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You Might Want to Clear it All By: 0nl1ce “Gravity Falls, located in Oregon and the oddest place on earth. For years, weird stuff has been drawn towards this place and every once in a while, would interact with the people. Some with good intentions, others with chaotic intentions and then just “I don’t know” intentions. Ever since my first summer here, I have always came back with my sister to both find more mysteries left undiscovered and hang with my closest friends and family. After 7 years, I continue this search and today we will find one of the most mysterious and technologically advance…” said a young man before being interrupted. “Who are you talking to Dipper?” said the young woman. “AHHHH!! I mean, I didn’t say anything.” replied Dipper. Dipper and Mabel had just yesterday returned to Gravity Falls for their traditional summer visit (that’s right, I’m the narrator now!). Unlike any of the previous summers, everyone was not here yet. There Uncles are a few days away from the U.S. after exploring the Bermuda Triangle and Wendy went with her family to Canada. The only person here to greet them was Soos who was always happy to see them. Though today he asked the two to stay out of the Mystery Shack due to “Super Radical Hungry Termites”. Dipper assumed this was just an excuse for him to get somethings ready for the twins as they got accepted to their colleges. Both of them got accepted to Backupsmore University thanks to their GPAs, range of experiences and from the impact their Uncle Ford had at the University. Dipper was going for an Anthropology degree so that he could travel around the world and still look for weird discoveries. Mabel was pursuing an art degree so she could be an art teacher to share everyone her creative vision. Dipper and Mabel were just exploring the woods when they found a large rock that was revealed to be a hidden door after Dipper fell on it when Mabel playfully pushed him. “Are you ready for this Mabel?” asked Dipper “Does this shirt say I’m ready!” said Mabel who pointed at her homemade red shirt with a cat lifting it’s front paws out and a fiery caption saying: “I’m Ready for a Cat-tastrophe!”. They may have grown up, but they weren’t going to completely change everything about them. Mabel and Dipper with eager smiles went into the hidden door which led them to an elevator with blue lights on. They both entered in and looked for buttons which they saw many. Dipper decided to click on the button with the letter “P” which was about to send them down. “Bop, boop, boop” Mabel went on as she clicked on multiple buttons. “Mabel, no!!!!” shouted Dipper. The multitude of buttons pressed made the elevator accelerate and move up and down rapidly. This caused the twins to be flung all over the place with Dipper screaming while Mabel was just chuckling. The doors would sometimes briefly open to show things from an abandoned lab to a 109 eyed large green monster. Eventually, the elevator reached their destination and the doors opened for them. “I think I’m going to be sick.” Dipper said as he thought he was going to lose his lunch. “You’ll be fine, here, have some Smile Dip I have been saving.” Mabel said as she was holding the unhealthy powder in front of him. “Hmmph…” Dipper said as he was prepared to puke. “Wow, what do you think they did here?” Mabel asked Dipper as she looked around. It looked like another abandoned lab room with machines everywhere and wires connecting to who knows where. It was a large room that looked like it could hold 150 people and had a wide-open space in the middle. Surrounding the middle was what seemed like a monitor station and on one of them was some type of head goggle device. “I have no idea, but let’s be careful.” Dipper said. The two looked around the area and tried to see what they could find. Mabel ended up being distracted by a pad with multiple switches and kept on lifting them up. As Dipper was exploring the room, he saw some letters on the wall that were covered in dirt. Dipper brushed the dirt off with his hands to reveal it written as “EXP-111”. These words shocked Dipper as he once had a previous experience with a shape shifter labeled “Experiment 210” which tried to escape and wreck unknown havoc. There must have been multiple sites in Gravity Falls where experiments were conducted. “Mabel, we should get out of here.” Dipper said. “What, we just got here” Mabel said with shock and disappointment. “I have a bad feeling about this place.” Dipper insisted. “Fine, but just one more switch, beep.” Mabel said as she flipped another switch. Before Dipper could say anything, that final switch managed to turn on some power and direct it towards the goggles which made it glow. “Whoa!” both the twins said in awe. They started to get close to the goggles to see if they did anything else to which they didn’t. “What do you think this is for?” Mabel said as she looked into them. “Mabel don’t!” Dipper yelled. “It’s fine, look, nothing has turned on inside.” Mabel replied and showed Dipper it’s black screen. “Huh?” Dipper said as he took the goggle and wrapped it on his head. Dipper saw nothing through them and tried tapping it and looking around. “I guess time got the best to this invention.” Dipper concluded. All of a sudden, a blue screen lit up inside the goggles where Dipper saw computer codes and heard the computer say: “Scanning and transmitting.” Strong blue light then shined into Dipper eyes and he felt his brain being read by the machine. As the goggles were scanning, Dipper was yelling: “AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” “I’ll save you!” Mabel said as she found an old phone book and swatted the goggles off of Dipper. They were both out of breath from the sudden shock. “I think we should go.” Mabel said. “Agreed” Dipper said. The control panel then started sparking blue electricity which traveled to what look like a receiver that shot blue lightning at the middle of the room. The blast and light briefly blinded the two for a short period, till it stopped. They both looked at the site where the electricity landed and saw some smoke still present. Then they saw some type of figure in the smoke and when it disappeared, they were wide eyed. In front of them was their friend, Wendy Corduroy but she was wearing a green bikini (21 now). “Wendy?” “Hi, Dipper” Wendy said seductively while pushing her hair back. Even though Dipper sort of accepted that his previous infatuation was just on impulse, he still was attracted to her. Dipper was just mesmerized by the Wendy in front of them with her long red hair, 6’2 height, C sized breasts, 33 hips and the freckles (especially the ones on her breasts). Dipper is now a young man who still has not found anyone he could have a relationship with and could only respond with blushing and small chuckles. Mable was shocked for a while till she thought she knew what was going on and gave a large smile. “Oh I get it, crazy Uncle Stan with the surprise party being held here and Wendy doing the party stripper routine for giggles.” Mabel said while chuckling. “Alright you guys, you got us good. You can come out now.” Mabel said out in the opening with no one jumping out. Dipper then briefly snapped out of his state and said aloud: “Mabel, I don’t think this is a surprise and I don’t think that’s Wendy” Dipper said as he pointed toward the Wendy in front of them. Then two more bolts of electricity struck the floor and now two more Wendy’s appeared, but they were different. One Wendy had F sized breasts while the other one had 54 hips. “Hello Dipper.” The two said aloud in the same seductive tone. More bolts of electricity were produced and more Wendys started to appear everywhere. There was a heavily pregnant Wendy, a sun-tanned Wendy, a muscular Wendy, a three-boobed Wendy, an anthropomorphic fox Wendy, a gothic Wendy, a nude with bushy vagina Wendy and more. As more Wendy clones were made the twins were walking slowly backwards to the end of the lab. The Wendys were slowly approaching them and seemed more focused on Dipper and heading towards him. “I don’t understand, why was that machine scanning my brain only to….” Dipper was trying to before the twins realized the purpose of the googles. Dipper blushed while Mabel said with a surprisingly plain face: “What have you been looking at lately?” “A few things….” Dipper said while not trying to reveal everything. Before the Wendy’s could reach Dipper, everyone stopped when they heard one of the Wendys said aloud. “Hey, what the…HMMMMMPPPHHH!!!!” The Wendy’s turned around which left a gap for the twins to see something quite frightful. They saw a Wendy that looked like the first clone but had the bushy vagina Wendy’s head inside her throat and lifting her body straight into the air. This clone was somehow able to unhinge her jaw and could swallow people whole. UUULLLP ULP UUULP They all watched in horror as the nude clone was quickly being sent down with her legs flailing everywhere. The vore clone’s belly was starting to expand and showed bulges of the clone’s panicking face with her hands and D breasts pushed against the stomach. UUUULLLP UULP UULP The bushy vagina disappeared down the clone’s throat and all that was left were the clone’s feet which were still flailing wildly. The clone just briefly slathered her tongue under the other clone’s feet before giving a loud gulp. UUUUUUULLLPPP Everyone saw the bushy vagina clone had completely entered the vore clone’s stomach. They could see the detailed bulges of her body but briefly stopped struggling. They then all heard the clone inside the stomach say: “Huh…….HEEELLLLLMPPPPP!” UUUUUUUUUAAAAARAAAAAP The vore clone gave a loud belch that everyone heard which was followed with an hourglass clone shouting out: “There can only be one for Dipper!!” The Wendy clones then went into a free for all brawl with one another for Dipper. The twins saw many things happen during the fight such as muscular Wendy throwing fox Wendy across the room, 63 butt sized Wendy sit on top of hourglass Wendy and saw the vore clone trying to push heavily pregnant Wendy down her throat as her 45 butt got stuck in the clones mouth. “We need to get out of here!!!!!” Dipper yelled and the two twins went quickly but cautiously around the clones. The number of clones were starting to diminish and the vore clone’s belly was getting bigger which was practically the size of a baby rhino. Dipper saw she seemed to have swallowed the pregnant Wendy, muscular Wendy and 54 hip Wendy from the detailed bulges. Dipper was quickly pressing the up button of the elevator. “Come on, come on, come on….” Dipper went on. The elevator then opened up for the two and they both entered in with the first-floor button quickly selected. “Aha!!! Take that clones.” Mabel announced victoriously. Then they saw a ninja star fly above their heads and hit the elevator’s cord. They both then saw a Wendy wearing a mask with some ninja stars in her right hand. The rope of the elevator then snapped and the two were sent further down the bunker but everyone could here Mabel say: “That’s a good throwing arm!!!” The clone noticed that comment and before she could say thank you, the vore clone swallowed her head from behind. The twins were sent falling down three more floors which they both felt the impact and briefly knocked out. They were out for 23 minutes until both of them simultaneously woke up and gasping. “Are you ok Mabel?” asked Dipper. “I think I’m good Dipper.” Replied Mabel. The two brushed off the dirt on their clothes, walked out of the elevator and looked up to the ceiling. The room they were in was nothing but a very long corridor with no light. “Do you think they found a victor?” Mabel wondered curiously. “I doubt it, as we have not been captured and with how they were fighting, I am sure they are all down for the count.” Dipper said with the arms on his side and a smug smile. Then a creaking sound was heard from the top which was followed by a loud slam. The roof on the far side of the hall fell down with a louder bang and light flashing from the hole. The two twins saw to their horror the vore clone, but her belly was now even greater than a large truck. They can see the bulges of multiple Wendy’s with their bodies of different sizes. They both looked at the clones head and saw she was still swallowing one more clone: the goth clone. As the goth clone was at breast level in the clone’s mouth, she said. “Whatever, life is miserable.” UUUUULLLP The goth clone was then sent to the stomach which caused the clone’s top to fall off and they saw a new body bulge at the very top of the belly right between the vore clone’s breast (vore clones’ size is DD). “Dipper….” The clone called out to Dipper with a creepy yet seductive tone. “AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” the twins screamed. Despite the clone’s massive size, she was starting to run quickly at them. The twins quickly got on top of the crushed elevator and Mabel cried out: “Hold on!!!” Mabel then pulled out of her shirt her old grappling hook and shot it to the ceiling. The clone almost rammed the two with her large belly when they heard the harpoon made contact with the ceiling. “So long sucker!!!” Mabel said in her usual boastful manner and two were pulled upwards. The clone’s belly slammed into the elevator’s shaft walls which the twins could feel the vibrations. Before the clone could say anything, she let out a loud wet burp: “UWUUUWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRPPPP!!!” The two saw many bikini wear land on her stomach and a few other things like sun-tanned Wendy’s glasses and goth Wendy’s choker. The two were able to escape and locked the doors to the lab for no one to discover. The two returned to the Mystery Shack where they found Soos trying swat a human size termite with a broom. By the time they managed to shoo off the termite, they forgot to tell Soos about the experience. It was now 10 o clock and the twins were just outside the Mystery Shack; looking at the stars. “What a way to start off the Summer, am I right?” Mabel said excitedly. “Yeah and I can’t wait to see more mysteries though hopefully nothing extremer than that.” said Dipper. “Ahh, I bet you were pretty excited when you saw Wendy.” Mabel teased Dipper while jabbing his shoulders playfully. “Your imagining thing.” Dipper blushed. “Whelp, I’m off to bed, see you in the morning.” Mabel said before giving Dipper a hug. Mabel went inside and all the lights of the Mystery Shack were turned off. Dipper just stared at the stars still and was just looking forward to whatever comes ahead. Then Dipper heard some rustling in some nearby bushes which was followed by an paper airplane. It landed on the fur hat given to Dipper by the real Wendy and Dipper opened up the letter where he saw words that said: “Sneak away and meet me in an hour for some quality fun ” Dipper looked up to see from the bushes the vore clone. The clone’s belly had shrunken a little bit (walrus size). Some bulges were less defined then others but he could still see heavily pregnant Wendy, 54 hip Wendy, fox Wendy and what looked like bushy vagina Wendy who were still struggling. The clone was now completely naked and her breast size increased to an F while her butt increased to a 48. She gave a smile before walking away and gave a large smack to her right but cheek. Dipper could see the red hand imprint left and the cheeks jiggling. This made Dipper give a bit of a smirk while blushing and unknowingly gotten a boner. Before he could do anything, he heard Soos from behind. “Wait was that Wendy and what’s happening to your pants dude?” Soos said as he was pointing at his erection. “AHHHH!!!!” Dipper yelled while trying to cover his erection. CUT TO BLACK
Read the Job Description! By: 0nl1ce Trade for: Wolperdinger Adventurers, truly a wild bunch of individuals that dare enter the unknown and tackle the challenges that laid ahead. Any adventurer you meet would surely tell you their stories of grand and the knowledge they’ve learned. Maybe if your lucky, you may come across an adventurer who killed a dragon or even defeated a demon lord. “Ewwwgh, there is still slime in my shoes!” said an adventurer finding remanent slime in her boots. Or maybe you will come across this unfortunate adventurer. While her true name is unknown, she is referred to by others and herself (which should be a problem at this point) as the Newbie. The Newbie is a elf who according to her resume at the guild, was the top sorcerer in her class and had trained in close combat with the best in her village. With an eager desire for adventuring and glory, she decided to become an adventurer. With her in an official guild, she eagerly accepted a wide range of quests that would promise her such desires. Sadly for, the Newbie…. Well actually, let’s let her explain it. “Ugh….. I can’t believe after 33 quests I still haven’t made such progress into the top adventures of the guild. Every quest I’ve done so far has always made me end up in someone’s stomach. If that was not bad enough, I had to get saved by other adventurers.” Newbie said while sighing. “But surely many newbies and even experienced adventurers experience hardships with these kinds of missions, right?” Newbie said to make herself confident. Actually, most of her defeats would have been easy task for newbies alike. While the three heros of Oreh were severely injured from the thousand-year Banshee, Newbie was swallowed whole by a halfling princess she was supposed to guard. The sisters of the deep protected their underwater city with the power of their magic while Newbie could only protect her left shoe in the belly of a monster toad. People watched Ding the Wolf Rider breaking free from the monstrous grip of a Giant-Killer Adder while others saw Newbie with her ass out of a Nib Nib Plant which any adventurer could normally avoid. Then there were the times when she almost completed a mission before a random dragon or jealous slime girl would swoop in to devour her. Many adventurers and even villagers had to step into save her or help revive whatever remains there was of her. The only accomplishment she ever made in her exploits was a photo of her in the Nib-Nib Plant’s mouth having won #1 prey of the year and #3 literal tasty ass in Monster Meal Magazines. Despite such bad luck, the Newbie pressed forward like the adventurers before her. “All I need to do is this simple job first and climb my way all the way up from there like I should have from the start. So, look out employer, I’m going to conquer this quest!” the Newbie declared aloud. And thus, the Newbie charged forward on the road ahead and ready to take on the quest that she has no idea what she is supposed to do. It took two days to reach the location given by the quest note and what a dangerous task. The Newbie managed to avoid being detected by the Blind Ghost of Vengeance, solved the riddle of a sphinx blocking her path and managed to trap the Killer Hare on Marble Street with a well-dug hole. The Newbie even managed to avoid getting directions from the People that Say Go Left when in Fact They Mean Right so many adventurers fed to the Hell Worm from their directions. This unforeseen good fortune made the Newbie feel accomplished and had all doubts casted away as she approached her location. As described by the only thing the Newbie read, the start of her quest would start at a large laboratory that her employer owns. As Newbie approached the giant doors, she grew worried as it was too quiet and the trip had been going too smoothly. For all she knew, this could have been a trap set by monsters to lure adventurers for a quick meal. “Alright, keep your eyes sharp for any traps or foul play.” The Newbie told herself. With her body and mind mostly ready, she knocked on the doors to see if anyone was inside. Knock knock knock The knock echoed through the hallway inside the building with nothing happening for the first three minutes. As the Newbie went to open the door, it began opening on its own. Errrrrrrrrrr With creaking doors now open, the Newbie began hearing some sounds from inside. Clop clop clop As the sounds got closer, the Newbie began to see a bright flame getting closer and closer in the dark. Once the flame reached near the Newbie’s position, she began to panic. “It can’t be!!” the Newbi cired out. In front of her stood a 7’3 (7’5 with her heels on now) demon looking woman with tan skin, pointed ears, two massive, curved horns, a red amulet over her forehead and hair of flames. She was oddly not in armor and instead in research attire with long white lab coat covering her body and glasses. While not menacing at first, there has been a fashion trend where powerful monsters do not need to wear armor and can wear flashy clothing. With a possible threat present, the Newbie summoned a purple sword of light into her hand and prepared to fight. “Prepare to meet my sword of hope, for I am -” the Newbie was trying to say before her opponent spoke. “Oh, you must be that Newcomer that accepted my job.” She said with no malice or hate in her heart. “Ye…yeah and you must be my employer, Deborah.” said the Newbie as she slowly made her sword disappear. “Glad to make your acquaintance and thank you for your assistance today.” Deborah said with a smile. Unbeknownst to the Newbie, Deborah is a well-renowned potion brewer and an expert in all things related to devourment. Thanks to her potions, many adventurers have been able to avoid death while some monsters get to enjoy some new gains. Deborah is also regarded as the #1 Sexiest Ifrit in Flame Gals XXX Magazines for 5 years and still going. “Now come with me to the lab where you will perform the role I requested.” Deborah said as she called the Newbie towards her. “Understood mam!” the Newbie replied. The two ventured in the hallways with Deborah’s flaming hair guiding the way. The two then arrived at an open room with light