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Amelia's soft enunciations of her novel kept me company as I continued my explorations of her insides. The passageway I was following curved back and forth slightly, and continued its somewhat upward trend (insofar as my warped sense of gravity informed me), occasionally opening into wider caverns but generally seeming to grow narrover and ever-so-slightly darker as I got further along. I came across many small wonders, strange constructions of her body that tingled or stimulated her in some little way, more smaller rooms similar to the first but emptier, free flows of mysterious body liquids, and more. Amelia read through the first few chapters of the book, and hours passed by pleasantly but uneventfully as I followed the passageways deeper into the land within Amelia's body. After I had explored forward and upwards a while with no sign of reaching an end, I began backtracking a little and exploring some of the side passageways. I eventually found myself back at the main cavern where I had entered before. It dawned on me that I had spent nearly half the day exploring Amelia without having anything to eat. Around the same time, Amelia seemed to realize the same thing, and she broke from her narration to talk to me. "Hey Ace, are you hungry? I feel famished, myself." "Couldn't have said it better. What should I do? Come out?" "No, don't--... I mean, if you want to... Or maybe I could send something in there for you?" Even if I hadn't been reluctant to leave the mysterious space that existed within Amelia, the idea was too good to pass up. I expressed my agreement to Amelia, who seemed likewise relieved. "OK, hold on tight, I'm going to go find something." I found the nearest tendon-thing and wrapped myself soundly around it. Amelia shivered in reaction. "What are you doing? That tickles!" But she got over it quickly enough, and soon I could feel her tip-toeing out of her room, perhaps to the kitchen. Surprisingly, the chamber around me did not seem to shift massively, and I found that even if I let go of the tendon, I could still get around with some confidence. I could hear some rummaging, and after a while Amelia strode gingerly back to her room. "We don't have much around the house, so this will have to do," she explained, and I could hear her chewing something. She followed it with a gulp of some liquid, I couldn't tell what, and then repositioned herself. As far as I could tell, the food she had just swallowed was nowhere near the part of her body that now contained me, and this massive tunnel system, so I guessed she was just taking her own portion first. "OK, let's try this..." For the next several seconds, I had no idea what was going on, but as I began to feel gravity sway gently and Amelia's moaning returned, I began to get the idea. It wasn't long before the cervix-valve opened to drop in something about the size of my arm -- a baguette of French bread, one heel torn off and eaten, the rest slightly dampened with Amelia's own flavor, but still quite fresh. It was followed not long after by a nearly-full two-liter bottle of juice. "Did you just... fuck a loaf of bread?" "That's rude! I... inserted it. And for your sake, no less!" She seemed to be positively embarassed for perhaps the first time in this whole affair. "I love you, Amelia," I said for the second time in two days. Two days of... well, not going out with, but going [i]into[/i], this girl. That seemed to satisfy her, and I took the rest of my meal in peace. The bread was modest, but after the exertion of getting around in here all day, it felt like a feast. Amelia finished her portion before I did and resumed reading aloud while I drank what I wanted of the juice and began making my way back towards the passage I had been following in the morning. I deposited the remainder of the two-liter alongside the bedding and Bottles in the "bedroom" and, re-energized, began hastily catching up to where I had been before. At length I came to unknown territory, and not long thereafter I spotted a particular valve that caught my attention. It seemed to be at a nexus of several patterns within the fleshy walls, as if blood vessels joined together and focused in that area. And unlike the other valve-doorways, which had been at various heights along the curved sides of the passage, this new one was directly overhead. Luckily, with the way the passage had narrowed, it was not far out of reach, and I was able to jump up and lodge my hands in it. Amelia paused reading with a pleasant yelp, right as the valve loosed and then squeezed my arms, pulling me upwards into its folds. This was a tighter fit than the others, and after my head passed through it seemed stuck around my ribcage for a while. My upper body had thrust into a very narrow canal, of sorts, and though I tried to crane my head to see above me, the canal was flush around me and afforded little view. Amela breathed another squeal and the valve loosened and squeezed again, and soon the whole canal was rippling around me, tugging my body through and up. My libido reawakened with the stimulation, and my cock hardened as it was battered by the passage of the canal all around me. The undulations quickened, and I felt myself being passed through the tubeway at impressive speed. The canal finally pushed me out into a new chamber, but unlike the others, this one was extremely dark and seemingly full of a thick liquid or gel. I floundered around blindly while my ecstasy built. "Ace..." came a voice from around me, distinctly louder than before, "how did you... get all the way... up here? You're in my... left breast... now," sputtered Amelia between gasps. "I don't know!" I marveled at the concept. Amelia's breasts weren't big, probably still short of a C cup, but for me to be floundering around inside of one was somehow insanely sexy. The whole chamber seemed to flow and reshape while I was in it, and at length I came to realize that Amelia was squeezing and massaging her own chest. I wriggled against the current, and opened my mouth to sample the sweet nectar that encaased me. It didn't taste a bit like milk, but the flavor was heavenly. Finally, overcome, my own emissions burst forth and mixed with the sea of liquid surrounding me. Amelia cried out at the same time, and the waves of whatever-it-was tumbled me end over end. "That's the third time today you've made me come," she informed me as the waves mellowed out around me. "This is almost dangerously pleasureful." I nodded in agreement. It was so pleasant in here, I could practically fall asleep. In fact, the more I thought about it, the more I felt like... |
In my sleep, I was visited by a strange figure. Like me, he had wild blonde hair, his even longer and out of control than mine, but he was muscled and toned on a scale entirely different from my halfway-fit body. This shadowy figure filled my thoughts as I drifted through nothingness, and called my name. "Ace. You're running out of time to be careless. Merely accepting without question can only get you so far." "Hnngh... What are you talking about?" I moaned drowsily. "Listen carefully. The space inside Amelia is borrowed from another reality. The connection can only be held open so long before the other side starts bleeding over and taking its due." "Huh?" "Think of it this way. Why do you think Amelia can defy physics and house an alternate world inside her?" "Uh, because she was born that way?" "Wrong. Because she wished for it, *very hard*. The world is not a single reality, but and endless multiverse of possibilities, time and space. These exist not side-by-side, but layered on top of one another, happening simultaneously in the same place. People's minds simply stick to one to acknowledge and restrict themselves to that one. But Amelia is different. She's an Esper, someone with the power to unchain herself from the reality she perceives and manifest the reality she desires. Moreover, she has the influence to drag others along with her reality. You've become detached from the world you know and joined her in perceiving an alternate universe." "So?" "The presence of an Esper is a destabilizing factor. Once a person's mind has experienced a shifting reality, it begins to drift. Sometimes these drifting minds can find their own momentum. Meeting an Esper tends to create more Espers." "What are you saying? That I'll become an Esper, too?" "You already are. But you're a special kind. You don't have any agency to choose a reality on your own. You're what we might call a Repeater. You act as an amplifying factor. Normal people can only do this to increase the stickiness of the reality they perceive. But you can stabilize the manifestation of another Esper. You reinforce the Esper's ability to drag others along into her reality." "I don't get it. What's the point? How do you know all this?" "You told me." The strange man grinned rogueishly and turned around. "Just remember to believe in the one you trust." With a backhanded wave, he vanished, and my consciousness faded once more. |
My phone buzzed with an unknown number. I sat unsure whether to answer, since it was already the witching hour for telemarketers. In the end my good faith won out and I pressed the green Call button. "Amy?" said a voice over the phone. "That's me. Who are you?" "My name's Amelia. You don't know me, but your brother and I need your help. He says to tell you it relates to Ellen." Ellen. That was something I hadn't heard in years. But there was no doubt that this Amelia knew my brother Ace. As children, Ace and I had never been very close, even though we were almost the same age. In retrospect, that's probably largely my fault. He was adopted, I wasn't. It's a common story: a couple can't seem to conceive, but as soon as they start seriously preparing themselves for adoption, suddenly it happens. But it was already too late to cancel the arrangement with Ace's birth parents, so I was born just 5 months after he was. You can imagine how we had grown up feeling maybe a little more than the standard sibling rivalry, and hadn't gotten along all that well until a few years ago. That's when I went to him with my secret. Truth is, I'm gay. Always have been, though it really only registered around when I started high school. I kept quiet for a while because I really wasn't sure how to break the news to my parents. That's why I told Ace. If there's one real redeeming quality about my brother I recognized even then, it's that he doesn't judge people. So I confided in him first, and eventually he helped me soften the blow to our parents when I came out. It just so happens that he and I also discovered we have pretty similar taste in girls. During the time when I was hiding my orientation from my parents, Ellen was the code word we used to refer to the subject. Amelia explained troublingly little of the circumstances over the phone, but I understood why one might want to be reluctant about that sort of thing, so she texted me her address and it wasn't long before I was driving over to her house. It was a big house in a nice neighborhood, and I spotted Ace's car parked on the street nearby. That eased my worries but increased my confusion over what sort of trouble Ace was in. I rang the doorbell, and was greeted at the door by a downright gorgeous brunette wearing what looked to be yellow pajamas. She was familiar-looking; I had probably met her a couple times at our school through Ace. Nonetheless, until now I hadn't taken the time to really check her out. I noted the visible straps of a camisole undershirt, not the kind one would normally wear with fuzzy pajamas. By all indications, she had just thrown them on to have something decent to answer the door in. I wondered if I might be overdressed, with striped tights under my miniskirt, a two-layered frilly top, and a sunflower pin in my hair. I thought it complimented my hair's natural black in the short style I had chosen, but I know that sometimes too much is too much. "Amy? Come in," the brunette said, looking only a little flustered. I recognized her voice from the phone, and smiled back politely. Amelia strode steadily as she guided me through the house to what was apparently her bedroom. Immediately I spotted my brother's clothes on the floor. What the hell was going on here? I shot Amelia a look. She was already stripping off her pajama top. "I'm sorry, it's hard to explain and we don't have much time, either. Can you start by getting undressed, too?" Now, had most anyone else used that line on me, I would have stopped dead and demanded an explanation. But my heart was already throbbing at the sight of this girl who was now just a couple pieces of clothing short of being in her bare skin, and consequently I quelled my desire to make sense of the situation. I kicked off my shoes, tugged my two shirt layers over my head together, and shimmied out of skirt and tights as quickly as I could manage. Amelia, who'd already dropped down to just her camisole, sans any sort of bottoms whatsoever, came over to me, showing off her secret lips, which looked a little moist already. Not as much as my own, after seeing that. "Come on, all the way," she said as I laid my tights and skirt aside. She even reached around and unhooked my bra! "I can see why Ace called this a code Ellen," I commented as I tried to loop my arms seductively around the other girl's hips. "But I still don't understand the urgency or where he went." For her part, Amelia still seemed single-mindedly focused on getting me totally naked, which she accomplished, tugging down my panties and letting me step out of them. "This should help explain things," she said, as she locked hands with me and flopped backwards onto her bed. Helplessly, I followed, leaning forward to kiss her soft, smooth tummy. That's when she took my two hands and tucked them both effortlessly into the warm little opening between her legs. "What?!" I exclaimed softly. She tugged on my elbows, and her vagina swallowed up several more inches of forearm, pulling my whole torso downwards towards her snatch. "I need you inside me now, all the way inside. For Ace's sake as much as mine." * * * 40 minutes earlier: I awoke to the sound of Amelia's voice around me. "Ace! Ace, where are you?" I opened my eyes. I was lying on my back in a shallow puddle of liquid, on top of some sort of lumpy, pinkish substance. It was sticky and smelled overwhelmingly sweet. Oh yeah, I remembered. I'm inside Amelia's body. "Ace! Ace, it's getting late. If you don't get out really soon, my mom'll get home. Can you hear me?" Oh crap. "Yeah... I hear you. I guess I'll just have to leave now." But wait, where was this? "I don't remember anywhere that looked like this before. Do YOU know where I am?" "What?" Amelia seemed bewildered. "You're inside me, of course..." "Yeah, but more specifically, where?" "Last I remember, you had somehow ended up in my breast, but then I fell asleep, and..." "Yeah, me too. It seems I got deposited somewhere else in the meantime." I stood up unsteadily and took stock of my surroundings. It was a pretty small chamber that curved around out of sight after just a couple feet in either direction. I trotted around the corner only to find it branch out into two different passages that each looked like more of the same. "I wonder how I get out," I mused aloud. "No way. You're lost in there?" Another check behind me. No sign of any particular familiar features. "Yep, that seems to be the gist of it." Amelia groaned desperately. "What are we supposed to do? I can't sneak you out after my mom gets home... and won't your parents be really worried if you're out all night?" "Well, first, let's try THIS!" I suddenly bit a chunk of the flesh around me. The whole area reacted by temporarily tensing up and squeezing against me. "Ow! What'd you do that... oh, I see. Um, I think you're somewhere between my crotch and my bellybutton. I don't really know where exactly. Sorry." "Damn. Well, it was worth a shot." "So what do we do now?" "Maybe send someone else in to find me?" Amelia was silent for a while. I guess she hadn't considered this. After a while, she said softly, "If it were another guy, that would be too embarrassing... but if it's a girl, then I guess. I hope they don't think I'm a disgusting freak or a monster..." I thought for a while. "My sister Amy wouldn't think you're a freak or a monster, I bet. And I'm sure she could keep your secret." "Really?" Amelia seemed to be thinking for a while. "Then I guess let's call her. What's her number?" As Amelia got up and retrieved her phone, I recounted Amy's phone number, and discussed how we would talk to her. Obviously we couldn't tell her the truth over the phone, and there was no way I could talk to her directly. Luckily I knew just the thing. * * * I looked up from my arms to the rippling pussy that was slowly inching its way up them, to the superbly flat curve of belly above it, to the equisitely-shaped rack still hidden partly by the camisole, and finally at the face which was staring back at mine, as if waiting for approval. "You're really something, you know that, Amelia?" Her reaction gave me just the opportunity I needed. I yanked both my arms out from her sopping cavern and heaved myself forward, pinning her on her back. My knee pulled up and rubbed against the hungry snatch, which greedily moistened my thigh. "But you really think you can devour me without letting me enjoy that delectable body of yours?" Amelia looked somewhat afraid and confused while I lifted the camisole off to finally reveal her bare chest. Before she could mount a word of protest I locked lips with her and tasted her sweet breath. My hands free, still dripping with her fluids and moving almost of their own accord, traced figure eights around her shoulders and ribcage. Amelia shivered, but I knew right away that it wasn't a bad shiver. I was good at this. She began returning my kisses and arched her back in appreciation. I felt the soft globes of flesh that composed her breasts pressing against my own, somewhat smaller boobs. In short, I let my presence be known throughout her whole body. Eventually, I could feel my tension growing near its peak, so I reached a hand down where my knee was rubbing and fingered the mouth of her southern cavity. Amelia's was far more accomodating than any pussy I'd encountered before, but still it didn't take me long to find her sensitive nub. I massaged it, softly at first, then increasing in intensity, then softly again. Amelia's gasped breathing told me half the story. "Just get in there already!" she managed to burst out. "You need to find Ace before my mother comes ho-- aaAaaAaa agh!" Amelia looped her hands, free again, around my elbows and shoved them towards her with force. Almost instantaneously, my arms were once more buried in pulsating flesh, spreading wide her opening just inches from the tip of my head. "Alright already!" I conceded, and lunged forward. Somewhat to my surprise, Amelia's pussy admitted me easily, swirling down past my outstretched armpits and contracting around my collarbone. This girl really did mean to engulf my whole body in hers! It finally dawned on me, then, what was going on here. Ace had gone on ahead into the seemingly endless depths of her love canal, and now it was my turn to join him. And that was as much reasoning as I managed to do, while the pleasure train that was Amelia's labia schlepped over my tits and down my back. I squirmed and writhed wildly, driving both Amelia and myself to orgasm, not just once, but twice, three times, each fit causing Amelia's cooch to envelop more of my body, crawling over my rear, and across my thighs. The accommodating pink flesh wracked my body into divine contortions, as my calves gleefully entered Amelia's sex, and by the time its lips sealed shut behind my toes, I was utterly spent. Amelia managed still a few more pleasure spasms, the largest of which squeezed me upwards again into and through a seemingly small hole. Finally, she too fell quiet, and I gazed in awe at the massive cavern into which I had been deposited. After a long pause in which each of us caught our breath, two voices sounded at once: "Amy... can you hear me?" |
My world was shockingly stable as Amelia got up to answer the door. The first few times she had shifted her weight around with me inside her, she had moved gingerly for fear of upsetting my apparent gravity, but we were both starting to get the sense that forces outside of her, like Earth's gravity, didn't translate directly into equal shifts inside. In the time that Amelia stood up, threw on some pajamas, and walked across the house, I felt some quaking and swaying in the flesh around me, but nothing that a little balance couldn't overcome. Changes within Amelia's body, by contrast, were amplified within the space I now occupied. I lost my footing when Amelia shivered, in anticipation of enveloping Amy's body with her own, I guess. From there it was the wildest ride I had ever encountered. I guess I hadn't expected my sister to enter Amelia without any sort of fuss or fanfare, but from my vantage point, she played Amelia like a Stradivarius. The lumpy wonderland in which I was currently astray clamped down around me and roiled continuously. Amelia squealed in delight at Amy's administrations, while waves of pure Amelia assaulted my every sense. I was spent by the first peak, but the girls didn't stop there, and I found myself gasping to keep breath in the tumbling funhouse. At long last, Amelia breathed a familiar sigh and the hyperactive cavern settled down again. "Amy... can you hear me?" I called aloud when I had caught my breath. Amelia's voice echoed the same sentence in unison. "That's a hell of a girlfriend you've got here, Ace," was her sassy reply. Unlike Amelia, whose amused giggle seemed to originate on all sides, Amy's voice had a definite directional quality to it. I respected her ability to take events in stride, but part of the reason I recommended her was because I knew that was a quality we siblings shared. We trusted our eyes and responded to situations as they arose without being chained to preconceptions. Amy's voice seemed to be coming from a particular tunnel, so I called out a reply to her and started making my way that direction, over the rough terrain. This tickled Amelia, apparently, making it even harder to get anywhere, but I continued on. Amy started up a conversation about song lyrics that were appropriate for this situation, just as an excuse to keep talking so I could find her by voice. She was exploring, too, trying to find where I had gone; from time to time, Amelia chimed in, but she kept it down so we could hear each other. "I keep thinking of Paramore's Misery Business. You know, 'But God does it feel so good / 'cause I've got him where I want him now!' " I didn't say anything, but a different part of that song was popped up in my head. Something about waiting eight long months for him to break up with someone else? "Hey, don't forget you both actually have to get out, soon. I can't keep you in there all night!" "Yeah, I know. Oh, how about We're All in This Together by NIN?" "Very funny." After maybe half an hour, Amy stopped her normal banter. "It feels like we're pretty close at this point. And you're somewhere below me... hey, maybe right through here?" I looked up just in time to see a fold in the passageway above me spread open and a pair of slender feet emerge. In the span of a couple seconds, the slender feet progressed to slender calves and thighs, after which point I became aware that neither my sister nor I was wearing anything. I looked away, overcome with embarrassment, and then the full weight of her fall thudded into me, dropping us both into a tangle on the ground. Surprisingly, the startled yelp I heard came not from Amy, nor from myself, but from Amelia, who must have felt it as much as I had. I tried not to focus too much on the smooth sensation of Amy's ass weighing against my body while she detangled herself from me and stood up. "Damn, bro, you've grown," she commented after she had extracted herself. I sat up, rubbing tendrils of sticky ooze from the floor off my face, and looked at Amy out of the corner of my eye. She was staring straight at me, unabashed. "Oh, thanks for cushioning my fall," she added. Tentatively I turned to face her head-on, as well. She wore nothing but a hairpin in a sunflower pattern. I realized this was the first time I'd seen my sister naked since the times we'd shared a bath as toddlers. Her skin tone was a creamy coffee color, a little darker than mine or Amelia's, since Amy spent a lot of time at her a diving team outside of school. There was a marked difference in the tan on her body where it would normally be covered by her swimsuit, almost like it was highlighting her breasts, even smaller than Amelia's, and her abdomen. Her figure was sleek, unassuming, athletic. It was also waxed to aerodynamic perfection. "That's a nice tanline you've got," I teased, an attempt to distill the awkwardness. Amy's face flushed. "Isn't it?" Amelia chimed in. "I think it makes her feel much more... real." "I didn't think you were into girls." "I'm not." I couldn't tell if Amelia was joking or not. "Anyway, I guess you two have met up, then? You should hurry up and get out of there. Gosh, I'm starving, too." Amy looked around the area -- it was practically indistinguishable from the rest of the corridor I'd been walking this whole time. She looked up. "One problem. The exit is above us. I can't reach it." I felt my feet tingling, and noticed that the level of liquid in the passageway had risen several inches. Even more seemed to be seeping in from the walls and filling up quickly. "Wow, it's getting wetter in here," I commented. The gentle undulations of Amelia's body all around us suddenly froze in place for a moment. "Uh, guys? I have a bad feeling about this... get out of there, now!" The walls resumed their fluctuations even more dramatically, and I got the impression the space was being compressed. I had to think fast. "Amy! I'll give you a boost!" She nodded, so I positioned myself below the fold above from which she'd entered, and crouched down, hands cupped together at my back. Amy rested a hand on my shoulder and stepped one, two feet over my hands, then climbed up so her knees were balanced on my shoulders. We linked hands to steady ourselves and I made a wobbly attempt to stand. Amy's thighs gripped the sides of my head. I concentrated my attention on the tingling in my feet -- now up to my ankles -- so as to forget whose you-know-what was directly above my head. I stabilized at my full height, and Amy released one hand to wave above her and try to grab hold of the opening, but it seemed she still didn't have enough height. I let her other hand go, and Amy placed her hands on my head as she lifted one knee up and put her foot on my shoulder instead. "One knee, then the other," she mumbled. "Just like surfing." Sure enough, soon she was standing fully on my shoulders. I didn't dare look up to see whether she could reach, but I nearly lost my footing when Amelia yelped. Instants later, Amy's weight vanished from my shoulders. "Quick, grab hold," she said, so I finally shifted my gaze toward the ceiling. Amy had managed to make it out, and was offering me a hand from above. I stretched up, but it was too high. She leaned forward, reaching precariously lower, finally catching my hand. I stretched with all my might to grab on with my other hand, but even doing so, we weren't making much progress. Amy grimaced and tugged harder, lifting me off my tip-toes into the air, but it didn't look like she would be able to keep this up. The tingling in my feet intensified, and the sour-smelling liquid had nearly reached my knees. It seemed to be getting slowly thicker as it accumulated. Through some superhuman effort, Amelia managed to keep pulling and I felt myself being extracted from the sticky fluid in the now visibly contracting chamber. My wrist was through the gap! Then, sharply I dipped back again, and Amy groaned. She had maintained her grip on my hands, but I weighed more than she did, so her whole body was slipping back down. I could make out her grimace through the gap as she put forth a massive effort to steady herself. She lifted me higher and extracted me from the liquid entirely. Her hairpin came lose, and fell. I felt as if it moved in slow motion as it flipped end over end past me and into the waiting pool beneath. I saw the petals of the sunflower wilt and dissolve before my eyes. A final, wrist-wrenching effort pulled me up and through the opening, which sealed shut behind me. This time it was my turn to climb off of Amy. All three of us -- even Amelia, who had borne with having her flesh pinched and pulled wildly, was panting heavily. But as I extricated myself from smothering Amy, I worried a lot less about whether I accidentally brushed one or two of her private areas. In light of having just barely escaped what seemed like a fatal accident, that seemed trivial. Amy sat up and made as if to touch the hairpin that was no longer there. "Did we just escape being... digested? In your girlfriend's pussy?" "I dunno if you could still call this place her pussy," I replied, "but it seems like that. Man, it's more dangerous in here than I realized. You did an amazing job lifting me out, though." Amy shook her head. "I dunno. Just when I thought I was gonna fall back in there with you, I felt as if someone grabbed me from behind and lifted me back." I looked around, and saw nobody. From these surroundings, though, it looked like we were in one of the main passageways branching off from the central cavern. "Anyway, I think it's high time we got out of here. Amy, you know the way back?" "Actually, about that," resounded Amelia's voice, a little more reserved than usual. I guess maybe she was ashamed of putting us through such danger. "It's just down the main passageway, right? Walking it will take forever, but I think I may have a faster way of getting there." Amy and I exchanged glances. "I'm all ears." "OK, well, you two need to hold on tight to each other so you don't get separated" -- immediately the hallway-sized passageway clinched to a narrow tube -- "because it might be a bit of a wild ride." I didn't have time to react before I was toppled headfirst, and Amy's bare skin was pressed against mine, so I just went with the flow and embraced her. Amy's silky black hair rested against my shoulder and the passageway clinched even tighter, beginning to push us towards the downward slope. Amelia's inner passageways became a closed in waterslide. I couldn't help but think of the act of Amelia's skin slurping its way over my own as she had engulfed me both times, although this time there was another person right next to me as it happened. I felt myself getting turned on again, even after all that had happened, and amidst the sliding, my tool slowly lifted from half mast to a ready state, climbing its way up between Amy's thighs in the process. "What're you doing with that thing?!" she exclaimed, and released her embrace of my lower back to shove my hips away from hers. "Listen, I can't--" but it was too late. The tunnel we were sliding through bumped and narrowed, squeezing us back together. As our hips met, my cock met its mark, and pierced right through Amy's slit, burying itself all the way to the hilt in her flesh. She gasped. I too, was at a loss for words. Regardless of whether we were related by blood or adoption, regardless of whether we were in normal space or some sort of alternate reality in another girl's snatch, my dick was now occupying the inside of my sister's vagina, and that was something that should not happen. On the other hand, it felt [i]so good[/i]. I realized that in all the time we'd spent toghether, this position -- with only my rod in her, and not any other part of my body -- was not something I'd done with Amelia. It brought back old memories of times with April, when they had been still good times. The fact that I was now sharing this experience with Amy, who was not only my sister but also professedly a lesbian, made it all the more illicit. Amelia's passageways squeezed tight around us and pushed us faster and farther downhill. Try as I might, I could not extract myself from Amy, and the efforts to withdraw, only to be pushed back in again, made it resemble lovemaking even more. In time, we closed our eyes and linked arms again. She began thrusting her hips in time, and her lips met mine in a forbidden kiss. Our inhibitions submittd and we simply let instinct take over. As we slid wildly towards the exit of Amelia's inner world, my sister and I became lovers. At last, with Amelia's rapid breathing matching ours, I felt a rush of cold air open over my head. Amy and I spilled out into the real world, still locked in an incestuous embrace. In the light of Amelia's room, on her bed in unison with her climax, I came inside of Amy. The three of us lay there frozen for a while, exhausted, unable to move or think for a while. At last, I came to my senses and withdrew. Amelia covered herself in a blanket. Amy sat up, an expression of deep thought on her face. In unison, Amelia and I apoligized. "I'm so sorry." Amy shook her head. "It's okay. You were OK, Ace," she said in a lighter tone. "But I still prefer girls." She smiled. Amelia and I couldn't hold back at the whole preposterous situation, and we all broke out in raucous laughter. |
The next day Amelia sounded strangely distant over the phone. "Are you free today? Where should we meet up?" "I'm not sure..." "Can you believe we've only been dating for three days now? It feels like I've known you forever." "That's true... Although, can you really call what we've been doing dating? It's kind of just... sex with a twist, right?" "Nah, it's more than that. I mean, we spent so much time together, carrying on conversations while I was... you know where... But actually, that's not a bad idea. Wanna go on a real date somewhere? Like to the aquarium?" "Just a date? No... engulfing or anything?" I couldn't tell if she was disappointed or relieved. "Sure, well, we'll see how it goes. But... just a date." "Mm. OK!" So we picked a time and place, and off we went. Amy interjected as I was leaving the house. "Off to see your crazy girlfriend again?" "I guess you could say that. We're going to the aquarium, wanna join?" "Not this time. I've got my own things to take care of. See you later." * * * Amelia was attired most impressively when I picked her up at her house. She wore a very short dress in a pale pink color, highlighted by fuschia ribbons dividing her hair into pigtails and underscored by white leggings that left a delicious stripe of bare skin revealed just below the hem of her dress. The dress emphasized her tender figure, and her breasts seemed somewhat larger than before, with a slightly-frilly blouse showing through and exposing only a little bit below her collarbone. I tried not to stare too visibly at her rack. "Don't get too excited," she commented as she took a seat in my car. "It's just a padded bra. They didn't actually get any bigger." She had seen through me completely. Ashamed, I nodded and started the engine. It wasn't a long drive to the aquarium, so the relative silence in which we drove passed quickly. I still couldn't shake the impression that Amelia wasn't her normal cheery self. Maybe it had something to do with Amy the day before? We had done things that, if I thought about them clearly, weren't meant to be... but to hell with "meant to be." It hardly applied to our circumstances anyway. Although it was summer, being a Thursday morning, the Aquarium was relatively empty. Amelia's mood perked up almost instantly upon entering the place. We started our browse through the exhibits with the jellyfish tanks, and wound our way through the place, marvelling at the magnificent variety of shapes and sizes within. Small, tropical fish of various cheerful colors and patterns darted between dark, grumpy-looking eels who only protruded their face from a hiding spot in the rocks; crustaceans clicked their claws aimlessly, surounded by quietly drifting seaweed. Amelia balked at touching an anemone at the hands-on exhibit until I had done so first; and finally, we sat in a room with a huge glass view into an open-sea habitat where huge sea turtles majestically drifted by. "Do you think he weighs more than I do?" I asked, pointing at a particularly massive green passerby. "Definitely!" she giggled. "Look at that shell!" "Would you fit him inside you?" I whispered in her ear. "Don't say that!" Amelia's face flushed immensely and shoved me back. Changing the subject, "How come you decided to bring me here, of all places?" "To be truthful, I always wanted to go here on a date myself..." But of course April hadn't. "Although I got the tipoff from your favorite bottlenose dolphin," looking involuntarily at the space between her legs, kept just out of view by the hem of her pink dress. Now Amelia was blushing to the point of speechlessness. I seized the opportunity, placing a hand on her cheek, closing my eyes, and quietly leaning in. Our lips met. * * * After we'd made a full pass over the aquarium, it was still early afternoon, so we headed towards the nearby beach. The weather was uncharacteristically cold for summer, with shadowy clouds rolling in off the seascape, but it was still a comfortable temperature outside, so we carried a blanket out onto the sand. Around a corner from the beach entrance, we found a spot of ocean grass just upside of the sand and blocked from view by a splotch of bushes, affording us pefect privacy, at least on a day like this when so few people were at the beach to begin with. Amelia unpacked the sandwiches we'd bought at the aquarium cafe, and we enjoyed them slowly while feeling the chill of the sea breeze and watching the tides roll in. We huddled close, feeling each other's warmth in contrast to the cool air, and huddling turned to cuddling, and before I knew it we were making out. My hands roamed the territory between Amelia's thighhighs and her dress, slowly making their way up to where I found her underwear, already a little damp. I began to unfasten it from her hips, as they bucked tenderly in anticipation, and we rolled over so Amelia's weight rested on top of me. "There's one thing I feel guilty about," I confessed. "Even though we've been through so much and I feel like I know your body's secrets better than anyone..." "... we've never had real, normal sex," she finished for me. "Even though it sort of happened to my sister and me last night..." "Let's fix that," she moaned, while straightening her hair that draped over hear ears towards my face. My own body was all too eager, and it took me barely a moment to free myself from my legwear. With Amelia's underwear removed, her dress rode up and I saw that familiar bottom, the delicately curved lips seemingly drooling with anticipation, the tender skin of the top of her legs and the bottom of her torso meeting in the color of Amelia's perfectly mild fleshtone. My dick, grotesque compared to the work of art that was Amelia's pussy, reached towards the sky as Amelia ever-so-slowly lowered her hips. The tip met her slit, which parted accommodatingly. The sensation of cold ocean air contrasted with steamy flesh of her insides. Her downard pressure continued, her labia hugging the edges of my shaft, progressing slowly farther, deeper. I felt the familiar ripple of her inner flesh, as Amelia's opening that had taken in my whole body no less than twice in the past week squeezed itself tight around my shaft. My own hardness burgeoned into a implacable solidness, and still she lowered herself onto me. At last, still rippling with a unique liveliness, her vagina locked itself at the very base of my shaft. This organ of hers, which had shown itself capable of enveloping two fully-grown people simultaneously, was paradoxically the tightest snatch I had ever felt. As each of us caught our breath, Amelia began to lift again. I felt as if the suction would not allow us to be parted, but little by little it relinquished the length of my shaft to the open air before suddenly thrusting down and covering it all again. This continued, and Amelia and I locked lips again, squeezing our bodies together against the cold air, my chest all too aware of the padded bra pressing against it, and wordlessly, we hit our climax together. Amelia smiled delicately, brushing her hair back again with one hand, and sunk down, exhausted, resting her weight on me and her head on my shoulder. Without even bothering to extricate myself from her, I too smiled, and closed my eyes. I fell asleep to the sound of the waves and Amelia's breathing. * * * When I returned to consciousness, my first thought was that we had to watch out, because the tide had risen and was getting us wet. But then I realized that we were still above the tide line, and besides, the moisture I was feeling in my lower body was far too warm to belong to the ocean. No, instead, I was treated to the the increasingly familiar sight of Amelia's sex engulfing my lower half. I paused with wonder for a while, traced my eyes up Amelia's figure. She was still wearing the dress, although it was pushed up, revealing her bellybutton and below, and we seemed to have rolled over so that she lay on her back now. Her luscious breasts lay slightly flattened and stretched to the sides by gravity, and they rose and fell rhythmically with her breathing. Amelia's face was turned to one side, resting on the blanket with an incredibly satisfied expression, her eyes closed and her mouth only slightly open. While I sat up to get a better view, her lower body continued its work unattended, gaining inch by inch on my abdomen. The scene itself captivated me, and I might've simply observed Amelia's body in silence if I had not heard the rustling of footsteps nearby. "Amelia!" I hissed, trying to wake her as quietly as possible. "Amelia, someone's coming!" Her eyes open and her gaze drifted from my face down to where we were joined at her crotch. Her eyes opened wide and then squeezed shut. "No! No, no!" she cried out quietly for some reason. But in contrast to her words, Amelia's breathing hastened, as did her progress. Her legs squeezed against me on either side. Out of courtesy, I pulled my shirt over my head, and none too soon for her pussy's moisture quickly climbed up to my ribcage. With the footsteps growing ever closer, I judged that there was only one way to conceal Amelia's secret in time. I buried my hands in her opening, and pulled myself the rest of the way in. Once again, her lips sealed shut above me, separating me from the outside and encasing me in Amelia's inner world. |
I tried my hardest not to squirm in ecstasy as Amelia's flesh flowed over every inch of my body. I was already close to letting it go, and the shaky movements of the tight enclosure immediately inside her pussy made it very hard to hold back. I guessed she was hastily adjusting her dress, covering up her private parts, her secret entrance, so that whoever stumbled upon our tryst would be none the wiser. I could only hope it would be in time. Amelia's movements stopped, and I held still, perched on the edge of release, hardly daring to breathe. Not a minute later, I heard a muffled voice, a man's, coming from the outside. "Hey there." I could tell from Amelia's meek response that she, too, was just barely restraining herself. "Hi." "Sorry to tell you this, but you can't park your picnic here. This is a wildlife restoration zone. You'll have to move your blanket off to the sand over there." "I see... Sorry." I felt Amelia shiver. There was a pause for a moment, and the voice (aparently a ranger?) picked up again. "That your boyfriend's clothes?" "Uh... yeah. Sorry, he, uh... went for a quick dip. I'll have him help me move stuff... when he... gets back." Her breath was running thin. I tensed every muscle in my body to hold back the inevitable orgasm. "Are you OK?" "Yeah... fine... probably just my allergies." In retrospect, I was impressed with Amelia's ability to bluff while her body was aroused to the brink of losing control. "Alright," the ranger conceded. I'll be back on my second pass, so be sure to move, OK?" I guess Amelia nodded or something, because after that I faintly heard more rustling of grass, and then nothing for what felt like an eternity. Finally, the tensed up muscles surrounding me relaxed and began once more grinding rhythmically over my body. Amelia seemed to be trying to say something, but it got lost in moans and gasps for breath. Almost immediately, my arousal peaked again and I hit my release; around the same time Amelia hit hers, the vaginal cavity contracting immensely and squeezing me once more through the "cervix" deep inside, but it didn't stop there. She rode another wave of pleasure to a second orgasm, whose wild undulations bowled me across her inner cavern, before finally settling down. I realized my feet had become tangled up in our picnic blanket, which was now also completely engulfed in Amelia's body. Finally, as her breathing slowed down to normal, and meanwhile I righted myself inside her, Amelia spoke. "That was way, way, waaaay too close. I don't know what I would have done if the ranger had caught us..." "Ask if he wanted to join?" I joked. "Don't be ridiculous. And anyways, what the hell were you thinking? This was supposed to be a normal date!" "What was *I* thinking? You're the one that started glugging me down in your sleep!" "... are you telling me that I...?" "Sure thing. I woke up to find myself half-buried in your snatch already!" "Not that I mind," I added. "Oh no..." Amelia mumbled, maybe to herself but from here I could hear it clear as could be. "In any case, you should get out, right now." "Already? I guess." "Here goes." She squeezed her muscles tight, once again creating a narrow waterslide of a corridor. I grabbed onto the beach blanket and rode it out until I splattered onto the matted grass that had been under the blanket before. It was significantly less eventful than the last time, since I was still worn out from the way in. For a moment I just sat there and looked her over. Amelia was significantly more disheveled than before, her dress splotched and clinging to her in places from the sweat, her pigtails no longer smooth and perfectly symmetrical, even her bra somewhat lopsided, not to mention the trickle of liquid coming from her (again) exposed pink slit. Nonetheless, she was beautiful, and I felt a great warmth looking back at her with the knowledge that somehow, in defiance of logic and reason, I had been inside of that body a moment ago. Amelia blushed and started straightening things out. "We'd better get all this packed up," she said, handing me a piece of my clothes. I laid the blanket out again temporarily to get myself re-dressed. "Where to now?" I asked when we'd finished cleaning up our little area. "Can we just go back home? I'd like some time to think." This was not the mischievous, gung-ho Amelia I was used to. I didn't know how to react. "Um, OK, I guess." Somewhat more solemnly, I started heading back to the car. I got the feeling that somewhere along the line, I'd done something wrong, but I wasn't sure what or how. My mind drifted back to the phone call this morning, when Amelia had also seemed somewhat less cheerful than her usual self. Perhaps it wasn't just something that had happened on this date. The drive home was somewhat subdued; Amelia still quite cordial when I dropped her off at her house, and I promised to call her the next day. She seemed to accept that, and from there I went home. |
The next day began quietly. I awoke to morning sun filtering lazily through my window blinds, midday already fast approaching. I made no hurry in getting out of bed and finding something to munch on for breakfast. I mused over the previous day; Amelia had seemed somewhat out of sorts. Had I upset her somehow? Was something else the issue? Then one frightening possibility struck me. In the week or so that we'd been dating, I'd come inside of her, without any sort of protection, literally every day... if that had struck during the wrong part of her cycle, or if this were to continue, then... it might be too early to tell, but there was a very good chance that Amelia could get pregnant. My stomach sank at the mere realization that it could have already happened. As I sat pondering this to the last few bites of toast, my phone rang. I looked at it before answering; the screen showed not Amelia's name but rather a number not saved in my address book, one which seemed nonetheless familiar, like I'd seen it many times before. I picked up and was greeted by name, "Hello, Ace." Immediately I realized how I knew the number: it was April's. "Hello," I said, somewhat nonplussed. There was a reason I'd deleted her number from my phone. "May I ask what prompted this little intrusion into my breakfast?" "Listen. I know this is kind of out of the blue, but I wanted to apologize. Back when, you know... I was very unfair to you and I said some really cruel things that I didn't mean. I was thinking it over recently and I realized I owed you an apology. So I finally worked up the nerve to give you a call and say so." Now this was unexpected. April, the girl who'd punched a hole in my life not six months ago, the blonde who'd been my first kiss, my first real date, my first a lot of other things too. April, my steady girlfriend for more than three years. April, the queen of right and wrong. I mean, the circumstances that led to our breakup were too complicated to warrant mentioning in detail, but suffice to say that by the time we officially called it off, the frustration was mutual. Yet, her tone was genuine. Hard as it was to believe, she was apologizing. "Um, I guess maybe I wasn't entirely fair to you, either," I stumbled out. "I wasn't in the best state of mind, you know?" "Yeah. Look, I'm not sure what else to say, but I was kinda hoping you'd forgive me. I don't want us to be at each other's throats the next time we see each other." I wasn't sure when that would be, but I thought deeply about it for a moment, and let out a heavy breath. "Forgiven. Let the past stay in the past, and move on without hard feelings. But just so you know, we're not picking up where we left off. I've got a new girl." "I know. So do I. Thanks." And with that, she cut off. I was so thrown off by this sudden turn of events that I nearly forgot to call Amelia. When I finally did, the phone rang and rang with no answer. I left a voicemail and simply sat there staring at the phone for a while. For its part, the phone sat motionless on the table. After a while I stuffed it into my pocket and did laundry. She didn't call back that day. I went to bed more confused than when I'd woken up. The next day I awoke to the sound of Amy mumbling on the phone to someone while noisily pouring herself a bowl of cereal. I wordlessly nodded good morning as I searched for something to eat, myself. But before I could get anything, I heard a ringtone coming from back in my room. I rushed back, but by the time I got back, the ringing had stopped. I found a voicemail from Amelia. "Hey Ace. Sorry I missed your call yesterday. Um, I got a job. Come over at like 6 and I'll tell you all about it. I've gotta go right now. I'll see you then." I texted her back, "I'll see u @ 6." A while later she responded a while simply, "OK." At 6pm sharp, I knocked on the door to her house. To my surprise, the one who answered the door wasn't Amelia, but rather her mother. At least, I guessed as much, since she shared the same waxen-brown hair and had a similar build, albeit a little taller and with some telltale wrinkles around her cheeks and forehead. "You must be Ace," she said. "I'm Agnes. Hold on a moment, I'll go get Amelia." She let me in the doorway while she retreated further into the house in the direction of Amelia's room. A few moments later, the two of them returned, Amelia dressed to kill as usual, Agnes still wearing the same classy but ordinary dress she'd had on when she'd answered the door. "I'll see you two later. Have a good dinner, and be sure to be back by ten." She waved us off. Amelia smiled quietly and explained when we were out front. "Sorry I didn't warn you. My plans changed at the last minute because I didn't realize Mom was home early tonight. I told her we were going out for dinner." "Are we?" "Why not? I told her we might go see a movie or something, too, so we'll have time anyway." It was comforting to hear Amelia conversing normally despite the day and a half of near-absolute silence that'd passed between us. I made no secret of checking out her skimpier-than-usual outfit: striped knee socks below a pleated skirt in a stark-colored plaid, below a tight black blouse that hung laviciously open at the neck. She had a just a tiny bit of sparkly makeup around the corners of her eyes, while her hair was pulled back in a short ponytail. After opening the passenger-side door for her and subsequently taking my seat behind the steering wheel, I broached the difficult subject. "So, um, I was thinking that next time we do it... you know, if we do it..." My voice trailed off in embarrassment. Amelia looked immediately serious. "Um... Yeah, maybe I should wear protection? I mean, I dunno how this is supposed to work when my whole body ends up inside of you, but I'm sure we can find a way, I mean, if it's not already too late..." She looked confused for a second, then suddenly broke out in laughter. "Protection? Too late? Oh god, you thought I was pregnant!" I breathed a sigh of relief as I started up the engine. "You're not? Whew, thank goodness. I mean, nothing personal, I just don't feel like I'm ready to have kids, y'know?" "You've got nothing to worry about. I've never had a period in my life. That's part of how I knew I wasn't... normal, inside." She beamed as if this were something to brag about. I guess in some sense it was. "Oh. Well, that simplifies things. God, I was so worried about nothing." "Yeah, you've got bigger problems to worry about," she muttered. " Anyway, is there a place you wanna go for dinner?" "Somewhere fast, so we can spend as much time as possible on the good stuff?" "That's fine." "Drive-through it is!" A few burgers and fries later, we were pulled over in an empty parking lot near a vacant building. A friend of mine had told me about this place and how the police and the owners never seemed to bother checking on it. In other words, a perfect illicit makeout spot. I rolled my seat back, and Amelia did the same. "Hey, before we get started, I just wanted to say..." Amelia began. "Let's try to make this, more, um, scientific." "Scientific? What does that mean, take measurements?" "I guess we could do that. But overall I was just thinking, you know, let's not get caught up in ourselves and do anything reckless. I do need to be home by ten." I wasn't entirely sure what that was supposed to mean, but at this point I was too fixated on tracing my eyes up her thighs to reply with anything other than, "Gotcha." I rolled over the center armrest to her side and straddled one leg, closing my eyes and bringing my lips to meet hers. Our tongues twisted around each other. I reveled in the familiar flavor of her breath and saliva. She wasted no time unbuttoning my shirt and pulling it off, running her chilly hands across my bare chest. I shivered, half from excitement. Her bare nipples stood peaked out as I lifted her shirt off her. It was one of those types with a built-in bra, so it all came off at once. She held me close so the pert, smallish breasts pressed ravishingly against my ribcage. The warm spot between her legs rippled tantalizingly against my knee. Not much later, she disengaged from my kiss, and (after breathing in a massive gasp of air) begged me to enter her with haste, while arching her back and lifting her hips higher. She rode back on the reclined carseat, giving me room to dip my ministrations lower. I tugged both her skirt and the striped panties beneath free in turn, revealing that seemingly innocuous little cleft I knew so well. A couple of flicks of my tongue later, she breathed out a heavy sigh, and her thighs burst forward past my face to hook themselves behind my head. The soft opening parted in front of my face, and surged past my chin in an instant. I thought to undo my pants before it was too late, but somewhere along the line, that had already happened. The organ quivered over my face, and Amelia's thighs squeezed my shoulders upwards towards her swollen opening. Her labia tickled the back of my neck, and I felt the undulations of her insides drawing me deeper of their own accord. The chill of cold air over my collarbone and shoulders was gradually replaced by a steamy writhing of her delicate flesh. My rod's hardness grew from solid to tempered steel. I heard, through the muffled reverberations of her body, Amelia swallow heavily, right as her laboring passed over my shoulders. The pace of my entry accelerated, her vagina surging down the ridges of my spine and ribcage with ease. The muscles around me tugged and squeezed farther and harder as they gained more grip over my body. I was lost in ecstasy. As her nether lips rounded their way over my hips and brushed up against my erect flagpole, the movements froze. "Maybe... we should... stop," Amelia forced out between clenched teeth. "You've got to be kidding me," I slurred into the thick pink flesh that surrounded my face, before pushing off the floor of the car towards Amelia's center. Her restraint vanished, and her pussy rocketed past my dick and down to my knees, lifting the rest of my body aloft. "I mean to take your shoes off!" she exclaimed, although at this point she reached down and ripped them off easily enough, just in time for my bare feet to be schlorped into her pussy. I felt, more than saw, the opening seal shut beneath my toes, her outer appearance no doubt returning to its immaculate and deceptively lithe state, while I drifted deeper and deeper inside... |
Two weeks later, I awoke to the sensation of weight on my lap. Or not exactly my lap, since I was still laying down in bed. "Amelia, not this again," I mumbled without opening my eyes. I was still exhausted. "'fraid you've got the wrong girl," Amy's voice whispered softly. Startled, I opened my eyes to see her face mere inches from mine, so close I could feel her breath on my face. I cautiously traced my eyes downward: her pajama shirt was hanging open, just barely concealing a tantalizing view of her breasts, the toned skin of her abdomen also visible in the faint light of early morning. She was straddling me, leaning forward towards me, too seductively. "The hell are you doing?" I hissed under my breath. She shifted her weight, intentionally teasing me by resting solidly on my crotch. I could faintly make out the sensation of her vulva pushing against me, parted ever so slightly, through just a few thin layers of fabric. This was so wrong. "I thought it might not be a bad thing to wake you up like this once in a while. Besides, I need to talk to you before I leave for work." I struggled not to make my discomfort obvious, but it was in vain. I was already rock-solid, and my sister's weight was pressed right up against it. She smiled tauntingly. "I've got someone I want to introduce to Amelia. Do you think you could do me a favor?" "Introduce... to her? You don't mean, like...?" "Exactly." Amy shifted her weight yet again as if to emphasize her point. "Look, she's not just something for you to play around in. She's MY girlfriend, and having you involved was already confusing enough for her. Now you want to bring a girlfriend along?" Amy's expression softened a bit, becoming a bit more serious temporarily, and she pulled back a bit to give me a little breathing room, at both ends. "I know she's yours, but, you've gotta spare me a little slack here. I went through that experience once. You've done it how many times now? I mean, don't try and tell me you aren't inside her every chance you get." I couldn't argue with that. "But bringing a friend, too? Why do you have to go that far?" "Because if I didn't, it would be cheating. But oh god, I have to try that at least once more." She pushed all her weight against me now, hugging me so close it was as if I could feel every contour of her body. "It has to be soon, before she goes away to college. Please?" Her imploring expression resonated with me, our eyes locked in an embrace of conflicting wills for a seeming eternity. It wasn't like I didn't understand her desire to begin with. Her desire blended with mine and ultimately I didn't have the heart to turn her down. Way to play on my weakness, Amy. "Alright, I'll talk to her. I think I might have just the right idea." Finally, the pressure on my body was relieved, as Amy claimed my reluctant acceptance and stood up. "Thanks! OK, I've got to get ready for work." I rubbed my forehead. "You're welcome..." * * * That evening I had only a short time to visit Amelia. I was already parked outside her house waiting when her own car pulled into the driveway, home from her internship. I waved nonchalantly as I stepped out, and she gestured furiously towards the front door, emphasizing how few hours we had before she had to leave again for violin lessons. I trotted up while maintaining some facade of patience, but as soon as she was inside, Amelia slammed the door, twisted the deadbolt into place, and pushed me against the door, our lips interlocking. My hands, which instinctively reached up to push back, fastened on her breasts and began to massage them. One wet kiss later, she released, hiked up her pink dress, and stripped off the plain white panties beneath it. Barely breathing out the words, "Get in," she lifted my hands from her breasts, guided me by my shoulders to a kneeling position, and pressed my face towards her waiting slit. I didn't even have a chance to tease her, "Already?" before my mouth was engulfed in moistened folds of flesh. With my face inside, it was like stepping onto a moving platform; everything set in motion at once. The muscles of her pussy took hold and lifted me deeper, while her hands engaged my back towards her, and gravity tugged Amelia downwards around me, her posture shifting her center of gravity forward from her feet to mine. In one breath, she slurped down my neck, bunching up my shirt. Two breaths left her spread-kneed on the ground, exhausted, while her vagina gulped down my still-shoed feet. I toppled end over end into the familiar pink cavern of her immediate insides. "That was intense," I added after I had caught my breath. "Whatever happened to keeping it scientific?" "I couldn't wait. Obviously." She still sounded breathless. The space I was in lifted and sank massively in rhythm with her exhalations. "You couldn't even let me strip first?" I examined my clothes: already sopping, clinging awkwardly to me, feeling entirely out of place in this realm of soft moist flesh. "I admit that that may have been a mistake. It didn't feel nearly as good going in." "Not to mention how I'm going to explain this condition to people when I get home." "Hmmmm... actually, if I throw them in the wash now, they'll probably done in time for when I have to go. Can you get them out?" "I should think you would know. Let me see what I can do." I peeled my shirt off, then stripped soggy socks from my feet and tucked them into wet shoes. Finally, I dropped my pants, and rolled everything into a wad. "Okay, here comes," I said, and did my best to reach up and stuff the clothing back through the cervix-hole through which I'd come. Amelia tensed for a bit, and I struggled to avoid getting flopped back through the opening as well, then relaxed again. Distantly, I heard my clothing slop to the ground. "Well, that worked out. Guess I should deal with this mess. Hold on, we're moving," she said, and gravity shifted faintly as she stood up. I too stood back up, and felt out a balance where I could walk, getting my "sea legs" as it were. I struck up a conversation as I began once again towards the unexplored depths. "Is it just me, or are you getting a lot stronger about, well, sucking things in? I mean, it took a lot longer and a lot more help the first couple times. This time was just, well, violent." "Sorry. Um, well, I was trying to be gentler at first, but I think you're right. After all the practice we've had, I feel a lot more confident about how the whole thing works. Probably just another kind of exercise, you know?" "I suppose so. Makes me wonder how big and how fast you could go, if you really set your mind to it. I bet it would be pretty crazy." There was a bit of silence. I heard the creak of a washer door shut. Finally, she answered, "Yeah, to be honest, I don't really want to know. Putting a bunch of strangers and weird stuff in there just sounds... gross. And really embarrassing." "I can understand that. So hey, which way should I go? Up towards the branching tunnels? Down to the deep pools? Off that one thin side tunnel I found the other day?" "Ummmm... Hm, we don't have much time, so try the side tunnel for now. Oh, but on the way, can you keep your eye out for Bottles? I lost track of him in there again somewhere." "Again? Yeesh, you never give him a break." I could only guess that Amelia was simply blushing. I spotted Bottles and picked up the stuffed animal as I found my way to the side tunnel I'd mentioned. It was narrow enough that I couldn't reach out my hands in both directions, and curved slightly to one side so that I couldn't see far ahead. I followed it uneventfully for a while before it branched; I picked one more or less at random and continued on this way for some time. Amelia began to get impatient, apparently worried that I would discover nothing of interest before I had to be expelled again. "Well, if you didn't have to kick me out for your violin lessons..." I half-joked. "No. Aside from how hard it would be for me to concentrate, when would I let you out? My mom's already home when I get back from lessonssssss-- teehee, that tickles!" I had interrupted by stroking an apparently sensitive protrusion from the wall. The tunnel contracted around me, rubbing me all sides, and this time it was my turn to giggle. "Hey, that tickles, too!" "Serves you right," she said after her body relaxed. "Anyway, it's too dangerous to let you sleep in there, like before, so you have to get out soon." "Actually, about that," I started as I resumed progress through the tunnel. "I had an idea, although I have to give Amy credit for part of it." "Your sister?" "Yeah. It turns out she REALLY wants to do you again, but she feels bad about leaving her girlfriend out, so she wants me to bring both of them along sometime. I know that having a stranger inside of you is kind of unsavory, but I trust Amy and it's not like there aren't advantages. With three of us, it'd be a lot safer to stay in here longer. We could take turns playing lookout, and wake the others up if your body started doing anything funny." "Hmm..." "In fact, I came up with the perfect excuse. A weekend-long expedition through your inner world. I'd play it off like a camping trip, but we wouldn't need to tell anyone that we were actually camping out in here. Just you, me, Amy, and her mystery girlfriend. How's it sound?" There was a pause as Amelia continued thinking. I decided to play my trump card. "With your internship lately, there's so little time; this could be our only chance to spend a weekend together before you go off to college." "Fine, you got me. Expedition Amelia approved. You better know what you're doing here." "Oh my God," I said. "What? Was it that surprising?" "No, it's something completely different. You're not gonna believe what I found in here." |
"You really thought through everything," Amelia said while examining one of the backpacks I had filled in preparation for Expedition Amelia. She flopped back onto the bed in the smallish hotel room we had rented, and kicked her legs idly up and down. Her tender thighs glimmered with moistness from the shower she had just taken. The towel wrapped around her was just barely enough to conceal her indecent parts, for now. I took a seat next to her, placing my hand on hers and intertwining our fingers. "I could hardly think of anything else. I hope Amy and her mystery date get here, soon, though. Otherwise I might have to start the operation solo." We squeezed each others fingers playfully as we waited. "You just don't have any patience, do you? Well, not that I do either." She laughed. "Although, you're probably feeling more starved for action right now than I am." My gaze strayed unwittingly from Amelia's slight cleavage further down, to where the towel covered her slim belly. "How's he doing?" "He's asleep right now. That probably won't last for long once we get started." Before I could reply, there was a rap at the door, followed by two more. "That must be them now. I'll go let them in." I stood up and went to open the room door. "Room service." Amy's cheerful voice greeted me as I cracked the door open. She was holding a fancy-looking bottle of champagne, and wearing an elaborate outfit with loads of black lace. "Are you sure you've come to the right place?" I teased, while opening the door to let her in, but then I froze when I saw the person standing behind her. "Hi," said April, with a bit of a strained smile and a tiny wave. "You've gotta be kidding me. YOU are Amy's new girlfriend? " Taking April by the hand, Amy forced her way in past me, and shut the door before I could obstruct it. She set the bottle down on the table and then promptly knelt down facing me, hands pursed together. "I'm sorry! I should've told you sooner, but I couldn't bring myself to mention it. Yes, April is my new girlfriend. We've been going out for a couple months now." Her frills flopped plaintively with her bowing head. I wasn't angry so much as dumbfounded. "How did this happen?" "Well, you know how we've always had similar taste in girls?" She looked at me with a pleading expression. I looked back at April, standing sort of bashfully behind Amy, aware that her mere presence was extremely awkward not just for me, but for Amelia as well. That was a little different from the April I remembered, who was usually self-confident to a fault. But I had to admit, Amy kind of had me there. Do you remember how I had said Amelia was probably the second-most-attractive girl in school? Well, much as I hadn't wanted to admit it at the time, the number one on that list was undoubtedly April. Her blonde hair waved glamorously around mesmerizing emerald eyes, and the generously-cut cocktail dress she wore emphasized a voluptous figure which would be any woman's envy. She looked every bit the young starlet from a moving picture. "And what about you?" I said. "Since when are you even into girls?" She rested a hand resassuringly on Amy's shoulder. "What can I say? I was kind of confused for a while after we... you know. And then she appeared, and, well... your sister has a way with women. It's like she knows me better than I do." I didn't know what to say. I looked over at Amelia, who was sitting up on the bed, still wrapped in just a towel. When in doubt, I figured I would defer to her. "Are you OK with this?" "You've already told her my secret, haven't you?" she asked Amy. Amy nodded hesitantly. "And you're not afraid or disgusted or something?" she asked April. April waited a few seconds before responding. "I won't deny I find the concept a little frightening. But on the other hand, Amy was so ecstatic about the whole thing. I think I can learn to accept it for her sake." This time it was Amelia's turn to pause and think for a few seconds before saying anything. "Well then, far be it from me to refuse a chance to make new friends. I trust Amy, and I trust Ace. I'm willing to share a little with them. Let's make this expedition a success." "Amen," said Amy, who simultaneously popped the cork on her bottle and shed several layers of black frills. I don't know she managed to be so fast, but in a moment's time, she had distributed cups of bubbly and stripped down to her underwear. "Where'd you get this?" Amelia asked, sipping from her cup gingerly. "My parents gave it to me. They said to pop it open around the campfire and enjoy our camping trip to the fullest," April explained, herself following Amy's lead a little more restrainedly and removing her shoes. "Some parents," I said, and took a sip of my own. "Looking back, I guess they were always like that." "A toast! To Amelia's new friends, and our adventures inside of her." Amy held up her glass in celebration. "Cheers!" * * * It wasn't long before we'd had our fill of drink (I wasn't much of a champagne man to begin with) and the critically awkward moment came. Nobody seemed to want to be first to get on with things, especially with April only sort of knowing what we were about to embark on, and Amelia's shyness around her. It was completely unlike the aggressive attitude she'd come on to me with. Here we were, wearing on average a fair bit less than decent (myself in nothing but pajama pants), yet we were sitting around kind of idly chatting while postponing the main event. "So I was thinking," I finally proposed, "We've been calling this a camping trip. So let's play a game like we really were camping." "A game?" Amelia looked quizzical. Amy looked intrigued. "Yeah." I grabbed one of the backpacks full of supplies and began emptying it, placing things all around the room. "Kind of like a scavenger hunt, but instead of trying to find an object, we're trying to figure out what's missing. We all close our eyes, while Amelia secretly takes one of these supplies and puts it inside her. Then she tells us to look around. The first one to figure out what's missing gets a point. I guess we can play first to five points or something." "And what does the winner get?" "Hmm... How about, they decide who starts the expedition first?" "Shouldn't that be Amelia's decision?" April politely interjected. "I'm fine with this," Amelia said, grinning slightly. "In fact, it sounds kind of exciting." "Alright then. Round one! Everyone take a good look around, then close their eyes." The three of us took various positions sitting around the small room, while Amelia sat up and began slowly pacing around the room. At some point she stopped and turned the TV on to a station that was playing music. "This way it'll be harder to tell what it was from the sounds." I nodded, eyes still closed, and waited. Amelia paced closer, and brushed her hand over my bare shoulder affectionately. Finally, she sat back down on the bed. I heard a little bit of heavy breathing from her, and then she informed us we should open our eyes. I exchanged glances with Amelia, who seemed smugly pleased with herself, sitting cross-legged on the bed. Amy and April were already looking around at the objects laid out throughout the small hotel room, presumably comparing them with the catalogues in their memory. I supposed I had a bit of an advantage, having packed the bag in the first place, so I didn't stop myself from checking out the three girls in the room. Amelia's hair was almost dry after her shower, falling loosely over her soft features in a sort of unguarded way, while her posture just barely concealed the vital spot between her legs. Meanwhile, Amy's simple black bra clung tightly to her tanlined chest, little protrusions texturing it in the center, and already a trace of moisture visible in the soft pink panties she wore. Guiltily, I moved my gaze on to April, who was still wearing the cocktail dress she'd come in with. With her hand resting idly on Amy's and her hair clipped so one side hung loosely over her face, the alluring dress nevertheless made her look as lithe and curvaceous as ever, showcasing an ample section of smooth thighs. "Ah! It's the waterproof camera that was on the table over there, isn't it?" Amy finally spouted with confidence. "You got me," Amelia confessed. "Alright, round 2?" "Round 2." "Wait!" Amy added. "First, April, babe, you've got to loosen up a little." "Loosen --" April began to ask, but Amy made herself clear with actions more than words. One hand traced its way up April's arm, cradling her head while Amy leaned in with a kiss that stifled any protests, while her other probed up April's thigh, caressing and then hooking the dress and raising it up. In one smooth motion, barely breaking off the kiss, she had lifted the dress off of her girlfriend and thrown it aside. Only afterwards did I notice she'd also untied the side-fastened panties underneath, which were beginning to slip off. And yet, despite being so handily disrobed, April looked like she had indeed become a bit more comfortable, a little saliva escaping down the side of her chin. Damn, did my sister have a way with women. At this point my arousal was rising to the point where it would be hard to conceal, so I was relieved when Amy declared that was it and we could begin round 2. She sat back down between April and me, and once again we closed our eyes. While sitting back up, Amelia had trouble squeezing past me, so I sat up and leaned back against the nearby wall, eyes still closed. From here, I could hear less of her eventual motions until finally she told us to start searching. This time, I decided to actively participate in the searching, but once again Amy came out on top, quickly recognizing that actually several waterbottles had vanished. The third round, the hiding took the longest. I leaned patiently against the wall for what seemed like several minutes while I faintly heard shuffling and even some poorly-concealed squeals from my girlfriend. I could only imagine what she'd picked to hide this time, but it became immediately clear when I opened my eyes. There were now only three people visibly sitting in the room. "Amy!" my ex shouted in no particular direction. "Bingo," sighed Amelia, no longer wrapped in a towel, her crotch glistening but showing no other signs of having swallowed a person. "And for the record, it was her idea. Hold on, sheeeeeEEEEeeeeEEee--" she paused, her eyes closing in ecstasy momentarily. "She says you're next, April--" barely finishing her sentence before lying back on the bed to writhe with more waves of pleasure. Apparently Amy was working quite a number on her still. I shrugged, no longer able to hide my own boner, and April looked back from me to Amelia, who seemed to be trying a "come-hither" look from the bed. In the meantime, I began re-packing the scattered items, this game clearly over, while watching the situation out of the corner of my eye. April approached hesitantly, not sure where to go or what to do. At some point, Amelia jumped up and pushed her onto her back. In a move reminiscent of the girl who was now inside her, Amelia ripped off April's bra, finally leaving the blonde entirely unclothed herself. She reached for the delicate globes of flesh, caressing and massaging them alternatingly, rubbing her knee against April's (still-familiar) slit, working April and overwhelming her with pleasure until she was exhausted. Amelia, still full of energy and with an even more mischievous glint in her eyes than ever, knelt up and guided April's head toward her waiting pussy. I only mildly regretted not being able to see the expression on April's face as she felt for herself the occurrance which until now had been only known to her through Amy's descriptions. The vaginal lips parted, Amelia's hips seemingly spread apart, and April's head vanished from view. Amelia beamed at me as she ever-so-slowly descended upon April's shoulders, giving her "victim" ample time to feel up past her collarbone to where, instead of her own head, there were only the rippling lips of Amelia's ravenous organ. Those lips soon gorged themselves on April's hands and shoulders, squeezing tight over her ample bust. Amelia let out a satisfied sigh as she made it past Apri's ribcage, and soon her hips were enveloping April's with gusto. The last third of her slurped into April's waiting insides quickly, and finally it was down to me, my raging boner, and my amazing girlfriend. I grabbed the backpacks of supplies and presented them in front of me. "Ready for these?" She slid off the bed, giggling with pleasure and landing on her back. Rather than get up, Amelia simply left her legs in the air, splayed wide. She struggled to string words together between delirious breaths. "Bri- bring it." I dropped the bags into the funnel she had made with her thighs, and they vanished faster than I dared think possible. At this point, Amelia was beyond conversation, so I simply leaned in and lended her some ministrations with my tongue before the familiar squeezing of her thighs tugged me deeper and began that familiar but glorious descent into the pink cavern inside. I toppled through her cervix, exhausted from the anticipation as much as anything, and found that there were not two people waiting for me, but three. A familiar-looking, slightly tanned blond guy of intermediate build and also wearing nothing stood in front of a shocked-looking April and Amy. "Yo." "I thought you were sleeping!" I said to him. "I was. But you four made a hell of a ruckus." April and Amy looked at the newcomer, then back at me, and back at him. "Ummm... I was planning on waiting on this, but... allow me to introduce you to Ace Prime," I said. I suppose I should rewind a bit and explain. * * * "You're not gonna believe what I found in here." My voice trailed off as I finished the sentence because, frankly, I was having a hard time believing it myself. I mean, yeah, I had already been sucked into my girlfriend's vagina more times than I cared to count, not to mention some of the other pretty fantastic stuff I had gone through thus far, but I had certainly not been expecting to come across the half-conscious body of another guy in here. Let alone the half-conscious body of another *myself*. Let it not be said that I do not know what my naked body looks like. Not to be weird or anything, but I do, and the person who was kind of exhaustedly dozing on the fleshy ground of the chamber before me was undoubtedly inhabiting a totally identical body. This was both doubly shocking and somewhat reassuring. My encounters with other people in the world of Amelia's insides thus far were limited to Amy -- sent in to find me -- and an encounter with some older, tough-looking dude that was in all probability a dream anyway. I had assumed Amelia would tell me if there was someone else ahead of me. "Amelia, there's someone who looks exactly like me in here. How is that even possible?" She seemed strangely quiet on the matter. "Really? That's... weird..." My doppleganger on the floor rolled over, his eyes slowly cracking open, then (upon seeing me), shooting wide. "You're..." he mumbled. Then a look of dawning realization colored his face. "So that's how it is." "Might I be so bold as to ask who you are and how you got here?" I prompted my lookalike. He straightened himself up and offered a hand to shake. "I guess you should probably call me Ace Prime. To put things simply... I'm you in about a week from now. Give or take. I'm not exactly sure." I eyed the outstretched hand cautiously. "You're... me from the future?" Ace Prime nodded. "Yeah, pretty much. It's OK, it won't destroy the universe or anything if we touch." "How do you..." I started, then stopped myself. "Oh yeah. You've been through this before." "Yup." I gingerly accepted his handshake. The cavern shook -- Amelia giggling amusedly -- but both of us kept our footing with practiced balance. Something akin to sea legs, I guess. Ace Prime looked up as if to indicate that he was directing his voice to Amelia. "So I don't suppose you'd be willing to explain what's going on?" Amelia giggled again. More sea legs. "I honestly... don't know the details any more than you do." "But you knew about the possibility of this before," I surmised. "A previous, uh, guest, did explain to me that it would happen. He said to keep it from you until it was time. Or should I say you said to keep it from you. Will say? Will have said? I dunno." I felt almost betrayed, less by Amelia than by that other future me. My future self was keeping secrets from my past self. Great. Now that was just confusing. On that note... "You still haven't answered my other question about how you got here," I pointed out to Ace Prime. "I really want to know, too," said Amelia. "I think I of all people have a right." He leaned back with his hands in the air, but with a look on his face that was vaguely... smug? mischievous? "I think it's best if you figure out on your own, both of you. You'll see soon enough." |
I did what I could to explain Ace Prime to Amy and April. The culprit himself just kind of sat back and let me handle it. Ultimately my explanations left everyone less than satisfied, but since only Ace Prime knew the details of how he got here and he was keeping mum, that was doomed to happen. I figured the best thing we could do would be simply to continue along with the expedition. "So wait, you've been in here for the last few days, at least?" Amy couldn't help but ask Ace Prime as we began walking towards the back of the large entrance chamber. "What have you been eating? Don't tell me Amelia's been stuffing food into her...self for you?" I couldn't see Amelia's reaction from inside here, but I got the feeling she was pretty embarrassed. He chuckled. "Actually, that's a pretty good question. If you guys don't mind following me for a bit, I'll show you something cool." I shrugged, so we began our journey towards some side tunnel behind Ace Prime. Amy seemed fairly comfortable, and continued making small talk with Ace Prime -- not too differently from how she talked to me normally -- but I noticed that April was still in awe at the space around her. She was constantly looking back and forth, as if trying to figure out the trick behind it, to recognize where the illusion of this massive organic space became transparent and she could figure out our real location. "Amazing, isn't it?" I commented. "We really did get sucked into Amelia's inner world. I've spent hours in here and it still seems like it stretches out to infinity." "It's insane. If this is really all in your new girl's cunt, then... physics, biology, geometry... even modern politics would be completely overturned when people found out this was possible. How many other people in the world are there like this? How many exceptions are there that turn the status quo on its head?" "As far as I know, Amelia's the only one. But in truth, who knows?" "Yeah, it really is amazing in here, right?" Amy interjected. "It's a shame that she can't see it for herself. I guess that's why we have to take lots of pictures." "Well, that aside... what we're looking for should be right through here," Ace Prime added, pointing at a narrow valve in the pink passageway wall. "Just gotta... squeeze... through," and he began doing just that. The whole area quaked as Amelia tensed up. "Oh god that tickles every time!" her voice resounded. "Hurry up!" "We're on it," Amy followed, clearly not intending to show any hesitation. She followed quickly in the same path, grabbing April by the hand. April lost her balance and nearly toppled over entirely, but Amy's strong grip pulled her towards the tight-squeezed valve in Amelia's inner flesh. I nearly lost my balance, too, as the entire passageway quaked with Amelia's ticklishness. Finally, with the two girls through, I managed to grab hold of the opening and pull myself through as well. The tight, muscular tissue massaged me all over as I tugged and toppled through to the inner chamber. My head hit something hard on the way through and for a brief moment, I completely lost track of where I was. * * * Breathing deeply, I righted myself and took stock of the situation. I knew this place. It was utterly familiar to me. I was in a hallway, linoleum floors, plexiglass windows, worn and graffiti'd cream-colored walls. I was in my high school, just out side my tenth grade science classroom. Science was the last period of the day, but from the look of things, class had already ended some time back. There was only one person wandering the halls. My sister, Amy. Strangely, she wasn't wearing any clothes. Her glance met mine. "Ace! Wait, which Ace is it?" "Which Ace?..." Recollection dawned on me. I had been inside Amelia just a moment ago. Maybe I still was. "I'm... the original. Not Prime. But aside from that... how is our high school in here?" "Amelia..." my sister called out to the ceiling above us. "Is this...? Can I... touch it?" I had no idea what she meant. "No... don't... I'm embarrassed... don't look at it..." came a protest, meekly, from everywhere at once. Amelia's voice. "But such an important memory..." Amy spoke as if in a daze. Seeing something I wasn't. "Please let us look..." I wasn't sure what happened next, but I blinked and my vision lurched for an instant. In front of Amy... no, in her place exactly, as if an overlapping image... I saw Amelia, not as she was now, but as she was three years ago. Her hair in bookish braids. Her figure smaller, slimmer than it had since filled out to be. Almost matching with Amy's. She moved with a different air, slowly, uncertain of herself. Both of them in unison, as if one. She was headed towards the classroom. "You forgot your book..." Amy mumbled while tracing the same steps. I fell into sync with them, stepping forward slowly. As Amelia reached for the door, she hesitated. There were hushed voices coming from inside the classroom. Slowly, she cracked open the door and peered inside. I, too, leaned over and looked in. There were two students, bodies pressed close. I recognized both immediately. The taller, with the rough blond hair, was myself. The other, also with blonde hair, but much more smooth and constrained, resting in silky waves across bare shoulders, the straps to her top pulled down to the sides... it was April. Their lips crossed and intersected in a passionate embrace. I felt a hole building in the pit of my stomach. Amelia's breath caught in her throat. She froze, staring at the illicit liason unfolding in the after-hours classroom. My other self proceeded to undress his partner. My own memories flooded my mind, recalling the anxious yet blissful disbelief of my first time. Amy/Amelia looked ready to cry as April unbuttoned the other me's jeans. I tried to reach out a reassuring hand to her shoulder. As it made contact and I felt the tiny shiverings in her body, I felt it. She had been watching! All this time, I never knew. Amelia had liked me even then, before I hardly knew who she was. Yet, despite that, she'd said nothing, said nothing and simply watched as April and I began our long-lasting, deeply physical, ultimately ill-fated romance. The feelings she had endured all this time. Finally, as the lasvicous thrustings began, she slammed the door shut and collapsed into a sobbing heap. The couple in the classroom didn't even notice. I felt Amy's shoulder, not Amelia's but Amy's, my sister-but-not-by-blood, once unintentional lover, who'd saved me from the dangers of Amelia's inner labyrinths before. She, too, was watching this, and crying as well. She was caught up in it, her feelings no doubt a swirl of confusion and pain together with Amelia's, watching her girlfriend make love to her brother in another time... I realized that they, too, must've been caught up in this recollection, Ace Prime and April herself. That was them in the room, acting out a memory from three years prior. Only I had no place in this scene. So I had to do it. I had to break it. I put my weight onto Amy's shoulder. I leaned forward. In my eyes, I could see her startlement, and Amelia's, too. I couldn't tell if it was Amelia or Amy who moved her other hand around my neck and pulled me close. One flesh, two confused souls looking out. I held them, felt the delicate press of Amy's smaller chest. I could feel in that same chest, echoes of the press of Amelia's body three years younger. The embrace she wished she could have given me back then. "I'll grant it to you," I said. "I'm sorry it's late." Amy grinned. "To think I'd get caught up like this between you two again... It's okay. I don't mind guiding you together like thisss....." and she gasped a deep breath, as my hands found a sensitive spot in the small of her back. Our lips locked in an embrace, exchanging nips and brushes of contact instead of words. She spread her thighs apart, hooking her ankles around my waist and pulling me closer. My rod, already fully awake, rubbed its length against her gentle southern lips. I spread my kisses to her cheeks, her chin, the side of her neck. I massaged every part of her, I felt Amy and Amelia cry out in unison at the stimulus. She pushed her weight towards me, bucked her hips and then curved her upper body forward so her slit caught my tip. She lowered herself forward and down, bringing her thin frame forward, pushing me onto my back as her tight grip enfolded my length, inch by inch. She rubbed my chest as I held her thighs and her waist bucked upwards and downwards, releasing and reclaiming her prize. The linoleum floor meant nothing as her hot, tight spot enclosed my flagpole to its very base, finally giving it no choice but to spill its contents into the waiting depths. But she wasn't finished there. As I continued to massage her, she continued to thrust, releasing my softened organ bit by bit as she worked her way downward, straddling my knees. I raised my knees to her pleasure, and she leaned forward while her juices slowly spilled out and moistened my legs. I once again caressed those small breasts, the suntanned arms and face. But then something began to feel odd to me. Although she had moved back up to rub her crotch on my thighs, I still felt a moist warmth down to my legs. I looked down to witness my knees encased in a massively engorged vagina, belonging not to Amelia, but to Amy! As I watched, unable to stop thrusting and moving, her pussy finished with my knees and began inching higher up my thighs. Amy, through ecstatic panting, managed to moan something. "Too... synched... you're..." She seemed as if talking to Amelia herself, not to me. "But... so... amazing..." Her moans of pleasure got louder as her hips encased mine. I tried to wriggle free as my dick was taken hostage by her climbing opening, but that only accelerated her pussy's ascent. In a moment, it was all the way up to my bellybutton and inching forward with each of Amy's thrusts. "Amy, you..." I tried to get out. "Not me..." she gasped. "Amelia... wanted this... even then..." Soon our lips could no longer reach as she her pussy slurped up over my ribcage. I abandoned rubbing her breasts with my hands and gave myself over to stimulating her insides. Her labia gladly accepted my elbows and arms into their territory, and Amy's arousal reached its peak as her hips pressed forward and clinched tight over my shoulders. With me there, her pussy rippling tight around my neck, we paused so slightly. I took a few deep breaths, feeling the press of her flesh on all sides. She looked down at me. "You look so funny down there," she teased. "I'm not sure what happens next... Amelia..." Amelia's heavy breathing could also be heard, still in sync with Amy's. But she didn't say anything. At last, Amy's hands reached down and gently guided my body the rest of the way inside of her, silently enclosing me in darkness and shared warmth. The flesh around me rippled tight, pulling me deeper and deeper into this girl within a world inside a girl... |
After one of the most outrageous climaxes of my life (and believe me, my life story reads like a catalogue of outrageous climaxes), I just sat there, dazed, spacing out and riding the aftereffects of Amelia's parallel orgasm. The school scenery had faded, or been left behind, or something, and by the time I cared to pay attention, I was floating listlessly in a sweet and creamy sea, the shores of Amelia's body not far off. "Ace?" I asked the aimless vicinity, before remembering where he'd gone. My hand slid just under my bellybutton, feeling for his presence inside. Nothing. There wasn't the slightest hint of my brother's body underneath. "Ace?" I called again, louder. I tensed and un-tensed some muscles in my midsection. Nothing out of the ordinary. My hands probed more forcefully, feeling around from my thighs to my ribcage. No reaction. I sat up, having drifted to the shore. My hand slid lower, between my legs. I poked one finger in. Ooh. Nothing new, but still a good feeling. No, that wasn't what I was looking for. I spread them apart, leaned forward, tried to see or feel whatever I could, but to no avail. "Something wrong?" Amelia's voice resounded. "Ace... disappeared!" * * * I had no one to blame but myself. I'd approved this expedition. Had let myself be sweet-talked by the alluring promises of the addict himself. Had gleefully let my instincts take over as my pussy gulped them up. But now things had gone from awkward to irreconcilable. I should have recognized that letting them bring April along was a bad idea. But I'd already given my approval, not knowing it was her, so I had felt bad. That was a poor excuse. I could've said no. Should've. I thought that I had finally gotten over all the jealousy I'd felt for her. I had convinced myself of it, but in truth her presence only reminded me how much I resented April, the years she'd had Ace to herself, the many memories and experiences she and Ace must've had together, while here I was, just a bookish second place, just a freak of nature, just using my power to steal Ace for myself after the fact. I wasn't over it at all. It worried me. I didn't know what had happened between them, but I could tell that Ace wasn't completely over her. I'd let myself ignore that fact, convinced myself it wasn't a fact, because I couldn't miss the opportunity to make my dream finally come true. But floating somewhere within my chest, drifting in a sea of fluids whose name or purpose were beyond my giving them names, the four (three?) individuals had struck upon something, experienced something I had wanted to be forgotten. Amy had a way with me. She'd been talking to me, and then it was like we were thinking the same thing, and my whole mind was open to her perusal, and of course the thoughts she'd chosen to inspect were the ones I couldn't admit even to myself. Soon, they were acting it out again within me, April taking Ace's virginity before my very eyes. Just as much, though, Amy had connected me. Through her, I felt Ace. Even as one Ace abandoned me, the other one discovered me, chose me, made love to me. I was so happy, I couldn't bear it. I had to have him to myself. The body he was having sex with was not mine, but his adopted sister's. Nonetheless, I felt him choose me, trust me, enter me. Which feelings could I believe in? Now I was spent, revealed, and back to myself in a cheap hotel room. Lightly, I massaged my itching breasts, while I heard a voice that might be inside them calling Ace's name. She called again, and again, increasingly often. "Something wrong?" I asked. * * * "You're not gonna believe what I found in here," said a distinctly familiar voice. I rolled over onto my back and cracked my eyes open. What I saw looking down on my startled me awake. "You're..." I mumbled. A doppleganger of myself was staring down at me from the other side of this fleshy dungeon. Deja vu. This situation I was in... that's right, I was in Amelia's body again. In fact, I'd been through this before. Almost. Back then, the doppleganger who discovered me dozing on the floor here was me. Well, I suppose it still was me. "So that's how it is..." I muttered. "Might I be so bold as to ask who you are and how you got here?" my lookalike prompted me. How had I gotten here? The details were hazy. But I did remember what my doppleganger had said to me at the time. "I guess you should probably call me Ace Prime," I told him. * * * This place was weird, and getting weirder by the minute. First it'd been just an enormous, gooey cunt. But then Amy'd tugged me through that hole after the second Ace, and somehow we'd ended up wandering into our old high school. Memories came flooding back. How I'd found a sexy blond boytoy in science class. I'd felt his gaze and tested it, teased it, built up his desire with little hints and previews. I'd held back, let his need grow. I knew that was how to snag a boy. But eventually, my need grew too, and eventually I culled the fruit of the seed I'd planted, seducing him in the empty classroom. It was beautiful. There he was, my good old boytoy, just aching to get at me, so of course I sated him. There was a strange nagging feeling, like I was supposed to have other priorities, but when I'd been acting out the memory, it was only a nagging anachronism to be dismissed. Fuck that. And furthermore, what the hell was going on now? I was afloat in some sort of thick liquid, which swayed back and forth with some irregularity. In the distance, I heard a name being called. Oh yeah, Amy, my *girlfriend* was calling, but not for me, for her brother. I wanted out of here, the sooner the better. * * * "Ace... disappeared!" "I'm right here," I called out. "Hold on, I'll head your way." The waves here in Amelia's breasts were somewhat unpredictable, but I could certainly navigate them. I'd been through here before, after all. Amy turned towards the sound of my voice, looking somewhat confused. She was bent forward, her fingers buried in her own twat. As she realized I'd spotted her like this, she flushed. I looked away in embarrassment, too. "Aren't you... Ace Prime?" she said. "Not the Ace who vanished into..." "Yes, and no. I'm both. I think I've only just now gotten to understand what happened. For some reason, my memory was a little fuzzy at first. But I'm certain now: that 'other' Ace and I are one and the same." She didn't seem convinced. "I guess you're not fully aware of your own power. It seems that these kinds of powers are sort of... contagious." "I can... do what Amelia does, too? Stuff people into my vagina?" "Actually, not quite. You're... more of an empath, as far as I can tell. You feel what others are feeling. And you can make them feel what you do, too. So when you and Amelia linked up, her desires to have me inside of her became your desires. And esper abilities are fueled by desires, so your body acted out her ability. I don't think it's something you could really re-enact at will." "So where'd the other you go, when we became unlinked and I lost Amelia's desires? He didn't... die, right?" "Not at all. Remember, Amelia's ability is fueled by her desire to have things, people, whatever inside of *her body*. Not your body. So where I ended up after that happened was right where she wanted me. Although, since the two of you were a little out of sync, it seems like it was a little warped and I got flung around... specifically to about a week ago." "Now you tell me," Amelia interjected. "Wait, so I guess that means we're back to having just one of you?" "Unfortunately, yes. There's not enough of me to share with everyone anymore." I said it as a joke, but really, it was to cover up my shame. When the first me had watched the re-enactment of April's and my first sex, I hadn't understood what I was thinking. Having lived through it, I'm still not sure what made me go through with it, but I realized that within a part of my mind, I wasn't totally over April. She'd left me for presumably greener pastures, and though I had recognized that we weren't the exciting couple we'd once been, I wasn't fully ready to move on yet. So in reliving the memory I can't say how much I was influenced by other things, but on some level I acquiesced because I wanted to do April again. My shame was in realizing too late, with the act in progress, that I really didn't want to do April anymore. I had a new girl who was more important to me. "Speaking of which... where's April? Do you think she drifted off somewhere in here, like us? Wherever this is..." Amy's voice trailed off. "You're somewhere in my left breast, I think," Amelia added. Oh shit. If you drifted freely from being in here, you ended up... I grabbed my supply backpack and began swimming at full speed. "Follow me, quick." Following my instinct, we caught sight of April in the dim chamber as she was approaching one end. I called out to her, but just as she turned to face us, I felt Amelia moan longingly, and the pressure of her breast's interior changed. It seemed she was anxiously groping at herself. In this space, where her body was as large as I could imagine, the small motions of her delicate hands transformed into huge, rippling waves. April was lifted over a ledge in the back and deposited out of sight. Amy and I hurried that way as well, but found ourselves unable to reach that high above the surface. "Amelia!" I shouted. "Squeeze just like that again!" "Ohhhhkay..." I think she was a little ashamed that I recognized what she had been doing, but she cooperated, and soon a second wave sent us surging over the ledge as well and plummeting down a steep passage. I squeezed Amy's hand tight as we slid down and forward and around corners until we finally came to a landing. As I had feared, the chamber that it dumped us out in was a small, lumpy passageway that smelled faintly sweet. The layer of moisture on the floor was sticky. Luckily, April had landed around the same place as we had. As she stood up and brushed herself off, I could see the displeasure on her face. For my own part, I took solace in no longer being turned on by the jiggling of her ample, uncovered breasts. "What's with this place?" "We, uh, should go. Soon." I shot a glance to Amy, who shared my trepidation, then lost my footing as the whole area lifted and shivered with Amelia's deep breath. She, too, had realized what was incoming. I led the group forward, trying to seek out the valve in the ceiling through which we had escaped before. The moisture around our feet was getting thicker. At length, I spotted what seemed to be it. Amy agreed. "Same as last time?" she asked. "Almost. Hold on." I dug around in my provisions pack for an item I intentionally hadn't shown earlier: a roll of rope with a sharp stake at the end. "Lift this up there with you." She nodded, and took it out of my hands. Hastily, I knelt so she could mount my back, getting both knees on my shoulders. After I stood, she lifted herself up to be standing on my shoulders as well. The whole maneuver took much less time now that we weren't so shy about seeing and touching each other naked. April just sort of watched impatiently. Amy managed to spread the valve above open and throw her weight through the gap to the upper level. She looked at the stake, then at me with a, Can I? look on her face. I simply nodded, and took a deep breath. "Forgive me, Amelia... this might hurt a bit," she said before shoving the stake into the pulsating flesh of the upper level. The whole are twitched wildly, but only once, and Amelia's cry was less dire than I had worried it might be. I suppose that in light of an inner body the size of a world, one little prick of pain wasn't that much. In any case, the deed was done, and Amelia lowered the rope to us below. "Climb up." April wasted no time taking her advice, as it was now obvious that the narrow passage we were in was filling up with a sticky substance. Like before, my feet had started to tingle. When she was up and over, I began lifting my own weight up the rope. My hands felt raw on the rough rope, but I gripped hard and lifted one over the other anyway. "The backpack!" Amy pointed out -- I'd left it on the ground below me. I looked down. It was now beginning to wave back and forth in a growing depth of liquid. "No time!" I replied. I was almost at the top, and suddenly the rope started to slip back down. The stake had pulled loose. Amy's hand shot out, and I caught it. With April pulling as well, she lifted me free. From the safety of the upper chamber, I watched as the walls of the chamber squeezed closer, wrinkling the backpack until it split open, then as the churning movement of the chamber dispersed and dissolved its contents with alarming rapidity. April was livid. "What the hell! Did we almost die down there!? What the FUCK just happened? And how were you so prepared for that, anyway?" I looked sternly at Amy. "You invited her and conveniently didn't mention the danger of being... well... digested... or whatever that is?" Amy was beet red. "Ummm... well, I did mention it might be dangerous." April didn't have words. She just let a wordless, angry shout escape and turned away. "Ummm... I think you all are back near the entrance... so I'm going to let you out now." "I'm sorry," she added quietly, after a pause. * * * After being re-released into the outside world, April stormed off and Amy left with her, so just Amelia and I remained in the hotel room. It hadn't even been a full 24 hours since we started this multiple-day excursion, and it was already over. Amelia and I sat with eyes locked. I couldn't read the expression on her face, save to say that it was incredibly morose. "Well, that was kind of an unmitigated disaster," I offered. She offered nothing in reply. "I'm sorry about April," I added. "I didn't expect this to happen." Amelia turned away from me. "No, of course not." She seemed on the verge of tears. "I guess next time..." "No. No next time," she said, following it with a deep breath. "I... don't think you and I should see each other anymore." |
The next week passed in what felt like an instant and an eternity. With no school, no job, and no girlfriend to occupy my time, I simply agonized over nothing for days on end. When I looked back on each day, it felt as if nothing had happened, since really, not much did. I wandered neighborhood parks, killed time online, and generally tried to avoid thinking about my future. It felt as if the last several weeks that I had spent with Amelia had become just a figment of my imagination. I called Amelia, but she never picked up the phone. Once I even dropped by her house, but no one answered the door. I didn't see or hear much from Amy, but judging by her patterns of going out, she and April had managed to keep things together somehow. After I told her that Amelia and I had broken up, she didn't bring up the subject. Time simply inched by, uneventfully, depressingly. Then one day I had a funny feeling. I was out near the creek by my house, idly watching kids trying unsuccessfully to catch tadpoles, when suddenly I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and a splitting headache. It struck quickly, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was going horribly wrong somewhere. I looked around, but there was nothing visibly amiss... I had no basis to believe that anything was out of the ordinary, but I still worried. The feeling slowly accumulated and crystallized into a fear for Amy in particular, and at home. It was like she was crying for help. As I stood up, my mind started working properly for the first time in a week. I remembered what I had figured out about espers, and about Amy's ability. If I was right, then perhaps this feeling was her doing. She was sending a message, a distress signal. I ran home as fast as I could. The house was quiet when I arrived, but the feeling in my head had only grown more clear. I could almost hear Amy's voice crying for help. I ran inside, making a beeline for Amy's room. But what I saw inside wasn't immediately clear. April was sitting comfortably on the bed, not wearing much and grinning widely, while Amy (wearing even less) had backed up against the dresser, and was looking on at April with a terrified expression. "Oh, how convenient of you to show up," April said. "You'll be the next morsel after her, I suppose." "What's going on?" I half-shouted. "S-sh-she... Mom and Dad, she--" Amy sputtered, pointing towards April but unable to express herself. "They were delicious," April said with a smirk, looking my direction and rubbing her belly slightly. "I can't believe you, of all people, didn't see this coming. You're the one who figured it out, right? That esper powers are contagious?" I was speechless. "So I guess I should thank you for introducing Amy to her and starting this mess. I wouldn't have known the joy of eating someone if I hadn't experienced the fear of being eaten first," she bragged. Amy was two parts terrified and one part furious. "The joy of eating people? Are you insane? H-how can you do such a thing?" "That experience opened my eyes. The moment I realized that this kind of crazy experience was possible, I realized. I don't want that to happen to me, so I have to do it to someone else first. If it's eat or be eaten, I know what side I want to be on." "Amelia never ate anyone!" I countered. "She always meant well!" "Her loss. It was probably just a matter of time anyway. Me, on the other hand, I'm not holding back. I'm going to eat everyone I can. In fact..." She leaned forward towards Amy, who made a move to escape, but it was too late. April's mouth opened impossibly wide, and Amy's head was instantly buried inside her gaping maw. I stood frozen as she worked, lifting my sister up and tilting her head back, Amy's tanned and toned body slowly sliding towards April's gullet. April looked supremely pleased, even smug, as Amy struggled in vain to break lose. The headache I had grew increasingly painful. No. This can't be happening. My parents. My sister... Goddamn it, April. Goddamn it. Finally my anger broke through my shock and I sprung to action. "I'm not going to let you just take my sister away from me!" I shouted, and grabbed Amy's flailing ankles. "You'll let Amy go!" I began tugging, with all my weight, against the pull of April's swallows. "Ohhh? You'rre gomma followw herr im?" my evil ex slurred with her mouth full. "Go aheaddf." She took another big swallow, reaching past Amy's shoulder blades and tugging me forward in the process. I pulled again, but it hardly gained me any ground. "It was always about you, wasn't it?" I shouted back at her. "When you were with me, you were the same. Always looking out for ways to get something from me, never giving back except to expect more in return. And when you got tired of me, that was it. You selfish bitch!" April just shrugged and kept swallowing. My effort wasn't getting me anywhere here. Little drips of saliva lubricated my hands as Amy became engulfed up to the waist. I held tighter and pulled back with all my strength, even as my feet lost grip on the floor. April sputtered a bit, and momentarily, I managed to extract a few inches of Amy's torso. Amy stretched her legs back and did her best to hook them to me, to help me pull her back out, but April took the biggest gulp yet and soon I felt the heat of her body increasingly close to mine. She looked up at me with devious eyes, and tilted her head back. With incredible strength, Amy's lower half tilted into the air, bringing me with it, and slid downward and inward. April's tongue licked at my wrists. "No!" I cried, but it was no use. She spread her mouth yet wider, and soon not only was Amy's whole body sliding down her throat, I was getting engulfed. Her hot breath and saliva surrounded my head. I coughed and sputtered, and the hot flesh enclosing me quaked as April laughed with her victory. I was slipping further in, still holding onto Amy's ankles as they descended ever deeper toward the abyss of April's stomach. It was too late to give up now; I'd soon face the same fate. I cursed my foolishness, my luck, my whole life, but to no avail. Then I heard a voice, faintly, from the outside. "Hold it right there." I recognized that voice. It was Amelia. "Just try and stop me," was April's reply, although with her mouth stretched over my ribcage it didn't come out so clearly. In any case, I think Amelia got the message. "I'll do just that," she said. Then something amazing happened. A warm moistness began enfolding one of my feet, a warm and welcoming feeling unlike the hot and threatening flesh that surrounded me. Even after a week, I knew how to react. My other foot found its way together with the first, and the two of them plunged deeper behind me. April gasped, and that instant, Amelia's pussy sucked my body towards her insides with more of its own pulling power than I had ever felt it possess. Soon I was up to my waist in Amelia's twat, while only my shoulders, head, and arms remained in April's grasp. I held tight to Amy's legs and for the first time felt them really slip backwards out from April's throat. "The only place that can swallow up Ace is this one!" Amelia declared. I was ecstatic. "Amelia! You came back!" "I felt Amy's cry for help, and when I got here I realized... I can't let you go, Ace. Please, stay with me. Please, hang on." "Gladly," I said, and I held tight as my body was pulled once more towards Amelia's inner world. But this time, April was ready for it. Her mouth clamped down tight; I felt her teeth in the small of my back as she swallowed again, pulling my body taut in the other direction. I strained to maintain my grip on Amy's wriggling legs as I felt their two respective organs enclosing more and more of my body. At length I realized that the lips of Amelia's pussy must have met the lips of April's mouth, somewhere around my bellybutton. Neither of them could gain any further ground, and neither was willing to give up. I simply held tight where I was, unable to do anything else. After a moment's standstill, April spoke, muffled though it was. "I guess the only thing to do is to take you, too." And then, I couldn't see it, but I could feel it: her mouth stretched ever wider, preparing to start swallowing even Amelia, sending all of us to our doom in her stomach. I spoke softly, not sure if Amelia could even hear it: "I love you, Amelia." Words I'd heard before echoed in my mind. You can stabilize another Esper. You reinforce her ability to drag others into her reality. Just remember to believe in the one you trust. "Just believe in the ones you trust." I believed. I believed in Amelia, not in April. I believed in the one I trust. I believed with all my heart and soul. Suddenly, Amelia gasped, as if stimulated to some peak she'd never reached before. There was a lurch. I was pulled backwards, rip-corded like the tip of a measuring tape, recoiling back into the case of Amelia's body. But I didn't go by myself. My hands held Amy's legs, and she pulled free and came with... April's mouth clung to us, and she came with... I tumbled end over end and lost grip of everything, lost track of everything. The flesh of Amelia's vagina desperately pulled me inside of it and along came everything around me. April's grip was released and she tumbled over me. The walls of Amelia's flesh clung to me, clung to her. But the ones around April writhed and wiggled. She had landed in a hole and she was sinking. The flesh pulsed, tousling her blond hair. Her arms flailed, but they could catch no purchase. I watched, agape, unable to move as she receded into a mound of throbbing, working flesh, massaging her in all directions, kneading against her... I heard a muffled scream as she vanished from sight. Amelia's breathing, evident all around me, remained heightened. The lump around April continued to knead, to throb, and slowly it receded and faded to nothing. Separately, I felt a flash of something, an image, a feeling of some sort, rapidly fading as it became too distant. A faint sense of Amy. At last I could catch my breath. I looked around. I was, without doubt, in the main chamber of Amelia's insides. She, too, slowly caught her breath. There was no sign of either April or Amy here with me. "Is it over...?" I exhaled. "It's... over. April is... I... my body made her part of me. I'm sorry. I couldn't save your parents. And I... I let something terrible happen to April. I'm sorry, Ace. Please forgive me." "No," I said, "There's nothing to apoligize for. You saved me. You did more than I could've asked. April... got what she deserved. I'm... just lucky you came when you did. Thank you, Amelia." There was a moment of silence. "I love you, Amelia." "I love you, Ace." * * * "So when's your boyfriend leaving?" Amelia's dormmate Abigail inquired. "I've got to split in the early morning. I have responsibilities waiting for me, after all," I answered for her, my hand squeezing her hip in a side-hug at the same time. "I mean, you're so lucky he can visit so often." I shrugged. Amelia agreed simply, "Yes," with a shy smile. "Well then, we'd best be going to bed," she said, and Abigail waved goodbye as Amelia shut the door to her dorm. "Responsibilities waiting for you, huh?" Amelia teased, as I undressed. She stuffed my clothes into the drawer in her closet devoted to my "outside" things, while also undressing herself. She kicked back on her bed and spread her thighs wide open. I knelt in front of her and leaned in. In all seriousness, I spoke. "Yes. Visiting your friends is nice, but... I have a responsibility to Amy. She's in there somewhere, waiting to be found. And I'm the only one who can find her." Amelia took a deep, slow breath, and readied herself. "You're not in this by yourself. We'll find her together." "Agreed. Together." And with that, I dove back in to my home. THE END. |
My name is Lisbet, and I'm a small fairy with big dreams. Maybe you'll understand a little better than Clide here. Oh! Yes! I love it when you wriggle like that! -- Sorry. I got a little carried away there. Clide is the guy who's buried halfway in my twat right now. Excuse me~oohwawaeeeee~! Correction. Three fourths inside my twat. Anyway, my point was, Clide didn't really get the deal with my dreams. See, I told him that my goal is to use my vagina to devour every last human being on this planet, and Clide just laughed and told me my cunt was too small to devour his rod, let alone a whole human being. I think he sort of gets the message now, or at least he will when I finish sucking his ankles insiiiiiiiiiiddddee... OK, there we go. Clide's a believer, or something. Not that his opinion will even matter -- nay, exist -- in a few minutes. "Wow, Lisbet," you might say, "a few minutes? That's a hell of a metabolism you have there!" And it's true, compared to humans that's pretty fast. What can I say? Magic takes a lot of energy. It's still too slow, though. Even if I get showy and burn calories as fast as I can, I still can't keep up. The thing is, you humans just reproduce too damn fast. A while back, I had a guy look it up for me, and he said that even if you subtract out the people dying normally, there are about 150 more humans in the world every minute. That's way out of my league. I mean, in all seriousness, the most I can manage normally is like half a dozen in an hour, and that's a busy night. Well, there was that time I snuck into the newborn ward, but that's kind of a special occasion. And even then, I only finished off about 30 of you in an hour. Still falling way behind on my goal. By the way, the guy who looked it up for me was delicious. He moved so much, he managed to flip over a few times on his way in, and he did this thing, I don't even KNOW how, that felt so good I held back and kept him around for an hour. So much better than his sister, she just kinda tried to yell, which of course didn't really do much good anyway. So I'm still trying to think up ways to pick up the pace, but in the meantime, I'm enjoying myself as much as I can. If you're wondering how I do it, well, any Fae with half a mage's instinct could probably manage if she wanted to. I showed a couple of my friends, but they didn't seem as excited. I don't know what's not to love about the technique: first you cast an elastic consistency on your crotch area, or really as much of your body as you want. Then you set up the digestion spell. I usually use an atomizing-type one, since that gets the nutrients absorbed quickest, although you can do variations like a compression one or a strictly acidic one. I'm not worried about saving energy, anyway. That's really all that's required; everything else is fine tuning. I typically tack on a sucking component, so it's easier to get your victim in there, and a logarithmic ramp-up on the digestion, so it doesn't really kick in until they're fully engulfed. Sometimes if I'm in a tough spot, I'll use a hypnotic tranquilizer to keep them calm, too, but I prefer to get my victims to cooperate at first. They struggle more later, that way. I know, I know, I should be worried about quantity, not quality, but a girl's gotta have her pleasures, right? Overall, after a few thousand meals, I think I've got it down. Oh, while we're at it, I forgot to mention my favorite human. This one's actually a girl, goes by the name Heather, and before you ask, no, I haven't eaten her. Yet. I mean, there was one time... actually, make that two times, when I squeezed her little booty up in between my legs, but I didn't have the heart to make my pussy digest her. She's kind of a fan of my work, you see, walked in on me with her parents' whole damn bed hanging out of my snatch and just flipped out, said it was the coolest thing ever. I'd never had a reaction like that before, so I was really moved. When I'd finished up with the parental units and it came time to say goodbye to the baby girl, I decided I could come back another time, and I kinda let her out. "Come on, Lisbet!" you're probably saying. "What kind of pipe dream is this goal of yours anyway, with an attitude like that?" But hear me out. At first, that's what I was thinking too. So I went back later to finish her off, and Heather was -- get this --waiting for me! We got to talking, and she was gonna climb right in, but I thought, hey, it might be useful to have someone like her around for now. I told her I'd do what I could to help her out, and drop in from time to time to keep her updated on my progress, which I did. It wasn't long before she really wanted to try pussy-voring for herself, and God help me, I had an idea. I had invited my friend Kimi over to Heather's house. By the way, Kimi's another fairy, and not the most supportive of my ideals, so I dunno if I should really call her a friend, but at least she seemed to think of me that way. I brought her into Heather's bedroom, a cutely-decorated girlish room with a bunch of animal plushies on a white dresser, a mirror surrounded by fake gems, that kind of place. Kimi sorta hovered over to Heather, when she saw the girl sleeping there, to check things out. "Are you sure this is safe? She won't wake up?" Kimi was concerned about the Fae rules about being seen, which I mostly don't worry over, and she had a good point, too, because Heather was faking it. That was part of the plan. When Kimi got too close, Heather snapped awake and grabbed her. Normally, grabbing a fairy would be way too hard for a human, but I used some of my magic to make Kimi's reaction sluggish, and Heather's reflexes are pretty good to begin with. "Put me down! Lisbet, help me out here!" Kimi's tiny forearms beat against the human hand holding her, to no avail. Heather looked her up and down slowly. "You're not as pretty as Lisbet, huh? Oh well, I guess not all fairies are the same. You do have the same pretty glowing wings, though," the human girl commented. Kimi was too startled to speak. "That's fine," Heather continued. "I wonder how those wings will feel inside me?" A dawning terror spread across the captured fairy's face. Heather's breathing had already deepened by the time she threw open the covers and lowered her hand. Kimi looked back to me in fear and disbelief. I shrugged. Heather's bottom half was already nude; the smooth creamy skin from her slender belly down to her curvy legs and the moistening pink slit between was a complexion that would've been fit for a nymph. (Much like my own, I might add, but that's to be expected of a Fae.) I strengthened the tranquility spell on Kimi to keep her from squirming too much, and nodded at Heather, who -- sighing pleasurably -- spread her labia apart with her free hand. After pausing to take a breath, she dipped the fairy's feet in. I flew over next to them, the scent of Heather's arousal becoming increasingly pungent as I drew near. Heather eased Kimi into her awaiting folds, wiggling the fairy's limp legs back and forth as she went. The going was slow. Meanwhile, I placed my hands on Heather's body to help me focus the digestion spell. It's a lot harder to cast on someone else, especially when it involves such intimate control of one's body. I had to be sure not to get the spell out of balance, which is why I'd chosen a simpler liquid absorption variation for her. We'd also agreed not to use an elastic spell on Heather's pussy; Kimi's seven or eight inches of height might be a bit big for her, but she was determined to fit it "naturally," to save me trouble. Even though I had filled up on energy by absorbing the entire neighboring family shortly before coming, breaking through Kimi's antimagic and maintaining the two incantations was getting draining. Finally, I finished incantation of the digestion spell, and passed off the control to Heather like we'd practiced. Only she would know when she was ready to ingest the fairy's essence, and how to make her body accept it. It went smoothly enough, but Heather was having trouble getting the limp Kimi into her snatch; she had one leg in up to the thigh, but the other was hanging loose, moist but at the wrong angle to go in, and between all the stimulation and holding the digestion spell, Heather was more overwhelmed than I was. "I'll try and add a light suction," I suggested, figuring that was the best I could do to get Kimi inside of the human girl before the binding wore off. I moved my hands a little lower, towards Heather's dripping, delicate, congested opening, and began to work on my usual suction spell. That's when things got out of hand. Just as I'd been afraid of, I was balancing too many magics, and casting on others was hard. The vacuum went out of control. I heard a whoosh of air and a slurping noise, but before I could register how Kimi had vanished into Heather's vagina, the same burst of air flipped me backwards... and inwards. Wet girl-flesh wrapped over my head and shoulders. My wings of light pressed into my shoulderblades, tingling, as the lips of Heather's nethers slid right over my entire body. I bumped uncomfortably into Kimi, as the human girl's body squeezed us in deeper and deeper. I realized my predicament: with Heather in charge of the digestion spell, I had no way to save myself. I would fall victim to my own designs, unmade in the love canal of one of the humans I had so gleefully devoured. But it was no use; the berserk spell had drained my energy, and my consciousness descended, like my body, into hot darkness. I awoke rather later on my back, feeling a cool night breeze. Taking stock of my surroundings, I saw a huge face... Heather's, in fact. She was smiling at me. I was on the palm of her hand, in her room, the window open. There was no sign of Kimi. "Heather, you... let me go? You could have..." "I could never do that. If I absorbed you, who would teach me how to use this power? Besides, you let me out before. This makes us even." I blinked, feeling tears of compassion accumulate in my eyes for the first time in my life. "Then... it was a success?" Heather smiled. Closing her eyes, she concentrated, and ever-so-faintly, behind her back appeared the glowing wings of light that signified Fae powers -- human-sized, of course. From that night forward, Heather became my apprentice -- still mostly human, but with a little Fae in her, capable of magic not unlike mine. The more I think about it, the more I wonder if that's not the secret to gulping up the entire human race: delegating the task, and letting my pussy enjoy the aggregated spoils. I don't know where I'll find more underlings I can trust like her, but in time perhaps it will come true. I don't have all the answers, but I have my dreams, and they're telling me Clide's got two more roommates I should taste before the night's out. Tata for now~, and may we meet again... my future morsels. |
"Please, come in," she said with a devilish look. "I've been waiting." The handyman looked her over carefully as he stepped into the apartment. The white towel she was wearing did a poor job of concealing her luscious, full breasts and curvaceous legs. A fine film of moisture still covered her body, while her hair was slicked back away from her face and fell gently on one shoulder. She stepped closely past him and shut the door behind him, sliding the deadbolt shut. "I'm sorry for interrupting you like this," he added. "Um, what seems to be the problem?" The apartment was mostly empty, he noted, even though the one who'd called him seemed a little young for being able to afford it by herself. She was, what, probably an undergraduate at the nearby university? Regardless, she strode confidently to the bed, whose sky-blue sheets were slightly mussed. Then she unwrapped the towel and flung it aside, climbing onto the bed and sitting to face him. "Er." The handyman stood transfixed. Their eyes crossed, then his wandered down, past the floating orbs and the erect nipples, down past the smooth tummy and between the partly-crossed legs. She waited for him to get a good look before speaking again. "Care to return the favor?" She nodded at him, and he began obediently began removing his own clothes and approaching tentatively. Since becoming a handyman, he'd dreamed about these sorts of situations, but never had it happened to him in real life. By the time he got his pants off, his member was at full attention. She saw, of course, and licked her lips. "Now I can explain," she began when he was near the bed. A slender hand reached down between her hips and to her delicate spot. Two fingers gently spread her flesh open. Wide open. He marveled at the pulsating pink flesh revealed between her thumb and pinky; he'd never seen someone a girl stretched so wide in person. "I've lost my toy. Can you help me get it out?" He gulped. She wanted him to reach in there? With his hand? Her facial expression told him she meant exactly what he was thinking. "O- okay." She repositioned her legs so he could kneel in front of her. Gently, he stretched out his right arm and stroked his index finger across the inner flesh. "Ohhhhh," she sighed. "That's it... put it in there. I need your whole hand. You need to be able... to grab... ohhhh... it..." Dumbfounded, he aimed further inside and slid his whole hand forward. Her opening greedily engulfed it to the wrist, prompting another set of moans. Soft, wet flesh rippled over his hand. "I don't feel it. Are you sure it's in there?" "Deeper! You have to reach in deeper!" Deeper? She could take more of this? As soon as he thought it was impossible, she grabbed with both hands and shoved his forearm inside to the elbow. He had to bend forward, his face brushing against her soft breasts. "Ohhhh, yeahhh. Keep feeling around, it's in there somewhere," she moaned, but all he could feel was endless, soft flesh. Soon he had dipped past the elbow and up nearly to his shoulder, seemingly impossibly deep in this girl's body. Then his fingers brushed up against something different, slightly cool to the touch. "I think I felt it!" "Keep reaching... ohhhh! That's ittttt!" He stretched forward, unable to grasp it. By this point, his right arm and even his shoulder were engulfed in her vagina. Her labia, well-lubricated and showing her enjoyment, lapped at his armpit and almost his ear, yet still he couldn't grasp the "toy" that she had lost. "You're fucking enormous!" he half-shouted. "I don't think I can reach any further!" "Now you see why I couldn't get it myself!" she replied. "What if you put your head in, too?" "No way! Even you can't stretch that much. That's impossible!" "You wanna bet?" She cradled the back of his head with a hand, and bent her legs to hook around his thighs. Gasping and moaning, she squeezed him towards her opening, which pressed and rubbed moistly against his cheek and underarm. His spare arm pounded aimlessly on the bed next to them. But sure enough, with a squelch and a slurp, the lips of her nethers spread over and swallowed his head. The handyman began to get slightly disoriented; all he could hear was his heartbeat and a few sultry moans echoing through the sound of the flesh rubbing over his ears and face. Her sweet juices overwhelmed his senses of smell and taste; his eyes could make out nothing but pink-tinged darkness. The only sense remaining to him was touch, and with that he could feel many things: her silky legs still shoving him forward; the soft sheets beneath them, now a wrinkled mess; most of all, the firm pussy muscles undulating up and down his outstretched arm; and faintly, a cool, smooth something near the tip of his hand. "I think this is it!" he sputtered unintelligably against the inside of her body, but it seemed she got the message. He distinctly heard her tell him, "Grab it... and... hold... on!" in between moans of pleasure. And although it was certainly bizarre, as long as he could reach a little deeper and grab it, he knew she should be able to pull him out, accomplishing his job. She repaid his efforts thus far by grabbing his rock-solid cock and rubbing it vigorously... so he pushed slightly deeper yet, until even his left shoulder had become halfway buried in her seemingly bottomless cunt. Finally he managed to grasp the thing his fingers had been brushing against. With a mighty tug, he... slipped forward, leaving his left arm pinned to one side as her pussy's opening encircled his upper rib cage. By this point, his client seemed to have passed her last point of self-control, and was moaning at the top of her lungs and gyrating her body wildly. With a titanic force, she arced her hips up and back, lifting his legs and lower body aloft. The handyman abandoned his grip on the "toy" as he suddenly felt himself sinking headfirst at an alarming pace. He wrestled furiously, trying to lift his body up and out, but combined with her thrusting it only caused him to sink deeper. Soon the lips of her cunt had surpassed his belly button and threatened to cross farther over his waistline. His dick flapped against the hungry folds of her oncoming cunt, which inched ever closer. He tried to shout, "Stop! Help!" but to no avail; he could hardly hear his own voice against the raging pleasured howls of the girl engulfing him. His inward progress continued unabated; her secret place took in his member like nothing as his thighs sunk inside. The stimulus and exertion were overwhelming; he blew his load and went limp all over. Her muscles squeezed, gravity tugged, and his knees, calves, ankles, and toes successively fell prey to her cavernous pussy. By the time her vagina sealed shut over the handyman's feet, she was exhausted, and passed out. She awoke, later, in her soiled bed with nary a bulge to show the man that had disappeared inside her. Only a deep, sated sensation consoled her. She sat up and sighed. "It seems I've lost another toy." |
"MANEATER TO SOUTH POLE", the headline read. "Angela Robbins, the high schooler who pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter earlier this year, will be sent to the Naval Antarctic Research Station as part of her sentence, which includes 30 years of service. The naval base was chosen by the court for its remote location and small staff contingent, both to reduce the chance of future victims and to protect the convicted from potential public retaliation for her very special case. "Robbins submitted to trial without jury after the judge advised her that the details of her case would be unlikely to provide a fair selection of jurors. That didn't prevent the ensuing media circus when the details of her case became public. Robbins had reported to St. John's Samaritan Hospital that her vagina unwillingly 'ate' boyfriend Chris Jones, and the world was shocked when hospital surgeons announced they had successfully extracted the partially-digested remains of the boy from Robbins' stomach. Robbins, an orphan, will spend the next five years in seclusion at the Antarctic base, where gynecologist Jean Zylweiger will also take up residence to study her unique condition." Edgar (Ensign Edgar Williams, if you were to use rank, which members of the NARS rarely did) put down the paper. It was several weeks old, and he had read the article already online; as with all the publications the base received, the hardcopy was mainly a formality. More importantly, it was almost time; their maneating new charge was due to arrive any minute. In fact, no sooner had Edgar set aside the paper than Colonel Knight knocked on the aluminum door to the combination kitchen/mess room. "The ship's in," the Colonel said matter-of-factly, and vanished around the corner. Edgar righted himself and strode out of the little research station. A short snowmobile ride away, they met up with the crew of the cargo ship. In the piercing Antarctic sunlight, Edgar had to squint to make out the name of the ship, and even then, before he got a chance to read it, the Colonel had him loading new supplies into the back of their mobile. Only after all the material goods had been exchanged did the base and the ship exchange personnel. Lieutenant Junior Sandoval left the base on an extended leave to see his family and present on his research at the base, while the gynecologist and finally her newsworthy charge unboarded the ship to join Edgar and Knight. Zylweiger had little luggage, Robbins even less, Edgar noted, as he stuffed their things on the snowmobile. Shortly thereafter, the icebreaker's captain took his due and the NARS's new four members began their ride back to the station. Edgar was an expert on ice floes, not women, but even in her padded winter wear, he could see that the little maneater was one hell of a looker. Strands of hair caught the sun as they flickered over her fine features, a downcast look clouding her face but not concealing the delicate eyelashes and full lips; neither could the ski jacket entirely conceal the voluptuous figure within. Zylweiger herself was quite the catch, tall and sharp-eyed with raven-black hair and a firm handshake, but Edgar happened to know through the grapevine that she had a partner at home, and it was a woman besides. No one spoke much until they'd gotten back to the station, at which point the Colonel entrusted Zylweiger and the girl to help carry things inside, and they set up shop in the small base. "Alright, now that we're here, it's time to get a couple things straight," the old man began. "Edgar and I are here to do geographic and environmental research, and to maintain a presence at this location. The two of you are here to get away from a nosy public, but you are also here to assist in our research. I will be putting you to use as soon as you're settled in, if not sooner. Ms. Zylweiger, you're welcome to work on your own research, but I'm sorry to inform you that we probably don't have access to all the tools you'd like at this base, and that's unlikely to change in the near future. "And, Edgar, in addition to your normal duties, I'm putting you in charge of educating Miss Robbins. The court ruled that she has a right to finish her high school education, so you will follow a strict lesson plan until you feel ready to administer a corresponding exam, and then continue tutoring Miss Robbins so long as she expresses a desire for higher education." Edgar had been flabbergasted some weeks earlier when the Colonel had first landed this responsibility on him, but he'd since come to terms with it, and the lesson plan the Colonel mentioned was already outlined based on profiles of Angela's performance on standardized testing. He nodded in assent. His charge, on the other hand, was less than collected on the subject. "I thought Jean was going to continue my tutoring." she said sourly. "And stop calling me Miss Robbins. My name's Angie." "The NARS is a family, and in order to ensure proper communication among all members of that family, I've moved that burden to Edgar here. Ms. Zylweiger has her own concerns to worry about with getting used to this base. And on that subject, it's time I showed you around." The NARS was not a large station. It consisted of an entrance chamber (for better insulation), a central kitchen with a single folding table in the middle, a lab area connected to the kitchen, and a hallway branching into three crew quarters and a tiny restroom with an upright shower. Most of the base was solar-powered, owing to the long resupply cycles, and outside a number of shelves held collections ice cores and other samples. Angie fidgeted awkwardly as the captain explained sleeping arrangements. "Ms. Zylweiger will take over the room Jason recently vacated. I'll maintain my quarters, and Edgar has graciously volunteered to sleep in the kitchen for a few months until we rotate. Miss R-- Angie, will take Edgar's room, and according to the sanctions required by the court, will be locked in isolation at night. Be sure to go to the bathroom before bed because you won't be permitted to leave the room under any circumstances during sleeping hours. Nights are short here, so I intend to maintain this rule ironclad. I'll be locking and unlocking your room myself." With that, the colonel slapped a hand on the material that they had brought in from the shipment. "That is all." Thus isolation began. * * * Edgar was able to settle into his new routine with surprising ease. Angie was a bright girl, smarter than her test scores would suggest, and she even showed occasional interest in his research. Nonetheless, her mood remained downcast most of the time, and without Jason around, the station was somewhat lonely. Zylweiger remained aloof, hardly interacting with Edgar more than she needed to, and she never spoke to him about the studies she performed on Angie or the results. He figured this was probably a good choice in the name of privacy, though it left him rather out of the loop. Angie herself usually didn't comment on the checkups, but Edgar gleaned from her attitude that she was getting sick of the gynecologist after a while. His research was coming along fine, his map of the local ice sheets' paleogeography filling out piece by piece. Not everything went so smoothly, though. The third day on the station, Edgar had returned from collecting samples to a strange scene. It seemed Jean had stepped outside to enjoy a smoke (her supply of cigarettes soon to be exhausted), leaving the girl to her own devices. When Edgar entered, he clearly heard running water from the restroom, and found Angie sitting under the showerhead, completely nude with the door wide open. "What's going on?" Edgar asked, trying to look away in courtesy. He'd already seen a startling amount. The girl's body seemed fresh and healthy, her smoothly toned skin dripping wet, full breasts pressed close to her body. The one exception was the massive scar that ran up her abdomen, proof of the incision they'd made into her belly. Edgar wasn't sure if the lack of pubic hair was a choice or biological happenstance. "Nothing. Just taking a shower," she retorted. "You should shut the door. Get some privacy." "I don't have such a thing as privacy. Anyone in the world can see all the pictures of my parts just by doing a simple internet search. My pussy's gone public domain." Her voice trailed off, getting increasingly difficult to hear. Edgar didn't have an answer to this. He pursed his lips, recalling his own abysmal record at cheering up depressed females. Nevermind a repentant freak-of-nature who'd lost her best friend. He quietly shut the door, and said nothing about the situation. Not that he needed to; Angie showering with the door open was a standard occurrence, and after failing to convince the girl to do otherwise, Jean eventually took to closing the door herself. Still, from time to time the girl would wander in there when Zylweiger was out, which was often enough that the Colonel complained about wasting their hot water. After a while, the sight of her knockout body was so familiar that Edgar didn't bother to close the door, and if he found her there, he would listen to Angie's complaints quietly. "You know I've been abandoned by my parents twice?" she said to him one time. "My first parents, when I was born. I never even know them. But my foster parents raised me for damn near eighteen years, and disowned me the moment I had a problem. I guess they didn't want to be associated with an inhuman monster, so they just changed their names and vanished. Figures. Chris had liked them, too, before he... before I..." Another time she pointed to her scar, tracing the line sensuously up and down her stomach. "At first I was worried, you know? About what would happen to him. But I never really thought felt like I'd lost him until they cut him out. It was like... you know, he was with me. And then suddenly he wasn't, I just had this aching void and a bunch of stitches. Sometimes I wish I'd just never told anyone what happened. They might never have figured it out." Little by little, Edgar felt a real compassion for for Angie build up within him. She scared him, a little, but the pathos of her unique situation affected him deeper. And much as he tried to fight the idea, at night images of her sensuous body entered his mind unbidden and refused to leave. Things started really going downhill when the Colonel fell ill. It was "just a fever" one morning, but when it continued into the next few, keeping him bedridden all the while, and the antibiotics they had with them saw no effect, things got serious. The next supply ship wasn't due for another couple months; they could call in an emergency medical evacuation, but there would be no staff to replace the Colonel and no way he could return to duty for months if they did. Knight offered to fight the illness of his own will for several days, until Zylweiger (not a general practice doctor but close enough) told him he had pneumonia and finally he agreed to be lifted out by helicopter. In the meantime, Angie's door went unlocked at night. Meanwhile, Angie and her doctor grew less and less cordial. Jean stopped offering to help Edgar with his ice cores; Angie gave her cold looks whenever she passed by during tutoring. The station completely ceased to operate as a family. One morning, Edgar woke late to the sounds of shouting back and forth from the girl's (formerly his) room; he did his best not to make out the details. Not long thereafter, Jean stormed out, nearly ripping the base's front door off the hinges on her way out. "If you won't open up for me, then I have no more work to do here," she'd said. Angie leaned head out of the room with a complicated expression on her face, but said nothing. After a few seconds of just sitting there, trying and failing to concentrate on work, Edgar walked over and knocked on Angie's door. Two tense heartbeats followed. Three. Then a creak, an opening of the door. A sweet, sensitive face, visibly hoping to see Edgar, not Zylweiger; relief. "I just... I just wanted to let you know, I support you," he said, patting her gently on the shoulder. "Whatever you've done or will do, I know that you're a caring, honest, good-hearted girl. And if --" Before he could say any more, she pulled him closer in a hug. It was a fierce hug, a bear squeeze filled with the girl's -- nay, young woman's -- resolve. She looked him in the eyes, then closed them and leaned in. Without needing to think about it, Edgar returned the kiss. Soft lips pressed, he tasted her breath, a mix of savory musk and sweet fruit. When they parted, Edgar knew that he was in deep. Those liquid crystal eyes showed him all he needed to know. "I'll be going out to gather samples now. I have to work while the day is still bright. I'll, uh... probably be a while." Angie nodded wordlessly, and slowly released him from her bear hug. Edgar stepped away, slowly at first, then almost breaking into a run as he grabbed his things and opened the door to the outside. As he was jetting away on one of the base's snowmobiles, he spotted Zylweiger a short walk away from the base, staring at the horizon with a cigarette in hand. Edgar made sure not to make eye contact as he sped off. * * * Angie greeted Jean Zylweiger at the door when the gynecologist returned from her smoke. "So," the older woman said. "So." "Look. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so harsh on you. I know you cared deeply about your... late... boyfriend..." Jean started. She was less than contrite. "I still do. But I'm sorry I reacted so badly. You were just trying to do your job," Angie replied. Zylweiger nodded, so she continued. "I finally decided, though. I'll go along with you, help you with this. It's for my good as well." "You'll... open up for me?" "Yes." A shiver passed through both of them. Zylweiger wrote it off as Antarctic cold; Angie knew better. "Do you want to start immediately?" "Let's do that," the lady doctor agreed, obviously thinking, "...before you change your mind." But Angie didn't take offense. That suited her fine. She led Jean back to the bedroom they'd shared for the last several weeks. Zylweiger shut the door behind her. "I guess let's get started as usual. Undress for me, please," Jean instructed. Angie began to comply, by removing her outer jacket first; the thermostat in this room was kept especially high for this reason. "I'd feel more comfortable if you did as well," she said carefully. "It's only fair, right?" Jean sighed. "If it'll get you to show your abilities, then it's worth it. Besides, it's stuffy in here." She likewise threw aside her jacket and outer pants. Angie made sure to undress slowly, forcing Jean to keep pace. She wryly sized up the other woman's body, wondering if she should be envious of Jean's voluptuous figure. In her mind, she doubted whether the vagina that had swallowed up Chris would really stretch to engulf another human being again. But deep down, as the thought permeated her mind, she felt the itch and she knew it would. It was more than ready. When finally the two women were both nude, Angie lay back on the bed and spread her legs apart, affording Jean a deep view of her moistened crotch. The swollen pink lips tingled with anticipation. Jean knelt between the two outstretched legs and examined it. "Just like always; seemingly normal," she remarked as much to herself as to the girl. Tenderly, her hands reached forward and probed Angie's slit. Angie gnawed on her bottom lip to hold back as the cool fingertips slid into her steaming hot opening. Slowly but surely, the hands invaded her inner territory and spread it open to see. Jean gasped in surprise as her hands reached five, six, eight inches apart. Angie choked back plaintive whines. "Amazing," the dark-haired woman remarked. Her face pressed closer to the moist opening to see how far back the passage opened. That was when Angie made her move. Simultaneously, she pushed her feet against Jean's back while bucking her hips toward Jean's face. The sudden movement caught Jean off-balance, and she tilted forward, her hands advancing to be forearm-deep in Angie's pussy. Jean just barely held her head away from the gaping hole, which now smelled strongly of syrupy sweat. Angie could contain herself no longer and moaned wildly in ecstasy. "What are you doing?!" Jean was frantic. "This isn't helping! You might even..." She bucked against Angie's legs, trying to loosen herself from the girl's grip. But she gained no ground, and landed farther forward, her arms being slurped up to the elbow and her face coming nearly into contact with Angie's soft inner flesh. "... you planned this, didn't you? You sick monster, you're going to try to eat me?! You b--" The rest of her words were lost into blubbering and gasping as Angie bucked again, and her nethers eagerly gobbled up Jean's face. She gasped in overwhelming pleasure as the line of Jean's skull and upper arms pushed up through her opening. The doctor was fighting for her life now, trying to kick or pry her way out, but with her hands and head pinned inside Angie's love canal, leverage was on Angie's side. Angie's eyes squeezed shut as her prey's violent thrashing tossed her against the bed, but her pussy's progress squeezed ever farther down Jean's body. The woman's big, round breasts squished away from the oncoming labia until they could stretch no longer. Angie yelled at the top of her lungs as her lower half spread even wider to accommodate them. After that, the rest of her ribcage pushed rapidly inside, and Angie slowed to catch her breath as her swallowing reached Jean's waistline. As if sensing Angie's tiredness, Jean redoubled her struggles, twisting with her legs side to side. The wild motions set Angie over the edge, and she reached her first climax. The tension of her subsequent contraction knocked the wind out of her live meal, and Jean's efforts began flagging. Angie, now moving on instinct alone, hooked her feet around Jean's knees and forcibly thrust her bottom back and up, lifting Jean's legs into the air. The whole room rattled from the force of the bed's shaking, and more and more of Jean began to descend into Angie's wide-open vagina. Before long, Angie's cunt had worked its way up past the width of Jean's hips; from there, it was all downhill. She squeezed Jean's legs together, as gravity did its work and sank the remainder of the woman's body into her waiting chamber. The thighs gave way to the knees, and by the time Jean's ankles acquiesced to the pussy's gorging, her struggles had subsided to merely squirming uncomfortably. At last, Angie's sopping vulva sealed shut over Jean's toes, and she could lie back again. The humongous form of her full stomach rippled and rolled satisfyingly, and she sighed with deep relief. Consequences come what may, she had done it. As she rested and reveled in victory, Angie could faintly hear a bitter and exhausted voice from inside her belly. "This is murder," it seemed to say. "This... is who I am," she replied. "And you... deserved it." * * * |
Edgar took his time returning, and when he got back, he went straight for his workstation. He had to run the numbers. If his hunch turned out to be right, he needed to know as soon as possible. He began inputting the ice core data, tapping furiously at the keyboard. After a few minutes, it occurred to him that nobody had greeted him when he returned. That was normal for the Naval Antarctic Research Station, especially as of late, but it still felt... wrong. After the fight from the afternoon, he had expected to see someone's grumpy face lounging around the kitchen or hear the sound of the shower with the door open. Neither was apparent, which meant -- what? Jean hadn't returned? Or the two of them had made up and were quietly in their quarters? "Hello?" he called out tentatively to the back quarters of the station. "Anybody home?" Angie's voice echoed back, after a typical moody delay, "... yeah." "Is Jean with you?" Another pause. "Yeah." If he'd been paying attention, Edgar might have thought Angela's voice sounded slightly amused; but he was already back to focusing on his work. So far, the numbers weren't proving him wrong. The simulations they'd been using were getting... alarming. Edgar went to sleep early so that he could leave at the break of dawn the next day. He needed to collect more samples. * * * Angie's stomach pulsed and rumbled, pushing against its enormous contents. Angie laid back and rested her hands on her satisfied belly, reveling in the sensation of tackling her meal. The process of catching her prey played back in her mind as well; she finally realized how much fun it was when she stopped worrying about consequences. The big curved scar on Angie's stomach throbbed faintly, reminding her of Chris, how she'd been so confused and worried at first, how frantic she felt when she'd realized he wasn't moving. She remembered calling 911, trying to get them to believe her, taking the ambulance to the hospital. She remembered the agonizing, hours-long wait as they debated and delayed and ran tests and scans before bringing her into the operation room. By the time they applied the anesthetic, she already knew what was coming. She'd felt Chris pass away inside her; he'd made every attempt to keep moving until the very end. At the time, she'd been horrified by her body, and confused. She'd confessed, gushing tears, had pushed her parents away, and hoped that the court would save her from continuing this life of dispair. But they hadn't. Instead, the judge had stepped in, prevented the case from going to a jury. He'd told her that she was to live on, to continue her schooling, to become a responsible adult despite her unique situation. She hadn't bought into it at first, but she held out, letting the flow take her until she arrived in the NARS base. She listened to Dr. Zylweiger rave about how her body might be something special for science or for womankind. She'd put up with it as Zylweiger became more insistent about not just feeling her out, but provoking her, trying to seduce her, trying to activate her instincts again. But Angie resisted. She hadn't wanted to acknowledge the part of her that had killed her only friend. But Zylweiger would have none of it. Her treatment became rougher, physically and verbally. Angie slowly built a will to live out of her anger. At the same time there was Edgar. Gentle, intellectual, a bit clumsy sometimes, but accepting. He was everything she'd needed. He listened to her moping, and didn't question her. And something about the way he looked at her... it told her he wanted them to be together, no matter what she was. She'd been lucky. If anyone else had remained on the base, she'd be worried that a moment of concern would be all it took to call in the authorities, and her situation would've gone straight worst-case scenario. But the only person left was Edgar, and she knew he would let her get away with it. He hadn't liked the bitch gynecologist either. All her past troubles seemed like nothing now, as if she'd finally taken off a blindfold and could see again. By the time she woke on the second day, her belly had already gone down significantly. It might be just a couple days until she could pass for normal again, especially in her bulky winter clothing. Angie was looking forward to it. * * * Edgar avoided contact with either of the females on base for a while, preferring not to let their feud get in the way of his work. But as the results became clearer and clearer, it became harder and harder to put off telling them. Finally, he called to Angie when he returned to base one day. "Have you seen Dr. Zylweiger? I have something important to discuss with you two." He stepped down the hall and grabbed the door to Angie's room, swinging it open. A wave of warm air poured out. Yet Edgar froze. The former highschooler lay unclothed on the bed, her abdomen only slightly rounder than he'd seen it. Meanwhile, the older woman was nowhere to be seen, but her clothes remained strewn at the foot of the bed. Angie patted her belly smugly. "Don't worry about her. I just finally showed her my abilities... firsthand." "You couldn't have..." But she obviously had. Everything fell into place. Edgar saw his own actions in a new light, realizing just how much he had facilitated this without thinking. "I should... I should call for help, a medical team or something. Or maybe I should just turn you in and see what the court does with you now." "You should. But it won't save Dr. Zylweiger, so you won't bother. You know I don't want to go through that hell again. And besides... some part of you, deep down, wanted this." Edgar took a deep breath. He didn't like how Angie was reading him. But neither could he say she was wrong. "Your karma will come in time," he told her. "And when it does, I'll have to face it too." She stared him in the eyes; he stared back. They evaluated one another for a long time. Finally, Edgar took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but she spoke first. "Wanna see how it works?" "You mean... let your pussy eat me? No thanks. I'm not ready for that yet." "'Yet,' huh? That's OK. I'll let you out. I promise." Edgar felt something stirring within him. He wasn't sure what: lust, curiosity, wild adventure... but he felt himself wanting to take her up on that offer. His better judgement be damned. "Halfway. I'll go in halfway. No more." "OK. I'll gladly accept that. Get over here." Heart pounding, Edgar walked over to where Angie's lithe and silky body lay on the bed. He undressed, and climbed onto the bed, then leaned over her, and pressed his face to hers. Angie closed her eyes as they kissed, lightly, then passionately. One hand cupped her breast, massaged it gently. Angie squirmed in pleasure, tiny moans escaping beyond her control. Edgar lowered his rock-hard member towards her waiting slit and tentatively prodded at it. Her ravenous insides took hold and tugged it inward, burying his shaft almost instantly. The pressure and the suction was unbelievable; Edgar found himself releasing right away. He exhaled in pleasure and sunk downwards, enjoying the massage on his dick. Angie smiled at him, knowingly. For a while, the two of them stayed that way. Edgar started hardening up again; the sensations were too much to resist. He braced himself, one hand on either side of Angie's gentle shoulders, and lifted his hips to pull out a little... but Angie's opening didn't let him. It held fast, tugging at the hilt of his sword even as he lifted off the bed. He gasped. Angie reached a hand up, pulled his head to hers, and kissed him again. No amount of tugging and pulling was getting him any leverage. Finally, he sat up, and managed to stretch one leg up to lift and brace his foot against Angie's inner thigh. He placed his other foot on the other side, so he was almost in a position with her engorged pussy holding him crouched against her. He tensed his muscles, pushing and straining to lift himself out of the unrelenting grip that was her pussy, but Angie's secret place held strong. He pulsed again, and Angie smiled. She lifted her legs inward, causing Edgar's feet to slip. They slid on the moist, sweaty skin of her thighs until his toes brushed against her vulva. Finally the pressure on Edgar's dick relented... as her nether lips spread to accommodate Edgar's toes on either side of it. Edgar's straining ended up pushing his legs even quicker into her slit, and Angie yelped pleasurably as her spread opening made it up calf and knee and over his thighs, so that he straighted his legs right into her. "Wow," Edgar grunted. "You are intense." The statement was underwhelming, as her juicy inner flesh folded and rippled over his legs and dick, pushing him to ecstasy. Angie smiled even wider as her labia slid up over his butt, pluging his whole body deeper into her tenderness with every inch. "I guess this is about halfway," she told him tenderly. "Are you sure you don't want to finish the trip?" "Maybe a little more!" he squeezed out between gasps. "Up to the belly-button!" "As you wish," and she squelched just a little higher until Edgar's ribcage was just above the borderline to her enormous pussy. "Higher?" "Wait... something... important." Edgar tried desperately to catch his breath. "Must... tell you." Angie dutifully relaxed a moment, willing her overwhelming pleasureful squeezes to die down a bit. Edgar sat, just over halfway buried in her twat, and slowly gained the composure to speak. "If my recent research is correct, the ice sheet is melting faster than anticipated. Water is running through cracks underneath it, accelerating the flow. In weeks or even days, the very sheet this base stands on could collapse into the ocean." Angie was taken aback. This was not a response she'd prepared for. "The base? Why would it be built on such unstable ground?!" "Fifty years ago when this station was built... nobody had even conceived of global warming." Edgar struggled to get the words out. "The ice was here for all of human history, and nobody thought that would change. Even a few... years ago, it was thought that the sheet would stand... for decades longer." "So we're in danger?" "Yes. I'm still not sure, but the observations I've been making these last few days... worry me... a lot." He paused. The tension between them was viscous, seeming to ooze slowly from the point where they were joined. "Will you let me out?" he asked, finally, in a weak voice. "...yeah." Angie sighed. She took a long, slow breath in, and let her inner muscles relax. Finally, the iron grip holding Edgar in loosened, and her gentle squeezes pushed him back out, inch by inch. Edgar tried not to relish the sensations of her sopping, moist vaginal walls washing over him again. He really tried. When finally she ejected his feet onto the soiled bed, Edgar breathed in relief. "You didn't have to let me out, you know," he said. "I don't think I could have stopped you." "I made a promise, Edgar. And besides... I like you." She made a strong face, but they both knew better. "Well... thank you. It means a lot to me. Erm, obviously." He managed a light chuckle, but his mind was caught up in thinking about the next time... * * * Edgar lay on his back, looking up at the station's dented metal ceiling. His conscience was torn to pieces, each telling him to do something different. He should call in backup, or evacuation. He should keep events a secret, to protect a wounded and bright girl -- nay, young woman -- who'd been unlucky. He should kill her before she did him. Nothing made sense. At the very least, any support would take days to arrive, if not longer. In the worst case scenario, the whole base might've collapsed before that happened. Ultimately, he decided, he had no choice but to follow his heart. And he knew what his heart ached for. The next morning made the decisions easier. One look at the sensors on PC told him all he needed to know. The flow rate had accelerated. The collapse would now be measured on the order of days, or hours. "Pack everything of value," he told Angie. "We're out of here." They threw together a couple backpacks and bundles of research items, whatever food they could carry, and all the survival gear they could find in the station. The NARS had three snowmobiles, but they could only drive two, so they used the last one as a sled and strapped whatever supplies they couldn't carry onto it. Edgar consulted his research to pick the safest route, and they departed. The bright Antarctic sunlight shone down from sky and up through the packed ice beneath. By late afternoon, it became clear that they weren't making good speed. They chucked whatever seemed least useful, and started in again. But soon Edgar noticed that the collapse had already begun. He pointed out, anxiously, the fractures in the ice sheet. They gunned their snowmobiles' engines, but they were running preciously low on fuel. They would need all the gas they had to reach an area safely underpinned by solid ground, and far enough from the residual settling that would inevitably occur. Edgar's snowmobile was already too low from towing the third snowmobile with the luggage, so they swapped the tow-line to Angie's. "I should have radioed in our destination coordinates before we left the station," Edgar bemoaned as they picked up speed again, side-by-side. "I think we'll need to chuck the antenna now." Angie looked back, where the bulky antenna used to broadcast long-range radio signals protruded from their towed luggage. That proved to be a mistake. Edgar barely had time to point out ahead the huge fissure that had formed, setting one section of ice several feet higher than the one next to it. Angie swerved, trying to steer clear of it, but her snowmobile's rail caught in the snow and toppled. The sled she had been towing whizzed past, crashing into the fissure. It slid down to icy oblivion, and began tugging Angie's with it. Edgar turned his vehicle aside to check on the girl, who'd been thrown off entirely, and by the time he realized it, the second snowmobile was far out of his reach, and drifting towards the crack in the ice. "Angie! Angie, are you OK?" "I.. think I'm OK..." she mumbled. "Kinda bruised up my nose some... Shit, I'm sorry." "As long as you're OK, that's what matters," he told her, brushing snow out of her face, which sure enough was pink with scrapes and developing bruises. "I want you to get out of here alive, no matter what." Faintly, tears crystallized into icicles on the corners of Angie's eyes. "Promise?" "Yeah. Promise." He leaned in and kissed her, passionately. But with only one snowmobile left, and the one with the least fuel at that, the outlook was bleak. They had lost most of their gear, too, so they chucked all the barest of essentials and set off riding tandem. The long polar sun was finally dipping low in the sky when they heard a raging crack and rumble behind them. Edgar brought the snowmobile to a puttering stop on a ridge to look. The two watched as ice, from a little ways back all the way until the horizon, slipped lower and broke up into hunks of glacier littering the ocean. It was armageddon before their eyes: everything cracked and collapsed and sunk away to nothing. But they had made it. The icy land they stood on held firm. They set up a temporary camp, shaping snow into walls to block the chill wind. Edgar evaluated what little they had: food enough to last a couple days; a snow shovel; a two-way radio, capable of transmitting a few miles at least; a map and digital compass; and a bag with two dozen flares, half of them expired, that might be used to signal for help. The snowmobile was so low on gas it might not even start. They tried diligently to contact help through the radio, but to no avail. Angie declined her share of the food, claiming she wasn't feeling hungry, and let Edgar save it for another day. They set off a couple of the expired flares, which luckily still lit. Their snow walls became a snow hut, a primitive igloo. Inside was warm, at least by comparison to outside. Edgar traced a path they could take which would bring them closer to shore, in case of a seaside rescue. But nobody came. After some days, Angie started nibbling on the food as well. Their stores ran thinner all the time. And the pervasive cold began to truly sink in. Edgar had thought himself used to the cold of the South Pole, but by now he realized that the cozy station he'd lived in for the last year and a half was a mockery of the pole's true cold. More and more, his subconscious reminded him of a place that was warm and comfortable all around. He couldn't help but wonder if Angie was looking at him strangely sometimes, too. They tried setting off a dozen flares at once, to attract attention. Nothing came. Then the food ran out entirely. The two of them huddled together for warmth. And he found himself speaking. "Angie. I want you to start over. Know that, somewhere, there'll always be someone who loves you for what you are. Be true to yourself, no matter what." "What are you saying, all of a sudden?" "Remember the promise I made on the way here? 'No matter what'?" She nodded silently. "That means, I've got to do whatever it takes to get you out of here, even if I don't make it..." He pulled her coat down over her shoulders to show what he meant. "No... you can't..." she said, but at the same time, she was already undoing his jacket. Her body knew this was exactly what she wanted. Not a word was said thereafter. Soon both were nude, laying on what warm blankets and clothes they had in their makeshift igloo, and Edgar was kissing her like he'd never kissed a woman before, squeezing and holding and stroking her all over with the vigor of a man consigned to one final act. Angie responded in kind, cherishing the unconditional love she had found in the most unlikely of places. Her body readied itself like it had never before, and as Edgar leaned in to kiss her most secret place, it parted open for him, her legs separating almost on their own, leaving a humid void that was soon filled with his head. Her pussy worked quickly, enveloping his head in one motion and stretching towards his shoulders. Edgar wriggled sublimely, and her labia doubled over his shoulderblades, racing down his arms and spine. She felt his essence penetrating her, and welcomed him, opened for him, absorbed him. Involuntarily, her hips thrust off the ground and down again, her vagina swallowing Edgar's body more and more with each push. Soon only his lower half remained, but still she spread herself open for him, and still he pushed to enter her. His member rubbed against her rippling insides, which gorged themselves on his length. Soon, Angie could reach his feet with her hands, so she did, and squeezed them, squeezed him all over as hard as she could, to let him know how much she loved him for this and for everything. He responded, as best he could, pushing against her inner walls with all he had, surging downward into her infinity. Her vaginal lips covered his thighs in warm, thick, gooey loveliness, and lapped up his feet with glee. Finally, a slick sound echoed throughout the snow enclosure as Edgar departed the outside world and took up final residence inside of the gloriously warm interior of the girl's body. Angie's cleft sealed shut, consigning her resident to his fate. Edgar welcomed it gladly. * * * "SOUTH POLE BASE LOST," read the headline. "An ice-sheet collapse has environmental scientists and navy engineers shocked over the amount of surface lost into the south Atlantic this past month, including a section of the Great Antarctic Ice Sheet that once held a naval research base. The base has vanished into the ocean, along with all three of its residents at the time: Navy Ensign Edgar Williams, gynecologist Jean Zylweiger, and the infamous 'maneater' Angela Robbins, who was sent to the base for her own safety just months before the collapse. The three are presumed dead, although rescue missions have been undertaken. Colonel Alfred Knight, who was transferred out of the base for medical reasons just before the collapse, was shocked to hear of the ice sheet's destruction..." The girl with the auburn hair tossed aside the paper. She didn't need to read any more of it. Instead, she preferred to listen to the sounds of the port, the gulls conversing with the thickly-accented Portuguese of the sailors. She took in the sea breeze, and contemplated how much longer she might stay here. She patted her belly, which bulged with life. She supposed it would depend on him, too. No matter. She could wait. END. |
The show was nearing its climax. Pop idol Q-Teez was bouncing around stage to the tune of her latest single, a lithe, energetic performance on par with her backup dancers even while her sugar-sweet voice belted out the usual nonsense lyrics. Finally, the last chord struck and she held a pose as the music transitioned to another song, just a steady buildup. The crowd collectively gasped and cheered as they realized what it was. "THAT'S RIGHT, HONEYS! IT'S TIME FOR A VERY SPECIAL SEGMENT OF THIS SHOW! Who all is brave enough to volunteer?" As the crowd smooshed even closer to the stage, Lana turned to her date Kei with a puzzled expression. "Wait, what's going on? Why's everyone so excited?" "It's Q-Teez's special live concert bit. It's super unique and kind of crazy. I'm surprised you came not knowing about it. You signed the waiver, right?" "Yeah, of course. Is that why this is an 18+ show?" To that end, Q-Teez was actually removing her hot pink booty shorts right on stage, making quite a show of it while people in the front clamored to be picked as volunteers. Stagehands reeled out a big, comfortable looking reclining chair and positioned it facing the side of the stage that had stairs up from the main floor. Kei explained without taking his eyes off the stage. "Yeah. Q-chi invites a pair of audience members onto the stage and asks them to trust each other." He used the idol's cute fan-name, revealing his loyalty to the young starlet. "Then she sings 'Your Forever' while feeding one of them into her... uh... her vagina." Kei was blushing at saying it aloud. "Wait, she unbirths someone from the audience? On stage? That's so hot!" Kei nodded while adjusting his pants. They were still a few rows of people back, but their view had gotten much better as audience members had packed themselves as close as possible to the stage entrance. He and Lana could see the glistening moisture of Q-Teez's slit as she reclined in the chair. With one hand, she tossed the panties she'd just removed into the crowd, causing a mini panic where it landed. With her other hand, she teased the frontmost audience members by spreading her nether lips apart and massaging them. The microphone picked up the lusty squelching noises as the build-up to 'Your Forever' continued. "So... what happens to the person she schlicks? Does she let them out? Does she... keep them?" Lana wasn't hiding her own arousal at this point, biting her lip and not-discreetly digging one hand down her pants. Meanwhile, Q-Teez had picked out her two volunteers; it was a young couple in matching pink Q-Teez T-shirts, holding hands. "That's the interesting part. She has two volunteers, right? Oh, actually, it looks like she's going to explain it now." Indeed, the build-up in the song had reached a pause, clearly looping so that Q-Teez could talk over it. She let a few more pleasureful moans escape as she teasingly kept the crowd waiting, to say nothing of the couple that was standing there somewhat awkwardly removing their shoes on stage in front of the bottomless pop star, flanked by stage hands doubling as security guards. But soon thereafter, she began her speech. "You two are already holding hands. Perfect! Wonderful! I'm soooo ready to get it on here!" She turned her head to the audience. "ARE YOU ALL READY FOR THIS?" The crowd cheered excitedly again. "Let's play a little trust game, then!" The excited crowd cheered some more. "I'll let you in on a little secret," the sexy singer stage-whispered as she stretched her legs out one at a time. "This is the best part of my show. Even I've been looking forward to it all day! Which one of you cuties is going to be the diver?" The shorter of the couple in pink shirts, a guy with close-cropped haircut and skinny jeans, stepped forward and raised his off hand, waving it nonchalantly at the crowd, which continued cheering with incredible energy. Kei noticed that the guy never took his eyes off Q-Teez's revealed nether regions the whole time, and didn't blame him. Even having seen this act multiple times before online and in different venues, it was often censored, or angled wrong. Even when it wasn't, a vantage point like that was afforded to precious few people. Q-Teez reached a foot out and lazily used it to beckon the couple forward as she resumed talking to the audience. "So in case any of y'all don't know this already, this cutie has volunteered to get willingly swallowed up by my sweet, innocent little pussy!" Kei wondered how much Lana was reading into the ironic chuckles in the crowd. "And the other one here is just gonna HOLD ON!" The volunteer couple raised their held hands again to illustrate. "Soooooo, when the diver's in past his head in my juicy li'l love tunnel, that's where we hit a turning point! Howww much do you trust your partner here?" The couple shrugged, smiling. A stagehand held a mic to the diver. "I trust Casey with my life." "Ooooh, you're a brave one. Then how about you, Casey? Are you gonna let go? Or pull him back out?" Casey, the other half of the couple, shrugged coyly and kept mum. "You don't haaaaave to hold on, y'know. You're not even gonna want him back after he's enjoyed himself alllll over my insides! It's cool, I skipped lunch. I'd be glad to take him off your hands!" The banter went on a little longer, as Q-Teez taunted and tempted the diver while his partner just grinned impassively. Lana, who was pressed so hard against Kei in the crowd that her breasts sandwiched his upper arm, shouted into his ear. "So what happens? Does the person let go, or does their partner pull them out?" Kei shrugged, the sensation of Lana's chest rising with his gesture contributing just a little more to the sexually-charged atmosphere. "It could go either way. Depends on how close the couple is. Maybe it's a loyalty test for the diver. A lot of times the partner is just along to play the part, while the diver's really just a fan who wants Q-chi to make their dream come true. I think she tries not to pick fake couples, but, y'know. The longer this bit goes on, the more she finds people who wanna feed themselves to her." "That's so fuckin' hot. I wish I could do that." Kei didn't have the guts to ask whether she wanted to be like Q-Teez or the volunteers. But her question had kind of triggered his fanboy, so he continued explaining. "There are some couples that have done it before and switched roles the second time. And a couple people who came back to another show after getting pulled out and got picked again. Nobody's made it out a second time. They say once you've been to heaven, Earth is never the same." "I wonder how she picks the couples." "I dunno. Sometimes I think she goes for a couple she thinks she can break up. Oh, but that reminds me, something crazy happened at a couple shows recently. It started with this one couple, they got to the point where the handler is supposed to let go or pull the diver out, but, like, the diver reaches up with his other hand and grabs his handler by the forearm and pulls her in, too! So then Q-Chi is hella turned on and she just schlicks up the other person too! And if you watch the video, you can tell that at first she's, like, confused, but she goes through with the chorus to the part where she holds the mic up to her belly even though her belly is like twice the size and hella wriggling. And you can hear the two of them fucking in there, both of them totally goddamn getting it on INSIDE of her, so she just shrugs and fucking jacuzzis them both." "Ohhh, god," comments Lana, who's clearly nearly climaxed already, while the volunteer on stage right now has just barely lifted up his first foot to get a few toes into Q-Teez's very primed snatch. "This show is fucking amazing, I had no idea what I was signing up for." "Yeah, totally. Can you believe it? Not only does she pussy-vore strangers on stage, but she's powerful enough to take two at a time. No wonder she's gotten so popular lately. Everyone on the fan boards just keeps wondering about when the next 'double destiny' is gonna be. There have been a couple more copycat couples, and people are, like, doing analysis on if it's getting more common, and forming betting pools for when it'll happen next." At this point, the volunteer diver had fed his whole foot into Q-Teez's snatch and was resting his weight mostly on his partner, to compensate for the odd angle. The singer herself, despite being in a reclining position and also clearly in a state of near-ecstasy, was doing a pretty good job of hitting almost all of her notes in "Your Forever" as the volunteer's leg probed deeper and deeper into her accommodating slit. As Q-Teez's labia started lapping at the man's knee, he leaned the rest of his weight backwards in order to lift his other foot up and feed it in alongside the first. The stagehands helped Casey bear the burden of the quickly-disappearing dude. Meanwhile, all around Kei, the crowd at the side of the stage was slowly encroaching forward to as close as security would let them get. Some had phones out and recording video, which was against the rules, but security was powerless to really stop them while merely holding the crowd at bay. Soon, 'Q-chi' had taken in the dude up past waistline, while hers bulged surprisingly less than it seemed like it should. When it came to the second chorus, she made a show of slowly hooking her legs around her prey, under his back and squeezing tight. Then she, rather theatrically, pushed back on the his partner's torso with the balls of her feet, playing at trying to separate them already. Casey the partner held tight with little trouble, but fell back a couple feet. In the process, the half-engulfed dude ended up getting pulled back out quite a ways, which revealed something interesting. Somehow, Q-Teez's snatch had held onto his pants, releasing his totally-sprung cock into plain view. Q-Teez's faux-shocked expression was cut short by a big yelp of pleasure. Casey had quickly shoved the dude's exposed junk right back into Q-Teez's after regaining balance. Still, the pop star was doing a better job of holding her composure than many in attendance, including the dude, who was long beyond words by the time her pussy lips were starting to grab hold of his damp pink T-shirt. Kei had also finally run out of things to say, and was simply struggling to reach his throbbing member discretely. Lana shocked him when she managed to reach around and thrust a hand below his waistband to do the same, even more shamelessly. You could tell the volunteer couple were big fans because the remainder of the diver's insertion was practically timed to follow the rhythm of the music. Pretty soon, Casey's shoulders were nearly brushing up against the inner thighs of Q-Teez's outstretched legs, because so little of the lucky victim remained outside of the idol's body. With the ravenous slit folding over his shoulders, the couple leaned together for a passionate kiss. It ended when the movements of Q-Teez's vaginal muscles tore him away from his partner and sealed tight over his face. Only his right forearm was left, hands joined tightly wrist-to-wrist with Casey. The crowd roared with approval. For the bridge of "Your Forever" in the 'special' live version, Q-Teez held a mic to her distended abdomen and flexed a little in time with the music so the whole crowd could hear her prey moan with pleasure, more or less in time with the music. She provided a few noises of her own, too. Casey, whose partner now depended entirely on their bond, was trying to look a bit more impartial but still clearly aroused beyond any normal degree. Finally, the moment of truth arrived. Q-Teez belted out the lyrics with relish: "There's only one way, it's now or never / The truth is now, it's your foreverrr!" Kei was on edge waiting to see whether it was a churn or a return, or better yet, the fabled double destiny... when something completely unexpected happened. It was near-impossible to see in realtime, but at that exact moment, Casey leaned back and hooked an arm around both security guards, then dove forward, pulling them along as the submerged volunteer dude's remaining limb vanished into the idol's insides, still gripping his partner. At seemingly the same time, the crowd surged forward from behind Kei and Lana, giving them no choice but to spill forward along with the flow. The surge caught the remaining security completely off-guard, bowling them backwards towards the action in center stage. "Ohhh, fuuuuuuuuck!" came the all-too-pleased voice of the voracious pop idol, as her pussy gorged itself on not just both of her two volunteers, but the upper halves of the two more full-sized adults that Casey had snagged in the process. But that wasn't all. The forward-most member of the crowd had spilled all the way over to the space between Q-Teez's widespread thighs. Being the kind of person who would be at the front of this concert to begin with, the nigh-deleriously aroused fanboy merely shoved at the hapless stagehands' lower halves, delivering them the rest of the way into the moist, pink tunnel. Lana had somehow been pushed ahead of Kei, so she was now somehow next behind the frontmost fan. To Kei's absolute amazement, she just leaned forward and thrust herself against that fanboy's body just as Q-chi's pussy closed over the stagehands' ankles. The fanboy's hands were plunged into the expanding vaginal opening, and soon the surging of the crowd pushed forward yet more, ensuring the rest of the fanboy's body soon followed. Lana was next, as she lost her balance and tumbled headfirst into what was starting to seem more like a bottomless pit than a bottomless pop star. Kei was tugged unceremoniously forward as he realized that Lana had never fully relinquished her hold on his dick. At this point, it wouldn't have mattered either way, because the overzealous crowd had already been wrapped up in this new development and had started pushing forward in waves. Was it a game of chicken? Behind Kei, he vaguely felt two or maybe three pairs of hands get caught in Q-Teez's wild contractions while pushing him, and the speed with which he was plunged deeper into the tunnel of sex suggested the pattern was only accelerating. Ultimately it didn't matter much to Kei as his senses were overwhelmed with the sultry juices of his idol and compounded by collisions with his date. Q-Teez was experiencing anything beyond what she, maybe anyone, had felt before. She was no longer sure where she ended and crowd began, but she welcomed the undulating waves of humanity deep, deep into her body and rode nonstop orgasms until, at last, the torrent of humanity petered out. Struggling mightily, she squeezed again, and at long last felt her labia majora return to a semblance of their natural position; she licked her lips in satisfaction as she sealed closed over a vaginal meal of untold size. She felt mountainous. Gradually, Q-Teez became aware that there was still quite a crowd around her, though the people who remained were backed up to a very safe distance. Moreover, they were chanting. "Do it! Do it!" She smiled. Willingly or not, when she felt this turned on, there was only one possible outcome. It began with a gurgle, and a squishing; soon, it was a roar of sloshing. Her vaginal lips soon released their seal to unleash an alarming amount of cum. Though the backing track was long since over, she finished it off with the final chorus. "I will beeeeee.... yourrrrr forrrrreverrrrrrr!" * * * "Well, we don't have an exact number, but word from bag check on unclaimed belongings, corroborated by missing person reports and similar, means you liquified probably over five hundred people at the event," Q-Teez's agent explained. "Hot damn," commented one of her backup dancers who'd miraculously avoided the chaos, and perhaps more miraculously, stuck around for future shows. "Five hundred of your most loyal fans? Keep that up and you won't have anyone left to buy your records pretty soon!" "The good news is," said the agent, "this whole thing made so much news that your record sales were actually up 700% in the week following the the incident. Though," she added, straightening her glasses, "it does stand to reason that at some point you'll run out of fans if you make a habit of going on rampages like that." "Heyyy, you guys say it like it was myyyy fault. But they totally dove into my pussy on their own! I was just accommodating them with some well-deserved fan service!!" "Indeed, that's certainly how we're pushing it legally. We really are fortunate we had everyone sign the waivers." "I'm telling youuu, not just legalllly, but reallyyy!" "Uh huh," said the backup dancer. "Well, if this kind of 'fan service' becomes your new brand, it should be a very interesting ride." "I wonder how many volunteers I could get for huge tug 'o war. Or maybe a conga line... Oooooh, I've never sung a conga..." |
At first it was an accident. It started when I was hiding in my (step)sister Arri's closet, watching her and her friends hang out for a sleepover. Yes, I realize that's sort of a creepy thing to do, and no, I don't have an excuse. I've made some choices I regret, OK? Anyway, she and her friends were having some awesome girl time and I was hoping to join them, but then it got weirdly intimate, some clothes were taken off, and pretty soon I was peeking irresponsibly through the crack between closet doors with no chance of any escape that wasn't super awkward. "Oh my god, how are your boobs so big?" my sister asked her friend Shelly. "Look at this, you don't have to pad and they're already this huge!" Shelly, who had gone topless because her magnificent boobs were being massaged jealously by Arri, didn't have a good answer, of course, so she deflected. "Yours look plenty big, Arri. Besides, you've got such wide, womanly hips yourself. I bet guys are dying to put themselves between them." "No, these are useless. Besides, any guy who saw my pussy would hella back off. It's way too huge." "What? Don't guys find that hot?" interjected Tissa. "Child-bearing hips and all that?" "No way, this is, like, whale-bearing size. Look!" She spread her legs apart and reached down to pull herself wide. I couldn't see just how wide from my angle in the closet, but judging from Tissa's whistle and Shelly's gasp, it was wide indeed. "Damn, you aren't kidding! You could give birth to an elephant!" "See?" pouted Arri. "No, that's awesome! I'm jealous, seriously. Oh man, the things I could do if I had a massive snatch like yours..." "I don't know what you're thinking of, but it's really not that great. For starters, it's..." Arri trailed off in embarrassment a little. "it's really hard to get off." "Ooh look at me, my pussy's so huge nothing can satisfy me," teased Tissa. "I bet I can get you off in 5 minutes flat." "You what? Oh, now you've said it. Try me! You're gonna need way more than 5 minutes though." Shelly rolled her eyes. "You two lesbos can go at it all you want, but leave me out. I'm tired. Dibs on the bed, by the way." With that, the bustiest one curled up and snuggled into the covers of Arri's bed. "Fine. But don't call me a lesbo. You know I'm bi." "If you insist. I'd think you'd have at least some experience with cocks by now considering how much you insist you care." "Look, things are complicated. You just get some rest and don't worry about me." "Yeah, I can take care of Arri alright. I'll have her cumming before you even catch a wink." "Knowing you, Tissa, you're practically leaking girl-spooge already," was Shelly's clapback from bed. "Well.... maybe," admitted Tissa, suddenly bashful. "But that's not what we're betting on. More importantly, Arri is going to orgasm in five minutes flat. Starting... now!" Clearly not wanting to waste time, Tissa immediately pushed herself over Arri, leaning in to lick her cheek, while running one hand up Arri's thigh. "H-hey, no kissing," giggled Arri. "That's cheating." "All's fair in love and war," Tissa declared, before planting a kiss right on Arri's lips. Her hand continued up Arri's bare thigh until she reached the honeypot. "Mmmm, not bad..." Arri moaned gently. With her body resting over Arri's, Tissa's hand started to explore my sister's slit while her own (fairly normal-sized) breasts dangled tantalizingly. I didn't have the best view of the action, but I was still way more turned on than from any porn I can remember. "Mm, deeper!" Arri called out quietly, being mindful not to disturb Shelly, who seemed to have actually fallen asleep immediately. Maybe she was also trying not to disturb me, ostensibly in my own room and not spying on them from her closet, but considering how loud it had been the last time these three had a sleepover, I wouldn't count on it. Tissa, who was red and sweating from arousal herself, was eager to oblige and quickly ended up with her whole hand buried in Arri's twat. "Yes! Deeper!" Arri demanded, and Tissa obliged, rubbing her way steadily further into Arri. With a minute or two left on the clock, she was in just over elbow-deep. "Damn, you're not just wide, you're bottomless!" said Tissa in awe. "Just... a little... deeper... please...." "Sorry, any more and I'd be in danger of falling in, lawl." "Awww. OK. Whatever. I knew this would happen. I think I win this bet." She seemed to enjoy Tissa's ministrations, but not enough to get off by the time five minutes had passed. "OK, time's up. It feels nice, but I'm not gonna get there just from this." "Sorry." Tissa withdrew her arm from my sister's slit. "And thanks." She herself seemed to have quietly orgasmed along the way. "Mmm." "Fuck, I'm tired now. You're a lot of work, y'know that?" "Yeah... sorry." Arri joined Tissa in a yawn. It was a hot evening, so they just sprawled out on open sleeping bags on the floor, not bothering to wear pajamas. Soon enough, both were lightly snoring. And I was still stuck awkwardly hiding in the closet. Well, that was probably still worth it, maybe? I tried to convince myself. Time to sneak out so my sister and her friends don't realize what a creep I am... I slowly slid the closet door the rest of the way open and tiptoed through it. Unfortunately, the two girls who were sleeping on the floor were directly blocking the way out. So I carefully tried to weave my way between them. First, one foot just behind Tissa's knee. Then, step over to between the two, one foot, now the other. OK, step to the other side of Arri's... oh fuck. Two things happened in quick succession. First, Tissa rolled over toward my remaining foot, which made me jump and lose my balance. Second, possibly prompted by the first, Arri rolled from her side onto her back. Her lazy, outstretched posture put her yawning pussy right where my foot was about to be. Aaand, of course, I stepped right on it, or rather... into it?! Reeling, I plunged heel-first into slick girlflesh. In an instant, Arri's snatch engulfed my knee and more, as I spilled sideways. My fall didn't stop there. Although my instincts brought my other leg over to compensate, somehow that resulted in it getting caught by the knee and folded up alongside the rest of me. The momentum of my fall carried me in past my hips, waist, ribcage, holy fuck is this even happening? I was shocked senseless. Finally I seemed to bottom out on something fleshy with Arri's labia tickling my chin area, arms pinned above my head. I was on my back, encased in my sister's moist, hot pussy almost like it was a sleeping bag. I could just barely see her incredibly satisfied face, eyes squeezed shut and mouth wide in unexpected pleasure. (I didn't realize at the time how odd it was that her belly was still slim and trim despite having essentially my entire body inside.) Arri moaned happily, if groggily. "Ohhhhaaahhh, yes, right there!" Her vaginal muscles clenched. I sank deeper, having trouble taking breath as her lips folded over my nose. I wiggled my right arm to hold her open enough to breathe. Meanwhile, I felt my feet press harder against the stiff fleshy thing they were touching. Arri moaned again, seemingly still groggy, "Yes, that's it! That's the spot!" Subconsciously, I'm the type who always wants to please people, especially sexy people like my (step, definitely step)sister. So of course I kicked my feet, without even thinking about it. That was not a wise decision. Arri's vagina clenched again. This time, between how hard she pressed and the fact that I was even deeper to begin with, I was squeezed down to the point where my entire head and remaining arms popped in, too. Holy gods above, this was bad. Beyond getting caught in the act, things had gotten much worse, or at least, weirder, for me. I was completely inside Arri's vagina. My stepsister's soft vaginal flesh surrounded me on all sides, her sultry scent filling up my nostrils and leaking into my mouth. It was a sweet, yet musky aroma, like aged honey mixed with beef bullion. My hearing was muffled and filled with squelching and rubbing noises. Her arousal was tangible as muscles pulsing irrythmically up and down the length of my body, which only heightened my already intense state of being. The only point of relief was that I didn't seem to be in danger of suffocating. Well, Haya, I thought to myself, you've done nothing but fuck up your life before this, and still you've upped the ante. Creeping on your step sister and her friends is one thing. Or two things, because incest, if you count that. She's a stepsister, so maybe it half counts? But what the fuck. I'd violated her. By accident. Not that she was so pure to begin with. Still, now what? Did she even realize it was me? Was there even a way out of this situation? Surely I wouldn't be lost in my sister's--stepsister's--snatch forever, right? "Ohhhhh yeahhhh, that's so gooood.... nmmgh.. aaahhhh..." Arri's voice resounded through my head from all sides. At least she was clearly enjoying it. "Ohh, Tissa, youuuu diddd it..." "...mmghphh"" "Huh?" I couldn't make out the conversation, but Tissa must have explained that it wasn't her because suddenly the rolling muscular contractions stopped, as if Arri had been jarred awake. Then, very carefully as if feeling me over from toe to head, Arri's muscles clenched individually. I suddenly went very still, but I knew I couldn't conceal my body's shape, especially with a telltale protrusion from the crotch area. "If it's not you, then... what's... who's in me?" There was a moment of eerie silence. I broke it with a meek utterance directly into a facefull of womanflesh. "...me." "Haya?!" This time I could hear Tissa clearly: "Wait, your brother? Where?" "Stepbrother. Inside my pussy." I felt her take a huge, deep breath. "Fuck, why does that feel so... ahhh!" She squeezed me again, clearly losing her cool partway through. The hard flesh at my feet quivered and clenched, as if reaching for something. "What? How?" Tissa marveled. "You don't look like you have anything..." "I don't know... but I can feel him. His whole body... it's in me." "Fuck... that's... it's like he's your toy... your living dildo... all swallowed up in your... oh fuuuuck..." From where I was, it sounded like Tissa had gotten off on the concept alone. "...Haya?" Arri asked tentatively. "Yeah?" I replied, with equal trepidation. "Are you really in there? In me?" "... Yeah. I think so." "... how?" "... Um... I tripped?" "... rigghhht. I mean, I guess that's as believable as any other explanation. So it was an accident?" "Pretty sure." "I'm sorry." She seemed genuinely apologetic, although I could tell she was straining to maintain her composure. "What? No, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I was spying on you and I tried to leave and I tripped and fell and now I've violated you so horribly in a way I can't take back. I'm so, so sorry." "I... You know what, apology accepted. I don't really understand what you were doing, but it's fine. We're both OK. You are OK, right?" "... I guess so." "Then let me apologize one more time." "For what? It's all my fault." "For what I'm about to do. Because I should let you out as soon as possible but this feels really good and I can't hold it back much longer. Because I'm about to orgasm with my little stepbrother in my pussy. Hang in there." The next sound I heard came from Tissa, and I'm pretty sure it sounded like the completely unintelligible moan of a person's mind melting with pleasure, even to someone whose hearing wasn't completely obstructed by lewd bits as mine was at the moment. Then Arri's self-control gave out and my body was bucked and squeezed wildly. Her greedy folds squeezed and grabbed at me, and the air I had been breathing vanished in the clenching and writhing. I held my breath and wiggled to try and please her. I had no idea if it helped. Either way, the orgasm was intense, and long. I was at the peak of my own pleasure, maybe buoyed by the near asphyxiation, and I bucked as I spilled a load into my pajamas, which of course were already soiled with Arri's juices. At last, the contractions subsided and fortunately, I was able to find more air to breathe. It smelled like cum, but whatever. Arri's muscles clenched carefully in a few different places, one at a time, as if for emphasis. Or to see if I was still intact. I was. But I remained buried in my stepsister's twat. "... Tissa?" "Yeah?" "Can you help me get him out?" "Uhhhh...." Long story short, it worked. Arri spread her labia wide open and Tissa was able to safely reach in, grab my hand, and tug me back to the outside world without further incident. I sheepishly tried not to exchange glances that would force me to acknowledge what had just happened, apologized again, and left immediately to shower and change out of my ruined pajamas. Incidentally, Shelly slept through the whole thing. * * * I thought we might never speak of the whole affair again, and pretend it was a dream until we came to believe that it really was. I was wholly prepared for that. I was not at all prepared for what actually happened instead. Like I said, it was an accident at first. Only at first. It was about two days later. We hadn't talked about what had happened that night, had in fact carefully avoided it. At the time, I thought I was trying to convince myself it had been a dream, that such things were impossible (I mean, seriously, it still doesn't seem possible) but in retrospect, the awkwardness came from a fear of change. That night, it was just Arri and I in the apartment as usual. I'm sure you don't care to sit through the long story that is our family situation, but two things are important to note. First, the two of us were living by ourselves in that apartment. Second, Arri is, without a doubt, my stepsister. So we were close, but we also had this strange distance of not knowing the other as well as we felt like we should. Siblings who didn't grow up together until we did. So I had just gotten out of the shower and was at the bottom of the staircase, still wearing only a towel, when Arri walked out. She was also wearing only a towel. "Oh, hey..." she greeted me, blushing profusely. What's with you? I restrained myself from saying out loud. Don't you realize from this angle I can totally see your-- "Wh-Oh nooo!" While I was chiding her in my head, she caught me completely off-guard by falling down the stairs. I mean, I would say she pretended to fall down the stairs, because it was obvious to me it was intentional, but she also made it very real by actually losing her balance and tumbling head over heels down. On the one hand, it's kind of a miracle it worked as she must've planned. On the other, this was a brilliant attack because naturally I tried to catch her rather than dodge her. But she was the one who caught me. It was a little pushoff motion near the bottom that did it. Arri always has been strangely good at gymnastic-like stuff. It gave her just the right angle that her legs sailed past either side of my head and I had only a split-second of staring right at her slick pussy before it engulfed my face and kept on going. Just like before, her enormous pussy swallowed up more than half my body in an instant. Those silky, gooey nether lips just slid right over my cheeks, my ears, down my neck and over my bare shoulders. Perhaps because I wasn't wearing anything (my towel fell off in the tumble) or perhaps because I was less confused by the phenomenon this time, it was unbelievably erotic. The tangy musk of my stepsister's love assaulted my senses. The now familiar press of her inner muscles proceeded down my lower back, pinning my arms, and shamelessly took in my already erect penis. With how smoothly I penetrated her, the collision only cushioned her fall slightly, and I both heard and felt the compound thump of Arri's feet, then knees, impacting the carpet at the foot of the stairs, her legs forming a W posture with me in the middle. By the time her fall was over, I was cradled so deep in my stepsister's vagina that only my ankles could feel outside air. With a sloppy contraction that sounded like a wet gulp, Arri's body slurped up even that bit of me, so I was suspended entirely in a passage of sopping girl flesh. A huge moan of pleasure? contentment? surrounded me. "Ohhhj godddghgh that's good. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Haya. I didn't mean to... to... do this. I slipped. But sheeeeeeesh that's... so... good. I'm sorry. I didn't think I'd..." In my head, I had a lot to say. First off, you're not fooling me! You don't even shower in the evening normally! And since when where you the type to accidentally expose yourself to your brother on the stairs?! Well, maybe the randomly getting nude thing is in character now that I think about it. But really! All the more reason you "accidentally" falling down the stairs is so obviously fake! You horny pervert! (I can relate.) After you had the orgasm of your life the other night, you had to get more so you put together this little scheme! I can tell! You were waiting for me to get out of the shower so you could dive on me! Jesus! All I actually said was, "OK." (or as best as I could enunciate through a mouthful of Arri's juices. "Thank god you're OK in there." Yes indeed. "Mmhmm." "Listen, I'll definitely get you out, OK?" (You fucking better!) "I just... need to... mmmphaauuooghh yeah." (She couldn't even finish reassuring me before she went back to incomprehensible!) A wave of pleasure washed over my body, in a very literal sense. I mean, her contractions were about the only thing I could feel clearly. That, and the throbbing of my own arousal of course. My orgasm closely followed hers, because let me tell you, you can't be surrounded on all sides by the incredibly pleased vagina of the girl you love without getting carried along in the mood. Oh yeah. In case it wasn't apparent, I'm a totally hopeless perv who's fucking crazy for Arri and that's why I was being a creeper earlier, so in a sense her full-body fucking me was a dream come true even though I definitely hadn't dreamed the full body part before. So yeah, I nutted. And she sat there at the bottom of the stairs, her deep breaths audible in stereo to me in a way I'd never have envisioned, with me still literally all the way inside her. For a good several minutes. "Phew! Hot damn. That was more than I expected." (So you admit you were expecting it!) "But now what do I do?" "You could let me out?" I suggested, suddenly realizing I was desperately going to need another shower. "...Yeah. I hope I can manage that. I might need Tissa's help again." "OK," I mumbled, running out of energy to critique every little problem with my sister's crazy (lack of) plan. "OK... one, two... three!" She squeezed me with her various muscles. It didn't feel half bad. But I wasn't going anywhere. "Well, hm. I don't seem to have any obvious bulge to press on or anything..." "You... don't?" I wondered, suddenly remembering what I had seen the other night when I'd fallen to more than halfway inside her and there hadn't any sign that she was stretched with my presence. "How does that...?" "Fuck if I know. Actually, I wonder... how much do you weigh me down like this? My phone is... oh, all the way up in my room... Hope I can get there to call Tissa. Tehe!" For Christ's sake! How is your planning so bad?! And why does it only turn me on to realize I got completely swallowed up in the pussy of someone so unreliable?? Of course my body betrayed me. There was no way to hide my steady "reawakening" when literally every part of my body was in intimate contact with her sensitive love canal. "Ohh, feels like someone's getting ready for round two! Hold up, let me at least try to make it... Uff, up to... whoa, that's surprisingly easy." I loosely felt myself lifted up, and pretty soon I experienced the rhythmic shaking of her steps up the stairs. It didn't seem like my presence inside her was inhibiting Arri's movement at all. She half-hummed in pleasure on the way. "Mmm, mm, mm, oooh yeah." Finally, I felt her plop herself down on a bed, with a satisfied, "Ooof, ahhhhh..." The passage holding me gently rocked. I came to suspect that she was fondling her own boobs while enjoying the sensation of being full of stepbrother. Her second orgasm was not as wild as the first, but it still thrashed me around enough that I momentarily forgot where I was or what was happening as I came too. I wanted to be mad at her for getting off instead of getting me out, but it was hard to care. Everything around me was sex. "OK, here goes," she said, having apparently picked up her phone. ... "Tissa's not answering... Oh hey, here's a text... 'Sorry... On my way to a movie with the fam... catch up with you tomorrow...' "Well, I guess Tissa's not available. Sorry, Haya, I guess you're stuck in there a while longer." "Oh, come on! I have a life! I'm not supposed to be spending my whole evening playing human sex toy. We've gotta be able to figure something out." "Oh, come on, you'd just spend your evening dicking around online anyway." "That may be true, but..." "OK," she interrupted. "Shelly is coming over to help. Hang in there another half hour or so." "Fine," I pouted, shifting to get more comfortable now that Arri's posture had shifted where I was relative to gravity. "Oooh, that felt great, do that again." "Go fuck yourself," I said, not too seriously. But of course, once again, my body betrayed my real feelings as it started to perk up again. "Yeah, that's what I have you for," Arri giggled. She strategically squeezed certain places to get me to squirm some more... Damn, I thought, you're getting dangerously good at that... At least one orgasm each and an undetermined amount of time later, Shelly arrived. Arri greeted her at the door and quickly escorted her back to her bedroom. "So what's so important that you need my help with?" I faintly heard her ask. "You remember what happened the other night while you were sleeping?" "Obviously not, girl, but I think I know what you mean. That story about Haya getting stuck in your excessively large vagina?" "Yeah. It happened again, and Tissa's busy. You're the only one I can trust to help me get him out." "Please," I added in the loudest voice I could muster. "For real? I def thought you two were making that up. Hot damn, he's really in there? That's cray!" "Yeah..." my stepsister and I added in near-unison. "Alright, lemme see this magic trick." Arri lay back on her bed and quickly peeled off her PJ's. I was getting pretty good at figuring these things out just from the sense of motion. "Be gentle," Arri whimpered a little. I felt the pressure surrounding me relax a little, probably indicating she'd spread her legs wide open. Pretty soon I felt something like a draft around my toes. "Wow, there he is. That's definitely a foot, no, two feet. Wow, he's in deep. How does that even work?" Arri just whimpered more, no doubt trying to hold back even more embarrassing pleasure. I felt Shelly's strong hands, yes both of them, work their way deep enough into Arri's snatch to grab hold of my feet. Slowly, she started easing me out. Maybe because of how carefully she was doing it compared to when Tissa had pulled me out, or maybe because I was buried headfirst this time, even the process of getting out was dangerously erotic. I could tell from Arri's contractions that she felt the same way. Still, gradually my calves, knees, and thighs felt the outside air. But progress paused there. Arri's sex really didn't want to relinquish its hold on my cock. "Oh... come on," Shelly grumbled. "Give it up." I felt her lean forward, resting her body on my exposed legs, so she could reach deeper into Arri and grab my hands, which had been covering my throbbing member. I gripped her hands with mine and felt a big lurch as she tugged me free, spilling me out up to about the ribcage. My dick slapped against the soft exposed skin of Shelly's chest. It was so much colder outside that I almost wanted to curl up and climb back in. "What a mess," she said, but to my (admittedly still obstructed) ears, it sounded... almost more turned on than upset? "Glad I stripped for this. My top would be totally ruined by now." "Sorry," said Arri, between gasps. As Shelly pushed herself forward to get a better grip and pull the rest of me out, I found my dick positioned right in the middle of her cleavage. If it was possible for me to get any more erect, that did it. "Ooh, you're big," Shelly cooed in a voice I hoped only I could hear. "But so am I..." And I felt myself pressed between two silky globes, enveloping my stiffness. As she slowly worked the rest of my body free from captivity, Shelly worked her massive breasts around my shaft. I was already on edge, so it wasn't long before I burst, spilling a small pearly load into the space between her tits. (I was still mostly spent from what had happened inside Arri...) Around the same time, Arri convulsed with glee, her labia giving my head one last squeeze before I was finally released from her fleshy passage. I hoped that she was too wrapped up in her own pleasure to notice Shelly whisper, "Not bad, kid," to me while giving me a last taste of those oversized melons. No such luck, of course. Shelly didn't stick around long after that, but as I was getting ready to go re-shower, Arri shot me a look. "She gave you a titfuck, didn't she?" I didn't reply. Didn't need to. Her meaning was clear. Next time, she wasn't calling Shelly for help. Of course she was already thinking about there being a next time. So was I. * * * The next time was definitely not an accident. You might call it more like a prank. I sat up in bed in the morning, then stepped down in my usual way and in my usual place... only to find, in my grogginess, that the floor sure felt a lot less solid, and a lot more moist, than usual. By the time I processed the view, I was halfway in, and Arri's smug grin had begun to transition to her now somewhat familiar O-face. She was lying spread eagle, hiding in a sense, on the floor, with a loose tee for a top and a bare hungry maw for a bottom. Incidentally, she was definitely not wearing a bra. "Wh-Bhh-pttaaffft!" I failed to enunciate a single word in reaction to the situation and the many things racing through my head at that moment. Arri was a little more lucid. "Whoops! You... really are... mmmgh... oblivious in the morninnnnngsoooohohh, aren't... you?" "fffghhggFffuck!" I finally managed to enunciate. "Yeah, that's the... plan. Gimme a hand.... so I don't have to... call for help..." she said between ecstatic gasps. She reached out and grabbed one of my hands, holding it out while her pussy gobbled up my crotch area (where my other hand was now stationed). I got the sense she was, at least to some extent, controlling the speed of my plunge into her depths by squeezing her muscles with careful timing. Oh god, she's getting better at this, I thought to myself. Moments later all but one forearm of mine was ensconced in a familiar feminine passage, which quivered with excitement. I bucked and kicked, intentionally and also instinctually, filling my stepsister with pleasure. Eventually, as her roiling chain of orgasms came to an end, she lifted me up to the point where I could get both hands on her thighs and lift myself out. It seemed even this was highly pleasurable to her (personally, I was spent) and an unexpectedly tight squeeze made me lose my grip. I almost went tumbling right back into her loving tunnel, but she reacted quickly and held me in place. "Good morning, bro." I facepalmed, in part to hide my guilty pleasure. "Morning." * * * Over the next couple weeks, she took me a variety of ways with a variety of gimmicks, some more obviously planned than others. The most ridiculous scheme had us playing a one-on-one basketball game in Tissa's back yard. The fact of my invitation to Tissa's while her parents were gone was giveaway enough, but still, I had nothing better to do than play along. So Arri and I faced off with the ball while Tissa refereed. Arri took the ball to the edge of the patio then drove back, putting me directly between her and the basket. I spread stance wide to block her angle, but she charged right at me and jumped, lifting up the ball as if going for a dunk. Instinctively, I backed down, not wanting to get tackled, but Tissa charged in and, in one surprisingly smooth motion, pantsed Arri midair. Her exposed slit spread apart with the momentum of her leap, plowing straight towards my face. I was bowled backwards in shock, but Arri's momentum carried her forward right on top of my head, so she took the first two thirds of my sweaty bod before she touched the ground. A few practiced contractions later, and she'd sucked the remainder of my body into her massive fuckhole even going against gravity. Although I'm sure she came right there, she also managed to hold it together to get inside the house and mess around with Tissa for another hour while I played human vibrator. When finally I was let free, Arri showed no remorse, but Tissa apologized sincerely for her role in the debauchery and graciously allowed me the use of her shower. While I was in there, to my surprise, Tissa sat down just outside the door and started chatting sincerely. "She's really got a thing for you, y'know?" "Huh? Oh. Yeah, I guess she does. She sure likes having someone to fill her up," I replied through the thin bathroom door. "No, I mean, yeah that's true and all, but I think it's you in particular she wants. I was scared at first, but I offered to try it out, too, being... schlicked like that. She turned me down." "Seriously? Arri turned down a chance to have her number one girl friend in her number one girl place? Crazy." "That's right. She's crazy about you even though you're her brother..." "Stepbrother. But I guess that's fine. Because I'm crazy about her, too." I could practically see Tissa nod. "I'm glad for you two." "Heh. Will it kill your arousal to know I'm a willing prey, miss bystander?" "Heh. You noticed? No, it's fine. It's better if you enjoy it. But I do like it when she surprises you." "She sure does that." * * * After falling prey to Arri's sexual ambushes a somewhat embarrassing number of times, I decided it was time to turn the tables and surprise her. Life doesn't go the way you want it to. I went to bed early one night, resolving that I'd catch Arri when she woke up the morning. I figured I could kiss her on the lips, fondle her boobs, probably end up at least waist deep in her sex. I found myself woken up even earlier by an all-too-familiar feeling. The feeling, and perhaps more importantly the smell, of having my face in my stepsister's nethers. More precisely, having my whole head in there. "Mmblphhbpff!" I was unspeakably eloquent that morning. "Top of the morning to you too, bro. Now that I've got your attention, if you could just get you to pull your arms through here? I've already taken the liberty of unbuttoning you." The damn vixen had the nerve to unilaterally skullfuck(?) me awake at some ungodly hour and then ask me to help undress! God, there wasn't a soul alive who was half as cheeky, and damn that was hot. (You know, it's probably because of crazy thoughts like this that my life is the mess it is.) Anyway, of course I helped take my shirt off so Arri could casually work her way down, getting audible satisfaction out of rubbing her lower lips all over my collar bone before languidly slurping up my shoulders. "Mm, you're getting really good at that. Ohhhh yesss, keep licking that spot, that is perfect!" She talked through the pleasure as increasing proportions of my existence became intimately familiar with the inside of her pussy. To her credit, she was very active with her hands, feeling all over my exposed chest before digging her reach down to extract my erection from my PJ bottoms. After my torso had plunged deep enough that I found a pocket of air and could speak again, I called her out, although at this stage of the game (clit, meet bellybutton) I was hardly operating from a position of power. "You're fucking me in my sleep now? Are you that desperate?" "Turnabout's fair play, is how I see it. The first time this kind of thing happened it was because you were a clumsy oaf who couldn't even voyeuristically enjoy his stepsister's sex party without literally landing in it." Ouch. She didn't hold back. Fine, neither would I. "Oh, so now that gives you the right to jam me into your cunt any time you please?" There was a pause. Maybe it had to do with Arri's maneuvering so that her vagina could gulp down my thighs. But when she spoke again, the tone was different. Sincere. "I'm just glad you enjoy it. Because whatever this is, this weird sex domination thing we have going on, it's the best thing to ever happen to me. I never felt half as good as I do every time you're in me. Seriously, I had more orgasms just last week than my entire life before then. If... if you wanted me to stop, I dunno if I could even stop myself, but it would feel awful. It wouldn't be the same without knowing you're enjoying yourself, too, bucking and thrashing like the madman you are as you spill your seed all over my insides. So thank you. Thank you for being a maniac who gets off with his whole body inside his stepsister's sex, and for letting me get away with it so many times. I love you." I was taken aback. It took me a long time to answer, and not just because my heart was pounding and my stepsister was feeding my feet the rest of the way in one at a time. Not JUST because of that, anyway. "I love you too, Arri. To be honest, I loved you way before we started this nonsense. Before even that thing with... y'know." Our parents. "Before everything went sideways for me." I've made choices I regret, that much I said before. But a whole lot of the worst choices came when our parents were gone. Arri had done an impressive job coping. Me, not so much. "Yeah. I don't think I realized until after they were gone? But I kind of had a thing for you too, all along. I just never would've taken the risk if you hadn't... well, accidentally started it." "Arri, you're braver than you think. You very well might've. But this..." I lightly bit her vaginal wall, prompting her to seize up in satisfaction. "Maybe it wouldn't have ended up like this." "Mmmmm," she moaned. After that, I could tell by the sudden relaxation of the muscles around me that her need was sated. For the moment, at least. After she'd caught her breath, Arri some again. "Hey, I had a thought. I probably wouldn't have said anything except because of what you said. But I was thinking..." "Yeah?" "What if you just... stayed in there?" ... ... ... "What??" "Y'know, like... I don't call Tissa or Shelly or someone to pull you out. You just, kind of... stay inside me. For a while." "I..." I didn't know what to think. "We don't have to if you don't want. It was just a thought. I'll call Tissa now. She'll be back soon enough that-" "Wait." I couldn't bear to hear her backpedaling. Having the option almost disappear from right in front of me helped make up my mind. "I'm... I... don't mind." "You... don't?" "Yeah. I mean, I've already messed up my life so much, I don't have much to lose. Why not leave it all behind and be a full time pussy slave to the girl I love?" "You... really...?" "Hell yeah. But what about you? I Won't it inconvenience you? You'd be carrying a full-sized person around in your body, right? Isn't that really difficult?" "Actually, it's fine. It really doesn't look like I have something so big inside me. I don't know how that works. But you don't seem to weigh me down much, either. I could probably go about my whole day and nobody would know better." "Goddamn, that's kind of hot." "Yeah, that would be the hardest part. I'm not sure I can hold back all day if I've got you in there." "Well, that makes two of us." "Fine then. That does it. Welcome to your new life, my beloved minion." "With pleasure, my mistress," I jokingly replied, before prodding my still-erect member into her depths. * * * So that's pretty much the story of how an accident borne of a bad decision turned me into a 24/7 tampon and I couldn't be happier. I mean, it's not like I spend every minute of every day in Arri's vagina. Just... You know, like 95% of the time. So far, things have been amazingly good. We moved to a smaller apartment and save a ton on rent, since I don't need as much space or many belongings anymore. I haven't had any problems breathing in there and (despite the, uh, frequent "exercise") I burn few enough calories that I can just eat and stuff once a day when she lets me out and that's plenty. With practice, we figured out a way to get me out without needing to rely on Tissa or someone, although Tissa is close enough that she still joins us for sexy times pretty often. Arri took Tissa into her pussy for the first time recently, which was a surprise for both of us, which was of course what she was going for. It was pretty hot, but I don't think Tissa will be taking my place as pussy slave any time soon. It was more of a change of pace, but a good one. Oh, that reminds me, Arri and Shelly made up, not that they were ever "officially" fighting to begin with. But after spending enough time threesoming with Tissa, we figured out that Arri seems to have, like, pheromones or something in her juices that come out when she fucks me. I think Arri just liked the idea that the titfuck in question was actually because Shelly was hot for her more than me. She's greedy that way. Worked out well for me, though, because it means I get extra action when Shelly comes back for more, and Arri gets the pleasure of groping those massive honkers on the regular again. So yeah, I'm living the dream. As long as Arri can hold herself together, I get to tag along for the ride. I do what I can to support her, of course, and it helps that I don't have any real obligations anymore, but I bet she'd do just fine without my help. That's my (step)sister. My love. My home. |
Contains: Gratuitous amounts of sex, F/M, UB A late Friday night, Andy was relaxing, playing video games after a rough week of school. His roommates had gone out for the night, as is the typical college thing to do on a weekend. So Andy was left alone with his over analyzing thoughts of the week before. He had met a girl named Sarah. The two of them got along famously, talking to each other late into the night on his bed in his apartment. He could tell that there was some kind of attraction between them, but was always unsure with her. A couple nights before, he tried to make a move. It went over well at first, her bringing her hand up to the back of his neck as they kissed passionately for a short time. But she quickly stopped, said she had to wake up early the next day and left. Andy wasn't sure what to do. Was there something about him that she suddenly disliked? Had he done something wrong? Or was she afraid of herself getting involved with him for some reason? Whatever the case, he didn't want to dwell on it and chose instead to enjoy his new video game to distract him from his own thoughts. After a while he turned to the clock and saw that it was already 2 in the morning. He wasn't tired, but thought that it would still be best to go to bed. Taking off his shirt and pants and quickly jumping into bed to avoid the coldness that couldn't help but always linger in his apartment, he curled up in his blanket and began trying to sleep. It was unsuccessful, especially because of a hard knock on the apartment door. Only in his boxers, he didn't care who it was and only wanted them to go away, and thought being mostly naked might help that process. Opening up the door, about to be very upset at the cause of the pounding, he was then shocked to see Sarah standing in the doorway, clearly drunk. Andy is not fat, but is not exactly fit either, so in his embarrassment, he told her to come in before quickly walking towards his room to get some clothes. Before he could take two steps, Sarah quickly grabbed his arm and spun him around, engaging in another passionate kiss like the one from days before. Andy knew she was drunk, but didn't want to miss what he thought might be his only chance. He embraced her as best he could, which was difficult since she was a full head shorter than his 6'1" height. She didn't plan on just kissing for long, since she had already taken off the panties of her ridiculously short going out dress. He only found this out after she pulled down his boxers mid kiss to reveal his already hard cock. She began playing with it in one hand, enjoying his size that was significantly larger than most. After a short time, she grabbed his shoulders and jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist and pressing her wet pussy against his cock, lifting herself up and down against it. The feeling was intoxicating and made him start kissing her neck, making her give small moans as she reached the top of his dick. Andy helped her insert it into her sex while she was still holding herself up on his waist. She got half way down his cock before it was all that she could handle, and moved back up. Andy was used to this, as every girl he had been with before was unable to make it down to the hilt of his shaft. It was still very enjoyable for both of them. He kept kissing her neck as she moved up and down as much as she could handle. He laid her on the table so it would be easier to take off her skin tight dress and reveal her surprisingly enormous 30DD breasts. After taking off her bra, it seemed as though they barely fit into the size that she had claimed she was. He sucked on her tits while going as far into her as he could, going slightly farther in time, making her moans louder and louder. He hoisted her back up off the table, feeling her breasts against his naked skin. He could feel her hard nipples giving her even more pleasure as they rubbed against his chest as she moved as fast as she could on his hard and lengthy cock. Suddenly, they heard laughter outside that could only come from his very loud roommates. The shock made Sarah accidentally let go of her death grip on Andy's waist and slip all the way down his cock. She screamed out in pleasure as Andy was sure that he heard some weird kind of pop as the suction on his cock got significantly greater. But he had bigger things to worry about. He quickly grabbed her dress and purse and ran into his room as she shook with pleasure, clinging to him with her nails digging into his back. He closed his door quickly and threw her playfully onto the bed. He went to get on top of her, but she grabbed him and turned him around so his back was on the bed with his legs hanging over the edge and jumped on top of him, eagerly kissing him again. She was about to sit on his dick again before he grabbed her ass, stopping her from going down. He started to move her ass towards his face and began licking her pussy. She moaned loudly, but he wasn't worried that his roommates would hear as they were clearly being louder than she was on the other side of his door. He continued eating her out, playing with her massive breasts in one hand, with his other hand on her back, occasionally softly clawing his way down her back. She got more into it the more that he ate her out, gyrating her hips on his face, covering most of his face in her juices. Andy tried to move her off of his face and back towards his cock, but she wouldn't budge. He didn't mind as she tasted divine and this was something he enjoyed doing anyway. Until she began pressed her pussy hard on his face. It made it very difficult for him to breathe, with her clitoris over his nose and her pussy completely covering his mouth. He tried to tap her to let her know what was happening, but she was lost in bliss. He attempted to get her attention by fiercely pinching one of her nipples, but it only made her moan more. He then grabbed both nipples as hard as he could. She screamed again in pleasure and grabbed his hair with both of her hands, and pressed his face as hard as she could into her pussy. To his surprise, his entire head actually entered her pussy. He wasn't sure what to do or if this had even really happened. As soon as he felt her pussy moving up and down his neck, Sarah moaning as she fucked his neck, he could tell that this was actually happening. By the time that he had recovered from the shock of his head entering another person, he tried moving his arms to get her off, but found that her knees were pressing down on his upper arms, preventing him from doing anything but flexing. With his arms useless, he simply tried to sit up straight. He struggled for some time, but eventually was able to move and almost got himself upright. Unfortunately, Sarah was still fucking his neck harder than ever and her movements sent her flying past his shoulders, finally stopping around his belly button. Sarah's stomach had grown quite a bit with the majority of Andy inside of her. With his arms completely inside of her and only parts of his hands on the outside, he realized all hope was lost and just tried to enjoy himself as much as he could. Sarah made this very easy for him once she made her was down to his hips. She had quite a problem getting past them as Andy's huge cock was still very much erect. She grabbed his dick and tried to get it into her pussy, but her mind was being assaulted with too much pleasure for her to handle. Her shaking hands made her accidentally put it in her ass and while she kept gyrating up and down his body. Andy's dick went far into her ass, which was something Sarah had never done apparently as Andy's dick was almost broken off from how tight she was. This was almost more pleasure than Sarah could handle as she suddenly realized from her first anal attempt that she adored it. She moved faster up and down Andy's body, his dick sliding in her ass as much as it could at the strange angle he was in. He was already fairly close to cumming from before and the tightness of her ass sent him over the edge. He had the hardest and final cum of his life in her ass, sending his dick out of her ass as she screamed and began playing with her tits as she came at the same time. Moving so far down Andy's body, she was nearly at the edge of the bed and cumming so hard made her fall off the bed and onto her ass, sending the rest of Andy into her cavernous pussy. She looked down at her enormous belly, smiled, and started rubbing it with both hands. She hugged it as tightly as she could to help get it and herself onto Andy's bed. Her drunken mind had sated one desire, and now looked to just pass out. Inside of her pussy, Andy tried to call out to her, pushed against her stomach softly. He only looked for a reaction after being moved around so much. He started to panic as the air became thin around him. The direness of his situation had started sinking in. He started trying to kick and punch the seeping walls around him, but he could never get enough leverage in the uncomfortable position he was in. He struggled as much as he could before finally passing out from the lack of air as the world around him seemed to get smaller and smaller. One of Andy's roommates, Kevin, had heard the commotion from their living room. He drunkenly stumbled over to Andy's room and looked inside to see some girl passed out on Andy's bed. The blanket she had pulled over herself covered her body pretty well, with the exception of her head and her giant stomach. Kevin could swear that he saw her stomach move violently, but then the rest of the room began to as well. He shrugged and stumbled back to his own room with nothing but the words 'never drinking again' swirling in his head. |
Betty walked up the short walkway to the house and past the guy at the door, too in awe of her to saw anything. "Alexis!!" she heard across the room. She chuckled at the irony before realizing the guy who was calling was looking directly at her. She looked down and examined her arms and legs, still essentially her same overly skinny self. She looked up at a mirror in the hallway leading to the enormous living room of the house. She quickly ran over to it and couldn't believe her eyes. She looked almost exactly like Alexis. There were plenty of differences, but it was no stretch to say that she could be mistaken for her. She still had her green eyes which she had always been proud of, but now they seemed more entrancing than ever. Both her and Alexis shared very similar long brown hair, but she had never had a beauty spot by the top of her lip. As far as she could tell, most of her features had stayed the same but with minor differences, that might make her seem more like Alexis. She went over to where the voice was calling, which wasn't difficult to tell as it was still relatively early and there were not many people in the house yet. "Hey babe," the guy said before going in for a kiss. Deciding it would be easier to pretend she was someone else than try to convince people she had 1 day plastic surgery. She returned the kiss and looked over Alexis's boyfriend. A typical jock. Perfect for the superficial bitch of her school. Muscles covering his slim body, that was only slightly taller than she was. "Yo Derrick! We were gonna smoke a bowl before this party gets started. You in?" Someone called from the door of a neighboring room. "No, I'm good." He replied across the living room. "I just got some good stuff that I didn't want to share with anyone but you," he said hardly even looking at Betty. He held her hand and led her upstairs to his room. She had never tried pot before, but then again she was never given the opportunity. Her body seemed like she was hardly in control of it, so maybe she could just make it calm down. As soon as she reached her room, she immediately knew that her plan wouldn't work. She started grasping Derrick's hand tighter, getting more and more excited as they ran up the stairs. They got to his room and she sat on his bed while he worked at his desk on his bowl, getting the weed ready. Although it was very dark in the room, she couldn't stop staring at him and wanting him in so many different ways. She had hardly been with anyone before, let alone someone so fit. He seemed strong, but not overly muscular. He was on the track team, so it would make sense. He opened the window and took the first hit. He passed it to who he thought was Alexis while he breathed out all the smoke. She lit the bowl and breathed in as quickly as she could. Derrick looked in awe as she inhaled the entire bowl which he had generously filled. "You....you're not supposed to take all of it in one hit. Are you...ok?" She held the smoke in with her chest puffed out before releasing a massive bellow of smoke up into the air. "I...I...I'll just pack another..." Derrick said completely in shock. Before he could get out his stash, she grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, planting a wet kiss on his lips. He immediately forgot about the weed as he slowly got up and put his arms around her. "You're getting thinner," he suddenly noticed. She chuckled and went back to their make out session. They made out for as long as Betty could before hearing her stomach growl. No no no, not yet! she thought. She wanted to get some before she knew what her body wanted to do. She knew she would have to hurry things up, which was a little difficult in her current state. While her body was able to suck in a lot of the smoke, it was more difficult for her mind to cope with. She sat him down on the bed and pressed his back down onto the bed. She tore open his button down shirt violently before ripping off his pants as well. She started hiking up her dress and lined up her hips with his. Her taking such control had gotten him excited and right before she began fucking him she looked into his eyes. What had once been a euphoric smile became a fearful frown. "You're not Alexis," he whispered. She grinned and began fucking away. He tried to get away, but he hadn't anticipated her being as strong as she was. She pushed him back down on the bed and as he tried again, she kissed him, pushing him back down, continuing what she was doing before. She pulled her straps off of her arms so she could let her new breasts hang out, forcing him to grab them. He didn't want to enjoy himself but her huge breasts and intoxicating kisses kept drawing him in. Not to mention, she was even better at riding than Alexis was. However, Derrick would only be distracted by sex for so long. He pushed on the breasts she made him hold onto, and was able to push her off of him. She was caught completely unaware and the sudden fall off of the bed made her rage from within. She didn't like being thrown around like some weakling, especially before cumming. He started moving towards the edge of the bed to get help. But Betty was already up and pulled him back towards her. He grabbed the corner of the bed, not even knowing what she was going to do to him. "You're going to make me finish!" she said before yanking hard enough on his legs to make him let go of his corner. She threw off her dress, flipped him over and moved up to his thighs only to see that he had gone soft. She started to slink back down as he slid away from her. The result made his feet slide into her pussy as she moaned at the intense stretching of her pussy. She instinctively started moving up and down on whatever was going inside of her, but her body wanted more. She grabbed his legs and started standing up to fit them into her. She shivered as she slid down them. The more open it made her, the better it felt. She reached his hips as his legs curled up inside him. He tried to get out of her, his mouth agape in horror as he saw himself disappearing inside of her only to create a legs sized bulge in her lower stomach. He kept trying to grab onto the bed to pull himself out. Her face clenched as she moved up his naked body, sticking his arms forcefully to his sides and moving them further inside with the rest of his body. He continued trying to wiggle himself out of her, but her arms kept moving him in as she got closer to cumming. When she reached the tops of his arms, she moaned loudly before finally cumming as her vacuum of a vagina closed around his shoulders. Derrick screamed as he saw the opening of her tight, wet prison get close to his face. She quickly shoved him in and held her hand against the opening, which had now reduced it's size back a normal size. She sat on the bed and couldn't stop shaking. That was one of the most intense experiences of her life. Only the moment outside the house even came close. She felt over her giant, pregnant stomach. She felt him struggle, feeling around her womb for some kind of opening, which only made her feel more incredible as he stroked her insides. "What are you!" he said from inside of her. She just giggled and started to concentrate. She wanted to get rid of him quickly so she could enjoy the party. Unfortunately she couldn't seem to do it. She kept trying but couldn't concentrate without getting distracted by his increasingly aggressive attempts to get out. The more he struggled, the more she realized that being high only made her give in to her more basic needs that her body seemed to crave. She began to enjoy herself again and just enjoy the person inside of her before someone knocked on the door. She immediately began panicking before she felt the pain in her stomach again. The captive inside of her started screaming again as the twinge of pain in her stomach got bigger. She shut her eyes in pain, but forced one opened. Through a squinted eye she could see her stomach rapidly get smaller and her breasts grew. She opened her eyes completely when it was done to see the new results of her body. She picked up her dress and started to move it back down as she felt her new body. Her stomach, her arms, everything seemed leaner. Instead of just being skinny with big boobs, she also had slight muscle definition. She kept feeling down her legs to find more muscle definition. Her body started to tingle as she moved closer to her crotch. She ran a finger along her slit, from bottom to top, feeling even more pleasure than before. As she kept moving up she found that it wasn't her pussy that was causing it. It was her brand new penis sticking out from where her clit should be. This wasn't exactly what she wanted. She grabbed at it to pull it off or in, just something to make it go away. But it only made her feel better. The knocking came again at the door, even harder than before. She ran over to the door, thinking there was nothing more she could do about her new dick and just hoped for the best. She tried to push it down as best she could, held it under her dress and opened the door. |
Betty quickly sat up on the floor and turned to face Annie. "Betty? Is that you? You look so...different," Annie said eyeing over her friend's naked body. "Yeah it's me," Betty replied. "What happened to you?" "What, you like it?" She said as she played with her breasts. "I mean, I guess? I was more focused on your giant stomach." Betty's enlarged lower stomach then started emitting what Annie could only describe as moaning. "What's going on? Is there a person in there???" "Well, yeah, but it's not what you think!" "I don't even know what to think." She moved further into the room and closed the door behind her. She bent down on her knees and rubbed her friend's giant stomach in curiousity. She gasped when she felt Anna still masterbating and moaning inside the wet casing. Her friend rubbing her sensitive skin made Betty hum in pleasure. Annie leaned in to kiss Betty. Betty was surprised at the sudden affection. "What are you doing?" "I've always had kind of a thing for you. I just...I never knew how to tell you. I don't see you all that often anymore. But now here you are, naked, and even more beautiful and voluptuous than ever." Betty never really saw her friend. She used studying as an excuse, despite always thinking that she was relatively cute. They bonded initially because of their similarities. Mainly being skinny nerdy girls who were not extremely liked by most peers. They shared similar problems and talked about them whenever they would meet up. But Betty always kind of annoyed her. She was one of those friends who she didn't always enjoy hanging out with, and was too nice for her to stop being friends with. But now Betty had a pretty good solution for her nice friend problem. But first she wanted to have some fun with her. Annie continued kissing Betty, bending over her vibrating stomach from the captive Anna inside. It soon became difficult for Annie to keep leaning over, so she grabbed Betty's hands and helped lift her up off the ground, which was significantly more difficult than she expected. She led her over to the bed and laid on her back. Betty held up her belly to reveal the huge throbbing boner underneath, bigger than ever. Before Annie could see Betty's new surprise, she already felt a sudden filling in her that felt like it went up to her belly button. She quickly grabbed Betty's arms hard, and gasped, writhing backwards. "Wait, wait, not all of it so fast!" Annie pleaded. But Betty just sat with her dick crotch deep in her snatch. She wiggled it around inside, giggling as Annie tried to get away from the intrusion in her organs. But Betty grabbed her shoulders and shook her hips closer to Annie's. "Holy shiiiiiit," they both heard in a muffled, excited tone from Betty's belly. She chuckled as Annie kept gasping for air, trying to get used to the new intruder in her body. The person on top of her and the increased amount of shlicking sounds coming from inside the womb didn't make it any easier either. Annie was starting to get used to the rough sex until it suddenly stopped, and the protusion removed itself from her body. She lay on the bed panting, one hand on her head, the other on her lower stomach. She was still trying to catch her breath, feeling how open her lower bits had become. As Betty reached a hand across the lower part of her back, Annie felt tingles up and down her spine. She looked up and tried to reach Betty's lips for a kiss. Instead, all she saw was an evil smirk as Betty lifted up her writhing stomach, grabbed Annie's side with the hand behind her back and flipped her over. She propped up Annie with her face in a pillow and her butt up in the air. "No, no. No no no NO NO NO!!" Annie tried to say preemptive to Betty stuffing her again. But she couldn't stop the intrusion into her loosening pussy. This time, it seemed to be easier for her to enjoy herself though. Even with the weight of the orgasming Anna on her back, she found herself moving in sync with Betty, despite how much space the cock was taking up in her body. "Oh god, this is amazing! I can't hold it!!" Betty said, thrusting even harder. She came when her cock was all the way in. Annie moaned out in pleasure, which began to get louder and louder. Betty kept thrusting again and again, unable to stop cumming. She felt her dick getting bigger as she pushed more and more. She grabbed Annie's arms and pulled her back to be able to reach in further with her dick, when all of the sudden, they both felt shifting inside of themselves. "Oh shit no way!!" they both heard. Unable to stop fucking, they could both still feel the force of Anna slipping back out through Betty's cock and into Annie. Her feet went through the organic tube first, her legs quickly following. Betty's face clenched in pain as she felt the large hips reach the base of her cock. It clearly did not feel as good going out as she did going in. Annie on the other hand was having the time of her life. She loved having live toes wiggling in her belly, and the pulsing cock bulging against the wall of her pussy. Anna put her hands over her breasts to make them go in easier. She played with her nipples while sliding through both sets of sexes, while giving a kiss to Betty's womb before leaving. The shoulders going through her at a surprisingly quick rate was the hardest part for Betty. She was almost unable to handle the large breasts and shoulders exiting her womb, but there was nothing she could do to stop cumming. She gave a sigh of relief and relaxed when they popped out, only leaving Anna's head. She began to pull out, leaving Anna's head and the rest of her body inside the engorged Annie. She began going soft, and felt her now flat stomach. She didn't like it. She still wanted a person inside of her, and had no idea that she was going to lose the one that was already in her. She wanted that feeling back. With her head in the pillow, Annie was unbalanced with the new center of gravity. Her feet were now hanging up in the air, unable to touch the bed or the ground. She put one hand to her face, a huge grin growing across it. "You...you came an entire person," Annie said, still short of breath. She moved one hand over her large belly, "I can see why you did this. I've never felt anything so incredible. I can't believe you could give her to me like that." "I want her back," Betty said threateningly. She grabbed both of Annie's feet and opened her mouth as wide as she could before sticking them inside. But she could only fit in a couple of toes. "What do you think you're doing back there?" Annie said, crooked necked. "Um, nothing," Betty replied, confused. "I guess I have a bit of a foot thing. How did you fit her in-nevermind. Just don't look back here." Annie flopped over on her back. "You were going to eat me weren't you. You can do that too, can't you?" "No, of course not. That's impossible," she said, still gnawing at Annie's feet. "I can't believe you would do that. After what just happened. After how long we'd been friends. You wouldn't even ask." Annie's brow furrowed the more she thought about the current situation. Without even knowing it, she was seconds away from dying. And it was because of someone she thought was her friend. "Come on sweetie, I wouldn't do that to you," Betty started moving up Annie's body to her head and went in for a kiss. After a long kiss, Annie whispered, "But I would do it to you." Betty's eyes shot open as darkness consumed the world around her. Annie chomped down on Betty's head, her lips closing around her neck. She began sucking her friend in, surprised to find her mouth would stretch around her shoulders with enough help. Betty thrashed around a lot in Annie's mouth, but the shifting only made it easier for Annie to move further down her body. She eagerly stuffed Betty's large breasts into her mouth, the violent movement only made them jiggle, making the whole experience even more enjoyable for the tongue against them. Some milk spilled out of them from the pressure of being in such a tight space. It filled Annie's mouth before sliding down her throat. The flood of deliciousness made Annie wrap her lips tighter around Betty and suck in harder, unfortunately making the breasts leave her mouth down her throat. Betty tried to hook her feet around the person already inside of Annie, but the inhabitant was moving too much for her to successfully latch on to anything. She attempted to turn her hands around to grab onto the edges of Annie's lips, as she was already past her elbows. Annie was clearly not wasting any time in punishing her. When her hands reached her lips, she held on as tightly as she could. Annie, already frustrated that her meal was even trying anything, grabbed Betty's dick hard and used it as a handle to pull her even more into her mouth. The shock and sensation made Betty let go, and was moved further in to make sure she couldn't try to grab on again. The cock was soon near Annie's lips as Betty's large breasts entered the stomach. She pointed the cock towards her mouth and slid it in along with Betty's plump rear. She licked up and down the shaft, enjoying all the flavors that surrounded it. She sucked in more of what was left of the body outside of her mouth just enough so she could get past the base of the penis to the vagina below it. Betty had developed a cornucopia of flavors coming from her fluids, probably from the people she had absorbed. Most of Betty's torso was in Annie stomach at this point. "Oh my, it seems I'm not alone anymore," she heard from below her as hands began feeling her body, eventually resting on her large bosom. "Don't worry, we'll have some fun in here,"Anna said, groping her through the thin, but touch membrane. Annie pushed the legs outside her mouth together before moving them into her mouth, one hand over the other. She sucked in her meal's feet and swallowed the last of her betraying friend. "Now why don't you just sit in there and think about why you're there in the first place," Annie said while rolling on her side. She felt the two inside of her feeling each other up as best they could. She watched the bulges on her stomach move around, like a couple trapped in a deflated balloon. Only she was the balloon and she could feel every movement from inside. At first all seemed well with the two inside of her, but then the real punishment began. They both struggled more and more while Annie couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of pleasure come from within her. Her stomach was far too large for her to do anything about it, but having the two people move inside of her extremely stretched stomach was good enough for her. The upper half of her stomach began rounding out, while the lower half of her stomach just seemed to get smaller in general. She rolled onto her side, feeling slightly guilty for what she had done. One woman seemed to enjoy the whole ordeal while the other just seemed to deserve it. Betty had been so nice throughout college, but after not seeing her for some time, she seemed to have changed. 'You did the right thing,' she heard from a smooth whisper. She looked around but couldn't see anyone. She peeked over the bed, but her movement was limited. She almost gave up before seeing a green wisp leave through the window. After everything she had been through tonight, she didn't really trust what she was seeing anyway and dismissed it. She felt her stomach one last time, still amazed at how large it was. She felt fluid rushing into her less than average breasts. She enjoyed the feeling, but sleep was beginning to overcome her. After the most eventful and impossible night of her life, it was time to bring it to an end. |
“ayori…are you really okay with this?”Natsuki looked down at her own bare, naked stomach, before letting her shirt fall back down, knowing without a doubt the medicine was already in her system. She still had no idea how, or even if it would work…“’ really, really not sure about this…what if it doesn’ work and you, y’now. Don’ come back? T-this is too crazy, I can’ let you do it!” ayori just smiled, standing up from her spot on the bed, standing in front of Natsuki. “ou worry way too much! It’ weird, I know, but it works! Why would the doctor lie about something so serious?” he entire reason they were even talking about this was because of one, simple thing: Natsuki’ weight. She was malnourished, to say the least, and with her dad finally out of the picture, she could focus on getting to a healthy normal. We don’ need to talk too much about how that abusive asshole was finally out of her life, but…let’ just say Yuri had a little extra pudge for a while after he was ‘aken care of’ and leave it at that. “ell, I guess you have a point…but theres gotta be some other way! I can eat more, o-or-” he was cutoff, as Sayori wrapped her in a big, tight hug. “t’l be okay, Natsuki. The pill will work, I promise. You’l eat me up, let your tummy get to work on my body, and I’l come back the next day! And you’l have a nice, healthy amount of pudge…and you’l have a lot more of an appetite, since I’l be stretching out your belly so much!”She giggled, poking Natsuki’ stomach playfully. Natsuki sighed, as Sayori let go of her. “..Are you sure? They said the pill’ not 100% successful…You might not come back.” ayori just smiled that same warm, caring smile. “’ confident in this, Natsuki. And even on the small chance I don’ make it, well…At least I’l be helping you still. You’e one of my best friends, and I wanna see you happy.”A blush crossed her face, as she stared down at her feet. “esides, uh…this whole getting eaten thing has kinda always been a fantasy of mine, ehehe… t was Natsuki’ turn to blush, as she could hardly even speak. “-you better not do anything weird in there! I’l be super pissed if I find out you were-” -hey! I wasn’ gonna do anything like that, I promise! I-It’l just be nice to finally experience, that’ all!”They both stared at each other, before they started giggling. Finally, the tension completely broke, and they started laughing, hugging each other. As the moment passed, Natsuki cleared her throat. “o, uh. Not to be weird, but…I don’ think I’l be able to-” igest my clothes?!”Sayori, without another word, eagerly began to undress, and within less than a minute, her clothes were in a pile behind her. “here! Wouldn’ wanna give you a tummy ache, ehehe!~” Natsuki eyed her suspiciously. “ight…Well, I should probably just take my shirt off, yeah? I don’ think it’l stretch properly without tearing.”She reluctantly wiggled out of her shirt, opting to leave her bra on. “’l just take this off if I start gaining too much there, yknow?”Sayori nodded, clearly eager to get this whole process started. “kay…come a little closer.” ayori walked right up too her, and placed both hands in front of her mouth. “sually people start with the head, but just do my arms and hands first! It might be a little easier for you if you start out small.” can’ believe I’ doing this…Natsuki thought to herself. I’ actually…fuck, I’ actually about to eat her…She slowly opened her mouth, and with a deep breath, grabbed Sayori’ hands, and placed them in. She shoved them a little deeper, up to her wrist, finding out…she actually tasted…good? It was almost…sweet. It almost matched the bubbly girl’ personality. Warm, caring, and just an all around nice person. Without even knowing, her tongue was gliding around the palm of her hand, her mouth salivating at the food presented to itself. Sayori let out a giggle that wasn’ quite nervous, so much as secretly excited, as her tongue tickled her palms, forcing Natsuki to quickly snap out of it, yelling a muffled jumble of words that were probably meant to represent an apology. With her more than willing prey’ hands soaked in her saliva, she took her first gulp, sending Sayori’ hands into her throat with a wet glhk. She bit her lip with anticipation, her legs practically bouncing up and down with excitement as she watched her arms slowly make their way into Natsuki’ mouth, each swallow sending them further and further down the wet, tight chasm of her throat. As she reached her elbows, Sayori lowered her head, allowing Natsuki to continue swallowing without much painful maneuvering. Sayori…clearly had this all planned out, didn’ she? Now, while Sayori didn’ have to do any painful moves, Natsuki struggled a bit to get her jaw around her head. “lhk…mf…ow…Surprisingly enough, it didn’ really hurt as much as one might think. It just wasn’ the most comfortable thing ever. But as she finally managed to get her head half way in, Natsuki couldn’ help but feel a small sense of prideful triumph. Huh, I actually did it! She mentally congratulated herself, a newfound determination to get this girl down starting to fill her mind. There was still hesitation, but…she wouldn’ let it slow her down any longer, and with a brand new vigor, continued to swallow her friend down. Meanwhile, Sayori could practically feel Natsuki’ growing desire to keep going through with this, and it only helped to drive her mind even more wild as she was plunged further down the wet internals of her friend. Oh my god…she’ swallowing my shoulders without any hesitation! With each swallow, her head was driven deeper and deeper, and she swore she could already hear the faint gurgling of her stomach below. That’ it…just keep on gulping me down, hun. That’ what I’ here for. Right now…I’ yours.~ She let her tongue glide over her food with each swallow, savoring every part of her body she could. It all was going by in such a blur…Not fast, necessarily, but just really…fuzzy? She couldn’ figure out the word for it, but she didn’ care. It was like all that existed was the sensations Sayori was giving her. Her taste, the way her figure sort of glided down with each swallow…hell, even her smell. Natsuki was already well past her breasts, and nearly finished gulping down her bare, exposed tummy. It was weird how heightened her senses were at the moment for her prey, as she could even clearly make out Sayori’ navel sliding over her tongue, and disappearing into her hungry body. But while she could make out every part gliding down her throat, before she knew it, her lips were closing over the last bit of her toes, and Sayori’ body was completely inside of her. Within a few more swallows, she was tightly pressed inside Natsuki’ stomach, curled up in a surprisingly comfortable sitting fetal position. Natsuki looked down in pure, almost blissful shock. “h my god…I…holy shit, I-I actually ate you, a-and-”She was cut off by a deep, deep feeling down in her gut, and suddenly: “UUOOOOOORRRRP-”She practically fell back, heavily panting as she tried to catch her breath. “…uck…E-excuse me…Finally coming back to her senses, she turned her gaze back down to her belly, now the size of a…well. A Sayori. “re you…Are you okay in there?” atsuki, t-this is amazing, I’ so much more than okay!”Sayori was already being pressed down, kneaded and pushed on by all sides of her friend’ stomach, the organ wasting no time in getting it’ new food settled in. “ou have no idea how long I’e wanted to experience something like this! T-this is so great, I-I’ nothing but food, your hungry gut is just gonna-” ayori, do you mind?!”Natsuki exclaimed, her face turning completely red. “-I thought you agreed that you weren’ gonna make this weird…Half of her anger, (if you could even call it that… was less directed at Sayori gushing about how wonderful this was, and more so trying to get her to calm down so Natsuki could calm down. This was riling her up more than she would ever admit to the girl in her stomach. Though it was a bit hard to hear her predator’ voice over the loud gurgling filling her ears, a sheepish grin crossed Sayori’ face, as she apologized. “orry, I just…man, this is so much better than I could’e ever imagined. Thank you, Natsuki. I-I know this isn’ really your thing…She managed to contain her excitement, just a little bit, even as she could feel the thick pool of stomach fluids sloshing around her legs. It was a little hard to hear Sayori, even on Natsuki’ end. Her stomach was really setting to work on her meal…“on’…don’ thank me. Thank you. The reason we did this was to get me to a healthy weight, anyway.”She turned away from her belly for a second, before smiling. “esides…You tasted pretty good, I’l give you that…Hesitating for a moment, she put a hand on her gut, and gave a gentle little press. Just enough for Sayori to feel it. It earned a giggle in response, before Sayori sighed. “ell, since you won’ let me do anything lewd…I guess I should probably let you sleep. And I can just sit here, and let myself get churned down, l-like a good meal-”She stopped herself, looking down in shame. “-sorry, got carried away again… atsuki was about to yell, but stopped herself, and just sighed. “ou’e right, I should probably sleep. But…She grinned, and gave her gut a slap, earning a sharp yelp or surprise from her food. “o what you want in there, just wait till I’ asleep. A good meal like you deserves to indulge at least a little, afterall.~” nd within an instant, she was more excited than ever. “-y-you have no idea how hot what you just said was, j-just… Please fall asleep quickly!!~”Without going into too much detail…We’l just say that digestive fluids weren’ the only fluid between Sayori’ legs, and leave it at that. Natsuki just hummed in response, leaving a hand on her gut and stretching out on the bed. “oodnight…gutslut.~”She closed her eyes, a comfortable exhaustion taking over her body, as she hoped she just used that word right… f course, Sayori…didn’ get to sleep. She was far too busy enjoying herself, living out her deepest fantasy of being someone’ food, being churned down and digested by one of her best friends. How could she sleep through this?! Anything resembling ‘leep’only came hours later, late into the night, where her body was barely a solid at that point…And she couldn’ even move. She took one last look at the hot, slimy internals of her friend, and smiled. Not a lewd smile…but a happy one. She helped her out. Her friend was finally gonna be healthy. And with that thought, she closed her eyes, and fell…‘sleep.’ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “H MY GOD!!!!”Natsuki ran out the door, quickly throwing on her robe and some slippers, and practically sprinted to Sayori’ house. She didn’ even bother knocking, opening the door and running straight to her room. Sayori was just laying on her bed, naked, looking exhausted. “hh…N-Natsuki… What are you…OH MY GOD!!!”She jolted up as Natsuki let her robe fall to her knees, revealing Sayori’ contributions. It was perfect! Her weight was just a bit over average now, a little pudge hanging on her belly, her breasts up by more than a couple of cups, and her hips and ass needing a new size of pants. “’…I feel so great!! I feel healthy, I feel pretty, I-I feel…” ayori grinned, walking up to her and giving her tummy a poke. “ungry?~” -yeah…but maybe lets just go out for breakfast this time. I know you gotta be hungry too… ayori playfully rolled her eyes. “h, alright…Let’ go get an omelet or something. I am pretty hungry… |
