was outside her cave hunting for a meal or talking with a friend. However these last few months, Shas had noticed that Renan had not being moving at all. She could still sense that he was alive but she remained calm for she knew that the regression had taken the senses and consciousness from his body, shrinking it down only in muscle and fat to the point that it would not be a worthy vessel to anyone. In fact the small growth on Shas’ belly that signified Renan’s presence was gone and Shas’ abdomen was back to its usual slim slenderness. Initially it did worry her to see this because she had a terrible suspicion that her body might truly actually end up just absorbing Renan’s physical form rather than reforming it and replacing the damaged tissue as well as ridding of the infection and other physical abnormalities which could have killed Renan had she not put him inside her in the first place. But still, she remained serene for this is what was to be expected. His body would start to be getting reformed now. Soon her belly would bulge again from its inhabitant as he would regrow inside of her, to what though? She hoped it would at least be back to his human self and most preferably without any deformities but despite the similarities between dragon and human anatomy, she couldn’t help – and understandably so – but remain somewhat sceptical. While she may have saved the life of this human (she hoped so anyway), she knew she would have to be prepared for the unexpected should it come. She rubbed her now even belly, “Hope you turn out alright, my child” she uttered down her body. The emaciated body of the once hardened fighter began to get pumped up with growth, cells were being replaced and reproduced all around as Shas’ body took no time on getting to work in reforming him. He would now be growing back…. ================================================================ Suddenly Renan’s eyes began to open. His view suddenly coming back but….something didn’t feel right. He was not back in one of his memories, instead he instantly recognised his location from his red and fleshy surroundings, he was still inside Shas’ Kre but he could see a lot clearly now. His perspective no longer hampered by the darkness he would at times wake up to. He tried to wave a hand in front of his face but saw nothing, “What?” thought Renan, he tried to speak his mouth but not so much as a mumble or muffled shout came out, “What is going on now?” he asked himself in his mind. He tried to move forward on instinct and to his amazement, he was able to move relatively well, in fact he found that his movement was not restricted to the tight confines of the dragon’s womb anymore. This was coming as a bit of shock to him, he could suddenly move and see clearly and yet it seemed like he had no body to move with. He looked down from his current spot to see an almost skeletal figure wrapped tightly up in the fetal position, “Wha…that…that’s me” he said as he instantly recognised the body’s features as his own. “Good God! What…what is happening?!” he shouted in his head (if one could say he even had a head to begin with). He tried to look at his own hands again (not that of the actual body beneath him) but saw nothing, in fact he looked down and to his sides and saw that there was nothing of this supposed vessel he now possessed, not even the constant visual one would have of their own nose and eye lashes was there. It was like he was invisible but the strangest thing was that he could feel his limbs move and his head turn almost like he was still in control of something that resembled a human form even though his actual human form lay in a coma beneath him. Panicking a bit, he tried to move around again and during his feeling of dismay, he inadvertently noticed that he could move his invisible form through the walls of the womb and onward. “This is…this is unreal” he thought once again. In complete awe, he slowly moved a phantom hand and then his head through the uterine walls and found himself….outside, outside into the world. He looked around at his surroundings – still astonished from what was currently going on – and saw the dreary weather lashing rain and sleet down upon the mountainside from which he looked to see her, his ‘dragon mother’ sat at the mouth of her cave residence watching over the view from the entrance. Renan saw her with a look of calm and content upon her scarlet scaled face, several rain drops dripped down her head and yet she remained still, seemingly happy enough to just enjoy the weather as it was. While Renan was glad to see his saviour’s face once again, it still didn’t distract from the fact that he was somehow moving around without a body. He tried to speak to Shas but immediately gave up when he remembered that he could not speak out loud. He “stepped” out onto Shas’ bare stomach and quickly noticed how easy it was to keep his balance, Shas was sitting against the stony wall beside her cave entrance and by the way her body was positioned, Renan should have been tumbling down her torso. Renan took another step out and to his complete surprise he found himself actually floating a couple of feet above Shas’ body. His feet – if one could say he had feet – did not touch down on her stomach, instead he found himself practically floating, as though the laws of physics did not apply to his invisible form. “Am I…am I…am I dead?” he asked himself. “No…it…it can’t be…” “Could I be dead?” he thought, “What if I did die inside her? Am I a ghost then? A spirit?” he was deep in thought about what was going on currently, he did not feel the cold temperatures that one would imagine rain and sleet would produce in the mountains and he also noticed that he was just levitating above Shas’ abdomen in this unseen body of his. This was very strange to Renan; he could not think of any other explanation other than that he was an undead spirit still wandering the earth, being denied from both heaven and hell. He was still perplexed as to whether this was his purgatory or not. When he walked forward, he soon found himself actually walking in the air with no trouble. The earth was not attempting to pull him back down and his spiritual form soon found out that it could easily float through the air, up or down, side to side, it came naturally to Renan. But while he was still getting used to this sudden revelation, it didn’t distract him from the fact that he quite possibly was in fact dead. “So, that is how it ends, eh?” thought Renan, taking a note of the irony of dying inside the womb, an organ meant for creating life, not ending it. Renan elevated himself up to Shas’ face which was still sporting a warm smile as her sapphire eyes lazily scanned the atmosphere, her clawed hand resting on her stomach. He smiled back at her – even though she could not see him – and touched her draconic face, while he could not feel the heat her body would have omitted; he could still feel the positive energy that radiated off of her. From his time inside of her, he remembered the moments when she showed affection to him, whispering soothing words and melodies to him from the outside to keep him calm. He couldn’t believe the kindness she had done for him. Although she had tried to save him through such a strange and unorthodox way but only because she had no other options in terms of saving him, even though she could have easily just let him die or even killed him herself, she chose to do her best to save him instead. A man like Renan who had experienced more pain and anguish throughout his life than he wished to bear couldn’t help but feel touched by such benevolence from this dragon. These past months had made him closer to her, his time inside her womb helping to build a bond between the two of them. Strangely however, Renan actually knew more about Shas’ Kre now than he did before. He was not aware how though but was ignorant of the neural memory link that the bearer shared with the person on the inside. He saw images come into his mind of another life, her life. Seeing numerous dragons of various shapes, sizes and colour appear in his own eyes, her parents, her friends, even her former boyfriends. He saw different scenes flash before his eyes of a small and young dragoness gazing at her reflection in a lake; it was Shas apparently when she was a child. She had seemed so small and innocent in the memory but now she was the size of a castle tower and likely as hardy as one as well. “To think that there are people who hunt these creatures…” thought Renan. He had never had anything against dragons before and actually admired them for their freedom as well as their ability to fly but not so much for the fact they had fallen into such a dark age with excruciatingly low numbers and a great lose in power to the point that they were practically borderline animals. Were it not for their great knowledge and past then that is likely what they would have been, mindless savages. While Shas sat watching the rain soaked landscape stretch as far as her eyes could see, Renan tried to get a hang of his spiritual abilities. He attempted to move away from Shas, trying to test his ability to “walk” through the air, going out from the cave entrance which looked out from the mountain side. But when Renan tried to move away, he found that he couldn’t move too far, some physical force was preventing him from leaving the dragoness’ presence. He couldn’t move any further away from her than Shas was feet tall. He tried his best to move further away but found this energy pushing him back with great force. He did not know what was causing this but he grew irritated at not being able to go further away. It seemed that he could not leave Shas or more likely, he could not move away from his body inside of her. “Where’s a monk to explain the spiritual realm to me when I need one…” grumbled Renan sarcastically as he gave up trying to move further away. He moved back to Shas who was still enjoying her time in the rain. Renan was personally impressed to see her just sitting out and appreciating this cold and rather miserable looking weather and not be affected negatively by it in anyway. He wished that he had had such fortitude against such conditions back when he was still living. His invisible body went back to Shas and elevated himself to her upper body and to her shoulder. Shas herself being completely oblivious to the ghostly form that manoeuvred around her body. Renan stood on the giant creatures shoulder deciding to take a moment to calm himself and try and enjoy the view from Shas’ perspective. He had to admit that despite the dreary scenery before him, it did have a certain beauty to it and he could see why Shas was busy admiring it for so long. Shas sat watching the view for over an hour with Renan not leaving her side. To him, it felt nice to spend some true time with his dragon hostess even though she did not know he was there. Her body was moving ever so slowly from her relaxed breathing and her ear soothing humming combining with the pitter patter of the rain which helped to really make Renan feel like he was home. While it did make him think of his actual home of Quaranhiem and that he would likely never get to see it again, it didn’t bother him a great deal. Whatever Shas was doing, whether she was trying to save him, preserve him or just absorb his body, he figured that his future was with her now, his spiritual form to be with this large, crimson scaled, majestic and quite frankly beautiful looking dragoness for who knows how long. Renan cared not for the fact that he was a spirit right now. He always knew he was going to die sooner or later especially in his line of work. He had long since stopped fearing death and knew that he could only wait for it. And of all the ways for his life to end, this one did not seem so bad. At least he died warm, content and not alone, rather than dying in some muddy battlefield or dingy castle being devastated by the rebellion. When the wind caused the rain clouds to move on and give way to a sunny blue sky, Shas rose from her sitting position and began whooshing her giant wings in preparation for take-off. Renan braced himself as he did not know what would happen should she attempt to fly off without him but when he saw the dragon launch into the air, he soon found that to his amazement he was being taken up with her. “WHOOOOAAAA, BY THE GREAT LORD ABOVE!” he shouted in his mind. He remembered the first time Shas went flying with him as her passenger although the ride for him brought the full fury of the mountain’s freezing winds down onto him combined with his grievous injuries and deteriorating condition, it obviously did not make for a pleasant journey back to her home. But now he was not hindered by any injury, ailment or even physical form, instead he found himself in utter astonishment when he was being carried along with Shas as she flew, “I’m….I’m flying…” said an awe struck Renan, “Good god! I’m actually flying!” he smiled, “I’m so high up” he noticed as he saw the land grow smaller in size below him but the horizon expand extraordinarily before his view. “This…this is incredible!” he exclaimed in his head, still not being able to vocalize his words. Shas’ wings whooshed continually while her slender red frame glided and manoeuvred around the afternoon sky. Renan couldn’t help but let out a, “Woooooooo” in his mind. Disregarding his initial misery of a flight, this was the first time he could look down upon nature’s creations and admire the true beauty of what these mountains gave. Death was seeming to be not so bad at that moment; at least he thought it was death. “I could get used to this” thought Renan while his euphoric face gazed downwards to the view below and then finally turning to her, his saviour (loosely speaking), his bearer, his friend, his draconic benefactor; if he could cry, he would have done so for he had never been so happy before. Truly, his war was over, his war with fear and anguish and he could now have peace. He no longer felt the crushing weight that his constant bad and troublesome memories had generated for him; instead all he felt was joy and relief at long last. Shas was actually flying out to get some deer for her dinner. She had little trouble catching a quarter of an unlucky herd caught out in the open before flying back to her lair to enjoy her meal in peace. While she sat at the fire pit within her cave, slowly savouring the meal she had caught, Renan was busy still exploring his ghostly abilities. At that moment he was taking time to explore Shas’ body, going around all sections of her gigantic frame. He got up close to the thumping rhythm of her beating heart and into her stomach where he spied the remains of several deer being slowly digested. Some of the poor creatures were still alive while they struggled inside her but Renan knew from somewhere that that was how most dragons preferred to eat their prey….he could have sworn that he knew this from Shas herself actually, he just didn’t know when he heard it….. He stood in the large organ looking around in fascination to the solid, fleshy membrane, “So this is what it’s like to be eaten by a dragon” he observed. “Hmmm, no wait a minute, doesn’t seem right” he speculated before moving outside Shas’ body and up to her face where she was in the process of working down a particular large stag. When her mouth opened hungrily to greet the deer, Renan took his opportunity to move into her gaping maw and observe the process first hand. He watched as the stag (which was still alive) frantically clamoured about her jaws in a vain attempt to escape. Renan felt rather bad for it but then again, such was the way of nature, survival of the fittest and the strongest, and the dragons were indeed fit and strong. Shas hummed slightly as she took in the taste of the stag, saliva building up in her mouth all the while. Renan could not help but think that this could have easily been his fate when he was first found by Shas, while he did actually end up inside the dragon; it was a much more different fate than what this scared creature was currently going through. Shas swallowed the deer down whole, Renan looked on as he saw the stag disappear to the back of her mouth and then go sliding down her throat. He followed after it and took the same journey down the long oesophagus. He made his way down the slick insides and back into the stomach below where he saw the stag struggling around in the stomach acids while its brethren were being slowly digested around it. “Can’t believe she eats them alive” commented Renan as he watched the deer being rather gruesomely eaten up by the acids. Such imagery many would find disturbing but Renan had seen a lot more sickening things during many a bloody battle or assault. For some reason, he found it strangely endearing to watch the process of Shas eating. He stayed inside her stomach watching with interest at the digestive process. Meanwhile on the outside, Shas was lying down on the cave floor, calmly processing her meal as she moaned in delight to the deer still moving around inside her stomach, her reptilian eyes slowly closing over for a sleep. Renan took notice of her relaxed breathing and her body slowing down, quickly realising that she was asleep. He rose from his position and moved upwards until he was on the outside of her body. He stood on her belly while Shas breathed ever so gently and smoothly, her torso rising and falling with each breath. Renan walked up to her head, placing a hand on her scaly cheek while she inhaled the damp cave air. “Sleep well, Shas’ Kre” he wished he could’ve whispered to her. His ghostly form wandered around her cave, he never noticed it’s aesthetics before. Normally he would’ve imagined a dragon’s home being quite bare, only a rocky cave filled with discarded animal bones and carcasses from past meals, and yet he noticed her cave was actually rather tidy. It lacked stalagmites and stalactites given a very smooth rocky surface for the cave walls and ceilings. The walls were adorned with small wood and stone carvings on shelves carved into the walls. Preserved animal skins were spread out to give something of decoration and he also noticed a wooden shelf, crudely made but it contained all manner of old looking scrolls, likely from an age of dragon history long forgotten by human minds but likely still remaining fresh in the minds of the ancient dragon race. He looked more inward, seeing objects and belongings of human origin, likely being kept as trophies seeing as the majority of the items were weapons and armour. No warrior would willingly part from his tools of the trade unless he was killed for them, although given that Shas seemed rather passive, she could have just claimed the gear off of some already dead adventurer or warrior to preserve them. The old weaponry was displayed in rows, each item kept together neatly. Renan looked along the line, admiring the dusty suits of leather, chain mail and scaled armour, some damaged, some not. But one suit stood out to him, a full suit of plate mail armour with distinctive markings and two small holes punched into the chest plate along with dried blood running down from where the two holes were. Renan may have been comatose for months but he recognised his old worn battle armour from anywhere. It had been so long since he had it on last and it seemed like Shas had been careful with it, keeping it neatly packed together and in place, like how a lord or baron would have numerous suits of empty armour positioned around their home for aesthetic, it seemed like Shas was no exception. For a dragon she certainly had a touch for interior cave decoration. As Renan looked at the armour, he saw the many bits of damage that had been done onto it all those months ago; a great battle in which he barely escaped with his life from. He began remembering back to it, still unaware about the neural link between him and Shas. Shas herself was beginning to stir in her sleep… ================================================================ [Author’s note – I decided to put the battle in a separate story because I felt like it really took away from the current plot you are reading right now and also so you had the option to skip over it if you wanted to do so, it’s really not that important. You can read it if you want but if you don’t want to read it then I don’t blame you honestly.] ================================================================ The battle she saw in her memory delve, the deeds and acts of the rebel warriors Renan fought alongside were indeed worthy of being noted as honourable and valorous. It was as brutal as she would have imagined but she had gotten rather used to the fighting that went on in Renan’s memories and dreams. But more importantly, it was the battle that Renan had fought in and fled to the mountains after when the retreat was sounded. This was how it happened; this was how he came to be in her homeland. Shas found herself back in the eyes of her human, this time he was traipsing along a snow covered mountain trail, his pace slow and staggering as she could hear agony in his laboured breathing. “I hate seeing you hurt” she said in her mind as she witnessed this memory play out in her head. She saw Renan stop himself to rest while he looked down from the mountain side to find himself standing before a magnificent view of the entire range itself, “Hey, that’s…” Shas thought again before Renan pulled his helmet visor up and looked down his body to the two crossbow bolts that stuck into his chest plate and also his torso. Shas immediately became stunned, “This is it!” she thought, “This was where I found him” when she recognised the view from the edge of that mountain. Sir Bale had been moving across the mountain for a couple of hours now and there was no end in sight. He could see no way off of the mountain and by this point he was completely exhausted. He slumped his metal bodied self against a slab of smooth rock while looking out at the view of the valley below as well as the mountain range itself spread out before him in a display of Mother Nature’s finest looking work. When a strong wind came in a sudden flurry from his side did he look to see a huge, winged, red scaled creature, “And there I am” thought Shas, still stuck in her dream like state. She seemed so much larger from a small human’s perspective. An intimidating giantess, she could sense the apprehension within Renan who couldn’t help but to feel frightened. He was alone, exhausted, badly hurt, in a remote freezing place with no hope of escape from and on top of that there was a dragon staring right down at him, likely anticipating what Renan would be like to eat. Shas was absorbing the memory quite thoroughly. After what her human had been through that day, it was really no wonder why he was so accepting of what he thought would most likely be his death. When she saw herself pick up Renan, it felt so strange and oddly amusing to see herself pick up a being whose memories and eyes she was looking through, she was more or less picking herself up and being held against her own body. Despite being a toughened warrior, her human had seemed so helpless and surprisingly cute at that time. She couldn’t have left them there to die, she wanted to do the right thing and help him and she had done just that. She did not like to think what would have happened had she left him there or not even found him to begin with. Her belly still held him within it, healing him up and rebuilding him, keeping him warm and safe but most of all, it made Shas feel wonderful and fulfilled for what she was doing. She was still very nervous for the time when he would be reborn but at the same time, she felt excited for it and couldn’t wait for her human to be reborn, to see what he would become. She sighed contently in her slumber, smoke slowly rising from her nostrils and closed mouth while in her sleep, she watched Renan being flown around by herself. When Shas woke up in the morning, she immediately noticed something when she laid a hand over her stomach; the bulge was back. Renan was growing in size again, the regression had ended and now his body was being regrown and reformed. She rose, intently feeling around her lower torso feeling more jubilant than before to see that everything was working out, he had not been absorbed and instead would be saved and reborn. “Thank the great beings above” she let out rather joyously while she got up from her bed and out into the main chamber of her cave. It would take another couple of months before Renan would be reformed and reborn. Shas was happy enough to wait until then although another thought did cross her mind. What would happen when – if he was born – he was reborn as just his regular human self then he could go back to his society….where he would possibly be expected to once again fight in this rebellion and likely getting himself killed. That might not have even been the case even, if he was reborn as a dragon then she figured that she might have to look after him, he would have technically been her offspring, she carried him in her womb after all. To have a son who lived the life of a human warrior in the past? It did make her pause to think. Initially she had only wanted to do this to save him and heal him but the thought of raising him and teaching the ways of her race did intrigue her greatly. She wasn’t opposed to the idea of having children and being a mother but given the current circumstances then there was no telling what could happen with her and Renan when he was born – if he was born. Shas could only wait, until then though; she was going to take it easy. She had hoped though in secret that no matter what way he was born that maybe, just maybe he would stay with her. All the while, Renan’s spirit watched over her, taking in her mood… |
To give some context before the story starts, Lizzie is a self insert. I hope you still enjoy! "Mh. It appears our new ranger left her laptop out…" Python muttered to herself, before scouring each inch of the room, to ensure she was absolutely alone. "Perfect." She walked over to the laptop which layyed on top of Ranger Lizzie's bed, the computer was decorated with stickers of chibis, and other weeb nonsense. As she opened it, a wave of surprise had washed over her, surprise that turned quickly into interest, as on the computer was Eka's Portal. A place where vorephiles could share vore media, Python clicked on notifications, and then took a peek into the favorites tab. It appeared the new ranger had a desire to be swallowed whole, kept warm in a squishy bed, then be let out soon after. Or atleast Python hoped so, she hoped that Lizzie had no desire to die. As Phython put the website back where she found it, she waited for Lizzie to arrive back at the house. -- 2 Hour Later -- "I'm back!" Lizzie exclaimed, walking into the house, Python peered back at her, she got lost in her head watching television. "Eh?- o-oh! Hello Lizzie." She said. "I think we have something to talk about, my room please." Lizzie nodded as she put her backpack down and walked over to Python. She grabbed the rangers hand and dragged her to her room. Closing the door and locking it. "Why'd you bring me in here?" Lizzie asked, looking around the room whilst taking a seat on the bed. "Oh. I thought you'd like to hear about a newsletter I've heard of." Python replied, taking a seat next to her on the bed. "It's called 'The Daily Digest' I think you'd be into it." Lizzie looked away, in an attempt to hide her blush. Before Python began to talk again "I heard about it from my friend Eka. Nice Rabbit I must say, hopefully doesn't become anyone's prey" Python giggled as the ranger still looked away, her entire face red. "u-hh. Y-yeah, I'll have to check it out, heh- w-was that all?" Lizzie asked. Suddenly a cool chill went up Lizzie's spine, as Phython grabbed her, and licked her neck with her spiked tongue. "Yeah, that was all. But now I'm hungry, but luckily… I found lunch." Python finally answered, as she turned Lizzie's head to face her. The ranger put her head right up to the mouth, and quietly whispered under her breath. "please eat me… m-mom." Phython opened wide, shoving Lizzie's head into her saliva coated gullet. She was laying on the snakes tongue, her head constrained, yet she could only feel pleasure… Python grabbed her foods arms, and began to shove them further down and into her contraining throat, allowing the breasts to slip in, which she gave a good taste. The snake kicked her preys legs up high, and began to swallow, gravity helping push the prey further and further, soon having the head poke into the steamy, warm stomach of herself. It was only the legs that poked out now, which Python quickly shoved into her hungry gullet. Finally swallowing the last of the ranger, pushing them into the belly. "URPPPP! Ah~ That was good… How you doing in there Lizzie?" She asked. "I'm… doing great, this is… what I've always wanted, it feels so warm… so comforting, I can feel the walls move yet it just adds to the comfort… the… yawn comfort…" Lizzie replied. Python laid down. "Take a nap Ranger, you deserve it." She said. Soon both of them were asleep, both very, very comfy. The End |
Amanda arrived just on time, and Brianna welcomed her inside. "You seem in a hurry. What's the rush?" I'm just excited is all. I've been running tests all week! "...How much sleep have you been getting?" That's not important, here, take a seat and allow me to explain "There aren't any chairs..." Amanda decided to take a seat on the floor while Brianna paced around the room, explaining her discoveries with exaggerated hand movements. So first I studied the chemical makeup of that mysterious fluid you produce. "Ass Juice" What? "We're calling it Ass Juice now" ...No, we're not. So it's surprisingly similar to common saliva actually, and I've found it will break down most soft starches like dex- "-Wait, you're saying I can digest things with my ass?" Well, sort of. It's like if you hold food in your mouth. Some foods, like light bread, or candy will start to break down even before you swallow it. Most things won't really be affected though. Anyway, it also shows similarities to natural vaginal lubrication, which accounts for the slippery nature of the substance, and also why you mainly produce it when aroused. "Convenient." Yes, very. The exciting part though, is a substance I've never seen before. It's a protein that gets absorbed by your soft tissues, and causes your cells to change. They organize themselves in a slightly different structure, and produce excess amounts of collagen and elastin. "Who?" Collagen and elastin. They're already present in most organs, namely your skin, and allow them to stretch without breaking, and return to their normal shape afterwards. "So my Ass Juice makes things stretchier?" We're not calling it that. But yes! I've tested it on a number of different tissues. It seems to consistently be absorbed, and make the tissue more durable and elastic! It seems to only work on human tissue though, from what I've tested. "Does this... have actual applications?" It might just! Although I have no idea what it would be used for, outside of allowing for bigger insertions... "Wait, so anyone could use this stuff? Are you going to start harvesting my juice?!?" And that, right there, is the best part of all. I was able to... borrow... some equipment from a lab down the hall, and I successfully synthesized the protein! Brianna pulled a small jar from the pocket of her labcoat. Her smile beamed. This right here is a highly concentrated version. About ten times as potent as your own natural fluids. "Oh, wow. Uh, what are you going to use that for?" Brianna held out the jar to Amanda. I want you to try it. Every night before bed, mix a spoonful of this into about two cups of water, and hold that inside you while you sleep. You're digestive organs should easily absorb it, and become more elastic than ever before! "Is that a good idea?" Probably, I mean it's the same stuff you already have inside you, just... more so. If there's any side effects they'll just be more extreme versions of the side effects you already have. Do you have any side effects already? "I... don't think so?" Excellent! It won't be permanent anyway. The protein will dissipate over a couple days, and your tissues will return to normal. Several days of saturating them in this stuff should make them fantastically stretchy though. I can't wait to see the results next week! "I'm... skeptical, but if you say it's safe I'll give it a try. So what's todays test?" What? Oh, right. Come over here! Brianna led Amanda to the covered crate, and talked in a hushed tone. He can get a little excited sometimes, so I'm trying to keep him calm. "What is it?" It's an american mink, a member of the weasel family. Brianna lifted the end of the towel up just enough for Amanda to peer inside. She saw a ball of fur, curled up in the corner. It shifted slightly. Brianna lowered the covering again, and motioned for Amanda to follow her again. Once they were away from the crate Brianna spoke again. Today's test is going to be a two-parter, and I want to test some specific things. "What kind of things?" I want to see how the texture changes your pleasure, and I also want to compare anal stimulation versus standard vaginal stimulation. "Ah, I see. I'll just start getting undressed then. You continue explaining." Most of the animal's we've tried have been soft, and slippery. Today I want to try something furry, like our mink. And something hard, like this. Brianna pulled a small creature out from her pocket. It was brown and shiny. It had two thin antennae that probed around it, and two large claws that had been tied shut with an elastic band. It's many legs reached out, trying to find something to cling too. It looked like a small lobster, about five inches long. "Uhhh..." It's a crayfish. Very common, and apparently fairly tasty. Should be interesting, yeah? Amanda continues to undress, but couldn't drag her eyes away from the creature. It had so many thin, armoured legs. It's spherical, lifeless black eyes looked about frantically. It's shelled tail curled under itself. It conjured images of some horrible giant spider. Amanda hated spiders. "It can't hurt me, can it?" Oh no, I've tied it's claws with elastic, see? Brianna held the flailing creature closer to Amanda, who recoiled slightly. Oh, you don't like crayfish? "I just... don't really like exoskeletons in general. They freak me out, especially when they're big. And this thing is... all knees." Do you want to skip it and just go to the mink then? "Er... No... I guess I can try it, just this once." Amanda had finished undressing. Good, here you go then Brianna offered Amanda the crayfish. Amanda took it from her, trying to touch it as little as possible, she held it away from her body. "Wait, what do you want me to do?" Try putting it in your vagina first, see how that feels. "This suddenly feels very unscientific" Mmm.. You're right, let me get my clip board "What?" Anything counts as science if you write it down. "Alright, here goes..." Amanda held the horribly creature in front of her vagina, and hesitated a moment. She looked down at it. It looked back up at her. "I'm not happy about this either" She pressed the creature into the fold. She felt it's cold, bug-like face against her sensitive flesh. She could feel herself starting to freak out. Amanda wanted to get it over with, and pushed hard. The creature's claws bent back as she drove it's head inside. Bit by bit she pushed the shelled monster inside. She could feel it's spidery legs enter, they poked and prodded inside her. It's claws slipped inside. Row after row of flailing legs were engulfed into her soft flesh. Inside her, the creature's claws and antennae probed into the moist warmth. Amanda had her head back, and her eyes close. Brianna could see her trembling as she shoved the crayfish into her vagina with both hands. Finally all the legs where in, and Amanda tucked the flat, armoured tail in behind them. With two fingers she reached in and pushed the crayfish as deep as it would go. It was gone, her lips sealed the opening, and the creature was locked in Amanda's vagina. Amanda crossed her legs and shuffled around the room like she had to use the bathroom. So, how it is? "Ungh... I don't like it. It's like having a giant spider in your pussy. The legs. Oh all the legs! They won't stop moving!" Just keep it there for a bit, get a good feel for it and then you can put it in your ass instead and we can compare. "Oh god..." Amanda lay down on the floor, and curled up. Occasionally she shuddered. After a minute Brianna had mercy. All right, you can let it out now. Immediately Amanda sat up, and spread her legs apart. She pushed, and slowly the crayfish slid from her dripping vagina onto the floor. The creature was wet and shiny, and started scuttling across the room. Brianna walked over and put it back into her pocket. Sorry, was it that unpleasant? "I... It had some pleasant parts I guess... It was like receiving oral from a huge crab. It doesn't matter if it does everything right, it's still going to feel so wrong." An odd analogy, but I get the idea. Very interesting. I want our mink to see this next part, so I'll go wake him up. Once you've recovered, I'll need you to assume the standard position. "Aye aye... Captain..." Amanda slowly got to her knees. Head up, ass down. The usual. With her hand she skillfully opened her ass up to a wide gape. It didn't take much these days. She loved feeling herself open up, her rectum and intestine expanding, filling with air. Brianna brought the crate over to her, and placed it on the floor. She lifted off the towel. Through the wire cage door Amanda saw the mink. It was a long, thin animal, covered in thick dark brown fur. It's stubby legs immediately started to paw at the crate door. Including the tail it was about a foot and a half long. Brianna brought out the crayfish and held it in front of the crate. The mink's bead black eyes stared at it hungrily. It redoubled it's efforts in trying to break down the cage. "I see what your plan is. Clever." Yes, I want him to see this. She didn't have to worry about that. The mink never looked away from it's prey. Brianna pulled up her sleeve, and held the flailing creature above Amanda's gaping hole. From the depths she heard something gurgle. Brianna licked her lips. This was going to be good. Ready? "No, but go for it anyway" Brianna, still holding the crayfish, plunged her hand into Amanda's ass. Amanda gasped, but Brianna continued, pushing the crustacean into the very depths of Amanda's guts. Her arm went in well past the elbow. She let the creature go and pulled her arm out just as fast as she pushed it in. Amanda's ass made a slurping sounds as it sucked at Brianna's retreating arm. Sorry about that, but I want to get this done before the Mink loses his mind. "Ungh" Amanda felt the same, knobbly legs poking and probing, but now they were deep in her belly. The crayfish's long, thin antennae tickled her. So, how do you like it now? "It's not any better. I don't think crustaceans are a good idea for this kind of thing." Huh, well now we know. Anyway I'm going to let the mink out now. "So, what, he's just going to go after the crayfish?" Probably. Let's find out. Brianna unhatched and opened the cage door. Instantly the mink was away. It's speed was amazing. It's long furry body darted over to Amanda and climbed up one of her legs. Before Amanda could even react it was already diving into her wide ass. She cried out as it's small but powerful legs pressed into her flesh, pushing itself deeper. "I've- Ah! I've never have had anyone so Eee! Eager!" Mink's often dive for crayfish. It's just usually in lakes or streams instead of your ass. It was not a small animal, and she felt her intestines stretch as it pressed quickly through them. The creature's tail finally entered her ass, and quickly disappeared around a corner. Now don't close- But it was too late, Amanda had already clenched herself shut with a wet slap. She lid down onto her belly. Inside her the mink was in a frenzy. It was feeling for it's prey in the wet, warm darkness. Now it's was under the weight of Amanda laying on top of it. It squirmed around quickly, and frantically. Amanda had never had such an active guest before. The soft fur brushing against her sensitive flesh made her moan. She could sense the mink find the crayfish, and attack it viciously. The two struggled in her guts for a brief moment, and then there was calm. The furry animal turned around inside her intestine and retreated from her belly. It was slow going, as it had to squeeze through the wet tubes under the weight of Amanda, with it's prey in it's mouth. When at last it reached her rectum, it found the way shut. Amanda could feel the large mammal curl around between her hips, looking for the exit. When it was fully curled in her rectum Amanda clenched herself, squeezing the mink with her powerful muscles. The creature panicked, and squirmed around the tightening sack of Amanda's rectum. The inner walls of Amanda's ass were oozing with slime now, soaking the mink in the juices. Still Amanda contracted her rectum harder around the wriggling ball of fur. She moaned with pleasure as the mink frantically pawed at her soft flesh. I think you should let him out now. Amanda didn't respond, instead she tilted her body, throwing her ass up in the air. The mink, still grasping it's prize, slide down the incline. It scrambled frantically, but Amanda was too slippery now. It fell down the pulsing tube of flesh into her gooey guts. The bulge in Amanda's stomach was visible, hanging below her, wriggling and bumping. It became trapped in her belly, Amanda's flesh was now so soft and slimy that the Mink couldn't find stable footing. It floundered in her guts for a time. Amanda was biting her lip and moaning loudly. C'mon Amanda, let it out before it get's hurt. As much as she wanted to continue playing, Amanda couldn't say no to that voice. She straightened her body, and loosened her anus. The mink slowly squeezed through her belly, into her ass, and out onto the floor. It lay there panting for a time, absolutely soaked in Amanda's juices. When it had recovered it took it's crayfish meal and plodded over to a corner, where it happily began it's feast. Amanda watched it hungrily. So... Now you've tried a variety of textures. Smooth, slimy, scaly, hard, and furry. Any preferences? Amanda tore her eyes away from the mink. "Uh, well I'm not a fan of hard I guess, I like to feel their softness against my softness. Fur is pretty nice, although before it gets soaked in juice it does tickle me awfully. It's hard to compare the texture of the animals when the animals themselves are so different. Things covered in fur tend to be a lot more... active than the slimy ones." Fair point "I think furred animals are the most exciting, but I think in terms of just the texture I prefer the hairless ones. There's something about that tender skin-on-flesh contact that's so intimate." Makes sense. - - - Amanda had got herself dressed, and Brianna had been able to shepherd the mink back into it's cage. It was still clutching half a crayfish. Make sure to apply that stuff I gave you every night, alright? Don't try it out until next week's test though. I want to see the effects of just the substance by itself. No insertions until then, yeah? "You got it, doc." And make note of any side effects you notice, if there are any "Will do." And uh... Will I get to see you later tonight? I know this great sushi place... Amanda smiled "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Brianna" Brianna watched her go, and closed the door slowly. This time I'm going to have to ask if we're dating or not. That's going to be awkward. She finished jotting down some notes on her clipboard, and then turned to watch the mink curling up with the remainder of it's meal. You know, I'm not sure if she was going to let you go. |
It came from the lab door Brianna sensed her heart race As it always did before She embraced her friend, Amanda And they shared a silent kiss It was a simple moment For her, a world of bliss. Amanda was feeling ready For another test. She had done her preparations At her friend's request. The substance she applied Every day and night Directly to her pussy Which was usually too tight. Every night she filled Her vagina with the goo. It made her soft and stretchy. It made her tougher too. It made her very horny As it had the week before Amanda could hardly wait To fill herself once more. Amanda was impatient She wanted to begin She looked for the creature She would soon take within On the table sat a box And in it she could see A excited fuzzy critter Trying to break free "A friendly Teacup Pig" Brianna began to say "I borrowed him this morning But I only for today" Amanda pet the creature It squealed and ran about It wagged it's curly tail And bumped it's little snout It's wasn't very big The size of a small dog It could not imagine The organs it would clog Amanda stripped herself Her panties last of all The pig looked up at her And felt rather small Amanda sat up on the table And spread her legs apart She rubbed herself gently She always loved this part She grabbed the little creature Using both hands firm It squealed and it cried And tried desperately to squirm Amanda held it tight And moved it down lower It began to calm And wriggled slightly slower She pressed the little pig Against her soft skin She couldn't wait much longer She wanted to take it in She led it gently Between her lips She closed her eyes And swayed her hips She could feel it coming She was opening wide The pig was sliding in It would soon be inside The pig couldn't see It was going in head last But it could feel Amanda Her flesh sliding past The pig was half in When it started to fight It didn't want to continue It was getting too tight Amanda pushed harder Though it squirmed and fought It was bigger than it looked It was harder than she thought Amanda hummed and moaned And pushed with both her hands She felt bad for the pig There's no way it understands The pig was sinker deeper It was almost all inside Amanda's warm vagina It was stretching her quite wide Only the head remained Outiside Amanda's cunt She felt it stuggling inside her She could only moan and grunt At last it sunk deeper Past her fleshy lips A bulge was now quite present Between Amanda's hips Amanda rubbed her bursting cunt And squeezed her prey within Her eyes were wild with delight She had a wicked grin The bulge wriggled and grew still But began to squirm once more When Amanda slid off the table And layed down on the floor Amanda knew it could not last The pig would need it's air She would miss it's little wiggles Nothing would compare She squeezed it from her body It gasped and cried and ran But Brianna went and caught it Before it's escape began Amanda sighed and dressed herself The pig was calmed and dried It was put back in it's box Where it found a place to hide "Some news I have,both good and bad" Brianna told her friend "There's only one more test to go It's coming to an end!" Amanda could not believe her ears This surely wasn't true! "How can this be, we've just begun! There's so much left to do!" "But so it is, we have one left But there is good news too! I've worked hard all week long And I have something new for you!" She gave Amanda a jar It was full of more goo It was clear and smooth With a faint hint of blue "It is like the stuff before But the studies all have shown This special substance Will bind with your bone" Amanda seemed unsure But she had trust in her friend "What will this really do? Will it make bones really bend?" "Bend but not break!" Brianna exclaimed "I can show you the math if you want it explained" "I believe you, I'm sure" Amanda corrected "It was just much faster than I would of expected" "This will let you stretch wider than before even your hip bones will limit you no more!" "Next test is yours, Brianna We can do anything you say! I'm sure you've got certain things You want to try some day" Brianna smiled at the floor then looked into Amanda's eyes "I won't tell you what I've planned But I'm sure it's no suprise" |
The camera shows a corner of a room, with a large white sheet spread out on the floor. Laying on the sheet is an attractive young woman, Maya. She's wearing only tight black shorts, which hug to her curves. She's typing into her laptop. "Hey kids, welcome back. Should be another great show today!" [QuinnCrystal: You should get some sexy outfits to go along with this stuff] Maya looks a bit crestfallen. "I... thought I was wearing sexy outfits..." [ HungryAL: Hey Maya! I'm on time today! How was the dentist with the lucky guy wriggling around?] "Oooh. It was very nice, I had a hard time keeping it together near the end there, he got pretty frantic." [ HungryAL: Nice, did you end up letting him out or did you just straight up eat him with dat booty?] "Uh..." [JustSomePrey: Is Mr. Hamster okay? I hope he's liking his new home and is getting plenty of air.] "Err... You guys know that he's like... I didn't.... I mean... " She seems to be choosing her words carefully "I uh... took him to a farm. He's... he's running around with all the other hamsters there. Having a great time." There's an awkward silence. "Anyway, I know you kids want me to play with the little wormies right away, but I'd like to get a bit warmed up first. Who wants to see me stuff this bear in my ass?" The chat is aggressively silent. "..." "We'll fuck you guys, I do what I want, and right now I want to fill my ass with this bear. " Maya turns around, and slips off her shorts. "I'm not even going to use fucking lube" She forcefully jams her hand into her ass, wincing with the effort. She pumps her hand in an out rapidly, revelling in the mushy noises. "I've always had a weird thing for plush toys. Does anyone else have that?" Maya pulls her hand out of her ass, leaving it slightly gaping. It looks so very dark and hollow inside. She picks up the bear and brings it in front of the camera. It's a fairly generic bear, light brown and fuzzy, with little black bead eyes. It's in a sitting position, and is probably 8 inches tall. "He looks pretty big, I know, but he's also pretty squishy. I think he'll get packed in there nicely." Maya holds the bear against her ass. It really doesn't look like it should fit. She starts to drive it against her gaping hole. The bear is far bigger than the opening, but Maya tries to squish and fold it to fit. She has to use both hands to compress the bear as much as possible, and aggressively press it in. It starts to enter, stretching her anus wide. Grunting and clenching her teeth, Maya increases the pressure she's exerting on the bear. It's so squished it's hardly recognizable anymore. The mashed ball of fur is half way into her ass. Her anus is stretched enormously around it. "Fuckers... Bigger than I thought... Hnnghh..." Her rectum begins to accept the bear, and it starts to sink into her ass. With one last push the bear slides past her anus, and expands into her rectum. Maya gasps as she's stretched. Her anus is slightly open, fur is pressed against it from the inside. Maya presses it in with her finger, and clenches herself shut. She sits down, and spreads her legs, looking down at her abdomen. "Does it look slightly bulging there, between my hips?" She pokes at her soft skin. "Maybe it's just me. It's really damn full though, let me tell you, I was suprised. Worth it. Guess I'll start with the snakes now, probably slip a few into my pussy to start." [ Graywolf18: You got any of those vibes with wires attached so you can turn them on when they're in?] "Uh, no. I do have a normal vibrator though." [ Graywolf18: you should start a PO box so we can send you shiny new toys for the show. I'll send you a tube of StretchMe] "Oh really? Well I'll have to see it to believe it, that shit ain't cheap." [Smb64: try to have the snake go into your womb!~] [ Nevek: yeah! That's a great idea!] "Is that a great idea? How do you even do that?..." [JustSomePrey: They'd probably enjoy your nice, warm womb. Maybe even your intestines just like Mr. Hamster, and if you're feeling really wild, you could try to fit one into your urethra] "Urethra? Is that a thing people do? Sounds uncomfortable..." [ivyiblack: are u familiar with 'sounding'?] "I have no idea what that is. Let me look it up here..." She rolls onto her belly, and begins to type into her laptop. "Urban dictionary should solve this, I'm sure" "Says 'The practice of inserting plastic or metal 'sounds' (long thin and very smooth objects) into your's or someone else's urethra.' Huh, I guess that is a thing people do. I mean, I guess I could try that, some of these snakes are pretty small... I'm not one to turn down something I haven't tried at least twice. Maya slides a plastic fish tank into view. The bottom is a tangle of small, writhing coils. Baby snakes, varying in size from two to six inches, and very thin. Each has shining black eyes, and yellow and black stripes down it's back. "Lets slide one inside me, shall we? See how it feels." She clicks up the compartment on the lid of the tank, and reaches inside. She randomly selects a length of tail, and slowly pulls it out of the pile. This particular snake is about 4 inches long, and wriggles about silently. "Reptiles are weird aren't they, they really show no emotion. Mammals you can sort of relate to, but what's this guy thinking? He's just dead-pan, like always, like all his brothers and sisters." The squirming creature is brought closer to the camera. "Guess is doesn't matter, he's going in me either way." Maya leans back, and spreads her legs. With her free hand she spreads her vaginal lips, and brings the snake closer. She adjusts her grip on the snake so that she's holding it's head. She then presses it between the tight folds of her pussy. It begins to slid in smoothly. It's head is firmly held by her vagina now, and Maya uses both hands to shove the rest of the snake inside. It slips past her lips without resistance, and disappears. "Ooh, I like that! A lot more subtle than the hamster, but I can still very much feel him slithering around in there. He's having to struggle though, it's pretty tight." Another snake is brought out of it's container. This one slides in even easier than the last. "Mmm... yes...." Maya begins to slowly gyrate her hips. "They're really getting excited now, must be the warmth. Reptiles love heat." She takes another one out of the tank, and slips it inside her. "Fuck! They go in so easy! They're really wriggling around in there.. Mmmm... Guess I'll see if I can get one in my pee hole, since you guys asked. Lemme find a nice small one." Maya rummages around the snake tank for a moment before pulling out the smallest snake she could find. It's about two inches long and very thin, but it wriggles like it has more to prove. Maya leans back again, and spreads her lips. She opens herself up just enough to reveal a small hole, the urethra. "It's really tricky to do with without opening up enough for the little wormies to get out." This time she adjusts her grip to hold on to the tail end of this smaller snake. She carefully pokes the tiny tail into the tight hole. After a few tries it enters. "Whoa... This feels weird... But I guess not necessarily in a bad way...." She ever so slowly feeds the tail deeper. The snake seems unhappy, and squirms frantically. Maya struggles to maintain her grip. "Ah! I can feel the squirming of the little fucker inside!" The snake is almost all in now, only it's head remains. It's an odd sight, a little reptilian head poking out of her urethra, it's tongue flickering in and out. "Mmm... This is pretty good actually. Let's just..." She presses a finger on the snake's head, and presses it inside. When she removes her finger the snake is gone, and Maya's gyrating and moaning grow louder. "Mmmm! Yes!... Fuck yes! I like that!" She lets her lips close again, and starts vigorously rubbing herself. "Hmmm.... Alright, while I'm enjoying this. Mm! I love holding these guys inside me! What else should I do?" [ntgtoowc: Maya, I dare you to swallow a snake whole!] "Dare? What is this? Middleschool?" [ Nevek: please swallow a couple of them then drink a little water to dilute the stomach acid!] "Guess I am sort of thirsty, people are into swallowing live things?" [CrossbreedPriscilla: Would love to see some snakes get swallowed, they're not even too big] "Suppose so, alright, give me a sec to get a bottle, I have one around here somewhere... " Maya steps of screen for a moment, and soon returns with a plastic water bottle. "Alright, I found this... it's a decent size..." She unscrews the cap, and begins to drink. She downs the liquid quickly with audible gulps. As she leans her head back it's easy to see the movement of her throat muscles. She chugs the whole bottle, and gasps for air. "Woo.. alright... Hoo..." She pats her belly. "Getting pretty full already. Belly is full of water, pussy's full of snakes, ass is full of bear. Hell there's even a little guy squirming in my pee tube. Let's get some more snakes in me, eh? She reaches into the tank again, and draws out a larger, longer snake, almost 6 inches long. It seems fairly calm. Maya holds it by the tail and dangles it in front of her mouth. She grins maliciously, her canines glint. She opens her jaw, and her tongue flicks out to caress the snakes head. This seems to upset the serpent, which begins to wriggle with renewed vigour. "Wriggle all you want, there's no escaping my belly!" With that she throws her head back, and opens her mouth wide. She holds the snake above her and slowly lowers it into her awaiting maw. Her tongue darts around playfully batting at her prey. She drops the snake into her mouth, and snaps her jaw shut around it. For a moment she relishes the panicked struggles of the snake trying to escape her mouth. Then she swallows, making sure it's audible. She opens and shows her empty maw to the camera. The snake is gone. "He slid down my throat, I could feel it! It was wonderful!" She picks up the camera, and brings it close to her belly. She caresses it gently. "Mmmm... he's in there somewhere, swimming in my stomach. Let's give him some company!" She replaces the camera, and grabs another snake of a similar size. [AztecAztec: Hold a snake in your mouth, and just slosh it around and play with it!] "Of course, Aztec, of course!" She holds the tail end of the snake between her lips carefully, and leans down so her mouth is center-screen. She begins to slowly suck up the snake. The further it's pulled into her mouth, the more frantic it becomes. Lastly, it's head disappears between her lips. She grins again. She opens her mouth. The snake is soaked with saliva, and makes to escape, but is continuously pulled back by her tongue. She sucks the snake back in, and closes her mouth around it. She sloshes the snake and saliva around her mouth, from cheek to cheek as if she's rinsing. She opens her mouth again, and uses her tongue to push the snake to the back of her throat. She closes her mouth only for a second, when she opens again the snake is gone. "They feel SO good sliding down... Mm... One more..." She pulls another snake from the tangle. She holds it by the tail, and lowers it head first into her open maw. With her tongue she directs the snake's head down her throat. The lowers the snake as much as possible. It's head is now deep in her esophagus. She lets go and the snake slides smoothly through her tubes into her water-filled stomach. Maya rubs her belly, and bites her lip. "Fuck! I can't wait anymore! I need all of them in me!" The snake tank still contains a couple dozen writhing snakes. Maya gets on her knees, and sticks her ass in the air. Groaning with the effort, she manages to push the stuffed bear from her ass, it's soggy with juices. "That got me opened up nicely!" Her ass gaped open now, and her rectum is wide and hollow, and ready to be filled. She adjusts herself and the camera so it looks directly inside. The fleshy tube of her guts pulses and throbs eagerly. "I'm not waiting around!" She grabs the plastic snake tank, and removes the top. With one hand she dumps the tank into her gaping ass, with the other she guides them inside. The tangle of snakes pours into the fleshy pit. Some of the spill down into her intestines below. Maya moans loudly. "Oh yes! Fuck yeah that's good!" Her rectum is nearly full of squirming serpent, some of them move to escape, but Maya clenches herself shut. "Fuck!" Maya grabs her vibrator, and turns it to the highest setting. It shakes violently. She slides it past her anus into the mass of snakes below, and clenches herself behind it. The intense vibrations aggravate the snakes into a even more frantic writhing. "Oh... My... God!" Maya appears to be losing it. She shakes her ass up and down, her ass cheeks clap together as she does so. The shaking grows faster, and her moaning grows louder. "I'm... gunna... Cum!" Suddenly she cried out, and liquid squirts from her pussy. Four snakes are violently ejected from inside her, and Maya falls over, quivering. While she's laying on the floor, she pushes out the vibrator, and a few snakes from her ass. The escaped snakes flee in all direction, Maya appears to not notice. After a moment, she silently sits up, and turns off the vibrator. "Man, this shit keeps getting better and better." She stares reflectively into space for a moment. "I'm also suddenly very tired, so I guess I'll end it here. Uh, so next week you guys wanted 'object swallowing' I think so uh.. I was thinking marbles? I could get a great big bag of marbles and swallow them all, maybe you could hear them sloshing around inside me? Yeah, I like that idea. And then I also have these anal beads, I've used them before on this show, but they're pretty nice, it's basically like 10 golf balls on a string. I like them." "But! The special event this time, will be a little octopus! I found this asian restaurant... I think it's japanese? Anyway it serves live octopus! Just like... an octopus, on a plate! Anyway, I bet I can sneak a couple of those out, I'm sure I'll find a place to hide them. I'll try and get two just before next week's show, so that should be fun. They're not terribly big. You could probably just fit one in your mouth." "Oh, and I'll put a P.O. box address in the info after the show, if you guys want to send me things. I can't promise I'll use them on the show, but you can be sure I'll try them out at some point." "God I love this show. I LOVE ramming stuff in my ass." [FutaQueen: I have to say that that is REALLY great and I wish I could do all that stuff. Sadly I'm waaay to tight to be sticking things up my ass. StretchMe is really expensive... Getting some would be a great bday present wouldn't it?] "Hey, Queen, I was tight too at one point, it just takes a bit of practice, and honestly that's the fun part, loosening yourself up. Working your way to bigger and bigger toys. StretchMe is almost cheating in my opinion, but it does do the trick, although it's only temporary. I am looking forward to trying it eventually." [JustSomePrey: If you get your hands on some StretchMe, perhaps you could get a volunteer to go exploring your intestines and maybe even your womb. Start small, like with a midget or maybe even a little kid.] "Ha! Yeah I don't know about using people, that's a bit too far. I think someone suggested a dog at some point, I could maybe see myself doing that. I'm sure there's a world of possibilities, and I'm counting on you guys to find them." [Nevek: can you get a drain camera or something so we can see inside you?] "Well..." [CrossbreedPriscilla: This idea has my full support.] "I dunno guys, there's a lot of stuff I have to buy, I'll add it to the list. If I actually get this P.O. box up and running, maybe someone will send me one, yeah? And then I'll see if I can find an good opportunity to use it." "Anyway, that's all for today, kids. See you next week!" [AndThen: Keep up the good work!] The camshow ends. |