where the Newbie fell in awe with the items inside. The room was filled with potions, ingredients and active cauldrons at work. The number of potions were so grand that it could practically flood a small town. As the Newbie was distracted, Deborah began grabbing some vials from the large shelves. “So, tell me adventurer, how has adventuring been going for you?” Deborah asked. “Well, things could be better and I’m still holding up.” The Newcomer shyly said. “I heard that many monsters have become more active as of late and that normal jobs for newcomers have become quite challenging.” Deborah said as she mixed two potions together. “Well, that is to be expected with how our world operates.” said the Newcomer with Deborah smiling. “Do you think you want to stay as an adventurer?” Deborah asked as she grabbed a greyish-colored potion. “Of course, being an adventurer is both fun and an honor.” The Newbie said confidentially. With that statement made, Deborah finished grabbing her potions and slide down the ladder. Snap With a snap of a finger, she lit an intense flame to a nearby cauldron with pink-liquid already inside. As Deborah began pouring in potions, she realized a question she needed to ask the Newbie. “You do know why you’re here, right?” Deborah asked. After an awkward silence, the Newbie spoke up: “Actually, I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do.” “I figured as much.” sighed Deborah. “Well, right now I have been hired by the kingdom to craft a potion for adventurers and people alike that would protect them from the powerful stomachs of a Fire Salamander. The monsters have been becoming more frequent and aggressive than usual for unknown reasons. In fact, yesterday 5 princesses and 3 queens were swallowed whole by a single Fire Salamander that was miles away from its home.” “So you needed an adventurer like me to find and slay or capture one!” the Newbie shouted in anticipation. “No, in fact I kind of scared off the Fire Salamanders in this area.” Deborah admitted with embarrassment, “Then…. you need me to grab the rarest of ingredients to complete them.” The Newbie corrected herself. “They are all right here.” Deborah said while crumbling some lizrds tails and pointing to all the potion’s ingredients needed. “Ohh….” The Newcomer said while getting quieter. Pooof The brew puffed out a pink cloud of smoke and the brew became bright orange. Deborah quickly grabbed a beaker and without minding the hear, dipped her whole hand into the brew with the vile and collected the potion. With a colorless potion, she poured in the drops to the brew which caused it to glow bright. “Now there is just one thing to do.” Deborah said while swirling the mixture in hand. “She is going to make me drink it to get the immunity to test it out!” the Newbie happily thought especially with not being worried about digestion. As the Newbie opened her hands for the potion, in just a blink of a eye, Deborah began chugging the brew down her throat. Ulp ulp ulp “Ahhh…” Deborah said in satisfaction with the taste. “Wait, the potion was for you?” the Newbie asked with confusion in her voice. “Of course it was for me, why?” Deborah asked. “Well, if you have all the ingredients for the potion and drank it, then why am I here?” the Newcomer asked. “Oh, that’s right, I was trying to explain it to you when I got carried on with the potion. While I have the potion to make my stomach have the same capabilities of a Fire Salamander, I need someone to be prey to test it.” Deborah said while grabbing the Newcomer’s shoulders. “Wait….what!?” the Newbie said trying to struggle with Deborah’s strength too strong. “I apologize that you’re learning this now and thank you for coming here, but you did agree beforehand.” Deborah said with a smile. After saying that, Deborah lifted the 5’4 elf into the air with ease and opened her mouth wide for Newbie’s head. “Nooooo!!!!!” Newbie screamed. Hommmph! The elf’s blonde hair with bun and head were inside the mouth of Deborah. With no time to lose, Deborah began guzzling the elf down. Ulp ulp ulp Her C-breasts were sucked in like jelly and her leathery dress was not slowing down her descent into the stomach. Ulp ulp ulp More of Newbie was swallowed down with her arms now in the stomach and her 31 butt outside the mouth. Ulp ulp ulp The booty and kicking legs were being slurped down with the boots of Newbie fallen off from the struggling. This left the Newbie’s feet exposed when they were in the mouth. Deborah slathered the feet a bit with her tongue to taste that nice elf oiled skin before swallowing. Ulp With the lab coat on, it was hard to notice any changes until she unbuttoned her coat. It revealed that she was topless the whole time with her DD breasts out and sporting a black garter belt. With Deborah’s larger size, she was only sporting a small belly with active movement inside. Uwwwwaaarp! Mmmmm, I have to say elves are the tastiest to experiment with.” Deborah said while slapping her belly. Inside the stomach, Newbie was tightly squeezed in with her body pointing towards Deborah. Thanks to the potion, Deborah’s stomach was glowing bright yellow and getting hotter inside. “Stop!!!! Why are you doing this? If you have all these ingredients and knowledge, why cannot you simply make a protection potion from the beginning?” Newbie shouted from within the belly. “You need to know how something works before you can make something that can stop it. By the way, would it be alright if I also use you test how big elves make girls that eat them?” “Nmmmmmmm!” Newcomer was trying to reject before the walls wrapped tightly around her. “Don’t worry, I’ll resurrect you when this done and with my method, you have a 44% of being successfully resurrected!” Deborah happily said. Mmmmmm! “Tell me, how hot is it in there for you?” Deborah asked while jotting notes. Immmmmm Mmmmlttiing! “Okay and tell me what part of the body you’re not feeling?” Deborah asked. Emmmmvryyyting! “That is good to know. Now what do you think your digested remains will go to? My ass or breasts?” Deborah asked while looking at her body. I hmmmph yfff bmmmff fffwwwatt! “That’s a bit harsh, but logical.” Deborah said while thinking of the fat idea for a bit before continuing writing in her notes. The belly was now glowing brighter and the heat had begun melting away her clothes. Before the digestive enzymes could rise, Newbie passed out from the heat. Ggggrrrrrrrooooooooaaannnn “One last thing, if you get resurrected successfully would you mind taking a survey on your experience here?” Deborah asked curiously. Mwwhhhy mweeee??!!!! Grrrrrrooooooooooooooooooaan Mphhhhh!!! Uwwwwwwwaaaaaaarrrrrrp The enzymes digested Newbie in seconds and a single belch caused not only the belly to shrink but her breasts and butt to grow. Her breasts only grew to E, but her ass went from a 35 to a 39. The belch also launched Newbie’s red medallion that managed to survive the extreme conditions of the stomach. Deborah grabbed a notepad and jotted down the results of her experiment. “Salamander stomach can digest elves in under 3 minutes. More testing is still required with different races being used. Elves are more likely to become ass fat than breast fat.” Deborah wrote and said aloud. After writing that sentence, her mind suddenly felt fear when she forgot a crucial part of the test. “I forgot to take a sample of her body to resurrect her!” Deborah said worriedly. Deborah panicked for a bit to she realized the medallion was on the ground. “Thank the gods this survived.” Deborah said as she grabbed the medallion. Deborah proceeded to chuck the medallion into a prepared cauldron to resurrect Newbie. With the quest over and marked complete, Deborah prepared another request for new adventurers to be test subjects for the potion. As for Newbie, she was able to be fully resurrected by Deborah’s potion, but this experience was the last straw. Newbie decided to take a long vacation on a tropical island where she could relax in peace. Many thought it was strange though that she chose the island where most adventurers get eaten. Hopefully one day, Newbie will be able to thrive in this world and avoid getting eaten too much.
“Are we doing this?” she asked, looking back at him. “Yes,” he responded, uncertainly. He followed her to her bedroom, but stood uncertainly in the doorway. She stopped halfway to her bed, and he saw her jeans, and then her panties, slide down to her ankles. She stepped out of the clothes, and he watched her ass and her hips wiggle as she made her way to the bed. She perched herself on top of the blank, with her legs hanging over the bed, and her midriff showing off her very-slightly thick stomach. “Come on,” she urged, motioning him to come closer. She shuffled over cautiously. Nervously, he stood in front of her. She spread her legs, and looked seductively up at him. He looked away. He felt her hand rustling against his groin as she unzipped his pants, and pulled them down along with his boxers. Her felt her lips press against his penis. Then her warmth breath, and then her tongue, as she took him inside her mouth. More relaxed, he pulled of his shirt, as she sucked at his hardened cock. She placed her hands on his hips. “There we go…” she said softly. “Now, come onto the bed.” She tugged him down onto the bed with him. They kissed, caressing each other’s tongues, as he tried to position himself over her. He pressed his penis up against her pussy, ready to slide it inside her. “No no no,” she told him. She pushed him down, and scooted back to the head of the bed. Sitting up, she opened her legs before him. “You know what this is about.” She reached her arms out, and took his head in her arms. She pulled him towards her, down to her awaiting pussy. As she pushed his face into her flower, he started to calm down. He started to kiss her lower lips, slipping his tongue inside. “That’s good… No, don’t pull away. You know what’s coming. You want it.” He was hesitant. Fear mixed with desire inside him. She took his wrist with her own commanding hand, and brought it to her moist vagina. His fingers disappeared inside her, as he felt around her hole. “That’s it…” she said, starting to moan a little. “I hope you’re ready…” He panicked as his wrist slid suddenly into her vagina. It surprised him how easily it was inserted. When he tried to pull it out, her muscles constricted, trapping his hand in her. Though it scared him, he enjoyed it – this is what he had wanted, after all. “Now the other…” she whispered. Despite his slight resistance, she pulled his other hand towards her pussy. The lips stretched easily, and his hand slid against the other into the moisture of her pussy. He looked up to her, but her eyes were closed in silent pleasure. He felt her muscles start to pull him in slightly. She grabbed his upper arm, to assist her hungering vagina in pulling him in. “I can…taste you…” she whispered. She slid her waist down, smoothly sliding her pussy up to his elbows. His body started to fidget, and she held him down with her surprisingly strong legs. Feeling the heat of the moment take over her body, she pulled off her top, unleashing her large round breasts. “Mmm… You’re delicious.” He was pulled in further, inch by inch, by her starving pussy. As his face neared her cunt, she looked down at him. She smiled at him, and started to gyrate her hips, pulling him in more quickly. His last sight was the view of her face between her lush breasts, as she licked her lips in delight. Then his head disappeared into her wiggling hips. Hungry now for the thickness of his body, she grabbed his sides to push him in .Soon she was past his chest and shoulder blades. A bulge was starting to develop in her belly, as he entered her womb. With a series of grunts and moans, and a wiggling of her hips, she quickly swallowed his stomach. She reached beneath him, and teased his hard cock with his fingertips. His legs writhed in intense pleasure. She grabbed his ass, and pushed him in, with a deep moan. She was halfway down his thighs before she realized it Giggling as she did it, she spread the juices from her vagina down his legs. Running her hands up and down his legs with her cum, his legs were soon slippery. With a single pull from inside her vagina, his legs were sucked into her. She watched as his feet slipped inside her, and felt as they traveled up her birth canal. “You tasted so good,” she said to her stomach, as she licked her lips and ran a finger against her sopping pussy. Her belly wiggled in response, and she giggled, patting her large stomach. She noticed the impressions of his hands and face press against the roundness of her belly. “I’ll let you play in there for a while before I absorb you.” He felt comfortable in the warmth and softness that was her womb. He kissed the walls of her belly. She giggled. “That tickles!” “You don’t really need your legs, do you?” she said, after a few minutes of enjoying the playful struggle inside her. “I’ve been teasing my belly for so long. It deserves a little taste of you. You taste so good.” He felt liquid start to discreet from the walls. He felt her envelope his toes, then his feet, then all of his folded legs. Within a matter of painless minutes, he found them gone. He heard her groan from the outside, as she turned him into a layer of fat. The digestive juices didn’t stop. “I’m sorry. My tummy wants more of you! It wants all of you! Every tasty bit.” He struggled, truly enjoying the experience, until he was smothered by the fat that started pressing in on him. Everything started to fade, as he enjoyed the feeling of being absorbed. Long after the struggles inside her stopped, and she had absorbed the very last bit of him. She rubbed her large, fleshy stomach, the size of another human. Licking her lips, and patting her large girth, she said, delightfully, “all gone.”
 Jen’s Vorigins The Man-Eating Masseuse by Phil Herb Elly Part I: Just a Little Alcohol Part II: Aye, There’s the Rub Part III The Request Copyright 2019 © 13master13 Anthropophagette Press ( Ͼ ) ( Ͽ ) ( } ) – Help! ( , ҉ ) Part I ____________________ Just a Little Alcohol Ͼ Ͽ “I just don’t feel like this class is really doing much for me,” Jen complained, walking from the gym in a grey sweat pants and a white tube top, feeling the breeze against her skin, coated in a layer of sweat. She crossed her arms over her exposed round belly, protecting it both from the evening chill in the parking lot and the shame that overtook her as she left the supportive environment of the cardio class. She would walk into class every Monday with the drawstring of her sweatpants several inches above her navel, but as the activity picked up and her extra flesh jostled and bounced, the waistband fell again and again until she gave in to inevitable muffin top. She wiped the perspiration from her brow with her wrist and released her chestnut brown from its tight ponytail. “Well, it’s only once a week. You really have to make it a habit every day if you want to see results,” replied Allison, walking alongside her. Allison was the definition of “results.” Her round hips wiggled gently in tight, black and hot pink shorts, and her breasts stood perkily beneath the matching top. Where Jen had a belly, Allison had a stomach; the smooth slender kind a girl isn’t afraid to show at any and every opportunity. Her dirty blond hair fell like a sleek helmet, forming sleek lines parallel with her jawline and bangs that curled above her green eyes. A body like Allison’s was a taunting impossibility; even Jen’s “reasonable” goals felt out of reach: thighs that didn’t rub when she walked, the ability to wear size 10 jeans, having choices other than loose-fitting blouses and dresses. “I think I’m just destined to be fat. It’s in my DNA.” “Don’t say fat. And don’t blame it on your genes. That’s just an excuse. Maintaining a healthy weight comes down to four things.” Jen knew before what Allison would say even before she started listing them on her fingers: “Exercise, sleep hygiene, hydration, and nutrition. You are what you eat, after all.” Allison was full of these platitudes, and Jen knew where they came from. The teacher for their fitness class was especially keen on emailing the class frequent motivational aphorisms, and Allison swallowed them down like a protein shake. Jen shrugged. “In that case, my best hope is to eat a skinny woman.” “You’re so morbid, Jennifer,” Allison said, rolling her eyes. “Seriously, all you need to do is try just a little bit harder.” It’s easy to you to say, Jen thought. Too easy. Allison, the health nut, the fitness freak, probably hadn’t had an unnecessary pound on her body in her life. She was just born perfect. Allison, the flowing fountain of confidence – gorgeous, extremely sociable, catching men’s gazes all the time. And not just men’s gazes. Jen sometimes thought, especially at times like these, that Allison liked keeping her around because it made her even more alluring by comparison. Not that she needed it. Her face, her body… especially her body… Jen felt a discomfort apart from, deeper than her self-image issues. She liked hanging out with Allison – she didn’t need to, but she made time for it, even signed up for fitness classes with her, even though being around Allison, even looking at her, caused a discomfort she felt heavily in her stomach. There was something she couldn’t ignore about her lithe, supple form. Was it normal for her to notice these things about her female friend? The girl was gorgeous, objectively gorgeous. And girls were allowed to acknowledge these things in each other. And it wasn’t like she fantasized about Allison, but maybe that’s because she had never allowed herself… “Do you want to grab a drink?” Allison asked. Jen new Allison made alcohol a rare treat for herself, and the offer was as tempting as it was dangerous. “I like that idea, but I need to change if we’re going out. And shower, too…” And find something that doesn’t make me look like a blob next to you… “We could just want to stay in and drink, if you want. I think I need to unwind a little. A girl’s night in.” “How about my place? I think I have a bit of alcohol lying around that we can dive into.” Of course she had alcohol lying around. There was hardly a night where a glass of wine didn’t accompany her on the couch, or a few beers didn’t lull her to sleep. ѽ When Jen walked into the living room of her apartment, a freshly opened beer in each hand, she found Allison sprawled on the couch. Jen placed a bottle in her extended hand and sat down on the other end of the sofa, far enough away, yet not far enough away from a certain temptation. While Allison took a modest sip, Jen tilted the bottle back, and in a single, long swallow, emptied half her beer. “I have no idea how you do that.” Jen smiled. “It’s easy. You just have to open your throat.” They drained their beers as they talked – though, Jen realized, mostly Allison talked, not quite aware of the world beyond herself enough to realize every conversation didn’t need to center around her. Jen didn’t mind this; the less she had to open her mouth, the less likely she was to lose control of it. Instead, she occupied it with the alcohol. By the time Jen was placing her fourth empty bottle on the coffee table, Allison was half-way through her second, swirling the beer around inside the bottle. Jen could see a comfortable level of toasty setting in about her friend that had not yet hit her: Jen may have already drunk more than twice as much, but Allison was smaller, and didn’t drink often enough to develop any sort of tolerance. For Jen, beer was an okay starter, but she knew she’d have to hit the more potent stuff soon enough. “How about a glass of wine?” “I love some. White, if you have it.” “Of course,” Jen responded. And that’s the thing about alcohol – the more you have, the more you want, getting tipsier and tipsier until you tip over into drunk, chasing that euphoria. It wasn’t just alcohol, though, with Jen. It was food, too, as if fullness was a moving target, getting constantly further as she ate instead of closer. She could – and often did – eat until she felt and looked bloated, knowing her stomach was reaching its capacity – filled, but not full. Not as though she had enough. With alcohol, however, there was a level of consumption that made her feel fantastic and, more importantly, satisfied. “You really shouldn’t be so down on yourself, Jenny,” Allison said when she returned with two glasses in one hand and a chilled pinot grigio in the other. Allison narrowed her eyes as she swallowed a large mouthful from her glass, which Jen immediately refilled. “You’re really pretty, you know. You are. You could be so attractive, you know, in your own way, if you were just more confident. “It doesn’t matter if I’m pretty, I’m still a fat ass,” she said, shying away from the compliment and maybe even fishing for another. "It’s not the weight that turns guys off – it’s your attitude. Like, with me, men always come up to me more when I’m feeling good, and dressing sexy, and smiling, you know?” This really was Allison’s way of complimenting and trying to help. She was smiling now, and that look in her eyes… was it just an inebriated fuzz? Was she just consoling, or was it… more? Probably not… but was it? “Besides, you’re not a fat ass, you’re just… chubby. It’s not like your body is disgusting or anything. It’s not like you’re massive. You’re just a bit, you know. Doughy.” She gave Jen’s soft thigh a playful prod. “And there are a lot of people out there that like… bigger women.” Jen sipped her wine and looked away, trying to hide her reddening face. “Besides,” the slender blonde continued, “you have those big ol’ tits.” She pointed at Jen’s healthy D cups, which had been released from their sports bra and hung loosely under her exercise top. Her finger was so close it always grazed her breast through her shirt. Then she motioned to her own A cups, which were, notably, the only department