*CONTENT WARNING* This story contains graphic depictions of the excessively cruel meal preparation of two hapless anthro rodents. There are instances of cutting, screaming, and roasting alive. The characters belong to GreyMousey and were used with his permission. Viva la Re-vore-lution! (I’m so sorry.) A hard vore story by Anthrophage My userpage: GreyMousey’s userpage: It was another regular day in the kitchen for Holga. She breathed a sigh of contentment as she calmly chopped the legs off of a little pixie. The little creature’s shrill pleas and screams brought a smile to Holga’s face. The tall, well-built dark elf loved her job as senior chef at Fairy Fine Dining, a place where she could be her own, cruel self as she prepped and cooked various magical creatures. Her zen moment was suddenly interrupted by a loud commotion coming from the take-out kitchen. To be fair, there was always a good deal of commotion coming from that part of the kitchen, what with all the grunting gremlins and screaming prey. However, this time the noise was different – the gremlins sounded more riled up than usual, and there was a good deal more clattering of plates than was acceptable. Holga grumbled something about disciplining the gremlins again as she stomped over to the take-out kitchen. Holga barged into the kitchen ready to give the gremlins an ear-full but was shocked to find the place in utter chaos. The gremlins were dashing all over the place, seemingly swatting at the air. Pots and pans were strewn all over the place, their contents splattered all over the floor, walls and ceiling. Some of the more voracious gremlins were lapping the sauce off of the floor, but they stopped immediately at the sight of Holga’s imposing frame in the doorway. “What the F*** is going on here?!” Holga bellowed in her deep, booming voice. The gremlins bickered among themselves nervously and eventually pushed their runt to the front of the group to confront Holga. The whelp gulped audibly before piping up, “W-w-we’ve b-b-been att-t-tacked, m-m-ma’m.” Holga’s wild eyes pierced into the little whelp’s soul, and saw that he was speaking the truth. She then glanced over to the back door of the kitchen which had been busted open from the outside. There were multiple sets of tracks that led out the door, presumably from when the culprits stepped through a puddle of sauce. The tracks were bright orange – some of them were humanoid footprints, big and small, but two sets of prints stood out to Holga. They were more akin to the paw prints of rodents, but were the same size as the fairy’s footprints. Holga smiled at the thought of catching the intruders, and her mouth watered as she wondered what they looked like. Holga ordered the gremlins to clean the place up, then went to fetch her adventuring gear - She was going on a hunt! Miko and Apricot crashed through the forest, anxious to get as far away as possible from that horrible restaurant. They dove into a hollow tree trunk to catch their breath. When they were certain the coast was clear, they exchanged a wild glance and giggled with excitement. Their mission had been a success! A few weeks back, Miko the mouse and Apricot the squirrel had gotten word that fairies and pixies were being cruelly cooked and eaten at a high-profile vore restaurant. Miko was part fairy, and so he felt sorry for the poor creatures and wanted to help them. Appy didn’t want to see her friend get hurt, so she decided to accompany him on his quest. They had stalked the restaurant to get a feel of the guards’ shifts and the building’s potential blind spots. Miko and Appy had noticed that the new victims would be delivered in the back by bounty hunters, poachers, and slave drivers. The duo decided to pose as pair of pixie hunters looking to sell their prey. Got all dressed up and filled a bag with dolls to make it seem like it was full of pixies, then they simply went and knocked on the back door. A gremlin had answered the door, but before it could speak the Appy and Miko busted into the room. They hadn’t expected to see so many helpless victims in one place, all being cooked and healed on a loop. Nevertheless, Appy and Miko managed to free several fairies and hundreds of pixies. They had managed to escape just before the gremlins could process what had happened. Now, under the cover of the hollowed-out log, it seemed to the pair of rodents that they had gotten out scot-free! They decided to wait until night time to leave the shelter of the log in order to return home. Unfortunately for them, they had greatly underestimated the tracking prowess of Holga. The clueless duo had left a trail of bright orange tracks in the mud for Holga to follow. When the orange sauce finally disappeared from view, Holga could still track them with the distinct, tangy smell of the special sauce. After a few hours of tracking the furry pair of thugs, Holga found the hollowed-out log where Miko and Appy had been hiding. Holga cautiously peered into the large log and found two anthropomorphic rodents curled up in a ball, snoozing peacefully. There was no doubt in Holga’s mind that they were the culprits. Holga carefully crawled into the log and got to work tying up the two rodents. She was going to have some fun with these two! Miko woke up to a sharp pain in his arms and legs. He groaned and opened his eyes but found that he couldn’t see a single thing. He could feel that his arms and legs had been tightly bound in a folded position. He tried to wriggle into an upright sitting position, but felt something press down on his throat. “Ahhh you’re finally awake,” said a smooth, low voice. “Let’s see if your friend is too.” Miko coughed and gagged as the pressure was lifted from his throat. He then heard a soft thud followed by a yelp coming from Appy. The low voice giggled before saying “She is now.” Miko felt a strong hand pull him up off the ground then drop him so that he fell face-down. The heard Appy grunt as something similar happened to her. Miko wanted to ask if she was okay, but his throat still burned because of the blow from earlier. “I have to give it to you two,” the voice went on, “you’ve got some balls to do what you just did.” Miko’s heart sank when he realized that they had been caught. His magical regeneration had kicked in just enough to soothe his throat. “P-please let us go,” Miko stuttered. “T-this must be a misunderstanding!” He gasped as he felt a kick in his ribs “You’re making a mistake,” Appy piped up, her voice shaking. “We’re just traveling through!” “Don’t play dumb with me, you little thief!” the voice bellowed, “I could smell you from a mile away. You’re the ones who ransacked my kitchen!” Miko felt a cold, heavy metal ring clamp around his neck, and he was pulled up onto his knees and elbows. The rattling of chains let him know that Appy had also been shackled in the same way. Miko then felt a tug on the chain and was forced to crawl on his knees and elbows through the thick forest underbrush. He winced and squeaked every time his sensitive joints landed on a pebble or a twig, and he could hear Appy grunt and moan from this as well. After what seemed like several hours, Miko felt the rough underbrush give way to cold ceramic tiles. His ears picked up on dozens of pained little voices and his nostrils were filled with countless aromas of cooked flesh. They were back in the hellish restaurant, and who knows how they would be punished? It wasn’t long before Miko was hauled onto a cold, hard counter-top and his blindfold was removed. He gasped when he saw the vast array of cruel utensils hanging on the walls. The ring around his neck was now anchored to the counter-top so that he couldn’t lift his head. He had no choice but to look straight up or to either side of him as he lay helplessly on his back. Not long afterwards, Appy was lain down next to him on the counter. Her collar was also anchored to the surface and the two of them lay there looking at each other. Miko’s heart was pounding and he could tell that Appy was just as scared as him, although she was putting on a brave face. This wasn’t the first time they had been in such a situation, bound together awaiting to be cooked and eaten. Little did they know that this would be far, far worse than anything they had ever experienced. Holga appeared before the furry duo, completely naked save for a tight white apron. The thin white fabric seemed to stick to Holga’s breasts, and left little to the imagination. The apron went down to Holga’s knees, but there was small diamond-shaped hole at the crotch- level that left her pussy exposed. Miko blushed at the sight of this, and was ashamed to feel his mouse cock perk up. Holga noticed this and gave Miko a devilish grin which revealed her razor-sharp teeth. Holga was going to enjoy this. “I would like to formally introduce you to our respectable establishment,” Holga said, placing her hands on the counter right between the legs of her prey. She went on “we pride ourselves in selecting only the finest of ingredients from the wild, to be cooked alive and served to our respectable patrons.” Holga’s hands creeped closer the crotches of her prey as she continued her speech. “Our patrons are very rich and powerful. They pay us a lot of money because they know they’ll get the best meat in all the land.” Her hands were like spiders, walking on the tips of her fingers, inching towards the furry duo’s exposed genitals. Holga continued “now can you imagine the disappointment – nay – the OUTRAGE that a patron might feel upon discovering that their prized prey had just, disappeared?” Miko was trembling uncontrollably now. Holga was quite the imposing figure with her dark purple skin, long claw-like nails and sharp, glinting teeth. He was painfully aware of how close Holga’s fingers were to touching his private parts, and yet he couldn’t stop his mousy little dick from perking up. “Now imagine just how bad that would make us look,” Holga continued, her right hand climbing up Miko’s stiffening dick, and her left tracing circles around Appy’s pussy. “We have certain standards that we must uphold,” Holga’s voice fell to a whisper. “Our patrons’ hunger must be satisfied, but our pantry is empty.” Miko and Appy squeaked at the same time as Holga violently squeezed their tender private parts. Holga’s eyes narrowed and she practically hissed at them “You’re not the highest quality ingredients, but you’ll just have to do.” The rodents sighed as Holga’s iron grip loosened as suddenly as it had gripped them. They shared a quick glance at one another, wondering if what Holga was going to do to them next. Holga got to work undoing the ropes that bound their arms and legs. She unfolded their numb limbs and massaged the circulation back into them. She then pinched Appy’s arm to make sure that the feeling had come back into it. As soon as the pins and needles stopped buzzing in his fingertips, Miko tried to go for his neck ring. Much to his surprise, his arms would not obey him, but instead lay limp at his sides. “H-ey hey hey!” He squeaked “why can’t I move?!” Holga simply grinned and pulled a straight-edged razor out from underneath the counter. She made a show of waving the sharp-edged tool around his ears, enjoying the sight of them twitching and moving as if to get away from the blade. Then, before Miko could react, Holga swiped the razor across his chest, causing him to yelp in surprise. He squinted, waiting for the pain to come, but there was none. Instead, Holga scraped her nails across his shallow chest, wiping a large swathe of his fur along with it. Miko blushed from embarrassment as his pink naked flesh was revealed, and his dick began to deflate from the shame. “Now, now there’ll be none of that,” crooned Holga. She pinched Miko’s limp penis and massaged it until is stood on end again. “Meat tends to taste sweeter when it’s aroused,” Holga explained. Holga then made a few more wide sweeps over Miko’s body, two on each of his arms, and again on each of his legs. With each swipe, Holga made sure to give Miko’s dick a cheeky squeeze to ensure that it stayed hard. Holga made sure to wipe her hand on Appy’s cheek every time. She wanted the squirrel to be just as aroused as the mouse, even if it wasn’t her turn quite yet. Once Holga had finished shaving the poor mouse, she bunched up the fur and put it into a big garbage bag. Holga then flipped Miko onto his back and cut off his tail, provoking a shrill wail from the mouse. She flipped him back onto his back and gave his dick another squeeze before turning her attention towards the terrified squirrel maiden. Appy was too stunned to speak. She could only plead for mercy with her moist eyes, but this only served to motivate Holga even more. She flipped the squirrel onto her back got to work shaving the fur from her back. The poor squirrel wanted desperately to scamper away, but her body was completely still. She could only scream and shake her head violently as the Holga snipped off her bushy tail and flipped her over again. It wasn’t long before Appy joined Miko in his world of painful embarrassment. Holga made a show of trying on their tails like scarves and waving them seductively. Holga seemed content with tormenting the poor duo by stroking their genitals and tickling their nipples, ears and nose. Had the rodents seen the clock on the wall behind them, they would have known that is was 10:00 am and that Holga was taking her 15-minute break. It had been a very confusing and harrowing 15 minutes for Miko and Appy. Their pink flesh buzzed from all the tickling, and their genitals twitched uncontrollably from the torment of their cruel mistress. Alas, Holga had to stop teasing their genitals and reached once more under the counter. This time, she procured a large steel pruning knife from below, and grinned menacingly. It was at this point that Miko and Appy wished that they had conducted their raid at night… Holga walked around behind the pitiful rodents so that they could no longer see her. She loved seeing how their ears perked up and twitched about, hoping to catch a clue as to what was to come. Holga stroked their ears and seemed to be muttering little words of comfort in an unknown language. What Miko and Appy didn’t know was that Holga was actually casting a series of spells on her prey. The first was an enchantment that would transform their internal organs into varying kinds of edible meats. The second spell would cause their bodies to stem their bleeding instantly, allowing for clean, yet juicy bites. The third spell heightened the prey’s sensitivity to both pain and pleasure, while preventing them from fainting. Lastly, their heads were enchanted so that they might be protected from harm, but completely open to pain and pleasure. Holga’s prey was finally ready to endure the true horrors of being meat at Fallion’s Fairy Fine Dining. Holga took the pruning knife in hand and began to make deep cuts in Appy’s shoulders. She squealed as the ice-cold blade sliced into her naked hide and nicked her collarbone before slipping out in a drawing cut. Holga worked her way down the squirrel’s bare arms, taking care to space the cuts evenly. Holga left Appy’s hand paws intact, but proceeded to make some cuts in her plump breasts. Every once in a while, Holga would check on Miko’s penis, and give it a pinch whenever it started to droop. Appy sobbed quietly as Holga covered her legs, ribs and belly with deep, cruel cuts. A part of her was envious of Miko because of all the attention his dick was getting, while her pussy was woefully untouched. Holga must have caught Appy staring longingly at Miko’s dick, because Appy suddenly felt a sharp sting in her pussy. Holga had taken a butter knife and shoved it into the poor squirrel’s tight pussy. Holga then flipped Appy onto her belly to finish carving up her back. Appy squeaked and moaned as the weight of her body forced the butter knife deeper into her pussy. When Holga had finished with Appy’s back, she flipped again, and gave the knife a playful twist. Appy gasped as the combination of her pain in her back and the pleasure in her vagina brought her to a climax. She blushed, partially ashamed at having cummed at such an inappropriate time, yet she silently wished for Holga to do it again. It was Miko’s turn to be jealous of Appy, when he saw how quickly she had climaxed from a simple twist of the knife. His dick, on the other hand, had been getting teased mercilessly all day, and he’d never been treated to a single orgasm. He almost regretted his words when Holga turned her attention back to him and clenched his dick in her fist. Miko squealed with delight, but just as he was about to cum, Holga shoved a steel skewer down his dick hole, cruelly interrupting his climax. Miko continued to writhe in agony as Holga cut up his body just as she had carved up Appy. Holga continued to tease the mouse’s penis by flicking the skewer and twisting it in his dick hole. This sent a twisted mix of pain and pleasure down the mouse’s shaft. If it weren’t for the enchantment, he would have fainted from the pain. Holga did her best to tease both rodents a fair amount, alternating between cutting up Miko’s flesh, flicking his penis, cutting him again, then teasing Appy’s pussy. It truly was a nightmare, where pain and pleasure became one indistinguishable sensation. The tormented rodents were given another brief respite from Holga’s teasing when she finished cutting into Miko’s flesh. She reached below the counter and whipped out a large stainless-steel bowl containing a bright orange sauce. Appy shivered as she recognized the contents as being the sauce they had stepped in earlier as they fled the scene. Miko also recognized the irony as Holga dipped a soft brush into the bowl and winked at the poor mouse. Holga wasted no time brushing the thick orange sauce all over the helpless rodents. They shivered and screeched as the acidic, tangy sauce seeped into the cuts of their bare flesh. Holga seemed to be getting off on this part of the process. Indeed, it took all of Holga’s discipline to not grind her pussy onto the cutlery that stuck out from the rodents’ genitals. When Holga had finished basting the beasts, she finally treated herself to their dick and pussy. Appy and Miko couldn’t take it anymore. Their bodies were on fire from head to toe, and their torturer was now riding the silverware that protruded from their tender private parts. When Holga was riding the knife handle in Appy’s pussy, she would twist the skewer in Miko’s dick and pull it in and out rapidly. If the twisted steel rod wasn’t so tightly lodged in the mouse’s dick hole, maybe he would have cummed a couple times. When Holga had climaxed a few times on Appy’s knife handle, she switched to riding Miko’s dick. Unfortunately for him, the metal rod was so long that even if Holga pushed it all the way into her pussy, the tip of his dick would not even graze her labia. Finally, after what felt like an eternity in hell, Holga dismounted from the sorry mouse’s dick and gave it one last playful tug. Holga wiped her hands on their pitiful furry little faces and tweaked their ears cruelly. The rodents’ eyes were practically pleading Holga to put them out of their misery at this point. Little did they know that this was only the first part of the harrowing procedure. Holga ducked under the counter a second once more, this time bouncing back up with a bowl of stuffing. Miko and Appy exchanged a weak glance of mutual dread as helpless tears filled their eyes. Holga was humming a catchy tune now, and it wasn’t long before the rodents had it stuck in their heads too. Holga flipped them onto their bellies and propped them up on their knees. Appy squeaked weakly as a cone was pressed into her asshole. She let out a series of additional squeaks as Holga scooped stuffing into her butthole. Appy was mildly relieved when Holga stopped before her belly could bulge. Holga knew that some patrons liked a bulging belly, but this was not the case. Appy felt another short wave of relief as the knife was removed from her pussy, only to squeak as the cone took its place. She moaned and squeaked pitifully as Holga stuffed her pussy to the brim, then did the same to her urethra and bladder. With the squirrel fully stuffed, Holga turned her attention to the mouse and plugged his asshole with the cone. He squealed and moaned as his colon and stomach filled up with stuffing. When Holga pulled the skewer out of his dick, Miko half expected Holga to stick the cone down his dick as well. He was surprised to feel something else snake its way down his dick hole. Miko gasped as a hot, thick fluid was pumped into his bladder through his urethra. The fluid scalded the inside of his dick, and his face contorted from the pain. Holga finished pumping the gravy into Miko’s dick and plugged up its hole again with the skewer. At this point the rodents were utterly terrified. They were completely immobilized, and their throats were sore from all the screaming. Their private parts had been teased so much that it hurt them to even think about masturbating. They looked at each other again, wishing quietly that this was the last stretch of their horrible journey. As they lay there, staring woefully into each others’ eyes, they failed to notice that Holga had disappeared. They were then startled when Holga entered the room pulling a long food cart with a silver platter on it. cart ahead of her. She unlocked the steel collars and carefully transferred Appy and Miko to the silver platter. The platter felt strangely good to the rodents, as the cool metal was a nice change from the countertop that had grown hot from their twitching bodies. The good feeling soon faded as the platter warmed up to their body temperature. Holga wheeled the rodents off to the part of the restaurant where the roasting would take place. She would flick Miko’s dick just to hear him moan in his cute little voice, and tap Appy’s pussy to the same effect as they traversed the restaurant. Onlooking gremlin and elvish staff hooted and giggled as Holga and the rodents wheeled past. Some of the gremlins recognized the pair from their earlier raid, and growled menacingly as they passed by. When Miko and Appy saw where they were headed, their hearts sank. Holga had brought them to a massive room full of massive cast-iron ovens. There were rows upon rows of them, and countless platters of squirming victims were being put in and taken out. A discordant choir of screams, groans, wailing and pleading filled the air as Holga brought the cart to a halt in front of one of ovens. With the help of a couple of nearby gremlins, Holga lifted the platter onto the oven’s conveyor belt. She then gave the rodents one more flick to the dick and the pussy before sliding them into the infernal heat. If one were to ask Miko and Appy what it was like to roast in the oven, they would probably be at a loss for words. They certainly didn’t sound at a loss for words while they were in there, however. Holga laughed to herself as she took in the cacophony of screeching, squeaking and shrill wailing that spewed out amidst the roaring of the oven. The enchantments were doing their jobs, and the poor prey was forced to endure every excruciating minute of torture in the hellish oven. What’s more, Holga knew for a fact that they were only feeling pain, since only the most experienced prey knew how to draw pleasure from such horrible circumstances. Holga pleasured herself as she watched the duo roasting in the oven. Their bright red and orange were slowly turning a shade of deep amber as the sauce mixed with their meat juices and caramelized in the heat. Once Miko and Appy had stayed in the oven long enough, Holga retrieved their platter from the oven. Before the couple could benefit from the relatively cool air outside of the oven, Holga placed a silver cloche over them, trapping the heat in with them. Miko and Appy continued to sob and cry from the pain even as they were carted off to meet their predator. The oven’s heat had burned them so severely that they couldn’t remember a time when their flesh was not on fire. At last, the pair of rodents felt their cart come to a halt, and muffled voices were heard coming from the outside. The cloche was lifted and a bright light blinded the rodents’ eyes. Suddenly, a sharp pain stabbed into Miko’s legs, and he felt his feet fall away. The same feeling stung his wrists as he lost his hands. Appy’s little squeals let Miko know that she, too, was probably losing her hands and feet. After a few moments of uneasy quiet, someone propped up Miko and Appy’s heads so that they could look out over their roasted bodies and look their predator in the eye. A tall dark elf man sat naked in a chair right in front of the rodents. They could see his dick was erect, and he was gently pleasuring himself as he inspected his prey. After a long silence, which was severely uncomfortable to some, the dark elf finally spoke up. “So, you’re the little munchkins that raided my kitchen?” the elf’s voice was like smooth velvet. Miko and Appy moaned and weakly shook their heads. The elf chuckled, “still denying it after all of that torment?” He picked up Miko’s leg from off the platter and brought it halfway to his mouth. “Bah! it doesn’t really matter now, does it?” He added simply, “we know it was you, and now you will pay for what you’ve done.” Miko let out a weak groan as the elf sank his razor-sharp teeth into the poor mouse’s flesh. The elf wasn’t so much biting and chewing as he was ravenously gnawing and ripping away at Miko’s leg. Appy watched in horror Miko’s legs rapidly disappeared down the Elf’s gullet. She wondered if all elves were this cruel, thinking back to how sadistic their chef had been. The Elf stopped at Miko’s knee and dabbed his lips with surprising elegance after such a feral display. He complimented Miko on his gamey flavour, then brought one of Appy’s legs to his lips. Without losing eye-contact with the terrified squirrel, the Elf ripped the flesh from her bones. Appy’s screams were drowned out by the savage sounds of ripped flesh and broken bones. Once again, the Elf stopped at the rodent’s knee and daintily wiped his mouth on a napkin. The Elf then folded his hands and looked at the weeping pair of pitiful rodents. “Did you know this was my restaurant?” The elf asked as he gently folded the remaining legs of his prey. Miko and Appy shook their heads weakly and braced themselves for another savage attack. Strangely, the Elf did not devour them. “I haven’t introduced myself yet,” the Elf arranged the rodents into an Indian sitting position. “My name is Fallion, and this is my humble establishment. The lovely chef that prepped you so marvellously is Holga, my girlfriend.” The rodents quivered with fear as the Elf pulled them closer to him so that their private parts were within reach of his mouth. “Tell you what,” Fallion said while gently tapping the rodents’ genitals, “if you come out and admit to me right now that you were the ones who raided my property, I will let you off easy.” Miko and Appy exchanged quick glances, unsure of what Fallion meant by “letting them off easy”. “W-w-what d-do you m-mean b-by that?” Miko’s hoarse little voice croaked. “If you confess right here, right now,” Fallion explained, “I will let you live. If not, you will never see the light of day again.” At this point, Miko and Appy wanted nothing more than for this waking nightmare to end. They confessed to breaking into Fallion’s kitchen to liberate the fairies and pixies held captive there. Fallion listened intently with a serious expression. When the rodents had laid it all out in the light, Fallion broke into a toothy grin. Miko screeched as Fallion whipped the skewer out of his dick-hole and practically chomped his dick in half. Miko wailed and moaned as gravy bubbled out from his mutilated dick like a phallic fountain. Tears filled his eyes and he melted into a soggy mess of sobbing. Fallion took his time lapping the gravy off the sides of the mouse’s dick. When the gravy ran dry, the Elf chomped off the rest of Miko’s penis along with his testicles. Appy couldn’t bare to watch all of this unfold, so she just lay next to her friend, sobbing quietly. Appy suddenly shrieked as she felt the Elf’s teeth sink into her bulging pussy. She wailed as the Elf sucked the stuffing out of her vagina and ate her labia. She, too, became nothing more than a puddle of tear-soaked fur by the time that Fallion had finished literally eating her pussy. After his brutal meal, Fallion wiped his mouth as delicately as he had before and smiled at the unfortunate rodents. With a snap of his fingers, Miko and Appy felt a surge of endorphins rush to their brains. It felt better than anything either of them had ever experienced! Looking down at their bodies, the rodents were shocked to find that their limbs had grown back, and their bodies were once again covered in fur. What’s more, they could move their bodies again too! Fallion helped them off the table and gave them time to steady themselves on their feet. He then escorted them to the exit and warned them to never show their furry faces here again. Unless, that is, they wanted to find themselves on his plate once more! With that, Miko and Appy promptly disappeared into the woods. The End? |
Flower bounced through the forest with his nose held high in the air, the owl had just told him about twitterpatting and his mind was racing about it. Bambi and Thumper were walking briskly in front of him; they didn’t seem to be concerned about what the owl had told them. Flower wondered if finding a mate would affect their relationship with each other, he didn’t want to lose either of the two especially considering they’d been friends since they were babies. Flower thoughts were interrupted as the bushes beside him rustled loudly, he jumped and stared at them with suspicion. Something was looking at from behind the plant, “it could be a predator!” The skunk thought. His mother had warned him about bears, Foxes and other animals that would love to gobble him up, he shivered in fear as all the fears ingrained deep inside of him came flooding back up. The poor skunk wanted to run away but he had to investigate further, if he didn’t someone could get hurt. Flower held his breath and took another step towards the bushes, he had no idea what was going to happen and he could hear the animal’s deep breathing. It appeared to be waiting for the skunk to make a move, his sensitive ears picked up the animal’s nose snuffling and sniffing but he couldn’t get a clear focus on its scent. ”If it was a predator it surely would have pounced by now” thought Flower, relieved that he was now safe. This relief was quickly squashed as the animal jumped out of the bush and landed on top of Flower, he fought and squealed underneath the thing but he knew Thumper and Bambi couldn’t hear him. He slowly opened his eyes to look at his captor and saw it was a female fox, saliva dripping from her sharp teeth as she looked down at him, her paws digging deep into his skin. Flower stared into the Vixen’s dark eyes as they sized him up, wondering what was going to happen next. He’d been chased by Fox’s and other predators before but none had ever caught him, but he’d heard stories about how Foxes tore apart their prey and sucked the blood from their bodies. “p-please don’t hurt me.” he whispered in a tiny voice, maybe he could reason with this animal. The Fox looked back at him and said “oh I won’t little skunk, not here at least” before she opened her jaws as wide as they could go. Flower could see her pulsating throat and sharp teeth glistening with warm saliva, her slick tongue slid out and wrapped around his body. The skunk tried to push it away but a loud growling from the female Fox froze him in his tracks, “if you don’t want me to tear you into itty bitty chunks I suggest you stop struggling.” Flower finally calmed down and let the Vixen clamp her jaws around his midriff, he sat expecting a final CHOMP but instead the Fox walked away with the skunk still in her mouth. He didn’t know where she was taking him but he hoped desperately that they would come across the owl or someone who would save him. The Vixen’s tongue was still licking his furry stomach and the nose was still taking in his scent, Flower was tempted to spray her and run away but he knew that he couldn’t outrun this Fox. There was no escape for the poor skunk this time, upon realizing this he bowed his head and started sobbing. The Fox rolled her eyes as the prey hiccuped and cried in her jaws; at least he hadn’t tried to spray her yet, not that it would do much good since she had him positioned in such a way that it wouldn’t affect her. The Vixen had actually been aiming for the fat little rabbit he was following, but skunk meat was just as tasty and this one was no exception. Flower was nice and juicy with lots of baby fat around his stomach; he also had a strangely nice smell for a skunk. He smelt like flowers and rabbits but also had a tantalizing hint of deer that the predatory Fox loved; she sniffed and gently chewed his delicate body as she walked towards her den. They reached her den with no interference from anyone else; it seemed that the presence of a Fox sent all the other animals scurrying to safety. Which was just fine for the Vixen but bad news for Flower, no one would even know that he had fallen to prey to a voracious Fox. He squealed and tried to kick her nose in a vain last attempt to free himself from her jaws but it was fruitless, the Fox just shook her head and exerted pressure on her teeth to silence him. Hot pain shot through Flower as the teeth went deep into his skin “n-no please…” he squealed faintly, the Vixen’s teeth loosened up and she dropped him on the ground of her den. “Now, what will I do with you?” she whispered with a large smile on her face. Flower just stared at her with big, anxious eyes, painfully aware of how much pudgy fat he had around his stomach; he wished he was thin and unappetising. “A-are you going to eat me?” he squeaked, already knowing the answer, “of course” the fox said with relish “but I’m not going to tear you apart, I’m going to slowly swallow you whole and alive” she whispered, slowly pacing around the skunk. Flower backed away as the fox moved closer and closer, “I want to hear you squeal and feel you squirm as you slowly waste away inside of me” she continued, “my stomach is strong; it’ll have no problem dealing with a creature as soft and delicate as you”. Suddenly the vixen stopped “actually, I think I’ve forgotten something” she said while still smiling; Flower could tell she was planning something but he couldn’t know what it was. He stared in confusion as the Vixen turned around and exited the den, but not before obstructing the entrance with a rock and encasing Flower in darkness. In the damp, quiet of the cave Flower was left alone to ponder is future fate; he wondered why it had to be him, why he couldn’t have just left the rustling bushes alone. His mother had warned him to be careful of predators in the forest but he thought being friends with Bambi might help his chances, he didn’t think anyone would dare eat the prince of the forest’s best friend. Tears came to the skunk’s eyes as he thought of his mother and his friends; he wouldn’t see any of them again. His thoughts were interrupted the second time that day by the Fox, light shedding into the dark cave as she returned, But this time she had something in her jaws... The Fox opened her jaws and spit out the wriggling mass in her mouth on the cave floor, as Flower’s eyes adjusted to the bright light he saw that the writhing mass was Thumper. The Vixen had gone out and hunted down his rabbit friend and now she was going to eat them both, Flower slumped on the floor in disbelief at the day’s events. It had started out like any other, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping, but it had ended in misery and despair. Thumper meanwhile hadn’t even noticed that his friend was present, he was still writhing on the floor in despair and shock, He had just been looking for Flower when the Fox had pounced and carried him off. She hadn’t said a word since the kidnapping except for some growls and a comment about his flavour, which had just made Thumper squirm even harder. The rabbit finally regained control of himself and looked up at Flower, they didn’t say a word to each other but the fear inside their eyes said what words could not. They both knew that nothing they did would save them, they were both trapped in the paws of a predatory Vixen and all they could do was wait for her jaws to seal their fate. “Well, you two are just in time for dinner” The Fox said, licking her chops at the feast that lay before her. She had only planned on eating the rabbit but had stumbled across a little skunky treat as well, just her luck. The Fox moved towards the rabbit and coiled out her long tongue towards him, covering him in sloppy drool from top to bottom, she smacked her lips to savour the flavour and was surprised to find that the skunk actually tasted slightly better. But then she did always enjoy the taste of skunk meat a bit more, it wasn’t as filling as Rabbit though. While the Fox mulled over the taste and nutritional value of her dinner the skunk and rabbit in question had moved closer to comfort each other. No words were spoken but the presence of the two friends said enough, Flower was just glad that he didn’t have to face his fate alone. Problems are always easier to face when you have a friend with you, and the two smiled at each other as they realised this. “But anyway” the Fox snapped out of her daze “time to eat” The swift-footed Vixen started to circle the helpless morsels in front of her, forcing them to go back to back to each other and stare at her. They were hypnotised by the tongue coiling around her teeth as she licked her lips, the small nose that twitched as she took in their scent, the deep eyes that sized them up as she went around, the Vixen truly was a beautiful animal. It almost would have been romantic had it not been so terrifying for the two friends, who were shaking in fear and anticipating the drooling jaws gobbling them up. The Fox moved closer and closer until she was right in front of the two, staring down at them in smouldering silence. She decided to finish off the skunk first since she had enjoyed his taste and company so much; Flower seemed to know that she had picked him first and took off towards the entrance in an escape attempt. The Vixen bounded quickly in front of him and cut off his only escape point, “nice try” she sneered before she opened her maw and began eating. The first thing the Fox noticed was how her entire head flooded with the taste and smell of the baby skunk and how his scared squeals were like music to her ears. It had been so long since she had eaten a live creature and Flower was a delightful specimen of skunky goodness, every taste bud in her mouth was overjoyed to meet his soft flesh and they were eager for more. The Fox intense eyes locked with Thumper’s wide ones as his friend hung out of her jaws, wet droplets of sticky Drool leaking down flower's back and dripping onto the floor, her eyes seemed to say “you’re next.” The first thing that Flower’s noticed was the moist flesh that encased his entire head, his world was plunged into darkness as the Vixen’s rough tongue coiled around his eyes and down his back. He could hear a muffled sucking sound through the flesh and could smell the Fox’s hot breath pushing past him, his survival instincts were in overload as he was pulled further into the pulsating throat. There had to be a way of escaping, this couldn’t be the end! But the Vixen had other ideas, no matter how hard he fought or whimpered she wasn’t letting go of her meal. She clamped her jaws down harder on the skunk’s backbone, her teeth digging into his squishy stomach as she sucked on him some more. The stomach was always her favourite part of the meal and this skunk’s belly was no exception, it was soft, squishy and chewy, so cheeewwwwwyyy...… Flower felt the Vixen’s teeth biting deep into his body and cried out in pain, she was going to chew him up after all! But after a moment the teeth stopped and the swallowing continued, pulling him further into the pink, wet flesh of the Fox’s mouth. The poor skunk kicked his feet harder and harder as the chewing and sucking continued, still looking for a chance of escape. It wasn’t so much the smell or the wet hotness of the mouth that sickened Flower so much; it was the pleasure filled moans that surrounded him and the clear enjoyment the vixen took in swallowing him whole and alive. The Vixen eyed the skunk’s kicking feet and tail with suspicion, he was still position so that the smell of his spray wouldn’t affect her but he didn’t seem to be using it. Maybe it hadn’t even crossed his panicked mind…but it didn’t matter anyway, the Fox’s meal was almost finished and all that remained of the proud skunk was a long striped tail and kicking feet sticking out of a Vixen’s maw. She playfully batted his tail and tickled his sensitive feet for a little bit, which confused the terrified skunk greatly, but the fox was just showing him that his entire life lay in her paws. Her tongue coiled out again and licked his backside, his entire juicy, exquisite, tasty body was encased in her throat and with one last swallow his tiny feet joined the rest of him in going down the Vixen’s throat. Flower finally realised that his entire fight had been in vain as the teeth closed behind him, this was the end. His hope had faded and no one was coming to save him, the moist throat muscle pushed in on him as was moved down into his final resting place and spilled him into the stomach. The skunk sniffed and scanned his new surroundings through tear soaked eyes; it was like being trapped inside a hot, fleshy bag that kept on being pushed inwards. The vixen’s strong stomach muscles started to contract around the poor skunk, trying to squeeze him into an easily digested package. The poor animal desperately sniffed and looked around for a way out, stomach acid was already getting into his eyes and the smell of the fox’s stomach was overwhelming him. The heat and confusion finally became too much for Flower and he fainted. The Vixen nosed the wriggling bulge in her stomach and sighed with relief, she never got tired of the swallowing and the wriggling of her prey. And she’d never had a meal that struggled and wriggled and as much as Flower did, but it was all over now and soon the skunk would end up as fat around the Vixen’s stomach like so many animals before him. But she still had the second course of her meal to devour; the course in question had been sitting in stunned silence for the past ten minutes while the vixen had devoured his friend. But now it was his turn… The fox crept towards the bunny one step at a time, her wet tongue leaking drool onto the cave floor as she anticipated the feast to come. Thumper’s thick lapin scent filled the vixen’s nose and made her sigh; she was going to enjoy eating this one maybe even more than his friend, he certainly looked more filling. The vixen stopped to savour the moment, seeing the rabbit shaking in fear and feeling the skunk still struggling inside her full stomach was sending the predatory vixen into a state of ecstasy. She wanted to tear this little rabbit apart piece by piece, but that wouldn’t nearly as fun as swallowing him whole and feeling him squirm inside her belly. Thumper stared at her through wide eyes, his ears bent back in fear and desperation, as the vixen moved closer towards him. He could see hear the fox’s stomach gurgling with his friend still trapped inside, “Why are you doing this?” the rabbit asked tearfully, he just couldn’t understand why an animal would do something like this to another. The vixen stopped moving and bent down close to the rabbit; “because I can” she whispered almost inaudibly “you’re a herbivore, you wouldn’t understand how much fun this can be.” she said and started circling him again. “Listen,” she said and moved Thumper’s ear to her stomach, giving him an earful of the stomach gurgling and bubbling happily as it digested flower. “Hear that? That’s the reward of a hard day’s work,” the fox said, taking pleasure in the rabbit’s disgusted expression, “and soon those gurgles will double in intensity, filling every inch of my body with delight.” “I’m not sorry about what’s’ going to happen, it’s only nature” the fox said as she slid her tongue out of her jaws and licked Thumper’s ear, she smacked her lips to spread the taste of bunny around her mouth. “And besides, you taste delicious” the vixen uttered as she opened her mouth and spread her jaws over Thumper’s head. For the second time that day the fox’s mouth was filled with the struggles and taste of a delicious animal, her tongue lapping up the taste of the bunny’s sweet flesh. Thumper’s screams were barely audible through the vixen’s thick skin as her jaws jerked forward once more, packing even more of the delicious rabbit’s meat into her throat. Thumper was a delicious little bunny; he had the wonderfully lean taste of rabbit with an extra hint of deer and skunk to top it off. Sure, flower had a mixture of tastes as well but somehow in Thumper they all just came together in just the right concoction to form an incredible climax of flavour on the vixen’s tongue. His scent was interesting as well, the fox’s powerful nose loved his thick, meaty lapin scent but she also detected a hint of berries and leaves. No doubt it, Thumper was a wonderful meal for the predatory vixen, whose eyes closed in pleasure as she swallowed him whole and alive. His struggling body hung from her jaws, saliva spreading down his body and dripping off his feet, making her feel like a lion as she bolted the rabbit down even further. Thumper himself couldn’t have been less happy with the situation; He squealed and kicked his powerful legs for the duration of his trip, only stopping occasionally to beg for his release. “No please, I’ll find you better food!” he squeaked as the tongue ran over his soft flesh, he could barely hear himself over the loud sucking and slurping noises the vixen’s jaw was making. The rabbit’s tears flowed down his cheeks and mixed in with the fox’s saliva, even his tear’s weren’t being taken seriously in this fleshy prison, it was almost like the entire body saw him as just a piece of meat and not as an animal. He trashed around a bit more, trying to free himself desperately as the tongue recoiled for another attack, like a venomous snake it crawled around Thumper’s body and pulled him further towards his demise. The throat ahead pulsated greedily for the hungry rabbit; he could smell flower’s scent emanating from the stomach, he quickly stopped sniffing, the small rabbit didn’t need to know what awaited him in the vixen’s belly. But he would soon find out as she gulped one last time, pulling the bunny down her throat. Thumper could feel the muscular oesophagus walls pushing in on him and trying to crush him into an easier to digest package. But luckily, or unluckily as he would find out, Thumper was too big for the walls to completely crush; instead he was moved to the stomach whole and alive. Thumper got a mouthful of skunk fur as he landed directly on top of flower, who was still alive even at this point but almost gone, He tried shaking the skunk awake but there was no point, they’d both be digested eventually. At least flower wouldn’t feel it, it was probably better for him to sleep through this. Hot liquid was dripping on Thumper from above and burning his sensitive ears, he had no idea how much of this hot liquid must be pooling around his friend’s body. Tears came to the rabbit’s eyes again but they evaporated almost as soon as they formed, he had to escape from this fleshy prison, for him and for flower. The rabbit’s readied his strong legs and kicked the stomach walls with as much force as he could muster, trying to at least get a response from the vixen but no response came, just the weak sounds of flower breathing and the bubbling of stomach acids. The skunk was at the bottom and would be digested first, and then thumper would be left to digest in the mushy soup of what was once his friend. All the kicking and screaming wore the rabbit out and he finally felt his own body fall into a sleepy state, maybe this was all just a horrible nightmare… ------- The rabbit awoke in a field of beautiful daisies, like something out of a Disney film; He looked around and saw his friend lying beside him. The bunny tried to think of why he was here, he remembered searching for this friend but he couldn’t remember what had happened after that. He shook his friend awake “hey, wake up.” He said, maybe he would have answers. The sleepy skunk beside him opened his eyes and looked at the rabbit with a dazed expression, as it turned out he had no idea what happened either. He’d just been walking in the forest and then woke up in this field. “We should get home,” the skunk said finally “our parent’s will worry.” Just as they started too head back home a shadow appeared in the forest behind them, making sure they got their safely. The shadow laughed as they ran off in the wrong direction, but they would get their eventually, all of her friends did after she was done with them. “Have fun boys, I’ll see you again someday.” the shadow whispered and ran off into the woods, eager to meet her next playmate. ALTERNATE DIGESTION ENDING: The vixen waddled to the other end of the cave, almost bow-legged with all the meat in her stomach, and collapsed on the ground. “mmmmm, struggle all you want boys, you won’t be getting out anytime soon” she said nuzzling her rotund belly “I’m going to be working off the fat you give me for weeks.” Inside, Flower eyes fluttered open for a brief moment. He could feel Thumper’s weight pressing down on him as the rabbit desperately kicked the stomach walls, with a quick sniff he could smell Thumper’s fear and his own body being digested. It was agony, being digested by the carnivorous fox and feeling her strong predatory stomach acid burning his soft flesh. “I…feel so w-weak…” The skunk whimpered and began wriggling feebly around the moist chamber as the scents and heat became unbearable for his mind to handle and he collapsed into unconsciousness, never to awaken again. Thumper continued kicking the stomach long after Flower had succumbed to its power, he still couldn’t accept that the fox had actually ate him and that he was about to be digested alive and whole. “Let me out!” he screamed tearfully, his vision blurring and his head spinning. The rabbit could practically feel Flower getting smaller beneath him as the stomach walls and acid digested his body, the stink of the process suffocating the poor rabbit. Thumper lived for ten more agonising minutes, eventually sitting in the goop that was once flower, and before he fell into blissful unawareness he whimpered one last plea... please let this all be a dream... The fox’s stomach worked hard for the next few hours, digesting the two boys efficiently and quietly except for the occasional gurgle. The fox twitched and wriggled in her sleep as the wonderful feeling of digestion spread throughout her body, her dreams full of exotic and delicious meat that she would eat in the future. ---- She awoke the next morning, her stomach slimmer now, and stretched her supple body. “What a great meal that was, I’m almost sad it had to end” the vixen thought to herself, marvelling at the excess fat she now had around her stomach. She could still feel a little bit of meat in her stomach, probably what was left of the rabbit, but most of her meal had already moved on to the next stage of her digestive track and left her stomach empty again. The predator stopped suddenly as she sniffed a tasty scent around her den, “a deer” she thought with glee, her stomach rumbling to be filled yet again. The Deer in question was the prince of the forest himself, Bambi, and he was worried. He’d been looking for his two friends all day but hadn’t found a single trace of them except for the scent he was following around the den. “They have to be around here somewhere” he thought, but the vixen was good at covering her tracks and Bambi hadn’t even realised the danger he was in. “Looking for something?” the fox asked as walked out of her den, trying not to drool as she looked at the deer’s fatty thighs. Bambi quickly turned around but stopped as he saw the innocent looking fox. “I’m looking for my friends, a rabbit and a skunk, have you seen them anywhere?” “I think I might know where they are” she said with a sweet smile “come into my den and I’ll see if I can help….” ---- The animals of the forest ever found out what happened to Bambi or his friends that day, but they would speculate. Some would say hunters, others wolves, some of the braver ones would even say Bambi’s own father was responsible, but no one ever suspected the reclusive fox that lived in a nearby cave. A fox that would only get happier and fatter as the years went on. |
“Willbuuuurrr”The sing song voice of the child swam over to the pig’s upturned ears, the slightly hairy limbs twitching with glee. “Fern!” Wilbur grinned although of course all that Fern heard was an excited squeal as the fat little piggy waddled towards her.Her young eyes settling on the pig she loved Fern could only marvel at just how perfect of a creature he was. His beautiful blue eyes so awash with love for her, his cute little hooves barely making any indent on the ground he walked upon, his pink and lightly furred skin practically glistening in the warm summer sun. And that wasn’t even taking into account his lovely ears, his wriggling rump with its tuft of a tail, the way Wilbur’s snout scrunched up in an adorable bunch to smell her young scent. God he was perfect, and just what Fern needed at a time like this.The pig put his hooves on the gate of the barn and peered up at her with his corkscrew tail wriggling his butt behind him, Fern grinned and reached down grasping Wilbur gently by the cheeks. Manipulating the thick fat around his jowls, scratching deep into his pores and then reaching lower to grasp him around the shoulders and heft him up into her arms.“ooof, you’re getting heavy Wilbur!” Fern giggled, her tongue slipping out to run over her lips "really plump..." Wilbur wriggled a little at the indignity of being called "heavy", letting out a short "oink" of disapproval. Fern only chuckled back, "hehe, I don't mind though. Perfect for what I have planned for you today."She reached forward and opened the gate to the barn with Wilbur still in her arms, the pig settling back down in the crux of the young girl's arm, feeling happy and safe. But if Wilbur had any sense he would know he was anything but safe in the girl's grasp, her tongue slipping out of her mouth as she walked into the barn with her beloved pig in tow. Along the way she jiggled and lifted him every so often, sizing the young pig up. Wilbur was probably close to 70 pounds at this rate, not outrageously fat but still quite healthy for his age, perfect for what Fern could manage these days...Truth be told this was something she had planned for a while now. Ever since the incident at the fair he month before Fern had slowly lost interest in her beloved pig friend, the 12 year old girl becoming more interested in Henry Fussy than a dumb old pig. In fact it was Henry Fussy that suggested getting rid of the pig in a most peculiar, delicious way. Fern initially had balked at the idea but the more and more she rolled it around in her head the more appealing it was. She was going to eat Wilbur, whole and alive.The pig had no idea how much danger he was in as the girl sat him down in the secluded pig pen, and began to unbuckle the belt of her suspenders. Wilbur *oinked* at the sight of Fern stripping before him. Confused as the bare paleness of her young form was revealed to him. first as the suspenders fell down and the shirt was lifted off to reveal an underdeveloped chest and a trim little stomach, and then as the trousers and underwear followed. Fern turning around and exposing her plump young butt. Kicking off her jeans as her rear wobbled before Wilbur. Of course this did nothing for Wilbur, she was just a human after all. Still he had never seen a human naked before much less a human girl. The two pale cheeks presented before him, puffing out in all their greatness when Fern bent down to pick her jeans up and neatly fold them into a nice bundle. Two slightly sweaty, fat little cheeks separated down the middle by a thick line. Connected to the rest of her body by two thick legs and the muscular curvature of her back muscles. Flexing as she turned to look at the pig, a devious grin on her face. "Well Wilbur, shall we begin?" Wilbur was very confused, but he made no effort to run despite his misgivings. He trusted Fern with all of heart, she would never harm him, right?... The girl strode forward, bare and determined, sliding her hands underneath Wilbur's chin to lift his head up. Taking one last gaze at his delicous, plump body so perfectly formed. Pigs were wonderful animals, every inch of their body a cornucopia of meats and fat awash with flavour. His smell distinctly pork like and cleaner than she would expect a pigs to be. But then Wilbur was no ordinary pig. He was Zuckerberg's famous pig and now he was her dinner. Fern looked him in the eyes, and licked her lips. "Bye Bye Wilbur..." Keeping her hands on his now quite worried face Fern turned around and leaned back to place her butt on his snout, the smell of her wafting around Wilbur. The pig very confused, very flustered now, letting out anxious oinks that in his pig language meant "Fern?? W-What are you doing? What do you mean by-MMPPHH!" Wilbur's last oink turned into a desperate cry as Fern pushed back, the two cheeks smoothing over the pig's snout to drag it inside her warm depths. Wilbur's eyes widening, trying to pull himself out as every alarm bell in his domesticated brain told him he needed to get away, now. That the girl meant anything but safety for him, she was a predator and he was delicous, nutritious prey. "FERRRNNMMPPH" The little girl chuckled as she gazed back just in time to see his widening eyes slip inside of her, pulling Wilbur into the dark, hot interior of her digestive system. She had thought about swallowing him the regular way but this, this was really the only option. The pig's body expanding her guts from the inside out, his wriggling, plump forming giving her so much pleasure as he rolled about desperate to escape. Really he'd exit out that way regardless of what Fern did so why not give him a brief tour? The girl moaned, bucked her hips a little as more and more of the pig was fed into her. Her butt expanding over his neck and jowls, all of the wonderful plumpness that was once Wilbur now filling out her insides as all good piglets should do. Zuckerberg's famous, amazing pig now just butt food for Zuckerberg's sinister daughter. Delighting in her silent domination of this once beloved animal, his cries now muffled to anyone except her and him. The girl took a moment to compose herself, feeling Wilbur wriggle around inside of her oinking out cries of "N-NO!! No, please....FERRRRRNNN!!" For indeed Wilbur was inconsolable inside of her. His mind in absolute frenzy as his instincts screamed at him to get away, his heart broke at the thought that Fern was doing this to him. Why? Had she always planned this? Was he always doomed to digest inside of her? and if so, why eat him like this? The most depraved, humiliating way for a proud pig like him to go. He'd thought he'd evaded being eaten but now here he was, chest deep in Fern's ass and advancing further and further with each passing moment. The digestive system churning and expanding around him to take more of Wilbur's delicous body inside. His hooves kicking desperately outside. His belly was the next and the hardest indeed for Fern to conquer. The round body stumping the girl for a moment as she sat there, now on her hands and knees and belly starting to expand with the imprints of Wilbur's desperate face. She took a long breath and with a series of intense, tight gut crunches that very nearly ended Wilbur then and there, they moved down the round middle of the delightful creature. Wilbur crying out within as he was tightly packed into such a small space, the gut expanding to its absolute maximum to take him in, crunching and slurping over his porky form. Fern couldn't taste him like this of course but she had no doubt that he was delicous. Nearly 70 pounds of pure bacon, the girl moaning as waves of liquid pleasure shot through her, the pig pulled in inch by inch, his snout beginning to enter the stomach from the exit in. And if Wilbur had thought the intestines were bad, smelly and hot as they were, Fern's stomach was much worse. the tight organ smelling of digested meats and already partially filled with digestive juices that poured over his protesting nose and mouth. The pig covered in digestive gunk already, slimy and dejected, nothing but food now. Once her belly was safely stored inside of her Wilbur's fat rump, short legs and hooves proved no contest. His curly tail wriggling and for a moment almost giving Fern a tail of her own. The girl reaching behind to tug at it, twirl around in her fingers before it vanished into her forever. His legs and hooves locking, tightening as the defeated pig finally gave into his destiny to be food. Fern cutting off his one lifeline with a single push of her gut muscles. And then it was then, the rest of Wilbur sliding into the belly to await digestion. Slipping through the intestines to face the wrath of Fern's digestive system the right away around now. the girl leaning back as her gut expanded, filled with the imprints and wriggles of the delicious, squirming meal trapped inside of her."some pig" she mocked "some pig indeed." Inside the belly, covered in muck and crying, sobbing in the tight confines of his beloved owner's stomach, Wilbur had time to think. Perhaps it was inevitable that he had joined the fate of so many other pigs despite his, Charlotte's and Templeton's best efforts. But that didn't mean he had to be happy with it, the terrified piglet crying out for help from both Charlotte and the rat. Desperate to see their faces again. The belly tightly squeezed around Wilbur, the pig's already lightly squished body beginning to sting and burn a little as the digestive juices worked their way into his furless form. Turning his pink skin slightly liquid like, a green sheen forming over him, the stomach muscles churning and gurgling happily around its entrapped meal. Wilbur kicking for release, terrified of a process that would only get worse and worse as the hours went on.For indeed as much of a feat as it had been for the nude girl to ingest Wilbur, digesting him would be another entirely. Her entire body would have to work to churn and gurgle him up in its hot, digestive bath, all 70 pounds of that scrumptious piglet turned into creamy girl fat. It would take ages, and Wilbur would remain alive for most of it. Trapped in the hot stickiness of a hostile belly, the girl outside patting and cooing over how tasty he had been and how good he was making her feel."A fine pig" she would say "A fine pig indee-BURAPPP!"The pork scented air rushed out from around Wilbur and out Fern's mouth, the taste of him settling on her lips finally equal parts salty and sweet, the butter bath doing its job of making him the most delicous pig Zuckerberg had ever wanted to butcher. The air of the belch settling around Fern, the girl sniffing up its meaty thickness as it dissipated into the evening. This would happen many times over the next few hours and every time Fern would smell the air and deduce how long Wilbur had left judging the increasing sourness of the burps. And all that time not one person, spider or rat came to look for Wilbur, assuming he was merely laying about as young, safe pigs do. Unaware he was only meters away hidden in Fern's fat belly, melting into nothing. And in due time the girl would pick herself up, her belly slim and only filled now with the gooey remnants of a mostly digested piglet. And returned to her day. It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good meal, Fern would often think in years to come, Wilbur was both. And Wilbur was delicous. |
One morning Jacklyn was awoken by a bird chirping outside her window. She wanted to sleep in but she couldn't due to the birds chirping. Her gut growled, her last night's dinner still inside. Her stomach was long since empty so it growled but lower in her gut dinner still resided. Her dinner had been her pet bunny. She had swallowed it whole and it had agreed with her tummy, at least once digestion really kicked in. It also agreed with her intestines as it wa She opened her window and carefully snuck up on the nest. The bird Sat there ignorant to Jacklyn's voracious intentions. She grabbed it and stuffed it In her mouth. The bird fluttered in her mouth as she tried to control it. Part of its wing stuck out her mouth and she pushed it back in. She got the bird aligned and she swallowed hard making a large “ulp!” sound. She wanted it to go down fast before it could fight against her, she didn't care if it fought against her belly. A visible bulge appeared in her throat, moving as the bird struggled against her. She swallowed again and it sank beneath her collar bone to her stomach. It moved around in her belly and she blushed. “y tummy is fluttering” she thought. It tickled as its feathers rubbed against her stomach walls. The bird squirmed and ended up pushing itself deeper into her belly, into a small pool of acid causing sounds similar to a bird bath to emit from her tummy. She heard the bird chirping from inside of her and she saw a bulge as it tried to escape. Her belly growled as it tried to tame the lively meal. She noticed the nest had eggs in it. She didn't want more birds and she still had room in her belly, so she took one and placed it on her tongue. Gulp! Shivers were sent down her spine as the egg evenly stretched her throat, causing her to curl her toes in pleasure. She took another and gulped it down too, giving her the same pleasure. She took the last and gulped it down. The eggs brought back memories from when she was young and would swallow marbles because of how good it felt. She would go to school and play with her tummy during class. She would play with her bellybutton and rub her tummy. She would push in and feel all the marbles roll around in her tummy. The teachers always told her to stop and pay attention to what was being taught but it was hard to. She could feel when the marbles were entering her intestines and she would always try to push more into her intestines when the opening was open. She liked feeling the small clump of marbles go through her intestines, or her “ummy tunnel” as she used to call it. She burped and smiled. She lay down on her bed and giggled as the bird fluttered around in her tummy. She heard it chirp and then she heard and felt her belly grumble. She could feel the eggs rolling around. She rubbed her tummy below her bellybutton and slowly moved up to aid digestion of her dinner and her new snack. Then she heard a different sound coming from her belly. It was a chirp but not like the others she had heard. She also felt something sharp slightly poking the inside of her belly. The birds were hatching in her belly, and the poking she felt was one of the shells! She giggled and patted her belly, she was proud that her belly got to experience all of this. In 5 minutes her belly was a choir of gurgles, chirps and churns, especially once the other birds hatched. She was very happy. She rubbed her belly slowly and enjoyed every feeling of movement from her tummy. Her stomach was filling up with acid and the birds were calming down. The chirps were overcame with the sounds of Jacklyn's digestion. Her belly let out a content gurgle and she burped. A feather came up. She took the feather and played with her bellybutton using it. It tickled and her belly gurgled and she burped again because of it. She swallowed the feather and just rubbed her tummy. She wiggled her toes and thought about how good it is to be a human that can swallow and digest almost whatever she wants. She yawned and slowly fell back asleep. The gurgles of her tummy lulled her to sleep. During her slumber, her stomach churned and digested the birds, and within a few hours they were sent along their way through her tummy tunnel. She winced a little in her sleep as the egg shells were pushed in causing her to roll over in her sleep. She slept very soundly once they had passed through. |
It was a warm summer day, one of the first since winter had finally relinquished the land from its harsh grasp, but the villagers marching through the woods had a solemn air about them. Perhaps none more so than the youngest among them, a girl only a few days past her eighteenth birthday with no clothes other than the simple white dress that showed off her long legs and a pair of loose sandals to protect her feet from the forest floor. There was almost something formal about her attire when paired with the updo of her long brown hair and the simple but elegant locket around her neck. But as beautiful as she looked she walked with her eyes towards the ground and the men around her seemed to be standing guard. When one is to be sacrificed to the god of their village, how else are they supposed to look? It was for this very reason that the procession moved slowly and quietly but that did little to delay their arrival at their destination. As the mouth of a deep, dark cave yawned before them the girl looked up for the first time since they had all left the village and she took a deep breath, releasing it slowly as she stared into the abyss. There was a chance that the darkness would be the last thing she would ever see and it entranced her to the point that she barely noticed the leader of their village come up behind her. She jumped as a heavy hand fell upon her shoulder and she turned to him with a blank expression. “Is there anything you’d like me to tell your parents?” he asked quietly. “I’ve already said my goodbyes. I don’t want them to feel anymore pain than they already do,” she responded with a hint of melancholy. Without another word she stepped forward, pulling away from the hand on her shoulder with grim determination. At the threshold of the cave she turned around one last time to look over the men that had brought her there, and all of them turned away. It was almost amusing that none could meet her eyes considering what she was doing for them, but she shrugged it off, turned back around, and walked forward into the darkness. She wondered how far she would have to go to meet the village’s god, but the cave saw fit to answer her with the sudden appearance of a small, floating orb of light just in front of her. There was a moment in which she had to stop and stare at the mysterious sphere that bobbed so delicately in her path. She had never seen anything like it before, and as it began to float forward she nearly jumped out of her skin in surprise. But after moving several feet into the cave it stopped, almost as if waiting for her. She stepped forward and the orb began moving again, giving her the feeling that it wanted her to follow. Her heart began pounding as she did so, her breast filled with growing terror at the prospect of her nearing end. It seemed an incredibly short time before the orb stopped and her heart leapt painfully. Her gaze darted around the surrounding darkness and though she could not see it she got the feeling that she was in some kind of large chamber. This was likely her destination and the orb confirmed her suspicion by winking out of existence. The girl gasped in surprise and a little bit of terror as she was left in utter blackness, her arms crossing in some attempt at comfort before her life was stolen away. But the moment just kept going, her fear growing more and more intense until she was tempted to call out in some attempt to make the waiting stop. Just as she was about to make some kind of noise the cavern was illuminated by a number of spheres similar to what had led her to that point. They were much brighter than the first and hovered well out of reach but the ability to see was a welcome change. Her eyes darted around the room, expecting some kind of grisly display of power to be hung from the walls and ceilings. What she got instead was more or less something she had seen every day of her life. There was what looked like a kitchen, and that appeared to be a bed made of piled furs. It even had a certain homey feel to it, strange as it sounded. She hadn’t even realized how engrossed she was in examining her surroundings until a sudden clearing of a throat nearly gave her a heart attack. She flipped around and her heart throbbed so fiercely that it felt like it actually did stop for a moment. Things went deathly quiet as the girl looked at the one who could only be the owner of this cave and was therefore the god of her village. It was a woman, a very beautiful one at that, but also one with a large, writhing snake tail in place of legs. At some point she had taken a position in front of the entrance to the cavern to prevent her guest’s escape and the girl was both horrified and amazed that she could be so large but move so silently. “It’s that time of year after all,” the snake woman said, her husky voice reverberating around the cavern. “They’ve sent me such a pretty thing this year. Today’s going to be a good day.” “Are you our god?” the girl asked, her voice wavering. Strangely, it was not entirely fear that made her words unsteady. “Yes, I suppose I am.” The woman flipped some loose strands of her bright green hair behind her shoulder and began to slither forward. “I’ll be the first to admit that I’m no god, however. I’m just a simple lamia, so just call me Fury. What’s your name, my little prey?” “Hazel,” the girl responded, her body frozen in place even as Fury’s monstrous form approached. Her eyes locked first upon Fury’s breasts, each easily the size of Hazel’s head, but then her gaze drifted down to her lightly muscled midriff and wide hips that merged seamlessly with her snake tail. Even if Fury hadn’t been a lamia, Hazel could have honestly said that she had never seen anyone like her. “It suits you,” Fury whispered. By now she was within easy reach of Hazel and she extended on arm to gingerly stroke the human’s cheek. Hazel didn’t shy away in the slightest at the touch and Fury raised a curious eyebrow. “Are you not afraid of me?” “I am, but, I don’t know. You’re so beautiful.” Hazel took a deep, shuddering breath and leaned just slightly into Fury’s palm. “What are you going to do to me?” Fury was absolutely speechless for several seconds before she said, “I’m going to make love to you and then I’m going to swallow you whole.” “When I was first asked to come here I thought I might be burned alive in some ritual or torn apart by a wild beast.” Hazel took a step towards Fury, pulling away from her palm in the process. “If that’s what you want then you can have me. All of me.” “I’ve never had someone so willing before,” Fury muttered. “That will make this much easier on both of us. I’ll be gentle, I promise.” “Thank you.” Hazel swallowed hard as Fury leaned in towards her only to suddenly twist her around, throwing her so she was seated upon one of Fury’s thick, muscular coils. They were warm, firm, and the dark green scales were so smooth, but Hazel only had so much time to admire them before Fury was once again less than an inch from her face. Her heart was beating a mile a minute, her chest no longer filled with terror but with lust, and she released a shuddering gasp as Fury’s sweet scented breath brushed lightly across her cheeks. The next touch she felt was Fury’s soft lips upon hers and she immediately gave into the sensation, her eyes fluttering closed as she gladly allowed the lamia to relieve her of her first kiss. She never wanted it to end but it had to eventually, and she opened her eyes just enough to clearly see as the wonderful touch left her lips. “You really are full of surprises,” Fury breathed, her eyes darting all across Hazel’s face and taking in her brilliant blush. “I’ve never had a sacrifice enjoy herself nearly that much.” “Can I tell you a secret?” Hazel asked. She watched the beautiful amber color of Fury’s serpentine eyes bob up and down in a nod, somehow looking both dangerous and comforting at the same time. “I can’t love men. The way they’re attracted to me, I’m attracted to women.” “Oh.” Fury’s voice was quiet but Hazel couldn’t quite pinpoint the meaning of her tone. She prepared herself to be punished, mocked, something, and for some reason the thought of disappointing this lamia tied her stomach in knots like nothing ever had before. “That explains much. The only thing I don’t understand is why you seem so nervous about it. Can’t you tell that I’m the same way?” “Right.” Hazel looked away in embarrassment but she could still see Fury’s toothy grin in her peripheral. “I suppose you are.” “I certainly am.” Soft warmth settled on Hazel’s cheek that turned her so she was facing Fury. “I think I’ll take my time with you.” Hazel was forced to stare into Fury’s intense gaze and the dizzy little girl quivered violently as a long, feminine finger ran down her cheek. “There’s no reason to rush you into my belly when you’re such a sweet, willing little thing. How does that sound?” “Can we kiss some more?” “You like kissing, do you?” Fury asked, clearly amused by just how willing her sacrifice actually was. Hazel nodded shyly and Fury felt a knot fill her belly, one composed not only of hunger but a strange twist on lust. “We’ll do that and more, don’t you worry.” As if to prove her point she leaned in and gave Hazel a deep but all too quick kiss that made the human whine as Fury pulled away. “But what should we do first, I wonder? Every little bit of you is so scrumptious that I can’t decide what to eat up first.” Hazel couldn’t find the breath to speak as a predatory grin lit up Fury’s face. There was something terrible yet wonderful about it, especially as it slowly approached and faded to puckered lips. Once again Hazel was blown away as Fury engaged her in a kiss, though this one was rougher, more feral, almost like Fury really was trying to devour her. Her tongue especially was acting like a wild beast all on its own, ravaging the inside of Hazel’s mouth with fervor that made the young woman writhe in pleasure. Even when it threatened the opening of her throat she just moaned happily against it, even letting her own tongue run wild alongside it as she got caught up in Fury’s flow. It was a pace that showed no signs of stopping and Hazel was growing slightly worried that her heart would give out from how quickly it was beating. She endured, however, because a large part of her didn’t want it to stop no matter the consequences. Especially not once Fury’s experienced hands began to wind their way across her body, carefully examining every inch of her form both inside and outside her clothes. Fury’s touch felt so right it was unbelievable, almost like this was the moment that Hazel had been made for. Perhaps her purpose in life was to melt here in this lamia’s arms before melting for good inside her belly. “Don’t be afraid to scream if you feel the need.” Hazel’s eyes fluttered open though she had no recollection of when they had closed. Also, when had Fury stopped kissing her? Fury’s face was already at the hem of Hazel’s dress and the young girl barely had time to register the wink of a single serpentine eye before Fury disappeared beneath the fabric. For a moment Hazel thought that Fury was about to devour her but that idea was quashed before she even had a chance to protest. She felt foreign lips upon her tender vulva and found she could no longer control her breathing as Fury introduced her tongue to the mix. The lamia started slowly, thank the gods, but Hazel still felt like she was about to lose her mind as Fury’s tongue gingerly explored her increasingly wet crevasse. It was glorious but still so unsatisfying, like she had been given a taste of the most delicious pie she had ever tasted only to have the rest of the slice kept just out of her reach. Hazel began pushing her hips forward, nearly falling off her seat on Fury’s tail in a desperate attempt to capture the purest essence of the bliss between her legs but all it accomplished was forcing Fury to hold her still by the waist. A loud whine filled the air as Hazel begged for Fury’s cooperation and as Fury finally began to oblige the whimpering human cried out in joy. At the same time it was so slow it was painful and Hazel’s fingers scrabbled furiously at Fury’s scales as ecstasy spread all through her body. Hazel began to almost regret asking for it as the true nature of Fury’s prowess began to show in the form of a long, flexible tongue truly fit for a woman that was at least half snake. It easily filled up the entirety of Hazel’s cooch and seemed to keep going, seemingly stretching up into Hazel’s brain as it writhed and flexed and finally forced her to truly scream with all her might. It was the most beautiful sensation Hazel had ever felt. Every muscle in her body tensed as the deepest parts of her stomach throbbed with intense bliss. Her toes curled, her thighs clenched around Fury’s head, and her back arched to the point that she once again almost toppled off of Fury’s wonderfully warm tail. The lamia held her still once again, supporting nearly all of her weight as her tongue continued assailing her prey’s twitching snatch. Hazel swore she even began flitting in and out of consciousness as Fury continued prodding and tasting, her fingers digging into the flesh of Hazel’s hips as if to make sure she stayed exactly in that one single place. Then all at once it stopped, though Hazel’s body continued to throb and tremble even as Fury appeared from beneath her dress. Hazel shared a bleary look with her affectionate predator whose mouth hung wide open, her massive tongue draped forth and oozing saliva mixed with Hazel’s fluids. The sight rattled Hazel’s chest and her hips quivered, which only grew worse as Fury’s tongue was rolled back into her mouth. An almost audible swallow emanated from Fury’s throat as the juices were carried into her stomach and an oddly pleasurable knot formed in Hazel’s chest as she thought about how she would soon join them. “You,” Fury began, rising up to come face to face with Hazel, “are the most delicious creature I have ever tasted.” “Thank you.” “Trust me, I should be the one thanking you.” Almost seeming nervous, Fury moved forward to press her body to Hazel’s. The girl’s eyes widened as she felt Fury’s breasts and fur clad hips brush against the thin fabric of her dress before the lamia pecked her on the lips. “I don’t think I can stand to lose the pleasure of your flavor. Would you be terribly annoyed if I decided not to eat you?” “You want to let me go?” Hazel was somehow disappointed and excited at the same time. “Now I never said that,” Fury answered with a devious smile. “I have every intention of keeping you. You’re too tasty to just be allowed to wander free.” “So I would get to stay with you?” “That’s right.” “And we can do that some more?” “As often as we please.” It was so overwhelming that Hazel couldn’t stand it. When she had woken up that morning she had thought she would be dead before the day’s end. Now she was being offered not only life but something more. She looked into Fury’s eyes, flexed her lips as if to prepare for a kiss, and felt her chest tighten. It was a familiar feeling but at the same time it was terrifying. “I was in love,” Hazel blurted out. “I know it’s a bit of a cliché but it was the village chief’s daughter. I even confessed to her how I felt.” Fury pulled back with a quizzical look on her face but she remained silent. “That’s why I was sent to you. She told everyone and they decided they didn’t need a woman that can’t love men. I hate that I’m doing it again and I know we’ve only just met but I think I’m starting to feel the same way for you that I did for her.” “Love, huh?” Fury asked, seemingly more to herself than anything. “Feel free to love me as much as you want. I won’t reject you.” At that a smile lit up Hazel’s face and Fury had to admit that it made her even cuter. “Now there are just a couple more things we need to take care of.” “What?” “First you need to get naked.” It was a simple matter for Hazel to get to her feet, strip off her dress, and kick off her sandals. “Your locket is very pretty,” Fury added as she watched Hazel examine the gleaming silver. “I don’t suppose I can go back to my village now that they’ve kicked me out.” She thoughtfully ran a thumb across her locket. “This is all I have left of my parents.” “I won’t let anything happen to it.” Hazel nodded slowly and placed it in Fury’s palm. She quickly placed it on a sturdy but rough looking table before returning to Hazel and gently gripped her by the shoulders. “This might be a bit scary but I need you to bear with it.” “What might be scary?” Hazel asked as she watched Fury lean in. “Fury?” There was only silence as Fury crept towards Hazel’s neck and the young woman almost repeated the question to her lamia lover. Just as she opened her mouth she noticed Fury doing much the same, though her maw expanded to a much greater degree. Hazel flinched at the flash of long fangs on the edge of her vision and took a deep breath as two pinpricks pressed against her flesh. She cried out at the pain of lamia teeth piercing her skin but it quickly gave way to pure, unbelievable pleasure. “What’s going on?” Hazel asked breathily, barely able to find the words. Fury just hummed a little something before withdrawing her teeth and smiling widely. At the same time Hazel absentmindedly touched her neck and found that there was no wound. “Where’s the bite mark?” “It’s a kind of bonding ritual that fey use to mark their mates and it wouldn’t do to leave a scar,” Fury responded with a giggle. “Now all others of my kind will know you’re under my protection and I’ll know if you’re ever in danger. You should have some minor magical abilities as well.” “Fey? Magic? What?” Fury gave Hazel a confused look that quickly faded. “I forget that you don’t have any magic capable humans in your village, and you probably just call beings like me monsters or some such thing, right?” “I may have done that once or twice,” Hazel said guiltily. “It’s okay, dear. Ignorance isn’t a sin.” Fury lovingly brushed her fingers through Hazel’s hair and they both smiled. “Creatures like me—lamias, nekomata, centaurs—we’re all members of a race called the fey. If they have a human face and fur, scales, or feathers then they’re probably one of us. All of us can use magic, and so can anyone that bears this mark.” Fury placed a finger above the glowing symbol that Hazel could just barely see in her chest. “There are a few select humans that can naturally use it as well, though no matter who you are it requires a teacher. Unfortunately I can’t serve in that regard. These lights are about the most my magical powers can muster.” “It’s still amazing,” Hazel muttered as she looked at the glowing spheres floating around the room. “Thank you, dear. But we’re getting sidetracked.” There was a slight ruffling of fur and Hazel looked back at Fury to see her skirt dropping to the floor. Before Hazel could do anything more than blush she was lifted effortlessly into the air by her waist and pulled close to Fury’s scaly lower body. “Point your toes for me. This will be a wild ride but you’ll be perfectly safe, I promise.” “I—okay,” Hazel said haltingly, doing as Fury asked. She was gently maneuvered to a nearly imperceptible slit in Fury’s tail that had previously been hidden by her skirt and as Hazel’s toes parted the brilliant green scales both women gasped loudly. “What is that?” Hazel asked in absolute wonder as her feet disappeared into a slick, incredibly hot new environment. “My tail vagina, more or less. It’s a very special place for a lamia.” The pleasure coursing through Fury’s body from Hazel’s entry was evident from the brilliant color on her face and neck. “I hope it will become a special place for you as well.” Hazel had absolutely no doubts of that happening as her knees slipped into the tight passage, her heart throbbing excitedly as Fury’s body squeezed her from all sides. This was more than she could ever have dreamed of and there was still so much more of her body to slip inside. Her hands went to her breasts for a moment before one dropped between her legs and Fury just smirked before bringing her in close for a kiss. It lasted for a painfully short amount of time before the pulsing of Fury’s muscles pulled her away from her lover’s lips and she stared longingly up at them just as Fury stared down at her. “Make sure to squirm once you settle inside,” Fury said with a shaking, bliss addled voice. “I have no idea when I’ll be letting you out, but from your face I’d guess you have no complaints about that?” As Hazel opened her mouth to speak her butt slipped past the slit and settled in Fury’s tail proper, an act which pulled a heavy gasp from her lungs. Fury giggled at her as the breath was stolen from her and wasted no further time in placing a hand on Hazel’s head. Again Hazel tried to speak but her eyes drifted downwards just enough to find the tender flower of Fury’s human womanhood and the words froze in her throat as she examined the perfect peach cleft. Suddenly she was so thirsty and all she wanted was to dive in headfirst but a sudden clenching of the muscles below her once again pulled her away from her prize. It was almost punishing to repeatedly have Hazel’s desires pulled from her but as her shoulders neared the tight, wet heat of Fury’s tail she tried to focus on what she did have. Her eyes closed as she attempted to revel in the throbbing of Fury’s muscles and the ticklish feeling of the rippling walls playing across her skin. Even the gentle push of Fury’s hand on her head was somehow exhilarating as she moaned and shrill, girlish moan, one that more than betrayed her immense lust in that moment. So consumed was Hazel with the feel of Fury’s body around her own that she didn’t even notice the husky giggle the lamia let out before finally devouring the last of her human partner. All at once Hazel’s entire being became the roar of Fury’s blood thundering in her ears. There was something comforting about it despite the fact that Hazel’s body wanted nothing more than to wriggle and squirm against the velvet walls of Fury’s insides. This was bliss, Hazel realized, and her thoughts became more and more dominated by that notion as she crept closer and closer to her final destination. She had no idea how deep inside Fury’s tail she was when the muscles finally stopped pulling her but the tightness was stifling in a way that was somehow pleasant, and the smell of sex was absolutely intoxicating. It didn’t take long for Hazel to shiver in orgasm and soon after that something similar happened to the muscular walls suckling at her skin. They throbbed and quaked as if trying to crush Hazel, never quite finding the strength to come close to that goal. The heavy massage was even pleasurable and further forced the scent of lust into Hazel’s brain, quickly turning every square inch of her skin into a new erogenous zone for Fury’s body to drive her mad with. Even once the constrictive pulsing of Fury’s tail settled down Hazel’s hands continued exploring her body and she counted at least three more of the ecstatic contractions before she finally grew too exhausted to move any further. How long passed before Hazel finally felt Fury’s body pushing her up and out? Hours? Days? It could have been years for all Hazel cared. She would have stayed as long as Fury asked her to, but as it was she was being forced back into the outside world. As she was ejected into her lover’s embrace she blinked in the magical light flooding Fury’s den and smiled stupidly. “Welcome back, Hazel.” Wordless, Hazel put her hands to Fury’s cheeks and managed to pull her into a long, passionate kiss. Fury didn’t see fit to complain. |
I'd always been a bit of an outlier. Last to be chosen for children's games, sitting by myself at the fire pit, and I've only ever had one or two really good friends. I figure it's because I was a really shy kid and that kind of festered into not knowing how to interact with other people. Maybe that's why they left me behind when we ran into a lamia. There were four of us wandering the woods and the other three bolted as soon as they saw the massive snake tail. They moved so fast I found myself staring at them in confusion and didn't even notice the lamia until she was practically on top of me. Once I noticed, I started running, promptly tripped on a tree root, and twisted my ankle pretty bad at the same time. When I rolled onto my back after my faceplant she was right above me, wild black hair strewn about her face, bow held casually at her hip, and an almost amused grin on her face until I winced at the pain in my ankle. She had my leg in her grip and my pant leg rolled up in an instant, at which point it was already swollen and turning purple. I remember being too afraid to do anything, just whimpering pitifully as she held on to me and eventually wrapped her fingers right around my massive bruise. I yelped in pain but she ignored me, muttered a few words that I now know were magical in nature, and then let me go. Though my ankle was still throbbing I could tell it was no longer broken, or at least that I could walk on it if I tried. "You should be more careful." Those were the first words she said to me and for that meeting, the last. I stared after her as she slithered away, my jaw hanging ever so slightly open, my brain too rattled to make it form words. When she was out of sight I stood up and wandered my way back home to a—a welcome, I guess. The three that had been with me paled when they saw me and everyone else looked to them questioningly. I guess they had been telling everyone I got eaten, so obviously when I showed up it kind of turned their story on its head. When everyone had dispersed they asked me how I had gotten away and didn't believe me when I told them she just let me go. My celebrity status as the man that survived a lamia didn't last long, not that I really minded. I was a little bit more concerned with the lamia herself. I wanted to thank her for healing my ankle but I also wanted to ask her why she had helped me when I had been so afraid of her. That's why I took to wandering the woods in my spare time; not too far from home but far enough that I might find her again. People started whispering about me behind my back, I could tell, but I kept right on doing it even as days turned into weeks turned into months. Three, maybe three and a half months after I started my adventures I finally ran into a lamia. Not the one I was looking for, mind you. This one looked just a little bit younger than her, and her hair was a deep, forest green. She may have been just a little bit more air headed than the lamia I was looking for too because she nearly tripped over me while she was foraging through some bushes. I was barely a foot away from her, eating some bread while crouched next to a tree, and I had to clear my throat as she glided towards me. She gave me a very embarrassed hello and I returned the greeting as she retreated several feet. "What brings you out here?" she asked, looking around nervously. "I'm looking for someone. She's a lamia. Copper scales. Long, black hair." "Oh." She visibly relaxed. "You must be the guy whose ankle Ana fixed. That explains why you didn't run screaming at the sight of me." "So you know her?" "Yeah. I can arrange a meeting, if you want." It seemed surprising she would so quickly and easily offer such a thing. I actually had trouble answering. After a couple seconds though we managed to agree I would show up there the next day at the same time and Anathema, Ana for short, would be there too. Long story short, I showed up and so did she. "It IS you. What do you want?" she asked me pretty gruffly when we first set eyes on each other. "I just wanted to thank you for helping me." "Is that all?" She crossed her arms and sighed wearily. "I know that's not the only reason. I was told you were looking for me, and you don't look for someone for three months without having a lot on your mind. I’ll tell you right now if you fell in love at first sight it’s not mutual.” "What? No!" She seemed annoyed at that, actually. “I wanted to ask why you healed me even though I tried to run away from you.” "Give me some credit. I’m not going to let someone flounder around crippled in the middle of the woods just because they’re a rude, clueless human.” She scoffed and rolled her eyes at me. At the same time, I felt my cheeks heat up. “S-sorry,” I muttered. “It’s just, every story I’ve ever heard about lamia usually involves the person in my position getting—” “Eaten?” she asked, cutting me off. I silently nodded. "Yet you still came looking for me. You might be clueless, but maybe you’re not hopeless. In fact—" She put a hand to her chin in thought, "—come with me. It's a bit of a walk though, so I hope you're okay with that." What can I say? I was too curious to refuse. But boy, she wasn't kidding when she said it was a bit of a walk. It probably took at least an hour, but I could tell she was going slowly for my benefit. With the way she was practically staring me down the whole time I can only imagine she could have made it to our destination in a third of the time it took both of us. When we finally got to this mystery location I was amazed. It was an entire village, probably the same size as mine, and it was filled with lamia. I soon noticed there were some other varieties of fey there, though not many, and probably almost as many human men as there were nonhuman women. While I was standing awestruck a pair of lamia slithered up to us and began talking to Ana, and their conversation put me just a little bit on edge. "Do you really think it was wise to bring him here?" asked one. "You really shouldn't have. How do you know we can trust him?" asked the other. "Please, he's harmless," Ana responded, looking to me. "It's not like I saved his life but an ankle is pretty important. He owes me, and I think he knows it." The two lamias looked at me with their suspicious gazes for a moment but then they snorted with laughter, told Ana to keep an eye on me, and left. "Now, I'm sure you can already tell, but we're just like everyone else. The whole 'bloodthirsty monster' thing is a leftover of the time before Hazel got us all in line." "Who’s Hazel?" I'd never heard of her, which seems absurd to me now. "Heca's ass, your village really does live under a rock." I barely managed to resist chortling at her outburst, though I imagine it's a good thing I did. She proceeded to give me the grand tour while explaining who Hazel was. When all was said and done I learned a lot about fey, though most of it kind of amounted to, "They're the same as humans." Then, once Ana was satisfied I was no longer totally ignorant, she walked me to the edge of her home and sent me on my way. I asked if I could come back and talk more about her people, maybe meet some of the non-lamia fey, and I still remember the way her response made my heart shudder. "I wouldn't have brought you here if I didn't want you to come back. Don't break your ankle on the way home." My brain knew there was no romantic intent to what she said but every other part of me wasn't so sure. That's not the entire reason I kept going to see her, and as time went on the memory of that moment grew more and more distant from my mind. It was just fun to be around Ana, her friends and family, and really to be away from the people I had known all my life but still barely KNEW. For the first time I felt like I belonged somewhere, I guess. Probably because I was the new guy, the oddity that was slowly becoming commonplace, so everyone was at least a little interested in me. That didn't mean I was a social butterfly by any means. I could talk just fine when people started conversation with me, but I was much more comfortable when Ana was nearby. She was the link between me and everyone in her village, so I always felt really awkward when I was there without her. To some extent, the times when we were alone were the best. We'd go out hunting or foraging and just talk, joke around, normal stuff. It was during one of these outings that I learned I'm apparently an excellent hunter, at least in the stalking prey bit. According to Ana, only one or two of the nekomata in her village are stealthier, which will probably stay true. I don't think I could ever out-slink a cat. It still provided something to talk about, especially one night around the fire pit when I was staying a bit later than normal. Someone started bragging about how big the last deer they caught was, then someone said that their boar was more impressive because of the danger involved, and it just kept escalating from there. It was all in good fun and I could tell they've had that same conversation before. I just kept silent and listened, sitting in my usual spot by myself on the end of one of the logs. Ana was at the other end but I would have been closer to her if that hadn't seemed so... intimate? There were enough couples cuddled together that it seemed that way to me. But soon enough I heard Ana speak up about how she had watched me get within ten paces of a deer that day without making a sound. Just as me and everyone else turned to stare at her I felt something firm and warm wrap around my waist and pull, sliding me effortlessly along the log and right up next to Ana. And I mean right up NEXT to. Before I knew it she had an arm around my shoulders and her tail had wormed its way into my lap, around my side, and the tip was pressed into my back. It was her way of telling me I was stuck there and I was expected to converse like a normal person. So I did. I tried to stay modest but Ana kept goading me into going bigger until I went past the truth and started flat out lying (just like everyone else, mind you). It was strangely entertaining, so much so we went on into the night, well past the time when I should have started towards home. One moment it was still plenty light out and the next the sun was setting. I would have had to walk home in the dark, which is a dangerous proposition for anyone, but especially for someone as—heh—harmless as me. I ended up spending the night on Ana's floor on a bed of furs, and it was definitely one of the more comfortable floors I've spent time on. When I returned home the next day I was greeted by a ridiculous amount of congratulations. I had been telling them that I was visiting a woman in a neighboring village (not untrue) so naturally they assumed that me staying the night there meant I had slept with her. It took a lot of convincing to get them to believe me that nothing happened. Then once I did they started chiding me about waiting too long. Even some of the women were joining in, as if I wasn't embarrassed enough already. Once they finally realized nothing interesting was going on with me they left me alone again, not that they didn't leave a bunch of doubts rattling around in my head. I probably should have realized what was going on though, at least after Ana's little show at the fire pit. But then, to some extent I'm not even sure if she knew what was happening between us. Everyone else knew though. The next time I showed up to see Ana everyone kept joking that I was courting her, asking us when the wedding was, that kind of stuff. We both blew it off, but when we looked at each other we were both blushing. During that period it was the most awkward when it was just the two of us. There was more blood flowing to our cheeks than our brains, let me tell you. Finally another day came when I stayed too long in Ana's village, though this time I was practicing archery with some of the nekomata. I was definitely improving, but that's not the interesting bit. Once the sun started going down, Ana invited me to stay at her home and I accepted, of course. But this time when I walked through her door she cast a quick light spell and coiled nervously in the center of her house, unmoving. It was really unnerving, and when I finally said something she jumped a little in shock before she rose to her full height, took a deep breath, and removed her top. Needless to say, I was petrified. Especially as she turned to me, naked breasts almost twice the size of my head bouncing beautifully, and my feet instinctively took a single step backwards as she hurriedly slithered towards me. Her hands wrapped around my arms, holding me in place as she darted in for a kiss, passionate but nervous, probably the first time she had ever seemed truly vulnerable. I returned it with all of the terrified force I could muster, her tongue snaking into my mouth and wrapping around mine as it shivered. It even moved back to threateningly tickle my throat until she pulled away, her breathing shaky and quick. When we could finally look into each other's eyes she pulled my right hand against her breast, her heartbeat fast and strong, and then a soft warmth pressed into my chest as she felt MY heart as well. "Do you feel the same?" she asked, her fingers just barely digging into my skin. "Yes," I answered breathily, unable to look away as she smiled the sweetest, most relieved smile I've ever seen. She backed away, turning to her bed and removing her skirt. While I undressed I heard another short incantation and the slightest hint of light coming from her front, one of her hands nervously pawing her lower abdomen as she took a seat on her bedding. I was at her side in less than a minute, our tongues exploring each other's mouths, our hands searching every crack and crevice that we possessed in the quest for ultimate release. Soon Ana was on her back, scooting across the furs as I gently traced little shapes onto her tail with my finger, my erection throbbing painfully as I observed Ana's form with sex in mind for the first time. When she had put her head onto her pillow I straddled her tail, my heart shuddering as I felt it writhe nervously beneath me. It felt so hot, so powerful, and I leaned down so my lips could gently brush across the surface of her scales, her voice wispy and blissful as I kissed my way up towards her thighs. I tried to be gentle, sensual really, and I like to think I was. But I'll admit I lost my cool a bit when I finally reached my prize. I still remember the thick smell of sex in the air as I got my first real look at Ana's flower. It was wet, glistening even in the dancing shadows cast by her floating orb of light, and each time my breath hit it Ana moaned pitifully, almost as if it was painful. But I knew better, and I touched my lips to it and sampled the flavor of her arousal. She squealed in delight ever so slightly, her hands clapped over her mouth to try and muffle her voice, but I could still hear it. And I wanted to hear more, to hear every sound she could make in this position, and I wanted those noises to be ours, utterances reserved for the two of us and our time in bed. "Please just fuck me already!" I pulled back with a start, taking a moment to stare down at the now thoroughly drenched pussy before me. The way it twitched, the way her whole body was violently shivering, it seemed that I had been so entranced I didn't even realize the state Ana was in. I wasn't about to keep a lady waiting though, and soon enough I had moved up her body and pressed the head of my penis against her slit. When I first felt that incredible heat against my sensitive tip I was taken aback, gasping and pausing at just how wet she actually was. Ana groaned at me almost as soon as I stopped moving and it quickly changed tone from impatience to serious annoyance, which scared me just enough I pushed my hips forwards once again. About all I remember of the next thirty seconds is Ana moaning in bliss. My head was completely blank, the flesh around my cock so hot and wet and tight that I couldn't do anything but rock my hips against it. At some point Ana whimpered and reminded me of my purpose at that moment. I barely managed to pull back before I felt the overwhelming need to slam back inside, Ana's body clutching at me and trying to pull me back in like it was trying to devour me. It's pretty much a blur after that. I remember two things, more or less. The vague feeling I was having the most exhilarating night of my life and the ever present warmth of Ana's coils wrapped around my body. They took their place around my torso soon after we first began making love, holding me in place just like they had that first time at the fire pit. There were several moments they squeezed too tightly, but only just, a feeling that was almost more thrilling than uncomfortable, and never did she truly hinder my movements. We each had a number of orgasms in all manner of positions, though the nature of her form took some getting used to for me. I think I actually had the most fun on my back, her tail squeezing my chest as she rode my cock, leaning in to taste my lips as she brought herself to climax. It must have taken us hours of that and more to finally exhaust ourselves. We couldn't even cuddle after we collapsed next to each other on the bedding, my dick completely limp and thoroughly sore, and I can't imagine Ana's snatch felt any different. Just as I was about to pass out I felt her hands on my shoulders. When I opened my eyes she was above me, raven hair streaming down around her face, and as I looked at her I felt an increase in the pressure from her hands. Her breathing was slow but was growing quicker by the second, her lips pursing several times as she took a number of nervous swallows. "Listen very carefully," Ana whispered, though her exhaustion made her voice louder than I think she intended. "You're going to take your feet and find my tail vagina." She began grinding her tail against my legs, chuckling headily as she did. "That's where you'll be spending the night." What could I do other than nod? Not that there was any ill intent behind her words, even if there was a hint of menace. Or maybe her tone was just domineering, which was more or less her regular nature, and the slight edge that I heard was the thrill she was experiencing in the moment. No, I nodded because, though I had no idea what she was talking about, it sounded thrilling. Tail vagina? Spending the night? My head was still spinning with the scent of sex and the thought of spending the night anywhere near something associated with the word "vagina" was too good to pass up. Ana shifted slightly so that she was no longer on top of my legs and I began searching her scales with my feet, a smile lighting up her face as her excited breaths echoed in my ears. I knew she was shifting her body to help me line up with her entrance as my toes traced lost circles on her tail, at least until I felt something wet. My heart nearly stopped as Ana uttered a high pitched whimper, my search halting immediately and my legs tentatively pressing forward while I gauged her reaction. Almost needless to say, the deeper I went the more fevered her whimpers became. I wasn't in much better of a state. A bit more silent, perhaps, but my heart was throbbing so rapidly I was actually getting dizzy. Ana was just so hot inside, and tight, and she kept throbbing and squirming around me as I pushed my legs in. But, gods, it was scorching hot inside her, I can't stress that enough. I feel like the temperature inside of our bodies isn't something we think about a lot, so really being brought face to face with the reality is shocking, and I can't help but feel like Ana's tail vagina is even warmer than a normal human is. And I was going to be consumed by it, wrapped up like a mouse devoured by a snake, and all I could do was grip the bedding, breathe, and smile like an idiot. Ana helped me out by leaning in when my knees slipped inside her, kissing me like she had the first time, my throat quivering as it was threatened by her tongue. At this point she also let go of my arms and I wrapped them around her shoulders, scratching lightly at her back, only to have them pushed down to my sides. She pulled away and I gave her the best look of betrayal I could, though I doubt it was very convincing because she looked unconcerned as she bucked her hips against me and slid my legs another foot into her tail. The next thing I knew my head was squished between her breasts and she was leaning up so I could slide straight down inside her. I could just barely see her if I tilted my eyes up enough and I will never forget that face, twisted in ecstasy, her crooked grin twitching each time her body pulsed and slid another inch of me inside. But I could only watch for so long and soon my vision was completely blocked by her beautiful tits, nothing but blackness with a hint of peach colored skin filling my gaze until Ana's tail devoured my hips and I was pulled from her bosom's grasp. "You're so cute," Ana cooed, her voice almost as crooked sounding as her grin looked. "So helpless, but when you focus on something you're so manly." Her hands cupped my cheeks, pushed me gently down another couple of inches into the throbbing cavern of her tail vagina, and then one moved down to squeeze my shoulder. I could barely see her happy smile turn to a nervous grimace as she leaned forward and looked me in the eye, the insides of her tail churning around me as if uncertain. "I—I love you." My heart nearly stopped. Everything around me seemed to fade away, almost like I was floating in a void instead of stuck halfway inside a lamia's tail. It wasn't the knowledge the phrase imparted that shocked me, that was clear enough from what was going on. No, it was just the phrase itself that was sending that spark through my chest, up and down my spine, and finally into my stomach where my belly flipped over and tied itself into a knot. Saying it out loud gave it power, made it real, really real, and despite wanting nothing more, I could barely say it myself. But I did. "I love you too." I whispered it at first, and as the words passed my lips I felt new strength welling up inside me. "I love you too!" The smile that lit up her face, I knew that she was feeling the same thing I just had. Ana had an extra limb to feel it in though, and I was inside it. It squeezed tightly once, twice, then I felt her hand press against my shoulder, push me down as she clenched and held. I could feel her tail almost trying to push me back out as her muscles quivered with the strain of staying flexed but I was still descending, my skin being massaged on all sides, the breath nearly being crushed from my lungs as I was forced deeper and deeper. When her sensual fluids began tickling my chest her muscles finally relaxed, just in time for me to fill my lungs with the intense smell of sex, the musk of her tail's innards. My head began spinning again, my penis finding new life and once again aching with lust as the beautiful but sour scent filled my nostrils. I think Ana could feel my manhood pressing against her insides because the pace with which she forced me downwards quickened until my shoulders slipped inside with a wet squelch that made my hips buck. She moaned, looked down at me, and I looked up at her, my cheeks burning brilliantly just as hers were, and another ripple of flesh tugged at my body so that my chin could feel the tickle of her fluids. Her hands found my cheeks one last time, a thumb pressed into my lips, my tongue took one last greedy taste of her skin before she moaned and her tail hungrily took me. The transition was quick, the outside world almost instantly fading to pink to black that invaded the edges of my vision with ravenous ferocity. My eyes closed once I could see no more, my entire body wrapped in liquid, heat, pumping blood and creaking sinew. People call making love becoming one, but this? This was TRULY becoming one, my body held inside hers, my every sense tuned to Ana just as the walls of her tail could feel every beat of MY heart, every breath that filled MY lungs. My sleep was fitful but her makeshift bedding was soft yet firm, and the rhythm of her body was the perfect lullaby. Only when she began moving, twisting and turning to the point that the roar of blood and muscle was deafening, did I finally truly wake. I just wanted to stay there forever, nuzzling against her insides so that they twitched and throbbed against me, Ana's fevered gasps quite clear even inside my fleshy sleeping bag. She chided me, even, warning me that she would be angry if I behaved that way when she left her home. Her playful tone did not frighten me in the slightest but I stilled after one last wonderful stretch, unable to stop my body from shuddering repeatedly as the flexing of her muscles pressed against me. When she did finally go outside I immediately heard a commotion. It was all very muffled but I could hear congratulations, catcalls, and everything in between. Clearly everyone else was awake and could see the bulge I made in Ana's tail, and likely my clothes in Ana's arms. The assault of her tail on my body quickened as she rushed to a nearby spring, desperate to leave the playful mocking of her compatriots behind. That certainly didn't keep them from continuing when we came back, me clean and dressed, her bright red with her tail trying to wrap me up and hold me close. That's how I fell in love. A chance meeting in the woods and a broken ankle. If I hadn't of tripped... I doubt I would be anywhere near as happy as I am now. I've found a family, and not just Ana, not just our daughters. Everyone in Ana's village provided me with a sense of belonging that I didn't feel in my original home. Because of Ana being by my side, I imagine, pushing me to do what I wouldn't have otherwise. At long last, I'm not much of an outlier anymore. |
“...agh...!” I winced as I tried to rise to my feet. “ammit...” “o, you're finally awake.” A soft voice stated as a short woman with violet hair entered the room. Seems my plan had worked. The head of the household, Satori Komeji, had indeed taken us in. “hat's the matter? You don't look very grateful.” “here the hell is Marisa?!” No shit I didn't. I had just risked both of our lives to get here, and now Marisa was completely missing! “ She mused with a smirk. “ didn't take you for the type to swear like a sailor. So unbecoming of a Hakurei Maiden~.” “eah, well,” I grumbled and sighed. “onsidering that I was nearly digested alive, I think I have a right to be a bit grumpy.” “erhaps, but don't you think you should cover up a bit? Human thoughts may be lewd, but even if you weren't covered in wounds, that's quite indecent of you.” She teased me. And with a bright blush, I quickly “ight then. So, where is she?” I asked, concern clear in my voice. I had to know. My heart was racing. Any faster and I might pass out. Satori could clearly sense this, being a mind reader and all. She softened her expression. “he's taking a cold bath. To help soothe her burns. You'll be getting one soon, but...” She narrowed her eyes. “ have to know. From your own mouth. What happened out there?” “ I had just landed in the Former Hell on an errand for Suika. She had wanted to try this new sake that had been “ She asked, quite surprised to see me. “ I called out eagerly, smiling to her warmly. Looking back, she seemed kind of flustered! “ was just doing something for Suika. What brings you ” “h, uh, Patchouli has me making a delivery to Satori. Something about the books that she writes caught Patche’s attention, so, yeah,” She was blushing brightly. A deep crimson like my clothes. Well, the clothes I used to have. “” She was being quite cute. I couldn't not tease her. And... to be honest, I felt like I was growing yet more fond of her around this time. “AH, W-WELL! UM! YOU KNOW! UH! NO REASON! UH…I BETTER GO DELIVER THIS NOW THOUGH! BYE!” “ “ “eah...” I shifted under my sheets a bit, trying to get a bit more comfortable. “ “ORRY, ‘MU! I’L CATCH YOU LATER!” “et off me!” I immediately turned in that direction and took to the skies, looking for the source. With how densely the buildings were packed together, it took me far longer than I would have liked. “PIT HER OUT! NOW!” I bellowed as I attempted to dive kick her in the head. Despite being drunk off of her ass, however, she simply... grabbed me by my leg, straight out of the air, and slammed me on the ground. “ “haaaaht? Ya want in on the fun too?” She asked me, laughing at me as she grabbed my frilly, red skirt. “ll ya had to do was ask!” And with that, with a single tug, she ripped it off, leaving me in my panties and bodice. Plain white with a red ribbon trim. Before I could stand, she lifted me by my legs and... began to swallow me. Just like Marisa, she began to eat me. I struggled “pirit Sign -Fantasy Seal-!” It was here that I fired my signature exploding orbs of light at Yuugi. At first, I thought it had worked-- Yuugi had stopped swallowing! But not long after that, she just swallowed harder and more furiously... even biting my calves. “ I dropped my gohei as I writhed in pain, and before I knew it... I was peering out of the oni's maw... just before she snapped it shut and swallowed me whole. “n admirable attempt, but ” “h, shut up.” I grumbled. “ow, where was I?” “-REIMU! I- I’M SO SORRY!” “No... it's alright.” I winced in pain, but I had to be strong. Strong for Marisa, who just went through living hell. I truly wanted to kill Yuugi for what she had put her through. “Are you okay?” “I…I’M NOT…I’M SORRY. GODS, THIS ALL…ALL BECAUSE I WAS TOO FLUSTERED… I’ SORRY REIMU. I’M…I’M SO WEAK,”VULNERABLE. I HUGGED HER BACK, GENTLY. I DIDN'T WANT TO CAUSE HER ANY ADDITIONAL PAIN. “ARISA… NO…IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT… “T IS… IF I JUST…WAS STRONG ENOUGH TO BE HONEST ABOUT HOW I FEEL,”“OW I FEEL… ABOUT YOU… “H? W...WHAT DO YOU MEAN?”“ARISA... PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP! THIS ISN'T LIKE YOU!” “t... doesn't matter anymore.” “e're gonna die in here... and it's all my fault... I'm so sorry!” “o, we won't! Come on, we have to think of something!” The situation was dire, but I was clinging to any hope I could get. I wasn't going to give up. Not yet! ...But... in truth, I was starting to buckle. “O… THERE’ NOTHING WE CAN DO. OR THAT I CAN DO. IF THERE WERE, I… I WOULDN’ HAVE GOTTEN US INTO THIS SITUATION IN THE FIRST PLACE.” “'m sorry,” She whimpered. “'m so, so sorry.” “ I asked, despair rising. “ Marisa was absolutely defeated. And so was I. “haha... dammit. To think this is how the last Hakurei dies.” And then Marisa dropped the bombshell. “ey, 'Mu?” She asked, weakly. She was slipping away slowly. “ “-I'm sorry...” “… I LOVE YOU. I’E LOVED YOU FOR AWHILE NOW… AND BECAUSE I DIDN’ KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH THAT, WE’RE BOTH GOING TO DIE IN HERE. I LOVE YOU…AND I’M SORRY… “ And with that, hope sprang anew within me. Knowing what I did now, I wouldn't let this stomach be my final resting place! “ “-what?” She seemed surprised. I wouldn't blame her... normal people would give up hope in such a hellish, smelly cramped chamber. But I couldn't. For her. “n three, we give it all we got!” “ She whimpered. She must have thought she was letting me down. I was about to show her otherwise. “ I fired on the walls, illuminating the stomach and exposing to myself just how hurt Marisa was-- I'd make Yuugi pay for this later. Before long, Marisa would join in. After a solid minute, the stomach would begin to act up... “ The drunken oni wailed, recoiling in pain. “amn it... maybe this time I'll chew ya...!” Yuugi lunged at me, but was clearly still not fully reoriented after our little surprised. I was easily able to dodge her-- my burns weren't nearly as bad as Marisa's, even if fighting naked felt weird to me. I delivered a strong kick to the side of Yuugi's head before firing off another Fantasy Seal to knock her out “hew... hopefully she'll be sober when she wakes-- I have questions for her. I'm sure you do too, eh Marisa? ...Marisa?” Marisa had passed out by now. With a soft sigh, I bound Yuugi with a binding chain spell, and I picked Marisa up, carrying her bridal style. She had multiple open, bleeding wounds. Not having the strength to fly, I wound up carrying Marisa for a fair bit. “ Satori snarked. “hat would be welcome, yes.” I groaned, narrowing my eyes. “o, what do I do now?” “ I was blushing furiously, speechless at the response. I would simply pull the covers over my head and wait. What I did not account for, however, was that Marisa was in the room, staring at me in bewilderment. I sure know how to pick 'em... not that I mind. I was sure we'd enjoy my new life together, after we recovered. |
Gin was fuming, pouting quite potently as she had gotten herself kicked out of the shrine yet again. Moping, she wandered down the road, feeling sorry for herself for the sin she had committed. It was one worshipper, just ONE worshipper! But no, she was out for the night. She had to find someplace, and quick. Fortunately, she knew just the place, and she was sure the host wouldn't mind! ...If she stayed out of sight. Erin had been listening to music on her phone while reading, something she loved to do in her off time. She was just relaxing on her bed, wearing her usual otfit consisting of a pink half-blouse and pleated skirt, and black thigh-length stockings. Of special note were her cat ears, tail, and wings-- she was a Nyangel, a divine being that was both catgirl and angel, something made all the more obvious by her halo. With where she was laying down, she had a perfect view of the room before her. Something that would be readily apparent to Gin as she tried to slip in through the window, getting the hem of her skirt caught on the edge! And when she tried to tug it free, part of the front of her skirt ripped off! “Aw, damn it! I can't believe my luck!” Gin whined, pouting profusely. “Kiyoko's really gonna let me have it when she lets me back in.” Frowning, Erin would remove her earbuds as she looked over the kitsune. She didn't seem so concerned that she just broke in. “Oh, Ginkiyo, not again...!” Erin helped her to her feet as the Nyangel looked over that skirt. “Do you need to change? You kinda left a skirt behind last time you broke in.” Gin tilted her head in confusion. “Wait, I left a whole skirt behind-Imeanwhat no I didn't break in!” All this got from Erin is a slight giggle. This was a regular occurrence- Gin would break in, mess around, steal food, and sneak back out. However, Erin didn't know what exactly Gin had in mind this time. As Erin went to go get this spare skirt of Gin's, she would sneak behind her, before, out of nowhere, she pounced the Nyangel. “Ah! Gin! What are you doing?!” Gin would lick her lips as she stripped offthe Nyangel's blouse, thankful that she didn't have to contend with a bra due to her wings. With a feral look in her eyes, Gin would taste Erin as she desperately struggled to push her off! “Stop it!” “Oh? But Erin, you taste so delicious!~” She mused, giving her another lick before grabbing her by the shoulders. “Now, in you go...~!” With just that little warning, she'd force Erin's head into her mouth as she began to swallow her down, reveling in the Nyangel's struggles! Erin would kick and push against Gin, but the kitsune was much stronger than her. She got no purchase! “Gin! Please, no! Not again!” She sobbed, trying to get free. She was slowly descending, her head being followed into the esophagus by her breasts and wings. Her skirt and then her panties slipping off. And her torso followed her breasts not long after as Gin tasted every inch. But then, a sudden stop. “Wha... huh... kyah?!~” She felt... aroused...?! “Gin, stop! Don't do that!” But the kitsune didn't listen. She would lick, taste, and penetrate her pussy, enjoying every inch of the naked Nyangel's nethers. Erin would struggle initially, but as she grew closer and closer to pleasure, she would also grow limp, unable to resist as she moaned and panted. All the while, the kitsune slid off her own pink and white striped panties and began to pleasure herself. Gin would keep at it for a solid minute, until... “N...nhhh... aaaaaaah~!” With one final moan, Erin's divine nectar flowed forth. Gin would lap it up, her tongue running across the surface of her pussy. The Nyangel would whimper softly, knowing what would come next. And indeed, that pussy, that ass, that tail would disappear down the kitsune's throat, followed by her legs. As she curled into the stomach, it would growl around her. “UUUUURRRRP!~ Ah, delicious as always~” Gin giggled as she rubbed her engorged stomach, now tighter around Erin due to Gin's rather rude burp. “Aaah, that hit the spot! You are such a sweet snack, Erin~!” Of course, Erin wasn't enjoying herself nearly as much, sobbing and struggling as she tried to break free. “Nooo, p-please, let m-me ouuuuut!” Erin whined, pressing against the stomach wall, banging on it. Gin however, would just rub Erin's form.~ The kitsune would rise, walk over to Erin's bed, and flop down on her belly. “O-ow! Please, s-stop Gin!” But of course, not much would change for Erin as Gin adjusted her position a bit, hugging her stomach. “Oh Erin, I just can't help it! You taste so delicious!” And certainly, it wouldn't be the last time either. “Are you serious, Gin?! You know this is the exact reason why I kicked you out for the day!” Kiyoko sighed softly, brushing her purple hair out of her bright red eyes. “Whaaat? I can't help it, she's so cute and tasty!” Gin pleaded, bound by ropes, Erin still within, sobbing and begging to be let free. “You do have a point... still, you can only keep her tonight and that's final!” Kiyoko sighed as she approached Gin, before rubbing Nyangel-filled stomach a little. She could not hide her blush very well as Erin squirmed to her touch. All the while, Gin smirked contentedly. Worth it. |
A Dragonic Delicacy Spike stood to the side of the entry to Twilight’s Castle, looking as important as he could because of the guests Twilight was receiving. Haakim and Amira were again delegating in Equestria. Difference this time, as opposed to the last two visits that had been official, being Haakim’s son wanted to know if it was possible for him to earn a Cutie Mark. Amira, on the other hand, would remain at the Crystal Castle while Haakim went with his son to meet the Cutie Mark Crusaders. While his Equestrian was shaky, he was knowledgeable enough to translate for the CMCs. The reason for Amira remaining was to delegate with Twilight about an un-needed peace treaty. Haakim had no wish to attack Equestria, but it was a necessary stipulation, as Haakim’s advisors kept “advising” their ruler to take what Saddle Arabia needed from Equestria by force. Their first visit was to Twilight, to get her permission to remain in Ponyville while everything was solved, and also to get her to delegate. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence would also be arriving, with Shining Armor and the new captains of the Canterlot Guard. The worry Twilight had was that Haakim would feel offended at having the new guards, but from the look on his face, being greeted at the train station by the guards was an honor for him. It made him feel welcome enough to receive an escort. One of those guards, as well as one each of Celestia, Luna and Cadence’s guards had gone with him to meet the CMCs and get his son the help he wanted. It was left to Spike to show Amira around Ponyville. Waving to Twilight, Spike walked down the steps and lead Amira down the street, talking the whole way. “So, young dragon, you are Princess Twilight’s servant?” She asked once they were out of ear shot of the princesses. Spike looked up at her and smiled. He was used to being shorter than the ponies around him, and Amira was more “horse” than “pony”. Tall and elegant, like the princesses, while Twilight and the other ponies were smaller and more petite. “Nah. Twilight hatched me from my egg. I was her first test when she got into Celestia’s academy for gifted unicorns, and she hatched me with her magic.” He smiled at her as they walked and she nodded, not quite understanding. “I am not sure I understand your meaning. She hatched you with her magic? Is this to mean that she used her magic to place your egg within her? To give birth to you the traditional way?” A blush graced the small dragons’ cheeks. “No, I mean she used her magic to cause my egg to hatch. She’s not my mom, but she’s my best friend. I guess she is the closest I’ve got to a mom, since I don’t know who my mom is.” She didn’t exactly look sadly at him, but the look on her face was one of understanding. “I do know that feeling, young dragon. My mother died in child birth, so I never met her, but when I was married to my husband, all things ceased to matter but him and our child.” He looked up at her and she shrugged her elegant shoulders. “I was betrothed to him upon my birth, and when I was old enough to bare children, I had one. He is the only child I have as of yet, but one is enough. He shall take my dear husbands place as lord of Saddle Arabia when he passes. At which time he shall seek out a wife of his own.” A smile graced her face and Spike nodded. It didn’t quite make sense to him, but he knew better than to say it out loud. “So, what would you like to see first?” He asked and she pursed her lips, as if trying to decide. “Do you have houses of pleasure here in Ponyville?” She asked off handedly. It wasn’t offensive of her to ask, but she seemed curious. A blush crept up Spike’s neck as he glanced at her. “What do you mean?” “A house of pleasure. I assume Equestrian politics did away with them years ago, but they were known as brothels, I believe.” She said and he shook his head rapidly. “No. I don’t think we have one of those. The only house I know of that brings me personally pleasure is Rarity’s house. She’s the most beautiful mare I’ve ever seen.” He said and a smile graced her face. “You don’t find me beautiful?” She asked and he blushed again. Tilting her head back and laughing, she nudged his shoulder with her fore hoof. “I joke with you, young dragon. I know I am beautiful. Even Celestia herself has said I am.” Which just told him that she wasn’t bosting. If Celestia called this mare beautiful, she meant it. She had called Rarity “lovely” before, but to Spike, Rarity was beautiful. “So, dear Spike, other than miss Rarity’s home, what other places bring you pleasure to be around?” “Well, Sweet Apple Acres does. It’s the closest thing Ponyville has to wild growth that is still safe. Other than the Everfree Forest, Sweet Apple Acres seems… comfortable, I guess. Not as comfortable as home, but still comfortable.” He said, leading her towards Applejack’s home. As they passed down the streets of Ponyville, they were only stopped a couple of times, once by Octavia to ask if Amira and her husband were looking for a musician and the second time by Applebloom and her friends, asking why Amira was a grown mare but didn’t have a cutie mark yet. The first question was answered with a gentle no but with a promise that if a musician was needed, Octavia would be contacted. The second had become a lesson, which the CMCs took to heart. Amira didn’t have a cutie mark because she wasn’t a pony like them. She was a horse, which was a slightly different species. They were genetic cousins, because they were both Equestrian in nature, but somewhere down the line her people had branched off from Ponies, giving up their right to a cutie mark. That seemed to upset them a little, but they agreed that Amira, who said it herself, was better off without one because it let her do whatever she wished to do without being restrained by having her entire life indicated by a mark on her rear. That had made Sweetie Belle moderately angry, but Amira had said, to dissuade an argument, that it was how she was raised to live. Ponies and Horses were different after all. Once they reached Sweet Apple Acres, they were greeted by Applejack and Granny Smith, who were having a sale on apples at the gate leading to their house. “Hey Applejack. Hi Granny Smith. This is Amira, a delegate from Saddle Arabia. Her husband and child are back with Twilight. I’m showing her around. She wanted to see what here in Ponyville made me happy.” Spike said as he and Amira walked up, ponies who were still buying apples giving her curious looks. Granny waved and Applejack nodded before going back to business. “So, these ponies bring you pleasure?” She asked and Granny shook her head, exasperated, and Applejack looked over at Spike. He smiled a little and looked up at Amira. “Not exactly. The orchard proper makes me happy. Applejack, can I show her the orchard itself?” “Sure sugar cube. She can even have a couple apples if she gets hungry while ya’ll’re in there.” Applejack said and Granny nodded. Sweet Apple Acres may be Granny’s land, but Applejack was in charge of the orchard. Spike smiled and led Amira passed the gate and into the orchard, passing by trees. The smell of apple blooms filled their nostrils, telling them that once this harvest was over, they’d be able to do yet another one not long after because they’d grow back soon. Amira smiled as the two of them wandered through the orchard, picking up an apple that fell out of the tree at her hooves. “What do you think?” He asked and she smiled a little. “It is rather lovely here.” She said, turning her back on him and looking around. Spike kept his eyes on the trees, not wanting to be rude, since she was so much taller than him. He was used to the nudity of his friends around him, since Ponies didn’t wear clothing, but Amira was new to him, a stranger, and a married mare. Hearing rustling behind him, Spike turned around only to have his vision blocked by Amira’s rear, her nether lips spreading over his head. He gasped in surprise, a sound echoed by Amira’s gasp of pleasure as she slowly lowered herself down onto him. When she stood up again, his feet left the ground and a contraction of her nethers had him sliding into her deeper. His legs kicked futilely, but with his size, it wasn’t long before all that wiggled outside of her were his feet. Almost as quickly as it had begun, his feet were sucked inside her and he could hear her moan of pleasure echoing around him. Settling inside her womb fully, Spike blinked at the darkness around him as his eyes slowly adjusted to reveal nothing around him but the pink innards of the Saddle Arabian delegate’s womb. Feeling her move, Spike struggled a little but she stopped. “Do not panic, young dragon. I shall not keep you in there long. It has been not much time since my own child was born and I missed the feeling. I shall release you when we have returned to your guardian.” She said and he stopped moving. Nodding to herself, she left the orchard, returning to the castle in short order. Spike wasn’t much of a bulge in her belly, but when she returned to the castle, Twilight could tell something was going on. With every jostle, a bulge appeared in Amira’s stomach. “Amira, my darling. Release her assistant please. Our talks have ended and we shall return home shortly.” Haakim said and Amira smiled. “My beloved, I shall remain here a while longer I think. I enjoy having the small dragon within me more than I had anticipated. I will take the next train home.” She said and Haakim started to argue until she gave him a certain look. The look in her eyes caused Twilight’s wolf to yip a little and she glanced over at him. He nodded then stood and padded passed Haakim. The silence that accompanied his exit from the map room was stifling. “Very well. You may remain until such time as you have released the small dragon. Our son and I shall return home and await your return, my beloved.” He said, nuzzling her neck gently as he and the colt strode from the castle. Two Months Later Spike rested against Amira’s side, the former empress of Saddle Arabia giving her title to her sister, who had shown an interest in her husband upon his return without her. She had since moved into Twilight’s castle in Ponyville, the castle seeming to extend as it had with Cassie, the kelpie, to give Amira her own room. She had insisted Spike sleep in her room as well, and the small dragon had spent many a night inside Amira’s womb and belly, the non-digestion spell having been cast on him already, and yet another modified and cast on Amira. She could still digest food, but living things could not dissolve, no matter which way they went into her. Rarity hadn’t exactly been jealous of Amira, getting all of the little dragons fawning aimed at her instead, but she’d been willing to help the former empress of Saddle Arabia out in getting gowns that suited her. While she didn’t always wear outfits, like the ponies around her, social occasions called for her to dawn clothes. In the same room was Twilight, who was rather annoyed with her new pet wolf, since he wouldn’t lay behind her so she could lean against his warm fur and instead kept himself between her and the taller mare. She wasn’t sure it was because he was worried she’d start to prefer Amira to him, but that he was more worried that she’d so readily given up her crown to be with Spike. Being that he didn’t talk much, if at all, she couldn’t exactly ask him. Kassie was also in the room, keeping her distance from the wolf since he was mildly snappish lately. The Castle itself had adjusted and given Amira a seat around the table that held the map, though it didn’t have an image of her cutie mark on it and it was large enough for the two of them. She sat in her seat with Spike nearly buried against her side. “So, I figure the castle is expanding to accommodate all of the more recent acquisitions around here. Myself, Kassie, Spike, and now Amira, so… I’d like to officially extend to each of you an invitation to move in with us. I’m sure the castle would accommodate you.” Twilight said and Applejack shrugged. “Ah’d like to sugar cube, but Ah gotta help out with the farm. Ah can’t just up ‘n leave to move in here.” Applejack said and Twilight nodded. Her reasoning made sense, not to mention her own personal “play time partner” was one of the dairy cows on her land. “I think we could do that. What do you think Blue?” Rainbow asked and the lamia nodded, her tail curling around her wife’s hoof. The lamia was trying to get the wolf to stop being a grump by giving him chunks of meat. Like him, she ate meat on a regular basis, unlike the others, and she knew it could calm him. What she didn’t know was it wasn’t just the meat that calmed him, it was the hunt. And it wasn’t food he wanted to hunt. His eyes remained locked on the kelpie, so it was clear he was angry with her, though no one could tell why. Fluttershy had tried to get him to try and tell her, but she said all she could get out of him was “anger”. Even Tipilire, who was easily taller than him, kept her distance from him when he was angry. In his eyes, however, someone who readily gave up their duty to care for everyone that relied on them, was not trust worthy. Twilight hopped up from Kassie’s side and trotted over to him, lightly touching his side and he blew air out of his nose, stood and padded out of the room. Sighing, Twilight turned back to her friends. “I can, but I’ll have to move my baking things here. You need a better kitchen Twilight.” Pinkie said and her frog croaked. What she wasn’t sharing was that she’d have to figure out a way to move her “party planning cave” from Sugar Cube Corner to the castle, something Twilight was sure she could help with if Pinkie would just ask. “I would of course have to move some things around, darling, but I’m sure I could move my business here. It would only be a matter of moving my supplies here and alerting my customers that they could find me here instead of at Carousel Boutique.” She said and Ember nodded. She hadn’t taken her new seat and instead chose to sit in Rarity’s chair, her arms wrapped around Rarity’s shoulders and holding her. “Tipilire and I would like to, but I need to stay where I am… the critters wouldn’t want to come into town to get away from any trouble in the Everfree.” Fluttershy said and Twilight nodded. It made sense, and she knew the Castle would alter itself to fit the others, likely giving Rainbow a room with a couple sky lights she could open easily when she needed to fly and Pinkie would probably get her Party Cave. Rarity would get what she needed to continue being a fashionista. It was likely they’d be moving into the castle and it would alter itself to fit them all. Needless to say, things were going to be rather interesting from that moment on. With Twilight and the rest of her friends happily around creatures that seemed rather happy to swallow and release them. And a spell Twilight had cast recently allowed them to remain swallowed for quite a while, no consequences. She’d cast it on all of her friends, and needless to say, they were quite happy with the new status quo. |
Lunar Deprivation. Celestia curled up in the tub behind Spike, bringing a sponge over with her magic and washing behind his frills, cleaning his ears better than he’d had them cleaned in weeks. It wasn’t normally Celestia’s magic, let alone any magic, holding the sponge to clean him, but Spike didn’t deny the Princess entering the tub behind him. As she scrubbed his scales clean, he used another sponge to clean his legs and lower regions. Once he was clean, she held the sponge to him and smiled. “My turn.” She said and he smiled a little, taking the sponge and scrubbing her shoulders. Normally, in Canterlot, Celestia either bathed herself or gave in to old tradition and had a “royal bather” come in to help her wash. Having Spike around made it easier, because then she didn’t have to call in an old letch to wash her or use magic to do something so trivial. As he scrubbed her, she let her eyes drift closed as she leaned against the side of the tub. When he stopped at her flank, she opened one eye and looked at him. “Why’d you stop Spike? I’m not going to be mad if you clean the rest of me.” She said with a smile and he blushed. “But… it’s just… the only part left is…” he said and she laughed a little. “I suppose it is a bit much to ask a baby dragon to clean a Princess there.” She said as she took the sponge from him and, though her words opposed her actions, began cleaning her nether regions in front of him. He averted his eyes, blushing as he had when he’d spent an evening with Luna and she’d stripped in front of him. This was only slightly different, as Celestia hadn’t stripped in front of him but had insisted he join her in the bath. Once she had finished cleaning herself, she stood and climbed out of the tub, levitating him out as well before giving him a towel to dry off with. While he dried himself off, Celestia wandered back into her room, still slightly wet, even with the towel draped over her flanks. As she sat down on a cushion, Spike joined her, freezing mid step as she flipped the towel off of her back. She wasn’t entirely dried off, and Spike could only wonder what was going to happen next. As she gestured him over to her with a wing, he blushed but walked silently over to join her. “It’s good to see you’re so lively, Spike.” She said and he stopped again and looked down. Her display had very clearly aroused him. “I’m… I’m sorry Princess…” She laughed and pulled him close to her with her magic, planting him beside her. “Don’t apologize for thinking I’m attractive Spike. It’s a compliment.” She said, laughing lightly as she went back to going through the scrolls she’d ignored in favor of bathing. Watching her, Spike realized she didn’t really want to go through paperwork. Getting a, rather inappropriate thought to take her mind off of it, Spike walked over and, mustering up as much courage as he could, walked around in front of Celestia and shoved his head into her mouth. Her eyes widened at how sudden it was, but she reacted the way he clearly wanted and swallowed. As his feet left the ground, Celestia tilted her head back and swallowed again. The slide down her throat was much quicker than Luna’s, clearly because Luna was smaller than Celestia was. But every swallow squeezed him tightly, and she was by far warmer. That may have had nothing to do with the Sun at all, or everything to do with it, but it felt as though everything about her was warmer. As he slid into her throat entirely, he felt her throat constrict around him as she swallowed again, sending him on a rather quick trip into her stomach. “Spike, that was… unexpected. Not unpleasant, but much unexpected. I’ll be sure to let you out by morning. And not to worry. I may be warmer than Luna, but I’ve learned several spells for just such an occasion. I’ll cast one before bed so I don’t digest you in my sleep.” She said before looking at the scrolls again and turning her nose up at them. Standing up, her much distended belly containing Spike wobbled a little as she walked to her bed. The Next Morning Spike woke up on Celestia’s bed instead of in her belly, as she had said he would. Sitting beside him, though once again poring over scrolls, was Celestia. She had a long day of work ahead of her, but she had to get some of these scrolls finished first. When he looked over at her, he couldn’t see her face, since she was pouring over a scroll, but he could tell by the set of her shoulders she was bored and annoyed. Running through ideas in his head to try and get her to relax, Spike’s brain worked double time. One idea was for him to suggest to one of the guards, at least one, that she needed some “stress relief”. Another idea was for him to offer it himself, even if he was just a baby dragon. Both ideas were squashed by the idea that A) Celestia probably had offers of “stress relief” on a regular basis and B) she may not appreciate his efforts. Almost unbidden, another thought slipped into his head as if planted there by someone else. It hit him when a breeze flowed in through the window and presented him with a view he saw often enough in Ponyville with Twilight and the others. Swallowing heavily, his eyes planted themselves on her nether regions. Walking forward as quietly as possible, because he was pretty sure she’d balk if he asked, he moved up behind her and stopped. His mind was made up, even if was a crazy idea he’d never get away with in any other situation. Sucking up his courage, he planted both hands on her rump, eliciting a surprised squeak from her that was quickly replaced with a, muffled, moan of pleasure as he shoved his head into her nether regions. Pushing lightly with his back and hips, he pushed his way into her, his motions assisted by her sitting up suddenly, pulling him into her up to his hips. “Spike… while I ah… appreciate the help… you…mmf… don’t have to…” She said, even as her hips clenched and unclenched, sucking him in bit by bit. Just a moment or two later, the only bits of him still outside of her was his feet, which just as quickly slipped into her and disappeared. As she sucked him inside her, her belly swelled again, this time as if she’d been pregnant for several months. Sitting up, she looked at her now bulbous womb and touched it lightly. “Spike… thank you. It has been several years since I had this sensation.” She said and Spike flicked smiled to himself. He wasn’t sure what she meant, but he’d been able to help at least. Later that Evening, Canterlot Royal Chamber. Celestia sat on her throne, Luna by her side, her belly still bulged out with Spike inside her womb, as Twilight and her friends, and the wolf named Knight, approached them. The look on Twilight’s face was rather funny. She’d told Luna the entire story and how she intended to return Spike to Twilight, with Luna’s help, of course. But Twilight had no idea that she’d also be helping. “Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked and the ruler of Equestria smiled. “Yes Twilight?” She asked innocently, her students eyes locked on her swollen belly. “Is… that Spike?” Twilight asked and she smiled again. “Why yes Twilight. It is. Would you mind helping me get him out?” “I have every intention of tricking her here too” she thought, sending the thought out to Twilight’s wolfish guardian. He looked at her then nodded once, sucking in a breath as well so it appeared as if he was just taking a breath. As Twilight walked over, Celestia smiled and stood, turning her back on Twilight and presenting not just her, but every guard in the room with her backside. Not something she did normally, but for her trick to work, she had to catch them all, except the wolf, off guard. He wouldn’t stop her because he all but knew she’d release Twilight later. As soon as Twilight’s horn lit up, Celestia’s did as well, blocking her students magic from grabbing Spike inside her. “Twilight, you should know better. You magic won’t penetrate me. You’ll have to reach in for him.” She said and Twilight swallowed, the sound audible to the guards around her. As Twilight sat back on her haunches and pressed her forehooves to Celestia’s marehood, the Princess of the Sun lurched backwards, her nether regions folding over Twilight’s hooves and head easily, as if the Princess of Magic were nothing more than a filly. She felt Twilight struggle but only smiled as she sucked her former student into her just as easily as she had Spike the previous night. When Twilight’s rear hooves left the ground, she turned back around, a blush on her cheeks, and addressed her friends. “I… mmm… I promise to return Twilight to you soon enough… I can’t keep her anyway. It will be a long while before I’m able to have a baby of my own, and no amount of magic could reduce Twilight and Spike to babies again. I only wanted her for a little while.” Celestia said and Rainbow stared, slack jawed, at the Princess. The other four ponies, and the wolf, stared awed at Celestia, but could do nothing to deny her. She had her way already. “I’ll be staying here then, Princess. That way I can escort them home.” The wolf said as he padded over, climbed the stairs to the throne Luna was sitting on, brushed passed her, turned, and sat down, curling up next to Luna. There was no third throne, and someone of his stature deserved a throne of his own. Luna shrugged and ignored him. With that settled, Rainbow nodded and, reluctantly, as if she hoped Celestia would want or be able to take a third or if Luna wanted to try, cause it looked like it felt awesome, the five of them left the castle. The Next Day Philomena landed outside of Rainbow’s home, squawking to wake them up in case they were still sleeping. Blue looked over at the phoenix and slithered over. Philomena proceeded to belch in front of her, releasing a letter that floated down and landed on Blue’s outstretched hoof. “Thanks. I’ll give this to Rainbow. I’m guess Twilight and Spike are home now?” Philomena nodded before winging off. A smirk graced the Lamia’s lips as she slithered back over to her wife and lay down, setting the letter on the table to read later. Twilight and Spike were home after having spent an entire day inside Celestia’s womb. They were likely very different, but it was for tomorrow. Curling back up around her wife, Blue rested her head on Rainbow’s comfortable, fluffy wings and slipped back into sleep. |
“I bet you a horde of gold that I could eat you!” Erinwing Torchard didn't know what to make of who or what was in front of her. It looked like a hybrid of some sort; the neck gills resembled that of some of the more aquatic salamanders while in place of a tail was a massive striped abdomen seen on insectoids. But the overall shape was similar to that of a Human except this hybrid was barely the size of the palm of her hand. She scratched her head with a clawed hand at this curiosity sitting on the kitchen counter. It looked more like a snack than a person. A very annoying snack. “Listen little one, I need to head to work. I can't be bothered sticking around here entertaining tiny intruders into my lair...” “Oh, you don't think I'm capable of the task?” the creature asked Erinwing “I thought you Red Dragons never backed down from a challenge! I don't see why you're turning away easy money!” Erinwing frowned “I don't know who you are or what you think you're doing by challenging my honour like that. But... if you are seeking to challenge me, Erinwing Torchard, then I will seal your fate!” The tiny creature laughed, then belched loudly “Either way, you won't be needing your job...” ------- Erinwing sighed as she flopped down on her couch. The very drunk hybrid stood on the armrest on the other side where her scaly tail was flopped over. “So who are you supposed to be anyway? Some sort of retro waitress? Because I could use more coffee over here honey!” the hybrid teased with another loud belch. “Very funny... and you're supposed to be some sort of doctor or scientist with that labcoat getup of yours?” Erinwing snapped back “Or did you steal them from the secret lab you escaped from?” “Oh I got my degree alright... turns out if you want a job in science you need a bit of paper saying you are a genius...” the hybrid tried to pick up Erinwing's tail; the dragon squirmed it about out of reflex. “And now I can call myself Doctor Sospin Uzu.” Sospin's mouth opened wide and she plunged her lips over the tip of the tail. Almost immediately the dragon felt the moist wetness of her tiny mouth over the sensitive limb. “Remember, you bet a horde of gold on this... you better deliver, Doctor Uzu. Then I will eat you for thinking you can eat me with that tiny body of yours.” The hybrid said nothing for she was already sliding her way down the tail; her mouth and neck stretched out greatly as the limb widened. At least until the first spine. Erinwing giggled “Stuck already? Maybe I can still catch the next bus...” She reached for her phone when the wet feeling on her tail started to spread at a rapid pace. She looked back only to find that her long red tail had turned a pale blue; the hybrid had it completely within her tiny body making her look like some sort of tail sock for the dragon. “What the...?” Erinwing said in surprise, dropping her phone to the floor. “That's...” There was a muffled sound coming from her rather plump rear that probably indicated laughter or smugness. “No... you can't do this to me!” Erinwing protested as her buttocks were soon following within this very stretchy maw. She rolled off the couch and reached for her phone; the device had bounced quite far from where she was. “That's impossible! Someone that small shouldn't be capable of this...” Her legs began to buckle and curl up as the soft, wet lips of the hybrid made part of their way across her thighs; saliva dripping over her bare flesh. “No... stop that!” Sospin didn't seem like she was going to however; she was already getting to work curling up the tail in anticipation for the next addition to her stretchy belly. Her tongue briefly ran across Erinwing's crotch, soaking her panties wet. Erinwing tried to grab at the hybrid, seeing if she could pull her off. Her tail wiggled and thrashed in Sospin's belly but the digestive organ held strong, easily weathering those blows against it. Her rear end was making its way inside now as Erinwing stood on all fours, like her ancestral forebears; she didn't have to wonder long as to how the hybrid was going to get her legs and back inside that impossibly stretchy belly; she could see that the mouth continued to stretch around them, drool leaking out from the middle. She tried to spread her legs wide as she frantically searched the floor for her phone, buy herself some extra time but then her knees started feeling very moist, followed by her shins as the hybrid devouring her body brought them together, causing her to flop to the ground. As the mouth slipped over her clawed feet, Erinwing looked under the couch and saw it... her phone! She frantically tried to reach out for it. “Of all the places... come on!” she screamed, legs moving tightly inside the hybrid's body. At this point, Sospin was like a pair of trousers wrapped around her form. Sospin was curling up the dragon now, preventing her from moving too much and going for that phone. It was a short-lived struggle as the mouth and belly won out, forcing more and more of Erinwing inside, right up until the chest. The dragon was rather stacked in that department; the extra tips she received after a shift was evident of that. “Thank the gods...” she whimpered, still reaching forwards, clawed fingers brushing against the case of her phone. “Just... need to...” Then there was another loud gulping sound and her chest was forced and squished inside the hybrid's mouth. She watched in horror as that phone began slipping away from her, shoulders and arms forced against her sides as the wet mouth made its way up to her neck, soaking into her short hair. “No! This can't be!” Erinwing shouted as the lips passed over her head, reducing her vision to that of two sets of teeth and an overly stretched mouth. She made one last-ditch effort with her hands, fingers grabbing the edge of the phone and pulling it towards her only for it to slip from her fingers once more. “No” she shouted, her world going dark as she plunged into the tight belly, gripping the air hard. Sospin finished up devouring her prey, slipping the clawed hands within her overly stretched body. She rested in the middle of the living room atop a massive dragon-girl-shaped bulge like it was her own hoard of treasure. “See, I told you I could do it!” she declared with a satisfied belch. “This is not fair!” Erinwing shouted, her voice heavily muffled by the flesh. “You can't just think you can get away with this! I'll call for help and they'll cut you open! You can't even move with me in here you fat pig!” Sospin laughed loudly “Is that so? You think I didn't account for that when I decided you would make for a good meal?” “What... what do you...” Sospin closed her eyes and placed her hands on her belly. With a loud grunt and a push on the stretched-out walls, the bulge got even tighter, curling up Erinwing even further inside. The dragon struggled and fought back against this move of course but the efforts were rather futile. The belly began to shrink down as Sospin pressed her hands even harder. It was as if the extra mass was going down a drain as it seemed to vanish before her eyes. Erinwing's legs were the first to slide away, followed by the chest, those large orbs leaving less and less of an impression. The dragon-girl bashed her hands against the stomach walls as the space tightened and tightened, face clearly shown in horror as she was being pressed deeper into whatever it was the hybrid was sending her towards.Then the arms vanished leaving her with a very pudgy belly in the massive shape of Erinwing's head. “It's so tight in here!” “Tell me about... grrr... it” Sospin grunted, pressing her hands on her meal's forehead “You don't know how many internal organs I've had to shift about to fit you in... your fat ass is pressing against the base of my spine...” “That... that doesn't... how...” Erinwing's voice soon vanished as Sospin pulled her all the way inside. She sat up and admired her work. The scientist's belly was flat and trim, as if she hadn't just packed in a whole person several times her size. She looked about the room and spotted the phone Erinwing was trying so hard to reach. Sospin put her hands on the screen only to be greeted with a black background and ominous red text. “Low Battery” the hybrid concluded with a chuckle and another loud belch, spitting up some fabric. “Well Erinwing Torchard, welcome to your new home... however long it lasts.” ------- “Welcome back Sospin, how did your field studies go? You find what you were looking for?” “Oh I certainly did. It was a great contribution to science, Binah.” |
I, the great and powerful goddess Erinwing Torchard was hungry once more. This was unacceptable! Everyone knows that all divine beings need to eat! My belly ached and rumbled as I swung out of bed; the floor was harsh and cold on my talons but I did not have any better options. There used to be carpet but my claws proved too strong for the weak fabric. On my dresser was a cage used to hold small animals. Of course, I didn’t use it to carry animals… at least not ones I’d call a pet. Keeping pets was not exactly something I did very often. And on that note, the cage was empty. Empty! The morsels I had been keeping in there must have escaped overnight. I checked the smaller cages dangling off my horns. I love to keep plenty of them as jewellery. Not many people would consider them to be fashionable but I’ve been more about practicality. And it was fun to listen to their helpless cries for mercy. Just like that big cage, all the others were empty, their doors wide open. Even the one I had down my massive chest I wore as a pendant. The ungrateful morsels had broken the locks and snuck out! Don’t they know about serving their goddess and her hunger? I sighed and grabbed my bag. “I guess it’s time to get some takeout” I said aloud before I stomped my way out into the world. ------- This of course wasn’t my normal world; my world was a horrible, miserable place but there was always plenty to eat. Out here was different. It was still horrible and miserable and there was still plenty to eat. But the catch is that everything is made for those smaller than even my smallest clawed finger. So when I wanted breakfast it was less hunting and more foraging… and the only thing to forage of course were tiny morsels. So I spread my wings and took to the skies over my house. Before I took it over, the building was used to store airships. At least that’s what the urban explorers said before they met their fate. So that was something at least. A goddess of my size could use a bigger house though. Anyway, satisfied that my domain was uncontested for the moment, I headed for the nearest town. Normally I would have landed at the outskirts and started raiding the houses. It’s really nice when you can peel the roofs off of a building and devour the scared morsels within one-by-one. But I wasn’t born yesterday when it came to tracking and hunting my prey. I landed in the nearby hills and looked over the area, trying to find the largest building in town. After all, it was early morning and a lot of cars were on the road. My hunch was correct and I spotted the structure. It about half as long as I was tall and decorated with glass windows all over. People were gathering within in huge numbers, dressed in fancy clothes. It was perfect and my stomach agreed. So I waited a bit. If I leapt into action now, the congregation would scatter and be harder to devour. But once enough were inside… It didn’t take long; a few more cars arrived and families wandered in and the main doors were shut. Music started playing on pipe organ. I didn’t care for what the song was about. The morsels had these weird beliefs in a greater power and it just happened to not include me in it. As far as I was concerned, eating them was divine retribution. I’m the only real goddess after all. So I took flight, gliding over the building. I smiled as I no doubt gave the morsels a great view of their goddess’s divine form. I think the man at the pulpit was shivering. Good. They were putting their fear in me. Then I landed at the doors, shoving my talons through while I leaned over the top. It was such a pretty structure I had to admit. There were a lot of panicked voices. I think I heard them calling me a demon or a devil or something. I heard that a lot from those sorts of cultists. They can’t tell that I’m a dragon? “Pray all you want, little morsels… your god will not save you” I shouted, raising a claw above their scared little faces and bringing the roof down upon them. I used my tail to collapse the other exits to the building so my breakfast wouldn’t be able to escape so easily. Now I had free reign over the crowds. I could pick and choose who I wanted to eat first. I started with those who had chosen to flee towards the front; I could feel them hammering against my sharp talons or trying to climb them. Didn’t the fools know that those were my feet? I scooped them up by the dozens, holding them in my claws high above the ground. My presence, my beautiful divine face in their view paralysing most with fear. A few tried to clamour down but I nudged them back. I couldn’t help it but add some more teasing. “Worship me and I may yet be merciful.” And what do you know but they started getting on their knees and shouting prayers to their horned goddess. Oh how easy the morsels flip-flop. I looked towards the pulpit to find that the priest wasn’t there; only a stage of kids and the pipe organ player. Then my stomach grumbled loudly. I had food right there in my hands so of course I just threw it into my mouth, swallowing loudly. At their size, it was much easier to just swallow them and it meant they could struggle and squirm in my guts until their met their fate, becoming a part of my divine form. I looked at the people on the ground; they were still shouting their prayers up at me or still trying to flee. I wiggled my talons to shake off the climbers and with a mighty laugh said to them “Then again, maybe not!” I scooped up even more, throwing them in my mouth, running their tiny forms over my tongue. There was a reason why I called them morsels... because you can only get the real flavour out of people in large crowds. And they tasted absolutely delicious. Another loud gulp and another scoop. Whoever the morsels were worshipping before my arrival must have been very popular. Thousands of people all at my mercy. It would take the better part of the morning to eat them all so I decided to speed things up. I crouched down into the building, my knees easily smashing the walls. Now everyone could gaze upon me, especially at my stomach. They would know what it would be like on the inside soon enough. Reaching out in a wide circle, I pulled the massive crowds towards me. One of the stranger things I found out about myself was that I was a lot more flexible than I thought. I couldn’t do fancy gymnastics or squeeze myself into a suitcase but I could however stretch my mouth wide enough to engulf entire houses or in this case, a crowd. So that’s what I did. Those thousands of scared, reverent people easily slid into my mouth in one big mass of humanity. I stood up and patted my bulging cheeks, feeling them squirming in there, either trying to escape my tightly-sealed lips or preventing others from doing it so they could try. Ah morsels were so funny like that. But in the end their efforts were futile. I leaned my head back and swallowed, sending them all down in my awaiting throat, the large mass bulging out my neck and parting my chest as they would soon enter my stomach. I rubbed my gut as it began to poke outwards. A few thousand morsels wouldn’t strain the jumpsuit. I certainly had to have more though. That’s when I heard the sound of an engine starting and there I saw it; the pastor was trying to escape in something the morsels would call a sports car. Too bad my feet were faster than it and he ended up slamming right into it as I blocked his exit. I picked up the wrecked machine and shook the morsel out of it. He seemed angry, shouting about how much money his vehicle cost and how many donations he needed to purchase it. Not my problem. In fact, I demonstrated just how little I cared about his lavishness by eating the car. Not something I did often of course but sometimes you have to eat a few buildings or cars to get to the meat. And with that, I gave a most satisfied belch and smiled at the morsel. He was on his knees, begging for his life. He started making all sorts of apologies to his god for living a sinful life and fleecing people of their money. Again, not my problem. But then he said he'd give me all his money if I spare his life. He promised riches beyond my wildest dreams if I spared him. Well, of course I accepted. Dragons love wealth after all and I have a hoarding instinct. But of course I had my own condition as well for him. I opened up the door on one of the cages I wore as an earring. I like to use these as a front row seat for morsels where they have nothing else to do but watch helplessly as I devour their community and I can hear their cries for mercy much more clearer than if they were on my horns or wings. And with my new prisoner dangling from my ear, and a big belly filled with thousands of wiggling and squirming morsels I said to myself “I wonder what’s for lunch?” |
I, the great divine goddess Erinwing Torchard loves her destruction of the property of morsels. Sure it was a shame to see that beautiful glass temple get smashed by my godly powers but it was necessary. After all, they should have known not to put their faith into gods that were not actually there. The priest dangling from the cage on my earring was a testament to that. The True Church even says we are our own gods and goddesses. There are no others above us and all should fear our power. Phew… eating that crowd certainly has put me into a spiritual mood. Guess I should look for something a bit more exciting for lunch. Maybe there would be something like that in another town. I spread my wings wide and jumped, leaving a huge mark in the road with my talons. Ah why not? I can probably start a few fires on my way out. I opened wide and took a deep breath, sending out a line of fire across the ground starting from the wreckage of the temple and over several houses and gardens. I finished it off with a gas station, causing it to erupt a most satisfying plume of flame. As I flew off into the clouds, my jumpsuit felt a bit more loose in the chest. I guess I might have overdone it. Oh well, I’m sure by the time I’ve found lunch I’ll have regained that and more. Well actually… what’s a little snack on the way? The morsels were flying several planes in the sky. I had already picked one out as it was flying low and slow; probably going in for a landing or something. Then I cut across its flight path at high speed, plucking it out of the air with my talons like I had just grabbed a bird. My sharp nails tore into the wings and tail and bent them off so there was no chance of escape. Also, I just didn’t like the taste of jet fuel. With the crippled plane in my grasp, I broke it in half like it was a large loaf of bread. Then I tossed both into my hands and sucked the contents out like seafood. Passengers and crew were dropped into my mouth and I slurped them down to join everyone else digesting in there. I could still feel there was a lot of movement so I decided maybe I could give them a false hope of holding out. So I took both halves of the plane and ate them, crunching the shiny metal frame into tiny pieces with my very sharp teeth. My lovely belly swelled out a bit more from the added food but I groaned in disgust. That plane tasted horrible. Now I knew why comedians made jokes about airline food. Anyway, since that plane looked like it was going in for a landing it must mean there was an airport nearby and therefore a city. Cities were great sources of food with all those tall buildings and large structures. I probably could have made my home in a mall if it were not for all the morsels that would be frequently bothering me. Probably saying things like how the people I’ve eaten have families or that I shouldn’t be devouring them. I’d never get any sleep. Anyway I remembered something about morsels and how similar they are to my own people. On the same day of those mass religious gatherings were also when major sports games were held. So no doubt the stadium in the city would be crowded. My mouth watered in delight and I probably destroyed a car or two as I swooped in towards the large field inside the city. I didn’t even try to avoid the tall buildings, using my horns to smash right through. Too bad it was a weekend. All of the buildings would have been filled the next day. My little earring prisoner screamed in horror as I went in. No… wait that wasn’t him screaming in horror. The screaming was coming from the stadium itself. I thought they’d be too focused on the game to notice me landing on the stands. And then on the big screen above the scoreboards I saw it… there was someone else here! She looked just like the morsels I had planned on eating except a lot larger; almost up to my knees in height. Her belly was almost half as tall as she was. No doubt that inferior being had been eating my food! I growled in annoyance and slammed my talons hard on the ground behind her. I could have just devoured her right on the spot for daring such a thing but I looked at the stands; the crowds of people had been corralled already by even smaller beings. Probably over a hundred or so ranging from half the size of their goddess to being about a head or so larger than the people they were eating. All of them were stuffed almost as comically. Anyway, the inferior being jumped in surprise at my presence. She stammered out something about how she was a great and powerful goddess (as if that pathetic being could ever match up to my power) and if I were to cause trouble, she and her followers would smite me. I laughed and knocked her over with a swift kick to the back. The wretch fell on her belly and squealed like a pig. “Were you planning to eat this entire crowd?” I asked her, poking her exposed belly. It felt rather pleasant to the touch… and it gave me an idea on what to do with her next. So I grabbed her from behind with a talon and held her up to the crowds. She was begging me to let her go, offering to let me have the rest of the morsels, and that she was already full. “I know you’re lying about that last part. You’ve hardly even started. How many you got in there? Two thousand? Five?” I gave her a squeeze, the flesh very squishy. Even my sharp talons barely scratched her. Yeah this woman was very stretchy. I told her to devour everyone she had gathered in the stadium. If she could manage that, I would let her and her followers go. And I was true to my word on that. Erinwing Torchard never dishonours a deal after all… She had grabbed several handfuls of morsels and was shoving them down with great speed. But after about a thousand or so, so slowed down, claiming that she was too full. I growled and stomped the ground hard, shaking up the stands. That got her motivated to continue. Her followers even joined in, grabbing people and stuffing them into her bulging cheeks, helping her swallow. Soon the false goddess before me was a giant mass of stretched flesh almost twice her own size. It was actually rather beautiful to see. It was wriggling and squirming about in screaming terror. There was a loud hearty belch and she asked if I could let her go… “What did I say were the conditions of the deal?” I smirked and crossed my arms “Because you haven’t fulfilled your end of the bargain.” “But… I did as you said… I ate all the morsels.” “I said you must devour everyone you had gathered in the stadium” and smiled as the realisation dawned on her pretty little face as she glanced at her followers. “But… I can’t… they’re…” “You gathered them in the stadium, they have to be eaten.” I honestly didn’t care what the relationship was; but considering how hesitant she was and how much apologising she was doing… I think they were good friends. But still, it was no matter as they would be her food. I sat down on my knees, straddling either side of her belly. She was begging me, that she couldn’t possibly fit any more let alone her friends. Excuses, excuses. One of the larger morsels tried nibbling on my tail so I shoved them in the mouth of their goddess first. She tried to keep her greedy gob shut but I was much stronger, opening her mouth with my claws and stuffing her friend in along with a lot of my tail. The insolent wretch tried to clamp down on it as if she was going to take me in there. But I’m the real goddess around here and much stronger than her. I laughed and rubbed my head against the fleshy mound. There was still plenty of screaming within to listen to as my tail grabbed more of the morsels. It seems her followers were all trying to attack me now, hammering away uselessly at my divine body. Well OK maybe I did feel a punch or a kick or two. But those were the bigger morsels and so I stuffed them forcefully inside their leader. She was actually crying now. Pathetic! But after some more forced meals (she apologised every time to her food as I brought them inside), it was down to her last follower. She was one of the smallest and I could have mistaken her for one of the ordinary morsels if not for the gut half her size. “Only one more left and you can go free…” I teased, dangling her above her mouth. The wretch gave out a loud belch and shouted about how I was a monster. “But that’s just the thing... this little morsel is so cute… I might just keep her” I tilted my head and threw her into one of the cages dangling from my horns. Sure, the locks may have been busted but a few squeezes of my claws on the bars and that door wasn’t going to open any time soon. I don’t think she understood as she had to ask if that meant I was finally letting her go. “You still haven’t eaten everyone you gathered. Which means until you eat my little prisoner here, I can still do whatever I want to you. You should have been more eager to stuff that belly of yours with everyone.” Oh how she screamed again at how unfair I was being. Well, I never did say I couldn’t take prisoners and I have plenty of cages. But anyway I had myself a new squishy pillow. I grabbed her by the belly and held her under an arm like I had wrangled a nice fat hog and then took to the skies. I set fire to the stadium as well just because I felt like it was necessary and looked to my first prisoner. “Alright rich morsel, show me where the wealth is. Then I’ll be having this little piggy for dinner.” |
Even a powerful goddess such as myself was exhausted from all this flying around. And the fact I had to carry around extra baggage wasn’t helping matters much. Oh that pathetic wretch was complaining about how she wasn’t a pillow and that she would get revenge. If it wasn’t for how good her bloated belly felt to the touch, I would have just had her for lunch right now. Anyway, I was certain I was nearly home though. I could hear the prisoner I had on my earring complain about how cold it was and how he wasn’t dressed for warmth. Oh poor baby… can’t handle a little cool air? Did he think my jewellery had air conditioning? Well he was promising wealth beyond my wildest dreams and I did promise to keep him alive. So I told him I could move him someplace warmer but I had no idea where he lived. And he had a tiny phone tucked away in those robes next to several books. All of them looked so very shiny. Did he really stud the covers with gemstones? If he were from my world no doubt he’d be one of those fools from the Church. Heard they hoard all that gold in preparation for their “war”. If they really were so adamant in their beliefs, they should be hoarding firearms like I had been at the Compound… I was distracted… why does that man keep having to bring up my past like that? I looked towards the sun then to my right. “No you foolish demon! You’re flying south! You need to head this way!” I glared at him and then opened the cage door. He seemed to be pointing frantically away from the sun. Did he think I couldn’t navigate in the air? A goddess such as myself never got lost doing something as simple as flying from one place to another. Birds and bats did this all the time and they’re just a bunch of animals. “And why should I be heading that way? The sun is to my right. When I came to the city it was to my left and when I was at your town, I had flown sunwards.” See, easy enough to follow. The insolence! He was facepalming at me! I should just throw him back into the earring. He won’t get any warmth with that attitude! Or maybe feed him to the pillow. Then he had the nerve to tell me that where he was pointing would be the fastest way. I sighed and turned in the direction he was pointing and then withdrew the cage stuffed down my chest. It seems breakfast was coming along just nicely; my jumpsuit was feeling very tight even though it was open nearly all the way. That’s another great thing about this place. Once those morsels digested, they went straight to my most important assets. And that prisoner was going to get a good look at them. I shoved him into that cage and let it sink down into my divine chasm, the chain necklace being the only way for him to be recovered. I’m sure he’d be very warm in there while I flew back; not that I’d keep him in there forever. He didn’t deserve that kind of special treatment. It wasn’t long until I could see large houses and swimming pools below… looks like the sort of place a wealthy man like my little prisoner might be staying at. Well, guess I should get started on dinner. The ground shook as I landed heavily on one of the larger houses, crushing it right through the floors. I think my talons squashed a lot of people sitting down for a fancy dinner. Lifting my feet I saw someone survived… well not for long as I threw them into my mouth. I think he said something about their friend. Grace or something. Well if she was there either she was a tiny smear of red on my red scales or another little snack. I threw down my large pillow and sat on top of her belly as I surveyed my surroundings. She was a very comfortable seat and there were still enough people in there to be screaming in terror. I could barely hear mine now. Morsels can be surprisingly enduring in my guts but even they will eventually gurgle away before the day is done. I grabbed the chain necklace and pulled out the cage. My little prisoner was sweaty. Heh, well being in there would be pretty warm and I did work up a great big sweat. “Alright, which one of these buildings has the treasure?” I asked him, dangling the cage close to my mouth. Mmm, he looked soaked enough that he’d slide down really easy. Still though… anyway he pointed out the mansion he was using. He said it was his summer house but I was too busy smashing through his grounds to care. I let him out at the entrance and told him not to try anything funny. I can’t wait to get all that treasure. Maybe he had enough gold that he could swim in but I could carry in my bag… he could afford all sorts of things after all. Like for example he had a hangar… I tore off the roof and picked up the aircraft within like it was a toy. Was a toy… is a toy. I stood up and threw the aircraft at another nearby mansion. I expected it to at least glide like a paper plane but instead it nosed right into a pool. Well so much for that. Well the morsel was coming out of the building now. I plucked him off the ground and asked… demanded where the wealth was. He did promise wealth beyond my wildest dreams. That’s when he held up another one of his tiny phones except it was a little bigger. How the fuck was I supposed to read or see what was on that? “I’m telling you, these are the most valuable items I have! They cost more than all my assets combined! It’ll make you wealthy beyond your wildest dreams!” I squinted. Nope, still couldn’t see it. Maybe if he flashed it up on a big-assed television screen… he probably has one of those. So I smashed my claws through the front of the building, lifting up the floors until I saw what looked like the home theatre. The priest seemed to get the message and then I saw it flashed up on the screen the so-called wealth. No, I won’t describe it at all. Just that it was fucking hideous. No doubt about it. He claimed it was his most valuable asset. I wondered why someone would even consider paying that much for… whatever the fuck I was looking at. No, I may be a monster and I certainly enjoy being that and doing whatever I wanted to the morsels… but for once I think we could be on the same page. This was the work of a real monster and it needed to be put to an end. I set the building ablaze and roared angrily, snatching the priest off the ground. I wasn’t going to eat him. That would be too good for him. I wanted him to suffer before then. I knew just where and it was back inside the cage necklace. He would sweat it out inside my deep, divine chasm. He can beg and plead for mercy all he wishes from his false gods. He can even beg and plead for mercy from me, the real goddess but I will not grant it to him. “Any last words, morsel?” I asked him. “You can’t just destroy an NFT like that! They’re in the block…” Some might think I was going easy on him or they’d wish they could be in there. Well I wonder how long they’d change their minds after a few days of being trapped in there… actually no I don’t wonder. They don’t deserve that much attention. I smashed my talons through what was left of the priest’s house and then made my way across the grounds, tearing up the gardens. It wasn’t ideal food, but I helped myself to the flower beds and hedges… and of course the greenhouse. I didn’t even tear off the roof and feast on the plants within, I just wrapped my lips around it and swallowed in one gulp. My gut would do the rest in crushing it up. With a loud belch, I rubbed my swollen belly, the sounds of glass shattering and screams echoing upwards. Uggh… I wonder who said that people should eat the rich… this was not going to work. Each house was too far apart and not packed with a lot of meat. I should really find my way back home before it gets too dark. Considering how I can’t just navigate using the sun on this world, I think if I fly in some wide circles around the nearby town I’ll eventually find it. OK that was not exactly the best idea I had once I actually started flying overhead. Looks like I may have to find a nice spot in the forest to sleep. Less likely to be bothered there than if I went into the town and I’m not a stranger to roughing it out under the stars. Yeah overall it was a nice day. Had a few thousand morsels and I got to try a variety of different meals. But even a goddess such as myself needed to rest. I placed down my pillow. She of course complained about being called a pillow but she was in no position of power as I reminded her, showing the so-called goddess her place by resting my head and arms on top of her bloated belly, squishing it and spreading it like it was memory-foam. I think I was going to have a very relaxed night with the comforting sounds of morsels being digested and screaming in my ears. And in the morning I would probably have her for breakfast… unless I have that dream about the marshmallows again… And of course I couldn’t even do that before I heard voices and the rumble of engines. It was very dark out so I hadn’t been sleeping long and my pillow hadn’t done much digestion of her prey. Good thing I’m a side-sleeper because I could make out some shapes. It looked like a group of tanks and trucks were approaching me. Well now, I doubt they’d pose much of a threat to a goddess like myself… I’m a dragon after all. This wouldn’t be the first time the morsels tried something dangerous against me. I waited for them to get close, pretending I was asleep. Then I opened my mouth and spat out a jet of flame at the vehicles. That got them scattering. I could see soldiers leaping from the trucks as they went up in flames. The tanks didn’t seem to be affected, but I expected as much. As I sat up, one of the tanks was tracking my chest. I smiled and parted them for the gunner’s benefit. I think my little caged prisoner was shouting something about not shooting. Oh no that wouldn’t do, so I reached out and grabbed the tank as it tried to back away. I put the barrel right up to my heart to demonstrate how futile their attack would be. BANG! There was a sharp impact but it didn’t even pierce my skin. It was like being hit with a marble. Before it could get a second shot off though, I turned the turret away and laughed as it blew up one of the trucks. “You dare try and hurt the great and powerful Erinwing Torchard, your goddess?” I taunted with a very loud, exaggerated laugh. Suddenly I was flashed with several large spotlights. I was so distracted by playing with the tank that I forgot to listen out for the pair of helicopters that were attempting to surround me. They seemed to know my reach as well as I couldn’t just swat them out of the sky from where I was sitting. Was that the annoying screech of a loudspeaker microphone? Fuck, why do they always do that!? They seemed to be demanding my surrender or else they’d open fire. Oh so when the tank did it, that wasn’t it was it? Speaking of the tank, well I wasn’t going to surrender to these morsels just because they asked. I threw the tank at one of the helicopters. The helicopter exploded and the other began firing at me. I held up my arm to help absorb the gunfire. Sure my skin is tougher than dragon scale, but my claws are even tougher. It was the right call as there was a big explosion; it was firing missiles at me and probably a lot more powerful than those tank cannons. This would not do! I would have to crush these pathetic forces and find someplace else to sleep. I leapt to my feet and fired off a jet of flame at the gunship as it was rising and backing off. My tail swept across the ground and grabbed one of the tanks. Yeah that would do the trick. Or so I thought only to find that the pilots were on to my tricks and easily avoided my next throw. I held up my arm to my face to block the next missile strike. On the ground, the morsels seemed to be trying to attack my legs with guns and grenades. Fools. I swept them aside as well. Fuck… again with the loudspeaker. Oh now they’re telling me that even if I defeat them, I’ll still be hunted down and that I’d be captured. Well they shouldn’t be trying to do that. I laughed of course and spread my wings wide. Guess I’ll have to find a new place to sleep, now where was my pillow? I could take down the gunship with a… She was gone! I thought she couldn’t move with her gut so bloated like that but the more you know. Fuck, there goes my breakfast. Well, enough taking missile strikes to the hands. Guess I’ll have to get an early start on my flight away. I leapt into the air, wings spread wide and what do you know, the aircraft couldn’t stay flying when my claws got in between those rotor blades. My scales were stronger than those flimsy things after all. With the helicopter disabled, I didn’t give the pilots a chance of escaping. I swallowed the machine whole, letting my tight throat crush the frame on the way down until it settled into my gut. It wasn’t that filling but it would do. Now then, it was time to leave. I’d need a new place to sleep until morning and it wasn’t going to be in that clearing. I could find my way back home once I had some proper daylight. There was just a nagging question in my head though once I did get some sleep… and that would be: What would I have for breakfast? |
I, the great and powerful goddess Erinwing Torchard was not hopelessly lost on this world! That would be rather unbecoming of my divine power if that were the case. No, I had plenty of hope that I’d find my way back home, back to a somewhat proper bed… or at least something that was better than sleeping out in the wild like an animal. It just so happened that this world’s sun doesn’t work as it did back home. Instead of going up and down each day and acting as a constant beacon of guidance, this one travelled across the sky, completely throwing off my navigation. Also, this curve thing makes it really hard to see into the distance. But enough complaining about space; the details are left for those rocket scientists and nerds. I needed to find a place to rest and get some food to eat. It was early morning and I had been flying through the night to escape from a meddlesome military force. Not that I didn’t handle it but there would be more coming to bother me through my sleep if I didn’t move so here I am… Well it looks like a field with some tall grass. Yes, that feels really nice under my scaly talons… ahh, I could rub my feet in it all day if I wanted to. But no, I need food and I wasn’t going to settle on the grass like some… what is that sound? It sounds like someone trying to moo like a cow. And that’s exactly what I find as I stomp my way down the field. Seems like I landed on a cattle ranch, but the cattle are not the typical cows I’ve seen back home. It’s more like Humans with cow features. They have horns, tails and huge chests that almost rival mine if they were not half my size… In other words, I hit the jackpot. There were hundreds of these giants grazing lazily in the morning sun… and I was looking for a delicious, meaty breakfast. I stomp on over and they pay me no attention except to nibble on the grass at my feet. “Hello ladies, you are in the presence of the most divine and beautiful goddess, Erinwing Torchard!” I declared, seeing how smart these animals were. Most kept grazing, except for one who looked up at me and said “Hi, I’m Daisy. Are you here to graze with us?” I told her I was there to eat the herd. She shrugged her hefty shoulders, her massive milkers jiggling rather hypnotically. Wow… OK I thought mine were huge but if she were my size… no I can’t have that. I must not allow it to happen. I was to have no rivals on this world! So I grabbed them, putting my claws around her soft chest. I could feel the milk sloshing in there… this was no doubt a dairy farm and no one had milked these cows yet. She gave a loud moo and closed her eyes, facing upwards with her pretty little face. OK, I couldn’t help myself, I just had to, she was so pretty to look at. I puckered up and leaned forwards to give her a big final kiss on the lips before I’d pull her into my mouth and devour her whole. Oh how soft they were at the touch, so luscious and even though she smelled like chewed up grass and cud, I found myself unable to pull my lips away… hang on, no! No! This can’t be happening! Fuck! You stupid cow, let go of me! I’m not food! I’m to eat you! Stop! No! Fuuuuuuuuck! Why me? -------- Oooohh… what just happened? Where did that pretty lady go? Why do I feel so heavy all of a sudden? I look down at myself and notice that my belly is poking out quite far. I don’t remember it being that big. Did Bill knock me up? Moooo… I don’t feel like grazing now, my tummy feels funny. Maybe I should ask Bessie for advice on what to do. She’s always got great advice. So that’s what I’ll do… excuse me everyone, coming through… Ah there’s Bessie. We’re like sisters in a way. She’s pretty, I’m pretty. Sometimes we tease the poor stablehand with our bodies. His nose bleeds when we press our big chests together. I’m told that it’s not because they need to see a doctor but because the Humans love seeing us do that sort of thing. Anyway, Bessie was being milked by the stablehand… the little guy was standing on his crane, tiny warm hands squeezing her massive udders into a big bucket below… that reminds me; I need a milking too. “Hey Bessie, I need your advice…” Bessie mooed and looked up at me instead of the bucket. She was smiling very widely. “Advice in what, Daisy?” I told her about my encounter. I was grazing, a pretty lady with wings came in and said… something? I can’t remember what she said. Probably wanted some grass. Oh! Maybe she was the new stablehand! She did grab my chest, although she didn’t have a bucket on her… Bessie listened very intently to my story. I don’t know if she was trying to imagine the lady herself or she was already moaning from the milking. I then told her that after she grabbed my chest, she vanished and that I feel like I’m about to give birth again. I rubbed my very large gut which was now wiggling very vigorously. Gosh my children were always such kickers. Probably got it from Bill. Bessie stood up and grabbed a towel and the full bucket. I guess her milking was done and it’d be my turn once the stablehand came back with a new bucket for me. “Well Daisy, if you want my advice, you need to tell me exactly what happened? What were you doing exactly when she vanished?” I tried to remember. Bessie suggested I demonstrate my actions on her if it helped. So I told her to grab my chest. She gave them a good squeeze and smiled, leaning forwards towards me. “And then what happened?” “Well I gave her a kiss like this and…” The bucket of milk clattered to the ground and spilled. Bessie? Where did Bessie go? Did Bill call her? Is that why she dropped the milk? What happened? Oooh… why does my belly feel even heavier? -------- OK, so Bessie has vanished, and I still don’t know what happened… oooh I know, I’ll see my friend Annabelle! We’re like sisters! Although she’s more modest than we are. She doesn’t like to graze freely in these nice breezy outfits. She likes to cover up with fancy dresses. There she is, in a very long flowing dress, sitting in the field, daintily picking up grass and chewing it. She sees me and offers a large tree stump for me to sit on while she drinks her tea. “My, my, Daisy. How many little ones are you going to have?” I told her that I don’t know. My belly just felt unusually heavy this morning and Bessie had vanished as well. Annabelle nodded and poked at it. My babies kicked back. Then she suggested that I demonstrate the situation leading up to the sudden pregnancy. So I had her grab my chest… mooo I forgot I needed to be milked… they’re so full, so tight… I feel like I could… huh? Where did Annabelle go? Why is her dress on the ground? Something didn’t add up… I rubbed my swollen chest… funny, I know I need to be milked but I don’t remember my chest being this… bouncy before… and heavy. No, I think I remember now… that lady she said something… something about eating the herd! Oh right! Well I’m glad that mystery was solved at least. She had plans to eat the herd and… eat the herd? No! that would mean she’d be eating my friends! I have to warn everyone! There’s a dangerous lady on the loose trying to eat us all! -------- I stood in the special spot in the paddock and shouted for attention from the rest of the herd. Told them there was a dire situation unfolding. Everyone stopped grazing to give me their undivided attention. So many eyes were looking up at me. Friends, sisters… even Bill that old bull. This spot was where we would relay our news and warnings and it was not to be taken lightly. Especially by Bill. “There’s a dangerous woman on the loose in our very midst! She told me she had plans to devour the herd!” I explained, belching loudly, chewing up some cud. “Before I could do anything else, she vanished but she could be somewhere among us! I need your help finding her and stopping her from eating us all!” Everyone looked around at each other, then at me and there was a loud cry of panic. Oh no! I had started a stampede! Everyone was heading for the hills and I was in the way! But no, I wasn’t going to move out of the way. When we were attacked by that pack of dogs, they caused us to stampede towards the hills where they feasted upon us! My poor sister and friend Lara was nothing but a dog’s dinner! So I opened my mouth to shout for them to stop… but to my horror I was too late… -------- The whole herd… gone in the blink of an eye. Who was that lady? How was she so good at eating us right under our noses? Bells and clothes scattered about on the grass. I belched loudly again and rubbed my… why is my belly so big? I feel like I’m about to give birth to an entire herd on my own. I knew Bill was fertile but I never heard of anyone getting this pregnant. And my chest? My boobs were much larger than me! They bounced as if they had a mind of their own. Something wasn’t right… but it certainly felt good. If only I could move from where I was, perched on top of my own gut… hey is that… it’s Bill. He’s climbing up. Maybe he can help me! No one ever messes with Bill. Not even the farmers. When Bill wants something he gets it… I’m sure he’ll… he’s not saying anything he’s… oooh… he’s touching my butt, giving it a nice hefty slap and… oooh… I know exactly what he’s doing next. Yes, Bill, yes, right in there… stick it… I screamed loudly in ecstasy and reached behind myself to pull him closer only to find that he too had vanished… I guess that’s Bill for you. He does what he does and leaves. Got to respect a man like that. But now here I was… all alone on the farm, full of children, my breasts swollen and in dire need of milking… Oh well, I’m sure the farmers know something. It shouldn’t be too much of a worry. Sure wish I could graze on that grass though… -------- What the fuck is wrong with this dumb, fucking cow? Seriously? How the fuck does one eat an entire goddess such as myself and not fucking remember!? I’m not questioning how the fuck she managed it in the first place. I’ve had encounters with smaller morsels with similar bullshit magical powers like that but they knew they were eating me. This one is so fucking oblivious! In fact, so fucking oblivious that when she ate her stupid friends, she also didn’t notice. At least I got a meal out of at least one of them… how fucking dumb… what is that? Oh… she’s now warning them about me? About me? She’s the one eating everyone on the fucking farm! And me and my big, sexy mouth… because now she has eaten everyone on the farm. And by her, I mean me since of course where else would hundreds of idiot cattle go but into my glorious stomach. Fuck I feel so full… how am I getting out of here though? Surely I’m way too big to make it to her next stomach… and I know very well that she will not be able to digest me. I’m a fucking goddess, not a snack after all. Erinwing Torchard will not be cow feed. I guess I’ll figure this shit out once I get some sleep… this big belly of mine, the screaming, wiggling cattle within as I digest them… so soothing… How long has it been now since she ate me? How many hours have passed? I say this because when I woke up, I lit myself a little fire. I figured that if she could handle a goddess like me inside and my claws were not tearing her open, setting fire to her insides wouldn’t be an issue either. And I don’t think I’m in her first stomach any more. I’m in a tight tube of some sort… I guess I passed through all of them. And right in front of me is a bull… a big one. Fuck, he’s almost as big as I am… and he's smiling. I asked him what he was so happy about being eaten by a fat cow. He told me clearly that it was worth it. He was getting off on this? Correction, still getting off on this… well he was in my way in getting out of this cow’s body so I opened wide and devoured him too before making my way further down. I could see light up ahead! Freedom at last! Just got to keep moving and... hey! What the fuck! She was puckering up that fat ass of hers and pushing me back. It was getting so very tight inside her. But no, I wasn't going to let this continue! I put all my strength into this effort and those tight walls parted enough to let me move forwards. I belched loudly, spewing a jet of flame ahead. The fat cow certainly felt that one as I was now being pushed out. First my head popped out. Damn, that cow certainly had a huge ass... did she eat any more morsels while I was going through her stomachs? Then my large chest slid out. That fucking cow had tits bigger than my whole body! Soon I would correct that once my gut was free... I still had most of the herd digesting and screaming away in there... she squeezed more and then my entire belly slammed right on top of her back. Ah! At last! Sliding my talons out of her colon, I stood up. It was so hard to see ahead with my belly being so big and packed but I knew the fat cow that had eaten me was underneath. I moved to the side and lifted her up, staring her in the face. The cow mooed excitedly and say “My baby! I'm going to name you...” I was in no mood for this, I told her “Fuck off” and devoured her whole, tits and all. A truck from the ranch was approaching me and it looked like there were some very angry farmers. But I had an idea as I reached into my cleavage and withdrew the cage within. “I'll forgive you for your sin if you can do this one thing for me...” -------- As I left the ranch, feeling so very full, I swear I heard one of the farmers say “Fuck the farm! We're rich now!” Ehh no matter. A goddess like myself shouldn't give a shit about morsel affairs. Hmm... I wonder what's for dinner? |
After a long day of teaching Professor Christine Sunderby is worn out, Her more than plus sized rear and bust causing extra strain on her back and legs. She had come in early to finish making a test for her class and was tired as all hell. This and her natural oblivious behavior caused her to not notice when her ass crack was showing or that her pants were about to fall off, it didn’t help that the ass section of her pant’s had to be custom made to fit her large ass. Her colleagues had all but left at this point leaving her basically at the school, or so she thought. One of her students had fallen asleep on one of the sofas in the lounge area. He had the luck of wearing a matching set of cloths that made him essentially camouflaged to the sofa. The very same sofa She was heading for. Christine feeling a need to let her body rest before heading home decided to rest up on the sofa as it was more comfortable than the office chairs they had. Parking herself right in front of Eric who was starting to wake up as his eye’s felt a difference in the light around him. “What the?!?” Was all his tired voice could let out before her essentially bare ass swallowed him whole. Christine did feel something poke her ass but didn’t care much simply writing it of as some extra pain being lifted from her body after holding her weight the entire day. After a bout 15 minutes she felt it was time to head home. Pushing her ass of the sofa, where it left an imprint of her ass cheeks. Then Christine heard someone call her name. Turning around she saw professor Emily Clare who was trying to indicate that Christine’s pants were sagging. Christine not understanding simply walked over with a tired smile. “Your still here Emily?” Christine asked as she thought she was the last one around. “Yes I’m still here. You do know your pants are down… Right?” She responded. At first Christine simply had a blank expression as the sentence slowly sank in. then her face turned scarlet with embarrassment as she felt around for her waist band. “My god your right! I hope none of the students saw that!” she exclaimed as she pulled her pants up. “Well, I’m heading home. Stay safe.” Emily stated as she started heading for the main entrance of the school. All the while Eric could feel everything Christine did. When she was sitting down on the sofa he at least had good airflow as her as cheeks were spread open, but when she got up her cheeks clenched making the air all murky inside his prison. Then when she pulled her pants up not only did fresh air seized to enter but his current chamber shrank somewhat as the waistband pressed against her ass. Inside of her he could feel everything, each and every foot step rocked him around eventually sending him into a trance as the faint heartbeat of Christine could be heard. He was snapped out of the trance however as She sat down in her car, compressing his space even more. It was at the point where he couldn’t even move. Christine noticed something but found it more arousing than anything so she simply rode home. On the way she stopped to buy some groceries and a new belt. Eric once again found it hypnotizing with every step in tune with the heartbeat, at least until Christine slipped on some water. Christine falling on her ass could now feel something in her ass, but it was a strange sensation as it seemed to be traveling inwards instead of out. It in a way rubbed an itch she had, witch her large as always got in the way of. She then got back up and looked around, Nobody had seen her accident. She then walked over to the clothing section and started rummaging around the belt section. Eric at this point started feeling that his prison was getting painful as the further in he got the less space he had and the more Christine’s muscles fought against him. It didn't help that she was trying on multiple belts that compressed him even more than her body already did. Then after torturing her unknown passenger she got back to her car and drove home. The rest of the car ride was uneventful mostly, with Christine humming to some music swaying her body left and right with Eric forcefully following her movements inside of her. When Christine got home she put away the groceries and walked up her stairs to her bedroom. Eric felt every step of the stairs as her ass flopped up and down with every step. Then he felt Christine stop before suddenly getting a bit more space. At first he couldn’t explain it but when he felt a sudden gravity change he assumed she was getting ready for bed. And in a sense he was right. After undressing Christine tossed herself onto her bed, but it was a while yet before she was going to sleep. For Eric it would be a long night. Christine found that the feeling in her ass made her quite horny and what better way of relieving herself other than playing with herself. At first Eric found it nice but as the temperature rose he got more and more uncomfortable. Then out of nowhere something hit him hard. Rearranging himself in the tight space he caught a glimpse of something before it dissipated. But it soon came back, showing itself to be an over sized dildo. Since Christine was so over sized she had found that normal dildos weren't doing it for her and would end up trapped inside her ass, this made her get bigger and bigger ones to accommodate her needs. Eric found this out as the Dark dildo rammed further and further inside, almost pushing him further in. This continued for minutes. Then Eric felt a pressure unlike before, the entire chamber squeezed him tighter than ever before as Christine reached climax. The pressure was to much for Eric as he found himself passing out. Christine reaching climax simply relaxed and fell asleep. Christine woke up feeling refreshed. She got out of bed and stretched before heading into the shower. Eric subconsciously feeling the temperature rise again woke up as Christine was showering, making her ass react. Christine knowing that she had to go to school simply slapped her ass in an attempt to make it stop. Eric felt the slap and thought it was her giving him a sign that she knew he was there. But she was still oblivious. When she got out she started aggressively drying herself with a towel, starting at her hair and working down. Eric felt the shaking start and could feel it grow stronger as the towel worked it’s way down towards her rear. Once there Eric was vibrating like never before sending his head spinning. Christine feeling this vibration gave out a moan before stopping. She felt a bit ashamed for being so apparently horny as she was getting ready to leave. She put on her normal school wear in quite a hurry as she was starting to run late and in the hurry she forgot to put on her underwear. This was a blessing in Eric’s eyes as he got some extra space out of it. The car ride there was however as bad as the day before as he got pressed by all the pressure. The pressure was released once again as she got out and Eric was thrown around as she ran across the school. Eric could hear faint voices as the running slowed down to speed walking and then to simple walking. This caused Eric to almost not want to exit as the shear embarrassment would kill him before any one could say a word. But this would be a problem as Christine sat down in front of her class, again putting pressure on Him. She started with a routine role call, finding that one of her students was missing. “Has anyone seen Eric?” She asked the students, but no one had seen or heard from him since the day before. ‘Well there goes my perfect attendance’ Eric thought to himself as he really didn't want to jump out of her ass in front of his classmates, nor that he really could as Christine’s entire weight was blocking his exit. It felt like an eternity simply being trapped under the pressure during the first half of the day, making lunch and extra special time for Eric as it let him relax his body for a bit. Christine got turned on the second she stood up as the weird feeling was still inside of her. She excused herself and went to the restroom. Once there she started scratching herself in an attempt to get rid of the weird feeling. This however went nowhere as she only got herself more aroused by doing so. Nearing climax she managed to stop herself and slowly walked back to the teachers lounge, unable to hide her redness on her face. Emily noticing Christine’s red face walked to her and started asking if she was feeling alright. “Hey Christine, you feeling alright?” “Yeah I’m fine.” “You sure?” “Yes I’m sure.” “If you say so, just know I can cover for you if you need to head home.” “I might take you up on that offer.” Eric could hear this conversation and hoped she would head home, where he could hopefully get out. “Ok I’ll head home then, I've been feeling something strange since yesterday.” “Well take it easy Christine.” Christine getting done with lunch thanked Emily before leaving. When she got back home again Christine tried to stop the temptation but found it increasingly harder as Eric tried to squirm out as he felt that he had been inside of her for long enough. Christine growing more infatuated with the feeling started rummaging around her for her special plug. Eric almost out could see some light creeping in as Christine spread her cheeks before suddenly plunging the special plug in, stopping him from escaping. She wasn't sure how long it would last but she wanted it to last forever and Eric feeling the pressure build up again like it did the night before started realizing that unsettling fact. |
Eric woke up thinking that it was all a nightmare. Sadly the confined space and constant shifting back and forth made hem aware that it was real. He could only imagine what was going on outside to warrant so much movement on what he suspected was a saturday morning. Not only that but it was tighter than usual making him wonder what exactly his professor was going to do. His hope was to escape once an opportune moment arose but for his dismay the buttplug from the night before was still there blocking his exit. It didn’t help that she apparently needed to drive somewhere causing him to once again become somewhat of a cushion for her. Christine however had woken up as usual and taken a shower. But this time really feeling bloated, especially in her rear she thought she could take some time to work out. She got dressed in her training outfit consisting of yoga pants and a somewhat loose t-shirt. The pants however felt extra tight witch only furthered her idea of needing to loose some weight. She sat down in her car after eating some breakfast and started driving towards the gym. The entire time she subconsciously thought about the strange bloated feeling she had and how it just pushed some of her right buttons some times. She was hoping to loose the bloatiness and keep the sensation. When she arrived at the gym it was relatively full as all the regulars were eager to make use of the day witch caused Christine to have to wait until ether the machines and other equipment were free or to simply wait until the morning trainers were done. She decided on the latter and simply took a stroll around the bock. Eric at this point was going mental, the non stop swaying of her hips and the ever stronger heartbeat got the best of him causing him to try and lash out. This somewhat worked in his favor, at least in the beginning as it granted him some breathing room. But this quickly changed as her body started fighting back making the prison convulse. This alerted Christine that there was something going on in her trunk but she simply laugh it of as it being her body trying to burn extra fat. When she got back to the gym it was practically empty as everyone was done for the morning and had other exercises they couldn’t do at the gym. This gave Christine loads of time to enjoy the place practically for herself. She was going to use everything to make her burn her body back into shape, still non the wiser as for why she needed it in the first place. She decided to start with a quick jog on one of the treadmills as a warm up. This only further annoyed Eric as it was the same as before just faster and louder. He couldn’t fight back, every step she took shook his entire body, sucking all his energy out to simply lessen them. But this was only the beginning as she after a 15 minute run slowed down to get off. She was ready to start the real workout now. But what to do next she thought. Since there wasn’t anyone there she could do anything, but this gave her too many options to choose from. She simply chose the easiest to start with, normal weight lifting. She grabbed a couple of handlebars of the shelf and sat down. She started doing some curles and other exercises and for Eric it was cathartic, the constant shaking died down and the heartbeat went back to it’s normal rhythm. There was still the occasional shake as Christine rearranged ether her rear or the handlebars but for a good 20 minutes it was relaxing. But all good things must come to and end and Eric knew that. Before continuing Christine started doing some jumping jacks to get her blood pumping again, slowly growing more and more suspicious of the feeling in her rear as it didn’t feel like normal fat. It felt a bit delayed with every jump. But no matter it will sort itself out in the end. She then ended up by the rowing station. This turned out to be a new kind of hell for Eric as Christine got working Eric got rolled back and forth as her body didn’t fit the seat. Christine sinking deeper and deeper around the seat could feel the bloated part of fat making a somewhat cylindrical shape, that got her thinking that it might be an old “Toy” she had lost. She couldn’t place witch one it would be if that was the case but no matter. She continued rowing but the person probably burning the most fat was Eric as he just followed her body movements. Christine now starting to get a bit tired decided to end on the Squat rack, simply lifting some weights before calling it a day. She did 15 squats with weights and 5 without weights. But with each squat she did the previously cylindrical shape became more and more detailed. What felt like one large cylinder became one medium and four thin ones with a sphere to finish it of. My it was almost human like she thought. But it couldn’t be, that would be absurd. Christine finished and made sure to put everything back were it was meant to be. Then she got out and walked to her car. During the ride home she couldn’t drop thought of having someone inside of her ass. But frankly she still thought it impossible. Now that she was home she headed straight for the shower, quickly undressing and jumping right in. At first she got hit by ice cold water that made her body tense up but as the water got warmer and warmer it relaxed again. Eric now given some more room as the yoga pants were of decided to try once again. This time he tried using the cavity walls as a jumping point while trying to push the over sized buttplug out. It was impossible for Christine to ignore the feeling as she was practically moving with every jump he tried. Suddenly Christine clenched her cheeks as her plug got pushed out from within. It was a sensational feeling so strong Christine’s legs gave out making her fall backwards into her ass. Eric feeling so close to getting out was in tears as he got pushed back by the force. But he had done it, he had gotten Christine’s attention at least and hopefully she would let him out now that she knew about him. Christine rubbing her ass got back up and tried to release whom ever it was, but as she squeezed she got to thinking “This might be a once in a lifetime experience, I should have a little fun with this before releasing him” and as such she stopped. This confused Eric whom thought he was saved, freedom was at his finger tips and he could once again see some light shining through but once again he could see darkness slowly engulfing the light, she had once again brought out her over sized dildo and stated pushing him back once more. He did try to fight back but it was no use against her and the mass behind her. Once done having her bit of fun she went back into the bathroom and started shitting the person out, and compared to getting in it took forever getting out. Christine trying to see who it was got embarrassed when she was that it was non other than Eric. She couldn’t believe it. What was worse was that she didn’t really feel sorry for him, only embarrassed that it was a student. “Finally, you let me out! What the hell was that last part for!?!” Eric exclaimed as he finally squirmed out. Christine simply looked him in the eyes and didn’t say a word. “Are you for real? How long did you know I was in there?” he kept asking. “To be honest I knew for certain for about thirty minutes, but I had my suspicion since the end of my training session.” Christine explained trying to answer his question. “Can you drive me home? After I have taken a shower of course…” Eric asked wanting to just forget about all of what had happened. Christine accepted as she was somewhat at fault. The car ride was filled with just silent awkwardness until Christine asked if he was up for it again another time, but Eric shot her down instantly. Christine however wasn’t deterred and insisted on giving him her phone number in case he changed his mind. |
‘A blackhole is a mass that is so dense that the gravity created will be so powerful that nothing can escape it.’ Suzie explained as the day came to a close. ‘So are you considered a blackhole?’ Henry, one of Suzie’s students asked. Mocking Suzie for her size. But before Suzie could tell him off the bell rang saving him from her wrath. Although Suzie could be considered a blackhole by the definition because she certainly was a large mass and also dense, in a way. Her Denseness had always had a way of getting her in trouble but nothing akin to what would happen. As the students left the classroom Suzie relaxed a bit, thankful that the day was done. As of late more comments had been made about her size and frankly she was fed up with them, and as such she had started doing regular exercises. Getting ready to leave Suzie thought she could feel someone poking at her from behind. But thinking the room was empty she got startled by this and fell backwards, ripping her pants open on the way down. ‘Owie! That hurt!’ Suzie said out loud as she rubbed her rear. ‘Did you need something?’ She asked before looking around. ‘That’s strange I could have sworn someone was there. Oh well.’ She ended before getting up and dusting herself off. Seeing that the pants had ripped right down the center of her ass she blushed before taking her jacket and tying it around her waist to hid it. Little did she know that Wilma, one of her students had been there and that the she had been shoved straight up her asshole. Wilma tried to get her attention but nothing she did worked. But not only did it not work but it forced her further inside. Screaming for help also made the situation worse as the vibration caused Suzie to pass some gas. All this coupled with the rising temperature and pressure caused Wilma to pass out. Suzie headed home without noticing anything strange, other than her more active rear. But that didn’t bother her much as it somehow felt good. The next morning Suzie felt more energized than she had in a while, and that was a welcome gift after the previous days classes. Frankly she wanted this feeling everyday. And with her new found energy she headed off to work. Once she arrived at the school she quickly grabbed her notes and headed towards her class. Surprisingly enough doing a headcount found two students missing, the first was Henry and the second was Wilma. Henry skipping class was usual but Wilma was one of the top students. ‘I see Henry and Wilma are missing today, hope they are doing ok. Anyway today were continuing where we left off yesterday.’ Suzie said as she started the lesson. After Yesterdays accident she didn’t have any good pants to wear so she had gone with a long skirt. But this was bad news for Henry who had hid himself to play a prank on Suzie. He was just about finished when Suzie’s ass came down around him. Henry tried to warn her but it was to late. Suzie slamming herself down on her chair felt the strange feeling from yesterday, but this time it was a bit stronger. It felt so good in fact that her entire body went into shock for a moment as it essentially came from nowhere. In the meantime Henry found himself in a humid prison. ‘LET ME OUT YOU OLD COW!’ He yelled but only got gurgling sounds as a response. After that he tried to crawl out but the walls were too slimy to get a good grip on. His last attempt of salvation was his cellphone, but that to was a dead end as no mater how hard he tried he couldn’t get a signal. Seeing that nothing would work he gave up and decided to just wait it out hoping that she would notice him missing or feel his presences before something bad happened. ‘And again class, if you have any questions about the subject or anything else feel free to ask’ Suzie stated as the class came to a close. Getting no response she smiled and just relaxed. So far the day had gone perfectly. No annoying Henry and the added energy from yesterday allowed her to actually enjoy her job. ‘Sorry for bothering you during the break Suzie. I was just wondering if you had heard anything from Wilma.’ Jennifer, a shy little girl asked. ‘I’m afraid not.’ Suzie responded as she got up to stretch. ‘Ok sorry again for bothering you’ Jennifer finished. Suzie at this point started feeling her balance being affected by something and that made her fall down. ‘Good thing I wasn’t wearing pants today I don’t know what I would do if the class saw me like that.’ Suzie exclaimed as she stood back up. ‘Was there anything else Jennifer?’ Suzie asked but got no response. Looking up at the clock Suzie saw that she was late for lunch and rush out of the classroom, almost bringing the door with her. This caused her entire body to bounce around as she speed though the hallway towards the teachers lounge. ‘Henry how did you get here?’ Jennifer asked as she was united with him inside Suzie’s ever expanding asshole. ‘I was going to prank Suzie, but this thing swallowed me up before I could get things ready.’ He responded. ‘This thing is Suzie, if you haven’t figured it out.’ But before Henry could respond their entire would started to shake, and in turn made both of them slowly glide inwards. This caused them both to panic as they already had gone though human anatomy and knew where they were going. They stated kicking and screaming but to no avail. Once everything stopped the two caught their breath and slowly tried to worm their way out, but this caused Suzie’s butt to clench up like a pulsating trash compactor further forcing the two inwards. Suzie headed of to the restroom to relieve herself of whatever it was that was causing her ass to respond the way it did, but it didn’t work. She felt constipated and bloated in a way she hadn’t felt before. She wrote it of as her just not needing to go and headed back to finish the days lesson. After that was done Suzie was going around making sure everything was in order before heading home. During this she spotted a 20$ bill sticking out from under a bench. Leaning down to grab it she felt something bump into her rear. This caused her to jolt upwards in shock. Looking around seeing no one she spoke to herself ‘I swear this school is haunted’. This however wasn’t a haunting, it was just a student from another class paying more attention on his phone than his surroundings being unlucky enough to walk straight into her rear. He puked at the sight of two students in the middle of digestion sticking to the walls of his new surroundings. But all that did was cause Suzie to get a slight itch and made her clench her cheeks together sealing the exit shut. Heading home again Suzie could feel that something was wrong but couldn’t quite figure it out. She decided to weigh herself to see if it was something wrong with her metabolism and she there she saw that she had significantly gained weight. ‘How did I gain all this weight? I thought my diet was supposed to help me loose weigh.’ She said to herself, and In a way of responding to it her body answered by passing some gas. This made her change her diet but results weren’t going to show themselves any time soon. |
Sunday evening tends to be hectic for the Food N More employees as they usually get overwhelmed by the weekend rush, but today the store was dead quiet. Clara Corton a young but tall blond student working part-time at Food N More, along with Lenny Orion a shorter than average scrawny dude were supposed to handle the store alone for the rest of the day. The two had known each other for a while working together but mostly kept to themselves. They almost looked like twins wearing their work uniforms. Lenny having worked there for over three years was in charge of the evening shift but even he couldn’t remember the store being this empty on a weekend. ‘Earth To Lenny, what are you thinking of so hard to make you this deaf?’ Clara jokingly asked. ‘Uhhh…… well…. I was just infatuated by your rear.’ Lenny earnestly responded. Teasingly Clara responded “Does my plump ass call for you?” And blushing Lenny simply nodded. Clara was somewhat taken aback by his truthfulness but continued her teasing, “What would you do if it and you were alone then?”. ‘I… I would make it my shrine!’ Lenny awkwardly blurted out. This was a surprise to Clara who knew her ass was plump even with her above average height but not to this extent and in the mean time Lenny was prepared to dig himself a hole after he embarrassed himself by blurting everything out without a second thought. During their conversation a couple costumers entered the store and the two decided to put the rest of the conversation on hold, but as soon as the costumers were done they med up by the fruit and vegetables. They were in the middle of the store, once more empty of people. Clara having learned of Lenny’s love for her rear she had the perfect ammo to tease him with, and with cheeks as red as beets she dropped her pants to the floor. Lenny stood dazed for a second, mentally photographing the sight before him. Clara had removed her pants and was teasingly grabbing her own ass. He slowly walked over and slowly started feeling her ass. It was the perfect ass, soft yet firm, plump but not fat. “I feel mesmerized! Like it wants me to move in…” Feeling embarrassed she decided she had teased him enough, she was about to pull her pants back up when she suddenly felt something getting pushed in to her ass. Letting out a quick moan as she turned her head and saw Lenny back on the floor pushing his feet into her. “This feels amazing” the two thought, but before they could say so the door sensor chimed and a bunch of new costumers flooded in. The unexpected notification made Clara jump and all her weight aided with sending Lenny further in. For Clara her fall felt like it went in slow motion until her ass cheeks made contact with the cold tile floor. With the cold sensation came a slight sense of pain as her entire body expanded to now contain all of Lenny. ‘OMG, Lenny are you ok?’ ‘Is this heaven? So soft and warm.’ ‘Ok good, your ok… Shit the costumers!’ Remembering what had shocked her Clara bolted up and tried to pull her pants up, but she found that she couldn’t close the zipper and had to hide the front by tugging the now to small shirt down over it. “Jeez, It feels like I’m on mars or something.” Clara though as she slowly walked over to the cash register. Adding an entire person to her mid-section threw her off balance and made her constantly trip over herself on her way. But in the mean time Lenny was in his own personal heaven, with every step Clara took her ass cheeks would press against his face and with every stumble her cheeks would jiggle. It was Bliss. Arriving by the cash register Clara tried to sit but as she sat down Lenny’s head was forced a bit further in and feeling this she bolted back on her feet. “Once these costumers are out of here I’m going to give you the biggest smack down you have ever felt” Clara thought to herself. It was bad enough to have to relearn how to walk, now having to stand for god knows how long with this added weight was too much. ‘If you can hear me, once these costumers are done your coming out, you hear!’ Clara whispered to her ass. Lenny was in pure bliss for the next hour as costumers came and went but once closing time came near he could feel Clara slowly start walking away from the cash register. Clara having stood for over an hour with the added weight of Lenny in her rear slowly made her way to the employee toilet. Pulling her pants down Clara Squatted and started squeezing Lenny out over the cold tile floor. Not two seconds after being released Lenny found himself with red hand-prints all over his face. ‘Now help me lock up before I continue, you ass.’ Clara hissed out as she gave him a snare. Lenny for his part went about locking up and clearing the cash register. Clara was almost done doing her part when Lenny came and dragged her to the changing room. ‘Sorry to pull you away but I cant stand it I need to go back!’ Lenny begged Clara. ‘was is seriously that nice? I mean its just an ass, but seeing how you unceremoniously threw yourself in I guess you have that in common…’ Clara responded. She had considered forgiving him but being dragged around just to be asked to redo it was too much she thought. ‘I’ve worked a while, what if I pay you?’ Lenny was not letting it go, he needed to go back. Clara relented and with the agreement that Lenny would give her just about all his money would be allowed to return to her rear. ‘I swear if you start annoying me or complaining I will throw you back out and I will keep the money. You got that?’ And so the two headed back to Clara’s small apartment. Her apartment was somewhat messy with her bedroom covered in clothing. Clara apologized for the look of things but Lenny didn’t mind. It was awkward for both of them as they tried to recreate what they did, but it went smoother in the end now that Lenny wasn’t forced in by cold hard floor tile. Clara laid down in bed after removing her pants and underwear Clara laid face down on her bed and lifted her now uncovered ass into the air. Lenny in the mean time undressed and as if going down a stairs tried to walk into her ass. As he got further and further in the two got lower and lower to the mattress until the two were flush with it. Clara constantly moaned as her rear almost by instinct started contracting and slowly swallowing Lenny whole. But with his arms and upper chest still out it couldn’t take in much more. Clara not sure if he was done tried to sit up and instantly got a bolt of pleasure shot through her system as everything fell into place. ‘oh my god Lenny, that felt, amazing.’ Clara huffed out before Lenny’s head popped out. ‘your warmth, your smell, your heartbeat, I really can’t describe with words!’ Lenny responded. It was a lot more tiring than Clara though it would be and before she knew it she as drifting of to sleep. But to her annoyance she could feel Lenny whenever he adjusted himself and occasionally he would hit a nerve or a soft spot sending jolts of pleasure and pain through her entire body. This caused her body to respond and her ass to clench up, squeezing his entire body while her ass cheeks pressed against his face. And with the perfect pillows Lenny too fell asleep. |
Clara woke up with her alarm blaring on her bedside table. “Ugh, what time is it?” Clara grumbled. Rubbing her eyes and trying to focus on the clock she turns pale. “Shit it’s already 7am… im going to be so late!” she went from almost falling back to sleep to being out of bed and awake in a second. Lenny in the meantime was still fast asleep, that was until Clara stumbled on her way to her dresser. As she was waking up late she had totally forgotten that Lenny was there and forgot to account for his weight causing her to fall on her ass. This caused Lenny’s head to get shoved in her ass and both of them felt it. Almost in perfect unison the two let out a painful moan. Clara rolled over and squeezed his head back out and slowly got back up. “Good morning to you too…” Lenny said yawning. “Eh say something?” Clara responded. Clara was completely distracted by getting ready to leave to think about conversations or explanations or even what she was putting on….. Lenny could feel everything as Clara stretched down to grab a shirt, a pair of leggings and a skirt. It was like he was in a bunch of clouds, pushing him pulling him and squeezing him. “I might actually make it” Clara thought as she bolted out the door. All the while Lenny enjoyed the bounce in her step and also her rear as her butt cheeks got pressed to his face constantly as she ran. But as they got further and further away from her apartment Lenny started to feel a bit guilty for not reminding Clara what she seems to have forgotten to wear. “But hey it not my fault.” he thought continuing to enjoy the heavenly cheeks essentially begging him to enjoy them. Luckily for Clara school was nearby but it was still twenty minutes or so of running, and no mater how much Lenny was enjoying the situation Clara constantly tripped over herself as she ran. Though it was mostly Lenny’s fault for not staying still and causing her to lose balance. “Lenny! Can you try, TRY, to stay still in there!!!” she shouted, not caring of someone overheard. And in an innocent and barely audible voice Lenny responded “I am, my body is just following yours”. He wasn’t lying ether, as she ran the movement of her hips made his body move left and right and up and down, He was simply enjoying the ride. Making it just in time before Homeroom starts, Clara makes it to her seat and feel her legs almost give out beneath her. She tries to sit normally but Lenny wouldn’t let her. So to accommodate her new worshiper she awkwardly sat leaning forward. “Hi Clara, how was your weekend?” Petra one of Clara’s classmates asked. “Oh, Yeah, it was interesting to say the least…” Clara responded. “so what happened?” Petra continued. Thinking of what to say and what to leave out Clara simply stated “A college and I had a small…. Incident at work… you could say...” Lenny could hear most of their conversation and decided to tease his goddess by ticketing her insides. This caused her to tense up and her stomach start to gurgle. “oh my Clara are you ok? You look kind of bloated.” Petra could hear Clara’s stomach and see her gut and the weird position Clara sat in. “Yeah im fine, just woke up late and didn’t have time to make breakfast.” Clara responded trying to play it off. Nothing much happened during Homeroom after Petra sat down but Clara had a hard time concentrating because of the bad posture she was forced to endure. In the end Clara couldn’t take it and sat down normally again forcing Lenny’s head back in as well. He did retaliate a bit and tried to find a comfortable position to lay in but he was having a hard time finding one. Eventually he decided to give up and Clara was finally allowed to relax. Clara’s second lesson was going to be held in the same classroom so she decided to skip the annoyance of sitting back down with his head out and so she sat through her break and on to Math class. Lenny in the meantime went back to sleep calmly enjoying what was for him a holy place with the ambient noise of Clara’s heartbeat, breathing and her stomach begging for food. During the entire lesson Lenny slept blissfully, and Clara was given a slight break from his movement, save for the occasional readjustments he did every so often. Lenny was awoken from his sleep by Clara standing up and stretching, which caused her ass to clench up, He didn’t mind and he found that once the muscles let up his head slipped out with ease. Clara and Petra headed towards the cafeteria and once more Lenny’s face was mushed one one side to the other with Clara’s cheeks. It didn’t take long until Lenny could smell the food Clara was eating and his stomach growled louder and louder, and as her stomach quieted down his started over voicing hers. “Wow you must be super hungry to still be growling that loud.” Petra commented “Oh yeah? Sorry, I’m just extra hungry today I guess…” Clara responded at first not connecting the dots due to it not being her stomach but Lenny’s. The two continued talking about other things until Clara realized she didn’t know what lessons they had for the rest of the day. “Say, what are we doing now after lunch?” “Professor Jenson is sick today so we only have P.E after lunch.” Petra responded. Lenny who was listening in on their conversation couldn’t help but start fantasizing over what was soon to come. Clara entered the changing room and sat down on a bench and bent down to untie her shoes, she did this to hide Lenny from her classmates. Clara started changing and Petra made a few comments about Clara not wearing underwear, witch made Clara tense up and blush. Lenny was somewhat prepared and simply allowed his body to follow where Clara’s ass led him. No matter what Clara did Lenny found it to be a peasant journey, it was a bit warm but everything else was Perfect. To start off the class did warm-up exercises, Squats, jogs and jumping jacks. It was only 10 minutes of warm-ups and Clara started jogging. It was somewhat taxing on her to jog around with all of Lenny inside of her weighing her down but Lenny loved being squished around with each step she took. Not only that but as her feet landed her ass cheeks jiggled essentially motor-boating Lenny every so often as he got squeezed in and out. Jumping jacks were also hard on Clara as with each jump her ass would be slow to follow her body on the way up and down and her legs got tiered instantly. Lenny tried to comment but Clara’s large ass kept blocking his mouth. But then once that was done came the Squats. Clara thought this was going to be easy but each time she squatted her ass tried to release its inhabitant and each time she stood back up he would be squeezed back in. but even if Lenny enjoyed it, Clara could feel all the movements. Some of the movement was strong enough to send a pulse of pleasure through her entire body while others hurt a little. Clara laid down on the ground huffing and puffing after the 10 minutes were up, but the lesson had only just started. Today the class was going to do Volleyball and of course Clara being so tall was going to be in the center for her team. It went well for Clara’s team but with each toss of the ball Clara got more and more sluggish as the weight of her rear overtook her. She could feel Lenny with every jump, with every pass, with every serve and every save. In the end Clara couldn’t continue and went to the side of the court to rest. “Man your out early” Petra stated. “well all food and the stuff during the weekend are heavy on me…” Clara responded between her huffs and puffs. “You might consider yoga, I mean I do it every week and it keeps me nice and slim.” “Yoga? Wouldn’t a diet be better?” “Perhaps, but you should give yoga a shot, there’s a place down town that has lessons this Friday, you should come.” “Ill think about it.” Clara responded not really thinking about it at the time. As the class ended Clara showered off and got dressed before heading home. “we really need to come up with a new solution for school hours that was unbearable.” Clara said as she threw herself on her bed. “Unbearable? Really, I thought it went well.” Lenny retorted “At least for you, I felt how you were enjoying my ass during the entire day, do you know how heavy you are?” “I’m not that heavy, maybe you should listen to your friends advice and go to one of those yoga classes…” “That wont help you loose weight inside of me.” “But it might help you and give me some more space!” Clara felt defeated and gave in. |
Clara woke up with her alarm blaring on her bedside table. “Ugh, what time is it?” Clara grumbled. Rubbing her eyes and trying to focus on the clock she turns pale. “Shit it’s already 7am… im going to be so late!” she went from almost falling back to sleep to being out of bed and awake in a second. Lenny in the meantime was still fast asleep, that was until Clara stumbled on her way to her dresser. As she was waking up late she had totally forgotten that Lenny was there and forgot to account for his weight causing her to fall on her ass. This caused Lenny’s head to get shoved in her ass and both of them felt it. Almost in perfect unison the two let out a painful moan. Clara rolled over and squeezed his head back out and slowly got back up. “Good morning to you too…” Lenny said yawning. “Eh say something?” Clara responded. Clara was completely distracted by getting ready to leave to think about conversations or explanations or even what she was putting on….. Lenny could feel everything as Clara stretched down to grab a shirt, a pair of leggings and a skirt. It was like he was in a bunch of clouds, pushing him pulling him and squeezing him. “I might actually make it” Clara thought as she bolted out the door. All the while Lenny enjoyed the bounce in her step and also her rear as her butt cheeks got pressed to his face constantly as she ran. But as they got further and further away from her apartment Lenny started to feel a bit guilty for not reminding Clara what she seems to have forgotten to wear. “But hey it not my fault.” he thought continuing to enjoy the heavenly cheeks essentially begging him to enjoy them. Luckily for Clara school was nearby but it was still twenty minutes or so of running, and no mater how much Lenny was enjoying the situation Clara constantly tripped over herself as she ran. Though it was mostly Lenny’s fault for not staying still and causing her to lose balance. “Lenny! Can you try, TRY, to stay still in there!!!” she shouted, not caring of someone overheard. And in an innocent and barely audible voice Lenny responded “I am, my body is just following yours”. He wasn’t lying ether, as she ran the movement of her hips made his body move left and right and up and down, He was simply enjoying the ride. Making it just in time before Homeroom starts, Clara makes it to her seat and feel her legs almost give out beneath her. She tries to sit normally but Lenny wouldn’t let her. So to accommodate her new worshiper she awkwardly sat leaning forward. “Hi Clara, how was your weekend?” Petra one of Clara’s classmates asked. “Oh, Yeah, it was interesting to say the least…” Clara responded. “so what happened?” Petra continued. Thinking of what to say and what to leave out Clara simply stated “A college and I had a small…. Incident at work… you could say...” Lenny could hear most of their conversation and decided to tease his goddess by ticketing her insides. This caused her to tense up and her stomach start to gurgle. “oh my Clara are you ok? You look kind of bloated.” Petra could hear Clara’s stomach and see her gut and the weird position Clara sat in. “Yeah im fine, just woke up late and didn’t have time to make breakfast.” Clara responded trying to play it off. Nothing much happened during Homeroom after Petra sat down but Clara had a hard time concentrating because of the bad posture she was forced to endure. In the end Clara couldn’t take it and sat down normally again forcing Lenny’s head back in as well. He did retaliate a bit and tried to find a comfortable position to lay in but he was having a hard time finding one. Eventually he decided to give up and Clara was finally allowed to relax. Clara’s second lesson was going to be held in the same classroom so she decided to skip the annoyance of sitting back down with his head out and so she sat through her break and on to Math class. Lenny in the meantime went back to sleep calmly enjoying what was for him a holy place with the ambient noise of Clara’s heartbeat, breathing and her stomach begging for food. During the entire lesson Lenny slept blissfully, and Clara was given a slight break from his movement, save for the occasional readjustments he did every so often. Lenny was awoken from his sleep by Clara standing up and stretching, which caused her ass to clench up, He didn’t mind and he found that once the muscles let up his head slipped out with ease. Clara and Petra headed towards the cafeteria and once more Lenny’s face was mushed one one side to the other with Clara’s cheeks. It didn’t take long until Lenny could smell the food Clara was eating and his stomach growled louder and louder, and as her stomach quieted down his started over voicing hers. “Wow you must be super hungry to still be growling that loud.” Petra commented “Oh yeah? Sorry, I’m just extra hungry today I guess…” Clara responded at first not connecting the dots due to it not being her stomach but Lenny’s. The two continued talking about other things until Clara realized she didn’t know what lessons they had for the rest of the day. “Say, what are we doing now after lunch?” “Professor Jenson is sick today so we only have P.E after lunch.” Petra responded. Lenny who was listening in on their conversation couldn’t help but start fantasizing over what was soon to come. Clara entered the changing room and sat down on a bench and bent down to untie her shoes, she did this to hide Lenny from her classmates. Clara started changing and Petra made a few comments about Clara not wearing underwear, witch made Clara tense up and blush. Lenny was somewhat prepared and simply allowed his body to follow where Clara’s ass led him. No matter what Clara did Lenny found it to be a peasant journey, it was a bit warm but everything else was Perfect. To start off the class did warm-up exercises, Squats, jogs and jumping jacks. It was only 10 minutes of warm-ups and Clara started jogging. It was somewhat taxing on her to jog around with all of Lenny inside of her weighing her down but Lenny loved being squished around with each step she took. Not only that but as her feet landed her ass cheeks jiggled essentially motor-boating Lenny every so often as he got squeezed in and out. Jumping jacks were also hard on Clara as with each jump her ass would be slow to follow her body on the way up and down and her legs got tiered instantly. Lenny tried to comment but Clara’s large ass kept blocking his mouth. But then once that was done came the Squats. Clara thought this was going to be easy but each time she squatted her ass tried to release its inhabitant and each time she stood back up he would be squeezed back in. but even if Lenny enjoyed it, Clara could feel all the movements. Some of the movement was strong enough to send a pulse of pleasure through her entire body while others hurt a little. Clara laid down on the ground huffing and puffing after the 10 minutes were up, but the lesson had only just started. Today the class was going to do Volleyball and of course Clara being so tall was going to be in the center for her team. It went well for Clara’s team but with each toss of the ball Clara got more and more sluggish as the weight of her rear overtook her. She could feel Lenny with every jump, with every pass, with every serve and every save. In the end Clara couldn’t continue and went to the side of the court to rest. “Man your out early” Petra stated. “well all food and the stuff during the weekend are heavy on me…” Clara responded between her huffs and puffs. “You might consider yoga, I mean I do it every week and it keeps me nice and slim.” “Yoga? Wouldn’t a diet be better?” “Perhaps, but you should give yoga a shot, there’s a place down town that has lessons this Friday, you should come.” “Ill think about it.” Clara responded not really thinking about it at the time. As the class ended Clara showered off and got dressed before heading home. “we really need to come up with a new solution for school hours that was unbearable.” Clara said as she threw herself on her bed. “Unbearable? Really, I thought it went well.” Lenny retorted “At least for you, I felt how you were enjoying my ass during the entire day, do you know how heavy you are?” “I’m not that heavy, maybe you should listen to your friends advice and go to one of those yoga classes…” “That wont help you loose weight inside of me.” “But it might help you and give me some more space!” Clara felt defeated and gave in. |
Barry Allen was The Flash, an energetic superhero who used his speed to protect the innocent. He raced through the streets of Central City, his keen eyes peeled for anybody in need... or for a nearby fast food restaurant; he was starving thanks to his accelerated metabolism. As he turned a corner, his eyes widened as a barrage of bullets flew past his head. Barry skidded to a stop, the surface of the road rippling beneath his costumed feet. He took in the scene around him, seeing 3 gunmen, firing bullets into a crowd. As he looked closer, he saw a blur stopping the bullets and recognised it to be his fellow member of their newly formed Justice League, Wonder Woman. Reentering superspeed, he watched the bullets slow to a stop. He could now see a look of panik on Diana’s face as she frantically stopped the bullets, barely able to keep up with the three automatic guns. Blue electricity crackling around him, Barry became a blur of light far faster than Diana could ever hope to be as he carefully moved the entire crowd to a safe distance away. Once the area was clear, he entered the combat too, hoping to make it quick so that he could grab lunch. As he ran past, he tripped the first two up and then turned his attention to the third. Gently, he tapped the man on the chest with the palm of his hand, the force of the super speed impact causing the man to begin to lift off the ground in slow motion. Barry turned to Diana with a smug smile as he exited super speed. The first two gunmen fell to the ground unconscious and the third was knocked backwards. “What’s the matter, can’t keep up?” He joked, before noticing his mistake. Diana had just wrapped her Lasso of Truth around the gunman who Barry knocked back and as the rope tightened, the man pulled her with him, sending them both crashing into the wall. Diana sat up, rubbing her head with a groan. “Barry, come on.” She complained. “Sometimes you just have to slow down. “I am so sorry, Diana.” Barry replied, holding up his hands apologetically, beginning to ramble. “I was really hungry, so I was looking to get something to eat. Then I ran into those bullets and…” He noticed that her frustration was growing so sheepishly remarked, “Sorry again.” “You were hungry?” She said in disbelief. “This isn’t the first time you’ve messed up and that’s your excuse almost every time.” She sighed. She needed to get the point across to him somehow. “I still haven’t had lunch yet because I’ve been tracing a gang across different cities. Some days, I don’t have any lunch, but I still focus on what is important, rather than trying to rush it.” With rapid thoughts, Barry instantly gave her an excuse. “But my metabolism is faster than most people so…” She didn’t even let him finish. She was bored of his excuses. A superhero should act like a noble warrior, not an immature child. “You never change, Barry.” She chided. Suddenly, an idea struck her and a cruel smile curled over her lips. “But I think I know a lesson you won’t be able to ignore.” Barry didn’t even realise that her Lasso had left her waist as it wrapped around his own. “What are you-” he began to question, before Diana yanked him towards her and punched him in the face, knocking him out cold. Then, she lifted him up and placed his head in her mouth, enjoying the taste of human skin once again. This was a technique that she had learned on Themyscira, and used to punish her fellow Amazons who did not meet her standards in combat. Diana grinned as memories from decades ago came back to her. As an immortal, things had certainly changed in the world during her lifetime. Some time ago, it had been acceptable for her to consume the weakest warriors of Themyscira, as well as for her Amazon sisters to eat any man who dared set foot on the island. One day, her mother, Queen Hippolyta ruled that it was unacceptable behavior, from a forgotten time. Soon after, Diana left the island with a pilot named Steve Trevor in search of new meals. She had intended to move to the mortal world to find new meals with nobody to stop her but unexpectedly, she fell in love with the world of man, and it’s many quirks, her respect for it growing. Recently, however, as heroes and villains seemed to be coming out of the woodwork, she had grown annoyed at it. She realised that eating people was exactly what she needed to revitalise her interest in this world. Snapping back from her nostalgia, she gulped hard and the superhero’s head disappeared down her throat, constricted by the tight, experienced muscles, causing a large bulge to appear on her neck. She gulped again and opened wider, allowing his shoulders to enter her mouth as the bulge of his head disappeared behind her large chest. She carried on swallowing, the action coming back to her just as easily as riding a bike, wondering how she had ever been able to give it up. Before either of them knew it, Barry had been crammed into her stomach in a fetal position. Diana heard the familiar sound of her stomach gurgling as it began to break down the meal. Inside, acid began to seep in from her stomach walls, stinging his skin. Due to his accelerated healing, he healed as fast as he was digested. Unconsciously, he groaned and twitched in pain but would not be able to do anything unless he awoke. “Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp.” Diana smiled to herself as the gas escaped her lips. It was just like old times. She was excited to think about how she would look when she had digested him. Her old amazonian diet had once had a big impact on her body, even if she had worked the weight off since she stopped eating people. Diana still had powerful thighs and wide hips. Her breasts were tight in her amazonian armour and her ass was round yet firm and muscular, although she had somehow maintained her thin waist. All of these features were highlighted by her somewhat revealing armour. It consisted of a metallic red leather top, with a ‘W’ shaped golden bar holding her cleavage in place, an eagle head created by a curve at the top. She wore a very short blue skirt, made from strips of metallic blue leather, with a Golden ‘W’ belt holding it together. The leather top had been pushed above her large belly, revealing the peachy skin of her large, gurgling and groaning belly which churned around it’s powered prey. Wanting to get herself off the street before any civilians returned, after being conveniently evacuated by Barry, she jetted into the air, with her hands out to her sides in her classic flying pose. Barry was tossed about, the acid splashing over him and breaking through most of his costume. With all his energy being devoted to his healing, he wouldn’t wake up, which was probably best for him. For the rest of the day, Diana relaxed in the clouds, hands behind her head and one leg rested on the other, her belly softening on top of her. Barry’s speed healing could only resist her acids for so long, and eventually, his subtle groans and twitches turned silent, replacing the low gurgles that emanated from her stomach. As it had done many times over a hundred years ago, her powerful stomach broke apart the prey, distributing the nutrients and turning what was left into fat, which padded her toned body. If Batman, or anyone else from their new team, questioned The Flash’s sudden disappearance or her sudden weight gain, she would happily show them where they had gone. |
CITY OF NORTH HELIX, THE XYZ BAR, MIDDAY “You ready for this?” The wolf glanced up from her trance, turning from idly watching the city drift past her window to look at the rat in the lab coat driving the van. She blinked a few times as she slowly remembered what “this” was. “Ah...yes. Yeah. I am,” she replied. “Stay in reality, Natalia” the rat warned. “I dont want you losing control, not while Im driving, or while Im in a hundred meters of you for that matter.” “Im in control, Doctor Caldwell,” Natalia reassured him. “Uh huh. Right,” the rat doctor nodded sarcastically. “I told you to call me Dr. Kain. Anyway, were here.” The rat veered the van off the main road and into the lot in front of the freestanding building that was the local watering hole. Popular joint, they had heard, but the lot was completely vacant, probably because it was just past noon. The place was technically open, but no movement could be seen through the windows. “Youve got your picture, right?” The wolf dropped her hand into her purse and pulled out the picture, looking over it yet again. The quality was grainy, evidence of the cheap security camera it had been taken from. Its subject was a single person, a male jaguar, his expression unreadable, his hands pocketed, his head bowed. “Of course you do. Why did I even ask,” Dr. Kain said. Reaching into his own pocket, he pulled out a cigarette and lighter. “Alright, then, Miss in-control, do your stuff.” “Do you really have to smoke in here?” she asked. “Itll reek when I get back.” The rat rolled his eyes. “Ill lower my window.”