Predator next door When you’re a seven-foot-tall wolf, it’s easy to forget that there is always a bigger fish in the sea, and that fish, is always hungrier. The wolf in question, Jeb, figured he had it set. He lived in the largest house on the cul-de-sac and he was bigger than all his neighbours. In his mind, this made him in charge and he could do whatever he liked. The very over weight family of sheep on one side of his house were not going to try and stop him masturbating loudly on their front lawn, and the pitiful excuse for a lion on the other side would never dare to confront him! Even if he decides that poor David the lion’s porch would make a good bathroom. For himself and his massive pet German Shepard. Jeb figured he had the life. That was until the lion in question got a new boyfriend. Jeb was up to his old tricks again as usual, it was a beautiful day to leave a huge pile of excrement on David's porch! Jeb could barely contain himself as he heard the skinny runt of a lion’s front door open, Jeb always loved seeing that cute little face full of fear at the sight of the magnificent wolf and what he had left behind. But as Jeb turned to see the door open his face dropped and his tail fell between his legs at the sight that met him. In David's open doorway, was a creature like nothing Jeb had ever seen before. Standing at least nine feet tall was a massive snarling canine. Its fur was thick and greasy, the width of his shoulders made him take up the entire door frame. Protruding from this wolfish creature was a huge round belly and beneath it a pair of massive pendulous balls and an equine sized penis that would make even the largest stallion jealous. As he continued to star motionless at the creature he noticed its huge gut move and wriggle, as if something was inside trying to get out. “Oh hay Jeb!” came a voice from behind the creature, “I see you've met my new boyfriend!”. Squeezing past the huge predator, David stepped out onto the porch. David looked at the matted and worn out lion in complete shock, he opened his mouth to say something, but was quickly cut off by David. “Isn't he a beast! He sure fills me up like one.” David reach down and rubbed his own slightly distended belly. Jeb watched in horror as David (the usually skinny lion) rubbed his proud round belly, causing a small leakage of white sticky liquid to drip from under his tail. David looked on in astonishment as David started to rub the Predators huge belly causing It to move and pulse, as if something inside was try to get out. David reached up and pulled down on the creature’s long maw before taking him in for a long sloppy kiss. This was abruptly ended when the creature belched loudly in David's face. “awwwh silly you!” said David to the creature, before looking back at the cowering wolf with an evil grin. “His name is Magnus; in case you’re interested. He is going to be around quite a lot in the up-coming weeks so try to make friends!” David then stepped out towards Jeb and grinned widely as he got up in his face, standing nose to nose with the wolf keeping constant eye contact. “How does it feel to no longer be the biggest predator on the street?! You had better watch out for him Jeb, or he will literally turn you into shit!” Jeb took a sharp step back, no one had ever talked to him like this before. He wanted with all his strength to rip the little bitch-boy lion to shreds. But the fear over took him and he retreated to his house hoping desperately that they had not noticed what he had left on their porch. He was about to shut his front door when he noticed something was missing from his garden. His large dog house, was empty and the chain that was normally attached to his German shepherd, had been broken. He turned back to look at his neighbour’s house with a horrible realization, just in time to see Magnus on the porch grinning at him and licking his furry lips with his huge slobbery tongue. As he began to rub his big, round, moving, belly. ~ |
She was ready for this, she told herself. Her girlfriend sat on the bed in front of her, waiting with a patient smile. She looked so... small. She was shorter than Maddie, thinner too. Sometimes Maddie would pick her up when they hugged. How was she even going to fit? "It's okay if you don't want to," said Lea. "I don't mind." "No," stated Maddie. "I do want to. I'm going to do this." She gulped. "Just... be gentle?" Lea looked her in the eyes. "You know I would never do anything to hurt you. If this is really what you want, we can go as slowly as you like." Maddie nodded. She knew if she kept talking like this, she would just psych herself out. Find some excuse why she should wait till next time, why it would be better if she put it off. She held up her hands. "I'm ready." "Okay. Let me know if I'm being too rough, or if you want to stop." Lea grabbed her hands. "Heh... you're really cold." Maddie looked away. "Yeah..." She was suddenly aware of her girlfriend's slender fingers wrapped around her own, so hot on her chilly skin. She should get used to it, she supposed. Only going to be more where that came from. Lea raised both hands up to her mouth. She looked like she was going to say something, but couldn't find the words. Instead she slipped Maddie's hands between her lips. It felt so... warm. Like a hot shower, but instead of water that splashed and poured around her, it was a sticky chamber of flesh. It was firmer than Maddie had imagined. There was almost no give to it, no squish or stretch around her hands like she would expect. It was going to be so tight in there. Maybe she should... No. She couldn't back down now. Lea smiled around her wrists as she took another gulp. Maddie's upper arms slid in, the tiny sharp layer of teeth tickling her as she entered. Maddie felt her fingers brush up against the back of Lea's throat. Below them there was nothing, just hollowness. Her throat. Maddie curved her fingers down and began the descent. She could hardly move her arms by now. One morning, when she was really sleepy, she had put both arms into one sleeve of her shirt. It had taken her five minutes to wiggle one out. That was what this felt like, only instead of a thin layer of cotton, it was a tunnel of hot, slimy muscle. And she wouldn't be pulling either arm back out. Lea's throat had started to bulge, the impression of Maddie's hands barely visible under the soft skin. Her neck always looked so fragile, like it would snap if she turned her head too fast. Even now Maddie felt like she was going to break her. But the look on Lea's face told her she was alright. She was just inches away now. This was the moment. Lea spread her lips just as Maddie was about to make contact. Her girlfriend, her tiny little girlfriend who needed her help getting the food off the top shelf, opened up into a hole. A chasm stretched before her, a dark void traced by Lea's thin rose-pink lips. She was going in there. All of her. Then she was going... She couldn't even think about it. She closed her eyes and tilted her head forward. Her arms and shoulders sandwiched her head on both sides. It was just her face and the back of her head that could feel the waxy lips moving across them, bringing Maddie across the threshold and into the mouth. Lea's wet tongue ran across her forehead, then down her nose, then over her mouth and chin, and then her whole head was inside her. It was still so tight. There wasn't an inch of space for her to move her head around. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't even open her eyes without effort. Lea's mouth was a ski mask, and she was the sweaty skier inside, who was nervous because she had never skied before and what if she got hurt and- Her head was at the throat now. She would have hesitated if she could, but she didn't get the choice. The inescapable pull of her arms forced her to slide across the edge and drop. She was falling now, well not falling but descending headfirst, it was pretty much falling even though it was slow and as her girlfriend's tongue slid across her chest she realized that her heart was pumping. Breathe. The air was stuffy, but she could breathe. Everything was going to be okay. Both of her breasts were in Lea's mouth now. It felt nice. The girl had felt them up plenty of times before, and this was like that, only all around at once. Maddie was starting to get used to the temperature inside. Her lower half was even starting to feel a little chilly, all exposed in the air-conditioned room. She felt Lea grab her hips and lean forward, shoving her in further. Maddie's hands, far below her in the throat, poked through an opening. She had space to wiggle them around now, and she gladly did so. A moment later, the rest of her arms popped into the stomach, followed by her head. She opened her eyes cautiously. It was almost pitch black, but not quite. She could make out a soft redness all around her, and as her eyes adjusted, she could just make out a small cavern. Her neck and everything below (well, above, she was upside-down) was still stuck in the esophagus, but her head was free to look around. Below her was a puddle of juices. Her dangling fingers nearly brushed its surface. She would splash down there as soon as Lea swallowed again. She did. Maddie landed with a splatter, the acids coating her hair and face as her head bounced off the stomach's springy bottom. She felt her skin tingle pleasantly, a hint of what was about to happen to her. A shudder of pleasure ran up her spine. Here she was, in her girlfriend's belly, about to be melted down into Maddie soup. Her legs, now carried by gravity, flopped down on top of her and forced her to curl up in the tight room. She leaned back and immersed her whole torso in the acidic puddle. Through the skin surrounding her, Maddie felt something push on her back. It rubbed up and down, gently caressing her as she relaxed in the stomach. Lea's hand. She was rubbing her belly out there. Maddie imagined her face, so peaceful and content as she looked down at her big bulge, and smiled. She was getting softer. All her muscles were loosening at once, letting go of all her stress and tension from the outside world. It was just her and Lea in here. She let out a sigh as her arms dripped into the puddle. Lea's hand continued to rub all around her, mushing Maddie into goo wherever it went. Her legs and torso liquified, leaving her a blissful head in a pool of herself. As the stomach shrunk around her, she tipped her head back and collapsed entirely into melted Maddie. She was just a puddle now. No worries, no cares, nothing could bother her. She was safe. |
The sun was shining, the sky was clear, and Carol Danvers was locked in a fight for her life. The superhero known as Captain Marvel soared through the air, her blonde hair fluttering behind her as she weaved between buildings. Not far behind, the gravity-manipulating villain Moonstone mirrored her movements. Golden blasts of energy crackled past the captain, narrowly missing her as she rocketed through the warm spring air. Carol dove towards the street, aiming to throw off her pursuer. Just as she was about to hit the street, she pulled up and looped around. Now she was behind Moonstone. The villain floated to a stop and attempted to turn around, but Carol was faster. The captain delivered a solid blow to her back as she flew by. Moonstone snarled. "Just give up already!" she shouted, resuming her pursuit of the half-alien hero. Carol laughed in response. "I can do this all day!" But despite her taunts, she was getting tired. Flying this much took a lot out of her, and if she let her guard down for even a moment, her opponent would blast her out of the sky. She glanced back to see that Moonstone was gaining on her. The villain's pearly white suit was unmistakable against the blue sky, and the deep cut of gold that ran down the front gleamed like a second sun. Carol thought that the getup was a bit extravagant compared to her own, a functional azure and scarlet flightsuit with a golden star insignia on the chest. She had used to wear a much skimpier black leotard, but had traded it out along with the honorific "Ms." when she rebranded as Captain Marvel. Another bolt pierced the air. Carol twisted to the side, but a moment too late- the beam hit her hair as she spun, burning a gap in the long locks. "$%@#!" Carol swore, feeling her charred hair between her fingers. Punches to the gut she could heal from quickly, but this would take a while to grow back. She was getting sloppy. This had to end soon. Looking up, Carol spotted a crane holding a load of girders. She pivoted and flew to a spot well below the beams, where she hovered for a moment. She had a plan, but it was going to hurt. A moment later, Moonstone arrived fists-first. Carol was knocked backward with a grunt, and Moonstone hovered where her adversary had just been. The punch had been painful, but her plan had worked. Now Moonstone was under the crane. Bringing her hands together, Carol began charging a beam of percussive energy. If she could just aim this right... Moonstone took the bait, knocking away Carol's hands with an uppercut. Carol, feigning surprise, let her hands fly upward towards the girders, and released. An explosive blast shot out and hit the beams above Moonstone. The line supporting them snapped, and the beams rolled free. Moonstone, grinning from her successful defense, was distracted. She didn't notice the girders falling towards her until it was too late. All at once, they slammed into her, smacking her out of the sky. The villain and the beams landed on the street below with a loud clatter. The impact left a small crater, and Carol could tell she was out cold. Flying down to her defeated opponent, Carol's stomach rumbled. The fight had exhausted her- she was breathless, sore, and hungry. She couldn't wait to bring Moonstone back and into custody. Finally, this woman who had antagonized her for so long was unconscious before her. She looked so helpless, lying there on the pavement. She looked so... tasty... What? Carol shook her head. Did she actually just think about eating this woman? Sure, she was starving, and sure, Moonstone's curvy body was probably juicy and delicious, but... Well... surely one taste wouldn't hurt. Carol bent down to pick up the villain's feet. With the white suit stretched over them, they looked almost like marshmallows. Her mouth watering, Captain Marvel slid one of the feet between her lips. The taste was indescribable. It was rich, sweet but not too sweet with a hint of vanilla, and just a little bit salty. All the marshmallows in the world couldn't compare to this. Carol had no idea how, but Moonstone was the best thing she had ever tasted. Without thinking, Carol shoved the other foot into her mouth. Another burst of flavor exploded through her, filling her with ever-increasing pleasure. Her mouth watered at the woman's creamy taste as she ran her tongue over both feet. Wait, both feet? There was no way she should be able to fit two feet inside her mouth that easily. Supporting Moonstone's ankles with one hand, Carol felt around her face and jaw. Sure enough, it had stretched far beyond anything normal. It wasn't uncomfortable, though- quite the opposite. The taut sensation on her mouth felt just right, like stretching after a long nap. Curiosity and desire overcame any sense of caution she may have had. She needed to find out how far she could go. Carol pushed Moonstone's ankles into her mouth and swallowed, letting her throat grab the feet and begin to pull them down. Carol's mouth stretched further to accommodate the villain's shins as a bulge formed in her neck. As she reached the knees, the angle became too much, and she was forced to reposition. With one super-strong arm, she lifted up Moonstone's body, her hand grabbing the woman's sharp chin as she balanced her arm down her middle. Now that gravity was on her side, Carol sped up the process. The lump slid down her neck as she worked her way over Moonstone's knees and thighs. Between her breasts, her chest bulged outward, stretching her suit to its limit. Carol took the opportunity to unzip her shirt. It was only going to get tighter as she went on, and she didn't want it to tear. Her perky breasts sprung free as the two sides peeled apart. Reaching Moonstone's hips, Carol paused for a moment to savor the juicy plumpness of her meal. She gave the butt a little chew, and found that it had a pleasantly springy texture. Meanwhile, the villain's feet were touching down in her stomach, pressing on her sensitive areas from above. Carol moaned through her full mouth. Now that she knew how good this felt, she had to see it through to the end. Thinking ahead, Carol used her free hand to bring Moonstone's arms to her sides. She slipped them between her lips next to the woman's toned abs. Now she wouldn't have to worry about anything flopping around while she finished her meal. She took a few more gulps, greedily slurping down her rival's delicious torso. Then she reached her breasts. Even with her mouth's newfound strechiness, the sizable mounds wouldn't fit easily. She would have to give them a little help. Enough of the woman was now within Carol that she no longer needed her arms to hold her up, so the captain brought both hands to Moonstone's chest and gave her rack a mighty squeeze. The bags compressed beneath her fingers, pressing down flatter against her chest. Carol jumped up and, with a powerful gulp, shoved the woman in up to her shoulders. Her stomach ballooned outward as Moonstone's legs and lower body were forced into her belly. The villain's curvy body felt incredible inside her- it was like someone was giving her a massage, but from the inside out. She could feel her muscles relaxing as her adversary's body stretched her to her limit. After a fight as taxing as that one, she really needed this. Her gut now reached halfway to the ground, and she suddenly realized how heavy it was. Her legs gave out, and she toppled over, taking Moonstone's place in the crater. Her expanded stomach cushioned her fall somewhat as she bounced to the hard ground. Now lying on her side, Carol no longer had to fight against gravity to support her meal. On the other hand, she didn't have its help pushing the woman into her mouth. That was okay, though. She wanted to savor her last few bites. With a gentle shove to Moonstone's head, Carol engulfed her shoulders, and her lips slid down the steep slopes to her neck. For the first time since she had started, Carol's mouth got smaller. The tight, rubbery pull of her maw shrinking down felt unfamiliar but curiously satisfying. It wouldn't last long, though, as she now had to swallow the woman's chin. The angle was too great for her mouth to slip over on its own, so she reached up and, with a single finger, stretched her lower lip down and over the bony protrusion. She gulped forcefully, the villain's head lurching into her gullet. Her tongue was on Moonstone's chin now, and Carol could finally taste her natural flavor, uncovered by any garnishing garment. Compared to her suit, the skin was a little less sweet and a little more salty, bearing more resemblance to meat than the marshmallowy outfit. That made sense, Carol thought. At least, as much sense as any other part of this. Carol took another gulp, her adversary's mouth sliding between her lips and over her tongue. Her breath quickened a bit as she realized she was essentially making out with Moonstone. For a moment, she imagined the villain panting with pleasure as Captain Marvel thrust against her. She shook her head and cleared the fantasy from her mind. She may have been eating the woman, but she still had decency. Another swallow brought the woman's nose to her tongue, followed by the mask covering her eyes. It was hard to compare the two, but Carol decided she liked the taste of the suit a bit less than Moonstone's actual skin. She was glad to move past it and onto the villain's forehead. She ran her tongue along Moonstone's scalp, getting a taste of honey from the woman's golden hair. It was time to finish her meal. Carol gulped once more, sending her adversary's head into her throat. She felt the bulge get stuck halfway down, and she brought her hand up and touched the protrusion. She could just barely feel the woman's face through her neck as she traced her fingers along the lump. Meanwhile, her mouth was filled with Moonstone's cotton-candy-like hair. She swished it around in her mouth a bit, savoring the sugary sweetness, then swallowed again. The bulge dropped the rest of the way down her throat, pulling the hair along with it. Carol slurped up the rest of the hair like spaghetti and, with one final gulp, sealed the villain completely in her stomach. She lay back, consumed by the sensation of warm fullness. Even with the fractured pavement beneath her and the bloated stomach hanging off her front, Carol felt snug and cozy. She yawned and rested her head on her arm. She was so tired. She would just... close her eyes for a moment... --- Carol sat in the doctor's office, idly balancing a spark on her fingertip. The past few hours had been a rush- when she woke up, her stomach had been significantly smaller. She flew back to base as fast as she could, where a crowd of astonished onlookers greeted her and her engorged belly. After a few minutes of heated debate between some doctors, they decided that their first course of action should be to get Moonstone out of her. Her friend Kitty Pryde agreed to use her intangibility powers to help, and made Carol's stomach intangible while they extracted its contents. Carol only got a glimpse, but it looked like all that was left of her adversary was a formless peach-and-white blob. The doctors had hurried her away, taken some skin and blood samples, and now she was here, in an Avengers medical room, waiting for someone to explain her bizarre situation. The door creaked open, and a woman in a blue costume stepped in. "Oh, hey Sue," said Carol, glad to see her friend. Susan Storm, the Invisible Woman, was the Avengers' top scientist and one of the smartest people on the planet. Surely she would know what was going on. Sue took a seat. "Hello, Carol. I've been doing some research into your condition. How are you feeling?" "Surprisingly not bad? I'm not sore or anything, which is weird considering how far my mouth stretched. Just a little hungry." "Yes, well, we did have to evacuate the contents of your stomach." Sue jotted something down on her clipboard. "And that doesn't hurt?" she asked, gesturing to the side of Carol's head. Carol brought her hand to her hair, still noticeably burnt from where it had been hit. "Oh, no, she missed my head. It looks worse than it feels." Still, she was a bit annoyed about it- she took pride in her appearance, and she would have to figure out some way of making this look good. "So, what have you figured out?" The scientist glanced at her clipboard. "Well, the first thing we've determined is that the woman- Moonstone, was it?- is not actually dead." "What? But I, like, digested her." "That's the thing. You seem to have converted her into a sort of liquid state, where her cells have lost their structural integrity but otherwise retain their functionality. She's basically asleep for now, while we figure out how to restore her. Although given your struggle with her earlier, perhaps we should wait on that." Sue frowned and made a note on her clipboard. "Uh, alright. And how was I able to swallow her in the first place?" "That we're less sure of. We believe your body spontaneously manifested a limited form of elasticity. We've seen similar abilities before, such as in your friend Kamala, but yours appear more restricted, only stretching in reaction to an outside force." Carol had gone through a wide variety of abilities in the past- superspeed, gravity control, even radioactivity- but this was by far the strangest. "I guess this is some new superpower I didn't know about." "Not exactly," came a voice from the door. Carol turned to see her friend Jessica Drew, a.k.a. Spider-Woman, entering the room. She sported an enormous belly barely covered by her crimson shirt. The look was not altogether unflattering on her. Carol's mouth hung open for a second before she gathered her composure. "You too?" "Yep, some chick called Joystick. Pretty fast, but I was faster. And hungrier." Jess rubbed her stomach, an expression of contentment on her face. "Well, glad I'm not the only one going through this," Carol sighed. "There were a few others, too. I saw Rogue walk by looking twelve months pregnant, and when I left they were arguing over whether Kitty could eat someone herself. They're pretty sure that everyone got changed somehow. Boss called for a team meeting in a little while, you wanna come with?" "Sure. Although," Carol paused, "there's something I want to take care of first." --- "I think it looks good." Jess walked around Carol, admiring her new haircut. The blast had hit pretty close to the roots, so Carol had decided to get the sides shaved while leaving it longer on top. "It shows more of your face." Carol smiled. "Yeah, I know how much you love my earlobes," she teased, stroking one ear and eyeing her friend seductively. Jess rolled her eyes. "See if I ever give you a compliment again." Carol giggled. "Now come on. Boss hates it when we're late." The pair headed out the door and down the hallway. Of all the Avengers' bases, the mansion was by far the nicest. The thick carpeting on the mahogany floors, the gorgeous paintings lining the walls, and even the intricate lamps hanging from the ceiling all served as reminders of the owner's opulence. The Avengers' leader had built up a fortune with her inventions, and she was certainly no stranger to spending that money. After a minute's walk, Carol and Jess arrived at the ballroom where the meeting had been called. From the chattering beyond the doors, they could tell it was already packed. "After you," said Carol as she opened the door, sweeping her arm forward and bowing. "You are such a dork." Jess shook her head as she walked past her friend. The two slipped into the room and around the back of the crowd, finding a place to stand near the center. A moment later, Carol caught a glimpse of brilliant red hair as their boss took her place on the balcony. Pepper Potts, leader of the Avengers, called down to the assembled crowd. "Alright, everyone. Listen up. This is important, but I'll try to keep it quick." The crowd's murmurs quieted as they looked up to the speaker. "Some of you have noticed certain... changes to your bodies. You can eat people, basically. And it feels really, really good. But please, try to exercise some restraint and not eat anybody until we know what's going on. Our top scientists are on the case, and we're trying to figure out what this is and whether there are any dangerous side effects. So hold off on the swallowing-each-other thing until then. You're Avengers, I know you can do this. Alright?" She looked down to the dozens of heroes beneath her. Carol was paying attention, but most others were distracted, whispering to their friends. Pepper's gaze drifted across the crowd and stopped near the back corner, where everyone was distracted by something Carol couldn't quite see. Then the crowd shifted, revealing the luminescent mutant Dazzler with a yellow-suited pair of legs hanging out of her mouth. Dazzler was frozen, staring back at Pepper. With that yellow-and-black-striped pattern, those legs could only belong to one person- Janet Van Dyne, the Wasp. As everyone watched, the girl slowly slurped them down, sealing her lips around the black high heels. The bulge in her cheeks traveled down to her neck then slowly receded to her stomach. She let out a quiet burp. Pepper started to say something, then stopped. "You know what? Fine. Whatever. Not like anyone was going to listen to me anyway. Apparently you don't even die, so go nuts." She turned and walked off, letting the implications sink in to the crowd. Some realized sooner than others, and turned towards their neighbors with hungry eyes. Carol leaned close to Jess. "Unless you want to end up as Avengers dinner, I think we'd better get out of here." Already, some of the more timid heroes were rushing towards the exits, to varying degrees of success- She-Hulk grabbed Valkyrie as she ran past, securing her with a muscular arm while gulping down an unidentified purple-suited figure. "What's the rush? Might as well make the most of this." Jess nudged the woman next to her. "Hey, wanna find out what I feel like on the inside?" The woman turned, revealing herself to be the weather-controlling mutant Storm. "Very well," she remarked. "I don't think I've the stomach for this myself, but I am curious to experience existence in liquid form." She extended her hands, which Jess gladly took. The predator ran her tongue over her lips before slipping Storm's fingers between them. "Well, you two have fun with that. I'm out." Carol stepped away from the pair and began to push through the crowd. "Captain Marvel!" exclaimed a familiar voice. Carol turned to see Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, sitting on the floor and waving to her. She was also flaunting an engorged stomach, big enough to hold at least two people. "Would you like to join us?" Carol smiled apologetically. "No thanks, Wanda. I've had enough excitement for one day. Maybe some other time." "Oh, alright!" Wanda turned her attention back to her belly. She stood up, then dropped down onto her stomach, prompting squeals from its occupants. "Yeah, you like that?" Shaking her head, Carol continued her journey towards the door. After a few steps, she was blocked by a large circle of onlookers. She couldn't see what they were watching, though. She pushed her way through, and- "Okay, now THAT is impressive." Laying on her stomach in the middle of the circle was Kamala Khan, who had taken up the mantle of Ms. Marvel after Carol. She was one of the few Avengers who'd had elastic powers before today, and right now she was definitely putting them to work. At least twelve women were sticking halfway out of her mouth. Clinging together among the half-consumed heroes were Daisy Johnson, a.k.a. Quake, and Bobbi Morse, alias Mockingbird. Their relationship was an open secret among the Avengers, although right now they didn't seem to care very much about the "secret" part. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were passionately kissing and groping each other's bodies even as Kamala slowly engulfed them. Occasional moans emanated from the two as tongue met tongue and hand met sensitive zone. Carol had to admit, this was pretty hot. Elsewhere in the mix she spotted Dazzler, who, with her full stomach, was the size of two people, and Kitty Pryde, who gave Carol a little wave upon seeing her. There were also numerous pairs of anonymous legs. A few even looked to be nude, though it was hard to tell in the chaotic tangle. "Come one, come all! Step right up! Who will be the next to be eaten by the marvelous Ms. Marvel?" Brightly dressed in her yellow coat, the mutant Jubilee stood next to Kamala, one of her feet up on the back of the elastic Inhuman. "Ooh! Ooh! Pick me!" shouted the onlooker next to Carol. The captain recognized her as Cindy Moon, one of the newer spider-powered heroes. One of her hands waved high in the air, while the other was down the front of her web-patterned pants. "You there! The cutie with the spiderwebs!" Jubilee pointed to Cindy, who squealed and jumped for joy. "And how about you, no-longer-Ms. Marvel?" she asked, turning to look at Carol. "Will the predecessor become the prey?" Carol glanced at the door, then back at the group in Kamala's maw. She was so close to making it out of here. But the tangle of bodies looked so inviting... "Oh, what the hell." Captain Marvel stepped forward, and pulled off her shirt. The crowd cheered at the revelation of her toned body and perky breasts. The cheers grew even louder when she stripped off her pants as well. "Yeah! Get a good look while you still can!" She spun, showing off her body to the crowd, before strutting over to Kamala and the dozen-plus women she was swallowing. Carol raised one leg and slipped it in next to Cindy, who, having crammed herself in headfirst, was now furiously masturbating with both hands. Using her ability to fly, the captain lifted her other leg while keeping her body in place, and inserted that one too. She wriggled in a little further, then lay back to let Kamala do her thing. "Hey Carol! Glad you decided to join us!" called Kitty Pryde from a few bodies away. "Love the new costume," she added with a smirk. Carol grinned. "Hey, I'm just giving the people what they want! Seriously, though, this looked like too much fun to pass up. Can you believe those two?" she asked, gesturing with her head towards Quake and Mockingbird. Kitty's expression changed to one of amazement. "I know, right? They really- whoop!" A shift in the arrangement caused Kitty to slip completely inside and out of sight. All that remained was a small tuft of chestnut hair sticking out among the limbs and bodies. By this point, Kamala had mostly worked her way up the women on the edge of the group. It wouldn't be long until they all ended up in her throat, then soon after, her stomach. Carol gave one last wave to the crowd as the stretchy Avenger's lips slid up and over her meal, engulfing the captain and her companions in darkness. The bodies around her began to jostle faster in anticipation of what was to come. She felt the form below her begin to thrust rhythmically, presumably locked in passion with a similarly-inclined reveler. Carol felt herself tilt downward, an indication that Kamala was lifting her head up to swallow the group. Muted cheers were audible from outside the mouth. The body below Carol slipped away as Kamala widened her throat to let in passengers. A moment layer, Carol was sliding down too, propelled through the slimy tunnel by gravity and the girl's undulating muscles. She was completely blind- evidently Ms. Marvel's throat was too thick to let light pass through- but she could feel the rings of flesh pulsate as they worked her down. It didn't smell too bad, either. Mostly it was a mix between the scents of Carol's companions, with an undertone of sweat and sex. She landed with a splash, and quickly scooted back so that the next woman down wouldn't hit her in the head. This proved to be a good idea when a large body was deposited in her lap. "Who's that? Oh, I guess I can- hey there!" Carol was momentarily blinded by a flash of light, and her eyes adjusted to see a naked, smiling Dazzler pressed against her. She had used her powers to make her entire body glow. "That was a nice performance out there! You've got a great body." "Thanks, you do too! And I don't just mean the one in there," Carol grinned, poking Dazzler's full belly. "Is that Carol? Hey!" Wasp's voice was barely discernible, muffled by Dazzler's stomach and drowned out by the moans of the others inside Kamala. Still, Janet and the captain were old friends, and Carol had gotten used to listening for her voice (as it turns out, shrunken people were hard to hear). "Hey, Jan! How's it going?" Captain Marvel was pleased to learn her friend was still conscious. It would be more fun to go through this with someone she knew well. "Oh, pretty good, just being melted down by this hot babe." Dazzler blushed. "She offered to gulp me, and I just couldn't say no. Hope I didn't make Pepper too peeved..." "Ah, who cares." Carol leaned back, getting more comfortable against the malleable wall behind her. "You did us all a favor, everyone was getting antsy anyway." "Um, speaking of which..." Dazzler chimed in awkwardly. "Do you maybe want to- OOF!" The sudden arrival of Quake and Mockingbird forced Dazzler's face against Carol's. The pair locked lips inadvertently, Dazzler widening her eyes before adopting a softer expression. Carol, for her part, was completely comfortable with this. She had always thought that Dazzler was very attractive, and anyway, she had expected something like this to happen when she entered Kamala. Forgetting about the glowing girl's stomach, Carol grabbed Dazzler's body and pulled it closer, squishing the belly between them. A cry from between the two quickly reminded Carol that her partner had a passenger. She released the girl and pulled back. "Sorry! I'm really sorry!" "No, no! That felt amazing!" exclaimed Wasp. "Could you do it again?" "Uhh... sure. I think we can manage that," Carol replied, giving Dazzler a look. Using her flight powers in conjunction with what little leverage she had, Carol pushed further back against the stretchy stomach wall. Then she released, springing forward onto her partner. Dazzler was pushed back a bit but was stopped by the bodies of Quake and Mockingbird, who had landed behind her. Most of the force went to her belly and its occupant, which squished outward like putty. From inside, Wasp let out a squeal that was clearly audible even among the commotion. Carol brought her arms and legs forward, wrapping them all around the increasingly-malleable orb. With a super-strength-boosted squeeze, she brought all four together to the center. Wasp made a noise that was somewhere between an orgasmic cry and a guttural gurgle. As Carol released her grip, the stomach assumed a completely round form, without a hint of solid bulges. Carol gave the sphere a jiggle with one of her legs, and its ripples confirmed it. Wasp was now completely liquid. "Well, now that she's dealt with..." Carol narrowed her eyes and gave Dazzler her best smolder. For good measure, she also pushed her breasts up and together, and gave them a little bounce. Dazzler couldn't wait any longer. She lunged forward and mashed her face against Carol's. Captain Marvel opened her lips to let Dazzler's tongue into her mouth, allowing the other woman to take control for now. She relaxed her muscles, relishing in the heat of Dazzler's soft body. The girl's skin was all around her, enveloping her in a warm, squishy blanket. Dazzler smelled incredible, sweet perfume mixing with her natural aroma and the many scents of the stomach in a bouquet of feminine fragrance. And the taste... Dazzler's tongue ran over and around her own, filling Carol's mouth with her irresistible flavor. It reminded the captain of Moonstone's creamy sweetness. The memory of the villain sliding down her throat lit a fire inside Carol, but... no, she wouldn't eat the girl, one swallowed human was enough for today. She'd just have to do the next best thing: have incredibly passionate sex with her until they both digested. Carol pulled away from Dazzler and stood up as best she could in the tight space. She stepped forward a bit so that she was straddling her partner's stomach, then squatted down, bringing her sensitive crotch against Dazzler's bulge. The thick balloon compressed under her weight, squishing up around her legs and butt. Meanwhile, she grabbed Dazzler's breasts with both hands. Rhythmically, she began to gyrate her hips as she kneaded the woman's chest. The belly slid along Carol's folds, becoming slicker and slipperier as wetness trickled from between her legs. "Mmm, Jan," Carol murmured. "You always knew how to make me feel good~" Carol thrust harder and harder, faster and faster. She thought of Moonstone sliding feetfirst into her hungry maw. She thought of Wasp being crushed into pulp by her powerful limbs. She thought of Kamala, probably getting off right now to the dozen women screwing inside her stomach. Most of all, she thought of Dazzler, who was moaning with her head tilted back under Carol's assault on her breasts and belly. Captain Marvel concentrated on the smooth flesh grinding against her loins, and... she came, scissoring her legs together and falling backward with an orgasmic cry. She landed with a splash and lay there for a moment, legs twitching in post-coital bliss. Once the aftershocks had passed, Carol sat up to face Dazzler. She was about to embrace the girl when she noticed movement behind her. The captain gestured for her to turn around. "Check it out." Behind her, the now-nude Quake and Mockingbird lay on the floor, vigorously sixty-nining while letting out moans of pleasure. Mockingbird, who was on the bottom, appeared to be sinking. With every thrust, the Avenger descended further into the floor. A peach puddle spread out from around her body. She pried her mouth from between her girlfriend's legs to cry out. "Daisy! Yes! Don't stop! I'm melting!" Quake paused and sat up a little, looking over Mockingbird's body to confirm that she was indeed liquifying. A whine from her lover prompted the woman to resume her work on her quickly vanishing nethers. Beyond the pair, Carol saw that Cindy Moon was also watching the scene play out, while a purple-skinned girl felt her up from behind. Carol decided they had the right idea and scooted up next to Dazzler. She brought her hand down to the woman's crotch, caressing with slow yet insistent strokes. After a moment of surprise, Dazzler smiled at Captain Marvel and returned the favor, slipping her slender fingers between Carol's folds. As the two watched, Mockingbird let out a moan, the last of her body dissolving. "Ohgh... Daisy... I lobve yobbplpbloo..." The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents kissed as her face sank into the liquid, features smearing away into nothing. Only a golden blonde patch of hair remained. Carol stuck one, then two, then three fingers into her voyeuristic partner. The elasticity that let them swallow people probably applied to the rest of their bodies, she realized as she slipped a fourth finger in without a hint of resistance. Dazzler, entranced by the agents' display, absentmindedly pulled her hand from between Carol's legs and started to feel herself up. Now alone in the puddle that was her girlfriend, Quake was forced to go solo. She began to masturbate as she rolled around in the Mockingbird goo, splashing as much as she could against her toned body. But after a moment, her rolls slowed to a stop as she stuck more and more to the floor. She was melting as well. Dazzler moaned with arousal as Quake gradually collapsed into goop. "God, that is so hot," she panted. "I can't wait for it to happen to me." With her free hand, Carol reached down to the woman's calves and brought up a scoop of radiant pink liquid. "I don't think you have to." Dazzler looked at her legs to see that sure enough, she really was melting. She squealed with delight as she descended to the floor, thighs, waist, and torso all liquifying and spreading like pancake batter. The hand that had been in Dazzler was freed, and Carol pulled it out with a shlick. Conveniently for her and everyone else inside Kamala's belly, the glowing effect that Dazzler had applied to herself didn't go out as she melted. It looked like radioactive ooze, illuminating the reddish-brown stomach lining as it seeped out. As Dazzler's swollen gut reached the ground, its contents began to spread out from the dissolving bottom. A slightly tanner shade of skin spilled out along the floor, mixed with areas of yellow and black that had once been a suit. Finally, a small clump of caramel brown marked the former woman's head. The fluid spread towards Carol and trickled against her thighs. She laughed. "Hey, Jan." Dazzler was now down to her breasts, with only her shoulders, neck, and head remaining solid. She looked at Captain Marvel with burning desire in her eyes. "Carol... squish me! Please!" Carol hesitated. "You sure?" She knew the melting was pleasurable and harmless, but this still somehow felt like crossing a line. Crushing this woman's beautiful face into nothing but mush... that was... But Dazzler didn't let her finish the thought. "DO IT! NOW!" Spurred by her insistence, Carol moved above Dazzler and squatted down. Her crotch met the woman's open mouth, which tongued lightly at her labia while she held position. Then, with a deep breath, Carol dropped to the floor. Dazzler's face squished instantly, a few drops splashing up between Carol's legs and onto her body. A bit of her tongue even mushed between Carol's folds. The last lumps melted away until Captain Marvel was sitting alone amidst the luminous slime that had just been Dazzler. Entranced by the liquid's radiance, Carol picked up a handful and poured it down her chest. Now it looked like she was wearing glowing lingerie. However, her impromptu modeling session was interrupted by a familiar voice. "Hey, Cap," Kitty Pryde whispered huskily as she phased towards the captain. "Mind if I join you?" "Not at all," Carol replied, a smile on her face. "As you can see, a spot has just opened up." Kitty whistled, impressed. "Is that Dazzler? Dang, she looks even better as a puddle than she did as a person. Speaking of which..." She gestured to Carol's legs, which, where they met the floor, were starting to dissolve. Finally, Captain Marvel herself was melting. Carol gasped with delight. She hadn't been sure if she could be digested, what with her super-invulnerability and all. She was glad to be proven wrong. Wordlessly, Kitty leaned in for a kiss, and the two embraced as Carol collapsed to the floor. Everything was starting to get blurry. Kitty pulled away and ran her tongue down Carol's torso. The captain closed her eyes and leaned back, losing herself in the feeling. It reminded her of being in a hot tub, with the warm water soothing her to the core, only here there was no water. There was only her, melting and oozing and being digested. God, it still sounded so crazy. She was being broken down like food. But it felt so good working its way up her body, loosening and freeing her muscles as it progressed. Hazily, she could feel a soft pair of lips slurping up the soup that had once been her legs. She was so tired. She would just... close her eyes for a moment... |
"So what did you want to show us?" The three girls on the floor looked up at their friend. Tess towered over them, her confident pose making her seem larger than life despite being the second-shortest of the group. Ally, a tall, skinny girl with straight caramel hair, sat facing her against the couch. Nicole, the shortest and curviest of the bunch, was up against Ally on the right. She sported a fluffy blonde ponytail with dark roots, pressed down on top by a white hairband. Finally, Chelsea, who was the tallest at about five foot ten, was on the left side. They had all known each other through classes for a while now, and Tess had invited the group to her apartment to hang out. It was getting pretty late, but she had promised them she would show them something fun before they left. "Okay, so... you know hair vore?" Tess began. "That's, like, when the pred digests their prey through their hair somehow, right?" Ally guessed. "Yeah, how does that even work?" wondered Chelsea. "Normally there are digestive enzymes, and there's something to absorb the mass, but hair is dead cells, right?" "I got no idea. I think Hayley Sitko can do it, might wanna ask her." Nicole's face lit up, her imagination sparked. "Anyway, one time I was messing around with this chick, we were going pretty far, and I noticed she was really into my hair." "It does look nice," offered Chelsea. Ever since meeting Tess, she had been jealous of the girl's hair. It was thick, glossy black, slightly wavy, and went a bit past her wide shoulders. Usually she wore it in a ponytail, but she had let it down for tonight's activities. Chelsea's own hair was dark brown and curly, and she kept it short, not wanting to deal with the bother of a constantly-tangled mess on her head. While she appreciated the utility of her closer cut, she envied how Tess's long locks shone under any lighting. "Thanks, Chels. But I mean, she was like, really into it. She spent more time on my scalp than on my mouth. So then I got the urge, and I tried to hair vore her. I couldn't do it, exactly, but I... well, I don't wanna spoil it. Who wants to help me demonstrate?" "Ooh! Ooh! I do!" cried Nicole in a very unconvincing Ally impression. She held up the brunette's arm and waved it around in the air. "Pick me!" Tess smirked. "Alright, glad you're so eager. Come on up, Al." Ally squeaked, but did as she was instructed. Nicole smiled and leaned back against the couch. Chelsea considered speaking up, but decided against it. She trusted Tess not to do anything to hurt her friends, and besides, Ally had confided to her that she liked when Nicole was dominant like that. Chelsea didn't really get the whole forced-discomfort thing, but whatever, it wasn't her place to judge. Tess positioned herself in front of her "volunteer" and turned around. "Alright, now put your mouth on my head. It helps if you have more contact, so open wide." "What, you mean like vore you?" asked Ally, confused. "No, genius. Just press your lips against me." Tess lifted her hair up and gestured to the back of her head. The other girl did as she was told, opening her mouth and latching on. To Chelsea, it looked pretty goofy, like Ally was trying to swallow Tess but didn't know how. Her amusement ended, though, when Tess closed her eyes and let out a grunt. Ally tried to say something, but with her mouth occupied it was unintelligible. She looked panicked for a moment, then her face and posture relaxed. "Here we go!" announced Tess. Slowly, Ally sank to her knees. Her mouth stayed fastened to Tess, and her head tilted back to maintain the connection, but thanks to the height difference between them she didn't have to go far. Still, it looked strange somehow, as if she was stretching out. A moment later, Chelsea realized she really was stretching. Ally's face was being pulled down by gravity, distorting as her eyes and nose gradually sagged further and further from her mouth. Her hips sank to the floor, pulling her torso down like putty. Ally's skin began to darken, and Chelsea and Nicole shared a look, having figured out what was happening. Tess was turning Ally into her hair. Looking closely, Chelsea could make out subtle ridging in her friend's skin. That must have been the individual strands of hair that she was becoming. What a crazy thought, that she was transforming into hair. She would go from one whole human to thousands of separated columns. Would she still be able to think? What about other senses? Would she get hungry if left there for too long? Chelsea was pretty hungry. Tess moaned with pleasure, bringing one hand up to her head and stroking it along Ally's face. The features squished and conformed to her touch, and Ally let out a muffled groan. Chelsea glanced at Nicole, wondering if the other member of the audience found this as strange as she did. Of course, Nicole was watching the whole thing with a massive grin. She hadn't known this would happen when she volunteered Ally, but it was pretty much her ideal scenario. Ally's body continued to elongate, and the girl's features grew less and less distinct. Her shoulders, breasts, and other protruding areas sank into her body. Her clothes, first her jeans and then her shirt, slipped off and collapsed to the floor as her curves could no longer hold them up. By now, her skin was almost the same hue as Tess's hair. The last hints of peach faded away just as her facial features disappeared into the black waves. Ally let out one final moan that trailed off as she settled against Tess's back. She was now unrecognizable except as a huge mass of hair on the girl's head. Tess grinned at her two remaining friends. "So there you have it! I can turn people into hair. Man... I always forget how good that feels." She twirled, showing off her new hairdo. In the back, about at the level Ally's head had been, were highlights the color of the former girl's locks. The rest was shiny and black, an exaggerated version of Tess's original arrangement. It reached all the way to the floor, and was as wide around as Ally had been. Chelsea gaped in awe, while Nicole's expression was a mixture of impressed and turned on. "That was amazing!" exclaimed the brunette. "Yeah, it was pretty hot watching you do that to Ally. I love watching her get vored," said Nicole. "Wait, does this even count as vore?" "I think so?" Tess replied. "I mean, she's a part of me now. I don't know anyone else who can do this specifically, although I've heard of a few people that can do the absorption thing with different body parts." "Does it only work with your head hair, or can you do it... other places?" the blonde asked, grinning lasciviously. "Oh, it works everywhere. One time this girl was eating me out and I accidentally turned her into my pubes. That was an experience, let me tell you." "Really? Who?" asked Chelsea. "Colette... Beauremont, I think? Pretty short, red bobcut, glasses? She's a year above us, I guess you wouldn't know her." "So... wait... did you just have a person-sized clump of hair down there?" "Yeah, I had to cram her into my underwear and walk around like that for three days until she turned back. It was a pain. But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't kinda fun," Tess smirked. Nicole, meanwhile, had walked around behind Tess and was getting better acquainted with Ally's new form. "Can she still feel stuff?" she asked, grabbing a handful of hair and rolling it around. "Feel, yes. All the other senses, not really. It's a weird sorta half-awake dream state. At least, that's what people have told me," said Tess. "So she could tell if I did... this?" Nicole scooped up a load of hair where she imagined Ally's crotch had been and shoved it down her pants. "Hey, that's my hair you're-" Tess started, then reconsidered. "Oh, whatever." "Oh yeah? You like that, Ally?" Nicole grabbed more of the hair, then flopped forward onto it like a hammock. She rolled around a bit until it mostly covered her. Tess shrugged and turned back to Chelsea. "So, you got any plans for the rest of the evening?" "I dunno, I was planning on having dinner soon. I'm pretty hungry." "Well, I don't have much food here, so you'll have to go out and find something. Sorry." Chelsea's stomach rumbled. Did Tess really not have any food in her whole apartment? Maybe she just didn't feel like sharing. That was understandable, if a little selfish. Or maybe the hair-transformation thing filled her up somehow? She had said it was like vore. But it looked like all of Ally's mass had stuck around as hair. Could that still make her feel full? Chelsea considered asking about it, but Tess had started using her phone and she didn't want to bother her. By now, Nicole had worked her clothes completely off, somehow including her hairband and scrunchy. She was completely surrounded by Tess's Ally-hair, and was thrusting vigorously back and forth against it. One paricularly forceful motion caused the whole mess to roll over towards Chelsea, where a stray lock brushed against her toes. Chelsea glanced down. She hadn't gotten a close look before, but the tuft of hair at her feet really did look just like Tess's. She picked it up and turned it over in her hands. She wouldn't have been able to tell that this used to be a normal human girl if she hadn't seen the transformation herself. The hair was sleek, thick, and full-bodied. It looked... delicious. Chelsea tentatively slid the tuft between her lips, just to see how it tasted. As it touched her tongue, she moaned involuntarily. She wasn't sure if it was because she was so hungry, or because the hair used to be Ally, or because Tess used a particularly tasty shampoo (wait, would that even apply to the new hair? did it spread somehow?) Regardless, it was definitely one of the best things she'd eaten recently. It was darkly flavorful, sort of like a pretzel or a burnt marshmallow, and almost liquidy smooth. She had to have more. Shoveling up more hair, Chelsea took several ravenous gulps. With each swallow, her desperation increased. She needed all of it inside her. For a few blissful moments, there was nothing but her and the silky strands in her mouth. Then she hit Nicole's feet. While Chelsea would normally have had reservations about eating her friends, at this point she was already pretty much committed to it. The hair tasted way too good to just spit back out, and even if Nicole was physically able to free herself from the tangle, she clearly would not have been willing to. At least, that was how Chelsea justified it to herself as she slipped her mouth over Nicole's feet. Nicole thrashed even faster with the new stimulation. Chelsea wasn't surprised- the blonde loved being swallowed herself almost as much as she enjoyed swallowing others- but it was nice to get confirmation that she was okay with this. While not a frequent vore, Chelsea preferred her meals willing, and judging by her moans Nicole certainly fit that category. Chelsea continued her climb up Ally and Nicole. Her mouth stretched wider and wider as she engulfed her friend's shins, knees, and thighs, a task made no less difficult by the thick layer of hair surrounding them. She had to stop for a moment when she got to Nicole's butt. If she swallowed it, there would be no going back- Nicole, the transformed Ally, and Tess would all end up in her stomach. Three people wasn't her max, but it was close. Did she really want to go through with this? But Nicole didn't give her the chance to reconsider. With a loud grunt, she heaved her rear end into Chelsea's maw. "I didn't- say- you could stop!" she groaned, using one hand to grab Chelsea's upper lip and pull herself downward. She slipped her other hand in among the hair next to her vanishing hips, and let Chelsea take over from there. The predator gave Nicole's butt a few polite licks, since she knew the girl was very proud of her assets. But the real prize lay further ahead. Nicole's golden hair shone like a lighthouse guiding her way. It tangled and weaved together with Tess's and Ally's original hair, forming a gleaming ochre bouquet that beckoned her forward. She couldn't even imagine how their flavors would mix together. In her focus on the approaching buffet, Chelsea had failed to notice that she had already passed Nicole's belly. She was now at another stopping point, as her meal's rather large breasts blocked the way forward. From past experiences with other girls, she knew that she couldn't just slurp them in like she could the hips the angle was too steep for that to work. She would have to use her hands to squeeze down the orbs and fit them into her mouth. That additional stimulation would prove to be too much for Nicole, whose exclamations came to a crescendo just as Chelsea squished her breasts into her mouth. Her hips bucked back and forth as best they could in the tight quarters, and she released a torrent of liquid into her devourer's throat. Sadly, she was too far down for the brunette to taste it, but the hot fluid still felt soothing in Chelsea's chest. The gorging girl hummed happily and ran her fingers through Nicole's hair. One final gulp sent the blonde's head between her lips. Now for the good part. Finally, Chelsea slid over Nicole's golden tresses. She knew they weren't natural, but she certainly couldn't taste the difference. The blonde hair filled her mouth with rich, buttery savoriness, a wonderful warming sensation spreading out through her jaw. She felt herself grow wet between the legs from the pure raw flavor of it. Ally's original hair was not far behind, and the caramel strands tasted like, well, caramel. Together, the three girls' hair formed a symphony in her mouth, each flavor playing a distinct part while still making up a greater whole. This was unlike anything Chelsea had ever eaten. She paused here for a moment to relish in the sensation of this ambrosia. It was with a twinge of sadness that she realized the moment would not last long, since Nicole's head was still being pulled down her throat. As she took in the last locks of Nicole's blonde hair, gravity fully took over and the scrumptious girl's head slid all the way down her throat. With a splash, Nicole landed in her juices from earlier, causing Chelsea's stomach to bulge out further. Ally's hair was pulled in too, leaving Chelsea once again with a mouthful of nothing but Tess's hair. Actually, this hair was Tess's original, not the transformed Ally. Did it taste any different? Chelsea didn't think so. If she really did take on the exact material, then it made sense that Ally would share the taste as well. Or was it slightly less sweet? No, that was probably just the sudden lack of Nicole's and Ally's flavors. Soon she had reached Tess's head. She paused to savor the last few inches of hair before moving to take in the rest of the girl, then slid up and brought her lips against her friend's scalp. Peeking down over her face, Chelsea saw Tess smirk. "Oh, no you don't." Chelsea suddenly found that she could not move her mouth. In fact, she couldn't move anything- first her face, then her neck, then her arms flopped toward the ground, then her legs gave out and she swung forward onto Tess. Chelsea realized what was going on: to keep from being vored, Tess was turning her into hair too. While it wouldn't have been her first choice, Chelsea was actually okay with this. She had gotten her fill of Ally and Nicole, and anyway, she had been curious what it felt like in Ally's position. As it turned out, the answer was "really good." She felt her body slowly lose its solidity, as her face and torso were stretched down by gravity. Her arousal continued to build, heat spreading throughout her as she took on her new form. Inside her stomach, Nicole was going crazy. She was screaming in pleasure, and what few words she was able to form made it exceedingly clear that both Tess and Chelsea should continue what they were doing. She was still jerking around, too, although that was quickly diminishing. Chelsea wondered if she was finally running out of energy, or if... A shift in her stomach confirmed it. The transformation wasn't just affecting Chelsea it was also turning Nicole into hair. Unlike the other two, however, Nicole's mouth was free during this process, a fact which she was taking full advantage of. "OH MY GOD! ARE YOU TRANSFORMING ME TOO? YES! YES I'M FALLING APART! YES DON'T STOP DON'T STOP! YEEESSSSS!!!" Nicole's screams faded away as the movement in Chelsea's stomach slowed to a stop. She felt her belly sag downward with the rest of her body, and her arms and legs all spread apart, changing from single, contiguous masses to thousands of tiny strands. The separation continued up her body, and when it reached her stomach it released the former Nicole and Ally, who rolled to the ground like a black carpet. Chelsea's head was at a steeper angle than Ally's had been, so her face didn't get pulled down as much, but she still felt her own head loosen and fall away as everything went dark. She was just hair now. Idle thoughts drifted by like dreams, nothing quite making sense. She could hardly think any more, just feel. The weight of herself on her roots. The source, the smooth dome that was the origin of all her parts. The cold floor teasing her far reaches. And in a moment, the five warm pillars that cut through her, running down her body, her mind, and leaving long rifts that gently collapsed behind them. There was nothing but her and the sensations. She was in bliss. --- Tess pulled her hand out of her hair and smiled. This had gone even better than she had hoped. She turned to give her new companions one last look, then headed up to her bedroom. It was going to be a fun couple of days. |