where Jen felt she had her beat. Allison’s body could be described by muscle groups: she had flat abs, firm glutes, toned biceps, triceps, and quads, while Jen had a big belly, a fat ass, and blubbery arms and legs. No matter how much she worked her pectorals, though, they would never watch Jen’s natural rack. “I mish wine were like that,” Allison said. She paused and laughed. “Wish mine, blah! Put me in a pair of tits like that, and I’d be set. How are you not drunk yet? Two beers – not even – and less than a glass of wine, and already Allison was blabbering. A lightweight. Jen was, without a question, a heavy weight – a term which she wore a bit resentfully, despite it being a badge of honor in the world of booze. “I could drink you under the table any night of the week,” Jen said, refilling her own glass. “Or eat me under the table,” Allison said, and began to cackle. And that was only teasing… or was it an invitation? The drinks were getting to her, but maybe because she wanted them to. Under the veil of intoxication, you were liberated, able to do what you want because you’re no longer stopping yourself from saying what you want, or doing what you want, or knowing what you want. And Jen could feel she was at the verge of all of these. She downed her second glass and licked the wine from her lips. “You know, right, that there’s no class next week,” Allison said, finishing her glass and pouring herself more, the surface of the wine wobbling low behind the label when she set the bottle down. Her cheeks were indeed a bit rosy. “When did she say that?” “It was in the instructors email this morning. She’s going out of town.” Oh, yeah, the emails… the missives rarely containing more than a reminder to come class, what exercises they would be doing, and more often than not, one of those stupid little pieces of trite inspiration hokum. Jen had stopped reading those early on in the course. She had Allison to remind her of when the classes were, and she knew what they would be doing: suffering. She didn’t need to be told “Your only limit is YOU.” Allison held the rim of her drink to her lips for a few moments before sipping from it. “I thought we could go running together.” “Oh, that would be nice.” Rather than say what was on her mind, she swallowed her third glass of wine. It was getting along fine with the beers, but the party in her stomach would be going better with a few shots of something harder. Tequila. She liked tequila – it made her feel… free. She took a swig from the bottle of Cuervo before returning to the living room. The liquor immediately set her belly churning – but not in way that made her feel sick. Yes, the alcohol was beginning to affect her. She gazed down at Allison, who had emptied her glass again and melted into a comfortable position on the couch, wine-sodden and loose, flush from her workout and the alcohol. Jen was finally able to accept what she wanted to do to her, what she had always wanted to do to her, but had been afraid to accept. As she walked towards the alluring object before her, her mind raced, planning how to remove her clothes, thinking about the curves of her body, how the salty layer of sweat on her skin would taste on her tongue. She climbed on top of the her friend, knees on either side of her hips, body hanging over hers, chestnut brown hair falling around the confused girl’s face, blocking away everything in the room except for the sultry grin and hungry eyes beaming down at her. “Woah. Nnn-Jenny, no. I’m not like that…” she started, “I’m not a –” but a hand covered her mouth, the face descended on her, hair completely enveloping her vision. She felt a moist tongue on her neck, and felt uncomfortable, uncertain. She struggled weakly as her top was pushed up and the damp mouth stopped only long enough for the cloth to pass over her head, and the sports bra shortly after, exposing her pert mounds to the open air. It was happening so fast for the drunk blonde, her heart racing, her mind blurring, that she hardly knew what it was that was happening. The party in Jen’s stomach blazed with excitement, with a hunger she’d never known – it gurgled with anticipation. She looked into the uncertain green eyes, licked her lips, and whispered, “I want you.” Before the girl could respond, the pair of lips above her opened, and grew closer until she could see nothing but teeth, a tongue dripping saliva, a uvula, and then, simply darkness. Before she could even think to scream, the dampness of the mouth reached her chin, and she was enveloped in blackness, moistness, blinded and muted, a slippery tongue wildly licking at her features. Jen knew what she wanted – she wanted food that would fight and wriggle all the way down. She wanted food that would plead to be let go. She wanted to put this skinny little bitch in her place – and that place was in her doughy stomach. Where she was going, it didn’t matter how hot she was, how much she worked out, how healthy she ate… Maybe it would have been better if she was plumper, actually, but Jen couldn’t be sure yet. She almost panicked for a moment, realizing what she was doing, wondering how she was doing it, what it meant to do this, but her roaring stomach quieted her thoughts. Her body operated on some latent instinct, putting her mind at ease. She had her lips around the girl’s neck. How she had fit a human head into her throat, and how she was still breathing, she didn’t know – or care. The only question was how the rest of Allison would taste. The answer, as she soon found, was unbelievably delicious. Without a doubt, Allison was her new favorite food. As she somehow pushed the meal’s chest into her maw, lubricated by her heavily-watering mouth, she held Allison’s arms down, gripping the wrists below the ribcage to be immediately consumed. Jen now shifted her position, though not without some trouble, so she could lie on her back while pulling her savory treat into her mouth. Allison’s legs flailed in the air and Jen gripped her round ass. The stomach that her dinner had put so much effort into keeping lean slid between Jen’s lips and down her gullet almost too easily. It was as though her meal had sculpted herself into the perfect shape to be dispatched down Jen’s virgin gullet. Eyes level with the plump rump, she grabbed the tight shorts and pushed them down the thighs at arm reach, leaving the girl’s groin covered by nothing but a thong. Of course she would… That too was shoved away from the meat’s hips. The clothes, as Jen saw them, were like a wrapper for her wriggling meal. The girl’s pussy had an especially strong, salty flavor. Part of her almost felt odd about, but another part insisted that it was tantalizing, delicious, a unique flavor to explore. Her tongue probed inside, hungrily, but soon her throat was bulging with a supple ass, and was looking down the backs of well-toned legs, treading air. Gulping and sucking, she pulled the thighs, knees, and calves in to be tasted and swallowed, removing the clothes in the process, until all that was left before her face was a pair of fidgeting white socks. She could feel her belly churning, wriggling; she loved it. She removed the socks, one at a time, to reveal wriggling toes – little salty-sour piggies to be delivered to market. She closed her lips as the feet slipped down the back of her tongue. She gave one last swallow, and felt the last of her meal make its way down into her stomach. She looked at her belly – it was huge, surreally huge. And lumpy. And moving. And, for the first time in her life, satisfied. Ѽ Jen woke up the next morning on the couch, naked, her exercise clothes strewn on the floor. She was groggy from the alcohol and dreams what were wild, and wonderful, and vivid. She tried to sit up, but her body resisted. She looked down at her stomach, massive and misshapen. It hadn’t been a dream. Perhaps it was some leftover drunkenness, or the remainder of dreaminess in her mind, but she didn’t feel fazed by what she had done. It felt… natural. Right. Satisfying. She let out a small, underwhelming burp. Wondering if her meal was still alive, she gave her belly a jostle. It squirmed, and her belly growled; when she listened closer, it sounded a lot like muffled cries for help. She gave her belly a pat, and continued to lie on the couch, wondering how long it would take to digest her meal. The feeling was indescribable, having a person inside her – no, no, not a person. Allison wasn’t a person anymore. She was food, a meal, a meal that was trying desperately to disagree with her stomach and failing miserably. She could feel herself body working away at the mass of meat, slowly dismantling her so she could feed Jen’s body. It was pleasant. And after an hour or so, it grew boring. Could she stand up? Gripping the arm of the couch, she tried to hoist herself up, but that would have to wait. She couldn’t even sit up. She rolled over, reaching under the couch, her immense belly spilling over the side, its contents sloshing within. She groped until she found her laptop and rested it on her chest. The couch creaked beneath her as she settled back into place. As she opened her email – first thing, a force of habit – she glimpsed through her messages, while her meal continued to struggle, the computer rocking gently on the waves of flesh. The girl had a lot of fight in her. Before she clicked away, Jen noticed the email Allison had mentioned last night, with the subject line: “Class Cancelled Next Week!!!!” She considered emailing the instructor to tell her she probably wouldn’t be attending anymore… and neither would Allison. She opened the letter, and absent-mindedly scanned, until she reached the end, where the teacher had left one of her signature aphorisms. Resting her hand on top of her belly, convulsing with her stubborn meals final throes, she couldn’t help but smile as she read the instructor’s motivational message: “Remember ladies: Inside every large woman, there’s a thin woman trying to get out!” Ѡ Part II ____________________ Aye, There’s the Rub Ͼ Ͽ She looked down the sandy pathway, the aisles of sienna-skinned people to either side. They were clothed in grass skirts, and flowers adorned the black flowing hair of the women in the tropical audience. Many of them were overweight – in fact, she realized, they were all quite rotund, rounded out like hams. This was oddly pleasing. Sitting in a sort of throne, she was above them, and not just in a vertical sense. A pair of girls appeared at the far end of the path, carrying between them a large platter. As they approached, she found them plump, but not yet fattened to the point of the adults creating the aisles. The platter contained a roasted pig. The girls kneeled before her, holding up the offering. Her stomach growled. It was instinctual. She opened her mouth, grabbed the pig, and brought it to her gaping maw. She hardly noticed as it slid smoothly down her throat, and she felt it push out the walls of her stomach. The villagers whispered among themselves, in awe of her hunger, her talents, her power. It wasn’t enough. The Pale Goddess wanted more. The adolescent girls left, and returned at the far end of the walkway, a figure between them. Her belly gurgled excitedly. They each held an arm of a plump, naked woman as they marched her towards the throne. This was better. The brown woman wore a solemn expression – not fearful, but obligingly accepting. They had been preparing her for weeks, feeding her ceaselessly throughout the day, confining her to a hut to meditate and let her muscles soften, bathing her in oils to make her skin pliable and smooth. A priestess painted in fruit juice and slick with special oils, prepared inside and out for spiritual sacrifice. The crowd watched, expressionless. They did not react as the Pale Goddess grabbed the second offering by the sides, brought her face to her lips, and in a few quick gulps, left nothing but the thick, motionless legs extending beyond her mouth, and then she sucked those down; the people bowed their heads in reverence. As her belly bulged further outward, she felt… unsatisfied. The meal had accepted its fate – it didn’t even struggle. She looked at the young girls, still standing before her. She extended a greedy hand, gripped one of them by the wrist, and pulled her forward. An expression of panic spread across her face – she was too young, too small, too full of life for the honor of being a sacrifice. She struggled, trying to wriggle her arm from the firm grip but to no avail, and began screaming; the audience retained its austerity. The Pale Goddess licked her lips hungrily as her dessert pleaded for its life. This was more like it. ѽ Jen awoke to a sense of moisture on her cheek, groggily displeased by the tacky substance that coated the top of her pillow. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she realized it was her own saliva – she must have been drooling. She immediately regretted that fact that she was awake – it had been a wonderful dream, but the details were quickly slipping away from her. She flipped her pillow, laid her head down on the dry side, and stared at the ceiling. Her stomach growled. She sat up in her bed, and looked down, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She gave her round belly an affectionate pat. It had been shrinking since… the incident, but it had finally settled at a size slightly larger than before it had been stretched to unimagined dimensions from a dinner by the name of Allison. It had been the better part of a day before she had been able to leave the couch, and maneuvering around her apartment had been difficult, sprung into a cumbersome body of new dimensions which gradually returned to something resembling normal. In a way, a strange way, she missed her gargantuan gut. It almost bothered her that she could now see her toes again. She looked at her alarm – she had woken up ten minutes early. Usually she hated missing that last morsel of sleep, but she had been doing little more than sleeping, digesting, spending her waking hours inevitably fingering herself out of boredom and an undeniable erotic fascination with her human- filled belly. Allison had ceased moving the morning after, but it wasn’t until last night that Jen felt she had truly turned her fitness freak friend into a true size zero. In that time, she hadn’t had a breath of fresh air, not a bite of food – though she felt after a day or so that she could eat, the gradual deflation of her belly was a reminder that her life would return to normal – a life in which she wasn’t a majestic, massive goddess but a regular, overweight woman. She lurched out of bed and made for a much-needed shower. Her shower had always been small, but it had never felt so cramped. Regardless, the hot water drizzling on her body felt fantastic – and there was even more body for it to fall on. She gave her hair a much-needed cleanse with shampoo and conditioner, and picked up a bar of soap. After lathering her breasts and sudsing her limbs, she began the most anticipated aspect of the shower: cleaning her belly. She carefully rubbed the soap into her skin, so soft and tender, running her fingers over every inch of goose-pimpling flesh, inside the folds of her love handles, inside her bellybutton. It amazed her how swollen it had been and how it had returned like elastic. Her inner thighs grew slick with something that didn’t come from the shower head. She slid one hand around her belly to the source and she tenderly rubbed her round gut. She leaned against the shower’s wall, a foot climbing up the other leg’s thigh, toes curling, teeth digging into her bottom lip, hips bucking gently as her fingers circled her clit. It was the cold water splashing against her stomach that broke her from her trance. She blinked, felt a quick shock, and jumped out of the shower. How long had she been in there? She wrapped herself in a beach towel and returned to her bedroom. She took a glance at her clock again – if she hurried, she could make it to work on time. After quickly brushing her teeth and hair, and then rubbing her body dry – an activity she regretted not having the time to relish – she pulled on panties, a bra, a pair of pants, all of which fit rather tightly, and her most flowing blouse – and even this felt smaller. She made a mental note – go clothes shopping after work. Throwing herself a passing glance at herself in a full-length mirror, she noticed two things. First, she stared discontentedly at how the new weight hung on her. There was no denying that she was fatter, and there was much more padding around her midsection, thighs and ass. “I look so chunky…” she groaned to herself – her behemoth bulk had made her feel… empowered; this weight made her feel anything but. The second thing that she realized was that this was the first time in two weeks she had worn clothes. It was a short drive to the Hidden Island massage parlor, where she rented a table. Though she was looking forward to getting back to work and having something to occupy her time, she fretted the amount of extra hours she would need to put in to make up for her week off. Her belly growled at her. She had hardly eaten in the past week, her stomach happily occupied with a large, dwindling meal that had only just been entirely digested. There was no time for breakfast, though, and she reminder herself that she could stand to miss the calories. As she walked through the doors of the parlor to the sound of babbling fountains and relaxing exotic music. she ignored the stares of her coworkers, who were too polite to mention that she was looking pudgier. They acted polite, cheerful and friendly, happy to see Jen back. When questioned about her absence, she quickly fabricated a quick lie about her grandfather dying. She hoped under the guise of morning, the sudden weight gain wouldn’t seem so strange. When one of her appointments showed up, she fell into her work, allowed her hands to knead the woman’s skin, her mind wandering. She found herself tantalized by the feel of her flesh, wondering how she might taste, how her skin would feel against her tongue, imagining how easy it would be… the woman covered only in a towel, lying face down, relaxed, vulnerable… she may as well have been served up on a platter. “Whoops, dripped a little oil,” Jen said softly, wiping away her drool from the woman’s back. She hadn’t eaten, that was all. She wasn’t thinking straight. She would be able to focus once she had some food in her stomach. This was the first rule she made for herself that morning and early afternoon: now that this beast had been awoken in her belly, she could not work without a full stomach. She barely had time to think before that client left and the next was on her table – which is what she had wanted, a busy day to make up for a week off – but the work didn’t help to take her mind off her new habit. No, it wasn’t a habit, it had only happened once. As she rubbed her patients down, as she worked through the bodies of people who had the money and leisure time to get a massage on a Monday afternoon, she felt like a baker, kneading the dough, watching the bread rise, smelling the muffins in the oven, but even a chef gets to taste the food they’re preparing. She asked herself if she would do it again, and the answer was I shouldn’t, but I probably will. She knew she should feel guilty about what she had done, but she didn’t. Poor Allison. Poor, salty, savory, satisfying Allison. But maybe she had satisfied that appetite for good. Maybe one was enough. Her stomach growled, Nope. She had tasted the forbidden fruit. She had never in her life been so perfectly, happily full. Yes, she would eat again. It was all about self-control, though that was her weakness. It was beginning to sound like a diet, and she didn’t like that, but there was more at stake than any of her previous diets. It would just have to be a matter of portion control. No more than one a year, really, to keep a low profile – and even that was dangerous. Her stomach didn’t like the idea of waiting another twelve months. Maybe, if she was really good about dieting and exercising otherwise, she could cheat a little – but no more than three a year, tops. And only if she earned those extra treats. But no clients. That seemed like an important rule. That was absolutely too risky. There were no cameras in the place, she knew that, but there would be a paper trail with the appointment book, and there was no way she was getting out without being noticed. Besides, the people that she found on her table were generally skinny little things, anyway. She knew that when she cannibalized again, and there was no question that she would do it again, it would have to be someone a bit… juicier. Lunch could not come soon enough. She grabbed a large sub from the sandwich place across the street, hoping a foot of bread, vegetables and bacon, though not the best thing for her diet, would appease her appetite. She hardly tasted it, though, as she swallowed mouthfuls in the employee’s lounge. She was too distracted by Gina, another of the masseuses, making small talk. She was a sweet girl with a number of clients who refused to be touched by anyone but her, a few grays streaking her raven hair, rather passive, a bit on the plump side, would probably go well with a glass of red wine… Coworkers are not food, she insisted to her gut, which countered with a vivid fantasy of pulling apart her sub, placing the slices of bread on either side of those chubby cheeks and making a Bacon Lettuce and Gina sandwich. “I’m so sorry about your granddad,” Gina said between bites of her own lunch. “Hm?” Jen asked, distracted by the bit of barbeque sauce which had dribbled down her chin. “You look so distant. It must really be affecting you.” “Oh, yeah. I feel like there’s an emptiness inside of me that just won’t go away.” When Gina offered an extended hug, it took everything in her to quell the predatory instinct, noticing for the first time how Gina