Natalia felt her eyes focus and her head tilt ever so slightly down. The rat glanced at her in the rearview mirror and paused with the lighter right below his mouth. “Alright, alright,” he reluctantly opened the door and stepped out. Natalia followed suit, heading in the other direction. Inside, the bar was ghostly empty. Most of the chairs were turned upside down on the tables, apparently they had been cleaning. She glanced around, unsure of what exactly to do, when she heard footsteps in the back. Soon, a door swung open behind the bar, and a stack of boxes moved out. The boxes were set down on the bar, and the pug who had been carrying them stepped out from behind them and noticed Natalia. His expression dropped as he saw her, clearly not excited to have company. “Little early in the day for a lady to start drinking, isnt it?” he asked, gruffly. “Im not here for a drink,” she said. With a quick breath, she stepped forward to the bar and held out the picture to the pug. “I was hoping that you might know this man?” The pug gave a quick glance down at the picture. Natalia noticed his eyebrows raise up in recognition. However, the pug scowled, glanced back up to Natalia, and said, “I see a lot of people in here.” “But you know this man, dont you? I heard he might be a regular...” “And if he were, I wouldnt be too keen on losing his business, now, would I?” Natalias eyes focused again, and her head lowered. The room seemed to get brighter. Natalia realized that her eyes were dilating to take in light, so she blinked a few times and took a deep breath. The room slowly darkened again. “Please, sir. I have reason to believe this man might be connected to the disappearance of my husband and son. If you know anything-” “Blah blah blah” the pug interrupted. “Look, lady, the only reason I didnt kick you out when you didnt order anything is because I thought you might be good for some entertainment. But this is a bar, I get a hundred sob stories a night, and I dont need to start early. Order a beer, show your tits, or get your ass out of my bar. I got to set up.” The room got brighter as Natalia glared again. Her head lowered, and she did not try to stop it this time. She took a step closer to the bar, locking eye contact with the pug. “Look. I know you know him. Tell me what I need to know, or shits about to get real painful for you.” The pug smirked. “Ooh, the puppy knows some grown-up words. Scary. Really, whats a cute little puppy like you gonna do?” The pug crossed his arms and twisted his face into a sarcastic, threatening grin. The next instant, that grin was slammed flat against the bar. The bartender barely had time to groan in pain before Natalia grabbed his shoulders and yanked him over the bar, letting his hefty body come crashing down on the floor. Natalia crouched down grabbing the pug by the collar of his dirty shirt and yanking him up from the floor bringing the two face to face. “Listen here you creep. I had to go through a lot of shit to get here. Now youre either gonna tell me what I want to know or else Ill be the only one walking out of here today.” The wolf spoke through clenched teeth, her hot breath washing over him. The pug shot his arms up, smacking her hands off his collar, and prepared to strike. Natalia was faster, dodging his punch and slamming the base of her hand into his nose, making him howl. He brought a hand up to his nose, and Natalia used the opportunity to grab his other hand, twist it to turn him around, and then charged him forward, slamming him against the far wall. A framed photo fell to the ground. The pug groaned. “Last chance,” Natalia growled. “Fine! Hes one of those security guards for Biodynamics south facility. Comes in here after his shifts. I overheard him say he lives by the canal, he was bragging about getting a corner apartment. Real son of a bitch that guy. Always trying to start fights, not that anyone would have the balls to go up against that monster” The pug fidgeted in her grasp. Her grip held firm. “What do you mean?” “They did something to him over at Dynamics. I think he called it Predsplice. Kept bragging about how strong he was now. Said thats what they do to all their guards these days. Doesnt seem natural to me. That look in his eyes was just so... feral...” the bartenders voice trailed off as he strained his neck around, getting one eye just far enough over to look into her own. She saw his pupil contract, and smelled the fear coming off of him. It made her mouth water. The pug had barely a moment to yell before he was yanked backwards, his head falling into the wolfs open mouth. She closed her lips around him, muffling his shouts of protest, enjoying the feeling of his struggles. The taste wasnt anything to write home about, but feeling of having something alive and moving in her mouth was intoxicating, and she began to swallow. The pug was fairly heavy set, but Natalias strength was more than a match to start lifting him up and bending his torso backwards into her waiting mouth. His legs kicked furiously, causing her to take a step backwards, lest he manage to get a foot on the wall and knock her off balance. His struggles were of no threat otherwise. The arm she had grabbed and turned behind his back was still stuck there as he was swallowed. She realized that must be uncomfortable for him, but it didnt matter at this point, he was nothing but food to her. As his waist neared her lips, she pulled a chair of one of the tables and sat on it, lifting his legs into the air, watching them flail about uselessly as she eagerly gulped them down. The only article of his clothing she bothered to remove were his shoes, right before his feet entered her mouth. His socks tasted surprisingly clean, he must have worn fresh ones before coming into work. With one final gulp the last evidence of him was gone, and his fate was sealed. Natalia moaned in pleasure, and leaned back in her chair, her hands resting on her overstretched gut. She stayed there for a while, losing track of time, enjoying the feeling of the doomed mutt trapped within her belly. If it werent for Dr. Kains intrusion she might have stayed there until the evening rush came in. She didnt notice him at first. The rat looked her over, smirked, then inhaled a drag on his cigarette. Then, leaning in, he blew a cloud of smoke into the entranced wolfs face, kicking her out of her trance. “Hey! What the hell,” Natalia snapped back into reality, coughing. “You could have just tapped my shoulder, doc.” “I could have, yes,” Dr. Kain said. “So, looks like you had fun. Nice being in control, right?” “Ah...” Natalia stammered, unable to form a reply. Suddenly, the gravity of what had just happened fell down on her like a ton of bricks. She had only meant to get information from the pug. But something powerful, something feral had come over her when hed insulted her, and she completely lost control. The pug struggled for a while, but sometime before the doc had come in, his movements had stopped. She wondered if the rat had specifically waited for that before waking her. “Oh, Fenrir, I...I didnt mean to let it go that far...” Natalia looked down at her engorged stomach. “Relax, relax,” Dr. Kain said, walking over to pick up the fallen picture. “Of course you didnt. But theres the cost, isnt there?” “Cost? What cost?” Dr. Kain turned the picture over, pulled out a pen, and began scribbling something on the back. “For thousands of years, weve evolved safeguards to let us live next to one another without seeing each other as competition, or just as food. Youve just had those safeguards torn out of you, and in return youve gained the strength to avenge your family.” He finished his scribble, held out the frame, and let it fall back to the floor. For a moment, the abstract symbol of a fanged maw he had drawn was visible as it bounced on its edge, then it was hidden as the picture flopped onto its back. “Speaking of, did you manage to get the information before you ate him?” “You say it so casually...” Natalia said. “You ate him. Statement of fact. Accept it and move on, ideally before someone walks in to start drinking early. Information?” Natalia shook herself back into focus. “Right. The jaguar works security with Biodynamics. He has a corner apartment by the canal.” “Hmm. Not bad for your first interrogation. All right, get a move on.” Natalia pulled herself up and walked to the van. Dr. Kain left his cigarette in his mouth as he turned the ignition. “I thought you werent going to smoke in the van?” Natalia asked. “I wasnt,” he replied. “Or rather, I wasnt going to risk pissing you off while you were hungry.” Natalia casually reached over and flicked the cigarette, sending it flying out the window as he pulled out. He turned to glare at her. She glared right back, smiling. “I can already tell that working with you is going to be a right pain in the ass,” Dr. Kain said as he turned the ignition. “You had better be worth it.” “Its a pleasure working with you, too, doc” Natalia said. |
“You dont understand,” Natalia said. “No, I completely understand,” Dr. Kain replied. “Im just saying its idiotic.” “Hes a regular at the bar, how long do you think itll take him to hear that one of the employees disappeared? Hed get spooked even if he didnt think someone was after him, but he probably will, since that was the place he was bragging about his splice. If Im going to find him, it needs to be now.” “Sure. I wont argue that,” the rat doctor replied. “But you dont know his schedule, you dont know if hes home, and on top of that amazingly insufficient foundation youre planning on barging into a spliced predators apartment dragging that around,” he jammed his finger into Natalias bloated stomach, still carrying the remains of the pug from the XYZ Bar. “Dont poke me,” she whined. “The jaguarll do a whole lot worse than poke you,” Dr. Kain replied, though he relented, and returned his hand to the steering wheel. “This might be the only chance for closure I get. Ive got the element of surprise, and I am not letting this opportunity get away from me.” “Suit yourself. I did agree to help, I suppose. Just remember that you cant fulfill your side of the bargain if youre killed.” “Ill keep that in mind,” Natalia said as the van pulled in to park. “Good.” Dr. Kain cranked the vans gears into park and leaned back in his seat. “Im waiting half an hour. If I dont get a text or a call or some other evidence you havent been eaten then Im going to assume you were and leave.” “Right. Wish me luck?” “Youve got my code spliced in your genes. You dont need luck.” “Thanks, doc.” “Yeah, its Kain...yes, were at our old friends house. Shes headed in....eh, hard to say. Shes headstrong and inexperienced, but shes indomitable...yes. My usual shipment if she survives, three vials if she doesnt. Five? You greedy prick...youre on.” It was a simple enough matter for Natalia to guess which apartment was probably the jaguars. There was only one row of buildings that ran up against the canal in the back, and a quick look around the building revealed that they had a pretty nice natural view behind their apartments, and also that the corner apartments looked to be a size and a half larger than the others. It didnt take her long to narrow down the exact room, either the first door she knocked on, a rabbit came out and immediately groaned when he saw the picture. Apparently, the jaguar had several noise complaints made against him, and it was of no surprise that there was somebody looking for him, particularly someone pregnant, the rabbit added. Natalia blushed at the comment, having nearly forgotten her belly. The rabbit pointed Natalia to the third floor. s give. These werent luxury apartments, the wood on the door was weaker than most. The latch would almost certainly break off if, say, somebody with genetically enhanced strength rammed against it.
s jaw. s strike was hard enough to send any normal person toppling. But Natalia was not a normal person, not anymore. After an instant to recover, she dodged the tigresss next blow and landed one of her own. s blow landed in her gut. It should have knocked the wind out of her, but instead, she leapt back out of reach and kept her hand up. “Spliced, arent you?” the tigress “Wheres the Jaguar?” “Hes at work. Hell be there until nine. Let me guess, youre not just a pissed-of ex?” “Is everything okay in here? What happened?” the voice came from behind them. Natalia sniffed. Sheep, female. Frightened. Probably a neighbor. “Hey, Katie!” the tiger waved. “Everythings fine. Oscar just pissed off the wrong wolf, it seems.” “Say no more. Want me to file a ticket with maintenance for you?” “Oh, hon, youre a doll!” The tigress smiled as the sheeps footsteps retreated back down the corridor. “She thinks Im his stepsister. Helps to have a cover story, when violence wont work.” “Who are you?” “My names Tess, Im with IntegraTech.” “And youre partnered with the Jaguar?” “His names Oscar, if youre curious. And, no, Im not working with him. I was stealing information off his computer.” Tess moved back to the computer and began clicking. “Was almost done, actually, although half of this stuff is useless now that youve tripped the silent alarm.” “He has a silent alarm?” “No. Biodynamics did. They like to keep track of their assets.” “Assets?” “Yes. And that brings me to the million-dollar question
” here Tess pulled out a flash drive from the computer and pointed it at Natalia, “...who are you?” “Im just here for Oscar.” “Well, youll be here a long time, then. Since you tripped the alarm, Biodynamics will relocate him. Hes not coming back here again.” “What? But
” Natalia looked around again, more desperate. She saw the lizard, still sleeping in the next room, and pointed. “Not even for her?” “As far as I know, he picked her up at a club last night. He does that a lot. Shes nothing to him.” s words faded off as she felt her chance slipping through her fingers. She held out a hand and leaned against the countertop of the apartments tiny kitchen. Dr. Kain had been right. She had been rash. Shed run in without doing any sort of research on her target, and now her chance was lost. “recombinant.” “Wait at least three days,” Tess said, “then call that number. Theyll want a password, its written below the number. Ill keep an eye out for Oscar in the meantime, if I learn anything, Ill pass it on when you call. “Why are you helping me?” “Well, youve barged in here without knowing what to expect, what an asset is, and you didnt even flinch when I said I work for IntegraTech. But in spite of all that, youre spliced. That means youre either a misplaced prototype or a rogue agent, and either way, youll be fascinating to watch.” “So, thats what I am to you? Entertainment?” “You make it sound so bad!” Tess grinned. “Maybe I do want some fun maybe I want a friend. Its a bit lonely for splicers like us, you know? But you might want to get going. Maintenance will be here soon, probably with security. Theyre expecting me, but probably wont be too happy to see you.” t get farther than “Thanks,” before turning and heading back down the steps. “Urrgh...keep it down
” the lizard in bedroom finally woke up and was standing in her underwear in the doorway. “Sleep okay?” Tess asked, grinning. “No...had way too much to drink last night...whore you? Wheres...what was his name...” “There, there,” Tess said, stepping forward and placing a hand on the lizards shoulder. “You know, Ive got a real good cure for hangovers.” “Really? By Quetzalcoatl, youre my saviour
” “Not quite,” Tess said, reaching a hand behind the lizards scaly head and pushing her towards her maw. s teeth reached her waist, however, her common sense seemed to kick back in, and she started kicking. Of course, by that point she had no leverage left to effectively struggle, and Tess merely lifted herself up and began swallowing her legs, finishing by slurping up the long tail like an oversized noodle. She loved reptiles, they always went down so smoothly. “Come in,” Tess said, and a fox in a security uniform pushed open the broken door. ”Hmm
” he muttered, nonchalantly gesturing to the tiger squirming middle. “That anyone important?” “Just a loose end,” she said. “Trail will lead back to Oscar.” “Mmm-hmm. And the wolf with the big belly I saw walk out of here? I assume that was all according to protocol? “Now, now, you know I can bend protocol if I judge its necessary for an assignment.” “And was it?” “Necessary? Not strictly
” She walked over to the window and peeked out, just as squealing tires signaled an old rusty van peeling out of its parking space. “...but I get the feeling shell be useful in the near future...” |
BUNNIES IN THE LIONS DEN by Arta Shrike ♦HAPTER ONE♦ he sun had already retreated below the horizon when Sigmund finally got to hear the click of his door behind him. With a relieved sigh, the lion shook out his regal mane before yanking his tie off of his neck, dropping it on the hook beside the door, and pulling open the buttons on his shirt. That done, he took the heavy steps necessary to reach his living room collapsed on his favorite chair. He waited in silence for a while, breathing deeply, before he heard padded footsteps moving ever closer to him. Sigmund opened his eyes. An orange-furred rabbit had walked up to him. She was much shorter than him, though plainly developed enough to be an adult. As Sigmund opened his eyes, she smiled, and leaned her elbows onto his stomach. Sigmund replied by reaching his heavy hand down and pinching the back of her shirt before effortlessly lifting her into the air and up to his lips. The rabbit grabbed Sigmunds muzzle and pulled her face into it, kissing him deeply. Sigmund responded with a passionate kiss of his own, before giving a heavy exhale and plopping the bunny down on his stomach. “Long day, Siggy?” the rabbit asked. “Like you would not believe, Sunny,” Sigmund replied. “An argument with the board. An argument with a client. The financial company reneged on their contract until we threatened legal action. Empty threats to devour one another were being passed around like birthday cards.” Suddenly the bunny bounced up as a blow from inside Sigmunds stomach shoved out, complete with an angry yell. “Woah!” Sunny said. “Not all of them empty, apparently!” Sigmund chuckled. “Why he thought that he needed to barge into my office to demand in person that his contract be cancelled is beyond me,” he replied. “It was simply more efficient to eat him than let him drag out a legal battle over the kill fee.” “Looks like he paid it in the end!” Sunny laughed. “Feels like a big one!” “Badger. And, yes, he was big. Large class-B, maybe even a small A. Hell last me a week, at least. Only good part of my day.” “Well, Im glad youve got a full belly,” Sunny said, her expression turning seductive. “Cause I think youre going to need the extra energy tonight
” “Oh, really?” Sigmund said, reaching out and taking her by the chin. “You think Ill need a lot of energy to take a little fluffy bunny and reduce her to a squirming pile of unbearable pleasure?” “I guess were gonna have to find out
” Sunny said, right at the moment her phone rang. Sunny grimaced in annoyance and slid the device out of her pocket just far enough to glance at the screen. “Eh, it can wait.” “Really? Who was it?” Sigmund asked. “My mom. Ill call her back.” “Oh no,” Sigmund said, “thatd be rude. We cant leave her hanging.” “Shell be fine. Come on
” Sunny said, trying to shove the phone back into her pocket before Sigmund caught her by the wrist and pulled it back out. Looking up, she saw her boyfriend wearing a devious expression. “Now, now,” Sigmund said, “Id hate for your mother to think something might have happened to you. In fact,” he began pulling Sunnys phone away from her. She struggled, but he used his other hand to grab her ears and tugged her backwards. “This would be a good time to introduce myself. Im sure your overheated loins can wait a minute or an hour while I OW!” Sunny bent back and bit Sigmunds hand, making him release her ears. She climbed over his chest and began struggling for the phone while he held it away from her. “Phone. Down. Sex. Now,” she demanded. As she began crawling over Sigmunds head to reach the device, the lion opened his mouth and released a loud belch right into her face. “Agh!” Sunny grabbed her nose and took a step backward onto Sigmunds stomach. Within that stomach, the badger, irritated by the belch, kicked out and unintentionally knocked Sunny backwards onto the carpet. Grinning, Sigmund pressed the phone to his ear. “Good evening, Mrs. Velveteen!” “Jerk!” Sunny shouted. “I see youve heard of me! Yes, I am that lion. My names Sigmund. Pleasure to talk to you. Sunnys right here, Im sure shed love to chat with you.” Sunny began bouncing up next to Sigmunds ear, trying and failing to pull his hand down. “Mom! Hang up! Sig and I are trying to bang!” Suddenly, Sigmunds expression turned curious. “What do you mean, you wanted to talk to me?” Sunny stopped bouncing as she saw Sigmund get more serious. “Hang on, Im going to put you on speakerphone.” With a tap, he set the phone on the armrest and bent down. “You said you needed help?” “Mom?” Sunny said, leaning against the chair. “Whats wrong?” “Oh, baby,” Mrs. Velveteens voice sounded tired and strained. “Ive just lost my job, and Im losing the house in a few days.” Sigmund and Sunny shared a worried look. Rabbits and other small creatures didnt tend to last long without homes. “Im
very sorry to hear that, Mrs. Velveteen,” Sigmund said. “What happened?” “My position was eliminated in the companys recent reorganization,” she said. “And youd think I would have more of a grace period, but Id only just learned I was under investigation for a paid debt that someone had misfiled as overdue and had been sending notices to the wrong address.” “Sounds like a bureaucratic nightmare,” Sigmund said. “How long do you have?” Sunny said. “If I dont have a job, Ill be evicted on Monday.” “Im very sorry, but what did you want me for?” Sigmund asked. Mrs. Velveteen sighed. “I really cant expect you to accept, I wont be mad if you dont, but I need a place for me and my family to stay, just until I can find a new job. I know you have a big house and I think Sunny told me it was just you and her...” Sigmund glanced at Sunny. The bunny looked up at him with a somber expression, her ears flopped downwards. A moment of awkward silence passed between them, only partially broken by the squirms within Sigmunds stomach. “Besides yourself, how many are in your family?” Sigmund asked. “I have twenty children living with me right now.” There was silence between the three of them for a few moments. Then, Sigmund shrugged and smiled. “You know what, why not.” “Really?!” Mrs. Velveteen asked. Sunnys ears perked up and she smiled brightly. “I mean, even for my size, I have a pretty big house that stays mostly empty. I assume youre all class-C?” “Yes!” came the reply. Class-C citizens were the smallest individuals, usually below four feet, and the most vulnerable to predators. Sigmund, at nine feet tall, sat comfortably in class-A. “Then it should be fine. We can meet tomorrow, if youd like, to discuss a renters deposit and insurance.” A sigh came through the line. “Im sorry,” Mrs. Velveteen said, sounding downcast, “Im feeding my children with food stamps right now. I dont have the savings for things like that.” Sigmund paused to consider. He glanced over at Sunny, who looked back at him with pleading eyes. “Okay, thats not a dealbreaker,” Sigmund said. “But without a deposit, I really cant offer you any sort of contract.” Everyone knew what wasnt being spoken. Without a contract, the Velveteen family would not be legal residents in Sigmunds home, and thus would have no legal protection. Sigmund could legally do whatever he wanted to them while they were in his home, whether that be evicting them or eating them. “I understand,” came the terse reply. “Well, alright then. Shall I plan to see you Monday?” A few quick plans were made for what time Sigmund would be available to welcome them into his home, what sort of arrangements to expect, and a few general rules before Mrs. Velveteen expressed her relief and gratitude, and the call was ended. Sigmund looked back up to Sunny. “Well. Things are going to get busy around here real quick.” Sunny nodded. “Yeah, but still, thanks so much honey. It means a lot to me.” “You really love your family, huh?” “My siblings, eh, some of them, but Im really glad for my mom. Shes went through hell and high water raising us, especially after dad got eaten. Shes a natural survivor and doesnt take nonsense from anybody.” “Sounds like you really respect her.” “She earned it. But you know what?” Sunny took a standing hop, landed on the armrest, and shoved Sigmunds head backwards. “For the next hour, at the least, Id really rather not talk about my mother.” “Oh, really?” Sigmund replied, his voice turning teasing again. “I suppose youd prefer to talk about existential philosophy, or perhaps the terrible things certain politicians GRK-“ With deft fingers, Sunny had slipped her hand into Sigmunds mouth mid-sentence, grabbed his rough tongue, and yanked it out of his mouth. “Whats wrong, Siggy? Bunny got your tongue?” With a wicked grin, she released it, letting him pull it back into his mouth and wince. “I can think of at least three uses for that tongue better than blathering, kitty.” Sigmund smacked his sore tongue against his palate a few times. When he recovered, he gave a playful glare to Sunny. “Oh, its on now, bunny.” “Oh dear. I seem to have upset a big scary lion. Whatever shall I -MMPH!” “Was that one of the uses for my tongue you had in mind?” Sigmund asked. “Shut up! Dont stop!” He didnt. ♦HAPTER TWO♦ onday evening, a rusty van, tilting dangerously with each turn from the strain of being overburdened, pulled into Sigmunds neighborhood. It passed Sigmunds convertible, which had been left on the street to leave room in the driveway, and as it passed the inhabitants got a glimpse of the size difference between them and the neighborhoods denizens. The van was big enough to hold the hoard of rabbits within it and their possessions, but it still was shorter than the convertibles door handle. After pulling into the empty driveway, a single rabbit hopped out from the vans driver seat, issuing a strict warning for the other passengers to stay put. She walked her way over to the door which was several sizes larger than her, but before she could knock, it swung open, and Sunny bounced out to give her mother a hug. “Mom! Great to see you.” Mrs. Velveteen gently returned the hug. “Oh, likewise, baby. You wouldnt believe how grateful I am for you and your boyfriend. Where is the big kitty, anyway?” “Ahem,” Sigmund coughed, appearing in the doorway. “Only Sunny gets to call me that.” He noticed a number of faces shoving themselves against the window of the van to get a better look at him. “Oh, Im terribly sorry, Sigmund,” Mrs. Velveteen said, coming over to shake his hand. “But let me thank you again for opening your home to us.” “Its not a problem,” he said, taking her tiny paw in his comparatively massive one. He noted the plain dress she wore, slightly stained and tattered along the hem, and also noted the deep bags under her eyes, indicating sleep deprivation. “Or at least, I hope it wont be, Mrs. Velveteen.” “Please, Sigmund, call me Odessa. And I promise you, I run a very tight ship. I will personally ensure my children respect your property.” “Well, thank you, Odessa. Please, come inside.” The children were left in the van for a few minutes while Sigmund and Sunny gave her a tour of the house, showing her what rooms the children would be permitted to sleep (“If they cant all fit on a bed, then keep it for only the oldest or most well-behaved, please.”), where they werent allowed (“My office and my personal computer are off limits to every rabbit but Sunny.”) and what would be expected of them (“Absolutely no guests unless I give my express permission.”) Odessa took careful note with multiple promises to claim responsibility for her family. “Just one more thing, dearie,” she said as they descended the steps back down into the living room. “Im nobodys fool, and I dont expect that, just because youre dating my daughter, that means youve completely changed your nature
” “Mom,” Sunny said, “you remember teaching me long ago that to love somebody, you have to take the good and the bad, right?” She reached up and began stroking the fur on Sigmunds arm. “But fortunately, Siggy has so much good
” Sigmund took Sunnys ear with his fingers and began stroking her right back. “Lets not beat around the bush, Odessa. Yes, I am a predator. I usually prefer larger prey, but I have eaten rabbits, even since Sunnys moved in with me.” He looked up at Odessa. “I know that, to you, Im as trustworthy as the next pred, but I do promise you that Sunny has nothing to fear from me, and because of her great respect for you, neither do you.” “I see,” Odessa said. “And my children?” Sigmund shrugged. “I had a big meal a few days ago. Itll last me the rest of the week. And like I said, I prefer larger prey. Aside from that, however, I cannot make you any promises.” Odessa nodded, understanding what wasnt being said. “I have no illusions about the status of class-C citizens like myself. To date, Ive gotten more children to adulthood than my own mother did, and I only need to look to your right hand to take pride in that,” she said, referring to Sunny. “Ill thank you for hosting us for as long as you do. Ill only ask you not make a spectacle of it should
nature run its course.” Sigmund gave a respectful nod, and Odessa turned to retrieve her children. Before opening the door, however, she checked through the front window, as many smaller species were wont to do, and froze. Sigmund could see the shivers of fear run down her back. Outside, her children were cornered by a pair of wolves that were shaking the van, taunting the terrified children within, and attempting to use a hanger to unlock the door. As one resumed his work with the hanger, the other leapt onto the hood of the van and gazed down at the pile of rabbits within. “I can hardly believe our luck!” yelled the one on the hood. “I know, right?” said the one with the hanger. “A whole van full of rabbits just pulls right up into the neighborhood!” “Meals on wheels!” A din of scared yelling came from the children within that was mostly indecipherable, but a cry of “Dont eat us!” could be vaguely made out. “Hey, bunnies, wanna see where youre going?” the one on the hood taunted, before opening his mouth as wide as possible, pressing it against the windshield, and sensually slurping at the glass. He paid no attention to how dirty the glass might be from the vans long years of use, nor did he pay any attention to the lion that silently bolted up behind him, crossing the distance from his door in the blink of an eye and grabbing him by the nape of the neck. “EEP!” “Geri. Fancy seeing you here tonight. Oh, and hello to you too, Remus,” Sigmund said calmly as Geri struggled in his grip. “Woah! Ah, easy there, Sig,” Remus said, backing away from the car. “Just happened to notice this van pull up, didnt want any mischief if you were out
” “Oh, how noble,” Sigmund said. “Protecting a lions house from a van full of bunnies. Or would it be more likely that you were so excited about said bunnies that you didnt notice Id parked my car in the street and thought I was away? Did you think you could get away with it, in spite of what I warned you would happen if you chased prey across my property again?” “Hold on, hold on!” Remus said, taking a step forward while still keeping a safe distance. “No need to get rash here. Youve got a lot of bunnies here, no need to take your aggression out on us. Can I convince you to let my brother go, please?” “Sure,” Sigmund said. “But Id need you to do something first.” Geri calmed his struggles a bit. Remus smiled. “Absolutely! Name it.” “Get in my mouth.” Remuss smile disappeared. “What? But-” “You had fair warning, which you ignored. Punishment is necessary, but I really only have room for one wolf. Now, Ive already caught Geri, so if you want to save him, take his place.” He opened his maw and pointed down his throat with his free hand. Sigmund could see Remuss mind racing. “Wait, look, consider a trade. Back home, Ive got -” Sigmund never learned what Remus had back home, as Geri, increasingly desperate to escape, tried to twist his head around and bite the lions arm. Sigmund, having already seen that move while wrestling his girlfriend, twisted his arm out of Geris reach, and used his free hand to grab the wolfs muzzle and squeeze it shut. “Negotiations are over!” Sigmund declared, before stuffing Geris head into his mouth and began swallowing. Remus stood in shocked horror for an instant as he saw his brothers chest become framed with his neighbors teeth. Then, survival instinct took over. He gave a final, “Im sorry, Geri!” before turning and running back home. Sigmund did not give the escaped wolf a second thought. His focus remained on the former wolf, current meal that was reduced to a pair of kicking legs trying very desperately not to slide into his jaws. Being as far in as it was, however, there was no going back. Sigmund simply leaned his head backwards, unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt, and leisurely gulped, brining the legs a few inches deeper each time. Within the van, the rabbit children were in a rare state of complete silence as they were given a front row seat on a show few class-C creatures were ever able to safely watch. They stared on in fear, fascination, curiosity, and every combination thereof as their former predator slid down into the lions belly. Odessa and Sunny had remained in the house, but had seen the entire show from the window, and were both unable to look away. “Oh, mercy me,” Odessa said. “How do you live, knowing something like that could happen every day?” Sunny made no reply but a soft moan. Odessa glanced over to see her daughter fogging the glass with her warm breath, a lusty look in her eyes and a spot of drool beginning to form on the corner of her mouth. “Goodness, baby,” Odessa said, pulling a handkerchief out and dabbing at her daughters lip. “Does that do it for you?” “Mom, youve been standing here right next to me, just as unable to look away,” Sunny said, “and dont think I didnt hear your knees rubbing together.” Odessa turned away, her ears beginning to glow with blush. “It
its simply been a while since we lost your father, is all
” “Yeah, well, hands off,” Sunny teased. “Hes mine!” ♦HAPTER THREE♦ igmund did not stick around to introduce himself to the Velveteen family as they were herded inside. He stuck around to essentially be a scarecrow as Odessa pulled her children from the car, but once everyone was inside he promptly made his way upstairs to the master bedroom, making it clear that under no circumstances was he to be disturbed. He was promptly followed by Sunny, who under no circumstances would allow Sigmund to be undisturbed, but she knew she could get away with it. Odessa separated her children and escorted the boys to one bedroom while instructing her daughters to quietly head upstairs to to another. While a few of her sisters gave Sunny jealous glances, most of the Velveteen family were engaged in energetic whispered conversations about their lives having been saved and the fact that somebody had just gotten eaten right in front of them. “Did you see the way that wolf kicked?” “Did you see the way the lions throat bulged?” “Are you afraid hes going to get up in the night and want a midnight snack?” “No way! Did you see how full his belly got?” “Mom wouldnt bring us here if it werent safe, right?” “He hasnt eaten Sunny yet!” “How long have they been together, anyway?” “If we sleep with him, will he not eat us too?” “You want to suck a lion cock?” “Hey, I saw you staring at him!” “We were all staring!” “At his mouth or throat, yeah. You were staring at his butt!” “Be quiet!” The last one came from Mrs. Velveteen herself, who was just walking in. “I just finished getting your brothers downstairs to settle down. Now, I want everyone to be quiet and get to sleep. You still have school in the morning.” She casually pulled off her dress, threw it over a chair taller than her, and walked in her underwear to the edge of the bed. “Make room. Love you all, good night.” “Mom?” came a voice. “Is Sigmund safe?” Odessa sighed. “Hes safer than any other predator. But no. While youre living here, you should treat him with the same caution you treat any other predator.” “Sunny seems safe around him.” “She is.” “But if were not, why are we living here?” Odessa sat up. “Do you girls remember the wolves that were attacking the van tonight? If Sigmund didnt let us stay here, that would have happened to us, with no one to save you, eventually. We should be grateful to him, yes, but still careful. Now, go to sleep.” “Mom?” Sigh. “Yes?” “I love you.” Odessa smiled. “I love you too, sweetie. All of you.” The next morning Sigmund, who had been knocked out unusually early by his large meal, walked downstairs to see his kitchen in a flurry of activity. Odessa had apparently brought her own groceries with all her luggage, and was currently preparing what seemed to be dandelion and kale salad bowls for her childrens lunch after having already made them a breakfast of steamed glazed carrots and berries over greens. As he descended the last few steps, she broke off what she was doing to pour freshly brewed coffee into a cup that was far too large for her, so when it was full she had to use both hands to carry it to the counter and set it in front of Sigmund. “Good morning,” she said with a polite nod before turning back to her routine, scolding Marcus for throwing food, wiping Angelas face, and instructing Louis to begin the dishes. Sigmund noticed a number of plastic crates that had been taken from his garage and scattered about the kitchen to give the Velveteens access to his too-tall stove, sink, and countertops. “I had heard you run a tight ship,” he said to Odessa, “but wow, you certainly work quick.” Odessa nodded her thanks. “Ill make sure theres no mess left over for you, and Im sorry about the crates, I hope it was okay to take them and Ill make sure they get put back.” “Honestly, Ive been meaning to get rid of those,” Sigmund said. “You can leave them where they are youll use the kitchen more than me, Im sure. Eh?” Sigmund looked down to see a rabbit hugging him by the leg. He was thinking that he hadnt seen Sunny wake up yet, but then realized that the rabbit was not Sunny. “Thank you for letting us stay in your house, Mr. Cruz!” Sigmund paused for a moment, just long enough for echoes of “Thank you, Mr. Cruz!” to echo from the remainder of the rabbits at the table. Grinning a bit, he reached down and patted the bunnys head, then shook his leg just enough to shoo her off of him. “Alright, children, when youre finished, get your bookbags and head to the front door! Remember, no going outside until were all together!” As the rabbits made their way to the front, Sigmund leaned in. “So, whatre your plans for the day?” he asked Odessa, sipping on his coffee. Odessa bounced over to a crate near her purse, from which she pulled a page of newspapers classifieds. “A friend of a friend got me an early edition. Ill be in the front of the line of any new openings. Ill start pounding the pavement as soon as the kids are in school, applying wherever I have even a ghost of a shot, and keep it up until Im employed. As soon as Im employed, I can apply for new housing. With any luck, well be out of your mane within a week.” They were not out of his mane within a week. Sigmund could tell that she was trying. With his permission, Odessa had set up a file on the dining room table where she collected all her applications, both pending and rejected, with a calendar perpetually filled with dates to follow up on any employers who did not get back to her in a timely fashion, which was almost all of them. The rejections file slowly began to stack higher and higher. It was clear that they were beginning to weigh on her, however, she diligently continued the routine each day, waking her children in the morning, preparing their breakfasts and lunches, driving them to school, filling out applications, picking them up in the afternoon, and heading to any interviews she may have picked up afterwards. After a week, however, Sigmund could see the tight ship she was famous for running beginning to loosen. The Velveteen family, for their part, were gradually growing more casually around Sigmund, in spite of their mothers warning. When he came down for work, Odessa would pass him his morning coffee, and every bunny around the table would cheerfully shout “Good morning, Mr. Cruz!” In the afternoons, when he came home, he found the boys treating his furniture, which was oversized to them, as their personal jungle gym and obstacle course. The girls began leaving accessories open and scattered about his bathroom counter, and even beyond into the kitchen and dining room. To their credit, with a growl from either him or Odessa, they made the necessary corrections, but the timespan between correction and remission were growing shorter and shorter. However, the worst part of it was that he was much more constrained by when and where he was able to be intimate with Sunny. On Friday afternoon, he complained about it to her as she leaned back against him in the master bedroom, where the door was closed and locked, “You know, you were the one who said that the house was just being left empty all the time,” Sunny said. “True enough,” Sigmund said, “but I do miss ravishing you right in the middle of the living room without fear of interruption.” Sunny grinned. “You still could. They couldnt stop you.” “Oh, certainly,” Sigmund said. “Because theres nothing that would turn me on more than making love in front of twenty voyeurs with raging adolescent rabbit hormones. And their mother.” Sunny giggled. “She probably wouldnt mind. Were rabbits, after all. Were pretty open about sex.” “Perhaps its my own flaw that Im just slightly more reserved.” There was a slight rumble in Sigmunds stomach, low enough that even someone with Sunnys ears might not have heard it if she wasnt pressed up against her favorite belly-pillow. But she was, so she had, so she glanced up at Sigmund and asked, “Are you
you know, planning on hunting? Them, I mean?” Sigmund paused, then shrugged. “I probably already would have if I hadnt ended up stuffing myself on that wolf. Ill get hungry again soon. Its unlikely Ill have another client with no self preservation instinct barge into my office, so Ill need to hunt. Id probably wipe out half the family if I tried to get full on them, but one or two would make a nice snack until I have a more successful hunt.” “Do you think itd be harder to hunt things that shout good morning, Mr. Cruz every morning?” Sigmund laughed. “Thats probably their mother trying to get them to be polite. Good for her, but just because their mostly polite when shes around doesnt mean-” “Wait,” Sunny interrupted, her ears twitching. “Do you hear that?” Sigmunds ears picked it up as well. It was faint, probably having passed through a few walls from the backyard, but it was the unmistakable sound of bunny children screaming. Sunny was on her feet in an instant, with Sigmund close behind. They had not been dressed, so Sunny threw on an oversized sweater to cover herself while Sigmund pulled on a pair of gym shorts before both bounded down the steps to the sliding glass doors that led to the back yard. When they got there and could look out, they stopped. The screams had not been ones of terror, but ones of glee. The entire Velveteen family were enjoying themselves in and around Sigmunds pool, with a few also having pulled out his hose to spray each other down with. They yelped with joy as they got hit with the hose, or dived in, or pushed each other in. “Oh, for goodness sake,” Sigmund said. “Whats wrong?” Sunny asked. “You didnt tell them the pool was off limits, did you?” “No,” Sigmund said. “But I am annoyed to run downstairs for nothing, and is it too much to ask for any of them to wear a bathing suit?!” Indeed, the pool and patio were a menagerie of rabbit fur, unencumbered by a single stitch of clothing. “Heh, this takes me back,” Sunny said. “Really?” Sigmund asked. “Oh yeah. If we all got good grades and behaved, mom would sometimes organize a water fun day. We didnt have a pool, but wed have slip n slides and sprinklers and water balloons and water guns. Not all of us had swimsuits, and it would have been expensive to buy everyone one, so wed all just strip down and play naked.” “Well,” Sigmund said, “if that was in you own home, then whatever, but I cant allow them to just-MPH!” Sigmunds disapproval was cut short by a sweater being thrown in his face. When he pulled it off, he saw the glass door was open, and a familiar pair of bunny buttcheeks were running away from him before leaping up and diving into the deep end. “Hey! Its Sunny!” “Oh, hey, Mr Cruz!” came calls from various points across the pool. Sigmund stepped out. The stern look on his face must have been evident, because the merrymaking got a bit quieter as he came out. Odessa quickly set down one of her younger daughters who had been learning to swim and quickly approached Sigmund. She was no less naked than the rest of them, with her slightly saggy chest and slightly chubby belly fully on display. Time and family had worn on her figure, but she was still fairly attractive, which made Sigmund blush and turn his gaze upward as she spoke. “Sigmund! Good afternoon, and I really hope you dont mind this - times have been hard on our family, as Im sure you know, and since you said we could use your pool I thought a water fun day after our first week here would help boost our spirits! I, well, I really hope you dont mind our attire, or, well, lack
” Sigmund sighed, and glanced over the pool to find the one bunny he wouldnt mind seeing naked. Sunny was on the opposite end of the pool, with some of her siblings laughing as they talked about something he couldnt hear and occasionally splashing one another. “I would have preferred you to stay dressed in my home,” he said, “but, well, seeing as Sunnys joined in already I suppose I cant be too angry.” “Oh, thank you so much!” Odessa stepped forward and hugged Sigmund around his thigh. “This means so much to may family. Oh, and I think youll be glad to hear
” Sigmund nodded, but started tuning her out. He didnt think Odessa had any ulterior motives behind hugging him, but there was still the matter that a naked rabbit who wasnt his girlfriend was hugging his leg, so he did his best not to think about it and turned his gaze skyward. When he did, however, he froze. In the afternoon sky, Sigmund could see a silhouette descending and headed straight for his yard. Gently, Sigmund reached down and pushed Odessa off of him, then crouched. The next few moments were a blur of lightning-quick motions. One of the bunny boys on the pool deck was grabbed. Sigmund bolted over to the fence on the edge of his yard and nimbly leapt to the top of it as the creature with a bunny in its talons began to rise. Balanced on the edge of the fence, Sigmund leapt. His hands promptly found their mark right as the other rabbits realized something was happening and began screaming, this time in earnest fear. Stunned by the added weight, the talons released the bunny, who fell and landed on his back, fortunately on the grass. Sigmund, naturally, landed on his feet, his hands tightly gripping both sides of the intruders torso. A few moments passed as everyone registered what had just happened, including Sigmund, who had been moving on instinct. As the Velveteens realized that one of them had been rescued, they began to cheer. Sigmund looked up at the creature he was holding and found it was a hawk. He twitched his wings as his arms, which were separate, were pinned to his side by the much larger lion. “What were you doing?” Sigmund asked. “Er
hunting?” the hawk stammered. “Ive been keeping my license valid, you can-” “What I meant, obviously,” Sigmund interrupted, “is what were you doing here? This is private property, that should be plainly visible from the air.” “Oh, well, I was pretty sure this was a class-A house, and well, these were rabbits
” Sigmund rolled his eyes. “Why does everyone think that they need to defend a lions house from bunnies?” He looked up and searched the sky. He soon located two similar silhouettes high above. “Is that your hunting party up there?” Sigmund asked. The hawk nodded. “I assume their eyesight is keen enough to see us from up there?” “Uh
yeah! In fact, if youd like, I can wave them down, and
” Sigmund shook his head. “That wont be necessary. I just wanted to make sure they could see what happens when you hunt on someone elses property.” “What do you mean, what - nowaitdont!” By the time he had started his plea, the hawks beak was already well on its way to the back of Sigmunds throat. The hawk was not a particularly small prey, but he was fairly lightweight, so once Sigmund had restrained the wings he was able to easily move to a patio chair, take a seat, and swallow at his leisure. The Velveteen family moved to Sigmunds corner of the pool and began to watch intently. They saw Sigmunds tongue lap over the hawks feathery belly, observed the tailfeathers spread wide as though in some futile attempt to make themselves to wide for the throat that awaited them. They gazed in awe as Sigmund unbuttoned the hawks flight pants and slid them down his feathery thighs and scaly legs, letting them stay around the hawks ankles just long enough to keep them from kicking too wildly as the hips, tailfeathers, and legs of the former bird of prey were swallowed up and instead became a prey bird. Once he reached the talons, Sigmund let the pants slide over the hawks feet and fall to his patio. Then he pressed the yellow scaled toes together, pushed them into his mouth, and gave a final swallow. With their predator gone, the bunnies gave a loud cheer with applause. Sigmund smiled. He might have preferred privacy for his intimacy, but he found himself enjoying having an audience for his meal. Sigmund felt a presence at his side, and when he looked down he was pleased to see it was Sunny. “Another client with no self-preservation instinct well served!” she said, giggling and pressing on Sigmunds belly. Sigmund patted his belly, feeling the struggles within. “Oh, plenty of instinct. But too much greed pushed him to take a gamble.” He let out a belch, then coughed a few times until a few feathers flew out of his throat. “And lose.” “You really starting to become a hero for my family, you know that?” Sigmund scoffed playfully. “Oh, Im no hero. I just have to protect my home, you know? If I let every pred in the neighborhood start using my yard as a buffet line then everything would get wrecked and Id never have peace.” “Right, sure,” Sunny teased. “Thats why you keep saving us. For the peace.” Every bunny eye was on him at the moment. Sigmund could hear giggles and shared whispers, but mostly tried to tune them out. “Eh, you get used to them after a while. At least, I assume you did.” “Wasnt easy, but things like water fun days help! And since youre already out here, why dont you swim with us?” A few bunnies called out in agreement, pleading for Sigmund to come out and join them. More giggling ensued. Sigmund wondered what was so funny. “Heh,” Sigmund replied. “I probably shouldnt swim so soon after a meal. And I dont plan to match your dress code!” The giggling broke out into barely restrained laughter. “Oh, but you already have!” Sunny said, taking a step back and lifting her hands, revealing a familiar pair of gym shorts. Sigmunds eyes narrowed as he realized what had happened. His shorts fit loosely, and in his haste to get downstairs he had not bothered to tie them. Then when he had leapt to the top of the fence
He shot a hand down to cover his crotch, then reached a hand out to Sunny. “Give those back.” Sunny dodged backwards, keeping out of reach. Sigmund got up and pounced at her, and might have caught her had this particular bunny not had extensive practice at dodging this particular lions pounces. She hopped back, and as soon as his hands hit the ground, she bounced up, leaping over Sigmunds head. He felt a few light footsteps along his back, and then heard the cheering. He blushed deeply as he realized that he had unintentionally given every bunny in the pool a prime view of his backside. He paused and dropped his tail down to try and cover himself, even though he knew it was too late. Sunny used the extra time to bound around to the far side of the pool, where Sigmund saw her dangling his shorts after he turned around. He considered how to get at her while still holding down his hands and tail to try and cover himself, but finally sighed. “Alright, fine!” He raised his hands in defeat. “Fine. Im naked in front of your entire family, and Ill swim with you. Happy now?” Sunny just smiled as the Velveteen family cheered. Sigmund felt water falling down on him. Turning, he saw one of the girls was on the hose, spraying it into the air and gladly spraying down the lion. He also saw Odessa behind him, staring directly at his butt, although when she noticed him turn she glanced away and tried to hide her blushing ears. Sigmund decided to let that go for now and turned back to Sunny. Pointing at her, he said “But you still need to be punished!” “Oh no,” Sunny said, flinging the shorts behind her. “Im shivering from my head to my - AGH!” The time it took for her to dramatically give her sarcastic speech was just enough of a distraction for Sigmund to leap toward her. He tucked his legs in, and between his normal mass and his bird-filled belly, he landed in an incredibly powerful cannonball. The water erupted into a tidal wave that Sigmund had aimed directly at Sunny. When Sigmund emerged and blinked the water out of his eyes, he grinned to see Sunny knocked flat backwards, completely drenched. She spewed out a mouthful of water, sat up, and stuck out her tongue at Sigmund. “There. Now were even.” Sigmund said. “Glad you think so,” Sunny said, “cause Im not responsible for what happens next!” Suddenly, Sigmund felt a weight on his arm. He looked down to see a bunny grappling him. He tried to shake him off, only for another bunny to affix himself to Sigmunds other arm, and then his back, and neck, and tail. “Get him!” one of the bunny boys shouted, and suddenly Sigmund was being swarmed by an army of rambunctious nude bunnies attempting to use their combined weight to pull the big lion down. Sigmund tried shoving them off, and when he saw that they kept getting back on, he began peeling them off of himself and throwing their lightweight forms toward the pools deep end. Of course, the bunnies found this to be incredibly fun, and after a few choruses of “Toss me next! Toss me next!” Sigmund began systematically peeling off the grappling bunnies one by one and flinging them to the other end of the pool. They would promptly turn around and swim back to him and grab onto his arms, tail, belly, or mane until he peeled them off and threw them again. As he began to grab another bunny, Sigmund felt a hand stray below the base of his tail and give his bottom a squeeze. Immediately Sigmund dropped the bunny he was holding and snatched the offender by the foot, lifting them upside-down in front of his face, and that probably would have been the end for that bun if it had not turned out to be Sunny. “Not in front of everyone,” Sigmund muttered. Sunny just laughed. “Enjoying yourself?” Sigmund glanced on the army of rabbits continuing to converge on him. “Well, I suppose you were right. Water fun days do help to get used to them.” “Aw, is Siggy actually starting to like having more than one bunny-” “Sorry, bit busy,” Sigmund said, before tossing Sunny into the air to land in the deep end. But before she hit the water, the smile on Sigmunds face was plain for sunny to see. ♦HAPTER FOUR♦ he smile promptly faded from Sigmunds face. “I understand. Thank you,” he said, before lowering his phone and leaning his head onto his steering wheel. Sunny leaned over and gently patted Sigmunds shoulder. It was one week after the water fun day, and things had been looking up. Odessa had been offered a one-week paid internship at a prestigious company, with the possibility of being offered a full-time position at the end. Sunny took over driving her siblings to school and back while Odessa used a rented single-passenger vehicle to get to work. She seemed happier to be working again, even if the job did seem to keep her rather late. Sigmund, for his part, had been missing the intimacy that he and Sunny had shared when they lived alone, so he decided to make arrangements for a romantic evening for the two of them. He decided to get a reservation at their favorite fancy restaurant, the Pen and Garden, a high-end establishment that catered to customers of all diets, followed by a night in a nice hotel away from the rest of the bunnies. He had done what he could to keep his plans a secret, as he had been wanting to surprise Sunny. However, as Sigmund was coming downstairs the previous morning, he overheard a few of Sunnys sisters congratulating her on her upcoming date and asking her some innuendo-loaded questions about how a lion could fit in a rabbit hole. Sigmund had casually revealed himself and, as the gossips looked on in fright, casually picked up his coffee and sipped at it, silently glaring at them . Sunny got up and hugged Sigmunds leg, doing her best to defuse the situation. “Sorry if you feel the surprises ruined, but its still really sweet of you!” “Im less concerned about a ruined surprise than I am about how they found out in the first place,” Sigmund had replied. “You havent been in my office, have you?” The girls at the table flinched and exchanged worried glances, but stayed silent. Sunny bounced up, grabbed Sigmund by the tie and pulled him down until she could kiss his nose and whisper, “I cant wait for tomorrow,” she said in her most seductive voice, forcing any annoyance Sigmund had to promptly dissipate. Until just now. It was getting dark, the time for their reservation was coming up, both were dressed to the nines, and something in Sigmunds engine had just called it quits. With smoke leaking from the hood, Sigmund had just called for a tow truck and a loaner car, and had ended his call with his head resting on the wheel. “Its going to be at least an hour, maybe up to ninety minutes,” he said. “Does it normally take that long?” Sunny asked. “I asked that. It seems they have a lot of class-C drivers who have to go off-duty once it gets late enough, due to relaxed hunting restrictions.” “Really? Would people actually call up a tow truck, from a company that would verify their information, and then up and eat the driver?” “Usually not. In my experience, an opportunistic pred would see a broken down car as an opportunity. They could wait in the shadows to see if anyone gets out or comes to help.” Sigmund leaned back. “Though, what you said does still sometimes happen. I once had a roommate who ordered a pizza to try the old cliche of eating the delivery guy.” “Oh? Howd that work out for him?” “He got kicked in the mouth, lost a tooth, had his license suspended and sentenced to a few weeks of community service.” “Thats it? How dull.” Sigmund grinned. “Hey, now, not all of my stories end with me eating somebody.” He reached out to stroke Sunnys fluffy cheek. “Yours didnt.” Sunny smiled and took Sigmunds oversized paw with both of hers. “Well, we might be here a while
wanna make out?” Ninety minutes later, a fox pulled his tow truck behind a vehicle by the side of the road. He did a quick check around before walking up and knocking on the window, whereupon the car began to shake as the silhouetted occupant within hurriedly threw on his shirt. Soon he opened the door, revealing one of the biggest lions the fox had laid eyes upon. His attire looked very formal, or at least it would have if it wasnt wrinkled and unbuttoned. The fox asked no questions about the lions attire or what he had just been doing, but took a few cautionary steps back. “Ah, good evening, sir. You, uh, called for a tow?” “So glad you made it,” Sigmund said. “Yes, and please tell me you have my loaner.” “Ah, yes, sir. Ill get that right down
oh, hello
” As the fox moved to the truck to pull down the replacement, he noted the passenger side door open, and the most delectable little orange bunny hop out, wearing an evening gown whose deep neckline gave a generous preview of her smooth, succulent fur. Unconsciously, his tongue slid across his lips. “Sir!” the lion growled. The fox turned and was terrified to see the lion had stepped right next to him. “My car?” “Uh right!” The fox stepped back and began fiddling with the controls. “Ah, you do know that, er, my company has a contract protecting its service professionals on active duty
” “Not if Id be acting in defense. Ill forgive you for now, since you couldnt have expected that my girlfriend was a rabbit, but lets keep our tongues in our mouths, shall we?” “Er, yes sir!” the fox replied. Sunny strided up to Sigmuds side and leaned against him. “Dawww, big kittys protecting his pride,” she said. “Just making sure I get my point across,” he replied, then flinched. His phone was ringing. Checking it, he saw it was Odessa Velveteen. Without really thinking about it, he answered. “Hello? No, youre not interrupting, we had a breakdown so we didnt manage to
Then why did you ask if you were interrupting?! Were on our way right now.” He pulled Sunny along to the loaner car, snatching the keys from the fox on their way. “Uh, sir? Technically, Im supposed to have you present, while I load your car up
” Sigmund turned to him, opened his mouth, and roared. The fox fell flat on his tail. Sigmund jumped into the loaner, hit the ignition, and immediately peeled out and raced down the road. “Woah!” Sunny said. “Easy there, Siggy! Were already late, racing wont change that!” Sigmund sighed as he raced. “Were not going to the restaurant,” he said. “What?” Sunny said, with more fear in her voice than disappointment. “What happened?” “Your mothers internship was a working-prey scheme,” he replied. Sunnys eyes went wide with fear. A working-prey scheme involved hiring smaller species for a project and then, after the projects completion, bring in predators to eat all the workers before any of them would need to be paid. “Well, floor it, then!” Sunny shouted. Sigmund floored it. Six rabbit women stood huddled in the lobby of an office, shivering with fright as a massive gorilla in a security uniform clicked the stairwell door locked. The elevator had been shut down and most of the other doors were locked, save for the one leading out to the parking lot, which was empty. Aside from the bunnies and the gorilla, the only other people in the room were two class-B stoats, who stood behind the bunnies with smug expressions. “Okay, its five til eight,” the gorilla said. “Im sorry, but at eight pm, I need to escort everyone out of the building so I can lock up.” “You told us that lock up was at nine!” one of the bunnies yelled, addressing the stoats. “The schedule got mixed up, terrible sorry,” one stoat replied. “And you told us we had to park two blocks away due to a community event!” yelled another bunny. “Oh, yeah, it got cancelled at the last minute. What a shame.” “And you promised thered be a second night guard to provide an escort!” “Ooh, poor guy called in sick. Bad indigestion.” “Im the only one whos worked the night shift for two years,” the gorilla said. Odessa sighed. “Theres wolves out there, isnt there.” “Ridiculous,” one of the stoats said. “Hyenas, on the other hand
” muttered the other. The bunnies trembled. “Cant you escort us, or something?” one asked the gorilla. “I cant leave until I do a final sweep, which I cant do until everyones gone,” the gorilla said stoically. “Which needs to be in three minutes.” The stoats casually discussed good spots to do some weekend hunting. One of the bunnies started sobbing. “One minute,” the gorilla said. Suddenly, out of the sounds of passing vehicles, one revving engine started getting much louder. The lobby was lit up as a pair of headlights on bright bounced over the speed bump and raced toward the door, turning its passenger side toward the lobby and screeching to a halt. Odessa charged forward. The other rabbits glanced at one another, then instinctually followed. “What the-“ one stoat said. “Stop them!” the other shouted. The only person he could have been addressing was the gorilla, but he did nothing of the sort. He calmly stood to the side and watched as the bunnies charged out to the car. A pair of hyenas burst from the bushes as they saw the bunnies run out, but before they could reach the herd, Sigmund leapt over the hood of his car and roared. Every single creature stopped in their tracks. The bunnies might have turned back, but the passenger door was pushed open from the inside, revealing another rabbit in a disheveled evening gown. “Quick, get in!” Sunny shouted. Odessa slipped her way around Sigmund, and when the other five rabbits saw she was not afraid of him, they followed her and charged into the back seat. The hyenas inched forward, but were held at bay as Sigmund growled at them. When the back door was slammed shut, Sigmund paced around to the driver side, calmly got in, and drove off. The hyenas stared into the darkness as the car that held their former dinner slipped off into the night. Click. The hyenas turned around to see the two stoats standing outside the doors. Behind them, a very large silhouette turned a key, locking the doors tightly. “Well. That was unexpected,” one stoat said. “Quite,” said the other. “Well, you win some, you lose some.” “Not every hunt goes as expected.” “Best of luck to you this weekend, though.” They tried to walk off, but both found their way blocked by a hyena. “We were promised a meal,” one hyena said, baring her teeth. “An easy catch, you said,” said the other, drooling. “Er, did we say that?” said one stoat. “Shut up and run” muttered the other. The stoats ran, but neither made it ten steps. “Ok, girls,” one bunny said, “I dont mean to spoil the moment, Im sure were all very grateful for getting out of that, but, ah
” she dropped her voice to a whisper, “isnt anyone else just the least bit concerned that were in a car with a lion?” The six bunnies glanced at one another, then at the bunny in the passenger seat, then at Odessa.” “Odessa, you were the first one in the car. Do you know this lion? Can we trust him?” Odessa thought for a bit. “My entire family has stayed with him for the past two weeks, and even though were not officially renters, he hasnt eaten any of us
” “I hear whispering back there,” Sigmund said, “and I can guess what its about. You know, Odessa, you failed to mention that youd be bringing five friends.” Odessa folded and unfolded her hands in thought. “There wasnt time to get into all the details. Id thought youd assume I wasnt the only prey working tonight.” “Fair enough,” Sigmund said. “As for the rest of you, Im going to be honest with you. Im not a rescue service, nor am I a taxi. Im not headed toward any place with class-C housing. I dont know you, and I dont care to make introductions. If you come home with me, you should know that I have missed my dinner reservations for the night, I am hungry, and I am not any safer to be around than any other predator.” He began slowing the car as he approached a red light. “I can give you a bed for the night, but I make no other promises if you choose to stay with me.” The car slowly pulled to a halt. “If you want to take a chance getting home on foot, nows the time.” There was silence for a moment. After a pause, the rabbit in the middle bounced over his companions and glanced out the window. “We cant get out here,” he said. “Theres a skulk of foxes at the corner!” Sigmund glanced over to see about five foxes standing at the crosswalk. He had seen similar gatherings before, they were almost certainly a hunting party. Since he was driving a class-A vehicle, they wisely paid him no mind, but they would certainly be on the chase if they saw any bunnies run out. “Hmm,” Sigmund said. “Didnt see them, sorry. But the highway ramps coming up next. After that itll be a pretty straight shot toward home.” There was a sigh coming from behind them. “Does anyone have a phone I can borrow? I want to let my family know Im not coming home tonight
and maybe not tomorrow. They had us put them aside in a phone bin, and we were being escorted out before I could get mine back.” “Here,” Odessa said. “I gave them a burner phone. I always keep my main phone in a pocket I sewed into the inside of my skirt.” “They took your phones? For future reference, keep in mind that its not legal for an employer to take away a communications device from a class-C citizen without cause. If you bring up the prey rights act, most of them will back down.” “Really? I didnt know that. Good to know
if there is a future, anyway.” A somber silence fell over the back seat. “You know, Sunny,” Sigmund said, “Im sorry our date didnt go quite as planned.” “Aww,” Sunny said, “are a couple sad bunnies bringing down the big kittys mood?” Sigmund turned, smiled, and stuck his tongue out at her. She returned the gesture.” “Really, I dont mind the plight of other bunnies too much,” Sunny explained. “With how often we get hunted, Id go crazy if I cared about every single one. Tonight, all that matters to me is that you saved my mom and looked like a badass doing it. No need to bring things down.” She leaned in and hugging his arm. Sigmund smiled, stroked her ear, and drove on. Sigmund stopped his car right before he pulled into his driveway, lowering his window right next to the wolf that was staring up at his house. “Good evening, Remus,” Sigmund said coldly. “Hey,” Remus said, taking a step back and holding up his hands. “Im on the sidewalk, its public property.” “Stick around long enough and secondary restrictions will lift,” Sigmund replied. The wolf smiled. “I think youve got other things than me to deal with.” He pointed up at the house. “I know youre keeping bunnies in there, but I thought you might have an issue with the squirrels and mice that pulled up a few hours ago. But hey, a lions house doesnt need defending against mice and squirrels, right?” Sigmund glanced away from the wolf toward his house. As he tilted his ears toward the building he could hear the vibrations of what must have been fairly loud music. Through the windows, he could see a number of bodies moving about - no surprise there - but he could see a number of them seemed to be carrying cups or bottles, and not all of them were rabbits. And in one of the windows, specifically the window to his home office he realized with great annoyance, he saw one of the bunnies with her face pressed up against the glass. She was bouncing slightly and appeared to be moaning, as though someone were pleasuring her from behind. “Looks like a good time, eh, Sigmund?” Remus asked. “If you need some help with the cleanup, my nights free.” Sigmund scowled. “Go home, Remus.” “Come on, man. Youve got to have at least thirty preys in that house-” Sigmund gave a deep, loud growl. Remus paused. Sigmund shot a glare at him, and the wolf turned and ran. “Youre an asshole, Sigmund Cruz!” he shouted as he ran. Without reply, Sigmund pulled up his window and drove up to park, intentionally angling his car to trap the Velveteens van and the second, unfamiliar class-C vehicle in the driveway. “Bunnies,” Sigmund said, turning to Odessas coworkers in the back seat. “Howd you like to get on my good side for the night?” After a chorus of relieved assent, Sigmund instructed them to follow him. Watching to make sure Remus didnt return, he walked them to a chest near the front door. He kicked it open, reached in, and began pulling out sets of distinctively-shaped straps with latching buckles. “Are those
” one bunny asked. “Prey restraints, yes,” Sigmund replied. “Digestible, if youre curious.” He began passing them out. “Sunny, Odessa, you both have keys. You go in first and lock all the doors and windows. The rest of you, wait a few moments and then follow them inside. If you find anyone who isnt a rabbit, catch and restrain them. The same goes for anyone with recreational drugs or whos having sex.” “But
you said theres twenty rabbits supposed to be here, right?” “Yes. But those are all siblings. Anyone else whos here is here without my permission. And here,” he began passing out collars. “Put these on, so when the dust settles Ill know you were the ones I brought here. Now, go.” Sunny and Odessa made their way inside. Sigmund stayed out of sight by the door and listened. There were few acknowledgments of their presence, and though they responded politely, they went about their duty. Sigmund listened for one voice in particular, who seemed to be curiously following Odessa, wondering why she didnt seem more upset by the party. “Uh, mom?” the rabbit said. “Why are you locking the side door?” Sigmund nodded and looked down to the worker bunnies. “Go.” The bunnies glanced at one another. “Are we really doing this?” “Hes a lion, and as calm as hes acting, its pretty clear hes pissed off. I recommend doing what he says!” said another, charging ahead. Following the herd mentality, the other four soon followed. There was suddenly a clamor in the dining room as the four of them tackled someone to the ground. The ruckus might have alerted the rest of the intruders and given them a chance to save their lives, had the electronic dance music not drowned it out. For the front room, however, there was no point hiding anymore so Sigmund stepped in, locking the door behind him. He was immediately struck by the mess that had been strewn about. Apparently, a few veggie pizzas had been ordered, as he could see the pizza boxes on the kitchen counter, a half-eaten slice without a plate resting on the table, and trash, plastic cups, napkins, and beer cans were strewn carelessly about. Scowling at the mess, Sigmund turned and grabbed the fuzzy tails of two squirrels who were attempting to rescue the mouse that the four worker bunnies were restraining. The squirrels turned and tried to struggle, but of course stood no chance against Sigmund, who was three times their height and at least ten times their weight. Suddenly, a bell rang. Sigmund twisted his ears toward the sound. It was his oven timer. With a few sniffs, he sought out the scent of something sweet, something chocolate-y. But there was another aroma. Something
odd. Once the worker bunnies were able to finish restraining the squirrels on their own, Sigmund walked into the kitchen. There, a bunny girl was pulling a pan of brownies out of the oven. She bounced onto one of the crates and prepared to set the pan down on the unprotected counter. Sigmund leapt into action, grabbing a kitchen rag and laying it down where the pan was headed. The bunny girl glanced up at him, nervous at his sudden presence. Several other bunnies turned to watch him as well. “You,” Sigmund pointed at a bunny closest to the radio. “Kill the music.” The bunny hastily obeyed. Finally able to hear himself think, Sigmund reached a finger into the pan of brownies, scooped out a bit, blew on it, and pressed it to his tongue. After a moment of tasting, he grimaced and spat into the sink. “Pot brownies,” he muttered. “Are you kidding me? Does my house look like a place to throw a frat party?!” The girl who had pulled out the brownies shuffled back a bit. A few others shuffled around as though trying to escape. “Every door and window in this house is now locked,” Sigmund warned. The shuffling ceased. Sigmund stared back down at the baker. “I only used a little, just to spice things up
and its not like pots that bad of a drug, really-” The bunny girls defense was cut short by Sigmunds maw angrily encapsulating the top half of her torso. Bunnies screamed. Some fled the room, probably looking to hide. Most whimpered and cowered. Sigmund picked up the bunny girl with his mouth and prepared to lift her kicking legs into the air. He ran his tongue down her torso and lightly pressed his teeth into her arms. She had smooth fur, delicate muscles, and was just the perfect size for a snack. Then he paused. Sigmund took a deep breath through his nose, then leaned over the sink and slowly opened his teeth. The bunny fell into the basin, which was large enough to easily hold her. Her shirt, hair, and facial fur were drenched with sticky lion saliva. She coughed, then looked up at Sigmund, relieved but also confused. “Sunny and your mother,” Sigmund said, speaking to all of the bunnies, “and a few others are currently rounding up uninvited guests, as well as anyone who stands in the most direct violations of my rules. However, you are all in severe trouble tonight. I want you all to gather every Velveteen who isnt here right now, and also help to carry anyone whos been restrained, and I want you all to gather in the living room within five minutes. GO!” He roared the last line. The bunnies immediately scattered. The baker pushed herself back to the corner of the sink, looking up at Sigmund, as though silently asking if she was expected to go as well. Sigmund looked down at her. “You,” he said, “can stay right there.” Five minutes later, everyone had been gathered into the living room. Between Sunny, Odessa, Odessas five coworkers, the twenty Velveteen children, and their nine party guests (five squirrels, three mice, and a sparrow) that were all restrained hand, foot, and wing, there were thirty-six pairs of eyes transfixed on Sigmund, wondering how he was going to handle the situation. Nine of the Velveteen bunnies also sat restrained, three for smoking, five for being caught having sex, and the last one was the brownie baker. “I understand,” Sigmund began, “that you have felt more casual, living around me. I have shared my home with you, played with you, and contrary to your initial fears, I have not eaten any of you.” He began to pace around the room. “It would not be a stretch, I believe, for me to assume that you have come to trust me. From living with you all, it was unavoidable that I placed some trust in you, too. But when you somehow learned I was planning on a getaway tonight, and choosing to hold a party in my absence
that is a violation of that trust. “But do you know whats worse? You violated your mothers trust as well. Odessa Velveteen moved heaven and earth to find a place to live when she lost her job, just in the hope of keeping some of you from predators. She has since been working tirelessly to find a new one, to provide for you. And just tonight, she learned that the place she was hired as a temp, with the promise of a permanent position if she performed well? It turned out to be a working-prey scheme.” The bunnies collectively gasped. Many of them turned to look at their mother, their expressions guilty. “Thats right. Your mother nearly gave her life for you tonight, desperately trying to protect you
while you were trashing my home, damaging my furniture, fornicating against my windows, and baking pot brownies.” “Now. I am not your father. It is not my place to discipline you. I would be well within my rights to devour most of you, or even the entire lot of you, but Im not going to do that. No, I will leave the appropriate discipline to your mother, outside of demanding you clean this house, thoroughly, before you go to bed tonight.” A sigh of relief passed through the bunnies. “However,” Sigmund continued, “I am going to deal with the intruders.” The guests shot up to attention, and began struggling against their restraints. “Against my direct instruction, you brought guests into my house without my permission or knowledge. So here is what will happen. Sunny, Odessa, or one of Odessas coworkers will release one of the bound bunnies. They, in turn, will be required to take one of the intruders, and place them in my mouth. If one of them is your boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever, and you wish to save them, I will offer you the same deal I offered the wolf on your first day. If you want them released, you will yourself get in my mouth.” Protests and pleading erupted from the restrained guests. “Worker bunnies? Please strip the intruders, and bind their muzzles, please. Odessa, you may unbind the first bunny, whichever order.” Sunny pulled out a pair of shearing scissors from the kitchen and handed it to one of the workers, who began using it to remove the clothing from one of the mice. The other workers took out extra sets of restraints and began binding the guests around the muzzle. While they worked, Odessa unbound one of her sons. The bunny boy walked over, nonchalantly picked up the stripped mouse boy, likely because he was the first one stripped and bound, and turned to Sigmund. “Chester! No!” one of the bound Velveteen girls cried. Sigmund held up a hand, stopping the bunny. “No. Bring me whichever one means the most to you.” “What?” the bunny stammered. “No, but, I
” “Oh, set Chester down, Vinny!” cried the same bunny girl. “Everyone knows you invited Jessica over!” A few bunnies spoke out their confirmation. The bunny named Vinny hesitated. Sigmund saw one of the squirrel girls flinch when the name “Jessica” was called. He pointed to the bunny, then to the squirrel. The bunny shook. He turned to his mother. “Mom, he cant-” “He can eat everyone in this house if he wanted to,” Odessa replied. “And I can promise you, hes being a lot more merciful than Id be in his situation. Vinny, set Chester down, and do what he says.” The bunny relented. He set down the mouse boy and picked up the freshly stripped, bound squirrel, who looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Im sorry,” he said. “I didnt know hed be back tonight
Im set to graduate this semester, so I cant
” “Vinny, was it?” Sigmund said. “Take it from someone who does this for a living, literally. Shes about to be eaten, and its because of you. Anything you say to her is just going to make the worst day of her life even worse.” Sigmund sat on the floor and leaned back, getting his mouth within reach of the bunny. “Unless youre planning on taking me up on my offer, itll hurt both of you a lot less if you just get it over with.” The bunny thought over what Sigmund said. The squirrel looked up at him with tears in her eyes. Vinny clenched his eyes shut and hoisted her light frame up, thrusting her feet toward Sigmund. It was a clumsy attempt, but Sigmund adjusted for it. He took the squirrels feet and ignored her whines as he ran his rough tongue over her calves. Ordinarily, he would take the time to savor the meal, but the atmosphere in the room was too tense to really enjoy it, and he had eight more guests to get through. So he thrust his maw forward, engulfing her skinny legs, and pulled her out of the bunnys grasp. He allowed himself the luxury to run his tongue over her bushy tail (even if he did end up pulling hair out of his mouth afterward, he still loved the feel of soft, bushy fur) and then treated her like the meal she was, taking her torso into his mouth with one gulp, her head with the next, and with one more gulp she descended into Sigmunds stomach. Vinny clenched his fists and ran off. “Odessa,” Sigmund said, “please make sure he gets started cleaning. And as for the rest of you,” he gestured to the other bunnies scattered on the couches. “Shows over. Every unbound Velveteen, get to cleaning. Worker bunnies, if you dont want to watch, you can find a bed. Sunny, please release the next bunny.” As the children and the workers cleared out, Sunny released one of her sisters, the same girl who had called out after Chester the mouse. “Ah
” she stammered, “I saw you in the kitchen. You had her in your mouth,” she pointed to the brownie baker, “but you spat her out
” Sigmund nodded. “Yes?” “Well
you just said that, if we want to free someone, we just had to get in your mouth. But, you
you wont swallow me, would you?” Sigmund lowered his eyes at her. “If you get in my mouth, and I chose not to swallow you, then I would consider the matter settled, and would allow your mouse to go free. But if you do get in my mouth, you are submitting to me as my food. Do not make any assumptions about me that you would not make for any other predator.” The bunny girl thought. Her eyes fell on Sigmunds stomach. She had seen struggles from within his belly with the wolf and the hawk, but here, the squirrel was too small for her struggles to be visible from the outside. Behind her, the mouse boy squirmed and made some muted pleas. Sigmund saw tears well up in her eyes as she came to her decision. She turned to Chester, who redoubled his struggles, and with great effort hoisted him up. With one hand on the binding around his wrists and the other under his bare bottom, she carried his struggling form to Sigmund. She tried to lift him high enough to slip the mouses feet into the lions jaws, but between her lower strength and the mouses struggles, she couldnt quite make it, and the mouse landed bottom-first in Sigmunds mouth. Sigmund made no effort to correct the positioning, nor did he make any delay. He simply slipped his tongue under the mouses hips (licking his genitals was unpleasant, but it hardly mattered now), and pulled the meal in, forcing his bound ankles to his head and folding him in half. The mouse made a whine that might have been pain or fear or most likely some combination thereof, but Sigmund paid no mind. He simply swallowed up the mouses bottom and kept swallowing until the ears hit the sides of Sigmunds mouth and folded over on themselves, covering up his face and blocking off his last view of the world before Sigmund sent him to his stomach. Sigmund covered his mouth and gently belched, “Bwarrrpp. Ahem. Next?” The next five feedings went along similarly. A few bunnies tried sharing some heartfelt last words with their friends. The prey all failed to be comforted, looking either scared, angry, or simply rolling their eyes as though to tell them to just get it over with. A couple simply got up, hoisted the prey up, dropped it in Sigmunds mouth, and walked off. He guessed those were the bunnies whod been restrained for smoking, though it didnt make much difference to him. With seven class-C prey in his belly, and only a mouse girl and the sparrow boy remaining, Sigmunds belly was visibly more distended, but he still ordered the next bunny to bring him his meal. The bunny, a black and white girl, got up and gave a sigh. Then, moving surprisingly quickly as though to avoid giving herself a chance to change her mind, she pulled off her shirt, yanked down her pants, said, “Free the sparrow!” and flung herself headlong into Sigmunds mouth. Sigmund pulled her in up to her hips. The sparrow watched intently, his eyes wide with distress. Sigmund gulped, pulling the bunnys hips into his mouth, letting her kicking legs remain outside of his lips. The sparrow squealed a few unintelligible pleas, but Sigmund had not listened to the others, and was not listening to him. Then, without ceremony, Sigmund turned, opened his mouth, and dropped the nude bunny onto the floor. She took a moment to realize what was going on, then looked up at Sigmund. “Dry off, get dressed, then take your sparrow and get to cleaning,” Sigmund said. The escaped bunny quickly ran over to retrieve the sparrow. The relieved pair shared a warm hug, then promptly grabbed their clothes off the ground. The sparrow picked up his pants, only for them to fall apart from having been cut off of him earlier. “Uh
” he stammered. “Oh, dont worry,” the bunny said. “Nobodyll mind. I certainly wont!” “I might,” Sigmund said. The couple glanced up at Sigmund in fear, then turned and hurried out of the room. “You can borrow one of my brothers gym shorts,” the bunny said as they left. “Last one,” Sigmund said. Sunny released the last rabbit, the brownie baker, and she slowly stretched out her limbs and stood. Sigmund noted that she hardly looked at the mouse. Rather, her attention was entirely focused on him. She paused and looked him up and down, from his mouth to his belly, where the wiggling of live prey was now much more visible. “I
” she stammered, hesitantly stepping forward. “I think
Ill go in your mouth.” Sigmund nodded. “Clothes off, then.” The bound mouse breathed a sigh of relief as the baker bunny undid her skirt, letting it fall, then pulled down her panties, and lastly pulled her top over her head. Sigmund leaned forward and opened his mouth. “Er
” she stammered. “Would
would it be okay if
you put me in
feet first?” Sigmund silently beckoned her forward. When she stepped within grabbing range, Sigmund wrapped a single paw around her torso, easily lifting her into the air. He slowly lowered her down, letting her feet touch his tongue. She stared down transfixed as her legs slid to the back of his throat. “Oh
” she moaned as her rump and then her back touched the tongue as well, and she went in as far as she could go without being swallowed. Sigmund closed his lips around her, leaving her head and shoulders hanging out of his mouth. Gently, she tried to pull one arm free, and Sigmund let her. She did not use it to try and escape, however. Rather, she placed her paw on his nose, then ran her fingers down the side of his muzzle, straining his whiskers through her fingers. Sigmund reached a hand up, and she reached for it, lovingly placing her hand into his much larger one, and watching as Sigmunds comparatively massive fingers closed in around hers. Then he swallowed. With a gulp, he took her legs into his throat and her shoulders into his maw. She moaned again, and her hand slipped from Sigmunds. She tried to reach for it, and managed to grab a finger. Sigmund swallowed again, taking her head into his mouth, but let her continue to hold his finger. For a moment, she stayed there, an arm stretched out of a mouth, but her grip was not one of white-knuckled terror. She was not holding onto the finger for dear life. She simply held it. Then Sigmund slipped his finger into his mouth, wrapped his lips around it, and pulled it back out. The motion was not unlike licking a sauce off of ones fingers. When he pulled back, the rabbits hand was gone. With a final gulp, the bunny baker fell into Sigmunds stomach. Sigmund opened his eyes. Sunny, the last rabbit in the room, had walked up to him, and when she saw him looking at her, she leaned up against his wiggling stomach. “Somebodys gonna sleep well tonight,” she said. Sigmund smiled. “And tomorrow morning. And probably tomorrow afternoon. Thank goodness its a Friday night.” “Well, dont sleep too long,” she said. “You always get frisky after a big meal, and I can hardly wait
” Sigmund leaned down over his bloated belly and planted a kiss on Sunnys forehead. “Give me a hand up?” “Oh, no problem,” she said, grabbing his finger and pretending to strain against the weight. “Here, let me just heave your oversized sexy lion butt and eight whole preys up into the air. No problem. Seriously though, are you going to be okay? You normally only eat, like, two or four class-Cs at a time.” “Oh, Ill be fine,” Sigmund said, groaning as he pulled himself up. “I can handle it, although this is the biggest single meal Ive had in years. But I do want to sleep. Come on.” Sigmund pulled himself up the stairs and headed toward the bedroom, with Sunny bouncing along right behind him. There were a few bunnies and the sparrow in there cleaning. They tried to flee once they saw Sigmund coming in, but he stopped them with a raised hand, and made it clear to them that the room was to be spotless when he woke up. With that, he turned around and fell backwards onto the bed, falling asleep nearly as soon as his head his the pillow. “Yeah, no kidding. Oh, hang on, I think hes waking up.” Sigmund groaned as the sweet embrace of sleep released him, pressing him unwillingly into the waking world. “Urrgh.” “Good morning, kitty,” said Sunny. Sigmund opened his eyes to find Sunny sitting on top of his bloated stomach. “Mmm. Morning. Wait, is it still morning?” Sunny shrugged. “Mm-hmm. For another hour, anyway.” Sigmund chuckled. “I was wondering why it had been so long since I had such a big meal. Wait, who were you talking to?” “Madeline.” Sigmund raised an eyebrow, as though that name meant anything to him. “My sister. You know, the one you ate last night?” “Oh.” Sigmund wasnt sure how to respond to that. “Hows she, uh, doing?” “Shes actually really chill about having been eaten. Shed been struggling with her grades and knew she wouldnt make it to college without a scholarship, so shed mostly accepted shed get eaten eventually. Also, shed been fascinated by the idea ever since you ate that wolf.” Sigmund nodded. “I could tell she was getting into it. I dont think she even knew the mouse she saved, she was just looking for a thrill, even if it was her last.” “Is that why you swallowed her then, but spit her out earlier?” Sunny asked. “Or why you released my other sister?” Sigmund shrugged. “Mostly, I guess. I didnt go into it with any specific plan. I certainly wasnt going to spare all of them if they took me up on my offer to save their friends.” Sigmund reached up and felt his full belly. “Is she the only one in there youre speaking to?” “Well, all the rest of them were muzzled when they went down.” “Oh, right. She didnt untie any of them?” Sigmund felt a mumbling in his stomach that he couldnt make out. Sunny raised one of her long ears and put it to his stomach. “She says she untied a couple muzzles, but they just got weepy or angry, so she retied them.” Suddenly, she laughed. “But she was able to reach somebodys crotch, and it was the best sex shes had in her life.” “Okay, I regret asking.” Sigmund said. “Glad youre enjoying your stay, Madeline. Hang on, what are those?” On the nightstand next to the bed were a stack of papers. Instead of answering, Sunny simply hopped off, picked them up, and passed them over. Sigmund took them and flipped through them. Odessa had made all of her children write apology letters to Sigmund. Some of them were terse, some of them went long, but some of them stuck out to him. “Dear Mr. Cruz, we are very grateful to have a safe haven in your house. We are very sorry for abusing your trust.” “Mr. Cruz, Im still angry at you for eating my girlfriend, but I realize it was my fault for putting her in a dangerous situation, and I was entirely in the wrong letting a party get thrown at your house. Please accept my humble apologies.” “Mr. Cruz, youre the best. We all screwed up and you spared us anyway, even though you could have eaten us all or thrown us to the wolves. Were all very sorry, thank you for letting stay.” “Dear Mr. Cruz, Im sorry to have lost Madeline (my sister you swallowed) but given the way she was fascinated by how you ate the wolf and hawk, I suppose she was going to end up like that soon enough. I do hope youll forgive us.” “Thanks for saveing us agan & agan. So sorrey to hav a partie without permishson.” That one included a crayon-drawn picture of Sigmund jumping over a fence at a hawk with a bunny in its talons. Sigmund smiled. “Glad to have let them stay?” Sunny asked. “You know,” Sigmund said, “in spite of everything
yes, I am. Are they here?” Sunny shook her head. “Mom took them out to the park today. She said that they were sincerely apologetic, and itd be good to get out of your hair for a bit. Oh, and moms coworkers caught a cab.” “Lovely.” “So, weve got the house to ourselves
” Sunny said, sprawling herself back on the bed, letting her oversized nightclothes slip suggestively on her shoulders. “Hmm.” Sigmund pulled himself over to the edge of the bed and hoisted himself up. “Hmm? Where are you going?” With a disappointed look on her face, Sunny crawled over to Sigmund, only for him to suddenly reach behind him, grab her, and hoist her into the air. “Like you said, Sunny,” he said, as he peeled her clothes off of her, throwing them on the floor as he descended the steps. “Weve got the house to ourselves. So why stay in the bedroom?” ♦HAPTER FIVE♦ Oh, this calls for a celebration!” One week after the party, Sigmund pulled Odessa into a tight hug. Finally, after weeks of looking, one of the companies where shed previously applied had called her back with an offer for full-time employment. After checking into the company to make sure everything was legitimate, she had signed the paperwork and gotten employment papers. Within the next few days, she would be able to take her family and move into government-sponsored housing. “Oh, you dont have to put yourself out on my account, Sigmund,” Odessa said. “Really, I should be holding a celebration for you, for letting us take up your home and keeping my family safe.” “Nonsense,” Sigmund replied. “Tell you what, its a Friday. Why dont we have an impromptu water fun day, and Ill order some veggie pizzas?” “Really, thats not-” “Water fun day?” “Water fun day!” “WATER FUN DAY!” Suddenly, the house erupted with cries of merriment and flying clothes. An army of nude bunnies ran their way outside, turning on the hose and diving into the pool. “Well, that settles that. Why dont you do out and join them? Ill be behind you shortly.” Odessa blushed. “Youve been so very kind to us, Sigmund.” She began letting her clothes slide off her. “I dont know how I could possibly repay you.” Sigmund smiled. “Dont worry about it,” he said. He looked at his phone as Odessa undressed. However, once hed finished dialing, he couldnt help but steal a glance when Odessa, stripped naked in his living room, swayed her wide bunny hips on the way out to the pool. As he placed the order, Odessa turned back to smile at Sigmund, who quickly looked down, hoping she hadnt noticed him looking. Once hed finished placing the order, he turned, only to see Sunny, also nude, sitting on the counter behind him. “Trying to sneak up on me, are you?” he asked. “More like, succeeded with flying colors,” she said. “I was behind you long enough to see you staring at my moms ass while she walked outside.” Sigmund blushed and tried to stammer out some sort of apology, which made Sunny laugh. “Im not mad, Siggy! Goodness, youre too easy to fluster. Even if you are an uptight, conservative, modest little kitten, Id be surprised if your eyes didnt wander a little in a house full of naked bunnies.” Sigmund ran his fingers through his mane. “Thanks,” he said. “Ill try not to let them wander too much, though.” Sunny crossed her legs and gave a little smirk. “You know, my moms really getting it bad for you.” “Really?” Sigmund asked, trying to sound nonchalant. “Why would that be?” “Well, youre generous with your house and possessions, youve helped her take care of her kids, and on top of everything, youve got a cute butt. Im sure shes looking forward to seeing it again once you get in the pool.” Sigmund tried to take Sunnys teasing in stride, but his ears betrayed him as they turned back in embarrassment. “She does remember I ate one of her children, right?” “She had twenty kids when she got here, and from her earlier litters I think I have like sixty siblings total. Really, for only eating one, youve practically been a model father figure.” Now Sigmunds embarrassment shone through unhindered. His whiskers stuck to his face, and his eyes hit the floor. Sunny laughed gleefully. “Lighten up, kitty. If you get any tenser, you could condense your next crap into an engagement ring for me!” Sigmund took a deep breath and tried not to give a reaction to that, one way or the other. “Alright, maybe I do need to lighten up a little. But your mothers going to have to deal with the fact that another bunny got me first.” Suddenly, five heavy knocks rang out at the door. Sigmund looked up, worried. “The pizza guy normally rings the bell, doesnt he?” Sunny asked. “And its way too soon for the order to be done,” Sigmund replied. “Go out back, Ill get the door.” Sunny hopped toward the sliding glass, but couldnt resist hiding around the corner and watching as Sigmund gently peeked through the front doors peephole. Sigmund, from his perspective, could only see a part of whoever was outside, but could see a police uniform. Carefully, he opened the door. Outside stood a rare sight indeed: a creature that was bigger than Sigmund. The police officer was a winged dragon, and would have to duck to fit through Sigmunds door. Sigmund was nine feet tall, but the dragon must have measured twelve feet, not counting his horns. He was class-S, no doubt. “Good day, sir,” the officer said. “Im Officer Ark, this is my partner, Officer Jazz.” Sigmund looked down, and finally noticed the other police officer, who was a rabbit, no taller than Sunny. He looked quite comical standing next to his colossal partner, Sigmund thought, though he said nothing. “Are you Sigmund Cruz?” “I am. May I help you?” Sigmund asked. “Weve received reports of several disappearances in the past few weeks,” Officer Ark explained. “Specifically, a number of class-B licensed predators have gone missing in this area,” Officer Jazz continued. “And what do you think I would have to do with that?” Sigmund asked. “Do you never hunt class-B predatory species, Mr Cruz?” Officer Ark asked. “I do, but not exclusively. I am also a licensed predator I follow the appropriate guidelines.” “Why are there rabbits in your pool, Mr Cruz?” Officer Jazz asked, looking between Sigmunds legs. “And naked, no less?” “Theyre here voluntarily,” Sigmund answered. Officer Ark began taking notes on a notebook that seemed far too small for him. “May we come in, Mr. Cruz?” Sigmund sighed. “If you must. Id prefer if you would stick to the dining room here, though, to give them their privacy...” he glanced up at the dragon as he ducked his way into the house. “
and to avoid frightening them.” “Actually,” Officer Jazz said, “Id like to go have a word with them about their stay here. I know from experience that privacy isnt a huge deal for rabbits.” With that, he walked out. Sigmund pulled himself out a chair. “Youre welcome to take a seat, though it might be a bit small for you,” he said to Officer Ark. “Most are. I prefer to stand.” “Hmm. Now, do you mind telling me what this is about?” Officer Ark began interrogating Sigmund about various cases of missing predators in the neighborhood. Sigmund recognized two cases, one being Geri the wolf and the other being the hawk that had attacked his pool. He calmly explained the circumstances to Officer Ark, that whatever protections they had as class-B predatory species had been nullified by their choice to trespass on his property. The dragon brought up a number of other cases, some of which Sigmund recognized as neighbors who had moved away, but most of which he had no knowledge about whatsoever. “Really, I have no idea where most of these are coming from,” Sigmund said. “It almost sounds like someones throwing around every possible accusation to see what sticks.” “You have admitted to hunting class-B predatory species, didnt you, Mr. Cruz?” “Really, I “hunt” them only in the sense that Ill eat one if presented the opportunity, or if theyre trespassing. I dont go out of my way to eat other predators, especially not in my own neighborhood. It would just make too much of a hassle,” Sigmund gestured at the officer questioning him, “case in point.” Officer Jazz walked back in and bounced his way onto a table, where Officer Ark bent down to share a whispered conversation while Sigmund bit his tongue, swallowing his annoyance at having yet another bunny treat his furniture like a jungle gym. “Hmm,” Officer Ark thought. “It seems youre quite popular with the rabbits who live in your house. Theyve confirmed your story and speak very highly of your character. Apparently, in spite of them living here without any legal protection, youve only consumed one of them, who they claim was willing. Why is a lion treating rabbits so well?” “I have my reasons,” Sigmund tersely replied. The dragon made another note. “Well, with their testimony backing yours, I think we might be finished here. But for formalitys sake, may we please see your predators license?” Sigmund frowned. “I keep it in my car,” he replied, glancing at the dragon and then back to the rabbits outside. “Sir,” Officer Jazz said, “were on-duty. I can promise you that Officer Ark poses no threats to the Velveteen family.” Sigmund still didnt like it, but he could hardly refuse. Grabbing his keys, he walked out the door and down his driveway. His car had been parked on the street since the Velveteens had moved in, allowing Odessa to come and go as she needed. However, as he walked outside, he saw his driveway was occupied with another car, a comically tiny patrol car, obviously belonging to Officer Jazz. He saw no vehicle anywhere that could accommodate a class-S officer like Officer Ark. The dragon had probably flown. Sigmund clicked his car open and leaned over the drivers seat to pop the glove compartment open. Suddenly, a searing pain shot through his back, and he lost control of his muscles. He flopped down, with his stomach landing on the gear shaft, knocking the wind out of him. Before he could recover, he felt his hands being pulled back and restrained, followed quickly by his feet. When he was able to move again, he turned his head back to see the grinning face of a wolf. “Remus?” Sigmund asked weakly. Remus grinned and blew off his taser as though it had been a smoking gun. “Hello, Sigmund.” “What the heck are you doing?” “Payback,” Remus said. “Youve acted like a high and mighty king of the neighborhood since you moved here. You ate my brother. Youve been hoarding prey in your house for nearly a month that you dont even eat. Youre a blight on this neighborhood, and Im taking care of that.” “Right,” Sigmund said, coming to his senses. “Look, Remus, even if it was remotely legal for you to hunt a class-A predator in the middle of the day, Id be really impressed if you could fit me in your gut, much less before the cop who sent me out here comes to check whats taking me so long.” Remus laughed. “Even if I was afraid of a tasty little bunny cop, I dont have a taste for lion. No, Im thinking a nice rabbit dinner. Served Sunny side up.” Sigmund tensed. “Thats right. You ate my brother, so for payback, Im going to eat your girlfriend. Ill probably snag a couple other bunnies while Im there, but Im going to eat her first. And if the cops thought that youd be docile enough to be subdued by a little bunny officer, then Ill take him down and eat him too. Then Ill call a few friends to finish off the buffet. Everybody will think you just snapped from hunger and finally gobbled them all up. Ive got a thousand fans of my game stream who will swear that Im in a marathon session of Hunter Unknown right now.” “Remus,” Sigmund said, remaining as calm as he could through his fury, “you dont want to do that.” “Whats that, kitty? Not gonna beg for your little bunnys life? Not gonna try and tear off the elephant-graded restraints on your wrists?” “No,” Sigmund said. “Im just going to tell you: everything you told me youre going to do, you dont want to do it.” “Oh,” Remus said, “But I do.” The pain returned as Sigmund was tased again. His entire body shook and his ankle knocked against the edge of the car door. Eventually, feeling returned to his limbs, but a sharp pain remained in his back. He tried to pull himself up, but every time he turned the pain worsened, and he couldnt get a good foothold with his feet tied together. After unknown minutes passed, Sigmund finally heard the sound of heavy footfalls approaching him. There was a click like a blade being unfolded, and then someone began sawing through the restraints on his hands, followed by his feet. Finally free, Sigmund carefully pulled himself up to sit in the drivers seat, and looked over to see Officer Ark. “
Sunny?” “Shes fine,” Officer Ark replied. “ And the wolf is restrained. From what I could tell, he actually believed wed only send a class-C officer to deal with a complaint about a class-A citizen.” “Officer Jazz? And the other Velveteens?” “All safe. He did tase my partner, but fortunately, the wolfs a gloater. Tried giving a big speech while holding one of them by the ears. Didnt even see me walking behind him.” Sigmund rubbed his wrists, then his back. “May I come inside?” “Of course.” Inside, Remus was kneeling on the ground, shirtless, with his hands cuffed behind his back. He was surrounded by an army of bunnies, including Officer Jazz, who was the only one clothed of the lot, though none of them seemed to mind. “Whyd you take off his shirt?” Sigmund asked. “He did that himself,” Officer Jazz said. “He wanted to show us his belly!” one bunny called. “He said thats where we were going!” another shouted. “He had Sunny by the ears!” cried a third. Sigmund gazed over the sea of nude bunnies to find his own. Sunny was sitting a good distance away from the wolf, an unusually subdued expression on her face. She was stroking her bruised ears, and clearly shaken by the recent attempt on her life, though she smiled when Sigmund looked her way. . Sigmund turned to Officer Ark. “What happens to him now?” he asked. “Well arrest him and take him to the station. If you want to press charges, that is.” Sigmund nodded. “And if I dont press charges?” “Well, he is trespassing on your property. As a licensed predator
” “Are you gonna eat him?” shouted a bunny. “Yeah! He was gonna eat Sunny, you gotta eat him!” “Eat him! Eat him! Eat him!” the bunnies began chanting. Sigmund smiled. Oh, but he loved putting on a show. He walked over to the wolf and grabbed him by the arms, restraining them while Officer Jazz unlocked the cuffs. Once they were off, Sigmund easily hoisted the wolf into the air. Remus offered the token resistance of someone who knew his situation was hopeless and stared at Sigmund with a venomous glare. Fortunately, it was a venom Sigmund had long since built up immunity to. “EAT HIM! EAT HIM! EAT HIM!” Sigmund opened his jaws wide and shoved the wolfs head inside. The wolf began kicking his legs wildly. Good, that made for a better show. Sigmund swallowed him up to his chest, pushing his head into his throat. Once he was secure there, he finally released the wolfs arms and reached for the waist of his pants. With a few rough tugs, he managed to pull the buckle loose and began sliding them off, turning around to give all the bunnies a good look at the former predators humiliation. “EAT HIM! EAT HIM! EAT HIM!” With the pants removed, Sigmund lifted his head back and began gulping in earnest. His throat expanded to accommodate the wolfs hips, then his stomach began to bulge as the wolfs head entered. Finally, Sigmund held the wolfs paws in his teeth. These he permitted himself to give a good licking over. Apparently hed stepped in the pool, they were cleaner then expected. Then, he clicked his teeth closed, and gave one final swallow, sending the wolf to his fate and eliciting a cheer from the bunnies. Sigmund turned back to the officers. “Will that be all, then?” he asked. “I believe so,” Officer Ark said. “You really care for these bunnies, dont you?” Officer Jazz noted. “They grow on you, with time,” Sigmund replied, grinning. Officer Jazz smiled back, and the two turned to head out the front door. Once they were finally gone, Sigmund turned to Sunny. Kneeling next to her, he gently stroked her bruised ears. “Are you alright?” he asked. She pressed her face into his palm and closed her eyes. “Im just fine, now that Ive got my kitty with me.” Sigmund smiled. “And howd you like to keep your kitty with you? Always?” “Hmm?” Sunny asked, looking up. Sigmund reached over into a drawer near the couch, fiddling around in it until he found the secret compartment that he had been very glad to have kept hidden from all of the bunnies. Inside, he snagged the little box and pulled it out. Sunnys eyes went massive. “I was trying to find the right time for this. I didnt dream that being surrounded by your nudist family would be that right time, but, well,” Sigmund sniffed. “That wolf tried to take you from me, and I dont want to risk that happening again before I could ask you this. So, well
Sunny Velveteen,” he pulled open the box, revealing a tiny gold band with a glittering stone set in the middle, “will you marry me?” Sunny barely let him get the question out before screaming “YES!!!!” and flinging herself at Sigmunds face, covering him with kisses. The room erupted with cheers once again. ♦PILOGUE♦ he paperwork took longer than expected, as it always did, but by next Friday the Velveteens were packing up and heading out of Sigmunds house for the last time. “So long, new brother!” “Thanks again for everything!” “Youre awesome!” Sigmund smiled and waved at the bunnies filing past him. “Hope to see you all at the wedding!” he replied, then turned to see the last Velveteen leaving the house. It was Odessa. “You know, Im proud of every one of my children, even the ones who dont make it,” she said, “but Sunnys really gone beyond all I could hope for. Youll be so good to her.” “And her to me,” Sigmund replied, bending down to accept a hug from her. “And I have you to thank for that. From what Ive seen, she couldnt have had a better mom.” Odessa sniffed. “Ill see you at the wedding. Thanks again. For everything.” Sunny bounced back from leading her siblings to the van and gave her mother a loving hug. Soon enough, the pair was standing in their doorway, waving their goodbyes as the van full of bunnies drove off. Sigmund marched his way back into the living room and collapsed on his favorite chair, giving a deep exhale. Sunny bounced her way over and hopped up onto his stomach, but before she could say anything, he held up a finger to his lips. After a moment, he spoke again, saying, “Sorry about that
its just been a while since I could hear the silence in this house.” “Its certainly nice,” Sunny replied. “Although I admit, it was nostalgic to be living in a house full of rabbits again.” Sigmund smiled. “Even when the line to the bathroom was backed up, or you were hit by whatever projectile they thought would be fun to play catch with?” “I think that last one was mostly you. You made for a bigger target.” “You calling me fat?” “Well, you did eat every predator that tried to prey off my family.” Sigmund smiled. “Maybe well have them back once in a while. Like for an annual family reunion, or something.” “Oh, really? A full Velveteen family reunion? You even want to guess how many bunnies that would be?” Sigmund hesitated, already regretting the suggestion, when suddenly there was a knock at the door. “Did they forget something?” he asked, getting up. When he opened the door, there were no rabbits, however, there was an older chicken lady with large glasses. Sigmund wondered if she was in her right mind walking alone, even if it was the middle of the day and mostly illegal to hunt, but held his tongue. “Good afternoon,” she said. “Are you Mr. Sigmund Cruz?” she asked. “I am.” “Hello! I work for the city. Weve heard about how you recently housed a family of rabbits in need, and Im pleased to tell you that you qualify to be a Gentle Giant!” She happily held up a brochure for Gentle Giants, which Sigmund curiously took. “What does that mean?” “Every day, hundreds of families of smaller species lose their homes, often through no fault of their own. Many of them have no way to protect themselves, but when a Gentle Giant opens their home to the unfortunate-” Suddenly, Sigmund handed the brochure back to the hen, muttered, “Thank you, not interested, have a nice day,” and pulled the door closed. The hen stood there, shocked for a moment. From within, she heard the lion saying, “No. Absolutely not. It was bad enough the first time. My house is not a
” His voice trailed off as he walked deeper into the house. Suddenly, the door popped open again. Sunny leaned out, smiled at the hen, and took back the brochure. She gave a wink, then slipped back inside, quietly pulling the door shut. |
The stage was set at Pokestar Studios, a large film studio complex north of Virbank City, for a brand new movie to be shot. Actors were setting themselves up in their CGI suits and trainers were hastily rehearsing lines with their pokemon in order to minimize any embarrassment they had to sit through on-stage.One starlet in particular, however, was not very happy to be in the studio today. Rosa sat back and relaxed as her makeup was tended to and her hair styled. Because of the complicated intricacies of her outfit, a pretty pink dress so elaborate it would put actual royalty to shame, the director had chosen to use practical effects for her appearance. Between her lovingly fitted hoop skirt, her dangerously authentic corset and the beautiful ruby cone heels Rosa definitely felt like she was ready for her role.Her fashionable yet uncomfortable outfit was not the cause of Rosa's less than picture perfect mood, however. No, she was more than willing to suffer a little to sell her role. In truth, it was the script. The title, A Princess' Story, would seem to suggest that she was the central character. Yet, this was far from the case. Far from the progressive story of a princess and her royal woes, the actual script read like an old-timey little boy's fantasy. You had the tower, the damsel in distress--Princess Rosa, a big dragon guarding her and a handsome young knight who sought to take her for his own.Perhaps most insulting part of the script was their idea of a twist to bring this old concept into the modern world. What was their ace in the hole? At the end of the movie the dragon turns out to be the princess' royal guard, tasked Princess Rosa's father to keep any men without the strength of character to defeat it away from her. That was the entirety of the work they'd done to make this tired story unique. The script was uninspired, and a mildly amusing twist at the end did little to comfort Rosa's feelings of dissatisfaction. Could she really become an A-List international treasure starring in C-List movies like this??...The call went out for the actors to take their places. Rosa inspected herself in the mirror and put on her best smile, adoring the work her stylist had done on her hair. Frankly, the hairstyle was the one part of her outfit she wouldn't mind wearing more often. She got up and gently fixed her outfit, swaying a bit to loosen it up. She couldn't quite back out now; she had a contract and the director wasn't known for listening to criticism. Rosa turns and meandered her way onto the set.It was a rather dull afternoon. She didn't even have any stage presence for the first three-quarters of the movie, not even a segue. Her character was depicted only in drawings and by the praise minor characters sung of her allure. Her stomach was beginning to ache with longing as the afternoon transitioned into an evening, a predicament not made any better by the actor playing the main character. His name was Roark, apparently a big shot from a foreign region, and he was rather new to show business. It was nothing particularly bad, just a few retakes here and there, and yet Rosa couldn't help but resent him just a little for stealing her spotlight.Finally, the time came for her to take center stage. The knight was approaching the lonely tower her character had called home. All that laid in his way was a very large dragonite, chosen because of her natural gigantism for the part. Princess Rosa's job was to watch the battle from above, thanks to some CGI magic, and look interested. The cataclysmic final battle had the hero learning to overcome his faults through the time-tested trial of extreme violence, pushing the dragonite back until her rear was to the tower.The script had a rather corny ending. As the dragonite found itself metaphorically cornered, pushed back to the point where her massive weight now threatened to damage the base of the tower, she was to concede and flee. It was supposed to represent the hero's growth since the beginning of the movie, however, Rosa wasn't inclined to call the transition growth herself. The only thing he'd gotten better at was fighting.There was so much more potential in this genre! She could do better... She would do better. An idea crept into her food-starved brain. They were running out of time to salvage this movie and everyone else seemed content to take a paycheck and go home. Rosa, however, was feeling a bit too good for this film and she could think of just one way to ensure at least someone remembered it. She had to improvise and take things into her own hands. She had to..."Fair princess, I come to rescue you!" Roark's voice called out. In the movie, he was rushing up the tower to met her. His tone of voice was subtly awkward, an admittedly endearing trait in the face of such an otherwise bland character. She could tell he wasn't doing it on purpose, but in this case, it was probably better that he did. Now was Rosa's time to teach the director how to shock an audience."Is that so? Make haste! I wish to see the face of my 'hero'~" Rosa remarked, her delicately painted lips turning up in a sweet smile.In the movie, Roark would burst into the uppermost floor of the tower. He was made to look battered, but not too battered so as to keep him looking good for the audience. There was nothing like a dragon broiled behind to take someone out of a romance. "Yes, it is I! Sir Roark! I have chased off your father's wicked serpent, for I could not bear to go a moment longer not knowing whether you were well." Roark remarked, shifting to fall to his knee as a loyal knight was wont to do as a show of subservience.Princess Rosa meandered forward, carrying herself with dignity and restraint uncalled for in the script. "Oh?" she asked, feigning surprise. "And to what do I owe this display of chivalry and selfless devotion?" she asked ever so innocently. Rosa had to hide her sarcasm. She knew very well where this trope went. She could only hope that Roark would play along and that the director didn't have a fit, forcing them to stop before she made her stance clear.Meanwhile, the aforementioned director was flipping through his script in an effort to figure out what was going on. He could tell this wasn't his intended performance, but it wasn't unheard of for a prankster to modify the script for a good laugh or two. More importantly, the scene didn't appear to be a complete loss... yet. "E-ehm..." Roark blurted out, not accustomed to going off script. "My lady, I would ask only for a chance at your hand in marriage." he continued, offering Princess Rosa his hand without getting up.Princess Rosa giggled girlishly, turning away and hiding her face as she feigned shyness. "Oh, but we barely know each other Sir Roark!" she replied, swaying back and forth in a teasing manner, as if to wave herself before his nose like a treat before a dog. She had to play this up if she wanted to make sure the others humored her act.Roark shot to his feet and moved to embrace Rosa, an action which came as a surprise to her. "...Would you let me change that?" he asked....Well, the corniness hadn't gone down any, but that was okay. Princess Rosa shifted in Roark's arms, pressing one of her gloved fingers to his chest and pushing until he took the hint and let go of her. She would force him to take a step back before relenting."Well--Alright!~ If you're sure." she replied, beaming at him and taking his hands. "...For starters, my father haaasn't been completely honest with you." Rosa explained mischievously.Roark lolled his head slightly. The boy's confusion was real. "Whatever do you mean, my lady?" he asked hesitantly. One of the cameramen appeared to become anxious, anticipating the director's interference."You know how he said you had to defeat a dragon to win my hand in marriage..?" Princess Rosa asked in a rather nervous tone. Whether she was feigning nervousness or if the judgmental stare of the director was getting to her was unclear. "Well... Actually, I am the dragon!" Princess Rosa remarked, raising her arms and crudely imitating a pair of claws with them. At the same time, she displayed a wicked grin, flashing her canines demonstrably.A moment of silence followed. Rosa couldn't see the director's reaction, but frustration littered Roark's. The so-called knight stood there for a moment in bemusement before chuckling half-heartedly. "...So you are, Princess. So you are." he remarked, unable to stop himself from rolling his eyes.Rosa could see she was losing his attention, which meant she had to put the tone of this scene back on track and fast. She had just the idea. "The dragon wasn't here to protect me from you..." she remarked in her most devilish tone of voice. "She was here to protect you from me! RAAAAAA!" Rosa went on to gloat, simultaneously lunging for Roark and grasping his arms firmly. Her mouth opened wide with her honestly unintimidating impression of a dragon's roar and Rosa yanked Roark forward, shoving his face into her mouth. Her cheeks bulged outwards, caressing his skull with their silky interiors.Nearby, a short blonde girl wearing a lavender blouse managed to choke on a smoothie at the sight of what was going on, the icy drink getting in her nose to her great dismay. She quickly covered her mouth, stifling a coughing fit. Her cheeks would get redder and redder as she watched the events before herself unfold. The cameraman gave the director an incredulous look, but the director seemed to be similarly transfixed.Roark was greeted with the warm, moist surface of Rosa's tongue, saliva quickly beginning to soak into his hair and butter him up for the journey that laid ahead. Her slippery tongue dragged across his face, his eyes widening in alarm as his brain finally caught up with what was happening. Roark reached out, pushing against Rosa's chest and tugging in an effort to free himself from her maw. The scuffle had begun, but Rosa had the element of surprise on her side.Princess Rosa reflexively slapped one of the hands that had inadvertently groped her breasts but, given the circumstances, it did little to persuade Roark to stop. As far as he was concerned anything was fair game now that he was being eaten so long as it helped him escape. Rosa wasn't exactly impressed by his fighting spirit, but she was more than willing to play dirty as well. She clamped down on him with her teeth to keep him from pulling himself free, just hard enough to leave a nasty bruise on his skin, and pulled back to yank him off balance.Rosa's gambit worked, the pain her biting caused Roark distracting him from his thoughts and getting him to grab at her cheeks and jaws in an effort to relieve the pressure. Rosa turned her cheek, not wanting him to smear her makeup any more than she already was with this rough housing. She would reach down, returning the favor Roark had earlier paid her in part by grasping his bottom. She then bent over, taking advantage of Roark's distraction to force him further down her throat.Within her, Roark's face was dragged across Rosa's slick tongue as he was forced deeper inside of her, his head impacting the back of her throat and beginning to turn involuntarily as the tight muscles binding him took a sharp right turn downwards. Roark grasped at Rosa's jaw in response, his hands frantically gliding down her body as he struggled to find a better way to leverage himself against her. Rosa countered his effort by pulling back and lifting Roark with her, stumbling slightly as she lifted him over her head. Rosa tilted her head back, balancing the fervently squirming gym leader above her with both hands for a moment before taking a deep swallow to force his shoulders past her lips.The soft pink tissue of Rosa's throat greeted Roark, the powerful muscles helping his drooled up body slide smoothly through her esophagus, ...at least until his descent was rudely interrupted by resistance from below. Roark's head, now a featureless bulge resting neatly upon Rosa's cleavage, was stuck. A muffled cry for help was barely audible from within as Rosa once again bit down on Roark to keep him from sliding back out. Within, Roark was now intimately familiar with the rather moist walls of Rosa's throat, the muscles around him rhythmically attempting to push him further inside her. The rapid throbbing of her heart was felt not far off, doing little to help him stop panicking. Yet, without his feet on solid ground he now found himself fighting a losing battle."No!" Roark blurted out, his words heavily muffled by the flesh surrounding him. None but Rosa were close enough to make out what was being said through the warm flesh that smothered him.Princess Rosa carefully reached back with one hand and undid her bra, relieving the pressure in her chest and causing Roark to abruptly plummet deeper into her gut. His head slipped past her breasts and she began undoing the knots of her corset in anticipation of another roadblock. By now Roark was lodged deeply enough inside of her that she no longer had to worry about his escape. His arms were pinned to his sides and he no longer had enough free weight to threaten her balance. Now she just had to seal the deal, hopefully before security arrived. It had been less than a single minute, but she could already feel the pressure to hurry up.Deep within her now expanding stomach, Roark's head finally emerged to greet the interior of Rosa's belly. He recoiled slightly as the somewhat distasteful smell of mucus, stomach acid, and bile graced his nostrils. To his dismay his face was promptly guided into the folds of her flesh, the slimy walls of Rosa's stomach shifting to embrace his face as he found himself being forced to curl up in the increasingly tighter chamber. An indistinct but audible cry for help was heard, accompanied by a loud gurgle as gas shifted around to accommodate its new roommate.Rosa reached Roark's hips and stopped, reaching down to tug off his boots rather roughly for a princess' standards. It was then, as her gaze lowered back down to earth--thereby forcing Roark's legs to bend--that she noticed what was going on around her. The cameraman and the director were having a heated argument about the ethics of allowing this improv to continue, however, the director frankly didn't seem to care very much for the cameraman's words. His eyes were transfixed on her and the look on his face told her he wasn't entirely put off by what was going on.Rosa locked eyes with the director and squinted at him challengingly as if to ask 'You like this, huh?' As she questioned the director's slightly odd reaction she came to the sudden realization that she didn't really mind it after all. She had been so busy expecting to go out with a bang that she hadn't anticipated anyone else would appreciate the twist. Princess Rosa proceeded to flaunt her contempt for the script by slurping up Roark's legs like a pair of enormous strands of spaghetti. She struck a familiar pose, her hands lowered to her extravagantly furnished hips and her chest thrust forward in a display of defiance as the last of the bulge that was Roark descended down her throat.Beneath her ornate dress her belly continued to descend as Roark was rudely forced inside, the gently yet firmly churning walls forcing him to curl into a ball, their rhythmic contractions only pressing his face more intimately against Rosa's lower belly until she felt his nose tickle her waistline. She had to fight the urge to raise a brow. It seemed Roark was trapped in a rather awkward position, his head buried against her hips by the weight of his own body.Rosa's enormous dress obscured the bulge hanging off her mid-section and if it weren't for the way that it began to shift and sway, distending slightly in various directions with struggles from within she could have perhaps passed as being heavily pregnant. Rosa turned to the camera and fondled her belly a bit, both to show off and because all of this movement was making her feel a bit nauseous and she needed to 'convince' Roark to stop. She tittered nervously as her stomach protested Roark's frenzied struggles, his muffled words completely stifled by the growling and gurgling of Rosa's upset belly. Still, she had to put on an act and to that end she feigned being overjoyed by his pathetic kicks and squeals."Haha... I know this probably wasn't the sort of marriage you had in mind, but I hope you'll come to appreciate how 'close' we've gotten in your final moments." the wicked princess remarked, putting on her best mad grin and flashing her canines for the camera. That was when she felt a rather familiar and unrelenting pressure rising back up through her throat. Rosa flatlined briefly before the inevitable came to pass and a mighty belch escaped her flawlessly painted lips. With the belch came a pair of boxers that clung to Rosa's bottom lip, coated in slime.Princess Rosa just sort of covered her mouth coyly, doing a double take with her eyes when she noticed precisely what article of clothing she had regurgitated. ...Was that Roark's underwear? "Excuse me!~" She remarked light-heartedly, quickly pinching the boxers betwixt two fingers and tossing them over her shoulder to rid herself of having to be in contact with them any longer, briefly pondering how this had even happened. ...And she thought things were getting weird on the outside! Oh well.Meanwhile, deep within Rosa's body, Roark now sufficiently hated his co-worker. His hair was matted with stomach juices, his face pressed harshly against the bottom of her distended stomach. He could feel her thighs brushing against him as she began to walk, her hips gyrating below him with each little movement. It sent a blush of humiliation through his cheeks, each step serving to rub what had happened in his face--literally! It was incredibly tight and swelteringly hot, to the point that he would have honestly taken off his top too if he was in any position to do so. Every time he tried to move, to mount a resistance against the woman surrounding him, another contraction would squish him back into the same little ball. He couldn't even right himself!He kicked once, striking upwards into Rosa's breast and only managing to annoy her because of how impossible it was to pull back for a kick of any significant strength, and then twice before he managed to locate the sphincter sealing his exit. More slime was massaged into his body as he worked, but he persisted in wiggling until he was in a position to kick directly into the entrance of the stomach. With a mighty effort he managed to jam his foot back into the esophagus, only to feel a dainty hand and a firm swallow guide him swiftly back down. The stomach around him only got tighter as Rosa re-did her bra and, to the best of her ability, her corset. It began to feel as if the fleshy walls would crush him to death, his body forced to contort in ways he had never thought possible. It was quite painful honestly.Yet finally, Rosa relented. Only once Roark's squirming finally stopped did she stop trying to get her corset tighter. She hesitated momentarily to consider that she was probably hurting her unfortunate victim, but she was a smart girl and she knew she couldn't afford to let him go now."...Cut." The director finally called. He seemed to have been the only person on set that wasn't very uncomfortable. Nobody else seemed to know how to react. A mixture of fear, confusion, anger and oddly enough silent admiration was plastered on their faces. Most of the crew just sort of backed off, not very much wanting to be in the room after such an intense scene. The cameraman, in particular, was nowhere to be found, apparently having stormed off without waiting for the director's cue."I've gotta say..." the director began half-heartedly. He didn't seem too pleased judging by the exasperated tone of voice he gave her. "That was... something incredible," he relented. Rosa hesitated to respond. ...This weird director was alright, she supposed. Maybe he couldn't write worth a damn, but he could admit when he was wrong. "But uh... I'm going to need Roark back." the director stated rather firmly.Rosa knew exactly where this was going. "Nu-uh. You think I don't know what'll happen if I do?" she asked, hovering over the sitting director so that her bulging gut was almost resting on his lap. She then pointed a finger accusingly at him. "You're just going to replace me and re-shoot the scene with someone else!" Rosa snapped. The director gave her a shrewd look. The thought had definitely crossed his mind, as while the scene was certainly 'interesting' he simply had no idea how to make it work. Rosa did not give him a chance to respond, however."Well guess what?" she snapped, gently poking the tip of his nose with one of her nails. The director could now feel extremely weak movements from inside Rosa's body against him, any pretense of personal space having now vanished. "You can have your star actor back, after the movie airs in theaters." she stated rather firmly, staring the director down. "WHAT?!" Roark's very muffled voice called out. Rosa ignored him. The director became visibly uncomfortable, his eyes shifting betwixt Rosa's stomach and her increasingly irritable eyes. "Hey, up here." she remarked, unamused by his awkward silence."U-Uh... W-Well... But I can't!" the director stammered out, his nervousness betraying how urgently he was struggling for an excuse to regain control over the situation. Though he did not suspect Rosa had room for seconds, he didn't much appreciate being ordered around on his own set. "Who knows how long Roark can survive in there! It takes months to edit this much footage!" he claimed.It was an honest excuse, but Rosa had come a bit too far to back down now. "We can work something out~" she replied, a sly smile spreading across her face......The movie aired nearly a year later with several key changes. Princess Rosa was digitally altered to make her appear as if she had a few dragon genes in her blood, down to having her unveil a pair of majestic dragon wings just before devouring her knight. The princess was also cast in a far more sinister light than originally intended, with the new plot ending in a cliffhanger where she gazes over the wall of her tower, pondering how delicious the rest of the world must be to the tune of ominous music foreshadowing a sequel.Throughout the year, Rosa had been made to agree to regularly visit a doctor so that they could check up on Roark's health. She had initially been a tad annoyed by the hassle of lugging him around to see doctors all the time, but this was offset by amusement when she realized they were treating the situation like a pregnancy as it was the closest thing they were trained to deal with. She relished all of the delicious blackmail they handed her and she began actively encouraging them to take regular ultrasounds and x-rays, filing the various scans, videos, and pictures away to make sure Roark thought twice about ever trying to take any sort of revenge.To Roark's chagrin, and in spite of his best efforts, the authorities refused to help him when the incident was reported on the grounds that they did not have the legal authority to do anything to Rosa's body without her permission, even if it meant he remained trapped. Rosa got off with a relatively light punishment for assault as a result.It wasn't all spite and games, though. In fact, the year had turned out pretty great! Rosa got to visit Sinnoh and run Roark's gym in his steed for a bit. She was delighted to find that Roark had no interest in making himself heard anymore, having given up the struggle after the first couple of months. He never completely stopped resenting her, but Rosa also tired of being cruel to him and began treating him with some semblance of dignity. As the months went on she began treating him like her very own unborn child. At first, he refused to speak to her, but being trapped inside of her made it very difficult to be unpleasant all of the time. The two often talked and Rosa would comfort and entertain him when they were both bored. Sometimes they read stories together, other times Rosa slipped a pair of headphones over her belly with some music Roark claimed to like. It turned out the acoustics in her stomach were quite bassy.Eventually, she began to ask for Roark's opinion on what he wanted to eat and regularly carried a bottle of ice water to help them, and especially him, cool off during the summer months. Her belly, in particular, got very sweaty at times, which no doubt contributed greatly to her choice. In the winter months, she was pleased to find that her full stomach was extremely warm, making winter clothes almost unnecessary. Roark, though he never admitted it, grew to appreciate her warmth during Sinnoh's bitter cold, the thin wall of flesh warding off Jack Frost's cruel bite.When it came time to for the movie to premier they both went to watch it together, though Roark did not partake in the popcorn. By special request, Rosa was allowed to wear a pair of headphones on her belly to help Roark hear what was going on better. They'd grown close, even if Roark didn't necessarily want to admit it. Rosa, on the other hand, was thoroughly enjoying her false pregnancy. It was kind of neat in a way she'd never really considered until she tried it! ...Disregarding all the extra weight she was lugging around, of course.By the time she was finally ready to let Roark out he was a bit too... far along to come back out the way he got in. Such was that she had to give 'birth' to him in the care of a pair of doctors. It was her very first baby, a butt baby. If pushing him out hadn't been such a struggle she probably would have laughed at how ridiculous it all looked. Roark decidedly didn't appreciate being asked to call her Mom, but the very awkwardly written Birth Certificate Rosa got to keep would forever serve as a reminder of how close they'd been for well over nine months. |
The undead hordes had been steadily expanding their territory constantly for the last several months. One advantage for them was that they didn't have to stop to rest or resupply. Another was that every civilian and soldier that fell to their forces joined their ranks. Imperious looked over the large map spread out before him. Figures and tokens representing military units and forces dotted the map, but nearly half of it was empty. Luckily, this wasn't a comprehensive map of the known world, but it was a goodly chunk. If he had competent soldiers, it wouldn't have come to this. Even now, his forces were still slow to move, and even slower in their realization that this was a war for life itself. The Paladin core was no better, although their difficulty lay in a different set of challenges. While they hadn't let their warrior spirit dull during the centuries of peace, or like many other factions of the forces of light, sold their allegiances to minor kingdoms and countries, they had forgotten how to make war. They were the among the best warriors he had, but he couldn't trust them with even simple missions. Their 'code' didn't allow them to leave civilians or wounded. They were basically zealots who wouldn't retreat until the enemy was slain. That didn't work for war. Even worse, the enemy seemed to have some kind of insight into the paladin, and scores of them were being lured into surprise attacks and slain by spectres pretending to be civilians. There were a few he could trust though, and who had a level enough head to lead, even if they were on the fervent side. One such paladin stood before him, although Imperious was having a hard time understanding the larger man at that moment. "What happened? No. Stop. Start from the beginning. I'm sure I must have had some bad mead." The hulking paladin, still dressed in his bloodied and travel stained signature silver armor, shook his head, "I'm telling you the truth. On my word as a paladin, please believe me commander." "Start again, Jonathen. Maybe I won't hallucinate this time." The half troll warrior nodded, "Aright. You sent me into the woods with that contingent to hunt the strange bear that had torn up your supply caravans." "Yes, I remember. You had close to a dozen men with you." Continuing to nod, he also continued the story, "Well a few hours into the search, we came upon the tracks of something. Something huge. Whole trees had been knocked flat, or even torn up from their roots. I've never seen a creature capable of such carnage on the landscape, at least I hadn't. We followed the tracks for a few hours, but they stopped suddenly. It was like…" "You'd been lead into a trap. We thought it was some dumb beast, but it was one of them. Typical. What happened?" "Like you said. We were ambushed. Luckily, it was just ghouls at first, the remains of the supply caravan by their clothing. Then a few wraiths attacked. In the darkness, all I heard was screaming. Then something hit me." "Hit you?" Imperious looked up from the map, "I don't need the minute details of the fight. Tell me what happened." Jonathen swallowed. "Yes sir. Well, we had found it. The bear." "So there was a bear?" "Yes and no." The general gave Jonathen a sour look, and he continued quickly, "I'll admit that it looked like one, but it was no bear. It's bellow was a savage war cry, not a beast's unknowing call. It tore into us like we were children. I still can't believe something so big can move so fast." Military mind first, Imperious immediately demanded further information, "How big? How fast?" "It was hard to tell in the night, but I'd say it was about the size a house. It could see over the walls at Stone Peak if it stood on its hind legs. As for speed, well, it barreled through a few trees as it chased us, so it could probably go faster, but our horses were no match for it. " "How did you get away?" Imperious had seen a few beasts amongst the undead that chilled his blood, but this creature sounded worse than any of them. "Well, It killed three men in a moment. A single swipe knocked them all off their horses. I think one survived the fall, but it didn't matter. The next instant, it devoured all of them. " "It ate them? Why would it do that? Undead don't need to eat." "I don't know sir." "So that's how you got away? It stopped to eat everyone it killed?" "Yes, but that's not how I got away. After the initial charge, there was only a few of us left. The wraiths returned after the beast attacked. One…possessed me, and I think the others suffered the same." "Yes, I've heard reports of wraiths doing that to isolated warriors. What happened?" "Well, it's hard to describe sir." Imperious once again looked up at the larger man. The general himself was by no means a small man, only a few being able to look down on him if they weren't on a horse. Jonathen was one of those men, and the general 's head barely made it up to the paladin's his chest. However, when he looked up, he saw a face of fear. A deep fear. One that could destroy a man to think on too long. He had seen that look on the battlefield before, but even more after. Speaking slowly, Imperious tried to help the only way he knew how, taking away choice. "Tell me. Now." "I could feel it digging at my mind. There were voices all around me, some I recognized, but mostly they were angry and-I just,I don't remember so much." Imperious pressed, "What happened next?" It was less of a question, than a command. He hesitated only a moment under the generals piercing gaze, "I just ran. I could barely see, and my body felt like it was on fire. No, I've been on fire before. This felt worse." "And you didn't let it into your mind?" "No. It kept trying, I know that much, but I never did. That's when I stumbled into Luna and Shadow." The older man took a deep breath. This was where the story had become fantastical. "So you were seeing things. The spectre was playing with your mind." The huge man shook his head, "Nonono, sir, No I'm sure this was real. I swear!" Eyeing the paladin for a moment, Imperious gave him a slight nod to carry on. "So I collapsed. I couldn't run anymore, and I had to keep the wraith out of my mind. I don’t know what happened exactly, but Shadow and Luna took me somewhere else." "Somewhere else? How? You're a mountain, especially in your armor. I doubt less than a squad of men could even roll you over." "Like I said, Shadow isn't human, sir." "Hmph." "Anyway, so Luna began to question me. I don't know what they did, but she said Shadow pulled the wraith out of me and then killed it." Imperious leaned in, more interested this time. He hadn't taken the paladin seriously the first time, assuming this was hallucination, but the paladin was fairly insistent it was real. If something out there could kill the wraiths, which were wreaking all kinds of havoc on every part of the war, there might be hope for the light yet. "Did she say how?" "No, she just said he pulled it apart." "Like a piece of parchment?" "Yes, I think so." "How is that possible?" "I told you sir. Shadow was just that. He was a shadow. I don't know how to describe him any other way. It was like staring into an abyss, yet it moved and spoke." "But it spoke the tongue of angels?" "Yes, and so did Luna." Imperious ran both hands through his short hair in thought. "This…I do not know what you witnessed, but I know someone at the College will be able to tell me. What did you say this Shadow told you to tell us?" "Well, it told me to tell our Gods, but-" "Just tell me," Imperious cut in, already having had this argument. "It said that those things are the Eyes of Eliode. It also said to tell the gods to find their old comrades if they don't want to face them in battle." "Eliode? Isn't that one of the spirits you paladins pray to?" The paladin nodded. "I thought about the name as I ran here. It took me a long time to remember where I had heard the name myself. In one of my earliest lesson, we are taught of the gods who formed the paladin order. Eliode was the God of Armor, and he crafted the first suits of armor for the paladins." "So you're telling me not only that these two orbs are the eyes of a god," The general held up his hand to gesture to the two skull sized green stones at the end of his war table, "but that they are the eyes of one of the founders of the paladin order?" "Yes." "And where did Shadow get them?" "Well, I assume he took them from Eliode, sir." "Uhuh." The General was unphased by the hint of sarcasm. He was not a religious man, and part of him didn't even believe the gods existed anymore, if they ever had. "It's hard to describe sir, but Shadow is almost….well you'd have believed it if he told you he could slay the sun. He is just so…" "Powerful?" "Yes," Jonathen signed in relief, the general putting the word on the feeling he couldn't describe. Imperious was already considering the facts he had been presented. At best, this was all just a strange hallucination, and Jonathen brought back a few nice green rocks. At worst, there was something out there as a Shadow out there that could apparently slay gods. "So what of the creature? The one you were sent to slay?" "Well, sir, Eliode was not just the god of armor. He was also the Bear god." Imperious was silent for a few moments. "What?" he finally demanded. "I said that Eliode was a giant bear, sir." "So the creature…." "Was probably Eliode." imperious' hand grasped for the edge of the chair he rarely used. Sinking into it with a thud, his eyes lost focus for a moment. "Are you telling me there are gods on the undead side?" "Well there was. Those are his eyes, so I think Shadow killed him for us." The general glanced back to the green orbs, the truth of the paladins' story seeming more and more real, despite his reluctance to believe. Reluctance to accept the truth didn't make it false though, so he swallowed and leaned forward in his chair. "Who else have you told about this?" "No one. I came straight to you sir." "Good. Keep it that way. You will not utter a word of this to anyone else until I bring you before the High Council. If anyone asks, tell everyone you found the bear and killed it, but you were also ambushed by the undead, so you're the only one who made it back. Are we clear?" The paladin frowned. Imperious could see the indecision on the large man's face, and he knew why. "That's an order. If you must know, it's not really a lie. You found the bear and it was killed. You lead it and Shadow together, so you can share some of the credit for killing it, can't you? Does that suffice your code?" Jonathen, much smarter than his partial ogre looks made him seem, nodded. "That's fine." "Good. Now go get cleaned up. And tell the cooks you're back. They'll need warning to be able to keep up with you and still feed the other soldiers too." The giant nodded, thoughts of bathing and food giving him his first smile in a long time. He practically skipped out of the tent, forgetting the military formality that was due the general, but Imperious didn't care. Jonathen had earned that much, if only half his story was true. The General's gaze turned back to the twin emerald orbs once more. Although they weren't cut like it, they seemed to be massive jewels. They certainly didn't seem like eyes. A thought struck him and his quickly got up, picked up the orbs and then dropped them in his weapons trunk, slamming the lid closed. No telling what tricks the undead could use. |
The Demon Slime “Rise! Rise from the pits of hell and serve me!” Samantha called out to the empty halls of her dilapidated home. Gone was the furniture, the elaborate trimmings and decorations that used to adorn it. No, now it was just her and a few necessities that hadn’t been expensive enough for the collectors to take. The pentagram glowed a fiery red as the ceremony reached its completion, the moon and the stars properly aligned for this sort of transaction. The floor boards within the heretical shape began to bubble and shift, rising and growing, as if something was emerging from beneath them, as if the portal she had called upon was actually opening. She wiped a few beads of sweat from her brow, trying not to show her surprise. She hadn’t really expected the dusty tome she had hidden amongst the last of her worldly possessions to be a real magical instruction manual. She could now be tried and hung for witchcraft of the highest degree, but if the demon coming forth was half as powerful as the book said it was, she had nothing to worry about. Still, she couldn’t show any weakness, or the demon would turn on her and her soul would be forfeit. The form shifted and bubbled, the wood losing its texture and colour, becoming smooth and red, as red as the blood traced across the floor around it. It grew until there was a pile of the amorphous goo, nearly as tall as Samantha and much wider around. It filled the space inside the pentagram, literally pressing against an invisible wall around the base and filling the space as if it were a gel. Samantha wondered it was going to continue growing until it reached the ceiling, but the mass stopped bubbling as the glow of the circle finally settled down to a dull gleam. She glanced to the window, which she hadn’t thought to cover before she started. Hopefully the neighbours would be asleep and wouldn’t notice the strange glow of the ritual or at worst mistake it for odd candlelight. Her eyes returned to the blob, but she blinked in surprise as it was gone. No, not gone, just smaller. In the place of the mass of featureless liquid, was a strangely crimson, smooth, and slightly transparent copy of herself, looking back at her from within the circle. She blushed against her better judgement, her own body on full display since the creature hadn’t copied her dirty and ragged clothes. Her eyes scanned the creature, taking in her own modest curves and features. Her face was pretty enough, but her body had always lacked a certain…meat to really draw the eye. She wasn’t quite skinny, at least not before she began to eat less than she should, but she never quite had the weight where she needed it. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end as she pushed the thoughts of her own imperfections out of her mind and refocused on what was going on. There was a demon standing in front of her, and it was inspecting her as she did, though it was hard to tell what it was looking at, since its eyes were featureless and empty. She remembered how she was supposed to greet the creature, to introduce herself and what she desired. She opened her mouth to speak but faltered when the red copy did the same. Her eyes widened, and so did its. She shifted nervously, and so did the reflection. A brief moment of indecision and doubt crossed her mind. Perhaps she had made a mistake somewhere? Misinterpreted one of the strange and sometimes cryptic directions? She was absolutely sure she had done everything to contain the creature properly, but the instructions for summoning a specific demon were absurdly complicated. She had tried to pick the one that seemed easiest, but some sounded similar and at one point she had lost her place. In the end, she really didn’t know which set of instructions she had actually followed. She steeled herself and tried again, this time ignoring the creature’s movements. “My name is Samantha GoldWright and I am the First Daughter of this Household. I have summoned you to serve me as a faithful servant, to perform my darkest deeds and receive grisly rewards. Do you accept?” The creature mimicked the way her mouth moved, and her determined facial expression. Samantha could even see its throat and chest moving in time with hers, but no sound came out of its mouth, no voice emanating from its throat. In the total silence of the night, she could hear her own breathing, but not the copy’s. Once she finished speaking, they resumed their staring match, the creature seemingly unblinking, as she couldn’t seem to get her own body to do so, to willingly lose sight of this thing again. Samantha and the creature both flinched in surprise when a voice filled her mind, a lovely woman’s voice, sultry and smooth, and powerfully loud, “Hello Samantha. I take it you’re new at this? Not to worry, I’m very gentle with first timers. Come a little closer and we’ll definitely be able to come to a deal.” The command resonated within her entire being, and she took a step forward before she could stop herself, her body responding to the foreign thoughts before she could reassert control. Even once she realized, it took a mighty amount of willpower not to take another step, to stop herself from approaching the pentagram. “N-no!” she grunted, stepping back with physical effort, the attraction towards the creature feeling as if it would slide her across the floor. “I will not release you until you’ve sworn your service to me!” The creature continued to mimic her, stepping as she did, within the enclosed space it was given. As she rebuked it, she thought she saw the shadow of a smirk pass across it’s, or rather her own copied face, before it one again resumed her determined expression as the voice returned. “Worth a try. Still, there’s usually a bit more negotiating involved. You expect me to give myself to you just because you managed to summon me? What are you offering me, hmmm?” the voice sent a ripple of pleasure down her spine as it filled her mind once again, as if she had smelled fresh bread or a lover had caressed her though. She bit her lip at the sensation, trying to focus on the words of the demon. “I offer you the lives of my enemies. I offer their bodies and souls to you.” She managed to state it in what sounded like a confident fashion, but she couldn’t quite tell. It was hard to keep her knees from shaking. “Mmmm, sounds lovely! But their souls are hardly yours to promise. And it sounds like I’ll be the one doing all the work, so how is that a deal good for me? How about you promise me your soul, and I’ll devour whoever your little heart desires.” Samantha moaned before she could stop herself, the seductive voice within her mind making her loins ache, and her nipples harden beneath her clothes. Worse, she could see the pained expression of pathetically concealed bliss on her own face, mirrored by the beast. It took her a moment, but she managed to straighten, and to keep her hands from sliding towards her sex, “If I offer my soul, my life will be forfeit before any deeds are complete. What else would satisfy you?” The book told her about this. Demon’s always asked for the summoner’s soul first. It was the opening deal. Some were a bit more passionate about it than others, but they all asked. It was foolish to give it up without a proper deal in place, and most demons would perform little jobs here and there without it, as long as they got something else. “Oooh, playing hard to get? Let me think…” the voice trailed off, but Samantha still felt its presence within her head. It felt like the worst head ache she could imagine, but also with the most wonderful pleasure she had ever known. It sent repeated shivers of pure bliss down her entire body, her eyes fluttering as the beast probed her mind. She did her best to resist it, to clear her mind and prevent the creature from learning what it wished, but it had already been pretty clearly established that her mind wasn’t as crystalline solid as the book recommended. She couldn’t have imagined how intense the mind of a demon would actually be! How amazing and terrible this would feel! Her knees began to shake with effort, her balance growing unsteady with the pleasure and pain coursing through her now. The effect subsided as the creature spoke to her once again, its amusement evident, “Not used to mental battles, huh? Your luck really is terrible then, because they’re my specialty. I could peel your young little mind open with ease and read your memories like a fleshy little book, but like I said, I’m gentle with first timers. Come closer. Don’t worry, I won’t eat you.” Nothing about that reassurance made her feel any better, but her will to resist was at its limit. Her breaths were short and her body was sweating all over. Another assault like that and the demon could probably make her do whatever it wished, so she complied with its simple command, especially since she wasn’t in any danger yet, the demon was still contained. She slowly stepped forward on shivering legs. The fear and twinges of residual pleasure made her shiver and shake with every step, the embarrassment of having to watch her naked, crimson reflection do the same only making it all worse, somehow. “Good little demon caller. Samantha. What do you want me for? I’ll give you a fair price for my services after you tell me what you’ll be asking me to do.” Samantha swallowed hard, trying to focus and refocus. Her tongue felt heavy in her mouth and her hands clenched and unclenched with effort to refrain from scratching the itch between her legs, to grope her own chest. She couldn’t show this demon how easily it was manipulating her, even if it could probably already peer into her mind and see. Her wicked arousal only seemed to worsen now that she was so close to her reflection, their faces barely a hand’s length apart, separated by the invisible barrier that contained the monstrosity. Her eyes couldn’t help but sweep her own body, its alien nakedness so revealed and so visibly bothered. It displayed every movement she was hoping to conceal, every twitch that she knew revealed how much the demon was already having its way with her. Her anger finally managed to save her. It had simmered low, beneath the surface, but now it flared up. She wasn’t going to be treated like this! Not by the demon that SHE had summoned to help her! The demon was right about one thing, she had terrible luck, but this was exactly how she would turn the world on its head, how she would wrest her fate back from the loan sharks and the bandits and the rogues that had brought her family low. She was tired of everyone treating her like a simpleton, like a gnave! Brushing her off like a pathetic nothing to be pushed around and trampled on and stolen from. This was her moment to take it all back…and more! Her fists clenched tight, and the shaking in her legs stopped, her breath becoming steadier and more even as she focused on her rage, bringing forth the reason she had summoned this dangerous creature from hell itself. “I called you forth, great one, to right the wrongs that have been done to me and my family. Bandits stole my father’s work as they were sent away. A woman who claimed to be a friend offered to give us money to cover another try, but she lent the money at a terrible interest. My father could never repay her. He died trying. Once he was gone, that dreadful woman…she took everything I had left of him. Everything she could manage. If the house hadn’t been a gift of appreciation to my father by the lord himself, I would have lost it too…” There was silence for a few moments as she stood before the demon, her anger simmering, but not settling. She could feel it dampening the effects of the demon’s seduction, but it wasn’t applying nearly as much force at it had before, when it had really delved into her mind. “That feels like a bit of fire! Maybe we do have some business together...but if you have no earthly possessions and aren’t going to give me your soul, what can you offer me? I’m at a bit of a loss to be honest.” Samantha finally smiled, relieved to have gotten to this point, “Freedom.” As before, the eyebrow of her red translucent clone twitched, but only for a moment, as if it couldn’t escape the mimicry itself. “You’d unleash me upon the world? That’s even more foolish than giving me your soul. What are your conditions on this wondrous gift, hmm?” Samantha nodded, “I offer you complete freedom in exchange for faithful service to me for the remainder of my life. During this time, you are not to slay or seek to manipulate others to slay me, or else be cast back to hell. Do you accept?” Silence filled the air between them. Demons saw time as a bit of a longer road than humans, so a human lifetime wasn’t all that much, but some were still reluctant to accept such a deal. Samantha hoped this strange monstrosity wasn’t one of those, because she had no idea what to do if it said no. She hadn’t had the materials to prepare the emergency banishment. It also required a few other people to assist, which she also didn’t have. It was really a miracle that she had managed this alone in the first place, and a miracle of miracles that a demon had actually been summoned. A sound not unlike a sigh filled the room, almost as if it blew in through the closed window, “I suppose I’ve not been on the surface in a few…I don’t remember the last time one of you foolish mortals summoned me. I accept your terms Samantha GoldWright. My name is Malkotash the Ever flowing Terror, Inundator of Seraphim and Guardian of the Blood Wrapped Keep. You’re aware we now have to seal the pact, yes? Well, my seal is a bit more than a kiss. If you’re ready to accept the deal, take another step forward.” Samantha frowned. The book talked about demons sealing the pact with a binding of blood, usually a kiss, but it had said a few demons required…more. She hadn’t worried since the book had implied that was extremely rare. Something else was bothering her, and she hesitated in stepping forward, over the threshold of the pentagram. If she did, and the demon was lying, she would die a horrible death, but the demon would be banished back to hell for its betrayal. If it wasn’t…well she didn’t really know what was going to happen. “You have no conditions on this deal?” “No, freedom within the mortal realm, for one such as I is worth centuries of servitude. I don’t imagine your service will be all that unpleasant, will it girl?” There was that intoxicating sensation again, and Samantha fought the urge to step forward again with all her might. The way the book explained it, when a pact ended, a demon is returned to hell with more power than before, fuelled by whatever strange system of evil they ascribe to. The completion of a pact, especially one where the demon can perform evils, is usually more enticing than the summoner’s soul, at least that’s what one had to do to make a successful pact. Freedom was an extreme option, which allowed for the demon to remain in the world, after the completion of the rest of the pact, unfettered by the chains of contract. It can wreak untold destruction once it is allowed to act as it pleases. “Y-you will also…grant me…powers! To…uhm…” she faltered, her mind doing everything it could to remember what the book said about boons a demon can grant, but she had no idea she would ever get this far. That, and it was almost all she could do to remain standing. The mental strain of resisting even the demon’s subtle suggestions was taxing her beyond what she had thought were her limits, but her anger had given her a small extra burst of energy, and it was fading fast. A gurgling sound filled the air, though the statuesque reflection didn’t move, and Samantha realized the demon was laughing! “Oh dear, you really are a novice. You only think to ask for such things now? Do you even know what I could grant you? I doubt it, since it’s been so long since my last summoning, and there’s certainly no one else like me, mmm. I’ll help you so that you don’t pass out before we conclude our pact. In exchange for freedom after your death, I will grant you a fraction of my power, to use as you see fit. Now. Step forward.” Any resistance Samantha could have mustered was crumpled by that final, more forceful command. It was not something she could have denied, even at the height of her resistance, and she stepped forward as her mind threatened to shatter if she refused. Her body crossed that invisible line that held back the monster, the demon before her. By its own admission, it was a horror the world had not witnessed for many years, but she didn’t have the luxury of worrying about the world right now. As Samantha took that final step forwards, so too did the reflection, and as their bodies met, starting with their faces, it’s form surged over hers. It lost whatever rigidness it had and it’s form flowed around her body. She gasped as the contact, the strange, living slime feeling electric against her skin. It was as if a warm, rubbery silk was washing over her skin, clinging to her skin, and yet flowing without any resistance across it. She had imagined some kind of fiery pain, but it actually felt wonderful, invigorating even, as the substance covered the entire surface of her body in seconds. Before she could even think about what was happening, the creature engulfed her completely, sucking her forward another half pace and completely within the pentagram. She might have been terrified if she could summon the strength, but she was just so exhausted, and somehow this didn’t seem real. Her eyes opened wide with surprise, the outside cast in a bloody red hue, as the substance began to pour itself with the same velvety smoothness into every opening of her body. Her gasping mouth inhaled only the demon, and her most private crevices were protected by neither impropriety nor the instinctive clenching of her muscles. She was held in place as the slime creature forced itself with a rush into her body, and she tired only once to scream in a mix of terror and delight, the electrified tingling setting her insides and most sensitive bits ablaze with arousal, but her lungs were quickly filled with the red shapeless demon, and her pleasure mixed with the nightmarish sensation of drowning, completely and surely. Her body wasn’t allowed to move a single twitch on its own. Not a single finger or toe capable of even wiggling within the gelatinous mass. Rather than hold her completely still, she felt it all began to move and shift, as if the mass of the creature was moving around her. Even though it only took moments, it felt like an eternity as her lungs burned for air, and the burning only continued to spread as the demon continued to manipulate her body as its plaything. Samantha felt her skin growing hot, more so than before, more than just the contact with the demon had elicited. It felt as if she was melting, as the temperature continued to rise within the creature. Across her entire body, the slime began to tighten and restrict. It was fascinating how even the pressure was, and she felt it happening inside herself as well, the slime shrinking around her, as if it was trying to crush her. Her head tilted back with the pressure, her entire body held rigidly in place as the slime vacuum sealed itself around her. If she had had a mirror, she would be able to see that only a parchment thin layer of the crimson creature was spread over her entire body forcing her every orifice to gape open. To the poor woman though, it felt as if a burning hot anvil was crushing every side of her body, as if a thousand anvils were crushing her from without and within. She had never felt agony so intense, never imagined it possible, all the while, her body starving for even a wisp of air to sustain it. Still, something about the sensation for intoxicating, her mixed arousal and terror a swirl of emotions she’d never truly experienced before, and even more terrifying in that she couldn’t tell if she really wanted it all to stop. Terror seemed to win out as her body reached the peak of suffocation, “No! Please! Don’t kill me! I’ll free you! I swear! I’m sorry! Please!” Her mind cried out in panic, her last chance. She couldn’t fathom the creature having mercy, but she couldn’t take this torture anymore! The sultry voice brushed against her mind, “Calm down. I’ll have you finished in just a moment. You’ll make such a wonderful addition to my collection.” “Collection?! Ahh!!!” The slime only grew tighter, her every single body part feeling as if would collapse at any moment, her every surface burning with now searing heat, and her every muscle now screaming for air. Her every sense was failing her, so intense was the pain. Stars danced across her vision, her tongue tasted heavenly sweetness, and she could only hear her own laboured heartbeat, pounding inside her own head like staccato cannon fire. Any and all thoughts were obliterated as the pain and terror reached a fever pitch. There was a physical and audible ‘pop’ as her body and mind gave way under the demons affections. Blissfully, the world left Samantha for a short time, everything going black and still. On the surface, nothing seemed to have happened, but Samantha’s body quivered as the demon chuckled. “I almost forgot the taste of mortal flesh. If it’s any consolation, you were especially delicious.” The red slime suddenly released its vacuum grip upon Samantha’s form, sliding off and down to the ground, pooling around her now naked feet. Her raged clothes had been obliterated as she had joined with the monster, and she now stood above a simmering red pool, the slime shifting slightly away from its newest toy. Samantha’s body was the same as it had been, only now there was an ever so slightly inhuman sheen to her skin. It looked as if she had had a thin film of oil spread over her nubile young form. More strange, was the vacant, wide eyed expression of terror and pain frozen on her face, her mouth open wide, as if something was being forced down her throat, as it had moments before. Her other orifice’s remained open as well, her entire body frozen in a strange state of suspended animation. “Awaken, Master. I’d like to be able to stretch a bit outside this pentagram. I’m really not used to such confinement.” The doll like body of Samantha blinked. Then she gasped, her shiny body shifting stiffly, unnaturally. She looked down at herself, a wordless and breathy moan escaping her gaping mouth. The moan filled the room with the sound of confusion, but had a hint of pleasure and more than a little panic. Her body moved only haltingly, as if she was fighting some rusty stiffness in every joint. Internally, nothing made any sense to Samantha. Hadn’t she just…died? Her entire body felt strange, slightly cold, and moving even little bits was difficult in the extreme. She couldn’t move her mouth or tongue, or any smaller muscles, and she began to moan louder, attempting to scream but her body wouldn’t permit that yet. “Always so quick to panic. Calm down. I converted your body to something better, something much closer to mine. It’s how I seal my pacts. The careless ones anyhow. You’ll have a bit of trouble moving around at first, but most get used to it pretty quickly.” Samantha continued to look herself over, only the tip of her panic shaved away by the demon’s explanation. Her body was so…what the hell was happening? A touch around her waist brought her vision back up to a very unfamiliar face. A sultry and voluptuous naked woman now stood before her, or rather, was pressing herself up against Samantha, pulling her stiff and shockingly sensitive body against the woman’s. The woman looked like a more ideal version of her own form, curves and weight in all the right places, longer, straighter cleaner, darker hair, a slightly smoother face. The only thing that gave away her monstrous identity was the blood red eyes, no pupil or iris visible at all. A physical voice that couldn’t hope to match the mental one now graced the room, “Mmm, yes, I think you’ll be quite a bit of fun. Can you please let me out master?” The demon’s hands slid over the smooth surface of Samantha’s skin, down over her rear and gave both cheeks a strong squeeze. The transformed girl moaned in surprise, but at the strangeness of the way her own skin felt, and at how wonderful it felt to be caressed and groped as she now was. She had no idea what was going on, but she had no reason to refuse the monster now. Reaching back with her foot, she kicked robotically, reaching a little further every time as she could actually feel the stiffness lifting slowly, or rather, her body sort of becoming more and more worked in as she moved. Finally her toes scraped across the line of the pentagram, and the partially dried blood smeared off its perfectly straight line, the eerie glow of it fading instantly. The woman who looked so much like Samantha, but so different leaned back, eyes closed and face skyward, inhaling sharply and deeply, “Mmmm, aaah! Fresh air!” Her hands still gripped Samantha’s rump, causing her pangs of perverse pleasure with every bit of movement. She had never felt such an erotic touch before…was the demon using magic? Or was her body just that sensitive now? “Your body is now a toy for pleasure,” Malkotash informed her, her crimson eyes returning to gaze seductively over Samantha. “It has a number of interesting new properties, not the least of which is that every sense of touch,” She paused to suddenly slap Samantha sharply across the face, “will feel like a lovers caress.” Indeed the slap was hard enough to send stars across Samantha’s vision, but rather than stinging pain in her cheek, a blissful and intense spiking pleasure spread across her skin, and she moaned hoarsely as her body clenched, an unexpected though not altogether sudden orgasm making her shake for a few moments, that slap the final straw in releasing what sexual frustrations had been building up throughout their entire exchange. “Naughty toy! That was quite a fast climax. I suppose virgins are always that way. Come on, you should show me around your house, maybe your village or town too. I’m eager to take a walk about now that I’ve returned after so long.” Samantha’s eyes still fluttered with the aftershocks of her pleasure, the hand still around her waist and massaging her rear already slowly beginning to build up the sequel. She tried to focus on the demon, who was supposed to be her servant now, working her jaw and trying to force her tongue to move, “Wha- ah…app…pen…oo…eee?” she managed slowly, though her mouth was even more strangely rigid than her other joints, and her tongue just did not want to cooperate, lying flat on the bottom of her mouth, which gapped open widely when she relaxed. “I told you, I transformed you into a sex toy. An object of carnal pleasure. You’re alive only to feel and give sexual release. Because you’re my master, I spared your mind the standard re-orientation, so you’re not a perfectly obedient little doll, but your body is already nice and pliable, isn’t it? Are you already going to cum again?” Even as difficult as it was to move, her body was shaking from the demon woman’s hands caressing and squeezing her form. Every touch felt better than the last, her gaping holes silently calling to be filled. She ached for another release, one which was rapidly building in her loins just from the monster’s gentle touch and normal tone of voice. Malkotash nodded at her silence panting, “I would play with you a bit to break you in, but I don’t think your mind would be able to handle it at the moment. You’re no good as a master if you’re a drooling lump on the floor.” She reached up and Samantha practically purred in delight as Malkotash wiped a thumb across her lips, wiping away the saliva that was dripping down the young woman’s face, since she couldn’t keep her mouth closed, or her rubbery lips sealed. That simple caress across her oh so sensitive lips made her knees buckle, her body already starting to clench in preparation for the second orgasm in only a few moments, and what would definitely be the largest of her life, so far at least. Disappointingly, the demoness pulled back and spun Samantha around to face the door. Her body felt lighter than it used to, as the demon moved her, but a sharp slap on the rear cleared her mind of any thoughts as she almost blacked out from wave after wave of pure sexual gratification, her stiff legs shakily moving forward, even as she struggled to regain some semblance of mental coordination through the fog of bliss. “That a girl! Your first steps. Now bend over and show me how tasty your rear is.” Her mind was beyond even a hope of resistance. It felt wonderful to obey the demon’s commands, to submit to the will of her superior. Just listening to her voice sent tingles across Samantha’s skin, but obediently bending over to display her wide open ass and slit to the monster was already starting the climb to the third orgasm of the night. The embarrassment of her nethers being in complete and total view only enflamed her passion, her breaths short and ragged as she felt a bit of warmth drip down her inner thigh. “Wonderful! Oh, but I do get carried away sometimes. Come on now, you’re the master here. Pull yourself together. Take charge! Your life isn’t going to be very long if you can’t even stand a little teasing.” Samantha straightened with a whimper, her body still unfamiliar, while the enchanting voice was still too deep within her mind to possibly disobey. Her thoughts were scattered and sporadic, her new cravings for attention and satisfaction overpowering in the extreme. One thought finally managed to break through the rest, taking hold and forming into a solid idea. She was absolutely famished. She had never felt so emptily hungry in her life, so cavernously ravenous. She had spent the last few months eating stale bread and softening vegetable, but she had never had to go completely hungry. She almost felt as if she had never had any food, and if only conceptually, that was sort of true. She moaned her displeasure, her hands going to her stomach as it gave its audible protest. Malkotash smiled as she walked over to the window, gazing through it at the moonless night sky, and the cityscape below. “You’re hungry? Interesting. Usually my toys take a bit longer to get that particular craving. Why don’t we find someone for you to eat then?” “Omo?!” Samantha questioned through the mind numbing hunger. “Oh yes. You’re no longer capable of digesting normal human foods. Now humans are your food. Come on. There’s always ample prey in the night of a civilization like this,” Malkotash pulled the window open and jumped through, her form vanishing into the night as she plummeted the full two stories to the ground below. Samantha rushed to the window in surprise, but Malkotash was already striding purposefully, and nakedly, off into the night, barely visible from the window already. She paused to look up at Samantha, smiling as she beckoned her master to follow. Samantha turned to go towards the door, to make her way down the stairs, but felt some ethereal force take hold of her body and she pitched backwards out the window, her stiff fingers unable to grab for purchase in time. She landed on the cobblestones below with only a faint smack, bouncing slightly back up off them. The pain she expected was a blooming of pleasure, her body shivering with delight at what should have been broken bones or worse. She slowly rose to her feet, doing her best to quickly run after the form disappearing down the street into the night. The demonic shapeshifter wasn’t trying to outpace her, so she eventually caught up, panting from the exertion of moving her inhuman body. It was definitely getting easier, but only slowly, and only the joints she was moving, such as her knees. “Humans have definitely improved a bit since I was here last. Certainly a few more of you than there was before, especially if this city isn’t the only one like it. Oh, our prey is this way,” she marched quickly down street after empty street. Samantha had no idea why there was no one out, but she supposed it was terribly late, or was it early now? Still, surely someone would see them, a pair of naked women scampering through the night. “No one will see us, give me some credit,” Malkotash answered her unasked question. Samantha nodded wordlessly, having no real option but to trust the demon. She could tell they were working their way towards the poorer part of the city, a place her father had told her not to go to without good reason. Finally a lantern appeared ahead, red glass casting the street in a sickly hue not unlike the glow from the ceremony she had just conducted. Samantha’s eyes locked onto a trio of women lounging beneath the lantern, their outfits suitably revealing for street prostitutes. The looked a bit dirty, and one’s hair looked to be in disarray, but somehow that only made them look at the more…appetizing. The heavy scent of alcohol and decadence wafted down the street from the seedy establishment, the sickening combination making Samantha’s mouth water, a string of saliva dripping down her rigid jaw onto her stiff and unmoving breast. Before her eyes, Malkotash suddenly shifted forms into a simply dressed man, a grey jerkin with rough flaxen trousers, a rope tied at his waist to keep it all together. He flashed Samantha a slightly misaligned and toothy grin before he blinked and the crimson eyes became normal human versions, though the colour was impossible to tell in the dim red lighting. “Ladies! Have I got a craving tonight. How much for the lot of ya?” Malkotash stumbled forward, startling the trio of prostitutes with his sudden entrance. The night was dark and quiet, so his sudden appearance was more than a little unsettling. Still this was their work, so the bravest of the stepped forward, ruffling her pompously inappropriate dress. “Deary me, who might you be? I’ve never seen you around here before.” This one had dirty blonde and short curly hair. Her dress hung almost low enough to let her ample breasts pop free, and her ‘dress’ was cut in strange places to reveal her legs almost all the way up to her hips. She was the prettiest of the three, which was to say she was nice to look at, but not captivating in any meaningful way. Malkotash, acting a bit drunk, stumbled forward a step, reaching into his jerkin, “Oh, I’m not –hic- from this slum! I’m from a much bigger slum, on the other side of the world! The winds have brought me here though, and I’ve got a hungering for some tail.” He produced a small leather pouch and shook it heavily. The unmistakable sound of coin filled the street and all three women glanced at each other. “A-all of us, sir? That might be a little expensive,” She smiled, as the others tried to look enticing, fluttering their eyelashes and what not. It took a bit of effort on Samantha’s part not to stumble forward and seize the closest woman. Their ample barren flesh was only deepening her need for sustenance, and the smell of debauchery only piqued her hunger even more. “Does gold not have the same meaning to you as it does in –hic- other countries? Ugh, I guess I’ll find some others to service me,” Malkotash made a show of turning around and beginning to lurch away, but the trio called out almost instantly. The disguised demon paused, lecherously looking over his shoulder with a wide grin, as the prostitutes exchanged meaningful glances once more. The spokeswoman spoke up once again, “Oh don’t mistake us sir. We just wanted to be sure that you were looking for the…best time money can buy. How long were you planning to enjoy our company?” He smiled, turning back to them, his slightly blood shot eyes scanning shamelessly over their forms, “How about we just have fun and see how long it lasts?” The woman nodded, indicating the bar door beneath the lantern behind her, “We have a room to enjoy ourselves if you’ll just come this way sir.” He shook his head, “No need! –Hic- I prefer the smell of the great outdoors! This alley back here will do just fine. Unless you lot are afraid of the stars catching sight of your dark places, hmmm? Ahaha! Not to –hic- worry! Even they’re hiding tonight!” He beckoned them to follow, and began to stumble back towards Samantha, who was silently standing in the middle of the road, the darkness so far concealing her presence. “Get in the alley,” Malkotash’s voice filled her mind, her body moving to the command before she could second guess herself. The only reason she was reluctant to follow it was that she couldn’t pull her eyes away from the succulent bodies of the street women, didn’t want to lose sight of her meals. Even though she knew that Malkotash was bring the meals to her, she still felt sad moving away from them, even temporarily. There was some hushed discussion amongst the prostitutes, but they seemed to come to an agreement and trailed after the strange man. He had offered quite a bit of coin, and they wouldn’t be far enough away from their establishment that no one could hear if something bad were to happen. Plus, the three were together, even safer. As they rounded the corner and their eyes began to adjust, they caught sight of Samantha standing next to Malkotash. “Who’s this?” they questioned cautiously, able to tell that it was a woman, even in the dark. “This is Samantha. She’s also hungering for you girls tonight. I didn’t think it would be much of a problem to share. I’ll take the one with the messy hair, you can have the other two.” The demon grunted, more businesslike than before, but that was all the release Samantha needed to lunge forward, towards the women. Their reaction to the immense danger they found themselves in was slow, some amount of physical excitement being the usual for their customers, but the grip on the blonde’s arms was too tight, something strange about the feel of this woman’s skin. And was she…naked? Her confusion at what was happening, mixed with a normalization of rougher treatment kept her from screaming out long enough for Samantha’s jaws to close around her neck, somehow taking the prostitute’s entire head into her mouth in one lunge. Samantha moaned out loudly around the woman’s head, the flavour filling her mouth more exquisite than any dish she had ever tasted. She didn’t stop to savour it though, her rubbery body stretching happily to accommodate the now viciously struggling woman. Had there been light to see, her features would have been strikingly visible beneath Samantha’s stretched out skin, the horrified expression gasping for air throat the throat that was swallowing her. In seconds her arms were pinned to her sides and sliding down the throat along with the rest of her body. Because of the way her dress hung open at the neck, it was easy for Samantha to peel it off as she sucked the woman out of it, gulping almost thunderously loud. Her wriggling resistance was fierce, but fruitless as she was ingested in seconds, her body filling out Samantha’s bulging stomach with absolutely no mistake as to what was inside. She was forced to curl into a ball as her legs slid down Samantha’s smooth, accommodating throat, no need to even gulp at this point. Every curve, angle and bulge of her feminine body was visible through the rubbery skin of Samantha’s stomach walls. It held tight to its meal, now allowing her any room to move or any air to breath, and the strange inhuman woman’s bloated midsection bounced with the struggles of her prey, a very faint muffled sound emanating from inside. Samantha couldn’t believe how amazing it felt to devour a person, or how absolutely wondrous it was to have such a huge, warm, and struggling meal nestled safely into her gut. Already she could feel her stomach getting to work on the woman inside, the prostitute’s struggles increasing as the burning sensation began to spread across her skin and her tiny amount of air began to run out. Though it was odd, she thought, that she didn’t mind killing an innocent person. “They aren’t people. They’re food. That’s why you don’t feel bad dear.” Samantha turned, to see her demon servant, Malkotash, in a more inhuman form. There was a medium sized mound of slime, the prostitute she had chosen lying on her back across its surface, her hands inside the slime above her head and her ankles similarly held within the gelatinous mound, her legs spread wide open for Samantha to see what was happening between. A pair of tentacle like extensions were protruding from the slime and were thrusting themselves with visible energy into both of the poor woman’s holes, while a third was gagging her with a repeated lewd squelch. She was doing her best to struggle and rise from her predicament, but the slime held her limbs fast, and it was obvious she was enjoying the rough treatment already. Her choking gaps past the living goo filling her mouth were filled with ecstasy as much as fear, moaning in pleasure as much as trying to scream in terror. “Finish your food, or I’ll be more than happy to take a second serving for myself.” Samantha turned to the last prostitute, the youngest of the three by a visible amount. She looked barely older than eighteen, though perhaps her face was just young looking. Her dress wasn’t as dirty or as raged as the others, her face less tired beneath the cheap make up. She must be new to this life. Unlucky for her. The girl had frozen in complete terror, as the situation unfolded before her very eyes. It was hard to tell what was happening in the total darkness of the alley, but she could see enough that her mind had stopped working in an attempt to shield itself from the truth of the matter. Her saucer-like eyes met Samantha’s hungry ones, a slight whimper escaping her throat. Samantha reached forward haltingly, the girl flinching back against the alley wall, but that only bought her a moment’s reprieve before the cold, smooth fingers of Samantha closed on her shoulders. Rather than force the girl’s head into her mouth, however, Samantha pushed down on her, and the girl went to her knees out of habit. Pushing her hips forward, the girl only had a moment to understand what was expected before the slick and oddly wide pussy was shoved into her face. She wordlessly obeyed, licking at the uniquely accommodating and deliciously wet pussy before her, even as Samantha’s gaping mouth drooled above, hidden from view by the still shifting stomach, it’s occupant yet to completely give in to her doom. Samantha almost screamed in delight as the tongue made contact with her rigid nether lips and explored past them as she forced the girl to put her entire mouth into that sexual abyss. The girl whimpered and whined in discomfort and complaint, but that only made Samantha pull harder on the back of her head. There was a few moments of relative stillness, the only sounds of the alley the indistinct muffled cries of the ingested blonde, the various squishes and muffled moans of the woman Malkotash was raping in every hole, and the moans of Samantha as she forced the last prostitute to lick her overly sensitive sex. It was only a mild surprise when she pulled the girl’s head just a little too hard, and her body twitched in just the right way to lurch forward and engulf the girl’s head in her more than eager sex. Samantha came so hard she thought she was going to crush the girl’s head between her thighs, but instead her orgasm only grew in intensity as her body began to draw the shivering girl even further into her! Like her jaws and throat, her pelvis seemed to lack any true rigidity now, and it drew the girl in with a steady series of hypnotically smooth ripples, more coordinated that any normal muscle movement could be. The girl didn’t even fight her fate, she had seen what had happened to the others. She could only pray to the gods for forgiveness now, to not begrudge her the life of sin she had been forced into. Samantha couldn’t care less what the girl was thinking, her meal’s form filling her sex more and more by the second. The young woman was pushed into Samantha’s stomach, the occupant reacting predictably violently as another form began to join her in her fate. Samantha’s entire body shook and shivered in unending wave after wave of pleasure, every inch of the girl’s body bringing more sensations of pleasure as she was taken in. Samantha didn’t even notice when she collapsed, her legs giving way under the assault on her senses. She didn’t care as she rested her less than human weight on the pair of women now trapped inside her hard working stomach. More juices dripped down both thighs as the crashing waves of ecstasy began to abate, to settle to a smooth rhythm of contentment as the pair digested within her. Samantha had no idea how much time it had taken her to devour the second prostitute, or to finally come back to her senses, but the clouds above had begun to indicate dawn was approaching by the time Malkotash tapped her on the shoulder. “Let’s go back to your house. Put on that dress so we don’t get into any trouble that was don’t want.” Samantha shifted with a startled lurch. Had she been sleeping? She didn’t remember closing her eyes. She slowly pushed herself up off the ground, having been lying face down. Something dripped down her front, and she realized she had been lying in a pool of something sticky. “That’s all that’s left of the girls you ate. You didn’t even stop climaxing after you passed out. You churned those two into goo in no time. Hurry now, before someone finds us here in the puddle prostitute jizz you made.” Both groggy and more than a little tired, Samantha found her limbs were in the same stiffened state as when she first awoke to this state. She grunted with effort as every limb needed to be worked in once again, the dress going on frustratingly slow. She gasped as the dirty fabric slid across her skin, even the mundane touch of it aggravating her sexual desires. Still, she eventually managed to slip into the larger than needed garment. She knew it looked terrible on her, it would hardly draw undue attention in the still dark and wee hours of the early morning. Malkotash nodded, back in the form of the man she had been the night before. She hooked her arm through Samantha’s and began to pull her through the streets confidently. Samantha did her best to work her jaws, in an effort to close her lips, but had very little luck. Her mouth seemed to be perpetually stuck in a lewd O, along with her other pair of holes, and she could certainly guess why that was. A few people saw them, but no one paid them much mind. Just looked like a man with a prostitute in the early hours of the morning, nothing too unusual. Some men didn’t have any class after all. The dismissive and disgusted glances only made Samantha’s heart race, the embarrassment and indignation of being mistaken for a whore making her perverse mind swirl. They finally, at long last, managed to lurch through the door of her home, her father’s home, just as the light of the sun began to really peak the horizon. Malkotash shifted quickly back into the form that was similar to Samantha’s own, but more sexy and alluring, sighing with relief, “Well that was certainly enjoyable. Would you like to rest? I don’t mind.” Samantha stumbled to the dirty set of soft clothes she had used as a bed since most of her possessions were ‘repossessed’ to pay her father’s debts. Somehow, passing out atop a pair of digesting girls hadn’t really revitalized her at all. Her stomach certainly felt satisfied, at least. She tried unsuccessfuly to lie down with a bit of grace but simply fell over with a bit of a squeak. She was exhausted, not just from the multiple mind-rocking orgasms she had had, but also from a handful of sleepless nights trying to prepare the ceremony in time for this full moon. She was afraid that if she missed this chance, she wouldn’t make it to the next one. Her twisted mind was also exhausted from the mental battle and trying to understand and move her new body. She still trying to vaguely decipher how she could have eaten those women and…digested them without so much as a twinge of shame or guilt. She knew she wasn’t supposed to do that, but somehow she didn’t really feel like it was wrong? It was confusing and strained her already taxed brain. “There’s just one thing that is bothering me…” Samantha didn’t bother to turn her head or try to speak, continuing to lay face down and rigid amongst the clothes. She knew their minds were interwoven at this point, or at the very least the demon had open access to her thoughts, “What?” The demon paced lightly across the floor, her footfalls making slightly off key slapping sounds, “Where did you ever get the idea to summon a demon? How did you come up with the ritual components? It’s not easy to get a cohesive ritual summoning to work with practice and study, and alone. You're no prodigy of the arcane, I could tell at the first sight of you, so how did you pull me through the veil between worlds?” Samantha was too tired to even think about the explanation. “I found a book. It explained everything….I needed to…do…” Her world went black as she once again lost consciousness, this time falling into a much more relaxed sleep. She was fed and decently comfortable, and somehow she felt safe with her demon servant watching over her. A light tap awakened her, and she laboriously twisted her neck, blinking her eyes, which had remained open all night. Standing above her was Malkotash, holding open the book she had been reading. By the way the rays of the sun were taking on hues of colour, the sun was almost setting. Had she slept all day? “Where in the blasted abyss did you find this book? It’s utterly amazing! I’ve never seen a tome of its equal, at least when it comes to demons. You really should have read the whole thing. You’d be much better off. You really didn’t even need to summon a demon to solve your problems. Not a full demon anyway. You could have gone with some imps or maybe a demonic spectre. Why did you jump right to demons?” The demon questioned quickly, her tone excited and rushed, like a hyper child. She felt much better than before, and the stiffness of her body, while still frustratingly apparent, didn’t seem to impede her as much, her rejuvenated mental strength allowing her to push through it more readily. She began to sit up, with only minor difficulty. She even managed to start moving her jaw, though it still remained nearly impossible to move her tongue or lips properly, so she simply thought her question, “I was desperate…and I couldn’t read very much of it.” Her ideal reflection glanced down at the book, flipping through a few pages, “What do you mean? It’s all written in the same…OH! What a tricky little human! How did he weave such subtle magic into these pages? I wonder what this is made from…can’t be normal papyrus or even skin…” “Wha?” Samantha wondered aloud. She didn’t really know what Malkotash was going on about. The demon looked up from the book to her, as if remembering she was there, “Oh, I’m sorry. This book is honestly astonishing. It has things even I didn’t know, though I suppose I’m no scholar amongst demons. I would love to meet the man who created this. It’s hard to believe it was a human, even for me.” “How do you know it was a human? Or a man?” Samantha questioned silently, still passively trying to loosen her jaw with a slowly deliberate chewing motion. “There are clues, here and there. Nothing intentional just little words and phrases that mark him more along a males mental processes. I also know he’s human by the taste of his magic, though it’s certainly got a few spices amongst the humanity I’m having trouble placing. Now that you mentioned you couldn’t read all of it, I’ve noticed a few passages that even I can’t quite make out. I didn’t even notice them until I was looking. It’s truly fascinating. Where did you get it?” “My father had it in his library. I hid it amongst the refuse they let me keep when they took his things. I didn’t want them to execute me for heresy.” “So you summoned a demon? Good thinking. Nothing heretical about that,” the monster quipped, still pacing back and forth as she continued to read the tome. Samantha tried to frown, but her rigid face made it barely more than terse press of her lips. At least she could mostly close her mouth. Malkotash glanced at her with a smirk, “What? You obviously have no idea of the scope of the forces you began to contend with the moment you opened this book. Or rather, the forces that began to contend with you. There’s half a dozen wards against demons on this page alone. This page explains how to disable each of a demon’s individual senses! There’s even a section on preventing infernal resurrection, which I didn’t think was possible, but I have no reason to doubt it, since whoever wrote this was right about everything else I know about demons. I wonder how it decided to get you to summon me? Did it give you the ingredients too? Hmmm” “What do you mean ‘decided’?” Samantha inquired. She was a little crestfallen that she hadn’t deciphered the difficult text on her own. “This book has its own little consciousness, though nothing outright sentient. It’s more like…a golem. It’s got a predetermined set of rules it follows and makes decisions based on that. It’s very subtle though. I almost can’t even feel it and I’m holding it in my hands. If I was thinking in my own self-interest, I really should destroy this, but I’m too impressed. I also have this book to thank for my freedom, don’t I? Ah well, you live another day, book.” She clapped the tome shut, tossing it onto the bed beside Samantha. It was only at that point that Samantha realized she was no longer laying on a dirty pile of old laundry in the lobby of her father’s home. She was in her own bedroom, in a bed that looked similar to the one she had had before her father’s death. She glanced around the room in surprise, to find that everything had been replaced, though there were a few minor changes here and there. For starters, there was no flowers embroidered into the curtains, the design was now a strange sort of crimson wave. Secondly, the painting of her mother and father that had hung on her wall near the closet was still gone, but in its place was a painting of herself, in brilliantly regal clothing, though she didn’t know when she could have ever worn something so elegant. The last, and somehow most surprising of changes was that the grey carpet was now a deep crimson, which she had to admit matched the burgundy curtains a bit better. Malkotash pre-empted her question with a sickly sweet smile, “I took the liberty of redecorating your house while you slept. As much as the ‘haunted mansion’ décor was coming together, I can’t stand living amongst squalor. I borrowed a few of your memories for the basics, but I think you know by now that I’m not too fond of purely copying something. I always like to do a little better.” She shifted, swaying her hips seductively back and forth to emphasize her point. Samantha asked the obvious question immediately, “Is this all made of you?” “At first, yes, but I can permanently shift parts of my body into normal objects. I can’t create any kind of life or any magical objects, but it’s certainly a useful talent for material wealth. Your debt is certainly a thing of the past.” Samantha fumed a bit at the mention of her debts, “I didn’t summon you and get turned into…this to just pay my father’s debts. We’re going to take revenge on that vile woman.” Malkotash slid onto the bed, slowly drawing close to Samantha, “Hey now. It’s not so bad being one of my toys, is it? If you’re so unhappy, I could always just fuck you until there’s nothing left between your ears, hmmm? Does that sound appealing? It certainly does to me.” She licked her lips, and the translucent, crimson tongue matched her eyes, another little imperfection revealing the monsters true nature. More than a little tired of being threatened and used by her own servant, the girl slowly crossed her arms, “Not at all, thank you. Why do you insist on mocking me with my own form? You can look like anyone, can’t you?” The demon ran a finger down her leg, sending a little stream of pleasant sparks into Samantha’s brain, “Suit yourself. Of course I can look like anyone, or anything for that matter. This, however, is my default as long as I’ve formed a pact with you. I can tweak it, but I need to mostly use your body as a reference. If you don’t like it, I can just shift into something else when I’m near you.” Samantha sighed, giving up on trying to work her jaw closed. It simply insisted on gaping open, and the excitement Malkotash was starting with her slightest touch wasn’t helping her concentrate. “It’s fine. What did you really do to me?” she changed the subject, though not entirely, since they were still discussing Samantha’s body and its appearance. The demon considered, continuing to absently trace her fingers along Samantha’s smooth skin, making her shift and squirm slightly, “the specifics of it are probably a bit more than you can handle, but since I can tell you’re going to insist on an answer, I’ll give you a…brief explanation. As I said yesterday, I’ve converted your body into my own personal plaything. Your flesh is no more, everything now replaced with a rubberized version of my own form that is mostly rigid, but can expand or contract when required to accommodate meals and whatnot. You still have a brain, a heart, some simplified lungs and your stomach, of course, but I’ve done away with the rest of your organs. As you’ve already discovered, all three of your holes now lead to a combined stomach, which is capable of digesting humans and similar creatures into a wonderful slurry, not dissimilar to ejaculate, but much more nutritious. I may have licked up a bit of your meal back in the alley, since you were so messy with it.” “So I’m not human anymore? At all?” “In appearance only, master. You’re akin to a demon, but not quite enough to be affected by most of the magic that restricts or binds us. Unfortunately, you also don’t have much of an appetite for souls either, but that’s just a limitation of leaving yours intact, I suppose.” Samantha had to push Malkotash’s hand away to focus on the conversation, her open slit and mouth already dripping with arousal, “I still have my soul? I thought I was…your toy?” The demon nodded enthusiastically, “Oh you are. Your soul still occupies that body, at least until your mind is completely shattered. Once your sense of self is completely eroded by the pleasure of your new form, your soul will move on. I would normally devour it at that point, but since that wasn’t part of the deal, you’re free to go, I suppose.” The foolish girl balked at what she was just told, “W-what? B-but, you weren’t supposed to kill me! If I…” The demon laughed at her panic, pushing up against Samantha, their naked chests rubbing together wonderfully. Samantha moaned at the warmth of her own copied body, the softness of its more alluring breasts, its more toned stomach. “I haven’t slain you. I just changed the condition for your death. It’s actually more in your favour than you might realize. You’ll never age or feel pain again. You could last for centuries in this state, as a sex toy for me and whoever else you choose. And in the end, when you finally give in to the lust and your mind crumbles, it will be in a fit of the purest pleasure you will ever know, not in agony or sadness like a normal human demise. Does that sound so bad?” Samantha was only half paying attention now, her thoughts being pulled into the whirlpool of heady passion that Malkotash was intentionally stirring up within the girl with just the contact of their bodies. She had one more burning question before she let herself slip fully into that whirlpool though, to let down her resistance to what her body wanted now more than anything. “T-then why do you keep threatening to wipe out my m-ooooh…my mind! Wouldn’t that be my death? Aren’t you not…allowed?” Malkotash was now laying fully a top Samantha, sliding their bodies together in a hedonistic fashion. It took all of Samantha’s limited willpower to keep her focus on the demon long enough to hear the answer. “Oh that’s really just teasing. I’d only be allowed to do that if you asked me to. Would you like to have some fun now? Nothing to break you, of course.” She smiled deviously, but the expression was lost on Samantha, whose head was already tilted back in euphoria, her moans already filling the room. The slime could only chuckle as she continued to tease and play with her newest toy and master. This girl wasn’t special in the least, which was both a shame and a treat. She was so trusting and easy to manipulate. Her mind was weak willed and slow, even if her passion for revenge was suitably concrete. She would likely toy with this one for a few years, maybe even a decade before she grew bored and moved on to find something else to play with. The slime couldn’t help but glance back over to the tome that was still lying with them on the bed, where she had thrown it. Perhaps she would search for its author? He certainly seemed interesting, though she doubted she had any chance of making a toy out of him. What actually had her worried, near the back of her mind, was that this book contained enough information that any well versed and halfway powerful sorcerer could control even the most powerful of demons, including herself. Actual control, not like the relationship she now enjoyed with this foolish woman. How had she never even heard of such a man? Especially since he somehow knew of her, enough to write a guide for simpletons on how to summon her. Yes, she needed to find this man and have a chat with him. She had no idea what she was hoping for by meeting such a being, but she felt drawn to him, feeling very much like a moth drawn into the flames of a campfire. Her eyes focused on the cover, which until that moment had been a blank leather binding. It now read clearly, in thick gold print, “A Complete Guide to Demons in the World of Akshana by Martel the Elementalist”. Martel. A gasp of pleasure from Samantha brought her back to the moment, and she put the name into the back of her mind. She would seek him out, but not right now. Right now she was going to have some fun. |
The God of Destruction and Monsters A Prelude to the Quest of Enlightenment It began with the honest and praise worthy overzealous actions of a young guard. This simple fact has been lost to history as the instigating event, but besides the actions of Martel himself, everything that happened there after can be traced back to this simple thing. It was a Kingdom of some conflict, but nothing close to chaos. Monsters, demi humans, magic, powers of the mind, all things appeared to a certain degree within this rather large kingdom. Fortunately, the king, an individual blessed by the gods, created a device which could supress those traits which humans deemed dangerous or unsavoury. Magic, extra-ordinary abilities, demi humans, not only were these things supressed, but they were controlled, and soon such individuals were pressed into slavery. They were almost powerless to resist the advances of the gods fearing masses, all united against their ‘common evil’. Monsters, for their part, were not as susceptible to this strange device, their natural strength, size, and abilities not as easy to control or supress. The ones that couldn’t be bent to submission were slain or forced into the wilderness to cower and wait for their eventual demise by an army of valiant ‘heroes’. And so this went for many centuries, unchanged in its execution or cruelty. Martel happened to arrive, completely by chance, as he always does, at the grandiose capital city of this blooming kingdom, Grantlion. It was an enormous population center, with a fortress at its core the likes of which few other places in the world could boast. Of course, almost all of it had been built upon the backs of slave labour, both magical and mundane in execution. The wondering mage encountered his first obstacle immediately, the guards at the gate immediately suspicious of his strange garb and demeanor. No one in this kingdom had ever seen a user of magic in their prime, and so their barely understood what it mean to challenge one. They simply knew they were the authority and that something was different about this man, and that different was bad. Martel was more than happy to be turned away, he had encountered unwelcoming lands before. He knew better than to push his luck when there was no reason, but one young guard decided that such a person needed to be further questioned. He was already so far into the kingdom, he must be some kind of spy! Before even Martel could react, in a snap reaction that could only be described as a miracle, he managed to leap forward and snap a manacle around the elementalist’s wrist. Luckily for that young man, and the other guards at the gate, and the other people on that street, the manacle was one of the inventions of the God Blessed King. It siphoned and controlled the magic from its victim, and in Martel’s case, managed to limit the blast of air he produced to a small breeze, one that no one even noticed. Now that he was powerless, Martel was dragged through the streets to an interrogation cell, beaten, questioned and eventually dumped into the slave rings. His cloak, the only possession he seemed to have, was placed into lock up to be disposed of when they could figure out how. For Martel, this was not the first time he had been captured, now was it likely to be the last, but something about this particular set of circumstances really lit a fire in his belly that should not be lit. He inspected the shackles he was bound with, highly sophisticated by his standards, and much more so than anything else in the society he had seen so far. He was also astounded by the number and variety of slaves this land held. Not just the inhumans, but fellow humans like him who had something that made them special, or deviants in the eyes of the land. He took his time, and spent a few weeks as a nameless slave, powering a few simple magic devices with his powers, and generally behaving himself. Obviously, such mass produced garbage couldn’t contain him for more than a few seconds, but he wanted to see why he had been detained, he wanted to see if there was some justification for it, and of course, to learn all he could from a perspective he didn’t normally see. What he saw only fed that flame, fueled his anger to a seething boil, but what really sealed the fate of the kingdom was when that angry flame froze over into a chill and dark malice. When Martel witness a mother toss her own daughter into the pit, a gentle girl who was crying her eyes out. “I didn’t mean to!” she cried with terror, but the look of disdain and disgust on the mothers face bore no mercy. She would not be spared, merely because she had healed another young boy’s scratched knee. To Martel’s understanding, it was lucky that boy hadn’t also been punished. With a surge of power, Martel’s rune covered shackles had melted from his body as if they were made of water. It took the guards a moment to react, the destruction of their king-made bonds not impossible, but unexpected of such a docile prisoner, and in such a fantastic way. They wielded magic forks which emitted a strange electrical current, one which caused pain over the entire body. They leapt upon him with these, attempting to subdue the escaping slave, but they were met with heat and flame. None of the five guards, nor their devilish forks even hit the ground, gone in a literal puff of smoke. It is here that the legends begin to really blur the facts of the matter, and of course it depends on one’s perspective to the event afterwards, but the humans, who had reigned on high for so long, it was a cataclysmic day. Literally. Martel began his purge by summoning what are thereafter referred to as the Heralds of Destruction. The exact number is contested, but what is clear was that he summoned a humanoid figure of each element. Ice, Fire, Earth, Lava, Water, and presumably air, but that one was not visible, at least nor right away. His heralds then began the destruction of Grantlion in earnest. The entire city seemed to shift and shake, a terrible storm erupting out of the blue sky, covering the land in terrible darkness. Fire and hail rained from the sky in equal measure, and as if this was divine retribution, a wall of earth and stone taller than the fortress walls erupted around the entirety of the city, sealing every single person inside. It is said, by those who want to spin the tale to be more extravagant than it really is, that not a single soul survived that day, but there is much more to the story than that. Martel and his heralds raged through the city, devastating everything in their path. The fortress itself, mighty and nigh impregnable to any army that the world could have mustered, crumbled like a chicken egg under Martel’s assault and he stormed into the throne room with all the fury of hell itself. That was where he met the only resistance that mattered, the God-blessed King himself. It was no empty title, and the man had been alive for centuries to prove it, for he was wrapped, both literally and figuratively, in the gods everlasting blessing. Their clash was titanic, and the most objective scholars agree that most of the destruction of the city probably came from their battle rather than Martel’s anger alone. The God-blessed king was effectively a god standing on the soil of the world, and Martel drove him back, step by step, blow by blow. His anger only seemed to seethe more with every exchange, he only seemed to grow more and more powerful as even the Gods Blessing began to wane under the utterly impossible amount of power Martel brought to bear upon him. There was no one there to witness the final moments of the king, no one to write down his last words, except perhaps Martel himself. It was several months before the kings remains were discovered, his body mangled and destroyed beyond the capacity of any mortal man by the blood thirsty Martel. And is if the god of destruction himself had been unleashed, the capital of Grantion was only the beginning. Every city, every town in the Kingdom, systematically, starting with those closest to the Captial, began to erupt in chaos. Avalanches of snow and ice, eruptions of burning meteors and toxic gas, winds that tore flesh from bone, a sea of writhing flames, no where was safe from Martel’s heralds. They seemed to chase the heels of any survivors of their early attacks, following after them, cleansing every area and giving its occupants just enough time to flee to another settlement before attacking again. The reign of terror and devastation lasted weeks, with few having any idea what was happening. The Gods themselves stepped in, curtailing the destruction, their personal champions arriving to battle the demons that had been unleashed upon the world by Martel. And before the eyes of the terrified people, Martel slew those champions where they stood. An Army of angels descended upon the lone mage, Swords held high, battle cries ringing back to the heaven from whence they had been sent, and Martel stood tall and defiant before them. He raised his hand, his cloak once again swirling around his legs, and as an entirety city of people watched, darkness itself erupted from the mage. A twisting, demented and unearthly power surged forward, swallowing up the angels as they came. Their cries of battle turned to surprise and then despair as one by one, each was engulfed in the final nightmare that Martel had unleashed. Having done its duty, the shadow of death itself vanished into thin air, leaving not a single trace of the god’s heralds. Within seconds, the angels had been slain, the champions of the gods were no more and Martel’s victory was all but complete. Any who could manage fled with the haste of hounded souls chased by demons. Any who couldn’t were cut down where they stood. The Kingdom of Nolgundor was no more, its name changed forever to the Wastes of Terror. “But don’t we call it the Wild Lands now?” Veilda finally cut in, after stifling so many questions. Monk Brandle coughed into his hand, “Young lady! It is rude to interrupt a story teller in the midst of a tale, much less to argue with his words.” She frowned, her defiant expression insistent, “But it’s not called the Wastes of Terror! You were telling the story of the Wild lands, right?” She was suddenly unsure of herself, looking very ashamed to have interrupted if she misunderstood something. The historical scholar smiled as he gave the young princess a reassuring pat on the head, “No, you’re right young one, it’s just terribly rude to interject. It’s a part of storytelling, to exaggerate and make things sound everlasting. Now, I need to finish quickly or you shall be late for the ball.” All excitement seemed to leave the young girl, her curly cobalt hair the most obvious and surest stamp of her royal lineage. She crossed her arms and seemed to pout. “I don’t want to go! It’s boring there, and all they ever talk about is weather or politics!” Her eyes lit up again, “I want to stay and listen to more stories from you Brandle!” He laughed before his older, mustached face grew more serious, “Your mother won’t be happy if she hears I’ve been telling you more stories. I’ll be in quite a bind if you don’t go to the ball princess. I can keep a secret, but if you don’t want me caught and clamped in chains, you’ll have to keep up appearances too.” Her naïve eyes went wide with dread, “Chains?! Mother wouldn’t…Okay! Finish the story and I’ll get back right away!” Her determination set now, her fist clenched before her. He smiled, his little trick working so easily on the earnest and honest princess, “Thank you, princess. Now, where did I leave off…ah yes, the Wastes of Terror. It was called that, not because of Martel’s destruction, but because, as if summoned by his presence, the monsters the kingdom had long driven into the dark began to emerge from every nook and cranny. They hounded the survivors of Martel’s attacks, devouring even more than Martel had managed to slay. The survivors and refugees flooded nearby kingdoms, even starting a few wars in the process. As the years passed and the former population of Nolgundor settled into new homes throughout the world, a few of our neighbours, some allies and some enemies, began to encroach on our former lands. No one lived there anymore, right? Surely all those resources and wealth was for the taking of any who decided to. Well, not so much. Turns out that Martel was still around, and he devastated any army or force that dared set foot into what was now his kingdom. Any messengers or envoys that were sent to communicate with him were devoured by monsters long before they ever reached the mage himself. So now it sits, the Wildlands. A few people have managed to venture in and return with tales of treasure amongst the ruins and wild tribes of demi-humans and monsters, but no one really knows what goes on in there. And for your information, the Wastes of Terror are the plains at the center of the wildlands, around where the Captial of Grantion once stood.” She nodded, her unshielded look of wonder humbling the monk’s old bones, “So why doesn’t a hero go to slay that evil Martel?” Monk Brandle fought the urge to scoff, “Young Princess, he slew the champions of the gods! Single handedly cut down the God-blessed King! I do not believe there is a force in this world that could possibly slay that Demon, much less a single hero.” Velida frowned in confusion, “But that’s how all of your other stories end. A hero, blessed with great skill, courage and valour triumphs over all the odds, and battles to the last to defeat the evil at the end, saving the land for all! Why hasn’t anyone slain Martel like that?” The Monk smiled and nodded his head knowingly, “Ah you are right, how could I forget. Perhaps we are simply in the middle of the story right now? Just waiting for that hero to arrive? Waiting for him to lead us back to our lands and restore the glory of Nolgundor! I would be honoured if these old bones could live to see that day.” “Well it could be a girl too! A woman could defeat Martel, right?” The monk nodded, “Yes, of course! There are as many tales of women defeating evil as there are men.” The princess nodded clenching her fist before her resolutely, “Then I’ll be the one to defeat him! I’ll lead our people back to our homeland, and I’ll be the queen of New Nolgundor!” Shocked by this sudden turn in conversation the monk was about to argue, but a knock on the door brought his attention up to one of the guards who escorted the princess everywhere. “Oh, right. Uhm, princess, your intentions are noble, but I am sure there will be someone else to take up such a dangerous journey. As a monarch it is your job to-“ “No! I’ll go! Father always tells me that a monarch must lead their people, so if anyone is going to do it, it should be me! Thank you for the story Brandle! I’ll keep it a secret don’t worry!” She turned and ran off, leaving the old monk very concerned with what he had just done. Journeying into the Wildlands was a fool’s quest, but enough had returned with success that more seemed to try it every year. No one heard from the countless poor beggars who ended up in foul creature’s stomachs, but the brazen few who managed to swipe a few bags of coins from some ruin or forgotten homestead drew the imagination of the masses. He dared not imagine that gentle little girl attempting such a journey, or even to attempt to battle that God of Destruction and Monsters himself, Martel. Brandle could see the look of terror on the angels’ faces when he close his eyes, still heard their screams in his sleep. No, not a single person, nor and army, could ever hope to take back their kingdom. With time, her enthusiasm would fade, and young Velida would settle into her proper role as a monarch. He put his fears away, and went back to the books he had been neglecting to entertain her highness. She would settle, surely. |
The Quest of Enlightenment Chapter 3 Everyone Hates You Velida awoke to the sound of sloshing. She opened her eyes and a wave of thick, sticky syrup hit her in the face, making her gasp in surprise. Her gasp only let the lukewarm paste slide into her mouth, which she quickly coughed out, trying with difficulty to get her head above the liquid so she could breathe properly. “Oh gods! You’re still alive in there? Jeeze, I thought I’d taken care of you last night. I bet you’re almost digested though, aren’t you?” The princess’s mind cranked slowly like a rusty machine, lurching forward painfully slow and catching on every tooth of the gears, “I…” she mumbled, trying to understand what was going on. The sloshing liquid continued to do so, and she could feel, very vaguely, her entire body submerged in it, except some of her head. She could still breath and hear, if only barely and between waves of the creamy stuff washing over her. The most distressing thing was that she couldn’t move her limbs, only barely able to even feel them being pressed in by the rigid stomach walls around her. She also felt terribly and unforgettably horny, her middle burning with the terrible need to be filled, immediately. Why couldn’t Nine be with her in this stomach? Stomach? Why was she here? Wait…who was she? She was…Vel…ida? She was a princess of…something. Was she in a stomach? Why? Was it a dragon? No, a dragon would be bigger, right? That didn’t make any sense. “Whatever. You’ll be gone waaay before whatever time I ate you comes around. What was your name again? I don’t remember…oh well, time for my rounds. Have to do them on foot because of you.” “Ve…li…da” the princess murmured weakly between the splashes of stomach juices. She had recovered a bit of her sense from the day before, but she was still in a rough shape upstairs. Her memory was terribly foggy, only the vaguest feelings and a smattering of words breaking through to her struggling mind. “Nine...Green…Arm?” She whispered to herself, the swaying and sloshing threatening to guide her back off to sleep again. She knew enough that she couldn’t sleep, fighting against her numbed body to keep her head above the surface of the strange liquid. Nothing made any sense, so she decided to begin a mental reset. It was something she had had drilled into her by the same instructor who had thought her to fight; Graham, master of the guard. He was a belligerent and drunk man, but he was a hero of the people. He had guided numerous parties of civilians and soldiers out of the catastrophe and had been rewarded with a position of honour and privilege. He was the most outspoken about the dangers of non-humans, so naturally he had little Velida constantly hounding him all about the various monsters and dangers. Rather than explain everything a hundred times, he began to train the girl. He was no fool, not like the rest of them. He could see that the girl was going to go on her quest one way or another, and he made the easy decision to at least give the foolish princess a fighting chance. He didn’t just teach her to fight though. While her father and the other palace high-born’s filled her head with the ‘right to rule’ nonsense that all kings and queens inherit, Graham taught her what it really meant to make decisions, especially in the heat of the moment. He gave her some cruel tests, all in preparation for her future dangers, locking her in boxes in chains, tossing her tied up into a river, leaving her alone and bare handed with a bear. She survived all his tests, and learned as much as he would teach her, which was good news for him because he would have been swinging from the neck before the day was out if he brought back a dead princess. His most important lesson though, was that when she began confused and didn’t know what to do, to stop, and flush away all that she thought she knew. ‘Confusion isn’t caused by a lack of information,’ he told her, ‘It’s caused by information that doesn’t fit into the perfect little place your mind thinks it should go. All you have to do, when that happens, is break apart your mental puzzle and build it again, this time, fitting all the pieces in right.’ The princess was doing that now, even without being able to remember why or who had taught her such things. First, she was in a stomach. She knew that. Next, why? No, why didn’t matter. She needed more facts. Whose stomach was she in? A Dryad! The vague memory of the plant woman’s strangely carved but natural and moving face crossed her mind and she internalized the image, happy to be making progress, if a little slowly. Next, she needed to figure out how to stay alive in the immediate future, the next few seconds, the next few minutes. That was how she could strive to stay alive for longer, by stretching the minutes into hours. She had to keep her head above the liquid or she would drown. Her body was slow to respond, sluggish, and she couldn’t really control her limbs, but she could keep her face pressed to the roof of the stomach if she tried. She couldn’t let herself fall asleep again, or she would definitely drown as well. Good, that was easy….enough. Now how was she going to get out? She was no longer confused and gasping at mental straws, but she was out of ideas, her other memories hidden more securely now, for some reason. “What’s…going on?” she asked weakly, her voice scratchy and painful. There had been a voice earlier…the Dryad! Maybe she would explain what Velida was having trouble remembering. “You’re happily digesting in my stomach while I go about my morning rounds of the city entrances. I can’t believe you’ve forgotten so soon! Heheh.” Happily? No, that was a lie! She wouldn’t willingly enter a stomach…wait...maybe she had? Something about the word willing caught her attention, while happily seemed a stretch. But if she had ‘willingly’ gotten eaten, then she must have had a plan to get out! Thinking quickly, at least for her current state, she rasped, “So…when do you let me out?” She had no way of getting out on her own, and since she was alone, the Dryad must have agreed to let her out for some reason. She couldn’t remember at all, but her logical mind was putting the pieces together from the evidence she was being presented, and likely from the truth she just wasn’t quite aware of yet. “I won’t be. You’ll be digesting quite permanently inside me, not to worry your pretty little blue head. You might have survived longer than I thought, but you’ve still got almost the entire day to liquefy inside me. And besides, even if you actually live long enough, there’s no point in letting you out if you’ll just die from being half melted anyway, right? You should just give up, so your friends don’t have to see such a gruesome sight when I give them what’s left of you.” Velida listened closely to the haughty tone of the Dryad, starting to remember the feelings of mistrust and dislike she had held for the woman. Luckily, she had given the princess enough information to understand the situation, so she breathed a tiny sigh of relief. Velida now understood that she must have agreed to be inside the Dryad for a certain length of time. She couldn’t remember much because the Dryads digestive processes were playing tricks on her. That was fine, she just had to survive, ‘almost the entire day’. She was undaunted by the lack of knowing how long she had already been in this place, or the fact that her tingling body refused to move as she wished. From what she could feel, her own body was still fairly solid, no gruesome jellification or breaking down of her limbs taking place yet. Still, not being able to move wasn’t a very good sign, so she put her mental effort into getting some response from her muscles. Slowly, her fingers began to move and twitch under her repeated mental commands, but she encountered a problem. Her fingers were settled intimately into her sexual folds, moving them even a tiny bit causing lightning strikes of intense pleasure to shoot through her entire body. Her twitching and gasping brought the attention of the Dryad back down to her. “Still have enough energy to masturbate? Damn, you’re actually pretty tough. Well, enjoy your last little stretch of life. Soon you’ll be done and I can go back to not having to walk everywhere!” A thunderous slap knocked a bit of sense back into Velida, who slowly managed to stop her fingers from sliding across her sensitive sex. Still, one thing was confirmed, she was still solid. Even her soft and supple labia lips were intact, which meant that her body hadn’t sustained any injury yet. It was odd that her body wasn’t being slowly broken down from the outside in, but Velida didn’t really care very much. She just needed to stay awake and keep her jaws above the liquid goo line. Everything else was out of her control. Still, the ache of her sex was a constant threat to her resolve. The princess couldn’t help but pant like a dog in heat, her entire body now aching to feel the electric sensation of her self-gratification. She knew it had never felt so good before, but her every ounce of willpower was going into keeping her fingers at rest, to not agitate her libido any further. “What have you got there, Lady Ironbark? Filled up on too much water, huh?” There was a pair of rough, deep voices raised in laughter as the swaying came to a stop, “Maybe you’re looking to start a family with one of the old tree beardies? Ahaha!” “Ugh, you know our bodies don’t work like yours! And Ents aren’t even the same race as Dryads, you green morons!” the Dryad snapped at the voices, but it did little to silence them. “What can we do? We see a lady with a big belly, and we assume there’s been some physical activity involved, eh?” there was some more laughter and the stomach clenched pleasantly around the princess, probably in anger. “I had a big meal, yesterday, alright? She just hasn’t finished digesting yet.” “She? Oi, you didn’t eat another Dryad did ya? I tell ya, I’d love to see some of that tree on tree action though, haha!” “Ugh, you two are always the worst part of my job. Of course it’s not a dryad. It’s just a stupid human who tried to get into the city.” “Ooooh, I didn’t know eatin’ em was an option. I just keep tellin’ em to leave! How’d she taste, huh?” “It’s not an option for you! The council states pretty clearly that Orcs aren’t supposed to eat any humanoids, since it makes you go crazy.” There was some grunts of acknowledgement, before a new, more plaintive voice picked up, “Of course, of course, but we can’t help but be curious my lady. Especially since you Dryads have such a funny stomach. Beg pardon, but how long have you had her in there?” The Dryad sighed heavily, though Velida didn’t know if it was from frustration or relaxing, as the stomach walls let go slowly, “I ate her yesterday afternoon, but I thought she’d be a goner by now. Hmmm…want to help me out?” A stone sank into the pit of Velida’s stomach. That didn’t sound good. “Help? How can we help you pass a load, huh? Every man, and lady o’ course, has certain things they do on their own, ya see.” “Shut up, you idiot. I’m not talking about that. I’m asking if you want to help me digest her. She’s pretty stubborn, and I think I’ll need a little help to win my…erm, so I’ll be able to finish my duties on time.” There was a short stretch of silence, before the more polite voice asked skeptically, “What exactly did you have in mind…my lady?” “Nothing crazy, I just need you to give my stomach a good rub!” the Dryad told them with obvious glee in her voice. “That’s not exactly part of our job description…” There was the sound of wood clacking against wood and one of the Orcs grunted, “Oi! We can’t just ignore no lady in need, can we? And besides, ain’t nothing wrong with speeding a human off to meet their maker, eh? Where do you need these old hands, Lady Ironbark?” the name was extra drawn out, almost mockingly so, but the Dryad didn’t sound phased. In fact she seemed relieved. “Just rub my stomach, please. Nice and hard, but don’t punch or pinch me or anything.” Velida braced for impact, but instead a surprisingly gentle pressure began to slowly ease around her body, shifting sensually this way and that, very gently sloshing the liquid around her face as she gasped at the wonderful feelings that touch brought her numb body, it didn’t help that as her body was moved against her will, her fingers squished into their subconscious goal, making her squirm in even more bliss. “Well, I’ll be damned! You weren’t kiddin! You’ve got quite the live one in there. Ate ‘er yesterday you said? Damn. Makes me wish I coulda had a go with her first.” The Dryad was gasping herself, her stomach apparently much more sensitive to the movement of its occupant now than it had been the day before, “Just keep….going! I’m sure she’s almost….almost…done!” the walls of the massaged stomach pulled tighter than they had been before, making the fluid rise above where Velida could press her face. She didn’t actually care at the moment though, her scream of all consuming passion cut off by the gurgling sap filling her mouth. Her body rocked and convulsed with the ecstasy and her eyes saw pin points of light that she thought were stars for a few moments. Her fingers wiggled weakly within her slit as the probing hands pushed at her from every side, slowly and meticulously making sure to go over her entire form with strong, but actually quite gentle attention. Eventually the Dyrad’s climax ended, and her stomach released its grip upon its occupant, who gasped as silently as possible for air. Velida remained as still as she could manage, the last twitches of her climax too instinctual to supress. After a moment of silence outside, the Orcs laughed, “If I wasn’t going to get splinters all over my cock, I’d sure give you a go right here, ma’am.” Velida’s world spun as the Dryad turned and marched away from the chortling Orcs, “Shut up, you ingrates. Like I’d ever have sex with you!” “You know where to find us if you need anymore ‘help’ then! Ahahaha!” they called after her, but their laughter quickly faded into the distance. Velida had finished her orgasm just a moment before the Dryad, and had come to the conclusion that she wouldn’t be able to survive another session like that. She needed to let the plant woman think she had won, that her little bout of exquisitely pleasurable torture had worked, or else she would do it again. To convince the woman who literally had the princess inside of her, the princess needed to be totally still and silent, a bit easier now that some of her sexual tension had been eased. There were a few more small conversations with other Orcs, a female voice greeting the Dryad occasionally. There weren’t any more notable encounters though until Velida felt a hand brush the stomach at one point, the Dryad whispering something quietly to herself. It sounded like, “That was…fun….maybe…” but the terrified princess didn’t want to give up her barely kept secret in order to better hear. She remained as still as her limp body would allow, not moving her other ear to the surface to listen better. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity simply sitting as still as possible in the thick, luke-warm liquid, a somehow familiar gruff voice greeted the Dryad. “Welcome back, my lady. You are a few minutes early. The candle has yet to go out. The human’s friends haven’t arrived yet either.” “Of course I’m early! I would have been here hours ago to show you both that she had digested overnight, but I had to attend to my normal duties first! I can’t slack off just because some human thinks she can-“ “I’m still…here….” Velida managed to croak, her body shaking from the effort of holding still. She had limited control over her torso now, the numbing effect starting to make keeping her head above the water all the more difficult. “What?! But I thought you…how are you still conscious?” The Dryad clutched at her stomach, shifting the princess around, eliciting the usual gasps of delight at being touched from the outside. “I told you…..I would….win….” A few memories were drifting to the surface again, let free by the familiar Orc voice. She could see his helmeted face for some reason. Growling in frustration, the Dryad barked at her subordinates, “How long has she got left?” “About a quarter hour, Lady Ironbark . It seems she’s won.” “No! She still has to survive those fifteen minutes...I can…Grimbor, fuck me now!” “Excuse me? I’ll do no such thing!” “I’m in charge of you! You have to do what I say, or are you saying you don’t want to take advantage of my beautiful body, hmmm?” “Well, eer, I just got a woman…” “Fine! Mandal! You fuck me, just hurry, we don’t have much time.” Velida felt her fleshy prison shifting, and imagined the Dryad was pulling off her undergarments, even though she couldn’t remember if the Dryad even wore clothing. “That hardly seems fair to the girl. She made it through the enti-“ “I don’t give a shit what you think! Now get over her and give me your dirty green shaft!” Velida heard an overexagerated sigh of defeat as bits of wood and cloth scraped across each other and then clacked against stone. Suddenly a massive pressure pressed down on her from above, mashing her body tightly. She had to strain with all the strength she had left just to press her lips above the surface of the digestive soup now. Without any more warning, the pressing, rock hard weight that was the Orc a top the Dryad began to shift and rock, beginning what was likely to be a very vigorous and intense sex session. Velida instantly lost all ability to discern top from bottom, left from right, up from down. She somehow managed a few fleeting gasps amongst the tumultuous motions around her. It wasn’t as if he just violently humped the dryad either. After a few minutes, Velida felt the dryad lifted up, off the ground, and bounced at a brutal pace. In between trying not to drown and trying not to bring herself to another climax, Velida could barely hear the Dryad screaming her feelings for the world to hear, obviously enjoying. Soon though, Velida could make out what she was saying, if only because she was saying the same word over and over again. “Harder! Harder! HARDER!” Regardless of how digested she was, Velida began to feel like the chaotic fucking around her was going to kill her. But…it was a rule she wasn’t supposed to drown right? Maybe the Dryad had disregarded that rule, in a panic to win at all costs. The terrified princess fought to stay conscious, looking desperately for air and gulping it down whenever she could find the pocket that constantly bounced around the stomach. She also had to fight her own arousal, the motions and knowledge that the Dryad was literally trying to kill her by getting fucked by an Orc making her already aching loins surge with strangely deviant lust once again. She knew that if she gave in to that urge though, she’d be done for. Even just a little, and she’d miss a chance to gasp for air, and she’d drown or pass out from the pleasure. To make matters worse, her fingers were still nestled oh so comfortably in between her legs, practically trying to bring her to climax just being resting there against her slit. She couldn’t hold out anymore! The images of the sexy Dryad screaming her pleasure as the green skinned Orc slammed his meat into her from behind, from the side, all while Velida bounced helplessly within her stomach, it was all too much! She couldn’t tear her thoughts away from how pathetic her little struggles and gasps must sound from the outside, as the two inhumans try to fuck her to death inside. Something about those thoughts broke her final mental barrier, and the rule she had crafted so early, with the last of her will power before the sexual urges had washed everything else away finally eroded. She plunged her fingers deep into her slit, screaming out what little air she had managed to take into her lungs in this last terrible and deviant struggle. The Orc took no notice of her suddenly violent spasms inside the Dryad, but she sure as hell noticed, her screams taking on a higher pitch as her victory was assured. “Yes! I win! I win! Fuck me! Fuck me Harder! Turn her to mush!” Velida couldn’t hear any of it. She was too busy fucking her own brains out, with just a few weak plunges of her fingers. Any and all thoughts of her situation, her quest, her friends, her family, all gone, wiped clean by the endless sea of ecstasy she was falling into. Her head was starting to get lighter, lack of oxygen taking effect now, her fingers weakening even more, until she could only gurgle her need, wanting to continue to pleasure herself, even right until the very end. Everything shifted violently as a crushing weight unlike any she had felt before bore down on Velida, snapping her fluttering eyes open. With a rush of motion, she felt herself forced up a much tighter tube and suddenly smacking into a hard surface with a brilliant rainbow of pain. Rushing liquid filled her senses as Velida simply lay on the now bile soaked stones of the bridge, one of the Orc guards, Grimbor, probably, bent over her to inspect her. She coughed, making him flinch back as she sprayed some of the sludge like sap in his direction. “No, she’s still alive. You lose, Lady Ironbark.” The smack to the face from landing on the stones had dislodged her hidden memories, or maybe not being submerged in the vile, creamy, sort of sweet liquid was freeing her of the Dryad’s foul trickery. Either way, she struggled to roll over and look up, seeing the Dryad doubled over and heaving what was left of the contents of her stomach as the other Orc, the mostly naked Mandal, squeezed around her middle, forcing her to let go of everything in her stomach, not just the princess. “You….cheated….” The Dryad thrashed in the Orc’s grip, wiping away the remnants of Velida’s regurgitation, looking surprisingly alright for someone who had just been forced to throw up an entire human, “Shut up! You cheated! There’s no way a human could last that long in my gut, totally unharmed! You used magic didn’t you!?” she screamed back, trying to break free from the pair of bulging green arms, but he held her in place. Grimbor glanced down to Velida, “That is a serious accusation. How did she cheat? And Did you indeed use any magic to survive her stomach?” Velida’s head dropped back to the stones with a wet smack, her blue hair splayed out around her wildly, but thankfully out of her face. She panted, fighting to keep her eyes open as her limbs twitched from the afterglow of her most intense and drawn out orgasm yet. “She…tried to kill me…without digesting me. She had another pair of guards….massage her stomach…” The Orc looked unimpressed, “Understood. Now did you use any magic?” “No….I don’t….know any magic….” The Orc grunted as Lady Ironbark screamed her frustration again, “She’s lying! I know she used magic! There’s no way she could have lived! Let me eat her again! I’ll figure out how she did it!” He held out his hand, “No. We’ll take her to the Council. Only they will know of magic you do not.” Bending slowly, the apparently very honourable orc very gently and slowly lifted the lighter human in his arms, obviously a little annoyed with getting the slimy stomach juices all over his armour. The Dryad paused only momentarily in her struggles to look horrified, “No! You’ll ruin me! They’ll…I’ll be punished! You’ll be punished! They’ll be furious you brought that human into the city!” Velida was only barely conscious now, “I don’t care. You were the one who made up the challenge for this girl. You lost, and I will make sure the council knows it. If there is anyone to blame, it will be you. Can you hold her until I get a head start?” “I’ll hold her until you come back if you let me get a kiss from Brima!” the other orc grunted, his green muscles bulging from the effort of holding onto the violently struggling Dryad. “Deal!” Grimbor launched into a sprint towards the city as Mandal struggled to maintain control of the forest woman. The last thing Velida saw before she fainted was the vines of the bridge coming to life and beginning to wrap themselves around the naked and burly green skinned man, who continued to struggle mightily as his cries of effort joined her screams of rage. “Awaken her. We must hear her story in her own words.” Velida’s eyes snapped open, the rush of information from the last two days hitting her like a flurry of arrows. She sat up like a catapult launching its volley, only to discover she was fastened quite securely to a stone slab of some kind. Her wide eyes scanned the room with desperate speed, even as she continued to struggle against her un-moving bonds. “She…is awake sir.” Velida’s still hazy vision focused on Grimbor, bowing next to her head at someone to left. She looked that way and her eyes grew even larger, her shock at discovering where she was almost stopping her heart. Princess Velida was secured to a stone slab by a network of thick, dark roots, extended out from one of the several figures sitting in grand stone chains across the room from her and Grimbor. Sitting in each chair was a member of a different race, save for two Orcs, one male and one female. They each wore the attire of important figures, even if Velida didn’t understand their fashion, she knew that. There was of course the most obvious, an white leafed Ent, it’s roots the thing binding her to the table, and a Dryad, who, except for the elaborate assortment of different necklaces she wore, looking almost the same as Lady Ironbark. Aside from them and the orcs, though, were a few other races Velida didn’t recognize. A creature that looked like a human sized mushroom with arms and legs sat between the orcs, and on the Dryad’s right hand sat what she could only identify as an enormous praying mantis, though there were a few differences once she took the time to look, namely his clothing and size. “Human Child. Explain your actions. Why did you come here? Who are you? What deal did you make with Lady Ironbark? And no lies. This council can see into your heart of hearts.” Velida’s wide eyed gaze fell onto the mushroom man. His face seemed to be just a series of small slits on the side of the mushroom stalk, but without him speaking, it just looked like a pair of deep, judgemental slits in the mushroom’s pale skin. “I….I….” the still mind boggled princess stammered before she took a breath, trying to shake off her initial shock, as well as just awakening from her less than restful nap. She took another, steadier inhale, and then began again. “I am Princess Velida. I came seeking knowledge of the world and a way to save my people. I also seek to defeat Martel. I wanted to see your city, since it is a famous cooperation between different and usually hostile races. I wanted to understand how it came about, and how to emulate it between humans and others. I made a deal with Lady Ironbark that if I could survive a full day in her stomach, she would ensure that I was allowed to explore your great city for the same amount of time.” Some of the elders had better poker faces than others, the Ent and the bug man especially hard to read. The others seemed surprised or angry, talking amongst themselves. They were far enough away that she couldn’t hear their mumbling unless they spoke up. She didn’t mind a bit of a reprieve to gather her thoughts. All the effects of the digestive processes were gone; her memories all returned and safely nestled back inside her brain. Her body felt sort and itchy all over, but that hardly seemed unusual, since she didn’t think they had washed her off. She still felt a little twinge of lust, but nothing on the scale of the mind altering euphoria she had experienced inside the Dryad. Just remembering bits and pieces of it made her shiver with disgust, shame, and more than a little desire. She had really lost herself, more than once. She even gave in at the very end. If she hadn’t gotten lucky, and the time had ended a few minutes later… “What sorcery did you use to survive in her stomach for a full day. Humans cannot survive such things.” It was the dryad who spoke now. She looked more intrigued than upset, honestly asking how she did it. “I did not use any tricks, or magic, or sorcery, ma’am. I just…survived.” Velida answered as honestly as she could, and the Dryad frowned in thought. The Ent leaned forward now, the sound of wind moving through countless leaves filled the room, even though it was the leaves that were moving through the air, before his deep voice crackled through the room, not unlike the intelligible groaning of wood, “Your hair is naturally blue?” She nodded, in awe of a literal talking tree. Ent’s especially, had always seemed to fantastical for her to believe. It must just be a creature that resembled a tree, but here one was, a literal tree as far as she could tell, a few outcroppings and knots in its side forming a look-alike human face. “What is it Ashenbranch?” The male orc asked, obviously surprised, along with most of the other members, that the Ent had said anything. The Ent leaned back in his stone seat, his leaves crashing about loudly as he shifted and swayed, even a little, “The God-Blessed King had blue hair….” He seemed to mumble to himself, apparently not sure of what to think. Velida’s eyes went wide, understanding what he was trying to say. She blurted the answer out to them before they could begin a discussion, “As I said, I’m a Princess. My family lineage can be traced directly back to the God-Blessed King….I am a rightful ruler of Nolgundor.” The Ent nodded, his face lighting up as the old memories returned to him. He seemed a bit senile, but she could tell by the expressions around him that he was looked to as one of the senior members. “She is one of ‘his’ descendants? Did she use the magic of her gods then?” The female orc asked loudly, obviously not trying to be secretive anymore. The Dryad waved away the suggestion, “I understand now. All offspring of that man have part of his spirit. She must have…something to protect her.” “But I didn’t use any magic! I swear!” The Dryad nodded, “We’re aware of the terms of your deal. What I speak of is not magic. It is a …natural talent, one you inherited from your blood line. Along with your hair, it marks you as a proper ruler of humans.” Velida had no idea what they were talking about. It was common knowledge amongst the human kingdoms that blue hair meant royalty, or at the very least nobility. She had never heard of any ‘special power’ before. “Then we should kill her now! Human rulers only seek to rule everything. If we release her she will bring more humans back to us like locusts.” The Orc King stated passionately. She had decided that was his title until someone spoke the real thing out loud. “Don’t be foolish. We now have in our hands a wonderful opportunity to finally establish trade with another land. We could use her as a bargaining chip to ensure fairness!” The Orc Queen shot back. “We should not be establishing trade with any human lands, they will only turn on us. They’ll strip our lands clean of anything remotely valuable and slay us when we can’t provide what they’ve stolen.” The Mushroom King put forward. He seemed to really hate humans. “Not all human kingdoms are the same. Nolgundor was the height of human debauchery. There are more civilized and trust-worthy places we can extend our hand to.” The Orc Queen seemed to be a progressive voice amongst the crowd, only the three were discussing trade. They continued their argument, while the remaining three members of the council simply sat in silence, considering the girl still affixed to the table before them. Their gaze felt heavy on Velida’s battered form. She was naked, sure, but their deeply considerate and piercing, inhuman eyes felt as if they were peeling back her skin and looking directly at the soul beneath. Especially the Bug King. His eyes were the worst of all, looking as if he would leap upon her at any moment, stabbing her with his multi-bladed hands. A gentle female voice rang out, silencing the others, “I believe we should allow her the freedom to explore the city that she earned.” It was only when most surprised eyes in the room went to the Bug King that Velida corrected her own thoughts. The Bug Queen stood, striding towards Velida on three sets of legs, “She made a deal with our gate keeper, and as foolish as it was for Lady Ironbark to accept, accept she did.” The inhuman creature’s legs pointed legs tiptoed between the snarled roots, as she paced slowly around the trapped girl, “Her status as human nobility may mean little to us, but to them, it is a high honour, and they do not simply venture alone and unguarded into what they believe is the heart of all darkness without just cause. This girl either has a death wish, or a pure and noble intention to stitch together what she believes is her people’s rightful kingdom. I believe that we need to show this girl, and ourselves, that our word is not as cheap as the monsters they believe us to be.” There was silence in the room as the Bug Queen continued to slowly pace a circle around the stone slab Velida was laid upon. She honestly didn’t know what to think of this strange creature, but deep inside, in a place her logical thoughts didn’t reach, the princess was terrified of this creature. She wasn’t particularly frightened of insects, but she had never expected to meet one that was more than human sized. Then the Queen stopped near her face and reached out towards her, she flinched back, before she could even think to do anything else. The bug creature gently brushed a slightly crusty lock of hair out of the princess’ eyes, her completely alien features shifting in what Velida assumed was a reassuring smile, “Calm your fearful heart, young human. I mean you no harm. Your name is Velida? I am Princess Cracklefoot of the insect people known to Green Arm City as Tree Cutters. I offer you my most sincere apology for the completely inappropriate way our gate keeper greeted you. It is our standard policy to turn away humans, and she should not have harmed you if you were not hostile.” Velida smiled weakly and awkwardly up at the Bug ‘Princess’, “Thank you…” Princess Cracklefoot turned back to the council, “Councilman Ashenbranch, please release Princess Velida. I will take responsibility for her actions while she is within the city.” “Princess, that’s…” the Dryad began to speak, but was cut off when the myriad of roots that covered Velida began to retract, a yawning, groaning tree noise coming from the massive tree man. No one else spoke up for a few moments, the council exchanging looks of concern and uncertainty. Cracklefoot helped Velida to sit up, feeling the razor sharp claws brushing against her skin. They weren’t just for show, those things could easily cut her to ribbons. She wondered why the rest of the council was so reluctant to put a word up against the bug princess. Was she…feared? Was there a large number of tree cutters that would cause problems if they were alienated from the council? Velida definitely wondered more deeply about the politics of this city. The princess whispered in her ear as she helped Velida, “Just be silent and I will help you learn what you wish.” Velida gave her a slight nod, more than happy to not have to speak anymore. Breaking the silence, Princess Cracklefoot once again addressed the entire council, “then there is no objections. I will ensure her good behaviour and we will tolerate her presence. I think we have all heard the sincerity in her voice and seen the youthful fire in her eyes for ourselves. She’s been through a great deal, so I believe it would be polite to allow her to rest and recover. Councilwoman Surebranch, may I speak with you aside. I would like to clarify a few details about Dryad digestion so as to better treat our Guest.” “Of course, princess,” the now named Dryad stood, recovering from whatever had kept the council people silent. “We shall reconvene on the morrow. Any business we have not already dealt with today can wait that long.” The other council people nodded or mumbled their ascent, the leaves of Ashenbranch creating a dull roar as he nodded. As the council dispersed, leaving the room through the various stone doorways, Velida tried to shop off the stone slab and her legs immediately buckled and she fell to her knees. The pain of her knees stricking the stone was stinging, but much duller than she might have thought. “Princess! Please, do not push yourself!” Cracklefoot told her, doing her best to assist the human in standing. Velida found it odd how large, but also how weak the bug woman seemed. She didn’t accept any of the princess weight, just trying to guide her hands to the slab to help herself up. She was a bit more concerned with how sluggish and weak her own body felt, as if every limbs had been asleep and was very slow to awaken. “You will recover on your own. It will take a few days, but there shouldn’t be any lasting effects. What did you actually wish to discuss princess?” The council’s Dryad had swept up behind the pair of them, addressing them both, her long flowing silk green robe as elegant as any garment Velida had ever seen. It was so strange, looking up at the same just slightly not human face, but a completely different air of authority and dignity about her that the other Dryad, Lady Ironbark, hadn’t had at all. They might look the same on the surface, but the two tree women seemed to be almost nothing alike. Princess Cracklefoot bowed low, “I beg your apology for my subversion, but I wanted to speak with you more personally about Lady Ironbark. What-“ “Do I intend to do with her? She will be expelled from the city. We has embarrassed our people for the last time. To so brazenly abuse her authority and even attack her own subordinates…I can not express how angry I am at the moment. I would consider another punishment if she had not also promised something she could not give to this human. As it stands currently, I simply have to turn her out of our midst, or else the other members of our city will cease trusting the Dryads all together.” The tree cutter princess nodded, obviously expecting an answer similar to that, “I have a suggestion for you, but I will only offer it if you allow. I do not mean to meddle in your more personal affairs.” Lady Surebranch sighed, “She is a troublesome daughter, but I cannot be partial, or the other Dryads will lose their faith in me as well. Keep that in mind, but you may offer your suggestion.” Velida’s eyes widened, but she remained silent as Cracklefoot continued, “Order her to accompany Princess Velida. She will be travelling all across the Wildlands, and will encounter more dangerous creatures than an unruly Dryad. I think it will be humbling for Lady Ironbark to travel the land and learn of other places and people, but more than that, I believe an exile with an end if preferable for your long lived race, yes?” The Dryad looked surprised at first, but she considered the naturally green armoured girl, then the human one struggling to remain standing against the stone slab, “I will…consider it. Would you accept my daughter into your company? She did treat you rather harshly.” Velida nodded slowly, “I already have a companion who devoured me, another will be much the same. I would be honoured to include a representative of your people amongst my companions.” “Interesting. I will contact you with my answer before the day is through. Please do be careful Princess. She is still human.” With that last concerned warning the Dryad leader walked away, her hips swaying hypnotically to the exhausted Velida. That left only three people in the large theatre-like hall; Velida, Cracklefoot and Grimbor, who had stood back well and away for some time now, sort of looking like he didn’t know when to leave. Princess Cracklefoot beckoned him, “Would you mind carrying Lady Velida, Sir Grimbor?” He bowed very low, “Not at all your grace. Please allow me.” The muscular green man swept the slightly taller human girl into his arms with ease. She wasn’t light, but the orc moved her around like she was a sack of feathers to him. “Excellent, thank you. Please, follow me.” The bug-like council woman beckoned them, her soft voice still hard to reconcile with her almost terrifying visage. “I can tell you’re still frightened of me. That’s very normal, I want you to know that. You really have no reason to be though.” Cracklefoot began to speak, as they wound their way through a few stone halls, obviously underground. They passed other areas of commune, some with eating and drink, others just crowds of people and a small market. “You were wondering why the council simply bent to me will, yes? It’s because I’m a precious little flower to them. My race is quite fragile, you see. We may look like enormous insects, and the expectation is that our hide is the equivalent, but our chitin is more like egg shells than armour plates. We’re a physically weak people as well. I can hardly lift a newborn baby Orc, much less wield a weapon in combat. Our claws are sharp, but if we use them in anger or defense, our arms snap like twigs.” Velida lay in Grimbor’s arms, normally reluctant to being carried like a dead fish, but really lacking the strength to argue. She understood the princess, uniting the pieces of her story with the council’s reaction. “So you’re the jewel of the city, aren’t you? You’re the reason everyone gets along…” The princess nodded, “Yes and no. We came to this city after its creation, and they took us in without question. My people survive only through the protection of this great city, and they treat us like precious children. About the only thing we can do in this place is tend to plants, hence why they called us tree cutters. It’s a bit shameful, to be this pathetic, but that is how we live.” Velida nodded, understanding completely sheltered lifestyle. It was degrading, not being allowed or able to do the most basic functions yourself, because it was below your station, or not considered your responsibility. These tree cutters had it even worse, unable to really defend themselves. “Where did you come from? I’ve never heard of creatures like you.” Velida offered, trying to lighten the subject. “Human experiments.” Velida winced at the answer, but the princess shook her head, “No, it’s fine. My Queen tells us tales of a dark dungeon where she was captured as a normal insect. A strange human of alchemy and magic transformed her into an enormous creature, similar to myself, meant for war. She was not the only one, but when the fragility of our kind was discovered, my mother was cast out into the wilderness to die. My Queen survived, somehow, and made her way here to start a new life and a new race.” “Amazing…” Velida couldn’t imagine what it must feel like to be the first generation of a new race, to feel so vulnerable, not only in your own life, but in the existence of your species as a whole. Humans were so prevalent, even the dynasty of her bloodline was many branched and sturdy, losing a few limbs like herself unable to destroy the family tree as a whole. They finally emerged from the tunnels into the giant treed forest she remembered. There was no undergrowth here though, hard packed dirt and some cobble stones lining the streets and small shops were literally shaped out of the trees. Various vine rope bridges swung overhead as multiple layers of the city extended up the building sized trees above. What immediately struck Velida was how massive it all seemed, able to see people of all different inhuman races. Most were Orcs or demi-humans, but she could see the occasional Ent slowly striding amongst the crowd, dipping it’s many branched heads beneath low hanging foot bridges. People bowed to the tree cutter princess as she passed, giving Velida a strange look, since she was naked, but people must be assuming she wasn’t as human as she looked, because no one gave them more than a confused glance. “Our people have one more skill. We are empathic with those around us. I can project my emotions a bit, but at most I could calm a startled animal. I’m much better at receiving emotions, being able to understand the tumult in another’s mind. That is why they trusted me when I vouched for you.” Velida looked quickly to the bug woman, who nodded, “I cannot read your thoughts, only your feelings, and they come most strongly from humans. I don’t know why, but your race seems to radiate your emotions almost invitingly. I do not mean to pry, but your fear of me was rather troubling.” Velida shifted uncomfortably in the Orc guard’s arms, glancing at a group of adolescent Orcs playing a ball game of some kind, “I’m sorry…you look very intimidating.” “I understand. My Queen was made to look this way, but that is also why I wanted to have this conversation. You’re not alone in your fear, especially not of us, but even your fear itself is not unique to humans. You came to learn about this place, to learn of our unity, but you already know why. Fear of humans. Hatred for humans. Those are the only reasons this place can be. I want to change that, to forge much surer bonds than the looming threat of destruction. Unfortunately, I cannot do that while Martel still holds sway.” She motioned to the city around them, Velida not really sure if the bug princess was leading her anywhere in particular or just wandering through the streets, “Unlike the others council members, I do not see Martel as a savior or a god. To me and my people, he is simply a destructive human who disagreed with the other humans. His influence, even his subtle suggestions and ‘rules’ are seen as the commandments of gods to the people here, and in many other places through the Wildlands, from what I gather. His rules aren’t oppressive in and of themselves, but his presence is. Many still believe he will save us if a terrible enough threat were to appear, and so we do not properly prepare our defenses. Many believe he will destroy us if we engage in trade with humans, or take their side, or allow them to live with us. I’m told his power was nigh absolute, and there are still many living who saw the cataclysm that befell your old kingdom. As a fellow young woman who has no personal connection to that time, I want to move forward, to forge a brighter future for all. I can sense similar feelings within you, even if they are a bit confused. I hope you don’t mind me saying, but I want to help nurture your naïve quest into the real thing, into a truly world changing event that creates a brighter future for everyone, including humans!” Velida listen raptly as Cracklefoot spoke. She sounded so eloquent, even as soft spoken as she was. Knowing her emotions were bare for this creature to see, she tried to control her own mind, but she was swept along by the inspiring speech none the less. Once she had finished, Velida quickly began to consider, but her mind was filled with different, important thoughts, all clamoring for attention like a swarm of angry bees. One thought managed to stand out, and she put it forward to her fellow princess. “I’m…not worthy of your help.” “What? Oh, no no no, why would you say that?” The insectoid wove her claws together, making a terrible rasping sound as the blades ground against one another, “It’s….I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t be saying these things while you’re still recovering. Come, please get some rest. We’ll talk more once you’ve had some sleep and a bit of time to consider everything you’ve learned.” She lead them up the steps of a surprisingly normal looking house, opening the door and leading the Orc and his charge in. The interior was plain and bare, with a few chairs, a table and a bed. The linen of the bed was neatly made, and Velida realized this must be some sort of transient quarters. Probably a temporary room for the council officials so they could be found easily, if they were needed. Grimbor set her down on the bed, bowing to the princess, “I should be getting back to my regular duties, ma’am. Do you need me any longer?” “No, thank you for your time. You may…if you would like, you can say what you’d like before you go.” The princess’ tone shifted, not angry, just more serious than before. The Orc grunted, his armour clicking in a few places as he straightened. Instead of speaking to Cracklefoot, though, he turned to Velida, addressing her drowsy face, “I think you were quite something today, young human, but it’s foolish to think you’ll win every fight. Remember this; as long as you live, you can keep working for whatever your goal is, but the moment you die, others will have to shoulder your burden instead.” The human princess watched the Orc leave, as he once again bowed to the tree cutter princess, and closed the door behind him. She suddenly sat up, realizing with a shock that she had no idea where Nine or Cassandra were. They hadn’t returned at the proper time, so… “Where are my…my friends?” Velida asked, trying to remain upright in the bed at least, through her muscles cried to let her lie back. “You arrived with a lamia and a demi-human, yes? I will find them as you sleep. Do not worry, I’m sure they are fine. This city is quite safe,” Cracklefoot assured her, gently pushing her down onto the bed. Velida didn’t have the strength to resist, mentally or physically, and slumped back into the more than comfortable sheets, the scent of freshly washed linen filling nostrils as she took her first deep breath of sleep. Before the second, her lids fluttered closed and the world went dark, her mind plunging into a restful and dreamless sleep. Princess Cracklefoot watched the still sap crusted chest of the human princess rise and fall with gentle, peaceful regularity, making sure that she was fully asleep before she swiftly set out to find Velida’s companions. The insect maiden was a bundle of nerves. She had almost never spoken up at a council meeting before, unless directly spoken to, and even then, she could only offer stuttering and simple replies. Something about the confidence and composure of Velida, in that terrible and confused state, had pulled a similar bravado out of herself. She couldn’t believe she had actually said everything she did and effectively cut off the arguments of every other member of the council. She also could barely contain her screams at how close she had been to Velida, even touching her more than once! She had been taught her whole life that humans were the worst creature in the world, and that they should be feared and avoided at all costs. She was told that it would be a human’s most basic instinct to crush her if she ever met one, but that wasn’t the case. She had only sensed the same fear she felt when Velida had looked at her, and she looked back. It almost made her weep with sorrow, the injustice of her form being so terrifying to others when it was so useless in practice. And now she had to find Velida’s friends! She had no idea where the human’s companions might have gone in the large, sprawling city, and she had no idea how long it would be until Velida awoke from her rest, but she knew she had to find them before then or Velida would be terrified and immediately spring into action to find them. She scuttled up and down the streets, climbing quickly up into the canopy roads, as they were called, to enquire about the Lamia. Thankfully, even in this large city, Lamia’s were a rare breed, especially wild ones. There was a regular merchant Lamia who brought various jewelry from another non-human city to the east, but besides him and his pair of guards, there weren’t many other snake people regularly seen around the city. The princess almost hugged the Orc woman that finally said she had seen a Lamia yesterday. Her heart almost stopped, though, when the Orc said where she had seen the Lamia and her cloaked companion heading. Cracklefoot thanked the woman and watched her go, trying to decide what to do. She had said this city was safe, but….every town had its dark underbelly, and Green Arm City was no exception. If that orc was right, and Velida’s companions had gone…there, it did not bode well for why they didn’t re-unite with the human princess. She gripped her claws tightly, making the awful grating sound again, her resolve hardening. She had to go investigate, not just for Velida’s sake, but for the sake of Green Arm City itself. As a council woman, she could not allow visitors and guests to be…well, she had to make sure they were alright. Moving quickly, the insectoid princess began to make her way towards the most shadowy and dangerous part of Green Arm City, a strange and terrifying place known to everyone in the city as the Silk Forest. Looking around, more than terrified, Cracklefoot carefully advanced into the cave-like opening in the wall of thin white threads. She was careful not to brush any of the loose or hanging threads, painfully aware of how foolish it was for her to come here. Inevitably, she felt one of her limbs graze the sticky strings, and a slightly raspy, stern female voice called out from the shadows above, “Who is there? I’m not expecting any visitors today?” Cracklefoot took a moment to swallow before she called back, “I am Councilwoman Crackletooth! I come looking for a pair of visitors to the city who were last seen near your….your home.” The Silk forest was a small isolated section of the city that was set aside for two reasons. The first, was that there were a few citizens of the forest who wanted to be included in the city, but were too dangerous to truly intermingle with the normal populace, and secondly, as a prison. The drider slowly repelled down from the ceiling, her grip on a pair of the loose threads that seemed far too thin to support her weight, but somehow managed. She was an enormous creature, her huge bulbous spider body standing higher than an orc off the ground, her human upper body almost as tall as that same orc by itself! There was only a few Driders who had been accepted into the city, and of them, this woman was the defacto leader. He name was Marceleous StormEye, and besides being the largest of them, was also rumoured to possess some magic power. Her dark brown colouring made her look like a species of underground spider, the skin of her human half darker than even the bark on trees. Her hair was cut short, just barely above the point of shaven, except for a single long and uncut lock of shiny black hair that grew from one side of her head and trailed back behind her long, sort of elven ear, to trail over one shoulder. Her human half was kind of portly, more than generous curves not ugly, per say, but definitely leaving room for improvement as far as her athleticism was concerned, at least if she were completely human. She also looked slightly past middle age, though Cracklefoot knew for a fact she was much, much older than she looked in human terms. The insect princess almost fainted with relief when she sensed curiosity and not hunger from the spider woman immediately, summoning the courage to speak up again, “H-have y-you seen th-them?” “Who darling? I got a few different visitors yesterday.” The drider leaned in, her tight black silk dress shifting a bit as her weight moved. Cracklefoot successfully suppressed the urge to let her gaze drop to the drider’s ample cleavage. It was obvious, even if the insect woman didn’t have empathic abilities, that the drider wasn’t sure what to make of the situation, but that didn’t really mean that she was safe yet. “Y-yes! A Lamia and a cloaked demi-human. They are persons of-of, uh, interest! To the council. I have arrived to inquire about th-their whereabouts….” Cracklefoot trailed off, knowing she wasn’t convincing the drider of anything. Smiling pleasantly the spider woman spread her arms wide, as if to show she had no weapons, “It’s alright, dear, take your time. I’m not going to harm a member of the Council! I’ll be perfectly honest, this is also the first time I’ve met one of your people, the tree cutters, right? I’ve only heard rumours, but you can imagine my curiosity when I was told they let a race of giant insects join the city. I suppose you lot would steer pretty clear of me and mine, though, wouldn’t you? Ah well, let me think. A lamia and a demi-human. Hmmmm, what did they look like?” She looked around her dark and empty room, making of show of inspecting the barren silk entranceway to her castle-like lair. “Madam StormEye, please-“ “Mistress StormEye, if you don’t mind. Madam is just too formal, ugh.” the giant drider shivered, the enormous body wiggling almost comically. “M-mistress StormEye, please. Did they come to you?” The drider smiled and nodded like a child who had been caught in a little white lie, “Yes, of course. Why? Did you need them back?” Nodding enthusiastically, Princess Cracklefoot almost leapt for joy, “Yes! Yes, please! I would be so grateful to you if you released them.” The drider held up a finger, shaking it teasingly back and forth, “ah, ah, that’s not how I work, a council woman should know this. I don’t just, ‘release’ what I put away. They’ll do the time they agreed to and that’s that. Unless you’d like to make a wager to free them?” Internally, Cracklefoot cursed. Why had Velida’s companions come to this woman and made a deal? Surely, if they had come here, they knew how the spider woman worked! She was a merchant, of sorts. She traded in magic items, information, and even specific valuables, but she never accepted money. Instead, she offered what she had in exchange for time. Buying something from the larger than average spider woman meant spending an appropriate amount of time amongst her web, being used however she saw fit. Some served as servants, some as guards for the prison she maintained for the council, but most served as her nourishing food source, drained of only a little blood each day so as not to do any real harm to her customers. It was still a grueling experience, and she had heard stories of how the drider had played with her food in devious and sexual ways. What she was offering the princess now though, was slightly different. She, as a rule, didn’t let anyone out of their contracts with her, and didn’t allow substitutions for any reason. The only exception was if you agreed to gamble with her in a game of chance. Apparently there was three options. If the spider woman won, then the loser disappears into her silk home and is never seen or heard from again. If the ‘customer’ wins, they are allowed to free whoever they wish from the Drider’s clutches. There’s also a third option where neither party wins, but apparently the Drider refuses any and all rematches. “N-no…I won’t bet with you. I can not take such a risk with my station.” Cracklefoot faltered, unable to convince herself to truly put her life on the line for Velida’s companions. “Hmmm, that’s a shame. I really wanted to see what your kind tasted like. I sort of feel obligated to, in fact.” Marceleous loomed close, making Cracklefoot step back a few paces in fright. “Tell you what, you gorgeous little morsel, I’ll tell you how long they’ve got left if you let me have just a little taste of your blood. I promise I won’t even take enough to make you light headed. What do you say, darling? Special onetime offer, only because you’re a council woman.” Cracklefoot was shivering from the terror of being so close to the Drider. She took another step back, but her leg caught on one of the threads and she tumbled backwards, hands waving wildly about as she tried to catch herself. The Drider gasped in surprise when the insect princess’ claws shredded the entrance way of her domain, the three bladed claws, dagger like, separating the rock hard threads like butter. There had been so little resistance that Cracklefoot hadn’t even noticed what she had done, trying to pick herself up off the ground, mumbling terrified excuses. Marceleous also noted with interest, as the now loose thread unfrayed from the positions she had put them in literally decades before, they did not stick to the insect creature, slipping off her smooth chitin plates as if they were just normal thread. She reached out and gently helped the much smaller creature to her feet, her wide smile trying not to show how surprised and a little frightened she was. A creature who could shred her web and was immune to its grasp? She was hardly defenseless without her webbing, but it made up nearly the entirety of her home. A dedicated group of these creatures could dismantle everything she had built in a few hours without her being able to stop them. She had a thought, but no, she had killed that man. “So? What do you say?” Cracklefoot looked up at Marceleous, unsure what had caused the shift in her emotions. Was that…a twinge of fear? No, that couldn’t be right. She didn’t sense any hostility though, so she was probably telling the truth. The insect princess nodded, “Ok. D-do it.” The mistress Stormeye nodded and slowly leaned in, taking one of her spindly lime green arms and gently pulling it closer, she opened her maw, slowly extending on of her long, dagger sized fangs, and gently pricked the softer space between the plates at the princess’ elbow. Quickly closing her lips around the wound, she gave a very gentle suck on nearly her entire arm, and the princess winced as her dark blood flowed stiffly from the tiny prick. Marceleous stopped moving for a moment, then suddenly scrambled backwards, coughing and spluttering. Her enormous legs smashed the dirt, kicking up clumps of it as she tried to back away from the terrified and very confused princess. “What?! I’m sorry! What did I do!?” she cried out, desperately hoping she ahdn’t done something terrible, as the enormous Drider shook and coughed. “No-ahek- it’s not…” Marceleous paused to dry heave for a few moments, obviously fighting the urge to throw up, “I should have known….a human experiment…how did he…must have written things down…” She mumbled to herself as she seemed to calm down. Eventually, she righted herself, adjusting her slightly out of position dress and directing a far more serious gaze down at the very, very confused Cracklefoot. “I apologize for that unseemly display. I was…not prepared for the…quality of your blood. Please, accept my deepest apologies. The two you are after came looking for information. I gave them what they sought in exchange for a week of their services. Would you like to know anything else?” Princess Cracklefoot blinked in surprise, her clear eyelids only making the motion for the benefit of others. What the hell had just happened? “What just happened?” she asked, too curious to pass this chance. She had never heard of the Drider acting so formally. “I’ve heard the sotries of your tree cutters, but I’m sorry to tell you that your Queen is wrong. She was not an experiment designed for war with humans. She was designed for war with me.” The drider pointed over Cracklefoot’s shoulder, and she slowly turned to see the damage she had done to the doorway with her fall. She gasped at the devastated column of webbing, basically completely in tatters. “Your race was designed by a very dedicated and seemingly unkillable man to eradicate Driders and giant spiders of all kinds. He and I have…a bit of history. I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to keep this all a secret between you and I.” Cracklefoot nodded, spying a loose strand of web hanging nearby and slowly reaching out to sever it with a claw, no resistance at all. She could barely believe it, but there were so many mysteries in the world, somehow she couldn’t bring herself to believe the Drider had any reason to lie. “You’ll let them go at the end of the week?” she asked, not as terrified as before, not only because she had learned she was a creature designed to kill the Drider before her, but also because the Drider’s presence and tone was much less terrifying than before. “I keep my word, even if others don’t think so. They only have five days left, but I might release them a bit early. I haven’t had a Lamia visit me in a while, and she’s got way more blood than the average customer.” She licked her lips, inspiring just a flash of the fear Cracklefoot had felt when she first arrived, but she nodded bravely and turned to leave. “Thank you Mistress StormEye. I won’t forget the kindness you showed me here today.” The Drider gave her a small wave from across the open room, “Good bye Princess. See you again in a few days.” Cracklefoot didn’t notice the thump as she quickly rushed away, but the Drider collapsed as soon as the princess turned to leave. Even just the tiny taste of the insect girl’s blood had left her body weakened and burning. Marceleous coughed weakly, unable to lift her enormous body off the ground and back into her webs, at least for the time being. “Ugh…what am I going to do about this?” she muttered to herself, trying to figure out how to handle a friendly race of creatures that were designed in every way to slay her. The princess, unaware of this dilemma, rushed back to her council residence just in time to find Velida slowly stirring back to wakefulness. She had no idea of the danger she had unleashed on her species by revealing its presence to the Drider, no idea of the possible ramifications, should the Drider decide to act first, to pre-empt a strike that would never come. Princess Cracklefoot, along with everyone else, had no idea how truly dangerous the Mistress of Webs could be. But ‘that’ man did, and despite Marceleous’ best efforts, he was still out there, trying to enact his revenge. The insect princess thought her meeting with her human counterpart was a fate-filled chance to change the world, but her own meeting just now with the Drider was no less pivitol, and actually would prove to be even more so, in the short run. |