Alyx turned the bottle over in her hands. The cold glass was surprisingly heavy, and it was bigger than she expected. On the side, a printed pair of stick figures held hands next to a large sticker covered in tiny text. "You know, I've never actually used one of these before," she remarked, unscrewing the silver plastic cap. Underneath was the bottle's neck, which tapered to a circular opening a few inches in diameter. "Wait, really?" Xenia arched an eyebrow. Like the thick mohawk sticking up from her shaved head, her brows were a deep purple. "Yeah. I guess I don't travel much, so I just stick to the short-distance methods. I can't remember the last time I went on more than a few hours' car ride." "You should totally go somewhere! It's really cheap with this!" Blair chimed in, gesturing to the bottle. "And we owe you one after today, so give us a call if you decide you wanna see the world." Xenia crossed her arms and smiled. "Huh, I might take you up on that. You said you were going to Paris, right?" "Yup! I'm gonna do so much stuff to her on top of the Eiffel Tower..." Blair looked at Xenia, an evil grin on her round face. Xenia shuddered with arousal. "God, I love you." Blair brought a hand up to one of her girlfriend's plump breasts and gave it a squeeze, prompting a moan. Xenia returned the favor by slipping her own hand down the front of Blair's pants. Apparently they weren't wasting any time. Alyx walked over to her bed and sat down, ready to watch the show. Locking eyes, the pair stumbled across the room and flopped onto the bed next to Alyx. Xenia landed first with an "oof", her curves cushioning her smaller girlfriend's fall a moment later. Blair pulled her shirt up over her head, exposing her perky breasts, and threw it against a wall. She began to do the same for Xenia, but the girl's arm was still inside Blair's shorts, and she would need to remove it to get the shirt off. Reconsidering, she slipped her hands lower and instead tugged down her partner's skirt. Now Blair, on the top, was topless and Xenia, on the bottom, was bottomless. As the lovers' moans intensified, Alyx felt herself growing wet between the legs. The contrast between the two- Xenia, tall and dark, and Blair, short and bright- had always fascinated her, and she'd be lying if she said it didn't turn her on a little. Seeing tiny, adorable Blair control curvy, imposing Xenia like that... When they had asked her to help with this, it was honestly a dream come true. She slowly unzipped the front of her jean shorts and weaved two fingers inside, around her underwear, and into her eager slit. Ready to move things further, Xenia pulled her hand from Blair's shorts and yanked them down her thighs. While she worked on removing her own shirt, Blair waved her legs around in the air, trying to work her pants all the way off. This resulted in their crotches bouncing together, which didn't seem to bother either of them. Finally, Blair kicked her shorts off her feet and directly into Alyx's face. They hung there for a moment. Alyx inhaled deeply, filling her nose with Blair's sweet scent. When the shorts fell to the bed, she saw that the two girls had begun scissoring. Blair was sitting upright, using her whole body to thrust against Xenia's prone form. They stared into each other's eyes, both enamored by the sight of their lover. The bed creaked as they bounced their bodies together. Waves jiggled up Xenia's thick body with each passionate impact. Blair flipped her head back, blonde hair fanning out, and cried out in pleasure. Her own arousal growing, Alyx grabbed one of her sizable breasts and started to knead. The movement caught the attention of Xenia. "You can start when- ggh- whenever you're ready," she grunted to Alyx between pumps. That was all Alyx needed to hear. She tore her hand from her pants and yanked them off, followed by her shirt. She walked along the bed on her knees, hovering over Xenia's feet for a moment. Then she dropped down. The girl's toes penetrated her folds, spreading her apart as they pushed their way in. Alyx gasped at the feeling of being filled, clenching around her victim's feet. Slowly, her muscles relaxed, and she slid down to rest her butt against the bed. She leaned back to get a better angle, propping herself up on her elbows, and began to suck Xenia in. Her ankles, then her calves slid into Alyx, caressing her lower lips as they slid by. A bulge formed just below her belly button, growing larger and rounder as she took in more of her prey. Blair looked back, and upon seeing the process, grinned and thrust harder. "You like that?" she growled to Xenia. "You like getting slurped into her hungry pussy?" The lower girl whimpered an affirmation. Blair leaned in and kissed her forcefully, hips still pumping up and down. Xenia's feet drove deeper into Alyx. She could feel every toe, every bulge as they tunneled into her, filling her with warm, twitching girl-meat. Alyx spasmed as she let out a squirt of liquid around Xenia's legs. Her mind was pure bliss, completely focused on the euphoric heat spreading through her. And this was just the feet. She still had so much more to go. Clenching her leg muscles, the predator pulled in Xenia's knees and thighs. The feet had reached her back walls, so she began to bend the legs upward to better fit. Of course, this just meant she was stretched further vertically, exposing her to a whole new dimension of pleasure. Then her crotch hit a wall. A round, squishy wall. Alyx looked down to see she had run up against Blair's butt. The shorter girl was sandwiched between her and Xenia, one leg between and under the prey girl's and the other on top. There was obviously no separating the two, who were now groping each other's racks while sloppily kissing. She would just have to do this the hard way. With all the effort she could muster, Alyx spread her legs. Slowly, her labia crept over Blair's round cheeks, sucking almost nothing in as she widened her entrance to fit the two girls at once. Her elbows gave out and she fell backwards to the bed, panting. She could do it, she just needed... time... "Want some help?" Xenia peered across at her devourer, understanding the scope of the effort. Alyx nodded. Releasing her girlfriend's assets, Xenia grabbed Alyx's thighs with a firm grip. "Alright, get ready... here we GO!" With a mighty heave, Xenia pulled Blair and herself into Alyx's opening. Alyx screamed as the pair made her twice as wide in an instant. She jerked up and came hard. White mist sprayed around the two lovers, filling the air with her scent. Convulsing, she sucked the girls deeper inside her by pure instinct. They slid haltingly into her body as she came back down from her orgasm. She laid there for a while, mind still hazy. Blair, now folded over and up to her belly button in Alyx's nethers, giggled. "That was fun!" After a minute, Alyx had regained some level of coherent thought. Inside her, the two were still scissoring as best they could, but her tight entrance meant they couldn't move much. Clearly, they needed more space. Alyx put one foot against the top of Xenia's head, running her toes through the girl's purple mohawk. She was too busy making out with Blair to respond- their faces were pressed together so closely that there was little else for them to do. Not wanting to split them apart, Alyx put her other foot above Blair's head. She began to use her legs to push the girlfriends in. They couldn't talk, but they did moan. Xenia's cute whimpers became more frantic as she slid into Alyx, and Blair's short, forceful grunts grew louder and more insistent. Underneath the girls' torsos, Alyx felt Xenia's hands slide into her. Blair's were, she assumed, pressed between the two, as the blonde had never stopped groping her girlfriend. Bending her knees further, she continued to engulf her victims. The additional effort of squeezing with her thighs made it feel so much better. She wanted nothing more than to stop and masturbate right now, but she knew that if she did, she wouldn't be able to complete her task. She was up to their shoulders now. Her labia slid down the steep angles to their necks, relieving some of the pressure on her loins. The V of blonde hair at the base of Blair's head stroked Alyx's clit as it ran past. Likewise, Xenia's thick purple mohawk began to tickle Alyx's underside. Alyx had about reached the limit of how far her feet could push, so she straightened her legs and took over with her hands. The girls' moans reached their peak when Alyx gently shoved their heads all the way in. She felt the twin bulges slide up within her as she watched their long hair slide between her lower lips. Xenia's purple and Blair's blonde were perfect complements. Where they tangled together, they formed a brilliant, indescribable color that was even greater than the sum of its parts. The last strands of hair slipped into her just as the pair's heads popped into her womb. Her belly churned and convulsed, the lovers now (relatively) free to move around. They pounded and thrust against every inch of her insides, and Alyx could do nothing else but lean back and lose herself in the feeling of the two girls screwing inside of her. Though it was hard to hear anything through the thick walls of her belly, Alyx could barely make out a delighted yelp from one of the girls. The movements inside her sped up, then gradually got... sloshier. There was less random jostling and more steady, back-and-forth rolling. Her womb let out a gurgle, and the bulge in her belly rounded out. Finally, the movements slowed to a complete stop. Alyx gave her belly a slap. It made a hollow, rubbery sound not unlike a beach ball. That confirmed it: she had turned Xenia and Blair completely into cum. Grinning in anticipation, Alyx grabbed the bottle from the bed next to her. She shoved the tapered nozzle into her folds, wincing momentarily at the sharp jab of coldness. Her burning-hot nethers, though, quickly warmed it up, and soon she could only feel the bottle's thick neck holding her open. She held the bottle securely with one hand, and brought the other up to her crotch. Her palm rested on her mat of pubic hair as she rolled her clit between two slender fingers. She closed her eyes and thought of the girls. She imagined them gazing passionately into each other even as their bodies broke down into translucent white goo. She imagined what it felt like, giving yourself completely to someone just to become their sex juices. She imagined someone doing it to her, and she moaned. Alyx jerked her hips into the air, shoving and twisting the bottle inside her. She bounced up and down, back and forth, in and out, focusing only on the wonderful passion between her legs. She brought her thighs together and, clenching up for a moment, released. Cum gushed out of her and into the bottle. She pulsed, and pulsed, and pulsed again, squirting a torrent of goo into the vessel between her legs. She fell back onto the bed and gave one last squeeze, making sure she got every last drop. Alyx pulled the bottle out to inspect her handiwork. It had been filled up perfectly, with just a sliver of air left at the top. She inspected the label. LiquiTravel- All the travel for a fraction of the cost! Who needs trains or airlines when you can let the Postal Service work for you? Contents: Two (2) live humans, liquified. Handle with care. Deliver to: _Reformation Center, Paris, France 75015_ Screwing the cap back on, Alyx placed the bottle by the door. She would take it to the post office tomorrow morning. And after that, maybe she'd stop by the travel agency. She had a vacation to plan, after all. |
"Honey, I'm home!" Melanie paused her show and yawned. Was it eight o'clock already? Her wife Lindsey worked later than she did- finance jobs paid well, but the hours were killer- so she usually had a few hours to waste watching whatever was on Netflix. Today's fare was some trying-too-hard-to-be-gritty superhero show that she had no problem abandoning. She checked the clock, and both it and her rumbling tummy confirmed that it was indeed eight PM. She stood up and stretched, brushing away a curly strand of light brown hair that had escaped her bun, and called out to her wife. "Did you bring dinner, or should I make something?" "Oh, I brought dinner..." replied Lindsey in a seductive voice. Melanie walked into the living room. "Why do you say it like- oh. Oh. Are these-" "Yep!" Standing next to Lindsey were two younger girls. One had dark tan skin and hair that was black and loose, and the other had was somewhat pale with dark brown hair in a ponytail. Both were fairly short, contrasting with the taller-than-average Melanie and Lindsey, and they looked about college age. "This is Anisha and Bailey," said Lindsey. "While I was in the grocery store looking for something to eat tonight, I heard them chatting about vore. I walked over and asked if they'd be interested in being our dinner, and, well, here we are." "You're really pretty!" said Anisha, her face lit up by a cute smile. "Aw, thanks! You're not so bad yourself," replied Melanie, unsubtly checking the girl out. Anisha smiled even wider. She did, in fact, look like an 'absolute snack', as the kids would say, and her tight black t-shirt and shorts hugged close to some very promising curves. Lindsey, meanwhile, set down her briefcase and took off her jacket and heels. "Yeah, I thought you'd like her," she said to her wife. "You always did prefer the juicy ones. Bailey, here, though... mmf." She bit her lip as she looked at the other girl she had brought home. Bailey looked back at her with a grin. "Well, I'd love to chat all day, but my tummy's been a-rumblin, so..." Melanie stood at the table. "Let's get started." Her wife joining her before the two girls, she launched into her practiced speech. "Have either of you been vored before?" "Or vored anyone else, for that matter?" Lindsey chimed in. "Nope! This'll be our first time," replied Bailey. "Well then, I should warn you, we don't do it the normal way." "We do it better!" Lindsey added. "Lindsey's mouth barely stretches at all, and mine stretches a ton. So this isn't gonna be your standard head-or-feet-first deal. Is that okay with you?" "Yeah, whatever! Just as long as we get eaten! Haha." Anisha started to bounce up and down, overwhelmed with excitement. "Wait, how do you swallow someone if your mouth doesn't stretch? Do you, like, shrink them down?" asked Bailey, puzzled. "Something like that," said Lindsey with a sly smirk. Melanie continued. "Okay, take off your clothes." The girls obeyed, and their hosts did the same. As Lindsey peeled off her crisp black skirt, Melanie allowed her gaze to linger on her wife's shapely body, and the businesswoman wiggled her eyebrows in return. Melanie smiled. Even after years of marriage, she was still that same goofy girl she had fallen in love with. After a minute, all four women had fully stripped. Bailey's dress was folded in a corner, while Anisha, in her excitement, had just tossed her garments on the floor. The Indian girl's nethers sparkled with moisture in anticipation of what was to come. "Alright, step over here." Lindsey beckoned Bailey closer to her and stretched her arms with a pop. The girl stood before her, waiting expectantly. Lindsey squatted down, placed one hand atop Bailey's head, and brought the other between her legs. "Uhh..." "Relax, I'm not gonna fingerblast you," said Lindsey. With a grunt, the woman squeezed her hands together. Bailey's body squished between them like clay, offering barely any resistance as Lindsey mushed her from head to crotch. "Eeee! ThiS feELs weIrd!" squealed Bailey, voice distorted by the compression. Her body oozed out from between Lindsey's hands like waffle batter in an iron, forming a jumbled, gooey mess of body, face, and hair. Lindsey grabbed her outstretched, uncompressed limbs and began to fold them into the doughy mass. "Oh wow, that is... really hot." Anisha was clearly resisting the temptation to touch herself. The restraint was unnecessary, but Melanie admired it nonetheless. "Hey, maybe later I can teach you how to do this! That way you can do it whenever you want," offered Lindsey. Anisha's eyes widened. "Oh my god yes please." A trickle of liquid ran down her thighs. Lindsey continued kneading for a minute, then stopped, pleased with her handiwork. Bailey had completely lost her human form, and now resembled a large hamburger made of twisted up limbs and facial features. Lindsey sat down on a chair and set the distorted girl on her lap. "Alright, your turn." "Okay. Sit on the table, please," Melanie instructed Anisha. The younger girl did as she asked, and Melanie walked around behind her. Then she placed her hands on Anisha's shoulders and began to massage. "This feels nice, but, uh, are you gonna vore me or not?" "I was getting to it, but alright, Ms. Impatient, have it your way." Melanie shoved down and forward, rotating Anisha's torso to be parallel with her legs. Anisha let out a yelp of surprise. Melanie continued to push until Anisha's breasts pressed against the table between her legs. "Uh, I definitely couldn't do this in gym class," Anisha said nervously. "Don't worry, it's fine. This is basically the same as what Lindsey does, just less extreme." Melanie moved her massage down the girl's back, flattening down her stomach. "Okay, you ready?" "Yeah!" Anisha exclaimed, her nervousness disappearing at the thought of being swallowed alive. "Great, but I wasn't talking to you." Across the table, Lindsey nodded and picked up Bailey from her lap. Melanie caught a brief glimpse of wetness between her wife's legs before she stood up. Sliding one arm below the girl and resting the other on her back, Melanie lifted up the Anisha-sandwich and opened her mouth wide. With a deep breath, she moved Anisha backward while thrusting her head forward, stretching her lips over Anisha's butt. Her whole head widened as she took in the girl's thick rear and curvy thighs. Lindsey did the same with her meal, shoving her into her waiting maw. Unlike Melanie's, her jaw was tight and didn't open very far, so she had to use her hands to squish Bailey into the tight hole. She swallowed right away, immediately starting the girl's journey down her throat so as not to crowd her modestly-sized mouth. Melanie, on the other hand, took her time. Now that Anisha's hips were all the way inside her, she slowly bit down, crushing the girl's malleable body between her teeth. Anisha screamed in pleasure as her most sensitive parts were flattened between Melanie's molars. Cum poured out of her nethers and over Melanie's tongue. She lapped it up hungrily, licking the girl's folds to get every last drop. Once Anisha's spasms had finished, she tilted her head back and swallowed again. Both women were about halfway down their respective meals, although in Lindsey's case it was harder to tell exactly due to Bailey's heavily contorted form. Lindsey had a small bulge running down her neck, between her bare breasts, and ending at her stomach. Melanie, on the other hand, had a much bigger bulge that stretched her head and throat nearly to the width of her hips, but ended just below her shoulders. Looking into each other's eyes, both women gulped simultaneously. Melanie's chest ballooned outward as the folded girl filled her up, while Lindsey slurped the squishy girl down her gullet. Sounds of squelching and swallowing filled the room as they hungrily devoured their dinners. With one final gulp, Melanie snapped her lips over Anisha's fingers and toes. At the same moment, Melanie sucked up the last of Bailey. Melanie smiled as she watched the girl slid down her wife's throat, bringing out that cute little belly bulge she loved so much. Likewise, Lindsey gratefully admired Melanie's full stomach. Slowly, Melanie pushed herself to stand up. "Thanks for getting dinner, babe. She was delicious." "Mmm, I agree... it's so much better than cooking a meal. And not that you're a slouch the rest of the time, but when you've got that belly..." Lindsey bit her lip. "Just more of me to love," Melanie teased. Her voice dropped to a low whisper. "What do you say we head to bed early tonight?" Lindsey grinned. She picked up Melanie with her powerful arms, and carried her into the bedroom. As her wife dropped her down on the bed, Melanie giggled. "We should really do this more often." |
The door slammed open and the cold air rushed in, its icy tendrils curling around Lili's exposed arms and face. She shuddered. Even in the warmth of the tavern, Skyrim's frigid climate made itself known. She really had to buy some warmer clothes. Lili turned around to tell whoever had just walked in to shut the door, but what she saw made her freeze. Standing in the doorway was a tall figure clad from head to toe in heavy steel armor. Lili had carried a few pieces on occasion, but couldn't imagine wearing that much all on her body. It must have weighed fifty pounds at least. Not even a guard needed that much protection, and the helmet wasn't standard issue anyway. That only left one possibility as to who the stranger could be. An adventurer. The guest took a few steps forward, letting the door swing closed behind them. They shook their wide shoulders, chainlinks clattering with the movement, and flung off the layer of snow that had been stuck to their armor. With two massive gloved hands, the stranger lifted up their helmet, revealing... It was the most beautiful woman Lili had ever seen. Thick blonde hair fell from the helmet and cascaded down her shoulders. A solid, chiseled jawline supported a lightly scarred face with icy blue eyes. The stranger's glance fell on Lili for a moment, and her heart fluttered. This woman... no one else in Tamriel could match her beauty. Lili continued staring as the stranger scanned the room. Eventually, her gaze settled on Teyla behind the bar. She stepped forward purposefully. "Innkeeper! My travels have left me hungry. Bring me a haunch of your finest meat!" The Redguard innkeeper frowned, weathered cheeks creasing with both age and dissatisfaction. "I'm sorry, but our last three shipments have all been captured by bandits. All we have is our stock of mead." The stranger scowled. "Mead will have to do, then." Teyla reached below and pulled up an orange-brown bottle, and the guest slid a handful of gold across the table in return. "These bandits... where are they?" she growled before taking a swig. "Well, our most recent shipment disappeared just south of Dawnstar. There's an abandoned fort nearby, but the guards refuse to investigate. Would you perhaps-" "I'll do it!" shouted the stranger, slamming her bottle down on the counter. Then she clutched her stomach, bending over as it gurgled loudly. "Just as soon as I- urgh- find something to eat..." Teyla shrugged. "Well, we're clean out of everything, so I can't help you with that." She turned and went back to cleaning off a mug. The stranger groaned. "The one tavern in Skyrim that doesn't serve food. Terrific." She sadly took another swig of mead. "Excuse me... are you an adventurer?" The guest turned to see that Lili had sat herself down next to her at the counter. She looked up and down her new companion's body. A short Breton girl with a round face and dark eyes... normally she would have ignored the curious townsfolk, but she was stuck here until she found some food, and besides, this one was cute. She'd indulge her questions for now. "...Among other things. I do the odd job here and there, a little mercenary work, fair bit of spelunking. Mostly I just wander about and adventure seems to find me. I think I might be some kind of prophesied dragon-slayer too, but I just ignored the crotchety old fellows who tried to recruit me into that business. Too much talking, not enough action, you know?" Lili nodded. "I'm an alchemist's assistant, so I prefer the slower life, but I know what you mean. Sometimes it seems like talking is all people here can do!" The stranger stared at Lili, trying to figure out if she realized the irony in that statement. "Yeah... so, you gonna give me some kind of quest now? Kidnapped sibling? Lost family heirloom? Too lazy to pick your own flowers?" Lili giggled, touching the adventurer's elbow. "Nope! Just wanted to chat. I've never met an adventurer before. My name's Lili, by the way." The woman took another sip of her mead. "Helyana Iron-Arm. There aren't many of us around, it's a dangerous life." "I'll say! In the three hours it took me to travel out here, I nearly got mauled by wolves four times!" "Wolves. Heh." Helyana patted her blade. "I remember when wolves gave me trouble. What brings you out here, anyway?" "The nirnroot that grows up here is bigger and more potent. The journey is tough, but that's what gives our potions the edge over our competition," Lili smiled. "Impressive. You get good business?" "It's alright. We don't have many visitors, but one of the Jarls will make a big purchase every once in a while. I hope these bandits don't start going after our shipments too... What about you? Adventuring bring in good coin?" "Much as I can carry. It's a solid living, though it's certainly not for everyone. You're always an inch from death, and it doesn't leave much time for friends or romance. Sometimes it's nice to just take a moment to relax." Helyana took a drink. "Oh, I feel that. It can get pretty lonely up there in the lab. If it weren't for these tavern outings, I'd probably forget what other people's voices sounded like," Lili giggled. "You don't have a husband or anyone to keep you company? Cute little thing like you, I'd have figured you would have been snatched up by now," Helyana remarked. Lili grinned. "Nope! Guess I just haven't found the right person yet." They gazed at each other for a moment while Helyana finished her drink. Emptying the last drops from the bottle into her mouth, she set it down on the counter and let out an "ahh". A moment later, her stomach growled again. "Hey, you got any potions of Cure Hunger? That mead didn't do much to help my appetite." "Hmm... I might have something in my room, if you wanna come look..." Lili bounced up from her seat and started up the stairs. Her tone made her intentions clear. Helyana thought for a moment, then stood up to follow her. The wooden stairs creaked under her armored weight as she climbed to the second floor of the tavern. Of the four rooms upstairs, three were shut and presumably locked. One, the furthest on the left, was slightly ajar, and warm light flickered through the crack. Helyana stepped forward, and, with a deep breath, pushed it open. Lili was inside, bent over and ruffling through a chest. She faced away from the door, giving Helyana a clear view of her dress and everything under it. The adventurer hadn't realized how tight it was when she had first met the woman. Not that she was complaining. "Just- one second- where's- ah! Here we go!" Lili sprung up, turning to her guest. In her hands was a large, round golden jar. "A rare, one-of-a-kind Potion of Enhanced Satiety! Although it may look like honey, don't let that fool you- this uses my finest techniques to fill your belly like nothing else!" Helyana smiled. The charade wasn't really necessary, but it was nice that the girl was doing all this just for her. "Now, just have a seat on the bed over here, and I'll mix up the potion. It needs to be activated, after all." Helyana kicked off her boots and set herself down on the wooden frame, careful not to smash completely through it. Lili stood before her and started to shake the jar. Then, with an obviously intentional slip of the hand, the alchemist knocked the lid off the jar, causing the golden liquid inside to splash onto her face. "Oh no! What a disaster! I've spilled the potion!" Lili feigned shock, "potion" dripping down her round face. "Well, it was done mixing anyway, but it would be a shame to let so much go to waste..." She sidled closer to Helyana, who understood the invitation. "Maybe," whispered the adventurer, "maybe we don't have to." With steel-plated arms, Helyana reached up and grabbed the girl's shoulders, guiding her down until their faces were inches apart. She stuck out her tongue and ran it across the girl's cheek, licking up the rich sweetness that coated it. The adventurer moaned. In her hands, she could feel Lili's shoulders trembling as she continued up her face. Just below the eye, she stopped and pulled away. "Mmm... you are a good alchemist." "Told you," Lili giggled. "Oh, but there's still so much on my face... how will we ever mmmph!" The girl's honeyed words were cut off by Helyana clamping her lips around her entire mouth and cheek. The adventurer traced a ring around Lili's mouth with her tongue before plunging it in, meeting the alchemist's own tongue and curling around it. Meanwhile, her still-gloved hands found their way to Lili's breasts. She gave them a squeeze hard enough to elicit a gasp, though not enough to hurt her. Behind the girl, on a table in the corner, she caught a glimpse of a golden statue of Dibella. Perhaps Lili had been more prepared for this than she had thought. The two peeled apart. Both their faces were covered in honey now, and they licked their lips in unison to enjoy the rare treat. Helyana had no idea if it was actually useful in potions or if the girl had just been keeping it for an occasion like this. Either way, Lili clearly liked her a lot to be using the expensive delicacy. Passion burning in her dark eyes, Lili grabbed the woman's chestplate and lifted. Well, she tried to. The thick metal was so heavy that the girl was barely able to shift it. Laughing, Helyana pushed her away. "Let me help you with that." With one smooth movement, she slid her arms out of her gauntlets. Then she grabbed her armor by the shoulders and pulled it up over her head. Underneath, she was wearing nothing but a simple leather strap around her chest. Although the outside was cold steel, the inside of her armor was thick, soft fur, a functional yet comfortable getup that left little need for undergarments. Meanwhile, Lili was unlacing her own shirt. As soon as the leather tying it together was loose enough, she pulled it over her head as well. In contrast to Helyana, her chest was completely bare. The adventurer stared as the girl cupped her breasts together. They were much bigger now that they were unconstrained by the shirt. Helyana wondered if that applied to her rear as well. Lili leaned forward, forcing Helyana against the bed. She realized that she was still holding her chestplate in front of her, and furthermore, that it was keeping the two from getting any closer. With one muscular arm, she yanked it out from between them and heaved it onto the floor, where it landed with a deafening crash. "Keep it down up there!" came the muffled voice of Teyla from downstairs. "I won't have you smashing through my floors!" Lili blushed, realizing that the woman downstairs could probably hear their every action. Helyana just shrugged. With all she had been though, there were much worse things to deal with than a nosy innkeeper. Her confidence returning, Lili picked the jar of honey back up. Leaning back a bit, she tilted it over her chest, and let it trickle onto and over her breasts and stomach. "Oh no," she whispered. "I spilled some more." Helyana stood up, grabbed the girl by the waist, and spun around. With a shove, she dropped Lili down onto the bed where she had just been. Then she plunged down and got to work. Starting at the alchemist's dainty neck, Helyana licked back and forth, her rough tongue tracing wide strokes between the girl's shoulders. Her skin was so... smooth. Had Helyana's skin ever been this soft, unmarred by any marks of battle? Maybe when she was an infant. She continued downwards, moving back and forth, back and forth until she reached Lili's breasts. A puddle of honey had pooled up between the squishy orbs, and Helyana looked into the girl's eyes as she lapped it up hungrily. The alchemist leaned her head back and moaned, desperate for more. Helyana lifted her head up. She looked for a moment at her partner's chest, glancing back and forth between the two honey-covered treats, before settling on the right one. She bent back down and clamped her lips around the girl's perky nipple, loudly slurping up the sweet golden stickiness. After rolling it around with her tongue for a minute, she switched sides, licking across, down the valley, and back up to the left breast. Lili squealed as the adventurer's tongue teased her sensitive flesh. Her hips bucked, trapped between the bed and Helyana's toned stomach, and the woman decided to grant the alchemist some relief. Still keeping her tongue against Lili's body, Helyana moved downward, drifting across the girl's soft belly. As she did, she looped her fingers into the alchemist's dress and the underwear beneath. With a fluid motion, Helyana stripped it off like she was unsheathing a sword. Lili gasped as the tavern's cool air hit her nethers. Then she gasped again as Helyana's tongue hit them. The woman plunged deep into the alchemist, probing her way around the girl's warm tunnel. Lili cried out in pleasure. Flailing around with her hands, she managed to grab Helyana's head so she could push it harder against her crotch. Thrusting her hips up and down, she squished the adventurer's face against her loins as she breathed faster and faster. The woman was so good with her tongue... so... so- "YES!" the girl exclaimed, bouncing up off the bed. "Yes yes yes yes yes! Ohhhhh divines! I, ohhh, you're incredible! Oh, goodness. Mmm..." Helyana rose from between her legs, licking her lips clean of both honey and Lili's juices. She settled down on top of her partner and gave the girl a wet smooch. They lay there for a moment, panting, before the alchemist regained her composure. Lili's hands stroked her partner's back, finding their way down to the leather waistband of the adventurer's pants. Most of the steel plating had been on the shirt, so even with the armored knees and shins, the leggings were light enough that Lili could easily tug them off. Once they were around the taller woman's knees, she was unable to reach any further. She lifted her own legs up and, folding them between Helyana's legs, used her feet to pull the pants the rest of the way off. She completed the process by unclasping the adventurer's bra. Lili peeled it off her chest and tossed it to the floor like everything else, leaving both of them completely nude. "Sit right here," instructed the girl as she rolled Helyana off of her and climbed to her feet. She walked over to the table in the corner and grabbed the golden statue. "Dibella wants to give you a little blessing." Helyana's eyes widened as she realized what the alchemist was about to do. She slid to the very edge of the bed and leaned back on her arms, presenting herself to Lili and the statue. The girl grabbed her shoulder to keep steady, then with her other hand, rammed the idol in. Helyana howled as pleasure shot through her body. She could feel every curve of the tiny metal goddess inhabiting her loins. Lili pulled it back out, then shoved it back in, prompting another grunt. Helyana hadn't cared much for worship before, but this was making her reconsider. Lili, whose vigor had been renewed after seeing her partner's ecstasy, sat down on the adventurer's thigh and began to grind back and forth. The subtle scarring on the thick skin only added to the pleasure as Lili's lower lips ran over the leg. Still pistoning the Dibella statue in and out, the alchemist leaned around and kissed Helyana hard. The statue was one thing, but the feeling of this girl giving herself completely to her drove Helyana mad. She lifted up an arm and squeezed Lili against her, and with a grunt muffled by their kiss, came forcefully. Her loins clenched around the idol, causing the alchemist to briefly lose her grip, and her whole body shook with powerful tension. Lili pulled the statue out with a slurp. Unfortunately, this caused her to lose her balance, and she began to slip sideways off the heaving woman. Helyana caught her before she could fall too far, and the girl smiled appreciatively. "You know..." "What?" If this was anything like her last plan, Helyana was all for it. "You're a Nord, right? Can you do that shouting thing?" "The Thu'um? It's not just Nords, you know. But yes, I am versed in the ways of the Voice." "You have to open your mouth wide to do that, right? How wide, exactly?" "I... don't know, I've never measured it... Where are you going with this?" Lili grabbed the jar of honey again, and shoved her whole arm inside. A little spilled out as she wiggled it around and coated herself in the sticky fluid. She pulled it back out, then slipped a dripping golden finger into Helyana's mouth. "In there." The honey was so delicious that Helyana opened up almost involuntarily. The girl's soft fingers danced along her tongue and slid back into her throat. Helyana didn't so much as gag as Lili's hand slid into her gullet. Smoothed by the rich, sugary coating, she gulped down the girl's whole arm. Lili stared in awe at the bulge in the adventurer's neck. It was twice as wide, easily, as it had been before the addition of the arm. And her lips... they formed a perfect O shape around her shoulder below those wide blue eyes. She really was beautiful. The alchemist wiggled her arm around a little, prompting a grunt from the woman. Yeah... she definitely had more room to stretch. Lili grinned at her confused partner. "I think I've found the solution to your hunger problem." Helyana grunted inquisitively. "Moghre hughnee?" she mumbled around the arm in her throat. "I was thinking... me. With your stretchy Nordic jawline, you can easily fit a little thing like myself down your throat. So you eat me, sleep me off, and then you'll have the energy to go take care of those bandits. What do you say? Want to make me your meal?" "Bugh... yough'll dighe!" Helyana protested as best she could. "Not with this, I won't." Lili reached down and pulled out a small, rainbow-colored bottle. "Resurrection potion. My secret recipe. One of the only ones in all of Tamriel." Helyana stared at the vial dubiously. Resurrection potion? She had never heard of such a thing existing, and even if it did, it must be incredibly valuable. Would this girl really spend it on her like this? Or was this just a trick to get her to agree to be Lili's permanent end? She didn't know. She didn't care. She was so hungry. She swallowed. The girl, with a delighted giggle, popped the cork off the vial and downed it in one gulp. "Enjoy!" She tossed the bottle to the floor then fumbled around for the jar of honey. Grabbing it, she poured the remaining syrup onto her head, letting it drip down her face, chest, stomach, and legs. Helyana's mouth slid up over her shoulder, stretching wider and wider as she engulfed the girl. Her jaw had never been pulled so far open before, but... it felt so good. She hadn't known it, but this was exactly what she had needed. This was a meal worthy of an adventurer such as herself. Meanwhile, her meal was enjoying herself just as much. The sticky honey filled every nook and cranny along her body. Her heart fluttered as she thought of what was happening. This gorgeous woman was gorging herself on her. She was just a tasty little snack. As her devourer's lips crept up her neck and down her side, she tucked her free hand between her legs and began to touch herself. Widening as far as she could, Helyana stretched over Lili's neck, then ear, then hair. Once she had crested overtop the head, her upper lip's journey briefly became easier, as it was now moving back down. Her lower lip, however, had a much harder job. With the girl at such an awkward angle, it was a straight path down her torso that ended at the floor. The adventurer paused for a moment. Reconsidering her approach, she grabbed the alchemist by the hips, lifted her up into the air, and positioned her so that she pointed directly down into her stomach. The process was much easier now. With a few forceful gulps, Lili's head was pushed into her throat, bringing her other shoulder between her lips. As much as she enjoyed the sensation of the girl wriggling inside her, the hunger was overpowering. Helyana relaxed muscles that she hadn't known she had and let the honey-covered treat slide down her gullet. The sweet syrup lubricated Lili's descent as she found herself shooting down the dark tunnel and landing with a splash inside the woman's stomach. She felt around with the arm that had made it in first. The walls had almost no give to them- she realized with a gasp that she was behind Helyana's chiseled abdominals. More of her arrived in the cavern, forcing her to curl up tightly and let her swallower's rippling muscles give her a massage. Finally, the alchemist's feet entered Helyana's mouth. She sealed her lips with a slurp. The girl's legs settled into her stomach, and she collapsed back onto the bed. It was hers now, she supposed, along with the rest of the room. She was so... full. It was incredible. Her body thanked her for the meal with waves of soothing contentment, just as Lili thanked her by vigorously squirming while she pleasured herself. Helyana felt herself drifting off. Maybe when she woke up she would take on the bandits the innkeeper had mentioned. Maybe they would make good meals too... |
And... time. Essi squeezed her watch as she soared over the line, momentum carrying her forward as she slowed to a halt. She looked at the watch. 5:03. Not quite the five minute mile she was trying for, but still a personal best. Not bad at all. Her body, however, disagreed with that assessment. Now that she was no longer concentrating on the rhythmic movement of her legs, she became acutely aware of her aching muscles. Her thighs and calves had that familiar sense of being hard as stone, and even her shoulders were sore from her arms' constant swinging. Most noticeable of all, though, was her throat. The inside of her neck was like a roll of sandpaper, left out in the sun all day, in a desert. She was parched. Essi staggered up the hill towards the locker room. She was drenched in sweat, so she would have to shower and change first, then she could find a water fountain or vending machine. If she could wait that long. Her throat reminded her with every ragged breath that she needed a drink, now. Shoving open the door, Essi fell forward, bracing her hands against her knees and panting. She rested there for a minute. Maybe she had overexerted herself. "Hey, you alright?" Essi looked up. A woman towered over her, hands on her hips as she stared down at the exhausted jogger. Evidently, she had just gotten out of the shower, because she was fully nude and soaking wet. The way the woman stood between her and the lightbulb, it almost looked to Essi like she was twinkling. Everything from her long, dirty blonde hair to her tall, angular figure glistened like a succulent piece of fruit. This was perfect. Right when she needed it most, the universe had delivered a tall glass of water right to Essi. Without giving the woman a chance to react, Essi shot forward, folding her backwards and wrapping her lips around her waist. "Wha- stop that! I didn't say you could-" Essi clamped her palm over the woman's mouth, wrapping her head around backwards and between her two halves. As she rolled the head completely around, she brought the woman's top and bottom together and wedged her face's cheeks between her butt's, silencing her complaints. Now she could enjoy her beverage without worrying about the commotion. Essi sucked on the woman's hips and stomach, determined to eke out every bit of moisture she had on her body. The cool droplets of water ran along her tongue and trickled down her throat, tracing a tantalizing path down her parched pipe. Essi found that the tangle of hair between the woman's legs was particularly rich in wetness. She considered lingering there to see what other juices she could tease out of the woman's nethers, but decided that would take too long. Her throat still cried out for more. Taking another gulp, she brought the woman's knees into her mouth on the bottom, and her breasts in on the top. She continued sucking desperately. Why wasn't there more water? She had looked so moist before Essi swallowed her. Disappointed, Essi realized that most of the liquid had probably been in her hair, which was now trapped behind her head and between her back and shoulders. Essi silently cursed herself. That would have been the juiciest part! If only she hadn't been so preoccupied shutting the woman up. She would just have to make do with what she could reach. She weaved her tongue in between the woman's folded halves, searching for the moist mass of hair she knew was hiding somewhere. At last, her tip reached a wet clump, and she guided it out into her mouth. Sealing her lips around the woman's calves and shoulders, she created as much suction as she could, draining the moisture and greedily gulping it down. There still wasn't much, though, and now she had basically exhausted the woman's supply. With a few resigned slurps, she slid her victim down into her stomach, licking the last bit of dampness off her toes as they slid by. "What the hell! You vored Tricia!" Essi glanced up to see another woman standing there. This one had also just been in the shower, and in addition to being completely naked, was even wetter and shinier than the first. She was short, very curvy, and dark skinned, with smooth shoulder-length black hair that the water only seemed to give more volume to. The woman glared at Essi. Evidently, she hadn't been fast enough in silencing her meal. "Yeah," replied Essi, patting her belly. "I was really thirsty. She didn't really help, though, too filling." She could talk now, at least, but her throat was still dry and crackly. She looked at the other woman thoughtfully. It wouldn't do Essi much good to eat her- she was full from her meal, whose name was apparently Tricia, and anyway, it would just make her thirsty again- but maybe there was another way this new woman could quench her craving. "Oh, you are gonna pay for that!" The woman stomped towards Essi, hands curling into fists, but the jogger's agility easily countered her fury. Despite being exhausted from her mile and her meal, Essi found it no problem to lightly twirl around the woman and scoop her leg out from under her. "You-! Oh, I'm gonna-!" The woman flailed impotently as Essi hoisted her up by the leg. She twirled around, feet and fists coming nowhere close to the taller woman holding her at arm's length. "Nuh uh." With her free hand, Essi gently caught one of her assailant's thrashing fists. Using the moment of surprise to her advantage, she guided it into the woman's mouth, then shoved it in elbow-deep. The woman's threats now muffled, Essi grabbed the remaining free hand, pulled it around back, and wrapped it forward between her legs. Curling her around back, she pulled the arm tighter, then threaded it up between the woman's neck and the shoulder of the swallowed arm. She continued to weave, bending the woman's limbs around and through any gaps they fit into. Eventually, she had a loosely knitted, vaguely ball-shaped tangle that glistened with moisture. Essi held the knot of woman above her head and, grasping an arm with one hand and a leg with the other, pulled it tight. All throughout the woman, curves were pulled tight and crannies were squeezed closed. Water gushed out of her and into Essi's waiting mouth. It poured down her throat like a river, revitalizing her instantly. This was what she had been waiting for. The deluge slowed to a trickle, and the trickle slowed to drops. Essi used her hands to manually wring out the last few droplets from the now tightly-knotted woman. "Ahh," she breathed. That had hit the spot. Essi set the balled-up figure in her lap as she rubbed her stomach. She still didn't want to eat the woman, but she couldn't very well untangle her without expecting some kind of payback. What would she do with this hostile yet helpless individual? Stuff her in a locker, maybe? Cram her down the shower drain? She picked the woman back up and turned her over in her hands, examining the dark tangle of limbs, flesh, and hair from every angle. Maybe she could use her as a sponge... Her pondering was interrupted by the arrival of yet another woman from around the corner. This one, a medium-sized brunette, was dry and partially clothed, with tight blue shorts but no shirt or bra. "Hey Sophie, are-" She froze. Essi locked eyes with her just as she finished inspecting the scrunched-up woman- presumably, Sophie. The newcomer gaped, staring at the scene before her. Essi looked at the twisted ball of woman in her hands. She looked at the new arrival, whose mouth was still hanging open in shock. An idea formed in her head. She gave Sophie a little kiss on the forehead for good luck, then wound back. With practiced aim, she released, lobbing Sophie directly at the woman's face. As she predicted, her target was too slow to react, and the scrunched-up Sophie landed right in her open maw. The woman gulped involuntarily, bringing her lips around the tangled mass. Panicking, she continued to swallow. She scrabbled at her throat as she tried her best to choke down the unexpected meal and clear her windpipe. Judging by her slow reactions and clear difficulty with getting Sophie down, this woman was clearly not an experienced predator. Essi figured that even if she did decide to retaliate, she would be no match for the jogger's superior athleticism. She took the opportunity to remove her own clothes, still soaked through with sweat, and toss them on the bench as she headed to rinse off. Maybe she would even spend a little extra time in there. She had a meal to work off, after all... |
*DING* The elevator doors slid apart with a clunk. A woman with dark brown hair done up in a bun, a black blazer and skirt, and a little too much makeup strode in, turned around, and pressed a button on the panel next to the door. Athena stepped a bit towards the opposite front corner. The elevator's other prior occupant, a slim woman with a blonde ponytail and a white dress, shuffled to the middle of the back. The doors closed again and the elevator resumed its ascent. After a few seconds, Athena noticed the smell. The new passenger must have been wearing some strong perfume, because the car was suddenly filled with an acrid, sickly sweet aura. It was almost flowery, but it missed the mark of "natural" and smelled more like chemicals than any plant. Athena was glad that she would be getting out in a few minutes- it was a long ride up, but she'd endured worse. The woman in the back sneezed. Athena figured she was probably allergic to the strong perfume, a theory which was supported when the woman sneezed again, louder this time. *At least I don't have it as bad as her,* she thought, punctuated by two more sneezes. The perfumed woman huffed quietly, as though she were offended by the other's allergic reaction. Athena wondered if she had worn this brand before, or if this was her first time inconveniencing others in this particular manner. A loud hiccup came from the back, followed by a small "eep" noise. Athena glanced behind her to see the woman staring down at her stomach. She wasn't sure, but it looked like it was bulging out a bit? That was odd. *She must have had that before,* Athena thought to herself as she turned back to face the empty wall in front of her. Another, even louder hiccup rang out, and this one was followed up by a strange bouncy sound, sort of like a beach ball. Athena looked behind her again, and the woman's stomach seemed even bigger than before. Then she hiccuped again, and her torso ballooned outwards. Athena stared in shock, taking in the sight before her. The woman pawed at her belly even as it puffed further out from her body. Her dress strained under the pressure, and a moment later, the bulge tore through it. "I- ah!- this is-" The expanding woman grabbed the torn hole in her dress and tried to pull it back together. Unfortunately, her stomach continued to grow, and the hole only grew larger. She looked about eight months pregnant now. The perfumed woman turned to glare at her fellow passenger. "Stop it!" She turned back with a huff. Athena gaped. Did she think she was doing this on purpose? Did she even realize what was going on? The woman in the back's hiccups continued growing louder and more frequent. By now they sounded more like the puff of air one would hear when inflating a balloon. Was that what was happening? Was she somehow... inflating? Still puffing, the woman grew and grew. It wasn't limited to her stomach anymore, either- her arms and legs were beginning to plump up as well. That was just... physically impossible, there was nothing even there to inflate. But here it was, happening in front of Athena. With a mighty gasp, the woman tore through her dress completely. Now Athena could see the full extent of the inflation. Her body was becoming spherical, with a rounded torso that was absorbing her arms, legs, and even head. If she kept going like this, she would fill the entire elevator. It was starting to feel cramped. Athena took a step forward and immediately bumped into the wall. There was nowhere for her to go. This wasn't going to stop. She had to do something. But what could she do? She could feel the woman's rubbery flesh push against her. No more time to think. Panicking, Athena spun around and opened her mouth wide. As the inflating woman pressed against her lips, she began to suck. Her maw stretched wider and wider as she worked her way over the huge sphere. It was the best idea she could think of- maybe her stomach could stop the woman's growth. There was hardly any space left in the elevator now. The growing woman was squished against the walls and creeping toward the corners, one of which contained the rapidly-swallowing Athena. She could feel the body compressing in her stomach, though only slightly. Her mouth, stretched from the bottom of the elevator to almost the top, was encompassing the orb as fast as it could manage. From the opposite front corner, she heard an "ack!" as the expanding flesh filled it up completely, followed by a wet squelching noise. Serves her right for causing all this without even apologizing, thought Athena. Now she was just a smear of goo on the wall who wouldn't be huffing at anyone anytime soon. A ripping noise came from below Athena. That was her suit, she realized sadly. Oh well, it had always been kind of uncomfortable anyway. If she made it out of this elevator, she'd treat herself to a better one. Her own stomach was nearly spherical now, containing almost half of the unfortunate woman. It was small enough to fit within the elevator, but barely. She certainly wouldn't be able to make it out the doors like this. Athena looked down at the balloon's blonde head. The woman's facial features were stretched out so much they looked painted on, and her now-messy hair was just a small tuft compared to her colossal body. She crested over the face and began her descent. Progress was much faster now that she was working alongside the pull of her natural elasticity. In a matter of seconds, her mouth snapped shut, sealing the woman inside her huge gut. Here she was, entirely naked, with a stomach half the size of the room she was in. Athena sighed. This was not how she wanted her day to go. But maybe she could still salvage it. "Sorry about this," she said to the woman in her stomach, who may or may not have even been able to hear her. With a gurgle, she opened the floodgates and began to digest. Her belly wobbled, then sloshed, then finally stretched to a much more natural looking bulge. A bulge which, she realized, was almost completely air. Air that wanted out. In one huge bubble, all the air that had been inside the woman rushed up her throat. Her mouth quaked as she let out the biggest burp she had ever experienced. Behind it, her stomach settled into its natural, relaxed position. Her lips quaked and a wave of satisfaction washed over her. She felt as if a load had been taken off her shoulders. It was over. She was still naked, though. Looking over at the corner, she saw the perfumed woman, who was now a peach-colored smear on the wall. Conveniently, her outfit was undamaged. Athena walked over and, shaking the last drops of squished woman off, slid the blazer and skirt on. Perfect. The woman had been a bit thicker than Athena normally was, but with the balloon-girl's remnants now inside her, it was a flawless fit. After pondering for a moment, Athena leaned down and slurped up the squished woman's remains from the wall and floor. Her makeup may not have smelled great, but it tasted strangely pleasant, like vanilla extract. Or maybe that was just her natural flavor. For good measure, Athena picked up the two sets of torn clothes and popped them into her mouth as well. Now there was no sign anything had been amiss. The elevator's motion slowed to a stop just as she fastened the last button on the blazer. The doors slid apart with a clunk. *DING* |