had a faint essence of honey-baked ham. After the last of Jen’s appointments left, blissfully unaware of how close they come to an unhappy ending, business slowed down considerably, and a few of the other masseuses left early. Jen, however, had to make up for her unexpected vacation, and couldn’t miss the opportunity of a walk-in. The parlor remained empty, and by a quarter-hour to close, the only person in there besides Jen was the manager. “Hey Jen, I actually have somewhere to be tonight – would you mind closing up? I know it’s been a rough week for you, so I can throw an extra twenty your way for the trouble. ” “Of course, Anne,” Jen said. She couldn’t say no. “Thank you! And it’s nice to see you back,” Anne said sympathetically. “It really is.” As she walked out of the front door, she turned around and asked, “Do you want me to flip the sign to closed?” Jen shook her head. “You never know.” With nothing left to distract her, Jen considered sneaking into the lounge to see if she could steal anything from the fridge. Her appetite had become unbearable, and she knew that once she got home, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from binge eating everything in her kitchen to try to fill a hole that could not – or should not – be filled. She wished for a mountain of food to inflate her belly back to its glorious bulk. At five minutes ’til, her thoughts were disrupted by a woman who seemed to be approaching the large glass door. Jen rose from her chair, ready to greet her, and watched her walk past. At eight o’clock, she had no choice but to quickly run through the closing procedures, hastily sweeping, arranging the labels on bottles of oil, turning off the lights, the music, and the artificial fountains. It wasn’t until she was outside, locking the door, when she heard a voice behind her. “Oh, are you closing up already?” Jen turned around, and found herself face-to-face with a woman’s hopeful expression. “Not at all,” Jen said, a smile widening on her face. “Come on in.” “Really? It seems like…” “Don’t worry about it. I can squeeze in another massage before I go home. ” “Do you think you’ll have time for a full-body?” Jen quickly looked over the woman, dressed in an all-pink tracksuit. “Absolutely. You’ll have to pay in cash, though, because I can’t operate the machine.” “That’s fine. Are you sure though?” the woman asked, but Jen was already ushering her inside. “Thank you so much.” Wonderful, Jen thought. It was after hours, and Anne wouldn’t know; she wouldn’t even have to pay a commission. Jen turned on the lights in the lobby and the hallway, leading the woman to the room where her chair was stationed, looking back occasionally to give a polite smile. In these quick glances, she sized the woman up – from her face and her loose clothing, she could tell she was larger. “While I put on the music and get some massage oils, you can get undressed, and lay face down on the table.” “All the way undressed?” “As much as you feel comfortable, ma’am. There are towels in the corner if you’d like to cover yourself.” As the only one left in the shop, Jen locked the door and turned off the lights throughout the building, the whole place dark except the dim room where her client waited. When she returned with an armful of products, she found the woman wrapped in a white robe, which betrayed her wider dimensions, and all of her clothes piled on a table in the corner. Soon, she was laid out on the table, only her round bottom covered by a towel, and her dirty blonde hair hanging over her shoulder in a ponytail. “I love your tan,” Jen said softly of the woman’s soft, browned skin. “It came at a price,” the crispy client said from the face cradle. “Pretty much burnt myself to a crisp sunbathing, but it was worth it!” “I’ll bet,” Jen said, coating her hands in oil and beginning in on the soft, creamy, sun-baked skin of an unquestionably succulent body. Did she know how appetizing she looked? Did she not look into the mirror thinking, I’m bound to get gobbled up if I go out looking like this tasty? No, of course not. Normal people didn’t think about absurd things like swallowing other people whole. This woman had no clue her “Live Laugh Love” tramp stamp might as well have read “Eat Me.” Jen wiped the drool from her mouth with the back of her hand. This was not the time to being thinking about another human dinner. Besides, she had already promised herself no clients – that was a rule. Then again, rules were meant to be broken… Maybe if she did a really good job, this woman would keep coming back, and in six months, or maybe four, if she was really good about her diet, Jen could figure out a way to isolate her and… Jen tried to take her mind of the fate she wanted to plan for this woman by occupying herself with the task at hand, but that only made matters worse. As she kneaded the woman’s back, she couldn’t help but acknowledge how tender her flesh was. As she ran her hands down the client’s sides, she marveled at the doughiness of her love handles. The succulent meat clung to her legs and arms, as well. This woman was larger than Jen, and she wondered if she would be able to swallow her… when the time came, that was. “That feels fantastic” the woman said. It caught Jen off guard – she forgot her food could talk. “I’m glad to hear that. Would you flip over for me so I can work on your front?” The woman obeyed, jerkily moving her cumbersome body on the table to rotate like a rotisserie ham. As she began to rub her shoulders and neck, the woman’s eyes remained reposefully shut under her permanently arched eyebrows, and Jen scanned her face. She was pretty, with high cheekbones under the chubbiness, full lips in a vague smile, and a cute double chin. The blonde hair suggested she was white, but her somewhat Hispanic features suggested it might have been dyed. As she moved down to the woman’s meaty figure, she noticed that in turning, the woman had forgotten to cover herself with the towel. Sizing up curvy, plump, juicy, mass of flesh, she was glad that its eyes were closed as she found herself unconsciously licking the lips. To think, if she played her cards right, in a couple of months, this could her well-deserved treat for her patience. It was almost too much to bear. She started to massage the woman’s sides, her wrists grazing the nipples of its massive breasts. She wondered how those would feel going down when she noticed the future meal’s thighs twitching, pressing the two fat hams together. She was accidentally turning her client on, something she was usually careful to avoid going overboard with… but maybe it would be a convenient way to earn her continued patronage. Customers love a good experience, right? And this was a customer for the time being. As she moved down to the belly that overflowed onto the table, her hands rubbed and kneaded the lump of blubber. Trim little Allison had slid down her throat like a milkshake, but this one would doubtlessly need more work. She grabbed handfuls of her pillowy flanks, and dug her fingers deep into the cushioned belly. The food grunted with satisfaction. She pushed the fleshy mound up from either side, lifting it away from the body, and releasing it, observing with a ravenous relish the belly’s elasticity, the way it jiggled and settled. This wasn’t a usual massage – she was poking and prodding a choice piece of meat. It was almost… no, it WAS too much to bear. Fuck the planning. When else would she get a chance like this? There were no witnesses. The woman hadn’t signed in. The fact that she hadn’t even shown up until half an hour after closing was enough of an alibi for Jen. How she would get out of the building and back home without being seen did pose a problem, but she could cross that bridge when she got to it. Her stomach had commandeered her brain. There was no place in her mind for anything that didn’t involve that scrumptious thing lying on the table, just asking to be devoured. A curious idea struck her. “You know, I have a special body butter that I think you would really enjoy – not every person has the skin for it. Would you like to try it?” “What? Oh, yeah… sure…” the woman responded, distracted and tranquil, as if stirred from a dreamy trance. Jen hurried to the kitchen, and before returning to her meal, made sure the front door was locked. Returning to the room, she was careful to close the door behind her, effectively sound- proofing the room – she couldn’t be too careful. She turned the music up slightly, and further dimmed the lights. She started to feel like a predatory animal, stalking her prey, carefully tilting the odds into her favor so that when the time came, the docile prey wouldn’t even realize it was in danger until it was too late. It was a risk, it was a bad idea, it was a thrill. The prey was mindlessly running its fingers along its own belly, but let its arm fall to its side and closed its eyes as Jen approached. It shivered as a splash of a cold substance hit its skin right above its navel. The woman could feel the masseuse working the thick, tacky substance in to every inch of belly, inside rolls of fat, and even down into her deep navel. The scent that hit her nose was strange – not so much that it was an odd fragrance, rather a familiar one. “This massage butter smells like barbeque sauce.” Jen laughed brightly. “It does, doesn’t it? But, trust me, when it kicks in, you’ll feel some pretty interesting sensations.” Trusting herself in Jen’s professional hands, the woman let the mysterious substance be rubbed by two knowledgeable hands into each breast, trying not to react to obviously to the palm brushing over her nipple. The special lotion was spread up her neck, and rubbed into her chubby cheeks. It smelled so delicious, she was tempted to taste it. As Jen was moistening her arms, the sweet, tangy smell become too much for the woman. Her stomach growled, and she blushed. “Sorry! It’s this massage stuff you’re using… it’s making me hungry! And I just had a big meal…” it muttered, patting its large, full belly, feeling the gooey layer covering its skin. Jen bit her lower lip, suppressing an overly eager smile. If this meal thought it was hungry… She groped and massaged the fat legs from thigh to foot, taking care to garnish every bit of her skin, under the knee, around the ankles, between her inviting fat toes. Glancing up, she noticed how absolutely irresistible the meal looked from this angle, and decided that she would try swallowing this one feet first. But why add the risk? Because it was worth it. “Can you flip over again for me? Need to get your backside.” The woman obliged, and Jen began back at the top, slathering up the canvas of luscious flesh. She smeared the sauce down to the flanks, taking her time with the rather juicy rump, working the flavoring into every dimple. The woman seemed to be breathing somewhat heavily, enjoying the attention Jen was giving her nice fat ass. Moving on to the thick thighs, Jen allowed her thumbs to pushed up under her ass, grazing the woman’s pussy. Her hips squirmed mildly to the subtle sensations. Jen let out a small, personal giggle. Now, now, she thought, I mustn’t play with my food. She placed herself at the feet of her unsuspecting prey, and looked up to a view that made her drool in anticipation. Her stomach was a wild beast, and it let out a roar. She gave it an affectionate rub. “I guess I’m not the only one who’s hungry,” said the meal, amusedly. Jen laughed gently. “My belly is just ready for dinner.” “Oh, I hope I’m not keeping you…” “Oh, not at all. Now, I’m going to start the next part of this treatment, and you’re going to feel that special massage butter kick in. It might feel a bit strange, but you should just relax.” “Okay. Well, I’m ready for anything, so go ahead.” Well, thought Jen, it said it’s ready for anything… Ten little fat piggies, drenched in a sweet and tangy sauce, slipped between Jen’s lips. The balls of the feet followed, and then the ankles, and Jen angled her body so they would slip right down her gullet into her belly as she worked her way up the hefty calves. The barbeque sauce lubricant was a fantastic idea. “Wow, this feels really strange. It feels like something warm and wet is climbing up my legs… I like it though. Mmm… It’s all the way up my calves now! So weird…” She now began on the bulk of this sumptuous plump piggy. The massive, succulent haunches towered like great hills before her face. Jen braced herself for the hard swallow and stretching of her lips around those great mounds. It had to be approached slowly, which only meant the experience had to be savored, her tongue lapping at the flesh pressed against it. A different texture mixed in with the steak sauce, adding a pungent, salty flavor. “Oh my god…” gasped the oblivious prey. “That… oh my god, wow…” As the savory morsel disappeared inside her, she crawled up on the table as to not alarm her dinner as it went down. As she approached the not-so- small of her treat’s back, she made sure to gently pin her hands down her sides. The woman would probably realize what was going on soon, and if she didn’t have arms, she would be done for. “Now it’s starting in my fingers… really slowly, though. And mmm… up my belly. Up my wrists… this feels so good! … Uh… my feet feel funny. They’re tingling. It kind of feels like they’re burning… Is that normal? Miss?” The feast lifted its head from the cradle and looked back. At fist, she could not tell what was happening in the dim lighting, and even when she made out the bulk enveloping her body, she could not conceive o the situation. It wasn’t until she felt her navel being explored by a hungry tongue that shock of panic hit her face. The prey found itself nearly elbow deep in the masseuse. The fear in its eyes was met by the unsympathetic, almost giddy look in Jen’s, who inched slowly further up the rich, voluptuous body. It tried to move away, but found its body so tightly constricted that she couldn’t move anything below the chest, including its arms. Jen had her prey where she wanted it, and she knew could take her time. “What the fuck are you…?” the prey said once it found its voice. Gulp. Jen reached the next roll of fat. “Stop It!” Gulp. Jen was over the peak of its belly. “LET ME GO! HELP!” That’s right, you meaty, juicy, succulent feast, Jen thought wildly, struggle and scream. Scream while I gobble you up. Scream all the way down into belly. She slurped at the beefy breasts as they entered her mouth. She grasped her hysterical prey’s shoulders and pushed them into her maw. Her belly was growing massive, and it became uncomfortable to lie on it, so she sat up, allowing the prey to look down in its final moments and watch the process of its own demise. “NO! PLEASE!” its sobbed. “I’LL DO ANYTHING. I’LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. I’LL GIVE YOU HOWEVER MUCH MONEY YOU NEED! JUST PLEASE DON’T DO THIS!” it said, as its chin rested on Jen’s bottom lip. Jen paused. The prey whimpered. Jen looked down at the back of the woman’s head, a blonde ponytail falling down the side of her Jen’s cheek. The prey tried to turn its head, showing Jen its tear-streaked cheek, as though to remind Jen that this was a human being, flesh and blood. And Jen realized what she must do. She placed her fingers around the woman’s elastic hair tie and tugged it away, unleashing her dirty blonde locks. She definitely didn’t want that in her stomach. Jen’s slippery pink tongue rose up greedily, and the woman looked up, cross eyed, as a single index finger was placed on her forehead, pushing her down with the aid of a few small gulps. “NO! NO! PLEASE! PLE-” The tears salted the prey’s face as it slid against Jen’s tongue, then down her throat, as its final glimpse at the world outside Jen’s body disappeared behind closing, smiling lips. Ѽ Jen rested on the table, licking smudges of barbeque sauce from around her lips. She was surprised that it was able to hold the weight of two rather heavy girls at once. She ran her fingers along the bulges of her stomach, feeling the form of her victim, a large form stuffed inside of her. Packed into a tight space, her meal was forced to curl up with her knees to either side body, sitting like a fat Buddha. Soon, she would become one with the universe of Jen’s body, and be reincarnated as a layer of fat. She didn’t seem very happy about it, though. Jen gathered the loose hair from around her face and tied it back with her new hair tie. She let a foot dangle over the edge, kicking it back and forth mindlessly. She had been so absorbed in the pleasure of the moment, she hadn’t even noticed her clothes ripping and falling to the floor in shreds. All that remained intact were her panties, which covered so little of her bare new body. Her belly was unbelievably big. It was marvelous. She figured she could take the time to plan her trip home and, more importantly, digest for a few hours before she headed out. It would be best to leave in the dead of night anyway, so no one would see her. Maybe she could drive with her belly in the passenger seat… yeah, maybe that would work. She would find out later. She remembered something the meal had said, and a smile came across her face. However much money I need… hm. She carefully lowered her feet to the floor, and once she was able to balance herself, she made her way to the chair where the woman had left her purse. Rifling through it, she found some large bills. Quite a few large bills, actually. I’m really going to have to limit myself, Jen thought, knowing she wouldn’t be seeing the inside of this massage parlor again for quite a few days. Otherwise I’m going to run out of grandparents really quick. She began counting the devoured woman’s money – now her money, by the transitive law of I-Ate-You-Bitch – and smiled to herself. It seemed like enough money to cover, oh, about a week off from work. Maybe two. Ѡ Part III ____________________ The Request ѽ ẛ ẛ ẛ () Standing before a full-length mirror, Jen was confronted with the reflection of her own pudgy body. She felt like she was overflowing. Her bulging breasts were practically bursting from her bra, and her tummy spilled over her panties. She put a hand on her hip, and her fingers sunk into half an inch of flesh. If she was going to continue eating like she was – and she definitely didn’t want to stop – an exercise regiment would be in order. She bent down to the pile of clothes she had ordered online and retrieved a long black skirt, made with light, flowing cotton and an elastic waistband. Leaning over, she stepped into the garment and pulled it up her chubby legs and around her wide hips. She looked at herself from several angles in the mirror, and then pushed at the elastic band out to see how far it would stretch. Though the skirt fit to her body comfortably, it could easily hold two people. Perfect. The next piece she took from the bag was a piece she had found in the maternity wear section. She pulled on the red top, which frilled around her breasts and draped over her midriff. Again, she glanced at her reflection from different angles. It did a good job of showing off her breasts while hiding her belly, and there was quite a lot of room for her to grow underneath. These clothes would do until she found a way to control her weight. Jen had given up on her “goal weight” clothes which she hadn’t worn in years and realized now she would never wear again, and her wardrobe had been greatly diminished by her recent weight gain: along with what she had outgrown, she had ripped though two outfits. Along with the latest victim’s belongings, she had deposited in the apartment’s trash bin a few nights before, just before pickup. She couldn’t bring herself to throw out the victim’s pink tracksuit, however, caught between the notion that it would fit her nicely and the fact that wearing possibly the last outfit a missing woman had been seen in was a great way to draw attention. So she left it in an otherwise empty hamper in her room, along with the clothes that had once belonged to a meal named Allison. And though, by the very nature of her body, Jen would never fit in those clothes, they had a sort of… sentimental value. A girl never forgets her first time. ס It had been just over a week Jen since Jen had broke the news that her grandmother had passed shortly after the departure of her grandfather , and she would need more time to bereave. If all her grandparents hadn’t already been in the grave, she might have felt some guilt. Instead, all she felt was paranoia as she walked up to the Hidden Island spa, feeling as though people’s eyes were following her. It began with the car on the street being inspected by a couple of police officers. Then she noticed two women walking in her direction who kept glancing at her, and she could feel their gaze on her after they passed. As she walked to the building, she noticed the young delivery boy from the pizzeria across the street standing by his car and staring 0 unabashedly staring. She wrapped her arms around herself, and glared at the ground as she walked through the large glass door. They didn’t know what she did – how could they? But they were definitely all looking at her… even her coworkers were shooting glances at her. Oh god – were there security cameras in the rooms? She didn’t think so, but she had never checked... maybe she was on the news! Oh god, what if everyone did know? “Jen,” came her manager’s stern voice. Jen flinched slightly, and looked up, afraid to breathe. “New clothes, I see.” “Uh, I…” “You left the tags on, honey.” Jen looked down, and sure enough, she had. The minor embarrassment was overridden by the overwhelming sense of relief. She ripped the slips of cardboard off, dropped them in the trash, and prepared for her shift. The other girls who worked at the parlor handled her with kid gloves at first – poor Jen, both grandparents in a week – but her cheery demeanor put them at ease. “Yes, it was bit difficult to swallow,” she told her