The Quest of Enlightenment Chapter 7 The Merchant Velida watched the campfire flicker, her shift on watch as boring and uneventful as always. She looked around at her sleeping and resting companions, so many gathered in such a short span of time. First was Nine, the red haired demi-human who resembled the stereotypical vision of a sexy and seductive succubus, but was covered in terrible tattoos from her time as a sex slave. Cassandra, the long green Lamia who had surprised and eaten Velida on the road, only for Nine to buy the princess out of her stomach. She was only here because Velida had made Cassandra swear fealty to her in order to spare her life after the snake woman’s second ingestion of the princess. The young, sort of meek girl had her moments of confidence, but generally, Velida assumed she was still with them because she was afraid to leave. But then there was the other two, who were even more surprising. Lady Ironbark, a strange and powerful Dryad whose skin was nigh impenetrable and whose scent was intoxicating to breathe in. Velida still found she couldn’t stand too close to the plant woman without having very impure thoughts and urges. Her sense of purpose kept her in line now, though, but she still avoided smelling too much of Ironbark’s aroma. Brinda rested silently, as always, her new white dress strangely the only thing she had brought to travel with. The three eyed Drider was probably the most mysterious of their group, but after getting over their initial mistrust of the girl’s species, everyone seemed to accept her, more or less. Velida knew the empathic spider was still devouring her dreams, ragged fragments of the strange thoughts and images the Drider induced and pulled from her sleeping mind all that was left when she awoke. Sometimes Velida would awaken to find the Drider hovering over her, obviously in the midst of her strange meals. A gentle hand on her shoulder would reassure her that the spider woman meant no harm and Velida would slowly drift back off to sleep. Their departure from Green Arm City was without fanfare. Only Cracklefoot came to see them off, and even that exchange was brief. The Council woman had a meeting to attend, and Velida was set on making good distance, so the two merely embraced quickly and the young Tree Cutter waved after them as they left. They’d been travelling for a handful of days now, close to two weeks. The land around them was getting less and less tree covered and more rock and dust strewn. At one point, when she couldn’t see a tree in sight, Velida asked Ironbark if she would be alright in such an environment. The Dryad had given her a dirty look, but had referred her attention to the various hardy plants of the land, most low lying grasses and cacti, with the occasional stubborn bush. Apparently, there was ‘more than enough plants’ to defend herself with. They mostly travelled in silence, no one in the group like Marcus, always trying to initiate conversation. Everyone was just too different. Velida also spent a lot of time walking inspecting and swing her strange new sword around. Nine insisted it had amazing powers, but Velida had no clue how to activate a single one. What little discussion happened took place when they were setting up camp, which mostly entailed everyone simply laying down somewhere moderately soft. Ironbark had crooked an eyebrow when Nine first cuddled up to Velida, the two sleeping in a close embrace. As such, it had taken a few days to explain all that had happened to Ironbark and the Princess, mostly because Cassandra and Nine needed to hear the story multiple times to believe it. Cassandra especially was always wide eyed as Velida informed her that Lady Ironbark had been eaten. The Lamia avoided the two newest members of the group quite thoroughly, even though Nine had become moderately comfortable with them. If Velida trusted them, so did she. The young Lamia though had problems trusting anyone, only alright with Velida and Nine because of their intimate time together. She slept close to Velida, but not at close as Nine insisted on being. The odd thing about their travels was how empty they were. They followed a road that was moderately well laid out. It was a bit overgrown in a few places, obviously used only rarely, but it was still a travelled road. And yet, they never seemed to come across any villages or towns. Velida found it quite strange, and asked Nine and Ironbark why there seemed to be no people amongst the landscape. “There are smaller towns closer to the cities, but those who stray too far are usually too vulnerable to attack from others. Strange synthetic creatures walk this land. Relics of Nolgundor. They generally avoid larger groups of non-humans, but will and often do destroy smaller villages.” “Golems? Why aren’t they hunted and destroyed?” Velida wondered aloud. It seemed a simple task to find and destroy the simple creatures of magic. Ironbark chuckled, “You’ll know why if one of them finds us. Thankfully we have you, so they probably won’t attack us. Unless you somehow piss it off.” Velida wondered what could have even the near invincible Dryad on edge, but decided to drop that conversation for now. It was about time being human was helpful, rather than a detriment. She didn’t feel like learning more depressing facts about her heritage, not at the moment. They finally came across a caravan, and it was from Kroinheim! At least, it seemed that way from afar. In the distance, down the nearly straight, dusty road, Velida could make out a few wagons and some creatures that moved an awful lot like Cassandra. Nine and Lady Ironbark thought much the same and a discussion began that should have been had before such an encounter was imminent. “We should conceal ourselves and allow them to pass!” Nine argued, clearly not wanting to have anything to do with the approaching caravan. “What’s the harm in just walking past them? If they do anything stupid, Velida can pull her sword of legends or whatever and wipe them off the map. We have no reason to scurry into the shadows like rats.” Ironbark shot back. It was almost comical how opposite the two were. Both women always seemed to have opposite opinions on any given situation. Their bickering made her a bit nervous as to what would happen if she wasn’t there to settle their disputes. They, of course, turned to Velida to make their case, “They could have supplies. We’re running low on food and we still don’t know how far the city is, or even the next town.” Ironbark gave her a meaningful look, and the princess knew the Dryad didn’t mean they were running out of dried fruit. Nine dismissed the notion, not understanding the double meaning, “We have plenty of food, and I don’t think we need to risk an encounter right now. It would be better not to take the chance of them being hostile to us.” Velida gave Nine a conciliatory pat on the back, “I know how you feel, but this is an opportunity we can’t pass up. This could be our chance to learn how to get into the city on friendly terms. And hiding from a ‘potential’ threat isn’t really my style.” Nine glared at Ironbark, who just smirked back, as she nodded slowly, “As you wish, princess.” Velida nodded, leading the party boldly towards the caravan, which was still approaching slowly from down the road. As they drew close, it became obvious who the merchants were. They were definitely from Kroinheim. A pair of large female Lamias slithered on either side of a large, open topped cart that Velida couldn’t see the contents of. One had red scales and the other light brown, but both had what looked like scale mail armour on their human half and long spears in their hands, with short swords at their hips. The wagon was pulled by some kind of huge lizard, slow and ponderous, but clearly rippling in muscle. It was like the most literal cross between an iguana and an oxen, the body shape of the cattle, and yet had all the features of the reptile. Sitting atop the cart was a lizard man, his bulk obvious even from a distance, and it was not that he was fat either. The lizard man seemed to hulk over the reins, clearly a much larger breed of creature than humans. From here they couldn’t tell how many wagons were in the caravan, but the plume of dust they were kicking up wasn’t small, so Velida estimated somewhere between ten to twelve wagons like the one in front. As the group of travellers came into full view of the caravan, the Lamia seemed to organize themselves and surge forth, a group of them sallying forth to determine the threat of the approaching travellers. “At least keep your helmet on…” Nine whispered as the caravan guards slithered forwards. Velida ignored her as she ushered her group off the side of the road to allow the approaching caravan to pass, something the guards would notice even before they begun to speak. “Hail Travellers! Thank you for moving aside. It is difficult to start and stop the Grumble beasts.” The leader of the Lamia guards called as they approached, five of them in total. The one who spoke seemed to be a male and had a small plume of feathers on his shining helmet, clearly indicating his rank above the other, plainer helmets. His skin, like the others, was a darker tone than most human’s she was used to, but not quite filly darkened like Marceleous. They seemed like they had once had Caucasian skin like her, but it had bronzed under the hot, desert sun. His tail was the colour of rust, with darker black patterns on the scales in a few places. “It’s no problem. We are travellers on our way to Kroinheim. Could you tell us how far it is to the city?” Velida asked politely. These Lamia seemed friendly enough. “If you’re coming from Green Arm City, you’re nearly there. Only two days travel to the town of Amberstream, and another day after that you’ll reach the city itself.” He paused, looking over the group, who all sort of awkwardly watched them. There was a strange tension in the air, as the one who should be most nervous was clearly pretty calm. “Quite a strange group you have…wait, is that Lady Ironbark?” He seemed incredulous, knowing she was the Guardian of the Gates, obviously having made the trip there before, “What are you doing away from the city, uhm, Lady Ironbark?” He asked, unable to come up with a title besides her full name. “I am accompanying Lady Velida on her quest.” Ironbark replied simply, crossing her arms. She couldn’t help but smile at the reputation she knew she had for being dangerous. “Interesting. So I assume you are Lady Velida. May I ask what your quest is?” He turned his attention back to Velida, who nodded. “Of Course. I’m travelling across the wildlands to learn more about the various people. I’m also currently trying to track a human Alchemist named John Svard to kill him. Have you heard of him?” Velida could hear Nine’s sigh of relief as she didn’t outright state her quest was to end Martel. The princess was smart enough to know Martel would have more of an influence here in the Wildlands proper, unlike the Green Arm City, which was technically pretty close to the edge. “John Svard…something about that name rings a bell, but I can’t seem to…” One of the guards tapped him on the shoulder and whispered something in his ear. By now, the caravan was slowly crawling along the road behind them, slowly passing by. The guards were obviously standing between the group and the caravan, even though there were a few more Lamia guards and bulky lizard men walking along the caravan as well. He cocked an eyebrow under his helmet and his forked, serpentine tongue tasted the air. He frowned, leaning a little closer to Velida, tasting the air again. “You…you smell like a human! Why is that?” It seemed to be a serious accusation, and while they didn’t lower their spears yet, the guards seemed to grip them a little tighter. Velida shrugged, making sure to keep her hands visible to her sides, “Because I am human. Is that a problem?” The caravan guards all glanced to their leader, unsure as to what to do, now that their suspicions were confirmed. He narrowed his eyes, but seemed to keep his cool better than his subordinates, “I see. No, nothing is wrong with that, by itself, but it’s quite illegal for humans to enter Kroinheim territory without a master.” It was Velida turn to raise an eyebrow, though it wasn’t really visible under her helmet, “And if I refuse to bow to a master?” The Lamia grinned, amused, “Then one will be assigned to you.” There was a tense silence, nobody daring to move as Velida and the serpent Captain kept their eyes locked in a battle of wills. It was clear Velida didn’t fear a fight, but Nine and Cassandra didn’t seem to share her courage, while the guards seemed conflicted about attacking a human accompanied by one of their own. The guard captain seemed to sense this and after he felt he had stared down Velida long enough he pointed to Cassandra, “You! Why do you travel with this human?” Cassandra shrank back a little, not wanting to be caught in the middle of this suddenly very heated situation, “I just….I…” “Has she enslaved you? Do you require assistance?” He asked, clearly trying to start a fight. Velida smiled, knowing his game. “We aren’t in Kroinheim territory yet, are we?” She laughed, making the armoured serpent men flinch. “She is my vassal, and she may be one of your kin but she is not of your city. You have no right to take her from me.” Velida informed them seriously. Cassandra shrank back even further, thankful Velida had pulled the attention away from her. It was interesting to note that the ‘wild’ Lamia was much longer than these ‘civilized’ ones were, her tail almost triple the length of theirs. The more dully coloured snake men seemed to be almost stubby in comparison to her long powerful tail. The captain snarled, “Be that as it may, what’s to stop me from taking you prisoner and bringing you back to my city in chains?” “Besides the fact that you’ll lose that fight? Well, assuming you defeat me and my party with numbers, you’d have to turn your convoy around to deliver me back to Kroinheim, or take me all the way to Green Arm City, and I think you know what’ll happen if you do that.” She threw a thumb over shoulder at Ironbark. The guard sniffed, “If the tree people have been tricked into accepting humans, then maybe they aren’t worth trading with anymore. Turning the convoy around might be the right thing to do if they’d prefer to deal with you.” Velida shrugged, “Your loss. I doubt you have the tools or inclination to harvest all that lumber yourself. What other forest city are you going to get such a steady supply of lumber from? Hmmm?” The guard glared at her, knowing the truth of what she said, and she chuckled. “Fine. I see you’d rather fight than talk, just because I’m a human. How about a duel?” The guard narrowed his eyes before he smiled, “You’re serious? What are the terms?” “You fight me, no weapons. If you beat me, you can take me as a prisoner back to your city. If I win, you take me back to your city as a free human, and explain how I come in peace and all that.” The guard captain looked around, suspicion in his eyes. “How do I know this isn’t a trick? You could be trying to lure me and mine into an ambush.” Velida shrugged, “Up to you. I’m not going to argue with your cowardly excuses.” The gears were visibly turning in his head as he carefully considered Velida’s proposal. Velida felt a tap on her shoulder and she heard Nine in her ear, “What in the bloody hells are you doing? A skirmish is one thing, but a wrestling match with a Lamia is entirely different! There’s no way you will triumph over him in such a simple match of strength. At least use the sword Cassandra and I obtained for you.” Velida shook her head, ever so slightly, not taking her eyes off the man in front of her as she whispered back, “No. I don’t want to kill them. Even if I don’t win, this is the right thing to do. I can’t get into the city without a master, or a really solid argument. He’s either going to make that argument for me, or be that master. Either way, the rest of you can find the crystal ball, buy me, or whatever, and then we can leave. This is the only way we get in without having to fight everyone in the city, probably…” She didn’t mention that she had no idea how to activate that sword yet. It wasn’t that she was afraid of killing the Lamia and the other guards, she was afraid of hurting her own friends as well. “But…what if they…” Velida nodded, her expression remaining proud and defiant as she whispered the conclusion to Nine’s question. “Eat me? Well I’m sure I can survive in their stomachs long enough for you guys to rescue me. Don’t worry. You guys jumped into prison to get me a sword, I’m willing to spend a few days in chains to make this trip easier too.” She didn’t really want to admit that she might also be looking forwards to being eaten by one of these impressively muscular Lamias. She had no idea what would happen if this caravan guard agreed to their duel, but she didn’t see another way to enter the city peacefully. “Ok. You’re on.” The Lamia handed his spear to the guard next to him, who seemed as shocked as Velida’s crew were. The captain seemed to notice their surprise and shoved his armoured shirt of chain main into one of them, “I’ve been looking for another slave. This cocky female will do just fine.” The other Lamia seemed to accept this and stayed silent. Velida smiled as she began to take off her armour and weapons, everyone else taking her things and ceremoniously forming a small ring of bodies for the pair to wrestle in. The Lamia had stripped down to a simple rolled cloth around his waist, covering what would be the male parts of a human. Velida was down to her torn linen shirt and travel stained pants. She quickly tied her long braid into a tight bun to keep it out of the way, giving her party one last nod of confidence before she stepped up and took a fighting stance before the Lamia, who just chuckled down at her. He didn’t seem at all intimidated by the very unlady-like muscles hidden beneath her armour. “So how do we determine a winner in this, Lady Velida?” “The first to be knocked unconscious, or give up loses.” She informed him, to which he only grinned wider. “My name is Victor Mancrusher, by the way.” He chuckled, trying to intimidate her. “Nice to meet you. Are you ready?” Velida reached out, as if to shake his hand, and his grin turned to a serious expression, not angry, not confused, just the concentrating mark of a true fighter who wasn’t going to let their own overconfidence get the better of them. He slowly crouched lower, taking on his own readied stance, before he reached out and took her hand in a short shake. The two both pulled at the same time, and Victor rushed forwards, trying to take the initiative by pulling her off balance. Velida actually jumped, using the strength of his pull and that of her own to pivot and spin in mid-air, her legs sliding over his chest and face, both of her hands seizing his as she pulled with all her might, straightening his arm at the shoulder and elbow, painfully pushing the elbow out to the point it looked like it might snap. The Lamia grunted in pain as the princess skillfully arm-barred him in the blink of an eye, his head forced away as they both hit the ground after the lightning fast move. He growled as he tried to bend his arm, to overpower her, but he wasn’t nearly strong enough to contend with her in this position, not when just his arm was fighting with basically her entire body. He almost shouted with pain as she applied even more pressure to his elbow, and she grimaced, growling at him, “You give up already?” Instead of answering he shifted to lifting his body off the ground, the Princess clinging to his arm as he raised them both up. With a cry of anger, he brought her down on the dirt with a thump, slamming her entire back against the brown soil. She gasped as the wind was knocked out of her, and her grip on his arm slipped enough for him to push her off. He rolled away to his ‘feet’ as she did the same, still gasping, but ready to continue. The two circled each other a moment, the Lamia rubbing his shoulder and arm to loosen the painfully overstretched muscles, while Velida tried to catch her breath. Both recovered quickly, and it was Velida who rushed in this time. She swung a wide fist for his jaw, but he leaned back to avoid the obvious strike. His response was to try to back hand her. Velida could tell he wasn’t nearly as skilled in personal, unarmed combat as she was, but that wouldn’t matter much in the long run, since he was just that much stronger. She caught the back handed slap with her forearm and gave him a quick jab to the face over his own arm, before she danced back. He glared daggers into her over his now bleeding lip, but he didn’t let his anger control him and he calmly reset whatever stance he used, hard to equate the single limbed tail to a pair of human legs. They both attacked this time, the Lamia slithering forward hands out, obviously just trying to grab his smaller opponent and Velida suddenly springing forward, feet out in a leap kick intended for his chest. The sound of rushing air escaped the guard captain’s mouth as her feet struck home on his chest, not expecting her to jump straight into his grip. His eyes went wide with the pain and discomfort of his ribs compressing so tightly, but Velida didn’t feel anything break, like she had hoped. The blow knocked him back a pace, and Velida hit the ground with a grunt, scrambling to get up. She hoped to do more than wind him, but clearly his bones were either harder or more flexible than a humans, because her kick just now probably would have broken a few ribs in any human man. Her mistake cost her the duel as, even winded, he dropped his bulk on top of her. Before she could get up he surged forward, seizing her in a bear hug and pressing his shoulder into her chest, his weight bearing down on her. She coughed and gasped as he forced the air from her, similar to what she had just done to him, but unlike him, she didn’t get a chance to pull it back in immediately. His grip around her entire body included her arms, so he couldn’t punch or strike at his head in an attempt to free herself. She wriggled and kneed at his stomach, getting a satisfying grunt of pain with every blow, but it wasn’t enough for him to release her. He knew he just had to squeeze hard and long enough for her to pass out, and that would be the match. Her kicking slowly but surely got weaker and weaker, until, with one last pathetic gasp, her pin holed vision went completely black and she became a limp heap of sweaty human in his arms. “Wake up!” Velida was brought back to the land of the living by a sharp smack across the face. Already, the cold, sharp edge of iron cut into her wrists and she looked around wide eyed trying to focus on what had just hit her. Oh right, the duel. She had lost. She didn’t have any time to think as the iron manacles around her wrists pulled painfully and she was hauled to her feet, stumbling to maintain her balance. “I’ve carried you far enough, you can walk now.” It was Victor. Her new owner. She blinked at him a moment, the stinging of the slap and pain in her wrists was bringing her quickly around to the situation. She looked around quickly, not seeing anyone else. “Your friends agreed to give me a few hours head start, since it would be fairly awkward to travel alongside me. They didn’t seem as upset as I thought they’d be. Lady Ironbark seemed downright thrilled to see you in chains.” He explained, knowing what she was looking for. “What about…your caravan?” She asked, still a little dazed, but beginning to shake it out of her mind. “They’re as slow as the slowest Grumble beast. I’ll catch up before they’re even half way to Green Arm City. Speaking of, let’s go.” He tugged on the chain attached to her manacles, and she trotted after him. He was back in his armour, no worse the wear for their scuffle, while she was still covered in dirt and dust. Velida sighed, but this had been part of the plan. She just wished she hadn’t gone for such a silly strike, putting way too much into the faith that their human-looking halves were close to human strength. “So what brings a human princess to Kroinheim? Unless you were serious about that alchemist thing.” Velida looked up, surprised the Lamia was talking to his slave. She had expected cruelty and callousness, not conversation. In her surprise at the conversation, she missed that he knew her title, for now. “Y-yes. We’re looking for a merchant who bought a crystal ball from Marceleous. We think the crystal ball can point us to Svard.” “Mmmm, that would probably be old Razor. He’s the craziest artifact merchant in the city, but also one of the most successful because he’s willing to go get them himself on occasion. Orange tail? Yeah, that’s him.” Velida cursed internally. This ‘Razor’ was a merchant! They had suspected as much, but it was a pain to confirm it. Gah! The crystal ball was probably long gone, sold to someone else long ago. He cast a sideways glance at her, seeing the news not settling well, “Isn’t it good that he’ll be there?” She sighed, “Yes, but if he’s a merchant, he probably sold the damn thing by now.” He shook his head, “Razor doesn’t sell his artefacts. He only loans them out, rents them really. He’ll occasionally trade for more powerful artifacts, but he’ll never outright sell anything. If anyone this side of the Wildlands has the magical item you need, it’ll be that old pack rack Razor.” Velida’s hope lit up, but she kept her features skeptical, not understanding why the Lamia was being so friendly. “Why…why are you telling me this?” “Don’t feel like conversation?” He shrugged, apparently not seeing the slave-master relationship as much more than a business transaction it seemed. “I’m just not…used to being a slave I guess.” She mumbled not really sure how to voice her confusion. “You expected me to be an ass hole, you mean. Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t treat my slaves that badly. No need, really, as long as you cooperate.” Velida frowned, “And if I don’t?” He gave her a sour look, his middle aged features making him seem like a disappointed father, “Come now Princess. We both know your friends will be by to collect you once they find whatever you came to the city to get. I’m not a fool. I’m not going to piss off someone that Lady Ironbark would travel with. You agreed to be my slave for the time being though, so please cooperate and I’m sure we’ll all have a good time.” Velida nodded slowly, surprised the Lamia was so…up to speed on the situation. “Why did you agree to the duel then?” He smiled, “Well, it’s not every day one gets to wrestle a princess. And I wasn’t joking about needing a new slave. You’ll do until I get back from this latest trip to Green Arm City, when I’ll be able to afford another.” She finally clicked into the fact that he was using her title, “Wait! How do you know I’m a princess?!” “Your hair, obviously. I lived through the calamity, I know what a blue haired human represents. You were either a princess or a queen of something or other. Don’t worry, we’ll cover your head before we reach the city. I don’t want anyone challenging me for you, that’ll just cause problems for the both of us.” She nodded in surprise. Apparently the non-humans still understood what her hair meant. She thought back to that first village, to the older, mousey man. He probably knew, he just hadn’t said anything. That was probably why they were so inviting, a princess not being just any old traveller. They travelled on in silence until the sun touched the horizon and the Lamia glanced up at it, looking to her. “Can you keep going? I’d prefer to keep moving until we at least reach Amberstream. Not just because your friends could be trying to catch up and end me either. It’s dangerous to be alone like this out here.” Velida nodded, “I can keep going. You won’t have to worry about my friends. I told them to come get me when they’ve found the crystal ball.” He nodded, “of course. How could you be sure we weren’t going to eat you?” He asked, trying to sound a little spooky as they continued walking, but it came off as very silly, rather than intimidating. She chuckled, “Well, actually…I didn’t really care. I’m pretty hard to digest, apparently.” The dusty, rocky landscape echoed his laughter, but he stifled it quickly, “I don’t think I want to know how you know that. I think my wives will like you. They’re just as crazy.” Velida frowned, “Wives?” He nodded, “Yes. Do I not look handsome enough? Oh, unless you’re confused at the multiple. I forgot humans only have one. Lamia’s are disproportionately female, almost 3:1. Most men my age have at least three or four wives. I only have two though, since they run me absolutely ragged.” He smiled warmly at the memory of them. “You’ll be for Salma, one of my daughters. She accidentally strangled her bed warmer in her sleep, but that slave was an old woman, so I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Velida looked up at him and he winked at her, so she was confused if he was serious or not. That was certainly a gruesome thought. “How…how old is your daughter?” “Fourteen, now. Or…No I’m pretty sure Salma’s fourteen. Or maybe that was Sinsa? Oh gods, I have too many daughters. Ask my wives when you get there, I don’t think I’ll ever be sure about a question like that.” Their conversation seemed to have put the rust coloured Lamia in a good mood, but Velida was more than a little worried. She didn’t want to be strangled by an adolescent Lamia. Especially a sleeping one. That just seemed…rude! They trudged into the town of Amberstream sometime in the very early morning. The Lamia barely said a word to her as he tied her chain to a post outside the inn, like some horse, and went inside. She could very easily untie the chain and walk off, early enough that no one was out except the guards at the entrances to the low walled town. She could escape them though, she knew for certain that Lamia’s weren’t very fast on the long distance, humans being the far better long distance travellers. She looked around at the town. It looked like any human settlement, the ancient looking stone buildings mixed in with newer wooden ones that had bigger entrances and ramps instead of stairs. She realized this town probably had been a human town at some point, either destroyed or abandoned during Martel’s cataclysm. The streets were wide and paved with stone, covered in piles of dust, but still well maintained, indicating the non-humans who had taken up residence here weren’t just squatting in human ruins. They had genuinely occupied this place. Kroinheim was probably similar. “You’ll sleep in the stable, we’ll head into the city in a few hours.” She looked up at Victor, now without his helmet, and he handed her a piece of bread and a bowl of rich smelling soup. She nodded gratefully as he led her over to the stable, and tied her to the post before closing her in. Her embarrassment was muted by her hunger and slight exhaustion. She didn’t care what people thought of her at the moment. He also tossed her what seemed to be a tablecloth, “Cover your hair. It should also help with the sun.” Clearly even more tired than she was, he slithered back to the inn, leaving her with the ‘Grumble beasts’, who lived up to their names, literally grumbling every time they breathed, like old men with a bad habit. Still, she settled into some pointy, thick hay to sleep, knowing the next day was going to be much more difficult. She awoke to a tug on the chain, and she stood groggily, only having gotten a very short few hours of bad sleep amongst the annoyingly loud Grumble beasts. He gave her a pitied look, “Sorry. Slave accommodations aren’t very good in these smaller towns.” She shrugged, brushing a bit of dirt off her shoulder. She had expected this much, as a slave. “It’s fine. Let’s go meet your family.” He smiled, “That’s the spirit.” He began to lead her on again. This day was much different than the others she had been travelling, as they passed quite a bit of traffic, both coming and going from the city. Most travellers tipped their heads to the Lamia leading her, either the lizard people, or Lamias themselves. It wasn’t just a polite tip of the hat either, it was more like they recognized and respected him. Velida was beginning to suspect he was much more than a simple caravan guard. She didn’t see many humans on the road, and the ones she did see were wearing collars of metal and carrying heavy looking packs for their owners. They didn’t look at her as she passed them. When they reached the gates of the city, as the sun was beginning to descend from its highest point, her suspicions were confirmed when he handed her chain over to the guards at the gate. “Take this one to my wives. I captured her near the edge of our territory.” “Yes, Prince Victor” the guards intoned as Velida was hooked under both arms and dragged off. She gave him a beguiled look, and he shrugged at her with a smile, as if to wordlessly say ‘you never asked.’ She was more carried than led through the streets of Kroinheim and it was a city of much more normalcy than the Green Arm City had been. The buildings all had a very ancient stone feeling to them, but with many wooden or tent like additions that crowded the streets with goods and people. The guards carrying her two abreast barely had room to maneuver, and only managed to slither through the city as everyone cleared the way for them. No one gave Velida a second glance, a human being dragged through the streets an obviously normal part of the day. She spotted cages with human inside, some looking to be performing music, some just forlornly waiting for something or other. Many humans and demi-humans rushed about the city, performing all kinds of tasks, some even without a master seemingly present. Again, none of them bothered to look up at her as she was carried past, too frightened to make eye contact with the guards carrying her. It pained her to see her own kind in slavery like this, but…something told her this was a kind of sick cosmic retribution for what they had done to all the non-human races. This was part of her quest though, to end this sort of thing once and for all. She put the pain away, knowing there was nothing she could do for any of these slaves at the moment. Other than the human slaves and the fact that the citizens weren’t human, it was as normal and prosperous a city as could be. She did notice another race mixed in to the residents of the city, rare enough to be odd, but common enough for her to assume they were one of the staples. She could only think of them as a Tree Cutter cousin, an insect person who looked like a humanoid scorpion. They had two sets of arms, one pair of which ended in sharp claws and the other in more human like hands. A huge multi segmented tail swung behind it, everyone around them sure to stay clear of the swinging tail and the long barb tipped head. All the ones she saw had very regal looking robes of bright colours, usually gold, and had a number of human slaves buzzing about them, attending to their every need. Eventually they passed through what was no doubt the market district and into more lavish and expensive looking villas. Guards of various uniforms stood at the gates of each. Finally they entered one, and she was unceremoniously dumped on the steps of what seemed like a small palace. She looked around at the garden, many pools with water plants making it hard to believe they were in the midst of a desert. “What is this? Why are you dropping it on my steps?” A female voice range out, the indignation at the absolute limit of Velida’s ability to comprehend it. The guards froze as they turned to leave, their almost terrified expressions looking to each other to speak first. “The-the Prince ordered us to bring this slave to you. Apparently he captured it himself.” One stuttered quickly. “Oh? What a filthy thing!” Velida finally turned in place to look up at what was sure to be one of Victor’s wives. A plump, almost fat Lamia of a similar colour, like rust but a little darker, loomed over her, “My my, didn’t he find a pretty young one. Did he give you any instructions, or did he leave that to me, as always?” She asked, looking Velida up and down. It took Velida a moment to realize the Lamia was speaking to her and she shrugged, “He said I was for Salma?” She offered weakly. The plump Lamia nodded, waving off the guards, who gratefully retreated with a bow and slithered away quickly. Giving a sudden and insistent tug on the chains around her wrists, the Lamia almost dragged Velida up the steps as she scrambled to get proper footing on the stairs. “Before that you need a good bath! I don’t know why that husband of mine insists of bringing in such strange servants, but you’ll not be attending to my daughter like this.” Velida was led into the largest bathroom she had ever seen. There was a huge tub, bigger than any she had witnessed before, even larger than any royal bathing room she had seen at home or in her stately travels through the kingdoms of man. It made sense though, since the Lamia were longer than humans, even these shorter ones. Already there was steaming water in the bath, as if it was always somewhat ready for a bather. Velida was seized from behind by the strong hands of the female Lamia and shoved into the water, clothes, chains, and all. A bar of soap smacked into her back as she surfaced, coughing and spluttering. “Hurry up and bathe yourself. When you’re done, Jack will take you to Salma.” The Lamia turned and slithered almost silently away across the polished stone floor. Velida looked down at the bar of soap now resting at the bottom of the pool, looking back up to her still chained and tethered hands. She rolled her eyes and began to do her best to wash everything without being able to move her wrists more than a few inches apart, or to easily take off all her clothes. She managed to worm her way out of her travel stained pants, slapping them down on the edge of the pool, but her manacles wouldn’t allow her any room to remove the torn and tattered shirt she still wore beneath her armour. “I can unlock the chains for you, if that would make it easier.” Velida looked up in surprise, so concentrated on trying to wriggle out of her clothes that she hadn’t noticed another human enter the room. It was a …young boy! His thick blonde hair was a mess a top his head, but he wore a loose silk uniform that seemed more suited on a female dancer, revealing most of his chest and limbs. A thin silver collar hung loosely at his throat. “Oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He told her quickly, backing away a few paces. She gave him a quick once over before she dismissed his intrusion on her bath. It couldn’t be helped. “It’s fine. Give me the key please.” He awkwardly stepped forwards trying to avert his eyes from her soaked and semi naked form. She was standing about thigh deep in mildly soapy water with only her undergarments on, really. She didn’t care though, and snatched the key from his hand to quickly relieve herself of the biting metal bindings. She sighed in relief as she tossed the damnable things onto the side of the pool, at which Jack quickly scrambled to pick them up, seemingly happy to have something to do besides try not to stare at the beautiful woman now bathing in the tub. “So what can you tell me of this place? This family of Lamia?” She asked him as she purposefully began to scrub herself down with the soup. She might as well clean herself well, she hadn’t had a proper bath since Green Arm City. Jack glanced to the large doorway, “S-slaves aren’t supposed to talk amongst ourselves…at least not so loudly.” He whispered. Velida gave him an annoyed look, but lowered her voice this time, “How long have you been a slave?” “I was born here. Most of the slaves are…captured slaves are rare.” She noticed but didn’t pay any mind to his furtive glances when he thought she wasn’t looking. He was about that age, if just a little younger. “Do you have clothes for me?” She asked, looking around and not seeing anything except her old clothes to put back on. “Oh! Yes. One moment!” He rushed out of the room, only to come back a few moments later with a series of silken cloths that looked much the same as his outfit. She frowned, but knew it couldn’t be helped. She made the boy jump in surprise and look away quickly as she emerged completely naked from the pool and began to towel herself off with one of the nearby towels. She took the clothes from him and began to slowly put them on, glancing to him for reference, as they were unlike anything she had worn before. Effectively, she wore cuffs, a tube top, a waist clothe, ankle bracelets and about half a dozen see through silken strips of cloth that connected them all together, covering her body, but not really. The boy’s apprehension to look directly at her had been eased only slightly by her now being ‘dressed’ and he handed her the last piece of the outfit. The same silver collar he wore, in two pieces that seemed to click together She inspected the pieces, not seeing a way to release the small, finely crafted mechanism once it was in place. Why would they ever need to come off? She sighed, clicking the collar around her neck, trying to get used to the idea that, for now at least, she was a slave. “Um…can you put all your old clothes in that bin and follow me?” Velida did as instructed, having no hope for seeing those things ever again, and followed barefoot behind the boy. The garments felt loose and she was practically naked, but she’d already been paraded naked around a city once, it could hardly be more embarrassing the second time. They passed a pair of patrolling guards, Lamias in a similar uniform to the caravan guards, though their helmets were also scaled mail instead of solid single piece helmets. She followed Jack’s lead and bowed as they passed, not getting so much as a sniff of disdain from the guards. “You’re…you’re really well behaved for a wild human.” Jack whispered as they walked the halls. Velida rolled her eyes, “I won’t be here for long. There’s no reason to cause trouble.” Jack’s eyes went wide and he looked around, “You’re going to escape?! They’ll eat you if you try that!” She chuckled, shaking her head, “No. Victor is going to let me go.” The boy looked at her with awe and confusion, “Um…ok, if you say so. This is Salma’s room. Good luck.” He ran off, his task finished. She watched him go, wondering why she felt so numb to seeing a child working as a slave. The boy feared for his life every day, and yet she didn’t really feel sorry for him. Was it because she just lumped him together with all the humans that were enslaved in the city, or did she despise these people for being so weak and cowed into slavery, not even fighting for their freedom. She braced herself as she knocked on the huge white painted wooden door Jack had indicated. “One…one second! W-who is it!” came a breathy and surprised female reply. Velida frowned at the strangeness of that, but replied politely, “I am Velida, your new…slave.” She finished with only minimal hesitation. Temporary. This was temporary. “Oh! Come in! Please!” Velida opened to the door to a room that looked every bit as lavish as the one she herself had enjoyed at home. The walls were covered in artwork, colourful and thick carpets covered the floor. A huge, open bed filled most of the room, a practical mountain of pillows and cushions a top it, while on the opposite wall a pair of large wardrobes and a tall mirror, as well as a large vanity stand with several smaller mirrors and the some make up. It was all bringing back much too many memories for comfort. “Close the door! Quickly! Come over here!” Velida’s eyes settled on the Lamia that was to be her new master. Victor had been wrong. This Lamia was not fourteen. She was actually much closer to Velida’s own age, much like Cassandra. Her dark, mocca skin and black hair, along with the deep rust coloured scales made her her father’s daughter alright, but what struck Velida right away was that the girl was idly masturbating as she waited for Velida to come over to the bed. “Uhm…” Velida hesitated as the girl looked her over, “What?” She asked, not really sure how to phrase the questions she had. “Come over here. It always feel so much better when someone else does it.” Salma replied shamelessly. Velida hung her head. How did this always seem to be the case? Nine, then Cassandra, even her episodes with Ironbark! She was beginning to think there was some cosmic joke being played at her expense. “You want me to pleasure you? You don’t even know who I am!” Velida exclaimed, still unable to accept that she was just a slave. The Lamia blinked in surprise, “What? You’re my new slave, right? Daddy bought you from the market because my last one got old and died. I wasn’t expecting anything until he got back from his business trip but I’m so happy you’re here already! I’ve been so horny without a slave. Mmmm!” She fingered herself a little harder, the end of her short tail twitching on the edge of the bed, the girl seemingly happy to have Velida watching her do it. Velida took a moment to think to herself. The various bits of her brain came together in a conference of thought. Should she just have sex with the Lamia? Did she have a choice? It seemed like that was what this girl did with her slaves. Obviously she had nothing to gain from resisting this, especially since she was only going to be here a short time. Didn’t she want to have this kind of fun? She did something similar with Ironbark, didn’t she? Velida began to move forward, but before she was quite at the edge of the bed she stopped, making the Lamia frown in confusion, “What’s wrong?” Velida sighed, “I’m just…new to being a…a slave. Give me a second.” The young snake woman’s eyes went wide, “New?! Daddy got me a wild human! Oh my gods! Come here!” Velida grunted as the short tail swung out and scooped her onto the bed, practically burying her in pillows in an instant. Salma batted the pillows out of the way and practically pounced onto Velida’s chest, wide, curious eyes fixed on her blue ones. “Tell me all about where you’re from! I’ve always wanted to meet a wild human! You come from a human kingdom right?! What’s your family name? Oh! Are all wild human’s hair blue? I’ve never seen that before!” She battered Velida with question after question, leaving no room to answer. Velida flinched as Salma ran a hand over her head, feeling her hair. “Oh wow, so soft. Mine is so coarse, no matter what I do.” She brushed her own rather short, tomboyish hair with a wild sweep of her hand, obviously incredibly excited by Velida. Velida couldn’t help but still smell the sex in the air from the Lamia’s self-ministrations. The Lamia lay a top her now and she gave the girl a gentle tap on the shoulder, but before she could answer any of her questions she launched even more. “Are all wild humans so muscular?! You’re like one of the guards! Where were you captured? Were you trying to raid our lands? Are you a bandit? Or a soldier!? How old are you? When did you leave home? Or did they catch you at home? How-“ “Salma!” Velida shouted in her face. Seizing the girl by the shoulders, she shoved her off and sat up. She didn’t want to hurt the energetic girl, but she needed a moment to breath. The girl looked shocked and terrified for half a second as she landed on the pillows next to Velida, but then her excitement bubbled back to the surface and she wriggled under the pile of pillows and disappeared, only to reappear on the other side of Velida, a mischievous look on her face. “You are strong! We’ll be able to have way more fun that my old slave! She was way too old to do anything!” The Lamia tugged at her arm, trying to pull her into the pile of pillows and she snatched her arm back, “Stop! Do you want me to answer your questions or not?” The Lamia was confused for a moment, but understanding slowly spread on her youthful features. Clearly this girl wasn’t used to a slave who didn’t immediately jump to her commands without protest or delay. Rather than annoy her, it seemed to be fascinating in the extreme. “Ok! Um…Ok ok! How did you get captured? No!, uhm Yes. Answer that one!” The girl seemed too excited to contain herself, and Velida could feel her tail swinging like that of an ecstatic dog. “I lost a duel with your father.” The girl gasped, again, somehow even more excited than shocked, “You fought with Daddy!? Oh! My! Gods! Why’d you do that?” The girl seemed barely able to contain herself, but refrained from bombarding the human princess with questions for now. “I wanted to see the city and what it was like to live here. If I won your father was going to give me a tour, but if I lost I became his slave for a while. I lost.” “You wanted to see our city? Why would you want to come to this boring old place?” Somehow, that seemed to have killed her mood a bit, and a sour expression plastered the girl’s face. Velida shook her head, “I’m on a quest to bring peace to the wildlands between humans and non-humans. I have to see what non-humans are like before I can accomplish that. I’m also looking for a human Alchemist named John Svard so I can kill him.” The girl gasped again, a noise Velida was already getting tired of, “You want to kill somebody?! Oh you sound so dangerous! How are you going to do that if you’re a slave?” “I have friends who will be here to free me soon. I’m not going to be a slave for very long.” Salma grabbed her arm, “You’re going to try to escape?! Oh! I’ve never had a slave try to escape before? Are you going to try and kill me? Do we fight right now?” Princess Velida gave the girl an incredulous look, shifting on the bed to turn towards the half pillow submerged Lamia. “What the f-….have you ever left this room?” The Lamia looked away, “Yes! Lots of times…just…not the estate.” “You’ve never left the grounds of your estate then.” Velida nodded to herself. She’d met princesses like this before. Kings and Queens who locked their children away from the world to protect their precious little flowers. Her parents hadn’t had the strength to keep her contained in such a way, nor the inclination, thank the stars, but the ones that she had met who had been locked in a box their entire lives were very much like this girl. Completely oblivious to common sense and wildly emotional at the tiniest changes in mood. The worst were practically insane, but she’d never met anyone as genuinely hyper as this girl. “Ok, Salma. I’ll answer your questions, but I’d rather not do anything sexual with you. I’m not a ‘real’ slave, so I’m not going to just do whatever you say.” The girl cocked her head playfully, “What if I call the guards? They’ll make you do what I say!” Velida slowly reached forward and grabbed the girl under her shoulders. She slowly but surely lifted the giggling girl out of the pillows and set her down on the bed beside her. “Because I could stop you from doing that. I lost to your father, but I can subdue you, as sure as the sun is hot.” “What if I asked nicely?” Salma giggled, blinking seductively up at Velida. Velida bit her lip, “Well…maybe. Why are you so eager to lay with such an unknown and potentially dangerous person! I could kill you!” “Oh, but that’s so exciting! And you won’t right? Father wouldn’t have sent you here if he thought you were going to hurt me.” Velida had to admit the girl was right. She was here on her own deal, her own honour. Hurting this excitable girl would bring no end of shame to her name, and no end of trouble. “I’m not even a man! Wouldn’t you prefer a male slave?” Velida asked, exasperated. “Nope! I like girls way better! Lots of Lamia’s do! Mommy has fun with Daddy’s other wife all the time!” That was an interesting little tidbit. Again though, it made sense. If Lamia’s really were 3:1 female: male then more often than not the females would have to figure out what to do without a man around. It made sense that they were at least bisexual. “Well…I…it still seems strange to me.” Velida waffled, trying to come up with an excuse not to just be this girl’s sexual toy. “Am I ugly to you? Do you hate me?” Tears welled up in the girl’s eyes instantly, going from as excited as a child in a candy store to that same child being denied anything from that store. “No! You’re beautiful, I’m just…my life is already complicated!” Velida insisted. It already sort of felt like she had cheated on Nine with Ironbark, but where they in a real relationship anyway? Velida hadn’t thought about it much, on purpose, but this felt like it was crossing a line for some reason. “Oh! You have a lover? What’s he like? Is he as big and strong as you?” Salma asked, wiping the tears away quickly, as if they had never happened. Velida shook her head at the insanity of it. “No, she’s not…look, I’ll help you out, ok? But only if you’re calm and polite. I’m not as meek and weak as the slaves you’re used to.” It was Salma’s turn to bite her lip, “Oh, I hope not. I bet you’ve fucked all kinds of exotic creatures by now, someone as widely travelled as you.” Velida snorted, trying not to laugh, but doing so anyway, “You’re not totally wrong, but it really wasn’t my intention…” The Lamia ran a hand down Velida’s well defined abdominal muscles, “Why not? Bring peace or whatever, but why not have some fun too? I’m sure someone as strong as you can do both, right? What’s wrong with having some fun?” Velida thought about it, and couldn’t find very many good reasons to disagree with the horny Lamia. Why shouldn’t she have sex with such a willing, actually insistent, partner? Nine was…well, Velida would figure out what Nine was to her when they were back together again, but for now Velida was sort of a slave, and did sort of have to do what this half crazed Lamia told her. “Hmmm. Fine….but I’m in charge.” Velida suddenly swung her leg over the surprised Lamia’s chest, who cooed in excitement. “Oh! I’ve never…that sounds fun! What do you want first?” Salma asked quickly, never having been the ‘bottom’ before. Velida grinned. She had some ideas, and such an eager partner was sure to do whatever she said. Maybe this would be good for Nine, since it would give Velida even more experience playing with a woman’s body. She had a lot of room to catch up to the very experienced not-succubus, if she thought about it. She had a couple questions before they descended into debauchery first. “Can I just ask a few questions first? What is your father? What’s his title?” The Lamia nodded, seemingly more than happy to talk about her father, “Daddy’s one of the Merchant Princes of the City! He’s in charge of foreign trade, and usually runs the caravans to and from our trading partners. He’s really smart and strong! But I guess you know that already, don’t you! Hehehe!” She giggled, continuing to run her hands over Velida’s various muscles. Velida had one more question, “Who’s in charge of the city then?” “The King of Kroinheim is whichever Trade Prince has the most money when the old King dies. Daddy told me when I was little that he didn’t want to be King, because it’s a stupid job for greedy serpents, but Mommy says he might end up being the next King. Can we have fun now?” Velida locking all that info away quickly and nodded, “Yes. Close your eyes.” The girl obliged as Velida began to massage at her softer, much more effeminate body than Velida’s own. She had to admit, the girl was very attractive, even though her legs were a single scaled tail. She had been with a few women so far, but never really a man. Velida wondered for only a moment when she would, and if she’d like it as much as being with women. She hoped her friends didn’t arrive too soon. Now that she had gotten started, she definitely wanted to finish having fun with this crazy girl before they ‘rescued’ her. |
The Quest of Enlightenment Chapter 8 The Shadow of Death The group walked in tense silence. Ironbark and Brinda walked alone, while Cassandra slithered close to the cloaked Nine. No one said anything as they walked on, trying to come to grips with what had happened, again. Velida had put herself in terrible danger for seemingly no reason. Albeit, she hadn’t actually tried to get eaten this time, but every minute she was a slave was another minute she could be eaten. Victor had seemed polite enough, assuring them that Velida would be fine, but he wasn’t the only Lamia in that city, not by a long shot. She might be able to assure them that HE wouldn’t hurt Velida, but what about his family? Or the guards? What if Velida did something stupid? Something else, besides practically volunteering to be captured. Still they had let the serpent man slither away with her slung over his shoulder, and once again Brinda was left carrying Velida’s armour in a tight bundle of silk. Nine had opted to carry the sword, since it wasn’t that heavy anyway, and Brinda was reluctant to touch it for some reason. Nine ignored the spider, too angry with Velida to worry about Brinda’s weirdness. The other problem was Ironbark. The snobbish Dryad would in no way listen to Nine, and Nine certainly wasn’t going to do anything the plant woman said. Their group was now without a leader, so it seemed nigh impossible that they were going to be able to find the crystal ball and get Velida back. They stopped for the night, and Ironbark finally said something to break the hours long silence. “It’s the exact same as when she let me eat her. She’ll be fine. Trust me. She’s probably even enjoying herself.” Nine blushed slightly when she remembered the wicked sounds Velida had made when she had become a squirming lump in the Dryad’s gut. Cassandra and Nine had listen to her climax almost instantly, followed by her gasping moans and groans of obvious delight. It had been a strangely uncomfortable thing to witness, but Nine had trusted Velida to know what she was doing. “That does not excuse her just…leaving us again!” Nine almost shouted back at the Dryad, a little louder than she intended. “Hey, if it was my choice we would have just kicked the piss out of those snake people and been on our merry way, but you were the coward who was too terrified to do anything!” The Dryad obviously didn’t appreciate her tone, or realize that Nine wasn’t upset with her as much as Velida. Nine was hardly going to take such an insult lying down, “And what would that have accomplished? You may be made of metal, but the rest of us could have been wounded or worse! Think of others for once!” “You sound like my mother. Protect Life this, don’t hurt anything that. It’s so stupid! I only came with Velida because she promised to let me eat her enemies. You remember that, right?” Nine shrank back a bit, seeing the threatening look on the Dryad’s face. She was acutely aware that was why the Dryad had come. Velida had made it pretty clear the Dryad was going to be eating people along the way, so long as Velida gave her permission. The demi-human frowned when she realized that was why the Dryad had wanted to fight. “So you were going to throw us all into the throes of battle…so that you could acquire a snack? Such selfish…” “Maybe that’s what I wanted, yeah? What of it?” The Dryad challenged her, stepping closer now as Nine took one back, “Velida knew what I was after. She still made her decisions. So deal with it, tattoo girl.” The Dryad turned away and sat down on a flat, slanted rock, laying down against it and looking off into the distance, clearly done with the argument. Nine clutched at Velida’s sword, almost wanted to draw it for use on the haughty Dryad. She didn’t even try though, doubting she could pull the sword anyway. She felt Cassandra touch her shoulder, and she turned to see the Lamia’s worried face, “She did leave us again, didn’t she?” Nine shook her head, trying to sooth the worried Lamia. “No, she was just…I do not believe she so callously threw us away. I believe she is still too used to being alone. She does not consider us fully into her plans yet.” “Wrong! Idiot.” Nine turned back to the Dryad, hands on her hips, seriously fed up with Ironbark now. The Dryad looked up at her, unperturbed by the anger on Nine’s face, “She wants us to find that crystal ball and then get her out of the city. I would think that’s a pretty important part of her plan, don’t you?” Nine fought the urge to strike the Dryad and considered her words. Yes, it was true, even though Velida had left them alone, again, she hadn’t just run off for no reason. She couldn’t just walk into the city, and probably wouldn’t be able to barter her way in like she had in Green Arm City. Going in as a captured slave was probably the only peaceful way in, but it still seemed… Cassandra slithered around Nine, pulling her into a comfy hug. Nine looked up in surprise as the Lamia nuzzled against her, avoiding the sharp crown of black horns. “We should trust Velida, like Lady Ironbark said. She trusts us, right?” Nine nodded slowly, letting the Lamia coil around her to prepare for sleep. It was getting colder at night, and the Lamia claimed she needed the body heat of either Velida or Nine or both to stay warm. Truth be told, it was actually quite comfortable, but Nine feigned reluctantly agreeing to it to make sure Cassandra didn’t get too excited. Brinda sat silently across their ‘camp’ from the rest, watching the exchange. Still as odd as always, she sometimes looked off into the distance, in the direction of Kroinheim, where Velida had been taken. It had been her idea to go to the reptile city, at the heart of it all. Whatever her internal thoughts on Velida leaving the group, she kept them to herself, leaving all the talking up to Nine, Cassandra, and Lady Ironbark. It was enough for her to know that Princess Velida was still alive. Ironbark slammed two lizard men into each other, the pair grunting in pain before going down in a heap of scaly limbs. Cassandra hissed at a nearby Lamia, who screamed in surprise and fled. The city’s Lamia didn’t have the monstrous features Cass did, like fangs or poison. They were much closer to people than their longer green cousin. Nine, who was still being dragged away by a Lamia guard, called out to Ironbark, who turned with a sneer on her beautiful features. The Dryad grabbed a hard spikey fruit from a nearby stand and launched the foodstuff with cannon like strength right into the back of the Lamia tugging on Nine’s arm. There was a horrifying crunch as the man serpent lifted a few inches off the ground and was deposited face first into a nearby stone wall. He crumpled, unmoving on the cobblestones, while Nine concealed herself once again. “What the fuck did you do, horns?” Ironbark asked her as the group gathered in the middle of the road, everyone looking around for more guards. “I…I believe they recognized one of my tattoos….” Nine muttered, pulling her cloak even tighter around herself. Cassandra gave her a confused look, “But why would they attack us and try to drag you off? That doesn’t make any sense! You aren’t a human…” “That is…we can discuss this at a later time. We should hide for now.” The other women nodded and they quickly moved through the narrow streets and alleys until people stopped giving them strange looks. They settled back into a café of some kind, Ironbark casually called to a collared human waiter for a glass of water. He gave her a confused look before her came to his senses and snapped to her request. “Ok. Now tell us why I just had to save you from the city guard.” Ironbark growled, her feet up on the table. It wasn’t a request. All eyes went to the demi-human as she squeezed her tail under her cloak. “There….my tattoos are not all from humans…” She admitted finally. Cassandra looked around in surprise, leaning in to whisper more loudly than Ironbark had spoken, “You mean you were a slave here too?” Nine only nodded, refusing to look up at the Dryad, who was glowering at her from across the table. The human ran up with the water and shakily presented it to the Dryad, who downed it in a single gulp, slamming it back into his grip. He winced painfully and asked uneasily, “May I…uh, get you all anything else?” The Dryad’s glowering gaze slowly shifted to the human slave, before it swept very deliberately over his body, from bottom to top. She spoke after she eyed him, “How much for you?” Nine’s head came up and before she could argue with the Dryad the poor human answered. “I’m worth 20 g-gold pieces ma’am….” It was clearly a question he was prepared for, and his quick answer shut up any protest from Nine. She looked away in disgust and the Dryad’s gaze returned to her. Ironbark’s smoldering expression settled back on Nine. “Give me the money. I just saved your skin, the least you can do is buy me a meal. Unless you’d rather I eat you?” The Dryad barked at her, clearly not in the mood to argue about this. She was probably starving, unable to find even small creatures to eat during the last few days of their journey. Nine slowly produced the coins from her cloak, sliding them individually and deliberately across the table without looking up. “Thank you.” Ironbark said with absolutely transparent insincerity. She scooped up the coins and dropped them in the cup the human was holding, already shaking in his grip. “Go give that to your master and then come back with another cup of water.” She ordered. Clearly, this city was more her speed, already used to ordering the submissive slave humans around. The man, more of a boy really, hung his head but quickly trudged into the café to deliver his severance pay. Cassandra watched him go with interest, but didn’t say anything, as she didn’t want to upset Nine. Brinda likewise, was silent, as always. Her eyes scanned the street through her silver hair, making sure no guards spotted them. A very short time later, the server returned, only he didn’t have his iron collar or uniform on anymore. Without the loose clothing, it was obvious how much he was shaking, but something kept his legs carrying him forward to his doom, the angry looking plant woman sitting at the table before him, not even looking up. His hands were shaking so much, some of the water sloshed from the cup as he held it out to her. She took the cup and slammed it down on the table, still glaring at Nine. There was a moment of silence, as everyone stared at each other around the small table. Nine and Ironbark held each other in total contempt, as Brinda, Cassandra, and the human slave glanced between the two, unsure as to what was going to happen. The air of hostility was so palpable, even the slave noticed it through his terror. Nine finally looked away, and Ironbark seized the man by his shoulders and began to ingest him. The demi-human had seen too much of that in her life, she wouldn’t watch it now, not when Velida was going to end it… The gulping sounds were mostly overridden by the mans moans and gasps, so similar to the ones Velida had made. His distress gave way to pleasure, and in moments he almost sounded happy to be in her stomach. “Is it always-“Cassandra asked. She’d never heard the sounds of someone…enjoying a stomach before, though she only had her and her mother’s to compare. “Yes.” Ironbark answered pointedly, not letting her finish the question. They all sat in silence, listening to the man in Ironbark’s stomach. Ironbark downed the half empty cup of water, slamming it back onto the table as she stood. “Get over it. We need to find the Lamia who bought the crystal ball and then rescue Velida. Now that we know you’re as much of a liability as Velida was, you should stay hidden. Cassandra and I can search the city. Stay with Brinda and try not to bring any more trouble down on us, Ok?” She turned and walked off, leaving Cassandra looking to Nine for the ok to follow the Dryad. Nine gave a small nod, knowing the Dryad was right. Cassandra was the best one to search because the locals would be most cooperative with her, a fellow Lamia, even if she was clearly foreign. Still a little confused Cassandra quickly slithered around the tables and out of the dim café to follow Ironbark. Nine looked down at the cup, already trying to forget the sounds the Dryad’s meal had been making as she began to digest him, already trying to push the memory of his shaking hands and terrified face from her thoughts. Velida was going to end this. She was. People would no longer be eaten or enslaved. She glanced to Brinda, who was stone still and unspeaking under the sheen of silver hair. She was grateful the Drider had nothing to say, it was easier to be alone with her own thoughts. She worried the empath might be reading her chaotic emotions, but that couldn’t be helped. She had woken up more than once to the Drider leaning in and looking intently at Velida, her three eyes glowing ever so gently in the night. She never paid Nine much mind, and though Velida had explained, it still gave Nine shivers the way the Drider hovered over them while they slept. “Let’s go find an inn. We might be here for a few days.” Brinda nodded to her suggestion and stood with her, following her out of the café. Brinda glanced over her shoulder, towards the southern part of the city. Still safe. “S-so…where do we start looking?” Cassandra asked after she had caught up to the angrily striding Dryad. “We don’t,” came the curt reply. Everyone on the street turned to look at the pair of interesting figures as they passed, if only because Lady Ironbark’s stomach was bouncing and shifting with a very energetic and very obvious occupant, not to disparage the moans and grunts of obvious sexual gratification. Ironbark paid them no mind as she walked purposefully past them all. Cassandra slithered into her way, blocking the street. She was no less an interesting sight than the Dryad, her long green tail and naked torso clearly different from the locals. “W-what? But what about…Velida? She could be in trouble!” Cassandra whispered as she looked around, as if afraid someone would hear her say the Princess’ name. “Who cares?” The Dryad shrugged, turning to begin walking in a different direction. She didn’t have any specific destination in mind, after all. “She’ll be fine, with or without us. I’m going to enjoy this city while we’re here. Especially now that that stick in the mud demon bitch is out of the way.” Slithering quickly beside Ironbark, Cassandra was completely confused, “But what if they-“ “Eat her?” Ironbark cut her off, not even looking at her, “Good. It’ll serve her right for putting herself in such stupid positions.” Cassandra slithered in silence, looking very distressed. Ironbark’s stomach continued to moan and groan, but it seemed less violent now, the movements much more slow and deliberate. The emerald Lamia couldn’t stop herself from glancing down at it, even as she tried to think of something to say. She had no idea what to do with herself if Velida was suddenly gone. Should she go back to the forest? Or maybe live here? She could always try to find a new forest to call home… Ironbark glanced at the worrying Lamia, and sighed, a bit of her anger leaving, “Look, she survived a day in my stomach, she’ll be fine if one of these Lamia eat her. We’ll have a day or two to rescue her even if they eat her right away, which I’m pretty sure they won’t, unless she does something really stupid.” Cassandra’s worried frown only deepened, since the Dryad didn’t sound like she had any faith in Velida at all, even though Ironbark was trying to be positive. She saw that the Lamia wasn’t understanding her particularly bad form of praise and tried again. “I trust her, ok? Let’s just leave it at that.” She snapped, more harshly than she meant to. Cassandra just nodded meekly, not wanting to upset the nigh invincible plant woman. Her eyes fell and settled on the barely moving stomach now. The man inside still groaned in ecstasy, but it was a weak sound, almost drowned out by the city around them. The Dryad was about to smack the Lamia for being just another person to look at her as a monster, but something in the Lamia’s expression made Ironbark stop in her aimless tracks. Realizing she’d been caught staring, Cassandra was quickly very interested in what was happening in the exact opposite direction of Ironbark. Ironbark continued walking, but more slowly, Cassandra matching her pace. Was that….envy she saw on the Lamia’s face? Realization hit her like a catapult round. The Lamia was a predator like her! No one else in Green Arm City was really capable of eating a person, so she was always a lone freak, but Cassandra was! How had she not realized that? “Hey, Cassandra…are you hungry?” Ironbark cooed coyly. The Lamia nodded slowly, still trying to avoid looking back at the now strangely not angry Dryad. “Do you want a human, like me?” There was some hesitation, but eventually, reluctantly, the Lamia’s blonde head bobbed up and down, finally stealing a glance back at Ironbark. The Drayd nodded to herself. Maybe she actually could have some fun in the city with Cassandra. This was the first time she was spending time alone with someone sort of like herself. Cassandra might not have impenetrable skin or be able to control plants, but she certainly knew what it was like to be treated as a monster. This was Ironbark’s chance to get to know someone who didn’t view her as abnormal, just…different. “Come on then. Let’s get you something to eat.” Ironbark seized Cassandra by the hand and began to pull her through the crowded city, suddenly excited for some reason. The green Lamia slithered after her, trying to contain her own excitement at getting a filling meal for the first time in a long while, even long before she had eaten Velida, “B-but we don’t have any money!” “Like that’s a problem for me,” Ironbark chuckled mischievously, making Cassandra even more nervously excited. Brinda settled onto a bed across from Nine. Nine all but dropped onto the badly packed straw mattress. She was exhausted from the heat of the day, beating down on her travel cloak and making it more like an oven than a garment. It was keeping her delicate skin from burning though, which was worth the headache now. The Drider didn’t lie down so much as sort of sit down on the bed, her normally compact but surprisingly long legs hanging over the sides and touching the ground easily. The Drider was trying to consider the demi-human. Even after a few weeks of travel, she still didn’t know what to think of the former slave. Most mortals feared her unconditionally, and she certainly felt a bit of fear from the demi-human, but the demi-human felt that same fear for everything. Brinda couldn’t help but imagine the succubus to be some form of rabbit, ears held high to listen for predators in every direction. What was also intriguing was how strange she was, as a creature. Brinda had seem any number of demi-humans, Orcs, and others go through her mother’s prison. She had eaten more than a few of their minds and dreams, but none felt quite the same as Nine’s. With most, reaching into their mind was like reaching into a pond, to pluck stones from the bottom. With Nine, it was like reaching into a muddy pit, and other than what boiled to the surface, Brinda had no idea what was happening below the depths of Nine’s strange mind. The Drider suspected there was something a little special in the demi-human’s blood. Velida, of course, was entirely different. Whereas a normal mind was a pond, Velida’s mind felt like a grand ocean, with depths she hadn’t yet had the time to explore. Her dreams felt like plucking fish, live and wriggling in her mind’s grasp, rather than simple crystalized memories, settled to the bottom of a rocky pond. That same vastness and inexplicable majesty of her mind was also fraught with dangers, because Brinda could find herself caught up in Velida’s emotions and thoughts, pulled under in a torrential wave of sadness or caught swirling into a whirlpool of rage. Velida’s mind felt like a grand voyage, and to taste it, as she had to others, was marvelous. The most brilliant thing was that Velida almost didn’t even seem to feel her, gently nibbling away, suckling at that vast ocean. Most went crazy almost right away, those with hardier minds lasting a few days, but Velida was completely unaffected. Nine was also strange. Brinda had yet to find out how sturdy her mind was, having refrained from taking anything from it, because she wasn’t sure why her mind was so swampy and clouded. It felt like…no, she had no idea really. The Drider simply continued to ponder Nine as the demi-human’s breathing eased and she slowly fell asleep on her bed. Brinda’s thoughts once again turned to Velida, tracing that thread of thought she had woven into Velida’s dreams. While she still held this thread, Velida yet lived. If it were ever to be severed, the princess was lost. Brinda had spun it, that first night, to make sure she could always find the Princess, as her mother had ordered, but now she found it so comforting to hold that thread, a thread that lead to the most wondrous mind she’d ever tasted. It felt wonderful to fill her belly with memories and dreams and yet, they simply reappeared, no worse for wear, as if it was a buffet made for her by the gods! The joy of such a thing kept her happy while everyone besides Velida treated her like a leprous pariah. Her eyes fell on the sword clutched gently to Nine’s sleeping chest. Mother had told her never to touch that sword. Mother had said it would reveal her true nature, why she was the way she was, and that she wasn’t ready to learn such things. The way Nine had spoken of it, it sounded as if only those chosen by the gods could wield it, why would mother say that about the sword? Was she chosen by the gods, or was Nine mistaken about its function? It was Velida’s….so perhaps it wouldn’t even respond to her touch anymore? Brinda crept forward, slow and silent, her eight long spider legs carrying her soundlessly across the squeaky floor boards. She hung over Nine, briefly glancing over the tattoos that were visible as the demi-human’s cloak fell open. Brinda could read them all, the emotions stamped into every single tattoo like a beacon of lust and greed. They were tattoos of hate and shame and control, and yet, none of them had truly dampened Nine’s spirit, not even the multitude of them. Brinda owed her at least a little respect for that. She was a durable rabbit. Her hand slowly reached out for the blue jeweled hilt, hesitating for a few moments, just a few centimeters away. Should she? Nothing dangerous had happened when Velida had touched it, even drawn it for the first time, but what if Nine awoke? No, it wouldn’t matter. Surely if something happened, it would change back when Velida took possession of it again. Brinda finally seized the handle and flinched, closing her eyes. Her trio of eyes blinked open slowly, looking to see if anything had changed, but nothing had happened. Brow furrowed, as much frustration as she could show, but then she noticed it. Noticed how the metal was slowly darkening. The silver had begun to slowly tarnish before her very eyes, ripples of something akin to rust spreading from where her hand gripped it. Black, almost liquid tar began to bubble out of the hilt, covering the cobalt jewel in black, no luster or shine left where the dark substance spread. The dragon covered basket, as it rusted and fell away, left a jagged yawning shape, a shape Brinda only recognized from her own dreams, on the very rare occasion she had one. The round empty space looked like the jaws of a monster, the boundless, senseless monster that filled what little dreams and ‘peaceful’ sleep she had. Her fingers left the handle, and the rust began to fall away, the silver metal of the sword growing back into place as if nothing had ever happened. It took a few moments, the tar covering the blue crystal pulling back into the sword, the rust being cleansed by magic. In seconds it was back to the beautiful and regal shape Velida had crafted, sparkling in the low light was its norm. Brinda shrank back, once again silently creeping back across the small room’s floor and back onto her own bed. So, it was true, she was a monster. If the sword revealed her true nature, then she was what she always dreamed about, that enormous, cavernous beast…. always watching always hungry… But…. Velida made her feel welcome. Even if Velida was still unsure about their mental interactions, she had never offered any resistance to the Drider, something that could have been quite dangerous, whether the Princess knew it or not. Had she turned on Brinda, really tried to force the Drider from her mind, the spider woman could have been terribly hurt or even killed, so powerful was Velida’s mind. There was something much more than human in Velida, and as the words of her mother danced in her mind, as well as her own monstrous nature, Brinda’s eyes settled on the beautiful, elaborate dragon embossed on the hilt of that strange magical sword. Marcus cracked his fingers as he prepared the spell. The pair of Lizard men guards he had tied up against the rock squirmed with terror, his iron hard silk binding them far more surely than any chains. “Come now, gentlemen, your deaths are for a good cause. I have to make sure Brinda is doing her job, since she’s such an unpredictable little tramp. Honestly, you should be blaming her, not me. Now, do hold still.” The tall dark man stood, the spidery legs protruding from his back grew and thickened. His white, spider silk suit began to bulge and then tear loudly as his body grew and twisted and shifted, his soft, human-like skin becoming hard and expanding, his features changing from human to something far from it. His form leaned forward, his legs bending and cracking, arms doing much the same as they grew extra joints and lengthened. The arm that was missing from just above the elbow suddenly shot forth like a spear, growing and changing as much as the rest of him. In moments, the man changed from a somewhat normal human, with spider legs on his back, to an enormous, full on, monstrous spider. The guards screamed in their restrains as he loomed close, his slow, almost ponderous legs swinging him slowly closer. His same, though somewhat disembodied, voice echoed throughout the small clearing, “It’s been a while since I had to take on a new form. I must apologize, because I really only need to devour one of you, but as you clearly saw, my last transformation wasn’t perfect, so I think I’ll eat you both to ensure my disguise is perfect this time.” Peeling the bundles of silk wrapped reptile off the rock they were adhered to, the enormous spider that had been Marcus began to slowly feed them into it’s dripping maw, making sure not to sink its huge arm length fangs into their scaly bodies. First one wriggling lizard man, then the other, both sliding down his short throat and settling nicely into his now squirming, but completely inescapable stomach. As he felt the process begin, he wondered why his mother hadn’t let him devour Velida in this way. Surely, he could have garnered whatever powers she possessed if he had? The crunching and grating sounds of his exoskeleton began at his head, his slathering jaws shrinking and the feeling of bones growing inside his body showering his mind in pain. Taking on a disguise was a much longer, much more grueling process than letting one go, as he just had. It would likely take the rest of the night for his stomach to fully digest the pair of guards and for his body to take their form. Then, he could don their armour and wander about the city unimpeded. Of course, he could have done that without the spell, but with it, he’ll gain most of their memories as well, not just their form. Mother had taught it to him, using her experience in creating his younger sister. He didn’t really understand it, he just knew how to cast the spell to steal their memories as they perished in his stomach. Even through the pain of his metamorphosis, it felt good to finally eat something again. How long had it been since he had eaten that human? Two? Three months? Ugh. Much too long. Hopefully Velida and Brinda would travel somewhere with a bit tastier residents, as reptiles weren’t his favorite dish. Definitely mammals, and if not humans, then hopefully something close, like demi-humans! He licked his now scaled lips at the thought, his new tongue much longer than the old one. It had taken all day, but Cassandra and Lady Ironbark had finally found their way to the city’s more dedicated slave pens. A few torches burned here and there to cast a dreary amount of light on the variously wooden and metallic cages, but it was only enough to ensure that the residents inside could be seen, but enough to show their vacant, terrified, or forlorn expressions. “Come on. Don’t you have any problems you need to get rid of? Runners you need to punish? This Lamia is a guest in your city, and she really wants a live meal!” The city guard, a brown female Lamia eyed Cassandra, gaze resting just a little longer than it needed to on her perky, bare breasts. “For the last time, we don’t give out free meals. If you want to buy one of the slaves, come back during the day and talk to the slave monger. She knows what they’re all worth. I just guard them.” This particular guard seemed to be a bit of a hard liner when it came to the rules, but her well-muscled torso indicated she had the brawn to back up her stance. Ironbark was of half a mind to devour the stubborn Lamia and take a meal from the pens, but that would likely only get Cassandra captured or killed, and she was doing this for the green scaled girl. She sighed heavily, before casting a shifty glance at the two other guards a short distance away, who were chatting idly, unconcerned by the newcomers. It was a prosperous city, and other than the slaves themselves, few people caused many problems. The guards were for the most part pretty relaxed, though they all seemed to be fairly experienced in combat for some reason. It wasn’t as if she had seen many of them fight, but most of them had the air of veterans about them, even some of the younger ones. The Dryad concluded there must have been a recent conflict with humans. As she looked around with her new thought, the slaves themselves did look fairly fresh, as in not second third or fourth generation slaves, like the one she had eaten. These seemed like fresh catches. She lowered her voice a bit, “Well, is there any way we could…help convince you to look the other way? Just for one little slave, I promise. She’s a big girl, but her appetite isn’t that gluttonous.” The Lamia pursed her lips as if she was about to tell Ironbark off again, but Cassandra slithered closer, obviously catching onto Ironbark’s scheme. Her slanted eyes were fluttering, her arms clutched behind her back to push out her breasts a bit, “I’ll do anything to get a taste of human. Anything.” She stated nervously, the implication clear, even if she seemed unable to exude quite the seductive tone she had obviously been going for. The guards’ eyes dropped for only a moment to the offered breasts, and for just a moment, it seemed like her dutiful façade was about to crumble, but then her eyes snapped up and she held her hand out, slithering backwards just a little, “No! I won’t be- “ Suddenly an arm was thrown over her neck, and the clicking of her metal armour against another filled the air as one of the other guards had approached and embraced the stoic woman. Another female, but a dirty tan, almost yellow colour to her scales, grinned at Ironbark and Cassandra, who nervously glanced to her companion. “Oh, what’s this then? Is Old Ironhead here giving you trouble?” The new comer laughed, as the other guard, a male with a dark reddish-brown tail, stopped a pace or two back, watching apathetically. “They’re trying to,” the stubborn initial guard tried to say before she was cut off by the louder, and though a little smaller, more boisterous guard. “I heard, I heard. What’s the problem then? You not interested in a little fun with a wild Lamia? You really don’t see them around these parts very often. If I was you, and I wasn’t married, I’d go down on that fine tail in a heartbeat!” Cassandra blushed a bit at that, “They offered to bang right? What do they want? Just a slave right? We got a ton of them! Nobody’ll miss one! Plus, we got a few we can’t even use, so they’ll just get fed to someone eventually anyway. Lighten up Ironhead!” ‘Ironhead’ pushed the newcomer off of her, hissing a little, “My names not Ironhead! Not anymore…” The second guard seemed to ignore the demure note completely and plowed on, looking back to Cassandra, “You want a slave, right?” The green tailed wild Lamia nodded enthusiastically, and the smaller Lamia grinned, “Then I’ll get you one. Mind you, it won’t be a good one. Probably one of the wounded or skinnier things, but it’ll be a meal for you. Thing is, I’m not gonna give it to ya for free.” Cassandra glanced to Ironbark who inclined her head less than subtly towards the guards. The much larger Lamia nervously slithered a little closer, “Uhm, do you…what do you want me to do?” The first guard gasped as the third guard approached silently and slammed a hand into her back hard enough to almost knock her down, “Loosen up Ironhead here. She lost her lover in the last raid and she’s been the uptight-no-fun coil of snake you see before you ever since. We’d try and help her ourselves, but I prefer my women a bit softer.” “And I’m taken, so that means you’ve got the job!” The second female Lamia finished, almost shouting it to the world. “Would you two shut up! I’m your superior! You can’t just…whore me out like this!” The brown tailed guard growled, glared uselessly at her two brazen comrades. The male chuckled, leaning on his spear nonchalantly, “We’re not whoring you out to her, we’re whoring her out to you,” he gestured between Cassandra and ‘Ironhead’, “Totally different. It’s just some casual sex, what’s the big deal?” The other female chimed in, “Yeah, you’ve been such a drag since we came back. It’s been a month and you never come out drinking with us anymore! I miss our sloppy kisses that neither of us can remember, Mwa mwa mwa!” She finished, by reaching for the other Lamia and making an exaggerated kissy face. The first guard pushed her away, “It’s not-! Gah! Fine! If I fuck this Lamia will you both get off my case!?” The other two guards nodded enthusiastically, chattering their ascent. “Fine. Come with me then.” The guard seized the surprised Cassandra by the wrist and slithered away, to the groan of disappointment from the other female guard. “Aww, I wanted to watch!” “Stow it!” The pair of guards laughed with each other as they turned to Ironbark to make some conversation while they waited for their co-worker to have her fun with Cassandra. “Anyway, my names Rustscale, and this is Manaturn.” The male Lamia introduced them. “Our stubborn captain is Bonesnapper, but she was engaged to our old Captain Ironhelm. What brings the grand protector of Green Arm City to our little oasis?” Lady Ironbark tried not to show her surprise that they knew who she was, “I’ve been corralled into a quest. Neither of you happen to know where to find an all seeing crystal ball, do you?” The guards glanced at each other and shrugged, Manaturn answering, “Not really. Regular guards don’t really deal with magic all that much. You’ll want to talk to the Spell Serpents. They’re the older looking Lamia’s in the grey robes. They hang around the Mana Den mostly.” “Isn’t your father a Spell Serpent?” Rustscale asked Manaturn, who nodded, rolling her eyes. “Yes, unfortunately. I never hear the end of how I let my family down by becoming a ‘lowly soldier’. Is it so bad that I just wanted to stick a blade in my enemy, rather than wave my hands in the air and hope the universe smote him for me?” “I thought it’d be quite a bit of fun to learn how to throw fireballs and all that.” Manaturn chuckled, “Well yeah, but they don’t lead with the good stuff like that. It takes fucking decades of the most boring reading you’ll ever do before they let you even try to channel magic. Then there’s the tests and the research they make you help with. Ugh. I’d rather guard the fucking Black Post than go back to those dusty scrolls.” “That bad? Sheesh.” Ironbark cut in, only barely listening to their conversation, “What’s the Black Post?” The both looked back to her in surprise, almost as if they had forgotten she was there. Manaturn answered first, as she seemed to be the talker. “It’s our furthest outpost. When we first set the place up it was attacked by a fire drake, and while it didn’t quite burn down, it’s been a smoldering black ash pile ever since. They say that for every month you spend at the Black Post, it’ll take two months to get the smell of ash out of your scales.” “Why not just rebuild it?” Ironbark asked, confused as to why the tower would keep burning. “Oh, that’s because the Kobolds are always attacking the damn place. They’re dirty little things, to lizard men what goblins are to Orcs. They believe they’re descended from dragons, and worship them like gods. That’s why that drake got a big head and tried to burn down our outpost. Now they raid it constantly in an attempt to get revenge. I don’t even think they’re smart enough to remember what happened, but they just keep attacking out outpost anyway. Gives the soldiers sent there something to do at least.” “Too bad they taste like shit.” “You’ve had a Kobold? When!?” Manaturn shoved her companion a little, and he chuckled. “I’ve tasted many creatures! I’m not just a pretty face.” Rustscale sniffed with mock indignity. “You’re not even a pretty face! I don’t believe you! Tell me when you ate a Kobold!” Ironbark rolled her eyes and looked away from the two guards, who continued to chatter and bicker about absolutely nothing. She tried to listen for Cassandra, but it seemed like neither of the women were the vocal type. A shame. Bonesnapper lead Cassandra quickly into a store house, slamming the door behind them and plunging the small, grain sack filled room into darkness. Cassandra heard the clink of metal armour being shrugged off and the flutter of cloth against skin before rough, strong arms pulled her into a shockingly passionate embrace. She returned to sudden, blind kiss reluctantly at first, but as the woman held her so tightly, she couldn’t help but feel like the other guards were right and that this Lamia clearly needed some affection. “What’s your name?” The guard asked as she pulled back, her hands exploring Cassandra’s body even as she guided both of them to lay down on some lumpy sacks of grain. “C-Cassandra” “My name is Bonesnapper, so forgive me if I’m a little rough. I haven’t done this in awhile.” Cassandra practically purred as Bonesnapper massaged and kneaded her rough, strong hands over the larger, but softer Lamia’s upper body, intimately exploring her curves and generous body proportions like an experienced lover would. “It feels…. really nice…” Cass tried to offer, biting her lip as she moaned quietly under the well-built Lamia’s ministrations. “Good. Then I haven’t forgotten how to start off. Keep talking.” Cassandra gasped as she felt fingers exploring her scale hidden folds, her arousal slowly revealing her private depths to the darkness. “Oh! That’s…deeper…. please…” Bonesnapper leaned in a kissed Cassandra again, obviously fully in charge of the larger woman. She smiled and moaned happily to herself, “Mmm, you’ve so soft! Are all wild Lamia’s so curvy and sexy?” Cassandra could only gasp now, the skillful, it perhaps a little too forceful, effects at her nethers were overpowering her ability to form whole words. Bonesnapper didn’t seem to care about the answer though, and craned to suckle and lick at Cassandra’s breasts. She slowly kissed her way down the wild Lamia’s stomach, and then Cassandra almost screamed in joy as that serpentine tongue went to work on her lower lips, so much longer and more satisfying than either Velida or Nine had been. Obviously both had felt amazing, and she didn’t fault them for being what they were, but something felt right about having another Lamia licking at her insides. Her hands inevitably clutched desperately at the back of Bonesnapper’s head, gripping at her short, almost non-existent hair. “Deeper! Yes!” Cassandra was lost to the feelings of lust and desperate affection almost right away, and she was a bit vapid to begin with, so she didn’t notice how her body was starting to react to her increased arousal. Muscles she never even knew she had in her hips began to relax, and all at once her mind exploded with pleasure unlike anything she had felt before. Not in all the times she had touched herself or had Velida and Nine play with her. It was like making love for the first time, and really, this was a first for her. The Lamia guard, for her part, grunted in surprise when her entire head was pressed forcefully into the green Lamia’s slit. Cassandra was a lot stronger than she looked, her wild genes making her look softer than she really was. While the guard might have been a stronger one of her kind, her positioning, surprise and inferior size meant she was no match for Cassandra as her literally sucking pussy began to slurp in the guard. Bonesnapper pushed and grabbed at Cassandra desperately, but the lust drunk Lamia just pushed her down, wave after wave of pleasure blocking out any other thoughts as she gasped in surprise with ever now inch of the smaller woman that was fed into her body. It wasn’t until Bonesnapper’s entire upper half was encased in her green scales that Cassandra clued in to what was happening, but she was still much too far gone to care or stop herself. She just hugged at the now flailing tail of her lover, the much short and less prehensile tail sinking into the labia lips with near infinite sensations of pleasure that just never let Cassandra even consider what was going to happen to her lover. She could only push more of the wonderful thing into herself, until she was simply pressing her hands against her own slit, trying to bring herself to a climax that she somehow hadn’t had yet. She was filled to what felt like bursting in both physical and emotional senses. She grunted in effort as the squirming of her insides, the Lamia constricted there as terrified and confused as Cassandra was aroused, continued to excite her, and her own efforts started to bring her to the edge of what had just moments before seemed like a limitless peak of pleasure. A high-pitched whine was all she could emit as her entire body went completely rigid with the mind-blowing rush of bliss that flooded her as she finally crested that peak and began to slide down the other side. She had no idea how long she lay there, still, every muscle rock hard as her insides pulsed around their unsuspecting victim, every side pressing almost painfully inwards towards the similar, but all too different woman. Eventually though, she fell back, spent, as her body finally ran out of stamina to continue cumming around her lover. As she lay back panting, her body slowly began to extrude the Lamia that it had pulled into its depths. The entire ingestion and only lasted a few minutes, but the tail was barely twitching as it was pushed out of Cassandra’s lower lips. Then came her hands, arms, chest, shoulders, and finally her head pushed free, and she gasped weakly, only barely still alive. It was lucky for her that Cassandra had finished quickly, or else she might have suffocated in the green serpents sexual depths. “What…. the…fuck….” She whispered hoarsely, her entire body limp. Bonesnapper had some idea of what had just happened, but no real way of understanding why, or how, or for what reason. What she did know, immediately, was that her entire body felt sore, like she had been savagely beaten or constricted, because she had, and that her skin felt raw and warm, as if the thick, strongly feminine scented juices clinging to it were more than just simple lovemaking lubricant. It was like they were trying to digest her, and she could only wiggle in an attempt to clean herself off, something about the tingling sensation the juices were giving her making her weak and warm, in a very unnatural way. Cassandra panted in the darkness under the guard, the smaller Lamia’s body simply resting atop her, as both tried to consider what had just happened. “Um…. I’m …sorry?” Cassandra tried to offer, unable to really say anything else. “I…. you…” Bonesnapper panted, trying to figure out what to say. She was angry, confused, aroused, exhausted, frightened, all at once, but she wasn’t truly upset with the wild Lamia. If any single thought truly pushed through her half-suffocated brain with any coherency, it was that she was a bit disappointed it was all over so soon. Despite that Cassandra was in much better condition than Bonesnapper, it was the guard who moved first, crawling up into Cassandra more properly to kiss at the surprised girl’s face. “Mmph?!” She tried to ask, but Bonesnapper just continued to kiss her passionately. “Start with my tail this time.” She instructed, her same, if somewhat more exhausted, stern and commanding voice filling the pitch-black space. Cassandra tensed as she felt the end of the much shorter Lamia’s tail poking at her slit, the end squishing in a few inches without much resistance as it finally lined itself up properly. “But y-mph~” A wet hand on her mouth stifled the rest of her protest as the Lamia guard began to feed herself, tail first, into the accepting lower lips of the wild Lamia. Neither of them knew if she was going to be able to come back out, and as almost the entirety of the smaller Lamia’s brown tail entered the green one, bulging it out in the darkness once again, neither had a chance in hell of stopping it. Cassandra was already moaning in total ecstasy again as her body began to pull Bonesnapper back inside. Her mind was going completely blank once again as it succumbed to her bodily wishes. She didn’t even hear the last words of the guard who was feeding herself to the larger Lamia. “It’s fine…I think…I think I’d like it to end this way…I’m tired to living without him…maybe I’ll see him…again…” Anymore words were cut off as Cassandra shoved her head down and into her slit, the limp arms and hands being almost savagely treated to the same shortly after. The wild Lamia lay back panting like a dog in the afternoon sun, body craving orgasmic release once more, but her arms and fingers were much too tired to get herself off again. Even though her body craved release, she was unable to accommodate, and she could only writhe and squirm as Bonesnapper did the same inside her, much less oxygen starved now that she was oriented this way. If it hadn’t been so dark, Cassandra would have been able to see the fairly clear outline of the Lamia beneath her belly scales, much clearer than any lump in her stomach had ever been, the two fleshy sacks very different. It took quite a while this time, her tail swinging back and form as her hands gripped at her breasts and weakly at her lower lips and she moaned and groaned, but eventually that same, utterly incomparable, body rocking climax ripped through her, and Cassandra gasped in exquisite pleasure as the twitching fingers of the Lamia slowly pushed free of her inner folds. The arms, head, upper body and finally the short tail followed, and in a few moments the unconscious Lamia was deposited on the grain next to Cassandra covered head to tail in thick, viscous pussy juices that clung to her tenaciously. The wild Lamia passed out quickly herself, more tired from the twin orgasms than she’d ever been before. She wondered, before her eyes fluttered closed, if Nine or Velida would be willing to descend into her like Bonesnapper had, and hoped desperately that the both would, together. Nine awoke with a start, bolting upright and looking around the room with fright, clutching the blue stone encrusted sword to her bare chest. The cold metal soothed her waking fear, and she slowly calmed, seeing the Drider dozing in the bed across from her. Her dreams had been strange, but already they were fading quickly from her mind. She looked around, unable to remember for just a moment where she was or why she was there, but everything came rushing back. That cold touch of metal quickly spurned away the memories of harsher days, the ones that usually filled the space between sleep and recent, more pleasant memories. She lay back again, not as tired or head as aching as before. She had very little to do now, except wait. Wait for Ironbark and Cassandra. Wait for Velida. She could wait. It was better than running, like she’d done since escaping. Waiting was better than serving. No, she didn’t want to think about that. She sat up a little, to look across the room at Brinda, who was dozing quite comfortably on the bed. “Why are you traveling with Velida? Are you simply attending us to feed upon her memories?” Brinda looked up, obviously as awake as Nine had suspected. No answer came from the three eyed Drider, who remained silent until absolutely required to communicate through her empathic powers. “Your mother instructed you to ensure Velida hunted down the alchemist.” Nine was a bit surprised when Brinda nodded, though she supposed that hardly had to be kept a secret. “Have you seen the memories of what Velida and Ironbark saw in that laboratory?” Again, Brinda nodded. Nine sighed, “Unfortunately, I believe I have also seen such things. It is not as if I can be comfortable with you around, but you should rest easy knowing Velida will stop at nothing to end the Maniac Alchemist. She will not let such a terrible monster run amok.” Brinda nodded, cocking her head to the side, as if wondering what Nine was getting at, and Nine chuckled in response, “You do not speak, so I suppose I feel as if I am able to say anything to you. These are really just my rambling thoughts as we wait for Cassandra and Ironbark. I suspect that horrible plant woman is doing whatever she likes all over the city. I just hope she does not make Cassandra pay for her mistakes. I have some very harsh words for Velida the next time she considers leaving us alone with that thing.” Brinda shrugged, glancing back to the south, as she did occasionally, and Nine sighed wistfully, “I will return to my sleep. I apologize for waking you. I hope you can soon see that Velida will keep her word, and there is no further reason for you to travel with us.” Brinda would have liked to tell the demi-human that she wasn’t going anywhere, that she intended to follow the blue haired princess until the day one or both of them died, but the demonic seeming woman was already breathing more deeply, and the Drider didn’t have any lips, so she would have to be content with thinking it to herself. “So when was the last time you saw Grond? I heard he went off to find another trade- “ “ENOUGH! Don’t you two ever stop talking? How do you guard anything with so much gods damned talking?!” Lady Ironbark roared in the pair of Lamia guards faces. She had been standing there, listening to them go on and on about nothing for hours! Every minute felt like an eternity as she waited for Cassandra to finish have sex with the first guard, the Dryad had already forgotten the names of all of them. “Relax, sheesh. It’s not like we have anything to worry about. The cages are cheeked at the end of every shift, and we’re so far into the city nothing could happen. This is the easiest and most boring guard post in the city.” “I don’t care! Just be quiet. If I have to listen to you two for any longer, I’m going to kill you both.” Ironbark levelled her threat evenly, meaning every syllable, but the two chuckled and shrugged. The female spoke again, though she was looking towards the direction Cassandra and Bonesnapper left, “They have been gone awhile. Should we go check on them?” Rustscale nodded and the trio began to follow the trail of the two-other female Lamia, one much larger than the other. They eventually found a supply shed, and Ironbark pounded on the door. “Cassandra? Are you done yet? I wasn’t planning on being here all night.” The door jerk open, and a very frazzled and messy looking Bonesnapper pushed out past Ironbark, who stepped back in order to avoid contracting whatever stickiness the guard captain was afflicted with. “Get them a slave. I need to go bathe.” She grunted at her two lessers, who had broad, if confused smiles. “Yes ma’am!” Manaturn giggled, only barely able to contain full on laughter as the two quickly slithered away. Bonesnapper glanced at Ironbark, who gave her a very incredulous look. The Lamia looked to be covered in…something, and from the extremely strong smell of Cassandra wafting off of her, it was likely… Cassandra slowly poked her head out of the shed, squinting around at the torches and the pair of women present. “What…how long…” Ironbark helped the wavering serpent extract herself from the shed, pulling one of the Lamia’s arm’s over her shoulder. “What did you do to her? She’s….well I suppose she looks fine.” Ironbark admitted. A vacant, but pleasantly dreary eyed look was set quite solidly into Cassandra’s features, as if she was drunk or truly exhausted. “It was…she…” the guard stuttered, trying to find the words. She shook her head and began to slither away, “Never mind. Just take your slave and go.” Ironbark shook her head, almost shouting after the guard, but decided it would do no good, especially with Cassandra already asleep on her shoulder. It was a simple task for the ridiculously strong Dryad to drag the unconscious Lamia around, but it looked very strange, and it was more annoying than anything. Plus, how was she going to have her meal if she was asleep? Still Ironbark had to admit that the shy and somewhat airheaded Lamia was proving to be full of interesting surprises. King Brandmaker sat up in bed as a guard pounded on his bed chamber door. “What in the sands has you pounding on my door so late?!” He shouted as he reached for his robe, his wife stirring only a little as she rolled over to avoid whatever non-sense her husband now had to deal with. The lizard man made his way slowly to the door, not the young strong specimen he was when he first became King of Kroinheim. Still, he had a few years left in him, though he could feel age robing him of some of his ideas and thoughts, so he was likely to retire soon, a fact the trade princes knew so well. They were all scrambling to be qualified for his position, and most of them certainly had merit. Especially Mancrusher. Not even before Brandmaker had become King had there been so much foreign trade, and it was all due to that intelligent and charismatic serpent. Of course…there was always his brother, Blooddrinker, the least mercantile of all the trade Princes, and yet, was close to the wealthiest. He dealt in the currency of death, and his raids on the human kingdoms were bringing back a steady stream of slaves and precious materials. If he had the bright, optimism of his brother, Blooddrinker would be a shoo-in for King, but as his name would suggest, he wasn’t particularly personable. The pounding came again as the King had lost himself in his own thoughts before reaching it. Shaking himself out of his reverie, he pulled open the door. “Sire! The Great Destroyer wishes to see you in the throne room!” A pair of guards bowed respectfully to their king, as his eyes went wide and his blood ran cold. He was here? How?! There was… As quick as his old scaly bones could carry him, robe fluttering around his ankles, the lizard king rushed to the throne room. He couldn’t keep the God of Death himself waiting and expect good things to happen. It took what felt like an eternity to make it through his palace to the throne room and his clutched at his rapidly beating heart as he sucked air in from the effort of running there as the glowing, shimmering image of Martel looked open from an equally illusory book. “Ah, King Brandmaker. I’m glad to see you’re still in decent health. How fairs your city?” The King of Kroinheim immediately dropped to his knees, prostrating himself completely before the illusory man. Even just the illusion felt as powerful as a raging storm, his weathered old spirit feeling the electricity in the air around him, as if he was about to be struck by lightning, “My city prospers under your guidance, great one. Trade between us and several other cities has begun to flourish, and our city has never been better for it. I beg your mercy.” Martel sighed, “Mercy?” He shook his head, though the King didn’t dare to look up at the man who could end his city with a wave of his hand, even if he was just a slightly see through illusion at the moment. “Well, that’s good then. Maybe I should make contact with the council of Green Arm City, they’re one of your primary trade partners, right?” “Yes, sir! They can provide a nearly endless supply of lumber, medicinal herbs and fruit, and we send them various metals, stone, and meat.” Martel nodded, “Yes well, unfortunately, my visit isn’t just to check up on you. You have a problem within your city.” “L-lord M-Martel…. what could be the problem you…that you speak of?” The old king was shaking now, expecting his great city to come crumbling down around him any second. He didn’t just fear for himself, he feared for his people. They didn’t deserve the fate Martel could grant them. “There is several…things in your city. Things that have a hefty amount of power. Unfortunately, you’re too far from me for me to sense exactly what they are, but there’s at least three, maybe four creatures of great power in your city. I suggest you investigate and deal with whatever they are accordingly. Should you manage to capture any of them, notify me, please.” “You want me to hunt down these creatures and enslave them for you? To break your- “ A gust of wind lifted the prostrate king to his feet and Martel shook his head at the surprised King, “Don’t speak of that. I don’t need them enslaved or anything so drastic, I just like to be aware of the powerful entities skulking around me.” “Can you tell me anything more about them, oh great one? Four powerful creatures isn’t, uhm, much to go on.” Martel nodded, “Good point. Let me try and grab some sort of details for you, shall I?” The illusion looked around, closing his eyes and chanting a low, only barely audible series of strange words King Brandmaker didn’t recognize. The air buzzed with energy for a moment, and Martel nodded a little with his eyes still closed. “There are four. One has a disguise wrapped around his soul, another smells of spring, while the last two….I sense divinity. Bleh.” He opened his eyes looking up now at the slightly taller, even if he was bent a bit with age, Lizard King. “Now that I think about it, they’re probably one or two descendants of the ‘Gods-Blessed’ King. They’ll stand out by their blue hair, be they human or otherwise.” “Children of him?! Isn’t that…” the king trailed off unable to finish his thought without seeing flashes of unholy retribution from Martel. “Like I said, you don’t need to full on capture them if you feel in danger. Just find out for me who they are and what they’re up to. I’m telling you for your safety as much as mine. If you can capture them, I’d prefer to speak with them a bit, but I’m sure if they meant you or your people any harm, you’d already know they were there. That’s all I had to say. Do you need anything from me?” The King nodded slowly, feeling a little awkward standing in the presence of Martel, “The…I’m going to retire soon. That means you will need to choose my successor from the princes. Several are worthy- “ “I’ll deal with that when if happens. Unless you’re stepping down right this moment, I don’t care. Good luck.” The King was left alone in darkness as the glowing illusion winked out of existence, leaving him staring at his own dark, empty throne. He shivered as the chill of the night settled around him, kept at bay by the warm, dangerous presence of Martel. Even the chill of the night didn’t want to come close to him. “Guards! Get me Lord Manaturn, immediately! I have a job for him and his spell serpents.” |
Random Story: Dungeon Crawl Novita glanced around in a mix of wary caution and shifting fear. This was her first job as an adventurer, but she was with experienced and hardened members of the guild, so there was nothing to worry about, right? It was a simple enough job, so the others said. Some long forgotten ruin had some sort of monster move in and now all manner of bad things are happening to towns and farms nearby. Happens all the time, they said. Easy job. Just march in, kill whatever it was, and you’re done! Help keep the world safe and make a bunch of money while you’re at it. Still, now that the group of five adventurers was slowly advancing through the crypt, Novita was having second thoughts about how ‘easy’ this would be. They had gotten attacked by goblins on the way here, but that was easy. She’d killed goblins since before she was an adventurer, the damnable little heathens always trying to steal chickens and goats from their farm, but now that she looked around at all the corpses, some fresh, some not so fresh, it seemed like there was a bit more than ‘some random monster’ in these tunnels. Kalonan, the adventuring scholar that was with their group, had gone on and on about the history of the crypt, and how various lords and whatnot had been laid to rest here over the third Tricetes Era or Dynasty or something. She wasn’t paying attention after the first ten minutes. The only thing she had really cared about was that it was big, old and full of monsters right now, and probably more frequently than anyone knew. Their first hurdle was opening the doors. Oddly enough, whatever was inside had somehow gotten the mechanical doors working and closed them! That was the first thing that set Novita on edge. A monster that lived in a hole just to stay out of the rain was one thing, but one that could operate ancient machinery? Her comrades didn’t share her nerves though, waving it off as luck or maybe even one of the locals trying to keep the monster shut in. She had nodded and agreed, hoping that was the case, but once Brigen, their Halfling mechano, had gotten the doors open, they got into their second fight of the journey. Spiders as large as wolves had leapt out of the darkness of the crypt, a dozen of them pouring out as soon as the doors cracked open. Everyone launched into battle right away, and they killed the spiders pretty easily, but still, it was strike number two in Novita’s mind. That wasn’t even mentioning when Hannah, the woodswoman of their group, had looked over the corpses and didn’t recognize the species of spider. There were certain giant spiders that were common in the area, she said, but most had fur and hair to stay warm during the winter, or digging claws to hibernate underground. These were wicked, black and shiny, like something out of a child’s nightmares. Still, the group forged on and entered the crypt turned spider den. Obviously, the first thing they found was the corpses of wild and farm animals the spiders had stolen or caught. Each was wrapped in white silk, and adhered to the walls or stored in the alcoves that were originally meant for human remains. Novita had gasped when she saw a cocoon shaped like a person, but her comrades held her back from cutting it down. Spiders don’t keep live prey, they said. If it’s cocooned, it means its long dead. As they continued to move through the crypt, there wasn’t nearly as many spider webs or cocoons. It seemed like the spiders they had slain might be the only ones. Their torches flickered, but that was when they found the third, and most damning evidence that something way more dangerous than just ‘some monster’ was in the crypt. The remains of another adventuring party lay about the hall. Novita had never seen so much blood. Orgim, their half orc leader, had knelt down to examine the corpses, inspecting the battle ground with Kalonan. “Shit. This is Jorvos’ crew. I don’t see her, but most of her group is here. Fuck. Something hit them fast and hard. I don’t even think they got a hit in on it.” Kalonan shook his head, lighting up the wall with his palm, “Here. Someone hit it, whatever it was.” A single bolt was stuck into the stone wall under his palm. The bolt was coated in black blood, having dried a while ago. Hannah leaned in to sniff it, flinching back as she did, “Ugh! That’s no beast’s blood. Demon maybe?” Kalonan withdrew some powder from a pouch and sprinkled it onto the bolt. When nothing happened, he shook his head, “No, something else.” Everyone but Novita seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. She was still concerned, even if it wasn’t a demon. “We’ll worry about burying these poor souls after we kill whatever got em. I’m also inclined to look around for Jorvos. If her body isn’t here, she might have gotten away. That’s her bolt after all.” Everyone nodded in agreement as they proceeded with even more caution. Novita tried to forget the scene of blood and gore she had just tip toed around and keep her eyes glued to the darkness before her. Then all hell broke loose. A gust of wind tore down the hallway, so powerful it picked up bones and rocks and knocked the debris off the adventurers, dousing their torches, including the one in Novita’s hand. The hiss of spiders filled the darkness, even before the wind stopped, and Novita felt something smash into her from behind. She rolled with the impact, coming up with her short sword in whatever had landed on her. The spider hissed and batted ineffectually at her as it went through its death throes, but she had killed it! The flash of magic and the boom of an explosion lit the tunnel momentarily as Brigen lobbed a flash bomb and Kalonan a fireball. Hannah screamed as they all saw what had happened. An enormous monster, almost big enough to fill the tunnel, loomed over them. It looked like a Drider, but somehow even more monstrous and cruel than the drawings the adventurer’s guild had shown her. It was like a full on giant spider, with the upper body of a woman sticking from its head. The woman though, wasn’t even very human looking. Her arms were huge sickles, and her ‘face’ was almost entirely covered in four large black eyes, tiny white dots indicating where it was looking. The spider body itself had a pair of nightmarishly clawed hands reaching forwards, both of which were filled with half of Orgim, the proud and seasoned adventurer torn asunder in mere moments. It’s huge, fanged jaws dripped saliva as it fed the still twitching remains of their leader inside. Dozens of the smaller spiders poured from the walls and past the abomination as they all looked on in unrivaled terror. “ABORATION!! RUN!” Kalonan called out, the first to get his wits back as he throw out his hands, a shower of blue sparks erupting from them, causing the smaller spiders to dance backwards in fear, and the larger ones to combust in flames as the sparks hit them and ignited their black hides. Novita tried to jump to her feet and run for her life with the rest, but as she did, she felt a tug on her ankle! She looked down, and in the flickering flames of the burning spiders, she saw her boot ensnared in one of the many spider webs that had lined the tunnels. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at the veritable sea of spider coming towards her. She raised her short sword in defense, but that didn’t stop the damnable creatures from pouring over her. In seconds they had seized and immobilized her, half a dozen sets of fangs sinking into her body in as many places. She lost all control of her limbs instantly, everything going numbs as she could only watch with a glazed expression as the remaining three members of her party fled without her. The spiders scooped her limps form up and began to shuttle her further into the crypt. Her half lidded eyes took in even more horror. Dozens of cocoons, all of them humanoid, lined the walls of this central chamber. Spiders up to twice as large as the ones they had fought at the entrance crawled about every surface, moving cocoons, or eggs, or whatever. Some of the cocoons even seemed to move! Novita tried to scream, tried to fight these terrible creatures, but their venom coursed through every part of her body, preventing her from moving even a finger to prevent whatever they wanted to do with her. She could hear them, skittering across the stone and chattering to each other, like the low roar of wind through leaves. She felt their various legs, barely, stripping her of her equipment, claws tearing at straps and buttons, skillfully removing her hardened leather with ease. If she could feel her body properly, the cool crypt air might have made her shiver, but that was the least of her worries now. She found herself carried into another chamber, a smaller one, and without warning she was dumped onto the floor, rolling to a stop like a rag doll as the spider that had brought her quickly scuttled out of the room, leaving her in relative silence. She strained to discover why they had seemingly left her alone. She couldn’t see any spiders, not that she could turn her head or even move her eyes properly. She tried to listen though, listen for something, anything. The first thing she heard was…moaning? Yes! It sounded exactly like a woman’s moans. But it sounded…Novita’s blood ran cold as she realized the moans weren’t distressed or pained. They were moans of pleasure. Then she felt herself being rolled over, and the world spun as she was faced upwards. “Another one that suits my tastes! And even younger than the last! I’ve gotten so lucky today.” Standing over Novita was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Long, pure white silken hair cascaded down around an elven face of almost the same shade, bright red glowing eyes peering down at her. The foolish adventurer had a flash of hope that she was rescued, for just a moment, but then the woman smiled, and her wicked, monstrous fangs showed through her perfect, thin lips. “Let’s get you up and moving then, shall we?” The woman leaned down, her face inches from Novita’s as her red eyes scanned over the helpless adventurers form. She leaned in even closer, drawing Novita into a kiss. Like fire, her every nerve suddenly exploded into sensation, and the woman released her as she coughed and rolled onto her side, finally able to properly breathe again. That female moaning was still there, and Novita looked up, now able to see everything in the dimly lit chamber. Standing before her was a fully realized Drider. Her naked upper half and spider lower were body completely white, and Novita’s eyes followed the source of the moaning to her spider half, the muffled far away sound of it because it was obviously coming from within the spider woman. “p-please do-“ The drider placed a long nailed hand against her lips, “Shhh, there’s no need to beg for your life. I’m not going to hurt you. Just the opposite. You’re going to join me, to join her, as we continue to build our family.” Novita’s eyes went wide. She didn’t know what the Drider was talking about, but it sounded terrifying. Something warm and wet clamped down over Novita’s feet, and she looked down, seeing the maw like opening where the Drider’s human sex should be engulfing her up to her knees. “Just relax and enjoy your time within me. Your sister is already having quite a bit of fun by herself.” The Drider cooed, hands rubbing over Novita’s shivering body. The poor girl could only watch as more of her was fed into the huge albino monster. The woman moaned as Novita’s hips stretched her open as wide as she could go, a look of lust on her hauntingly beautiful features. Terror at what was happening, at what would soon be happening, at what was going on inside the monster to make the other woman moan like that, it all held Novita in place more effectively than any binding. “I-I-“ Novita squeaked, just as the Drider placed both hands upon the human’s head and shoved the last of her inside the wet, warm embrace of her monstrous body with a cry of pleasure. Novita was guided by the internal muscles, squeezed and pushed, down and down, further into the monster that now held her fate in its hands. She could only whimper as squirm ineffectually, her opportunity to really struggle lost due to her surprise at the beauty of the monster and the bizarre situation. Then she felt her legs being fed into a more open chamber, followed very quickly by the rest of her. Immediately a pair of human hands grabbed onto her and pulled her close. “What are yo-mmph!” She tried to say as the other woman who was trapped inside the Drider kissed her deeply and desperately. Before Novita even knew what was happening, the woman’s hands were groping her body, a pair of fingers pressing at the entrance to her sex. Novita tried to push the woman off of herself, to struggle and fight whatever was happening, but the woman was stronger than her, and her body didn’t seem to have its full strength yet. Maybe the spiders’ poison hadn’t worn off just yet? Whatever the case, the other woman was allowed to do whatever she wished with Novita’s young tender body, even as the Drider’s body began its work on the both of them with gusto. Magical energies began to seep into the pair of naked and trapped women, pressing into their minds and slowly erasing everything that it found there. Novita felt it, tried to fight it, but she was helpless against the twin assaults of physical pleasure from her unexpected lover, and a kind of achingly peaceful mental bliss from the erasure of her memories. The cleansing power of the Drider eased her fear, simply swept it away, which of course made her body feel all the better under the affections of her fellow captive. It only took a few moments, but the girl who had been Novita was gone, an empty shell of lust and carnal desire, just like Jorvos, who was happily lapping at the newcomers pussy. Neither women would ever remember, or care, who they had been, everything they once were completely wiped clean from their minds. The Drider settled into her silken bed to wait for the pair within her to tire themselves out. Once they were asleep, she could begin transforming them into a pair of faithful and powerful servants. Maybe one of them would be strong enough to join her as a fully-fledged Drider, but if not, she could always use more soldiers. |
A short time after she had left to shower, a towel clad and much cleaner Chelsea came marching back into Mint’s room, though she hesitated coming around the corner, as if to check the coast was clear before she walked in this time. “Ok! Nowwhatthefuckjusthappened?” She word vomited so fast Mint couldn’t discern a space between the words. “You….You got eaten by a….Rainbow Raptor.” Mint muttered, still in disbelief. Chelsea stepped closer and took hold of Mint’s shoulders, giving her a shake, “Come on girl, come back to me. Explain what kind of insanity just took place. Tell me I’m not crazy. Tell me right now.” Her calm, controlled voice had just the smallest hint of terror in it. Her touch and presence helped calm Mint too…though her smell was just like… Mint blinked and nodded, “You’re not crazy Chel. I saw it too. I…I don’t know what just happened….” Chelsea smiled a broken, forced smile, clearly on the verge of tears, “Let’s…let’s talk about what we do know. Because if I call the cops, they’re going to lock me up for being crazy.” Mint finally stood, “No! Don’t call anyone! We’re-“ Chelsea cut her off with a finger to her lips, nodded, “No, no, of course we won’t. Come here, I…I need a hug.” Chelsea was much shorter than Mint, and used every opportunity she could to nuzzle her face into Mint’s healthy bust. Her usual horn dog behaviour actually helped relax the tense atmosphere. Mint giggled as Chelsea pulled their bodies close, literally motor boating her dorm mate’s cleavage around the loose fitting tank top she always wore when she was gaming at night. “Ah! All better. Now let’s go sit on the couch and talk this over….before I really do go insane.” Chelsea, still clad in a single, blue towel, pulled her friend into their living room and onto the couch, where she curled up in Mint’s arms. She rested her still very wet blonde head back onto Mint’s cleavage, making her twitch and shiver, but she got used to it quickly. “Ok. So I was eaten by a Rainbow Raptor. Like…really eaten. What is…what is that?” “It’s a character from Jungle Tournament….and New World.” Mint explained briefly. She could explain much, much more about Rainbow Raptor, its stats and abilities coming to mind, as well as many, many online jokes, but she kept that information to herself for now. “From…your video game?! How is that possible?” Mint shook her head, holding her wet friend to her chest, “I don’t know! I was just playing my game and then, pppht the power went out and the next second it was right behind me! I tried to tell you not to come in.” “Well, I’ve certainly learned my lesson about walking in on you. I was just hoping to catch you fingering yourself or something.” “Chelsea!” “Mint, we don’t have time to sweat the small stuff anymore. I was just ingested by a fictional dinosaur. My parents always told me I was destined to witness God’s miracles, but this is a little too much…” Mint shook her head, “Ok, ok, fine, but…I don’t know what else to say! The light came on and it vanished! If you hadn’t been there I’d have thought I was fucking crazy!” The two lay on the couch in a few moments of silence, Chelsea leaning mostly naked, save her carelessly arranged towel, onto Mint, who was doing her best not to look down at the breasts spilling out of said towel. “So there was nothing else? It was there, I walked in a got eaten, and then it was gone. There wasn’t a creepy voice, or like…a demon or anything?” “N-no! It was just the dinosaur! Fuck, are we both crazy?” Mint muttered, still unable to wrap her head around what happened. She also couldn’t stop staring at Chelsea’s rack now, but it wasn’t a sexual feeling. Rather… -Grooowl- Chelsea glanced up at her roommate, raising an eyebrow, “Did you eat a bowl of cereal for dinner again?” “No…” -Grooooooowl!- “Your own stomach is calling you out, liar. Ok. Get something on, let’s go grab something to eat. Maybe if we see some other people, we’ll wake up from this weird dream.” She hesitated to sit up, nestling her head between Mint’s clothed, but still braless breasts, “Mmm, but this part I could get used to.” Mint gave her roommate a shove to free herself from the couch and went to grab some real clothing. She looked around the room, expecting everything to be the way it always was, a little messy, but generally tidy. The ‘destruction’ wrought by the live dino swinging its limbs about were still there though, physical evidence she and Chelsea weren’t just imagining what they had seen. There were claw marks on her bed, on the floor, and the slowly drying puddle of gross liquid was also still there. Mint actually had the bright idea to scoop a little into a small container to store for later, maybe get it tested or something… A persistent beeping brought her attention around. It wasn’t a noise she heard often, since she didn’t usually turn off her computer, ever. As she looked over, it seemed to be starting up again. That was odd…didn’t it start up when the power came back on? She sat down and pulled herself up to her desk, watching the images and text of a normal start up flashing across the twin screens she used to game almost every day. Everything seemed normal until it was about to load the login screen, when it all suddenly powered down, only to fire right back up again, the whole process starting again from the beginning. “Fuck…did a power surge fry my computer?” She moaned, leaning down to check the surge protector power bar. It was still there, but it was only a power bar, maybe the power spike had still done something…She sat up and staring at her from the computer screen was the now all too familiar face of the Rainbow Raptor! “AH!” Mint screamed as she scrambled backwards, falling out of her gaming chair and landing with a ‘splat’ in the puddle of goo she had yet to clean up. She looked up at the screens again, and found only regular start up code flashing too fast for anyone to actually read. Nothing out of the ordinary. “Mint? You almost ready?” Chelsea called through her door, obviously meaning it when she said she wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. “J-just one sec!” Mint called back, now scrambling to find another pair of jeans. Constantly eying the monitors now, but not seeing anything out of the ordinary, like a fucking multi-coloured feathered lizard staring back at her. “Finally. Hey, you ok?” Chelsea’s groan of annoyance was cut short as she noticed how pale Mint looked. “Yeah, let’s just get out of here. I need some fresh air.” Chelsea nodded enthusiastically, “Amen!” The two quickly left their room, and the dorm itself, walking briskly across the campus to the bustling late night hub of fast food restaurants, coffee shops, and clubs that always seemed to exist somewhere in the vicinity of colleges. They didn’t say anything to each other as they walked, not until they’d both sat down on an evening chilled park bench with a steaming order of medium fries from McDonalds. “Ok, you’re a bad liar. What else happened?” Mint could barely look at Chelsea. Every time she did, her mouth began to water, and she couldn’t understand why! Well, it was because Chelsea was delicious, but how did she know that!? “When we were leaving…I saw it on my computer screens…” “Aha! It’s in your computer! M-maybe we can excise it or something? Like…back to the internet or wherever it came from!” Chelsea suggested, chewing on a fry in her excitement. “I don’t think it’s a poltergeist or ghost, Chel.” The green haired girl responded demurely, pulling her green wool cap lower around her ears. There was a chill in the air tonight, but still not enough for snow. That didn’t stop Chelsea from wearing her bright pink and puffy winter jacket of course, with matching pink scarf and ear muffs. She had a colour! “Fine, but if at any point in the near future we find ourselves muttering prayers and holding the bible and slash or a cross, you have to give me head.” “Chelsea!” Mint hissed, elbowing her friend as a passing couple shot the two bench bound women a look. There wasn’t a great deal of people out tonight, it was a school night after all, but not everyone had class the same days, so there was always at least a few on the roam around the campus. “I’m serious! How do you know it won’t work?” “I….” She knew it wouldn’t work because she’d….she’d felt the creature somehow. For a moment, she’d tasted Chelsea, tasted her on the raptor’s tongue. She’d felt the satisfaction of her friend safely tucked away into her sto-it’s stomach. Why was this so confusing? “Mint, please.” She looked up and her friend was giving her a serious, wide eyed look. “Please tell me. I almost died. You have to tell me what you’re thinking right now or….” Not finishing was worse than any one outcome to that sentence. “Ok Ok. I will just…give me a second.” Mint assured her. Where the hell did she start? She took a deep breath, coughing briefly when the chilled air caught in her throat. “Ahem. So, uhm…don’t be mad but…when it ate you….I could taste you.” Chelsea frowned, a look Mint didn’t see often, instantly making her regret telling her anything. “I could taste how good you, uh, tasted! It was like the raptor was telepathic or something. I could feel you squirming around as if you were in my stomach! I was, fuck, I still don’t know what the hell-how the hell it did that!” Chelsea looked away from her friend, giving a passing drunk enough of a stink eye to keep him walking, before she took another serious bite of deep fried potato. “You….you connected with this creature somehow. Is that all? Could you feel anything else from it?” Mint squirmed in place. She hadn’t touched her own fries. The pit in her stomach, the terror that she was going to drive away Chelsea, the only other person in the world she could talk with about the insanity that just took place in her room, with this even wilder strangeness. “N-no. Just…” “What.” Chelsea’s hard tone hit Mint like a physical blow, bringing a trembling tear to her eye. “I…I’m still feeling hungry…” Chelsea glanced to Mint’s cooling and untouched order. “Hungry for what.” There wasn’t a question mark on the end of her sentence. “Ch-chelsea, I….” Mint stuttered, trying to figure out how not to shatter their friendship, when the blonde stood, stepping out and dramatically turning to look boldly into her friends face. The pink clad college student stared her dorm mate down with an intensity the gamer girl had almost never seen before, and one that had never been directed at her personally. “Mint. Are you telling me that you want to eat me, like that dinosaur did?” She couldn’t look away, and she couldn’t lie anymore. Mint slowly nodded, trembling at what Chelsea might do next. Any normal person would either run, or call for help, considering what had happened in their dorm room. At the very least, Chelsea would probably stop talking to her, and move out, doing everything she could to avoid the now predatory college student from then on. “Ok.” Chelsea said, stunning her. The blonde bit her knuckle, an expression of intense concentration as she considered what to do, but Mint watched as she didn’t walk away, or freak out, or…anything bad actually. She was just thinking…fuck she looked so good. Someone screamed and both women looked up. Both watched a wave of darkness approaching as street lights and neon storefronts winked out one after the other in a rapidly approaching event horizon of blackness. Both women came to opposite conclusions. Mint shot to her feet, ready to run, “Chelsea we have to-“ Instead of running, Chelsea seized Mint’s thick sweater excitedly, “Maybe you can connect with it?! Control it somehow! It’s one of the characters in your video game, right?! Maybe it’s still under your control?!” “Wha-“ Mint didn’t have time to respond before they were both plunged into darkness, cursing and loud groans erupting from anyone within earshot as phone screens and lights began to flicker on here and there to illuminate at least the path of their owners. Chelsea followed suit, phone flipped out and camera light on before Mint could even ask what she was talking about. The blonde pulled one of Mint’s arms around her as she scanned the area with the phone, starting near and slowly panning the small beam of light out further and further…until they both saw it. A splash of colour from the shadows. Chelsea tried to follow it with the light, but it dodged out of the way, its heavy footsteps surprisingly hard to pin down in the near total darkness of the late night. Unlike before, when the moon had been out, clouds now made the night total and only Chelsea’s phone could illuminate the monster before them. Mint could still see though. Her green eyes watched the raptor hop and jump about, prancing out of the light as if it was a game. She knew it thought it was a game, because she felt the thrill of playing it in her own chest. When Chelsea finally managed to shine her light on it directly, it hunkered low, its low growl making both women freeze in surprise and fear. “M-mint…c-can you feel it again?” Chelsea asked in a shakey voice as the growling dinosaur began to step closer, slowly, deliberately. “Y-yeah.” Mint answered, just as terrified. She could feel it alright, and its hunger was the strongest thing she’d ever felt in her life. It felt like she was going to go crazy if she had to continue to be this hungry for another minute. She needed something to eat! Something warm, and soft, and meaty… Chelsea gave a muffled protest as Mint’s arm clung up around her throat, pulling tight against her airway. “M-Mint?” She managed to breathe, her phone dropping to the ground with a clatter as her so called friend began to strangle her with a surprising and strong choke hold. The Raptor smiled, and Mint smiled with it. Yes! The two of them would feast so well on this smaller, squishy prey! Then they would hunt more! The park light flicked on overhead and Chelsea tore Mint’s arm away from her throat, gasping for air. “HAAAAAH!!!” She breathed, falling to her knees as she tried to catch her breath, reaching for her phone even as she coughed. Mint blinked, dumbstruck for a second, then everything that had just happened snapped into her brain like a whip. “Chelsea! I’m sososo sorry! Plea-“ “Got it!” Chelsea croaked, smiling up at her friend. “G-got it?” Chelsea coughed again, but held up her phone to show Mint the recording she’d just taken of the Rainbow Raptor, hoping back and forth, her phone’s night vision camera capturing the half bird, half reptile beast with ease. Mint didn’t really care about that, though the video was amazing proof that neither of them were insane. The power outage had barely been a minute, and yet she’d almost… “Are you ok?” Mint asked, crouching beside her friend, afraid to reach out and touch her. Chelsea nodded, giving her the thumbs up as she got to her feet. “You surprised me. I didn’t think you were that strong.” “Really? Aren’t you…aren’t you mad at me?” “Mad? At you? Why?” Chelsea blinked, not understanding what Mint was asking. Mint ran all her fingers through her hair, trying to sooth the feeling that her head was going to explode, “I just tried to feed you to it! I….I wasn’t in control at all! It was!” She shouted, a few people looking in their direction curiously. Chelsea gave them her surprisingly effective glare and grabbed Mint’s hand, pulling her into a double time walk. “For now! Come on. I want to test something.” Mint was dumbstruck. She let her friend pull her along, unable to comprehend why Chelsea wasn’t taking her to the police. Actually, where was Chelsea taking her? She looked up, the agriculture building looming over them as Chelsea pushed open the front doors, leading her in past a few students studying in the lobby. They gave the hand holding pair of fast walking women knowing, scandalous glances, but continued their work without asking questions of the pair. Mint had so much bigger things to worry about than the rumours that already existed of her and Chelsea’s wild lesbian romance. “The agriculture department has an independent power source for some experimental crops or whatever. Apparently they had this problem a few years ago, and lost a whole graduate studies department worth of work to lack of power. The hospital has one too, but I would feel back if we cut someone’s life support or something.” Chelsea quietly explained her reasoning. “Wait…you think I’m causing the black outs?” Chelsea shrugged, still tugging Mint through the halls, now approaching the school’s clear sided, moisture lined greenhouse wing. “Doesn’t matter! Either you are, and the power will go out here too, and the raptor will pop out of wherever it’s coming from again, or the power will stay on and it won’t appear, OR the power will stay on, but because the general power grid goes out, it’ll still show up, which will tell us…uh, something?” “But if it shows up again-“ “It’s fine! Now that I think about it, it ate me whole, right? And once the power came back, I just fell out of its stomach, no harm done! It’s fine if it eats me, as long as the power doesn’t stay off too long. The most important thing is that you learn how to control it!” They finally came to a stop in the middle of the hallway, smack dap between two large green house doors. Each green house was locked at night, but the whole wing was hooked into the backup generators, so this spot would no doubt work for their experiment, or rather, Chelsea’s experiment. No sooner had they come to a stop than the lights flickered, once, twice, and then went out. “Mint?” “It’s….here.” She breathed, her eyes somehow piercing the darkness and locking with the Rainbow Raptors. It shook its entire body; it’s every coloured plumage shimmering to Mint’s eyes only, somehow. It found the sudden changes in location terribly disorienting, looking to her quizzically for…some reason. She could only stare back with a mix of terror and stark fear. It responded to her emotions with more confusion, cocking its head a full ninety degrees to the left as it watched her with large, rainbow filled and, curious eyes. This was it! The Rainbow Raptor. How many times had she played this big guy in her game, and never really understood how tall he was? Easily three meters tall, and a full three meters long, without counting the long, feathered tail that extended another swinging three and a half meters. It was probably a full ton of muscle, teeth, blood, bones, and feathers, though the latter probably was the smaller fraction of its mass. It had the likeness of what everyone assumed a raptor to be, strong, agile legs, an avian strut to its step, and vicious, hooked claws for securing its prey. Its arms were a bit longer than one would assume, thick bundles of feathers lining each in a sort of precursor to wings. There was a lot of plumage there, but nothing close to flight worthy. Heck, it couldn’t even glide, but they did provide enough resistance to give it some extra manoeuvrability when it was running, or taking its signature huge leaps across the battlefield. Its head and jaws were the classic, long, reptilian dinosaur jaw with sharp, triangular teeth that were capable of biting through steel. They had to be, because one of the human characters of the game wore a suit of technological armour. Chelsea’s phone light clicked on again, and her voice filled the hallway, “I’m Chelsea Lighthouse and this is the third time tonight that my room mat-“ “Chelsea, shut up!” Mint hissed, not breaking eye contract with the raptor. So far, it hadn’t noticed Chelsea, standing just behind her from it this time, though Chelsea still had no idea where it was, though her phone was slowly scanning the room, the light off, thank god. It stepped closer, its claws clicking loudly on the tile floor, a crunching sound following after as it’s full weight slightly crushed the floor only meant for human egress. Mint held her ground, something telling her that if she backed down now, she’d never get another chance. Another chance at what? The raptor’s face loomed closer, at arms-length, then closer, then barely a hand’s length, then…it nuzzled against her face. She felt…warmth, spreading through her at the touch, her mind filled with strange, foreign feelings and thoughts. Chase, hunt, eat. Leaves and branches, ferns and rocks racing past at lightning speeds. The snap of wind upon her feathers, blood upon her lips, the thrill of the hunt filling her breast, the one emotion she knew very well. That was what connected them. She’d felt that thrill, the epic, unmatched challenge of surviving life itself, as everyone around her struggled with the same challenges. The fear of being conquered, and the pride of being the conqueror! Her heart fluttered as she felt it understanding their connection, just as she was, the raptor’s simpler, more focused mind latching onto her existence much faster than she could comprehend its function and purpose. Mint watched Chelsea continuing to scan the hall for the predator. She wasn’t fac-it was the Raptor’s vision. She felt dizzy at suddenly having a second set of eyes, both of which could now see in the pitch black darkness for some reason, but her heart rate rose to a fever pitch. The Raptor wanted to eat Chelsea. It already had once. They both knew she was easy prey. Mint watched, without turning her head, as Chelsea’s phone slowly panned to the right angle, taking in the Raptor resting it’s huge head on Mint’s shoulder. It tensed, getting ready to step around Mint, to lunge and finally put this wonderful smelling and marvellously tasting bundle of meat where it belonged, but an arm caught around its neck. Mint’s finger’s spread between its signature rainbow feathers, holding it against her. “Friend.” She whispered to it. It responded with confused squeaks of discontent. It understood that she didn’t want it to eat the other human, but not why. It didn’t understand ‘friend’. Its hunger pushed at her mind, threatening to overwhelm her, like it had the last time it appeared. “Mate!” Mint cried out desperately, mind racing to anything to save her friend from the monster. Something whispered at the back of her mind that if the Rainbow Raptor ate Chelsea again, she wouldn’t just plop to the ground when it disappeared. The Raptor let out a grunt of surprise, sniffing the air tentatively. It was still confused, since it assumed both of the humans before it were female, so them being mates didn’t make sense, but Mint’s feelings of love and bonding to the other human didn’t lie, and it could feel how strongly she wanted to protect the smaller woman. It accepted her reasoning, even if it didn’t totally understand. Mint breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you.” She whiserped to it, and it rubbed its cheek against her while head, knocking off her woollen cap. This time, so connected to it, Mint felt the power returning, just a few moments before light flooded the hallway and the Raptor was gone. Gone in body, perhaps, but the warmth on her cheek didn’t disappear, Mint able to feel it’s heart beating next to her own, like a ghost and yet still alive… “Holy Fuck! Mint….your face!” Mint looked up at the exclamation, having forgotten where she was for a moment, lost in the sensation of the other being inside her own. Chelsea clicked a button and whirled the phone around, letting Mint take in her own appearance. The left side of her face, from the neck all the way to her forehead, had changed from light, pale, caucasion skin, to dark, leathery reptile scales, and her once bright green eye was now a tell-tale vertical slit, the rest of her cornea a rainbow of bright, shimmering colours. She thought she was dreaming for a moment, but then the eye blinked when she blinked it, and her mind just accepted that it was real. “uuuuuh….Fuck.” |
A short time after she had left to shower, a towel clad and much cleaner Chelsea came marching back into Mint’s room, though she hesitated coming around the corner, as if to check the coast was clear before she walked in this time. “Ok! Nowwhatthefuckjusthappened?” She word vomited so fast Mint couldn’t discern a space between the words. “You….You got eaten by a….Rainbow Raptor.” Mint muttered, still in disbelief. Chelsea stepped closer and took hold of Mint’s shoulders, giving her a shake, “Come on girl, come back to me. Explain what kind of insanity just took place. Tell me I’m not crazy. Tell me right now.” Her calm, controlled voice had just the smallest hint of terror in it. Her touch and presence helped calm Mint too…though her smell was just like… Mint blinked and nodded, “You’re not crazy Chel. I saw it too. I…I don’t know what just happened….” Chelsea smiled a broken, forced smile, clearly on the verge of tears, “Let’s…let’s talk about what we do know. Because if I call the cops, they’re going to lock me up for being crazy.” Mint finally stood, “No! Don’t call anyone! We’re-“ Chelsea cut her off with a finger to her lips, nodded, “No, no, of course we won’t. Come here, I…I need a hug.” Chelsea was much shorter than Mint, and used every opportunity she could to nuzzle her face into Mint’s healthy bust. Her usual horn dog behaviour actually helped relax the tense atmosphere. Mint giggled as Chelsea pulled their bodies close, literally motor boating her dorm mate’s cleavage around the loose fitting tank top she always wore when she was gaming at night. “Ah! All better. Now let’s go sit on the couch and talk this over….before I really do go insane.” Chelsea, still clad in a single, blue towel, pulled her friend into their living room and onto the couch, where she curled up in Mint’s arms. She rested her still very wet blonde head back onto Mint’s cleavage, making her twitch and shiver, but she got used to it quickly. “Ok. So I was eaten by a Rainbow Raptor. Like…really eaten. What is…what is that?” “It’s a character from Jungle Tournament….and New World.” Mint explained briefly. She could explain much, much more about Rainbow Raptor, its stats and abilities coming to mind, as well as many, many online jokes, but she kept that information to herself for now. “From…your video game?! How is that possible?” Mint shook her head, holding her wet friend to her chest, “I don’t know! I was just playing my game and then, pppht the power went out and the next second it was right behind me! I tried to tell you not to come in.” “Well, I’ve certainly learned my lesson about walking in on you. I was just hoping to catch you fingering yourself or something.” “Chelsea!” “Mint, we don’t have time to sweat the small stuff anymore. I was just ingested by a fictional dinosaur. My parents always told me I was destined to witness God’s miracles, but this is a little too much…” Mint shook her head, “Ok, ok, fine, but…I don’t know what else to say! The light came on and it vanished! If you hadn’t been there I’d have thought I was fucking crazy!” The two lay on the couch in a few moments of silence, Chelsea leaning mostly naked, save her carelessly arranged towel, onto Mint, who was doing her best not to look down at the breasts spilling out of said towel. “So there was nothing else? It was there, I walked in a got eaten, and then it was gone. There wasn’t a creepy voice, or like…a demon or anything?” “N-no! It was just the dinosaur! Fuck, are we both crazy?” Mint muttered, still unable to wrap her head around what happened. She also couldn’t stop staring at Chelsea’s rack now, but it wasn’t a sexual feeling. Rather… -Grooowl- Chelsea glanced up at her roommate, raising an eyebrow, “Did you eat a bowl of cereal for dinner again?” “No…” -Grooooooowl!- “Your own stomach is calling you out, liar. Ok. Get something on, let’s go grab something to eat. Maybe if we see some other people, we’ll wake up from this weird dream.” She hesitated to sit up, nestling her head between Mint’s clothed, but still braless breasts, “Mmm, but this part I could get used to.” Mint gave her roommate a shove to free herself from the couch and went to grab some real clothing. She looked around the room, expecting everything to be the way it always was, a little messy, but generally tidy. The ‘destruction’ wrought by the live dino swinging its limbs about were still there though, physical evidence she and Chelsea weren’t just imagining what they had seen. There were claw marks on her bed, on the floor, and the slowly drying puddle of gross liquid was also still there. Mint actually had the bright idea to scoop a little into a small container to store for later, maybe get it tested or something… A persistent beeping brought her attention around. It wasn’t a noise she heard often, since she didn’t usually turn off her computer, ever. As she looked over, it seemed to be starting up again. That was odd…didn’t it start up when the power came back on? She sat down and pulled herself up to her desk, watching the images and text of a normal start up flashing across the twin screens she used to game almost every day. Everything seemed normal until it was about to load the login screen, when it all suddenly powered down, only to fire right back up again, the whole process starting again from the beginning. “Fuck…did a power surge fry my computer?” She moaned, leaning down to check the surge protector power bar. It was still there, but it was only a power bar, maybe the power spike had still done something…She sat up and staring at her from the computer screen was the now all too familiar face of the Rainbow Raptor! “AH!” Mint screamed as she scrambled backwards, falling out of her gaming chair and landing with a ‘splat’ in the puddle of goo she had yet to clean up. She looked up at the screens again, and found only regular start up code flashing too fast for anyone to actually read. Nothing out of the ordinary. “Mint? You almost ready?” Chelsea called through her door, obviously meaning it when she said she wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. “J-just one sec!” Mint called back, now scrambling to find another pair of jeans. Constantly eying the monitors now, but not seeing anything out of the ordinary, like a fucking multi-coloured feathered lizard staring back at her. “Finally. Hey, you ok?” Chelsea’s groan of annoyance was cut short as she noticed how pale Mint looked. “Yeah, let’s just get out of here. I need some fresh air.” Chelsea nodded enthusiastically, “Amen!” The two quickly left their room, and the dorm itself, walking briskly across the campus to the bustling late night hub of fast food restaurants, coffee shops, and clubs that always seemed to exist somewhere in the vicinity of colleges. They didn’t say anything to each other as they walked, not until they’d both sat down on an evening chilled park bench with a steaming order of medium fries from McDonalds. “Ok, you’re a bad liar. What else happened?” Mint could barely look at Chelsea. Every time she did, her mouth began to water, and she couldn’t understand why! Well, it was because Chelsea was delicious, but how did she know that!? “When we were leaving…I saw it on my computer screens…” “Aha! It’s in your computer! M-maybe we can excise it or something? Like…back to the internet or wherever it came from!” Chelsea suggested, chewing on a fry in her excitement. “I don’t think it’s a poltergeist or ghost, Chel.” The green haired girl responded demurely, pulling her green wool cap lower around her ears. There was a chill in the air tonight, but still not enough for snow. That didn’t stop Chelsea from wearing her bright pink and puffy winter jacket of course, with matching pink scarf and ear muffs. She had a colour! “Fine, but if at any point in the near future we find ourselves muttering prayers and holding the bible and slash or a cross, you have to give me head.” “Chelsea!” Mint hissed, elbowing her friend as a passing couple shot the two bench bound women a look. There wasn’t a great deal of people out tonight, it was a school night after all, but not everyone had class the same days, so there was always at least a few on the roam around the campus. “I’m serious! How do you know it won’t work?” “I….” She knew it wouldn’t work because she’d….she’d felt the creature somehow. For a moment, she’d tasted Chelsea, tasted her on the raptor’s tongue. She’d felt the satisfaction of her friend safely tucked away into her sto-it’s stomach. Why was this so confusing? “Mint, please.” She looked up and her friend was giving her a serious, wide eyed look. “Please tell me. I almost died. You have to tell me what you’re thinking right now or….” Not finishing was worse than any one outcome to that sentence. “Ok Ok. I will just…give me a second.” Mint assured her. Where the hell did she start? She took a deep breath, coughing briefly when the chilled air caught in her throat. “Ahem. So, uhm…don’t be mad but…when it ate you….I could taste you.” Chelsea frowned, a look Mint didn’t see often, instantly making her regret telling her anything. “I could taste how good you, uh, tasted! It was like the raptor was telepathic or something. I could feel you squirming around as if you were in my stomach! I was, fuck, I still don’t know what the hell-how the hell it did that!” Chelsea looked away from her friend, giving a passing drunk enough of a stink eye to keep him walking, before she took another serious bite of deep fried potato. “You….you connected with this creature somehow. Is that all? Could you feel anything else from it?” Mint squirmed in place. She hadn’t touched her own fries. The pit in her stomach, the terror that she was going to drive away Chelsea, the only other person in the world she could talk with about the insanity that just took place in her room, with this even wilder strangeness. “N-no. Just…” “What.” Chelsea’s hard tone hit Mint like a physical blow, bringing a trembling tear to her eye. “I…I’m still feeling hungry…” Chelsea glanced to Mint’s cooling and untouched order. “Hungry for what.” There wasn’t a question mark on the end of her sentence. “Ch-chelsea, I….” Mint stuttered, trying to figure out how not to shatter their friendship, when the blonde stood, stepping out and dramatically turning to look boldly into her friends face. The pink clad college student stared her dorm mate down with an intensity the gamer girl had almost never seen before, and one that had never been directed at her personally. “Mint. Are you telling me that you want to eat me, like that dinosaur did?” She couldn’t look away, and she couldn’t lie anymore. Mint slowly nodded, trembling at what Chelsea might do next. Any normal person would either run, or call for help, considering what had happened in their dorm room. At the very least, Chelsea would probably stop talking to her, and move out, doing everything she could to avoid the now predatory college student from then on. “Ok.” Chelsea said, stunning her. The blonde bit her knuckle, an expression of intense concentration as she considered what to do, but Mint watched as she didn’t walk away, or freak out, or…anything bad actually. She was just thinking…fuck she looked so good. Someone screamed and both women looked up. Both watched a wave of darkness approaching as street lights and neon storefronts winked out one after the other in a rapidly approaching event horizon of blackness. Both women came to opposite conclusions. Mint shot to her feet, ready to run, “Chelsea we have to-“ Instead of running, Chelsea seized Mint’s thick sweater excitedly, “Maybe you can connect with it?! Control it somehow! It’s one of the characters in your video game, right?! Maybe it’s still under your control?!” “Wha-“ Mint didn’t have time to respond before they were both plunged into darkness, cursing and loud groans erupting from anyone within earshot as phone screens and lights began to flicker on here and there to illuminate at least the path of their owners. Chelsea followed suit, phone flipped out and camera light on before Mint could even ask what she was talking about. The blonde pulled one of Mint’s arms around her as she scanned the area with the phone, starting near and slowly panning the small beam of light out further and further…until they both saw it. A splash of colour from the shadows. Chelsea tried to follow it with the light, but it dodged out of the way, its heavy footsteps surprisingly hard to pin down in the near total darkness of the late night. Unlike before, when the moon had been out, clouds now made the night total and only Chelsea’s phone could illuminate the monster before them. Mint could still see though. Her green eyes watched the raptor hop and jump about, prancing out of the light as if it was a game. She knew it thought it was a game, because she felt the thrill of playing it in her own chest. When Chelsea finally managed to shine her light on it directly, it hunkered low, its low growl making both women freeze in surprise and fear. “M-mint…c-can you feel it again?” Chelsea asked in a shakey voice as the growling dinosaur began to step closer, slowly, deliberately. “Y-yeah.” Mint answered, just as terrified. She could feel it alright, and its hunger was the strongest thing she’d ever felt in her life. It felt like she was going to go crazy if she had to continue to be this hungry for another minute. She needed something to eat! Something warm, and soft, and meaty… Chelsea gave a muffled protest as Mint’s arm clung up around her throat, pulling tight against her airway. “M-Mint?” She managed to breathe, her phone dropping to the ground with a clatter as her so called friend began to strangle her with a surprising and strong choke hold. The Raptor smiled, and Mint smiled with it. Yes! The two of them would feast so well on this smaller, squishy prey! Then they would hunt more! The park light flicked on overhead and Chelsea tore Mint’s arm away from her throat, gasping for air. “HAAAAAH!!!” She breathed, falling to her knees as she tried to catch her breath, reaching for her phone even as she coughed. Mint blinked, dumbstruck for a second, then everything that had just happened snapped into her brain like a whip. “Chelsea! I’m sososo sorry! Plea-“ “Got it!” Chelsea croaked, smiling up at her friend. “G-got it?” Chelsea coughed again, but held up her phone to show Mint the recording she’d just taken of the Rainbow Raptor, hoping back and forth, her phone’s night vision camera capturing the half bird, half reptile beast with ease. Mint didn’t really care about that, though the video was amazing proof that neither of them were insane. The power outage had barely been a minute, and yet she’d almost… “Are you ok?” Mint asked, crouching beside her friend, afraid to reach out and touch her. Chelsea nodded, giving her the thumbs up as she got to her feet. “You surprised me. I didn’t think you were that strong.” “Really? Aren’t you…aren’t you mad at me?” “Mad? At you? Why?” Chelsea blinked, not understanding what Mint was asking. Mint ran all her fingers through her hair, trying to sooth the feeling that her head was going to explode, “I just tried to feed you to it! I….I wasn’t in control at all! It was!” She shouted, a few people looking in their direction curiously. Chelsea gave them her surprisingly effective glare and grabbed Mint’s hand, pulling her into a double time walk. “For now! Come on. I want to test something.” Mint was dumbstruck. She let her friend pull her along, unable to comprehend why Chelsea wasn’t taking her to the police. Actually, where was Chelsea taking her? She looked up, the agriculture building looming over them as Chelsea pushed open the front doors, leading her in past a few students studying in the lobby. They gave the hand holding pair of fast walking women knowing, scandalous glances, but continued their work without asking questions of the pair. Mint had so much bigger things to worry about than the rumours that already existed of her and Chelsea’s wild lesbian romance. “The agriculture department has an independent power source for some experimental crops or whatever. Apparently they had this problem a few years ago, and lost a whole graduate studies department worth of work to lack of power. The hospital has one too, but I would feel back if we cut someone’s life support or something.” Chelsea quietly explained her reasoning. “Wait…you think I’m causing the black outs?” Chelsea shrugged, still tugging Mint through the halls, now approaching the school’s clear sided, moisture lined greenhouse wing. “Doesn’t matter! Either you are, and the power will go out here too, and the raptor will pop out of wherever it’s coming from again, or the power will stay on and it won’t appear, OR the power will stay on, but because the general power grid goes out, it’ll still show up, which will tell us…uh, something?” “But if it shows up again-“ “It’s fine! Now that I think about it, it ate me whole, right? And once the power came back, I just fell out of its stomach, no harm done! It’s fine if it eats me, as long as the power doesn’t stay off too long. The most important thing is that you learn how to control it!” They finally came to a stop in the middle of the hallway, smack dap between two large green house doors. Each green house was locked at night, but the whole wing was hooked into the backup generators, so this spot would no doubt work for their experiment, or rather, Chelsea’s experiment. No sooner had they come to a stop than the lights flickered, once, twice, and then went out. “Mint?” “It’s….here.” She breathed, her eyes somehow piercing the darkness and locking with the Rainbow Raptors. It shook its entire body; it’s every coloured plumage shimmering to Mint’s eyes only, somehow. It found the sudden changes in location terribly disorienting, looking to her quizzically for…some reason. She could only stare back with a mix of terror and stark fear. It responded to her emotions with more confusion, cocking its head a full ninety degrees to the left as it watched her with large, rainbow filled and, curious eyes. This was it! The Rainbow Raptor. How many times had she played this big guy in her game, and never really understood how tall he was? Easily three meters tall, and a full three meters long, without counting the long, feathered tail that extended another swinging three and a half meters. It was probably a full ton of muscle, teeth, blood, bones, and feathers, though the latter probably was the smaller fraction of its mass. It had the likeness of what everyone assumed a raptor to be, strong, agile legs, an avian strut to its step, and vicious, hooked claws for securing its prey. Its arms were a bit longer than one would assume, thick bundles of feathers lining each in a sort of precursor to wings. There was a lot of plumage there, but nothing close to flight worthy. Heck, it couldn’t even glide, but they did provide enough resistance to give it some extra manoeuvrability when it was running, or taking its signature huge leaps across the battlefield. Its head and jaws were the classic, long, reptilian dinosaur jaw with sharp, triangular teeth that were capable of biting through steel. They had to be, because one of the human characters of the game wore a suit of technological armour. Chelsea’s phone light clicked on again, and her voice filled the hallway, “I’m Chelsea Lighthouse and this is the third time tonight that my room mat-“ “Chelsea, shut up!” Mint hissed, not breaking eye contract with the raptor. So far, it hadn’t noticed Chelsea, standing just behind her from it this time, though Chelsea still had no idea where it was, though her phone was slowly scanning the room, the light off, thank god. It stepped closer, its claws clicking loudly on the tile floor, a crunching sound following after as it’s full weight slightly crushed the floor only meant for human egress. Mint held her ground, something telling her that if she backed down now, she’d never get another chance. Another chance at what? The raptor’s face loomed closer, at arms-length, then closer, then barely a hand’s length, then…it nuzzled against her face. She felt…warmth, spreading through her at the touch, her mind filled with strange, foreign feelings and thoughts. Chase, hunt, eat. Leaves and branches, ferns and rocks racing past at lightning speeds. The snap of wind upon her feathers, blood upon her lips, the thrill of the hunt filling her breast, the one emotion she knew very well. That was what connected them. She’d felt that thrill, the epic, unmatched challenge of surviving life itself, as everyone around her struggled with the same challenges. The fear of being conquered, and the pride of being the conqueror! Her heart fluttered as she felt it understanding their connection, just as she was, the raptor’s simpler, more focused mind latching onto her existence much faster than she could comprehend its function and purpose. Mint watched Chelsea continuing to scan the hall for the predator. She wasn’t fac-it was the Raptor’s vision. She felt dizzy at suddenly having a second set of eyes, both of which could now see in the pitch black darkness for some reason, but her heart rate rose to a fever pitch. The Raptor wanted to eat Chelsea. It already had once. They both knew she was easy prey. Mint watched, without turning her head, as Chelsea’s phone slowly panned to the right angle, taking in the Raptor resting it’s huge head on Mint’s shoulder. It tensed, getting ready to step around Mint, to lunge and finally put this wonderful smelling and marvellously tasting bundle of meat where it belonged, but an arm caught around its neck. Mint’s finger’s spread between its signature rainbow feathers, holding it against her. “Friend.” She whispered to it. It responded with confused squeaks of discontent. It understood that she didn’t want it to eat the other human, but not why. It didn’t understand ‘friend’. Its hunger pushed at her mind, threatening to overwhelm her, like it had the last time it appeared. “Mate!” Mint cried out desperately, mind racing to anything to save her friend from the monster. Something whispered at the back of her mind that if the Rainbow Raptor ate Chelsea again, she wouldn’t just plop to the ground when it disappeared. The Raptor let out a grunt of surprise, sniffing the air tentatively. It was still confused, since it assumed both of the humans before it were female, so them being mates didn’t make sense, but Mint’s feelings of love and bonding to the other human didn’t lie, and it could feel how strongly she wanted to protect the smaller woman. It accepted her reasoning, even if it didn’t totally understand. Mint breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you.” She whiserped to it, and it rubbed its cheek against her while head, knocking off her woollen cap. This time, so connected to it, Mint felt the power returning, just a few moments before light flooded the hallway and the Raptor was gone. Gone in body, perhaps, but the warmth on her cheek didn’t disappear, Mint able to feel it’s heart beating next to her own, like a ghost and yet still alive… “Holy Fuck! Mint….your face!” Mint looked up at the exclamation, having forgotten where she was for a moment, lost in the sensation of the other being inside her own. Chelsea clicked a button and whirled the phone around, letting Mint take in her own appearance. The left side of her face, from the neck all the way to her forehead, had changed from light, pale, caucasion skin, to dark, leathery reptile scales, and her once bright green eye was now a tell-tale vertical slit, the rest of her cornea a rainbow of bright, shimmering colours. She thought she was dreaming for a moment, but then the eye blinked when she blinked it, and her mind just accepted that it was real. “uuuuuh….Fuck.” |
Takes One to Know One Part 3 of Snake in the Grass Githan helped Vynia put Hellana’s now unneeded robes on as best he could. The heavy, purple garment would be helpful for what came next, since the pair of them had to escape before the knights stormed in. They probably only had a few minutes. “Ready?” She grimaced, “There’s…no real choice…is there?” He could understand her reluctance, but if being beaten all night didn’t leave the elf with enough strength to hang onto his scaled hide, he’d need to carry her. Being a snake, he didn’t have many convenient ways to do that. “Lay down.” She did as she was told and he carefully, gently, eased himself forwards, her feet the first thing to squish into his wet, clutching throat. She grimaced and looked away, not at all pleased to see herself slowly being gulped down by the large snake. Obviously the plan wasn’t to devour her, not completely. He would pull most of her into his throat, and keep her there. Nearly her entire upper body, what had taken the worst of the beating, could fit inside his mouth so he wouldn’t even be compressing her too much. She wasn’t nearly big enough to block his breathing, even at her widest, so this would be the best way to carry her out of the city. “Nnngh…” She groaned as he gingerly gulped her down enough to lift her off the floor. Most of her now fit within his jaws, but it was hard to see if it was enough, as she was inside his jaws. He couldn’t speak, so he just had to try to do it by feel and gulped a little more of her into his throat, maybe up to her hips? The robes made tasting or feeling exactly where she was difficult. Her uncomfortable shifting helped some. It was lucky he’d just eaten Hellana, the mystic previous owner of the robes, or else his gullet probably wouldn’t be able to resist the tender morsel shifting about on his tongue. Very, Very carefully, he closed his jaws to test if she was all the way inside, and her muffled protests confirmed that she was. It was more uncomfortable to resist gulping her down, a small trickle of saliva slipping from the corners of his jaws, but he could manage. Without further delay, he was off, no more time to waste. Every moment they delayed would be more dangerous. He stuck his head out the window and looked around, there were only a few soldiers in sight, but just a glimpse of him sent them into a flurry of motion. A massive bow he hadn’t seen the night before had been set up on another part of the prison, and the handful of operators struggled to get it into position to fire. It looked dangerous, so he turned and slithered up, intent on making his way to the roof and slithering over to take care of the ballista. A torrent of burning oil came rushing over the edge of the building, but he managed to pull his head away from the wall in time. The boiling liquid sloughed off his scales with minimal effect, but such an attack would have blinded him if it had hit him squarely in the face. They likely expected him to pull back, because no more liquid was coming as he rushed up the wall. Normally, there would have been no purchase on the slick, oil covered, flat, vertical stone wall, but he wasn’t climbing so much as just extending his body upwards. He was more than long enough to reach the roof, only a story above the second floor, with plenty of snake to spare. He pushed the heavy cauldron aside as he came over the lip of the roof. The massive metal bowl stumbled several men as it crashed off its base, some grabbing for weapons, other panicking. He didn’t really care about any of them. His eye was on that ballista, which had been given the time to fire. He shifted the midsection his body as the massive, spear-like bolt buried itself a goodly amount into the stone wall. No, he definitely couldn’t leave that thing there to shoot at him as he fled. The roof top, much like a castle, was interlocked by precarious, narrow pathways, so there was quite a few soldiers between him and the ballista from here. He shot forwards, his weight shifting from the second floor to the roof as his green body surged forwards. The well armoured humans tried to stand their ground, raise shields, and even stab at him with weapons, but his speed and strength sent them on a short journey to a courtyard below. He just stayed close to the crenulated wall and forced his way through, his bulk now really leaving enough room for the soldiers to stand on the narrow ledges with him. Their fleeting and panicked blows glanced off the scales of his head harmlessly. The ballista crew knew he was coming for them, and they tried to reload and reposition the large weapon, but they weren’t nearly fast enough. As it swung around to greet him, he swept around the weapon, knocking back all those attending to it. With a single, quick squeeze, his body shattered the wood and crumpled the metal of the weapon, obliterating it in an instant. He didn’t have time for triumphant gloating though, as more soldiers and guards were coming from nearly every direction. He could feel the tickle of weapons glancing off his tail from men he hadn’t knocked off the wall, and he couldn’t take the chance someone eventually had a weapon or the raw strength to punch though his thick hide, he had to escape now! Lifting himself up, he surveyed the city. Most structures weren’t as tall as the prison, so it was a good way to plan his escape route. Luckily, he was near the edge of the city, so retracing his path from the night before was not necessary. He was off, slithering across the walls again and creating more screams of death as the men fell to their doom, or at the very least serious injury, as they tried to stop him. Cheers and guttural hooting confused him for a moment, until he realized there were prisoners that cheered his attack and the death of the guards trying to stop him. He ignored that and carried on moving like an enormous green blur. Arrows and javelins glanced off him now, but he ignored them, only keeping his eyes out for more dangerous threats like- CRACK-A-BOOM! Githan pulled back as a red lightning bolt slammed into the stone before him, leaving a section of sizzling, melted stone where once there was a sturdy prison wall. He traced the path of it, partially burned into his eyes, back to a red robed figure some distance away. Some quick mental calculations make him hiss in frustration. The mage was too far away, it would be more dangerous to divert to attack than it was worth. He would just have to avoid his magic as best he could. The man was already weaving another spell, a storm cloud of dark energy already gathering over his head, dark red crackles indicating another bolt of that lightning wasn’t long in coming. The snake shot on, pushing himself forwards as fast as he could. The tingle in his mind told him the bolt was coming. He knew that tingle well, the trickle of magic, so indistinct and separate from other senses. He focused on it, blocking out the sounds of battle around him and tried to anticipate where the bolt was coming. His instincts had helped him dodge the first bolt, but this one would be more accurately placed, the mage wouldn’t want to miss a second time. There! Another explosion of light and sound echoed over the city as he jerked part of his midsection up off the wall, which promptly exploded in ropes of molten stone. He glared up at the surprised mage again, the sweat on the old bastard’s brow indicating he couldn’t keep up that assault for long. In fact, it wouldn’t matter. He reached with other side of the prison and slid down the wall in a rush, slamming into the ground like so much cut rope. Sure, it hurt, but not as much as a blade through the heart, so he pushed through the pain of the fall and shot off into the streets of the town. The defensive forces of the city had made the mistake of concentrating their forced inside the prison, to try and keep him there, but having broken through their lines rather easily, there wasn’t much to stop him in the streets. A few guards, no doubt tasked with keeping non-combatants away from the scene, tried to attack, but he just slithered past with barely a thought given to the simple humans. He could feel the mystic gaze of that mage upon him, trying to line up another lightning bolt, but he shot around a corner and was out of sight of the red robed mage. The wooden palisade that was the outer wall of the city posed no obstacle either, though a few arrows from guards stationed at lookout towers did bounce off his hide. He wasn’t free and clear yet, though. As he slid over the wall, a sparkling blue bird swooped over him, that familiar sensation of magic trickling into his mind. He paused, looking up at the bird as it circled him. It was obviously not real, and it was too small and the power of it too weak to cause him harm. No, more likely it was too keep track of him, either by providing sight to its caster or simply by its bright shiny, presence show people where he was. He couldn’t feel it attached to him, so it much be the former, sight for its master. Perhaps he could do something about it, if he could reach it, but it made sure to stay up and away from him. He glared up at it for a few moments before he had an idea. Instead of surging over the wall and fleeing into the field beyond, he pulled back inside the city and swept towards one of the watch towers that dotted the wall occasionally. He surged up the wooden stair case and seized the soldier standing a top it before they could try to leap from the edge to the arguably safer ground below. A single coil of his body kept the man in place as he looked back up to the bird. The end of his tail pointed at it, then the soldier, then slowly drew itself across the soldier’s neck. He waited a few seconds, and as he’d hoped, the bird dissipated, his threat understood. It was simple, if the bird didn’t stop following him, he’d just keep killing soldiers until it did. He surged down the wall now, leaving the soldier in a confused pile on the destroyed watchtower, the wooden walls of it destroyed by the massive serpent’s passage. Back into the fields. Unfortunately, he was going to leave a trail that even a child could follow, darting through the high grass and breaking the stems as he did so. But staying to the dykes and irrigation trenches would take too long, and any pursuers would catch up to him anyway. A small blow to the inside of his mouth reminded him of his passenger, actually having forgotten she was in his mouth with all his focus on escaping. The discomfort of her there had just sort of faded after the first few moments. He opened his mouth and she gasped, exclaiming angrily, “What in the six flaming fields of Hostlin are you doing!?! I can’t breathe when you clench me so tightly!” He would have apologized, but she was still in his mouth. Instead he just closed her in again, to more muffled protests. It seemed he wouldn’t be able to gently, casually digest Hellana, he needed the energy sooner, rather than later. The great, green serpent shot off across the fields, making a straight, if somewhat wavy, path towards the nearest wood line. It didn’t take him long to reach it, considering just how fast he was, but he didn’t known what kind of other forces the city might possess that they’d be willing to use outside their own walls, something they hadn’t wanted to use amongst their own buildings and soldiers. He couldn’t imagine what that weapon might be, but he didn’t want to be enlightened just before death claimed him. He didn’t stop when he reached the trees though, continuing into them for a few minutes, slithering quickly between the loosely arranged, thin trees with a careful eye out for dangers he was more used to, traps, monsters, vicious plants, that sort of thing. This are wasn’t his swampy home though, and the most dangerous thing he came across was a surprised deer that bounded away from him as he slithered past it. Content that they were well hidden and away from any danger, at least for a few minutes while they tracked his train through the forest, he tried to gently spit out Vynia. She less that gracefully sloughed onto a low bush as she grunted in pain. “Are you alright?” He asked, trying to inspect her, but aside from her swollen face and the spittle soaked purple robes that clung to her body, he couldn’t really see much of her body. “Y-yes, I suppose…though I feel quite…awful…” “Can you move? We should put as much distance between us and the city as we can.” She nodded, “S-sure. But…what are we going to do now?” He paused, realizing that, besides simply fleeing from the city, he hadn’t considered what they were to be doing. Their previous goal, to get to her homeland, wasn’t an option anymore, it seemed. “Your homeland will not welcome you back?” She shook her head, trying to peel the robes off her body, the drying saliva making them stiff and sticky. “I’m sorry…I d- “Is there anywhere else you would be welcomed?” He didn’t feel the need to waste time on apologies. She’d lied, and he would have words with her about that later, but for now their time was short and precious. “Not…really? Not without money…” He sniffed in annoyance, trying to think of what to do in that case. If there was no where she could live, without worrying about the day to days like food and water, they would either have to carve it out of the land, as he used to, or perform banditry like they did in Blackpond for the foreseeable future. Neither was truly acceptable for a number of reasons, but they had to get moving, regardless of where they would ultimately be heading. “Consider then, where best you could teach me magic. We will learn how to live there.” She nodded as he urged her to her feet and they continued to flee from the city they’d foolishly entered only the day before. They avoided roads and civilization, using goat or deer paths, and generally didn’t see anyone all day. They saw a few woodmen at a distance, but that was all. By nightfall, Githan assumed their either weren’t any pursuers, or they were completely incompetent and unable to follow his trail. “We will sleep here.” He slithered around her and surprised her with the sudden stop. He’d coiled around her many times in their journey, so it didn’t frighten her anymore. Considering her day, his huge, muscular length arranged around her, on the outside, was much easier to deal with than the alternative. “S-so…Githan is your name?” She asked tentatively, a hint of something hopeful in her voice. He nodded, “When she asked me, I answered without questioning myself. I do not know why.” Vynia smiled, a knowing look in her eye, “Do you want to know why?” His own eyes narrowed, but he nodded, “Githan is the name of one of the nine Mythic Beasts of Anasha, Queen of the all that walks the land.” He considered this, not knowing who this ‘Anasha’ was. “Continue.” Vynia nodded, excited to do so, “Anasha was a powerful queen of old, more like the empress of a powerful empire. It is said that there was no one who could best her in a match of magic or of the intellect. She hungered for more power, dominion over all lands, and so to defeat the nine kingdoms that arranged themselves against her, she created nine Mythic beasts, one to subdue and conquer each country.” He sniffed, “A terrible plan. One creature is easily defeated. Even Nine.” “Yes! But her Mythic beasts were not mere monsters. Each was crafted with care from nothing, their very souls honed to perfection by the Queen. It is said that she made their souls so perfectly, that death cannot take them to the next world, and that each beast is immortal.” Githan considered what Vynia was saying, but he felt there was more to hear, “And?” The elf nodded, continuing, “And so she sent them forth, and there was mixed success. Several kingdoms fell to her power, but some worked too well, and others…two of her beasts turned on her. Not you or-uh, the original Githan.” She offered quickly, seeing the angry look in his eye. “In pouring so much of her power into creating the beasts, she was weakened, and two of the beasts she created took advantage of that weakness to devour her, and become their own masters. It took two of them, as no single beast could match her, even in her weakened form.” “What happened to Githan?” He asked, something in him already knowing the answer. “The traitorous beasts killed him, along with all the other beasts, one by one, the pair of them more mighty than the other beasts alone.” “Why? If the beasts are immortal, what would be the point?” “Well, uhm, supposedly, when the beasts are killed, they are forced to find another body, to be born again. Some think they lost the ability to be reborn when the queen died, but maybe, uhm, maybe they just lost their memories when they were reborn, like you.” Vynia watched him carefully as he thought about all of this. Something felt off about her story. There was truth to it, he couldn’t deny that, but as with her story about the ender of worlds, it seemed there was something critical missing, some key element of her tale that didn’t fit properly into the gaps of his mind. He shook his head and Vynia frowned, “There is something…something else, to explain what I am.” He fell silent again, as he tried to come up with what, but was unable to. He shook his head, knowing that worrying about such things were needless at this point. “We must discuss other things. You lied to me.” The elf tensed in his coils, the comforting, heavy coils supporting her now all the more threating simply by his words, as he hadn’t moved at all. “I’m sorry! I-“ “I understand. I realized myself that it would be pointless to tell the truth if that simply meant I would eat you. That is why I made a deal with you. I will not eat you, so long as you continue to be mine. Do you still agree to this?” She blinked, not really sure where he was going with this, but she nodded, “Y-yes. I can, uhm…be yours?” He tightened his grip, making her panic slightly, her weak, delicate hands pushing back against him, “As my first order then, you can never lie to me. Ever. If I discover you’ve purposefully not told me the truth about anything, I will devour you, understood?” She nodded quickly, “Yes! I understand!” “Is there anything else you’ve told me that was a lie? Speak the truth now.” “N-no! I’m really a princess, and I’m really exiled from my kingdom. I’m sorry, everything else I’ve said was true!” “Good. Have you considered any alternate destinations for our journey?” He moved on, satisfied she got the point. She frowned, the whiplash of his questions confusing her, “You…you’re not angry I lied to you?” Seeing she was confused, and though he normally wouldn’t explain himself, he gave her something to move the conversation along, “I was. I had considered punishing you in some way, but those humans hurt you enough. Further pain would serve no real purpose, would it? You understand the consequences of lying to me a second time, and any punishment I dole out to you would be meaningless next to that understanding. Have you considered any other destinations for our journey?” She seemed to follow his explanation, and though her expression, as battered as it was, wasn’t totally on board, she nodded, “I have, but…I’m not sure…” He sniffed and shifted, causing her to yelp in surprise as he pushed her off her feet and laid her flat across section of his body, loosely arranging more coils around her so that she was insulated from the cold of the night but none of his weight was resting on her, likely too much for her battered body. “Relax. Explain.” She gulped, encased in the scales of her captor-of-sorts. It was lucky she wasn’t claustrophobic, “There’s a shrine…far to the south. They worship snakes there.” His silence was her que to continue explaining. She was always so roundabout in her explanations. It was mildly amusing, but also frustrating. “T-they worship snakes, so maybe they’ll let us stay there and I can try to teach you magic.” “What else?” There was clearly something more about the shrine than she was explaining. If they truly worshipped snakes, there was no doubt they’d be friendly to him, at least. “Their leader is a naga.” She finally admitted, the elf clearly scared for some reason. Ah! “Ah! This naga would likely be hostile to you, then.” She nodded, “You’d be fine there, of course, but she would probably want to eat me.” “She will not. You are mine. What is a naga?” He asked, curious. Vynia blinked up at him, though she couldn’t really see much in the darkness, “It’s a…well, it’s a snake with the upper body of a woman, and she has four arms.” “A woman with the lower body of a snake, you mean.” He corrected. “Wh-what? I thought you didn’t know what it was?” “Does a naga speak? Does it think, and have emotions? Myself aside, snakes do not do those things. Therefore, it should be called a woman with the lower body of a snake, not the other way around. Perhaps I am wrong, but I suppose we can meet her and discover if she is more snake than woman.” “Mmm...” Vynia agreed, not entirely thrilled to be heading there, despite it being her idea. She couldn’t think of many places they could live peacefully though, a giant snake and an elven princess. Even in exile, her status would haunt her, and her royal blood wasn’t just a magical ingredient for the end of the world, there was actually a number of alchemical uses for it. Still, she couldn’t keep up her pensive thoughts for long, the length and stress of the day finally bringing her eye lids down for good as sleep rushed over her like a wave. Settling their next move, even if it wasn’t the safest move for her personally, was the only signal her body needed to get some rest. Githan left her to her sleep and returned to his own thoughts. A Shrine to snakes? It would be interesting to see, at the very least. This ‘naga’ sounded interesting too, though if they refused to allow Vynia to stay the journey will mostly be a waste. Of course, his thoughts returned to his name and the story his elven companion had told him. A distant legend about a power mad queen…yes, that much rings true, but the betrayal…the nine beasts…something about that wasn’t entirely right…like an indistinct itch on his back that shifted whenever he tried to address it, the solution to his vague question seemed to shift about his mind, just out of reach. No matter how much he tried to think back to his early life, he could only remember being a snake in the swamp he’d grown up in. There were no memories out of place, no flash backs to another life lived in war…and yet he’d answered Githan, unprompted and without hearing such a thing before. But why…why hadn’t he remembered it the first time, when Vynia had asked? Damn it all this was frustrating to be so close to the answer, and yet unable to clutch it. He put that issue aside for now and considered what to do for the immediate future, the journey to the snake shrine. No doubt it was a fair distance, and trying to sneak that far was clearly not going to work. It was inevitable that he would be discovered, multiple times even, if the journey was to be long. Leaving Vynia alone again wasn’t an option, she was too easily captured or killed on her own. Her magical powers were considerable, but she seemed reluctant to use them at all. He would ask her about that someday, but that wasn’t important so long as he kept her close…they would simply have to act as if nothing was wrong. “Awaken.” He commanded her, shifting his coils to jostle her awake. Vynia came to quickly as her entire world moved, jolting up before relaxing. She yawned and stretched, “Ah! Good Morning. Nnn-“ It seemed yawning hurt her wounds a little, but she looked much better than the day before. Elves did heal quickly. “Climb atop my neck. You will ride me and if anyone asks, you are my master and I your familiar.” She blinked, “R-really? You’re just going to…travel in the open?” “If I act the fool, will anyone question it?” “Y-yes! You’re too big to be a familiar! I’ve never heard of one larger than a dog!” He considered, but he had had a back up plan, “Your robes are from a ‘Fifth Order Mage’. According to Hellana, they specialized in understanding nature. Would it be odd for such a mage to tame a wild beast, even a large one such as myself, for use as a protector and steed?” She looked down at her robes, still stiff from having been in his mouth for a good long while. “That’s…actually that might work. I’m not terribly familiar with the human magical orders, but that sounds right.” “Would your elven heritage disqualify you from their order?” “No! They’re just…human orders. Elves join them, sometimes, but not often.” He sniffed, not needing to know more. “Then climb on, and we shall be off. For our journey, you are my master. That is how you will act and I will follow your lead. Do not mistake this for a change in our true relationship.” She nodded quickly, his serious tone not to be trifled with. She gingerly climbed onto his back and he made his way into the forest once more, beginning their journey south, hopefully towards this shrine Vynia spoke of. They found a road quickly, these lands fertile with civilization and quickly set out upon it. The immediate reaction of all who came across them was panic, but once they realized Vynia was casually setting a top him and calmly waving them down, the combination of her calm and the purple robes seemed to immediately assuage most traveller’s fear. Even without verbal explanation, they understood it was just a ‘nature mage’ doing what they do. During a time when they were along, Vynia commented to him, “You’re as swift as a horse! I’m surprised you can keep this pace so long.” He glanced up at her, “This is my usual pace, when I know the territory. I’ve been moving slower for your benefit.” “Oh.” Before the day was done, Vynia’s stomach was rumbling for food. All her supplies had been taken when she was captured, and the robes had nothing in the pockets, that damned Hellana having been more than ready to be eaten alive it would seem. Of course, they had no money either, so they couldn’t just stop in a town and purchase some. Vynia urgently warned him against raiding anymore villages too, as she explained. “They’ll warn other villages, and our pretending to be peaceful travellers won’t work anymore.” He suspected she just didn’t want him hurting people, but her argument was sound nonetheless. They couldn’t afford to be looking over their shoulders for adventurers trying to claim bounties on their cattle stealing hides every step of the way. Idea! “Vynia. Read the bounty board and find something suitable for us to seize upon.” They’d entered a fair sized town on the second day of their journey and after explaining his completely tame nature to the guards, with a quick demonstration of him following simple commands, they’d been allowed in. It didn’t stop everyone from staring at them of course, but her robes were even more recognized here, some even offering bows of respect to her as they passed. Maybe it was the monstrously large snake at her side though. She glanced to him, looking around to see if anyone had head his whispering, but the busy sounds of the streets seemed to have covered it nicely. She diverted to the wanted board, simple bounties and notifications posted there. He could read them himself, but it would raise questions if the giant snake began to browse through the wanted board by itself. “What am I looking for?” She asked, trying to whisper to him without looking like she was talking to a snake. “Bandits. Or something we can vanquish to get you money.” “Uhm…there’s a Snow Lion causing frost damage to some fields nearby.” “Sounds perfect. Find out where and let’s go.” She nodded and approached a nearby guard, sitting in a rough wooden chair with a spear lain across his lap, watching the busy market square. He almost jumped out of his skin as the giant snake and robed woman approached, but as she asked about the bounty he quickly gave her directions to the affected farms. She thanked him and they were on their way before he got stabby with his spear. “You’re looking too intently at people.” He glanced to her in annoyance, but realized she was right. He was scanning the crowd for danger, but a normal snake wouldn’t have such a deliberate scan. It would be more instinctual, more wide eyed and random in its approach to its surroundings. It seemed he would have to work on his ‘acting’ skills. It wasn’t terribly far outside the town before they got to the fields affected by the frost. Swathes of crop were blackened and withered, the farmers quickly and happily explaining the problem to the mage that came asking. Luckily, it seemed like these sorts of problems were what Fifth order mages dealt with anyway. Githan sniffed at the trail of destruction at Vynia’s ‘direction’. He quickly caught the scent of the magical beast. A snow lion, supposedly a lion that died in the midst of winter and instead of crossing over, became a monster of ice and whirling cold. Now it’s only purpose was to harass the living with icy revenge. Sounded like more of a wives tale than reality. No doubt it was just a magical predator looking for new territory. Either way, it would be a good meal for him. His own stomach was starting to feel empty, a single plump human not nearly enough to keep him fed on such a long journey. They came across a mound of ice before long, the nearby land frozen and white. Clearly this creature was outside its element, and didn’t belong here. He stepped forth from it’s constructed, unnatural lair, and he could tell right away that it was no undead wraith. It was a living beast, a majestic white mane of hair ringing its silver face. It snarled in warning, knowing another predator had come to call on it. Their eyes locked and Vynia said something, but he ignored it. He was focused on the predatory battle of wills now. The lion was large, easily heavy that three grown humans, but he was much, much large than that. Still, simple size did not a winner make, it’s magical power no doubt a force to be reckoned with beyond just it’s clearly ferocious body. It had claws and he didn’t, so there was also that. That was all intellectual thoughts though, and not the guttural sizing up of two predators to one another. All those details didn’t truly matter as they glared into one another, tried to intimidate one another. In the end, he rose up, barring his fangs and declaring himself the winner. The lion was proud, strong, young and brave, but he was far mightier, it had no chance against the age of his scales and the glint of pure power in his eyes. A flurry of icy spears materialized from the den as the Lion charged forwards, it’s roar echoing through the chilled forest as it leapt into action. It on the attack, not as a hunter taking down prey, but a peak predator defending itself from a rival. Githan was mildly amused it thought itself even that high on the food chain. The spears bounced off his scales as ineffectual as the arrows of the human soldiers, and he ducked the first mighty leap of the lion, its glinting silver claws sailing through the air as it snarled and rolled to its feet. His body swept in a wide circle, weaving between the frozen trees, surrounding the lion single handily at a distance. They sized each other up again, the lion’s more bestial brain no doubt considering its options. He was simply imagining how it would feel to devour something so cold. It was odd to think that his meal would likely get warmer once he ate it, for once! The lion inhaled sharply and began to breathe a torrent of icy breath, the chill of it spreading before it like a wave of white death. The breath washed over him and he shivered off its effects, his natural, reptilian body not terribly efficient in the cold, but this was no natural cold. It was unnatural, and his body rebuffed it as such. The Lion didn’t get another chance as he shifted part of his body, snapping a frozen tree off at the base and tilting it inwards towards the Lion. The beast snarled and tried to leap clear of the collapsing tree, but that was a mistake, one Githan was expecting from the dull monster. His jaws seized the lion by the throat before its paws even touched down again, bits of frozen twigs buffeting them both as the tree hit the ground next to them. Any struggle from the lion was silenced as he bit down with enough forced to shatter the Lion’s spine, killing it instantly as it hung limp in its jaws. He tossed it to the side shaking his head in painful disgust as his teeth send shooting waves of pain through him. It was like biting into an ice cube, and his teeth certainly did not appreciate the experience. “Wow…” He looked up at Vynia, who had wisely cleared herself of the fight early, likely during their visual standoff. “I’ve never…seen a battle like that.” “Hardly a battle. Just the last ditch effort of prey to elude the predator. He just didn’t understand who was who.” “You’re going to eat it?” He nodded, “Once it warms up. Its body is normal, aside from the cold. The tales of it being a ghost or some such nonsense were exaggerations.” The black blood staining its previously white mane where he had bitten almost clean through its throat was a clear indication of that. “Maybe we should, uh, carry it back to the farmers so they know we killed it?” He nodded, “Fair idea. Still, let us wait for it to warm.” She didn’t need to ask why, the cool chill still radiating from the corpse making even her shiver under her robes. It took an hour or so, but it was finally a temperature other than icy cold and he picked it up and carried it along behind her. It was heavy, granted, but they weren’t carrying it all the way back to town, just back to the farmers to show them it was dealt with so the award could be claimed. “Holy-Fran come look at this! She got the damned thing! Yeah, the witch with the snake!” All the farmers gathered around to see the corpse of the lion that had been giving them so much trouble for the last few weeks. Even dead, it was a ferocious sight, claws like icy daggers, teeth just as bad. The snow storm that usually accompanied it was gone, but there was no doubt as to what creature this was. Most of the men here could barely lift a single one of its paws. They looked at the snake, lounging in the sun nearby trying to warm himself. Maybe the cold had gotten to him a little more than he wanted to admit. His head came up involuntarily at the question, “So can we have the body? It looks like pretty decent meat!” Luckily, no one took note of the overly intelligent response before he could resume the act of a dumb beast. Vynia was smart enough to know that wouldn’t be acceptable, and wise enough to fear what he would do for food if he was denied the lion’s body. “No, I’m going to let my snake eat it. You wouldn’t believe how expensive it is to feed.” All the farmers, tenders of lesser beasts, understood that struggle well enough and left it at all. They thanked her and they all got on their way, leaving Githan and Vynia with the body. “I think you can eat it now.” He nodded, sizing up his delayed meal. Even ‘warmed’ it was a cool thing, clearly still frozen in the middle bits. He knew in his heart of hearts that this thing wouldn’t be a satisfying feast, even considering it’s size, it’s taste so tarte and…minty? Alas, he didn’t have any other options that would maintain their disguise, and he had gone through the trouble of killing it. He still regretted not making time to eat that dire bear. No, he hated leaving good food uneaten. His jaw popped out of place as he began to work the dead monster into his gullet. It took him much, much longer to devour this thing than Vynia or Hellana, their human forms barely even stretching his pallet. Luckily, this feline was fairly compatible, so even considering its size it wasn’t the most difficult meal he had ever eaten. Again, its taste left much to be desired, and the faint chill of it passing through his insides was not something he would get used to, ever, but he’d live, and it would suffice as a hearty meal for days and likely weeks to come. Vynia seemed surprised, once he’d finished, that the added weight didn’t slow him, but truth he was working harder than he normally would with such a big meal to keep his blood circulating. The damned ice creature was making him feel lethargic, and he couldn’t afford to be lazy, or slow witted around people. Vynia claimed the bounty from the very wide eyed town official, very little intelligence required to put the large bump in her snake’s middle and the request for the reward together into a coherent story. Armed with money, the elf was finally able to purchase some supplies and a night in a room at an inn. It took a bit of begging, but the Inn keeper eventually caved to allow Githan to stay in her room with her, though they had to pay a little extra. It wasn’t sleeping outside or alone that bothered him, he’d done that his entire life, he just didn’t trust leaving Vynia alone for the night. Maybe eventually, but she was still recovering from her capture. She settled into the bed with a delighted sigh. “Finally. A bed. Gods above and below how I missed just laying down!” She rolled quickly to look to him, “N-not that you’re uncomfortable to sleep on! I just-“ “Sleep. If you’d like, we can stay here a day or two before moving on.” “Really?! I mean…Yes, please! I really could use the rest.” “Two days then. Now sleep.” She nodded and rolled onto her back again to quickly fly off to sleep. He piled some of himself against the door, which opened inwards, and settled in to sleep himself. As dangerous as it was to consort with ‘civilization’ there was a certain amount of safety in it as well. It wasn’t as if some savage beast would come across him in the night while he tried to sleep, right? Vynia took full advantage of two days rest, sleeping almost the entire time. He hadn’t realized she was so exhausted, but he did eventually consider that, not only had he been pushing her to follow along with him for some time, her journey into the swamp with her own companions had likely taken weeks by itself. She’d been travelling without an extended break for quite a long time. He understood that was strange for humans and elves, though it wasn’t for him. He had to cover a lot of distance every day, to find prey and avoid dangers in the swamp. Some roamed about, like he did, so he didn’t have any one place he could rest. During those two days, he tried to relax, to get as much sleep as Vynia was, but his mind wouldn’t let him. Perhaps it was the existential questions he had about who and what he was, perhaps it was that he needed to move about, uncomfortable in one spot for very long. No doubt it was the ice cube of a meal he’d eaten, the damned lion not digesting amicably in the least. His stomach could handle it, most definitely, but that didn’t mean it was comfortable. Being full was only a blessing if one also wasn’t queasy the entire time. Alas, he had no answers to his own questions, nor anything he could do to relieve his uncomfortable situations except wait for them to pass. They mostly sat in silence, staring at one another when she was awake, the odd pair not really being much to small talk. Vynia was still in awe of his display of power against the lion, his size and strength once more put into perspective for her. Maybe she hadn’t fully seen his scuffle with that dire-bear? It wasn’t just that though, she was also having trouble deciding what to make of the massive serpent. His expressions were either unreadable or angry, and she was technically his servant? Slave? It was hard to wrap her head around that he could eat her at any time, and yet he didn’t because…he wanted to learn magic? Because he’d told her he wouldn’t? Despite how he spoke to her, with her magic assisting, she could never shake the sense that he was a wild animal, untamed and instinctive. Did he care for her or just want to use her? He’d rescued her from that prison, somehow…but that didn’t prove anything on its own. “So…” She finally worked up the courage to ask it, after two days and more than enough sleep to get her back in travelling form. Her injuries from the city were mostly gone, a faint scab and some slight bruising on her face and body the only real indication she’d been brutally beaten days ago. His head raised from his coils, intimidating her all over again with his deeply piercing, vertical slit-eyed gaze. She didn’t back down though, even if she hesitated, “So why do you still have me around? R-really. If you wanted to learn magic, there’s…a lot…of people who could…teach you.” She faltered, as he loomed a little closer, his tongue tasting the air. Githan, for his part, wasn’t trying to be intimidating, he was leaning closer because she was speaking so softly, and he was tasting the air to ascertain why she was so nervous. Her question was strange to him, as he thought he’d already explained this, though perhaps she wanted a deeper reason. Something more emotionally substantial than ‘you’re mine’. “What do you want to hear?” Neither one knew what to make of the other at that moment. Her incredulous and conflicted expression made him wonder what was going on in her dark haired head, and she couldn’t fathom why he would ask that. “N-nevermind!” She blurted, unable to match his intense scrutiny any longer. He sniffed, not dismissively for once, but in a rare fit of amusement. He decided to change the subject to more direct matters. “Are you prepared to leave today?” She nodded eagerly, “Yes! I will use what money we have left to but supplies for the journey.” “Will it be enough?” She hesitated, but shook her head to the negative, “I d-don’t think so? There is a desert between here and the shrine, and I’ve never crossed the desert before.” “What is a desert?” “Oh! You’ve-it’s, uh, a big area where there’s no water, or very little anyway. Very hot and dry.” How very unlike the swamp. It would be interesting to see, certainly. “Fine. Prepare as best you can and let us be off.” “Y-yes!” She actually seemed sort of excited to be on their way again. Githan assumed she just sounded excited now compared to her overly exhausted state before. After a brief trip to the town farmer’s market to buy supplies, where world had spread quite effectively about how the purple robed mage and her pet snake had killed the local menacing snow lion. She got a few discounts for her trouble before they were off again, Vynia sitting sideways on the large snake as he carried her easily down the road. On a particularly empty stretch, Vynia finally struck up conversation again, “What are you going to do with magic, if you learn it?” “Protect myself and obtain prey.” His answer was quick and precise. That was why he wanted magic, because others had it and could use it against him. He didn’t know how to defend himself from it, not really. He couldn’t hope that everyone was as weak or careless as the mages he’d come across so far. It would also be helpful for catching and subduing his own prey. He would be a stronger predator, a more capable hunter, with magic in his arsenal. “Oh…” He couldn’t fathom what she had expected, since she seemed disappointed. “You learned magic because you’re royalty. Do you not enjoy having it?” Her head came up in surprise that he would ask, but shook her head, “I was never very good. My siblings were always much better than I was.” “I didn’t ask that. Did you enjoy learning it? Do you enjoy being able to perform magic?” She frowned, thinking seriously about his question, “I…I don’t know. I think, I mean…maybe? It’s kept me alive so…I suppose I enjoy being alive.” Even that didn’t sound like a completely true statement. He left the conversation there, though. There was no use pressing her if even she wasn’t sure. They were settling in the sleep before he spoke again, while Vynia preparing her small tent for the night. “What do you want to do?” “What?” She asked, dumb founded by the question. He didn’t know a way to make the question clearer, so he simply repeated himself. “What is it that you would like to do?” She blinked and really tried to decipher the question, though she was clearly overthinking it. “I…I’m sorry, I really don’t know what you’re asking.” They stared at each other in silence, her in no small amount of fear she’d disappointed him, and he in slightly annoyed confusion. The small fire she’d built crackled nearby, the fire light dancing off his scales in a way that made him look both grander and less substantial than he was by daylight. The mere glimpses of him that could be seen by the lame light left much to the imagination, and yet the imagination couldn’t content with how uniquely immense he was. The elf felt her eyes straying from his to glance over his body, her eyes somehow inevitably finding the lump that giant monster was still making in his side, and likely would make for another week or more. Her gaze snapped back to his when he tried again, “If you had not become my prey, what would you be doing?” Her confusion swelled only to give way to a crushing sadness. Her gaze fell to the fire and she slowly set down her tent cloth. “N-nothing. I’d be dead. Worse actually…I’d be a puppet for that…thing.” He studied the expression on her face, “You still mourn for your companions.” It wasn’t a question, so much as a statement. His calculating, self-focused mind couldn’t really fathom the depths of her love for those two other people, nor had he the inclination to try. “Yes! They were my friends! And I got them…they died because I…because they trusted me…” “They knew the risks of adventuring, of your quest, did they not? It was not your fault th-“ “No! You don’t understand! They-I-“ Tears swelled in her eyes and she began to sob, cutting off whatever she might have said. He was confused, but he was willing to wait out this sudden burst of emotion. The thought to comfort her didn’t cross his mind. “They trusted me and I killed them! I was…I felt her in my head…I should have said something…but then…then I couldn’t….then she pretended to be me…oh gods…I…I led them right into the trap…” Her words were barely coherent through her crying, almost wailing. He hoped there was no one nearby to hear this, but they were far from any town or dwelling they knew of, so he let it play out. “Explain.” He asked, wishing to know more. He had assumed, from what he saw when he’d arrived, that they three of them had simply been overwhelmed by the superior force of that dark entity, but she was saying things had played out differently. “I…The world ender got into my mind and she…she told the others it was safe. That there was no danger. They weren’t ready when it attacked them…when she attacked them. I didn’t help, I couldn’t…she was controlling me. She made me undress and made me lay down on the pedestal while…while she killed them.” “But she forgot you. I stole you and you became my prey.” She blinked, looking up at Githan, seemingly remembering it for the first time. “You…you were there! You…how did you…how did you do that?! I remember…I remember the hands of…the dead holding me and then…your eyes and…your…mouth.” She blinked, the memory hard to bring up, considering she’d been eaten right then and there. It had almost been her demise, if she hadn’t managed to communicate with him via magic. To convince him to let her out. “I caught the scent of your angel friend when you passed through my territory. I tracked you into that dark section of the swamp and I followed you inside. I stayed close and waited to eat you, all of you, I had hoped, especially the winged one, but I took the opportunity I was given. Even I could see that the dark entity attacking the other woman that was with you was distracted, so I grabbed you, and fled.” He explained it in a matter-of-fact tone, one that did not relay anything other than what had happened. “But…you were just…hungry? Why would you…follow us into that place? And how did you get away? Didn’t she chase you?” He nodded, “I out paced her. And that entity couldn’t leave that area of the swamp. Once I cleared the perimeter, I was safe.” “But why did you risk your life for…for me?” “You were my prey. I saw an opportunity to take you, so I did.” He wasn’t sure why she was asking something he’d already told her. “No, I mean…couldn’t you find other…safer prey? Why did you follow us into that terrible place. Surely you felt the presence there…her presence?” He nodded, “I did. I was careful, I stayed hidden, and I watch you three. I did what you did and avoided the same things you did. Perhaps the entity paid me no mind because she was focused on you three? Either way, I felt no immediate danger until I took you, and then I escaped.” “But…” She sniffled, her sadness hardly abated, but her curiosity was peaked now, “but why did you do all that? It can’t just have been for food.” Githan was baffled by Vynia’s logic, “Of course it was for food. My next meal and my safety are my only concerns.” “That’s not true! You wouldn’t have rescued me from those humans if that was all you cared about!” “I took you back from them because you are my prey.” “But I’m not! You said you weren’t going to eat me! I’m…I’m still…yours, but I’m not prey, am I?” He was about to answer, but her logic actually started to intertwine with his own, and he saw where the gap had formed between his statements. True, he had rescued her to take her back as his own prey, but he wasn’t going to eat her, so she wasn’t prey. He was keeping her around to learn magic, but even that was…tenuous. He’d yet to really clarify if she even could teach him magic. He didn’t truly know what his intentions were anymore, not truthfully. “You are not.” He offered after a moment of silent thought. “Then why?! Why do you have me with you? Why are you protecting and caring for me?” She was getting more emotional again, but that didn’t change his thoughts. Her questions were valid, and he had to think about them. Even he knew that keeping her around to learn magic was an excuse, he could no doubt learn it from books or find someone else more willing and able to teach him. There was something else. “I was…at first, I was angry.” He began, for the first time sounding unsure of himself to the elf. It brought her sobs up short to hear him say that. “I was…weak, compared to that dark spirit that wanted you. I was never the most dangerous creature in the swamp, I knew that, but I could escape from or defend myself from the other threats there. It was only luck that saved me from that thing. It reminded me how weak I am, and you…it demanded you, desired you so strongly, that desire almost burned my mind. I felt…a need to prevent it from having you, not before I took you, only after. And no, it was not your magic. Something about that unnatural thing, I knew I had to thwart it. Had to prevent whatever it wanted.” He was talking more to himself now, but Vynia was still there, and she cut in, breaking his chain of thought, “But then why not just ki-keep me…inside of you? Why let me out?” “I was curious. Why did that thing want you? Why did you go into it’s grasp? Who were you?” His questions had been endless at the time, and most had been answered since, but he was still curious about so much more. He found his hunger for knowledge only barely sated by their interactions, now that he was thinking about it clearly and directly.” “That’s…it? Just…curiosity? That’s why you kept me alive?” Her words were somehow sadder than before, and he had no idea why. Was curiosity bad? Or did she want something else? “No. That is the reason I let you out. I wanted answers, and you had magic and could talk to me. I’ve never spoken with anyone, not like this. You could answer my questions. That was all.” “So you lied then?” He blinked, his double eye lids both coming down. “What?” He hissed. She seemed past being intimidated, simply giving a tired, nod, “You said you wanted me to teach you magic, but you lied. You just wanted answers to your questions, didn’t you?” “I did not lie. I do want to learn magic.” “You did lie. If you wanted magic, you would have found someone a long time ago to teach you, wouldn’t you?” She had him there. If he truly desired magic, he could have explored the world and found more information about it, but he chose not to, chose to rely on his own wits and devices until…until Vynia and her friends arrived. Maybe…maybe there was something else…because if he was being realistic, she’d answered the majority of his questions in the first few days of their journey. If that was all he wanted, he could have eaten her then and been done with this strange adventure. Yes, she was right…there was something else. “Go to sleep. I will think about this.” She nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Ok…Goodnight Githan.” He glanced to her as she returned to setting up her tent for sleeping. That was the first time she’d offered him such a nightly dismissal. Strange. More to think about. He also realized she hadn’t answered his question. What did she want to do? Maybe, like he didn’t know why he was keeping her around, she didn’t know? Very Strange, the both of them, he supposed. |