"Who's that girl over there?" "Which one?" "On the table, teal hair. The one gulping down a chick." "Oh, her. I think her name is Naomi? I don't really know her too well. Why?" "She's really sexy. I'm gonna go talk to her." "You just think that cause she's got a girl in her mouth. You know you have a thing for that, right?" "Nuh uh! I'm sure she's just as hot when she doesn't have a pair of legs sticking out of her, stretching her out and... hmm..." "Well, do whatever you want. I'm gonna go see if anyone wants to play tug-of-vore. See you later, maybe." She turned and walked away, disappearing into the crowd. Emily hesitated. She was always nervous meeting new people. But this Naomi girl... the way her mouth stretched like that... she was worth it. Emily took a deep breath and strode forward. She had been at the party for a few hours now. Well, it was less of a party and more of a no-holds-barred extravaganza of lesbian sex and swallowing. A vorgy, they had called it. She had clung to her friend Julia all night, awkwardly engaging in mildly lascivious activities, but hadn't really gotten comfortable. Not until now. This girl cut right through all her social anxiety and replaced it with single, focused determination. Pushing past a few equally-nude partygoers, Emily found herself at the window. The girl was there, bent over on all fours, still working on the same meal. She didn't look like she had made any progress, either. Emily also noticed- maybe this had happened while she was walking over, or maybe she just hadn't seen her- there was another purple-haired girl with her face between Naomi's legs. Emily cleared her throat. "Hi." Naomi glanced up, raising her eyebrows in greeting. The brows were teal too, Emily realized now that she was up close. Naomi looked at the legs in her mouth, then at Emily, then arched her eyebrows inquisitively. "Oh, no thanks. I'm not ready to get swallowed just yet." Naomi shook her head. Balancing herself on the other three limbs, she raised one arm and pointed to the girl in her mouth. Then she pointed at Emily's face, and slowly traced down to the girl's torso, where she stopped and raised her eyebrows again. "Do I want to eat that chick in your mouth?" Naomi nodded rapidly. "Uh, no thanks, you can finish her. I just... wanted to talk." Naomi nodded once, then held up one finger, telling Emily to wait for a moment. She leaned her head back and gulped, sending the legs sliding down her throat. With one final slurp, she sealed her lips around the girl's toes. "Hey." Her voice was surprisingly deep and gravelly for such a cute girl. Emily didn't mind, though. Also, she really was good-looking even with an empty mouth. "Sorry if I'm interrupting, I just... I saw you over here, and you looked really hot, and I..." Emily looked away awkwardly. "Aw, thanks! You're hot too." Emily blushed. "Did you wanna do something together? I'm down for anything, you can do whatever you want to me." Emily's blush deepened. She certainly hadn't thought things would get this far. What did she want to do with this girl, anyway? Something was stirring inside of her, but she wasn't sure what. "Um... you looked really good when you had someone in your mouth. Maybe you could start swallowing another person, then we could... have sex?" Naomi shrugged. "Fine by me. Hold on a second." She closed her eyes and grunted in concentration. Her hips trembled and, a moment later, the head of the purple-haired girl disappeared between them. Emily had forgotten she was even there, since Naomi hadn't reacted at all to being eaten out. Emily hoped she could do a better job of pleasuring her. The girl's shoulders slipped between the legs, followed by her slender torso and skinny legs. Her complete disappearance was marked by a juicy slap. Naomi opened her eyes and saw Emily's slightly disconcerted expression. "That was my sister Sophie," she explained. "Oh, I never introduced myself! I'm Naomi." "Emily," said Emily. She had just unbirthed her sister? What was she getting herself into? Possibly literally. "Alright, so. You said you wanted me to vore someone, right?" Naomi twisted herself so that she was sitting on the edge of the table. "Big or small?" "Big!" shouted Emily immediately, forgetting her apprehension. "I wanna see you plump up like a juicy sausage! If... uh... if that's alright." "Yeah, sounds good. That's probably better anyway, since this far into the vorgy all the tiny prey girls have been eaten already." Emily nodded. "You see anyone you like?" "How about... her?" Emily pointed across the room at a tall, tanned girl. She must have been six feet tall at least, and she wasn't skinny either. She was more muscular than either Emily, who admittedly didn't visit the gym too often, or Naomi, who was at that point at least two-thirds digesting prey meat. Okay, that wasn't a particularly impressive qualifier. But she was big. "Ooh, good choice. Could you get her to come over here? I'd do it myself, but..." Naomi gestured to her stomach. It bulged out to about her knees. Emily nodded. "Sure thing!" She strutted across the room, which even now was noticeably more sparse than when she had started her conversation, and toward the bulky future meal. On the way, she stepped over a pair of redheads rolling around and making out on the floor. When she arrived, she noticed that her target had a bit of a bulging belly. Evidently this girl was a capable predator. That meant it was less likely she would come willingly... A plan formed in Emily's mind. "Excuse me!" she called. The tall girl glanced down. "Would you mind coming over by the window? My friend is there, and she really wants you to swallow her..." This approach, she figured, would work better on an established pred. She felt a little bad about lying, but a lot good imagining the girl's meaty thighs flailing around in Naomi's mouth. "Uh huh," said the tall girl, smiling. "And why shouldn't I eat you right here?" Emily gulped. "Because... if you wait, you can get two at once?" The girl's eyes lit up. "Okay, you've sold me. Lead the way, half-snack." Emily quickly started back towards the window, all too aware of the heavy footsteps following her. She hoped Naomi was up to the challenge of both getting this girl down and overpowering her in the first place. She stepped over a single redhead lying on the floor and rubbing her engorged belly and then, for the second time at evening, she arrived at the table. "Alright, here she is. Go nuts." "Oh, I will," said the tall girl, licking her lips. "I wasn't talking to you." Naomi lept forward, springing off the table and onto the girl. Clinging on with her arms around the shoulders and her legs around the belly, the teal-haired girl plunged down and engulfed the head of her would-be predator. Emily gasped. How was she so agile with that many meals in her? She didn't know anyone who could move that fast even when empty, and Naomi was packing at least two girls on her. Judging from the way her bulge smushed around the taller girl's neck, she was already well into digesting them. Those legs from earlier were probably breaking down into nutritious soup right now. The thought sent pleasant chills down Emily's back. Meanwhile, Naomi continued her descent down her towering meal. The thick neck was no problem to her, but she slowed significantly at the wide shoulders. This girl was apparently no stranger to the bench press, or whatever exercise makes your shoulders stronger, Emily wasn't sure. Naomi's cheeks stretched as she worked her way towards the necessary horizontal mouth-width. While she was concentrating on this, though, her victim managed to slip her arms free and began flailing wildly around her head. For the first time, Emily spotted a hint of panic in Naomi's eyes. With her whole body focused on swallowing the girl, she must not have been prepared to deal with the dual assault from her powerful limbs. She could lose her advantage if Emily didn't do something. So she did something. Jumping towards the thrashing girl, Emily grabbed an arm as it swung behind her back. She pivoted around and, still holding the first arm, grabbed the other one. She bent it back and wrapped herself tightly around both forearms. Although the other girl was much stronger, Emily was barely able to keep the arms together and immobilized. She looked up and saw Naomi cheerfully raise her eyebrows in thanks. The predator's maw had expanded by now to take in her meal's full girth. Cresting over the sides of the shoulders, she began to slink down and consume the muscular arms. Emily stared at Naomi's face as she worked. It wasn't just her mouth that was stretching, like was the case with some girls. It was like her whole face was being molded around her victim. Everything from her lip to her back was completely parallel to the vertical line of her prey, with the sole exception being her nose poking out into the air. Her short teal hair was now just a patch on the column of skin, and her neck was completely indistinguishable from her head or body. She was like... a sock. A pink, sexy sock. Naomi was about halfway down her girl when she started slowing down. Emily released the arms now that her partner could handle them, and the predator stopped when her lips reached the wrists. The prey wiggled her fingers frantically, but she was unable to do anything other than amuse the girl that had helped get her down. Her knees wobbled and she tipped forward, but Naomi was ready and caught herself on her own feet. Flipping her prey into the air, she took a few steps back and collapsed into a cushioned chair behind her. Thanks to her lack of neck, her head pointed almost straight upward, letting her meal's legs kick back and forth helplessly. Emily took a step back and inspected her handiwork. The girl sitting there was beautiful. Her big, expressive eyes her vibrant, glossy hair her thick, meaty throat bulge... Emily felt the stirring feeling again. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she desperately wanted... something. Oh well. Maybe some hot lesbian sex would help her remember. She kneeled down and positioned herself in front of Naomi's crotch. Now that she had a closer look, she could tell that not only was the girl unshaven, her pubes were dyed teal as well. Emily stared. That was some serious devotion. She felt a weight on her shoulders as Naomi rested her legs on top of her, urging her to move forward. She did so and, sticking her tongue just a little bit out from her lips, began to lick. It normally took Emily a good twenty minutes to really get going. She liked taking things slow, carefully feeling out her partner's sensitive spots and gradually building up passion until they both desperately wanted it. But she had been building up ever since the start of the vorgy, and that was nearly three hours ago. Everything that had happened- seeing all these naked girls screwing and swallowing each other, meeting Naomi, helping her catch a colossal meal- had made her hornier. By now she could hardly hold back. She plunged her tongue into Naomi's pussy. The girl grunted and jerked back, her bucking legs forcing Emily even deeper into the crotch. Emily might have thought she was going too hard if not for the hand that grabbed her head, preventing her from leaving. Apparently her partner wanted it just as much as she did. She twisted her tongue, running it all around the warm tunnel, then formed a tight seal with her lips. With the base of her tongue, she ground against Naomi's clit. With the tip, she dug as deep as she could. She rotated her head back and forth slightly, sliding her lips around the girl's fuzzy mound, and through her meal, Naomi moaned. Emily looked up. She saw the small bulge in Naomi's lower belly, all that was left of her two snacks from earlier. Above that, the well-defined outline of her current meal protruded out from between her breasts. It ran all the way up her body, pulling her neck, chin, and bottom lip taut. The inner girl's curves were clearly visible through the skin, and Emily could make out the rippling muscles as they strained to escape from the throat. Up in the air, she continued to kick uselessly with her long, toned legs. If her mouth hadn't been so busy, Emily would have smiled. It was just as hot as she had imagined. The moans from Naomi grew louder and louder, the teal-haired girl more desperately clinging to the brunette slurping at her crotch. Emily pumped her tongue hard once, then twice, then held back for an agonizing few seconds before slamming deep into the tunnel, making Naomi squeal and clench around her. Liquid gushed into her mouth, which she eagerly gulped down. It only made it better that the hot liquid pouring down her throat was Naomi's cummified sister. Her flavor wasn't half bad, either. Emily wondered if she would ever get a chance to swallow her- Sophie, she had said?- in human form. She was probably even tastier that way. A final spasm marked the end of Naomi's orgasm. She ran her fingers through Emily's messy hair as the brunette rose up from between her legs. She leaned in to whisper in her partner's ear. "Since you can't exactly return the favor... how about some scissoring?" Naomi nodded enthusiastically, although in her upright position she was forced to move her whole torso to do it. With both hands, she gripped the arms of the chair she was sitting in and brought herself down to the carpeted floor. Emily sat down in front of her, grinning in anticipation. She felt the rug soak up a bit of her juices as she scooted closer to her partner. Wrapping one leg over top of Naomi's, she slowly brought her nethers against the girl's. A jolt of pleasure shot through Emily as she felt Naomi's wet mound touch her lower lips. She lifted her hips off the floor and ground against the predator. The girl's texture- her damp slit, her scratchy hair, her firm waist- teased between Emily's folds, poking just far enough in to make her lose her patience. She slid her hips down again, lining up so that the two girls' clits were touching, then began to hump in earnest. Both of them, at this point, were soaking wet. Naomi was still moist from Emily's drool and her own orgasm, while Emily was dripping with anticipation. The resulting sound was loud enough that several of their neighbors glanced over. Emily let out a half-laugh, half-moan at the lewd squelching noises. She didn't care who heard her screwing this gorgeous babe! She wanted the whole world to know! She was Emily Thompson, and this girl was all hers! Overcome with passion, Emily leaned forward. She wanted nothing more, at that moment, than to kiss Naomi. Of course, the girl sticking halfway out of her made that a bit of a challenge. But Emily would make do. She had gotten this far, and she wasn't going to let a pair of legs get between her and her makeout session. Still thrusting against Naomi, she reached up and grabbed the legs. She opened her mouth wide and yanked them down. Naomi's face bent down with them, looking straight at Emily as she swallowed the tanned feet. For the first time since starting sex, the girls made eye contact. Emily looked deep into her partner's eyes as she slid the legs down her throat and inched closer and closer. Finally, their lips met. They pressed up against each other, each with half of the girl down their throat, and kissed. Emily never wanted it to end. This girl was everything she wanted. The stirring feeling grew inside her, becoming impossible to ignore, and finally, she realized what it was. She was hungry. It was the legs that made her recognize it- splashing around in her stomach, they reminded her just how empty she was. It was obvious, now that she thought of it. She had skipped lunch in preparation for the vorgy, and nothing made a more appetizing meal than a girl stuffed like a sausage. Seeing Naomi all plumped up like that... She must have subconsciously decided she wanted to eat her, then gotten into the position where she could without even realizing it. Well, she wasn't going to argue with her own brain. She swallowed again. Her lips popped over Naomi's, the brunette making the effort to stretch that little extra distance so that she wouldn't end up as the meal. She smiled as best she could at the teal-haired girl. Naomi made an inscrutable expression that Emily guessed was something like "fair play, I did say I was up for anything," then brought her hand between their crotches. Unfortunately, Emily would not be learning whether she was as good with her fingers as she was with her lips, because another gulp brought their nethers apart. She engulfed the girl's face bit by bit, sliding over her nose, then eyes, then that vibrant cerulean hair. Her progress was slowed by the thick girl inside her meal's mouth, although... the legs in her stomach didn't seem to be getting pushed down at all. That meant... Emily paused for a second to confirm, and yes, Naomi had resumed swallowing the tall girl. Another inner swallow pulled the legs back out of her a bit. Emily didn't particularly feel like voring the innermost girl twice, so she would have to pick up the pace. She gulped and Naomi's entire head and neck disappeared down her throat. She was bending over a bit now, not having the strength to lift up one girl, let alone two. Conveniently, the girl inside Naomi stretched her out so much that Emily didn't have to expand her mouth much as she traveled down her meal's shoulders. The feet inside her stomach pushed out harder now, so she must have been working even faster than Naomi. No time to pause at her breasts- Emily needed the whole stuffed girl in her belly, now. She gulped, and slurped, and swallowed, and Naomi shot down her throat. Emily had to catch herself with her hands to keep from smacking into the floor as she nearly free-fell over her meal's torso. Now that it was just her hips and legs, she was light enough to pick up, so Emily rolled back and flipped the girl into the air. It occurred to her that she probably looked a lot like Naomi had, nearly vertical with a pair of legs sticking up out of her mouth. It wouldn't last long, though. Emily gave her prey's nethers a courtesy lick before slurping her legs down like noodles and dropping her into her stomach. Naomi landed with a splash in the liquid-filled cavern. That was her sister, Emily realized. That was Naomi's own sister, who she had unbirthed, and made into her own cum, and now she was sitting in her. And based on the movements in her stomach, she was currently rolling around in her and getting off. "Good idea," Emily whispered, and slid her own hand down to her crotch. This was perfect. This was exactly what she had needed, although she hadn't known it. Naomi filled her up completely, her bloated body squishing into all of Emily's nooks and crannies. The stirring feeling from before was gone now, replaced with a wonderful sensation of comforting fullness. Stroking herself, Emily began to digest. Naomi moaned as the stomach walls closed in. Her movements grew more frantic until, just as she started to lose solidity, she spasmed. The belly collapsed around her as she came, squishing her into a small, sloshing bulge. Emily whimpered. She grabbed her belly with her free hand and bounced it around as she touched herself, the heat building inside her. That was all that was left of Naomi now. Just a squishy little layer of fat on her stomach. Twisting her hand around inside her, she climaxed, falling back onto the carpet as jets of hot liquid pumped from between her legs. She lay there for a while, sweating and panting. Eventually, a familiar face leaned over her, supported by an unfamiliarly large belly. "Hey, Em." "Hey Julia. You find that tug-of-vore you wanted?" "Yeah. It was a good one, too, we got a chain of like five chicks to be the rope. You had fun too, I assume?" "Mmm." Emily rubbed her stomach. "Naomi was delicious." "I can see that." Julia extended an arm to her friend. "Come on, let's go home." Emily took her hand and smiled. The night had been a success after all. She was ready to head home and relax with her meal. And maybe Julia would be up for an afterparty... |
It was a pretty nice day, all things considered. Clear skies, dry air, a gentle breeze. It was pretty hot, but that was typical for this time of year. Certainly better than it could have been. Zehra did not mind standing outside and watching the football game. As a member of the marching band, she got a great vantage point of the field. Standing just off to the side of the playing area, she could see all the action up close, and had an even better view than the front row of the bleachers. The university games weren't really major, but she still enjoyed watching them. Her only real regret was that she had to hold her instrument the entire time. It was a sousaphone, a huge golden chunk of metal that wrapped all the way around her shoulders and ended in a giant bell. Even after all these years, the size and weight still made it unwieldy. One of the players sprinted past her, and a strand of Zehra's dark hair billowed up in her wake. Following closely behind was a player on the other team. The chaser dove, catching her opponent as she fell. On the ground, they rolled a few times, and when they came to a stop, the first player's head was in the other's mouth. They wore helmets, of course, but there were ways to deal with that if you were creative. Swallowing the other team's players was one of the best strategies in football (when it wasn't banned). The current predator had decided to go for the simple option of removing her own helmet and swallowing the other player whole, padding and all. One of the cheerleaders next to Zehra whistled. The sousaphonist was standing at the edge of the band, so she had to endure the cheerleaders' chatter and commentary on the game. The girl- Nikki, she recognized her as- turned to her and whispered. "Man, I love watching them get sucked down like that." "Mhm." Zehra nodded politely. "I think I'm gonna get someone to vore me after the game. Actually... hmm..." Nikki looked at the instrument in Zehra's hands. Specifically, at its gaping bell. "What?" "Do you think I could... you know..." "Know what? What are you talking about?" "Do you think you could swallow me through your tuba?" Zehra stared. "One, it's not a tuba, it's a sousaphone. Two, there's no way you could even fit in there." "Oh, that's no problem! I'm really squishy!" Nikki grinned. "One time I got sucked through a straw like a milkshake! I could totally fit!" "Hmm..." Now Zehra was thinking. She could go for a mid-game snack. And she'd be lying if she said Nikki didn't look tasty. But... through her sousaphone? Was that even a thing? Would she just get tangled up in the pipes, or would she make it all the way to the mouthpiece? This was actually kind of tempting. "Please? You can even digest me!" "Alright, sure. Stick your arms in and I'll start sucking." "Yay! You're the best!" The cheerleader raised her hands to the instrument's bell and placed both inside the metal opening. "Ah! It's hot!" "Too hot? You don't have to-" "No, good hot! Like a hot tub! Mmm... here I go!" Nikki hopped off the ground, shoving both arms into the sousaphone. Zehra placed her pursed lips on the mouthpiece and, fighting years of muscle memory telling her to blow out, instead sucked. A weak hissing sound came from the instrument, and Nikki stayed put. Of course. There wasn't enough pressure. Zehra pressed down on the valves, sealing them shut. That should do it. She sucked again, and this time the girl slid upward. Zehra didn't have a great view of the entry point, but she could tell that the cheerleader was compressing tightly as she slid into the bell. She realized that even though she was now supporting the full weight of the girl, it didn't feel much heavier than the sousaphone itself. Nikki must have been really light. More inhalations brought her future meal's head, shoulders, and breasts into the instrument. A few other cheerleaders and marching band members had noticed the scene by now. Some just shrugged and went back to watching the game, while one or two continued looking on with interest. Erin, one of Zehra's friends in the band, looked back and forth between the disappearing cheerleader and her own clarinet. Nikki was halfway down now and still none of her was in Zehra's mouth. She could only imagine what the girl's body looked like inside the sousaphone, twisted around and around through the tight loops of hot brass. Zehra had tried being swallowed before, but she found it way too claustrophobic to be pleasant. She still enjoyed swallowing people on occasion, though. She was thankful for people like Nikki who offered themselves up as prey to anyone nearby. The cheerleaders legs kicked in midair as they slipped into the sousaphone. Her sneaker-clad feet were the last parts of her to get sucked in. Now she was entirely within the sousaphone, all five foot whatever wrapped around inside. Zehra wasn't sure how long the tube actually was, since the coiled shape made it hard to tell. Nikki was somewhere inside, that's all she knew. A few seconds of sucking later, she felt the girl's hair hit her tongue. It expanded as it slipped out of the mouthpiece, filling her mouth with its creamy texture. There was hardly any metallic flavor from her trip through the sousaphone. If anything, she tasted like a soft pretzel. She was a nice snack for this hot day. Zehra continued slurping down her meal. Her neck barely bulged, the compressible girl squishing and conforming to the shape of her throat as she went down. This was pretty fun- most of Zehra's past meals had stretched her out in a way that wasn't quite comfortable. Nikki just filled her up pleasantly. It was hard to tell how far down the girl she was- her body was so malleable, Zehra couldn't rely on the usual landmarks like shoulders, breasts, and hips. The texture did change a bit as she moved over hair, skin, cloth, and skin again, giving her a vague idea that she was around the cheerleader's bare midriff. As she gulped further, she tasted the silky cloth of her skirt, followed by her bare legs, wound tightly around each other. Finally, Nikki's sneakers popped into her mouth, and Zehra swished them around with her tongue before swallowing one final time. The mass slid down her throat and settled in her stomach, which was now bulging slightly under her uniform. "That was pretty cool," whispered Erin. Zehra turned to her friend. "Yeah, I didn't expect that to work so well. She was really tasty, too. I wonder if someone could fit in that clarinet of yours..." Erin narrowed her eyes and smiled. "Wanna find out?" |
As Ivy stepped into her apartment, she felt a familiar crunch under her feet. She looked down. An empty bag of chips. Ivy glared across the room. Jenn, her roommate, was lying on the couch, loudly crunching away on another set of chips. Scattered on and around her were several other discarded bags, fallen chips, and a big enough pile of crumbs that it was visible from the other side of the room. She had the TV on, too loud as always, and didn't even seem to notice Ivy come in. "What the hell, Jenn?" Ivy stomped across the room. "What have I told you about cleaning up after yourself?" Jenn grunted noncommittally. "Are you even listening? That's it, no more TV for you." Ivy grabbed the remote from the desk beside the couch and mashed the power button. The television flicked off with a buzz. "Dude, I was watching that." Jenn continued crunching on her chips. Small, salty fragments flew out of her mouth and onto her low-cut shirt and chest. "Too bad! You need to clean up your messes! Other people live here too!" Ivy gestured to their third roommate, Rachel, sitting at her computer at the side of the room. Her thick headphones apparently left her oblivious to the argument and engrossed in whatever game she was playing. "Yeah, whatever, I'll get to it later. Gimme the remote." Jenn grabbed lazily for the device in Ivy's hands. "Not until you PICK UP YOUR TRASH! I tell you again and again, but you do this EVERY! SINGLE! DAY! You PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE!" Ivy glowered at her roommate, who was covered in refuse just like the rest of the room. "In fact..." Shoving the remote in her back pocket, she walked over to Rachel. Ivy grabbed her headphones and yanked them off, prompting an indignant yell from the gamer. "Do you mind? I was in the middle of a mmRGPH!" Rachel's protests were interrupted by Ivy shoving both hands in her mouth, palms facing outward toward her cheeks. As soon as they were inside, Ivy pulled them apart and stretched Rachel's mouth open. Her head widened with it, cheeks elongating to accommodate her mouth's new shape. The rest of her head- her nose, her eyes, her short blonde hair- were mostly unaffected, besides tilting back a bit to give her mouth more room. When the opening was about a foot wide, Ivy stopped, removing her hands from the mouth and grabbing Rachel's neck. With her right hand, she lifted up. With her left, she held Rachel's shoulders and body down, so that the girl's neck was forced to elongate as she pulled. The smooth, pale tube stretched like elastic, wobbling slightly as Ivy extended it as far as she could reach. When her arms were fully spread, she released her grip on the shoulders, sat Rachel's widened head and several-foot-long neck on her desk, and moved to her torso. With four quick pushes, Ivy shoved each of Rachel's limbs into her body. They disappeared into the shapely mass, leaving only imprints of hands and feet on the girl's torso. Once all the limbs had been compressed, Ivy smoothed out Rachel's abdomen, rounding away her curves until she was nearly cylindrical. Finally, she rolled back the girl's shirt to expose her navel. Rachel was now a large canister with a long tube sticking out of it, capped off by a wide trapezoidal opening. She didn't look like a person anymore, she looked like an object. She looked like a vacuum cleaner. Jenn, meanwhile, looked on in complete befuddlement. "Are you- what did you-" For once, Ivy had her complete attention. "I figured, you seem to like leaving pieces of trash around everywhere. So why not clean you up like one?" Ivy wrapped one arm around Rachel's body, grabbed her head with her other hand, and picked her up. The girl's long neck swung back and forth as Ivy carried her over to their speechless roommate. "Hold still." Ivy stuck a finger into Rachel's belly button, and the girl began to suck in air. Jenn's clothes fluttered as Ivy brought the Rachel-vacuum down to the reclining girl's bare feet. Then with a yelp, Jenn lurched forward as her feet were sucked in. Her ankles squished a little to fit into Rachel's rigid mouth, followed quickly by her shins, knees, and shorts-covered thighs. A small bulge was visible moving down Rachel's neck, but it was nowhere near the full diameter of Jenn's legs. Evidently the girl was being compressed quite a bit. Rachel's face, stretched as it was, retained a mostly neutral expression. She had looked somewhat annoyed when Ivy began molding her, but now she seemed to be going along with the plan. She even furrowed her brow in concentration when she reached Jenn's large rear end, sucking it in with a force so strong that she must have been helping. Ivy silently thanked her roommate for making the process easier. When Jenn's breasts, squeezed to about two inches thick, were being vacuumed up, she suddenly found her voice. "You- you psycho freak! I'm gonna make you sorry for this! I'm gonna- mmrph!" She was cut off by her mouth squishing into Rachel's, and the rest of her head was close behind. She glared at Ivy one last time before disappearing completely into Rachel. Once the last locks of dark brown hair had been sucked up, Ivy pressed Rachel's belly button again, and the whooshing from her mouth stopped. Ivy set the vacuum-girl down on the couch and stepped back. Rachel's body jiggled a little, then her arms and legs sprung back out of her torso. Her breasts, thighs, and other curves returned to their usual shapes, with the addition of a fairly large (but definitely not person-sized) belly bulge. Finally, her neck slithered back into shape, and her mouth shrunk back to normal size. She was human again. "Whew." Rachel wiped her mouth. "Not that I don't appreciate the meal, but... a little heads up would've been nice." "Eh." Ivy shrugged as she walked to the kitchen. "Just be glad I didn't use you to clean up the actual trash." "If you had, you'd be joining her in here," said Rachel, patting her belly. "So, any other household appliances you need to turn me into, or are we good for the night?" She rolled her eyes. Ivy looked toward the kitchen counter. "Actually, now that you mention it, the toaster has been broken..." |
Ivy stared in frustration at her empty closet. Aside from a few mismatched socks, an old set of pajamas, and some scattered hair ties, there was absolutely nothing to wear. She slammed the door shut. It was her own fault, of course: if she didn't keep getting digested in full sets of clothes, she wouldn't be so lacking for things to wear. But knowing that did nothing to help her solve her immediate problem. She grabbed her phone from her bedside table and checked her schedule. It was a weekend, at least, so she didn't have classes to worry about. But there was a party in a few hours that she really wanted to go to, and there was no way she could finish a load of laundry in time. She cursed her lack of foresight the night before. Then her phone buzzed with a text notification. hot brunette, 5'2, alone in north cafeteria. at least a D cup. would go for her myself but i just had lunch, have fun It was the university pred group chat. Its existence was an open secret among students Ivy had only found out about it while browsing through the phone of a girl she had transformed. Members would anonymously post the locations of tasty-looking prey, and anyone nearby could come and snap them up. It was a useful resource for anyone who didn't feel like hunting down a meal, although it occasionally led to some competition when multiple preds went for the same target. It was customary to wait a few minutes after getting the text- if people figured out that preds always checked their phone before the act, they would start getting suspicious- but waiting too long meant you could miss out. It was a delicate balance. Ivy wasn't much of a predator herself, but seeing the chat now gave her a different idea. It would be a bit risky, but also a lot of fun, and besides, she had been wanting to practice her new hands-free technique. With no better option presenting itself, she decided to go for it. Still completely nude, Ivy walked out of her bedroom. She nodded to Rachel, whose stomach still puffed out from swallowing their third roommate earlier, but the girl was engrossed in a game and didn't notice. Ivy headed to the door and exited the apartment. She held her phone in her hand as she walked through the hallway and downstairs to the student lounge. The lounge was quiet evidently everyone else had better things to be doing on a Saturday afternoon. The only sound came from the television, which was playing some lame romantic-drama garbage. But whatever, she wasn't here to be entertained. Ivy plopped herself down on the large, fluffy couch facing the TV. She opened up the group chat on her phone and typed in a message. cute blonde in student lounge B, watching TV naked. She paused for a moment, then added, great ass. She hit send and put down her phone, leaning back into the couch. Now all she had to do was wait. Less than a minute later, the door swung open. A medium-height girl with wavy black hair walked in. She wore a dark green shirt and tight-fitting jeans that showed off her curvy body. Ivy recognized the girl as Jamie from her chemistry class. That was good. It would be more fun to do this with someone she knew. "Hey Jamie." Ivy casually waved to the new arrival. "Hey Ivy. Whatcha watching?" "Oh, some trashy rom-dram. Just chillin'." "Looks fun, mind if I join you?" "Not at all." Ivy had plenty of room on the couch next to her, but as she suspected, Jamie instead sat on the floor in front. Over the next couple of minutes, Jamie slowly shifted into position. She was clearly trying to be subtle about it, and if Ivy hadn't known what the girl was planning, she might even have been taken by surprise. But as it were, Ivy was aware of all of Jamie's movements as the predator rotated to face her feet. Just as the show went to commercial break, Jamie struck. She grabbed Ivy's thighs with both hands and thrust her head forward, engulfing her victim's feet with her mouth in one smooth gulp. Her throat bulged out as she pulled herself up Ivy's legs. Ivy looked down, watching the predator as she climbed. Jamie's throat was so tight and warm... She couldn't get distracted, though. She would need to time this right. Jamie strained to swallow Ivy's hips. They weren't the biggest, but anyone's thighs were a challenge, so Jamie slowed a bit as she worked her way over the meaty haunches. Ivy didn't mind the extra attention, and giggled as Jamie's hot, slippery tongue slid between her buttcheeks. She struggled to maintain focus through the sensual massage. Just a few more seconds... Now! As Jamie's stretched-wide lips reached her waist, Ivy closed her eyes and concentrated. All along her legs and hips, she felt the girl's presence around her, a thick layer of flesh encompassing her lower body. She focused on Jamie's form, and envisioned it freezing and shrinking around her. She pictured every inch of the girl molding to her touch, no longer human but clay, meant to be guided and shaped by her commands. She felt Jamie's body wobble around her, and she opened her eyes. Just as she had imagined, Jamie was changing. The attempted predator's formerly thick body was morphing, squishing and shaping around Ivy's legs. Her head was melting back, stretching out to merge with her neck and shoulders as she formed around Ivy's hips. Her arms pressed down to the sides of her torso, flattening and leaving only a flat imprint on each side. Her torso flowed upward and pressed between Ivy's legs, and the girl shuddered as the inside of Jamie's moist throat caressed her nethers. Throughout the process, Jamie's clothes moved with her body, stretching and merging along with the rest of her. Her shirt was barely visible by now, having been scrunched up and largely covered by her dark hair, but her jeans-covered legs and butt were still on display. Her legs were melding together, bonding from the waist down to her feet, as Ivy's own legs felt their way down the tunnel that was forming within the girl. She explored Jamie's inside with her feet, eventually feeling a gust of cold air lick her toes as she emerged from the other side. Ivy looked down at her handiwork. Jamie's lips wrapped around her waist like a belt, and just below, the small bulge of her nose stuck out slightly. The girl's eyes, stretched so far apart that one was centered on each of her thighs, looked up from crotch level with an inscrutable expression. Below that, her long, wavy hair took over, running down the front to around Ivy's knees. On the sides, the pale skin of Jamie's head transitioned into her green shirt, her neck having been smoothed out and left indistinguishable. Her flattened arms ran down along Ivy's thighs, ending at imprints of hands that looked like they could have been painted on. Jamie's form got wider as it went down, and her jeans-covered butt and legs formed the lower half of the cone. A line ran down the middle of the blue fabric where the jean sleeves had once been separate. At the base, Ivy's toes stuck out of the hollow gap between the girl's stretched-out feet. The sandals Jamie had been wearing had fallen off sometime during the process, and Ivy smiled as she slipped her feet into them. They went great with her new dress. Ivy took a few more moments to admire her craftsmanship, then slipped her phone into the pocket formed by Jamie's right hand. Finally, she didn't have to hold it anymore. But she still couldn't go out like this- she was still topless. She still needed a shirt. As if beckoned by her thoughts, another girl swung through the lounge doors. This one Ivy didn't recognize. She was tall, probably almost six foot, and had long auburn hair down to her chest. Her frame was covered by a bright red sundress that reached barely to her thighs. She walked around behind Ivy to the back of the couch. If the new girl noticed Ivy's unusual fashion choices, she didn't say anything, because her lips immediately engulfed Ivy's head. Darkness surrounded Ivy as the girl swallowed her from behind. She felt her predator's lips slide over her nose, chin, and neck, then pause for a moment before taking on her shoulders. Her teeth tickled as they traced over Ivy's curves. The meal-in-progress obediently curled her arms in to her chest, elbows bent and hands cupping her breasts, both so that her devourer would have an easier time and so that she herself could more comfortably reposition them when the time came. She couldn't see anything, but based on the slimy warmth making its way down her torso, she had a few more moments... wait for it... Ivy concentrated again, and a moment later, felt the girl's body wobble around her. With her entire top half inside the morphing girl this time, the experience was much more physical. Her head, shoulders, and breasts were massaged by the ebb and flow of the flesh as it took on its new form. She felt the weight on her body increase quickly. That must have been the predator's legs lifting off the ground and merging into her hips. Now Ivy was the only thing keeping her up. She swiveled her neck and shoulders, feeling her way up the girl's digestive tract like a long, labyrinthine sweater. Finally, light blasted her eyes as her face poked out of her pred's other end. She took a minute to breathe in the fresh air. As it finished conforming to the shape of her body, Ivy inspected her new top. It was short-sleeved, with her own slender arms poking out of the tubes formed by the girl's coiled fingers. The shoulders were the bare flesh of her crotch- evidently the girl hadn't been wearing any undergarments beneath her dress. Her butt, still covered by the scarlet cloth, had flattened onto Ivy's chest, each cheek curving over a small, perky breast. Below that was the girl's reddish-brown hair, neatly wrapping around to the back. Her face was on Ivy's stomach. Her eyes, stretched almost as far apart as Jamie's, darted around in confusion, and her angular nose had been flattened down on top of Ivy's belly button. Her ruby red lips were a ring around at Ivy's waist. They pressed down from above onto Jamie's lips from below, the two girls' mouths forming a snug seal. Ivy giggled. It looked like they were kissing! Now fully dressed, Ivy stood up and stretched. Her shirt and dress clung tightly to her curves they had just enough give to be comfortable, while still showing off her slim figure. Beyond being pleasant to wear, the girls looked quite fashionable. The mix of skin, hair, and clothing somehow worked in a quirky, mismatched sort of way, and the warm red and brown of her shirt nicely complemented her cool navy and black dress. "Thanks, girls," she murmured, running a hand over her clothes. "You go well together." --- Her outfit was a big hit at the party that night. In fact, between her new necklace, scarf, and stylish beret, she was probably the only person who walked out with more clothing than they had going in. |
ée was standing in the horse pen, surrounded by a few of her friends. She was right behind Becky, whose blue mane made her look a bit ridiculous even among the rest of the transformed animal-girls. "I'm so hungry, I could eat a..." ée opened her mouth wide and leaned forward. She wrapped her lips around Becky's rear end, engulfing her wide hips and the top half of her blue tail. Becky turned her head around to see what was happening, made eye contact with Renée for a moment, then turned back and resumed standing passively. Renée pressed forward, lifting up Becky's hind legs as she swallowed the horse-girl's back half, which formed an enormous bulge in her mouth and throat. A few more swallows and she replaced the legs, standing up straight to support Becky with her lips around the midriff. A couple more and she was at the front legs. These presented more of a challenge, which Renée eventually solved by flipping her head back, lifting Becky entirely into the air, and gulping her down. Her shoulders, legs, and neck disappeared, and for a second just the horse's head stuck out of her mouth before that too was slurped down. Renée collapsed down onto the ground, massaging the colossal orb of her stomach, and let out a small burp. She laughed. "How cool was that, huh?" ée only just noticed the shadow Marisol cast over her before the transformed girl's muzzle descended onto her head. The horse's elongated jaws spread wide and engulfed her, just as she had done to the first horse a minute ago. Her head, then neck, then shoulders and chest vanished into the predator's maw, forming a bulge that traveled along her extended throat and into her torso. Marisol slowed a bit when she reached Renée's stuffed stomach, but she was determined, and some powerful gulps compressed Becky even further in her gastrointestinal prison and slurped her inside. One more swallow brought in Renée's flailing legs, and the girl settled fully inside her predator, forming a moderate bulge in the equine's underside. Marisol flipped her head back and let out a whinny of triumph. |
Luxanna Crownguard. The youngest child of the esteemed Demacian Crownguard family, the youngest soldier to ever be enlisted in the Demacian army. She was a prodigal mage and an esteemed student. Luxanna, or 'Lux' as she insisted people call her as though they were her friends, was many things. Happy was not one of them. Alas, the girl had been stripped of her innocence and robbed of her childhood as she had been forcibly dragged out of her home on the orders of her parents. Oh, how proud they had been, and how she screamed and cried and cursed their name. That seemed so long ago. She once tried to think of those days past, but couldn't conjure up the simplest of memories. So now, Lux was simply tracing the steps of a battlefield, clad in her armor as a daily exercise. A week had passed since Cell’s malfunctioning time vessel had left him marooned in the strange land of Runeterra. His initial reconnaissance had revealed his worst fears, that this was a world devoid of the good Dr. Gero, and more importantly, the androids which Cell needed to absorb in order to reach perfection. Fate was not entirely cruel though, as this land seemed to be teeming with a cornucopia of powerful “Champions” that seemed to be ripe for the taking. Today he had finally managed to find one of them alone. The blonde haired beauty, Luxanna Crownguard, was in his sights. He stuck to the shadows, watching her. Following her. His mouth drooled. It had been far too long since his last meal… Focus on the battle. Focus on the enemy. Lux twirled her baton and smiled a determined but hollow grin as she focused on a mark that was her invisible, imaginary enemy. A shot of light fired from the baton. She spun, threw up her leg in a pivot and fired another ball of light, one that stayed for a moment before erupting. Wiping a few beads of sweat from her forehead, Lux dusted the iron skirt and checked her armor to make sure everything was in place. She was unaware of her special... 'guest'. An evil grin cracked across Cell’s face. It was nice of Lux to put on this little show for him, giving him a nice demonstration of the power he sought to steal. Even better, she was pushing herself hard training, and so she was sure to be exhausted when Cell made his move. He waited for her to near the end of her exercises before he struck. In a flash, he appeared before Lux, hovering in the air, engulfing her in his tall shadow. “Hello, my dear. That was quite the impressive display!” His hand grasped a part of her wand tightly, as he gazed unblinkingly into the girl’s blue eyes. Taken aback, the girl momentarily released her grip on her baton and stumbled backwards right onto her butt. She gazed up at the horrific insectoid-looking creature in front of her. A being from the void!? It was possible... "You... are you from Icathia!?" Lux sputtered, pushing back on the dirt with her boots as she struggled to get back on her feet. As the initial shock wore thin, some anger and defiance assumed themselves on her face. "Unless you're registered with the league, you're not allowed on the fields of justice! I was told there was nobody else practicing today!" Cell chuckled at the girl’s annoyed response. She didn’t appear to realize the trouble she now found herself in. No matter. The villain often enjoyed toying with his meals, and the young sorceress seemed feisty enough to amuse him for at least a short while. “No, no, little girl,” He condescended, “I’m afraid I’m from a place far beyond your world. And I can assure you that I have no intention of practicing anything. I’m here for the real thing! Hm hm hm!” He held the wand up to his eyes, studying it. “Look at this craftsmanship! Wherever did you find such a lovely weapon?” "Th-That's mine!" Lux scowled. She held out one of her hands, causing the wand to glow in a gentle light that coated it, attempting to pull it back to her. The wand's return wasn't a matter of strength, fortunately, as she would be hopelessly outclassed in that case. Instead, it had taken on a brief form of pure light in of itself in order to return to the light sorceress. "The real thing? If you're looking for a fight, maybe you want my brother! I'm not interested in contests!" Cell was amused, more than anything, as the wand evaporated and returned to it’s owner. He clapped as though she were putting on a magic show. “Well done! That’s a nice trick!” He said in his deep, raspy voice, “Your brother? No, no.” He shook his head. “I’m much more interested in champions of, well, the fairer of the sexes if you will. And my sweet, you’re one of the fairest I’ve seen in a long time!” Cell licked his lips, staring at Lux like the buffet she was. “This is no contest! This is winner takes all!” Cell suddenly brought up a palm and shot out a yellow burst of Ki energy, and it was heading straight towards Lux! Lux clutched around her wand as though it were a precious infant. This being's talking... his mannerisms, his tone, the words, all of it deeply troubled and unsettled her. He was out to kill her? But why!? The blast of unknown nature shot straight at her, though the lingering effects of her wand's protection deflected the largest part of the... admittedly effortless blast. Understanding now this was a true fight, she panic-fired the same ray of light as before, hoping to trap Cell long enough in order to make a run for the river! The fleeing magical girl had not been able to get off a precise enough shot, and Cell was able to easily outmaneuver it and pursue his prey. He once again flashed in front of the girl, blocking her path, only this time he grabbed her by her biceps and lifted her up into the air to face him, simultaneously pinning her arms to her sides. “You don’t seem to understand, little Lux. There is no running. Either you defeat me…..” His pointed tail rose up above his shoulder then opened wide into a huge, ominous, funnel shaped mouth in a way that Lux could easily see inside. “Or I devour you, and you and your power become mine forever!” No... not another one, he just... Lux barely had enough time to react before she was hoisted by her arms, which were then pinned. "Unf... n-no, damn it..." the young Demacian grunted, her body lithe and flexible even under all that armor. She swayed and kicked in the hold, shaking her head and grunting from exertion all while she was taunted and tormented by this monster. She felt something block the light from her face and she stared up. Her eyes widened with shrunken pupils as she stared up at the tunnel poised above her head like a cobra preparing to strike upon a shrew. "Devour...? N-NO!" He could feel her fear and panic now, which only spurred him on. “Say goodbye, lady of luminosity!” He said, as he plunged the tail down onto her head, covering her face down past her eyes, making the world she knew disappear. The inside of the tail was warm, damp and fleshy, certainly not a pleasant combination for the young warrior. A saliva like substance began to leak outside from the maw, and drip down Lux’s soft cheeks and golden locks. “Hah hah hah! Don’t worry, it’ll all be over soon, my love! I’m sure you’ll enjoy being a part of me! Hah Hah!” 'Say goodbye...' the words rang through her head like a death knell, and Lux had just enough time to scream a high-pitched scream of terror before the tail plunged down around her. The top of her head was taken in and her eyes squinted shut as they were covered, though her uncovered mouth was free to shriek and shout. "GAREN! VAYNE! S-SOMEBODY, ANYBODY!" Lux swung both her feet out at Cell's torso, kicking like a madwoman. If she could only get her hands free, maybe... maybe… Ahhh how he loved it when they squirmed~ “No no, we can’t have that! It’s too late for your friends to save you now!” He pushed his tail further down, muffling Lux’s cries and fully encompassing her head inside the bell of the appendage. It’s lips continued to slide down her slender neck before running into her armor, already soaking the blue fabric underneath. "Mmmmph... MPPH!" The sounds of Lux's screaming mixed with the frantic sobs of a young, scared teenager were easy to discern through Cell's ravenous tail. Everything about this situation was so gross... it was like a dog had slobbered on her, only now her head was all the way inside this... this THING'S tail? Mouth? Whatever it was, it was supposed to devour her. Desperate not to be eaten, Lux pulled and wrenched on her arms, trying to free them from Cell's grasp. The drool had soaked underneath her armor, making things damp and even more disgusting. The creature never tired of a good muffled protest. The girl’s wild kicks to his torso unfortunately had no effect. Her feet bounced off of his carapace as if his skin were made of stone…His own hands were blocking himself now, so he released the Lux's arms to continue the relentless advance of his insatiable tail. It widened to take in her petite shoulders. His hands free, he reached behind her and grabbed her ass like a lecherous old man. Fondling her and embarrassing her further in her defeat. He leaned to where her ear was inside of his tail and taunted her “Mmmmmmm so delicious. Has anyone ever told you how sweet you taste?!” "You monster..." Lux gasped. She was also fighting for gulps of air as Cell was clearly taking his time, sucking her up nice and slow. Her arms had been free but she had precious seconds with not one to spare. She prepared herself for her strongest spell, which would likely take the last of her energy. 'Please work', she silently prayed to herself. One of the monster's hands slid underneath her armored skirt and took a hold of her firm ass, covered only by a thin layer of cloth tights and her underwear. She shrieked from the perversion, but it spurred her onward. Her hands came together, she screamed.. and fired a wave of light blindly at the monster who held her! The air inside the tail was stale and incredibly unpleasant, but there was just enough inside to keep Lux very alive and very awake. But in her desperation, Lux’s spell was blatantly telegraphed. A warrior like her would of course never give up, but when she finally mustered up the blast, all it took was a simple spin of the tail to turn the girl to face the opposite direction. The mighty blast of her light magic was powerful indeed, and caused a number of trees splinter and toppel to the ground with a crash upon impact. Cell cackled again at the girl’s misfortune “Awwww, so close! Hah hah hah! You’re magic is incredible! I can't wait for it to be mine! Want to know the best part about all of this? Once Your are mine, I’m going to use your own power to defeat and absorb all of your friends! One by one! And I’ll make sure your soul is conscious enough inside of me to watch! Heh Heh Heh!” "No..." The Final Spark was her final hope. A knot tied itself in her heart as the last of her magical reserves had been spent. Her arms fell to her sides and her body went limp. Cell had done a great job of instilling in the poor child soldier the hopelessness of the situation, and that her body was going to be his to do what he wished with. Lux felt trapped in her own armor, restricted and tight... and soon that tail was going to suck her in all the way. Would it hurt, being absorbed? Tears streamed down Lux's face but she couldn't feel them separate from all the drool and muck and slime. “Don’t tell me you’re giving up!” The monster teased, “We were having so much fun!”Cell let loose the girl, her body limp after her mana had been depleted in her last, desperate effort. He began a strange, violent sucking motion with his tail. It bounced up and down, harder on the upswings than on the downswings, causing Lux’s slim figure to be further consumed, inch by inch. It was all happening very quickly now, and the young woman’s breasts were consumed, and the tail was up to her elbows, again pinning her arms tightly to her sides. The quick, jarring motions was sure to somehow make the terrible situation even worse for Miss Crownguard. Cell snatched Lux up in a rough manner, that unfamiliar and uncomfortable tightness wrapping over more and more of her body. The girl gave panicked screams as she was jostled and sucked up. Her arms stretched and flexed against the tail out of instinct more than anything and her feet kicked. In her final struggles, Lux dropped her baton just as the rim of that tail was rubbing against her hands. Her body... her body was being taken from her, and she had no means of control. She thought to her brother, then to her friends. This monster said she was coming after all of them, those ladies she fought alongside. He'd even come after her sworn enemies, like Katarina, but it was little reprieve. Before she knew it, Lux would be halfway trapped within the tail, up to her wrists and waist. At that point Cell would give an extra mighty suck to trap in her hands and bubble butt. It was smooth sailing from then on out. Her lithe legs kicked in smaller and smaller arcs as they were slurped up into the tan maw. Her head and part of her upper body had now entered the green and black speckled tail proper, which was less flexible, and so even tighter against her armor and skin. “Almost there!” Lux could no longer muster up the energy to scream. She was, however, crying quite powerfully, pleading with her captor and predator. "Let me go... I don't want this... I don't want to see what you do... m-monster..." Lux had lived a hard life in order to hold an outward appearance as a carefree girl, and now she was ending it as a mere bulge within Cell's tail. “Oh, but this isn’t about what you want. It’s about what I want! And now you’re all MINE!” After a few last sucking motions, Lux’s boots disappeared from sight, and the tube of the tail sealed itself closed with a *THOOMP!* She was fully engulfed now, and was quickly being sent to her final destination… She was worked through the tail like it was the belly of a snake. Rippling muscles inched her through the warm wet canal. The odd massaging of the muscles would make even the bravest warrior squirm. It didn’t take long for the struggling bulge to reach the base of his back. “Welcome home!” He snickered, beginning to squeeze the fallen heroine inside. The inside of the tail was so unforgiving and tight as to prevent so much as the slightest struggle. Luxanna fell still as the tail swallowed her up and sent her closer and closer to the point of no return, where she would pass that threshold and disappear inside of Cell. And then... she didn't know what would become of her. Lux was slowly forced into a fetal position as she was pushed inside of the incredibly small, stomach like chamber. When she entered it was pitch black, but the same type of damp fleshy walls were pressing tightly against her. She wouldn’t be able to see a thing, but the rest of her senses were being assaulted. The almost underwater sounding, powerful beats of Cell’s heart were surprisingly loud, and just added to the insult of her situation. The foul stench of the air was also not helping at all. Outside, Cell was feeling mighty satisfied, and now he would begin to truly absorb the girl into himself.... She felt more fatigued than she had ever been in her life. Unable to move and forced into such a state, Lux hugged her knees to her chest and squinted her eyes shut. If only she could turn away from the fleshy, wet walls pressing against her cheeks and her sides. The putrid odor would cause her to retch if she had the life left in her to do so, but now she was a meal without so much as the slightest struggle left. Suddenly, a dim light was inside of the chamber, allowing Lux to see, though the view was fairly dismal… The light was getting brighter and brighter. Where was it coming from? As it grew brighter, she would soon discover the source. It was coming from her! The walls and air were somehow converting her entire being into energy! The walls began to squirm against her, and thin, pink tentacles emerged and were positioning themselves evenly around her. They suctioned to her glowing form, and began to gulp down bulge after bulge of pure energy. Lux’s very life essence was being drained and consumed. She would be able to see her own glowing life force disappear through the translucent skin of the tubes. This was it. This was the end… All she was now was a battery, her only purpose in life to serve as more power to aid Cell in his devious plans… Now the only question was: Who was next? TO BE CONTINUED! |