colleagues, “but honestly, I feel like I’ve grown a lot from the situation.” She soon fell into her work, soothing herself as she soothed her clients, none of whom were too tempting, fortunately. Just being paranoid. What she had done wasn’t really that bad, she assured herself – though on paper, it was murder. Two, actually – did that make her a serial killer? No, she thought, it’s like this: We eat animals all the time, and if it’s wrong to eat people – who are really just animals, after all – then it would have to be wrong to eat animals. But it’s socially acceptable to eat meat – which, again, people are made of. Very, very delicious meat. And say, for instance, a meat-packer fell into a grinder, and he got ground up with the rest of the beef. People probably lose fingers and hands in those things all the time. At that point, you’re just part of the hamburger, and you can’t arrest the people who don’t know they’re eating a person. They would probably just think their burger is especially delicious that day. She licked her lips at the thought of a juicy manburger. And it’s not like I’m doing it for some sick reason or some weird ritual. I’m only doing it because I’m hungry. It shouldn’t be illegal to eat something you like – and it’s not like humans are an endangered species. I could eat someone for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day until I die, and I wouldn’t make a dent in the population. It would help with overcrowding, really. What a world it would be if she could just eat whoever whenever she wanted. Oh Gina, you’re looking rather plump today – have you put on weight? Eating like a pig, you say? It seems to me like it’s about time you were eaten like a pig. I’d truly love to have you for lunch today. I may? That’s wonderful! I’ve been keeping some creamy wine and herb sauce in the fridge for just such an occasion. Why don’t you slather yourself up and serve yourself on the table in lounge, and I’ll be in around thirty minutes or so to gobble you up. You’re the best, Gina! Or perhaps the opportunity to tell a client, I’m sorry, but your essence is absolutely mouthwatering, and it’s pure torture massing your body without having a taste. Would you mind if I tried a bite? Thank you so much! Honestly, that thigh has been teasing me… Oh my lord, so tender! Because of the yoga, you say? Well, keep it up! I’d hate to think of how imbalanced this must make you… here, let me nibble off some of your arm. Oh, no, I couldn’t accept a tip – just promise me you’ll let me sink my teeth into that rump next time. Before long, I’m going to turn you into Swiss cheese! How wonderful it would be to walk into a nice cannibalese restaurant – Your manwiches, are they fresh? Oh, I see! How delightful! Well, at least they left you with an arm to man the till… I remember my first job as a teenager – fortunately, it wasn’t my last. How many manburgers do you think they’ll be able to make out of what’s left of you? That many, huh? Well, today is your lucky day because that is exactly how many I want! Really, I insist. Yes, I’m certain you’ll fit. Oh hush - Ma’am? Are you the manager? I want this young man right here placed between as many buns as it takes for me to leave with him in my stomach! – Did you hear that? After I’m done, they’re going to take a picture of my belly to hang it up as your employee of the month photo! What an honor! It was through these utopian fantasies that Jen decided that anthropophagy really was quite a delightful idea, and that a cannibal republic worked quite well in theory. For the Eaters, there was a cornucopia of human meals without consequence (aside from a growing waistline), and for the Eaten there was simplicity, an answer to the meaning of life: you are food. No need to plan for retirement – when you no longer wished to work, you could simply walk to the nearest restaurant and offer yourself as the daily special. Too many mouths to feed? Just focus on the one you can fatten for market. No more worrying about missing persons – just the contentment of knowing they were thoroughly enjoyed. Jen realized this imagination involved the presence of others like her - were there others? If not, she thought, more for me. By this point, she was shamelessly licking her lips, gazing at the morsel lying face-down on the table before her. You’re lucky, she thought, rubbing the woman’s shoulders. If things were different, I’d would eat you right now just because I can. After she finished with the patient, who had a back full of knots that would probably make her too chewy, Jen decided she needed a change of scenery. The dim lights and smell of oil were beginning to remind her of her previous meal, and her stomach was getting excited. When she took her break, she found her coworker not basted and ready to be served but outside, lighting up a cigarette. “Hey, Gina, can you spare one?” “I thought you were quitting?” her plump friend responded, with a friendly wink, holding out the pack. Jen took one of the cigarettes and the lighter that Gina offered. “A smoke once in a while won’t kill me,” she said, letting a tentacle of grey smoke escape her lips. “You’ve got to give in a little to your vices.” She took a long drag, and released it in a thin stream. She hadn’t smoked in weeks… she forgot how much she enjoyed it. It calmed the beast in her belly. I think you’ve got an admirer,” said Cindy, making a subtle gesture across the street. Jen looked over in time to see the pizza boy from that morning avert his eyes. “Yeah, I’ve noticed,” Jen said, rolling her eyes. “You should go talk to him, mama. I bet he’s just your type. I bet you’d love you a greasy little pizza boy.” As long as he’s greasy enough to go slide down easy, that’s all I care about, Jen thought. “Just what I need,” she said dryly, after releasing a puff. “A scrawny eighteen-year-old delivery boy who probably lives with his parents. I hope he comes over here and sweeps me off my feet.” “Girl, you’d crush him!” Gina squealed, falling into peals of laughter. Jen looked in his direction again, pretending to be blowing smoke to the side, and she noticed he was still staring, his face red. Gina continued, “I’d join in too! Between our fat asses, we could make him disappear!” Jen faked a laugh, wondering if Gina might have… similar tastes to her. She was always so jovial, so comfortable with her weight. She considered prompting further, suggesting You want to go halfsies on a pizza boy for lunch?, framing it as a joke. But that might come across as too sexual. She could add, We can have him bring a couple of 2-liters to wash him down, but that might be too morbid if Gina wasn’t drooling at the idea. Jen was thankful for the cigarette, and the way it calmed her belly, as her next client was a man on the portly side, and she was enticed by her curiosity about how men taste. The thought of her stomach, swollen and heavy again, brought back vivid memories of her previous meal, and she had to push them away as they brought moisture to both pairs of lips. She shook the idea from her head. I might need to change careers, she thought, realizing this was getting as bad as her first job as a teenager when she worked at a donut shop. Her belly was born in that donuterie, first out her desire to taste every flavor, glazed, chocolate, every frosting with sprinkles, old fashioned, maple, jelly-filled, fritters, cronuts, cruellers and Boston creams – before long, she might eat all of these in a day. On weekdays, she would pop in before school to collect a box of day-olds to “share with her friends,” convinced that it would have been wasteful to let them be thrown out. But it was on Saturdays and Sundays, with nearly unsupervised access to the still-hot sweets, that she worked her “full shifts” and she tried to limit herself to a dozen donuts a day (a baker’s dozen, to be more exact) along with the two she was allowed to take per shift– not including donut holes, because those were really too small to count. She had become so adept at swiping snacks that she could pop a whole glazed in her mouth and swallow it in the time it took the owner to prepare a cup of coffee for a customer. There had been a few times, she would have been ashamed to admit, when an especially busy day wiped out their stock before she could meet her quota, and she was guilty of treating herself to leftovers of her favorite filler, stuffing herself with custard like an éclair. It had been much easier, though, to sneak a donut into her stomach than a client – at least until the owner noticed a correlation between her shrinking profit margin and Jen’s growing waistline. Everything in moderation, she tried to tell herself, but she couldn’t help thinking that it was wasteful to let potential meals just grow old and be disposed of in coffins. After her final massage of the day, Jen walked to the gas station around the corner and bought herself a pack of Slims and a lighter. She stood beside her building, near the side entrance where she had snuck out the week before with a massive gut, though it was hardly more concealed than the front entrance, and lit her cigarette. She closed her eyes, savoring the feel of the smoke hitting the back of her throat. When she opened them, several drags later, she found the pizza boy, again standing across the street, motionless with a slack-jawed stare, two boxes of pizza growing old in his arms. Beat it, you chubby-chasing little Breadstick, she thought, turning away, and out of the corner she noticed him fall back into motion, get in the logo-covered car, and drive away. ѽ ẛ ẛ( .) Jen tried three different donut shops on her way home, but they were all closed. Pouting, she walked into her apartment and groaned loudly to herself, having been denied her two favorite foods that day. Out desperation, she ordered a pizza, careful to make sure it wasn’t from the place across the street from the spa, in case her admirer was the one to deliver it. She undressed – since her two bouts of being too large for any of her wardrobe, she had taken to enjoying walking around her apartment naked whenever possible – and sat on the couch. She turned on the television, hoping to distract herself; immediately, a cooking show came on. Jen grew frustrated when the host started preparing an unexciting slab of meat instead of her plump assistant. She flicked to another program, and quickly found that when you start seeing the human population as a banquet, every channel becomes the Food Channel – especially reality shows. “What are you talking about?” she asked aloud of the woman stranded in the wilderness with three other people, all of them naked for some reason, when she said she hadn’t eaten in three days and there was no food around. “You’ve got breakfast, lunch, and dinner right there! Eat up before they get skinnier!” Jen rolled her eyes at the notion of a 500-pound woman who lived with her boyfriend of two years. “Honey, you could fit him in your stomach, and no one would even notice. What are you waiting for?” It occurred to her that dating might pose some new… challenges. But had dating ever been easy? No. In fact, the situation seemed much simpler now that she realized she could dispose of a man whenever she wanted. The worst thing that could come from a date would be indigestion. When she put on the news, they were doing a segment on obesity in America. It was on the rise, apparently, and they showed footage of overweight people on the street, their faces blurred as though Jen needed any more help depersonalizing them. She patted her unsatisfyingly small belly and found her hand traveling down the curve of her belly to the round of her thigh, down to the already wet opening of her body. She circled two fingertips over her clit, sinking into the bizarre, dreamlike fantasies that had become her erotic fascination. Survivalist contestants rotating on a spit over a fire; a 500-pound woman stuffed with her 200-pound boyfriend stuffed in her oven; faceless Americans falling into one end of a machine, coming out the other a link of plump hotdogs which Jen slurped up as fast as it came out. Her revelry was broken by a knock at the door. She pulled a white robe from the floor and paused before she answered the door. She could see the scene unfolding, a low-budget, cliché porno: she answers the door, naked beneath her robe, simply cannot find her wallet, invites the delivery boy inside, seduces him, coaxes his clothes off, climbs on top of him, pinning him to the couch, and has her way with him. And this would all be fine… until the pizzeria wondered where their driver went, and they had her address, and found his car outside her apartment, and the cops find her with an inexplicably enormous belly and around her lips traces of the ranch dressing she used to lubricate the delivery boy’s demise, pretending she had no clue where the cold pizza on the counter came from, nor the employee uniform on her floor. She only opened the door wide enough to hand over the money and accept the pizza, hiding her body and averting her gaze from the delivery boy, knowing that even the consequences of her fantasy didn’t outweigh the allure. She carried the pizza to the couch, took a bite, and crammed the rest of the slice into her maw, compensating with a full mouth in place of a full stomach. Chewing slowly, swallowing, and grabbing the next slice, she slid her fingers back down between her thighs and resumed where she had left off, shifting from fantasy to memory. The flashback to her succulent feast the week prior at the spa was triggered, no doubt, by the robe she was now wearing, the robe which had first been wrapped around the body of her meal, and then had done it’s best to cover Jen’s, though there was simply not enough cloth to cover Jen and her fully belly. Ultimately, she had snuck out with belt of the robe tied above her swollen gut, and the edges curtaining down either side. She retraced every moment of the incident, from undressing the woman to lying on the massage table for several hours, feeling her stomach get to work on the mountain of meat she had offered it. What put her over the edge, finally, bucking her hips into her circling fingers, was noticing the brown smudges on the sleeve where she had wiped barbeque sauce from her mouth. When she opened her eyes, returning to reality, she found a single slice of pizza sitting in the box. She wiped her mouth, and found the grease of its compatriots dribbling from the corner of her lips, gobbled up in the frenzy of her self-satisfaction. From the slice’s perspective from the cardboard box on the coffee table, if pizza could have perspective, Jen would be composed of a large, round belly and a hand that abducted its eleven peers. “Don’t worry, little guy,” Jen said. “I haven’t forgotten about you. All your friends are waiting.” She patted her pizza-stuffed gut and floated the slice over the hills of her body to the abyss of her gullet. ס Jen noticed the pizza boy’s stares throughout the week. Sometimes he was there when she showed up in the early afternoon, and other times he was walking to his car with a pizza bag slung over his shoulder when she took her smoke breaks. He always had an expression of nervous longing, and it was painfully obvious. Maybe if he was older, more attractive, or at least not a delivery boy, Jen might have considered initiating something with him. Chubby girls gotta have standards too, she told herself. It might be worth eating him, she thought, just for the sake of getting rid of him. There was something in his stare that was… unsettling. Jen was beginning to hatch this plan on her way into the spa when Anne called her into her office. “Take a seat,” she said, indicating the chair across her desk. Jen was on edge – Anne had not bee this formal since Jen applied to rent the table. “What’s up?” Jen asked, trying to sit and sound casual in the chair that was a lot less roomy since the last time she had sat in it. “I wanted to talk to you about something.” Anne paused, and Jen held her breath. “Do you remember a woman coming in last week?” Jen felt her heart begin to pound. “There were a lot of women. We’re a spa.” “Her,” Anne said, placing a photograph in front of Jen. The woman with a chubby face and high cheek bones looked up at her from the photocopied flyer. She had plump lips, a double-chin, dirty blonde hair, and eyebrows arched in accusation. Jen could feel the color vanish from her face. “Did you see her when you were closing up last week?” “No one came in,” Jen said, her voice small. Her stomach was in knots; for the first time in a long time, she didn’t feel hungry. “Are you sure? You don’t remember anyone?" “Alright," Anne said, taking the photo back and pinning it to a wall behind her. “Just making sure. She went missing that night, and the police found her car on this street. They’ve been asking all the businesses for information. I’ll tell them we have nothing to report, I guess. Are you sure?” “Certain,” Jen said, getting up to leave, her hands trembling. She was hardly out of Anne’s office when the owner spoke in a lowered voice. “Oh, Jen.” Jen turned around, trying to force a smile. "Don’t forget: it’s Gina’s birthday today.” Never again never again never again never again never again never again never again, she thought, hurrying to her car to light a cigarette. She shut her eyes tightly against the tears of fear forming, and when she opened them, she saw, little to her surprise, the pizza pervert staring from across the street. She muttered to herself, “Keep staring and I’ll bite your fucking head off.” She looked to the passenger seat, where she had placed the pink box of two dozen donuts she had picked up that morning, enough treats to stay her appetite through the day and keep her from snacking on customers. She crammed a maple into her mouth and focused on the sweetness as she chewed, and almost choked when someone said, “Hey!” Gina was looking in through her open window. Jen swallowed and gave a weak smile. Gina nodded to the pink box. “Those for my birthday?” “You caught me,” Jen said, her heart breaking as she closed the box, put out the cigarette, and walked in beside Gina, carrying the donuts into the break room. Some of the girls tried making plans to go out drinking for Gina’s birthday, but she refused. “I don’t want a big fuss. Besides, Marco said he’s bringing me a surprise tonight.” She acquiesced, finally, to letting Anne pay for a bottle of champagne and a few pizzas for all the masseuses after closing. “But Jen has to take the order over,” Gina said with a wide, gap-toothed grin. “And say hello to your boyfriend for us!” Jen rolled her eyes as she walked outside with the order in one hand, and the money in another. She bit her tongue as she approached the pizzeria, she walked through the glass door, which rung a bell and alerted the employee, who glanced up with a face that explored in eagerness. “I need this,” Jen said, placing the hand-written list of what her coworkers wanted, and placed several large bills down next to it. Avoiding eye contact, she pretended to be interested in a large advertisement exclaiming “Two for One* Tuesdays!” He calculated her money, and placed her change on the counter. “Can you just bring it-" “To Hidden Island. I know.” She gave him a glance, and he added, “I’ve seen you around…” A silence followed as he looked for something to say, and she remained coolly quiet. “I’ll bring it over soon.” She dropped the coins from her change into the tip jar, and walked out, disquieted by the way he said, "I know." Jen made sure to sneak out the side door when she saw him bringing the pizza so she wouldn’t have to see him again, timing her absence with a cigarette. She stood with her back to the street, knowing the boy would be disappointed that he didn’t get to see her inside and stare as he walked back to the store. When she heard the door open behind her, she inhaled quickly and prepared for more of Gina’ s personality, which had proven to be extra obnoxious today. “Great,” she muttered under her breath after she turned around. “Can I, uh” said the tongue-tied boy, rigidly miming the action of smoking. “Do you have a spare?” “Sure,” she said, holding out her pack and his unsteady fingers wrestled a cigarette. “And, uh…” He now made the action of using a lighter, and she held hers out. As the first drag hit his throat, he began coughing. Jen noted that he had probably never had a cigarette in his life. “So…” he said, once his coughing fit ended. “Mmm?” Jen responded. She was prepared to turn this boy down, but she hadn’t decided yet whether she would be polite or harsh. The latter would probably keep him away. His voice dropped. “I… I know.” She froze, and stared coldly at him. “Know what?” she asked, trying to act cool. She took a long drag and looked at him skeptically. “That woman that went to your clinic the other week… the fat one. I know what happened to her.” “I…” “I know.” Her face was pale, while his was bright red. She tried to talk but she only stuttered. What could she say? She knew this game was a dangerous one, and she had been caught. Stupid stupid stupid. She knew it was probably happen eventually, but she was hoping to have a little more fun with it… “I saw her walk in. And then, uh, later, I saw you leave… alone…” Fuck fuck fuck. She considered making him disappear – she could easily overpower him, but even though the evening was setting, the chance of being seen was too great. Eating a woman in her place of business was risky – eating someone right outside, in plain view, was just stupid. There were cars still on the street. There were people. “I haven’t able to stop thinking about it since that night, after you walked out in that robe…” She presses him against a wall, and grabbed the collar of his uniform. “Look. I don’t know what the fuck you think you saw, but if you keep talking like this, you might be the next one to go missing.” “If that’s what needs to happen.” His eyes were wide, and there was something more than fear in them. “What do you mean?” She eyed him suspiciously. “Well, I figured you knew I saw,” he said and paused. “Of course,” Jen said, hot on a bluffing streak. “And it was only a matter of time before you decided to, um, dispose of me, so… I thought maybe if I came to you, I could, uh, get a massage” He was desperately trying to swallow with a dry throat, his face screwing up in a wince. He looked down the cigarette that he hadn’t been smoking. The ember had died. "With happy ending. Like the one that you gave that woman.” She glanced him over with narrow eyes – maybe it was a trap, but he sounded sincere. He wasn’t a particularly meaty person, but then again, how often does a meal walk up to you asking to be eaten? “You want me to eat you?” “Please.” “How much money you got?” “I… what?” “You won’t need it where you’re going, right?” “I guess not… I have about two thousand saved up. And I get paid tomorrow.” “Tomorrow night, then. I’ll, uh, give you a massage at my apartment. Let me figure out a plan. I’ll let you know tonight. Do you drive?” “I-I don’t have a car. I just use the company car for deliveries.” “So my dinner will be for pick-up, then.” ѽ ẛ ( .