The Other World Atak “Are you ready to start the experiment doctor?” asked the lab assistant who was smiling from ear to ear with anticipation. Peter smiled back at his assistant, as he was excited as well. It had been 3 years since he had started researching the feasibility of transporting matter from one location to another and now he was finally going to be able to test his theories first hand. Of course he wasn’t stupid, he and his lab assistant had tested the system on numerous animals including chimps and all of them came back perfectly fine and now was the time to test the system on a human subject and since he had spent a lot of his own time researching and developing the system Peter volunteered to be the first person to use the new system. “Now you remember to watch the phase variant very closely so the transport goes smoothly right?” Peter knew he had asked his lab assistant this question countless times but he couldn’t resist doing it one more time. The lab assistant just rolled his eyes and nodded his head then started the procedure for teleportation. Peter sighed then stepped up to the teleportation pedestal and nodded to his lab assistant to show he was ready for the test. His lab assistant gave him a thumb up to show he got the message and started the actual teleportation. Peter felt a strange feeling across his skin and through his entire body as he was scanned into the teleporter and started to get broken down into his sub-atomic particles. The last thing he remembered seeing was his lab assistants eyes go wide and him starting to work frantically on the control panel. Peter awoke with a start and looked around himself, he was surrounded by many, about 11 people. All of them were staring at him. It took a couple of seconds for him to realize they were all wearing rags for clothes and didn’t look in good health. I must have been teleported to some refugee camp, Peter thought. He looked around some more and realized he was in some kind of weird prison; the walls looked almost like glass, but beyond the glass walls was pitch black. He looked up and all he could see was a blinding light. He got up to ask someone where he was when he heard a thudding sound coming from outside the prison. Everyone around him stiffened at that noise and started to look very worried, Peter wondered what the heck was going on when all of the sudden, the black beyond the glass just disappeared. Peter wanted to scream so badly his vocal cords froze. Standing before him was the largest creature he had ever seen. It was easily as tall as the Empire state building and maybe a little taller. It wore what looked like a tan shirt with some logo on it and a pair of gray shorts. When Peter looked at the shorts he noticed a slight bulge in the crotch area so he assumed that this creature was a male, he also noticed a long tiger like tail (only without the stripes). The creature seemed to have a fairly light colored blue fur on his body that looked short and wiry. Its’ face had a medium sized muzzle (in proportion to its’ body) medium sized ears that stood up straight, brown eyes that gave away no expression what so ever, a doglike nose and some fairly tight fitting jowls. The creature seemed to be smiling as it looked down on the people in the prison, which Peter now recognized as a cage. “Well my little friends, have we had a good day? I certainly hope so because for many of you it will be your last!” jeered the creature. Peter was shocked, why would this be his last day? Just then there was a commotion coming from behind the creature, four more creatures entered the room, they all looked basically the same as the first creature except a few of them seemed to be red in color as opposed to red and slightly shorter than the blue colored ones. Upon closer inspection Peter suspected that these red colored ones were female, which would explain why they had different coloring. “Why Enstay, you bought humans for this special occasion” Said one of the females The blue colored creature next to the cage smiled and responded “Indeed I have, nothing is too special for the day my only son turns 21.” The other creatures smiled then the same red creature looked around and asked another question, “Where is Jonsa?” Enstay thought for a second then responded, “He said he would be here shortly but that we should start to dine without him.” The red creature nodded approvingly then moved to a table that Peter hadn’t noticed before that was loaded with some unusual, but good-looking dishes. She took her seat and was soon joined by the rest of the creatures. Shortly after they started eating Peter came back to his senses and moved closer to one of the other humans in the cage. “What is going on?” The human looked at him then back at the creatures before responding “We are, a delicacy among them. We are usually bought by people who can afford us on a regular basis or like on this occasion as gifts for some great achievement. We are bred for the sole purpose of being their dessert.” Peter stared at the other human for a couple moments but then he heard the door open and looked over and saw an apparently younger male creature walk in, smile and sit down at the dinner table. “Are we to be desserts for everyone or just the birthday boy?” The prisoner looked grimly back at the stranger before responding “Traditionally each dinner guest gets the one for being present during such a special occasion and the person or people the special occasion is for will keep who is left over.” Peter sighed and waited a couple of seconds before he asked his next question. “ How long do humans given as gifts usually survive?” The prisoner thought for a second and sighed before answering “From what I have heard, on average, no more than two days, however there have been instances where the ‘gifts’ have survived for several weeks.” Peter looked back at the young creature and sincerely hoped that this one would want to keep them around for quite awhile. The creatures were finishing up their meals and a couple of them were looking at the humans with a look of hunger in their eyes. “How are we typically eaten?” asked Peter “One of three ways, one we may be chewed up alive, two they may eat us with some other food product, and third…” he hesitated a second before continuing, “Third we may be swallowed, alive.” Peter stared at him for a few moments comprehending what he just said. Any one of those deaths would be painful, however the third seemed to be the most painful of them all. The first creature interrupted Peters’ thoughts suddenly “Well now that we are all finished with our meal why don’t we start with our dessert.” All the creatures nodded enthusiastically and started to lick their chops. “Now remember, non of us may eat our human until we have all received one.” Reminded the first creature. All of the other creatures looked slightly disappointed but excited nonetheless. The first creature moved to the cage and picked it up and carried it to the table. All the humans in the cage stood up fully and closed their eyes. Peter looked around and crouched behind a couple other prisoners so he wouldn’t be easily spotted. By this time the cage had reached the table and the first creature grabbed a human and placed it on his plate and placed an unusual food product on the person so he can’t move. He moved the cage on to the next guest and waited for them to make a selection. The creature, which was female smiled and reached in and grabbed a prisoner and held her in her hand tightly and smiled down on her. Enstay moved on to the next guest and process was repeated. This was done for every guest there until Enstay made it to his son. “Ok son, chose which will be the lucky human.” Jonsa smiled and reached in and grabbed the prisoner to which Peter had been speaking. He looked on sadly as he was removed from the cage. Enstay took the cage back to it original position then went back to the table. “Alright, let us begin.” Enstay reached down to his human, picked him up and unceremoniously tossed him in his mouth. After savoring him for a few seconds he began to chew. Peter could hear the crunching of bones from the cage and shuddered, imaging what it was like for the poor human. All the other creatures were eating their humans in a similar fashion, one was chewing her human, two others were eating their humans with some food product, which Peter didn’t recognize at all. Jonsa however was still smiling down on his human while rubbing his belly. After a few moments he raised him above his mouth and dropped him in. Jonsa savored the taste of his human for several moments before he tossed his head back and swallowed. Peter could watch no more and turned away, trying his best not to cry. He noticed the five remaining prisoners were acting much the same way. After a few minutes Enstay spoke up. “Well son how was he?” Peter turned back to see what was going on now and saw that all the creatures were done eating their humans. “He was great dad, he tasted delicious and I can still feel him squirming around in my stomach!” Jonsa said this with a very proud look on his face. Enstay smiled back and said, “I am glad you enjoyed your present. You are excused from the table to do what you want with the rest of your humans.” Jonsa looked at the humans with an evil look in his eyes and a broad smile on his blue face. “Thank you father, I am sure I will enjoy them a lot.” Jonsa got up from the table and walked over to the cage, picked it up and left the room. After leaving the room, Jonsa started running as fast as he could towards his room, while trying not to jostle the cage too much, he didn’t want to injure his humans too early in the game. When Jonsa got to his room he promptly put the cage down on the table and looked down on his humans with pride. He had been waiting for this day for 21 long years and now it was here. He stepped back from the cage walked to his door and locked it then made sure his curtains were closed. He then walked to the center of the room turned back to the cage and smiled broadly before he shucked off his shirt. Peter stared in shock; this creature had a very well developed chest and stomach. He must work out a lot thought Peter. Jonsa started posing for his humans and chuckled a bit. After a couple minutes he reached down to his shorts and slowly took them off. He tossed his shorts on the floor without paying attention to where they landed. Then he reached down and removed his tight, confining briefs. Peter had never seen anything so beautiful in all his life. Jonsa had an absolutely huge sheath and ballsac, the sheath was nice and plump and was fairly long and had some very soft looking blue fur, not wiry like the rest of his body. His ballsac hung down a ways and was also covered in the soft looking fur. Jonsa chuckled and posed for a few more moments before he walked closer to the cage. Now everyone in the cage had a great view of Jonsas’ maleness as it was on eye level for them. Jonsa smiled again then picked up the cage, carried it over to his bed and dumped all the humans on his bedspread. Peter was surprised when the cage turned over but was glad he landed on something soft. He looked around for moment before he got his bearings and looked up at Jonsa. Jonsa smiled down on his humans before he began his very well rehearsed speech. “You are all just supposed to be my food, I intend to make you more than that, for a while at least” he added with an evil grin. “You shall all now get to now me, very intimately, and anyone who refuses to follow my orders shall be dealt with most severely. Now before we get started we must choose a special human who will get special treatment.” Jonsa kneeled in front of the bed and started examining each human. After a couple moments his eyes rested on Peter. “You wear much better clothes than the others, you must be very special to them if you wear such rich clothes, therefore you shall be the special human.” Said Jonsa with a smile. Peter looked down at his clothes and realized that his clothes were a lot better than everyone else’s as they all wore rags while he was wearing street clothes from his world. Jonsa stood up “I will have to remember to be really good to you, but for now you will all receive the same treatment, at least until you get to know my body very well.” He smiled again then sat down on the bed a little bit away from the humans, he looked at them with an evil smile and moved over to the center of the bed and layed on his belly. “You will all now clean my ass for me while I rest here” Said Jonsa with a definite chuckle. Then Jonsa spread his legs apart as far as he could. Now all the tiny humans could see deep into his ass and could see a faint outline of his anus and see the part of his ballsac that rested right below it. All the humans could was just stare at the sight. Peter stared at the wonderful sight with a combination of awe, fascination and fear. How were five tiny humans supposed to clean something that big? After a few moments of not feeling anything from his backside Jonsa look behind him and saw all his humans starring at his butt and he couldn’t help but smile. “Yes it is quite a beautiful sight isn’t it” he chuckled “Now why don’t you all get up and get to know it a little better?” Peter could tell from Jonsas’ tone of voice that this was their last chance and decided to get up and do as he was commanded. He got up and walked as slowly as he dared towards Jonsas’ ass. As he got closer he noticed Jonsas’ tail was thrashing around, apparently in excitement for the upcoming sensation. When Peter arrived at Jonsas ass he looked up at his anus, then looked down at the ballsac right below it and decided to stand on it. As he started to climb up onto the extremely large ballsac he noticed an unusual smell, he stopped for a second and tried hard to recognize the smell, then he realized it was the smell of shit and was coming from Jonsas’ anus. He got on top of the ballsac and steadied himself then looked at the anus which was right in front of him, the smell was horribly strong here and upon closer examination it looked like Jonsa didn’t wipe himself the last time he took a dump. Peter sighed as he realized that Jonsa had wanted to keep his ass dirty for his humans to clean. Jonsa could feel a human on his ballsac and was waiting patiently for the human to finish admiring his anus and start his work. Peter started to rub Jonsas’ anus and was doing his best to clean the titanic hole. He wasn’t sure what to do with the stuff he cleaned from the hole so he would just take a hand full and toss it on the bedspread. Peter spent several minutes trying to clean the hole before he realized the other humans weren’t trying to help him. He looked over his shoulder and saw that they were all just sitting down staring at him. Peter got mad and yelled out “Hey you guys! Don’t you realize that if we keep him happy he might let us live a while longer?! Get up here and help me out!” The other humans all looked at each other for a moment than apparently decided they liked the idea of cleaning Jonsas’ shit a lot more than becoming it so they started coming over to help. After a couple minutes the majority of the humans were perched precariously on Jonsas’ ballsac and trying their best to clean him. Those who couldn’t fit on the ballsac busied themselves by cleaning other parts of his ass that had gotten a shit treatment and not been cleaned. Jonsa loved the sensation of all those hands pressing up against his most private of regions, no one else had ever touched or ever been close to that hole except for Jonsa so this was a new and great experience for him. He enjoyed the sensation for several minutes and was groaning in pleasure when he felt it. He smiled as he realized what that feeling was and decided to do it. The humans down at his ass suddenly heard a gurgling sound come from the anus they were working on and wondered what was going on when all of the sudden the hole flexed, and released the most noxious fart they had ever smelled. The force of the fart blew all the humans off his ballsac and they all ran away from his ass as fast as they could to get away from that smell. Jonsa chuckled as he watched his humans run away from his fart and felt extremely proud of himself. He looked at his alarm clock to see how much more time he had to enjoy his new humans and groaned as he saw it was past midnight and that he would have to wait until tomorrow. He turned over and sat down so he was facing his new pets. Peter looked behind him and saw Jonsas’ huge sheath and ballsac not too far away and couldn’t help but stare, all the humans were also staring, they didn’t get this good a view from their cage because the glass had distorted the image and they were too terrified to admire it much and they couldn’t help but admire Jonsas’ gifts. Jonsa smiled as he saw them all stare at him. “Don’t worry, most of you will get to know this part of me very well. But for now I must put you back in your cage and say goodnight.” Then Jonsa noticed a small pile of his shit on the bedspread and smiled. “I see you all worked hard at what I assigned you, good. That means that most you will probably live for quite awhile with me.” Jonsa smiled as he reached down and grabbed all the humans, except for Peter, get up and walk over to their cage. As Jonsa was walking to the humans’ cage Peter couldn’t help but watch, hypnotized, as Jonsas’ huge ballsac sway a bit between his legs. Jonsa got to the humans cage and dropped them all in, then took the black cover for the cage and put it on the cage. Then Jonsa walked back to his bed, reached down and grabbed Peter and raised him up to his face. Peter looked at Jonsas’ face with fear and admiration and wondered what was going to happen. Jonsa smiled at him and said “Don’t worry, I am not going to eat you yet.” Jonsas’ other hand went to his belly and rubbed it. “Your friend will tide me over for a while, would like to see how your friend is doing?” Peter wondered what he meant when all of the sudden he found himself in front of Jonsas’ large stomach. Jonsa pressed him up against his hairy flesh fairly hard and said “Listen.” Peter couldn’t help but listen; all he heard was gurgling coming from the other side and realized that was the sound of Jonsa working on his friend and also his dinner. He couldn’t help but shudder a bit as he listened to the sounds. After a few moments Jonsa raised Peter back up to his face and said, “Goodnight my special little pet, I will wake you up in the morning before I go to school.” Jonsa then took Peter over to his own small jar, dropped him in and screwed on the lid which had some holes punched in it. Jonsa smiled again as he thought of how long he had waited to get his own humans and how much that waiting was being rewarded before he went over to his bed, turned off the light and went to sleep. Peter couldn’t sleep for a while, he was just to engrossed as he thought over the events of the night. But after a while sleep finally overtook him. Peter was awoken with a start the next morning by a very loud sound. He got up and looked around and realized it was Jonsas’ alarm clock. Jonsa groped around for the alarm clock and pushed the snooze button and layed on his bed for a few moments before pushing himself into a sitting position. Peter wondered what was going to happen today then he remembered that Jonsa had mentioned school. Jonsa took a few moments to fully wake up then he walked over to his bathroom and closed the door. After a few minutes Peter heard the sound of running water and realized Jonsa must be taking a shower. After several minutes the water shut off and Jonsa emerged from the bathroom. He was in the process of toweling himself off. Peter watched Jonsa towel himself off and after a few minutes Jonsa looked over in his direction and smiled. “How did you sleep little one? I hope you slept well because we have a big day ahead of us.” Peter couldn’t help but wonder what he meant by that as he watched Jonsa put on his briefs and start looking around for his shorts. After he found his shorts he looked over at Peter thoughtfully for a few seconds, then smiled and walked over to his jar. Jonsa unscrewed the lid of the jar and reached in and grabbed him. Jonsa looked over the tiny human in his hand, smiled and asked “Would you like to come to school with me today? I am sure you would, I just have one rule. If you go with me don’t distract me too much from my studies.” Peter wondered how he could distract him from his studies when he was slowly lowered down, he looked to see where he was headed and realized it was Jonsas’ briefs. Jonsa pulled the elastic of his briefs away from his body and dropped Peter in. Once Peter had cleared the elastic of his briefs Jonsa let them snap back into place and smile as he felt Peter land on the tip of his sheath. He enjoyed the sensation of his tiny human struggling to find a comfortable place to sit for few moments then finished getting dressed. Once he had finished he left his room and headed for breakfast. As Jonsa walked into the kitchen he could smell his favorite breakfast was being cooked and smiled, his mom always spoiled him rotten and she was doing it again by making his favorite breakfast. As he sat down at the table his father looked down from his newspaper, smiled and asked, “Did you enjoy your humans last night son?” Jonsa smiled back and said, “Yes father I enjoyed them a lot.” His father smiled again “I remember when I got my first humans, I made them do so many things to please me before I ate them. Sometimes I wish that humans weren’t so expensive so I could do it everyday. Jonsa smiled and nodded. He could still feel his human moving around in his briefs so he was a little distracted. Then Jonsas mother brought over breakfast and they all started eating. Meanwhile in Jonsas briefs Peter was really enjoying himself, he was sitting on top of the largest sheath he had ever seen and was loving the feeling of its’ soft flesh and soft fur as he moved against it, he could smell the soap that Jonsa had used in his shower and he could also smell Jonsas’ musky male scent, it made him feel really giddy. After they had all eaten breakfast Jonsa thanked his mom for making it and left for school. As he walked the short distance to his school he could feel his human struggling to find a handhold so he could stay on his sheath and smiled. Peter was having an extremely hard time keeping his position on Jonsas’ sheath and was slowly sliding off the top of it. As Jonsa entered his school campus Peter finally lost his hand hold and slowly slid down the length of the sheath. Jonsa shuddered as he felt his human slid down his sheath and smiled in pleasure. Then he spotted his best friend and walked over to him. “Did you get them?” asked Samsa excitedly Jonsa smiled, nodded and patted his crotch. Samsa smiled very broadly. “How does it feel?” “It feels absolutely wonderful.” “See, I told you humans were the best.” “True you did, so how many of your humans are left?” “Three, counting the one I brought with me.” “We’ll have to let them meet each other at lunchtime.” “Yes we will, sorry but I have to go. I can’t be late for class again or I will have to clap erasers.” Samsa ran off to his first class while Jonsa made his way to his first class. When Jonsa got there he made it to his desk and took out his notebook and prepared himself for another slow morning learning about psychology. Jonsa loved his college but this was the only class he didn’t like, his professor made the whole subject seem as much fun as a broken computer. As his professor walked in and started addressing the class, Jonsa felt his human stop moving, he must be tired thought Jonsa as he tried to pay attention. Peter was indeed very tired, he could no longer summon the strength to try to beat off Jonsas’ huge ballsac as it engulfed him and pinned him against Jonsas’ briefs. While he was being pinned by Jonsas’ ballsac Peter took the time to enjoy himself, he enjoyed the heat coming from it, soft feeling of its flesh and fur and sensation of the huge balls inside being pushed against him. He was enjoying himself so much he soon fell asleep from the comfortable position he was in. He was awoken suddenly when he felt the briefs move around him, he looked up and saw the elastic was being pulled away from Jonsas’ body again and a hand reached in and grabbed him. He was pulled out of the briefs and into the blinding light of day, after a couple seconds his eyes adjusted and he looked around, he realized he was in a lunch room and there were many creatures eating around him, one or two of them even had humans as part of their lunch. “Put him down on the table Jonsa.” Peter looked to see who had spoken and saw another blue colored creature sitting close by. Jonsa lowered Peter to the table and said; “Now you take yours out.” Peter watched as the other blue creature reached into his briefs and pulled out another human. He layed him on the table and said “Meet Jonsas’ human, I am sure you two would love to become friends while me and Jonsa talk. While the two friends started talking above them Peter walked over to the other human and helped him into a sitting position. “How long have you been with the other creature?” The other human looked at him with tired eyes “I have been with Samsa for about a week now.” “Does he treat you nice?” The other human gave a grim smile “Of course not, he has made clean his ass, clean his sheath and clean his teeth and many other things I would rather not talk about.” Peter was about to ask another question when he heard Jonsa say “Excuse me for a moment, I have to go take a dump.” “Hurry back.” Replied Samsa. After he watched Jonsa walk away he looked at the two humans and smiled evilly. “Why how stupid of me, I seem to have forgotten my lunch money, oh whatever shall I do?” Then he suddenly reached down and grabbed both humans. He looked at Peter and said, “Watch, this is what will happen to you eventually.” Samsa opened his mouth and slowly lowered his human to it. Peter could only watch as the other human screamed and struggled as hard as he could before he was dropped in Samsas’ mouth. Samsa looked at Peter, smiled and opened his mouth so he could see what was going on inside it. Peter stared as he saw his new friends laying on Samsas’ tongue struggling not to slide down his throat. After a few moments Samsa swallowed him while keeping his mouth open so Peter could see his tongue rise, then fall and see that Samsas’ mouth was now empty. After a couple seconds Samsa burped, then he closed his mouth and smiled. “Your friend is struggling very hard in my belly, oh that feels so good.” As he said this he lowered Peter to his belly, Samsa lifted up his shirt a bit and shoved him up against it. “Listen to your friends final moments, sometime tomorrow he will be nothing more than shit passing through my anus.” Peter could hear gurgling and some faint screams coming from Samsas’ belly and he shuddered as he heard that. At that moment Jonsa walked back up to the table, he looked at the scene and smiled. He sat down. “May I take a wild guess as to where your human is?” Samsa smiled and replied, “I will give you three guesses, but you will only need one.” Jonsa smiled again and asked, “Is he struggling very much?” Samsa groaned in pleasure, “he is struggling a lot, too bad this will only last for about an hour.” Peter shuddered again, just the thought of being in there for an hour made him terrified, he had been hoping it would just be a few minutes at most but now he knows it will in fact be a very long time. Samsa handed Jonsa his human back, “I will meet you at your house later today, ok?” Jonsa smiled and nodded then stuck Peter back in his briefs. Peter spent the rest of that day in Jonsas’ briefs, being crushed by his ballsac and the balls that would move a bit with each step that Jonsa took. After he had spent another couple hours in Jonsas’ briefs with no break he found he was starting to like Jonsas’ ballsac very much. It was just too soft and comfortable to be against for him not to like it. After another hour or so passed Peter heard a bell ring and felt Jonsa get up fast and walk very quickly to somewhere. Peter could only guess that they were headed back to Jonsas’ house. After a while Peter heard a door slam and assumed they were back at Jonsas’ home. “Mom, Dad I am home!” “Ok son, we are in the kitchen.” Peter felt Jonsa walk some more as he moved to the kitchen. “Son, we have been invited to a party. We leave in 10 minutes.” “I was wondering why you guys were all dressed up. How long will you be gone?” “The party is out of town and is supposed to last all night so we will probably just spend the night there. We have left you some money for pizza.” “Ok, thanks. Is it ok if I have a friend over for a while?” There was a short pause “Sure, you may have just one friend over.” “Thanks, enjoy your party.” “We will son, see you later.” Peter felt Jonsa start walking again and assumed that he was walking back to his room. After a few minutes he heard a slam of a door and assumed that he had reached his room. Suddenly he was blinded by daylight and looked up and could see a large hand coming down to grab him. The hand grasped him roughly and raised him out of Jonsas’ briefs and took him up to Jonsas huge face. “Did you enjoy your day in my briefs little one? I know I did!” Jonsa smiled. Peter smiled back and shouted “Yes master, I loved being so close to your balls for so long.” Peter couldn’t help but notice that Jonsas’ smile grow when he said the word master. “My friend Samsa will be over soon, I know we will all have a lot of fun when he gets here. I might as well order the pizza now so it will get here shortly after he does.” Jonsa placed Peter on his desk next to the cage where the other humans were. “Don’t go anywhere my pet.” Peter watched as Jonsa walked out of the room and couldn’t help but admire Jonsas’ butt as he left. He noticed a small hole in the seat of his shorts for his long tail and smiled at the image. After Jonsa had left Peter walked over to the cage and screamed into it. “What have you guys done today?” One of the humans inside responded “We haven’t done anything except count our blessings that we are still alive and haven’t been forced to do anything nasty all day. Though that is likely to change very soon.” Peter couldn’t help but agree with that, he was pretty sure that Jonsas’ friend wasn’t coming over here just to watch some videos with Jonsa. I hope they aren’t too rough with us tonight, thought Peter. Then he heard a door slam downstairs and some loud male sounding voices. Samsa must be here, thought Peter. He heard the voices continue for a few moments then some clumping as two very large forms climbed the stairs. He looked at the open door and waited for the two friends to come in. He didn’t have to wait long; first Jonsa came in, then Samsa. Both boys were grinning broadly. “So your parents are going to be gone all night! We can do whatever we want!” Jonsa smiled “As long as we don’t break anything or invite anyone else over yes we can.” Samsa smiled back “Oh, I think we can get by without inviting anyone else over for tonight.” Both boys smiled evilly and looked over at the cage and Peter. Peter got a chill from that look. “I also brought along my last human to join us.” Jonsa smiled “I can guess where you are keeping him until the party starts.” “You would probably guess right.” Samsa smiled then patted his crotch Jonsa smiled again “Unfortunately we will have to wait until the pizza gets here before we can get, too involved.” Samsa smiled again “No problem, the pizza gets here in about an hour so we can enjoy ourselves at least a little bit before it comes.” Jonsa smiled and nodded then walked over and picked Peter up in one hand then took the cover off the cage and reached in to grab the remaining humans. He managed to fit them all into one hand and started walking out of his room towards the family room. When they reached the family room Samsa reached into his briefs and pulled out his human, and then he dumped him on the coffee table. Following suit Jonsa dumped all his humans on the coffee table then turned to Samsa. “I have already closed all the windows so we won’t have to worry about prying eyes.” Samsa smiled “Then why are we still wearing this stuff?” He quickly took off his shirt to reveal his chest and stomach were just as developed as Jonsas were. Jonsa smiled and took his shirt off, revealing once again his wonderfully formed torso. Samsa, still smiling, reached down and took off his shorts quickly but when he took off his briefs he went extremely slow to make it more dramatic. When he was done he revealed his sheath and balls were just as beautiful as Jonsas’ if not more beautiful. After admiring the site for a few seconds Jonsa reached down and also took off his shorts and also like Samsa when he took off his briefs he went extremely slow. When he was done he once again revealed his wonderful looking package. Peter was too busy admiring both boys from his wonderful angle to notice that the other humans had looked away. Both boys looked at the humans on the coffee table. They both smiled again. “They seem to be scared of seeing us naked Jonsa.” “All except my favorite little human, he seems to like the site of us, we will have to give him some special treatment.” Samsa nods “We will play with him all night and show him every external part of both of our bodies. Shall we start my friend?” “Yes I think we shall.” Jonsa smiled, walked over and picked up all the humans and stepped back. Samsa stepped forward and moved the coffee table out of the way. Both boys sat down on the carpet with their feet together. Jonsa dumped all the humans between their legs. After Peter had sat up from his fall and looked around. He smiled as he realized that he could see two sheaths and balls from where he sat. Jonsa looked at Samsa and smiled “Do you want to start off?” Samsa smiled “I think I will.” He layed down on his back with his hands folded behind his head. Peter stared at the sight of Samsas’ ass and couldn’t help but admire it. “All right humans, start massaging my friends ass." Or you will be in BIG trouble.” Jonsa giggled at his pun. Peter looked again at Samsas’ ass for a second and could faintly make out his anus from here. He managed to suppress a smile and started walking over. “Come on guys, might as well try to make these guys happy.” The other humans looked at each other and sighed before they also got up and started walking towards Samsas’ ass. As Peter got closer he realized that Samsas’ tail was poking out one side of his buttocks so that it was out of the way, then he saw why. Samsas’ anus was just a few inches off the ground (In human terms). “Do you guys like the sight of my huge Bajirran ass?” Peter thought that over for a second, Bajirran? That must be what these creatures call themselves as a species! All this time he had just thought of them as ‘Creatures’. Now he finally knew what they were called! Though he doubted that information would be of any use. Peter sighed and finished walking up to Samsas’ anus and started rubbing it. As he started his labor he noticed that Samsas’ ass was much cleaner than Jonsas’ was last night. He must want to be able to feel our hands better thought Peter. “Hey, human! Yeah, the one that Jonsa brought to school today. You are touching where your friend will be coming out soon. Probably even tonight! You will get to see your friend again, won’t that be great?” Samsa and Jonsa chuckle at that. Peter shudders from fear at what Samsa just said. It was true, what he was now massaging was where his friend would come out eventually. He sincerely hoped it wouldn’t be tonight though. “Don’t worry little human, I don’t usually feel the urge to go until after I eat so you have a while.” Samsa chuckled again. Peter shuddered again. He heard a groan come from Jonsa and turned around to see him lay on his back as well. “Half of you humans continue your work on Samsa and the other half come over to me.” Peter started to leave to go over to Jonsa when Samsa stopped him. “You special human will stay here so you will get to know very well where your friend and possibly later on, you will come out.” Peter sighed, he didn’t have a choice. Jonsa didn’t seem to care much about what Samsa said so he went back to massaging Samsas’ ass. He felt Samsas’ ass flex a bit beneath his hands and heard Samsas’ moans of pleasure so he knew he was keeping him happy. After several minutes of this he heard what sounded like a doorbell amplified several times. “Be right there!” Peter look over and saw Jonsa get up and shove some shorts on as fast as he could as he ran to the door. “Don’t stop your work, humans.” Peter sighed as he went back to massaging Samsas’ anus while Jonsa got the food. After a few moments Jonsa came back. “Enjoying yourself there Samsa?” “Oh, yes indeed I am.” “Don’t get too attached to them. You know where they are going don’t you?” “In your belly and out your anus? I know that! I know what happens to food after we eat it! I pay attention to some of my classes you know!” “I know, I was just reminding you not to get too attached to my food.” Peter felt a hand behind suddenly grab him and all the other humans around Samsas’ ass and lift them up. “I was just hoping I could have one or two of them go into my belly too you know. I mean, I shared a couple of my humans with you didn’t I?” Peter heard Jonsa sigh. “Yes you did, but you had more humans than I do so you may have ONE! And it can’t be my special human either!” “Oh but he is so cute and looks so delicious! I am sure he would just love to come out my anus!” “Well he is coming out my anus so you will have to choose another one.” “I will after we start on the pizza” Peter watched as Jonsa moved the coffee table back and place the Pizza and the humans who had been massaging him on it. Samsa took a seat on the couch and instead of placing his humans on the coffee table, he placed them in front of his package. “Hey! That is a good idea! But my special human should be with me so I will trade one of my old ones for him.” Peter felt Jonsas’ hand grab him and pull him away from Samsas’ ballsac and his other hand place some other human in front of Samsa. Jonsa sat down and placed Peter and the other humans in front of his package. Peter smiled as he once again felt Jonsas’ soft ballsac against his skin and looked up. Past Jonsas’ sheath, which towered over him, he could see Jonsa take a bite out of a slice of pizza as he turned on the T.V. After a few minutes of watching TV Jonsa looked over at Samsa. Peter also looked. He could see Samsa pick up his human, the one he brought with him, and place him on the tip of a slice of pizza and take a large bite out of it. “That is a good idea Samsa, I think I will do that with one of my humans as well.” Peter looked up and watched as Jonsas’ hand come down and snag some unfortunate human, raise him up to his slice of pizza and embed him in the cheese. After a couple moments of smiling at the human on his slice of pizza Jonsa opened his mouth wide, took a large bite and began to chew. Peter looked away, he couldn’t bear to see a human die that way. He didn’t look back up until he heard Jonsa swallow. “GULP! MMMM, that made the pizza taste very good!” “Yes it sure did.” After a few more moments of eating Jonsa said “So much for that pizza.” “You know what is a great dessert for pizza? A human, I think I will now eat that one human you promised me.” Peter looked over as Samsa reached down between his legs and grabbed the last woman of their original group. He smiled at her for a second then opened his mouth and tossed her in. He closed his eyes and rolled her around for a couple seconds then he swallowed. He leaned back and patted his belly with a very content look on his face. “She will probably live for a couple hours because the pizza will take up most of my acids. However, on the downside that will make it a most slow and painful death.” Pete heard Jonsa laugh “It will probably feel great to have her struggle in your belly during that time. The human I swallowed was dead in about an hour.” “Yeah, that is about the average time it takes for a human to die in a Bajirrans’ belly” Samsa responded with a smile. Peter suddenly heard a fart come from Samsa. “Oops, I guess that is the human I ate for lunch saying he wants to come out.” Samsa looked over to Jonsa “Do you mind if I show your special human what has become of his new friend?” Jonsa smiled “No, I don’t in fact I would like to show him what has become of the human I ate yesterday.” Samsa smiled again. “I am sure he would be honored. Actually it is kinda funny if you think about it, he will get to see two of his former friends tonight even though they were eaten on different days, just because of the different speeds of our digestive systems. You and I both know that your digestive system is slower than mine. We timed them.” “Yeah, that is right.” Jonsa nodded. “You and I swallowed tiny flashlights that had a very long battery life and every time we pooped we would check them to see when they came out. Yours came out in like 6 or 7 hours and mine came out in 24. So the timing is right for both humans to come back out.” Peter shuddered, tonight he would see two of his former friends come out of these creatures asses, and they wouldn’t be the same as he remembered them. He supposed that these creatures had very different speeds of digestion compared to earth creatures and even compared to each other so it wasn't really surprising these two friends had extremely different digestion speeds. Samsa smiled down at Peter. “I will go first, I am sure he would love to see his newest friend before he sees his oldest friend.” Samsa reached down, grabbed Peter and started heading for the bathroom while Jonsa smiled after them, patiently waiting his turn. Peter shuddered as he watched the door to the bathroom come closer and closer, knowing that once he was inside he would be forced to watch Samsa crap out the remains of the human he knew for a short time. Samsa entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him as he set Peter on the counter next to the sink. As Peter looked around he was surprised at how large the bathroom was. There was more than enough room for a person to lay down comfortably on the floor. This thought caused a small moan to come from Peter. He now realized just how good a view he would get of his former friend coming out of Samsas' ass. Samsa smiled at Peter as he unrolled some toilet paper and placed it on the floor so he wouldn't make any kind of disgusting mess while he gave this show for the human. Then he grabbed Peter and sat down just in front of the toilet paper. Then he scooted forward and layed on his back so the toilet paper was right below his anus. Then he made sure his tail was out of the way before he set Peter down right in front of his anus, which was right above the ground. Peter sighed as he looked at the anus right in front of him and waited for it to start flexing. He waited a few moments then he looked up to see Samsas' face looking down on him with a smile. "Aren't you going to beg me not to crap right in front of you?" Peter suddenly realized that Samsa did this for two reasons, one to hear his victim beg him not to crap in front of him and two to scare the victim by showing what he would eventually become. "No, I will not give you that pleasure Samsa." Samsas' smile faded slightly then he shrugged "Have it your way, now watch closely and don't you dare close your eyes or you might find yourself in a foul smelling and warm place." Peter got the message and decided it was a much better idea to watch the show rather than annoy Samsa any more than he already had. As he watched Samsas' anus started to flex, slowly. "Your friend wants to come out and see you, shall I let him out?" Peter looked up at Samsas' face again and decided to play along "Oh yes master, I desperately want to see him again." Samsa smiled at this. Peter went back to watching the display and he noticed that the anus wasn't flexing as much and that there was a blunt object starting to come out. He knew what that object was but he tried to avoid naming it. He watched transfixed as the object came out slowly. When enough of it was out for him to see in the light he realized that it was brown like human feces, but with a blue tint to it. "Do you like my poop human, don't worry. Someday soon you will be just as handsome as this specimen." Peter shuddered and tried to avoid thinking about that as he continued watching the display going on in front of him. After another minute or so the turd finally finished coming out of Samsas' ass and dropped clear of his anus. Peter looked at the anus and saw it had stopped flexing. "Don't worry, there is more in there. I just wanted to give you a chance to examine what is left of your friend. If you look closely I am sure you will find some of his bones among all that mess." Peter looked up at Samsas' face and sincerely hoped he wouldn't force him to examine his stool. After a couple of moments of no movement from Peter Samsa frowned. "Don't make me repeat myself, go down there and examine my poop, NOW!" Peter sighed, got up and started walking towards Samsas' stool. When he was standing next to it he started looking it over as he was ordered. After a couple moments he noticed a human skull among the fecal matter. He shuddered and looked away. "I see you found his remains, would you like to see my other meals as well?" Peter looked up at Samsa "Master I would like to see your other meals, but is it really necessary for me to watch them come out?" Samsa thought about this for a moment then got up and walked over to the toilet, lifted up the lid and sat on the seat. After a couple moments Peter heard some splashes and was glad he wasn't being forced to watch the emergence of that poop as well. While he waited for Samsa to finish he walked away from the stool on the toilet paper and sat down, looking away from Samsa and the stool. After several minutes of splashing he heard them stop then he felt a paw around his body as he was lifted up. Samsa had picked him up and was carrying him over to the toilet. Samsa lifted up the seat and lowered Peter so he was just above the water and Samsas' stool, several of which were floating. "Do you like the sight human?" Peter shuddered slightly before answering "Oh yes master, just beautiful." Samsa smiled then he set Peter back on the counter while he picked up the toilet paper with his stool on it and dumped them in the toilet before flushing them all away. Peter wondered for a moment why Samsa didn't wipe himself then he realized he wanted Peter and the other humans to clean his ass again. Samsa went out of the bathroom and a couple moments later Jonsa walked in, smiling. "Did you enjoy the show? Well I hope you are ready for some more because my bowels want to get your friend out." Peter sighed as he wondered how he would be forced to watch the crapping this time. Jonsa reached over and grabbed him and walked over to the toilet. He sat down then he lowered Peter between his buttocks and the toilet seat so he was extremely close to Jonsas' anus. "Enjoy the show little human, soon you will be sliding out my anus just like your friend is now!" As Peter watched Jonsas' anus started flexing than he saw the beginning of a turd poking through Jonsas' anus. He heard Jonsa grunt slightly as the first turd broke itself free and landed with a wet splash in the toilet. After several more minutes of this all of Jonsas turds had been excreted so Jonsa set Peter on the toilet seat so he could watch Jonsa wipe himself. Peter looked up as the first wad reached Jonsas' anus and started to be wiped across it and couldn't help but wish he could be that toilet paper for just that moment. When Jonsa had finished wiping himself he reached back and grabbed Peter before he flushed the toilet. "Did you enjoy my little show human?" "Oh, yes master. I enjoyed your show much more than Samsas' and hope to see it again." Jonsa smiled very broadly "We shall see my human, we shall see." As they left the bathroom they saw Samsa on the floor with several humans cleaning his ass. "I just love this feeling too much not to do it again." Jonsa smiled "Shall we see if the humans like going inside our asses?" "Yes, I think we should. I will stuff your special human into your ass and you will stuff one of your humans in mine." "Ok, but make sure you can get my special human out. I want to eat him, not feel him drown in my ass." Samsa smiled "Ok with me. You start shoving my special human into my ass and then once he is back out I will stuff a human into your ass, ok?" "Ok, lets start." Samsa got up as Jonsa laid down and dropped Peter in front of his ass. Samsa smiled at Peter as he picked him up "Enjoy your trip, little human."Peter looked ahead and had to fight down a scream as he saw Jonsas' huge anus quickly fill his field of view. He felt his head start to get shoved against the relaxed muscles of Jonsas' anus and started flailing wildly. "OH! That feels so good! Push him in more, I want to feel him in my ass!" Peter felt Samsa push harder and faster. Before he knew it he was in Jonsas' anus up to his knees, which were barely enough for Samsa to grab onto when it came time to pull him out. He took a deep breath and gagged. The stench in here was horrible and the air was quickly becoming unbreatable. He flailed around some more and was very surprised when he felt Jonsas' anus flex around his waist. He could only guess that was because this was very pleasurable for Jonsa. He started flailing even more, namely because it was becoming very hard to breath in here. He felt the anus flex around his waist even more and that unfortunately meant he was getting pulled deeper into Jonsas' anus. He was starting to wonder if he was going to die in this hot, humid rectum when he smelled a foul stench. Before he had time to work out what that smell was he was farted out of Jonsas' anus. "That felt so good little human, I will have to do that again before I eat you. But right now it is Samsas' turn." Peter looked up as Jonsa stood up and walked over to Samsa, who was lying on his back and had an unfortunate human in his hand. Samsa smiled "This human has bravely volunteered for the exploration mission." Jonsa smiled "Then lets not disappoint him." Jonsa took the human out of Samsas' hand and kneeled down in front of his ass and slowly pushed the human into Samsas' anus. Samsa immediately started moaning in pleasure and Peter was willing to bet he was flexing his anus a lot as well. It didn't take long for Jonsa to push the human all the way inside. When Jonsa had finished he sat back. "Enjoying the sensation of his struggling in there?" "Oh, yes! I think I will fart him out, but it would a pity if he didn't have a crash pad to land on." Jonsa smiled "Yes, indeed it would be a pity." Jonsa laid on his belly and put his mouth up against Samsas' ass with his mouth wide open. "Ready?" Jonsa couldn't say anything but Samsa knew what he meant. A couple moments later Peter heard Samsa fart then Jonsa closed his mouth and sat up. "Is he in there?"Jonsa smiled, nodded then swallowed. "At, least he WAS in there." Samsa smiled at Jonsa and Jonsa smiled back as he patted his belly, which now contained pizza and two humans. Samsa smiled at Jonsa “Are they both struggling in there?” He asked while he pointed at Jonsas’ flat belly. Jonsa smiled and rubbed his belly for a moment “The human I ate with the slice of pizza was sliced to pieces by my teeth so he isn’t struggling but the human I just ate is certainly struggling as hard as he can, I do hope he likes the pizza I gave him as a snack down there. How about your human dessert?” Samsa smiled and patted his own flat belly “He is putting up quite a fight, it must be extremely painful in there for him, and he has about another hour of this to enjoy!” Samsa smiled most evilly when he said this. “I have always enjoyed feeling my dinners’ last struggles within me.” Jonsa smiled and nodded in agreement. Samsa looked at Jonsa in thought for a moment then he smiled “Would you like to hear him my friend?” Jonsa smiled back “I sure would, and I am sure that my little pet would as well.” Jonsa reached down and roughly grabbed Peter while Samsa layed on his back with his arms behind his head. Jonsa layed on his belly and pressed Peter up against Samsas’ furry belly while he layed his ear against it himself. Peter listened for a moment, at first all he heard was gurgling then after a few moments he heard some faint screams, human screams. He shuddered in fear. Jonsa also heard the gurgling and faint screams, only he had a much different reaction. He looked up at Samsas’ face, which he was looking at as he layed against his belly, and smiled. “She certainly sounds very happy to be in your belly as part of your dinner.” Samsa smiled back “I thought as much, it must be extremely pleasant in there for her to be within me.” “She certainly sounds happy.” Samsa smiled again “May I listen to your human?” “Sure, and be sure to let my special human in on the show.” Samsa looked down at Peter and once again, grinned very evilly, “Of course, I am sure he would be most honored to listen to where he will be going himself in a day or two.” Jonsa smiled as he got up off of Samsas’ belly and leaned back with his arms behind his head. Samsa grabbed Peter off his belly and leaned over onto Jonsas’ belly listening as he pressed Peter into the belly as well. Peter heard the same sounds he heard from Samsas’ belly, gurgling and screams of immense pain. “Your meal sounds like he is having a blast in there.” “I am sure he is.” Jonsa sat up so fast that it surprised both Samsa and Peter. Peter slipped off Jonsas belly and landed on the ground, right in front of Jonsas’ package. “I feel like having some ‘fun’ do you feel like it to?” Samsa smiled, “I though you would never ask, but lets put your humans away so they don’t get in the way or get away while we enjoy ourselves.” “Ok, I will leave my special human out though. I think it would be fun to let him join in our fun.” Samsa looked down at Peter “Ok, I will start using him while you put your humans away in their jar.” Jonsa smiled, “I thought you would, if you get any mess on the floor please be sure to clean it up or my parents will get suspicious.” Samsa shrugged, “Fair enough.” Then he reached down and grabbed Peter from in front of Jonsas’ ballsac, being careful to brush against it for a brief second. Jonsa shuddered for a moment then smiled very broadly “You silly little boy!” Samsa smiled then layed back once again and placed Peter back on his belly. While this happened Jonsa got up and grabbed the humans from the coffee table and started for his room. As Jonsa walked off Samsa smiled down on Peter “Don’t worry, this won’t hurt and it will probably even be fun! Ok now then, start by walking down my belly to my sheath and start massaging it.” Peter looked behind him at the enormous sheath and couldn’t help but smile. He quickly got up and started walking over to it as fast as he could. Samsa smiled, he had never seen a human so happy about wanting to please a Bajirran before, he was starting to see why Jonsa loved this human so much. Peter finally reached the tip of Samsas’ sheath, he started at the slit in admiration and ran up to it and started rubbing up against it. He could feel Samsa shudder and chuckle. He continued to rub himself up against it for a few moments before he moved over to the side and started to massage the enormous sheath. Once again he felt Samsa shudder in pleasure. He continued to rub against it for a few moments, until he started to feel it swell, then while he still massaged it he looked up towards the tip and saw the beginning of a red shaft poking out. He smiled and continued to massage the blue sheath that was several times his size. After a couple moments more he decided to start to massage the red shaft that was part way out of Samsas’ sheath. He walked over and started to rub along the length of the slimy red pole that was poking out of Samsas’ sheath. After several moments he felt a hand grab him and squeeze him against Samsas’ cock. “Mmmmmm, I will try not to crush you against my cock while I pleasure myself. So for now, just enjoy yourself.” Peter knew he didn’t have a choice, all he could do was brace himself for what was to come. After a moment Samsa started to rub Peter back and forth along his shaft and moaning in pleasure. Peter was at once extremely glad that Samsas’ cock was slippery with some excrete from within his sheath. For several minutes Samsa rubbed Peter along his shaft slowly. Suddenly Peter felt the shaft beneath him start to pulse. Samsa quickly took Peter away from the side of his shaft and placed him right in front of his piss slit. Peters face was buried in the slit and he had a very hard time breathing in the manflesh. Suddenly he was hit in the face by a very strong force, at once he knew it was Samsas’ cum. Samsa was moaning in absolute pleasure and enjoyed having the small humans’ face buried in his piss slit while he was cumming. Peter was having a very hard time breathing through the fast salty current that was spouting from Samsas’ red tool. Finally after several more seconds the tide subsided. Samsa was panting extremely hard and just loving the feeling of this little human up against his manhood. Peter was breathing hard, more from being deprived from oxygen than actual tiredness. As he was leaning up against Samsas’ manhood he felt it start to soften and retreat back into his sheath. He was a little happy about that but then he remembered that many animals mated several times a day and he sighed. Somehow he got the feeling he would be seeing that red thing again all too soon. “Have fun my friend?” Peter looked up in surprise, there was Jonsa, standing in the doorway and smiling. “I thought you would have some fun with my human before I got back.”Samsa smiled “Don’t worry, I am sure he has enough energy to deal with both of us. Jonsa smiled again “We shall see, I also brought this little human down with me to join in our “fun”. Jonsa brought a human up from behind his back and the human looked terrified at the prospect of joining in these two cruel creatures “fun”. Samsa looked at the human and smiled again “I think I know what you want to happen to him and we will do that, after we snuggle a bit.” Jonsa smiled and walked towards Samsa, who grabbed Peter and sat up. Peter had no idea what was going to happen, except that these two boys were going to have sex and he didn’t want to take part in it. Jonsa sat down in front of Samsa and scooted very close to him then dropped his human on the ground. Now Peter and the other human were trapped between both boys legs and their packages. Samsas’ red tool had long since retreated back to his sheath but it was now starting to poke back out again, as was Jonsas’. The scent of male was very strong down here and impossible to ignore. Peter heard slurping up above and could only assume the two Bajirrans were kissing each other and he had no desire to see that, or what was on either side of him either for that matter so he just sat down and closed his eyes, waiting for the next torture to come. After a few moments of kissing the two boys broke apart and decided that now was the time for their fun. Jonsa reached down and grabbed Peter while Samsa reached down and grabbed the other human. Jonsa smiled at Samsa as he took Peter and started rubbing him along his sheath. The fur was very soft, which was lucky for Peter or this would have been very uncomfortable. Jonsa moaned in pleasure as he felt the small struggling human slide across his sheath, stirring up his manhood from within him. Peter was too busy to notice he was really pleasuring his owner. Not that it would have given him any comfort anyway. Jonsa continued to rub Peter along his sheath for several minutes before he laid back and left Peter alone on his sheath. “Oh, Samsa. I think it is time we stopped pleasuring ourselves and started pleasuring each other.” Samsa smiled “Yes, of course. I think I know just what would feel good right about now.” Samsa grabbed peter and placed him on the tip of his exposed shaft as Jonsa spread his legs, exposing his ass. Peter tried to scream but nothing came out as he realized he was about to join the two creatures as they fucked each other. Samsa started to lower his shaft to Jonsas ass as Peter sat there, too terrified to move, much less defend himself from the disgusting act that was about to come. Just as Samsas’ shaft started to touch Jonsas anus Peter came out of his trance and ran as far away from the huge ass as he could. He ran down to the base of the sheath and just stared ahead, he had no desire to look back and watch the two boys have sex. “OOOOOHHHHH! This feels so good Jonsa!” Jonsa could only moan in response. At this point Peter put his hands over his ears as hard as he could, to block out as much of sound as possible. After several minutes of muffled sounds and feeling the sheath sway beneath him the movement stopped and he took his hands off his ears. He heard some heavy panting. “Oh, boy was that great! But our little friend didn’t join in! I can feel him standing at the base of my sheath.” “Maybe it was for the best, it would have been hard to get him out before he drowned in all the cum you pumped into my ass.” “Yeah, maybe your right. Now I will let you decide how our other little friend should join in.” Peter heard a wet slurp as he felt Samsa pull out from Jonsas’ ass. “Oh, I think he should be on my dick as you suck me off.” Peter heard a scream at this remark from a ways away. “You know where he will end up if we do that?” “Of course I know, that is what makes it so much fun!” “Ok, if you know what you want, I think I will move your special little human off of me so he can get a better view of this.” Peter felt Samsa grip him and pull him upwards. “Where would you like me to put him?” “Oh, I think he would get a very good view of the action at the base of my sheath, just be careful around him ok?” “Oh, don’t worry. I will be careful with this human.” The next thing Peter knew he was at the base of Jonsas’ Sheath looking up at the semi-erect cock. A few seconds later the other human was placed on the cock head and pushed part way into Jonsas’ piss slit. “Now you can’t get away until Jonsa releases you.” Jonsa chuckled as he layed his head back and waited for Samsa to start sucking him off. Samsa kneeled and lowered his head. While he was doing this he slowly opened his mouth. The human on Jonsas cock started screaming at the top of his lungs and also started beating on Jonsas’ cock head and trying to pull himself off. Jonsa chuckled as he felt this. “Don’t worry human, in due time you will be swimming around my good friends belly with my cum.” This did nothing to make the human feel better, but he didn’t get anymore time to scream and struggle, at least not in Peters view, because at that time Samsas mouth came down over Jonsas cock. Peter hear Jonsa moan as he felt that. “Be sure not to swallow that human until I cum in your mouth, I don’t want him to miss anything before he gets digested.” Samsa could only grunt in response. Peter heard some slurping and knew that Samsa had started to pleasure his friend, that and the moaning in pleasure from behind him. Peter looked away, not wanting to see this sight either, he also put his hands on his ears again. After a few minutes he felt large fingers lower his arms, than turn his head so he would have to watch this. He realized that it was Jonsa who was making him watch the spectacle and had timed it so Peter would have to watch when Jonsa was cumming. After a few seconds of watching Samsa suck on the red shaft he heard a moan in pleasure and saw that Samsa had stopped sucking and he could only assume that he was cumming right now. After a few seconds Samsa swallowed, he swallowed several more times before he pulled himself off of Jonsas shaft. Samsa licked his lips then he let out a small belch. Jonsa chuckled. “Did he enjoy himself in your mouth while my cock was in there?” Samsa smiled and nodded “Oh yes, he enjoyed himself right up until I swallowed him with your tasty cum. In fact I think he is still enjoying himself in my belly.” Peter shuddered, he was very sure the human was not enjoying himself at all. Jonsa looked at a clock that was hanging on the wall. “Hey! It is midnight! We have to get to bed or we won’t learn anything in school tomorrow!” Samsa shrugged “Have we ever really learned anything in school?” Jonsa laughed “No, but still it would not be good to fall asleep in class and be sent to detention.” Samsa nodded “Ok, lets go to bed. What should we do with your human?” Jonsa looked at him “I think he would enjoy spending the night half-way in my sheath.” Peter shuddered but knew that begging would do no good and was very tired so he just sat there. Samsa smiled “I think he would like that indeed.” Jonsa reached down and grabbed Peter and started bringing him up to the top of his sheath. At this time Jonsas shaft had retreated into his sheath. He slowly pushed Peter into his sheath feet first, moaning as he felt the live human enter it. Peter could feel the slimy interior of the sheath and struggled against Jonsas grip to avoid getting stuck in this slimy place for the whole night. Jonsa chuckled and just pushed him in faster. A couple of seconds later Peter was in Jonsas sheath up to his navel. Jonsa laughed as he stood up to go to bed. Samsa was also laughing. “Man, it feels so weird to have a living thing in my sheath.” Samsa chuckled “I bet it does, I bet it also feels weird for the human, to be stuck in your sheath.” Jonsa laughed as they started climbing the stairs. A few minutes later they were in Jonsas room and started climbing into his bed, together. As the got under the covers they faced each other and bade each other good night before switching off the light. Even thought the light was off there was still enough light beneath the sheets for Peter to see that he was right across from Samsas’ sheath and balls. After about an hour he finally went into a relatively peaceful slumber. The last thing he saw was Samsas’ maleness. He knew he had a big day ahead of him tomorrow, little did he know that it would be his last, there was only a couple humans left besides him, once he was gone there would be nothing to protect him from Jonsas hungry belly. Peter was awoken early the next morning by yawning. He woke up and the first thing he saw was Samsas’ maleness wiggling in front of him. Samsa was stretching and yawning as he was waking up. After a few seconds Peter saw Samsas’ maleness leave his sight as Samsa sat up in bed. Samsa yawned again and scratched his belly as he tried to wake up and get ready for school. He got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower while Jonsa was starting to come out of his slumber. Jonsa stretched, than sat up in bed. He moaned as he remembered this was another school day, then suddenly he remembered about his human and thought that it wouldn’t feel so bad after all. It felt extremely good to him to have a little human stuck inside of him. The feeling of a sheath warmer felt so good to Jonsa he had to moan in pleasure before he reached down to pull Peter out so he could take his shower. Peter was happy when he felt Jonsas’ hands grip him and started to pull him out. It felt very weird for Peter as he was slowly pulled out. The sheath didn’t seem to want to let him go and seemed to embrace him as he was pulled out. Peter was a little revolted as he felt the slimy embrace of Jonsas’ sheath as he was pulled out. When Peter was finally pulled free, he left with a slimy slurp and found he was covered in some kind of slime from the inside of the sheath. Jonsa chuckled at the sight of the slimy human as he heard the water shut off, signaling that Samsa was done with his shower. Jonsa got up and walked into the bathroom and waited for Samsa to get out so he could wash off. Peter stared when Samsa stepped out of the shower. He was soaking wet and the water was running along his belly, then along his sheath then finally onto his ballsac where it dripped off. Samsa smiled at the human, “Like what you see little guy?” Peter couldn’t respond and watched as Samsa started to dry himself off. Jonsa tapped his foot in impatience. Could you please move so I can take my shower and wash my human off? Samsa smiled, “Of course, how rude of me” and stepped out of the way as he continued to towel himself off. “Thank you.” Jonsa stepped into the shower stall and shut the opaque glass door. He set Peter down on the floor and turned on the water. Peter smiled as he felt the water drip on him off of Jonsas’ lean body and start to wash away the slime. Above him Jonsa had grabbed some shampoo and started to wash off his fur. Soapy water dripped off of Jonsas’ body and onto Peter, he started to wash off the slime and make himself feel clean again after two days of disgusting treatment from the Bajirran boys. After Peter felt clean again he looked up and couldn’t help but admire the show going on above him. The sight of the water cascading off of Jonsas lean, muscular frame was a very pleasing sight for Peter, and for a time he forgot that the creature above him was a predator that was planning to eat him. He spent the remainder of the shower watching as the water sprayed from the shower head onto Jonsa, trickle down his broad chest, down his flat muscular belly, around his sheath onto his swaying blue ballsac and dripped down onto Peter. After Jonsa had finished washing himself off he reached down and grabbed Peter and started to rub him all along his body. “MMmmmmm, that feels good. I love the sensation of rubbing you along my muscular body my little human.” Peter was also enjoying himself, the water and shampoo made the fur seem very soft against his skin and it felt very soothing to be rubbed along against the soft, blue fur. Finally Jonsa finished, turned off the water and stepped out of the shower stall to dry himself off. He grabbed a towel and quickly dried Peters’ little body off, then he set him on the toilet as he started to dry himself off. Peter watched in facination as Jonsa toweled himself off, something about watching a huge blue male creature towel itself off in front of him fascinated him. The quick motions of Jonsa toweling himself off caused his male features to jiggle a bit. Peter stared at Jonsas ballsac as it swayed back and forth seductively. Finally Jonsa finished toweling off and hung up the towel to dry before he grabbed Peter and walked back to his room to choose his clothes for the day. Jonsa chose a bright colored t-shirt and jean shorts. Jonsa smiled as he reached down, grabbed Peter and once again stuffed him into his briefs. Peter couldn’t help but smile a bit as he was once again pressed against Jonsas’ soft ballsac and the soft fur that grew on it. He knew that this would be a very interesting day. After Jonsa had dressed he walked down stairs, grabbed a quick breakfast and walked out the door to school. Samsa had already left so Jonsa walked to school alone. Ten minutes later he arrived at school and was surprised to see a large crowd in front of the school and wondered what was going on. He walked up quickly and asked a freshman that was at the edge of the crowd. “What is going on here?” The freshman looked at Jonsa a second before responding “There was an electrical short and it caused a small fire in a classroom. We are waiting to see if they are going to close the school today because of that.” Jonsa nodded and stood at the edge of the crowd, waiting. Finally after a good twenty minutes passed a tall, slightly fat Bajirran emerged from the school building. He looked at the crowd for several seconds before speaking. “School will be closed for today while we make sure the school is safe from further electrical problems and make some repairs to the class room that had the small fire in it.” The rest of his speech was drowned out by a cheer from the students who quickly started to disperse. Jonsa was very happy, he waited for a few minutes until he found Samsa. “What should we do today since the school is closed?” Samsa smiled “We could go to the health club and work out for a couple hours to start with.” Jonsa smiled back “Sounds good, lets go.” The two boys walked quickly to the bus stop and got on a bus to the health club. When they got to the health club they went straight to the workout room. Jonsa started to lift weights and was very quickly perspiring. He smiled as he thought of what it must be like for his human in his underpants. Peter was getting very warm in the confined space of Jonsas underpants, it was also getting very sweaty in here as well. He coughed at Jonsas’ male scent which was getting stronger the more he worked out and perspired. Peter couldn’t help but enjoy being up against Jonsas’ ballsac as it got more and more limp from the heat in the underpants. After about two hours of working out Jonsa was tired and sweaty so he went to the locker room and undressed, sticking all his clothes in the locker. After he took off his underpants he looked in them for his little human, but he was nowhere to be seen. Peter was very surprised when he felt the underpants get pulled from beneath him, and he stayed against Jonsas’ ballsac! Apparently Jonsas’ sweat had solidified and acted like glue thus causing him to get stuck to the ballsac. While Jonsa looked around frantically for his little human Peter swayed with his ballsac. It was a very interesting experience for Peter, he found the idea of being stuck to a ballsac as it swayed back and forth to be very exciting. Jonsa was frantic, he was terrified that his human had somehow gotten away and been found by another Bajirran, he knew that if another Bajirran found him than there was almost a 100% chance that his little human would find himself in the belly of a strange Bajirran. Then he felt a slight weight on his ballsac and sighed, of course he should have realized that. He realized that his sweat had probably stuck his human to his ballsac as he excersized and reached down to pull Peter off. Peter could do nothing as he watched the huge hand come and grab onto him, slowly peeling him off the warm, soft ballsac. After a few seconds Peter was free and brought up to Jonsas’ face. Jonsa smiled at him “Did you enjoy being stuck to my ballsac little human?” Peter could only nod. Jonsa laughed “Wonderful don’t worry, that sweat will wash right off when we get into the hot tub with Samsa.” Jonsa started walking towards the hot tub room while Peter thought about what would happen. As Jonsa entered the hot tub room he smiled when he saw that it was completely empty, except for Samsa. Samsa smiled up at Jonsa and waved him in to join him. Jonsa smiled back and quickly climbed into the tub. He sat next to Samsa and slowly brought Peter into the water. Peter moaned as he felt the warm water start to come up his body and quickly found himself on the surface of the water with nothing to hold him up. Jonsa smiled down at him, “Don’t worry little human, for some reason when something is your size they have no problem breathing underwater. Feel free to dive down and swim around as long as you want. We aren’t going anywhere for a while.” Peter thought for a moment and decided to give it a try, he dove down a little ways and realized they were right, for the most part. He didn’t actually breathe through his nose, he actually absorbed the oxygen from the water through his skin. He smiled as he realized he could stay down as long as he wanted and dove much further down. He swam down until he found himself before Jonsas’ package and smiled at the sight of the sheath and balls swaying back and forth in the slight current of the water before he swam over to it and started to rub it. Jonsa smiled as he felt his human touch his package underwater. He thought how lucky he was to have gotten one of the extremely few humans thought liked to be close to a Bajirran. Underwater Peter tired of massaging Jonsa and swam over to Samsa and started to do the same for him. Samsa smiled and shuddered as he felt the little human touch him. He wondered why he wasn’t lucky enough to have gotten a human like Jonsas. Then he shrugged and just enjoyed the feeling of the human against him. Jonsa smiled at the sight of his friend enjoying his little humans touches when he heard the door open and close. He looked over and was surprised to see the freshman he had talked to earlier that day walk in and start to get into the hot tub. Peter was surprised himself when he saw a pair of legs enter the tub not far from him and start walking by. The strong current they caused swept Peter along and he found himself on the ledge that was used for sitting fairly close to Jonsa. He looked up and was horrified to see the other male Bajirrans ass start to decend towards him. Peter was pressed into the ledge as the freshman sat on him, he was forced to stare at the huge anus that was right before him. He wanted to struggle to get away but realized that would only cause him to be discovered by the large creature and decided to wait until he decided to leave. Fortunatley, thought Peter with a smile, I don’t have to smell his anus. Jonsa was nervous as he saw the freshman sit on his human and prayed that he didn’t try to escape from beneath him. “What are you doing here?” The freshman smiled, “I came here to work out and relax, it is just pure chance I found you here.” Jonsa smiled politely at the freshman, trying to think of a polite way to get him out of here. Suddenly Samsa got up and started to leave. “Where are you going? I thought you were going to sit here with me for a while.” Samsa looked back at Jonsa, his face full of disappointment, “I want to, but I just remembered that I have to get to work. I forgot this was a work day because of school being cancelled so I am already late. I will talk to you later though.” With that he left. Jonsa sighed and looked back at the freshman thoughtfully. The freshman looked at the college junior before him and tried to think of a good way to start the conversation he wanted to. Suddenly Jonsa did it for him. “I have seen you admiring me in gym class while we shower.” The freshman blinked in surprise then felt embarresed. “Yeah, I hope you aren’t mad at me for that.” Jonsa smiled “On the contrary, I sort of liked the idea of someone admiring my body.” The freshman smiled back. “I am sorry, I don’t recall your name.” The freshman smiled again “It is Kessana.” Jonsa smiled “Well, Kessana. Now that we are alone, and in the buff would you like to get to know me a little more?” Kessana smiled “Sure.” As he started to move closer to Jonsa he felt something beneath him and reached down to scratch it. Peter was scared as he felt the Bajirran lean to one side and saw a huge hand coming towards him. The fingers started to scratch the anus, but then the felt Peter and grabbed him. He was quickly pulled out of the water and to Kessanas’ surprised face. “What were you doing against my anus little human?” Peter stared in horror at the huge face of a Bajirran he had never met and was immediately afraid he would be eaten by him. Jonsa immediately stepped in before Kessana started to get any ideas. “That is my human, he was swimming around when you came in and sat on him.” Kessana nodded “I was wondering if he was yours. Can he join us in our fun?” Jonsa smiled “Sure, he already knows my body. But it can’t hurt for you to use him to help you explore my body. Start where ever you would like.” Kessana smiled and went over to Jonsa and submerged his head so he was facing Jonsas’ package, smiled then touched it for a few moments with one hand. After he went up for air he started to rub Peter on Jonsas’ manhood. Peter smiled as he felt himself start to get rubbed along Jonsas’ package once again and thought how nice it felt to be up against something so soft and fleshy. Kessana was a little surprised when he felt Jonsa reach down and start to rub his own package, but he closed his eyes and started to moan as he felt Jonsa touch him. Jonsas’ hand moved slowly around to Kessanas’ backside and gripped his buttock. “Would you like me to have my human explore your backside a bit more closely?” Kessana could only nod and hand over Peter as he turned around and showed his backside to Jonsa. Peter stared in horror as he was lowered to Kessanas’ exposed anus and realized he was about to be shoved in it. He started fighting for all he was worth to avoid that. Jonsa smiled at his little humans struggles and just moved him towards it faster. Peter stared as the anus took up his whole field of vision and he was slowly pressed against the strong muscle of Kessanas’ anus. He struggled as he felt himself slowly sliding into the anus, face first. It was an interesting trip for Peter, the anus felt like it was giving him a warm embrace and he could feel it flexing around him as he was inserted. After a few moments he was finally all the way inside Kessana. He sat up and looked around his surroundings. He realized that some property of the Bajirrans anatomy allowed him to see inside of them, or perhaps it was the small size of his eyeballs that allowed the small bit of light to allow him to see. Whatever the reason he could see in here, he saw that the walls of the rectum weren’t red, but more of a reddish blue. As he explored he realized there was air in here and it had a strange scent. As he looked around he saw the source of the scent. It was a large turd at the other end of the rectum, when Peter got a little closer he realized there were several bones in it, and most of them didn’t appear to be human bones. He shuddered and wondered if all of the owners of those bones had been swallowed whole as he felt the rectum shudder around him. Kessana smiled very broadly as he felt himself cum in Jonsas mouth. He smacked his lips at the salty aftertaste of Jonsas’ own cum. He could feel the human moving around in his bowels and it made him feel very excited, knowing that there was a small living creature moving around where many dead meals met the end of the line in his digestive tract. Suddenly he felt a cramping in his bowels, he smiled a bit at that but suppressed the feeling, not wanting to spoil the fun. After a few more minutes of playing around both Bajirrans sat back, panting from the effort and both sated, sexually. Kessana looked over at Jonsa. “I have to use the facilities, I will fish your little human out when I am done, ok?” Jonsa smiled, “Yes, that is ok. I will be waiting here for you.” Kessana smiled and walked out of the hot tub room and found an empty stall and sat down on the toilet and relaxed his bowels. Inside of Kessanas’ rectum Peter felt the walls start to contract and push him towards the anus, since he was much smaller he got there first. He looked back and saw that the turd was also coming along, though much more slowly. He was slowly pushed back out through the anus and was happy when he felt himself leave the rectum and fall through the air. When he impacted with the water in the toilet it was surprising how cold the water was. After he recovered a bit from the shock of the cold water he looked up and was greeted with the sight of Kessanas’ flexing anus. After a few seconds he saw the head of the turd start poking out of his anus. He could only stare in horror as it was slowly pushed out of Kessana. He heard grunting above him as it was pushed out. Finally it came free from his anus and feel to the water with a great splash right next to Peter. Kessana heard the splash beneath him and smiled. He tried to imagine what it must be like for the human to be beneath him as he pooped. He felt another turd leave his bowels and splash in the water below him. He smiled again as he felt more turds waiting their turn to be pushed out. After several minutes more Kessanas’ anus stopped flexing and he just sat there. Peter sighed a breath of relief. He had never seen so many turds at one time, the bowl was full of them and they all seemed to have little bones in them. Several had sunk to the bottom, but many were floating and Peter had grabbed onto one because he was tired from swimming to avoid the falling objects. After several minutes Kessana got up and looked into the bowl, after a few seconds he spotted Peter, smiled as he reached in and plucked him from the water. He set Peter down on the seat and told him not to slip as he turned around again and bent down as he grabbed some toiletpaper. Peter turned away as Kessana started to wipe himself. After a few seconds he felt Kessana grab him again and heard the toilet get flushed as the stall door opened and they walked back to the hot tub room. Jonsas smiled at them as they got back in the tub. After they had sat down Jonsa looked right at Peter, “Did you enjoy the show?” Peter nodded, not trusting himself to speak. Jonsa and Kessana laughed. When they had finished laughing Kessana looked at Jonsa “I know he is a human, but could you please not eat him until lunch at school tomorrow?” Jonsa smiled, “I was planning to eat him after dinner tonight, but I guess tomorrow would be ok.” Kessana smiled, “Thanks, I will see you tomorrow then.” He hands Peter back to him, then gets up and walks out of the room. Jonsa got up himself and walked back to his locker and got a courtesy towel and dried himself off before dressing again and putting Peter back in his underpants. Peter had a long ride back to Jonsas’ house in his underpants. There was still a lot of moisture in here from Jonsas’ dip and that just made his male scent even stronger than normal. After about an hour in the underpants Peter heard the door to the house open and close, they had finally gotten back. “I am back!” “Oh, good honey. Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes. I hope you are hungry!” “Oh, yes mom.” Peter felt Jonsa slap his belly “I am VERY hungry.” Jonsa laughed and started to walk to the kitchen. “Ah, my favorite! Pounded meat with live Wols!” Peter heard Jonsas’ mother laugh and reply “Oh, I know how much you love your Wols! I remember back when you first tried one and how your face lit up when you felt it struggling in your tummy!” Jonsa and his mother both laughed while Peter shivered slightly despite the extreme warmth his enviroment. “I think I will go change my shirt and wash up before dinner.” “Ok sweety, don’t take too long though! We start eating as soon as your father gets home.” Peter felt Jonsa start walking again and wondered what he had planned for him. After a couple minutes the top of the underpants opened and spilled in blinding light onto Peter. He felt himself get grabbed and hoisted out of the underpants and the next thing he knew he was looking Jonsa right in the face. Jonsa smiled at him before he said “During dinner I will put you in my shirt pocket so you can see and hear more. I wouldn’t advise moving around too much or trying to escape, or you may find yourself in a belly sooner than you expected and it may not even be mine!” Peter shuddered, he knew that he was going to end up in a belly. But he wanted it to be as long as possible before that happened, and somehow it seemed better if Jonsa was the one to do it. “I will be quite master.” Jonsa smiled “Good, I will try to slip some food in for you to eat while you watch me eat.” Jonsa then placed Peter in his shirt pocket and walked downstairs to dinner. Once dinner had started Peter realized just how good a view he had of Jonsa from the pocket. He watched as Jonsa would take cut up pieces of meat to his mouth, chew it up and gulp them down. Watching him eat the Wols’ was more disturbing. He would bring the Wols’ up to his face, smile at them then he would open his mouth and drop them in and swallow them. Throughout the whole process they would be making a horrible screeching sound and would squirm to an amazing degree. With some of the larger Wols he could actually watch their shapes squirm through his throat. Needless to say Peter was very happy when Dinner was finshed and Jonsa headed back to his room. When Jonsa got back to his room he reached into the his pocket and took out Peter and set him on his bedspread. Peter saw the door to his room was closed as Jonsa took off his shirt and pants and smiled down at Peter. After a couple seconds Jonsa went over to the tank where the other humans were kept and randomly grabbed one. He walked back over to his bed and grabbed Peter as he layed on his back. He looked at the human he grabbed out of the tank and smiled at him “You are going to join my dinner, you lucky human and this one here is going to watch you get eaten.” Jonsa laughed at the horrified expression on the humans face and opened his mouth wide, giving both Peter and the other human a very good view of it. The second human was tossed in and Peter watched in horror as he stumbled around Jonsas’ wet tongue for a couple seconds before the mouth closed and Peter heard Jonsa gulp. Then Jonsa opened his mouth again to show Peter how it was now empty. After a couple more seconds he lowered Peter to his belly “Listen to the Wols and your friend my little human.” Peter could do nothing but listen to the gurgling, screeches and the screams coming from Jonsas’ belly. After a couple minutes Jonsa took him away from his belly and got up and got the second to last human out of the tank. He went back to his bed and layed on his back again. He placed Peter in front of his sheath and placed the other human before his anus. “Second human, clean my ass while your friend up here pleases me. Be careful not to get sucked in when I cum though.” He looked at Peter and smiled “Well, get started.” Peter sighed and walked to the head of the sheath and started to rub it. After a couple moments he heard a sigh from behind him “Not good enough, I guess I will have to help you.” The next thing Peter knew he felt a finger behind push him face first into the sheath! He passed into the sheath very easily and found himself in a warm, slimy enviroment with very little light. He could barely make out Jonsa telling him to start squirming in here to make him hard, or he would stay in here until he suffocated! Peter shuddered, dying in a sheath was not very high on his list of desired deaths so he started squirming for all he was worth. After a few moments he noticed something creeping towards him, a few moments later he realized it was Jonsas’ cock! It started to push against him, starting to force him out of the sheath, bit by bit. Once Peter made it out of the sheath he sighed a breath of relief and watched as the cock finished coming out. “Start serving it human.” Peter sighed and went to the side of the huge cock and start to rub it as best he could. After a few minutes Peter heard Jonsa sigh in annoyance and felt himself get grabbed and pushed against the cock roughly. He started getting rubbed back and forth along it very forcefully, fortunately for him it was slimy and he didn’t get injured from it. He heard Jonsa start to breath heavily and the cock beneath him start to pulse. Suddenly he was taken from the side of the cock to its’ head! Peter stared at the piss slit before him for just a second before he was hit in the face with a powerful burst of cum. Jonsa continued to cum for several moments, completely covering Peter in it. Then he sighed and layed back, still breathing heavily. Peter watched as Jonsas’ cock slowly started drawing back into his sheath, after a few moments he was brought up to Jonsas face. “Oh, you are all covered in my spunk. I guess I better clean you off!” Peter watched as Jonsa opened his mouth and tossed Peter in. The mouth closed quickly, but Peter could still see because of some sort of light coming from the walls of the mouth. He started getting tossed around by Jonsas’ tongue, he could feel the cum coming off him from Jonsas’ saliva. Then Jonsa stopped and Peter saw he was facing Jonsas’ throat. He suddenly started to worry that Jonsa would swallow him now! He could tell that Jonsa was seriously considering it. Then more light suddenly streamed in and he was spitted back out into Jonsas’ hand. Jonsa looked down at him for a moment before speaking “You know human, you are very lucky that I promised Kessana that I would eat you tomorrow, or you would be on your way to my belly right now!” Peter shuddered at that thought. Suddenly he remembered the other human “Master, the other human.” Jonsa looked at him a second before he remembered himself. Peter watched as Jonsa reached down to his ass and started to feel around for him. He saw the look of confusion on his face. “Hmm, I can’t find him. You look for me and tell me if you can see him.” Peter was quickly dropped in front of Jonsas’ anus and he started to look around. After a couple moments he noticed something, and he shuddered. He saw a human hand sticking out of Jonsas’ anus, it was fumbling around as if looking for a way to pull itself out. “He is inside your ass master!” After a couple seconds he heard Jonsa laughed “Well, I told him to be careful not to get sucked in. I guess he decided not to listen to me! Well, I guess I better suck him in all the way so he can enjoy the short time he has down there.” Peter watched in horror as the anus flexed and slowly drew in the hand. He heard Jonsa laugh, then Jonsa told him to wait a second. After a few seconds Peter watched as the anus flexed again and for a hopeful moment he thought Jonsa was pushing the poor human back out! This hope was quickly dashed as Jonsa farted at him. He heard Jonsa laugh again “That was your friends last breath of air, now he can do nothing but suffocate in my turd factory and be shitted out tomorrow! Peter sobbed a bit before he was once again grabbed by Jonsa. He was brought up to his face and Jonsa looked at him a second before speaking “Don’t worry, you will be joining your friends in a while. But for now I think we should get some sleep. Tonight you will sleep in my underpants, but I will chose a more loose pair so you can move around to avoid getting squished as I toss in my sleep. He went over to his underwear drawer and looked around a bit before finally choosing one of his larger pairs. He placed Peter on his desk and slipped on his underpants, then he grabbed Peter and walked back over to the bed. He sat down and opened the front of his underpants and dropped Peter in as he layed on his back and turned off the light and started to drift off to sleep. It took a very long time for Peter to fall to sleep because Jonsa tossed and turned a lot in his sleep. When Jonsa stopped tossing around Peter was stuck in Jonsas’ ass, very close to his anus. He sighed when he realized that he was going to have to breathe the stench of Jonsas’ backside all night. Jonsa farted many times in Peters face before he went to sleep, fortunately for Peter he had many nice dreams on his last night alive. Peter was awaken early the next morning when Jonsa farted in his sleep. The horrible stench woke Peter up and he immediately gagged on the horrible smell. There was some light already out so he could barely see the anus that was right in front of him. He shuddered as he though of how he would be coming out of that ring of muscle in a different form in a couple days. The ring of muscle flexed and Jonsa farted right on Peter once again. Peter coughed and started to struggle to get away from the ring of muscle. The next thing he knew he was nosing the disgusting ring of muscle. After a couple seconds he realized that Jonsa must be sitting up and forgotten abut him. He immediately started to squirm, trying to get away from Jonsas’ anus. The anus flexed and farted yet again and a couple seconds later, Peter felt Jonsas’ weight shift and himself get grabbed, for once he was glad to be grabbed by Jonsa. Jonsa brought him up to face level and smiled at him. “Well my human, today is the big day! Since this is your last day alive I will let you have some say in what happens to you before I eat you.” Peter nodded gratefully at Jonsa. Jonsa smiled again “I am going to take a shower now, do you want to go in with me or watch from the counter?” Peter looked at him “I think I will just watch this time master.” Jonsa nodded and headed to the bathroom. He closed the door, set Peter on the counter and took off his underpants. He turned to Peter “Take a good look human, this may be the last time you see my package in the full light of day.”Peter couldn’t help but take in every detail of Jonsas’ package, from his plump sheath to his plump, sagging ballsac which swung pendously with every movement that Jonsa made. Jonsa smiled at him again then stepped into the shower while Peter watched Mesmirized and proceeded to bathe himself, taking every chance to show his package to Peter again. When Jonsa had finished showering and drying himself off he moved so his package was right in front of Peter and he couldn’t help but look at it. “Where would you like to spend the day my little human?” Peter stared at the package a few minutes then answered “In your shorts my lord.” Jonsa smiled “Ok, and since this is your last day I will wear my boxers, so you can move around a bit more and feel me swing back and forth as I walk.” Jonsa smiled “Thank you master!” Jonsa smiled again, grabbed Peter and walked back into his room, placing Peter on his dresser while he rummaged through looking for his boxers. When he finally found them he put them on and smiled down at Peter. "Have fun in my shorts today human, and be careful not to let go or slip off, or you may fall out of my shorts and pants and someone else may find you and eat you!" Peter shuddered, not sure if it would be better to fall out and try to get away and risk being eaten and tortured again, or staying in the shorts and certainly be eaten. Jonsa reached down and grabbed Peter. He held him over his boxers as he held it open. Peter could only look down for a couple seconds before he was dropped in. He immediately grabbed hold of Jonsas' plump sheath head and hoisted himself atop of it. There was some light in here so Peter could see everything fairly well. When Jonsa had finished dressing and started walking down stairs for breakfast Peter was surprised by the freedom of motion he had in here. As he watched Jonsas' limp ballsac swung back and forth freely and his sheath also swung, though not nearly as much. Jonsa ate a quick breakfast, not even bothering to pay attention to what it was and walked quickly to school and his first class. When Jonsa sat down at his first class Peter watched in fascination as his ballsac was pushed upwards towards him and was right beneath him, and since there was less air space in here now it got warmer and Jonsas' male scent grew stronger. After Jonsas' first class Peter was very sweaty and hot and was very glad when there was more airflow in the boxers to cool him down. Jonsas' class had lasted about an hour and a half so it had gotten very hot in the boxers because the act of sitting cut off the airflow. When Jonsa reached his second hour class Peter was starting to feel sleepy from the heat down in the boxers and he slowly drifted off to sleep. He was awoken when a burst of light came into the boxers and he felt himself get grabbed by Jonsa. Jonsa was in the mens room at the moment, and it was empty except for Kessana, who was looking at Peter with excitement in his eyes. "It's finally time, I am so excited!" Jonsa also smiled "I am planning to eat some of the school pizza before I eat him you know, I want to give him as much time to enjoy my belly before he becomes part of me forever!" Kessana nodded "I know, I know! But it is still very exciting!" Jonsa smiled again and looked at Peter "I am going to put you in my pocket while I eat the pizza, that way you don't escape and the other people don't have to watch me reach into my shorts to pull you out." Peter sighed, it was finally time to be Jonsas' meal, and he expected to feel fear. Instead he felt detachment. He shook his head and barely noticed when Jonsa stuck him in his pocket and headed back to the lunchroom. For Peter it seemed that it didn't take very long for Jonsa to eat his pizza. All too soon he felt Jonsa reach in and grab Peter for the last time and pull him out. Peter looked into Jonsas' excited eyes and started feeling a bit frightened, it was actually going to happen, he wasn't going to be kept as a sex toy for this horrible creature. "Eat him!" Kessana said loudly. Jonsa smiled at Peter "Thank you for making me happy for the last few days, and now I thank you for nourishing the body you have pleasured." With that Jonsa opened his mouth and Peter saw some bits of Pizza on Jonsas' tongue and between his teeth, and his dark throat, which was greedily waiting for him. Jonsa tossed Peter in and quickly closed his mouth so Peter had no chance to try to escape, he could see somewhat in here because of the fact that it seemed that Bajirran internal anatomy had a luminescent quality to it, not exactly a good thing from Peters' perspective. Jonsa started to roll Peter around in his mouth to get as much of his taste as possible. Peter could definitely smell the pizza that had been in here shortly before him. After a few moments of being swished around in Jonsas' slimy mouth Peter felt Jonsas' tongue start to tilt up and push him towards the dark opening before him, the opening that led to his doom. It took just a few seconds for Peter to slid down the large, slimy tube to Jonsas' stomach, when he arrived the first thing he noticed was the smell of Pizza and acid. He landed on top of the chewed up Pizza that Jonsa had just eaten and when he tried to stand up he sank up to his knees in the soft, warm goop. He ran over to Jonsas' stomach wall and started pounding and screaming to be let out. After a couple seconds some cold, sweet smelling liquid poured into the stomach. It is probably the Bajirran version of soda thought Peter. Then far above him he heard a belch and felt a rush of air as it left the stomach. He heard a thud and realized that Jonsa was probably patting his belly in contentment. He started to feel a slight tingle on his feet and realized that it must be Jonsas' acids starting to work on him and the Pizza. After half an hour his feet and legs felt like they were on fire, but the skin hadn't been dissolved completely away yet, the pizza and the soda diluted the Pizza enough so that it didn't end his life quickly, but not enough to stop the horrible pain. The pain drove Peter to start pounding on the stomach walls even harder. Jonsa smiled, he could feel his lucky human struggling inside his belly and he hoped that the feeling would continue for a very long time. After an hour and a half in Jonsas' belly Peters' legs had been long since dissolved and he was forced to lay on the dissolving pizza. The pain was even worse now because there was less pizza in the stomach to take the brunt of the acids. He screamed uncontrollably and continued to look around inside the stomach for someplace to keep himself safe from the acids, but he knew it was pointless because he had already examined the contours of the stomach several times and found no place where he could be safe. Peter desperately hoped for death to free him from this painful prison and to give him peace. Jonsa smiled as he walked home after school, he could still feel his human inside of him, though the struggles were getting weaker as he was slowly becoming a formless goop. He only hoped the human would live a while longer for him, he patted his stomach again and smiled as he thought of how honored the human must feel to be his food. A little more than 2 hours had passed since Peter had been swallowed, he had gone unconscious a few moments ago, and now his heart has stopped beating. His end wasn't as painful because his nerve endings were no longer existent so he could feel nothing. Now his body was quickly and efficiently turned into a goop that was passed into Jonsas' intestines to be absorbed, and what wouldn't be absorbed would be excreted a couple days later. Jonsa burped, then he smiled as he realized his humans' life must have just ended. He sighed as he remembered all the pleasure the little human brought him. Yes, indeed this had been a fitting end for him thought Jonsa. He thought of how tomorrow his humans' remains would be coming out of him. He wondered if he would be able to spot his bones or not. Then he shrugged, smiled while patting his belly once again and then pushed Peter out of his head as he headed down for dinner. |
Scar growled to himself, frustrated that his experiment had failed, yet again. He growled even more as he thought of how, for his entire life, Scar had in his older brother's shadow, in shadow of his king. He was tired of being in the shadows all the time, kept from reaching his full glory. But he wasn't going to put up with it any longer! He had found a way to get what he really wanted, what he was destined to have, power. However, though he had a truly brilliant scheme in his head, he just COULDNT' make it work, no matter how hard he tried. He snarled angrilly, his tail swishing freely, wearing nothing but a revealing loincloth. He liked being able to show off his impressive form to others, especially those he had some form of power over, like this test subject for example. He stepped closer to his test subject, a small, terrified little rabbit, one got a sense of his true physical power. His legs flexed, his biceps bulged, his six pack rippled, and his strong, masculine chest glistened in the artificial light. He stopped before the little creature, towering over it, looking very imposing to the helpless rabbit. Scar grunted shortly, glaring down at the test subject for a few moments. Then he reached down and plucked it up. Staring down at it with his powerful eyes, he simply said, “It is far too late for any further experiments tonight, and besides, I have, other, needs for you small one.” His lips broke into a big, toothy grin, which made the rabbit shudder, and whimper in fear. He wanted so badly to beg and scream. But he knew it was completely useless to do so. Scar turned around, and walked briskly back towards his room in this small house provided to him by his beloved brother. He growled softly as he thought about that, as he did everytime he thought of his bigger brother. Scar sighed as he stepped into his cozy, snug little bedroom. He reached down, carelessly discarding his moist, musky loincloth, before laying down on his bed, fully naked. He held the rabbit over his muzzle, staring at it, watching it wriggle weakly, pondering what to do with it. He sighed, finally deciding that he was too aggravated to toy with the unfortunate thing really. So, he opened his jaws wide, giving the rabbit a perfect view of his drooling, ravenous maw. He smiled, savoring it's groan of pure terror as it peered upon his long, white, deadly looking teeth, wriggling pink tongue, and that pulsating gullet that was just waiting for his flesh. Scar sighed, exaling a warm, humid, somewhat foul smelling blast of air around the rabbit as he slowly lowered it into his maw. He murrred softly as he closed his mouth around his catch, and rubbed his tongue against it's shivering body. He just lay there, savoring his treat for a while. Then, when he grew bored of it's struggles, he made a powerful swallow, and savored the sensation of it's struggles as it slide down deeper and deeper into his body, finally plopping into his empty stomach. Scar smiled contently, and let out a crude belch as he reached down, and stroked at his belly softly, feeling the trapped rabbit within, savoring it's struggles for life as his body started it's work. Then he sighed in boredom, and turned over onto his side, closing his eyes for a good night's sleep, letting his belly do it's mindless, merciless work. CRACK! SNAP! Hours later, Scar awoke with an alarmed start, hearing loud cracking noises all around himself. He looked around, thinking that perhaps someone was breaking in, or that his 'house' was coming down on his head. Then, his eyes grew huge, as he realized that it was he causing these sounds. His head had grown through the wall of his house, and when he sat up, he took down half the building with him! With a look of pure shock on his face, Scar looked down at his body, still naked, hardly able to believe what was happening before his eyes! He was, becoming a giant, a macro! How could this be? How could it have happened? He stared down at his body for a few moments, these questions flying in his head. Then, slowly, a pleased, evil grin spread across his lips. Who CARED how this happened? Who cared if this resulted from his experiments, or from that rabbit snack he had? He was big, and powerful, just as he had always wanted to be! Even if this was just a wonderful dream, it was his chance to do as he always wanted! With a deep, rumbling purr of delight, Scar quickly stood to his impressive, awe inspiring height of over fifty feet. He looked down at his naked, imposing body, and purrred with pleasure, so pleased to find that he was, so big now! He chuckled a little, then turned, and started stomping towards his first target, the one he had been dreaming of attacking for ages now! He felt houses, buildings, and furs fall under his feet, felt them get crushed as he strode onwards. But he paid them no mind. If they were foolish enough to be in his way, then they deserved to be stepped on. All that mattered right now, was his target! Not so far away, a palace guard could only look on, his jaw slack with shock. Walking towards him, was the biggest, most powerful, dangerous looking, and sexy, lion he had ever seen! His paws shaking, he slowly lifted his spear upwards towards the creature. He didn't know what he was going to do, or why he was going to try and stop something, so sexy like this, but it was his duty. He watched as Scar stopped before him, and with a quaking voice, shouted up to him. “Halt! You cannot enter the palace! You, must show the proper documentation!” Scar could only smile, staring down at this brave, perhaps foolish, little lion guard that stood before him on the wall, at about navel level. He chuckled, finding it amusing that this lion would try to stop him, when all his fellows had already fled. He reached down, and casually picked up the lion. He ignored it's futile struggles, and stripped it of it's clothing. He grinned at it, showing it his huge, pearly whites. “Oh? Well, don't worry my good sir. I assure you, I have the proper documentation, and would be only too pleased to show it to you...” And with that, Scar casually tossed the lion into his jaws, and swallowed him down, just as he would a mouse. He purrrrred, savoring, and loving this sense of pure power that he felt! It was, so intoxicating! He had thought of doibng other things with the guard, perhaps keep him as a pet. But, he was just so, eager to enjoy his newfound power, that he wanted to use it every chance he got! With a lusty, ravenous purr, Scar strode forwards, stepping over the wall with only a small bit of difficulty, and strode across the grounds towards the upper windows where he knew Mufasa and Simba to be sleeping. He purrrrred in delight, reaching out towards their windows with his massive paws. Without a loud crashing of glass, he reached through their windows, felt around a few moments, and plucked out their struggling, snarling forms. He smirked down at them, looking so smug, and superior now that he held his arch enemies in the palm of his hands, literally. He chuckled, lifting Mufasa to his face. With a deep, ominous, rumbling voice, he said, “Well well now, looks like I am the true king now, brother, the true big brother! I hope you won't mind abidicating the throne, and your kingdom, to me now?” Scar waited a few moments, chuckling as he listened to the furious, angry snarls from his brother, finding it amusing that Mufasa thought he could stop him. Then, he lifted Mufasa even higher, dangling him over his jaws, which were watering with hunger now. “mmmmm, oh? You don't want to give me your kingdome brother? Well, that's a shame for you. Though, I must say, I could always use another filler in my belly. You lions are so, small, and unfilling now you know. It will take quite a lot of you to sate my stomach.” And with that, he released Mufasa from his grasp, letting him fall through space, to land in the moist, soft insides of Scar's mouth. But, Mufasa didn't get to enjoy it in there for long. Almost immediately, Scar made a mighty gulp, sending his brother on a one way trip to his digestive doom. Scar sighed, and belched happilly, feeling so, powerful, strong, and sexy right now. He purrrrred in pure delight, shivering despite himself, wanting to feel more of his newfound power! Without a word, or a look, to simba, he bent forwards, lifting his tail, exposing his puckered, not fully clean tailhole. He murrrrred in pleasure, reaching back, to start shoving his thrashing, squirming nephew up his ass. Scar closed his eyes, moaning and growling in pleasure, enjoying this immensly, finding it, so arousing, and thrilling! He growled, then yelped softly as he pushed Simba in fully, not expecting the small lion to start clawing him from inside. But far from hurting, it felt GOOD! Ooooo, that was, such a delicious sensation, a strong, sexy, attractive male lion, thrashing, fighting, and clawing in his recum! Oooooooooo, truly nature's best vibrator! Soooo stimulating! With a grow of lust, Scar slowly got to his knees, reaching down between his legs to start stroking and rubbing at his rock hard, throbbing shaft. He had grown so very aroused from this new sense of power, from the sensation of putting his brother and newphew in their rightful places! Ohhhhh, and they were both struggling and squirming so well! What a true, wonderful delight they were being! He growled, and grunted in pleasure, thrusting into his paw one more time, growling in lust as he started spewing his hot, thick seed all over the palace gardens, coating the exotic plants in his own hot, exotic seed. With a rumble of pure pleasure, Scar slumped down onto his back, panting, and purrrrring in pure delight. He smiled to himself, his body feeling so tired from it's recent growth, and from that earth shaking orgasm he just had. He sighed contently, and closed his eyes, starting to enjoy the best sleep he's felt in a long time, dreaming of all the things he will do with his new found power. That is, if he doesn't wake to find that this all wasn't some wonderful dream of it's own! |
There was a great silence in the Magatsuchi household. A few hours earlier, that curvaceous, perverted dragon woman had went out for the day, apparently wanting to hang out with Miss Kobayashi and the others. It didn’t bother Shouta that much as he was somewhat delighted that Lucoa was away for the time being. After nearly getting seduced by the ex-goddess daily, at the very least, he could relax until her inevitable return. Sure enough, by the time he finished a level, the door wobbled its way open, and Lucoa slid through the door entrance, practically falling over. “The succubus came back,” thought Shouta. He was not looking forward to more harassment from the ex-goddess. Strangely, though, Lucoa glanced around the room almost as if she was looking for Shouta. Even though he was literally about three feet away from her. Shouta raised an eyebrow in curiosity. He pretended to cough, catching Lucoa’s attention. “Oh, Shouta, baby, I thought I lost you!” Lucoa stumbled towards the young boy and crudely sits down beside Shouta. “She’s acting weirder than usual” Shouta noticed “what’s gotten into her?” Shouta decides to ignore this, and he continued to play his games. This became increasingly difficult of a task: not short of two minutes, Lucoa inched closer to Shouta. Slightly uncomfortable? Maybe, but it wasn’t too much to be concerned for. Towards the end of the fifth level? Lucoa started rubbing Shouta’s shoulders and mumbling something to herself in a slurred manner. Fearful at that point, Shouta again tried to annoy the dragon woman’s advances and was towards the middle of completing the final level, Lucoa notices the tension and starts a conversation. “Shouta, how long have we known each other” she asked. Shouta was surprised by her sudden question, but he was able to muster a response. “For a year.” Lucoa went silent for a few seconds as if probing her mind for more questions. “Shouta, what do you think of me?” Lucoa edged closer to Shouta’s face, her large bosom literally inches away from suffocating the young boy. “E-excuse me?” he gulped. Lucoa’s cheeks blushed a deep red. In one of the rare moments, she had both of her eyes open. Her discolored eyes glanced Shouta up and down, a mad daze overcoming her. “I just like staring at you.” Shouta was now obviously creeped out and tried to crawl away, but Lucoa leaned forward pinning Shouta with her upper body. Lucoa pressed down on Shouta until he started to asphyxiate. Caressing Shouta’s cheek with her right hand, Lucoa leaned backwards at the last minute. Shouta’s breathing came back in short, strained pushes. Shouta attempted to push Lucoa off him, but she was still firmly planted on him. Lucoa giggled at his desperate attempts at escape. “It’s just that when I first saw you opening a portal and I slipped through it, I’ve been in love with you ever since.” Shouta was taken aback by those words. “Y-you’re insane!” He tried to kick and punch Lucoa with all his might, but even in a more sluggish state, Lucoa managed to avoid his blows. She grabbed his hand and placed it in between her massive cleavage. “Do you hear that?” She asked. Her heart was beating in rapid succession. Shouta was on the verge of crying. “Please, demon, stop….” Lucoa stripped the boy, leaving him sprawled on the floor. She looked over him in a hungry manner. Bending down, Lucoa licked his left cheek. It was a salty mixture of the sweat protruding from his pores and his tears. She sucked on that scent for as long as she could. “Oh, Shouta,” you taste wonderful!” Lucoa licked his other cheek, and his neck. Shouta cringed at the sensation he felt from her tongue assaulting his neck. She licked and teasingly bit down on Shouta’s nipples. She sucked them in a sensual manner before licking down his torso and bellybutton. Lucoa’s belly grumbled loudly. “I can’t wait anymore; I need you inside of me now!” She seized the boy and she wrapped her lips around his feet and started to suck them in. Shouta pushed backward in an attempt of pulling out from the crazy dragon woman, but his fruitless attempts only spurred Lucoa to continue. Shouta’s legs disappeared down Lucoa’s esophagus, and she progressed towards his lower abdomen. Thankfully, despite her current state, she refrained from “sampling” Shouta’s sea bear, and she slurped his chest and shoulders up without much issue. Shouta began to bawl at that moment. He screamed out for his parents or anyone to save him, the last part of his body that was visible before being sealed away by Lucoa’s lips was his screaming face. Lucoa rubbed her bloated, boy-filled belly that was still lively from the young Shouta scrambling around inside. Lucoa purred deeply “Oh, Shouta, don’t stop squirming for momma!” Through magic, Lucoa became nude and she flicked her erect nipples to the rhythm of Shouta’s convulsions. Licking her fingers, she inserted them into her pussy and beat rapidly from the thought that her belly was going to melt that little kid down to a slurry mess. “S-houta” she groaned in a hiss. She reached her limit with and splooge erupted from her clitoris. Lucoa panted heavily from her great load and licked her fingers clean of the cum. “I hope you’re hungry, Shouta, she giggled.” After finishing, Lucoa stretches her arms and yawns. “Well, I guess now’s the time for you to go to sleep.” Shouta gasped at her ominous tone of voice. “Lucoa, no, don’t digest me!” Lucoa giggled at the young boy’s helplessness and walked towards his room. Plopping down on the bed, Lucoa patted her large tummy for the last time before yawning. “It’s alright, sweetie, just let my belly soften you up.” With that, Lucoa rolled over to her side and she went into a deep sleep. Next day Lucoa woke up to a bright and early Saturday morning from a hangover. “Oh…I vowed that I would never drink again. Stupid Kobayashi for convincing me otherwise.” She begrudgingly stretched her limbs until they were loosened. “Hmm...is it just me or did by breasts go up another cup?” |
It had been two weeks after the events of Amity, King, and Eda going to Eclipse Lake to harness Titan’s blood in order to create a portal to the human realm. Within those weeks, Luz and Amity continued dating each other oftentimes acting like the most stereotypical lovey dovey couple you would expect to see out of some bad romcom. To say that it was partially annoying to others was an understatement. But, nevertheless, they were truly in love with each other and that day, Luz had agreed to help her at her job at the library. She would be playing the monster in one of the stories Amity had considered reading to the kids. After putting on her casual clothes, Amity paused in front of the mirror and inspected her purple hair. Like always, Amity preferred to have her hair dyed in direct violation of her mother who had short green hair. Given how much of a control freak her mother would tend to be, it was slightly thrilling to do this to spite her mother. While lost in her thoughts, Amity’s pocket beeped. Amity withdraws a device seeing that it had a series of emojis on the screen. Clearly it was from her awesome girlfriend, but due to the series of pictures, it was still somewhat hard for the young witch to understand what Luz was trying to say. She shrugged after having a few mental exercises into deciphering what each picture meant. “I guess she’s expecting me then.” Knock knock. Amity glared at her door, holding her breath. That rhythmic pattern. She knew what that meant. She opened the door with her right hand, and there stood her mother, Odalia, the CEO of Blight Industries and the worst mother anyone could be saddled with. She looked down at her daughter with her cold, icy blue eyes. There was a slight trace of a nerve pulsating on her wicked forehead. “Amity Blight, please explain to me your recent lower grades?” Amity rolled her eyes. “I am still one of the top students in my class.” “Being one of is not enough,” Odalia said, “you are wishing to see that human today, aren’t you?” Amity’s fists shook. “She has a name, Mother.” Odalia scoffed and looked away. “I never understood why her, of all people, did you have to date?” Odalia was not opposed to the idea of her daughter dating anyone, or even anyone of the same sex even. After all, why would anyone on the Boiling Isles care about anything as trivial as that especially because birthing rituals were a common practice in the Isles; you would just need to have the right makeup for the process to go well without a hitch. No, what really unnerved Odalia was that a human was dating her daughter. She could see her daughter dating other witches, but she was also unopposed to her dating demons; monsters; heck, even a giraffe for that matter. Just anyone who had a magic bile sac, and not even then. Someone who had notoriety and was especially powerful. Amity crossed her arms. “I date her because she truly understands me.” “Understand what about you?” Odalia demanded. “She made me understand that I didn’t need to live up to your expectations and that maybe being in the Emperor’s Coven is truly not what I want. She makes me happy which is enough for me.” “Are you saying that you would give up your one chance at becoming a member of the Emperor’s Coven...and your social life...you’d throw both away just for this human girl?” Odalia said the last word with a noticeable disgust in her voice. Much like someone’s mouth puckering up from sucking on a lemon, the word “human” tasted bitter on her tongue. “I don’t care if you’re happy. Happiness doesn’t mean squat if you are not on the top. I hereby forbid you from ever seeing that human girl again!” Amity’s fists tightened until the knuckles made audible crackles and turned white. “You can’t do that! I won’t let you!” Odalia put her hands firmly on her sides. “Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?” Amity smiled. “You can’t ground me if you weren’t around.” “Wha-what?” And just like that, Amity sicced her cat palisman on her mother. The cat went for her face and covered it. “Mfff!! Get it off!! Get it off!” The cat hissed and tore into her face leaving scratch marks. While Odalia was preoccupied with getting the feline off her face, Amity walked up to her and pushed her to the ground. The fall was enough to make the cat lose its grip on the wicked mother and he jumped off her when Amity called out its name. “That’s a good palisman,” she cooed. The cat jumped onto its staff and transformed to match the wooden staff. She hovered over her mother’s body and stared down at her with scorn. “What are you going to do now?” “I am going to do something that I wanted to do for so, so long.” Amity’s lower jaw unhinged in the fashion of a snake and before the woman could even comprehend what was happening to her, Amity wrapped her lips around the crown of her head and past her wretched face. “Amity, you better cease this insolence I am warning you!” Amity wanted to gag from the contact of her mother’s skin with her tongue. For someone who always valued perfection and was prone to bragging, Odalia’s skin could best be described as chalky and pale. While Amity could pick up the flavor of some unknown fruit common to the Isles, once that flavor evaporated on her tastebuds, underneath was an artificial, latex exterior. That was truly what her mother was at heart: an empty, hollow poor excuse of a woman who can’t even manage to be a good meal for her hormone-riddled daughter. Odalia screamed, but her muffled screams were rendered inaudible underneath the skin of her daughter’s throat. Amity tore off her mother’s tight shirt and pitched it to the side. If anything, what her mother lacked in taste, she did have an ample body and curves. Amity grabbed her mother’s breasts and mashed them together to squeeze them in her mouth. “Amity, stop! Oh....oh...” A low moan of pleasure came out from the woman. Amity bit and chewed at her mom’s soft sweater puppies. It would so happen that part of her body was oh so sensitive. Her toes curled at the sensation of Amity’s wet tongue flicking her nipples. Amity growled in a low tone. Pleasuring her mother was not on her list of demeaning her. Next, she tore her mother’s pants off exposing her large ass. Her fingers sank into the plumpness of her mother’s cake. The tip of her tongue rubbed against Odalia’s undergarments further causing sensual moans to come from her. Due to how smaller Amity’s stomach was in comparison to her mother’s, there was not much legroom for the mother to maneuver through. Growing bored with chewing her mother’s boobs, Amity swallowed them making her throat bulge more. She manhandled her mother’s ass taking both hands and holding it in the same vein as a hamburger. For the sake of it, Amity gave her mother a good smack on both her cheeks until they were blood red. She also indulged in sinking her fingernails into her mother’s tender flesh and ripping to take further delight at her mother’s predicament. Odalia’s upper body was now fully submerged in Amity’s stomach. She was hit with a wave of putrid gas and yet, the organ was gurgling in anticipation. “Amity, Mittens, please!” Odalia begged. The once haughty businesswoman’s façade was breaking fast. Now, she found herself in a position where she would have to beg for her own life. The utter humiliation. Instead, Amity pushed her mother’s ass down her esophagus nearly choking on her mother’s luscious birthing hips. Odalia’s thrashing legs began to tire themselves out. Amity’s belly expanded and weighed down to the ground. Odalia’s face and handprints pressed against the thick skin, but there was to be no escape. Gulp. Amity closed her lips over her mother’s curled toes and strained getting the last of her down her gullet. With the last of her mother’s miserable body joining their owner in a tight wad, Amity belched. “Oh, excuse me.” “Amity, if you let me out, I will never question your judgment on whoever you date!” More inaudible muffling rang out of her belly. Not helped by her stomach chugging to prepare itself to digest all that meat. But even then, it wouldn’t even matter to Amity anyway if her mother was being sincere with her promise. All that mattered was that Odalia was her food and as far as she was concerned, food did not talk. Amity caressed her belly whose groans were now drowning out her mother’s pleas for mercy. “Mmm...I’m gonna be so huge from this.” Just think of it: her vindictive mother would be broken down into nothing more than fat on her butt and thighs, and maybe a few more pleasurable places. Drool drenched from Amity’s open mouth. Just like that, she’d be rid of her mother and will only further reap the benefits. But even then, she could get bigger and perhaps her beloved Luz would also be pleased by her assets. While pondering her next course of action, Emira went to knock on the door only to see that it was already open. “Hey, Amity, I’m going to go meet Edric at-” Emira stopped by her room only to notice that her younger sister had a swollen midsection stretching out on the floor and between her legs. Emira pinched herself – closed her eyes tightly even – to make sure that she was not dreaming but instead witnessing something real. “W-what have you done?” the older girl finally managed to choke out. Amity licked her lips to savor what little flavor their mother still had. “I’m happy you’re still here. I already tried the appetizer, so now comes the main course!” Emira backed away from the door. Her sister had inadvertently eaten something huge and was now rambling about some main course, but she did not have to think for long. Wait...what was that moving underneath Amity’s skin. And why was it moving?! Odalia’s muffled screams were enough to validate Emira’s suspicions, and without much hesitation, Emira tried to escape with her life. However, Amity threw a pillow at her stalling her long enough for the cotton candy-haired goddess to subdue her. Unlike her poor excuse for a mother, Emira had a more vanilla-taste to her. Even then, it was a sickeningly sick flavor while better than the previous meal was still a taste that Amity wanted to get out of her mouth. “Amity, NO!!!!” Her screaming face descended past the witch girl’s chest. If there was any chance of her trying to worm her way back out, Amity’s strong esophageal muscles restricted her movement. Gulp gulp The plunging noises rang in Emira’s eardrums. Amity tilted her head to force more of her older sister down her throat. If anything, Emira was sliding down easier than her dear old mother did mostly because of her underdeveloped body. Emira did have a bosom, but it was nowhere as big as Odalia’s, and her posterior lacked any conceivable curves. Yes; Emira would prove to be the most appetizing meal for a young witch-in-training such as herself. Amity grabbed a hold of her kicking legs and removed her shoes to avoid any hint of indigestion. Like Odalia before her, Amity swallowed hard, her saliva moisturizing her sister’s legs and greasing them up for their final descent. She took her index finger and followed the path her sister was taking down to her stomach. Emira was sandwiched with her mother, face pressed firmly against her mother’s bosom. “Great, she ate you too?” “UUUUUUUURPPPP!” Strings of saliva flew out of Amity’s mouth. She spit a few times in disgust. “Meh, that sickeningly sick taste is still on the tip of my tongue.” Amity ripped the sides of her shirt as a way of accommodating for her large haul. She reached backward for the side of her bed and cautiously lifted herself up. Heaving, Amity caught her balance and probed underneath her swollen mound of flesh until she had a good grip on it. The purple-haired girl walked into the kitchen and pillaged around until she withdrew a bottle of apple’s blood. Smirking, Amity took a huge swig of the contents of the bottle. The liquid rained down on her mother and sister’s bodies sending a wave of pain over their bodies. “Ah, much better!” “Amity, you have to let us out!” Emira begged “I have a date today!” Amity tapped her belly for a while and grinned again. “Maybe they’ll understand why you can’t make it.” She stretched her arms exposing more of her engorged gut. “Besides, I can just add them in if they miss you enough.” Emira and Odalia tried squirming as best as they could despite their limited movements. Amity placed the bottle on the counter and headed towards the door. “Don’t embarrass me when we get into town, okay?” As Amity walked to the library in Bonesborough, she kept herself entertained by hearing the rhythm of her stomach churning to life. Its churning synced with her steady movements in an intoxicating musical tune. Along the way, Amity’s belly shrank in size from the size of a bed to a maneuverable treasure chest. Touching herself again, she sank her fingers into the pudginess of her belly and heard their bones clatter around through her fingers. “Gave up already?” Her stomach growled in response. Amity arrived to the library and opened the entrance. The kids were already situated in the kids’ section anticipating for the witch girl to come. Luz was holding a book in front of them and reading. Luz turned to stare at her girlfriend. “Amity, you finally made it!” She faltered on those words when she saw Amity’s large stomach that was still actively processing its heavy haul. “A-Amity? What have you?” Amity giggled at Luz always amused by her awkwardness. “I just had a pretty large meal before coming? Is it bad?” Luz’s cheeks blushed a deep red. “I-No, no, it’s not bad at all!” Luz fidgeted her fingers. She tried looking away from Amity, but her eyes kept betraying her by stealing glances at Amity’s gut. “It’s cute even.” Amity blushed bashfully as well. “You really think so?” Luz nodded. The two girls began to initiate the story sequence with Luz playing the part of the monster. However even then, Luz still became easily distracted by Amity. For her own part, Amity would occasionally burp roughly every third of the book and had to excuse herself to the bathroom throughout. But the others were none the wiser about her secretly disposing of the evidence of her sins and flushing it all down. Amity gazed at herself in the mirror with her belly now relatively smaller and squishier. Turning around, Amity caressed her hips bemused by the trace of fat deposited on them. “Oh, so you decided to fill me up, Mother?” She smacked her bare cheeks making them jiggle like gelatin. “Mmm...well, I guess you weren’t so useless after all.” Her legs and midsection also thickened up. While she was delighted that her mother and sister made her bigger, Amity wouldn’t be remised to admit that she wanted a little more on her chest. “Who else is there I could eat?” The thoughts came flooding in. For what it was worth, the Boiling Isles was full of appetizing inhabitants. There was her former idol Lilith who could have untapped flavor. And she did almost kill her girlfriend. So who would be more likely to miss her? Or even that annoying Bird Worm Hooty. She always heard that the meat of a bug-type demon was most exquisite. After all, she did want to “pay him back” for kidnapping her. Or she could try for something grander like that annoying Golden Guard. Amity began salivating again. The world was her personal buffet that she could not wait to sink her teeth into. “Alright, guys, thanks for coming!” Amity said to the children as they leave. She held her fist over her mouth to stifle any gassier burps. She crouched down to meet the pony-tailed witch at eye level. “Sorry we didn’t get to summon the dark lord today; maybe come back tomorrow and I can personally teach you.” The girl’s eyes lit up. “Really? I can’t wait!” Luz stared intensely at Amity’s pudgy belly for roughly a split second after the reading session ended. Amity knew she was staring again, but it always tickled her fancy of how Luz was so obsessive of it. She clutched at her love handles and pulled them upward. A seductive growl emanated from inside her stomach. “I didn’t know you liked big tummies, Luz.” Luz looked away embarrassingly. “I-I don’t.” “You were looking at me for about 30 seconds, Luz,” Amity giggled. “But it’s okay, I find it cute.” Luz went to reply, but she saw that her awesome girlfriend was approaching her. She attempted to bury her face in a book, only for her eyes to spy Amity’s pudgy belly hanging down from her body and sloshing its digestive juices. Steam seeped out of Luz’s ears. “Go on. Touch. It. You know you want to.” Luz extended her hand and cautiously touched Amity. Luz was overcome by a strange sensation. Amity’s skin was soft. Baby soft even. Smoother than the most comfortable of silk; even better than feathers. If Luz had the chance, she could find herself being lulled to sleep by the heat coming from Amity. Luz’s hand sank into Amity’s squishy flesh somehow even more hot than it was before. Having her fill, Luz leaned deeper into Amity’s tummy rubbing both hands on Amity whilst being cushioned against her. Was this what it was like to have a personal bean bag. Giggling, Amity was also blushing a deep tomato red. She took her right hand, and placed Luz’s ear where her bellybutton was. “Can you hear that?” The sound of Amity’s sloshy meal was music to the human girl’s ears. Much like how putting a seashell up to your ear makes you hear the ocean, Luz was reaching a state of euphoria unbeknownst to any living on the Isles. Because of that, Luz tapped her lips on Amity’s belly and kissed it. “Oh, Luz, you’re embarrassing me!” Luz nodded. “I can’t help it...you just feel so good.” Luz rubbed her cheek on her flesh and purred. “I just love you so much.” Luz pulled back to allow Amity to lean forward to plant a kiss on her lips. “Love you too, you weirdo.” |
Chapter 3 Tyler and Summer followed the Pikachu down the dirt path through town until they reached the guild hall. Tyler’s gut was nearly back to normal size, the Starly inside, now completely converted to a small layer of chub on his haunches. The three of them entered the guild hall and went down stairs into the main room with Salem’s throne at the far end. Salem herself however was nowhere to be found, nor were her many assistants. “Salem?! You in here?” The Pikachu shouted into the empty room but received no answer. “Salem? I brought Tyler and…” Pikachu looked up at the much larger Pokemon standing beside him. “The.. um, Charizard to see you.” Summer glared down at the Pikachu for referring to her as ‘the Charizard’ thinking for a moment about just how easily the small rodent would slide down her throat. Before they could take another step there was a large crash from behind the purple curtain draped behind Salem’s throne. “Just a moment pleeease.” The unmistakable singsong voice of Salem echoed from behind the curtain that acted as a barrier between the main hall and her private quarters. Salem lifted the curtain aside and walked out holding brown a scroll of paper in her ribbons. She made her way to the center of the hall where a long wooden table stood. She lifted the rolled up parchment and placed it on the table, quickly unrolling it and keeping it in place with her ribbons. Tyler and Summer moved in closer leaving the confused Pikachu standing alone. As they got closer it became clear that what Salem had brought out was a map of the local forest and surrounding areas. Various paths and dirt roads were visible criss crossing each other in a series of black and red lines. The river was outlined in blue running through the forest and along side the clearing where their small village had been drawn in with pink crayon. It was obvious this map had not been made by pokemon and was presumably something Salem had Tyler steal at some point. “Right here.” Salem lifted a red crayon with her ribbon and put an X on an intersecting pair of dirt paths a few miles outside of town. “A human scientist will be passing through this area at around two O’clock. He’ll be carrying something very important, a diamond shaped stone with markings around its edge. He’s meant to deliver it to a laboratory in the human city.” she paused for a moment. “This is why I’ve called you here. I need you to intercept him, retrieve the artifact and bring it back here safely.” “Alright. Seems easy enough. What are we supposed to do about the human after we’ve robbed him? I’m sure Summer would love another big meal.” Tyler nudged Summer with his elbow receiving a small nervous smile. “No!” Salem rolled up the map and gave Tyler a light tap on the muzzle “Absolutely not. You can’t just eat all your problems away Tyler. If humans start going missing around here that’ll look suspicious. And then more humans will start coming around, and we can’t have that.” This time Summer spoke up, upset about being denied breakfast “Then what? We can’t just rob the guy and then leave him there. And…” “Exactly! Thats why im sending someone else with you.” Salem turned back to the curtain behind her throne. “Alex. you can come on out now.” In a flash of white light and small brown and yellow pokemon appeared in front of them sitting on the floor. The small pokemon sat there motionless, even his eyes seemed to be completely closed. “I-is he awake?” Tyler looked down at small pokemon sitting on the floor before him then back at Salem. “I, um… I think so..” Salem lightly nudged the Abra receiving nothing but a grunt in response. “Well anyway, he’s going with you. After you’ve successfully incapacitated the human Alex here will perform Hypnosis, making the him believe he was robbed by a gang of humans. So you see. No reason to eat him.” Salem smiled at Tyler clearly proud of coming up with such a clever plan. “Great. I guess we should be going then?” Summer suggested “Yes. there's no time to waste.” Salem tucked the rolled up map into Tyler satchel and ushered them towards the stairs, making sure to push the Abra onto his feet so he would follow them. “Oh and Tyler. Try not to get yourself captured this time” Salem snickered to herself before turning and walking back behind her curtain. Tyler just glared at her as she walked away. Shaking his head dismissively he started up the stairs with the others. ॱ ॱ ॱ The three pokemon walked together through the woods towards the spot on the map that Salem had marked. The sun was just about in the center of the sky letting them know it was almost midday and they should be arriving at the crossroads soon. “It looks like we’re almost there, shouldn’t be long now.” Tyler said as he rolled the map and returned it to his satchel. “So, Summer is it? You know, in all my years of traveling this region I’ve never seen another charizard, not even a charmander now that I think about it. You must have traveled quite a distance with your trainer.” Alex looked up at Summer with his perpetually closed eyes. “Oh.. Actually no, I had only just met my trainer a few weeks ago. I was raised in a human lab since I was a Charmander. When I finally evolved into a Charizard one of them gave me away to their son…..” Summer paused for a moment. “That was about a month ago I guess. But then my trainer caught Tyler and he helped me escape. I’m so relieved to finally be away from those humans…” Summer said with a sigh. The three of them were silent for a moment, unsure of what to say. Summer quickly noticed how awkward things had become and tried to change the subject. “Um… So Tyler. what's up with you and Salem? I noticed some tension last night. Are you two dating or something?” “Nah, that's just my way of teasing her and she just plays along. We actually tried to eat each other the first time we met.” Tyler said blushing. “Wait. Salem is a predator?” Alex asked “Oh yeah. She tries to hide it, says its not dignified. But she cant help herself sometimes. We first met a few years ago just outside of town, both of us were hunting and we ended up tracking each others sent until she finally pounced on me. We wrestled for a bit and I managed to get a few of her ribbons in my mouth and she got part of my tail, but eventually we just exhausted each other and had to give up. After that we got to talking and she told me she was starting a pokemon guild and could use someone with my skills. I obviously declined, but after a while I agreed to help her, even if it was just so I could get close enough to eat her.” “Do you mean you’re still trying to eat her?” Alex exclaimed “Not so much now, considering that she basically runs the entire town. But I’ll admit I do still get a pretty bad craving for Sylveon. Those ribbons were the most delicious thing I’ve ever almost eaten.” Tyler’s mouth watered remembering the sweet sugary taste of that delectable fairy type. ‘One day’ he thinks. ‘One day she’ll be mine’ “Alright this looks like the place, we should wait here until the human arrives.” Alex said stopping in front of a dirt path. “Looks like he’s already here” Tyler pointed down the path as a man dressed in a red coat and large silvery glasses slowly walked into view. “Alright let's go. Tyler, leave your purse here” Alex turned to Tyler gesturing to his trademarked black and red bag that hung around his shoulder. “It’s not a purse! It’s a satchel! And I’ll have you know…” “Whatever it is! Just leave it here, ok?” “Fine. Fine.” Tyler slipped off his satchel setting it down against the tree they were waiting behind. “Ok here he comes. Remember we are not supposed to eat the human” The three of them walked out onto the dirt road blocking the humans path. Summer obviously being the one to stand out most. The man stopped just a few yards in front of them staring at the unusual trio of pokemon. He hesitated for a moment, visibly shocked to see a full grown Charizard in this area. He fumbled for a moment with his backpack before pulling out two pokeballs and throwing them into the air “Go Luxio! Go Murkrow!” And with that Alex quickly teleported himself quite a few feet back into the forest. “Alex! What are you doing? We could use your help over here” Tyler shouted at the cowardly Abra “Hey, I’m not here to fight, that's your job. I’m only supposed to take care of the human.” The two pokeballs flew through the air landing a few yards in front of the man and opening with a flash of red light forming the shapes of two distinct Pokemon. “Luxio use Spark on that Charizard!” the man adjusted his glasses and shouted towards the Luxio. “Use peck on the Furret Murkrow!” He pointed at Tyler. Murkrow soared into the air, turned, and came down fast with its glistening beak pointed directly at Tyler’s head. Tyler jumped to the side using his agility narrowly dodging the birds sharp beak. The Murkrow struck his peck attack strait into the dirt burying its face just a few inches away from Tyler. “Damn.... stupid bird” Tyler looked back at Summer locked in her own battle with the Luxio. The Luxio charged up its electric attack sending small yellow sparks in all directions before finally sending a large surge of electricity at Summer resulting in a direct hit. “Good job Luxio, just a few more of those and we can't possibly lose.” the human beamed at his pokemon proud of its powerful attack. The smoke gradually cleared around summer revealing that she was completely unharmed. She slowly opened her eyes unsure if she had even been hit or not. “What… but Charizard is weak against electric attacks…” The human brought up his pokedex pointing it towards Summer, small blue sparks still jumping from her body to the ground. <while most pokemon have certain weaknesses that correspond to their type advantages it is theoretically possible that at some level a pokemon may become invulnerable to any known weakness for their species> “But that would mean… Could this Charizard be the one that.….” Summer released a blast of fire surrounding the Luxio. The ground between them went up in flames burning away all the grass and leaves in her path. When the he attack was finished, Luxio collapsed into the burnt ground beneath him. Tyler and the Murkrow were so astonished by Summers display of power that they had almost forgotten about their own battle. Tyler spun around using his tail to knock the bird off his feet sending him flying backwards into the dirt once again. Tyler stood tall on his back legs before finishing off the Murkrow with a body slam attack. The human looked utterly shocked that his well trained team of pokemon could have lost. He quickly reached back into his bag revealing a third pokeball and was just about to throw it when.. Summer raised her wings high into the air before using a wing attack on the man sending him flying back into a tree nearby knocking him unconscious and causing him to lose his grip of the pokeball letting it roll on the ground without opening. Summer stood there panting as the leaves, dust, and smoke, settled from her powerful attacks, settled around her. “Summer, that was awesome!” Tyler ran over to inspect the singed Luxio lying unconscious in the burnt earth, poking it with his paw “Eh Summer. You wanna eat this roasted kitty?” Summer was still trying to catch her breath, feeling light headed after performing such a powerful attack “um.. What.. no, you can have him” He looked down gleefully at the sleeping pokemon that was nearly twice his size, licking his lips in anticipation. Saliva dripping from his maw and onto the cats face as he got into position to devour his large meal. Tyler slipped his mouth over the Luxio’s head lapping at the pokemons fur, taking in the unique flavor. The cats muzzle pushed at the back of his throat and he began to swallow. Gulp after gulp Tyler sent the much larger pokemon down his gullet, taking in his neck, paws and chest, before… suddenly the pokemon woke up. It was only a few struggles at first as the cat slowly realized where he was and what was happening to him. The Luxio started kicking his hind legs and wiggling his butt trying to slip out of the Furret’s jaws. Tyler felt the Luxio starting to struggle and lifted his head into the air taking what remained of the luxio with him. The cat felt the shift in gravity and continued struggling with a renewed sense of urgency, twisting his body from side to side desperate to escape somehow. Tyler swallowed again bringing the Luxio’s ass into his mouth and the cats balls to rest on his tongue. Now that his meal was awake and there was no way it could escape at this point Tyler decided to have some fun with the cat. He slipped his tongue over the cat's crotch and between his ass cheeks brushing against his balls as he went. Against his will the Luxio’s cock began to expand, slowly peeking out of his sheath and down the furret’s throat. Tyler continued tounging at his preys balls and anus, all the while lighty chewing at his fat ass cheeks soaking up all the sweaty, ashy flavor. The Luxios toes curled, his tail swished about and his front paws were desperately pawing at the inside of Tyler’s throat. His muffled protests and moaning could be heard coming from inside Tyler’s stomach. Against all his better judgment the Luxio began bucking his hips as his cock rubbed in between Tyler’s slic tongue and his own belly. That combined with everything the Furret was doing to hi ass was more than enough to push him over the edge. Just as the luxio hit climax, shooting cum down his captives throat, Tyler tilted his head back and took a huge gulp sending the rest of the Luxio down to his stomach. “Ahh….” Tyler breathed a sigh of relief as he rested atop his bulging gut. Taking a moment to watch the cat struggle beneath his taut belly, slowly pushing down each bulge as it appeared. Summer had calmed down and regained control of her breathing while Tyler was finishing off his meal. She looked around her at the burnt earth and the knocked out trainer. All the destruction she had caused without even trying. Is this really what she was capable of? So much power with so little effort…. Tyler rolled back onto his paws and waddled over to the forest to retrieve his satchel. Throwing it around his shoulder and adjusting the strap to fit over his sizable middle. He trotted back into the clearing and over to the trainer. The human was slumped over against a tree, his backpack lying open beside him and the pokeball he had been preparing to throw lied motionless next to his open hand. Tyler stood up on his hind legs leaning in close to the human and sniffed at his face. The Luxio in his belly was still struggling like mad making it difficult for him to keep his balance. Tyler dropped down to his paws and looked curiously at the pokeball as suddenly a devious idea came to him. He lifted the pokeball up, looking around for a moment to make sure he wasn’t being watched. He pressed the center button shrinking the pokeball down to the size of a large marble and slipped it into his bag. Summer walked over to the other fainted pokemon where Tyler had his battle. “Tyler do you want to eat this Murkrow too?” Summer stared down at the small black bird lying in the dirt. “Nah, I’m full.” he said slapping a paw on his sagging gut and watching it shake in response. “And besides, had bird for breakfast. You can have it.” Summer leaned down to the fainted Murkrow, gently lifting it up from the ground in her strong claws and lining it up with her opening mouth. Her hot and steamy breath rolling over the murkrows feathers causing it to twitch slightly but not quite wake up. Summer shoved the birds beak towards her salivating maw, it’s entire head slipping between her lips with little effort. She moved her claws down the bird’s round body and pushed more of it into her mouth, it’s smooth beak slowly tilting down her throat causing a small bulge to appear in her neck. She tilted her head back letting the small pokemon slide down her throat guided by his slick beak until he came to rest as a small bulge in her belly. “Well, if you two are done eating everything in sight, I for one, would like to get on with our mission” The Abra came out from behind the trees and walked over to the human. He dug through the backpack for a moment before pulling out a large, vaguely heart shaped, grey stone. “Here Summer you hold this for now” he said handing the stone up to the Charizard. Alex then placed a paw on the humans forehead, his eyes glowing with a powerful white energy. The unconscious man twitched slightly and then went still. “There. Now he believes he was robbed by a gang of humans in pokemon suits” Alex turned back to Tyler and Summer and smiled. “Well, this sucks.” tyler stated bluntly “Now we have to walk all the way back to town with full bellies” Tyler looked down at his huge stomach. “Not exactly...” Alex placed a paw on tylers tail and another on Summers hip. In a blinding white flash the three of them found themselves back in the Guild Hall. Tyler and Summer blinked furiously for a moment as their eyes adjusted to the indoors. Tyler glared down at the Alex “Now why couldn’t you do that in the first place? We could have been there and back in just a few minutes” “I can’t teleport to a place I’ve never been before. I could end up inside a wall or a tree if I tried something like that” Alex explained. Just then Salem noticed the three of them “Did you get it? You got it, right?” “Of course we did. It’s right here” Summer held the stone up before placing it on the table “Um, salem. If you don’t mind me asking. What exactly is that thing?” Tyler stepped closer to the table looking down at the strange object. “Oh, nothing that concerns you right now” Salem lifted the stone with her ribbons and took it behind the curtain the returned without it. “I do hope it wasn’t too much trouble” “nah , it was pretty easy. And these two even got some lunch out of it.” Alex glanced over at Tylers squirming middle then back at Salem. And not only that, but I got something fun too….” Tyler took out the small pokeball, expanding it and holding it up for everyone to see. |
Infiltration and Ingestion Epilogue A day passed. For Christine, smugly padding over the delicious bloated weight of her softening belly, it was a very satisfying one. For the idealistic young men and women of the fledging “unofficial neighborhood watch scheme”, as they had jokingly called it before the situation became very, very unfunny, it was a miserable and fatal one. For the being known as Aurelia, it was horrible. Even after millions of years, she still felt the suffering of her flock with the same heartrending despair. For the threat which Aurelia had felt coming before Christine took her out, it had started well, but was about to go downhill. The air in the abandoned building coiled around itself in strange patterns, warping and roiling as a single point of magenta light appeared, glowing and stinging. It contorted in on itself, pushing through the walls of this universe. And something came through. The world warped around her mass, letting her squeeze through the gap in dimensions, and flop, breathing hard, on the floor. The creature stood up. She was gigantic, a mass of snowy-furred flesh standing only a few feet below Christine’s height of ten feet - and being fully quadrupedal rather than tauric, she had far more mass. Powerful legs supported a massive, swaying gut and set of swollen pink udders, both gurgling softly with impatience for the feast they were promised. The creature brushed black hair out of her heavy-lashed, magenta eyes, and stretched, luxuriously, licking her plump lips. There was no-one there. Rose was not particularly discouraged at first. The other rooms would have held her target. But as she drew a breath in, filling her lungs with the air of the building, there were no scents or soul-traces younger than a day. She frowned, tail swishing thoughtfully, and slunk through to another room. Signs of a scuffle, but no occupants. And the next. And the next. Oh dear. The cow groaned, sitting down on her massive haunches with a splinter of wooden planks creaking beneath her weight. No, no, no! This was crazy! She’d come as soon as she’d woken up! After almost a full day of pleasuring herself to the messenger's struggles, that was. Rose found the little tingling patch which was his soul and squeezed it mercilessly, making it writhe in blind, uncomprehending agony. Stupid demons. Stupid her. Stupid mother. She took a deep breath, and blinked. Her eyes glowed magenta, with a hint of dark, burning crimson. It took almost five minutes before she was even heeded. The cow scowled furiously as her mind made way for the presence of Handmaiden Pelusciell Alatesyx, chief attendant to the Third Matriarch of Gluttony. The demon’s voice blossomed in her mind, smooth and heavy. “Princess Rosakarina? You honour me with your presence.” The disdain in her voice made it clear that this was not the case in the slightest. “What can I do for you, your voraciousness?” Rose made sure to regulate her breathing, but her teeth were still gritted. “I need… I need you to tell her Majesty that the information in the command she sent me was wrong. There’s no-one here.” Pelus gave the mental equivalent of a snort. “Oh, for Hell’s sake! You want me to tell her that you failed her? I don’t know about any command, but if you’re going to be the lumbering, slow-witted, mortal beast you so want to be, half-breed, you can tell your mother your-” “SHUT. UP.” Rose snarled, making Kayar writhe blindly deep inside her. “Shut the hell up or I will digest you until the damned one rises again, alright?” “Hmm… no.” Pelus tittered cruelly. Both of them knew that she was too valuable for Rose to devour without consequences. “So… half-breed... like I said, you’re not-” “Rosakarina? Pelusciell? What is this?” There was a pulse of fear from Pelus, and Rose herself winced as the rich, smooth tones poured into her head. Her Majesty, Queen Melavascia Palascien Kivibra Orenelo Velvena, ruler of the United Hells and third Matriarch of Gluttony. “Hello, mother,” Rose said sourly. “Pelusciell, leave us. Now. I will speak to you about your disrespect later” There was a hint of dread as Pelusciell faded from the conversation, leaving Rose alone with the Queen. The cow swallowed. “Now, Rosakarina, do you mean to tell me that you have only just entered the target area? The message was sent more than a day ago, you realise?” “I know!” Rose snapped. “I was busy. I have my own life, mother. I’m not dropping everything to serve your whims, like one of your pathetic lackeys.” “Busy. Of course.” Melavascia sent a pulse of snide, angry amusement. “I notice the messenger I sent has not returned.” “You said in the damn message that the target had set up in here for the long term! I believed I had time!” “No, Rosakarina. You believed you could be lazy and still get the prey. That isn’t how the universe works. But then, you’ve never shown much interest in how the universe works, have you?” The cow pawed the floor with a hoof, like a bull ready to charge. “I know enough, mother. I was enjoying myself until you dragged me into this.” “You were at liberty to ignore it, like you do everything else,” Melavascia snapped. “You only came because you were planning to eat her yourself, weren’t you?” The cow blinked, nonplussed. “Then… then why did you ask me?” “Because, “dear” daughter, I was planning to use you as the method of transport. You’re predictable. I knew you’d go for her. All I needed to do was wait until you had her tucked inside, and then simply summon you back to my palace. With your cargo intact.” “What?” Rose gasped. “You… what?! You were just going to summon me back?” “I can do it at any time, you know that.” Melavascia gave a mental sigh. “Your soul came from mine, I can recall it to me quite easily. Frankly, the only reason I chose you was that anyone else might have thought to be clever and betray me. You were predictable. I knew you’d simply try to fill your gullet.” “You - you - you were using me!” “Because you let yourself be used.” Melavascia gave her a lazy mental caress. “In this world the strong use the weak. You knew this from birth. You can run away from your home, but not from the universe.” Rose gritted her teeth, smashing the helpless souls of her bowels’ captives into splinters of agony. “Shut. Up.” “I will. Thanks to your incompetence, I’ll now have to send some of my own more reliable operatives to secure the target. You’re no longer needed, Rosakarina. You can forget about this and go back to wandering the worlds and preying on mortals.” She snorted mentally. “Poor prey for a promising creature like you.” “Promising?” Rose hated the pathetic tone of hope in her voice. “I’m promising?” “Oh yes. If you could just learn to focus on a bigger picture than today’s pleasure. Instead, you’re just a waste of potential.” “Well, you… you... hells, it’s better than being one of your lackeys. You manipulative bitch. Why is this “Lady” even important?” “It doesn’t concern you anymore. Forget her. I’ll deal with it myself. Goodbye, Rosakarina.” Melavascia was gone. Rose stared at the empty room, blood afire with rage. Every one of the souls trapped within her writhed beneath her cruel fury. Even Alice, the poor part-angel girl languishing in the cow’s heavy udders, was soon twisting in pain as well in the sweltering heat, the purehearted girl screaming soundless agony at her creamy, burning surroundings. Rose ruled her body with an iron-shod hoof. So, mother was sending her own troops, was she? She’d show her. She’d find the Lady before they even set foot on this world and never, ever let the Queen even see her. And whatever Melavascia wanted her for, Rose would take it instead. All hers. She sniffed the air again, more carefully, and caught a new scent. Canine… no, vulpine. Male… and female, too. Two of them? But it smelt like one, who was both… Interesting. It was a start. The cow stretched her immense body, flickering heavy black eyelashes. Slowly, her playful smile returned. She began to follow the scent. Hells, this could even be fun. |
No Secrets Safe By Avios First the serpent told her one answer, and watched her break from it. Then he plucked the knowledge straight out of her mind, made her forget he’d said anything, and told her the other answer. That broke her too. Then he said he couldn’t decide which horror was sweeter to experience, and if she wanted a proper answer she had best ask a higher authority. For this was one of the things which not even he knew. What he did know, however, was what he was going to do to her the moment he caught her outside of the safety of the Great Council. She bowed, and then she turned and ran. Always she ran. Never did she get away. Aurelia tried to make a run for it in the wardrobe. Amidst rack after rack of beautiful clothes, fitted for all kinds of shape and species, she spotted an open window, and a soft, starlit sky outside. She distracted Penny, asking her to fetch a dress the colour and texture of molten silver, and tried to clamber up to it, and she had nearly gotten out. Her hand grasped at cool, free air, and the world seemed so close. And then another hand locked around her ankle, with a grip like iron, and she was yanked painfully back to earth with surprising strength. She tripped off the sill and fell on Penny, who didn’t make a sound. Aurelia gave in, just for a second, to the fear inside her, and lashed out with it, screaming and squirming in the vixen’s grip, kicking desperately. No, she cried, she begged to the universe itself. Not this. Not this. Not again. But Penny was a lot stronger than she looked. She held the little human tight, forcing her to her feet, threw her against an opposite wall, and shut the window, latching and locking it. Then she turned to Aurelia, who cringed, expecting a retaliation. But Penny only handed her the dress she’d asked for, back to her gentle, silent self. She was insane. A different kind than her mistress, a more tragic, sad kind, but just as mad. She didn’t even desire to hurt Aurelia, unlike almost everyone else in the world. When a normal mortal looked at Aurelia, they felt a twinge of schadenfreude. When Christine looked at her, she burned with the hunger to make her suffer. But Penny didn’t even feel it, because she didn’t feel anything except love for her owner. Not yet, anyway. In time no-one was safe from the sweet temptation of Aurelia flesh. Numbly, bitterly, the redhead chose a slender, swan-like dress of pure white - she couldn’t find any undergarments, but at least the dress covered her and made her feel less vulnerable - and put them on. Together, they walked back down the corridor towards the dreadful room. Penny held the door for her as she walked in, shivering despite the warmth. And then Aurelia stopped, and stared. Christine looked up from where she she was sat heavily, leaning against her bed. Her lower half was sprawled out, limbs splayed around the enormous soft swell of her belly. A thick, heavy mass of bulging, fluffy flesh, rippling faintly, churning around its contents. Poking from between her powerful haunches was an equally bloated sac, the original shape of her oversized testicles lost amidst the shifting mass stretching them out. Her blue, blue eyes were almost totally glazed with lust, but they saw Aurelia nonetheless, and her face broke into a delighted smile. “Oh, adorato. Un angelo in bianco! You look… oh, you look ravishing. Come here.” Aurelia barely heard her. She had not forgotten the horror of what the foxtaur looked like when they had first met, the gluttony, the heaviness. The ocean of fat and fur, powerful and pudgy, and even then distended utterly with over half its own bodyweight in six poor, poor souls. But to see it again, to know it was happening, to be reminded that this was what the monster did… oh, Creator. She was transfixed by the horror, every little twitch and gurgle a reminder battering down her emotions. Christine watched her eyes, and smiled. “You’re just in time for dessert.” The killing blow. Aurelia felt a scream of anguish bubble up her throat, but it was too frightened to come out as more than a weak moan. “Who-” she stammered, shaking with horror. “- who on earth-” “Not from earth,” the beast said, standing up to her towering height again with a groan of effort, muscles straining around the weight. Her stomach sagged, hanging like a pendulum between her legs. “From Hell. Sent to take you from me. You should be flattered, really, they were quite lovely creatures themselves. A “Triscion”, they called themselves. Triplets, basically. Perfect jackal triplets. Ato, Imo, and sweet little Evo… oh, I’m talking about you, you know. Want to listen?” She gave her belly a sway, letting the mass gurgle as it shifted. “Aww, Evo’s cursing me again. I love you too, sweetheart.” “D… demons? Wait, they were a T-Triscion? You… but… how? How? How did you possibly stand up to something like that?” “Ah, I thought you’d know about those. They were. But I think I did more than stand up to them, adorato.” Aurelia did know about Triscion. Elite hit squads, commissioned for a colossal fee from the Birthing Forges of the Hells. A single powerful soul was split into three linked identities, creating a trio of hyperlethal bonded warriors who worked in perfect harmony with each other. She’d never met any… mercifully. “How?” she said, again. “You’re… you’re big, but you’re nowhere near as strong as a high-class demon! How could you… how could you possibly...” “Size isn’t everything, yes. But neither is strength.” Christine licked her lips, shivering. Aurelia’s fresh, clean, unutterably delicious scent was wafting straight into her nostrils. “These poor things saw me the same way. Stupid deformed mortal mob boss, thinking her walls and her guns protect her. Imo liked the term “mortal bitch”. Charming, wasn’t it, Imo? But they underestimated me. They were wrong about who I was, and I was right about who they were. In the end, it always just comes down to that. Who understands who. And mm, it didn’t work out well for them… did it, Imo?” She turned away, stroking the hideous swollen mass of her pudgy stomach. Aurelia shuddered, miserably trying to think. Demons. That was who she had sensed before, before Christine had come for. Had it been the same demons then as the ones who’d attacked now? She almost wished it had been. They would have just killed her friends, not done to them what the vixen had. “They… they didn’t deserve this. No-one does. Not demons, not murderers… not even you.” “Oh, of course.” Christine licked her fingers, her heavy, wet tongue slurping down every last atom of her conquests. “I didn’t do it because they deserved it. I didn’t do it because they tried to kidnap you and kill me. I did it, adorato, because they looked delicious. And cazzo, they were. Fucking orgasmic.” “Whoever sent them will send more, you know.” Aurelia couldn’t deny feeling a bit of vindictive satisfaction at the idea. “Demons do not give up easy. You, you just made a very powerful enemy.” The foxtaur didn’t smile this time, which was something. “You’re very right. I think a lot of things will begin tonight. Perhaps some endings. I’ve never pretended that what I do is anything less than monumental. I see people for what they are: living things, precious and beautiful. And ending them is enormous. Glorious… But it has consequences. I don’t pretend like I can deny that.” She took a step forwards, eyes glittering. “And yet, Aurelia, I see people for what they are. Living things like you… you’re all I think about, really. Your lives and your deaths. Mortal or Immortal. And that means I don’t fucking kid myself about what the Overworld, the world of angels and demons and magic, is capable of. And oh… it is nothing compared to me.” Though her smile returned, there was a snarl at the bottom of her voice. A dark hungry passion. Aurelia whimpered at the simple sound of it, and tried to turn her fear into anger. “You fat, selfish, evil-.” She nearly got whiplash as the foxtaur yanked her off her feet, embracing her with a soft groan of delight, pressing Aurelia’s head unashamedly into the soft pillowy weight of her bare breasts. The human’s squirming only created a soft purr of delight. “You know, you’re thinking about them, adorato. You’re thinking about other people. And that means you’re not thinking about me. Which is rude, because I’m only thinking about you.” Aurelia tried to snarl a protest, but the cleavage absorbed all her words. Christine stroked her, feeling her slender back, cupping her soft, curvaceous rear, delighting in the gentle angles of her legs. A hand slipped lazily up her dress. Any attempts to stop the molestation were just ignored. The sheer soft weight of flesh pressed against her drove the breath from her lungs, just as Christine breathed in. The large elegant hands holding Aurelia quivered. For a moment, the little not-human could feel the intense strength behind their gentle touch, the terrible desires driving them. Christine shuddered, squeezing her even tighter, bear-hugging her into her soft flesh as if she wanted to crush her straight into herself. And she did, in that moment. She wanted to do everything to her. Aurelia could taste the lust in every pound of the depraved monster’s multi-tonne bulk. Her head was forced up from those heavy tits and crushed into a hungry, gluttonous kiss, lips forced apart against the larger vixen’s muzzle. Christine didn’t even let her breathe with all the passion in it. After an entire wet, fox-flavoured minute of slow asphyxiation, Aurelia was released, to slump and shudder against the Don’s breasts. She tried to speak and all that came out was a quavering moan of dread. Christine looked down at her, and licked her lips. Her pupils were dilated, the indigo irises almost overwhelmed by the hungry black. “You are incredible…” she breathed. “I make you hurt and it’s like you’re bathing my mind in liquid sunlight. How have you survived this long, darling, when it feels this good to make you squirm?” The words stung Aurelia to the bone. “I’m careful,” she mumbled. “I wore a mask. I d-didn’t let people too close. O-of course, most of them aren’t total m-monsters like you. The influence d-doesn’t take hold of them quickly.” The foxtaur giggled. “But eventually it does? You could turn the kindest person in the world into a ravening sadist just by being with them? That is.... my god. Che cosa siete? What in all the worlds are you, Aurelia?” The human-shaped creature gritted her teeth, trying not to look at the wild, hungry eyes. “I’m… I’m not telling you.” Christine cocked her head, very, very slightly. “Oh, aren’t you? Why? Adorato, I’m going to kill you as pleasurably as I possibly can. Not even the forces of Hell have managed to stop me. There’s nothing you can do. Both of us know this. So what’s so precious about this? Why is it so important that I don’t know your name?” Aurelia forced herself this time to look up. She nearly melted with terror at the foxtaur’s hungry gaze, but she made herself hold it. “Because,” she whispered shakily, “B-because it’s mine. It’s me. A-and I won’t let you t-take who I-I am away f-from me. And besides, why in Creation would I? You’re going to give me everything I want before I kill you”, you told me. I give you m-my name and I’m as a good as… as...” She swallowed, trying not to look at the soft, gurgling bulges behind Christine’s powerful torso. The colossal creature shrugged, jostling her. “I mean, ovviamente. Of course you are. Well, Aurelia, I know the names of everyone I’ve ever eaten. Every. One. That’s what makes them more than food, that’s what makes them special. And I’m going to know yours. So yes, there’s not going to be any respite when you tell you. You’re going to die in here.” She patted her curving flank, rippling the fluff around it. “But you know what, adorato? That’s not going to matter, because you’re going to tell me just so I stop doing what I’m doing to you.” She licked Aurelia’s face, shuddering with joy and swallowing the sticky gush of saliva. “It’s how threats work in my family. Sure, after those I will take everything you are, boccone, but… that’ll be in the future. And the future is so much less fun than the sensuous, sexual, squishing present. I think you’ll find it a pretty tempting offer.” Aurelia bared her small white teeth at her. “I will never, ever, ever let you bring more suffering into the world. Mine or anyone else’s.” The monster grinned back, her own fangs much sharper and larger. “I see,” she purred. “That’s very noble of you. How well has that gone for you?” “...Go to hell.” “Ato, Imo and Evo tried that, sweet little slut. Do you see it working?” The little redhead felt her gaze dropping. Christine chuckled. “Just wait ‘til morning. You won’t believe how good they’re going to look on me. For now… I’ll tell you what. We’ll compromise. You can just answer yes or no. And I’ll save you from suffering for a few more minutes. How’s that sound, huh? Adorato?” Aurelia should have kept her mouth shut. But any distraction from the thoughts of her friends was a desperately welcome relief. And besides, for all her determination and her passion and her beliefs… she was, at the core of her being, weak. “Okay,” she mumbled. “Excellente!” The monster clapped her hands with delight, sitting down with a shuddering crash in front of her.Her swollen guts sprawled out, gurgling and groaning, and one heavy thigh was nearly lifted off the ground by the girth of her bloated balls. “Well then, adorato. The obvious question. Is Aurelia your real name?” Aurelia hesitated. Then, “Yes.” Christine raised an eyebrow. Then a hand. Aurelia blanched, scrambling backwards to avoid the promised blow. “W-wait, wait!” she stammered. “It’s… it is, it’s… part of my true name.” “Oh? What about the rest, then?” “Y-yes or no, you said.” “True, true.” The foxtaur raised the hand further… and ran her fingers through her thick ringlets, purring with pleasure. “I’ll play by the rules for now. Va bene. Hmm… are you human?” “No.” “Are you an alien? From a planet other than earth?” “No.” “Are you mortal?” Christine’s eyes glittered hungrily. Aurelia nearly considered lying. But she wouldn’t get away with it, and besides, the vixen already knew the answer to this one. “...no.” “Immortal, then.Good. Very good. There’s a certain taste to your kind. I was reminded of it rather recently.” Christine’s womb squelched as she shook her hips. “So, what kind of Immortal? Angel?” “No.” “No? Huh, I was wondering. No wings, of course… but then again angels can turn them off, can’t they? Not that they could fly away from me anyway.” She frowned at an old memory, and then the smirk returned. “Well then. Demon?” “Creator, no. Of course not.” “Not a fan, huh?” Christine smiled indulgently. “You don’t seem to have a good relationship with them. Hmm. Sorcery?” “No.” Sorceries were beings of pure magic, incarnations of change and creation. They were the original creators of dragons, which was in Aurelia’s (somewhat biased) opinion one of the worst decisions ever made. Their counterparts were of course- “Inertial?” “No.” Inertials were the opposite, ancient creatures of conservation and slow observation. They devoted themselves to many tasks, from examining and understanding every aspect of the universe to attempting to stop Time itself. To Aurelia, they weren’t much better than the Sorceries. “No, no. Something else, then.” Christine tutted. “Clearly I have plenty to learn about the wider world outside this one. Lots to do. Do you think you’ll be able to help me when you’re padding my hips?” “No,” Aurelia said. But she said it just a moment too late. She’d already realised, and Christine heard it in her voice. Her eyes flicked up. “Excuse me, adorato?” “N-nothing. It doesn’t matter. It-” “You’re not even a very good liar, Aurelia. And I learned to watch people in the way I do by practicing on very, very good liars. What do you mean, you will be able to help me when you’re swaying on my flanks?” Aurelia swallowed. “I… I didn’t…” “I know how you Immortals work. I know your soul will survive for a while when you’re plumping out my hips, but I very much doubt we’ll be able to talk during that. I mean, it’s lovely, but… there was something else in your voice. Wasn’t there?” The redhead opened her mouth and... hesitated. Christine smiled. “Oh. I thought so. Does that not happen to you? Are you just that weak of an immortal that your soul will pop like a bubble of air in the churning morass of my guts?” Aurelia flinched. “Y-yes,” she mumbled. “It… it will. My, my survival time w-without a body is… is a f-f-few seconds. It’s… it’s part of me.” “Oh, that is orgasmic. I mean, I would have liked to have you there, to taunt and tease, but… I want to fucking annihilate you tonight, you know? I want you mine. I want you me.” Christine licked her lips wetly. “Why so weak? Why so delicious? What are you? Tell me. Now.” “Y… yes or no, you said…” “Oh, I did. Shall I say something else, then? Shall I say how long you’ll bubble away in there for, adorato? Or will you start being a good little slave?” The little Immortal flinched as if another blow was coming. “Please…” she whispered, demure and trembling. “P-please…” “Absolutely. When you tell me what I want to know. How could you help me after you’re melted down into slut-pudge and even your soul is vanished? What could you do? Tell. Me. Now.” Her voice carried the weight of a thousand promised punishments. Aurelia cowered in her shadow. She felt the answers pulsing in her throat, so easily said. “I’m… I’m a…” She breathed in, and her senses, far beyond mortal, caught the heady scent of the predatory vulpine. And there, right in the middle of Christine’s rich musk, was the hint of other smells. She remembered everyone the monster had taken, just to get her hands on her. She remembered the other times, the other monsters. She remembered herself. “I’m n-not telling you anything, you psychotic bitch.” She spat the words, hurling them at Christine with all her hatred. The foxtaur did not flinch. She looked down, her smile fading, her head cocking very slightly. There was something dreadful in what lay beneath that smile. Aurelia quailed, her bravado fading again. She took a step back, eyes wide and fearful as the dreadful coldness flowed from the heart of the vixen’s soul, and- The smile returned, like a mask, and Christine gave an indulgent chuckle, shaking her ringleted head. “Oh, my, my. First attempt and I almost break your spina dorsale a metà. You’re as good as a rippling bulge inside, little slut. It’s just a case of time. Now, take a breath.” “What? What do you-ufff!” Her words cut out as she was picked up and thrown onto the bed. She staggered, gasping for breath, trying to get to her feet, and Christine stepped up next to her, paws dimpling the cushiony surface with their enormous weight. The foxtaur loomed over her prey, keeping pace as Aurelia squirmed backwards, and then crouched slightly and grasped her, stroking her face. “If you’re really so compassionate, so amorevole, then squirm. It’ll help them digest more quickly.” Aurelia tried to question her, but the words didn’t come. She was shoved forwards sharply, between the pillars of those powerful forelegs. Above her and in front of her hung the heavy bulging swell of the foxtaur’s belly. Even with Christine’s colossal height, Aurelia would have had to crawl to pass under it, and squirm on her belly to get past the monstrosity which was her swollen, squirming sac. A dribble of fluids oozed from the thick sheath, right in front of her, and she tried to scramble aside, gasping in terror, already guessing- Christine sat down. Aurelia was smothered, submerged in the ocean of fox. Everything was hot and soft and unbelievably heavy. Her limbs were splayed awkwardly, her breath coming hot and weak against the enormous weight of the monster’s bulk. She could barely summon the strength to moan. The thick cushiony mattress beneath her gave a little softness, letting her be sandwiched in relative comfort. But that was a small mercy compared to everything else. Christine’s girth spread over her, pound upon pound of fat and flesh and fur. Aurelia could feel the weight of her innards beyond, rippling, gurgling, an entire internal world which quivered against her with every distant sound of liquids. And every soft, crushing ounce of all of it had once been alive. Christine’ pudgy form was drenched in sin, and Aurelia’s empathetic powers let her feel it. She could sense the lives lost in this world-ending girth, the souls who had become jiggling flanks or stained the foxtaur’s wall. The sheer weight of deadly plumpness crushed her pristine soul. She could feel the gluttony in every curve. “P-please,” she mumbled, lungs aching with the effort of speech. “Please… oh god, I can’t breathe, I can’t… let me out, please…” “Let you out?” Christine’s voice hummed oddly through her multi-tonne bulk. “Sure, sure. Assolutamente. And when I do, are you going to tell me your name?” Aurelia whimpered. “No? Grande sorpresa. Well, let me know if you decide you’d like to breathe. Until then, adorato.” “No, wait… please, oh Creator, please…” Aurelia tried to push up against the pressure. Her skull was already aching, her lungs burning. “P-please, don’t do this, don’t, I swear I… I… I can’t bear this, I can’t, I can’t, please…” The foxtaur heard her. No doubt. But her only response was to adjust a girthy thigh and let the swollen belly splay out and crush her a little more heavily. Now Aurelia was even more squashed, and she could feel more deeply. The wet sloshing weight of gallons and gallons of digestive fluids, squelching and churning above her. And somewhere amidst all of that furnace of fluffy flesh… oh no. The little human-creature felt her eyes well with tears as the struggling form of Imo, jackal-demon, Triscion and victim of Christine’s hunger, pressed against her through what must have been two solid feet of vixen body. Here was a limb, there a pressing paw. From what she could feel, he was wrapped up in an ocean of sweltering flesh, bound together, even more squashed and trapped than she was. She could sense his demonic essence leaking, inch by inch, into Christine’s flesh, absorbed as he struggled and squirmed and slowly broke down inside her. He was a demon, he had done horrible things. He and his brothers had come to Christine to kill her, and to take Aurelia back to whoever they served. But he didn’t deserve this. No-one did. “I-I’m sorry…” Aurelia whispered feebly, pressing her face against Christine’s gut in an attempt to nuzzle at him. She concentrated as hard as she could and managed to siphon enough of her power that the words carried all the way to him. “I-I’m so, so sorry…” The connection was two-way. In that brief instant of contact, Aurelia felt everything he felt. The heat, the unbearable heat soaked into him. The tight clenching rippling pillowy flesh squeezed him, slow, rolling waves of peristalsis oozing him slowly and surely deeper and deeper inside, a massage without end. The panic and rage and despair, the connection to his brothers - each alive as well, in the fox’s swollen sac and squelching womb - only heightening his desperate need to get out. “Voraska p-pa ilehski... dar k’sakara…” he snarled at her in Infernal. Damned One rise again, help us... “I-I’m sorry…” she whispered. “Suy arvak na…” he paused, then spoke in English instead. “You’re… you’re the target, aren’t you? You made us come. You let her do this to u-us.” “No! No I didn’t!” “Heh.” It was a moment before she realised he was laughing; choking on fluids and flesh, but laughing. “Heh, heh, heh. It won’t matter, whatever you are. Look what she did to us. Born and bred killers. Triscion. Bound to fight together and fall together. And look at us now, churning away, going mad in her guts.” “What do you-” “Imagine what she’ll do to someone as weak and breakable as you.” * Christine groaned with sadistic satisfaction as the squirming beneath her got feebler and feebler. She’d smothered people to death before, usually beneath the bulge of someone precious to them. But Aurelia wasn’t getting such an easy end. It was remarkable. The little human had simply ceased to exist. Not so much as a finger, not a toe, not a lock of that lovely red hair escaped the expanse of Christine’s two-tonne frame. Her paunch swelled out between her legs, thick and girthy and soft and showing no sign at all of what lay beneath. Aurelia was simply gone. The Don relaxed, crossing her forepaws comfortably, and rose above the sensations for a moment to think. The problem was that she hadn’t expected to have her house broken into by elite demonic assassins. Or rather, she hadn’t expected it so soon. Christine had figured that she’d at least have a day or two before whoever wanted Aurelia sent someone else after her. Instead it had taken less than twelve hours for her to be tracked down and assaulted. She was a high-priority target. That wasn’t the problem, however. Christine was already scheming on what to do about that. The problem was that Aurelia was the most gorgeous delicious little morsel she had ever encountered, Christine had spent an entire day feeling her squirm in her womb, and now she wanted nothing more in all the multiverse than to lick over every inch of her, slowly swallow her over the course of an entire night, and then churn her into god knows how many hip-plumping calories over the course of several more. But she had already stuffed three demons into various orifices, and that meant she was not as achingly hungry as she used to be. Normally, the gluttony would be enough, the pleasure of filling all four entrances and feeling all four bulges soften and squish away in unison. But Aurelia needed to be appreciated alone. So she would have to wait. Now that the not-actually-human was nicely smothered beneath Christine’s belly, twitching and whimpering feebly, rather than outside where she could see and smell her deliciously edible form, the foxtaur wasn’t feeling so consumed by temptation. Christine snapped her fingers, not looking around, and with silent, adoring obeisance, Penny padded towards her. “Yes?” “Start rubbing, if you wouldn’t mind. I want those three to be padding my hips and sloshing in between by sunrise tomorrow.” Penny nodded, with the barest hint of eagerness, getting on her knees and plunging her entire body into the ocean of the foxtaur’s red-and-cream girth, squeezing and stroking, rolling her entire form over the powerful bulk.She liked this especially, simply because of the pleasure it gave Christine, and she had learned from years of experience exactly where to massage. Her hands weaved a tapestry of squeezes and ripples, echoing through the foxtaur’s greedy innards and aiding the squelching, sloshing furnace. No mercy. A slender arm extended out, squeezing under Christine’s thigh and pressing into her gurgling sac, shoving and squeezing at Ato as he churned away, melting into the thick creamy mass of his surroundings. With a few touches, Penny turned her mistress’ body into a mass of orgasmically pleasurable squirming sensations. Christine squeezed her with a leg, and then took her out of her head. She acknowledged the pleasure of each of her prey, savoured it, and then dismissed it from her mind. She felt Aurelia’s little trickle of sweet suffering, and then she stopped thinking about it. Her breathing slowed, and she picked up her phone from the bedside table she’d left it on, flicking through the various updates on her organisation. A few messages on encrypted servers whizzed back and forth, and money changed hands, and people’s lives were ended or saved or used as pawns. Then Christine sent out a few more, weaving distractions and plots, gearing up for another assault by whoever wanted to take her little Immortal away from her. Queen Melavascia Velvena. That had been the name the jackals had given her. Not someone to be taken lightly. Christine wondered idly how much she had pissed her off by taking her prey, and then taking the servants she sent to take her back. How much of an enemy had her gluttony made her? On the one hand, she was aware that she was messing with one of the most dangerous Immortal factions in the universe, and she needed to tread carefully. And yet… she rather hoped, just for the sake of her own ego, that the answer was “very, very, very pissed off.” She’d have to see. Things promised to be fun. The foxtaur smiled at the future and the present, and wiggled her heavy hips, grinding her cauldron-belly further into her prey smothered beneath, settling in the bed. Penny snuggled into her, looking up through the forest of fluff in the hope of catching a glance. Aurelia twitched weakly. The world was at peace. Christine smiled, curling her tail around to tickle the little vixen at her gut. “Goodnight, i miei amori, Imo, Avo, Eto. I’m getting some sleep. You’ll be mine when I wake up, so keep squirming if you want to say goodbye. Goodnight, Aurelia, you little whore for punishment. Feel free to poke me awake if you decide you want to tell me your name. And goodnight, Penny. Don’t stop. Not for a second. Make them me. And you remember what we discussed when I first got back from catching her?” Penny nodded. “Good. Buona notte.” Christine reclined back, making sure her paunch stayed on top of her prey, firmly and totally smothering her, and flicked a hand in the air. The lights dimmed, and all that filled the room was the soft churning of her insides. When sleep came for her, it came like it always did: soft and silent, and with dreams of everything hers. * Aurelia had no chances to dream. Not tonight. The worst part was simply that she had no idea how long she’d been under there, or how long it’d be before she was allowed to move. It must have been hours, surely. Surely. She’d tried to count the distant humming beats of the foxtaur’s heart (or hearts? She had no idea how a mortal with this level of physical deformity had survived, let alone grown up huge and plump and predatory), but it was impossible to stay focused enough through the sheer weight of fur and flesh crushing her. She breathed in tiny, whimpering gasps, able to suck in a little air through the thick soft bulk. A mortal would have been half-conscious with asphyxiation, but Aurelia was not a mortal, and she was completely lucid. Second by second dripped by, and she squeezed her eyes open and stared into the wall of soft fluffy flesh crushing her, feeling the old scream gnawing at her soul. No. No, please no. This can’t be what I am. Thank the absent Creator that Christine didn’t know what she was. Yet. She knew she could speak up at any moment and she’d gain some relief from the terrible heat and pudgy pressure, for a while. She was tempted to do it, too, just for the thought of a few breaths of free air. She was so, so tired of fighting. But she didn’t. She couldn’t. Firstly because she could not give the foxtaur what she wanted, and secondly because she would pay for those moments of relief with her life. Her identity was the only reason Christine could have to keep her alive. So she stayed silent, as the bellyfat squished and squelched against her. She could feel poor, poor Penny a few feet away, rubbing and squeezing the ocean of her mistress’ belly, helping the journeys of the jackals towards their fate. The vixen never let up, not once, not for a second. She was utterly dedicated. The little not-human hesitated, then reached out with her mind, probing curiously at her. It was fascinating, in a horrible way. Penny’s mind was hollow - that was the only way to put it. Her soul was empty in places where one would have will, or self-esteem, or fears and hopes. Everything was overwhelmed by the colossal mountain of her devotion to Christine. “Hello?” Aurelia said, hesitantly speaking inside her soul. The gossamer-thin strands of the vixen’s mind quivered with surprise at a voice in her head, but she ignored her completely, continuing her squeezing rubs of what was left of Evo. “I know you can hear me,” Aurelia tried. “I... I’m so, so sorry for what she did to you.” More silence. Penny viewed her pity with uncomprehending disinterest. She couldn’t understand what Christine had done which was terrible, or why anyone could feel sorry for her, and she didn’t care. She was happy. On some level, Aurelia knew she envied her that happiness. She felt guilty for it. “You love her, don’t you?” she said, sadly, trying to shift to a less squashed position beneath Christine’s gurgling belly. This time Penny reacted, her hands squeezing into Christine’s guts, her muscles straining to embrace and adore the one person she lived for. The answer came in her passion. Aurelia, trapped beneath that same person, felt sick at such pure and perverted love. “And what about other people? They don’t matter, because it’s only her, yes? It’s only her.” She sensed a real response now. Outside of Christine’s flattening bulk, Penny nodded silently. Yes, the nod said. It’s only her. “But do you… do you like seeing other people suffer? And all for her?” Penny shrugged. This was a boring question. She liked doing what Christine wanted. Nothing else mattered, including her own feelings. “This is going nowhere. Oh, Creator, it’s so hot and tight… Penny, please, couldn’t you just lift up her damned gut for a moment? Let me breathe? It wouldn’t stop her enjoying me. Please. Just a moment of air. Please.” This time, Penny spoke to her. “No. No. You said it yourself. No-one else matters. It’s only her. It’s only her. So don’t. You. Dare tell me what to do.” And with a stunning display of determination, she blocked her mind off, sealing it away from any further attempts at communication. Aurelia was alone again. She wept into the soft swollen stomach, mumbling ancient curses at its owner, and Christine slumbered on, gurgling from deep within. The hours passed. Penny kept herself shielded, working her hands deeper and deeper into the moaning bulges of her mistress’ prey, and under the combined assault of her massaging fingers and the foxtaur’s own devastating body, the three unfortunate demons slowly slipped towards their demise. They were tough, but weakened by the angel blood seeping through them, and they clung to each other telepathically, whimpering as one as they softened into gallons of thick creamy seed and pleasure fluids and digested chyme. They were so interlinked that they died at exactly the same moment, whimpering and sloshing and then going still. Aurelia felt Christine shift over her, a bit of what used to be Evo and Ato splurting out of her in twin dribbles of lewd fluids. The monstrous vixen knew, on some level, that her gluttonous girthy body had just claimed its victims, and it was like a wet dream for her. Aurelia shuddered, and then shuddered again as something hot and sinfully wet soaked the mattress around her legs. Poor demons. Poor Penny. Poor her. So much horror, and all from one source. Christine. More hours passed. Aurelia lay there, numbly, miserable. She could speak up at any moment - Christine would surely hear her - and offer to tell the foxtaur what she truly was, in return for a few minutes of freedom. Until then, she would just suffer. But she stayed stoically silent, even as she wept and whimpered into the bulk of her predator’s former victims. She would not give in. She could not give in. Evil could not win. And no good deed goes unpunished. * The next morning. Even before she felt them, Christine always found that she knew. There was something brighter to the world on these mornings: a taste to it, a cloying, deathly sweetness in her mouth. She rose from the darkness, and before she extended her conscious into her girthy mountain of a body, she could simply sense it. The lives which had been absorbed into it. Of course, once she did start to feel her body, she could do a lot more than just sensing. It became pretty apparent just how much had been gurgling away inside, waiting to add to her. Oh, yes. Christine raised herself up from where she’d been lain out on her front, sighing with effort, and looked at her quadrupedal half. That was Imo. That was Harold, Lily and Violet. Sadie and Edward. And they looked... wonderful. There was not a single straight line anywhere on her body. Her flanks splayed out, wide and heavy with the new layers added to them, and yet her plump hips still put them to shame. Her rear jiggled faintly as she swept her tail back and forth, and when she put her hand against the side of her soft paunch, she could sink it in without even feeling where the pudge ended. Christine ran her fingers through her fur, feeling the softness, the girth. She caressed and stroked her new inhabitants, inch by inch. She shifted her bulk from side to side and examined how they hung on her, soft and heavy and glorious. Her sac was swollen with gallon upon gallon of thick, creamy, potent foxseed, and her womb bulged as tight as a balloon, a wonderful pleasurable weight between her thighs. The sensations ran through her, pooling in her loins, and she felt her paws twitch with the edge of an ocean of lust. She stayed like that, just marvelling at herself, for nearly a full minute before she even acknowledged either of the other two people in the room. Penny was lain against her mistress’ colossal flank, curled up against her. She was still massaging as she’d been told, paws slowly sweeping over the new pudge, although her eyes were closed and her hands moving noticeably more slowly. It had been a long night. “Good morning, beloved.” Christine spoke softly in Italian, stroking her little face. The vixen’s eyelids fluttered open, and she looked lost for a moment, before her chocolate gaze locked onto Christine’s with total devotion. Penny yawned adorably, and hugged her, hands not even able to encompass half of Christine’s heavy belly. “Good morning,” she whispered. “I love you.” “I know. You did deliciously. How do they look on me?” Penny blinked, eyes not even bothering to look at the softness all around. “Perfect,” she said, as if it was obvious. “Of course. Okay, Penny, I have to get to work. I’ll need you in a bit, though. Stick around.” Penny nodded again, and gave the fox’s paunch one last little kiss - Christine felt it blossom upon her flank - before she rolled off the bed and retreated. Out of sight, out of mind. Now all Christine wanted to think about was right underneath that sagging softness. She smiled, took a deep, breath and rolled over. Her stomach and bloated sac groaned and sloshed at the movement, her insides awash in the gooey, churning remains of her prey. And underneath, almost imprinted into the mattress, was a little scrap of a thing, all pale flesh and startlingly red hair and a crumpled looking white dress. For a moment, it looked like Aurelia had lost consciousness, or even just died under the foxtaur’s bloated belly. And then her eyes opened, like a sleeping beauty, awoken by true love’s kiss. But sleeping beauties were not usually smothered half to death by burgeoning guts during their sleep. Aurelia’s eyes opened. She gasped for breath, tears in her beautifully green eyes, her lungs warring against her squashed ribs to fill her with as much air as possible. She tried to sit up, and could not, hunching over, cradling her throat as it ached with the sudden harshness of breathing properly. She didn’t even look at Christine, so desperate was she to fill her lungs. Slowly, with wracking, half-sobbed gasp after gasp, the not-human stabilised. She rolled weakly onto her knees, shoulders heaving, and then, from beneath the curtains of her thick scarlet locks, she raised her head. Her eyes met Christine’s. It was like a bolt to the heart. Christine’s hand nearly tore a hole in the sheet with how hard she clenched. The lust kicked her in the face, violent, brash, hungry. She hadn’t even realised how much she had been wanting to make those eyes fill with fear until she saw them again. She shifted as well, licking her lips and loving the sheer weight of her plump body. “Good morning, adorato. Did you sleep alright? I know I kept you warm.” Aurelia flinched, already traumatised by the dreadful memories. She opened her mouth to reply, and then closed it again. Christine felt her smile spreading. “Oh, not talkative? That’s perfectly fine. You don’t need to speak for this part.” The foxtaur leaned forwards, gently holding the human’s head and twisting it around towards the behemoth of her body. “Just look.” Aurelia did. Her silence broke almost instantly. “No,” she said, her voice weak with horror. “No, oh Creator, no. Oh, you, you, you damned bitch!” Helplessly, she began to crawl towards the fat, swollen mass which had been her friends and would-be kidnappers alike, reaching out to touch the fluffy surface. Her hand sank three inches into the bulge of Christine’s belly, a lurid squelch sounding from deep within. Aurelia’s face crumpled. “They look good on me, don’t they?” Christine purred. The redhead trembled. “You… you have no idea,” she mumbled, staring numbly at her girth. “You sick… I… I see them. I can sense it on you. The… death you carry. Every pound, every drop… oh, Creator, no…” she fell forwards, landing with a soft thud and a deep gloiiirng on the mound of the foxtaur’s belly, whimpering as she caressed the lost friends which only she could see. Her little weight was like Penny’s kisses, blossoming in Christine’s mind with a silent explosion of neurochemical pleasure. She felt good. She looked good. She smelt amazing. Christine watched her quiver, and remembered what she tasted like. There weren’t words. “That’s remarkable. And it’s like that every time?” “Every what? Every life? Every person?” Aurelia spat the words. “Yes, yes it is. If you could see what I say, you… you would…” She trailed off. Christine grinned. “If I could see the souls I was snuffing out, I would never stop. You know that.” There was silence for a few moments. Aurelia straightened her dress, wincing at her stiff muscles. Christine watched her, and felt the pleasure she caused tickle her insides. Deep beneath her smile, she felt her true, lustful self raise its head and sniff the air. Satisfied? Never. “So. Adorato. Have you given any more thought to my proposal?” Aurelia glowered at her from beneath her lovely hair. “Tell you who I am, and die? That one?” “Fiery little kitten. Yes indeed. The one where you tell me who you are, and I don’t need to keep... persuading you.” The redhead trembled. “It,” she said weakly, “it hasn’t worked. And it’s n-not going to. I will never give you anything.” The force of her anger drove into Christine’s desire, which simply swallowed it whole. The foxtaur smirked. “Shall we find out, adorato?” WIthout looking away, she unrolled her girthy self fully onto her flank. WIth a squelching groan of release, her swollen, sagging balls sagged free, barely maintaining their spherical shape with the sheer churning mass inside them. What was left of Ato seemed to caress her insides with his sinful heat. And above… Christine was only half male, but that was because she was two beings melded and morphed into one. And the male part of her, even though its mind was little more than a collection of neurons indistinguishably bonded to her spinal cord, still felt the desires of the flesh. Especially just after waking up. Aurelia glanced aside at the lurid gurgle, and her eyes locked onto the wet, pulsing, throbbing pillar nestling against Christine’s paunch. She shuddered, and looked away, back at Christine. Christine smiled. Aurelia went even paler. “Oh no,” she whispered. “No, you - you can’t - it won’t fit!” She tried to run and tripped over Christine’s tail as it swatted her legs out from under her. The foxtaur stood up, relishing the burn of her muscles as they hefted her new curves and heavy sexes, and placed a paw on the human’s back, pressing her into the mattress. Aurelia gasped, her terror blossoming, squirming frantically to squeeze out. Nothing worked. Christine flexed her toes atop the little Immortal, feeling her marvellous smooth skin beneath the swan-like dress. Aurelia’s terror bled into her soul like warm sunlight, and it pooled lustfully within her loins. She drooled, from all three sets of lips, crouching down until her balls dragged along the mattress and her shaft ground against it. The pleasure sparkled in her head. She was so full of lives. Time to grant them freedom they’d begged her for. She pulled her paw aside, and the little redhead tried to crawl forwards, desperately scrambling away. The frantic terror drove Christine wild, and she nearly crushed her as she slammed her soft, fattened gut down atop her, smothering her in the groaning ocean of her former friends. Aurelia wailed, her suffering spiking as pure pleasure inside Christine’s head, and the foxtaur squeezed her tighter below her. “You make me want you this much, and you have the palle cazzo to whimper that it won’t fucking fit? Aurelia, adorato… haven’t we done this? Don’t lie. I know when you’re lying.” She rolled the huge slabs of her hindquarters forwards, thrusting her swollen member along the silky cloth, Aurelia screamed, the sound muffled, but nothing could stop the lusting beast which was Christine’s loins. With a wet, sodden sound of bare, dripping flesh on flesh, Christine made first contact. She was right. The redhead’s tender nethers spread like snow before a white-hot flame, almost seeming to melt around the invading force of the foxtaur’s cock. Christine sank eight inches into her before she even felt resistance, and she just kept going. Organs displaced, muscles squished, and Aurelia stretched. It was perfect. Every inch suckled on her like the sweetest, lewdest kiss she’d ever stolen. The quivering, squeezing tightness of the little inhuman seemed as if it was going to try and suck her in by her shaft, and instead all it did was lap over every inch and let Christine’s heat bleed into it, squeezing, squelching, slurping over every virile inch. It was utterly perfect, and she barely noticed when her swollen balls grazed Aurelia’s thighs and she had no more to sink inside. For all her simpering and whimpering, the redhead’s sex had swallowed every inch of her with the greed of a veteran nymphomaniac. Not that she actually wanted it. The little sluttery screamed, the sound muffled by her assailant’s fat paunch, kicking and flailing and pushing with what little freedom she had. Her weak punches only oversensitised Christine more. She didn’t even start slowly. She couldn’t. Aurelia’s violated anguish drove into her brain like a steel spike of raw ecstasy, and the foxtaur tore her cock backwards, shuddering as the perfect warmth of that sweet tightness was replaced by cool, teasing air, and then slammed it forwards again. And again, and again. In seconds, she was going full tilt, her flanks jiggling, her pillowy rump heaving, her hips bulging with effort as she fucked Aurelia with all the strength of her unholy desire. She squatted and spread her legs and lifted her tail, shuddering as her own sex (brimming over with the dribbling remains of yet more of her delectable adoratos) met the cool air. But she didn’t stop. She couldn’t stop. Aurelia squealed with every thrust, her lungs somehow managing to breath under the assault. The room nearly echoed to the sounds of it. “STOP!” The voice broke straight into her head, since Aurelia’s mouth was smothered beneath her belly. With it came a clearer contact, and an even greater flood of pleasure. Christine leant down and seized the mattress in her fists, tearing it apart with her joy. “STOP! C-CHRISTINE, PLEASE! YOU CAN’T! PLEASE, DON’T, I’M G-GOING TO BURST, OH, GOD, STOP!” Every word burned into Christine’s loins like fire and ice and godhood. She snarled, leaning down until her chin brushed the pillows and driving every ounce of her colossal strength into hump after hump after wet, thumping, suckling hump. Any mortal would be ruined. Even Penny, who had undergone several surgeries and implantations just so she could pleasure her hyperendowed mistress more completely, would be broken by the sheer power of Christine’s thrusting hips. But Aurelia did not break. Her soft, vulnerable, sweet flesh bent and stretched, clinging to every steaming inch of its invader, and though she sobbed and clawed at the fox’s belly, the feeble noise breaking off every time Christine hilted (as air was driven from her lungs to make way for several dozen pounds of pulsing cock), it fit inside her as snugly and deliciously as if she had been moulded for it. “Oh… yeah?” the vixen hissed back, speaking out loud and knowing her little slut would hear. “Stop? In you? Oh, no... adorato. FUCK no.” She shuddered at another wave of pleasure, her words broken up by her panting, straining slams. “You... fucking dare… to tell me… it won’t… fit? You have… any idea… how… well… this… fits, you little... fucking… whore?” Slap, slap, slap. Slowly, even the cries of protest faded, and Aurelia began to make little gurgling noises instead, her hands reduced to feeble pats against the fox’s flanks. Christine shuddered to feel them, redoubling her efforts. The bed creaked as her slab-like hinds sank and sank, again and again, and the sheer friction nearly burned her belly. She could only imagine what her smothered little lover was suffering. “P-please… stop… p-please, oh, Creator, no…” “Stop? Stop?” Christine hit the edge so hard she saw stars, but somehow, she managed to grind and skate along the rim instead, groaning as her balls twitched, desperate to pump their load out. She hunched over her little slut, covering her like a bird of prey, feeling the desire burn and bubble in every inch of her body. “Tell me your name, Aurelia. Tell me who you are.” “I… won’t… no…” Christine slid herself back out, and back in again, building up speed for the final hurdle. Her shaft squelched and slurped with every thrust, bubbling torrents of fluid spilling over her crushing belly. “Tell me,” she hissed. Slam. “...please…” “Tell me.” SLAM. ‘... you don’t… I can’t… please…” “TELL. ME.” SLAM. “...you d-d-damned monster…” Christine hung inside her, shuddering, teetering, growling. Her swollen sac sloshed with residual momentum. Her libido grappled with her cold logic, desperate to release. “I’ll rip it out of you along with your life, adorato.” And she gave in. Aurelia screamed, and the foxtaur did too. Hot, boiling shivers ran up and down her body, avalanches of pleasure pouring forth as gallon upon gallon of thick, once-living seed exploded like a torrent from her shaft. With Christine hilted so hard inside that tight sweet little inhuman, there was nowhere to go, and her stomach bulged, pushing up against Christine’s far larger gut, the pressure splurting out lewdly against the fox. It was as if Aurelia had eaten someone herself… and in a sense she had. The sticky, sloshing remains of a hundred lives mingled and rippled within Christine’s gravid balls, and the thick ropes splurted free. She felt the gush as her female sex splurted out, drenching the mattress, her rear and legs, and Aurelia’s twitching feet. There went Evo, or some of him. It felt so good. The little redhead seemed to take every pleasure and amplify it, like a microphone to your every gasping moan. She was gorgeous. She was orgasmic. She was so, so… hurtable. Soon. The orgasm lasted half a minute of hissing, snarling, rutting ecstasy, load after load after glorious, life-laden load spewing up from Christine’s furnace sac and flooding her prey's insides. When it was over, Christine lay atop her, letting her own heavy lungs slow and steady, enjoying the aftershocks of joy shimmering over her. Only once she had consumed every last ounce of pleasure that she could did she roll over and slide free. Aurelia didn’t even gasp for breath this time. She slid off the foxtaur’s softening pillar with an obscene, lewd pop, collapsing in a heap against Christine’s sticky, stained belly. Her nether lips still gaped slightly from their dreadful punishment, leaking a little of the fluid she’d been stuffed to bursting with. She curled up, drawing her dripping dress around her, crying feebly. Christine let her, her afterglow too pleasant to disturb. This was one of the very, very, very few times in her life when she didn’t desire something more than what she already had. After it had faded, and the old hungers were beginning to burn again, she spoke. Gently this time. Friendly, the only friend in Aurelia’s whole world. “I’ll make it worse. Do you really think I’ll run out of ways to play with you?” Those beautiful, tear-glazed green eyes raised, curtained by matted, sodden hair. Aurelia wiped a trail of bubbling, creamified lives from her face, and met the foxtaur’s eyes. “Sooner or later, you little slut,” Christine purred. “Sooner or later. You can’t suffer forever. Save yourself from everything you’ll make me do.” The little slut looked at her, dripping, bruised, helpless, and her eyes widened. She breathed, very gently. And then, she began to laugh. Weak giggles spilled over her soft kissable lips, thick and sultry from her sore lungs. Even here, she was beautiful. It was feeble, broken, mirthless laughter. But it was laughter. Christine felt her smile cooling. She cocked her head, very slightly, and spoke gently. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” “Y-you, too…” the little Immortal spluttered back, her giggles still going even as her tears began to flow anew. “You’re… you’re good at this. I didn’t even think about it until y-you said that.” The foxtaur smiled indulgently. “Think about what?” “Time. You’re wrong, and y-you know that. You can’t just keep screwing me until I tell you who I am. Because you won’t wait that long. You can’t keep yourself off me.” “Can’t I?” “No. You can’t. Every time you look, you’re hungrier. I can see it burning in you. You want me. And it’s… it’s getting stronger, too. Have you noticed? I know how I… how it works. The power p-power I have. It sticks itself in you, and it feeds pleasure to you when I suffer. And the more you enjoy it, the more pleasure I give. It’s a feedback l-loop, with… with n-no limit. The only way y-you’ll be satisfied is when… nnngh… i-is when I’m utterly gone. So I don’t have to resist you forever, you see. I just have to r-resist you, f-for longer than y-you can resist yourself.” Christine looked at her. Idly, she wondered whether the little thing’s face could stretch around her quite as sweetly as her nethers did. “Well done,” she chuckled, mirroring the redhead’s maddened grin. “It has been so long since I’ve had real body-and-soul fighters. No offence to Ato, Evo and Imo, but… they folded like little pudge-puppies the moment I blew them a kiss. You, adorato, you are worth it all.” Aurelia brushed her hair back, shuddering as her fingers came away sticky. A tiny twitch of the lip, a smile. Pride. Oh cazzo, how did the little redhead do this? How did she just keep getting better? Christine smiled wider, and blinked sharply. The radio in her skull buzzed. “Penny? Come in here please.” * And just like that there was no more laughter. She’s bluffing. Aurelia looked at the foxtaur, all her terrors and her fears (and enough internal damage from foxcock to hospitalise a mortal) flooding back into her. She’s bluffing, she thought again. Right? With a soft click, the door opened and Penny walked in, looking straight at Christine. “Yes?” she whispered. Christine smiled tenderly at her. “Vieni qui. Come to me, adorato.” The vixen seemed suddenly sunlit, delighted. With quick, lithe, light steps, she danced to them, leaping onto the bed - avoiding the wet puddles of Christine’s pleasure - and embraced her universe with desperate delight. Aurelia looked at her, and then at Christine.” “You’re b-bluffing,” she stammered. “You wouldn’t.” Christine stroked between Penny’s ears. “Is that a wager, Aurelia? Because I’ll bet your name against it.” “No. No, you wouldn’t. You - you wouldn’t do that. Not to her.” Penny looked at her, curiously, then back up at the foxtaur. “You wouldn’t do what to me?” she asked, innocently. Christine stroked her again, kissing her on the nose. “It doesn’t matter. Or at least, it doesn’t have to.” “No. No, I won’t. I won’t, you’re bluffing.” Aurelia felt herself crumbling. “You’ve g-got to be.” Penny glanced at her again, and then ignored her once more. Christine was what mattered to her. Christine, smiling, leaning, nuzzling. Christine, licking. Not gentle, tender licks. Hungry licks. Possessive licks. Predatory licks. Aurelia saw the smaller fox go tense, her tail frisking nervously. She didn’t squirm or struggle, but simply hung in the larger fox’s arms, face tensing with concern. “W-what are you doing?” she said. “You’re not… you’re not… you’re not doing this right. You’re doing it like- like you’re going to-” Christine hushed her, licking deeper along her neck, suckling on her ears. It made Aurelia sick to watch. “You… you can’t e-expect m-me to b-believe that, right?” she said, weakly. Christine ignored her. Penny didn’t. “Believe what?” she said, quivering in the fox’s grasp. “ C… Christine, I don’t like this.” “Hush, hush. You’ll be with me. For ever, and ever. You’ll never leave my side.” Christine chuckled. “Or should I say, my sides.” Penny gasped, softly, looking up at her. Horror stained her gaze. “But who… who will… who will be you? Who will find them, and, and entice them for you? You, you need me for that, don’t you?” The fox-monster’s deep indigo eyes glittered with mad tragic glee. “I know, I do. I don’t know how I’ll survive without you. It doesn’t matter now. We’ve talked about this before, haven’t we?” “C-come on! This is too far, i-it’s not working. It’s not! It’s - just let her go, d-damn you!” Penny clutched at Christine, lips trembling. “I don’t want. I don’t to leave you.” “You won’t be.” “I will! I won’t know you, or see you, or hug you. You can’t… you can’t want to...” She didn’t beg or plead or threaten. She knew how well that would go, of course. Aurelia couldn’t tear her eyes away. Christine licked the little vixen again, purring. “It’ll be smooth, and gentle. I won’t let it burn you.” “I don’t care about me! It won’t burn me, but it’ll… it’ll take me from you. Is it because of her?” Penny said, quivering against her. “Did she, did she do this?” “No. Well, partly. She set it off. But you know I’ve always thought about it. It’s because of you. Don’t think about her. It’s just you and me, remember?” She wouldn’t, Aurelia thought. She staggered as a wave of terrible nausea crashed through her, nearly toppling. She wouldn’t. She wouldn’t. Then why was Penny so afraid? The two of them were a relationship built on lying to other people. Two strange lonely little foxes, together since childhood, against a hostile, delicious world. They would not lie to each other. They would never lie to each other. “You… wouldn’t…” she mumbled, feebly, unsurely. Christine kissed Penny again, holding her against her throat, and looked at Aurelia again. Her eyes were calm and soft and without so much as a speck of remorse. Penny looked as well. Her chocolate irises simmered with mute fear. Pure, perfect, pristine fear. Aurelia broke. “Stop,” she said, and oh, it was so easy to give in. “S-stop, okay. I’ll t-tell you, I’ll tell y-y-you. J-just s-s-stop. Not h-her. Absent C-creator, n-not her. Please.” Penny’s frightened eyes vanished as Christine smothered her in her plump cleavage, her person-fattened tits swelling around the little thing’s head. She shivered, stretching her tail out. “You want to know how close she came to the point of no return, adorato? How close you let her come?” “No. No, no…” Tears sparkled in her, stinging her eyes, but she could not cry yet, not until Penny was safe. She couldn’t. “Don’t… I wasn’t. I wasn’t. I didn’t want… this...” “No, you didn’t. Why else would I do it to you?” Christine stretched, groaning as her stained, soft belly squelched over the bed. “She’s safe. For, oh, the next few minutes. We’ve got time, haven’t we? So then, dear little Aurelia. Tell me. Who… are… you?” Aurelia bowed her head, breathing in. She had struggled against so many things in her lives, but there was nothing harder than raising your head again when you were broken. She raised it. “Leya. Lady… Leya… Aurelia… Hopesoft.” ( And somewhere, far away, someone else gasped very quietly.) “Leya.” Christine caressed the word. “Ley-ah. It’s beautiful. And a Lady, too. I would curtsy, but your friends made me too fat.” Leya looked at her miserably. Penny shifted. Christine arched an eyebrow. “Lady of what? Come on, Leya. Do I need to chide you every step of the way?” “No.” She didn’t even manage to summon a snap back. “No, you don’t. Look. You… you know about Immortals, don’t you. Angels, demons, magic… all of those.” “Yes.” Christine was leaning forwards slightly. “Okay. And... what about... above them? Above them all?” The fox blinked, slowly. She said nothing. “You mortals... always got it wrong. We didn’t create the world. We didn’t even create the things you worshipped us for. It’s the other way around.” She gestured feebly. “We are made to be… concepts. War. Love. Music. Whatever. We are... incarnations of these things. Living, breathing ideas.” Christine looked at her, silent as the grave. “And not all of us…” she clenched her fists, holding back the agony of millions of years, “are good ideas. My name is Lady Leya Aurelia Hopesoft. And I am… the Goddess of the Hunted.” No response. “Not the Hunt. Not the Hunter. The Hunted. It is my role to… to embody all those in all the worlds, who are preyed upon. The weak. The defenseless. The innocent.” She looked at Penny, her eyes full of tears. “I am the personification of all those who lose everything, and all for the gain of another.” Christine was like a statue. “That is why you only need to l-look at me to want to hurt me. It is what I am for. I exist to act my role perfectly: to be the plaything of all life. I have enough power in me to start a new sun, and all it does for me - all I can ever, ever, ever use it for - is creeping into the minds of others and tempting them to take me as their own.” Silence. “That was why the mask and the suit, back… back at the warehouse. No-one is safe from wanting me. Give me enough time and I will corrupt an Angel, I will break a dragon, I will turn an Inertial against itself. Everyone, sooner or later, is my Hunter. And I can’t stop it, of course. No more than I could stop you from acting on it. It’s what I am.” She sank back into herself, feeling cold and drained. She fought it, she denied it, she ignored it. But it was always true. This was who she was. “So there. T-there. That’s who I am, you sick monster. Now it’s your turn. Let Penny go.” Christine did not. The fox buried in her breasts burrowed a little deeper, and Leya swallowed uneasily. “I did it. I gave what you want. L-let her go, now.” Christine did not. Instead, she spoke, very quietly. Her voice was so soft it was almost childlike. “How long have you existed?” Leya shrugged. “How long have living things eaten other living things? I can’t keep track. Billions of years, probably. When I started to live I wasn’t even intelligent. It’s been a long time.” “I see.” Silence. “A goddess of being killed? How does it work? Do you live on? Have you somehow escaped every single time?” “No.” Leya laughed, bitterly. “Oh, Creator, no. You don’t understand how it works. Gods… well, they can die. It’s… not easy, usually, because they’re strong souls, and they have fallback plans, pieces of them scattered across the world, cultists to save t-them… but not me. You think m-my soul is strong? I do die. Oh, I die every time. But there has to be a Goddess of the Hunted. Gods have to exist. It’s a… a mechanism, a pressure valve, in the universe itself. I have to exist, and I have to suffer. So I die, utterly, totally, completely. I die. And then, in a few days… I come back.” She swallowed, feeling the lump in her chest almost burst her ribs apart. “Or… someone does. Someone who has my name and my memories and is me. I tried to find out once. I went to the God of Knowledge at a Great Council, and I asked him, when I die… am I dead forever? Has my life been utterly stolen? And the new me, the one who comes back… is that a new soul to suffer through everything, and all because of me?” “And?” “He didn’t know. Oh, he toyed with me, made me whimper, made me cry. But he told me that he did not know. No-one does. Either my life is short and full of agony, and every death condemns a new consciousness to being me... or it is long enough to last for aeons of it, and I will never, ever, ever escape.” Christine stared solemnly at her, and Leya looked back and wanted to cry for the rest of time. She still didn’t know which possibility was worse. “There. That’s me… “adorato.” The only thing I could’ve taken with me, and you took it too. Now. Please, please, let Penny go.” “Hmm?” Christine was still serene and distant. She looked almost shellshocked. “Ah. Of course.” Without even glancing away from Leya, she let Penny’s shapely form drop to the ground, where she landed in a heap, shivering and whimpering. Leya ran to her without even thinking, and the monstrous mafiosa let her. She simply kept watching, not even blinking, as the little goddess helped her fellow victim stagger to her feet. Penny quivered against her, holding on for dear life, staring up silently at the monster who had finally shown her true colours. And still, Christine only had eyes for Leya. “Can’t you at least look at her?” Leya said, bitterly, forced to lean against the vixen to support her. “She, she needs you, damnation! You used her to get to me, you can a-at least acknowledge her! Penny? Penny?” Penny didn’t respond, still looking straight at Christine. The Don gave one last, lingering, dreadfully hungry look at Leya, and sighed, giving her head a little shake. “Si, si. I’m sorry, adorato. You’re very distracting, you know. I mean… oh. Cazzo. Cazzo dell'inferno. A goddess. An actual goddess, and not just any goddess. Oh, mio dio.” She giggled, uncontrollably, running her fingers through her hair. “Okay, let’s just get things out of the way first. Penny?” Penny flinched in Leya’s arms. She looked up at her universe, quivering, fearful. Not again, her eyes said. Christine smiled gently at her. “Well done.” It was as if Leya was holding a different person. In a single instant, all the fear and tension vanished from Penny, so quickly it seemed it had never been there at all. She squirmed out of the little goddess’ grip, eyes bright and smiling, and leapt straight into the foxtaur’s embrace, nearly bouncing with joy. Leya stumbled back, her mouth dropping open. Never had so much happiness given her so much horror. “No,” she whispered. “No, no. T-that’s impossible! You… you wouldn’t do this! You w-wouldn’t lie t-to her!” “You’re right,” Christine purred, wrapping the little vixen in her arms with the same terrible, heavy tenderness. “We don’t. But we’d lie to you.” “But… I was… I was with you a-all night! Under t-there!I was listening!” “Leya. Oh, sweet, little Leya.” Christine purred the words. “I don’t need you to tell me everything about you, you know. It took us exactly thirteen sentences of conversation, back in the warehouse, to tell me that you could withstand suffering yourself. Of course, I didn’t have any idea just how experienced you were at it.” She giggled, shimmying the point where her womanly hips melded into her powerful lower half. “Mmm. Point is, adorato, you needed more encouragement than being pinned under my gut for the night. And someone like Penny: sweet, innocent, and so terribly ruined by me...” she stroked between Penny’s ears. “You’d do anything to save her, wouldn’t you?” Leya’s astonishment had turned cold and miserable and heavy. She hung her head, trying to stop herself from shaking. She had thrown the one thing keeping her alive away, and all for a lie. “So while you wriggled and twitched inside my sex - feeling utterly orgasmic, by the way - I thought of exactly what to say, and while you took that shower, just before our cute triplet friends arrived for me, I told Penny exactly what to do. I’d known from the beginning we’d need it. And it was... exhilarating for both of us, really. This is the first time we both get to play a role. And I have to say, Penny, mio, tutto mio… I think we killed it.” Penny squirmed around in her arms, nestled against her, and looked at Leya. There was no cruelty in her eyes, but no sadness either. Just the naiive contentment of a job well done. Leya looked back, and then at the foxtaur herself, who had never stopped looking at her. There was a peaceful silence between them, the calm before the storm. “Of all the things you’ve done,” Leya said, quietly. “I think she’s the worst.” The foxtaur grinned, and kissed the top of Penny’s head. “Oh, Adorato. Don’t say that now. Let me give you some experience of the other things I’ve done.” Gently, she released the little vixen, who gave Leya one silent backwards glance, and skipped off the bed, retreating away. The two of them were alone. Predator and prey. Christine stretched sinuously, her tail flaring out, her neck cracking as she worked it over. “No more,” she said. “No more holding back. No more saving you for later. No more games to make you give me who you are. You sweet weakling little belch-to-be. You dared to try and deny it to me?” She took a step forwards, running a wet pink tongue over her lips. Leya began to back away. “P-please,” she stammered, barely able to form words through her fear. There was a slight sharp twinge in her scalp, as if someone had just pulled one of her luscious red hairs out, but she couldn’t think about it. All she could think about was the monstrous fox. “Please, don’t - don’t - I’m sorry, I… I…” Christine giggled. Her thick, heavy flanks swayed with each movement, bulging with the lives they had taken. Her sheath still dribbled, and Leya’s aching insides twinged with fear. “Sorry? A real, living deity, helpless before me? And not just any deity, the one most perfectly suited to bubble and broil and burn for me in all of creation? Just by existing outside of my gut, Leya, you will never be forgiven. Just by not being mine from the second you first drew breath, you’re judged guilty. There are no sorries, no middle grounds. No matter if you scream them with your last breath. You gave me your name because I couldn’t rip it from you the second we met. Now it’s time for everything.” She drew in a raw, hungry breath, and the little goddess could have sworn that she saw all the way down that dark throat to the doom it promised. Leya took another step back and slipped on the sodden, sinful puddle of seed Christine had pumped into her. The bed was dripping in it. She fell painfully, whimpering and it was like the starting pistol. Christine leapt on her, wrenching her up and hugging her until she couldn’t breath, squeezing her back until her bones shifted, crushing her into her plump, fattened tits and starting to lick with the force of a madwoman. She tasted her in wet, squelching slurps, slathering her face, teasing the delicate shells of her ears, running through her hair. Leya tried to squeal in protest and Christine’s tongue slid between her plump delicate lips, wrestling her tongue into submission, lapping her palate, tasting her teeth. And all the while she moaned, deep, rumbling, raunching growls of obscene pleasure which started deep in her lower half and bubbled up her throat, spilling out through their locked lips. They broke apart, and the foxtaur swallowed greedily, sending every last sweetness she had licked away down, down, down her gullet. She brushed a few errant ringlets back from her brow with one hand, the other grasping firmly at Leya’s own gorgeous locks. Painfully hard. Leya winced at the sharp tugs, and Christine shuddered as the pain caused her pleasure. “Oh, sweet little pudge. You were telling the truth. You really could corrupt an Angel with this.” She paused, breathing in the sensations. Her eyes seemed to be growing darker, and the wave of evil, gluttonous, lustful intent which poured from them stung Leya so hard she saw stars from it. “Just imagine what you’re doing to me.” She pulled the little goddess up by her hair and unlaced her ragged dress, tearing it off her with casual disdain for the beautiful fabric. For less than a second, she admired the naked deity: her creamy, utterly satin-smooth skin, the perfect ripe plumpness of her breasts and ass, the gentle softness of her belly, the way her hair hung over her delicate shoulders. Then she pushed her prey away and bodyslammed her onto the mattress, smashing her into into it face first. Leya groaned, trying to get up, and her hand slipped on some of the hideously thick puddle of creamy ex-person on the side. She fell on her face again, trying to push forwards and away from the fat greedy monster behind, and then she froze. There was a sensation wrapped around her feet. It was pleasant, really, like stepping into a hot bath, Wet and soft and sleek, enfolding her delicate ankles, wrapping around each and every contour of her toes, sloshing softly against her calves. Except that Leya knew exactly what it was. She looked back, and Christine looked at her, her eyes a brilliant deep blue, shining with ecstasy. She was bent down, hindbody crouched and upper torso leant down until she was one straight line from ass to nose, with the delicious deity at one end, sliding in. Her vulpine muzzle was wrapped around the little redhead’s feet, her cheeks bulging slightly with the weight in them. Leya could feel her teeth prickling at her sensitive skin. But not biting. She was going down whole. The foxtaur rolled her feet around her mouth, suckling on them. The sensation was unbearably ticklish, and Leya gave a giggling whimper, shuddering involuntarily. It was enough to break her out of her frozen fear, and she tried to pull out of the wet, slurping cave. It didn’t work. The jaws locked tight around her ankles, nibbling at her sleek pale flesh. Christine could not speak, but her eyes closed softly. The message was clear, even if Leya didn’t know it already - even if she hadn’t known it for a long, long time. She was delicious. * No, no, Christine considered faintly lapping and slurping over the deity’s feet. “Delicious” wasn’t quite right, Christine thought, “Perfect”? “Unbelievable”? “Orgasmic?” No, none of them went far enough. Leya tasted like a supernova. The sensations arced across Christine’s tongue, soaking into it down to the core, and her nerves almost burned out with the pleasure. She’d thought it was good when she was licking her and kissing her, but this was different. This was having her. And it felt like what it was: claiming a fucking god completely. Curiously, she swallowed, a long, slow, greedy gulp which oozed the little prey-slut’s feet from her mouth into the soaking, squeezing abyss of her throat. There was that wonderful sensation of stretching, of her body shifting to accommodate a new part of it… but just like everything else, it was newly incredible. Her throat opened like a dream, and Leya’s every touch was like the single caress which separated her from climax. It was good. It was so, so, so good. Feeling almost mesmerised, unable to even try and master the sensations, she swallowed again, claiming the little goddess’ knees. Now Leya was really beginning to wriggle, kicking and jerking, trying to crawl forwards on the mattress, even attempting to force the foxtaur’s gluttonous jaws apart. She was clearly well practiced at it, but so was Christine. The foxtaur laughed in her throat, mockingly squeezing back until her teeth nipped at Leya’s flesh, and then, just for good measure, she swallowed again, a sharp, punishing, gurgling gulp which dragged the squealing little redhead half a foot backwards into her swollen gullet. Now the vixen’s nose was inches from that soft, plump, perfect rear, the sweet, immortal scent of it driving her wild. Playfully, she flicked her tongue out, running it between two squeezed-together thighs to taste the scent between them. Her sex tightened with pleasure at it. Leya gave an adorable little yell of panic, twisting around to look at her. She looked gorgeous from this angle, breasts just showing, pillowy ass right in front, a few dribbles of cream still oozing free from her half-ruined sex.Christine felt her sheath growing heavy again. Almost a pity she wouldn’t be able to fuck her again, once she was gone. Oh well. She’d grind against the pudge she left. She’d wring every last gram of delight out of her. She’d ruin her until everything she had ever been did nothing but pleasure Christine. She’d make her… her. That thought, that all of this gorgeous beautiful innocent life was just going to end as hanging fat padding her already fattened form, only made her harder. She moaned, the sound coming out as a wet, slurping, bubbling growl, and forced her tongue all the way up between the redhead’s thighs, tasting the sweetness and the delectable heat therein. The remains of Christine’s orgasm still plastered Leya’s thighs, sticky and sweet and sinful, but through all of it the goddess’ own taste still shone through, and it was like galaxies of pleasure. The supernova was bursting inside the foxtaur’s mouth, again and again with each and every second. It was not enough. She licked and slurped and made more ungodly noises than she’d made when she plunged every inch of her heavy heft inside Leya and slammed it in and out again and again and again, but it was not enough. She had to make her hers. Christine began to grind herself against the bed, groaning softly with spasmodic joy, and swallowed again. * Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck fuck fuck no no NO NO PLEASE NO NO NOO It was real. The terror crashed over Leya in great wracking thunderclaps. It was real. She was prey. She twisted and squirmed, feeling hot flesh ripple over her toes as the last echo of the fox’s swallow nudged them deeper into her greedy darkness. Every gulp travelled over her in a wave, pulling her further in. Her plump rear was pressed into the fox’s lips now, swelling out to either side, and the area between them was lapped and slurped over with all the romantic gentleness of a true and eternal lover. The fact that she was squirming for her life didn’t change that. It would have been pleasurable, too. Leya was a deity, and she felt everything far more keenly than anything mortal. But the fear flooding her just turned the horrible sweet slurps of her still-aching nethers into another layer of invasive, savage horror. She was being taken in every way she could imagine. She screamed, beating her little fists against the mattress until they bruised. “NO! NO, PLEASE! F-FUCK’S SAKE, P-PLEASE, PLEASE, I’M BEGGING YOU, YOU, YOU, FUCKING MONSTER, NO! NO, ABSENT CREATOR, NO!” It only gave the fox more pleasure. She knew it would. It always did. In all her millions and billions of years of being murdered by everything, Leya had never once convinced anyone to stop. Not monsters, not demons, not mortals, not Inertials or Sorceries or even other Gods. She tasted far, far, far, far too good. But it didn’t matter. She was scared. She was so, so, so scared of that wet, sweltering furnace and the chute which squeezed her inside. Gods were bound to be what they were. Gods of love had to love. Gods of war had to fight. And gods of prey had to squirm. She twisted round to look at her backside, soft and splayed out against the fox’s relatively slender muzzle. She had a pretty curvaceous rump, and to look at it she wouldn’t have thought that Christine could possibly cram it inside her maw. But Leya knew better. The softness of her plump cheeks could squish, and more importantly, the softness of the foxtaur’s greedy maw could stretch. Oh, Creator no, no, no… no, please, no... She collapsed, exhausted with the weight of her squirming, panting into the mattress. Right on cue, the fox gave another greedy gulp, and her lips began to stretch over the heavy, soft weight of Leya’s rear. Just one more reminder of her doom. “P-p-p-please,” she moaned, face still pressed against the mattress. She could just see how the fox’s body was deforming and stretching around the bulge she made. Those heavy breasts, fat with their stolen lives, were nearly pushed apart by it, dangling pendulously on either side of the fat, vaguely feminine swelling. It was horrifying. Above it, Christine’s eyes flashed with playful mockery, Please? her gaze purred. A goddess in my guts, and all she says to stop it is please? Go on, adorato. You can do better. Show off for me. “P-please… please… don’t… I, I, I don’t want t-this, I don’t w-w-want this, please…” The eyebrows waggled playfully. A small part of Leya wondered if Christine had specially practised with them, solely so that she could communicate with people while her mouth was full of them. Probably yes. This time the message was I’m listening. Go on, little slut. Beg. Beg me. Maybe I’m feeling nice, huh? Maybe this time, the world will give you just a little while longer before the dreadful abyss. And prey always, always had to have hope. There was another suckling, clenching, heavy swallow, and with a series of wet squelches and lurid groans, Leya’s rear was swallowed up entirely. The foxtaur’s throat was colossal now, a sick fat mass of rippling, squeezing clenches. Every movement Leya made sent shivers and jiggles down the plump, gravid mass, and needy, growling glrssssches from far below them. The little deity screamed. “PLEASE! OH, OH, CREATOR, P-PLEASE! I S-SWEAR, I’LL, I’LL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU, I PROMISE I-OH G-G-GOD NO, NO, PLEASE JUST NO NO NO, no, no, no… no…” She slowed to a halt, shuddering in horror as the heat spread over her hips. Gulp. The fox gave a soft groan of exertion and delight, the invasive of her tongue forcing its way up inbetween Leya’s thighs, slurping up the sweet honeyed taste there and the rich remains of her climax. Even orgasm wouldn’t stop her claiming the people she’d churned away. How could she fight against someone like this? How could she exist in a world alongside a monster who glutted herself like this? How could she live at all? The little goddess screamed as another gulp sent her navel between the fox’s lips, her soft, trim belly lavished until she shuddered and giggled in macabre ticklish agony. Christine giggled too, the sound wet and bubbling through her squishing rivers of fluid oozing her prey deeper into herself. The answer came to Leya through the inferno of fear and horror which happened when an Immortal’s emotions exploded out of control. She couldn’t live in a world with Christine. She couldn’t survive it. The foxtaur was simply putting things right and wiping her off the face of the world. Leya felt the clenching ripples of another swallow, and gave a weak, unworded wail. She was reaching the point where all the languages she knew started to break down and all she could do was whimper and squeal. She could feel her fear flooding down the fox’s gullet with each slurp and squelch and swallow, electrifying her, soaking her in raw, unrefined pleasure. Driving the mafiosa to remove her from everything. How must she feel, her taste spiralling and peaking with every frightened gasp she took? How did her curves bulge and stretch the fox’s gullet, packed in so tight she couldn’t even feel air pockets, just the soft pillowy rippling embrace of flesh? “I didn’t w-want this,” she mumbleded, whimpering as sharp teeth prickled below her breast and her fingers clawed uselessly at the stained mattress, too slippery and smooth for handholds. “P-please, I didn’t… I didn’t w-want any of this. I didn’t, I didn’t want t-t-to be me. I didn’t w-w-want to exist like this… I just… all I’ve e-e-ever, wanted, C… Christine please oh Creator no - all I’ve wanted is t-t-to be… to be free… please… please don’tnooooOOO!” Her tits were mashed greedily into the fox’s maw, nipples stimulated into hardness by the squeezes and squelches, and the sudden sultry heat made her squeal with sensuous alarm. She threw her head back to yell, and suddenly felt the cool wetness of a vulpine nose nudging the back of her head. It breathed her in with a rapacious moan of pleasure. The little goddess tried to make a sound which escaped the normal boundaries of what a human voice was capable of. “No,” she moaned, clawing at the mattress, squealing as the fox begin to lift herself up again and it fell out of reach. “No, no, no, no, no nononono PLEASE NO!” Christine was back on her feet, her upper body raising slowly and cruelly to its normal, upright stance. Gravity was against her now, and the little redhead screamed out loud as she felt herself dislodge from her crushing-tight perch in the fox’s gullet and simply fall six inches into the fox’s gullet. She only stopped when her arms hit the sides of Christine’s mouth. The sense of vertigo was incredible. Suddenly the soaking bubbling flesh which encased her tighter than any lover didn’t seem nearly as firmly holding. Her senses were screaming at her that she could fall at any moment. Down, down, down into the abyss of that gut. You’d think that after all the times she’d died, the Goddess of the Hunted would get used to it. But she never did. That wasn’t how deities worked. They could learn over their lives, but they could not change themselves. They were made to be what they were. And what Leya was, was delicious, doomed, and utterly terrified. With her taste slathering the fox’s maw and her fear popping inside her mind like a thousand tiny orgasms every second. What she was, was perfect. And she was going to die. “Mmmmmmrr…” came the gurgling purr from all around. The message was just as clear as the monster’s eyebrows had been, and Leya sobbed as she heard it. It meant: Ready to say goodbye, adorato? Words broke down, and she couldn’t even stammer a response. She simply whimpered, wriggling and shifting and shaking so hard her muscles ached in the fox’s gullet. The vibrations soothed the stretched muscles, adding another level of pleasure to Christine’s ecstatic devouring. “Mmn?” Even through the heavy, plump weight of an entire person in her throat, Christine managed to make the growl sound mocking. Not even a “no”? It said. Awww, have I scared you that much? I did like talking to you, but maybe you’re better like this. Maybe this is what you deserve. Okay, some of it might have been Leya’s own thoughts coming through.The little goddess whimpered, pushing against herself and the fox’s gluttonous greed at once, and failing on both fronts. She was doomed. “Nmmph, n-n-nggh, n-n-n-no, no… no… no….” “Mmrgrgh.” There we go. The laughter made the slick walls rub against Leya’s body. She was slipping further in, her arms pressed against the side of her head, as wet hungry foxy jaws slipped softly over them.Her hair spilled out to either side, teeth sliding softly into the edge of her vision. The sight alone sent her into palpitations. And then Christine caught her in the clench of a swallow, the power choking every scrap of breath from her lungs, but didn’t drag it down. She just held her, stroking the bulge of her body with both hands, swaying her body lazily to hump her still-sticky shaft against the new fat weight of her gut. She snarled softly, and lifted one hand up to her open jaw.s Leya saw it coming, and couldn’t even raise her own hands to defend herself. She just stared, tears and saliva running down her face, and felt the soft strong fingers gently caress her cheek, feeling her cheek. It was the sensuous, tactile equivalent of a last look at her face - the best Christine cared for. Leya gave a small squeak, sounding for a moment like every small, doomed, delicious animal which had ever lived. “P-plea-” The fox groaned, her eyes fluttering, and set the swallow off like an orgasm, pouring down the waves of peristaltic muscle down her long greedy gullet. Glrrk, glrrrrk, schhhrllrlrlrssssssss. And the little goddess went with it. Hot, dripping, clenching flesh rose up over Leya’s face, smothering it, snatching away any sensation of the outside world. She tried to scream, and it bubbled against her face, every single inch of her skin gripped with lurid closeness by Christine’s gullet. Her hands gripped weakly at the foxtaur’s lips for a few seconds, and then they were dragged in as well. Darkness rolled over her in awful, sweltering, roiling waves, dragging her deeper and deeper in. Claustrophobia blossomed in the little goddess like a flower opening, and she screamed, panic overwhelming her as gluttonously as the fat fox had gulped her down. Her frail form rippled and wriggled, useless, passionate, desperate attempts to fight against the powers squishing her further and further down. She was doomed. * She was doomed. But it didn’t stop her squirming. Christine screwed her eyes shut, rolling forward in slow, rhythmic full-bodied pumps, feeling the little form slip deeper and deeper. The rippling churning bulge was past her breasts now, the fat weight of them sliding slowly back together as the enormous distension passed and her surgically altered ribcage settled in place. She reached down to the union between her upper and lower bodies and pawed at the swollen flesh, as masturbating. Instead, she was just caressing the squirming mass sliding past, rough enough that Leya would be able to feel it. With a bubbling, marshy squelch, the little sluttery’s face slid past, and the foxtaur could just feel those pert little lips stretched wide in a smothered scream. It felt like a trail of pure lightning down her gullet. She felt the gush as her female sex splurted out, drenching the mattress, her rear and legs, and it still wasn’t enough to satiate her. She humped the fat mass of her paunch, dreaming about the lake of acids bubbling impatiently for its meal, as the little inhuman was bent nearly in half bending around the curve. Every spot of her throat was pulsing with sensuous, glorious joy. She hadn’t even noticed how hard she was until she gave a particularly firm thrust and the fat heavy weight of her shaft squelched stickily out from under her gut. She wanted more pleasure, she wanted to soak every orifice in it. She was drunk on deity. Slowly, like a kiss in reverse, something deep inside her stretched open and began to admit the tight, perfect, slutty little form of her goddess. The fox’s throat was clear, and she gasped greedily for breath, tasting hints of Leya’s scent still in the air. She gulped them down, wanting to claim every part of her. She climaxed again, and this time she had a voice to snarl with. “FUCK, you little fucking slutguts… goddess of my paunch… little one, little bulging moaning crying whimper-whore, little shredded soul of MINE. Là andrai. Hush, adorato. Mine, mine… mine. Good. Get in there.” She giggled wildly, slumping onto her side and then rolling over , rippling back and forth in slow, orgasmically sensuous ripples which stretched and squeezed every muscle in her until she splattered her swelling belly with a gallon or so of creamified demon, and stained her tail again with another splursching gush. Slowly, slowly, she felt the little deity slip from her gullet into her gut. The fox groped her breasts needily, the inferno of delight dimming a little in the afterglow of her twin orgasms. But it was still there. It would be in her head as long as Leya was alive. She gave a little shimmy of her lower hips, feeling her fat cheeks jiggle and jounce gloriously, and was rewarded with a plump heaviness from inside. Good. She was still full to bursting with the load those would-be-assassins had made. Time to kill a god. * All that the god herself could think about right now was trying to breathe in the hellish tightness, hot, tight, squeezing flesh smothering every attempt she made. She barely noticed the sudden freedom of her legs until she was in up to her thighs. And then that became all she could think about instead. She screamed, bubbling away most of her breath in a lusty howl of horror. The tight darkness swept over her face and squished it away as she spilled inside, the slurping sphincter glomming over her as if wanting a taste for itself before she landed in the foxtaur’s belly. Leya wriggled, and clawed, and howled, but she was utterly helpless. And that was where she landed. It was waiting for her. The chamber was horribly large, but still cramped and tight, forcing her to curl up inside. Every movement she made stretched the soft, pliable flesh of the fox’s belly, pushing it out and out and out, but there was no limit, and a squeezing churn forced her back into a tight little ball. It was painfully hot, like a furnace, like the door in front of an oven. And it was full, almost to the brim, with a bathtub’s worth of thick, gooey, groaning bubbling liquids. Leya gasped, pressing herself up against the only air pocket to gulp lungfuls of the sweltering air. She was submerged in the cauldron of the fox’s gut, cut off from the outside world by muscle and fur and feet and feet of pudge, and all of it was made of people who had found themselves in the same place before her. She could feel their fear and despair, soaking into her, bubbling in her divine soul. They had been gurgled away here, liquefied slowly into the thick lake which sloshed over her and siphoned away to pad that obscene ass a few more inches. Her pure, sweet little heart wept at it. The rest of her was more concerned with how the liquid was starting to sting her. First delicate parts, the ones already sore from being smashed, smothered, slurped, squeezed and swallowed. Her skin simmered, the heat seeming to build beyond the sauna-humid sweltering furnace it already was. But it spread. Inch by inch, she started to broil inside. Leya screwed her eyes shut, trying to withstand the horror of it. Digested, she thought, tears burning her along with the acids. Just say it. Digested. Killed. Murdered. Gone. Hopeless. Each word hissed inside her mind like hot iron in snow, but she tried to hold it there nonetheless. She tried to come to terms with her own death, and accept there was no way out. She tried to hope that maybe she would come back as her, not just a new person who happened to think like her. She failed. Terror isn’t rational, so why would it listen? Instead she just screamed, spluttering on thick, turgid mouthfuls of acrid liquids, churning the mess around her, trying to scrub herself clean of the greedily clinging mass, clawing uselessly at the sealed-tight entrance above her head. The fox’s gut clenched, a slow, rolling rippling bubbling contraction like two titanic hands, kneading her, squeezing her down into the mulching mass, submerging her in simmering hell. The stinging was worse. She was starting to soften already, she could feel it, her plump perfect curves becoming even squishier, her body weakening. Oh no, oh Creator, no, no. She wriggled, caught in a blind panic which knew no end. Wriggle, wriggle, wriggle. Squirm and push and kick and wail and listen to the distant groans as you push up against that belly, and give her such a show after dinner. She knew the fox was practically creaming herself just watching her swollen paunch bulge and ripple. It was the worst part, every time. That everything she did to try and escape her fate only made her more suited to it, pleasured her killer more. And that even though she knew all this, she was too weak to do anything but scream and writhe and beg. She sunk again, shuddering as another wringing squeeze pressed her deeper into the mass of churning, groaning fluids. This time, there seemed to be no air to return to, and she wriggled desperately, clawing in the boiling, rolling blackness, gasping for breath and choking on gooey liquefied flesh and fur until finally she found somewhere to press her mouth to and suck down tiny lungfuls. This was hell. No, Leya had been to the Hells. This was worse. People could survive hell. She squealed miserably, feeling her flesh starting to meld into the churning sticky mass. She was going to die, burning, bubbling, screaming and simmering. She was going to die. Suddenly her world upended, sending her spinning against into the hellish depths with a cacophony of gllrgsgshs. She howled, barely able to tell which way was up, her wails turning into bubbling groans. The fox must be turning over. She didn’t think about it, too concerned with trying to stay level and breathe in the brimming pit of enzymic juices. And then she realised that the fox’s paunch was pressed against the ground now, flattening her even more. And something was squeezing into it, through layers of pudge and muscle. “Oh… g-g-god… n-n-no… nssgglrCHSH!” The fox’s first humping thrust was slow and languid, and sent the roiling mass churning like a whirlpool, sucking Leya down into the hottest part of the liquid furnace, stealing her words from her. And then it began to get harder. Last time Christine had fucked her, she had almost killed her. This time there would be no “almost.” * Even when her colossal bulk was empty of unwilling passengers, Christine’s stomach hung heavy between her legs, thick layers of fat swaying deliciously with every movement she made. People. Every ounce of it was people, and the thought alone made her wet with desire. But with someone in it, she bulged like a snake. She swelled. The gravid mass of her paunch hung low and huge, and everything below her waist felt hypersensitized from the pleasure of it stretching her. And of course, having a great soft mass directly in front of her shaft made for… easy access. She thrust forwards again, groaning softly as she felt herself rake the little goddess inside her, pressing her against her belly walls and dragging her along, slowly kneading her down into nothingness. Oh, it felt incredible. Leya’s cries and whimpers - she could hear them, even through the groaning sloshing sounds - were music, and the feeling of her soft sweet little body slowly liquefying was beyond sensation. She hunched over, bracing herself against her hips, and began to thrust at a steady, slow pace, breath deepening as she shifted two tonnes of bulging flesh and fluid. She was tempted to thrust until her guts went silent and still - end her, make your pudge, your curves, end her now - but that’d be too easy. Leya needed to be savoured. Every part of her. So she humped herself, sheath swelling and the slick pillar of her shaft sliding free again, closing her eyes and sinking her perception deep inside herself to feel each and every tiny hand pressing against her inner walls, hear every choked sob, sense every shuddering squirm. Slowly, savagely, glorious, she wrung the deity out inside herself. “Oh, darling… adorato… be mine. Be me. Slip away, give in, why don’t you? Let me break everything you are, let me have you begging to be made me, because being you is so dreadful - yes, oh fuck, yes that’s it, wriggle - nngf - just like that - and being me feels so, so… so good…” “I… I can’t...” came the weak reply from deep, deep inside. “P-please… please, please, I can’t… I’m not… I can’t give in. Not to y-y-you, you… sick, vile, c-c-cruel, cold heart-” her little voice cut off as she was plunged back under, spun around like a rag in a washing machine. Christine didn’t mind. She listened to the gurgling groans anyway. It took hours. The foxtaur climaxed a few times, but they were small ones, little splurting squelches of joy when the little goddess inside her wriggled particularly hard, or mumbled something particularly delicious. She was patient, and she was very good at pacing herself. Slow and steadily, she destroyed her prey cell by cell. Cazzo, how many calories were packed in that sweet curvy little slutform? How fat would you get from eating a god? She bit her lip, and began to step up the pace. Slowly, squelchingly, her stained swollen stomach sloshing and squishing around the pumping penetration of her pudge-packed paunch by her pulsing pillar of pure arousal. Inch by inch, she climbed the mountain, and dragged the bubbling little deity every inch. “How bad is it now, adorato? We’re getting close. I can feel it. How long do you think it’ll be?” * Leya whimpered, deep inside, but her voice was weak and raw, and all she could do was gurgle. Her voice, her beautiful smooth song-like soprano voice, was ruined by the raw churning mulching mass. Her body too. Her flesh was like fluid, hanging off her in gelatinous gooey masses, gobbets pulled away by the awful power of fox-fluids and fox-fucking. If she was mortal, she’d be dead by now. She wasn’t so lucky. “I… I don’t know… how long...” she groaned, clinging weakly to a sweltering wall to try and withstand the pressure of the slow clenching humps. She didn’t want to think about how long. “P-please… Ms… Ms Christie… please… don’t… don’t…” “Aww. You know it won’t work. Better than anyone, probably. But you still try. Can’t give up, can you?” “...n-no… no… I… I can’t…” she whimpered, pulled away by tidal forces and forced down to the bottom. “I… I don’t…. I don’t want to give you… t-that…” “Are you… nggh... sure?” The fox’s soft tender tones sounded absurd against the roaring slosh of her increasing speed. She was fucking harder now, breaking Leya inch by softening melting inch. “So easy, isn’t it? To give in? To be mine? I think you’ve been taken by people for so long, little adorato, that you don’t even remember what it’s like to be your own person and know no-one will take that away. Why don’t you admit it?” “No! No, I… I’m not… I know… I… I’m n-not… yours… not... please…” “You are. I’ll pop your soul as I smear you across my flanks and fatten my ass with it. I won’t even let hairs escape. I’ll swallow your dress, too. I’ll take every sign you ever existed and turn it into pudge.” “NNGHH! You… you evil… please… I, I want to… to exist…” “You want to live? Don’t you? You want to be alive? You want to be free?” “Yes… please… please, just… please…” “A goddess, praying to me. About time, really. Well, Leya, my little sweet darling… fuck you. My little goddess whore. Now burn for me.” And she thrust, hard, breaking a rib. Leya squealed, and the next hump rammed her breath back down her throat along with a pint of her own flesh. The fox didn’t stop, the onslaught suddenly a barrage, her shaft pistoning into her pudgy flesh until Leya could barely feel anything but the constant smashing squelches of it fucking her. She began to break apart, her voice catching as her soul crackled and bled. “Nngh… nggh… nn… sel a-asami… ol sompheon sel asami… no…” She squealed in languages which hadn’t been spoken in millenia, begged with parts of her she’d forgotten. She began to shatter, and the fox hissed and pumped and pumped, and smashed her, pulping her flesh, liquefying her bones, squelching out her soul. And she was Christine’s. For a few seconds, the fox’s stomach was so full of pure white light that she saw her belly glow with it. The heatless energy soaked into the ways, leaving them shimmering with power and glory. Leya’s body was turned to liquid, and her soul burst through in light. The power roared inside Christine, caged, burned away, swallowed by the fox’s greedy darkness. She drank it all, not seeking to control it, not trying to use it. She just digested it, like everything else. Leya died. Christine came. The fox sank her shaft into her belly even as it glowed with molten goddess, and spewed out gallon after gallon after gallon of steaming, roping cream. Where it splattered over her shining stomach, it began to bubble. Great pulsing clenches wracked her sagging balls, churning their contents out, hosing splurts covering the fox and the bed alike. Behind them, her female sex gushed a new tsunami of ecstasy, a bone or two splashing out amidst the torrent of joy and murdered souls. Pleasure hit the fox so hard she blacked out - and yet she still felt it. Leya was hers. Everything she was, was hers. Slowly, minute by minute, the roaring flow subsided, and her belly grew dim. The little soul inside her tingled as it faded, helpless to survive without its body like most. It wouldn’t last long enough to reach her flanks, sadly. Her stomach was soft and sloshing, not so much as a hard bone remaining. Everything was her. Christine took a step forwards, and collapsed, falling straight on her side. She licked her fingers again, tasting every last drop, feeling the pleasure soak down to a dull glow inside her. She wondered if this glorious feeling would ever truly fade. It wouldn’t, she knew. This soft little slut would always be hers. Although... She didn’t think about that right now. She thought about how she felt, slowly shifting, feeling the sticky residue dry on her fur. She thought about her flanks, soft and swelling. She daydreamed, letting her mind wander for these sweet few moments when she wasn’t furiously in control. She enjoyed the bliss of it. Hers. All hers, forever and always. Such soft little sweet sultry perfection. She stroked the silence of her belly, and felt it gurgle in gentle assent. All hers. And then the phone rang. Christine blinked, slowly. It had been a few hours already, and her body was hard at work processing the mass of godly meat inside her. The soft churning noises lulled her, but she sighed, reaching over - producing no end of churning groans - and picked it up, glancing at the name. “Hendrik. Hello there.” she spoke almost sleepily, enjoying the faint tastes still in her mouth. “Now, listen, adorato, I’m fairly certain I said I was not to be disturbed for any reason short of a nuclear fucking apocalypse until further notice. And I said any reason. So this is how this is going to go. Either you’re going to tell me something very, very important. Or I’m going to tell you what I’ve been doing, and then we’re going to try to top that with you. Okay? What are you calling for?” “Oh, come on. You think anyone is going to top her?” It was not Hendrik’s voice. Christine was suddenly very, very awake. “No,” she said, levelly. “I don’t think so. I just said we’d try.” “Then I’m sorry to disappoint.” The voice was female, soft and smooth and not American at all. The accent reminded Christine of someone she’d eaten recently. Three someones, in fact. “Hendrik isn’t going to be available for… well, the rest of time, really. It was so kind of him to let me borrow his phone.” “Did you need it? You seem to have had no trouble listening in on me already.” Christine smiled silkily. “My name is Don Christine Vorascini. I’m going to guess you might just be the person who failed to take Leya, twice. What did those demon triplets call you? Queen Melavascia?” “No.” There was the faintest tinge of something sharp there. “No, no. Not quite her. They did mention me, though. I think they called me a “pathetic half-breed. That was fun.” “Oh. I remember.” Christine’s eyes glittered. “I wondered about that. So, what is your name?” “Rose. And it is quite intriguing to meet you.” “Likewise. So. You were watching, were you?” Rose laughed softly. “All the way through. I found you before you’d even let that little creature out of your snatch. I was hunting her too.” “So why didn’t you just come in and take her from me then?” Christine pronounced the words with a chuckle as cold as ice. “Because I knew that my mother was hunting her. Why bother going in myself and let them have the element of surprise on me? No, I simply seeded a few spells in there and let myself watch. The Triscion would have noticed your darts if I hadn’t sapped their powers myself, in fact. Of course, they just thought it was you. So I let them come in, and I imagined they’d have a bit of fun with you, and then I could come in and… assert myself. I was looking forward to those three especially. Triscion are a true delicacy.” Christine chuckled, and this time it was real. “But...?” “Yes. But then… you brought them down to their knees, and you… you destroyed them.” Rose purred with pleasure. “One by one you slurped away all their hopes. You annihilated them. You made them yours.” “That sounds like admiration.” “So I thought I’d stay my hoof a while. Because you were quite something. And besides, I didn’t particularly want to rush in and risk triggering another unexpected trap. No reason to let you have the home advantage until I knew it as well as you did. I watched what you did to her. The delicious, delicious fun you had. I watched her break before you. And finally, gloriously, I watched her tell you who she was.” Christine stroked her curves lovingly. “Was it a surprise to you, too?” “Oh yes. I had no idea. It had been a long time since I’d heard of her. She has quite a reputation, you know. The Ambrosia, some people call her. The Victim Incarnate. I have to admit, she’s even more enticing in real life. And of course, once I knew who she was, I knew I didn’t need to risk myself going after you.” The fox’s hand stopped sharply. There was silence, and Rose giggled on the other end of the line. “Clever. You are very good, you know. After all, this is what Leya does. She dies, and she comes back. There has to be a Goddess of the Hunted, no matter what. So you can churn her up here, but in a few weeks, another her will pop into existence, somewhere out in the cosmos.” There was a wet slurp over the line. “And that’s where I come in.” “I see.” “I have a hair of hers, stolen through telekinesis right in front of you and you didn’t even see it. Do you understand what that means? I have a piece of her being. Me. A trueborn daughter of a Matriarch of Gluttony. Do you have any idea just how good my sense of smell is?” Christine flexed her fingers slowly. “So I’ll track her down, all the way across the multiverse. And I’ll have her, and I’ll keep going, coming after her again, and again, and again. Devouring her in every way I can ever imagine. I’ve been searching for something truly satisfying for a long time. And thanks to you, sweetheart, I’ve found it.” Christine fingered a plump breast idly. “So is that what this is? A thank you?” “Well, a little bit. I thought you should know, you see. Relationships should always be two way. I would hate for you to not even know me, when I’ve watched you fuck a goddess to death through your own paunch. But mostly, it’s a little nagging curiosity in me. And curiosity is a desire, and desire- “-should always be indulged.” “Oh, I knew we’d get along. What I’m wondering is… someone like you, someone so greedy and glorious… where do you go from here? You’ve just devoured the single greatest meal in all of existence. What comes next for you?” The foxtaur sat up, stretching a little, feeling the deity locked away inside her. “Mmmn. Well, just because I’ve had her doesn’t mean anything else is boring. I have a lot of things to do. Empires to expand. People to devour. Stories to make happen, and make end. Don’t worry, I have some ideas.” There was silence for a moment. The two monsters retreated behind their smiling masks, examining each other, circling warily. Then they both spoke, at exactly the same time. “Try and get in my way, sweetheart, and I’ll tear your world apart.” “Try and stop me, adorato, and I’ll burn the heart out of you.” There was silence again. They laughed, and for once it was genuine. “Oh,” Rose said. “I thought so. That was why I called. This is going to be fun, isn’t it?” “I think it is,” Christine murmured. “I’m going to kill you, of course. And then her. And then her. And then her.” “You think you can find her faster than I can?” “I think the last demons who underestimated me learned not to.” “Oh, sweetheart. I’m going to do a lot of things to you. But I’m not going to underestimate you.” “Well then.” The fox shivered greedily. “I think we both have some things to be getting on with. Keep the phone, why don’t you? We might want to talk.” “I keep everything, sweetheart. Everything.” There was a soft, susurrating slurp as the mysterious creature blew her a little kiss over the line. “Enjoy yourself.” “I always do.” Then there was silence again. Christine sat on her bed, breathing slowly. Her eyes stared at nothing. Her head cocked, very, very slightly. Then she began to grin, uncontrollably, addictively, smirking with exhilarated glee. By the time she picked up the phone and dialled another number, she was almost bouncing with it. “Hello there, adorato. Yes, it’s me. Listen, I’ve been thinking. We’ve been enjoying our portion of the universe for too long. It’s time to start claiming new pastures.” Pause. “No, not China. I was thinking further than that. Much further. Worlds further. We have ways into other dimensions, after all. We shouldn’t squander them. And besides...” She closed her eyes, remembering green eyes and red hair and a soul which begged you to kill it. “I have a strange feeling that there are some great, great things out there for us, just waiting to be swallowed.” END OF BOOK ONE. |
A Lost Animorph Episode (Part 1) by aWillingMouse It was a beautiful day with a clear blue sky. The sun was shining overhead, birds were chirping, just an absolutely glorious day. Tobias loved to sit in the sun, which he just happened to be doing at that very moment. The sun shining down on his feathers felt warm and comfortable. Suddenly, the sunlight became blocked by something. He opened his eyes and realized he was in the shadow of someone... Cassie, while in her horse morph, began to sit down. Unknown to her, Tobias was right where she was about to sit. Tobias looked up just in time to get shoved up the hole just south of her tail. Had Tobias not looked up when he did he would have been squashed under Cassie's weight. As it was, though, he wasn't harmed, just in a very tight spot. Cassie felt him and stood up again. Panicking, she tried to push him out, but she was so sensitive that each time a feather touched the tip of her rectum, she pulled Tobias back in. Calming down a bit, she quickly stoped any bodily functions that might hurt Tobias if he found himself deep enough inside her (such as the digestive processes). [This ability to stop the digestive process had come with the ability to morph.] Rachael saw Tobias's situation and tried to stick her hand in to try to help. Her hand was to big so she took a step back and morphed to a cat. Cassie crouched down so racheal could reach her and Rachael tried once again to get Tobias. by this time Tobias was well inside Cassie and sitting in her womb, trying to think of a way to get out. Rachael felt around with her claws but couldn't quite reach Tobias. She pushed her arm in all the way up to her shoulder. During this time Rachael's fur had been tickling Cassie's anus and Cassie couldn't hold out much longer. suddenly, Rachael felt her arm gripped firmly by Cassie. In an attempt to get her arm out, Rachael braced herself against Cassie with her feet, only to find them stuck in Cassie now as well. Cassie's strong muscles slowly pulled Rachael into her. Rachael stuggled fiercly, but that only made it harder for Cassie to stop. Soon Rachael's head was the last thing left outside of Cassie. By this time, Rachael had finaly given up and had stopped struggling. Instead, she held as still as possible. Cassie was able to regain control again with Rachael's cat head still outside. But then Cassie realized something: she liked the feeling of Rachael and Tobias in her. To Rachael's horror, she found herself being pulled in again. She tried to do something but it was too late. Rachael's head disappeared fully into Cassie and Cassie laid down to rest. Rachael, still in shock, felt around for Tobias.Once she found him, she calmed down a litte and snuggled with him. At least she knew she wasn't alone. But Cassie wanted more. She thought spoke to Rachael and Tobias and told Tobias to morph into a fly so he and Rachael wouldn't be crushed. Cassie demorphed and looked down at her tummy. there was a lump where Rachael and Tobias were but not to much. She put on her clothes that had been sitting nearby and then preceeded to go to Jake's house. She called to him and told him there was an emergency meeting in her barn and that he should morph to something really small so she could sneek him in. He immediatly went to her and morphed into a small mouse. Cassie then went to her house but instead of going to the barn, she went to her room. She set Jake down and told him to wait a sec. She then took off all her clothes except for a bra. Jake, being the mouse he was, couldn't see very well what she was doing. All he knew was now there was a large creature now desending apon him and picking him up. Cassie went over to her bed and sat down. She slowly brought Jake up to her lips and kissed him lightly on the top of his small furry head. Then she spread her legs and lowered him down so that he was now level with her soft, immense lips between her legs. She partialy morphed to bird so that she now had a beak on her face and talons for feet. She did this so she could thought speek to Jake. <Hi Jake> she thought. <Cassie! what are you doing?!> <I'm having some fun!>. She slightly touched the tip of his tiny nose to one of her lips. <Cassie! do you know what would happen to me if you did this?!> <Of course I do, that's why I took the precation of shutting down any digestive processes that might hurt you when you are in me> <Cassie please don't do this!> Jake begged <Please! its not right!> <So? its fun!> She lifted him up and, after licking him once, put him onto her tongue. <Now what are you doing!?> <I almost forgot to get you nice and wet first. I learned that dry people don't seem to slide in as easily> <When did you learn this?!> <When I accidently unbirthed Tobias and not so accidently unbirthed Rachael.> <You what?!> <Oh, don't worry about them. I'm sure they're fine in here. I can still feel them moving inside me>. While she thought-spoke, she swished him around and around her mouth. Occasionaly she would press him up against the roof of her mouth and rub him back and forth with her tongue. At one point she thought of how fun it would be to swallow Jake this way instead and without realizing it possisioned him face down at the back of her throat. She tipped her head back...but then she stopped. <I'll save that for Marco> she thought to herself. <Your going to swallow Marco?!> <Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you could hear me think> she said <Yes, I am. I wish I could swallow you to but I have something else in mind for now>. She then blocked his voice from her mind and took him out of her mouth. carefully planted his head into her vagina. Jake began to struggle with all his strenghth. Cassie loved this and let go and let her muscles pull him into her. <He is just the perfect size for this, just about as big as a dildo> she thought. She pulled him in even more till the only thing left to go was his tail which was still thrashing about in vain. another pull and he was completely inside her, still struggling. <Hmmmmmmm...tasty. I think I wil just rest a bit before I go to Marco's> she thought as she fell of to sleep. |