Katarina Du Couteau, an assassin and heir to the prestigious Noxian Du Couteau house. Where Demacia loved to champion their elite soldiers as masters of the battlefield, the Blade of Noxus had always favored a more... subtle approach. Operating behind enemy lines and getting out without so much as a (living) witness was her specialty... a specialty that had been marred in recent times by that meddling Garen Crownguard. And yet, she couldn't help but feel positively about him, or at least in awe of his might. Demacia sure did know how to pick 'em. At this current moment, the skilled assassin was at the sprawling estate that once belonged to her father. Her sister was out, no doubt attempting to stab somebody in the back, and her something of an adopted brother Talon was nowhere to be found as well... likely doing a mission for their country. Katarina threw one of her daggers into a tree out of frustration and hastily retrieved it, bored at having to suffer such rare leisure. Not even a full day had passed, and already Cell was no longer satiated by the Demacian Luminary he had ruthlessly devoured that morning. He had spent the past hours digesting Lux into pure energy, and everything that had been hers was now his, including her knowledge and memories. Those nuggets had led him to the Du Couteau estate, where the sinister blade of Noxus resided. He knew everything there was to know about Demacia, but he needed precious intel on their rival nation. The scarlet haired beauty he pursued was a high ranking, but more importantly manaless champion. She would provide him with everything he wanted, whether she liked it or not... "Unbelievable... to pass me over... I thought you were a genius, not a moron, Swain!" Katarina kicked the same tree where her blade had struck. It shook and trembled, then remained still. Idly tossing a dagger and catching it with all the grace and skill of somebody with her experience, Katarina began to walk for the inside of the house. That's when she turned, her eyes flickering from tree to tree. Something wasn't right. A Demacian assassin? No... assassins weren't their forte. Then why did she feel like she was being watched? Cell’s eyes went wide and he turned and ducked behind his vantage point. She had been able to sense his power level?! Incredible! He took a deep breath and sighed, concentrating on masking his presence and making his power invisible to Kat’s senses. Of course every time the creature learned another talent of his prey, it only made him yearn for them even more. Cell waited patiently...the forest was the forte of nearly all League Champions. No...instead he would wait for her to be inside, out of her element and with her guard more at ease…..hopefully…. Cell's patience would be rewarded, as Katarina lost interest in what she figured must have been her imagination. She retreated to the interior of the mansion, leaving her daggers in her belt. Those would never be terribly far from her, not even when she was sleeping... but in the meantime, she could really stand to fix herself a sandwich. Hoping to quell the terrible feeling from not being chosen for a mission, Kat attempted to drown her sorrows in the kitchen. The monster watched through the windows as the red headed assassin headed into the kitchen of the manor. He chuckled to himself, “Hungry hmmm, Katarina? I could use a meal myself~ Heh heh...” He crept his way over to a window that led to the room next to the kitchen: a dining area. He heated his hand silently against the window pane with Ki energy and watched as the glass melted before him, leaving just enough space for the creature to squeeze into the home without a ruckus... Dull 'thuds' and restrained 'clanks' sounded from the kitchen. The sounds of Katarina's sandwich being prepared were arguably more of a ruckus than Cell entering the mansion uninvited for dinner. The female soldier was still putting the last finishing touches on her sandwich when the biomechanical organism made his way fully into the dining area, and she turned around in order to bring her food... and his food... into the next room. The growing sound of footsteps... She was coming this way! Cell jumped up and latched onto the ceiling like some sort of spider-man. The room had raised ceilings, so he was a good fifteen feet up from the floor. He had a perfect bird's eye view of the door from the kitchen. Any moment now, Katarina would pass under him, and then he could strike! Katarina passed through the threshold separating the kitchen from the dining room, fancy china plate and tray in hand with her sandwich perched on top. She was directly underneath her watching and unseen predator who clung to the ceiling, watching her every move. She seemed oblivious, having let her guard down ever since entering the house. She was just about to lean in to set her sandwich down on the table… Cell’s tail opened hungrily, and he leaped from the ceiling, tail first, hoping to encompass the entirety of the assassin’s fit, upper body in one fell swoop. He landed in a three point stance, eyes to the floor, then looked up eagerly to see if his trap had worked and if his prey had been ensnared. Something in Katarina's spine tingled; her keenly-honed senses had picked up the distinctive 'scrunch' of Cell's tail opening in preparation to take in and absorb its victim. She knew not what was about to attack her, but knew it was SOMETHING. Snapping to full alert in the blink of an eye, the assassin dropped her sandwich tray and rolled to the side, letting her plate smash to the floor. The large green creature chuckled. What good was she to him if she could be taken so easily? His tail had suctioned down to the floor slurping hungrily at nothing. He stood to his feet and retracted his tail. “Nice moves, woman! But can you handle...THIS?!?!” He blasted yellow energy directly at Katarina’s face. She had dodged once before, but would even she be able to outmaneuver this powerful follow up? "Who are... WHAT are you!?" Katarina entered full-panic as adrenaline began to pump through her body. Her lips parted to show her clenched teeth and her green eyes found their focus, glaring at Cell with the killing intent that saw many a Demacian soldier fall. She saw the incoming blast and something told her straight away that normal movements wouldn't be able to dodge that. The energy blast crashed into the wall, unleashing a torrent of smoke and splintered wood as wall, floor and ceiling were blasted apart from Cell's might. Without so much as a warning taunt, the woman struck at Cell from behind, attempting to cut his tail with blades drawn at a moment's notice! But Cell knew all too well about Katarina’s shunpo technique. His lone prisoner, Luxanna Crownguard, had provided a plethora of precious intel on all of Katarina’s signature moves. ‘Thanks for the assistance, my dear child of light! You know, you should be grateful to me! I’m about to extinguish one of your greatest enemies!’ He thought tormentingly at Lux, whom he knew could hear him crystal clear. In that moment, Cell drained Lux like the battery she now was, and shot out another burst of light behind him from his left hand, only this time, it wasn’t yellow….and it wasn’t Ki. This time it was prismatic in nature, a rainbow beam eerily similar to ones that Lux had produced during their battle. It was a light binding! And it would snare Katarina in place, arms and legs pinned together and at her sides! At least for the time being... No... he knew! Katarina realized it all too late, as she was in mid-flourish with her blades in an attempt to strike at Cell's tail. Whether or not her attack succeeded, there was no time left to dodge as that freakish hand pointed directly at center mass and shot a beam that seemed... familiar. That technique... "What!?" Katarina croaked, her arms forced to her sides and her legs locking together. If it weren't for the light bindings holding her upright, she would have toppled from being knocked off balance. The assassin's knuckles whitened from pressure as they clenched her knives, yet she was unable to strike. She defiantly stared at Cell as he was free to explore his options. The whole while, in his head, Luxanna pleaded with Cell to stop the madness. She could experience it, like a macabre show she was strapped in to watch with her eyes held open, yet unable to affect it in any way. "How did you do her technique!?" Katarina spat. “Oh I’d be more than happy to show you, my dear!” Cell knew the bindings wouldn’t last forever, and decided to be quick about things, though of course there was always enough time to tickle his own hubris. His tail rose up again above Katarina, only this time in plain view of the bound champion. It lowered slowly, dripping onto her face. He wanted her to fully understand what was about to happen to her. “Our mutual friend? Miss Luxanna Crownguard?... She’s all mine, now! I devoured her! Absorbed her soul and her powers, and now you’re next, my lovely morsel!! You and Lux will have plenty of time to settle your differences once you’re trapped inside of me for all eternity!!!!” Katarina stared up at the tail, first in anger, then in dismay as she realized despite all her thrashing, she couldn't move one way or the other. She got a perfect, prolonged view of the tail's opening descending upon her face, complete with the dimly lit fleshy tunnel that followed. Crownguard's sister disappeared down that passage, and now... so would she. "You freak... you can't do this, i-it's so gross! I'll make sure you pay!" Katarina turned her cheek and squinted her eyes shut, her shoulders straining and working on breaking the bindings. An impossible task, not before Cell would make her his. “Oh I don’t think so. You’re going to help me take down all of your allies, just like your pal Lux! Bye Bye, Katarina!” He plunged the wide maw all the way down to her elbows just before the light bindings broke. He constricted tightly, pinning her arms to her sides, and vacuum forming her breasts, shoulders, and facial features against the bell of his tail. She tasted just as fiery as her temper, and Cell cackled at the doomed girl, so proud, now nothing more than a meal for a monster. "GO TO H-MMMMMPH!" Katarina's entire world collapsed in on her, her mouth locked into an open position as the tail clenched tightly to her form, making it look as though she had a permanent scream from Cell's point of view. Of course, Katarina was really crying out in anger, her legs kicking wildly and her wrists flexing. Both knives fell to the floor, the points sticking perfectly into the wood, making it clear just how sharp they were. Her hips turned and bucked, trying to get a good shot at Cell with her feet. Katarina’s boots kicked blindly at Cell’s concrete carapace, ricocheting to and fro in a vain attempt to somehow injure the maniacal creature... somehow make him loose his insanely tight, all encompassing grip on her. Unfortunately for her, he loved it when they squirmed, and the only effect she was having was to make his mouth water in anticipation. He grabbed the scarlet haired assassin unceremoniously by her ass, squeezing both leather-clad cheeks lecherously with his monstrous three fingered claws. He brought her hips to his, forcing her to straddle him,. He used his own body for pressure, holding his core tight as he forced the tail farther down the Noxian’s lithe body, slimy drool coating her exposed midsection. With her held so close, Cell leaned in and spoke intimately to the part of the tail where he could see her ear was, “Is that really it? At least my dear Luxanna put up a good fight as an admirable champion...but you? This was far too easy. You may as well have just served this tasty rump of yours to me on a silver platter. How pathetic! Hahaha!” The smooth lips of the tail had made their way down to Katarina’s wrists and belt. It would take a miracle at this point for her to change her dark fate... But Katarina had never believed in miracles and, even when her life hinged on the presence of one, she wasn't about to start any time soon. The dark and infinitely restricting heat drew further over her and each inch the tail moved down, the closer her chances of escaping had dwindled to zero... if it wasn't there already. Her legs had been forced open to take the power right out of her kicks, her hips utterly under control. It was among the most helpless Katarina had ever felt, next to perhaps the time she and Garen had that tussle and it ended with the Demacian atop her, both wrists held in one of his hands... but that had been helplessness that neither one of them knew they wanted until it suddenly happened, upon which they began upon a trist that both knew would have to end one day. But not like this. Not like this, to meet the very same end that coincidentally took Crownguard's sister. "Stop this... let me go immediately!" Katarina gasped, some fight returning as those cruel words penetrated the walls of the monster's tail. "You'll get nothing from this! If you want a good fight, release me! I'll give you a damn good fight!" “Hahaha....too late for bargaining, my little Kitty Kat...and you say I’m getting nothing from this? Come now, don’t sell yourself so short! I already told you, when I absorb you, I will take EVERYTHING from you. Your skills, your knowledge, your memories, your very soul will be all mine forever, Keheheh!” Cell licked his beak-like lips as he undid the young woman’s belt tantalizingly slow, then let it fall and Clink against the hardwood floor. The many sheaths and knives would only make for overly difficult eating. He then let the beauty loose from his grasp, letting her legs dangle so that he could easily suck up the lower half of his tender morsel. A violent jerking motion commenced, the same that had sent Lux to her doom earlier that day. Meanwhile, inside the tail, inch by inch of the Noxian Assassin was being squeezed from the tan bell of the tail, and into the much tighter green and black section of the tail proper. Thousands of muscles rippled all over Katarina’s curvy body, damp flesh kneading against her skin as she was forced deeper and deeper into the warm tunnel, nothing to breath but stale, musty air. The tail had quickly made its way all the way to the tops of the minx’s boots, the last tiny barrier keeping him from swallowing her whole. The cold, cruel words drove Katarina into a frenzy. A Noxian's soul was everything in the sense that pride of victory and glory in battle were everything. There was neither in such a defeat to an insidious insect-like creature, not to mention the horrific manner in which he intended to dispose of her. If it were true, her breadth of Noxian combat expertise and knowledge would become his... the enemy. This made her not only a failure, but a traitor. It was a wound the woman's pride could hardly bear. Alas, pride was the least of Katarina's worries, as being eaten alive should have been higher on her list of concerns. "You... damn... ugh! CREATURE!" Katarina bellowed from within the ever restricting confines of the tail. Her fingertips fumbled at her last knife as it was taken straight from her grasp, along with the rest of her belt. She was helpless, doomed, and her ankles could only hold the sickening assault off for so long. She was giving way, ready to disappear from this world... forever. The tight pressure from the tail slowly forced the knee high boots off of the defiant young woman’s feet as her legs were slurped up into Cell’s abhorrent appendage. The boots finally popped off and fell to the floor in a growing pile with her belt, leaving only Katarina’s feet exposed outside the tip of the tail. The monster smiled wide, his second victory in this world at hand. He may have been denied the satisfaction of absorbing his androids, but these “champions” were proving to be a deliciously fruitful distraction. Hearing her continuous muffled protests, Cell brought the soles of “The Sinister Blade’s” feet to his face and gave her right foot a mocking lick with his slimy, pointed tongue, signifying the completion of his total domination over the girl. Then with a *Thoomp!* The last of his victim disappeared into his maw and the tip shut tightly back into its needle form. “Welcome to your new home, Katarina!” He cackled, as the cunning warrior, now reduced to a squirming, shapely bulge, wormed her way through the cramped confines of the villain’s tail and towards his body to meet her dismal end... No matter how demure or fanged, how strong-willed or cowed they were, a woman had a certain... quality in her scream upon her defeat, and Katarina was no different. The defiant, clever assassin had not only been bested but humiliated handily in her contest against the beast. The toes of her foot curled sharply against the insufferable sensation caused by his licking her with that coarse, slimy tongue. She yelped, and then she screamed, just in time for the tail to begin carrying her away to her fate. "NOOOOAUUUUGH!" Katarina rasped, coughing as the slippery fluid coating the interior of the muscular tail had founds its way over her mouth. "You can't do this to me! Talon, Cass! Somebody, somebody come and cut this thing off! Don't let me go inside, don't... DON'T LET ME..." But it was too late. The bulge had reached his body. Cell roared out in satisfaction and adrenaline as Katarina entered his body with a low, sickening gulp. Katarina’s desperate plea had been cut off as she was hastily deposited into the dank, cramped confines of Cell’s absorption chamber. The large, stomach-like organ pulsed around her with a constant rhythm; The foul melody of Cell’s sinister inner workings. Remarkably, it was, somehow, NOT pitch black in this bizarre, twisted cavern. From the opposite corner of the snug ‘room,’ an eerie yellow glow shimmered dully next to the scarlet haired captive... It was Luxanna Crownguard, imprisoned inside some kind of thin, translucent cocoon made of the same pink flesh as the rest of the dismal den. One could see her suspended inside, the silhouette of a young woman in a fetal position sleeping restlessly, her body in the midst of being transformed into pure energy in its rawest form. The cocoon was held in place by stretchy tubes that were continuously undulating and pumping away. They seemed to be sucking Lux’s life force straight out of her and dispersing it all across Cell’s body as she was drained like a meager blond battery. The gruesome sight was certainly something to behold, but it wasn’t long before the walls behind Katarina began to tremble with movement... "Crownguard..." Katarina hardly had any time to say anything else, for she had just gotten her bearings and discovered her new cellmate, before a tremor began to quake around her. The helpless captive could yet struggle, though in vain, as the walls behind and around her caved in on her. Another shriek inaudible to the outside word save her devourer left her throat and she thrashed, but it was far too late for any hope to come to the poor woman. Her shoulders, breast, hips and ankles were already coated by the membranes, and as she turned and thrashed she unwittingly wrapped herself up more like a panicked moth in a spider's web. Soon, she would be just like the young blonde, sucked dry for her energy. "Talon..." Katarina kicked. "Cassie..." she heaved a heavy, rattling breath. Strength left her. "... Garen." She shed a tear. Then it all went black. The villain got a delighted chuckle out of hearing the final pathetic shrieks of his meal inside his ‘Stomach.’ There was no chance of escape for her now. She was all his to break down and add to his now ever-growing pool of energy. With a contented sigh, the bio-android bent down and scooped up the Knives, belt, and boots into his clutches. A couple of lovely souvenirs perhaps? They would go quite nicely with the ornate baton Cell stole from Lux earlier, after he had swallowed her whole. “My, my, looks like I’m growing quite the collection, hmm girls?” He mused aloud, seemingly to himself in the now empty manor. There was nothing left for him here, and so he left the home in search of his next prey. He stood on the front steps and closed his eyes, beginning to take in all of Katarina’s vital info on other champions. It seemed Noxus kept detailed tabs on more than just Demacians... Cell gleaned a particularly juicy bit of info on a maiden he might be able find not far from here, and so he took off in eager pursuit. He needed more.... He was never sated... Consuming Katarina had only made him yearn for even more power. He would take them all. Nothing would stop him from becoming the most powerful being in this realm. And when he’d sucked Runeterra dry of its champions, he’d move on to the next world ripe to conquer... |
Lux Makes A Furry Friend By Saban Runeterra is in a state of turmoil. All across the vast continent of Valoran, the population of beasts and monsters is somehow growing at an exponential rate, shattering the world’s current natural order. Many of these creatures possess an affinity for kidnapping and/or devouring the fair maidens of the land, creating chaos and crisis in their wake. There are no longer enough warriors or champions to fight for and rescue these multitude of women, and so the armed forces of each nation have become spread thin. The League of Legends has been called upon to resolve this issue. They have brought in representatives from all of Valoran’s major City-States, who have temporarily set aside their differences do deal with the more pressing matter at hand. The champions chosen will represent both sides of the dispute equally. A team of the league’s most prominent female dignitaries will face off against a team of the league’s foremost resident “monsters.” Depending on their victory or defeat, the monsters and beasts of Valoran will either be allowed to continue their wild, instinctive lifestyles, or be forced by the league’s incredibly powerful summoners and mages to find other, less taboo sources of sustenance. Summoner’s Rift has been chosen as their arena. The massive grassland battleground has always been utilized to settle conflicts of the highest precedence such as this. Today the battle begins…. ---- As she strode down the worn dirt path, Lux tried not to let Katarina’s mean spirited words plague her mind. All the nasty things the Noxian assassin had cursed at Lux while they "discussed" which of them would get to go mid. The Demacian representative had lost that particular debate... But no matter, This match was far too important for Lux to allow herself to lose any focus. Every woman in Valoran was counting on her to keep them from becoming monster chow, and she refused to let them all down. When she finally reached her team’s northernmost tower, Lux used the small amount of spare time she had to give all of her limbs a good stretch, and to ready herself for the impending battle. She wasn’t used to fighting at top lane, but knew that she needed to be limber enough to run away in the very possible case of a gank. She had no idea who she’d be up against, but hoped they’d be some type of melee fighter, that way she’d at least be able to use the range of her spells to her advantage. As per her usual ritual, Lux checked to make sure her armor was properly tightened. She got down on one knee and made sure her knee-high steel boot was securely fastened before switching legs and performing the same diagnostic on the other boot. She then stood up and examined her ornate breastplate and the steel bracers on each of her wrists in a similar fashion. Everything was secure and ready for action. Wearing so little armor over her lightweight blue combat suit was a clever compromise between protection and agility that was perfect for Lux’s style of fighting. She brushed her blonde hair aside and tucked it behind her ear, then smoothed out her white and gold skirt, wanting to look pretty and presentable for the massive invisible audience spectating today’s match. Once they had scurried past her, Lux followed her minions to the center of the lane and attempted to last hit the first wave of her enemy’s creeps. It was easy going. Far too easy. Lux was getting paranoid, growing more and more skeptical as her opponent continuously failed to show themselves. Then there was suddenly movement from one the brushes to her left. An ambush?! Lux fiercely cast a lucent singularity into the brush to illuminate it, and prepared another attack. She was soon shocked to see not a champion hiding inside, but a frightened young yordle, now blinded by her spell. What in the world was a child doing on the battlefield?! Realizing the singularity would soon explode, Lux ran as quickly as she possibly could and slid between the small creature and the great ball of light energy. She snatched him up off the ground and held him tight to her chest, protecting him with her body. Luckily, she was able to shield them both with a prismatic barrier just in the nick of time as the singularity burst into a brilliant blast of light. Bits of dirt and brush blew past them in the wind, then the two were left in silence on the ground in their embrace. Now that the danger had subsided, Lux loosened her grip, and was able to get a good look at the furry kid for the first time. He was Unlike any of the other yordles she’d ever encountered before. He had orange fur with blue accents on the ends of his tail and both of his bat-like ears. He was wearing nothing but a loincloth and a headdress made out of bones, and was carrying a small club that was also made from bleached white bone. The most notable thing about him by far was that he had a large pair of tusk-like teeth on his bottom row of chompers. His sight coming back to him, the yordle looked up at the beautiful lady who had protected him with his large, round eyes and gave her a big, toothy smile. “Maga wabo shu shu!” Lux giggled and smiled back down at him. “Oh my goodness, you’re adorable!” She doted, then picked him up, cradled him, and stroked his fur with her white gloved hand. She asked, “Do you have a name, little one?” “Yeban shago, Gnar!” He said, closing his eyes contentedly and clearly enjoying being pet by the cheerful girl. “Well hello, Gnar. My name is Lux, nice to meet you!” Lux returned, then looked around attentively, expecting to see her mystery adversary come crashing out from the jungle or river at any moment, but there was still no one to be found. “Perhaps our opponent had a bad connection with their summoner, hmm?” Gnar gave a shrug, though Lux didn’t know if he was answering her question or showing he had no idea what she was talking about. Lux took out her communication stone to ask how her fellow teammates were faring, but found that the stone was not working. She wasn’t able to check on them via the map function either. All she had was static. What was going on? She decided she needed to go see if her team needed help elsewhere. It was very likely that her being left alone meant her allies were outnumbered somewhere else on the map. Since the closest place was mid, she decided to head south down the river. Katarina would be pissed…. Lux couldn’t very well leave her new friend unprotected, so she picked him up and took him along with her. “I wonder if they’ll let me take you back to Demacia with me when this is over! Would you like that, little cutie?” She asked, giving Gnar another bright smile and tickling his nose. “Demaglio!” He said excitedly, causing Lux to giggle again as she left her lane in search of answers. ---- Lux was heading down the shallow river, hugging Gnar to her chest like a big teddy bear. Though the body of water was often referred to as a river, it rarely went any higher than Lux’s ankles. It was more like a giant puddle than anything else, really. Gnar liked being held so high up and having his back snuggled up against his new friend. He surveyed the area carefully, knowing jungle areas like this could be dangerous business for yordles and big people alike. Lux decided to try her comm. stone once again, slamming it against her metal bracer in an attempt to get the thing to work. “Come on, piece of junk!” She said, growing frustrated. With her eyes trained intently on the stone, the girl failed to notice the tree stump jutting up from the water in front of her. She promptly tripped over it. The stone and Gnar went flying as Lux fell to her hands and knees with a splash, soaking her knees and parts of her gloves. “Gnar! Oh no, I’m so sorry!” She yelled and ran to see if he was okay. The poor little guy had landed on his head a few meters away and was now rubbing his cranium vigorously. From his clenched eyes and teeth, Lux could tell he must have been in quite a bit of pain, but only the kind of fleeting pain you get when you bump your head or stub your toe. He otherwise looked totally fine. “There, there, it’s okay little guy, I know it hurts.” She hugged him at her side and tried to calm him down in a motherly fashion, but his little paw smacked her hand away, and when his eyes opened again they were a rage-filled, glowing red. This gave Lux a bit of a fright and she gasped, taking a few cautious steps away from him. Gnar, moving with extreme agility, backflipped away from Lux and threw his club at her with surprising force. Lux was barely able to dodge the flying bone as it whizzed right past her ear. Gnar’s personality seemed to have completely flipped after he’d been hurt, pure anger replacing his previously amiable nature. Did he think she had hurt him on purpose? She tried reasoning with the furious furry boy. “Woah, what’s gotten into you, little buddy?! I’m sorry, Gnar, but it was just an accident! I didn’t mean to- Ahhh!” Her words were cut off as something hit her in the back of her head with tremendous speed. Her hairband was knocked clear from her head, causing her blonde hair to fly over her face and block her vision. This time she was unable to catch herself as she fell flat onto her side, the whole left part of her suit now cold with water. She looked up through the golden locks draped over her eyes to see that Gnar had caught his club. Actually, no, it was more like a boomerang, and he was now wielding it threateningly, ready to throw again. Lux now knew what she was up against. How could she have been so naive? This kid was obviously her opponent. Gnar was a brand new addition to the League. In fact, this was his very first match, so no champion had ever even seen him before, let alone knew what he was capable of. Lux couldn’t have known it, but the reason Gnar hadn’t fought her until now was because his summoner, like all the others, was now dead. Unlike everyone else participating today, Gnar didn’t know what to do with no one commanding him, but with rage now filling his mind, he no longer needed anyone to tell him that he needed to fight. He was running on pure instinct. Lux quickly got to her feet and brushed her hair out of her eyes. “Sorry, Gnar, but I can’t afford to lose this match. No hard feelings, buddy. YAH!!!” She threw out another lucent singularity and detonated it as soon as it was directly on top of Gnar. He disappeared in a blast of light, making Lux feel incredibly sad rather than victorious. It didn’t feel right attacking someone so young and defenseless. A creature so small couldn’t have possibly survived such a blast. She sighed and slowly started to trudge back to her lane, stricken by a sense of grief. A deafening roar filled the jungle behind her, petrifying Lux mid stride. “GNAAAAAAAARRR!!!!” There was no way such a deep, bass-filled sound could have come from something so small. No way. He couldn’t have survived. She quickly turned on her feet, eyes wide, just in time to see a humongous beast charging at her. She had no time to dodge as one of the monster’s huge tusks rammed into her, picked her up, and speared her against the rock wall behind her. “AAAAUUUUGGGHHHH!” Lux screamed in pain, then appeared to pass out. She dropped limp to the ground as the 20 foot tall bear/boar/bat hybrid released her and walked away. Lucky for her, Lux’s breastplate had saved her from actually being skewered to death, but it was now bent tightly around her chest, threatening to crush her ribs, and the dent from the tusk was digging deeply into her sternum. She quickly found she could not breath at all in this state. She got to her knees and pulled at the straps of her armor, desperately trying to remove it. Her face was turning red from the lack of oxygen. She looked around, fearful of the beast, which she assumed must have been Gnar. He had to be, judging by his similar though exaggerated features, his coloration, and his identical though now tiny by comparison bone headdress. The creature was nearby but had lost interest in her, thinking she was dead. He had moved his attention to ripping out and destroying some nearby pine trees that had probably given him a dirty look. Lux finally gasped in a large breath as the buckles on her breastplate gave way and it came crashing down onto the rocks beneath her with a loud metallic clang. The girl’s relief was replaced with panic when she heard the sound, and she saw her new fears realized as Gnar dropped the trees in his hands and turned to face her menacingly. Lux knew that without her armor she was in extreme danger and that her only option was to run, so she sprinted down the river the way she came, hoping she’d be able to make it back to her tower before the beast could catch her. Without warning, a colossal boulder came crashing beside her on her right, nicking her calf muscle and causing her to fall flat on her face. She winced and turned to see Gnar bearing down on her, completely rabid. From a sitting position she cast a light binding, freezing the behemoth in place. She would have tried finishing him off with a Final Spark, but she was far too weak, and didn't have nearly enough mana. She continued running away, now with a bit of a limp in her step. The fight had left her fairly battered. If she didn’t get back soon…. Darkness came from above as Gnar leapt over her and landed between Lux and the path back to top lane. She froze in terror, then tried to take a small step backwards, but Gnar thundered forward and slammed his fists down on both sides of her, causing the ground to shake and stunning her momentarily. Gnar then let out a mighty roar and swiped Lux towards the wall of the riverbank, stunning her again as her back hit the wall. Lux fell to the ground on one knee. She was barely able to hold herself up leaning against her wand like a staff. Beaten and exhausted, she looked up at Gnar. She didn’t see any of his friendly features in the ravenous gaze of the beast before her. Gnar opened his jaws wide for a final attack, and though Lux’s head was still spinning, she was able to think quickly enough and brace her wand vertically in front of her in defense. The wand became lodged between Gnar’s top and bottom teeth, stopping him from biting down on Lux to finish her off. She was still in a bad situation, but Lux smiled for a brief moment knowing that one of her ideas had finally worked. As she smiled, she was suddenly caught off guard as Gnar jerked his head upwards, taking Lux and the wand with him. It hadn’t occurred to Lux to simply let go of the wand, after all it was an extension of herself. She’d be powerless without it. Gravity caused Lux to swing down, keeping her grip on the wand, and she soon found herself dangling inside of Gnar’s sweltering, humid mouth. She waited for Gnar to lower his head so she could make her escape, but he never did. Instead he was trying to open his mouth wider to make her fall in, but he couldn’t because of the wand embedded between his teeth. Lux felt her hands slipping and was suddenly filled with dread. She looked down behind her and saw saliva pooling at the back of Gnar’s throat. The direness of the situation was starting to settle in. She was very close to becoming Gnar’s afternoon snack. “Gnar, let me out of here! We’re friends, remember?! We were going to go back to Demacia together! Demaglio, remember?!” Gnar stopped fidgeting and for a moment Lux thought maybe she had gotten through to him, but then, to her horror, she watched as he began to trying to close his mouth instead of open it. Her precious wand started to bend and buckle at the mighty pressure. Time slowed down as Lux watched her beloved weapon fracture before her eyes, the first piece of it splintering and falling past her face. Then, unable to withstand the tremendous force of Gnar’s jaws, the wand shattered to pieces, causing the mouth to slam shut, go dark, and for Lux to freefall. She slid down his tongue feet first on her belly like it was a water slide. Her steel boots became lodged in the back of the creature’s throat when she landed harshly at the bottom. She tried ripping them out of the muscle, but the boots were firmly wedged. Not wanting to get sucked in, she immediately undid her boots and slid out of them. Lux turned and scooted back up onto the tongue by her butt and bare feet and watched as her boots and all the pieces of her wand were viciously pulled down into the throat with a powerful swallow. She had gotten away just in time. “I’ve gotta get out of here, or I’m done for!” She said, looking up at a sky she could barely see through the prison bar-like teeth shut above her. With determination, she began climbing Gnar’s large teeth like they were rungs in a ladder. Everyone she knew was viewing this match, and she was dangerously close to having all her friends and relatives watch her get eaten alive. Not only that, but dying so early would give the enemy team a large advantage, and she needed to win this match. If she didn’t, thousands, perhaps millions of girls would end up in a horrible situation just like this. She had reached the top and was about to try squeezing through his teeth, when Gnar’s tongue suddenly lifted against her and slammed her against the roof of his mouth. “Auuughhh!” She exclaimed as she fell all the way back down towards the throat. The tongue did not relent as it pressed against her face and the front of her body, forcing her legs into the waiting throat which now eagerly gulped at her. “No-no-no-no-noooo!” She cried out, her legs becoming trapped in the orifice. Her blue combat spandex was becoming soaked by the copious amounts of Gnar’s saliva. She shuddered, realizing that he must be tasting something he really likes. She found herself perilously grabbing for something, anything that would give her leverage to pull herself free, but all she found were the slick pink and red walls of flesh surrounding her. With another hard swallow, her butt and hips were brought in. Her white and gold skirt rode up and reversed up around her waist and abdomen as they too slid into the dark chasm. She would have likely been swallowed whole in that one gulp, but her armpits and breasts had thankfully kept her from going all the way in, although in a somewhat painful manor. She had a moment of rest, but the tongue was still pressed against her face, and she could feel Gnar preparing another swallow. She moved the dripping blonde hair out of her face and shouted up to him, “Gnar please! There are innocent women depending on me! You can’t just eat- mmmph!” Her plea was futile. Gnar was incapable of listening to logic or reason in this form, and so the rest of Lux’s lithe body was completely gulped down, her arms and hair following behind her head as they all disappeared through the throat’s opening. It took what seemed like ages for Lux to travel down Gnar’s horizontal esophagus. The tube ran tight along her body and pressured hard against her more plump areas. She squirmed and gave muffled protests, still refusing to believe this had just happened to her. The rippling motion of the esophagus sent a shiver down her spine each time it passed over her form. Tears started to well up in her eyes as she thought of her failure to ensure the safety of the women of Runeterra. This was it. She had doomed them all to this fate. It was all her fault. She could barely take her own suffering, but the thought of so many experiencing this disgusting end multiplied her melancholy exponentially. She felt herself eventually pushed into a small chamber, no doubt the stomach, and her journey stopped. She lit up an apple sized ball of light magic in her hand to view the inside of the beast. It was as strong a spell as she could muster without her wand to amplify her power. The room was aptly the size of a coffin, however, the steam coming up off of the warm, clear liquid bathing her almost made the room look like an inviting spa. She sighed to herself placing a hand woefully against the red wall of her new home, “at least this can’t get any worse….” There was suddenly a rumble accompanied by a magical sound. She scooted back and away from the stomach’s exit hole, fearing the worst, but found instead that the walls were closing in around her fast. “Aaaaah! No!” She screamed as the walls of the stomach stretched snuggly around her, forcing her to curl up tightly into a fetal position. It was unbelievable. Gnar must have transformed back to his original size, and now she was stuck inside his tiny yordle tummy! She looked up and saw she could barely fit her pinky finger, let alone her whole body through the entryway she had just come through. Gnar was dizzy, just coming out of one of his regular blackout sessions. He looked around for the nice blonde lady he remembered becoming friends with, but didn’t see her anywhere. He looked down and scared himself silly with the sight of his own massive gut. He saw something was alive in there and was wriggling around. He cautiously put a large ear to his stomach and tried to communicate with the lump. “Waga shugu? Gnar wabba nootu?” Lux heard Gnar’s familiar voice and couldn’t restrain herself from becoming hopeful again. “Gnar! Thank goodness! Gnar, it’s me, Lux! You ate me, Gnar! I need you to get me out of here or you’re going to end up digesting me too!” “Luxo naga shu shu?!!!” He burst out. The nice blonde lady was in his freaking stomach!!!! Gnar put his hands to his head in panic and darted his eyes around looking for help, but found nothing but running water and swaying trees. He had to do something! “Waaaaaah!!!” He said, as he stretched his mouth open and tried to reach Lux, but all he managed to do was make himself gag as his fingers reached the back of his throat. He started dancing back and forth on his feet, his giant belly keeping him tethered to the ground. Then he finally had an idea: The creatures he met earlier! They might know how to help get the girl out! Then again, the four of them had been awfully scary…. It might not have been the best plan, but it was all he had. He started walking towards the area where he had first arrived, when he suddenly felt a jerk from his abdomen. He had forgotten that he now had a full-grown female human’s worth of weight to carry along with him. He put his tiny arms around Lux’s figure and strained to use all of his weight to move her even an inch through the dirt. This was going to take a while…. ---- Lux awoke with her arms crossed and sighed as she realized she was still on their long and arduous journey to wherever Gnar was taking them to get help. After stretching her muscles and arching her back as much as she could in the small space, she listlessly touched a hand to one of the walls of her dungeon. She was soon horrified to see that the fabric of her gloves was already starting to dissolve. She looked down to see that tiny holes in her suit and skirt were starting to appear as well. “Gnar, please hurry! We don’t have much time!” She shouted. Her voice echoed in the chamber. Lux hoped that maybe one of her teammates could save her, and hoped they’d run into Soraka first. The healer would probably know some sort of celestial spell for this sort of situation. Katarina on the other hand would never let Lux hear the end of it…. She thought of her loved ones watching the match. Her brother, Garen. Ezreal.... It must have been just as hard for them, if not harder, to see what had just happened to her. She felt awfully embarrassed. This sort of thing could absolutely ruin a person’s reputation. Still, Lux was somewhat relieved by Gnar’s predicament. Part of her wanted to just die already so she could respawn, but with the yordle incapacitated like this, he couldn’t use his kill advantage at all. In fact, the match was now practically an even 4v4, and would remain that way as long as she stayed alive in Gnar’s belly. There was still hope yet! Lux closed her eyes again and prayed for her teammates before drifting back to sleep in the warm bath of Gnar’s stomach juices. |
League of Lunches: Sona Jericho Swain took his seat in the grand box of the palace theatre. He seldom made public appearances these days due to the growing tension between Noxus and Demacia, and there was always that conflict with Ionia that had simmered down past the point of civil unrest, but was worth keeping an eye on. But there was one performance that could always draw the crotchety yet ruthless Noxian leader from his more practical, bloodthirsty duties. Sona Buvelle stood to one side of the curtain and took a deep breath to shake off her nerves. Her trusty etwahl at her side as it always was, she thought about all that was riding on this concert. She would have preferred not to know that Swain was in attendance... no doubt there was other Noxian high-brass as well, and with the right tune their hearts could be soothed just a bit... and that little change may be enough to cause them to take a lighter course of action. Her music was music and she knew that, but it could touch the soul. Sona adjusted one of the straps over her shoulder and checked herself to make sure her breasts weren't going to fall out... damn show business, and damn so much of it riding on sex appeal. She rolled her eyes to get her frustration out of her system and faced her adoring crowd, stepping past the curtain and into the light to the chorus of cheers. She never could have understood that Swain was not the most dangerous being in attendance that night... An unseen predator, far up in the shadows of the rafters, was eagerly eyeing the beautiful maven with devious intent. Cell had managed to trace his way from the Du Couteau estate, all the way through the Noxus capital, to the magnificent Palace Theatre earlier that night. Using his newfound expertise as a stealth assassin, as well as perfect geographical knowledge of the city’s terrain, he’d slipped through the capital completely undetected thanks to his latest Noxian victim. Katarina was supposed to have been in charge of the security detail for her Grand General Swain tonight at Sona’s show, but the scarlet haired warrior was unlikely to be fulfilling any of her prestigious responsibilities any time soon. Though to be fair, Katarina technically WAS present in the audience tonight…. The twin-tailed idol’s music was intoxicating. The elegance with which she moved was hypnotizing, and Cell found himself being completely drawn into her performance. The way her body quivered with every note...the way her perfect hair swayed… He was hardly able to contain his lust for not just her power as a champion, but her exquisite feminine form as well. She was a visage of perfection, the one quality that Cell desired more than any other. Katarina had carefully studied Sona’s set list for that night, and so when the last song of Sona’s set began, the creature slinked his way through the ceiling and headed backstage for the star’s dressing room. He carefully hid behind a folding screen used for dressing on the far side of the room. He settled and waited, closing his eyes and enjoying the sweet melody of what he would make sure was Sona Buvelle’s final song... Sona had lived her entire life without the gift of speech. In lieu of words, she offered to all those who listened to her a message conveyed through music and performance. Many a critic, including the Grand General, noted that she could translate emotion and passion better than any other performer in Runeterra. When you went to a concert held by the maven of the strings, you didn't just listen to a song... you listened to Sona's soul. A kind smile crossed Sona's face, the soft visage of pleasantry bolstered by confidence behind that demure mask. She had captured her audience in her strings. In fact, she didn't even know just how well she had done in embodying perfection, though she always strove to please. As the final chords rang through the tips of her maiden fingers, Sona took her final bow. Her smile faltered a second when she believed her hair covered her expression from the audience. Noxus was not her favorite venue but, on top of that, some sweat had become trapped in her ample cleavage. Curse this revealing dress and her being 'forced' to wear it to maximize draws. Sona handled her standing ovation with another bow and finally took her leave from the stage, responding to compliments and encouragements from stagehands and staff with a polite nod, to excited screaming fans with special passes she offered her hands cupped in the shape of a heart. Her etwahl was brought with her as she went. It had to be - any attempt to remove it from her person was always fruitless, without fail. She maneuvered the unwieldy instrument to a dressing room door marked with her name and entered, gently placing it on its case on the corner table. Finally, an opportunity to let her hair down after that stressful performance. Sona paused, and her eyes quickly glanced around the room. That's funny, it felt... no, it must have been nothing. She was sure of it now, she was alone. With that confirmed, she shut and locked the door, and began to undo the ties in her hair. The insectoid beast had had an extremely eventful and fruitful day. He had absorbed the lady Lux in the morning, the vixen Katarina that afternoon, and was now about to cap it all off by taking the famous Sona Buvelle as his late night snack, completing his 3 square meals for the day. The intimate setting of two left alone, locked in the warm, dimly lit dressing room, would be the perfect way for Cell to end his night… From his Intel, he knew that Sona would be helpless without her curious, mystical instrument. He needed to be fast to separate them… luckily, he was practically oozing with energy, thanks to his two captives currently being drained. Saiyans could move so quickly you could blink an eye and they’d be gone in an instant, and Saiyan DNA ran through much of the amalgamation that was Cell’s blood. In a flash, he was out from behind the partition and next to the instrument perched upon its case. He seized the prize, and in another flash he was gone, now in the luxurious bathroom connected adjacent to the dressing room. He chucked the priceless treasure into the tub and spun round to swiftly lock the door that led in from Sona’s room. He then disappeared again in a cloud of smoke. All of this occurring in just a handful of seconds... Cell reappeared directly behind Sona with a cloud of smoke, within striking distance. The shunpo technique had allowed him to jump through the terrain of the wall, leaving the Etwahl locked inside the bathroom with no one to open its door from the other side. The stage had been so far away...but now Cell was mere inches from the flawless maiden. He stayed her hand by grabbing her slender wrist as she attempted to let her hair down. He loved the unique way her twin-tails swayed, and thought it would be a shame for her to let her hair down before they had a chance to meet. He relished the moment. Oh, that he could smell her now that he was this close…. He took in a deep breath of the scent of those exquisite blue locks with a relaxed, satisfied sigh. From behind her he leant down to her ear, speaking softly in his raspy, menacing fashion, “That was quite the performance out there, love. You managed to steal even a monster’s heart tonight….” All in the time it took for Sona to raise her hand to one of her hairbands, and her beloved possession... her prized, and for much of her life ONLY possession had just vanished in a blur. At first she thought it was the magic of the seemingly-intelligent instrument finally betraying her, but the truth came to light as a hand tenderly snatched her wrist but held it with a grip wrought in iron. A chill ran down her spine, back somewhat damp with sweat, as hot breath poured against the back of her head. Sona's eyes had gone wide with shrunken irises, a tremble rising through her body. An assassin? No... a monster? Was this one of those legendary creatures from the void, come to claim her in the name of that fallen city? The girl did her best to squirm and tug, if not to get away then at least to face her captor and know what she was dealing with. But her offensive capabilities had already been taken care of. She would go down... nice and easy, or as hard as Cell wanted her to. Despite so many people being all around them in different parts of the building, the beauty of it all was that no one would ever be able to hear Sona beg, or plead, or scream her lungs out for anyone to come save her. The mute woman would make for the perfect victim, though Cell had to admit it was a shame he wouldn't be able to hear her beg... but he was getting ahead of himself... Keeping hold of her wrist, he delicately twirled Sona around, her dress and hair spinning out before she came to face the creature. He pulled her in close, placing his other arm around the small of her back as if he was planning to dance with the woman. Her luscious breasts were pressing soft against his carapace, he could feel her warmth radiating into him, feel the fear in her escalated heartbeat. He stared relentlessly into her eyes as if peering into her soul, a soul he craved. "It's an honor to meet you, Miss. My name ....is Cell, won't you please tell me yours?" He asked in a devilish tone...of course knowing full well she couldn't tell him, but he wanted to experience her reaction all the same. Sona's free hand came up to press against the hard, insect-like body of her assailant, totally unable to create any space between their one-sided waltz. Her eyes were also unable to escape his and she stared up at them, frightened but also very angry. Her skin was still slightly damp from her performance and the terror of the situation wasn't helping much in matters of perspiration, which perhaps could lend to the idea that they had already been dancing for a long time if somebody took a candid photo of the situation. Sona's eyes narrowed and the corner of her mouth tightened at Cell's question. Her name was Sona Buvelle, not that she could tell him that, and nor did she want to. She doubted he knew sign language, and her only other reliable method of communication involved the mental link between a champion and a summoner. What's more, his tone taunted her knowingly, like a child stomping on an anthill. She angrily thumped one of her fists against his chest to silently demand her freedom from their embrace, not wanting to think about what lay in store. "Hmmm, cat got your tongue? No need to be so shy, my dear~" he taunted, a twisted grin cracked across his hideous, alien face. In complete contrast, Sona was practically glowing, the dim lighting of the theater dressing room glistening off of her sheen of sweat. As she beat at his chest like a drum, Cell leaned in and took long, eerie lick of Sona's left cheek with his strange, pink, pointed tongue. He started at her neck and ended at her cheekbone, just below her eye, leaving a trail of slimy saliva along her soft, pale skin. He was sampling her, getting a taste of what was to come. He wanted to know, what did a beautiful starlet like her taste like? Her cheek lifted up and away, her best attempt to pull away from that long, pointed tongue that eagerly slathered all over her neck and face. The look on her face told it all: disgust, terror, defiance, maybe even a little bit of nausea. For a girl with no voice, Sona could still speak volumes, but how she wished she could scream right now. As it was she could only stomp her feet or otherwise pound on anything nearby, which was only the floor and the biological horror who was currently tasting her. He began walking her forward, towards a red, velvet sofa on the other side of the room. It was large enough for two, even if one of them was an eight foot tall bio-android. He had plans for her, even more devious than those he'd had of Kat and Lux, though in the end, she would of course meet their same fate... Her head lowered as she felt herself pushed back, staring at the floor as if in disbelief at her feet disobeying her underneath her gown. She looked back up with blue, pleading eyes, attempting to find something resembling compassion in Cell's own. 'Please, don't do this,' she must have been thinking with a doe-eyed stare like that. 