~ ) Her car’s engine purred as he turned the key in the ignition. The clock read 11:45. It was a good plan, she thought – he would cash his last work check and withdraw all the money in his bank, then leave a note at his home, saying he was running away to start a new life. She was on her way to pick him up on a desolate street a few blocks from where they both worked, and take him back to her apartment. She lit a cigarette and held her hand out the window, feeling less nervous and more excited about how full her stomach and wallet would soon be. She found him at the spot, arms crossed, looking around shiftily. He stared into her headlights as her car pulled up next to him, and he climbed into her passenger seat. He was still wearing his work clothes, smelling like cheese and meat. “Hi…” He looked at her body in the dim light. She was wearing a t-shirt that left her belly half exposed, and a pair of sweat pants. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her body long enough to notice she had taken some time with her makeup, red lipstick and purple eye shadow. “You didn’t change your clothes?” “I was too afraid to go home.” “Did you leave the note?” “Yes.” “Do you have the money?” “Yeah.” He adjusted his crotch. He held up an envelope with his other hand. “Well, get down. Can’t let anyone see you in my car.” He leaned the seat back as she started back to her apartment, his head level with her navel. “By the way,” he began, “my name is –” But Jen cut him off. “Your name is Dinner.” He adjusted his crotch again. “Okay.” Her belly grumbled, and she gave it an affectionate pat. “Don’t worry, tummy. You’ll have Dinner soon enough.” Dinner grabbed his crotch again. Once she parked, she scanned the area to make sure no one was around before she hurried him into the building and up to her apartment. He stood near the entrance once the door was closed, timid and alert like a rabbit. Jen wondered how he could be so nervous in greeting his fate. “Want anything to eat or drink?” “No, thank you…” Dinner’s voice was small, and he squirmed uneasily where he stood. “You’re not going to stuff yourself up a bit for me?” she asked sweetly. Knowing the person in her apartment was willingly on the menu made her feel jovial, hospitable even. She felt she should be a good hostess, seeing as this guest would be staying in her body for several days. “I’d really like to,” he said with a weak laugh, “but I’m just really nervous… I’ve never done this before, you know?” “Well, you can only really do it once. Maybe some wine would calm you down a bit,” she said. She opened a bottle and generously filled two glasses. She handed him one, and held up hers to toast. “To my soon-to-be full belly!” she said cheerily, and they clinked their glasses before they each downed their merlot quickly, each for a different reason. “Let’s go to the bedroom,” she said, leading the way with the wine bottle in her hand. He followed behind her, watching the wiggle of her ass in the sweatpants. “Can I see the money?” she asked as they entered the room. His hands dived into his pockets, and he presented her with the wallet, packed with a number of large bills. She didn’t bother counting it as she placed it on her dresser – it felt thick, and she would have done the service for free. She slipped her sweatpants down and pulled off her shirt – she hadn’t bothered with underwear for the pick-up – and lied down in bed, naked. Dinner stared at her, speechless, as she gazed at him expectantly. “Well, get undressed. I’m not eating you with your clothes on.” Dinner bent down and pulled off his shoes and socks. Fumbling with the button and zipper, he finally got his slacks off, struggled out of his stiff shirt, and finally slipped his boxers around his ankle. “Put them in that basket,” she said, pointing to where she had kept her previous trophies. He obeyed, and she patted the bed beside her. “C’mere. You look yummier than I expected.” The warmth of her abundant body, and examined her figure as she leaned over to her nightstand to pour more wine. She handed it to him, and he swigged quickly, hoping to lose his nerves. He almost choked on a sip as he felt her friendly hand wrap around his erection. “Pretty excited about being eaten for dinner, I see,” she cooed. She felt his cock throb in her hand. “I, I mean, yeah, but also…” he started, almost too flustered to speak. “Also you’re really sexy.” She laughed. “Oh, you don’t have to flatter me, silly. You’re the only one that might need to be buttered up here.” “No, honestly. I think you’re really attractive. You’re so beautiful… and you have a perfect body. I love how big your tits and your ass and your belly are… I think you’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. You’re so beautiful, I want to be part of your body.” Jen was blushing at this point. Now she was the one that was almost speechless. “No one has ever told me that… that was really sweet.” She brought her face over his, and whispered “thank you” as she gave him a soft, slow kiss. His expression was stunned and dreamy with infatuation, plastered with a wide smile. Her belly growled, and she added: “but I’m still going to eat you.” She sat up, and pulled the boy’s hand to her plump stomach. “Are you ready, my Dinner?” “Y-yeah.” “Okay, little morsel – where shall I start? Top or bottom?" “My feet. Please.” She crawled to the foot of the bed, intentionally waving her wide ass for him to see, and settled herself by his toes. Grabbed his feet, and licked her lips. “Hope you’re comfortable. This is the point of no return!” she said, running her tongue over his toes. He stared, wide-eyed at the woman on her knees at the foot of the bed, as his ankles disappeared into her maw. As she began on his calves, he found his hand instinctually reaching for his groin. He grabbed his erection and rubbed furiously, looking into Jen’s hungry eyes. She made satisfied moans as she grabbed his thighs, and pulled him further down her throat. As she watched him masturbate, something clicked in her. It was a wild sort of turn on, knowing the person she was eating was enjoying it… That he was enjoying being gulped down, that he had gone so far as to sacrifice himself to her stomach. A hand glided up her thigh, and her fingers pressed into her wet slit, coating themselves in her natural lubricant as she gyrated against her hand. She looked at the meal, who seemed to be in an open-mouthed trance as he pumped himself staring down at her. She moved her wet hand up to his swollen flesh, and his hand fell away as she took a slippery grasp onto him. Her prey’s legs disappeared further inside of her as she assisted in providing his final cum, but time was running out. She reached the base of his cock, her mouth basting his balls in saliva. She wiggled her voluptuous hips, and a seductive look in her eyes said “cum for me, baby – I want to finish eating you.” Her belly gave a vicious roar, and slipped her lips an inch further up his shaft. She wanted to let him enjoy his cock’s final moments, but her belly was demanding, and she was drooling so much, it lubricated his entire waist. In an erotic, gastronomic haze, he couldn’t help herself… shlurp! – it was only a few inches, but now only the head of his penis peered out from between her lips. She felt it throb one last time before he couldn’t hold it back – he exploded, sending hot, white jets of cum all over himself; his stomach, his chest, his neck and face, frosting him like a donut. His entire body relaxed, and Jen started on his mid-section, eager to fill her growling belly. He was easy to eat – he was much skinnier than his previous meal, and simply slid down her throat, especially with his front greased up with his frosting. Dinner crossed one arm across his chest, making him more compact and more easily swallowed, while the other seemed paralyzed, grasping the sheets above his head. Each swallow brought him further inside her, and she could feel her belly expanding against the forearm of the hand that was furiously pleasuring her. “Thank you…” Dinner said, as her lips closed around his neck. Gulp! she responded, pulling his head into her mouth; with a hard swallow, his head was down her throat; with a slurp, his arm slid between her lips like a noodle, and he was snuggly packed into her belly. As soon as his fingers descended had her throat, her body convulsed in orgasm “My Dinner,” she moaned and clasped the sheets, her toes curling. “You filled me up so good.” She turned around, and lied on her back. It was nice having a meal in bed – it let her focus on the pleasure of digesting. But that wasn’t the only pleasure. Her fingers found their way back to her tender pussy, and ran against her clit for another round, making her writhe excitedly. She looked down at her body, and stroked her distorted belly affectionately. She felt… sexy. Even without a belly this large and full, she felt sexy. Maybe she was a bit plump, and maybe her appetite was rather… peculiar, but someone found it erotic. And that someone now called her large, bulging belly home – or at least, he would for a few days. She saw his figure squirm around inside her. “That’s right, baby,” she breathed. “Squirm for me.” It seemed as if he could hear her, because he began to trash more wildly within his fleshy case. “More!” she moaned. “You’re my dinner, so you belong to me. Satisfy me, you morsel.” It put Jen over the edge. Her fingers frenzied as her mind swam in a pleasure greater than she had ever known. Time stood still for a sweet moment, and she found herself grinning, fingers and heart rate slowing down. The pleasure of a victim in her belly, mixed with a good cum… it was a feeling greater than the sum of its parts. Only one thing could make it better – she grabbed for the red-and-white pack on her nightstand. ס By the time Jen woke up from her pleasured exhaustion, Dinner had tired himself out, and she mindlessly pet her belly. She lit a cigarette and settled cozily into her bed. As small burst of excitement came over her as a thought occurred to her: maybe he wasn’t the only person interested in this. Maybe she could find herself more willing meals, happy to become part of her big, beautiful body. Willing to make her sexier. Willing to offer up their life savings for this greater purpose. Maybe she could even make a living out of charging for her “massages”… she let out a long trail of smoke. She licked her lips and felt he edges of Dinner’s body beneath her flesh as a full-bellied euphoria continued to wash over her. The cannibal cabal takeover of the government might have to wait. But, she thought, finishing the thought aloud: “I think it’s about time I went into private practice.” ( ) ( ) ( ’  { ~ ) ( The , End ) About the Author was Phil Herb Elly is a well seasoned writer, who rose to fame virtually overnight. Renown for being palatable to large audiences, Elly has been featured in Readers Digest, and nominated for the Man Eater Award. Established literary critic Donna Hatch describes Elly as "a writer who resists you at first, but before you know it, becomes part of you … nuanced and complex, yet easily Phil Herb Elly residing in his new digestible. Get a taste, and before you re devouring Elly’s whole home in Hatch, Minnesota. know it, you’ body [of writing]." Originally from Vermont, Elly has recently settled in the Mid-Waist.
It was a cold winter night in beach city, the usual warm beach covered in snow and the water was frozen. It was snowing outside and unfortunately the gems didn’t have heating inside the house, the warmest room in the house was Garnet’s room but she didn’t want anyone in there so the others didn’t get to go inside to warm up during the blizzard. Steven was laying in bed trying to stay warm under his blanket but unfortunately the cold aura from the window beside him prevented that from happening, vaper escaping his mouth as he exhaled. To one of those who were sharing the same room was torture to her eyes, Lapis Lazuli was a gem much like the others but she had a deep relationship with the teenage boy that she kept to herself. Usually she would be at his uncle’s barn with her friend Peridot but Steven convinced them to stay over so they wouldn’t be caught in the snow storm. They weren’t worried about the cold temperature due to not having the nerves of humans, but Steven was half human half gem. He needed warmth much like all the other living beings on the planet, but due to the gems not having heating systems like the other inhabitants he had to rely on his pajamas and his blanket for warmth. Which wasn’t doing him any good, with growing concern Lapis played with her thumbs in growing irritation on not being able to help. Peridot sitting on the couch across from her roommate noticed the worried expression on the blue gem’s face, sighing she turned her tablet’s screen off pausing the video in the process. “Ok Lapis what’s up? You clearly have something on your mind since your face is frozen in the expression the earthing’s call concern, so what is bugging you?” Peridot asked, knocking Lapis out of her trance and looked back at the green gem before her. “Oh! Sorry… I’m just really concerned about Steven, he looks so cold up there. He’s shivering and there’s fog coming out of his mouth, and from seeing him and the other humans that isn’t normal.” Lapis said quietly, Peridot after hearing this turned around and stood on the couch barely able to look over the wall to see Lapis’ perspective was correct. The poor boy was shivering and that weird fog was coming out of his mouth. Peridot sat back down turning her attention back to Lapis trying to think of a explanation. “I don’t know Lapis… Maybe his warm breath is mixing with the cold temperature causing that fog, and if I were to guess that his nervous system is reacting to the cold by causing his body to shake the cold off. He needs to warm up or he might get an illness from what I’ve looked up on my tablet awhile ago.” Peridot pondered, Lapis’ concern skyrocketed at the thought of Steven getting ill. Peridot began to think of a way to calm her friend down until the only answer she could have been letting Lapis use her tablet to look up an answer. Picking it up and opening the web browser she got up and handed it to the blue gem. “Here Lapis, use my tablet to look up an answer. Use the key pad to type in what you’re looking for, but don’t break it!” Peridot commanded, earning a thankful smile from the blue gem. After a few minutes of trying to figure out what each key did she typed up {How to keep someone warm} and hit the enter key, scrolling through the websites she finally found her answer. “One of the best ways to keep others warm is to keep each other close, the warmth your bodies emit will keep you both warm.” Lapis read, but she didn’t have a warm body, she was a gem, so she had no organs or blood. With quick thinking she exited the site and looked up the human female organ system, she grew fascinated at how complex the human system was then she originally thought. But what caught her sight was this weird organ called a womb? Going to a different tab she looked it up and saw what this one organ did, it was for the humans mating process and how their offspring are brought into the world. “Maybe if I can somehow reverse the process I can make Steven warm while inside me?” She thought, pondering if it was a possibility. Deciding to try she first had to reform her body, concentrating her body glowed a bright blue color as she grew the required organs to preform the process. Once the light faded she felt a weird tingly feeling in between her legs, ignoring the tingling she got up and walked up the steps. “Peridot can you go somewhere for a little bit? I kind of want to do this in private.” Lapis requested, Peridot was going to protest but figured that it wasn’t going to do any harm. The green gem just went to the bathroom with her tablet to enjoy some of those cat videos Steven introduced her to. Once Peridot closed the door Lapis turned to the shivering boy and stepped out of her dress. The tingling feeling increased as she sat down and spread her legs open, a faint dark blue blush growing on her cheeks as she slowly grabbed Steven’s feet. Biting her lower lip she slowly inserted the sleeping boys feet into her vagina, when they entered she felt this overriding sensation course through her body. But she had to focus on her objective, shoving all other feelings aside she tried pulling him in which seemingly wasn’t working at first until she noticed he was going in inch by inch. The blush on her face increasing more and more as he went inside, she kept grunting as she pulled him in, sweat slowly forming on her forehead as her body got warmer. Her midsection began to grow the deeper he got, she slowly caressed the bulge with her right hand, enjoying the feeling of her rounded midsection. “Come on Steven! Just get inside me already!” She whispered sternly, subconsciously turning on the faucet and summoning a water hand that grabbed him by the head and gently pushed him deeper. Lapis screamed under her breath as his torso slipped into her, the only thing left was to get over his head. She focused all her remaining energy to use the water hand to put more force into pushing him inside, short while later the last of his curly brown hair disappeared from sight. Sighing with relief Lapis’ water hand disappeared down the drain of the sink and left its controller in bliss, rubbing her now round midsection. “Oh Steven…. I hope your warm in there, I couldn’t bare to see you so cold. I hope you don’t think any less of me when you wake up.” She said, relaxing on his bed she slowly closed her eyes before she felt a weird feeling coming from her chest. getting up slowly she heard a ripping noise before her top ripped off, she noticed she grew these weird things at the end of her breasts which grew in size for some reason, these things were leaking a weird white substance that she wasn’t familiar with. She slowly grabbed one of her breast and inserted the end into her mouth tasting the substance, it was sweet but oddly textured. The bathroom door opened to reveal Peridot still playing on her tablet, Lapis stared at the green gem in fear that she would panic and tell the others. A low growl came from her rounded midsection catching the attention of both Lapis and Peridot, the green gem looked over to see the now naked Lapis on Steven’s bed with a bulging midsection. “Um… Lapis?... Where is Steven?” Peridot asked a little frightened of her roommate, Lapis’ mouth started to drool as her vision shifted Peridot into some sort of green circle with a brown thing sticking out of the top. “Peri… can you come here please?” Lapis asked, a sly smile crept across her face. Peridot subconsciously stepping forward and placing her tablet on the chair beside her, she didn’t know what she was doing but something was drawing her in. once Peridot was in grabbing distance Lapis grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved the green gem into her mouth. “AHH! Lapis! What’s gotten into you!?” Peridot yelled as she slowly entered Lapis’ throat, on the outside Peridot’s legs were flailing everywhere. Lapis only caring on getting rid of the growling swallowed Peridot down as fast as she could, after a few moments Lapis swallowed the green gems feet and sighed, marveling her stomach’s size and the feeling of two people inside her. A loud burp escaped her lips due to swallowing too much air, not that peridot needed air since much like all the other gems besides Steven they didn’t need to breath. “Don’t worry Peri, I’m just going to keep you in there for a while. I didn’t add those fluids that break down matter to my new form, so your going to be ok. Think of this as… what does Steven call stuff like this?” she asked. “I believe the term is sleepover!” Peridot yelled from within the blue sphere. “Consider this a Sleepover, You in my stomach and Steven in my womb. All snug inside me…..” Lapis whispered as she slowly laid down and closed her eyes, letting her exhaustion consume her. *Time skip 7:00 AM* Lapis slowly got up from her rest not remembering the night before until it came crashing down on her, she was still naked with her giant blue globe and her breast still revealed. Summoning her wings she slowly went down the stares and into the living room, sitting on the couch she pondered on how to get the two out of her. But before she could think of an answer the temple door opened revealing Pearl walking out stretching her arms. “Alright Steven time to wake uuuuupppppp?…….” Pearl stuttered as she opened her eyes to see Lapis naked with a giant belly sagged in between her legs. Lapis began to chuckle nervously as she awkwardly waved at the white gem, she had to think of an excuse for this. And fast!