FOOD DISPENSERS TheHanoGrandResortisthelargestluxuryhotelonAkalaIslandandhostsawidevariety ofcoacheswiththeirPokemonseveryyeartogivethemaplacetorelaxbetween tournaments. ItsgoalistowelcomePokemonTrainersinthebestpossiblewayandmakethemfeel completely at ease, away from sources of disturbance or danger. Everyroomisathousandandonenights;thelargegardens,whichoverlookthesea, immediatelyevokedreamyimages;sumptuousloungesarepulledtoshineandconcierges are attentive to the comfort of the customer. InourhotelweencourageguestsandtheirPokemonstoeasetheirtension,accumulated duringcompetitions,throughdifferentactivities:PokenYoga,cosmetictreatments,relaxing massages, aromatherapy and color therapy. Wealsohavespecialtreatments:forcouples(theso-called"romanticpackage"),for Pokemonsonly(thepackagedependsonthetype,classandlevel),thecompletewellness package(withpriceadvantages)andthe"babymoon"packageforexpectantmothers (whether they are Pokemons or humans). The reception team will be happy to personally recommend the best package for you! MyfriendandI,wereadtogetherthebrochure,giventousbythetravelagencywechose, abouttheresortwehavebeenstayingatforafewdaysnow,andwefindourselvesmore interestedthaneverinaspecialtreatment:theso-calledBabymoon.Webrowsethroughthe booklet, to understand the type of service, its duration and price. -We should try it, since we're already here... What do you say, Ania!?- I look at my friend and smile: -Yes, you're right! You only live once in your life, after all...- I'm massaging my enormous belly, which seems almost to explode from my maternity suit: I'm eight months old, and I'm expecting fifteen twins, from an unidentified father... On the other hand, my friend Daisy, after years, finally got pregnant with her husband: she is a few weeks ahead of me, but she is also expecting ten twins or maybe more... I forgot… We are here because a few days ago we decided to take a vacation, since we hadn't relaxed for months and we wanted to get away from the world of tournaments for a while. Even our Pokemons needed to soothe their muscles and so we decided to accept the gift from Robert, my friend's husband. Before he left for the Galar Tournament, he explained that weeks before he had won a stay for two people at The Hano Grand Resort: since he couldn't participate because of the competition, he thought I could go with his wife and finally enjoy a few days off. Of course I accepted! I smile and see Daisy massaging her aching back: how I understand her! Having a multi-twins pregnancy is quite difficult: bones and muscles are sore and the Babymoon package is just right for us! We thank the spa receptionist and walk (so to speak! Our gait is slow and dangling, as if we were pregnant hippopotami!) to a part of the garden, used for the treatment we decided to undergo. To my amazement, I notice that it's a naturist spa: the staff invites us to undress and we are offered a towel, then we sit on the soft cribs and wait. Not far from us, I observe different pregnant women, who decided to join our same particular treatment: three of them are sunbathing, four others are under the comforting shade of the aromatherapy stand for a nice massage, while the last two are calming the nerves in beneficial thermal waters. I nod looking at my friend, who stretching out tells me: -I really don't think there will be anything to stop me from relaxing!- -Yes, I agree! Today I really want to enjoy life!- I happily answer her and we call some guys to spread sunscreen all over our bodies. The hands of those young staff guys are very experienced: they relax and excite us at the same time. The massage goes on for a good half hour, then we greet them with a big tip, before they leave. At the end we decide to have a fruity cocktail, sipping it while getting a tan. -I'm happy to be able to relax and even more happy to do it with you, my dear Daisy... We hadn't seen each other for a long time now... And I really needed a vacation together with my best friend!- I speak, looking her in the eyes, and we smile knowing that today would have been an extraordinary day! However, those poor pregnant women didn't know that soon after that relaxing moment there would be a total upheaval! The hours pass between a drink, a massage and a nap under the warm rays of the early summer sun. The red hair cheek looks at the clock: it's 8.45 p.m. and the moon pampers them with its motherly warmth. -Don't you think we should come back to our room?- She asks her friend Daisy, as she hears the snort of a ferry not far from them, mooring on the coast of The Hano Grand Resort. In the distance, you can hear soft voices and a strange thud, before a metallic voice speaks: it's the captain who invites passengers not to stop and to go straight to the hotel, because a wild Buzzwole has just landed on the island. He also asks not to panic, because that Pokemon doesn't attack, unless it feels in danger; then he explains how that giant hates noise and technology, so it would never approach humans. Those words of comfort, however, aren't listened to by that insectoid, which in the meantime has approached the hotel: it is intrigued by the smell of honey and flowers, coming from the massage oil stand. It licks and drinks that sweet nectar, while it's hidden behind one of the massage stations. By chance, a young customer notices that giant bug and screams, like a little girl who has just seen a monster: suddenly, the Pokemon emits a strange hiss, swells and shows its mighty muscles with pride. Some young staff members run away inside the hotel, not caring about the well-being of the guests, while others try to accompany the pregnant ladies to safety. On the contrary, two masseurs -a man with violet hair and a woman with long purple hair- accompanied by a talking Meowth try to capture the wild Buzzwole, without succeeding. They are badly defeated and thrown far away with the Pokemon's mighty fist. There's total panic: the luckiest ones have fled to the hotel and others to the coast, to catch the ferry. However, the most gigantic pregnant women are unfortunately left out, at the mercy of that enormous monster. As a result of this huge scare, a pregnant woman at the end of her pregnancy begins to have contractions: she lies down on the crib, holding a hand on her big belly. She cries and despairs, but the desire to push is too strong, even more powerful than fear, and labor begins. Some people watch the scene horrified, but safe behind the thick, shatter-proof windows of the hotel. The Pokemon, intrigued by the screams of that woman in labor, approaches and observes the strange opening as much as possible, while a strange pink egg starts to come out… Some Pokemon guardians hurl themselves against the wild Buzzwole, trying to save as many customers as possible: a Hariyama attacks it with Superpower, but it's immediately defeated with a mighty Focus Punch; then it's the turn of a Kadabra, who uses Confusion together with Future Sight, both dodged, which infuriates the giant, who uses Bounce to paralyze them all and then throws them away with a Hammer Arm. After this fight, the Pokémon feels completely tired and, taking advantage of the situation, some staff members try to capture it: with the last remaining forces, it uses Shadow Force and disappears from their sight, then reappears and destroys everything and throws everyone away, using his powerful fist. Meanwhile, that poor woman giving birth on the crib keeps pushing, helped by a nurse Chansey. The Pokemon gently grabs the unborn child by the shoulders, trying to pull him out as gently as possible, but she is immediately interrupted by the big Buzzwole, which paralyzes her. The woman cries, but can no longer stop: with a further push, the baby is expelled almost completely and, at that moment, the giant beetle understands what to do! It places its mug apparatus on the head of the newborn baby and, inhaling with all the strength it has in its body, sucks it into its long, hard trunk, under the desperate eyes of the mother who, however, has no time to despair herself, as her other children are about to be born. The Buzzwole swallows the still alive baby, who wanders inside its mug appendix: the taste of that infant is enchanted and makes it addicted to that taste, wanting much more! It intensely observes the human female spreading her thighs again and, bending forward with her torso, she starts pushing out another kid, promptly picked up by the giant Pokemon with its long and flexible tube. In vain the screams of pain and despair of that mother, who imagines the fate of her children: becoming part of that monster, for the rest of their lives. She has just enough time to think about their miserable existence, while another contraction makes its way into her uterus, which is nothing more than the food dispenser for that Pokemon, who scrutinizes her closely preparing to absorb and swallow the unborn. The other women look at it horrified, especially the two friends who have tried to get as far away as possible, hiding behind the huge boulder in the middle of the garden. Its muzzle, similar to the mug apparatus of a fly, wraps itself like a sucker around the infant's head, which is about to be born, and with a powerful breath inhales it through its trunk. It feels its victim wriggling and screaming inside the tube, which vibrates, causing immense pleasure and making it even more succulent than that hearty meal: the taste is so sweet to make it addicted to that flavor, like a bear with honey. It would have never hoped to taste something so delicious, especially in such a place, far from his prehistoric land. The woman swears, between spasms of pain and continuous contractions, while staring helplessly at the fate of her poor children, who will never see the light of day or never enjoy her caresses... Before the third child can come into this horrible world, Buzzwole sucks him through its oral tube, where it can hear him kicking and screaming. He ends up, like his other brothers, inside its mighty pecs, where he remains: at this point, the Pokemon feels its strength returning and continues to swallow all the children of its victim, one after the other. One by one, the six children are sucked alive into its chest, which swells out of all proportion as it absorbs the vital energy of those helpless creatures. The woman doesn't want to leave her children and, as if that beast could understand her frustrated words, it sinks its trunk into the woman's bloody and torn vagina, making her feel an immense pleasure, which disturbs her immensely. It penetrates her more and more, spinning its phallic muzzle inside her, and starts sucking: the lady moans, between desperation and pleasure, while she sees her children crying and wriggling inside its enormous chest, which seem to swell with every passing minute. The prey cums over and over again, while the monster sucks her tasty nectar, causing it an erection, which horrifies its victim: before the effect of that strange drug wears off, the Pokemon removes its trunk, to put an even bigger one! The woman is prey to pleasure, while that disgusting beast violates her, under the horrified eyes of the others: she moans and grunts, while that monster fucks her more and more savagely, until it explodes inside her. Its hot gush mixes with her blood and nectar, filling the void in her uterus: it draws it's big hammer and, before the woman can react, it sucks her in, just as it did previously with her children. After finishing with that woman, Buzzwole looks around and notices there are other pregnant females ready to be swallowed and exults with a hiss, similar to the chirping of a grasshopper: we are only at the beginning! -Shhh… Shut up, Daisy!- I whisper to my friend, while I take her hands in mine, trying to calm her down: -Don't worry.. It's going to be alright!- I'm lying to her and I force a smile, aware that this was going to be our last day of freedom: a future as a prisoner awaits us in the pectorals of that monster, and our only purpose is going to strengthen it, until the day when it will absorb us! A tear runs through my face, as I watch my friend despair at her imminent end, forced to see her children torn from her womb and swallowed by that monster: a destiny common to all of us, pregnant women hidden out here, at the mercy of that Pokemon and its greed. Hearing a noise, Buzzwole turns around and my friend, thinking that is heading towards us, screams as I realize that my waters have just broken: "Fuck, impeccable timing!" I think, as I count the minutes between one contraction and another, focusing on my breathing. My friend panics, when she sees me going into labor, but I tell her not to worry: it's not the first time I give birth and I know my body and this experience very well! I wink at her, trying hard to smile, as I realize my contractions are getting stronger and more regular. I'm worried about what's going to happen and I look around, searching for help from a brave staff member, without any result: "What a lion's heart..". I sadly think, as another contraction becomes stronger than the previous one: "Shit, that's it...!" I feel the head of one of my little ones pushing hard against the neck of my uterus; I grind my teeth, as I cling to the boulder, which is now our refuge. From behind that rock, the two women watch helplessly the Pokemon, which chooses to go in another direction: it sees a pregnant girl, who has remained hidden until now in the lowest part of the pool, moving causes a tidal wave, which betrays her. At that very moment, Buzzwole surprises her and grabs her by her long red hair, dragging her out of the water, as if she were as light as a feather. It throws her on the ground, as if she was a doll, crashing her body on the hard tiles: her head begins to bleed profusely. The powerful thud knocks her down and it's so strong that the woman goes into labor: however, the gigantic monster realizes that the human is dying and hurries to absorb her children. It spreads her legs so violently to crack her pelvis with a squeaking sound, as the woman starts to have convulsions. Without wasting any more time, it hastily inserts its tubular apparatus into the small female opening, dripping with water and sweat, and sucks all her children so quickly that it almost engorges its oral canal. Buzzwole coughs violently: from its mouthparts it spits out the placenta, which is indigestible and sticky for its purpose. It shakes its wings and scratches its enormous chest, in which there are at least fifteen or so newborns, still alive, and a desperate woman crying and wriggling, trying to calm and nurse them. Slowly, the Pokemon absorbs the energy of its victims, who scream in excruciating pain, while it enjoys becoming increasingly huge and threatening. A loud burp swings the boulder in the center of the garden and a muffled cry, similar to the mooing of a calf in danger, captures its attention; it flies in the direction of the two friends, while that woman is agonizing on the ground. However, before it can even notice the two women, a pregnant Raichu attacks it with a powerful Thunder Punch, paralyzing the wild Pokemon from the waist down. Buzzwole is wiggling and screeching, but can't move: hope spreads in The Hano Grand Resort, at last! Taking advantage of the situation, a young girl client, who had until now kept herself safe on the sidelines, runs to the hotel doors, knocking incessantly and asking for help: -Please let me in! I am pregnant! Open up! I am too young for this cruel fate!- She cries desperately, while the concierge takes matters into his own hands: he approaches the entrance, extracts the passepartout keys and, before he can insert them into the door lock, is blocked by the other frightened ones. He struggles, inevitably trying to open the door, but a masseur gives him a killer punch, which makes him faint. He apologizes to the woman who, swearing and cursing at them, runs towards the stairs to try to reach the ferry. In the meantime, the effect of the paralysis fades away and, after having glanced at the route its next victim is taking, it hurls himself directly on the pregnant Raichu. It throws her to the ground with a powerful Lunge, blocking her tail with one hand. The Pokemon struggles, trying to use her tail as a weapon, but fails. She is too big to get up and tries to stun it with an electric shock, which is ineffective. It gives her a powerful warhead and the poor thing faints: Raichu's fate is sealed! The following scene is like from a horror movie: Buzzwole moves his heavy body to her swollen abdomen and mounts her, while simultaneously inserting both its mug apparatus to suck all the eggs and its huge swollen penis that penetrates her brutally. The giant beetle moves rhythmically and wildly inside the poor Raichu, causing her pain and pleasure at the same time: the torture lasts about ten minutes, which seem to never end, at the end of which the giant bug ejaculates abundantly in the uterus of the Pokemon, now emptied of eggs and ready to be filled again. In the oral tube of that Buzzwole you could count at least twenty or so eggs, alive and ready to hatch, which strengthen it even more: the energy it absorbs is so much that it is at least twice its initial weight! It pulls out its oral apparatus and rapes Raichu for the last time: she moans and it grunts; she enjoys, no longer caring for her eggs, while it fills her with its seed. The scene is exciting and gruesome at the same time: the people, who watch that torment helplessly, cry, scream, curse and try to call for reinforcements, to resolve this unprecedented situation! Everyone is shocked and desperate, especially one of the pregnant friends, hidden behind the monumental rock, who doesn't stop crying... I haven't watch anything of that horrible scene, but the noises were disturbing: "What the fuck happened!?" I think, as I'm opening up like a flower, being in full labor: I see my firstborn's head come out slowly and I try not to scream in pain. Out of the corner of my eye I see Daisy totally in panic, who hasn't even noticed that I am giving birth! I smile sadly, because I no longer know what else to do... I peek from behind our hiding place and what I see is horrifying: a dying woman on the edge of the pool, a poor Raichu with a swollen abdomen and a huge quantity of a strange yellowish viscous substance. A little further on, I notice the gigantic Pokemon turning towards us: I shudder and scream as I look at the enormous member of that monster, dirty with semen and erect again... Buzzwole is about to head towards us, but luckily its attention is captured by another woman, who is running down the stairs, probably to take the ferry: "But why didn't she stay where she was!? What an idiot!" I think sighing, as I grind my teeth, trying not to push… But it's too late now to stop! I observe my friend, who is in a sort of trance with terror, and she shivers. I call her back, and she grits her eyes and shudders, when she sees me giving birth. She holds a hand over her mouth, while I am trying to convince her to run away: -At least you, save yourself!- Another contraction and I feel the unborn child coming out of my belly. I take my first kid in my hands: a male... I sadly smile, aware of our destiny. Daisy cries, shaking her head and clings to me, while the monster is attracted by my son's first wailing: -Shit! Shit! Shit!- I curse and try to shut my infant's mouth, who doesn't seem to want to stop crying: "Now it's our turn..." I think and wait for the Pokemon to come closer. I squint my eyes, while another child starts to struggle to get out. I open one eye and peek: Buzzwole sees us, but decides to follow the girl down the stairs. "Maybe Daisy can still make it!" I give her my newborn baby and I order her to go to the hotel: -Come on, you big idiot! I can't come with you...even if I wanted to...- I smile at her, between a shudder and a contraction, but she shakes her head: -Not without you!- The usual stubborn Daisy! She helps me to get up. I lean on her right shoulder, keeping one hand on my vagina, to stop the second child coming: too late! I move away from Daisy, while the monster flies over its next victim's head: -You… Go!!- I scream at her, while I hear the heavenly sound of a lock opening... Hope breaks into our hearts and reads on our faces and we smile at each other: "Maybe we have a chance, after all!" I cross my fingers... Buzzwole glides over the girl, who descends the steps as fast as possible, and lands her with a kick on her butt. The young girl, at least eight months pregnant but with a belly not as giant as the others, struggles and kicks, trying to escape but it blocks her with a powerful Fell Stinger. Its four stinging legs block her hands and its huge erect cock ferociously penetrates her mouth, as it spreads her legs. Then, the Pokemon inserts its trunk into her hot and tasty vagina while the woman is wildly moaning, unable to make a sound because of the huge member she has in her mouth. Unable to bite that hard tool, she cannot do anything but accept her destiny and, between a state of ecstasy and disgust, starts licking the salty nectar of the monster. Buzzwole is enjoying that feeling and emits a strange hiss, similar to that of a snake, as it spins its mug apparatus in the pregnant woman's abdomen. Going deeper and deeper, the monster realizes that a sort of cap is blocking the flow of its suction: it gets angry and pushes its trunk furiously deep, until it manages to remove that mucky cap that prevented it from passing. It pulls out its tubular muzzle, spitting out that disgusting piece of meat and mucus, while it sinks its dick into its victim's throat. The woman suffers from feeling her gorge dilate ferociously, while a hot liquid flows between her thighs: it's piss, mixed with blood and amniotic fluid. Buzzwole returns to work in her uterus, thus positioning its trunk deeply to suck all the four newborns, one after the other. The girl despairs, feeling each child taken away from her womb, with such violence. She notices that as her belly deflates, the pectorals of that monster swell and move continuously: her infants, still alive, cry inside that giant bug, who decides to free her, not before having abundantly filled her throat with his hot fluid. The Pokemon observes how its muscles have grown and, satisfied, wraps the female's head with its sucker trunk and swallows her in. The woman moves inside that humid and sticky tunnel, settling fists every time she feels the muscles of that trunk contract. The saliva envelops her and slides slowly into that toothless mouth: it's a dark, fetid, nightmarish place! With the last dilatory movement of the muscles of that endless trunk, the young girl passes through an opening and then slips into a bag, located in the pectorals of that monster, containing mucus and all the victims sucked until now. Those poor newborns relentlessly cry, as a strange liquid surrounds them: particular membranes, similar to tentacles, envelop and immobilize her. She desperately searches for a way to escape, but a tired voice stops her: -It's useless…- The girl turns around and sees another woman, trapped like her, who desperately explains to her: -I've already tried! Once inside, you can't get out anymore!- That woman despairs, as some tentacles squeeze her breasts, swollen with milk and penetrate every orifice she owns: she moans, among tears of pain and pleasure, while her energy is sucked out. Buzzwole, happy for the lavish meal, poses like a bodybuilder, proud of its pecs, which are constantly swollen thanks to those energy dispensers. It's about to fly away, when it remembers that two pregnant females are hiding behind a boulder, in the garden above: it sneers and flies again towards the hotel, from where screams and shouts can be heard... Daisy and I try to convince those cowards to let us in, at least now that the monster is away: -Open this fucking door, you bastards! Have a little courage!- I scream desperately, while my second son comes to light, without my realizing it, I am so furious. I hear a more acute wailing, different from that of my firstborn; I look down: to my surprise, I see a newborn, still attached to his umbilical cord, wiggling like a damn. I pick him up in my arms and suddenly I hear the sound of a handle turning: "Maybe they'll let us in!" I think, as I feel hope resurface, but for a short while: within a minute, the door is locked again in my face and I swear, looking at the horrified faces behind that shatterproof glass. I petrify myself, as I hear a fluttering of wings getting louder and louder: I panic more and more and I see that monster is approaching us, fast! I hit the glass door for the last time, desperately asking for asylum, which I am denied. In the grip of total madness, I laugh and cry at the same time, cursing them all: -Fuck everybody! It's useless to run away!- I leave both my newborn children in my friend's arms, who tries to stop me, as I hurl myself at the wild Pokemon with a chair, which I use as a weapon. I see Buzzwole freezing. It lands and throws away the chair I was holding. It looks at me grinning and hurls me on the cold floor: I know the end that I, Daisy and our children will share and I see it with my own eyes, through the swollen pectorals of that monster, in which its poor victims scream and fight desperately… The giant and menacing Pokemon launches itself on the woman in labor, while her third child is trying to come into the world. It blocks her arms with its mighty hands and with two of its sting legs, it spreads her thighs, bringing its trunk in her vagina, smelling the blood. It penetrates her, as if it was a vacuum cleaner hose and starts sucking her children. The mother swears and bites its trunk, but she receives a violent slap: she screams, as it finishes sucking all her children, connected together with the placentas, as if they were sausages. Buzzwole is now more gigantic, even than a Gyarados, and its pectorals nearly explode from the number of victims being absorbed. Not happy, it grabs the woman's feet and slips them into its trunk: their salty taste delights it and begins to suck deeper. Ania looks for a foothold on which to cling and she finds a plant: she grabs one of its roots, as the monster growls and tries to suck harder. The hot air is so powerful that it sucks the woman up to the voluptuous boobs, where the flow stops. She clings to the edge of its oral tube to resist that giant insect, wriggling like a snake, but Buzzwole slaps her hard enough to knock her unconscious and it sucks her, in less than a couple of seconds. Meanwhile, Daisy observes the whole scene and screams of terror: the Pokemon approaches her and she pisses on herself, while pressing the two babies to her chest. It throws her away, as it grabs the two screaming babies by the feet, throwing them inside its trunk. Meanwhile, Daisy is dragging away, but she is reached by the beetle, which kicks her and she lands on her back, in the wet grass, where the absorption takes place: open up fiercely her legs, one by one the children are sucked while she cries and touches her belly. "I wasn't meant to have children, at the end..." She thinks sadly, while she is almost happy to be absorbed, because she can go and be with her children and her best friend Ania. At the end of that conspicuous meal, a gurgle and a burp are the only things you can hear, in addition to the cries of the people around. Buzzwole observes its powerful muscles in the reflective windows of the hotel, under the panic of those present. In the distance, sirens can be heard, disturbing the mighty Pokemon, which flies away: in the end, it has decided to stay in that strange world, which it's nothing more than a food dispenser… THE END |
DISTRIBUTORI DI CIBO Hano Grand Resort è il più grande hotel di lusso sull'isola Akala ed ospita una grandissima varietà di allenatori con i loro Pokemon ogni anno per dare loro un posto in cui rilassarsi, tra un torneo e l'altro. Il suo obiettivo è di accogliere nel migliore dei modi e far sentire completamente a proprio agio i Pokemon Trainer, lontano da fonti di disturbo o di pericolo. Ogni camera è da mille ed una notte; gli ampi giardini, che si affacciano sul mare, evocano immediatamente immagini da sogno; saloni sfarzosi tirati a lucido e concierge attenti alla comodità del cliente. Nel nostro hotel incoraggiamo gli ospiti e i loro Pokemon ad allentare la loro tensione, accumulata durante le gare, attraverso differenti attività: PokenYoga, trattamenti cosmetici, massaggi rilassanti, aromaterapia e cromoterapia. Abbiamo anche dei trattamenti speciali: per coppie (il cosiddetto "pacchetto romantico"), per soli Pokemon (il pacchetto dipende dal tipo, classe e livello), il pacchetto benessere completo (con vantaggi in termini di prezzo) e il pacchetto "babymoon" per mamme in attesa (che esse siano Pokemon o umane). Il team della reception sarà lieto di consigliarvi personalmente il miglior pacchetto, su misura per voi! Io e la mia amica leggiamo insieme la brochure, che ci è stata data dall'agenzia di viaggi riguardante il Resort in cui stiamo soggiornando già da qualche giorno, e ci ritroviamo più che mai interessate ad un trattamento speciale: il cosiddetto Babymoon. Sfogliamo l'opuscolo, per comprendere il tipo di servizio, la sua durata e il prezzo: lo traduco mano a mano, dall'inglese, una lingua che Daria odia e non capisce. -Dovremmo provare, visto che siamo già qua... Che ne dici, Asia!?- Guardo la mia amica e le sorrido: -Sì, Hai ragione! Si vive una sola volta nella vita, d'altronde...- Mi massaggio l'enorme pancione, che sembra quasi esplodere dalla mia tutina pre-maman: sono di otto mesi e aspetto quindici gemelli da un papà non bene identificato... La mia amica Daria, invece, dopo anni finalmente è rimasta incinta da suo marito: è di qualche settimana più avanti di me nella gravidanza, ma anche lei aspetta una decina di gemelli o forse più... Non mi ricordo... Qualche giorno fa abbiamo deciso di prenderci una vacanza, poiché erano mesi che non ci rilassavamo e volevamo allontanarci per un po' dal mondo dei tornei. Anche i nostri Pokemon avevano bisogno di lenire i loro muscoli e, quindi, abbiamo deciso di accettare il regalo di Roberto, il marito della mia amica. Prima che partisse per il Torneo di Galar, egli ci ha spiegato che settimane prima aveva vinto un soggiorno per due persone al Hano Grand Resort: siccome non poteva partecipare per via della gara, aveva pensato che sarei potuta andare io con sua moglie e godermi finalmente qualche giorno di riposo. Ovviamente ho accettato! Sorrido e vedo Daria che si massaggia la schiena dolorante: come la capisco! Avere una gravidanza plurigemellare è alquanto difficoltoso: ossa e muscoli sono indolenziti e il pacchetto Babymoon fa al caso nostro! Ringraziamo la receptionist della spa e camminiamo (per così dire! La nostra andatura è lenta e ciondolante, un po' come un ippopotamo incinto!) fino ad una parte di giardino, adibita al trattamento che abbiamo deciso di sottoporci. Con mio grande stupore, noto che è una spa naturista: il personale ci invita a spogliarci e ci viene offerto un asciugamano, per poi farci accomodare sui morbidi lettini. Osservo che non siamo le uniche ad aver deciso quel particolare trattamento: tre donne incinte si stanno rilassando al sole, altre quattro sono all'ombra per un bel massaggio aromaterapico, mentre le ultime due stanno calmando i nervi in benefiche acque termali. Annuisco, guardando la mia amica, che mi dice, stiracchiandosi: -Penso proprio che non ci sarà niente a farmi desistere dal rilassarmi!- -Sì, oggi mi voglio proprio godere la vita!- Le rispondo e chiamiamo dei ragazzi per farci spalmare la crema solare su tutto il corpo. Le mani di quei giovani ragazzi sono molto esperte: ci rilassano e ci eccitano, nello stesso momento. Il massaggio va avanti per una buona mezz'ora, quindi li salutismo con una cospicua mancia mentre loro si allontanano. Alla fine decidiamo di prendere un cocktail fruttato, sorseggiandolo mentre ci abbronziamo. -Sono felice di potermi rilassare e ancor di più di farlo con te, mia cara Daria... Era da tanto che non ci vedevamo ed avevo bisogno proprio di una vacanza insieme alla mia migliore amica!- Parlo, guardandola negli occhi, e sorridiamo consce che oggi sarebbe stata una giornata straordinaria… Tuttavia, quelle povere donne incinte non sapevano che di lì a poco quel momento di relax sarebbe stato totalmente sconvolto! Le ore passano tra un drink, un massaggio e un pisolino sotto i caldi raggi del sole di inizio estate. La ragazza dai capelli rossi guarda l'orologio: sono le 20.45 e la luna le coccola con il suo calore materno: -Forse dovremmo rientrare, che ne dici!?- Chiede alla sua amica Daria, mentre sente lo sbuffo di un traghetto, non lontano da dove sono, che attracca sulla costa dell'Hano Grand Resort. In lontananza, si sentono voci sommesse e uno strano tonfo, prima che una voce metallica parli: è il capitano che invita i passeggeri a non fermarsi e ad andare direttamente in albergo, perché un Buzzwole selvatico è appena sbarcato sull'isola. Chiede anche di non farsi prendere dal panico, perché quel Pokemon non attacca, a meno che non si senta in pericolo; poi spiega come quel gigante odi il rumore e la tecnologia, per cui non si sarebbe mai avvicinato agli esseri umani. Le parole di conforto, tuttavia, non sono ascoltate da quell'energumeno di coleottero, che nel frattempo si è avvicinato all'hotel... L'odore di miele e fiori, proveniente dall'olio per i massaggi, lo ha incuriosito e cerca di nascondersi dietro ad uno degli stand, senza riuscirci. Una giovane cliente per caso lo nota ed urla, come una bambina che ha appena visto un mostro: il Pokemon emette uno strano sibilo, si gonfia e mostra i suoi possenti muscoli con orgoglio. Qualche giovane membro del personale scappa all’interno dell'hotel, non curante del benessere dei clienti, mentre altri cercano di accompagnare le signore incinte al sicuro. Al contrario, due massaggiatori -un uomo dai capelli viola ed una donna dai lunghi capelli fucsia- accompagnati da un Meowth parlante cercano di catturare il Buzzwole selvatico, senza riuscirci. Essi sono malamente sconfitti e scagliati lontanissimo con un possente pugno del Pokemon. È il panico più totale: i più fortunati sono scappati nell'hotel, altri sulle coste per prendere il traghetto. Tuttavia, le donne incinte più enormi sono purtroppo rimaste fuori allo scoperto, in balia di quell'energumeno. In seguito a questo enorme spavento, una donna gravida al termine della gravidanza inizia ad avere le contrazioni: si distende sul lettino, tenendo una mano sul suo grosso pancione. Piange e si dispera, ma la voglia di spingere è troppo forte, più potente persino della paura stessa, ed inizia il travaglio. Alcuni osservano la scena inorriditi, ma al sicuro dietro i vetri spessi antisfondamento dell'hotel. Il Pokemon, incuriosito dalle urla della donna, si avvicina ed osserva quella strana apertura dilaniarsi e dilatarsi il più possibile, mentre uno strano uovo rosa inizia ad uscire... Alcuni Pokemon guardiani dell'hotel si scagliano contro il selvatico Buzzwole, cercando di salvare più clienti possibili: un Hariyama lo attacca con Troppoforte, ma viene subito sconfitto con un possente Centripugno; quindi è la volta di un Kadabra, che utilizza Confusione insieme a Divinazione, entrambi schivati, che fanno infuriare il gigante, che usa Rimbalzo per paralizzarli tutti, per poi lanciare loro lontano con un Martelpugno. Dopo questo combattimento, il Pokemon si sente completamente stanco e, approfittando della situazione, alcuni membri dello staff cercano di catturarlo: con le ultime forze rimaste usa Oscurotuffo e sparisce dalla loro vista, per poi riapparire e distruggere qualunque cosa e scaraventare lontano chiunque, usando il suo potente pugno. Intanto, quella povera donna partoriente sul lettino continua a spingere, aiutata da una Chansey infermiera. La Pokemon afferra dolcemente il nascituro per le spalle, cercando di estrarlo il più gentilmente possibile, ma viene immediatamente interrotta dal grosso Buzzwole, che la paralizza. La donna si dispera, ma non può più fermarsi: con un'ulteriore spinta, il bimbo viene espulso quasi completamente e, in quel momento, il gigantesco coleottero comprende cosa fare! Esso posiziona il suo apparato boccale sulla testa del neonato e, inspirando con tutta la forza che ha in corpo, lo risucchia all'interno della sua lunga e dura proboscide, sotto gli occhi increduli e disperati della madre che, tuttavia, non ha tempo di tormentarsi, poiché altri suoi figli stanno per nascere. Il Buzzwole deglutisce il corpo ancora in vita del bambino, che vagisce all'interno della sua appendice boccale: il sapore di quel piccolo essere lo incanta e lo rende schiavo, volendone molto di più! Osserva intensamente che la femmina umana sta divaricando nuovamente le cosce e, flettendosi in avanti con il busto, inizia a spingere fuori un altro cucciolo, prontamente prelevato dal gigantesco Pokemon con il suo lungo e flessibile tubo. Invane sono le urla di dolore e disperazione della madre, che intuisce Il destino dei suoi figli: diventare parte di quel mostro, per il resto della loro vita. Lei ha giusto il tempo di pensare alla loro miserabile esistenza, mentre un'altra contrazione si fa strada nel suo utero, che altro non è se non la fonte di energia per quel Pokemon, che la scruta da vicino preparandosi ad assorbire ed ingoiare i nascituri. Le altre donne lo guardano inorridite, specialmente le due amiche che si hanno cercato di allontanarsi il più possibile, nascondendosi dietro l'enorme masso al centro del giardino. Il suo muso, simile all'apparato boccale di una mosca, si avvolge come una ventosa alla testa dell'infante, che sta per nascere, e con un respiro potente lo inspira attraverso la sua proboscide. Esso sente la sua vittima dimenarsi e urlare all'interno del tubo, che vibra, provocandogli immenso piacere e rendendolo ancor più succube di quel lauto pasto: il sapore è così dolce che ne diventa drogato, come un orso con il miele. Mai avrebbe sperato di assaporare qualcosa di così tanto delizioso, soprattutto in un luogo del genere, lontano dalla sua terra preistorica. La donna impreca, tra spasmi di dolore e continue contrazioni, mentre fissa inerme la sorte dei suoi poveri bambini, che mai vedranno la luce del sole... Prima che il terzo bambino possa venire al mondo, il Buzzwole lo aspira attraverso il suo tubo orale. dove lo sente scalciare ed urlare. Finisce, come gli altri suoi fratelli, all'interno dei suoi possenti pettorali, dove rimane: a questo punto, il Pokemon sente che le sue forze stanno ritornando e continua ad ingerire tutti i figli della sua vittima, uno dopo l'altro. Ad uno ad uno, i sei bambini sono risucchiati ancora vivi nel suo petto, che si gonfia a dismisura, mentre assorbe l'energia vitale di quelle creature indifese. La donna non vuole lasciare i suoi bimbi e, come se quel bestione possa comprendere le sue frustrate parole, affonda la sua proboscide nella vagina insanguinata e dilaniata della donna, facendole provare un immenso piacere, che la turba immensamente. La penetra sempre più, rigirando il suo fallico muso, ed inizia a succhiare: la signora geme, tra disperazione e piacere, mentre vede i suoi figli piangere e dimenarsi all'interno dei suoi enormi pettorali, che sembrano gonfiarsi ad ogni minuto che passa.. La preda viene più e più volte, mentre il mostro le succhia il nettare gustoso, provocandogli un'erezione, che fa inorridire la sua vittima: prima che svanisca l'effetto di quella strana droga, il Pokemon toglie la sua proboscide, per metterne una ancora più grande! La donna geme di piacere, mentre quella schifosa bestia la viola, sotto gli occhi schifati delle altre: geme e grugnisce, mentre quel mostro la fotte sempre più selvaggiamente, fino ad esplodere in lei. Il suo fiotto caldo si mescola al suo sangue e nettare, colmando il vuoto nel suo utero: esso estrae la sua arma e, prima che la donna possa reagire, la aspira, proprio come ha fatto precedentemente con i suoi figli. Finito con quella donna, il Buzzwole, guardandosi intorno, nota che ci sono altre femmine col pancione ed esulta con un sibilo, simile al frinire di una cavalletta: siamo solo all'inizio! -Taci Daria!- Le sussurro, mentre le prendo le mani nelle mie, cercando di tranquillizzarla: -Calmati, per favore! Non preoccuparti... Andrà tutto bene!- Le mento sorridendo, conscia che quello sarebbe stato il nostro ultimo giorno di libertà: ci attendeva un futuro da prigioniere nei pettorali di quel mostro e il nostro unico scopo sarebbe stato quello di rafforzarlo, fino il giorno in cui non ci avrebbe assorbito del tutto! Una lacrima mi solca il viso, mentre osservo la mia amica disperarsi per l'imminente fine, costretta a vedere i suoi figli strappati via dal suo grembo ed inghiottiti da quel mostro: un destino comune a tutte noi partorienti, nascoste qui fuori, in balia di quel Pokemon e della sua bramosia.. Buzzwole si gira, avvertendo un rumore e, pensando che lui si stia dirigendo verso di noi, alla mia amica scappa un gridolino, mentre mi accorgo che mi si sono appena rotte le acque: "Cazzo, tempismo impeccabile!" Penso, mentre conto i minuti che intercorrono tra una contrazione e l'altra, focalizzandomi sulla mia respirazione. La mia amica entra in panico, quando mi vede che sto entrando in travaglio, ma io la intimo di non preoccuparsi: d'altronde non è la prima volta che partorisco e conosco bene ormai il mio corpo e questa esperienza! Le faccio l'occhiolino, sforzandomi di sorridere, mentre mi accorgo che le mie contrazioni si fanno sempre più forti e regolari. Sono preoccupata per ciò che deve avvenire e mi guardo intorno, cercando l'aiuto di qualche membro coraggioso dello staff, senza alcun esito: "Che cuori da leoni..." Penso, mentre un'altra contrazione si fa più forte della precedente: "Merda, oramai ci siamo...!" Sento la testa di uno dei miei pargoli spingere prepotentemente contro il collo del mio utero; digrigno i denti, mentre mi aggrappo alle norme macigno, che è ora il nostro rifugio. Da dietro il masso, le due donne osservano inermi il Pokemon che per loro immensa, alla fine, sceglie di dirigersi in un'altra direzione: un'altra partoriente, che è rimasta nascosta finora nella parte più bassa della piscina, muovendosi provoca un'onda anomala, che la tradisce. Proprio in quel momento, Buzzwole la sorprende e l'afferra per i capelli lunghi, trascinandola fuori dall'acqua, come se fosse leggera come una piuma. La getta, quindi, per terra, facendole picchiare la testa, che inizia a sanguinare abbondantemente. Il potente tonfo la tramortisce ed è così forte che la donna entra in travaglio: tuttavia il gigantesco mostro si accorge che l'umana è morente e si affretta ad assorbirne i figli. Le divarica così violentemente le gambe che i presenti odono un cigolio, come di ossa rotte, mentre la donna ha convulsioni continue. Senza perdere altro tempo, inserisce frettolosamente il suo apparato tubolare nella piccola fessura, grondante acqua e sudore, e succhia tutti i suoi figli, così velocemente da quasi ingorgare il suo canale orale. Buzzwole tossisce violentemente: dal suo apparato boccale sputa la placenta, che risulta indigesta e appiccicosa. Scrolla le ali e si gratta l'enorme petto, nel quale si possono contare almeno una quindicina di neonati, ancora vivi, ed una donna disperata piangere e dimenarsi, cercando di calmarli ed allattarli. Piano piano, il Pokemon assorbe l'energia delle tue vittime, che urlano per il dolore straziante, mentre esso gode nel divenire sempre più enorme e minaccioso. Un sonoro rutto fa oscillare il masso al centro del giardino e un verso sommesso, simile al muggito di un vitello in pericolo, cattura la sua attenzione; vola in direzione delle due amiche, mentre la donna sta agonizzando al suolo. Tuttavia, prima che possa notare le due donne, una Raichu gravida lo attacca con un potente Tuonopugno, paralizzandolo dalla vita in giù. Buzzwole si dimena e strida, ma non può muoversi: la speranza si diffonde nel Hano Grand Resort! Approfittando della situazione, una giovane cliente, che finora si era tenuta in disparte al sicuro, scappa fino alle porte dell'albergo, bussando incessantemente e chiedendo aiuto: -Per favore, fatemi entrare! Sono incinta! Apritemi! Sono troppo giovane per questo destino crudele!- Piange disperata, mentre il concierge prende in mano la situazione: si avvicina all'entrata, estrae le chiavi passepartout e, prima che possa inserirle nella serratura della porta, viene bloccato dagli altri impauriti. Si divincola, cercando inevitabilmente di aprire, ma un massaggiatore gli assesta un sinistro micidiale, che lo fa svenire. Egli si scusa con la donna che, imprecando e maledicendo loro, corre verso le scale per cercare di raggiungere il traghetto. Nel frattempo l'effetto della paralisi svanisce e, dopo aver adocchiato il tragitto che sta percorrendo la sua prossima vittima, si scaglia direttamente sulla Raichu incinta. La scaraventa a terra con un poderoso Assalto, bloccandole la coda con una mano. La Pokemon si dimena, cercando di usare la sua coda come arma, ma non vi riesce. È troppo grossa per poter alzarsi di scatto e cerca di stordirlo con una scarica elettrica, che risulta essere inefficace. Le dà una possente testata e la poverina sviene: il destino della Raichu è segnato! La scena che segue è da film dell'orrore: Buzzwole sposta il suo pesante corpo sul suo addome gonfio e la monta, mentre inserisce contemporaneamente sia il suo apparato boccale per risucchiare tutte le uova, sia il suo enorme pene rigonfio che la penetra brutalmente. Il gigantesco coleottero si muove ritmicamente e selvaggiamente all'interno della povera Raichu, provocandole dolore e piacere al contempo: la tortura dura una decina di minuti, che sembrano non finire mai, al termine dei quali il colosso eiacula abbondantemente nell'utero della Pokemon, ormai svuotato dalle uova e pronto ad essere nuovamente riempito. Nel tubo orale di Buzzwole di possono contare almeno una ventina di uova, vive e pronte a schiudersi, che lo rinforzano ancor di più: l'energia che assorbe è così tanta da ingrandirsi di almeno il doppio del suo peso iniziale! Estrae il suo apparato vocale e stupra per l'ultima volta la Raichu: lei geme, lui grugna; lei gode, non più curante delle sue uova, mentre lui la riempie con il suo seme. La scena è eccitante e raccapricciante al tempo stesso: le persone, che osservano inermi quel supplizio, piangono, urlano, lo maledicono e cercano di chiamare i rinforzi, per risolvere questa situazione senza precedenti… Sono tutti scioccati e disperati, specialmente Daria, che non smette di piangere. Non ho guardato nulla dell'orribile scena, ma i rumori erano inquietanti: "Che cazzo è successo!?" Penso, mentre mi sto aprendo come un fiore: vedo la testa del mio primogenito uscire lentamente e cerco di non urlare dal dolore. Con la coda dell'occhio vedo Daria totalmente in preda al panico, la quale non si è nemmeno accorta che sto partorendo! Sorrido tristemente, perché non so più cosa altro fare... Sbircio da dietro il nostro nascondiglio e ciò che vedo è orripilante: una donna agonizzante sul bordo della piscina, una povera Raichu con l'addome gonfio ed una quantità immane di una strana sostanza viscosa giallastra. Poco più in là, noto il gigantesco Pokemon che si volta verso di noi: sussulto e mi scappa un urletto, mentre osservo l'enorme membro di quel mostro, sporco di sperma e nuovamente eretto... Buzzwole sta per dirigersi verso di noi, ma per nostra fortuna la sua attenzione è catturata da un'altra donna, che sta correndo giù per le scale, probabilmente per prendere il traghetto: "Ma perché non è rimasta dov'era, questa cretina!" Penso sospirando mentre, digrignando i denti, cerco di non spingere... Osservo la mia amica che è in una sorta di trance per il terrore, rabbrividisce. La richiamo e lei sgrana gli occhi e sussulta, quando mi vede che sto partorendo. Si tiene una mano alla bocca, mentre cerco di convincerla a scappare: -Almeno tu, salvati!- Un'altra contrazione e sento il nascituro uscire dal mio ventre. Lo prendo tra le mani: un maschio, sorrido triste, conscia del nostro destino. Daria piange, scuotendo la testa e si aggrappa a me, mentre il mostro è attirato dal primo vagito di mio figlio: -Merda!- Impreco e cerco di tappare la bocca all'infante, che non smette di piangere: "Ora tocca a noi..." Penso ed aspetto che il Pokemon si avvicini. Socchiudo gli occhi, mentre un altro bimbo inizia a dimenarsi per volere uscire. Apro un occhio e sbircio: Buzzwole ci ha viste, ma decide di seguire la ragazza per le scale. "Forse Daria può ancora farcela!" Le dò il mio neonato e la invito ad andare nell'hotel: -Muoviti, grandissima cretina! Io non posso... anche volendo...- Le ordino, tra un sussulto ed una contrazione; lei scuote la testa: -Non senza di te!- Mi aiuta ad alzarmi. Tengo una mano sulla mia vagina, per fermare il secondo figlio in arrivo: non troppo tardi! Allontano Daria, mentre il mostro svolazza sopra la testa della sua prossima vittima: -Vai!- Le urlo contro, mentre sento il suono paradisiaco di una serratura che si apre... La speranza fa breccia nei nostri cuori e si legge sui nostri volti: ci sorridiamo, a vicenda. Buzzwole plana sulla ragazza, che scende gli scalini il più velocemente possibile, e la atterra con un calcio sui glutei. La giovane, incinta di almeno otto mesi ma con un pancione non così gigante come le altre, si dimena e scalcia, cercando di scappare ma lui la blocca con la mossa Pungiglione. Le sue quattro zampe appuntite le bloccano le mani e il suo enorme cazzo eretto le penetra ferocemente la bocca, mentre le divarica le gambe. Quindi, il Pokemon le inserisce la sua proboscide nella vagina calda e gustosa, mentre la donna grugnisce, incapace di emettere un suono a causa del membro enorme che ha in bocca. Incapace di mordere quell'arnese così duro, non può fare altro che accettare la sua situazione e, tra uno stato di estasi e ribrezzo, inizia a leccare il salato nettare del mostro. Buzzwole sta godendo ed emette uno strano sibilo, simile a quello di un serpente, mentre ruota sempre più profondamente il suo apparato boccale. Andando sempre più a fondo, il mostro si accorge che una sorta di tappo gli blocca il flusso del suo risucchio: si arrabbia e spinge la sua proboscide furiosamente in profondità, fino a quando riesce a togliere quel tappo mucoso che gli impediva il passaggio. Estrae il suo tubo, sputando quel disgustoso pezzo di carne e muco, mentre affonda il cazzo nella gola della sua vittima. La donna soffre nel sentire la sua trachea dilatarsi ferocemente, mentre un liquido caldo scorre fra le sue cosce: è piscio, misto a sangue e liquido amniotico. Buzzwole ritorna a lavorare nell'utero di quella femmina, posizionando così a fondo la sua proboscide da risucchiare tutti i quattro neonati, uno dopo l'altro. L'umana si dispera, sentendo che ogni figlio le viene tolto con forza. Inerme nota che via via che la sua pancia si sgonfia, i pettorali di quel mostro si ingrossano e si muovono continuamente: i suoi infanti, ancora vivi, piangono all'interno di quel mostro, che decide di liberarla, non prima di averle abbondantemente riempito la gola con il suo fluido caldo. Il Pokemon osserva come i suoi muscoli siano cresciuti e, soddisfatto, avvolge la testa della femmina con la sua proboscide a ventosa e la risucchia. La donna si muove all'interno di quel canale umido e appiccicoso, assestando dei pugni ogni volta che sente i muscoli di quella proboscide contrarsi. La saliva la avvolge e la fa scivolare lentamente all'interno di quella bocca senza denti: è un posto buio, fetido, da incubo! Con ultimo movimento dilatatorio dei muscoli di quella proboscide senza fine, la giovane passa attraverso un'apertura, per scivolare poi all'interno di una sacca, situata nei pettorali di quel mostro, contenente muco e i bambini risucchiati finora. Quei poveri neonati piangono, senza tregua, mentre uno strano liquido li circonda: delle particolare membrane, simile a tentacoli, la avvolgono e la immobilizzano. Cerca disperatamente un modo di scappare, ma una voce affaticata la ferma: -È tutto inutile...- La ragazza si volta e vede un'altra donna, intrappolata come lei, che disperata le spiega: -Ci ho già provato! Una volta dentro, non si può più uscire!- Quella donna si dispera, mentre dei tentacoli le strizzano le tette gonfie di latte e le penetrano ogni orifizio: geme, tra lacrime di dolore e piacere, mentre la sua energia le viene risucchiata. Buzzwole, contento per quel l'ennesima scorpacciata, si mette in posa da bodybuilder, orgoglioso dei suoi pettorali, che si ingrossano continuamente grazie a quei distributori di energia. Sta per volare via, quando si ricorda che due femmine gravide sono nascosto dietro ad un masso, nel giardino soprastante: ghigna e spicca il volo, di nuovo verso l'hotel, dal quale provengono stridii e urla… Io e Daria cerchiamo di convincere quei codardi a farci entrare, almeno adesso che il mostro è lontano: -Aprite questa cazzo di porta, bastardi! Abbiate un po' di coraggio!- Urlo disperata, mentre il mio secondogenito viene alla luce, senza che io me ne accorga, talmente sono furiosa. Sento un vagito più acuto, diverso da quello del mio primogenito; guardo a terra: con mia sorpresa, vedo un neonato, ancora attaccato al suo cordone ombelicale, che si dimena come un dannato. Lo prendo in braccio ed improvvisamente sento una maniglia girare: "Forse ci fanno entrare!" Penso, mentre sento la speranza riaffiorare, ma per poco: nel giro di un minuto, la porta mi viene rinchiusa in faccia ed impreco, osservando le facce inorridite dietro quel vetro antisfondamento. Mi pietrifico, mentre sento un battito d'ali sempre più forte: entro nel panico più totale e vedo che quel mostro si sta avvicinando, velocemente a noi! Colpisco per l'ultima volta la porta a vetri, chiedendo disperatamente asilo, che mi viene negato. In preda alla più totale pazzia, rido e piango contemporaneamente, imprecando: -Fanculo a tutti! È inutile scappare!- Lascio entrambi i miei figli appena nati in braccio alla mia amica Daria, che cerca di fermarmi, mentre io mi scaglio contro il Pokemon selvatico con una sedia, che uso come arma. Vedo Buzzwole che si blocca, atterra e con un pugno mi scaraventa via la sedia e quindi mi getta sul pavimento freddo: so bene la fine che io, Daria e i nostri figli faremo e lo vedo con i miei stessi occhi, attraverso i gonfi pettorali di quel mostro, nei quali le sue povere vittime urlano e si dimenano disperatamente… Il gigantesco e minaccioso Pokemon si lancia sulla donna partoriente, mentre il suo terzo figlio sta cercando di venire al mondo. Le blocca le braccia con le sue possenti mani e con due delle sue zampe pungiglione le divarica le gambe, portando la sua proboscide tra le sue cosce, annusando l'odore del sangue. La penetra come se fosse il tubo dell'aspirapolvere e inizia a risucchiare i suoi figli. La madre impreca e gli morde la proboscide, ricevendo un violento schiaffo: lei urla, lui finisce di aspirare tutti i suoi figli, collegati tra loro con le placente, come se fossero degli insaccati. Buzzwole è ora più gigantesco, persino di un Gyarados, e i suoi pettorali quasi esplodono, dal numero delle vittime che sono state assorbite. Non contento, prende i piedi della donna e li infila nella sua proboscide: il loro sapore salato lo delizia ed inizia ad aspirare più a fondo. Asia cerca un appiglio su cui aggrapparsi e trova una pianta: ne afferra una radice, mentre il mostro ringhia e la aspira con più forza. L'aria calda è talmente potente da risucchiare la donna fino all'abbondante seno, dove il flusso si inceppa. Lei si aggrappa al bordo del tubo orale per resistergli, divincolandosi come una serpe, ma Buzzwole le dà uno schiaffo talmente forte da farle perdere conoscenza, così da venir risucchiata completamente. Nel frattempo, Daria assiste a tutta la scena ed urla di terrore: il Pokemon le si avvicina e lei si piscia addosso, mentre si stringe al petto i due neonati. Esso la lancia lontano, mentre afferra per piedi i due bimbi urlanti, gettandoli all'interno della sua proboscide. Intanto Daria si trascina lontano, ma è raggiunta dal coleottero che, calciandola, la atterra supina sul prato bagnato, dove avviene lo scempio: divaricandole ferocemente le gambe, uno ad uno i figli le vengono risucchiati, mentre lei piange e si tocca la pancia. "Non era destino che avessi dei bambini..." Pensa tristemente, mentre è quasi felice di essere risucchiata, perché può andare a stare con i suoi figli e con la sua migliore amica. Alla fine del pasto, un gorgoglio ed un rutto sono le uniche cose che si sentono, oltre alle urla della gente. Buzzwole osserva i suoi possenti muscoli nei vetri riflettenti dell'albergo, sotto il panico dei presenti. In distanza, si odono delle sirene, che disturbano Il possente Pokemon, che vola via: alla fine ha deciso di rimanere in quel mondo strano, che per lui altro non è che un dispensatore di cibo... FINE |
FROM HERO TO ZERO The waves rippled high on the rocks of that lonely little isle, while seven girls and two boys basked in the sun in their lively swimsuits. There were no clouds on the horizon, yet strange thunder-like noises echoed in the air and vibrated in the water: it was the sound of those people' grumbling stomachs on The Hankou Island, although the intense din of those demonic gurglings would have sounded like at least a hundred. The salty air tickled Selina's nostrils, making her empty stomach to growl, who had meanwhile climbed up to the highest palm tree to better sunbathe, just as any feline would have done. She was wearing a headband with black cat ears and a dark blue bikini, tending to black, from whose thong came out a small and long black cat tail: even while sunbathing she loved to dress in her famous disguise, with the Catwoman mask. Her swimsuit fit her perfectly and let you glimpse her very well sculpted abdomen, which kept asking for food with intense groaning. She decided to climb up on the nearest palm to get a better view from above in order to peer in the water or among the bushes a possible prey, on which to jump and then devour in one bite: at the mere thought of eating something, her athletic belly emitted a rumble similar to a cat purring, so strong and deafening to hurt her. It was the bites of hunger, which had now lasted for two weeks, and it was time for her to fill her poor roaring stomach: she massaged her tummy and happily meowed, promising she would soon fill it with a hearty fish meal. Selina looked around but she saw no trace of animals to catch and decided to go back peacefully relaxing on her palm, as Giganta stared at the ocean, the same color of her eyes, in which she hoped to find some fish to fill her poor bottomless roaring stomach. The two weeks of fasting had been a real hell for Doris, because her body required huge amounts of food to survive: she didn't know how either, but she had succeeded! However, now Doris found herself staring at the horizon, caressing her gurgling and well-defined tanned tummy, which stood out from her SuperVillain costume: she hadn't even bothered to put on a swimsuit, since it was a simple one-shouldered leopard-dyed suit. She sighed, scratching her flat gurgling belly, eager to be filled, to which she whispered: -Oh, come on! Now it's too much! Fishing is what I need! What do you think, my little precious tummy about...a giant squid? Or perhaps a fat and juicy whale?- She spoke to her gurgling stomach, patting it as if it was a child, and it grumbled in response, making itself noticed with a bombastic roaring WROOG: -It's time to fill you up, my dear old belly!- Then, she dived into the ocean, growing larger as the water progressively reached her neck, while her roaring stomach, getting bigger and bigger, through its gurgling, made the whole ocean vibrate, due to the convulsive spasms of hunger: a hunger that seemed to never end.. Meanwhile, Livewire was watching her two colleagues relaxing, as she played with her powers by building different foods out of sand: -Uhm... I could really eat an ice cream right now! Or maybe... A blueberry tiramisu with lots of whipped cream!- At the mere thought of it, her mouth watered and she massaged her gurgling stomach: -I'm so hungry that I'd eat a whole mammoth! And perhaps...It would still be too little to fill my greedy guts!- She patted her gurgling stomach and grinned, lying on a part of the beach made of rock, desperately trying to tan her white skin: -Easier said than done!- Leslie spread the suntan cream, taking care not to stain her tight black trikini, which left little to the imagination! The sweet scent of the cream reminded her of food, which she hadn't touched in two weeks, and her stomach began to wander with a ferocious and deafening WURGLE. Instead of relaxing and having fun, the superheroes looked at each other, puzzled: -I'm sorry, Who did you say invited us?- Kara looked Diana straight in the eyes, asking her doubtfully, as she scratched her moaning stomach, demanding intensely for food: -This hunger is killing me! If I don't eat something right away, I'll find myself eaten by my own guts!- Supergirl held her gurgling belly, trying to calm it down with caresses and promises of a lavish banquet. The Kryptonian girl was playing with her roaring muscular abdomen, exposed from her sexy blue bikini, which picked up the colors of her superhero costume, including the big flashy red S on the gold background, right in the middle of her voluptuous breasts. The rumble of her empty stomach was so desperately loud that she had to make an effort to listen carefully her friend's answer: -The letter is signed by a certain Mr Green...- Wonder Woman replied, rereading the letter several times, while her poor tummy was revolting itself from hunger: she hadn't eaten anything for weeks, just like the others. The amazon was slightly smaller than Kara, but more muscular and prosperous, with very fine features. She was caressing her belly under her superhero costume: Diana was still fighting against her arch-enemy Circe when she was invited to the island, so she didn't have time to change, but her costume was perfect as a swimsuit too, once the cloak and boots were taken off. Her empty stomach thundered with greater intensity, as she constantly ignored it, trying not to think about the hunger bites that gripped her, painfully: -I can relate with you, Kara! I'm not feeling very well either... My stomach is in turmoil and I think if I don't fill it soon I'll faint from hunger... or even worse!- The Themyscira Princess sighed, sadly massaging her poor hungry belly, as Batgirl asked her: -And who is this guy? His name is not entirely new to me....- Barbara treated her chin with her right hand, while the left one caressed her empty roaring stomach: -I don't understand... Why did he want us to starve these last two weeks? I can feel my guts moving every time they grumble..!- She sighed, patting her growling belly. Batgirl was perhaps the youngest of the group and she was ashamed to show her body, so she opted for something simple: a purple one-piece swimsuit and a gold strap, with a bat-shaped pendant. Despite being petite, the Gotham City girl had a bottomless pit as a stomach, to make even Giganta envious: -My tummy is constantly begging to be filled... Now it's a matter of life and death!- She expressed her doubts, as she tried to quiet her moaning belly, by now mad with hunger bites. -I don't know...- Wonder Woman was perplexed, but her thoughts were interrupted by an electric bolt, which shocked her guts with a deafening roar: -Livewire, my tummy doesn't need a shake... It moves enough on its own, thanks!- The amazon growled at her enemy, as she rubbed her poor aching belly, which constantly demanded her food. Leslie, who until now had stood on the sidelines sunbathing, approached the small group that had disturbed her and, stretching her arms, complained: -Who cares!? You heroes ask too many questions! My guts just need to be filled, that's all.. The rest, I don't care!- The blue-hair girl grinned, as she caressed her moaning stomach: -He said we could eat for free IF we agreed to come to this island for a food contest, right?- Just hearing FREE FOOD, her stomach began to make a strange rumble, like twisted guts in a tribal dance, and the gurgling was so powerful to make her bend in two with pain: -Fuck it... That hurts! I have the power to control the electricity, but I can't calm my stomach! Shit, how unfortunate!- Livewire cursed her hunger several times, as she tried to calm her grumbling stomach with small pats. Although there were a bunch of grumblers on the beach, Selina kept dozing undaunted on her palm tree, while her growling stomach was shouting with continuous moans, until Berry shook it with all the energy he had in his body. The boy, not being able to eat, had to at least unload all that vitality somehow: using his super speed, doing what he was proud of, i.e. jokes! For every jolt to that tree, Berry's stomach moved as if in convulsions, constantly complaining about being fed. However, He chose the wrong person: Selina wasn't very prone to jokes, when she had to be the victim, of course! She hissed, looking at him, as her moaning belly started to shout strange bubbling sounds. She caressed her tummy, before jumping down from her napping place and she landed on the boy, sitting on his flat stomach, which roared with a frantic rumble: -Get down, kitten!- He ordered her to move, trying not to think about the hunger was devouring his poor gurgling belly: it was a torture for him not to have been able to eat for two weeks with his hyperfast metabolism and his body had suffered a lot, much more than the others. He tried to move the girl off his body, while messaging his growling tummy: -I've already put a burden on my stomach.. Don't put yourself on it too!- He glared at Catwoman, who carelessly licked his face, as she patted her roaring belly: -Uhm.. I could eat you, ta know!? You could be a nice cat meal for my poor hungry tummy!- She licked her lips and patted her moaning belly, ready to be filled with the superhero. She looked at Berry, rubbing her prosperous boobs on his chest: the contact made him shiver and excite at the same time, mixing that feeling with the incessant groans of his moaning insatiable stomach. The boy's tight red swim shorts, with a golden flash on the left upper side of the suit, made his excitement even more evident, which was pleasing to the cat lady's eyes, who licked her lips while massaging her gurgling tummy. The two peered at each other for a couple of minutes, as their growling stomachs started to rumble ferociously, before they cleaned their throats and ideas. Then, they stood up and joined the group chatting on the beach, while they were scratching their roaring bellies. Between a hungry glance and a rumble of guts, Selina and Berry eavesdropped on their conversation, but unfortunately the only word they heard was FOOD CONTEST, which startled their empty bellies: -FREE FOOD! YOOHOO!- Catwoman and Flash exulted, giving themselves the five, while their groaning stomachs bumped into each other -Finally our guts will be filled!- They said at the same time, as their empty stomachs responded with an ever-increasing growl, followed by continuous massaging to their roaring bellies. They both laughed like idiots, while the SuperHeroines tried to figure out WHO this phantom benefactor was and WHY he was raffling money for this event, in which ONLY THEM were participating. However, Catwoman and Flash were more interested in filling their stomachs much more than the others, so as they looked around for something to eat: -FISH... How many fish to fill my feline tummy! MEOW! - Selina purred and looked at the ocean, blowing against it, since it divided her from her hearty meal: the mere thought of biting into one of those scaly beings made her poor gurgling stomach tremble. She massaged her rumbling belly, crying for food, and glared at Flash who surely was running all over the island just to eat all the coconuts from the palms around: -Damn YOU and YOUR SPEED!- She hissed, sadly looking at her growling guts -I'm so hungry! My tummy needs food! I NEED.. ANYTHING!- She cried, as Flash was moved by compassion and tried to look around to find at least a fruit to share: there was nothing around, not even rotten fruits! Seeing no food, his stomach began to rumble and a loud growl shook his entire body, as he complained: -This is fucking strange! No food around.. Not even the shadow of it! My poor tummy, you have no chance to be filled! I am so sorry!- Berry massaged his poor growling belly, threatening to self-destruct with its gastric fluids. The moaning was so loud to get Selina's attention, who ran to him questioning: -I'm not the only one then.. But WHY haven't you run around to eat everything? I wish I was a good swimmer to get those tasty little tuna to fill my little kitty belly!- She replied, stroking her groaning stomach: she would have given everything she owned just to feed herself! Only the thought of the sweet aroma of those scaly beings was enough to drive her stomach crazy: she licked her lips, meowing unhappily, just like the roar of her guts, turning over and over, causing her severe abdominal pain that she tried to tame with pats on her gurgling belly. -I've tried, Selina.. But there is no food around here.. IN ALL THE ISLAND, to tell the truth! Our guts should wait a bit more, before being totally filled!- He looked at her, puzzled, trying to quiet his roaring stomach with continuous pats, unsuccessfully.. In the meantime, Hal looked around, trying to figure out whether or not it was a trap, He watched every single angle of the island, while scratching his roaring stomach: for him, it was too good to be true! A millionaire inviting them to a food contest, on a wonderful private island, after two weeks of no food, as he requested: -Don't you think it's strange? My hungry guts are shaking too much.. It's not only for hunger! This is a bad omen to me!- His words were interrupted by the deafening growlings of his tummy, asking to be fed. He massaged his gurgling belly, while inspecting the coast: -No food for weeks.. My tummy is cursing me now!- Hal said, as he was massaging his roaring stomach: however he tried not to think about it, but to focus on the current situation they were in! He was the second Green Lantern from Earth and, despite his athletic appearance of a very experienced Casanova, Hal was somewhat introverted and very protective, even in his current state of hunger: he desperately tried to ignore his gurgling stomach, which made his muscular thin body tremble in his green swim briefs: -I'm really hungry!- He massaged his roaring tummy, patting it and he continued to complain: -I'm sure even that asshole of Sinestro couldn't resist after two weeks of fasting!- The pain was intense, as his grumbling belly started to moan louder and louder -Damn it! My guts are impossible to stop! They're going to swallow me as if they were a black hole!- Cursing his relentlessly roaring stomach as he patted his miserably empty growling belly, Hal flew around the island, followed by Zatanna, who seemed to share the same concerns as him. Their stomachs grumbled so loudly that the two heroes seemed to buzz like crazed wasps, in search of food. They sometimes stopped their recognition flying only to scratch their deafening groaning guts, always asking to be filled.. Hal nodded to his flying companion, as they took different ways: the Green Lantern would have looked around the island, while Zatanna from above it. She was a very powerful ally, but a bit mischievous too sometimes and her fashion two-piece swimsuit reflected her sassy attitude: a white top with red collar and white transparent fishnet on her cleavage, matched to a pair of white culottes with a black belt. Her grumbling stomach didn't give her a moment's rest and she sometimes had to stop during her fly to massage herself and cradle her guts, fasting for too many weeks now: -My tummy seems to be in a grip of epileptic convulsions! I could eat..- Zatanna interrupted her words, partly for the pain of her roaring belly and partly for what she was watching: Giganta looked at the horizon, standing imposingly high in the middle of the ocean, with a puzzled face and a hand on her belly. The magician girl thought the giantess was trying to devour everything she could find in those salty waters and she begged her not to do it, while she was caressing her empty growling stomach: -Please.. Giganta, that's not healthy! I understand that our tummies are hungry but..- Before finishing her phrase, she saw a surprised Doris, massaging her roaring empty belly, looked back at the young magician girl: -Don't be a mommy! I am BIG enough..- The giant woman sighed, shaking her head, as her guts started to complain for food: -And.. Sadly, no food to completely fill my poor guts here! Not even a single fish!- She desperately sighed, as her moaning stomach was asking to be filled -My poor tummy is so empty that I would need at least a decade before filling it all up!- She complained, looking at her enemy, while both girls were scratching their own empty bellies, roaring like hungry beasts. Giganta growled and walked around the little island, to double check: no fish in the waters or near the coast! Her stomach gurgled so hard that the entire island was shaken, like there was an earthquake, and she apologized: -Oops..My bad..- She chuckled as she massaged her empty belly, which was about to explode for hunger -Two weeks without food isn't good for any stomach, especially for a giantess's one!- She tried to calm down her roaring belly, as Zee massaged her grumbling stomach and complained about their condition: -You know what!? I'm going to teleport McDonald's sandwiches...Fuck it! Those triglycerides will hurt, but at least they will fill the emptiness of our poor guts!- The girl knew that food wasn't healthy at all, but now the only matter was to put an end to that frustrating and painful sense of hunger, which was gripping her gurgling belly too.. Zatanna was a very experienced and powerful sorceress with a family tree to make even a king jealous: everything was possible to her and she used a magic formula to evoke those sandwiches. The mere thought of biting into one of those succulent sandwiches made her empty stomach grumble, now asking for food, without giving her respite. However, the usual evocation didn't work this time: this was the first time in her life that she failed! She caressed her gurgling tummy, as she thought how to summon food for her poor empty roaring belly: -How is this even possible!?- She was surprised -Am I really so hungry that my guts don't make me understand anything anymore?- She asked herself, as she patted her growling stomach -Is that true? Are you, my poor tummy, so desperately in need of food?- Zatanna's guts shook her entire body with a powerful gurgling she couldn't calm, not even after thousands of caresses and food portions.. She looked at her belly rumbling continuously and even more now, after this failure, as it imagined the sweet taste of that succulent food, never appeared, and now found itself desperately empty, with nothing under its teeth, causing painful and continuous muscle spasms as revenge. Zee snorted and rubbed her roaring tummy, as she questioned herself: -What's going on here!? Why nothing happened?- She tried again, using other words to summon the food but AGAIN nothing appeared! Her stomach was so hungry that she would have filled it with actually ANYTHING, just to calm it enough to leave her in peace and rest.. Indeed, she was sure now: her hunger made her so crazy not to think straight enough to summon food.. She nodded to herself, as she scratched her roaring empty belly. She needed a simpler evocative formula, so she could concentrate as much as she could, although her gurgling guts kept turning in on themselves with constant spasms. She finally opted to control the wind, the element she discovered when she was a toddler: in this way, she would create a whirlwind to bring her all the food she wanted and needed from the nearby, as she massaged her poor moaning stomach. Just the thought made her belly roaring crazily and she massaged it in order to silence her trembling and gurgling guts, without result. She tried to manipulate the wind, in the way she had been taught, but she didn't succeed: it almost seemed as if there was no real atmosphere inside the island or, better, that the whole ecosystem was stuck in time and space! It seemed that the only thing really moved on that isle were their stomachs, in the throes of hunger, which didn't stop tormenting them with their ferocious grumbling. She was desperate partly for not achieving any obvious result with her spells, partly for the uncontrollable hunger that gripped her poor empty gurgling stomach. She tried to quiet her belly with massages and a lullaby, as if it was a disobedient and capricious child, who didn't want to calm down. Holding the right hand on her gurgling stomach, Zatanna flew in a hurry to the group of heroes, who were looking for answers together with their enemies, while Selina was more worried about Giganta's words, who explained to her how there was no shadow of a fish in that vast ocean: -Guys, I've tried several of my spells but none of them worked... It's the first time for me! I thought it was my stomach, grumbling like a damn and causing me painful spasms was driving me crazy...- The magician girl explained everything, while caressing her growling stomach, but she was interrupted by Livewire: -BUT...!? Come on, honey, we understood you are Houdini! My guts are slowly killing me, with every passing minute.. Get to the point...!- The supervillain girl, with her skin as white as snow and her hair the color of calm sea, was too impatient to feed her empty roaring belly and her mood was affected by it: -Jeez.. I can't handle my guts anymore! This hunger is too much!- She shook her head, while scratching her moaning tummy, as Zatanna poked her tongue out: -It's like if there was an anti-evocation shield around the island!- Zee concluded, patting her growling stomach, as if it was trying to understand what those words meant. UMPF A loud snort was heard coming from behind the group: it was the Hal, whose stomach wouldn't stop grumbling in the hope of feeding itself. He looked at his mates, as he rubbed his gurgling tummy: -As it was meant to be!- The Green Lantern shook his head, while he was scratching his roaring empty belly: he was the only one against the idea to go to that island, because his stomach kept rumbling as if to intensify his negative thoughts.. At the end, he was persuaded by Wonder Woman and, for the first time in his entire life, he didn't listen to the warning gurgles of his belly. In the meantime, Giganta took her human size again and ran to the group, while she was massaging her empty roaring stomach, and she explained what she discovered: -As I was clearing up with Catwoman, no fish around the island, nor near the coast and I've even tried to swim offshore but.. Nothing there too! Not a single fish or seaweeds or even corals!- Her bottomless guts were cursing her choice to come on this damned isle and they started to complain with loud and persistent moans: -Am I going to die here? With an empty tummy!?- Doris asked, while patting her empty growling stomach, as she was about to cry. Unexpectedly, Wonder Woman patted her shoulder and comforted her, as she caressed her gurgling belly: -Calm down, Doris! We can always find a solution! Don't get down, yet! Our guts will be filled soon, trust me!- The amazon smiled, as Doris nodded and wiped her tears, while both were sadly massaging their roaring tummies. -Even on the island, there is no food! I've just finished to look around: there aren't animals, either!- Flash was afraid to die soon, if he wouldn't find something to eat, since his grumbling guts were started to painfully hurt: -Guys, my tummy requires a lot of vitamins and proteins.. My metabolism burns a lot of calories and energy!- He explained, as if his stomach was gobbling itself -I can't handle this hunger anymore!- Berry fell to the ground, bent in two by pain, as he tried to calm his gurgling stomach. Seeing him in that state, Kara threw herself at his feet, looking into his hazel eyes, and hugged him, trying to comfort him: -Don't worry, Berry! We will leave this hell as soon as possible... I promise you! Our bellies will not win on us!- She sobbed and tried to focus on her friend, instead of listening to her roaring stomach, which required constant attention. Kara's stomach started to shake in fear for a possible starvation and its gastric fluids ran so fast through her intestines that it sounded like a flooding river with their continuous SLOOSH and WURGLE. She scratched her moaning stomach, as she looked to Flash, who was sadly smiling back, as he massaged his gurgling belly, complaining: -What could we, ordinary mortals, do if not even the great Supergirl or the divine Wonder Woman could contain the hunger of their insatiable stomachs?- He laughed, almost taken by a strange form of madness due to starvation, then he fell unconscious on the sand, while Barbara dragged him in the shadow of a huge palm tree. She sat there, next to him, scratching her belly, while holding her friend's hand: each Flash's convulsive spasm corresponded to an intense roar from his belly, as if his guts had been beaten up and they had decided to digest themselves. -I think Berry's tummy has reached the point of no return! If we don't do something, He is going to..- Batgirl didn't want to finish the sentence, but everyone knew the inevitable conclusion that would have taken them, one by one if they hadn't left that cursed island: they would be eaten by their own guts! -I cannot do it for a long time either, guys! My tummy needs food, as soon as possible!!- The Gotham City girl caressed her gurgling belly with one hand, while she was still holding Berry's hand. NO!!! We're not going to die HERE!!! Our guts will not eat us! She shouted, as she caressed her gurgling belly. A roar echoed among those intestinal spasms and the despair in those words: Kara decided that the time had come to find a solution, since everyone's stomachs had reached their limit! They all looked at her, with hope in their eyes, as she flew higher and higher, while her friends and enemies were waiting on ground, massaging their empty growling bellies. She inspected this hypothetical shield, always holding a hand to her gurgling stomach, which was constantly grumbling and demanding to be filled. Then, she used her x-ray vision, as her stomach didn't stop to roar and grumble, and communicated to everyone what she saw: -Yes, it's true! There is a sort of barrier all around the Island... I will destroy it and we will get out of here.. And our tummies will finally eat!!- She smiled, as she massaged her gurgling belly, while she was looking for a weak point to hit, whispering softly to her moaning tummy: -Stay quiet and lemme do my job.. I know you are hungry, BUT NOT NOW! I will fill you, once we are back home!- She promised to her empty moaning stomach, like if it was a secret between two old friends. Her belly answered with a fleeting roar and she smiled like if her guts understood her words. Supergirl looked back to her target, flying here and there to get the right point to hit and break, always patting her growling belly: hope could be read on everyone's emaciated faces, while a din of happy gurgling stomachs with the idea of being fed echoed like drums in a tribal dance. The Kryptonian girl was more determined than ever to leave that paradisiacal place, which had just turned into a real hell, whose only punishment was to die slowly from starvation. By now, no one could contain their hunger and the sounds of their grumbling stomachs only increased, minute by minute: it was now a matter of hours before they went hungrily mad and began to devour each other, or choose to let themselves die! Always holding her roaring stomach as if to calm it from incessant grumblings, Supergirl threw a laser sphere with her eyes right in the center of the barrier, which however wasn't destroyed, but rather absorbed her magic. She grimaced, as her growling belly howled with pain menacingly, like a wolf caught by poachers with a leghold trap which knew the only way to save itself was to bite its trapped paw... Even before her guts could think of a way to devour themselves, she decided to get as close as possible to the shield: she would use her own body as a battering ram and launch herself at the highest speed never seen before, hitting it and tearing it to pieces. She was determined and she knew that her moaning stomach was ready to release its gastric juices that would slowly devour her from the inside. However, she wasn't prepared to die and she flew closer to her target, while caressing her moaning tummy: once near enough, Supergirl felt weak and began to lose altitude by sinking into the crystal clear waters, while her stomach was loudly roaring. Panic mixed with gurgling stomachs could be heard everywhere on the island, anyhow Wonder Woman intervened, grabbing Supergirl with her Whip of Truth and dragged her back to shore: -Are you all right, my friend? My belly is killing me.. Yours too, my dear friend!?- She asked politely, while caressing her roaring stomach: -You lost consciousness.. Like me soon, if I don't start filling this stupid stomach!- She tried to smile, while hitting her roaring belly, which begged her to treat it better and she, almost obeying it, caressed her growling tummy. Kara look to her friend, shaking her head and massaging her groaning guts: -No, Diana! Not at all! My stomach is out of control and really needs to be fed soon.. BUT.. It's not that..- She sat down and patted her grumbling belly, as she explained: -There must be Kryptonite crystals in the air... That's why I fell...- Grinding her teeth for the pain, Supergirl thanked the Wonder Woman, who was even more desperate and her gurgling stomach answered her with a bombastic WROOG. Hal, holding his rumbling tummy with one hand, shook his head and dryly replied: -I told you, before we came here, that it was too good to be true! But you didn't listen to me! My hungry guts were right!- He scratched his empty moaning belly, shaking his head. He looked at his colleagues angry as never before, partly out of desperate hunger and partly because no one had listened to him: -Relaxing into a heavenly place, where we could eat anything.. Filling our stomachs, empty for two weeks, with a Food Contest...Being able to win millions of dollars... Sunbathing and swimming peacefully...- The Green Lantern listed a whole series of actions, which they could do, and which their phantom benefactor had suggested in the letter he sent. He was much more furious with himself, because he had followed them, and now he too would have been left with the fate of a grumbling empty stomach, incessantly asking to be fed. He huffed, but he didn't give up: still massaging his roaring stomach, he flew around the island for the umpteenth time, looking for food, in vain. Just as Flash had said before, who was agonizing in the shade of a palm tree, he found neither fruit, nor vegetables, nor animals! They were simply fucked up! A sweat drop fell on his forehead: in addition to the incessant hunger and overwhelming thirst, now there was also a torrid heat, which was draining all their energy. Besides their gurgling bellies, there were noises of foul-smelling farts: it seemed as if their stomachs were searching in vain for something to eat, but finding nothing, they decided to devour themselves. Gastric reflux burps pervaded the air and they joined the noisy flatulence in an unhealthy air, which made everyone cough. Their continuous pats and massages didn't work on their impatient hungry bellies, always gurgling and continuing to ask for food.. Shaking off a bad feeling, Hal flew to the barrier, trying to use the power of the ring to create a kind of tunnel, from which they would come out: at the idea of freedom and a possible binge, his stomach gurgled with vigor. However, once he reached the limit of the barrier, the power of the Green Lantern didn't work: he understood that they were really in great danger! -The bastard created an Impenetrable barrier!- He said cursing Mr Green, as he massaged his growling belly. As his moaning stomach intensified his thoughts, the other survivors looked at him as if to ask for explanations, which immediately came: -The shield is yellow, so my ring doesn't work... The barrier absorbs the powers and does not allow the entry or exit of anything or anyone, so even Zatanna's powers are useless! There are some airborne kryptonite particles all around the island and that explained Supergirl sickness..- He explained everything he had just found out, while massaging his growling guts. Everyone panicked, not knowing what to do, and looked at each other, while a fierce roar pervaded the entire island: even their roaring stomachs lost hope and never stopped grumbling! Their constant caresses did nothing to calm their grumbling stomachs, which by now had lost all hope of being filled. At the end, Hal joined his companions, who had meanwhile camped under one of the largest palm trees, far from the sun's rays. They kept their hands on their growling stomachs, massaging them and trying to calm them, in vain. Suddenly, a metallic voice resounded through that symphony of grumbling, burping and farting: -Dear my guests, how are you?- An unpleasant laughter on the other end, while swearing were confused with ravenous belly roaring: -I see with pleasure that your poor hungry stomachs are on the limit... Excellent!- An evil grin grew louder, so loud that even the icy Livewire shuddered and cursed him: -You son of a bitch! Our stomachs are going to kill us!! Let us out, otherwise...- She scratched her roaring belly, as if that was the only action she knew. A laugh, followed by a loud burp: -Do you want to go out and eat? Mr. Green is not so bad, after all...- He snickered and said: -The last man.. or woman standing in a no-holds-barred fight wins!- They all looked at each other, while Wonder Woman, continuing to massage her gurgling stomach, warned him: -Once out... I swear that..- -No oaths! I want to see BLOOD! The winner takes everything: money, glory and... FOOD! May the best one win!- Before any of them could reply, the voice was silenced with a metallic CLANG. Everyone looked at each other desperately, caressing their empty grumbling bellies. While everyone was arguing about what to do, they suddenly heard a strange Gong-like sound followed by the hologram of Berry's face, with a huge gray italic writing: DECEASED. They all looked at each other terrified and surprised, while Supergirl, using her superhuman vision, understood the harsh truth: -Peeps... Flash....is...- She couldn't finish the sentence that she began to cry: with every hiccup, followed by a rumble of her growling stomach and with every gasp she massaged her empty belly, desperately asking to be filled. Batgirl covered her face with her hands and threw herself at the feet of her friend, who died not far from her, while an enormous anguish mixed with whipping was confused with the incessant hunger that gripped her poor gurgling tummy. Even in death the bowels of the sprinter continued to gurgle, as if his stomach was still trying to survive, devouring itself: a sort of revenge from beyond the grave, for not having been filled in these last two weeks... The three super villains looked into each other's eyes and nodded: there was no time to cry, they had to act! Shortly afterwards, in fact, the same fate would have befallen them too, and they had survived too many battles to die in such an unworthy way. By patting themselves on the grumbling stomachs to calm them down, they vanished, going in three different directions: they would look for their victim among their enemies, before fighting each other! Giganta would fight against her arch-enemy Wonder Woman for the umpteenth time; while Catwoman would fight against the Green Lantern, the only male of the group, on whom she would use her catlike sensuality; finally the cruel, but calculating Livewire would attack the weaker one. The evil Leslie, always holding a hand to her growling stomach to shut it up and sneak up on her prey, suddenly threw an electric shock at Batgirl, who shook so much that her intestines made a smelly fart and her mouth shot out a loud burp: -What the fuck are you doing...!? My guts are already shaking.. They don't need more movements!- She growled, as she massaged her moaning belly, turning around and looked her enemy in the eyes: -If we don't fight, we all die! We will be our own guts food!!- It wasn't an excuse or a possibility, it was a fact and everybody knew it! Although, Barbara kept desperately holding her dead friend's hand, while massaging her roaring stomach, both for hunger and for shock: -Do you sneak up on me!? You are really fearless! Even my belly would have done better!- Leslie shook her shoulders, as her groaning belly started to shake ferociously: -I dunno about ya.. And don't care! BUT I don't wanna my belly to swallow me by inside!- Livewire growled, together with her gurgling stomach, and continued: -And dying with geek losers like you would be an offense for my birth!- She grinned and shook Barbara in her groaning stomach, for the second time. She yelled and caressed it, losing control and they both started a no-holds-barred battle.. Batgirl became so enraged that her moaning belly roared so loud even frightened her enemy, who was distracted just one moment, but enough to be hit in the head by the bat-boomerang: with one hand to her head, patting the wound that had almost completely healed, and one hand to the grumbling stomach, to calm the bites of the inexhaustible hunger, she let out a sonic FUCK IT! from her dry lips. The Gotham City girl grinned with gusto for inflicting more moral than physical damage, scratching her growling stomach, while her enemy was watching the battlefield: Livewire noticed that her rival had just laid her bare feet on the shoreline and grinned, as her belly shook with a loud GRUMBLE. Before Batgirl could realize it, she unloaded all her homicidal fury, intensified by the hunger that gripped her growling stomach, on her enemy through a discharge so powerful that even Giganta could bend in two by the pain! The young superheroine's technological gadgets were useless against the electrifying cruelty of the super villain, who came out victorious from this clash, while Batgirl fell to the ground, with a thud and a smelly fart. Her still roaring stomach, suddenly burning, dispersed deadly gases and performed a symphony of grunt-like sounds. Livewire grinned and massaged her roaring stomach, but before she could rejoice, Zatanna hurled a thunderbolt at her, which she avoided at last. In the background, a GONG resonated in the air, followed by the photo of the Gotham City girl and the same writing that had appeared before on Berry's face: if you hadn't understood from the hologram, just sniffed the air, which smelled of burnt flesh that, however, seemed like a godsend in the eyes of the super villains, who already licked their lips, happy to be finally able to fed their moaning bellies. Even before the cat lady and the giantess could rush over and taste the bat on barbecue, a strange light illuminated the two corpses, which radiated, as if they were Christmas trees, and began to swell like hot-air balloons: fetid farts moved those still warm bodies so much that they seemed still alive! Through powerful roars, those remains vibrated so much that they exploded into a thousand pieces, due to the unexpected emission of putrefaction gases: the continuous grumbling of their stomachs had made the gastric juices attentive, dedicated to work to the point of worsening the intestinal situations of those dried limbs. Nothing remained of those bodies, while a voice resounded again and said: -Just to be sure.. Your bellies must be empty ALL THE TIME!- With an evil laugh, Mr Green shut up quickly, in the same way it had been revealed, as strange moans echoed from the survivors bellies. Everyone looked at each other and, for a moment, the struggles had stopped, but not their grumbling stomachs that required attention and food! -You are a bitch! An evil pathetic hungry bitch!- Zatanna screamed with all the breath she had in her body, while stones began to rise around her, like bullets ready to be thrown. The angrier she got, the more her roaring stomach grunted so loudly that it almost looked like a living being, with its own thoughts. -How could you kill my friend? You will die, slowly.. Much slower than your stomach would digest itself!- She despaired and cried, while her power spread like wildfire, as her moaning stomach roared loudly and ferociously. A powerful grumbling raged through her guts and, for a short time, calmed her down. She scratched her gurgling stomach and cursed her enemy: -I'll make you pay dearly for this! You're going to be food for your own stomach, you bastard!- Her voice was too guttural for a girl her age, it almost sounded like it came from beyond the grave! With one hand she massaged her grumbling belly, while the other one lifted it, with the palm facing the sky, and in doing so the stones began to turn, until they assembled hand in front of her, creating a Golem with a gigantic belly. -Shit! That is huge! My belly is shaking by fear now.. Not only by hunger, anymore!!- Livewire was amazed, accompanied by her agitated guts, which were roaring for fear, and she tried to calm them with continuous pats on her gurgling belly. Even the Golem with the huge tummy looked hungry and threw a flurry of punches at Leslie, who dodged them one by one as she carried a hand on her roaring stomach, begging to be filled. Zee gritted her teeth, while a mighty roar from her growling belly made the air vibrate: the hunger was now unbearable and her mood was affected by it, more than she was expecting. A scream, a smelly fart, then an order and the stone giant threw another powerful punch: it ended exactly where Livewire stood, who in the meantime had moved quickly away, as she saw the blow coming. For the long and fast run, her stomach caused her painful spasms, which made her bend in two by the pain: she swore and massaged her grumbling belly. Taken by a furious rage, aggravated also by hunger, Zatanna lost her control: using all her powers, she threw the Golem at her, which shattered into a thousand pieces on her enemy's head. Leslie took one hand to her temple and saw blood, while the other hand massaged her roaring tummy, which began to self-destruct through its gastric juices: she realized that it was over for her, but she wouldn't leave this fucking world alone! With the few forces remaining in her body, Livewire threw an electric dart at Zatanna's chest so powerful that it caused her a heart attack: she didn't even see it coming, as she was so focused on calming her growling tummy with constant pats. In a blink of eye, the magician's heart stopped and Leslie grinned, falling dead to the ground. Some horror movie flatulence rose from their corpses, as two gongs were heard and the faces of the two enemies appeared in the sky, under Hal's incredulous eyes. Caught off guard as he watched the horrible scene and scratched his empty growling stomach, the Green Lantern was knocked down by Catwoman, with a feline leap, ondeing on his mighty torso: he desperately tried to get her off, without using brute force, because his policy of anti-violence against women prevented him. He puffed and, almost begging her, asked her: -Get down, kitten! My stomach already hurts, and I don't... - Before he could finish the sentence, Selina sat on his face, rubbing her firm ass on his face, and this action excited him like never before: to full lungs, he smelled its aroma for a few minutes, getting lost in strange fantasies. She sneered, while massaging her roaring tummy in hunger, and he woke up because of his gurgling stomach, which made him recover from that sensory Paradise and, between continuous peristalsis and grumbling, Hal threw Catwoman to the ground. Selina blew at him, more disappointed than angry, and scratched his face. Hal looked at her through that red veil, descending on his face: the blood gushed abundantly and this made him so angry that his belly roared, worse than a hungry lion. He gritted his teeth, while rubbing his empty moaning guts: -Shit, Catwoman! My belly is in turmoil and it needs food..- He scratched his roaring stomach and continued -BUT NOW, thanks to YOU!- He emphasized those words, pointing angrily at her -My face needs stitches too!- He looked at the profuse amount of blood on his hand, while caressing his empty moaning belly with the other one -Wadafuk, Catwoman.. What's your problem? Has hunger gone to your head?- Even his growling stomach cursed her, with a strange GROOOLGE, which made the cat jerk: -I'm trying to do the BRAVO! It's already difficult enough with this continuous grumbling of my stomach... Now you're getting into it too!?- Catwoman shrugged, as she looked him straight in the eye in boredom, while she was continuously patting her bubbling tummy, and she answered him: -Why not!? You don't ask a cat why it's scratching you during playtime.... You just take it as a given!- She grinned and licked the blood dripping from her long claws: her empty stomach reacted strangely well to that taste with a loud GLORP. Hal was watching the scene, disgusted but the sight of that fluid made his groaning belly vibrate more fiercely, always demanding to be fed. Enraged, the Green Lantern summoned up an enormous punch, with which he began to shake the ground: with each knock, his empty stomach grunted and wiggled like a madman. Catwoman promptly dodged all the blows, always trying to calm her roaring tummy with caresses, while she began to provoke him: -Is that all you can do!? I was expecting something more... Even my little hungry tummy is more fierce than you!- She sniggered, seeing that man was losing his concentration, as her guts started to loudly applaud her with a sonic SLOOSH. The boy's anger grew exponentially, as much as his hunger, between a shaking of the ground and an incessant gurgling of his ravenous stomach. She smiled and suddenly the ring's power froze, stopping Hal midway through a mighty attack, as he watched his feline foe more closely: -Why are you fighting me?- -Why should I not?- -Come on! Don't answer me with another question!- They looked at each other for a few minutes, while they tried to calm their stomachs with little pats: an action caused only non-stop WURGLE from their pathetically empty bellies.. Selina yawned and tried to scratch him once more, but before she could act, Hal managed to use the ring's powers again to create a green rope with which he immobilized Catwoman. Suddenly, she found herself with her hands tied behind her back and, smiling lustily, she purred against the muscular body of the boy, who was surprised by this gesture and at the girl's words: -I didn't know you liked BONDAGE!- She purred contentedly, while her growling stomach roared loudly: -Could you, My master..- She licked her lips as the guy excitedly gulped -.. at least massage my poor little hungry tummy?- Hal was embarrassed and nodded, caressing gently her belly, while his stomach growled ferociously much more from jealousy than from hunger.. Bowing slightly forward, Selina exposed her curves better, driving crazy Hal, who had held back until then: before he could change his mind, he kissed her, continuing to caress her slim bubbling belly. He untied her, but held her tightly in his arms, while their rumbling stomachs touched, making each other vibrate: in a strange dance of peristalsis, Selina closed her eyes and let herself be taken by a crazy passion... -If I've to die here, let it be for pleasure and not from the convulsions of my ravenous stomach!- Selina smiled at Hal and, as they stroked each other's gurgling bellies, they hurriedly moved away from the others: while a new fight was about to start, the two lovers lost themselves in caresses, massages of their empty gurgling bellies and desperate moaning.. Meanwhile, Giganta had assumed her full size to deliver a deadly kick between the two remaining heroines, i.e. Wonder Woman and Supergirl, like a soccer player desperately trying to score a goal. Looking around furtively, she held both hands tightly to her gurgling stomach to prevent the deep sound of her insides from being heard by the experienced ears of her enemies. The two superheroines were too focused on mourning their dead friends, to the point that they didn't even notice Doris was hitting them with a kick of a deadly magnitude: both were hit in their empty gurgling stomachs. Their poor roaring bellies emitted strange moans, rather than deep and painful rumblings, which resulted in smelly farts and continuous peristalsis, followed by strange symphonies of loud sounds such as SLOOSH and GURRRGGLLE. In addition to the excruciating pain and hunger, which made the two girls bend in two, the blow was so powerful to hurl them both across the island. They cried and complained about their fate, while Giganta was smiling in satisfaction. She rubbed her moaning belly, as she mocked her enemies: -If I had known before how good it felt to kick your stinking guts and see you so helpless... I would have done this earlier!- She grinned and sniffed the stench fully with her gigantic lungs, while she was continuously stroking her grumbling stomach, which wouldn't stop from its neverending state of agitation, making strange moans. -My poor giant tummy needs to be fed and that's why I'll be the one to win this fucking challenge!- She smiled and her belly answered her with a loud BLOOORP, almost as if it was imagining being filled with the most delicious food in the world. Giganta nodded, squinting her eyes, as she patted her growling guts: -You've cried for a long while, my little tummy..- She was talking to her gurgling stomach, soothing it with promises and caresses -But at least I'll have the satisfaction of seeing those two bitches DEAD!- She laughed evilly, as her moaning belly gurgled sinisterly with a mighty WROOOG. The two superheroines found themselves thrown against a huge rock, which instantly shattered due to the impact of their mighty divine bodies, now slumped to the ground like empty spongy pillows. They tried to catch their breath, still complaining of both the pain of the blow and the unrelenting hunger, holding a hand to their grumbling stomachs. They started to get up slowly, looking each other in the eyes, while from afar they heard the unpleasant laughter of their gargantuan enemy. Their gurgling bellies twisted with pain and hunger, which became more and more insistent, to the point of making them almost insane: -THAT'S ENOUGH!- Supergirl screamed, her eyes glowing a fiery red, followed by her rumbling belly: -I'm sick and tired of being here on this shitty island!- Kara felt impotent and the hunger, which gripped her gurgling stomach, didn't help her mood, which continued to worsen: she no longer looked like the calm and thoughtful girl she once was, but more like an escaped criminal from the ghost dimension, more likely Zod. Her moaning stomach turned in anger with continuous and persistent growling, which gradually became more and more fierce and similar to the roars of a powerful beast in the grip of an unstoppable hunger. The Kryptonian girl rubbed her gurgling belly, as she cursed her enemy: -I hate being mocked by that fucking bitch! I am going to kill ya!- She shouted, pointing at Doris, who was laughing and burping at the same time, still massaging her huge gurgling belly. She looked down at her flat gurgling belly, from her now dirty swimsuit, and noticed that her guts were moving so much that her entire abdomen vibrated: she burped out a sonic fetid belch, applauded by a fierce roar from her moaning stomach, which decided to self-digest. She huffed, patting her mumbling belly, and talked to it: -I'm too hungry! My tummy has become my worst enemy now!- She gritted her teeth, as she patted her growling stomach, promising it: -My guts want to be filled and I have EVERY intention of NOURISHING MYSELF! We will win and have ALL THE FOOD WE want!!- She jumped up, scratching her gurgling belly and flew faster than ever into the abdomen of her giant enemy, while Wonder Woman was confused by that identity of hers. Hit in her growling stomach, Giganta cursed her enemy, bringing a hand to her gurgling belly, which released all the gases in a huge flatulence, spreading as far as the eye could see, all over the island: -Waddafuk, that hurts!- She doubled over in pain, as guttural sounds echoed inside her roaring belly. She looked straight into Supergirl's eyes and became frightened: her pupils were completely dilated and her irises were literally on fire, as if under the influence of red kryptonite. Bubbling, the giantess pleaded her: -You... you... you're good... you can't... even though... NO!- Her roaring belly growled, as if to agree with her, and as she patted her grumbling belly, she begged her: -Please... I'm hungry! My stomach needs food...much more than all of you.... I won't live long, IF..- But before she could finish her sentence, Kara grinned so loudly that her insane guts vibrated even more, with a bombastic GLORG: -You will surely die.... BUT BY MY HAND!!! And my stomach will be the only one to fill up!!!- She laughed cruelly, as she patted her insatiable mumbling stomach. Giganta went back to her human size, looking for a shelter to hide, in vain: Supergirl took aim and used her laser sight to slice her enemy in two, at her abdomen. Doris's guts scattered everywhere, continuing to vibrate and emitting strange moans: the giantess lay dead on the ground, while her still gurgling entrails continued to moan, like a pot of chili. Supergirl gasped as her bubbling belly moved joyfully with an endless mumble, which subsided slightly when he gently stroked her. -You'd make a great villain!- Mr Green's voice echoed, followed by laughter, as a GONG warned of another death. Hal and Selina, adjusting their clothes, rushed over to the Amazon, who was still stunned by the gory scene her friend had just performed. The two lovers asked her what had happened, but she was so shaken that she didn't even feel the bites of her neverending hunger anymore. A flash of blue light struck Giganta's body, which immediately evaporated, releasing a series of nauseating farts, under the incredulous eyes of the others. They were so hungry that the awful smell was like the best aroma in the world: like guests at a wedding banquet, they watched the entire scene, while their bellies were gurgling incessantly. Wonder Woman couldn't understand how her Kryptonian friend had become a real monster: she didn't look like the girl she used to be, kind and caring, who in front of such a disaster would have looked for the culprit! Now she stood there motionless, stretching her arms, belching like an ogre, while her empty stomach mumbled, demanding food, as if nothing had happened. Hal and Selina, still massaging their bubbling bellies, shook Diana by the shoulders, trying to bring her out of her trance, which not even her hungry stomach could move even through its constant growling. In the meantime, Supergirl was watching where the lightning came from, to try to understand if there was one last way out of that infernal island: she saw that there was a laser cannon, placed at the highest point, but no exit. She huffed angrily, as she patted her well-defined roaring belly, which was constantly demanding to be filled with incessant gurgling, which resulted in a foul-smelling fart. The three survivors almost faint because of that nauseating smell and they bent in two in agony: one hand on their face to avoid breathing in that stench and one on their hungry stomach, which on the contrary reacted very well to that aroma of fetid meat and gastric juices, growling like a capricious child.. Suddenly, Kara turned around, still stroking her gurgling belly, and aimed at Selina, like an angry bull ready to gore the bullfighter: however, she was quickly immobilized by Wonder Woman, who used her Lasso of Truth, grabbing her by the ankles. Supergirl fell to the ground, cursing her Amazon friend: from the blow with the ground, her belly shot out a series of deadly blasts, while her guts twisted through sounds never heard before, similar to SLOOSH and WUUURGLE. The golden rope provoked different reactions in Kara, who began to vomit one truth after another, while her face deformed by the continuous changement of expressions: from furious to sad, even a hungry madness, which upset her stomach so much, gurgling like a desperate from hell. Conscious of what she had done, Supergirl cried nonstop as her stomach continued to gurgle, hating the fact she hadn't filled it yet: she wiped her tears, as she scratched her roaring belly. Suddenly, Wonder Woman sat next to her friend, comforting and hugging her so tightly that she almost suffocated: due to the pressure of that affectionate gesture, the Kryptonian's rumbling belly emitted a loud smelly fart. The two friends smiled sadly as they patted each other's empty stomachs, which roared like hungry lions waiting their prey never coming. In the meantime, Hal and Selina, still clinging to each other, kissed and massaged each other's flat growling bellies: every now and then someone still complained about the food, between a pestilential flatulence and a loud smelly belch, while the hours slowly passed. The four survivors looked at each other: their faces were emaciated, their trembling hands caressed their grumbling stomachs, while their guts growled ferociously to be filled. Nothing could be done for them: they were aware of their approaching end! In the end, they were finally at peace with themselves and each other: they decided to sit near close together on the sand and looked up at the clear sky, waiting for their inevitable end, which didn't take long to arrive… THE END |
DALLE STELLE ALLE STALLE Le onde si increspavano alte sugli scogli di quel piccolo atollo solitario, mentre sette ragazze e due ragazzi si crogiolavano al sole nei loro vivaci costumi da bagno. Nessuna nuvola all'orizzonte, tuttavia strani rumori simili a tuoni continuavano a riecheggiare nell'aria e vibrare nell'acqua: erano gli stomaci a digiuno di alcune persone sull'isola Hankou, sebbene dall'intenso frastuono di budella indemoniate sarebbero sembrate almeno un centinaio. L'aria di salsedine sollecitò le narici esperte di Selina che era salita nel frattempo sulla palma più alta, per meglio prendere il sole, proprio come avrebbe fatto un felino. Lei indossava un cerchietto con delle orecchie nere da gatto ed un bikini blu scuro, tendente al nero, dal cui tanga usciva una piccola e lunga coda nera da gatto: persino mentre si crogiolava il sole adorava vestirsi con la maschera che l'aveva resa famosa, la ladra Catwoman. Dall'alto aveva una migliore visuale per scrutare nell'acqua o tra i cespugli una possibile preda sulla quale balzare, per poi divorarla in un boccone: al solo pensiero il suo atletico addome emise un rombo simile alle fusa di un felino, così forte ed assordante da farle quasi male. Erano i morsi della fame, che ormai durava da due settimane, e per lei era giunto il momento di riempire il suo povero stomaco: lo accarezzò e miagolò, promettendogli che a breve lo avrebbe riempito con un lauto pasto, a base di pesce. Selina ritornò a sonnecchiare sulla sua palma beatamente, mentre Giganta fissava l'oceano colore dei suoi occhi, nel quale sperava di trovare qualche pesce, che le avrebbe riempito il suo povero stomaco senza fondo. Le due settimane a digiuno per Doris erano state un vero e proprio Inferno, poiché il suo fisico richiedeva enormi quantità di cibo per sopravvivere: nemmeno lei, infatti, sapeva come, ma c'era riuscita! Tuttavia ora Doris si trovò a fissare l'orizzonte, accarezzandosi il suo gorgogliante e ben definito pancino, che spiccava dal suo costume da super cattiva: non si era nemmeno presa il disturbo di mettersi un costume da bagno, poiché il suo vestito alla fine era un semplice due pezzi monospalla dalla tinta leopardata. Lei sospirò grattandosi il piatto ventre gorgogliante, desideroso di essere riempito, e sussurrò al suo ruggente stomaco: -Eddai! Ora è troppo! Una pesca è quello che mi ci vuole! Che ne dici mio pancino... di un calamaro gigante, o magari una grassa e succulenta balena?- Lei parlò al suo stomaco, accarezzandolo come se fosse un bambino, e questi brontolò in risposta, facendosi notare con un roboante WROOG: -È giunta l'ora di riempirti, caro mio vecchio stomaco!- E così dicendo, si tuffò nell'oceano, ingrandendosi mano a mano che l'acqua le raggiungeva progressivamente il collo, mentre il suo stomaco, sempre più grande, gorgogliando faceva vibrare l'intera distesa azzurra, a causa degli spasmi convulsi della fame: una fame che sembrava non finire mai... Nel frattempo, Livewire guardava le sue due colleghe rilassarsi, mentre lei giocava con i suoi poteri costruendo diversi cibi con la sabbia: -Uhm... Mi ci vorrebbe proprio un bel gelato, adesso! Oppure... Un tiramisù ai mirtilli con tanta panna montata!- Al solo pensiero, le venne l'acquolina in bocca e si massaggiò lo stomaco gorgogliante: -Ho una fame tale che mi sbranerei persino un mammut intero! E forse.. sarebbe ancora troppo poco per riempire le mie ingorde budella!- Si diede una pacca sullo stomaco e ghignò, distendendosi su una parte di spiaggia fatta di roccia, cercando disperatamente di abbronzare la sua candida pelle: -Più facile a dirsi che a farsi!- Leslie si spalmò la crema abbronzante, facendo attenzione a non macchiarsi il suo attillato trikini nero, che poco lascia all'immaginazione! Il profumo dolce della crema le fece ricordare il cibo, che non toccava ormai da due settimane e il suo stomaco trasalì con un feroce e assordante WURGLE. Invece di rilassarsi e divertirsi, i supereroi si guardarono perplessi: -Scusa, chi hai detto che ci ha invitato?- Chiese dubbiosa Kara, guardando Diana dritta negli occhi, mentre si grattava lo stomaco gorgogliante, che implorava intensamente del cibo: -Questa fame mi sta uccidendo! Se non mangio subito qualcosa, mi ritroverò divorata dalle mie stesse budella!- Supergirl si tenne la pancia brontolante, cercando di calmarla con carezze e promesse di un lauto banchetto. La ragazza kryptoniana stava giocando con l'ombelico esposto dal suo sexy bikini blu, che riprendeva i colori del suo costume da supereroe, compresa la grande e appariscente S rossa su sfondo giallo, proprio in mezzo al suo seno voluttuoso. Il rombo del suo stomaco vuoto era così disperatamente forte che dovette fare uno sforzo colossale per ascoltare attentamente la risposta della sua amica: -La lettera è firmata da un certo signor Green...- L'Amazzone rispose, rileggendo più e più volte la lettera, mentre la sua povera pancia si rivoltava per la fame: non mangiava niente da settimane, proprio come gli altri… L'amazzone era leggermente più piccola di Kara, ma più muscolosa e prosperosa, con lineamenti decisamente più fini. Si accarezzò la pancia sotto il suo costume da supereroe: Diana stava ancora combattendo contro il suo acerrimo nemico Circe quando fu invitata sull'isola, quindi non ebbe il tempo di cambiarsi, ma i suoi indumenti da supereroina erano perfetti anche come costume da bagno, una volta tolti il mantello e gli stivali. Il suo stomaco vuoto tuonò con maggiore intensità, mentre lei lo ignorava costantemente, cercando di non pensare ai morsi della fame che l'attanagliavano dolorosamente: -Ti capisco Kara! Anch'io non sto molto bene... Ho lo stomaco in subbuglio e penso che se non lo riempirò a breve sverrò dalla fame... o peggio!- La principessa di Themyscira sospirò, massaggiandosi il suo povero stomaco affamato, mentre Batgirl le domandò: -E chi sarebbe questo tizio? Il suo nome non mi è del tutto nuovo….- Barbara si grattò il mento con la mano destra, mentre con la sinistra accarezzava il magro roboante pancino: -Certo che non capisco… Perché affamarci per due settimane?- Batgirl era forse la più giovane del gruppo e si vergognava di mostrare il suo corpo, così optò per qualcosa di semplice: un costume da bagno intero, color viola e un cinturino d'oro, con un ciondolo a forma di pipistrello. Nonostante fosse minuta, la ragazza di Gotham City aveva un pozzo senza fondo come stomaco, da far invidia persino a Giganta: -La mia pancina chiede continuamente di essere riempita... Ora è una questione di vita o di morte! - Espose i suoi dubbi, mentre cercava di quietare il suo gorgogliante ventre, ormai impazzito per i morsi della fame. -Non saprei…- Wonder Woman era perplessa come le altre due, ma i suoi pensieri furono interrotti da una scossa di elettricità, che le sconvolse le budella con un assordante boato: -Livewire, il mio stomaco non ha bisogno di una scossa... Si muove già abbastanza da solo, grazie!- L'amazzone ringhiò alla sua nemica, mentre si strofinava la povera pancia dolente che chiedeva continuamente cibo. Leslie, che fino ad ora era rimasta in disparte a prendere il sole, si avvicinò al piccolo gruppo che l'aveva disturbata e, stiracchiandosi, si lamentò: -Chi se ne frega! Voi eroi fate troppe domande!- La ragazza dai capelli blu sorrideva, mentre accarezzava il suo stomaco lamentoso: -Quel tipo ha detto che potevamo mangiare GRATIS se avessimo accettato di venire su quest'isola per una gara di cibo, giusto?- Solo sentendo CIBO GRATUITO, il suo stomaco cominciò a fare uno strano brontolio, come di budella contorte in una danza tribale, e il gorgoglio era così potente da farla piegare in due dal dolore: -Fanculo... Fa male! Ho il potere di controllare l'elettricità, ma non riesco a calmare il mio stomaco! Merda, che sfortuna!- Livewire maledisse più volte la sua fame, mentre cercava di calmare il suo stomaco brontolone con piccole pacche. Nonostante ci fosse un interminabile vociare sulla spiaggia, Selina continuò a sonnecchiare imperterrita sulla sua palma, finché Berry non la scosse con tutta l'energia che aveva in corpo. Il ragazzo, non potendo mangiare, doveva almeno scaricare tutta quella vitalità in qualche modo: usare la sua super velocità, facendo ciò di cui andava fiero, cioè gli scherzi! Tuttavia, scelse la persona sbagliata: Selina non era molto incline agli scherzi, quando doveva essere lei la vittima, ovviamente! Saltò giù dal suo rilassante giaciglio ed atterrò sul ragazzo, sedendosi sul suo ventre piatto, che ruggì con un rombo frenetico: -Scendi, gattina!- Le ordinò di muoversi, cercando di non pensare alla fame, che divorava la sua povera pancia gorgogliante: era una tortura per lui non poter mangiare per due settimane con il suo metabolismo iperveloce e il suo corpo aveva sofferto molto più degli altri. -Ho già un peso sullo stomaco... Non ti ci mettere anche tu!- Fissò Catwoman, che gli leccò il viso con noncuranza: -Uhm... Potrei mangiarti, sai!- Si leccò le labbra e si diede una piccola pacca sulla sua pancia ruggente, pronta per essere riempita con il supereroe. Guardò Berry, strofinando le sue prosperose tette sul suo petto: il contatto lo fece rabbrividire ed eccitare allo stesso tempo, mescolando quella sensazione con i gemiti incessanti del suo stomaco insaziabile e lamentoso. Gli stretti pantaloncini da bagno rossi del ragazzo, con un lampo dorato sul lato superiore sinistro del costume, rendevano ancora più evidente la sua eccitazione, che era piacevole agli occhi della gattina, che si leccava le labbra mentre si massaggiava la pancina gorgogliante. I due si scrutarono per un paio di minuti, prima di schiarirsi la gola e le idee. Poi si alzarono e si unirono al gruppo, che continuava a chiacchierare sulla spiaggia. Tra uno sguardo affamato e un rumore di budella, Selina e Berry origliarono la loro conversazione, ma l'unica parola che sentirono fu FOOD CONTEST, che fece sussultare le loro pance vuote: -CIBO GRATIS! EVVAI!!- Catwoman e Berry esultarono, dandosi il cinque, mentre i loro gementi stomaci si urtavano l'un l'altro. Risero come dei deficienti, mentre le Supereroine cercavano di capire chi fosse questo fantomatico benefattore, che metteva in palio dei soldi per questo evento, al quale partecipavano SOLO LORO. Tuttavia, Catwoman e Flash erano più interessati a riempire il loro stomaci, molto più degli altri, e a tale scopo si guardarono intorno, in cerca di qualcosa da mangiare: -PESCI... Quanti pesci per riempire il mio pancino felino! MIAO!- Selina fece le fusa e guardò l'oceano, soffiandogli contro, poiché quell'immensa coltre di acqua la divideva dal suo lauto pasto: al solo pensiero di addentare uno di quegli esserini squamati, le fece vibrare il suo povero stomaco. Si massaggiò la pancia che brontolava, urlandole di essere saziata, e folgorò Flash con uno sguardo d'invidia, poiché sicuramente stava correndo per tutta l'isola solo per mangiare tutte le noci di cocco delle palme intorno: -Dannazione a TE e alla TUA VELOCITÀ!- Sibilò, guardando tristemente il suo povero brontolante stomaco -Sono così affamata! La mia pancia ha bisogno di cibo! QUALSIASI COSA!- Pianse, mentre Flash fu mosso da un forte senso di compassione e cercò di guardarsi intorno, per trovare almeno un frutto da condividere: non c'era niente in giro, nemmeno quelli marci! -E' fottutamente strano! Non c'è cibo in giro.. Nemmeno l'ombra! Povero pancino mio, non hai nessuna possibilità di essere riempito! Mi dispiace tanto!- Berry si massaggiò la sua povera pancia che brontolava, minacciando di autodistruggersi con i suoi stessi fluidi gastrici. Il gemito era così forte da ottenere l'attenzione di Selina, che corse da lui per interrogarlo: -Non sono l'unica, allora... Ma perché non sei corso a mangiare tutto? Vorrei essere stata brava a nuotare, così mi sarei riempita la pancia con quei gustosi tonnetti!- Rispose, accarezzandosi il suo stomaco lamentoso: avrebbe dato tutto quello che possedeva per nutrirsi! Bastò il solo pensiero del dolce sapore di quegli esseri squamosi a far impazzire il suo stomaco: si leccò le labbra, miagolando infelice, proprio come il ruggito delle sue budella, girandosi e rigirandosi, provocandole forti dolori addominali che cercò di domare con delle pacche sulla sua pancia gorgogliante. -Ci ho provato, Selina... Ma non c'è cibo da queste parti.. SU TUTTA L'ISOLA, in verità!- La guardò perplesso, cercando di calmare il suo stomaco ruggente, senza successo... Nel frattempo, Hal si guardò intorno, cercando di capire se fosse o meno una trappola: per lui tutto questo era troppo bello per essere vero! Un milionario che li invitava a una gara di cibo, su una meravigliosa isola privata, dopo due settimane di digiuno, come da lui richiesto: -Non pensate che sia strano?- Le sue parole furono interrotte dal ringhio assordante della sua pancia, che chiedeva di essere nutrita. Si massaggiò il ventre gorgogliante, mentre ispezionava la costa: -Non mangio da settimane.. Le mie budella mi stanno maledicendo ora!- Disse Hal, mentre si grattava lo stomaco ruggente: tuttavia cercò di non pensarci, ma di concentrarsi sulla situazione attuale in cui si trovavano! Era la seconda Lanterna Verde della Terra e, nonostante l'aspetto atletico di un Casanova molto esperto, Hal era abbastanza introverso e protettivo, anche nel suo attuale stato di fame: cercava disperatamente di ignorare il suo stomaco gorgogliante, che faceva tremare il suo corpo muscoloso e snello nei suoi slip da bagno verdi: -Sono davvero affamato!- Si grattò la pancia ruggente e continuò a lamentarsi -Sono sicuro che anche quello stronzo di Sinestro non resisterebbe due settimane a digiuno!- Il dolore era intenso, mentre il suo ventre brontolone iniziava a lamentarsi sempre più forte: -Dannazione! Le mie budella sono impossibili da fermare! Mi inghiottiranno come se fossero un buco nero!- Maledicendo il suo stomaco che ruggì senza sosta, Hal fece il giro dell'isola, seguito da Zatanna, che sembrava condividere le sue stesse preoccupazioni. Era un'alleata molto potente, ma a volte anche un po' birichina e il suo costume da bagno a due pezzi rifletteva il suo atteggiamento impertinente: un top bianco con colletto rosso a rete bianca trasparente sulla scollatura, abbinato a un paio di culottes bianche con cintura nera. Il brontolio del suo stomaco non le dava un attimo di tregua e a volte si doveva fermare, durante il volo, per massaggiarsi e cullarsi le budella, restate senza cibo per troppe settimane: -La mia pancia sembra essere in preda a convulsioni epilettiche! Potrei mangiare...- Zee interruppe improvvisamente le sue parole, in parte per il dolore della sua pancia ruggente e in parte per quello che vide: Giganta guardava l'orizzonte, ergendosi imponente in mezzo all'oceano, con il viso perplesso e una mano sulla pancia. La maga pensava che la gigantessa stesse cercando di divorare tutto quello che trovava in quelle acque salate e la supplicò di non farlo: -Per favore.. Giganta, non è salutare! Capisco che tu abbia fame, ma…- Prima di finire la frase, vide una Doris perplessa, che si massaggiava lo stomaco vuoto e ruggente, che la guardò e rispose: -Non fare la mammina! Sono GRANDE abbastanza...- La gigantesca donna sospirò, scuotendo la testa -E... Purtroppo, qui non c'è niente che mi riempia completamente le budella!- Spiegò disperatamente alla sua nemica, mentre entrambe le ragazze si grattavano le rispettive pance vuote, che ruggivano come bestie affamate. Giganta ringhiò e camminò intorno all'isolotto, per ricontrollare: niente pesci nelle acque o vicino alla costa! Il suo stomaco ruggì così forte che l'intera isola fu scossa, come se ci fosse stato un terremoto, e si scusò: -...Colpa mia..- Ridacchiò mentre si massaggiava la pancia vuota, che stava per esplodere dalla fame -Due settimane senza cibo non fanno bene a nessun stomaco, soprattutto a quello di una gigantessa!- Cercò di calmare il suo ventre ruggente, mentre Zee si massaggiava lo stomaco brontolone e si lamentò delle loro condizioni: -Sai una cosa? Mi Teletrasporterò dei panini del McDonald's... Fanculo! Quei trigliceridi faranno male, ma almeno riempiranno il vuoto delle nostre povere budella!- La ragazza sapeva bene che quel cibo non era affatto sano, ma ora l'unica cosa da fare era mettere fine a quel frustrante e doloroso senso di fame, che le attanagliava la pancia gorgogliante... Zatanna era una maga molto esperta e potente, con un albero genealogico che rendeva geloso anche un re: tutto era possibile per lei ed usò una formula magica per evocare quei panini. Il solo pensiero di mordere uno di quei succulenti sandwich le fece brontolare lo stomaco vuoto, chiedendole ora del cibo, senza darle tregua. Questa volta, però, la solita evocazione non funzionò: era la prima volta in vita sua che fallì! -Come è possibile?- Rimase sorpresa -Sono così affamata che le mie budella non mi fanno più capire niente- Chiese tra sé e sé, dandosi una pacca sul suo stomaco che ruggì. La sua pancia brontolava continuamente e ancora di più ora dopo questo fallimento, mentre era convinta di poter assaporare il dolce grasso di quel cibo succulento, mai apparso, e ora si trovò disperatamente vuota, con niente sotto i denti, così le causò spasmi muscolari dolorosi e continui come vendetta. Zee si strofinò la pancia ruggente, mentre si interrogava: -Cosa sta succedendo qui!? Perché non è successo niente?- Ci provò di nuovo, usando altre parole per evocare il cibo, ma non apparve niente! Il suo stomaco era così affamato che l'avrebbe riempito con qualsiasi cosa, giusto per calmarlo abbastanza il tempo necessario per lasciarla in pace e riposare... Anzi, ora ne era sicura: la sua fame la faceva diventare così pazza da non pensare abbastanza lucidamente per evocare il cibo... Annuì a se stessa, mentre si grattava la pancia vuota e ruggente. Zee aveva bisogno quindi di una formula evocativa più semplice, così da potersi concentrare al massimo, sebbene le sue budella gorgoglianti continuassero a rigirarsi su se stesse con continui spasmi. Alla fine decise di controllare il vento, l'elemento che aveva scoperto da bambina: in questo modo, avrebbe creato un vortice che le avrebbe portato tutto il cibo che voleva e di cui aveva bisogno da vicino. Il pensiero le fece ruggire lo stomaco e si massaggiò per mettere a tacere il suo tremito e il gorgoglio delle budella, senza risultato. Cercò di manipolare il vento, come le era stato insegnato, ma non ci riuscì: sembrava quasi che non ci fosse una vera atmosfera all'interno dell'isola o, meglio, che l'intero ecosistema fosse bloccato nel tempo e nello spazio! Sembrava che l'unica cosa che si muovesse davvero su quell'isola fossero i loro stomaci, in preda alla fame, che non smettevano di tormentarli con il loro feroce brontolio. Era disperata in parte per non aver raggiunto nessun vero risultato con i suoi incantesimi, in parte per la fame incontrollabile che attanagliava il suo povero vuoto stomaco gorgogliante. Cercò di calmare la pancia con massaggi e una ninna nanna, come se fosse una bambina disobbediente e capricciosa, che non voleva calmarsi. Tenendo la mano destra sulla pancia gorgogliante, Zatanna volò in fretta e furia verso il gruppo di eroi, che cercavano risposte insieme ai loro nemici, mentre Selina era più preoccupata per le parole di Giganta, che le spiegò come non ci fosse l'ombra di un pesce in quel vasto oceano: -Ragazzi, ho provato diversi dei miei incantesimi, ma nessuno ha funzionato... Per me è la prima volta! Pensavo fosse il mio stomaco, brontolando come un dannato, che mi causava degli spasmi così dolorosi da farmi impazzire... - La maga spiegò, mentre accarezzava il suo stomaco che brontolava, ma fu interrotta da Livewire: -MA...!? Dai, tesoro, abbiamo capito che sei Houdini! Le mie budella mi stanno lentamente uccidendo, ogni minuto che passa... Arriva al punto...!- La ragazza super cattiva, con la pelle bianca come la neve e i capelli del colore del mare calmo, era troppo impaziente di nutrire la sua pancia vuota e ruggente e il suo umore ne risentiva: -Cacchio... non ce la faccio più a gestire le mie budella! Questa fame è troppa!- Scosse la testa, grattandosi la pancia gemente, mentre Zatanna le fece la linguaccia: -É come se ci fosse uno scudo anti-evocativo intorno a tutta l'isola!- Concluse Zee, accarezzandosi lo stomaco che brontolava, come se cercasse di capire il significato di quelle parole. -Come volevasi dimostrare!- La Lanterna Verde scosse la testa, mentre si grattava la pancia vuota: Hal fu l'unico contrario all'idea di andare su quell'isola, perché il suo stomaco continuava a brontolare come per intensificare i suoi pensieri negativi. Alla fine, fu persuaso da Wonder Woman e, per la prima volta in tutta la sua vita, non ascoltò i gorgoglii di avvertimento della sua pancia. Nel frattempo, Giganta prese di nuovo la sua taglia umana e corse dal gruppo, mentre si massaggiava il suo stomaco vuoto e ruggente, e segnalò ciò che aveva scoperto: -Come stavo spiegando a Catwoman, niente pesci in giro per l'isola, né vicino alla costa e ho anche provato a nuotare al largo, ma... niente anche lì! Neanche un pesce, né alghe, né coralli!- Le sue budella senza fondo maledissero la sua scelta di venire su quest'isola maledetta e cominciarono a lamentarsi con gemiti forti e persistenti: -Morirò qui? Con la pancia vuota..- Chiese Doris, mentre accarezzava il suo stomaco vuoto e ringhiante, mentre iniziò a piangere. Inaspettatamente, Wonder Woman le diede una pacca sulla spalla e la confortò: -Calmati, Doris! Possiamo sempre trovare una soluzione! Non abbatterti ancora!- L'amazzone sorrise, mentre Doris annuì e si asciugò le lacrime, mentre entrambe stavano tristemente massaggiando le loro pance ruggenti. -Anche sull'isola non c'è cibo! Ho appena finito di guardarmi intorno: non ci sono nemmeno tracce di animali!- Flash aveva paura di morire presto, se non avesse trovato qualcosa da mangiare, visto che le sue budella brontolanti iniziarono a fargli tremendamente male: -Ragazzi, la mia pancia ha bisogno di molte vitamine e proteine... Il mio metabolismo brucia un sacco di calorie e di energia!- Spiegò, come se il suo stomaco stesse divorando se stesso -Non riesco più a sopportare questa fame!- Berry cadde a terra, piegato in due dal dolore, mentre cercava di calmare il suo stomaco gorgogliante. Vedendolo in quello stato, Kara si gettò ai suoi piedi, guardandolo nei suoi occhi nocciola, e lo abbracciò, cercando di consolarlo: -Non preoccuparti, Berry! Ce ne andremo da questo inferno il prima possibile... Te lo prometto! Le nostre pance non vinceranno su di noi- Singhiozzò e cercò di concentrarsi sulla sua amica, invece di ascoltare il suo stomaco ruggente, che richiedeva un'attenzione costante. Lo stomaco di Kara cominciò a tremare dalla paura per una possibile carestia e i suoi fluidi gastrici le attraversarono l'intestino così velocemente che sembrava un fiume in piena con il loro continuo SLOOSH e WURGLE. Flash sorrise tristemente e si massaggiò la pancia gorgogliante, lamentandosi: -Che cosa potremmo fare noi, comuni mortali, se nemmeno la grande Supergirl o la divina Wonder Woman riescono a contenere la fame dei loro stomaci insaziabili!- Rideva, quasi preso da una strana forma di follia dovuta alla fame, poi perse i sensi sulla sabbia, mentre Barbara lo trascinò all'ombra di un'enorme palma. Lei si sedette lì, accanto a lui, grattandosi la pancia, mentre teneva la mano dell'amico: a ogni spasmo convulso di Flash corrispondeva un intenso ruggito della sua pancia, come se gli venissero picchiate le budella e avessero deciso di autodigerirsi. -Penso che la pancia di Berry abbia raggiunto il punto di non ritorno! Se non facciamo qualcosa, lui...- Batgirl non volle finire la frase, ma tutti conoscevano l'inevitabile conclusione che li avrebbe presi, uno per uno, se non avessero lasciato quell'isola maledetta: sarebbero stati mangiati dalle loro stesse interiora! -Non posso farcela neanch'io per molto tempo, ragazzi! La mia pancia ha bisogno di cibo, il prima possibile!- La ragazza di Gotham City si accarezzò la pancia gorgogliante con una mano, mentre con l'altra teneva ancora la mano di Berry. -NO!!!! Non moriremo QUI!!!- Un ruggito riecheggiò tra quegli spasmi intestinali e la disperazione fu palpabile in quelle parole: Kara decise che era giunto il momento di trovare una soluzione, dato che lo stomaco di tutti aveva raggiunto il limite! Tutti la guardarono, con la speranza negli occhi, mentre volava sempre più in alto, attesa sia dai suoi amici che dai nemici a terra, che continuavano a massaggiarsi le loro pance vuote e lamentose. Ispezionò questo ipotetico scudo, tenendo sempre la mano sul suo stomaco gorgogliante, che brontolava e chiedeva continuamente di essere riempito. Poi usò la sua vista a raggi X e comunicò a tutti ciò che vide: -Sì, è vero! C'è una sorta di barriera intorno all'isola... La distruggerò e usciremo di qui... E finalmente mangeremo!- Sorrise, mentre si massaggiava la pancia che brontolava, cercando un punto debole da colpire e sussurrò dolcemente al suo pancino ruggente: -Stai tranquillo- e lasciami fare il mio lavoro... So che hai fame, MA NON ORA! Ti riempirò, una volta tornati a casa!- Promise alla sua pancia vuota, come se fosse un segreto tra due vecchi amici. La sua pancia rispose con un ruggito fugace e sorrise come se le sue budella capissero le sue parole. Supergirl si guardò indietro verso il suo obiettivo, volando qua e là per comprendere il punto giusto da colpire e distruggere. La speranza si poté leggere sui volti emaciati di tutti, mentre un frastuono di stomaci contenti dall'idea di poter essere sfamati riecheggiava come tamburi in una danza tribale. La ragazza kryptoniana era determinata più che mai ad andarsene da quel paradisiaco posto, che si era appena trasformato in un vero e proprio inferno, la cui unica pena era quella di morire lentamente per affamamento. Oramai nessuno riusciva più a contenere la sua fame e i rumori dei loro stomaci brontolanti non facevano altro che aumentare, di minuto in minuto: era ormai questione di ore, prima che impazzissero di fame ed iniziassero a divorarsi tra di loro o scegliere di lasciarsi morire! Sempre tenendosi la pancia come per calmarla dal suo brontolare incessante, Supergirl lanciò una sfera laser con i suoi occhi, proprio dritta al centro della barriera, che tuttavia non si distrusse, ma anzi assorbì la sua magia. Digrignò i denti, mentre il suo stomaco ringhiante ululava minacciosamente di dolore, come un lupo catturato dai bracconieri con una tagliola, sapendo che l'unico modo per salvarsi era quello di staccarsi a morsi la zampa intrappolata... Prima ancora che le sue budella potessero pensare a un modo per autodivorarsi, decise di avvicinarsi il più possibile allo scudo: avrebbe usato il suo stesso corpo come ariete e si sarebbe lanciata alla velocità più alta mai vista prima, colpendolo e facendolo a pezzi. Era determinata e sapeva che il suo stomaco lamentoso era pronto a rilasciare i succhi gastrici che l'avrebbero lentamente divorata dall'interno. Tuttavia, non era pronta a morire e volò più vicina al suo obiettivo: una volta vicina abbastanza, Supergirl si sentì debole e cominciò a perdere quota affondando nelle acque cristalline, mentre il suo stomaco ruggiva rumorosamente. Il panico misto a gorgoglii di stomaco si sentiva ovunque sull'isola, comunque Wonder Woman intervenne, afferrando Supergirl con la sua frusta della verità e trascinandola a riva: -Stai bene, amica mia?- Chiese educatamente, accarezzandosi lo stomaco ruggente: -Hai perso conoscenza... come me, se non inizio a riempire questo stupido stomaco!- Provò a sorridere, mentre colpiva la sua pancia ruggente, che la supplicava di trattarla meglio e lei, quasi obbedendo, la accarezzò. Poi guardò Kara, scuotendo la testa e massaggiandole le budella che gemevano: -No, Diana! Non proprio! Il mio stomaco è fuori controllo.. Ho anch'io davvero bisogno di nutrire presto la mia pancia!- Si sedette e si accarezzò il ventre brontolante, mentre spiegò: -Ci devono essere dei cristalli di kryptonite nell'aria... Ecco perché sono caduta-... Digrignando i denti per il dolore, Supergirl ringraziò Wonder Woman, che era ancora più disperata e il suo stomaco gorgogliante le rispondeva con un roboante WROOG. Hal, tenendosi la pancia rombante con una mano, scosse la testa e seccamente replicò: -Ve l'avevo detto, prima di venire qui, che era troppo bello per essere vero! Ma non mi avete ascoltato!- Guardò i colleghi arrabbiato come non mai, un po' per la fame disperata e un po' perché nessuno gli aveva dato ascolto: -Rilassarsi in un posto paradisiaco, dove mangiare a sazietà... Riempire i nostri stomaci, vuoti da due settimane, con una gara di cibo... Poter vincere milioni di dollari... Prendere il sole e nuotare...- La Lanterna Verde elencò tutta una serie di azioni, che avrebbero potuto fare e che il loro fantomatico benefattore aveva suggerito nella lettera. Egli era molto più furioso con se stesso, perché li aveva seguiti ed ora anche a lui sarebbe toccato il destino di uno stomaco vuoto brontolante, che incessantemente chiedeva di essere sfamato. Sbuffò, ma non si diede per vinto: volò per l'ennesima volta sull'isola, cercando del cibo, invano. Proprio come aveva detto prima Flash, che stava agonizzando all'ombra di una palma, non trovò né frutta, né verdura e nemmeno animali! Erano semplicemente fottuti! Un rivolo di sudore cadde sulla sua fronte: oltre alla fame incessante e alla sete opprimente, ora vi era anche un caldo torrido, che stava prosciugando tutte le loro energie. Adesso, oltre alle pance gorgoglianti, si sentivano rumori di scoregge maleodoranti: sembrava che i loro stomaci cercassero invano qualcosa da mangiare, ma non trovando nulla, decidessero di divorare se stessi. Rutti di reflusso gastrico pervadero l'aria e si unirono con le rumorose flatulenze in un'aria malsana, che fece tossire chiunque. Scrollandosi di dosso una brutta sensazione, Hal volò verso la barriera, cercando di usare il potere dell'anello per creare una sorta di tunnel, dal quale sarebbero usciti: all'idea di libertà e di una possibile abbuffata, il suo stomaco gorgogliò con vigore. Tuttavia, una volta raggiunto il limite della barriera, Il potere della Lanterna Verde non funzionò: egli capì quindi che erano veramente in grave pericolo! -Il bastardo ha creato una barriera inespugnabile!- Disse, imprecando e maledicendo Mr Green, mentre il suo stomaco intensificò i suoi pensieri con un intenso gorgoglio, seguito dagli sguardi increduli degli altri, che lo guardarono come per chiedere spiegazioni, che non tardarono ad arrivare: -Lo scudo è giallo, per cui il mio anello non funziona... La barriera assorbe i poteri e non permette l'entrata o l'uscita di niente e di nessuno, per cui anche i poteri di Zatanna sono inutili! Avendo anche particelle aeree di kryptonite, Supergirl si indebolisce...- Tutti entrarono nel panico, non sapendo cosa fare, e si guardarono l'un l'altro, mentre un boato feroce pervase l'intera isola: anche i loro ruggenti stomaci persero la speranza e non smisero più di brontolare! Hal raggiunse i suoi compagni, che si erano nel frattempo accampati sotto una delle palme più grandi, lontano dai raggi solari. Essi si tenevano le mani sui rispettivi stomaci, massaggiandoli e tentando di calmarli, invano. Ad un tratto, una voce metallica risuonò attraverso quella sinfonia di brontolii, rutti e scoregge: -Cari i miei invitati, come state?- Una risata sgradevole dall'altro capo, mentre imprecazioni si confondevano con ruggiti famelici: -Noto con piacere che i vostri poveri stomaci affamati sono al limite... Eccellente!- Un ghigno malefico si fece più forte, a tal punto da far rabbrividire persino la ghiacciata Livewire, che esplose: -Brutto figlio di puttana! Facci uscire, altrimenti...- Una risata, seguita da un sonoro rutto: -Volete uscire e mangiare? Mr Green non è così cattivo, dopotutto...- Sogghignò ed aggiunse : -L'ultimo che rimane in piedi in una lotta, senza esclusione di colpi, vince!- I ragazzi si guardarono l'un l'altro, mentre Wonder Woman, continuando a massaggiarsi il suo gorgogliante stomaco, lo ammonì: -Una volta uscita... giuro che..- -Niente giuramenti! Voglio vedere SANGUE! Chi vince prende tutto: soldi, gloria, CIBO! Che vinca il migliore!- Prima che lei potesse replicare nuovamente, la voce si zittì con un metallico CLANG. Tutti si guardarono disperatamente, accarezzandosi le loro vuote pance brontolanti. Mentre tutti stavano discutendo su cosa fare, all'improvviso udirono uno strano suono simile a un Gong seguito dall'ologramma del viso di Berry, con un'enorme scritta grigia in corsivo: DECEDUTO. Si guardarono tutti terrorizzati e sorpresi, mentre Supergirl, usando la sua vista sovrumana, comprese la cruda verità: -Ragazzi... Flash... è...- Non riuscì a terminare la frase, che iniziò a piangere: ad ogni suo singhiozzo seguiva un brontolio del suo stomaco e ad ogni sussulto si massaggiava la pancia vuota che disperatamente chiedeva di essere riempita. Batgirl si coprì il volto con le mani e si gettò ai piedi del suo amico, morto poco lontano da lei, mentre un'enorme angoscia mista a frustrazione si confondeva con l'incessante fame, che attanagliava il suo pancino. Persino nella morte le viscere del velocista continuavano a gorgogliare, come se il suo stomaco stesse comunque cercando di sopravvivere, divorando se stesso: una sorta di vendetta dall'oltretomba, per non essere stato riempito in queste due ultime settimane... Le tre super cattive si guardarono negli occhi ed annuirono: non c'era tempo per piangere, bisognava agire! Da lì a poco, infatti, lo stesso destino sarebbe toccato anche a loro ed esse erano sopravvissute troppe battaglie per morire in un modo così indegno. Dandosi delle pacche sugli stomaci brontolanti per calmarli, si dileguarono, andando in tre direzioni differenti: avrebbero cercato la loro vittima tra i loro nemici, prima di combattersi a vicenda! Giganta avrebbe lottato contro la sua arcinemica Wonder Woman per l'ennesima volta; mentre Catwoman avrebbe combattuto contro la Lanterna Verde, l'unico maschio del gruppo, sul quale avrebbe usato la sua sensualità da gatta; infine la crudele, ma calcolatrice Livewire avrebbe attaccato la più debole. Livewire, sempre tenendo una mano allo stomaco per zittirlo e colpire di soppiatto la sua preda, lanciò all'improvviso una scossa elettrica a Batgirl, che sussultò così tanto da emettere contemporaneamente una scorreggia maleodorante e un sonoro rutto. -Ma che cazzo fai...!? Le mie budella si muovono di già! Non hanno bisogno di altri movimenti!- Ringhiò dubbiosa, girandosi e guardando la sua nemica negli occhi: -Se non combattiamo moriremo tutti!- Non era una scusa, ma un dato di fatto e tutti lo sapevano, ma Barbara continuava disperatamente a tenere la mano al suo amico morto, mentre si massaggiava lo stomaco sia per la fame, sia per la scossa: -A tradimento mi colpisci!? Sei proprio impavida! Persino la mia pancia saprebbe fare meglio!- -Non so voi, MA IO non voglio che la mia pancia mi divori! Tantomeno voglio morire insieme a voi imbranati!- Livewire ringhiò assieme al suo gorgogliante stomaco ed iniziò una battaglia senza esclusione di colpi contro la ragazza di Gotham City. Batgirl si infuriò talmente che il suo stomaco gorgogliante ruggì così forte da spaventare persino la sua nemica, che per un attimo si distrasse e fu colpita in testa dal bat-boomerang: con una mano alla tempia, tamponando la ferita che ormai si era quasi del tutto rimarginata, ed una mano al brontolante stomaco, per calmare i morsi dell'inesauribile fame, si fece scappare un VAFFANCULO! sonoro dalle sue secche labbra. La ragazza di Gotham City ghignò di gusto per averle inflitto un danno più morale che fisico, mentre la sua nemica stava osservando il terreno di battaglia: Livewire notò che la sua rivale aveva appena appoggiato i piedi nudi sul bagnasciuga. Prima che Batgirl potesse accorgersene, lei scaricò tutta la sua furia omicida, intensificata dalla fame che attanagliava il suo stomaco, sulla sua nemica tramite una scarica così potente da far piegare in due dal dolore persino Giganta! A nulla erano serviti i gadget tecnologici della giovane supereroina contro la crudeltà elettrificante della super cattiva, che uscì vincitrice da questo scontro, mentre Batgirl cadde al suolo, con un tonfo ed una maleodorante scoreggia. Il suo stomaco, bruciando all'improvviso, disperse dei gas micidiali ed eseguì una sinfonia di suoni simili a grugniti. Livewire ghignò e si massaggiò la pancia, ma prima che potesse esultare, Zatanna le scagliò un fulmine, che evitò all'ultimo. Di sottofondo, un GONG risuonò nell'aria, seguito poi dalla foto della ragazza di Gotham e dalla stessa scritta che era comparsa prima sul volto di Berry: se non si fosse capito dall'ologramma, bastava annusare l'aria, che emanava puzza di carne bruciata che, tuttavia, parve come una manna dal cielo agli occhi delle super cattive, che già si leccavano i baffi. Ancor prima che la donna gatto e la gigantessa potessero accorrere ed assaggiare il barbecue di pipistrello, una luce strana illuminò i due cadaveri, che si irradiarono come se fossero degli alberi di Natale ed iniziarono a gonfiarsi come delle mongolfiere: dei fetidi peti mossero a tal punto quei corpi, ancora caldi, da sembrare ancora vivi! Attraverso dei potenti ruggiti, quei resti vibrarono così tanto che esplosero in mille pezzi, a causa dell'emissione inaspettata dei gas di putrefazione: il continuo brontolare dei loro stomaci aveva reso i succhi gastrici attenti, dediti al lavoro a tal punto da aver peggiorato le situazioni intestinali di quelle membra rinsecchite. Di quei corpi non rimase più nulla, mentre una voce risuonò nuovamente e disse: -Tanto per essere sicuri...- Con una sonora e crudele risata, Mr Green si zittì rapidamente, allo stesso modo in cui si era palesato. Tutti si guardarono l'un l'altro e, per un attimo, le lotte si erano fermate, ma non i loro stomaci brontolanti che richiedevano attenzioni e cibo! -Sei un infame! Una crudele e patetica famelica puttana!- Zatanna urlò con tutto il fiato che aveva in corpo, mentre delle pietre iniziarono a sollevarsi intorno a lei, come proiettili pronte ad essere scagliati. Più si arrabbiava, più il suo rombante stomaco grugniva così forte da sembrare quasi un essere vivente, con pensieri propri. -Come hai potuto uccidere la mia amica? Morirai lentamente… Molto più lentamente di quanto il tuo stomaco potrebbe fare nell'autodigerirsi da solo!- Si disperò e pianse, mentre il suo potere si estendeva a macchia d'olio. Un brontolio potente le sconquassò le interiora e, per un breve periodo, la calmò. Si grattò lo stomaco gorgogliante ed imprecò: -Te la farò pagare cara! Diventerai cibo per il mio stomaco, bastarda!- La sua voce era fin troppo gutturale per una ragazza della sua età, sembrava quasi provenire dall'oltretomba! Con una mano si massaggiò la pancia brontolante, mentre l'altra la alzò, con il palmo rivolto verso il cielo, e così facendo le pietre iniziarono a girare, fino ad assemblarsi mano a mano dinanzi a lei, creando un gigantesco panciuto Golem. -Merda! Quello è enorme!- Livewire si stupì, accompagnata dalle sue budella agitate, che ruggirono dalla paura. Persino il Golem dal ventre enorme sembrava affamato e scagliò una raffica di pugni verso Leslie, che gli schivò uno ad uno, mentre si portava una mano sullo stomaco ruggente, che le implorava di essere riempito. Zee digrignò i denti, mentre un possente ruggito del suo ventre ringhiante faceva vibrare l'aria: la fame era ormai insopportabile e il suo umore ne risentiva, più di quanto si aspettasse. Un urlo, una scoreggia puzzolente, poi un ordine e il gigante di pietra le tirò un altro pugno potente: finì esattamente dove stava Livewire, che nel frattempo si era allontanata rapidamente, mentre vedeva arrivare il colpo. Per la lunga e veloce corsa, il suo stomaco le provocò dei dolorosi spasmi, che la fecero piegare in due dal dolore: imprecò e si massaggiò la pancia brontolante. Presa da una furia incontrollabile, aggravata anche dalla fame, Zatanna perse il controllo: usando tutti i suoi poteri, le lanciò contro il Golem, che si frantumò in mille pezzi sulla testa della sua nemica. Leslie si portò una mano alla tempia e vide del sangue, mentre l'altra mano le massaggiava la pancia ruggente, che cominciò ad autodistruggersi attraverso i succhi gastrici: si rese conto che per lei era finita, ma non avrebbe lasciato questo cazzo di mondo da sola! Con le poche forze rimaste nel suo corpo, Livewire lanciò un dardo elettrico sul petto di Zatanna, all'altezza del cuore, così potente da provocarle un infarto: non se l'aspettava nemmeno, perché era così concentrata a calmare la sua pancia ringhiante con pacche costanti. In un batter d'occhio, il cuore della maga si fermò e Leslie sorrise, cadendo a terra morta. Delle flatulenze da film dell'orrore si levarono dai loro cadaveri, mentre due gong si udirono e i volti delle due nemiche apparvero in cielo, sotto gli occhi increduli di Hal. Colto alla sprovvista mentre guardava l'orribile scena e si grattava lo stomaco vuoto e ringhiante, la Lanterna Verde fu abbattuto da Catwoman, con un balzo felino, ondeggiando sul suo possente torso: cercò disperatamente di farla scendere, senza usare la forza bruta, perché la sua politica anti-violenza contro le donne glielo impediva. Sbuffò e, quasi supplicandola, le ordinò: -Scendi, gattina! Lo stomaco già fa male di suo ed io non...- Prima che potesse finire la frase, Selina si sedette sul suo viso, strofinandogli il suo culo sodo contro il naso, e questa azione lo eccitò come mai prima d'ora: a pieni polmoni, ne annusò il profumo per qualche minuto, perdendosi in strane fantasie. Lei sogghignò, mentre si massaggiava la pancia ruggente per la fame, e lui si svegliò a causa del gorgoglio del suo stesso stomaco, che lo fece recuperare da quel Paradiso sensoriale e, tra peristalsi continue e brontolii, Hal buttò a terra Catwoman. Selina gli soffiò addosso, più delusa che arrabbiata, e gli graffiò il volto. Hal la guardò attraverso quel velo rosso, discendente sul suo volto: il sangue sgorgava abbondantemente e questo lo fece arrabbiare a tal punto che il suo ventre ruggì, peggio di un leone affamato. Digrignò i denti, mentre si strofinava le sue budella vuote e lamentose: -Merda, Catwoman! La mia pancia è in subbuglio e ha bisogno di cibo...- Si grattava lo stomaco ruggente e continuò -Ma ora, grazie a te!- Sottolineò quelle parole, indicandola con rabbia -Il mio volto ha bisogno di punti!- Guardò la quantità abbondante di sangue sulla sua mano, mentre accarezzava la sua pancia vuota e gemente con l'altra -Cazzo, Catwoman... Qual è il tuo problema?- Persino il suo stomaco la maledisse, con uno strano GROOOLGE, che fece sussultare la gatta: -Sto cercando di fare il BRAVO! È già difficile con questo continuo brontolare del mio stomaco... Ora ti ci metti anche tu!?- Catwoman scrollò le spalle, guardandolo dritto negli occhi annoiata, mentre si accarezzava continuamente la pancia gorgogliante, e gli rispose: -Perché no? Non si chiede ad un gatto perché ti graffia durante il gioco.... Lo prendi come un dato di fatto e basta-! Sorrise e leccò via il sangue, che colava dai suoi lunghi artigli: il suo stomaco vuoto reagì stranamente bene a quel sapore con un GLORP rumoroso. Hal guardava quella scena disgustato, ma la vista di quel fluido fece vibrare più ferocemente il suo ventre gemente, continuamente in cerca di nutrimento. Infuriato, la Lanterna Verde evocò un enorme pugno, con il quale iniziò a sconquassare il terreno: ad ogni botta assestata, il suo ventre vuoto grugniva e si dimenava come un pazzo. Catwoman prontamente schivò tutti i colpi, sempre cercando di calmare il suo ruggente pancino con delle carezze, mentre lei iniziò a provocarlo: -Tutto qui quello che sai fare!? Mi aspettavo qualcosa in più... Persino il mio pancino affamato è più feroce di te!- Sghignazzò, vedendo che il ragazzo stava perdendo la concentrazione, mentre le sue budella cominciarono ad applaudirla con un sonoro SLOOSH. La rabbia del ragazzo cresceva esponenzialmente, tanto quanto la sua fame, tra una scossa di terreno e un gorgogliare incessante del suo famelico stomaco. Lei sorrise e all'improvviso il potere dell'anello si bloccò, fermando Hal a metà di un poderoso attacco, mentre egli osservò più da vicino la sua felina nemica: -Perché mi combatti?- -Perché non dovrei?- -Maddai! Non rispondermi con un'altra domanda!- Si scrutarono per qualche minuto, mentre cercavano di calmare i loro stomaci con dei buffetti, azione che provocò loro solo degli incessanti WURGLE.. Selina sbadigliò e cercò di graffiarlo ancora una volta, ma prima che potesse agire, Hal riuscì ad usare nuovamente i poteri dell'anello per creare una fune verde con la quale immobilizzare la gatta. Alla fine, lei si ritrovò con le mani legate dietro la schiena e, sorridendo lussuriosa, fece le fusa contro il corpo muscoloso del ragazzo, che si stupì di questo gesto e delle parole della ragazza: -Non sapevo ti piacesse il BONDAGE!- Fece le fusa contenta, mentre il suo stomaco brontolava forte: -Mio padrone, potreste…- Si leccò le labbra, mentre il ragazzo deglutì eccitato -... almeno massaggiate la mia povera piccola pancia affamata?- Hal era imbarazzato ed annuì, accarezzandole dolcemente la pancia, mentre il suo stesso stomaco brontolava ferocemente più per gelosia che per fame... Inchinandosi leggermente in avanti, Selina espose meglio le sue curve, facendo impazzire Hal, che si era trattenuto fino a quel momento: prima che potesse cambiare idea, la baciò, continuando ad accarezzare il suo sottile ventre gorgogliante. La slegò, ma la tenne stretta tra le braccia, mentre i loro stomaci brontolanti si toccavano, facendosi vibrare l'un l'altro: in una strana danza di peristalsi, Selina chiuse gli occhi e si lasciò prendere da una folle passione... -Se devo morire qui, che sia per piacere e non per le convulsioni del mio stomaco famelico!- Selina sorrise ad Hal e, mentre si accarezzavano vicendevolmente le loro gorgoglianti pance, si allontanarono in fretta dagli altri: mentre una nuova lotta stava per iniziare i due amanti si perdevano tra carezze, massaggi ai loro vuoti ventri e borbottii disperati.. Nel frattempo, Giganta aveva assunto la sua massima dimensione per sferrare un calcio micidiale tra le due eroine rimaste, ovvero Wonder Woman e Supergirl, come un calciatore che tenta disperatamente di fare gol. Guardandosi intorno furtivamente, si tenne stretta entrambe le mani al suo gorgogliante stomaco per evitare che il suono profondo delle sue interiora fosse percepito dalle orecchie esperte delle sue nemiche. Le due supereroine erano troppo intende a piangere i loro amici morti, a tal punto che non si erano nemmeno accorte che Doris le stava colpendo con un calcio di una portata micidiale: entrambe vennero colpite nei loro stomaci gorgoglianti. Le loro pance emisero degli strani lamenti, più che dei profondi e dolorosi brontolii, che sfociarono in scoregge maleodoranti e peristalsi continue, seguite da sinfonie di suoni quali SLOOSH e GURRRGGLLE. Oltre al dolore e alla fame lancinanti, che facevano piegare in due le ragazze, la botta fu talmente potente che entrambe furono scagliate dall'altra parte dell'isola. Imprecarono e si lamentarono del loro destino, mentre Giganta sorrideva soddisfatta. Lei si massaggiò la pancia gorgogliante, mentre derideva le sue nemiche: - Se avessi saputo prima com'era bello calciare le vostre budella maleodoranti e vedervi così impotenti... lo avrei fatto anche prima!- Annusò il fetore a pieni polmoni, mentre si accarezzava lo stomaco brontolante, che non si fermava più dal suo continuo stato di agitazione, emettendo strani rumori -Il mio povero pancino da gigante ha bisogno di essere nutrito ed è per questo che sarò IO a vincere la sfida!!- Sorrise e il suo ventre le rispose contento con un sonoro BLOOORP, quasi come se stesse immaginando di essere riempito con le più buone prelibatezze al mondo. Giganta annuì, socchiudendo gli occhi, mentre si dava delle pacche sull'addome borbottante: -Avrai pianto per un po', mio piccolo pancino..- parlò al suo stomaco, calmandolo con promesse - Ma almeno avrò la soddisfazione di vedervi morte!- Ghignò, mentre la sua pancia gorgogliò sinistramente con un potente WROOOG. Le due supereroine si trovarono gettate contro un'enorme roccia, che si frantumò all'istante con l'impatto dei loro possenti corpi divini, ora afflosciati a terra come dei vuoti cuscini spernacchioni. Presero fiato, sempre continuando a lamentarsi sia del dolore per la botta, sia della fame incessante, tenendosi una mano allo stomaco brontolante. Cercarono di alzarsi lentamente, guardandosi negli occhi, mentre da lontano udivano le risate poco piacevoli della loro pantagruelica nemica. Le loro gorgoglianti pance si contorsero dal dolore e dalla fame, che si faceva via via sempre più insistente, a tal punto da renderle quasi folli: -ADESSO BASTA!- Urlò Supergirl, i cui occhi si tinsero di un rosso fuoco, seguita dalla sua pancia rombante: -Mi sono rotta le palle di stare qui su quest'isola di merda!- Kara si sentiva impotente e la fame, che attanagliava il suo gorgogliante stomaco, non giovava al suo umore, che continuava a peggiorare: non sembrava più la pacata e riflessiva ragazza di un tempo, ma assomigliava di più ad una detenuta evasa dalla dimensione fantasma, un po' come Zod. Il suo stomaco si rivoltò dalla rabbia con continui e perseveranti borbottii, che diventavano mano mano sempre più feroci e simili a dei ruggiti di una potente bestia in preda a una fame inarrestabile. La ragazza di Krypton si massaggiò per bene la pancia gorgogliante, mentre imprecava contro la sua nemica: -Vengo pure presa per il culo da quella grandissima troia! La ammazzerò!- Urlò, indicando Doris, che stava ridendo e ruttando contemporaneamente, sempre massaggiandosi il suo enorme ventre gorgogliante. Si guardò il suo ventre piatto, che sporgeva dal suo costume, e notò che le sue budella si muovevano talmente tanto da farle vibrare tutto quanto l'addome: emise un sonoro e fetido rutto, applaudito da un feroce ruggito del suo stomaco, che decise di autodigerirsi. Sbuffò, accarezzandosi l'addome borbottante e disse: -Ho troppa fame! Il mio stomaco è diventato il mio peggior nemico ora!- Digrignò i denti, mentre diede delle pacche alla sua pancia borbottante, promettendole: -Le mie budella vogliono essere riempite ed IO ho TUTTA l'intenzione di NUTRIRMI! Vincerò e avrò TUTTO IL CIBO che voglio!- Si alzò di scatto, grattandosi la pancia gorgogliante e volò più veloce della luce contro lo stomaco della sua gigantesca nemica, mentre Wonder Woman era confusa da quella nuova sua identità. Colpita allo stomaco, Giganta imprecò, portandosi una mano alla sua gorgogliante pancia, che rilasciò tutti i gas in un'enorme flatulenza, che si allargava a vista d'occhio su tutta quanta l'isola: -Porcatroia, che male!- Si piegò in due dal dolore, mentre dei suoni gutturali risuonavano all'interno del suo ventre ruggente. Guardo dritto negli occhi Supergirl e si spaventò: le sue pupille erano completamente dilatate e suoi iridi erano di fuoco, come sotto l'influsso della kryptonite rossa. Balbettando la gigantessa la ammonì: -Tu... tu.. sei buona.. non puoi... anche se... NO!- La sua pancia brontolò, come per darle ragione, e, mentre si accarezzava il ventre brontolante, la supplicò: -Ti prego... ho fame! Il mio stomaco necessita di cibo... molto più del tutto.. Non vivrò a lungo, SE..- Ma prima di poter finire la frase, Kara ghignò così forte da far vibrare ancor più le sue budella impazzite: -Di sicuro morirai... MA PER MANO MIA!! Ed il mio stomaco sarà l'unico a riempirsi!!!- Rise crudelmente, mentre si accarezzava lo stomaco borbottante. Giganta ritornò nella sua forma umana, cercando un riparo, invano: Supergirl prese la mira e usò la sua vista laser per tagliare in due la sua nemica, all'altezza dell'addome. Le budella di Doris si sparsero ovunque, continuando a vibrare ed emettere strani lamenti: la gigantessa a terra morta, mentre le sue interiora continuavano a borbottare, come una pentola di fagioli. Supergirl ansimò, mentre la sua gorgogliante pancia esultava con un borbottio senza fine, che si attenuò leggermente quando la accarezzò dolcemente: -Saresti un'ottima cattiva!- La voce di Mr Green riecheggiò, seguita da una risata, mentre un GONG avvisava di un'altra morte. Hal e Selina, sistemandosi i vestiti, accorsero verso l'amazzone, che stava ancora allibita dinanzi alla scena cruenta che la sua amica aveva appena compiuto. I due amanti le chiesero cosa fosse successo, ma lei era talmente scossa da non sentire nemmeno più i morsi della fame. Un lampo di luce blu colpì il corpo di Giganta, che evaporò rilasciando una serie di nauseabonde scoregge, sotto gli occhi increduli degli altri. Erano così tanto affamati che quella puzza tremenda era come l'aroma più buono al mondo: come invitati ad un banchetto nuziale, essi osservarono la scena, mentre le loro pance gorgogliavano incessantemente. Wonder Woman non riusciva a capacitarsi come la sua amica kryptoniana fosse diventata un vero e proprio mostro: non sembrava più la ragazza di un tempo, gentile e premurosa, che di fronte a un tale scempio avrebbe cercato il colpevole! Ora stava lì immobile, a stiracchiarsi le braccia, ruttando come un orco, mentre il suo stomaco vuoto borbottava, richiedendo del cibo, come se non fosse successo niente. Hal e Selina, sempre massaggiandosi le pance gorgoglianti, scossero Diana per le spalle, cercando di farla uscire dalla sua trance, che neppure il suo stomaco affamato riusciva a smuovere nemmeno tramite i suoi continui borbottii. Nel frattempo, Supergirl stava osservando da dove provenisse il lampo, per cercare di capire se vi era un'ultima via di fuga da quell'isola infernale: vide che c'era una cannone laser, posto nel punto più alto, ma nessuna uscita. Sbuffò arrabbiata, mentre si accarezzava il suo ben definito ventre, che richiedeva continuamente di essere riempito con incessanti implorazioni, che sfociarono in un peto maleodorante. L'odore nauseabondo fece quasi svenire gli altri tre superstiti, che si piegarono in due: con una mano al viso per evitare di respirare quel tanfo ed una allo stomaco, che al contrario reagì molto bene a quell'aroma di carne e fetida e succhi gastrici, brontolando come un bambino capriccioso.. All'improvviso, Kara si voltò, sempre accarezzandosi la pancia gorgogliante, e puntò Selina, come un toro inferocito pronto ad incornare il torero: tuttavia, fu immobilizzata da Wonder Woman, che usò il suo Lazo della Verità, afferrandola per le caviglie. Supergirl cadde a terra, imprecando: per la botta con il terreno, la sua pancia sparò una serie di raffiche mortali, mentre le sue budella si contorcevano attraverso suoni mai uditi prima. La fune dorata provocò diverse reazioni in Kara, che iniziò a vomitare una verità dietro l'altra, mentre il suo volto si deformava per le continue espressioni: da furiosa a triste, fino ad una pazzia, che le sconvolse lo stomaco, gorgogliando come un disperato. Conscia di ciò che aveva fatto, Supergirl pianse ininterrottamente, mentre il suo stomaco continuava a gorgogliare, odiando di non essere stato ancora riempito. Wonder Woman la confortò e l'abbracciò, stringendola così forte da farla quasi soffocare: per la pressione di quel gesto così affettuoso, il ventre rombante della kryptoniana emise un forte peto maleodorante. Le due amiche sorrisero tristemente, mentre si accarezzavano il loro vuoti stomaci, che ruggivano come leoni affamati. Nel frattempo, Hal e Selina, ancora avvinghiati l'uno all'altra, si baciarono e si massaggiarono le loro pance piatte, che ringhiavano disperatamente: ogni tanto qualcuno si lamentava ancora del cibo, tra una flatulenza pestilenziale e un forte rutto puzzolente, mentre le ore passavano lente. I quattro sopravvissuti si guardarono l'un l'altro: i loro volti erano emaciati, le loro mani tremanti accarezzavano i loro stomaci gorgoglianti, mentre le loro budella ringhiavano ferocemente per essere riempite. Non si poteva fare nulla per loro: erano consapevoli della loro prossima morte! Erano finalmente tutti in pace con se stessi e con gli altri: decisero di sedersi vicini sulla sabbia e di guardare il cielo limpido, in attesa della loro inevitabile fine, che non ci volle molto ad arrivare... LA FINE |
THE SLAVE ♬… On the path unwinding, yeah In the circle, the circle of life…♬ Wonderful as always! Every time I watch it, I can't do anything but cry... I think as I wipe the usual nostalgic tear, while "The Lion King" ends on my DVD player. I sigh, looking out the airplane window: from the snow-covered Italian mountain landscape to these wide fire-colored wild glades. -Yikes! I still don't believe it!- I show off all my joy, crushing my face against the porthole to memorize every detail, while the airplane makes its long descent to Wilson Airport: I've been hoping to visit Kenya for years and I am finally here, as a New Year's gift, after months and months of quarantine... It was really necessary! A total change, after that mess! I ponder, recalling the bad times that I have passed through, while I sigh chasing away the bad memories: -I am here… Now… At last... And I will see the Herd Lands!- I giggle, well aware that my thoughts are innocent child imagination: however it's a dream come true to find myself in such an unknown place, yet dear to me, which evokes my favorite cartoon's landscapes! A robotic voice orders us to fasten our seatbelts as the plane lands, and I am surprised to find that the airport is smaller than I expected. Finally, after eight long hours of flying, I can get off this metal behemoth and stretch my ankylosed legs. I lie down, greet and thank the flight attendants, who give me a welcoming nod. Shortly after, an energetic black man chewing on a strange English with a French accent, takes my luggage, showing me his perfectly white teeth: -Come on, boss! Moses shows you your place to rest!- I follow him, smiling up to a small ramshackle Honda N600, with an undefined color: I have to get into this trap!? I question myself, as I wonder how this mountain of ebony muscles can get into that little polluting grinder, but to my surprise, after having put my bags in the trunk, Moses stays behind the wheel without any problem, inviting me to sit in the back seats. The cockpit smells of tobacco, sweat and gasoline so much that I feel nauseous; I try to lower a window with the crank, in vain: -Excuse me, Mr Moses...- -Only Moses, boss!- -All right, Moses... Could you please roll down the window?- The chocolate man peers at me in the rearview mirror with his dark eyes, nodding and lowers both windows in front of me: -Is that better, boss?- I sling myself as close as possible to the nearest one and breathe a sigh of relief: -Thank you, Moses!- With no little effort, my chauffeur turns on the engine of his damaged car and we shakily get out from the airport gate, squeaking like an old steam locomotive: I cling to the unstable doorknob, praying that it will hold me long enough to get unharmed to my quarters... My driver smiles and turns on the radio, which croaks incomprehensible sounds and, with an equally indecipherable language, Moses seems to curse the old radio, which he turns off with a fist, making me jump in my seat: -Excuse me, boss. Old radio to fix...- -Allright... No worries, Moses!- We look at each other through the rearview mirror, smiling. The unbearable heat begins to make itself felt in this wheelbarrow, which barely walks, and I am tired of the long journey and the previously sleepless night. I take my mobile out my pockets and type the distance between the airport and the Dafam Hotel: Less than 2km!? I carefully look at the route taken on Google Maps and calculate the vehicle's forward speed: In theory, we should have already arrived... I wave a pamphlet that I use as a fan, trying unsuccessfully to lower the heat I feel, hoping that this jalopy will get me safely to my lodge: -When will we be in...?- Before I can finish the sentence, my driver parks in an arid clearing, in front of something more like a school than a hotel: -Here, we are!- -Finally!- I thank Moses and leave him a tip, before he trots off all happy as he helps me carry my luggage to the reception desk, where I finally get the key to my room, which will be my home for the next two weeks. There, I get a little sheet of paper with all the schedules handwritten down, the possible activities and those essential phone numbers, as well as the password for the free Wify. Moses greets me and starts chatting with the receptionist, who doesn't care about me anymore, as I stagger up the stairs with my big luggage, hoping to reach soon my apartment, where I will probably stay until late afternoon: A shower and a good rest.... That's what I need now! I breathe a sigh of relief as soon as I open the door: -I thought it was worse!- I look around me: the room has only one single bed, placed near the only window, to which are installed thick mosquito nets. The curtains surround both the window frames and the bed. A small table and a chair, too old even for termites, and a semi-new electric stove on top of a still functioning mini-bar. A large closet on which is placed an old television: I turn it on and, much to my surprise, it works fine, although there are no channels with a language I know. I turn it off. I put down my mobile and my luggage, I lock the door and open a small door in front of the bed: The bathroom I suppose... I was stunned to see how cramped it was, to the point that it barely contained a sink and toilet: -And where do I fucking shower? Damn it!- Frustrated, I take the useful numbers, call the reception and ask for information about it: the receptionist answers me that the shower is in common and is located on the second floor, just before going out in the garden. That answer visibly shocks me: Seriously!? We're off to a basic start! I puff, trying to control myself: I am here for a photo safari and to observe my favorite cartoon's locations! I repeat this sentence in my head, like a mantra, trying to calm me down, as I grab everything I need to take a nice shower, before I rush to the common bathroom, where there is an incredible tail and an intoxicating stench of sweat and mold. I concentrate to not think about anything and wait my turn. After hours in a row and one to take a decent shower with at least hot water, I go back to my room: I've just enough time to get dressed and go eat. I walk down the stairs, cursing as I jump up the steep and broken steps one by one, until I reach a huge room, similar to a tavern in the movies of the 70s: the smell of spices and meats unknown to me tickles my nose and makes my empty belly gurgle, hoping to taste the delicacies of those places so far away. The sumptuous dinner ends late and I look at the clock on the wall in front of me: 11:30 p.m. Damn, I have to hurry up! Tomorrow the safari starts! I think, as I apologize to the others, saying goodbye to the rest of the group, and leave the room, yawning. As soon as I am finally alone, I sigh and throw myself on the bed, squeaking heavily under my weight. I get up and inspect it: No springs destroyed, no cracked wooden axes, no bugs and no stains! Great smell of clean sheets! I am pleased to note that at least the bed and its linen are impeccable. I put on my pajamas, brush my teeth and slip under the wool blankets, sleeping like a child, lulled by the African melodies, as I dream blissfully... The next morning, I get up early and strangely well rested, I put on my safari suit with my camera around my neck and my charged mobile in my shorts pocket. I check everything one last time, before I put on my pouch and boots. After closing the door of my hotel room, I lock it up and swoop into the dining room where, after a hearty breakfast, my group and I wait for the driver and the tour guide. After about ten interminable minutes, I see Moses arriving together with a beautiful mulatto woman with fire-colored hair, named Tara: she introduces herself as our tour guide and warns us not to get lost, because she doesn't want to have a stain on her immaculate resume. I hear a veiled sarcasm mixed with reality in her voice and I wonder what would happen to me if I had to leave the group and never find my way back... A shiver runs down my spine, but I immediately get away from that bad feeling, the moment I get on the huge off-road vehicle, brand new: A huge change from yesterday's cart! I think, satisfied that all will be ok today, as the jeep hurtles toward the pristine horizon. The dirt road ahead is surrounded by arid clumps of wheat-colored grass, from which bare trees and sunburnt bushes emerge. From a distance, I can see the vast mountain range of Kilimanjaro spontaneously offering itself to my eyes, under the warm rays of a newly risen sun. CLICK CLICK I turn to my left and I see the Chinese couple are immortalizing a lazy giraffe walking in the middle of that tall dry grass. I bring the camera to my eyes, I focus on the long-necked animal, zooming in until I can identify its amber eyes. One shot and... CLANG A thud against the vehicle door and a long incessant hissing sound. PPPFIUUUUUUUUUU The car suddenly stops, under the curses of Moses, who gets out of the vehicle, giving it a good kick. He talks to Tara, who shakes her head and calls someone on the radio, who immediately answers. She huffs and turns around, explaining the situation: -Good thing we have a flat tire and no spare. We will have to camp nearby, waiting for help, which should arrive in about forty minutes...- We all look at each other, panicked, but she gives us a silent nod: -Calm down! Stay together and you won't get lost! In the meantime, I'll show you more closely the animals of the reserve...- A sigh of relief, followed by a HURRAY! At that moment, a question spontaneously forms in my mind, and before I can ask it decently, my tongue betrays me: -Are we going to see hyenas, too?- I ask the guide, who shrugs her shoulders: -I don't think so!- Tara answers me succinctly, without hesitation, shaking her fiery hair -In this time of year, hyenas keep to themselves raising their cubs.... - I nod, disappointed. I look around, like a poor child in the middle of a candy factory, and what I see is a wonderful play of light and color. The landscape is incredibly fascinating and romantic at the same time, almost painted by an Impressionist, with warm strokes of red and yellow: everything is flooded by an intense light, illuminating the land with a vigorous fire-color, which is reflected on my skin soaked with sweat. The pleasantly warm air and the chirping of the multicolored birds, mixed with the melodious sound of the tree branches, moved by the warm Arabian wind, relaxes me and at the same time evokes distant sensations and memories: Yet… All this is strangely familiar to me! A little further from where our vehicle jammed, I see several animals chasing the sun, which rests lightly on the landscape, rhythmically alternating between jungle foliage and dry savanna shrubs. A few dozen yards away, I notice a few wildebeests feeding and basking in the shade of acacias, while a herd of lionesses keeps an eye out for possible suitors for their meal. In the middle of the wide golden-colored clearing, curious giraffes approach the puddles ruled by hippos, who are relaxing among the majestic roots of the thousand-year-old mangroves. In the background, some zebras are drinking near a puddle of water, while I see the armed spikes of a crocodile, ready for an ambush on the nearest prey. How wonderful! I think to myself, sighing and wondering how the silence of such an uncontaminated nature can be deafening, cadenced only by the life of animals in the wild, now accustomed to humans, who in this place play only the role of observers and guests. In the midst of that symphony of sounds, I clearly hear a particular cry: the almost damnable laughter of a few hyenas, a real call to perdition! Melodious and annoying at the same time, just like the diabolical song of a siren, it drives me crazy and, without thinking, I follow it, unable to stop. I turn around to identify each member of my group, guide and driver included, to choose the right moment to escape: they are all intent on preparing a camp or chatting and I take my freedom, setting off at a fast pace, but without making any noise. Before they know I'm gone, I've already disappeared into the knee-high grass and I drop to the ground, crawling behind a tall rock. The camera makes too much noise and I reluctantly leave it there. I stop for a few seconds to watch the group shouting my name, looking for me in vain: however, while being aware of the stupid action I am about to do, I venture into the heart of the savannah, following the laughter of those predators, so dear to me! After a good half hour of walking, I stop under the regenerative foliage of an old baobab, on which I see a familiar outline of a mandrill passing by, jumping from branch to branch: Rafiki...!? Surprised I wonder, but my attention is immediately caught by a giant boulder in the distance: Oh My God… I don't believe it! That's the Kings' Rock!!! My amazement is so great, as if I were in front of a kitten video on Youtube, that my feet advance on their own along that path unknown to me, yet so familiar. However, before arriving in the land of lions, I come across a hyena, on all fours on the ground and ready to jump on a gazelle, which until a few minutes before was basking in the sun. I hold my breath and move closer to get a better look at it: Oddly enough, the colors are just like the ones in the cartoon.... I think, aware that spotted hyenas are brown, to better blend in with their surroundings. Yet that mammal is gray, with spots tending to black and very wide flanks: A female, in all likelihood! I take a closer look at her, enraptured by her majesty: a beast of such rare beauty, a deadly predator, with a power not to be outdone, of such size and ferocity as to equal even lions. I am interested into one of her mane's tufts, which forms almost a fringe on her prominent muzzle: -I don't believe it...!- As soon as words escape me, the gazelle runs away from its inauspicious fate, as- the hyena notices my presence and turns around, causing me to wince: -It's her!- My happiness can no longer be contained and I rejoice, applauding her magnificence: What the hell are you doing, you idiot? You scared the hell out of my breakfast! The amazement is immense and I don't know if it's because I'm in front of SHENZI, or because a hyena is talking to me: Are you deaf as well as stupid? Answer when I ask you a question! I swallow my saliva and nod, realizing that I'm totally succumbing to her dominance: -I...Um...- I'm nervous and I stutter: it's not every day that you can have a conversation with an animal, of which you are totally passionate. I clear my throat and inhale, while the hyena looks at me doubtful and at the same time interested with her very intelligent amber eyes: -I am here to meet you...- Shenzi sneers and asks me: Do you want to meet me? Are you sure? I nod, admitting that I've always had a soft spot for her and this revelation of mine throws her off a bit: Why me and not those beautiful lions? Like, for example, the cute Simba, or the gentle Sarabi, or even that good King Mufasa! Each name is followed by a grimace that mimics the characters' behavior, and I respond without thinking twice, shaking my head: -The good guys are loved by everyone, it's too easy! I prefer the bad guys!- I smile, as my beautiful hunter nods, pleased with my answer: MAYBE THEN... Even a stinking human scum like you can do my bidding! She giggles and I read predatory malice in her eyes, which really turns me on. Shenzi sniffs the air and suddenly jumps on top of me, landing: I think she has captured my state of pleasure and, to my immense and pleasant surprise, I observe her from a short distance: Up close she is even more beautiful! I think, as I study every part of her wonderful body. Her pseudopenis is so long that it rubs against my erect phallus, between my linen shorts, and the sensation is strange and pleasant at the same time. She laughs with relish and reaches her gaping jaws out in front of my eyes: I am petrified, between a mixture of terror and pleasure. Suddenly, without warning, she turns around and asses me in the face: I watch the rocking of her hips, lulling me into perverse imaginary worlds. Then, she lays her hairy and smelly ass directly on my nose, while with one paw she almost grabs my penis: Mine is much bigger.... And I'm a female! Is it just you who has such an insignificant little cock, or is it just normal for your useless race? And so saying, she moves her ass to make me better feel the stinking smell of rotten meat, mixed with feces and strange secretions: I inhale at the top of my lungs what for other humans could be a nauseating stench, while for me is a hypnotic scent of pure ecstasy. I feel my consciousness and my free will get confused and lost, while his intoxicating scent penetrates my lungs with every breath. Shenzi smiles contentedly: Let my anal putrescence permeate you, you little hairless ape! And become MY SLAVE! I can't breathe: the hyena keeps weighing more and more on my face and, trying to get air, I move my lips, moistening her asshole, which expresses its gratitude with a wet and fetid fart. I am surprised by its square shape, near which I notice two spherical balls, similar to the testicles of a chihuahua, and I lightly pass my tongue over that small orifice. My dominatrix moans with pleasure and I, more aroused than I thought, begin to lick her anus, well aware that I am nothing more than the ghost of who I was. You wanted to get to know me better, didn't you? I nod, continuing to lick her tasty hole, while the hyena teases me: You're shit, that's why you're sticking it to my ass! I can't hold back any longer: between insults, smelly farts and domination I find myself completely at her mercy and ejaculate in my shorts. My Torturer snickers: You miserable humans... You consider yourselves above it all! Let Shenzi show you your place in the food chain! With a wicked laugh, Shenzi lifts her ass up and stands right over my mouth: I can totally see what she wants me to do and instead of freaking out, I find myself turned on again. Say AH! I follow the order and open my oral cavity as wide as I can to take in the huge hot putrid chocolate my partner is defecating: Just as I suspected! A real toilet! You're even lower than a shit from the parasite of my ticks! In this sentence, I feel an explosion of pleasure never felt before, almost painful.... I've always loved dominant females, and the humiliation that comes with it, in being treated like scum, but now.... Here I am! I am nothing but what My Hairy Mistress wants! I can hear the murmurs and laughter of My Divine Shenzi, who goes out of her way to shit anything in my mouth, using it as her personal toilet: Screw it... This zebra has remained indigestible to me! I can hear My Queen farting with every turd that comes out of her wonderful orifice, and I notice the bones coming out of her asshole: Come on, you bastard! Use those appendages to help me! Another sonorous flatulence, even more powerful than the previous ones, causes My Dominatrix to gnash her teeth, scratching me at the exposed part of my legs: You idiot, can't you see I'm in pain? HURRY UP! The order is given to me with no small amount of effort, between grunting and fierce panting, due to a huge intestinal sacrifice, while I give her my help: I reach out and grab what I think is a femur. I pull with all the strength I have in my slender body. The heavy burden of calcium is removed and I feel a not inconsiderable satisfaction from My Goddess, who breathes a sigh of relief, finishing with the last huge, steaming piece of shit on me: Ah, what a huge shit! I feel so good now! One last smelly fart, bringing me to the edge of excitement: NOW, CLEAN ME UP! I finish swallowing the last bits of putrid chocolate in my mouth, wipe myself with the sleeve of my once snow-white linen outfit, and sit down, holding myself as close as I can to My Queen's dirty ass: -I obey- I begin to lick slowly around her orifice, removing the last bits of shit, stuck to her fur, like desperate castaways clinging to lifeboats. I swallow happily, as I ejaculate for the umpteenth time. I hear My Hairy Mistress laugh as she stomps on my testicles. The pain brings me to a new level of ecstasy and I feel a new hot stream coming out. My beautiful torturer smells my cum, so she decides to lick the nectar off my cock, from above my shorts: It tastes good! At least something good, you have....! She grins and I'm happy. I continue my job of purging, not missing a spot, just like a good plumber would. When I realize that I have cleaned everything properly, I decide to devote myself to it: after all, after this immense shit, surely My Divine Muse will need a good washing! I get ready to do my slave duty: I insert the tip of my tongue into her anus, twist and turn it, pushing it deeper and deeper: Oh, you like cleaning my ass! KEEP GOING, YOU LITTLE BITCH! I hear cries of pleasure from My Dominatrix, and I continue undaunted, as ordered. I savor with relishing the bits of digested food that have stuck to my tongue, and then I go deeper and deeper into her rectum, licking the mucus that has formed after that brisk peristalsis. My Goddess Shenzi pushes her ass more and more against my ravenous face, giving herself completely to my care, which gets deeper and deeper each time: In a past life, you must have been a dung beetle! You like shit too much! She grins with satisfaction, while insulting me: I moan, similar to the mooing of a calf looking for its favorite udder, while I finish cleaning her wonderful ass. I pull out my tongue, now pitch black, running it all over her palate, like tasting a fine vintage wine. Then I kiss my lady's anus and observe my work: I nod to myself, feeling satisfied. -Your slave has finished, My Mistress!- I smile blissfully as My Queen praises me, pleased: -What more can I do for you, My Divine?- I ask, anxiously awaiting my new task, which however is late in arriving, because the expert ears of My Hairy Matron pick up something: from afar, in fact, I see lionesses running towards us and I understand that My Goddess is in danger! -My Lady, we must leave!- Shenzi growls and then beckons me to run away with her. I run as fast as I can, trying to keep up with My Lady's trot, but the laces on my boots come loose and I fall on my ass: -Fuck, that hurt!- I rub my butt, as my Mistress warns me: Hurry up, you idiot! I don't want those stinking lionesses to catch us! I stand up, nodding. As I run, I take off my shoes and throw them at my attackers, hitting one who roars in pain. My running partner smiles broadly and compliments my aim, prompting me to increase the pace of my run: Come on, you filthy slug, move! I don't want to leave my slave in the clutches of those whores! If you're going to be someone's meal, it better be mine! At the mere thought of becoming part of My Lady, I get excited and speed up like an athlete's sprint on the last lap of his marathon. The chase lasts about ten minutes, between hide-and-seek and various zigzag movements, until we reach a barren, not-so-sunny clearing. The lionesses stop, roaring a NEVER AGAIN! and return to their lands, leaving me and My Dominatrix alone again. I look at that godforsaken place, where hundreds of immense pachyderm skeletons stretch as far as the eye can see, all surrounded by brush and thorny shrubs. I always thought that the elephant cemetery was nothing more than an African legend, describing this secret place where elderly elephants instinctively headed at the end of their lives, to die far from the herd: I never expected to see it live! In such an inaccessible valley, there was an immense amount of ivory: a real treasure that would make even the most honest man in the world greedy. Some of My Queen's companions approach curious to see a human in their territory, looking suspiciously at each other; however, My Divine Goddess howls and immediately silences them: This scrap of human flesh is MINE! She growls and her subordinates, bowing their heads, return to where they were before our arrival. All is calm again and I get excited for the umpteenth time, realizing that My Lady is the alpha female of the pack: my life completely depends on her and on following her orders. I smile contentedly at being below everyone in this hierarchical chain. While I'm deep in thought, Shenzi orders me to follow her into a pool of sulfur, whose smell like rotten eggs, and then make me undress. Excited and a little embarrassed, I carry out the imposed order. I put a hand to my head, to take off my white panama, but I realize only now that I'm not wearing it anymore: No harm done, I won't need it! I think, smiling, as My Divine watches me from head to toe throughout my striptease: I unbutton my shirt and throw it on the floor, then toss my fanny pack. A little further on, I peek at some curious young hyenas, interested in examining that new object. I smile and cast a languid glance at My Dominatrix, who orders me to continue: Hurry up, invertebrate! I haven't got all day! I bite my lip, excited. A trickle of sweat runs down my hairy chest and I begin to unbuckle my belt, which I throw at my Matron's feet: I look at her curiously and read something perverse in her amber eyes. I'm about to take off my shorts, which I slip off along with my black boxers and socks, sweaty and dirty from running barefoot in the savannah. I sigh and before plunging into the puddle, my mistress approaches me and takes a look at my member, fully erect: What a strange cock! She looks at it, perplexed, and sniffs it again: the warm air, emanating from her truffle, tickles my glans and, before I can even moan, I ejaculate on her muzzle: WADDAFUK! She exclaims, trying to remove my sperm with her paw, to no avail. She snarls, looking at me fiercely: COME ON! CLEAN ME WITH YOUR TONGUE! Embarrassed by the mistake I made, I nod and kneel before her. I take her head gently in my hands, caressing it, and lick away every single drop of my salty nectar. It takes me a while to get rid of that viscosity of mine and I ask her forgiveness: -It wasn't my intention to...- However, before I can finish the sentence, My Mistress stops me and throws me to the ground, jaws gaping before my eyes, and with a fierce growl, warns me sternly, cadencing every word: NEVER AGAIN! Don't you ever dare to think, say or do anything again without my permission! The same goes for your body! She stares at me cruelly and then continues: WHEN and IF I want to keep you or eat you, it's up to ME! I nod excitedly and feel my aching cock get hard again: In all my life I NEVER thought I would have so many erections in one day! My aroused manhood touches the pseudopenis of My Goddess who, spitting on me, gives me Her Inviolable Order: YOU MUST SATISFY ME ALWAYS AND EVER! Aware of this Supreme Law, I agree with My Furry Lady, who laughs and pushes me towards those natural bath, where I can wash myself. These healing waters are so warm, giving me some relief after that wild ride in the hot sun. I close my eyes and relax, lying down in that tub and cleaning myself well, as My Mistress requires. I hear her snicker and open my eyes: to my amazement, I notice that My Mistress takes my belt and brings it to me. I watch her, intrigued, as she orders me to put it on! -My Goddess, shall I put it on my waist?- I ask confused, but respectfully. My Lady rolls her eyes and shakes her head, snorting: How stupid are you, from 1 to 100!? Obviously, you have to tie it DIRECTLY around your neck! She hands me the belt, which I take, and I try to figure out how to do it: I think the only way is to use it as a necktie. I tie a very tight knot, leaving one part dangling. -My Queen, is this okay?- I ask and show her my work: Do you feel it tight, asshole? I nod, she sneers: Excellent! Now that you're clean, I'll take you for a walk, DOG! LET'S GO! I get up in a moment, I shake off the water and go to My Dominatrix, who looks at me puzzled: Since when are dogs bipeds? I nod and get down on all fours, barking: Much better, DOG! Shenzi reaches around my neck, grabs the excess part of the belt and pulls me closer, using it just like a leash: I feel the excitement rise as I shake my ass, as if to wag my tail. I bark with my tongue out. She grunts: What a bitch in heat you are! My Divine crawls me for a while and takes me to an area where fresh holes and mounds of dirt alternate. Then she stops in front of a dead tree: Come on, piss! I don't want your trash in my den! I get down on my knees and take my erect cock in my hand, massaging it for a while: I need to cum more than I need to piss, knowing that this is a very risky action and almost impossible to perform at the moment. However, feeling My Furry Mistress' eyes on me, I urinate against the bush. She looks at me, shaking her head: Is that how you piss, you hairless monkeys!? I bark, nodding my head. She sighs and shows me how hyenas do it. It's similar to how cats behave: she digs a hole in the ground, then pisses through an almost invisible opening under her anus and finally covers it with a layer of dirt, throwing some on me. She smiles and puts me on top of her urinal and makes me lie down so that I absorb all her pee. She climbs on top of me and finishes urinating right on top of my cock which, feeling the warm spray, almost vibrates: I can't take it anymore. I'm itching to fuck! I think, as I bite my lips so hard they bleed. I gasp and moan, bringing my hand to my erect penis, which I massage with an intense touch along its entire length. My Divine Matron looks at me and, after having me carefully lick her wet orifice, gives me a moment of pleasure, never experienced before! She licks my cock, just as if it were a succulent piece of meat: the sensation is pleasant and strange at the same time, with that warm and moist wrinkled tongue, sliding and moving around my glans. Then My Goddess takes my manhood into her mouth and sucks it greedily, being careful not to bite me with her razor sharp teeth. The stings of her canines on my foreskin are pure ecstasy and those few drops of blood, flowing blissfully, are pleasurable. Before I can cum in her throat, she shifts and looks me straight in the eye: This is what whores of your kind do, isn't it? ...Or am I wrong, you dwarf baboon subspecies!!!? I nod, trying to control myself, but my orgasmic state is such that I break into a cold sweat and I beg her: -My Divine, please...- I tremble between convulsions of pleasure and shivers at my vile request -I beg you, My Queen, I am at your mercy.... BUT...- The hyena scrutinizes me perplexed and growls: Who gave you permission to speak? I apologize, almost feverish with the pain of that pleasant and humiliating domination; however, I notice my mistress giggling, before sighing: Allright, you've been a good loo! My eyes glaze over at that very unexpected assessment, as she expresses her full agreement: I'll give you a fuck! That's what you want, isn't it? I nod, thinking of one need: becoming one with My Furry Mistress! Giving herself to me, my Goddess Shenzi turns around, showing me her ass, and taking my cock inside her pseudopenis, just as she would in a mating between her peers. I desperately advance inside that hot conduit of pure perdition and ecstasy. I thrust my pelvis upward, more and more rhythmically, rotating my hips slightly, so as to penetrate deeper and deeper. My Mistress howls with pleasure as she leans toward me to better receive my cock. With almost convulsive movements, I try to reach the bottom of that immense channel to be fertilized. A wave of wet heat caresses my dick, which pulses as if it wanted to explode at any moment. I feel her pseudopenis greedily enveloping me, sucking in my balls as well: it's pleasantly painful! I hear My Furry Domina moaning with pleasure and swearing at the same time. I don't hold back anymore and, moaning, I ejaculate inside her cozy shaft, releasing a considerable amount of sperm. I fall to the floor, helpless and satisfied, while My Lady tries to shake off my cum, in vain. She becomes angry, as I become sad: See if you can get all this disgusting slime off me! I don't want to keep this filthy cum of yours inside me! I nod, still reeling from that insane passion. I try to get up, unsuccessfully. Every muscle in my body is in pain: some from that desperate hurry, some from that irrational desire. My Divine Muse snorts and grabs me by the collar, knocking me against a nearby boulder, on which I barely lean, and I sit up, with no small amount of effort: My balls hurt, I cum so much! I massage my poor testicles, as My Matron brings her pseudopenis in front of my face and urges me to clean it: HURRY UP, YOU PARASITE! I blush, nodding, as I think: If they had told me that ONE DAY I would be drinking MY OWN CUM, I would have told them ALL to FUCK OFF! INSTEAD, LOOK AT ME NOW! I smile happily, as I gently grasp My Divine's pseudopenis, which I gently massage downward. I milk it well, sucking it greedily, like a hungry foal attached to its favorite udder. I extend a finger to My Goddess' clit, slightly above her fleshy extension, and rub it. My Furry Muse moans and cums directly on my face. Happy with the result, I lick and suck it. Then, I go back to cleaning the canal full of my cum, which is now slowly beginning to dry up. Minutes pass and I begin to feel cold, moving slightly away from the stone, which had been acting as a backrest until now. However, chills begin to pervade my sweaty body, still in the throes of pleasure. I realize that our shadows have merged into one big black mass and, to my amazement, I look up at the sky: the sun has set over the elephants' cemetery, which was illuminated by a soft fiery light few hours ago, is now dark and cold. My Domina tilts her muzzle and agrees with me: Yes, from noon on, it is cold here! It's time to go home! I bark, returning to my dog role, and let My Furry Lady lead me to her quarters. Before I get up, My Queen throws dirt on me, sprays a strange secretion on my hairy abdomen, and bites the inside of my right shoulder: I groan between pain and pleasure. My Mistress snickers in delight and sits on top of me, rubbing her wonderful ass on my face, to better leave her scent behind: From now on you are MY SLAVE! You will NEVER leave this place! Emphasizing these words, I am filled with a wonderful feeling of belonging, mixed with excitement and complacency at having achieved my dream: to become one with my childhood furry crush. Thus, My Goddess continues to explain to me: My every desire for you will be an order and a pleasure to be fulfilled! I mumble, unable to speak because of her huge pseudopenis she puts back in my mouth and which I suck greedily, causing spasms of pleasure to My Mistress, who praises me for my performance and promises me: If you are good slave, I will allow you to mate with me! Just hearing these words, I have an erection that I have never had before in all my useless life, lived in total dissatisfaction: however, from now on it would have been different, since I would have had My Divine Shenzi, who would have taken care of me and punished me for the rest of my days! Her promise to have her all to myself, even if only for a short time, is a source of extreme joy: the mere idea that a filthy slave like me could penetrate the body of a divine creature, like My Goddess Mistress, is both pleasing and painful at the same time. More aroused than ever, I continue to lick her humors, which intoxicate and totally confuse me: I'm enjoying myself, don't stop or there will be trouble! She howls and moans, giving no respite to my poor tongue, now reduced to a stain of flesh. She grabs me by the collar and pulls me closer, as my beautiful torturer explodes in yet another orgasm and it's music to my ears! I massage her breasts, squeezing them lightly, as her warm liquid ambrosia descends on me like a blessing. I look at her, excited and in love. She sneers and shakes me off, stretching her legs, and in doing so, shakes her beautiful ass on my face. I watch her bewitched, before she enters her den. She stops, turns back, and stares at me: Forget who you were until now.... NOW YOU TOTALLY BELONG TO ME! I nod, happy and aware of my future: I would no longer be the sad human being intent on finding his place in the world, BUT the doggy slave for My Furry Dominatrix for the rest of my days. I smile and get lost in my own twisted thoughts.... My Matron motions for me to follow her inside the huge cave: HURRY UP, YOU IDIOT! ENTER! Some hyenas look at me puzzled, others look at me smiling, while some males are looking at me with hatred, but I don't care: My Divine Shenzi, the alpha female, has chosen ME as her personal slave and it's a real honor for me! Hypnotized by her swaying hips, I nod and follow her into what would be my home from now on.... A heavy darkness embraces all around me and a warm breath blows near my left ear. With difficulty, I open my eyes: my head is heavy, as if a drill had pierced my skull: -Ouch! Why do I have a terrible headache?- I bring a hand to my right temple: there is blood. My tour guide explains to me what has happened: -We were camping to wait for help, because we had a flat tire and there was no spare. Do you remember that?- She asks me puzzled and I nod, then continues -Great!- Tara catches her breath as a wet rag is placed on my forehead, which I am dabbing the wound with,and then I ask: -And after that, what happened?- She clears her throat and, sighing, scolds me: -I had told everyone to stay in the camp because it was safer, BUT YOU...- She underlines the last two words, admonishing me with her accusing index finger: -You decided to go on your own and walked for an hour or so, ALONE!- She shakes her head and begs me to listen to her from now on: -This time you were lucky that no predators saw you hurt.... But don't do anything like that, ever again!- She slaps me, while I hear people laughing, and a camera capturing the moment: definitely the Chinese couple.... I snort and apologize: -Okay, I'm sorry.... I don't do it anymore- I ask her forgiveness like a child caught by his mother with his hands in the jam -But... How did I hurt myself?- -I guess a rock must have hit you while you were out there and maybe… Since you lost your hat, you must have gotten sunstroke...- Moses approaches and with his hand tries to clean something that looks like what used to be my white panama, now all dirty and trampled: -Here your hat, boss!- I reluctantly take that skimpy thing and thank him before asking Tara to hear the end of the story: -And then you fainted near a very high rock and, after searching for a while, Moses finally found you! You were unconscious for at least twenty minutes.... How are you now?- I nod to Moses, thanking him as I see my guide relieved, but also very embarrassed, looking away from my body, blushing. I focus my attention on where she was staring a little ahead, and realize I have an erection: Oh shit! Now she's going to think I'm a pervert.... I shake my head, blushing, as I clear my throat. I stand up, trying to calm myself, and apologize to the guide, who smiles awkwardly at me. Puzzled, I hold my head in my hands, while I analyze everything that happened to me: But it was all a dream, then!? No encounter with My Mistress Shenzi? I sigh sadly, as I hear the laughter of some hyenas in the distance... Was it a Dream or Reality? THE END |
Qualche mese fa, Inque stava sabotando una delle industrie di biodiesel della Wayne Enterprise, commettendo uno dei suoi tanti crimini ben conosciuti in Gotham City, quando una luce giallo vivo le apparve dinnanzi: curiosa, cercò di toccarla e fu risucchiata al suo interno. Lo strano portale la scaraventò in un mondo diverso da quello in cui era sempre vissuta: senza smog, dove poter vedere la luce del sole, senza essere giudicata, un mondo dove la gente sorride per strada… Incuriosita, iniziò a guardarsi intorno e fu sorpresa nell'osservare quell'insolita scena: un bambino dai capelli neri tutti arruffati con una coda da scimpanzè venir chiamato Papà da un giovane, di simile aspetto ma di almeno una decina d'anni più vecchio! Lei si sorprese, ma notò che il gruppo era molto eterogeneo: un attraente ragazzo dai capelli viola, un uomo afroamericano di mezz'età seguito da un flaccido gigante rosa e un gattino blu parlante sulle spalle di un bel ragazzo con una cicatrice sul volto... Corse incontro a quella accozzaglia di persone e chiese loro dove si trovasse: una donna dai capelli a caschetto blu, che si presentò come Bulma, le rispose di essere sulla Terra. Inque si guardò in giro e non le sembrò affatto il suo pianeta, di conseguenza chiese specificatamente se fosse ancora a Gotham City, la sua città natale: tutti le risposero all'unisono che non esisteva nessun posto con quel nome. Inque sembrò quasi persa nei suoi pensieri, ma Bulma la rassicurò, ammettendo che in tutta la sua vita ci furono così tante cose strane che ora non si stupiva più di nulla! Per non destare sospetti, Inque si presentò come membro di un'organizzazione paramilitare e che la sua forma era il prodotto di un esperimento di potenziamento, suscitando l'interesse scientifico di Bulma. Dopo un paio di chiacchiere, Inque rifiutò l'aiuto della combriccola, poiché non era nella sua natura fare squadra e si congedò dal gruppo. Le prime settimane passarono abbastanza velocemente, durante le quali la nostra supercattiva di Gotham City cercò un alloggio sicuro ed un lavoro per poter guadagnare abbastanza per vivere decentemente anche in quel mondo. Trovò la sua dimora nell'abbandonato Quartier Generale del Fiocco Rosso, un'organizzazione criminale ormai sciolta da anni, e si propose come mercenaria e ladra di tesori. La sua vita si svolgeva più o meno allo stesso modo di quella vecchia, solo in modo più tecnologico: durante delle teleconferenze digitali con degli ologrammi, avveniva la richiesta del lavoro vero e proprio, che doveva essere portato a termine entro un preciso tempo, mentre gli oggetti rubati erano teletrasportati tramite precise coordinate consegnate dal committente. Il lavoro era pagato 50% prima di iniziare e il restante 50% dopo averlo portato a termine, con un semplice click: i soldi venivano trasferiti online in un conto corrente digitale, collegato ad un microprocessore biometrico, che Inque si era fatta installare direttamente all'interno del suo polso destro. La nostra supercattiva preferiva questo tipo di sistema a quello vecchio, molto più obsoleto, anche perché non era costretta a incontrare personalmente i suoi commissionati e, di conseguenza, c'erano meno problemi di ogni tipo: d'altronde, la fiducia non era propria del suo carattere! Anche questa mattina, Inque ha ricevuto un nuovo lavoro: il suo obiettivo è quello di sabotare il nuovo androide del Dottor Gero e rubarne la documentazione. Insieme alla richiesta le viene fornita una mappa, sulla quale è indicato il luogo del suo laboratorio: La strada da percorrere è molto lunga, ma lei è in possesso di una macchina volante miniaturizzante di ultimissima generazione: quello che avrebbe dovuto essere un viaggio di almeno tre giorni con una normale vettura, con questa automobile è un semplice tragitto di qualche ora. Per non essere individuata, lei atterra a Sud Est di Città del Nord, in una radura non molto lontano dalle pendici del monte, dove è situato il passaggio segreto per il laboratorio. Una volta rimpicciolita la sua vettura, immette il codice di sicurezza in un finto sasso e un enorme masso si sposta, lasciando libera l'entrata. Inque si incammina all'interno di quel tunnel, fino a giungere ad un'enorme porta di ferro: decide quindi di sciogliersi, assumendo la sua forma liquida, e di passare attraverso i quasi impercettibili infissi di quel bunker sotterraneo. Appena dentro, nota tre enormi capsule allineate a destra dell'entrata, appoggiate contro il muro, ed un'altra sul pavimento al centro della grande sala. Si avvicina e vede dei numeri cardinali in progressione: 16, 17, 18, 19... Nessun 21! Pensa fra sé, mentre ode un rumore: si nasconde dietro uno di quei contenitori biotecnologici, assumendo la forma di una macchia d'olio, e aspetta pazientemente... Poco dopo, vede entrare un androide, che dalla descrizione fornita dal cliente sembrerebbe essere il Dottor Gelo, molto indaffarato a discutere con una sua giovane collega dai capelli castani: non pensando di essere osservati, i due individui parlano ad alta voce di un progetto importante, tutt'ora in completamento. Senza essere notata, Inque si avvicina per ascoltarli meglio e così ottiene l'informazione che stava cercando: tutti i dati e persino i documenti richiesti, così come la capsula di Androide 21, sono nel seminterrato del laboratorio. Quindi decide di seguirli e, pochi minuti dopo aver sceso dei gradini, si ritrova in un'immensa caverna dal cui centro appare un enorme super computer. Poco più a destra, nota una cassa biotecnologica aperta, sulla quale spicca il numero tanto richiesto, e un mucchio di documenti sparsi qua e là su una grande scrivania. Si mimetizza tra le ombre del soffitto, mentre attende che i due scienziati se ne vadano… Trascorsa una decina di minuti dopo l'uscita di quei due personaggi, Inque trova tutti i documenti richiesti e copia sulla sua chiavetta USB tutti i dati dal computer, che riguardano l'Androide 21, vero soggetto della ricerca: non trovandolo nella sua capsula, informa il cliente della sua assenza. Ricevuti i nuovi ordini, lascia il seminterrato, senza accorgersi di essere seguita da occhi indiscreti. Credendo di essere sola, Inque riprende la sua forma umana, una volta lasciato il laboratorio: ed è qui che la vera avventura ha inizio! Poco fuori all'uscita, un'ombra la aspetta, appoggiata ad una conifera: -Allora sei tu il piccolo moscerino che ronzava sopra le nostre teste...- A quell'affermazione, Inque si volta sorpresa e riconosce la scienziata, che la osserva interessata: -Uhm... Dalla tua conformazione fisica non mi sembri di queste parti! Sei forse di un altro pianeta?- La nostra Supercattiva rimane alquanto allibita, perché pensava che nessuno l'avesse scoperta, ma subito riprende i suoi modi altezzosi: -E chi lo sa!?- Sorride, incrociando le braccia sul petto prosperoso ed avvicinandosi di più all'altra donna che, guardandola in cagnesco, la minaccia: -Beh poco importa! Da qui non te ne vai!Soprattutto dopo esserti introdotta QUI e aver confiscato QUELLI!- Indica i documenti che Inque ha in mano. La metaumana di Gotham fa spallucce e ridacchia, guardando la sua opponente dall'alto verso il basso, e quindi la schernisce: -Scusa, ma che cosa vorresti farmi!? Impedire A ME di scappare?- Sogghigna -TU, una semplice umana??- Si porta la mano alle labbra, per cercare di trattenere una risata malefica. La scienziata rimane indifferente al suo comportamento e la ammonisce: -Sei proprio sicura di sapere contro chi ti stai per battere?- Inque fa una smorfia tra la curiosità e il disprezzo, mentre la donna dai capelli bruni la avverte: -Sai dovresti informarti meglio sui tuoi possibili nemici, per evitare situazioni di questo tipo!- Poi continua -Soprattutto quando decidi di intrufolarti in un laboratorio scientifico di massima segretezza!- Inque la zittisce, lanciandole un tentacolo dal suo corpo, prontamente schivato dalla scienziata e con immensa sorpresa per la supercattiva, che ribolle di rabbia: -Ora basta parlare!- La tensione è alle stelle. Le due avversarie si squadrano per una decina di minuti camminando in cerchio, prima di fermarsi una di fronte all'altra: lanciandosi a vicenda sguardi di sfida, l'epica battaglia ha inizio! La scienziata si toglie gli occhiali e li pone accuratamente nel taschino sinistro del suo camice, mentre Inque sferra un calcio rotante alla sua avversaria, che sospira quasi annoiata: -Che delusione! Ti piace il gioco facile? Eh no, mia cara... Non è proprio così!- La scienziata sogghigna, mentre si trasforma sotto gli occhi della supercattiva di Gotham City, che rimane quasi estasiata da quella trasformazione inaspettata: -Ah... Ma allora non sono l'unica ad avere un asso nella manica!- Annuisce soddisfatta -Meno male! Avevo paura che sarebbe stato troppo semplice sconfiggerti!- Si mordicchia il labbro. arricciandosi una ciocca di capelli -Almeno ora le cose si fanno più interessanti...- Inque sorride, mentre osserva la nuova forma della sua avversaria: le orecchie sono più appuntite, la pelle è di un rosa confetto, i capelli sono bianco avorio con alcune sfumature rosee. Persino i vestiti sono cambiati, poiché ora sembra indossare una tuta da arti marziali: guanti lunghi ed un corpetto neri con dei larghi pantaloni bianchi e degli stivali. Tuttavia, ciò che la attira maggiormente sono due cose: un seno ancora più prosperoso di prima e persino una lunga coda. L'unico aspetto simile alla sua forma umana è dato dai suoi occhi azzurro cielo. La creatura umanoide le domanda: -Ti piace la mia vera forma?- Sorride, mentre Inque annuisce leccandosi le labbra: -Ma dimmi di più di te!- Le chiede la Superumana -Nascondevi qualcosa di interessante, sotto quell'aspetto di dolce scienziata!- La creatura le fa l'occhiolino e le indica la ricerca, ammassata precedentemente alle pendici di un albero, mentre stuzzica la sua curiosità: -Non sei l'unica particolare da queste parti! Anch'io sono speciale... Così tanto che ci sono voluti anni per crearmi!- Inque è sbalordita e quasi le cade letteralmente la mascella a terra: -Ah ma allora sei TU!- L'umanoide annuisce, mentre lei capisce di aver sempre avuto dinanzi a sé il famigerato Androide 21: -Questa sì che è una scoperta interessante!- Incuriosita, Inque le pone alcune domande, che non fanno altro che spazientito l'androide: -Basta con questo interrogatorio!- Sbuffa -Sto iniziando ad arrabbiarmi! E credimi... Non vuoi davvero vedere il mio lato peggiore!- Invece di spaventarsi, Inque è ancor più attratta da quella meraviglia di bioingegneria: -Ora che me lo dici... Così, in questi termini... Stuzzichi il mio interesse...- La supercattiva si inumidisce le labbra, mentre gli occhi dell'androide mutano colore: le sclere diventano completamente nere e gli iridi di un rosso fuoco. Sbuffando, la creatura dichiara l'inizio della lotta: -Basta chiacchiere e giochini vari! Diamoci dentro!- Inque concorda e si lancia subito all'attacco. Tuttavia, la sua avversaria è più veloce e come un fulmine si teletrasporta dietro di lei: le immobilizza le gambe con la lunga coda, mentre le blocca collo ed entrambi gli arti superiori con le sue possenti braccia. Inque si complimenta per la sua prontezza di riflessi, ma non si fa intimidire: sogghignando, lei si liquefa e diventa una pozza nera ai piedi di Androide 21. Alcuni tentacoli neri cercano di paralizzare la Majin con la loro viscosità, impedendole di sferrare il prossimo attacco, ma l'androide ha una forza pari a quella della supercattiva e si difende bene: prima crea una sfera di energia luminosa, che scaraventa contro quei tentacoli che, indietreggiando immediatamente, le danno modo di fuggire. L'umanoide rosa salta verso l'alto con una spinta mai vista prima e prende il volo, sotto gli occhi allibiti dell'avversaria; quindi va a posizionarsi qualche metro più indietro, mentre Inque riprende di nuovo la sua forma umana. Si scrutano nuovamente e si complimentano l'una con l'altra: -È da un po' che non trovavo qualcuno alla mia altezza!- dice Androide 21, mentre Inque risponde: -Pienamente d'accordo con te!- Sospira e precisa, ammiccando: -In altre circostanze, forse... Saremmo potute essere migliori amiche... O persino amanti... Chi può dirlo!?- Inque sorride, mentre Androide 21 si lascia sedurre da quelle parole e da tutto quel mondo di infinite possibilità. La osserva nuovamente e più attentamente: la sua avversaria ha dei bei capelli color corvino, una pelle con toni bluette, dei grandi occhi azzurri da gatta, labbra carnose evidenziate dal rossetto nero, un bel seno prosperoso, un bel sedere sodo e rotondo. La sua alta figura snella ma muscolosa è ben delineata da quella tutina blu attillata, dalla quale spiccano i suoi capezzoli turgidi, fatti per essere succhiati e mordicchiati per ore. Androide 21 emette un gemito, mentre le risponde con nonchalance: -Uhm... Forse..- Continua a perdersi nei suoi pensieri lussuriosi, mentre Inque sta già meditando la prossima mossa, totalmente inaspettata… Mentre l'androide è ancora distratta dai suoi pensieri, Inque allunga un suo tentacolo seguendo le ombre della foresta, in modo da non essere individuata: quindi, cattura l'umanoide per la testa e ramifica il suo prolungamento su tutto il corpo della sua avversaria. La attira nuovamente al suolo, dove l'enorme pozza di inchiostro l'attende: lentamente, diverse vischiose appendici si diramano e immobilizzando la lora preda, che cerca invano di divincolarsi. Androide 21 cerca di strapparsi di dosso quella melma, come fosse una appiccicosa guaina in latex, che proprio non vuole staccarsi: fa roteare la sua coda come un gatto a nove code, cercando di colpire la sua nemica, ma fallisce. Inque le lega coda e mani con il suo viscido fluido che, discendendo sulla, oscura la vista alla sua avversaria, la quale esclama: -Così non vale, stronza!- La super cattiva di Gotham City la zittisce, chiudendole la bocca con uno dei suoi tentacoli: -Taci! Non ho finito con te... Ancora!- Ghignando, Inque si liquefa totalmente e si riversa completamente all'interno della gola e delle narici di Androide 21. L'umanoide tossisce e cerca di sputare quel liquido amaro, invano: quella nera melma le si appiccica ovunque e si muove dentro di lei, provocandole convulsioni e gemiti di piacere. Una risatina, seguita da una frase sospirata: Sapevo ti sarebbe piaciuto! Quella voce così sensuale proviene dall'interno del suo corpo, quasi rimbombandole nella testa, mentre ogni suo orifizio libero è dilatato a dismisura dall'interno. Il fluido inizia a scorrerle nelle vene, andandosi a sostituire al sangue. I neri tentacoli si avvinghiano ovunque intorno agli organi di Androide 21: percepisce una stretta al suo cuore, come di lunghe dita che lo attraversano da parte a parte, mentre il suo cervello è impregnato di quella sostanza, immettendo nella sua memoria immagini e pensieri non suoi. In una manciata di minuti, Inque ha colonizzato tutto l'interno della sua vittima, che non riesce più a ribellarsi, e si prepara al completo assorbimento. Quindi, la melma vischiosa fuoriesce dai capezzoli turgidi della Majin, arrotolandosi intorno ad essi e strizzandoli forte, quasi come per mungerli, e poi si ramifica, avvolgendo i suoi seni voluminosi. Molta di questa nera poltiglia erompe dal suo ombelico, scorrendo lungo la pancia e fra le cosce: qui il fluido si solidifica in un doppio fallo, che le sfonda vagina ed ano, contemporaneamente. Androide 21 geme e si contorce ad ogni penetrazione: il piacere di essere scopata così selvaggiamente è più forte del dolore, provocato dall'inondazione di quel liquido all'interno del suo corpo. Mentre è all'apice del godimento, una voce eccitata le riecheggia nella testa: Mi piace sentirti godere! Ho deciso di tenerti sempre con me! La Supercattiva polimorfa ridacchia, mentre un piccolo prolungamento si attorciglia intorno al clitoride dell'androide, per poi succhiarlo e scoparlo. La pelle di Androide 21 assume un tono grigio violaceo, mentre la melma le strappa i vestiti di dosso, lasciandole solo i gioielli dorati, che le impreziosiscono le forme. Un'enorme pozza di inchiostro nero si forma ai suoi piedi, sciogliendo gli stivali da combattimento, per poi risalire lungo le gambe ed unirsi al fluido discendente dal seno: le due macchie vischiose confluiscono a formare una leggera patina sul suo corpo, simile quasi ad un vestito in latex, che lascia molto poco all'immaginazione. I suoi lineamenti si addolciscono e diventano più sensuali: le ciglia si allungano ed un ombretto nero tinge le sue palpebre, ben evidenziando il colore azzurro dei suoi occhi, che spicca dalle sclere inscurite, mentre le labbra si gonfiano leggermente, assumendo un colore nero violaceo intenso. Persino i suoi capelli si trasformano: alcune ciocche si arricciano su se stesse, quasi a formare dei veri propri ghirigori rotondi, mentre alcuni ciuffi, che le contornano il viso, rimangono inalterati. Quella melma appiccicosa striscia e si insinua lungo tutta la sua chioma, mutandone drasticamente il colore: la parte più a destra mantiene la colorazione bianco rosato, mentre quella sinistra assume la gradazione nero bluastra di quel fluido. Sebbene fisicamente le due donne siano ormai un'entità sola, le loro due personalità dominanti non permettono una completa fusione psicologica: infatti, Inque e Androide 21 cercano di prendere possesso del nuovo corpo, come due burattinai che vogliono ruolare con la stessa marionetta! La lotta passa quindi su un livello più metafisico: Inque non riesce a sottomettere del tutto il pensiero dell'androide, che a sua volta cerca in tutti i modi di contrastare l'avanzata della sua avversaria. -Avrai anche preso il controllo del mio corpo, ma non della mia mente!- Androide 21 grida, mentre il viso dell'insolita creatura si contorce tra smorfie di dolore, risa ed odio. -Non ci penso proprio!- Inque risponde beffarda, accarezzandosi il seno -Uhm... Questo è un fisico da paura!- Si massaggia i capezzoli, quando all'improvviso la mano destra schiaffeggia quella di sinistra: -Non osare, brutta schifosa!- Androide 21 le inveisce contro, mentre Inque finge di piangere: -Ahia, mi hai fatto male!- La Supercattiva tira i capelli bianchi, usando la parte sinistra del corpo a lei connesso completamente, mentre la destra, legata all'androide, risponde con uno schiaffo. Il bisticcio va avanti per una buona mezz'ora, al termine della quale le due pilotanti sono totalmente esauste: -Tregua!- Esclamano all'unisono, con una sola voce. -Non andiamo da nessuna parte così, Inque!- -D'accordo, Androide 21... Che si fa?- Dopo una lunga discussione, le due trovano un accordo: l'androide guiderà il corpo durante i combattimenti e sarà a capo della parte destra, mentre la polimorfa userà la sinistra e i suoi poteri di seduzione. Tuttavia, la convivenza tra quelle due è destinata a spezzarsi, causando gravi problemi alla psiche della nuova creatura: ma questa è un'altra storia... |
Few months ago, Inque was sabotaging one of Wayne Enterprise's biodiesel factories, committing one of her many well-known crimes in Gotham City, when a bright yellow light appeared in front of her: curious, she tried to touch it and suddenly she was sucked in, without even noticing it. The strange portal threw her into a world different from the one she had always lived in: no smog, where she could see the sunlight, without being judged; a world where people smile, while walking down the streets... Interested, she began to look around and was surprised to see a very unusual scene: a spiked black hair kid with a chimpanzee tail being called Dad by a young man, similar in appearance to him but at least a decade older! At first, she was surprised, but she noticed that the group was very peculiar: an attractive purple-haired boy, a middle-aged African-American man followed by a chubby pink giant and a talking blue kitten on the shoulders of an handsome guy with a scar on his face… She ran up to those strange people and asked them where she was: a blue-haired woman, who introduced herself as Bulma, told her she was on Earth. Inque looked around but it didn't seem like her planet at all, so she specifically asked if she was still in Gotham City, her hometown: they all answered together that there was no place with such a name. Inque seemed almost lost in her thoughts, but Bulma reassured her, admitting that in all her life there were so many strange things that now she wasn't surprised by anything, anymore! In order not to arouse suspicion, Inque introduced herself as a member of a paramilitary organization and that her form was the product of a genetics enhancement experiment, piquing Bulma's scientific interest. After a couple of chats, Inque refused the group help, as it was not in her nature to team up, and took her leave far from them. The first few weeks passed fairly quickly, during which time our Gotham City Supervillain searched for a safe hideout and a fruitful job, which would allow her to earn enough to make a decent living even in that new world. She found her housing in the abandoned Red Ribbon's Headquarters, an old criminal organization had been disbanded for years, and she became a well known mercenary and treasure hunter. Her life was more or less the same as the old one, only in a more technological way: during the digital teleconferences with holograms, the customer requested the real work, which had to be completed within a precise period of time, as the stolen objects were teleported through accurate coordinates delivered by the client. The work was paid 50% before starting it and the remaining 50% after completing it, with a simple click: the money was transferred online to a digital bank account, connected to a biometric microchip, which Inque had installed directly inside her right wrist. She totally preferred this new system to the oldest, as she didn't have to meet her customers personally, avoiding all kinds of problems: after all, trust wasn't really a part of her! Even this morning, Inque has been given a new job: her goal is to sabotage Dr. Gero's new android and steal the whole documentation about that project. Along with the request, she is given a map, on which his laboratory' location is indicated: There's a long way to go, but she luckily owns the best miniaturizing flying machine of the latest generation: what should have been a long journey of at least three days with a normal car, with this vehicle is a simple trip of a few hours. To avoid detection, she lands southeast of North City, in a clearing not far from the mountainside, where the laboratory secret passage is located. After shrinking her machine, she inserts the security code into a fake rock and a huge boulder shifts, leaving the entrance clear. Few minutes later, Inque is walking inside that tunnel, until she reaches a huge iron door: she decides to liquefy herself into her dark ink-like fluid form and then she slides herself through the almost imperceptible slits of that underground bunker's fixtures. Once inside, she notices three huge capsules lined up to the right of the entrance, leaning against the wall, and another one on the floor in the center of that large room. She walks over and counts the cardinal numbers she sees in progression on those huge cases: 19, 18, 17, 16... There's no 21! She thinks to herself, as she hears a noise: she hides behind one of those biotech containers, assuming the form of an oil stain, and she waits there patiently. Shortly after, she sees entering an android, which from the description provided by the client could be Dr. Gero, very busy discussing with a young brown-haired woman, probably one of his colleagues: not thinking of being observed, the two individuals talk loudly about an important project, still in completion. Unnoticed, Inque approaches them in order to listen to them even better and thus she obtains the information she's looking for: all the necessary data and documents, as well as the Android 21 capsule, are in the basement of that laboratory. She decides to follow them and, a few minutes after descending a few steps, she finds herself in an immense cavern, from the center of which appears a huge Supercomputer. A little further to the right, she notices an open biotech container, on which the much requested number stands out, and a pile of documents scattered here and there on a large desk. Still assuming her fluid form, she blends into the shadows of the ceiling, as she waits for the two scientists to leave… About ten minutes after those two characters leave, Inque finds all the requested documents and she copies on her USB flash drive all the data concerning Android 21, the real subject of her search: not finding it in its capsule, she informs the client about its absence. Having received the new orders, she leaves the basement, not realizing that she is being followed by prying eyes. Believing she is alone, Inque takes back her human form, once she leaves the lab: and this is where the real adventure begins! Just outside the exit, a shadow is waiting for her, leaning against a pine tree: -So you are the little gnat buzzing above our heads! I see...- At that statement, Inque turns around surprised and recognizes the scientist woman from few minutes ago, who's now looking at her interested: -Uhm... From your physical conformation you don't look like you're from around here! Are you from another planet?- Our Supervillain is somewhat stunned, because she thought no one discovered her, but she quickly resumes her haughty ways: -Who knows!?- She grins, crossing her arms over her voluptuous breasts and she approaches the other woman who, looking at her with a frown, threatens her: -Well, it doesn't matter! You're not leaving here! Especially after you broke in HERE and confiscated THOSE!- She points at the documents Inque has in her hand. The metahuman from Gotham City shrugs and chuckles, looking down on her opponent, and then she taunts her: -I'm sorry, if I'm upsetting you- She giggles -But.. Do you really think I'm afraid of you?- She evilly smiles -How do YOU think to stop ME from running away?- She sneers -YOU, a mere human?- The scientist remains unmoved by her behavior and admonishes her: -Are you sure you know what you're getting into?- Inque grimaces between curiosity and contempt, as the brown-haired woman warns her: -You should know more and better about your possible enemies, to avoid this kind of situation!- Then she continues -Especially when you decide to sneak into a scientific laboratory of utmost secrecy!- Inque shushes her, throwing her a tentacle from her body, promptly dodged by the scientist and to our Supervillan's surprise, who is boiling with anger: -Enough talking-! The tension is sky-high. The two adversaries square off for about ten minutes, walking in a circle, before stopping one in front of the other: casting challenging glances at each other, the epic battle begins! The scientist takes off her glasses and places them in the left pocket of her lab coat, as Inque delivers a roundhouse kick to her opponent, who sighs almost in boredom: -What a disappointment! Do you like the easy game? Nope, honey... Not at all!- The scientist sneers, whiles she's transforming her own body under the unbelievable eyes of the Gotham City's supervillain, who is almost enraptured by the unexpected change: -Ooh Wow... But then I'm not the only one with an ace up my sleeve!- She nods with satisfaction -That's good! I was afraid it would have been too easy to defeat you!- She bites her lips, curling up a lock of her hair: -At least, now things are getting more interesting…- Inque smiles, as she looks at her opponent's new form: her ears are more pointed, her skin is a candy pink, her hair is ivory white with some pinkish highlights. Even her clothes have changed, as she now appears to be wearing a sort of martial arts outfit: black long sleeves and a black bodice with wide white pants and a pair of combat boots. However, what attracts her the most are two things: even more prosperous breasts than before and a long tail. Only her sky-blue eyes still remain the same. The humanoid creature asks her: -Do you like my true self-? She smiles, as Inque nods, licking her lips: -Of course! Tell me more about yourself!- She is charmed by her enemy -You were hiding something interesting under that sweet scientist look!- The creature winks at her and points to the research, previously piled up on the slopes of a tree, while picking her curiosity: -You're not the only special one around here… I'm too! So much so that it took years to create me!-. Inque is stunned and her jaw literally drops to the floor: -Uh-oh... Then it's YOU!- The humanoid nods, as she realizes that she has been facing the infamous Android 21 all along: -That's an interesting find!- Intrigued, Inque asks her a few questions, which make the android impatient: -Enough of this interrogation!- She huffs -I'm starting to get angry! And believe me... You really don't want to see the worst side of me!- Instead of freaking out, Inque is even more attracted to that bioengineered experiment: -Now that you mention it… In such terms… You tease my interest!- The supervillain licks her lips, as the android's eyes change color: the sclerae turn completely black and the irises a fiery red. Puffing, the creature declares the beginning of the fight: -Enough chatter and games! Let's get it on!- Inque agrees and immediately launches into attack. However, her opponent is faster and she suddenly teleports behind her: she immobilizes her legs with her long tail, while locking her neck and both upper limbs with her powerful arms. Inque compliments her quick reflexes, but she's not intimidated: sneering, she liquefies herself into black puddle at Android 21's feet. Some black tentacles try to paralyze the Majin with their viscosity, preventing her from launching the next attack, but the android has a strength equal to that of the supervillain and defends herself pretty well: she creates an energy beam, throwing it against those tentacles that, backing away immediately, give her a way to escape. At first, the pink humanoid jumps upwards with a thrust never seen before and flies upon her astonished adversary, then she places herself a few meters back, as Inque retakes her human form. They observe and compliment each other: -It's been a while since I've found someone my equal!- Android 21 is surprised and Inque replies: -I totally agree with you!- She sighs and continues her speech, winking: -Under other circumstances, perhaps... We could have been best friends... Or even lovers... Who knows!?- Inque smiles, as Android 21 is seduced by those words and she thinks of a whole world of infinite possibilities. She looks at her again and more carefully: her opponent has beautiful raven hair, a skin with bluish tones, big blue cat-like eyes, full lips highlighted by a black lipstick, beautiful voluptuous boobs and a nice round butt. Her tall slender but muscular figure is well outlined by that tight blue jumpsuit, from which stand out her turgid nipples, made to be sucked and bitten for hours. Android 21 lets out a groan, as she nonchalantly replies to her: -Uhm... Maybe..- She continues to get lost in her lustful thoughts, while Inque is already pondering the next unexpected move.. While the android is still distracted by her thoughts, Inque extends one of her tentacles, following the shadows of the forest, so as not to be spotted: then, she captures the humanoid by the head and branches her extension all over her opponent's body. She lures her back to the ground, where a huge puddle of ink awaits her: slowly, several viscous appendages branch out and immobilize their prey, who tries to break free, unsuccessfully. Android 21 tries to tear off that slime, as if it was a sticky latex sheath, that just won't come off: she twirls her tail like a cat-o'-nine-tails, trying to hit her enemy, but she fails. Inque grins, binding her tail and hands with her slimy fluid that, descending on her opponent's forehead, obscures her sight. She complains about her situation, cursing the ink-like woman: -That's not fair, bitch!- The Gotham City Supervillain shushes her up, closing her mouth with one of her tentacles: -Keep quiet! I'm not done with you... Yet!- Grinning, Inque totally liquefies her body and pours herself completely inside Android 21's throat and nostrils. The humanoid coughs and tries to spit out the bitter liquid, in vain: that black slime sticks everywhere and moves inside her, causing convulsions and moans of pleasure. A giggle, followed by a sighing phrase: I knew you'd like it! That sensual voice comes from inside her body, almost rumbling in her head, as every free orifice in her body is expanded wildly from the inside. That fluid begins to flow through her veins, replacing her blood. Black tentacles cling everywhere around Android 21's organs: she feels a tight grip on her heart, like long fingers crossing it from side to side, while her brain is impregnated with that substance, introducing images and thoughts that are not her own into her memory. In a matter of minutes, Inque has colonized the entire interior of her victim, who can no longer rebel, and prepares for the complete absorption. That viscous slime leaks from the Majin's turgid nipples, coiling around them and squeezing them hard, as if to milk them, and then it branches out, enveloping her voluptuous boobs. Much of this black gloo erupts from her navel, flowing down her belly and between her thighs: here the fluid solidifies into a double penis, penetrating simultaneously her vagina and anus. Android 21 moans and writhes with each penetration: the pleasure of being fucked so wildly is stronger than the pain, caused by the flood of that liquid inside her body. While she is enjoying every movement, an excited voice echoes in her head: I love to hear you enjoy! I've decided to keep you with me forever! The polymorphous Supervillan giggles, as a small extension twists around the android's clit, sucking and fucking it. Android 21's skin takes on a purplish-gray hue, as the slime rips her clothes off, leaving on her only the golden jewelry, which embellish her naked body. A huge puddle of black ink forms at her feet, melting her combat boots, and then rises up her legs to join the fluid flowing from her breasts: the two viscous portions of that slime converge to form a light layer on her body, as if it was a latex dress, leaving little to the imagination. Her features soften and become more sensual: her eyelashes lengthen and a black eye shadow tints her eyelids, highlighting the sky-blue color of her eyes, which stand out from the darkened sclera, as her lips swell slightly, taking on an intense purplish-black color. Even her hair is transformed: some locks curl on themselves, forming real round squiggles, as some tufts, surrounding her face, remain unaltered. That sticky slime crawls and installs itself along all her hair, drastically changing its color: the rightmost part maintains its pinkish-white coloration, while the left one takes on the bluish-black shade of that fluid. Although physically the two women are now a single entity, their two dominant personalities don't allow a complete psychological fusion: in fact, Inque and Android 21 try to take possession of the new body, like two puppeteers who want to play with the same puppet! The fight then moves onto a more metaphysical level: Inque is unable to completely subdue her adversary's thoughts, as the android tries in every way to oppose the advance of her opponent. -You may have taken control of my body, but not of my mind!- Android 21 shouts, as that unusual creature's face contorts itself between grimaces of pain, laughter and hatred. -No way!- Inque replies mockingly, caressing her breasts -Uhm... That's one hell of a body!- She massages her nipples, as suddenly her right hand slaps her left one: -Don't you dare, you filthy bitch!- Android 21 rails at her, as Inque pretends to cry: -Ouch, you hurt me!- The Supervillan pulls her white hair, using the left part of the body totally connected to herself, as the right one, linked to the android, responds with a slap. The bickering goes on for a good half hour, at the end of which the two pilots are completely exhausted: Truce! They exclaim together, in one voice. -We're not going anywhere like this, Inque!- -All right, Android 21... What are going to do?- After a long discussion, the two find an agreement: the android will lead the body during fights and be in charge of the right side, while the polymorph metahuman will use the left side and her seduction powers. However, this coexistence is destined to break down, causing serious problems to the new creature's psyche: but that's another story... |
UNA DISCESA SCIVOLOSA -Dannazione a questa carretta!- Il Signor Green calcia la ruota anteriore destra dello scuolabus, fermo in mezzo alla Foresta Statale di Morgan Hill, non lontano da un sentiero che costeggia la 91. Del fumo grigio fuoriesce dal cruscotto, mentre alcuni scolari iniziano ad entrare nel panico: -La mia solita fortuna…- Sbuffa, mentre ritorna all'interno dell'abitacolo per calmare gli animi -Su, piccoli... Tranquilli! Lo so che è tardi e siamo ancora qui… Ma non vi preoccupate! Non vi succederà niente!- Estrae il cellulare dalla tasca del suo giubbotto e digita il numero della Forestale, che gli intima di restare tutti uniti e chiusi nel furgone, aspettando una pattuglia, che sarebbe arrivata tra un'oretta. Finalmente i bambini si calmano: i più vivaci giocano tra loro, i nerd leggono un libro o fanno le parole crociate, quelli più golosi mangiucchiano qualche merendina, mentre i più coraggiosi intonano una canzoncina per i più piccoli e paurosi. Il loro maestro di scienze, il Signor Green, un uomo snello sui 37 anni dai capelli neri e gli occhi verdi, si siede al volante dell'autobus, che aveva guidato tutta la mattina per portare i suoi alunni nell'Area Unica di Labrador Hollow. L'insegnante scuote la testa: ora si pente di questa uscita scolastica, ricordando la fatica fatta per ottenerne quel permesso! Un mese prima, infatti, il Signor Green aveva chiesto l'autorizzazione per una gita fuori sede alla preside della William Penn School, situata a Park Slope, una delle migliori scuole elementari di Brooklyn: -Sì, è vero! Il viaggio è un po' lungo per una scolaresca della terza…- Il docente di scienze seguì per filo e per segno il discorso, che provò ore prima davanti allo specchio -Quasi 5 ore con lo scuolabus, che IO guiderò personalmente!- La principale lo stava ascoltando, mentre continuava a leggere il prospetto dato dal professore, dove era segnato ogni minimo dettaglio: dalla motivazione di quell'uscita, agli orari precisi, i numeri di emergenza… -L'entrata al parco è gratuita ed IO pagherò le spese della benzina!- Egli proseguì a discutere con la preside e il comitato insegnanti per due interminabili ore. Alla fine tutti tacquero, aspettando il verdetto, mentre il docente incrociava le dita, cercando di capire la risposta della preside, che non tardò ad arrivare: SÌ! Concisa come sempre, lei firmò. Il Signor Green sospira e guarda il suo orologio: sono le 19:40, è buio e fa freddo. Sebbene siamo in Aprile e le giornate si siano allungate, le temperature restano ancora basse, soprattutto sotto le fronde di questi alberi secolari. Mentre i suoi scolari si scaldano come possono, inizia a piovere: -Ah… Non c'è mai limite al peggio!- All'improvviso, si ricorda che quella stessa mattina sua moglie gli aveva consigliato di portare una sacca per le emergenze, che aveva collocato nel portabagagli. Scende dal veicolo ed apre il portellone sul fianco destro dell'autobus, osservato dai suoi alunni: in un angolo, trova finalmente l'enorme sacco. Quindi, richiude e rientra. Seduto nuovamente al volante, il docente apre la borsa: si stupisce del suo contenuto, sorridendo. La Signora Green, infatti, l'aveva prontamente riempita di tutto e di più: quattro grandi coperte di pyle, tre sacchi a pelo matrimoniali, sette mantelline e un giubbotto più pesante per il marito, merendine ipercaloriche in gran quantità e sei termos con te ancora caldo. Il Signor Green dà la buona notizia agli scolari, che strillano di gioia: -Calmi, fanciulli!- Li ammonisce, mentre consegna loro il materiale -Ce n'è per tutti!- Dopo una decina di minuti, dopo aver mangiato e bevuto, si sistemano al caldo: -Cercate di riposare… Tra non molto i soccorsi arriveranno!- La pioggia smette. Tranquilli, i fanciulli iniziano ad addormentarsi, seguiti dal loro docente, anch'egli stanco per il viaggio… Ripetute scosse al terreno e scricchiolii di rami spezzati in lontananza, seguiti da un fischio prolungato ed acuto, fanno svegliare tutti di soprassalto. I bambini si sono zittiti all'improvviso e il maestro gli osserva dallo specchietto retrovisore, impaurito. Guarda nuovamente l'orologio: 20.15 e nessuna traccia dei soccorsi. Cerca di richiamare la Forestale, ma il cellulare non prende. Cerca di calmarsi, per non spaventare i suoi alunni, quindi intima loro di stare buoni, prima di scendere dall'autobus: -Aspettatemi qui, zitti e buoni… Vado a vedere cosa succede, ok!?- Torcia in mano esce dal veicolo ed ispeziona intorno: non vede nulla, ma quel suono stridulo è più vicino. Sembra quasi… Ma non può essere… Il Signor Green pensa fra sé, cercando di capire da cosa e dove provenga quello stridio, che cessa all'improvviso: ...Meno male! Per un attimo, ho creduto che… Persino nella sua testa, il docente non vuole finire la frase, fin troppo irreale. Prende fiato e continua la sua ispezione. Nota come due grossi fari in mezzo alla vegetazione: -Finalmente!- Rientra nell'autobus e spiega ai suoi alunni: -I soccorsi sono arrivati! Vado loro incontro. Voi rimanete qui tranquilli, ok?- I suoi scolari annuiscono contenti, vedendo il loro maestro correre incontro alla Forestale. I minuti passano, ma del Signor Green o degli aiuti nessuna traccia: quella gita tranquilla, immersa nella natura, si rivelerà più pericolosa di quanto avessero mai pensato... Uscendo dal suo nascondiglio in una profonda cava abbandonata, un'enorme blatta trova una traccia zuccherina di cibo. Delle urla la innervosiscono, ma la fame è tanta, perciò decide di seguire il sentiero dolciastro sino ai margini della foresta. La terra trema sotto il suo incedere agile, come continue scosse di terremoto, risuonando nell'etere silenzioso. Gli alberi secolari celano il suo aspetto mostruoso, causato da una strana mutazione genetica, dovuta ad un liquido verde non ben identificato. Finalmente l'insetto giunge alla fonte tanto designata e lì aspetta, ben mimetizzato dalle ombre delle conifere: osserva intorno a sé, curioso. All'improvviso vede una strana luce correrle incontro, aggrappata alla quale vi è un essere insignificante. I feromoni della piccola creatura iniziano a stuzzicare i sensori sulle sue antenne, che vibrano e si muovono alternativamente: quell'esserino sembra avere un odore invitante… Di colpo il Signor Green si congela di paura, da capo a piedi! Egli è troppo spaventato per poter urlare: dinanzi a lui un enorme scarafaggio si erge su quattro delle sue zampe, assumendo una posa da mantide religiosa. L'insetto gigante lo osserva, mentre sbatte le mandibole esterne, una contro l'altra. Inclina la testa verso sinistra, scuotendo continuamente le antenne: esso percepisce la paura della sua preda e, prima che questa possa urlare, la piattola gli sputa addosso una sostanza vischiosa verdastra, che la paralizza all'istante. Il maestro non può più scappare al suo destino: quel muco inizia ad ustionare la sua pelle, quasi come se degli enzimi lo stessero predigerendo. Gli occhi del maestro sono dilatati e continuano a muoversi all'interno delle orbite, cercando di capire come sia possibile che esista un essere del genere: un vero mostro, proveniente da qualche incubo o film horror, è davanti a lui, pronto per mangiarlo. Una lacrima gli scende sul viso: Addio, mia amata... Pensa fra sé, mentre chiude gli occhi ed aspetta la sua fine. L'insegnante rimane immobile, mentre la blatta si scaraventa direttamente sulla sua testa, afferrandola con le mandibole inferiori, leggermente più piccole. Lo prende delicatamente, per non ucciderlo sul colpo, lo lancia in aria e apre il suo apparato boccale: quindi, il maestro cade nel vuoto profondo della sua gola. Sentendo il cibo aggrapparsi con tutte le sue forze alla pareti della sua ipofaringe, l'insetto richiude fortemente le mandibole, provocando una raffica di vento. Il condotto è inondato da una sostanza melmosa di colore verde, che quasi affoga il pover'uomo. Il tanfo pestilenziale divampa nei polmoni della vittima, che cerca disperatamente una boccata d'aria fresca. Egli nota che la parte destra della mostruosa mascella è scheggiata: si sposta vicino a quella piccola fessura di speranza, cercando di inalare dell'ossigeno. Un sospiro... che dura il tempo di un battito di ciglia! Improvvisamente, dal muco prodotto emergono degli strani batteri, grandi quanto un gatto: questi pantagruelici microbi lo accerchiano, come famelici squali. Quei protozoi usano il loro flagello per colpire simultaneamente il malcapitato, che lascia la presa e scivola lungo l'esofago, seguito dai suoi verdi aguzzini. Questi microrganismi, in completa simbiosi con la blatta, rilasciano una particolare sostanza vischiosa, che gli logora i vestiti. Il Signor Green si ritrova appiccicoso, come se il bulldog di Zia Teresa lo avesse leccato per bene. Cerca di liberarsi, ma la melma è ormai un tutt'uno con lui… I batteri lo spingono e lo flagellano, come sadici carcerieri, trasportandolo in un nuovo condotto. La discesa è lunga e scivolosa, segnata da solchi cutanei, che gli irritano il corpo nudo. Ora il canale si fa più stretto e l'umano riesce quasi a toccare da parte a parte, restando pressoché in piedi. Tira calci e pugni, ma la membrana è così dura da procurarsi escoriazioni su mani e piedi. Cerca di urlare, ma l'aria acre e fetida gli ha rovinato le corde vocali: solo un flebile e rauco sussurro fuoriesce dalla sua bocca impastata. Si rassegna al suo destino. Un'ulteriore ondata di fluido verde lo scaraventa giù in una sacca, piena di sangue e linfa. Cade a terra. Si rialza, ma scivola nuovamente. Quella melma lo avvolge sempre più, infilandosi in ogni suo orifizio. Tossisce: saliva e sangue si mescolano all'interno dei suoi polmoni. Il sapore di quella preda invoglia il gigantesco insetto a cacciare nuovamente e, con un sonoro rutto, si avvicina ad un'enorme massa gialla. Nel frattempo gli scolari stanno tremando, più per la paura che per il freddo, quando un fragore ed un forte vento gelido penetrano all'interno dello scuolabus. Un odore di carne putrefatta invade l'aria, trascinando tutti sul baratro della disperazione, mentre i più deboli di stomaco rimettono. Alcuni bambini si fiondano dall'altra parte del bus, per non sporcarsi e non rimanere in mezzo al vomito, facendo oscillare il veicolo. Un roboante Bleah risuona in tutto l'autobus, mentre i finestrini vibrano: questi provocano alcune onde sonore, captate solamente dai sensori di quell'enorme scarafaggio. Un odore deliziosamente disgustoso solletica le sue antenne, attraendo il mostro come un fiore le api. L'insetto avanza lento e silenzioso, celato agli occhi dalle ombre secolari, verso il suo nuovo banchetto. Nel frattempo, il bambino più grande ed intelligente tra loro si propone come capo del gruppo e decide di indagare. Gli altri esultano per l'idea, mentre un nerd scuote la testa in dissenso. A quel punto, il capitano prende delle cannucce di diversa lunghezza e le passa a tutti: il possessore della più corta avrebbe investigato. Ovviamente, la più breve è capitata al nerd! Si guarda intorno, sistemandosi gli occhiali e, facendosi coraggio, prende mantellina e torcia. Saluta per l'ultima volta i suoi compagni e scende dal veicolo. Deglutisce ed accende la torcia. Inizia ad esamina i dintorni: nota delle strisciate profonde, che conducono nella foresta. Degli alberi ondeggiano ed egli trema. Si volta: all'interno dello scuolabus, i suoi compagni gli intima di proseguire. Si addentra nel bosco, tremante… L'incedere del mostro si fa più pesante, procurando della scosse sismiche, che risuonano in tutta la vallata. Il piccolo detective si paralizza. Strabuzza gli occhi, osservando quella Periplaneta Americana troppo cresciuta. Spegne la torcia, portando una mano alla bocca: la blatta americana lo sta fissando, ma non dà segni di movimento. Il bambino indietreggia, sempre più velocemente: la sua marcia accelerata risveglia l'insetto dal suo torpore. Il nerd corre, urlando verso lo scuolabus. Colpisce i vetri della porta con entrambe le mani, intimando gli altri di aprirgli: tuttavia, per lui è ormai tardi! Piange, mentre un fischio acuto penetra nelle teste dei bambini. Una scossa più forte delle precedenti fa ribaltare il bus. Gli alunni urlano, mentre il piccolo occhialuto si siede, portandosi il volto alle ginocchia. Egli piange, gli altri gridano ed osservano la scena: un'enorme blatta lo sta toccando con le sue lunghe antenne. Una visione che tormenterà i loro sogni, fino alla fine dei loro giorni! L'insetto gigante allunga il capo, sfregandolo contro la testa del bambino, per poi..Ingoiarlo tutto intero! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! È l'unico suono che si ode, dentro e fuori di quel mostro, prima che quest'ultimo fischi così forte da frantumare tutti i finestrini. All'interno dell'autobus c'è il caos: i bambini corrono da una parte all'altra, cercando di sfuggire al loro infausto destino, mentre piangono per la perdita del loro amico. Il piccolo nerd si aggrappa alle pareti faringee dell'insetto, calciando i batteri che avvinghiano le loro code alle sue gambe. Tuttavia, la sua allergia lo rende suscettibile a quegli enzimi urticanti, che gli provocano varie bruciature sulle mani. Il dolore è tale da fargli lasciare la presa e cadere dritto nello stomaco del mostro. I suoi vestiti in microfibra ben resistono ai succhi dei protozoi, che lo torturano, proprio come i bulli facevano a scuola: nulla è cambiato, se non il luogo! Seduto in forma fetale, piange. Una voce familiare lo consola. Alza gli occhi verso quel suono: il Signor Green! Gli corre incontro e lo abbraccia. Sebbene egli sia nudo, appiccicoso e insanguinato... è sempre il caro maestro di scienze... Comprendono solo allora le intenzioni di quell'essere: cibarsi di tutta la classe, prima che i soccorsi possano arrivare! Dall'interno, i due percepiscono le grida degli altri, che cercano di scappare dal mostro, invano. Di lì a poco, uno ad uno, i bambini sono ingoiati vivi e si ritrovano tutti nella loro nuova casa: la pancia di quell'insetto! Alcuni piangono, altri scalciano e tirano pugni, due bambine del coro urlano: la speranza di poter provocare anche un piccolo mal di stomaco a quell'essere risulta vana. Si siedono intorno al loro insegnante, aspettando la fine... Le vittime della bestia sono torturate continuamente dai batteri, che spingono loro in una caverna lunga e stretta: camminano per almeno un'ora, come bovini diretti al macello. L'insetto si muove, ritornando nella sua tana, oscillando il ventre gonfio. All'interno, le prede sono sbatacchiate da parte a parte, in mezzo a quel viscidume puzzolente. Giungono ad un punto, dove la carne si ispessisce e il tanfo dilaga: alcuni vomitano, mentre i protozoi spingono loro più a fondo. In una rientranza carnosa, della melma verdastra si allunga, formando dei tentacoli, che triturano il cibo: ossa, sangue, pattumiera, corteccia e persino sassi si mescolano insieme. La temperatura sale vertiginosamente, mentre gli enzimi digestivi iniziano ad avvinghiarsi attorno al corpo dei malcapitati. Lentamente, gli umani sono avvolti da una membrana spessa, costituita da muco, che forma una vescicola: quella che sembrava una bolla d'aria, in realtà è un insieme di sostanze corrosive. Quella secrezione complessa di acidi inizia a dilaniare la carne dalle prede, oramai immobili ed afone, staccandola pezzo per pezzo. Le parti più molli, come gli occhi, vengono sciolte immediatamente, mentre i batteri accumulano i vestiti rimasti in un angolo. Mentre i principi nutritivi ottenuti sono assorbiti, i corpi martoriati, ma tuttora ancora in vita, proseguono il loro percorso. Sospinti da diversi fluidi, essi si ritrovano in un sottile canale, dalla forma di un calice, dalle cui pareti si dirama un'intricata serie di microvilli. Queste cunette carnose solleticano la pelle di quegli esseri, bruciandola al solo contatto: espressioni di dolore si formano su quelli che un tempo erano volti umani! I succhi gastrici si innalzano, formando delle piccole bolle d'acqua, che penetrano nei polmoni delle vittime, affogandole. Lo smantellamento di quei corpi prosegue lento e doloroso, fino a quando non vi è rimasto più nulla, se non le ossa! Come dei bravi spazzini, i batteri calciano la spazzatura da eliminare. All'interno dell'ano di quel gigantesco insetto, si mescolano i resti delle sue vittime alle escrezioni fecali e muco. La gigantesca blatta ciondola soddisfatta per il lauto pasto, giungendo fino al suo rifugio. Prima di riposare nella suo giaciglio, gratta il suo enorme addome rigonfio contro l'alta torre mineraria arrugginita, facilitandone la digestione. Esso alza il capo al cielo, quasi osservando la luna che illumina ancora il paesaggio. Un forte gorgoglio scuote l'intero suo corpo, mentre un sonoro rutto le percuote le mandibole. Del rigurgito verde maleodorante si riversa sul terreno: la melma è costellata qua e là dai vestiti delle vittime. Alza la parte finale del suo ventre, dimenandolo in aria, prima che una scoreggia dia il via alle danze. Del muco nauseante sgorga dal suo ano ricurvo, come zampilli d'acqua da una fontana, prima che si solidifichi completamente. Lo scarafaggio cammina avanti ed indietro, sforzando quella mostruosa digestione, tra lamenti e sonore flatulenze: il suo stomaco, infatti, non è adatto alla carne umana! Durante quell'assurda peristalsi, il cibo triturato ruota su se stesso, quasi come impastato da quelle porzioni contorte di muscoli, che lo amalgamano con il muco, favorendone l'eliminazione. A fatica, la bestia espelle i primi escrementi, incollati al suo sfintere. Feci molto grandi, a forma di enormi chicchi di caffè, vengono mitragliate una ad una, unendosi al resto della collezione bruna. In pochi minuti si accumula una montagna di sterco, dalla quale sporgono le ossa ed i crani delle sue prede. La blatta osserva intensamente il suo operato e se ne compiace. Un odore acre ed oleoso pervade l'intera area, mentre l'enorme scarafaggio si rintana nella cava abbandonata: oramai è quasi l'alba e l'insetto ha bisogno di riposare. Nell'oscurità più intima di quella caverna umida, il mutante esoscheletrico adagia il suo possente corpo su una pila di detriti e polvere. Si addormenta, beato come un bimbo. Nel frattempo, al di fuori di quel pericoloso antro, un bip bip riecheggia tra le enormi feci, rompendo quell'idilliaco silenzio mortale, mentre alcuni elicotteri sorvolano la zona... LA FINE |