'Whatever you want from me, there has to be another way.' The desperation in the girl's eyes was palpable, and it was true about her expressions. Cell could almost hear her pleas as she struggled against him, but all she was managing to do was swell the sadistic monster's lust for her. Oh how he loved it when his prey fought back, resisting him in the pointless hope that they could somehow escape his dominion over them. Alas, none had ever escaped his clutches once he'd set his sights upon them. His body was an unstoppable force, pushing her back until her calves hit the edge of the sophisticated sofa. He threw her violently onto the couch, watching her supple body bounce as it hit the soft, velvety cushions. The piece of furniture was blood-red. Apt for the occasion. Noxians certainly had a proclivity towards certain styles. He looked down upon the vulnerable woman, a visage of divine beauty. He swooped down upon her before she could flee, grabbing her wrists and pinning both hands just above her head. The creature was intimately close to her now. He smiled cruelly, eyeing her as if she were nothing more than his plaything, "You can make this stop at any time, you know. Just say the word, and I'll leave you alone for good. You'll never see me again~" Once again, he preyed on her disability. Frustration bubbled up underneath the thick film of fear that had developed within the beloved maven, and without thinking twice about it she opened her mouth as if to scream. Doing so was purely instinctual, borne from the automatic impulse and desire to bellow and roar and shriek until the hideous, invasive intruder's ears shriveled up. But she had never been able to talk, not so since any point in her childhood she could remember, and with her wrists pinned her auxiliary method of communication was out, too. Not that Cell might understand it, nor honor his promise. Her wrists felt weighted, as if an entire mountain were seated atop them. She bucked her hips and pushed out her shoulders on the couch much to her discomfort, but anything was worth a shot... just the slightest shot of being freed. But that shot, that glimmer of hope, faded faster and faster from Sona's heart. Unsure of what might lay in store for her, the girl declined her head, eyes squinted shut over a face painted red with exertion, yet her neck was pale and cold from terror and anxiety. Cell could likely feel her pulse through each of her wrists, and how it quickened by the second. Cell could see, feel, and even smell the buxom woman's growing fear, but he wanted another taste of it... When he'd licked Sona's skin before, it had tasted of rose and lavender, her soaps and lotions no doubt. How kind of her to freshly marinate herself for him before their encounter. However, this time he would sample one of her other flavors. With another of her ineffectual screams, Cell dove in and firmly pressed his beak-like mouth against her soft, luscious lips, and assaulted the girl's orifice, sliding his long, eerie, pointed tongue through her mouth and down into her throat. As the tongue wormed its way through and around the fair maiden's orifice he moaned in fiendish delight. The pelvic area of his shell was gaining pressure, and his arousal spurred on his assault. The creature brought the girl's wrists together above her head, binding them with just one hand. With his right claw free, he groped at her bosom through her dress. These divine breasts of hers were something men across the world would pay handsomely to even get a glimpse of, but now they were all his, ripe for the taking. A muffled laugh escaped him as he continued his repulsive kiss. Unable to turn her head away, Sona felt her mouth and even her throat invaded by a long, serpent-like protrusion. She gagged as noiselessly as ever; the only sign of her doing so would have been the muscles of her throat retching and squeezing at Cell's tongue as it slithered and worked around within her, nonplussed. All she wanted to do at this point was shut her eyes nice and tight and pray it would all be over soon, but a deeper part of her psyche betrayed her. No, Sona's eyes remained cracked open in pure shock, tears streaming down her cheeks and coating one side of her assaulter's beak. She wondered, somewhere in her traumatized mind, if this is what it must have been like to get fully examined and played with by that Vel'Koz beast she had done combat with from afar. Her arms strained just as uselessly as before. There was a moment, a shift in the monster's grip, which offered but a twilight spark of hope for her hands to escape. Futile, she realized, as even if she had evaded his grip for a moment, he remained atop her and possessed the strength to simply snatch up her wrists again. She felt crude pressure on her breast, a shocking touch that shook Sona back to enough of her senses to try and bite down on the tongue inside her. She may not have prevented him from going inside her, but she wanted to show him just how unwelcome she thought him. Cell had lost himself while his mouth was entwined with hers. He was enraptured, eyes closed as he allowed his other senses to fill with sadistic bliss. His tongue explored hers, playing hide and seek with her as her small pink muscle recoiled from his own oppressive appendage. He molested her breast harshly, greedily taking away pleasure and giving back nothing but pain. He swirled his monstrous thumb where he could feel her nipple under her silky gown. He could lay like this forever... "Aaauugh!" He yelled, as her bite snapped him back to reality. He withdrew from her, now sitting up straight, straddled atop the magical musician's hips. "You bitch!" He raged in blind anger. The creature had let go of her wrists, but now his right arm reared behind him, rocketing back to slap Sona hard across her soft left cheek. He drew a few deep, heavy breaths before calming back down. He regained his composure and gazed down upon Sona with a look of fiendish delight, "Well then, if that's the way it's gunna be, I guess I'll just have to find somewhere that won't bite back..." He cooed slyly, running a hand down her delicate gown and landing between her legs, giving her loins a knowing, playful squeeze. The moment her wrists were free, Sona's hands clasped over her chest to protect them from further violation, her left breast in particular feeling sore from the monster's rough handling. Though she was the object of many a fan's fantasies, Sona was not involved in any relationships and the only person allowed to see, let alone touch her breasts, was herself. But this cruel beast didn't need permission in order to take what he wanted. She needed to keep fighting, she had actually managed to hurt him! She tried to scoot to the side but quicker than a whip, she had been struck. And yet, due to her innate magical nature, she could sense... something when he hit her. As if she had been struck by this person before. But this was the first time they'd met. Stinging in pain at the cheek and too afraid to look, Sona's beautiful eyes squinted shut, and her legs clamped together in response to the touch. Why was this loathsome creature’s essence so familiar? The monster chuckled at the girl's reaction. Sona was cowering before him, refusing to look, and holding herself tight to protect her breasts, as if trying to withdraw herself entirely from the world. "Awwww, don't close your eyes, my sweet...You're going to miss the show!" He cruelly whispered to her. With his wicked strength, he once again snatched up the young maiden's arms away from her body with his left fist. He pointed out the long index finger of his other hand and drew an incredibly focused amount of Ki to the tip of his already sharp, black fingernail. Starting at the strapless low cut of the musician's elegant blue dress, Cell began to cut away at it by tracing his finger from her cleavage, and then slowly, all the way down her torso and past her thighs. The vibration of the Ki tore easily through the silky fabric, but would feel like nothing more than a simple tickling sensation to her exquisite skin. As the nail trailed its way down the valley of cleavage, across the woman's flat stomach, and all the way down past her sex, the dress parted open, as if it had been a robe all along. The creature's eyes were wild with excitement. He was like a kid opening a Christmas present, or perhaps more apt, a piece of delicious candy... A strand of warm drool dripped from his mouth and onto Sona's chest... Sona jerked her head to the side as her arms were grabbed yet again. All she had to protect herself was her silky blue gown, her trademark and most famous garment that had clothed her for many a performance all over Runeterra. Cell's assertion that many a fan would have loved to peel that dress off themselves to look at and grope the gorgeous musician's body was not only accurate, but one that he unknowingly shared with the maiden herself. Sona was aware how people looked at her; she knew there must have been some who truly loved her just for the art, but others wanted her... lusted for her. This creature, this... monster was among them and she never knew, and it seemed, to her dismay, that he would be the one to have her. She never could have fathomed the fullest extent of his true intentions. A cold sweat lined Sona's body as her dress was cut away from her. With the fabric falling away and introducing her perky, sore nipples to the room's cooled air, the poor assaulted girl's eyes shot open. Not to 'enjoy the show,' but to figure out just what happened. To her shock, it wasn't just her breasts that were uncovered, but her belly, her legs... her crotch. She chomped down on her lip and tried to raise up her knees between herself and the creature straddling her, her struggling motions unwittingly helping to throw the cloth off of her and give Cell a nice view of her supple form. Panic had, by now, completely overtaken her. Cell relished the feeling of the girl's naked body squirming beneath his groin. It was all becoming too much for him, watching her pert breasts jiggle as she bit her perfect pouting lips, his carapace opened around his pelvis, and out slid an erect, ten inch, throbbing green cock. Manhandling the young woman, he split her thighs apart and held up her fragile right leg under his left arm allowing him easier access. The lust filled creature began to grind his shaft against the top of her slit near her belly. The monster's member wasn't his only eager appendage however... his huge tail had swung its way around to directly above Sona's head, wanting so much to begin its main course. The funnel opened, its single fleshy 'eye' looking down upon Sona's horrified face. "MMmmm, I don't know what I'm going to enjoy more, fucking you senseless or absorbing all of your being...guess we'll just have to find out!" Cell tormented. He began to tease the woman by rubbing the head of his cock up and down her lips, threatening to enter her at any moment. All the while, the maw of his tail was slowly descending upon her precious head. if she didn't do something, it would come down upon her beautiful blue twin tails and send her world to darkness.. His captive would have to make a terrible choice: Try to stop the beast from penetrating her.... or from consuming her altogether... What a sadistic choice it was, with nearly no time to consider the options. On one end, the tall and armored insect was preparing to insert a filthy appendage into her. On the other, he was preparing to insert HER into the filthy appendage. With her ruined silken gown beneath her and protecting her from little more than the friction of writhing along the couch, and with her leg trapped under his arm, there was nothing Sona could throw between herself and the monster to stop him from getting inside her. For her hands, Sona had made her decision. Her face having gone pale in fright, her fingers shot up to meet the lips of the funnel. Her arms shook, but it could have been from exertion, the trembling fear running along her spine, or the sensation of something grinding against her virgin slit threatening to take her that caused her to shake so. The whiteness in her face began to fade, replaced with some more pink as she struggled a futile struggle against a two-front war to not be violated. It was, of course, a losing battle. Cell was simply toying with her. He could easily force his tail down upon the blue haired beauty and gulp her up in seconds, but where was the fun in that? Instead he gave her just enough resistance against her palms to let her believe that she was actually holding him at bay... that there was still hope she could somehow escape if she tried hard enough... She'd be able to feel hot, humid air emanating from the tail, as if it were breathing heavily on her. It was like the snaking organ was an entirely separate entity from Cell, with a mind of its own... "Ah, you value your life more than your chastity, hmm? A sensible choice, but both will be mine, I'm afraid!" The monster slowly slipped the head of his pulsating cock inside the tight confines of the young woman's pussy. "Ready?" Cell taunted with a perverse smirk. Gradually, the villain slid every inch of his manhood into Sona with ecstatic glee. The incredible sensation of the woman's warm sex was driving the sadistic, animalistic instinct inside of the creature to the surface. He stared down into her eyes, reading from them everything her lips could not speak. Sona's shoulders jerked with the positioning of the head as it pushed her lips wide. There was nothing she could do, no defense for her loins as quivering arms held the eager and hungry tail at bay for as long as possible. Each second was more agonizing than the last as the pressure steadily continued, as if she was fighting nothing but gravity pulling the tail down at an even, unchanging weight. Just a few more seconds.... a few more, then a few after that, she thought she could hold it. Anything to keep her freedom from that gaping hole. She could only imagine what it was going to feel like if it completely overtook her. Then, to her dismay and spine-cracking agony, inch after inch of that malicious cock slid into her. She felt something deep inside her tearing open and her elbows bent, bringing the tail closer. Sona's eyes shot open with tears cascading down her cheeks and her arms straightened once more. Breaths were becoming ragged and, for the moment, pained. There was now a second struggle inside the Maven of the strings... one was to keep that tail off of her, and the other was to not succumb to the intense tightness knotting up inside her gut as she was so callously stripped and fucked there on the couch. Her eyes met Cell's. She would be defiant to the end. "Aaaaahhhhhh, incredible!" Cell exclaimed. He was fully inside her, his hard shell of a body pressed firmly between her creamy thighs. He held her there for a while, relishing the feeling of their bodies entwined. "I must say, miss Buvelle, you're every bit as intoxicating as your music. Simply divine." The monster leisurely withdrew his cock from her, allowing her a very brief respite from his invasion, before repeating the agonizing process and again sliding it all the way back in, till the base at his pelvis pressed against her lips. Then he did it again... and again...and again... a slow rhythm forming as he began pumping his hips back and forth. A primal grunt escaped Cell's lips each time he made another thrust, and a meaty *smack!* filled the room each time they collided. Cell held up the leg in his hand and brought it higher, up to his face. His fiendish tongue escaped once again, and he sampled the incredibly smooth, silky skin of her calf. As his mouth watered, so did the orifice at his tail, beads of liquid beginning to slick the insides of the maw. "Mmmmm, so succulent, my peach. I'll make sure to savor you well, before I swallow!" He emphasized his words every now and then by thrusting or pushing down harder with his tail on certain syllables. Fingers squeezed together around the incrementally slick rim of the maw that ended Cell's tail. It was all she could do to keep her arms up while her rapist set her hips on fire with his rough and rapid pounding. Though she could not vocalize the pain of her virginity being ripped from her by force, nor the humiliation of being treated like a mere plaything as the precursor to a hearty feast, her lips were seemingly permanently agape in a silent scream. Sona thrashed her head from side to side, hoping to shake herself awake from this nightmare, this fiendish author of tantalizing lyrics describing how he would take her, make her his. Why is it that within that carapace that formed such a hideous monster, she felt the energy of a friend? A realization tied a knot in her chest... as if her emotions could not become any more shattered as she was taken further toward an orgasm that she never wanted, she dreamed up the possibility that other, fellow champions had suffered the same fate that, unless somebody came to her rescue, she was about to share. And so, finally, Sona Buvelle looked at Cell, her arms weakening as her hips began to throb at her approaching climax. She looked him with an expression that read, clear as day, that she knew somebody would eventually stop this madness. Then all strength left her arms, and she bowed her head, waiting for the worst. The predator felt his prey's quivering hands slipping. It seemed that without her instrument, Sona truly was completely powerless. He saw that tenacious look she gave, daggers piercing into him, but he knew she had absolutely nothing to back it up. Cell smiled wickedly and bid her farewell, "Don't worry, Sona, I'm sure you'll love being a part of me... just as much as Lux and Katarina do. Though, between you and me, you certainly have been my favorite... Now, it's time to dine!" *SHLORP!* As the beauty bowed her head and her arms went limp, the tail immediately struck down upon her naked body and swallowed up her darling head. The drooling, tan lips gripped the morsel by her slender shoulders, her blue hair trailing out from the bell down her back. Cell sat back upon his knees, easily manipulating Sona with his prehensile appendage and sitting her up with him. Without hesitation, his tail maw began to suck and jerk quickly, working two-fold to both drive her further into the tail, as well as pound her even harder against his cock. He was using her like a jackhammer, her breasts and twin-tails bobbing with the strange, oscillating motion. Gero's abomination was in heaven. He wasn't aware, nor did he care about the girl's own betraying pleasure. Taking everything from the poor heroine for his own indulgence was what he lived for. Her tight sex was absolutely marvelous, and he could feel his excitement building to its peak "AHAHAHAHA!!! Time for a proper goodbye gift!!! The final crescendo!!" Cell teased, preparing for his release... Sona was in hell. Daggers stabbed through her hips as she was filled so tightly and stretched so wide, and the air around her head was damp and hot, quickly choking her out. She glued her eyes shut out of terror, pain and just a hint of wild animalistic pleasure. Wouldn't have been much of a view anyway... the only thing she'd be able to see was her destination, where she'd subsequently be sent once she was done being fucked and used as a receptacle for this monster's cum. Lux... her friend, who she hadn't even known was missing, devoured by this very same creature only a short time ago. Katarina, as well... that would explain why she wasn't on security detail. Both those girls were fortunate, Sona thought, if they weren't as 'favored' by this creature as she was, to be stripped and abused. Sona instinctively did her best to wrap her legs around Cell to try and hold herself in place, staving off her being eaten just a little longer. Her breasts were pounding against her body from the rough bouncing and swaying, causing them to grow ever sorer, the two sapphire twintails kicking up slightly. They were pinned behind her shoulders for the largest part as the tail forced itself over her further, taking up her chest and showing the bulge nicely. By now, her struggles were just in natural response to pain, discomfort, and climax... she knew it was pointless. "RrrrrraaaaaaAAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHH!!!!!" Cell roared as he came. Shot after shot of hot, white cum erupted from him, filling Sona to the brim. It was perfection. The sweet little death that made his spine tingle as the rest of the world melted away. The monster let out a satisfied sigh, closing his eyes and taking a moment to enjoy the aftershocks of his wicked deed. After the precious moment had passed, he turned his attention back to the squirming bulge that was still interlocked with his manhood. "Well, it's been fun, dear, but it's getting late. I think it's time for you to be heading home now...your new home that is..." The winged creature stood up from off the couch, taking the girl with him. She held onto him tightly with her legs, desperately trying to keep herself from being absorbed. "What's this? You want to keep fucking that badly, hmmm? Keh heh heh!" Cell easily pulled and disentangled the violated victim from his torso by the tail's sheer muscle power alone. She was left dangling in the air of the dressing room, her luscious breasts and iconic face already sealed away tight inside that malicious organ. The jerking suddenly recommenced, and the unfortunate musician's lovely, flat stomach began to disappear from sight and into the orifice. She was almost halfway engulfed, her cute belly button kissed the hideous wet lips of the tail. The tight fleshy rim of Cell's tail overtook Sona's elbows, taking what parts of her arms remained free and outside and pinning them to her hips. Her legs kicked furiously in an effort to reach the ground or to find the body of her captor, in order to gain traction... anything, anything to avoid her impending absorption. The proof of Cell's pleasure dripped down Sona's thighs, thoroughly coating the insides of her legs and her pussy, reddened and puffy from abuse. To think the monster could have been harboring such a malicious cock capable of stretching her so wide, the perfect insult to injury; not only was he devouring her, but he saw it necessary to torment and rape her, as well? If Sona was crying in the same fits Katarina and Lux had, Cell had no way of telling... and to the maven's dismay, he likely did not care. Inside of Sona's chest, all hope had been lost. Now she only waited for the end, her legs' struggles coming to an end as the rest of her smooth tummy was slurped up, leaving her hips and legs. "AAAHAHAHAHAHA!" Cell cackled as he watched Sona reach her breaking point. The Maven of strings was a jewel admired across the entire realm of Runeterra by members of all creeds and nations, but now here she was all his, reduced to nothing more than a quick fuck and a sumptuous meal for a beast. There was hardly any use prolonging the inevitable, and so Cell vigorously jerked what was left of the supple young woman up and up into his fleshy maw. Her smooth, slender legs, slick with sweat, drool and cum being slurped up like noodles into the tightly closing funnel. Sona's buxom upper body was being forced into the cramped confines of the green and black length of the tail. The damp, undulating red flesh was all around her, tasting every inch of her nude, perfect skin. She was being bathed in saliva, her hair becoming drenched and would stick flat to her body. With a few final jerks, Sona's dainty ankles and feet dissipated from sight, and the tail sealed shut behind her, sealing her fate as well. The monster licked his lips, proudly eyeing the writhing bulge. She was finally his for good. Sona wanted very much to raise her hands out of instinct and let them guide her along her final journey but, pinned to her sides as they were, she was denied even this simple comfort. The flesh felt unwelcoming on her face. It, along with the pulsating, throbbing soft tissue all around her, was wet to the touch and constantly churning, one second being vacuum-tight on her skin, and the next minute there'd be a pocket of air. No longer feeling the cool air on her toes, she understood time was short. That strange energy that she felt grew nearer and nearer... Lux and Katarina had taken this same path, and Sona shared their pain now. Cringing as the undulations of Cell's tail muscles rapidly pulled her down that dark tunnel to her end, she dared to open her eyes and look before her. A glow...? The buxom bulge was unceremoniously squelched away, as a loud, sickening *GULP!* sent poor Sona into Cell's impossibly large stomach. A sigh of satisfaction escaped Cell's lips as he closed his eyes and fell back onto the sofa to rest. It had been an exhausting day, after all... The nude newcomer would soon come face to face with the other permanent residents of Cell's fleshy dungeon. They were both in pink cocoons, but she'd be able to tell the difference between the two, as Lux was an incredibly bright shining yellow, while Katarina was a dimly glowing red. It was true what they said though, three was a crowd. As roomy as the organ was, it too had its limit, and the quarters would be cramped enough for Sona to be uncomfortable pressed up against her colleagues. "My my, where are your manners girls! Let's make a little room for our star, shall we?!" Luxanna's pod immediately sprung to life, and the pitiful tormented girl, who was alive, but had been completely transformed to energy at this point, was jostled around as the tubes around her began pumping away. The crown jewel of the Crownguard family was then horrifyingly sucked out of existence, her energy dispersed through the tubes and throughout Cell's body. The cocoon collapsed as it emptied, until it was just Sona and Katarina within that tomb. Cell felt a rush as Lux was fully absorbed, forever a part of him. Sona begged her arm to move, to reach out to that pod and try some futile effort to pull on it as if it would have done anything, but her body was far too weary to move. Or, perhaps, there was incredible resistance holding her still. Her lips trembled as she thought of the same pod overcoming her, converting her to naught more than a faint blue glow until it, too, pumped and churned her away. Or maybe Cell would keep her around as an eternal prisoner within her own flesh - after all, he had said she was his favorite. This fate, she decided, was even worse and she prayed that whatever he did decide to do, at least a kind afterlife awaited her. Sona clung to the other pod, the one that held Katarina or something that felt like her. She could have sworn that at some point during that horrific scene that had just unfolded, she heard a girl's scream. "Hah hah hah, welcome home, sweet Sona." Cell mused as he rested his hands on his stomach, kicking his feet up and getting comfortable atop the couch, lying upon Sona's torn, silky dress. "I hope you had a chance to say goodbye to Lux, heh heh. Now if you don't mind, love, I think I'm going to take a well deserved nap, but do try to get comfortable in there, you're in for quite a long stay!" It really had been a tiresome day, but a wonderful day for Cell all the same. It wouldn't take long at all for the monster to drift asleep inside that dim dressing room, his mind not even slightly burdened by the many horrific acts he had committed that day. Inside, Sona was able to feel the still beating heart of Katarina, who was in a trance like sleep that the maven would soon know all too well. The two ladies weren't alone for long... Thick, pink tendrils shifted out of the walls and began to occupy the space that Lux's pod had taken up. They quickly began exploring the cavernous organ, searching for and snatching up the new being that had just been dumped inside their lair and was in swift need of cocooning. And just as Cell’s nightly dreams began, Sona’s nightmare sealed shut around her forever in a sudden, dismal end. |
’t help to start any kind of relationships at his colledge. But the hormones were doing their job and the young man just couldn’t help himself, feeling horny every single time he saw a sexy lady or even gentleman around
He never was into furries too much though, or at least tried to urge himself in this, but he still felt pretty awkward staring at naked wolves and foxes in the locker room after their football team training so he couldn’t be 100% sure even in this
Finally, he got tired from this uncertainity and dared to do what his friend ought him to do long time ago - visit the local night club in search of a partner. The young man put on his leather jacket, skinny jeans and white t-shirt, trying to look as attractive as possible. He passed the face-control fairly easily despite fearing it most of all, thanks to his appearance, but when he saw all those people and furs dancing and chilling out, while the loud energetic music was filling up the dance floor, he felt even more shy and awkward than usual, hurrying up to take the free seat at the bar counter and trying not to look at anyone too long not to attract any unnecessary attention. He just needed some time to relax and decide what to do next and he hoped that he would have that time, though damn, it was easy to do anything but relax with that loud music, flashing lights and musky scent of sweat and alcohol around
Ammy was ordering another drink her face was flushed red as her ears fluttered she hiccups cutely as the bartender sets her drink down "Enjoy" She smirks before chugging the cup with ease loud wet gulps able to be heard by anyone right next to her before she slams it down and burps with a smug look on her face "Gosh I love this stuff". Ammy was a bit drunk and felt warm and fuzzy noticing the cute guy next to her "How are you"? She smiles as her eyes look over at him her tail brushing up against his back Alex couldn't help but blushed as the smelly belch hit his face. This kitty girl was not only sexy, but also quite liberated unlike him, and that made her look even more attractive for him despite, or, better say, inspite of her table manners... "I-I'm fine, thx..." He replied shyly as she spoke to him, blushing even more as her tail got under his shirt and tickled his back with its soft fur. "You enjoying it here c-cutie"? She scooted closer as her purring got louder her breath smelling like alcohol and meat "You need to loosen up this ish a place of fun" Ammy hiccups and pats her tummy which was slightly bloated due to her drinking alot "I feel so warm you should feel warm too". She hugs him her breasts pressing on his chest as her tail kept rubbing and teasing his bare back "Y-yes..." He murmured a bit awkwardly as the feline approached him, washing his face with her hot humid breath, bringing the scent of her stomach contents to his nostrils. He had no idea why, but his body found this extremely arousing, and his hardened shaft made a noticeable bulge on his crotch. That bulge got pressed against Ammy's thigh as she hugged Alex, making him blush even more and a silly smile appear on his face as he enjoyed this embrace quite a lot. Her breasts were soft and squishy and being pressed against them felt simply divine. He dared to put his hands on her sides, rubbing them tenderly and shivering as he felt those ominous groans, coming out from the depths of her cute pot belly. "S-so... how would you like to make me feel warm?" He asked her shyly, shivering as her tail kept teasing the sensitive skin on his back. "Meet me in the bathroom and f-find out" She hiccups in his ear before licking it her hand rubbing his bulge before she stands up a bulge showing in her skirt as she staggers over to the woman's restroom turning around and winking at him before entering it her ass softly bounced as her tail swayed before disappearing around the corner into the bathroom before a loud belch could be heard coming from it calling to him and his urges. "H-huff... s-sure..." Alex babbled, shivering as Ammy gave a teasing lick to his ear and a playful squeeze to his crotch. He noticed the bulge in her skirt, blushing even more as he realized that she might have a shaft bigger than his own one. He just couldn't miss this opportunity and as soon as Ammy's tail vanished behind the corner, he followed her, entering the lady restroom after a bit of hesitation. Ammy was waiting for him seeing the cute guy enter the bathroom they were alone and she was in the mood from the booze and food she had earlier "You're very cute I think you deserve some of this" She lifts up her skirt to reveal the bulge in her panties. She licks her lips and gropes herself as her purrs got deeper and low "Get in that stall before someone else comes in" Ammy hiccuped and rubbed her tummy as it gurgled her gut was busy digesting the mix of meat and booze. "M-mph, I'm really glad that you think so..." Alex murmured, blushing as Ammy showed off the bulge in her pinkish panties, groping it sensually. "Of course..." He added, following her in the stall and locking the door behind himself so no one would interrupt them. Being so close with a sexy and horny girl was extremely arousing for the shy guy and he even dared to kneel down in front of Ammy, giving her chubby tummy a few loving rubs. "Mind if I have a taste?" He asked her shyly, pulling off her panties slowly and blushing even more as her shaft popped out from them. He didn't waste any time, cupping her soft sweaty balls with one hand and stroking her dick with the other one, looking up to see if she liked that. His mouth was salivating from craving to feel the flavor of the kitty girl's dick, but Alex didn't dare to taste it without permission yet... "Go ahead it won't bite" She grins and softly pets him as her cock twitched loving how his hands were holding her balls her tail swaying as her ears perked up "Be a good boy and fit it all" Ammy grabbed his head as she gently presses the tip against his soft lips wanting to feel him lick it first before stuffing it further into his wet mouth her eyes looked into his as another wet gurgle came from her tummy before a soft burp escaped her lips. "I will try my best for you, darling..." Alex mused, smooching her moist dick head lovingly before wrapping his lips around it and starting to take more and more of her shaft into his mouth and then into his throat. The narrow tunnel of flesh was squeezing the kitty girl's shaft in a really pleasant way, and when the lad, who certainly wanted to be called a good boy, started bobbing his head back and forth with gradually increasing pace - that pleasure only doubled. One of his hands kept massaging Ammy's ballsack, while the other one raised up and laid onto her noisy middle, starting to tenderly rub her abdomen around her belly button, helping excessive gas to get removed from her stomach faster and free up some room for the next filling meal of hers... "G-God I love this k-keep going" Ammy was enjoying this especially the rubs as her stomach churned and bubbled feeling more gas escape as she belches and holds onto his head feeling his tight wet throat rub and clench on her cock "I-I thought you would be new to this b-but it seems you're quite experienced" She smirks and starts to gently thrust her hips forcing it more down his gullet as his neck bulged. Alex couldn't reply since he was mouthful, but mischievous sparkles in his eyes spoke better than a thousand words that he had some practice before not to disappoint his potential partner. He blushed and sped up every time Ammy belched, and his own cock left a moist spot on his crotch, showing how freaking pent up he was, willingly taking her shaft as deep as she wanted him too, enjoying the feeling of her balls slapping against his chin and his neck swelling with the shape of her rippling shaft. "Good boy l-let's help take care of your cute little cock first before we get to the good stuff" Ammy forces his head back and pulls her cock out spit and precum dripping from it as she smiled and shoved him onto the toilet before getting on her knees and tugging down his pants and boxers revealing his throbbing wet shaft "Let momma kitty take care of you". She licks her lips before fully engulfing it with ease swallowing hard to make her throat muscles tug on it while her hands held onto his thighs Alex gasped as Ammy suddenly pulled her shaft out from his mouth, leaving some pre and saliva on his lips and chin. He moaned as she manhandled him, making him sit on the toilet and pulling off his pants and underwear, starting the best and the last blowjob in his life. "N-ngh, babe, you're the best..." He moaned, tilting his head up and lowering his eyelids from pleasure as the kitty girl's tongue lapped around hus dick before it was wrapped with her narrow rippling throat. He didn't dare to move, savoring every motion of Ammy's head and every pulsation of her throat around his shaft, making it harden up and drip with more and more pre. She wetly slurped and swallowed the texture of her tongue teasing and rubbing his sensitive member loving the taste it has as her mouth was salivating making it more wet as drool was coating his crotch. Ammy was sloppy since she was drunk her face was blushing due to being horny and eager to chug his load while her hands squeezed and rubbed his soft thighs. "C-Cum down m-my throat" She said with his cock down her tight wet tunnel of a gullet her stomach loudly rumbling before she burped on his shaft the warm gassy air blowing on it. It didn't take her too long to make the horny boy cum - after all his most secret dream was finally becoming truth and every move of her head was bringing him closer and closer to his orgasm. "Y-yes, baby..." Alex babbled lustily and shivered with his entire body, finally blowing his load into the kitty girl's throat. There wasn't too much cum - he was just a human after all, but it certainly did taste really good and only teased her hungry stomach more... Ammy swallows his warm cum loud gulps filling the stall as she looked up at him before pulling off his cock slowly and licking her lips "Thanks for the treat" She softly mewed before burping now smelling like semen "Now it's my turn" She stands up lifts both of his legs up as she presses him against the back of the toilet her cock fully hard and dripping with precum "Kitty needs to stuff this cutie". Ammy grins as she pushes the tip against his tight ass Alex blushed as Ammy spit out his softened shaft, forcing him to roll onto his chest with his naked rear perked up for her. "N-ngh... yes... fuck the shit out of me, babe..." He moaned lustily, feeling how the kitty girl's shaft was crammed into his narrow butt hole, stretching his sensitive colon and making his softened shaft harden up again in a matter of seconds. She thrusts in hard forcing it deeper as his spit made it lubed making it slightly easier to stuff into his butt "Good boy just enjoy yourself" Ammy put him into a mating press as she was rough with him loving how tight his colon was "You probably want to be my food after this huh just a big piece of meat for my gut"? She grins and pats her belly as it growled "O-oh, yes... I would love that, my sexy predatory kitty..." Alex moaned, hearing the hungry groaning of Ammy's belly, feeling how her balls were slapping against his rear with every thrust she made, sending waves of pleasure through both of their bodies. Her shaft was constantly rubbing against the sensitive bulge of his prostate and it took her just a few minutes to make the horny human blow his load on the floor with a lusty moan and clench his anus even tighter around her shaft, milking it in a really pleasant way. Ammy bit her lip as her cock throbbed pressure building in her balls as she was getting close "Beg for it tell me how badly you want to be my food and cock sleeve". She goes faster wet slaps filling the bathroom as her shaft was shaping his colon Ammy leans down closer to his face and burps wetly getting some spit on him as her breath smelled like booze and cum the warm air blowing over him as she smacked her lips. "N-ngh... please... pump me full of kitty cum... cram me into your greedy belly... turn me into nothing more, but kitty pudge and shit..." Alex begged just as he was told to, moaning and huffing as every thrust of Ammy's made small spurts of pre and semen leak out from his already limp shaft. The scent of her nasty semi-digested stomach contents, brought to him with her belches, made him dream about becoming a part of those stomach contents after being pumped full of kitty cum, of course... She locks lips with him as she was pumping harder about to cum inside her cute soon to be meal as her balls were about to release a huge load. Ammy licks around inside his mouth teasing him as she purred making his lips vibrate before she slams in hard one last time making his abdomen bulge with her cock as she dumps her seed deep into his bowels filling his insides with warm fresh semen. Her balls churned as they were emptying into his tight anus about a couple gallons being spilled inside his colon and abdomen making his tummy bloat she soon finished fully slowly pulling out with a wet slurp as cum was coming out of his winking asshole "God I'm starving thanks for being my meal and fuck toy for tonight" Ammy giggled as she lifted up his legs and started to lick his feet the texture of her tongue making him ticklish "How do you want me to eat you unless your broken"? Alex gasped and moaned as his bowels were pumped full of hot sticky kitty jizz, making his belly swell and round up like a pregnant one. He lowered his eyelids from pleasure as Ammy kissed his lips. He sighed as she broke the kiss, gasping as she pulled her shaft out from his overstretched rear and groped him by his ankles and moaning as she gave his bare feet a teasing lick, making him giggle and wiggle his toes from tickles. "Swallow me feet first please... I want to see how your belly swells as you do so..." He mused with a cute blush and mischievous smile on his face. "Good boy" Ammy smiled before opening her maw and cramming his feet into her mouth groping his thighs as she swallowed feeling his feet bulge her throat before another wet gulp forces them down as more of his legs were being stuffed into her gullet. Her tongue was licking around his soft legs while she gulped and swallowed loving how his sweat and cum was making him tastier her purrs got louder as her tail swayed. Ammy lifts him up more so he was eye level as she slurped and gobbled up his legs her tongue now teasing his soft butt and crotch as she got more greedy eager to fit him down into her hungry stomach. "M-mph, yes... Swallow me down, baby..." Alex moaned lustily, enjoying the feeling of Ammy's muscular gullet walls rippling around his legs, massaging them in a really pleasant way, dragging the horny prey deeper and deeper into the predator kitty girl's sexy body. His moans only got louder as she started licking all over his rear, cock and balls, savoring their lovely flavor and making the horny human hard again. He felt how his feet squeezed through the narrow sphincter into much roomier fleshy chamber, which could be nothing, but Ammy's stomach. His soles dipped into its nasty sticky contents, making his moan and wriggle with his entire body a little bit from pleasure, only worming his way deeper into Ammy's gullet. She loved the squirms as she kept swallowing him down her lips stretching overt his ass and past his hips as she held his arms together to make it easier for him to slide down. Ammy hiccups forcing down about a foot of him in one go as she was now past his tummy the only thing left was his chest, shoulders, and head she stared into his eyes as she wetly gulped dragging him closer and closer to her mouth as his legs were starting to bulge and stretch her gut. "That feels so... good..." Alex babbled with a blissful smile on his face, feeling how the warmth and softness of the pred's flesh was wrapping more and more of his body, coating it with saliva and gently massaging it with rhythmic contractions of gullet muscles. Those pulsations made his shaft hard again in no time, giving him tons of kinky pleasure and squeezing his cum-filled belly tenderly. He tried to make as few resistance as possible, letting his legs bend inside Ammy's stomach and keeping his arms pinned to his sides so she could swallow the rest of his body with ease and joy. Ammy uses her free hand to push him down her throat his head now at the back of her mouth all he could see was the outside world from her mouth before a loud gulp and he was pulled down into the dark fleshy tunnel on her neck she traces the bulge all the way down to her belly as he plopped fully in her stomach letting out a satisfying sigh while licking her lips "You tasted lovely and also very filling" She pats her tummy and softly rubs the side of it before belching loudly "Hope you had fun sweetie since by the end of the night you'll be nothing but bones and shit clogging a toilet at a nightclub". Ammy hiccups and sat down on the toilet needing to relax as she was tired from the sex. Alex moaned and huffed, blowing his load in Ammy's gullet and softening with his entire body in a blissful afterglow again, feeling how the kitty girl's jaws pulled over his shoulders and then head, closing over it and separating him from the outer world. With the last thick greedy gulp, he was sent all the way down to Ammy's stomach. He listened carefully to her loud thumping heartbeat and deep breath while his head was making its way through her chest, until he was completely crammed inside her tight stomach, forced to curl down into fetal position around his own bloated cum-filled belly, making Ammy's belly big, round and heavy. "M-mph, it was the best night in my life, baby... now please, digest me... make me a part of you once and for all..." He begged in a lusty voice, gently rubbing slimy fleshy walls around him with both hands and feet of his, feeling how his body was coated with thick caustic sludge, starting to digest him pretty damn fast... She uses both hands to rub her big tummy as it gurgled and churned trying to soften up her big meal "Then squirm for me struggle like you're trying to escape my stomach that always helps digest prey faster" Ammy chuckled loving how willing he was to becoming neko pudge "Could I get your name before you slosh into soup"? She didn't really care since she prob would forget by tomorrow but she was curious since she literally fucked and ate him without ever asking who he was. "M-mph, of course... everything you wish, baby..." Alex moaned, starting to squirm and wriggle with all of his might yet making sure not to hurt the sexy pred even a tad bit. "My name is Alex... and yours?" He asked, feeling a bit confused that he got fucked and eaten by a girl he didn't know at all. Not that it matter much though - his lower half was already getting numb in that sludge pool on the bottom of neko girl's stomach, melting into nutrient soup of meat and bones, gradually seeping deeper, into her intestines. "Ammy" She smirks as she shakes her belly and rubs and kneads more "Struggle as hard as you can I-I love it don't worry you won't hurt this tough kitten" Ammy loved it when they struggled feeling the bulges and seeing imprints of their head and hands as they try to escape only to churn and slosh into mush in her fleshy prison "I want to enjoy this till the end" "I will try my best for you, Ammy..." Alex moaned lustily, enjoying that rubbing and kneading she gave to her belly from the outside. He squirmed and struggled as hard as ge could, making her belly all jiggle and wobble sexually and its contents slosh and bubble around him. Unfortunately, her gastric juices were too potent, corrupting his muscles more and more with every minute. His movements were slowing down, his mind was dizzy from blood and oxygen loss. "I guess... this is it... I love you, Ammy... have fun digesting and shitting me out..." He murmured, barely audibly through the pred's flesh and her stomach gurgling, losing his consciousness and turning into nothing more, but a huge chunk of human meat and bones for the sexy neko to digest. "So sweet god why do all the cute ones end up being food" She snickered before burping loudly releasing some pressure from her gut "Worth it though" Ammy purrs and relaxes on the toilet as her belly softened him up and was churning him into slurry for her intestines to process and absorb wet gurgles and groans could be heard in the bathroom as the neko was busy digesting her meal. About an hour later her stomach was half it's size and most of Alex was just shit and bones in her bowels causing pressure as she moaned loving how his bones would poke her abdomen from time to time "Guess it's time to let you back out". Ammy stands up over the toilet and bends over pressing her hands against the stall door as she pushed feeling her asshole stretch as the first log was coming out with his femurs and pelvis bones a wet plap as it lands in the bowl the second log coming out with ease as it had his spine in the center of it the bowl now already full but she had plenty more to go before she was done. She moans as a wet fart roars from her ass before a couple little bones from his fingers come spraying out making a mess on the wall the third log now snaking out of her rectum with his arm bones and a mix of his ribs the toilet now covered in shit and his remains. Ammy was panting as something was bulging her abdomen it was round and was plugging her anus she pushes harder until a wet pop was heard and his skull lands on top of the pile she looks back to see most of the toilet buried in her shit with his bones embedded and mixed in "Have fun with the janitor Alex" She chuckles before wiping her ass clean and tossing it on the mound opening the stall and looking at herself in the mirror admiring her gains as her breasts felt heavier and her thighs were thicker. Her tummy still was bloated looking like she was pregnant Ammy rubs it before putting on her panties and skirt leaving the bathroom to go enjoy the nightclub more before later going home to wake up to a hangover tomorrow. |
Let me tell you about MY experience with anal vore. One Saturday morning I'm in bed with my boyfriend, in my apartment, and we're having morning sex. He stops while he's literally inside me, mid thrust, and looks deep into my eyes. Now...normally this is the part where guys say 'I love you' so I'm getting ready for that, but instead he says 'I have a confession.' Paralysis. He's been cheating on me. 'I have this really weird sexual fetish.' Relief. Confessing infidelity while balls deep in me is a sure way to get throat punched. So I try to be supportive and neutral about it, I'm a good girlfriend, I tell him whatever it is is probably fine. I like this guy. I'm pushing thirty and I spent too much time in school, I want kids before I start having fertility problems, so I'm waiting for him to propose. He's everything I've been looking forward to. Then he explains anal vore. I have...a pretty hard time wrapping my mind around it. But he's so hesitant and shame faced, it's obvious he's terrified I'll be grossed out and reject him. So I reassure him it's weird but not a deal breaker. He's relieved to hear that. THEN he goes on to ask me if I'll do it to him. I won't get into details, but we actually had the means to shrink him. Sort of a pym particle thing. At first I say no, cause it's dangerous. What if I crush him? But he starts begging, telling me he's invulnerable at that size, offering to prove it to me. I'm cautious, but he shrinks himself. In bed. And falls into the depression I make in the cover sheet, so I have to yelp and fish him out. We experiment a bit. Little stuff at first; flicking him, squeezing him, eventually stepping on him on the floor. Nothing. He's like a rock. I eventually put him in my ear so I can hear him and straight up ask him what he fantasizes about. Usually ladies like hearing that their man fantasizes about them. But the stuff going into my ear literally made my face turn beet red. But okay. I like him. Plus, if I'm cool with his fetish it'll be less likely he cheats on me someday, so I agree. Tentatively. He's about three inches, so I start things off as well as I can, keeping my expression mild and interested. I pinch him between thumb and forefinger and insert about half of his tiny body up my bum, standing in the bathroom in front of the mirror so I can see what I'm doing. Success. I sort of...drop my leg. That brings by buns back together and covers him up completely. So I walk naked through the house and go into the kitchen, feeling the hard laminate under my bare feet. I'm playacting now in my head, trying to figure out what to do from here. I can barely feel his upper torso hanging out of my anus, but my cheeks are big enough to sandwich him tight so he can't fall out. I open the fridge and bend down to retrieve a cherry coke zero, which probably parts them enough for him to glimpse daylight before I stand up and they press together again. I have a nice big butt, you see. It's easy to say so when writing anonymously. I'm quietly proud of it, guys like to stare at it, I wear booty shorts sometimes to show it off. Usually the attention is good and nobody is creeping out on me. There have been a few times, but I've got several guy friends who keep it platonic. Or at least they keep their hands to themselves and their flirting tasteful. It makes me feel safe. I'm blessed that way. Broadening my horizons. I thought about this as I opened up the coke and went back into the bedroom. Being adventurous. Trying new things. It wasn't particularly interesting by itself, maybe a mild ego trip, but I'm sure he was probably loving it. I tried to imagine what was going on in his mind. I exaggerated my stride to sway my hips a bit and shake him around. It probably didn't do much. My butt was big enough that he was properly sandwiched. Crash padding. I smirked at the thought. I crawled carefully back into bed, on my hands and knees, then stopped to chide myself. I couldn't hurt him. He wanted me to be rough. Of course, he might change his mind about that after this, but it was his stupid request in the first place. I was just being nice. I flipped over to prop my back up against the pillows and sat up in bed, sitting on him. He could just stay down there for a while. Sipping coke, I realize being a giantess was actually pretty boring. He expected me to act coy or domineering or something, but what if I didn't? I thought about it. If I'm supposed to be in charge, and he wants to be my plaything so bad, I should just do whatever I want. Right now what I want is to drink a coke and maybe have an orgasm and then go do some sewing. I want to work on my cosplay costumes. Fucking stupid ass boyfriend making me do backflips. That's not fair. He is good to me, really. He does my laundry, and folds it and puts it away. I hate laundry. So I feel him struggling or twitching or something. Maybe he's trying to get comfortable because my butt is crushing him against the sheets? Maybe he's trying to stimulate me somehow? I sip my coke and decide to go with it. Pulling him out and asking if he's okay would probably ruin it for him. I grip the coke firmly to chill and numb my fingers, then switch hands and start playing with myself. I know how to turn myself on at least. Closing my eyes and enjoying the freezing touch of my own fingers is easy. Cold soft drink. Great trick. I chew my lip and make a few squeaky little moans. I'm not entirely acting. I make those sounds to get myself in the mood, if I'm honest. Anal stimulation actually does help. A bit. It's really a mental thing. I try to envision myself as this sassy dom queen. Being worshipped and admired is awesome as long as I'm in the right mood and it's done right. He probably wants me to sit up or straddle a pillow or something, but too fucking bad. I can't come easily like that. I have to be laying down or relaxing. He can just deal. I come pretty fast. It's an ok orgasm, not earth shattering or toe curling. Not a 'gusher', I'm not that well lubricated. And I'm glad. That would be hell on my sheets, even with a towel under me. I think about taking him out just then, but I really want to do some sewing. If I let him out and he hasn't finished yet I'll feel obliged to help him out, and fuck it, if he wants me to be cruel and keep him in my ass he can just deal with some boredom. I get up and put on tiny cotton shorts and a t-shirt and go out to the living room. No bra or thong or sandals. I live alone. The door is locked and the curtains are drawn. I can be comfy. So yeah, I sit at my little table in the dining room with my cosplay stuff and get out my fabric and start sewing. And my tiny boyfriend just...stays halfway up my bum hanging out. I actually forget about him for a little bit. I'm ashamed to say it, but he doesn't feel like much and I'm already satisfied so I get lost in my work. When I remember him I feel guilty so I play it off like it was intentional. I shake my butt a bit and say 'I don't feel you worshipping me down there. Get back to work boy toy.' And oh boy does he start twitching. I almost jump. It takes me a moment to relax and get used to it. I don't know if he's licking or massaging me or what, but I figure with my cheeks half parted by the chair he could have crawled out and escaped through my shorts if he really wanted to. I'm posing now. Back arched, shoulders back, sticking my bum out to exaggerate the curvature of my lower back. I figured that one out at pool parties in high school. Later on when I let him out and restored him he was *so* grateful for that part it was funny. Inwardly funny, I didn't laugh at him, I'm not a bitch. But he hadn't managed to come at all. That really disappointed me, but looking back it made sense. How could he get at his dick with his lower torso walled off by my sphincter? Plus he was hanging upside down out of my bum much of the time. Or smooshed underneath me. So there I am, trying to sew with this tiny guy having a fucking religious frenzy against my anal entry. I play him out a bit. I moan and shift my hips and say 'harder slave' and basically try to tire him out. I won't lie, it's fun. Not sexually stimulating, but fun to tease him and play the evil chick. I'm happy knowing he's happy. Nothing wrong with taking pride; if I'm going to do him a favor I don't want to halfass it. What really worries me is his proximity to my cunt. I actually like the word cunt, by the way. Ever since I started reading feminist literature. Most words for vagina are considered vulgar, but men talk about their dicks all the time. Women need a casual word, and 'pussy' makes me think of this big felix the cat wall clock my parents owned when I was young. Not sexy at all. So cunt it is. So there I am, deathly afraid he'll start messing with my cunt. I don't want bum bacteria in my bits. Vaginitis is no joke. I remember that I can't hurt him; those tests where I stepped on him were pretty conclusive. It seemed like he couldn't suffocate. I know he wants to try being in my rear. So I get up. Butt closes, boyfriend gets smooshed and falls still (thank God, please not while I'm walking), I go to my room and dig through my top drawer for the box with the sex toys. I own this little chrome colored tube vibrator that uses two AAA batteries with a long corded remote and a little thumb wheel to control intensity. And an eight inch glossy black silicone dildo that reminds me hilariously of a zucchini. And a bottle of lube. I'm snickering now. He's going to trip out when I eventually release him, but he'll forgive me. So I go into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. Hands on hips, thighs apart, I flex my defecation muscles and try to do some sort of reverse peristalsis trick. That means sucking him up my rear with no hands, for those who are curious. I didn't think it was possible. And no, in fact, it's not. That hole is meant to push things out, not pull them in. If I have to go number two I can hold it and pull waste deeper for a while, but it has to be *in* my colon already. I give up trying after a minute and chastise myself for being dumb. Seriously, the things I do for love. Back into the bedroom. I prop the dildo up on my nightstand and slather it with lube, trying to stop it from falling over. I'm anxious now. My butt is decently stretchy when I'm all warmed up, but I've just been sewing and am NOT warmed up. Boyfriend can't see shit, he's totally buried between my cheeks cause I'm standing upright. He obviously *does* see it when I finally turn around and start to sit down on the thing, but there's not a lot he can do at that point. I feel it against my anus, which reflexively squeezes shut to stop it. Gently, carefully, I sink down. Chewing my lip in mild pain as this big foreign THING fills my ass up, trying to relax, trying to stretch out. It takes a bit, but I manage it. So now I'm sitting on the nightstand next to my bed with my shorts around my ankles and a pretty decent sized dong entombed up my ass. It's damned uncomfortable. And I've just pushed my tiny beau completely up my bum as deep as it's probably possible for him to go. Like, *at* my rectoid sphincter (I'll get to that in a moment). I really hope he's as invincible as he claimed. I tell myself he is. That, and I am a GREAT fucking girlfriend for doing this. Plus now there's no more danger of him getting fresh and spreading fecal bacteria into my vagina, thankyouverymuch. I get up carefully and pull the dildo out. Funny thing about dildos; if you just pull on it your anus actually tries to fight you. I got into a tug of war with my stupid body the first time I tried to use it that way. The trick is to shit them out WHILE gently pulling. Gentle gets it out, hard makes it lock. Asses are like seatbelts that way. So I pull it out, feeling all void-y and loose inside, and of course he's not on it. Not surprising. It's super smooth and covered in silicone grease stuff. I sigh and start to slide the chrome vibrator up my bum in its place, which is much easier cause it's very thin by comparison. My anus squeezes closed and kinda 'swallows' the thing once it's past the entry. Just this fucking electrical cord sticking out of my rear connected to the remote in my hand. Aaaand I pull up my shorts, go back into the front room, and keep on sewing. By this point I'm nervous. I can't feel my boyfriend anymore. Special note here. I looked up a porn video of a camera going up a girls bottom after he told me about his fetish. So now I *know* it's actually smooth and clean and rubbery up in my bum unless there's a shit coming down the line. Pinkish, with weird membranous webbing, shot through with little capillaries like dark circuitry. You can look it up if you don't believe me. The rectum only sees poop very briefly when I actually go number two. The rest of the time all the shit is held deeper in the sigmoid colon, where it collects. The scariest thing inside my butt is the *other* sphincter, separating my rectum from my sigmoid colon. That looks like a horrible toothless lamprey that keeps puckering up to smooch and occasionally disgorges logs of waste. It's called a sigmoidorectal junction reflex. Try saying that five times fast. Not the best image, certainly not erotic to most people, but that's what the inside of my 'ass' is really like. Being in my rectum is like being stuck inside a sausage casing. Plus my heartbeat, gurgling stomach, digesting food, etc. If he could see anything that is. Which he can't because he's naked and doesn't have a light. I don't know how long I work before I decide to pulse the vibrator to mess with him. Ten minutes maybe? A buzzing sensation hits me, deep in my pelvis. My butt vibrates. I've got some fat back there. Junk in my trunk. My milkshake doesn't exactly bring all the boys to the yard, but I'm no slouch. He doesn't really DO anything that I can feel, but I imagine him freaking out when the vibrator turns on and that makes me laugh. I turn it on and off a bunch of times, rolling the dial with my thumb. I do this for a while. I'm just playing now. That's what it is; playing. I know he's turned on by this anal vore thing, so I'm making a game of messing with him. I mean it's funny, keeping my boyfriend up my butt. Weird as hell, but I've resolved to move past that and run with it to see if I can. And I can. He's sweet, pulls his weight, respects me, all the good stuff. I can do this. There's not a lot of time, nerves wise, between when you know you have to fart and you actually do it. I never really thought about this before. Really the important thing if you're in public is to sneak off or make sure nobody realizes it was you. Farting blatantly isn't ladylike. But when your beau is literally up your ass there is ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING WAY to dodge that bullet. None. So the first time it happens I freak out and hold it in, reflexively thinking 'hey, I don't wanna fart on my poor boyfriend', but that's stupid because that just holds the fart *in* and builds up pressure and methane so he thinks I'm torturing him in a pressure cooker. I got an earful for that later. I told him he had it coming, cause it's better to play it off like it was intentional than admit I panicked. I figured all this out pretty fast and just let the gas go, but that moment of indecision was a lesson I'm sure he won't forget. Yes. I fart. If he wants to be up my ass so bad he has to just cope with it. The vibrator is still fun after that. At least for a while. I eventually get up and go to the kitchen to heat up a slice of pizza. I imagine my walking feels crazy to him, so I get this idea. He wants mean bitch? I can do mean bitch. I start shaking it. Club dancing around the kitchen like a loon; popping, dropping, clapping. Nobody’s watching, so why not? No reaction from my butt, but that's no surprise. He's too small. I just imagine what it's like for him. Microwave beeps, I get my food and decide to finally let him out. Now...ladies be warned. It turns out if something in your bum is TOO small, your insides can't feel it and peristalsis isn't triggered. Normally it feels like trying to push out a...let's call it a deuce. But you have to FEEL the deuce. Your body can't push out nothing. I'm in the bathroom standing in the tub, squatting, when I figure this out. Time to panic. I try gently pulling out the vibrator, hoping he's holding onto it or something, but it comes out bare. Of course. I've just been torturing him with it, he has no idea I'm trying to get him out. Why would he hold onto it? I sit on the side of the tub and try to figure out what to do. My boyfriend is stuck up my butt. I am NOT going to the hospital and trying to explain this one to a doctor. In the end I get creative. I tie a length of dental floss around an old toothbrush (which immediately went into the trash after) and push it up my rear while saying 'hold on' over and over, hoping he can hear me through my body. Three tries, and the toothbrush comes out with him attached. He's wet. Slightly covered in a sheen of what I guess I'll call slime, but that's it. I take him off and put him on the bathroom counter to recover. He cowers like a mole in bright light. I sorta watch him awkwardly, wondering what to say after that. How do you end this sort of thing? In the end I settle on, 'welcome back, hope you had fun.' That's pretty good right? He takes a while to recover. I really worked him over with the club dance and the vibrator and the dildo. I give him some space, then when he stands up I take him to the floor and restore him to his proper size. I give him this halfhearted smile as he stares at me. Processing. 'Thank you,' he says finally. 'That was awesome.' I'm floored. FLOORED. I didn't even know how to respond to that. I confessed to the sewing and he was completely cool with it. HOW is a guy COOL with his girlfriend walking off to sew costumes in the middle of sex? He was just...grateful. He adored me. We had thai that night (my favorite). I got a proposal one week later. I’m wearing an engagement ring now. Go me. I think about that night a lot. How it wasn't this big erotic thing, but I kinda got into it. Most men are demanding or judgmental, but he just straight up adored me for it. I decided I could get behind it...occasionally. He really tries hard to satisfy me in the bedroom now, hoping the next time he asks me to shrink and play with him I'll say yes. Sometimes I do. Not too often. I've done it a few times to win arguments, I'll admit. It's kind of like makeup sex except….makeup timeout in my bum while I watch Gilmore Girls and eat low fat froyo. So that's my experience with anal vore. |