Lapis slowly got up from her rest not remembering the night before until it came crashing down on her, she was still naked with her giant blue globe but for some reason it was smaller than when she fell asleep, and her breast were larger than she remembered, even her hips seemed to have grown bigger. Feeling lighter than she was last night got to her feet and tried to pull her dress up but it didn’t fit at all, even her top refused her current size. Truly the only way to cover up was to reform her clothes, with a quick twirl her dress reformed but a bit bigger to fit her new assets. The temple door opened to reveal the white gem Pearl walking out. “Alright Steven time to wake uuuuupppppp?…….” Pearl stuttered as she opened her eyes to see Lapis with a giant belly poking out of her dress, the two continued staring at each other until Pearl finally stopped stuttering. “Um, Um… Lap… Lapis? What happened to you? And where is Steven? He’s usually up at this time?” Pearl said, still trying to grasp what was going on. Lapis tried to find the words to explain what had happened but had found non, having no other choice than just saying it upfront. “He’s in my womb.” Lapis whispered, her head down in embarrassment. Pearl grabbed the blue gem by the throat and shoved her against the wall. “YOU WHAT!? WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?” Pearl screamed as tears flooded down her cheeks, Lapis suddenly felt frustrated at Pearl scolding her for something that she had to do. Two water chains yanked Pearls hands from Lapis’ neck and restrained her from attacking, the blue gem had this dark look in her eyes as she walked towards the white crystal gem. “I did what I did so Steven could warm up since his three guardians didn’t even consider installing a heating system to keep him from getting ill or freezing to death! Unless you three have been ignoring the humans all this time haven’t you noticed that humans wear more clothing at this time of year, but no us gems don’t need to worry about that since we don’t have the organ system that humans have so why should we worry. And speaking of gems how come Garnet hasn’t taken Steven into her room for him to keep warm? Is she hiding something that we shouldn’t know about? Cause we all know about the bubbles and we know that those are extremely deadly. I did Steven a favor and took him in literally to keep him warm! Since non-of you even thought of installing a heating system or getting him more blankets! As for Peri I don’t know what happened? I ate her and I thought I didn’t add the digestive system, so I don’t know what happened to her.” Lapis said somberly, Pearl seemed to be lost in thought, her eyes watering and her hand over her mouth. “Oh god Steven… I’m so sorry I didn’t notice, what do I tell Greg!? What do I tell Connie!?” Pearl panicked, released from the chains she ran around in circles. Only to run into Garnet who was unbeknownst to the both of them was there the whole time they were screaming at each other. “Garnet! What are you doing here!? How much did you hear!?” Pearl panicked, Garnet folded her arms and adjusted her sunglasses. “Everything, and even if I don’t like this situation I have to say that Lapis did the right thing. I foresaw Steven having a terrible flew for a few weeks, and to most of us especially both of you were freaking out. If Lapis didn’t do what she did all of us would have to deal with a miserable Steven and Pearl. And that happening simultaneously is not a good thing, Lapis you were lucky to have been in that mirror all that time. You didn’t have to deal with Pearl when Rose left.” The fusion said in her natural calm demeaner, Lapis perked up hearing she did something good and that she helped Steven avoid a situation. But that brought up another question. “How do we get him out though? Please don’t tell me that he’s permanently stuck in there!?” Pearl shouted, being her usual emotional self. “No give or take nine months. The usual baby cycle, and no Lapis you don’t have to give up your gem. I see him still having Rose’s gem, its just slightly tinted purple.” Garnet stated, Lapis sighed in relief as her hopes had turned to her favor. Caressing her abdomen gently as she thought of being Steven’s new mom, and unlike Rose she was still going to be there. And at least not letting Pearl take responsibility for her son. But something crossed her mind. “Wait what about Peri? Is she gone?” Lapis asked, the fusion remained silent for a few moments until she shook her head. “No, her gem is just stuck inside your stomach. But im going to leave that to you, its none of my business anyway. But Pearl, do us a favor and tell his friends and Greg what happened to the best of your ability. And tell Greg what would have happened if Lapis didn’t act the way she did. Lapis, you are not to go on any missions with us until Steven is reborn. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to him to be harmed, Rose was that way when she was pregnant.” Garnet said before walking into Amethyst’s room, not soon later the short purple gem sprinted out in worry. Finding out what Garnet had said to be true she slowly accepted the situation and helped get Peridot out with her whip. Greg took it pretty hard and for awhile never came over or called. Garnet feeling generous looked into the future and assured Greg that Steven would age back to himself within a few weeks and retain all of his memories, even though he would say that he had two moms instead of just Rose. But that was just minimal, Greg was relieved by this news and began to say things like. “I bet if Rose was here she would have supported this.” And within Stevens gem Rose peered outside with a smile on her face that Steven would get a motherly figure in his life, but not the way she was expecting. But it was something at the very least.
It’s been a month since Steven was reborn, returning to his recent age quickly thanks to his gem. Most have noticed the purple tint but didn’t pay any mind to it, usually thinking that he could change the colors at will and liked the purple color better. And the sudden change in eye color from brown to a blue color, but just like the gem he was thought to have contacts that had a blue hue to them. Little did they know that something changed about him, a little event that Pearl hadn’t told everyone. Even Connie remained unaware of why he changed in appearance so much, she still went over to see him, but Peridot would always say that Steven was too busy with gem stuff and that remained her answer for 10 months until Peridot finally let her in. Connie grew curious at the thought that Lapis and Peridot were at the temple instead of at the barn, also how close Lapis and Steven had gotten within the time gap. Like instead of him hugging Pearl the longest time before he left to go hang out he would hug the blue gem, it was odd to say the least. Although it seemed to have Pearl at ease to a certain extent, Lapis sometimes was the one who was cleaning or cooking, with some tutorials from Pearl who was experienced in the cooking department. But besides all the changes in appearance he was the same in personality, still easy going and care free. But one day something happened one day that confused her more than everything else she had seen with the gems, her and Steven had planned to go to funland for awhile and finally had the opportunity to go. The two of them were about to leave until Steven froze. “Wait Connie, I gotta do something quick.” Steven said before he sprinted up the stairs and into the house, she followed his lead and peered into the house to see Steven and Lapis hugging each other. It was a short hug before he let go and turned to the door and waved goodbye. “See ya mom!” He shouted before he walked down the steps, Connie stood there shocked about what she had just heard. Rose gave up her gem for Steven to live, and Lapis was the only one there? Was he talking to the picture above the doorway? Was he talking to Lapis? But Lapis wasn’t his mother? All those questions flooded her head as they walked to the amusement park. Looking at the teenage boy with her she began to question her synopsis on how Steven changed, did Lapis do something to him? or were the gems more complex than she thought? They spent a few hours at the park, playing the games and riding the attractions the two had their usual fun. But most of the time there Connie kept asking herself on what had happened, figuring that the best way to figure out what had happened she had to ask the source himself. “Hey Steven?” Connie asked, trying not to make eye contact. Hearing his name the boy turned his attention to his female companion. “Yeah Connie? What’s up?” He replied, stopping in place to focus on what Connie was thinking. “Why did you call Lapis your mom? I thought Rose was your mom?” she questioned, earning a shrug from the boy. “I dunno, from what I can guess something happened to me that changed me mentally and physically from all the differences that everyone keeps telling me about, like I feel the same, but people keep saying I was different before? Like people say my gem was pink before and my eyes were brown, but I cant remember that clearly. And as for my mom? I cant explain that either, I remember Rose and my dad being my genetic parents, but somehow I remember that Lapis was my mom too? I don’t know what happened but there’s nothing I can do but accept it, and it’s not like I don’t mind having two moms. One is physically here and the other is well? Me I guess?” he said scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, the only other person who she could ask was Lapis. When they arrived at the house she tried to gather herself, preparing to ask for answers. “Hey Steven? Can you go get your mom for me? I have to ask her something.” Connie asked, the boy nodded with a smile on his face and sprinted inside. Not a few moments later the blue gem walked out with a concerned expression, breathing in she knew what Connie was going to say. Leaning on the balcony Lapis tried to figure out how to explain herself. “So, you were the reason Steven had changed? What did you do?” Connie asked sternly, putting her weight on the rail. “I know its hard to comprehend but please understand if I knew what would of become of Steven before I did what I did I would have never done it.” Lapis whispered, loud enough for Connie to hear. “What do you mean?” Connie asked, looking at the blue gem next to her. “You know how children are born right?” Lapis said while finally making eye contact with the human. “Yeah? So?” Connie was growing skeptical of what the gem was going to say. “I….*Sigh* One cold night Steven was shivering which was torture to watch, I couldn’t bear to watch him like that. So Peridot offered me to look up a solution on her tablet, I looked through websites until I saw the easiest solution. the website said to keep each other warm you must embrace and let your body temperature radiate off of each other, but me being a gem lacked your organs, so I lacked body warmth. So I looked up the female organ system and with no other thought reformed my bodies internal structure into a humans. Looking into one that fascinated me the most, the womb, I found out the purpose of the organ. Its used for the human reproduction cycle, finding this out I thought if I would of reversed this cycle I could make Steven warm inside of me. Once I had done it I had no idea what the casualties were, when I woke up I couldn’t get him out. After fighting with Pearl for my stupid actions Garnet used her future vision to tell us that Steven would return in 9 months and grow quickly to his current age, albeit with a few changes. And thankfully I didn’t need to give him my gem when he came back, I wish I hadn’t done what I’ve done but then again I enjoy it. He never had a mom other then Pearl, so being that for Steven is a great feeling but it doesn’t take the feeling of how it was my fault that he had changed away. My actions both act as a good thing and a bad thing, I saved Steven from being ill with a severe flue and being cold, but then again I changed him when nothing should have been changed.” Lapis said, looking up at the moon. Connie slowly placed her hand on the blue gems shoulder and nudged it, Lapis turned to the human ready to face the consequences only to see Connie smiling at her. “Its not like he is a completely different person, he’s still Steven. He just looks different, and me personally I don’t go by appearance. So what if you did whatever you call it? don’t beat yourself up over it, You might put a crack in yourself.” Connie said, getting the joke Lapis chuckled at the comment. Steven came out side to see what was up only to see Lapis and Connie laughing together, he ran up in between the two wanting to hear the joke. Instead of being told the joke he just stood there just enjoying the moment. Rose’s thoughts on sharing the role as mother with Lapis she was welcomed to it, as she said on her cassette her and Steven cannot exist at once. So all she could see was what Steven saw, and everything going on in the moment she had nothing but a cheerful smile on her face. Happy that one of the gems found a way to be a mother for Steven.
After time to adjust the people of beach city just accepted Steven’s new look, it really didn’t change anything about him other than appearance. And hearing about a very powerful ally joining the crystal gems the residents became more at ease, Lapis decided to fully join the crystal gems for two reasons. One was to protect the planet she grew to like, second was to be closer to her baby Steven since the accident changed everything. Anytime Steven was in danger she wouldn’t let anything happen to him, many times she would tackle gem monsters that were about to hurt him in any way. She was even more protective than Pearl was, but she had a better reason. Due to the accident she became his legit second mother, while Pearl was just a caretaker. So due to reading about how a mother acts and going by new instincts she became a very protective gem, the only time she wasn’t watching him was when he was with Connie. And at the current time both of the kids were walking around the beach enjoying the weather, and of course Amethyst had to come along due to her rambunctious nature. “So Steven, what are we going to do now? Cause I know it’s nice outside, but I’m so used to you dragging us to the arcade.” Amethyst said, her arms stretching backwards behind her head. “I don’t know? I just feel like going for a walk.” He replied, shrugging his shoulders as he walked. Amethyst grunted in boredom, hoping that they would of gone to the arcade instead of walking around. The waves on the shore began to enlarge as they walked, a large figure emerged from the water. An orange woman with white hair riding on a large animal with spikes, the three remained non the wiser. “It’s about time I got to take you out! You rogue gems got lucky the first few times, but your luck just ran out!” Jasper yelled, catching their attention. The orange gem charged at them with her crasher helmet, Amethyst tried to catch her off guard by tripping her with her whip but failed to do it in time. With one swift motion Jasper slammed her helmet down on Amethyst’s head, causing her to poof from the impact. Turning to her left she saw Steven and a human girl charging at her before jumping, creating a flash of light before a tall human girl emerged. Sharing both their clothing and the purple gem. “You fused with a human!? Is fusion the only thing you gems do!?” Jasper questioned, the fusion remained quiet as she picked up Amethyst’s gem, after picking up the purple stone she pointed her pink sword at Jasper. “I advise you to leave!” She ordered, not amusing the orange gem before her. “Are words all you have? I’ll let you know that tactic doesn’t work on me.” Jasper scoffed, blowing her hair out of her face. “I wasn’t planning for it to work.” The girl said as she grasped the sword with both hands, the two charged at each other trading attacks each time. Lapis was laying on a lounge chair on the beach waiting for her son to return, the sounds of metal clashing together hit her eardrums as the breeze flew by. Lifting her sunglasses she looked to her right and jumped to her feet, Stevonnie was fighting Jasper and didn’t appear to be winning. Acting out of instinct she draped her wings and took flight, watching the two fight and hoped Stevonnie would win. But her wish was denied as with one counterattack Jasper punched Stevonnie in the back, causing the two to split back into Connie and her little boy. Steven rolled over and grew pale as he made eye contact with Jasper who was looking down on him, disappointment and hatred in her eyes. In her point of view this child looked different than what she remembered. “I’ve come to accept that you aren’t Rose Quarts, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to kill you. But before you die answer me this, you’ve changed in appearance but yet you’re a human, how were you able to do that?” she growled, Steven remained silent from fear. Jaspers eyes grew darker as she jumped backwards and charged at him, closing his eyes Steven waited for the end. But Lapis wouldn’t dare to let that happen, she swung down and spawned her ice shield. Blocking Jasper’s helmet from attacking Steven, the force of impact threw Jasper back sending her tumbling in the sand. She slowly got up and gasped at who she saw, the blue gem growled at Jasper as the motherly instincts grew. “HOW DARE YOU TRY AND HURT MY BABY!!! IF YOU HAD KILLED MY BABY I WOULD HUNT YOU DOWN AND FUCKING SHATTER YOU!!” She screamed, her pulps shrunken to mere dots as her arms and legs shook in rage. Jasper had not expected that reaction, her mind questioning why the blue gem called the human her baby? Regaining her footing she turned all inferior thoughts aside and focused on her objective. “Whatever, Ill just kill you all!” Jasper yelled, sprinting at the water witch. But after taking a running start she noticed she wasn’t moving, she then noticed that chains made of water were restraining her from advancing. Trying to break the hold she stomped into the sand slowly getting closer to her opponent, but more chains emerged and clasped themselves to her ankles. She watched as the chains brought her face to face with Lapis, the blue gem dropped her weapons and scowled. “If you think I’ll release you, you can think again! You hurt my baby! So I’m going to hurt you!” Lapis scowled, for once Jasper felt intimidated by this water gem. With one swift motion Lapis opened her mouth and engulfed Jasper’s head inside. Jasper yelled from inside as Lapis shifted her form to fit the gem inside, she wasn’t in the mood for enjoying the gem. She wanted her baby safe, and she would go to any extreme to do so. No matter how many gems she had to digest she would do it for Steven, quickly swallowing the orange gem Jasper practically slid down Lapis’ esophagus. With one final swallow the last of Jasper disappeared, Lapis not being able to handle the weight fell on her butt, landing beside her little boy. She gasped as she saw him shaking in tension, quickly she grabbed him and embraced him in a hug. She caressed her hand on his head trying to comfort him, slowly he stopped shaking and opened his eyes. Seeing caring eyes looking back at him he felt safe. “Mom! Where’s Jasper?” he asked, looking around him to find her gem or her knocked out. But found nothing, unbeknownst to them both Connie had left while Lapis was fighting. “Your sitting on her, she’s in my belly. She’ll be gone in a few hours, unless I want to end it quickly.” She replied, draping her wings she took flight with Steven in her arms. Flying to her lounge chair she sat down and relaxed, luckily Peridot made it from a very strong material. Steven slowly climbed up and snuggled up to Lapis and slowly fell asleep. And the two remained there for at least 5 hours until it began to get dark, waking up Lapis noticed her pudgy stomach and her larger chest, grabbing Steven she walked up the stairs and into the house. After placing Steven in bed she went to her mirror she inspected herself and saw the new improvements Jasper made on her body, her rear was bigger than before and her bust almost ripped her shirt, and her stomach was a little pudgy. “Well Jasper, looks like we’re fused again. But unlike before you aren’t going to be a problem and in case you can hear me. I will devoir all the evil gems that lay a finger on my baby!” She said, slapping her stomach trying to prove her point even though no one was there. All Jasper was now was gem fat for Lapis, and all those who hurt Steven will meet the same fate.