È una bella mattina e il sole splende alto nel cielo, illuminando la Ahhh! Valle, mentre la nostra famiglia di cavernicoli preferita, I Croods, sta ancora dormendo. Diversi tipi di suoni strani riecheggiano nella loro tana preistorica: Wuuuurgleeee... Grooooann... Gruumblee... Sloosh... Profondi ruggiti e forti rutti sono seguiti da un odore pestilenziale, che si diffonde in tutta la grotta. Inalano a pieni polmoni il loro stesso fetore, che gradualmente diventa sempre più insopportabile, svegliandoli. Grug emette un forte sbadiglio, simile al barrito di un mammut, e allunga le braccia, mentre il suo grosso ventre gorgogliante scuote tutto il corpo, chiedendo di essere nutrito. Colpisce sua suocera, Gran, nella sua piccola ma avida pancia: -Ehi, ragazzone! Non frullare le mie budella! Sono così affamate che potrei mangiarti!- Si massaggia la pancia vuota e ruggente, mentre la piccola Sandy ringhia ferocemente, poiché Thunk allontana il suo orsetto Krispy con un calcio, facendosi mordere sul suo grosso grasso piede dalla sorellina: -Ahia!- piagnucola, mentre il suo stomaco ruggisce -Papà, Sandy mi ha morso!- La guarda, facendo le fusa contro la testa del suo peluche, come un bel gattino, mentre un brontolio colpisce il suo ventre grasso -...E il mio pancino ha fame! Ho bisogno di cibo!- si massaggia lo stomaco brontolando, cercando di calmare la fame, senza successo. Dopo qualche minuto ancora, la famiglia preistorica esce dalla sua caverna e si unisce agli altri abitanti: si salutano allegramente, seduti su enormi massi che fungono da sedie, e aspettano il loro pasto. Ruggiti multipli riecheggiano nella valle silenziosa, mentre iniziano a fare colazione. Gli stomaci di quei cavernicoli ruggiscono di fame, mentre accarezzano i loro ventri gementi e la saliva scende dalle loro bocche, mentre altro cibo viene messo davanti a loro. Smooth si precipita a prendere una grossa porzione di carne per sé: il suo stomaco famelico sta ruggendo come una bestia, come sempre. Rutta rumorosamente, grattandosi l'addome gorgogliante, mentre tutti si avventano sul Moomoth rimasto, quasi mordendosi a vicenda per cercare di afferrare il pezzo migliore. Improvvisamente Gunk si gratta la testa, cercando di ricordare qualcosa che ha appena dimenticato di dire, mentre si strofina il suo stomaco ruggente di fame. Nel frattempo, sua sorella gemella Munk è seduta accanto a lui, masticando un osso, mentre i suoi intestini gemono vigorosamente, scuotendo il suo corpo sottile. Lei cerca di calmare la sua pancia brontolante con una pacca, ma non cambia nulla. Entrambi ruttano, sorridendo l'uno all'altro. Un'altra preda è stata completamente divorata, ma gli stomaci senza fondo di quei cavernicoli affamati chiedono altro cibo, prontamente portato in un paio di minuti: un enorme scorpione è davanti a loro, ancora in movimento. Le budella preistoriche cominciano a brontolare, così come quelle bocche bestiali si bagnano, assaporando il gusto di quel povero aracnide gigantesco, che di lì a poco sarebbe diventato il loro pranzo. La piccola Sandy lotta con la nonna per la zampa di quel grosso insetto, come bestie affamate che cercano di calmare i loro stomaci gorgoglianti con una piccola larva. Ringhiano, proprio come le loro budella gorgoglianti, mentre Ugga sgrana gli occhi, sedendosi tra di loro e spezzando il cibo in due: loro lo mangiano allegramente, accarezzando i loro stomaci brontolanti. Nel frattempo Ugga ha un dubbio: si alza e cammina fino al deposito di cibo, un'enorme grotta non lontano dal centro del villaggio. Qualche minuto dopo, torna e si siede al suo posto, accanto a suo marito Grug Mentre la tribù sta ancora mangiando, indica lo scorpione, avvertendoli: -Questo è l'ultimo cibo che abbiamo!- Si fermano tutti: il panico negli occhi, mentre i loro poveri ventri gemono, come se avessero sentito quello che ha detto. Ugga annuisce, massaggiandosi lo stomaco che brontola, mentre suggerisce: -I nostri maschi dovrebbero andare a caccia di un pasto!- Poche femmine sono d'accordo con lei, grattandosi le loro povere pance vuote e brontolanti, mentre Ugga continua: -Le mie budella hanno bisogno di più cibo...! Grug... VAI!- dà una gomitata al marito, ancora in lotta per l'ultimo pezzo di quello scorpione, mentre le loro pance ringhiano insieme, come se fossero un gigantesco felino. Grug se la scrolla di dosso, vincendo il suo pasto, ringraziato dalle sue budella gementi. Sta ancora assaporando il cibo senza ascoltare nessuno. -Non credo che possiamo sopravvivere così! Sono d'accordo con Ugga!- grida improvvisamente il Maestro Squawk, mentre si gratta la pancia brontolante -Le nostre pance richiedono molto cibo!- Pondera ogni parola -La stagione fredda è alle porte! E abbiamo bisogno di raccogliere un sacco di cibo, per sopravvivere!- il suo stomaco scuote il suo corpo magro con un forte Wrog, mentre sta pensando qualcosa... Si può quasi vedere il suo cervello contorcersi, come fa il suo stomaco ribollente. Continua a grattarsi il mento e a strofinarsi la pancia che geme, finché non gli viene un'idea brillante: -I miei alunni potrebbero andare a caccia... per l'esame di sopravvivenza!- Sorride, pronto a metterli in uno dei suoi folli "compiti". I suoi scolari scuotono la testa, sospirando, mentre guardano le loro avide budella brontolanti, massaggiandole di dolore, quando Kevin sbotta: -Le nostre pance hanno bisogno di cibo, VERO! MA...- continua, mentre si accarezza la pancia affamata e gemente, prima di lisciarsi i capelli: -Non andrò da nessuna parte con questo freddo!- rabbrividisce, mentre il suo stomaco geme disperato. Improvvisamente, il capo della squadra di caccia si alza e grida: -Amber, va a caccia!- la sua pancia ruggisce, accarezzata da sua figlia, che sta massaggiando anche il suo piccolo pancino spumeggiante -Amber e Pat hanno bisogno di cibo!- Davanti a loro, Bort sospira d'amore, proponendo di cacciare insieme al gruppo, mentre il suo stomaco brontolante gli scuote l'addome. Lui arrossisce: più per il fatto che lei gli fa un cenno, che per il profondo e rumoroso gemito che proviene dalle sue budella. Gli altri cavernicoli si stanno ancora concentrando per riempire le loro pance brontolanti, quando Lerk bolle qualcosa, mentre accarezza le sue budella ruggenti, lamentandosi timidamente: -Il mio povero pancino si sta contorcendo dal dolore! Anche lui ha bisogno di cibo!- Guarda la sua amica Eep, seduta di fronte a lei. -OK ALLORA! - grida Eep, massaggiandosi lo stomaco gorgogliante -Se nessuno di voi va... Lo farò io! - Si alza dal suo masso, prontamente bloccato dalla mano del suo enorme padre. Sbuffa, sedendosi di nuovo e grattandosi la pancia vuota e brontolante. Tutti i cavernicoli stanno ora guardando Grug, che sta cercando di non considerare quegli occhi su di lui, mentre mangia. Si concentra sul suo pasto, mentre il suo pancione trema e ruggisce costantemente. Batte il suo addome borbottante con la mano libera, ancora osservato dai suoi paesani, con occhi affamati. Si ferma immediatamente e grida: -Ma come!?- sbuffa -Sto mangiando. Smettetela di guardarmi!- Qualcuno ride. -Potresti essere un buon pasto.. - Gran, sua suocera, ridacchia, mentre si lecca le labbra e si massaggia le budella. Grug smette di mangiare e le risponde: -Non puoi certo sfamare nessuno con quelle tue quattro ossa!- ribatte lui, mentre sua moglie gli dà una gomitata nello stomaco ruggente, muovendo tutto il corpo: -Grug!!!- Lei scuote la testa: -Smettila di fare il cretino con la mamma e vai a cercare del cibo per le nostre budella affamate e brontolanti- gli ordina, mentre si accarezza la pancia brontolante. -Hmpppfff...- Lui sbuffa, continuando a mangiare, mentre il suo pancione gorgogliante chiede altro cibo. -Papà!?- Eep e suo fratello minore, Thunk, lo guardano come se fossero cuccioli in cerca di un pasto... Lui sgrana gli occhi e lancia loro la testa di scorpione masticata: lottano, mentre le loro pance fanno a pugni l'una con l'altra, tremando e gemendo tutto il tempo. -MIO!- grida Eep, mostrando a tribù il suo trofeo, mentre Thunk piange, grattandosi la pancia ringhiante. Finisce di mangiarlo e si massaggia lo stomaco ancora gemente, lamentandosi: -Le mie budella hanno bisogno di cibo... di nuovo!- Si accarezza l'addome piatto e abbronzato, sospirando. Gli abitanti del villaggio ruttano rumorosamente, accarezzando i loro stomaci ribollenti, mentre Ugga e Amber stanno ancora parlando di caccia. Dainty ha appena trovato due uova di Turkeyfish lasciate da sole vicino a una palma, mentre Wal piazza una Chickonda che ha precedentemente cacciato. -WoW... Più Cibooooo!- Womp Waah salta in piedi per la gioia, colpendo l'alluce contro un masso e cadendo a terra, colpendo la sua pancia ruggente. Tutti ridono con nuova felicità, perché possono mangiare più cibo! Pochi minuti dopo, l'avio-rettile e quelle grandi uova sono completamente divorati, senza lasciare nulla a quegli affamati cavernicoli. Rutti rumorosi e scoregge fetide riecheggiano nella Ahhh! Valle, seguiti da lunghi e profondi ruggiti: se non fosse per la giornata di sole, penseresti che ci sia una tempesta da qualche parte nel cielo. Massaggiano i loro stomaci brontolanti, mentre il sole sta illuminando i dintorni con raggi gialli caldi molto luminosi… Sono passate ore dalla colazione e Gunk indice una riunione, come gli ha suggerito Grug: gli uomini delle caverne stanno parlando di caccia e della strategia da adottare. Ci vuole più tempo del previsto, visto che i loro stomaci gorgoglianti emettono continuamente strani suoni! Una volta terminata la discussione, i maschi preparano tutto per andare a caccia per giorni, al fine di ottenere cibo sufficiente per tutta la tribù, mentre le femmine rimangono nel villaggio. Non tutte le donne sono soddisfatte di questa decisione, come Eep e Amber, che incrociano le braccia sul loro ventre gorgogliante, sbuffando. I maschi finalmente salutano le loro femmine e lasciano la valle… Qualche minuto dopo la partenza degli uomini Le donne corrono un po' ovunque, per cercare di racimolare qualche frutto o foglia da mangiare, per quietare le loro viscere ruggenti. Altre, invece, si massaggiano le vuote e borbottanti pance o cercano di dormire, per non pensare alla fame, che attanaglia i loro stomaci gorgoglianti. Eep si contorce come un verme per gli spasmi intestinali, grattandosi il pancino roboante. Stanca di quella situazione, lei sospira e si lamenta: -Uffa! Il mio stomaco ha fame! Troppa fame!- Si massaggia la pancia gorgogliante, quando, ad un tratto, la giovane nota Amber, di norma a capo del gruppo di cacciatori, ma non questa volta! Le si avvicina e, guardandola dritto negli occhi, le chiede: -Perché non sei andata con loro?- Il suo tono è arrabbiato ed esasperato dalle richieste incessanti di cibo da parte del suo pancino brontolante, che cerca di tranquillizzare con carezze continue. Eep si lamenta con lei: -Chissà quanto tempo impiegheranno a trovare qualcosa di mangiabile!- Al solo pensiero, il suo stomaco gorgogliante si contorce e la ragazza rutta, cercando di contenersi, ma invano. Con una mano alla bocca ed una sul ruggente pancino, che continua a massaggiare, Eep segue Amber. La donna sospira, portando dell'acqua fresca nella sua grotta, dove sua figlia sta riposando: la bambina è piegata in due, il suo borbottante stomaco non le lascia un attimo di tregua, quasi come cercasse di mangiarla dall'interno. I succhi gastrici sono così forti, che la piccola non riesce a trattenere le scoregge, che oramai appestano l'intero della grotta. Eep annusa a pieni polmoni quel tanfo, mentre la cacciatrice risponde: -Amber non caccia, oggi! Amber cura Pat!- Si siede di fianco a sua figlia, massaggiandole il pancino gorgogliante, mentre a bassa voce continua a spiegare: -Pancia di Amber e Pat ha fame!- Con l'altra mano si gratta il suo stesso stomaco, che continua a borbottare, mentre Eep incuriosita le domanda: -Sta bene?- La osserva, sedendosi lì vicino, mentre il suo ventre vuoto ruggisce, senza darle un attimo di tregua. Le due donne rimangano con la bambina, mentre rutti e scoregge risuonano nella grotta. Un povero viandante, sentendo quei rumori, mai immaginerebbe che fossero borbottii degli stomaci di tre giovani cavernicole. 4 ore dopo Anche se la stagione fredda è vicina, oggi il sole splende luminoso in questo caldo pomeriggio sulla Ahhh! Valle. Normalmente, a quest'ora l'intera tribù si sarebbe crogiolata al sole, con le pance piene, per farsi una meritata pennichella. Tuttavia, oggi non è così! Le donne sono completamente esauste dalla fame e, ovunque, si possono udire gorgoglii inquietanti. All'improvviso Mosh, una delle amiche di Eep, reclama: -Ho troppa fame!- Tenendosi lo stomaco mugugnante con una mano -Ho bisogno di riempire il mio povero pancino!- Si massaggia il ventre, che si muove ad ogni passo, mentre un forte Glorp si manifesta dal suo esile corpo: -Aiuto... Quando ritornano gli uomini?- Chiede disperata, mentre si gratta la pancia ruggente, come un Macawnivore in cerca di cibo. All'inizio Ugga è spazientita: alza gli occhi al cielo e sbuffa per le reazioni angoscianti di alcune ragazze. Infine, dopo essersi calmata, risponde alla giovane, con tono pacato ma severo: -Calma! Se ne sono andati da poco!- Si massaggia lo stomaco borbottante, lamentandosi -Anch'io non vedo l'ora di riempire il mio ventre sgonfio!- Il mormorio di questo è così potente da far vibrare tutta la donna. Si gira ed osserva che anche la sua figlia minore Sandy, che ha disperatamente fame: il suo pancino borbotta e la piccola mordicchia il suo pupazzetto, cercando di non mordere nessuno. Gran si fa un cocktail, cercando di alleviare la fame che divora le sue borbottanti viscere. Lo beve tutto in un solo sorso, leccandosi i baffi, mentre si massaggia la pancia gorgogliante, lamentandosi: -Cavolo...Non pensavo che diventare anziani volesse dire avere una fame così incontrollabile!- Un lungo e sonoro Slooosh percuote i suoi intestini, dal di dentro, facendo vibrare il suo vuoto stomaco, che ruggisce chiedendo di essere riempito -Sì, ho capito!- lo accarezza come se fosse un bimbo -Le mie busecca sono affamate...- Nuovamente, Eep inizia a sentire i morsi della fame e stramazza platealmente al suolo, all'entrata della grotta di Amber, dove era rimasta a riposare sinora. Con la faccia al suolo, alza una mano, cercando aiuto e... CIBO! CIBO! CIBOOOOO!!! Urla la primogenita dei Croods, strisciando a terra come un verme. Si siede lentamente contro un albero, per lamentarsi: -...Se continua così..- si piega in due per il dolore, mentre si strofina il suo stomaco gorgogliante -Il mio pancino vorrà mangiare pure me stessa!- Sbuffa, mentre la sua migliore amica Lerk si avvicina. Come al solito, si avvinghia come un polipo sulla sua schiena, iniziando a leccarle la spalla: -Uhmmm.. buona!!- Lo stomaco di Lerk borbotta, pregustando la carne dell'amica che, in tutta risposta, la scrolla di dosso. Batte il culo a terra e si massaggia sia il sedere che il vuoto pancino borbottante. -Non ci provare. Lerk!- Eep la ammonisce -Anche le mie viscere hanno fame... ma non vado in giro a gustare le altre!- Il suo stomaco impreca, ruggendo come per dissentire da ciò che ha detto, mentre cerca di calmarlo con dei massaggi. -Scusami, Eep!- Lerk piange, gettandosi ai suoi piedi, mentre il suo pancino borbotta, richiedendo continue attenzioni. Lo schiaffeggia, come per dare una lezione ad un cucciolo disobbediente... Alcune ragazze si lamentano, mentre alcune donne cercano di racimolare del cibo. I piccoli Cliff e Sandy piagnucolano e, a volte, litigano tra loro, per poi finire addormentati l'uno vicino all'altra. Ovunque, comunque, si sentono brontolii e gorgoglii degli stomaci delle cavernicoli affamate, mentre qualcuno cerca di dormire, per cercare di dimenticare il senso di fame. Ad un tratto, Mal nota da lontano un albero con tre piccole pere mature e decide di avvicinarsi. Senza farsi notare dagli altri, si incammina ciondolando, come al solito. Il suo stomaco ruggisce al pensiero di poter addentare qualcosa e la ragazza lo calma con delle pacche, sussurandogli: -Shhh.. buono stomaco caro...- Lo massaggia -Non farti sentire e ti riempirò!- Come se la capisse, dopo un mugolio sommesso, il suo ventre si quieta. Ora Mal è vicina all'albero e cerca di strappare uno di quei frutti, ma invano. Le tre piccole pere si girano di scatto e capisce che, in realtà, sono orsi-pere. Questi piccoli animaletti, simili a lemuri, si aggrappano ai rami degli alberi, a testa in giù. Avendo un corpo piccolo e grosse teste rotonde, da dietro essi sembrano proprio delle piccole pere mature. Mal li ha svegliati e i tre animaletti si vendicano, attaccandola. Uno di loro la morde e lei scappa, gridando. Piangente, affaticata ed affamata si rintana nella sua caverna, dove cerca di riprendersi dallo spavento. Il suo ventre borbotta incessantemente, come per ammonirla della promessa infranta. Si accarezza lo stomaco. Il dito morso sanguina e lei lo lecca. Il suo sangue è dolce, invogliandola a succhiarlo avidamente. Il suo stomaco ringrazia, gorgogliando. 10 ore dopo Eep è così tanto affamata, che persino il loro cucciolo è scappato, avendo paura di essere sbranato da uno dei componenti della famiglia Croods, mentre Ugga cercava invano di calmarlo. Il sole è calato da ore e la luna illumina debolmente la Ahhh!Valle, dove ormai solo brontolii, rutti acidi e scoregge maleodoranti sono i suoni udibili. Gli animali sono scappati in preda al panico e a causa dell'odore nauseabondo, che permane ovunque... Eep sbuffa: più della fame, odia il dover aspettare! È stanca di dover attendere l'arrivo degli uomini: è sera inoltrata e di quei cacciatori, o del cibo, nessuna traccia! Eep si guarda intorno: ovunque donne in preda a spasmi di fame, massaggiano i loro poveri centri vuoti; i piccoli piangere; le donne anziane disperarsi, mentre altre ingoiare i sassi per riempire i loro gorgoglianti pancini. L'unica che potrebbe fare qualcosa, la cacciatrice Amber sta tuttora curando la sua povera figlioletta, cercando di alleviare il suo dolore, dato da continue flatulenze e spasmi gastrici, che peggiora ogni ora di più, a causa della fame, che attanaglia gli stomaci ruggenti di tutti… Eep ha deciso: creerà una SUA squadra per la caccia con tutte le femmine, che decideranno di farvi parte! Per prima cosa, lei indice una riunione segreta, alla quale è severamente vietato partecipare se si fa parte della sua famiglia: Eep sa bene che loro cercherebbero di fermarla, senza darle fiducia! A questa assemblea sono invitate le donne più giovani e volenterose, tranne Meep che, senza alcun dubbio, andrebbe a rivelare tutto a sua madre Ugga. La squadra di Eep avrà il compito di raccogliere frutta e verdura, così come uova e piccoli animali: piccoli spuntini, che aiuteranno tutti gli stomaci brontolanti a calmarsi, mentre si aspetta il ritorno dei cacciatori. Al solo pensiero di poter divorare qualche cosa, il suo ruggente pancino inizia a mugolare sempre più forte, causandole dolorosi spasmi muscolari, che le impediscono di pensare adeguatamente: ormai, persino i suoi stessi piedi le sembrano un'ottima opportunità per calmare il suo vorace ventre, che non smette più di borbottare, nemmeno quando lo massaggia! Tuttavia Ugga, non vedendo sua figlia a dormire nella grotta o ciondolare lamentandosi per lo stomaco vuoto, comprende che lei stia mettendo in atto qualcuna delle sue idee strampalate. Poco dopo la trova vicino ad un gruppetto di sue amiche, mentre è appena finita la riunione segreta, e la avverte: -Spero che TU- La indica, guardandola in cagnesco -Non stia facendo qualcosa di cui ti pentirai…- Incrocia le braccia sopra il suo stomaco gorgogliante, che la implora di essere riempito. Eep sta per ribattere, ma sua nonna interviene prima, mostrandosi dalla parte della nipote: -Alla sua età io ero già una raccoglitrice esperta... È ora che anche lei trovi un suo posto nel Grande Cerchio della vita!- Gran le fa l'occhiolino, mentre il suo pancino raggrinzito mugola per la fame -...E poi sono affamata da morire!- Si porta una mano al ventre gorgogliante, per cercare di calmarlo con massaggi circolari -Sono sicura che almeno UNO dei Croods riuscirà a portarci del cibo..- Ghigna, mentre sua figlia Ugga la scruta male, sapendo ciò che sta per dire: -E non intendevo tuo marito!- Se ne va, sogghignando divertita, sotto gli occhi stupiti di Eep, che sta ora osservando la madre con occhi da cucciolo. Ugga sospira, tenendosi lo stomaco ruggente, e poi acconsente: -Va bene!- Il suo ventre concorda con lei, con un leggero ma prolungato borbottio, mentre Eep le salta addosso, abbracciandola e baciandola; tuttavia Ugga ha una condizione: -A patto che..- l'esultazione di Eep è interrotta dalle parole di sua madre, che finisce il discorso con - ...ci sia anche Amber!- Eep sbuffa, ma accetta, Purché sia lei a comandare. Le due donne si stringono la mano e vanno a parlare con la cacciatrice, che tuttora si trova nella sua grotta a curare il malessere di sua figlia. Dopo aver spiegato la situazione, loro aspettano una risposta, che non tarda molto ad arrivare: -NO!- Scuote la testa -Amber sta con Pat, oggi!- Accarezza la figlia, mentre il suo stomaco ruggisce, facendo vibrare tutto il suo corpicino. -Se mangiasse, starebbe meglio!- Sussurra Eep, massaggiandosi il suo ventre borbottante -Anch'io ho lo stomaco vuoto e sto male! Ma se lo riempissi, starei bene!- Amber la guarda, poi indirizza il suo sguardo sulla sua pancia sgonfia, che continua a ruggire per la fame. Eep, allora, le suggerisce: -Rad starà con Pat! È brava a curare le persone! E poi comunque, ci sarà anche mia madre a darle una mano!- Eep sorride a Ugga, che a malincuore acconsente, mentre la cacciatrice accetta: -Amber insegna Eep prendere cibo!- La giovane esulta e va ad informare le altre. Qualche minuto dopo, con torce alla mano, il gruppetto capeggiato da Eep va in cerca di cibo, sempre restando nella Ahhh! Valle. Durante la notte Sono passate poche ore da quando Eep il suo gruppo si sono allontanati in cerca di cibo per le donne della tribù. È ormai notte fonda e le madri sono preoccupate, perché le figlie tardano a rientrare, sebbene sia stato ordinato loro di non allontanarsi troppo dalla Ahhh! Valle. Seppur sotto il controllo di Amber, alcune mamme sono preoccupate, perché secondo loro era ancora troppo presto per lasciare andare a caccia le figlie, soprattutto di notte. Altre, invece, sono contente, perché in questo modo le figlie possono trovare un posto all'interno della loro società, nonché portare a casa del cibo per riempire i loro vuoti stomaci, che gorgogliano continuamente per la fame. Mentre le figlie sono lontane, le madri cercano di dormire: tuttavia, le loro pance vuote brontolano così ferocemente da non dar loro pace! Cercano allora di distrarsi in qualche modo, per non pensare alla fame che divora i loro roboanti ventri. Ugga Canta una ninna nanna a sua figlia Sandy e al piccolo Cliff, mentre la sua giovane mamma Teena ciondola per tutta la caverna, lamentandosi del suo povero pancino affamato: esso mugola così forte da scuotere persino le viscere e farla contorcersi dal dolore. Cercando di non pensare agli spasmi e alla fame, Teena cammina avanti indietro per la grotta, fino a calpestare persino la nonna, che in tutta risposta le addenta un piede. AHIA! CANNIBALE! Lei urla, mentre Gran rimane impassibile: infatti, continua a succhiare il pollicione di quella giovane donna, che arrossisce di piacere, mentre la pancia della vecchia ruggisce, pregustando il gustoso pasto. Per il trambusto causato, i due piccoli si svegliano ed iniziano a piangere. Sbuffando, Ugga separa le due femmine, ammonendole di stare calme, e torna a coccolare i bambini che, stanchi per la fame ed il sonno, tornano a dormire. Nel frattempo, la dolce e carina Rad sta curando la piccola Pat, facendole bere una tisana amara, creata dalla sciamana stessa. L'odore di quell'intruglio è nauseabondo, proprio come il puzzo acido, che si respira in quella grotta. A volte, la bionda deve tapparsi naso e bocca per non rischiare di vomitare, uscendo di tanti in tanto a prendere una fredda boccata d'aria. La piccola non smette di scoreggiare e ruttare, quasi come se il suo pancino affamato la stesse divorando dall'interno. Strani borbottii liquidi, simili allo scorrere di un fiume in piena, smuovono il suo corpicino, provocandole atroci convulsioni. -Ha fame!- Reclama Rad -...Proprio come tutte noi!- Si massaggia il suo ventre piatto gorgogliante, sospirando-Speriamo che Eep e le altre trovino qualcosa!- La sciamana annuisce. Il silenzio giace nella Ahhh! Valle, completamente immerse in una nebbia pestilenziale... All'alba del primo giorno La luna lascia il posto ad un timido sole, che sta tingendo il cielo di un rosa confetto, picchiettato qua e là da venature di un bel dorato. Alcune donne hanno aspettato il ritorno delle figlie durante tutta la notte ed ora vagano come zombie, trascinando i loro piedi gonfi e lagnandosi dei loro stomaci vuoti. Brontolii si odono in tutta la Ahhh! Valle, che ora pare totalmente diversa da quella di qualche giorno fa: da un'amica paradiso incontaminato ad una landa desolata! Infatti, prima si poteva udire il melodioso suono di una Balena Terrestre in lontananza, o il verso contento dei Liyotes domestici, o persino il richiamo amoroso di qualche Trip Gerbils. Ovunque vi era un'armonia di forme e colori: ciuffi rigogliosi d'erba, che danzavano sinuosi al ritmo di un tiepido vento, che accarezzava i capelli dei cavernicoli, felici di vivere in quel paradiso. Guardate ora quel posto! Gorgoglii di stomaci vuoti, lamenti, scoregge e rutti sono gli unici rumori assordanti, che fanno da contorno ad un'aria malsana. Odore di putridume e uova marce risucchia la vita dalla terra stessa, che muore lentamente per il puzzo stagnante, inspirato da quelle femmine. In conseguenza di questa malsana landa, gli animali hanno preferito scappare, ben consci anche che sarebbero potuti diventare cibo per quelle pance gorgoglianti e senza fondo! All'improvviso Meep urla: ECCOLE! Nuova energia è data a quei corpi infreddoliti, stanchi e affamati, che si precipitano incontro al gruppo. Con rinnovata speranza, le donne più anziane escono dalle loro sudice grotte e barcollano verso le ragazze, completamente sporche di terra e ferite. Ugga non riesce più a contenere dall'emozione i due piccoli, che si fiondano da Eep, mentre Teena cerca di trattenere l'impetuosità di suo figlio Cliff, strattonando la liana a cui è legato, a mo' di guinzaglio. Eep tristemente sorride, abbracciando i due bimbi, che annusano ovunque in cerca di cibo, mentre i loro pancini gorgogliano disperati nella speranza di mangiare qualcosa. Ahimé, non sarà così! Il gruppo delle giovani cacciatrici non è stato così fortunato: infatti, hanno recuperato solamente due piccoli Butterhummer e uno striminzito Yakemeleon. Amber è ferita ed Ugga chiede spiegazioni, che Eep fornisce immediatamente, assieme alle sue scuse: -Siamo stati attaccati da un gruppo di Wigasus affamati!- Il suo stomaco brontola, mentre la ragazza si lecca le ferite -Piccoli, ma bastardi…- Trema per il freddo, quindi cade a terra stanca, prontamente sorretta da sua madre Ugga, che chiama le altre a raccolta. Prima di collassare definitivamente, Eep spiega come sono stati attaccati anche da un enorme Serpente delle Sabbie, che per poco non ingoiata tutta la combriccola. Alks cinese del racconto, le donne trasportano le ferite nella grande grotta, mentre la sciamana prepara alcune pozioni curative con quello che trova. Mal porge il sacchetto con il poco cibo trovato in mezzo alla mensa. Su quel piccolo bottino sono puntati gli occhi di tutti, mentre i loro stomaci affamati ruggiscono, pregustando il prezioso cibo. Gran annusa e, con l'acquolina alla bocca, si massaggia il suo ventre, che borbotta impaziente per addentare qualcosa ma, prima che si precipiti sul tesoro, viene fermata da sua figlia Ugga, che la tiene per la coda del suo vestito: -Mamma, abbiamo tutti fame!- Si guardano male, mentre i loro stomaci mugolano disperati -Prima curiamo i feriti, poi mangiamo!- Esasperata, Gran accetta, seguita dalle altre. Nel contempo, la pozione fa effetto quasi subito e le ragazze si riprendono dal loro torpore, rialzandosi più affamate di prima. Mentre le altre giovani stavano riposando, Handsy è andata ad abbracciare il suo Booboo, il grande albero al centro della Ahhh! Valle, trovando alcune foglie appassite. Lo osserva attentamente, mentre il suo gorgogliante pancione fa vibrare l'intera pianta, quindi gli domanda: -Perché Booboo triste?- Avvicinandosi, sente degli scricchiolii provenire da sottane la corteccia del suo amico bitorzoluto e nota delle larve, che masticano felici. Arrabbiata, le toglie una ad una con le sue enormi mani grasse. Tuttavia, sono troppe e decide di usare la parte inferiore della sua pelliccia per contenere tutte quelle schifose larve. Una volta eliminate, Handsy trotta felice dal resto della tribù, mostrando il suo bottino e pronunciando la sua solita frase: -Handsy si limita a vagabondare…- Vedendola arrivare con le mani piene di qualcosa, molte ragazze accorrono esultando. BLEAH! CHE SCHIFO! Le fanciulle urlano all'unisono, evitando di guardare quelle cose pelose, che si contorcono nelle mani della cavernicola. Ugga e Meep servono meglio quelle larve: grandi come una nespola, viscide come una lumaca, con dei peletti neri sul dorso, di un colore verde fluorescente ed un teschio rossastro sul capo. -Io non capisco molto di insetti…- reclama Meep, alzando un sopracciglio con fare indagatore -...ma non penso che siano commestibili!- Ugga annuisce, mentre si massaggia il suo stomaco brontolante, che intensifica gli spasmi dolorosi, soprattutto dopo aver visto quel cibo. Anche la sciamana guarda attentamente quelle larve e, scuotendo la testa, conferma quanto detto: -Sono molto velenose- sospira, grattandosi il ventre vuoto, che ruggisce per la frase che sta per dire -Non si devono mangiare, ASSOLUTAMENTE!- Handsy, che stava per mangiarsele qualcuna per calmare il suo grasso flaccido pancione borbottante, si ferma all'improvviso, chiudendo di scatto la bocca. Anche le altre ragazze, una volta superato lo schifio per il viscidume di quelle larve, si bloccano e le gettano a terra, sospirando quasi contente di non doverle mangiare. Le schiacciano ed una poltiglia lattiginosa verdastra si appiccica ai loro piedi, che cercano di ripulire. I due bambini cercano di leccarla via dai loro piedini paffuti, ma sono prontamente fermati da Lerk ed Eep: -Appena in tempo...!- Esclamano le due amiche, ridendo insieme, mentre hanno in braccio i due piccoli birbantelli. Le loro pance vuote, però, non sono della stessa opinione: infatti, continuano a chiedere di essere riempite, tramite sempre più potenti mugolii, che si intensificano in feroci ruggiti. Invano sono le carezze di quelle povere disgraziate sui loro stomaci affamati, che minacciano di divorarle dall'interno. Nel frattempo, anche Amber si riprende dalle ferite, riportate durante lo scontro contro i Wigasus. Si stiracchia, massaggiandosi il ventre vuoto borbottante e corre da sua figlia. La vede stare molto meglio, grazie anche a quell'intruglio schifoso della sciamana e alle amorevoli cure di Rad, e felice le abbraccia tutte e tre. Per lo strapazzo, le pance gonfie di aria si afflosciano, rilasciando una serie infinita di scoregge maleodoranti, che risuonano nella grotta. Le quattro femmine ridono di gusto, mentre i loro ventri vuoti continuano a lamentarsi, sfociando in un coro di Sloosh, Wurgle e Blurp. Improvvisamente, inizia a piovere e tutte le donne si sistemano l'una di fianco all'altra, davanti al fuoco acceso nell'enorme caverna, dividendosi il magro bottino della notte. Amber dà un pezzo della lunga lingua del Yakemeleon alla figlia, che felice lo divora subito. Ovunque si odono brontolii feroci, mentre si osserva la rugiada cadere imperterrita sul terreno. Qualche donna anziana allunga la mano e strappa qualche ciuffo di erba fresca, masticandolo come fosse uno Yak: una magra consolazione per le loro viscere ingorde, che gorgogliano richiedendone in gran quantità. Alcune femmine seguono il loro esempio, cercando di colmare in qualche modo le loro pance ruggenti, prima di coricarsi. È un mattino piovoso e freddo, perfetto per riposare, ma il poco cibo ingerito non è servito a calmare gli stomaci brontolanti di quelle cavernicole che, girandosi nei loro giacigli, continuano a lamentarsi per la fame incessante, che non riesce a farli dormire. Invani sono gli sforzi di alcune di quietare i loro ruggenti ventri attraverso massaggi, mentre alcune cercano persino di ingurgitare qualche sasso, tanto per riempire le viscere ingorde! A quel punto, la sciamana decide di preparare una pozione, che permetterà loro di dormire per un giorno intero. Esasperate dai brontolii incessanti per la fame, dalla puzza e dal poco sonno, tutte acconsentono a berla, sperando che l'indomani sia un giorno migliore: magari avrebbero trovato qualcosa da mangiare o, meglio, i loro mariti sarebbero ritornati trionfanti con un abbondante bottino di caccia! Il giorno dopo Durante la notte, le donne più grandi hanno deciso di creare dei turni per sorvegliare sia il fuoco che il ritorno dei loro uomini, che oramai sono via da due giorni. Così come è successo il giorno precedente, alcune cavernicole barcollano senza forze per la Ahhh! Valle, mentre altre cercano disperatamente del cibo. Trovano alcune piccole lumache nei pressi della grotta più grande, grazie alla pioggia incessante del giorno prima. Contente, richiamano tutti per gustare la colazione, ben lontana da quelle abbondanti che avevano fatto fino ad ora! Mangiano tutto, ma molto lentamente, in modo da gustare ogni minimo boccone, sperando di calmare così i loro stomaci ruggenti. Il mattino passa lento, tra mugolii e lamenti alternati a rutti e scoregge. Il dolore per gli stomaci vuoti si fa troppo insopportabile e le cavernicole chiedono nuovamente alla sciamana la pozione per dormire un giorno intero. L'anziana è preoccupata: contando gli ingredienti, nota che ne ha abbastanza per creare solo altre tre pozioni, ovvero per riposare per altri tre giorni. Lo spiega alle altre, che comunque decidono di berne una, sperando che l'indomani i loro mariti possano ritornare con il cibo, tanto desiderato. Tutta la tribù beve quell'intruglio, eccezion fatta per Ugga, Meep e Amber, che decidono di rimanere sveglie per sorvegliare le altre il eventuale ritorno degli uomini. La giornata passa più o meno veloce, mentre i ventri delle tre vigilanti ruggiscono riecheggiando nella grotta, senza però svegliare nessuna delle belle addormentate. I mugolii delle loro fameliche pance sono, infatti, sovrastati dal ronfare sonoro delle loro compagne, mentre un disgustoso olezzo invade i polmoni delle tre sfortunate, che scappano fuori dalla grotta. Appena fuori, trovano qualche lumaca, che diventa immancabilmente il loro pasto: -Dite che dovremmo tenerne qualcuna anche per le altre, quando si svegliano!?- Meep chiede con fare interrogativo, ignorata completamente dalle sue colleghe, troppo intente a soddisfare i loro famelici stomaci gorgoglianti. Comprende allora che meglio tenersi per loro quel bottino e non dire nulla al resto della tribù. Dopo un veloce riposino pomeridiano, le tre donne continuano a guardare l'orizzonte, sperando di vedere qualcuno, o qualcosa… Poco male! Per loro fortuna, riescono a trovare in tarda serata ancora qualche altra lumaca e dei piccoli scorpioni, con i quali riescono a inquietare temporaneamente le loro ruggenti viscere. Dopo quattro giorni Dopo quasi due giorni senza pozione per dormire, la fame è peggiore di prima e segni del digiuno trapelano dai loro corpi dimagriti e dai loro volti emaciati: le pance gonfie per la troppo aria continuano ad espellere scoregge nauseanti, simili nell'odore a della carne in putrefazione; gli occhi sporgono fuori dalle orbite, colme di enormi occhiaie; le labbra si sono ritirate per la mancanza d'acqua. Molte di loro non riescono nemmeno più a camminare, per via delle gambe anchilosate e dei muscoli indolenziti. Soni stati due giorni pessimi, in cui la tribù non riusciva più a trovare né cibo, né acqua durante il giorno e non dormivano più durante la notte. Alcune si sono persino inferte delle piccole escoriazioni per poter leccare il loro stesso sangue, cercando di calmare i morsi della fame, che attanaglia i loro poveri stomaci gorgoglianti. Durante la notte appena trascorsa, alcuni Jackrobat si stavano avvicinando alla grotta, cercando un posto per dormire, ma si sono spaventati dalla ferocia delle cavernicole, che cercavano di catturarli e divorarli in un boccone! Scappando immediatamente dalle fauci di quelle predatrici, lasciavano dietro di loro una sfilza di rancore, disperazione ed urla. Una volta calmati gli animi e gli stomaci borbottanti, le femmine cercavano di riaddormentarsi. La mattina seguente, non trovano null'altro che qualche lombrico, che si litigano, proprio come farebbero due leoni affamati con un pezzo di carne. La sfortuna continua a perseguitarli, poiché non vi è ancora nessuna traccia degli uomini all'orizzonte e i dolorosi spasmi fanno impazzire un po' chiunque. Molte cercano di mangiarsi a vicenda, ma vengono prontamente fermate dalle altre, mentre gli stomaci di tutti continuano a ruggire incessantemente in cerca di questo fantomatico cibo, che quasi assomiglia ad un mitico essere, impossibile da trovare. Di conseguenza, tutte decidono di bere la seconda pozione per il sonno, senza alcuna eccezione. Pochi minuti dopo, tutti sono caduti in un sonno profondo. Fuori dalla caverna tutto tace ed è in armonia, mentre all'interno mugolii feroci rimbombano, come fuochi d'artificio, e un'aria viziata si estende, come una fitta nebbia puzzolente. Dopo una settimana Ancora una volta, le povere cavernicole si trovano assonnate ed affamate, mentre i loro poveri corpi sono sempre più un lontano ricordo: le ossa sporgono più o meno ovunque puntando contro la carne viva, facendole somigliare più a scheletri viventi che vere e proprie persone. Dopo altri due giorni infernali senza riposo e cibo, sentono che oramai hanno raggiunto il limite, sconfitte anche dalla fame che attanaglia il loro stomaci gorgoglianti. Quel mattino, la sciamana ha spiegato a tutte che quella sera avrebbero usato l'ultima pozione, nella mera speranza che il giorno dopo i cacciatori sarebbero ritornati con del cibo. Tutti sono spossati, in particolare i due bimbi, Cliff e Sandy, che piagnucolano continuamente, mentre cercano in tutti i modi di sopravvivere a quella carestia. I loro piccoli stomaci roboanti ruggiscono, allungando le loro manine scheletriche verso Ugga. La donna ha appena trovato dei lombrichi, che di nascosto fa mangiare ai piccoli. Contenti, li divorano, per poi crollare in un sonno profondo, dopo aver sfamato i loro piccoli, ma voraci pancini. Nel frattempo, Handsy, che è di molto dimagrita, inizia a riempire il suo vorace gorgogliante ventre con foglie e cortecce del suo caro albero Booboo. La ragazza è triste, nel vedere che il proprio albero sta morendo, ma meglio lui che lei! Intanto, Eep ruba un frutto mezzo mangiucchiato dalle tasche di Mal, senza che lei se ne accorga, dividendolo con la sua amica Lerk, che oramai non riesce a reggersi in piedi. Anche la giovane cavernicola non riesce più a vivere in quel modo: odia il dover attendere il ritorno degli uomini, odia il morire lentamente, odia l'essere così impotente ed affamata, odia anche il suo stomaco senza fondo, che la sta facendo impazzire con i continui gorgoglii. Gran è ormai da giorni che non fa altro che mangiare la coda del suo stesso vestito, cercando di colmare il suo raggrinzito pancino, che borbotta implorando continuamente di essere riempito: -Un po' stagionata, ma buona!- Esulta, mentre massaggia il suo ventre ruggente, che finalmente ha qualcosa da digerire: lecca le scaglie sporche di terriccio, mangiucchia l'erba attaccata al vestito e stacca qualche pezzetto di pelle vecchia, che continua a far ballare in bocca… Amber continua ad essere sempre più preoccupata per sua figlia Pat, che non si muove quasi più. Continua a ruttare e scoreggiare, mentre il suo stomaco ruggisce senza tregua. La puzza di carne putrefatta non fa presagire nulla di buono: le sue viscere si stanno sciogliendo lentamente, cercando di saziare il buco nero del suo ventre, da cui sporgono tutte le piccole costole. La sciamana dapprima crea un antidoto, per aiutare la bambina a rimanere in vita ancora per qualche giorno, poi chiama a raccolta tutti, nell'enorme caverna, per bere l'ultima pozione del sonno. Prima di berla, alcune donne portano abbastanza acqua fresca da dissetare tutti e riempire temporaneamente i loro ventri borbottanti. Quindi, ingeriscono lo schifoso intruglio e si addormentano nuovamente per un intero giorno. All'ottavo giorno Tutti gli uomini stanno tornando, allegramente con delle grosse prede. Si sono appena riposati e hanno fatto un buon pasto per calmare i loro brontolii affamati, quando qualcosa di strano colpisce la loro attenzione: nessun rumore intorno... ...Tranne i loro rutti e i rumori dello stomaco! -Dove sono le nostre mogli? - chiede Snoot, sorpreso di non vedere il suo amato Meep urlare, come al solito. -Perché è molto strano... Se me lo chiedi! Smooth risponde con la sua voce profonda, cercando Gran. -Questo silenzio non è da loro...- Grug si insospettisce e consiglia agli altri di gettare a terra il loro bottino, prendendo le armi. Si dirigono verso il centro del villaggio: tutto è sottosopra e secco, senza nessuno intorno. Avvicinandosi, vengono pervasi da una puzza nauseante di uova marce, che penetra nei loro polmoni ogni volta che respirano: -Cos'è questo odore schifoso?- Chiede Kevin, tappandosi il naso -È peggio del cibo che mangia Deth!- Improvvisamente, qualcuno cerca di urlare, senza successo: -Sono tornati!- un debole sussurro esce dalle labbra di Mal, seguito da diversi mormorii e grida di sorpresa e disperazione. Gli uomini guardano le loro femmine: i loro corpi hanno perso ogni forma femminile, completamente sporchi e pieni di graffi, sono solo un mero ricordo di ciò che erano... Molto più simili a scheletri ambulanti rivestiti da un sottile strato di pelle. Con occhi famelici e una ritrovata energia, si avventano sul cibo, spiazzando i loro uomini, che le guardano con timore. -Togliamoci dai piedi, prima di diventare anche noi il loro cibo! Kevin propone e gli altri cacciatori rimangono lontani dalle loro donne, continuando a guardarle. Le donne si graffiano e si mordono a vicenda, lottando per i pezzi più grandi, strappando la carne dalle ossa. Ruttano e scoreggiano, continuando a divorare tutto quello che trovano, mentre i loro stomaci famelici continuano a brontolare. Osservando la scena, Grug si strofina la pancia gorgogliante, suggerendo: -Dovremmo cominciare ad allevare qualche animale! Quelle parole sono rimaste impresse nella mente degli uomini, come nei ruggiti della valle Ahhh! che riecheggiano senza sosta.... LA FINE |
It's a beautiful morning and the sun is shining high in the sky, illuminating the Ahhh! valley, as our favorite caveman family, The Croods, are still sleeping. Different kinds of strange sounds echo in their prehistoric den: Wuuuurgleeee... Grooooann… Gruumblee… Sloosh… Deep roaring and loud burping are followed by a pestilential smell, spreading in the entire cave. They inhale at the top of their lungs their own stench, which gradually becomes more and more unbearable, waking them up. Grug makes a loud yawn, similar to a mammoth's barb, and stretches his arms, as his big gurgling belly shakes his whole body, asking to be fed. He hits his wife's mom, Gran, in her little but greedy tummy: -Hey, big guy! Don't milkshake my guts! They're so hungry that I could eat ya!- She massages her roaring empty belly, while little Sandy is ferociously growling, as Thunk pulls her Krispy Bear away with a kick, getting bitten on his big fat foot by his little sister: -Ouch!- he whines, as his stomach roars -Daddy, Sandy bit me!- He looks at her, purring against her plushie's head, like a cute kitty, as a rumbling hits his fat belly -…And my tummy is hungry! I need food!- he massages his growling stomach, trying to calm the hunger, unsuccessfully. After a few more minutes, the prehistoric family comes out from their cave and joins the other residents: they greet each other happily, sitting on huge boulders, which serve as chairs, and they wait for their meal. Multiple roars echo through the silent valley, as they start eating breakfast. The stomachs of those cavemen roar with hunger, as they stroke their groaning bellies and saliva drops from their mouths, while more food is placed in front of them. Smooth rushes over to grab a big portion of meat for himself: his ravenous stomach is roaring like a beast, as always. BUUUUURPPPP!!! He loudly burps, scratching his gurgling abdomen, as they all pounce on the remaining Moomoth, almost biting each other to try to grab the best piece. He burps again, massaging his growling guts and continuing to devour his meal, swallowing big pieces of meat, without even chewing them. -Thus good!- He compliments the females, who have previously cooked it: they've finally learned how to use the fire to grill the food and give it more taste. Suddenly Gunk scratches his head, trying to remember something he's just forgotten to say, while he's rubbing his roaring hunger stomach. He knows he had something important to say to the tribe, but… He shrugs his thoughts and munches his pieces of meat, while his moaning belly is thanking him for being fed, finally! A loud groaning sound escapes from his mouth, while eating his precious meal. At the same time, his twin sister Munk is sitting next to him, chewing a bone, as her intestines vigorously moan, shaking her thin body. She tries to calm her growling belly with a pat, but nothing changes. They both burp, smiling to each other, as their abdomens vibrate due to loud Sloosh and Gurgle. The hunger of those prehistoric people has no limits! Indeed, another prey has been completely devoured, but the bottomless stomachs of those hungry cavemen demand more food, promptly brought in a couple of minutes: a huge scorpion is in front of them, still moving. The prehistoric guts start to rumble, as well as those bestial mouths water, savoring the taste of that poor gigantic arachnid, which would shortly become their lunch. They all try to get the best and the biggest piece: in fact, little Sandy fights with her granny for that big bug's leg, like hungry beasts trying to soothe their gurgling stomachs with a tiny grub. One on one end of the leg and one on the other side, the two compete for the piece, tugging at each other: Sandy is munching the "feet" part, while Gran is biting the "tight" of that long leg. They growl, just like their gurgling guts, as Ugga rolls her eyes, sitting between them and breaking their food in two: they happily eat it, patting their rumbling stomachs. Meanwhile Ugga has a doubt: she gets up and walks to the food storage, a huge cave not far from the village center. Her growling belly shakes in fear, as she notices the poor amount of food they've in their storage. Still massaging her groaning guts, a few minutes later, she comes back and sits in her seat, next to her husband Grug. While the tribe is still eating, she points to the scorpion, warning them: -This is the last food we got!- They all stop: panic in their eyes, as their poor moaning bellies gurgle, as if they've heard what she said. Ugga nods, massaging her rumbling stomach, as she suggests: -Our males should go hunting for a meal!- Few females agree with her, scratching their poor empty growling bellies, as Ugga continues: -My guts need more food…! Grug… GO!- She elbows her husband, still fighting for the last piece of that scorpion, while their bellies growl together, as if they were a gigantic feline. Grug shrugs her off, winning his meal, thanked by his moaning guts. He's still savoring the food without listening to anyone. -I don't think we can survive like this! I agree with Ugga!- Teacher Squawk suddenly shouts, as he scratches his growling belly -Our tummies require a lot of food!- he ponders, explaining it better: -The cold season is just around the corner! And we need to gather a lot of food, in order to survive!- his stomach shakes his thin body with a loud Wrog, while he's thinking something... You can almost see his brains squirm, as his bubbling stomach does. He keeps scratching his chin and rubbing his groaning belly, until he has a brilliant idea: -My pupils could go hunting… for the survival exam!- He smiles, ready to put them on one of his crazy "assignments". His schoolkids are shaking their heads, sighing, as they look at their greedy grumbling guts, massaging them with pain, when Kevin blurts: -Our bellies need food, TRUE! BUT…- he proceeds, as he caresses his hungry moaning belly, before smoothing his hair: -...I'm not going ANYWHERE with this cold!- he shivers, as his stomach groans in despair. Suddenly, the Leader of the hunting team gets up and shout: -Amber go hunting!- her belly roars, patted by her daughter, who is massaging her own little bubbling tummy too -Amber and Pat guts need food!- She smiles and hugs her daughter, while two eyes are watching them carefully. In front of them, Bort sighs in love, proposing to hunt together with the group, as his grumbling stomach shakes his abdomen. He blushes: more from the fact that she is nodding at him, than from the deep noisy groaning coming from his guts. The other cavemen are still focus to fill their grumbling bellies, when Lerk bubbles something, as she strokes her roaring guts, shyly complaining: -My poor tummy is twisting in pain! It needs food too!- She looks at her bestie Eep, sat in front of her. -OK THEN!- Eep shouts, massaging her gurgling stomach -If NONE of you is going... I WILL!- She stands up from her boulder, promptly blocked by her huge dad's hand. She puffs, sitting back again and scratching her empty growling belly. All cavemen are now watching Grug, who's trying not to consider those eyes on him, while eating. He focuses on his meal, as his bump shakes and roars constantly. He taps his mumbling abdomen with his free hand, still observed by his villagers, with hungry eyes. He immediately stops and shouts: -Wut!?- He snorts -I'm eating. STOP looking at me!- Someone laughs. -You could be a good meal..!- Gran, his mother-in-law, giggles, while she is licking her lips and massaging her growling guts. Grug stops eating and answers her: -You certainly can't feed anyone with those four bones of yours!- He retorts, as his wife elbows him in his roaring stomach, moving his whole body: -Grug!!- she shakes her head -Stop being a jerk with mom and go finding food for our hungry groaning guts!- She orders him, while patting her rumbling belly. -Hmpppfff…- He snorts, still eating, as his gurgling bump is asking for more food. -Dad!?- Eep and her younger brother, Thunk, are looking at him like they were cute puppies in search of a meal… He rolls his eyes and throws at them the chewed scorpion head: they fight, as their bellies punch to each other, shaking and groaning all the time. -MINE!- Eep shouts, showing to tribe her trophy, as Thunk cries, scratching his growling belly: -It's not fair…!- He complains, rubbing his big fat groaning abdomen -My tummy needs food!- crying, he looks back at his dad -Papa, please….- Eep burps loudly, licking her lips. Once she's finished eating her meal, she complains again, still massaging her moaning hungry stomach: -My guts need food… again!- She caresses her flat tanned roaring abdomen, sighing -I can't live with an empty belly…!- She sighs. Even the villagers burp loudly, patting their bubbling stomachs, while Ugga and Amber are still talking about hunting. After he finishes eating, Pat returns to his cave to rest, not feeling well: -Mom, I think I've had indigestion...-claims the little one, as she rubs her bombastic tummy -I'm going to sleep for a while...- Her mother Amber looks at her worriedly, accompanying her. On the way, at every step the little girl's bowels emitted patented and nauseating farts. -Sorry, Mom...- she is embarrassed and, to make her feel better, she lets out a record fart too. The two laugh, then Pat falls asleep, lulled by the massages on her grumbling tummy that her mom gives her. In the meantime, Dainty has just found two Turkeyfish eggs left alone near a palm tree, as Wal places a Chickonda he has previously hunted. -WoW… More pfooood!- Womp Waah jumps up for joy, hitting his toe against a boulder and falling to the ground, hitting his roaring belly. They all laugh with new happiness, as they can eat more food! Few minutes later, the avian-reptile and those big eggs are completely devoured, leaving nothing to those hungry cavemen. Loud burps and fetid farts echo in the Ahhh! valley, followed by long and deep thunderously roars: if it wasn't for the sunny day, you'd think there was a storm somewhere in the sky. They massage their growling stomachs, as the sun is enlightening the surroundings with very bright warm yellow rays... Hours have passed since breakfast, and a reunion is requested by Gunk, as Grug has suggested to him: the cavemen are talking about hunting and the strategy to adopt. It takes longer than expected since their gurgling stomachs loudly roar strange sounds all the time! Once the discussion has finished, the males prepare everything to go hunting for days, in order to get enough food for the whole tribes, as the females remain in the village. Not all the women are satisfied by that decision, like Eep, who crosses her arms on her gurgling bellies, snorting: -Why can't I come too?- She asks, while scratching her roaring stomach. -You're too young!- Her dad answers, sighing -We've already talked about that, Eep!- The girl snorts, stamping her feet on the ground, and angrily rushes inside her cave. At that moment, Snoot looks around and questions Ugga, who is still there to wave her husband: -Where's Amber!?- Ugga finishes to kiss Grug and answers him: -With her daughter. Pat's not feeling well…- All of them look at each other, but Grug shuts them up, before they can even speak. Then, the men wave to their women and finally leave the Ahhh! valley… A few minutes after the men leave The hunger is unbearable, although they had just finished breakfast! The cavewomen are running everywhere, trying to find some fruit or vegetables to eat and to calm their roaring guts. Others are rubbing their empty rumbling bellies or trying to sleep, to take their minds off hunger, gripping their empty gurgling stomachs. Eep wriggles like a worm from her constant intestinal spasms, trying to calm her groaning tummy with continuous pats. She's tired about this situation and she starts to complain: -Ugh! My stomach is hungry! Too hungry!- She rubs her growling belly, when all of a sudden, she notices Amber, usually the leader of the hunters group, but not this time! She doesn't understand and approaches her, looking her straight in the eyes, while asking: -Why haven't you gone with them?- She's angry and exasperated by the incessant demands for food from her rumbling tummy, which she tries to calm down with constant caresses. Eep complains to her: -Who knows how long it will take them to find something edible!?- The girl has a bad feeling about it, increasing the twinge in her gurgling stomach, which begins to twist harder and harder. From the incessant spasms, the girl burps, trying to contain herself, unsuccessfully. With one hand to her mouth and one on her roaring belly, which she continues to massage, Eep follows Amber. She knows that even the huntress is hungry and she is sure about her thoughts, because of a loud Wrurgle coming from Amber's bubbling belly. The woman sighs, taking some fresh water to her cave, where her daughter is napping: the girl is bent in two, her mumbling stomach doesn't give her a moment's rest, almost as if it was trying to eat her from the inside. The gastric juices are so strong, that the little girl can't hold back some farts, which by now stink up the whole cave. Eep sniffs at the top of her lungs that stench, as the huntress replies: -Amber is not hunting today! Amber is taking care of Pat!- She sits beside her daughter, massaging her moaning tummy, as she continues to explain in a low voice, trying not to wake up her poor daughter: -Amber's tummy and Pat's hungry!- With her other hand she scratches her own roaring stomach, continuing to mumble for food, as Eep curiously asks her: -Is she okay? -She looks at her, sitting nearby, as her empty belly roars, not giving her a moment's rest. She massages her bubbling tummy, trying to calm it down. -Pat is sick- Amber explains to Eep -Amber is Pat's mom. Amber doesn't leave Pat- Eep nods, understanding her situation, even if their bellies are roaring like beasts in pain. She decides to stay with them, until she can't hold the hunger gripping her growling tummy. In the end, the two women remain with the child, as burps and farts resound in the cave… A poor traveler, hearing those noises, would never imagine that they were mumblings, coming from three hungry young cavewomen' empty guts! 4 hours later Although the cold season is near, the sun is shining brightly today on this warm afternoon over the Ahhh! Valley. Normally by now, the entire tribe would be basking in the sun, with their bellies completely full, taking a well-deserved nap. However, that isn't the case today! The prehistoric women are totally exhausted from the hunger, which grips their mumbling stomachs, demanding to be filled again. Everywhere, you can hear incessant gurgling, really disturbing. Suddenly Mosh, one of Eep's friends, whines: -I'm too hungry!- She's holding her grumbling stomach with one hand -I need food to fill my poor tummy!- She rubs her gurgling belly, which moves with every step she makes, as a strong Glorp comes from her slender body -Please, Help me... When are the men coming back?- She asks desperately, while scratching her roaring guts, like a voracious Macawnivore desperately looking for a meal. At first, Ugga is impatient: she rolls her eyes and snorts at the distressed reactions of some of the girls. Finally, after calming down, she replies to the teenager, in a calm but stern tone: -Calm down! They've just left!- She massages her mumbling belly, complaining -I can't wait to fill my empty growling stomach too!- Her guts are groaning so powerful to make the whole woman vibrating like a gong. She turns around and observes her youngest daughter, Sandy: she's so hungry that she's nibbling on her puppet, trying to satisfy her poor mumbling tummy and trying not to bite anyone. Gran makes herself a cocktail, trying to alleviate her hunger, trying to devour her own mumbling stomach. She drinks it all in sips, licking her lips, as she rubs her bubbling belly, complaining: -Waddafuk dude...I didn't think getting old meant having such an uncontrollable hunger! -A long resounding Slooosh beats her guts from the inside, which causes her empty belly to vibrate and to roaring like a beast, which is demanding all the time to be filled: -Yes, I get it!- She pats it, as if it was a baby -My belly is hungry...- Again, Eep begins to feel the pangs of hunger and collapses blatantly on the ground, not far from the entrance to Amber's cave, where she had been resting until now. With her face to the moist grass, she raises a hand, looking for help and... FOOD! FOOD! FOOD!!! The Croods' firstborn daughter screams, crawling on the ground like a worm. She slowly sits down against a tree, to complain: -...If this keeps up...- she doubles over in pain, as she rubs her gurgling stomach -My tummy will want to eat me too!- She snorts, as her best friend Lerk approaches. As usual, she wraps herself like an octopus on her back, starting to lick her shoulder: -Uhmmm... That's so good!!- Lerk's stomach mumbles, foretasting the meat of her best friend, who tries to shrug off the girl, in response. She hits her ass on the floor, massaging both her butt and her empty mumbling tummy. -Don't you dare, Lerk!- Eep admonishes her -My guts are hungry too...but I don't go around tasting others!- Her stomach curses, roaring as if to disagree with what she said, as she tries to calm it with tons of massages. -I'm sorry, Eep!- Lerk cries, throwing herself at her friend's feet, as her growling tummy mutters, demanding constant attention. She slaps it, as if to teach a disobedient puppy a lesson.... Some girls complain about their starvation, while some women are trying to scrape together food. The two little babies, Cliff and Sandy, whine and sometimes fight with each other, only to end up asleep next to each other. Everywhere rumbling and gurgling can be heard from the ravenous stomachs of those hungry cavewomen, as few of them try to sleep, temporarily forgetting their sense of hunger. All of a sudden, Mal notices a tree with three small ripe pears, in the distance, and decides to approach it. Unnoticed by the others, she saunters off, as usual. Her gurgling stomach roars at the thought of biting into something and the girl calms it down with some pats, whispering: -Shh...Be Good! My dear tummy...- She massages it, like a kid -Don't let me hear you and I'll fill you up!- As if it understood her, after a low moan, her growling belly quiets down. She thanks it, scratching it. Now Mal is in front of the tree and tries to pick up those fruits, unsuccessfully. The three little pears turn around and she realizes that they are, in fact, Bear Pears. These small animals, very similar to lemurs, cling to the tree branches, head down. Having a small body and big round heads, from behind they look just like little ripe pears. Sadly, Mal has woken them up and the three little animals retaliate, attacking her. One of them bites her and she runs away, screaming. Crying, fatigued and hungry, she hopes up in her cave, where she tries to recover from her fright. Her belly mutters incessantly, as if to warn her of the broken promise. She strokes her groaning stomach, which is requiring food. Her bitten finger bleeds and she licks it. Her blood is so sweet, inviting her to suck it greedily. Her stomach thanks her with a loud Grumble. 10 hours later The hours pass inexorably slow, but of the men still no trace… which means no food! Eep is so hungry that even their puppy has run away, fearing to be mauled by one of The Croods family members, as Ugga has tried to calm him down, in vain. The sun has been down for hours now and the moon dimly illuminates the Ahhh! valley, where now only grumbles, sour burps and stinky farts are the audible sounds. The animals have fled in panic and because of the nauseating smell, which lingers everywhere, now... Eep snorts: more than hunger, she hates awaiting! She is tired of having to wait for men to come back: it's late at night and there is no sign of those hunters or of the food! Eep looks around: everywhere women in spasms of hunger are massaging their poor empty growling guts; the kids are crying; the oldest women try to swallow some stones, in order to fill their gurgling bellies. The only one who could do something about this situation, the hunter Amber, is still taking care of her poor little daughter: she is trying to relieve her pain, caused by continuous flatulence and gastric spasms, which is getting worse every hour, due to the hunger that grips everyone's roaring stomachs… Even her belly is shaking and demanding food all the time: she's tried to calm it down with massages and promises of a future meal, but those continuous growling are making her crazy! Eep has finally decided: she is going to create HER own hunting team with all the females that decide to join it! First of all, she calls a secret meeting, which is strictly forbidden to attend if you are part of her family: in fact, Eep knows very well that they would try to stop her, without even trusting her! The youngest and most willing women are invited to this assembly, except Meep who, without any doubt, would go and reveal everything to her mother Ugga. Eep's team will be tasked with collecting fruits and vegetables, as well as eggs and small animals: just snacks, which will help all the grumbling stomachs to calm down, while waiting for the hunters return. At the mere thought of being able to devour something, her roaring tummy begins to groan louder and louder, causing her painful muscle spasms, which prevent her from thinking properly: by now, even her own feet seem to be a great opportunity to calm her voracious belly, which won't stop mumbling, even when she massages it! However, not seeing her daughter sleeping in the cave or hanging around complaining about her empty growling stomach, Ugga realizes that she is putting some of her wacky ideas into action. A little later, she finds her near a small group of friends, as the secret meeting has just ended, and warns her: -I hope YOU- She points at her, glaring -You're not doing something you'll regret...- She crosses her arms over her gurgling stomach, begging her to be filled. Eep is about to retort, but her granny intervenes first, showing her granddaughter's side: -By her age I was already an experienced harvester.... It's time for her to find her place in the Great Circle of Life!- Gran winks at her, while her wrinkled tummy is moaning with hunger -... And I'm so hungry!- She brings a hand to her moaning belly, trying to soothe it with circular massages -I'm sure that at least ONE of The Croods will be able to bring us some food…- She giggles, as her daughter Ugga looks at her, knowing what she's going to say: -And I don't mean your husband!- She leaves the two women there, while she is grinning with amusement, under Eep's astonished eyes. The girl scratches her head, now watching her mother with puppy eyes. Ugga sighs, holding her roaring stomach, and then agrees: -All right!- Her roaring belly accepts her decision with a slight but prolonged mumble, as Eep jumps on her, hugging and kissing her mom. However, Ugga has one condition: -As long as...- Eep's exultation is interrupted by her mother's words, finishing the speech with -...Amber is there too!- Eep snorts, but agrees immediately afterwards, as long as she is in charge. The two women shake hands and go to talk to the huntress, who is still in her cave to cure her daughter's illness. After explaining the situation, they wait for an answer, which doesn't take long to arrive: -NO!- She shakes her head -Amber is with Pat, today!- She pats her daughter, while her stomach roars, making her whole little body shake. -If she ate, she'd be better off!- Eep whispers, massaging her poor mumbling belly -I've an empty stomach, and I feel sick too! But if I filled it, I'd be fine, trust me!- Amber looks at her, then directs her gaze to her deflated belly, which continues to roar with hunger. Then Eep suggests to her: -Rad will stay with Pat! She's good at healing people! And then anyway, my mom will be there to help her out, too!- Eep smiles at Ugga, who reluctantly agrees, as the huntress agrees: -Amber teaches Eep take food!- The girl jumps up joyfully and goes to inform the others. A few minutes later, torchwood in hand, the group led by Eep goes in search of food, still staying in the Ahhh! valley, as requested by all the older cavewomen. -Did I do the right thing?- Ugga is questioning herself, in a low voice, trying not to wake up the two kids, who are finally sleeping. During the night It has been a few hours since Eep and her group set out in search of food for their tribe's women. It's now late at night, and the mothers are worried as their daughters are late in returning, although they have been instructed not to stray too far from the Ahhh! valley. Even under Amber's watch, some of the mothers are worried, because in their opinion it was still too early to allow their daughters to go hunting, especially at night. On the contrary, others are happy, because this way their daughters can find a place within their society, as well as bring home food to fill their empty stomachs, which are constantly gurgling with hunger. While the daughters are away, the mothers try to sleep: however, their empty voracious bellies grumble so fiercely that they can't rest! At that point, they try to distract themselves somehow, so as not to think about the hunger that devours their bombastic guts. Ugga sings a lullaby to her daughter Sandy and little Cliff, as his young mother Teena dangles all over the room, complaining about her poor hungry tummy: it moans so loudly that it even shakes her insides and makes her squirm in pain. -Shhhh… Shut up, Teena!- Ugga whispers her -You're going to wake them up!- Trying not to think about her spasms and hunger, Teena walks back and forth through the cave, even stepping on The Croods matron, who bites her foot in response. OUCH! SUCH A CANNIBAL YOU ARE! She screams, while Gran remains impassive: in fact, she continues to suck that big delicious thumb, as the young woman blushes with pleasure, while the old woman's belly is happily roaring, foretasting that meal. Due to the commotion caused, the two babies suddenly wake up and start crying. Sighing, Ugga separates the two females, admonishing them to stay calm, and goes back to cuddling the children who, tired from hunger and sleep, go back to Dreamland… In the meantime, the sweet friendly Rad is treating little Pat, making her drink a bitter herbal tea, created by the shamaness herself. The smell of that concoction is nauseating, just like the sour stench you can breath in that cave. Sometimes, the blondie has to cover her nose and mouth to avoid the risk of vomiting, going out every now to take a cold breath of air. The little girl doesn't stop farting and burping, almost as if her hungry rumbling tummy is devouring her from the inside. Strange liquid gurgles, like the river's flowing, shaking her little body and causing her convulsions. -She's hungry!- Rad claims -...Just like the rest of us!- She rubs her flat bubbling belly, sighing -Let's hope Eep and the others find something!- The shaman nods. Silence lies in the Ahhh! Valley, completely bathed in a pestilential fog.... At dawn, on the first day The moon is giving way to a shy sun, tinging the sky a candy pink, speckled here and there with veins of beautiful gold. Some of the women have been waiting all night for their daughters to return and now they wander like zombies, dragging their enormous feet and complaining about their empty stomachs. Grumblings can be heard throughout the Ahhh! Valley, which now seems totally different from what it was a few days ago: from a cozy uncontaminated paradise to a desolate heath! In fact, before you could hear the melodious sound of a distant Land Whale, or the contented cry of few domestic Liyotes, or even the amorous call of some Trip Gerbils. Everywhere there was a harmony of shapes and colors: lush tufts of grass danced sinuously to the rhythm of a warm wind, caressing the hair of the cavemen, happy to live in that paradise. Look at that place now! Gurgles of empty stomachs, moans and complaining, farts and burps are the only deafening noises, which make up the unhealthy air. Smells of putridity and rotten eggs suck the life out of the ground itself, which slowly dies from the stagnant stench, inhaled by those females. As a result of this unhealthy place, all animals preferred to run away, well aware that they could have become food for those gurgling bottomless bellies! Suddenly Meep screams: HERE THEY COME! New energy is given to those cold tired and hungry bodies as they rush to meet the group. With renewed hope, the older women emerge from their filthy caves and stagger towards the girls, completely soiled and injured. Ugga can no longer contain the two little kids, rushing to Eep's side, as Teena tries to hold back her son Cliff's impetuousness by tugging at the vine he's tied to, as if it was a leash. Eep sadly smiles, hugging the two children, who sniff everywhere in search of food, as their tummies gurgle desperately in the hope of eating something. Alas, this will not be the case! The group of young hunters wasn't lucky at all: in fact, they only recovered two little Butterhummers and one skimpy Yakemeleon. Everyone is happy to get their daughters back, but this moment is broken by loud growlings. Suddenly, the eyes are set on the huntress, taken by three girls. She is injured and Ugga asks for an explanation, which Eep immediately gives, together with her apologies: -We were attacked by a group of hungry Wigasus! - Her stomach growls, while the girl is licking her wounds -Those little bastards...- She shivers from the cold, then falls to the ground tired, promptly supported by her mother Ugga, who calls the others to gather. Before finally collapsing, Eep explains how they were also attacked by a huge Sand Snake, which nearly swallowed the whole group. At the end of the story, the women carry the wounds into the cave, as the shamaness prepares some healing potions with what she finds. Mal hands the bag with the little food found in the middle of the mess. Everyone's eyes are on that little haul, as their hungry stomachs roar, foretasting the precious food. Gran sniffs and, with her mouth watering, rubs her belly, mumbling impatiently to bite into something but, before she rushes to the treasure, she is stopped by her daughter Ugga, who holds her by the tail of her dress: -Mom, we're all hungry!-They look at each other wrongly, while their stomachs bellow in despair -First we cure the wounded, then we eat!-. Exasperated, Gran agrees, followed by the others. At the same time, the potion takes effect almost immediately and the girls recover from their numbness, getting up hungrier than before. While the other young women had been resting, Handsy had gone to hug her Booboo, the large tree in the center of the Ahhh! Valley, finding some withered leaves. She watches it carefully, as her bubbling belly makes the entire plant vibrate, then asks it: -Why Booboo sad?- As she gets closer, she hears some creaking sounds coming from under the bark of her lumpy friend and she notices some grubs, chewing happily. Angry, she removes them one by one with her huge fat hands. However, there are too many of them and she decides to use her fur suit's underside to contain all those nasty larvae. Once eliminated, Handsy happily trots off to the rest of her tribe, showing her loot and uttering her usual phrase: -Handsy just kinda roams around...- Seeing her arrive with her hands full of something, several girls rush over cheering, but they suddenly stop BLEAH! HOW DISGUSTING! The young women scream in unison, avoiding looking at those hairy things, writhing in the cavewoman's hands. Ugga and Meep look at those larvae: as big as a medlar, as slimy as a snail, with black hairs on their backs, fluorescent green and a reddish skull on their heads. -I don't understand much about insects...- claims Meep, raising an eyebrow inquiringly -...but I don't think they're edible!- Ugga nods, while massaging her grumbling stomach, which intensifies the painful spasms, especially after seeing that food. The shamaness also looks carefully at those larvae and, shaking her head, confirms what they've said: -They are very poisonous- she sighs, scratching her empty belly, which roars at the sentence she is about to say -They must not be eaten, ABSOLUTELY!- Handsy, who was about to eat a few of them to calm her fat flabby mumbling belly, suddenly stops, shutting her mouth. Even the other girls, once they get over their disgust at those slimy larvae, freeze and throw them to the ground, sighing almost glad that they don't have to eat them. They crush them and a milky greenish mush sticks to their feet, which they try to clean up. The two children, Cliff and Sandy, try to lick it off their chubby little feet, but are promptly stopped by Lerk and Eep: -Just in time...!- The two friends yell at the same time, laughing together, as they hold the two little rascals in their arms. Sadly, their empty bellies aren't of the same opinion: in fact, they continue asking to be filled, through more and more powerful moans, which intensify into fierce roars. In vain are the caresses of those poor wretches on their hungry growling stomachs, which threaten to devour them from the inside. Meanwhile, Amber also recovers from her injuries sustained during the confrontation with the Wigasus. She stretches, massaging her mumbling empty belly, and runs to her daughter. She sees her feeling much better, thanks in part to the shaman's nasty concoction and Rad's loving care, and happily hugs all three of them. Due to the strain, their bellies swell with air, releasing an endless series of foul-smelling farts that resound in the cave. The four females laugh in delight as their empty bellies continue to moan, resulting in a chorus of Sloosh, Wurgle, and Blurp. Suddenly, it begins raining and all the women settle down next to each other, in front of the fire lit in the huge cavern, sharing the meager spoils of the night. Amber gives a piece of the Yakemeleon's long tongue to her daughter, who immediately devours it, with joy. Ferocious grumbles are heard everywhere, while the dew is seen falling undaunted on the ground. Some elderly women reach out and pluck a few tufts of fresh grass, chewing it as if they were Yaks: a meager consolation for their greedy guts, which gurgle demanding a large quantity. Some females follow their example, trying to fill their roaring bellies in some way, before going to bed. It's a cold and rainy morning, perfect for resting, but the little food they've eaten hasn't helped to calm the grumbling stomachs of those cavewomen who, tossing and turning in their beds, continue to complain about their incessant hunger, which can't help them sleeping. In vain are the efforts of some of them to calm their roaring bellies through massages, as some even try to swallow a few stones, just to fill their greedy guts! At that point, the shamaness decides to prepare a potion that will allow them to sleep for an entire day. Exasperated by the incessant grumbling from hunger, the stench and the lack of sleep, they all agree to drink it, hoping that the next day will be a better day: perhaps they would find something to eat or, even better, their husbands would return triumphant with a plentiful hunting booty! The next day During the night, the older women decided to create shifts to guard both the fire and the return of their men, who have now been gone for two days. Just like the previous day, some of the cavewomen stagger around the Ahhh! Valley, as others search desperately for food. At the end, they find some small snails, lurking around the largest cave, thanks to the humidity from the incessant rain the day before. Happily, they call out everyone back to the big cave hall to enjoy their breakfast, a far cry from the hearty ones they'd had so far! They eat everything, but very slowly, in order to taste every little morsel, hoping to calm their greedy roaring stomachs. The morning passes slowly, with bellowing and moaning alternating with burping and farting. The pain of empty stomachs becomes too unbearable and the cavewomen once again ask the shamaness for a potion to sleep a whole day. The old woman is worried: counting the ingredients, she notices that she has enough to create only three more potions, that is to rest for three more days. She explains this to the others, who decide to drink one anyway, hoping that the next day their husbands will return with the much desired food. The whole tribe drinks that concoction, except for Ugga, Meep and Amber, who decide to stay awake to watch over the others in the eventual return of the men. The day passes more or less quickly, as the bellies of the three vigilantes roar echoing in the cave, but without waking any of the sleeping beauties. The bellowing of their ravenous bellies are, in fact, overpowered by the loud humming of their companions, as a disgusting stench invades the lungs of the three unfortunates, who run out of the cave. As soon as they are outside, they find a few snails, which invariably become their meal: -Do you think we should keep some for the others, when they wake up?- Meep asks, completely ignored by her colleagues, who are too busy satisfying their ravenous gurgling stomachs. She understands then it's better to keep that booty for themselves and not say anything to the rest of the tribe. After a quick nap in the afternoon, the three women continue to look at the horizon, hoping to see someone, or something... Not bad! Luckily for them, they manage to find a few more snails and small scorpions late in the evening, with which they manage to temporarily calm down their roaring guts. Four Days have passed After almost two days without the sleeping potion, hunger is worse than before and signs of the fasting are visible on their slimmed-down bodies and emaciated faces: their bellies swollen from too much air continue to expel nauseating farts, smelling similar to rotting meat; their eyes bulge out of their sockets, filled with huge dark circles; their lips have shrunk from lack of water and their sour breath smells like rotten eggs. Many of those cavewomen can't even walk anymore, due to their ankylosed legs and sore muscles. It has been a very bad couple of days, with the tribe unable to find food or water during the day and unable to sleep at night. Some of them even indulged in minor excoriations, in order to lick their own blood, trying to calm the pangs of hunger that gripped their poor gurgling stomachs. Although the blood isn't enough and their guts aren't made for that kind of food! Few girls begin to vomit everything they try to devour, even if they want to fill their gurgling bellies. During the night that just passed, some Jackrobats were approaching the cave, looking for a place to sleep, but they were frightened by the ferocity of those prehistoric people, who were trying to capture and devour them in one bite! Immediately escaping from the jaws of those predators, they left behind them a string of resentment, despair and screams. Once the tribe had calmed down their tempers and mumbling stomachs, they tried to go back to sleep. The next morning, they find nothing but a few earthworms, which they fight over, just as two hungry lions would do with a piece of meat. Bad luck continues to haunt them, as there is still no sign of the men on the horizon and the painful spasms drive everyone a little crazy. Many try to eat each other, but are promptly stopped by the others, while everyone's stomachs continue to roar incessantly in search of this phantom food, which almost resembles a mythical being, impossible to find. As a result, they all decide to drink the second sleep potion, without exception. A few minutes after ingesting it, everyone has fallen into a deep sleep. Outside the cave, everything is silent and in harmony, as inside fierce bellowing rumbles, like fireworks, and a stale air spreads, like a thick stinking fog. A Week has passed Once again, the poor cavewomen find themselves sleepy and hungry, as their poor bodies are more and more a distant memory: their bones protrude more or less everywhere pointing against the living flesh, making them look more like walking skeletons than real people. After two more hellish days without rest or food, they feel they have reached their limit, defeated also by the hunger that grips their gurgling stomachs. That morning, the shamaness explained to everyone that they would be using their last potion that night, in the sole hope that the next day the hunters would return with food. Everyone is exhausted, especially the two babies, Cliff and Sandy, who whine constantly, as they try so hard to survive that famine. Their little growling stomachs roar, reaching out their skeletal little hands toward Ugga. The woman has just found some earthworms, which she secretly feeds to the little ones. Happy, they devour them, only to collapse into a deep sleep, after having fed their small but voracious tummies. Meanwhile, Handsy, who has lost a lot of her weight, starts filling her voracious belly with leaves and bark from her beloved Booboo tree. The girl is sad to see that her own tree is dying, but better it than herself! In the meantime, Eep steals a half-eaten fruit from Mal's pockets, without her noticing, and shares it with her friend Lerk, who can no longer stand upright. Even the young cavewoman can no longer live like that: she hates having to wait for the men to return, she hates dying slowly, she hates being so helpless and hungry, she even hates her bottomless stomach, which is driving her crazy with its constant gurgling. It's been days since Gran has done anything but eat the tail of her own dress, trying to fill her wrinkled belly, which murmurs constantly begging to be filled: -A little seasoned, but good!- She exults, as she massages her roaring belly, which finally has something to digest: she licks the dirt-stained scales, nibbles at the grass stuck to her dress, and peels off a few bits of old skin, which she keeps dancing in her mouth… Amber continues to grow increasingly concerned about her daughter Pat, who is barely moving. She continues to burp and fart, as her stomach roars unabated. The stench of rotting flesh doesn't bode well: her intestines are slowly melting, devouring themselves, in order to satiate the black hole in her little belly, from which all the ribs are visible. The shamaness first creates an antidote, to help the little girl staying alive for a few more days, then she summons everyone in the huge cavern to drink the last sleeping potion. Before drinking it, some women bring in enough fresh water to quench everyone's thirst and temporarily fill their mumbling bellies. Then, they ingest the disgusting concoction and fall asleep again for an entire day. On the 8th Day All the men are coming back, cheerfully with some big preys. They've just had a nice rest and meal to calm their hungry growling guts, as something strange hits their attention: no sounds around… ...Except their burps and their stomachs noises! -Where are our wives? - Snoot asks, surprised not to his beloved Meep screaming, as usual. -Really strange... If you ask me!- Smooth replies in his deep voice, looking for Gran. -This silence is not like them...- Grug grows suspicious and advises the others to lay their loot on the ground, taking up arms. They head for the center of the village: everything is upside down and dried, with none around. As they get closer, they are pervaded by a sickening stench of rotten eggs, which seeps into their lungs every time they breathe : -What's that foul smell?- Kevin asks, holding his nose -It's worse than the food Deth eats!- Suddenly, someone tries to scream, unsuccessfully: -They're back!- a faint whisper comes from Mal's lips, followed by several murmurs and cries of surprise and despair. The men look at their females: their bodies have lost all feminine form, completely dirty and full of scratches, they are just a mere memory of what they were... Much more like walking skeletons clad in a thin layer of skin. Ugga runs toward her husband and kisses him, as he desperately hugs her back, apologizing: -I'm sorry… It took us so much!- Grug takes his wife and his youngest daughter in his muscular arms, sobbing: -I promise you! We will never hunt again without Amber!- Even Thunk hugs his little sister, crying like a baby, as Eep hits his head, yelling: YOU IDIOT! They hug each others, as Grug counts them, looking around to see if his mother-in-law is still there, who answers him back: -STILL ALIVE!- She crawls to the group, followed by the rest of the tribe. Grug smiles, happily hugging Gran too. All the men embrace their spouses and daughters, as their bellies ask for nothing else but to be filled. Loud stomach noises echo through the air, as the women notice the much desired hunted booty: a "small" albino Bunny Beast, at least twice the size of a Mammoth, four Mousephants hanging on Bow Chicka Wow Wow's muscles and a sac full of insects and larvae. With ravenous eyes and newfound energy, all the women pounce on the food, displacing their men, who look at them fearfully. -Let's get out of their way, before becoming THEIR food too!- Snoot proposes and the other hunters stay far from their females, still watching them. The women scratch and bite at each other, fighting over the larger pieces, tearing flesh from bone. They belch and fart, continuing to devour everything they can find, as their ravenous stomachs continue to growl. Observing the scene, Grug rubs his gurgling belly, suggesting: -We'd better start breeding some animals!- Those words stuck in the men's minds, as in the Ahhh! valley roars echo relentlessly.... THE END |
GONNA FUCK'EM ALL! Ilsolesorgealtoinquestopomeriggiod'estatesullepianurefioritediKanto,mentreun bambinodicircanoveannisiavvicinaallaCeruleanGym,perdimostrareallamadreealla sorellacheancheluihaledotiperdiventareungrandePokemonTrainer,propriocomesuo padre. Ilragazzinoosservalapalestra:ungrandeedificiodivetro,circondatodaunimmenso giardino,moltoconosciutoperlasuaGymLeaderMisty,unadeipiùgiovanicapopalestra, che il giovanotto vuole sfidare. Egliinfattivuoledimostrareaifamiliariilsuovaloree,perquestomotivo,hadecisodi combattere e vincere ogni Gym Leader di Kanto, per guadagnare le rispettive medaglie. ÈtotalmenteconvintodiriuscireaguadagnarsiilCascadeBadgedellapalestradiCerulean City,perpoterpoiproseguirenelsuosogno:perfarlo,useràilsuoamatoLucifer,loShiny Ekans tanto amato dalla sua sorella maggiore. Sal,questoèilnomediquelfanciullo,èmoltoamatoeviziatodaimembridellasuafamiglia: suamadreGiselle,unatrentacinquennemoltobellaacuiluiassomigliamolto,esuasorella Evelyn, una prosperosa diciottenne dai capelli bruni lunghi e gli occhi verdi. Esseavrebberovolutoseguirlonelsuoviaggio,malelorocondizionifisichelohanno impedito:Sal,infatti,èmoltoprotettivoepossessivoneiloroconfrontiepreferiscechele due donne incinte rimangano a casa ad aspettare il suo ritorno da vincitore. EhanSsssss Sibila il suo Pokemon, mentre guarda con fare interrogativo il suo master, che gli risponde: -Esatto, Lucifer! Siamo arrivati, finalmente!- Sal sorride, facendo l'occhiolino al suo Ekans, che tiene sempre pronto alla battaglia, proprio come fa il suo idolo Ash con Pikachu. Sal osserva quel panorama idilliaco: uno stormo di Swellow vola alto, sopra le loro teste, intonando una canzone, ampliata dalle note soavi di alcuni Chatot, mentre il ronzio delle Combee, in cerca di cibo per la loro Vespiquen, rallegra due Bonsly e un triste Exeggutor. All'improvviso, quella pace è spezzata da uno stridio, seguito da un urlo, provenire dall'interno della palestra: il bimbo sorpreso corre incontro a quel suono acuto, che tanto l'ha agitato, mentre Lucifer lo segue pronto all'azione. Appena entrato, Sal si guarda intorno: una lettera accartocciata ai suoi piedi, dei Pokemon d'acqua stupiti che si osservano l'un l'altro, delle pokeball scaraventate contro il muro e Misty infuriata, che si dimena come un Magikarp sulla terraferma… Lei impreca, pestando i piedi per terra come un bambino capriccioso, mentre per la disperazione si strappa i capelli e delle lacrime, miste tra tristezza ed odio, le solcano il viso purpureo per la rabbia. Sal la osserva alquanto intimidito e si avvicina cautamente alla ragazza, che lo fulmina con lo sguardo: -Chi ti ha dato il permesso di entrare?- Tanto è arrabbiata da non rendersi nemmeno conto che oggi è giovedì, l'unico giorno settimanale in cui la palestra è aperta fino a sera inoltrata. Il fanciullo cerca di aprire bocca, ma nessuna parola esce, rendendo Misty ancora più nervosa. La giovane sbotta spingendolo via, dall'altro capo della stanza: -Beh... Non rispondi!?- Lei si infuria ancora di più per la timidezza del bimbo e lo apostrofa: -Il Meowth ti ha mangiato la lingua, per caso!?- Sal deglutisce, scuotendo la testa timidamente: nasconde le mani dietro la schiena, mentre si guarda i piedi, troppo impaurito per risponderle. Lui si irrigidisce e lei sbuffando digrigna i denti, mentre esasperata urla: -Maledetto Ash! Pensavo che NOI saremmo potuti essere più che amici... IO e TE, insieme contro tutti...- Calcia una colonna, mentre si divincola come uno Stunfisk appena evocato -... Ne ero convinta, ma poi... Ecco che arriva quella troietta, tutta moine e... Con i suoi occhioni da cerbiatta, ecco fatto!- Cammina avanti ed indietro, con i pugni serrati così forte da farle quasi sanguinare le mani -Abbindolato e portato via da me... Brutta stronza!- Si asciuga le lacrime, guardando il poster del suo primo amore, appeso alle pareti della sua palestra ed urla squarciagola: -Ash sei proprio un cretino..!- Misty ringhia, mentre lo Shiny Ekans striscia verso il suo proprietario con un foglio accartocciato in bocca, per mostrarglielo. Sal lo apre e leggendo scopre il seme della discordia, che tanto sta portando alla follia la giovane Gym Leader: Ash a breve si dovrebbe sposare con Serena, una dolce Pokemon Trainer dai capelli dorati, caratterialmente l'opposto di Misty.. Misty è talmente impegnata ad arrabbiarsi e ad imprecare da non accorgersi nemmeno che il ragazzo sta leggendo la sua lettera. Sal impaurito si avvicina a lei, molto lentamente cercando di non peggiorare il suo umore, e, una volta raggiunta, le chiede balbettando: -Tu.. tutto... o...ok!?- Diventa paonazzo, portando il pessimo umore della Gym Leader all'estremo: Misty, infatti, odia le persone timide a tal punto da non riuscire più a calmarsi, a causa di quel balbettare, che la fa arrabbiare ancora di più. Digrigna i denti e schiocca la lingua, prima di avventarsi sul fanciullo: -Non sono certo affari tuoi, marmocchio!- Urla così a squarciagola da far scappare alcuni Pokemon, impauriti dal suo comportamento, mentre lei continua a sfogarsi sul bambino: -Dai, nano... torna dal buco da cui sei uscito! Non ho tempo per i pischelli come te!- Lo spintona, senza accorgersi del ghigno malefico sulle labbra di lui… Prima che Misty si possa accorgere del cambiamento repentino nel comportamento del bambino, egli si schiarisce la gola e tossisce, richiamando l'attenzione della capopalestra: -Sei ancora qui? Che palle!- Alza gli occhi al cielo e fa spallucce, lamentandosi. Incrocia le braccia sul suo petto prominente, guardando dritto negli occhi il fanciullo, al quale seccata domanda: -Si può sapere cosa vuoi?- Le sue urla spaventano gli ultimi Pokemon, rimasti fino ad ora lì con lei, che se ne corrono via, sotto lo sguardo stupito e disgustato della loro Pokemon Trainer: -Patetici...!- Poi, i suoi occhi si posano su Sal, che abbassa lo sguardo, mentre balbettando le risponde: -I..io... so..sono qui... pe..per b..b..battermi c..co..contro di te!- Lei ride sguaiatamente, facendosi beffe di quel bambino: -Ma se non sei nemmeno capace di finire una frase senza balbettare..!? Cosa pretendi di venire qua e vincere contro di me?- Misty continua a canzonarlo, senza accorgersi della crudele malizia negli occhi del suo giovane interlocutore, che con un lieve cenno della mano ordina a Lucifer di posizionarsi dietro la Gym Leader. Mentre la ragazza si sbellica dalle risate, Sal di soppiatto si avvicina all'enorme porta di vetro della palestra: con un abile scatto la chiude e gira il cartello dal lato CHIUSO, in modo che nessuno possa disturbarli. Lesto, ritorna davanti a Misty, che nel frattempo ha frenato le sue risate, che le stavano causando tremendi spasmi muscolari alla sua povera pancia. Si asciuga le lacrime, in parte per le risate e in parte per la rabbia dell'imminente matrimonio, e calmandosi chiede al suo giovane sfidante: -Non sei un po' troppo giovane per essere un Pokemon Trainer?- Lo guarda dall'alto verso il basso e poi gli domanda, perplessa: -Scusa, quanti anni hai?- -Mia madre mi ha sempre detto che l'età non conta, se si vuole fare qualcosa...- Misty sbatte le palpebre, incredula per quella parlantina così scorrevole, che fino ad ora non era stato altro che un tartagliare continuo, ma si crede subito, quando il bambino continua: -B..bas..basta vo..volle..volere che qua..qualco..qualcosa ac..accadda!- La Gym Leader sbuffa e gli allunga una mano, intimandolo di mostrare il precedente badge acquisito. Per un attimo, il bambino tentenna e lei ghigna: -Se vuoi batterti contro di me, mostrami prima il Boulder Badge!- All'inizio, Sal si ispeziona i pantaloncini, ma poi si ricorda di aver inserito la medaglietta in un'apposita scatoletta, all'interno del suo zainetto giallo. Lo apre e mostra a Misty il premio della sua dolce vittoria contro Brock e il suo invincibile Onix. La capopalestra rimane impressionata e si complimenta con il bambino: -Non male per un mostriciattolo come te!- Misty ghigna così di buon gusto da non accorgersi che il bambino la sta scrutando malamente, da capo a piedi: esasperato dai suoi comportamenti infantili, egli si scrocchia le dita e sbuffa. Un nefasto sibilo fa sussultare la Gym Leader, sorpresa dalla condotta così aggressiva di quell'Ekans, ma, prima che possa parlare, è fermata bruscamente dal discorso del suo giovane avversario: -Hai rotto veramente i coglioni, adesso! Sei una che preferisce i fatti... Ora ti faccio vedere io!- Egli sogghigna, mentre la ragazza è incredula al cambiamento repentino nei modi del fanciullo: -Blateri senza sapere niente di me, piccola sgualdrina!- La giovane Pokemon Trainer si immobilizza all'istante per quell'espressione crudele nei suoi confronti, che la riempie di lacrime amare, non prima che il fanciullo la derida: -Ueeeé...- La canzona, mentre beffardamente si asciuga lacrime invisibili -Guardatemi! Sono una povera cretina mollata dalla sua prima cotta! Una stronzetta che umilia i bambini! UÉ... PIETÀ!- Quindi, Sal la guarda come se stesse osservando un verme e le spiega: -Sai, le puttanelle come te devono essere trattate come si meritano!- Ghigna, mentre Lucifer si avvinghia alle gambe di Misty, che urla disperatamente: il bambino si avvicina al muro, prende una delle pokeballs e la infila in bocca alla Gym Leader. Si siede a gambe conserte davanti a lei, rilassandosi prima della lotta, raccontandole alcuni fatti privati: -Ma la VERA battaglia... Comincia ORA, mia cara puttanella! Pensa a QUESTO- Il ragazzo indica il suo enorme cazzo -Sarà difficile vincere contro di lui?- Le fa l'occhiolino, mentre i cazzi del suo Pokemon sollecitano i genitali della capopalestra, mentre il ragazzo continua: -Sei proprio una vera vacca! Ci darai del filo da torcere... Ne sono sicuro!- Sorride, mentre accarezza il suo Shiny Ekans, che si muove convulsamente tra le gambe di Misty. I movimenti insistenti del Pokemon cominciano ad avere un effetto su di lei, che si bagna e geme, rendendo il giovane sempre più eccitato: -Se fai la brava, toglierò questa cazzo di pokeball dalle tue gustose labbra.... Te lo prometto!- Gioca con il suo nasino, mentre la ragazza annuisce: -Non dire OK... Tanto so che se la togliessi ora, faresti la cattiva! Prima finiamo la storia..- Lo Shiny Ekans lecca il lobo auricolare della femmina, mentre questa arrossisce, sentendo la stretta sul suo seno: -Alla troietta piace il bondage!- Sorride maliziosamente-Ti troverai benissimo allora CON NOI DUE!- Misty geme, mentre sente le protuberanze falliche del Pokemon sui suoi pantaloncini di jeans, che lasciano ben poco all'immaginazione: la cucitura ben evidenzia le due grandi labbra della sua piccola figa, ben lubrificata dallo sfregamento di quei due enormi cazzi... Sal coccola il suo amico, elogiando le sue doti amatorie: -Non preoccuparti, Lucifer sa il fatto suo! È un ottimo scopatore, sai!? Se non ci credi, posso telefonare alle mie due vacche da monta!- Sogghigna, mentre mostra la foto della madre e della sorella, entrambe gravide: -Te lo posso garantire! Sa usare benissimo i suoi due enormi cazzi tra le cosce di zoccole umane!- Sal accarezza la testa Lucifer, che inizia a muoversi pericolosamente sempre più vicino alle cosce della Gym Leader, che cerca disperatamente di sputare la palla per urlare. Il fanciullo si arrabbia e la schiaffeggia: infila meglio la pokeball in bocca, si toglie la sua sciarpetta e la lega bene dietro alla nuca della sua vittima. Sorride per il suo operato, poi continua: -Ti scoperà Lucifer per primo, poi io...- Si slaccia la cintura, mostrandole il suo enorme cazzo, troppo grande persino per un adulto -..O magari INSIEME! Che ne dici?- Fa l'occhiolino al suo Pokemon, sedendosi nuovamente di fronte a lei, poggiando il suo pene eretto sulla faccia della sua preda, che non riusciva a distogliere gli occhi da quell'enorme fallo di dimensioni equine. Sal ghigna, mentre osserva l'espressione eccitata ed inebetita della capopalestra, per poi procedere con il suo racconto: -Te lo devo proprio dire!- Lui le accarezza le guance, asciugandole le lacrime: -Il pianto non ti porterà da nessuna parte, mia bella bambolina! È quello che mia madre diceva sempre a me e a mia sorella...- Le lecca lo zigomo sinistro, mentre continua a raccontarle i suoi ricordi: -Parlando del diavolo... Mia madre e mia sorella ci tengono sempre occupati... Sai!?- Sorride mentre gli occhi di Misty si riempiono di odio, lacrime e lussuria, eccitando il ragazzo ancora di più -Ho sempre visto gli altri giovani allenatori, poveri idioti!... Piangere come bambini, quando perdevano una battaglia...- Sal sorride mentre spiega i suoi migliori ricordi: -...Invece IO non ho mai pianto... Ho sempre ricevuto grandi pompini da mia madre e mia sorella, se perdevo... Quelle gran puttane...- Parla dei membri della sua famiglia come se fossero mucche da allevamento -Amano il mio cazzo così tanto!- Si accarezza il membro -Adorano scopare Lucifer e me insieme, godendo come le troie che sono!- Si massaggia il cazzo sempre più velocemente -Sono brave a fare pompini, usando quelle grandi bocche...! Uhmmm... Leccando e succhiando fino all'ultima goccia di sborra...- Il suo cazzo vibra sul viso di Misty, pronto ad eiaculare -Usando quelle mani calde... E quelle enormi tette... Dio che godute!- Il ragazzo sorride, mentre fa scivolare la sua cappella lungo il suo viso, fino alla scollatura della povera ragazza: -Anche tu non sei messa male in fatto di tette! Certo, non sono enormi come quelle delle mie puttane... Ma anche tu non scherzi!... Ma guardiamole più da vicino!- Lui strofina le sue enormi palle sui suoi seni, sorridendo: -Penso che le mie vacche da monta mi daranno dei nuovi fratellini, sai!? O forse dei piccoli mostri Naga...? Che ne dici, Misty? Ahahah- Si lecca le labbra, mentre osserva la reazione impaurita e schifata della giovane donna, totalmente immobilizzata. Quindi, appoggia il suo cazzo sul seno voluttuoso della ragazza, mentre le fa scivolare fuori entrambe le mammelle: egli dapprima le accarezza i seni gentilmente, poi pizzica i suoi capezzoli turgidi, facendola gemere di piacere. Quelle piccole protuberanze, di un rosa scuro, ben si notano sui suoi seni di un rosa candido, quasi come fragole su della panna montata. Quella piacevole sensazione, a volte dolorosa, non fa altro che indurire sempre più quei rosei bottoncini, sollecitando il piccolo clitoride con formicolii incessanti. Il giovane continua quella piacevole tortura per un paio di minuti, imitato dal suo Pokemon: Lucifer le strizza i seni, leccandole il capezzolo sinistro, mentre Sal mordicchia e succhia quello di destra. Egli muove la sua lingua intorno a quel piccolo promontorio di carne turgida, inumidendola, per poi giocare con quel sottile buco, inserendo la punta della sua lingua e succhiando forte: la sua bocca tira e rilascia la mammella ripetutamente, lasciando a volte piccoli segni di morsi, provocando continuo piacere fra le cosce di Misty. La giovane ragazza cerca di trattenere a stento i suoi gemiti di piacere, mentre i due maschi continuano a succhiare ingordi le sue tette: prima leccano gentilmente intorno i capezzoli, poi li mordicchiano e succhiano sempre più forte, strizzando le mammelle come per cercare il loro nettare da bere. I mugolii di piacere riecheggiano nella sala vuota della palestra di Cerulean City, mentre Misty si maledice per aver bullizzato il giovane Pokemon Trainer, che ora la sta usando come una bambola gonfiabile per soddisfare i bisogni suoi e del suo Shiny Ekans. Il rettile non le dà tregua, provocandole nuove sensazioni: sente la sua lunga lingua biforcuta avvolgere il suo capezzolo, come in un forte abbraccio, e la sua rugosità la pizzica piacevolmente. La dolce tortura continua per una decina di minuti, durante i quali Sal continua a masturbarsi, dapprima lentamente e poi sempre più ritmicamente, imitando i movimenti frenetici della sua poppata, tra i gemiti della giovane, che inizia a sentire un dolce calore fra le sue cosce. Il bimbo la osserva dal basso, continuando a succhiarle il capezzolo fino a farlo diventare quasi viola: le guance della ragazza si tingono di un rosso fuoco ed è allora che il ragazzino decide di staccare le sue labbra dal seno, per poterlo usare come coppa da riempire con il suo caldo sperma. Passa la lingua sul capezzolo, inserendola per metà nel piccolo buchino, quindi divarica le due estremità carnose con le dita ed infine introduce la punta del suo cazzo: -Uhm... Quanto è stretto...!!- La sensazione è piacevole e dolorosa al tempo stesso per Misty, che si dispera, mentre il suo canale viene violato dall'enorme cappella del ragazzino, che non dà segno di fermarsi: anzi! Ad ogni lacrima e grido della giovane corrisponde una spinta sempre più profonda: Sal adora come quei contorti canali si avviluppano al suo cazzo, proprio come fosse dentro un piccolo utero. Continua a penetrare la mammella, cercando di raggiungere il punto più profondo, senza mai fermarsi, fino a quando eiacula dentro il seno della giovane capopalestra: la tetta si gonfia a dismisura, diventando quasi il doppio dell'altra, tanta è la sborra prodotta da quell'enorme cazzo. Il bimbo ride, soddisfatto e si rivolge al suo Pokemon: -Ehi, Luci… È favoloso!!- Il Pokemon Trainer ammicca al suo Shiny Ekans che, attorcigliandosi su se stesso porta i suoi cazzi vicino al viso della ragazza, che schifata cerca di allontanarsi: Lucifer la immobilizza e si avvinghia intorno al suo seno. Strofina i suoi cazzi sulla faccia della giovane, che inala un disgustoso odore come di pesce marcio, mentre alcuni rivoli di un liquido viscoso le cadono sulla guancia: -Gli piaci!- Sal annuisce soddisfatto, mentre si pulisce il cazzo sulla maglietta di Misty, che disgustata nota i falli del rettile scivolare lungo la sua spalla, fino al décolleté: quindi, il Pokemon le blocca il seno in mezzo ai suoi grossi cazzi e, con dei movimenti rotatori, lascia esplodere il suo sperma in faccia e sulle tette della ragazza. Lucifer sorride a Sal, che ride di gusto: -Ahahah... Ma tutte le Pokemon Trainer sono così troie!?- La quantità di sborra è tale da inzuppare tutta la maglietta della giovane capopalestra ed il fanciullo è costretto a finite di ripulirsi con i capelli di Misty, mentre ha un'idea pazzesca: -I gonna FUCK'EM all! Come dice la canzone, più o meno...- Sal ghigna senza ritegno, mentre il suo Shiny Ekans discende sul corpo della ragazza, strofinando i suoi cazzi flaccidi sulla sua schiena nuda: il calore della ragazza rinvigorisce il rettile, che strisciando lecca ogni centimetro della sua preda. Il sapore salato lo delizia e lo eccita, a tal punto da avere un'ulteriore erezione: si posiziona poco sopra il suo sedere, arrotolando la sua coda attorno agli shorts e alle mutandine di Misty, strappandole i vestiti di netto. Il giovane sorride maliziosamente, mentre si masturba di nuovo sulla faccia della capopalestra, inerme alla mercé di questi due predatori: -Sembra che Lucifer ti voglia fottere per bene!- Il fanciullo le fa l'occhiolino, prima di toglierle finalmente la pokeball dalla bocca: solo per un attimo la ragazza ha il tempo di prendere fiato e, prima che possa urlare, il giovane le ficca in bocca il suo cazzo, nuovamente duro. Lei cerca di allontanarsi da quell'enorme cappella, ma il ragazzo le blocca la nuca, prendendola per i capelli: -Non provare a mordere, troietta! O saranno guai per te e i tuoi Pokemon!- Ridacchia, mentre la giovane si lascia penetrare la sua cavità orale -Brava, così! Succhiami per bene il cazzo, sgualdrinella!- Piangendo, Misty esegue l'ordine, quasi strozzandosi nel fare un pompino a quell'enorme pene -Maddai, apri per bene la bocca... Su...- Sal spinge fino in fondo il suo fallo, solleticando l'ugola e raggiungendo il fondo della trachea: -Adesso si ragiona!- Inizia a fottere la sua gola, sempre più velocemente, tra i suoi gemiti di piacere e le lacrime amare della capopalestra. Nel frattempo, lo Shiny Ekans Lucifer solletica il clitoride di Misty con la punta di uno dei suoi cazzi, mentre inserisce l'altro pene nel povero culetto virginale della ragazza, che si dimena: sentendo quel dolce calore, il rettile spinge sempre più a fondo il suo cazzo. Misty piange, mentre il Pokemon le rompe quel sottile lembo di pelle del suo piccolo ano: l'intensità e la brutalità della penetrazione sono tali da far sanguinare quel piccolo buco d'estasi. Sal gode, osservando per bene la scena dinanzi a lui, ed aumenta il ritmo del suo bacino: -Sii... dai che ti piace!! Uhmm...- Lucifer sibila, come per dare ragione al suo padrone, mentre la punta di uno dei suoi cazzi penetra nel piccolo clitoride: il gesto è così strano e piacevole che Misty squirta il suo nettare sul cazzo eretto del Pokemon che, per tutta risposta, viene. Un fiotto caldo esplode all'interno del suo culo sodo, mentre una sborrata cola sulla sua piccola fica pelosetta: -Dai che ci sono anch'io... Oramai...- Sal dà un'ultima forte spinta e gemendo eiacula nella sua gola: -Ah Siiiiii... Vengoooooo!!- Come un fiume in piena, lo sperma del ragazzo inonda le pareti orali della giovane che, per non soffocare, è costretta ad ingoiare: -Brava, ingoia tutto!- Sogghigna, mentre si massaggia le palle, rilasciando ancora un po' di sborra, che sfugge dalle labbra carnose della giovane Pokemon Trainer. Una volta terminato, il fanciullo ruota il suo cazzo e lo sfila dalla bocca della ragazza, che deglutisce fino all'ultima goccia di sborra, per poi prendere fiato: l'enorme pene flaccido si accascia sul davanzale della giovane, spillando gli ultimi schizzi di sperma sulla sua faccia e sulle sue tette. Infine, il ragazzino incita la sua preda a leccargli bene le palle: -Non ho più niente con cui pulirmi... E di certo non userò i miei vestiti come stracci!- Si sistema meglio la maglietta, mentre le ordina: -Lecca tutto per bene, ogni centimetro del mio cazzo!- La giovane scuote la testa, implorando pietà, ma il fanciullo la prende per i capelli e la ammonisce: -Questo casino è colpa tua, piccola sgualdrina! Per cui vedi di pulire tutto!- Avvicina le labbra alle orecchie di lei e le sussurra: -E vedi di non tralasciare nemmeno le palle, capito!?- Misty annuisce, trattenendo a stento uno smorfia di disgusto… Misty inizia a leccargli le palle, come da lui richiesto: hanno un odore forte ed un sapore salato, poiché ha camminato per ore durante il mattino. Un conato di vomito sta raggiungendo la sua gola, quando il bimbo la avvisa: -Non ci provare a sputare o vomitare, hai capito troia?- Lei deglutisce a fatica, ma continua nel suo lavoro di pulizia, usando la sua lingua per eliminare tutta la sborra: prende i testicoli tra le sue mani massaggiandoli bene, mentre passa la sua lingua intorno a quella gigantesca cappella gocciolante, provocando degli spasmi di piacere al fanciullo. I gemiti del giovane eccitano lo Shiny Ekans, che strofina i suoi cazzi sulla vagina di lei: le sue piccole labbra si ingrossano considerevolmente e cambiano colore assumendo un colorito rosso scuro, pronte ad essere penetrate nuovamente. Sentendo il calore emanato tra le cosce della ragazza, Lucifer inserisce entrambi i suoi cazzi nella sua piccola figa, aprendola come un fiore. Sal ghigna ferocemente, nel vedere che la capopalestra è ormai succube di quel piacevole supplizio: egli gode nel sapere che la stanno dominando non solo fisicamente, ma anche psicologicamente... Misty urla di dolore, ma anche di piacere per quella violenza inaudita, che le allarga la cervice a dismisura: gode, sentendo spingere quei due falli nel suo ventre, ormai colmo dello sperma di quel Pokemon. La paura di essere scoperta da qualcuno, mentre quel rettile si muove dentro di lei, ma soprattutto l'idea di essere ingravidata da quella bestia la schifano e la intrigano allo stesso tempo. Lei piange al solo pensiero, mentre i movimenti dello Shiny Ekans si fanno sempre più insistenti: il suo utero accoglie i due enormi cazzi, avvolgendoli in un abbraccio caldo umido, mentre Misty afferra il pene nuovamente eretto del ragazzo. -Ah ma che grandissima vacca! Ti piace!- Lei non risponde: continua a mugolare, mentre lecca avidamente il nettare salato del giovane, succhiando le grosse vene che lo irradiano. Il Pokemon si contorce su se stesso, stringendo il corpo della donna tra le due spire, mentre con la parte finale della coda solletica il suo clitoride: mentre Misty apre la bocca per urlare nuovamente, il ragazzo è più veloce e le spinge il membro in bocca. Lei lo succhia avidamente e si bagna, mentre Sal schiaffeggia le sue poppe e Lucifer la fotte, inserendo la sottile punta caudale all'interno del piccolo clitoride. Lei chiede pietà. Sal ride e Lucifer sibila. Il giovane mette il suo cazzo tra le poppe di lei, strizzandole per bene, muovendosi con lo stesso ritmo del suo Pokemon, che si sta scopando Misty. Lucifer inizia a leccarle i seni, dai quali cola abbondantemente la sborra del suo padrone, che non dà segni di resa: posando le sue enormi palle sulle tette della ragazza, Sal inizia a fotterle nuovamente la bocca, che inizia a farle male... Il bambino la insulta, schiaffeggiandola su viso e poppe, notando che la cosa le piace assai, a tal punto che lei si muove verso di lui aumentando l'intensità di quel pompino: Sal ghigna e la prende per i capelli, seguendo il ritmo dei suoi movimenti. Nel frattempo, Lucifer decide che è ora di allargare per bene l'ano di quella cagna. Lo Shiny Ekans introduce la cima ben lubrificata di uno dei suoi cazzi nell'ano di Misty, ruotandola come la punta di un trapano. Dapprima piano, poi sempre più veloce e a fondo, provocando piacere e dolore allo stesso tempo. Sentendo le pareti calde dilatarsi ed avvilupparsi intorno ad esso, il Pokemon spinge dentro anche l'altro suo cazzo: la ragazza strabuzza gli occhi fuori dalle orbite per la sofferenza. Tuttavia, non può urlare, poiché la sua bocca è occupata a succhiare l'enorme virilità del bimbo, che la fotte come un animale. Sal spinge sempre più a fondo, godendo di quella visione: -Uhmm... Cazzo! Sei proprio una gran maialaAAAAAHHH!!- Con un'ulteriore spinta, il bimbo raggiunge il fondo di quella gola profonda, mentre il Pokemon continua imperterrito nel suo lavoro. Ad un tratto, Sal si ricorda della promessa fatta... e lui è un tipo che mantiene la parola data! Senza preavviso, tira all'indietro la testa della sua troia, prendendola per i capelli, e si allontana dalla sua bocca, assicurandola: -Non ti lascio, tranquilla!- Ghigna di gusto -Voglio solo sentire la tua figa!- Dicendo questo, la solleva da terra, aiutando anche da Lucifer, che la abbraccia nelle sue spire. Il fanciullo le apre la figa con le dita, infilandone uno alla volta, fino a penetrarla fino al polso. Misty si aggrappa alle spalle del suo padrone e geme di piacere, mentre egli ruota all'interno del suo caldo ventre l'intera mano. Il Pokemon continua a fotterle il culo, mentre le toglie le scarpe: con la lunga lingua biforcuta, Lucifer lecca i piedi della sua vittima, mentre questa inizia a massaggiare il pene duro del suo padrone, che mugola di consenso. Il fisting vaginale procede per un paio di minuti, durante i quali la cagna geme e squirta più volte. All'improvviso, Sal estrae la mano, zuppa di estro e sperma, per poi masturbarsi per bene: -Uhm... Sembra gradevole!- Prende il suo pene tra le mani e glielo infila nella passerina, chiedendo ironicamente: -Permesso!?- Sghignazza, mentre la penetra violentemente. Misty sente come se i cazzi del rettile e dell'umano si toccassero, separati solo da un lembo di pelle. Mentre la battaglia infuria nella Palestra di Cerulean City, fuori il sole è ormai calato e diversi Trainer se ne sono andati a malincuore, vedendo il cartello CHIUSO appeso all'ingresso... La scopata del secolo continua ancora per una ventina di minuti, durante i quali il Pokemon e il suo allenatore fottono contemporaneamente entrambi i buchi di quella troia, che gode da matti! Anche dopo l'ennesima venuta, i due maschi non le danno tregua: ritornati nuovamente duri, decidono di stuprarla un'ultima volta! Sal e Lucifer penetrano la sua figa nello stesso momento, aprendola al massimo con i loro cazzi: Misty urla di dolore, cercando disperatamente di allontanarsi, ma è prontamente bloccata dal rettile. Lo Shiny Ekans attorciglia la sua coda al collo della vittima, costringendola a subire, a men che non volesse soffocare... La ragazza piange, mentre i due maschi decidono di fotterle il culo, allo stesso modo. Le strazianti urla sono udite dai Pokemon della capopalestra, che si dispera per il loro destino, sperando sia migliore del suo! I due aguzzini eiaculano prima all'interno del suo ano e poi finiscono di sborrare nel suo ventre fecondo. Ora figa e culo della giovane donna grondano di sudore, sborra e sangue... Finalmente soddisfatti, i due maschi lasciano la loro puttana a terra, stanca morta per le lunghe ore di agonia e piacere. Lei piange, mentre Sal la deride: -Ahahah... Che gran vacca che sei! Quasi, quasi... Ho intenzione di tenerti con noi!!- Ridacchia, mentre il suo Shiny Ekans si illumina: entro una manciata di minuti, un enorme Shiny Arbok si erge imponente dinanzi ai due umani. Sal si compiace e corre da Lucifer, coccolandolo: -Che bravo, il mio cucciolo!- Il Pokemon struscia la testa contro quella del suo allenatore -Sei bellissimo!- EeeahhssSss Il sibilo è più gutturale e lungo. La sua lunghezza è quasi raddoppiata, mentre il suo peso è aumentato considerevolmente. Come la sua forma iniziale assomigliava all'aspetto di un crotalo, adesso le sue sembianze ricordano quelle di un cobra dagli occhiali. Un gorgoglio scuote la pancia del rettile, che sibila, osservando con occhi famelici Misty. Vedere e sentire ciò ha dato a Sal un'idea di cosa c'era nella mente del suo Shiny Arbok! Il fanciullo annuisce, sorridendo sadicamente. Si avvicina alla giovane, strappandole di dosso gli ultimi vestiti, con i quali si pulisce. Sal cammina verso la ragazza, sdraiata sul gelido pavimento: il freddo del linoleum le dona un po' di sollievo, sebbene lei provi dolore un po' ovunque. Lei piange, mentre il bimbo la prende per il mento, spiegandole la situazione: -Per quanto sia stato divertente fotterti e dominarti...- Si alza da terra, sistemandosi la sua maglietta, mentre si avvicina alla piscina -E credimi, puttanella!- Si volta verso di lei, dopo essersi lavato cazzo e mani -Sono sicuro che saresti rimasta incinta da tutto questo!- Lentamente si accosta a Misty, che continua a blaterare qualcosa, che non viene minimamente ascoltato: -Ora è giusto che tu diventi un delizioso spuntino per Lucifer!- Sogghigna e si riveste, mentre il Pokemon aspetta il comando del suo padrone. Sal acconsente e lo Shiny Arbok si scaraventa immediatamente sul suo pasto. Misty non riesce a muoversi: lo stupro è stato devastante fisicamente e psicologicamente, per non parlare che il seno e il ventre gonfi di sperma sono troppo pesanti. Aspetta la sua fine, mentre il rettile si attorciglia su se stesso, spalancando le fauci a dismisura. Con la lunga lingua prensile, afferra una caviglia della sua preda ed inizia a trascinarla nella sua bocca. La ragazza si aggrappa al pavimento, sperando di essere risparmiata, ma Sal ride: -Ahahahah... Sei davvero patetica!- Le calpesta una mano -Non hai ancora capito che sei destinata a diventare un tutt'uno con Lucifer?- Ghigna -Di nuovo!!- Il bimbo la guarda con occhi soddisfatti: -Sarai digerita per bene e poi...- Si ferma, mettendosi nuovamente lo zainetto giallo sulle spalle -Sarai cagata fuori... Un'enorme e fumante montagna di resti!- Ride, mentre osserva che i piedi della vittima sono completamente in bocca del Pokemon. Lucifer adora il sapore dolce della pelle di una femmina, soprattutto dopo averla scopata: l'eccitazione insaporisce il suo cibo ed ha una nuova erezione. Osserva il suo padrone sedersi su una sedia e godersi l'intero passaggio! Le dita dei piedi della sua preda gli solleticano il palato e lo invogliano a proseguire. Misty cerca di scappare da quell'infausto destino, che sarebbe capitato anche alla madre alla sorella di Sal, se questo non avesse addestrato il suo Pokemon come si deve! All'inizio non fu facile: ogni volta che il rettile aveva un prurito sessuale o voglia di carne umana, egli cercava di stuprare ed ingoiare le prime persone che trovava, ovvero i membri della famiglia del suo allenatore. L'addestramento continuò per un paio di mesi, al termine del quale Lucifer imparò come comportarsi: avrebbe potuto fottere ogni femmina umana, ma non gli era permesso divorare Giselle ed Evelyn. Ora tutto risulta più semplice ed è molto divertente unirsi all Pokemon per sottomettere tutte le troie, che trovano sul loro cammino... Alla fine poco prima di partire, Sal gli ha promesso che si sarebbe potuto sbizzarrire con qualsiasi allenatrice avessero incontrato, a patto di risparmiare i loro Pokemon, che si sarebbero uniti alla sua collezione. Lucifer ha acconsentito felicemente questo compromesso, perché non gli interessa scoparsi nient'altro se non delle umane! La preda scivola lentamente, ma inesorabilmente lungo la faringe del serpente dalle fauci completamente spalancate, dalle quali il bambino può ancora vedere il volto contrito della giovane ragazza. Egli sorride, quasi diabolicamente, ben conscio del destino che l'attende La ragazza continua a piangere, mentre il Pokemon serra energicamente la mandibola. All'improvviso, tutto si fa buio! Misty si aggrappa con tutte le sue forze alle pareti i quel rettile, ferendosi le mani con i ricurvi denti ben impiantati all'interno della sua bocca. Impreca, mentre ode un borbottio all'esterno. La lunga lingua viscida e il suo pesante corpo stremato non le permettono di rimanere immobile e scivola per il lungo esofago. Si dimena, mentre il condotto è inondato dalla saliva, che si appiccica al suo corpo, impedendole di reagire. All'esterno, Sal si congratula con il suo Pokemon, massaggiandogli il ventre gonfio, dal quale sporgono i contorni della capopalestra, che cerca invano di scappare. Ridacchiando, dà un piccolo colpetto al pancione del suo Shiny Arbok, che rutta contento. EhaSsssss Sibila il rettile, mentre Misty si trova invischiata in alcune rientranze carnose, che secernono muco, irritando la sua pelle sensibile. Il dolore agli arti è troppo forte per poter resistere ancora, quando una strana nebbia verdognola si espande intorno a lei: il tanfo pestilenziale divampa nei suoi polmoni, mentre lei cerca disperatamente una boccata d'aria fresca, invano. Portandosi una mano alla bocca, per evitare di continuare ad inalare quel fumo, la preda perde conoscenza, mentre la peristalsi del serpente continua imperterrita. Il processo di digestione è ormai in atto e prosegue all'interno della piccola sacca stomacale, in cui enzimi molto potenti iniziano ad attaccare il corpo nudo dell'umana. Un dolore acuto ed un bruciore persistente risvegliano la vittima, che si ritrova sommersa in questo liquido verdastro, che continua a salire: da prima sulle caviglie, poi alle ginocchia, quindi alle cosce, per poi arrivare sino al ventre gonfio. Lei piagnucola, ben consapevole del suo destino: diventare nuovamente un tutt'uno con il suo predatore! Le risate crudeli del fanciullo si fanno sempre più confuse ed ovattate, mentre lei cerca di urlare per un'ultima volta, ma l'aria acre e fetida le ha rovinato le corde vocali: solo un flebile e rauco sussurro fuoriesce dalla sua bocca impastata. Come il bestiame allevato si incammina al mattatoio, così il corpo di Misty si accinge ad essere fatto a pezzi: le carni sono dilaniate, rilevando muscoli ed ossa, che sono prontamente spezzate dai movimenti gastrointestinali del rettile. Tra stomaco ed intestino, la discesa si fa più complicata, a causa del restringimento del dotto gastrico. Sono gli ultimi istanti di vita di Misty, con fattezze ancora umane, prima che gli enzimi svolgano completamente il loro lavoro di scorticazione anche sul suo viso. Si dispera e piange ancora per qualche minuto prima che un urlo soffocato scuota gli intestini del rettile. La vittima è ormai una sola cosa con il suo predatore, che usufruirà delle sue proteine e del suo grasso per svilupparsi maggiormente; capelli, denti, ed unghie sono immediatamente gettati in un sacchetto, detto cloaca, dove saranno espulsi con le ossa più grandi, di lì a breve… Lucifer si acciambella in mezzo alla grande palestra, mentre Sal va in cerca degli altri Pokemon, che si aggiungeranno alla sua collezione. Una mezz'ora dopo, il fanciullo ritorna con il suo zainetto pieno sulle spalle e, accarezzando il suo Shiny Arbok, gli sussurra: -Hey, Luci! Tutto ok?- Il rettile apre lentamente entrambi gli occhi, annuendo -Ottimo! Voglio tornare a casa per lasciare questi...- mostra le pokeball nel suo sacco -...E voglio vedere anche mamma ed Eve- Sal sorride e Lucifer concorda con un potente rutto. Il suo allenatore ridacchia: -Sembra che qualcuno, oramai non ci sia più!- Dà alcuni colpetti sulla pancia del suo Pokemon, che sibila compiaciuto. È pomeriggio inoltrato, quando ormai sono a casa. Sal apre lentamente il cancello del recinto a staccionata bianca, che costeggia la sua abitazione. Il bimbo fa segno al suo Shiny Arbok di entrare in silenzio: vuole fare una sorpresa alla mamma e alla sorella. Si avvicina al garage e, senza fare rumore, si dirige al suo interno, sempre seguito da Lucifer. Lì vi è parcheggiato il pick-up verde della madre, lo oltrepassa e sale le scale per il piano sopraelevato. Apre una piccola porta azzurra ed entra nella stanza: gli attrezzi fai da te di suo padre sono ovunque! Li accarezza con nostalgia. Quindi appoggia i Pokemon "donati" da Misty su un ripiano, proprio sotto ai suoi trofei, mentre Lucifer si acciambella nel suo giaciglio, sotto la finestra, per riposare. Sal lo accarezza, sorridendo: -Ora che ti sei evoluto, ti dovrò prendere un nuovo letto!- Il suo Shiny Arbok sibila, appisolandosi immediatamente. La stanchezza per il viaggio e la "battaglia", così come il gonfio ventre, lo hanno sfinito completamente... Sal esce, socchiudendo la porta e si dirige fuori. Osserva la sua casa, di fronte al porticato in legno bianco, quindi si fa avanti: -Sono tornato!- Esclama felice, mentre le sue narici sono pervase da un buon profumo di chili, che sia madre sta cucinando. Sua madre gli risponde dalla cucina: -Amore, bentornato!- Nel frattempo, Sal si toglie le scarpe all'ingresso ed indossa le pantofole -Tesoro, non posso lasciare il chili! Ma vieni qui per un abbraccio!!- Il bambino si fionda subito in cucina, ma si ferma per osservare sua madre: una bella e giovane donna dagli occhi neri e la la pelle candida, incorniciata da capelli lunghi color del cioccolato, raccolti in una coda da cavallo. Il grembiule stretto espone le sue forme prosperose, accentuate ancor di più adesso stato avanzato di gravidanza. La contempla innamorato, mentre due pesi enormi si posano sulle sue spalle. Alza la testa e vede sua sorella Evelyn, sorridergli. Ricambia estasiato, coccolando quelle due mammelle, che chiedono solo di essere succhiare per ore. Si volta e la esamina: si è fatta più bella da quando è incinta! Il seno è cresciuto di almeno quattro taglie e la sua camicetta semitrasparente rivela i due giganteschi capezzoli turgidi, di un bel nocciola scuro, che spiccano dalla sua carnagione leggermente abbronzata. I lunghi capelli bruni sono sciolti e le decorano il corpo giunonico. Il sedere e la pancia enormi fioriscono da quei piccoli shorts di jeans, rivelando un piercing all'ombelico. Evelyn si stiracchia, ancora mezza addormentata dal suo riposo pomeridiano, mentre suo fratello inizia massaggiarle il seno: -A qualcuno sono mancata!- Sogghigna, mentre accarezza il pene eretto del fanciullo, da sopra i pantaloncini. Il bimbo annuisce e, liberandole il seno, inizia avidamente a succhiare un capezzolo: del dolce latte sporca le labbra del fanciullo, mentre sua madre sospira: -Ragazzi miei, che pesti che siete!- Giselle cerca di concentrarsi sul chili, che sta rimescolando, mentre i due giovani si accarezzano, davanti a lei: -Andate in salotto, così non mi distraete! Non voglio far bruciare la cena!- Delle risatine in lontananza. Mentre la mamma è intenta a cucinare, i suoi due figli so coccolano sul divano. -Tra quanto sarà pronto, mamma?- Chiedono insieme, mentre Sal tira fuori il suo cazzo. -Fra venti minuti...- Risponde Giselle. Evelyn ringrazia, mentre suo fratello commenta: -Ottimo! Il tempo per un po' di sesso orale!- Sua madre ridacchia, mentre sua sorella gli prende l'uccello in bocca, massaggiandolo con le sue enormi tette. Gira e rigira la punta della sua lingua sulla cappella, infilandosi ogni tanto nel piccolo buco. Accarezza e solletica le palle, tastandole e leccandole per bene. Prosegue con il pompino, sempre più velocemente e più profondo. Dal canto suo, Sal fotte la bocca di sua sorella, mentre le pizzica i capezzoli, che schizzano latte ovunque sulle sue enormi palle, prontamente pulite dalla sia vacca. Ad un tratto, Giselle li chiama: -Qualche minuto ed è pronto qui!- Poi continua -Finite quello che state facendo, poi raggiungetemi in cucina!- Qualche secondo dopo aggiunge: -E con mani lavate, tesori miei!- All'ordine della madre, Evelyn aumenta il ritmo con la bocca, aiutandosi con le mani, che strizzano dolcemente le palle, e le tette, che abbracciano amorevolmente il cazzo del fratello. SÌ, MAMMAAAAAAHHHHHH! Sal eiacula all'interno della gola di quella gran vacca di sua sorella, che felice ingoia tutto io nettare divino, fino l'ultima goccia. Qualche minuto dopo, i tre sono al tavolo per cenare. -Lo so che è presto, ma NOI...- Giselle indica il suo pancione, accarezzato da sua figlia Evelyn, che le sorride, rispondendo -..Avevamo FAME!- Le due donne sorridono, coccolandosi a vicenda gli enormi pancioni gravidi, che gorgogliando disperatamente per un po' di buon cibo... Sal le guarda, annuendo. Guarda l'orologio appeso al muro della cucina: sono le 18 circa! Un po' presto, ma tra le esigenze delle due femmine gravide e le sue di ricaricarsi per bene dopo tutte quelle elle venute... Il chili della mamma è ciò che ci vuole! Improvvisamente, Giselle nota che il Pokemon del figlio non è in casa: -Dove sta Lucifer?- Chiede un po' ansiosa -Dorme- Sal ingoia una bella cucchiaiata di carne e fagioli, leccandosi le labbra. Poi spiega: -Oggi abbiamo battuto Brock..Era un osso duro, ma ce l'abbiamo fatta!- Le due donne si complimenta con lui, mentre divorano il cibo, che hanno nel piatto -Poi siamo andati da Misty...- Sal sorride maliziosamente e sua sorella sbuffa, mentre sua madre la apostrofa: -Non essere gelosa!- Evelyn ingoia amaramente il boccone che ha un bocca, mentre suo fratello prosegue con il racconto: -Quella puttana saccente si è meritata TUTTO quello che IO e LUCIFER le abbiamo fatto subire!- Sghignazza, descrivendo dettagliatamente tutte le ore di sesso sfrenato, quindi termina il discorso: -...Ecco perché Lucifer sta dormendo... È stanco e sta smaltendo quella cagna!- Continuano a mangiare, mentre Sal spiega cosa vorrebbe fare: vincere le medaglie con vere battaglie contro i capopalestra maschi, ma fottere e derubare dei Pokemon le donne, che poi saranno mangiate dal suo stesso Lucifer. -E tra l'altro.. - Aggiunge il bambino -Luci ora è un figo di Shiny Arbok!!- Le due donne lo osservano, incuriosite da come potrebbe fotterle ora, che le sue dimensioni sono triplicate... -Che due troie!- I tre sorridono, baciandosi ed abbracciandosi a vicenda. Dopo cena, Sal mostra i due badge vinti: sa che sarà ricompensato a dovere! Infatti, soddisfatte del loro maschio, le due donne lo elogiano al meglio: sua madre con una bella leccata di palle, mentre sua sorella si fa scopare il culo. Nel frattempo, Lucifer si risveglia dal suo torpore, solo per notare che il suo allenatore non c'è. Di norma sarebbe sceso per andare a cercarlo, ma è in piena digestione ed ogni minimo movimento è uno sforzo sovrumano, in questo momento. Una leggera brezza tiepida accarezza le sue squame, che vibrano per il continuo gorgogliare del suo stomaco. Il vento leggero e il borbottio incessante lo cullano nuovamente tra le braccia di Morfeo. Mentre il Pokemon dorme, continua lo scioglimento della preda, che procede dritta verso la parte alta dell'intestino del rettile. Gli enzimi digestivi spezzano la carne e le ossa sino al loro nucleo, quindi il mediano disgrega queste macromolecole in particelle più piccole, che attraversano un lungo canale biforcuto: le sostanze nutritive sono trasportate in una sacca, dove verranno sciolte e rilasciate nell'organismo, mentre gli scarti raggiungono lo sfintere, un tubo a forma di clessidra, molto vascolarizzato. Tuttavia, ci vorranno almeno altre dodici ore, prima che gli escrementi siano completamente espulsi dal rettile. Ignaro dei suoi processi digestivi, Lucifer continua a riposare… Mentre lo Shiny Arbok si riposa in previsione alla futura cagata che dovrà fare, Sal aiuta la mamma e la sorella a lavare i piatti, parlando del più e del meno. Quando finiscono di pulire è ormai tarda serata e le due donne decidono di mostrare al bimbo la futura nursery: sei lettini gemellari per ogni lato della stanza, tre enormi box contenenti giocattoli di ogni tipo e vestitini ovunque negli armadi. Contenti, i tre si coricano nel grande letto di Giselle. Il bimbo, come al solito, si trova in mezzo alle due gnocche che lo accarezzano, chiedendo di essere scopate come le vacche che sono: -Siete proprio due grandi troie! Vi amo!- I tre si baciano appassionatamente, prima di fare del gran sesso selvaggio. Giselle prolunga ancora per qualche minuto il bacio alla francese, facendo danzare la sua lingua assieme a quella del figlio, a cui erano mancate queste attenzioni, sebbene fosse mancato da casa solamente da qualche ora. Intanto accarezza la sorella, che nel frattempo inizia a masturbarlo, prima lentamente per poi accelerare il ritmo. Sentire le mani morbide e calde di Evelyn sul cazzo eretto è una di quelle sensazioni piacevoli, che un uomo dovrebbe provare prima o poi nella propria vita! Per ringraziarla del gesto tanto atteso, si volta verso di lei e la bacia con vigore, ficcando le la lingua in bocca, mentre la madre gli mordicchia l'orecchio: è talmente gradevole che il suo pene turgido inizia a vibrare, impaziente di penetrare qualcosa. Giselle lo nota e, sogghignando, discende lentamente verso le cosce del figlio, sempre continuando a baciarne il corpo esile. La sua virilità la sta aspettando fervente, pregustando ciò che quella troia sta per compiere: gentilmente, prende il cazzo del figlio nella sua bocca carnosa ed inizia a succhiarlo per bene, mentre sua figlia Evelyn continua a masturbarlo. Sal mugola soddisfatto, provando un immenso piacere nel lavoro congiunto di sua madre e sua sorella. Il bambino sorride ad Evelyn, Mentre prende le sue enormi tette fra le mani, osservandole un'altra volta e compiacendosi di come si siano ingrossate durante la gravidanza. Delicatamente le slaccia le reggiseno in pizzo nero, liberando le sue poppe, per poi mordicchiare e succhiare le i capezzoli turgidi, con la stessa intensità e velocità del pompino che sta ricevendo da sua madre. Strizza per bene i seni della sorella, che geme sempre più, sentendo il fratello succhiarle tutto il latte, come presto faranno i loro figli. Sorride e lo bacia sulla fronte. La dolcezza di quel gesto è completamente opposta alla veemenza dell'azione, che madre sta mettendo in quel meraviglioso pompino: mettendo il cazzo del figlio fra le sue poppe, glielo succhia avidamente, girando la lingua sul suo grande fremente, mentre gli massaggia le palle. Sal mugola, implorando la madre di fermarsi: -Cazzo, mamma!!- Ansima -Se continui così verrò praticamente subito!- La materna sorellona sogghigna, accarezzandogli la testa, mentre la madre perversa aumenta il ritmo, ben consapevole di ciò che le aspetta. Abbracciando forte la sorella, quasi soffocando fra le sue enormi tette, eiacula in bocca la madre che felice Ingoia tutto il suo sperma, sollecitata dalla sua stessa figlia: -Non deve andare sprecata nemmeno una goccia, mi raccomando!- Evelyn sghignazza beata, coccolando suo fratello, mentre Giselle deglutisce tutto il nettare prelibato, senza farne cadere una goccia. Una volta ingerito tutto lo sperma, la madre si alza lentamente e si avvicina a sua figlia, che la osserva incuriosita: senza dirle nulla, la prende per i lunghi capelli e la bacia, ficcandole la lingua in bocca e passandole il dolce sapore del figlio. Sal le guarda estasiato, accarezzandosi: -Uhm… Sì, brave… così!- Le incita a continuare, aumentando la velocità della sega -Dai, assaporate per bene la mia sborra!- Le due continuano a limonarsi per un po', massaggiandosi a vicenda i seni enormi, mentre le pance gravide si sfiorano; si staccano solo per un breve periodo, unite da un lungo viscoso filo di saliva e sperma, il tanto che basta ad Evelyn ti spogliare sua madre, mentre questa la tocca fra le cosce, completamente fradice. Il giovane spettatore continua a masturbarsi, mentre osserva quelle due genere baciarsi e sfiorarsi a vicenda, fino a quando non ce la fa più: -Il vostro stallone ha bisogno di fottere!- Ghigna, mentre le sue vacche lo invitano tra loro, levandosi le mutandine totalmente inzuppate dal loro stesso fluido, che gronda dalle loro fighette vogliose. Evelyn si sdraia quindi sul letto a gambe aperte, mentre sua madre si stende sopra di lei portando il volto In mezzo alle tue cosce: le divarica le grandi labbra con le dita ed inizia a succhiare il clitoride, mentre esplora con le dita la vagina bagnata di sua figlia. Nel frattempo Sal fa inginocchiare sua madre, prendendola per i fianchi e penetrandola lentamente, molto lentamente: dapprima inserendo solo la punta della sua cappella, poi ruotando gradualmente il cazzo dentro di lei, per finire ficcandoglielo tutto in fondo, riempiendo il suo utero. I movimenti, inizialmente gentili, si fanno sempre più intensi, mano a mano che si scopa la sua genitrice, completamente intenta a leccare la figa della sua stessa figlia, che raggiungendo la climax le squirta in faccia. Si possono udire gemiti di piacere ricche già in tutta la stanza, ormai pregna del dolce odore di sesso! Ancora qualche altra spinta più vigorosa della precedente, quindi Sal togli il suo enorme cazzo dalla figa grondante della madre, che stanca si sdraia supina sul letto, di fianco a sua figlia, che ricambia con piacere la leccata della madre, mentre suo fratello inizia a penetrarla. -Sì, cazzo! Ci sono… quasi!- Mugugna tra continui mormorii d'estasi. Tuttavia, Evelyn lo ferma e, prima che Sal possa replicare, la loro madre lo prega di accogliere la richiesta della sorella. All'inizio sbuffa annoiato, ma acconsente. Sua sorella per ringraziarlo gli lecca le palle e gli dà un bacio sul cazzo, quindi si abbandona nel letto morbido, a lato di sua madre. Sal le osserva dall'alto: Evelyn è alla sua sinistra, mentre Gisele a destra, entrambe distese su un fianco con i pancioni che si sfiorano. Egli continua a masturbarsi, mentre le due donne avvicinano il più possibile le loro fighe ben lubrificate, cercando di incrociare le gambe dietro alle rispettive schiene. Il fanciullo allora intuisce cosa vogliono: -Ecco- Si lamenta, sospirando -Questo è uno di quei momenti in cui Vorrei tanto avere due cazzi, proprio come Lucifer!- Le due donne sorridono, prima di avere il suo enorme cazzo, ormai prossimo ad esplodere, in mezzo alle loro cosce. Aiutato anche dalle loro mani, Sal eiacula, schizzando un po' della sua sborra sui loro grandi pancioni gravidi, per poi finire dentro di loro: prima riempiendo l'utero della sorella, poi quello della madre. Tra urla di piacere, si è svolto l'ennesimo atto incestuoso e, soddisfatto, si rilassa a fianco alle sue vacche, che lo coccolano e baciano. Rimangono distesi l'uno accanto all'altro per una buona mezz'ora, assaporando ogni momento di piacere vissuto nelle ultime ore, quindi guardano l'orologio: è quasi l'una di notte e l'indomani Sal e Lucifer devono alzarsi presto. Dopo ore di sesso sfrenato, esausti ma goduti, i tre decidono di dormire fini al mattino. Il primo ad alzarsi è proprio Sal, che fatica non poco a scendere dal letto senza svegliare le due femmine, che continuano a dormire pesantemente. Le osserva dicono sorridendo prima di dirigersi in cucina, dove prepara per tutti una bella tazza di caffelatte. Il profumo desta le due donne che, seminude, lo raggiungono in cucina per fare colazione tutti insieme: -Buongiorno, bellezze mie!- Il bambino le saluta, invitandole galantemente ad accomodarsi. I tre si baciano e parlano del più e del meno. Dopo il lauto pasto, Giselle ed Evelyn si rattristano non poco, poiché il loro maschio deve lasciarle di nuovo. Sospirano. Puliti i piatti, si dirigono tutti da Lucifer, che si è appena svegliato, grazie ai tiepidi di raggi d'un sole appena nato. Appena viste le due femmine, il Pokemon striscia verso loro, che lo accolgono a braccia aperte: lo baciano e masturbando, per poi succhiare un cazzo a testa, finché non eiacula nelle loro gole assetate. Le femmine complimentano lo Shiny Arbok per la sua bellezza e potenza, mentre gli accarezzano la pancia gorgogliante. Quindi, danno alcuni soldi a Sal, così come alcuni spuntini per il viaggio e dei preservativi: -Ci vediamo appena ho tutte le medaglie, d'accordo?- Sal le saluta, non prima di essere baciato da entrambe le sue donne, che si accomiatano anche da Lucifer. Lasciata la casa, l'allenatore e il suo Pokemon proseguono verso Vermilion City, per vincere il Thunder Badge. Il loro cammino è cadenzato dai sibili continui e dai gorgoglii incessanti del rettile, che si contorce per gli spasmi inarrestabili del suo intestino, ormai prossimo a defecare. Capendo il suo bisogno impellente, Sal decide di fermarsi, proprio quando mancano pochi minuti per raggiungere la palestra ed affrontare il Luogotenente Surge. Lucifer striscia dietro ad un cespuglio lì vicino, mentre il suo allenatore si siede sotto un albero, poco più in là: -Svegliami quando hai finito, d'accordo?- Gli intima sbadigliando, mentre si appisola, cullato dal canto melodioso di alcuni Pidgeotto in amore. EhanSssss Lo Shiny Arbok sibila, come per assentire, mentre la fase di espulsione da ha inizio! "Cazzarola come è stata dura da digerire e sta cagna!!" Il povero Pokemon riflette, mentre si sforza a cagare fuori ciò che un tempo era Misty… Il rettile si stende per tutta la sua lunghezza, quindi si attorciglia su se stesso, in modo da facilitare l'uscita dei resti. L'intestino si aggroviglia, lasciando libera la parte finale del lungo sfintere, che si contrae e si rilassa continuamente, provocando degli spasmi atroci. EhaaaaanSssss Lucifer sibila, mentre fuoriesce il tappo intestinale: uno stronzo colossale dalle dimensioni di una palla da rugby, contenente dei capelli rossicci e del muco verdastro. Durante quello sforzo immane, una sonora raffica di scoregge maleodoranti risuona nella valle, spaventando i Pokemon nelle vicinanze. "Ed è solo l'inizio!" Pensa fra se lo Shiny Arbok, intento ad evacuare quell'enorme peso. Il piccolo orifizio escretore fatica non poco ad eliminare il successivo pezzo di merda, poiché un femore, mezzo intero, si è incastrato nel tratto più impervio dello sfintere stesso. Il rettile si contorce ancora di più, aggrovigliandosi fra le sue stesse spire, in modo da contrarre i muscoli, che spingono l'osso verso l'esterno: alla fine di quel tunnel buio, una luce saluta i resti di quella, che un tempo, era la gamba sinistra della Capopalestra di Cerulean City. Una potente flatulenza accoglie il nuovo stronzo, che giace accanto all'altro più piccolo. Solo qualche filamento di vestiario collega le due cagate, mentre una terza sta per oltrepassare quel piccolo buco di culo. L'ano del Pokemon si dilata, mentre l'ennesimo pezzo di merda viene espulso, assieme ad un'orchestra di boati nauseanti. La filarmonica intestinale eccita sempre di più Lucifer: ammaliato dal fetore e compiaciuto di aver divorato quella troia umana, non vede l'ora di osservarla sotto nuove spoglie. Il solo pensiero lo stimola a procedere con quel sacrificio intestinale, mentre i suoi due enormi cazzi iniziano a fuoriuscire dalla loro sacca contenitiva. Il processo di defecazione continua per una buona oretta, tra rumorosi peti e sibili affaticati, mentre Sal continua a dormire imperturbato da quei feti di gas, che si sprigionano nell'atmosfera circostante, rendendola irrespirabile. All'improvviso un povero Bunnelby, che fino a pochi minuti fa stava mangiando delle baccarance lì vicino, fugge impaurito, per evitare di rimanere vittima delle flatulenze pestilenziali di quello Shiny Arbok. Finito di cagare, Lucifer osserva entusiasta le sue feci: diversi tocchi di cioccolata ancora fumanti, di varia dimensione, guarniti qua e là da candide schegge ossee e parti di uno scheletro umano, decorato ogni tanto da fili colorati di tessuto. Il serpente si rallegra della nuova forma di quella cagna, che d'ora in avanti servirà a qualcosa: fertilizzare Il meraviglioso giardino di questa palestra, molto simile a quello di Cerulean City. L'eccitazione è tale che il Pokemon eiacula, proprio sopra ai suoi stessi escrementi. In quel preciso istante, Sal si risveglia e, stiracchiandosi, cammina verso Lucifer. Sogghignando, il giovane allenatore si slaccia i pantaloni, mentre si compiace di quello spettacolo, accarezzando la testa del suo Shiny Arbok. Seguendo l'esempio dell'amico rettile, il bambino rilascia una quantità non indifferente di piscio, proprio sopra il teschio della defunta capopalestra: -Ci mancava qualcosa a quest'opera d'arte!- Ride crudelmente, mentre s'immagina il futuro destino, riservato a tutte quelle puttane di Pokemon Trainer. EhaaanSssss Anche Lucifer ha la sua stessa idea e, una volta terminata la statua ad honorem per Misty, i due si incamminano felici verso la loro nuova sfida: battere in un leale duello il Luogotenente Surge! Vinta la battaglia, proseguono Il loro viaggio verso Celadon City, dove arrivano in tardo pomeriggio. Risoluti, fissano il grande edificio-serra, il cui tetto è simile alla cupola di un Gloom, di cui Erika è la capopalestra. Sal ridacchia, prevedendo il fato in serbo per quella vacca: essere scopata da lui e dal suo Pokemon in ogni orifizio, per poi essere ingoiata dal rettile, mentre il bambino si impossessa del Rainbow Badge e dei Pokemon tipo erba della loro vittima. Una volta conclusa quell'impresa, i nostri eroi sono stanchi e decidono di restare a dormire in hotel, poiché oramai è tardi per proseguire la strada verso la loro prossima meta. L'indomani mattina, svegliati di buon'ora e in sella ad una bicicletta noleggiata, percorrono tutta la pista ciclabile per Fuchsia City. Poco prima di giungere in città, si fermano in un boschetto, dove Lucifer smaltisce completamente le spoglie di Erika, mentre Sal ha tutto il tempo di mangiare uni dei manicaretti, preparati da sua madre. Dopo un meritato riposo, i due entrano nella palestra del ninja master Koga, cercando di evitare i Voltorb, posizionati a mo' di trappole e nascosti un po' ovunque nel pavimento. Richiesta ed accettata la sfida, la lotta a inizio! Koga usa il suo Venomoth, mentre Sal usa il suo Shiny Arbok. È il turno dello sfidante che con Acido diminuisce le difese dell'avversario, che a sua volta usa Sonnifero, senza buon esito. Quindi Lucifer usa Velenpuntura, colpendo il nemico sulle ali e facendolo cadere a terra. Il danno è maggiore di quello che capopalestra si aspettasse e si complimenta con lo sfidante, non prima che il suo Pokemon sferri un attacco paralizzante allo Shiny Arbok, che così si immobilizza. Il bambino è frustrato ed escogita un piano, in quei due turni in cui il suo povero Pokemon è fermo, mentre il Venomoth cerca nuovamente di usare sonnifero, ma ancora una volta non va a segno. Ora è il turno di Lucifer che, svegliato dal suo sonno e sotto gli occhi sbalorditi di tutti, lancia una potente Fangobomba, causando un grave danno alle ali del povero Venomoth, che viene persino avvelenato dall'effetto secondario della mossa. A causa dell'affaticamento, il seguente attacco del Pokemon coleottero non va a buon fine e Lucifer ne approfitta, mordendo l'avversario nell'addome. Il Venomoth cade a terra, sconfitto. Koga applaude il giovane allenatore e si compiace per la bella lotta, mentre chiama sua figlia, perché consegni la medaglia al vincitore. All'improvviso, da dietro un muro invisibile, balzano fuori agilmente tre ragazze completamente identiche tra loro, ma solo una si avvicina al bambino: colei che detiene il Soul Badge, oltre che il cuore del piccolo Sal! -...Janine…- Un sussurro appassionato tradisce le labbra del fanciullo, che osserva più attentamente la sua cotta. Gli occhi di lei brillano come due grandi ametiste, che risaltano dal suo incarnato pallido, come la neve, e i suoi folti capelli viola sono legati da un sottile filo dorato, quasi a formare una corona. I suoi semplici vestiti da ninja esaltano il suo fisico atletico, ma dalle forme femminili sinuose. La contempla, ammaliato dal suo sorriso perfetto, mentre Lucifer e Koga li studiano inebetiti. Tremante, il bambino accetta la medaglia, mentre balbettando la prega di accompagnarlo all Pokemon Zoo, che voleva visitare ormai da tempo. Lei lo scruta con fare indagatore, ma poco dopo accetta la proposta. Nel tardo pomeriggio i due si incontrano per loro appuntamento: una gita allo zoo, durante la quale osservano persino un fossile di Kabuto, un milkshake comprato ad una bancarella ed una passeggiata nel Parco Pal. Seduti su una panchina, mentre Janine contempla dei piccoli Ducklett seguire la loro mamma Swanna, Sal si perde nei suoi pensieri perversi. L'occhio della ragazza si posa sul pacco del suo giovane partner eccitato: un cazzo enorme cerca di scappare dalla sua prigione, aiutato poi dalle mani di lei, che finalmente lo libera. Lui sorride, mentre lei inizia a spompinarlo per bene, non curante dei passanti. -Non immaginavo fossi così porca!- Esclama Il fanciullo, mentre spinge la testa di lei verso il suo bacino, invitandola a prendere il suo membro più in fondo. Alzando lo sguardo e guardandolo dritto negli occhi, Janine gli sorride, aumentando il ritmo e lasciandosi penetrare più a fondo la gola, mentre massaggia le palle piene di sperma del suo compagno. -S..sta…stavo pen...san...do…- Sal cerca di formulare la frase che ha in testa, ma quel pompino rende il suo pensiero confuso e le parole faticano ad essere pronunciate -C...che po...tre..sti… Uhmmmm- mugugni di piacere trovano la loro strada tra una parola e l'altra -Ve...nire Uhmmmmm… Ahhhh- Lei continua a succhiare il cazzo, mentre si tira fuori le piccole poppe, grandi quel tanto per riempire una coppa di champagne: -Uhm… che belle!- Il fanciullo sussurra, mentre le accarezza, facendo arrossire la giovane, che affonda tutto il pene nella sua gola, fino a raggiungere le palle, sulle quali mani e lingua si muovono simultaneamente, come in una danza tribale -Merda! Se con...ti...nui cos..AHHHHHHHHHHH- Sal non fa in tempo a finire la frase, che lei accelera al massimo quel pompino e, con un urlo d'estasi, lui le viene in bocca. Compiaciuta, Janine ingoia tutta la sborra, per poi pulire il cazzo e le palle con la lingua. Soddisfatti, i due si rivestono. Come se nulla fosse accaduto, la ragazza si siede affianco al bambino e, guardandolo negli occhi, gli domanda: -Dicevi!?- Lui la bacia sulla fronte e le spiega la sua idea: portarla a casa da sua madre da sua sorella, le sue vacche da monta, alle quali vorrebbe aggiungere anche lei. Nel frattempo decidono di rientrare, ma Janine è curiosa e continua a porre domande, chiedendo ulteriori informazioni riguardo a questo suo strano modo di vivere. Il bambino le racconta di come tutto questo fosse iniziato qualche anno prima e come si fosse intensificato con l'arrivo di Lucifer. Lei lo ascolta, rapita dalle storie di quelle notti di sesso selvaggio, trascorse con le sue due troie e il suo Shiny Arbok. Giunti sulla porta di casa, lei si volta verso di lui e gli sussurra SÌ. I due si baciano e, presi Pokemon e bagagli, si incamminano verso la strada del ritorno. È ormai sera inoltrata, quando raggiungono il confine con Vermilion City e così scelgono di passare la notte in un campeggio lì vicino. Tutti e tre in un'unica tenda. Tuttavia, Sal stabilisce che quella sera nessuno sarebbe venuto tra le cosce di Janine, alla quale insegna come comportarsi con il suo Lucifer, che accetta di buon grado una nuova cagna da ingravidare. Per ringraziarli di questa gentilezza, la ragazza si fa scopare e venire in bocca e nel culo, più e più volte. L'indomani mattina, la giovane ha male un po' ovunque, ma è felice: ciò che ha passato quella splendida notte è solo un assaggio della sua vita futura, ben conscia anche che sarà madre di una nuova generazione di forti allenatori… E forse anche di nuovi Pokemon! Sogghigna, eccitata da quell'idea, mentre il suo compagno apre la porta della sua nuova casa. Sal presenta Janine a sua madre e a sua sorella: ad entrambe piace l'idea di avere una nuova amante nell'Harem, soprattutto perché molto giovane ed inesperta. Dopo una lauta colazione ed una lunga chiacchierata, le due donne gravide le mostrano la sua nuova stanza, dove potersi riposare tra una scopata e l'altra. Con la scusa di farla rilassare tramite massaggi ed un bagno caldo, la fanno spogliare e la osservano attentamente, compiacendosi della scelta del loro maschio: -Sarai una perfetta vacca da monta, vedrai!- Commenta Giselle -Ti insegneremo noi!- La bacia, mentre sua figlia Evelyn le strizza i piccoli seni: -Quanto sono carini!- Le lecca i capezzoli turgidi -Ma Non ti preoccupare! Diventeranno presto grosse come le mie!- Janine le sorride, consapevole che a breve sarebbe rimasta incinta pure lei! L'idea la eccita così tanto che si lascia sedurre dalle altre due, che iniziano a toccarla, approfondendo la loro conoscenza. Una prolungata serie di gemiti risvegliano dal loro pisolino l'allenatore e il suo Pokemon, che si fiondano verso il grande bagno padronale, curiosi di assistere allo spettacolo. Dinanzi ai loro occhi, le tre femmine si accarezzano reciprocamente, baciandosi l'un l'altra, nella spaziosa vasca idromassaggio. I due maschi si guardano a vicenda sorridendo, mentre Sal si spoglia: -Vi dispiace se ci uniamo a voi?- Alla richiesta del fanciullo, gli viene fatto spazio: si posiziona tra sua sorella e la sua nuova troia, mentre Lucifer si distende lungo tutto il bordo della jacuzzi, poggiando la testa sulle tette della nuova arrivata. Senza alcuna fretta, Sal penetra la fighetta vogliosa di Janine, che si limonata Lucifer, mentre avvolge le sue spire la tetta sinistra. Nel frattempo, Giselle ed Evelyn si occupano dei due grossi falli eretti del rettile, succhiando un cazzo per ognuna, mentre la coda del serpente si attorciglia al grosso capezzolo destro della vacca più matura. Il ritmo delle loro azioni accelera notevolmente, con il passare del tempo, quando le due donne gravide decidono di sedersi di fianco al loro maschio, totalmente intento a penetrare la sua nuova troia. Sempre continuando a spompinare il Pokemon, le due accarezzano le palle del fanciullo, ormai prossimo a venire. Il bagno termina con una bella schiuma calda, riempiendo l'utero di Janine e le bocche delle due vacche più esperte, che ingoiano il delizioso sperma di Lucifer. Dopo qualche ora di divertimento, si è fatto ormai mezzogiorno: tutti hanno una gran fame e decidono di chiamare la loro pizzeria d'asporto preferita. Un po' per le gravidanze e un po' per l'appetito causato dal sesso selvaggio, ordinano una quantità di cibo, sufficiente a sfamare un intero esercito: 10 pizze, 5 panzerotti, 8 focacce, 3 chili di patatine fritte, 2 vassoi grandi di anelli di cipolla fritti, diverse Coca-cole e... persino il fattorino per Lucifer! A pranzo ultimato, il gruppo è sazio e pigramente si infila nell'enorme letto di Giselle per riposare un po', ma la voglia di scopare è ancora tanta e, recuperate le energie, ci danno dentro di nuovo! Poiché i piccoli stanno scalciando come forsennati, Giselle decide di stendersi sul fianco sinistro, dolcemente coccolata da suo figlio Sal, che inizia gentilmente a leccarle la figa: le succhia avidamente il clitoride, mentre le apre la vagina con le dita, assaporandone il succo acre, ma gustoso di carne viva. Il sapore pungente dei suoi umori lo fanno impazzire, a tal punto da affondare l'intero volto In quella apertura feconda. Un gemito scappa dalle labbra della donna, prontamente invase dalla lingua di Janine, che danza nella bocca di quella cagna, ancora sapida di sperma e Coca-Cola. La teenager inizia a limonarla senza tregua, mentre accarezza il pancione della sua amante gravida, che a sua volta la abbraccia, quasi soffocandola con le sue enormi poppe. Alle spalle di quella giovane troia, Evelyn le massaggia la schiena, fino a raggiungere il bel sedere: le divarica le natiche sode ed inizia a leccare il suo piccolo ano roseo. Stuzzicato dalla lingua, il buchino si contrae leggermente, rilasciando una lieve scoreggia, che lo umidifica: Evelyn ne assapora la dolce secrezione, pulendo tutto intorno a quel meraviglioso orificio. A quel punto Sal si accorge che sua sorella gli sta spianando la strada, che ha intenzione di percorrere nuovamente, e, sempre continuando a leccare la figa di sua madre, si sdraia in orizzontale, posizionando il suo enorme cazzo eretto in faccia ad Evelyn. Intuendo il passo successivo, lei gli prende il cazzo fra le mani e, dopo averlo succhiato per qualche minuto, stimola il culo di Janine, che geme pregustando ciò che sta per accaderle. Nel contempo che Evelyn inserisce il cazzo di suo fratello in quel piccolo culo, gli lecca e massaggia le palle, mentre lei e la madre fanno a turno per baciare e toccare la nuova troia. Eccitato da tutti quei feromoni, Lucifer si aggrega, pronto a fottere qualche buco. Posizionandosi fra Evelyn e Janine , le scopa entrambe simultaneamente: penetra la prima nel culo voglioso e la seconda dritta nella sua fighetta bagnata. La notte precedente non gli era stato dato il permesso dal suo allenatore, ma adesso egli acconsente all'accoppiamento e, senza aspettare oltre, si muove sempre più velocemente e in fondo dentro di lei, avvinghiandosi attorno alle poppe di Giselle. Quell'intreccio di corpi sembra quasi formare una creatura di piacere perfetta, che prova solo pura estasi: mugolii e sibili di piacere riecheggiano nella stanza, mentre un dolce profumo di sesso selvaggio invade l'aria. Per il desiderio che sta provando, Janine ariccia la punta dei piedi, incapace di smettere di godere. Le tre femmine assaporano il momento, pronte ad accogliere il nettare divino dei loro maschi. All'improvviso Giselle squirta in faccia al figlio, che beve tutto il suo fluido, ripulendola perfettamente: quel dolce sapore lo fa venire immediatamente, inondando l'ano di Janine che, raggiungendo la sua ennesima climax, spinge il suo bacino verso il cazzo enorme del rettile. Quel movimento invoglia Lucifer ad affondare sempre più i suoi cazzi duri in quei due caldi orifici: sibila e, attraverso gli ultimi due affondi, eiacula in quelle due troie. Evelyn impazzisce, mentre sente quel fiotto caldo inondare le sue pareti intestinali, che rilasciano una maleodorante scoreggia per la gioia. Dal canto suo, Janine prova un piacere immenso, mentre il suo utero si riempie della sborra del rettile, dilatandosi a tal punto da sembrare già gravida di qualche mese. Si accarezza il pancino fertilizzato dai suoi maschi, mentre si accoccola sul seno enorme della sua sorellona adottiva, che la bacia con dolcezza. BENVENUTA IN FAMIGLIA! Esclamano tutti, felici. Esausti ma appagati, si stendono uno di fianco all'altro sul letto, avvinghiati in un abbraccio spirale di Lucifer, che posa il suo muso sul ventre gonfio di Janine, mentre Sal, guardandosi attorno, precisa: -Penso che dovremo comprare una casa molto più grande!- Tutti ridono, baciandosi ed abbracciandosi, come una grande famiglia. Una famiglia un po' strana, ma felice! LA FINE |
GONNA FUCK'EM ALL! ThesunriseshighinthissummerafternoonontheKanto'sfloweryplains,asanine-year-old boyapproachestheCeruleanGymtoshowhismotherandsisterthatheownstheright skills to become a great Pokemon Trainer, just like his father. Theboyhasalookatthegym:alargeglassbuilding,surroundedbyahugegarden,very wellknownforitsGymLeaderMisty,theyoungestamongthem,whoisgoingtobe challenged by the boy himself. Infact,hewantstoprovehisvaluetohisfamilymembersand,forthisreason,hedecidedto fight and beat every Kanto Gym Leader, to earn their respective badges. HeistotallyconvincedthathecanwintheCascadeBadgeoftheCeruleanCityGym,in ordertocontinuehisdream:hewilldothisthroughhisbelovedLucifer,theShinyEkans captured months ago and loved so much by his older sister. Sal,that'sthenameofthatboy,isverylovedandspoiledbyhisfamilymembers:hismother Giselle,averybeautifulthirty-fiveyearoldwomantowhomhelooksalotlike,andhissister Evelyn, a prosperous eighteen year old with long brown hair and green eyes. Theybothwouldhavelikedtofollowhimonhisjourney,buttheirphysicalcondition preventedit:Sal,infact,isveryprotectiveandpossessivetowardsthemandprefersthatthe two pregnant women stay at home, waiting for his return as a winner. EhanSsssss His Pokemon hisses, as he looks quizzically at his master, who replies: -That's right, Lucifer! We're here, at last!- Sal smiles, winking at his Ekans, whom he always keeps ready for battle, just like his idol Ash does with his Pikachu. Sal looks at that beautiful panorama: a flock of Swellows flies high above their heads, singing a lovely song, amplified by the sweet notes of few Chatots, as the buzzing of some Combees, in search of food for their Vespiquen, cheers up two Bonsly and a sad Exeggutor. Suddenly, that peace is broken by a screech, followed by a scream, coming from inside the gym: the surprised child runs towards that high-pitched sound, which has so surprised him to rush inside without thinking, while Lucifer is following him ready for action. As soon as he enters the building, Sal looks around: a piece of paper crumpled at his feet, astonished water pokemons looking at each other, pokeballs thrown against the wall, and an enraged Misty, struggling like a Magikarp on dry land… She swears, stomping her feet on the ground like a capricious child, while in despair she's tearing her hair apart, as tears of sadness and hatred furrow her purple angry face. Sal looks intimidated at that girl, as he cautiously approaches her, who strikes him with her ferocious gaze: -Who gave you permission to enter my Gym?- She's so angry that she doesn't even realize today is Thursday, the only day of the week when the gym is open late into the evening. The young boy tries to open his mouth, but no words come out, making Misty even more nervous. The young girl growls, knocking him away from the other end of the room: -Well... Aren't you going to answer me?- She becomes even more enraged at the child's shyness and apostrophizes him: -Did the Meowth eat your tongue, by any chance!- Sal swallows, shaking his head shyly: he hides his hands behind his back while looking at his feet, too afraid to answer her. He stiffens and she snorts, grinding her teeth, as she screams in exasperation: -Damn Ash! I thought WE could be more than friends.... ME and YOU, together against everyone...- She kicks a pillar, as she splutters like a freshly summoned Stunfisk -I was convinced, but then.... Here comes that little slut, all moony and.... With her big eyes, she won your heart.. That's it!- She walks back and forth, with her fists clenched so tightly that her hands almost bleed -Touched and carried away by me... You bitch! You deserve only pain!- She wipes her frustrated tears, looking at the poster of her first love hanging on her gym's walls, as she shouts: -..Ash you're such a jerk...!- Misty growls, as the Shiny Ekans crawls towards its owner with a crumpled paper in its mouth, to show it to him. Sal opens it and reading it discovers the seed of discord, which is driving the young Gym Leader to madness: a letter by Ash. It's written that he is soon to be married to Serena, a sweet golden-hair Pokemon Trainer, with Misty's opposite behaviour… Misty is so busy getting angry and cursing her first crush that she doesn't even notice the boy is reading her letter. Sal frightened approaches her, very slowly trying not to worsen her mood, and once he reaches her, he stutteringly asks her: -You...all...is...ok!?- He turns purple, taking the Gym Leader's bad mood to the extreme: Misty, in fact, hates shy people so much to the point that she can't calm down anymore, scaring the child, who won't stop babbling, making her even angrier. She grits her teeth and clicks her tongue, before pouncing on the little boy: -It's none of your business, you brat!- She screams at the top of her lungs so loudly that some Pokemons run away, afraid of her behavior, as she continues to lash out at the child: -Come on, dwarf...get back to the hole you crawled out of! I don't have time for kids like you!- She shoves him off, not noticing the evil grin on his lips… Before Misty can notice the sudden change in the child's behavior, he clears his throat and coughs, drawing the Gym Leader's attention, still frustrated for everything: -Are you still here? Jeez… You're stubborn… Fuck it!- She rolls her eyes and shrugs, complaining about her situation. She crosses her arms over her voluptuous boobs, looking straight into those child's brown eyes, asking him with an annoyed mood: -What do you want, silly brat?- Her screams frighten the last few Pokemons, remained there with her until now, making them run away, under the astonished and disgusted look of their Pokemon Trainer: -How pathetic...!- She splits on ground and her eyes land on Sal, who lowers his gaze, as he stutters back to her: -I..I'm he..here t..to f..fi..fight u..you!- She laughs loudly, making fun of that poor child: -But if you are not even able to finish a sentence without stuttering...!? What do you expect to come here and win against me, seriously?- Misty continues to mock him, without noticing the cruel malice in the dark eyes of her young interlocutor, who with a slight wave of his hand orders Lucifer to position himself behind the sneering Gym Leader. While the girl is laughing her head off, Sal sneaks up to the huge Cerulean Gym's glass door: with a clever click he closes it and turns the sign to the CLOSED side, so that no one can disturb them. Quickly, he returns in front of Misty, who in the meantime curbed her laughter that was causing tremendous muscle spasms in her poor belly. She wipes away her tears, partly from laughter and partly from anger at the upcoming wedding, and calming herself down, asks her young challenger: -Aren't you too young to be a Pokemon Trainer?- She looks down at him and then asks him, puzzled: -Sorry, but... How old are you?- -My mother always told me that age doesn't matter if you want to do something you believe in...- Misty blinks several times, incredulous at that smooth talk, which up until now had been nothing but constant tarring! However, she immediately changes her mind as soon as the child continues to speak: -A..as l..lo..long as u..you wa..want s..some..something to ha..happp..happen, it w..will!- The Gym Leader snorts and stretches out a hand, intimidating him to show the previously acquired badge. For a moment, the boy hesitates and she sneers: -Hey, idiot...If you want to beat me, show me the Boulder Badge first!- Sal immediately inspects his shorts pockets, but then he remembers that he placed the badge in a special little box, inside his yellow backpack. He opens it and shows Misty the prize from his sweet victory over Brock and his invincible Onix. The Gym Leader is very impressed and compliments the child: -Not bad for a little tyke like you!- Misty grins so tastefully that she doesn't notice the child is scrutinizing her badly, from head to toe: exasperated by her childish behavior, he cracks his fingers and snorts. EeehanSsssss A nefarious hiss makes the Gym Leader wince, surprised by the Ekans's aggressive behavior, but before she can speak, she is abruptly stopped by her young adversary's speech: -You've really broken my balls now! You're someone who prefers facts.... Now I'll show you, bitch!- He sneers, while the girl is incredulous at the sudden change in the boy's manner: -Bla… Bla… You just jabber, without knowing anything about me, you little slut!- The young Gym Leader instantly freezes at that cruel expression, filling her blue eyes with bitter tears in the exact moment the little boy starts mocking her: -Wah...- He chants at her, as he mockingly wipes away invisible tears -Look at me! I'm a poor idiot dumped by her first crush! A little bitch who humiliates children! WAH... PITY FOR MYSELF!- He grins, while he's looking at her like if she was a worm, and explains himself: -You know what!? Little whores like you need to be treated like they deserve!- He sneers as Lucifer clings to Misty's legs, making her fall to the ground with a loud thud. She screams in despair, as the Shiny Ekans tightens his grip: the kid walks over to the wall, grabs one of the pokeballs thrown there and shoves it into the Gym Leader's mouth. He happily sighs because he no longer hears those screams, which were driving him crazy. He sits cross-legged in front of her, relaxing before the fight, and he starts telling her some private facts: -You know what!? Brock may have been a worthy opponent, to fight against.... Those two Pokemons of his are really a pain in the ass!- He grabs Misty's chin and explains himself better -I mean his Golem and his Onyx, my dear little doll- Sal smiles, as Lucifer crawls menacingly between the girl's thighs, crying and wiggling, but wanting more at the same time: -But the REAL battle... Begins NOW, My little bitch! Do you think THIS- The boys points to his huge cock -Will be HARD to win against?- He winks at her, as his Pokemon's cocks urge the gym leader's genitals, as the young boy continues: -You're such a real cow! You gonna give us a hard time... I'm sure of it!- He grins, while stroking his Shiny Ekans, who moves convulsively between Misty's legs. EhanSs The insistent movements of the Pokemon begin to have an effect on Misty, who gets wet and moans, making the young man more and more excited: -If you're good, I'll take this fucking pokeball off your tasty lips.... I promise!- The boy plays with her little nose, as the girl nods: -Don't say OK... I know if I took it off now, you'd loudly scream! Better for me to leave it there, FOR NOW! Just wait and listen our little tale...- He smiles and his Ekans licks the female's earlobe, as she hard blushes, feeling him hardly squeezing her breast: -Uhm… It seems this slut likes bondage!- He smiles mischievously -You'll be fine WITH THE TWO OF US!- Misty moans, as she feels the Pokemon's phallic protuberances on her denim shorts, leaving little to the imagination: their seam well highlights the vulva labia of her little pussy, well lubricated by the rubbing of those two huge cocks... Sal cuddles his friend, praising his amatory skills: -Don't worry, Lucifer knows his stuff! He's a very good fucker, you know! If you don't believe me, I can call my two breeding cows!- EhanSsssss Lucifer hisses, as to answer his Master, nodding. The boy smiles, while showing the picture of his mother and sister, both pregnant: -I can guarantee it! He knows how to use his two huge cocks very well between the thighs of human sluts... Like yourself!- Sal pats Lucifer on the head, who starts to move dangerously closer and closer to the thighs of the Gym Leader, who desperately tries to spit out the ball to scream. The boy gets angry and slaps her: he stuffs the pokeball better into her mouth, takes off his scarf and ties it tightly behind the back of his victim's head. He smiles at her reaction, then continues: -You gonna fuck Lucifer first, then me...- He grins, as he unbuckles his belt, showing her his huge cock, too big even for an adult -..Or maybe you gonna fuck BOTH OF US, TOGETHER! What do you think, bitch?- He winks at his Pokemon, sitting back down in front of her, resting his erect penis on his prey's face, who couldn't take her eyes off that huge horse-sized dick. Sal grins, as he observes the Gym Leader's excited and inebriated expression, and then he proceeds with his story: -I must tell you!- He caresses her cheeks, wiping away her tears: -Crying won't take you anywhere, my little doll! That's what my mother always said to me and my sister...- He licks her left cheekbone, as he proceed with his memories: -Speaking of devil... My mom and my sister always keep us busy... ya know!?- He grins as Misty's eyes become full of hatred, tears and lust, arousing the boy even more -I always saw other trainer jerks crying like babies, when losing a battle…- Sal grins as he explains his best memories: -...I've never cried... I've always received great blowjobs from my mom and sister, if I was the loser... Those bitches...- He talks about his family members as if they were breeding cows -They love my cock so much!- He strokes his dick -They love fucking Lucifer and me together, enjoying it like the sluts they are!- The massage on his penis becomes faster -They are good at giving blowjobs, using those big mouths...! Uhmmm... Licking and Sucking until the last cum drop...- His cock vibrates on Misty's face, ready to ejaculate -Using those warm hands... And those huge tits... God what a pleasure!- The boy smiles, as he slides his clock's head down her face, to the poor girl's cleavage: -You don't look too bad with your boobs either! Of course, they're not as huge as my bitches'... But you're not joking when it comes to boobs either!... But let's take a closer look!- He rubs his big balls on her breasts, grinning: -I think my cows are going to give me new little brothers, you know!? Or maybe little Naga monsters...? What do you say, Misty? Ahahah- He licks his lips as he watches the frightened and disgusted reaction of the young woman, who is totally immobilized. He winks at her and rests his cock on the girl's voluptuous breasts, while sliding out both boobs: he first caresses them gently, then pinches her turgid nipples, making her moan with pleasure. Those little dark pink bumps stand out nicely against her snowy pink breasts, almost like strawberries on whipped cream. That pleasant sensation, sometimes painful, only hardened more and more those rosy little buttons, soliciting the little clitoris with incessant tingles. The young man continued that pleasant torture for a couple of minutes, imitated by his Pokemon: Lucifer squeezes her breasts, licking her left nipple, while Sal bites and sucks the right one. The boy moves his tongue around that little promontory of turgid flesh, moistening it, then plays with that thin hole, inserting the tip of his tongue and sucking hard: his mouth pulls and releases her breasts repeatedly, sometimes leaving small bite marks, causing continuous pleasure between Misty's thighs. The young girl barely tries to hold back her moans of pleasure, as the two males greedily continue sucking her boobs: first they gently lick around her nipples, then they bite and suck them harder and harder, squeezing her breasts, as if they are looking for their nectar to drink. Moans of pleasure echo in the empty room of the Cerulean City Gym, as Misty curses herself for having mistreated the young Pokemon Trainer, who is now using her as an inflatable doll to satisfy his and his Shiny Ekans needs. The reptile gives her no respite, causing her new sensations: she feels his long forked tongue wrapping around her nipple, as if in a strong embrace, and its roughness tingles her pleasantly. The sweet torture continues for about ten minutes, during which the little boy jerks off more and more intensely, until he pulls his lips away from her boobs, which he now uses as a cup to fill with his hot cum. Sal continues to masturbate, at first slowly and then more and more rhythmically, imitating the frenetic movements of his breast feeding, between the moans of the girl, who begins to feel a sweet warmth between her legs. The boy looks up at her, sucking incessantly her nipple until it turns purple: the girl's cheeks turn bright red and it's then that the boy decides to stop drinking her tits nectar and to use her breast as a cup to fill with his hot cum. He runs his tongue over her nipple, inserting it halfway into the little hole, then spreads the two fleshy ends with his fingers and finally introduces the tip of his cock: -Uhm... How tight it is...! The sensation is pleasant and painful at the same time for Misty, who despairs, as her channel is violated by the huge cock head of that perverted boy, who gives no sign of stopping: on the contrary! Each tear and cry from the young girl is matched by a deeper and deeper thrust: Sal loves how those twisted channels wrap around his cock, just as if he were inside a small womb. He continues to penetrate the breast, trying to reach the deepest point, without ever stopping, until he ejaculates inside the young Gym Leader's boob: the tit swells to excess, becoming almost twice the size of the other one, so much is the cum produced by that huge cock. The boy laughs, satisfied and turns to his Pokemon: -Hey, Luci… This is fabulous!!- The Pokemon Trainer winks at his Shiny Ekan, twisting on himself brings his cocks close to the girl's face, who disgustedly tries to move away: Lucifer immobilizes her and wraps himself around her breasts. He rubs his cocks on the girl's face, who inhales a disgusting smell like rotten fish, as some rivulets of a viscous liquid fall on her cheek: -He likes you! Sal nods satisfied, while he's wiping his cock on Misty's shirt, who notices disgustedly the reptile's phalluses sliding on her shoulder, up to her cleavage: then, the Pokemon locks her breasts between his big cocks and, with rotating movements, lets his cum explode in her face and on her tits. After that, Lucifer smiles back at his Master, who laughs gleefully: -Hahaha... But are all Pokemon Trainers girls sluts, like you!?- The amount of his cum is such that it completely soaks the young Gym Leader's T-shirt and the guy is forced to finish cleaning himself with Misty's hair, as he has a crazy idea: -I Gonna FUCK'EM all! As the song says, more or less...- Sal grins without restraint as his Shiny Ekans descends on the girl's body, rubbing his flaccid cocks on her bare back: the girl's warmth invigorates the reptile, who crawls and licks every inch of his prey. The salty taste delights and arouses him, so much so he gets a further erection: he positions himself just above her ass, rolling his tail around Misty's shorts and panties, tearing her clothes apart. The young boy smiles mischievously, as he wanks again on the Cerulean Gym Leader's face, helpless at the mercy of these two male predators: -It looks like Lucifer wants to fuck you, ya know!? That's good!- The young boy winks at her, before finally taking the pokeball out of her mouth: only for a moment the girl has time to catch her breath and, before she can scream, the kid shoves his cock in her mouth, hard again. She tries to move away from that huge dick, but the boy blocks her movements, taking her by the hair at the nape of her neck: -Don't you dare bite, you little slut! Or there'll be trouble for you and your Pokemons!- He giggles, as the young girl lets his oral cavity be penetrated -Good… Suck my cock, you little slut!- Crying, Misty carries out the order, almost choking herself in giving a blowjob to that huge trunk -Come on, open wide your mouth...- Sal pushes his manhood all the way in, tickling the uvula and reaching the bottom of her trachea: -Ah… YES… That's it!- He starts fucking her throat, faster and faster, between his moans of pleasure and the Gym Leader's bitter tears. Meanwhile, the Shiny Ekans Lucifer tickles Misty's clit with the tip of one of his cocks, while he penetrates the girl's poor virginal ass with the other one: she tries to close her thighs but, feeling that sweet warmth, the reptile pushes his cock deeper and deeper. Misty cries, while the Pokemon breaks that thin strip of skin in her little anus: the intensity and brutality of the penetration are such that it makes that little hole of ecstasy bleeding. Sal enjoys observing the scene in front of him, and increases the rhythm of his pelvis: -Yes... I knew it! You like it!!! Uhmm... Come on!!- EhanSssssssssS Lucifer hisses, as if to agree with his master, while the tip of one of his cocks penetrates the small clitoris: the gesture is so strange and pleasant that Misty squirts her nectar on the erect cock of the Pokemon who, in response, cums. A hot stream explodes inside her ass, while a cum drips on her little hairy cunt: -Come on, I'm there too.... Now...- Sal gives one last strong thrust and moaning ejaculates down her throat: -Ah Yessss... I'm cuming!!!- Like a river, the boy's sperm floods the oral walls of the young woman who, not to choke, is forced to swallow: -Good girl, swallow it all!- He smiles, as he massages his balls, releasing some more cum, which escapes from the young Pokemon Trainer's full lips. Once he's done, the young boy spins his cock and slips it out of the girl's mouth, who swallows every last drop of cum, and then she can finally take a breath: the huge flaccid dick collapses on the young girl's cleavage, spilling out the last splashes of cum on her face and boobs. When done, the little boy urges his prey to lick his balls: -I have nothing left to clean myself with... And I certainly won't use my clothes, either!- He arranges his shirt better, as he orders her: -Lick every inch of my cock, you little slut!- The young woman shakes her head, begging for mercy, but the boy takes her head by the hair and admonishes her: -This mess is your fault, little slut! So try to clean everything with your tongue!- He brings his lips close to her ears and whispers: -And make sure you don't even miss my balls, you understand!?- Misty nods, barely holding back a grimace of disgust… Misty begins to lick his balls, as he requested: they smell strong and taste salty, as he has been walking for hours during the morning. A gag reflex reaches her throat, as the kid warns her: -Don't you dare spit or vomit, you hear me bitch?- She swallows back with difficulty, but continues in her cleaning job, using her tongue to remove all the cum: she takes his testicles in her hands massaging them well, as she passes her tongue around that giant dripping cock, causing spasms of pleasure to the boy. The young moans, arousing the Shiny Ekans, who rubs his cocks on her vagina: her small lips swell considerably and change color to a dark red, ready to be fucked again. Feeling the heat between the girl's thighs, Lucifer penetrates her little cunt with both his cocks, opening her like a flower. Sal grins fiercely, seeing that the Gym Leader is now subjected to that pleasant torment: he enjoys knowing that they are dominating her physically and psychologically... Misty screams of pain, but also of pleasure for that brutal violence, which expands her cervix to an extreme: she enjoys feeling those two trunks pushing inside her belly, totally filled by that Pokemon's sperm. The fear of being discovered by someone, while that reptile is moving eagerly inside her, but especially the idea of being impregnated by that beast disgust and intrigue her at the same time. She cries just thinking about it, while the Shiny Ekans' movements become more and more violent: her womb welcomes the two huge cocks, wrapping them in a warm wet embrace, as Misty grabs the boy's pecker, hard again. -Uhm... What a huge cow you are! You really love it!- She doesn't answer: she keeps moaning, as she greedily licks the young boy's salty nectar, and sucks all the big veins, running the length of his cock. The pokemon twists on himself, squeezing the woman's body between his two dicks, as he tickles her clit with the end of his tail: as Misty opens her mouth to scream again, the boy is faster and pushes his manhood into her mouth. She sucks it greedily and gets wet, as Sal slaps her boobs and Lucifer fucks her hard, introducing the thin caudal tip inside her tiny clit. Misty begs for mercy, as Sal laughs and Lucifer hisses. The young boy puts his cock between her boobs, squeezing them well, moving with the same rhythm of his Pokemon, who is fucking Misty. Lucifer begins to lick her breasts, from which drips abundantly the cum of his master, who shows no signs of surrender: laying his huge balls on the girl's tits, Sal begins to fuck her mouth again, which begins to hurt.... The boy insults her, slapping her face and boobs, noticing that she likes it so much that she moves towards him, increasing the intensity of that blowjob: Sal grins and takes her by the hair, following the rhythm of her movements. In the meantime, Lucifer decides it's time to spread that bitch's anus, widely. The Shiny Ekans puts the head of one of his well-lubricated cocks into Misty's anus, twisting it like the tip of a drill. Slowly at first, then faster and deeper, causing pleasure and pain at the same time. Feeling the hot walls expand and wrap around it, the Pokemon pushes the other dick in: the girl squints her eyes out from her socket, in pain. However, she can't scream, because her mouth is busy sucking the huge manhood, bestially fucking her throat. Sal pushes deeper and deeper, enjoying that sight: -Ummm... Fuck! You're such a sow. AAAAAHHH!!- With another push, the child reaches the bottom of that deep throat, as the Pokemon continues undaunted in his work. Suddenly, the boy remembers his promise... and he's a stickler for his word! Without warning, he pulls back his slut's head, grabbing her by the hair, and pulls his trunk away from her mouth, assuring her: -I won't leave you, yet!- He grins with relish -I just want to feel your pussy!- Saying this, he lifts her off the ground, helped by Lucifer, who embraces her in his coils. The boy wides her pussy with his fingers, slipping in one at a time, until he penetrates her up to the wrist. Misty clings to her master's shoulders and moans in pleasure, as he rotates his entire hand inside her warm belly. The Pokemon continues to fuck her ass, while in the meantime he is removing her shoes: with his long forked tongue, Lucifer licks his victim's feet, as she starts massaging her master's erected pecker. He moans in consent, liking that footjob, as the vaginal fisting proceeds for a couple of minutes. The bitch groans and squirms several times, while her wisdom is leaving her mind... She is just a sex doll, now! Suddenly, Sal pulls out his hand, soaked in oestrus and cum, and then jerks himself off: -Uhm... That sounds pleasant!- He takes his penis in his hands and shoves it into her pussy, ironically saying: -Excuse me!?- He snickers, as he violently penetrates her. Misty feels as if the cocks of the reptile and the human are touching themselves, separated only by a flap of her skin. As the battle rages on in the Cerulean City Gym, outside the sun has now set and several Trainers have reluctantly left, seeing the CLOSED sign hanging at the glassdoor's entrance… The fuck of the century proceeds for about twenty minutes, during which the Pokemon and his trainer simultaneously fuck both the holes of that slut, who enjoys it like crazy! Even after the umpteenth cum, the two males give her no respite: getting horny and hard again, they decide to rape her one last time! Sal and Lucifer penetrate her pussy at the same time, opening it to the maximum with their cocks: Misty screams in pain, desperately trying to escape, but she is promptly blocked by the reptile. The Shiny Ekans twists his tail around his victim's neck, forcing her to suffer, unless she wants to suffocate.... The girl cries, as the two males decide to fuck her ass, the same way they've done previously with her pussy. The heartbreaking screams are heard by the Gym Leader's Pokemons: she is desperate for their fate, hoping it will be better than hers! The two torturers ejaculate first inside her anus and then finish cumming in her belly, fertilizing it. Now the young woman's pussy and ass are dripping with sweat, cum and blood.... Finally satisfied, the two males leave their whore on the floor, dead tired from the long hours of agony and pleasure. She cries, as Sal taunts her: -Hahaha... What a big cow you are! Uhmm... Maybe... I'm going to keep you with us!- He giggles, as his Shiny Ekans lights up: within a handful of minutes, a huge Shiny Arbok stands imposingly in front of the two humans. Sal is pleased and runs to Lucifer, cuddling him: -What a good boy!- The Pokemon rubs his head against that of his trainer -You are so beautiful!- EeeahhssSss The hiss is more guttural and longer. The Pokemon length has almost doubled, as his weight has increased considerably. While its initial form resembled a rattlesnake, now its appearance was that of a spectacled cobra. A gurgle shakes the reptile's belly, hissing and looking at Misty with ravenous eyes. Seeing and hearing this gave Sal an idea of what was on the Shiny Arbok’s mind! The boy nods, smiling sadistically. He approaches the young woman, tearing off the last of her clothes, with which he cleans himself. Sal walks towards the girl, lying on the floor: the cold of the linoleum gives her some relief, although she feels pain all over her body. She cries, as the child takes her by the chin, explaining the situation: -As much fun as it was to fuck and dominate you...- He gets up from the ground, adjusting his shirt, as he walks over to the pool -And believe me, you little bitch!- He turns to her, after washing his cock and hands -I'm sure you would have gotten pregnant from all of this!- He slowly approaches Misty, who keeps babbling something unintelligible, which isn't heard in the slightest: -Now it's only fair that you become a delicious snack for my Lucifer!- He grins and gets dressed, while the Pokemon awaits for his master's command. Sal agrees and the Shiny Arbok immediately pounces on her meal. Misty can't move: the rape has been devastating physically and psychologically, not to mention her cum-swollen breasts and belly are too heavy. She waits for her end as the reptile twists in on itself, gaping its jaws wide open. With his long prehensile tongue, he grabs one of his prey's ankles, dragging her into his mouth. The poor girl clings to the floor, hoping to be spared, but Sal laughs evilly: -Hahaha... You're really pathetic!- he stomps on her hand -Haven't you understand yet that you are destined to become one with Lucifer?- he grins - ONE MORE TIME!- The child looks at her with satisfied eyes: -You will be digested well and then...- He stops, putting the yellow backpack on his shoulders again -You will be shit out.... A huge steaming mountain of remains!- He laughs, as he notes that the victim's feet are completely in the Pokemon's mouth. Lucifer loves the sweet taste of a female's skin, especially after fucking her: the excitement flavors his food and he gets a new erection. He watches his master, sitting on a chair and enjoying the spectacle! The toes of his prey tickle his palate and excite him to continue. Misty tries to escape from that inauspicious fate, which would have also happened to Sal's mother and sister too, if the boy hadn't trained his Pokemon properly! At first, it wasn't easy: whenever the reptile had a sexual itch or craving for human flesh, he'd tried to rape and swallow the first people he found, namely the members of his master's family. The training continued for a couple of months, at the end of which Lucifer learned how to behave: he could fuck any human female, but he wasn't allowed to devour Giselle and Evelyn. Now everything is easier and it's a lot of fun to join the Pokemon to subdue all the sluts they find on their way... In the end just before leaving, Sal promised him that he would be able to indulge in any trainer they met, as long as he spared their Pokemons, which would join his collection. Lucifer gladly accepted this compromise, because he's not interested in fucking anything but human whores! The prey slowly but surely slid down the snake's pharynx with his jaws wide open, from which the child can still see the young woman's regretful face. He evilly smiles, knowing the fate awaiting her. The poor girl continues to cry, as the Pokemon vigorously clenches his jaw. Suddenly, everything is dark! Misty clings with all her might to that reptile's flesh walls, injuring her hands with the curved teeth, firmly implanted inside his mouth. She swears, as she hears a muttering outside. The long slimy tongue and her heavy exhausted body don't allow her to sit still, and she slides down the long throat. She struggles as that elastic tube is flooded with saliva, which sticks to her body, preventing her from reacting. Outside, Sal congratulates his Pokemon, massaging his swollen gurgling belly, from which the Gym Leader's body outlines stick out: she's still trying to escape, unsuccessfully. Giggling, the boy gives to his Shiny Arbok's belly a little pat, causing him to burp happily. EhaSsssss The reptile hisses, as Misty finds herself caught in some fleshy gaps, secreting mucus and irritating her sensitive skin. The pain in her limbs is too much to resist any longer, as a strange greenish haze expands around her: the pestilential stench flares up in her lungs, as she desperately searches for a breath of fresh air, unsuccessfully. Bringing a hand to her mouth, to avoid inhaling that smoke, the prey loses consciousness, as the reptile's peristalsis continues to carry the victim deeper and deeper. The process of digestion is now underway and proceeds inside the small stomach pouch, where very powerful enzymes begin to attack the girl's naked body. A sharp pain and a persistent burning awakens the victim, who finds herself submerged in this greenish liquid, which continues to rise: first to her ankles, then to her knees, next to her thighs and in the end to her swollen belly. She sobs, well aware of her destiny: to become one with her predator, once again! The boy's cruel laughter becomes more and more confused and muffled, as she tries to scream one last time, but the acrid fetid air has ruined her vocal cords: only a faint hoarse whisper escapes from her kneaded mouth. As the reared cattle make their way to the slaughterhouse, Misty's body is about to be torn apart: the flesh is lacerated, revealing muscles and bones, which are promptly broken by the reptile's gastrointestinal movements. Between stomach and intestine, the slope becomes more complicated, due to the narrowing of the gastric duct. These are the last moments of Misty's life, with her features still human, before the snake's enzymes completely do their job of skinning even her face. She cries in despair for a few more minutes, before a muffled scream shakes the reptilian intestines. The victim is now one with her predator, which will take advantage of those proteins and fat to develop more; her hair, teeth, and nails are immediately thrown into a pouch, called cloaca, where they will be expelled with the larger bones, shortly thereafter... Lucifer curls up in the middle of the large gym, as Sal goes in search of the other Pokemon, which will be added to his collection. A half hour later, the boy returns with his full backpack on his shoulders and, stroking his Shiny Arbok, whispers to him: -Hey, Luci! Everything okay?- The reptile slowly opens both eyes, nodding -Great! I want to go home to leave these...- he shows the pokeballs in his bag -...And I want to see Mom and Eve too- Sal smiles and Lucifer agrees with a mighty burp. His Trainer chuckles: -It seems somebody is not with us anymore!- He pats a few times his Pokemon's belly, which hisses smugly. By the time they're home it's late afternoon. Sal slowly opens the gate of the white picket fence that borders his house. The boy signals to his Shiny Arbok to come in quietly: he wants to surprise his mom and sister. He approaches the garage and, without making any noise, enters, always followed by Lucifer. There his mother's green pick-up truck is parked, he passes it and goes up the stairs to the mezzanine floor. He opens a small blue door and enters the room: his father's things are everywhere! He then places the Pokemon "donated" by Misty on a shelf, right under his trophies, as Lucifer curls up in his bed, under the window. Sal pats him, smiling: -Now that you've evolved, I'll tell Evelyn to share a bed with mom. Her bed is yours from now on!- His Shiny Arbok hisses, immediately dozing off. The exhaustion of the trip and the "battle", as well as his swollen belly, have exhausted him completely... Sal walks out, ajar the door and heads outside. He looks at his house, facing the white wooden porch, then steps forward: -I'm back!- He exclaims happily, as his nostrils are pervaded by a good smell of chili, which his mother is cooking. His mother answers him from the kitchen: -Honey, welcome back!- Meanwhile, Sal takes off his shoes at the entrance and puts on his slippers -Sweetie, I can't leave the chili, now! I'm sorry, but… Come here for a hug!!- The boy immediately rushes into the kitchen, but suddenly stops to look at his mother: a beautiful young woman with black eyes and snow-white skin, framed by long chocolate-colored hair, gathered into a ponytail. Her tight apron exposes her shapely figure, accentuated even more now by her advanced state of pregnancy. He contemplates her in love, as two huge weights rest on his shoulders. He lifts his head and sees his sister Evelyn, smiling at him. Sal smiles back, enraptured, cuddling those two breasts, which are asking to be sucked for hours. He turns around and examines her: she has become more beautiful, since she got pregnant! Her boobs have grown at least four sizes, and her semi-transparent blouse reveals her two giant turgid nipples, in a cute dark-hazelnut color, standing out from her lightly tanned skin. Her long brunette hair is loose and decorates her Junoesque body. Her huge butt and belly bloom out of those little denim shorts, revealing a nice pierced navel. Evelyn stretches, still half asleep from her nap, as her brother begins to massage her breasts: -Oh I miss you so much!- She grins, as she caresses the boy's erect penis from above his shorts. Sal smiles and, releasing her boobs, begins to greedily suck on a nipple: sweet milk drops stain the boy's lips, as their mother sighs: -Oh my… What bashful kids you are!- Giselle tries to concentrate on the chili, which she is stirring, as the two teenagers caress each other, in front of her: -Go into the living room, so you don't distract me! I don't want to burn dinner!- Some giggles in the distance. While mom is busy cooking, her two children are cuddling on the sofa... -How soon will it be ready, Mom?- They ask together, as Sal pulls out his cock from his green shorts. -In twenty minutes...- Giselle replies. Evelyn thanks, as her brother comments: -Great! Time for some oral sex!- His mother giggles, as his sister takes his big cock in her tiny mouth, massaging it with her huge tits. She twists and turns the tip of her tongue over the cockhead, poking each time into that little hole. She caresses and tickles the balls, feeling and licking them well. She continues with her blowjob, faster and deeper. For his part, Sal fucks his sister's mouth, while pinching her nipples, which squirt milk everywhere on his huge balls, promptly cleaned by that huge cow. All of a sudden, Giselle calls out to them: -A few minutes and it's ready here!- Then she continues -Finish what you're doing, then join me in the kitchen!-. A few seconds later she says: -And with washed hands, my darlings!- At her mother's order, Evelyn increases the pace with her mouth, helping herself with her hands, which gently squeeze his balls, and her tits, which lovingly embrace her brother's cock. YES, MOMAAAAAHHHHH! Sal ejaculates inside his sister's throat, who happily swallows all the divine nectar, down to the last drop. A few minutes later, the three of them are at the table for dinner. -I know it's early, but WE...- Giselle points to her big belly, caressed by her own daughter Evelyn, who smiles back at her, answering -...WE WERE HUNGRY!- The two women smile, cuddling each other's huge pregnant bellies, gurgling desperately for some good food.... Sal looks at them, nodding. He looks at the clock on the kitchen wall: it's about 6pm! A bit early to get dinner, but between the needs of the two pregnant females and his own to recharge properly after all those came.... Mom's chili is just what you need! Suddenly, Giselle notices that her son's Pokemon isn't at home: -Where is Lucifer?- She anxiously asks. -He's sleeping- Sal swallows a big spoonful of meat and beans, licking his lips. Then he explains: -Today we beat Brock..He was tough, but we did it!- The two women congratulate him, as they devour the food they have in their plates -Then we went to Misty's Gym...- Sal smiles mischievously and his sister snorts, as her mother apostrophizes her: -Don't be jealous!- Evelyn bitterly swallows the morsel in her mouth, as her brother continues with his story: -That know-it-all bitch deserved EVERYTHING LUCIFER AND I put her through!- He snickers, describing in detail all the hours of unbridled sex, then finishes his speech: -...That's why Lucifer is sleeping now.... He's tired and he needs to digest that slut!- They continue eating, as Sal explains what he'd like to do: winning badges with real battles against male Gym Leaders, while fucking and stealing all the Pokemons from the women, who will then be eaten by his own Lucifer. -And by the way...- The boy happily says -Lucifer is now a fucking cool Shiny Arbok!!- The two women look at him, curious about how he could fuck them now that his size has tripled.... -What two sluts I own!- The three of them smile, kissing and hugging each other. After dinner, Sal shows off the two badges he won, knowing he will be rewarded properly! In fact, satisfied with their male, the two women praise him to the fullest: his mother with a nice licking of his balls, as his sister gets her ass fucked. In the meantime, Lucifer awakens from his nap, only to notice that his trainer is not there, with him! Normally he would have gone downstairs to look for him, but he's in full digestion now and every slightest movement is a superhuman effort, at this moment. A mild warm breeze caresses his scales, which vibrate from the constant gurgling of his stomach. The gentle wind and incessant mumbling lull him back into Morpheus's arms. As the Pokemon sleeps, the melting of the prey continues, proceeding straight to the top of the reptile's intestine. Digestive enzymes break down the flesh and bones to their core, then the median destroys these macromolecules into smaller particles, which pass through a long forked channel: nutrients are transported to a pouch, where they will be dissolved and released into the body, as the waste reaches the sphincter, an hourglass-shaped highly vascularized tube. However, it will take at least another twelve hours, before the excrement is completely expelled from the reptile's body. Unaware of his digestive processes, Lucifer continues to rest… While the Shiny Arbok is resting, awaiting for the future shit he will have to do, Sal had to wait while his mother and sister washed the dishes, talking about this and that. By the time they finish cleaning, it's late in the evening and the two women decide to show him the future nursery: six twin beds on each side of the room, three huge boxes containing all kinds of toys and clothes everywhere in the closets. The three embrace each other, before lying down happily in Giselle's big bed. The baby, as usual, finds himself in the middle of the two hotties, who are caressing him and begging to be fucked, like the cows they are: -You are two big sluts! I love you!- They kiss passionately, before having great wild sex. Giselle prolongs the French kiss for a few more minutes, making her tongue dance with that of her son, who had missed these attentions, even though he had only been away from home for a few hours. At the same time, he caresses his sister, who in the meantime begins to masturbate him, first slowly and then accelerating the pace. Feeling Evelyn's soft warm hands on own erect cock is one of the most pleasant sensations a man should experience, sooner or later in his life! To thank her for the long-awaited gesture, he turns to her and kisses her vigorously, sticking his tongue in her mouth, as his mother nibbles on his ear: it's so pleasant that his turgid dick begins to vibrate, impatient to penetrate something. Giselle notices and, sneering, slowly descends to her son's thighs, continuing to kiss his slender body. His manhood is fervently waiting for her, foretasting what that slut is about to accomplish: gently, she takes her son's cock into her meaty mouth and starts sucking it well, as her daughter Evelyn continues to masturbate him. Sal moans in satisfaction, taking immense pleasure in his mother and sister's joint work. The boy smiles at Evelyn, as he takes her huge tits in his little hands, observing them one more time and delighting in how they have swelled during her pregnancy. He gently unfastens her black lace bra, freeing her breasts, biting and sucking her turgid nipples, with the same intensity and speed of his mom's blowjob. He squeezes his sister's boobs, who moans more and more, feeling his brother suck all the milk out of her, as their children soon will. She smiles and kisses him on the forehead. The sweetness of that gesture is completely the opposite to his mother's vehemence: putting her son's trunk between her breasts, she sucks him greedily, turning her tongue over his big quiver, while massaging his balls. Sal moans, begging his mother to stop: -Fuck it, Mom!!- He gasps -I gonna cum soon, if you keep this up!- The motherly big sister giggles, stroking his head, as their perverted mother increases the pace, well aware of what's in store for her. Hugging her sister tightly, almost suffocating between her huge boobs, he ejaculates into his mother's mouth, who happily swallows all his sperm, urged on by her own daughter: -Not a drop must go to waste, mind you!- Evelyn chuckles blissfully, cuddling her brother, as Giselle swallows all the delicious nectar, without dropping a drop, as requested. Once all his sperm has been swallowed, his mother slowly gets up and approaches her daughter, who is watching her curiously: without saying anything, she takes her by her long dark hair and kisses her lips, sticking her tongue in her mouth, as she passes her son's sweet taste. Raptured by their performance, Sal strokes his cock: -Uhm... Yes, that's it!- He groans, urging them to continue and increasing his handsjob speed -Come on, taste my cum!- The two of them continue to make out for a while, massaging each other's huge breasts, as their pregnant bellies touch each other. They pull apart only for a short moment, united by a long viscous thread of saliva and cum, just enough for Evelyn to undress her mother, as she touches her daughter between her thighs, ready to be filled with loads of her brother's sperm. The young spectator continues to masturbate, while watching those two kiss and cuddle each other, until he can't take it anymore: -Your stallion needs to fuck you, NOW-! He grins, as his cows invite him to join them, as they take off their panties, totally soaked with their own fluid, dripping from their lustful pussies. Evelyn then lies down on the bed with her legs wide open, as her mother lies on top of her bringing her face in between her daughter's thighs: she spreads her labia with two fingers and starts sucking her clit, while exploring with more fingers her daughter's wet vagina. In the meantime, Sal asks her mother to kneel down, taking her by the huge hips and penetrating her slowly, very slowly: at first inserting only the tip of his cock, then gradually rotating his dick inside her, finishing by shoving it all the way in, filling her womb. The movements, gentle at first, become more and more intense as he fucks one of his cows, completely intent on licking her own daughter's pussy, who abruptly squirts on her face. Rich moans of pleasure can already be heard throughout the room, now filled with the sweet smell of sex! A few more vigorous thrusts than the previous one, then Sal removes his huge cock from his mother's dripping pussy, who tiredly lies supine on the bed, next to her daughter, who gladly reciprocates her mother's licking, as her brother begins to penetrate her. -Yeah… Shit! I'm almost there!- He mumbles between continuous excited murmurs. However, Evelyn stops him and, even before Sal can reply, their mother begs him to grant her sister's wish. At first he snorts in boredom, but agrees. To thank him, his sister licks his balls and kisses his cock, then slips into the soft bed at her mother's side. Sal watches them from above: Evelyn is on his left, while Gisele is on his right, both lying on their sides with their bellies brushing against each other. He continues to masturbate, as the two women bring their well-lubricated pussies as close as possible, trying to cross their legs behind their respective backs. Suddenly, the boy understands what they want: -Here- He moans, sighing -This is one of those moments when I wish I had two cocks, just like Lucifer!- The two women smile, before having his huge cock, now close to exploding, between their thighs. Aided also by their hands, Sal ejaculates, squirting some of his cum on their big pregnant bellies, then ending up inside them: first filling his sister's womb, then his mother's. Screams of pleasure echo in that room, where yet another incestuous act took place! Satisfied, he relaxes beside his two breeding cows, who cuddle and kiss him. They remain lying next to each other for a few minutes, savoring every moment of pleasure experienced in the last hours, before looking at the clock: it's almost one in the morning and the next day Sal and Lucifer have to get up early! After hours of wild sex, exhausted but pleased, the three decide to sleep until morning. The first to get up is Sal himself, who struggles to get out of bed without waking up his females, who continue to sleep heavily. He smilingly watches them, before heading to the kitchen, where he prepares a nice cup of latte for everyone. The scent awakens the two women, who join him: -Good morning, darlings!- The boy greets them, gallantly inviting them to sit down next to him. The three of them kiss and have their breakfast together, while talking about this and that. After the hearty meal, Giselle and Evelyn are saddened by the fact that their man has to leave them again. They sigh. After cleaning the dishes, they all head to Lucifer, who has just woken up, thanks to the warm rays of a newborn sun. As soon as he sees the two females, the Pokemon crawls towards them, who welcome him with open arms: they kiss him and masturbate him, then suck a cock each, until he ejaculates in their thirsty throats. The females compliment the Shiny Arbok on his beauty and power, while stroking his growling belly. Then they give some money to Sal, as well as some snacks for the trip: -I'll see you as soon, ok?- Sal greets them, not before being kissed by both of his women, who also say goodbye to Lucifer. Leaving the house, the trainer and his Pokemon proceed to Vermilion City, wanting to win the Thunder Badge. Their journey is disturbed by the constant hissing and constant gurgling of the reptile, which is writhing from the incessant spasms of his intestines, now close to defecate. Realizing his pressing need, Sal decides to stop, just as they are minutes away from reaching the gym and facing Lt. Surge. Lucifer crawls behind a bush nearby, while his trainer is sitting under a tree, not far away: -Wake me up when you're done, will you?- He yawns, as he dozes off, lulled by the melodious song of some Pidgeotto in love. EhanSssss The Shiny Arbok hisses, as if to assent, as the ejection phase begins! "Damn it! How hard it was to digest this fucking bitch!!!" The poor Pokemon ponders, as he struggles to shit out what was once Misty... The reptile stretches out his entire length, then twists on himself, so as to facilitate the release of those harsh remains. His intestines become tangled, leaving the end of the long sphincter free, continuously contracting and relaxing, causing terrible spasms. EhaaaaanSss Lucifer hisses, as the intestinal plug comes out: a colossal turd the size of a rugby ball, containing reddish hair and greenish mucus. During this extraordinary effort, a sonic explosion of foul-smelling farts echoes through the valley, scaring away any Pokemon nearby. "And this is just the beginning!" The Shiny Arbok thinks to himself, intent on evacuating that enormous weight. The small excretory opening struggles to eliminate the next piece of shit, as a half femur is stuck in the most impervious part of that orefice. The reptile wriggles even more, tangling himself in his own coils, so as to contract the muscles, pushing the bone outwards: at the end of that dark tunnel, a light greets the remains of what was once the Cerulean City Gym Leader's left leg. A powerful flatulence greets the new dung, which lies next to the smaller one. Only a few strands of clothing connect the two turds, while a third one is about to pass that small asshole. The Pokemon's anus dilates, as yet another piece of shit is expelled, along with an orchestra of sickening gasps. The intestinal philharmonic excites Lucifer more and more: bewitched by the stench and pleased to have devoured that human slut, he can't wait to observe her in her new guise. The mere thought stimulates him to proceed with that intestinal sacrifice, as his two enormous cocks begin to spill out of their containing pouches. This defecation process proceeds for a good hour, between noisy farts and wheezing hisses, as Sal continues to sleep unperturbed by those fetid gasses, which are released into the surrounding atmosphere, making it unbreathable. Suddenly a poor Bunnelby, who until a few minutes before has been eating some oranberries nearby, runs away in fear, to avoid becoming a victim of that Shiny Arbok's pestilential farting. Having finished shitting, Lucifer enthusiastically observes his feces: several still-smoking chocolate chunks of various sizes, garnished here and there with white bone splinters and parts of a human skeleton, decorated every now and then with colored threads of fabric. The snake rejoices in the new form of that bitch, which from now on will serve a purpose: to fertilize the wonderful garden of this gym, very similar to the one in Cerulean City. The excitement is such that the Pokemon ejaculates, right on top of his own excrement. At that very moment, Sal wakes up and walks stretching towards Lucifer. Grinning, the young trainer unbuckles his pants as he takes pleasure in the spectacle, stroking the head of his Shiny Arbok. Following the example of his reptilian friend, the child releases a not dissimilar amount of piss, right on top of the Gym Leader's skull: -You were missing something! Now it's a great artwork!- He laughs cruelly, as he imagines the future fate, reserved for all those Pokemon Trainer whores. EhaaanSssss Lucifer has the same idea and, once the brownies honorary statue for Misty is finished, the two of them happily walk towards their new challenge: to beat Lieutenant Surge in a fair duel! After winning the battle, they proceed in their journey to Celadon City, where they arrive in the late afternoon. Resolute, they stare at the large greenhouse building, whose roof is similar to a Gloom's dome. Sal chuckles, foreseeing the fate in store for Erika, the Celadon Gym Leader: being fucked by him and his Pokemon in every hole, only to be swallowed by the reptile, as his trainer takes possession of the Rainbow Badge and the grass-type Pokemon from the victim's kimono belt. Once the feat is over, our heroes are tired and decide to stay overnight at the hotel, since it's now late to continue on the road to their next destination. The next morning, waking up early and riding a rented bicycle, they ride along the bike path to Fuchsia City. Just before arriving in the city, they stop in a grove, where Lucifer completely disposes of Erika's remains, as Sal has plenty of time to eat some of the delicacies prepared by his mother. After a well-deserved rest, the two enter the ninja master Koga's gym, trying to avoid the Voltorb, positioned as traps and hidden everywhere under the floor. Requested and accepted the challenge, the fight begins! Koga uses his Venomoth, as Sal uses his Shiny Arbok. It's the challenger's turn and with Acid he decreases the opponent's defenses, who in turn uses Stun Spore, to no avail. Then Lucifer uses Poison Jab, hitting the enemy on the wings and making him fall to the ground. The damage is greater than the teacher expected and congratulates the challenger, but not before his Pokemon delivers a paralyzing attack to the Shiny Arbok, which is immobilized. The boy is frustrated and comes up with a plan, in those two turns when his poor Pokemon is immobilized, while the Venomoth again tries to use Stun Spore, but once again fails. Now it's Lucifer's turn who, awakened from his sleep and under the stunned eyes of everyone, launches a powerful Sludge Bomb, causing severe damage to the wings of the poor Venomoth, which is even poisoned by the secondary effect of that move. Due to fatigue, the beetle Pokemon's following attack fails and Lucifer takes advantage of it, biting the opponent in the abdomen. The Venomoth falls to the ground, defeated. Koga applauds the young trainer and rejoices in the good fight, while calling his daughter to hand the badge to the winner. Suddenly, from behind an invisible wall, three completely identical girls jump out, but only one of them approaches the child: the one who holds the Soul Badge, as well as little Sal's heart! -...Janine...- A passionate whisper betrays the boy's lips, while he's observing his crush more carefully. Her eyes sparkle like two large amethysts, standing out from her pale snow-like skin, and her thick purple hair is tied up with a thin golden thread, almost forming a crown. Her simple ninja clothes enhance her athletic yet curvy female body. He admires her, captivated by her perfect smile, while Lucifer and Koga confused are studying them. Sal accepts the badge, then he asks her on a date. She looks at him inquiringly, but immediately accepts his proposal. In the late afternoon, the two meet up for their date: a visit to the zoo, during which they even observe a Kabuto fossil, a milkshake bought at a stall and a walk in Pal Park. Sitting on a bench, while Janine is watching some little Ducklett babies following their mother Swanna, Sal is lost in his perverse thoughts. The girl's eye rests on her young partner's bulge: a huge aroused cock tries to escape from its prison, helped by her hands, which finally free it. The boy grins, as she starts a good blowjob, not even caring about the passers-by. -I had no idea you were so slutty!- The boy enthusiastically cries out, as he pushes her head towards his pelvis, inviting her to take his trunk deeper. Looking up and watching him straight in the eye, Janine smiles at him, increasing her pace and letting him penetrate her throat deeper, as she massages her partner's cum-filled balls. -I w..was th..thin...king...- Sal tries to formulate the sentence in his head, but that blowjob makes his thoughts fuzzy and the words struggle to be spoken -Da..that u.. you c.. could... Uhmmmm- Moans of pleasure find their way in between words -Co… come… cum... Uhmmmmm... Ahhh- She continues to suck on the cock as she pulls out her small breasts, just big enough to fill a champagne glass: -Uhm... how beautiful!- The boy whispers, as he caresses them, making the young girl blush, who sinks his whole penis in her throat, until she reaches the balls, on which hands and tongue move simultaneously, as in a tribal dance -Shit! If u..you go AHHHHHHHHH- Sal doesn't have time to finish his phrase, that she speeds up her blowjob to the maximum and, with a scream of ecstasy, he ejaculates in her throat. Smugly, Janine swallows all the cum, and then cleans his cock and balls with her tongue. Satisfied, the two put their clothes back on. As if nothing had happened, the girl sits next to the boy and, looking into his eyes, asks him: -What were You saying!?- He kisses her on the forehead and explains his idea: taking her home and presenting his mother and sister, his breeding cows, to which he would like to add her as well. In the meantime they decide to go back home, but Janine is curious and keeps asking questions, asking for more information about his strange way of life. The boy tells her how it all started a few years earlier and how it intensified with Lucifer's arrival. She listens to him, enraptured by the stories of those nights of wild sex, spent with his two sluts and his Shiny Arbok. Arriving at her doorstep, she turns to him and whispers YES. The two of them kiss and, taken their Pokemon and luggage, they head for the road back home. It's late evening by the time they reach the border of Vermilion City, so they choose to spend the night in a nearby campground. All three of them in one tent. However, Sal orders that no one would cum in Janine's womb that night, and he teaches her how to deal with Lucifer, who willingly accepts a new bitch to impregnate. To thank them for this kindness, the girl gets fucked and cum in her mouth and ass, over and over again. The next morning, the young girl is aching all over, but she's happy: what she went through that wonderful night is just a taste of her future life, well aware that she will be the mother of a new generation of strong trainers... And maybe even of new Pokemon! She grins, excited by that idea, as her partner opens the door to her new home. Sal introduces Janine to his mother and sister: they both like the idea of having a new lover in the Harem, especially since she is very young and inexperienced. After a hearty breakfast and a long chat, the two pregnant women show her new room, where she can rest between fucks. Under the pretext of relaxing her with massages and a hot bath, they undress her and watch her carefully, pleased with their male's choice: -You'll be a perfect breeding cow!- comments Giselle -We'll teach you everything we know!- She kisses her, as her daughter Evelyn squeezes her small breasts: -How cute they are!- She licks her turgid nipples -But don't worry! They'll soon get as big as mine!- Janine smiles at them, knowing that she would soon be pregnant herself! The idea excites her so much that she lets herself be seduced by the other two, who begin to touch her, deepening their acquaintance. A prolonged series of moans awaken the trainer and his Pokemon from their nap, and they rush towards the bathroom, curious to attend the show. Before their eyes, the three females are caressing and kissing each other, in the huge Jacuzzi. The two males look at them smiling, as Sal undresses: -Do you mind if we join you?- At the boy's request, he is made room: he places himself between his sister and his new slut, as Lucifer stretches out along the entire edge of the bathtub, resting his head on the new slut's boobs. In no hurry, Sal penetrates Janine's eager pussy, while she is french kissing Lucifer, as he wraps his coils around her left breast. Meanwhile, Giselle and Evelyn work on the reptile's two large erect dongs, sucking one cock each, while the snake's tail twists around the more mature cow's turgid nipples. Their rhythmic actions speed up considerably, as time goes by, when the two pregnant women decide to sit next to their male, totally dedicated to penetrating his new slut. Still continuing their blowjob on the Pokemon, the two females caress the boy's balls, now close to cuming. The bath ends with a nice hot lather, filling Janine's womb and those two experienced cows' mouths, swallowing Lucifer's delicious sperm. After a few hours of wild sex, it's now lunch time: everyone is very hungry and decide to call their favorite take-out pizzeria. They order enough food to feed an entire army: 10 pizzas, 5 panzerotti, 8 focacce, 3 kilos of french fries, 2 big trays of fried onion rings, several Coca-coles and... even the delivery boy for Lucifer! Once swallowed everything, the group is full and slips lazily into Giselle's huge bed to rest; however the desire to fuck is still there and, having recovered their energies thanks to their hearty meal, they're at it again! Since the babies in her womb are kicking like crazy, Giselle decides to lie down on her left side, sweetly cuddled by her son Sal, who gently begins to lick her pussy: he greedily sucks her clit, as he opens her vagina with his fingers, savoring the acrid but tasty juice of living flesh. The pungent taste of her fluids drive him insane, so much so that he sinks his entire face into that fertile vagina. A moan escapes from the woman's lips, promptly invaded by Janine's tongue, dancing in that old bitch's mouth, still tasty of cum and Coke. The teenager is French kissing her relentlessly, as she caresses her pregnant lover's belly, while Giselle is embracing her, almost suffocating her with her huge milky boobs. Behind that young slut, Evelyn massages her back, until she reaches her beautiful ass: she spreads her firm buttocks and begins to lick her little rosy anus. Teased by her tongue, the little hole slightly contracts, releasing a light fart, which moistens it: Evelyn tastes the sweet secretion, cleaning all around that wonderful orifice. At that point Sal realizes that his sister is paving the way for him, which he intends to travel again, and, still continuing to lick his mother's pussy, he lies down horizontally, positioning his huge erect cock on Evelyn's face. Understanding the next step, she takes his cock in her hands and, after sucking it for a few minutes, stimulates Janine's ass, who moans forecasting what is about to happen to her. At the same time that Evelyn inserts her brother's cock into that little ass, she licks and massages his balls, as she and her mother take turns kissing and touching the new slut. Aroused by all those pheromones, Lucifer joins in, ready to fuck some holes. Positioning himself between Evelyn and Janine, he fucks them together: penetrating the former in her eager ass and the latter straight into her wet pussy. The previous night he hadn't been given permission by his trainer, but now he consents to this breeding and, without waiting any longer, he moves faster and deeper inside her womb, wrapping himself around Giselle's breasts. That intertwining of bodies seems to build a perfect creature of enjoyment, feeling only pure ecstasy: moans and hisses of pleasure echo through the room, as a sweet scent of wild sex invades the air. Out of the desire she is feeling, Janine arches her toes, unable to stop enjoying herself. The three females savor the moment, ready to receive their males ' divine nectar. Suddenly Giselle squirts in her son's face, who drinks all her fluid, cleaning her perfectly: that sweet taste makes him cum immediately, flooding Janine's anus who, reaching her umpteenth climax, pushes her pelvis towards the reptile's huge cock. That movement entices Lucifer to sink his hard trunks more and more into those two hot orifices: he hisses and, through the last two lunges, ejaculates into those two sluts. Evelyn goes crazy, as she feels that hot stream flood her intestinal walls, which release a foul-smelling fart for joy. For her part, Janine feels immense pleasure as her uterus fills with the reptile's cum, dilating so much that she already looks a few months pregnant. She caresses her males-fertilized womb, as she snuggles against her big sister's boobs, while she's kissing her gently. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY! They all happily say. Exhausted but fulfilled, they lay side by side on the bed, wrapped in Lucifer's coil embrace, while the Pokemon is laying his muzzle on Janine's swollen belly. Suddenly Sal, looking around, points out: -I think we've to buy a bigger house!- Everyone laughs, kissing and hugging each other, like one big family. A slightly strange, but happy family! THE END |
KINK-TROID Un suono acuto sorvola le teste degli abitanti dellacolonia spaziale terrestre K-2L. Alcunidiloroesconodalleloroabitazionienotanounlampoviolaceonelcielo.Seguitoda un tonfo. Deibambinicuriosisiinoltranonellaforestacircostante,scappandodallacustodiadeiloro genitori, mentre una bimba rimane in disparte, a giocaredi fronte casa sua. ÈSamusAran,l'unicafigliadiRodneyeVirginia,daicapellibiondiacaschettoedue occhioni verdi smeraldo, che abbelliscono la sua pellechiara dalle gote rosee. Inaspettatamente,dallaforestasiodonourlastraziantiealcunibambini,che precedentementeeranofuggititraglialberi,scappanototalmenteinsanguinati,gritandocose senza senso. Improvvisamentedeglispariinizianoarisuonaredietrodiloro,colpendounpo'chiunque, mentre Samus piangente cercavi tapparsi le orecchiecon le sue manine delicate. Delsanguelesporcalescarpine,tingendolediunrossoscarlatto.Chiudegliocchi, dondolandoilsuocorpicinoavantiindietro,cercandodidimenticarequell'orrore.Unvento gelido colpisce le sue gote rosee. Apre gli occhi. Davantialeivededuegiganteschipiedi,contreditaprensiliciascunosimiliaquellediun uccello, attaccati a delle lunghe zampe muscolose,di un viola tenue. Alza un po' la testa, tenendosi sempre le mani alleorecchie. Difronteaisuoiocchi,siergeimponenteunenormealieno,dallefattezzediundrago umanoideedalcranioallungato,simileaquellodiunpteranodonte,maconilbecco dentato. Stupita,lasuaboccarilasciaunlungoOhhhhh,mentrelesuemaninesiposanosulsuo piccolo grembiulino giallo. Ilgigantesileccalamastodonticamascella,fissandoqueldolcebocconcinoechiedendole, con una voce profonda: -Quanto sei adorabile, piccolina! Come ti chiami?- Labambinaèancorasopraffattadalleemozionienoncapiscechecosasiaquellacosa,che però le sta parlando in modo gentile. -Samus- Le risponde -E tu?- L'energumeno alieno sorride, rivelandole il suo nome: -Ridley, Capo dei Pirati Spaziali...- Unghignosiformasulsuobecco,quando,spostandosidallavisuale,mostraallabambinail massacro perpetrato sul suo popolo. Samus rimane scioccata, vedendo tutti morti ed alcunipersino dilaniati. Primachepossaproferirparola,però,vienecolpitadallalungaesottilepartepiattadella lama appuntita, che termina la coda elastica di quell'esserecrudele. Improvvisamente,unodeisuoiscagnozzisiavvicinaperdivorarelapiccola,maRidleylo ferma con una delle sue enormi mani artigliate, ammonendolo: -Non ci pensare, proprio!- Ringhiò -QUESTA È MIA!-Urlò così forte da farsi sentire da tutti. Quindi,afferratralepossentibracciailcorpodellabambinaedispiegalegrandialida pipistrello, che ha sulla schiena. Volano per una decina di minuti, prima di atterrarein una caverna, alle pendici di un monte. Samusèancoraincosciente,tantoilcolpoerapotente!Mentrelapiccoladorme,ilmostro sistemaunostranaiaggeggiodisuainvenzione,quindigettadell'acquainfacciaalla bambina, imprecando:-Svegliatemi, puttanella!- Il getto freddo la risveglia in un 'istante. Siasciugailvisorotondoconlamanicadelsuovestitino,aprendopianopianogliocchi. Sperachetuttociòcheavevavistoinquell'ultimolassoditempofossesolounbruttoincubo, dal quale si sarebbe svegliata presto. Tuttavia,lavistadiqueldragonoideviolaceolarattrista,comprendendocheleultimeore siano vere! Urla disperata, mentre l'alieno sghignazza: -Non ho ancora iniziato con te…me…- Samussizittisceall'improvviso,spalancandoisuoiocchioniverdisperanza,lastessache avevano il cuore fino a poche ore prima. -...E già adoro i tuoi gridolini!- Unghignomaleficositingesulbeccodiquell'energumeno.Labambinasiguardaintorno, cercandounaviadifuga:muridipietreovunque,stalattiticheminaccianodicaderedaun momento all'altro, un masso enorme che chiude la cavernaimmensa, la sua prigione. Lacrimediodiolesolcanoleguancerosee,mentreosservaquelgigantecrudele. All'improvviso, un luccichio attira il suo sguardo:una luce fioca in fondo alla caverna. Un'uscita?Pensa fra sé, senza accorgersi che l'alienoacceso uno strano strumento. Unpotentebrontolioconquistal'attenzionedellabambina,chearrossiscesenzauna ragione. Caccia quello strano pensiero dalla sua menteed inizia a correre. Ridleysbadiglia,dandounadecinadiminutidivantaggiohalasuapiccolapreda,primadi dispiegare le sue enormi ali e schizzare verso dilei. Aqualchemetrodall'uscita,Samussisenteacchiapparedadietroedalzaredalsuolo. Scalcia e urla. Unarisatagutturale,ormaifamiliare,lafadesisteredallottare.Pocodopo,viene scaraventata su un duro giaciglio. Piange, ma non si vuole ancora arrendere! Conlepocheforzechelerimangono,cercadisperatamentediallontanarequelpredatore, invano. Ridleylestrappaivestitididosso,rivelandolesueinnocentiformefemminili,ancorainfase di sviluppo. Lui si lecca i denti, lei si copre le sue nudità. Il rettiloide allunga la sua coda prensile, afferrandola bambina per il sottile bacino. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! La piccola grida, mentre il gigante la posizione soprala sua testa. Conlesuedelicatemaninecolpiscequellapossentecodapiùvolte,provandoaliberarsi,ma la presa è troppo forte per lei! Simus piange, mentre Ridley spalanca le sue faucifameliche. Unaltrobrontolioprofondodallostomacodell'alienolefaintuirechelasuaoraègiunta. Chiude gli occhi e aspetta l'inevitabile fine… L'alienolascialamorsaelabimbacadeapesomortonellaboccadelsuopredatore,che serveimmediatamentelamandibola.Samusafferra,quindi,l'ugoladelsuocarnefice,maè troppo viscida e così scivola giù lungo l'esofago. AiutandosiconunsonoroGULP,RidleyIngoialapiccola,checercadisperatamentedi fermarequellacadutapuntolequasiimpossibilerespirare,perviadiquell'odoreacredi carne imputridita. Manoamanochediscende,ilcanalesistringesemprepiùalsuocorpicinoesile,facendolo scorrere verso la bocca dello stomaco. Con un tonfocade a picco. Labimbasilamenta,manonriesceadurlarecomevorrebbe,tantaèl'angosciachela pervade. Intanto,Ridleysimassaggiailventregorgogliante,sentendolasuadolcepredacalarepiano piano nelle sue viscere. -Non temere! Ho appena iniziato con te!- Ghignaferocemente,mentresidàqualchepaccasullapanciagonfia,incuioramaila piccola Samus giace inerme. Inutili sono i colpi che infligge dall'interno! Il predatore ride compiaciuto. Quella resistenza, al contrario, non fa altro cheeccitarlo! Ildragoalienosisiedesoddisfattosuibordidelsuoletto,osservandoognimossachelasua piccola preda fa all'interno del suo pancione. Queimovimentifannooscillaresemprepiùilsuocorpo,dondolandolodolcementee stimolando la digestione. Un sonoro e prolungatoBUUUURPrisuona nello stomaco. L'ariafetidadiquelruttoinvadeipolmonidellapreda,chefaticaarespirare,ognivoltache inspira quell'olezzo, bruciando le sue corde vocali. Tossisce e piange, mentre gli enzimi digestivi siattivano. Inpochiminuti,lecarnidiSamussonodilaniate,mostrandolecandideossa,chevengono spezzate e sciolte. Ciò che faceva di lei una bellabambina, ormai è un antico ricordo! Ridleysicompiaceesieccita,tantocheilsuoenormecazzodentellato,piùgrosso all'attaccaturaepiùsottileall'apice,diuncoloregiallastrocomeisuoiartigli,fuoriescedalla sua sacca contenitiva. Intanto, i movimenti della preda si fanno sempre piùrari ed attenuati. L'alieno inizia a masturbarsi, all'inizio lentamente,poi sempre più velocemente. Continui rutti mostrano che la bimba oramai ha i minuticontati. Le fluttuazioni del suo pancione cessano all'improvviso. Ridleysieccitamaggiormente,all'ideadivedereirestidiquellapiccolaumananellasua merda deliziosa! Continua a segarsi, quando sente unBIP BIPmetallico,ai suoi piedi. Ridacchiaedosservalasuamacchinaentrareinfunzione:dueluci,unabluedunarossa,si accendono e spengono alternativamente, mentre uncontinuo trillo risuona nella grotta. Dilìapoco,unraggiodilucebiancasiproiettasullapareteoppostadellacaverna:drittain piedi vi è una nuova Samus, identica alla precedente,completamente nuda, ma intatta. Siguardaintornostupita,toccandoilsuocorpicino,neltentativodicapirecosasiasuccesso: Un attimo prima ero nello stomaco di quel cattivo...Ma adesso… Sono viva!?Pensa fra sé. Il rettile divertito, capendo cosa le stia passandoper la testa, le spiega: -Èlamiamacchinadellaresurrezione!-Continuaamasturbarsi,eccitatodall'ideadi prolungareilsuopiaceree,quindi,latorturadellasuapreda-Bastaaggiungeredeicapelli della propria vittima, attivare la macchina e… Voilà,il gioco è fatto!- Ridacchia,mentresamuscercadisperatamentediscappare,perl'ultimavolta.L'alieno sbuffa annoiato: -Non ti sei ancora stancata di correre?- Conunbalzo,raggiungelapiccola,bloccandolacontrounapareteepuntandocontroilsuo bel faccino il suo enorme cazzo eretto: -Siamo solo all'inizio!- Una risata crudele rimbomba nelle orecchie della piccola,che piangente implora pietà. Ilmostroviolasenefregaaltamentedeilamentidellabambina,cheafferraallagola, alzandoladipesosopraalsuocazzoeretto.Samussidimena,mentreRidleysisolleticala cappella, inserendo qualche dito nella sua uretra,allargandola. All'improvviso,infilaipiedidellapiccolaumananelsuoorifizio,cheiniziaadassorbirlapiano piano, finché solo il visino rimane in vista, comese fungesse da glande. L'alienocontinuaamasturbarsi,sentendolasuavittimamuoversiall'internodelsuo membro,implorandolodilasciarlaandare,mentrelecavitàdelsuoenormepeneaccolgono con gioia la preda, che viene lentamente assimilataall'interno dei lunghi tubuli seminiferi. IldolcefaccinodiSamussiscioglie,mentrelesuelacrimediventanoliquidopre-seminale. Ridley ghigna e si masturba. Egli gode nell'immaginare che a breve la sua predasarà nuovamente parte di lui! Appenalavittimasièscompostaeriassemblatainsperma,itesticolideldragonoidesi ingrandisconoadismisura,appoggiandosiaterratraisuoipiedi,prontiarilasciaretutta quella sborra. Nelvederelesuepallecosìpiene,aumentailritmodellasuasega,portandoalmassimo l'eccitazione.Pocodopo,vienecosìtantocontrounadelleparetidellacaverna,da imbiarcarla completamente. Passa un dito su quel liquido biancastro e lo assaggia: -Cara piccola Samus… Il tuo sapore è sempre così buono!- Ghigna,mentrelesueviscereinizianoagorgogliareincessantemente,seguitedauna sonora e puzzolente scoreggia: è giunta l'ora cheRidley stava aspettando! Inunangolodellacaverna,l'alienosiaccovaccia,tenendosiconunamanol'enormecazzo flaccido, mentre con quell'altra si aggrappa ad unaroccia. Inizia a spingere più che può. Ilsuointestinosiaggrovigliasustesso,provocandodeglispasmiatroci,liberandolosfintere con una flatulenza umidiccia, seguita da un pezzodi merda e muco. Stappatoilbuco,comeunabottigliadivinodiottimaannata,Ridleyiniziaacagareuno stronzo colossale dietro l'altro. Duranteladefecazione,unasinfoniadiscoreggemaleodorantirisuonanell'interagrotta, mentre il dragonoide continua nel suo lavoro, costruendouna statua in onore a Samus. Inmezzoaqueipezzifumantidimerda,visonoancheirestidellabambina:pezzidiossa, qualchecapellobiondoquaelà,persinoilcraniodellapiccola,chesembramantenere ancora una certa smorfia tra sofferenza e terrore. Unultimostronzo,piùpiccolodeiprecedenti,giacecomecilieginasullatortadicioccolata, appena sfornata. Sileccailbecco,ghignandosoddisfatto,mentrelasuamacchinaperlaresurrezioneentra nuovamente in funzione. PrimacheSamusritorniancorainvita,Ridleypisciasullastatua,ripulendoperbeneil cranio,visibilealdisopradiquelmucchioenormediescrementi,piùgrandidellabambina stessa! Ilgrossocrudelealienomostraalladolcepiccolaumanalastatuadimerdapreparataperlei, che si inorridisce. Vomita alla sola vista di quello scempio. Ilsuopensieroaccomunaquell'orroreaciòchedevonoavervissutoisuoigenitoriesi dispera, ormai rassegnata al suo destino, peggioredel loro. Mentrerivivelascenadelmassacrodituttiicoloni,alcunischizzidelsuorigurgitosporcano nuovamenteilcranio,precedentementepulitocontantacura.Questogestoinvolontario rende furioso il rettile, che la calcia nello stomaco. Lafanciullasiaccovacciapiangente,mostrandolasuadelicatavagina,senzapelietroppo piccola per poter ancora ospitare un cazzo. Sopratutto di quelle dimensioni! Il predatore si eccita ancora di più, osservando queltesoro prezioso. Intanto,labimbasiscusa,gettandosiaisuoipiedi,implorandoloditerminarelesue sofferenze. Ildragonoide,tuttavia,nonhaalcunaintenzionediucciderla,anzi:eglidecidecheègiuntoil momento di montarla come si deve. Unarisatamaleficariecheggianelsuocollo,chevibraallostessomododelsuocazzo, nuovamente eretto, al solo pensiero di profanare quelvirginale corpo: -Hai capito male!- La colpisce violentemente con le enormi zampe artigliate,dritta allo stomaco. La povera indifesa sbatte la testa così forte controil muro da morire sul colpo. Inquelpunto,unacrepasifaspazionellaparete…Edun'ideabalenanelcervellodel mostro, mentre la macchina della resurrezione entradi nuovo in funzione. Una ennesima nuova Samus è in piedi davanti a Ridley,con gli occhi sbarrati. Lecontinueresurrezionilehannoprocuratoun'emicraniaterribileelesembrachelasua coscienza sia più flebile, più servile. Si siede,massaggiandosi un po' ovunque. Èstanca,macontinuaadosservareattentamenteilsuocarceriere,chesogghignacon gusto. Aduntratto,l'alienolaimprigionaconlasuacodaflessibile,stringendolaforte, avvinghiandosi contro il suo esile corpo, come lespire di un'anaconda sulla sua preda. All'improvviso,ilrettilespalancailbecco.Lapiccolaurla:credechedebbafinirenellesue fauci, un'altra volta. Lui la rassicura: -Non temere… Non ti mangerò più!- Un sospiro di sollievo lascia le labbra della bambina,mentre il mostro ghignando le spiega: -Avrai un altro scopo… Migliore del precedente!- Labimbaèturbatadaquellarivelazione,marifletteunattimofrasé:Nonpotràmaiessere più crudele di così, giusto!? MentreSamusèpersaneisuoipensieri,ildragonoidesparaunodeisuoiraggialplasmadal becco,propriocontrolapareteoppostadellastanza,facendoattenzioneanondistruggere troppo il muro, ma solo ad incrinarlo leggermente. L'alternanzadiscosse,boati,sibiliefumorisveglianoisensidellafanciulla,chesicostringe adosservareognimovimentodelsuoaguzzino,senzaperòproferirealcunaparola.Senza piangere. Senza muoversi. Nonservecomunqueanulla!Rimuginafrasésuisuoitentativifallitidifuga,sullesue suppliche, sui pianti assordanti… Nulla di tutto ciòha smosso l'animo di quel mostro! Sconfitta,siaccasciasullacodadiquell'energumeno,intentotuttoraastaccaredeipezzi troppo grandi o duri nella parete rocciosa della grotta. Ilcontinuopicchiettare,allalunga,diventaunaninnanannaelapiccolaSamussi addormenta. Dopo una trentina di minuti, il mosto contento esclama: -Finalmente!-Tiraunsospirodisollievo,asciugandosilafronte-Vediamosehofattounbuon lavoro!- Senzafarcaderel'umanaaterra,Ridleyportalasuapossentecodavicinoate,ghignando, mentre prende per le braccia la sua preda, fissandolanegli occhi smeraldo, domandandole: -Beh… Ora te ne stai zitta!?- MUHAHAHAHA Lasolitarisatamaleficalerimbombanelcervello,frastornanadola,mentreilsuoaguzzinola tranquillizza: -Non ti preoccupare… Avrai TUTTO il TEMPO per URLARE!- Enfatizza quelle tre parole, scolpendole nella mentedella sua vittima. Afferra la bambina con forza, conficcandone bracciae gambe nella roccia deformata. Samus rimane ferma, immobile, come una bambola diporcellana. Sesimuovesse,lasuapelleverrebbelaceratadallepietreaffilate,prontamenteposizionate nei suoi punti vitali. Se morisse, resusciterebbe. Una tortura senza fine! Ragionafrasé,ripetendoquellafrasenellasuamente,comeundogmadaassimilare. L'ultima lacrima le solca il viso. Un'angoscia totale le divora l'anima. Intanto,Ridleyesaminaconcuralaposa,incuihamessolasuanuovabambolagonfiabile: non è esattamente di suo gradimento! Estrae gli arti inferiori della piccola dalla parete,lasciandoli a penzoloni. Ilrettilesgrillettailclitoridevulnerabiledellabambina,chegeme.Queldolcesuonofa impazzire l'alieno, ormai impaziente di penetrarequella fighetta. Leccandoleipiedi,fletteleginocchiaall'indietro,controilsuopancino,divaricandolele gambe e conficcando o i suoi piedini nella nuda efredda roccia. Ungrugnitoperversoscappadalbeccodiquelpredatore.Lapredaètroppogiovaneper capire cosa stia per accaderle. Egli confida proprio nell'innocenza di lei! I genitali della bambina sono liberi e pronti ad essereviolati da quel gigantesco cazzo alieno. LacappelladiRidleyiniziaatremarequasiconvulsamente,mentresipreparaapenentrare Samus,inorriditaeaffascinatadaquelcosogigantedentellatodavantial"suogiardino segreto", come era solita chiamarlo sua madre. Senzasapereperché,leiarrossisce.Quelleespressioniintelligentetrapurezzaedesiderio accendonoancordipiùquelpredatoreaffamato.Lapuntadelsuomembrosolleticail clitoridedellabambina,chegemeeridecontemporaneamente.Vedremoserideraiancora, puttanella! Pensafraséquelgigante,ghignando,mentreilsuoglandescendeversoilbasso, avvicinandosi pericolosamente a quella piccola fessura. Senzadirenulla,Ridleyinfilalentamentelasuaenormecappellainquellapiccolafiga, mentre Samus strillaNOOOOO!!!! Lapiccolasidimenasemprepiù,peggiorandolasuasituazione:invecediliberarsidaquel COSO, lo sente entrare prepotentemente in lei, provocandoleun dolore immenso. Intanto, il rettile gode nel sentire le grida dellasua preda: -Urlaquantovuoi,troietta!L'alberodiSamuscontinueràadaprirticomeunfiore!-Ghigna crudelmente,mentrespingeconpiùforza,rompendoquelsottilefilamento,chefinora frenava l'entrata del suo cazzo. Un fiotto di sangue segna la fine della fanciullezzaper quella piccola umana. Allora, il predatore inizia a muoversi sempre piùa fondo fra le sue cosce, tra gemiti ed urla. Ridleyposalesuepossentimanisulleginocchiadellasuapreda,affondandoilmembro nella sua cervice, fino a raggiungere l'utero. Quelmovimentocosìimprovvisoprovocaunastranasensazioneallabambina,squirtando sul petto del mostro, che mugugna qualcosa di comprensibile,prima di iaculare in lei. Samusurla,straziatadaldolore,sentendoqualcosadicaldoesploderledentroegonfiarleil pancino a dismisura. Tracopioselacrime,ilcrudelealienoestraeilsuogigantescocazzoflaccidodallabambina terrorizzata, completamente piena del suo sperma,mentre egli le rivela il suo destino: -Questo accadrà ogni giorno, d'ora in avanti, peril resto della tua vita!- MUHAHAHAHAH FINE |
KINK-TROID A high-pitched sound flies over the inhabitants' heads on the Earth space colony K-2L. Someofthemcomeoutfromtheirhomesandnoticeapurplishflashinthesky.Followedby a loud thud. Somecuriouschildrenwanderintothesurroundingforest,escapingfromtheirparents' custody, while a little girl stands by, playing in front of her house. It'sSamusAran,RodneyandVirginia'sonlychild,withbobblondehairandtwobigemerald green eyes, gracing her pale skin with rosy cheeks. Unexpectedly,heartbreakingscreamsareheardfromtheforestandfewofthechildren,who had previously fled into the trees, run away totally bloody, shouting nonsense. Suddenlygunshotsstartringingoutbehindthem,hittingeveryone,asSamuscriesoutand tries to cover her ears with her delicate little hands. Bloodstainsherlittleshoes,turningthemascarletred.Shecloseshereyes,rockingher littlebodybackandforth,tryingtoforgetthathorror.Anicywindhitsherrosycheeks.She immediately opens her eyes. Infrontofhersheseestwogiganticfeet,withthreebird-likeprehensilefingers,attachedto long muscular legs, in a light purple color. She raises her head up a bit, still holding her hands to her ears. Infrontofhereyes,ahugealienstandsimposingly,withthefeaturesofahumanoiddragon and an elongated skull, similar to that of a pteranodon, but with a toothed beak. Amazed,hermouthreleasesalongOhhhh,ashersmallhandsrestonherlittleyellow pinafore. Thegiantlickshismammothjaw,staringatthatsweetmorselandaskingher,inadeep voice: -How adorable you are, little one! What's your name?- Thelittlegirlisstilloverwhelmedwithemotionanddoesn'tunderstandwhatthatthingis,but he's speaking to her in a gentle way. -Samus- She answers him -And you?- The pantagruelic alien smiles, revealing his name: -Ridley, Chief of the Space Pirates...- Agrinformsonhisbeakashemovesoutofhersight,showingthelittlegirlthemassacre perpetrated on her people. Samus is shocked, seeing everyone dead and some even torn apart. Beforeshecanevenspeak,however,sheisstruckbythelongflatpartofthesharpblade, ending that cruel creature's elastic tail. Suddenly,oneofhishenchmenapproacheshim,inordertodevourthelittleone,butRidley stops him with one of his huge clawed hands, admonishing him: -Don'teventhinkaboutit!-Hegrowled-SHE'SMINE!-Hescreamedsoloudlythat everyone could hear him. Hegrabbedthelittlegirl'sbodyinhismightyarmsandunfurledthelargebat-likewingson his back. They fly for about ten minutes, before landing in a cave, on the slopes of a mountain. Samusisstillunconscious,sopowerfulwastheblow!Whilethelittlegirlsleeps,themonster setsupastrangegadgetheinvented,thenhethrowsaglassofwaterstraightonthegirl's face, cursing: -Wake up, you little bitch!- The cold spray wakes her up in an instant. Shewipesherroundfacewithherdress'ssleeve,slowlyopeninghereyes.Shehopesthat everythingshehasseeninthatlastlapseoftimewasjustabadnightmare,fromwhichshe would soon wake up. However,thesightofthatpurpledragonoidsaddensher,understandingthatthelastfew hours were real! She cries out in despair, as the alien grins: -I haven't even started with you yet...- Samussuddenlyshutsup,openingherbiggreeneyeswidewithhope,thesamehopethat had her heart until a few hours before. -...And I already love your little screams!- Anevilgrinistingedonthatgiganticalien'sbeak.Thelittlegirllooksaround,tryingtofinda wayout:wallsofstoneseverywhere,stalactitesthatthreatentofallatanymoment,ahuge boulder that closes the immense cave, her prison. Tears of hatred run down her rosy cheeks, as she watches that cruel giant. Suddenly, a glint catches her eye: a dim light at the end of the cave. An exit? She thinks to herself, not realizing that the alien is turning on a strange gadget. A powerful grumble captures her attention, making her blush for no reason. She banishes that strange thought from her mind and begins to run. Ridleyyawns,givinghislittlepreyatenminuteheadstart,beforespreadinghishugewings and sprinting towards her. Afewfeetfromtheexit,Samusfeelsherselfbeinggrabbedfrombehindandliftedoffthe ground. She kicks and screams. A now-familiar guttural laugh causes her to desist from struggling. Soon after, she is thrown onto a hard bed. She cries, but still won't give up! Withwhatlittlestrengthshehasleft,shedesperatelytriestowardoffthatpredator, unsuccessfully. Ridley rips her clothes off, revealing her innocent female form, still developing. He licks his teeth, she covers her nakedness. The reptiloid reaches out his prehensile tail, grabbing the little girl by her slender pelvis. NOOOOOO!!!!! The little girl screams, as the giant positions her over his head. Withherdelicatelittlehands,shestrikesthatmightytailseveraltimes,tryingtofreeherself, but the grip is too strong for her! Simus cries, as Ridley opens his ravenous jaws wide. Another deep growl from the alien's stomach lets her know that her time has come. She closes her eyes and waits for her inevitable end.... Thealienletsgoofthegripandthelittlegirlfallsdeadweightintothemouthofherpredator, whoimmediatelyservesthejaw.Samusthusgrabsherexecutioner'suvula,butit'stooslimy and she slides down his esophagus. HelpinghimselfwitharesoundingGULP,Ridleyswallowsthechild,whodesperatelytriesto stop her fall. The acrid smell of rotten meat makes it almost impossible for her to breathe. Assheslowlydescends,thecanaltightensmoreandmoretoherslenderlittlebody,making her slide to her predator's stomach. With a thud, she falls to her death. Samustriestoshout,butit'sunabletoscreamasshewouldlike,somuchanguishpervades her. Inthemeantime,Ridleyrubshisgurglingbelly,feelinghissweetpreyslowlydescendinto his guts. -Don't be afraid, my darling! I'm just getting started with you!- He grins fiercely, while patting his swollen belly, where little Samus now lies helpless. The blows she inflicts from his insides are useless! The predator laughs smugly. That resistance is arousing him! Thealiendragonsitsontheedgeofhisbed,watchingeverymovehislittlepreymakes inside his belly. Thosemovementsmakehisbodyswaymoreandmore,rockinghimgentlyandstimulating his digestion. A loud prolonged BUUUURP echoes in his stomach. Thefetidairofthatbelchinvadesthelungsoftheprey,whostrugglestobreatheeverytime she inhales that stench, burning her vocal cords. She coughs and cries, as her predator's digestive enzymes begin to work on her little body. Withinminutes,Samus'fleshistornapart,showingherwhitebones,whicharebrokenand melted. What made her a beautiful child is now an ancient memory! Ridleyispleasedandaroused,somuchsothathishugeserratecock,thickeratthejunction andthinnerattheapex,inastrangeyellowishcolorsimilartohisclaws,leaksoutofits containing pouch. In the meantime, the prey's movements become increasingly rare and weakened. The alien begins to masturbate, slowly at first, then faster and faster. The constant burping shows that the kid is running out of time. The fluctuations of his big belly suddenly cease. Ridleygetsmoreexcited,attheideaofseeingtheremainsofthatlittlehumaninhis delicious shit! He continues jacking off, when he hears a metallic BEEP BEEP, at his feet. Hegigglesandwatcheshismachinegointooperation:twolights,oneblueandonered, alternately turn on and off, as a non-stop trill resounds through the cave. Then, everything stops. Shortlyafter,awhiterayoflightisprojectedontheoppositewallofthecave:standingthere is a new Samus, identical to the previous one, completely naked, but intactly reformed. Shelooksaroundinamazement,touchingherlittlebody,tryingtounderstandwhathasjust happened:OnemomentIwasinthestomachofthatvillain...Butnow...I'malive!How?She asks herself. The amused reptile, understanding what is going through her mind, explains the situation: -It'smyresurrectionmachine!-Heproceedsoncaressinghisshaft,excitedbytheideaof prolonginghispleasureand,therefore,hisprey'storture-Justaddsomeofthevictim'shair, activate the machine and... Voilà, it's done!- He chuckles, as Samus desperately tries to escape, one last time. The alien snorts bored: -Don't you get tired of running yet?- Withaleap,hereachesthekid,pinningheragainstawallandpointinghishugeerectcock at her pretty face: -We're just getting started!- A cruel laugh echoes in the ears of the little girl, who cries for mercy. Thepurplemonsterdoesn'tgiveadamnaboutthelittlegirl,whohegrabsbythethroat, liftingherweightoverhiserectdick.Samuscries,asRidleytickleshiscockhead,insertinga few fingers into his urethra, spreading it wide. Suddenly,hepushesthelittlehuman'sfeetintohishole,whichbeginstoabsorbherslowly, until only her little sweet face remains in view, as if acting as his glans. Thealiencontinuestomasturbate,feelinghisvictimmoveinsidehismanhood,begginghim tolethergo,ashishugepenis'scavitieswelcomehisprey,slowlyassimilatinginsidethe long spermatic cord. Samus's sweet little face melts as her tears turn to pre-cum fluid. Ridley grins and masturbates faster. He enjoys imagining that shortly his prey will be part of him, again! Assoonashisvictimhasbrokendownandreassembledintohisownsperm,the dragonoid'stesticlesenlargeoutofallproportion,restingonthegroundbetweenhisfeet, ready to release all that cum. Seeinghisballssofull,heincreasesthepaceofhishandjob,bringinghisarousaltoa maximum.Soonafter,hecumssohardagainstoneofthecavewalls,hecompletelyswells it up. He runs a finger through his fluid and tastes it: -Dear little Samus... You always taste so good!- Hegrins,ashisgutsbegintogurgleincessantly,followedbyaloudandstinkyfart:thehour that Ridley has been waiting for has come! Inacornerofhisrurallair,thealiencrouchesdown,supportinghishugeflaccidcockwith one hand, while holding onto a nearby rock with the other. He begins to thrust as hard as he can. Hisintestinestangleonthemselves,causingterriblespasms,releasinghissphincterwitha wet flatulence, followed by a small piece of shit mixed with mucus. Uncorkingthehole,likeabottleoffinevintagewine,Ridleybeginstopurgehisbowelswith one colossal turd after another. Duringthedefecationprocess,asymphonyofsmellyfartsechoesthroughthecave,asthe dragonoid continues his work, building a statue in Samus' honor. Amidstthosesteamingpiecesofshit,therearealsothelittlegirl'sremains:piecesofher bones,someofherblondhairhereandthere,eventhelittlegirl'sskull,whichstillseemsto maintain a certain grimace between suffering and terror. Onelastdung,smallerthanthepreviousones,lieslikeicingonachocolatecake,freshly baked. Hepasseshislongtongueonhissharpteeth,grinningsatisfied,ashisresurrectionmachine kicks into gears once more. BeforeSamuscomesbacktolifeagain,Ridleypissesonthestatue,cleaninguptheskull, visible above that huge pile of excrements, bigger than the little girl herself! Thebigcruelalienshowstothesweetlittlehumanthestatueofshitpreparedforher,whois completely horrified. She vomits at the mere sight of that havoc. Herthoughtsconnectthathorrortowhatherparentsmusthaveexperiencedandshe despairs, now resigned to her fate, worse than theirs. Assherelivesthesceneofthemassacreofallthecolonists,somesplashesofher regurgitation again dirty the old Samus' skull, previously so carefully cleaned. This unintentional gesture infuriates the reptile, kicking her in the stomach. Thegirlcrouchestearfully,showingoffherdelicatevagina,hairlessandtoosmalltostilltake a cock. Especially one that size! The predator gets even more excited, looking at that precious treasure. Meanwhile, the kid apologizes, throwing herself at his feet, begging him to end her misery. Thedragonoid,however,hasnointentionofkillingher,onthecontrary:hedecidesit'stime to mount her properly. Anevillaughechoesinhislongflexibleneck,vibratinginthesamewayashiscock,erect again, at the mere thought of defiling that virginal body: -You misunderstood, darling!- He hits her violently with his huge clawed paws, right in the stomach. The poor helpless girl slams her head so hard against the wall that she dies on impact. Atthatpoint,acrackmakesitswayintothewall...Andanideaflashesthroughthemonster's brain, as the resurrection machine starts working again. Yet another live Samus is standing in front of Ridley, eyes wide. Theconstantresurrectionshavegivenheraterriblemigraine,anditseemstoherthather consciousness is weaker, more subservient. Shesitsdown,massagingalloverherbody.Sheistired,butcontinuestowatchher predator carefully, who sneers with relish. Suddenly,thealienimprisonsherwithitsflexibletail,squeezinghertightly,wrappingit against her slender body, like the coils of an anaconda on its prey. Inaflash,thereptileopenshisbeakwide.Thepreyscreams:shethinksshewillendupin his jaws, once again. He reassures her: -Don't worry... I won't eat you anymore!- A sigh of relief leaves the little girl's lips, as the monster sneers and explains: -You'll have another purpose... Better than the last!- Thechildisdisturbedbythisrevelation,ponderingtoherself:Hecan'tgetanycruelerthan this, right!? AsSamusislostinherthoughts,thedragonoidshootsoneofhisplasmabeamsfromhis beak,rightagainsttheoppositewalloftheroom,beingcarefulnottodestroythewalltoo much, but only to crack it slightly. Thealternationofshocks,bangs,hissesandsmokeawakenthesensesofthegirl,who forces herself to observe every movement of her tormentor, without uttering a word. Without crying. Without moving. It'snouseanyway!Shebroodsoverherfailedattemptstoescape,herpleas,herdeafening cries... None of this has moved the soul of that monster! Defeated,shecollapsesonthetailofthatenergeticmale,stillintentondetachingpiecesthat are too big or too hard from the rocky wall of the cave. The constant tapping becomes a lullaby and little Samus falls asleep. After about thirty minutes, Ridley happily exclaims: -Finally!- He breathes a sigh of relief, wiping his forehead -Let's see if I did a good job!- Withoutdroppingthehumantotheground,Ridleybringshismightytailclosetohim, grinning, as he takes his prey by the arms, staring into her emerald eyes, asking: -Well... Now you don't shout!?- MUHAHAHA The usual evil laughter rumbles in her brain, dazing her, as her tormentor reassures her: -Don't worry... You'll have ALL the TIME in the world to SCREAM!- He emphasizes those three words, carving them into his victim's mind. He grabs the girl with force, pushing her arms and legs into the deformed rock. Samus remains still, motionless, like a porcelain doll. If she moved, her skin would be torn by the sharp stones, promptly placed at her vital points. If she died, she would be resurrected. An endless torture! She reasons to herself, repeating that sentence in her mind, like a dogma to be assimilated. The last tear runs down her face. A total anguish devours her soul. Inthemeantime,Ridleycarefullyexaminesthepose,inwhichhehasplacedhisnew inflatable doll: it's not exactly to his liking! He pulls the little one's lower limbs out of the wall, leaving them dangling. The reptile squeezes the vulnerable clitoris of that cute little girl, who moans. That sweet sound drives the alien crazy, now eager to penetrate that pussy. Lickingherfeet,heflexesherkneesbackwards,againsthertummy,spreadingherlegs apart and pushing her little feet into the bare cold rock. Awickedgruntescapesfromthatpredator'sbeak.Thepreyistooyoungtounderstandwhat is about to happen to her. He trusts in her innocence! The little girl's genitals are free now and ready to be violated by that giant alien cock. Ridley'sforeskinbeginstotremble,almostconvulsively,ashepreparestopenetrateSamus, horrifiedandfascinatedbythatgiantbarbedtoolinfrontof"hersecretgarden,"asher mother used to call it. Without knowing why, she blushes. Thosesmartexpressions,betweenpurityanddesire,arousethathungrypredatoreven more. The tip of his dick tickles the girl's clitoris, making her moan and laugh simultaneously. We'll see if you're still laughing, little whore! Thatgiantthinkstohimselfgrinning,ashisglansdescendsdownwards,gettingdangerously close to that little slit. Withoutsayingaword,Ridleyslowlypusheshishugecockintothatsmallpussy,asSamus screams NOOOOO!!!! Thelittlegirlstrugglesmoreandmore,worseninghersituation:insteadoffreeingherself from that THING, she feels it overbearingly entering her, causing her immense pain. Meanwhile, the reptile enjoys hearing his prey's cries: -Youscreamallyouwant,littlebitch!Samus'sshaftwillkeepopeningyoulikeaflower!-He sneerscruelly,ashepushesharder,breakingthatthinfilament,whichuntilnowwas blocking the entrance for his dick. A trickle of blood marks the end of her childhood. It'sthemomentwhenthepredatorbeginstomovedeeperanddeeperbetweenherthighs, among moans and screams. Ridleyplaceshismightyhandsonhisprey'sknees,sinkinghistrunkintohercervix,untilhe reaches her uterus. Thatsuddenmovementcausesastrangesensationinhisvictim,squirtingonthemonster's chest, who mutters something understandable, before cuming into her. Samusscreams,writhinginpain,feelingsomethinghotexplodeinsideherandswellher belly out of all proportion. Amidstcopioustears,thecruelalienpullshisgiantflaccidcockoutfromthatterrifiedlittle girl's violated womb, completely full of his seed, as he reveals her fate: -This will happen every day, from now on, for the rest of your life!- MUHAHAHAH THE END |
-Seisicurochenessunotiabbiavisto, vero?-unavocefemminilerisuona, all'interno di una stanza d'albergo. -Nontipreoccupare,bambola!-risponde unagiovanilevocemaschile,profonda ma calda. Unragazzosui18anniconunastrana bandanaintestaraffiguranteunteschio edeivestitidarapper,haseguitoilsuo capofinoaquell'albergo.Poi,haatteso cheentrassenellastanzaD15.Decide diusciredalsuonascondiglio,dadietro lemacchinettedelciboedellebevande, esiavvicinaaquellaporta,perorigliare. Si guarda intorno: non un'anima in giro! Tutto è così sospetto! Digrigna i denti. ÉcertocheilCapobandadelTeam Skull stia facendo il doppio gioco. Sentedeisospiridietroaquellaporta. Incuriosito,accostal'orecchiopersentire meglio: parole, gemiti e sussurri… Noncredosihaunincontroper sciorinareinostripiani…Pensa,mentre scriveunmessaggioperSamina,capo dellaFondazioneÆther,cheormaiè alleata alla banda di disadattati. Larispostadellaragazzamalvagiaè semplice:osservareognimovimentodel suocapoGuzmán.Sospiraedaccetta l'incarico. Un altro gemito. Stuzzicatalasuacuriosità,avvicinauno deisuoiocchiazzurriallaserraturaed osserva.Sistupiscenelvederecheil suocaposiainstanzaconla concorrenza.GrugnisceedunCAZZO! lascia le sue labbra. Siportaunamanoallabocca, mordendosiillabbroinferiore, preoccupato di essere scoperto. Perunattimo,isuoniall'internodella stanzasifermano.Perriprenderequasi subito dopo. Sospira. Siavvicinaancoraedosservameglioda quel piccolo buco. Ilsuoprimopensieroeratradimentoed eraprontoaspalancarelaportae lottare, ma… Un altro gemito. Ilragazzosiappiccicaallaserratura, come un moscone al parabrezza. Ed osserva. Attentamente. Unaragazzadaicapellilunghicolordel fuocoèdifronteadunragazzodai candidicapelliscompigliati:ilsuocapo. Duepiccoleescrescenzefuoriescono dallasuachioma:Orecchiedagatto!?E hapureunacoda!!Pensafraséla recluta. Continua ad indagare. Sulcomodino,difiancoalletto,notagli occhialielamedagliadoratidelsuo capo,mentreilgiubbottoneroebianco èperterra,comesefossestato lanciato. VedeGuzmánaccarezzarelaspalla dellaragazza,aiutandolaatogliersila felpa.Ilragazzostrabuzzagliocchi: Aspetta…Nonstarannomica… Pensafrasé,ghignandocomeunpazzo e portando una mano nelle mutande. Si fa più curioso ed interessato. Iniziaamasturbarsi,mentreosserva tuttociòstaaccadendoinquellastanza tra quei due ignari dello spettatore. -Uhm…Mya..-Ungemitorocolasciale labbradiGuzmán,mentreaccarezzail collodellagiovaneriempiendolodibaci. Unsospiroinvadelaragazza,cheinizia a prendere fuoco fra le cosce. Idueamantisibaciano appassionatamente,intrecciandoleloro lingueinunadanzatribale.Leloro bocchesonoavidediassaporareipropri corpi. Leiarrossisceeluileaccarezzaquelle goterosee.Lebaciailnasino,poile guance, quindi le labbra. Lentamente,Guzmánsbottonala maglietta della ragazza-gatto. Geme e ha brividi di piacere. -Guzmán….Uhmm..-Lasuacoscienza èflebile,tormentatadaquelle meravigliosesensazioni.Nonèaltroche unamarionettatralemanisapientidi quel bel burattinaio. Eglicontinuaasbottonarelacamicetta dellasuacompagna,sfiorandoleiseni turgidi.Leigemeedallungaunamano suijeansdilui.Gliaccarezzaquel rigonfiamento,cheminacciadirompere pantaloni e boxer. Myasorrideesiperdenegliocchidi Guzmán, che le sussurra: -Sei davvero una micina vogliosa..- Aquelleparolelaragazzanoncapisce più nulla! Gettasullettoilsuoamanteelomonta. Inizialmentesorpreso,ilragazzoè intrigatodaquelladominanzaistintiva. LeiglitoglielaT-shirt.Lobaciaelo buttanuovamentesulletto.Luisi distende,portandolebracciadietrola testa. Ed osserva lei. Myagattonafinoalpettomuscolosodel suocompagno,facendolefusae mordicchiandogliicapezzoli.Guzmán gemedipiacere.L'eccitazioneèal massimo! Aduntratto,lagattinasaltagiùdalletto, con enorme sorpresa del ragazzo. Loosservaesorride.Glidivaricale gambe,semprefissandoloinquegli occhiprofondi.Glileccailrigonfiamento deipantaloni,sbottonandoijeansconi denti.Conunafuriaanimale,leva pantalonieboxer,rivelandol'enorme gelato,chenonvedel'oradiessere mangiato! -Nonpensavofossicosì…-Guzmánnon riesceatrovareleparolegiuste: Dominante,porca,animale!Pensafra sé. Sono tutte corrette, ma… Primachepossaterminarelafrase,Mya gliprendeilmembroinboccaeluiperde ogni cognizione del chi, cosa o dove… Lasuacompagnadigiochiiniziaa leccarlolentamente,giocandoconla linguaall'internodiquelpiccolobuchino. Luigeme,aggrappandosiallecoperte. Leigiralalinguasulprepuzio, assaporandoalcunegoccedi eccitazione,propriocomeibordidiun gelatocherischiadisciogliersi.Lasua linguacontinuaapercorrerequelgrosso fallopertuttalasualunghezza, soffermandosiognitantoper assaporarlo. Unaltrosospirod'estasi,primache Guzmán la fermi: -Aspetta!-Luiansimaeleiloguarda, scioccata:Stavofacendoqualcosadi sbagliato!?Pensalei,quasiconle lacrimeagliocchi.Luilaintimadi sedersiaccanto.Leiabbassalatestae si accosta a lui. Guzmánleprendegentilmenteilmento e lo alza: -Vogliochecimangiamoinsieme.Voglio sentirtivenirenellamiabocca. Assaporarti per ore…- Leiarrossisce,mentreluilabacia appassionatamente,abbassandolei pantaloni.Myasiaggrappaallesponde delletto.Uncaldoumidoiniziaa formarsi fra le sue cosce. Delicatamente,Guzmánfadanzarela suamanonellemutandinedilei, esplorandoquell'umidoecaldoanfratto. Leigeme,inumidendoancordipiù quell'apertura,semprepiùvogliosa.Le infilaundito,peresaminarequella fessura: -Uhmm..Quantoseifradicia!-Le sussurraall'orecchio-Enonhoancora iniziato!- Allafine,letoglieanchequelpezzodi tessuto,cheseparavailorocorpi affamati.Leisiaggrappaallespalledi lui.Troppoinebetitadaglispasmidi piacere,chepercorronoilsuocorpo seminudo.Luilesorrideesidistende sul letto. Si masturba, mentre la invita. Senzaperderealtrotempo,Guzmánla fasistemaresopradisé,dispalle.Leisi lasciaguidare,benconsciadiciòche l'aspetta.Leposizionailbelculotondo sullasuafaccia,sprofondandocidentro. Annusaegeme.Lacodinadagattagli scompigliaancordipiùicapelli.Lui sorride, ammaliato. Myasiallungasulcorpomuscolosodel suocompagno,afferrandogliilcazzotra lemanidelicate.Unbrividodipiacere lungolaschienadilui,mentrela ragazza-gatto inizia a fare le fusa. Entrambigliamantiaccostanoleloro labbrainqueigiardinisegreti,rigogliosi diforestedallefronderossofuocoeda un'enormesequoia.Sonoprontiad esplorarequeiluoghiperore,primadi doversi congedare per sempre… Myariprendedadovesierafermata: rimetteilcazzodelsuoamatoinbocca, accarezzandolo,mentreglimassaggia le palle con la mano libera. Intanto,Guzmándivaricalecoscedella suaamata,annusandoedassaporando gliumoridientrambiisuoiorifizi.Lei geme,succhiandoavidamenteilsuo cazzo.Luiiniziaadesplorarequei fecondiedincontaminatiluoghi.Bussa gentilmenteallaporta,aprendolacome unfiore,congliindicidientrambele mani.Massaggiaquelpiccolobottoncino con i pollici. Torturandolo di piacere. Adognimassaggiodelclitoride,Mya affondalavirilitàdelsuoamantenella suaboccaaccogliente,inebriandosidel suo sapore leggermente salato. Guzmángeme,sentendoilsuofallo penetrarequellamorbidacavitàe,asua volta,approfondiscelaconoscenzadi quellafighettavogliosa.Concalma,la sualinguagiocasulclitoridedellasua amata, che geme senza sosta. Ilritmodelpompinoaumenta,cosìcome gli affondi di lingua. Iduecorpivibranodieccitazione,ignari dellospettacolochestannodandoallo spione, che continua a masturbarsi. LastanzaD15èinondatadagemitie sospiri,mentrelebocchedeidueamanti si riempiono del sapore dei loro umori. Guzmánsolleticailclitoridedellasua amata,mentresprofondalapropria linguanellavaginadilei,facendola danzaredentroefuori.Annusaed assaporaancheilpiccoloanoroseo. Inserisceleggermenteleditanella fighettavogliosadilei,ruotandoleed usandolecomeundildo,mentresi prendecuradelclitoride,succhiandolo avidamente.Ilbottoncinodipiacere vibrasottolesuepapille,chesicolmano delsuonettaredelizioso.Massaggi circolarisonoeffettuatiinmodo magistrale,portandosemprepiùl'amata alla sua climax. Intanto,Myaprendefiato.Ilmembrodel suocompagnoèpiùgrossodiquelche siaspettasse.Lotogliecautamente dallaboccaecigiocaconlemani, accarezzandolocomeunbambino.Lo mettefrailsuoseno,abbastanza grandedariempireunacoppadi champagne,elocullaperunpaiodi minuti,continuandoasucchiarela cappella.Ilfallovibraelevenepulsano. Conlasualingua,afferraquell'ambrosia solitariaelaassapora.Nonvedel'oradi berla fino all'ultima goccia! Entrambigliamantihannooramai raggiuntoilculminedelpiaceree minacciano di esplodere. Tuttavia, non sono ancora sazi! Myamordicchialeggermentelazonapiù sensibiledelglande,leccandoilmembro intuttalasualunghezza,finoa raggiungereitesticoli.Unaaduna, leccaesucchiaentrambelepalledel suoamato.Leaccarezzaesenteche sonopienedelfluidovitale,cheagonia da ore! Guzmángemedipiacereepenetrala fighettaconditaelingua,sempre accarezzandoquelbottoncino.Lasua partnersospiraegocciolinedisudore, misteaisuoiumori,simescolanonella sua bocca. Infine,Myasiimpadroniscedelfallodel suoamato,cheleoccupatotalmentela bocca,finoasentirnelapuntaingola. Intanto,Guzmánsprofondaconbuona partedelsuovoltoinquellagrottadi piacere,chegliinumidisceilviso. Entrambigliamantileccanoesucchiano senza sosta i genitali del partner. Gemiti,piùvigorosideglialtri,lasciano lebocche,ormaicolmedeifluididi piacere dei due amanti. Senzapiùalcunfrenooimbarazzo,i duegiovaniperdonoilcontrollodel propriocorpo,succubidelpiacere,ed esplodono nelle rispettive bocche. Assetatidall'euforiaedavididinutrirsidi queifluididivini,sorseggianoildolce nettare della loro lussuria. Myaingoiafinoall'ultimagocciailsalato sperma,cheleinondatuttalagola. Arrossisce,mentreilsuostomaco accogliequelgustosoespeziatoliquore. Nelfrattempo,Guzmánsucchia avidamenteilclitoridedellasuapartner, che squirta nella sua bocca. Godonoentrambinelgustareisucchi delloropiacere,tenendoliinboccaper un paio di minuti, prima di ingoiare. -Saràunbelricordodaportareconme, micina- Sorridono. Soddisfatti,leccanoigenitalidel rispettivopartner,pulendolidagliultimi schizzidigoduria,primadifareun bagno.Entrambigliamantispariscono perunabuonaora.Sisentonosolo gemitidipiacere,chefanno comprendereallospettatoredel secondo round. Intanto,anchelospioneècontentodella premièreesipulisceconunfazzoletto, gettandololìvicino.Sialzaesiriveste. Decidediabbandonarelamissione, messaggiandoSamina:Erain compagniadiunatipa.Nessuna risposta.Megliocosì!Pensafrasé, lasciando il corridoio, senza esser visto. Nelfrattempo,idueamantiappagatisi rivestono,benconsapevolicheilloroè un amore impossibile! Unasensazionedimalinconiaaleggiain quellastanza,incuièavvenuto qualcosad'impensabile:unaPokémon TrainereilCapodelTeamSkull,due nemiciamanti.Siosservanoperun istante.Siaccarezzanoperl'ultima volta, prima di congedarsi: -Guzmán...Èstatostupendo!-Sospira, quasi con le lacrime agli occhi. -Mia gattina, farò tesoro di queste ore!- Unultimobaciosuggellaquelpatto d'amore, per sempre. DRIIIIN DRIIIIIIN DRIIIIIIIINNNN Unasvegliasuuncomodino impazzisce.Soffiando,unaragazzala spegne. Conicapelliarruffatisialzadalletto, ancoramezzaaddormentata.Si osserva. Si guarda intorno. È sola, nella sua camera da letto. -Erasolounsogno..Chepeccato!- Mormorafrasé.Ancoraebbradiquella visione,sidistendesulletto, accarezzandoquellapiccolafessura, totalmente umida di piacere… LA FINE |
-You'resurenoonesawyou,right?-A femalevoiceechoesinsideahotel room. -Don'tworry,sweetheart!-Ayoungdeep male voice answers, with a lovely scent. An18-year-oldboywithastrangeskull bandanaonhisheadandrapperclothes followedhisbosstothathotel.Then,he waitedforhimtoentertheroomD15. Hedecidestocomeoutofhishiding place,frombehindthefoodanddrink machines,andapproachesthatdoor,to eavesdrop.Helooksaround:notasoul around! He snorts. Everythingissosuspicious!Hegrinds his teeth. He'scertaintheringleaderofTeamSkull is playing a double game. Hehearsstrangesighsbehindthedoor. Intrigued,heplaceshisearcloserto hearbetter:sweetwords,moansand whispers... Idon'tthinktheyhaveameetingto discussourplans...Hethinks,ashe writesamessagetoSamina,headof theÆtherFoundation,whoisnowallied to the band of misfits. Theanswertakesabittoarrive.Heis still hearing. Thecruelgirl'sanswerissimple: observingthebossGuzmán'severy move.Hesighsandacceptsthe mission. Another moaning. Hiscuriositypiqued,bringingoneofhis blueeyesclosetothelock,andhe watches.He'ssurprisedtoseethathis bossisintheroomwiththecompetition. He grunts and a FUCK! leaves his lips. Hebringsahandtohismouth,bitinghis lower lip, worried about being found out. Foramoment,thesoundsinsidethe roomstop.Onlytoresumealmost immediately afterwards. He sighs. Hemovescloserandlooksbetter through the small keyhole. Hisfirstthoughtwasbetrayalandhe wasreadytothrowopenthedoorand fight, but... Another groan. Theboystickstothelock,likeaflyto the windscreen. And he watches. Carefully. Agirlwithlongfire-colouredhairis standinginfrontofaboywithwhite shaggyhair:hisboss.Twosmall trianglesarestickingoutofherhair:Cat ears!Andshehasatail,too!Therecruit thinkstohimself.Hecontinuesto investigate, pretty interested. Onthebedsidetable,henoticeshis boss'sgoldglassesandnecklace,while theblackandwhitejacketislayingon the floor, as if it had been thrown. HeseesGuzmáncaressingthegirl's shoulder,helpinghertotakeoffher sweatshirt.Theboysquints:Wait... They'renotgoingto...Heponders, grinningandplacinghishanddown,in his pants. Hebecomesmorecuriousand interested.Hebeginstomasturbate,as heobserveseverythingthatis happeninginthatroom,betweenthose two unsuspecting actors. -Uhm…Mya..-Ahoarsemoanleaves Guzmán'slips,ashecaressesthe youngwoman'sneck,fillingitwith kisses.Asighinvadesthegirl'sbody.A fire begins to burn between her thighs. Thetwoloverskisspassionately, entwiningtheirtonguesinatribaldance. Theirmouthsareeagertotasteeach other's bodies. Sheblushesandhecaressesherrosy cheeks.Hekissesherlittlenose,then her cheeks, then her lips. Slowly,Guzmánunbuttonsthecatgirl's shirt. She moans and shivers with pleasure. -Guzmán….Uhmm..-Soonher consciousnessisstartingtofade, tormentedbythosewonderfulfeelings. Sheisnothingmorethanapuppetinthe skilfulhandsofthathandsome puppeteer. Hecontinuestounbuttonhislover's blouse,touchingherturgidbreasts.She moansandstretchesoutahandover hisjeans.Shecaresseshisbulge,which threatenstobreakhistrousersand boxers. MyasmilesandgetslostinGuzmán's eyes, who whispers to her: -You really are a lustful kitty... - Atthosewordsthegirldoesn't understand anything, anymore! Shethrowsherloveronthebedand mountshim.Initiallysurprised,theboyis intriguedbythisinstinctivedominance. ShetakesoffherT-shirt.Shekisseshim andthrowshimbackonthebed.He stretchesout,bringinghisarmsbehind his head. And watches her. Myacrawlsuptoherpartner'smuscular chest,purringandnibblingonhis nipples.Guzmánmoanswithpleasure. The excitement is at its peak! Suddenly,thekittenjumpsoutofbed,to the boy's enormous surprise. Shelooksathimandsmiles.She spreadshislegs,stillstaringintothose deepeyes.Shelicksthebulgeinhis trousers,unbuttoninghisjeanswithher teeth.Withananimalfury,sheremoves histrousersandboxers,revealingthe hugelollipop,whichcan'twaittobe eaten! -Ididn'tthinkyouwereso...-Guzmán can'tfindtherightwords:Dominant, slutty,animal!Hethinkstohimself.They areallcorrect,but…Beforehecan finishhissentence,Myatakeshiscock inhermouthandhelosesallknowledge of who, what or where...Hisplaymatestartstolickhimslowly, playingwithhertongueinsidethatlittle hole.Hemoans,clingingtothecovers. Sherunshertongueoverhisforeskin, tastingafewdropsofexcitement,just liketheedgesofanicecreamthatisin dangerofmelting.Hertonguecontinues totravelalongthelengthofthatbig lollipop,pausingeverynowandthento savour it. Anothersighofecstasy,beforeGuzmán stops her: -Wait!-Hegaspsandshelooksathim, shocked:WasIdoingsomething wrong!?Shethinks,almostwithtearsin hereyes.Hemotionshertositnextto him.Shelowersherheadand approaches him. Guzmángentlytakesherchinand raises it: -Iwantustoeatourbodiestogether.I wanttofeelyournectarinmymouth. Savouryouforhours...-Sheblushesas hekissesherpassionately,loweringher trousers.Myaclingstotheedgeofthe bed.Awarmwetnessbeginstoform between her thighs. Gently,Guzmándanceshishandinto herpanties,exploringthatwetwarm ravine.Shemoans,moisteningthat openingevenmore,wantingmore.He slips a finger in it, examining her pussy: -Uhmm...Howwetyouare!-He whispersinherear-AndIhaven'teven started yet!- Finally,hetakesawaythatpieceof fabric,whichseparatedtheirloving bodies.Sheclingstohisshoulders.Too intoxicatedbythespasmsofpleasure thatrunthroughherhalf-nakedbody.He smilesatherandstretchesoutonthe bed. He masturbates, as he invites her. Withoutwastinganymoretime,Guzmán hasherplacedontopofhim,withher backtohim.Sheletsherselfbeguided, wellawareofwhatawaitsher.Heplaces herbeautifulroundassonhisface, sinkingintoit.Hesniffsandmoans.The cat'stailmusseshishairevenmore.He smiles, entranced. Myareachesoverherpartner's muscularbody,grabbinghiscockinher delicatehands.Ashiverofpleasure runsdownhisspine,asthecat-girl begins to purr. Bothloversputtheirlipstogetherin thosesecretgardens,lushwithforests offieryredfoliageandahugeredwood tree.Theyarereadytoexplorethose placesforhours,beforetheyhaveto say goodbye forever... Myapicksupwheresheleftoff:sheputs herlover'scockbackinhermouth, caressingit,asshemassageshisballs with her free hand. Shewagshertailhappily,asshegoes deeperwithherblowjob.Herpartner moans. Meanwhile,Guzmánspreadshislover's thighs,smellingandtastingthehumours ofbothherorifices.Shemoans,sucking greedilyonhiscock.Hebeginsto explorethosefertilepristineplaces.He knocksgentlyonthedoor,openingitlike aflower,withtheindexfingersofboth hands.Hemassagesthatlittlebutton withhisthumbs.Torturingitwith pleasure. Witheachmassageonherclitoris,Mya sinksherlover'smanhoodintoher welcomingmouth,intoxicatingherself with its slightly salty taste. Guzmánmoans,feelinghiscock penetratethatsoftcavityand,inturn, deepenshisknowledgeofthatwilling pussy.Calmly,histongueplaysonthe clitorisofhisbeloved,whomoans incessantly. Therhythmoftheblowjobincreases,as do the lunges of his tongue. Thetwobodiesvibratewithexcitement, unawareofthespectacletheyaregiving to the spy, who continues to masturbate. RoomD15isfloodedwithmoansand sighs,asthemouthsofthetwolovers are filled with their fluids' taste. Guzmántickleshislover'sclitorisashe plungeshistongueintohervagina, makingitdanceinandout.Healso sniffsandsavoursthesmallpinkanus. Helightlyinsertshisfingersintoher eagerpussy,twistingandusingthem likeadildoashetendstoherclit, suckingitgreedily.Thelittlebuttonof pleasurevibratesunderhistastebuds, whicharefilledwithherdeliciousnectar. Circularmassagesarecarriedoutina masterlymanner,bringingherloverever closer to her climax. Meanwhile,Myacatchesherbreath.Her partner'smemberisbiggerthanshe expected.Shecarefullytakesitoutof hermouthandplayswithitwithher hands,caressingitlikeachild.She placesitbetweenherbreasts,big enoughtofillachampagneglass,and cradlesitforacoupleofminutes, continuingtosuckthehead.Thecock vibratesandtheveinsthrob.Withher tongue,shegrabsthatlonelyambrosia andsavoursit.Shecan'twaittodrink every last drop! Bothlovershavenowreachedthepeak oftheirpleasureandarethreateningto explode.However, they are not yet satisfied! Myalightlybitesthemostsensitivearea oftheglans,lickingthememberalong itsentirelength,untilshereachesthe testicles.Onebyone,shelicksand sucksbothofherlover'sballs.She caressesthemandfeelsthattheyare fullofthevitalfluid,whatshewantedfor hours! Guzmánmoanswithpleasureand penetratesherpussywithfingersand tongue,alwayscaressingherlittleclit. Hispartnersighsanddropsofsweat, mixedwithherhumours,mingleinhis mouth.Finally,Myatakesholdofherlover's cock,whichoccupieshermouth completely,untilshefeelsthetipofitin herthroat.Meanwhile,Guzmánsinksa goodpartofhisfaceintothiscaveof pleasure,whichmoistenshisface.Both loversrelentlesslylickandsucktheir partner's genitals. Moans,morevigorousthantheothers, leavethemouths,nowfilledwiththe fluidsofpleasureofbothlovers.Withno morerestraintorembarrassment,the twoloverslosecontroloftheirbodies, succumbingtothepleasure,and explode into each other's mouths. Thirstywitheuphoriaandeagertofeed onthosedivinefluids,theysipthesweet nectar of their lust. Myaswallowseverylastdropofthe saltycum,whichfloodsherthroat.She blushesasherstomachtakesinthe tastyspicyliquor.Meanwhile,Guzmán greedilysuckshispartner'sclitoris, which squirts into his mouth. Theybothenjoytastingthejuicesof theirpleasure,holdingthemintheir mouthsforacoupleofminutesbefore swallowing. -Thiswillbeanicememorytotakewith me, kitten!- They smile. Satisfied,theylicktheirrespective partner'sgenitals,cleaningthemofthe lastsquirtsofpleasure,beforetakinga bath.Bothloversdisappearforagood hour.Allthatcanbeheardaremoansof pleasure,whichmakethespectator understand the second round. Inthemeantime,thespyisalsopleased withthepremiereandwipeshimselfwith ahandkerchief,throwingitnearby.He getsupandputshisclothesbackon.He decidestoabandonthemission,texting Samina:Hewasinthecompanyofa girl.Noreply.Justaswell!Hethinksto himself,leavingthecorridorwithout being seen. Inthemeantime,thetwosatisfiedlovers puttheirclothesbackon,wellaware that theirs is an impossible love! Afeelingofmelancholyhoversinthat room,wheresomethingunthinkablehas happened:aPokémonTrainerandthe HeadofTeamSkull,twoenemylovers. Theyobserveeachotherforamoment. Theycaresseachotherforthelasttime, before taking their leave: -Guzmán...Thatwaswonderful!-He sighs, almost with tears in his eyes. -My kitten, I will treasure these hours!- Onelastkisssealsthatpactoflove, forever. DRIIIIN DRIIIIIIN DRIIIIIIIINNNN Analarmclockonabedsidetablegoes crazy. Blowing, a girl turns it off. Withruffledhair,shegetsoutofbed,still halfasleep.Sheobservesherself.She looks around. She is alone in her bedroom. -Itwasonlyadream.Whatashame!- shemurmurstoherself.Stillintoxicated bythisvision,shestretchesoutonthe bed,caressingthatlittleslit,totallywet with pleasure... THE END |