Another perfectly timed E-Q combo, another negation of all magic damage. Talk about never catching a break, amirite? [10:10] [All] Smol Puss (Camille): That’s going in my cringe compilation. Being familiar with humiliation fails in comparison to the sensation of being mocked, an inferior in the wake of one better than yourself. Camille wasn’t an overly complicated champion, yet the intricate dodges and weaves in tandem with an obscenely over tuned passive left you dealing no damage. Talk about unlucky. If you believed in luck at all you’d have donned your rabbits’ foot and have a four-leaf clover bandana. This was purely a skill match, a battle of the ages that just resulted in you being blindsided by a hook shot. Your death time hits the solid 0/1/0 mark, signaling yet another demoralizing failure at basic dodging. [11:45] [All] Smol Puss (Camille): Is that the best you’ve got? Talk about a walking meme. Something seemingly snapped at this moment in time, your once aggressive playstyle morphing into that of a steroid enraged monster. Minus all the feeding and roid rage. Normal build paths would involve maxing Q then maxing E! Why do all that when you can booty-blast this bitch into next week with the stylin’ attack speed Twisted Fate? A master of deception and a gambler at heart, you induce a false sense of security through sly movements and occasional backing. All is set into motion when your third entrance into lane is marked by the introduction of a Guinsoo’s in the already convoluted equation. Funnily enough, Camille was still several steps ahead of your master plan. Having already completed a Spirit Visage she was practically still immune to all forms of damage. Unaware of the danger you faced at first, Camille healing for a 4th of her health bar caught you by surprise. The ensuing Precision Protocol marks your second death for a tasty 0/2/0. [13:33] [All] Smol Puss (Camille): I could have sworn you mentioned being “good” at this game. Ouch, that burn had to hurt more than any other. You never really brought up your rank, nor did you feel comfortable playing ranked. Which more than likely portrayed itself in your ELO. It made for an easier time stomping inferior players, of which your opponent was not. The icing on the cake however was the fact Camille wasn’t ranked at all. Distracted by constructing a plan to win the game, you fail to notice a fatal mistake until it hits with the force of a bull. Instead of stunning Camille with a gold card, you’d hit her with a blue
Which gave her the perfect opportunity to cast The Hextech Ultimatum. Your cry of despair is cut off as all oxygen is forcefully removed from your lungs. She’d slammed into your gut knees first! Doubled over in a mixture of pain and confusion you barely had time to register the creaking of metal until it was too late. Synthetic flesh and muscle envelope you on all sides, the sound of your own labored breathing and a beating heart the only companions in this horrid turn of events. The creaking of metal continues with the occasional gulp of your feeble form. Just as soon as it had begun it all ends with a compression of your body. Camille steadily rises with your pathetic form jiggling around in a space between her glorious ass and thicc thighs, her laughter further inducing a panic on your behalf. In the time between the previous back Camille had managed to pick up a Trinity force, an item that enabled her to literally demolish your tower in a single swipe of the leg. All of this found itself made worse by the constant dabbing penguin and mastery 7 emote flashing in view. There seemed to be no end to the torment you’d endure. [14:59] [All] Smol Puss (Camille): I never knew they added a Trash tier to the game. [15:00] [All] Smol Puss (Camille): It only took 15 minutes to pulverize and demoralize you. [15:30] [All] Smol Puss (Camille): Even the minions are mocking your pathetic attempt. True to her word, the minions were indeed blowing raspberries at your squirming form, the tight spandex Camille possessed further amplifying the look of terror on your face. No matter how much your squirmed, how much you cried, or how much you begged, the tight confines failed to relent. There was no escaping the The Hextech Ultimatum. [16:59] [All] Smol Puss (Camille): Did that tower seriously fall to a single Q? You really fed your ass off! [17:20] [All] Smol Puss (Camille): 0/3/0 with next to no CS? How did you even afford that troll of a build? Camille spammed her mocking laugh to no end, an occasional strut or pose mixed in with the show. The same voice line echoed in your mind, a demoralizing reminder of how bad you truly are. “Your feeble efforts are
disappointing.” “This is your best?” A solid slap to the imprint of your face in her already bountiful booty is given. Your screams silent to all but Camille. You’d been dealt a rigged hand, there had been no hope of winning this match up. “Pathetic.” Camille exclaims in the midst of demolishing your nexus. “Pathetic.” She exclaims as the game ends before the 20-minute mark. “Your arrogance will result in deletion.” The final blow to your ego, nothing more than a statistical imprint on Camille’s body. Mocked upon by close friends and groomers alike. All would know of your failure, a lack of IQ that’d forever go down in the books. The worst match up known to the community, featuring you as a bulge on the goddess of top lane. Not even your friends could look at you the same way
GAME OVER [??:??] [All] Smol Puss (Camille): Your fate has been sealed. Get churned. |
“Let’s see here
A field as far as the eye can see, bushes dotting the perimeter, and a totem marking the center of our little arena. Which is
Encased in an iridescent magic orb. Which is overseen by a higher deity?” Ahri audibly sighs. “Why did you think this was a good idea Sona? Did you even think to read the fine print?” The maven in question shrugs, having paused in the strumming of her etwahl to properly respond. “(It seemed like a good idea at the time. Not to mention the hostess was quite adamant in portraying the grand prize of whatever we choose. Should we win.)” Even she sounded unsure of herself, which was saying a lot considering the maven often thought highly of herself. Silence between the duo ensues for several moments. Only to be interrupted by a soothing, ethereal voice billowing from everywhere at once. “Welcome to the arena. You’ll find that your opponents are at a relative disadvantage in comparison to yourself. The power at which you’d normally find yourself portraying has been amplified. Sona, your power-level has advanced to Eleven, whereas Ahri, yours has been enhanced to 6. This should allow for teamwork to spread its metaphorical wings. With this change in level comes the kicker. The enemy will spawn in waves, with each wave being more difficult than the last. Your final encounter has yet to be decided. Prepare yourselves, the battle shall soon begin.” The voice fades from existence, replaced by the original soothing atmosphere. “Well, I don’t see any negative as of yet. No signatures detected, and the overall atmosphere is rather soothing. Some might even deem it
Romantic~” Ahri coos, cozying up against the maven in an attempt to lighten the mood. While also portraying her affection. Which in hindsight may have been obvious from the start! Doesn’t mean fox couldn’t act foxy. “(Hold that thought Ahri, presence detected.)” The maven’s voice echoes within Ahri’s head, her means of telepathy a huge plus when it came to most interactions. She may have exclaimed what she did in order to pry away from the fox as well. This concern is quickly wiped clean from Ahri’s mind, replaced by a fury that knew no bounds. “Of all the good for nothing annoyances to RUIN THE MOMENT. Who the FUCK thought it would be a good idea to interrupt our inter
” Ahri taps a finger to her chin, contemplating what would best be said in a situation such as this. They were to be considered enemies in this new portrayal of a battlefield, but he seemed friendly enough. “Complexion?” The kitsune finally manages to finish off her question, a sincere smile gracing her face. Ahri tended to be kind to those whom she knew cared about her. Singed definitely wasn’t one of them. The mad chemist takes a moment to adjust his gear, taking in to account the duo and the power of which they portrayed. The gears of his contraption had already begun to whir, silencing the once serene vicinity. The clicking and chirping emitting from his attire quite obviously disturbed the duo, and deep down struck fear into their hearts. This much Singed knew, and he also knew that fear would blossom once he presented his reworked canister. “(Ahri, I’m not sure if we should just be sitting around
!)” Sona’s voice has a tint of unease to it, making each word hit home for the Kitsune, who ironically enough also chose not to respond. Talk about a good teammate, if anything this resulted in the maven’s fear skyrocketing to the point of fear-shakes taking place. As if on an invisible cue, Singed whips out his new signature weapon of choice. Although inadequate in the eyes of yordles, the spray-gun packed with it a punch less than desired. The toxins brewing within could melt their target in a matter of seconds, leaving them open to further damage by means of spikes attached to the mad chemist’s knuckles. The immaculate display of horror was yet to reach its apex. With massive CLANG and GLU-GLORP, the weapon begins to glow a sickly green, the engines within the gun revving up for full blast! “Charm!” The abrupt reaction time of Ahri surprises not only Singed, but Sona as well. The maven likely would have helped had she not been frozen in fear. The charm in question lands a direct hit on Singed’s chemical tank, tinting the green liquid pink for a few seconds. In the time which a charm would normally last, the mad chemist of Zaun point-blank sprays the duo with the once toxic liquid. Time seemingly slows as the poisonous glop hurdles towards Sona and Ahri, soaking their clothing, hair, skin, and mouths in the gelatinous fluid. Prepared for the worst they’d already closed their eyes, with Ahri mimicking the shaking of Sona. Seconds pass post-hit of the still pink goop with no result. The chemical within Singed’s tank had since reverted to green, and the chemist was prepping a second blast. Peeking an eye open, Ahri looks from Sona to her own self, then over to Singed. Survival instincts kick into action as Ahri conjures her spirit orb and fox fires! Dashing forward right before Singed can process another expulsion of goop, the fox lets loose a devastating full combo. The charm hits head on, followed by all three fox fires and both sides of her spirit orb. The full move set spawns an excruciatingly powerful form of lightning, one which strikes down from the heavens in order to properly desolate the mad chemist of Zaun. The explosion sends Ahri tumbling backwards in a daze, the confusion as to what just happened evident in her eyes. With Singed properly disposed of the kitsune can finally check on her partner whom on closer inspection seemed to be shivering. The mysterious goop which’d been fired at the two had vanished into the aether, replaced by the original clothing and other attires. “Sona, you okay? You’re kind of all
Shaky aMMF!” The fox found her worry interrupted by a rather heated embrace of lips. The maven had apparently found it in her heart to finally return the affection which Ahri had sent her way for such a long time. Normally the one to initiate such interactions, this was quite a nice change of pace. The smooch lasts for several minutes, the duo getting a bit touchy feely with one another before once again being rudely interrupted. This time by miss tits herself, Sarah Fortune. A bounty hunter at heart and killer of the notorious gangplank. “Cut the funny business, I have come for the prize. Say your prayers honey.” The audible click of a gun prepping to be fired is interrupted by an immense blast of magic. Sona had properly hit her crescendo! Except, Miss Fortune wasn’t dancing or moving at all. She had been frozen in time, unable to respond or properly partake in any action. (“Ahri, love, can I see your canines for a second?”) The maven echoes within Ahri’s head, wrapping her magic around Miss Fortune’s waist unbeknownst to the fox. Although a weird request, the kitsune figured it probably had some cemented plus that she just hadn’t realized yet. So, without a singular peep Ahri opens her mouth to show off her sharp canines and perfectly brushed teeth. It was in these precious seconds that MF is whipped off her feet with both boots left behind, and then promptly stuffed into the kitsune’s slightly salivating maw. Both shocked and disturbed, the fox does her best to wrap her head around what the fuck Sona was doing. Why did she look so aroused? Was she leaking? Why did the Bounty Hunter taste so good? It is at this point that a primal hunger long forgotten reignites within Ahri, at which point she practically shreds the remaining clothing that MF possessed. GLRK, the sound escapes Ahri’s throat as she properly swallows the bounty hunter’s bare feet and naked legs. GULP, down goes the hunter’s waist and hands. It is at this point she begins to panic, squirming and whimpering in an attempt to free herself from the heated confines. Ulp!~, using both hands Ahri manages to shove the entirety of Fortune down her gullet, her captains hat fluttering to the ground below post-devourment. “Ooooh URP, I feel so full
Why did that feel so right? ~ I can’t help but desire more
” Ahri mumbles while subconsciously rubbing her distended stomach alongside Sona. The maven had done well and was now pampering Ahri by way of massaging her gurgling gut. It takes only a few moments for the fox-fox to digest her meal, resulting in the abrupt but enjoyable sensation of growing a few inches. The fox had also unknowingly absorbed a portion of the hunters’ soul too, which could empower her abilities to a new degree! (“How curious, you seem to have garnered a smidge of Fortune’s power. If you would call it that.”) Sona muses in between rubs of the guimho’s stomach. It was flat once again, the portrayal of having eaten a fellow champion whole non-existent. This only served to further arouse Sona, fueling a desire quite uncouth in the eyes of thousands. |
Unlucky cats Evolution is a funny, fickle thing. It's said that it's survival of the fittest. The species that can't adapt die out and the others that did take their place. The truth is no one understands it at all. Lizards and birds adapted to the changing world by barely changing at all, other than maybe getting bigger, smaller or faster. However they were no smarter than they used to be. Meanwhile mammals were the creatures that really changed. However not evenly across the board. Some mammals walked upright with their bodies adapting to that position, others stayed on all fours while still growing more intelligent and dexterous, some stayed somewhere in between. The former being more uniform in size and shape with the later two forms being more divergent in size closer to what their wild ancestors were. Now this phenomenon was not species specific. Any mammal of any species could come in any of the "types" Bipeds, ferals and demies. Once again the wonders of evolution showed itself. While it was on the rarer side of common, offspring from any kind of mammal could be born as a type different to their parents In the post war modern times, mammals live in relative comfort. The problems of feeding, housing, employing and entertaining everyone had long ago been solved. Feeding had been hardest, however to create a society where everyone was more or less safe it had to happen, and there wasn't a mammal alive that had gone through those times. It was winter with heavy sheets of snow on the ground of New Bork City, the cold was not a problem for most mammals. Even the smallest had ways to deal with the harsh weather of the concrete jungle. Samantha 'Sammi' Verflucht dealt with it by adding a thick green sweater to her dense black short coat. Sammi was a sleek black cat demi. Three foot tall when she’s up on her back paws all the way. Twenty-three years old with average demi hips, mid sized breasts and cute face. All around she was just the textbook example of a house cat. Sadly the only thing close to notable about her was that she was the only girl in her mother's last litter of four. Even her heterochromia wasn't truly unique, over half of her 12 brothers and sisters had one green eye and one blue. Though she was the only black cat in her family to make it into their twenties. Most of the losses were not tragic, mammals have to eat after all, and some feel they should fulfill that purpose. With the age of consent as low as fifteen in places and being eaten even used as punishment it happens often. Not that any mammal could just grab someone off the street and gobble them up, some experts said all this had an effect on many mammal blood lines causing them to still have litters of multiple offspring. Again no one knew for sure. Sammi was unlucky in other ways. The black cat curse hadn't cost her much other than cash, opportunity and a little heartbreak from time to time but she was still breathing and doing well. Sometimes she was her own curse. Getting a Creative Arts degree hadn't gained her anything more than a best friend, who she currently lived and worked with. Today Sammi had the day off and was spending it playing video games on her oversized couch. She lived in a one bedroom combined kitchen living room apartment sized for mammals almost twice her size. Most of the provided furniture was equally big for the occupants. Though that was a plus in some cases. The brown fabric couch was bigger than the beds in the bedroom that were properly sized for the cats. Giving them plenty of lounging space and more than enough space to sharpen their claws. Something they often did. The TV was massive to them even though it was just an average sized set. Perfect for a gamer girl like Sammi. Or so she wished. With a yawn the black cat stood after backing out of matchmaking. She pulled her basic cat ear headset off and hung it around her neck. She climbed up on the back of the couch. With her tail up, her sweater showing off her rounded bare butt. Not that Sammi cared. She didn't stream so there was no one to see, plus her fur hid her good bits. The cat jumped from the couch to the counter. Sammi landed on the edge of the counter and walked on all fours. Another yawn escaped the cat as she placed a coffee mug on her coffee maker. She used her tail to turn it on while she stood up on her back paws to open the cabinet. As Sammi’s paw felt around for some cookies or jerky anything really to snack on. Her ears twitched as she heard keys in the door as she found a treat. "SAMMI!!" Came the loud yowl from the door way, making the black cat yelp and nearly jump out of her fur. Sammi's roommate ran into the kitchen with the biggest smile on her face. Allie Tresse was a Siamese Persian mix with silky cream colored long fur that darkened along her limbs and on her face to a nice brown. Her tight black dress pants and button up blue floral blouse made her long fur flare out, giveing her natural poof cuffs. Her yellow eyes sparkled brightly. She was a little more stacked than her friend, both her bust and her butt were noticeably bigger. With her tail all bushed out Sammi glared at Allie and practically hissed, "What's got you so excited?" Allie bounced in place smiling as she clapped her paws. "So, so. Just as I clocked out of work I overheard the managers saying they had narrowed it down to you and Jeffrey." "Oh." Sammi replied, lifting her head and ears. "Marty hates Jeffrey so that means." "You're getting Susan's job." The long haired cat sprang up to hug her roommate. Susan was a floating supervisor that transferred stores a week ago leaving the position open. Both purred as Allie said. "We should call the girls to celebrate." "Oh yeah!" The black cat laughed as she swished her tail before jumping down to dance around in a circle with her friend. "We can finally live a little easier." "We might be able to move into a bigger place!" "Hey, you like sharing a bedroom with me." Sammi giggled, heading to said bedroom to dress. "I just like borrowing your clothes." Allie snarked back. "I thought it was the guys you like to share." The black cat replied. "And if you stretch out another one of my bras I'll bite your tail off." She stepped out now wearing a dark blue skirt. "Even though you're wearing my skirt." Allie smirked as she finished a group text. Looking at her hips Sammi giggled. "My butt doesn't stretch things like your tits." She replied matter of factly as she picked up her purse and led the way out."You're just jealous of my figure." Allie laughed as she followed behind her friend. The pair had been like sisters since freshman year of college, looking out for each other, laughing together and supporting each other. The friends chatted about their day as they headed to the store. Sammi drove while Allie texted their friend group. With snow on the ground, they were going to host a girl's night in, to be safe. Cocktails, movies, music and maybe make overs and games. It was too short notice to be anything big. The store the cats frequented was a locally owned place. Though the bipedal bear was rarely there other than to pick up the feral pet golden retriever that operated the register. It wasn't uncommon for pets to do these sorts of tasks. It gives them something to do and gives the owner a loyal employee. Today was no different, the "pup" greeted customers happily even if it was routine. Dogs were like that. Sammi did notice a Doberman Pinscher beside the retriever wearing the same collar as the other dog and nothing else. Pets rarely wore clothing, it reinforced their status and place in the world, strangely though when asked about it pets said it was more liberating than demeaning and that their fur was enough. Sammi and Allie gave it no more thought than they would at seeing someone in a funny shirt. So it was forgotten as they started their shopping. Jumping up on shelves to grab what they needed. Once Allie even climbed over a shelf to get something they wanted on the other aisle, which the retriever did scold her for. Just like every time she did it. His owner understood their need to climb the shelf but going over is hazardous to others. Their cart, which was roughly half the size of the car they used to get there, squeaked as it rounded the corner. While Allie walked off to the wine section to pick something good, another squeak caught Samantha's ear. In the fresh food section next to the fish and lobsters was another case with low sides and hay in the bottom. A couple dozen plump rodents milled about, their fur came in every color under the sun, some had it clipped short, some were naturally like that while still others had long fur, some straight others with many cowlicks. The sign on the side read BBQ guinea pigs special, ask at the counter for more information. Humming, the black cat walked over to the low counter and stretched up to look into the cage. Her little nose and whiskers wiggled as she sniffed. After a moment she asked. "So, what's the special?"One feral guinea pig with smooth brown and black fur sighed and looked up with the face of a bored employee. "If you buy three pigs you get a sauce flight for free." A demi guinea pig about half a foot tall and long white fur swallowed her mouth full of seeds and gasped. "5780, come on you have to throw some panache into the pitch." Like the feral pig, she was pear-shaped and well fed with pillowy little rodent breasts that bounced as she moved. "Ugh." 5780 sighed. "I've been doing the pitch all day." The brown and black rodent grunted as a fluffy white one almost flopped on top of her . "Sorry ma'am, my friend here is just jealous of our compatriots getting chosen before us." 5780 rolled her eyes, she wasn't afraid or jealous. She just couldn't be bothered. "It's alright." Sammi replied, her tail swishing. "Goo-" "4455 Get your tits out of my face." The darker rodent said lightly bucking the other off her back. Sammi giggled seeing the guinea pigs acting a lot like she and Allie did. The white rodent stood up and stepped back. “Sorry girl." The demi fixed her friend's fur and then added. "And before we forget, there is also a deal for Farmer Gray's BBQ cookbook." 5780 rolled her eyes as 4455 motioned to the rack beside their cage on it was a rough furred bipedal black and gray wolf hyena cross breed, he wore overalls and a sauce splattered apron as he held a platter of cooked guinea pigs. "He is actually the mammal that owns the farm most of us came from." "Oh neat." Sammi commented looking at the example pictures that covered the book. "I'm from a subsidiary but we're held to the highest standards of health and safety." 5780 commented while the cat read the back of the book. Allie rejoined her friend carrying a full sized bottle of sparkling watermelon wine and a 6 pack of beer in the cart. "What ya got?""Oh uh." Sammi showed her friend the book and explained the deal the guinea pigs had told her. "There's even a deal on the book too." "Yes." 4455 said putting on her best seller's smile showing off her pearly white teeth. "You get 10% off the book for every guinea pig you purchase." "To a max of 50%." The feral interjected as she scratched her ear. "We would need six." Allie commented. "And it is a celebration." Sammi said looking over at the two she had been talking too. "Okay you two. Grab some friends and hop in." 4455 was ecstatic while 5780 was all business, soon enough the six guinea pigs were riding along with the rest of the groceries. Not one had a complaint, only excited squeaks. After a few more things include a couple more six packs for that night. Checkout was uneventful other than that both Sammi and Allie had to max out their credit cards to pay for everything. No big deal with payday so soon and Sammi getting a promotion after all. ______ A short notice party had an equally short time to prepare. Chill the drinks, vacuum carpet, defur the couch. Even the bathroom got a quick wipe down. Which reminded Allie of something. "Hey Sammi, have you cleaned out the fur trap this month?" "No." The black cat replied as she sprinkled the powdered seasons over the freshly washed guinea pigs. While 4455 helped one pig that got the powder in their eyes, Sammi asked. "Can you do it?" "No." The long haired cat answered. Before Sammi could question that the buzzer sounded. "And that's why." She giggled as she walked in rubbing her paws dry. "Besides most of that's your fur." Sammi had to agree as Allie buzzed up their friend. Sammi watched the guinea pigs rub the seasoning into their fur. The olive oil she had rubbed them with after the wash helped it stick. The cat looked at the sauce jars as she turned on the sink to wash her paws. “So do these sauces really work? Even if yall are, like, uncooked.” 4455, ever the salespig, smiled. “Why of course Farmer Gray is an excellent chief with world renowned skill.” A few of the guinea pigs laughed. “We couldn't tell you from personal experience.” 5780 deadpaned. “Oh, duh, of course.” the cat giggled, bapping her noggin with her wet paw just as there was a knock on the door. Allie answered the knock letting in three mammals. “Oh hey girls.” She was surprised, having only been expecting the orange, round-faced, bushy-tailed demi wildcat in tight jeans and a simple blouse. Her thick coat made a jacket unnecessary. “Yeah.” Dallia said, she was a little taller then her fellow felines but not as tall as the Wolverine behind her. “I found these two love birds outside, mind if they joined?” she joked as the three filed in. The wolverine, despite being the biggest of their little friend group, was the girliest of them all. Make- up done with sparkles to match her pink dress. Her gray sweater and stockings both heart shapes sewn into them. “Oh Sammi, I'm so happy to hear about your promotion.” she giggled and pulled the black cat into a hug. Her nose wiggled as Sizzie’s sweet perfume tickled it. "Be nice to have someone with a brain in charge for once.” Sammi laughed as she greeted Sizzie's wife Tamma, a stocky but pretty beagle. She wore a cute sweater with a tree stitched into the front and some jeans. "Yeah, not that my department will notice much." The beagle commented playfully. Before the five friends could start catching up Sizzie noticed the main course being prepared on the counter. She smiled a big sharp smile as she looked into the tray "well aren't you just the tastiest things I ever seen." She smiled as the farm raised meat thanked the wolverine for the compliment.While the girls chit-chatted, catching up about the day to day since the friends all worked in different departments, Sammi served drinks. It was all to hold them over while the sun went down and the last of their little group arrived. Joanne Ringtail was a raccoon, thin for her kind but not in an unhealthy way. She wore leather thigh high boots and a fancy black trench coat over a small white backless dress. From her ears hung several shiny gold hoops and a couple jeweled studs at the tips. She smelt of lavender and jasmine, perfect for a dinner at a fancy restaurant. There was a hint that the dinner had been successful. "Damn girl, you looking goooood." Allie giggled while the raccoon hung up her snow dusted coat. The other girls agreed as they all relaxed around the coffee table where some incense burned. "Yeah I had a date." "Oh, it not go well?" Joeanna snagged a wine glass as she said. "Oh it went great, I just had to cut it short. He didn't complain." She giggled. "He at least didn't use the safe word." The girls all started to laugh at their promiscuous friend. With all the friends there the party started in earnest, even if it was a weeknight where most of them had to work the next day. Some alcohol and some more catnip in the incense burner gave the girls a buzz, music and talk entertained them all. While the party was about Sammi’s imitate premonition, they toasted Sizzie and Tamma’s new home, Dallia getting a steady boyfriend and Joeanna’s advertising company posting its first profit. Humorously after doing the ads and promotions for Farmer Gray’s farm. The raccoon was pleased to hear the livestock had taken so well to the pitches she had written. After the toast to Joeanna’s success the thought of the marinated guinea pigs was making the girls’ mouths water. They gathered around the tray of seasoned rodents who looked up at them without even a hint of apprehension. 5780 included, she and a couple others looked like they were finishing a long shift at work. Something along the lines of tired relief. “Grab whichever one you want, the toaster oven still works so you can cook’em if you want.” Sammi said, picking up 5780, who squeaked surprised to be chosen first. “Oh I will definitely like mine cooked.” Joeanne said, picking a hairless one. “They catered the meeting I had with Farmer Gray.” She picked a smoked honey sauce. “So I had it all fresh from the kitchen.” she giggled as the shaved guinea pig complemented her choice. "The store stuff doesn't hold a candle to it from the chief himself." "Too bad." Allie said as she gave the raccoon the basket for the toaster oven. They couldn't afford to replace the real oven, yet. While Joeanna slathered her giggling meal in sauce, the other girls selected their meals. 4455 was picked by Tamma, the white pig staring at the beagle's muzzle. Sizzie got one of the only two males in the group, the other going to Allie. With the last long hair going to Dallia. Joeanna slid her guinea pig into the toaster oven and smiled. Her refined facade melted away, like it always did when her friends and alcohol got involved. She almost pressed her nose to the window as it heated to a blazing temperature. The guinea pig panted as the sauce started to sizzle on her skin. The meat's smile grew as her muscles cooked. Like good cattle she laid perfectly still no matter how much she wanted too either scream, or enjoy herself. 4455 was about to suggest a sauce to go with her when Tamma tossed her head back while holding the guinea infront of her long muzzle and dropped 4455 in. Then with a single swallow the entire oversized rodent was just a momentary bulge in the beagle's throat. She chased it with several muzzlefulls of her beer. "I don't like feeling them wiggle." "You could have cut it up." Allie said while she let her pig roll in the sauce she had chosen. "Ehh." "You know it's kind of a shame you're only into girls." Sammi giggled. "Cause that throat is freaking magic.""I know a few guys that would love to put it to use." Dalia added as she walked back to her spot on the couch. Her guinea pig on her plate rubbing the mustard sauce into her fur. The wildcat looked over as she stuck the meal into her mouth up to its chest. She bit down hard enough to crush bones but not enough to bite her meal in half. The guinea pig tried to squeal but the bite forced the air out of its lungs like a cough as she kicked her little legs. They stopped as the predator switched which sides of her jaw she was chewing with. The wildcat didn't trust her throat as much as her beagle friend. “The only guy’s going down my throat are going to be small enough to make a one way trip.” Tamma laughed as she sat down. She was soon joined by Sizzie, holding her meal with her claws to minimize the dark brown sauce she would get on herself. She had tucked a napkin in her neckline to cover her well endowed form. “Her mouth gets plenty of use, trust me.” The wolverine said, turning her girlfriend’s ears red before she took a dainty bite from her guinea pig. He simply grunted as his shoulder and part of his chest was removed, he shook as his cute little shaft showed itself in response. Sammi would have commented on it but she was busy. 5780 was all sauced up and looking delicious. However where Sammi’s friends had simply eaten their meals without more then a thought of how, with Dallia crushing her meal’s bones to help her swallow, Sizzie daintily pulling off chunks of flesh. Not even caring that the experience made the meal orgasm, leaving a sizable off-white stain on the sauce dripped napkin. Joanna’s own meal glistened as she carried her plate over to join her friends. Even Allie just plopped her male's rump in her mouth and started to suck it down. Not Sammi though, she cupped her meal in both paws, and looked 5780 in the eyes and smiled. “Thank you.” 5780 looked at the cat that had purchased her for food, the guinea pig’s mouth fell open. “You...are...welcome.” The rodent was astonished. She had never thought this would happen. She was born into this life as livestock, she could have easily gotten out of it with only a word, but what would the point be? Most of her kind was meant for this, so fighting fate seemed pointless. However here she was being thanked by the mammal that would soon kill her. Her open mouth gasp became a smile as she said. “And thank you.” “You're welcome.” Sammi smiled and opened her maw to let 5780 step in. The guinea pig felt her life affirmed by such a simple kindness. The smell of the hickory flavored guinea pig was making the cat’s mouth water even more than before.Sammi licked 5780 chin as she slowly made her way in. The black cat’s mismatched eyes lit up at that taste, this was the high life. The guinea pig filled the cat's mouth. Sammi almost had to force her mouth uncomfortably wide to let 5780 in. The grassy taste of her fur mixed with the smoky hickory sauce made any discomfort worth it. It was great, this is how she would eat from now on. She gently closed her mouth around 5780's stomach and swallowed gently. While the smell was nothing special, boarding on bad, the warmth of the cat's throat was soothing. However it was the tight embrace of the pulsing muscles that really won 5780 over. She squeaked as she was held by the messaging muscles of Sammi’s throat. She smiled thinking how this might not be so bad. With the piggy’s head and shoulders enveloped by her throat, Sammi’s fangs combed through 5780's fur as the cat licked at the rodent's lower belly, making 5780 laugh in her throat and squirm, kicking her back legs. She never thought she would have enjoyed this more than 4455 had, even feeling herself getting wet. Joeanna cut into her meat’s hips, removing a leg and carefully put it in her mouth and chewed, her scavenger teeth easily shredding cooked flesh and softened bones. While the raccoon got another bite of rodent rump, Dallia slurped up her chewed guinea pig’s paws like some noodles and finally swallowed. She giggled and said. “I'm not in the mood for a movie, how about some strip poker?” she wiped her saucey mouth. "Could you be more of a collage kit now?" Tamma commented, while Allie laughed she swallowed her meal up to his waist, leaving only his head shoulders out of her mouth. The guinea pig apologized as he started to hump his predator's throat. Sizzie scoffed lightly as she bit into her meal, getting at the remaining good bits like one might eat a chicken wing. Despiteher best efforts her muzzle was smeared with sauce. Dallia sighed, "Maybe. Besides, it won't be as fun without some guys to play with." The wildcat looked at Tamma and Sizzie. "other than for you two." making both smile smugly. With her meal’s sauce covered hips in her mouth Sammi mumbled a waved as she picked up a game case off the coffee table. She held the box out it's cover adorned with many colorful characters, the most prominent one being a raccoon-like tanooki in blue overalls and red shirt and hat. Super Tanookio Party was scrolled across the top. Sammi lifted her head to swallow, pulling 5780 completely into her mouth.The Sissie, Tamma and Joeanna tilted their heads, confused. The raccoon and wolverine both with crunchy mouthfuls. "Yea, what about it?" The beagle asked. Allie now tired of the humping in her throat, bit down. Severing her meal’s head with a nice snap. She only had the slightest hint of the massive orgasm the rodent had inside her. Coating a portion of the crossbreed's throat in the first and last orgasm of the livestocks life. She caught the thankfully clean head of the guinea pig as she swallowed hard several times to clear her mouth. "Y'all never play Strip Tanookio Party?" Her friends slowly shook their heads. "All the times we've hung out and never have. Strange." Once Sammi had fully swallowed the feral guinea pig, she gave a quick explanation of the rules while she rubbed her belly helping comfort the rodent inside. 5780 peacefully curled up for her final sleep in the afterglow of her first ever orgasm. The rules themselves were simple: Every time someone loses the mini-game, they lose a piece of clothing. You get a star, you get one back. While Sammi got the game started, Allie tossed the guinea pig's head up and caught it in her mouth like it were but a large piece of popcorn. Sizzie left her cleaned guinea spine on her plate with the similarly cleaned spine of Joeanna’s meal. Though the raccoon had left the head of hers behind. The night rolled on as the six played, drank, talked trash, and just had fun. It was a great way to celebrate, though not necessarily on a night you had to work the next day. Not that the girls cared at the moment. They were too drunk and caught up in the competition. Cheering, cursing and laughing at and with each other. Samantha was winning, having only lost her skirt in a luck based game - what with winners always choosing what the loser loses and all - but she got it back a few minutes later and even earned the right to put on the panties she had omitted earlier that day. On the other end Sizzie was losing badly. She had already given up everything but her panties, having started with her stockings but soon enough the wolverine was putting on a striptease after every other game. Earning a cheer from her friends, none of them louder than her wife. When it came time, the wolverine gave losing her panties a big show. She danced around the coffee table to the music of the game. Bending over a few times and pulling the pink garment down with her little tail up showing all her friends her little pink star, her slit was hidden to all but those who really knew right where it was. Tamma knew but didn't get a chance to look as her wife bounces onto the couch with her and right out of her panties. The wolverine gave her half naked wife a nice lap dance to the jaunty music of the game. As Sizzie sat in Tamma’s lap and groaned, the beagle's paws slipped down her body as they kissed. Before the lovers could get carried away Sammatha meowed. “Hey, hey. There's only four turns left save it for when y'all are alone.” Panting slightly Sizzie pulled Tamma’s paw from between her legs. “She's right.” the beagle reluctantly agreed. They had plenty more laughs as they finished up the game. It wasn't ‘til they all stood up that they learned how drunk they all were. While Sizzie was good enough to drunkenly dance around she, like the rest of them, were woefully unfit to drive. Realizing that Dallia just curled up in her corner of the couch in only her undergarments ready to sleep. She even declined a ride from Joeanna's date who came to pick her up, but the wild cat did accept a blanket. The Arrows and Allie retired to the bedroom while Sammi stayed up to get a couple more games of her new shooter in. Or so she planned but after almost dozing off mid match she shook herself and yawned. Thankfully she had her head set off so she couldn’t hear her team mates complaining. She chuckled as she tossed a grenade and it hit the wall and blew up in her own squad. While the cat’s character respawned she looked towards movement in the short hall to bedroom and bathroom. It was Allie in her favorite pink night shirt. “Thought you were going to bed?” Sammi asked as the game finished. “I was, but I thought the lovebirds could use some privacy.” Allie replied with a smile. “In my bed?” “Nah, gave them mine.” the crossbreed corrected as she slipped on the couch with her friend. She yawned as she walked on all fours closer to Sammi. “Good.” The black cat commented. Her eyelids drooped as she found a random internet show to leave playing quietly before curling up like a kitten with her closest friend. A common thing with cats of all sizes, there was nothing sexual about it. Even after Samantha removed her bra through her sleeve and their softest parts were pressed together there was nothing carnal about the embrace. It was just two closely bonded cats falling asleep like they might in days long past, sharing warmth, shelter and protection. ----- The next morning was as normal as could be with three extra mammals in the apartment. Sammi awoke first to the alarm on her phone, soon followed by Allie. Their heads throbbing slightly as they uncurled from around one another. Allie flopped on her back with a groan stretching all four of her paws in the air, fingers and toes spread as her claws slid out shining in the morning light. Sammi yawned, grunting as her jaw lightly popped, never taking notice she had a clear view of her best friend’s pantieless crotch. It was normal to her after all. She slid down to the floor before letting a stretch rolls through her body and tail. “Whose cooking?” “Who’s eating?” Allie asked. Both looked over at Dalia who was purring with the blanket up to her ears. "Just make some bacon and eggs… and coffee… definitely make some coffee." "Why me?" Allie asked as Sammi lit a new incense, this one said to help with headaches. The black cat looked up, " ’Cause I got to shower." She said heading to the bathroom after collecting her and Allie's clothing. Allie nodded and clambered over the back of the couch before she jumped to the counter to cook. Sammi leaned on the dirty clothes hamper as the shower warmed up. Breathing slowly to calm her stomach. Her tail swished as steam slowly bellowed out into the small room. Once her head stopped spinning again Sammi stepped into the claw deep water. She looked down, seeing the water not draining like it should and sighed. "I'll do it tomorrow." She said before letting the hot water wash over her, soothing the pain. It was a nice simple shower rubbing the soap into her fur, ridding her not only loose fur, but two days of grime all while making her coat shiny. The warmth and the rubbing eased most of her pain, coffee and pain pills would finish it off.The cat killed the water, ignoring that she was nearly knee deep in the water. After drying her fur she went and got dressed, Tamma and Sizzie were now awake and dressed in last night's clothes as they chatted with the other cats in the kitchen. Sammi meanwhile dressed for her coming promotion. She grabbed her fanciest outfit; a pink blouse with a low, white collar and a dark blue gray pencil skirt that hugged her hips and thighs all the way to just above the bend of her knees. She grabbed her pink leather jacket for the warmth then headed out for a quick breakfast with her friends. It wasn't uncommon for mammals to dress up at their department store, especially a section supervisor like Samatha. Breakfast was quick, after Tamma scolded Sammi about drinking so much the night before a morning shift. The feline waved it off saying. “After a shower like that and a nice cup of coffee for the ride, I'll be fine.” She tried to emphasize the point by sipping her coffee only to jump as the steaming hot liquid almost burnt her. “You're such a kitten.” The beagle said. The black cat smiled. “Yep and proud of it.” she giggled as she held up her travel mug covered in video game characters. The girls had a little laugh before they all filed out of the apartment leaving Allie to clean up. The long haired cross breed looked at all the plates in the big sink and the pans she used. "Ugh, I'll do it later." The roads had been thankfully cleared of last night's snow, so the demi-sized car wouldn't have much trouble making it down the road. Sammi's little sedan purred along as the cat smiled, visions of her taking control of the store rolled through her mind. Ruling with a silk-covered iron fist. She brought her mug up to her lips for a sip of piping hot coffee. Just as her tires hit ice in the road making the car slip. In a panic Sammi dropped her mug, spilling its contents on her shirt and lap. She yowled at the searing pain making her jerk the wheel. The little demi sedan spun on the thankfully empty road. Just because the road was empty didn't mean there was nothing to hit. Samantha's car slid sidelong into a street light. The thin aluminum of the car crumbled as designed. So once all was said and done Samantha stepped out unharmed, other than the light burning on her chest and thighs and a tinge of pain in her wrist. "Shit shit shit, no not today!" The cat said as she dialed the police. Back home, Allie was running her fingers through her long fur as the shower warmed up. Being alone and not having anything to do anytime soon, Allie slid her paw down her lower belly. She bit her lip as she gently coaxed her clit out of hiding by rubbing two fingers around it. Just as she was about to get started and step in the shower her phone started to ring. She looked at it on the counter, she would have ignored it if it wasn't Sammi calling her. With a sigh Allie grabbed the device and stepped out of the bathroom. “What's up?” “I wrecked my car.” came the downtrodden voice of Sammi. "Holy shit, are you alright!?" Allie almost yelled, thoughts of pleasure forgotten. “Yeah, cops are on the way, I'll just need a ride to work...today is not going to be a good day to be late.” “I’ll be right there.” Allie replied, running into her bedroom to throw on some clothes. She ran out the door barely remembering to lock it. Leaving the shower still running. Allie was worried. Her friend was just in an accident -- who wouldn't be? Her little boxy suv could handle the ice and snow with ease. She made great time to where her friend had crashed. When Allie arrived she saw Sammi talking to a bear and tiger police officer, the little dimi barely came up to the massive biped’s knee, not that the size disparity would be any better with another demi or feral in this case. The long hair found a nice place to park, calmed down and wait. After talking to the cops and a check of both her injuries and sobriety, the latter of which she thankfully passed Sammi was done. All in all everything took about an hour. Sammi jumped up into Allie's suv and her best friend threw her arms around her. Allie purred. "I should have let you use my car." "It's alright. I should have asked you to bring me a clean shirt." Sammi said looking at her ruined blouse. "Don't worry." Allie mewed. "Nothing I'm wearing is clean." She started the engine and drove on to work. As the big tires of the little vehicle crunched through some snow in the street, Sammi exclaimed. "Shit!...I forgot to call and tell them I would be late." "How?" "Didn't think the cops would keep me so long." Thankfully it wasn't too much longer before Allie pulled the little SUV into the store parking lot. Once parked both cats raced along on all fours to get inside as fast as possible. Allie following for curiosity sake. Sammi hurried into the employee entrance of the store. She rushed over to the time clock and was about to swipe her card when a gruff voice grumbled. "There you are, Samatha." She looked up to see the black and brown face of Marty, the hyena manager of the cat's department. "Come into my office." Sammi cursed under her breath as she clocked in. Allie was nearby giveing her friend a thumbs up. Samantha stepped into the hyena’s office and climbed into an offered chair. "Sorry, for being so late. I got into a car accident. Guess a few screws got knocked loose and I forgot to call, again I’m sorry. It won't happen again." Marty blinked and looked at her. "It's alright, I'm glad you're not hurt. Definitely doesn't make this any easier." The little glimmer of hope Samantha had started to fade as she said. "What? A write up isn't too bad right?" "Oh this is more than a write up." Marty said, looking away. "The higher ups have decided to downsize our section. It's stupid and just going to make it harder on us on the floor but they got their minds set. I fought my tail off to try and stop it." The black cat felt something bad coming. "Sadly I got too many supervisors. I already dropped the cashiers to the limit and well… then i had to do my supervisors, it was hard so I decided to just drop the one who has been here for the shortest time. But then today the supervisor I was going to drop, came in earlier...thankfully since the one I was going to keep was over an hour late with no call.""Are you saying?" Sammi’s blue and green eyes were tearing up, but she refused to cry. "Samantha I'm saying your services are no longer required." Marty sighed. "I'm fired." The feline clicked her tongue and looked away. Her tail swinging hard behind her. "That's just fucking great." "If it were any-" Sammi jumped down. "Save it." She turned and walked out, stopping in the doorway to say. "Random chances aren't omens." The cat walked away with her nose and tail up. "What happened?" Allie asked. "I got fired." "What!" Allie said, looking at Marty like he was a pile of stinking trash. "It's out of my paws." "Sure...well I quit." the long hair said then followed her friend out hooking her arm through Sammi's. "I'm with ya sister." Neither of them knew what they would do, but they would do it together. |
"Mmmmph!" Steven mumbled under the ass of his girlfriend Connie. The hybrid was stuck within the seat cushions and his face had become the perfect seat for the Gems and his girlfriend whenever she was around. How did this happen, you may be asking? Well, Steven was a day away from leaving Beach City. And while you may think the Gems were OK with it for his sake, you couldn't be anymore wrong. They weren't and neither was Connie, the latter because of the possibility of other girls trying to get their hands on her Steven. But the Gems simply didn't want to lose the one person they loved the most in this world(as well as their favorite meal). So after packing for a bit, Steven decides to take a little nap. When he wakes up, he finds himself unable to move! He notices he's also in the living room just as Connie is about to bring her ass down upon his face! "Connie, I'm downmmphhhh!" Steven tried to say before he was muffled by his girlfriend's ass. "Oh I know, Steven. But see, here's the thing: I don't wanna imagine losing my Stevie. Who knows what may be outside of Beach City? Thugs, criminals....other girls that may get the idea of trying to take you away? I can't have that, y'know? And the other Gems? Well they love you way too much to just let you go like that. But don't worry: Some time under my ass will get all of those thoughts of leaving out of your head. And I just ate lunch too." Connie said in a mischievous tone as Steven heard a rumbling coming from his girlfriend's insides until.... *PBBBBBTTTTHHHHHHHH* It smelled horrible. Connie was gassing Steven into submission. "Ah. That curry my Mom made....you've never had my Mom's cooking, so I'm glad you're here to experience it. Mmm. Squirm, baby. Squirm with that smell. You know you love this ass." Connie said devilishly as Steven could only move his head a bit while buried under Connie's ass. She soon got up to head home....only for the larger than life ass of Garnet to once again darken Steven's view as the fusion sat down. "Mmm. Your face makes such a nice cushion, Steven. I could stay like this all day. And you know what? I think I will, Cutie Pie." She said as her musky ass scent engulfed Steven's senses, soon leaving him blank and passed out. Needless to say, any thoughts Steven had of leaving were now wiped out of his mind. |
Connie was over at her boyfriend Steven's house, awaiting him to come back from an outing with Pearl. The two were going on a date to the skating rink. Connie was even wearing the red booty shorts that Steven couldn't keep his eyes off of whenever she was in them. She loved her future hybrid husband and loved teasing him by wearing short clothing. "*sighs* Where is he? He and Pearl said they were on their way back..." Connie said with a sigh as she looked and saw that the door to the room of Steven's late mother was open. But how? The only one who could open it was Steven himself...unless it was opened from the inside? Either way, Connie grew suspicious. Grabbing her sword, she ventured into the room. "Hey! Who's in here?" She called out to no response. It was quite until the door shut behind her. She was trapped inside! Panicking, she immediately pulled her phone out of her pocket and was about to text Steven or one of the Gems until.... "Oh calm down. There's no need to be afraid. I'm the one who opened the door and I'll gladly let you out if you just hear what I have to say." A familiar voice said as Connie looked and gasped at what she saw: It was the Cloud Version of her. Same outfit she was wearing, same short hair, but the thing that set her apart from the real Connie was the white eyepatch over her eye. "You're that Cloud me! What do you want? You tried to hurt Steven last time!" Connie snapped as Cloud Connie giggled. "You're funny. But you're wrong. I didn't do what I did last time to hurt Steven. I did it....because I love him. You see, he made me in your image and I represent what he wants most from you. That's why I have a crush on him. But since I glitched and gained sentience, my affections for him have only increased." She explained with a sigh. "How can you possibly have any affection? You're not even a real person: you're literally just what Steven sees me as in the form of a sentient cloud." Connie said in disbelief. "That's what pains me the most: I can never truly be with Steven.....or at least so I believed...until you were stupid enough to walk in here." Cloud Connie said as an almost devilish grin appeared on her face. "What do you mean?!? Let me out of here right now!" Connie snapped as she drew her sword and got into a battle stance. "*laughs* The only way you're getting out of here...is through me! You see, I can be with Steven. I can finally be with him like a normal person....but I need to absorb YOU to do it!" Cloud Connie exclaimed with a shriek to her voice as Connie swung her sword at her doppelganger and cut her in half...only for two more Cloud Connies to form from the halves! "What the hell?!?" Connie exclaimed. "*laughs* For such a smart girl, that was a dumb move! How did you help Steven save the Universe again? Oh that's right: YOU DIDN'T! All you did was get your ass handed to you in every fight you were in where Steven wasn't holding your hand!! It's time for me to become real and put you out of your misery!" The Two Cloud Connie's said in unison as they both grabbed Connie as they became a swirling mist that quickly engulfed the girl as they absorbed her into their single being. Once the mist faded away, one Connie remained with a smile on her face. Looking at the door, she took a deep breath as she walked out the door...and was elated as she took a solid step onto the floor outside of the room! "Yes! It worked!" She said happily as Steven came in with Pearl. "What worked, Connie? You seem pretty happy about something." The hybrid said as the new Connie kissed her boyfriend on the cheek. "Oh nothing. Just excited about our date." She replied. Absorbing the original Connie allowed her to pretty much gain knowledge of everything the OG Connie knew. It also allowed her to become much calmer, having gained a more stable mentality as well. In short: She had become Connie and no one was the wiser. |
"So first question:What is the strongest muscle on the human body?" Connie said as she had her boyfriend Steven's head between her legs and his face in her butt as she was playing a little quiz game with him. And if he got any questions wrong, he would get a face full of ass gas. First missed answer would be Connie farting with her pants on. Next one would be her farting in just her panties. Third one would result in a bare assed fart. And if Steven missed a 4th? Not only would that be it for the game, he would be going right up Connie's ass! "The Tongue." Steven said as Connie smirked. "Very good, Biscuit! That's one question right! But don't get too comfortable yet! It's only the first one!" She said with a smirk as she let out a small fart that got in Steven's nose. "That's just a small taste of what you'll get if you lose. Next question: What was the name of the execution weapon used in the 1800s?" Connie asked. "The Guillotine. Which is what your legs feel like around my neck sometimes." Steven said as Connie chuckled. "Correct again. You're on a roll. Have you been studying or are you secretly using Wikipedia while I'm not looking?" Connie asked as she laughed at her own joke. "How many questions are left?" Steven asked. "Only a few more. There's a total of 7. So you've answered the first two right. In fact, if you make it to question 4 without a wrong answer, then that cancels out the punishment for missing 4 in a row. So unless you want to be an ass snack, I suggest you stay focused. Next question: How many World Wars have there been?" Connie asked. "2." Steven said as Connie chuckled. "Wow. Right again. 3 in a row. Hmm. Maybe….ah. Nevermind. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just keep going. Next question: Which of these is NOT a relative meaning to the word "Infinite":" Never Ending, Without End or Everlasting?" Connie asked. "Well. Since Infinite means endless, I'd say this is a trick question and all of them are relative meanings." Steven said as Connie huffed. How did he get THAT one right?!? "I thought I had you that time! Agh! Right again! Damn it, I was looking foward to stuffing you in my ass! Ah, well. Next question: Which Explorer was America named after?" Connie asked. "Amerigo Vespucci." Steven replied as Connie couldn't believe it. Right again?!? "5 in a row?!? Good grief, Steven! I swear: If you get all 7 right, I will do whatever you want me to do tonight. Next question: LSD is an hallucinogenic drug. What does LSD stand for?" Connie asked, smirking as she was sure Steven would miss this one. "Lysergic acid diethylamide." Steven said as Connie was in pure shock. HOW?!? "What the….?!? Agh! OK. This is the last question:What American Symbol of a bald headed man looking over a wall became popular during World War 2?" Connie asked. "Kilroy was here." Steven said as Connie groaned in frustration as she released her leglock from around Steven's neck in defeat. How did he get all of the questions right?!? "Agh! *sighs* Alright. I guess you win, Steven." Connie said as Steven kisses her while thinking about what he would have her do that night. |