 First Time, Huh? An Odd Vore Story Major Characters: Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’s Girlfriend. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. Wesson (Wes) Forstner: A young man who works at a bookstore, and Ji-Yu’s boyfriend. He has shaggy dirty blonde colored hair, a pair of blue-grey eyes (the left of which has a small gold/brown section on the lower right portion of the iris), and a fair deal of scars on his arms. Shelby Dumont: Ji-Yu’s best friend and roommate, and Wes’s cousin on his mother’s side. She was the one who introduced Ji and Wes to one another, and has a married older sister named Jade. She has brown hair (dyed purple), brown eyes, and has an odd disliking for fish that borders on a phobia. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I think we should break up.” The words hit young Wesson Forstner like a kick to the chest. This was not what he was expecting to hear on his day off from work. Something more akin to “You may not be stocking books, but you will be working hard tonight.” would be closer. Maybe in a somewhat sultry tone and the sounds of WHAM!’s “Careless Whisper” playing in the background, but definitely not this. “Wait, what? Why? Did I do something wrong?” Wes asked, struggling to find answers himself. “No, you didn’t… I just… Uhmm…” Wes could hear Ji’s voice trembling through the phone. “You just what? Ji, come on. Talk to me.” Wes heard what sounded like a small burp through the speaker, then a small sob. “Ji, how about you and I meet up, get a-” “NO! I can’t… It’s just…” “Ji-Yu Dae. What is going on?” “Goodbye Wesson.” *CLICK* Wesson. She has never called him Wesson before. Even when he first introduced himself, he asked to be called Wes, and she has ever since. That was how he knew that there was something going on with his girlfr… Ex-Girlfriend, and he immediately went to his contacts and picked out a certain number. “Hullo?” “Shelby. It’s Wes.” “Oh… Hey.” “What the hell is going on!? Ji just called and broke up with me!” “Yeah, um… She’s… Going through some stuff right now…” “I need to talk to her.” “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” “Shelby… Please. I need to know why. I’m owed that at least.” Wes could hear Shelby deliberating through the variety of rustles, “um”s, and nail-biting clicks through the phone. “I don’t know if you could-” Shelby was interrupted by a large burping sound in the background. “... Handle this.” Wes almost laughed. “Are you kidding me? Shelby, you know that Ji is the best thing that’s happened to me in years. Whatever the reason, it’s better than not knowing at all.” Shelby remained silent for a few minutes. “Shelby please.” “...” “Shelby?” “... I visited Jade and her husband for dinner last night and left my purse over at her house. It’ll take me a little under two hours to drive there and back. I’ll be leaving around 6:00.” “Thank you.” “Just, don’t freak out when you see.” “See wha-” *CLICK* ================================================================== Wes didn’t quite know what to think as he rode up the elevator and walked down the hall to Ji and Shelby’s apartment. All that was running through his mind were all of the memories of past dates and fun moments he and Ji have had together. Even before they started dating they were fairly close, staying up late watching anime or playing games (though Wes often lost due to a “faulty controller”). He couldn’t imagine losing her and all of those wonderful moments suddenly stopping. He had to find out what was going on. If she was going to break up with him, he at least deserved to know why. “Ji. It’s Wes. Come on, open up.” Wes stood outside apartment 312, knocking on the door. “Please. Ji I deserve an answer, at least!” “Go a-*Urp!* away!” “Ji, please!” Wes continued knocking on the door. He knew he still had Ji’s spare key as a backup plan, but he wanted to at least try the proper way first. The door across the hall opened up. “Why the hell do you keep knocking at that damn door!? She obviously realizes that you’re a pathetic-” “Shut the FUCK UP SIMON!” Simon got spooked and shut his door. “Ji-Yu. I still have the key you gave me. Please, don’t make me use it. Just give me an answer and I’ll go, if that’s really what you want.” “I’m not opening the door… I’m sorry…” “Then I guess I have to…” Wes took out his keys and picked out the one that opened the door. “I’m coming in, Ji.” Wes opened the door, and was shocked by what he saw. A few feet in front of him, a crying Ji-Yu sat with one hand on top of a gigantic, bulging stomach with a few bumps oddly protruding out and a bunch of gurgling sounds erupting from within. Wes was aware of what this was, seeing as it was a trend that had gained much popularity in the past few decades among younger women. As the door shut behind him, Ji-Yu let out a burp so loud Wes almost fell backwards before she quickly covered her mouth with both hands. Ji-Yu had eaten a person. And Wes was laughing his ass off. ================================================================== “WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING!?” Ji-Yu cried out as she watched Wes fall to the floor trying desperately to cover his mouth. “I-I’m sore- HAHAHAHA! I’m not makin- Hahaha! Fun of you! I’m sorry! Just g-give me a s-second! HaHAAA!” Ji-Yu was utterly shocked by this. She tried to stand up in order to yell, but the new weight in her abdomen kept her from doing so, and she fell back down into the couch, causing the contents of her belly to shift. “Why *UUURP* are you laughing!?” Wes slowly stood up, still chuckling a little bit. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m just so freaking relieved!” Ji was taken aback. “I’m sorry… Relieved!?” “Yes! I thought I had gone and pissed you off or that you found someone else or something! This is nothing compared to those!” “No-Noth- HOW IS *THIS* NOTHING!?” Ji grabbed the sides of her belly and shook a little bit, causing her D-cup breasts to jiggle slightly. “Before I explain my side, why don’t you explain yours?” Wes said, sitting down on the couch beside her. Ji starred for a minute, and then looked down at her gut. “Well, last night I got kinda hungry, so I ate some ramen noodles as a snack. But when I was done, I was still hungry. So I ate another pack, but I became even hungrier. So, I ordered myself a pizza-” “Wait, where was Shelby?” “Shut up and pay attention!” “Sorry.” “Anyways, I ordered myself a pizza with all the fixings, a salad, and a bottle of Coke, but it took the pizza boy over an hour to get here, and when he made it to my door, the smell of the pizza and my hunger, I just…” Ji made a motion with her hands that resembled her grabbing the pizza boy and swallowing him. “Okay. That explains who’s in there.” “Yeah, but I immediately went into a food coma. When I woke up, I saw my… My belly, and immediately flipped out. Shelby calmed me down and told me what happened and, well, now we’re here.” Wes nodded his head, and then turned to look at her. “Wait, why did you break up with me?” Ji looked back down and began tearing up again. “Because I was still a little hungry when I woke up, and before I even knew it, I had eaten the entire pizza, the salad, and drank half the Coke bottle. And when I was finally full, I felt *good*. I felt almost… Horny. And it scared me! I just started thinking, what if we were on a date, or getting busy, and I… I…” Wes grabbed her hand. “Well, you definitely don’t need to worry about that.” “What? Why?” “Well, I’ll show you.” ================================================================== Wes helped Ji up to her feet and, after no small amount of struggling, went into the bathroom with her. “One sec.” Wes ran to the kitchen and grabbed a pack of batteries from the drawer, a handful of sunflower seeds, and a knife. “Wes what are you doing?” Ji said as she watched him peel the casing off the battery and drip out some of the acid from it onto the edge of the sink. “At its strongest, stomach acid is just slightly weaker than battery acid. But a Pred’s stomach acid is slightly stronger.” Wes dropped a sunflower seed onto the acid, and it immediately began bubbling. Ji’s stomach gurgled in response to her confusion. “So?” “So…” Wes cut a slit in his finger, then dropped some of his blood onto the battery acid. The battery acid bubbled and smoked, then suddenly turned dark purple and stopped bubbling. Wes dropped a second sunflower seed onto the acid, but unlike before, it didn’t bubble at all. Ji's belly gurgled in confusion. “I don’t get it.” “Well, I was born with a very rare genetic trait. My blood completely neutralizes stomach acids for a short time and triggers a huge gag reflex, causing any pred who ingests enough of it to vomit me up. Trust me.” Wes lifted his sleeves, showing off the various scars on his arms. “I have had plenty of opportunity to test.” Ji was shocked. She always just kind of thought that he had a bit of a rough childhood, but she never expected that. “So… You’re saying…” “You couldn’t eat me even if you wanted too. Which means that you have no need to try and protect me from your gorgeous gut.” “G-Gorgeous!?” Ji blushed profusely. “You… Like it!?” Wes smiled at her. “Ji, I like you, and every part of you. But that belly of yours… Well it may be the minor blood loss talking, but it is doing it for me!” Ji-Yu felt a wave of emotions. First confusion, then anger, then embarrassment, then happiness, and then… just a little a bit horny. “Help me into the bedroom? Please?” Ji said, blushing. “Heh heh… As you wish.” THE END
 Let’s Celebrate! An Ate/Ate Vore Story Major Characters: Ji-Yu (Ji) Dae: A young woman who works at a café, and Wesson’s Girlfriend. She is the daughter of a pair of Korean immigrants who moved to America with their families when they were young. She has short, dark brown hair, black eyes, and occasionally wears glasses when she reads. Wesson (Wes) Forstner: A young man who works at a bookstore, and Ji-Yu’s boyfriend. He has shaggy dirty blonde colored hair, a pair of blue-grey eyes (the left of which has a small gold/brown section on the lower right portion of the iris), and a fair deal of scars on his arms. He has a unique genetic mutation that allows his blood to neutralize a Pred’s stomach acids and make them throw up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’m not sure about this Wes…” Ji-Yu was sitting next to her boyfriend in front of a computer, where Wes had pulled up a Wikipedia article about August the 8th, or as Preds tend to call it, Ate/Ate. “Why not? This is the one day out of the year where you get to go all out and eat with no judgements. Why not take advantage of it?” Wes looked at Ji, who wore a somewhat nervous expression on her face. “Are you… Still worried about your new diet?” Ji-Yu looked down at herself. Her breasts, once D-cups, had grown to be a little over a cup larger, making many of her bras uncomfortable, her rear had grown enough to rip her favorite pair of jeans when she tried to put them on, and her stomach had only yesterday gotten completely flat again. If all that happened after just one pizza boy, how much more would she grow if she ate another person? “What if I keep getting bigger?” Wes laughed. “Wow. Never heard a Pred say that.” Ji blushed a bit. “Look Ji, that isn’t really a permanent thing. After a few meals, most Preds stop growing when they digest someone because their bodies have acclimated to the intense nutrient intake. You will get bigger, probably go up another two or three cup sizes and you’ll definitely need to buy a few new pairs of panties soon, but that's all.” Ji walked over to the mirror. “So, if I decide to go through with this and keep eating people, I'll stop growing?” Wes got up and joined her by the mirror. “Yes. At least if you stick to one or two a week. Preds who eat more often than that tend to keep growing.” Wes could see that Ji was still a bit on the fence, so he took her hand in his and held it close. “Come on. This whole day is about ladies like you! You deserve to go and celebrate it. And when you get back, I’ll even give you a belly rub…” He whispered that last bit into her ear. That did the trick. “Well, I guess my butt does look pretty good…” Ji said before she murmured something under her breath and began blushing. Wes smirked. “What was that last bit?” Ji murmured a second time and turned beet red. Wes turned his ear towards her and leaned close. He enjoyed teasing her about things like this. “Ji, honey, I really didn’t catch that. Please speak up?” “AND MY BELLY WOULD LOOK SEXY AS HELL IN A DRESS!!!” Ji yelped out as she ran towards her bedroom and slammed her door closed. Wes just stood there blushing at the thought. “... Welp. That’s it. I need to marry her.” ================================================================== “So, WHY didn’t you come with me!?” Ji shouted into her phone as she walked down the sidewalk. She was on her way to a new bar she had read about online, a fancy place called the Odd Drinks. She could hear Wes jump on the other end. “W-Well, you see.. Preds all tend to celebrate Ate/Ate differently. Some celebrate by acting out their greatest Vore-based fantasies, others celebrate by eating as many people as they can in a 24 hour period, and some even go after and eat people who have wronged them or they dislike as a form of vengeance.” “Uh huh. And what does that have to do with you staying home tonight and leaving me to find... Dinner, on my own?” “Because there’s this one girl likes to go after potential meals who got away on Ate/Ate, and she has a very particular vendetta against me.” “Why?” “‘Cause unlike the others, she’s actually managed to swallow me, a few times actually.” Ji hadn’t even considered the idea that Wes had been eaten before, though in hindsight it made sense. He had to learn out about his odd mutation somehow. The thought of Wes digesting away in some random girl’s belly made her own twist and turn. “So you’re staying home so that she can’t grab you?” Ji asked. “Yeah, that about sums it up. Admittedly I’m still at your apartment though, ‘cause she’s probably tracked mine down already.” Ji cracked a smile. “So, you’re all alone in my apartment? Shelby hasn’t come back yet?” “Yep.” Wes responded casually. “So what are you doing there? Wearing one of my bras like a hat?” Ji held back a giggle as she heard the sound of one of her bras being flung into the wall. “NO!” Wes yelped. “Hehehee!” Ji took a moment to laugh. “Well, I guess they won’t fit for much longer anyways… Oop! Here it is! I’m at the bar now. Gotta go. Love you!” “Aaahahaa… Love you too.” *CLICK* Ji opened the door and took a look around inside. It was shockingly empty considering the time of night, only a couple of people here and there. “This IS a new place, so maybe most people don’t know about it yet.” She thought to herself as she sat down at the bar and looked up at some of the menu choices posted up above. “Oooh jeez. That’s a lot. Umm… Hoo boy...” “Need some help?” A lady only a couple of years older than Ji sat next to her. She was a rather pretty lady. She had long brown hair, a pair of green eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses, and dark red lipstick. However, more notable was her body. Her breasts were even larger than Ji’s now were, and her ass looked fantastic in her skin-tight dark violet dress. Thinking about how she looked in her own dress (which was a loose teal-colored number with a white flower petal design), Ji felt a little insecure. “Umm, yes. Yes please.” The lady giggled. “Okay then.” She turned to the girl behind the counter. “Can we get a couple of Sex on the Beaches?” “Coming right up.” Ji watched as she walked away to get their drinks, and wondered if she should eat her. “Don’t worry about cash. First round’s on me.” The lady said, elbowing Ji in the side. “Oh! Um, thank you!” Ji awkwardly stuck out her hand. “Im Ji-Yu. Most people just call me Ji.” The lady took her hand and shook it. “Lucille. You can just call me Lucy. Nice to meet you.” ================================================================== A half hour later, the bar was empty save for Ji and Lucy, and Ji had downed two drinks. She could hold her liquor shockingly well for a girl who hardly drank. Unfortunately, she could not hold her bladder. “I gotta go to the restroom real quick. I’ll be right back.” She said as she stood up. Lucy just smiled and looked towards the barkeep. “Okay. I’ll just chat up the bartender while you're gone.” Ji found her look a little odd, but decided it was probably nothing and left for the bathroom. However, when she returned, Ji saw Lucy with the poor bartender most of the way down her throat. “OH MY GOD!” Ji watched as Lucy took off her meal’s shoes and swallowed her feet, joining the rest of her body in Lucy’s giant gut. “Hmmm… She wasn’t half bad! A little skinny for my tastes, but she wasn’t my main course tonight anyways.” She said as she tossed the shoes away and turned towards Ji. “So… What about you?” JI stood there for a moment, shocked, then let out an excited squeal. “You’re a Pred too!?” Lucy made a surprised face, then let out a little giggle. “Oh! Too, huh? I just figured you were a bit bustier than most girls your age!” Lucy stood up and walked over to Ji, who watched as the massive gut hidden behind the shockingly stretchy fabric of her dress wobbled. “Good thing you spoke up. You were almost next... But with boobs like that? Hmm. How many people have you eaten?” Ji kept staring at the woman’s belly. “Umm… Only one so far. About two weeks ago.” “Hmm… Lemme guess. Delivery boy?” Lucy asked. “Yeah. Pizza.” “Hmmm…” Lucy gave her large belly a pat. “Reminds me of my first meal. Some of the best Chinese takeout I’ve ever ordered.” Lucy eyed Ji’s stomach. “Please tell me you’re not out celebrating Ate/Ate with a flat tummy like that one.” “Well, I wasn’t planning on keeping it flat…” Ji said. Almost on que, Ji’s stomach growled loud enough that it made her breasts jiggle a little bit. “... But I’ve never actually intentionally-.” Suddenly, Lucy took Ji’s hand. “Alrighty then! I’m going to get you fed. Come with me!” Lucy began walking Ji out the bar door. “Wait! What about our drinks?” Ji said, quickly grabbing her purse. “Who cares? I ate the bartender. Drinks are free!” ================================================================== A little while later, Ji-Yu was standing in the elevator of her apartment building on her way up to the third floor. “W-What are we doing in my apartment building?” Lucy’s belly let out a surprised gurgle. “Wait, you live here? Sweet! Now we don’t have to worry about getting you a cab home!” “That doesn’t really answer my question…” Ji said as the elevator doors dinged open. Lucy and Ji stepped out of the elevator and started walking down the hall. “Well, there’s this one guy. For whatever reason, every time I eat him, I throw him back up a few minutes later. I’m guessing that he keeps, like, a bottle of ipecac on him or something. So, every Ate/Ate, I go after him and try to eat him again. Only this time, I’m making sure he doesn’t have anything that will get him out. I think he’s hiding in his cousin’s apartment, cause he wasn’t home when I stopped by his earlier. He’s all over her social media-” Ji immediately stopped walking. “Oh my god. OH MY GOD!” “Woah! Hey, what’s wrong!?” Lucy tried to grab Ji’s shoulder, but Ji pulled away. “I… YOU…” Before Ji-Yu had even realized what she was doing, she had shoved Lucy’s head into her mouth. “MMPH!!!” Shockingly enough, Lucy struggled very little during the swallowing process, not that Ji even noticed. Ji-Yu was already lost savoring every moment that she tasted Lucy’s well-endowed body in her hungry mouth. When she got to her breasts, Ji took a moment to feel them with her hands. Now she was sure that she wanted a pair as large as those with every fiber of her being… No. Bigger. Feeling her meal’s head enter her hungry stomach only strengthened this desire. However, once Ji got to her meal’s own large gut, it occurred to her she was technically eating two people. In response to this realization, Ji threw her head back to let gravity help her with the former-Pred now-prey’s massive gut. It took her a minute, and a few more gulps than she thought, but she managed to get it down. After she managed to get past the giant mound of flesh that was Lucy’s stomach, her hips and ass practically slid down willingly, following the weight below them. Then, right before the last swallow, she removed her prey’s shoes and tossed them aside, as she had seen Lucy do in the bar. Then, she took one final gulp, and looked down at her belly, huge and wriggling as the lady inside struggled. “That’s what you get for trying to eat my boyfriend, bitch!” Ji said as she fell onto the ground from the new weight. Then it hit her: “Woah… I. Am. HUGE!!! Twice as big as the first time! Holy shit… My ass is gonna be as big as hers was. Not to mention my…” Ji’s hands moved to her boobs and gave them a squeeze. “IIIIEEEEEEE!!!” She let out a small squeal of joy before realizing her apartment, boyfriend, and her nice, comfy couch were both just down the hall. “I should probably go inside before someone sees me though…” Ji already had a little bit of practice walking from her first meal, but even still this was a struggle. She wasn’t even all that good at moving with one person inside her yet, and now she had two in her gut. After a few minutes she managed to waddle her way over to her apartment’s door using the wall as support, and after she managed to get her keys out from her purse (a shockingly difficult feat with a belly in the way), she went inside and sat down on the living room couch. “Something doesn’t… Oh!” Ji took a moment to kick off her heels, and after a bit of a struggle, pulled off the dress that was now riding up on her massive belly. Ji placed both her hands on her stomach. “Hmm. Not moving anymore? I guess she gave up in... In my giant belly.” Ji giggled to herself and gave said belly a pat. “I could use a rub… WES! Come in here please!?” Wes hurried into the living room. “What’s up… HOLY SHIT!” Wes stumbled over to his girlfriend, laden with prey and nude save for her underwear, and sat down next to her. “Uhmm… I-I guess you had a good night out?” Ji nodded and took Wes’s hand, placing it on top of her gut. “How about you give me a *BOOOOOURP*” Ji covered her mouth in embarrassment. “S-‘Scuse me! A belly rub! H-How about you give me a belly rub, and I’ll tell you all about it?” “Uh, yeah… Sure.” Wes said, still shocked by the size of his girlfriend’s tummy, his hand feeling the subtle movements of the girls inside. “Oh! Before we do that, there’s something I should tell you…” Ji made a puzzled look. “Hmm? Tell we what?” “You, uh, you weren’t the only one who celebrated Ate/Ate tonight.” “What does that mean?” Wes nodded towards Shelby’s bedroom door. “Shelby brought a girl home, and… Well… You two have a lot in common.” And from Shelby’s bedroom, Ji-Yu heard a burp so loud that she almost jumped off the couch… Almost. THE END
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