...Sangue esige altro sangue… Penso, ricordando i giorni assieme al mio branco. -Vi vendicherò!- Giuro a denti stretti. Ildoloreècosìfortecheitreframmentidellasfera,chepossiedononelmiocorpo,mistanno facendo impazzire. Cadoaterramoribondo,continuandoapensareaquegliumani,chehannodistruttotuttoil mio clan, senza una ragione apparente. Noaspetta...hannodettochesiamodei...mostri!Riflettoaquelleparole,mentrelacrime amare scendono sul mio viso emaciato, segnato da sofferenzae rabbia. Sonoormaigiornichevagosenzameta,incercadiquegliassassini.Tuttavia,nonho ancora fiutato nessuna traccia di loro. -Quei bastardi si nascondono bene!- Ghigno della mia sorte beffarda. Il braccio destro e le gambe bruciano, ma non sonoin fiamme. Il mio stomaco brontola, quasi minacciando di autodivorarsi. Le labbra screpolate e la gola secca. Ho fame e sete. La vista mi si annebbia. Non posso morire... Non così! E non prima di averliVendicati! Perdo conoscenza. Una voce mi chiama in questa oscurità. Mi avvicino: una luce. La tocco. Il dolore si fa più intenso, quasi insopportabile. Mi aggrappo alla mia vendetta. La luce mi abbaglia. Apro gli occhi. Intornoame,icolorisonopiùvivididiprima.Annusol'ariaemiaccorgodiogniminimo profumo. Percepisco persino il più piccolo fruscio,in lontananza. Mi stupisco. Tossisco. Mi porta la mano alla bocca. Del sangue nero… Mi sbalordisco non solo per quel colore ma anche… -Le mie mani!?- Esclamo in una voce più gutturale,che non sembra appartenermi. Osservomeglioilmiocorpo:maniepiedisonozampe,lemieorecchiesonocomequelledi un lupo, ho una coda e persino delle zanne… -È ovvio…- Lo dico come se fosse normale... Scuoto la testa. È pesante. -Uhm… Ho un'emicrania pazzesca…- Mi massaggio le tempie. I frammenti devono aver indotto una qualche mutazione. Mialzo.Sentolemiezampebenpiantateaterra,conartigliaffilatichenesquarcianoil terreno. Stranamente, mi sento leggero. Mi sento rinvigorito. Percepisco ogni muscolo e sono più possenti di prima.Ad un tratto, fiuto un odore familiare: -Finalmente!- Il mio naso ha captato il puzzo di quei mortali. Degliassassini. Corro il più velocemente possibile. Mistupisconelritrovarmiaquattrozampe,sfrecciandoinmezzoaglialberi,seguendolamia pista. La foresta finisce e mi trovo ai confini con un villaggiodi… -...Fattori!- Esclamo,mentreosservoquegliumani,indaffaratiamuoversiintutteledirezionielavorare nei campi. Alzo lo sguardo: presto il sole calerà. -E sarà allora che questo lupo cattivo si sfameràcon le vostre carni…- Sogghigno e aspetto in una grotta lì vicino. Sbadiglio e mi stiracchio, ancora assonnato. Apro i miei occhi azzurro cielo. Il fioco bagliore della luna accarezza il mio viso. Sorrido e penso:È giunta la vostra ora, infami! Il mio ventre vuoto brontola, già pregustando il saporedi quegli umani. -Nessuna vendetta sarà mai così dolce come questa!- Esulto, mentre avanzo veloce verso il villaggio difattori. -Nessuno di voi sarà risparmiato!- Mi prometto, fermandomi al confine con la foresta. Occhio per occhio.. Penso fra me, annuendo. Miintrufolonelvillaggio:nonun'animaingiro!Tuttidormonotranquilli,grugnendocomei maiali che sono. Nessuno si immagina che questo sarà l'ultimo giornodella sua miserabile vita! Ilmioventreèinsubbuglio:habencompresocheabreveloriempiròconottimacarne umana. Un ghigno beffardo si installa sul mio viso. Disoppiatto,miavvicinoallacasapiùgrande,l'unicaaduepiani:probabilmenteèdelloro capo. Con cautela spalanco la porta. Difronteame,unascalainlegnomassiccioportaalsecondopianodell'abitazione.Per prima cosa, perlustro le tre stanze del primo livello. Nessuno in giro. Un ronfare beato proviene da sopra. Salgolentamentelascalinata,cercandodinonfarrumore,esaltogliultimitregradini, impaziente. Orecchie e naso mi trascinano davanti ad una portain ebano intagliato. Laspalancobrutalmenteemifiondosullamiapreda,cheurlaparolesenzasenso.Non ascolto. Non capisco più nulla. Voglio solo vendetta… Sangue esige altro sangue. Lo ripeto tra me, come un mantra. Conlamiapelosazampaserrolaboccadiquell'idiota:lemieorecchieorasonodiventate sensibile ai rumori forti e, comunque, non voglioche gli altri lo sentano.Drizzo le orecchie ed ascolto meglio. Fortunatamente,queiporcidormonocomeghiri.Gioiscodellamiafortuna,guardandonegli occhi quello stronzo. Lacrime di rabbia e paura sgorgano a frotte dai suoiocchi ambrati. Spalanco le mie fauci a dismisura, sopra la testadella mia preda. Mifermoperunistante.Osservoilmioriflessonegliocchiterrorizzatidiquell'uomo:nonmi riconosco! Mostro… Assassino… Penso tra me: non so più chi lo sia tra noi due… Perun attimo ci ripenso. Sono sul punto di abbandonare la mia vendetta, quandola mia lingua mi tradisce: -Nonabbiamomaifattonulladimale...Cisiamosempretenutilontanidavoiumani. Vivevamo in pace! Quindi... Perché attaccarci?- Iltiziomugugna.Tolgolamiazampadallasuabocca.Prendefiatoepoimiguardaconocchi pieni di odio. Mi sputa in faccia, urlando la sua verità: -Perqualemotivomelochiedi,bestia!?Nonhaigiàdecisocosafaredime!?Perché indugiare!?- Ansimo, cercando di trattenere la furia in me. L'umanocontinua: -Latuaschifosarazzanonmeritavadivivere!Manontivedi!?Seiunoscherzodella natura... Un mostro!- Digrigno le zanne a quelle parole. -Sono davvero IO il nostro!?- Inveisco contro di lui, graffiandogli quel muso schifoso. Non un fiato. Non un urlo. Non un'imprecazione. Niente. Mi guarda fisso, pieno di odio. Poi, ride. Un folle… -Uccidimi,bastardo!Imieiconcittadinitifarannoapezzi..Edellatuamiserabilespecienon rimarrà che un ricordo!- La folle risata continua. Mi innervosisco. Il suo disprezzo è intossicante! Ringhio, come la bestia che LUI vuole che IO sia.Lo accontento. Spalanco nuovamente le mie fauci, a dismisura. Questavolta non esito. Non mi fermo. Come il lupo cattivo delle loro fiabe, ingoio quell'essereinfame ancora vivo. Si dimena come una serpe, all'interno della mia pancia,imprecando come un dannato. -È inutile che ti agiti così tanto! Non uscirai daqui, se non in un modo!- Ghigno. L'umano continua a scalciare. Mi irrita. Colpisco il mio ventre gonfio. Propriolì, dove vedo i contorni del suo muso. -Taci, mostro!- Grido con rabbia. La preda si agita un'altra volta. Sbuffo, annoiato. Assesto un pugno forte al suo grugno.Tutto tace. -Finalmente!- Ridacchio. Mi stendo sul suo letto soffice, massaggiandomi ilpancione. Un sonoro rutto rimbomba nella stanza. L'umano mezzo digerito si lamenta. Devo farlo soffrire ancora di più… Ma come!? Pensoframe,guardandofuoridallafinestra.Ghignoedinizioaspiegarelasortedeglialtri abitanti. Percepisco un NO, TI PREGO molto soffuso. Poi, ilnulla. -Occhio per occhio, dente per dente! Così Come avete ucciso ogni membro del mio branco,così farò io!- Accarezzo il mio stomaco, che gorgoglia senza tregua. -E così… Diventeranno parte integrante di noi… Untutt'uno con chi odiano!- Coccoloilmioventreabnorme,chemugolacomeuncuccioloaffamato,quasicapendociò che gli ho promesso: -Una bella punizione, non trovi!?- Unvigorosobrontolioscuotelemieviscere.Icontornidellamiapredasifannosemprepiù sfuocati. Osservo meglio: le mie rotondità iniziano ad assorbirsi. La trasformazione deve avere accelerato il mio metabolismo… Penso fra me, sorridendo. In meno di una decina di minuti, l'umano è stato completamentedigerito ed assorbito. Noto con piacere che ho un po' di pancetta ed un sederepiù grosso di prima. Mieccito.Ancheilmiostomacoècontentoebrontolasoddisfatto:nonvedel'oradiessere riempito di nuovo! Sghignazzo, mentre mi avvio verso il mio prossimopasto... Entrodicasaincasa,divorandoogniumanochetrovo.Nonmifermanemmenolamia pancia smisurata. I miei vestiti si rompono, ogni volta che il pancione cresce sempre più. Strappo le ultime strisce di tessuto. Mi stiracchio e proseguo il banchetto. Ingoio chiunque sul mio cammino, ma… Dove sono le loro compagne? Mi domando sconcertato. Non ho ancora trovato nessuna donna, solo uomini.Non c'erano nemmeno dei bambini! Strano… Mi dico fra me, ma continuo imperterrito. Mifermosoloditantointanto,perappisolarmiperqualcheminuto,primadiriprenderela mia dolce vendetta. Ognitanto percuoto il mio pancione enorme. Rutto digusto. Procedo con la prossima casa. Con mio vivo stupore, noto due bambini:Non devonoessere più grandi di Shippo. Penso fra me tristemente, ricordando il mio piccoloamico. Ipiccolidormonotranquilli,ignaridellalorofine,firmatadallorostessopadreconilsangue del mio branco! Se ci sono cuccioli, ci sarà anche una madre! Rifletto, mentre fiuto in giro. Tuttavia, non percepisco nessuna presenza femminilenell'abitazione. Poco importa… Non cambia nulla! Mi incammino nella stanza più grande, dove dorme illoro padre. Lo scaravento giù dal letto e lo trascino in cameradei suoi figli. I pargoli si sono svegliati a causa delle urla.PAPÀ!!!! Si abbracciano tra loro, mentre io divoro quell'esseredavanti ai loro occhi. Quasi mi spiace per loro… Penso fra me, mentre sto inghiottendo il loro genitore,che implora pietà per i suoi figlioli. Ghigno e me ne frego di lamenti o suppliche. PAPÀ!!!! Urlano di nuovo, additandomi come… MOSTRO!! -Il mostro è vostro padre! Con i suoi amici ha uccisola mia famiglia! Ed io… farò altrettanto!- Vedo confusione sui loro volti paffuti. Mi chiedono scusa, in nome degli abitanti e del loropapà… Forse,avreianchepotutoaccettarloprima…MipersuadoanonsmettereMaora…NO, NON VOGLIO! LaconversazionetraSesshomarueundemonedonna,chemiimprigionòanniprimaper derubarmideiframmenti,mitornaoraallamente:"...Assaggiarelacarneumanaèilpuntodi non ritorno… Si diventa dipendenti!" Il mio stomaco insaziabile gorgoglia. Mentre sono ancora immerso nei miei pensieri, nonmi accorgo che i bambini scappano. Continuo a riflettere:Loro però sono innocenti… Sono combattuto. Ad un tratto, un flashback. Rivedo i nostri cuccioli fatti a pezzi, bastonati,e lasciati morire… Ringhio. Sento come se il mio corpo stesse per esplodere,tanta è la rabbia che mi divora! Scuoto la testa ed urlo. Tra rabbia e dolore. Sento i bambini disperarsi da lontano. Esco da quella trance e mi lascio guidare dal miofiuto. Scovo i bambini nell'armadio del loro padre. Piangonoe mi implorano di risparmiarli. Ringhio. Con odio, spalanco le ante. Afferro entrambicon i miei possenti artigli. Li getto insieme all'interno della mia bocca, chesi dilata mostruosamente. Percepisco che le loro sottili ossa sono spezzatedagli spasmi muscolari della mia peristalsi. Rutto, liberandomi dai loro vestiti, che mi stoppanoil gargarozzo. Li sputo fuori. Un rutto, più potente e lungo del precedente. Padre e figli di nuovo uniti… Ghigno, coccolando il mio ventre abnorme. Sbadiglio: devo riposarmi… -Almeno per un…- Non faccio in tempo a finire la frase, che le miepalpebre pesanti si chiudono… CHICCHIRICCHÌ!!! Il canto di un gallo mi sveglia. Sono ancora un po' assonnato. Mi stiracchio. Noto con mia sorpresa che il pancione è scomparso. Mitrovo,invece,ungranbelculoedeifianchilarghi.Addominalipiùscolpiti.Muscolipiù grossi e sodi. E… Persino testicoli e pene sono aumentati, almeno didue taglie! Mi osservo e mi eccito, non poco. Accarezzo il mio stomaco gorgogliante e il mio cazzoeretto.Sorrido, uscendo dall'abitazione, per andare a fare colazione. Divoro gli ultimi cinque umani adulti ed un ragazzo. La stessa domanda mi tormenta:Come mai non ci sonofemmine? Rifletto, pulendomi zanne ed artigli, crogiolandomial sole, mentre il cibo viene assorbito. Continuo a pensare alla stranezza di quel villaggio,quando… MUUUUUUUUU!!! BEEEEEEEEEE!!! Muggiti e belati provengono dall'unica stalla enorme,al centro del villaggio. Il mio stomaco gorgoglia, sentendo quelle pecorelle: -E già! Lupo e pecore… La storia più vecchia al mondo!- Ridacchio e cammino in direzione delle bestie. Hoancora fame! Spalanco i pesanti battenti del fienile e… -Non ci credo!- Davanti a me femmine dai corpi formosi e... con lamia stessa mutazione! Alcunesonomature,conpanceesenirigogliosidadonnegravide,conorecchieecodada mucche.Unpaiodipiccolecornaaffioranodalleloroteste.Hannomaniumane.Tuttavia,al posto dei piedi hanno un paio di zoccoli. Pocopiùinlà,cisonofemminedall'aspettopiùgiovanileedallelungheorecchiedaconiglio. Dailorosederi,altiesodi,spuntanodeiponponsoffici.Comeme,anchelorohannozampe alpostodimaniepiedi.Sonopiùsnelleepiccoledellemucche,mailorosenisono comunque enormi! Dietrodiloro,notoalcuneragazze-pecorelle:lamaggiorpartedalvellobiancoesolo qualcunaconlalananera.Difianco,comeafarlorodaguardia,diverserazzedi donne-cane, che mi guardano tra il sospetto e l'eccitazione. Ci sono anche tre ragazzine-gatto, simili tra loro,con lo sguardo malizioso. Appolaiatesuunrialzodelfienile,vedopersinodueragazze-uccello:hannoalialpostodelle braccia,zamped'uccelloinvecedeipiediedunacodadipiume,chesporgedalloroesile corpo. Nel vedere quella moltitudine di corpi nudi femminili,la mia virilità si accende! Sogghigno, mentre vedo le femmine avvicinarsi a me,incuriosite. -Dovesonoinostripadroni?-Unafemmina-cavallo,altaemuscolosa,piùmaturadellealtre midomandasconcertata.Èmoltoprosperosa.Orecchieecodadacavalloenfatizzanole suelunghegambe,cheterminanocondeifrisoniedeglizoccoli.Lealtresispostanoalsuo incedere. Deve essere il capo… Penso fra me, mentre notò che alcune di loro sonogravide. Guardo in giro. Nessun maschio simile a loro, a parte me. Vuoi vedere che… Sogghigno, mentre rispondo alla sua domanda, indicandoil mio ventre: -Qui!- Silenzio. Poi… Conmiasorpresa,tutteinizianoadesultare,contentediesserestateliberatedaquei mostri. Mivienespiegatocome,mezzosecoloprimainseguitoadunacarestia,ilcapodelvilaggio ordinòdiriuniretutteleultimebestieelelorodonnenelrecinto.Quindi,attraversolamagia ealcuniframmentidellasfera,fuseroanimalieumane,creandociòchelorosono.Le femminenascevanosemprecomelemadri,mentreimaschi…Essipotevanonascereo totalmente umani, o totalmente animali. Cosìriuscironoasopravvivere,usandolorocomefemminedamonta.Controlalorovolontà e per anni! Annuisco, comprendendo di aver ripulito questo villaggiodalla feccia! Anch'io voglio condividere il mio dolore e raccontola mia storia. Si scusano per la disumanità dei loro padri, mariti,fratelli, figli… Le femmine si guardano. Mi guardano. Dicono che vogliono ringraziarmi e ricompensarmi. Si avvicinano a me. Una ad una, poi in coppia, infine a gruppi. Tutte si fanno montare. Ogni giorno. Per giorni. Di continuo. Hanno persino iniziato a chiamarmi Master Koga! Alcuni giorni dopo, alcune di loro partoriscono ifigli dei loro oppressori. Mi danno i maschi da mangiare, vivi o cotti. A miopiacimento. Mi implorano di lasciare in vita le neonate. Acconsento, a patto che diventino parte del mio harem. Le madri esultano e giacciono con me. Continuamente… Sonopassatiormaicinqueannidaquandosonodiventatol'unicomaschioacapodel villaggio.Lamiaroutineèsemprelastessa:mangiareefottere,fottereemangiare. Sogghigno soddisfatto. Lemiefemminecontinuanoasoddisfareognimiobisogno,aqualunqueoradelgiornoe della notte. Conilpassaredeltempo,almioHaremsisonounitepersinoalcunefemminediOnieYokai, icosiddettidemoni,aderendoalmioprogettodiperpetuavendettacontroqueimiserabili, che ci vogliono sterminare! Vogliamovivereinpacee,perquestomotivo,lepiùpotentihannocreatounabarriera intornoalnostropiccoloparadiso.Tuttavia,qualchevoltacapitachedegliumaniriescanoad accedervi e qui inizia il loro calvario. Vengonosfamatieglivieneversatotuttoilsakechedesiderano.Alterminedelbanchetto, giaccionoconloro,finoanottefonda.Unavoltasazidiognipiacereterreno,dormonocosì sommessamente da non percepire nemmeno di essere divorati! Sorrido,accarezzandoilmiopancioneenorme,mentremiripososuundivanoottomanodi setarossa,creatodaalcuneArachnae,ledonne-ragno.Midistendo,mentreunaKitsunemi imbocca con della frutta fresca. Davantiame,dueCerbereedunaInugamisorveglianoseimalcapitati,completamente imbavagliatiedincatenati.Notoconpiacerechesonostatitorturatiepicchiati.Ghignonel vedere le loro facce sofferenti, mentre il mio stomacoinizia a gorgogliare. -MasterKogaèaffamato!-esclamalaCentauraalmiofianco,laprimafigliachehoavutoe tutt'oralapiùfortedelclan.Sorrido,accarezzandoleilventregonfiodeinostrifigli.Mi ricambiailsorrisocondolcezza,poisolennesirivolgenuovamentealledonne-cane-Portate qui il bestiame!- Facennoalletrefemmineaguardiadellemieprede,chevengonospinteotrascinatecome sacchi di patate ai miei piedi. Migrattolapanciaborbottante,ruttandosenzaritegno,mentreunagiovaneNekomusume misucchiaavidamenteilcazzo,facendolefusatuttoiltempo.Leafferroilunghicapelli violaceiespingolasuafacciacontroilmiocazzo,perchéloprendafinoinfondo.Godoe gemo. LaKitsuneèeccitataeleprendounatetta,strizzandolaperberneebevendoneildelizioso latte. Cerca di trattenere un gemito, che le sfuggeappena le solletico il clitoride. Lagattinamiagola,mentremileccalepalleassiemeallasuaamicaconiglietta,chefreme dalle voglia di essere penetrata. Annuisco, dandole il permesso di montare sul mio cazzo,ben lubrificato dal pompino. Uhm… Vergine ancora per poco… Pensotrame,mentrelaragazzainiziaasquittire,prendendoilmiocazzodalesuecaldee morbidecosce.Ècosìstrettaeilcontinuostimolodellagattinasullemiepallenonaiuta… UnaTanukisiaggrega.Baciaappassionatamentelaconiglietta,accarezzandoleipiccoli seni, mentre con la mano libera fa una sega al miocazzo. Merda, non ce la faccio più! Grugnisco,bevendoillattedellaKitsune,mentreilmionettareinondaleparetidella coniglietta.Sangueespermasimischianosullemiepallesudate,prontamentepulitedalla gattina. Lefemminemiringrazianoesicongedano,mentrealtresiavvicinano,pronteperessere montate.Passanoalcuneore,primacheilmiostomacoiniziaabrontolare,comeunabestia in preda alla follia... Oh cazzo! Con tutto questo scopare, mi sono dimenticatodella mia cena! Ghigno, osservando che le mie prede umane hanno iloro minuscoli cazzi eretti. -Beh…Notochelospettacoloèstatodivostrogradimento!-Ilmioharemrideacrepapelle, additando quei pezzetti di carne -Ora… Che ne ditedi un banchetto!?- Mileccolelabbra,mentrevengonogettatiunoadunonellamiaboccafamelica,che spalancoadismisura.Miprendoiltemponecessarioadassaporarli,primadiingoiarliancora vivi.Simuovononellemieviscere,comeinpredaalleconvulsioni,mentrealcuneLamia approfittano del momento per accarezzarmi e baciarmilo stomaco. Sonobenconsciochepiùilmioventresigonfia,piùlemiefemminesieccitano.Si entusiasmano, vedendo il mio pancione più enorme delloro, da gravide. Rutto,mentreripensoagliavvenimentidelpassato.Allafine,nontuttoilmalevieneper nuocere… Annuisco,mentrealtrefemminepiano,pianosiavvicinano,pronteperesseremontate. Sorrido. LA FINE |
...Blood demands more blood... I ponder, remembering the old good days with my pack. -I will avenge you!- I swear through clenched teeth. Thepainissostrongthatthethreefragmentsofthesphere,Ipossessinmybody,are driving me crazy. Ifalltothegrounddying,stillthinkingaboutthosehumans,whodestroyedmywholeclanfor no apparent reason. Nowait...theysaidwe're...monsters!Ithinkaboutthosewords,asbittertearsrundownmy emaciated face, marked by suffering and anger. I'vebeenwanderingaimlesslyfordaysnow,lookingforthosemurderers.However,Istill haven't smelled any trace of them. -Those bastards are hiding well…- I sneer at my mocking fate. My right arm and legs are burning, but not on fire. My stomach rumbles, almost threatening to eat itself. My lips are cracked and my throat is dry. I am hungry and thirsty. My vision blurs. I cannot die... Not like this! And not before I avengethem! I lose consciousness. A voice calls to me in this darkness. I approach: a light. I touch it. The pain becomes more intense, almost unbearable. I cling to my revenge. The light dazzles me. I open my eyes. Aroundme,thecoloursaremorevividthanbefore.Isnifftheairandnoticeeverylittlescent. I hear even the slightest rustle in the distance. I wonder if... I cough. I bring my hand to my mouth. Black blood... I am astonished not only by the colour, but also by... -My hands!?- I exclaim in a guttural voice that doesn'tseem to belong to me. Itakeacloserlookatmybody:myhandsandfeetarepaws,myearsarelikethoseofa wolf, I have a tail and even fangs... -It's obvious...- I say it like it's normal... I shake my head. It's heavy. -Umhm... I have a crazy migraine...- I scratch myhead, rubbing my temples. The fragments must have induced some kind of mutation.I get up. I feel my paws firmly planted on the ground, sharp claws tearing through it. Strangely, I feel light. I feel invigorated. I feel every muscle and they are more powerful thanbefore. Suddenly, I sniff the air and find a familiar smell:-Finally!- My nose has picked up the stench of those mortals.Those murderers! I run as fast as I can. I am surprised to find myself on all fours, dartingthrough the trees, following my trail. The forest ends and I find myself at the edge of avillage of... -...Farmers! They're farmers…- I exclaim, as I watch those humans, busy moving inall directions and working in the fields. I look up: soon the sun will set. -And that's when this bad wolf will feed on your flesh...- I grin and wait in a cave, nearby. I yawn and stretch, still sleepy. I open my sky-blue eyes. The faint glow of the moon caresses my face. I smile and think:Your time has come, you infamousones! My empty belly rumbles, already tasting the flavorof those humans. -No revenge will ever be as sweet as this!- I cheer, as I speed towards the farmers village. -Noneof you will be spared!- I promise myself, stopping at the edge of the forest. An eye for an eye... I think to myself, nodding. Isneakintothevillage:notasoularound!Everyoneissleepingpeacefully,gruntinglikethe pigs they are. No one imagines that this will be the last day oftheir miserable lives! My belly is in turmoil: it has well understood thatI will soon fill it with good human flesh. A mocking grin settles on my face. I sneak up to the biggest house, the only two-storeyone: it probably belongs to their boss. I carefully open the door. Infrontofme,asolidwoodenstaircaseleadstothesecondfloorofthehouse.First,Isearch the three rooms on the first level. No one is around. A blissful humming comes from above. Islowlyclimbthestairs,tryingnottomakeanynoise,andjumpthelastthreesteps, impatient. My ears and nose pull me in front of a carved ebonydoor. Iopenitbrutallyandthrowmyselfonmyprey,whoisshoutingnonsense.Idon'tlisten.I don't understand anything anymore. I only want revenge... Blood demands more blood... I repeat it to myself, like a mantra. WithmyfurrypawItightenthemouthofthatidiot:myearsarenowsensitivetoloudnoises and, anyway, I don't want the others to hear him. I straighten my ears and listen better. Fortunately,thosepigsaresleepinglikedormice.Irejoiceinmyluck,lookingintotheeyesof that asshole.Tears of anger and fear flow in droves from his amber eyes. I open my jaws wide, over the head of my prey. Istopforamoment.Ilookatmyreflectionintheman'sterrifiedeyes:Idonotrecognise myself! Monster... Assassin... I think to myself:I don't know which one of us isthe killer anymore... I think about it for a moment. I am about to abandon my revenge, when my tongue betraysme: -We'veneverdoneanythingwrong...Wealwayskeptawayfromyou,humans.Welivedin peace! So... Why attack us?- Theguygrunts.Itakemypawoutofhismouth.Hecatcheshisbreathandthenlooksatme with hateful eyes. He spits in my face, screaming his truth: -Whyareyouaskingmethis,youbeast!?Haven'tyoualreadydecidedwhattodowithme!? Why delay!-- I gasp, trying to hold back the fury in me. The humancontinues: -Yourfilthyracedidn'tdeservetolive!Can'tyouseeyourself!?Youareafreakofnature...A monster! I grind my fangs at those words. -Am I really!?- I rail at him, scratching his disgusting face. Not a peep. Not a scream. Not an expletive. Nothing. He stares at me, full of hatred. Then, he laughs.A madman... -Killme,youbastard!Myfellowcitizenswilltearyoutopieces.andyourmiserablespecies will be nothing but a memory!- The insane laughter continues. I get nervous. His contempt is intoxicating! I growl, like the beast HE wants ME to be. I satisfyhim. I open my jaws wide again, to excess. This time Ido not hesitate. I do not stop. Like the bad wolf of their fairy tales, I swallowthat infamous being still alive. He wriggles like a snake, inside my belly, cursinglike a damned. -It's useless to get so worked up! You won't get outof here, except in one way!- I grin. The human keeps kicking. It irritates me. I hit my swollen belly. Right there,where I see the outline of his snout. -Keep quiet, monster!- I angrily shout. The prey thrashes again. I snort, bored. I punch his snout hard, again andagain.Silence. -Finally!- I chuckle. I lie down on his soft bed, massaging my belly. A loud belch echoes in the room. The half-digested human moans. I should make him suffer even more... But how!? Ithinktomyself,lookingoutofthewindow.Igrinandstartexplainingthefateoftheother inhabitants. I hear a very soft NO, PLEASE. Then, nothing.-An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth! Just as you have killed every member of my pack, soshall I!- I caress my stomach, which gurgles incessantly. -And so... they will become an integral part of me...at one with their hater!- Icuddlemyabnormalbelly,whichmoanslikeahungrypuppy,almostunderstandingwhatI promised it: -A nice punishment, don't you think!?- A vigorous rumbling shakes my guts. Myprey'scontoursbecomemoreandmoreblurred.Itakeacloserlook:myroundness begins to absorb. The transformation must have accelerated my metabolism... I think to myself, smiling. In less than ten minutes, the human has been completelydigested and absorbed. I notice with pleasure that I have a bit of a potbellyand a bigger bottom than before. Igetexcited.Mystomachisalsohappyandgrumblingwithsatisfaction:itcan'twaittobe filled again! I snicker as I head for my next meal... Igofromhousetohouse,devouringeveryhumanIfind.Notevenmyoversizedbellycan stop me. My clothes break every time my belly grows biggerand bigger. I tear the last strips of fabric. I stretch and continue the feast. I swallow everyone in my path, but... Where are their wives? I ask myself bewildered. I still haven't found any women, only men. I'venotfound any children yet! So strange... I say to myself, but I continue undaunted. Ionlystopeverynowandthen,todozeoffforafewminutes,beforeresumingmysweet revenge. Every now and then I beat my huge belly, burping withgusto. I proceed to the next house. To my amazement, I notice two children:They shouldn'tbe older than Shippo. I think to myself sadly, remembering my little friend. Thelittleonessleeppeacefully,unawareoftheirend,signedbytheirownfatherwiththe blood of my pack! If there are kids, there will also be a mother! I reflect, while sniffing around. However, I don't perceive any female presence in thehouse. It doesn't matter... Nothing changes! I walk into the largest room, where their father issleeping. I throw him out of bed and drag him into his children'sroom. The children have woken up because of the screaming. DAD!!!! They hug each other, as I devour that bastard in frontof their eyes. I almost feel sorry for them... I think to myself, as I'm swallowing their father,begging for mercy for his little children.I grin and don't give a damn about moans or pleas. DADDY!!!! They scream again, pointing at me as...MONSTER!!! -The monster is your father! He and his friends killedmy family! And I... will do the same!- I see confusion on their chubby faces. They apologise to me, on behalf of the villagers andtheir father... Maybe,Icouldhaveaccepteditbefore...Ipersuademyselfnottostopbutnow...NO,I DON'T WANT TO! TheconversationbetweenSesshomaruandafemaledemon,whoimprisonedmeyearsago torobmeofthefragments,nowcomesbacktomymind:"...Tastinghumanfleshisthepoint of no return... You become addicted!" My insatiable stomach gurgles. While I'm still deep in thought, I don't notice thechildren running away. I continue to think:They are innocent... I am torn. Suddenly, a flashback. I see our cubs torn to pieces, beaten, and left todie... I growl. I feel like my body is going to explode,so much anger is eating at me! I shake my head and scream. Between anger and pain. I hear the children despairing from afar. I get out of that trance and let my nose guide me. I find the children in their father's wardrobe. Theycry and beg me to spare them. I growl. With hatred, I throw open the doors. I grabthem both with my powerful claws. I throw them together inside my mouth, which expandsmonstrously. I feel their thin bones being broken by the muscularspasms of my peristalsis. I belch, freeing myself from their clothes, whichstop my gorge. I spit them out. A burp, more powerful and longer than the previousone. Father and sons united again... I grin, cuddling my abnormal belly. I yawn:I need to rest... -At least for a...- I don't have time to finish my sentence when my heavyeyelids close… COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!!! The crowing of a rooster wakes me up. I am still a bit sleepy. I stretch myself. I notice to my surprise that my bump has disappeared. Ifind,instead,agreatassandwidehips.Moresculptedabs.Bigger,firmermuscles.And… Oh My….!! Even my testicles and penis have grown at least twosizes! I look at myself and get excited a lot. I caress my bubbling stomach and my erect cock. Ismile,asIleavethehousetogogettingmybreakfast.Igrin.Idevourthelastfiveadult humans and a teenager boy. The same question torments me:How come there areno females? I reflect, cleaning my fangs and claws, basking inthe sun, as the food is absorbed.I keep thinking about the strangeness of that village, when... MMMOOOOOO!!! BAAAAAAHHH!!! Those sounds come from the one huge barn in the middleof the village. My stomach gurgles, hearing those animals: -Yeah! Wolf and sheep... The oldest story in the world!- I giggle and walk in the direction of the beasts.I'm still hungry! Sorry…. I open the heavy doors of the barn and... -I don't believe it!- In front of me, females with shapely bodies and...with the same mutation as me! Someofthemaremature,withbelliesandbreastslikepregnantwomen,withearsandtails likecows.Apairofsmallhornsemergesfromtheirheads.Theyhavehumanhands. However, instead of feet they have a pair of hooves. Alittlefurtheron,therearemoreyouthful-lookingfemaleswithlongrabbitears.Fromtheir high,firmbuttockssproutsoftpom-poms.Likeme,theyhavelegsinsteadofhandsandfeet. They are slimmer and smaller than cows, but theirbreasts are still huge! Behindthem,Inoticesomesheepgirls:mostofthemwithwhitefleeceandonlyafewwith blackwool.Nexttothem,asifguardingthem,severalbreedsofdog-women,wholookatme between suspicion and excitement. There are also three cat-girls, similar to each other,looking mischievous. Thereareafewharpies:theyhavewingsinsteadofarms,birdlegsinsteadoffeet,anda feathered tail protruding from their slender bodies. Seeing that multitude of naked female bodies, my manhoodbecomes exigent! I grin, as I see the females approaching me, curious. -Whereareourmasters?-Atall,muscularfemalehorse,morematurethantheothers,asks meinbewilderment.Sheisverybuxom.Earsandahorse'stailemphasiseherlonglegs, which end in frisons and hooves. The others move withher gait. It must be their boss... I think to myself, as I notice that some of them arepregnant. I look around. No males like them, except me. Don't tell that... I grin, as I answer her question, pointing at my belly: -Here!- Silence. Then... To my surprise, they all start to cheer, happy tohave been freed from those monsters. Theyexplaintomehow,halfacenturybefore,afteralongfamineperiod,thechiefofthe villageorderedtogatherallthelastbeastsandtheirwomenintheenclosure.Then,through magicandsomefragmentsofthesphere,theyfusedanimalsandhumans,creatingwhat theyare.Thefemaleswerealwaysbornastheirmothers,asthemales...Theycouldbe borneithertotallyhuman,ortotallyanimal.Sotheymanagedtosurvive,usingthemas breeding females. Against their will and for years! I nod, understanding that I have cleared this villageof those scumbags! I too want to share my pain and tell my story. They apologise for the inhumanity of their fathers,husbands, brothers, sons... Thefemaleslookateachother,thenatme.Theysaytheywanttothankmeandrewardme. They approach me. One by one, then in pairs, then in groups. They all get mounted.Every day. For days. Over and over again. They even started calling meMaster Koga! A few days later, some of them give birth to the childrenof their oppressors. They feed me the males, alive or cooked. At my pleasure. They beg me to let the newborns girls live. Iagree,ontheconditionthattheybecomepartofmyharem.Themothersrejoiceand happily fuck me. Again and again... Five years have passed since I became the only malein the village. My routine is still the same: eat and fuck, fuck andeat. I grin with satisfaction. My females continue to satisfy my every need, at allhours of the day and night. Withthepassingoftime,myharemhasevenbeenjoinedbysomeOniandYokaifemales, theso-calleddemons,adheringtomyprojectofperpetualrevengeagainstthosewretches, who want to exterminate us! Wewanttoliveinpeaceand,forthisreason,themostpowerfuloneshavecreatedabarrier aroundourlittleparadise.However,itsometimeshappensthathumansmanagetoget access to it and here their ordeal begins. Theyarefedandpouredallthesaketheydesire.Attheendofthebanquet,theyfuckthem untillateatnight.Oncesatiatedwithallpleasures,theysleepsosoundlythattheydon't even feel they are being devoured!By me, of course! Ismile,caressingmyhugebelly,asIrestonaredsilkottomansofa,createdbysome Arachnae, the spider-women. I lie down, as a Kitsunefeeds me some fresh fruit. Infrontofme,twoCerberasandanInugamiwatchoversixunfortunates,completelygagged andchained.Iseewithpleasurethattheyhavebeentorturedandbeaten.Igrin,asIlookat their suffering faces, while my stomach is gurglinglike a damn. -MasterKogaishungry!-TheCentaurgirlatmyside,thefirstdaughterIhadandstillthe strongestoftheclan,saystotheothers.Ismile,caressingherswollenbelly,fullofour children.Shesmilesgentlybackatme,thensolemnlyturnsagaintothedog-women:-Bring the cattle here!- Shepointstothethreefemalesguardingmyprey,whoarepushedordraggedlikesacksof potatoes at my feet. Iscratchmymumblingbelly,burpingwithoutrestraint,asayoungNekomusumegreedily sucksmycock,purringallthewhile.Igrabherlongpurplehairandpushherfaceagainst my cock, for her to take it all the way. I gasp andmoan. TheKitsuneisarousedandIgrabherrightboob,squeezingittodrinkherdeliciousmilk. She tries to hold back a moan, which escapes as Itickle her clit. Thekittenmeows,asshelicksmyballsalongwithherbunnyfriend,whoisquiveringwith desire to be penetrated. I nod, giving her permission to mount my huge manhood,well lubricated by the blowjob. Um... Virgin not for long... Ithinktomyself,asthegirlstartstosqueak,takingmytrunkbetweenherwarmsoftpussy. She'ssotightandthekitten'sconstantstimulationonmyballsdoesn'thelp...ATanukijoins in.Shekissesthebunnypassionately,caressinghersmallbreasts,aswithherfreehand she jerks off my cock. Shit, I can't take it anymore! Igrunt,drinkingtheKitsune'smilk,asmyseedfillsthebunny'swomb.Bloodandcummix on my sweaty balls, promptly cleaned by the kitty. Thefemalesthankmeandtaketheirleave,whileothersapproach,readytobemounted.A few hours pass before my stomach begins to growl,like a beast in the throes of madness... Damn it! With all this fucking, I forgot about mydinner! I grin, noticing that my human prey have their tinycocks erect. -Well...Iseetheshowwastoyourliking!-Myharemlaughsoutloud,pointingatthoselittle pieces of meat -Now... How about a feast!- Ilickmylipsastheyarethrown,onebyone,intomyravenousmouth,whichIopenwide.I takemytimetosavourthem,beforeswallowingthemalive.Theymoveinmyguts,asifin convulsions,assomeLamiastakeadvantageofthemomenttocaressandkissmybulged stomach. Iamwellawarethatthemoremybellyswells,themoreexcitedmyfemalesbecome.They get excited, seeing my belly bigger than theirs, whenthey are pregnant. I burp as I think back to past events. In the end, every cloud has a silver lining... I nod, while other females slowly approach, readyto be mounted. I smile. THE END |
After sunset, I sat near the rear of my cave and batted my tail. I could hardly see its ragged silhouette in the dim glow cast by the sinking sun. A few more moments and my sensitive eyes would adjust to the lack of light, which would make sleeping difficult. I knew I ought to sleep, but knowing didn’t make the idea any more palatable. I was restless. Restless and hungry. Until I had something to soothe my stomach, I knew I couldn’t put my head down. What was there to eat? I couldn’t go out into the forest behind the cave. It was too dangerous there after dark. A large, slow moving target like myself would be torn to shreds. Not worth the trip. The beach, then? It was a safer place, and closer to home, but what was there to eat? Crabs? Fish? I didn’t swim. Too heavy. There wasn’t anything to eat on the beach then, just sand. I could venture out into the field down near the forest’s edge, where the sand turns into grass. That was a good idea. That was a much better idea. Lots of small animals there. Small, fat animals that couldn’t live on the beach and wouldn’t survive in the forest… My bottom tummy, which is always hungry for meat, gave an excited growl. My tiny top stomach was already stuffed full of fruit. Fruit was easy to find, but I didn’t want any more of that right now. Rising onto all four legs, I pulled and tugged at my fickle shirt so that my chest was comfy. Then, I crept from the mouth of my cave and made my way along the beach and toward the little field by the forest’s edge. The field was still. The animals here slept after dark. They had to hide themselves so that if a beast from the forest came along it wouldn’t gobble them up. I was going to have to be more thorough than an ordinary forest beast. Keeping my eyes wide and alert, I took my first few steps into the field. The tall grass brushed against my thighs as I walked. It tickled. I wanted to laugh, but I didn’t. As I trod over a flat clump of grass, I caught sight of a disturbance across the field. I growled instinctively and flattened my ears back against my hair. Advancing slowly, I wondered if whatever had caused the disturbance had spotted me. It must have. I was the biggest thing in the entire field. For a brief moment, I felt like cursing my awkward lower half. What I’d give to trade it for a nice, small, two-legged bottom, I thought. But no. Then I’d only have one stomach, and the advantages of having such a powerful lower half would be gone. I liked my lower body, I admitted. It helped balance my delicate upper half. Another disturbance, this time further away. I let my tail droop disappointedly. I was never going to catch anything this way. Stopping in mid-stride, I patted my top tummy thoughtfully. Then, I had an idea. If I couldn’t catch the animals here by tracking them, maybe I could make them come to me. I left the field empty handed but returned with armfuls of fruit. The scent of the fruit was pleasant, and I was certain the animals would notice it. Settling down in the field, I allowed the small mountain of fruit to fall from my embrace, piling up on the ground before me. I inhaled deeply. The scent was overpowering, but not unpleasant. Within moments, I caught a glimpse of a rustling in the nearby grass. My pulse quickened and I lowered my head, narrowing my eyes so that I would appear to be sleeping. Through the slits of vision that I still had, I watched as a small, brown rabbit-like creature emerged from the surrounding grass and crept toward the pile of fruit. It caught sight of me and paused for a moment before concluding that I was not an immediate threat. I had to prevent myself from reaching out to grab it at this point. I wanted to make sure the animal couldn’t run away before I attempted to capture it, so I watched in agitation as it began to eat. The rabbit-thing was not very large. It finished three round fruits, then it withdrew from the pile. Its belly brushed the ground as it stretched and began to waddle away. I sprang forward, grabbed the startled creature by the waist and yanked it back, shoved it headfirst into my waiting maw, then, with great effort, swallowed it whole. I gasped as I felt it drop into my bottom stomach. It felt good in there, but I was still hungry. As my heartbeat slowed, I sank back into a sitting position, resting on my stomach as I waited for the next course. I could see the animal coming from across the field. It moved slowly and awkwardly through the tall grass, creating a noticeable stir. As it emerged, I narrowed my eyes and let my muscles slacken. The beast was a wild pig of some sort. It was a large, pinkish-grey animal with short, awkward looking legs. It already had a shockingly distended stomach. Perhaps the little glut was looking for dessert. It wasted no time devouring as much fruit as it could swallow at once. I was thankful that I had gathered so much food, since I knew the pig might have finished most of it otherwise. By the time it stopped, it was stranded on its belly, legs hardly touching the ground. I ran my tongue across my lips and lunged at it. Despite its girth, I downed it in seconds. The third and final visitor arrived shortly after I had settled down again. My bottom stomach felt comfortably full at this point and touched the ground even when I stood. I was eager for more, though. The weight in my stomach felt wonderful. I could feel my pulse quicken again with the thought of another course. It was as I pondered this enticing thought that I heard the beast approaching. Instantly, I dropped into a sleeping position. The newcomer was a large ungulate of some sort, probably female. It had fuzzy, cream coloured skin that was marked with circular patterns. I could tell by its quick movements that it was both skittish and very hungry. I flicked my tail in anticipation. To my astonishment, the deer-like creature tore through the pile of fruit, eating at a remarkable pace. Within minutes, the entire pile was reduced to a smattering of seeds and shells. The deer-beast looked thoroughly sated, licking its berry-dyed maw and resting on a globular belly that was nearly as large as mine. For a moment, I hesitated and wondered if the creature would fit inside my stomach. Then, my greed won over and I grabbed the beast. It was extremely heavy, but I was able to half pull, half drag it towards me and push its head into my mouth. I made slow progress swallowing it, particularly once I got to the stomach, but after much struggling, I slurped up the last of the deer and felt it move into my stomach. There was a brief pause as I caught my breath. Then, I wiped the sweat off my brow and let my shoulders sag. I felt my belly, which was almost painfully full. It had swollen to an impressive size and felt incredibly firm. I panted lightly as I attempted to plant my feet on the ground. Though my stomach resisted, I was able to touch the ground, and I pulled myself across the field, grunting with effort. I was fortunate to make it back to my cave. It had taken me close to an hour to make it back, thanks to my swollen gut. I now rested on my side, rubbing it lustfully. I felt full of elation, revelling in the sheer enormity of it. It felt overpoweringly full; a good feeling. As I moved my hands along its surface, I felt my eyelids sag. I was beginning to digest my dinner and was becoming sleepy as a result. Within moments, I found it impossible to keep my eyes open. As my head grew fuzzy, I felt the firmness of my round belly once more. I would have to remember the field for tomorrow night’s hunt… |
20:48:04 Gauz: *Finally he awakes. He looks around his rock and tuts alittle after yawning deep. He finds himself thirsty and seeking out water. Hopping from his perch he takes a walk towards the lake. He leans his guitar up against a tree and gets on his knees... he cups his hands and scoops up some water to quench his parched throat. 20:49:58 : Jelinda was resting below the waters when she feels the vibrations of gauz breaking the surface and looks up at him from the depths 20:51:23 Gauz: *After taking his drink he looks back at the water to see two orbs looking at him. He blinked and tilted his head unsure of what exactly was looking it him. He scratched the back of his head and shrugged going back for more water.* 20:53:08 : Jelinda was rather strong and fast with her powerful legs and arms but she would rather not fight if she didn't have to so she watched Gauz closely, waiting for an oppening" 20:54:56 Gauz: *The guitar player rose after feeling refreshed from the water. He stood, walkd back to his guitar and took a seat under the shade at the base of a tree. He smiled closed his eyes and started to play.* 20:58:12 : Jelinda <excelent> she thought before rising up to the surface and standing on the surface and then runs over to her prey to attack, hopefully moving quickly enough to catch him before he sees her 21:03:21 Gauz: *A sudden distorted roar errupted from his guitar. His eyes flew open and he stared at Jelinda. The sound was massive and could be heard for miles, suddenly he started playing faster. Arising for a fight he held the guitar by the neck like a bat ready for anything.* 21:05:49 : Jelinda can't stop so she continues to run then takes a massive leap and spins before midair become coming down, small cracks being seen from the force of her impact. "I see I miscalculated. Well no matter" she turns to face the man 21:09:16 Gauz: *His eyes turned to a thick dark yellow glow and using all his force and might smashed the ground with his guitar. A rumbling took place, and a large wave of rubble was sent towards his oppnent* I have no reason to fight you... But you did bring this on... your... self! *He lets another shockwave go before the first even hits.* 21:12:23 : Jelinda crouches down and uses her legs to jump up VERY high in the air, being a frog herself, such feets are relatively easy for her. "well, then, let's have some fun with this" 21:15:49 Gauz: *His eyes watched her and as she went to land he sent out another shock wave. He turned his guitar and went into an outraged solo. Spitting out a mixture of scales and chords chucks of the earth began to rise. suddenly they ripped apart and were hurled at Jelinda.* 21:20:18 : Jelinda lands and decides against taking another leap, rather bracing herself with her hands and legs, trusting her monstrous body and powerful muscles to allow her to abbsorb and weather the attacks 21:23:09 Gauz: *Shaking his head head as his attacks didn't even phase her. He had one more option, his rock gollum. He started the spell to summon it, taking all of his energy. Then the earth sort of just lifted it's self up five feet into an almost humanoid looking thing. He held a note and pointed at Jelinda, thinking he might want to run while his gollum fought his foe.* 21:26:39 : Jelinda grumbles and runs forward to hopefully hit it before it fully forms and once again takes a huge leap up into the air before flipping over and coming down feat first to allow her momentum to add to her attack power 21:54:00 Gauz: *The rock golem has formed and as Jelinda smashes into the monster, only a chunk of it falls. The beast roars and goes to grab it's new opponent. Mean while Gauz runs through the forest trying to hide from the hungry frog girl.* 21:56:07 : Jelinda leaps back and lands on all fours before doing it again, this time she whirls around and around as she descends using the screw like motion help add to her power even more 21:57:33 Gauz: *The rock monster smashes to peices and the only thing to be left of her meal is a sweet scent fading quickly. Gauz jumps over a tree stump and continues to run, finally he finds a cave which he takes up hiding in* 21:59:37 : Jelinda "but the game isn't over" the froggirl landed before continueing her persuit of Gauz 22:00:57 Gauz: *Gauz grinned and summoned a wall of rubble to gaurd the entrence of the cave. Falling back, his guitar and himself head deeper and deeper into the unknown* 22:04:48 : Jelinda doesn't have a good sense of smell but she knows magic when she sees it and smiles. "Wall of rubble vs. angry frog girl. Round one: fight" she delivers a rapid combination of punches and kicks to it. "Finish it" she leaped back and jumped foward, spinning in midair and delivering a sharp kick. "Jelinda wins" she smiles before runnning in 22:07:40 Gauz: *Gulped hard as he heard his wall explode from her might. Luckily the cave wasn't comming to a close. He kept running deeper and deeper, his guitar lighting the way. Soon he found a little opening in the cave walls and placed himself in the dark praying she'd walk right by him* 22:09:47 : Jelinda continues to race along, her huge eyes excellent at capturing light. Fortunate for her but bad luck for her prey although fortunately for him she hadn't found him et' 22:10:51 Gauz: *Heard her get close, and gulped but quieted down. He closed his eyes, and his guitar went dim. There was nothing but silence around him, he didn't want to find out waht this girl had instore for him* 22:12:48 : Jelinda continued to walk foward, her eyes weren't that good so she came up with a plan and started shouting out, hoping to startle him into moving 22:16:44 Gauz: *Remained still, her shouting words were getting closer, he backed closer to the wall as she was only about ten feet infront of him. Suddenly his back knocks some rubble on the ground. He clenches his fist and hopes she didn't hear it* 22:19:03 : Jelinda grins at her smartness and calculates where she thought he would be and leapt at Gauz 22:20:07 Gauz: *The eyes of this human were almost as bad as heres. He couldn't see a thing plus they were closed. He had no idea that she was rushing towards him, he remained still all he heard was a rush of air he thought to come from the cave entrence.* 22:21:52 : Jelinda leaps right before impact and delivers a clothesline to his neck, hoping to pull her prey down so he couldn't escape again 22:23:29 Gauz: *oomphs as the larger girl bring him down to the ground. His guitar goes the opposite direction as she hits him. He tries pulling himself out from her her but she is just to strong.* What do you want from me? 22:27:01 : Jelinda hmmms and performs a bearhold. "Well first to eat you and still to do that although this time I think I'm going to have some fun with this. Oh and fun of course means bad things for you" puts one hand on his head and moves him down to the pungeont hole of her rear 22:29:11 Gauz: *He shakes his head as she moves him closer and closer to her two cheeks. His eyes go wide not knowing still of what she plans, but he does not like being in this area.* Wh...Wh...eat me? *He gulped as he just processed what she ment.* 22:31:49 : Jelinda "yes but you were a pain in the butt so in the butt you shall go" she giggled. "Rather poetic wouldn't you agree? Well in you go" she rubbed his head against that part of her anatomy before pushing it in, little by little 22:33:22 Gauz: *There was no way this was happening. His head was actually being taken between her two cheeks, and there was nothing he could do about it. He struggled of course but moving only seemed to make it easier on her.* 22:35:35 : Jelinda "move as much as you want. In fact please do. It will only make this all the better" the froggirl giggled before beginning her foul devouring of the man 22:37:22 Gauz: *He groaned as she seemed to be endless in here. He was struck with a sense on amazment and horror. He begged for her to stop but all she could hear was muffled gibberish* 22:39:11 : Jelinda "that's it. Fight with all you're might" Jelinda laughed histericly as she continued pulling him into her intestines. "Learn how pathetic your power is" 22:40:54 Gauz: *He just felt her warm flesh covering him more and more. Surprised that her rump could get over his sholders. He shook his head and soon was finding it hard to move as she started to cover his arms* 22:43:10 : Jelinda "and thus, I show my superiority on the food chain" she grinned as the froggirl started to sit covering more and more of him with her foul flesh 22:45:00 Gauz: *It started to get hot all around him as more of him was taken inside. He didn't see how this was fun, and if she was eating him this way or still had plans for him. He was confuzed and gasped as he was on his knees and felt himself dissapear more and more into her* 22:47:53 : Jelinda wasn't really having fun with the eating itself, she liked the despair and disgust of the one she was consuming a lot more then that and gained pleasure from thinking how he must feel, being sadistic at times 22:50:04 Gauz: *He soon felt his stomach leave the cold air of the cave and was slirped into her. It was dark, he had no idea where he was going. All he knew is this would be over soon. He struggled more as there was only half of him left to devour* 22:52:23 : Jelinda sits down, forcing the rest of Gauz into her intestines where she would decide what else tod o with him 23:03:09 Gauz: *He groans as he takes twists and turns through her body wiggling around inside her begging to be let out. He's getting very moist, and hot. Letting out small groans he hopes she lets him out* 23:05:58 : Jelinda smiles as she forces him completely into her intestines and just stops, thinking of what she should do next 23:09:04 Gauz: *The cold air was gone, and his body was trapped in a dark place. He gulped as she left him inside her. He shivered alittle and had no idea what to do. He seemed to stop moving and started to beg her for relese him.* 23:10:50 : Jelinda "I'll do better then that" she said in a sing-song voice. "I'll release you up and then down" she started to push him up to her stomach 23:12:49 Gauz: *knew damn well what would happen if she got him into her belly. He wiggled as she slirped him deeper and deeper inside her.* 23:15:18 : Jelinda "what you don't want to go there. Well alright just stay and rot there" Gauz came to a stop as the intestines of his captor pulsed and squuezed as they processed him 23:17:05 Gauz: *kicks as she tells him this.* Just let me out of here! *He yells and keeps jerking as she begins to process him. He lets out a loud groan as he's squeezed* 23:18:55 : Jelinda chuckles wickedly as she leaves the cave to digest him in peace. "I will soon but I don't know if ou'll appreciate it when I do" |
20:26:33 Riley: (( Hello all )) 20:27:40 Riley: (( O.O!...Hello Marcus_Trinnias, Dezzykitsune )) 20:40:10 : Riley buys a dart gun and practices, shooting at a tree with a target painted on it, he was gonna learn to not fear guns! Well..most guns 20:51:09 : Riley missed Decimos! 20:53:23 : Riley needs no concole! He's happy with gameboy! 20:53:32 Riley: (( *console^ )) 20:53:42 Riley: (( Hello Leshana )) 21:01:40 : Riley wonders why KAI killed all the lawyers! 21:03:54 Riley: (( Bye Egg_demon )) 21:04:50 Riley: (( Night Karen )) 21:22:02 Jelinda: (hi cor) 21:23:09 Riley: *Stretches some and casts the dart gun aside, out of ammo and a bit thirsty, he makes his way to the lake and crouches for a drink* 21:23:55 Jelinda: (yeah cor, this is Axora) 21:25:31 : Jelinda had gotten tired of being in the swamp for now and had moved to the lake to laze around when she heard Riley and sunk down so only her eyes were visible 21:30:08 Riley: *blinks slightly at the ripples in the water, he didnt look too much into it, he'd only been assaulted here once, he laps from the water and does notice the amphimbianous eyes, hmming to himself* 21:33:50 : Jelinda notices that he's spotted him but doesn't feel like acting all nasty like she normally does and stays where she is for now 21:36:02 Riley: (( Welcome back LJslilfox )) 21:38:03 Riley: *Looks back at the eyes, he notices she's watching him, he gets a bit uneasy and gives a slight wave, sitting up and looking back at Jelinda's eye's curiously. 21:38:14 Riley: (( Night RedonBlack )) 21:40:39 : Jelinda dives down and swims back a little before slowly rising from the water. "Hello there" she says. "And how are you?" 21:43:35 Riley: *blinks and smiles slightly* Hello yourself...and im fine thank you...yourself? *He gazes curiously* 21:45:59 : Jelinda hmmms. "I'm fine, relatively speeking" she came out fully and actually seemed to be standing on the water. "The lake seems to be good for my skin although I prefer the swamp. Ambiance and all that" 21:48:37 : Riley nods "I can understand that, though i dont normally go out to the swamp, its a bit out of the way from here sometimes eh?" 21:50:35 : Jelinda shrugs. "Well, there are always random travelors that come around for me" she replies. "But this is a good place to vacation every once in a while" 21:54:03 : Riley smiles and nods "I can understand that, like its better to relax in but you get home sick right?" He stands up and blinks, noticing she isnt in the shallows, but standing 'on' the water. 21:54:56 : Jelinda "pretty much, well anyway what would you like to do?" 21:59:47 : Riley smiles at Jelinda agin "Well first...how are you...'on' the water? Some kindve...species type thing of 'magic'? Secondly, which direction is the swamp you live?" 22:02:10 : Jelinda looks down and smiles. "Oh its a trick of mine and presumably other such beings although I've never talked to them. Well anyway, I just spread my weight completely so I don't break the surface. As for the swamp" hmmms. "east I think" 22:07:42 : Riley nods "Interesting...and east you say? Ill have to visit this swamp sometime when your there...what do travelers usually think of you? Just scenery or do you mess with them?" 22:09:58 : Jelinda pauses to calculate and readies herself to pounce the fox if he reacts wrong. "They tend to think I'm a monster and the reputation isn't entirely unfounded. As for mess with them, I guess you could say that" 22:12:35 : Riley blinks "Reputation? Ya dont look too much like a monster to me...and why do you guess it could be said? Do you...hurt them any?" 22:14:05 : Jelinda chuckles inwardly, thinking about how easy this is. "Well thanks. As for hurt them, sometimes" 22:17:21 : Riley nods and hmms "You dont do...a lot of damage to them do you? Id hate to think of you as a murderer" He smiles, making a little dry humor, though seeing if she reacts in any strange way just in case. 22:21:29 : Jelinda "I could hit you in the head and you wouldn't think of much" she smiles. "But I don't think I will I'd much rather you be awake" leaps at him 22:22:24 Jelinda: (then pours flesh eating microbes down his throat) 22:28:42 : Riley blinks at the odd response and looks at her "Excuse m-" He is cut off and tries to crawl backward quickly to get out of her way, but he was a bit too surprised by the sudden action. 22:31:33 : Jelinda smiles and nuzzles him against her flesh. "Murderer? Well perhaps but I don't use such crude terms to describe myself" opens her maw 22:38:34 : Riley 'ulps' once and turns his head to the side, whimpering very slightly "Then what would you call it?! Playing?!" 22:41:08 : Jelinda hmmms. "Call it instinct" she says before guilding him slowly into her dark maw 22:46:25 : Riley closes his eyes and sighs, he got himself into this mess, he concluded as he found his muzzle and head entering into the amphibians maw, he starts ti whine slightly under his breath from impulse "Wait! Please" 22:49:01 : Jelinda siighs and pulls him out but keeps a tight grip as she doesn't want to let this treat go. "Yes?" she rolls her eyes. "And please don't beg. Its ineffective and it gets old" 22:52:04 : Riley swallows hard and nods once "I was planning on begging...heheh...but i just want to ask you a question now instead...that trick, can anyone learn it?" He sounds rather nervous, the question more of a stalling effort than anything 22:55:15 : Jelinda normally wouldn't stop and just gulp the fox down but this time stops to consider but foils Riley's plans by holding on him tightly. "Well I'm not sure about you due to your small feet but I'm sure you could. Well, thanks for not begging" pushes him back in 22:57:48 : Riley closes his eyes again as his head is once again enveloped by the frog-girl's maw, feeling his fur get moist with the humidity and saliva, trying to think of something else to get out of this mess, a bit frantic 22:59:27 : Jelinda would welcome Riley to try. It probably wouldn't work to get him out of the hot maw and away from the throat but it might be amusing 23:07:38 : Riley knows his ears really dont cooperate too well with being touched, but they aren't covered in saliva, completely anyway, he unfolds his ears from his head to the roof of the frog-girl's mouth, he wasnt familiar with amphibian structure really, but most things would either spit something fuzzy rubbing against the roof of their mouth out or swallow to get rid of it, he hoped if it did work, it would be for him. 23:10:17 : Jelinda coughs up Riley and glares at him. "Not bad" she scowled before recovering and leaping at him, letting out her tongue in an atttempt to grab him before he can escape 23:13:01 : Riley shakes his head off slightly and practically falls down to try and escape the tounge, glad his plan worked but also in a bit more trouble now it would seem. 23:14:53 : Jelinda snarls and continues the chase of the fox, not sure yet what she'd do if she cought him 23:18:59 : Riley runs and keeps looking over his shoulder, being wry of her tounge, he sees a good chance for escape, one of the fox-holes he dug to get to his den easier, now if he could just make it... 23:19:22 Jelinda: (welcome back luu luu_ 23:20:45 : Jelinda sees that and gets an idea for what to do if she doesn't catch up to the fox in time but continues to pursue so she hopefully won't have to do that 23:22:23 : Riley runs a bit past it in his hurry but skids to a stop and slides himself in like he's done it a million times before (he has) and breathes a sigh of relief, feeling much safer underground. 23:25:02 : Jelinda "its plan B then" Jelinda sighed as she quickly ran back to the lake and sucked in a large quantity of water before running back and lets go of the pressurized stream, hoping to flood him out 23:26:54 : Riley stays very quiet a moment before he feels the large quantity of water start to flood the hole, he gasps and pulls himself out of the hole, starting to run in a dizzy manner and shaking off, not getting too much distance. 23:28:30 : Jelinda yays as that worked better then she thought and lashes her tongue out again at Riley, hoping he doesn't get away this time 23:29:54 : Riley doesnt see the tounge coming this time and is snared around the waist, acking once and trying to pull her tounge off quickly. 23:31:00 : Jelinda doesn't give him the oppurtunity and quickly reels him in. "Now what to do?" she asked the fox, applying a bearhug 23:34:21 : Riley acks and swallows hard again, trying to break away "H-how about letting me go?!" He is quite nervous at this point. 23:37:08 : Jelinda blinks. "Well, I'll give you credit. You are consitent" finishes her contemplations and smiles. "But now I've figured out. You were a pain in the butt so to the butt you will go" moves the fox down to the lower entrance 23:39:05 : Riley acks and struggles even more now "No no! Im not a pain! More of a minor itch.." He wimpers and closes his eyes tight. 23:40:41 : Jelinda hmmms. "Hey that's a great idea. I have an itch back there. Please deal with that for me" sits down slowly, to engulf his head in the foul entrance 23:43:18 : Riley frowns at the taunt and holds his breath as his head is engulfed by the tight ring of flesh in the frog-girl's rump, whining. 23:45:48 : Jelinda sits down more, doing her best to remain her downward motion at a slow pace as she consumes Riley 23:47:39 : Riley clenches his fists slightly as he feels himself being pushed into the tight rectum, coughing slightly now and then in the hot inside of the backside 23:49:57 : Jelinda doesn't have much control over such a thing and continues to sit down on him, pushing him qucikly through her intestines 23:52:41 : Riley sighs to himself, he was caught that was for sure, he coughs a time more and starts to wriggle, not knowing if this would be pleasurable for her or not, he hoped not, but he son finds his muzzle pressing against the lower sphincter connecting to the stomach. 23:54:39 : Jelinda isn't pleasured by the movement so Riley would be glad, it wasn't much but you had to take the little victories where you could. See did though, smile as she anticipated the meal he would make 23:58:03 : Riley shakes his head slightly as his head enters the hot chamber of Jalinda's stomach, merfing in defeat, though smirking slightly to himself, he felt the muscles twitch unpleasurably, so he knew he bugged her a bit more at least, he curls up as she forces him the rest of the way into her, not having much choice. 23:59:52 : Jelinda walks over and lies down against a rock as she digests. "thanks for the meal" she pats her belly 00:00:38 : Riley growls slightly before he blacks out, now just labeled as 'nutrition'. 00:01:57 : Jelinda "see I'm not a murderer" she laughs and sinks into the lake again |
House Call Shohuska-a 20-foot-tall female macro kangaroo- waited patiently for her visitor. There was a knock on the door. “Hello? My name’s Axora. You called me?” a “” Shohuska grinned at the voice. “Yes, I am Shohuska. Please come in,” her smile ’’ “Well this will just be a few minutes as I get ready,” Axora said as she took out “’” “Do you like to use modern equipment or do you prefer a more...personal touch?” “I never really liked all the new machines really. Seems to impersonal, like I ’”“’” This is too easy Shohuska licked her lips. “You do know why you’re here, right?” “”“’’” She gently takes the note and reads it. “That’s what it says. Unfortunately, I ” “I thought you said you liked doing things personally?” Shohuska teased. “Don’t ’” Axora stares nervously at the teeth. “Uh, couldn’t we um, uh, lie to my bosses? ” “Nope,” Shohuska grinned before playfully lunging forward engulfing Axora up “Nice teeth,” Axora observed nervously. “And jaw muscles” she noted as they Shohuska chuckled a little as she started to gulp her prey down slowly at first “Esophagus looks fine” Axora called out eliciting another laugh. She was terrified Shokusha pushed Axora inside and shut her mouth before feeling her throat. Axora eeps as she enters the stomach and then pokes the walls. “The sheet said ’’’” “My whole tract? Wow, you’re going to be hard to push out,” Shohuska grinned “” “Um, Korean,” was the reply. “If you take out all the bad words I believe I said ‘I ’’’’’’” “Oh, you don’t think I’m going to digest you do you? When I said that it will be ’” “Okay,” Axora sighs and calms down a little, deciding to trust Shohuska which Shohuska murrs again at the feeling of her stomach’s latest occupant poking ’ “Ouch, ouch, ouch,” Axora pushed herself back onto her footpaws before ’Besides, I suppose I can’t blame she thinks before ending her work and taking a little nap. At least this way it won’t Axora wakes up a few hours as she feels herself being pulled down into the Shohuska starts to stir and get up. “Yes, yes,” she looks at her lower belly. “Just a ”“’’’” The kangaroo yawns before walking into the bathroom and starting the shower. Axora was no longer really caring what happened to her anymore. She shuddered ’’ Shohuska grins as she remembers what a still-living being was doing down there. ’’’“” Axora eeps as she falls into the water. A little burned but otherwise unharmed. “I ”“”“” “You’re welcome,” she helps the smaller girl up. “So, anything else? Any other ” “No,” Axora thinks back to the sheet. “Nothing else. Well, nothing unless you ask ’” “Really?” Shohuska grinned as she got another idea. “A messuage sounds good. ” “Alright,” Axora didn’t really want to work anymore but at least this would be an “” “Shy?” Shohuska grins. Sorry, Axora, but I’m not done with you yet. Oh, I’m such “Yes,” Axora replies. “Its kind of odd, really. Seeing I am a doctor, and a girl ” “You’re giving me naughty thoughts.” “Like what?” “Like this,” Shohuska answered before shoving Axora into her nethers. “Consider ’” Axora twitched a little before becoming still as she was pulled in again. She had ’ “You said you stay here until I was satisfied, right?” she asks playfully. “Well ’” “I could but I’m not supposed to take a vacation yet.” “Well think of it this way. I won’t be satisfied until you take a little break to rest ”“” Axora sighed before curling up. Leaving wasn’t an option for her now. She’d |
Axorawerecat): the ringmaster bowed as another performance was completed. "Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Now for our next performance I would like to introduce to you the amazing Zarmon!" for a moment, nothing happens as a man wearing red armor appears in a puff of smoke. "what fools these mortals be" he chuckled. Meanwhile, the elephantt was left outside in her pen after being cut from the act Leslie Lamia): *John was in the crowd of rather jovial people, regardless of how ancient a circus is in tradition it's still fun for someone of even his age. Axorawerecat): much of the crowd felt about the same way. Still, they didn't really mind. He was entertaining with his feets of martial arts combined with flashy special effects and for the most part, that's all what they asked for. Outside was a concession stand and a few feet away was a small tent where the large creature stayed, not having been attended to yet Leslie Lamia): *He looked about for a moment, squinting his eyes to let them adjust to the brighter outside than what was inside of the main tent. Axorawerecat): the man at the concession stand noticed the look in your eyes, having seen it litterally hundreds of times before and wondered about asking someone about it, figuring it must be genetic. Still, he didn't want to talk unless asked so he merely gave you them and smiled as you entered the tent. Its empty for the most part except for a cage with the large animal inside Leslie Lamia): *John steps inside the tent, expecting portapotties or something similar but finds just the large cage and the packiderm inside of it. Axorawerecat): "err, I'm not entirely sure about human anatomy or if you operrate on the same rules but couldn't you please Leslie Lamia): *John of course stills as he hears the voice, expecting he had gotten caught midway through by one of the circus performers. Axorawerecat): the elephant uses her trunk to seem to massauge her head. "Well, I'm guessing you're like a human in that regard meaning I can guess what's that like. Well then, how are you? Not often I get much company here" Leslie Lamia): *He just watches for a moment, completly perplexed by the fact she can talk though the nostalgia of the moment fades soon enough as she begins to talk casually. Axorawerecat): "well not many enter here and the majority of those who do either think its some trick or swears to some deity and runs away" she said. "Oh, I'm something like 20% human by the way. Some doctors and well, let's not get into that. Please come closer. Eyes aren't that great and I'd like to see you if you don't mind" Leslie Lamia): *He quirks a brow at the part human comment, now more curious than ever but does as she requests. Axorawerecat): "yes, I'm obviosely not much into asthetics in general and human especially. However, I do find you rather attractive" she smiled (or did what would probably pass for a smile) "well the story is rather boring." she says as she notes your body language. "Like to hear?" Leslie Lamia): *He blinks at the compliment and a bright blush appears on his face, nearing the colour of his hair as he nods. Axorawerecat): "well you're part right with that. Some worker died, horrible accident. Anyway he was very passionate about his work and wanted his body to be buried at his zoo. Well, obviously I have no idea how it works but apparently his genetics "contaminated." she taps you. "I mean no offense by the way. Anyway his genetics contaminated my food somehow and they got into me somehow. Again, details are sketchy at best" Leslie Lamia): *He erps a bit at the tap and blushes again, clearing his throat and dissolving the red tint to his skin as he listens on. Axorawerecat): "My assumption is that some of his memories transferred. Hence my language. As for something else. Well I have no idea about that. Anyway, things were happening and the zool was poor. Somehow I got here" indicates the cage with her trunk. "Well the circus. Apparently, they wanted something else so now I'm here" Leslie Lamia): *John simply nods to that as he watches her trunk.curioustie he must satiate. Axorawerecat): hmmms. "my own. Well first I was with a trainer but then they gave me an act by myself. Not sure why I was cut but then again, this is all strange" Leslie Lamia): *Blinks and quirks a brow as he rests almost entirely against the cage. Axorawerecat): "not sure. I don't think they thought this through completely. At least that's what I hope as I can't think of anything else. Well, also, the material? Well it had some other effects on my body. Strange effects" Leslie Lamia): *Nods as he flicks his tail ans crosses his arms and stands up. Axorawerecat): hmmms. "Not really, fancy food, no. However, what I did was develop a taste for flesh" she leaned against the bars of the old cage which broke as she quickly wrapped her trunk around you. "Well, unless you think flesh is fine dining" Leslie Lamia): *He quirks a brow at that, his air standing up attentivly and his tail stilling.wait a minute!" Axorawerecat): "well you see, this human" she grins wickedly. "This human, he wasn't nice. He loved to bully anything that wasn't human so I bully anything that isn't elephant" she says. "This is also why they cut me. Apparently my trainer had an unfortunate incident with me before" guilds you slowly behind herself. "Like me to demonstrate?" Leslie Lamia): *He whimpers at this, still squirming and pushing at the trunk though he never results to outright assault on it, knowing he's out matched in that category. Axorawerecat): "unfortunately, I can't. Its written on my genes you see" she says, not apologetic at all as she begins to sit back on you Leslie Lamia): *He whines out and continues to resist though stares as he watches her rear start to slowly loom down over him and he yelps. Axorawerecat): "finishing my story," she says casually as she continues her descent, moving slowly as she wanted to prolong this a little Leslie Lamia): *He goes wide eyed at that and just stares at the two orifices coming towards him but judging from her lifted tail, he can tell which one he's heading into! Axorawerecat): the fleshy hole was hot and smelled strongly but luckily not all that bad as shhe moved a little faster now, taking in your upper body Leslie Lamia): *He yelps as he feels the thick and tight flesh encase his head, wrinkling his nose at the less than pleasent odor of her anal region. Axorawerecat): the elephant either can't hear you or more likely, doesn't want to stop as her trunk uncoils to keep it away from the smell as she sat down more, pulling more of you into her intestines Leslie Lamia): *As the trunk gives way, he starts to squirm some more but by now it's hopeless, the tight anal muscles keeping him from pulling out as his waist disappears into that sucking flesh. Axorawerecat): the elephant was rather large and soon his progress stopped still in the intestines rather then pulling him all the way into her belly. Still inside the fleshy tube, he is kneaded and squeezed for his nutrients Leslie Lamia): *He grunts as soon he is slurped in entirely to the mammoth and hot elephant intestines. Axorawerecat): "yes, please squirm struggle" she said as the hole closed, sealing you in. It was in a strange way better for you that this would happen as now no painfull acids would flow Leslie Lamia): *He continues to do so and did so without prompting.ultimately be happy not having made a gurgly trip to her stomach. Axorawerecat): "let you out?" she asked, amused. "Well if you would like" the pressure increases along with the heat, causing you to pass out before your body was crushed and compacted Leslie Lamia): *He whimpers out at that and squirms as he feels the walls press in more on him and the heat rise, causing him to pant in the fleshy inferno. Axorawerecat): "err that was odd. Well anyway, now I'll let you out" she says before opening the hole that devoured you release you. Only this time in a smellier, browner form. "I live to serve, my master" |
The whole school was in a rush. Everyone had anticipated one single person coming down the halls and giving them the ultimate chance of a lifetime. Each class was filled with distinct chatter from students who both hoped and were knowing if they would receive an invitation to Michelle Winters brand new suite for a private party and sleepover. Though the idea of a sleepover when you in high school isn’t the right word to use. Everyone was praying for it to be the best they’ve had in their young lives. The one person that knew more than anyone else that she would never be invited was Lucy Falls. Sitting at the back of the class allowed her to see everything happening before her. The other students gossiping and speaking to each other about what they plan to do when they are in the same house as Michelle. She was the opposite to Lucy. brighter hair, clothes, eyes, and even social standing. Michelle sat in the front just so everyone behind her could see at every second of the day. Which began as soon as she walked through the classroom door. Everybody became silent instantly as the woman of the hour came in. Taking her seat right in the front row, just so everyone around could see that lovingly bright white hair flow down behind the back of her seat. Class begun and everybody was patiently awaiting for the woman herself to speak up. Lucy was quiet, as per usual. Yet there was one odd thing that she continued to notice. About every couple of minutes. Michelle would turn her head and gaze back to the dark haired girl. It was eerie, yet soothing as she noticed this becoming a common occurrence in the past few weeks. What could it mean to her? Lucy didn’t know, but someone else did. Racheal Minty, who was two seats before Lucy and 2 behind Michelle. Her head turned as well once she noticed that Michelle wasn’t looking at her. But the dark haired outcast behind her. Minty kept her calm for the moment, not wanting to look bad to Michelle, but within her was a burning disgust for Lucy. As the class had ended everyone continued to chat with one another. The quiet mystery continued to linger into the halls. Meanwhile, Lucy made her way to the bathroom to wash her face off. She placed her bag near the door and placed herself in front of the large mirror that took up nearly the whole wall. She saw her gloomy appearance before her. To herself she was perfectly fine with her gothic appearance. Though she was hoping to improve herself more by going from just goth, to gothic lolita. She pulled out her phone and began to search around for any nearby shops that sold clothes she would like. All while searching a single post stood out to her. A brand new shop had opened up near where she lived, and what was even more surprising was that a familiar face was in the photo for the grand opening. Michelle Winters. Holding a large pair of scissors and standing next to two women that made her stand out like a sore thumb. Lucy wondered what the girl was doing there. She never could have imagined Michelle to be into that type of stuff, given her exterior look. Lucy wasn’t able to think any longer, as her phone was snatched from her hand. She turned to face the thief and saw Rachel Minty. Standing there with a smug smile plastered across her face. “Hey! Give that ba-” Lucy tried to yell to the girl but was grabbed from behind. A pair of arms roped underneath hers and pulled her back. She immediately noticed the bracelet on the girl's arm. Marley Johnson. Another girl that Lucy was all too familiar with. “Put her in the stall. Lindsey! We’re coming in!” Racheal yelled out, and another girl was recognized. Now Lucy was placed in a stall facing three girls who hated her for reasons she wasn’t able to understand, but she was about to find out the reasoning behind today’s bullying. “So. Lucy. I’m not sure if your aware, but I’ve been invited to Michelle’s for the sleepover. Have you been invited?” “No.” Lucy soberly responded. The girls began laughing hysterically. “Of course you didn’t. Why would she? Nobody should have the displeasure of being in the same room as you, let alone the same house.” Racheal taunted the girl. Lucy felt herself sink into despair as the girl spoke. She could then feel it turning into rage. Perhaps today was the day. There was a pin in her hair. It could be used as a weapon if she wanted to. However the room quickly returned to her. There were two other girls here. Not just Rachel. They would surely be able to over power her. “Hey!” Lindsey yelled out. “Listen up dweeb.” Lucy was grabbed by her hair and yanked forward. Lindsey got all up in her face and put on the same smug smile as Rachel. “We see how she looks at you. Like you’re worth anything to her. Let’s see how much you are worth to her after she sees what you really look like.” Marley said as she opened the lid of the toilet seat. Lindsey forced the girls head down towards the water. Yet Lucy resisted. She put both of her hands up to the seat to resist her face being pushed into the tainted waters of the girls bathroom stall. Rachel laughed as she watched the girl struggle. “Ah don’t do that!” Rachel yelled as she lifted her foot and kicked the back of Lucy’s head. The gothic girl’s head jolted forward and was knocked into the seat. A cracking sound was let out through the bathroom. She cried out in pain, but all the girls could do is laugh. Lindsey then shoved the girl's head into the toilet bowl. Lucy squirmed and jolted about. Finding it hard to breathe through the blood coming from her nose and head. It felt like this may be the moment, her bullies could rid themselves of a nuisance right before they spend the next week with someone they actually cared for. Lucy began to feel her consciousness slipping, the last thing she heard was the girls laughter as her body became weaker. Then, she stopped, unable to move, think, or see. Lucy had fallen. Lindsey removed herself from the girl and all three of the bullies stepped back to see the girl’s lifeless body. The next bell had rung, indicating that the day was over. Rachel tossed Lucy’s phone onto the wet floor, the image of Michelle in front of the store still being displayed on screen. The halls filled with students preparing to leave the school. Lucy’s cold body was still resting in the stall. Everything had quieted down and almost everyone was out of the building. The girls bathroom still had one lone occupant, until the doors opened and another entered the area. Marley Johnson had returned to the scene. She looked over to Lucy’s body, and quickly shut the stall door. Then stood on the opposite end of the room. Waiting. The door opened again, and this time Michelle WInters came through. She seemed uninterested or outright displeased with being in the same room as Marley. Her phone was close to her face, the light from it illuminating her face even more. “So you want an invite to the sleepover?” Michelle asked Marley, not looking away from her phone. “Yes please. You already invited my other friends, Rachel and Lindsey. Please. I want to spend that time with them as well.” Marley pleaded, putting on a cute persona to sway Michelle. Yet Winters wasn’t buying it. Especially since she already had a strict rule in place, if you were invited, don’t tell anyone else. “Marley. Did you tell anyone else about those two being invited?” Michelle asked. “No. They just told me, and haven’t said it to anyone else.” “Well let’s hope that’s true.” Michelle said before she a small bell chime rung in the restroom. It came from the stall closest to her. Another chime came in until she recognized it as the sound a smart phone gets when someone receives a notification. Michelle walked over to the stall. Marley’s heart began beating impossibly fast. The girl opened the stall door, and found both a cell phone on a small puddle of water, and Lucy Falls body in the toilet. Michelle had no immediate reaction. Because she already knew who was behind this. Lucy Falls was always harassed by the same grouping of girls. Rachel Minty, Lindsey Waters, and Marley Johnson. Winters turned to the other girl. Her face having a stern look to it, which receded into a bright smile. Marley became horrified by the girls gesture. Unsure if Michelle was aware that she is partly responsible for Lucy ending up this way. “Oh Lucy Falls. Always getting into some trouble.” Michelle knelt down and felt the girls pulse. “She’ll live. Which is good because I wanted to invite her to my suite. Yet I don’t think she’ll be able to make it. There’s a high chance she’ll go straight to the hospital after something like this.” Marley listened as the popular girl voiced her concern for Lucy. Which started Marley’s feeling of guilt towards her action. Michelle stepped away from the stall, reached into her bag, and pulled out exactly what Marley wanted to see. A thick plastic badge, black in color, that featured the WInter family Sigil on it. Marley's heart began to pound as she couldn’t believe what was happening. “Here. It’s your. Since she won’t be able to take it.” Michelle confirmed the girls' thoughts. Marley was overjoyed, she began with a slow walk over to the other, then became faster as she knew this wasn’t a fantasy. Marley took the badge into her hands and admired it. “Michelle, Thank yo-” Marley was forced to stop herself due to a sharp pain in her stomach. She looked down to find a large knife stuck below her breasts. Then looked up to see Michelle’s stern face again. “Michelle…” Winters dug deeper with the knife, pushing it through the girls’s body. Marley whimpered as her blood dripped onto the floor around her. Michelle’s knife was planning and going completely through the girl. And it had. Winters had punctured a hole about the same size as her arm through the girls torso. The knife was sticking out from the back side of Marley. The girl tried to scream, yet Michelle covered her mouth with her clear hand, then forcefully pushed Marley back to the wall she had came from. “Everyday i have to watch as you and those other two lowlifes torture this girl for your own enjoyment.” Michelle began, she retreated the knife but didn’t let it leave Marley’s body. The blade then proceeded up wards. Slicing open the girls torso. “And everyday I hope one day you little shits would just learn your place and leave people alone. You lot have no right messing with someone who like her. You’re all so boring, no wonder you don’t have boyfriends. Who would ever date a bunch of bland ass bitches.” As the knife went up on Marley’s body, Michelles ripped it out and let herself be sprayed by the blood of her prey. Marley dropped to her knees in pain A hole in her stomach and her torso split open. “Michelle. Please. I promise-” Marley began before she was struck in the face by Michelle. “Oh what? You promise you won’t mess with Lucy ever again. You bullies are all the same, thinking you're so powerful until someone proves otherwise. I was intending on keeping you as a slave for my brother, but i think he’ll get tired of your sorry ass too quickly. You’re better off dead.” Michelle taunted. “Michelle! Please!” Marley cried as Michelle’s knife swung down and began cutting the girl up. Michelle sliced off her arms and legs first. Marley continued to struggle, and try to get the girl off of her. Yet Michelle was far stronger than Lucy. Eventually she threw the knife away and resorted to her bare hands. Placing both on them on the split in her torso, and began to pull them separately. Before this there was a chance for Marley to get treatment and go home, her arms and legs could even be reattached if Michelle so wanted it. Yet everytime she looked at this girl, let alone thought of her. She remembered that Lucy’s unconscious body was in the same room. And that was unacceptable to her. Noone was going to hurt Lucy ever again, but first, she had to get rid of a few nuisances. Marley screamed louder and louder as Michelle began to tear her in half. Her organs started to slowly fall out of her body. The seam of where she was split was growing, reaching up her chin, going to her lips and separating them like water diverting in a river, and it just kept going, passed her and and rounding over her head. Skin and bone were being torn and destroyed as Michelle let her rage out on the girl. And with one final pull, Marley was gone. Michelle ripped her limbless body in two, and massive spray of blood, entrails, and brains splattered across the bathroom. Immediately Michelle heard Marley’s last cry. Wishing to be spared as opposed to forgiven. ‘Well. looks like you made a mess of things.” Michelle complained looking to both the room and her own clothes. She stood up and gazed around to see just how much would need to be cleaned. She disrobed, removing her beautiful white dress and started to scrub the floor with it. She lifted up all the entrails and bones off the floor and placed them in the most convenient place, the next open stall. All of Marley rests inside of the toilet bowl. Michelle had done a thorough job, even chopping up her arms and legs into chips so that they would flush better. Winters reached into her book bag and pulled out another white dress, a backup for moments like this, and quickly put it on. And as the sound of Marley’s remains flushed down the toilet, she heard something moving in the first stall. Lucy had awaken, and was coughing up both her blood and the water. Michelle rushed over, putting on her nice girl act. “Hey are you alright?” Michelle said worryingly. Lucy didn’t respond at first, she just continued to cough. “Dammit. Stay with me Lucy!” “Mi-Michelle.” Licy said through hard coughs. “I’m here. I’m here.” Michelle held the girl close, but noticed that her movements were slowing. Lucy was in real pain, and she had to do something. And a solution was already in her head. “Alright. I’m taking you to my house. We can patch you up there. Don’t worry about the girls. I will make sure they don’t hurt you.” |
[i] The faint noise could be heard from the cave’s entrance, a light gurgling accentuated with sharp pops and groans that echoed in the tight corridor; moving further inward, without a torch one would be hard pressed to find their way amongst the shadowed rock and dark soil, but they might just nearly be able to make out the soft crimson tone of fur outlined against the darkness. At the back of the cave, the contrasting red was accompanied by a lighter beige, wrapped around a broad, burbling gut. The creature in question obviously not native to this environment, but content to make short home of one, for as long as she required to digest her meal. The meal, on the other hand, was not so inclined to settle into their own accommodations. Prior to the intimacy of this arrangement, the two individuals had never before met-that they had met at all is something of an astronomical improbability, given each being native to entirely separate dimensions, let alone worlds. It’s difficult to determine, of the fox and her supper, which made the journey to the other’s realm-perhaps both had been transported to some third location neither were familiar with? Regardless of the backdrop to their encounter, the events of which were to play out the same in every possible telling: The Red Queen, as she will come to be known, is no stranger to awaking under unusual circumstances; finding oneself deep in an unlit cave only serves to delay her morning routine, working her way through the dark turns and over rubble, instead of working through a heap of bacon, pancakes, and still squirming breakfast. But, this unexpected setback would only postpone the procurement of food-determination and unyielding hunger, if anything, define the fox as she trudges through the dark atmosphere. Heading towards her location from the opposite direction; a thin shadow flicks over the walls, the black appendage momentarily eclipsing candlelight as it’s owner carefully maneuvers downward into the depths of the cavern. Anemic clacks against errant stones littering the floor announce the footfalls of clean leather boots, trailing downward from the black and grey trousers of an altogether exotic ensemble. Rising to eye level, one can see the feline orbs calm and focused, much more capable of sight in the low light environment than that of a human. After many minutes of walking, black cones began to twitch amidst his raven locks, the feline ears picking up far off movement deeper into the cave. Cautiously, in case of traps or some foul beast, he crept ever forward. Just around the next bend, and several meters downward, Queen has run up against a wall, quite literally. A sheer ledge, damp with condensation and lacking convenient handholds, blocked her progress and forced her to consider her options. Her own superior eyesight allowed her to see perfectly clearly in the dark tunnel, so there was no risk of anything sneaking up on her-not that she would have minded, given the continued lack of food to be found-but whatever brought her to this cave was unlikely to spontaneously return and aid her, so unless she can manage to scale the wall ahead of her, it’s likely she would be stuck for some time. After a few moments of mulling it over she decides to at least see how far she can climb without assistance, figuring it would be difficult to serious injure herself and the chances of a cave in being slim to none. The faint scrabbling of leather on stone bounced around the walls for a moment before settling as the fox lowered herself to the floor; she’d only made it a quarter of the way up at first, trying again she was able to reach the halfway point before running out of momentum. As she prepared for a third attempt, she noticed the beginnings of light crawling past the edges of the cliff face-someone was approaching from the other side! Ceasing her efforts, the red fox made ready to greet her new arrival. Momentarily confused by a dead end upon reaching the source of the noise, Arctic swiveled his head before finally looking down into the dark pit. Even with his eyesight and the aid of candlelight, he was pressed to make out the form stood at the base of the wall; striking cerulean orbs above white teeth that somehow seemed to shimmer even in the darkness stared up at him from below. “I don’t suppose you could lend your assistance? I appear to be at a disadvantage,” The voice that rose from the bottom of the pit startled him, fully expecting the visage to below to some unseen monster or beast. The grin widened before speaking again, “Really, while I’m certain in my ability to [/i]eventually[i] traverse this obstacle myself, I believe it would be in our combined interests if you aided me,” He considered it: there’s unlikely to be anything of value further into the cave, and he had no interest in moving downward himself if he would be forced to climb his way out. This person was most probably just another adventurer, like him, who thought the cave might be a good spot to explore. After the short deliberation, he responded with a nod, “…alright. How do you want to do this?” He was curious, he didn’t have any rope-and he rightly assumed that she had none as well. Without tools of any kind, reaching her AND maintaining a way up would be difficult. “Oh, excellent! I can make my own way up the most of it, I just need you to grasp my hand and bring me across the rest,” Sounds easy enough. Setting his candle beside him, Arctic kneeled at the edge of the cavern wall, leaning over the pit. If it were deeper he might be worried, but at worst they would both be stuck if he fell. Being in her position would be somewhat unagreeable, but at least he wouldn’t starve; having been in similar situations before, the feline knew how to make certain… decisions, to ensure his survival-and her voice did sound especially sweet. Shaking his head, he brought his thoughts back into focus and signaled that he was ready. He saw her eyes disappear into the darkness, before bolting forward with the sound of heavy footfalls. She made it more than halfway up the incline, but not enough to reach him. She made it further on the second attempt, and he leaned forward more, but they still missed each other by at least a foot. “This isn’t working,” Her voice, somewhat sharper, reached his ears. Well, he supposed they could use either of their clothing to form a rope-but he wasn’t sure if his could take the strain of a person’s bodyweight tugging at it, and he wasn’t particularly keen on sacrificing his outfit for the cause. He wasn’t about to suggest this unknown woman strip, either. “I need you to lean forward over the edge, more, up to your waist, I think,” Would that work? It would probably afford them the extra length they needed to reach each other, but without anything to brace himself on he might go sailing right over the edge! “C’mon, I’m lighter than you think!” She assured him from the shadows with what he suspected was a wink. Those footsteps from earlier didn’t sound light, but she was probably also sprinting very hard-everything sounded louder inside the cramped tunnels, so it was difficult to be certain. He could at least give it a shot, if he felt himself slipping over the edge he could try to grab it, or even let go of her if he needed to. Careful not to fall right off, Arctic positioned himself with his upper body hanging over the ledge. Hesitantly signaling to her, he once more heard the sound of her approaching sprint. She made it even further than the previous attempt, and their hands clasped each other tightly! His caution about falling was not unfounded however, as he felt her immense weight pulling him rapidly away from the top of the wall! What he hadn’t considered was his earlier musings having turned on him, his vision replaced by an entirely different sort of darkness-a wet, pulsating one. In the split second that Queen’s hand grasped Arctic’s, and she felt herself-and her ‘rescuer’-slipping backward into the abyss, she made a decision. Recognizing that their plan had failed, she could at least cross one problem off her list: Breakfast. Her jaws latched onto his face as they began their descent, pearlescent incisors combing Arctic’s ebony hair before pressing him further into her esophagus. His clothing was odd but seemed to be mostly natural in construction, so she didn’t bother to remove it, opting to engulf the Miqo’te quickly rather than taste the bland garments at length. Black tufts of fur batted at her snout as she gulped around his waist, his tail spasming franticly alongside his wiggling fingers-trying, in vain, to grab hold of anything that might forestall the more dangerous of his two descents. But it was not to be, as those clawed digits were sucked down, followed by his plump posterior-fattened off of those who had partook in the same gastric journey he is taking at this very moment. By the time Queen was past his knees, they had finally reached the bottom of the pit; as her fat cheeks slammed onto the cold ground, the force of impact hurried Arctic’s downward motion and she finished off the tips of his boots with a wet slurp. The heavily lubricated footwear bulged out her throat heavily before passing between her bosom to join their master in the slick interior of Queen’s own cavernous stomach. Releasing a contented sigh at having sated at least one of her primary desires, The Red Queen sat with her legs pressed to either side of her bubbling cauldron of a middle, already gearing up to digest another in a long line of live meals that made up her usual breakfast affair. Her forever unzipped catsuit-some speculated that the zipper was, in fact, broken-exposed the tawny fur of her bulbous belly, feeling over the occupant of which as he reoriented himself in her slime-soaked insides brought waves of glee crashing over her. Arctic wasn’t enjoying himself nearly as much beneath the ooze, and tight muscles, and her thick pelt-complete with the forceful motion of fingers rubbing across it, smearing digestive enzymes across his already caked exterior. Her stomach was stretchy, clearly capable of containing much vaster quantities of food-much more than he counted as, anyway-but her position, along with the constantly groping hands prevented him from doing little more than stretching his legs when the numbness began to creep in. He’d been worried about damaging his clothes earlier, but it became a moot point as the acids began to eat through the material. The metal and tough leather was harder going, but the formerly pristine white cloth, and comparatively thin leggings gave way before long, exposing the Miqo’te to the caustic forces of his surroundings. As the shreds of Arctic’s outfit joined the mire around him, he felt more intensely the playful prodding of his captor’s fingers across his skin. Tingling from more than just the rising pool of muck, the feline scowled as he noticed his arousal growing despite his dangerous situation. Pressed against the stomach walls, Arctic was unsure if the predator’s ministrations were intentional, but he could do as little to prevent them as he could to extricate himself from her interior. His writhing began anew-the rubbing around him having narrowed to one spot in particular, more sensitive now than ever before, and clearly the target of The Queen’s current… affections. Wordlessly, she stroked the admittedly sizeable imprint at the forefront of her stomach, caressing the bulge of his sex through layers of fur and flesh, coated in the caustic lubricant of her digestive tract. Unable to resist playing with her food, she furthered her efforts-drawing unwitting moans that her prey was hard pressed to stifle. Snickering at the duality of her meal’s duress, she continued to knead at her food, pinching along the tip of his shaft and coaxing him ever closer towards climax. And then, when she felt him just on the peak, she stopped. Pausing completely in her manipulations, she left him there-stewing silently if not for the bubbling fluid that surrounded him. If he wanted release, he would have to finish the job himself. For Arctic it was torment, at first the degrading feeling of being relegated to food doubled once she established him as her plaything-but for her to stop when he was so close to completion? His own lustful pants were masked by the cacophony of digestion revving up around him, but that hadn’t stopped him from hearing the fox’s snickering as she enjoyed his indecisiveness. She knew that being forced to choose between knowfully submitting himself to her gut or risking digestion while he sat so close to the peak of climax was unacceptable. Her snickering transformed into a full-on mirthful laugh after she felt his arms straining to reach around himself. With his shoulders locked between her thighs, she wasn’t making the job easy-but he wasn’t willing to let things end as they were; eventually he managed to force himself into a position that allowed access to his nethers, and got to work bringing himself over the edge that she had so eagerly brought him to. Queen herself simply sat and enjoyed the frenzied feline having at it inside her, licking her lips as the motion around her middle transitioned into wild bucking. The rapid movements were heavenly and contributed to her stomach’s own efforts at breaking down her meal. Clear imprints of a hand accompanied the bulges protruding from her middle, an attempt to brace himself as Arctic was consumed by his self-service. The rising tide that soon covered his waist only served to strengthen his determination as he felt his environment fighting his efforts; focused solely on obtaining that elusive pleasure, he failed to recognize immediately the acids biting into weakened patches of skin-or the pool of liquids steadily moving across his chest. Furiously, his hand beat back and forth-almost painful, under the combined assault of the stomach and his masturbation. Determined not to let her have this small victory, he was unknowingly dooming himself far quicker than her digestion would alone. As a great heat began to envelop the base of his neck, he finally found what he had been searching for-ropes of clear fluid spurting into the juices around him as his motions slowed into weak shudders. Red eyes snapped open when he felt sting drops of acid flicked onto his face, his afterglow washed away under the torrent of green that ate away at his frame. Panic returned to his being as he eyed the approaching line that edged ever closer. The sharp acridity of the fumes burnt his nostrils, and more than once did he flinch away when the errant fleck stung at his eyes. Any valiant protests he might have had died on his tongue as a quiet whimper when the waterline reached passed his chin. “Ah…,” A sudden pat from outside sent waves crashing into his damp hair, already sizzling away under the abuse, “I gotta say; you feel [b]great[/b] in there-thanks for helping out with this little problem of mine!” Another series of pats and rubbing began in earnest, no longer concerned about the state of his arousal-now entirely focused on milking her own enjoyment from his rapidly approaching demise. His ears flattened across his skull, a futile attempt to hide from both the acid and her words. He knew that he wouldn’t last long after the organ filled up entirely, and the encroaching fluid showed no signs of stopping their advance. Acidic tear lines burned across his face as the goop dripped off his hair, recombining into the pool below before rising steadily onward. His limbs throbbed painfully, and he had long since lost feeling in his tail-the slick, ebony fur stripped from the appendage as it floated lifelessly in the muck. The skin across his chest shined an angry red, seemingly sunburned, whilst his legs were nearly absent of covering in their entirety-exposed tendon and muscle fizzing horrendously. Oddly enough, of his submerged body parts his feet were the least damaged-the construction of his leather boots holding up under the assault much more competently than their owner. The acids would strip those curling digits in time, but for now his feet twitched numbly as the nerves that fed them signals were themselves fed to the belly of their predator. What he had assumed to be a stranger in need was actually a stranger in need of lunch; If this was the reward for altruism, Arctic should have made his own plans to eat this unknown predator from the very beginning. As he positioned his nose away from the burning waters that rose to take it’s place, Arctic considered how things could have gone: He could have realized what that smirk meant, known what she was planning before agreeing to her plan-if he’d even been just a bit more aware, a second faster even, he could met her dangerous advance with a wet swallow of his own and treated himself to a mid-exploration snack! Thoughts of their positions reversed filled his head as the acids framed his face, now pointing upwards at the ‘ceiling’. He imagined her pleading him, pawing at his stomach walls while he callously belched up the blue beret he had caught only a glimpse of. He imagined empty promises of letting her out if she managed to get him off from her unfortunate position, laughing when her shocked cries echoed out inside him. He imagined savoring her taste as his powerful abdominal muscles crunched her battered form into sludge, forcing her remains downward towards a humiliating dispersal. All his imaginative retributions were for naught, the acids finally rose above his face-sucked briefly downwards into his mouth as it burst open in a silent scream. As the last of his breath vacated his lungs, the remaining air was pressed out of the stomach as it finally sealed itself shut, filled in it’s entirety by digestive fluids and meat. Queen’s hands bounce off her middle like a waterbed as she pats it; she could almost make out a short, muffled shrieking, before it was drowned out by… well, the issuer drowning. Not quite drowned yet, though, given the bulges rippling over her side as her occupant spasms. A smaller bulge traveled upwards past her breasts, and her jaws parted in a triumphant [b]BUUuuOoooorp![/b] She smacked her tongue against the roof of her mouth before licking her lips, “I guess that explains the movement!” A sudden loud [b]SNAP![/b] followed by softer crunches interrupted her musing, “Yeesh, don’t get so worked up about it, huh? I’m only digesting you; you should be glad you won’t be awake for the rest of it.” She poked her belly lightly in playful scolding, chastising her meal for not being more cooperative. The occasional sound of more fractures punctuated the constant bellowing groans and gurgle emanating from the orb of sandy fur-her meal further damaging himself with his oxygen-starved flailing. Soon enough, Arctic’s vision faded-both from the lack of air, and the acids chewing through his eyes. The movement inside her died down along with her occupant; it would take slightly longer for his life to truly fade, but any possibility of reawakening was long eliminated. With no further enjoyment to be derived from the living qualities of her meal, Queen was free to knead at the ball of flesh inhabiting her stomach with much harsher ministrations. Loud sloshes narrated the movement of her prey as she worked at folding and tearing apart his form, breaking him down into more easily dissolved fragments. The battered remains of his legs went first, his knees broke into slivers that floated upward to the top of the cauldron while she sanded the meat from his femurs; his boots still contained his feet and much of his calves, still protected and only now beginning to break down as the boot wells were uncorked, allowing fresh acid in; Arctic’s tail was already a goopy mess of decaying ligament and vertebrae that required no attention, as did the finger bones that floated loosely; she doubted she would be able to decapitate him so early into the digestion, so she settled for shearing of the remainders of his arms-digging apart the radius and ulna, leaving a bloody mess to settle amongst the debris filling her gut. Short, hiccupping belches escaped Queen’s maw as she broke down raw meat and bone into chunks hiding pockets of air inside. With her meal broken down about as much as it was going to be, she paused in her rubbing and heaved herself to her feet. The task wasn’t difficult, she was accustomed to lugging meals many times her own weight by this point, the current weight hardly encumbered her. A she stood, the groaning sack slumped across her thighs, much more pliant and juicier than it would have been, had she stood while her meal was still whole. Making her way to one of the walls, she once more took up residence on the floor-this time with a spot to rest her back against. She wasn’t going to sleep, not in an unknown environment-she had already learned that lesson long ago-and while she was almost certain the caves were uninhabited, little was stopping another adventurer from stumbling upon her just as the previous had. No, it had been many moons since she had last seen the inside of a stomach, and she intended for it to remain that way. While she would never let her guard down under any circumstances, nothing was stopping her from relaxing and enjoying her meal. There was no rush to vacate the cavern, and even less chance of retaliation from the unfortunate feline destined for her waistline. Arctic was making decent progress; more a collection of limbs circling a head and torso than an actual person at this point. The dull and gormless expression that occupied Arctic’s handsome features now sported gaping holes that exposed his sharp teeth and cheekbones, before long his jaw would disconnect and join the current that swirls his dissolving parts in a whirlpool around his broken form. The markings that adorned his face disappeared with the skin they covered, and his eyes stared vacantly into the mire while they jellified. With a squidgy [b] Pop![/b], the enzymes finally ate through Arctic’s chest cavity-having worked from both sides after he swallowed down mouthfuls to replace his spent air supply. Organs, including a stomach that had broken down it’s fair share of meals, broke free of their confines, dissolving much quicker than the sturdier chunks of bone and muscle. A crimson silt began to gather at the base of the stomach, the combined materials broken down into a fine mash to be pulped and sifted after reaching the intestines. Splinters and shavings of bone ground into powder, adding a mealy texture to the gunk, reminiscent of cereal left to soak for too long. The larger bones took longer to break, some didn’t at all, and stuck out from the mess like shatter spires and the masts of sunken ships-a deadly warning of their imminent fate to any that might witness it. With less than a third of the Miqo’te still intact, the concentrated acids quickly set about finishing off Arctic’s remains as the rest of the soup began to vacate the stomach in the next phase of their journey. Queen’s eyes shut tight from the sensations filling her bowels; a thick, nearly paste-like fluid flooding her intestines to the brim with nutrients. Bones, fur, and scraps of clothing present amidst the slurry of dissolved matter massages and tickles at her lining, causing her to bite her lip while the slop races through her. As the debris pokes and prods at her, the intestine returns the favor in kind-draining the useful materials and sending the rest on it’s way further down the pipes. Standing once more, and outright moaning at the waves that slosh within her, Queen faces the wall preventing her from escaping. The candle atop has long since burned out, now a melted puddle of wax that resembles it’s former owner. Opting for a slower approach this time, given her gravid state, she positions herself at the corner where the two wall join into a curve. Pressing her belly against the cool surface, Queen spreads her limbs to each side, grasping at the rock and slowly shuffling upward. It isn’t exactly comfortable, and certainly awkward to view, but it works, and she steadily makes her way to the top. Her belly groans from the added pressure, and she goes cross eyed and nearly falls when a surprisingly intact boot presses into her intestines. Forcing herself to shake off the pleasant feeling, she continues onward. Finally, she reaches the end of her climb, and with some quick finger work, avoids a second hasty descent into the pit below. Another mighty [b]BOOoorAap![/b] thundered out of her as her belly slams onto the ledge, nearly making her lose her grip as she pulls herself up. Grateful that carrying two people up the wall wasn’t much more difficult than one, she dusted herself off. Had the feline been stuck at the bottom of the pit instead of her, Queen would had no difficulty pulling him upward-though, his fate would have remained the same either way. Shrugging off the thought, she continued her trek to the surface-intent on finding out where in the hells she was exactly. The cavern reflected the gastric symphony of gurgles, groans, and ga-lorshes back into her ears as her passenger continued his ride through a different sort of cave. As more and more entered her intestines, her stomach shrank to rest upon her engorged guts-creating a triangle shape of organs and increasing flab. Her half waddle retraced the route her meal had taken to reach their encounter deep in the cave, knees crossed every time an especially large object infiltrated her bowels. The minutes passed by with the only timepiece to keep track being that of her digestive clock, and slowly but surely she made her way out of the tunnels. The nutrients siphoned out of her meal did much to benefit their captor, both providing energy for the long hike, as well as taking up residence on her portly frame; Her breasts increased some, but otherwise remained mostly the same-her gut on the other hand wobbled with new paunch that spread across the orb that contained the processing remains of her feline meal. The real haul was deposited to her backside, however. Previously enormous cheeks swelled up even further, the soft and pillowy mounds retaining their rounded physique despite their size being similar to that of a beanbag chair. How her catsuit is capable of containing an ass such as hers remains a mystery to this day, even as tightly restrained as they were, every step jostled and jiggled her still growing backside. Her musing continued throughout her journey; as she took in her surroundings, small bits of vegetation now visible the closer to the entrance she walked, nothing familiar stood out to her. It’s possible she was on another world-an attempt by one of her associates to finally overthrow her, she surmised. Why they would choose to exile her rather than simply devour her was beyond the fox’s comprehension, but she had plenty of time to worry about-and enjoy-cleaning house upon her return. A drawn-out groan brought her mind back to the present; a pressure had been mounting as she walked, building up in her bowels at the end of her tract. Her stomach felt mostly empty, and while there was no way of telling how long she had been walking, it was more than enough time for Arctic to traverse the lengths of her intestines-and now he sat impatiently at her backdoor. When loud burst of gas urged her to relieve herself, she conceded with a sigh; the cave entrance was probably still a ways off anyway-and given that her meal had reached the exit to her’s first, she wasn’t content to hold him in for much longer. Removing her gloves and setting them on the ground in front of her, followed by her boots, Queen shimmied out of her catsuit-her gut and titanic backside resting just a bit lower without the article to prop them. Folding her clothing neatly beside her boots, she moved a few meters off from her coverings-lest she incidentally soil them. Her guts burbled as she crouched low to the ground, still full enough to brush the ground and more than familiar with this portion of their job; From between her russet cheeks a massive head of darker coloured material pressed out almost immediately after she hunkered down. Snaking through her bowels and onto the cold floor, Arctic’s steaming remains spiraled into a growing pile. The cat had been much larger than Queen’s own admittedly somewhat short stature, and the loaves vacating her bowels represented that size difference fully, the initial loaf that squeezed from her tubes was easily more than six inches across, and well over a foot and a half in length before it was pinched off and followed by and even longer spool of dense shit. Each clump that dropped from her anus was decorated with strands of fur and hair, fragments of yellowed bone, and scraps of clothing that managed to avoid digestion only to end up buried under their former owner. The fox’s breath caught in her throat for a moment before it was held during the effort of forcing something from her backside. The tip of something stuck at her rear valve preventing the flow from continuing outward. Shifting uncomfortably, she spread her cheeks with each hand in an attempt to ease the passage of the offending material. Finally, the object began to slide free and she was able to look behind her as identify the issue: wrapped tight between her sphincter is one of Arctic’s boots, full of holes but undigested, foot dangling over the pile of muck. After a bit of shaking, she pried loose the footwear which fell to the ground with a heavy thud-no doubt full of dung, its open end having faced the rest of her bowels. She breathed a sigh of relief, eager to get back to work, only for a second blockage to press itself against her exit. Groaning internally, Queen readied herself for a repeat performance as the second boot made it’s way out of her. A deluge of excrement shoveled onto the floor, heavy boulders filled with crumbling bone and leather straps-some of which still gleamed with tarnished metal that had made it’s trip through her digestive tract relatively unscathed. As the refuse tumbled out of her, Queen’s swollen guts decreased in size-transitioning from an enormous expanse to something only the size of a beach ball. Shuddering as something began to breach her rectum, Queen’s head swiveled to view behind her. Panting lightly as she saw a filth encrusted skull begin to slide into view, lodged inside a large volume of crap-nearly as big as a good portion of the waste already covering the floor, all on it’s own! The skull disappeared downward, out of sight and into the pile-but she could tell that it was still connected, via the spinal cord that ran the length of the turd, spreading her asshole more than a foot across as it’s widest. The width could be attributed to the largely intact ribcage, reinforcing the loaf like the chassis of a car while it ventured down her rectal highway. Queen was openly moaning at the stimulation; she hadn’t been stretched out this wide in years! Eating Arctic was only proving to have been a better and better decision with every second, with her only regret being that she had been unable to taste her filling meal before this point. Eventually the mass behind her tapered off into a point that signified where her meal’s tail had been forcibly removed from the spine, and her bowels were all but spent. That… had been a lot. Looking behind herself, she was surprised by the amount of waste she had managed to produce-even given their varying sizes. Coming down from her enjoyment, Queen slowly stood, working out any kinks that had gotten into her back and legs while she relieved herself. She did feel much lighter, despite the additions to her backside and her still fat gut, something that wasn’t likely ever going to disappear. Retrieving her clothes, she wished she’d had something to wipe herself with-she was no stranger to roughing it, but the luxuries of her rule had made her accustomed to a level of comfort in her life, something she intended to return to as soon as possible. Cleaning herself as best she can in her situation, The Red Queen donned her signature apparel and headed topside. Soon enough the end was in sight; the sound of birdsong and a cool breeze brushed the edges of the cavern entrance. She wasn’t entirely certain what would be waiting for here when she reached the exit, but she was certain that she was capable of handling anything that came her way. And with that final notion, she strode forward and away from the cave and everything in it. [/i] |
Another lazy day, another afternoon of lying besotted and barely sated in his reinforced hammock. Punchy was enjoying his beautiful paradise- an empty town full of little more than wrinkled loaves of shit-bones, burnt clothes and flecks of fur now steaming in the tropical sun while he relaxed. His massive corpulent form was still incredibly fat, layers of pudge bloating out his hips, his gut dragging along the sand and leaving trails in the golden dust until the wind blew them over, obscuring his tracks. “Guhh uuuuuarrpppp…” He pushed out a wet belch, rumbling out of his lips while drool dripped down the fat cat’s chin. His black and white fur was barely contained in an over-stretched pair of tight thong like material that had been threaded and sewed by a former victim (Punchy promising that he would of course spare the cutie if they made it for him: They were steaming somewhere down the beach now, having already forgotten their name and appearance). Jiggling to and fro, he almost missed the paper airplane hitting him in the shoulder, blown in on the winds of the island. “Oh what is it now?” He grasped for the piece of folded paper as it had dove down to rest on top of his gut. Punchy was often happy to lie back and lounge all day- this merest movement of muscle feeling like a sluggish march to grasp the note, unfurling it with a groan. His most recent meal was still putting up quite the fight and though the rich flavour was still wet on his sticky tastebuds, drops of drool falling across his lazy chops as he recalled how they had struggled to their very limits before becoming just another shifting bulge in the gut. “Stop it…” He sighed, rubbing over the tight taut bulges of the stomach: GLOORSSHHhh, SLOORRSHHHHHHHH! “Mpphh, lemme ouuuuuggrt!” The words were muffled and echoey, the dark pit of digestive fluids washing over the tight quarters of Punchy’s gut. They had been in there for an hour now and while Punchy did manage to remember this particular meal with a newfound spite mixed in with his usual sluggish hunger, they were not as solid as they were when they had first entered. Toiling away in the slimy pit of thick acids and syrupy juices that tingled against the fur and slowly began to fry away at nerve-endings along with the bunch of follicles that would keep the fur in. “Hmmm…” Punchy read over the letter, hastily scrawled in tight yet spiraling handwriting, the cat needing to tilt the paper just to make sure that he was reading it properly. “Well, this is weird…” Raising a fat encumbered leg, his cheeks jiggled with the resulting PFRRHHHHHHHHPPPPPPTTT! A rotten smell of stagnant methane with a mixture of rotten matter that burnt even Punchy’s nostrils while he made sure to re-read the note again, urgently looking for any way out of this: Dear Residents of the Island Hi, I’m your new mayor! And while I know this Island is a bit vacuous, full of literal waste and having no financial, social or agricultural infrastructure, I hope to change all that! I’d like everyone who takes residence here to come on over to the town hall about midday if possible. I know the smell is bad and the flies are a major issues, but this would really help me out as the new Mayor of this Island. Signed, Your New Mayor. P.S This does mean YOU Punchy as well, no excuses. The bloated cat sighed and smacked his gut, letting it slide from side to side with the liquid contents sloshing inside. “Looks like we’ve got a meeting. I mean you’re still a resident for the next few hours before I push you out of my ass…” He laughed at this and flopped off the hammock. Luckily, his belly managed to cushion his fall: A sickening CRUUUNNNCH ringing out from a long-digested meal or two being broken down by the weight colliding on top of the fragile bones. “Let’s go see what this is all about then…” He groaned and felt his bowels churning up some delicious, shipwrecked characters the other day. There was a squirrel, and a funny dog wearing a policeman’s uniform, all of which has been easy to suck in and taste to his heart's content. It had been a wonderful afternoon just letting his gut guuuurgle down and churn away into a nice chyme that had only added further onto his thighs, his round gut. The hammock behind him barely even shifted even with his weight off of the taut material, Punchy almost forgetting about it as he waddled off the beach, heading towards the stairs that would already begin to creak, still showing the crumbling cracks of Punchy’s last attempts to get up the stairs and see if anyone else was around to eat/hang around with. Feeling his innards grumble and groan with the shifting motions that would help to pummel his disgusting stomach contents into those fat satisfying logs. Though he would never admit it to anyone, the feeling of massive piles of shit coming out from his pink starfish was heavenly to the perverted Punchy. There was no one around to judge him so he could feel however he wanted about anything he desired, his guts seemingly gurururgmbling in agreement with him. Though his current inhabitant was less than happy with this arrangement. Already her hands- yes, that’s right her, Punchy remembered as girls always tasted sweeter than guys- were reaching for the bottom of the stomach, trying to find the valve for the next stage of digestion. If she could slip away, get rid of this vile caustic stinging, she’d be safe in the intestines where the duodenum would squeeze uncomfortable but otherwise harmless alkaline solutions over her body. “Got to get through here, get away from this horribly hot expanse…” Her hands pulled open the fleshy opening to the tube but before she could get any actual length of her arm inside, the walls squeezed shut again, the unfortunate victim only managing to pull her arm away at the very last moment. “Fuck!” Looking around in the low light of the gurgling stomach, she knew her chances of escape were decreasing by the minute. A thick soup of digested clothes and broken down cartilage warbled along the top of the potent juices. Her fur had already begun to strip off and while her clothes had been digested long ago, the expensive cashmere burning like dry wood to a forest fire, she truly felt naked now. With the majority of her beautiful primmed-and-primed fur gone, she felt under-dressed, vulnerable. “I hate this….” She admitted perhaps a little late to the party with her body compressed by the tight muscles around her. Punchy may have been lazy but his body was anything but. The internal regulations of a powerful digestive system assured that the easily distracted feline would be able to keep about his lavishly lazy lifestyle. Even now he was stopping to grab some ice-cream from an overturned cart (and of course, he was the one that knocked it over, rushing to devour the cute pink octopus who manned it), licking up the melted wash of pink, white and chip-studded brown. “Why can’t I… hunh... “ He groaned, his guts shifting behind him. The distended hips burbled and began to bloat with the gas that was brewing inside the tight half a mile length of pink ribbed muscle. Bacteria fed on the old carcasses of the townspeople Punchy had casually snacked upon, sucking down living people and converting them into steamy piles behind him. “Okay, let’s just uhhh release some weight…” He pushed, exerting enough force to gradually push the first tapered log out from between those two all-encompassing cheeks. As the rough TOOFRRTTTTTT! Trumpeted out, Punchy moaned yet again as he felt a ring of tightly compacted bone rub against the sensitive lining of his anus. Deep inside of him, glistening pink muscle extended out, ribbed with microscopic villi that combed through the disgusting sludge formed from many churned individuals, joined together as Punchy’s awaiting shit. A louder grunt pushed out of his lips, aiming the hefty dropping slop far away from his sticky ice-cream treat. “Oh, come on…” He pressed with his hands as far as he could reach down the gut’s length but could find no purchase on how much scat he could shift with his compressions. “This is… unf, way too much effort…” A few splots of brown scat dropped out from his hindquarters with a mere splat against the sand- clumps of golden material beginning to cover the new birthed-out pieces of scat with a skin of scintillant shifting sand. “Do something for god’s sake…” He poked the wriggling bulge inside his gut, feeling her interfere with the sensitive lining of his stomach. The churning depths still held the shape of her head well, but it was a lot softer, already more malleable under Punchy’s curious caress. “Urgh, get off me you fat hairball-spewing pig!” She shrieked out, kicking up a fuss just as her consumer had wanted. The struggling helped to catch up Punchy’s similarly lazy digestive system with the burden of the scat already welled up inside of him. Shifting down the coarser, more disagreeable lengths of shit through his colon, the prisoner’s fervent writhing would only help to push her along to her detriment. “If you don’t let me out, I’ll give you the worst indigestion of your life!” But that was already a misnomer. The worst indigestion of Punchy’s sluggish, lethargic life had easily been Blathers and his similarly stubborn sister Celeste: Perhaps it was due to their annoying nature in life but as pieces of shit, they had been harder to shift than the menacing tarantulas of the beautiful island. “Hehe, I’d like to see you try…” He grumbled, relaxing his pucker to feel the wrinkled pink valve drop more of the brown scat out of him. SPLAT! Ker-WHOMP! Each fat loaf was larger than the last and composed of steadily sloppier shit, a side effect of still being worked on by the overactive guts as they waited to be processed. The bill of a seagull or perhaps a duck spread out some of the crap that fell with it, clattering against the exposed joints, ribs and hip bones that made up the bottom of this stagnant pile of brown filth. The smell was overpowering and though Punchy really couldn’t care less to check, as this foul odor was taken to the wind, many trees in the nearby orchards dropped their apples with rot appearing in the usually pristine apples and cherries there. Hands still clutching onto what were once tools, now reduced to small planchets of eroded metal and chipped wood; The rib cages that once held hearts full of cheer, hollowed out and caked in brown slimy goo, weighing them down in the sand around them; Ribbons of fur that had become knotted like twine, able to withstand the digestive juices where their owners had not. All of these items would repulse and horrify the average viewer but Punchy looked back on the shit with a casual sneer. He could do better- oh so better. After all, that was the whole reason he had eaten the tetchy person within. She had been drumming up a fuss about the island smelling bad and how Punchy’s new weight was so ‘beneath her’ that the greedy cat had decided to reduce her to being beneath him. It was a process of waiting now, occasionally grunting when a stubborn blockage would pack up his pucker right as she went to town, whaling on his sensitive digestive system. “Guurrmmnnnn….” He mumbled, pushing out more of the coiling scat, forming macabre hoops of former possessions and people reduced to little more than manure. Rarrrrpppppppppppt! The farts were only getting smellier, boosted by the digesting female inside of him whose particular fur make-up was so full of chemicals, jewelry and colouring that the bacteria inside of him were going haywire just to keep up. “Just a bit more…” This of course was just a light dump, a small push of poo before he made his way to the town meeting. Punchy didn’t want to have to excuse himself for a toilet break, that would only make him look worse than the already precarious scenario of squeezing out former friends and families of his witnesses. GLORSSHHHH! The prissy female inside of him was having no easier time. She was swept from side within the tumultuous chamber, barraged with spurts of sickly sweet acid that would exude from the walls around her like sweat. Below her the ground trembled and shifted with each bowel movement the overloaded cat made: Squeezing out entire families as a series of connected bulges of shit that once unfurled out of the intestines would fall away into a shower of scat and bones, a lineage ended within the burning acids of the stomach. “Have to… find a way out…” She gasped, more for her own dwindling sanity than anything else. Clasping her paws over her sensitive ears, she felt her gold and blue fur further being filtered into various amounts of keratin and minerals. “Get off me!” The walls squeezed her and would not release her wiry frame no matter how hard she pushed or begged; her claws useless against the durable defenses of the well-lined stomach. The thought that she might never get out had crossed her fragile mind a few times, taking a lap around her growing fear and anxiety but still she would not be quelled or stopped: Punching and kicking as hard as she had when she was first gulped down by the fat cat. “Ahhhh~” Punchy had little idea of his meal’s struggle of course. To him, it was just a pleasant massage to further aid the shifting of his tight bowels, further helping push out the long log of wrinkled scat and entwined spinal columns, dropping out on top of the already high pile of shit. Time was ticking on and even the fatigued Punchy knew there would be reprimanding and punishment if he were to arrive too late. Letting out a sigh and one last pfrrt, he began to waddle his way onto the mainland proper. Brushing his scat-covered ass on the layers of sand, he knew that wouldn’t truly clean him out properly. Thankfully, there would be plenty of trees on the way over to the center of the island. Already he spotted a nice sycamore tree, reminding him of the finely varnished furniture that his squirming meal had dressed her home with. “Can’t be too stinky… Otherwise they might kick me off the island or sumthin…” Punchy groaned and pushed his ass towards the tree, sandwiching the hard bark between the fat jiggly buns, working his way up and down the hard bark which began to stain with the foul smears of broken bone and matted fur. The tree creaked, plump coconuts falling out from its heavy bough while its bark was stripped and replaced by a thick layer of sloppy shit that would beckon nearby flies to circle around it. Steam rose off the poor plant and it looked like with how much pressure and effort punchy had applied to it, it would fall over any second now. The sluggish feline didn’t mind and simply began to drag his heavy caboose towards the stone steps leading up to the town hall. A thick brown trail of slurry was left in the predator’s wake. “I’m coming now… Hold on…” Already his sensitive ears had picked up on the conglomerate noise of many different feet picking up speed and lurching towards the center of the island where the meeting would take place. Pausing for a brief second to let out a happy and sloppy BULLLLLARRPPPP! Out flew more tufts of yellow and blue fur, dripping bubbling juices across the bloated stomach that jiggled before him. Punchy’s snack was slowing down, pushing, and punching the walls but with far less vigor now that her chances of escape seemed next to nothing. But the prissy woman would not be beaten so easily, even when the odds seemed fully stacked against her. “Stop shifting already…” Punchy smacked his gut and let the juices of his burbling insides wash over the heavily saturated woman inside. “I am gonna get out of here Punchy! And when I do, I’ll rip your fur off and use it to carpet my living room!” She squealed, sinking deeper in the slush of what was undoubtedly fellow townsfolk turned into a horrible sloshing chyme. Deeper within the heavy bowels of Punchy’s digestive system, the latest meal could feel the muscles gripping and shifting: Rhythmically shifting the shit, that if she weren’t quick enough, she would add to. Reaching to the top of her head, she took the small snake adorning her fur, and pushed it down with all of her might. She hoped to maybe puncture the tight walls or at least cause enough gastrointestinal distress. “Gunnh, come on…” She struggled to find the correct angle, hoping to strike at one of the leaking pores to maybe quell the constant flow of burning juices. Bringing her arm down, the hardy adornment bounced off the flexing muscle, futile and already scarred with the acids that had splashed back from this weak attack. Sobbing in her misery, Punchy continued to make his way forward, blasting out heavy TOFORRTTTTTTTS! and pprrrhbbppppfrttttts! The wind blew the smell across the island, alerting the gathered people that their biggest problem was getting closer now. The new mayor was a brown haired young woman with a cheerful smile who had a tight fabric mask currently wrapped around her senses, not wanting to take in any of the vile scents that were creeping along with the tubby cat. There were maybe a handful of undigested townspeople with her: Those who had been away during the original gluttonous rampage, those who had hid exceptionally well or simply those that even the greedy cat wouldn’t eat. Label had managed to keep an extra layer of spines on her that day (as was the fashion that week) and had luckily not suffered the fate her poor sisters had. Harley, the strange entity that awards trophies to those with perfect towns, now sat on the edge of the still flourishing fountain, shaking his head in solemn loss. Pete as the town’s mail carrier, had been on one of his many flights and had returned to a smelly graveyard that depicted his former friends in a grotesque and humiliating display. Flick had simply blended in with his environment, shifting around the periphery vision of the all-devouring cat. The new mayor checked her watch and pulled out a checklist. “Right, let’s just get started. I should have expected him to be late…” She looked over the shit that still blocked the majority of the main street off. Hardened under the tropical sun and well-explored by the bugs of the island, it was a truly putrid display, but she could already make out many townsfolk in its putrescent majesty. “Mabel, Sable, Kapp’n, Gramm…” The remaining townsfolk suddenly jolted in fear, the literal ground shaking in the approach of the inevitable. Even the mayor stopped as her eyes darted across the massive jiggling shadow that was cast as Punchy’s fat form crested over the horizon. To say he was massive was an understatement. The tubby creature was a behemoth of chubby rolls and the sound his stomach made was almost identical to a jet engine: GLOOOOOOORORMRMMMMMMMMM! The mayor pinched the bridge of her nose, just to block out the horrible stench that Punchy allowed to be blown on the wind. “There you are…” She spoke with false happiness, really just wanting to get this bureaucratic matter out of the way once and for all. “Keep your distance from him!” She harshly whispered to her cohorts who nodded and made a clear aisle though the fat cat would not be there in any hurry. “What did I… BUUUALLLLLLLRRPPPPPP! Miss?” He asked aloud with the belch causing some of poor Pete’s feathers to drop from his strong wings. “Have you started the role call yet?” The mayor nodded and groaned under her breath. At least he should be some help in identifying who else he hadn’t eaten that day. “Hehe, bad smell… Must have been something I ate…” He casually commented with his midsection visibly shifting to the horrified gaze of the onlookers. Raising a leg, the small gathering took cover and felt the rocks they were hiding behind heat up from the wave of stink that shot out of his obese rear end: fRrrRRrrmmmmppptttt! The air turned slightly brown, and the poor mayor had to wave her clipboard in front of her face just to avoid passing out from the combination of acrid heat and nostril-searing odor. “Punchy, st-stop that right now! I need to actually go down this list and if you’re being of no help, I’ll get a barge to tug you away from this island!” This threat finally brought a low frown to the face of the disgruntled cat. “Now, perk up and pay attention: Did you consume any of the following: Agnes-” At the mention of the cute pig, Punchy’s rear twitched and he let out another disgustingly long prbbbbbbbbbbbttt… The smell of pork was thick on the air and the mayor crossed out her name with a sigh. “Okay, Amelia, Anchovy, Angus…” Punchy nodded and making as minimal effort as he could, pointed to the very back of the shit stack, the skulls of the bull, eagle and bird were bound together, their bodies still steaming from the burning acids taking effect on them within the gut. “They were tasty…” The cat dribbled across the pavement, leaving quite the foul mark against the cobbles and paving slabs. “Anyone else?” The mayor looked back at the sated creature with a furious glare. She had barely even started, and this bone idle monster was already asking as if she had been there for ages! “Yes actually, there’s someone of rather special importance, mostly for her occasional patronage to the running of the island.” The money-bereft new mayor cleared her throat and let her finger fall across the name. “Have you seen, or more likely, eaten Ankha?” A sudden blush stretched across Punchy’s face, his cheeks red as tomatoes before he tilted his head, perhaps to hide it but more likely to push out the groaning belch that made its way up his gullet upon mention of the name: BRURUUUARPRPPPPPPPP! Out flew the Nerubian-style necklace that the well-kept cat was a fan of wearing. “Oh, she’ll be… hehe, along in a bit…” He smacked his gut as the identity of his latest victim was revealed, just in time for the mayor to hear the sickening crack of her bones being pulverized by the powerful gut muscles: CRUNNCCNNRHRHHHHCHCCHHHHH! SLoorroossoosshhh… Blorrple! His guts seemed far less lively than they had when he had first crossed the beach and moved towards this impromptu meeting. “You can wait until she’s out if you want to have a picture with her…” He mocked, wincing when her headdress moved through the sphincter into the next chamber, the horrible muck of her body broken matted and compressed into a horrible gurgling soup that was beginning to give Punchy’s body an extra boost- not like he needed it of course. The mayor shook her head to his morbid mention of passing her and merely crossed the prissy cat off her list. She had no desire to watch the massively overweight feline push out another villager, especially not in front of her. Waving away the creature’s urge to crap, the mayor began to simply cross off each townsfolk that wasn’t there at the meeting. “What a waste of time…” She grumbled while Punchy’s lower midsection grumbled too: Full of the nutritious slop that was rapidly being churned, baked and shaped by the wrinkled walls into prime brown logs. “If you have nothing else to contribute Punchy, you can leave.” The mayor commanded harshly but turned to see his face creased in determination: A rare and worrying sight. “Wh-what are you doing?” She asked in nerves, the other townspeople beginning to turn away and run. Punchy merely smiled. “You mentioned… guhnnn… a waste of time… Thought I’d give you some waste for your time then…” He winked to a joke no one else wanted or made. Shrieking as she ran, Punchy was left alone to slowly hike down his makeshift thong and feel his guts shimmer with the reflexes needed to squeeze out such a heavy load of crap. “Oh, come back…” He groaned, watching the wind blow sand across the formerly occupied town square. “I have something to show you…” He managed a tight giggle as his hole peeped open with the first brown load of Ankha’s body though Punchy knew it was also a bit of various junk foods he had shoveled into his maw. PFrrrmmbbbbbllleee! The noise was sudden and shot out flecks of shit like bullets out of the end of an overloaded gun. Pieces of bone dripped from the open pucker, crawling down his stretched skin like slugs, leaving behind a horribly brown trail in their wake. The skeleton of Ankha was crushed and contorted but like most people who travelled through the disgusting cat’s bowels, was further cemented and posed in a disturbing position of what she had last looked like when the motes of life inside had run out. The acids had burned away at her fur, her skin and while both of these substances leaked out with the noisy ToooooOOOOTTTS that Punchy gradually let out, the gleaming white skull was bare of any protective layers. The first piece of her released, it still sported the headdress she liked to wear though of course the small snake centerpiece was missing, the gold paint having been bleached to a uniform copper shade where the powerful acids had stripped away at the protective coating. Ankha would rather be caught dead then wearing a headpiece this damaged and false-looking but fortunately or perhaps unfortunately for her, posthumously she would experience both. “Hnnnghhh…” Punchy continued to squeeze, feeling the massive lumps of shit that had shifted past her skeletal structure begin to break through his puckered anus. They dropped in noisy splats against the town square’s formerly pristine slabs, bones cracking as the fat logs opened up with the impact. Radiating off of the growing pile was a smell akin to rotten flesh mixed with sunbaked sewage. Ripples of ripped cloth that had just barely survived the digestive process were swept away by the vengeful wind, wrapped around the trees and telephone poles erected throughout the settlement, further spreading the brown muck through the fibers found within. Punchy groaned as Ankha continued to make her way out sluggishly, perhaps even stubbornly of his rectum. Her shoulder blades were pristine if not a bit brown from the way they had spent cooking inside his ravenous intestines. Then came her arms, the bones breaking off and landing with fat caterpillar clumps of brown musk across the floor, revealing pieces of cartilage and fur that had sprouted into these new thicker pieces of shit. “Come on…” He grunted, not looking down to see the way her delicate finger bones were still wrapped around the snake adornment as some kind of makeshift weapon and where they had landed on top of her head, it was all becoming a bit chaotic. Clearly her struggling had done little to help her in the last few moments of her pained lifespan within the digestive system. TOFFRRRTTTTTTT! Another fetid fart of fermented fecal particles blasted out, shifting the shit present on the floor with the wind blowing out from his backdoor. “Phew, for someone who claimed to take such care of herself… you sure smell bad on the other end Ankha hehe…” He mocked his meal and shifted his hips left to right, trying to shake free the snaking log of her midsection. Though no longer filled with organs, skin or life, the rib cage was being particularly stubborn, catching on Punchy’s sensitive pucker. With another grunting PFRRRRMPPPPPPP! He managed to blast the latching bones off of his soft pink starfish, feeling her slide back towards the floor in a continuous turd combined with some sloppy after-effects of the mucky shit that hadn’t quite been processed properly due to Punchy’s desire to rub his sating meal in the face of that new annoying mayor. “Gunnh, come on out now… that’s what you wanted right?” He laughed before biting his lip. Though he would rather not suffer it in the first place, feeling her shapely hips push out against his prostate was quite pleasing for the hungry cat. “Mmm, much better…” He gasped, a silent but ever-so-deadly fart that hissed against his intestinal exit, helping to let Ankha’s legs make that last hop out of his bowels and into the rest of the coiling pile below. She looked adorable, face down on the sandy floor like that with her body lying behind it- as if she had taken a running start but fell down at the last hurdle. Another massive BRURURMRMMMPPPPPP! Left his backside, the butt belch searingly hot and particularly sulphurous. Nearby birds and hardy insects turned from the epicenter in fear of the toxic cloud overwhelming their sensitive nervous systems. Though Ankha was fully pushed out, his bowels weren’t fully voided and to add insult to grievous injury, a rain of sloppy manure-like poo flowed over her digested corpse, burying this particular piece of ‘art’ underneath layers of sticky brown syrupy shit. “Thanks, Ankha…” Punchy mused, already licking his lips as he could still make out the vague shape of the fleeing survivors. Already moving on from the stubborn meal, Ankha’s body was left to steam on the stairs of the town hall, feeding generations of new flies, rats, and other opportunistic vermin. |
Queen wasn’t entirely certain what she was doing here. The crumbling skyscrapers of the former corporate sector, that poked through the desert like blades of grass, had long been abandoned by what passes for civilized folk. She herself had not traversed the barren, inhospitable wasteland in many cycles-preferring the far superior dwellings of her established rule over the lands she dedicated her youth to dismantling; yet still she found herself stood amongst the stonewashed husks, seemingly the only living creature for hundreds of kilometers. She figured it was some unresolved conflict, or memories from her past tickling at the edges of her conscious that dragged her halfway across the sandy globe-far from her dominion and into the so-called wildlands. She wasn’t certain of how long she had wandered throughout the forest of half buried structures-never venturing inside, for the ages have certainly done nothing for the corporations budget construction. The inkling sensation had yet to subside. She prepared herself for a prolonged occupation-her empire could do without her for a week or so, perfectly capable of sustaining itself under the watchful eye of her loyal bodyguard and companion. It had taken a considerable amount of reassurance to convince the stalwart canine to maintain her post as acting command, Duo exceedingly hesitant to leave the presence of her charge-but unwilling to defy her Monarch, the hybrid agreed to remain in the New Capitol and continue to assert The Queen’s Authority in her absence. It was, after all, highly unlikely that the red vulpine would encounter any living creatures at all, let alone something she would be incapable of dispatching with little effort. Her gaze swept over the beige landscape as she waited for something to change and confirm the gut feeling that grew stronger with every moment that passed. Just as she was about to double back to reassure herself that her nothing had occurred that might damage her transport and leave her stranded, a sudden weight impacted her from behind, pressing it’s limbs into her calves and driving her into a kneeling position; an ambush, something she hadn’t been subjected to in the many years since bringing order to her world, with even fewer attempts having been successful. The dark wetness that engulfed her view was tinged slightly pink from the ambient light of the desert. She had no way of knowing who was assaulting her-it could be any number of personal or political enemies (or even ‘allies’)-and she faltered in her attempt to counter the assailant as they wrapped themselves over her arms to pin her in place. The unknown attacker’s fingers sunk into her breasts, barely covering the healthy globes due to their immense size, instead using them to provide leverage while their lips completely encased the Monarch’s head. She could feel that whomever ambitious person was in the midst of swallowing her could tell that Queen was physically stronger than them, thus they endeavored to end this confrontation quickly lest they be forced to abandon their quarry. The speed at which they were progressing across Queen’s body, along with having been caught truly off guard for the first time in recent memory, left her with little opportunity to reverse her unfortunate situation-her normally fierce and dominating personality left with no offensive options, relegating her to the dubious tactic of stiffening her frame and hoping that the rigid posture would prevent herself from vanishing deeper into the hot enclosure of her would-be assassin… Unfortunately, the change in pose seemed to have little effect-rapid gulps continuing to clear nearly half a foot in each swallow, steadily closing in on the finish line with each passing moment. She might have been inclined towards a modicum of respect, were she not the subject of such a demonstration. Her ability to resist dropped from minimal to nonexistent with her arms long since pinned to her sides by the encroaching walls of flesh, the tips of her fingers wiggling in earnest from just beyond the tide of lips crawling down her torso. Her dignity, what little one can have whilst being relegated to food, was spared the invasion of a probing tongue between her thighs by the thick material of her bodysuit-long since past the point of removal at this stage, and still dutifully attempting to protect it’s wearer even if there was nothing it could do to prevent her consumption. The boy-she could presume her assailant’s gender via the uncomfortable bulge pressing against her face from below her new residence within the stomach-had risen to a standing position at some point during this process, utilizing the age-old tactic of incorporating the assistance of gravity into the swallowing endeavor, allowing him to swallow the width of her hips with greater ease than he likely would have managed through his own effort. She wouldn’t admit it, but Queen was deeply regretting having worked herself down to a lighter weight over the previous years-her former bulk would have stopped this encounter in it’s tracks long before reaching this point. With her hips out of the way, and her thighs quickly following suit, it was a straight shot down her lower legs. Gravity’s hold had become superfluous at this point, and the upstart predator returned to the ground once more, this time taking a seated position to leisurely work on the last of his meal-reassured by the fact that there was even less chance of escape now than ever; the empty silence of the wasteland that had previously offered protection was now a death sentence, with no hope of rescue stumbling upon the engorged regicidal creature. Even still, when she felt the edges of his lips reach her ankles, Queen sharply bent her feet-hooking the edges of her boots against the boy’s face, and temporarily preventing him from finishing her off; the gesture didn’t last long, as he simply raised a hand and gently lifted her toes-freeing himself to tuck her remainder into his maw. Admittedly, there were few that would even attempt to rescue her, even from her own kingdom-and not for concern of harm to their own selves; any of her subjects would rather help seal her away inside her assailant, with their only second thought being that of regret for not capturing her themselves. She knew that even if she were rescued, the very sight of her recognizable figure filling out the form of another would send her reign to an instant, crashing end. It would be almost impossible to recover from such a blow to her reputation, the ruthless and unstoppable force that she had become was the keystone of her rule-evidence of anything less would crumble at her very foundation. While not much better than the alternative, it was of some miniscule comfort that no one would witnesses what was about to transpire-doubly so that her signature outfit would perish in the same manner as herself, securing at least her legacy and ensuring no one would be able to challenge Duo as her successor. Queen could only hope that her closest confidant would be capable of fending off this assassin when they inevitably make an attempt on the canine’s life. As she felt around and rotated in the fleshy coffin, the tips of her feet pressed together and began their descent into the sweltering darkness that encapsulated her. Arctic reclined back as he felt the last of the boots sink into his gullet-the clunky rubber ends of her outfit had been a daunting finale to his meal but failing to swallow them would have been a childish refusal not worth regurgitating his food. It had been a rather large meal, the first he had seen since arriving in this strange landscape-but well worth the wait, considering the sense of fullness he was currently experiencing! His tongue lolled in satisfaction as he watched, and felt, the mass inside him shift and resettle into the pool of liquids that had steadily built in anticipation throughout the engulfing. He honestly hadn’t expected procuring sustenance in this new environment to be such an easy task; it hadn’t taken more than a few moments to spot his target, garb in direct contrast with their surroundings, and sneaking into suitable range was a triviality. Swatting aside a negligible resistance had likewise required little thought, gulping her down was a simple matter. Of all the meals he had worked for, this was by far the easiest he could remember; the most difficult aspect of consuming it was by far the thick leather garment that tasted of blood and sand. If not for the war-torn state of the landscape, Arctic would have assumed his quarry had never dealt with a predator before-he wished all catches could be this easy! Reclining now, a leg to either side of a gut that represented the majority of his bodyweight, the feline basked as the warm desert air helped ready his internals for what was sure to be a lengthy process. A sudden flurry of movement struck the inside of the feline’s stomach; A short burst of rage was all she would allow herself; she had ended far too many lives in the same manner to even consider flailing her strength away against the caustic surroundings. The residual bulges from Queen’s outburst receded as she drew into herself; ‘Was that it?’ Arctic thought to himself, his tail flitting behind him in confusion-aside from that initial reaction, there had been almost no movement from the interior of his belly. If he hadn’t known better, and his curious pokes not resulted in the shifting of his stomach-contents position, he would have assumed his meal had somehow already perished within the swampy confines; it seemed as if she was consciously refusing to struggle or search in vain for a method of escape. He considered this with a shrug; it was fine by him if she would prefer to stew quietly, the outcome would hardly be altered by her demeanor after all. Queen remained still, silently seething as the dark chamber jostled around her-the distant sounds of a low, lengthy belch reverberated throughout her host. She flinched and shut her eyes after a bursting bubble stirred up by the eructation sent a fleck of stinging enzymes her way; she wasn’t deaf to the clear signal sent by the act. She could feel how satisfied the predator was with her, how her full-figured form sated his appetite; it was impossible to ignore the digits groping and prodding her through the slick walls, ignorant of her silent distress and keen to coax every ounce of strength out of her before retreating. Her mind raced backwards through time, recalling her first days after reaching the surface; her failed promise to never be vulnerable again, to become a predator, THE predator-to become QUEEN. Another expulsion of gas shook her, this time something impacted the stomach above her, however; not hands, those were still fondling the lower sections of the stomach. A sense of dread entered her heart as she swiveled around within the lightless sphere. Her beret! The closest symbol to a crown she had and undeniable proof of her demise; without it’s assured destruction her legacy was no longer intact. By right of conquest, the proof of her defeat would name this unknown assassin as a worthy contender to Duo for the throne… An uncomfortable heat was rising in Arctic’s throat-clearly a solid object; he doubted that he’d be getting any escape attempts this late into her consumption, but still he braced himself for the errant limb or attempt to squeeze her head back up his esophagus. A slight hacking belch left him pleasantly surprised upon seeing not grasping digits futilely searching in vain for rescue, but instead the sopping blue fabric of a souvenir of his recent meal! Tilting his head at the garment, he scarcely recalled it accompanying his meal as he fit her head between his jaws only a short time ago-it seemed as good a keepsake as any, so after giving it a handful of minutes to dry (having made certain to shake the larger globs of saliva from it’s exterior), Arctic donned the peculiar crown and set about relaxing with his catch. It had been known for some prey to attempt a somewhat delayed escape when their predators were off guard, making their exodus once the host had fallen asleep or throwing their weight around to send the predator careening into danger when they least expect it; after a handful of, rather embarrassing in all honesty, close calls in the past-Arctic had learned his lesson several times over, remembering to both stay put as well as fend off the temptation of sleep until he was well and sure of his success. That sign being the telltale give only just now presenting itself whenever he pressed and prodded at the immense swell resting above his lap, the composition of the figure inside beginning to give way under the constant assault of both his stomach and the desert heat combined into a deadly oven. Satisfied that there wouldn’t be any interruptions, Arctic took this time to roll onto his side-the shapely lumps in his gut coalescing into a rough egg shape as it dove to the side to lay in front of him, nestled as it were in the small dugout of sand shifted by his form. Whether or not the occupant of his gut were discomforted any from the movement concerned him little-the only complication that mattered being however much long it took from now until she slid through his bowels and back out onto the sand where he found her. Soon enough he was sound asleep under the clear skies of The Frontier, it’s ruler slowly sapped by the feline’s internals while he snoozed; hat draped carelessly across one side of his face as he splayed out in the sand. The almost cute depiction was a far cry from the scene playing out amongst his insides, a molten pit of rapidly dissolving flesh wrapped in a tough leather blanket. Within only a short few hours of falling asleep, nearly half of Queen’s sizable bulk had been pulled free of her form-painfully aware of every inch that added to the swirl of nutrients, still able to make out the telltale suction of liquids straining lower through the intestinal valve below. Becoming more teardrop shaped as time dragged on, Arctic’s bowels swelled with a deluge of fresh ingredients to strengthen his formerly lithe frame; The Miqo’te furled his brow as he slept, faint whispers of gas displacing sand around him in short gusts-accompanying Queen into his bowels were plenty of clumps of undigested fur and bone, creating uncomfortable blockages that slowed and stemmed the inevitable buildup of fumes escaping hunks of meat as they broke down into a potent chemical slurry. Unable to force their quickly around the thick loaves developing in the colon, an uncomfortable bloating sensation began to creep it’s way up Arctic’s middle as he slept. Further upwards along his pipes, a bunched up rubbery mass of leather rested atop the remaining contents of his stomach-for some reason failing to vacate in the traditional manner and instead standing firm just below the esophagus. Eventually the rising pressure reached a peak, and trapped pockets of air finally broke past the waste and vacated his bowels, rousing the feline from his slumber with a heavy vibration that did little to settle the now apparent urge to relieve himself. Taking a moment to yawn, Arctic quickly set about rising from his seated position. The task seemed to take a great deal more effort than usual, his gut significantly smaller-but he could now tell that the weigh attached to him was his own, not that of any creature stowed away inside. The massive swell of his middle likely weighed as much as the rest of him by now, and he would have to exert a great deal more effort than he was prepared for at this juncture. Shifting his, considerably wider, legs behind him, Arctic attempted to rise upwards into a kneeling position-however, lifting his gut from the ground below allowed it to finally shift it’s weight into a more natural setting, that is, sending Arctic tumbling forwards into a position that offered no aid to his aching bowels. A loud groan racked his middle… usually it takes a little longer to reach this stage! He knew he wouldn’t have long to stall-the deposed monarch had shot right through him and felt very insistent in protesting her rough treatment at the hands of this peasant-nearly pressing at his backdoor only a scant few hours after landing in his stomach. Opting to disrobe before his bowels ran out of patience, Arctic made again to stand. Finally rising fully, he raced to remove his attire. Shifting his clothes wasn’t easy, but he managed to work around the sphere of his middle to unclasp his various belts and quickly toss his trousers aside; Not long after removing the garment did Queen’s prolonged residence come to an abrupt end. With no reason to hold her back any longer, Arctic allowed the thick wave of refuse to slide forcefully from his rectum-the enormous head of a mottled dark log rapidly emerging from between his pale globes. As it continued, the waste began to coil slightly beneath him, rising higher and forcing Arctic to scoot forward, even crouched as he was in a slightly precarious position to maintain his balance. His ears twitched with each jolt he received from a spike of bone or larger than anticipated clump; never before had he experienced this much trouble from someone so easy to devour… groaning as he leaned forward, belly shuddering between his legs-a rounded blockage he assumed was the skull hitched in his anus for only a split moment, but more than long enough to send an uncomfortable pressure reeling through his intestines before popping loose and vanishing into the pile along with the rope that contained it. As more and more slid out of him, he did find it a bit odd that he couldn’t feel any scraps of clothing accompanying the brown muck. Perhaps they remained stuck inside his guts, alongside whatever had yet to finish digesting? The last thing he needed was to be left squeezing this bitch out for days because of constipation… After a few more minutes the train started to die off, leaving him with a not quite empty feeling, but certainly feeling lighter-and much more confident to retrieve his lower garments. Redressing was something he found much easier after having relieved himself, the curve of his gut no longer hanging past his knees-but unfortunately, not resting any higher than that either. No sooner than he pulled the waistband of his trousers up underneath his gut did another sensation make itself know to him, for better or worse going upwards this time. Bracing himself as the rare appearance of his gag reflex made itself known, the desert air was filled with a disquieting retching noise as something worked it’s way up Arctic’s throat before culminating in a slick half-belch that stung at his nose. After catching his breath, his looked downwards-moving to the side after being unable to see anything below the orb of pale flesh-and inspecting the item before him; the sopping article below had emerged from his insides without as much as a single tear from what he could readily surmise. Subconsciously stroking the sides of his swell, several thoughts occurred to the feline, contemplating the suit before a simpering puff of gas signaled that he wasn’t quite done with business just yet. Disrobing for the second time was less of an inconvenience-he had a new outfit to try on anyway…[/] |
BloodLust I My name is Christopher Byrn, a young nobleman from a nearby merchant town. Despite being of a higher class than most, my life wasn’t as extraordinary as you may think. I married a rather average commoner woman, settled down in a standard home, not making too much money but enough to live comfortably, etc. Given my status and lifestyle, I could easily have it much worse. I could recognize this as fact… but why was it that I felt such nothingness from it all? My wife was a pleasant woman, I had a decent house and a decent job too- but I never really felt anything from it all. Joy, grief, love, I had no real experience with any of these feelings. Well, that is… until I met her. Her name was Carmilla Scarlet. She was a beautiful, buxom young woman who was born into the ruling house of nobles in our region, and successor to her family’s fortune. Her figure was like that of a goddess; with big breasts bouncing with every step she took, a plump rear that filled her gown out nicely, as well as a rather round stomach reminiscent of a budding pregnancy. We ended up meeting in the Scarlet Mansion during a nobles gathering event. Like a moth to a flame, I was drawn to her beauty, as I introduced myself to her when we just happened to have some alone time. To my surprise, she wasn’t pretentious or condescending to someone of a lower status such as myself, but was quite casual and friendly. During a banquet being held there that night, we traded stories with one another, getting more and more familiar with our growing relationship. For the first time in my life, I felt engaged in a conversation with someone, and not just going through the motions. For the first time… I felt alive. After some time, Carmilla would then offer to show me something “magical”. I’ve never been one to believe in such conjecture but given the fact I was beginning to develop feelings for this woman, I put my bias aside. She took me into a strange room not unlike that of a dungeon cell, but with some bookshelves and desks lining the walls with a strange star-shaped symbol painted in red on the floor. She then explained to me her true nature; Carmilla was studying a ritual to become a vampire to attain immortality and eternal beauty. Vampires were only thought to be myths and such in the simple world we lived in. If we couldn’t see it and prove it, it didn’t exist. I was tempted to simply laugh it off as a joke and chock it up to nonsense but just as I was about to do so, Carmilla grabbed a nearby chalice that was filled with the blood sample of some sort and guzzled it down her throat. In a state of both shock and curiosity, I just stood there and watched as the beauty downed the notable amount of liquid. Her pudgy stomach began to churn and gurgle as it began to swell ever so slightly, her dress starting to get tight around its growing size. At that moment, it hit me. I had spent the majority of the time I had known Carmilla these past few weeks assuming she was pregnant, but no… there was blood in that belly. She really was dedicated to becoming a vampire, down to the taste of blood. As I was about to leave and rush home, trying to forget what strange thing I had just seen, Carmilla grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her for a kiss. I could feel the sweetness of her passion on my lips… yet the bitter horror of blood on my tongue. Carmilla leaned into close and whispered into my ear, “Let’s keep this our little secret, hmmm? I’ll have you know that was human blood. You mention this to anyone, and your blood is my next treat~” She giggled after the threat, pulling away from me to massage her sloshing stomach. As if in a trance, I didn’t move. I just gazed at the strange beauty and her bloated stomach as she indulged in its roundness. Carmilla then broke me out of my state of silence when she began to tell me more details of her scheme. In order to become a vampire, she believed she must consume an unprecedented amount of human blood. She had already killed a few; a few suitors and a disobedient maid, but it wasn’t enough for her. Whether it was the eagerness to become a vampire or her already strong taste for blood, she needed more. And that’s when she said it to me. She took my hands and placed them upon her ample chest as she stared at me with a slight craze in her eyes. She then plead, “You understand the real me. I know I can trust you, darling. Please, help me attain my dream of becoming a vampire, and I’ll offer you a permanent spot beside me as my beloved.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I already knew I was being an absolute scumbag for having relations behind my wife’s back, but this? This was something else entirely. My heart raced as my brain scrambled to think of an answer to her. Would she even allow me to live if I turned her down? After all, she essentially admitted to murder right before me. Even if I wanted to back out, it didn’t seem like I really could… so I agreed to help her. Carmilla smiled as she came close to me and grabbed my hand. She placed it on her blood-filled tummy and gently moved it around. I couldn’t describe the feeling I felt at that moment. Was it fear? Arousal? Whatever it was, it was exhilarating. Thus began our arrangement; I’d continue to assist her in her thirst for blood by providing her with constant victims, and she wouldn’t kill me on the promise of me becoming the king to her queen. For several months this waged on, my now pregnant wife completely unaware of my betrayal to her and my soon to be child. I was a complete bastard to do something like this so casually… yet it didn’t feel wrong. Maybe I simply was meant to marry Carmilla anyways and my fate was realigning it’s path from my error. Regardless of the morality behind it, I continued to assist Carmilla for the better part of a year. During this time, we engaged in several acts of intimacy as the blood of innocents draped us. I had seen blood so much at this point, I had become desensitized from it. Then, one day when I was heading back to my home as if nothing happened, I felt something odd from within me. I stared in the mirror, though I didn’t recognize who I was looking at. What the hell was I doing? I had assisted in several ritual based murders around the town for the sake of some psychopathic woman who wanted to become a vampire. And for what? The chance to feel something real? All I could feel now was a crippling sense of despair and guilt as I vomited blood on the floor. I was a walking corpse before… but now I was a monster. Careful not to stress my heavily pregnant wife, I locked myself in my bathroom as I tried to pull myself together. How in goddess’ name could I possibly try to repent for the sins I had helped commit? Perhaps the only way… is to accept death and my place in Hell. But what of my wife and upcoming child? Who would care for them? Such thoughts flooded my brain as I tried to think of a way to dig myself out of my grave. Perhaps if I can prevent Carmilla from becoming a vampire, I could at least do one good deed before being damned to hell for eternity. I could imagine that Carmilla would probably kill me for doing something like this… but I didn’t fear death at this point. Deep down, I knew if I died doing the right thing, I’d have no regrets. I opened the bathroom door and came face to face with my wife. She gave me a concerned look as she held her gravid belly with worry. I told her that I’d be heading out for the night for an important task, and that I’d be back by tomorrow morning. After she gave me a kiss on the cheek, I headed out en route to the Scarlet mansion just as I have many times before. This time, I had a more righteous motive backing my resolve. As I opened the front door, something wasn’t quite right. The entirety of the mansion seemed completely empty, the halls echoing every little sound to accentuate its vacancy. I had a horrible feeling that something was very wrong and began to rush towards the secret ritual room only Carmilla and I were privy to. A piercing silence loomed over the area as I placed my hand on the doorknob. That brings us to where I am now. I can’t tell you how fearful I am or what I even expect to find behind this door, but I have to see this through to the end. I can’t live with myself anymore after all the sins I’ve committed. If I’m going to die, I want it to be by the one woman I love’s will. I held my breath and opened the door to the private room where I saw Carmilla. Her skin was pale, her ears pointed, her eyes red with crimson, sinister wings sprouting from her back and her belly massive from what I can only guess to be blood. I stared in horror at the rounded orb of flesh, easily more than five times the size it was earlier today. It sloshed and gurgled like a bubbling cauldron as she turned to face me, a hand atop her groaning stomach. “My oh my, Christopher. What brings you back here so late this evening~?” She said with a wry smile. I looked over to her side and saw a pile of colorless bodies laying there. She seems to have completely given in to her hunger at this point. Given her physical appearance, I think it’d be safe to assume that she had become a vampire. I was too late. “Carmilla… How much blood is in there?” I asked with caution, pointing to her stomach. She giggled as she continued to slosh her big belly around. She raised a finger to her lip as she answered me, “Oh, maybe… around 30 gallons?” She teased, approaching me with her massive curves bouncing along the way. Good lord, 30 gallons!? That’s almost two dozen people sacrificed for her selfish gain. What the hell was I going to do? Before I could think of any more solutions, Carmilla cut me off. “Listen, I know you love what all this blood has done for my body. My huge boobs, my thick butt and my enormous belly. Now that I’m a vampire, I can be forever young and beautiful~” My heart stopped hearing her say those words out loud. She was even more beautiful with her enhanced curves, which I couldn’t deny even in my state of opposition. “...and I want you to be apart of me~” Carmilla then stuck her fangs into my neck as she began to drain me of all my blood. Quickly, I felt my meaningless life flash before my eyes as I went numb in all parts of my body. I fell to the ground, my complexion as grey as the other victims, and slowly lost consciousness. In my final moments of life, all I could see was the massive sphere of Carmilla’s blood belly. It’s ironic that the first thing I saw when I was “alive” would also be my last, but that seems about right for a fool like me. Before I’m inevitably dragged to hell for my horrible deeds, let me plead one thing to the goddess; Please, protect my wife and child. They don’t deserve to suffer for my foolish actions. May they stay safe from Carmilla’s potential wrath and tyranny for all of time. That being said, I die with one regret; I didn’t truly live until I was a monster. |
BloodLust II - Part I It had been close to 20 years since Carmilla had begun her reign as queen of the land. It had been just as long since she was observed with human eyes, as the once beautiful Scarlet mansion she resided in had been mangled and transformed into a hellish cathedral, where she would comfortably send out monster girls to do her bidding. She had not left the bloodsoaked halls of her domain since there was no reason to; her loyal subjects would simply bring her meals to her. Thus, the Scarlet mansion was given the new name of the Scarlet cathedral; representative of both its master and the amount of blood spilt inside. My name is Ivan Ashe, son of Christopher Byrn. After my father got himself involved with Carmilla, effectively setting this whole nightmare into motion, he was killed by the very women he worshipped, the damn fool. He left my mother, pregnant with me, all alone as she raised me alone for most of my life. We decided to wipe our ties with the man who plunged the land into chaos by changing our last name to Ashe, as we lived out our lives in a secluded part of a nearby forest town. For some strange reason, the monster girls who terrorized all the nearby towns wouldn’t cause us any trouble. I couldn’t be sure why that was, but the peace and stability for us and the other villagers was greatly appreciated. In the last few years, my mother remarried a woodcutter named John, as we moved into his self-built home. Things were nice and quiet for a little while… but that was before they got busy and started having more kids. What started out as an awkward feeling being around my pregnant mother, became something much more mundane as she would seemingly always be expecting another baby every year from this point onwards. It’s an admittedly weird feeling, seeing my mother constantly bear children like this. She’s now 38 years old, with five children - myself included, with a sixth on the way any week now. I can tell that John likes how big her boobs get with the constant pregnancies, but I can’t help but feel like he’s taking advantage of her like this… Maybe I’m just being too overprotective, but she’s all I have. This constant string of child bearings had made it difficult to properly spend time with my mother, since she was always with John or my younger half-siblings. I ended up spending the last few years alone… but surrounded by family, if that makes sense. I took up swordsmanship in the event that Carmilla’s monster girl underlings would decide to siege the town out of the blue. My skill came very naturally with a blade as I began to work as a mercenary for some of the villagers in town, dealing with thieves and such. Eventually, I expanded the reach of my services and started doing work for some of the more desperate towns in the area. I began to frequently have to deal with Carmilla’s monster girls, as I assisted in town militia defenses. I wouldn’t get paid much, since they didn’t have much to give, but I’d do it out of obligation. It was my damn father’s fault these people have been suffering the last 20 years, so cleaning up his mistakes was the least I could do. This became my life for the last two years; head out to a nearby village that was under attack from monster girls, assist with pushing them back and head on home once things cleared up a few weeks later. I began to develop a kind of nickname due to my extremely standoffish nature and ferocity on the battlefield; the Ashen Wolf. Unfortunately, such a reputation would inevitably lead to Carmilla’s forces hearing about me. I imagine the thought of such a challenger intrigued her, because I ended up getting a message from one of her subordinates: Ashen Wolf, I applaud your heroic efforts on the battlefield against my legion of monster girls. To think that such a man would be able to withstand the sexual urge to succumb to their beauty is astounding. Your strength and will is irresistibly attractive. I’d very much like to meet with you in my abode… I’m sure I’ll be seeing you soon~ Love, Carmilla This was very clearly a trap to lure me out into her domain and kill me… but the thought of killing her directly and putting an end to all of this was too much of an advantage for me to ignore. With some hesitation, I decided I would go and meet with the vampire queen. As I equipped my iron armor, my shield and a basic broadsword, I was ready to head out and put an end to this 20 year nightmare. Though, before I went, I figured it’d be only right to let my mother know where I was going and that there may be a possibility that I may never return. I wouldn’t make the same mistake my father had and leave her in the dark. Just as I was about to go look for her, I found her waiting for me by the door. This has admittedly been the first time I’d gotten to see her in awhile, since I was always out doing mercenary work, and I had forgotten how big she’s gotten from her sixth pregnancy. Her bare belly jutted out with its popped navel as her green dress opened around it. What should’ve been a reaction of happiness for her turned into more of an annoyed one as I turned my head from her. “Mother, I’m leaving for the Scarlet cathedral. Carmilla’s tyranny has gone on long enough.” I said, closing my eyes to not see her face. I heard nothing from her as I opened my eyes to see her reaction. She was smiling as she held her hands behind her back, leaning forward. “I figured as much. Like father, like son, mmm?” “Don’t compare me to scum like him. He’s the bastard that got us into this mess.” I coldly remarked. Mother just sighed as she raised a hand to my face as she felt it. I stared at her with an unflinching gaze, devoid of life. “You’ve really grown, Ivan. I’m so proud of the man you’ve become.” She smiled, leaning in closer to me. Was she finally giving me the time of day now? After almost half a decade? How cruel. I gently nudged her arm away from me as I lowered my head to avoid her seeing my embarrassed face. “It’s a little too late for that, don’t you think? Anyways, I’m off.” I began to walk towards the door before stopping for a final word. “If I don’t come back, burn your memories of me. I’d be no better than my father if I let that bitch of a vampire queen kill me.” My mother sighed as I left through the door, not looking back at her. “You know I couldn’t do that, Ivan. You may feel like an outsider but you’re still my son.” She said to herself quietly. With that, I was on my way. I’d be fighting through legions of monster girls as I traversed my way to and through the Scarlet cathedral. But with my business with my mother settled and my equipment at hand, I was ready for whatever Carmilla had coming. |
BloodLust II - Part II It had been only about a day since I entered Carmilla's Scarlet Cathedral. On the outside, it looked like a mess - but I can’t even begin to describe the sheer chaos it housed inside. With biomes ranging from beautiful art galleries, to gruesome torture chambers, this place was beginning to feel like hell itself. I managed to stay on guard and slay the monster girls as they tried to kill / seduce me during my exploration of the cathedral. However, I noticed that my iron broadsword was beginning to dull with the amount of blood seeping through its blade. It seems like I would need to begin searching for another weapon to continue my journey, since this one was going to become unreliable relatively soon. Since I was only carrying my sword, shield and a small vial of holy water, I would be greatly in danger should I lose my main method of defending myself. As I wandered through the empty but uncoordinated halls of an area reminiscent of an elegant residence, the floor under me in the foyer suddenly crumbled - sending me spiraling down the dark pit that formed. Damn this cathedral and its nonsensical architecture! I wasn’t going to let a simple fall kill me! I grabbed my broadsword and stabbed it into the wall, trying to slow my descent into the darkness. A horrible screech emitted from the blade as I slid down the side. I readied my shield for a landing as I abandoned my scrapped sword and kicked off the wall. With any luck, my shield should take a majority of the falling force, hopefully sparing my body from most of it. Whatever the risk was, I had to take it. Before I was able to strategize my landing any further, the ground suddenly appeared from the void as I tried to get into position. Unfortunately, I ended up breaking my leg when I fell to the cold, hard stone. I gritted my teeth as I tried to not make any noise from the pain. In my current position, I was a dead man if any monster girls found me - so I desperately tried to crawl into an area of safety to let my broken leg heal… but my vision began to blur from the trauma. Slowly, I lost consciousness as I succumbed to the pain. When I finally came to after an unknown amount of time, I was stuck in some strong webbing. My mind immediately began to race as it clicked with me; I was in the web of an arachne. I tried to struggle free from its bindings… but to no avail. I decided to take a moment and look at my surroundings for anything I could use for an escape. The darkness cloaking the stone chamber made it hard to see much of anything, but I saw my shield on the floor by some makeshift campfire. Not too far from it was a blood-red blade held up by webbing, presumably from the same arachne that caught me. I tried to focus and assess the quality of the sword from where I was held. It was noticeably longer and rougher-edged than my scrapped broadsword, but I was without a weapon anyway so anything was better than nothing. The thought of my broken leg suddenly came into mind after my initial wake, as I looked down to see how it was. To my utter surprise, it was wrapped up in the webbing in a sort of cast. It admittedly felt leagues better than it was before, but why? Why would a monster girl go through the trouble of healing an intruder like me? My thoughts were soon interrupted as I watched the mysterious arachne walking into view from the shadows. She was admittedly very plain looking, with pale-ish skin and blonde hair, but her breasts were gigantic as they bounced around atop an enormous stomach. The thing was so round and large, it was hard to even try and focus on her massive boobs. Her globe of a gut grumbled and churned like a bubbling cauldron as it visibly gyrated with every step of her spider legs. I can only imagine the amount of victims she’s eaten to get to such a size. The arachne gave me a strange look as she turned to her side and gave me a full view of both her human and spider body. “Looks like you’re awake, human. How’s the leg?” She asked. I was puzzled at her relatively civil approach to seeing a vulnerable man like this. Most monster girls wouldn’t pass up a moment like this, so what was she after? “Tell me, demon. Why is it that you mended my broken leg? Surely you know I’m here to kill your master?” I stated plainly. “Demon, huh? Isn’t that a little rude to say to the woman who patched you up?” She smirked, raising a hand with exclamation. “I have a name, fool. Mathilda.” “Very well then, Mathilda. I apologize for my accusation.” I said, giving her a look of annoyance. Why is it that all women I meet in this life are complicated? “That’s more I like it. Alright, I’ll tell you what you want to know.” Mathilda said, moving closer to me. Her stomach’s gurgling getting louder as she draws near. “...On one condition.” Of course there was a catch. Just my damn luck to be in a position like this. Though, my journey thus far had been going relatively smoothly… so maybe I shouldn’t complain too much. “...What might that be?” Mathilda pressed her massive boobs into my face, smothering me with their large, round form. I grit my teeth and lowered my head to the best of my ability to avoid giving her the satisfaction of seeing me blush, though I had a feeling she’d continue anyway. She then hefted her massive gut up to my face as she held my face into its soft yet firm surface. I could hear muffled cries and voices from the inside, which confirmed my thoughts on what she ate. I managed to break my head free to breath as my face, flushed with red, portrayed a confused anger. “Damn it, woman! Just tell me what the hell you want from me!” I yelled, trying to calm down and regain my composure. Mathilda giggled condescendingly as she backed up and sat down across from me. “You’re so cute when you’re flustered~” She smiled. “How about I cut you free and we have a little… fun?” Was she thinking what I thought she was? I mean, most monster girls commonly captured men to make them sex slaves, but Carmilla’s underlings seemed way more interested in just merciless slaughter or filling their stomachs with our blood and bodies. “...You wish to have sex with me?” I said, frowning with my beet-red face. “What can I say? Having a big, full belly like this has made me all kinds of horny. Plus, you’re one of the better looking men I’ve caught~” Mathilda said with a coo, rubbing the large surface of her bare stomach. “It’s been so long since I’ve been pleasured too… Especially from a human~” She flirted, her front legs fidgeting a bit. I let out a sigh as I came to a folly in her logic. “You know, I wouldn’t even be able to reach your… area with your massive gut in the way.” I explained to her. “That’s part of the fun, cutie. You get to feel the full weight of my giant belly on top of you as you give it to me~” She giggled, raising her stomach up and letting it slosh down. “So? What do you say? Make love to me… and I’ll set you free.” Honestly, this could be a lot worse. Despite being an… arachne, Mathilda was very attractive. More attractive than most human women I’ve seen even. She had a pretty face, massive breasts… and the more I stared at her huge stomach, the more it was kind of… growing on me. The initial shock of its size was beginning to wear off into a curiosity or attraction of sorts. Plus, this was probably my only method of escape anyways. She’d probably just eat me like the rest if I refused. I never thought I’d say this, but it looks like I’m going to lose my virginity to a demon tonight. “...Fine. You can have me.” I said, my head hanging low with a blush. Mathilda smiled with my answer as she slowly moved over to me and cut me free. To my surprise, my leg was in even better condition than I expected. Looks like her cast did the trick. She backed up from me once more as she lowered her body and spread her legs and angled her belly up, giving me a full view of her “womanhood”. I sighed a bit, as I turned away from her and undressed myself. My armor dropped to the floor as I removed my leather wear underneath it. I nervously turned around to the demon in the nude, as she got a good view of my body in the same way I had seen hers. She licked her lips as she stared at my “pride”. “Ara ara, looks like I’m not the only one excited by this~” She giggled. “S-Shut it, demon…” I pouted, trying to cover myself. I walked over to her and anxiously got into position. I could hear her heavy breathing as she felt me stick my “key” into her “lock” as I began our agreement. She quickly dropped her giant globe of a gut on top of me, its soft but hefty weight feeling rather… good. As I continued to follow our agreement, her belly gurgled and growled constantly, as if voicing its hunger for more of me. I never really imagined my first time being with a demon like this, but I guess it could be worse. It felt much more euphoric than I thought it would, all things considered. Mathilda moaned in pleasure throughout the entire experience before pulling away to catch her breath. I used this brief window of time to get myself in order for a minute before putting my clothes and armor back on. This was going to be one hell of a story to tell if I made it back home alive. I faced away from the still panting and moaning Mathilda, her massive belly still gyrating from the pleasure. “...T-There. I fulfilled my end of our deal. Now leave me be.” I told her, trying not to let her see my still blushing face. This demon was really breaking my cold facade like no one has done before. “W...Wait, human! I must know your name…” Mathilda called out to me, still trying to compose herself. “...Ivan. Ivan Ashe.” I stated plainly. “Ivan… Take the blood-edged sword there. It’ll aid you well in the forthcoming trials…” She cooed. I walked over to the red-bladed sword and untangled it from the webbing. It was a rough blade, fit for a barbarian… though the blade itself was almost like a crystal with its crimson color. “What kind of sword is this?” I asked Mathilda, turning to see her playing with one of her pert nipples. She moaned and stuck her tongue out as she ignored my question. I raised my palm to my face to cover my embarrassment at witnessing such a sight. What a pervert… “F-Fine, nevermind that. Why even let me go?” I asked her. “You are aware I seek to kill your master, Carmilla?” Mathilda let out a slight snicker at my question. “I don’t care what that woman asks. All I seek is pleasure, and you gave me what I desired~” She cooed, cradling the side of her face in one hand. “...Very well then. Thank you for the blade. We will not meet again.” I stated plainly as I began to walk away from her, my new sword in tow. Mathilda just watched me leave without a word. Perhaps she was telling me the truth about her intentions. Maybe all monster girls weren’t just hollow pawns of Carmilla. Maybe some of them had free will, just like Mathilda did. Regardless of this new revelation, I continued back on my path to Carmilla’s throne room in the cathedral. Even a detour such as the one I had just endured won’t be enough to stop me from fulfilling my duty and my promise to correct the mistake my father made 20 years ago. I’m coming for you, vampire queen. |
BloodLust II - Part III With the blood-red sword in hand, I continued my ascent to Carmilla’s location in her labyrinthian cathedral. Things were getting more and more chaotic and nonsensical, both the architecture and the monster girls inside. Rooms began to have one-way doors that when entered, the door would simply vanish behind you. Hallways that cannot be seen from outside mysteriously just existed as you would stare outside the windows from seemingly nowhere. Falling into a pit from one floor would send you up another, that kind of weird trickery. Carmilla’s monster girl underlings were getting far more aggressive and voluptuous too, sporting gigantic boobs and massive stuffed bellies not unlike Mathilda’s. They would frequently pin me down with their massive weights and try to devour me whole, though my new blade would prevent them getting their mouths anywhere near me. Though, after my… encounter with Mathilda, I began to see the appeal in such a figure: The large, round boobs. The gravid, full stomach. The plump yet firm rear. Something about the fullness of their bodies just clicked with me. Unfortunately, it did cause a few moments of hesitation, where my focus would shift from slaying them, to just… er… enjoying their soft stomachs being pressed against me. I’m not sure if Mathilda had placed a hex or curse on me, or if these were simply my true feelings. We never had girls like these back in the villages. In fact, they were quite the opposite with very slim frames and small breasts no bigger than the rare C cup. Sure, they were beautiful and charming in their own way, but they never captivated me quite like the demons I’ve seen here. Such a thought is fascinating, though, it makes me wonder… Did my father feel the same? Is that why he assisted that tyrant queen in her efforts of becoming a vampire? Am… Am I truly like him? ...No. Hell no. I’m not some scumbag who gets married to a woman and betrays her in such a way he did. I’m not the one who plummeted the land into terror and oppression. Yeah. I’m nothing like that bastard... Such piercing words enveloped my mind as I continued navigating through the cathedral. The thought of relating to my father in such a way… How disgusting. These thoughts, however, kept on persisting the closer and closer I got to Carmilla’s abode. The monster girls ended up tearing off my iron armor and most of my leather clothing, leaving me relatively defenseless from the waist up. Unfortunately, my modestly fit body only made them hungrier for my flesh, as they frequently lashed at my chest. I managed to scrape by with only a few scars (and kisses) decorating my torso as I exhaustedly kept moving forward towards my end goal. Thankfully, it was only a matter of time before I saw it: The towering doors. Finally, the entrance to Carmilla’s lair; prominently displayed in a blood-splattered hallway with elegant stained glass lining the tall walls, depicting the vampire queen and her haunting beauty. I could feel her waiting for me on the other side of these doors, eagerly and lustfully anticipating my arrival. With some minor tending to my wounds and a deep breath, I pushed the doors open to fulfill my repentance for my father’s sin. There she was, hovering high above the ground as her titanic gut laid on the floor. I know I’ve said I’ve seen some big bellies in my time here, but nothing came close to comparing to her size. It was almost the size of a small house… being far beyond what I thought was possible. Then the thought hit me: That’s 20 years worth of blood in there. After numerous victims being drained (and what I would assume would be a slow digestion period), she had grown to a truly titanic size. My mind raced in both intrigue and fear at the sight of it, as it gyrated and gurgled loudly full of the red liquid. Though, I tried my best to regain my composure as I continued to approach her. Carmilla chuckled at me as I got closer. She dipped her head back as blood poured from the ceiling and into her open maw, her monolithic stomach groaning and sloshing loudly from the liquid entering it’s over-stuffed innards. I readied my blade and shield as I got into a battle stance. She licked the blood from her lips as she raised a hand and read my intent. “Ah, Ashen Wolf… I’ve been beside myself awaiting your arrival~” She cooed, rubbing what she could of her belly. “I simply must know if your blood will taste just as delectable as your father’s.” “Unfortunately, you’ll never get to find out. I’m here to kill you and put an end to your 20 year rule.” I stated unflinchingly. “Oh, is that why you’re here? I thought you were simply going to offer yourself up on a silver platter for me…” Carmilla sarcastically pouted. “Enough of your foolish words, harlot. You’ll die by my hand and threaten the world of the living no longer.” I said, raising my blade in her direction. “Oh? But what exactly did I do wrong here?” She smiled, resting her chin on both hands. “You are aware it was your father’s fault for all of this happening. After all, most just viewed me as a beautiful eccentric.” “I won’t deny that my father played a large role in your rise to power. He’s a damn fool for letting himself be tricked by your curvaceous beauty.” I said solemnly. “But that doesn’t excuse your slaughtering of innocents for the sake of mere gluttony.” “Hmmm… Perhaps. Though, I can tell you like what you see~” Carmilla teased, playing with her big, round boobs. “Normal women can’t even comprehend the fullness and beauty of a body like mine. Us demons and monster girls simply outclass your pitiful human women by leagues and leagues. There’s no use hiding your arousal~” “Rrrgh… “ I mumbled. Her words rang true, even if I didn’t want to believe them. I had never felt attraction before I had seen the monster girls’ expanded forms here in the cathedral. To think I would feel such a way… “You don’t have to say a thing, handsome. I can already tell you agree with me~” Carmilla giggled, drumming her fingers atop her noisy gut. “I’ll grant you an offer, since you have more of a backbone than your father did: Lay down your blade and become my subordinate. You’ll be granted immortality and a harem of the most voluptuous and full-figured monster girls you can imagine.” I listened silently to her bewitching words. My mind was telling me to take her offer, since I could fully indulge in the pleasure of having such a harem. Multiple monster girls with bodies like Mathilda’s? That was a tempting offer… but my heart was telling me to stay focused and do the right thing: To finish what my father started 20 years ago. “That’s a… compelling offer, but I must decline.” I answered to her, raising my sword and shield back up in front of me. “I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t like that… But I wouldn’t be able to live with myself knowing I took the easy way out.” Carmilla pouted as her enormous stomach gurgled loudly. She smiled deviously at me as she began to eagerly rub it. “That’s a shame. Unfortunately for you, I’m rather famished. Time for a feast!” She hissed, her fangs prominently showing. In an instant, shadow-like arms spawned from Carmilla’s back as they lunged out at me in an attempt to grab me. I managed to block most of them with my shield before it was pulled off of me by the remaining ones. I did my best dodging the horrid shadows and their pursuits as I tried formulating a plan of attack here. Though, I wasn’t quick enough, as another arm managed to steal my sword from me and brought it to Carmilla. “Oh, such an interesting sword…” She cooed, as she licked the blade. “The blood stained to the blade will be a wonderful appetizer before I get to you~” Carmilla somehow began to drink the blood out of the blade as she moaned in pleasure. Damn it, Mathilda told me that the sword was going to help me! That spider bitch tricked me! Or… so I thought. All of a sudden Carmilla dropped the sword to the ground and began to groan as her stomach started to rumble. “Ooh… What… What was that?” She groaned, doubling over to soothe her hurting stomach. What the hell was going on? What was in the blood of that sword? Then, the truth hit me: My holy water was gone. I don’t know how, but Mathilda must have taken my holy water off of me while I was unconscious and mixed it with the blood inside the blade. Looks like she was actually looking out for me like she implied. “Fool. You just drank blood mixed with holy water.” I told the vampire queen, still writhing in pain. “N-No! Godammit! Not like this!” She barked, slowly losing flight due to the pain. I used this opening as a chance to grab the discarded sword and deal the finishing blow. I managed to climb her monolithic belly as I lunged the blade deep between her two massive boobs. “AAARGH!!!!! DAMN YOU, SON OF BYRNE!!!” Carmilla screamed, her own blood spraying like a geyser from the wound. I jumped off the massive woman as I watched her lose her life. In an act of irony, she began to desperately lick her own blood off of her hands and body as she faded away. “...Such a marvelous taste...” Her last words echoed, before she turned into ash. “May you rot in hell for all eternity, demon.” I coldly told the vampire queen, now reduced to nothing. Suddenly, the cathedral began to shake violently. It seems like with it’s master now dead, it will crumble. “Doesn’t look like I’m going to be able to stick around for long. I’d better try and get out of here.” I said, trying to remember any route out of the complicated structure. Before I had time to act, rubble from the ceiling fell and knocked me unconscious. Even though I had completed my task, it seems like I wasn’t going to be returning home alive. Still, at least I felt a sense of fulfillment. I could pass on to the other side with no regrets. ...At least, that’s what I would’ve said if I actually died. In some strange twist of fate, I found myself on a scenic cliff overlooking the crumbling cathedral. The sun was beginning to rise as it lit up the ruins of the hellish structure, as if it was confirming the end of the 20 year nightmare. I stood proudly on the end of the cliff, basking in my triumph and the repentance of my father. Though, it’s not like I didn’t make it out unscathed; The scars decorating my chest and arms, as well as a missing eye from the rubble that knocked me out when the cathedral started to fall apart. Still, I do wonder how I managed to make it out alive. “...Ah, you’re awake.” A familiar voice said emerging from the shadows. It was Mathilda. I had thought that the death of Carmilla would eradicate all monster girls summoned by her, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. If my eyes weren't playing tricks on me, it would seem like her belly and breasts have grown a little since our meeting. “Looks like you followed through on your redemption, my love.” That last part caught me off-guard. My love? Surely she was just screwing with me. “Mathilda, why did you help me?” I asked her, trying not to stare at her glorious body. “Normally, I would’ve just let some foolish human die and save my own skin… but you’re… you’re different.” She said, staring me in the eyes with a rather serious look. “I’ve had a lot of sex with many human men. I’ve eaten even more human men,” She said, patting her huge belly. “But I was your first, and you faced your fears head on. I like that~” “W-What are you getting at here, demon?” I said flustered. “Well, I figured I’d stay with you for awhile. I’ve grown rather… attached to you.” She cooed, getting closer to me as she pressed her bare belly and breasts against me. “...I want to be yours, conqueror~” “Conqueror? I don’t know about that… but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about you after our meeting.” I sheepishly told the arachne. “Sounds like we’re meant to be~” She cooed, squeezing me into her soft body. “...Maybe. Though, I’d have to leave my mother and half-siblings behind. There’s no way the village would allow for such a union.” I stated plainly. “...Oh. I see.” Mathilda said, backing up a bit. Looks like she was being sincere about her feelings. Truthfully, I did want to at least spend more time with her, even if she was a monster girl. Maybe we could even try and show the world that an interspecies relationship like this could work. And honestly, that’s a chance I wanted to take. “...Don’t worry about it. Come on, I’m sure there’s a village out there somewhere that’ll accept us.” I said, reaching my hand out to her. “You’re a brave man. I expected nothing less~” Mathilda flirted, taking my hand as we walked together into the dawn. It’s true that I was leaving my old life behind, but I was nothing more than a tool for the people up till now. Granted, that’s the life I chose, but now… I feel happy. I’ll have a quiet future living with a monster girl as my lover. Sounds kinda weird, but at least I’m being true to myself here. I don’t know what the path forward will hold for me, but with Carmilla defeated and a partner to stand by me, I can handle anything that comes my way. -THE END- |
The high school class bell rang in the hallways of the institute as it snapped Seth out of his trance. He was a senior with barely any idea or ambitions on what to do after he graduates from here. It’s not like he was a bad student, he would always pass his classes, but he never really excelled at anything either. You could call him average... but his guidance counselor and parents would rather call him lazy and aimless. Regardless, with his graduation fast approaching, time was ticking. Seth sighed as he lay dormant in his mind as he continued to his next class, creative writing. He recalled his teacher had recently gone on maternity leave, and that a temporary instructor would be taking over until the end of the year. Despite never really paying attention in class, Seth did seem to be more alert in this one, though not because of the material. He had a bit of a hard time taking his eyes off of his heavily pregnant teacher, who would commonly rub her belly as she taught her classes. Something about that captivated Seth in a way he couldn’t really describe, but he could recognize his fixation. However, as mentioned before, she was on maternity leave and wouldn’t be teaching for the remainder of the year. It seems like the one interesting part of school life had vanished, leaving him with the mundanity and familiarity he was all too used to. Well… that was what he thought until he sat down at his desk and got a good look at his new instructor. She was a beautiful, young brunette with crimson eyes behind glasses that framed her slightly rounded face. She wore her hair down as it draped the black button-up sweater she wore overtop her tight white shirt. Her breasts, as large as her head, were close to bursting out of the white top, showing ample cleavage. While this was a sight to behold on its own, Seth noticed something peculiar about this woman’s figure. Her big boobs sat comfortably on top of a rounded belly that stuck out ahead of her, not unlike that of a late term pregnancy. While Seth was mesmerized by the sight of his new teacher, he couldn’t help but question her being here. His previous teacher just left on maternity leave, so why would they hire another pregnant woman in her place? Maybe she wasn’t pregnant, and just well fed? Seth figured that was probably the most likely answer, but he couldn’t quite shake off a certain feeling he got when he would gaze upon his teacher’s stomach. “Hello, class. I’m Ms. Blair, and I’ll be covering for your teacher while she’s on maternity leave.” The young beauty smiled. Hushed whispers could be heard circulating the class after she had introduced herself. Seth wondered if they all were thinking the same thing he was. “Guys, it’s rude to whisper about someone like this… but I suppose I could hazard a guess as to what it’s about.” Ms. Blair sighed, holding the sides of her belly, emphasizing its shape. “I’ll just get this out of the way now. I’m not pregnant, so don’t ask. I just happen to have a… ravenous appetite, which is why I’m built the way I am.” Ms. Blair said, slightly raising her boobs and letting them bounce atop her belly. Was this really happening? Seth sat there befuddled as he just witnessed his sexy new teacher essentially feel herself up in front of the class. He looked around the room and saw that her performance hadn't gone unnoticed. Several guys were fidgeting in their seats, clearly trying to hide their arousal, while most of the girls just looked shocked by the display. Despite this crowd reaction, their teacher simply just smiled and resumed with her proper curriculum, as if nothing had happened. The first half of that day’s class progressed about as normally as it could’ve, given what it had started with. Whenever Ms. Blair would turn around to use the white board, her plump butt in tight, scarlet jeans would wiggle for the class to see. Aside from that, Seth couldn’t help but notice her pregnant pout of a belly growling rather consistently as she was teaching, her hands being lowered to soothe it every so often. As if he wasn’t having a hard enough time in class not getting distracted, this made it near impossible. Thankfully, this class was split in two parts due to the lunch period, so he’d have time to cool off before stepping back into the fire again. Almost as if on cue, the lunch bell rang as it cut off Ms. Blair during one of her readings. “Ah, finally. Lunch.” She cooed, rubbing her growling belly in front of the class. “Have a nice lunch, guys. I’ll see you back here in about 45 minutes for the rest of the lesson.” The students all began to exit the classroom quietly with only a few mumbles between themselves being heard. Though just as Seth was getting up to leave, he saw that Ma. Blair had called out a specific student to stay back with her during the break. It seemed a little strange to him, but he simply grabbed his bag and walked out of the room, closing the door on his way out as he was the last to leave. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you staring.” Ms. Blair said to the student from behind the door. Seth perked up, and leaned his back against the wall next to the door to hear what was going on. “Sigh, I guess I can’t blame you for your attraction to me. I mean, look at these tits…” Ms. Blair cooed as she fondled her boobs, walking towards the student in a sultry manner. “Have you ever seen such big breasts like this?” The student turned beat red as he choked on his words, trying his best to not totally embarrass himself. Ms. Blair giggled as she slowly pinned the student between herself and the wall- Seth being directly on the other side. “I owe these bountiful breasts to my belly…” She cooed, holding her round stomach up and against the student. “Everything and everyone I put into it goes directly to fattening my tits.” Seth’s heart dropped. Did he hear that right? Everything and EVERYONE? That couldn’t be right… yet he couldn’t shake a feeling of both fear and intrigue. He waited against the wall to hear what was going on, but everything went quiet after that. It was a piercing silence that made every second feel like a minute, every minute an hour. Eventually, he decided to take a quick peek through the door’s window to see what was going on, but noticed that both Ms. Blair and the student were nowhere to be seen. Perhaps she had taken him back into her classroom office? If so, there was no way to lurk around there without being seen, and there would be no way to get out of that situation. “Hey, Seth! Coming to lunch, man?” A student called out, snapping Seth out of his trance. It was one of his friends he normally hung out with during the break. “Hmm? Oh, yeah. I’m heading over now.” He responded, walking towards his friend. “Ah, that’s right! You got to meet that new teacher, Ms. Blair, yeah? I heard she’s, like, super hot!” His friend teased, looking smug as he pictured what she may look like. “Yeah. She’s not bad.” Seth muttered, his mind going back to what he just overheard between her and the other student. “Hey, you seem more spaced out than usual, man. Doing ok?” His friend asked concernedly. “Don’t tell me it’s love at first sight?” “Don’t be ridiculous.” Seth said, waving off his friend’s accusation. “I just met her. Plus, she’s my teacher.” “Yeah, but only for, like, another few weeks! You’re 18, man! Live a little!” His friend flashed a big, stupid grin towards him. Seth sighed as he walked with his friend to the cafeteria for the remainder of his break. Even if he hated to admit it, his friend was doing a pretty good job keeping his mind off of the strange situation he had overheard earlier. Maybe he was just hearing things. Yeah, that had to be it. ----- Before long, the bell rang throughout the school halls signifying the end of lunch period. Seth followed his other classmates as they poured back into their classroom, Ms. Blair seemingly still in her back office. There was a small amount of chatter among the students as they waited for their teacher to continue with her lesson from earlier, though Seth took notice that the student she had held after class was nowhere to be seen. “Ah, sorry I’m a bit past the bell, class.” The door to the back office swung open as Ms. Blair strutted back into the classroom. Though something was off about the whole thing. Despite having a pregnancy-reminiscent belly, her stomach seemed to be quite a bit bigger, now the size of an exercise ball as her white shirt couldn’t cover it all. It wobbled and gurgled loudly as it stuck out before her and towards the class. “I hope you all enjoyed your lunch break. I know I did…” She cooed, rubbing the front of her big belly with both hands. “Now then, I would like you all to do a little bit of a writer’s workshop.” The class laid silent as they all worked on their writing projects. Seth was struggling hard to pay attention, not getting past the word “The” on his paper. How did Ms. Blair’s belly expand to such a size in just 45 minutes? He sneaked a quick glance at her as she reclined in her chair, rubbing her belly. Seth felt his face start to flush red as he focused more and more on her belly: it’s loud gurgling and churning being audible to the whole class as it bounced ever so slightly. Something wasn’t right here. Unfortunately, while he was in his head, the end bell rang as class came to a close. With only one word written on his paper, he was sure to have a long night ahead of him. “Alright class, I’ll see you all tomorrow!” Ms. Blair called out, resting her hands on top of her bulging belly. “It was nice meeting all of you!” Just as Seth was about to head out, he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Ms. Blair. “Seth, right? I’m sorry, but would you mind staying back with me before heading to your next period?” She asked, tilting her head slightly with a cute look. “Uh, I would, but I probably should get to math.” Seth responded, looking away from his teacher to try and hide his face. “Don’t worry about it. I already let your teacher know you’ll be absent, since you’ll be with me.” Ms. Blair replied with a wink. “Your guidance counselor wanted me to talk to you about your career path.” “Oh, great. More of this.” Seth sighed, even his teacher’s big, gurgling stomach couldn’t make him forget his disdain of this conversation. Why couldn’t everyone just leave him alone? “Hey now, don’t be like that, sweetie. Head into my office and we’ll talk about it.” She giggled, pushing her plush curves into his body very slightly. “I promise it’ll be more fun than math class~” “S-Sweetie?” Seth stammered, letting her see his blushing face. With an exasperated sigh, he walked into her back office and sat down in front of her desk. “Let’s get this over with.” Before his teacher could comment on his lack of enthusiasm, her belly let out a deep growl as she held its sides. “Looks like I’m still in need of a little snack.” Ms. Blair giggled, patting the top of her noisy belly. “Seth, you sit tight. I’ll be right back.” Seth watched his teacher’s butt sway from side to side, her one hand on top of her belly as she left him alone in her office and closed the door behind her. She couldn’t be serious. More food? Her stomach had already grown so big in a short time, so she had to have totally cleared a buffet out, right? He felt his heart begin to beat faster and faster. What was this feeling? The way she called him “sweetie” and almost pressed herself up against him… What was all of that? He looked down at his hands to feel them trembling ever so slightly. It seems like his line between fear and attraction was beginning to blur. ----- Before long, Seth heard the office door open as he turned his head in its direction. Noisy sounds of churning and digestion flooded the room as Ms. Blair entered, her now even larger belly preceding her. Seth stared in awe at his teacher’s even more expanded stomach, now double the size from before she left. Her white shirt now barely covered more than her big boobs, leaving her massive belly bare for all to see. “Ahh… that hit the spot~” Ms. Blair cooed, making a fist at her hips with one hand and feeling the top of her moving belly. “Hmm? Have something you want to say?” She teased, giving a smug almost sultry look towards Seth. He stayed quiet as he tried to avert his gaze from her bulging form. She giggled, sitting back down in her chair, it creaking underneath her weight, as her pale globe of a stomach rested on her desk. It continued to gurgle and groan loudly as it moved ever so slightly. “Thanks again for the wait. I was just STARVING…” Ms. Blair sighed, continuing to rub her belly where she could reach. “D-Don’t worry about it.” Seth said, stumbling to respond in front of her. Ms. Blair giggled as she placed both hands on top of her belly, in front of her breasts. “Anyways, your counselor wanted me to talk to you about your progress in the class. She thinks you have a ton of untapped potential in creative writing, as you…” Before he knew it, Seth had totally tuned his teacher out. Besides the fact this was a conversation he’s had multiple times before, he just couldn’t get past Ms. Blair’s giant gut. The way it subtly bounced and moved, her barley popped navel, the muffled sounds from inside… Wait… The muffled sounds from inside? That’s just food… right? “Seth? Hey, Seth!” Ms. Blair called out to him, freeing him of his trance. “Huh? O-Oh, sorry.” Seth said apologetically. His teacher stood up from her seat with a rise and slosh from her belly as she strutted over towards him, her giant gut mere inches from his face. “You need to stop spacing out and pay attention!” Ms. Blair pouted, her hands on her wide hips. With her belly so close to him, Seth was beginning to lose his composure a bit. In an act of panic and confusion, he simply blurted out what he had been thinking. “J-Just how much food did you eat?” With those words out in the open, things would begin to become clear for him. Ms. Blair giggled as she lovingly caressed her big belly. “Food, hmmm?” Just then, a knock was heard at the office door. It was a student from the class earlier. She was a cute girl; a bit of a short stack build, short brown hair with bangs that lowered just past her eyes, and a freckled face with blue eyes. “Uh… Ms. Blair, I wanted to ask you something about today’s lesson…” The girl murmured, clearly being taken aback by her teacher’s even more expanded form. As if answering the girl, Ms. Blair’s belly growled and gurgled. She then locked eyes with Seth and gave him a strange look… one of a… predatory nature. “Of course, sweetie! But before I help you, can I ask for a favor?” Ms. Blair said, smiling towards the girl. “Um, sure. What do you need?” The girl responded. At that moment Ms. Blair began to approach the girl, her hips swaying to accentuate the massive size of her belly. She pinned her against the side of the room as she held both of the girl’s arms. “...I need you to help fill me up~” Ms. Blair said with a lick of her lips before engulfing the girl’s head into her mouth. It all made sense now. The way her belly grew to such a size so quickly… She was swallowing other students. Ms. Blair moaned as the girl’s body slid down her throat and into her already massive belly, growing it even larger- though that wasn’t all. Her plump butt and thighs began to expand and the stitching of her scarlet pants were put to the test against her growing curves. She finished off her meal with a satisfied burp before turning to admire her surprising growth. “Looks like my belly won’t be getting much bigger.” She giggled, sinking her hands into her soft, expanded butt. “...Not that it matters, though.” Seth rose from his seat in shock. What the hell did he just witness? Why was this happening? Why was his teacher able to swallow people whole? ...Why did he like what he saw? Ms. Blair slowly strutted towards him, her absolutely massive belly taunting him as it got closer and closer. With the way things were looking, he was about to suffer the same fate as the girl before him. She ended up pinning him between the wall and her gigantic gut, its soft yet firm surface pressed fully against his body. “W-Wait!” Seth pleaded, hanging his head low to keep his face hidden. Before Ms. Blair could taunt him further, she felt something against her enormous stomach… Something more… private. She tilted her head back as she gave him a smug look. “Oh? It seems you may like this, mmm?” She cooed, slightly leaning towards him as much as she could. Seth simply stayed quiet and kept his head hanging low. He would’ve been embarrassed if something like this happened in any situation, but given these circumstances, this was mortifying. The part that stung the most though, was that he knew she was right. Her massive belly gurgled, its movements being felt against Seth’s body. He raised his head with a nonchalant look on his face. “...Just eat me already.” Seth sighed, feeling completely defeated. “I know it’s coming, so just do it and get it over with.” Ms. Blair giggled as she gingerly rubbed her belly after what he had just said. “Wow, it’s not often I get a willing meal~” She cooed. “Though, you don’t seem as happy as someone who enjoys this should be.” Seth just continued to lock eyes with his teacher in silence before she simply shrugged off his attitude. A meal is a meal, after all. Within seconds, he felt his body slide down his ravenous teacher’s gullet and into her overstuffed gut. It was too dark to really see anything, but he could feel and hear the other students cramped inside with him. I guess that was all the proof he needed… if he needed any more to begin with. Seth let out another deep sigh as he simply resigned himself to his fate: boob, butt and belly fat on his admittedly hot teacher. I mean, things could be worse, right? At least he didn’t have to deal with all that post grad stuff everyone’s been bugging him about. With that thought in mind, his expression changed from bothered to content. This may not be so bad after all. ----- “Okay class, let’s discuss this piece of writing…” The next day’s class continued on, despite missing three of the students. Rumor has it that they simply ran away from home due to the stress of graduation deadlines and college fast approaching, though most students couldn’t help but notice Ms. Blair’s more curvaceous figure than the previous day. Her belly may have gone back to a comparative full term pregnancy, but her boobs, thighs and butt were much larger and wider. Most students thought it was strange that their teacher’s form continued to fluctuate and grow, but most didn’t give it too much thought. As the lunch bell rang, students left the classroom in their normal fashion… though it was followed up by a loud grumble from their teacher’s hungry belly. “Mmm, would one of you mind staying after class to help me with something?” Ms. Blair cooed, bending over slightly to give the guys a better glimpse of her intense cleavage. Momentarily, one guy volunteered to help her with her project after being struck weak by his teacher’s trap. According to the last student who left the classroom and closed the door, Ms. Blair approached the volunteer with a seemingly predatory look while licking her lips. |
The Eeveeolution’s Dragon. Bully’s Meal. The busty Charizard sauntered self-consciously into the community shower, a hand over the towel she adorned to protect her large melons. She tried to conceal the enormous package she carried with her meaty thighs. She attempted to shield her fat ass by swaying her equally large tail. All in all; she was a bit of a nervous wreck. Even if she was the only one in the community showers, Amber couldn’t shake the shy feeling she’s been growing up with so easily. Especially since she had been ridiculed in the past for her above average beauty, even for her species. The only reason she ventured into the community showers was so that she could rid herself of the horrid smell that she was emitting due to the extraneous workout she undertook but a few minutes ago. She cringed as if she had just licked the king of all lemons just by smelling it now, she could hardly fathom what she would smell like if she dared to trudge through the blazing sun. Eager to have this blemishing scent done with, Amber decided that any shower stall would be appropriate and dove into a random one. Turning on the cold water, the Charizard allowed for the water to wash away all her worries. She wasn’t particularly concerned about her tail coming into contact with the water for she knew that the flame was resilient enough to withstand a dip in snow, so this water was like a fly to her. After basking in the cold water for around 5 minutes, Amber began her routine of washing up when she froze in her tracks in response to the sound of the community shower entrance opening. She wondered who could be here at this time of day for she was sure that she surveyed the gym before entering. She quickly shrugged as she thought that the newcomer was just someone who too was in dire need of a washing and thought nothing of it. She resumed washing up while she began to subconsciously track the steps of the unidentified newcomer. As she listened intently to the other individual in the room, she began slowing her washing down as she realized that the steps were coming ever so closer to her stall. She thought that was strange as she and this other person was apparently the only people in this shower, and they could have jumped into any other stall. She knew that this person held nothing but ill intent. Her suspicions were proven somewhat correct as the steps ceased as they reached her stall door. She looked down at the shadow, only to mentally facepalm as she realized that deducing the figure standing outside of her stall with just the shadows was nearly impossible to do. But she watched intently to prepare herself for anything that may happen. It wasn’t until she remembered that she hadn’t locked the shower door that she began to panic. In an attempt to lock the stall before whoever stood outside could open it, Amber screamed in terror when the stall was ripped from her reach, revealing the source of all this panic; a Flareon. Though this was no ordinary Flareon, it was a Flareon that was born with the unfortunate conditions that made her fur a snow white instead of fiery red, her neck fur was grey instead of yellow, and her eyes were a piercing red instead of black. But that wasn’t all to this Flareon that parted a sour taste in Amber’s mouth, for she also had the unpleasant fortune of knowing her personally. Her name was; Blair. “What do you want Blair?” The Charizard quizzed with venom in her voice. The two Fire-type Pokemon had known each other since kindergarten and for some unforeseen reason, they were intertwined by fate all the way into their senior years of high school, which was this year. Blair smirked an unknowing but evil smirk. “Just here to tie up some loose ends.” She said, approaching the Fire/Flying-type Pokemon, causing her to step back until her back met the wall. Amber snarled. “What do you mean; tie up loose ends?” She quizzed yet again, feeling a bit uncomfortable but also upset that Blair had so rudely interrupted her. Her response wasn’t a spoken one, however, as the Flareon delivered a hard kick to the Charizard’s shins, forcing her to her knees. “That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” She said. The Charizard, despite being a whole two feet larger than the Flareon and much meatier, she still succumbed to the force of the kick she should have seen coming. “What the fuck did you kick me in the shins for?!” She hissed, fire spitting out of her mouth in response to her anger. Blair grew a wicked sneer as she grabbed the back of her victim’s head. “You’ll find out soon enough, cock food.” She teased. At the mention of ‘cock food’, Amber was for the first time in their brief encounter in the shower rooms, had her attention to her bully’s throbbing cock. How she missed it she’ll never know. But even if she had only noticed it just a few moments ago, she already knew what was about to commence. “You wouldn’t dare…” She tried to intimidate her opponent. The albino Flareon’s face contorted into a mock-contemplating expression. “Or do I?” Was all Amber heard before her head was violently shoved into the Blair’s cockhead, which opened very easily to accept the large head. Amber screamed and thrashed from the sudden turn of events, but she was practically done for as Blair’s cock eagerly and quickly began to engulf the poor Charizard. The Flareon moaned lecherously as she felt her impromptu prey’s head fill out her cock, the bridge of her nose pushing the knot between her cock and her ballsacks. With two pulses, Amber felt that her head was beginning to enter her new and last home if she didn’t escape. But escape was nearly impossible as she felt the iron grip on her shoulders and her shins still stung from the unimaginably strong kick they had received from Blair. Blair’s cockhead greedily enveloped the shoulders of the Charizard, her wings beginning to bend in response to the ever-approaching pressure. Blair’s cock began to spread almost inhumanely wide as it began to swallow up the curled-up wings and the large GG-cups that her victim possessed. The albino Eeveeolution moaned and purred as she felt her cock begin to slowly swallow her new prey’s boobs and wings, the sensation much too pleasurable for her to endure. A thick stream of pre-shot out around from the Charizard, her groins unable to get over the strong sensation. Once Amber’s boobs were locked inside Blair’s sack alongside her, her midriff and hips were soon to follow. It was by this point that Amber had filled out the Flareon’s sacks so much that they resemble two large beach balls, but the weight wasn’t proportional to the visible comparison as it forced Blair to sit on her ass to not break her legs. Blair’s eyes rolled in the back of her head as she witnessed the fat-ass and beyond hourglass hips of the Charizard go next into her ravenous beast. She purred as her cumslit gradually widened to accompany the abnormally large package. It took a grand whole 2 minutes for Amber’s ass to join her in Blair’s sack. What followed next was smooth sailing compared to what came before it. Blair’s cock slurped up Amber’s kicking legs relatively easily, and within another 2 minutes, they joined the owner in her last abode before she would kiss death. Blair felt absolute bliss as Amber thrashed ever so wildly inside her hot confines, feeling the sack fill up with spunk, preparing to convert her large mass into nice, thick, undeniable baby batter. From the outside, Blair leaned her back against the wall, panting in pure ecstasy as her sack exhibited many thumps and bumps in response to the Charizard’s useless struggling. A face here, and leg there, an arm in between her thighs, and a tail near the end of it. Amber screamed and shrieked as she tried to fight off the inevitable, the pool of cum that was only knee deep just a moment ago now reached her chest. Blair could only fall asleep as the bliss and ecstasy vibrating through her lulled her to the dream world. She didn’t even bother to turn off the cold water as her eyes fluttered closed. Blair woke up with a gasp as the cold shower water many hours later, reaching up to the knob and twisting it off. As the cold rain ceased, she gazed at her sack that was now still, and a bit larger from the cum that filled it, and smirked. “Finally found your true purpose, eh Amber?” She questioned, stroking her shaft which began to rise in response to her stimulation. “Time to put your purpose to the fullest.” She moaned as she began stroking very slowly, the speed in which she stroked increasing with each passing moment. Her mind a haze of pleasure and billed up anticipation as she felt her peak reaching its end very soon. “AHHHH!!!” She screamed as the largest tower of cum she has ever streamed began spurting out of her cumslit. Her balls began to rapidly decline in size as they expelled the excess amount of Charizard batter it withheld. Blair smirked as she witnessed a small hue of orange inside the cum, solidifying that she had reduced her longtime victim to nothing more than useless batch of Flareon spooge. The next minute was nothing but a constant stream of cum as her body expelled the unnatural excess of bodily fluids needed to be let out. One all was said and done, Flareon struggled to stand up despite the significantly less weight, all due to the tiring orgasm she just bore witness to. Opening the shower stall door, Blair could only feel pity for the janitor as the large tower of cum was large enough to protrude far out in the main walkway. Rivers of orange tinted cum spread slowly throughout the shower room. “Damn, you really lived your purpose out to the fullest huh, Amber?” She teased the no longer present Pokemon. “Whelp, not my problem.” She quickly added before happily sauntering to the exit of the shower room, content with turning her long-time rival into nothing more than a pile of cum. |
The normally professional, no-nonsense Kate Beckett was showing an undo amount of excitement as she opened the door of her home to find a box on the stoop. An eager laugh jumped from her throat before she could stop it. Quickly, the tall, dirty blonde detective snatched up the package, carrying it up to the bedroom. Beckett had been waiting for almost two weeks since ordering this. She'd been waiting longer, building up the nerve to try it. Ordering a Tiny Aide had been on her mind for more than a year now, but her marriage to Richard Castle had kept her hesitant about bringing one of the little playthings into her life. Castle, a best selling author with whom Beckett shared a powerful and wonderful marriage, had never been, exactly, puritan. A playful man with an open set of boundaries, Castle and Beckett had tried things that hardly even had names, but they'd always kept one rule: it was only between the two of them. They'd never pursued having a third person involved, their affection solely held for each other. Becket felt a little guilty, waiting until Castle was out of town to sneak her new toy in like this. After all, there was no denying a Tiny Aide was something entirely past the crazy things they'd done in the bedroom, pushing their rule of “no one else.” Still... Beckett had been yearning for this. When she found out about Castle's upcoming trip, there was simply no stopping herself. She had the order placed before even fully considering the consequences. Setting the box on her bed, Beckett sliced it open. She noticed there were no air holes and it felt as if there were no padding inside. This made sense; Tiny Aides were suppose to be nearly indestructible. They were normal people, yes, people who had agreed to be shrunken down and marketed for others' pleasure, like a tiny prostitute. But something in the shrinking process made them nearly impossible to kill. Lack of food or air didn't faze them. Tearing and crushing them was all but impossible, their bodies now unbelievably malleable. Beckett wasn't concerned with the lack of comfort provided to her little helper. She only wondered what they would look like. How would they act? Would she be their first or would they be experienced at this? She couldn't wait to find out, and she tore open the top of the box. Inside there was indeed no packing, no paper, nothing but empty space and, laying in the middle of it, her Tiny Aide. Beckett stared down into the box for quite a while, her long hair hanging in her face, blinking as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing. The Tiny Aide, a reddish-blonde girl with a soft face, curvy, small body completely naked, looked up, blinking in the light, and a look of utter shock struck her face. “K-kate!” There was no mistaking that girlish voice; much as she couldn't believe it, the girl in the box, barely as big as Beckett's palm, was Alexis Castle. Castle's daughter. Beckett's step-daughter. For a moment, Beckett just ran a hand through her hair letting out an unbelieving breath. What were the odds? She'd found it strange that Alexis, rather unexpectedly, had left for a tour of Europe, saying she planned to be gone “a while.” Now, she understood why. Guilt at being caught began to nibble at her stomach, and Beckett, angrily, said, “Alexis, what is going on? What are you doing like... this?!” The young woman looked like a deer in headlights. She'd always been so straight-laced; in a lot of ways, she was like Beckett: professional and rational, with only rare signs of her father's immaturity. But being a few inches tall and naked made it a bit hard to keep up the show of the clean-cut college girl. Alexis stammered, “Kate, listen I... I was kidnapped! I was getting off the plane in France. A guy, he started talking to me and-” Beckett cut her off. “Alexis. You said you were going to Germany. You're just telling me the premise of Taken.” Alexis' face was pale, save for her cheeks which burned bright red. She knew she was caught. Giving a groan, she decided there was no use to it; she'd have to come clean. “Ok,” she said. “I... just wanted to try it. I've been wanting to know what it's like since high school; being a shrunken sex toy for a total stranger. Least, I figured it would be a total stranger. I honestly never expected you to be my first client.” Beckett let out a dry laugh and said, “The feeling's mutual.” She thought what she should do. Honestly, Beckett understood what Alexis meant. She was a young woman, one who had somewhat stifled herself in study and hobbies. She was eager to try new, perverted things, just like Beckett had been at her age. Heck, just like Beckett was NOW. And, much as she tried to suppress it, there was a tantalizing, devious delight at the thought of her stepdaughter being her very first living sex toy. Still, Beckett decided she ought to do what was right. “Ok, Alexis. I can always just return you and the agency will take you back, no questions, and send you on to the next client. We can just pretend none of this happened, keep it our secret.” She paused then added, “If you want to.” Being given the choice suddenly made Alexis hesitant. Like Beckett, she felt a twisted delight at the thought of belonging to her stepmother, if only for one night, as a sex toy. Beckett was certainly attractive: a fantastic body, curvy but with the potent muscles of a tough-as-nails cop beneath. There were much worse clients she could have ended up with. Alexis knew she should say “yes” and try to put this mess behind them... but she didn't, desire causing her to pause. Seeing that Alexis was hesitating, Beckett realized the same thoughts must be going through the girl's head as her own: that as taboo as this might be... it was very tantalizing. Smiling, Beckett said, “Before you decide, let me show you what you get if I don't send you back.” Standing before the bed, Beckett slowly undid the buttons of her tight blouse. Alexis watched, mesmerized, as her stepmother began to strip for her. Button by button the straining fabric loosened, revealing first that deep cleavage, then the taut flesh of her chest, then, finally, pulling away, the round fullness of each breast, topped by the pale pink mound of her nipples. Peeling her blouse off, Beckett let it fall to the floor. Alexis was so stunned she didn't even think about how this meant Beckett went commando. Working the button of her khaki pants loose, Beckett teasingly pulled the zipper down, click by click. The pale flesh below her navel traced down in a smooth, shaven slide. Hooking her pants with both thumbs, Beckett wiggled her hips out of them. As the fabric slid away, the tight, pink lips of her sex pushed into view. Alexis' breath caught; her body trembled as Beckett let her pants fall beside her blouse. Stepping naked out of them, she towered over Alexis, like a primal goddess, all perfect skin, lush curves, and forbidden pleasures. As she lay there, stunned, starring up at Beckett, Alexis' stepmother reached down, closing her fingers around the girl's body. Lifting her in her smooth hands, Beckett brought Alexis up to her face. Up close, Alexis could really appreciate her small size; Beckett's lips were like a long bench she could rest on, soft and red. Then, something pushed them from beneath. Beckett's tongue slid out, fat and slick with spit. Alexis gasped as Beckett licked up her leg, moving her tongue over those bare thighs, into the pocket of her lap, up across her stomach, across her firm chest. Alexis moaned as she was licked, Beckett's saliva smearing over her body. After the lick, Beckett lowered Alexis, not to the bed, but to her chest. She brought Alexis closer and closer, Alexis watching that firm orb and its wide nipple growing bigger. She took a breath as Beckett pressed her tight into her breast flesh. She began to rub Alexis across her chest, around in circles on first one boob, then, across the deep gap of the cleavage, over the next. She ground her face-first against her nipple, Beckett shuddering at the sensation. Alexis squirmed, her cunt moist as Beckett's playing turned her on. Rubbing Alexis down the underside of her breast, Beckett then traced her down across her stomach, still pressing the little tiny tight to her skin. As she passed over the soft flesh of her belly, Alexis heard the wet grumbling inside of Beckett's gut. She trembled as she imagined how it would be for Beckett to swallow her, to toss her into those lips, gulp her down, and send her to churn inside her stomach for... however long she wanted. Alexis wondered if Beckett would do it. And if she did, would Alexis even ask her to stop? She slipped past the stomach, rubbing over the tight dip of Beckett's navel. Then, down lower. Over the smooth flesh of her lap. Along the plush, soft mound of her sex. Beckett moaned, sitting down, lying back against the pillows of the bed as she teasingly traced Alexis all around the edge of her sex, letting her brush up against the lips of her pussy but never over. Feeling Alexis squirm, Beckett laughed, “You're enjoying this, aren't you? You want me to use you. Your own stepmother and you want me to shove you into my tight cunt. Don't you?” Alexis writhed, unable to believe Beckett was saying this to her. She let out a muffled, affirmative whine, desperate for more. Beckett pressed her closer to her lips, pushing her head down into the tight embrace of her mound, rubbing it along the pink folds. Beckett's walls were wet, slick, and matted Alexis' hair with her moisture. “I'll start by using you for a dildo,” she said. “Then, well then we'll see. For now... squirm as much as you can for me, Alexis.” With that, Beckett shoved Alexis' head into her cunt. Alexis cried out in pleasure as she was squeezed into the tight, crushing walls, moisture sliming her all over as she wriggled, wanting to give Beckett as much pleasure as this squeezing, hot embrace was giving her. Panting in heat and constriction, Alexis had her hands in her lap, working her fingers furiously. Beckett helped with a finger rubbing between the cheeks of her ass and down against her cunt. She used this finger to slowly force Alexis deeper and deeper. Beckett's pussy was sopping by the time Alexis was only half way in. The detective grunted, bucking her hips up against her living dildo, squirming with new, unknown pleasures. She bit her lip, sliding Alexis back out a little only to shove her in again. Alexis cried out, the shove rocking her body, Beckett's finger grinding against her cunt. Her legs flailed, toes curling and uncurling as she was used for a sex toy by her stepmother. As Beckett's body clenched tighter and tighter around her, Alexis knew she wouldn't last much longer. She was on the edge, struggling just to hang on. She let out gasping, whining whimpers, trying to hold out and thrash for Beckett, not wanting to let her stepmother down. Beckett, though, was just as close, trying to stave off her orgasm as long as she could for Alexis' sake. Racing to hold out, the two were only an errant twitch away from climax. A sudden, tight squeeze from Beckett finally threw Alexis over the edge. “Aaah~” She cried out, loud and hard, as she came. The feeling of her orgasmic thrashing was too much for Beckett. She took in a sharp, heavy breath, pussy dragging Alexis in until even her feet almost vanish, contracting and squeezing her more powerfully than ever as Beckett came. She groaned, forgetting her stepdaughter for the moment, riding out a wave of the most intense delight. As the wave passed, she felt Alexis' struggles. Squeezed tight into her pussy, Alexis could hardly move, especially now that she was exhausted from her orgasm, but even her small squirming felt heavenly to Beckett, who let her linger there, murmuring happily, rubbing her still sensitive body in the afterglow of their moment. Finally, though, she reached down, tweezing Alexis' legs between her fingers. Slowly, she pulled the girl out, shuddering as her stepdaughter passed back through her lips. Alexis emerged, slimy and panting. She collapsed into Beckett's hand, looking up at her stepmother with red cheeks and hazy eyes. “Have fun?” Beckett asked. Alexis could barely speak so she nodded. Smiling, Beckett said, “Want more?” Alexis sat up at that. She nodded eagerly, saying, “Yes. Let's go again. That was amazing.” A small laugh rose from Beckett's throat. She lowered Alexis... but not to her pussy. She said, “You really are a horny little slut. But let's try something a little different.” Lifting her butt in the air, Beckett brought Alexis' face closer and closer and to her asshole, pulling one heavy, full cheek aside. Alexis took a sharp breath as she saw what Beckett had planned for her. Fear and hesitation crawled over her face. She wasn't sure she was really ready for this! Beckett's pussy had been incredible, but her asshole would be... well, an asshole! Dirty, tight, and suffocating. But there was no stopping Beckett. Though Alexis squirmed nervously, Beckett jammed her face into the wrinkled flesh of her anus. Alexis cried out, muffled by the tight button, as she was twisted and turned, her moist body easily slipping into the tight sphincter. Alexis' struggles grew stronger as she was forced into the smelly, squeezing tunnel, but Beckett ignored them. Instead, she bit her lip, murmuring loudly to herself. THIS was fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. Alexis was just the perfect size to stimulate her asshole, and her frantic squirming only enhanced the experience. Beckett kept pushing Alexis in, then pulling her back out a bit, her other hand going to her pussy to rub her clit. Already, she was approaching a second orgasm, driven on by Alexis wriggling. Shoving one finger hard against Alexis' ass, making her squeal, Beckett forced her in. At the same time, her asshole clenched from a wave of pleasure as her orgasm hit her. With a muffled squeal, Alexis was slurped into Beckett's ass, Beckett moaning as she came again. By the time the waves of her pleasure died out, Alexis was buried deep in Beckett's body, pulled up far into her wet, shit-caked colon. The walls crushed her from all sides, tighter even than Beckett's pussy, grinding her with their rhythmic movements. Alexis squirmed, trying to get her face away from the dirty wall not just for her own comfort but to shout to Beckett. She managed to get out one scream, “Let me out!” But there was no reply. Tired from two back-to-back orgasms, Beckett sank back into her pillows and was asleep almost instantly. Alexis felt the relaxation of her body, guessing what it meant for her. She tried to fight back down towards Beckett's anus, but there was no moving in that crushing tunnel. She was stuck. With no way to escape, Alexis gave up, just letting herself hang there, buried alive in her stepmother's ass. The stench and heat and filth baking her from all sides. But, though it was vile and humiliating... Alexis began to feel a strange delight in it. As she got used to the smell and cramped space, she began to feel excited, even joyous. A submissive, helpless thrill made her shiver in delight at every errant clench of Beckett's body. She was being used. She was a mere toy. She loved it. *** A week later, Beckett left the precinct, tired, ready to get home. She slouched into her car, taking a minute to compose herself, letting the stress of the day roll off her. As she did, she felt the little, wriggly lump inside her pussy move. Smiling, Beckett gave Alexis a squeeze, stifling her wriggles. As she headed for home, she decided now was as good a time as any to share some news with her little toy. “Alexis,” Beckett said, loudly so the girl could hear. “Just wanted you to know. I extended your contract. We'll have to be careful, of course. Castle will be back pretty soon. But... I'm sure we can figure out a way to keep you around even when your father gets home.” When she got no response, Beckett gave her crotch a little pat. There was a tremor from within; Alexis, neck deep in Beckett's pussy, could hear her but could barely speak at all, smooshed in the tight folds of her sex. She squirmed, showing that she understood, and Beckett smiled. “Yeah,” she said, “we'll still have some fun.” Alexis couldn't wait. Having her father around, the risk of being discovered... it was just one more thrill to her new life as a slave to Beckett. *** Later, Alexis awoke to a distant, muffled groaning. Her world was rocking steadily around her, up and down, up and down, the groaning intensifying with each sway. Tight, fleshy, wet walls squeezed her from all sides. Her nose was so used to the familiar stench by now that she hardly even thought about it, though it had not lessened in the three days she'd been here, crammed up Beckett's asshole. Three days worth of accumulated waste was piled up around her, burying her upper half in warm filth, acting as a butt plug for Beckett. The groaning grew louder, the world rocking faster, harder. It wasn't just Beckett groaning; a distinctly masculine moan shook Alexis from time to time. She'd never heard it like this before, but the voice of her father, Richard Castle, was no strange sound to her. It wasn't just his voice intruding into her world, though; Alexis could feel Castle against her stepmother, could feel as he pushed into her, thrusting and grinding, gripping Beckett's ass. To be this close to her father in this state... Alexis would have thought the idea would disgust her beyond words. Instead, it thrilled her. She'd always been more than a daddy's girl; her crush on her father was a very real thing, deny it however much she liked. And now to be inches away as he fucked Beckett was driving her mad. A palpable need to enjoy him as Beckett did, to be used by her father as Beckett used her filled Alexis's mind every time he and Beckett fucked. Something they did more and more frequently, with Beckett turned on so much from Alexis' hidden presence. Above her, Castle and Beckett both let out loud groans as they came together. Alexis's world tightened. She let out her own, unheard scream, cumming in frantic desperation for more. As he pulled out of her, Beckett lay back beneath Castle, panting, head rolling on the pillows. The sex these past few days had been the best in their marriage, hands down. Castle felt as if they'd been humping for two days straight. He staggered up, wiping the sweat off his brow. Seeing the clock, he groaned. “We've got to reevaluate what 'quickie' means,” he said, leaning in to steal a kiss from Beckett before gathering up his clothes. Beckett, squirming, said after him, “No bath?” Castle shrugged. “I'll tell them it was racquetball. It's always racquetball.” With that, he walked off, leaving Beckett lounging in the pleasure of her own climax. She felt Alexis rubbing against her colon. The sensation made her realize she had to go. Stepping into the bathroom, she plodded her butt down on the toilet, relaxing, a warm stream trickling into the bowl. She considered if she should let Alexis out. She'd been holding her up there for three days straight; judging by how full her bowels felt, she could imagine how messy things must be for Alexis. Plus, she'd been hoping for some after-sex fun. Deciding to let her stepdaughter out, Beckett leaned to one side, forcing her down. Alexis was shoved along by the squeezing walls, her feet forced through the tight ring of flesh. Her dirty body slid out into Beckett's hand, gasping as she came. Beckett brought her up, relaxing as she forced out the three days' worth of shit accumulated behind Alexis, flopping and splashing into the toilet. “Enjoy the vacation?” Beckett asked, wincing as her anus worked overtime. Alexis, panting, still catching her breath, said, “O-of course.” Sitting her on the side of the tub, Beckett finished up, then ran a bath. Easing herself into the warm water, she takes Alexis in hand, getting her down in the water. Alexis let Beckett rub her and clean her, then let Beckett rub her against her breasts and deep into her cleavage. As she put her willing slave to use, Beckett said, “Still having fun? I can keep giving your dad excuses, keep you all to myself as long as I want.” Alexis shuddered at the thought of staying like this with Beckett for... who knows how long? Every day was submission and use, either in her ass, her pussy, or as a toy for her to play with. The only problem was being so close to her father and never touching him. Shamed to admit it, Alexis couldn't hold back her secret anymore. “I'd love to,” she said, then hesitated before adding, “It's just... when you two are together....” “Me and your dad?” Beckett asked. Alexis nodded into her boob. “Yeah. Honestly, I'd love to... watch. Or at least be closer. I want him to look at me the way you do. As a toy.” Alexis' face was stark red, but Beckett was smiling. She found the idea exciting and utterly taboo, something she'd never even considered. Alexis added, “But we couldn't let him see me. He'd freak if he ever found out where I've really been these last few weeks.” Beckett nodded. She was thinking, wondering if there was a way. Slowly, a plan started to form. She said, “If I found a way to let you out while me and your dad play, if I could set it up... would you be willing and ready to be a sex toy to your own father? After all, when things get frantic, it's hard to imagine you could just sit on the sidelines and watch.” Without hesitation, Alexis nodded. Beckett's smile turned into a soft, knowing grin. “Good.” *** The next day, Alexis stood on the night stand by the bed, looking at herself in the mirror that Beckett was holding in front of her. She was amazed at the difference to her features. Her small face was rounded, fuller; her petite breasts were fatter and firmer, feeling a lot heavier too, as was her butt. A bit of hair dye had turned her autumnal hair bright blonde. With the addition of some thick make up, she looked completely different. And incredibly slutty, something that made Alexis' feel even smaller and even more excited. She hadn't believed Beckett when she said that the department had confiscated a shrink ray, but its effects on her body parts were real as they could be. She only had to feel her fuller tits to know that, the heavy curves bulging in her hands. There would be no recognizing her as the smart, rule-abiding daughter Castle had raised; she looked exactly as she was on the inside. Slutty. “Perfect,” said Alexis. “Now we just have to wait for dad to get home.” Putting the mirror away, Beckett, sitting nude on the bed, said, “Shouldn't be too much longer.” Even as she spoke, there came a sound from downstairs. The door opened and slammed shut. Heavy footsteps started down the hall. Quickly, Beckett put the mirror away and laid back, waiting for Castle. Alexis watched eagerly and somewhat nervously from the night stand. What if her dad didn't fall for the disguise? The door to the bedroom opened. Castle came in and immediately his eyes fell on Beckett, laid out naked and ready on the bed. Though he looked tired from the day's events, as soon as she saw her, Castle's face lit up with excitement. Then, he glanced over and noticed Alexis. He was startled at first, but he didn't look upset. Nor did he look suspicious. “Kate,” he whispered playful. “I think we have an infestation. There's a weird looking mouse just to your right!” Alexis laughed, relieved this was working. Beckett, smiling, said, “I just thought we could use something to spice things up.” Though she didn't show it, she was just as relieved that this had worked as Alexis. And that he hadn't freaked out. “What do you think? A Tiny Aide to help keep things nice and kinky in the bedroom?” Stripping off his shirt, revealing his bare chest, surprisingly toned for a writer, Castle crawled over the bed to Beckett. “What do I think?” he said before kissing her on the lips. Beckett put her arms around Castle, pulling him down on top of her, her heavy breasts brushing against the muscle of his chest. Castle took her head in his hands, kissing deeply, his tongue pushing open her lips, exploring her mouth. Alexis watched, face red beneath her make up, breathing heavily. She crawled eagerly to the edge of the night stand to see everything. Castle gripped Beckett's breasts, squeezing each, cupping and caressing them in his hand. Grabbing hold of his ass, pushing herself up against him, drawing him down onto her. Suddenly, Castle let go of Beckett. He reached out and closed his fist around Alexis. Her father lifted her, her body easily snatched off the table. Breaking away from Beckett, he said, “I think I'll show you how kinky I can keep things.” Rising, he pulled off his belt, throwing it aside. Bringing Alexis around in front of his stomach, Castle pulled open the waist band of his pants. A smell of musk rolled out, covering Alexis, making her shudder as Castle thrust her down into the opening, right into his underwear. In the gloom of his briefs, Alexis came face to face with her father's cock. Castle forced her down against the already-erect, stiff shaft. Alexis gasped as she was pressed tight to the warm, throbbing member, the musk of it so strong she could almost taste it. Castle let her go, withdrawing his hand and letting the band of his pants snap back, shutting her up in darkness and heat. The tension of his underwear caused Castle's cock to push back against Alexis, trapping her, burying her in dick flesh. Alexis squirmed, hardly able to believe she was literally riding her father's dick. She felt Castle lay back down beside Beckett. She thought she heard the wet sounds of their kissing. A hand pressed her, Beckett's, roving over Castle's body, cupping his bulge, crushing Alexis against it. She groaned, body shaking in delight. Castle broke away from Beckett again, and Alexis felt his pants loosen as she heard him unbutton, zipper rattling down the front. A moment later, Castle's cock fell out heavily into the air, Alexis pressed against the top, gasping for breath as she straddled Castle's dick. Able to move again, Alexis ground her body against Castle's cock, kissing the fat head beneath her. Seeing this, Castle laughs. “You got us a real slut to play with, Kate.” The words made Alexis shudder. Her father was treating her like a toy, a slut, an object. She was kissing his cock head and feeling it pulse beneath her fingers. Alexis loved this. It was every secret fantasy she'd ever had combined, larger than ever. She began to really grind her body against Castle's cock, pressing her lips to his tip, not just kissing but making out with it, rubbing her tongue against its swollen, soft head. Castle gripped the bed sheets, groaning. He reached up and closed one hand around Alexis and his cock. With Beckett watching, charged and eager, he began to pump his cock, rubbing Alexis up and down the shaft. Alexis moaned as she was used for a fuck toy, her body grinding flesh on flesh against Castle. The grinding made her flesh hot, and Castle pressed so tight that she could hardly breathe. Pre began to drool down from his tip, running across her face, squelching between her breasts and Castle's dick. Castle bit his lip, letting out a muffled moan. His cock was tensing, getting firmer. It gave a few pulses as he neared his climax, Alexis trying to keep up her licking all the way, using arms and legs to squeeze as much of her dad's cock as she could. Suddenly, he tensed. Castle stiffened all over, letting out a sharp breath. His cock pumped hard, spurting out thick seed all over the bed spread. Still working her over his shaft, some of Castle's cum sloshed back onto Alexis. His jizz stained her face and hair, some of it getting in her mouth, carrying the musky, heady taste of her father's arousal. Working out his load, Castle pulled Alexis off his cock. Instead of setting her down again, he held her over the puddle of freshly pumped jizz he'd just shot over the bed sheets. The thick, milky fluid pooled in the heavy sheets, and Castle shoved Alexis down into it. She wasn't expecting that and got more than a mouthful of cum, breathing some in with her shocked gasp. Castle, not caring about her little squirms, rubbed her around in the cum like a rag, smearing her, drenching her in his filth. When he lifted her again, Alexis was dripping with jizz, the thick seed running from her mouth and nose and off her face. It clotted her hair and pooled between her breasts. Alexis shook, unable to even speak. Her father was using her for a cum rag. Before she could recover, Castle said to Beckett, “Watch. A little trick from my wild days.” Lifting Alexis from the cum puddle, still dripping with his seed. Castle set her on top of his cock tip. His cock was still impressively hard in spite of having just cum. Alexis could feel it pumping, eagerly, under her, tip still moist. Her father pressed her down, her pussy rubbing against his slit. Alexis stiffened as she realized what he was about to do. “Oh gohhhrrrgg!” Her exclamation was cut short as Castle shoved her down on his cock. Alexis was only half as big as Castle's dick; when he shoved her down, her gut bulged obscenely as his dick forced itself up into her body. Her pussy was spread open wide, wider than her own body. Despite this, Castle had only shoved Alexis halfway down his cock. Beckett watched, eyes wide, as Castle impaled his daughter on his cock. For the first time, fear for Alexis' safety entered her mind. She hadn't expected THIS. Castle was proving to be more comfortable with this kinky set up than she'd thought. But what if he took it too far? Seeing the growing look of concern on Beckett's face, Castle said, “Don't worry. These sluts are made for this sort of thing. Plus, she loves it, don't you, slut?” Alexis' eyes were wide, her mouth agape, stupidly mumbling as she was overwhelmed by the huge cock filling her body. Still, she managed to make a feeble nod, her whole body shuddering from the effort. Castle laughed. “See? Whores like her always love this sort of thing.” Gripping her like a condom, Castle forced Alexis down again. A gargled groan pushed out of her throat as he slid her cunt all the way down to his hilt. Her body was completely contoured from within by his cock, little more than a dick sleeve at this point. Alexis couldn't move; she could only twitch now and then, the pulsing of Castle's cock like a constant, endless fucking by itself. Her stomach and chest and neck were spread wide around the intruding cock. Her arms and legs hung stupidly and useless from her stretched body. Her organs had been squashed, stretched, and rearranged by the forceful penetration. Her body tried to go back together, tried to right itself, but the cock prevented it, causing her insides to constantly squeeze against him, milking Castle as it tried to correct itself. Castle's cock bounced and twitched, shaking Alexis in the air. “These tinies can take a ton of abuse,” Castle said, watching Alexis spasm, climaxing, on his dick. “I've used them for condoms plenty of times. They all love it. Had one girlfriend, she wouldn't fuck if there wasn't a tiny around my cock. Don't worry though. We haven't talked in years.” Beckett didn't even register the joke. She was still staring at Alexis' grotesque body, spasming every few seconds from either shock or orgasm, she couldn't tell. The sight had her horny as fuck, but also concerned. She knew tinies were tough but... this was way beyond just sitting on Alexis. What would it do to her mind? Seeing that Beckett was still worried, Castle moved on top of her. He kissed her, forcing her to look away from Alexis, then, as she laid back, he pushed his hips forward and began to rub his tip, and Alexis' head, against Beckett's cunt. Though Alexis had already dove in Beckett's pussy more than once, she wasn't used to be shoved against her warm lips like the head of a rubber. She squirmed, trying to groan as Castle ran her face along the outer edge of Beckett's sex, teasing her. Beckett broke away from the kiss, asking, “Are you sure this won't-?” Castle stopped her. “Just try it and find out.” Beckett was desperately horny, eager to feel the unnatural pleasure of having her stepdaughter fucked into her cunt. She gave in, pulling Richard closer, pushing her hips up, shoving her pussy around Alexis' head. She groaned, her body shuddering. Then Castle shoved forward and thrust into her. Alexis couldn't describe it. The sensation of being fucked between two people was devestating. Her whole body was shoved forward, grinding tight against Beckett's walls, feeling both thin and huge from being stretched. She'd never felt anything this tight, in her or around her, and her whole body spasmed over and over as climax after climax tore into her. Castle pounded Beckett's pussy, driving Alexis deep into the warm, soft folds. Alexis felt heavy warmth flowing into her body, filling her middle. Castle was preing. But if his pre were this heavy... how heavy would his cum be? Alexis moaned at the thought, her sound a gargled, unheard whimpering deep in Beckett's cunt. Beckett could feel every inch of Alexis forcing itself into her. It was completely unlike shoving the girl in as a toy to squirm and wriggle around. It was intense and filling and hard. Beckett kept driving Castle deeper, kept forcing her hips tighter to his. She was practically yelling in pleasure at this point, her climax rising up like a bomb about to go off inside her. She couldn't last much longer. Neither could Castle, and as Beckett arched her back, groaning aloud, he felt her squeeze. Alexis tried to cry out as Castle's cock began to throb, head flaring inside her. She knew what was coming. A moment later her scream turned to a gargled mess as her body filled with jizz, bulging out so heavily that Beckett actually felt her expand, ballooning with cum. The sensation made her crash into a second, rolling orgasm that left her shuddering and moaning weakly on the bed beneath Castle. Slowly, Castle pulled out, bringing out the bloated, tired body of Alexis. Her stomach sagged heavily. Even her head bulged with cum, her face a stupid mask of senseless pleasure at this point. Castle cupped one hand under her engorged stomach, saying, “See? She loved it. That's how you have to treat these people, Kate. Their toys. Perverts with no shame and no purpose but being used.” Alexis didn't nod or anything. She only twitched feebly, making a wet, gurgling moan in Castle's hand. Taking hold of her, Castle pulls Alexis off his cock. Dragging the girl off his dick made her eyes roll, moaning wetly as she seemed to cum again and again from each tiny motion. Castle gasped as Alexis came away from his dick, leaving it moist and slowly sinking. Her body was no longer as obscenely stretched, but she was still bulging lewdly from his load, filled with cum that leaked out of her snatch and down her legs. Handing the cartoonishly full girl to Beckett, Castle rose, saying, “I'm going to get a drink. Help yourself.” He walked out of the room, leaving Beckett alone with Alexis who was still hardly in a position to talk. Her body kept twitching and jerking in Beckett's hand. Feeling how full she was, Beckett lifted the girl to her lips. She rolled her over, pressing Alexis's cunny against her lips. She sealed her lips around Alexis' pussy and sucked, poking her with her tongue to open her up. Alexis couldn't resist at all. She felt her body open as, what was to her, gallons of jizz poured from her cunt. Beckett sucked Castle's seed right out of his own daughter, drinking the warm, thick load from her while Alexis descended into wilder throes of ecstasy, moaning loudly. As she drank down his load, Beckett thought of what Castle said. Was he right? Sure she'd bought a Tiny Aide to treat them as an object, but only as a kink. Castle seemed to think that was what tinies WERE. And this one was his own daughter, though he, of course, didn't know that. What would he say if he knew who the girl he'd used for a condom was? Alexis seemed to love it, though she also looked so overwhelmed she was just barely coherent. Castle returned, grinning as he saw Beckett emptying out Alexis. Alexis' tiny body was almost back to normal, only stretched a tiny bit at her belly. She was panting as Beckett brought her away from her lips. The girl was exhausted. Her mind was beyond tired; it was pretty much broken. She'd been had every way her father could have her, at least it felt like. There was no inch of her left to fuck. She wanted to rest. Though her body wasn't hurt, she'd endured more than was humanly possible. The sensation of being stretched out over her dad's dick would probably never fully leave her mind... and the overwhelming surge of his load into her body. It had almost broken her mind entirely. So she was grateful when Castle said, “Think it's about time we turn in. There will be time to play with our new toy tomorrow.” Beckett started to put Alexis back on the nightstand, but Castle stopped her. He reached out, taking Alexis from her, saying, “I've got a better idea for where our guest can sleep.” He grinned, a grin that made Alexis very nervous and Beckett very excited. Laying back, Castle lowered Alexis towards his cock. He lifted his still somewhat hard shaft, the wet tip pointing at Alexis as he brought her to it. She thought at first that he'd make her sleep against his shaft all night, a thought that gave her a secret if exhausted thrill. But instead, he pushed her head down against his own, pressing her cheek to his slit. She could feel his blood pumping under her face. Slimy cum remaining on his dick stuck to her cheek. Holding her there, Castle said to Beckett, “Want to do the honors? Just give her a little push.” Beckett realized what Castle was thinking and could hardly believe it. Still, she reached out her hand towards his cock. Realizing that they intended to shove her down his dick, Alexis shouted, “W-wait! Wait, don't. You can't, I'm your d-rrrggg!” With a press of her thumb, Beckett pushed Alexis' head down into Castle's cock. Rather than Castle stretching open for her, Alexis's body compressed to fit the tight space. The thin, squeezing tube drew her down deeper, slurping her and crushing her shoulders and breasts till they were thinner than a toothpick. Castle hardly had to feed her to his dick at all. The muscles of his hungry cock did a fine job gobbling her up. As Alexis' struggling arms and stomach were drawn in, he let her go. Her legs kicked and wheeled over his cock tip, helpless as they began to sink down into his dick. The small bulge in her stomach was forced up, and as her hips squeezed in the last of Castle's jizz was forced from her belly, spurting from her cunt. Leaning over to kiss Beckett, Castle said, to her look of excited concern, “Don't worry. She'll love it once she gets used to it. That's where whore's like her belong.” Beckett smiled. She considered telling Castle the truth... but she didn't . She just reached forward, giving his cock a stroke, helping it tug down Alexis' legs, and said, “Well we'll just have to let her stay, won't we?” Alexis heard none of this, the sounds blocked by flesh and pumping blood. She was trying to scream, but her head was so squashed that nothing worked right. She slid down the tight, hot, cummy tube and spilled into a cramped chamber, even hotter and even cummier. A thick pool of jizz smothered her, drenching her face and body as she was forced into the chamber. It was too small for her to fully stretch out, so she was packed in, her flexible body made into a near perfect orb by the crushing, squeezing walls. Cum rose up around her, leaving her only the smallest pocket of air to breath, and depending on how Castle moved even that filled up at times. Castle felt Alexis curl up in his nut. He patted the full, firm ball, saying, “Enjoy your sleep, slut.” Then, kissing Beckett, he laid back, arms behind his head, ready to sleep. Beckett starred at the full sac, seeing it twitch. She'd done this to Alexis. She'd gotten her into this. She'd bought her, played with her, disguised her to trick Castle, and now... she'd let her get eaten alive by her own father's cock. The thought of doing this to the straight-laced, brilliant girl filled Beckett with an intense and satisfying arousal. She laid back, kissing Castle and thinking of what they'd do next with Alexis. In the hot, cramped dark of the ball, Alexis couldn't even groan for being crushed against the walls. Cum smothered her, and as it did, it burned her. The cum was acting like stomach acid, trying to dissolve her, trying to work her down into more jizz. But because of her body's increased durability, it couldn't. It could only forever churn around her, bubbling and sloshing, clinging thickly to her skin. Despite her dark, hot, cramped future, Alexis no longer felt fear. A frantic, overwhelming excitement kept threatening to destroy what remained of her rational brain. She was a toy. A cock sleeve, a butt plug, an object. She'd served her father and Beckett, and now she was given what she deserves: a crushing bed to boil in all night. Alexis trembled in mindless pleasure and excitement for how she would be mistreated tomorrow. She hoped that she could stay like this forever: being used and abused for the sake of Castle and Beckett's simplest, most petty, most animal pleasures. |
Subsets and Splits