Connie let out a sigh as her boyfriend Steven Universe slept on her lap. She smiled at how softly he snored while he slept. She loved him so much and wished that moments like these where he's all hers could last forever. Sadly, while she knew he loved her with all his heart, she also knew that the most space in his heart was reserved for his 3 Gem Moms: Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl. Connie knew that no matter how far her and Steven got in their relationship, she could never take the place of those 3. "*laughs* Who am I kidding? The only way I could even come close is if I suddenly was Steven's Mom and that just can't happen….or can it?" Connie thought to herself as she remembered reading a smut fanfiction on unbirthing and rebirthing where a woman would insert someone in her vagina, allowing them to be drenched in their embryonic fluids and regress in age back to infancy. The more Connie thought about it, the more she began to like the idea. Ever since knowing Steven, she's always found that the Gems and his Dad have proven to be unfit caretakers. They always seem to cause more issues for him than anything else. It honestly annoyed Connie how little care they seemed to take when it came to Steven. It only made her decision that much easier. "I'll do it, then. Steven's going to be my baby. But how am I going to pull it off?" She asked herself as she looked down at her still asleep boyfriend. She then had an idea. Silently adjusting Steven's head so it was right below her crotch, she then removed her pants and panties before stealthily moving her legs around Steven's head as she used her leg strength to pull the sleeping hybrid in. "Come on, Steven. Right inside Mommy's womb~" Connie said, giggling at the idea that Steven would soon be her baby as she continued to pull with her legs, letting out moans of pleasure each time until she finally got him all the way in with one final pull. "That felt amazing." Connie said, as she came on the couch, moaning in pleasure as she felt the embryonic fluids do their job. The best part? Steven was sound asleep through the whole process. "That's right, Steven. Stay asleep. Mommy is going to take good care of you~" Connie said soothingly…. *A few months later* "Oh he's so cute, Connie! You'll make a great mother!" One of Connie's college mates gushed as the girl brought the now infant Steven to meet her fellow college mates. Due to it being a room full of girls, Steven was getting a lot of tickles and smooches. Connie just smiled. While the Gems and Steven's former father were upset, it's not like there was much that could be done now. Steven was her baby. Whether they liked it or not~ |
"White, what are ya doing?" Spinel asked as she approached the Diamonds who were looking through a mysterious orb that allowed them to see the goings-on of other planets or areas. Lately, they've been eyeing Earth to keep an eye on Steven. "Hmm. There's that human again. Why is she always around Steven? She's no different than a Pearl." Yellow scoffed. "No, Yellow. Pearls actually have uses. This human is a lower life form who…..no! She did NOT just do that to Steven!" White exclaimed as she, Yellow, Blue and Spinel saw Connie(the human in question) kiss Steven. What right did this lower life form have to do such a thing?!? "The audacity! The unmitigated gall!" Blue exclaimed as Spinel looked a bit confused. All Connie did was kiss him. Granted, Spinel didn't think Connie was good enough for Steven, but still… "That human! How dare she think she's good enough for Steven! This will not stand! I will not have some lower life form with our Steven! It simply will not do!" White exclaimed as Spinel chuckled a bit. "So what do ya plan to do?" She asked as Blue smiled. "Spinel, dear. Please go get this human and tell her we wish to speak with her." She said as Spinel chuckled and headed to Earth. Soon arriving, she saw Connie reading. Steven wasn't with her. Just what she was hoping. "Hey. You're Spinel, right?" Connie said as she noticed the Heart Gem. "Yeah. You're that human Stevie is sweet on, right?" Spinel asked as Connie blushed. It was obvious her and Steven were in love, so it was no shock to anyone when they started dating. "Well....yeah. That's true. I'm his girlfriend and my name is Connie. Steven stepped out to help Garnet and Pearl, so he'll be gone for a bit." Connie explained. *Perfect.* Spinel thought. Steven would have no idea what happened to this human once the Diamonds deal with her. "Hold on. Aren't you Spinel? The one who tried to kill Steven and the rest of the planet?" Connie asked as Spinel gave her a look of annoyance. *Don't let her get to you. She'll be Diamond belly slop soon enough and Steven will be wide open for the taking.* Spinel thought to herself as she gave a fake laugh. "Well. Speaking of this planet, The Diamonds want to meet you. They've personally requested the presence of the human that their fellow Diamond has set eyes on and want to give their approval." The Heart Gem lied, spinning a tale that Connie fell for. "Oh! Well in that case, lead the way. I...I guess that makes sense." The girl said with a blush as Spinel did her best to hide a groan as the two of them warped back to Homeworld. "Ah Spinel! You've returned with our guest." White said, hiding her and the other two Diamonds true intent. Connie, however, just saw it as a way for her to gain the approval of Steven's extended family since she knew they saw Earth and humans as lower than them and likely didn't approve of her and Steven's relationship. "So you are the human who our beloved Steven has chosen as his mate? Well I must ask: What about you would make him feel the way he does about you?" Yellow asked as Connie was a bit nervous, but began to explain. "Well, where do I begin? I've known and been around Steven for, what, 6 years now. I still can't believe it's been that long. We actually only began dating a few months ago." She explained as White looked at Yellow and Blue before looking at Connie again. "Well. Hearing that, I have made a decision. And I think it's the best one for Steven. Spinel, if you please?" White Diamond said as Spinel suddenly wrapped a surprised Connie in her arms and lifted her up towards the waiting maw of White Diamond! "What?!? You evil bitches! I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU HADN'T CHANGED A BIT!!! WHY DID STEVEN TRUST YOU?!?" Connie screamed. "We are doing this for Steven. A human like you is only good for one thing: Food!" Blue said as Spinel dropped Connie into the maw of White Diamond as her mouth closed, cutting off all light as Connie fell down her gullet to her inevitable fate. "Ah. I must say: Quite a spicy flavor. But that now leaves the dilemma of what to tell Steven? Or rather who should be his new mate?" White said as Blue looked at a blushing Spinel. "Spinel? I think you should go find Steven and spend some time with him, don't you?" She said with a smile as Spinel warped back to Earth. She was going to have some fun with her Steven now.... |
Steven couldn’t believe what he was hearing. How could Connie be mad at him for what he did? How could she be upset at him saving her life? Does she even know what he went through and had to endure on Homeworld? Did she even care? He had to watch Lars die in his arms. If she got what she wanted and came with him? The same would have no doubt happened to her! Why doesn’t she understand that instead of making him seem like the villain for not bringing her along? As Connie began to walk away… “How dare you. That’s….just…how dare you say all of that to him after what he’s been forced to put up with? We don’t know what happened to him on Homeworld either and do you see US mad at him? You’ve got a lot of nerve, Connie!” An angered voice said as Amethyst had come outside and overheard all of that Connie had berated Steven about. “Amethyst. Stay out of this. This has NOTHING to do with you. Steven left me behind and wanted to play hero and….whoa!!” Connie exclaimed as she was soon wrapped up in Amethyst’s whip as Steven just looked on. “Know what? Normally I got no issue with you. Hell, I was hoping you and Steven would end up an item so I could probably have some cute hybrid nieces or nephews in the future. But you know what? Seeing you act like this towards someone who’s done as much for you as Steven has? I don’t like that. I don’t like YOU, Connie. And I don’t think you’re right for Steven. So you have to go. And I know the perfect place for you to go: In my stomach!” Amethyst exclaimed as she cracked her whip in the air, sending Connie flying up before the girl came falling back down into the Purple Gem’s open mouth. And with one swift GULP, Connie went down into Amethyst’s stomach, soon to be nothing more than ass fat for the gluttonous Quartz Gem. Steven just gazed in astonishment before sighing. He knew he should be upset at Amethyst for what she just did. But in reality? A big part of him was glad she did it. How could Connie be like that towards him for saving her life? “Steven. Lemme tell you something: I love you.And I only want what’s best for you. And Connie was NOT what was best for you. You’ll find someone else that’ll appreciate you and not get mad at you for saving their life and thinking of them. Come on inside. You know Pearl’s gonna wanna know what happened on Homeworld.” Amethyst said as Steven followed her inside as Connie churned away inside the Purple Gem’s gut. |
Into the Spiders Web Darkness has spread, the sky has darkened by the greed and hatred of the powerful. The world grows cold as the dark cloud spreads, within weeks it covers the globe and mankind is forced back into the caves they once crawled forth from. In the year 2207, factories have spread pollution so thick the clouds had begun to cover the sky. The rick and powerful ignored the warnings of the people, they cared little for the lesser beings. So they continued to poison the world around them. For years people have tried to do what they can to prevent it, but to no avail. As the darkness spread so did fear, primal nature soon began to spread like a plague as humans fought for food and water, the resources dwindling down to nothing as one by one people began to fall, small wars all over the world broke out, many died over food and water sources, families turned on one another. In the despair crime and rape rose to an all time high. People did what it took to survive and some became beasts taking what they pleased, letting their animal instincts cloud their better judgment. The law enforcement did nothing to stop this, they closed themselves off choosing to save themselves than help other. The world fell into chaos. To late did they realize who the real monsters were, too late did they begin to fight back, destroying the factories that polluted the air and sky. Killing those who had doomed the human race. Groups of survivors began to come together as famine and disease spread. They tried to do what they could to save the live stock and plant life, but with no sunlight and no clean water, it was a futile attempt but the human spirit is no easy thing to crush. As the darkness spread, the fire that burned inside humanity grew brighter. Those that survived the first year of the darkened skies grew stronger. They scavenged and rationed food, found ways to clean water, keep some animals alive long enough to provide some food. But soon the darkness began to block out even the warmth the sun provided, already extinguishing the light it soon began to drain the warmth. The air grew colder and frost soon began to cover the land. Humanity needed to go the only place left to escape the growing winter. They needed to retreat underground and recover. But finding caves large enough to start over was difficult, the surviving groups gathered and set sail to the Middle East, to the Rain Forests, the Mountains, of the far north. The winters were the worst there, and in the weeks that followed, there was no response from any that ventured there. The cold did however allow for safe and fast travel through the once burning deserts and the once humid rain forests, killing off the insects that would have poisoned and slowed many down. The survivors faced many dangers on their travels to the caves, animals that have lost their food source turning dangerous and more aggressive, hiking through the rain forest proved to still contain many hidden dangers even for the large group, large jungle cats preying on those in the night, crossing the rivers with rafts being capsized by massive crocodiles. Moral was low among those that were still going, but with the promise of safety in caves away from the gold and animals helped to raise spirits. They knew that all they needed to do was find safety in the caves, there they could begin to make homes protected against the cold, use weapons to hunt the animals that remained in the forest, and the mountain water would help to quench many a thirsty mouths they just needed to stay positive. Soon their hard travels came to an end, finding many of the caves of the jungle, many could be used, using flash lights tunnel systems were found large enough to safely travel through. Large caverns were soon discovered and with that discovery, a little bit of hope began to grow in the hearts of those that had made it so far. Things were slow at first, supplies was unloaded and tents were set up, food and water were stored under guarded watch. Hunting parties were made crafting weapons from the forest, conserving guns and ammo for a last ditch option for safety or food. A leader was soon elected. Johnathan, the man who kept the moral and hope up in so many, the one who led so many through the jungle and saved many from the predators, he knew how to survive and held his head the highest. He was the natural choice for leader. He happily accepted the position and started off by creating hunting parties and those that would gather wood for fires and weapons, and those that would go off in search of fruit and water. Those that could not hunt or were unable to stayed within the caves to build structures and help with medical needs of the young and elderly, any chance he had he took time to train those who had no skill to learn to hunt and craft weapons, to teach everyone survival methods. It was difficult at first, so many of those with him had come from cities and towns of decent size, few knew how to even hold a gun let alone use one, though he knew that using the guns was only for emergency he still wanted all to know the basics, the hardest part was teaching everyone the proper way to use spears and bows, to hunt and fish. It took time but in that time many learned the basics, and Johnathan felt hopeful that they would survive. Weeks pasted and the little community in the caves grew stronger, word for those taking refuge in the mountains of the Middle East prove to be having difficulties, people going missing in the night, fear that they had either abandoned hope and walked out into the desert to die, or worse that they had murderers within their midst, those taking advantage of the weakened minds to fill their lust for blood and death. Johnathan felt sorry for them but he had his own people to take care of. But his worries soon ceased, they were able to bring in food and boil water. Wood was easily gather so none went cold in the dark caves. For a few months everything was going smoothly. There were minor disagreements within the group but luckily none were ever over food or water. Everyone ate enough to not go to bed hungry, the biggest fights were over who got to sleep where and who got to go to the warm bathroom first instead of having to go out into the bigger cold. As time passed the temperature began to drop and the next big project for John was to build something to seal the entrance of the cave as when the harsh winds blew they were always likely to put out the fires. It was difficult to find something that could cover such a large area, many suggested leaves but others doubted they would provide the protection, some suggested rocks but the threat of a cave in was too great. It was eventually suggested that would should cover the entrance, cutting down trees to wall over the entrance could provide easy access in and out as well as prove thick enough to block out the brunt of the bitter winds. It was several more weeks before a working entrance was built, having to find thick vines that could hold the timber together. John was quite proud of what his little community was growing into, but in the back of his mind a worrying feeling had begun to grow, it had been quite some time since he heard word from any other, the last he heard was the quickly dwindling number, how people were reporting seeing and hearing strange things in the dark depths of the caves and those sent to investigate were never seen or heard from again. That eventually only a small handful remained out of the many that first sought shelter in the cave, the last word was that they were going off in search of their missing people but not a word ever came about their results. John had heard stories of things lurking in the caves over there, stories that made him fearful of letting any of his own people go off deeper in the caves in search of what lied within. But as time passed food began to grow a little scarce. It was becoming increasingly difficult to find prey in the ever growing winter outside, the water had begun to free making any attempts at fishing impossible, and all animals were either hunted or had died off from the cold. Still enough food was being brought in to not call for too much of an alarm, but he needed to be prepared just in case, against his better judgment he called his four best students from his survival teachings, two men and two women. He informed them in privet his growing fear of running out of food and tasked them with exploring deeper in the cave system for any animal or plant life they could find for food, he knew there were massive underground water systems and many could hold possible aquatic life. He shared with them his fear about what might be lurking in the dark depths, about how the contact with those that headed to the mountains in the middle east had begun to vanish and how he lost all contact with them. He made it clear that they were to take extra precaution when they went off into the deep tunnels, he was given them each a gun and two clips each, he hopped they would not need to use them but only time would tell. The four gathered a weeks wroth of provisions hoping that would not need them, gathering torches and flash lights they left to explore the deeper reaches of the caves. Before long the fire light of their small community vanished as they walked the dark tunnels, squeezing through crevices hoping the other side would open back up, climbing up and down ledges. Time seemed to drag on as they wondered deeper through the cave, once they came a crossed their first split it was a difficult decision but they decided it to be a bad idea to split up, making sure to mark where they entered and where they left the followed the series of tunnels that seemed to open up before them, the deeper they traveled the warmer they felt, the cold that snuck in through the door into the caves vanished the deeper they traveled, as did the dryness, as they soon found the walls wet with water. This gave them hope of finding waterways or plant life, perhaps even an underground biome, as a few days passed they were ready to turn back in defeat but they deiced to explore just a little bit further, when they did one of the men found something on the floor in front of him, examining it shown to be an edible berry, a berry so deep underground and still so fresh could only mean that there was something living down there with access to fresh food. Heading deeper they soon found a small pile of fresh fruits. Unable to believe their luck the four quickly began stuffing their bags full of fruit, now planning on exploring further in search of what had left the fruit there. Perhaps some animals found where fruit was still growing. Sitting furthest way collecting fruit one of the women suddenly felt a sharp sting in the back of her neck, her attempt to scream out in warning were useless as her body failed to respond, she fell back and was grabbed and dragged off into the darkness. Next when the other two had their backs turned one of the men noticed her disappearance and when he stood to call for her he too felt a sharp sting in the back of his neck, and the next moment he was being pulled up from the floor. In a matter of seconds the other two noticed their friends missing, pulling out and loading their guns they quickly stood back to back and called out for their missing friends to no answer, without warning the man felt a sudden prick in his neck and before he fell to the floor something grabbed him by the head and pulled him away. The girl looked back and began to sob and decided her best choice was to run for it, screaming in terror she dropped her gun and ran but tripped and fell as something caught around her leg and saw was dragged into the darkness. The four were separated as they were each lifted into the darkness and encased in some form of thick sticky strong casing, lifted by their captors and carried off into the darkness. None were able to move or speak, they were frozen as they listened to the strange scuttling sound. Not too long after they were captured they noticed light ahead of them and from their various view points their eyes widened in horror at what they saw. They were being carried on the backs of horse sized spiders into a cavern the size of a city, far ahead they saw rows of trees and fields all bearing fruit and vegetables all being farmed by more giant spiders, the massive cavern was light by alcoves in the walls roaring with fire, the four saw they were wrapped in silk cocoons. The four were separated as the two men were taken one way and the women were taken another. Each thought the same thing, they were going to be eaten. The temptation of the food was solely a trap to lure them in to be captured. Or perhaps they would farm them like live stock, keeping them alive then eating them when they got too old. Either way what ever the large spiders had planned for them it would not end well for them. If only they could escape to get back and warn the others of the dangers, they wondered if this wasn’t the same fate those in the mountains of the middle east met with. The men were the first to be taken off, but the looks of what little they could see they saw no dead bodies, but that could very well mean they just ate them instead of sucking out blood, or had some way to dispose of them. What they did not expect was to be tossed down into a large circular webbing area, there they rolled down a little until stopping, twisting and turning the looking up from their holding to find the webbing to be some sort of bed. Perhaps the spiders enjoyed comfort as they ate. For several long minutes, feeling close to an eternity they laid in their web prisons until the tell tell feel of something large walking on the web alerted them. With the poison still in their bodies they could do nothing but lie in wait. Then they felt their holdings being cut open, at lest down around their legs as the sharp points of the spider legs sliced off the webbing. Their eyes widened as they felt the legs cutting around their pants freeing their groins. A sour feeling was not going through both of them as they began to wonder if the spiders plan was to eat them or to use them. Unable to look anywhere but up neither was able to see as two female spiders, smaller than the ones that carried the four into the cavern. The two female spiders studied the male organs in front of them and clicked their pincers in joy. Dropping a type of liquid from their fangs onto the cocks of the two men, the liquid seeped into their skin and they felt a wild burning sensation as within seconds their cocks not only grew harder than stone but gained several inches as well. The aphrodisiac in the spiders venom enhancing their male organs to better accommodate the female. The two females stood watching the cocks grow larger and harder and as each began to throb the men began to sweat in fear of what was about to happen. The females turned around and lowered themselves onto the cocks underneath them as the men shut their eyes tight trying their hardest to thick about anything other than the fact that they were being ridden by giant female spiders. The spiders pussy’s were so strange and different compared to a regular female, it felt larger and slicker, hotter and wetter. Though they tried to force themselves not to they were beginning to enjoy the feeling, finding it not as horrifying as they thought, their cocks were being swallowed by the pussy of an arachnid yes, but if they closed their eyes and let their minds imagine they could picture themselves fucking anyone they wished, they didn’t have to deal with the sight of the spiders or the feeling of the stingers or legs, even their hair on the abdomens felt nice, soft and cool to the touch as the spiders made cooing sounds as they happily rode the cocks. The men moaned regaining some feeling in their limbs, though they were still confined in the webbing they could start to better feel the large pussies riding up and down on their cocks. It had been quite some time since either had gotten any, so it wasn’t long before they found themselves groaning in pleasure as their seed shoot up like geysers deep into the spiders waiting wombs. The females lowered themselves down further to take in as much of the seed as they could, feeling a great warm pleasure inside themselves as well as the men were. Due to their increased size and the aphrodisiac running through them their cocks were not the only thing to increase, as they were fucked with each passing minute their balls had grown larger and larger to grape fruit size, increasing their sperm amount as well. What used to only take a few seconds now stretched to nearly half a minute of non stop ejaculation, the men groaned and shivered as their orgasms finally came to a stop, panting through the silk webbing then felt sore but amazing. Finding it quite easy to picture themselves being ridden by any number of women their mind could create, keeping their eyes closed they didn’t have to look at the spiders that had risen off from their cocks and walked off happily impregnated by them. As they left two more came and the process was repeated. For several hours they were fucked and used to impregnate the females, each round they lasted a little longer, their bodies adapting to the aphrodisiac, but each time they were easily forced into cumming and they happily did so until they had nothing left to give. Once they were completely drained they were lifted up and carried off to heal and eat and drink along with the other males that had been taken from before. Meanwhile the females had been taken to an area further from the males as to keep them easily separated. They saw much of the same thing the men did, the fruit and vegetables being farmed, a large lake used for water, two channels were dug from it leading off into two tunnels which may have housed any other humans the spiders had. The women thought the same thing the men did, that they were going to be eaten, but as they were soon lifted they found themselves stuck on a large webbed wall able to fully see all of the cavern. They watched as the men were taken to a large bowl shaped indent in the floor covered with web and watched horrified as female spiders came and mated with them. They realized they would most likely be meeting with a similar fate as two spiders came over. As neither woman was familiar with spiders they were unable to tell exactly what species they were but there were many different types through out the cavern. One was thinner and longer than the other with bright yellow and blue on its body, the other was clearly some kind of tarantula with a thicker heavier body and light brown hairs. They stood in front of the women clicking their pincers to one another speaking in their own language as with quick clean movements they quickly cut off the webbing around their crotches and removed the clothing showing their pussies now exposes. They woman tried to struggle but their bodies were still under the effect of the poison keeping them frozen in place. They watched the spiders lift their front legs and felt their gentle touch as they examined their pussies still clicking and talking to one another as they pushed their legs up into the women, though they couldn’t move or speak in their minds they were screaming. The women who had the tarantula in front of her was at least relieved and embarrassed but the soft hairs of it, the soft silky hair of its massive leg getting her to grow hot and excited. This was of course noticed by the tarantula who clicked to his partner who was getting the same results as he examined his female. They clicked a few more times and walked off, for nearly ten minutes they women hung on the web wall watching their friends be fucked, or watching the spiders go about their daily duties. As they hung waiting they watched one spider come out of the tunnel near them carrying a naked woman on its back, her face was a light with a red blush as she smiled and giggled in pleasure, her stomach was swollen as her arms and legs were bound to her side, she was lifted and place carefully on the web wall so the other two could see her easily as the spider that carried her turned around around back up to her placing its crotch near hers. Though they could not see what was happening the woman continued to moan louder and groan panting as her stomach grew a little, the process took several moments until the spider moved away and a thick white creamy substance dripped from her pussy. She was then lowered back down and carried over to large circular dent like the one their friends were in, she laid there and that was all they could see as spiders brought her food and water. It was still easy to tell what was going on though. The spiders were using humans to both breed and incubate their eggs. The women glanced at one another wondering just how this process worked and how long they would be kept or how they would be kept as the two spiders that first examined them returned carrying web sacks on their backs, each bulged like a basket ball sack as they were gently lowered down. The spiders removed more of the webbing this time around their stomachs as the women looked down in fear watching the spiders take one small white wet orb the size of an apple and gently lift it up and press it into the women’s pussies. Their eyes rolled as they hung unable to do anything, their bodies growing hot and excited feeling the orbs, covered in a special aphrodisiac for women to help their bellies stretch so quickly, push inside them rubbing all over as they were pushed into their wombs. They stared ahead their eyes closing from the pleasure and pain of something being stuffed inside their wombs. The spiders retracted their legs slowly only adding to the pleasure they were feeling. The spiders continued to push the apple sized orbs in one by one as they women soon regained feeling in their bodies which did not help how they were feeling, now able to feel their pussies being touched and filled the orgasms soon began hitting them. This seemed to make the spiders happy as they were easily able to slide the eggs in faster with the juices helping to lubricate things. Over the course of an hour the women were filled with about thirty to fourty eggs each, their stomach now making them to look about nine months pregnant. With the eggs resting safely inside them they were in a state of near constant pleasure as they were lifted down from their holdings and carried gently down the tunnel near them to a large cave covered top to bottom in more of the soft web. Guarding the door were larger spiders that crawled aside to let them be carried in, the women were placed beside others that showed the some pregnancies, some who were there longer yet still feeling the same pleasure helped the new women ingest some fruit and water explaining the situation. Just as they had guessed they were used as incubators for the eggs the females laid from the seed of the humans. Though their circumstances were scary they had a safe place to live and plenty of food and water. They just had to carry and lay the eggs. This momentarily jarred the women from their pleasure as the thought of laying spider eggs was quite terrifying but as days past the thought didn’t seem so bad anymore. After a week of keeping the eggs inside them they were carried back out bound the same way as the first woman they saw and hung back up on the wall. Finally they would see how they would be fertilized as the spiders that pumped them full of eggs returned. Turning around they backed themselves up pressing their crotches together and the males pushed into them a thick creamy sticky seed that poured into their pussies, using their back legs the spiders pushed the seed up into their wombs to spread about and fertilize the eggs inside them. It wasn’t long until they were cumming from the gooey feeling inside them covered every inch of their pussies which would help the eggs to slide out later. Once the males were finished fertilizing them they were lifted from the wall and carried off to the large indent and laid down with their feet facing the center where there was a small hole at the bottom for the eggs to roll down and safely drop down into. They had to wait only a day until the women started to moan and pant feeling the eggs stirring inside them, soon they began to have to push and one by one the eggs slipped from their pussies, the feeling was unlike anything they ever felt before, it was a slick pleasure as the eggs slid slowly out of them and rolled down one by one dropping into the hole down to be safely stored until they hatched. Their stomachs slowly shrank back to normal size until they each pushed out their last eggs. Moaning lost in the pleasure they barely noticed as they were lifted from the birthing area and carried back to the cave to rest until they were next used. The spiders plan was successful, the humans that entered their caves were the perfect things to use for continuing their species and one day they would be able to claim the surface world. |
Exploring Amelia Maybe it started when I was checking her out at the senior pool party, but I had no idea until she tapped me on the shoulder after graduation practice. "Hey Ace," Amelia said, her gentle features looking a little bashful. "Is it true that you and April are broken up?" I shrugged. I didn't understand why she was asking. "Yeah. We've been done, for months now." "Oh. I guess I'm the last to find out. I'm sorry." "No worries." I tried my best to stay composed, to keep my expectations low. It wouldn't do to be breaking down or getting too pushy when the second-most attractive girl in school (arguably better) was asking leading questions about my romantic availability. "How about yourself? Any ties binding you as we head into graduation summer?" She blushed. "I've never had the time to keep a steady boyfriend." It seemed like this was something she was ashamed about, although in my perspective, I'd probably be headed toward a better college if all that time I had wasted on April had been invested in working or studying or something useful. "Would you maybe," she continued, "be interested in spending some time together?" I did my best not to be dumbfounded. Amelia, the nymph that had captivated my gaze in her sky-blue bikini, was asking me out? We knew each other somewhat and were on good terms, but this was beyond my expectations. I'm nothing if not good under pressure, though, and so before the day was out I had Amelia's number and had arranged a date with her for a few days later. * * * Graduation came and went, and the only thing that felt different was the catharsis of being freed from insipid speeches for at least a few months. In the hubbub, Amelia and I exchanged a few smiles and brief, pleasant chats but little else. Then, on Tuesday, our date arrived. We would be at her house alone, illicitly enough, as her mom would not be back from work until late. I had suggested going out, but Amelia, "had something to show me," and God knows I'm not one to turn down a chance like that to get some. It was a large but unassuming gray one-story house, and Amelia answered the doorbell promptly, wearing her waxen-brown hair in a ponytail to one side. Her hair was damp, as if she had just come out of the shower. She was dressed in a low-necked light sweater over a wispy white dress. A crystal necklace traced its way past her collarbone to a place where I couldn't help but look. She greeted me, with a smile, and escorted me inside to her room. As we entered into her room, where the June sun filtered through the trees and streamed in a back window, she turned around to stare straight at me. Her smile was replaced by a look of concern, and she mumbled, "I apologize if I've made a terrible mistake..." Then, she took my right hand with both of hers and placed it soundly on her left breast. I breathed slowly, deeply, searching her eyes for intent, but they were impossible to read. My right hand monopolized my consciousness, and I slowly processed the sensations it felt. The gentle cashmere of her sweater. The solid curve of her bra underneath. The slow rhythms of her breathing, and her heartbeat. While looking away, she began to speak again, quietly. "I'm sorry to be so abrupt. And I'm sorry to use you like this. I chose you because I needed someone and I thought you might accept it. And I think you're very attractive, too. Will you help me?" I felt her heart pounding harder in her chest, and I simultaneously became aware of the pert nipple poking out at my palm. Her shallow breaths made her breast quiver. Her hands, still placed over mine, were slightly sweaty, but held fast. In such a tender moment, still somewhat confused and almost overwhelmed, I nodded as reassuringly as I could manage. She exhaled a sigh of relief and released my hand, though I left it where it was. "How can I help?" I asked. "Let's start with..." she began, "I think it's called... cunnilungus?" Her face was beet-red, and still looked full of concern, as though she was asking the impossible. I let shock show on my face. She was far more bold than I had imagined! Cutting so quickly to the chase was almost disappointing. But I could buy it. Eating a girl out wasn't top on my list of sexual acts, but Amelia had me captivated and I would not hesitate to please her... or pleasure her, as the case may be. "Immediately," I said, and stroked my hand down to the hem of her sweater, as I began lifting it off of her. Looking halfway-relieved, she leaned into me in a passionate hug that turned into her ripping my shirt off. As I unbuckled my pants, she let her dress fall to the floor, and soon we stood facing each other in our undergarments. She guided my hands to her bra strap, which I undid with practice (bad memories of April hardly registering in my mind) and she dug her hands beneath my shorts as she lowered them past my rigid pole. "You like these? I caught you staring at them all week," she said of her luscious breasts. A smooth, creamy complexion blended over the two round protrusions from her chest, not large but still shapely. Cute pink dots stared back at me, so I slowly stroked around them with my hands. She dove in for a kiss, and our tongues entwined, trading musky flavors. I caught a whiff of tangerine scent from her hair. We tilted back onto her bed, and I bathed her with kisses convening down her chin, neck, and collarbone, pausing briefly to pay homage to those little pink dots before continuing on down her taut abdomen. She slid her panties down past her feet and discarded them, revealing her perfectly smooth, moistened cleft. I began descending my kisses ever closer, when she stopped me with a finger on my chin. "For this part, I'm on top," she whispered out between gasped breaths. Accepting, we rolled over and sat up. She mounted me, half-kneeling on my lap, and lowered her soft vulva to my face. Her lips parted around my outstretched tongue, and I was soon treated to a beautiful savory flavor of femininity the likes of which I had never dreamed. She pushed harder, and my tongue plunged farther into her depths, feeling out the warm textures within. Amelia squealed pleasantly, and I redoubled my efforts, flicking my tongue about with each new squeeze and thrust from her. My own arousal built and built, while hers escalated to ecstasy, and her slit rubbed over my mouth and nose luxuriously. She panted and moaned from the stimulus, and finally gasped out, "Here... it comes." I prepared myself to be doused in a new outpouring of fluids, but what came next was not what I expected. Amelia inhaled a deep breath, and I felt the muscles in between her legs relax and spread apart. Before I knew what was happening, her vagina had engulfed my whole face, and I felt her labia pass over my ears. I felt, more than heard, her exhale again as the mouth of her vagina spread down to my neck. My mind searched frantically for an explanation of the sensations I was experiencing. The moist flesh around me contracted and released as she grinded against my shoulders for a time, then I felt myself lurch forward as her muscles again relaxed further and her opening spread over my shoulders. I felt my arms pinned at my side as the lips of her sex now quickly escalated down my torso. I could no longer keep up with her using my tongue, so I gave up and tried to ask, "What's happening?" but Amelia didn't respond aside from pleased shivers and desperate breathing. Mentally, I felt that I should be afraid, as something impossible and probably dangerous was happening to me, but emotionally I was overrun with sensations of arousal and pleasure. I writhed and squirmed as much as I could manage, and Amelia's pussy redoubled its fluxation around me. More and more of my body became surrounded with warm, undulating flesh, which squeezed and released in slow contractions that lifted my body inside hers. My cock nearly burst when the lurid texture of her seeking labia passed over it, but it held until her lubricated inner world contained it, at which point I spewed forth my seed and felt the peak of my awareness begin to fade. One massive contraction made short work of my thighs and knees, until finally my ankles and feet were all that remained outside of her devouring pussy. A slower, final squeeze bent my left knee up and cut that number to one foot in the outside world. It seemed this was the end for Amelia, too, though awash as I was in her fluids I couldn't tell if she came herself. The undulations stilled, and her breathing slowed to a calmer, if still elevated, state. "Ace?" a muffled voice reverberated around me. "Can you hear me?" "I can hear you... What... What did you just do?" "Oh wow, I can hear you too." My world quaked as she giggled around me. I felt a cool hand stroke the flat of my foot as she replied. "Sorry I couldn't explain it to you first. This is what I wanted to show you. I seem to have a whole world inside me, and I need someone to explore it for me. Can you do that, Ace?" I paused to consider my surroundings. I could still feel her flesh on every side, but now that the contractions had stopped, it did seem incredibly roomy in here. I didn't feel as if I had shrunk, but here I was, all but an ankle buried in a girl's twat, and I could stretch my arms a few inches to either side on top of it. But beyond that, as my eyes adjusted to the faint, pinkish light, I thought I saw another tight opening up ahead, just maybe big enough to fit through, beyond which lied who-knows-what. Her cervix? I considered slowly, letting my breathing pattern fall in line with Amelia's. Euclidian geometry, this was not. "If I don't want to?" "Then I've made a terrible mistake, but I'll pull you out by this ankle here and beg you not to speak a word of this to any other soul." "And if I accept?" "Then after I pull you out, we can prepare for next time." "Neither of those sound good," I said, and while she was still somewhat confused, I tugged my remaining foot forward out of her grasp and into the warm, awaiting realm of her body. "I choose now," I said, and dove forward to the awaiting cervix and into her inner world. TO BE CONTINUED...? |
Exploring Amelia part 2 I learned three very important things during my first trip into Amelia's inner world. First was that the rules and laws I knew from the outside world did not apply. Second was that, strange as it sometimes seemed, it was definitely in some way "inside" her body, since she could feel and react to things I did in there. Finally, I learned that the space inside her was far, far bigger than I had imagined. I was a little giddy when I entered the opening that I could only describe as Amelia's cervix. Being large enough for me to squeeze through, it certainly didn't fit what a cervix ought to be, but here I was, a full-size dude who'd just been swallowed whole by her pussy, so traditional anatomy was already out the window. Amelia writhed and squealed as her inner opening accommodated me. The other side deposited me, after a short drop, on a fleshy surface in a cavernous chamber. Unlike the part immediately inside her vagina, where Amelai's flesh had massaged me on every side, this place was literally big enough to stand up and walk around in. It wasn't bright enough to see the other end of the cavern, but a faint pink light that seemed to stream in from everywhere illuminated the place. I steadied myself and looked around. From what vague sense of gravity I had, the cavern seemed to slope upwards, unevenly, with pillar-like stretches of moist, muscular flesh studded throughout. The whole thing softly rose and fell in time with Amelia's breathing. "Are you OK in there?" came Amelia's pretty voice from every direction, but especially forward and up. "I'm fine. How about you? Are you holding up?" I wondered if she would be able to hear me. "It kind of tickles. Is that you moving around?" She seemed to have calmed down somewhat on hearing from me. "I think so. Hey, can you feel this?" I walked up to one of the stretchy flesh pillars (I'll call them tendons, I guess, though I'm sure that's wrong too) and slammed my body into it. The thing reverberated like a rubber band, and at the same time, the cavern jolted briefly. "ow! That stings!" "Sorry. I can't believe all this is really inside of you." "I know... isn't it amazing?" Amelia seemed to have a mysterious pride to this. I guess I found it understandable. Inside her body, there were whole rooms that shouldn't possibly exist, big enough for dozens of people. It was certainly something special. I began to wander around a little more, when I spotted something out of place, somewhat blue-looking and with a different texture than the rest of the area. I approached it and realized it was a stuffed animal in the shape of a dolphin, one of those large ones that's several feet long. I picked it up and inspected it. The only label was a generic "Made in China" tag sticking out of the rear fin. The whole thing looked somewhat faded and worn, like it had been well-loved for years. The dolphin's stiff front beak was slightly discolored. "Amelia... do you know why there's a stuffed dolphin in here?" There was a pause, during which the world shuddered around me. When the movement stopped, I felt like gravity was at a slightly different incline than before. Apparently Amelia was shifting positions. "Oh, you found Bottles? He's a long-time friend of mine. Um. I guess I should explain. That's how I discovered that this exists." She twitched the flesh around me slightly to emphasize that she was talking about in "inner world," so to speak. "A couple weeks ago, I was, uh, masturbating with Bottles. But then I guess I sort of relaxed a little, and the next thing I know, Bottles is kind of getting sucked into my pussy. It felt pretty good, so I let it go, and when I couldn't fish him out, I just kind of guessed. Oh... but you felt better, going in." I imagined Amelia blushing, as I blushed myself. My nether regions reawakened just a little at the thought. "I guess I'm flattered," I said, starting to head towards the yet unexplored part of the chamber. "Can you bring him with you when you... leave?" she said bashfully. "Leave, huh? I guess I'll have to do that, even though I don't want to. Sure, I'll bring Bottles with me when I do." "Thanks." I continued to explore Amelia's insides until I lost track of time, though it still felt too short to me. We passed the time, talking on a level more intimate than I had ever experienced, starting to really get to know each other. I mean, when we hooked up earlier that day, the two of us had been fundamentally just friendly strangers, having had a few passing talks over our years in high school, never really knowing deeply about each other. Amelia admitted that she's been attracted to me back when I was dating April, but hadn't acted on it. I told her I thought she was sexy and beautiful and didn't deny that I had been ogling her mercilessly at the pool party. I began to understand the question that had baffled me, about why this girl, whose body was a wonderland in more ways than one, whose prior sexual experience was next to none, who found herself suddenly in possession of a staggering secret -- why this girl had chosen me as her confidant and partner. At length, she regretfully informed me that we had little time before her mom would come home, so I had to get out. I hadn't found anything else particularly interesting in this session -- just more caverns and chambers waiting to be explored -- but Amelia promised that we could try again at the next available opportunity, so I backtracked down the "stairwell", as it were, and toward the cervix opening that I had entered from. It was relatively high up, and I grabbed the wall to try climbing up it, which caused Amelia to shiver and knock me loose. "Are you ready?" she said, then, and before I could reply, the tendon-things flexed and the entire chamber floor lifted up, bowling me over, and squeezed towards the cervix, which pushed open. Bottles and I were tumbled end over end and pummeled through the cervix and the vaginal antechamber, finally coming to rest on cream-colored bedsheets. I steadied myself and raised my gaze back to the naked body of Amelia, trying to confirm the reality of the situation. There she was, looking as thin and well-formed as ever, with no sign that her body had just expelled a living being bigger than her from within itself. She was blushing furiously, and grabbed a bedsheet to belatedly serve her modesty. "I brought back Bottles, like you asked," I said, for lack of anything better to say. "Thanks," she replied simply for the same reason, and took him from me to hug him. Then she reached out again, forgetting the bed sheet, and hugged me. I returned the gesture, as our bare skin pressed against each other, and we shared a long, slow kiss. When it was over, she looked at my eyes longingly. "I think I love you," she said. "Me too." |
Exploring Amelia part 3 We wasted no time off, and so the following morning, as soon as her mom had left the house, I found myself pressing on Amelia's doorbell. She answered the door in jeans and a tight black shirt this time, which I thought suited her a little less than what she had been wearing for our first date, but we shed those the moment we got back to her room, along with the rest of our attire, and began furiously making out. "Do you want to try going in feet-first this time?" she asked suddenly during a lull in our liasons. My already-stiff rod hardened to steel at the very thought. "That sounds perfect." While stroking my shoulders, she gently pushed me backwards against the mattress. "Lie down then. Let's get started." I complied, diverting myself from massaging her perky little breasts in order to watch as Amelia sat down her legs parted, and lined my feet up, knees bent, her moistened opening hovering inches away from my toes. She bent her hips forward a little and began rubbing the lips of her pussy all over my toes and feet, back and forth, up and down. I wiggled my toes, and she snickered a little as it tickled her sensitive area. Just as I began to doubt anew the reality of what I had experienced yesterday, Amelia took a deep breath and let her vagina sink down over my big toes, rapidly engulfing the balls of my feet and reaching down past my arches. I was treated to a plethora of pleasurable sensations as her moist, rippling insides gave way to my feet's entry. Amelia exhaled in a big, utterly satisfied sigh as her face widened into a profound grin. "I'm starting to think this is your favorite part," I teased as she wriggled her cunt up to my ankles. "Maybe. But it's definitely yours," she retorted. Guilty as charged. "Now, straighten your knees and push." "Wait. I want to bring something with me this time. Maybe a camera." "What? No, that's embarassing, and besides, we've already... started," she moaned. "You don't want to see what your amazing inner world looks like?" I asked between gasps of breath. "Maybe next time. For now... get... in!" she said, and pushed on my knees until I conceded and bent them. Immediately, the line of warmth and moist pressure denoting her sex ascended over my calves. From there, we linked hands, and she tugged me, slowly but steadily forward into her waiting depths. I stared transfixed at the opening that, a mere slit before, had spread wide enough to accomodate my thighs, her legs seemingly parting effortlessly to admit me. Yet, despite all this, Amelia's delectable flat tummy showed hardly a ripple, as if the third of my body that she had slurped up with that welcoming cunt took up no space. It felt like an optical illusion. At this point, my dick was hard beyond belief. Her labia rolled over it with ease, squeezing it ecstatically, and she tugged my arms a little extra so as to quickly gobble it up before I spilled my load. "Alright, now let's tuck your hands... in so they don't... get in the way... later!" she managed to gasp out, and I willingly submitted my hands to her oncoming folds as they rose up to my ribcage. From inside, I rubbed all around to stimulate her, and her eyes closed in ecstasy as it worked. From then on, our banter degenerated to the sounds of unbelievable pleasure. Clinging onto my shoulders, Amelia leaned in for a final passionate kiss before my torso was so submerged in her that it would no longer reach. Our tongues linked and twisted around one another, and we exchanged mutual knowing smiles when it ended. She let her arms slide back up and push down on my shoulders, helping my admittance to her inner world until her nether lips reached my neck. From there, she let go and let her other muscles tug me the rest of the way from the inside. I stuck out my tongue and reveled in her flavor as the line crossed my chin and I stared up at the underside of her still-slim torso, until finally her pussy covered up my eyes and gobbled up the last exposed bit of my head. It wasn't over quite yet when the lips of her cleft sealed shut behind me, though. The inside of Amelia's vagina rocked and spasmed as she reached orgasm. I simply rode it out, calmly and satisfied, then began to twist over so that I could make my way towards her cervix and the deeper world within her. This apparently overwhelmed her sensitivities, and a double orgasm rocked me again so that I lost my bearings entirely. At last I got hold of her inner opening and, bearing yet more overwhelming shudders, thrust through. The interior was much as I remembered it: moist, spacious, and lit by an ambient pink light coming from everywhere. Amelia's voice resounded around me, as she breathed a satisfied sigh. "I love getting you inside me [i]so much[/i]!" I didn't feel the need to voice my agreement as I took stock of my surroundings and started walking towards the "grand stairwell" again. From what I had discovered last time, various rooms and pathways branched off its rising course, leading to many untold places. I decided to be methodical and stick to the right-hand wall as far as I could go for now. I ran my hand against it as I walked, and felt the slightly-elevated throbs of Amelia's heartbeat mixed with deep, controlled breaths. I could imagine her lying back, eyes closed, tracing my progress from the outside with a hand resting along her taut abdomen, listening for my movements. I hadn't gone far when I caught sight of a familiar gray-blue object. "Can't keep Bottles outside of you for one whole day, huh?" I teased, and picked up the worn soft toy. The muscles making up the "floor" and "walls" of this passageway stiffened up just a little. Somehow I got the impression Amelia was blushing. "You, either," she replied, and now it was my turn to blush. It really hadn't even been a whole day since I last entered her. The air seemed to get warmer as I progressed. I ignored several left-bearing branches and finally reached what appeared to be a side-room on the right-hand side of this body-cavern: a slight round bulge, with a little bit of a loose opening, similar to the cervix, but bigger. I couldn't really see what was on the other side, so I steadied up to it and just sort of dove through headfirst. Amelia gasped, but it was so slight that I might not have noticed it from outside of her body. What I found on the other side surprised me. It was only a small chamber, really, about the size of a large bedroom, with composition essentially the same as what I had encountered so far. But what was in this chamber, deep within the body of a beautiful high school girl's pussy, surprised me. There was a bedsheet and a pillow, and moreover, it seemed like they hadn't been strewn about at random, but laid out as if someone had slept on them. "Amelia?" "Yes, Ace?" "Have you had anyone else in here?" There was a longer pause before her reply than I would have liked. "No, nobody else, unless you count Bottles. You're my only hero. Why do you ask?" "No reason." I checked out the sheet and pillow a little more closely. They were soft, fine sheets, probably about a size that would fit Amelia's own bed, and I could recognize no one's scent on them but her own. They were surprisingly dry, but this whole room seemed to be like that. Perhaps they had simply ended up getting stuffed into Amelia's pussy the same way I and Bottles had been, and the placement was coincidence. In any case, their mere presence gave me some ideas, and it occurred to me that this wouldn't be a bad place to stay for an extended period of time. It wasn't yet time for a break, though, so I left Bottles with the sheets and squeezed back through the door-valve. Amelia began speaking to me again. "Hey... I'm going to move around for a bit and put some clothes back on... hold on, OK?" I agreed, and kept an arm hooked on the opening to the bedroom-like chamber. Shortly thereafter, the whole world began to quake, and gravity shifted somewhat backwards, the pathway steepening briefly. I closed my eyes instinctively, but I felt the bedroom valve clamp down on my arm and hold it fast. Amelia explained that she was putting on some panties and a camisole, so she would be halfway decent just in case, and she was laying back down on her stomach. When she finished, the shaking subsided, and I willed my eyes open again. The valve-opening released my arm, and I easily set down again on the fleshy hallway floor again. Strangely, it didn't seem as if up and down had been flipped, even though she should now be lying on the opposite side as she had been before. The floor was perhaps a little steeper, but the only noticeable change was that it had gotten perhaps slightly darker. Given that this place's mere existence refuted physics, I didn't worry about it too much. "I'm going to be reading a book, The Time Traveler's Wife. Would you like me to read aloud for you?" she asked. "That would be lovely," I said, as I began striding uphill again. |
Subsets and Splits